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Kokomerkinnöistä selitykset infosivulla

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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
23253 00TINTOY.LHA 706198 12.12.1996 - MBCD -
Tin Toy Adventure - Tasohyppely AGA-koneille.
23254 00TOMGUN.LHA 214779 31.12.1996 - MBCD -
Tommy Gun 1Mb (Demo) - Mutation S/W.
23255 6THSENS.LHA 1,8 Mt 06.11.1997 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
6th Sense Investigations - a detective game in the style of LucasArts -adventure games. Demo version. Original Aminet-archives: 6thsense_*.lha.
23259 A_A_GESP.LHA 871893 27.09.1996 - 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin -
Genetic Species: 1x1 256-color Doom-clone.
23256 A10TKD.LZH 443230 26.04.1996 - - -
A10 Tank Killer 1.5 Demo for the Amiga This
demo represents only one mission in Dynamix's
flight simulator, A10 Tank Killer 1.5. The
actual game contains over 20 additional
missions, supports eight user- selectable
video modes (including EHB), light-source
shaded polygons, a HAM-mode product shell,
and more.
23257 AAGENE4.LHA 5,6 Mt 11.06.1998 - 3295/Aminet 26 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Aug 1998].iso -
Genetic Species Final Demo Version - Genetic Species is a highend-3D-game for Amiga with very atmospheric sounds and music, reflections, smoke trails, dozens of different enemies and weapons... runs perfectly with A1200/030.
23258 AAGENESP.LHA 2,9 Mt 12.04.1997 - 22537/GAMBLERCD08.BIN -
Genetic Species - Demo Vulcanin uudesta 3D-räiskinnästä. AGA/CGFX.
23260 AAHILIDO.LHA 475,2 kt 15.03.1997 - MBCD -
Hillsea Lido - Demo Vulcanin rantabisnessimulaatiosta.
23261 AAOWITS.DMS 656478 20.12.1995 - - -
Ancient Art of War in the Skies
pelattava demo. MicroProsen hauska
ilmasota strategia/arcadepeli, 3
23262 AB2TAD.DMS 803358 20.12.1995 - - -
Alien Breed II Tower Assault (ABTA)
yksitasoinen pelattava demo Team 17:lta.
Plus Zonked, Psygnosiksen puzzlepelin
pelattava demo.
23267 AB3D.LHA 453778 13.04.1995 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Alien Breed 3D:n pelattava esittelyversio.
DOOMin tyylinen peli. Mukana korkeuserot,
texture mappaukset ja kaikki. Vaatii
AGA-koneen. Ks. MB 12/95.
Julkaisija: Team 17
23263 AB3D2DE1.LHA 291800 05.03.1996 - - -
Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsin
esittelyversio. AGA, 6 MT. (1/2)
23264 AB3D2DE2.LHA 519330 05.03.1996 - - -
Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsin
esittelyversio. AGA, 6 MT. (2/2)
23265 AB3D2DEM.TXT 3081 05.03.1996 - - -
Alien Breed 3D II:n demoversiosta
23266 AB3DEMO2.DMS 662398 28.10.1995 - - -
Alien Breed 3D - Uusi pelattava
esittelyversio. Mukana päällekkäiset
kerrokset, 3D-hirviöt, vesi joka ulottuu pään
yläpuolelle, jne. Ks. MB 12/95.
23268 ABTADEMO.LHA 725765 04.08.1996 - 4761/AmigaPlus_CD-ROM-EXTRA_Nr.3.bin -
Alien Breed Tower Assault - Team 17:n
klassikon esittelyversio.
23269 ADDAMSFD.DMS 689810 24.02.1995 - - -
The Addams Family -pelattava demo.
Platform. Valm. Ocean.
23270 ALADDIN.DMS 847833 20.12.1995 - - -
Aladdin -pelattava demo. Platform,
valm. Disney/Virgin, vaatii AGA.
23271 ALFCHDEM.DMS 412640 24.02.1995 - - -
Alfred Chicken -pelattava demo.
Hauska platform-peli. Huom: A500/A500
versio - ei takuita muissa koneissa.
Vaatii 1 Mt. Valm. Mindscape.
Testattu MB 11/93, 5/94
23017 ALIEN3.DMS 355894 12.11.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Alien 3 -pelin ensimmaisen tason
pelattava demo
valm. Probe/Arena
23272 ALIENF1.LHA 138,7 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
AF1 - Alien Formula One v0.9a DEMO. This is a demo of a full texture-mapped, light-sourced, gouraud-shaded F1 car racing simulation game. - Requires: Any AGA Amiga.
23273 ALIENFF.LHA 182181 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
Demo version of Alien fish finger. A
flip-screen platform shoot em' up game.
23274 AMAZONQD.DMS 838119 20.12.1995 - - -
Flight of the Amazon Queen, pelattava
demo Renegaden seikkailupelistä.
23275 AMBERMD.LHA 519534 09.01.1995 - - -
Ambermoon slideshow -- roolipeli - Thalion
23276 APEXGOLF.LHA 205385 12.12.1996 - MBCD -
Great new golfing game from Apex.
23020 AQUAVENT.LZH 171733 09.12.1994 - - -
Aquaventura pelattava
demoarcade/shoot'em'upValm. Psygnosis
23277 ASSDEMO.DMS 633587 24.02.1995 - - -
Assassin -ei pelattava demo. Platform/
beat'em'up. Plus esikuvia muista
Team 17 peleistä. Valm. Team 17.
23278 ATR.DMS 403818 10.12.1995 - 4761/AmigaPlus_CD-ROM-EXTRA_Nr.3.bin -
All Terrain Racing - Rallipelin pelattava
esittelyversio. Ks. MikroBitti 5/95. (Team
23279 ATROPHY.LHA 639381 18.04.1996 - 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso -
Atrophy -shoot'em'up pelin preview-
paketti. Sisältää kuvia ja lehdistö-
tiedotteen. Amiga 1200/4000,. myöhemmin
cd32. Intersect/Development/OTM
23280 B17DMO.LHA 306010 29.04.1996 - - -
B-17 Flying Fortress playable demo. (c)
23031 B3_DEM.DMS 530558 12.11.1994 - - -
Shadow of the Beast III preview
Amigalle runsaasti mainetta tuoneen
nayttavan pelitrilogian 3. osa
valm. Psygnosis
23281 BALLMSTR.LHA 102,6 kt 29.05.1998 - - -
BallMaster - a puzzle game for AGA-Amigas. Demo version.
23282 BANSHAGA.DMS 464414 09.01.1995 - - -
Banshee AGA pelattava demo
Core Design
23283 BASK-DE.DMS 539382 24.02.1995 - - -
Beneath A Steel Sky -pelattava demo.
Graafinen adventure, Lure of the
Temptressin tekijäjoukolta. Valm.
Revolution Software/Virgin. Testattu
MB 1 & 5 /94.
23284 BBDE.DMS 754359 21.12.1995 - - -
Body Blows 2-player demo from Team 17.
Nick Faldo's Golf demo from Grandslam.
Pong, prehistoric bat'n'ball game.
23035 BC_KID.LHA 330367 12.11.1994 - aminet.net -
BC Kid pelattava demo, sis. ensimmainen
taso. Platform.
23285 BEBOPDM.LHA 409172 26.04.1996 - - -
BeBop 'N Drop playable demo. neat real-time
graphical arcade puzzle game, a greatly
enhanced version of the popular shareware
game ObsessO-Matic. fit falling pieces
together in such a way as to form complete
horizontal rows, which will then disappear
off of the board.
23286 BIINGSLI.LHA 473492 22.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
BIING ECS Slideshow from reLINE Software.This
is a small slideshow of reLINEs wellknown
hospital simulation BIING. Text in german
23287 BKILLER.LHA 893,2 kt 24.04.1997 - 21193/Excalibur_61_cd.bin -
Brainkiller - a new 3D-game for all Amigas with at least 68020, AGA and 4MB FAST-RAM. Demo version.
23288 BLADEDEM.LHA 408,7 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
Awsome RPG Demo by Alive_MediaSoft
23038 BLASTAR.LHA 182616 12.11.1994 - 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso -
Blastar demoshoot'em'upHieno mutta hiukkasen
outo raiskinta-peli. Komeaa
parallaksivierintaa.valm. Core Design
23289 BOGRATS.LHA 641,4 kt 13.03.1997 - MBCD -
Bograts - Demo Vulcanin puzzle-seikkailusta. AGA.
23290 BOULDERD.LHA 605742 26.03.1996 - MBCD -
Boulderdash 3D - Yhden tason esittelyversio
kolmiulotteisesta tekstuurimapastusta
Boulderdash-kloonista. AGA.
23291 BOWL.LHA 179819 09.01.1995 - 3328/Aminet 9 (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1995].iso -
Demo of Strikes -N- Spares bowling game9
frame 1 player only demoBeyond Entertainment.
23292 BRAINDEM.LHA 336033 24.11.1996 renamed aminet.net -
"Brain Dead" demo version.
Aminet name: Brain.lha
61644 BREATDEM.LHA 398720 25.10.1995 - - -
Breathless - Uskomattoman upean Amigan DOOM-
kloonin pelattava esittelyversio. Mukana 1x1-
grafiikka kokoruudulla. AGA. Peliin tulee
myös grafiikkakorttituki yms. Et uskokaan
kuinka paljon A1200:sta FAST-muistilla
61647 BREATHLD.LHA 581924 16.04.1996 - - -
Breathless 1.1:n demoversio, poikkeaa melko
paljon aiemmista previkoista. AGA.
61648 BREATHLP.LHA 376323 18.12.1995 - - -
NEW playable Preview of Breathless!You can
look up/down,use terminals,etc.The
BEST-looking Doom-clone for Amiga!
61651 BREATPIC.LHA 129200 08.10.1995 - - -
Kuvia tulevasta Breathless-pelistä. Hauko
henkeäsi, mutta kuten aina, suhtaudu
61655 BRIANAG1.DMS 410725 09.01.1995 - - -
Brian The Lion AGA pelattava demo 1/2
Trackit 0-39
61656 BRIANAG2.DMS 393691 09.01.1995 - - -
Brian The Lion AGA pelattava demo 2/2
Trackit 40-80
61719 BUBB_FIX.LHA 395505 09.01.1995 - - -
Bubble and Squeak three level demo. AGA
platform game. - Audiogenic
61720 BUBGUN.LHA 276665 22.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Bubble Gun, 3 level fully playable demo,a
puzzle/platform game for all Amigas (PAL
only). Written by WeatherMine Software,
fromwhom the full 40 level game can be
61735 BUMPBRND.DMS 417926 24.02.1995 - - -
Bump'n'Burn -pelattava demo. Kilpa-ajo/
ralli. Söpöä Outrun-ajelua veikeällä
mielellä. Käynnistetään kirjoittamalla
"bumpburn", A1200/4000:lla "cpu nocache"
ja "bumpburn".
23046 CAP.DMS 436961 12.11.1994 - - -
Combat Air Patrol pelattava demo
valm. Psygnosis
23047 CAP.TXT 2435 12.11.1994 - - -
Combat Air Patrol readme
61907 CD-D.DMS 805268 22.12.1995 - - -
Crystal Dragon, yhden tason mittainen
pelattava demo Black Legendin
roolipelistä. Vaatii 1 Mt.
61957 CF2-D.DMS 356116 21.12.1995 - - -
Cannon Fodder 2 (cf2) pelattava demo,
Sensible Software-
23050 CHAOS.LHA 505479 12.11.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Chaos engine, pelattava
toiminnantayteinen seikkailuyhdessa Bitmap
Brothersien parhaistaluomuksista.valm. Bitmap
61978 CHAOS2PP.LHA 191785 11.06.1996 - - -
Demokuvia Chaos Engine 2 -pelistä. (Pelkät
kuvat paketista CHAOS2PA.LHA
62063 CHUCKR2.DMS 567428 21.12.1995 - - -
Chuck Rock 2 - Son of Chuck - playable
demo of Core Design's platform game.
Plus 2 min playeble demo of F.A. Premier
League soccer-game from Ocean.
62083 CITADELD.LHA 360263 18.01.1996 - - -
Citadel - Esittelyversio. Vaatii 1 Mt
CHIP-muistia. Wolfenstein 3D -tyylinen peli,
joka toimii jopa A500:lla.
62168 CLUEDEMO.DMS 532988 21.12.1995 - - -
The Clue, pelattava demo. Upea rikos-
simulaattori/adventurepeli. Vaatii 1 Mt.
62229 COINMANA.LHA 184313 26.04.1996 - - -
CoinMania - A five level demo of a puzzle
game. game/demo. The AIM of the game, is to
collect all of the coins, avoiding the
hazards that block your path, whilst you race
against the clock.
62365 CREATDE.LHA 130080 26.04.1996 - - -
Creatures playable demo.
62527 CYBERFLI.LHA 58947 09.01.1995 - - -
GameSmith example.  AGA only.  7 bitplane
dual playfield splitscreenscroller.  Use
joystick or let it autoscroll.
23293 CYBERSPH.LHA 129255 09.01.1995 - Turran - Zenlandia -
Cybersphere Game demo - Psycon Soft.Smooth,
playable arcade style game that resembles the
older arcade classics Breakout and Arkanoid.
Demo runs onboth non-AGA and AGA Amigas.
23294 CYBPLUSD.LHA 167436 14.09.1995 - MBCD -
Cybersphere +PLUS+ Playable Demo -(C)1995
PSYCON SOFTWARE -"Break-the-wall" style game.
23295 CYBSPHD2.LHA 160331 15.01.1995 - - -
Cybersphere Playable Demo #2 - (C)1994
PSYCON SOFTWARE. bounce a ball against
bricks, destroying them and accumulating
23296 DAPACHE1.LHA 900499 07.12.1995 - MBCD -
Desert Apache - Full motion video -peli (1/3)
Ks. MB 2/96, s78.
23297 DAPACHE2.LHA 916184 07.12.1995 - MBCD -
Desert Apache - Full motion video -peli (2/3)
23298 DAPACHE3.LHA 831302 07.12.1995 - MBCD -
Desert Apache - Full motion video -peli (3/3)
23299 DC_DEMO.LHA 826 kt 17.06.1998 - aminet.net -
Deconstruction, demo version. AGA-Amiga with HD needed.
23300 DMER-1.DMS 256987 24.02.1995 - - -
Darkmere - pelattava preview, yksi
taso. Isometrinen seikkailu. Vaatii 1 Mt.
Valm. Core Design. Testattu MB 6/94.
23301 DMER-2.DMS 677353 24.02.1995 - - -
Darkmere - pelattava preview, yksi
taso. Isometrinen seikkailu. Vaatii 1 Mt.
Valm. Core Design. Testattu MB 6/94.
23302 DMGPRE.LHA 363,1 kt 18.04.1997 - aminet.net -
Damage - Esittelyversio kotimaisesta sadistisesta teurastuspelistä jossa lahdataan ihmisiä kasapäittäin pitkin kaupunkia ja nuketetaan loput. Sivusta kuvattua 2D lahtausta, vaatii 1 Mt.
23303 DONKDEMO.DMS 523788 24.02.1995 - - -
Donk - The Samurai Duck. Yhden tason
pelattava demo. 1/2 pelaajan kaunis
platform-peli. Supervision. Ks. MB 5/94.
23066 DRAGSTDE.DMS 834508 10.11.1994 - - -
Dragonstone-pelin demoversio.
23304 DS-DEM.DMS 819042 24.02.1995 - - -
Desert Strike - Pelattava demo.
Helikopteri, räiskintä, shoot'em'up.
Electronic Arts. Testattu MB 6/93.
23305 DSDEMO.DMS 562898 24.02.1995 - - -
Dark Seed - Ei pelattava demo. Kauhu-
seikkailu, H.R. Gigerin tunnelmien
tahtiin. Cyberdreams/Mirage.
23306 DUP_PROM.LHA 314597 27.06.1996 - - -
Dark Unicorn Productions - October
1994Promotional Demo/Slideshow of up and
coming DUP products including exciting
exclusive stills of their full motion video
game, space simulator, and more!  Cool
effects and music.
23307 DUPPROMO.LHA 314597 26.04.1996 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dark Unicorn Productions - October
1994Promotional Demo/Slideshow of up and
coming DUP products including exciting
exclusive stills of their full motion video
game, space simulator, and more!  Cool
effects and music.  Spread it!
23308 E96-CE2.LZH 62357 25.09.1996 - - -
Chaos Engine 2 - ECTS96 AMIGA showpackage
with screenshots. Shoot'em'up from Time
23309 EFRCDM.LHA 728,2 kt 20.05.1998 - - -
Enforce - a demo of Quake-like 3D-engine. It is in very early state but you can test it...
23310 EMBRYO.DMS 830195 21.12.1995 - - -
Embryo - Pelattava kahden tason demo.
Vauhdikas 3D shoot'em'up/lentosimu.
Vaatii 1 Mt.
23311 ENFORCER.LHA 386518 04.11.1996 - MBCD -
Enforcer (from Vulcan) preview.
23312 ENIGMA.LHA 558687 28.08.1996 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Enigma screenshots and info - forthcoming
shoot'em'up game from OTM
23313 ERBNAGA1.DMS 443213 21.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin
pelattava demo - AGA-versio. Saksankielinen,
Erben der Erde -nimellä, mutta näyttää silti
"oikean" pelin olemuksen. 256-väriä,
levy/kiintolevy, tukee kiihdyttimiä ja
lisämuistia, CD-ROM/CD32/CDTV-versio.
Kaunis adventure Rif the Foxin seikkailusta
eläinten hallitsemassa maailmassa. (1/4)
23314 ERBNAGA2.DMS 767707 21.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin
pelattava demo - AGA-versio. (2/4)
23315 ERBNAGA3.DMS 878631 21.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin
pelattava demo - AGA-versio. (3/4)
23316 ERBNAGA4.DMS 792727 21.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin
pelattava demo - AGA-versio. (4/4)
23317 ERBNECS1.DMS 689244 21.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin
pelattava demo - OCS-versio. Saksankielinen,
Erben der Erde -nimellä, mutta näyttää silti
"oikean" pelin olemuksen. 32-väriä,
levy/kiintolevy, tukee kiihdyttimiä ja
lisämuistia, CD-ROM/CD32/CDTV-versio.
Kaunis adventure Rif the Foxin seikkailusta
eläinten hallitsemassa maailmassa.
OCS-versio vaatii 1 Mt + AmigaDOS 1.3 (1/4)
23318 ERBNECS2.DMS 847658 21.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin
pelattava demo - OCS-versio. (2/4)
23319 ERBNECS3.DMS 677004 21.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin
pelattava demo - OCS-versio. (3/4)
23320 ERBNECSI.DIZ 72 21.12.1995 - - -
Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin
pelattava demo - OCS-versio. (4/4)
23321 ERBNECSI.DMS 298559 21.12.1995 - - -
Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin
pelattava demo - kiintolevyinstalleri.
23322 ETW-DEMO.LZX 531 kt 17.08.1998 - 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso -
Eat The Whistle. Uusi jalkapallo-peli amigalle. Pelattava demo.
23079 FDPRO2DE.LHA 519074 16.12.1994 - - -
AGAM! Fighter Duel Pro2 -demo. Lennettävä
demoversio Jaeger Softwaren upeasta
ilmataistelusimulaattorista. Toimii missä
tahansa Amigassa, mutta osaa hyödyntää
lisämuistin, prosessorin ja AGA-piirisetin.
Tukee digi/analogistaohjainta. HUOM: vaatii 2
Mt CHIP -muistia TAI 2 Mt FAST-muistia.
23323 FEARS2.DMS 229433 06.04.1995 - MBCD -
Yksi parhaista DOOM-klooneista Amigalle. Ks.
MB 12/95.
23324 FEARSNEW.DMS 407628 05.07.1995 - MBCD -
Fears 3D-räiskinnän uusin versio. Ks. MB
23325 FEARSPRV.LHA 253056 06.04.1995 - - -
Esittelyversion Fears-pelin kaupallisesta
versiosta. DOOMin tyylinen peli. Täydellinen
liikkumisen vapaus, erilaisia hirviöitä,
teksturemapatut seinät, lattia ja katto,
portaita, ovia, heiluminen kävellessä,
kokoruudun grafiikka, useita aseita,
automaatti kartta ja kaikenlisäksi nopea myös
A1200:lla. Vatii AGA-koneen (A1200/A4000).
Pelattava demo: yksi taso.
23326 FIFA-D.DMS 796241 21.12.1995 - - -
FIFA International Soccer pelattava
demo, EOA. Vaatii 1 Mt.
23083 FIREANDI.LHA 182396 09.12.1994 - - -
Fire & Ice pelattava 1-kenttäinen
preview. Platform. Valm. Andrew
Braybrook/Graftgold. Amigan paras
23327 FIREFDEM.DMS 520828 24.02.1995 - - -
Fireforce - Ei-pelattava demo.
Räiskintä/ramboilu. I.C.E.
23090 FLA_D.DMS 615541 12.11.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Flashback - Pelattava preview.
Delphine Software.
23328 FLHI105.LHA 2,1 Mt 04.12.1997 - - -
"FlyinHigh v1.05demo version. FlyinHigh is a 3D-racing game with texturemapped graphics."
23329 FLHIGH.LHA 2 Mt 31.08.1997 - MBCD -
Flying High - a 3D car game with texture mapping, many tracks and options. Multitasks in its own Intuition-screen. Demo version.
23330 FLYINHI.LHA 2,1 Mt 21.02.1997 - MBCD -
"FLYINHIGH. We bring to you the firstcompletely textured 3D-Racing-Game for your Amiga. Featuring Megabytes of high-quality graphicsraytraced Animationsstunning Music and lots of action. Minimum hardware requirements to run the game is an Amiga 1200 with 4 MBytes FastRAM and HD. It supports processors from the 68020 up to 68060."
23331 FOB13D01.LHA 707362 12.08.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo  (1/10)
- Amiga versio - Suurimittakaavainen strate-
giapeli 1. maailmansodasta - Valittavissa 1-7
suurvallasta 1-7 pelaajan suursotaan. Erit-
täin siisti ja hienosti toteutettu, moniajava
Vaatii: KS2+, WB2+, 3 Mt RAM (vähintään 1 Mt
CHIP), 15 Mt kiintolevyltä.
23332 FOB13D02.LHA 692244 12.08.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo  (2/10)
23333 FOB13D03.LHA 687116 12.08.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo  (3/10)
23334 FOB13D04.LHA 680220 12.08.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo  (4/10)
23335 FOB13D05.LHA 689300 12.08.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo  (5/10)
23336 FOB13D06.LHA 695865 12.08.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo  (6/10)
23337 FOB13D07.LHA 656987 12.08.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo  (7/10)
23338 FOB13D08.LHA 709413 12.08.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo  (8/10)
23339 FOB13D09.LHA 733566 12.08.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo  (9/10)
23340 FOB13D10.LHA 464099 12.08.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (10/10)
23093 FRONTIER.LHA 179060 12.11.1994 - 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso -
Frontier (Elite 2) - Preview, ei-pelattava.
Avaruusseikkailu, kaupankäyntipeli, simu.
David Brabenin loistava eeppinen avaruus-
23341 GILBERT.LHA 764,9 kt 28.01.1998 - 21197/Excalibur_65_cd.bin -
Gilbert Goodmate And The Mushroom of Phungoria - early demo of new Monkey Island -like adventure game. Requires at least A500/KS 1.3/1MB and utilizes faster processor, AGA and Fast-memory. Final version has digitized speech and all the modern stuff.
23344 GLOOM.LHA 437521 19.05.1995 - 13174/globalamigaexperience.iso -
Gloom - Pelattava esittelyversio. Todella
nopea 3D-räiskintä Wolfenstein 3D:n ja
DOOMin hengessä. AGA. Ks. MB 12/95.
23342 GLOOM3DE.LHA 1,9 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
Gloom 3 Demo v1.3 - 5 Level Playable demo. This demo is BRAND new! forget the old Gloom3 demos! - You will probably need an 020 Amiga with 2Meg chip ram to run this, it should work on most ECS machines too aslong as you have 2 meg chip. - Aminet: Gloom3demo.lha
23343 GLOOMDEL.DMS 589259 21.12.1995 - - -
Gloom Deluxe - Pelattava esittelyversio
Gloomin jatko-osasta. 1x1-grafiikat
kokoruudulla, moniajo, I-Glasses -virtuaali-
kypärälle tuki. Tukee AGA:a, muttei vaadi
64518 GNOMESPI.LHA 267362 28.08.1996 - - eritupla
Gnomes - screenshots and information, a
forthcoming platform game from OTM
23098 GOAL_DEM.DMS 239373 12.11.1994 - - -
Goal - esittelyversio. Jalkpallo.
23102 GS2000DE.LHA 406050 12.11.1994 - - -
Gunship 2000 - Pelattava esittelyversio.
Monipuolinen taisteluhelikopterisimulaattori.
23103 GS2000DE.TXT 1622 12.11.1994 - - -
Ohjeita Gunship 2000 -esittelyversioon.
23345 GSFORMAT.LHA 7,3 Mt 09.01.1998 - - -
Genetic Species v3.0 X-Mas Amiga Format version - demo of an incoming 3D-action game by Vulcan Software. This version includes three demo levels not found from the final version, just introducing the most important features of engine. Includes a VERY atmospheric background music and huge amounts of massive sound effects, stunning graphical effects (such as gas, transparent, reflecting and distorting objects), more than ten different weapons, intelligent enemies...
23104 GUYSPY.LHA 158046 09.12.1994 - aminet.net -
Guy Spy - Pelattava demo. Arcade. Readysoft.
23346 HEIM2DEM.DMS 531871 24.02.1995 - - -
Heimdall 2 - Ei-pelattava demo. Isometrinen
seikkailu viikinkijumalien parissa.
Core Design. Testattu MB 8/94.
23347 HGR18-1.LHA 433,3 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Hanger 18: Syndicate/Walker cross Alien Conspiracy Shoot Em Up (1/7)
23348 HGR18-2.LHA 690,6 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Hanger 18 (2/7)
23349 HGR18-3.LHA 683,7 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Hanger 18 (3/7)
23350 HGR18-4.LHA 674,1 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Hanger 18 (4/7)
23351 HGR18-5.LHA 585,1 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Hanger 18 (5/7)
23352 HGR18-6.LHA 611,3 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Hanger 18 (6/7)
23353 HGR18-7.LHA 633,9 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Hanger 18 (7/7)
23110 HIREDGUN.DMS 723180 12.11.1994 - - -
Hired Guns - Pelattava demo.
23111 HIREDGUN.TXT 4437 12.11.1994 - 23640/PCGAMER10.bin -
Hired Guns - Ohjeita demoversioon.
23112 HOIDEMO.LHA 125567 09.12.1994 - aminet.net -
"Hoi, Lets Play" - Pelattava demo. Platform.
23113 HOOKSLID.LHA 118688 09.12.1994 - - -
Hook - Slideshow adventure. Ocean.
23354 HQ2D.DMS 687691 21.12.1995 - - -
Hero Quest 2: Legacy of Sorasil - Pelattava
demo. Isometrinen fantasia-seikkailu
Gremliniltä. Plus Zombie Apocalypse,
23114 HUMANS.LHA 173855 09.12.1994 - aminet.net -
The Humans - Pelattava esittelyversio.
Puzzle/älypeli. Mirage.
23355 ISHAR3-D.DMS 737128 21.12.1995 - - -
Ishar 3 -pelattava demo. Roolipeli, 1 Mt.
23356 JETPDEMO.LHA 449473 11.10.1996 - - -
Jetpilot - Esittelyversio
lentosimulaattorista. Vulcan Software.
23117 JETS-PRE.LHA 835078 10.11.1994 - - -
JET STRIKE CD - Preview A1200/A4000 HD (1/1)
23118 JETSTRIK.LHA 375250 12.11.1994 - 6401/FFMCD02.bin -
Jetstrike pelattava kymmenen tason
demo. Arcade/shoot'em'up. Hauska
toiminnantäyteinen sivulta kuvattu
taistelupeli, jossa voi lentaa 40
lentoharvelillä eri aikakausilta (WW1, WW2,
nykyaika, lohikäärme, jne), samaten
kymmenillä eri aseilla varustettuna.
Rasputin Software.
23357 JS-D.DMS 801258 21.12.1995 - - -
Jungle Strike -pelattava demo. Oceanin
helikopteriräiskintä, Desert Striken
23359 JUSTICE_.LHA 36394 13.02.1996 - - -
Kuvia Justice-pelistä.
23358 JUSTICE.LHA 221382 27.11.1996 - 3281/Aminet 13 - August 1996.iso -
Justice 1-level demo of 3D-shoot'em up.
Requirements: Any Amiga with OCS and about
1.5 megs of ram.  Doesn't work
with A4000/040s, and possibly some other
23360 KANGFUDE.LHA 5,8 Mt 07.03.1997 - MBCD -
Kang Fu - Small playable demo level of AGA CD-ROM platform game. Aminet: KangFuDEMO.lha
23361 KGBDEMO.DMS 493985 24.02.1995 - - -
KGB-pelattava demo. Seikkailu Venäjän
salaisen palvelun koukeroissa. Cryo/Virgin.
Testattu MB 5/93.
23362 KOE2.LHA 504069 27.04.1996 - aminet.net -
Demo of game Kingdoms of England II,
Three-turn demo of the strategy role-playing
game, where up to six human or computer
players compete for nearly 200 territories
of the old British Isles.  Features excellent
scrolling, 64-color extra halfbrite graphics.
Requires 1Mb minimum memory.
23363 KQ6D-1.DMS 103392 24.02.1995 - - -
King's Quest VI -pelattava demo.
OCS-versio. Graafinen adventure. Käynnistä
boottaamalla levyltä 1 ja kirjoittamalla
"kings.am". Valm. Sierra. Testattu
MB 9/94. (1/3)
23364 KQ6D-2.DMS 521512 24.02.1995 - - -
King's Quest VI -pelattava demo.
OCS-versio. Graafinen adventure. Käynnistä
boottaamalla levyltä 1 ja kirjoittamalla
"kings.am". Valm. Sierra. Testattu
MB 9/94. (2/3)
23365 KQ6D-3.DMS 619628 24.02.1995 - - -
King's Quest VI -pelattava demo.
OCS-versio. Graafinen adventure. Käynnistä
boottaamalla levyltä 1 ja kirjoittamalla
"kings.am". Valm. Sierra. Testattu
MB 9/94. (3/3)
23366 KRUSTYD.DMS 428600 24.02.1995 - - -
Krusty's Super Fun House -pelattava
demo. Simpsons/Platform. Acclaim.
23367 L2-SNKSW.DMS 763531 21.12.1995 - - -
Legend 2 - Pelattava demo. Isometrinen
Sink or Swim platform-pelin pelattava
4-tasoinen demo.
Super Cauldron yksitasoinen pelattava
23369 LEALAP.DMS 298645 18.04.1996 - - -
Leading Lap, playable demo of a
car racing game.
23368 LEALAPA.DMS 502321 18.04.1996 - - -
Leading Lap, playable demo of a
car racing game. AGA version.
23370 LEGION.LHA 1,5 Mt 29.05.1998 - aminet.net -
Legion, demo version.
23130 LEMM_D.DMS 425855 12.11.1994 - - -
Lemmings II - 3-kenttäinen pelattava preview.
Puzzlepeli. Psygnosis.
23371 LOF11.LHA 411874 14.08.1996 - - -
Legend of Falconia (LOF) V1.1, Fantasy
adventure game (Demoversion). Experiencethe
adventures of Han S0l0, not Han Solo, Iabba,
not Jabba, Lord Titanius and of course the
hero of the game. 1 MB Chipmem minimum - also
good 1 MB Chipmem + 512 KB other Mem. REQ!
Kickstart 2.04+
23372 LORDEMO.LHA 515,2 kt 13.04.1997 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Legend of Rome - Playable demo of a new strategy game. It runs on ECS/AGA machines with a minimum of 1MB RAM. - LoR_Demo.lha
23132 LORDOFTI.DMS 469705 12.11.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Lords of Time - esittelyversio.
Rooli/adventure. Hollyware.
23135 LOTU_DEM.LHA 368869 09.12.1994 - - -
Lotus III - demoversio. Ralli-, urheilu-,
autopeli. Gremlin.
23138 MAGICBOY.LHA 211168 12.11.1994 - aminet.net -
Magic Boy - pelattava demo.
Platform. Empire.
23139 MAGICPOC.LHA 229636 09.12.1994 - 15476/Otherware_1_SB_Development.iso -
Magic Pockets - pelattava demo.
Platform/arcadeValm. Bitmap Brothers.
23373 MICROLTE.LHA 281378 12.06.1996 - MBCD -
Contains FILE_ID.DIZ
23375 MID-PREV.LHA 236094 14.08.1996 - - -
Midnight, Preview of an Ultima like AGA
RPG.Early preview of an AGA role playing
game. - Pure assembler code.- Uses 64
colours, added one bitplane for
lightsource-masks- Smooth gameplay and low
memory consumption.- Uses inhouse packing
routines to l ower the storage usage. - Nice
23374 MIDNGHT.LHA 235338 29.04.1996 - - -
Midnight, Preview of an AGA RPG. game/demo *
Early preview of an AGA role playing game. -
Pure assembler code. - Uses 64 colours, added
one bitplane for lightsource-masks, - Smooth
gameplay and low memory consumption. - Uses
inhouse packing routines to lower the storage
usage. - Nice interface. Author:
vihelin@freenet.hut.fi (Ville Helin)
23376 MOONBSDM.LHA 710,7 kt 29.05.1998 - - -
MoonBases - Dune II-like strategy game. Demo version.
23377 MPSGOLF.DMS 640351 21.12.1995 - - -
Microprose Golf - Kahden reiän pelattava
demo. Plus Alien Breed -karttoja, vinkkejä
23378 MURDERD1.LHA 1950243 09.12.1995 - grandis.nu/turran -
Murder Demo - Full motion video -peli. Ks. MB
2/96. (1/2)
23379 MURDERD2.LHA 3148907 09.12.1995 - grandis.nu/turran -
Murder Demo - Full motion video -peli. (2/2)
23380 MYSTD1.LHA 676,8 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
Playable demo of Myst Amiga-conversion. Myst is a CD-ROM adventure game with high-quality rendered graphics and atmospheric sound effects&music. Requires AGA/CGFX, CD-ROM and some Fast-RAM.
23381 MYSTD2.LHA 759,1 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
Demo-version of Myst, part 2/7.
23382 MYSTD3.LHA 2,3 Mt 12.04.1998 - - -
Demo-version of Myst, part 3/7.
23383 MYSTD4.LHA 2,1 Mt 12.04.1998 - - -
Demo-version of Myst, part 4/7.
23384 MYSTD5.LHA 4,5 Mt 12.04.1998 - - -
Demo-version of Myst, part 5/7.
23385 MYSTD6.LHA 4,6 Mt 12.04.1998 - - -
Demo-version of Myst, part 6/7.
23386 MYSTD7.LHA 5,3 Mt 12.04.1998 - - -
Demo-version of Myst, part 7/7.
23387 NE-JMP.LHA 341530 29.05.1995 - - -
BASE JUMPERS - pelattava demoversio,
platform. Rasputin Software/Grandslam.
23388 NEMAC4D1.LHA 451868 11.12.1995 - 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso -
Nemac IV - Uusi Doom-klooni Amigoille. Tukee,
muttei vaadi AGA-konetta. Tukee myös Picasso,
ja Graffiti-näyttökortteja, sekä I-Glasses
-virtuaalikypärää. Moniajaa. 1x1 grafiikat
parhaimmillaan tarkkuudessa 640x512. Tarjolla
on myös 2x2 grafiikat ja melko vapaasti
säädettävissä oleva ruudun koko hitaammille
koneille. 2x2 320x256 pyörii kivasti A1200/
FAST-ympäristössä. Shareware.
23389 NEMAC4D2.LHA 711310 11.12.1995 - 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso -
Nemac IV (2/3) Lue ensimmäisen paketin
23390 NEMAC4D3.LHA 715041 11.12.1995 - 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso -
Nemac IV (3/3) Lue ensimmäisen paketin
23391 NIPPONDE.DMS 643289 24.02.1995 - - -
Nippon Safes Inc -pelattava demo.
Mainio, huumoripitoinen adventure. DMI.
23158 NMWC_D.DMS 348510 12.11.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Nigel Manseel World Cup - 1-kenttäinen
pelattava preview. Arcade/rallipeli.
23392 NOTHINGN.LHA 6,6 Mt 24.06.1997 - MBCD -
Nothingness (myst like game) demo version
23160 NSP.DMS 465632 12.11.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
No Second Prize -demo.
Nopea kilpailupeli.
23393 ODYSSDEM.LHA 408192 19.09.1995 - - -
Odyssey - Tasoloikka Audiogenicsiltä.
Pelattava demo.
23394 OLOFIGHT.LHA 824,3 kt 17.04.1998 - 21292/HACKER06.ISO -
"OloFight - a new beatem up -game for AGA-Amigas. Final version includes 10 different fighters with tons of moves and animationsover 3000 colours with any AGA-Amiganetwork game via Internet. This demo version has only 2-player mode with 2 different fightersbut it demonstrates the main features of the game."
23395 ONESDEMO.LHA 4,9 Mt 22.08.1997 - MBCD -
OnEscapee - a new Another World/Flashback-like game with atmospheric sounds and graphics. Demo version.
23396 ORYLAND.LHA 472517 27.04.1996 - aminet.net -
Oryland, Demo of Magic System's
Adventure game.
23163 OVERDRIV.LHA 240472 12.11.1994 - - -
Overdrive - Khaden minuutin pelattava
demo. Shoot'em'up. Teknisesti vaikuttava
jenkkiläinen räiskintäpeli. EHB-grafiikkaa,
dualplaykentat, kayttää levyä virtuaalisena
muistina, toimii kaikissa koneissa,
OS-ystavallinen jne. Infacto.
23165 P3DEMO.DMS 723976 10.11.1994 - - -
Pinball Illusions -pelin demoversio
- Pinball Dreams III
- Flipperi
Digital Illusions/21st Century Software.
23397 PACISLD.DMS 537797 21.12.1995 - - -
Pacific Islands -pelattava demo.
Panssarivaunuräiskintä. Empire.
23168 PARADR90.DMS 169555 12.11.1994 - - -
Paradroid '90 Single Ship Taster -
Yksi-tasoinen demo. Toiminta/seikkailu.
Klassisen Paradroid-pelin moderni versio.
23398 PARASDE2.DMS 419592 21.12.1995 - - -
Parasol Stars - pelattava demo. Andrew
Braybrookin klassinen platform peli.
Neljä tasoa/Music World.
Indy Heat, Stormin rallipelin pelattava
23399 PARASDEM.DMS 529847 24.02.1995 - - -
Parasol Stars -ei pelattava demo.
= Rainbow Islands II. Erinomainen
platform-peli. Ocean.
23172 PARATEAS.LHA 720575 22.10.1994 - aminet.net -
AGAM! Paranoia - Game Preview from a Canadian
Software House.
23400 PARROTIS.LHA 778849 11.09.1996 - MBCD -
Lost On Parrot Island DEMO - Adventure like
Monkey Island - Shareware - Aminet name:
23401 PF_DEMO.LHA 561,9 kt 21.05.1999 - aminet.net -
"Phoenix Fighters demo by Alive MediaSoft. Not the type of ordinary game you see everyday. Games arent all about graphicstheyre about having great gameplay. jenniealive(@)innotts.co.uk"
23177 PIN_FAN.LZH 276683 12.11.1994 - aminet.net -
Pinball Fantasies pelattava demoflipperi,
Ruotsalaisten tekijöiden jatko-osa loistavaan
Pinball Dreams -peliin.
Digital Illusions/21st Century.
23402 PIRDEM.LZH 491170 27.04.1996 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
Pirates! pelattava demo. MPS.
23403 PITF_DEM.LZH 167347 09.01.1995 - - -
Pitfighter - esittelyversio.
23404 PNPDEMO.LHA 265717 11.11.1996 - MBCD -
Demo of Pitch 'N' Putt, a new golf game.
Aminet name: pnp.lha
23405 POWDER.LHA 427,5 kt 05.04.1997 - 22537/GAMBLERCD08.BIN -
"Powder demo - Commercial quality shootemup"
23406 PROPDEMO.LHA 1,5 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
The Prophet demo from Alive MediaSoft. Dungeon Master style adventure game. The full has an amazing 200,000 locations with this demo providing a sneak peek on what to expect in the full version, which should be ready in April. jenniealive(@)innotts.co.uk
23407 PUNISH41.LHA 828147 12.05.1996 - 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso -
Capital Punishment for 2 player
23408 PUNISH51.LHA 447978 11.06.1996 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Uusi Capital Punishment -mätkintäpelin demo.
AGA. (1/3)
23409 PUNISH52.LHA 852667 11.06.1996 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Uusi Capital Punishment -mätkintäpelin demo.
AGA. (2/3)
23410 PUNISH53.LHA 968442 11.06.1996 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Uusi Capital Punishment -mätkintäpelin demo.
AGA. (3/3)
23183 QWAK.LHA 212725 12.11.1994 - aminet.net -
QWAK, pelattava demo. Platform. Hauska
yksin/kaksinpeli klassisen. Bubble Bobblen
tyyliin. Erinomaista ajanvietettä. Team 17.
23411 RALLYDE1.LHA 635833 04.08.1996 - - -
Rally Championship -esittelyversio. Ylhäältä
kuvattu rallipeli. Flair Software. AGA. (1/6)
23412 RALLYDE2.LHA 643988 04.08.1996 - - -
Rally Championship -esittelyversio. (2/6)
67729 RALLYDE3.LHA 705471 04.08.1996 - - -
Rally Championship -esittelyversio. (3/6)
67730 RALLYDE4.LHA 759840 04.08.1996 - - -
Rally Championship -esittelyversio. (4/6)
67731 RALLYDE5.LHA 843214 04.08.1996 - - -
Rally Championship -esittelyversio. (5/6)
67732 RALLYDE6.LHA 741177 04.08.1996 - - -
Rally Championship -esittelyversio. (6/6)
67796 RCAEROCH.LZH 57752 27.04.1996 - - -
RC Aerochopper, Free-running demo Ambrosia.
Type: game/demo This is a demo of the
commercial program "RC Aerochopper". You can
watch some flights and different scenarios,
but you won't be able to fly in this demo.
It is an RC (radio control) simulator for
helicopters, planes, jets, and gliders. The
real program comes with a Futaba controller
that plugs into your Amiga's serial port.
Ambrosia Microcomputer Products, Inc.
68036 RUFFTDEM.DMS 325315 24.02.1995 - - -
Ruff'n'Tumble - Pelattava demo.
Platform/räiskintä. Renegade.
23191 SEEK.DMS 640033 12.11.1994 - 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso -
Seek & Destroy - Pelattava preview
Hyvä helikopteri-taistelupeli.
Vision Software/MindCraft.
23192 SENSGOLF.DMS 320199 10.11.1994 - - -
Sensible Golf -pelin demoversio. Sensible
Golf on ylhäältä kuvattu golf-peli. Sensible
23194 SENSOC11.EXE 183708 12.11.1994 - - -
Sensible Soccer 1/2-pelaajan demo.
Loistava jalkapallopeli.
Sensible Software.
23196 SETTLERD.LHA 369589 12.11.1994 - - -
The Settlers - Pelattava esittelyversio.
Strategiaseikkailu, jumalasimu. Yksi vuoden
1994 parhaista peleistä, hallitset valta-
kuntaasi toisten puristuksessa, pyrkien
murskaamaan kilpailijasi. Loistava grafiikka,
äänet ja animointi, perusteellinen
ekosysteemi. Blue Byte.
23197 SF2_DEM.EXE 385080 12.11.1994 - - -
Street Fighter II -esittelyversio.
U.S. Gold.
68313 SFFDEMO0.DMS 224705 26.07.1996 - - -
Search For Freedom - SFF. By Vesa
Konttinen. DEMO
68337 SHADOWFD.DMS 780252 06.05.1995 - - -
Shadow Fighter - pelattava demo.
Gremlin Interactive.
68388 SILLYPUT.DMS 759611 20.12.1995 - - -
Silly Putty, sneak preview/yhden tason
pelattava demo System 3:n kauniista
Lotus III -rallipelin pelattava
kolmitasoinen demo. Gremlin.
68423 SKELETD.DMS 645508 26.04.1996 - - -
Skeleton Krew AGA pel. demo. Core Design
23201 SKIDMARK.LHA 278279 12.11.1994 - - -
Skidmarks. 1-ratainen pelattava demo. Auto,
ralli, kilpailu, racing. Huikea ylhäältä
kuvattu rallipeli, ehkä hiukan Offroad
Racers -tyyppinen.Teknisesti huikea, 1-4
pelaajaa, modeemi/linkkioptiot. Nopea,
kaunis, hyvänkuuloinen ja ennenkaikkea
HAUSKA. 1994 paras Amigan rallipeli.
Vision Software.
68425 SKIDMRK2.LHA 593546 01.08.1996 - - -
Skidmarks 2 : Super Skidz -
68426 SKIDPREV.LHA 547733 01.08.1996 - - -
Skid Marks - Kahden radan pelattava demo.
Hieman Offroad Racersia muistuttava
rallipeli. Täydessä pelissä
modeemi/linkkipeli. 1-4 pelaajaa. Valmistaja:
Acid Software.
68442 SLAMDEMO.LHA 878835 18.04.1996 - MBCD -
Slam Tilt Pinball - esittelyversio. Upea
flipperi. 21st Century/Digital Illusions.
68447 SLEEPWDE.DMS 494254 24.02.1995 - - -
Sleepwalker - pelattava demo. Puzzle/
platform. Ocean. Testattu MB 4/93.
23413 SLIPSTRE.LHA 369305 27.10.1996 - 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin -
Demo Slipstream-pelistä. Slipstream on
Wipeoutin kaltainen 3D-lentoralli. AGA.
23414 SOMRPGDE.LHA 188,2 kt 25.03.1997 renamed aminet.net -
An early demo of a Zelda/Secret of mana inspired RPG. Aminet name: som-rpgdemo.lha
23209 SP_HU_DO.LZH 2384 09.12.1994 - - -
Ohjeet Space Hulkin demoversioon.
23206 SPACHLKD.DMS 665693 09.12.1994 - - -
Space Hulk - esittelyversio.
Electronic Arts.
23415 SPEED.LZH 217224 16.08.1995 - MBCD -
Speed - Demoversio tekstuurimapatusta 3D-
pelista jossa on tarkoituksena juosta
mahdollisimman nopeasti portilta toiselle.
ERITTÄIN nopea, tuki 3D-laseille, säädettävä
ruudun koko. AGA.
23416 SPERIS.DMS 321037 22.10.1995 - - -
The Speris Legacy -pelin pelattava
esittelyversio. Ks. MikroBitti 10/95. Team
23417 SPERIS.LHA 614222 10.12.1995 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
The Speris Legacy - Esittelyversio AGA-
koneille. Ks. MB 10/95. (Team 17)
23418 SSF2D.DMS 571623 20.12.1995 - - -
Super Street Fighter II (ssf2) playable
demo. Beat'em'up action.
23213 STARDUST.DMS 853975 12.11.1994 - - -
Stardust - demoversio.
Upea suomalainen toimintapeli, loistavaa
3D-grafiikkaa ja animaatiota.
23419 STR-DEMO.LHA 864,5 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Strangers - a demoversion of AGA-beatem up."
23216 SUPERFRO.DMS 449485 12.11.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Superfrog - esittelyversio.
Amigan ehkä paras platform-peli. Erittäin
nopea ja pelattava, unohtamatta huumoria!
Team 17.
23217 SUPERSTA.LHA 304637 10.11.1994 - - -
Super Stardust -näytekuvia.
23420 SWORDHD.DMS 694809 20.12.1995 - - -
Sword of Honour playable demo. Ninja
combat / beat'em'up from Global Software.
23421 SWORLDS.LHA 713765 06.06.1996 - 22539/GAMBLERCD10.BIN -
Sphericalworlds - räiskintää 1MB+ koneille
23422 SWOS.DMS 549523 06.05.1995 - - -
Sensible World of Soccer - Pelattava
esittelyversio huikeasta jalkapallopelistä.
23219 SYN2PIC.LHA 192270 10.11.1994 - - -
23423 SYNAMMI.DMS 599254 20.12.1995 - - -
Syndicate, new mission from American
Missions disk, with playable demo of
Calephar shoot'em'up.
23221 SYNDICAT.LHA 316598 12.11.1994 - - -
Syndicate - Pelattava esittelyversio.
Toiminta, shoot'em'up, väkivalta, strategia.
Mainetta ja ruumiskasoja niittänyt tunnettu
toiminta/strategiapelin yhdistelmä, jossa
kontrolloidaan joukkoa tunteettomia kyborgeja
suoritettaessa syndikaatin määräämiä tehtäviä
maailmanvalloittamiseksi. Bullfrog.
23424 T17DEMOS.DMS 696410 24.02.1995 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Kaksi Team 17 -esittelyversiota.
- Alien Breed 3D, ei-pelattava demo.
Team 17:sta "Wolfenstein/Doom"-klooni.
Vain AGA-Amigat. Ks. MB 12/95.
- Kingpin, keilailupeli.
23425 T3IDEMO.LHA 2,1 Mt 12.03.1998 - - -
The3Islands - Monkey Island-like game with scanned backdrops. Demo version.
23426 TBRA.LHA 838658 27.04.1996 - aminet.net -
The Big Red Adventure Demo
Dynabyte's famous "The Big Red Adventure
Demo" for AGA Amigas: The first Amiga
adventure featuring fast High-resolutuion
graphics, System Friendly operations &
mode promotion. Remember to install the
destracker.library in your LIBS: directory.
23427 TESTAM20.LHA 1 Mt 21.01.1997 - MBCD -
DEMO of full version game "Testament v2.0". "Testament" is for A1200-A4000. Full version is already available. - Testament_v20.lha
23428 TG2DEMO.DMS 769280 24.02.1995 - - -
Top Gear II AGA -pelattava yhden kisan
demo. Auto/kilpailu/ralli. Valm. Gremlin
Graphics. Testattu MB 12/94.
23429 THEMEPD.DMS 469070 20.12.1995 - - -
Theme Park -esittelyversio. Rakenna oma
huvipuisto! Ks. MB 4/95, s94.
23430 THUNDDEM.LHA 779253 08.07.1996 - - -
ThunderDawn - Esittelyversio. 3D-roolipeli.
WB2+, 2 Mt.
23431 TIMEK-D.DMS 695153 20.12.1995 - - -
Timekeepers playable demo, lead your
platoon of men through two levels of
Vietnam land action in top viewed
environment. Vulcan Software.
23432 TINYTRDM.LHA 722,1 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
Tiny Troops - Demo Vulcanin lekkimielisestä sotastrategista. Söpö! Kaikki Amigat, 1 Mt.
23433 TLVDEMO.DMS 699181 24.02.1995 - - -
The Lost Vikings -pelattava 4-tasoinen
demo. Erinomainen puzzleseikkailu.
23434 TORNADOD.DMS 297119 24.02.1995 - - -
Tornado -pelattava demo. Lentosimulaattori.
Käynnistetään komennolla "tornado".
Lue levyn readme. Ei A1200-yhteensopiva.
Valm. Digital Integration.
23435 TRAP2FIN.LHA 1,1 Mt 31.07.1997 - MBCD -
Trapped II - 3D-game with advanced engine. Lens flares, interpolated textures, polygon monsters... Final preview version. Full version will contain huge amount of samples and levels.
23438 TRAPPED.LHA 555093 26.01.1996 - - -
Trapped - Esittelyversio uudesta
roolipelimäisestä 3D-pelistä. Enginestä
löytyy korkeuserot ja lens flaret. Grafiikan
tarkkuutta voi vaihtaa copper- ja c2p-
tilojen välillä. Kannattaa valita copper-
grafiikat - suurempi värimäärä näyttää tässä
pelissä paljon paremmalta paletista
huolimatta. AGA.
23436 TRAPPED2.LHA 1,2 Mt 11.03.1997 - MBCD -
Playable Preview of TRAPPED II, 3D-texture Game. - Aminet name: Trapped-2.lha
23437 TRAPPED8.LHA 842402 17.08.1996 renamed aminet.net -
August preview of Trapped, a 3D-Rpg.
Requires: 68020+, 2MB RAM - Aminet name:
23439 TRAUMA_1.LHA 702,9 kt 03.09.1997 - 20808/Amiga Spiele - Special - Hits.iso -
TraumaZero Beta V 0.13 Alpha 1 Non-playable perview-version of incoming RType-clone. Many different guns... requires AGA and some Fast RAM. 1/4.
23441 TRAUMA_2.LHA 703,6 kt 03.09.1997 - 20808/Amiga Spiele - Special - Hits.iso -
TraumaZero Beta V 0.13 Alpha 1 2/4
23443 TRAUMA_3.LHA 692,8 kt 03.09.1997 - 20808/Amiga Spiele - Special - Hits.iso -
TraumaZero Beta V 0.13 Alpha 1 3/4
23445 TRAUMA_4.LHA 557,5 kt 03.09.1997 - 20808/Amiga Spiele - Special - Hits.iso -
TraumaZero Beta V 0.13 Alpha 1 4/4
23440 TRAUMA1.LHA 702,9 kt 06.09.1997 - MBCD -
Trauma Zero - Demo räiskintäpelistä. (1/4)
23442 TRAUMA2.LHA 703,6 kt 06.09.1997 - MBCD -
Trauma Zero - Demo räiskintäpelistä. (2/4)
23444 TRAUMA3.LHA 692,8 kt 06.09.1997 - MBCD -
Trauma Zero - Demo räiskintäpelistä. (3/4)
23446 TRAUMA4.LHA 557,5 kt 06.09.1997 - MBCD -
Trauma Zero - Demo räiskintäpelistä. (4/4)
23447 TRDEM211.LHA 141696 03.09.1995 - - -
TurboRaketti 2.11 demo. Kaksinlentelyä ja
-ammuskelua vertikaalisokkelossa.
23448 TRODCAL2.DMS 690393 21.12.1995 - - -
Troddlers - Kuusitasoinen pelattava
demo - puzzle/platform toimintaa.
California Games 2 - Pelattava demo,
urheilua kalifornialaisittain.
23449 TT-D.DMS 402504 21.12.1995 - - -
Tiny Troops - Viisitasoinen pelattava
demo Mindscapen kevyestä strategia-
toimintaräiskinnästä. Vaatii AmigaOS 2.0.
23450 TURRNEB2.DMS 605231 21.12.1995 - - -
Pelattavat demot: Turrican II (Rainbow
Arts) + Nebulus II (ainutlaatuinen
23451 ULTSOCM.DMS 840783 21.12.1995 - - -
Ultimate Soccer Manager, pelattava
demo Impressionsin jalkapallopelistä.
Vaatii 1 Mt.
23452 UROPA2A.LHA 831406 12.12.1996 - 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso -
Uropa - The Ulterior Colony            [1/6]
23453 UROPA2B.LHA 843199 12.12.1996 - 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso -
Uropa - The Ulterior Colony            [2/6]
23454 UROPA2C.LHA 843199 12.12.1996 - 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso -
Uropa - The Ulterior Colony            [3/6]
23455 UROPA2D.LHA 843199 12.12.1996 - 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso -
Uropa - The Ulterior Colony            [4/6]
23456 UROPA2E.LHA 843199 12.12.1996 - 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso -
Uropa - The Ulterior Colony            [5/6]
23457 UROPA2F.LHA 832247 12.12.1996 - 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso -
Uropa - The Ulterior Colony            [6/6]
23458 UVWAD.LHA 1,2 Mt 02.07.1998 - - -
"Ultra Violence Worldsdemo version. UVW is a new shootem up-game for AGA-Amigas with at least 2 megabytes of Fast RAM. Game contains arcade quality graphicscool sound effects & music and animations."
23459 VALHAL2D.DMS 545794 21.12.1995 - - -
Valhalla - Before the War. Pelattava
yhden tason mittainen demo. Ylhäältä
kuvattu täysin puhuttu seikkailu/puzzle
23241 VALHDEMO.DMS 402845 10.11.1994 - - -
Valhalla-pelin demoversio.
Vulcan Software.
23460 VF1DEMO.ZIP 1,2 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Virtual Grand Prix (AlienF1) demo. Racing game demo with update. e-mail the developer at:- oxenos(@)tin.it
23461 VIRTPICS.LHA 116992 22.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Karts - kuvia tulevasta teksture-
mapatusta kolmiulotteisesta mikroauto-
hurjastelusta. AGA. OTM.
23462 VK2DEMO.LHA 747,2 kt 08.05.1998 - - -
Virtual Karting 2 Demo version - a texture mapped karting-game.
23463 VKDELDEM.LHA 711172 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
Virtual Karting Deluxe - demo uudesta
mikroautoilupelistä. AGA.
23464 VKDEMO.LHA 779351 22.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Karting - Pelattava esittelyversio.
Huisa mikroautopeli. AGA.
23465 VUL-URO2.LHA 15,4 Mt 09.12.1997 - - -
Uropa 2 - the Ulterior Colony. Isometric action/strategy game by Vulcan Software. Demo version.
23244 WALK_D.DMS 462466 12.11.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Walker - Yhden kentän pelattava demo
Loistava toiminnantäyteinen shoot'em'up,
jossa rynnitään Star Wars -tyyppisellä
walker-robotilla aikakaudesta ja
kaupungista toiseen.
23466 WATCHT1.DMS 300904 16.02.1996 - - -
Watchtower playable demo (1/2)
Finnish made Commando-style shoot'em'up,
req. AGA. 1 level.
23467 WATCHT2.DMS 665521 16.02.1996 - - -
Watchtower playable demo (2/2)
23468 WATCHTOW.LHA 152324 05.02.1996 - grandis.nu/turran -
Watchtower - Kuvia uudesta Commandon
tapaisesta räiskintäpelistä. OTM.
23469 WENDETTA.LHA 1340622 13.10.1996 - aminet.net -
Demo of a commercial Shoot┤Em-Up
23470 WOF1.LHA 573,8 kt 11.03.1997 - MBCD -
Wheels On Fire - 1/3 - Final preview of the 3D racing game. - Aminet: WheelsOnFire1.lha
23471 WOF2.LHA 648,8 kt 11.03.1997 - MBCD -
Wheels On Fire - 2/3 - Final preview of the 3D racing game. - Aminet: WheelsOnFire2.lha
23472 WOF3.LHA 482,4 kt 11.03.1997 - MBCD -
Wheels On Fire - 3/3 - Final preview of the 3D racing game. - Aminet: WheelsOnFire3.lha
23473 WOLSSDEM.DMS 342075 24.02.1995 - - -
Worlds of Legend: Son of the Empire -
pelattava demo. Roolipeli.
23474 WORMS.DMS 831219 28.10.1995 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms - Pelattava esittelyversio. Team 17.
23475 XFIGHTD.DMS 412115 21.12.1995 - - -
X-Fighter pelattava demo. 1/2 pelaajan
beat'em'up. Thalion.
23476 XTRDEM2A.LHA 493145 23.06.1996 - 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin -
XTreme Racing Demo2, including new V1.1
features. 1/2. AGA only.
23477 XTRDEM2B.LHA 355055 23.06.1996 - 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin -
XTreme Racing Demo2, including new V1.1
features. 2/2. AGA only.
23478 XTREDNFO.LHA 490904 18.04.1996 - - -
XTreme Racing Track Editor preview pack
with pictures and information
23479 XTRNDEMO.LHA 687975 23.12.1995 - 1194/Megahits 7 (1995)(GTI - Rhein-Main-Soft)(DE)[!].iso -
XTreme Racing - Pelattava demo vauhdikkaasta
Super Mario Kartin tyylisestä hurjastelusta.
Ks. MB 2/96, s101. AGA.
23480 XTRSHOTS.LHA 259731 22.10.1995 - 20448/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 03 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-01][Skylink CD II].iso -
XTreme Racing - Kuvia tulevasta teksture-
mapatusta autopelistä. AGA.
23481 ZDPRE04.LHA 805,8 kt 07.07.1997 - - -
Zonic Dimension - first demo version of this new strategy game. Requires AGA.
23483 ZEEWOLF2.DMS 377800 21.12.1995 - 22374/XENIATGM12.ISO -
Zeewolf 2 -pelattava demo. Ks. MB 2/96, s101.
23484 ZONKEDDE.DMS 664393 24.02.1995 - - -
Zonked/X-It -pelattava demo. Puzzle-
peli, tyyliin Sokoban. Valm. Psygnosis.
23252 ZOOL.LHA 199570 09.12.1994 - aminet.net -
Zool - demo. Platform. Gremlin.
23251 ZOOL2DMO.LHA 93979 24.12.1994 - - -
Zool 2 - Pelattava esittelyversio.
60483 AERA-A.LHA 415977 25.11.1996 - - -
Aerial Racers v0.98 - Demo version. (1/2)
60484 AERA-B.LHA 371921 25.11.1996 - - -
Aerial Racers v0.98 - Demo version. (2/2)
23485 AERACERA.LHA 423,7 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
Aerial Racers 0.99 - Freeware car racing. 1/2 One to three player viewed from above racing game similar to Skid Marks. - Aerial Racers is now FREEWARE! - Aminet: AerialRacersA.lha
23486 AERACERB.LHA 320,2 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
Aerial Racers 0.99 - Freeware car racing. 2/2 One to three player viewed from above racing game similar to Skid Marks. - Aerial Racers is now FREEWARE! - Aminet: AerialRacersB.lha
23487 AM15_1.LHA 231168 08.10.1995 - MBCD -
A U T O M O B I L E S   1 . 5
( 1 / 2 ) IMPROVEMENTS; 4 players, 17
tracks, great newmenu system, better car
handling, much bettersound, alterable gravity
and MUCH more!
23488 AM15_2.LHA 305522 08.10.1995 - MBCD -
A U T O M O B I L E S   1 . 5
( 2 / 2 )
23489 ARACERS.LHA 491855 16.07.1996 - MBCD -
A great new 2 player racing game.
Aminet: game/misc/A great new 2 player racing
23048 CAR20.DMS 90841 17.12.1994 - - -
Car V2.0
autorälläyly tyyliin
Skidmarks/Slickn'n'Slide. Oikein näyttävä
ja mainio.
23490 CRACER19.LHA 510,7 kt 12.11.1997 - - -
Classic Racer v1.9 - an Amiga-version of old classic driving game. Race against your friend or the clock.
23491 DRIVER.LHA 2,6 kt 14.02.1997 - aminet.net -
Klassinen autopeli joka ei koreile turhilla grafiikoilla tai äänillä. Toteutettu scripti-kielellä.
23076 F1PATCH.LHA 72838 03.12.1994 - - -
Formula 1 Grand Prixin patchi "GrandPrix
Patch v2.20" Lisaa peliin 1994-ajajat,
nopeuttaaruutujen feidausta,
parannuksia,korjauksia, nayttaa edessa ja
takanaolevat ajajat kilvan aikana yms
yms.Tehnyt Multiplex of Chrome
23109 HIGHOCT.DMS 739809 17.12.1994 - - -
High Octane
23108 HIGHOCTA.DMS 740636 16.12.1994 - - -
High Octane, mainio autopeli
23492 LCYCLES2.LHA 411150 11.11.1996 - - -
Light Cycles 2 - Matopeli.
23493 MDDEMB.LHA 400602 27.04.1996 - MBCD -
MooseDrive, Fun "viewed from the top" car
racing game * Type: game/demo * Fun, large
scrolling screen driving game where you aim
to beat the competition and become the top
MooseDriver. Good graphics,music and effects.
Written in compiled AMOS and loves AGA and
WB2 and 3. PAL only. PD Demo has 1 out of
10 courses and allows maximum of 4 races.
Author: Graham Dean and David Cusick
23494 MXRC.LHA 836,6 kt 20.07.1998 - - -
The Maximal Racing Absolutelygreat car racing for 1 or 2 players. Requires: 1 MB memory, hard drive.
23495 RACER.LHA 1,9 Mt 02.03.1997 - aminet.net -
RACER V1.0 - is new 3D Racing game for Amiga. Req: OS3+, AGA, 2 Mb CHIP Mem, 4 Mb FAST mem, 3 Mb free on your HD.
23496 SCREE251.LHA 733,6 kt 02.03.1997 renamed aminet.net -
Screech 2.51 - A racing game with some really good violent fun. NOTE: This is version AGA 2.51! This is not a replacement for 2.41. Aminet name: ScreechAGA2_51.lha
23497 WHEELS.LHA 885584 11.09.1996 - MBCD -
Racing game with FAST 3d-voxelspace-GFX
Requires: AGA, 68020+, 4MB fast, 2MB chip
and 3MB hd-space.
22895 3DREKO.LHA 561,7 kt 04.09.1997 - aminet.net -
Raytraced cardset for Klondike AGA.
22896 AABURC01.LHA 254,4 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäauto Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22897 AABURC02.LHA 216,8 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäauto Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22898 AABURC03.LHA 284 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäauto Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22899 AABURC04.LHA 271,1 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäauto Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22900 AABURN01.LHA 308,9 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22901 AABURN02.LHA 325,6 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22902 AABURN03.LHA 204,1 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22903 AABURN04.LHA 218,8 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22904 AABURN05.LHA 291,6 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22905 AABURN06.LHA 200,1 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22906 AABURN07.LHA 234,5 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22907 AABURN08.LHA 288 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan.
22908 AB3D2XTR.LHA 287651 30.10.1996 - MBCD -
Killing Bricks - Lisäkenttä Alien Breed 3D
II:n. Asennusvinkki: jos peli valittelee
ettei Work-asemaa löydy, muuta Gamelinkerillä
Floor Texture -tiedoston osoite oikeaksi.
22909 AB3DXTRF.LHA 7864 03.11.1996 - - -
Korjaa bugin paketista AB3D2XTR.LHA.
22910 ADDCARD.LHA 575523 15.03.1996 - - -
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons cardset for
Deluxe Klondike AGA
22911 AIRREKO.LHA 580,5 kt 01.09.1997 - aminet.net -
Planes and others KlondikeAGA cards. Req: KlondikeII, KlondikeIII or CardGames Deluxe.
22912 AMIPET01.LHA 4,3 kt 15.10.1997 - 2030/Amiga_Dream_46.iso -
Replacement Graphics for AmiPet - Blob
22913 AMIPET02.LHA 1,8 kt 15.10.1997 - 2030/Amiga_Dream_46.iso -
Replacement Graphics for AmiPet - Sheep
22914 AMIPET03.LHA 1,9 kt 15.10.1997 - 2030/Amiga_Dream_46.iso -
Replacement Graphics for AmiPet - Spider
60748 ANIMREKO.LHA 683762 05.08.1996 renamed aminet.net -
AnimalREKO - Klondike Deluxe AGA cardset
Aminet name: AnimalREKO.lha
61017 ASTROWOR.LHA 29232 15.03.1996 - MBCD -
Kaksi kuutasoa Wormsiin.
61403 BIKICARD.LHA 604398 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
Bikinicards for Deluxe Klondike AGA.
61423 BIRDREKO.LHA 562280 16.03.1996 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
HAM8 deck of animal pictures for Deluxe
Klondike AGA Solitaire game.
61766 C-SMALLF.LHA 36011 17.03.1996 - grandis.nu/turran -
Your Home Entertainment Service
Small Fry's WORMS maps volume 1
61767 C-WRMLEV.LHA 193116 17.03.1996 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Home Entertainment Service
WORMS Level Collection!
61768 C-WRMLVS.LHA 81840 17.03.1996 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Home Entertainment Service
3 New cool Worms Levels!
62342 CPLANDSC.LHA 1786153 16.04.1996 - - -
Landscape-kortit CyberPatienceen.
63165 DREAMS.LHA 718655 15.03.1996 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Dreams cardset for Deluxe Klondike III AGA
63167 DREAMS2.LHA 653150 15.03.1996 - aminet.net -
Dreams2 cardset for Deluxe Klondike II/III
63603 EDZWORMS.LHA 29714 15.03.1996 - grandis.nu/turran -
Uusi kenttä Wormsiin.
63680 ELWORMS.LHA 150787 11.11.1996 - - -
Lisää Worms-kenttiä.
64283 FRACTCRD.LHA 606066 15.03.1996 - - -
Total Fractasm Cardset for Deluxe Klondike
64477 GHAWKCDS.LHA 577214 15.03.1996 - - -
Grey Hawk cardset for Deluxe Klondike AGA
65518 KATHREKO.LHA 618444 15.03.1996 - - -
Kathy Ireland Cardset for Klondike Deluxe AGA
65522 KDK-PER.LHA 482203 24.11.1996 - - -
Klondike AGA Cardset with pictures
fromPERIHELION and with ones not included
65636 LANDREKO.LHA 586215 27.07.1996 - - -
Ham-8 Card set for Klondike-AGA. It features
a variety of landscapes and country sides.
Very high quality.
65687 LEMMWORM.LHA 81126 11.11.1996 - - -
Lemmings-tyyppisiä tasoja Wormsiin.
65711 LIBERATE.LHA 2353 15.03.1996 - aminet.net -
Board set for Megaball to celebrate the
liberation of the Netherlands
65943 MAMMREKO.LHA 577036 15.03.1996 - - -
HAM8 deck of animal pictures for Deluxe
Klondike AGA Solitaire game.
66175 MJ_TILES.LHA 37784 15.03.1996 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Cool new tile sets for Mahjong Jr
66250 MONROE.LHA 660075 24.11.1996 - 3328/Aminet 9 (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1995].iso -
AGAM! Marilyn Monroe - Cardset for KLONDIKE
66508 NAVY.LHA 10928 17.03.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Kenttä Wormsiin
66648 NROSECDS.LHA 674633 15.03.1996 - - -
Newroses cardset for Deluxe Klondike AGA
66724 OGWORMMA.LHA 50199 17.03.1996 - - -
2 kenttää Wormsiin.
67419 PRETTYRE.LHA 608336 15.03.1996 - MBCD -
Pretty Women Cardset for Reko Klondike.
67461 PROSWRM1.LHA 89776 17.03.1996 - - -
Four new WORMS levels, enjoy.
69163 TKGLEV3.LHA 38257 10.11.1996 - - -
A small test level for Alien Breed 3D II by
Peter Duijnstee.
69164 TKGLEVEL.LHA 9031 10.11.1996 - - -
Level A by Marek Jablonski for Alien Breed 3D
II: The Killing Grounds.
69316 TRACSET1.LHA 35663 01.08.1996 - MBCD -
2 Lisärataa AutoMobilesiin.
69440 TSF-WORM.LHA 201061 23.10.1996 - - -
High quality WORMS levels by FLENDER/TSF
69441 TSH.LHA 44226 15.03.1996 - MBCD -
Kenttä Wormsiin.
69636 VALLEJOR.LHA 567104 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
Boris Vallejo Fantasy cardset to REKO
Production's Deluxe Klondike AGA.
70113 WMSPACK.LHA 89287 15.03.1996 - MBCD -
Kolme uutta tasoa Wormsiin.
70125 WOINTEL.LHA 21293 15.03.1996 - MBCD -
Intel Outside -taso Wormsiin.
70141 WORMCITY.LHA 31161 15.03.1996 - - -
Lisää kenttiä Wormsiin.
70145 WORMKEEP.LHA 28039 15.03.1996 - 20451/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 06 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-04][Skylink CD V].iso -
Hieno leveli Wormsiin!
70146 WORMMAPS.LHA 127262 15.03.1996 - grandis.nu/turran -
Uusia pelikenttiä Wormsiin.
70149 WORMS109.LHA 2261986 18.04.1996 - - -
Worms - jättikenttäpaketti. 109 kenttää.
70150 WORMSMAP.LHA 159852 19.03.1996 - - -
Hauskoja kenttiä Wormsiin.
70152 WORMSUOM.LHA 484470 15.03.1996 - MBCD -
Suomenkielinen puhe ja uusi taso Wormsiin.
70181 WRM-HOUS.LHA 12302 20.04.1996 - - -
Worms Housekit, house construction kit.
Brushes for empty house and 30 pieces
of furniture for easy building of houses.
70182 WRM-WINN.LHA 33722 20.04.1996 - - -
Worms -kenttiä, kuusi kpl, mukaanlukien
Winnie The Pooh. Keskinkertaisia.
70183 WRMBRICK.LZX 7667 15.03.1996 - - -
Uusi kenttä Wormsiin.
70184 WRMCUST.LHA 28261 24.03.1996 - - -
kaksi hienoa kenttää wormssiin
70185 WRMJACKT.LHA 8488 15.03.1996 - - -
Uusi kenttä Wormsiin. Kentässä on iso
mehiläinen ja viivapiirrostalo. Aika
eriskummallinen peliympäristö, mutta...
70187 WRMS-MB1.LHA 555061 27.04.1996 - - -
Worms - MBnet hyväksyttyjä ja valikoituja
kenttiä suoraan Team 17:sta FTP-sitesta.
28 kpl, sis mm: books, bubble, castles,
ddos, elvis, faktory, firewall, flats,
internet, invert, keep, lasagna,mac,mario,
moby, moon1+2,pencils,pirland,wb
70188 WRMS-MB2.LHA 1537942 27.04.1996 - - -
Worms - MBnet hyväksyttyjä ja valikoituja
kenttiä suoraan Team 17:sta FTP-sitesta.
Sisältää seuraavat kenttäPAKETIT yhteen
koottuna ja valikoituna:
cemcustom, fruitcon, ice+melt, jamsworms,
Junk, milkadebagellvls1, PJDWORMS,
pworms, scapes
70364 XTR-XTRA.LHA 717614 18.04.1996 - aminet.net -
XTreme Racing Extra Tracks
70365 XTRAT1.LHA 95176 24.11.1996 - - -
Extra tracks for XTreme Racing.
70368 XTRPHDM1.LHA 11325 07.09.1996 - MBCD -
XTreme Racing -kenttä Death Matchia varten.
(Phoenix Death Match.)
70369 XTRPHOEN.LHA 28972 29.08.1996 - - -
Phoenix - Rata XTreme Racingiin.
70370 XTRSKCP1.LHA 113747 24.11.1996 - - -
Extra tracks for XTreme Racing (Skull Cap).
23510 AB3-LCG.LHA 81435 31.12.1996 - 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso -
Generates levelcodes for AlienBreed 3
23498 AB3D2IFO.LHA 55639 26.01.1996 - - -
Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds
-pelistä kuvia ja muuta tietoa. Luvassa on
massiivinen 3D-räiskintä! Team 17.
23499 AB3D2INF.TXT 2510 05.01.1996 - - -
Tietoa tulevasta Alien Breed 3D II: The
Killign Grounds -pelistä.
23500 AB3DE213.LHA 474,6 kt 18.02.1998 - - -
Alien Breed 3D II Level Editor v2.13 - rewritten level editor for TKG.
23501 AB3DENDT.LHA 3102 22.05.1996 - - -
Alien Breed 3D:n lopputekstit niille joilta
ne pelin bugin takia jäivät näkemättä.
23502 AB3DICON.LHA 1714 12.11.1995 - 20448/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 03 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-01][Skylink CD II].iso -
Alien Breed 3D:stä puuttuu Workbench-ikoni.
Tässä yksi ulkopuolisen tekemä MagicWB-ikoni
peliä varten.
23503 AB3DIIED.LHA 32516 17.08.1996 - aminet.net -
Save Game Editor v1.1 for Alien Breed 3D II
Requires: WB3.0+, reqtools.library v38+
23504 AB3DIIP2.LHA 376525 23.04.1996 - - -
Lisää kuvia tulevasta Alien Breed 3D II: The
Killing Groundsista. Team 17.
23505 AB3DMFAQ.LHA 891 16.11.1995 - - -
Alien Breed 3D Mini FAQ. Tietoa pelin
tulevasta jatko-osasta!
23506 AB3DSE2S.LHA 71532 23.11.1995 - - -
Lisää kuvia Alien Breed 3D Special
Editionista (ts. Alien Breed 3D II).
23507 AB3DSE3S.LHA 76749 17.11.1995 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Alien Breed 3D Special Edition (ts. Alien
Breed 3D II) pelistä kuvia (1x1-grafiikat
kokoruudulla yms).
23508 AB3DSONG.LHA 100900 17.11.1995 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Alien Breed 3D:n alkumusiikki moduulina.
Musiikki ei mahtunut pelin levykkeille, joten
Team 17 julkaisi sen vapaaseen levitykseen.
23509 AB3DT301.LHA 19,2 kt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
AB3DTrainer v3.01 - Patch program for Alien Breed 3D. - Requires: OS2+, Alien Breed 3D. Aminet name: AB3DTrainer.lha
60405 ACHE01.LHA 12589 10.05.1996 - - tupla
Ache v0.1 by Kalsu/APUusi engine, jossa nyt
my÷s lattia & kattosekΣ vinot seinΣt. Vaatii
vain A500!
23511 ACHE057.LHA 97,3 kt 17.04.1997 - - -
Ache 0.57 - fast and multitasking 3D-engine for AGA-Amigas. Made by Kalsu/Artificial People.
23512 ACHE059.LHA 35,4 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
Ache v0.59 by Kalsu/AP. A whole new BSP-based engine, currently without texturemapping or lighting. Requires original DOOM I WAD file!
23513 ADMGUI12.LHA 58,8 kt 29.05.1998 - - -
ADoomGUI v1.2 - great GUI for ADoom.
23514 ADOGUI10.LHA 17,6 kt 24.02.1998 - - -
ADoomGUI v1.0 - GUI for ADoom. Adjust the preferences via a GUI.
23515 ADOMUI10.LHA 58,8 kt 13.03.1998 - - -
ADooMUI v1.0 - GUI for ADoom. An easy way to setup your ADoom. Select WAD, multiplayer options, screenmode and all the other stuff just by clicking your mouse.
23516 ADOOMIST.LHA 1,2 Mt 26.01.1998 - - -
New instruments for ADoom.
23517 ADVEDS10.LHA 1066781 24.01.1996 - MBCD -
Adventure Design System, Create Multi-Player
Fantasy/RPG's. Allows you to create Role
Playing games easily, and quickly. Interface
is designed to allow the most flexability
increating games, while keeping the design
process simple and fast.
23518 ALFRED.LHA 28,4 kt 08.06.1997 AGA installer amiga_upload_9703.iso -
HD-installer for Alfred Chicken.
23519 AMG043.LHA 65,3 kt 10.12.1997 - - -
AmiMasterGear v0.43 - Sega Master Systemand Game Gear -emulator. Major update! Shareware version.
23520 AMIPE114.LHA 109,6 kt 26.01.1998 - - -
AmiPet v1.14 - Tamagotchi at your WB-screen.
23521 AN09910A.LHA 41,8 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
A/NES v0.99.10a - Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator.
23522 ANES099B.LHA 57,9 kt 26.01.1998 - - -
A/NES v0.99b - Nintendo Entertainment System emulator.
23523 ANS0996B.LHA 38,6 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
A/NES v0.99.6b, Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator.
23524 ASI130.DMS 524296 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #130
23525 ASI131.DMS 570617 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #131
23526 ASI132.DMS 402982 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #132
23527 ASI133.DMS 528406 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #133
23528 ASI134.DMS 518914 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #134
23529 ASI135.DMS 504062 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #135
23530 ASI136.DMS 699989 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #136
23531 ASI137.DMS 598969 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #137
23532 ASI138.DMS 485846 05.07.1995 - MBCD -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #138
23533 ASI139.DMS 602405 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #138
Assassins -pelikokoelma #139
23534 ASI140.DMS 707979 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #140
23535 ASI141.DMS 504334 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #141
23536 ASI142.DMS 504620 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #142
23537 ASI143.DMS 510104 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #143
60948 ASI144.DMS 435127 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #144
60949 ASI145.DMS 543174 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #145
60950 ASI146.DMS 596866 05.07.1995 - MBCD -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #146
60951 ASI147.DMS 663260 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #147
60952 ASI148.DMS 616835 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #148
60953 ASI149.DMS 549302 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #149
60954 ASI150.DMS 477165 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #150
60955 ASI151.DMS 648967 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #151
60956 ASI152.DMS 624035 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #152
60957 ASI153.DMS 678139 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #153
60958 ASI154.DMS 485158 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #154
60959 ASI155.DMS 528653 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #155
60960 ASI156.DMS 726819 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #156
60961 ASI157.DMS 682764 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #157
60962 ASI159.DMS 554332 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #159
60963 ASI160.DMS 575117 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #160
60964 ASI161.DMS 498278 04.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #161
60965 ASI162.DMS 701124 04.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #162
60966 ASI163.DMS 358418 04.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #163
60967 ASI164.DMS 401513 04.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #164
23538 ASI165.DMS 651988 04.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #165
23539 ASI166.DMS 647385 04.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #166
23540 ASI167.DMS 646124 04.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #167
23541 ASI168.DMS 460843 04.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #168
23542 ASI169.DMS 559733 04.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #169
23543 ASI170.DMS 570522 04.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #170
23544 ASI171.DMS 532914 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #171
23545 ASI172.DMS 652372 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #172
23546 ASI173.DMS 744415 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #173
23547 ASI174.DMS 501506 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #174
23548 ASI175.DMS 537025 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #175
23549 ASI176.DMS 607163 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #176
23550 ASI178.DMS 561617 05.07.1995 - MBCD -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #177
23551 ASI179.DMS 636094 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #179
23552 ASI180.DMS 565081 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #180
23553 ASI181.DMS 468173 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #181
23554 ASI182.DMS 553551 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #182
23555 ASI183.DMS 563118 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #183
23556 ASI184.DMS 529632 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #184
23557 ASI185.DMS 662222 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #185
23558 ASI186.DMS 561987 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #186
23559 ASI187.DMS 527407 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #187
23560 ASI188.DMS 378922 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #188
23561 ASI189.DMS 514141 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #189
23562 ASI190.DMS 613144 05.07.1995 - MBCD -
Assassins pelikokoelma #190
23563 ASI191.DMS 523869 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #191
23564 ASI192.DMS 662519 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #192
23565 ASI193.DMS 485078 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #193
23566 ASI194.DMS 550398 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #194
23567 ASI196.DMS 554426 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #196
23568 ASI197.DMS 478390 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #197
23569 ASI198.DMS 434695 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #198
23570 ASI199.DMS 452023 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #199
23571 ASI200.DMS 576128 05.07.1995 - 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso -
Assassins pelikokoelma #200
23572 ASI201.DMS 569319 19.05.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #201
23573 ASI202.DMS 725440 19.05.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #202
23574 ASI210.DMS 547373 23.06.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #210
23575 ASI211.DMS 510598 23.06.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #211
23576 ASI212.DMS 589209 23.06.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #212
23577 ASI213.DMS 653563 08.07.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #213
23578 ASI214.DMS 658711 08.07.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #214
23579 ASI215.DMS 673963 08.07.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #215
23580 ASI216.DMS 610038 08.07.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #216
23581 ASI217.DMS 574534 08.07.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #217
23582 ASI218.DMS 447989 08.07.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #218
23583 ASI219.DMS 447426 08.07.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #219
23584 ASI220.DMS 552708 08.07.1996 - 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #220
23585 ASI221.DMS 588924 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #221
23586 ASI222.DMS 479518 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #222
23587 ASI223.DMS 524523 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #223
23588 ASI224.DMS 374903 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #224
23589 ASI225.DMS 579626 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #225
23590 ASI226.DMS 548637 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #226
23591 ASI227.DMS 621720 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #227
23592 ASI228.DMS 706864 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #228
23593 ASI229.DMS 663268 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #229
23594 ASI230.DMS 646203 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #230
23595 ASI231.DMS 674764 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #231
23596 ASI232.DMS 602972 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #232
23597 ASI234.DMS 629500 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #234
23598 ASI235.DMS 728470 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #235
23599 ASI236.DMS 727426 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #236
23600 ASI237.DMS 479710 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #237
23601 ASI238.DMS 637341 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #238
23602 ASI239.DMS 550004 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #239
23603 ASI240.DMS 333889 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #240
23604 ASI241.DMS 399156 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #241
23605 ASI242.DMS 570369 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #242
23606 ASI243.DMS 472433 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #243
23607 ASI244.DMS 390135 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #244
23608 ASI245.DMS 637404 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #245
23609 ASI246.DMS 539265 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #246
23610 ASI247.DMS 683293 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #247
23611 ASI248.DMS 690881 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #248
23612 ASI249.DMS 645579 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #249
23613 ASI250.DMS 513479 08.07.1996 - 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso -
Assassins -pelikokoelma #250
23614 AVGBP072.LHA 177,7 kt 11.02.1998 - - -
AmigaVGBPPC v0.7 revision 2 - a Nintendo Gameboy emulator with PPC+CGFX-support.
23615 AWSBKG1.LHA 382,9 kt 16.03.1997 renamed aminet.net -
Replacement BKG Files for F1GP. Aminet name: aws_bkg_1.lha
23616 AWSBKG2.LHA 305,2 kt 01.04.1997 renamed aminet.net -
Replacement Track BKG Files for F1GP. 320 x 200, 32 colour IFF pictures to replace the existing track backdrop files in "Formula One Grand Prix". - Req: F1GP-Ed - aws_bkg_2.lha
23617 BBON119.LHA 690,8 kt 11.02.1998 - - -
BackBone GUI Game Creation System v1.19 - create (non-)scrolling arcade games without any real coding.
23618 BBON119M.LHA 510,1 kt 11.02.1998 - - -
BackBone GUI Game Creation System v1.19, minimum istallation.
23619 BCHEAT11.LHA 38,1 kt 08.06.1997 - - -
Breathless Cheater 1.1 - allows you to play every level of Breathless.
23620 BCRAFTE.LHA 244948 05.09.1996 - - -
BattleCraft Editor - Amigalle tulevan
tyylisen pelin editori.
23621 BENG01.LHA 352 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
B-Engine 0.1 - 3D engine, capable to load DN3D maps.
23622 BGUIDE20.LHA 51299 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
Breed Guide 2.0 - Ohjeita Alien Breed 3D
II: The Killing Groundsin tasojen tekemiseen.
23623 BIORYTMI.LHA 42022 21.12.1995 - aminet.net -
A M I G A - B I O R Y T M I v1.03; GiftWare.
Ohjelmalla voit katsoa biorytmejä.  Ohjelma
laskee biorytmin syntymäajan ja kohdepäivän
perusteella ja näyttää sini-käyrät kehon,
tunteen ja järjen viriiliydestä.
23624 BLAC_MC.LHA 37629 09.01.1995 - - -
Mega Characters for Black Crypt- game/hint -
Modified BC characters
23625 BOGRPICS.LHA 88,5 kt 01.09.1997 - - -
Kuvia Vulcanin Bograts-pelistä. Ks. MikroBitti 9/97.
23626 BURNPICS.LHA 793,2 kt 29.01.1997 - MBCD -
Kuvia Burnout AGA -pelistä. Vulcan Software.
23627 CARNED.LHA 67796 21.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Map editor for the game Carnage
23628 CFCHEAT.LHA 35,6 kt 08.06.1997 - - -
Trainer for Cannon Fodder.
23629 CFHD212.LHA 54,2 kt 15.05.1997 - MBCD -
HD-installer for Cannon Fodder, v2.12.
23634 CH_SLTN.LHA 383,8 kt 30.10.1997 - - -
CityHunter cardset for Soliton (32col.)
23635 CH-SLTN.LHA 431,7 kt 13.11.1997 - - -
CityHunter cardset for Soliton (256col.)
23631 CHAOS_BI.LHA 139640 21.12.1995 - - -
Chaos - The Chess Happening Organisation
System V5.5. Chess tournament manager.Author
game/board. Chaos is a program that manages
single-player chess-tournaments.Req: AmigaOS
2.0 or later, MUI, V2.0 or later
23632 CHAOS_SR.LHA 171608 21.12.1995 - - -
Chaos - The Chess Happening Organisation
System V5.5 SOURCE-codes.
23630 CHAOS2PA.LHA 890762 01.06.1996 - - -
Kuvia ja ääninäytteitä pelistä Chaos Engine
2. Ks. MB 6-7/96, s117.
23633 CHEATDUN.LHA 2,3 kt 12.08.1997 renamed aminet.net -
CheatDuneII 1.2 - Unlimited money in Dune II Will modify some level files in your Dune II directory and give you almost unlimited money on every level. - Aminet: CheatDuneII.lha
23636 CIVEDI03.LHA 34699 08.10.1996 - MBCD -
CivEdit 0.3 Save file editor for Civilization
Aminet name: civedit.lha
23637 CMED11.DMS 446510 24.02.1995 - - -
Championship Manager Editor V1.1
23638 CMED240.LHA 102030 21.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Championship Manager Editor Version
2.40 Features of the CmEd include:-- Player
Editing: Name, Age, Skill Levels, Wages,
Country etc...- Player transfers: ie Transfer
Alan Shearer from Blackburn to Scarborough-
Club Editing: Edit finances and ground
capacity- Text Editing: Edit text within the
game ie. Injuries, player names, club name,-
Player Archive: Move a player from Italia to
End of Season etc... - And much more≈
23639 COCKPI97.LHA 110,3 kt 01.04.1997 - MBCD -
F1GP Cockpit Designs For Each 1997 Team. Requires: registered F1GP-Ed to use these designs. - Aminet name: AS_Cockpits_97.lha
23640 CPPICS.LHA 281346 05.01.1997 - - -
Capital Punishment - Demokuvia.
23641 CPTHEME.LHA 153039 14.01.1997 - - -
Capital Punishmentin musiikki. Julkaistu
vapaaseen levitykseen.
23642 CPTRNR.LHA 38,2 kt 15.05.1997 - - -
Trainer for Capital Punishment.
23643 CS005ABI.LHA 82,4 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
Crystal Space v0.0.5 - a tehcnically advanced 3D-engine with polygon objects and scenes, soft shadows, static lightning, selectable screenmode and more. Binary archive (needed). Requires at least AGA, some Fast-RAM and lots of CPU-power.
23644 CS005ASR.LHA 553,9 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
Crystal Space v0.0.5, source files (needed!).
23645 CSAGFAQ.LHA 69063 17.12.1995 - - -
comp.sys.amiga.games FAQ V2.1 - comp.sys.
amiga.games on Internetin Amiga-peleihin
keskittynyt uutisryhmä.
23646 CWVD09.LHA 28116 21.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Vehicle design front-end for the board game
23647 D500_05A.LHA 14600 10.05.1996 - - -
A500 Doom-engine v0.05a by Kalsu/APMemory
corruption bug eliminated!
23648 DIYREKO2.LHA 261874 21.12.1995 renamed 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Make your own .REKO using ImageFX2.0, New
version of ImageFX script for making .REKO
cardsets for Klondike! New options, new
colour sets, now compatible with ImageFX2.0
(users of ImageFX1.50 should use the old
version instead).
23649 DMA038.LHA 64331 14.08.1996 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
Preview of Dungeon Master Aid .38for (ad&d)
Advanced Dungeons & Dragonsplayers.
23650 DNES022.LHA 20 kt 06.01.1998 - - -
DaRKNeSS v0.22 - a Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator, shareware version.
23651 DOOMICON.LHA 6,1 kt 08.01.1998 - - -
Nätti monivärinen kuvake DOOMiin.
23652 DUNE2ED.LHA 28271 24.11.1996 - aminet.net -
Savegame file-editor for Dune 2.
23653 DUNGMAP.LHA 78034 03.12.1994 - - -
DungeonMap V1.1 - AD&D pelinjohtajan
apuohjelma karttojen luomiseksi.
23654 DUP_APR.LHA 148727 14.06.1996 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dark Unicorn Newsletter - April
-Fantastic edition - The HOTTEST news of
theC= buyout, new DUP releases, reviews ofthe
new FEARS Doom clone, Base Jumpers,Rally
Championship, Starwoids, Carnage,Deluxe Gala
ga AGA, the CD32 Network CD,and more!  CD32
updates and reviews.Part III of AMOS
PROGRAMMING Article andmore!  The news you
CARE about.  Get itand spread it.
23655 DUP_FEB.LHA 20873 14.06.1996 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dark Unicorn Newsletter - February edition
23656 DUP_JAN.LHA 101217 14.06.1996 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dark Unicorn Newsletter - January edition
23657 DUP_MAR.LHA 158829 14.06.1996 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
he monthly Amiga newsletter filledwith
reviews, articles, CD32, the VERYlatest in C=
news (including the deathof AMIGA WORLD); the
DEFINATIVE sourcefor the lastest and best i
nfo on theAmiga and CD32 console.  Get it
now!AmigaGuide, ASCII, and ANSI included!
23658 DUP_MAY.LHA 144879 14.06.1996 - 20452/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 07 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-05][EARSAN CD VI].iso -
Dark Unicorn Newsletter - May Edition
23659 DWOLF3D1.LHA 81397 21.12.1995 - - -
STL of Damage: 3D WolfPreRelease V1.6.1; For
all A500's and the more advanced ones. Note:
'040 may be unstabileBugfix version #1;
System Crash killed; Floor, Ceiling and Wall
Texture Mapping; Wolf3D demo on EHB / AGA;
BitPlane Screen; Depth cueing w/ Realtime
Texture Dithering;Wolf3D world runs 7.9 fps
on 192x160xEHB (SupraTurbo 28Mhz 68000 +
Fast); Recommended 68020++, Chip/Fast, OCS.
23660 EOB2EDIT.LHA 72,2 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Eye Of The Beholder II editori - muuntele pelin tallenteita
23661 ESDM11.LHA 47,7 kt 15.05.1998 - - -
EasyDoom v1.1 - easy GUI for Doom-ports.
23662 F1-97.LHA 6,5 kt 31.10.1997 - - -
Latest season data for F1GP.
63989 F1GPE323.LHA 440540 12.12.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
F1GP-Ed 3.23 (3.12.96) - F1GP-Ed / WC Editor
An editor for use with the Formula One Grand
Prix or World Circuit game. - Requires: Any
Amiga and an original copy of Formula One
Grand Prix / World Circuit by MicroProse.
Shareware - Aminet name: F1GP-Ed.lha
23663 F1GPE336.LHA 478,6 kt 14.10.1997 - MBCD -
F1GP-Ed 3.36 (12.10.97) - F1GP-Ed / WC Editor An editor for use with the Formula One Grand Prix or World Circuit game. - Requires: Any Amiga and an original copy of Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit by MicroProse. Shareware - Aminet name: F1GP-Ed.lha
23664 F1GPE343.LHA 547,2 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
F1GP-Ed v3.43 - modify almost every aspect of F1GP!
23665 F1GPSOUN.LHA 263,5 kt 16.03.1997 renamed aminet.net -
23 replacement sound samples for F1GP. Req: F1GP-Ed - Aminet name: F1GP_Sounds.lha
23666 FB-NICON.LHA 1195 08.12.1996 - - -
NEWICON for Flashback.
23667 FINOPICS.LHA 201,8 kt 29.03.1997 - - -
Final Odyssey - Demokuvia Vulcanin tulevasta pelistä.
23668 FLAM2HD.LHA 7,5 kt 08.06.1997 - - -
Flamingo Tours HD Installer
23669 FNDCSND.LHA 160 kt 29.05.1998 - - -
Official custom sounds for Foundation.
23670 FOUNDED.LHA 372288 31.12.1996 - - -
Map editor for new Settlers/WarCraft game
23671 FOUNDPIC.LHA 1,6 Mt 01.09.1997 - - -
Kuvia tulevasta Foundation-strategiapelistä.
64280 FPOKE10.LHA 6749 20.04.1996 - - tupla
FastPoke 1.0 - ohjelma jolla voit huijata
peleihin lisΣΣ elΣmiΣ ym.
23672 FPOKE11.LHA 3 kt 14.02.1997 - - -
Fastpoke 1.1 - ohjelma jonka avulla voit huijata peleihin lisää elämiä, rahaa ym.
23673 GB68K.LHA 28017 16.12.1994 - - -
GameBoy -emulaattori. Klassinen "vitsi",
sisältää Tetris-pelin.
23674 GENSPICS.LHA 463,5 kt 29.01.1997 - - -
Genetic Species - demokuvia uudesta Doom- tyylisestä pelistä. Vulcan Software.
23675 GGL32.LZH 5343 15.12.1995 - - -
Grendel's Game Lists V32: info about
serial/modem/network playable games for
PC/Amiga/ST, strategy games, Amiga
multitasking/CDROM games.
23676 GL3REJ.LHA 984,8 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
Rejected GFX & SFX from Gloom 3
23677 GLNST020.LHA 28,8 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
GoldNEST v0.20 - Nintendo Entertainment System editor.
23678 GLOOMC2P.LHA 26965 06.01.1996 - 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin -
Vaihtoehtoisia c2p-rutiineita Gloom Deluxeen.
23679 GLOOMDAT.LHA 389994 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
Gloom - Tasoeditori (1/3)
23680 GLOOMED.LHA 73723 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
Gloom - Tasoeditori (2/3)
23681 GLOOMED.TXT 10041 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
Gloom - Tasoeditori (3/3)
23682 GNOMESPI.LHA 226984 02.09.1996 - Turran - Boondox_BBS eritupla
Kuvia OTM:n tulevasta Gnomes-pelistä. (Uusi
paketti, korvaa aikaisemman.)
23683 GOTHTEST.LHA 19873 15.12.1994 - aminet.net -
GothTest, test to find out how Gothic you
23684 GRAAL2A.LHA 358,3 kt 31.07.1997 - 21194/Excalibur_62_cd.bin -
Graphic Adventure Authoring Language (1/4)
23685 GRAAL2B.LHA 367,6 kt 31.07.1997 - 21194/Excalibur_62_cd.bin -
Graphic Adventure Authoring Language (2/4)
23686 GRAAL2C.LHA 219,5 kt 31.07.1997 - aminet.net -
Graphic Adventure Authoring Language (3/4)
23687 GRAAL2D.LHA 229,5 kt 31.07.1997 - aminet.net -
Graphic Adventure Authoring Language (4/4)
23688 GUI4DM10.LHA 46,3 kt 10.03.1998 - - -
Gui4Doom v1.0 - a MUI-GUI for all Doom-conversions.
23689 HELLPIC2.LHA 323474 19.11.1996 - - -
Lisää kuvia Vulcan Softwaren tulevasta
seikkailupelistä Hellpigs.
23690 HELLPICS.LHA 293269 18.10.1996 - - -
Ennakkokuvia Vulcan Softwaren tulevasta
seikkailupelistä Amigalle, Hell Pigs.
23691 HILLSPIC.LHA 86,7 kt 23.03.1997 - - -
Kuvia Vulcanin Hillsea Lido -pelistä.
23692 HIROREKO.LHA 520,4 kt 13.11.1997 - - -
Ryoko Hirosue cardset for Klondike AGA
23693 HTMCH45.LHA 1,6 Mt 04.09.1997 - MBCD -
Cheat database in Html Format V4.5
23694 HTPICS.LHA 237,9 kt 29.09.1997 - MBCD -
Kuvia Vulcanin tulevasta Hard Target -pelistä. Kyseessä on Virtua Copin tyylinen 3D-räiskintä. Ks. MikroBitti 10/97.
23695 INSTBURN.LHA 1,9 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
Suomenkielinen asennusohjelma Vulcanin Burnout-peliin. Ks. MikroBitti 5/97.
23696 INVATAXI.LHA 482,3 kt 13.06.1997 - - -
Invataxi - Omalaatuinen taksipeli, nyt Amigalle.
23697 ITF165.LHA 93191 26.03.1995 - 3325/Aminet 6 - June 1995.iso -
Infocom Game Interpreter V4.01 -play any
Infocom adventure with onemain program.
Includes good utilities.
65409 JOLCOL.DMS 681470 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
J0l 005X's Gamedisk
BIP, Klondike, Snowwar, Bleed II, Amigaworm,
Pacman, 3D-Breakout, Pickout
65610 L2LE102.LHA 425450 29.11.1996 - - -
Patch Lemmings 2 to run from HD
66011 MAZEMNA.LHA 52568 21.12.1995 - - -
Maze creator - MazeMania is based around an
algorithm for creating random mazes.
66101 MERGESCO.LHA 10102 29.10.1995 - 941/LSD Compendium Deluxe 3 (1995).iso -
Merge Scores - Ohjelma jolla liitetään
MegaBallin pistetiedostot yhteen.
66214 MMM.LHA 21408 21.12.1995 - aminet.net -
My Many Mechs - 74 Mech files for MechForce74
23698 MYSTS24B.LHA 6 Mt 22.12.1997 - - -
24-bittisiä (IFF) kuvaruutukaappauksia MYST- seikkailupelistä.
23699 MYSTSC8B.LHA 2,4 Mt 22.12.1997 - - -
8-bittisiä (IFF) kuvaruutukaappauksia MYST- seikkailupelistä.
23700 MYSTSJPG.LHA 706,7 kt 22.12.1997 - - -
24-bittisiä (JPG) kuvaruutukaappauksia MYST- seikkailupelistä.
23701 NEWEMER1.DMS 324902 23.03.1995 - MBCD -
Enjoy and spread your levels...
23702 NTPARADI.LHA 435005 26.03.1995 - - -
DNET-Trek, Paradise Client V2.3 for
DNet/Amiga, Amiga V0.99.
23703 OLFIPICS.LHA 239,6 kt 09.10.1997 - - -
"Beatem up with 5000 colours and...SNAPSHOTS"
23704 OLFSNAPS.LHA 247,9 kt 10.06.1997 - - -
"Screenshots from OloFighta beatem up which will be released in August ï97. 3D-perspective floorreflectionsup to 3000 colours..."
23705 ONESPICS.LHA 126,1 kt 29.09.1997 - MBCD -
Kuvia tulevasta onEscapee-pelistä. Ks. MikroBitti 10/97.
23706 OSCARHD.LHA 7400 31.12.1996 - 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso -
HD-Installer for Oscar.
23707 PETRO.LHA 68,7 kt 20.01.1999 - aminet.net -
Petro - learn how to pronounce Petro Tyschtschenko!
23708 PRIMOG12.LHA 59612 20.12.1995 - - -
Analyse and evaluate Jyhad Decks easily.tool
to help players of the game Jyhad.
23709 QCCAM.LHA 167,9 kt 29.05.1998 - - -
QuakeC-compiler, Amiga-port.
23710 QK1TLS01.LHA 602,9 kt 16.06.1998 - - -
Quake 1 Tools v0.1 - toolkit for Quake level editing etc.
23711 QMAP10.LHA 168,7 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
QuakeMap v1.0 - Quake Level Renderer for PowerUP(tm).
23712 QUAKELA.LHA 2,4 kt 03.07.1998 - - -
Quake Launcher (script). Requires RequestString. Fixed 30.6.1998
23713 QUAKELR.LHA 2,4 kt 29.06.1998 - - -
Quake startscript. Requires RequestFile, -Choice, -String.
23714 QUATOOLS.LHA 531,9 kt 29.05.1998 - - -
Quake 1 Tools, Amiga conversion.
23715 RALPATCH.LHA 19,4 kt 15.05.1997 - - -
Rally Championship patch, allows you to buy everything for free.
23716 RF016.LHA 206,1 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
RoboFight - create your own killer robot. easy basic-style programming.
23717 ROBOS.LHA 2631 08.10.1995 - - -
Kuinka saada Maxis Softwaren Robosport-
peli toimimaan mm. paikallisverkon
ja internetin kautta moninpelinä.
23718 S8-PAD.LHA 4171 29.05.1995 - - -
CD32 Joypad emulator for the Keyboard!
Emulate the extended buttons on the Keyboard
CD-Games like J-Strike an so on ....
23719 SKCHEAT.LHA 41,7 kt 07.07.1997 - - -
Play every level of Soccer Kid
23720 SKIDROLL.LHA 208518 11.11.1996 - MBCD -
Car object for Skidmarks 2
Aminet name: SkidROLLER.lha
23721 SNAKE.LZH 2248 24.10.1995 - - -
Käärmepeli A64-nimiselle C64-emulaattorille.
Kun olet kirjoittanut RUN, odota hetki ja
kirjoita SYS 51700
23722 SNAPMUCH.LHA 50878 05.01.1996 - - -
---Cirion proudly presents--- Screenshots
from game "DeadMuch" Coming soon for AGA
23724 SORK.LHA 329,6 kt 15.05.1997 - aminet.net -
Sorksemmelvostek - fast and fully multitasking Voxel-engine.
23723 SORK051B.LHA 317,4 kt 08.06.1997 - - -
Sorksemmelvostek v0.510á - incredibly fast and smooth voxel-engine. Even multitasks in its own screen.
23725 SPACWORM.LHA 351664 17.05.1996 - - -
Spaceballs -äänet Wormsiin.
23726 SPLGHDTR.LHA 42,2 kt 08.06.1997 - - -
HD-installer and trainer for Speris Legacy.
23727 SPLTTIME.LHA 19103 16.02.1996 - MBCD -
SplitTime V1.1 for F1GP - displays splittimes
at every quarter of a track while youdrive
F1GP. Not only the splittimes aredisplayed,
but also the best splittimesbefore they show
up (like on TV).
23728 SSCOLST.LHA 6711 24.11.1996 - - -
V1.1 Games compatible with Shapeshifter
23729 SSS-5OAK.LHA 713265 17.12.1995 - grandis.nu/turran -
>5 oF a KiND< a CARDGAME for
SHAPESHIFTER Mac-emulator.
68811 SWOSED15.LHA 132358 20.12.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
SWOS Ed v1.5 - SWOS Ed is team editor for
Sensible World of Soccer. - Features: It uses
MUI ∙ RNC depacking (SWOS data files are
packed) you don't need use external utilities
to depack these files. - Requires: OS2.0+ and
MUI 3 - Aminet name: SWOSEd.lha
23730 SWOSED17.LHA 170,8 kt 15.12.1997 - - -
SWOSED 1.7 - a team editor for Sensible World of Soccer.
23731 SWOSEDV2.LHA 57276 06.01.1996 - aminet.net -
Sensible World Of Soccer Editor Version 2.
Released 23.12.95 - With this little tool,
you can edit the data files in SWOS. You may
edit the players names, skills, values etc.
Author: Rune Keller
23732 SWOSFFF.LHA 106337 11.09.1996 - MBCD -
SWOSFFF 2.22 - SWOS Data Editor. Easy to use
editor for any data file from SWOS (Sensible
World Of Soccer) in any of its versions.
It recognizes about all sorts of SWOS file
formats: Original Club and National team
data, both Original and Edited Custom teams,
International tournament .TMD files, and even
Career saved games!
23733 SYNDICON.LHA 3702 14.03.1996 - - -
MagicWB-ikoni Syndicate-pelille.
23734 TDCARED1.LZH 8617 13.04.1995 - - -
TdCarEd1.11 - Ohjelma TestDriven ja4D
Sports-Driving - pelien autojeneditointiin.
Kiihtyvyys ja valitys-suhteet ovat
saadettavissa ym.Ohjelma on Diskwarea. OS
23735 TEXTED.LHA 88900 11.09.1996 - 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin -
Additonal scenario TEXT Editor for AB3DII TKG
Use with the editor package supplied with TKG
23736 TINYPICS.LHA 96 kt 23.03.1997 - - -
Kuvia Vulcan Softwaren Tiny Troops -pelistä.
23737 TKGCHEAT.LHA 2509 27.08.1996 - - -
Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds Cheat
Archive, Version 2. Sisältää tallennetut
tilanteet kaikkiin tasoihin runsain asein.
69158 TKGCIC10.LHA 3310 26.08.1996 - 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin -
Apuohjelma Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing
Groundsiin, joka tarkistaa tasojen editoinnin
jälkeen mitkä tiedostot pitää pakata ettet
pakkaa tiedostoja kahteen kertaan.
69159 TKGEDITO.TXT 3080 09.09.1996 - - -
Ongelmia Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing
Groundsin tasoeditorin kanssa? Ehkä näistä
vinkeistä on apua.
69160 TKGFILES.LHA 137731 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds -pelin
tasoeditorin AMOS-lähdekoodi. Team 17
julkaisi lähdekoodin ilmaislevitykseen jotta
kuka tahansa voisi kehittää peliin uuden
tasoeditorin tai parantaa alkuperäisiä.
69161 TKGGUI10.LHA 50381 22.08.1996 - - -
Breed Guide 1.0 - Kootut ja kommentoidut
ohjeet Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing
Groundsin tasojen tekemiseen AmigaGuide-
69162 TKGHELPS.LHA 13147 18.10.1996 - MBCD -
Apua Alien Breed 3D II:n yleisiin ongelmiin.
69165 TKGLVASC.LHA 35610 10.11.1996 - - -
Alien Breed 3D II:n tasoeditorin lähdekoodi
69168 TKGRUNNI.TXT 3406 20.08.1996 - - -
Eikö Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds
suostu käynnistymään Workbenchista ja/tai
suoraan kiintolevyltä koneellasi? Tässä
muutama vihje tilanteen korjaamiseksi.
69169 TKGSKY.LHA 101606 18.10.1996 - MBCD -
Uusia taivaskuvia (sky) Alien Breed 3D II:
The Killing Groundsiin! Näillä voit
elävöittää omia tasojasi entisestään.
69170 TKGTXTED.LHA 88900 18.10.1996 - MBCD -
TextEd - Ohjelma Alien Breed 3D II: The
Killing Groundsin tasojen alkutekstien
editointiin. Nyt voit luoda oman tasosettisi
ja keksiä pelille juonen jota pelaaja voi
seurata tasojen välillä tulevista teksteistä!
69522 UFO-MWB.LHA 6796 08.12.1996 - - -
Two icons for UFO: Enemy Unknown.
69524 UFOCHSA.LHA 14182 14.08.1996 - - -
Botches UFO-Savefiles (adds money etc), needs
69525 UFOED.LHA 29908 17.12.1995 - 1391/Hottest 6 (1996)(PDSoft)[!].iso -
Saved game editor for Ufo The Enemy Unknown
Orginal name file: UfoEd.lha
69532 UHS-AMI.LZH 24341 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
Universal Hint System Hintfile Reader for
Amiga - The program that gives you
the ability, to read the newer
expanded Hintfiles, allowing to read all
Hintfiles created under revision 91b and
lower, including revisions 91a and
88a. * Universaali vinkkijärjestelmä,
vinkkejä löytyy PC-pelialueilta
UHS-hakusanalla *
69983 WDCPICS.LHA 139748 21.12.1996 - - -
Kuvia Worms Director's Cut -pelistä. Team 17.
70025 WFRPGEN.LHA 94881 14.08.1996 - - -
character Generator for the Warhammer Fantasy
Roleplay system.
23738 WZKL0995.LHA 249,9 kt 08.05.1998 - - -
Wzonka-Lad v0.99.5 - a Nintendo Gameboy Emulator.
23739 WZL099.LHA 237,9 kt 10.02.1998 - - -
Wzonka-Lad v0.99 - A Finnish Gameboy emulator
23740 WZNK0999.LHA 252,5 kt 06.06.1998 - - -
Wzonka-Lad v0.99.9 - A Nintendo Gameboy-emulator.
23741 XTRRICON.LHA 2646 26.02.1996 - - -
Käynnistysikoni XTreme Racing -pelille.
23742 XTRSERIA.TXT 2544 13.02.1996 - - -
Kertoo ohjekirjaa tarkemmin kuinka linkki-
peliä tulee XTreme Racingissa käyttää.
Silltunna Software.
23743 XTRTILES.LHA 65081 29.08.1996 - - -
Ratagrafiikoita XTreme Racingiin.
23744 YMSC-01.LHA 255458 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
1/11, 1-A, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
example:3D-Meteor_Storm, 3D-Tank_Due l,
Airwolf,Alchemist, Alien8, Ant_Attack,
23745 YMSC-02.LHA 242468 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
2/11, A-C, 16 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
example:Automania, Backpackers, Back ToSkool,
Batman, Caterpilla
23746 YMSC-03.LHA 266876 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
3/11, C-C, 16 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
example:Cauldron, Cauldron2, Chuckie
_Egg1+2,Codename_Mat 1+2, Crossfire,
23747 YMSC-04.LHA 279712 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
4/11, D-F, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
Driller_DEMO,DynamiteDan 1+2,
23748 YMSC-05.LHA 230657 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
5/11, G-J, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
example:Games_Designer, Gauntlet, He
gry Horace, IkariWarriors,Jet set Willy 1+2,
23749 YMSC-06.LHA 277336 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
6/11, K-M, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
example:Knightlore, Kong, Lander, Lu
nar_Jetman,Lunar_Lander, MagicCarpet,
Mean_Streak_DEMO,Monty_Mole, Mugsy
23750 YMSC-07.LHA 232006 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
7/11, N-P, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
example:Necropolis, Night_Fly, Overl ords,
Pacland, Paperboy, Penetrator,
Pitfall2Planet_of_Death, Psion, PSSST
23751 YMSC-08.LHA 225780 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
8/11, R-S, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
example:Raider, Rambo_III, Saboteur,
Saboteur_II, Sabre_Wulf, Scuba_Dive
23752 YMSC-09.LHA 287261 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
9/11, S-T, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
example:Shuttle_Simulator, Space Int
ruders,Space Missile Command,
Space_Panic,Space_Quest, Spectrum Voice
Chess,Splat, Spy_VS_Spy,
Star_Raiders_II,Styx, Test Drive 2,
23753 YMSC-10.LHA 181850 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
10/11, T-U, 16 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
example:The_Train_Game, Tir_Na_Nog,
Tomahawk,Trans_Am, Underwurlde.Plus number of
utilities likeZeus Z80-assembler.
23754 YMSC-11.LHA 96333 10.11.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk
11/11, W-Z, 7 out of 174 files.All Spectrum
software usable with mostSpectrum emulators
on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga
DD disk.This archive includes for
example:Wheelie, Who Dares Wins 2,  Winged
Warlords, Wizard's_Warriors,Zaxxan, Zebbedy,
23755 ZOOLHD14.LHA 24,2 kt 08.06.1997 - - -
HD Installer for Zool ECS V1.4.
23756 ZRADOINS.LHA 2,4 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
Better instruments for ADoom.
22935 ABC.LHA 247188 20.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A abc's learning program for youngsters
features digitized voice and helps a child
gain coordinatin with the mouse.Educational
Type: game/miscAuthor: dloeser@iglou.com
22936 CLOWNAR.LHA 963628 13.01.1995 - - -
Clown Around - Educational game for the
young. Counting, adding, taking awayand just
clowning around.
22937 MAGSTBO.LHA 355441 23.08.1996 - - -
MAGIC STORYBOOK, truly unique, interactive
package for children of all ages! one of
the most versatile educational packages
currently available for any computer.
Children can use this remarkable program:
-To effortlessly create illustrated stories,
cartoons or animated models  -To bring these
stories to life with easy animation -To add
atmospheric sound effects -To save and print
out their work.
23157 NIGH_MA.LHA 123997 21.12.1994 - - -
Night Math AttackEducational math gameNight
Math Attack is a motivational game for
practicing all 4 math operations (addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division),
created with help from an educational
22938 AAJETFIX.LHA 13,6 kt 17.03.1998 - 3294/Aminet 25 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1998].iso -
Bugfix for JetPilot.
22939 AB3DPTCH.LHA 233287 10.02.1996 - - -
Päivitys Alien Breed 3D:hen. Lisää peliin
kahdeksankanavaisen surround-äänen ja korjaa
paljon muita bugeja. Team 17. Ei
valitettavasti toimi kunnolla jos käytät
patchia jolla pelin alkuun liitetään
musiikki, joten poista se.
23015 AGAFIXES.DMS 235815 09.12.1994 - 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso -
Fikseja peleihin joilla on vaikeuksia
- Powermonger, Powermonger WW1 data disk,
- Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker
- R-Type, Shadowlands, Heimdall, Last
- Ninja 3, Speedball 2
Fiksit toimivat tietenkin vain alkuperäisissä
22940 BB108UPD.LHA 515,3 kt 12.12.1997 - - -
Update BackBone to version 1.08.
22941 BB113UPD.LHA 214,3 kt 06.01.1998 - - -
Update BackBone v1.13 -> v1.14.
22942 BDUPD161.LHA 133,9 kt 05.06.1997 - MBCD -
Update BattleDuel V1.6.(80|96) -> V1.6.100 Aminet name: BattleDuel_Upd.lha
61485 BLDDUPDT.LHA 170308 23.06.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
BoulderDaesh V2.47 -> V2.54.
Orginal name: boulderupdate.lha
22943 BLDRU423.LHA 596,4 kt 29.05.1998 - - -
Update Boulderdäsh to version 4.23
22944 BLDS420U.LHA 607,3 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
Update Boulderdäsh to 4.20.
22945 BLDUP258.LHA 187866 05.08.1996 - - -
Updates BoulderDaesh V2.47 and above to V2.58
22946 BREAT060.LHA 70830 18.06.1996 - - -
68060-päivitys Breathlessiin. Tavallisesti
peli käyttää komentoja joita ei 68060:sta
löydy, jolloin softallinen emulaatio hidastaa
toimintaa. Tämä päivitys ei näitä komentoja
käytä, joten peli pyörii nopeammin. Vaatii
alkuperäisen Breathlessin.
22947 BREATHLE.LHA 71323 13.02.1996 - 17108/TEKNO 3-1996.iso -
Breathless - Päivitys versioon 1.1. Vaatii
alkuperäisen pelin. Lisää peliin mm. hiiri-
ohjauksen, nopeuttaa ruudun piirtoa ja korjaa
bugeja. Fields of Vision.
22948 BSII115F.LHA 75,9 kt 12.01.1998 - - -
Bugfix for BattleShips II 1.15
23044 BUBBLEBO.LHA 128522 09.12.1994 - - -
Fix: korjaa alkuperaisen Bubble Bobble -pelin
toimimaan uudempien OS-versioiden alla
(2.0-3.0) V1.15
22949 BUPD360.LHA 361,9 kt 18.04.1997 - - -
Update Boulderdaesh to 3.60.
22950 CIVUPA.LHA 201183 26.04.1996 - - -
Civilization -Amiga version update. MPS.
22951 CP11UPDA.LHA 302,7 kt 27.02.1997 - - -
Capital Punishment 1.1 - Päivitys.
22952 CPSTART.LHA 7182 14.01.1997 - 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin -
Käynnistysskripti Capital Punishmentiin. Ajaa
pelin RAD-levyn kautta niin, että muistin
vähyys ei estä ajamasta peliä WB:stä.
23063 DMPATCH.LZH 10847 09.12.1994 - aminet.net -
Patch to install Dungeon Master on hard drive
23074 EPICFIX.LZH 8018 09.12.1994 - aminet.net -
Korjaa alkuperaisen EPICin (vanhanversion)
toimimaan mm. FAST-muistilla varustetuissa
22953 F15202.LZH 117786 21.03.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
F-15 Strike Eagle II - Päivitys versioon 02.
22954 F1GP1997.LHA 3908 31.12.1996 - 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso -
1997 datafile for use with F1GP-Ed v3 and
MicroProse's Formula One Grand Prix / World
Circuit game. - Aminet name: F1GP_1997.lha
22955 F1GPU320.LHA 94549 12.12.1996 - 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso -
Patch F1GP-Ed 3.20 to 3.23 - Note that you
MUST already have v3.20 installed somewhere.
Aminet name: F1GP-Ed_Upd320.lha
22956 F1GPU331.LHA 83,2 kt 02.09.1997 - - -
Patch F1GP-Ed 3.31 to 3.34
22957 F1GPU333.LHA 61,1 kt 02.09.1997 - - -
Patch F1GP-Ed 3.33 to 3.34
23086 FIXALIEN.LHA 12445 09.12.1994 - 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin -
Patchi Alien Breed Special Editioniin. Korjaa
joissain versioissa olleen bugin tasolla 8.
23087 FIXARCHO.LZH 20325 09.12.1994 - - -
Patch to run Archon under later OS versions.
23088 FIXE_AGA.LHA 10590 09.12.1994 - - -
Korjauksia peleihin AGA-Amigoissatoimimista
varten:- Powermonger, Powermonger WWI,
R-Type,- JWWS, Mega-Lo-Mania
23089 FIXLLAMA.LHA 5150 09.12.1994 - - -
Update to Llamatron
23091 FRON2AGA.LHA 9155 03.12.1994 - 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin -
Frontier patchi,paikkaa Frontierin (Elite II)
toimimaanVGA-tilassa AGA-Amigoissa (ehka
23092 FRONPTCH.LHA 1652 03.12.1994 - - -
Elite II: Frontier -patch. Luo Frontieriin
Exit-nappulan (palauttaa käyttöjärjestelmään)
64570 GPPCH30.LHA 71811 14.09.1995 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Formula One Grand Prix -patch v3.00. Lisää
frameja ja siten pehmentää pelielämystä
nopeammilla koneilla.
64663 HACKAB3D.LHA 110118 17.11.1995 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Lisää alkumusiikin Alien Breed 3D:hen. Team
17 on julkistanut pelin alkumusiikin
julkiseen levitykseen kun se ei mahtunut
pelin levykkeille. Tämä patchi ei muuta
alkuperäistä ohjelmaa mitenkään.
64925 HUNTERFX.LHA 52771 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
Hunter fix for AGA & 68020+. v1.00
65045 IKERISUP.LHA 65016 22.01.1996 - - -
Päivitys peliin IKERISX.LHA, korjaa pelissä
ilmentyneen bugin sekä antaa mahdollisuuden
ladata omia musiikkimoduuleja pelin
taustalle. Vaatii asennetun Ikeriksen.
65266 IVN-CAFX.LHA 1749 17.12.1995 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
AGA-korjaus Interplayn Castles-peliin.
65690 LEMS2HD.LHA 267743 21.12.1995 - aminet.net -
Patch Lemmings 2 to run from HD
23131 LINKS153.LZH 80573 09.12.1994 - aminet.net -
Links -golfpelin päivitys versiosta 1.5x
versioon V1.53. Access Software.
23141 MARBLEPA.LHA 6830 09.12.1994 - - -
Päivittää Marble Maddnessin toimimaan OS 2.X+
ja kiintolevyn kanssa.
67193 PF1GP-18.LHA 14603 21.12.1995 - - -
F1GP/WC patch that increases frame rate!
68019 RSR02.LZH 216762 14.06.1996 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
Amiga Red Storm Rising, Version 2 MicroProse.
68397 SIMCITY1.LHA 175627 14.06.1996 - - -
Simcity V1.4 update
68643 SSIIHD.LZH 5701 27.04.1996 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
Silent Service II updated Hard Disk
69166 TKGPA345.LHA 48203 04.11.1996 - MBCD -
TKGPatch 34.5 - an utility to speed up and
enhance AB3D2: The Killing Grounds. - Aminet
name: TKGTurboPatch.lha
69167 TKGPATCH.LHA 267136 17.08.1996 - 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin -
Päivitys Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing
Groundsiin. Korjaa pelin tasoeditoria
vaivanneet ongelmat.
70189 WRMSHELL.LHA 24457 17.11.1996 - - tupla
WormsShell 0.3 - Epävirallinen päivitys
Wormsiin. Korjaa bugeja yms yms.
70190 WRMSHL04.LHA 27605 12.12.1996 - MBCD -
WormsShell 0.4 - Bug fixes and hacks for
70367 XTRPCH.LHA 300639 23.01.1996 - 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin -
Korjaa Xtreme Racingin musiikkiongelmat
MBX-kiihdyttimellä varustetuissa koneissa.
Sisältää myös Xtreme Racing FAQ:n.
70380 YAGG119U.LHA 77239 27.06.1996 - 3281/Aminet 13 - August 1996.iso -
Yagg 1.17 --> 1.19  upgrade / vect. game
Required: Yagg117.lha, Fast amiga and KS v39+
23947 AB3DPLSO.LHA 4472 29.05.1995 - - -
Alien Breed 3D:n ensimmäisen pelattavan
esittelyversion kartta ja ratkaisu.
23948 BLOODHLP.LHA 1911 19.05.1995 - - -
Bloodnet solve
23949 BTSOL.LHA 45,7 kt 30.04.1997 - - -
"Solutions for Bards Tale III and III."
23950 FBSOLVE.LHA 5,6 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Flashback solve
23951 INDYSOL.LHA 11,4 kt 30.04.1997 - - -
Solutions for Indiana Jones III and IV.
23952 MISOL.LHA 12,8 kt 30.04.1997 - - -
Solutions for Monkey Island I & II.
23953 SIMONSOL.LHA 5,8 kt 06.04.1997 renamed aminet.net tupla
Simon The Sorcerer solve
60345 AADOM094.LHA 623784 08.12.1996 - - tupla
Amiga versio nethack tyylisest ä pelistä.RPG
Ancient Domains Of Mystery V0.9.4
Vaatii väh. 2Mb muistia ja mielellään
nopean koneen.
23954 AD099G80.LHA 898 kt 26.01.1998 - - -
Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.99G8 A Nethack-like RPG-game
23955 AD099G82.LHA 891,1 kt 26.01.1998 - - -
Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.99G8 (68020)
23956 AD099G84.LHA 890,7 kt 26.01.1998 - - -
Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.99G8 (68040)
23957 ANG279V5.LHA 704436 24.03.1996 - MBCD -
Angband V2.7.9v5 - Todella mahtava
Moria/UMoria/Hack/Nethack tyylinen
seikkailu peli. Sis. Grafiikat ja äänet
Vaatii. OS2+ ja 68020+!
23958 ANGB283.LHA 694,5 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
Angband v2.8.3 - Nethack-like RPG-game.
23021 ARCH.LZH 81890 16.12.1994 - - -
Arch, Amoksella tehty
suomalainenPD-roolipeli. Valm. Gargoyle
23959 CITADEL.LHA 508,6 kt 31.10.1997 - aminet.net -
Dark Citadel - a RPG-game by F1 Software. Requires at least 1MB of RAM.
23960 CRYPTOD.LZH 49846 06.04.1995 - - -
Kotimainen NETHACK klooni. Kenties hivenen
koominen. Taistele kammottavia pupuja,
sokeita kaapioita jne. vastaan kuoleman
23961 CRYPTSOD.LZH 49810 08.04.1995 - - -
Moria/Nethack tyylinen humoristinen
62488 CURSE055.LHA 395927 21.12.1995 - - tupla
very good looking RPG.requirements:- Any 68k
CPU (68020 or better recommended!)- 320kb
CHIP and 150kb of any memory- 1.5mb free hd
spacefeatures:- Great 3D landscape ;)- System
friendly ;)
23962 CURSE090.LHA 643344 08.07.1996 - MBCD -
Cursed Kingdoms 0.90 - Roolipeli.
23060 CWMMOR12.LHA 421636 16.12.1994 - Turran - Zenlandia -
CWMmoria 1.2.0: A "Rogue"-like
single-playerdungeon exploration game.
23963 CYBSPCHD.LHA 919785 06.06.1996 - MBCD -
Cyberspace V1.0 - This game discribes the
life of a computerfreak in the year >2100.
Full installed version. SHAREWARE. Original
file name: CyberSpcHD.lha
23964 DOTDFIX.LHA 1,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
New text based zombie RPG with GFX & SFX
23105 HACK10.DMS 221298 17.12.1994 - - -
Hack V1.0
Todellista klassista pelaamista. Ökyvanha,
historiallinen Hack Amigan V1.0 -versiossaan.
23128 LARN.DMS 259207 17.12.1994 - - -
Hack/Nethack-mallinen roolipeli, mutta
yksinkertaisempi, helpompi ja grafiikalla.
23127 LARN12.DMS 259122 17.12.1994 - - -
Larn 12.0
Hack/Nethack-mallinen roolipeli, mutta
yksinkertaisempi, helpompi ja grafiikalla.
23129 LEGENLOT.LHA 181806 16.12.1994 - - -
Legend of Lothian, Ultima I tyyppinen
23143 MECHFIGH.DMS 292047 17.12.1994 - - -
66266 MORIA.DMS 410610 17.12.1994 - - tupla
roolipeli, hack-tyyppinen
66267 MORIA30.DMS 456361 17.12.1994 - - tupla
Moria 3.0:Demon's Winter
roolipeli, hack-tyyppinen
23150 MORIA521.DMS 382979 17.12.1994 - - -
Moria 5.21
roolipeli, hack-tyyppinen
66540 NETH3PL.DMS 493052 17.12.1994 - - -
Nethack 3++
66541 NETHAC32.LHA 1089870 05.05.1996 - MBCD tupla
Nethack 3.2, binary files. Latest version
of NetHack. Includes graphics etc.
66574 NH311AM1.LZH 428528 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
Nethack Amiga V3.11 1/2
66575 NH311AM2.LZH 461748 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
Nethack Amiga V3.11 2/2
23965 NH322B7.LHA 1,2 Mt 23.02.1998 - - -
NetHack v3.22 beta 7, unofficial port.The most famous RPG just got better.
23966 OMEG802B.LHA 311462 15.01.1995 - - -
Omega 0.80.2 bin+lib
Merkkigrafiikalla toimiva versio Omega-rooli-
pelistä alkuperäisen UNIX-version tapaan.
23967 QUESTFP.LZH 57719 08.04.1995 - - -
Roolipeli. Mailmasta löytyy monia tehtäviä ja
lukuisia vastustajia. Aina erilainen kartta,
mutta juoni ja paikat ovat samoja.
23968 SENDA073.LHA 1,1 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Sendai 0.73 - anime-style RPG-game with nice gfx&sound.
23969 SZENA203.LHA 1511138 06.06.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Szenarion V2.03 - Rolegame combat tool, 0-4
Players. - Requires: OS2+, 68020+ (MMU),
flickerfixer (NTSCHIGHRESLACED) or AGA-
chipset (EURO72), harddisk (5MB), 3MB+ RAM.
SHAREWARE -Original name: SzenarionV2.03.lha
23927 5KINVADE.LHA 8 kt 17.02.1997 - aminet.net -
Good space invaders clone, only 5k! Should work on all Amigas.
23928 AANTICS.LHA 800,3 kt 11.03.1997 - amiga_upload_9703.iso -
Albatross Antics - fast and furious 1 or 2 player combat simulation.
23929 ABS03013.LHA 306,7 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Abuse v1.3, 030-version.
23930 ABS04013.LHA 305,9 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Abuse v1.3, 040-version.
23931 ABS06013.LHA 304,3 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Abuse v1.3, 060-version.
23932 ABSBS13.LHA 188,7 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Abuse v1.3, base archive.
23933 ADESC01.LHA 1,6 Mt 16.02.1998 - - -
ADescent v0.1 Alpha - early Descent-port for Amiga. At the moment it is slow, has many bugs and requires CGFX/P96, but this is how it begins!
23934 ADESC05.LHA 286,8 kt 06.04.1998 - - -
ADescent v0.5 - an Amiga-port of Descent. This version has assembly-optimized texturemapping.
23935 ADESC05V.LHA 297,9 kt 07.04.1998 - - -
ADescent v0.5 Virge - a Virge-version of ADescent v0.5. Requires CV64/3D.
23936 ADESC07.LHA 301,9 kt 20.05.1998 - - -
ADescent v0.7 - Descent-port for Amiga. Now with 2 player-support!
23937 ADESC07V.LHA 314,6 kt 20.05.1998 - - -
ADescent v0.7, Virge-version.
23938 ADMPPC12.LHA 327,5 kt 08.04.1998 - - -
ADoom 1.2 PPC version - PPC-conversion of ADoom.
23939 ADOOM12.LHA 402,6 kt 13.03.1998 - - -
ADoom v1.2 - an Amiga-port of Doom. ADoom has a TCP/IP-, IPX-, modem- and serial-support, selectable screenmode between 320x200-1600x1200 and some other features. Version 1.2 includes new sound routines: now up to 16 sounds can be played simultaneously!
23940 AHRTC01.LHA 182,4 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
"AHeretic v0.1 - Amiga-port of Heretic. Its still in very early beta stageso many functions are missing and it is unstablebut you can test it."
23941 AIRWAR.DMS 95954 14.04.1996 - - -
Hieno SEUCKilla tehty lentokoneräiskintä,
ei kovin pitkä, mutta laadukas.. kuin compun
(c-46) 1942.. ime..
23942 ALIBASH2.LHA 555178 08.07.1996 - MBCD -
Alien Bash 2 - Räiskintäpeli. Ks. MikroBitti
23018 AMEGR081.LHA 97053 10.11.1994 - - -
AGAM! Amega Race V0.81,Omega Race-klooni,
23943 AMIDO110.LHA 620,7 kt 28.01.1998 - - -
AmigaDoom v1.10 - another port of Doom for Amiga. Requires ixemul.library
23944 AMIDOOM.LZX 156,6 kt 30.12.1997 - 20470/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 25 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-03].iso -
AmiDOOM - Porttaus id Softwaren vapaaseen levitykseen julkaisemasta DOOMin lähdekoodista. Vaatii ixemul V47:n ja FPU:n. Vaatii myös DOOMin WAD-tiedoston.
23945 AMPUBETA.LHA 1635234 09.09.1996 - MBCD -
Hyvä wormsin tapainen artillery peli.
vaatii AGA, nopean koneen, 1.7 mb chip
,1 mb fast..... freeware!!!!!
23022 ARMAGEDD.LHA 53968 16.12.1994 - - -
23026 ASSAULT.DMS 195713 17.12.1994 - 14378/Merciful - Disc 1.iso -
De Bond (1992)
ammuskellaan naamoja ikkunoissa
23027 ASTR092.LHA 163556 16.12.1994 - - -
Asteriods II V0.92 Mahtava OS2+
Asteroids-klooni1-2 pelaajaa, lisäaseita,
bonuksia yms. kaikkea mahdollista.
23034 BATTLEC.DMS 54135 17.12.1994 - - -
arcade, 1-2 pelaajan autotaistelu
23946 BH196.LHA 449,2 kt 20.01.1997 - 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso -
"Brutal Hom\xadc\xadde v1.96 - A very good shoot- your-friend gamevery nice gfx100% assembler. Many weaponstrapsmazesand alike. - This version is NOT CRIPPLEWARE! Its completly working and Free Ware. Works on all Amigas with 1Mb chipmem."
61393 BIACCOAR.LHA 158425 21.12.1995 - - -
superbiaccoproject, Nibbler arcade clone V0.0
Type: game/misc. Plain conversionof an old
61495 BLOBCOMB.LHA 132097 18.01.1996 - - -
Blob Combat, simple yet addictive game which
requires only 1/2 friends and AMIGA 1200.
You are a blob who must fight for your life
in an arena against other blobs.
61506 BLOODTWR.LZH 76848 08.04.1995 - - -
Doom / DungeonMaster tyylinen shoot`em up.
61609 BPLANES1.LZH 177154 17.10.1996 - - -
Biplane Aces - lentsikkapeli amigalle Versio
1.1; uutta mm. instant replayt. Vaatii A500,
1mt muistia (tai paremman:)
61629 BRATWRST.LHA 224849 21.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Bratwurst, v1.0B, A Roketz-like game for two
to four players. Automatic zoom keeps all
players in view in the least possiblearea,
vector graphics. Very nice, with clever idea.
Worth checking for TurboRakettietc fans.
61701 BSTS_II.LHA 370135 05.12.1996 - MBCD -
Tanx meets Worms new game from 5DL
23045 BUZZBAR.LHA 115192 16.12.1994 - MBCD -
AGAM! Project Buzz Bar, Asteroids meets
Defender! Fast, good looking shoot'em'up
61851 CARNAGE.LHA 634077 21.12.1995 - MBCD -
CARNAGE - version 1.00 Public. Intense hires
seek & kill game. Type: game/2playAddictive
two player game in which you must seek out
and kill your opponent with the nastiest
weapon you can find. 2D splitscreen overhead
scroller features high-res grap hics, stereo
sound, mazes, teleports, all kinds of weapons
ranging from rifles to bazookas, and
terrifying killer robots that seem to know
your every move. Sserial/modem link support.
Supports AGA if available.Requires: 1.5M
61892 CCC.LHA 426034 21.12.1995 - aminet.net -
Crunch Crumble & Chomp; Version 0.9Destroy a
large city with your monster.You guide a
monster on its career of trashing a large
city. Your objective; to destroy as much of
the city as possible before your monster is
destroyed by the military. keyboa rd
controlled for one player.Type:
game/miscAuthor:   Ronald F. PicardiTested:
A500, A600, A2000, CD32-SX1,
A4000/40Requires:Any Amiga with 1 meg or more
62789 DEPCHARG.LHA 61152 13.01.1995 - - -
DEPTHCHARGE by Neil Strotton - based on an
old arcade game. You control a submarine
destroyer and must destroy as many enemy
submarines as possible
62796 DESCEND.LHA 53295 13.01.1995 - - -
DESCENDER is a game in the tradition of the
vector graphic arcade game TEMPEST.
23061 DGALAG23.LHA 362029 10.11.1994 - MBCD -
AGAM! Deluxe Galaga
perustuvanautittava shoot'em'up.
63044 DMG-WLF2.LHA 298141 15.04.1996 - - -
A Walkaround 3D Game the Style of ROTT.
Floor, ceiling, sky and wall tmap. Map
editor, iff textures - interactivity!
REQUIRES: A500, A1200/030 recommended. With
040 and 060 reported to crash. Sequel to
DamageWolf3D. - STL / Damage (code) Bartosz
Boruta (graphics) Apologizes for some ripped
63075 DOGFIG10.LHA 112896 03.09.1995 - - -
Dogfight v1.0. Pelin alussa kaksi pelaajaa ja
kaksi konetta, lopussa kaksi pelaajaa mutta
vain yksi kone. AMOS:lla toteutettu
63076 DOGFIGHT.LHA 64256 03.09.1995 - MBCD -
Dogfight v1.22. Neljän pelattava
23078 FART.DMS 295268 17.12.1994 - - -
Suomalainen mielikuva klassisesta 8-bitisten
huippupelistä Nemesis The Warlock :-)
23081 FEARS.LHA 228092 24.12.1994 - 3328/Aminet 9 (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1995].iso -
Fears - Wolfenstein 3D tyylinen peli
AGA-koneille. Pelattavassa demossa yksi taso
hirviöineen, avaimineen ja erilaisine
aseineen. Shareware.
64325 FTPREVW.LHA 492564 26.04.1996 - - -
Flying Tigers, Helicopter Arcade Game
Playable-Preview * game/shoot* side-scrolling
Attack Helicopter Arcade/Sim, fast action,
realistic Controls, Enemies, and Weapon
Systems.  Fly one of 7 different modern
Helicopter Gunships. Big Explosions and
Digitized Voices. Works on most OS and
models. Req. 1 Mb. Extra chip made for good.
23099 G-OID.LHA 81581 16.12.1994 - - -
GALACTOID ShareWareGalactoid is a 1 or 2
player shoot-em-up game that resembles the
old classic shoot-em-ups Galaxian and Galaga.
There are 30 different progressively harder
64379 GALAGA24.LHA 381686 15.01.1995 - Turran - Boondox_BBS tupla
Deluxe Galaga v2.4
64380 GALAGA26.LHA 875458 16.05.1995 - MBCD tupla
DELUXE GALAGA v2.6       Shooted by 
64475 GF2V110.LHA 258967 22.01.1996 - MBCD -
Gravity Force II v1.10 Sisältää linkki-
mahdollisuuden. Tekijä: Jens Andersson.
64591 GRAV_F.LHA 82488 03.11.1996 - MBCD -
Gravity Fight. It's like Worms in space!
23101 GRAVWARS.DMS 368074 17.12.1994 - - -
Gravity Wars + Tanx
action-strategia, arcade
Avaruusaluksilla ammuskelemista raakojen
painovoimien ympäröimänä, sekä tankki-
23106 HARRIER.LHA 24204 16.12.1994 - aminet.net -
AGAM! Harrier Attack,
kaannettynaAmigalle. Sarjaa "vanhat
hyvat8-bit pelit".
64724 HCBOMBER.LHA 152105 02.06.1996 - MBCD -
Hardcore BOMBERBOY version 1.02-4 plrs, 6 gfx
sets, level editor,great playability and a
lot more...(C) OverFlow 1996
64772 HELLZONE.LHA 454284 13.01.1995 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Hellzone shoot'em'up
64793 HF-SMS2.DMS 154168 21.12.1995 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Sensible Massacre II, hupaisa arcade/
räiskintäpeli jossa ajetaan
raivaustraktorilla jalkapallokentällä
niistäen kaikki liikkuva.
23107 HIGHFLY.EXE 124600 16.12.1994 - - -
Highflyers by Nikki Corruptions
KUUDEN (!) pelaaman pieni lentokone-
shoot'em'uppi. Nelja joikkaa adapterilla
ja kaksi pelaajaa nappikselle (tai 2
65017 IFO.LHA 432016 16.05.1996 - MBCD -
I.F.O. on 2 pelattava peli, jossa on
tarkoitus ampua toinen pelaaja. Pelissä
liikutaan ylhäältä päin kuvatussa
sokkelossa. Toimii kaikissa 1 Mt Amigoissa.
23116 INCINERA.LHA 241888 16.12.1994 - MBCD -
AGAM! Incinerator demo version,Share Ware
shoot'em'up, klassisenMissile Commandin
tyyliin.Erikoisuuksiakaksinpeli toisen
ampuessa ohjuksiatoisen puolustautuessa,
suojakentat,helikopterit yms. Hieno.
65253 ITP_DEMO.LHA 389691 29.10.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Playable Demo of Dark Unicorn's
latestproduction!  Features multiple levels,
3D tunnel screens, hundreds of sprite frames&
more.  From Psychosoft
23123 KNINPEAK.DMS 714702 17.12.1994 - - -
Knin Peaks
Näkökulma Balkanin kriisiin, Kroatian
taisteluiden ajalta. Kroatialainen peli,
jossa ammutaan Serbien johtajia.
65686 LEMMINGN.LHA 509669 13.01.1995 - - -
Lemmingoids - Asteroids with Lemmings!
23140 MANGLEDF.LHA 395002 16.12.1994 - MBCD -
AGAM! MANGLED FENDERS demo versionYou can
wreck a golf course, drive onthe moon, even
park in a handicapped stall, but don't think
you're going to get away with it. Mangled
Fenders Demo is top view, 6 player demo-derby
game, where objective is destr oy all of the
other vehicles by crashing into them.  Cash
awards,different types of vehicles,bonuses
and customizable cars.Hectic action and
vehicle crashing!by Pete W Storonskij, whose
other gamesare Incinerator, Castle
65968 MARAT15B.LHA 407073 24.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
Marathon 1.5b (19.11.96) - Kahden pelattava
Cannon Fodderin ja Syndicaten kaltainen toi-
mintapeli. - Vaatii: 68020+ ja 1MB chippiä.
Aminet nimi: marathon.lha
66116 MFTANKS.DMS 381133 06.05.1995 - grandis.nu/turran -
M.F.Tanks, klassisen 3D-tankkiräiskinnän
23145 MICROBE.LHA 108386 16.12.1994 - - -
Microbes,raivokas PD-shoot'em'up.
Yksi parhaista Amigan PD-peleistä.
23147 MINIBLAS.LHA 61679 16.12.1994 - 21187/Excalibur_52_cd.bin -
Miniblast,mainio moniajossa toimiva
shoot'em'up. EI yhteensopiva uusien koneiden
23148 MISSLCOM.LHA 52595 16.12.1994 - - -
Missile CommandLoistava versio
klassisestaMissile Command-pelistä.
Moniajaa, interlace-ruutu, paljon toimintaaja
hyvät äänet.
23152 MOTI_1.DMS 129225 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
Motorola Invaders II AGA
hulpakka ja räväkkä shoot'em'up 1/2
23153 MOTI_2.DMS 695743 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
Motorola Invaders II AGA
hulpakka ja räväkkä shoot'em'up 2/2
66281 MOTORDUE.LHA 333932 25.02.1996 - MBCD -
Motor Duel Version 1.1Updated version of
BattleCarsType: game/shoot  Org.Name:
Motor_Duel.lha3d driving game for 1/2 pl with
object todestroy opponent's car. Simple but
fun!Weapons available are a machine gun,
radarguided missiles, and, in the two p layer
game,a set of ram-plates (handy for
ramming).Null-modem(serial link) playable.
23166 PACWARS.LHA 126991 10.11.1994 - - -
Pacman Wars v1.03
Released on 10.10.1994
A fast,tactical two player game from Zymosis.
67380 POWERO13.LHA 439010 23.06.1996 - MBCD -
Multitasking Asteroids, raytraced gfx,
1-4 players. ShareWare.
67410 PREDATOR.LHA 98976 29.10.1995 - 3325/Aminet 6 - June 1995.iso -
Galactic Predator - Vauhdikas räiskintäpeli.
67714 RAID2.LHA 100922 16.04.1996 - MBCD -
Raid 2 - Räiskintäpeli.
23187 ROKETZ.LHA 645039 03.12.1994 - - -
Roketz,loistava virolainen arcadepeli,Share
Warea. TurboRaketti I/II-tyylinenmutta
renderoidulla grafiikalla jauusilla
ideoillakin. Ehdoton!
68234 SCORC185.LHA 449298 29.10.1995 - MBCD -
Scorched Tanks v1.85  Shareware version -70
weapons total  /  10 new -New music by
Sidewinder -More graphics   -better in-game
graphics like    Scrolling backdrops and
bullet trails   -improved between graphics
for that    closer to commercial feel . -16
and 64 color graphics modesScorched Tanks is
a 'tank' artillery gamewhere 2 to 4 human or
computer playersselect different weapons and
shields fordefending themselves and
skillfully attacking their opponents.
68282 SED.LHA 212070 29.10.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Super Earth Defense - Ammuskelupeli, jossa
ammutaan taivaalta tippuvia vihulaisia.
68346 SHEEPSHO.LHA 163184 25.11.1996 - aminet.net -
SheepShooter. Shoot as many sheeps in60
seconds than you can.
68508 SOLOASSA.LHA 434693 22.06.1996 - MBCD -
Solo Assault - Lievästi Star Wars -henkinen
avaruusräsikintä jossa ammuskellaan
meteoriitteja, vihollishävittäjiä ja
hutkitaan valomiekalla. Kannattaa katsastaa.
23205 SPACEWAR.LHA 91331 16.12.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
SpaceWar V1.11mahtava avaruustaistelupeli,2
alusta vastakkain avaruuden tyhjyydessä.
Asteroideja, aurinkoyms. roinaa, ja isot
68653 SSW138.LHA 181124 29.05.1995 - MBCD -
Solar System Wars V1.38, Two player space war
game in 53 systems.
Hauska avaruustaistelupeli, tukee
moninappisia ohjaimia, paljon erilaisia
aseita, hyvä pelattavuus.
68674 STANK175.LHA 498993 16.12.1994 - #Jope tupla
Scorched Tanks v1.75 - LATEST UPDATE - COOL!
68694 STARW1.DMS 495578 06.05.1995 - MBCD -
Starwoids - upea Share Ware räiskintäpeli
Star Wars tunnelmissa ja ympäristössä.
Kamppaile Imperiumia vastaan lentäen
X-WING -hävittäjällä, upeassa hiukkasen
Turboraketti/Roketz -kaltaisessa
lentelyssä. Amiga parhaita pelejä.
S/W-versiossa vaikeusaste erittäin korkea.
Toimii A500-A4000, kiintolevylle
installoitava. Ehdottomasti suositeltava
kokemus.                        1/2
68695 STARW2.DMS 497756 06.05.1995 - MBCD -
Starwoids - upea Share Ware räiskintäpeli
Star Wars tunnelmissa ja ympäristössä.
Kamppaile Imperiumia vastaan lentäen
X-WING -hävittäjällä, upeassa hiukkasen
Turboraketti/Roketz -kaltaisessa
lentelyssä. Amiga parhaita pelejä.
S/W-versiossa vaikeusaste erittäin korkea.
Toimii A500-A4000, kiintolevylle
installoitava. Ehdottomasti suositeltava
kokemus.                        2/2
68765 SUBSIM.LHA 64593 20.12.1995 - aminet.net -
Subsim - fire torpedos at your mates for free
!!!! (in the comfort of your own home)SubSim
is a 2-player demo of a three player game.
Simple shootingaction.
23215 SUPERAD4.DMS 154038 17.12.1994 - - -
Super Raid - Raid IV
68867 TAG.LHA 281831 20.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
TAG is a 2-player shoot em up where you fly
around a huge playing field and blast your
opponent! Simple, but very addictive!
23223 TANK_COM.LHA 191026 16.12.1994 - - -
Tank Combat
Tank Combat is based on the excellent
"Combat" game for that old At*ri VCS,
only tarted up a bit and with different
gameplay variations.
23222 TANKATTA.DMS 97320 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
Tank Attack
loistava 2-4 pelaajan
69486 TXIIV96.LHA 443906 21.12.1995 - aminet.net -
Thesius  XII v0.96           --
Underware Design (c) 1995 - A fast, simple
simple vertically scrolling action space
Shoot'em Up. Run s on ALL 1 MEG PAL Amigas
69528 UFOS.LHA 117274 21.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
UFOS, simple Shoot'em up for 2 playersType:
69902 WARLOCK.LHA 108211 12.04.1995 - MBCD -
Nemesis the Warlock. An absolutely
GREATconversion from the C64 original! This
isexactly like it with some GOOD
improvementslike 2 player simultaneuos game.
Even themusic by Rob Hubbard is there! AGA
owners,boot as OCS to make this work.
69922 WB-FART2.LHA 399083 17.12.1995 - grandis.nu/turran -
F.A.R.T. 2 4:44 arcade shooting game.
23248 WOUT13.LHA 172886 22.10.1994 - MBCD -
AGAM Wipeout 1.3 - cool violentshoot'em up
game! "The Ultimatenon-commercial shoot'em up
:-)"100% assembly. Features *16*
colouredparallax-scrolling on standard OCS.
by Tero Lehtonenl115130@cc.tut.fi∙
70273 XASTEROS.LHA 50716 21.12.1995 - - -
Xasteroids - asteroids style arcade game 020+
70286 XENOPHOB.LHA 183261 17.03.1996 - - -
Xenophobia - Shoot Em Up - Made By uNdue
70321 XPK310DE.LHA 27549 17.11.1996 - - tupla
XPK V3.10 - Compression package, developer's
edition. - Aminet name: xpk_Develop.lha
70379 YAGG117.LHA 486320 23.06.1996 - 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin tupla
Yagg 1.17 / The best vectorial gravity game.
70381 YAGG125.LHA 504525 11.11.1996 - - tupla
Yet Another Gravity Game 1.25 - Taas yksi
70382 YAGG126.LHA 504756 25.11.1996 - aminet.net -
YAGG 1.26. The best Gravity Force-type game.
23249 ZERBERK.LHA 113216 16.12.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Zerberk, Berzerk C64 käännös. Jälleen yksi
klassikkopeli uudelle koneelle
käännettynä. Hauska kokemus.
23970 ADVE660.LHA 281621 24.02.1996 - - -
Amiga executable and C source code of
660points version of Colossal Cave:
Adventure4+version 10.06 (26jul95), by Mike
Arnautov,ported to the Amiga by David
Kinder.This version merges Adventure II
byPeter Luckett and Jack Pike with Adventure
3(aka Ad venture 550) by Dave Platt.Requires
at least Kickstart 2.04.
23014 ADVENT80.LHA 76872 03.12.1994 - - -
Amiga versio klassisesta, maailman
ensimmaisestä tekstipelistä: Colossal Cave
Adventure Amiga, käännettynä UN*Xilta.
Todella historiallinen tapaus.
23971 ADVNTR.LHA 659928 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
The original textadventure.
23972 BITTIPUL.DMS 147619 21.12.1995 - - -
Bitti pulassa -tekstiseikkailu.
23043 BSTAR11.LHA 350662 16.12.1994 - - -
Battlestar V1.1Tekstipeli.
23973 CANNIADV.LHA 382133 24.02.1996 - - -
Cannibal Adventure, a short
graphics/textadventure by John Olsen. A
demonstrationof the capabilities of Aegis
Visionary, anauthoring system for text or
text/graphicsgames for the Amiga.
23974 CHM-AGA.LHA 2381097 24.02.1996 - - -
The Child Murderer AGA is a
text/graphicsadventure in which player takes
role of manaccused of a murder that he did
not commit.Takes place in Victorian England
and includesHAM8 graphics for locations.
Requires AGAmachine with 2 MB Ram and a hard
driv e.Due to the violent content in the game
it isrecommended for mature players
only.text/graphics adventure in horror genre
23975 CM1.LHA 380825 24.01.1996 - MBCD -
Child Murderer, Text/graphics adventure in
horror genre. games/role. takes place in
Victorian England. Requires 1 MB Ram, single
drive. violent content in the game.Disk 1/3.
23976 CM2.LHA 729391 24.01.1996 - MBCD -
Child Murderer, Text/graphics adventure in
horror genre. games/role. takes place in
Victorian England. Requires 1 MB Ram, single
drive. violent content in the game.Disk 2/3.
23977 CM3.LHA 759329 24.01.1996 - MBCD -
Child Murderer, Text/graphics adventure in
horror genre. games/role. takes place in
Victorian England. Requires 1 MB Ram, single
drive. violent content in the game.Disk 3/3.
23978 CMHD.LHA 1872523 24.02.1996 - - -
The Child Murderer AGA is a
text/graphicsadventure in which player takes
role of manaccused of a murder that he did
not commit.Takes place in Victorian England
and includesHAM graphics for locations.
Requires 1 MB andhard drive. Due to the
violent co ntent inthe game it is recommended
for mature playersonly. text/graphics
adventure in horror genreHARD DISK ONLY
23979 DON1.LHA 432161 14.08.1996 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
"In the Dead of Night", a thiller
anddetective story / Point'n'Click Graphic
Adventure game. game/role. 1/3
23980 DON2.LHA 756441 14.08.1996 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
"In the Dead of Night", a thiller
anddetective story / Point'n'Click Graphic
Adventure game. game/role. 2/3
23981 DON3.LHA 623987 14.08.1996 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
"In the Dead of Night", a thiller
anddetective story / Point'n'Click Graphic
Adventure game. game/role. 3/3
23982 DOSADV.LHA 4445 29.10.1995 - MBCD -
Valley of Mystery - Tekstiseikkailu.
Toimintatapa mielenkiintoinen: peli on
kokoelma AmigaDOS-skriptejä.
23068 DUNGEON.LZH 183854 16.12.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Portable (More or Less) DungeonSeikkailupeli
23983 DUNGN.LHA 301117 24.02.1996 - - -
Dungeon (the more or less public
domainversion of the original MIT Zork)
version2.7A from games/source/dungn27s.zip
portedto the Amiga by David Kinder
23984 EDM_GAME.LHA 2265822 23.10.1996 - MBCD -
Evil's Doom for AGA machines. Adventure /
role / dm-style dungeoms... Excellent
graphics, moody musics and real atmosphere.
Demo version.
23985 EP91.DMS 532424 24.01.1996 - MBCD -
Epsilon 9 - Science Fiction aiheinen
graafinen seikkailupeli Sierra/LucasArts/
AdventureSoft -tyyliin. Hieno. Tehty
G.R.A.C. V2.0:lla. Vaatii 1 Mb RAM,
mielellään 2 levyasema/kiintolevy 2 MB
68020.                                  1/2
23986 EP92.DMS 492652 24.01.1996 - MBCD -
Epsilon 9 - Science Fiction aiheinen
graafinen seikkailupeli Sierra/LucasArts/
AdventureSoft -tyyliin. Hieno. Tehty
G.R.A.C. V2.0:lla. Vaatii 1 Mb RAM,
mielellään 2 levyasema/kiintolevy 2 MB
68020.                                  2/2
23987 FRUSTRAT.DMS 348045 21.02.1996 - - -
Frustration, a text adventure game by
Jim MacBrayne
23988 GOLDENFL.DMS 173695 21.02.1996 - - -
The Golden Fleece, a text adventure by
Jim MacBrayne
23989 HAMTOWN.LHA 547,5 kt 31.10.1997 - - -
Escape from Hammy Town! - an adventure game in the style of Monkey Island and other LucasArts-games. Created with GRAAL.
23777 HOC_AMI.ZIP 5,9 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Heart of China - FreewareJulkaisija Dynamix/ Sierra, 1991. Kaupallinen peli julkaistuna vapaaseen levitykseen. Seikkailupeli. Asetu Jake "Lucky" Mastersin saappaisiin. Tehtäväsi on pelattaa rikkaan miehen kidnapattu tytär roistojen käsistä. Hiirellä ohjattava seikkailu joka yhdistää hyvän tarinan näyttävään grafiikkaan. Rise of the Dragonin enginellä tehty. Klassikkomateriaalia. Amiga-versio.
23778 HOLYGRAI.DMS 260782 21.02.1996 - - -
The Holy Grail, a text adventure by
Jim MacBrayne
23779 HUGECAVE.LZH 243032 21.02.1996 - - -
Adventure in Humongous Cave - 1000
pointsversion of Colossal Cave, based on
the550 points version written with AGTby
David Malmberg
23780 IDEMONS1.LHA 264364 21.02.1996 - - -
Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventureby
Michael Zerbo. Diskette version;disks 1
through 4, respectively.Text/Graphics
Adventure - take role of amadman, trying to
deal with thehallucinations that are haunting
his life.Includes full Save/Load featur es,
backgroundmusic and HAM graphics for nearly
everylocation. Requires 1 MB Ram, two
drivesrecommended (but not required). Due to
theviolent content in the game, it
isrecommended for mature players only.
23781 IDEMONS2.LHA 462922 21.02.1996 - - -
Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventureby
Michael Zerbo. Diskette version;disks 1
through 4, respectively.Text/Graphics
23782 IDEMONS3.LHA 493251 21.02.1996 - - -
Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventureby
Michael Zerbo. Diskette version;disks 1
through 4, respectively.Text/Graphics
23783 IDEMONS4.LHA 401695 21.02.1996 - - -
Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventureby
Michael Zerbo. Diskette version;disks 1
through 4, respectively.Text/Graphics
23122 KNIGHTS.LHA 240373 10.11.1994 - MBCD -
AGAM! KNIGHTSTwo-player game of brave knights
who wander deep in dangerous dungeons
pursuing their goal.Includes:* Almost 250
dungeon floorplan bases allowing almost
infinite number of different dungeons*
Excellent sound effects and nice violence *
Corpses and gore that does not vanish*
Flexible quest customization* Creatures with
nice sounds and tacticsRequires 2 players and
min. 1 joystickby Reaper 1993-1994(
23784 MURDER01.LHA 1340320 11.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli  (1/11)
Ratkaise murha videopätkien ryydittämässä
pelissä. Sharewarea.
23785 MURDER02.LHA 2396796 12.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli  (2/11)
23786 MURDER03.LHA 4142213 12.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli  (3/11)
23787 MURDER04.LHA 4438862 12.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli  (4/11)
23788 MURDER05.LHA 2424820 12.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli  (5/11)
23789 MURDER06.LHA 4533184 12.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli  (6/11)
23790 MURDER07.LHA 2792475 12.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli  (7/11)
23791 MURDER08.LHA 3603439 12.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli  (8/11)
23792 MURDER09.LHA 4268597 12.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli  (9/11)
23793 MURDER10.LHA 3423879 12.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (10/11)
23794 MURDER11.LHA 2114824 12.12.1995 - MBCD -
Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (11/11)
23174 PHARAOHS.LHA 109368 16.12.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Pharaoh's Curce 2pl arcadeadventure
23795 PSOCIETY.LHA 790634 14.08.1996 - - -
PanicSociety - Multilevel graphic puzzle
adventure. V1.1 game/role for Any amiga with
1 meg or more ram. Fights againstworld
dominated by fanatics, "The game is designed
to show the absurdity of New Wave religion,
the environmental movement, animal  rights
and political correctness, by it's use of
23796 ROTD_AM.ZIP 6 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Rise of the Dragon - FreewareDynamix/ Sierran 1990 julkaisema seikkailu nyt vapaaseen levitykseen julkaistuna. Hiiri/ näppäinohjattava aikuispelaajille suunnattu dekkari/seikkailu. Tapahtumat kuvataan pelaajan silmin. Tapahtumat etenevät reaaliajassa. Vahva tarina, kiintoisia hahmoja ja unenomainen, kiehtovan synkkä pelimaailma. Klassikko. Amiga-versio.
23797 SHEADSHD.LHA 884980 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
Severed Heads V1.1 HARD DISK
ONLYFuturistic/Horror Game games/role.The
year is 2255. There has beena rash of murders
at BioTech Laboratories,a cryogenic research
lab accused of using anillegal drug known as
Halcodil. The victims,young women, were al l
found decapitated andmutilated. Stop this and
find responsibleperson as undercover
agent.Text/graphics adventure for Amiga with
1 MBRam. Due to the violent content in the
gameit is recommended for mature players
23798 TADS2210.LHA 614355 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
TADS. The Text Adventure Developing
Systemv2.20. A text-adventure creator.
23799 TIME1.LHA 401004 24.02.1996 - aminet.net -
A Matter of Time *Introductory text/graphics
Adventuregame/role * introductory adventure
inwhich you must search for a lost
scientistaccused of murdering a fellow
colleagueThis missing scientist has invented
a timemachine, and you must travel throug h
timein search of him. Includes full
Save/Loadfeatures, digitized graphics &
sounds.Requires 1 MB Ram.      1/3
23800 TIME3.LHA 631186 24.02.1996 - aminet.net -
A Matter of Time *Introductory text/graphics
Adventure 3/3
23233 TIMELES.LHA 95665 16.12.1994 - - -
Ware interactive novel, orvery versatile text
adventure.Made over 2 years! Lots of
different solution paths (more than in any
other computer adventure game!) and your
everydecision will change the course of
story.20 DM:Rⁿdiger Hanke,An der Marienlinde
10D-48291 Telgte, GERMANY.
23801 URPD2A.LHA 745090 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Uropa 2 - ECS/AGA isometric/3d - arcade
adventure game demo. Fight against the foul
troops of Bill Setag!
23802 URPD2B.LHA 799986 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Uropa 2 - ECS/AGA isometric/3d - arcade
adventure game demo. Fight against the foul
troops of Bill Setag!
23803 WRLD.LHA 95530 24.02.1996 - - -
World for the Amiga version 1.02J. Doug
McDonald's World (ported to the Amiga by Eric
KennedyText adventure
23804 A8100000.ZIP 364,6 kt 16.12.1999 - - -
Elite AmigaElite - pelien maailmanhistorien tunnetuimpia pelejä tekijöiden Ian Bellin ja David Brabenin vapaaseen levitykseen tarjoamina. Astu eeppiseen avaruusseikkailuun! Matkaa Cobra MK III avaruusaluksellasi aurinkokunnasta toiseen tehden kauppaa ja taistellen. Paketissa Amiga  Elite, emulaattorimuodossa. Sisältää käsikirjan.
23805 ATS-BLP.LHA 257888 15.01.1995 - MBCD -
FiRst Ever MaDE
23806 AW29C.LHA 1113470 03.12.1994 - - -
Amiga Air Warrior V2.9c Monen pelaajan
interaktiivisen lentosimulaattorin tuorein
versio. Sisaltaa uudet maastot ja tuoreimmat
modeloinnit - valttamaton hankinta jos lentaa
aikoo. Peli esitelty useammassa MB-numerossa.
23807 AWART.LHA 1175836 29.04.1995 - - -
Aircraft art for AirWarrior Client
23028 AWLEVY1.DMS 264638 04.09.1994 - Turran - Zenlandia -
Air Warrior oheislevy 1/2,
tekstit, kartat.          v1.0
Apupaketti Air Warrior -monen pelaajan
lentosimulaattorin pelaamiseen.Auttaa hyvin
alkuun, ja antaa neuvoja edistyneellekin.
23029 AWLEVY2.DMS 420494 04.09.1994 - Turran - Zenlandia -
Air Warrior oheislevy 2/2
elokuvat (filmit)         v1.0
Apupaketti Air Warrior -monen pelaajan
lentosimulaattorin pelaamiseen.Auttaa hyvin
alkuun, ja antaa neuvoja edistyneellekin.
23808 TDSIM3.LHA 728,6 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Train Driver Simulator v3.0 - train driving simulation. Requires at least KS2.04 and 2MB RAM (1MB Chip). A1200 or better and HD recommended.
23809 TOMCAT.LHA 2458718 13.01.1995 - MBCD -
MIGS - "Full Motion Video Game",fast
action/simulator using lots ofvideo clips as
the sim-gfx
23810 TRAIND19.LHA 405283 08.07.1996 - - -
Train Driver 1.9 - Aja junaa Englannissa.
Pikkutarkka simulaatio aina junan
kuljettamisesta unelmoineille...
69320 TRAINDRI.LHA 383216 18.04.1996 - MBCD tupla
Train Driver Simulator 1.8 - Aja junaa
23811 WARHEADA.ZIP 449 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
 WarHead FREEWARE. Julkaisija Activision, 1989 Avaruustaistelusimulaatio. Laatuklassikko! Vuonna 2045 syttyi avaruussota tuntemattomien muukalaisten hyökättyä maapallon kimppuun. Yli kolmannes ihmiskunnasta menehtyi. WarHead vie pelaavat pelihistorian realistisimpaan avaruustaisteluun, erittäin todellisella fysiikkajärjestelmällä ja todella huikealla juonella. Tekijä Glyn Williams. Emulaattorissa toimiva versio, AMIGALLE.
23990 ABPORSSI.LHA 4,5 kt 25.01.1997 - - -
Pörssi - Yksinkertainen pörssipeli. (AmigaBasic)
23013 ACTOFW14.DMS 393612 17.12.1994 - - -
Act of War V1.4
Laser Squad/Rebelstar Raiders -tyyppinen
strategiapeli. Erinomainen.
23991 AMYPLA.LHA 48,2 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
AmyPlanets v0.14 is a space strategy game inspired by VGA-Planets. It is not ready yet, but is under development. * Req. AmigaOS 3 (or newer)
23024 ARTIL11.LHA 161136 16.12.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Artillerus V1.1, huima Artillery Duel klooni!
23025 ARTIL201.DMS 245830 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
Artillerus V2.01
Monenpelattava Artillery
Duel-klooni. Erittäin hyvä.
23992 ARTIWARS.LHA 80519 16.11.1995 - MBCD -
Messevä tankkipeli. Parempi kuin Scorch.
23993 BDU16100.LHA 1,2 Mt 05.06.1997 - MBCD -
"BattleDuel 1.6.100  UltimateArtillerygame Requires: OS2.0+Harddisk1 MB memory (Chip + Fast). Shareware - Aminet: BattleDuel.lha"
61284 BDUE1542.LHA 898506 12.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
BattleDuel 1.5.42 - Ultimate 'Artillery' game
Requires: OS2.0+, Harddisk, 1 MB memory (Chip
+ Fast). - Shareware
23037 BILEVEL.LHA 105120 16.12.1994 - aminet.net -
Same new (home-made) level for Battle Isle
Ithe guy how made them has no internet
connection and i cant check them. but i
hopethey are good :) 3.try because the other
vanished somewhere in aminetType:   game/misc
23994 BREE9613.LHA 180640 08.07.1996 - MBCD -
Breed96 1.3 - Sekoitus Civilizationia, Dune
kakkosta, K240:aa ja Sim Cityä.
23995 BREED96.LHA 174704 05.05.1996 - aminet.net -
Breed 96 - a mixture of Dune II and
civilization. Fantasy colonization game. Made
by using AMOS.
23996 BSII10_1.LHA 657,3 kt 28.01.1997 - MBCD -
BattleShips II v1.0 (1/3)
23997 BSII10_2.LHA 670,3 kt 28.01.1997 - MBCD -
BattleShips II v1.0 (2/3)
23998 BSII10_3.LHA 452,3 kt 28.01.1997 - MBCD -
BattleShips II v1.0 (3/3)
23999 BSII115.LHA 1,9 Mt 08.01.1998 - - -
BattleShips2 v1.1.5 - a classic battleships -board game with great gameplay and FMV-animations. Requires at least HD, AmigaOS 2.0 and couple megabytes of RAM.
24000 BTDL17.LHA 1,8 Mt 22.04.1998 - - -
BattleDuel v1.7 - an artillery game for almost all the Amigas. Supports ECS/AGA/CGFX, has several different guns, customizable graphics...
23049 CCONQST2.LHA 358598 16.12.1994 - - -
Strategy Game for all Amigaswith more than
1MB of Memory.1/2 players.
24001 CHAOS-WB.LZH 177809 09.02.1996 - - -
Chaos - Battle of the Wizards
1 to 8 player strategy game
Clone of ZX Spectrum game with the same
name but with several minor differences.
You control a wizard (or several if you
like). Other people or the computer can
control other wizards. Each wizard casts
a spell in turn then moves their pieces.
24002 CHARR10.DMS 414002 06.05.1995 - MBCD -
Artillerus -tykkipelin tekijän uusin
Artillery Duel-klooni. Monen pelaajan
tykkitaistelua, lisäaseita, suojia yms.
23054 COLCON2.LHA 358003 10.12.1994 - - -
Colonial Conquest II
23055 COLCONQ.DMS 236834 17.12.1994 - Turran - Zenlandia -
Colonial Conquest
23058 CONQUEST.LZH 40207 16.12.1994 renamed 4623/Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 3: CDPD3.iso -
Conquest V 1.0you control an interstellar
empire,decide which star systems to explore,
which planets to colonize etc.
23059 COSMCONQ.DMS 154894 17.12.1994 - - -
Cosmic Conquest
24003 CPULTS10.LHA 217246 21.12.1995 - - -
Catapults v1.00: A two player strategy game
somewhat similar to the classic "shoot the
castle with the cannon"-type games, likeEOA
"Castles". Build castles, then destroy 'em.
Author lynnjenn@vef.north.net.game/2play.
Uses a top down perspective, and calculates
missile trajectory in 3d. As in the classic
design, wind affects missile flight. Players
first build their own castles according to a
set of design rules, then take turns blasting
at each other with their catapults. Castle
24004 CRITHIT.LHA 326667 24.01.1996 - MBCD -
Critical Hit, Tabletop fantasy
wargaming.Author sam.redfern@ucg.ie -
game/role.highly detailed fantasy combat
game, which re-creates tabletop war gaming on
the Amiga (requires 1 MB RAM). A strategic
war game with excellent graphics, in which
individu al soldiers are modelled.
24005 CROWN.LHA 157080 14.04.1996 - - -
Hieno yhden saaren valloituspeli.. kuten
Defender of the Crown. Todella hieno
taustamusiikki, ja muutenkin hyvä peli, ainoa
puute on sen lyhyys..
23067 DROVERS.DMS 167545 17.12.1994 - grandis.nu/turran -
The Drovers
23069 EM10.DMS 448815 17.12.1994 - - -
Amiga Empire V1.0
23070 EM22_1.DMS 230078 17.12.1994 - - -
Empire V2.23
strategia 1/2
23071 EM22_2.DMS 249043 17.12.1994 - - -
Empire V2.23
strategia 2/2
kontrolloi maa/meri/ilmavoimia
23072 EMPEROS.DMS 157115 17.12.1994 - - -
Emperos - The Trade
24006 ERAKKO10.LHA 57533 23.06.1996 - - -
Erakkoshakki V1.0 Pieni nappulapelijohon voi
jaada koukkuun.
24007 EVIL125.LHA 1,2 Mt 20.08.1998 - aminet.net -
23077 FANWAR40.DMS 469604 17.12.1994 - - -
Fantasy Wars V4.0
Warlords-tyyppinen kevyt strategiapeli
24008 FCIV10.LHA 462,7 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD -
FreeCiv 1.0 - moniajava monen pelaajan Civilization-klooni. Vaatimukset: OS3,AGA, MUI 3.8,ixemul.library V46 ja AmiTCP (tai vastaava, esim. Miami).
24009 FRONT247.LHA 3,5 Mt 20.01.1997 - MBCD -
FrontalAssault 2.47  The Scorched Tanks clone Requires: 6.1Mb hard disk space, 2Mb chip mem and 2Mb fast mem. -Aminet: FrontalAssault.lha
23832 FTRADE1.LHA 384397 26.04.1996 - - -
FutureTrade, Futuristic, MULE-like Trade
Simulation * game/demo * Demo version of
upcoming commercial trade simulation. Req. OS
1.2+ 1 Mb. Disk X/3.
23833 FTRADE2.LHA 370481 26.04.1996 - - -
FutureTrade, Futuristic, MULE-like Trade
Simulation * game/demo * Demo version of
upcoming commercial trade simulation. Req. OS
1.2+ 1 Mb. Disk X/3.
23834 FTRADE3.LHA 535358 26.04.1996 - - -
FutureTrade, Futuristic, MULE-like Trade
Simulation * game/demo * Demo version of
upcoming commercial trade simulation. Req. OS
1.2+ 1 Mb. Disk X/3.
23835 GALEM151.LHA 555334 31.12.1996 - - -
Bug Fix- Space conquest,2-8 playersincluding
23097 GLOC1293.LHA 133001 16.12.1994 - ACS001.ISO (Arsenal Computer Popular Request 1) -
GridLock, modem/0-modem game...
23836 GN150.LZH 1,2 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
Great Nations 1.50Amiga versio Civilization-tyyppinen moninpeliin suunniteltu strategiapeli. Suomalaisvalmisteinen. Amiga AGA 020 6 MB Tukee nettipeliä TCP/IP
23100 GRAVITYW.LZH 31004 16.12.1994 - - -
GravityWars version 1.04
23837 HBMONO12.LHA 215,3 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
HBMonopoly 1.2 - runs on WB in full colors. Requires: OS3+ - Aminet name: HBMonopoly.lha
23838 IMPERIAL.LHA 152610 16.04.1996 - MBCD -
Imperial - Shanghai-peli.
23134 LORECONQ.DMS 238147 17.12.1994 - - -
Lore of Conquest
23137 MADGIC41.LHA 208135 16.12.1994 - - -
Madgic Corewars V4.1, corewars peli
23839 MUIEMP.LHA 87968 21.12.1995 - grandis.nu/turran -
MUIEmpire V0.85, MUI multiple player strategy
game. Type: game/thinkMultiplayer galactic
conquest game using MUI. It can support
unlimited players, unlimited planets and
unlimited ship types (limited by memory). It
has a sector by sector approach. Y ou can
program flight plans for your fleets. It has
space mines, hypergates, fuel, taxation,
troops, trade and alot more. Future: Envoy
23159 NOMANL.DMS 279772 17.12.1994 - - -
No Man's Land
23840 PARCHEES.LHA 104162 16.04.1996 - MBCD -
ParCheese 1.7g - Peli joka perustuu
samannimiseen lautapeliin. Moniajaa.
23841 PB8016.LHA 213973 27.04.1996 - MBCD -
PowerBattle, Light turn by turn MultiPlayer
Strategygame Version 0.8016 Type: game/demo
This version requires about 2 MB memory, .5
chip should be enough. There is no
OS-requirements. Empire like 2-4 player
Author:   timo.suoranta@tna.nullnet.fi (Timo
23842 PIONEERS.LHA 1210149 26.03.1995 - MBCD -
Pioneers - A MULE type trading and
colonization game! Requires a lot of RAM
(=2mb at least).- Asuta planeettaa neljän
kilpailijan kanssa, tuota perustarvikkeita,
käy kauppaa ja koeta selvitä rikkaimpana.
Hienosti toteutettu, alkup.M.U.L.E.n ideoita
23843 SAINTS.LZH 78454 08.04.1995 - - -
Kevyt strategiapeli. Hyvä pelattavuus.
23844 SHEPHERD.LHA 445082 22.06.1996 - 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin -
Shepherd 1.1 - Populous-tyylinen hulvaton
strategiapeli jossa ohjastetaan eläimiä.
Tekijä: O. Vermeij. Shareware.
23845 SOLIT.LHA 47030 16.04.1996 - MBCD -
Solit 1.06 - Korttipeli.
23846 SPHERE32.LHA 503972 15.09.1996 - 3283/Aminet 15 - Nov 1996.iso -
Spheres of Influence 3.2 - strategy game of
galactic colonization for 1 to 8 players.
Requires 1 meg of CHIPRAM, OS 3.0+. Hard
drive best. In this freely redistributable
DEMO version ALL features are fully usable.
23847 STARTRKA.LHA 253533 20.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Star Trek Stratagy/Action Game 1/2Author:
Tobias RichterType: game/thinkYou take
command of the old Enterprise, and have to
complete missions. The game does include
battle parts as well as the normal stratagy
23848 STARTRKB.LHA 424557 20.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Star Trek Stratagy/Action Game 2/2Author:
Tobias RichterType: game/thinkYou take
command of the old Enterprise, and have to
complete missions. The game does include
battle parts as well as the normal stratagy
23849 STLFRT30.LHA 165,9 kt 25.11.1997 - - -
Steel Fortress 3.0 - a strategy game forup to six (human) players. Conquer the Europe of 26th Century.
23850 STRGO11.LHA 1,1 Mt 16.03.1998 - - -
Stratego v1.1 - authentic version of this board game.
23225 TASKFORC.DMS 165482 17.12.1994 - - -
strategia, tyyliin Breach/Laser Squad
23852 TIW.LHA 136500 26.03.1995 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
The Multi-Player 2-D  Tank Game v1.00
Siisti Artillery Duel/Scorched
Earth -tyyppinen tykkipeli, mutta vaatii
raakaa minimointia toimiakseen AGA-koneissa.
23851 TIW103.LHA 144666 29.05.1995 - - -
Tanks In War v1.03 by Marcus AlanenScorched
23235 TOTALWAR.DMS 363165 17.12.1994 - - -
Total War
23853 VCHESS.LHA 196155 21.12.1995 - MBCD -
VChess 3.3 - A Chess game for Amiga-Computers
(OS 2.0+). Fully multitasking and with strong
computer player.
23854 WARHOST.LHA 99933 08.07.1996 - 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin -
Warhost - Sotapeli.
23245 WARZONE.LHA 36015 16.12.1994 - 3299/Aminet 3 - July 1994.iso -
AGAM! Warzone - a strategy gamefor 2-4
Players.Destroy your opponent(s)armies and
capture their headquarters.
23855 WGPV232.LHA 268,9 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
"WarGame Processor Designed to make it as easy as possible to play popular board wargames by mail or e-mail. Its not necessary for your opponent to have a copy of the WarGame Processoras the program will still make life easier on your end. Program provides the means for users to design their own modulesso the usefulness and utility of the system will always be growing. Contact opponents on the WGP WWW page. Windows 95"
70168 WPG18ETC.LHA 586356 14.06.1996 - MBCD -
Board War Gamers what the word processor did
for secretaries! Your favorite wargame can be
played on computer, using user friendly
graphic interface. Play on screen, and handle
even super-monster boardgames! Includes
modules for: -Third Reich -Allied Invasion of
France, -Global War  -Empire of the Rising
Sun (Avalon Hill's Pacific WWII game) -Avalon
Hill's Victory in the Pacific.
24010 ABH.LHA 1726811 07.08.1996 - MBCD -
The Art of Breaking HeadsA fully working
beat'em up featuring11 original characters,
decentsounds and nice backgrounds.
24011 CYBERG12.LHA 1239225 15.02.1996 - MBCD -
New version of this great Barbarian
typebeat'em up. Includes all 35 levels, new
2plr mode and much,much more. Works on
ALLAmigas with 1 meg . HD & Disk
installationscript included.
24012 CYBERGMS.LHA 694796 21.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Cybergames - Violent fighting game -new
fighting game which works on ALL Amigas
ranging from WB 1.2 with at least 1 meg of
memory. One of the latest and greatest
fighting games.SUPERB AND BRUTAL
"BARBARIAN"-STYLE - Great gameplay, graphics,
animatio ns, sounds and music.- Different
opponents and digitized pictures of
opponents.- 1 and 2 player modes.- Buy new
and improved weaponry, body armor and things
to throw.- Includes head cut, climbing and
23085 FI_WAR.LHA 136625 16.12.1994 - - -
Fighting Warriors
Mainio Amoksella tehty mätkintäpeli.
23124 KOK1.LHA 647272 17.12.1994 - - -
Kings of Karate AGA (1/2)
23125 KOK2.LHA 827049 17.12.1994 - - -
Kings of Karate AGA (2/2)
23243 VR_DUE.LHA 107431 17.12.1994 - - -
Virtual Reality Duel,
"virtuaalitodellisuus mätkintäpeli
24013 3DMAZEDM.LHA 8745 16.08.1995 - - -
3d Maze - Löydä tiesi sokkeloista!
24014 3GAMES.LHA 162197 25.03.1995 - aminet.net -
Kolme pientä simppeliä PD-peliä.
Bubble-Trouble, Go-Kart-Mania ja I-Worm.
24015 AABUSE10.LHA 381,1 kt 26.06.1998 - - -
"Amiga-port of Abuseversion 1.0. Youll need datafiles from PCs Abuse to make things work."
24016 AIRTAXI.LHA 346699 29.04.1995 - MBCD -
AirTaxi - konversio vanhasta C-64pelistä
Space Taxi. Olet tulevaisuuden taksisuhari,
kuljetellen asiakkaita lentävällä
taksilla.-AirTaxi is a graphics- and
formula-intensive game, suggest a fast Amiga,
25MHz+. Demo release, six levels.Boasts some
rea lly excellent gameplay!Five players may
play SIMULTANEOUSLYwith 4-joystick adapter.
Share Ware $15 U.S. may_d@cc.dixie.edu
23019 AMIG-Q.LHA 12947 16.12.1994 - - -
Amiga-QVanhan Q-Bert
puzzle/hyppelypelin Amiga-versio. Kiipeile
pyramidissa ja koeta maalata kaikki pallit.
24017 ATOBOMB.DMS 363,5 kt 13.03.1999 - - -
Atomic Bombers - DYnablaster like 2-4 player arcade action. A500+
23030 AZTECHAL.LHA 200834 03.12.1994 - MBCD -
Aztec Challenge Jälleen yksi Bignonian
suorittama klassinen C-64 -pelin konversio
Amigaan. Jopa parempi kuin originaali - sekä
alkup. että modernit grafiikat.
23033 BALDEG12.LHA 129372 15.12.1994 - MBCD -
Balder's Grove Näyttävä Boulder Dash klooni
Norjanmytologiaansijoiitettuna. 40 tasoa,
24018 BBBREAK.LHA 571244 29.05.1996 - - -
Breaking the Lawn - Beavis &
Butthead sekoilevat nurmella.
24019 BDAS370U.LHA 361,9 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
Update Boulderdaesh 3.60 -> 3.70
23036 BDASH119.LHA 266882 16.12.1994 - - -
Amiga Boulder Dash V1.19, sisältää
24020 BEASTIES.LHA 372841 24.11.1996 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Great Worms-type game with nice sound&gfx.
61487 BLDSH258.LHA 1030608 05.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
BoulderDäsh 2.58 -Best BoulderDaesh 1:1 Clone
Requires: OS2.0+, Lowlevel.library - Aminet
name: boulderdaesh.lha
24021 BLDSH420.LHA 2 Mt 12.04.1998 - - -
Boulderdäsh v4.20 - the best 1:1 Boulderdash-clone with customizable graphics, sounds and levels.
24022 BLOCKOUT.LHA 140653 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
Nice and intensive blockout-game for WB.
24024 BOB.LHA 175015 21.12.1995 - MBCD -
*** Bob The Amazing Lemon V1.8 ***Amazing Pac
Man clone which features a level editor,
changeable music and many different wall and
floor types including appearing walls, ice
and water.Type:
game/miscAuthor:I.J.Ward@dcs.hull.ac.uk (Ian
24023 BOBLEVLS.LHA 3425 21.12.1995 - MBCD -
Bob - The Amazing Lemon -Ten new levels
24025 BOMB.LHA 500240 08.07.1996 - MBCD -
Battle of the Master Bombers 1.21 -
Dynablasterin tyylinen peli.
23039 BOMBPAC.LHA 302854 16.12.1994 - MBCD -
AGAM! BombPac CD32,Modernisoitu versio
Pacmanista,tehty CD32:lle mutta toimii
myös AGA-koneissa. Sis. myös
leveleditorin.(C) 1993-94 Oliver Wagner
23040 BONDMIN1.DMS 243637 17.12.1994 - - -
Bondmine 1, arcade
Luolien kaivelua.
24026 BOONDARD.DMS 448417 21.12.1995 - - -
<*Boondar. Klassisen Bounder hyppelypelin
käännös Amigalle, ohjaa pomppivaa palloa
mainiossa arcadepelissä.
*Friday Night Pool, biljardi.
24027 BOULD414.LHA 1,7 Mt 12.12.1997 - MBCD -
Boulderdäsh 4.14 - the best 1:1 Boulderdash- clone with customizable graphics, levels and sound. RTG support. Demo version.
24028 CANED101.LHA 302,1 kt 06.01.1998 - - -
C.A.N.E. (Cargo And Nothing Else) v1.01 - a freeware Airtaxi-clone. Pick up cargo and people and take them to teleports. Requires AGA.
24029 COPPER.LHA 36733 13.01.1995 - MBCD -
COPPER by Hai Truong - shareware -Copper is
similar to Arkanoid by Discovery.  The
objective is to destroy all the bricks on the
24030 DAWORMY.LHA 49572 19.05.1995 - aminet.net -
Dawormy 0.65
WB-ruudulla pyörivä siisti matopeli.
24031 DCAVES-2.LHA 440,1 kt 03.09.1998 - - -
Diamond Caves II v1.4 Game in the tradition of Boulder Dash (C-64) and Emerald Mines (Amiga) - you have to collect diamonds in a cave. 50 levels in unregistered version, level editor available. Supports screenmodes & CyberGfx. Multitasks. Needs MUI 3.5+
24032 DIACAV18.LHA 499940 21.12.1995 - - -
Diamond Caves V1.8 The ultimate Boulder Dash
Clone- programmed 100% using OS-routines-
supports different screenmodes & runs on
gfx-boards! - comes with ready-to-run
installer script - 1 or 2 players (maybe even
more in future releases)- playfields from
10x10 to 100x100 squares- loads of new
features like conveyor belts, switches, and
much more - recording and replay of
previously played games- 60 levels in the
unregistered version- great Intuition-based
23876 DIADIT12.LHA 80555 21.12.1995 - - -
The Diamond Caves Editor V1.2,Leveleditor for
Diamond Caves V1.8requires: Kick2.0  1MB
ChipMemMui2.3 Diamond Caves V1.8Commodore's
23877 DIAPRE12.LHA 24522 21.12.1995 - - -
Diamond Prefs V1.2 - Preferences for Diamond
Caves V1.8 - requires: Kick2.0Mui2.3 Diamond
Caves V1.8 Commodore's Installer
23878 DIATLS17.LHA 350946 21.12.1995 - - -
Diamond Tools V1.7 -Tools for Diamond Caves
23062 DISCOVER.DMS 682777 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
23879 DLXPM17A.LHA 388,3 kt 21.09.1997 - MBCD -
Deluxe PacMan 1.7 - Final full AGA version! Requires: AGA - Aminet: DeluxePacman_A.lha
23880 DLXPM17E.LHA 314,5 kt 21.09.1997 - MBCD -
Deluxe PacMan 1.7 - Final full ECS version! Aminet name: DeluxePacman_E.lha
23064 DONKKONG.DMS 300144 17.12.1994 - - -
Donkey Kong
klassikkokäännös, pelasta neito apinan
raivolta - hyppele yli tynnyrien, kiipeä
tikkaita rakennusten huipulle.
63144 DPACMA16.LHA 285567 21.12.1995 - - tupla
Deluxe PacMan v1.6 -PacMan clone with lots of
extra features.Author:   Edgar M. VigdalType:
game/miscErinomainen modernisointi
vanhastaklassikosta. PacMan hienolla
grafiikalla,musiikilla ja kaksinpelill─.
63145 DPACMAGA.LHA 381876 21.12.1995 - - tupla
Deluxe PacMan v1.6 AGA
23881 DRIP.LHA 235905 08.03.1996 - MBCD -
Ohjaa tippaa, värjää putkistot ja varo
örkkejä. Mukava pieni peli, muistuttaa
23882 DYNAWARR.LHA 39872 13.01.1995 - - -
Dynamite Warriors - multiplayer game withup
to five players. If a four-player-adapter is
connected, up to four players are able to
play with joysticks. To win  the game, a
player has to desintegrate all other players
using explosions of    bombs pla nted. Only a
multiplayer game.Nice Bomberman/Dynablaster
23075 ESNAKE11.LHA 48105 15.12.1994 - 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin -
ESnake V1.1, tuore esitys vanhasta "mato syö
ruokaa" -pelistä. VaatiiKS 2.0+.
23095 GF2_GAME.LHA 189237 03.12.1994 - MBCD -
Gravity Force II
PD, huikea arcadepeli Gravity Forcen ja
TurboRakettien tyyliin. Kilpalentelyä
ja ammuskelua tunneleissa, jaetulla ruudulla.
Paljon eri aseita yms vänkää.
Esitelty MB 12/94, MBnet-osiossa
23883 HEROED2.LHA 340191 25.02.1996 - aminet.net -
Heroed 2
Short: Amiga version of the classic
C-64 H.E.R.O. by Activision!   Type:
game/misc  Org.Name: heroed2.lh a-
---------------------------------------- -
23884 HITLERBA.DMS 158343 23.04.1996 - MBCD -
Hitlerball, wierdo ja omituinen
Pong-klooni jossa ei ole päätä tai järkeä -
mutta hupia sitäkin enemmän.
23885 JOUSTER3.LHA 614684 21.12.1995 - aminet.net -
Jouster3, Decent Joust Clone with Extras and
improvements such as powerups, etc. You can
even have a pterydactyl as a steed. For 1 or
2 players. Very niceold classic
action.Author:   Matt WestfallType:
23886 JSW97.LHA 236,8 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
"Jet Set Willy97. collect 2000 itmes from 190 different levels. Old C64-classic converted to Amiga."
23120 JUMPMAN.EXE 221852 16.12.1994 - - -
64 konvertointi
Klassinen hypi-pompi-väistä -peli
23121 JUMPMANJ.DMS 297446 17.12.1994 - - -
Jumpman Junior
23887 KARGON.LHA 572048 14.04.1996 - MBCD -
Yhdistetty Dynablaster ja Dungeon Master.
Erittäin hienon näköinen. Vaatii Amigan ja
1MB muistia. Toimii kovalevyltä tai
disketiltä. Ja taitaapi olla saksan kielinen
pelinä, mutta löytyy myös ohjeet englanniksi.
Saksan kielisyys ei haittaa pelaamista :)
23888 KNOCKOU2.LHA 554670 08.07.1996 - MBCD -
Knock Out 2.02 - Omalaatuinen peli jopa
kahdeksalle pelaajalle.
23136 LSRBIKES.LHA 124166 16.12.1994 - - -
AGAM! LASERBiKES V1.3.7Multiplayer Arcade
Style Gamelike "Tron", but with 6 (!)
players. Also includes demo of "Car".
23889 MANBL15.LHA 448,3 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Maniac Ball V1.5 - Breakout/Arkanoid-clone with multiple paddles and extra features. Requires at least KS2.0, 1MB RAM and HD.
23890 MASBLAS.LHA 125700 26.03.1995 - - -
MASTER BLASTER V1.0 -dynablaster -klooni,
arcadepeli.2-5 pelaajaa, 4+ pelaajaa
vaatii4-pelaajan adapterin.
Dynablaster-klooni. Valm.
23891 MATO100E.LHA 77,3 kt 20.08.1997 - MBCD -
Mato 1.00 - Shareware/englanninkielinen Matopeli 1- 4 pelaajalle. Vastakkain tai tiiminä. Tallentuvat pistelistat.
23892 MBLASTR2.LHA 204078 16.08.1995 - MBCD -
Masterblaster v2.0
23893 MBLST221.LHA 201584 06.12.1995 - grandis.nu/turran -
MasterBlaster Version 2.21
23144 MEGABALL.DMS 557766 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
Megaball AGA
arcade, pong-klooni
Näyttävä ja paljon tavaraa sisältävä
kiivas pompottelupeli.
23894 MINIARC.LZX 90970 08.10.1996 - MBCD -
MiniArcanoid. System friendly Arcanoid-clone
by PP/Union.
23149 MMINER.DMS 90318 17.12.1994 - - -
Manic Miner
klassikkokäännös 8-bittisten alkuajoilta.
Yksi ensimmäisistä todellisista
pelimarkkinoiden hittipeleistä!
23895 MONTY11.LHA 376,2 kt 12.06.1997 - - -
Monty the Wolf v1.1, demo version.
23896 MRUFOV5.LHA 111,8 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
Mr. UFO v5 - Thrust/Space Taxi -stylish shareware game. Multitasking, written with AMOS. Should work with every Amiga.
23897 MRUNNR17.LHA 466785 25.02.1996 - MBCD -
Mine Runner 1.7 - lode runner clone: Nearly
original play feeling! Nearly original
graphics! Nearly original sound effects!
Selected original levels! Five different
Soundtracks! Up to four player simultanous
game! Supports four player joystick
adapter! Supports two button joysticks!
Doesn't stop multitasking! Saves highscores!
23154 MSOFTPEN.LHA 249678 15.12.1994 - - -
MartinSoft Pengo, klassiseen Pengo-peliin
perustuva sokkelo/älypeli.64 tasoa hauskaa
touhuamista.Share Ware
23898 MURDER12.LHA 166 kt 15.05.1998 - aminet.net -
Murder 1.2 - "Haunted" clone from The Other Realm.
23156 NEWBIP.LHA 23407 16.12.1994 - - -
New Biplanes, vanhan Biplanesin tuoreempi
versio. Arcadepeli,pieniä lentokoneita
lentelee ruuduntäydeltä toisiaan ampuen.
23161 ORCATT.LHA 312429 16.12.1994 - - -
AGAM! Orc Attack,moderni konversio
klassisesta C-64pelista.
23162 ORM.LHA 22642 16.12.1994 - aminet.net -
snake game v1.4
67015 PACMAN11.LHA 150752 13.12.1994 - MBCD tupla
Deluxe Pacman V1.1
Erinomainen modernisointi vanhasta
klassikosta. PacMan hienolla grafiikalla,
musiikilla ja kaksinpelillä.
23899 PAKMAN2K.LHA 490 kt 25.11.1997 - - -
Pakman 2000 - improved Pacman-clone forAGA-Amigas.
23167 PALLUKAT.LHA 89681 16.12.1994 - aminet.net -
Weird Pacman-game (2 players)
23169 PARADRO2.DMS 346767 17.12.1994 - - -
Paradroid II
Kaksinpelattava oma konversio
23170 PARADRO2.LHA 329578 16.12.1994 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Paradroid II, muunnelma Andrew
Kaksinpelattava. Äly/toiminta-peli
23171 PARAJOUS.DMS 319905 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
Parachute Joust
Kaksi miestä hyppää lentokoneesta - mutta
vain yksi laskuvarjo!
23173 PARTYGA.DMS 498015 17.12.1994 - - -
Party Games
Hulvattu klassinen vipuvapu tikunkiusaaja
23900 PIEBILL.LHA 76,3 kt 29.05.1998 - aminet.net -
Throw pies at Bill Gates -game
23901 PINGWYN.LHA 464134 15.01.1995 - - -
PingWynne - Similar to PENGO but not
quite..Cool Action Game
23902 PLAYPAC.LHA 262,5 kt 25.03.1997 - 21192/Excalibur_60_cd.bin -
PlayPac 1.11 - system friendly pacman game featuring random level generator. - Req: WB3+
67313 POING3.LHA 78407 26.03.1995 - MBCD tupla
Poing V3.0 - an amusing systemfriendly bat &
ball/pong/arkanoid-game. New:New levels,  Old
levels also incuded,Levels can optionally be
shuffled, More audiotracks, Bugfixed for
68000 machines,Some cosmetical enhancements.
Very niceand addictive.
23903 POING4.LHA 108,2 kt 02.03.1997 - MBCD -
Poing 4. Hulvaton Arkanoid klooni.
23904 POING5.LHA 129,7 kt 02.09.1997 - MBCD -
Poing 5 - a 100% system-friendly and multitasking Breakout-clone, multitasks in its own screen. Simple but nice graphics + music and many levels.
23180 POPEYE.EXE 489636 17.12.1994 - - -
käännös 8-bittisten aikoinaan mahtavasti
Popeye (kippari-kalle) pelistä. Väistele
brutusta, syö pinaattia. :-)
23905 PSSSTAG1.LHA 412603 20.12.1995 - - -
Pssst_AGA - Classic Spectrum Game 100% 68020
AGA. This is a 1990`s version of the old
Spectrum Classic PSSST.Main features include
: - 256 Colours.- Real Time frame rate.- No C
code !!!! ( I Hate C )- Nice end of game
sequence.- Three Levels of pl ay ( Slow,
Normal, TURBO NUTTER ).- No Spam.Author:
garygould@redalert.demon.co.uk (Gary Gould)
23181 PUBDARTS.LHA 178920 17.12.1994 - - -
AGAM! PUB DARTS V1Nice PD darts game with
lots of CPUplayers, 2 pl option etc.
23906 PUCMAN.LHA 195906 19.08.1996 - 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin -
Nearly perfect Pacman clone.
23186 ROBOULDX.DMS 232218 17.12.1994 - - -
23907 ROKETZ2.LHA 759297 06.01.1995 - MBCD -
Rokeketz 2.0 - Hurja Turborakettia ja Gravity
Force II:tä muistuttava peli on parantunut
entisestään. Vanhoja mokia on korjailtu ja
tietokonepelaajat toimivat entistä
23188 ROKETZPD.LHA 644889 10.12.1994 - MBCD -
Virolainen arcadepeli, Turboraketti/
Gravity Force II-tyyliin
23908 ROTATOR.LHA 408738 23.06.1996 - MBCD -
New platform/puzzle with great GFX.
23909 RUSHHO14.LHA 296,7 kt 15.05.1997 - MBCD -
RushHour v1.4. Konversio vanhasta c64-pelistä Freewarea.
23910 RVLVR1.LHA 279,2 kt 22.04.1998 - - -
Revolver v1 - a TRON-like game.
23911 SEPOT1-3.LZX 426,9 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
SePPo-MaRsUn MaaGiSeT sEiKkAiLuT Osat 1,2 & 3 + HTML-dokumentaatio
23912 SNA20.LHA 42910 13.10.1996 - MBCD -
Snakes 'n' Adders v2.0. Updated version
ofthis WB wormgame.
23202 SNAKEII.LHA 26240 17.12.1994 - #Jope -
SnakeII a
WB-gAME. Requires >WB2.x
23913 SNEECHV1.LHA 399477 01.02.1996 renamed 3329/aminetcdnumber101996.iso -
Sneech fast paced worm game.
23914 SOREFIST.LHA 333629 24.11.1996 - aminet.net -
New Beat 'Em' Up. Renegade clone.
23915 SPACEMIS.LHA 69796 20.12.1995 - - -
SpaceMission - Horizontal scrolling shoot'em
23204 SPACETAX.DMS 135365 17.12.1994 - - -
Space Taxi
Konversio klassisesta
C-64 pelistä - kuljeta avaruustaksilla
asiakkaita paikasta toiseen
23916 SPARROW.LHA 519,8 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Sparrow - an editable game v1.00 Author: mattkane@lappi.plai.fi (Matti Niskanen) Type: game/misc A simple flickscreen game with editors. - any Amiga with at least 512 kilobytes of CHIP RAM
23207 SPCPANIC.LHA 335300 17.12.1994 - Turran - Zenlandia -
Space Panic, konversio vanhasta C64-pelista.
Kaiva kuoppia alieneille, tao sittenne
lattiaan nuuskaksi.
23210 SPUDMIN1.DMS 324591 17.12.1994 - - -
Spud Mines 1 - Boulder Dashaamista
23211 SPUDMIN2.DMS 228775 17.12.1994 - - -
Spud Mines 2 - Boulder Dashaamista
23212 SPUDMIN3.DMS 326854 17.12.1994 - - -
Spud Mines 3 - Boulder Dashaamista
23214 STEELDEV.DMS 312398 17.12.1994 - - -
Steel Devils
arcade, 2 pelaajan tankkitaistelu
23917 SUPTRAIL.LHA 57192 20.12.1995 - - -
Super Trail - Guide ball through tricky
levels (incl. level editor). professional
fast action game of skill, Principle of this
game is to guide a rolling ball as fast as
possible along a long and tricky trail, to
avoid the holes or jump over them,an d to get
as many points as possible in the end (what
else?). Many extra fields with special
effects can make this task easier or much
more difficult.Author:
hhoff@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de Type:
23918 SWORM211.LHA 119365 09.09.1996 - MBCD -
WB:n ruudulla pyörivä PC:n pizzawormin
tyylinen matopeli. Ei 90 asteen rajoitusta.
23224 TANX.DMS 232602 17.12.1994 - - -
Tanx - Artillery Duel-klooni,
kaksi tankkia ammuskelee toisiaan yli
kallioiden kukkuloiden. Hieno.
23232 THOMAS.DMS 285492 17.12.1994 - grandis.nu/turran -
Thomas the Tank Engine
arcade, junapeli
23919 TITANIC1.LHA 196,7 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Titanic -The Game. can you avoid the crash?
23920 TLC10.LHA 140105 14.08.1996 - - -
Turbo LightCycles, Version 1.0, another
'Tron', 'Lightcycles', or 'Worm'. Features of
Turbo Light Cycles (TLC):- Three players at
once.- Multitasking 8 level editor- Turbo
button, allows you to speed ahead of your
opponents and cut- Five speed leve ls.- Five
difficulty/obstacle levels.- Teleports, so
you can escape from tricky situations.- And
lots of fun.....
23921 TOPHATWI.LHA 119753 01.03.1995 - MBCD -
TopHatWilly V1.2
Jet Set Willyn kaltainen peli; tehtävänäsi
on kerätä kaikki roskat suuresta talosta.
Peli pitää 100 sijan highscorelistaa.
Nostalginen kokemus varsinkin 80-luvun
alun pelejä pelanneille.
23922 TORQUEDM.LHA 688862 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
AGA Uridium clone preview
23923 TRSISTAX.DMS 572812 14.08.1996 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Statix - Shareware-Version
23924 USNTHEM.LHA 284660 22.07.1996 - MBCD -
Amoksella tehty
Archon klooni
23242 VIPER12.LHA 399722 24.12.1994 - - -
Viper 1.2 - Erinomainen usean pelattava
matopeli AGA-koneille. Hyvätä ääniefektit,
tyylikäs grafiikka ja kohdalleen hiottu
pelattavuus. Shareware.
23925 WIZZYQ.LHA 138504 21.12.1995 - - -
Wizzys Quest - Excellent 50-level puzzle/
platform game. Type game/jump. You have to
use your wizard to create and destroy blocks
on each screen to create a safe path for your
master to walk to the exit. There are various
monsters (skeletons, wraiths, beholders and
jack o' lanterns) to hinder you, each with
different characteristics, as well as locks,
keys and transporters. The closest reference
point is Lemmings, but Wizzys Quest is quite
a unique game.
23926 WOLFPC14.LHA 793 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
WolfPac v1.4 - 3D-Pacman for AGA & CyberGFX. PPC-version also included.
24033 ARCSNOOK.DMS 396781 21.12.1995 - 4761/AmigaPlus_CD-ROM-EXTRA_Nr.3.bin -
Arcade Snooker, freely distributable
followup to Team 17's hit Arcade Pool.
24034 DOWNHILL.LHA 369751 13.01.1995 - - -
24035 FANTMAN.DMS 577095 21.12.1995 - - -
Fantasy Manager, soccer management game.
24036 CHEATC13.LHA 1,1 Mt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
CheatCollection 1.3, big collection of cheats Very easy to use list of cheats, solutions, tips and other hints. - CheatCollectio.lha
24037 CHEATCOD.LHA 2418312 11.09.1996 - MBCD -
1300 cheatcodes, AGA fixes V1.0
Aminet name: CheatsCodes.lha
24038 DG2$_MO.LHA 103011 15.01.1995 - - -
24039 DG2$_UN.LHA 103030 15.01.1995 - - -
24040 DGALAHI.LHA 978 14.09.1995 - - -
Deluxe Galagaan vinkkejΣ ja cheatteja
24041 DR-HSTT.LHA 53741 21.12.1995 - - -
HIGH SEAS TRADER (aga) enhanced save diskwith
10 million in port and 16 for trade.
23073 EOB2SPOI.LHA 1626 03.12.1994 - - -
Spoileri Eye of the Beholder II:lle
ylimaaraisia tehtavia
24042 FEARSSOL.LHA 3288 26.11.1995 - grandis.nu/turran -
Selvitys Fearsin koodeista.
68404 SIMONSOL.LHA 5936 09.01.1995 renamed aminet.net tupla
Simon The Sorcerer solve
23218 SWEATC25.LHA 166360 10.11.1994 - - -
SWEET CHEATER V2.5  9-14-94Cheat/Hint/Code
ListOver 800 games listed
23226 TCC-V14.LHA 104599 17.12.1994 - - -
The Cheat Compendium v1.45,chetteja 452:een
24043 ULTIMA6T.LHA 1536 01.07.1996 - 3282/Aminet 14 - Oct 1996.iso -
Troubleshooting guide for the Amiga version
of Origin's Ultima VI: The False Prophet.
24044 WDCCHEAT.TXT 1,3 kt 06.04.1997 - - -
"Huijauskoodeja Worms: Directors Cutiin."
24045 WORMSFAQ.LHA 4263 29.12.1995 - - -
Kaikki mitä olet aina halunnut tietää Amigan
Wormsista, muttet ole uskaltanut kysyä...
24046 XITC.LHA 1109 17.12.1995 - - -
X-IT codes from Psygnosis.
23011 5INTSTRT.DMS 444777 17.12.1994 - - -
5 Intelligent Strategy Games
Bridge, Go, Draughts 8x8, Draughts 10x10
60503 AGAKLON1.LHA 393564 10.12.1994 - MBCD tupla
Deluxe Klondike AGA
Erinomainen AGA-pasianssi 1/3
60504 AGAKLON2.LHA 340027 10.12.1994 - MBCD tupla
Deluxe Klondike AGA Erinomainen
AGA-pasianssi 2/2
60505 AGAKLON3.LHA 460456 10.12.1994 - MBCD tupla
Deluxe Klondike AGA
Erinomainen AGA-pasianssi 3/3
23016 AHEXTRIS.LHA 34791 16.12.1994 - aminet.net -
AHextris 1.0 Erinomainen heksakuutoilla
toteutettu Tetris-klooni. Erikoinen ja
hyvä idea.
22958 AMAJONG.LHA 196527 20.12.1995 - - -
MaJong, Real Chinese MaJong Game
22959 ANMAT21.LHA 31921 26.03.1995 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
AntiMatter V2.1, "Find the atoms" logic game.
Orginal file name: AntiMatter2_1.lha
23023 ARMYMI11.LHA 69537 16.12.1994 - MBCD -
Armyminer, X-mines tyyppinen miner-peli
23032 BABYLON.LHA 81471 16.12.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
Babylon 1.02Computer version based on the
board game Abalone. #Players: 0-2Push six of
the other player's marbles off the board.
22960 BLACKBOX.LHA 45520 22.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BlackBox V2.2, Find atoms by firing
laser-beams into a black box.Type: game/think
Requires: Requires OS2.0+
22961 BLACKJ.LHA 79008 13.01.1995 - - -
Casino BLACKJACK V1.02 by Gary HendersonReq.
minimum of 1Mb
61486 BLDRDAES.LHA 962452 05.05.1996 - MBCD -
Best BoulderDash 1:1 clone v2.47.
Multitasking interface, loads of levels,
user defineable graphics and sounds. Great.
61492 BLITZB.DMS 674394 22.12.1995 - - -
Blitz Bombers + Wooglies. Blow up your
friends in five levels long playable
preview of frantic arcade bombing game.
Or enjoy the 40 levels brain teasing
puzzles of Wooglies.
23041 BOOMFILD.DMS 417264 17.12.1994 - - -
minefield/mineclearer klooni
vaatii os2
22962 BOTHFMV.LHA 2,7 Mt 06.01.1998 - - -
BattleOthello - a really original clone from the Othello-game with some nice graphics and sounds. This version has a little FMV-intro.
22963 BOTHNFMV.LHA 438,4 kt 06.01.1998 - - -
BattleOthello - a really original clone from the Othello-game with some nice graphics and sounds. This version does not contain the intro.
22964 BOULD64.LHA 294002 22.12.1995 - MBCD -
BoulderDash - conversion of the C64
classic,complete OS-friendly (multitasking)
Boulder-Dash with C64 graphics and sounds.
68020+, AGA only (DblNTSC required), KS V39,
asl.library, powerpacker.library. Smooth
scrolling 1275(!) original C64 levels+so
unds, Cheats, Joystick and keyboard control,
User definable games and levels, two player
game...  and more.
22965 BREKBRKS.LHA 684296 22.12.1995 - - -
Breakin' Briks V1.0 of the very cool Breakout
type game. For AGA Amigas only.Works with 2Mb
CHIP memory! - Improved performance with FAST
mem. Great GFX, Tunes and Sounds! Enjoy! in
the tradition of Breakout, Arkanoid and
MegaballAuthor: rcflipp@dds .nl (Ronald
Roemeling)Type: game/misc
23042 BRIDGE.LHA 117155 16.12.1994 - - -
Amiga Bridge v 1.04Korttipeli. OS2+
23051 CHECKERS.LHA 150154 16.12.1994 - MBCD -
AGAM! CheckersConquestHieno tammipeli.
Tietokonevastustaja,4 vaikeustasoa,
erikoistoimintoja jasiisti ulkoasu.by Pete W.
23052 CHINACHA.LZH 17281 16.12.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
China Challengepuzzlepeli
22966 CLTRS!22.LHA 35930 15.01.1995 - - -
multitasking tetris-clone v2.2 - eCS/aGA
23053 COGNITIO.DMS 298258 17.12.1994 - grandis.nu/turran -
vaatii os2
23056 COLORS10.LHA 154988 16.12.1994 - - -
COLORS V1.0 puzzlepeliObject of COLORS is
simply to form lines of four blocks or more
of the same colors  Pieces which consist of
three blocks are randomly picked and then
23057 CONNEX.DMS 693381 17.12.1994 - #Jope -
värisuorien koostamista
22967 COUNTER.LHA 58188 21.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Counter, Nice logical game with 100 levels +
editor Type: game/think
62360 CRAZYCLO.LHA 58431 16.04.1996 - MBCD -
CrazyClock 1.1 - Älyä vaativa kellopeli.
22968 DEFAC141.LHA 1,7 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Deface v1.41 - a classic board game. Remove the blocks in correct order. Requires at least AGA-Amiga with 4MB Fast and DBLNTSC-monitor.
22969 DPOKR10B.LHA 35118 21.12.1995 - - -
DeLuxe Poker v1.0b, GREAT WB+MUI poker,Type:
game/wb, DeLuxe Poker requires version 2.1 of
the Amiga operating systemor higher, and
23065 DRAGONTI.LHA 61385 10.11.1994 - - -
V3.0 RELEASE     100% AGA / ECS
23082 FIL.LZH 11284 16.12.1994 - - -
Five In LinePieni ja hyvä jätkänshakki
22970 FLIPOVER.LHA 56498 21.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Flipover is a puzzle game consisting of grid
of squares, clicking on a square "flips" it
over (changing it's colour)but also flips
surrounding squares ;)The Idea is to flip all
squares to the opposite colour.
64335 FUNKLADY.LHA 55191 21.12.1995 - - -
Funkylady, Very good Othello program, C
CLI only, highly optimized Othello program C
with a simple text user interface. In autumn
1993 it probably ranked among the 10C
best Othello programs in the world.C
Executables for 68000 and 68020+ included.
64339 FUNT101E.LHA 115757 08.12.1996 - - tupla
FunTris 1.01 - Shareware - Amiga 1MB
-Funtastic tetris-game for 2-4 playerswith 2
different gametypes. - Author:Pasi Laaksonen
64340 FUNT103E.LHA 127293 18.12.1996 - - -
FunTris 1.03 - Shareware - Amiga 1MB
-Funtastic tetris-game for 1-4 playerswith 2
game types and 1+7 shape-sets. -Author: Pasi
22971 FUNT106E.LHA 161,1 kt 09.12.1997 - MBCD -
FunTris 1.06. Shareware. Amiga. Siisti tetris-peli 1-4 pelaajalle, kaksi pelitapaa, 8 palikkasettiä, tarvittaessa sopivantasoista vastusta antavat tietokonepelaaja(t).
23094 GAMELIFE.DMS 180162 17.12.1994 - - -
Game of Life
Nikki Corruptions
22972 GCHESS4B.LHA 711223 21.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
GNU Chess VERSION 4.0.pl74GNU chess program
64428 GCHESS4D.LHA 20097 21.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
GNU Chess VERSION 4.0.pl74
GNU chess program
22973 GCHESS4S.LHA 1493862 21.12.1995 - 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso -
GNU Chess VERSION 4.0.pl74GNU chess program.
Original sources.
23096 GIGERT.DMS 142989 17.12.1994 - - -
Giger Tetris AGA
Ensimmäinen AGA PD-peli.
22974 GOLF100.LHA 102,2 kt 30.04.1997 - - -
Golf 1.00 - Card game (ECS / AGA)
22975 GRIDLOCK.LHA 118,5 kt 30.10.1997 - aminet.net -
GridLock - a little multiplayer strategygame. TCP/IP or modem connection supported.
22976 HEX2.LHA 72483 25.11.1996 - 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso -
2 players board game with nice gfx & snd
22977 HEXAGONS.LHA 38221 21.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
The Ultimative Hexagonal Challenge.
V1.0Requirements:  Amiga-OS 2.0 or
better.very nice hexagonal Tetris clone, that
runs on any WorkBench screen. It's a
ultimative challenge, because it's
verydifficult to play. AGA/ECS.
23115 HWTRIVIA.DMS 166215 16.12.1994 - - -
Hollywood Trivia
>Mukava trivial-peli
22978 HYBRIS_1.LHA 40700 16.02.1996 - MBCD -
Hybris = A Tetris -clone in workbench
65046 IKERISX.LHA 432372 05.02.1996 - MBCD -
Messevä huippupeli suoraan PD-ohjelmistojen
kärkeen! Tekijänä Iikka Keränen, muista tämä
nimi myös tulevaisuudessa!
Pura paketti tyhjälle, installoidulle
22979 INTSTATE.LHA 247705 21.12.1995 - - -
Interstate, card-like game where you
raceacross the continent.
23119 JMINES10.LHA 13923 16.12.1994 - - -
Jmines V1.0, miinanraivausta
22980 KLON31.LHA 729406 26.03.1995 - MBCD -
Deluxe Klondike AGA III - 3rd version ofthe
amazing cardgame. New: Cardsets and music
selectable from requesters (support for
unlimited number of cardsets), Auto
turn-over, Internal config-card (available
before only in selected cardsets), More card
sets on disk! (Real cool new one:
AirBrush.reko by Reko-Productions!),docs in
.guide format - still no-annoying-requester
22981 KLON32.LHA 645819 26.03.1995 - MBCD -
Deluxe Klondike AGA III - 3rd version ofthe
amazing cardgame. New: Cardsets and music
selectable from requesters (support for
unlimited number of cardsets), Auto
turn-over, Internal config-card (available
before only in selected cardsets), More card
sets on disk! (Real cool new one:
AirBrush.reko by Reko-Productions!),docs in
.guide format - still no-annoying-requester
22982 KLON33.LHA 690745 26.03.1995 - MBCD -
Deluxe Klondike AGA III - 3rd version ofthe
amazing cardgame. New: Cardsets and music
selectable from requesters (support for
unlimited number of cardsets), Auto
turn-over, Internal config-card (available
before only in selected cardsets), More card
sets on disk! (Real cool new one:
AirBrush.reko by Reko-Productions!),docs in
.guide format - still no-annoying-requester
22983 KLON34.LHA 593514 26.03.1995 - MBCD -
Deluxe Klondike AGA III - 3rd version ofthe
amazing cardgame. New: Cardsets and music
selectable from requesters (support for
unlimited number of cardsets), Auto
turn-over, Internal config-card (available
before only in selected cardsets), More card
sets on disk! (Real cool new one:
AirBrush.reko by Reko-Productions!),docs in
.guide format - still no-annoying-requester
22984 KLONDIKE.LHA 50983 22.01.1996 - MBCD -
Klondike - Pasianssipeli. Ks. MikroBitti
65571 KLONDIKE.LZH 51912 10.12.1994 - 12236/ffcollection-1-5-1992-11.iso -
22985 KLONPR10.LHA 158 kt 07.09.1997 - MBCD -
KlondikePrefs 1.0 - Klondike Preferences Editor. - Req: OS3+, ReqTools 38+, MUI 3.6+, Klondike AGA. - Aminet: klondikeprefs.lha
22986 KQUEST.LHA 127618 21.12.1995 - - -
Knight's Quest, a puzzle game where youtry to
land on as many squares on playingboard as
possible, moving around with a chess-horse.
Simple, nicely and professionally done.
22987 LIGHTOFF.LHA 29225 04.01.1996 - - -
+----------------------------------------+ |
LightsOff V 1.10            |
| Ultimate MUI based brain boggling game |
|        (needs MUI 3.x or better)       |
66052 MCT09A.LHA 4465 23.06.1996 - - -
Pienikokoinen peli jossa tehdään palikoista
kolmen värisuoria. uutena hiscore ja
66053 MCT100.LHA 7876 09.09.1996 - MBCD -
MiniCoTris v1.0 freeware. Todella
pienikokoeinen coloristyylinen palikkapeli,
jossa vaihdettavat grafiikat ja tallentuvat
hiscoret. Moniajaa ja toimii kaikilla
22988 MEGABLO2.LHA 379848 26.03.1995 - - -
Megablock2 is a "Tetris" type game for
allAmigas (1mb). It has the following
features: -1/2 player options-8 levels with
different backdrops for each.-Joystick/
Keyboard.-Loads of new shapes.-Bonus
blocks-Bombs - destroy areas of the "well~.
23146 MINECL11.LHA 45619 15.12.1994 - MBCD -
Mine Clone V1.1,Minesweeper-klooni. IBM
Minesweeperinoloinen, mutta sisältää
uusiaominaisuuksia, mm. Palette
Sharing.VAATII AmigaDOS 3.0
22989 MINETB14.LHA 37419 15.01.1995 - - -
Minehunter V1.4, hieno minesweeperi
23151 MOSAIC.LHA 20518 16.12.1994 - 12730/GoldFishApril1994_CD1.img -
Mosaic, kiva mosaiikin
kasaamispeli. Puzzle/älypeli.
23155 MSWEE26.LHA 55188 16.12.1994 - Turran - Zenlandia -
MineSweeper Game, version 2.6.          =H=
22990 NETRI114.LHA 139,6 kt 20.10.1997 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Netris 1.14 - 4-Player Internet Tetris Game. Req: OS2+, AMarquee 1.44+, AmiTCP 3.0b+ (or compatible TCP stack) - Netris1.14.lha
66554 NEWEM1.DMS 321375 06.05.1995 - MBCD -
New Emerald Mines 1
Boulder Dashausta.
22991 NUMBBUMB.LHA 3114 29.05.1995 repacked #Jope -
*numbabumbah* - the new generation ...a short
wb-game by yab! Thinking andrelaxation. coded
with using AmigaE v3.1a & CEd2. 1oo% pd
22992 PESTEN.LHA 25548 21.12.1995 - aminet.net -
Pesten, nice UNO like card game V1.0This is a
dutch card game called pesten.It should run
on any Amiga with KS 1.2 or  higher.
22993 PICCROSS.LHA 14879 20.12.1995 - aminet.net -
PicCross 1.0 Picture/Logic PuzzleType:
game/think - This program contains 5 puzzles
(ranging from easy to difficult) which are
solved using numeric clues to create a
picture. The program is not crippled or
anything, and will only work on OS 2.x or g
reater. The type of puzzles contained have
appeared repeatedly in GAMES magazine as well
as the London Telegraph (A british newspaper
I think). Just download it if you like
23178 PIPEM2.DMS 150541 17.12.1994 - - -
Pipe Master II
puzzle, putkien suunnittelua ja letkutusta
23179 POKER10.LHA 384319 17.12.1994 - 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso -
Pokeri, vähän outo mutta monipuolinen.
22994 PONDER.LHA 19130 13.10.1996 - aminet.net -
Ponder. Simple WB-game. "rebuilt the left
field using the right one"
67333 POOKAH.LHA 72319 13.10.1996 - 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso -
Pookah. Gambling game for WB.
22995 PROGM221.LHA 102,2 kt 19.11.1997 - - -
ProGammon v2.21 - a backgammon game. Requires at least AmigaOS 2.04 and uses 640x480 AGA-screen if available.
22996 PSD_EVAL.LHA 352327 14.06.1996 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Productions. Puzzle game running on anything
with one meg of CHIP ram.
23182 QUATRO.DMS 124620 17.12.1994 - - -
23184 RIGHTWAY.DMS 207225 17.12.1994 - - -
Right Way
Mainio puzzle, jossa koetetaan saada pikku-
äijä johdatetuksi ruudun toiselle laidalle
23185 ROACHFRM.LHA 92538 17.12.1994 - aminet.net -
AgAM! "Roach Farm" Share Ware Puzzlepeli
jossa hoidetaan "ludetilaa".by Lucas A.
Swineford,made with Blitz Basic 2
22997 ROCKSLID.LZH 156114 26.03.1995 - Turran - Boondox_BBS -
Rockslide V1.3 - mukava Coloris/Tetrisklooni
jossa muodostetaan värisuoria.
23189 RUEDA13.LHA 193062 17.12.1994 - - -
Rueda, onnenpyorapeli, arvaa kirjaimia
ja arvaa mika sana/lause niista muodostuu.
22998 SB_AG_.LHA 177110 15.01.1995 - - -
Atomz - 1994 Silicon Based Life - turn all
your enemies pieces into your own by making
one of your atom's to explode converting any
atoms horizontaly or verticaly adjacent to
your own into your colour. Puzzle.
23190 SCHIFF10.LHA 14182 15.12.1994 - 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin -
Schiffeversenken 1.0, etsi ja
upotavastustajasi laivat,
laivanupotus-versioVAATII WB 2.0. Freeware.
22999 SCRABB20.LHA 148,9 kt 07.01.1998 - - -
Scrabble V2.0
23195 SE_POK.LHA 137073 10.11.1994 - - -
AGAM! Smoke'em Poker, v1.0 multi-playerpoker
game of five-card draw. Play against 5
computer opponents who'd love to "smoke" you
out of a pot. Requires KS 2.04+, uses speech
if available.Opensoverscan screen, so may
require an overscan WB setting of 704x240 or
23199 SHOOTPON.LHA 74555 17.12.1994 - MBCD -
AGAM! Shoot Pontoon,nice Black Jack-card game
23200 SIMON.DMS 192303 17.12.1994 - - -
23203 SNAP.EXE 69584 17.12.1994 - - -
SNAP - muistipeli
68585 SPIDER.LHA 30851 17.12.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso tupla
spider - play double deck solitaire
23000 SPIDER10.LHA 30733 20.12.1995 - - -
Spider, Double-deck solitaire game. requires
OS2.0 Another amiga adaption of the `spider`
patience game from Sun/OpenWin. Has an
undo/redo/buffer and allows to load or save
game-sessions.Type: game/board
23001 STIME.LHA 302422 17.12.1995 - - -
Great 3d puzzle game by TRECISION.
23002 STOW.LHA 352,5 kt 31.10.1997 - - -
Stowers - Small board game (GO or THROMULUS clone), one or two players.
68753 STYXM1.DMS 181594 06.05.1995 - MBCD -
Styx Mines 1
Boulder Dash-kloonausta, puzzletoimintaa
timanttien keräämistä kaivoksessa.
68754 STYXM2.DMS 218818 06.05.1995 - MBCD -
Styx Mines 2
Boulder Dash-kloonausta, puzzletoimintaa
timanttien keräämistä kaivoksessa.
23227 TERTIS.LZH 12922 17.12.1994 - - -
ErittΣin pieni, moniajoTetris
23228 TETRDUEL.LHA 303391 17.12.1994 - - -
AGAM! Tetris Duel AGA!Great two player
Tetris-variationwith interesting twist: two
playerWAR action, special hidden pieces,bombs
etc. Uses DblPAL-mode
onVGA/Multiscan-monitors! Makers:FUNDAMENTAL,
23229 TETRIX.LHA 14604 17.12.1994 - 4775/Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 11.iso -
Erittäin pieni, moniajava Tetris
23003 THEGRID.LHA 55263 20.12.1995 - By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Mantisoft - The Grid. nice little game by
mantisoft, involving lining up several round
things (4 of them), before your opponent
can/Get four chips in a row in the grid.
23231 THINAHED.DMS 168736 17.12.1994 - - -
Think Ahead
ERINOMAINEN puzzle/älypeli
23004 THINKAMA.LHA 83578 20.12.1995 - 20447/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 02 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-11][Skylink CD].iso -
ThinkAMania V2.99 Full-Release 100%, A
CoolConcentration-Like/Memory Game With
SuperbGFX And Funny Sound-Effects
23234 TOMGAMES.LHA 41313 17.12.1994 - aminet.net -
TomGames, pieniä moniajaviaWB-pelejä
23236 TREKTRI1.DMS 622887 17.12.1994 - - -
Star Trek TNG Trivia Challenge 1/2
23237 TREKTRI2.DMS 641779 17.12.1994 - - -
Star Trek TNG Trivia Challenge 2/2
23005 TSW111.LHA 247336 17.12.1995 - - -
This is a self-teaching  "crossword-kind"
game.  Play  against Amiga or Amiga and a
human. Needs Kickstart 3.0+,  68020+  and
MUI  3.1.  Currently supports English and
Russian  languages  (adaptation  to   any
other   languages   is   rather  simple).
69444 TTA.LHA 18544 29.10.1995 - MBCD -
TicTacToe. Toimii Workbenchissä.
23006 TTTWB.LHA 7995 15.01.1995 - aminet.net -
The Clasic pencil & paper game.
23007 TWIS038B.LHA 30,3 kt 28.08.1997 renamed aminet.net -
"Twister 0.38 - Ultimate Rubiks Cube program. Requires: OS2+MUI 3.3+ and 68020+ - Aminet name: Twister038b.lha"
69517 UCHES271.LHA 701951 04.12.1994 - MBCD tupla
AGAM! UChess271, upea PD shakkipeli,
ECS/AGA-versiot, vaatii KS 2.0, vah.68020 ja
2 Mt ram. Sis. kolme versiota,020+ 2 Mt Ram,
020+ 2+4 Mt Ram, 680402+4 Mt Ram. Pelaa
erittäin hyvin, todella loistava kokonaisuus,
23239 UCHES289.LHA 854265 15.12.1994 - MBCD -
UChess V2.89, kuuluisa Amigan shakki-peli.
Erittäin kova pelaamaan, täysin moniajava,
tukee 640x480x256 AGA-Amigoissa, paljon
toimintoja jne. Paketissa
68020/030/040/WB2.0/4 MtRAM ja 68040/10 Mt
23246 WBGAME17.LHA 76145 17.12.1994 - 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso -
WBGames V1.7, WB-ruudulla
moniajavia pikku-pelejä.
23008 WBRAI21A.LHA 21,3 kt 09.12.1997 - MBCD -
WBrain 2.1a - Žlypeli Workbenchiin.
69946 WBRAIN.LHA 59707 16.04.1996 - MBCD -
WBrain 1.0 - WB:ssä toimiva älypeli.
23247 WORDSEAR.LHA 27931 17.12.1994 - - -
Wordsearch, sanojen etsimistä laatikosta.
70274 XBLOX142.DMS 237729 19.05.1996 - MBCD -
'Coloris'-tyylinen palikkapeli jossa kuusi
eri pelityylia + musakit. Shareware.
23009 YAHZEE23.LHA 41886 26.03.1995 - MBCD -
Yahzee V2.3 PUBSCREEN bug fixedFeatures:Two
different type of games (Maxi andOriginal
Yahzee)Two different scoring methods
(American andTraditional)1 to 6 players.Font
sensitive.Can open its window on any public
screen.Ten high scores for each ty pe of game
andscoring method.Supports locale.library
70441 ZAPT125E.LHA 174744 28.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
ZapTris - Version 1.25 - Shareware (Amiga)
-Exellent Tetris-clone! - Much of
specialthings - Also normal Tetris-mode -
Veryflexible (much of settings) - 80 levels
-Link- and demogames - Own Top 10 for
fastestplayers & much more - Author: Pasi
Laakson en
23010 ZAPT126E.LHA 179227 08.12.1996 - - -
ZapTris - Version 1.26 - Shareware (Amiga)
-Exellent tetris-clone! - Much of
specialthings - Also normal Tetris-mode -
Veryflexible (much of settings) - 80 levels
-Link- and demogames - You can play your
ownbackground-musics - Three Top 10-lists &mu
ch more - Author: Pasi Laaksonen
23250 ZETRIS10.LHA 17480 17.12.1994 - aminet.net -
Zetris V1.0, tetrisklooni
60020 #1BS30-A.ZIP 399851 10.11.1994 - MBCD -
Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action  [1/4]
Also requires #1BS30-B,C,D.ZIP.
In 1992 came Wolfenstein. NOW there's Blake
Stone: Aliens of Gold! A battle against a
madman who's hatched an army of doom, with
mutants, biodroids, demons--all genetically
designed for mass terror!  Blake v3.0 has an
even more impressive list of features than
the original release.  Rediscover it today!
Requires 386+, DOS 5+.  AdLib/SB supported.
Nearly two years to make by JAM Productions.
60021 #1BS30-B.ZIP 369977 10.11.1994 - MBCD -
Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action  [2/4]
Also requires #1BS30-A,C,D.ZIP.
60022 #1BS30-C.ZIP 367059 10.11.1994 - MBCD -
Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action  [3/4]
Part 3 of 4. Also requires #1BS30-A,B,D.ZIP.
60023 #1BS30-D.ZIP 369291 10.11.1994 - MBCD -
Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action  [4/4]
Part 4 of 4. Also requires #1BS30-A,B,C.ZIP.
60039 #1WOLF14.ZIP 743132 31.10.1994 - MBCD -
Wolfenstein 3-D v1.4 - ID/APOGEE!
256 color VGA graphics
Fastest 3-D graphics of ANY PC game.  Sound
Blaster effects and Ad Lib music.  Graphics
so real they cause dizziness!  Rated PC-13
due to intense, realistic visual effects.
Needs 286 or better.  Fixes some video
problems, and adds joystick calibration.
60118 1925TERR.ZIP 2340656 18.03.1996 - - -
Ninja Commandoes-pelin tekijän toinen
samamntyyppinen 3D-peli.
24576 1ROTT13.ZIP 3741582 27.03.1996 - MBCD -
3D Shareware by Apogee
"ROTT will have every DOOM freak in the world
lining up just to drool over it!" ─- IE Mag.
Requires 386DX+, 4Megs RAM & local bus video.
ROTT is a REALISTIC, violent 3D action game.
10+ weapons, HUGE levels, modem/network play.
Midi music & digital sounds for all cards.
Digitized enemies, INTENSE ACTION, realistic
playability. RSAC Rating 4 - Wanton Violence
HIGHLY RATED by ALL top game magazines.
24577 3DDN13-A.ZIP 153808 30.04.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware -
by 3D Realms Entertainment
Part #1 of 5.  Also needs 3DDN13-B,C,D,E.ZIP.
"It makes every PC game we've seen, DOOM
included, look dull. Honestly!" ─ PC Gamer.
Duke blows away everything you know about 3D
action games. Blow thru walls, jetpack over
buildings, fight underwater--all in a truly
interactive game like you have *never* seen.
Supports SVGA modes, multiplay, most game
contollers.  Music by Bobby (DOOM) Prince.
24578 3DDN13-B.ZIP 1444941 30.04.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware -
Part #2 of 5.  Also needs 3DDN13-A,C,D,E.ZIP.
24579 3DDN13-C.ZIP 1444941 30.04.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware -
Part #3 of 5.  Also needs 3DDN13-A,B,D,E.ZIP.
24580 3DDN13-D.ZIP 1444539 30.04.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware -
Part #4 of 5.  Also needs 3DDN13-A,B,C,E.ZIP.
24581 3DDN13-E.ZIP 1426962 30.04.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware -
Part #5 of 5.  Also needs 3DDN13-A,B,C,D.ZIP.
60187 3DDUKE13.ZIP 5910932 14.05.1996 - MBCD tupla
DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware -
by 3D Realms Entertainment
"It makes every PC game we've seen, DOOM
included, look dull. Honestly!" ─ PC Gamer.
Duke blows away everything you know about 3D
action games. Blow thru walls, jetpack over
buildings, fight underwater--all in a truly
interactive game like you have *never* seen.
Supports SVGA modes, multiplay, most game
contollers.  Music by Bobby (DOOM) Prince.
Now, go kick-butt in futurustic Los Angeles!
24582 3DSW12.A01 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 1.2 2/10
24583 3DSW12.A02 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 1.2 3/10
24584 3DSW12.A03 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 1.2 4/10
24585 3DSW12.A04 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 1.2 5/10
24586 3DSW12.A05 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 1.2 6/10
24587 3DSW12.A06 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 1.2 7/10
24588 3DSW12.A07 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 1.2 8/10
24589 3DSW12.A08 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 1.2 9/10
24590 3DSW12.A09 143,9 kt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 1.2 10/10
24591 3DSW12.ARJ 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
SHADOW WARRIOR by 3D Realms  (v1.2) From the creators of Duke Nukem 3D! Starring Ninja assissan Lo Wang, "it\'s a slam bang tribute to the chop-socky movies we all grew up with. The game is as hilarious as it is deliciously violent."--Adrenaline Vault "Cremates the competition!"--GameSlice Weekly. All we can say is it you liked Duke, try Shadow Warrior--it\'s bigger & better. Visit http://www.shadowwarrior.com for info/shots.
24592 3DTV12.ZIP 3954988 27.03.1996 - MBCD -
TERMINAL VELOCITY v1.2 from 3D Realms!
Shareware by Terminal Reality, Inc.
"A 3D shooter that's part Star Wars and part
Descent!" ─Computer Gaming World. Take flight
in this futuristic action game, with huge,
realistic levels, modem/net support, insane
weapons & multi channel digital music/sound.
Requires: 486/8MB RAM (4MB at your own risk)
"The 3D worlds are breathtaking, like nothing
seen before in games."─Computer Player mag.
24593 BLOOD.A01 2,9 Mt 08.03.1997 - MBCD -
Blood. Shareware version. Part 2/6.
24594 BLOOD.A02 2,9 Mt 08.03.1997 - MBCD -
Blood. Shareware version. Part 3/6.
24595 BLOOD.A03 2,9 Mt 08.03.1997 - MBCD -
Blood. Shareware version. Part 4/6.
24596 BLOOD.A04 2,9 Mt 08.03.1997 - MBCD -
Blood. Shareware version. Part 5/6.
24597 BLOOD.A05 1,9 Mt 08.03.1997 - MBCD -
Blood. Shareware version. Part 6/6.
24598 BLOOD.ARJ 2,9 Mt 08.03.1997 - MBCD -
Blood. New, revolutionary 3D-action game from Monolith productions. Fight against evil with such weapons as TNT, Tommy guns and flamers. Superb graphics and great atmosphere. Get it now! Part 1/6.
24599 C3D.ZIP 433,2 kt 14.06.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 -
"Chacal 3D Genre: Action (2 Player Game) Developer: Bendimer Doom clone where you play against a friend on the same computer using a split screen view. Have a fragfest on 9 levels of mulitplayer fun! Kick your little sisters butt or smack your best friend around a bit...its a blast! 9 levels. Split screen view. Player 1 = Keyboard Player 2 = Mouse. DOS. Free. "
30421 DCNT14-1.ZIP 1434621 16.09.1995 - MBCD -
DESCENT Shareware v1.4
(1/2) DESCENT shareware version 1.4. Added:
Support for Virtual I/O headset. Support for
3Dmax shutter glasses. Left/right eye toggle
for VR modes (Shift+F7). Low/hi res toggle
for VR mode (Shift+F6). Head tracking
sensitivity adjustment (Shift+F8). Save game
works during briefing screens. Error message
if not enough file handles. Enhanced screen
modes. Use command lines: -320x100 -320x240
-320x400 -640x400 -640x480.
30422 DCNT14-2.ZIP 1442660 16.09.1995 - MBCD -
DESCENT Shareware v1.4
(2/2) DESCENT shareware version 1.4. Added:
Support for Virtual I/O headset. Support for
3Dmax shutter glasses. Left/right eye toggle
for VR modes (Shift+F7). Low/hi res toggle
for VR mode (Shift+F6). Head tracking
sensitivity adjustment (Shift+F8). Save game
works during briefing screens. Error message
if not enough file handles. Enhanced screen
modes. Use command lines: -320x100 -320x240
-320x400 -640x400 -640x480.
30423 DCNTFNT.ZIP 1700 20.10.1995 - 1978/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 5.iso -
Descent DOS font! This is a little DOS font
based on the font in the great 3-D game
Descent. It is just a little COM file, and
the change is temporary. It wears off when
graphics modes are changed. Made with
24600 DM19SW.ZIP 2,3 Mt 18.09.1997 - MBCD tupla
"DOOM v1.9                             01/01 DOOM is a fast-moving virtual reality game in which you are plunged into a brutal 3-D world. To escape aliveyou must outfight legions of grisly fiends and solve DOOMs lethal puzzles. You play a marine equipped with a variety of weapons and technological artifactsbut in the end it comes down to whos tougher: you or them. Note: DOOM portrays graphic violence and may not be suitable for younger children. 386 or better"
63037 DM19SW.ZIP 2418484 16.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
DOOM v1.9                             [01/01]
DOOM is a fast-moving virtual reality game in
which you are plunged into a brutal 3-D
world. To escape alive, you must outfight
legions of grisly fiends and solve DOOM's
lethal puzzles. You play a marine equipped
with a variety of weapons and technological
artifacts, but in the end it comes down to
who's tougher: you or them. Note: DOOM
portrays graphic violence and may not be
suitable for younger children. 386 or better,
24601 DOM1.EXE 5,3 Mt 01.03.1998 - MBCD -
Domination. 3D-shooter with bit more depth? Domination is what you are asking for. Along with cyborg-blasting, you a re able to use numerous computer terminals around levels, and even make your own small programs with integrated REX++ language. By Xtreme Games. Install through Win95. P75 16 MB DOS
63254 DUK13TEN.A01 3999400 19.05.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D V1.3d. Sisältää
TNN-yhteysohjelmat. Osa 2/3.
63255 DUK13TEN.A02 1274719 19.05.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D V1.3d. Sisältää
TNN-yhteysohjelmat. Osa 3/3.
63256 DUK13TEN.ARJ 3999400 19.05.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D V1.3d. Sisältää
TNN-yhteysohjelmat. Osa 1/3.
24602 GOSFREE.ZIP 1,1 Mt 23.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Giants of Steel. 3D-Mech-Battlesimulator. You have to control various types of Mechs in several different missionsliketank - destructionheli - killingbase - demolishing' ... Your mech can be equipped with various weapons, like 'lasergrenadeflamethrower... A bit oldish but playable. FREEWARE. DOS. Digital Nightmares."
30517 GREED-1.ZIP 1449600 14.10.1995 - MBCD -
In Persuit of GREED - Doom-like arcade [1/3]
30518 GREED-2.ZIP 1445590 14.10.1995 - MBCD -
In Persuit of GREED - Doom-like arcade [2/3]
30519 GREED-3.ZIP 441504 14.10.1995 - MBCD -
In Persuit of GREED - Doom-like arcade [3/3]
30543 HTIC_V10.ZIP 2876545 30.12.1994 - MBCD -
Heretic is a supernatural blast-fest that is
the most realistic, action-packed fantasy
combat computer game for the PC. Created by
the graphic masters at Raven Software in
concert with the technical gurus of id
Software, Heretic adds new levels of play and
graphic wonder to the tried and true DOOM
gaming environment. 486-33, 4 megs RAM, VGA,
10 megs HD space RSAC ADVISORY (tm),
Violence: 3 Blood and Gore
65515 KAPTURE.ZIP 238407 24.12.1994 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO tupla
Kapture 3D (v1.0) - by Nate Goudie
An intense two player action/strategy game
of "Capture the Flag" which takes place in
the years following a nuclear holocaust.
Both players compete head-to- head with
non-stop, split-screen (first person
perspective) action!  Make use of your trusty
handgun, land mines, scanners, compasses,
med-kits, etc, while evaiding hazards like
fire and spear traps (not to mention your
opponent!). Requires 386+ and 256 color VGA.
Give it a
24603 QSW106_1.ZIP 1453392 08.10.1996 - MBCD -
Quake Shareware version V1.06. Part 1/7.
24604 QSW106_2.ZIP 1452649 08.10.1996 - MBCD -
Quake Shareware version V1.06. Part 2/7.
24605 QSW106_3.ZIP 1447280 08.10.1996 - MBCD -
Quake Shareware version V1.06. Part 3/7.
24606 QSW106_4.ZIP 1446755 08.10.1996 - MBCD -
Quake Shareware version V1.06. Part 4/7.
24607 QSW106_5.ZIP 1448900 08.10.1996 - MBCD -
Quake Shareware version V1.06. Part 5/7.
24608 QSW106_6.ZIP 1446880 08.10.1996 - MBCD -
Quake Shareware version v1.06. Part 6/7.
24609 QSW106_7.ZIP 398703 08.10.1996 - MBCD -
Quake Shareware version V1.06. Part 7/7.
30746 REAP.ZIP 1081309 02.12.1995 - 6764/CDA1_96.ISO -
You must use the following to extract files
correctly. " Pkunzip -D ". Reap is a
Wolfenstein type game. Walk through a 3D maze
shooting bad guys. Three levels are in the
zip file, with 40 in the registered version.
Its not the greatest 3D game around, but I
think you will enjoy it. Your system MUST
have at least 4 megs of ram, 600k free conv.
memory and 5k of extended memory. If you
don't have any of the above, type boot disk
30784 SDNINJA.ZIP 1057084 23.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso -
Ninja Commandoes, Wolfenstein 3d-tyylinen
24610 STRIFE11.ZIP 4851524 29.03.1996 - MBCD -
Strife: 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattavan demon
versio 1.1.
30892 TRYAGAIN.ZIP 22365 19.05.1995 - - -
Try Again
"Try Again" is a new style DOOM game.
Target of the game is to get 3 or more
frags and then press the exit button
before your opponent kills you. Then
you can try to do this again! (DOOM II)
24611 WAR99.ZIP 542 kt 21.07.1997 - MBCD -
Wararena 3D 0.99 by Shack. Suomalainen räiskintäpeli hyvillä grafiikoilla, äänillä jne. Sisältää bugikorjauksia 0.99b:hen
30194 1-0.ZIP 211514 30.11.1995 - MBCD -
1-0:      One-Nil - NEW RELEASE - soccer
league team management one or two players.
176 teams, five divisions, hire/fire staff,
financial management, cash flow, visual
presentation fo each match and text
commentary.  crowd attendance, stadium
improvemetns, offers to manage other teams,
detailed analysis of each player.
60351 AB125SH.ZIP 205344 08.01.1997 - - -
Arcade Business V.1.25 for DOS on peli, jossa
olet pelihallin johtaja. Vastuullasi on
esimer- kiksi uusien peliautomaattien
hankinta, työntekijöiden palk- kaus ja
mainoskampanjoiden hoi- to...ennen kaikkea
asiakkaiden viihtyvyys! V.1.25.:een on
korjattu monia aiempien versioiden bugeja ja
lisätty muutama uusi ominai- suuskin.
24087 AB129SH.ZIP 253,9 kt 20.04.1998 - - -
Arcade Business v1.29. on peli, jossa perustat pelihallia, tavoitteenasi olla joskus Suomen paras. Hoidat kaiken hallinpitoon liittyvän aina uusien automaattien hankinnasta työntekijöiden palkkaukseen ja mainoskampanjoihin. Tärkeintä on kuitenkin aina asiakkaiden viihtyvyys! Versio 1.29. on AB:n lopullinen DOS-versio, jossa ei enää pahoja bugeja pitäisi esiintyä.
24088 AIRPRO45.ZIP 82,6 kt 18.01.2001 - - -
AIRPRO 4.5 The Airline Manager Simulation by Frank Simon Schoenstedt. Taloussimulaatio. Perusta lentoyhtiö toisen maailmansodan jälkeen, kehitä lentoreittejä, osta kalustoa ja rakenna hyvä bisnesimperiumi. DOS. 
24089 DBTL.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Down By The Laituri PelJärjestä itse DBTL-festari Saat määrätä keikat, lippujen hinnat, 
hankkia sponsorit, mainostaa, vuokrata lavoja. Bisnes- ja 
strategiapeli. Skitso Productions 1997.
30482 FM61.ZIP 242420 24.04.1995 - MBCD -
Football Manager V6.1 a football/soccer game
for PC
30510 GOAL!.ZIP 137167 29.11.1995 renamed 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
goal, THE game of international soccer team
management. 128 countries, almost entire
membership of FIFA. Select your squad and
team for each match, handle overall and
player tactics to win the World Cup.
24090 OSAKEPE.ZIP 37,4 kt 11.11.1999 - #anonyymi -
Osakepeli. Tekijä Ville Mäkelä. Yksinkertainen, reaaliajassa tapahtuva osakekeinottelupeli. Seuraa pörssikurssien tapahtumia ruudun alareunasta ja koeta haalia salkkuusi mahdollisimman tuottavia osakkeita. Vaatii DOS.
30706 PLHV23.ZIP 178783 24.02.1995 - - -
Pro League Hockey Simulator v.2.3
Jääkiekko manageri -peli
30709 POC2.ZIP 1046952 16.11.1995 - - -
»········Ports of Call 2···········«
Shareware version. Excellent real life
simulation. Buy ships, sell ships, make lots
of cash. Highly recommended.
24091 POCFIN.ZIP 895,4 kt 18.02.1999 - MBCD -
Ports of Call 2.02 - SUOMENKIELINEN trade- and shipping simulation. Trade around the globe in Ports of Call, running a ship company, selecting profitable cargoes and enduring storms. Also you can navigate your ship yourself in the harbours of the world. DOS, 386, VGA.
24092 POCUS.ZIP 895,8 kt 18.02.1999 - MBCD -
Ports of Call 2.02 - ENGLISH trade- and shipping simulation. Trade around the globe in Ports of Call, running a ship company, selecting profitable cargoes and enduring storms. Also you can navigate your ship yourself in the harbours of the world. DOS, 386, VGA.
24093 PORSSI15.ZIP 3,6 Mt 03.09.2000 - - -
Pörssi-peli: Ver 1.5 by Taco Soft :  Helppoa pörssi keinottelua,  raa\'assa bisnesmaailmassa. Ostat ja myyt osakkeita, että saisit tarpeeksi rahaa velkojesi maksamiseksi! TODELLA paljon uusia ominaisuuksia  lisätty versio 0.5:sesta alkaen, jonka olet kait jo testannutkin MBNetin Apajalta. Sinõkin voit mailata toiveesi/"bugilistan=?" osoitteeseen: miika.vuorela@mbnet.fi 
24094 SIMDEM74.ZIP 449,1 kt 18.07.2000 - - -
Simutrans SimCity-tyyppinen rakentelupeli, jossa rakennetaan kuljetusjärjestelmiä ihmisille ja rahtiliikenteelle. Sisältää myös suomenkielen. http://koti.mbnet.fi/blue/simu/ DOS-versio. 
30811 SOCCER40.ZIP 208520 24.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Italian football manager!!!
Your goal take charge of football team in
the Italian leagues and manage them to the
first place in the first division, starting
at the bottom of the 4th division.
24095 SPEC10.ZIP 128537 24.01.1996 - - -
Speculator(tm) - A Game of Land Acquisition.
A new real estate strategy game that is
played using maps depicting real and
imaginary land areas. Each of the maps
included is a unique game, providing
different economic models. The human player
competes against three randomly picked
computer players for limited investment
opportunities. Requires EGA/VGA graphics. A
fully functional FREEWARE game.
30879 TMAN163.ZIP 325717 18.04.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
The Manager v1.63 Football Manager Game
70200 WSR4_1A.ZIP 348562 18.04.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
WALL $TREET RAIDER v4.1     [1/2]
The corporate takeover game and simulation --
the ultimate in gritty realism.  Simulates a
"real-time" stock market, with constantly mo-
ving stock ticker,  financial news headlines,
as you attempt  to react to constantly chang-
ing economic model,  investing in  any of 250
companies (IBM, GM, etc.)  in 36  industries.
1 to 4 players, or play against computer. Un-
ique, exciting interface! Ronin Software, $25
70201 WSR4_1B.ZIP 111069 18.04.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla¹
WALL $TREET RAIDER v4.1      [2/2]
Reviewing the program in BYTE Jerry Pournelle
wrote of W$R, "You can really learn something
about stocks, mergers, takeovers, and..HAVE A
machines get more powerful, I expect to see a
lot more of this kind of game." Now, with new
"Cheat Mode" to engage in financial scamming!
1 to 4 players, or play against the computer.
Nothing else like it!  Ronin Software, $25.00
24096 WSR66.ZIP 583,4 kt 22.09.1998 - MBCD -
WALL $TREET RAIDER v. 6.6 -- The corporate takeover game and simulation -- the ultimate in gritty realism. Simulates a "real-time" stock market, with constantly moving stock ticker, financial news headlines, as you attempt to react to ever-changing economic model. Invest in any of 250 companies (IBM, GM, etc.) in 36 industries. 1 to 4 players, or play against computer. Unique, exciting interface!
60147 2069OSOT.A01 3999340 18.12.1996 - - -
2069: Oriental Sex Odyssei trailer 2/4
60148 2069OSOT.A02 3999250 18.12.1996 - - -
2069: Oriental Sex Odyssey trailer 3/4
60149 2069OSOT.A03 840559 18.12.1996 - - -
2069. Oriental Sex Odyssey trailer 4/4
60150 2069OSOT.ARJ 3999335 18.12.1996 - - -
2069: Oriental Sex Odyssey MOV-trailer
of a coming erotic game. 1/4
60192 3DPIN-AV.ZIP 3854058 25.01.1996 - - -
3D Pinball - AVI muotoinen näyteanimaatio,
Sierran Outpost-strategiapelin grafiikkoihin
nojautuva flipperi. Valm. Sierra.
60278 7TH-AVI.ZIP 2195478 16.09.1996 - - -
7th Legion - demoanimation. 7Th Legion is a
native Windows 95 game being developed by
Vision Software of New Zealand and published
by Epic MegaGames, Inc. 7th Legion is
real-time and successfully combines elements
of strategy and action.
60279 7TH-LGN.ZIP 2193970 23.09.1996 - - -
AVI-näyteanimaatio Epic Megagamesin 7th
60576 ALBIONAN.A01 3999410 19.01.1996 - - -
Albion -näyteanimaatio, AVI-muotoinen.
Valm. Blue Byte.
60577 ALBIONAN.A02 3999431 19.01.1996 - - -
Albion -näyteanimaatio, AVI-muotoinen.
Valm. Blue Byte.
60578 ALBIONAN.A03 556609 19.01.1996 - - -
Albion -näyteanimaatio, AVI-muotoinen.
Valm. Blue Byte.
60579 ALBIONAN.ARJ 3999471 19.01.1996 - - -
Albion -näyteanimaatio, AVI-muotoinen.
Valm. Blue Byte.
60607 ALIENMOV.A01 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Alien Alliance-Räiskintäpelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/5.
60608 ALIENMOV.A02 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Alien Alliance-Räiskintäpelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/5.
60609 ALIENMOV.A03 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Alien Alliance-Räiskintäpelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/5.
60610 ALIENMOV.A04 162567 05.02.1996 - - -
Alien Alliance-Räiskintäpelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/5.
60611 ALIENMOV.ARJ 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Alien Alliance-Räiskintäpelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/5.
24709 ALLEGA1.ZIP 4,2 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Allegiance AVI video trailer. Upcoming multiplayer space-combat game from the minds of Microsoft. Combines the challenges of tactical squadron-based combatintense one-on-one space dogfightsand amazing graphical and sound effects into a space-action experience like nothing youve seen before. Engage hundreds of players in death-match style arenascompete in tournamentsand access exclusive additional civilizations!"
24710 ALLEGA2.ZIP 4,6 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Allegiance AVI video trailer. Upcoming multiplayer space-combat game from the minds of Microsoft. Combines the challenges of tactical squadron-based combatintense one-on-one space dogfightsand amazing graphical and sound effects into a space-action experience like nothing youve seen before. Engage hundreds of players in death-match style arenascompete in tournamentsand access exclusive additional civilizations!"
60780 AO-AVI.A01 3999378 23.02.1996 - - -
Alien Odyssey AVI-näytteitä 2/3
60781 AO-AVI.A02 3726785 23.02.1996 - - -
Alien Odyssey AVI-näytteitä 3/3
60782 AO-AVI.ARJ 3999464 23.02.1996 - - -
Alien Odyssey AVI-muotoisia näytteitä
mm. räiskintäosuuksista. Valm. Argonaut 1/3
60883 ARCDY-AN.A01 3999347 01.07.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty AVI 2/7
60884 ARCDY-AN.A02 3999291 01.07.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty AVI 3/7
60885 ARCDY-AN.A03 3999320 01.07.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty AVI 4/7
60886 ARCDY-AN.A04 3999316 01.07.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty AVI 5/7
60887 ARCDY-AN.A05 3999167 01.07.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty AVI 6/7
60888 ARCDY-AN.A06 3388951 01.07.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty AVI 7/7
60889 ARCDY-AN.ARJ 3999340 01.07.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty * challenging, action
packed submarine simulation. "Stunning, high-
color, high-resolution graphics, Orchestral,
stereo sound compliments, advanced dialog
system with digitized speech, decide the next
course of action, and whom to trust, Includes
political elements, opposing powers,companies
and religious groups, establish right
alliances". AVI-format demoanimation with
game footage. Fourth quarter 1996--PC CD-ROM
Blue Byte.
24714 B&WAPE.ZIP 355 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
Black & White movieBlack & White test movie of facial animation within the ape creature. 
24716 B&WGC.ZIP 581,8 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
Black & White movieBlack & White Good Citadel movie. 
24718 B&WGNE.ZIP 377,1 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
Black & White movieLion morphing between the states of Good, Neutral and Evil. 
24720 B&WHAND.ZIP 384,3 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
Black & White movieBlack & White hand/cursor test movie. 
24711 BANGVID.ZIP 6,5 Mt 26.06.2000 - - -
BANG-Gunship Elite - Red Storm Entertainment. Incredible rendering techniques, real-time 3- D universes, aliens, asteroids, mammoth vessels, aggressive fighters and powerful weapons will make this the action game your universe is clamoring for! 
61221 BASSAVI.A01 3999327 18.05.1996 - - -
AVI-animaatio Trophy's Bass-kalastuspelistä.
Osa 2/3.
61222 BASSAVI.A02 123939 18.05.1996 - - -
AVI-animaatio Trophy's Bass-kalastuspelistä.
Osa 3/3.
61223 BASSAVI.ARJ 3999410 18.05.1996 - - -
AVI-animaatio Trophy's Bass-kalastuspelistä.
Osa 1/3.
24712 BCMILLM.ZIP 3 Mt 12.07.2000 - - -
Battlecruiser Millenium trailer. BC3000AD Inc. announced the release of a new movie showing off a new technology being implemented into Battlecruiser Millenium. 
61267 BCTRAIL1.ZIP 2889553 18.03.1996 - - -
Burn: Cycle-pelin MOV-muotoinen
61446 BJENNER.A01 1457006 25.04.1996 - - -
Bruce Jennerin haastattelu AVI-animaationa.
Osa 2/5.
61447 BJENNER.A02 1457033 25.04.1996 - - -
Bruce Jennerin haastattelu AVI-animaationa.
Osa 3/5.
61448 BJENNER.A03 1457062 25.04.1996 - - -
Bruce Jennerin haastattelu AVI-animaationa.
Osa 4/5.
61449 BJENNER.A04 974896 25.04.1996 - - -
Bruce Jennerin haastattelu AVI-animaationa.
Osa 5/5.
61450 BJENNER.ARJ 1457068 25.04.1996 - - -
Bruce Jennerin, joka toimi esikuvana
Interactive Magicin uudelle
yleisurheilupelille, Bruce Jenner
Decathlonille, haastattelu AVI-animaationa.
Osa 1/5.
24713 BVMPEG.ZIP 40,2 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Black & White MPEG video. Viisi minuuttia kestävä esittely Lionhead Studiosin tulevasta erikoisesta pelistä.
24715 BWAPE.ZIP 355 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
Black & White movieBlack & White test movie of facial animation within the ape creature. 
24717 BWGC.ZIP 581,8 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
Black & White movieBlack & White Good Citadel movie. 
24719 BWGNE.ZIP 377,1 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
Black & White movieLion morphing between the states of Good, Neutral and Evil. 
24721 BWHAND.ZIP 384,3 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
Black & White movieBlack & White hand/cursor test movie. 
24722 BWMPEG.ZIP 40,2 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Black & White MPEG video. Viisi minuuttia kestävä esittely Lionhead Studiosin tulevasta erikoisesta pelistä.
61770 C2A-E3.ZIP 7098204 20.06.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Brian
Reynolds, designer/programmer. -gamer
suggestions incorporated
61771 C2B-E3.ZIP 7358670 20.06.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Brian
Reynolds, designer/programmer. -exciting
61772 C2C-E3.ZIP 5442986 20.06.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Brian
Reynolds, designer/programmer. -gameplay
61773 C2D-E3.ZIP 4881379 20.06.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Brian
Reynolds, designer/programmer. -more
challengng than original
61774 C2E-E3.ZIP 5950193 20.06.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Brian
Reynolds, designer/programmer. -new scenarios
61775 C2F-E3.ZIP 6555635 20.06.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Jeff
Briggs, producer. -learning about history
61777 C2G-E3.ZIP 6587386 20.06.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Jeff
Briggs, producer. -Research for game
61778 C2H-E3.ZIP 3847964 20.06.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Jeff
Briggs, producer. -Differs from similar games
61779 C2I-E3.ZIP 5549918 20.06.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Jeff
Briggs, producer. -Independent from first
game -Goals of game
61796 CADILLAC.ZIP 2553291 08.04.1996 - - -
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs-räiskintäpelin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
31815 CAOTDAVI.A01 2999295 20.12.1995 - - -
Command: Aces of the Deep AVI
31816 CAOTDAVI.A02 2999279 20.12.1995 - - -
Command: Aces of the Deep AVI
31817 CAOTDAVI.A03 1001186 20.12.1995 - - -
Command: Aces of the Deep AVI
31818 CAOTDAVI.ARJ 2999190 20.12.1995 - - -
Command: Aces of the Deep (aotd)aod)
AVI-muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
Sukellusvenesimulaattori, toinen
maailmansota. Valm. Dynamix/Sierra.
61856 CARPET1.ZIP 3628474 29.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 1-pelin AVI-tiedosto. Bullfrog.
61857 CARPET2A.ZIP 2019096 22.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2:n AVI-tiedosto. Bullfrog
61891 CCBLAST.ZIP 1430853 02.11.1995 - - tupla
Command & Conquer -näyte: Blast.avi,
AVI-muotoinen animaatio, jossa lentokone
törmää moskeijaan.
61899 CCDESTRO.ZIP 5943645 02.11.1995 - - tupla
Command & Conquer näyte: Destroy.avi,
AVI-animaatio C&C:n videopätkistä, jossa
tuhotaan vihollisen tukikohta.
61900 CCHOVER.ZIP 1253628 02.11.1995 - - tupla
Command & Conquer näyte : hover.avi,
AVI-animaatiomuotoinen pätkä C&C:n
sisältämistä videoista.
61901 CCINTRO.ZIP 2074669 02.11.1995 - - tupla
Command & Conquer näyte: ccintro.avi,
AVI-muotoinen animaationäyte pelin
61925 CDEADMV.ZIP 6527565 25.04.1996 - - -
MTV's Club Dead -näyteanimaatio (.MOV).
CD-ROM hämyseikkailu. Valm. Viacom.
62013 CHEWYAN.A01 3499284 19.01.1996 - - -
Chewy - Escape from F5, AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Valm. Blue Byte.
62014 CHEWYAN.A02 2420482 19.01.1996 - - -
Chewy - Escape from F5, AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Valm. Blue Byte.
62015 CHEWYAN.ARJ 3499228 19.01.1996 - - -
Chewy - Escape from F5, AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Valm. Blue Byte.
62090 CITIZEN.A01 3999393 26.04.1996 - - -
Citizens -animaatio 2/4
62091 CITIZEN.A02 3999340 26.04.1996 - - -
Citizens -animaatio 3/4
62092 CITIZEN.A03 1262958 26.04.1996 - - -
Citizens -animaatio 4/4
62093 CITIZEN.ARJ 3999409 26.04.1996 - - -
Citizens -AVI muotoinen näyteanimaatio,
"God's Eye" mallinen peli jossa huolehditaan
pikkukaupungista pilvenreunalta käsin
niukasti "Sim" pelien malliin. MicroProse.
62189 CMIAVI.A01 2999392 15.10.1996 - - -
Curse of Monkey Island. AVI-näyteanimaatio.
Osa 2/3.
62190 CMIAVI.A02 1693595 15.10.1996 - - -
Curse of Monkey island. AVI-näyteanimaatio.
Osa 3/3.
62191 CMIAVI.ARJ 2999344 15.10.1996 - - -
Monkey Island 3: Curse of Monkey Island.
AVI-näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/3.
24723 COMBATM.ZIP 10,1 Mt 04.04.2000 repacked Pelit CD 2002 -
Combat Mission Intro Movie. World War II tactical, realtime 3D wargame to be released in spring 2000. Intro movie trailer. By Big Time Software / battlefront.com 
62281 CONQADAV.A01 4790354 12.06.1996 - - -
Conqueror AD 1096 -animaatio 2/2
62282 CONQADAV.ARJ 4999468 12.06.1996 - - -
Conqueror AD 1096 -AVI-näyteanimaatio
Sierra On-Line               1/2
62367 CREATION.ZIP 2218379 22.01.1996 - - eritupla
Bullfrogin Creation-pelin AVI-tiedosto.
62401 CRUSADER.A01 1457064 29.01.1996 - - tupla
Crusader: No Remorsen AVI-tiedosto. Osa 2/6.
62402 CRUSADER.A02 1457064 29.01.1996 - - tupla
Crusader: No Remorsen AVI-tiedosto. Osa 3/6.
62403 CRUSADER.A03 1457064 29.01.1996 - - tupla
Crusader: No Remorsen AVI-tiedosto. Osa 4/6.
62404 CRUSADER.A04 1457064 29.01.1996 - - tupla
Crusader: No Remorsen AVI-tiedosto. Osa 5/6.
62405 CRUSADER.A05 58511 29.01.1996 - - tupla
Crusader: No Remorsen AVI-tiedosto. Osa 6/6.
62406 CRUSADER.ARJ 1457064 29.01.1996 - - tupla
Crusader: No Remorsen AVI-tiedosto. Osa 1/6.
62407 CRUSAMOV.A01 1457064 29.01.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorsen MOV-tiedosto. Osa 2/6.
62408 CRUSAMOV.A02 1457064 29.01.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorsen MOV-tiedosto. Osa 3/6.
62409 CRUSAMOV.A03 1457064 29.01.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorsen MOV-tiedosto. Osa 4/6.
62410 CRUSAMOV.A04 1457064 29.01.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorsen MOV-tiedosto. Osa 5/6.
62411 CRUSAMOV.A05 300331 29.01.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorsen MOV-tiedosto. Osa 6/6.
62412 CRUSAMOV.ARJ 1457064 29.01.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorsen MOV-tiedosto. Osa 1/6.
62536 CYBERSTM.EXE 2055881 14.04.1996 - - -
Sierran Cyberstorm-pelin AVI-muotoinen
24724 D2CALLIN.ZIP 45,8 Mt 04.09.2000 - - -
Diablo 2:n Trailer
62570 D2NODE.A01 4999292 14.02.1996 - - -
Descent 2 TRAILER/DEMO 2/4
62571 D2NODE.A02 4999075 14.02.1996 - - -
Descent 2 TRAILER/DEMO 3/4
62572 D2NODE.A03 2941534 14.02.1996 - - -
Descent 2 TRAILER/DEMO 4/4
62573 D2NODE.ARJ 4999224 14.02.1996 - - -
Cinematic preview of the upcoming
Descent 2 from Parallax Software and
Interplay Productions  1/4
31843 DAEDALU.A01 3999380 17.12.1995 - - -
Daedalus Encounter traileri 2/3
31844 DAEDALU.A02 3616353 17.12.1995 - - -
Daedalus Encounter traileri 3/3
31845 DAEDALU.ARJ 3999401 17.12.1995 - - -
The Daedalus Encounter mainostraileri,
.mov/Windows Quicktime-muodossa. Pääosassa
Tia Carrere. Tuottanut Virgin Interactive.
62708 DEADLNEV.A01 3999444 18.05.1996 - - tupla
Deadline video 2/8
62709 DEADLNEV.A02 3999200 18.05.1996 - - tupla
Deadline video 3/8
62710 DEADLNEV.A03 3999558 18.05.1996 - - tupla
Deadline video 4/8
62711 DEADLNEV.A04 3999200 18.05.1996 - - tupla
Deadline video 5/8
62712 DEADLNEV.A05 3999200 18.05.1996 - - tupla
Deadline video 6/8
62713 DEADLNEV.A06 3999200 18.05.1996 - - tupla
Deadline video 7/8
62714 DEADLNEV.A07 3736408 18.05.1996 - - -
Deadline video 8/8
62715 DEADLNEV.ARJ 3999460 18.05.1996 - - -
Deadline demovideo 1/8.
Millenium/Psygnosis. Laser Squad/UFO
malliin toteutettu kommandopeli.
24725 DEEPFA.ZIP 12,2 Mt 18.03.2000 - - -
 Deep Fighter AVI video trailer. Criterion Studios. Deep below the ocean an underwater civilization is fighting to survive the dual threat of deadly enemies and the impending destruction of their landscape. As a private in the Defence Force you take on dangerous missions.
62897 DIABMOV.A01 2999200 23.08.1996 - - -
Diablo -demomovie 2/4
62898 DIABMOV.A02 2999592 23.08.1996 - - -
Diablo -demomovie 3/4
62899 DIABMOV.A03 2372888 23.08.1996 - - -
Diablo -demomovie 4/4
62900 DIABMOV.ARJ 2999392 23.08.1996 - - -
Diablo -demomovie from Blizzard.
Req. Windows. 1/4
24726 DKECTST.ZIP 4,7 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Daikatana ECTS-traileri.
24727 DKTRAIL.ZIP 4,9 Mt 16.12.1999 - - -
Daikatana trailer. Real Player-muodossa oleva video Ion Stormin yli kaksi vuotta tehdysti 3D räiskinnästä.
63064 DNGKPRAV.ZIP 2055018 24.01.1996 - - -
Dungeon Keeper - AVI muotoinen
24728 DRIVMOVI.ZIP 4,7 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
"Driver preview movie trailer (.mov) GT Interactives new gameDriverputs gamers right into the middle of the action and squarely behind the wheel of the most wanted getaway car. Clutch-your-seatsadrenaline-charged action of a heart-stopping Hollywood-style car chasepropelling players along a high-speedall-out thrill ride throu the wild streets of four major U.S. cities."
63247 DTUAVI.A01 3099380 22.09.1996 - - -
Descent To Undermountain AVI 2/3
63248 DTUAVI.A02 3034754 22.09.1996 - - -
Descent To Undermountain AVI 3/3
63249 DTUAVI.ARJ 3099372 22.09.1996 - - -
Descent to Undermountain - AVI movie trailer
of Interplay's coming RPG. Based on the
powerful Descent graphics engine, DTU is set
in the FOrgotten Realms world of AD&D. Strong
multiplayer support and real polygon-based
enemies are the hallmarks of this game. 1/3
24729 DUKEHAZA.ZIP 7,1 Mt 13.12.1999 - - -
Dukes of Hazzard - Racing for Home MPG trailer movies. By Southpeak Interactive. 3-D, mission-based driving game set in the same Hazzard County made famous by the popular CBS television series. Gamers play as Bo or Luke Duke and take the wheel of the indestructible General Lee or 10 other cars to save the family farm, defend the Duke name and rescue Daisy -- all while eluding local law enforcement authorities and scheming villains.
63344 E96-ALT.A01 3999448 26.09.1996 - - -
Alien Trilogy ECTS96 2/4
63345 E96-ALT.A02 3999331 26.09.1996 - - -
Alien Trilogy ECTS96 3/4
63346 E96-ALT.A03 3473083 26.09.1996 - - -
Alien Trilogy ECTS96 4/4
63347 E96-ALT.ARJ 3999458 26.09.1996 - - -
Alien Trilogy ECTS96 showpackage with
AVI-format videoclip and info, 3D-shoot'em'up
from Acclaim. 1/4
63352 E96-ARCA.A01 2999163 03.10.1996 - - -
Arcade Pool ECTS96 2/3
63353 E96-ARCA.A02 2534452 03.10.1996 - - -
Arcade Pool ECTS96 3/3
63354 E96-ARCA.ARJ 2999248 03.10.1996 - - -
Arcade Pool ECTS96 showpackage with press
release and videoclip. "Pool takes classic
bonus mechanisms from coin ops and pinball
tables and mixes them with a game evebody
understands, giving you a totally unique
variation on Ball and Cue games."
PC, saturn, playstation. NMS/BMG. 1/3
63448 E96-INHM.A01 3999281 25.09.1996 - - -
INCREDIBLE HULK demoanimation 2/5
63449 E96-INHM.A02 3999321 25.09.1996 - - -
INCREDIBLE HULK demoanimation 3/5
63450 E96-INHM.A03 3999364 25.09.1996 - - -
INCREDIBLE HULK demoanimation 4/5
63451 E96-INHM.A04 2385349 25.09.1996 - - -
INCREDIBLE HULK demoanimation 5/5
63452 E96-INHM.ARJ 3999221 25.09.1996 - - -
INCREDIBLE HULK the pantheon sage ECTS96
showpackage with demoanimation and press
release. Incredible new 3D action adventure
game based on Marven Comics mean, green
fighting machine. Hybrid of 2D platforms, 3D
adventures and character combat games,
resulting in a varied and adrenaline fueled
gaming experience. The camera takes a third
person view following Hulk as he explores
through impressively modeled 3D environments.
EIDOS. 1/5
63455 E96-JBM.ZIP 3901852 25.09.1996 - - -
JOE BLOW ects96 SHOWPACKAGE with demo
animation. Combining the best elements from
the puzzle and platform genres, Joe Blow
creates a unique game environment that blends
both elements together into an addictive and
playable arcade experience. FORMAT:- SONY
63500 E96-PFAV.ZIP 3388166 19.10.1996 - - -
Planetfall ECTS96 showpackage with AVI-
videoclip. Adventure, Activision.
63511 E96-SBUN.A01 1706224 03.10.1996 - - -
Space Bunnies Must Die ECTS96 2/2
63512 E96-SBUN.ARJ 3499462 03.10.1996 - - -
Space Bunnies Must Die! ECTS96 showpackage
with videoclip and information, shoot'em'up
adventure against evil bunnies, pc-cd,
63553 E96-WRED.A01 2499452 25.09.1996 - - -
WRECKIN CREW demoanimation 2/3
63554 E96-WRED.A02 1505761 25.09.1996 - - -
WRECKIN CREW demoanimation 3/3
63555 E96-WRED.ARJ 2499463 25.09.1996 - - -
WRECKIN CREW ECTS96 showpackage with
demoanimation. Based around a blisteringly
fast game engine, Wreckin Crew is an arcade
style, 3d hot rod racing game that also
includes combat and stunt driving aspects. PC
(DOS/Win95), Playstation. From telstar. 1/3
63573 EAW-E3A.ZIP 4815487 19.06.1996 - - -
European Air War - creator's interviews in
MOV-format. E3 showpackage - MicroProse.
63574 EAW-E3B.ZIP 4180279 19.06.1996 - - -
European Air War - creator's interviews in
MOV-format. E3 showpackage - MicroProse.
63575 EAW-E3C.ZIP 4893336 19.06.1996 - - -
European Air War - creator's interviews in
MOV-format. E3 showpackage - MicroProse.
63576 EAW-E3D.ZIP 2006674 19.06.1996 - - -
European Air War - creator's interviews in
MOV-format. E3 showpackage - MicroProse.
63577 EAW-E3E.ZIP 2043055 19.06.1996 - - -
European Air War - creator's interviews in
MOV-format. E3 showpackage - MicroProse.
63605 EF2KAVI.A01 3499359 19.01.1996 - - -
EF2000 animaatio 2/5
63606 EF2KAVI.A02 3499189 19.01.1996 - - -
EF2000 animaatio 3/5
63607 EF2KAVI.A03 3499354 19.01.1996 - - -
EF2000 animaatio 4/5
63608 EF2KAVI.A04 2595440 19.01.1996 - - -
EF2000 animaatio 5/5
63609 EF2KAVI.ARJ 3499290 19.01.1996 - - -
EF2000-lentosimulaattorin näyteanimaatio
(AVI). Valm. DiD/Ocean  1/5
63662 ELKM1-E3.A01 4999419 23.06.1996 - - -
The Elk Moon Murder E3 2/7
63663 ELKM1-E3.A02 4999416 23.06.1996 - - -
The Elk Moon Murder E3 3/7
63664 ELKM1-E3.A03 4999378 23.06.1996 - - -
The Elk Moon Murder E3 4/7
63665 ELKM1-E3.A04 4999491 23.06.1996 - - -
The Elk Moon Murder E3 5/7
63666 ELKM1-E3.A05 4999402 23.06.1996 - - -
The Elk Moon Murder E3 6/7
63667 ELKM1-E3.A06 4879594 23.06.1996 - - -
The Elk Moon Murder E3 7/7
63668 ELKM1-E3.ARJ 4999404 23.06.1996 - - -
The Elk Moon Murder * E3 showpackage
AVI-format demoanimation with game footage
and maker's interviews. Activision.
31901 ES2AVI.A01 3199370 20.12.1995 - - -
EarthSiege 2 AVI
31902 ES2AVI.A02 3032880 20.12.1995 - - -
EarthSiege 2 AVI
31903 ES2AVI.ARJ 3199405 20.12.1995 - - -
EarthSiege 2 (es/es2) keväällä '96 ilmestyvän
BattleTech-tyyppisen robottitaistelupein
AVI-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Dynamix/Sierra
32278 ESIEGE2.ZIP 2049416 28.01.1996 - - -
Windows AVI demo file for EARTHSIEGE II, by
Sierra Online.  Coming March 1996, quite
possibly the next contender for mech
warefare.  Prepare yourself.
24730 F1-99M.ZIP 5,8 Mt 16.12.1999 - - -
Formula One 99 traileri. MPEG-muotossa oleva videopätkä Psygnosisin tulevasta formulapelistä. Pituus 1:58.
32305 F1GP2.MOV 4529136 18.01.1996 - 21479/OK PC 44-1.zip -
Formula One Grand Prix 2:formulapelin
MOV-tiedosto. Microprose.
24731 F2MOVIE.ZIP 4,7 Mt 19.10.1999 - - -
Flanker 2.0 MOV trailer from SSI. Strap yourself into the cockpit of a new carrier-based SU-33 for state-of-the-art air combat - Russian style! Air combat simulation.
63993 F4A-E3.ZIP 5011534 20.06.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 - E3 showpackage from MicroProse.
MOV-format interview of Leon Rosenheim,
Technical Lead. -enhancements in Falcon 4
63994 F4B-E3.ZIP 2974809 20.06.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 - E3 showpackage from MicroProse.
MOV-format interview of Leon Rosenheim,
Technical Lead. -network play
63995 F4C-E3.ZIP 2635232 20.06.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 - E3 showpackage from MicroProse.
MOV-format interview of Leon Rosenheim,
Technical Lead. -Total Entertainment Network
63996 F4D-E3.ZIP 1730838 20.06.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 - E3 showpackage from MicroProse.
MOV-format interview of Leon Rosenheim,
Technical Lead. -input from gamers
63997 F4E-E3.ZIP 1568489 20.06.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 - E3 showpackage from MicroProse.
MOV-format interview of Leon Rosenheim,
Technical Lead. -game realism
63998 F4F-E3.ZIP 3626239 20.06.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 - E3 showpackage from MicroProse.
MOV-format interview of Gilman Louie, founder
and chairman: -Falcon popularity
63999 F4H-E3.ZIP 6651462 22.06.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 - E3 showpackage from MicroProse.
MOV-format interview of Gilman Louie, founder
and chairman: -Flying campaigns
64000 F4I-E3.ZIP 6614181 22.06.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 - E3 showpackage from MicroProse.
MOV-format interview of Gilman Louie, founder
and chairman: -Game objective
64001 F4J-E3.ZIP 5858803 20.06.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 - E3 showpackage from MicroProse.
MOV-format interview of Gilman Louie, founder
and chairman: -The Falcon way of life
32333 FASTAAV2.A01 3198788 11.06.1996 - - -
Fast Attack -näytenimaatio 2/2
32334 FASTAAV2.ARJ 4999463 11.06.1996 - - -
Fast Attack, 688I-sukellusvenesimulaation
näyteanimaatio 1/2, valm. Sierra
32337 FASTATTK.EXE 2020276 12.02.1996 - - -
Sierran fast Attack-sukellusvenepelin
AVI-muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
32391 FIREICMO.ZIP 1860116 18.01.1996 - - -
Fire And Ice -räiskinnän .MOV muotoisia
64177 FLIGHTMO.A01 1457126 12.02.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited-Lentosimulaattorin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/6.
64178 FLIGHTMO.A02 1457045 12.02.1996 - - -
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/6.
64179 FLIGHTMO.A03 1457087 12.02.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited-lentosimulaattorin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/6.
64180 FLIGHTMO.A04 1457121 12.02.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited-Lentosimulaattorin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/6.
64181 FLIGHTMO.A05 429732 12.02.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited-Lentosimulaattorin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 6/6.
64182 FLIGHTMO.ARJ 1457006 12.02.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited-Lentosimulaattorin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/6.
24732 FS2TRAIL.A01 4,8 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
FreeSpace 2 traileri                 2/6
24733 FS2TRAIL.A02 4,8 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
FreeSpace 2 traileri                 3/6
24734 FS2TRAIL.A03 4,8 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
FreeSpace 2 traileri                 4/6
24735 FS2TRAIL.A04 4,8 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
FreeSpace 2 traileri                 5/6
24736 FS2TRAIL.A05 3,1 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
FreeSpace 2 traileri                 6/6
24737 FS2TRAIL.ARJ 4,8 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
FreeSpace 2 trailer from Volition.   1/6 It shows realtime footage from the upcoming FreeSpace 2, as well as a glimpse at the intro cutscene. Some gameplay highlights include shots of the amazing nebulae missions, new ship classes & weapons, defensive flak cannons, and beam cannon combat between capital ships. Space combat.
32454 GENDW1A.ZIP 3706708 27.06.1996 - - -
Gender Wars - MOV-format demoanimations 1+2.
32455 GENDW2A.ZIP 2096271 27.06.1996 - - -
Gender Wars - MOV-format demoanimations 3+4.
32469 GENEWARS.ZIP 2060562 22.01.1996 - - -
Genewars-toimintapelin AVI-tiedosto
24738 GIANTS1.A01 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Giants MPEG 2/3
24739 GIANTS1.A02 2,1 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Giants MPEG 3/3
24740 GIANTS1.ARJ 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Giants MPEG-format trailer. Amazing 3D fantasy combat/action. First game to ever pitch the forces of all popular genres in the most frenzied and diverse multiplayer battle ever staged. http://www.planetmoon.com
64495 GK2AVI.A01 3999238 18.02.1996 - - -
Gabriel Knight 2 AVI 2/3
64496 GK2AVI.A02 3114987 19.02.1996 - - -
Gabriel Knight 2 AVI 3/3
64497 GK2AVI.ARJ 3999398 18.02.1996 - - -
Gabriel Knight 2 AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio, kauhuseikkailu ihmissusien
parissa, valm. Sierra 1/3
24741 GP3PROMO.ZIP 18,9 Mt 26.06.2000 - - -
"Grand Prix 3 movie. MicroProse/Hasbro. The Formula One car racing simulation of the complete Grand Prix season featuring all the circuitsall the teamsall the drivers and all the cars reproduced accurately as licensed by the FOAthe sports governing body. "
24742 HGE32000.ZIP 35,4 Mt 12.07.2000 - - -
Hired Guns E3 2000 trailer. Futuristic, first-person 3D shooter set in slick, neon-washed cyberpunk world. It combines all-out first-person shooter action with intense strategic gameplay. 
24743 HLOPFO.ZIP 35,4 Mt 10.11.1999 - - -
Half Life: Opposing Force AVI trailer. by Gearbox. Movie from the anticipated Half Life Opposing Force, a Half Life expansion pack. See the new Half-Life weapons and characters, hear the new sounds, see the new environments, and destroy them all! The AVI-format movie runs for 1:11 minutes at 320x240.  
64845 HODMOVIE.ZIP 5300546 05.02.1996 - - -
Heart of Darkness-toimintapelin MOV-muotoinen
32584 HOSPITAL.ZIP 2431280 23.01.1996 - - -
Bullfrogin Theme Hospital-strategiapelin
24744 HT2MPEG.ZIP 19 Mt 01.03.2000 - - -
Hard Truck 2 MPEG movie trailer. Simulation/Sport. Check out this movie to the sequel of the game Hard Truck.
64949 HYP1-E3.A01 4199427 25.06.1996 - - -
Hyperblade * AVI 2/4
64950 HYP1-E3.A02 4199334 25.06.1996 - - -
Hyperblade * AVI 3/4
64951 HYP1-E3.A03 4003735 25.06.1996 - - -
Hyperblade * AVI 4/4
64952 HYP1-E3.ARJ 4199390 25.06.1996 - - -
Hyperblade * E3 showpackage with AVI-format
demoanimation. Arcade beat'em'up sports
from Activision
64968 I76PROMO.ZIP 1866928 28.08.1996 - - -
Interstate '76 - AVI format movietrailer of
coming arcadegame by Activision.
24745 I82INTRO.ZIP 7,3 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
"Interstate82 AVI intro trailer. Published by: Activision. This AVI of the opening credit sequence from Interstate82 reveals its main characters (including Taurus and Groove from I76)and offers a taste of the synth tunes youll hear in the game. Note that this movie contains no real gameplay footage."
24746 ICEWINDM.ZIP 7,9 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Icewind Dale MPEG movie trailer. Roleplaying game. Icewind Dale is a singleor multiplayerrole-playing game set in Wizard of the Coasts granddaddy of all fantasy gameworldsthe Forgotten Realms. Icewind Dale focuses more on classic dungeon adventuring than on an overland quest. The focus is on the party rather than a sole hero."
65016 IFMOV.ZIP 863960 02.07.1996 - - -
Ice & Fire - MOV-formatted videoclip of the
3D shooter for Win95.
24747 IG2PRE.ZIP 12,9 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
Imperium Galactica II trailer movie by GT Interactive. The ultimate space empire building game that is much more than just a simple upgrade over the original. IG II offers research, production, unit design, colony management, real-time space and ground battles, starmap navigation, trading, diplomacy, spying and intelligence.
32644 INDESTRC.ZIP 2237683 29.01.1996 - - -
Bullfrogin Indestructables-Supersankaripelin
65117 INDY2MOV.A01 1457064 18.02.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing 2-autopelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/6.
65118 INDY2MOV.A02 1457064 18.02.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing 2-autopelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/6.
65119 INDY2MOV.A03 1457064 18.02.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing 2-autopelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/6.
65120 INDY2MOV.A04 1457064 18.02.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing 2-autopelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/6.
65121 INDY2MOV.A05 216950 18.02.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing 2-autopelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 6/6.
65122 INDY2MOV.ARJ 1457064 18.02.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing 2-autopelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/6.
32659 IVANAVI.ZIP 3462315 22.07.1996 - - -
Kaksi AVI-animaatiota Psygnosiksen Krazy
65387 JM2GALLE.A01 4499272 29.04.1996 - - -
Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time.
Paikkoja AVI-animaationa. Osa 2/5.
65388 JM2GALLE.A02 4499387 29.04.1996 - - -
Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time.
Paikkoja AVI-animaationa. Osa 3/5.
65389 JM2GALLE.A03 4499393 30.04.1996 - - -
Journeyman Project 2:Buried in Time-pelin eri
paikkoja AVI-animaationa. Osa 4/5.
65390 JM2GALLE.A04 448166 30.04.1996 - - -
Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time-pelin
eri paikkoja AVI-animaationa. Osa 5/5.
65391 JM2GALLE.ARJ 4499267 29.04.1996 - - -
Journeyman Project 2: Buried in Time-pelin
eri paikkoja AVI-animaationa. Osa 1/5.
65392 JM2TRAIL.A01 4499435 29.04.1996 - - -
Journeyman 2: Buried in Time Trailer. Osa
65393 JM2TRAIL.A02 4499454 29.04.1996 - - -
Journeyman 2: Buried in Time Trailer. Osa
65394 JM2TRAIL.A03 4499411 29.04.1996 - - -
Journeyman 2: Buried in Time Trailer. Osa
65395 JM2TRAIL.A04 2225525 29.04.1996 - - -
Journeyman 2: Buried in Time Trailer. Osa
65396 JM2TRAIL.ARJ 4499388 29.04.1996 - - -
Journeyman 2: Buried In Time-seikkailupelin
Trailer-näyteanimaatio AVI:na. Osa 1/5.
24748 KAINSOMO.ZIP 7,3 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
"Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver Preview movie trailer. (.mov) Arcade/Action. As Razielstalk Nosgoth feeding upon the souls of your enemies as you seek to destroy your creator-Kain. Battle 5 different clans of vampires as you explore a vast 3D world tainted by a vampire dynastys rule."
32742 KYRA3.ZIP 2785972 22.02.1996 - - -
Kyrandia 3: Malcolm's Revenge-seikkailupelin
alkuanimaatio MOV-animaationa.
65769 LOADSTAR.ZIP 2604395 08.04.1996 - - -
Loadstar-räiskintäpelin MOV-muotoinen
65777 LOCUSMOV.ZIP 1871898 19.01.1996 - - -
Locus -kilpapelin .MOV -muotoisia
65804 LORE2MOV.A01 1457087 21.02.1996 - - -
Lands of Lore II-roolipelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/7.
65805 LORE2MOV.A02 1457064 21.02.1996 - - -
Lands of Lore II-roolipelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/7.
65806 LORE2MOV.A03 804737 21.02.1996 - - -
Lands of Lore II-roolipelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/7.
65807 LORE2MOV.A04 503744 21.02.1996 - - -
Lands of Lore II-roolipelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/7.
65808 LORE2MOV.A05 1457079 21.02.1996 - - -
Lands of Lore II-roolipelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 6/7.
65809 LORE2MOV.A06 1063027 21.02.1996 - - -
Lands of Lore II-roolipelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 7/7.
65810 LORE2MOV.ARJ 1457080 21.02.1996 - - -
Lands of Lore II-roolipelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/7.
65855 LUNIMOV.A01 4128217 25.04.1996 - - -
Lunicus animaatio 2/2
65856 LUNIMOV.ARJ 4999370 25.04.1996 - - -
Lunicis CD-ROM -räiskintäpelin
näyteanimaatio (.MOV). Cyberflix/Viacom
24749 M25MPEG.ZIP 5,5 Mt 18.10.1999 - - -
M25 Racer MPEG-movie trailer. By Davilex Software. The M25 Racer organisation has been holding illegal races throughout the UK year after year. Just like the first M25 race ever held, start and finish of these races are traditionally somewhere on the M25. The other tracks are kept secret until moments before the race. You must prove yourself in all three leagues.
24750 MAXPE399.ZIP 10,9 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Max Payne E3 1999 MPEG video. Näe autenttista pelin toimintaa ja engineä. 2 minuuttia 24 sekuntia, 320x240. Remedy / 3D Realms / G.O.D
66041 MCARP2AN.ZIP 2019257 24.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2 -AVI muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
66044 MCDEMO.ZIP 3291261 14.04.1996 - - -
Mission Critical-seikkailupelin
24751 MCM2TRL.ZIP 15,1 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Motocross Madness 2 traileri.AVI-muotoinen esittelyvideo. Rainbow Studios / Microsoft.
24752 MDK2-1.ZIP 3,6 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
" MDK2 AVI video trailer by BioWare. Soon-to-be-released third-person action gameMDK2. MDK2 includes tons of new items and gadgets for enhanced gameplaymore humorand a totally new experience. Biowarecreators of the best-selling RPG Baldurs Gate and the critically acclaimed 3D action gameShattered Steelare taking MDK to all new levels of wacky action!"
66100 MERCSWEB.ZIP 1493665 15.09.1996 - - -
Mechwarrior II: Mercanaries.
66112 MFCSAVI.A01 3999422 30.07.1996 - - -
Missionforce: Cyberstorm. AVI-näyteanimaatio.
Osa 2/3.
66113 MFCSAVI.A02 3097451 30.07.1996 - - -
Missionforce: Cyberstorm. AVI-näyteanimaatio.
Osa 3/3.
66114 MFCSAVI.ARJ 3999446 30.07.1996 - - -
AVI-näyteanimaatio Sierran Missionforce:
Cyberstorm-strategiapelistä. Osa 1/3.
24753 MIDTOWN2.ZIP 5 Mt 05.06.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness 2 MPEG movie trailer. Microsoft. Delivers the same madcap racing excitement as the original with even more hair-raising racing challenges, two new locations (London and San Francisco) and nine hip new urban roadsters. New single-player Crash Course mission mode where budding drivers can learn and master the tricks of "Madness" racing as a Hollywood stunt driver. 
66219 MNDWRP7.ZIP 1334784 12.02.1996 - - -
AVI-muotoinen näyteanimaatio Maxisin
66245 MONOPMOV.A01 1457084 19.02.1996 - - -
Westwoodin Interaktiivisen Monopoly-pelin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/5.
66246 MONOPMOV.A02 1457075 19.02.1996 - - -
Westwoodin Interaktiivisen Monopoly-pelin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/5.
66247 MONOPMOV.A03 1457046 19.02.1996 - - -
Westwoodin Interaktiivisen Monopoly-pelin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/5.
66248 MONOPMOV.A04 1439821 19.02.1996 - - -
Westwoodin Interaktiivisen Monopoly-pelin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/5.
66249 MONOPMOV.ARJ 1457052 19.02.1996 - - -
Westwoodin Interaktiivisen Monopoly-pelin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/5.
66254 MOO2ANI.A01 3999306 28.04.1996 - - -
Master of Orion 2 animaatio 2/3
66255 MOO2ANI.A02 3762075 28.04.1996 - - -
Master of Orion 2 animaatio 3/3
66256 MOO2ANI.ARJ 3999434 28.04.1996 - - -
Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares
AVI-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. MPS.
66257 MOO2B-E3.ZIP 3683365 20.06.1996 - - -
Master of Orion II: Battle At Antares
MicroProse E3 -showpackage with MOV-format
demoanimation, interview with Ken Burd, MOO2
programmer: -Game play
66258 MOO2C-E3.ZIP 4112680 20.06.1996 - - -
Master of Orion II: Battle At Antares
MicroProse E3 -showpackage with MOV-format
demoanimation, interview with Ken Burd, MOO2
programmer: -Player options
66259 MOO2D-E3.ZIP 1184064 20.06.1996 - - -
Master of Orion II: Battle At Antares
MicroProse E3 -showpackage with MOV-format
demoanimation, interview with Ken Burd, MOO2
programmer: -Multiplayer options
66260 MOO2E-E3.ZIP 5918573 20.06.1996 - - -
Master of Orion II: Battle At Antares
MicroProse E3 -showpackage with MOV-format
demoanimation, interview with Ken Burd, MOO2
programmer: -Difference between this game and
66392 MTG1-E3.ZIP 5047329 22.06.1996 - - -
Magic The Gathering * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of David
Etheredge, the designer: -enhancing the card
66393 MTG2-E3.ZIP 8917481 25.06.1996 - - -
Magic The Gathering * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of David
Etheredge, the designer: -game description
66394 MTG3-E3.ZIP 5764542 25.06.1996 - - -
Magic The Gathering * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of David
Etheredge, the designer: -game designers
66395 MTG4-E3.ZIP 8298507 25.06.1996 - - -
Magic The Gathering * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of David
Etheredge, the designer: -different kinds of
gameplay -new Magic cards
66396 MTG5-E3.ZIP 3121323 25.06.1996 - - -
Magic The Gathering * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Sid
Meier, Designer: -From card to computer game
66397 MTG6-E3.ZIP 4402253 25.06.1996 - - -
Magic The Gathering * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Sid
Meier, Designer: -updating the game
66398 MTG7-E3.ZIP 3576965 25.06.1996 - - -
Magic The Gathering * E3 showpackage from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview of Sid
Meier, Designer: -Exciting aspects
66399 MTMAVI.A01 3999456 15.09.1996 - - -
Monster Truck Madness. AVI-näyteanimaatio.
Osa 2/3.
66400 MTMAVI.A02 3096608 08.10.1996 - - -
Monster Truck Madness. AVI-näyteanimaatio.
Osa 3/3.
66401 MTMAVI.ARJ 3999409 15.09.1996 - - -
AVI-näyteanimaatio Microsoftin Monster Truck
Madness-autopelistä. Osa 1/3.
66422 MW2MERCS.ZIP 1673441 28.08.1996 - - -
Mechwarrior II: Mercenaries Two AVI-format
demoanimations. Activision.
24754 N4MOVIE.ZIP 33,3 Mt 26.06.2000 - - -
NASCAR Racing 4 movie trailer. Sierra. Features the drivers and teams from the 2000 NASCAR Winston Cup and NASCAR Busch Series, Grand National Division. NASCAR Racing 4 showcases a revolutionary new 3D physics model that adds realism to the reactions of the cars - with body rolls, the ability to become airborne, and tires that spin and lock up. 
66475 N97MOVM.ZIP 1909132 15.10.1996 - - -
Lisää MOV-animaatioita NHL 97:sta.
66486 NASCRMOV.A01 1457065 21.02.1996 - - -
Nascar Racing: Track Packing esittely
MOV-animaationa. Osa 2/6.
66487 NASCRMOV.A02 1457033 21.02.1996 - - -
Nascar racing: Track packing esittely
MOV-animaationa. Osa 3/6.
66488 NASCRMOV.A03 1457058 21.02.1996 - - -
Nascar Racing: track Packing esittely
MOV-animaationa. Osa 4/6.
66489 NASCRMOV.A04 1457082 21.02.1996 - - -
Nascar Racing: Track Packing esittely
MOV-animaationa. Osa 5/6.
66490 NASCRMOV.A05 598710 21.02.1996 - - -
Nascar Racing: Track Packing esittely
MOV-animaationa. Osa 6/6.
66491 NASCRMOV.ARJ 1457091 21.02.1996 - - -
Nascar Racing: Track Packing esittely
MOV-animaationa. Osa 1/6.
66566 NFLBOOK.A01 1457089 11.02.1996 - - -
NFL Football-jenkkifutispelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/5.
66567 NFLBOOK.A02 1457045 11.02.1996 - - -
NFL Football-jenkkifutispelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/5.
66568 NFLBOOK.A03 1457087 11.02.1996 - - -
NFL Football-jenkkifutispelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/5.
66569 NFLBOOK.A04 1254103 11.02.1996 - - -
NFL Football-jenkkifutispelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/5.
66570 NFLBOOK.ARJ 1456946 11.02.1996 - - -
NFL Football-jenkkifutispelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/5.
66571 NFLHIST.ZIP 5309621 18.02.1996 - - -
NFL History- 75 Seasons-pelin MOV-muotoinen
66581 NHL97MOV.ARJ 3647620 15.10.1996 - - -
4 lyhyttä MOV-animaatiota NHL
97-jääkiekkopelistä. Electronic Arts.
24756 NOCTUAVI.A01 3,7 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Nocturne AVI trailer 2/2
24757 NOCTUAVI.ARJ 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Nocturne AVI trailer from Terminal Reality/ Gathering of Developers.  3D first/third person action / horror.    1/2
66875 OTRAVI.A01 3499322 27.05.1996 - - -
Over the Reich -animaatio 2/3
66876 OTRAVI.A02 2747162 27.05.1996 - - -
Over the Reich -animaatio 3/3
66877 OTRAVI.ARJ 3499379 27.05.1996 - - -
Over the Reich -AVI näyteanimaatio. Toiseen
maailmansotaan sijoittuvan ilmasota-
strategiapelin näytepalanen, Flight Commander
II:n tekijöiltä. Big Time/Avalon Hill.  1/3
66889 OUTLAWA.A01 3499455 03.12.1996 - - -
Outlaw Racers AVI 2/6
66890 OUTLAWA.A02 3499478 03.12.1996 - - -
Outlaw Racers AVI 3/6
66891 OUTLAWA.A03 3499232 03.12.1996 - - -
Outlaw Racers AVI 4/6
66892 OUTLAWA.A04 3499435 03.12.1996 - - -
Outlaw Racers AVI 5/6
66893 OUTLAWA.A05 2309804 03.12.1996 - - -
Outlaw Racers AVI 6/6
66894 OUTLAWA.ARJ 3499429 03.12.1996 - - -
Outlaw Racers AVI movie 1/6
From Megamedia Corporation
real-time 3D first person point of view car
racing game for one or more players. Along
with driver seat experience, it involves an
essential amount of strategy. Races take
place in modern urban and suburban
environments, which include driving in city
streets as well as highway/freeway between
the cities.
66999 P2AVI.A01 2999428 15.10.1996 - - -
Privateer 2: The Darkening.
AVI-näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/5.
67000 P2AVI.A02 2999380 15.10.1996 - - -
Privateer 2: The Darkening.
AVI-näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/5.
67001 P2AVI.A03 2999336 15.10.1996 - - -
Privateer 2: The Darkening.
AVI-näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/5.
67002 P2AVI.A04 250472 15.10.1996 - - -
Privateer 2: The Darkening.
AVI-näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/5.
67003 P2AVI.ARJ 2999419 15.10.1996 - - -
Privateer 2: The Darkening.
AVI-näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/5.
67093 PAWSMOV.A01 3999430 25.06.1996 - - -
MOV-animaatioita P.A.W.S:sta. Osa 2/4.
67094 PAWSMOV.A02 3999261 25.06.1996 - - -
MOV-animaatiota P.A.W.S:sta. Osa 3/4.
67095 PAWSMOV.A03 3975777 25.06.1996 - - -
MOV-animatioita P.A.W.S:sta. Osa 4/4.
67096 PAWSMOV.ARJ 3999393 25.06.1996 - - -
MOV-animaatiota P.A.W.S:sta, esim "The making
of P.A.W.S". Osa 1/4.
67097 PAX2AVI.ZIP 2499646 24.01.1996 - - -
Pax Imperia 2 -AVI muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
Avaruusstrategia, valm. Blizzard.
32060 PHANT2A.ZIP 3346197 30.11.1995 - - -
Phastasmagoria II - a puzzle of Flesh
mainosanimaatio. Sierra.
67206 PHANTAS2.A01 2999427 05.12.1996 - - -
Phantasmagoria 2. AVI-näyteanimaatio. Osa
67207 PHANTAS2.A02 1392971 05.12.1996 - - -
Phantasmagoria 2. AVI-näyteanimaatio. Osa
67208 PHANTAS2.ARJ 2999418 05.12.1996 - - -
Phantasmagoria 2-seikkailupelin AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/3.
67236 PINBAMOV.ZIP 4253951 12.02.1996 - - -
Virginin 3-D Pinball-flipperin MOV-muotoinen
67243 PIPERAVI.A01 3999437 11.06.1996 - - -
AVI-animaatio Piper-multimediaseikkailusta.
Osa 2/4.
67244 PIPERAVI.A02 3999434 11.06.1996 - - -
AVI-animaatio Piper-multimediaseikkailusta.
Osa 3/4.
67245 PIPERAVI.A03 2747874 11.06.1996 - - -
AVI-animaatio Piper-multimediaseikkailusta-
Osa 4/4.
67246 PIPERAVI.ARJ 3999403 11.06.1996 - - -
AVI-animaatio Piper-multimediaseikkailusta.
Osa 1/4.
67449 PROMLAND.A01 1457095 19.02.1996 - - -
Promised Land-Virtuaalisen seikkailun
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/6.
67450 PROMLAND.A02 1457058 19.02.1996 - - -
Promised Land-Virtuaalisen seikkailun
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/6.
67451 PROMLAND.A03 1457099 19.02.1996 - - -
Promised Land-Virtuaalisen seikkailun
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/6.
67452 PROMLAND.A04 1457083 19.02.1996 - - -
Promised Land-Virtuaalisen seikkailun
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/6.
67453 PROMLAND.A05 1450118 19.02.1996 - - -
Promised Land-Virtuaalisen seikkailun
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 6/6.
67454 PROMLAND.ARJ 1457009 19.02.1996 - - -
Promised Land-Virtuaalisen seikkailun
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/6.
67557 PWRMNGAV.ZIP 1540839 21.02.1996 - - -
Powermonger, AVI-muotoinen näyteanimaatio
Bullfrogin vanhasta isometrisestä
24758 Q3ARENA.A01 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quake III: Arena AVI 2/5
24759 Q3ARENA.A02 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quake III: Arena AVI 3/5
24760 Q3ARENA.A03 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quake III: Arena AVI 4/5
24761 Q3ARENA.A04 2,9 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quake III: Arena AVI 5/5
24762 Q3ARENA.ARJ 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quake III: Arena AVI trailer iD Software/Activision Gameplay AVI footage from Quake III: Arena was shown recently at Macworld and is available for downloading in this .avi file. 1/5
67689 RAAVI.A01 2999357 03.12.1996 - - -
Red Alert. AVI-animaatio. Osa 2/4.
67690 RAAVI.A02 2999315 03.12.1996 - - -
Red Alert. AVI-animaatio. Osa 3/4.
67691 RAAVI.A03 1102846 03.12.1996 - - -
Red Alert. AVI-animaatio. Osa 4/4.
67692 RAAVI.ARJ 2999436 03.12.1996 - - -
Red Alert. AVI-animaatio Westwoodin tulevasta
strategiapelistä. Osa 1/4.
67734 RAMAPRE.A01 3499501 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 2/13
67735 RAMAPRE.A02 3499497 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 3/13
67736 RAMAPRE.A03 3499418 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 4/13
67737 RAMAPRE.A04 3499624 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 5/13
67738 RAMAPRE.A05 3499262 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 6/13
67739 RAMAPRE.A06 3499431 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 7/13
67740 RAMAPRE.A07 3499454 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 8/13
67741 RAMAPRE.A08 3499390 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 9/13
67742 RAMAPRE.A09 3499408 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 10/13
67743 RAMAPRE.A10 3499541 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 11/13
67744 RAMAPRE.A11 3499423 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 12/13
67745 RAMAPRE.A12 2627726 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama preview trailer 13/13
67746 RAMAPRE.ARJ 3499407 01.09.1996 - - -
Rma - preview trailer 1/13
Non-interactive demo set to Arthut C. Clarkes
introductory prologue to the game which will
set the scene for the player. Shows variety
of screen shots and video sequences from
various areas of Rama. Requires Windows.
67835 REDBRN2.EXE 2430629 18.01.1996 - - -
Sierra/Dynamixin Red Baron 2-pelin
67836 REDBRN2.ZIP 2409651 12.02.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Windows AVI file of the upcoming Red Baron
II, by Sierra Online
67837 REDBRN2A.A01 3999464 20.04.1996 - - -
Red Baron II AVI 2/4
67838 REDBRN2A.A02 3999553 20.04.1996 - - -
Red Baron II AVI 3/4
67839 REDBRN2A.A03 2932862 20.04.1996 - - -
Red Baron II AVI 4/4
67840 REDBRN2A.ARJ 3999525 20.04.1996 - - -
Red Baron II -lentosimulaattorin suuri AVI-
näyteanimaatio. Dynamix/Sierra.
67927 RIPTRAI.A01 3999474 20.12.1995 - - -
Ripper traileri
67928 RIPTRAI.A02 3999561 20.12.1995 - - -
Ripper traileri
67929 RIPTRAI.A03 3999464 20.12.1995 - - -
Ripper traileri
67930 RIPTRAI.A04 3999513 20.12.1995 - - -
Ripper traileri
67931 RIPTRAI.A05 3999556 20.12.1995 - - -
Ripper traileri
67932 RIPTRAI.A06 3999469 20.12.1995 - - -
Ripper traileri
67933 RIPTRAI.A07 3410267 20.12.1995 - - -
Ripper traileri
67934 RIPTRAI.ARJ 3999585 20.12.1995 - - -
Ripper, FMV-kauhuadventure, ajettava
animaatiotraileri. Tähtinä Christopher
Walken, Burgess Meredith, John Rhys-Davies.
Blue Oyster Cultin musiikit.
Valm. Take-2 Software.
67939 RIVERS.ZIP 4113528 05.02.1996 - - -
Rivers of Dawn-Seikkailu/Roolipelin
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
67988 ROML-FLC.A01 4616308 13.12.1995 - - -
Riddle of Master Lu - FLC-animaation
muotoinen näytepala tulevasta kauniista
67989 ROML-FLC.ARJ 4999275 13.12.1995 - - -
Riddle of Master Lu - FLC-animaation
muotoinen näytepala tulevasta kauniista
68111 S2-AVI.A01 3999259 01.07.1996 - - -
Settlers 2 AVI 2/4
68112 S2-AVI.A02 3999364 01.07.1996 - - -
Settlers 2 AVI 3/4
68113 S2-AVI.A03 1596261 01.07.1996 - - -
Settlers 2 AVI 4/4
68114 S2-AVI.ARJ 3999403 01.07.1996 - - -
Settlers 2 AVI-format demoanimation
from Blue Byte 1/4
68157 SANTAFMV.A01 3999483 28.04.1996 - - -
Elk Moon Murder -animaatio 2/4
68158 SANTAFMV.A02 3999449 28.04.1996 - - -
Elk Moon Murder -animaatio 3/4
68159 SANTAFMV.A03 2435845 28.04.1996 - - -
Elk Moon Murder -animaatio 4/4
68160 SANTAFMV.ARJ 3999470 28.04.1996 - - -
The Elk Moon Murder, CD-ROM murhamysteerin
AVI-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. 1/4
Valm. Activision.
68165 SATMOV-1.ZIP 1965261 18.03.1996 - - -
Burn: Cycle-pelin toimintapätkiä
MOV-animaationa. Osa 1/3.
68166 SATMOV-2.ZIP 1930545 18.03.1996 - - -
Burn: Cycle-pelin toimintaosuuksia
MOV-animaatioina. Osa 2/3.
68167 SATMOV-3.ZIP 1702574 18.03.1996 - - -
Burn: Cycle-pelin toimintaosuuksia
MOV-animaatioina. Osa 3/3.
68239 SCREAMOV.A01 1457064 12.02.1996 - - -
Screamer-autopelin AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/5.
68240 SCREAMOV.A02 1457064 12.02.1996 - - -
Screamer-autopelin AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/5.
68241 SCREAMOV.A03 1457064 12.02.1996 - - -
Screamer-autopelin AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/5.
68242 SCREAMOV.A04 493054 12.02.1996 - - -
Screamer-autopelin AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/5.
68243 SCREAMOV.ARJ 1457064 12.02.1996 - - -
Screamer-autopelin AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/5.
68342 SHATN-AN.ZIP 3206860 24.01.1996 - - -
Shattered Nations -AVI muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Valm. Blizzard.
24764 SI_WEB.ZIP 2,9 Mt 12.10.1999 - - -
Space Invaders AVI movie from Activision Attention all earthlings! Relentless alien hordes have been identified in a vicinity near you. Be aware - the classic arcade update has proven to be even more dangerously addictive than ever before. Remain calm. Space Invaders skyrockets legendary arcade franchise to new heights with out-of-this-world 3-D graphics, explosive special effects, enhanced firepower and frenetic multiplayer modes.
68389 SILSTEAN.A01 4999373 22.01.1996 - - -
Silent Steel AVI 2/7
68390 SILSTEAN.A02 4999380 22.01.1996 - - -
Silent Steel AVI 3/3
68391 SILSTEAN.A03 4999313 22.01.1996 - - -
Silent Steel AVI 4/7
68392 SILSTEAN.A04 4999322 22.01.1996 - - -
Silent Steel AVI 5/7
68393 SILSTEAN.A05 4999323 23.01.1996 - - -
Silent Steel AVI 6/7
68394 SILSTEAN.A06 1869701 23.01.1996 - - -
Silent Steel AVI 7/7
68395 SILSTEAN.ARJ 4999275 22.01.1996 - - -
Silent Steel teknothrilleri/sukellusvene-
simulaattorin/videoelokuvan AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Valm. Tsunami/Ocean. 1/7
68398 SIMISLE.ZIP 2209897 22.04.1996 - - -
SimIsle-pelin MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
24763 SIMSTPP.ZIP 380,4 kt 23.02.2000 - - -
" The Sims - pool party preview. Windows95/98. From Will Wrightthe creator of SimCitycomes a new strategy game that really hits close to home. You are in charge of a neighborhood of Sims and it is up to you to show them that theyre living in your world now! Force them into a life of crime or help them live life in the fast lane."
68417 SK1SND.ZIP 2864003 12.02.1996 - - -
About Stonekeep. AVI-näyteanimaatio, jossa
haastatellaan Stonekeep-roolipelin tekijöitä,
ja kerrotaan muutakin pelistä.
68418 SK2SND.ZIP 3266869 09.02.1996 - - -
Stonekeep-roolipelin Intro AVI-animaationa.
68495 SNLDEMO.ZIP 6134338 30.07.1996 - - -
Saturday Night Live goes
68610 SPYA-E3.A01 4599416 29.06.1996 - - -
Spycraft E3 2/9
68611 SPYA-E3.A02 4599402 29.06.1996 - - -
Spycraft E3 3/9
68612 SPYA-E3.A03 4599446 29.06.1996 - - -
Spycraft E3 4/9
68613 SPYA-E3.A04 4599341 29.06.1996 - - -
Spycraft E3 5/9
68614 SPYA-E3.A05 4599267 29.06.1996 - - -
Spycraft E3 6/9
68615 SPYA-E3.A06 4599376 29.06.1996 - - -
Spycraft E3 7/9
68616 SPYA-E3.A07 4599334 29.06.1996 - - -
Spycraft E3 8/9
68617 SPYA-E3.A08 3975877 29.06.1996 - - -
Spycraft E3 9/9
68618 SPYA-E3.ARJ 4599427 29.06.1996 - - -
Spycraft: The Great Game * E3 showpackage
AVI-format video with footage of actual
game and interviews with designers.
Activision.           1/9
68619 SPYCRFTM.A01 3999459 28.04.1996 - - -
Spycraft traileri 2/4
68620 SPYCRFTM.A02 3999536 28.04.1996 - - -
Spycraft traileri 3/4
68621 SPYCRFTM.A03 1780632 28.04.1996 - - -
Spycraft traileri 4/4
68622 SPYCRFTM.ARJ 3999399 28.04.1996 - - -
Spycraft: The Great Game -
vakoiluthrillerin mainostraileri.
Valm. Activision.
24765 SS2-E3A.A01 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
System Shock 2 AVI trailer 2/4
24766 SS2-E3A.A02 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
System Shock 2 AVI trailer 3/4
24767 SS2-E3A.A03 2,9 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
System Shock 2 AVI trailer 4/4
24768 SS2-E3A.ARJ 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
System Shock 2 AVI trailer. In-game movie from the forthcoming 3D science fiction role-playing game, by Looking Glass. Sequel to the award-winning original System Shock, judged by PC Gamer this year as the Sixth Best PC Game of all time. Incredibly Rich Science Fiction Role-Playing Game System- Detailed Character Generation and Growth, Inventory and Equipping, Traits. SS2 proves that real RPGs can have incredible 3D technology.                   1/4
24769 STARLAVI.ZIP 13,6 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
StarLancer AVI video trailer.  The latest from Digital Anvil, combines the intense action of first-person space combat with the drama and intrigue of a classic WWII air combat movie. Countries from around the world including the United States, China, Russia and Great Britain have formed strategic alliances and now battle for control of Earth, Mars and other planets across the solar system.
24770 STARTRAL.ZIP 13,6 Mt 07.06.2000 - - -
Starlancer - traileri
68710 STG2-E3.ZIP 6350867 22.06.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generations E3 showpackage with
demoanimation and pressinfo from MicroProse.
68711 STG3-E3.ZIP 3261817 22.06.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generations E3 showpackage
MOV-format interview with producer Simon
Finch (MicroProse) - Main Features
68712 STG4-E3.ZIP 2668608 22.06.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generations E3 showpackage
MOV-format interview with producer Simon
Finch (MicroProse) - Battle Soran and the
68713 STG5-E3.ZIP 4733491 22.06.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generations E3 showpackage
MOV-format interview with producer Simon
Finch (MicroProse) - Types of gameplay
68714 STG6-E3.ZIP 3039191 22.06.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generations E3 showpackage
MOV-format interview with producer Simon
Finch (MicroProse) - Exciting aspects
68715 STG7-E3.ZIP 2982859 22.06.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generations E3 showpackage
MOV-format interview with producer Simon
Finch (MicroProse) -Stellar cartography
68716 STGENANI.A01 3999364 28.04.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generation animaatio 2/4
68717 STGENANI.A02 3999338 28.04.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generations animaatio 3/4
68718 STGENANI.A03 882194 28.04.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generations animaatio 4/4
68719 STGENANI.ARJ 3999358 28.04.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generations, AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. MicroProse.
24771 STKLI1.ZIP 6,1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Klingon Academy MPEG-trailer movie. Interplay. You will be molded into fearless and deadly instrument to ensure the future of our Empire.
24772 STKLI2.ZIP 2,2 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Klingon Academy MPEG-trailer movie. Interplay. You will be molded into fearless and deadly instrument to ensure the future of our Empire.
24773 STNWNID.ZIP 20,7 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
Star Trek: New Worlds esittelyvideo. Star Trek tapaa Starcraftin. Reaaliaikainen taktiikkaräiskintä Trekkieiden mieleen. Julkaisija INterplay. 
24774 STVEFM.ZIP 6,7 Mt 30.11.1999 - - -
"Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force from Activision. AVI video trailer. First Star Trek game to be based on the television seriesStar Trek: Voyager. The titlebeing developed by Raven Softwarewill also be the first game to be released after Quake III: Arena itself that will make use of id Softwares latest Quake engine."
68744 STWEB2.A01 3499529 22.04.1996 - - -
Silent Thunder AVI 2/4
68745 STWEB2.A02 3499461 22.04.1996 - - -
Silent Thunder AVI 3/4
68746 STWEB2.A03 2365004 22.04.1996 - - -
Silent Thunder AVI 4/4
68747 STWEB2.ARJ 3499520 22.04.1996 - - -
Silent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer 2
-lentosimulaattorin AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Suuri versio. Dynamix.
68748 STWEBC.ZIP 2214266 21.02.1996 - - -
Silent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer
2-Lentosimulaattorin AVI-muotoinen
68825 SYN1.ZIP 2670035 29.01.1996 - - -
Syndicate-pelin AVI-tiedosto. Bullfrog.
68826 SYN2AVI.ZIP 2677527 24.01.1996 - - -
Syndicate 2 -AVI muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
Valm. Bullfrog.
24775 T2-JAN.ZIP 12,2 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
Thief II Movie. .mov format. 
68981 TERRAMOV.A01 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Terra Nova-Strike Force Centauri-Futuristisen
seikkailun/räiskinnän MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/5.
68982 TERRAMOV.A02 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Terra Nova-Strike Force Centauri-Futuristisen
seikkailu/räiskintäpelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/5.
68983 TERRAMOV.A03 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Terra Nova-Strike Force Centauri-Fururistisen
seikkailu/räiskintäpelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/5.
68984 TERRAMOV.A04 229456 05.02.1996 - - -
Terra Nova-Strike Force Centauri-Futuristisen
seikkailu/räiskinnän MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/5.
68985 TERRAMOV.ARJ 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Terra Nova-Strike Force Centauri-
Futuristisen seikkailu/räiskinnän
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/5.
69006 TG-AINT.A01 3499271 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun AVI 2/4
69007 TG-AINT.A02 3499363 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun AVI 3/4
69008 TG-AINT.A03 1182481 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun AVI 4/4
69009 TG-AINT.ARJ 3499367 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun: Fire At Will -AVI muotoinen
näyteanimaatio lentosimulaattorin eri
vaiheista. Parhaimmillaan 640x480 16 bit
tilassa. Spectrum Holobyte/MPS
69010 TG-ALND.A01 3499315 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun AVI 2/3
69011 TG-ALND.A02 3089805 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun AVI 3/3
69012 TG-ALND.ARJ 3499348 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun: Fire At Will -AVI muotoinen
näyteanimaatio lentosimulaattorin eri
vaiheista. Parhaimmillaan 640x480 16 bit
tilassa. Spectrum Holobyte/MPS
69013 TG-ASEAF.A01 3499192 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun AVI 2/3
69014 TG-ASEAF.A02 2226843 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun AVI 3/3
69015 TG-ASEAF.ARJ 3499270 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun: Fire At Will -AVI muotoinen
näyteanimaatio lentosimulaattorin eri
vaiheista. Parhaimmillaan 640x480 16 bit.
Spectrum Holobyte/MPS
69016 TG-ASETS.A01 3499335 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun AVI 2/4
69017 TG-ASETS.A02 3499431 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun AVI 3/4
69018 TG-ASETS.A03 2575776 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun AVI 4/4
69019 TG-ASETS.ARJ 3499168 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun: Fire At Will -AVI muotoinen
näyteanimaatio lentosimulaattorin eri
vaiheista. Parhaimmilaan 640x480 16 bit.
Spectrum Holobyte/MPS
69025 TGGB.A01 4999355 14.12.1995 - - -
The Making of Time Gate: Night's Chase,
InfoGramesin näyttävän CDROM-seikkailupelin
AVI-animaationa esitetty preview.
69026 TGGB.A02 4999218 14.12.1995 - - -
The Making of Time Gate: Night's Chase,
InfoGramesin näyttävän CDROM-seikkailupelin
AVI-animaationa esitetty preview.
69027 TGGB.A03 4999353 14.12.1995 - - -
The Making of Time Gate: Night's Chase,
InfoGramesin näyttävän CDROM-seikkailupelin
AVI-animaationa esitetty preview.
69028 TGGB.A04 4999316 14.12.1995 - - -
The Making of Time Gate: Night's Chase,
InfoGramesin näyttävän CDROM-seikkailupelin
AVI-animaationa esitetty preview.
69029 TGGB.A05 4999339 14.12.1995 - - -
The Making of Time Gate: Night's Chase,
InfoGramesin näyttävän CDROM-seikkailupelin
AVI-animaationa esitetty preview.
69030 TGGB.A06 3625314 14.12.1995 - - -
The Making of Time Gate: Night's Chase,
InfoGramesin näyttävän CDROM-seikkailupelin
AVI-animaationa esitetty preview.
69031 TGGB.ARJ 4999265 14.12.1995 - - -
The Making of Time Gate: Night's Chase,
InfoGramesin näyttävän CDROM-seikkailupelin
AVI-animaationa esitetty preview.
69035 TH2-IDEM.A01 2999200 01.12.1995 - - -
Thunderhawk II intro demo. Core Designin
helikopterisimulaattorin näyteanimaatio
69036 TH2-IDEM.A02 2999597 01.12.1995 - - -
Thunderhawk II intro demo. Core Designin
helikopterisimulaattorin näyteanimaatio
69037 TH2-IDEM.A03 2999200 01.12.1995 - - -
Thunderhawk II intro demo. Core Designin
helikopterisimulaattorin näyteanimaatio
69038 TH2-IDEM.A04 2999200 01.12.1995 - - -
Thunderhawk II intro demo. Core Designin
helikopterisimulaattorin näyteanimaatio
69039 TH2-IDEM.A05 1151489 01.12.1995 - - -
Thunderhawk II intro demo. Core Designin
helikopterisimulaattorin näyteanimaatio
69040 TH2-IDEM.ARJ 2999200 01.12.1995 - - -
Thunderhawk II intro demo. Core Designin
helikopterisimulaattorin näyteanimaatio
69078 THEMH-AV.ZIP 2431447 24.01.1996 - - -
Theme Hospital -AVI muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
Valm. Bullfrog.
69109 THHO-FLC.A01 3499226 01.08.1996 - - -
Theme Hospical - demoanimation 2/3
69110 THHO-FLC.A02 3161848 01.08.1996 - - -
Theme Hospital - demoanimation 3/3
69111 THHO-FLC.ARJ 3499145 01.08.1996 - - -
Theme Hospital - FLC-format
demoanimation of Bullfrog's new Theme-
simulation - of a hospital!
Shocs actual gameplay. 1/3
69126 TIC1-E3.A01 3999304 29.06.1996 - - -
Time Commando E3 2/6
69127 TIC1-E3.A02 3999415 29.06.1996 - - -
Time Commando E3 3/6
69128 TIC1-E3.A03 3999406 29.06.1996 - - -
Time Commando E3 4/6
69129 TIC1-E3.A04 3999439 29.06.1996 - - -
Time Commando E3 5/6
69130 TIC1-E3.A05 3517372 29.06.1996 - - -
Time Commando E3 6/6
69131 TIC1-E3.ARJ 3999404 29.06.1996 - - -
Time Commando * E3 showpackage
with AVI-format video with actual game
footage etc. from Activision.
69189 TMOPHANT.A01 3999235 17.11.1995 - - -
The Making of Phantasmagoria - Sierran
videomainos Roberta Williamsin kauhu-
69190 TMOPHANT.A02 3999319 17.11.1995 - - -
The Making of Phantasmagoria - Sierran
videomainos Roberta Williamsin kauhu-
69191 TMOPHANT.A03 3999233 17.11.1995 - - -
The Making of Phantasmagoria - Sierran
videomainos Roberta Williamsin kauhu-
69192 TMOPHANT.A04 3999377 17.11.1995 - - -
The Making of Phantasmagoria - Sierran
videomainos Roberta Williamsin kauhu-
69193 TMOPHANT.A05 3758733 17.11.1995 - - -
The Making of Phantasmagoria - Sierran
videomainos Roberta Williamsin kauhu-
69194 TMOPHANT.ARJ 3999243 17.11.1995 - - -
The Making of Phantasmagoria - Sierran
videomainos Roberta Williamsin kauhu-
69219 TOON.A01 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Toonstruck-Seikkailupelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 2/7.
69220 TOON.A02 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Toonstruck-Seikkailupelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/7.
69221 TOON.A03 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Toonstruck-Seikkailupelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 4/7.
69222 TOON.A04 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Toonstruck-Seikkailupelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 5/7.
69223 TOON.A05 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Toonstruck-Seikkailupelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 6/7.
69224 TOON.A06 1350713 05.02.1996 - - -
Toonstruck-Seikkailupelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 7/7.
69225 TOON.ARJ 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Toonstruck-Seikkailupelin MOV-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Osa 1/7.
69235 TORINAVI.A01 3499415 24.01.1996 - - -
Torin's Passage AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Sierra.   2/4
69236 TORINAVI.A02 3499392 24.01.1996 - - -
Torin's Passage AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Sierra.    3/4
69237 TORINAVI.A03 1948675 24.01.1996 - - -
Torin's Passage AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Sierra.    4/4
69238 TORINAVI.ARJ 3499294 24.01.1996 - - -
Torin's Passage AVI-muotoinen
näyteanimaatio. Sierra.    1/4
24776 TR2MPEG.ZIP 11,4 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
Tribes 2 MPEG videotraileri. Dynamix. Nettiräiskintä. 
24777 TR4MOVL.ZIP 17,9 Mt 18.10.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider 4 trailer movie, Quicktime format. LARGE, high resolution. Eidos Interactive.
24778 TR4MOVS.ZIP 12,3 Mt 18.10.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider 4 trailer movie, Quicktime format. SMALL, low resolution. Eidos Interactive.
69319 TRAILER.ZIP 5393277 02.04.1996 - - -
AVI-muotoinen näyteanimaatio Pandora
24779 TRI2MOV.ZIP 4,7 Mt 20.05.1999 - - -
Tribes 2 Movie trailer. (.MOV). Movie of the upcoming Tribes 2. This game is looking hot. A rewritten engine fixes the "rolling terrain" problem and the landscapes are much more lush. Larger weapons and much more.
69430 TRYST.ZIP 4230350 05.02.1996 - - -
TriTryst-Puzzle/palikka-pelin MOV-muotoinen
24783 TS-STEA.ZIP 6,8 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
"Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun:  Firestorm movie trailer. Created by the original Tiberian Sun teamFirestorm is due for release in early 2000 and continues the Tiberian Sun saga. The notorious NOD leader Kane has been defeated but the battle for the future of mankind is far from over. A newmore powerful enemy has emerged to threaten mankinds existence."
24780 TSPREVA.A01 5,2 Mt 27.05.1999 - - -
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun preview 1/3
24781 TSPREVA.A02 3,9 Mt 27.05.1999 - - -
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun preview 2/3
24782 TSPREVA.ARJ 5,2 Mt 27.05.1999 - - -
"Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun preview 3/3 trailer. (.mov) No gameplay footage. Its the year 2015and a dark time for humanity. The original Economic boom that was Tiberiumhas turned into a Night-mare for Humanity. "
24784 U9_COLU.ZIP 39,8 Mt 03.11.1999 - - -
Ultima IX: Ascension MPEG-trailer Origin/Elecronic Arts Prepare to embark on an adventure beyond imagination with the return of the best selling role-playing series of all time. This intro movie shows a large column coming out of the ground.
24785 U9_INTF.ZIP 17 Mt 03.11.1999 - - -
Ultima IX: Ascension MPEG-trailer Origin/Elecronic Arts Prepare to embark on an adventure beyond imagination with the return of the best selling role-playing series of all time. This movie is the demo intro from Lord British. Lord British introcudes you to the game.
24786 URCHAOSL.ZIP 29,2 Mt 19.10.1999 - - -
Urban Chaos AVI trailer - LARGE. Eidos. Set to revolutionize the concept of gaming as it offers gamers freedom to do whatever they want in the most realistic and atmospheric games environment ever to be seen on computer screen. Realistic character animation takes art of fighting to a new level with hand to hand combat against multiple adversaries in a full platform environment. Strategists will enjoy plotting which task to take on next in order to fulfill the games ultimate objective
24787 URCHAOSS.ZIP 11,3 Mt 19.10.1999 - - -
Urban Chaos AVI trailer - SMALL. Eidos. Set to revolutionize the concept of gaming as it offers gamers freedom to do whatever they want in the most realistic and atmospheric games environment ever to be seen on computer screen. Realistic character animation takes art of fighting to a new level with hand to hand combat against multiple adversaries in a full platform environment. Strategists will enjoy plotting which task to take on next in order to fulfill the games ultimate objective
69621 V4V2-TRA.ZIP 5483386 23.08.1996 - - -
V For Victory 2 movie-trailer from
24788 VAMP_HI.ZIP 3,6 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
" Vampire: The Masquerade - movie trailer. Windows95/98 Before your fallyou led a crusade against evil. Now youve become one of the undead creatures you once battled-a Vampire. Inhabiting the World of Darknessyou must face a series of brutal confrontations with your nemesisVukodlaka powerful vampire lord."
69698 VETSF-E3.ZIP 3226061 23.06.1996 - - -
Vette: San Fransico Thrills E3 showpackage
with press release and MOV format
demoanimation from MicroProse.
69881 WAGESAVI.ZIP 1983336 14.01.1997 - - -
Wages of War - AVI-format videoclip of New
World's new close combat tactical level
strategy game.
24789 WAR3B.ZIP 17,2 Mt 22.06.2000 - - -
WarCraft III, 2nd Trailer movie. Blizzard Entertainment. 
24790 WAR3VID.ZIP 25,1 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
Warcraft III videotraileri. Tekijä Blizzard. Ihmisten ja örkkien laumat ovat uuden uhan edessä joutuneet keskittymään selviämiseen, aiempien valloitusretkiensä sijaan. Tämä lyhyt pätkä antaa vilauksen pelimaailman kaaokseen. Itsestään pyörivä ei-pelattava video. Vaatii Windows 95, DirectX.
69958 WB_SNDCN.A01 3999448 13.08.1996 - - -
Robowars-räiskintäpelin AVI-näyteanimaatio.
Osa 2/3.
69959 WB_SNDCN.A02 889399 13.08.1996 - - -
Robowars-räiskintäpelin AVI-näyteanimaatio.
Osa 3/3.
69960 WB_SNDCN.ARJ 3999408 13.08.1996 - - -
Robowars-räiskintäpelin AVI-näyteanimaatio.
Osa 1/3.
69962 WC2AVI.A01 3999255 24.01.1996 - - -
Warcraft II : Tides of Darkness -AVI
muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Valm. Blizzard. 2/3
69963 WC2AVI.A02 3060341 24.01.1996 - - -
Warcraft II : Tides of Darkness -AVI
muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Valm. Blizzard. 3/3
69964 WC2AVI.ARJ 3999339 24.01.1996 - - -
Warcraft II : Tides of Darkness -AVI
muotoinen näyteanimaatio. Valm. Blizzard. 1/3
24791 WC3MPEG.ZIP 27,6 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
 Warcraft III MPEG movie trailer. Blizzard\'s watershed "role-playing strategy" title, will certainly inject some personality into a genre that is rapidly growing stale with lifeless imitations. Heroes with character, fully 3D environments, and the endless interracial struggles of the denizens of Azeroth (made more complicated by the addition of four new races) make Warcraft III a sequel worth waiting for.
70030 WHANIM.A01 3999190 24.01.1996 - - -
Warhammer preview animations. 2/3
70031 WHANIM.A02 2122176 24.01.1996 - - -
Warhammer preview animations. 3/3
70032 WHANIM.ARJ 3999199 24.01.1996 - - -
Warhammer preview animations. 1/3
70073 WINGNUTS.ZIP 2975959 08.04.1996 - - -
Wingnuts-räiskintäpelin MOV-muotoinen
70118 WO2097MV.A01 2999391 15.10.1996 - - -
Wipeout 2097. 4 AVI-animaatiota. Osa 2/3.
70119 WO2097MV.A02 1678003 15.10.1996 - - -
Wipeout 2097. 4 AVI-animaatiota. Osa 3/3.
70120 WO2097MV.ARJ 2999373 15.10.1996 - - -
Wipeout 2097. 4 AVI-animaatiota. Osa 1/3.
24792 WOT320.A01 4,8 Mt 20.05.1999 - - -
Wheel of Time AVI trailer. 2/4
24793 WOT320.A02 4,8 Mt 20.05.1999 - - -
Wheel of Time AVI trailer. 3/4
24794 WOT320.A03 1,1 Mt 20.05.1999 - - -
Wheel of Time AVI trailer. 4/4
24795 WOT320.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.05.1999 - - -
"Wheel of Time AVI trailer. 1/4 Action/Adventure/RPG. Never before have the single and multiplayer experiences of one game been so seamlessly woven togetheronly to yield two drastically different types of play. While the ultimate proof will be found in the final producttake a look at movie to get a feel for just how different theyll really be."
70220 WW_AVI.A01 2999462 30.08.1996 - - -
War Wind intro 2/8
70221 WW_AVI.A02 2999451 30.08.1996 - - -
War Wind intro 3/8
70222 WW_AVI.A03 2999400 30.08.1996 - - -
War Wind intro 4/8
70223 WW_AVI.A04 2999475 30.08.1996 - - -
War Wind intro 5/8
70224 WW_AVI.A05 2999439 30.08.1996 - - -
War Wind intro 6/8
70225 WW_AVI.A06 2999447 30.08.1996 - - -
War Wind intro 7/8
70226 WW_AVI.A07 2921139 30.08.1996 - - -
War Wind intro 8/8
70227 WW_AVI.ARJ 2999463 30.08.1996 - - -
War Wind intro as AVI-movie
"An ancient, alien world teeters on the brink
of anarchy, the wind of change threatening to
blwo civilization asunder. View this epic
racial struggle through the eyes of the four
unique races involved. This REAL TIME
strategy masterwork will feature 30
ready-to-play scenarios. Bio-mechanically
enhanced unit. Network and modem play. And a
story of such compelling depth you won't
believe it's just a game. From SSI. 1/8
70422 Z-ERIC.A01 3999431 27.02.1996 - - -
Eric Matthewsin AVI-muotoinen haastattelu,
Z-pelin suunnittelija, Bitmap Brothers. 2/8
70423 Z-ERIC.A02 3999419 27.02.1996 - - -
Eric Matthewsin AVI-muotoinen haastattelu,
Z-pelin suunnittelija, Bitmap Brothers. 3/8
70424 Z-ERIC.A03 3999362 27.02.1996 - - -
Eric Matthewsin AVI-muotoinen haastattelu,
Z-pelin suunnittelija, Bitmap Brothers. 4/8
70425 Z-ERIC.A04 3999299 27.02.1996 - - -
Eric Matthewsin AVI-muotoinen haastattelu,
Z-pelin suunnittelija, Bitmap Brothers. 5/8
70426 Z-ERIC.A05 3999259 27.02.1996 - - -
Eric Matthewsin AVI-muotoinen haastattelu,
Z-pelin suunnittelija, Bitmap Brothers. 6/8
70427 Z-ERIC.A06 3999359 27.02.1996 - - -
Eric Matthewsin AVI-muotoinen haastattelu,
Z-pelin suunnittelija, Bitmap Brothers. 7/8
70428 Z-ERIC.A07 2056804 27.02.1996 - - -
Eric Matthewsin AVI-muotoinen haastattelu,
Z-pelin suunnittelija, Bitmap Brothers. 8/8
70429 Z-ERIC.ARJ 3999288 27.02.1996 - - -
Eric Matthewsin AVI-muotoinen haastattelu,
Z-pelin suunnittelija, Bitmap Brothers. 1/8
70447 ZDEMOB.ZIP 2658803 15.05.1996 - - -
Suurempi frameinen AVI-animaatio Bitmap
Brothersien pelistä Z.
70448 ZDEMOS.ZIP 1617538 15.05.1996 - - -
Pienempi Frameinen AVI.animaatio Bitmap
Brothersien pelistä Z.
70491 ZONE1-E3.A01 4099433 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis footage 2/10
70492 ZONE1-E3.A02 4099396 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis footage 3/10
70493 ZONE1-E3.A03 4099454 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis footage 4/10
70494 ZONE1-E3.A04 4099444 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis footage 5/10
70495 ZONE1-E3.A05 4099368 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis footage 6/10
70496 ZONE1-E3.A06 4099466 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis footage 7/10
70497 ZONE1-E3.A07 4099461 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis footage 8/10
70498 ZONE1-E3.A08 4099234 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis footage 9/10
70499 ZONE1-E3.A09 3314776 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis footage 10/10
70500 ZONE1-E3.ARJ 4099304 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis * E3 showpackage
with actual footage and interviews
of makers and designers. Activision.
70501 ZONEMOV.ZIP 3657841 12.02.1996 - - -
Zone Raiders-auto/räiskintäpelin
AVI-muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
31782 BCRACDEM.ZIP 416013 22.02.1995 - - -
BC Racers pelattava demo - arcade/ralli -
COre Design - kivikautista rälläilyä
61672 BRR-BD.A01 2779320 01.07.1996 - - -
Big Red Racing * playable DOS/WIN95
racing demo from Domark. 2/2
61673 BRR-BD.ARJ 2999195 01.07.1996 - - -
Big Red Racing * playable DOS/WIN95 racing
demo from Domark.
61674 BRR-DEMO.ZIP 2887820 20.03.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
Domarkin Big Red Racing-autopelin pelattava
24796 BURNDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Burnout demo 2/5
24797 BURNDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Burnout demo 3/5
24798 BURNDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Burnout demo 4/5
24799 BURNDEMO.A04 1,2 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Burnout demo 5/5
24800 BURNDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
"Burnout: Championship Drag Racing 1/5 Playable Demo v1.00 Bethesda Softworks Climb into your favorite dragster that youve custom-built from scratchpeel out from the starting lineand leave your competitors eating the smoke left in your wake. Were talking the fastest motorsport in the world. Prepare to feel the speedthe thrill and the power of the worlds first drag racing sim for the PC. DOS P75 16 MB - 3Dfx supported"
62523 CYBERACE.ZIP 1245245 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Cyberrace -rallipelin demo.
62682 DD2IDEMO.ZIP 3182613 05.12.1996 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Destruction Derby 2 playable demo. Smash'car
racing from Psygnosis.
31858 DDERBY01.ZIP 1283965 20.12.1995 - - -
Destruction Derby, Psygnosis, (1/5)
31859 DDERBY02.ZIP 1026785 20.12.1995 - - -
Destruction Derby, Psygnosis, (2/5)
31860 DDERBY03.ZIP 879255 20.12.1995 - - -
Destruction Derby, Psygnosis, (3/5)
31861 DDERBY04.ZIP 723612 20.12.1995 - - -
Destruction Derby, Psygnosis, (4/5)
31862 DDERBY05.ZIP 764475 20.12.1995 - - -
Destruction Derby, Psygnosis, (5/5)
31914 FATALRD.ARJ 3426283 17.11.1995 - - -
Fatal Racing pelattava demo. Gremlin
Interactiven vauhdikas ja näyttävä rallipeli.
VGA/SVGA, minimi 486/66 4 Mt RAM.
64815 HIOCTANE.A01 1456295 20.09.1995 - - tupla
High Octane -demo
64816 HIOCTANE.A02 1456225 20.09.1995 - - tupla
High Octane -demo
31943 HIOCTANE.A03 1456201 20.09.1995 - - -
High Octane -demo
31944 HIOCTANE.A04 1456319 20.09.1995 - - -
High Octane -demo
31945 HIOCTANE.A05 1456137 20.09.1995 - - -
High Octane -demo
31946 HIOCTANE.A06 1456494 20.09.1995 - - -
High Octane -demo
31947 HIOCTANE.A07 1456337 20.09.1995 - - -
High Octane -demo
31948 HIOCTANE.A08 231156 20.09.1995 - - -
High Octane -demo
31949 HIOCTANE.ARJ 1456222 20.09.1995 - - -
HI-OCTANE, pelattava demo. Bullfrogin
vauhdikas lentokapineralli. Demo sisältää
32885 MICRO.ZIP 3525272 22.02.1996 - 17679/CD_1.iso -
Micro Machines 2-autopelin isompi pelattava
32022 MICRO2.ZIP 1428089 15.08.1995 - - -
MICRO MACHINES 2 -demo. Fully playable.
VGA/SVGA -graphics. SB -sounds. This demo
contains 4 tracks.
66132 MICROMD.ZIP 112114 08.01.1995 - - tupla
MicroMachines demo auto/ralli/kilpa/2-pl
32892 MKARTSD.A01 3999585 24.01.1996 - - -
MANIC KARTS v2.00 playable demo
from Manic Media Productions.
Racing game with karts.      2/6
32893 MKARTSD.A02 3999516 24.01.1996 - - -
MANIC KARTS v2.00 playable demo
from Manic Media Productions.
Racing game with karts.     3/6
32894 MKARTSD.A03 3999565 24.01.1996 - - -
MANIC KARTS v2.00 playable demo
from Manic Media Productions.
Racing game with karts.     4/6
32895 MKARTSD.A04 3999200 24.01.1996 - - -
MANIC KARTS v2.00 playable demo
from Manic Media Productions.
Racing game with karts.     5/6
32896 MKARTSD.A05 3938407 24.01.1996 - - -
MANIC KARTS v2.00 playable demo
from Manic Media Productions.
Racing game with karts.     6/6
32897 MKARTSD.ARJ 3999559 24.01.1996 - - -
MANIC KARTS v2.00 playable demo
from Manic Media Productions.
Racing game with karts.     1/6
66306 MR2-DEMO.A01 3999446 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 2/20
66307 MR2-DEMO.A02 3999341 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 3/20
66308 MR2-DEMO.A03 3999475 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 4/20
66309 MR2-DEMO.A04 3999410 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 5/20
66310 MR2-DEMO.A05 3999424 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 6/20
66311 MR2-DEMO.A06 3999405 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 7/20
66312 MR2-DEMO.A07 3999392 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 8/20
66313 MR2-DEMO.A08 3999391 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 9/20
66314 MR2-DEMO.A09 3999412 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 10/20
66315 MR2-DEMO.A10 3999088 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 11/20
66316 MR2-DEMO.A11 3999202 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 12/20
66317 MR2-DEMO.A12 3999459 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 13/20
66318 MR2-DEMO.A13 3999468 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 14/20
66319 MR2-DEMO.A14 3999441 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 15/20
66320 MR2-DEMO.A15 3999449 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 16/20
66321 MR2-DEMO.A16 3999379 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 17/20
66322 MR2-DEMO.A17 3999415 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 18/20
66323 MR2-DEMO.A18 3999472 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 19/20
66324 MR2-DEMO.A19 3685623 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 20/20
66325 MR2-DEMO.ARJ 3999458 15.06.1996 - - tupla
Megarace 2 -itsestään pyörivä JA pelattava
demo Cryon hurjasta autokilpapelistä. Huima
kapealla, kiemurtelevalla radalla kiertelevä
ralleilu, VGA/SVGA, hyvä.   1/20
32964 NAS2DEMO.A01 2999400 05.12.1996 - - -
Nascar racing 2. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/3.
32965 NAS2DEMO.A02 2187067 08.10.1996 - - -
Nascar Racing 2. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/3.
32966 NAS2DEMO.ARJ 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Nascar Racing 2: Kahden radan pelattava demo
Papyryksen uudesta autopelistä. Osa 1/3.
66485 NASCARDM.ZIP 1446151 27.01.1995 - - tupla
Nascar Racing pelattava demo
33002 NFSCDDEM.A01 3999404 06.05.1996 - - -
Need for Speed: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
33003 NFSCDDEM.A02 3999418 06.05.1996 - - -
Need for Speed: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
33004 NFSCDDEM.A03 3999371 06.05.1996 - - -
Need for Speed: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
33005 NFSCDDEM.A04 3999416 06.05.1996 - - -
Need for Speed: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
33006 NFSCDDEM.A05 3999384 06.05.1996 - - -
Need for Speed: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
33007 NFSCDDEM.A06 3999430 06.05.1996 - - -
Need for Speed: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
33008 NFSCDDEM.A07 1215558 06.05.1996 - - -
Need for Speed: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
33009 NFSCDDEM.ARJ 3999425 06.05.1996 - - -
Need for Speed: isompi pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. Videopätkiä ja äänet. Osa 1/8.
32045 NFSDEMO.ARJ 3764525 16.11.1995 - - -
Need For Speed -pelattava demo. Toimiva.
Vauhdikas rallipeli.
33034 NQRALLY.A01 3499207 25.09.1996 - MBCD -
Network Q Rally demo 2/6
33035 NQRALLY.A02 3499426 25.09.1996 - MBCD -
Network Q Rally demo 3/6
33036 NQRALLY.A03 3499500 25.09.1996 - MBCD -
Network Q Rally demo 4/6
33037 NQRALLY.A04 3499200 25.09.1996 - MBCD -
Network Q Rally demo 5/6
33038 NQRALLY.A05 1870465 25.09.1996 - MBCD -
Network Q Rally demo 6/6
33039 NQRALLY.ARJ 3499021 25.09.1996 - MBCD -
Network Q Rally playable demo.
Fast and slick cross-country racing
game, with serial link/IPX network
option. DOS.
32051 OVERDRV.ZIP 538616 11.05.1995 - 21240/generation4_73.iso -
Overdrive autopelin pelattava demo.Team-17.
33328 S2DEMOSM.A01 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Screamer 2 pienempi pelattava demo 2/3
33329 S2DEMOSM.A02 2622271 21.12.1996 - - -
Screamer 2 pienempi pelattava demo 3/3
33330 S2DEMOSM.ARJ 2999507 21.12.1996 - - -
Screamer 2-autopelin pienempi pelattava demo.
DOS & Win95. Virgin. 1/3
33367 SCORCHER.ZIP 4892691 25.11.1996 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Scorcher Playable Demo From Scavenger/GT
Interactive 3D racing game that will thrill
and dizzy you with it's many turns and
twists. Make sure your hand-eye coordination
is good though, steering is the primary
challenge. Includes both Windows 95 and DOS
versions (Win95 version requires DirectX)
33369 SCREAM2.A01 3499200 16.10.1996 - - -
Screamer 2 demo 2/7
33370 SCREAM2.A02 3499200 16.10.1996 - - -
Screamer 2 demo 3/7
33371 SCREAM2.A03 3499555 16.10.1996 - - -
Screamer 2 demo 4/7
33372 SCREAM2.A04 3499545 16.10.1996 - - -
Screamer 2 demo 5/7
33373 SCREAM2.A05 3499432 16.10.1996 - - -
Screamer 2 demo 6/7
33374 SCREAM2.A06 2832767 16.10.1996 - - -
Screamer 2 demo 7/7
33375 SCREAM2.ARJ 3499514 16.10.1996 - - -
Screamer 2 - playable demo from Virgin.
Racing game, demo with VGA/VGA32K colours.
DOS & DOSbox under Win95.
32104 SCREAMER.ZIP 1386558 20.12.1995 - 26095/buyer-0396.iso -
Screamer -pelattava demo. Virgin Interactiven
32126 SLIP.A01 1456431 28.03.1995 - - -
Slipstream 5000 playable preview [2/7]
32127 SLIP.A02 1456394 28.03.1995 - - -
Slipstream 5000 playable preview [3/7]
32128 SLIP.A03 1456270 28.03.1995 - - -
Slipstream 5000 playable preview [4/7]
32129 SLIP.A04 1456351 28.03.1995 - - -
Slipstream 5000 playable preview [5/7]
32130 SLIP.A05 1456172 28.03.1995 - - -
Slipstream 5000 playable preview [6/7]
32131 SLIP.A06 1127424 28.03.1995 - - -
Slipstream 5000 playable preview [7/7]
32132 SLIP.ARJ 1456440 28.03.1995 - - -
Slipstream 5000 playable preview [1/7]
30848 SUPKART.ZIP 1303530 01.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Superkarts v0.98 DEMO A one playable demo of
Superkarts. A fast and furious arcade-style
racing game from Manic Media. Manic Media
Productions (c) 1994. All rights reserved.
33612 TATTACKD.A01 4199142 27.04.1996 - - -
Track Attack -demo 2/4
33613 TATTACKD.A02 4199484 27.04.1996 - - -
Track Attack -demo 3/4
33614 TATTACKD.A03 3826701 27.04.1996 - - -
Track Attack -demo 4/4
33615 TATTACKD.ARJ 4199475 27.04.1996 - - -
Track Attack -pelattava demo. Vauhdikas,
ylienerginen autoralli. "A hard, fast arcade
style of driving and destruction around
fantastically shaped tracks, with a whole
host of special effects" Superb 3D graphics.
13 stunning venues. MicroProse.
33804 VKARDEMO.ZIP 3956876 12.02.1996 - - -
Virtual Karts-autopelin pelattava demo.
33805 VKDEM2-1.ZIP 3999921 21.02.1996 - - -
Virtual Karts-autopelin pelattava demo.
sisältää enemmän grafiikoita kuin
vkardemo.zip. Osa 1/2.
33806 VKDEM2-2.ZIP 2782560 21.02.1996 - - -
Virtual Karts-autopelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää enemmän grafiikoita kuin
vkardemo.zip. Osa 2/2.
33858 WHIPDE-1.ZIP 999933 29.01.1996 - - -
Whiplash-rataautopelin pelattava demo. Osa
33859 WHIPDE-2.ZIP 999984 29.01.1996 - - -
Whiplash-rataautopelin pelattava demo. Osa
33860 WHIPDE-3.ZIP 1000002 29.01.1996 - - -
Whiplash rata-autopelin pelattava demo. osa
33861 WHIPDE-4.ZIP 1000002 29.01.1996 - - -
Whiplash rata-autopelin pelattava demo. Osa
33862 WHIPDE-5.ZIP 999997 29.01.1996 - - -
Whiplash rata-autopelin pelattava demo. Osa
33863 WHIPDE-6.ZIP 327056 29.01.1996 - - -
Whiplash rata-autopelin pelattava demo. Osa
33870 WIPEOUT.ZIP 3415171 18.01.1996 - - -
Wipeout-autopelin pelattava demo.
33885 WRALLY.ZIP 751620 02.04.1996 - MBCD -
World Rally Fever  Brought to you by Team 17
/ Ocean, World Rally Fever is a fast, fun
Manga style arcade racing game. The full
release version will feature 16 gruelling
tracks over ten different world locations.
With  8 drivers with varying skills, four
cups to race for over four individual race
locations. This Demo features one driver to
race with and a French Countryside track to
race on.
70512 ZRAID.ZIP 675104 30.06.1995 - - tupla
Zone Raiders -autoilupelin pelattava demo.
60019 #1BOPPIX.ZIP 112081 18.10.1994 renamed 20915/1000GAME.iso -
BOPPIN' from Apogee Software
Slide show of Apogee's new game "Boppin'".
Help Yeet and Boik restore all the video
game monsters through 160 levels of unique
graphics and puzzles. Use the level maker
to create your own levels. Two player mode
also. Req: 386/16+, Supports all sound
cards: GUS, SB, Roland, PAS16 etc.
31728 1_ULDEMO.ZIP 941029 16.11.1995 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip -
Preview three upcoming releases from Union
Logic Software Publishing, Inc. *Vinyl
Goddess from Mars* a fast paced, high speed,
sexy platform game. *Radix: Into the void* a
radical 3D edge of your seat action game.
*Tactical Factor* two player action! *Plus*
informative documents about these releases
and more.
60080 10THPLP.ZIP 160319 24.04.1996 - - -
THE 10TH PLANET -demopictures. Science
Fiction story / space shoot' em'up adventure.
Centropolis Software/Bethesda Softworks
31725 11THDEMO.ZIP 1410349 20.09.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Official release graphics from "The 11th
Hour", the interactive sequel to "The 7th
Guest," from Trilobyte and Virgin Games.
60120 1943EWP.ZIP 1039764 27.04.1996 - - -
1943: European Air War for the IBM PC CD Rom
Demo-pictures + press info. MicroProse.
60138 1STDEGP.ZIP 1451733 30.07.1996 - - -
In The 1st Degree -demopictures.
60190 3DLEMG.ZIP 738518 20.01.1996 - - -
3D Lemmings demokuvia. Psygnosis.
60191 3DPI-CRE.ZIP 1941369 18.06.1996 - - -
3-D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night -demokuvia,
24801 40WIE399.ZIP 1,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
40 Winks E3 1999 messupaketti. GT Interactive. Kuvia & infoa. N64 & PSX. Free roaming" 3D adventure -- non-linear game play. Dream Setting -- allows gamers to experience more surrealistic environments.
60280 7TH-PICS.ZIP 330864 16.09.1996 - - -
7th Legion screenshots and information.
Native Windows 95 game published by Epic
MegaGames, Inc. 7Th Legion is real-time and
successfully combines elements of strategy
and action. Features will include: * 640x480
high resolution graphics * Fast, arcade style
game play * Two-Six multi-player Support via
modem, LAN, and Internet * The ability to
research new and more powerful weapons
60327 A10JPG.ZIP 215182 09.05.1996 - - -
A-10 Tank Killer II: Silent Thunder
60346 AAPVOL1.ZIP 397547 20.01.1996 - - -
Activision Atari 2600 Action Pack 1
60347 AAPVOL2.ZIP 324437 20.01.1996 - - -
Activision Atari 2600 Action Pack 2
24802 ABOME399.ZIP 5 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Abomination E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. 3D isometrinen toiminta/strategia. Control a team of genetically altered, gun toting marines in the depths of a biological nightmare world and save the human race from the Brood. Explore an entire city; travel across the world from the frozen wastes of Siberia to the jungles of Peru.
60463 ADIDASSD.ZIP 2287490 26.04.1996 - - -
Adidas Power Soccer -näytekuvia. "Lead out
your favourite team and take on some of
Europe's finest players in the soccer game
your PlayStation's been waiting for.
Real-time 3D stadiums and super-smooth
motion-captured players guarantee a spot-on
sim experience or a fast and furious arcade
challenge. Choice of team strategies, wealth
of options and host of net busting special
moves make adidas Power Soccer truly
unbeatable. Psygnosis.
60495 AFT-E3.ZIP 1291252 23.06.1996 - - -
showpackage with press releases and pictures.
60512 AGILWD1.ZIP 2739147 24.02.1996 - - -
Agile Warrior -räiskintäpelin näytekuvia.
60513 AGILWD2.ZIP 2436949 24.02.1996 - - -
Agile Warrior -räiskintäpelin näytekuvia.
60571 ALB-INF.ZIP 2190 01.07.1996 - - -
Albion - information from Blue Byte.
24803 ALLEE399.ZIP 788,4 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Allegiance E3 1999 messupaketti. Microsoft. Internet moninpeli - MSN Gaming Zone (http://www.zone.com) Sisältää kuvia & tietoa pelistä. Online-avaruustaistelua. Space-action game, combining the challenge of squadron-based combat with detailed graphics and immersive sound effects. Players can pilot and customize many different classes of ships, from scouts to fighters to battle cruisers.
60627 ALPHA-E3.ZIP 5996 19.06.1996 - - -
ALPHASTORM - (working title) E3 messujen
lehdistötiedote PC CD-ROM and PlayStation
Last quarter 1996 Action/adventure *
24804 AM3-E399.ZIP 504 kt 04.08.1999 - - -
Army Men III E3 1999 messupaketti. 3DO. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Räiskintäpeli muovisotureilla. In the ongoing war between Green and Tan, the Tan Commander Plastro has enlisted the aid of a diabolical race of aliens bent on world conquest. To help combat this new menace, Sarge teams up with a new heroine and her Space Troopers.
24805 AMENE399.ZIP 2,3 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Amen The Awakening E3 1999 messupaketti. 3D toimintaräiskintä. Cavedog.
24806 ANAE399.ZIP 4,1 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Anachronox E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. 3D räiskintäpeli. 3D role-playing game (RPG) using the Quake 2 engine. The player controls up to three characters at a time, from an eventual cast of seven, exploring the galaxy and three different dimensions. Game design by Tom Hall of Wolfenstein 3D and Doom fame. highly advanced version of the Quake II technology.
60726 ANCINF.ZIP 3508195 18.05.1996 - - -
The Rise and Fall of Ancient Empires
demokuvia ja infoa. Sierra.
60777 ANVILPIC.ZIP 394550 26.04.1996 - - -
ANVIL OF DAWN -demokuvia. "Break through the
demons... Your job: Save the world * Control
one of five champions * Battle against the
dark armies of an evil warlord * Play in
real-time combat * Solve masses of intriguing
puzzles along the way From developers of
Ravenloff and Menzoberranzan." U.S. Gold
24807 AOE2E399.ZIP 4 Mt 03.08.1999 repacked betaarchive forum -
Age of Empires II E3 1999 messupaketti. Microsoft. Sisältää kuvia & infoa. Historiallinen reaaliaikainen strategia/ valtakunnanrakentelupeli. Spans a thousand years, from the fall of Rome through the Middle Ages, in which players control the destiny of humankind. The game keeps the epic scope of the gameplay while evolving the combat and economic features. Players are challenged to build their nations into great civilization.
60783 AOJ-E3.ZIP 2583329 19.06.1996 - - -
Agents of Justice (previously Super Heroes)
E3 showpackage with press release, pictures
and MOV-format animation. MicroProse.
31760 AP_SCR.ZIP 949751 15.10.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
A   slide   show   containing images from
Apache   Longbow   helicopter  flight sim.
60807 APACHESS.EXE 3012878 12.02.1996 - - -
Digital Integrationin
Apache-helikopterisimulaation Slideshow.
60818 APO-E3.ZIP 3931 20.06.1996 - - -
X-COM: Apocalypse (UFO) E3 -press release
from MicroProse.
60833 AQUAPICS.ZIP 299638 07.12.1996 - - -
Aqua screenshots. Enter the underwater
universe of Scavenger's upcoming game, Aqua.
Explore rich environments filled with
dolphins, sharks, whales, and more.
24808 ARADE399.ZIP 1,4 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Arena AD E3 1999 messupaketti From the developers of the No.1 smash hit driving game Carmageddon comes Arena AD, the goriest, funniest gladiatorial combat game yet. 3-D combat game that will stand apart from the plethora of eastern martial arts based combat games.  The aim of the game is to earn as much money as possible, by winning each fight, in order to buy your freedom. SCi.
24809 ARCAE399.ZIP 3,1 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Arcatera E3 1999 messupaketti. Ubi Soft. Kuvia & infoa. Seikkailupeli. Point & clic" adventure game set in the heroic-fantasy world of Arcatera. It is based on a complex criminal investigation where the hero (or a party of up to 4 characters) has only 3 weeks (in-game time) to counter the evil deeds of a satanic gang. Based on a non-linear story-line, the game may lead to various outcomes.
31761 ARENASLD.ZIP 519645 07.12.1994 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
The ELder Scrolls: Arena. Slideshow. Valm.
Bethesda Softworks
31762 ARKANIA.ZIP 385713 07.12.1994 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny
Slideshow. Valm. Sir-Tech
34033 ASBPREV.ZIP 2103 14.01.1997 - - -
Admiral: Sea battles preview
60990 ASSRIGPI.ZIP 303910 26.04.1996 - - -
ASSAULT RIGS -näytekuvia. "Cyberspace clash
of the future - a computer combat zone where
virtual rigs battle it out for control of an
arena that's packed with power-ups and traps.
Collect gems and hunt down your opponent's
rig across huge levels, then when you find
them... blow them into cyber-oblivion! 8
player network game, 3d effects, different
environments etc. PC CD-ROM & Playstation.
61019 ASTW95P.ZIP 102070 19.09.1996 - - -
AstroRock for Windows 95 * screenshots
Asteroids clone with rendered graphics from
61027 ATF-EAPI.ZIP 303311 18.06.1996 - - -
Jane's Advanced Tactical Fighters demokuvia.
61030 ATFPIC.ZIP 448466 08.05.1996 - - -
Jane's Advanced Tactical Fighters ATF
demokuvia. EOA.
61032 ATHAE3.ZIP 633948 19.06.1996 - - -
Athanor E3-show infopackage, action adventure
from Psygnosis.
31768 ATRDEM.ZIP 1536008 16.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
1944: Across The Rhine Slideshow. Valm.
34043 AV10PIC.ZIP 61185 14.01.1997 - - -
Sample pictures from Avenger 1.0
61094 AW2-IMI.ZIP 276097 28.08.1996 - - -
Air Warrior II, from Interactive Magic. The
new front end for THE Internet multiplayer
flight simulation. Info and pics.
31771 B17DEMO.ZIP 209492 16.11.1995 - 2020/The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume II (Data Express)(1993).ISO -
B-17 VGA Slide show. Valm. MicroProse.
24810 B5-E399.ZIP 3,7 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Babylon 5 E3 1999 messupaketti. Sierra. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Vaatii WWW-selaimen. Kultiksi muodostuneen TV-sarjan pohjalta kehitetty avaruustaistelusimulaattori. 3D first-person space combat combined with complex, hierarchical AI system, a robust strategy component and a proprietarily developed interactive "sculptured music" technology. Dynamic and detailed simulation of the Babylon 5 universe.
24811 B5-EC98.ZIP 1,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Babylon 5 ECTS98 showpackage with press release and screenshots. Sierra. Req. browser. The space combat simulation destined to surpass all predecessors
61163 BAAPREV.ZIP 301720 03.12.1996 - - -
Betrayal in Antara preview with screenshots
61195 BAM-E3.ZIP 1782085 29.06.1996 - - -
Blood & Magic * E3 showpackage with
screenshots. TSR-licensed Advanced Dungeons &
Dragons RPG. Interplay.
61202 BAMSS.ZIP 750793 27.06.1996 - - -
Blood & Magic - Interplay's first TSR-
licensed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D)
role-playing game set in Forgotten Realms
world. Screenshots and press release. For PC
and MAC in 2nd quarter 1996.
31779 BC3000AD.ZIP 333057 31.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
BATTLE CRUISER 3000 AD Screen-Shots.
Published by GAMETEK
61258 BC3KPICS.ZIP 2694887 02.04.1996 - - -
80 GIF-näytekuvaa Gametekin tulevasta
Battlecruiser 3000 AD_Avaruuspelistä.
61304 BEAVISPI.ZIP 3665628 22.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead In Virtual Stupidity -
näytekuvia ja WAV-muotoisia ääninäytteitä/
selostuksia MTV:n pöljäsankareista tehdystä
seikkailupelistä. Valm. Viacom.
61377 BGG-PICS.ZIP 801479 26.04.1996 - - -
Battleground: Gettysburg, Vol. II of
Battleground-series. Demo pictures of
Talonsoft's/Empire strategy game.
61378 BGGBURGD.ZIP 593381 24.04.1996 - - -
Battleground: Gettysburg demokuvia. Taktisen
tason strategiapeli USA:n sisällissodasta
Gettysburgin taistelusta, Battleground:
Ardennesin tapaan. Valm. Talonsoft/Empire.
61383 BGS4SHOT.ZIP 179546 27.06.1996 - - -
Battleground 4: Shiloh Talonsoft's
Battleground-series volume 4, battle of
Shiloh in American Civil War. Screenshot and
information. PLUS info of: BATTLEGROUND 5:
ANTIETAM (Available Fall '96) BATTLEGROUND 6:
SINAI (Available Fall '96)
61385 BGW-PICS.ZIP 5171254 26.04.1996 - - -
Battleground: Waterloo, näytekuvia. Taktisen
tason strategiapeli, valm. Talonsoft/Empire.
61394 BIAPICS.ZIP 2130138 18.06.1996 - - -
Betrayal In Antara -demopictures from Sierra
61408 BIO.ZIP 670438 18.01.1996 - - -
Parikymmentä Gif-kuvaa Originin
61424 BIRTHPI.ZIP 1338192 18.06.1996 - - -
Birthright -demopictures. Sierra.
61475 BLAM!I1.ZIP 3801786 19.05.1996 - - -
BLAM! Machinehead 3D räiskintäpelin
informaatiota ja demokuvia. Core Design.
61476 BLAM!I2.ZIP 4458842 19.05.1996 - - -
BLAM! Machinehead 3D räiskintäpelin
informaatiota ja demokuvia. Core Design.
61479 BLAS2-E3.ZIP 5224777 23.06.1996 - - -
Blast Chamber * E3 showpackage with
screenshots. Activision.
61480 BLASTCHP.ZIP 475030 26.04.1996 - - -
Blast Chamber -näytekuvia. Activision.
31793 BLH_FTPR.ZIP 278879 28.03.1995 - - -
Flash Traffic - City of Angles Screenshots
61504 BLOODPRE.ZIP 70378 23.08.1996 - - -
Blood by 3DRealms Development update and 4
40760 BLSCRNS.ZIP 347698 05.02.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
Images from the full release of BACKLASH - A
Turret Gunner Simulation by )|( Sanctuary
Software Studio, Inc. Five JPEG (JPG) images
640x480x24bit that are unreduced versions of
actual game win screens. Look for BACKLASH
where you find quality SHAREWARE products.
Available as BL110SW.ZIP on this BBS system.
REQ:JPEG viewer.  256 color video driver.
REC:16 or 24 bit color video driver.
61525 BLUEI-E3.ZIP 1304185 19.06.1996 - - -
Blue Ice - E3 messupaketti, kuvia + infoa,
tulee Win95/3.1/DOS. Puzzle/Adventure, valm.
61552 BNZ_STRI.ZIP 194305 15.05.1995 repacked betaarchive forum tupla
24812 BONEE399.ZIP 5 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Boneyards E3 1999 messupaketti. Kuvia. Cavedogin online-pelijärjestelmä.
61615 BRAIN4.ZIP 2423592 23.10.1996 - - -
The Time Warp of Dr. Brain (Brain 4)
screenshots and info (Acrobat-format).
24813 BRAVE399.ZIP 4,6 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Braveheart. E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. Historiaal sijoittuva 3D toiminta/strategia. Combines real-time combat/strategy with a turn-based build-an-empire game. Resource/ manage villages and countryside to support your clans. Vie for control of Scotland. Attempt to unite rival clans against the English, or fight them alone.
61667 BROAD-I.ZIP 807199 27.06.1996 - - -
Burning Road - rugged action-packed muscle
car or monster truck racing game. Screenshots
and information. Playmates Interactive.
24814 BZ2E399.ZIP 152 kt 04.08.1999 - - -
Battlezone II E3 1999 messupaketti. Activision. Sisältää kuvia & tietoa. 3D räiskintä. Strategiaa ja toimintaa. A revolutionary action-strategy game, the sequel lets players take command of the front lines to deliver an in-your-face war experience. The game features an improved, easy-to-use interface, more multiplayer options and the most stunning graphics ever seen in a PC game.
24815 C2TTEC98.ZIP 926,7 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
Civilization II: The Test of Time ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. MicroProse. revolutionizing new enhancements including animation, linked maps, the addition of two exciting worlds and more.
61797 CADS-E3.ZIP 2081425 29.06.1996 - - -
showpackage with press release and
OF HEART. The first game to combine twisted
humor, miniature golf and horror. The new
CD-ROM title features nine different bone
chilling and challenging holes of miniature
golf, demanding not only good aim but also
strategic puzzle solving skills." Virgin.
31813 CAMP2CD.ZIP 2001833 05.12.1994 - - -
Näytekuvia: Campaign CD-ROM Valm. Empire
61839 CAPSS.EXE 2563361 02.04.1996 - - -
Capitalism-pelin slideshow.
24816 CARDE399.ZIP 2,4 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
"Carmageddon: Death Race 2000 E3 1999 messupaketti. Next title in the stunningaward winningCarmageddon series on PC. Centred round fast action gameplay in a completely newimmersiveenvironment. An environment which is far more advanced than in previous games. The humour of the game surpasses that of previous releasesand at last the introduction of homicidal Zombies! SCi."
31822 CCGFX.ZIP 1060149 02.11.1995 - - -
Command & Conquer : GIF-kuvia pelistä.
61905 CCS-PRE.ZIP 339668 22.09.1996 - - -
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon by Legend
Entertainment, preview with screenshots.
61944 CE2PICS.ZIP 129343 13.06.1996 - - -
Kuvia Bitmap Brothersin tulevasta pelistä
Chaos Engine 2.
61984 CHAOSPI.ZIP 320303 10.07.1996 - - -
Chaos Overlords screenshots and info. New
World Computing.
61985 CHAOSPIC.ZIP 351133 26.04.1996 - - -
Chaos Overlords -näytekuvia. "Game of
Strategic Gang Warfare. Description: The
governments of the world are bankrupt and
private corporations now run the show. To
keep the peace and maintain order a ban has
been placed on alcohol, cigarettes, smut,
drugs, guns, music, dancing and just about
anything that could be considered fun.
Utilise your mercenary gangs to run the black
market, bribe the cops, expand your influence
extort money and erase anybody who gets in
62094 CITIZPI.ZIP 1366735 27.04.1996 - - -
Citizens: Backwater Affairs, demo-pictures
and press release. 'God Game' where the
player is put in charge of a small town and
its inhabitants. Set in beautiful town of
Backwater. Following fatal car crash, you are
given a chance in the Afterlife as Guardian
of Backwater and its inhabitants. Isometric
with cartoon touch. MicroProse.
62096 CITY-E3.ZIP 698099 19.06.1996 - - -
THE CITY OF LOST CHILDREN - E3 messupaketti,
kuvia ja lehdistötiedote. "This dazzling
flight of the imagination combines rendered
graphics with motion capture technology to
create complex animated characters and
beautiful interactive locations based on the
acclaimed French film of the same name."
Adventure, valm. Psygnosis. PC CD-ROM and
62106 CIV2PIC.ZIP 180777 09.02.1996 - - -
Näytekuvia Civilization II:sta
62107 CIV2PIC2.ZIP 564604 27.04.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 näytekuvia ja pressiinfo. MPS.
62113 CIVWAR.ZIP 699561 02.04.1996 - - -
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General, pictures
from the coming strategy game.
62114 CIVWAR2.ZIP 4441844 18.05.1996 - - -
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General Kuvia ja
informaatiota Sierran tulevasta USA:n
sisällissodan strategiapelistä Windowsille.
62115 CIVWAR3.ZIP 1234371 18.06.1996 - - -
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General
-demopictures from Sierra.
62119 CJUD-I.ZIP 3692 01.07.1996 - - -
CyberJudas * be the SHADOW PRESIDENT, control
the power of USA, influence the fate of
nations. Information from Empire.
24817 CLA-EC98.ZIP 6,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Clash ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Strategy. Software 2000
24818 CMM-E399.ZIP 3,7 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Crusaders of Might And Magic E3 1999 messupaketti. PlayStation. 3DO. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Fantasia-toimintapeli. Brand new 3D Action-Fantasy thriller. Challenges players in the tradition of the best-selling Might and Magic series. This is a game of spell-binding and addictive entertainment where the player is capable of heroic exploits as he travels through an incredible world of daunting quests.
62219 CNWGFX.ZIP 1029291 18.05.1996 - - -
Conquest of the New World PC-lisäkuvia.
Seikkailu/strategiapeli, uuden maailman
valloituksesta. Valm. Interplay.
62220 COB-E3.ZIP 2424955 29.06.1996 - - -
CIRCLE OF BLOOD * E3 showpackage with press
release and screenshots. "New Adventure
Features A Historical Mystery And A Plot To
Re-Shape The World - mystical,
conspiracy-filled cinematic adventure for Mac
and PC CD-ROM Windows '95, features an
intense and engrossing plot based on a
controversial, historical subject matter.
Previewing this May, the game combines
stunning hand-painted art and cartoon quality
animation with intriguing gameplay and highly
62231 COLC-PRE.ZIP 182638 11.09.1996 - - -
The City of Lost Children by Psygnosis.
Preview with pictures.
31832 COLDEMO.ZIP 707722 16.11.1995 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip -
Slideshow demo for Colonization from
62245 COM-CONQ.ZIP 553098 26.03.1995 - - -
Command & Conquer - New Shots!
62247 COMA3-E3.ZIP 772615 29.06.1996 - - -
Comanche 3 * E3 showpackage. Press release
and screenshots of both game and its new
"Voxel Space 2 Graphics Engine". Novalogic.
62258 COMPT-E3.ZIP 3162024 01.07.1996 - - -
COMPLETE TENNIS * E3 showpackage with press
information and screenshots. "Never before
has a tennis game looked and played so well.
Complete Tennis takes the old style "cartoon"
tennis games and turns them upside down.
Incorporating digitised players and
photo-realistic." FORMAT:- PC CD-ROM (DOS AND
24819 CONQE399.ZIP 1,2 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
E3 1999 messupaketti. Microsoft. Sisältää kuvia & tietoa pelistä. Wing Commander-pelien tekijän uusin avaruustaistelueepos. Fleet-based, 3-D real-time strategy game of galactic domination. Controlling one of two unique races (four in the multiplayer version), players build massive battle fleets to explore, colonize and exploit far-flung worlds in an expansive, multiple-system universe.
62321 COTS-PI1.ZIP 3367922 27.04.1996 - - -
Chronicles of the Sword -näytekuvia.
Playstation/ PC CD-ROM, Psygnosis.
62322 COTS-PI2.ZIP 3364917 27.04.1996 - - -
Chronicles of the Sword -näytekuvia.
Playstation/ PC CD-ROM, Psygnosis.
31840 CRUSADE1.ZIP 274365 24.10.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
The FIRST Fully Rendered True 3D First
Person Perspective Role Playing Game
Conventional Weapons meets Sword & Sorcery
16 Player Network / 4 Player Modem
Due for release in the last quarter 1995
25056 CURMONK.ZIP 1600 19.09.1996 - - -
The Curse of Monkey's Island * release
24820 CUTTE399.ZIP 6,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Cutthroats: Terror on the High Seas E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. Merirosvoseikkailu. This pirate strategy game allows the player to start sailing the seas at any time within the century. Starting with a single ship, a few guns, a hold full of supplies and a skeleton crew, entices the player in to stealing consignments of cargo from innocent merchant ships and executing daring raids.
62528 CYBERGP.ZIP 2094758 18.06.1996 - - -
Cybergladiators demopictures from Sierra.
62535 CYBERSTI.ZIP 3415040 18.05.1996 - - -
Mission Force: Cyberstorm, a MetalTech
universe strategy game. "If you think you're
ready to command your own combat robot-based
universe, manipulate countless futuristic
weapons and manage complex battle systems,
then Mission Force: Cyberstorm was created
just for you. This exceptional futuristic war
game combines strategy and tactics with the
control, realism and interactivity that only
leading simulation games, like EarthSiege 2,
can offer." Coming from Sierra
24821 D2-EC98.ZIP 1,9 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Diablo 2 ECTS98 showpackage with press release and screenshots. Sierra. Req. browser. Set the Fires of Hell Ablaze Again
24822 DAIKE399.ZIP 1,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
"Daikatana E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. 3D räiskintä. Daikatana is a first person perspective action game.  With the design led by gaming legend John Romerothe game takes the 3D shootem up genre to a new dimension."
62611 DAMEPICS.ZIP 424617 16.12.1995 - - tupla
THE DAME WAS LOADED screen shots.
Humoristinen etsiväpeli "slick, 1940s-style
detective adventure game, rife with
adventure, mystery and more than a few
laughs, immerses you in an engaging non-
linear plot, where you must use your wits and
detective know-how.
62629 DARKG.ZIP 58503 19.01.1996 - - -
Darker demokuvia. Psygnosis.
31856 DCNTGIF.ZIP 314856 23.11.1994 - MBCD -
Kuvia Interplay Productionsin tulevasta
DESCENT-pelistä (ShareWare-versio).
24823 DD3E399.ZIP 264,6 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Destruction Derby 3 E3 1999 messupaketti. Psygnosis. Sisältää kuvia. Autonmälläämisralli. Tavoite ei ole välttämättä päästä maaliin ensimmäisenä - vaan pistää kilpakumppanien autot täysremonttiin.
62702 DEADL-E3.ZIP 635279 19.06.1996 - - -
Deadline - E3 messupaketti, sis.
lehdistötiedotteen ja uusia demokuvia. Valm.
62706 DEADLIPR.ZIP 3139 27.04.1996 - - -
Deadline - lehdistötiedoite. "You are the
commander of elite force of international
siege-busters. You have been trained in
hostage negotiations, and tactical assault
strategy." Laser Squad/UFO-style tactical
single person combat. Fully authenticated by
ex SAS personnel. Real time gameplay, FMV,
briefing and debriefing sequences. Large
choice of missions,personnel and weaponry.
Format: PCCD. Developer: Millennium
62707 DEADLNEP.ZIP 152137 27.04.1996 - - -
Deadline - näytekuvia. "You are commander of
elite force of international
siege-busters-tactical assault strategy.
Laser Squad/UFO style tactical combat. Fully
authenticated by ex SAS personnel. Real time
gameplay, FMV, briefing and debriefing
sequences. Large choice of missions,
personnel and weaponry. PC CD-ROM. Millennium
62733 DEDLTIDP.ZIP 686539 23.10.1996 - - -
Deadly Tide screenshots & info, Microsoft
24824 DEFIE399.ZIP 2,7 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Deep Fighter E3 1999 messupaketti. Ubi Soft. Kuvia & infoa. 3D räiskintäpeli merten syvyyksissä. Deep below the ocean an underwater civilisation is fighting to survive the dual threat of deadly enemies and the impending destruction of their landscape.
62794 DER2-E3.ZIP 6259 19.06.1996 - - -
Destruction Derby 2 E3 -messujen
lehdistötiedote. PlayStation / PC CD ROM*
Winter 1996 Driving * Reflections/Psygnosis
24825 DESFE399.ZIP 2 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Desert Fighters E3 1999 messupaketti. Dynamix/Sierra. Sisältää kuvia ja tietoutta. Toisen maailmansodan lentosimulaattori. World War II-based, low-level, in-your-face air combat simulation that depicts the struggle for North Africa between March 1941 and December 1943. Features exclusively Italian Macchi aircraft. Fast paced combat simulation that pits pilots against enemy planes, supply convoys and ground support in the rigorous terrain and environment.
62804 DESTINP.ZIP 2034366 25.04.1996 - - -
Destiny - demokuvia.
"In Civilization« and SimCity« you got taste
of playing God. And it was good. Now you're
ready for Destiny. In the tradition of the
great strategy games that came before it,
Destiny offers ultimate power. You make the
decisions that control the development of
humankind from the Stone Age to Space Age.
Interactive Magic
62806 DESTPRE2.ZIP 615265 19.09.1996 - - -
Destiny * 2nd preview with new screenshots
Interactive Magic
24826 DEUSE399.ZIP 6,3 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Deus Ex E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. 3D roolipeli. The year is 2052 and the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. Terrorists operate openly, killing thousands. Drugs, disease and pollution kill even more. Thrilling role playing adventure you play the part of a powerful nano-technologically-augmented anti-terrorist agent. Game designed by Warren Spector of Looking Glass and Ultima fame.
62823 DF2-E3.ZIP 494614 23.06.1996 - - -
Star Wars - Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2) * E3
showpackage with press releases and pictures.
62854 DIAB-I.ZIP 303029 10.07.1996 - - -
Diablo from Blizzard Entertainment preview
pictures & info.
62964 DISKWRLG.ZIP 1333621 19.01.1996 - - -
Discworld, demokuvia Terry Pratchettin
romaanisarjaan perustuvasta humoristisesta
seikkailupelistä. Psygnosis.
63005 DJFRE-E3.ZIP 713521 01.07.1996 - - -
DJ FRESH * E3 showpackage with press release
and screenshot. "puzzle/platform isometric
31878 DNX-SHWA.ZIP 733255 16.07.1995 - - -
Shadow Warrior (c) 3D Realms SCREENSHOTS
31879 DOGFD.ZIP 142744 16.11.1995 - - -
Dogfight -slideshow. Lentosimulaattori, valm.
24827 DR2E399.ZIP 121,3 kt 04.08.1999 - - -
Dark Reign II E3 1999 messupaketti. Activision. Sisältää kuvia. Taktiikkaräiskintä. A fully immersive 3D real-time strategy game, Dark Reign II brings players closer to the battlefield than any other RTS.
24828 DRAFEC98.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Dragonflight ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Grolier. visually stunning Role Playing Game (RPG) in which the world of Pern, so rich in science fiction/fantasy, will be brought to life as a real 3D environment with real 3D characters. It will have a history and a future and a wealth of locations, people and dragons to give an ideal mix of intriguing story line, action and adventure.
24829 DRAKE399.ZIP 216 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Draken E3 1999 messupaketti. Psygnosis. Sisältää kuvia. Fantasiamaailmaan sijoittuva toimintaseikkailu. Pelaaja ohjaa lohikäärmeen selässä matkaa tekevää sankaritarta ohi lukemattomien vaarojen seikkailusta toiseen.
24830 DRAKEC98.ZIP 1016,5 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
Drakkan - RPG. ECTS98 showpackage with screenshots. Psygnosis.
24831 DRIVE399.ZIP 1,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
"Driver E3 1999 messupaketti. GT Interactive. Kuvia & infoa. PCPlaystation. Amazing new game for the PSX and PC that recreates the adrenaline pumping action of the best Hollywood car chases.  Set in the 70s where gas guzzling muscle cars were the standardyou take on the persona of an undercover cop named Tanner.  As Tanner you pose as a driver for hire in order to infiltrate a crime ring."
63185 DROWNPRE.ZIP 48602 10.11.1996 - - -
Drowned God preview with screenshots.
Adventure, Inscape.
63250 DTUMPRE.ZIP 62080 11.09.1996 - - -
Descent to Undermountain by Interplay Preview
with pictures.
63261 DUNKEPI.ZIP 360680 18.06.1996 - - -
Dungeon Keeper -uudet demokuvat. Bullfrog.
24832 DUZEE399.ZIP 742,4 kt 02.08.1999 - - -
"Duke Nukem: Zero Hour E3 1999 messupaketti. GT Interactive. Kuvia & infoa. Nintendo 64. Its Dukes finest hourZero Hour!  The man of few words and many bulletsDuke is all that stands between humanity and a time-traveling alien invasion.  Following the aliens back in timeDuke battles with extraterrestrial warlords through four time eras: present daypost-apocalypse New Yorkthe Wild West and Victorian London."
63306 DW2-E3.ZIP 237576 19.06.1996 - - -
Discworld II - Missing Presumed...!? E3
-messupaketti, sis. lehdistötiedote ja
demokuvia. Psygnosis. PlayStation * Windows
95 *DOS
63307 DW2-PRE.ZIP 135514 11.09.1996 - - -
Discworld 2: Missing Presumed..? by Psygnosis
* preview with pictures.
63309 DWGC2.ZIP 3769 16.10.1996 - - -
SSI November'96 Definitive Wargame Collection
2 information.
63335 E96-360X.ZIP 5387571 03.10.1996 - - -
360X ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots,
videoclip and press release. "The ultimate in
classic Space shoot 'em ups for PC, Saturn,
PlayStation". NMS/BMG.
63336 E96-3DHS.ARJ 3499261 23.10.1996 - - -
3D-Helicopter shoot'em'up ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots & videoclips. Blue Byte. 1/3
63337 E96-3DHS.ZIP 754712 23.10.1996 - - -
3D Helicopter Shoot'em'up showpackage
with screenshots. Arcade-shooting from Blue
63338 E96-3DP2.ZIP 3089502 04.10.1996 - - -
3D Ultra Pinball: Creep Night ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots & information
(Acrobat-format). Pinball, Sierra.
63339 E96-3KLS.ZIP 762956 25.09.1996 - - -
The 3 Skulls of the Toltects ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots. Graphical
adventure for PC-CD from Time Warner.
63340 E96-442.ZIP 501613 19.10.1996 - - -
4-4-2 Soccer ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & info. "It's the most perfect
marriage yet of the two genres - as
button-bashingly brilliant as any arcade
title but, at the same time, as deep and
challenging as any manager sim. Shearer one
minute, Venables the next, you need to know
the game as well as play the game in 4-4-2."
PC DOS CD, Win95, Platstation, Saturn. Virgin
63341 E96-ADIB.ZIP 4889582 23.10.1996 - - -
Adiboo - ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
children's education program, Sierra.
63342 E96-AF2.ZIP 1397163 25.10.1996 - - -
showpackage with screenshots & info.
"Tactical ground combat for the 21st Century.
Take on the role of Tank Commander, in the
world's most deadly ground assault vehicle.
Co-ordinate the battle strategy and lead the
attack across a sprawling, highly detailed
Voxel Space 2 terrain. The accuracy is
incredible. Multiplayer capabilities for up
to eight people and the game also features
Dolby Surround Sound. Novalogic.
63343 E96-ALIN.ZIP 3680357 03.10.1996 - - -
Alien Incident ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, Housemarque/Gametek.
63348 E96-AOFF.ZIP 2654070 03.10.1996 - - -
The Art of Fly Fishing ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots, Gametek.
63349 E96-AOJ.ZIP 1069739 19.10.1996 - - -
Agents of Justice (ex Super Heroes) ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots, info &
corporate info. MicroProse.
63350 E96-AOS.ZIP 552185 25.09.1996 - - -
The AGE OF SAIL - ECTS96 showpackage, mock-up
screenshots. Sailing-ship strategy, Empire.
63351 E96-APA.ZIP 3435745 25.09.1996 - - -
APACHE ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
and information. A super realistic simulation
of the state-of-the-art AH-64 helicopter.
Take your place as the Company Commander and
be prepared to lead your unit forward as part
of a larger Quick-Reaction composite task
force. From Simis/EIDOS.
63355 E96-AS20.ZIP 2321454 25.09.1996 - - -
Assassin 2015 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, PC-CD WIN95 from Time Warner.
63356 E96-ATPC.ZIP 1782548 26.09.1996 - - -
Alien Trilogy ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and press release. 3D shoot'em'up
for PC & Saturn. Acclaim.
63357 E96-AW2.ZIP 3133768 25.09.1996 - - -
AIR WARRIOR II ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & info. 'Air Warrior II is going
to be pure fantasy stuff for propeller heads'
Interactive Magic are about to become a major
force in the on-line gaming arena with the
European Launch of Air Warrior II. Flight
simulation fans know Air Warriorr as the
acclaimed on-line combat game developed by
The Kesmai Corporation. Air Warrior II will
contain Kesmai's latest flight-engine
63358 E96-AZTE.ZIP 873239 25.09.1996 - - -
Azreal's Tear - Search for the Holy Grail -
ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots & press
release. Stunning 3D adventure role-playing
game, that stands alone as the most
sophisticated puzzle-solving and interactive
game of its genre. Set in a vast medieval
underground temple, the player becomes a
futuristic thief, charged with the task of
untangling a web of dark mysteries that
surround the Holy Grail, to ultimately steal
63359 E96-BAM.ZIP 1647858 23.10.1996 - - -
Blood And Magic ECTS96 showpackage with
63360 E96-BASE.ZIP 1395465 03.10.1996 - - -
Baseball 95 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshot, press release and demoanimation.
"With pulse-quickening action, innovative
motion-capturing techniques and color
commentary by Van Earl Wright, this new line
of products will revolutionize the video game
category." Win95, BMG.
63361 E96-BCHB.ZIP 1653885 19.10.1996 - - -
Blast Chamber ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Activision.
63362 E96-BEAT.ZIP 3802154 03.10.1996 - - -
Betrayal At Antara ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and information (Acrobat format),
63363 E96-BG5.ZIP 489558 25.09.1996 - - -
Battleground 5: Antiteam, ECTS96 package
containing screenshots. Talonsoft/Empire.
63364 E96-BLD.ZIP 50036 25.09.1996 - - -
Blood ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots and
info. Uses the famous 3D Build engine to make
this the most real and horrifying experience
of your life. As your blood runs cold the
game hots up to keep your pulse racing with:
Sloped or slanted floors and ceilings, Rooms
above rooms and real bridges, Rotating
inclining sectors, Sprites and game
characters casting realtime shadows and so
on. Formgen/EIDOS.
63365 E96-BLST.ZIP 597685 03.10.1996 - - -
Bloodlust ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
and press release. "Bloodthirsty Beat'em Up
on its Way From System 3. Fighting game gurus
System 3 ( of International Karate and Last
Ninja fame) will enter the fray early next
year. The emphasis of Bloodlust - the game's
working title - is on gameplay, gameplay and
more gameplay. PC CD: Q1 '97 PSX: Q1 '97
System 3/Philips.
63366 E96-BRKS.ZIP 713949 19.10.1996 - - -
Broken Sword - Shadow of the Templars ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots & info. "Broken
Sword is the latest - and greatest - epic
adventure from Revolution, the world renowned
UK development team that made its name with
Lure of the Temptress and Beneath a Steel
Sky. A lavish production full of mind-blowing
graphics and a stirring soundtrack.
Revolution has pulled out all the stops that
make Broken Sword a massive game and an
instant classic." PC CD, Virgin.
63367 E96-BRTR.ZIP 5248133 03.10.1996 - - -
Birthright: The Gordon's Alliance ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots and information
(Acrobat-format). AD&D, Sierra.
63368 E96-C3.ZIP 2041429 25.10.1996 - - -
Comanche 3 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & press info. "Comanche 3 THE
RAH-66 ATTACK HELICOPTER This all new version
of the best selling helicopter simulation in
the world will out-fly, and out-manoeuvre all
helicopter games that have gone before it.
Powered by the revolutionary Voxel Space 2 -
the three dimensional terrain imaging system
which allows you to shoot over incredible
landscapes with 'striking' realism. Amazing
Dolby surround sound. Novalogic.
63369 E96-CAS2.ZIP 5671751 04.10.1996 - - -
Casino Deluxe 2 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and information (Acrobat-format).
63371 E96-CC95.ZIP 741858 19.10.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer for Win95 ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots & info. Virgin
63372 E96-CCS.ZIP 737893 19.10.1996 - - -
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon ECTS96 showpack
with screenshots & info. "CCS is watering
hole for a unique collection of creatures
-both human and alien. The bar's loyal band
of regulars star in six episodes featuring
themes of adventure, conflict, danger and the
most universal emotion of all - laughter."
63373 E96-CM2S.ZIP 358342 25.09.1996 - - -
ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots and info.
63374 E96-CODM.ZIP 79673 23.10.1996 - - -
Codemasters ECTS96 press releases and 10
years celeb.
63375 E96-CRAY.ZIP 408213 03.10.1996 - - -
The Crayon Factory ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & press release. Designed for 4-7
year olds, "The Crayon Factory" is a
highly-creative children's software programme
loaded with activities that help develop
critical learning skills. Narrated by well
known personalities, it tells the story of a
factory run by colourful, friendly robots.
Release Date-   October 1996 Format - PC/Mac
CD-ROM. Philips media.
63376 E96-CREA.ZIP 4620374 25.09.1996 - - -
Creatures ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots from Time Warner.
63377 E96-CROW.ZIP 127512 26.09.1996 - - -
The Crow - City of Angels - ECTS96
showpackage with picture/info, Acclaim.
63378 E96-CRW2.ZIP 2056987 26.09.1996 - - -
The Crow - City of Angels ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots and press release. Acclaim.
63379 E96-CYBG.ZIP 6765473 03.10.1996 - - -
Cybergladiators ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information (Acrobat-format).
Real-time fighting, Sierra.
63380 E96-DAGF.ZIP 999375 19.10.1996 - - -
The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall ECTS96 showpack
with screenshots & info. "The sequel to The
Elder Scrolls: Arena, Daggerfall is a true
epic of the genre, offering complete freedom
of movement and choice within a genuine 3D
environment that takes in villages, towns,
cities and mile after mile of unexplored
wilderness." PC CD-ROM DOS/WIN95.
63381 E96-DD.ZIP 419254 23.10.1996 - - -
Dragon Dice ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Interplay.
63382 E96-DDG.ZIP 1944200 25.09.1996 - - -
Deathtrap Dungeon ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and press release. Eidos'
incredible new 3D action adventure epic based
on the multi-million selling Fighting Fantasy
books by Ian Livingstone. RELEASE DATE:
63383 E96-DELI.ZIP 1040805 23.10.1996 - - -
Delirium ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
63384 E96-DEMD.ZIP 3129766 03.10.1996 - - -
Demon Driver ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & press releases. "Welcome to the
21st Century and a groovy world in which your
social standing is dictated by your ability
to drive like a demon! Race on Vobs -
lightweight airborne 'motorcycles' - at death
-defying speeds. You're up against a bunch of
wacky pilots flying through 17 real-time,
texture-mapped 3D environments, collecting
power ups and weapons to use against the
other racers. PC-CD, with S3 Virge
63385 E96-DEST.ZIP 3563838 25.09.1996 - - -
DESTINY ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
and info. 'Looks set to blow god games like
Civilization 2 out of the water' PC Zone
Single/Multiplayer god/simgame from
Interactive Magic.
63386 E96-DLCK.ZIP 559537 25.09.1996 - - -
Deadlock ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots,
SIM-style overview management game from
Time Warner.
63387 E96-DND1.ZIP 2276942 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & press infos. * A classic, adult
cartoon adventure set on a stinking rubbish
dump. "The Blubs are off on holiday. But
after violent collision with ulgy thug-gang,
they plummet into a strange planet - and into
a stinking garbage dump. Bruised, battered
and generally busted up, the Blub family
build a temporary camp, in a detergent
bottle, where they set about trying to repair
their damaged spaceship." Coming to PC, MAC &
63388 E96-DND2.ZIP 3551388 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & press infos. * A classic, adult
cartoon adventure set on a stinking rubbish
dump. "The Blubs are off on holiday. But
after violent collision with ulgy thug-gang,
they plummet into a strange planet - and into
a stinking garbage dump. Bruised, battered
and generally busted up, the Blub family
build a temporary camp, in a detergent
bottle, where they set about trying to repair
their damaged spaceship." Coming to PC, MAC &
63403 E96-DOD.ZIP 545557 23.10.1996 - - -
DOD ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots.
63407 E96-DRN1.ZIP 2900335 23.10.1996 - - -
Dreadnought ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Flight pseudo/scifi-simulation.
63408 E96-DRN2.ZIP 3689532 23.10.1996 - - -
Dreadnought ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Flight pseudo/scifi-simulation.
63409 E96-DTEN.ZIP 491824 25.09.1996 - - -
"Never before has a tennis game looked and
played so well. Davis Cup takes the old style
"cartoon" tennis games and turns them upside
down. Incorporating digitised players and
photo-realistic, on-court graphics, up to
four players, compete in the most realistic
tennis game ever. FORMAT:- PC CD-ROM (DOS AND
63410 E96-DTUM.ZIP 123046 23.10.1996 - - -
Descent To Under Mountain ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots Interplay
63411 E96-EAW.ZIP 944029 19.10.1996 - - -
European Air War ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, info & corporate info.
63412 E96-EGOL.ZIP 2659559 25.09.1996 - - -
Empire Golf, ECTS96 showpackage containing
63413 E96-EJE2.ZIP 2233936 26.09.1996 - - -
NBA Jam Extreme ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Acclaim.
63414 E96-EMPS.ZIP 694087 04.10.1996 - - -
Emperor of the Fading Suns ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots. Strategy/ space strategy,
63415 E96-ENTE.ZIP 705631 03.10.1996 - - -
Enterpriser ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshot, soundclip & press release. "If
you've ever wanted to be a tycoon businessman
at the head of a growing multi million pound
business, Enterpriser, will give you that
opportunity. Playing against the computer or
real opponents, via modem, it's your job to
build up your growing business empire, while
keeping your counterparts in their rightful
position, beneath you." PC, Paradise/BMG.
63416 E96-ERAS.ZIP 846366 23.10.1996 - - -
Eraser ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
from Ocean.
63417 E96-EXHU.ZIP 1054517 03.10.1996 - - -
Exhumed ECTS96 showpackage with screenshot,
audioclips & press release. Adventure with
puzzles. PC CD, Playstation, Saturn. Lobotomy
Software Inc./BMG.
63418 E96-F221.ZIP 3157014 25.09.1996 - - -
F-22 ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots,
flying simulator from Interactive Magic.
63419 E96-F222.ZIP 2271452 25.09.1996 - - -
F-22 ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots,
flying simulator from Interactive Magic.
63420 E96-F4.ZIP 1145987 19.10.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 ECTS96 showpackage with info,
screenshots & corporate info. MicroProse.
63421 E96-FA1.ZIP 2251381 19.10.1996 - - -
FRAGILE ALLEGIANCE ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & press release. "Blends
management and diplomacy, with a healthy
splash of mass destruction to create a
uniquely playable and absorbing space,
strategy game on PC CD Rom." Gremlin.
63422 E96-FAB.ZIP 2285016 25.09.1996 - - -
Fable * ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots &
info. Point'n'click adventure for PC & MAC
from Symbiosis/Telstar.
63423 E96-FCOR.ZIP 2204987 25.09.1996 - - -
Flying Corps ECTS96 showpackage containing
screenshots. Flying simulator, Rowan/Empire.
63424 E96-FI97.ZIP 266019 23.10.1996 - - -
FIFA'97 ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots.
63425 E96-FIRO.ARJ 3499361 03.10.1996 - - -
Firo And Klawd ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshot, videoclip & press release. Two
game play engines including a 3D isometric
platform view and a first person perspective
view for in-your-face gunfights. 8 worlds
filled with highly detailed 3D rendered,
bit-mapped graphics. Psycho Penguins, Killer
Crocs, One or two player simultaneous action
without the need for a link.
Interactive Studios/BMG.
PC CD Sega Saturn                       1/2
63426 E96-FLUX.ZIP 4768429 26.09.1996 - - -
Flux ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots from
63427 E96-FPSG.ZIP 4971838 04.10.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots & information (Acrobat-
format). Sports, Sierra.
63428 E96-FT97.ZIP 6279818 04.10.1996 - - -
Football Pro'97 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information (Acrobat-format).
Sport simulation, Sierra.
63429 E96-FXF2.ZIP 310273 04.10.1996 - - -
FX FIGHTER TURBO ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & press release. Developed by
Argonaut Software for GTE Entertainment
Distributed by Philips Media Release Date:
November 1996 Format: PC CD ROM Windows '95
63430 E96-GANY.ZIP 3676869 03.10.1996 - - -
GANYMEDE ECTS96 showpackage with screenshot,
videoclip & press release. "The alien Eridani
have captured Earth's observatory on the icy
surface of Ganymede. GANYMEDE combines
intense combat action with sophisticated
physics modeling in the form of high-velocity
driving and limited reactive flight. PC CD,
Playstation. Rocket Science Games/BMG.
63431 E96-GM2.ZIP 1704641 19.10.1996 - - -
Grand Prix Manager 2 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, info & corporate info.
63432 E96-GRTA.ZIP 4828522 03.10.1996 - - -
Grand Theft Auto ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshot, videoclip and press release.
"Have you ever wondered what it is like to
race across the hills of streets of San
Francisco at 90mph with three police cars in
hot pursuit? Become a cop, thief or juvenile
delinquent as you hit the road in search of
cheap thrills. Weave wildly across the city
as you start a one man crime wave or join the
boys in blue as they race to stop one." PC,
PSX, Saturn. DMA/BMG.
63433 E96-GTRA.ZIP 159266 23.10.1996 - - -
GT Rally ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
from Ocean.
63434 E96-GUMB.ZIP 926917 23.10.1996 - - -
Gumball ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
from Ocean.
63435 E96-GURP.ZIP 5966929 23.10.1996 - - -
GURPS ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots.
63436 E96-GUTS.ZIP 1105263 23.10.1996 - - -
Guts'n'Carters ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots from Ocean.
63437 E96-HARV.ZIP 321044 19.10.1996 - - -
Harvester ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
& info. "The player wakes up from some sort
of accident suffering from amnesia. He's in
Harvest, an archetypal slice of Middle
America where not liking apple pie is a major
felony. You're even engaged to the girl next
door for goodness sake. - But something isn't
quite right. There's an edge to the town that
hints at a dark underbelly hiding terrible
secrets." PC CD, Virgin.
63438 E96-HARW.ZIP 2347886 19.10.1996 - - -
HardWar ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots &
press release. "futuristic arcade flight
simulation which will give PC gamers a huge
virtual world to explore, conquer and -
ultimately  - escape from." Gremlin
63439 E96-HAUN.ZIP 2327101 04.10.1996 - - -
Haunted House ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & press info. "Best-Selling
Pop-up Book Comes to Life on CD-ROM" Release
Date - October 1996 Format - PC/Mac CD-ROM
63440 E96-HC97.ZIP 2380 25.09.1996 - - -
Harpoon Classic'97 ECTS96 showpackage
with press release. Windows95 update of
the classic naval warfare simulation.
Interactive Magic.
63441 E96-HUTE.ZIP 4993866 04.10.1996 - - -
Hunter & Hunted ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information (Acrobat-format).
Action beat'em'up, Sierra.
63442 E96-HYPB.ZIP 2735813 19.10.1996 - - -
Hyperblade ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Activision.
63443 E96-I295.ZIP 3568795 04.10.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing II for Windows95 & PowerPC
ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots &
information (Acrobat-format). Racing
simulation, Sierra.
63444 E96-I76.ZIP 1511637 19.10.1996 - - -
Interstate'76 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. 3D auto combat, Activision.
63445 E96-IB2.ZIP 1590293 26.09.1996 - - -
Iron & Blood ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & press release. A 3-D Titanic
Clash Between The Forces Of Order And Chaos.
AD&D 3-D beat'em'up.
63446 E96-IHLK.ZIP 1468274 25.09.1996 - - -
showpackage with screenshots and press
release. Incredible new 3D action adventure
game based on Marvel Comics mean, green
fighting machine. You take on the role of the
Hulk, a transformed human of demi-god
strength and high intelligence. Hybrid of 2D
platform games, 3D adventure games and
character combat games, resulting in a varied
and adrenaline fueled gaming experience.
November 1996 on PlayStation, Saturn and PC
63447 E96-IM1A.ZIP 1715975 25.09.1996 - - -
iM1A2 ABRAMS ECTS96 showpackage,
tank simulation from Interactive Magic.
"Interactive Magic will bring all the
elements of modern Armoured conflict to you;
the excitement, the glory and the pain, in
their state-of-the-art tank simulation based
on the U.S. Army's most advanced
battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams."
Includes screenshots and press release.
63453 E96-IRBL.ARJ 4199235 03.10.1996 - - -
Iron and Blood - ECTS96 showpackage with
avi-demoanimation, pictures and info.
"Warriors of Ravenloft", AD&D beat'em'up, pc
cd, saturn, playstation. Acclaim.
63454 E96-JB.ZIP 1584156 25.09.1996 - - -
JOE BLOW ects96 SHOWPACKAGE with screenshots
and info. Combining the best elements from
the puzzle and platform genres, Joe Blow
creates a unique game environment that blends
both elements together into an addictive and
playable arcade experience. FORMAT:- SONY
63456 E96-JF3.ZIP 1303477 25.09.1996 - - -
JetFighter III ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and press release. The flight sim
to end all flight sims. US Gold in
association with Mission Studios is taking
you to the cutting edge of PC technology.
63457 E96-JONM.ARJ 2537705 23.10.1996 - - -
Jonah Lomu Rugby ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & info. Codemasters.
63458 E96-L7.ZIP 4258749 04.10.1996 - - -
Larry 7 - Yank Hers Away ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots & information (Acrobat-
format). Adventure, Sierra.
63459 E96-LBA2.ZIP 1457964 23.10.1996 - - -
Little Big Adventure 2 ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots.
63460 E96-LEE.ZIP 5283762 04.10.1996 - - -
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots & information
(Acrobat-format). Strategy, Sierra.
63461 E96-LEGO.ZIP 866153 25.09.1996 - - -
Lego - ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots.
63462 E96-LEKA.ZIP 357609 03.10.1996 - - -
Blood Omen - Legacy of Kain ECTS96
showpackage with screenshot, audioclip &
press release. "the adventure game that sends
you on a quest for vengeance in the gothic
environment. Crystal Dynamics/BMG.
63463 E96-LH.ZIP 5032970 04.10.1996 - - -
Lighthouse ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information (Acrobat-format),
adventure, Sierra.
63464 E96-LILS.ZIP 4321782 25.09.1996 - - -
Links LS ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
and press release. EIDOS, RELEASE DATE:
august 1996 FORMAT: PC CD-ROM
63465 E96-LOL2.ZIP 253422 19.10.1996 - - -
Lands of Lore 2 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & info. "LOL2 gives the player
complete freedom to explore an intriguing
game set in a fascinating and reactive
environment. No more grid-based nonsense
anchored in a world that revolves around
right angles." Westwood/Virgin PC CD
DOS/Win95, Mac CD
63466 E96-LOR2.ZIP 5697823 04.10.1996 - - -
Lords of the Realm 2 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information (Acrobat-format).
Strategy, Impressions/Sierra.
63467 E96-LUNA.ZIP 853440 03.10.1996 - - -
LUNAR GOLF ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshot, sounds & press release. "Taking
golf one giant leap further..... The year is
2072. Technological advancements have taken
the game of golf to a new level. the best
golfers in the world now head to the moon."
Win95, Berkeley Systems/BMG.
63468 E96-M97.ZIP 734843 23.10.1996 - - -
John Madden Football NFL'97 ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots from , EA
63469 E96-MARD.ZIP 343719 23.10.1996 - - -
Marble Drop ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, info & company info. Maxis.
63470 E96-MAS.ZIP 2650108 25.09.1996 - - -
Master of Dimensions ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and press release. U.S. Golds
amazing new graphical adventure by
Makh-Shevet available September æ96.
63471 E96-MASS.ZIP 5576033 03.10.1996 - - -
Mass Destruction ECTS96 showpackage with
press release, screenshot and videoclip.
Arcade action game with wargaming strategy
undertones. The two main focuses of the game
are destruction and arcade strategy. There
are over a dozen missions to embark on,
taking place within a number of environments.
PC Compatibles, Saturn & PlayStation.
63472 E96-MAX.ZIP 619412 23.10.1996 - - -
MAX ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots.
63473 E96-MDK.ZIP 4465109 23.10.1996 - - -
MDK ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots from
63474 E96-MFCS.ZIP 1859823 04.10.1996 - - -
Missionforce: Cyberstorm ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots & information (Acrobat-
format). Mech-strategy, Sierra.
63475 E96-MIGA.ZIP 932571 25.09.1996 - - -
MiG Alley ECTS96 showpackage containing
screenshots, flying simulator, Empire.
63476 E96-MM3.ARJ 803018 23.10.1996 - - -
Micro Machines 3 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & info. Racing. Codemasters.
63477 E96-MOO2.ZIP 2269019 19.10.1996 - - -
Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots, info &
corporate info. MicroProse.
63478 E96-MOTP.ZIP 574170 25.09.1996 - - -
Moto X ECTS96 showpackage, motorcycle
racing game for PC CD from Time Warner.
63479 E96-MRT2.ZIP 274635 23.10.1996 - - -
Marty 2 - Where's Morgan ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots, info & company info. Maxis
63480 E96-MTG.ZIP 1998654 19.10.1996 - - -
Magic: The Gathering ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, info & corporate info.
63481 E96-MTGA.ZIP 683953 03.10.1996 - - -
Magic: The Gathering ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots from Acclaim.
63482 E96-MTI.ZIP 5613402 19.10.1996 - - -
Muppets Treasure Island ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots. Activision.
63483 E96-MUPE.ZIP 4461786 04.10.1996 - - -
Mutant Penguins ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots from Gametek.
63484 E96-MW2M.ZIP 2241431 19.10.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots. Activision.
63485 E96-NA96.ZIP 1018947 05.10.1996 - - -
Nascar Racing 96 ECTS96 showpackage with
information (Acrobat-format). Sierra.
63486 E96-NATO.ZIP 917789 23.10.1996 - - -
NATO Fighters ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots from EOA.
63487 E96-NECD.ZIP 799981 25.09.1996 - - -
Necrodome ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & info. "SSI's Windows 95
production of Necrodome, a high-powered,
first person perspective driving game of
speed and destruction, is currently under
development by Ravensoftware and will be
published under the Mindscape label.You enter
into the future where sport has turned
deadly. Drive heavily armed combat vehicles
against opponents in 15 distinctly different
63488 E96-NETZ.ZIP 2648992 05.10.1996 - - -
Net:Zone ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
from Gametek.
63489 E96-NH97.ZIP 685399 23.10.1996 - - -
NHL 97 ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
from EOA.
63490 E96-NIH1.ZIP 2772502 05.10.1996 - - -
Nihilist ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
PC game from Bits and Philips Media. Only the
sharpest will survive this arcade shoot'em up
as you blast your way through 30 increasingly
manic levels, earning vital cash that you'll
need to buy more sophisticated ships and
lethally lethal weapons.
63491 E96-NIH2.ZIP 1470218 05.10.1996 - - -
Nihilist ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
PC game from Bits and Philips Media. Only the
sharpest will survive this arcade shoot'em up
as you blast your way through 30 increasingly
manic levels, earning vital cash that you'll
need to buy more sophisticated ships and
lethally lethal weapons.
63492 E96-NOVA.ZIP 301846 25.10.1996 - - -
Novalogic ECTS96 showpackage with company
info & pictures & press releases.
63493 E96-OBSI.ZIP 4792388 03.10.1996 - - -
OBSIDIAN ECTS96 showpackage with screenshot,
videoclip & press release. PC-CD. Eerie,first
person graphic adventure into an organically
technological dream world. Rocket Science
63494 E96-OLAD.ZIP 8160791 23.10.1996 - - -
Of Light & Darkness ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots from Interplay.
63495 E96-OS.ZIP 4482954 25.09.1996 - - -
Olympic Soccer ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and press release. "Elevates the
football game to new heights of playability."
State-of- the-art true 3D engine with all the
objects and players modelled using polygons,
visually enhanced by texture mapping and
gouraud shading. EIDOS.
63496 E96-OUTL.ZIP 496804 19.10.1996 - - -
Outlaws ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots &
info. "Inspired by the gritty Sergio Leone
spaghetti Westerns of the 1960s, Outlaws
tells the classic old west tale of loner who
rides into town seeking vengeance against a
power-hungry railroad baron and his posse of
murderous gun-toting thugs." PC CD DOS/Win95.
Lucasarts & Virgin.
63497 E96-P3D.ZIP 708864 19.10.1996 - - -
Pitfall 3D ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Activision.
63498 E96-P97.ZIP 190796 23.10.1996 - - -
Pinball 97 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, info & company info. Maxis.
63499 E96-PF.ZIP 850226 19.10.1996 - - -
Planetfall ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Adventure, Activision.
63501 E96-PHA2.ZIP 3425409 05.10.1996 - - -
Phantasmagoria II  ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information (Acrobat-format).
Adventure, Sierra.
63502 E96-POWC.ZIP 4723098 05.10.1996 - - -
Power Chess ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information (Acrobat-format).
63503 E96-PRST.ZIP 2697085 03.10.1996 - - -
Presto ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
from Acclaim.
63504 E96-QAD.ZIP 2016267 05.10.1996 - - -
The Quintessential Art of Destruction (QAD)
ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots and press
info. Intergalactic 'save and destroy'
shoot'em up which embraces several new
proprietry technologies, hi-end software
oozing with gameplay. Surrealism and all-
action anarchy. For PC CD, PlayStation,
Saturn. Philips.
63505 E96-RAMA.ZIP 4645372 05.10.1996 - - -
Rama - ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots &
information (Acrobat-format). Sci-fi
adventure, Sierra.
63506 E96-RAVA.ZIP 7694916 25.09.1996 - - -
Ravage ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots,
for PC-CD WIN95 from Time Warner.
63507 E96-RB2.ZIP 3480453 05.10.1996 - - -
Red Baron 2 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information (Acrobat-format).
Flight Simulation/Sierra.
63508 E96-REDA.ZIP 395848 19.10.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert ECTS96 showpack
with screenshots & Info. Westwood/Virgin, PC
CD DOS/Win95.
26918 E96-REL1.ZIP 5966545 19.10.1996 - - -
RELOADED ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
and press release. "Last year Loaded blasted
its way on to the Playsation to become one of
the most successful games ever. Reloaded adds
stacks more gameplay to the winning Loaded
formula of stunning visual effects and brutal
violence. Players must solve puzzles in order
to progress, gaining information from some of
the unfortunate souls who cross your path."
Gremlin PC CD, PSX
63509 E96-RELM.ZIP 6352038 19.10.1996 - - -
Ghosts in the machine: Realms of the Haunting
ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots & press
release. "A disturbing vision of the future
based on interpretations and prophecies of
the Apocalypse and a quest across the planes
of heaven and hell make up the Realms Of The
Haunting, Gremlin's major CD-ROM title this
autumn. Using an innovative combination of
first person 3D and third person FMV cut
scenes, Realms..." Gremlin
63510 E96-S2.ZIP 197906 19.10.1996 - - -
Screamer 2 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & info. Virgin PC CD DOS/Win95
63513 E96-SCOP.ZIP 325942 23.10.1996 - - -
SimCopter ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
info & company info from Maxis.
63514 E96-SEF2.ZIP 612969 23.10.1996 - - -
Super EF2000 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. DID/Ocean.
63515 E96-SFCR.ZIP 6542512 25.09.1996 - - -
Safecracker ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, adventure game for PC-CD
(WIN95) & MAC-CD from Time Warner.
63516 E96-SG.ZIP 390683 25.09.1996 - - -
Star General ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & info. Strategy game based on
Panzer General - but in space. SSI/
63517 E96-SGLF.ZIP 204162 23.10.1996 - - -
SimGolf ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
info & company info from Maxis.
63518 E96-SHAR.ZIP 494856 25.09.1996 - - -
Steel Harbinger ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots for PSX, MindScape.
63519 E96-SHUN.ZIP 3795838 05.10.1996 - - -
Soul Hunt ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Car racing/shoot'em'up from
63520 E96-SIEG.ZIP 1307043 25.09.1996 - - -
SIEGE ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots and
info. Part real time strategy game, part
arcade, based on 14th century. FORMAT:- PC
63521 E96-SKYN.ZIP 2206456 19.10.1996 - - -
The Terminator: Skynet ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots & info. "As part of John
Connor's Resistance movement, your mission is
to attack a robot complex, only when it's too
late to withdraw do you discover that this
particular complex holds a secret weapon
which the SkyNET army will stop at nothing to
protect." Bethesda/Virgin, PC CD
63522 E96-SNDW.ZIP 2990609 19.10.1996 - - -
Sandwarriors: Chariots of the Gods! ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots & press release.
"Blending Ancient Egyptian iconography and
futuristic hyper-technology with the fastest
svga graphics engine ever, Sandwarriors is
the arcade 3D flight-sim for PC owners this
Christmas. Two warring nations are locked in
genocidal war, the prize is the right to
colonise the desert planet Tawny." Gremlin
63523 E96-SP.ZIP 485538 19.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet ECTS96 showpackage with info
& screenshots.  Criterion/Virgin,  PC CD.
63524 E96-SP2.ZIP 967201 25.09.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers 2 - Modern Battles ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots & info.
"Developed by SSI as the follow up to the
successful Steel Panthers released in Nov95,
Steel Panthers 2 is based on modern tank
warfare. Steel Panthers 2 is a tactical squad
level game and provides exciting game play,
alone or head to head via a modem. The
players can battle with single platoons or
entire battalions through Europe, Korea and
the Middle-East from 1950 to 1999 as either
63525 E96-SPP.ZIP 3780256 05.10.1996 - - -
Sierra Pro Pilot ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information (Acrobat-format).
Simulation, Sierra.
63526 E96-SPRK.ZIP 354458 23.10.1996 - - -
SimPark ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots,
info & company info from Maxis.
63527 E96-SRAC.ZIP 557163 25.09.1996 - - -
Supersonic Racers ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Racing game for PSX, MindScape.
63528 E96-SS.ZIP 1709502 23.10.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots from Interplay.
63529 E96-STG.ZIP 3195991 19.10.1996 - - -
Star Trek Generations ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, info & corporate info. Format:
PC CD-ROM (Windows( '95), PlayStation.
63530 E96-STLG.ZIP 5029008 25.09.1996 - - -
Steel Legions ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and press release. "Set within a
hostile universe, Steel Legions is a 3D
sci-fi simulation adventure that combines
strategy and combat with intense action on
randomly generated battlefields up to 2500
kilometres square." RELEASE DATE: spring 1997
63531 E96-STRS.ZIP 182299 03.10.1996 - - -
Stratosphere - Conquest of the Skies ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots - SCIFI-
adventure & fast action from Acclaim.
63532 E96-STS.ZIP 1319039 25.09.1996 - - -
STAR SYSTEM ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and info. "Twisting, time travel
storyline, graphic adventure that will leave
you spellbound. With a stunning 3D graphics
engine, atmospheric sound effects and puzzles
that slowly reveal themselves as the mystery
unravels, Star System is like nothing on this
63533 E96-STSF.ZIP 6977530 23.10.1996 - - -
Star Trek Starfleet Academy ECTS96 showpack
with screenshots from Interplay.
63534 E96-STUN.ZIP 193639 23.10.1996 - - -
SimTunes (working title) ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots, info & company info. Maxis.
63535 E96-STWN.ZIP 868051 25.09.1996 - - -
Starwinder ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Shoot'em'up for PSX, MindScape.
63536 E96-SUBC.ZIP 1754381 20.10.1996 - - -
Subculture ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Criterion/Virgin,  PC CD.
63537 E96-SURT.ZIP 2183031 05.10.1996 - - -
Surface Tension ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots from Gametek.
63538 E96-SW.ZIP 664709 23.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots from EOA.
63539 E96-SWAG.ZIP 1771548 25.09.1996 - - -
SWAGMAN ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
and press release. Adventure role-playing.
63540 E96-TB2.ZIP 5231800 05.10.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information (Acrobat-format).
Fishing simulation, Sierra.
63541 E96-TCFO.ZIP 570910 05.10.1996 - - -
NFL Total Control Football: ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots and press info.
"It Doesn't Get More Real Than This!" PC CD:
Q1 1997 * control an American football team
from top to bottom, AND play on the field.
63542 E96-TCTC.ZIP 577736 23.10.1996 - - -
Tactical Command EF2000 ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots, DID/Ocean.
63543 E96-TERC.ZIP 1505280 25.09.1996 - - -
TERRACIDE ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
and press release. * Incredible 3D graphics
supporting the new 3D accelerator cards *
Detailed storyline * Full texture mapping
with light source shading * Multiplayer
network & modem play * 2 theatres of war -
space flight sim combat & 1st person shooter
* Advanced artificial intelligence RELEASE
63544 E96-THUN.ZIP 6891554 20.10.1996 - - -
Thunder Off Shore ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshot info & videoclip. "Thunder Off
Shore is a fast paced, power-boat multiplayer
racing game, boasting stunning graphics, and
up to 8 player participation via modem or
LAN." Noria Works/BMG
63545 E96-TONS.ZIP 593907 20.10.1996 - - -
Toonsturck ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & info. Virgin, PC CD.
63546 E96-TR.ZIP 4119460 25.09.1996 - - -
Tomb Raider ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and press release. EIDOS.
63547 E96-TR1.ARJ 4933678 23.10.1996 - - -
Tomb Raider ECTS96 showpackage with press
releases, info & pictures of art, designing,
package etc. Core Design.
63548 E96-TR2.ZIP 3073191 23.10.1996 - - -
Tomb Raider ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots. Core Design.
63549 E96-TRIT.ZIP 244678 25.09.1996 - - -
Trash It ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
for PC-CD, PSX & SATURN from Time Warner.
63550 E96-UE96.ZIP 2632408 05.10.1996 - - -
UEFA Champions League ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & press info. "Most realistic 3D
soccer sim yet. PC CD, Playstation, Saturn.
63551 E96-USM2.ZIP 2720783 05.10.1996 - - -
Ultimate Soccer Manager 2 ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots & information (Acrobat-
format). Sport/management, Sierra.
63552 E96-WREC.ZIP 1565267 25.09.1996 - - -
WRECKIN CREW * ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and info. "Based around a
blisteringly fast game engine, Wreckin Crew
is an arcade style, 3D hot rod racing game
that also includes combat and stunt driving
aspects. FORMAT:- PC CD-ROM (DOS & WIN '95),
63556 E96-WSHP.ZIP 647710 25.09.1996 - - -
Warhammer - Shadow of the Horned Rat ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots and press
release, for Playstation, from Mindscape.
"Great armies clash in cataclysmic battles.
Orc hordes batter at the gates of the Empire,
whilst the twisted and malign servants of
Chaos gnaw at the fabric of society from
within. The player leads a mercenary army to
halt the unstoppable tide of evil which
assaults the Empire."
63557 E96-WW.ZIP 1083667 25.09.1996 - - -
Warwind ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots &
info. "Warwind is a real time strategy game
with a bio-mechanical theme. It unfolds in an
alien world where an ancient empire's
tranquillity has been disturbed. Four unique
races clash, each flaunting its own strength
and power. Venture into the wilds of this
alien world inhabited by rancorous beasts.
Fight, trade and plunder for sovereignty.
Warwind is an epic battle for re-unification
and freedom through domination, liberation
63558 E96-XCA.ZIP 4023268 20.10.1996 - - -
X-COM: Apocalypse ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, info & corporate info.
63559 E96-XCAR.ZIP 578352 20.10.1996 - - -
XCar ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots &
info. "Bethesda's XCar simulates every stage
of sports prototype racing: choosing a
vehicle from an array of 16 experimental
models; customising your car with the most
advanced components; testing on the high
speed oval, skid pan or handling track and,
finally, tweaking set-ups during testing to
ensure maximum in-race efficiency."
Bethesda/Virgin, PC CD DOS/WIN95.
63560 E96-XMN2.ZIP 1254106 26.09.1996 - - -
X-Men: Children of the Atom ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots. Beat'em'up from
63561 E96-YPA.ZIP 461826 25.09.1996 - - -
YPA ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
from Time Warner.
32240 EARTHWND.ZIP 872610 13.06.1996 - - -
*** Earthwind - Pyramids Harmony Screenshots,
SECTOR-X 22nd may 1996 *** a role-playing
game, which will include the following
features in its final version: - an exciting
fantasy-story with many riddles -
SVGA-graphics both in in-between scenes and
the game itself - more than 32 levels in a
different manner, e.g. dungeons, underwater
levels, ice caves - realtime fights against
more than 40 different monsters - automapping
- control a party of up to 4 characters and
63572 EAW-E3.ZIP 3666234 19.06.1996 - - -
European Air War - the sequel to 1942:
Pacific Air War - E3 -showpackage with press
info, pictures and MOV- animation.
24833 EC98GIAN.ZIP 4,6 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Giants ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Interplay. most frenzied and diverse multi-player battle ever staged. Scheduled for release in Spring 1999, the game provides a choice from one of three character sets in a battle where enemies may eat, burn, drown, kidnap or bury their victims to gain control over a serene paradise hidden deep inside a beautiful nebula.
24834 EC98PANZ.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Panzer Elite ECTS98 screenshots. Upcoming WW2 tank simulation from Wings Simulations/Psygnosis.
24835 EC98TRNS.ZIP 748,6 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
The Real Neverending Story ECTS98 showpackage with screenshots & info. 3D real-time adventure with off-line/on-line mix and self-living components. Discreet Monsters.
32241 ECS2PRE.ZIP 253151 05.12.1996 - - -
Ecstatica 2 preview with screenshots.
32242 ECST2-E3.ZIP 471419 19.06.1996 - - -
ECSTATICA 2 - E3 messupaketti,
lehdistötiedote ja kuvia, "Using unique
Ellipsoid technology, Ecstatica 2 dumps you
in a vast gaming world that will keep you in
its spell for a long, long time. With over
2000 camera views,superbly animated
characters out to help and hinder and a huge
array of magic weapons, this is exceptional
action adventure by one of the most creative
development teams around." PC CD-ROM
63669 ELKM2-E3.ZIP 2684689 22.06.1996 - - -
Elk Moon Murder (Santa Fe Mysteries) E3
showpackage with screenshots of game and
creators from Activision.
63670 ELKMOOP.ZIP 6841354 27.04.1996 - - -
Santa Fe Mysteries: The Elm Moon Murder,
murhamysteeri-seikkailun näytekuvia.
32261 EMPIR-PR.ZIP 27650 27.04.1996 - - -
Empire Interactive -pelitalon
lehdistötiedotteet seuraavista peleistä:
-Battleground: Ardennes -Battleground:
Gettysburg -Battleground: Waterloo
-Cyberjudas -Flying Corps -Pro Pinball: The
24836 EPE399.ZIP 265,4 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Expert Pool E3 1999 messupaketti. Psygnosis. Sisältää kuvia. Kansainvälistä biljarditurnausta kuvaava urheilupeli 3D-virityksin.
32277 ES2PICS.ZIP 1289992 18.06.1996 - - -
Earthsiege 2 demopictures from Sierra
32279 ESO3PICS.ZIP 652499 09.11.1996 - - -
Esoteria 3 screenshots & info. Second person
perspective, 3-D, action/adventure. All of
environments and structures in E3, which
include cities, forests, deserts, and aquatic
areas, are fully modeled 3-D structures.
Completely non-linear gameplay. A dynamic
camera gives complete control to the user.
Networkable up to 16 players over either a
local area network or the internet. Coming
Soon by Mobeus Designs, Inc!
31904 ETERNAMD.ZIP 1123137 23.02.1995 - - -
Eternam -slideshow. Adventure. Valm.
32294 EXPLORSS.EXE 2061085 24.02.1996 - - -
Exploration-tutkimusretkeilypelin Slideshow.
32311 F-22-E3.ZIP 419654 29.06.1996 - - -
F-22 lightning II * E3 showpackage with press
release and screenshots. Flight simulator
from Novalogic.
31906 F14DEMO.ZIP 542647 21.03.1995 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
F-14 Fleet Defender -slideshow.
Lentosimulaattori. Valm. MicroProse.
32303 F16-IMI.ZIP 235253 28.08.1996 - - -
F-16 from Interactive Magic. Screenshots and
short introduction.
32302 F16FFPIC.ZIP 235402 25.04.1996 - - -
F-16 Fighting Falcon -lentosimulaattorin
kaksi demokuvaa ja infoteksti.
Interactive Magic
32306 F1GP2P2.ZIP 579731 27.04.1996 - - -
Geoff Crammond's FIA Licensed Grand Prix 2
F1GP2, uusimmat demokuvat. MicroProse.
24837 F20-EC98.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Flanker 2.0 ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Mindscape. PC pilots dream flight simoffering unparalleled realism combined with incredible ease of use."
32312 F4DEV896.ZIP 935425 28.08.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 development information:
Screenshots, designer's notes and F4.0 web
site dated on 26-08-96
24838 FA2E399.ZIP 195,2 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Fighter Ace II E3 1999 messupaketti. Microsoft. Internet moninpeli - MSN Gaming Zone (http://www.zone.com) Sisältää kuvia & tietoa pelistä. Online-lentosimulaattori, toisen maailmansodan koneilla. Battle for supremacy in the cockpit of any one of more than 25 World War II vintage fighter and bomber planes. "Fighter Ace II" enables more than 200 virtual pilots to fight within a single air combat arena.
32320 FABLE-E3.ZIP 5878358 02.07.1996 - - -
FABLE * E3 showpackage with press
information, screenshots and MOV-format
footage of game. Point'n'click adventure.
32321 FAL4-E3.ZIP 3115257 19.06.1996 - - -
Falcon 4.0 - E3 showpackage with press
release, demopictures and MOV-format
animation. MicroProse.
32322 FALL-E3.ZIP 6146 19.06.1996 - - -
THE FALLEN - E3 messujen tiedote. PC CD-ROM
and PlayStation Last quarter 1996 * Strategic
adventure Sensory Deception/Psygnosis
32336 FASTATI.ZIP 2560192 18.05.1996 - - -
Fast Attack -demokuvia, Sierran modernista
6881-luokan sukellusveneen simulaattorista.
32350 FC-INFO.ZIP 585655 01.07.1996 - - -
Flying Corps - screenshots, information,
development diary, WW1 flying simulator from
Rowan Software/Empire.
64095 FF-EPIC.ZIP 344553 10.07.1996 - - -
Fire Fight * native Windows 95 game being
developed by chaos works and published by
Epic MegaGames, Inc in summer 1996, and
retailed by EOA.
24839 FF2E399.ZIP 487,2 kt 02.08.1999 - - -
Fighting Force 2 E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. PlayStation. Mätkintä/räiskintä. Revolutionary 3D engine technology. Faster, seamless gameplay (third person perspective). Advanced combat system. Multiple impact points also allow varying character reactions. Integrated story line - character interaction and plot progression via numerous cut-scenes draws the player into the game world.
32392 FIST2-E3.ZIP 2105221 29.06.1996 - - -
Armored Fist 2 * E3 showpackage with
screenshots of new tank-arcade game from
24840 FLY-EC98.ZIP 988,4 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Fly ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Gathering of Developers. ground-breakinggeneral aviation simulationfeaturing a global flight areaworldwide digital elevation terrain modeland true satellite terrain imagery. features ultra realistic cockpit and avionics systemsdetailed to each aircrafts original configurationas well as interactive air traffic control (ATC) including full voice"
24841 FOCOE399.ZIP 506,6 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Force Commander E3 1999 messupaketti. LucasArts. Sisältää kuvia & infoa. Reaaliaikainen strategiapeli. Whether waging battle with the armies of the resourceful Rebel Alliance or powerful Galactic Empire, the relentlessly challenging Force Commander will offer full-scale, ground-based combat over a vast array of engagement theaters.
32431 FPGB96P.ZIP 1427942 18.06.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports Baseball Pro'96 demokuvia.
32432 FPSF96P.ZIP 1274211 18.06.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Football Pro'96
demopictures from Sierra.
32433 FRANKGIF.EXE 322173 05.02.1996 - - -
Kuvia Interplayn Frankensteinista
24842 FS2KE399.ZIP 4,2 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 E3 1999 messupaketti. Microsoft. Sisältää kuvia & tietoa pelistä. Uusin osa MS:n kuuluisaan sarjaan siviili- lentosimulaattoreita. The only PC flight simulator endorsed by Cessna Aircraft Co., Bombardier Inc. and FlightSafety International Inc., leading names in aviation. The new features in " represent a huge technology leap in the 17-year history of the product.
32449 GALM-E3.ZIP 1062939 29.06.1996 - - -
GALACTIC MIRAGE * E3 showpackage with press
release and screenshots. "Real-Time Strategy
Space Epic Delivers Interplanetary Adventure
- real-time strategy game for Windows 95 PC
CD-ROM. Unlimited strategic options and
gameplay, vast game of danger, intrigue and
power. supports modem, Internet and network
play." Virgin.
31928 GATEW2DE.ZIP 308172 23.02.1995 - - -
Gateway 2 - demokuvia. Kaunis SVGA
tekstiadventure hiiri / näppäimistö-
ohjauksella. Valm. Legend.
32480 GENEWPR.ZIP 427763 15.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars from Bullfrog/Electronic Arts
Screenshots and information. "Following in
the trend of real-time strategy /action
games, Gene Wars takes the genre and adds a
Bullfrog-trademark spin to it.
24843 GK3-E399.ZIP 7 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Gabriel Knight III E3 1999 messupaketti. Sierra. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Vaatii WWW-selaimen. 3D-seikkailu. A controversial, reality-based mystery with a paranormal and political edge, Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned is a 3D adventure game weaving intrigue and the occult into a very powerful and compelling plot.
32499 GOLDN-E3.ZIP 2828951 29.06.1996 - - -
GOLDEN NUGGET * E3 showpackage with press
release and screenshots. "Las Vegas-style
gaming will be transported to the "world's
most exquisite casino"". Virgin.
32501 GP2-E3.ZIP 5984776 20.06.1996 - - -
Formula 1 Grand Prix 2 E3 showpackage with
press release, demopictures and MOV-format
demoanimation from MicroProse.
32500 GP2COCK.ZIP 59097 22.07.1996 - - -
3 uutta GIF kuvaa F1gp2:sta (auton sisältä)
31932 GP2GIFS.ZIP 21516 16.07.1995 - - -
Grand Prix 2 preview gifs
32514 GREM-EC.ZIP 1443400 27.06.1996 - - -
Gremlin Interactive - ECTS demopictures of
their new/coming games.
32515 GRIDR-E3.ZIP 926063 29.06.1996 - - -
GRID RUNNER * E3 showpackage with press
release and screenshots. "HIGH SPEED DANGERS,
action/arcade game for Sega Saturn, Sony
Playstation and PC CD-ROM." Virgin.
32516 GS96-E3.ZIP 2889308 30.06.1996 - - -
GRAND SLAM '96 * E3 showpackage with press
release and screenshots. "GRAND SLAM '96 for
Windows '95 PC CD-ROM, Sony Playstation and
Sega Saturn captures the essence of being on
the field and playing professional baseball.
Showcasing the most advanced player controls,
state-of-the-art 3D technology, unprecedented
artificial intelligence, high production
CD-quality audio and graphics, GRAND SLAM '96
is the most realistic baseball game
available. Virgin.
32518 GUTNGRT1.ZIP 651570 23.10.1996 - - -
Guts'n'Carters screenshots. Ocean.
24844 GUWAE399.ZIP 1,5 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Gulf War E3 1999 messupaketti. 3DO. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Sota-toimintapeli. Classic arcade-action shooter; a patriotic game of 3D tank combat set in the present day (2001) Persian Gulf. As commander of a prototype M12 tank, nicknamed "The Hammer," players use an array of weapons and the aid of additional military units to \'go back and finish what we started with Desert Storm.\' 'Apaja / Pelit / DOS-pelit / Demoversiot - Kuvat/tiedotteeHG-EC98.ZIP2,4 Mt22.10.1998Hired Guns ECTS98 showpackage with screenshots. Psygnosis. 3D action.
32527 GW-PICS.ZIP 198682 22.08.1996 - - -
Gender Wars -demopictures.
32537 HARP97PR.ZIP 352636 16.10.1996 - - -
Harpoon Classic 97 Preview with screenshots
31938 HARRIERD.ZIP 96897 23.02.1995 - - -
Harrier Jump Jet -demokuvia.
Lentosimulaattori. Valm. MicroProse.
32540 HAWAII!.ZIP 130946 08.05.1996 - - -
Hawaii! Nascar Racing Multiplayer näytekuvia
ja infoa.
32559 HERCWARS.ZIP 1224473 02.04.1996 - - -
Herc Wars -demopictures of the heavy metal
'mech strategy game.
31939 HEROMMDE.ZIP 923643 16.02.1995 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic demokuvia - roolipeli
- New World Computing
64791 HEXENSCN.ZIP 258005 07.10.1995 - 6511/CDA_6.iso -
HERETIC II:sen eli HEXENIN sceenshotit!!!
24845 HGUNE399.ZIP 352,4 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Hired Guns E3 1999 messupaketti. Psygnosis. Sisältää kuvia. 3D räiskintäpeli joka tuo aikoinaan Amigalla erittäin kohutun samannimisen toiminnan myös PC:lle. Pelaaja johtaa neljän sotilaan ryhmää tehtävästi toiseen. Erikoisuutena jokaisen sotilaan näkymät ovat yhtaikaa ruudulla.
32564 HH-PICS.ZIP 2199061 18.06.1996 - - -
Hunter/Hunted demopictures from Sierra.
32567 HINDPIC.ZIP 776632 25.04.1996 - - -
Hind -helikopterisimulaattorin
demokuvia. Interactive Magic
31950 HOBODEMO.ZIP 581215 16.05.1995 - 16772/Software Vault (The Ruby Collection)(ADC).ISO -
Superhero League of Hoboken -seikkailupelin
Slideshow.Legend.Arvosteltu Mb:ssä.
32573 HOD-E3.ZIP 1510884 30.06.1996 repacked betaarchive forum -
HEART OF DARKNESS * E3 showpackage with press
release and screenshots. "Engaging PC CD-ROM
Forces Gamers To Explore Their Deepest,
Darkest Fears, developed by Paris- based
Amazing Studio, co-creators of the
award-winning OUT OF THIS WORLD and
24846 HOMWE399.ZIP 4,3 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Homeworld E3 1999 messupaketti. Sierra. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Vaatii WWW-selaimen. Avaruustaistelu/reaaliaikainen strategia. Maintains all of the standards of a strategy game - from harvesting resources and exploring huge environment to researching new technologies and building dozens of vessels. However, it takes space strategy in an exciting new direction by bringing the action into a 3D world.
31403 HPS-INFO.ZIP 797550 08.08.1996 - - -
HPS Simulations newspackage. Pictures of
following HPS strategy games: Aide de Camp,
Custer's Last Command, Defend the Alamo,
Panthers in the Shadows, The Road from Sumter
to Appomattox II, Tigers of the Prowl, Point
of Attack - and the coming Zuluwar and Tigers
of the Prowl V2.0 Also includes: HPS FAQ
V1.1, TOP/PITS data files hacking help, TOP
tactical hints
32613 HYP2-E3.ZIP 2978465 23.06.1996 - - -
Hyperblade * E3 showpackage, with new
screenshots of this 3D beat'em'up.
32614 HYPBLAPI.ZIP 1758018 27.04.1996 - - -
Hyper Blade -mätkintäpelin näytekuvia.
24847 HYPEE399.ZIP 2,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
"Hype - The Time Quest E3 1999 messupaketti. Ubi Soft. Kuvia & infoa. PC. 3D seikkailupeli keskiajassa. Travel back in time to the Middle Ages and imagine that you are the hero knight Hypeth Lancelot of your day. Topping off at over 80 characters and showcasing new 3D special effects to enhance firesmoke and lighting. Transports the plastic characters and settings of PLAYMOBILs popular medieval toy series into a virtual kingdom."
32615 I76PRE2.ZIP 129846 10.11.1996 - - -
Interstate '76 Preview with screenshots,
32622 IDF-PIX.ZIP 2759863 08.01.1996 - 2455/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1).iso -
EAST STORM -Accend Inc
Slide Show Preview for EAST STORM, a IDF
Su-27 flight simulation from Accend Inc. 6D,
360 degree of flight game where you fly
missions on Asian like JAPAN,MAINLAND CHINA
KOREA, TAIWAN. Fully speech in air combat,
Real landscape and ULTRA fast texture mapped
High resolution up to 640*480 and more. Eight
channel sound effects and music support for:
GUS, PAS 16, SB, AdLib, Gen-MIDI,Roland, and
most other cards. Coming soon in the near
32642 IM1A2SCR.ZIP 821006 27.08.1996 - - -
iM1A2 Abrams Preview and screenshots.
Interactive Magic.
24848 IMP2E399.ZIP 698,9 kt 02.08.1999 - - -
Imperium Galactica II E3 1999 messupaketti. GT Interactive. Kuvia & infoa. PC. Three different scenarios: human, brutal and political. As a human, players use spying and espionage to discover one of the four crystals. As a brutal, players must defend both their planet and crystal, and then conquer the remaining galaxies. Space strategy & exploration.
32645 INDY2PIC.ZIP 2325681 18.06.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing 2 demopictures from Sierra.
24849 INDYE399.ZIP 1,6 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
Indiana Jones And The Infernal Machine E3 1999 messupaketti. LucasArts. Sisältää kuvia & infoa. 3D seikkailu. Real-time 3D action-adventure. Expected to release for PC and PlayStation fall 1999. Fraught with all the action and intrigue worthy of a classic Indiana Jones film, the game will lock players in a thrilling race around the globe to thwart the Soviets.
31962 IRONCRDE.ZIP 903318 16.02.1995 - - -
Iron Cross -näytekuvia. Strategia. New World
32648 IRONPICS.ZIP 291392 28.08.1996 - - -
Iron&Blood - Take Two Spills Blood & Iron
medieval-style fighting game on officially
licensed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game.
Screenshots, information, story and designers
tales. For PlayStation, Saturn, PC and M2.
From Take 2 Software.
32650 IS76-E3.ZIP 1875817 23.06.1996 - - -
Interstate'76 * E3 showpackage with
screenshots. Activision.
31967 ITEPIX.ZIP 296983 16.02.1995 - - -
Inherit The Earth - Quest for the Orb
näytekuvia. New World Computing.
32652 ITS_V2.ZIP 458135 16.09.1996 - - -
Into the Shadows Screen Collection Vol.2
Another 3 more SVGA Into the Shadows screens
32651 ITSPICS2.ZIP 216786 13.06.1996 - - -
Into the shadows - preview pics pack #2
released 10th May - so it's really fresh
32660 JADG-E3.ARJ 1685546 23.06.1996 - - -
with press information and screenshots.
"Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games, the
multi-player,strategy role-playing shootfest,
and the continuation of 1995's Game of the
Year." Sirtech Software.
32661 JANEGIFS.ZIP 1577380 05.03.1996 - - -
Näytekuvia Jane's Simulatorsin Advanced
Tactical Fighters ja AH-64
32662 JAZZ2I.ZIP 341581 10.07.1996 - - -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 -screenshots and
information from Epic.
32668 JF3-SLDE.A01 2039933 18.04.1996 - - -
Jetfighter III -lentosimulaattorin
slideshowdemo. 2/2
32669 JF3-SLDE.ARJ 2999250 18.04.1996 - - -
Jetfighter III -lentosimulaattorin
slideshowdemo. Mission Studios. 1/2
32667 JF3PICS.ZIP 798847 29.10.1996 - - -
JetFighter III screenshots & info.
32670 JK-2PIC.ZIP 356090 02.07.1996 - - -
Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2) two screenshots.
65505 KABSHOT.ZIP 69388 30.07.1996 - - -
KaBoom pre-screen snapshots #1
- AUTS tyylisen pelin ensimmäisen kuvat!
30570 KABSHOTS.ZIP 70049 18.12.1996 - - -
KaBoom 0.55beta screen snapshots. Will be
released somewhere near 19.12-96!
24850 KAINE399.ZIP 4 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. Toimintaseikkailu. Revolutionises adventure games with its immersive 3D graphics, grim gothic story, unparalleled level of interaction, and innova gameplay mechanics. Dark, gothic story supported with full motion animation, in-game cinematic events, and voice-over
32723 KOPSSHOT.ZIP 149020 19.09.1996 - - -
Screenshot from "KOPS" and some info.
(Forthcoming AUTS/Kaboom/Turboraketti/VWing/
Wings/whatever killer).
31985 KYR3GIFS.ZIP 460789 23.11.1994 - - -
Kyrandia III Screenshots From Westwood
32747 L7PRE.ZIP 91951 11.09.1996 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love For Sail! by
Sierra * preview with pictures.
24851 LAN-EC98.ZIP 1,7 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Lander. DVD action game. ECTS98 showpackage with screenshots. Psygnosis.
32748 LARRY7P.ZIP 1881830 18.06.1996 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry 7 demopictures from Sierra
32757 LEG-E3.ZIP 63761 27.06.1996 - - -
Legend * E3 showpackage with press releases,
company information, interviews and such.
32759 LEMFWGF.ZIP 70812 19.01.1996 - - -
Lemmings for Windows demokuvia. Psygnosis.
32777 LIGHTHI1.ZIP 3736671 18.05.1996 - - -
Lighthouse -tiedotteet. Fantastinen
3D-adventure, valm. Sierra.
32778 LIGHTHI2.ZIP 4015818 18.05.1996 - - -
Lighthouse -demokuvia, fantastinen
3D-adventure, valm. Sierra.
32779 LIGHTHI3.ZIP 2098575 18.06.1996 - - -
Lighthouse demopictures from Sierra.
32796 LOK3_1.ZIP 945557 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Legend  Of Kyrandia III: Malcom's Revenge [1/
- Full Preview with Both Sound & Screen Shots
32797 LOK3_2.ZIP 1062230 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Legend  Of Kyrandia III: Malcom's Revenge [2/
- Full Preview with Both Sound & Screen Shots
32798 LOK3_3.ZIP 1020281 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Legend  Of Kyrandia III: Malcom's Revenge [3/
- Full Preview with Both Sound & Screen Shots
65791 LONGPICS.ZIP 613883 18.06.1996 - - -
Jane's Longbow -helikopterisimulaattorin
demokuvia. EOA.
24852 LOOSE399.ZIP 2,7 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
Loose Cannon E3 1999 messupaketti. Microsoft. Sisältää kuvia & tietoa pelistä. Tulevaisuuteen sijoittuva uuden sukupolven toimintaseikkailu. Combines intense mercenary-style action on foot and in vehicles. In character as the bounty hunter Ashe, players advance across a crime-infested United States. Player is faced with a broad range of choices, including which missions to accept.
32807 LSL6SHOW.ZIP 1030709 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Leisure Suit Larry 6 slideshow.
32808 LUCAS-E3.ZIP 264560 23.06.1996 - - -
LucasArts E3 showpackage - company
information, history, background, personnel,
releases, awards etc.
32820 MAE-E3.ZIP 461925 30.06.1996 - - -
Mechanized Assault Exploration * E3
screenshots from Interplay.
32837 MARF-E3.ZIP 175072 30.06.1996 - - -
Mario's Fundamentals * E3 screenshots from
32011 MAV-FTPR.ZIP 322362 24.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Flash Traffic - City of Angels Näyttökaap.
32012 MAV-HARV.ZIP 1410027 24.03.1995 - - -
Harvester (c) Merit Studios
32851 MAX-E3.ZIP 818587 27.06.1996 - - -
Maxis * E3 showpackage with screenshots and
press releases of company's coming releases.
Included in package: * SimCopter * SimCity
2000 Network Edition * * SimPark * Simon
Challenger * Marty in Where's Morgan *
company information, backgrounds, lineage.
24853 MAXPEC98.ZIP 1,7 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Max Payne ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Remedy Entertainment/ Gathering of Developers.
32852 MAXPICS.ZIP 364573 29.10.1996 - - -
M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration
screenshots & info. Turn-based strategy
wargame that combines fully-customizable
vehicles with "top-down" SVGA graphics,
diverse campaigns and multi-player action. In
M.A.X. the fast play of a real-time game is
blended with the depth and variety of a turn-
based game. Interplay.
32870 MDK-I.ZIP 4115868 10.07.1996 - - -
MDK * Earthworm Jim's makers new platform
game for PC * screenshots, development
information and pics + MOV-format
24854 MIGAE399.ZIP 3,7 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
"Mig Alley E3 1999 messupaketti. Empire. Sisältää kuvia & infoa. Korean sotaan sijoittuva lentosimulaattori. Youre the Supreme Allied Air Commander with 5 crack US aircraft squadrons at your disposalthrust into the thick of the most ferocious fighting of the Korean conflict. The infamous Russian MiG squadrons have just joined forces with the Chinese and North Koreans against you. The odds dont look good. Surrender is not an option."
24855 MIMAE399.ZIP 3,7 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
Midtown Madness E3 1999 messupaketti. Microsoft. Sisältää kuvia & tietoa pelistä. Autoralli joka sekoittaa Carmageddonin tyyppistä mälläämistä realistiseen kaupungeissa kisaamiseen. Outrageous racing that combines challenge of competitive racing, the strategy of urban navigation, the freedom of unrestrained exploration and the thrill of the chase within a realistically modeled, ever changing and fully interactive city.
32891 MIPRE.ZIP 584318 05.12.1996 - - -
Monkey Island 3: The Curse of Monkey Island
preview with screenshots.
24856 MM7-E399.ZIP 2,1 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Might And Magic VII: For Blood and Honor E3 1999 messupaketti. 3DO. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Roolipeli. Enhances the technological leaps made in MM6 and adds a variety of new gameplay elements. Players can choose whether to play in real-time or in an improved turn-based combat mode (with movement during the combat phase).  Engage in hundreds of entertaining mini-quests that branch off from main saga.
27040 MODSPICS.ZIP 141336 09.11.1996 - - -
Master of Dimensions screenshots & info.
Roleplaying game. Master Of Dimensions is a
classic quest which integrates some
refreshing innovations: 1) You no longer have
to view the interface throughout the game --
you can move it anywhere you want on the
screen or close it completely, and 2) We have
limited the number of functionsso there are
only three: "look at", "act on" and "talk
to". Master Of Dimensions can be solved in
almost any way you choose.
24857 MONAE399.ZIP 4,2 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Racing Simulation: Monaco Grand Prix E3 1999 messupaketti. Ubi Soft. Kuvia & infoa. PlayStation, N64, Dreamcast Rallipeli / simulaatio. A hot new contender is revving up for the 1999 Grand Prix season. Lining up on the grid is the most realistic, challenging and exciting racing sim ever. Pick-up-and-play arcade style racing, hard core F1 racing simulation, driving management, technical fine tuning.
32907 MONS-E3.ZIP 6552 19.06.1996 - - -
MONSTER TRUCKS (working title) E3 -messujen
lehdistötiedote. PC CD-ROM and PlayStation
Last quarter 1996 * Racer
66253 MOO2A-E3.ZIP 8079095 20.06.1996 - - -
Master of Orion II: Battle At Antares
MicroProse E3 -showpackage with press
release, pictures and MOV-format
32908 MOO2PIC.ZIP 440575 25.04.1996 - - -
Master of Orion II -näytekuvia. MPS.
32909 MOO2SCRN.ZIP 1234439 13.06.1996 - - -
More MOO2 Screenshots.
32035 MOODEMO.ZIP 162091 16.11.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Master of Orion slideshow from MicroProse.
32911 MORE-E3.ZIP 5807 19.06.1996 - - -
The Island Of Dr Moreau E3 messujen
lehdistötiedote PC CD ROM * Spring 1997 *
Action adventure * Psygnosis
32912 MORT-E3.ZIP 953600 25.06.1996 - - -
Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion,
the Company's First Game Just for Kids. E3
showpackage, includes press releases and
demopictures. LucasArts.
32913 MOTEPICS.ZIP 146374 18.06.1996 - - -
Stardockin tulevan Master of the Empiren
32038 MPSGFX.ZIP 1828291 25.08.1995 - - -
Kuvia MicroProsen uusista ja tulevista
peleistä - mm. Ufo II, Magic The Gathering
jne. TIF-formaatissa.
24858 MSIFE399.ZIP 2,2 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
Microsoft International Football E3 1999 messupaketti. Microsoft. Sisältää kuvia & tietoa pelistä. Jalkapallopeli. A powerful, true-to-life, action-style soccer game for the PC. The intensity and movement of real-life gameplay is re-created with fluid and sophisticated graphic detail.
32930 MTG-E3.ZIP 6952272 21.06.1996 - - -
Magic The Gathering - E3 showpackage,
includes press release, demopictures and
MOV-format demoanimation from MicroProse.
66403 MUD_V1.ZIP 186513 16.09.1996 - - -
Mud Kicker Screen Collection Vol.1 The first
2 SVGA screen shots of Mud Kicker,
Scavenger's new racing game.
32935 MUMM-E3.ZIP 445290 30.06.1996 - - -
Mummy - Tomb of the Pharaoh * E3 screenshots
from Interplay.
32936 MUP-E3.ZIP 1088679 23.06.1996 - - -
Muppets Treasure Island * E3 showpackage with
screenshots from Activision.
32947 MW2GFX2.ZIP 4153106 19.01.1996 - - -
MechWarrior 2 (mw2) demokuvia Activisionilta
32948 MW2M-E3.ZIP 1565639 23.06.1996 - - -
MechWarrior 2:  Mercenaries E3 Showpackage
with screenshots. Activision.
24859 NATIE399.ZIP 179,6 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Nations: WWII Fighter COmmand E3 1999 messupaketti. Psygnosis. Sisältää kuvia. Toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva lentosimulaattori jossa pääsee lentämään 16 eri koneella.  Upeat grafiikat!
24860 NBA2E399.ZIP 1,2 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
NBA Inside Drive 2000 E3 1999 messupaketti. Microsoft. Sisältää kuvia & tietoa pelistä. Urheilu / koripallo. Easy-to-use, hands-on, action-packed basketball game for the PC. The realistically designed graphics re-create the feel of playing in an NBA game, allowing players to experience all of the action at their fingertips.
32967 NBAFCPP.ZIP 866668 23.10.1996 - - -
NBA Full Court Press basketball's screenshots
& info. Microsoft.
32974 NEMPICS.ZIP 356182 03.12.1996 - - -
Wizardry: Nemesis screenshots. Sir-Tech
32975 NEMW-E3.ARJ 2400832 23.06.1996 - - -
showpackage with press releases and
screenshots. "A magical adventure worthy of
the Wizardry name. A blend of fantasy role-
playing and adventure." Sirtech Software.
24861 NFC-EC98.ZIP 2,5 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Nations: Fighter Command ECTS98 showpackage with screenshots. Psygnosis. Flight simulation.
33010 NFS_SEP.ZIP 268443 18.06.1996 - - -
Need For Speed Special Edition demokuvia.
33013 NHLPC-E3.ZIP 692071 30.06.1996 - - -
NHL Powerplay∩96 for PC * E3 showpackage with
press release and screenshots from Virgin.
24862 NOCTEC98.ZIP 3,9 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Nocturne ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Gathering of Developers. 3D adventure. Take on the role of Josh Rogan, a supernatural investigator who roams a universe set in the early 19th century where ghosts, vampires, zombies and werewolves exist.
33033 NOVAL-E3.ZIP 417650 30.06.1996 - - -
Novalogic E3 showpackage with press releases
of coming releases, new technologies, company
backgrounds, deals and such.
33045 NSTRIKEP.ZIP 183774 23.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike demokuvia, Empire Interactive.
33058 ONLI-E3.ZIP 4846023 02.07.1996 - - -
ONSIDE * E3 showpackage with press release,
screenshots and MOV-format video footage.
"Witness the fastest, smoothest game of
soccer you will ever play. Unlimited camera
angles, overhead kicks and thunderous volleys
all go to make up the complete ONSIDE
experience." Football / management. FORMAT:
24863 OPFOE399.ZIP 3,7 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Half-Life Opposing Force E3 1999 messupaketti Sierra. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Vaatii WWW-selaimen. Laajennuspaketti 3D-räiskintään. Players return to the Black Mesa Research Facility to engage in an entirely new episode of single player action and simultaneously offered a massive collection of new multiplayer content.
33077 OPL-E3.ZIP 724016 02.07.1996 - - -
OPPOSITE LOCK * E3 showpackage with press
information and screenshot. "Blisteringly
fast arcade style racing game." FORMAT:- PC
24864 ORC-E399.ZIP 2 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Orc E3 1999 messupaketti. Sierra. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Vaatii WWW-selaimen. Tolkienin Taru Sormusten Herrasta tuttuun Keski-Maahan sijoittuva fantasiastrategia. Cast as an Orc chieftain who has been assigned command of an elite group of fighting Orcs by Sauron, the Dark power, your group is charged with keeping the peace between the many evil factions of his army using whatever brutal means necessary.
33085 ORIONCD.ZIP 4428603 26.02.1996 - - -
The Orion Conspiracy -slideshow demo, Science
Fiction adventure game from Domark.
33095 OUTL-E3.ZIP 560055 23.06.1996 - - -
Outlaws * E3 showpackage, "THE OLD WEST
OUTLAWS - First-Person Action- Adventure Pays
Homage To 1960s Spaghetti Westerns." With
press releases and demopictures. LucasArts.
33106 PACTIDI.ZIP 134919 05.12.1996 - - -
Pacific Tide info & screenshots. WW2 Pacific
strategy game. Star Games.
24865 PAELE399.ZIP 231,6 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Panzer Elite E3 1999 messupaketti. Psygnosis. Sisältää kuvia. Toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva panssarivaunusimulaatio. Erittäin realistinen ja tosimielessä tehty - ei mikään kevyt tankkiräimintä.
33117 PAPARDG.ZIP 1130067 19.01.1996 - - -
Paparazzi -demokuvia. Valm. Activision.
33133 PCCDPICS.ZIP 355730 27.05.1996 - - -
Psychic Detective demopictures from EOA.
24866 PE-EC98.ZIP 787,1 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
Panzer Elite ECTS98 showpackage with screenshots. Psygnosis. WW2 tank simulation
33159 PHA2PRE.ZIP 346665 27.08.1996 - - -
Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of the Flesh
Preview and screenshots
33160 PHAN2PIC.ZIP 1858923 18.06.1996 - - -
Phantasmagoria 2 - A Puzzle of Flesh
demopictures from Sierra.
24867 PHARE399.ZIP 5,7 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Pharaoh E3 1999 messupaketti. Sierra. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Vaatii WWW-selaimen. Antiikin Egyptiin sijoittua strategiapeli Caesarin ja SimCityjen malliin. Strategic city-building game set in Egypt roughly 2900 to 700 BC.Grow Egyptian villages into thriving metropolises and watch the economy and inhabitants of this exotic land come to life. Interact with your citizens. Create an empire!
33163 PIRPRESS.ZIP 605066 18.04.1996 - - -
Piranha preview pack, Asteroid-style
shoot'em'up on CD-ROM. Pictures and press
release. From OTM.
32066 PLANFAL1.ZIP 891813 24.03.1995 - - -
Planetfall Preview: AVIs, GIFs, WAVs 1/5
32067 PLANFAL2.ZIP 1541590 24.03.1995 - - -
Planetfall Preview 2/5
32068 PLANFAL3.ZIP 2665083 24.03.1995 - - -
Planetfall Preview 3/5
32069 PLANFAL4.ZIP 1616721 24.03.1995 - - -
Planetfall Preview 4/5
32070 PLANFAL5.ZIP 2085370 24.03.1995 - - -
Planetfall Preview 5/5
33164 PLAYT6P.ZIP 2892120 23.10.1996 - - -
Playtoons 6: Danger in the Jungle Children's
game, screenshots & info (Acrobat-format).
33165 PLAYT7P.ZIP 3464535 23.10.1996 - - -
Playtoons 7: Monty and the Magic Seed
Children's game, screenshots & info (Acrobat
format). Sierra.
33166 PLAYTPI.ARJ 7780536 18.06.1996 - - -
Playtoons - demopictures from Sierra.
33167 PLNTF-E3.ZIP 3454318 30.06.1996 - - -
PLANETFALL * E3 showpackage. The remake of a
classic Infocom-text adventure. Preliminary
graphical sketches. Activision.
24868 PP2KE399.ZIP 1,3 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 2000 E3 1999 messupaketti. Dynamix/Sierra. Sisältää kuvia ja tietoutta. Siviililentosimulaattori. This comprehensive flight simulator includes every component of general aviation in one package. Flight planning wizard; new Global Positioning System (GPS); new audio Air Traffic Communications (ATC) system; enhanced beginner assistance; and real world terrain. Ideal for beginners, enthusiasts and aviators alike.
33181 PQSWATP.ZIP 918638 18.06.1996 - - -
Police Quest: SWAT -demokuvia. Sierra.
33182 PREYPICS.ZIP 313256 22.03.1996 - - -
This archive contains a few screen shots from
Prey, a game from 3D Realms coming in
3rdQ/1996.  This archive contains gamma
corrected pictures.
24869 PRO4E399.ZIP 1,6 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
Pro Pinball 4: Fantastic Journey E3 1999 messupaketti. Empire. Sisältää kuvia & infoa. Flipperi jossa matkaat ajassa. Up to TEN balls in play simultaneously. 4 Flippers, allowing more shots than ever before. Better- than- ever physics models for balls and flippers, including a pinball-sim first: balls that really slide and spin, just like the real thing.
35199 PRPICS.ZIP 333954 14.01.1997 - - -
Planetary Raiders screenshots - a coming
Internet playable huge space-trade-
adventure-strategy-busines-simulation from
ICI. www.icigames.com
33186 PRPREV.ZIP 140644 07.12.1996 - - -
Planetary Raiders preview with screenshots.
Internet playable multiplayer space
combat/trading/adventure. ICI games.
33203 PYROTEGF.ZIP 694080 19.01.1996 - - -
Pyrotechnica demokuvia, Psygnosis.
24870 Q3AE399.ZIP 3,1 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena E3 1999 messupaketti. Activision. Sisältää kuvia. 3D räiskintäpeli. the greatest deathmatch game id Software has ever created. The awesome gameplay, new graphics and new technology will make Quake III Arena the next \'must have\' title."
33211 QIN-I.ZIP 209463 23.08.1996 - - -
Qin: Tomb of the Middle Kingdom, screenshots
and information. "Myst fans will feel right
at home in Qin's five SVGA 3D rendered realms
and comfortable with the slide-show type
movement interface."
32084 QPIX.ZIP 262295 07.10.1995 - MBCD -
Quake screen shots  Kuvia Quaken
monstereista! Ennennäkemättömiä.
32085 QUAKEGAM.ZIP 1188643 17.11.1995 - - -
Pictures about QUAKE, same as quakepix.zip
but gamma-corrected, or in other words not so
dark. Quake is not actually spending half its
time clearing memory.  :)  Get this instead
of quakepix.zip.
32087 R2!MK3PP.ZIP 478129 21.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Mortal Kombat 3
Preview Pack (c) Midway
33224 RA_PICS.ZIP 351025 22.05.1996 - - -
Muutama kuva Westwood Studiosin tulevasta
pelistä Red Alert.
24871 RACEE399.ZIP 502,8 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Racer E3 1999 messupaketti. LucasArts. Sisältää kuvia & infoa. Rallipeli. Dares players to take control of sleek and blindingly fast Podracers in a series of electrifying and dangerous races throughout the Star Wars galaxy.
33215 RAMAPBH1.ZIP 5323962 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama: Behind The Scenes Rama pictures 02-21
were all shot when the team visited Arthur C.
Clarke in November of 1995 at his home in Sri
Lanka.Team spent week with Arthur and his
family, interviewing him on his latest
projects and filming Arthur at bluescreen
studio for the prologue, death scenes and the
finale of the game.
33216 RAMAPBH2.ZIP 5822543 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama: Behind The Scenes Rama pictures 02-21
were all shot when the team visited Arthur C.
Clarke in November of 1995 at his home in Sri
Lanka.Team spent week with Arthur and his
family, interviewing him on his latest
projects and filming Arthur at bluescreen
studio for the prologue, death scenes and the
finale of the game.
33217 RAMAPCON.ZIP 2356681 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama - pictures: CONCEPT ART Drawings,
renderings, frameworks, sketches and concepts
of the Arthur C. Clarke -game RAMA.
33218 RAMAPG1.ZIP 2978099 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama - screenshots of the game based on
Arthur C. Clarke's novel "Rama", published by
33219 RAMAPG2.ZIP 3193713 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama - screenshots of the game based on
Arthur C. Clarke's novel "Rama", published by
33220 RAMAPG3.ZIP 3790026 01.09.1996 - - -
Rama - screenshots of the game based on
Arthur C. Clarke's novel "Rama", published by
33221 RAMAPIC1.ZIP 7259815 18.05.1996 - - -
Rama -seikkailupelin demokuvia, Arthur C.
Clarken kirjan mukaan valm. Sierra.
33222 RAMAPIC2.ZIP 5532186 18.05.1996 - - -
Rama -seikkailupelin demokuvia, Arthur C.
Clarken kirjan mukaan valm. Sierra.
33223 RAPIC.ARJ 1227517 25.09.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer : Red Alert
Tämä tiedosto sisältää kuvia ja infoa
Westwoodin tulevasta pelistä C&C : Red Alert
24872 RAY2E399.ZIP 4,1 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Armed And Delirious E397 showpackage Graphic adventure. Sir-Tech Software. s, shared memory handles and more. Also able to kill tasks, to switch to another task, check whether a task is running or not, drive info, and much more...
33233 RB2-PIC.ZIP 4219568 18.05.1996 - - -
Red Baron II -Sierran demokuvia.
33234 RBELIONI.ZIP 317705 19.09.1996 - - -
Rebellion - new real-time strategy game in
STAR WARS universe from LucasArts! First info
and screenshots!
32090 REALMS.ZIP 275484 17.11.1995 - - -
Challenge of the Five Realms slideshow demo
from MicroProse.
33241 REALMSPR.ZIP 245548 11.09.1996 - - -
Realms of the Haunting by Interplay Preview
with pictures.
33242 REBE2PIC.ZIP 284893 20.04.1996 - - -
Rebel Assault 2, kuvia. 10 kpl
33245 REDA-E3.ZIP 448452 30.06.1996 - - -
with press release and screenshots.
STRATEGY GAME. IT'S WAR!!! Follow up to the
pioneering title that was 1995's number one
selling real-time strategy game, will be
available for PC CD-ROM, DOS and Windows '95
in October." Virgin.
33247 REDNPRE.ZIP 486422 15.12.1996 - - -
Redneck Rampage preview with screenshots
Created by Xatrix Distributed by Interplay
24873 REVEE399.ZIP 4,3 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Revenant E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. Fantasia roolipeli. In this new Dark Fantasy RPG/Adventure the gamer is immersed in a visually stunning and challenging environment. With breathtaking 65,000 color graphics, fully animated 3D polygon characters, true light sourcing and coloring in Direct 3D. Revenant is by far the most visually stunning and detailed RPG to date.
33282 RISEPICS.ZIP 2409631 18.06.1996 - - -
Rise and Rule of Ancient Empires
-demopictures from Sierra.
33306 ROADRPI.ZIP 732065 18.06.1996 - - -
Roadrash -demokuvia. EOA.
33312 ROD-E3.ZIP 5970 19.06.1996 - - -
RODNEY MATTHEWS (working title) E3 messujen
lehdistötiedote - PC CD-ROM and PlayStation
2nd quarter 1997 * Strategic Shoot æEm Up
Tales 2 Ltd. / Psygnosis
24874 ROMOEC98.ZIP 1,4 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Road To Moscow ECTS98 showpackage with press releases & screenshots. IMagic. 12 scenarios and one grand campaign, which takes the player through the course of the entire Eastern Front of World War II.
33316 ROTH-E3.ZIP 222182 30.06.1996 repacked betaarchive forum -
Realms of the Haunting * E3 screenshots from
24875 SABOE399.ZIP 5,1 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Saboteur E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. PC, Playstation. Tappelu/toimintaseikkailu. Fast paced combat adventure game, which fuses genres and gameplay styles.  It is a game that embraces new concepts and new production values whilst holding onto solid game-play values of older classic titles. It is not a fighting game, nor is it only an adventure game.
24876 SARME399.ZIP 1,1 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Armada E3 1999 messupaketti. Activision. Sisältää kuvia. Reaaliaikainen avaruusstrategia. Players will get to build, deploy and carry out massive assaults with some of the most recognizable starships of all time.
32102 SAVWARKU.ZIP 782821 16.11.1995 - - -
Savage Warriors -beat'em'up pelin näytekuvia.
Kaunis CD-ROM -pohjainen hakkeluspeli.
Valmistanut MindScape.
33347 SBUCKI.ZIP 1121760 18.05.1996 - - -
Space Bucks -avaruusbisnes/kaupankäynti-
pelin demokuvia ja informaatiota. Valm.
33349 SC2KDEMO.ZIP 1220158 24.02.1996 - 805/mbest931.zip -
Slideshow + interview with the designer
33358 SC3_PCX.ZIP 1301523 29.01.1996 - - -
PCX-kuvia tulevasta Star Control III:stä
33351 SC3-INF.ZIP 1281 01.07.1996 - - -
Star Control 3 information.
33368 SCOR-E3.ZIP 3186 30.06.1996 - - -
SCORCHED PLANET * E3 showpackage with press
release. "High-End Air And Land Combat
Simulation Sizzles Onto PC CD-ROM In The
Fall. Action-adventure fighter pilot title
with cutting-edge 3-D technology." Virgin.
33389 SENTIPIC.ZIP 562957 27.04.1996 - - -
Sentient -näytekuvia. Avaruusasemalle
sijoittuva roolipeli. "60 or so inhabitants
of Sentient are fully fleshed out individuals
each with their own motivations, hidden
agendas and political beliefs. Rumours,
conspiracies, gossip and overheard snippets
of conversation combine into melange of
essential clues and red herrings. A vast,
vast game that is part RPG, part sim, and
part strategy adventure. PC CD-ROM, RPG,
33401 SFPDH-P.ZIP 2563863 30.07.1996 - - -
SFPD Homicide demopictures.
33408 SG-BPICS.ZIP 547128 31.07.1996 - - -
Star General early beta preview pictures from
SSI - the star ranging strategy game based on
awards winning Panzer General!
33425 SH2-PICS.ZIP 897376 23.08.1996 - - -
Space Hulk 2 - screenshots.
24877 SHAPE399.ZIP 3 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
"Shadowpact E3 1999 messupaketti. Blue Byte. Sisältä kuvia & tietoutta. Reaaliaikainen strategia/seikkailu. Combines elements of strategy and resource management with the character interaction and immersive plot of an adventure game. Rather than the disposable units typically seen in most real-time strategy gamesShadowpact emphasises interacting with over 40 unique characters who act as the players agents within the game."
33426 SHATS-E3.ZIP 1112482 30.06.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel * E3 screenshots from
33432 SHDOA-E3.ZIP 2331701 30.06.1996 - - -
Shadoan * E3 screenshots from Interplay.
24878 SHEEE399.ZIP 189,1 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Sheep E3 1999 messupaketti. Empire. Sisältää kuvia & infoa. Toiminta-puzzlepeli. Pick-up-and-play game where you the player (or more precisely, you the shepherd in the guise of Bo Peep, Adam Death, Shep or Motley), have to lead one of 5 inordinately stupid breeds of sheepthrough16 levels of ever-increasing distraction to the UFO pick-up point.
33438 SHGFX.ZIP 1006706 18.05.1996 - - -
Silent Hunter PC-lisäkuvia.
Sukellusvenesimulaattori, valm. SSI.
33447 SHIVPI.ZIP 1312990 18.06.1996 - - -
Shivers -demokuvia, Sierra.
32112 SHK!SQPX.ZIP 536076 30.01.1995 - - -
Space Quest VI -kuvaruutukaappauksia (PCX)
33448 SHWARI.ZIP 70176 23.08.1996 - - -
Shadow Warrior from 3DRealms information and
33449 SIDELINE.EXE 1669980 20.08.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
Sideline: pelattava demo. Sivulta kuvattu
räiskintäpeli. DOS.
33450 SIEG-E3.ZIP 118517 02.07.1996 - - -
SIEGE * E3 showpackage with press info and
pictures. "Part real time strategy game, part
arcade game, Siege will present you with a
world like no other.Be prepared to use your
mind as well as your sword, and strive to
create the ultimate kingdom." FORMAT:- PC
24879 SINIE399.ZIP 3,7 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
Sinister Unleashed E3 1999 messupaketti. THQ. Kuvia & infoa. Avaruusräiskintä. Raises the bar on stunning, hardware a ccelerated graphics and redefines PC space arcade action. In the 1980s, stereo sound, digitized speech and 49 way optical joystick earned Sinistar a cult following. In 1999, Sinistar: Unleashed catapults players into lightning-fast 3D space environment and bombards players with visual effects.
33455 SIRT-E3.ZIP 109657 23.06.1996 - - -
Sirtech Software E3 showpackage with company
33456 SKDEMO.ZIP 1345818 05.03.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
SpaceKids: Interaktiivisen piirroselokuvan
Interaktiivinen demo.
33457 SKNIDEMO.EXE 1327604 08.01.1996 - - -
Stonekeep-Roolipelin Slideshow.
33495 SPACEMP.LHA 850838 23.10.1996 - - -
Space Marine * early screenshots and info
from Holistic Design/SSI "From the table-top
to the desk-top, the Epic world of the
Warhammer 40,000 universe is about to explode
onto your PC! Unlike the recently released
Warhammer 40K first person perspective action
game, this is strategy based game that puts
you in charge of vast armies (Like Warhammer
Fantasy: Shadow of the Horned Rat).
Commanding the movements of the Imperial
Guard, and their devastating war machines,
33504 SPANZPIC.ZIP 2927340 27.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers demonstration pictures, SSI.
33505 SPCAMPI.ZIP 1457 28.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers campaign disk information
68583 SPERA-E3.ZIP 5788002 02.07.1996 - - -
SPEEDRAGE * E3 showpackage with press
release, screenshots and MOV-format video
footage. "Combining hyper-fast, arcade
quality graphics with furious racing action,
SPEEDRAGE takes place over a variety of
environments and elements. FORMAT:- PC CD-ROM
32140 SPHBGFX.A01 3999326 22.09.1995 - - -
Kuvia Spectrum Holobyten...
32141 SPHBGFX.A02 1213194 22.09.1995 - - -
Kuvia Spectrum Holobyten...
32142 SPHBGFX.ARJ 3999200 22.09.1995 - - -
Kuvia Spectrum Holobyten uusista ja tulevista
33517 SPQRPREV.ZIP 177111 05.12.1996 - - -
SPQR preview with screenshots.
33521 SPY-E3.ARJ 4856296 02.07.1996 - - -
Spycraft: The Great Game * E3 showpackage
Screenshots from Activision.
33519 SPYC-PCS.ZIP 2844449 27.04.1996 - - -
Spycraft: The Great Game, vakoilujännärin
näytekuvia. Activision.
33522 SQ6PICS.ZIP 596984 18.06.1996 - - -
Space Quest 6 -demokuvia. Sierra.
32145 SSHOTS.ZIP 213512 16.11.1995 - - -
SRIFEN uudet screenshotit
33548 ST2-E3.ARJ 3176655 23.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva E3
showpackage with press release and
demopictures. "Sequel to the Award-Winning
Star Trail and Final Chapter in the Northland
Trilogy. Fantasy Role Playing game created in
the classic style to challenge the most
dedicated role-players but also RPG novices."
Sirtech Software.
33549 ST3K-E3.ZIP 4245199 02.07.1996 - - -
STARFIGHTER 3000 * E3 showpackage with press
release, pictures and game footage. "Next
generation space combat simulation, 3D
shoot'em'up." FORMAT:- PC CD-ROM, SONY
DATE:- MID '96
33552 STARCRPR.ZIP 290812 15.09.1996 - - -
StarCraft from Blizzard Preview with
24880 STARE399.ZIP 6,2 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
Starlancer E3 1999 messupaketti. Microsoft. Sisältää kuvia & infoa. Naamaperspektiivin avaruustaistelua ja toimintaa. Dramatic story based on the dynamic history of 20th century warfare. Countries from around the world have formed strategic alliances and now battle for control of Earth, Mars and other planets across the solar system.
33553 STARG-I.ZIP 1146 10.07.1996 - - -
Star General info, space strategy based on
Panzer General.
33559 STFAC-E3.ZIP 1599440 30.06.1996 - - -
Starfleet Academy * E3 screenshots from
33560 STG1-E3.ZIP 4265594 22.06.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Generations E3 showpackage with
press release and pictures from MicroProse.
33561 STGENPIC.ZIP 1586023 29.04.1996 - - -
MicroProse announce Star Trek: Generations
for the IBM PC CD Rom
24881 STINE399.ZIP 895,1 kt 04.08.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Insurrection E3 1999 messupaketti. Activision. Sisältää kuvia. Toimintaseikkailu. Action adventure game for the PC set nine months after the end of Star Trek: Insurrection, the motion picture. Features a hybrid technology that allows for the display of rich pre-rendered backgrounds while using a real-time engine to move characters around in the world.
24882 STR-EC98.ZIP 2,4 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Starship Troopers ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. MicroProse. As an armoured trooper in a mobile infantry players must, at all costs, stop the Bug warriors from decimating humanity.  The CD-ROM game expertly captures the unique and lethal atmosphere of both book and movie, with pulse-pounding chase view intergalactic warfare.
32148 STRIFEPX.ZIP 213038 31.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
NEW Strife screenshots!
Great new Strife screenshots. They
look much better than the old ones.
Strife is still being developed and
should be released Winter 95/96
33563 STRIPI.ZIP 264462 18.06.1996 - - -
Electronic Artsin uuden helikopteriräiskinnän
demokuvia (?? Strike ??)
33567 STSYS-E3.ZIP 273830 02.07.1996 - - -
STAR SYSTEM * E3 showpackage with press info
and screenshots. "Twisting, time travel
storyline, graphic adventure that will leave
you spellbound. With a stunning 3D graphics
engine, atmospheric sound effects and puzzles
that slowly reveal themselves as the mystery
unravels, Star System is like nothing on this
33568 STTNG.ZIP 3261793 21.02.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Next Generation-pelin Slideshow.
24883 STVOE399.ZIP 1006,8 kt 04.08.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Voyager E3 1999 messupaketti. Activision. Sisältää kuvia. 3D-räiskintä. Features the QUAKE III Arena engine. Arguably the best 3D shooter engine ever, the technology allows for curved surfaces bring the Voyager to life, amazing graphical enhancements and special effects, and animating textures, weapons and motion captured NPC movement.
32152 SU27GRAB.ZIP 257172 15.12.1995 - - -
SU-27 Flanker SU27 demokuvia. "SO REALISTIC
IT SHOULD BE A SECRET" This is no flight of
fancy - Quite simply the closest you can get
to piloting the real thing. SU-27 Flanker
sets new standards for military flight
simulators, totally accurate flight dynamics
and superbly detailed modelling in everything
from the aircraft and weapons systems to
terrain and atmospheric conditions.
33570 SUPERHPI.ZIP 490091 27.04.1996 - - -
MicroProse announce Super Heroes (Working
title) for the IBM PC CD Rom The setting for
Super Heroes is a cruel, cynical rendition of
our beautiful Earth in the year 2091. For
decades, super-powered mutants have been
emerging. Strategy, action and role-playing.
Fight in Laser Squad like environment.
Pictures and press release.
24884 SWA3E399.ZIP 3,1 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
SWAT 3 E3 1999 messupaketti. Sierra. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Vaatii WWW-selaimen. Toiminnallinen 3D-taktiikkapeli. Takes strategic combat to entirely new levels of realism in photo realistic 3D environments. Players assume the role of element leader, one of two in a ten-man squad. Command five-man assault team in an attempt to save innocents and negate the bad guys.
33572 SWAT.ZIP 2400871 01.09.1996 - - -
Police Quest 5: SWAT. Kuvia pelistä. -
32154 SWHIRES.ZIP 432819 17.11.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
4 640x480 screenshots from 3D-Realms' coming
game Shadow Warrior.
32158 SWSHOTS.ZIP 318151 17.11.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Slide show of 3D-Realms upcoming game, Shadow
33589 SYNWARP2.ZIP 179620 08.08.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars screenshots and information
from Bullfrog's web page.
33590 SYNWARSP.ZIP 619060 18.06.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars demokuvia. EOA.
33606 TALNOV96.ZIP 343818 16.10.1996 - - -
Talonsoft Nov'96 comins soon: AGE OF SAIL &
24885 TAR-EC98.ZIP 2,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Tartan Army ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Eidos. strategic combat/god game. The game is presented in full 3D with various flexible viewpoints and full motion capture for all the characters in the game.
33611 TARANPI.ZIP 305575 21.12.1996 - - -
Tarantula from Scavenger screenshots Explore
your house at several hundred times it's
normal size! Play the role of a tarantula in
this upcoming Scavenger game.
32165 TDU-FTH.ZIP 474213 30.01.1995 - - -
Full Throttle Screenshots from Lucasarts
24886 TEALE399.ZIP 420,8 kt 02.08.1999 - - -
Ka-52 Team Alligator E3 1999 messupaketti. GT Interactive. Kuvia & infoa. PC. Lentosimulaattori. Places pilots in the white knuckled fury of commanding the never before seen Ka-52 Alligator Gunship through various missions in war-torn Eastern Europe. Fly more than 10 aircraft, command over 60 ground units complete with full character animation, and annihilate every structure in your path.
33651 TERMPIC.ZIP 435652 21.12.1996 - - -
Terminus from Scavenger screenshots
24888 TF2-EC98.ZIP 350,7 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Team Fortress II ECTS98 showpackage with press release and screenshots. Sierra. Req. browser. Team Fortressa squad-based Quake `modproductis the most popular product of its kind with an estimated 250 000 downloads. The sequel will be a Half-Life exclusive add-on product. TF2 will plunge players into the shoes of one of nine classesworking together to defeat the opposing team on 20"
24887 TF2E399.ZIP 2,9 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
"Team Fortress 2 E3 1999 messupaketti. Sierra. Sisältää kuvia & pelitietoutta. Vaatii WWW-selaimen. Online-moninpelilaajennus Half-Lifeen. Destined to change the way online games are played. With TF2 youll experience the thrill of battle while performing as part of a team or battle squadron. This unique approach more closely approximates real-life battle and enables new and experienced players to play together."
33668 TG-PICS.ZIP 1431750 20.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun: Fire At Will -lentosimulaattorin
näytekuvia. Spectrum Holobyte/MPS.
33669 THDARKP1.ZIP 3810076 01.09.1996 - - -
Privateer - The Darkening screenshots from
Origin/Electronic Arts
33670 THDARKP2.ZIP 3101544 01.09.1996 - - -
Privateer - The Darkening screenshots from
Origin/Electronic Arts
33671 THDARKP3.ZIP 2898909 01.09.1996 - - -
Privateer - The Darkening screenshots from
Origin/Electronic Arts
33672 THDARKP4.ZIP 2219679 01.09.1996 - - -
Privateer - The Darkening screenshots from
Origin/Electronic Arts
33690 THOSP-P.ZIP 1961303 01.08.1996 - - -
Theme Hospital - screenshots from Bullfrog.
33691 TIC2-E3.ZIP 1066043 30.06.1996 - - -
Time Commando * E3 showpackage. Screenshots.
24889 TITAE399.ZIP 1 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Titanium Angels E3 1999 messupaketti. Action adventure. This is the first title to utilise the cutting edge "Revelation" engine from UK developer Mobius. SCi expects to utilise this engine and technology in several other forthcoming releases in the future. SCi.
33701 TITAN-I.ZIP 159365 23.08.1996 - - -
Titanic: Adventure Out of Time from
Cyberflix. Distributed by GTE Entertainment.
Screenshots and information.
33703 TLB-SLD.ZIP 462857 09.05.1996 - - -
The Last Blitzkrieg -slideshow, strategiapeli
Ardennien talvihyökkäyksestä 1944, valm. SSG.
33722 TNNBASS.ZIP 966108 08.08.1996 - - -
TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament'96 MOV-format
demoanimation, pictures and information.
Fishing game.
33725 TOON-E3.ZIP 821422 30.06.1996 - - -
Toonstruck * E3 showpackage with press
release and screenshots. "ZANY ANIMATION; BIG
animated adventure through the twisted flip
side of cartoon imagination. Combines live-
action video and hand-painted animation to
deliver clever characters and side-splitting
humor to the PC CD-ROM this Fall." Virgin.
33730 TORINPI.ZIP 1771973 18.06.1996 - - -
Torin's Passage demokuvia, Sierra.
33731 TOTALD11.ZIP 1795551 16.02.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_2.iso -
Total Distortation-Musiikkivideoseikkailun
Slideshow. Windows.
24890 TPME399.ZIP 683,1 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
The Phantom Menace E3 1999 messupaketti. LucasArts. Sisältää kuvia & infoa. Toimintaseikkailu. Encounter dozens of challenging puzzles suitable for novice and veteran action/ adventurers as they search for ways to help the inhabitants of Naboo. Interact with hundreds of characters and come face-to-face with an onslaught of enemies, including battle droids, destroyer droids, mercenaries and the evil Darth Maul.
33751 TRACKAPI.ZIP 1468913 29.04.1996 - - -
MicroProse announce: Track Attack for PC CD
ROM. Näytekuvia ja pressitiedote. "A hard,
fast arcade style of driving and destruction
around fantastically shaped tracks, with a
whole host of special effects. Energetic,
with superb 3D graphics. Short cuts,
barriers, catapults, oil spills, fires and
32183 TRIALPIX.ZIP 122460 15.12.1995 - - -
Trial By Magic - demokuvia Merit Softwaren
isometrisestä seikkailupelistä.
24891 TRICE399.ZIP 6,4 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
Trickstyle E3 1999 messupaketti. Acclaim. Kuvia & infoa. Acdadepeli josa pelaaja surffaa lentävällä laudalla kaupåungeissa.
33756 TRPREV.ZIP 522507 29.10.1996 - - -
Tomb Raider preview with screenshots. Eidos.
24892 TTE399.ZIP 2,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Tonic Trouble E3 1999 messupaketti. Ubi Soft. Kuvia & infoa. PC, N64, DVD. Toiminta, tasohyppely, seikkailuräime. A subtle mix of action, adventure, humor, madness and suspense.  Through 11 different unique realms (from the ski slopes to the QG of the killer vegetables, passing through the cocktail world) you will have to prove your agility (fly with a bow-tie, jump across molten lava with a pogo stick), courage, and so on.
32185 TWL_CAC.ZIP 101704 07.01.1995 - - -
Chaos Control - First Pictures
33775 TYR20PIC.ZIP 74450 19.02.1996 - - -
Neljä JPEG-kuvaa Epic Megagamesin Tyrian
24893 U8BE399.ZIP 1,1 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
Ultimate 8 Ball E3 1999 messupaketti. THQ. Kuvia & infoa. Biljardi / urheilu. The next generation of pool games has arrived. The most realistic and complete billiards game for PlayStation and PC. Featuring 14 different pool modes, 15 different table sizes and shapes, over 15 3D-rendered opponents to challenge and the most accurate physics engine in the genre.
33777 U9SS.ZIP 154156 02.04.1996 - - -
Ultima 9 early screenshots & sketches
33785 UNSDEMO.ZIP 507490 21.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Unnatural Selection -slideshow from Maxis.
24894 UNTOE399.ZIP 2,1 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
"Unreal Tournament E3 1999 messupaketti. GT Interactive. Kuvia & infoa. PC. 3D-räiskintäpelimoninpeli. From the makers of 1998s smash PC game hitUnrealcomes Unreal Tournamentan all-newstand-alone Unreal game that brings the thrill of the highly-popular multiplayer gaming experience to the individual user and the masses.  Unreal Tournament offers new styles of multiplayer action."
33788 URBRUNI1.ZIP 4885576 22.08.1996 - - -
Urban Runner -infopaketti ja demokuvia.
33789 URBRUNI2.ZIP 5428792 22.08.1996 - - -
Urban Runner -demokuvia. Sierra.
33790 URBRUNI3.ZIP 5109178 22.08.1996 - - -
Urban Runner -demokuvia. Sierra.
24895 URCAE399.ZIP 4,4 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Urban Chaos E3 1999 messupaketti. Eidos. Kuvia & infoa. 3D third person toiminta. The game features beat-em-up, shoot-em-up and platform gameplay elements in a 3D scaleable, rotatable city.  An advanced 3D engine allows multiple character combat & scenery interaction: use in-game objects as weapons, smash & leap through windows, fight your way up fire escapes, jump from balconies onto enemies below.
32192 USNF-PIC.ZIP 386774 10.11.1994 - - -
U.S. Navy Fighters [Pictures]
Electronic Arts
24896 VAMPE399.ZIP 276,5 kt 04.08.1999 - - -
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption E3 1999 messupaketti. Activision. Sisältää kuvia. Keskiaikaan sijoittuva 3D toiminta-roolipeli goottiympäristössä. The game combines intriguing characters, beautiful graphics, challenging puzzles and solid multiplay options with an engaging adventure that extends to four different cities.
32193 VCS-GB2S.ZIP 1329082 16.07.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
32195 VEIL.ZIP 898930 16.05.1995 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Veil of Darkness-seikkailupelin Slideshow
24897 VIG8E399.ZIP 558,9 kt 04.08.1999 - - -
Vigilante 8 E3 1999 messupaketti. Activision. Sisältää kuvia. Dreamcast, Nintendo 64, Playstation. Toimintapeli. Over-the-top, hi-octane driving-combat game in which players take control of a variety of fully-loaded vehicles as they battle across the United States.
33807 VMX-PICS.ZIP 426966 27.06.1996 - - -
VMX - indoors and outdoors motocross-racing
on PC and PlayStation. Info + screenshots.
From Playmates Interactive.
33808 VRB96-E3.ZIP 4025719 02.07.1996 - - -
VR Baseball'96 * E3 screenshots for PC from
VR Sports/Interplay.
33809 VRG96-E3.ZIP 3455721 02.07.1996 - - -
VR Golf'96 * E3 screenshots for PC from VR
33810 VRSO96E3.ZIP 3677448 02.07.1996 - - -
VR Soccer'96 * E3 screenshots from VR
32201 WARC2PCX.ZIP 1209512 22.10.1995 - 1979/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 6.iso -
Preview of Warcraft ][: Tides of Darkness!
Contains PCX Images of the upcoming
(Winter95) game - amazing captures!
24898 WARNE399.ZIP 4,7 Mt 03.08.1999 - - -
"Wargamer: Napoleon E3 1999 messupaketti. Empire. Sisältää kuvia & infoa. Sotastrategia joka sijoittuu Napoleonin ajan Eurooppaan 1813-1814. Rewrite European history following the Napoleonic disaster in Russia by redirecting Napoleons European campaign of 1813- 14. Combines both strategic and tactical levels in one game. Real- time actionwith turnbased action offered as an option."
33832 WATW-E3.ZIP 415194 30.06.1996 - - -
Waterworld * E3 screenshots from Interplay.
33833 WBSCRN.ZIP 600336 30.08.1996 - 22568/GAMBLERCD29B.BIN -
Warbirds - screenshots of the Internet flight
32206 WC2GIFS.ZIP 273751 15.08.1995 - - -
Couple of ScreenShots from the Microprose's
long awaited WORLD CIRCUIT 2
33844 WC4-PICS.ZIP 4436442 22.04.1996 - - -
Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom
näytekuvia plus AVI-animaatio.
32207 WC4PICS.ZIP 305676 20.10.1995 - - -
Screen Shots from Origin's upcoming game,
Wing Commander IV.  3 pictures in .gif
33856 WGC3NFO.ZIP 2067 30.08.1996 - - -
Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles.
Information from SSI, all battles,
requirements etc.
33857 WH2-PICS.ZIP 369232 24.04.1996 - - -
Witchhaven II -demokuvia. Capstone.
33868 WIP-E3.ZIP 219313 21.06.1996 - - -
WIPEOUT 2097 (European product title) E3
-messupaketti. "Even more eye-popping visual
glory and an enhanced race structure give a
cutting-edge arcade feel to this king of the
racers." PC CD-ROM and PlayStation Psygnosis.
24899 WIP3E399.ZIP 284,6 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Wipeout 3 E3 1999 messupaketti. Psygnosis. Sisältää kuvia. Playstation. Vauhdikas tunneliräiskintä.
33869 WIPE-DG.ZIP 795972 19.01.1996 - - -
WIPE OUT, PlayStation/PC demokuvia,
33871 WIZG-E3.ARJ 2558492 23.06.1996 - - -
Wizardry Gold - E3 showpackage with press
releases and screenshots. "Crusaders of the
Dark Savant on Steroids, Wizardry Gold offers
one of the most popular RPGs in gaming
history rebuilt from the smoking ground up.
Celebrates 15 years of computer gaming with a
classic re-mastering." Sirtech Software.
24900 WODE399.ZIP 247,1 kt 03.08.1999 - - -
Wings of Destiny E3 1999 messupaketti. Psygnosis. Sisältää kuvia. Toisen maailmansodan lentosimulaattori. Neljä erilaista lentokonetta: Me-109, P-51b, Me-262 ja Spitfire Mark I.
33873 WOW-I.ZIP 152123 10.07.1996 - - -
World of Wonders * Epic Megagames' turn based
strategy game with rpg and adventure elements
- screenshots and information.
33874 WOWPRE.ZIP 1051242 25.11.1996 - - -
Wages of War - preview with screenshots.
Tactical Laser Squad/UFO style combat game
from New World Computing.
33905 WW_RAPIC.ZIP 312911 01.07.1996 - - -
"Command & Conquer: Red Alert" Sneak
peek-pictures, Westwood
33904 WW-INF.ZIP 222490 11.09.1996 - - -
War Wind * pictures, race info, weapons etc.
Epic strategy game from SSI.
32229 XANTHDE.ZIP 165256 24.02.1995 - - -
Xanth - demokuvia. Adventure. Valm. Legend.
33906 XCARPIC.ZIP 314165 21.12.1996 - - -
X-Car from Bethesda info & screenshots
32230 XCOMSHOW.ZIP 221120 01.03.1995 - - -
X-COM 2 : Terror from the Deep! Microproce
VGA Slideshow
32231 XENOSHOW.ZIP 350271 30.12.1995 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
Xenophage Slide Show -- Apogee/Argo
Slide Show Preview for the hot fighting game
Xenophage: Alien Bloodsport.  Featuring eight
characters and two champions, this VGA/SVGA
game allows for much greater detail than any
fighting game.  Innovative panoramic screen
panning, zooming & real-time scaling combine
to bring you the best PC fighting experience.
32234 XSPEEDSC.ZIP 443911 17.03.1995 - - -
Excessive Speed screenshots
33913 XVST-E3.ZIP 223611 21.06.1996 - - -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter * E3 showpackage.
SIMULATION." Star Wars network game. Press
releases and demopictures. LucasArts,
33932 Z-E3.ZIP 3089113 30.06.1996 - - -
Z * E3 showpackage with press release and
screenshots. Virgin.
33933 ZKUVIA.ZIP 307944 20.04.1996 - - -
Kuvia Bitmap Brothersien tulevasta pelistä Z.
Imuroitu Bitmap Bros:in kotisivulta. Mukana
PICEM -ohjelma kuvien näyttämiseen, kuvat
ovat GIF -muodossa.
33934 ZOMBPIC.ZIP 3462283 27.04.1996 - - -
ZOMBIEVILLE - näytekuvia. "graphically
stunning point and click action adventure.
rofessionally scripted plot, cinematic pans
and fades, mysterious journey into world of
puzzles where you, the living and the dead
walk the same streets... - Intricate,
humorously dark script, Strong conversational
puzzles. PC CD-ROM, Psygnosis London
33935 ZONE2-E3.ZIP 5061119 23.06.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis * E3 showpackage with
screenshots from Activision.
33943 ZORKNEMP.ZIP 2871037 29.04.1996 - - -
Zork Nemesis -seikkailun näytekuvia.
33947 ZPICS1.ZIP 211063 13.06.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
Kuvia Bitmap Brothersin tulevasta pelistä Z
HUOM. Kuvan laatu paljon parempi kuin
paketissa zkuvia.zip!
Tämän näköistä siis oikeasti pelissä.
33948 ZPICS2.ZIP 234305 13.06.1996 - - -
Lisää kuvia Bitmap Brothersin pelistä Z
31726 1830GFX.ZIP 223418 07.11.1995 - - -
Näytekuvia Avalon Hillin 1830: Railroads &
Robber Barons -pelistä.
31731 A4GFX.ZIP 348579 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: A4 Networks, valm. Infogrames,
testattu MB 10/95
23012 ABTA.ZIP 285333 02.12.1994 - - -
Amiga lisäkuvat: Alien Breed Tower Assault
valm. Team 17 Testattu MB 1/95
60435 ACW-P.ZIP 1171545 22.08.1996 - - -
American Civil War PC-lisäkuvia, Interactive
Magic, strategiapeli.
60500 AG-GFX.ZIP 880495 18.02.1996 - - -
Allied General -PC lisäkuvia. Strategiapeli,
valm. SSI. Testattu MB 3/96.
31746 AITD3K.ZIP 498114 28.03.1995 - - -
Alone In The Dark III -näytekuvia. Valm.
Infogrames. Esitelty MB 3/95 s.78, 92p.
60580 ALBPICS.ZIP 1833645 15.09.1996 - - -
Albion - PC lisäkuvia, roolipeli, Blue Byte.
31748 ALIENLK.ZIP 102683 28.03.1995 - - -
Alien Legacy PC-lisäkuvia Adventure - Valm.
Dynamix. Testattu MB 10/94.
60785 AOR-GFX.ZIP 1437964 16.10.1996 - - -
Wargame Construction Kit 3: Age of Rifles
PC-lisäkuvia, strategia, SSI.
60796 AOS-GFX.ZIP 1554523 14.01.1997 - - tupla
Age of Sail -PC lisäkuvia. Strategiapeli,
31757 AOTD.ZIP 439402 05.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Aces of the Deep Valm. Dynamix
Testattu MB 12/94
60890 ARCDYNGF.ZIP 1108221 03.12.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty PC-lisäkuvia
sukellusvenetaistelua. Blue Byte.
31766 ASCDGFX.ZIP 868083 13.12.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Ascendency, CD-ROM
avaruusstrategia, valm. Logic Factory. Arv.
MB 12/95.
31769 ATRGFX.ZIP 719270 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: 1944: Across The Rhine, valm.
MicroProse. Testattu MB 10/95.
31770 AUCGFX.ZIP 245723 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Millenium Auction, valm.
Eidolon, testattu MB 5/95
61151 B2BGFX.ZIP 199661 03.12.1996 - - -
Back to Baghdad -PC lisäkuvia
Lentosimulaattori. Military Simulations.
61244 BBGX.ZIP 1261414 09.05.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead In Virtual Stupidity
PC-lisäkuvia. Adventure. Valm. Viacom.
61368 BGA-GFX.ZIP 2393288 14.04.1996 - - -
Battleground: Ardennes -PC lisäkuvia
Strategiapeli, valm. Talonsoft/Empire
31791 BLAKEST.ZIP 52131 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Blake Stone Aliens of Gold
Share Ware, valm. Apogee Esitelty MB 12/94
31795 BLOODN.ZIP 100642 05.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Bloodnet Valm. MicroProse
Testattu MB 2/94, 12/94
31794 BLOODNET.ZIP 492359 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Bloodnet Valm. MicroProse
Testattu MB 2/94, 12/94 (CD)
31804 BRUTGFX.ZIP 138111 07.11.1995 - - -
PC/Amiga lisäkuvia: Brutal Paws of Fury,
valm. Gametek, testattu MB 10/95
31805 BUGSK.ZIP 258354 28.03.1995 - - -
Battle Bugs PC-lisäkuvia. Kevyt
strategiapeli. Valm. Sierra. Testattu MB
31806 BUZZACD.ZIP 505533 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space
CD-ROM Valm. Interplay Testattu MB 1/95
31808 C2GFX.ZIP 4964856 13.12.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Caesar II, SimCity-tyypin eepos
Rooman valtakunnan rakentamisesta. valm.
61834 CAOTDGF.ZIP 480441 01.02.1996 - - -
Command: Aces of the Deep Windows 95
lisäkuvia. Sukellusvenesimulaattori.
61837 CAPIGFX.ZIP 690591 14.02.1996 - - -
Capitalism -PC lisäkuvia.
Bisnes/strategia/kauppasimulaatio, testattu
MB 3/96
31819 CAST2CD.ZIP 352437 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Castles II CD-ROM Valm.
Interplay Testattu MB 1/95
61872 CATF-GFX.ZIP 643011 16.10.1996 - - -
Catfight -PC lisäkuvia. Mätkintä.
31821 CBLOODK.ZIP 373113 28.03.1995 - - -
Commander Blood PC-näytekuvia Valm.
Cryo/Mindscape Testattu MB 3/95 s. 79 50p.
31823 CC-GFX.ZIP 761627 05.12.1995 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Command & Conquer, valm.
Westwood. Testattu MB 11/95
61890 CCAWGFX.ZIP 1307003 09.05.1996 - - -
Complete Carriers At War -PC lisäkuvia.
Strategiapeli. Valm. SSG.
61904 CCPICS.ZIP 3629481 16.09.1996 - - -
Close Combat - PC lisäkuvia. strategiapeli,
valm. Atomic Games/Microsoft
31825 CDK.LZH 1848679 28.03.1995 - - -
Crystal Dragon Amiga-näytekuvia. Roolipeli.
Valm. Magnetic Fields/ Black Legend Software.
Testattu MB 4/95.
62112 CIVNGFX.ZIP 602796 01.02.1996 - - -
CivNet PC-lisäkuvia. Strategiapeli, valm.
MicroProse. Testattu MB 2/96.
62120 CJUD-P.ZIP 1674923 22.08.1996 - - -
Cyberjudas - PC lisäkuvia, lehdistötiedote
yms. Strategia, suurpolitiikkaa, Empire.
31839 CRSK.ZIP 325541 28.03.1995 - - -
Creature Shock PC CD-ROM näytekuvia
arcaderäiskintä - valm. Argonaut/Virgin
Testattu MB 2/95 s. 65 75p.
31841 CYBERWAR.ZIP 240418 05.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Cyberwar CD-ROM Valm. SCi
Testattu MB 1/95
31855 DAWNPATR.ZIP 561577 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Dawn Patrol CD-versiosta -
pätevät myös korpulle Valm. Rowan
Software/Empire Testattu MB 1/95
31863 DEATHG.ZIP 747801 05.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Death Gate (CD) Valm. Legend
Testattu MB 1/95
31865 DELTAV.ZIP 131603 05.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Delta V Valm. Bethesda
Softworks Testattu MB 12/94
31880 DOMGFX.ZIP 358848 07.11.1995 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Dominus CD
31882 DRAGLOCD.ZIP 421574 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Dragon Lore CD-ROM Valm.
MindScape Testattu MB 1/95
63203 DS2-GFX.ZIP 1682869 14.04.1996 - - -
Darkseed II -PC lisäkuvia
adventure, valm. Cyberdreams.
63227 DT-GFX.ZIP 533227 09.11.1996 - - -
Deadly Tide -PC lisäkuvia. Räiskintä,
63251 DTWCD-P.ZIP 929199 15.09.1996 - - -
Daley thompson's world Class Decathlon PC
lisäkuvia, urheilupeli, Interactive Magic
31893 EF2KGFX.ZIP 609476 13.12.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: EF2000, lentosimulaattori,
valm. DID. Testattu MB 1/96.
31895 EMBRYOK.LZH 1067716 28.03.1995 - - -
Embryo Amiga-näytekuvia
Räiskintä-simulaattori. Valm. Black Legend.
Testattu MB 4/95.
31896 EMP2GFX.ZIP 1088041 13.12.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Empire II - Art of War.
Strategiapeli, valm. White Wolf
32262 ENDOGFX.ZIP 944633 02.04.1996 - - -
Endorfun -PC lisäkuvia. Puzzle. Valm. Time
31898 ENTOGFX.ZIP 663971 13.12.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Entomorph - Plague of the
Downfall Win95. Rooliseikkailu, valm. SSI.
32335 FASTAGFX.ZIP 665571 12.06.1996 - - -
Fast Attack PC-lisäkuvia, Sierran
688I-sukellusveneen simulaatio.
31918 FC2GFX.ZIP 528383 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Flight Commander II, valm.
Avalon Hill. Testattu MB 5/95
32349 FC2MBFX.ZIP 176657 02.04.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II Mission Builder
23080 FEARSGFX.ZIP 467720 13.12.1995 - - -
Amiga-lisäkuvia: Fears. 3D-räiskintäpeli.
Valm. Bomb Software. Testattu MB 12/95
32367 FG-GFX.ZIP 1835335 14.04.1996 - - -
Fantasy General -PC lisäkuvia,
strategiapeli, valm. SSI.
23084 FIREICE.LZH 94730 05.12.1994 - - -
CD32 (+Amiga,PC) lisäkuvia: Fire & Ice Valm.
Graftgold/Renegade Testattu MB 10/94, 2/94,
31924 FST.ZIP 73968 05.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Flight Sim Toolkit Valm. Domark
Testattu MB 4/94f
32436 FSTH2GF.ZIP 1087402 01.02.1996 - - -
Firestorm: Thunderhawk II -PC lisäkuvia.
Helikopteri-räiskintä, valm. Core Design.
Testattu MB 2/96 84p.
31926 FWGFX.ZIP 437743 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Fighter Wing, valm. Merit
Studios. Testattu MB 6-7/95
32494 GNB4GFX.ZIP 921712 01.02.1996 - - -
Great Naval Battles vol. IV PC-näytekuvia.
Laivasto-strategia. Valm. SSI
31934 H2GFX.ZIP 297873 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Harpoon II, valm. Three Sixty.
Testattu MB 9/95
64788 HEX2JPG.ZIP 252837 05.01.1997 - - tupla
Hexen 2 screenshots. 22 JPGs of Raven/iD
Software's new 3d-game.
24142 HEXPGFX.ZIP 1002,1 kt 09.07.1998 - - tupla
Hexplore lisäkuvia. PC-seikkailu/roolipeli. Infogrames.
31940 HHARRY.ZIP 91522 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Halloween Harry Share Ware,
valm. Apogee Esitelty MB 12/94 MBnet-osiossa.
31954 HSTGFX.ZIP 379709 07.11.1995 - - -
Amiga/PC-lisäkuvia: High Seas Trader, valm.
Impressions. Testattu MB 10/95, 8/95
31957 ICGFX.ZIP 2511196 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Iron Cross, valm. New World
Computing. Testattu MB 10/95.
24143 IG-GFX.ZIP 2,6 Mt 09.07.1998 - - tupla
Industry Giant PC-lisäkuvia Bisnes/taloussimulaatio Capitalism ja Railroad Tycoon -pelien tapaan. Imagic.
24144 JDPINGFX.ZIP 2,7 Mt 09.07.1998 - - tupla
Judge Dredd Pinball PC-lisäkuvia Flipperipeli. Pin-Ball Games Ltd.
31974 JSGFX.ZIP 555145 07.11.1995 - - -
Amiga/CD32/PC lisäkuvia: Jetstrike, valm.
Rasputin. Testattu MB &-7/95
31976 JUNGSGFX.ZIP 420149 07.11.1995 - - -
PC/Amiga lisäkuvia: Jungle Strike, valm.
31977 KA50K.ZIP 155371 28.03.1995 - - -
KA-50 Hokum PC-näytekuvia
Helikopterisimulaattori, valm. Virgin
Testattu MB 3/95, s. 78, 82p.
31978 KEEN4.ZIP 11906 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Commander Keen IV Share Ware,
valm. iD-Software/Apogee Esitelty MB 12/94
23126 L3.ZIP 574396 05.12.1994 - - -
PC/Amiga lisäkuvia: All New Worlds of
Lemmings Valm. Psygnosis Testattu MB 1/95
32760 LEMPAFX.ZIP 596238 12.06.1996 - - -
Lemmings Paintball -PC lisäkuvia. Psygnosis.
32762 LEMW95FX.ZIP 294903 02.04.1996 - - -
Lemmings for Windows 95 -PC lisäkuvia,
puzzle, valm. Psygnosis.
32001 LOM3GFX.ZIP 354980 07.11.1995 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Lords of Midnight 3 The
Citadel, valm. Domark. Testattu MB 11/95
23133 LORDS.ZIP 149251 05.12.1994 - - -
PC/Amiga lisäkuvia: Lords of the Realm Valm.
Impressions Testattu MB 12/94
23142 MARVIN.LZH 887852 05.12.1994 - - -
Amiga lisäkuvia: Marvin's Marvellous
Adventure AGA (+CD32) Valm. 21st Century
Entertainment Testattu MB 1/95
32010 MATHR.ZIP 25284 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Math Rescue Share Ware
opetusohjelma, valm. Apogee Esitelty MB 12/94
32024 MK2CGFGX.ZIP 412879 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Mortal Kombat II CD. Valm.
32914 MR2-P.ZIP 511995 22.08.1996 - - -
Megarace 2 - PC lisäkuvia, rallipeli, valm.
32039 MTBDK.ZIP 108551 28.03.1995 - - -
Metaltech: Battledrome -näytekuvia. Valm.
Dynamix/Sierra. Esitelty MB 4/95.
32937 MUPI-P.ZIP 1520240 22.08.1996 - - -
Muppets Inside - PC lisäkuvia,
puzzle-seikkailu, valm. Starwave.
32043 MYSTOWER.ZIP 51399 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Mystic Towers Share Ware, valm.
Apogee Esitelty MB 12/94 MBnet-osiossa
33056 OFFE-GFX.ZIP 1320283 12.06.1996 - - -
Offensive -PC lisäkuvia. Action-strategia,
valm. Ocean.
33057 OGAMESP.ZIP 406789 15.09.1996 - - -
Olympic Games -PC lisäkuvia, urheilupeli,
u.s. gold
66874 OTR-GFX.ZIP 1776965 14.01.1997 - - tupla
Over The Reich -PC lisäkuvia. Strategia, Big
Time SOftware/Avalon Hill
23164 OVERDRIV.ZIP 35676 02.12.1994 - - -
Amiga lisäkuva: Overdrive Valm. Infacto
Testattu MB 11/94
24145 PA-GFX.ZIP 853,8 kt 14.08.1998 - - tupla
Project Airos PC-lisäkuvia. Ocean. Reaaliaikaista taktiikkaräiskintää höystettynä bisneksellä ja teknologioiden kehittämisellä.
33109 PANPICS.ZIP 3134707 15.09.1996 - - -
The Pandora Directive - PC lisäkuvia,
adventure, valm. Access.
33110 PANTGFX.ZIP 183742 20.04.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows -PC lisäkuvia,
strategiapeli, toinen maailmansota 1939-1945
länsirintama. Valm. HPS Simulations.
32054 PAWGGFX.ZIP 584178 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: 1942 Pacific Air War Gold,
valm. MicroProse. Testattu MB 5/95.
32059 PG.ZIP 1328911 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Panzer General Valm. Strategic
Simulations, Inc (SSI) Testattu MB 1/95
23175 PIERRE.LZH 48598 05.12.1994 - - -
Amiga/CD32 lisäkuvia: Pierre Le Chef Is Out
To Lunch Valm. Mindscape Testattu MB 9/94
23176 PIK.LZH 1614727 28.03.1995 - - -
Pinball Illusions Amiga-näytekuvia flipperi,
valm. Digital Illusions/ 21st Century
Entertainment. Testattu MB 3/95, s. 99, 94 p.
33162 PIRGFX.ZIP 797766 12.06.1996 - - -
Piranha -PC lisäkuvia. Asteroids- räiskintä,
valm. OTM.
32065 PIZZATK.LZH 538713 28.03.1995 - - -
Pizza Tycoon PC-näytekuvia. Saatavissa
PC/Amiga. Valm. MicroProse. Esitelty MB 4/95.
33179 POWRGGFX.ZIP 1021489 14.04.1996 - - -
Power The Game -PC lisäkuvia.
Strategiapeli, valm. IBM.
32077 PROJX.ZIP 299616 05.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Projext-X Valm. Team 17
Testattu MB 1/95
33188 PSYDEGFX.ZIP 2343689 20.04.1996 - - -
Psychic Detective PC-lisäkuvia,
multimedia-etsiväpeli, valm. Electronic Arts
24146 PZCOMGFX.ZIP 5,1 Mt 09.07.1998 - - tupla
Panzer Commander PC-lisäkuvia Panssarivaunusimulaatio toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuen. SSI.
33213 R2-GFX.ZIP 728279 14.04.1996 - - -
Rise2: Resurrection -PC lisäkuvia
beat'em'up, valm. Mirage/Acclaim
33232 RAYMGFX.ZIP 951959 01.02.1996 - - -
Rayman - PC-lisäkuvia. Platform-peli, valm.
Ubi-Soft. Testattu MB 2/96, 89p.
33235 RCGFX.ZIP 231236 20.04.1996 - - -
Ring Cycle -PC lisäkuvia. Adventure. Valm.
33271 RF-P.ZIP 442625 22.08.1996 - - -
Return Fire - PC lisäkuvia, räiskintä, valm.
Time Warner.
33273 RIP-GFX.ZIP 631926 14.04.1996 - - -
Ripper -PC lisäkuvia.
Murhamysteeri/multimedia, valm. Gametek.
32093 RIPTIDE.ZIP 42073 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: In Search of Dr. Tiptide Share
Ware, valm. Pack Media Company Esitelty MB
12/94 MBnet-osiossaf
32094 ROA-STK.ZIP 567400 28.03.1995 - - -
Realms of Arkania: Star Trail PC-näytekuvia
Roolipeli, valm. Sir Tech Software/US Gold
Testattu MB 2/95 s. 65 88p.
33315 ROSTOVGF.ZIP 166183 03.12.1996 - - -
Rostov - PC lisäkuvia Strategia, Schwerpunkt.
33350 SC2KNE-G.ZIP 670471 16.10.1996 - - -
SimCity 2000 Network Edition PC-lisäkuvia,
verkko-bisnesstrategia, Maxis
33376 SCREAMG.ZIP 1064003 02.04.1996 - - -
I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream
-seikkailupelin kuvia. Cyberdreams.
32106 SENGGFX.ZIP 208156 07.11.1995 - - -
Amiga/PC lisäkuvia: Sensible Golf, valm.
Sensible Software. Testattu MB 8/95
23193 SENSI_I.LZH 98468 05.12.1994 - - -
Amiga/CD32 lisäkuvia: Sensible Soccer
International Edition (v1.2) Valm. Sensible
SOftware Testattu MB 10/94
23198 SFGFX.ZIP 269998 07.11.1995 - - -
Amiga lisäkuvia: Shadow Fighter
33437 SHELLSP.ZIP 306350 22.08.1996 - - -
Shellshock -PC lisäkuvia, tankkiräiskintä,
Core Design.
32120 SKELETK.LZH 1515900 28.03.1995 - - -
Skeleton Krew Amiga-näytekuvia
Räiskintäadventure. Valm. COre Design.
Testattu MB 3/95, s. 100, 80p.
32121 SKUNNYK.ZIP 42444 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Skunny Kart Share Ware Esitelty
MB 12/94 MBnet-osiossa
32133 SLIPSGFX.ZIP 625661 07.11.1995 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Slipstream 5000, valm. Gremlin,
testattu MB 8/95
32139 SP-GFX.ZIP 1968560 13.12.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Steel Panthers, strategiapeli,
valm. SSI.
33494 SP2GFX.ZIP 2420494 15.12.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers II PC-lisäkuvia Strategiapeli,
23208 SPERGFX.LZH 301171 14.02.1996 - - -
The Speris Legacy -Amiga lisäkuvia. Helppo
seikkailupeli, valm Team 17. Testattu MB 3/96
33520 SPYCRGFX.ZIP 86825 14.04.1996 - - -
Spycraft -PC lisäkuvia. Vakoojaseikkailu,
valm. Activision.
68645 SSN-GFX.ZIP 1455569 14.01.1997 - - tupla
Tom Clancy's SSN -PC lisäkuvia. Kevyt
32146 STARCRUS.ZIP 71896 05.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Star Crusader (CD) Valm.
Gametek Testattu MB 11/94
32151 SU27GFX.ZIP 276140 13.12.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: SU-27 Flanker. Venäläinen
lentosimulaattori Venäläisestä
ilmaherruushävittäjästä. Valm. SSI/
23220 SYNCGFX.ZIP 446624 07.11.1995 - - -
Amiga lisäkuvia: Syndicate CD32.
24147 TAGFX.ZIP 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - tupla
Team Apache PC-lisäkuvia Helikopterisimulaattori. Simis/Mindscape
32162 TBRAK.LZH 825634 28.03.1995 - - -
The Big Red Adventure -näytekuvia. Saatavissa
Amiga/PC/CD32. Esitelty MB 4/95.
32164 TCGFX.ZIP 367419 07.11.1995 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Tank Commander, valm. Domark.
Testattu MB 8/95
33667 TG-GFX.ZIP 910874 14.02.1996 - - -
Time Gate: Night's Chase PC-lisäkuvia
seikkailu, valm. Infogrames, testattu MB 3/96
23230 THECLUE.LZH 209518 05.12.1994 - - -
Amiga/PC/CD32/PC-ROM lisäkuvia: The Clue
Valm. Neo Software Testattu MB 12/94
33694 TILTGFX.ZIP 334164 01.02.1996 - - -
Tilt! - PC näytekuvia. Flipperi. Valm.
Virgin. Testattu MB 2/96 40p.
33700 TIMONPG.ZIP 1871228 09.05.1996 - - -
Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games PC-lisäkuvia,
lastenpeli, valm. Disney.
24148 TITANGFX.ZIP 632 kt 09.07.1998 - - tupla
Starship Titanic PC-lisäkuvia Seikkailupeli Douglas Adamsilta.
33717 TNNB96P.ZIP 191265 22.08.1996 - - -
TNN Outdoors Bass Tournament'96 PC-lisäkuvia,
32177 TOP.ZIP 58063 05.12.1994 - - -
PC Lisäkuvia: Tigers on the Prowl Valm. HPS
Simulations Testattu MB 11/94
32181 TPG2GFX.ZIP 891038 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: The Perfect General II, valm.
QQP. Testattu MB 9/95
33762 TWC-GFX.ZIP 1038975 12.06.1996 - - -
The War College -PC lisäkuvia, "Universal
Military Simulator 3", strategiapeli, valm.
23238 UBB.LZH 68840 05.12.1994 - - -
CD32 (+Amiga,PC) lisäkuvia: Ultimate Body
Blows Valm. Team 17 Testattu MB 10/94
23240 UCHESS.ZIP 115567 02.12.1994 - - -
Amiga lisäkuvia: UChess PD Esitelty MB 12/94
32191 USNFK.ZIP 277915 28.03.1995 - - -
U.S. Navy Fighters PC CD-ROM -näytekuvia
lentosimulaattori, valm. Electronic Arts
Testattu MB 3/95, s. 76, 94 p.
32197 VODGFX.ZIP 249920 07.11.1995 - - -
PC/Amiga lisäkuvia: Voyages of Discovery
32199 WACKYW.ZIP 51671 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Wacky Wheels Share Ware, valm.
Apogee Esitelty MB 12/94 MBnet-osiossa
32203 WARCRAK.ZIP 285117 28.03.1995 - - -
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans PC-näytekuvia kevyt
strategiapeli, valm. Blizzard/ Interplay.
Testattu MB 3/95 s77, 90p.
69901 WARH-GFX.ZIP 1038089 13.02.1996 - - tupla
Warhammer -PC lisäkuvia. Strategiapeli, valm.
Mindscape. Testattu MB 3/96
32208 WCARMA.ZIP 57566 05.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Wing Commander Armada Valm.
Origin Testattu MB 12/94
32209 WECOGFX.ZIP 572264 07.11.1995 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: werewolf vs comanche, valm.
Novalogic/US Gold. Testattu MB 11/95
32210 WH-GFX.ZIP 501823 14.12.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Witchhaven, 3D-räiskintä/
33867 WINGS3.ZIP 1204168 09.05.1996 - - -
Discovery Channel "Wings" lisäkuvia. Midway
To Hiroshima 1942-1945, Korea To Vietnam
1945-1975, Saigon To Persian Gulf 1975-1996,
ilmailun lähdeteoksia.
32215 WL2GFX.ZIP 577601 07.11.1995 - - -
PC-lisäkuvia: Warlords II Deluxe, valm. SSG.
Testattu MB 11/95
32224 WOGK.ZIP 693851 28.03.1995 - - -
Wings of Glory PC CD-ROM näytekuvia WWI
Lentosimulaattori, valm. Origin Testattu MB
32225 WOLF3D.ZIP 13883 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: Wolfenstein 3D V1.4 Share Ware,
valm. iD Software/Apogee Esitelty MB 12/94
32226 WORMSGFX.ZIP 559729 14.12.1995 - - -
PC/Amiga-lisäkuvia: Worms. Matoräiskintä,
valm. Team 17.
70155 WOW-GFX.ZIP 2680677 14.01.1997 - - tupla
Wages of War -PC lisäkuvia. Strategiapeli,
New World.
32232 XITK.LZH 302905 28.03.1995 - - -
X-It Amiga-näytekuvia. Puzzlepeli. Valm.
Psygnosis. Testattu MB 3/95, s.101, 74p.
32235 XWINGCD.ZIP 352407 02.12.1994 - - -
PC lisäkuvia: X-Wing Collector's CD-ROM valm.
LucasArts Testattu MB 1/95
60151 236-NBAE.ZIP 3951420 03.10.1996 - - -
NBA JAM Extreme ECTS96 showpackage with
AVI-demoanimation, pics and info. sports,
PC-CD, saturn, playstation, from Acclaim.
61560 BODYPARK.ZIP 856269 21.02.1996 - 1978/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 5.iso -
Bodypark-pelin interaktiivinen demo. Peli,
joka opettaa hauskasti ihmisen anatomiasta.
31800 BREAKTDE.ZIP 469701 22.09.1995 - - -
Breakthru! -demo. Tetris-tyyppinen puzzleilu.
Valm. MicroProse.
62171 CLXWRX.ZIP 1317483 07.02.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Clockwerxin pelattava demo
62273 CONNECTD.A01 3999289 12.06.1996 - - -
pelattava demo. Osa 2/7.
62274 CONNECTD.A02 3999374 12.06.1996 - - -
Connected. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/7.
62275 CONNECTD.A03 3999327 12.06.1996 - - -
Connected. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/7.
62276 CONNECTD.A04 3999384 12.06.1996 - - -
Connected. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/7.
62277 CONNECTD.A05 3999315 12.06.1996 - - -
Connected. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/7.
62278 CONNECTD.A06 2795178 12.06.1996 - - -
Connected. Pelattava demo. Osa 7/7.
62279 CONNECTD.ARJ 3999373 12.06.1996 - - -
Connections: Multimediaseikkailun/Puzzlepelin
pelattava demo. Osa 1/7.
31833 CREEPDEM.ZIP 418127 22.02.1995 - - -
Creepers Christmas Demo, pelattava 4-tasoinen
demoversio. Mainio puzzlepeli. Testattu MB
4/93. Valm. Psygnosis.
63107 DOSBODY.ZIP 1156457 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Body Insight for DOS demo from Informative Gr
Corporation, the authors of BodyWorks. Body I
a graphic educational software tool that enab
to explore the mystery of the human body from
out. Incredibly detailed and in-depth! Contai
full-color images and 10 animations. Check it
30445 DRIVEDEM.ZIP 466097 25.08.1995 - - -
10 out of 10 Driving Test, PC/Amiga/Mac
-opetusohjelman demoversio.
31894 ELFISHDE.ZIP 1207765 23.02.1995 - - -
El-Fish demo. Akvaariosimulaattori. Hauska
rentoutumisohjelma. Valm. Mindscape.
32252 ELFISHHS.ARJ 1367557 24.02.1996 - - -
El-Fish demo, rentouttava akvaario-
simulaattori jossa voi luoda omia kalojaan ja
akvaarioita. Nautinnollinen leluohjelma,
HIGH-RES versio, valm. Mindscape. LOW-RES
versio "elfishde.zip"
32304 F1DEMO.ZIP 3605736 16.10.1996 väärä koko Pelit CD 1997 -
Power F1 Playable Demo * Formula 1 racing
from Teque | Eidos Interactive. Req. DOS or
Windows, demo needs 16 MB final only 8.
32332 FARN12.ZIP 1407512 27.02.1996 - 12771/10000.zip -
Farnworth Funapack for Kids-lasten
huvittelupaketin interaktiivinen demo.
31916 FATIDEMO.ZIP 1397990 24.10.1995 - 10565/Giga_Games_2_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1995.iso -
Fatty Bear's Birthday Party, demo,
lastenpeli. Valm. Humongous Entertainment.
32409 FLIX.ZIP 2283575 27.02.1996 - 23646/PCGAMER16.bin -
Flix Mix limited playable Demo,
DOS/Win3/Win95 -compatible. Interesting
variation of puzzle-game genre.
29681 GSTORM11.ZIP 1087194 16.02.1996 - 18133/winsit03962.zip -
Gemstorm v1.10 by Malachite
Updated DEMO Version
The storm has come, and with it come falling
Gems.  Your job is to keep the Gems from
filling up the land.  Gemstorm is the most
addicting game of the 90's. Incredible
graphics, sound, and music make this game
unstoppable fun.
31953 HOYLECDE.ZIP 1216769 23.02.1995 - - -
Hoyle Classics - demo disk. Sierran koko
perheen hupipelejä.
31955 HURLDE.ZIP 1365796 16.11.1995 - - -
Hurl -pelattava shareware-demo. Valm.
24901 IZDPAL14.A01 1,4 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Iznogoud demo 2/10
24902 IZDPAL14.A02 1,4 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Iznogoud demo 3/10
24903 IZDPAL14.A03 1,4 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Iznogoud demo 4/10
24904 IZDPAL14.A04 1,4 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Iznogoud demo 5/10
24905 IZDPAL14.A05 1,4 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Iznogoud demo 6/10
24906 IZDPAL14.A06 1,4 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Iznogoud demo 7/10
24907 IZDPAL14.A07 1,4 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Iznogoud demo 8/10
24908 IZDPAL14.A08 1,4 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Iznogoud demo 9/10
24909 IZDPAL14.A09 731,5 kt 10.03.1998 - - -
Iznogoud demo 10/10
24910 IZDPAL14.ARJ 1,4 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Iznogoud Playable Demo Microids - From the creator of Asterix, Goscinny and the famous cartoonist Tabary. Famous cartoon character Iznogoud meets many interesting characters as he faces many challenges in his quest to become the new Sultan. 486/66, 8MB - Ahmed Ahne tasohyppelypeli!     1/10
32691 JRAVEN3.ZIP 6567835 25.04.1996 - - -
Jump Raven -CD-ROM räiskintäpelin
näyteanimaatio (.MOV). Cyberflix/Viacom.
31980 KO3DEMO.ZIP 1194404 11.05.1995 - 16138/PC Format Gold Collection3 1995.iso -
Kick off 3 jalkapallopelin pelattava demo.
31987 L2DEMO.ZIP 572117 24.02.1995 - - -
Lemmings 2 - The Tribes - pelattava demo.
Puzzle. Valm. Psygnosis.
31988 L3DEMO.ZIP 1131473 24.02.1995 - - -
All New World of Lemmings - pelattava demo.
31991 LEM3D-1.ZIP 730235 10.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Lemmings 3D  Pelattava 10 tason demo [1/6]
31992 LEM3D-2.ZIP 730254 10.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Lemmings 3D  Pelattava 10 tason demo [2/6]
31993 LEM3D-3.ZIP 730251 10.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Lemmings 3D  Pelattava 10 tason demo [3/6]
31994 LEM3D-4.ZIP 730228 10.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Lemmings 3D  Pelattava 10 tason demo [4/6]
31995 LEM3D-5.ZIP 730244 10.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Lemmings 3D  Pelattava 10 tason demo [5/6]
31996 LEM3D-6.ZIP 606596 10.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Lemmings 3D  Pelattava 10 tason demo [6/6]
32780 LIONDEMO.A01 3999502 19.05.1996 - - -
Lion demo 2/6
32781 LIONDEMO.A02 3999518 19.05.1996 - - -
Lion demo 3/6
32782 LIONDEMO.A03 3999414 19.05.1996 - - -
Lion demo 4/6
32783 LIONDEMO.A04 3999598 19.05.1996 - - -
Lion demo 5/6
32784 LIONDEMO.A05 3003880 19.05.1996 - - -
Lion demo 6/6
32785 LIONDEMO.ARJ 3999294 19.05.1996 - - -
"Lion" Demo, playable demo of the
Lion-wildlife game showing life of Lion in
wilderness. Sanctuary Woods. DOS/Windows.
32003 LT!DRIVE.ZIP 528747 28.03.1995 - - -
Driving School -demo
32824 MANSION.A01 3999343 11.06.1996 - - -
Masterpiece Mansion. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/3.
32825 MANSION.A02 2198379 11.06.1996 - - -
Masterpiece Mansion. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/3.
32826 MANSION.ARJ 3999344 11.06.1996 - - -
Masterpiece Mansion-puzzlepelin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/3.
32016 MAV-TRAN.ZIP 1449572 06.04.1995 - - -
Translinc demo!
32017 MAV-WOG1.ZIP 1140552 11.03.1995 - - -
Wrath of the Gods - Preview [1/2]
32018 MAV-WOG2.ZIP 715733 11.03.1995 - - -
Wrath of the Gods - Preview [2/2]
66180 MK3MOVIE.ZIP 1992358 18.03.1996 - - -
Kaksi Taistelunpätkää MOV-animaatioina Mortal
Kombat 3:sta.
32036 MPSDEMOI.ZIP 444412 16.11.1995 - - -
Itsepyöriviä demoja MicroProsen vanhoista
32048 ORIGDEMO.ZIP 692160 15.02.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Origamo pelattava demo - QQP -
Tetris-tyyppinen puzzlepeli.
30704 PLAYKITP.ZIP 5098192 23.10.1996 - - -
Playtoons Cartoon Creation Kit "all children
can be actors, directors and producers.Sierra
32079 PUTTMOON.ZIP 1438455 24.10.1995 - 10565/Giga_Games_2_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1995.iso -
Putt-Putt's Moon, Humongous Entertainmentin
herttaisen ja opettavaisenlastenpelin
32080 PUTTPARA.ZIP 1417777 24.10.1995 - 10565/Giga_Games_2_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1995.iso -
Putt-Putt Joins the Parade - herttaisen
lastenpelin demoversio. Humongous
33212 QWIRKS.ZIP 864665 05.03.1996 - - -
Aleksey Pajitnovin Qwirks-pelin pelattava
67748 RAMOVIE.A01 2999407 17.11.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert.
Esittelyanimaatio. Osa 2/5.
67749 RAMOVIE.A02 2999472 17.11.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer.: Red Alert.
Esittelyanimaatio. Osa 3/5.
67750 RAMOVIE.A03 2999396 17.11.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert.
Esittelyanimaatio. Osa 4/5.
67751 RAMOVIE.A04 2583276 17.11.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert.
Esittelyanimaatio. Osa 5/5.
67752 RAMOVIE.ARJ 2999425 17.11.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert.
Esittelyanimaatio. Osa 1/5.
33272 RIFLESDM.ZIP 4452930 18.04.1996 - - -
Age of Rifles - Wargame Construction Kit III
1848-1905, pelattava demo, SSI.
33317 RWDEMO10.ZIP 9567 23.10.1996 - - tupla
The 6th Byte Presents Red Worm Demo A Little
Puzzlegame for all  who do not like  those
'BIG GAMES' Just A Demo, Distribute
33345 SAVAGE-1.ZIP 3999975 22.04.1996 - - -
Savage-leijonapelin pelattava demo. Osa 1/2.
33346 SAVAGE-2.ZIP 3707670 22.04.1996 - - -
Savage-leijonapelin pelattava demo. Osa 2/2.
68308 SFATRAIL.A01 2999383 17.11.1996 - - -
Starfleet Academy Trailer. Osa 2/5.
68309 SFATRAIL.A02 2999304 17.11.1996 - - -
Starfleet Academy Trailer. Osa 3/5.
68310 SFATRAIL.A03 2999367 17.11.1996 - - -
Starfleet Academy Trailer. Osa 4/5.
68311 SFATRAIL.A04 2253448 17.11.1996 - - -
Starfleet Academy Trailer. Osa 5/5.
68312 SFATRAIL.ARJ 2999346 17.11.1996 - - -
Starfleet Academy Trailer. Näyteanimaatio
tulevasta Star Trek-pelistä. Osa 1/5.
32166 T-GFDEMO.ZIP 1139225 06.04.1995 - #Jope -
Girlfriend Liz (Interactive Demo)
(c) AideaLabs
33609 TANGCH-1.ZIP 3909268 02.04.1996 - - -
Tang Chi-Puzzlepelin pelattava demo. Osa 1/2.
33610 TANGCH-2.ZIP 3612765 02.04.1996 - - -
Tang Chi-puzzlepelin pelattava demo. Osa 2/2.
32172 TIM2DM.ZIP 1329395 26.01.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
The Incredible Machine II pelattava demo
puzzle - Sierra
32173 TIM3DEM1.ZIP 1373088 17.12.1995 - - -
The Incredible Machine 3, Sierra, (1/2)
32174 TIM3DEM2.ZIP 1440695 17.12.1995 - - -
The Incredible Machine 3, Sierra, (2/2)
32175 TIMDEMO.EXE 332561 19.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
The Incredible Machine from Sierra demo.
Solve puzzles by creating a machine with
bowling balls, basketballs, monkeys, mice,
pulleys, etc. Requires VGA. Supports most
sound boards, no PC speaker  support.
Playable. Self-extracting.
30885 TOMTOYXI.ZIP 1432861 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
15 neat fun Tommy's Toys concentrating on
board games with an alien touch.  For Earth
kids of all ages from 8-adult!  Awesome and
astounding, one whale of a lot of playtime
in one pak!  5 card game, 7 board game, and
2 word game programs, + a psychological toy!
Tommy's Toys: The Original Series works with
any DOS PC or clone, any monitor, no mouse
or joystick needed.
33753 TRCRDEMO.A01 3999400 26.08.1996 - - -
Tracer. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/3.
33754 TRCRDEMO.A02 100833 26.08.1996 - - -
Tracer. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/3.
33755 TRCRDEMO.ARJ 3999400 26.08.1996 - - -
Tracer-puzzlepelin pelattava demo. Osa 1/3.
32184 TRITRYD.ZIP 1380156 20.12.1995 - - -
Triryst playable demo, remove tiles from
rapidly animating game board in sets of 3 or
more. Fast, frantic and unpredictable, final
game supports network and modem play.
33784 UNDER.ZIP 1086194 22.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Under Pressure-puzzlepelin pelattava demo.
33794 UWARRIOR.A01 2999200 05.12.1996 - - -
Ultimate Warrior demo 2/3
33795 UWARRIOR.A02 2301030 05.12.1996 - - -
Ultimate Warrior demo 3/3
33796 UWARRIOR.ARJ 2999200 05.12.1996 - - -
Ultimate Warrior playable demo 1/3
Strategic weapons combat fighting game. Set
in the mid 14th century, your character
battles for the right to fight the evil
Warrior of Mukia. Although at first, it could
be mistaken for a typical fighting game, that
is far from the truth.
Req. P60/SVGA/8Mb/DOS
From AD Studios
32233 XMASDEMO.ZIP 155721 11.05.1995 - 26107/DKMMSAMP.iso -
Lemmings Christmas Editionin pelattava demo.
60213 3SKULLSD.A01 3999243 03.12.1996 - - -
3 Skulls of Toltecs demo 2/7
60214 3SKULLSD.A02 3999328 03.12.1996 - - -
3 Skulls of Toltecs demo 3/7
60215 3SKULLSD.A03 3999350 03.12.1996 - - -
3 Skulls of Toltecs demo 4/7
60216 3SKULLSD.A04 3999051 03.12.1996 - - -
3 Skulls of Toltecs demo 5/7
60217 3SKULLSD.A05 3998965 03.12.1996 - - -
3 Skulls of Toltecs demo 6/7
60218 3SKULLSD.A06 695755 03.12.1996 - - -
3 Skulls of Toltecs demo 7/7
60219 3SKULLSD.ARJ 3999003 03.12.1996 - - -
3 Skulls of the Toltecs (Fenimore Fillmore in
the...) Playable demo of an adventure game.
Windows 95 & DOS.
60344 AADEMO1.ZIP 7042566 27.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Armour&Amulets: 3D-roolipelin pelattava demo.
31733 ABSZERO.A01 1456341 22.09.1995 - - -
Absolute Zero -demo
31734 ABSZERO.A02 1456185 22.09.1995 - - -
Absolute Zero -demo
31735 ABSZERO.A03 1456210 22.09.1995 - - -
Absolute Zero -demo
31736 ABSZERO.A04 1456335 22.09.1995 - - -
Absolute Zero -demo
60368 ABSZERO.A05 1456210 22.09.1995 - - tupla
Absolute Zero -demo
31738 ABSZERO.A06 1456164 22.09.1995 - - -
Absolute ZERO -demo
31739 ABSZERO.A07 1456277 22.09.1995 - - -
Absolute ZERO -demo
31740 ABSZERO.A08 1456254 22.09.1995 - - -
Absolute ZERO -demo
31741 ABSZERO.A09 1269868 22.09.1995 - - -
Absolute Zero -demo
31742 ABSZERO.ARJ 1456042 22.09.1995 - - -
Absolute Zero -demoversio.
31745 AITD2D.ZIP 2694167 15.12.1995 - - -
Alone in the Dark 2 (aitd2) ei-pelattava
demo. Elokuvamainen kauhu-seikkailu, valm.
60572 ALBION-D.A01 3499234 31.07.1996 - - -
Albion demo 2/4
60573 ALBION-D.A02 3499291 31.07.1996 - - -
Albion demo 3/4
60574 ALBION-D.A03 1629975 31.07.1996 - - -
Albion demo 4/4
60575 ALBION-D.ARJ 3499241 31.07.1996 - - -
Albion - playable demo of Blue Byte's top
viewed adventure game. DOS/Win3.11/ Win95.
Demo version 1.37 English.
60613 ALINDEMO.ZIP 2924489 19.06.1996 - - -
Scrollaava demo Bloodmarquen Alien
31749 ALONEDRK.ZIP 731940 07.12.1994 - 21807/Pegasus_20.iso -
Alone In The Dark pelattava demo adventure
vlm. Infogrames Vaatii: VGA. Tukee AdLib, SB
60763 ANTHRO1.ZIP 1386697 18.03.1996 - - -
Anthrophobia: 3D-seikkailun pelattava demo.
Osa 1/2.
60764 ANTHRO2.ZIP 1363732 18.03.1996 - - -
Anthrophobia: 3D-seikkailun pelattava demo.
Osa 2/2.
60896 ARENADMO.ZIP 1820805 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Elder Scrolls: Arena, roolipelin pelattava
demo valm. Bethesda SOftworks.
61026 ATDEMO.EXE 5242560 21.02.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
Azrael's Tear: 3D-roolipelin pelattava demo.
61332 BERMUD-1.ZIP 4000003 05.03.1996 - - -
Bermuda Syndrome-toimintaseikkailun
pelattavan demon Light-versio. Osa 1/4.
61333 BERMUD-2.ZIP 3999998 05.03.1996 - - -
Bermuda Syndrome-toimintaseikkailun
pelattavan demon Light-versio. Osa 2/4.
61334 BERMUD-3.ZIP 3999962 05.03.1996 - - -
Bermuda Syndrome-toimintaseikkailun
pelattavan demon Light-versio. Osa 3/4.
61335 BERMUD-4.ZIP 1779954 05.03.1996 - - -
Bermuda Syndrome-toimintaseikkailun
pelattavan demon Light-versio. Osa 4/4.
61336 BERMUDM.A01 3999454 23.02.1996 - - -
Bermuda Syndrome 2/7
61337 BERMUDM.A02 3999253 23.02.1996 - - -
Bermuda Syndrome 3/7
61338 BERMUDM.A03 3999420 23.02.1996 - - -
Bermuda SYndrome 4/7
61339 BERMUDM.A04 3999199 23.02.1996 - - -
Bermuda Syndrome 5/7
61340 BERMUDM.A05 3999418 23.02.1996 - - -
Bermuda Syndrome 6/7
61341 BERMUDM.A06 1808268 23.02.1996 - - -
Bermuda Syndrome 7/7
61342 BERMUDM.ARJ 3999301 23.02.1996 - - -
The Bermuda Syndrome -pelattava demo.
Hieno sivusta kuvattu seikkailupeli,
valm. Century Interactive. 1/7
61441 BJACDEMO.ZIP 3254677 05.02.1996 - - -
Dust, tale of the Wired West. Black Jack
pelattava demo.
61445 BJDEMO14.ZIP 2099114 11.01.1996 - - -
Blind Justice-Scifiroolipelin pelattava demo.
Ota bjsound.zip jos haluat äänet/musiikit.
61451 BJSOUND.ZIP 1556098 11.01.1996 - 20796/PC Entertainment 1996 January.iso -
Blind Justice-Scifiroolipelin pelattavan
demon äänet/musiikit.
31792 BLDNETD.ZIP 1231165 16.11.1995 - - -
Bloodnet - pelattava demo. MicroProsen
goottissävyinen cyberpunkadventure.
61526 BLUEICE.A01 1439479 21.12.1996 - - -
Blue Ice pl. demo 2/4
61527 BLUEICE.A02 1439200 21.12.1996 - - -
Blue Ice pl. demo 3/4
61528 BLUEICE.A03 883467 21.12.1996 - - -
Blue Ice pl. demo 4/4
61529 BLUEICE.ARJ 1439147 21.12.1996 - - -
Blue Ice playable demo from Psygnosis
A tiny part of Blue Ice that enables you to
solve a small part of the puzzle. The demo
has no music and reduced sound effects. DOS
31798 BOS!FTTL.ZIP 791304 23.12.1994 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Full Throttle Preview
(c) Lucas Arts
31799 BRAIN.ZIP 742600 24.10.1995 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
Castle of Dr. Brain -demo. Puzzle. Valm.
Sierra On-Line.
61630 BRDLDEMO.A01 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Birthright. Ei-pelattava demo. Osa 2/4.
61631 BRDLDEMO.A02 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Birthright. Ei-pelattava demo. Osa 3/4.
61632 BRDLDEMO.A03 1798684 27.10.1996 - - -
Birthright. Ei-pelattava demo. Osa 4/4.
61633 BRDLDEMO.ARJ 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Birthright. Ei-pelattava demo. Osa 1/4.
61724 BUDNET.ZIP 4545168 19.05.1996 - - -
Bud Tucker in Real Trouble-seikkailupelin
ei-pelattava demo. Domark.
30356 BUDTUCKR.ZIP 3146494 20.12.1995 - - -
Bud Tucker Showreel, slick cartoon adventure
like a cross between Day of the Tentacle and
Full Throttle. Non-playable.
61736 BUREAU13.ZIP 3220202 21.01.1996 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Gametekin Bureau 13-Seikkailun pelattava
31830 CLOUDXDE.ZIP 2542779 16.02.1995 - - -
Might & Magic IV : CLouds of Xeen demo
roolipeli - New World Computing
62316 COTS-NPD.A01 3999433 27.04.1996 - - -
Chronicles of the Sword -preview 2/5
62317 COTS-NPD.A02 3999514 27.04.1996 - - -
Chronicles of the Sword -preview 3/5
62318 COTS-NPD.A03 3999399 27.04.1996 - - -
Chronicles of the Sword -preview 4/5
62319 COTS-NPD.A04 3873607 27.04.1996 - - -
Chronicles of the Sword -preview 5/5
62320 COTS-NPD.ARJ 3999300 27.04.1996 - - -
Chronicles of the Sword - non-playable
preview. "Set in the early years of Camelot,
player takes on persona of Gawain, heroic
Knight of the Round Table. You must aid the
court in it's defear of evil within." *
Absolutely stunning graphics with high
attention to detail. * Amazing animated 3D
rendered characters, environments and
effects. * 100 + Fully rendered locations to
explore based on archaeological excavations.
* Fully Interactive using Movie style cinema
31834 CRONOPRE.A01 3999332 20.12.1995 - - -
Chronomaster preview
31835 CRONOPRE.A02 3999282 20.12.1995 - - -
Chronomaster preview
31836 CRONOPRE.A03 3999541 20.12.1995 - - -
Chronomaster preview
31837 CRONOPRE.A04 2553212 20.12.1995 - - -
Chronomaster preview
31838 CRONOPRE.ARJ 3999304 20.12.1995 - - -
Chronomaster Preview, ei-pelattava esittely
Dreamforge Entertainmentin
avaruusseikkailusta. Julkaisee Capstone.
62557 D-MOVIE.ZIP 4417578 30.07.1996 - - -
D - the CD-ROM adventure game in footsteps of
7th Guest from Acclaim - MOV format
demoanimation. "d"
62596 DAGDEMO1.ZIP 5377416 19.12.1995 - 17102/TEKNO 1-1997.iso -
Elder Scrolls: Arenan jatko osa
Daggerfall. Osa 1/2
62597 DAGDEMO2.ZIP 4716571 20.12.1995 - 17102/TEKNO 1-1997.iso -
Elder Scrolls: Arenan jatko-osan Daggerfallin
pelattava demo. Osa 2/2.
62598 DAGDMO2.A01 2999200 03.12.1996 - - -
Daggerfall demo 2 2/6
62599 DAGDMO2.A02 2999200 03.12.1996 - - -
Daggerfall demo 2 3/6
62600 DAGDMO2.A03 2999514 03.12.1996 - - -
Daggerfall demo 2 4/6
62601 DAGDMO2.A04 2999200 03.12.1996 - - -
Daggerfall demo 2 5/6
62602 DAGDMO2.A05 1378757 03.12.1996 - - -
Daggerfall demo 2 6/6
62603 DAGDMO2.ARJ 2999537 03.12.1996 - - -
Daggerfall * NEW playable demo.
RPG - Bethesda Softworks.
"Daggerfall is the second chapter in the
award-winning computer role playing series,
The Elder Scrolls, and surpasses the standard
set by the first chapter, The Elder Scross:
Arena". 1/6
62609 DAMEDEMO.A01 2999297 30.11.1995 - - tupla
Preview of THE DAME WAS LOADED, non
playable new adventure game with huge
load of videostuff. MSDOS. Coming out
late 95/early 96. Comical detective
62610 DAMEDEMO.A02 2999429 30.11.1995 - - tupla
Preview of THE DAME WAS LOADED, non
playable new adventure game with huge
load of videostuff. MSDOS. Coming out
late 95/early 96.
31848 DAMEDEMO.A03 2999322 29.11.1995 - - -
Preview of THE DAME WAS LOADED, non
playable new adventure game with huge
load of videostuff. MSDOS. Coming out
late 95/early 96.
31849 DAMEDEMO.A04 1505523 29.11.1995 - - -
Preview of THE DAME WAS LOADED, non
playable new adventure game with huge
load of videostuff. MSDOS. Coming out
late 95/early 96.
31850 DAMEDEMO.ARJ 2999204 29.11.1995 - - -
Preview of THE DAME WAS LOADED, non
playable new adventure game with huge
load of videostuff. MSDOS. Coming out
late 95/early 96.
31852 DARKD.ZIP 1345113 16.11.1995 - - -
Darklands VGA animated demo from MicroProse.
31853 DARKSUN.ZIP 1467375 16.05.1995 - 10564/Giga Games.iso -
Darksun,Shattered Lands-roolipelin demo.
31854 DARKXEDE.ZIP 2835245 16.02.1995 - - -
Might & Magic - Darkside of Xeen demo.
Roolipeli. New World Computing.
62825 DFALLDEM.A01 2999362 02.10.1996 - - -
Arena 2: Daggerfall-roolipelin uudempi
pelattava demo. Osa 2/5.
62826 DFALLDEM.A02 2999326 02.10.1996 - - -
Arena 2: Daggerfall-roolipelin uudempi
pelattava demo. Osa 3/4.
62827 DFALLDEM.A03 2999325 02.10.1996 - - -
Arena 2: daggerfall-roolipelin uudempi
pelattava demo. Osa 4/5.
62828 DFALLDEM.A04 1914278 02.10.1996 - - -
Arena 2: Daggerfall-roolipelin uudempi
pelattava demo. Osa 5/5.
62829 DFALLDEM.ARJ 2999334 02.10.1996 - - -
Arena 2: Daggerfall-roolipelin uudempi
pelattaba demo. Osa 1/5.
62855 DIABDEMO.A01 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 2/24.
62856 DIABDEMO.A02 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 3/24.
62857 DIABDEMO.A03 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 4/24.
62858 DIABDEMO.A04 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 5/24.
62859 DIABDEMO.A05 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 6/24.
62860 DIABDEMO.A06 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 7/24.
62861 DIABDEMO.A07 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 8/24.
62862 DIABDEMO.A08 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 9/24.
62863 DIABDEMO.A09 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 10/24.
62864 DIABDEMO.A10 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 11/24.
62865 DIABDEMO.A11 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 12/24.
62866 DIABDEMO.A12 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 13/24.
62867 DIABDEMO.A13 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 14/24.
62868 DIABDEMO.A14 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 15/24.
62869 DIABDEMO.A15 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 16/24.
62870 DIABDEMO.A16 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 17/24.
62871 DIABDEMO.A17 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 18/24.
62872 DIABDEMO.A18 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 19/24.
62873 DIABDEMO.A19 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 20/24.
62874 DIABDEMO.A20 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 21/24.
62875 DIABDEMO.A21 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 22/24.
62876 DIABDEMO.A22 2999400 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 23/24.
62877 DIABDEMO.A23 364238 25.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Part 24/24.
62878 DIABDEMO.ARJ 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Diablo Pre-release demo. Playable demo of a
stunning role-playing game from Blizzard.
Part 1/24.
63010 DK-DEM.A01 2999200 24.01.1996 - - -
Dungeon Keeper - ei pelattava demo,
Bullfrogin vaikuttava Gauntler-vaikutteinen
luola-action adventure. 2/5
63011 DK-DEM.A02 2999200 24.01.1996 - - -
Dungeon Keeper - ei pelattava demo,
Bullfrogin vaikuttava Gauntler-vaikutteinen
luola-action adventure. 3/5
63012 DK-DEM.A03 2999200 24.01.1996 - - -
Dungeon Keeper - ei pelattava demo,
Bullfrogin vaikuttava Gauntler-vaikutteinen
luola-action adventure. 4/5
63013 DK-DEM.A04 2761317 24.01.1996 - - -
Dungeon Keeper - ei pelattava demo,
Bullfrogin vaikuttava Gauntler-vaikutteinen
luola-action adventure. 5/5
63014 DK-DEM.ARJ 2999547 24.01.1996 - - -
Dungeon Keeper - ei pelattava demo,
Bullfrogin vaikuttava Gauntler-vaikutteinen
luola-action adventure. 1/5
31876 DM2.ZIP 1571215 24.03.1995 - 16138/PC Format Gold Collection3 1995.iso -
Dungeon Master II: Skullkeepin demo
31881 DOTTDEMO.ZIP 1004286 07.12.1994 - gamers.org -
Day of the Tentacle, ei-pelattava demo.
Adventure Valm. Lucasarts
31883 DRAGSPHR.ZIP 1394400 07.01.1995 - - -
Dragonsphere -interaktiivinen demo adventure
63188 DRUIDD.A01 3499483 27.02.1996 - - -
Druid - Daemons of the Mind 2/5
63189 DRUIDD.A02 3499380 27.02.1996 - - -
Druid - Daemons of the Mind 3/5
63190 DRUIDD.A03 3499413 27.02.1996 - - -
Druid - Daemons of the Mind 4/5
63191 DRUIDD.A04 2846382 27.02.1996 - - -
Druid - Daemons of the Mind 5/5
63192 DRUIDD.ARJ 3499375 27.02.1996 - - -
Druid - Daemons of the Mind, a playable,
interactive demo of the 3D isometric
adventure game with excellent graphcis.
made by Sir-Tech Software. 1/5
31887 DSDEMO.ZIP 904453 24.02.1995 - - -
Dark Seed - sneak preview. Kauhu- adventure.
Valm. Cyberdreams/Mirage.
63265 DUSTHEX.ZIP 3604585 10.02.1996 - - -
DreamFactory-Tale of Wired West, hex-osan
pelattava demo.
63268 DUSTSLOT.ZIP 2882691 12.02.1996 - - -
Dust: Tale of Wired West, Jackpot-osan
pelattava demo.
63269 DUSTTARG.ZIP 2542118 14.02.1996 - - -
Dust: Tale of the Wired West-pelin
Tarkkuusammuntaosuuden pelattava demo.
31890 DWDEMO.ZIP 1316383 24.03.1995 - - -
Discworld-seikkailupelin pelattava demo.
Terry Prachettin romaanisarjaan perustuvan
seikkailupelin maistiainen.
31892 ECODEM.ZIP 780048 24.10.1995 - 14529/mediashare7.zip -
EcoQuest I Demo by Sierra - From Sierra BBS
EcoQuest is Sierra On-Line's new enviromental
32263 ENTOMOD.A01 4999545 19.02.1996 - - -
Entomorph pel. demo 2/6
32264 ENTOMOD.A02 4999200 20.02.1996 - - -
Entomorph demo 3/6
32265 ENTOMOD.A03 4999200 19.02.1996 - - -
Entomorph demo 4/6
32266 ENTOMOD.A04 4999200 19.02.1996 - - -
Entomorph demo 5/6
32267 ENTOMOD.A05 1224775 19.02.1996 - - -
Entomorph demo 6/6
32268 ENTOMOD.ARJ 4999483 19.02.1996 - - -
Entomorph - Plague of the Downfall,
"World of Adven" sarjaan kuuluvan seikkailu/
roolipelin pelattava demo. Valm. SSI.
(huom: peli on Win3/95, demo DOSille)
31899 EOB2DEMO.ZIP 429582 24.10.1995 - 10565/Giga_Games_2_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1995.iso -
Eye of the Beholder II - The Darkmoon
ei-pelattava demo. Roolipeli. Valm.
31900 EOB3DEMO.ZIP 1878328 24.10.1995 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Eye of the Beholder III demo. SSI.
31908 F2BDEMO.ARJ 2996061 16.11.1995 - - -
Fade To Black -pelattava demo. Valm. Delphine
31915 FATEDEM2.ZIP 818004 15.12.1995 - - -
Indiana Jones and the Fate of the Atlantis,
pelattava demo V2 LucasArts Gamesilta.
64053 FATEDEMO.ZIP 778157 26.01.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Indiana Jones and the Fate of the Atlantis
pelattava demo Adventure LucasArts Games
32340 FBCDDEMO.A01 3999421 30.04.1996 - - -
Fade to Black: Isompi pelattava demo. Osa
32341 FBCDDEMO.A02 3999421 30.04.1996 - - -
Fade to Black: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
32342 FBCDDEMO.A03 3999434 30.04.1996 - - -
Fade to Black: Isompi pelattava demo. Osa
32343 FBCDDEMO.A04 3999417 30.04.1996 - - -
Fade to Black: Isompi pelattava demo. Osa
32344 FBCDDEMO.A05 3999369 30.04.1996 - - -
Fade to Black: Isompi pelattava demo. Osa
32345 FBCDDEMO.A06 3999448 30.04.1996 - - -
Fade to Black: Isompi pelattava demo. Osa
32346 FBCDDEMO.A07 3999448 30.04.1996 - - -
Fade to Black: Isompi pelattava demo. Osa
32347 FBCDDEMO.A08 3011751 30.04.1996 - - -
Fade to Black: Isompi pelattava demo. Osa
32348 FBCDDEMO.ARJ 3999422 30.04.1996 - - -
Fade to Black-toimintapelinpelin isompi
pelattava demo. Sisältää mm. alkudemon. Osa
31921 FOA-DEMO.ZIP 1111270 10.04.1995 - - -
Flight of the Amazon Queen - Playable Preview
32430 FOZDEMO.EXE 2697413 18.04.1996 - 21528/DEMO80.bin -
Muppet Show-lastenpelin pelattava demo, jossa
yritetään estää yleisön heittämiä mätiä
tomaatteja, munia sun muita osumasta
tanssivaan karhuun.
31922 FREDDEMO.EXE 1307614 17.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Freddy Pharkas: Frontier Pharmacist
pelattava demo. Vaatii VGA, tukee
useimpia äänikortteja.
Valm. Sierra
32450 GB4-1.ZIP 1455877 09.02.1996 - - -
32451 GB4-2.ZIP 1458345 09.02.1996 - - -
32452 GB4-3.ZIP 1406583 09.02.1996 - - -
32456 GENEDEMO.A01 4999528 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 2/13
32457 GENEDEMO.A02 4999200 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 3/13
32458 GENEDEMO.A03 4999200 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 4/13
32459 GENEDEMO.A04 4999596 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 5/13
32460 GENEDEMO.A05 4999485 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 6/13
32461 GENEDEMO.A06 4999269 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 7/13
32462 GENEDEMO.A07 4999262 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 8/13
32463 GENEDEMO.A08 4999443 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 9/13
32464 GENEDEMO.A09 4999440 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 10/13
32465 GENEDEMO.A10 4999450 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 11/13
32466 GENEDEMO.A11 4999405 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 12/13
32467 GENEDEMO.A12 2117982 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine demo 13/13
32468 GENEDEMO.ARJ 4999501 02.07.1996 - - -
The Gene Machine - playable demo
Beautiful graphical adventure set in
19th century Britain, with different
cartoon-stylish match.
Req. 486/66*SVGA*8 Mb RAM.
From Vic Tokai/VIRGIN
32486 GK2DEMO.A01 3999380 06.05.1996 - - -
Gabriel Knight 2: Demo. Osa 2/5.
32487 GK2DEMO.A02 3999369 06.05.1996 - - -
Gabriel Knight 2: Demo. Osa 3/5.
32488 GK2DEMO.A03 3999345 06.05.1996 - - -
Gabriel Knight 2: Demo. Osa 4/5.
32489 GK2DEMO.A04 2016974 06.05.1996 - - -
Gabriel Knight 2: Demo. Osa 5/5.
32490 GK2DEMO.ARJ 3999378 06.05.1996 - - -
Gabriel Knight 2: Demo. Sisältää Trailerin ja
Slideshown. Osa 1/5.
31929 GOBL3DEM.ZIP 2078387 23.02.1995 - - -
Goblins 3 -pelattava demo. Hauska puzzlepeli.
Obs: ranskankielinen, mutta täysin
ymmärrettävä. Valm. Coktel Vision/Sierra.
31930 GOBLIND.ZIP 788575 26.01.1995 - - -
Goblins demo adventure/puzzle Sierra
31933 GUILTYD.ZIP 4816427 25.08.1995 - - -
Guilty - pelattava demo. Jatko-osa Innocent
Until Guiltyyn. Adventure. Valm. Psygnosis.
31935 HACKDEMO.ZIP 919199 17.12.1994 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Forgotten Realms: Dungeon Hack
Pelattava demo. Vaatii VGA, tukee useimpia
äänikortteja.  AD&D luolastopeli.
Valm. SSI
32574 HODTEASE.A01 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Heart Of Darkness Teaser. Ohjelma, joka
esittelee Virginin Heart of Darkness-pelin.
Osa 2/6.
32575 HODTEASE.A02 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Heart Of Darkness Teaser. Ohjelma, joka
esittelee Virginin Heart of Darkness-peliä.
Osa 3/6.
32576 HODTEASE.A03 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Heart Of Darkness Teaser. Ohjelma, joka
esittelee Virginin Heart of Darkness-peliä.
Osa 4/6.
32577 HODTEASE.A04 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Heart Of Darkness Teaser. Ohjelma, joka
esittelee Virginin Heart of Darkness-peliä.
Osa 5/6.
32578 HODTEASE.A05 752942 05.02.1996 - - -
Heart Of Darkness Teaser. Ohjelma, joka
esittelee Virginin Heart of Darkness-peliä.
Osa 6/6.
32579 HODTEASE.ARJ 1457064 05.02.1996 - - -
Heart of Darkness Teaser. Ohjelma, joka
esittelee Virginin Heart of Darkness-peliä.
Osa 1/6.
31960 INCADEMO.ZIP 3878373 24.10.1995 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Inca - ei pelattava demo. Valm. Coktel
31961 INHERDEM.ZIP 1332400 16.02.1995 - - -
Inherit the Earth - Quest for the Orb demo.
Adventure. Kauniin adventuren esittelyversio.
MikroBitissä kehuttu. New World Computing.
31966 ISHAR3.ZIP 1119508 18.04.1995 - 16162/PC Format Ultimate PC Games Collection (Future Publishing).ISO -
ISHAR 3 by Silmarils. - Huippusuositun
RPG-sarjan viimeisin jännittävä osa tässä
valtaisassa demossa. - EOB aikojen jälkeen
yksi parhaista seikkailuista. -
31968 ITSCDEMO.ZIP 3442663 17.11.1995 - - -
Into The Shadows - character demonstration.
From Triton.
24911 JACKDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
Jack Orlando demo 2/5
24912 JACKDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
Jack Orlando demo 3/5
24913 JACKDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
Jack Orlando demo 4/5
24914 JACKDEMO.A04 2,5 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
Jack Orlando demo 5/5
24915 JACKDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
"Jack Orlando demo from TopWare A sweeping adventure hand-drawn by the industrys best animators. High resolution display with smooth scrolling and over 65000 colors. You solve the mystery in a plot full of twistshumor and surprises. Intelligently written dialog with over 100 charactersspoken by professional actors. Hundreds of fast movingever-changing scenes-from. Requires DOS8 MBSVGA."
31981 KRONDOR.ZIP 1387348 17.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Betrayal at Krondor
Puolipelattava demo.
Valm. Dynamix/Sierra
31982 KXDEMO-1.ZIP 1415572 30.01.1995 - - -
Knights of Xentar Demo 1 of 3   - Brought to
31983 KXDEMO-2.ZIP 922395 30.01.1995 - - -
Knights of Xentar Demo 2 of 3  Optional Voick
Disk 1 of 2   - Brought to you by RTS
31984 KXDEMO-3.ZIP 1196655 30.01.1995 - - -
Knights of Xentar Demo 3 of 3  Optional Voick
Disk 2 of 2   - Brought to you by RTS
32741 KXDEMO1.EXE 1427195 22.04.1996 - - -
Knight's of the Xentar-pelin ei-pelattava
31986 KYRANDIA.EXE 490837 17.12.1994 - 18004/Walnut_Creek_Sampler_44_CDROMs_to_Try_Walnut_Creek_January_1995.iso -
Legend of Kyrandia.
Ei-pelattava demo.
Adventure. Valm. Westwood Studios
31989 LAURA2DE.ZIP 870444 24.02.1995 - - -
Laura Bow II -demo. Adventure. Valm. Sierra.
31990 LBA.ZIP 3658398 15.02.1995 - - eritupla
Little Big Adventure - pelattava demo - EOA.
32771 LIGHTDM.A01 3999166 18.05.1996 - - -
Lighthouse demo 2/6
32772 LIGHTDM.A02 3999224 18.05.1996 - - -
Lighthouse demo 3/6
32773 LIGHTDM.A03 3998951 18.05.1996 - - -
Lighthouse demo 4/6
32774 LIGHTDM.A04 3999388 18.05.1996 - - -
Lighthouse demo 5/6
32775 LIGHTDM.A05 253407 18.05.1996 - - -
Lighthouse demo 6/6
32776 LIGHTDM.ARJ 3999096 18.05.1996 - - -
Lighthouse -ei pelattava demo,
fantastinen seikkailu toisiin ulottuvuuksiin
valm. Sierra.
32000 LOLDEMO.ZIP 1383258 24.02.1995 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Lands of Lore - The Throne of Chaos -demo.
Adventure. Valm. Westwood/Virgin
32799 LOLG-E3.ZIP 1152388 30.06.1996 - - -
showpackage. "The follow-up to the critically
acclaimed LANDS of Lore: THE Throne of
Chaos', available on PC CD-ROM in late '96."
32804 LSL1DEMO.ZIP 461649 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Leisure Suit Larry I VGA pel. demo.
32805 LSL2DEMO.ZIP 215713 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Leisure Suit Larry II -demo.
32806 LSL5DEMO.ZIP 638895 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Leisure Suit Larry 5 pelattava demo.
32822 MAGIC2D.ZIP 1736198 09.02.1996 - - -
THE MAGIC CANDLE II -roolipelin pelattava
demo. Valm. MindCraft.
32008 MANENOGH.ZIP 1646180 24.02.1995 - - -
Man Enough - katseltava demoversio.
"Sosiaalinen adventure", jossa rahtaat naisia
treffeille. Testattu MB 2/94. Valm. Tsunami.
32021 MENZODEM.ZIP 5390308 16.02.1995 - - -
Menzoberranean demo - roolipeli - testattu MB
2/95. SSI.
32032 MM3DEMO.ZIP 1134280 16.02.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Might & Magic III demo. Roolipeli. New World
32906 MOJODEMO.ZIP 3714614 20.04.1996 - 24069/2001-04_-_Disc_7.1.iso -
BadMojo: SVGA-seikkailupelin pelattava demo.
32034 MOMAGIC.ZIP 1431533 13.01.1995 - - -
Master of Magic pelattava demo
fantasia-strategia MicroProse
32040 MTG_DEMO.ZIP 3111103 31.05.1995 - - -
Magic: The Gathering
Non-playable preview, MicroProse
32041 MTII.ZIP 367246 16.11.1995 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Megatraveller II demo. Roolipeli.
32976 NEMWIZD.ZIP 5444365 25.06.1996 - - -
showpackage * non playable demo. "combination
of role-playing and adventure, not to mention
the single character "party" and real-time
combat." Sirtech Software.
66615 NORME3DE.A01 3999079 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 2/15
66616 NORME3DE.A02 3999471 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 3/15
66617 NORME3DE.A03 3999421 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 4/15
66618 NORME3DE.A04 3999512 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 5/15
66619 NORME3DE.A05 3999452 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 6/15
66620 NORME3DE.A06 3999255 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 7/15
66621 NORME3DE.A07 3999406 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 8/15
66622 NORME3DE.A08 3999496 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 9/15
66623 NORME3DE.A09 3999443 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 10/15
66624 NORME3DE.A10 3999492 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 11/15
66625 NORME3DE.A11 3999453 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 12/15
66626 NORME3DE.A12 3999434 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 13/15
66627 NORME3DE.A13 3999435 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 14/15
66628 NORME3DE.A14 2808371 01.07.1996 - - -
Normality demo 15/15
66629 NORME3DE.ARJ 3999346 01.07.1996 - - -
NORMALITY DEMO - playable & looping. 3D-first
person adventure, requires 486/66 * 8 Mb RAM.
"You are Kent,our abnormal hero, and you must
use your wits to outwit Norm Police and save
Neutropolis." Interplay.    1/15
33032 NORMINCD.ARJ 3161254 18.04.1996 - - -
Normality Inc. playable one level demo.
Gremlin Interactive Ltd.
32047 OGI_LOK.ZIP 277909 24.02.1995 - - -
Legend of Kyrandia III demo.
33078 ORIONBU.A01 3999316 11.06.1996 - - -
Orion Burger. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/7.
33079 ORIONBU.A02 3999323 11.06.1996 - - -
Orion Burger. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/7.
33080 ORIONBU.A03 3999359 11.06.1996 - - -
Orion Burger. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/7.
33081 ORIONBU.A04 3999384 11.06.1996 - - -
Orion Burger. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/7.
33082 ORIONBU.A05 3999304 11.06.1996 - - -
Orion Burger. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/7.
33083 ORIONBU.A06 419010 11.06.1996 - - -
Orion Burger. Pelattava demo. Osa 7/7.
33084 ORIONBU.ARJ 3999348 11.06.1996 - - -
Orion Burger-seikkailupelin pelattava demo.
Osa 1/7.
33107 PAG.ZIP 91787 24.02.1996 - 13109/Games to Treasure - Disc 2.iso -
Mission's End, A Personalized Adventure
Sample by L.R. Nogg a playable demo of what
an adventure with your and your friends'
names compiled in would look like
32055 PCF_INT.ZIP 688256 06.05.1995 - 15743/PC Format CD-ROM Collection Number 12 (Future Publishing) (April 1995).bin -
PC Formatin James Binns menee pelihahmon
muodossa kyselemään,miten Flight to the
Amazon Queen tehtiin.
32061 PHANTDEM.ZIP 988634 21.03.1995 - - -
Return of the Phantom -demo. Adventure. Valm.
33204 PYSTPICS.ZIP 97097 23.10.1996 - - -
PYST * Four Million People Have Trashed The
Island...Now It's Your Turn.  interactive
parody inspired by the best-selling PC
adventure game of all time. Parroty
33205 PYTHOND.ZIP 3110750 09.02.1996 - - -
Monty Python's Flying Circus:
Complete Waste Of Time -demo.
32083 QG4DEMO.EXE 1169983 19.12.1994 - 21808/Pegasus_30.iso -
Quest for Glory 4 from Sierra
Non-playable demo of graphics adventure with
strategic or real-time combat.
Requires VGA, supports sound cards.
33206 QINDEMO.A01 3999329 28.08.1996 - - -
Qin - demo 2/5
33207 QINDEMO.A02 3999511 28.08.1996 - - -
Qin - demo 3/5
33208 QINDEMO.A03 3999355 28.08.1996 - - -
Qin - demo 4/5
33209 QINDEMO.A04 3267058 28.08.1996 - - -
Qin - demo 5/5
33210 QINDEMO.ARJ 3999294 28.08.1996 - - -
Qin - Tomb of the Middle Kingdom
"Myst like 3D rendered SVGA adventure with
slide show like interface".
Non-playable interactive demo,
published by Time Warner.
33227 RAVEN1-3.ZIP 1287040 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Ravenloft Demo v2.0
Roolipeli, Valm. SSI. 1/3
33228 RAVEN2-3.ZIP 1124191 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Ravenloft Demo v2.0
Roolipeli, Valm. SSI. 2/3
33229 RAVEN3-3.ZIP 1423238 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Ravenloft Demo v2.0
Roolipeli, Valm. SSI. 3/3
33246 REDHELL.ZIP 881808 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Red Hell -seikkailupelin demo.
33263 RETURNZO.ZIP 1329045 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Non-interactive Demo to the new game from
Activision/Infocom - Return to Zork.  This
game will be available in the Summer of 93.
33264 REXNEB.ZIP 1160854 09.02.1996 - 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-385-Vol-1of3.iso -
BENDER - humoristisen seikkailupelin
pelattava demo. Valm. MicroProse.
32092 RINGWDEM.ZIP 900412 21.03.1995 - - -
Ringworld - revenge of the patriarch.
SciFi-Adventure. Valm. Tsunami. Testattu MB
33283 RITESDM1.EXE 1411726 08.01.1996 - 11921/ftp.interplay.com.zip -
Star Trek - Judgement Ritesin preview. Osa
33284 RITESDM2.EXE 1471887 08.01.1996 - 11921/ftp.interplay.com.zip -
Star Trek - Judgement Ritesin preview. Osa
33307 ROBINSON.ZIP 2411637 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Robinsons Requim -seikkailupelin
pel. demo.
33313 ROMEDEMO.ZIP 303864 24.02.1996 - 1209/MonkeyAudio 06-1994.iso -
Rome - Pathway To Power demo, an isometric
adventure game from Maxis.
33321 S201D.ZIP 697900 09.02.1996 - - -
Spellcasting 201 (s201) -demo.
Tekstiseikkailu/adventure, valm. Legend.
32099 SAMNMAX.A01 2999309 01.12.1995 - - -
Sam'n'Max -pelattava demo.
68151 SAMNMAX.A02 2904699 02.12.1995 - - tupla
Sam'n'Max -pelattava demo. LucasArtsin
muikea seikkailupeli etsiväkaksikon
pöljäilyistä pitkin ameriikanhampurilaista.
32101 SAMNMAX.ARJ 2999385 01.12.1995 - - -
Sam'n'Max -pelattava demo. LucasArtsin
muikea seikkailupeli etsiväkaksikon
pöljäilyistä pitkin ameriikanhampurilaista.
68348 SHERO.ZIP 582264 27.01.1995 - - tupla
Superhero League of Hoboken demo Steve
Meretzky Adventure Legend
32113 SHOKDEMO.ZIP 2795519 26.01.1995 repacked Pelit CD 1999 -
System Shock pelattava demo
Adventure/roolipeli Origin/EOA
68399 SIMON2CD.A01 3999324 05.05.1996 - - -
Simon Sorcerer 2: CD-pelattava demo. Osa 2/4.
68400 SIMON2CD.A02 3999367 05.05.1996 - - -
Simon Sorcerer 2: CD-pelattava demo. Osa 3/4.
68401 SIMON2CD.A03 3435880 05.05.1996 - - -
Simon Sorcerer 2: CD-pelattava demo. Osa 4/4.
68402 SIMON2CD.ARJ 3999323 05.05.1996 - - -
Simon Sorcerer 2-seikkailupelin CD-version
pelattava demo. Sisältää mm. alkuanimaation
ja digitoitua puhetta. Osa 1/4.
32115 SIMON2D.A01 3999102 16.11.1995 - - -
Simon The Sorcerer II -demo.
32116 SIMON2D.A02 3999228 16.11.1995 - - -
Simon The Sorcerer II -demo
32117 SIMON2D.A03 3496538 16.11.1995 - - -
Simon The Sorcerer II -demo
32118 SIMON2D.ARJ 3999151 16.11.1995 - - -
Simon The Sorcerer II -pelattava demo.
AdventureSoftin loistavan adventuren
jatko-osa nuoren taikurioppilaan elämästä
taikurikoulun penkillä.
32119 SIMONDE.ZIP 614376 24.02.1995 - - -
Simon The Sorcerer - pelattava demo
Viehättävä adventure, testattu MB 5 & 12 /
1993 ja 2/1994. AdventureSoft.
68519 SORDEMO.A01 3999672 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo  x/22
68520 SORDEMO.A02 3999670 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo  x/22
68521 SORDEMO.A03 3999541 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo  x/22
68522 SORDEMO.A04 3999505 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo  x/22
68523 SORDEMO.A05 3999613 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo  x/22
68524 SORDEMO.A06 3999687 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo  x/22
68525 SORDEMO.A07 3999473 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo  x/22
68526 SORDEMO.A08 3999490 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo  x/22
68527 SORDEMO.A09 3999562 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo  x/22
68528 SORDEMO.A10 3999471 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playablde demo x/22
68529 SORDEMO.A11 3999470 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo  x/22
68530 SORDEMO.A12 3999584 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playablde demo  x/22
68531 SORDEMO.A13 3999547 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo                X/22
68532 SORDEMO.A14 3999669 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo                X/22
68533 SORDEMO.A15 3999462 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo                X/22
68534 SORDEMO.A16 3999467 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo                X/22
68535 SORDEMO.A17 3999573 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo                X/22
68536 SORDEMO.A18 3999483 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo                X/22
68537 SORDEMO.A19 3999615 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo                X/22
68538 SORDEMO.A20 3999174 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo                X/22
68539 SORDEMO.A21 1890793 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
Non-playable demo                X/22
68540 SORDEMO.ARJ 3999487 22.06.1996 - - -
Realms of Arkania - Shadows Over Riva
"Sequel to the Award-Winning Star Trail and
Final Chapter in the Northland Trilogy."
Non-playable demo. Fantasy Role Playing game,
from Sirtech Software.          1/22
32135 SOTC-DEM.ZIP 834046 24.02.1995 - - -
Shadow of the Comet -pelattava demo.
Kauhu-adventure. Valm. Infogrames.
32161 TBRA-D.ARJ 1798016 15.12.1995 - - -
The Big Red Adventure (tbra) pelattava demo.
Dynabyten humoristinen seikkailupeli nelikon
seikkailuista "uudistuneen" Venäjän ja valtaa
hamuavien vanhoillisten sokkeloissa.
33661 TG-DEMO.A01 4999428 18.02.1996 - - -
Time Gate pel. demo 2/6
33662 TG-DEMO.A02 4999431 18.02.1996 - - -
Time Gate pel. demo 3/6
33663 TG-DEMO.A03 4999200 18.02.1996 - - -
Time Gate pel. demo 4/6
33664 TG-DEMO.A04 4999458 18.02.1996 - - -
Time Gate pel. demo 5/6
33665 TG-DEMO.A05 1222468 18.02.1996 - - -
Time Gate pel. demo 6/6
33666 TG-DEMO.ARJ 4999418 18.02.1996 - - -
Time Gate: Knight's Chase, pelattava demo.
HUOM: varhainen versio, erittäin erilainen
lopulliseen peliin. Käyttöliittymä muuttunut
tuntuvasti paremmaksi demosta. Alone In The
Dark-seikkailujen tyyliin tehty adventure,
valm. Infogrames.
33673 THEDIGD.A01 4999354 23.02.1996 - - -
The Dig pelattava demo 2/6
33674 THEDIGD.A02 4999476 23.02.1996 - - -
The Dig pelattava demo 3/6
33675 THEDIGD.A03 4999224 23.02.1996 - - -
The Dig pelattava demo 4/6
33676 THEDIGD.A04 4999446 23.02.1996 - - -
The Dig pelattava demo 5/6
33677 THEDIGD.A05 3493644 23.02.1996 - - -
The Dig pelattava demo 6/6
33678 THEDIGD.ARJ 4999411 23.02.1996 - - -
The Dig pelattava demo, 1/6,
LucasArts Gamesin maineikas Science
Fiction seikkailupeli avaruusaluksen
miehistön haaksirikkouduttua oudolle,
ehkä vaaralliselle asteroidille.
69303 TQDEMO.A01 3999468 27.06.1996 - - -
Treasure Quest ei pelattava demo osa 2/7
69304 TQDEMO.A02 3999464 27.06.1996 - - -
Treasure Quest ei pelattava demo osa 3/7
69305 TQDEMO.A03 3999451 27.06.1996 - - -
Treasure Quest. Ei-pelattava demo. Osa 4/7.
69306 TQDEMO.A04 3999257 27.06.1996 - - -
Treasure Quest. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/7.
69307 TQDEMO.A05 3999428 27.06.1996 - - -
Treasure Quest. Ei-pelattava demo. Osa 6/7.
69308 TQDEMO.A06 1030154 27.06.1996 - - -
Treasure Quest. Ei-pelattava demo. Osa 7/7.
69309 TQDEMO.ARJ 3999455 27.06.1996 - - -
Treasure Quest. Ei-pelattava demo.  Osa 1/7
33752 TRAIDER.ZIP 1067425 23.08.1996 - 15297/NETPower0197.iso -
Tomb Raider Rolling Demo by Core Design.
"Tomb Raider is a state of the art, third
person perspective action- adventure game
featuring complete freedom of movement
throughout realtime 3D levels. Its only a
rolling demo, but its not bad! Similar to
Fade to Black. Includes press release.
32189 UNIVDEMO.ZIP 556970 24.02.1995 - - -
Universe -demo. Adventure.
32194 VEILDEMO.ZIP 898314 24.02.1995 - 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-385-Vol-1of3.iso -
Veil of Darkness -demo. Roolipeli. Valm. SSI.
32211 WILLYBEM.ZIP 796997 24.10.1995 - - -
Willy Beamish demo.
32228 WXEENDEM.ZIP 2408838 16.02.1995 - - -
Might & Magic: World of Xeen demo -
roolipeli. New World Computing.
33936 ZORDEMO.A01 1457139 18.01.1996 - - -
Zorron pelattava demo videoclipeillä
varustettuna. Osa 2/7.
33937 ZORDEMO.A02 1457139 18.01.1996 - - -
Zorron pelattava demo videoclipeillä
varustettuna. Osa 3/7.
33938 ZORDEMO.A03 1457064 18.01.1996 - - -
Zorron pelattava demo videoclipeillä
varustettuna. Osa 4/7.
33939 ZORDEMO.A04 1457064 18.01.1996 - - -
Zorron pelattava demo videoclipeillä
varustettuna. Osa 5/7.
33940 ZORDEMO.A05 1457064 18.01.1996 - - -
Zorron pelattava demo videoclipeillä
varustettuna. Osa 6/7.
33941 ZORDEMO.A06 659668 18.01.1996 - - -
Zorron pelattava demo videoclipeillä
varustettuna. Osa 7/7.
33942 ZORDEMO.ARJ 1457070 18.01.1996 - - -
Zorron pelattava demo videoclipeillä
varustettuna. Osa 1/7.
Prince of Persia -tyylistä platformailua
ja puzzlesolvaamista. Valm. Capstone.
31727 1942AW.ZIP 784885 07.12.1994 - 20915/1000GAME.iso -
1942: The Pacific Air War ei-pelattava demo.
Lentosimulaattori. valm. MicroProse Vaatii
1.5 Mt EMS, VGA+.
60448 AD.A01 2999307 09.11.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasto playable demo 2/3
60449 AD.A02 1798562 09.11.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty playable demo 3/3
60450 AD.ARJ 2999324 09.11.1996 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty Playable Demo
challenging, action packed submarine
simulation. Audio-fitted SuperVGA film
sequences in cinema format with orchestral
sound make you feel like you are a part of
the action. "Subwar 2050 aka Mechwarrior II
underwater". Req.DOS/486/16 Mb RAM (demo)
Blue Byte.
60482 AEGISD.ZIP 1188487 09.02.1996 - - -
Aegis: Guardian of the Fleet
ei pelattava demo.
60545 AIRSVGA.ZIP 2146921 25.08.1995 - 23640/PCGAMER10.bin tupla
Airpower -pelattava demo. SVGA-versio. Rowan
Softwaren lentosimulaattori.
31744 AIRVGA.ZIP 1301810 25.08.1995 - 23640/PCGAMER10.bin -
Airpower -pelattava demo. VGA-versio. Rowan
Softwaren lentosimulaattori.
31758 AOTP-DE.ZIP 569796 22.02.1995 - - -
Aces of the Pacific -ei pelattava demo.
Lentosimulaattori. Valm. Dynamix/Sierra.
31759 APCHDEMO.ZIP 2768024 15.10.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Published by: Interactive Magic (I-MAGIC) The
Ultimate in Helicopter Simulation. Fly
against tough, cunning opponents in America's
best combat helicopter, the AH-64 Apache.
60817 APLBDEMO.ZIP 2959645 05.03.1996 - - -
Apache Longbow-helikopterisimulaattorin
pelattava demo.
61029 ATFDEMO.ZIP 6689669 25.05.1996 - 24115/PCGAMER Disc 2.8 SEPT 1996.iso -
Advanced Tactical Fighters-lentosimulaattorin
pelattava demo. Electronic Arts.
31767 ATRDEMO.ZIP 984279 16.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
1944: Across The Rhine ajettava, ei pelattava
demo. Valm. MicroProse.
61152 B2B_DEMO.A01 2999200 10.11.1996 - - -
Back to Baghdad demo 2/7
61153 B2B_DEMO.A02 2999200 10.11.1996 - - -
Back to Baghdad demo 3/7
61154 B2B_DEMO.A03 2999200 10.11.1996 - - -
Back to Baghdad demo 4/7
61155 B2B_DEMO.A04 2999200 10.11.1996 - - -
Back to Baghdad demo 5/7
61156 B2B_DEMO.A05 2999200 10.11.1996 - - -
Back to Baghdad demo 6/7
61157 B2B_DEMO.A06 674161 10.11.1996 - - -
Back to Baghdad demo 7/7
61158 B2B_DEMO.ARJ 2999200 10.11.1996 - - -
Back to Baghdad playable demo. Jet Combat
Simulator- You are going Back To Baghdad to
finish the war that George Bush prematurely
stopped. You're the flight leader of an F-16C
Block 50 with all the armament needed to get
the job done. DOS. Military Simulations, Inc.
31783 BD-DEM.ARJ 2430405 25.08.1995 - - -
Battledrome -pelattava demo. Valm.
Dynamix/Sierra. Battletech-tyylinen
robottitaistelu, areenasotaa.
62369 CREDDE.A01 3999278 27.02.1996 - - -
Creation - prototype playable demo 2/5
62370 CREDDE.A02 3999188 27.02.1996 - - -
Creation - prototype playable demo 3/5
62371 CREDDE.A03 3999338 27.02.1996 - - -
Creation - prototype playable demo 4/5
62372 CREDDE.A04 2886024 27.02.1996 - - -
Creation - prototype playable demo 5/5
62373 CREDDE.ARJ 3999474 27.02.1996 - - -
Creation - prototype playable demo
from Bullfrog Productions. 1/5
31864 DELTAVD.ZIP 7791585 16.02.1995 - - -
Delta V pelattava demo. Räiskintä.
Bethesda Softworks
31891 EACDEMO.ARJ 770546 30.11.1995 - - -
Playable demo of Evasive Action. Software
31905 F117DEMO.ZIP 1030484 21.03.1995 - 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-385-Vol-1of3.iso -
F-117 Stealth Fighter -pelattava demo.
Lentosimulaattori. Valm. MicroProse.
31907 F153DEMO.ZIP 764964 21.03.1995 - - -
F-15 Strike Eagle III -pelattava demo.
Lentosimulaattori. Valm. MicroProse.
32307 F22DEMO.A01 1999200 03.12.1996 - - -
F-22 Lightning Ii demo 2/4
32308 F22DEMO.A02 1999200 03.12.1996 - - -
F-22 Lightning II demo 3/4
32309 F22DEMO.A03 1674465 03.12.1996 - - -
F-22 Lightning II demo 4/4
32310 F22DEMO.ARJ 1999200 03.12.1996 - - -
F-22 Lightning II Playable Demo From
NovaLogic. "Take a jet for a joyride." Take
control of the Air Force's newest air
superiority weapon - the F-22. Engage in
missions around the world and face deadly
adversaries in the most graphically
satisfying flight / combat simulation ever
32357 FDDEM10A.ZIP 1425199 09.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Fighter Duel-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/2.
32358 FDDEM10B.ZIP 1443985 09.02.1996 - 13090/Game Head March 96.iso -
Fighter Duel-Lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/2.
32359 FDDEM2.ZIP 3353414 25.09.1996 - - -
Fighter Duel playable demo Version 2 -
fine one/multiplayer fighter combat
simulation, very realistic, from Jaeger
32393 FLIGHTDE.A01 3999387 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Osa 2/11.
32394 FLIGHTDE.A02 3999447 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Osa 3/11.
32395 FLIGHTDE.A03 3999449 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Osa 4/11.
32396 FLIGHTDE.A04 3999387 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Osa 5/11.
32397 FLIGHTDE.A05 3999375 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Osa 6/11.
32398 FLIGHTDE.A06 3999351 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Osa 7/11.
32399 FLIGHTDE.A07 3999403 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Osa 8/11.
32400 FLIGHTDE.A08 3999401 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Osa 9/11.
32401 FLIGHTDE.A09 3999370 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Osa 10/11.
32402 FLIGHTDE.A10 3034736 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Osa 11/11.
32403 FLIGHTDE.ARJ 3999393 27.04.1996 - - -
Flight Unlimited: Special Edition. Looking
Glassin hienon siviililentosimulaattorin
Special Edition. Osa 1/11.
31923 FRONTIER.ZIP 144052 07.12.1994 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Frontier (Elite II) ei-pelattava demo.
Strategia, simulaattori, adventure valm.
David Braben Vaatii VGA.
32565 HINDDOS1.ZIP 4941396 23.08.1996 - - -
Hind - playable demo of Interactive Magic's
helicopter simulation, the followup of 1995's
Apache Longbow- choppersim. DOS/W95.
Interactive Magic. x/2
32566 HINDDOS2.ZIP 5289104 23.08.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
Hind - playable demo of Interactive Magic's
helicopter simulation, the followup of 1995's
Apache Longbow- choppersim. DOS/W95.
Interactive Magic. x/2
32616 ICR2DEMO.A01 1457075 01.01.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing 2.sen kahden radan pelattavan
demon osa 2/6.
32617 ICR2DEMO.A02 1457071 01.01.1996 - - -
Indycar racing 2:sen kahden radan pelattava
demo. Osa 3/6.
32618 ICR2DEMO.A03 24016 01.01.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing 2 kahden radan pelattava demo,
Osa 4/6.
32619 ICR2DEMO.A04 1456965 01.01.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing 2:n kahden radan pelattava
demo. Osa 5/6.
32620 ICR2DEMO.A05 1108529 01.01.1996 - - -
Indycar racing 2:sen kahden radan pelattava
demo. Osa 6/6.
32621 ICR2DEMO.ARJ 1456962 01.01.1996 - - -
Indycar 2-autopelin kahden radan pelattava
demo. Osa 1/6.
31958 ICRDEMO.ZIP 1168834 07.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
INDYCAR RACING, pelattava demo auto, urheilu,
ralli valm. Papyrus Publishing
65359 JF3DEM.A01 1439200 11.11.1996 - - eritupla
Jetfighter III pl. demo 2/7
65360 JF3DEM.A02 1439200 11.11.1996 - - eritupla
Jetfighter III pl. demo 3/7
65361 JF3DEM.A03 1439200 11.11.1996 - - eritupla
Jetfighter III pl. demo 4/7
65362 JF3DEM.A04 1439518 11.11.1996 - - eritupla
Jetfighter III pl. demo 5/7
65363 JF3DEM.A05 1439200 11.11.1996 - - eritupla
Jetfighter III pl. demo 6/7
65364 JF3DEM.A06 1255512 11.11.1996 - - eritupla
Jetfighter III pl. demo 7/7
65365 JF3DEM.ARJ 1439200 11.11.1996 - - eritupla
Jetfighter III playable demo 1/7
4 time limited mission fragments that run for
5 minutes each. New in V1.22. updated
scenery, aaa tracer fire, more time...
Mission Studios/Interplay. DOS
65366 JF3TEST.A01 1439200 17.10.1996 - - tupla
Jetfighter III pre-release demo 2/7
65367 JF3TEST.A02 1439200 17.10.1996 - - tupla
Jetfighter iii pre-release demo 3/7
65368 JF3TEST.A03 1439497 17.10.1996 - - tupla
Jetfighter III pre-release demo 4/7
65369 JF3TEST.A04 1439494 17.10.1996 - - tupla
Jetfighter iii pre-release demo 5/7
65370 JF3TEST.A05 1439200 17.10.1996 - - tupla
Jetfighter III pre-release demo 6/7
65371 JF3TEST.A06 1002383 17.10.1996 - - tupla
Jetfighter iii pre-release demo 7/
65372 JF3TEST.ARJ 1439501 17.10.1996 - - tupla
Jetfighter III pre-release test/demo
This version of JF3 is being distributed in
order to get some last-minute customer
feedback and compatibility testing. This
PRE_RELEASE will require P90, 16 mb, and has
limitations that do not appear in full
version. 1/7
31997 LHX.ZIP 240514 17.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
LHX Attack Chopper -demo
Valm. Electronic Arts
30624 MERLIN.ZIP 160648 24.02.1995 renamed myabandonware.com -
Merlin - Brittien Kuninkaallisen laivaston
värväyspeli - helikopterisimu. Digital
66421 MW2DEMO.ZIP 1318814 24.02.1995 - 21894/Image.bin tupla
MechWarrior II: The Clans - pelattava demo.
32042 MWIIDEMO.ZIP 5105530 14.10.1995 - - -
66497 NAVSDEMO.A01 4499400 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/12.
66498 NAVSDEMO.A02 4499400 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 3/12.
66499 NAVSDEMO.A03 4499400 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 4/12
66500 NAVSDEMO.A05 4499400 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 6/12.
66501 NAVSDEMO.A06 4499400 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 7/12.
66502 NAVSDEMO.A07 4499400 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 8/12.
66503 NAVSDEMO.A08 4499400 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 9/12.
66504 NAVSDEMO.A09 4499400 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 10/12.
66505 NAVSDEMO.A10 4499357 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 11/12.
66506 NAVSDEMO.A11 2418443 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 12/12.
66507 NAVSDEMO.ARJ 4499400 14.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/12
33043 NS-DEMO.A01 2454365 27.02.1996 - - -
Navy Strike demo 2/2
33044 NS-DEMO.ARJ 2999178 27.02.1996 - - -
Navy Strike, yhden tehtävän pelattava demo
Rowan Softwaren lentosimulaattorista.
66910 OVERLORD.ZIP 1179965 08.01.1995 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla¹
Overlord demo Lentosimulaattori
32053 PATROL.ZIP 1271516 24.12.1994 - - -
Dawn Patrol by Rowan Software Ltd. Playable
demo version of nice flight sim.
Requirements: Hard Disk:    3.5MB, RAM: 450KB
of conv. mem, 50KB of conventional or umb
memory to run, 20KB for music and sfx, 2.3MB
33255 REN2DEMO.A01 1457064 18.03.1996 - - -
Renegade 1: Return to the Jacob's
Star-Avaruusräiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Osa 2/6.
33256 REN2DEMO.A02 1457064 18.03.1996 - - -
Renegade 2: Return to the Jacob's
Star-Avaruusräiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Osa 3/6.
33257 REN2DEMO.A03 1457064 18.03.1996 - - -
Renegade 2: Return to the Jacob's
Star-Avaruusräiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Osa 4/6.
33258 REN2DEMO.A04 1457064 18.03.1996 - - -
Renegade 2: Return to The Jacob's
Star-Avaruusräiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Osa 5/6.
33259 REN2DEMO.A05 1161081 18.03.1996 - - -
Renegade 2: Return to the Jacob's
Star-Avaruusräiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Osa 6/6.
33260 REN2DEMO.ARJ 1457064 18.03.1996 - - -
Renegade 2: Return to the Jacob's
Star-Avaruusräiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Osa 1/6.
32091 RENEGADE.ZIP 2750402 15.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Renegade Legion: Battle for Jacob's Star
pelattava WORK IN PROGRESS -demo. SSI.
Taktista avaruustaistelua, Renegade Legion:
Interceptorin jatko-osassa.
32098 SALSDEMO.ZIP 1603694 24.02.1995 - - -
Shuttle Approach & Landing Simulator V1.5
pelattava demo.
33382 SECWULFT.ZIP 324877 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
lentosimulaattorin pelattava demo.
Valm. LucasArts
33431 SH-DEMO.ZIP 4816950 28.02.1996 - - -
Silent Hunter -pelattava demo.
Sukellusvenesimulaattori, jenkkiveneet
Japanin vesillä toisessa maailmansodassa.
33427 SHDEMO.A01 3999457 30.04.1996 - - -
Silent Hunter-sukellusvenepelin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/4.
33428 SHDEMO.A02 3999468 30.04.1996 - - -
Silent Hunter-sukellusvenepelin pelattava
demo. Osa 3/4.
33429 SHDEMO.A03 2176332 30.04.1996 - - -
Silent Hunter-sukellusvenepelin pelattava
demo. Osa 4/4.
33430 SHDEMO.ARJ 3999467 30.04.1996 - - -
Silent Hunter-sukellusvenepelin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/4.
32143 SS2DEMO.ZIP 166004 21.03.1995 - - -
Silent Service II -demo
Sukellusvenesimulaattori. Valm. MPS.
68703 STEELALL.A01 2999400 02.10.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel: Pelattava demo. Kaikki
laajennukset. Osa 2/4.
68704 STEELALL.A02 2999400 02.10.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel: Pelattava demo. Kaikki
laajennukset. Osa 3/4.
68705 STEELALL.A03 2211423 02.10.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel: Pelattava demo. Kaikki
laajennukset. Osa 4/4.
68706 STEELALL.ARJ 2999456 02.10.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel-mechräiskinnän pelattava
demo. Sisältää kaikki laajennukset. Osa 1/4.
32147 STISLDEM.ZIP 398755 19.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Stunt Island. Video-player type demo of
Disney's Stunt Island. Non-playable.
33569 SU25.ZIP 489060 23.05.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
SU-25 STORMOVIK -simulaattorin pelattava
32150 SU27D.ZIP 925570 17.11.1995 - - -
Sukhoi SU-27 Flanker -lentosimulaattorin
itsestään pyörivä / pelattava demo. Venäjällä
ohjelmoitu monipuolinen ja realistinen
hävittäjäsimu, julkaisee SSI/MindScape.
68761 SUB2050.ZIP 775303 08.01.1995 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso tupla
Subwars 2050 demo Simulaattori MicroProse
32167 TH2FSDE.ARJ 2390324 16.11.1995 - - -
Thunderhawk II : Firestorm, pelattava demo.
Helikopterisimulaattori, valm. Core Design.
32170 TIEDEMO1.ZIP 1293429 26.01.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Tie Fighter (Star Wars) pelattava demo.
Simulaattori, 1/2 LucasArts Games
32171 TIEDEMO2.ZIP 455171 26.01.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Tie Fighter (Star Wars) pelattava demo
LucasArts Games, 2/2
32178 TORNADO.ZIP 348784 19.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Playable demo from Digital Integration.
Requires 386sx+ 16Mhz, 640k  DOS 5.0, VGA,
mouse. Supports joystick, Adlib/SB/Roland.
32205 WC2D.ZIP 2045192 24.10.1995 - - -
Wing Commander II - Vengeance of the Kilrathi
- ei pelattava demo. Origin.
33834 WC4DEMO.A01 1456989 06.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wing Commander 4-Avaruusräiskinnän Pelattava
demo. Osa 2/10.
33835 WC4DEMO.A02 1457046 06.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wing Commander 4-Avaruusräiskinnän Pelattava
demo. Osa 3/10.
33836 WC4DEMO.A03 1457041 06.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wing Commander 4-Avaruusräiskinnän Pelattava
demo. Osa 4/10.
33837 WC4DEMO.A04 1457098 06.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wing Commander 4-Avaruusräiskinnän Pelattava
demo. Osa 5/10.
33838 WC4DEMO.A05 1457133 06.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wing Commander 4-Avaruusräiskinnän Pelattava
demo. Osa 6/10.
33839 WC4DEMO.A06 1457109 06.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wing Commander 4- Avaruusräiskinnän pelattava
demo. Osa 7/10.
33840 WC4DEMO.A07 1457112 06.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wing Commander 4- Avaruusräiskinnän Pelattava
demo. Osa 8/10.
33841 WC4DEMO.A08 1457028 06.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wing Commander 4- Avaruusräiskinnän pelattava
demo. Osa 9/10.
33842 WC4DEMO.A09 351724 06.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wing Commander 4- Avaruusräiskinnän Pelattava
demo. Osa 10/10.
33843 WC4DEMO.ARJ 1457078 06.01.1996 repacked discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wing Commander 4-Avaruusräiskinnän Pelattava
demo. Osa 1/10.
33846 WCDEMO.ZIP 1409817 25.04.1996 - 21805/Most Valuable Games I (MVP Publishing)(February 1995).iso -
alias Formula 1 Grand Prix
PC Playable Demo
Geoff Crammond/MicroProse
32216 WOGDEMO.A01 1456278 19.09.1995 - - -
Wings of Glory -demo
32217 WOGDEMO.A02 1456111 19.09.1995 - - -
Wings of Glory -demo
32218 WOGDEMO.A03 1456088 19.09.1995 - - -
Wings of Glory -demo
70121 WOGDEMO.A04 1456254 19.09.1995 - - tupla
Wings of Glory -demo
70122 WOGDEMO.A05 1456286 19.09.1995 - - tupla
Wings of Glory -demo
70123 WOGDEMO.A06 1456296 19.09.1995 - - tupla
Wings of Glory -demo
70124 WOGDEMO.A07 447754 19.09.1995 - - tupla
Wings of Glory -demo
32223 WOGDEMO.ARJ 1456054 19.09.1995 - - -
Wings of Glory -pelattava demo.
Lentosimulaattori ensimmäisen maailmansodan
ilmataisteluista. Valm. ORIGIN
33903 WWIIDEMO.ZIP 343865 09.02.1996 - - -
LucasArts demo sampler:
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe pel. demo
Their Finest Hour - Battle of Britain demo.
60211 3RDEMO.ZIP 1175547 08.05.1996 - 21528/DEMO80.bin -
Third Reich PC, "a grand strategy game of
WWII" pelattava demo, 1939-1940 ajanjaksolta.
Klassinen lautapeli tietokoneelle
käännettynä. Valm. Avalon Hill Game COmpany.
31730 5THFD.ZIP 5700895 25.08.1995 - - -
5th Fleet -pelattava demo. Laivastosotaa
Intian valtamerellä, strategiapeli. Valm.
Avalon Hill.
31732 AAOWITSD.ZIP 1111690 25.08.1995 - - -
Ancient Art of War in the Skies -demoversio.
Valm. MicroProse.
60464 ADMDEMO.A01 3999439 15.10.1996 - - -
High Seas Admiral-strategiapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/3.
60465 ADMDEMO.A02 2307616 15.10.1996 - - -
High Seas Admiral. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/3.
60466 ADMDEMO.ARJ 3999417 15.10.1996 - - -
High Seas Admiral. Pelattava demo. Osa 1/3.
60475 ADVCIV.ZIP 4943842 25.03.1996 - 22622/cd3.iso -
Advanced Civilizations-strategiapelin
pelattava demo.
60476 ADVCIVDE.ZIP 2468891 24.01.1996 - - -
Advanced Civilization! pelattava demo. Avalon
Hillin tietokonekonversio yhtiön klassisesta
lautapelistä, laajempi + uudemmat säännöt
sisältävä versio. Vaatii 486 * 8 Mt * SVGA.
Valm. Avalon Hill Game Company.
60568 ALAMOD.ZIP 611532 25.09.1996 - - -
Defend The Alamo! Playable demo of Incredible
Simulation's strategy game. "The Mexican Army
under the infamous Santa Anna is flying the
red flag. No quarter will be given to the
"perfidious American foreigners". Everyone is
to be put to the sword. There can be no
DEATH!!!" ∙FEATURES ∙squad level ∙what if
variants ∙covers entire 13 day siege
∙includes "on-line" history of the alamo.
MS-DOS, 640x480 VGA.
60660 AMBUSHD.ZIP 513896 09.02.1996 - - -
Ambush At Sorinor -pelattava demo.
Helppo strategiapeli, valm. Mindcraft.
60787 AORDEMO2.A01 1456653 23.08.1996 - - -
Wargame Construction Kit III:
Age of Rifles, new demo 2/4
60788 AORDEMO2.A02 1456200 23.08.1996 - - -
Wargame Construction Kit III:
Age of Rifles, new demo 3/4
60789 AORDEMO2.A03 299105 23.08.1996 - - -
Wargame Construction Kit III:
Age of Rifles, new demo 4/4
60790 AORDEMO2.ARJ 1456468 23.08.1996 - - -
Wargame Construction Kit III:
Age of Rifles, new playable demo from
SSI. Two scenarios. DOS, runs on W95.
31292 APOGEE52.ZIP 62103 15.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Official Apogee FAQ V5.2.
30983 APP200.ZIP 40414 30.11.1995 väärä koko gamers.org -
Approach Control Version 2.0, A Pre-compiler
for the Microsoft Flight Simulator's Aircraft
and Adventure Factory
29186 ARAND12.ZIP 12294 05.03.1996 - - -
AutsRandomizer V1.2  1996 Jere Sanisalo Tämä
ohjelma arpoo ennaltamäärätyn määrän AUTSin
ratoja AUTSin hakemistoon (tämä siksi, koska
AUTSissa on 32:n radan maksimi rajoi- tus).
Nyt myös MENUT + tuki muillekkin moni
kenttätiedostoisille peleille! MUISTA LUKEA
31295 ARCHEAT.ZIP 4602 25.03.1995 - 22632/cd No7 joystick No65 novembre 1995.iso -
Syndicate American Revolt Money Maxer
29187 ARENAED.ZIP 126042 30.11.1995 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
ArenaEd is a gamer's utility for editing the
saved-game files in The Elder Scrolls: Arena
(version 1.05) from Bethesda Softworks. DOS
application, uses sophisticated, window-
based user interface. ArenaEd will allow
player to edit all features of each
24916 ARMORED.A01 1,4 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
Armored Moon demo 2/6
24917 ARMORED.A02 1,4 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
Armored Moon demo 3/6
24918 ARMORED.A03 1,4 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
Armored Moon demo 4/6
24919 ARMORED.A04 1,4 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
Armored Moon demo 5/6
24920 ARMORED.A05 1,1 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
Armored Moon demo 6/6
24921 ARMORED.ARJ 1,4 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
"Armored Moon: The Next Eden demo from Microforum Set in the mid-21st centurytells the story of a ruthless mega corporations campaign to control future of mankind. Classic military strategies along with more unconventional planning (guerilla warfare) have all been incorporatedwhich should make it challenge for even the most seasoned strategy game fanatics. 486/10016MBDOS 5.0 or higher    1/6"
30289 ARRRGGH.ZIP 2316799 16.10.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Arrrggh! - The Pirate Game Evaluation Version
from Lost Shaker Productions * Pirate
strategy game.
60942 ASCDEMO2.A01 3099296 01.12.1995 - - tupla
Ascendency pelattava demo, valm. Logic
Factory. Avaruusstrategiaa, erittäin
kaunis. Vaatii miel. 486/33, 8 Mt Ram ja
SVGA - toimii myös 386:ssa.
60943 ASCDEMO2.A02 2865204 01.12.1995 - - tupla
Ascendency pelattava demo, valm. Logic
Factory. Avaruusstrategiaa, erittäin
kaunis. Vaatii miel. 486/33, 8 Mt Ram ja
SVGA - toimii myös 386:ssa.
31765 ASCDEMO2.ARJ 3099315 30.11.1995 - - -
Ascendency pelattava demo, valm. Logic
Factory. Avaruusstrategiaa, erittäin
kaunis. Vaatii miel. 486/33, 8 Mt Ram ja
SVGA - toimii myös 386:ssa.
61061 ATRADEM.ZIP 1104600 28.02.1996 - - -
A-Train demo, from Maxis.
31300 AUCH.ZIP 31384 08.01.1996 - - -
AUCH v1.01 the AUts CHeater
61070 AUDIOSTU.ZIP 1831833 30.06.1995 - - -
Doom Audio Studio 1.0 [1/2]
The ultimate sound editor for Doom! Easy to
use graphical interface! Add sounds with the
touch of a button! Comes with over 165 pre-
selected .wav files for Doom or add your own!
Coded by DarkMan/MeTa
61082 AUTSCONV.ZIP 14380 16.09.1995 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 tupla
Autsin leveli konvertteri .BMP->.LEV.
40651 B-58HUST.ZIP 94491 31.12.1995 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
FS5 B-58 Hustler made for FS5 using the
Flight Sim Flight Shop (FSFS).
30299 BAB.ZIP 32433 07.01.1996 - 16622/Shareware Supreme Games.iso -
A realistic Stock Market game.-
A Stock Market game intended for use by
anyone wanting to learn a little about the
effects of the News Headlines on different
areas of the economy. It will run from a
floppy or can be installed to a hard disk.
Requires VGA monitor.
Games - Other
61197 BAMDEMO.A01 3499097 29.10.1996 - - -
Blood & Magic playable demo 2/5
61198 BAMDEMO.A02 3499273 29.10.1996 - - -
Blood & Magic playable demo 3/5
61199 BAMDEMO.A03 3499538 29.10.1996 - - -
Blood & Magic playable demo 4/5
61200 BAMDEMO.A04 1483671 29.10.1996 - - -
Blood & Magic playble demo 5/5
61201 BAMDEMO.ARJ 3499220 29.10.1996 - - -
Blood & Magic playable demo.
In a mysterious corner of the Forgotten
Realms, powerful mages prepare for battle
using magic long lost. You are one of those
wizards, conjuring warriors wyverns, sirens,
wraiths and more. Armed with ancient
artifacts, your troops rally forth to battle
goblin hordes, dark wizards, and lords of
chaos. AD&D real-time strategy game, 'C&C in
Forgotten Realms'. Note: DO NOT USE
Req. 486/66 * 8 Mb (12 Mb in Win95) * VGA
31778 BBUGSDEM.ZIP 1197142 22.02.1995 - - -
Battle Bugs -pelattava demo.
Kevyt Strategia - kontrolloi mönkiäisten
armeijaa taistelussa pizzanpaloista ja
muista ruoka-aarteista. Testattu MB 10/94.
31780 BC4DEMO.ZIP 1408517 07.12.1994 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Battle Chess 4000, ei-pelattava demo.
31781 BCHE2D.ZIP 632273 24.10.1995 - - -
Battlechess II -ei pelattava demo.
Animaatioshakkitaistelu. Valm. Interplay.
61373 BGADEMO.ZIP 2001698 22.03.1996 - - -
Battleground Ardennes-sotastrategiapelin
pelattava demo. Empire Interactive.
30989 BI2MAP14.ZIP 108276 25.03.1995 - - -
BI2 MAPPER Version 1.04  Jan 1995  With BI2
MAPPER you can modify Battle Isle 2 (tm) (a
strategy game for IBM-PC) maps: terrain,
roads, depots, production etc. or make
completely new maps. A new map from scratch
61427 BITDEMO4.EXE 4071279 22.01.1996 - 21528/DEMO80.bin -
Battles in Time-strategiapelin pelattava
61750 BUZZDEMO.ZIP 1063607 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space -demo.
Peli suurvaltojen avaruuskilvasta ja
kuulennosta. Valm. Interplay.
31807 C2DEMO.ZIP 2886415 30.11.1995 - - -
valtakuntaan sijoittuva strategia- peli jossa
rakennetaan SimCity-tyylisesti laajentuvan
valtakunnan provinsseja, hallitaan
resursseja, puolustetaan alueita ja soditaan
tavoitteena keisarin valtaistuin.
61835 CAPDEMO1.EXE 4356930 09.02.1996 - 17103/TEKNO 2-1996.iso -
Capitalism-Strategiapelin pelattava demo.
31820 CASTLES2.ZIP 404050 07.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Castles II - Siege and Conquest Pelattava
demo. Strategia Vaatii: VGA, tukee Roland
40654 CAT747.ZIP 51607 04.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Flight Simulator 5: Cathay Pacific 747-400
61887 CC1DEM-1.ZIP 3199901 29.01.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer-Strategiapelin pelattava
demo. Kolme Tehtävää. Osa 1/3.
61888 CC1DEM-2.ZIP 3196954 29.01.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer-Strategiapelin pelattava
demo. Kolme Tehtävää. Osa 2/3.
61889 CC1DEM-3.ZIP 2971144 29.01.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer-Strategiapelin pelattava
demo. Kolme Tehtävää. Osa 3/3.
61893 CCDEMM01.ZIP 2914388 18.03.1996 - - -
Kaksi CD-musiikkipätkää ja Välianimaatiot
C&C:n pelattavaan demoon. Osa 1/6.
61894 CCDEMM02.ZIP 2914409 18.03.1996 - - -
Kaksi CD-musiikkipätkää ja Välianimaatiot
C&C:n pelattavaan demoon. Osa 2/6.
61895 CCDEMM03.ZIP 2914416 18.03.1996 - - -
Kaksi CD-musiikkipätkää ja Välianimaatiot
C&C:n pelattavaan demoon. Osa 3/6.
61896 CCDEMM04.ZIP 2914316 18.03.1996 - - -
Kaksi CD-musiikkipätkää ja Välianimaatiot
C&C:n pelattavaan demoon. Osa 4/6.
61897 CCDEMM05.ZIP 2914402 18.03.1996 - - -
Kaksi CD-Musiikkipätkää ja Välianimaatiot
C&C:n pelattavaan demoon. Osa 5/6.
61898 CCDEMM06.ZIP 3363221 18.03.1996 - - -
Kaksi CD-Musiikkipätkää ja Välianimaatiot
C&C:n pelattavaan demoon. Osa 6/6.
29209 CCMISS14.ZIP 22794 02.11.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Command and Conquer Mission Selector Version
1.4. Written by buggy@adam.com.au
62084 CITDEMO.A01 3499257 27.08.1996 - - -
Citizens demo 2/6
62085 CITDEMO.A02 3499260 27.08.1996 - - -
Citizens demo 3/6
62086 CITDEMO.A03 3499487 27.08.1996 - - -
Citizens demo 4/6
62087 CITDEMO.A04 3499101 27.08.1996 - - -
Citizens demo 5/6
62088 CITDEMO.A05 2594278 27.08.1996 - - -
Citizens demo 6/6
62089 CITDEMO.ARJ 3499148 27.08.1996 - - -
Citizens:- Backwater Affairs Demo Version
1.0J. "Following a fatal car crash you get a
second chance in afterlife as guardian of the
town Backwater. The people in Backwater all
have their own lives to live.If left alone,
they will go about their normal business,
journeying between home and work, going to
the movies, meeting one another, fighting,
falling in and out of love, and generally
behaving like normal people the world over."
Simcity etc like god-game. Req 486/66+ * SVGA
62102 CIV2NPD.A01 3999505 27.04.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 ei-pel demo 2/4
62103 CIV2NPD.A02 3999481 27.04.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 ei-pel demo 3/4
62104 CIV2NPD.A03 3485189 27.04.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 ei-pel demo 4/4
62105 CIV2NPD.ARJ 3999639 27.04.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 -ei pelattava demo.
Strategiapeli, valm. MicroProse. Huom: pura
aseman _juureen_.
62109 CIVDEM.ZIP 340701 07.12.1994 - 13109/Games to Treasure - Disc 2.iso -
Civilization - ei pelattava demo. Strategia
valm. MicroProse
31828 CLB-FLN1.ZIP 775236 02.05.1995 - - -
Frontline Playable Preview
31829 CLB-FLN2.ZIP 1279268 02.05.1995 - - -
Frontline Playable Preview
62201 CNWDEM3.A01 3999200 14.02.1996 - - -
Conquest of the new world 2/7
62202 CNWDEM3.A02 3999200 14.02.1996 - - -
Conquest of the new world 3/7
62203 CNWDEM3.A03 3999200 14.02.1996 - - -
Conquest of the New World 4/7
62204 CNWDEM3.A04 3999200 14.02.1996 - - -
Conquest of the new world 5/7
62205 CNWDEM3.A05 3999200 14.02.1996 - - -
Conquest of the new world 6/7
62206 CNWDEM3.A06 3471410 14.02.1996 - - -
Conqeust of the new world 7/7
62207 CNWDEM3.ARJ 3999200 14.02.1996 - - -
Conqust of the New World
Demonstration versio 1.00
CD-demoversion, 37 megabytes on disk.
Sisältää ylimääräiset äänet plus animaatiot.
Suurin pelin kolmesta eri pelattavasta
demosta. Valm. Interplay.
Vaatii 486/66 * 8 Mt * SVGA  1/7
62208 CNWDEMO.A01 1457064 22.01.1996 - - -
Conquest of New World-Amerikanvalloituspelin
pelattava demo. Osa 2/4.
62209 CNWDEMO.A02 1457064 21.01.1996 - - -
Conquest of New World-Amerikanvalloituspelin
pelattava demo. Osa 3/4.
62210 CNWDEMO.A03 325018 21.01.1996 - - -
Conquest of New World-Amerikanvalloituspelin
pelattava demo. Osa 4/4.
62211 CNWDEMO.ARJ 1457064 21.01.1996 - - -
Conquest of New World-Amerikanvalloituspelin
pelattava demo. Osa 1/4.
62212 CNWDEMOB.A01 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Conquest of the New World-strategiapelin
pelattava demoversio B. Sisältää äänet. Osa
62213 CNWDEMOB.A02 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Conquest of the New World-strategiapelin
pelattava demoversio B. Sisältää äänet. Osa
62214 CNWDEMOB.A03 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Conquest of the New World-strategiapelin
pelattava demoversio B. Sisältää äänet. osa
62215 CNWDEMOB.A04 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Conquest of the New World-strategiapelin
pelattava demoversio B. Sisältää äänet. Osa
62216 CNWDEMOB.A05 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Conquest of the New World-strategiapelin
pelattava demoversio B. Sisältää äänet. Osa
62217 CNWDEMOB.A06 669703 22.04.1996 - - -
Conquest of the New World-strategiapelin
pelattava demoversio B. Sisältää äänet. Osa
62218 CNWDEMOB.ARJ 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Conquest of the New World-strategiapelin
pelattava demoversio B. Sisältää äänet. Osa
62332 COVTDEMO.ZIP 20672 18.03.1996 - 24012/1996-07_Disc_2.6.bin -
Maistiaisia Command&Conquer: Covert
Operationsista. Kaksi Nodin tehtävää.
24922 CRIMDEM2.ZIP 2 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
Crimean 2.0 -  The Battles of the Crimean Peninsula: 1941-43. Strategy / world war II / turn based / demo - Classic turn based hex strategy from Schwerpunkt. Battles in Russia, Crimea. Three scenarios. DOS; VGA.
62387 CRIMDEMO.ZIP 1972851 08.08.1996 - - -
Crimea - The Battles of the Crimean
Peninsula: 1941-43. Playable demo of a
Eastern Front Strategy game from Schwerpunkt.
Requires: DOS.
62489 CUSTERD.ZIP 1674896 25.09.1996 - - -
CUSTER'S LAST COMMAND - The Battle of the
Little Bighorn, playable demo of Incredible
Simulations' strategy game. "Take command of
the 7th US Cavalry or the Sioux-Cheyenne
Warriors in the first strategic computer
simulation of the Battle of the Little
Bighorn for IBM PC!" Features: Platoon
level,100 yrds per hex, 5 min. per turn, Turn
based, Player vs Player, Player vs PC, PC vs
PC, PBEM capability, Variations. Req. 286, 4
Mt, VGA.
31866 DEMPDEMO.ZIP 1378365 16.02.1995 - - -
Empire Deluxe pelattava demo - strategia.
Upea strategiapeli. White Wolf Productions /
New World COmputing.
31868 DETROITD.ZIP 1396925 05.02.1995 - - -
Detroit pelattava demo - bisnes/ strategia.
Impressions. Autoteollisuuden kultaiset
vuodet, tekninen kehitys ja kilpailu.
62842 DGDEMO.A01 4099128 25.06.1996 - - -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games E3 demo 2/7
62843 DGDEMO.A02 4099531 25.06.1996 - - -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games E3 demo 3/7
62844 DGDEMO.A03 4099573 25.06.1996 - - -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games E3 demo 4/7
62845 DGDEMO.A04 4099562 25.06.1996 - - -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games E3 demo 5/7
62846 DGDEMO.A05 4099200 25.06.1996 - - -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games E3 demo 6/7
62847 DGDEMO.A06 3471021 25.06.1996 - - -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games E3 demo 7/7
62848 DGDEMO.ARJ 4099423 25.06.1996 - - -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games
E3 showpackage - non playable demo with
press release. UNPPACK to directory
"c:\dgdemo". Sirtech SOftware.        1/7
31872 DGENDEMO.ZIP 264995 07.12.1994 - 13109/Games to Treasure - Disc 2.iso -
D/Generation, pelattava 1-tasoinen demo.
Adventure, toiminta. Valm. Mindscape Vatii
VGA, tukee AdLib/SB, joystick.
63020 DLDDEMO.A01 3306423 26.08.1996 - - -
Deadlock-strategiapelin pelattava demo. Osa
63021 DLDDEMO.ARJ 3999400 26.08.1996 - - -
Deadlock-strategiapelin pelattava demo. Osa
31888 DUNE2DEM.ZIP 2291197 24.10.1995 - - -
Dune 2 intro/demo. Kevyt Strategiapeli.
31889 DUNEPREV.ZIP 542895 24.02.1995 - - -
Dune ei-pelattava preview. Adventure/
strategia. Valm. Cryo/Virgin Games.
63979 E_ZDEMO1.ZIP 1005874 27.08.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
" Z " playable demo - fast top viewed
arcade-game in style of C&C from Bitmap
Brothers/Virgin. DOS demo disk x/3.
63980 E_ZDEMO2.ZIP 1324234 27.08.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
" Z " playable demo - fast top viewed
arcade-game in style of C&C from Bitmap
Brothers/Virgin. DOS demo disk x/3.
63981 E_ZDEMO3.ZIP 1474675 27.08.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
" Z " playable demo - fast top viewed
arcade-game in style of C&C from Bitmap
Brothers/Virgin. DOS demo disk x/3.
63982 E_ZDEMOW.ZIP 824162 27.08.1996 - 23005/cdactioncoverdisc -
" Z " playable demo - fast top viewed
arcade-game in style of C&C from Bitmap
Brothers/Virgin. Demo disk 4/3. This archive
needed in Windows 95 environment.
63325 E2DDEMOS.ZIP 4690462 20.03.1996 - - -
Empire 2: Art of War-Sotastrategiapelin
pelattava demo. New World Computing.
63326 E2DINTRO.ZIP 2346719 20.03.1996 - - -
Empire 2: Art of War-Sotastrategiapelin
pelattavan demon alkudemo. New World
63404 E96-DOMV.A01 3999387 19.10.1996 - - -
Dominion ECTS96 demo 2/3
63405 E96-DOMV.A02 3140393 19.10.1996 - - -
Dominion ECTS96 demo 3/3
63406 E96-DOMV.ARJ 3999467 19.10.1996 - - -
Dominion ECTS96 non-playable demo 1/3
arcade-strategy with network-options,
7th Level.
32301 EXTRCTD.ARJ 2858277 18.02.1996 - - -
Extractors -playable demo. Be a miner, dig
riches and fight hostile companies in this
underground arcade/strategy game. Made by
32323 FAN_GEN_.ZIP 3744299 09.02.1996 - - -
SSI:n Fantasy Generalin pelattava demo
31917 FC2DEMO.ARJ 2705765 25.08.1995 - - -
Flight Commander II -pelattava demo.
Strategiapeli. Ilmasotaa Korean sodasta
tulevaisuuden taisteluihin. Mukana kaikki
mahdolliset ilmavoimat, mukaanlukien Suomen
Ilmavoimat Horneteineen. Valmistanut Avalon
32361 FGDEMO.A01 3999400 27.04.1996 - - -
Fantasy General: Laajempi pelattava demo. Osa
32362 FGDEMO.A02 3999400 27.04.1996 - - -
Fantasy General: Laajempi pelattava demo. Osa
32363 FGDEMO.A03 3999400 27.04.1996 - - -
Fantasy General: Laajempi pelattava demo. Osa
32364 FGDEMO.A04 3999400 27.04.1996 - - -
Fantasy General: Laajempi pelattava demo. Osa
32365 FGDEMO.A05 2818011 27.04.1996 - - -
Fantasy General: Laajempi pelattava demo. Osa
32366 FGDEMO.ARJ 3999476 27.04.1996 - - -
Fantasy General-sotastrategiapelin pelattavan
demon laajempi versio. Osa 1/6.
32410 FM6DEMO.A01 1962698 17.09.1996 - - -
Football Master demo 2/2
32411 FM6DEMO.ARJ 2499498 17.09.1996 - - -
Football Master - playable deme of nice
looking football management game from ESP
Software. DOS.
32470 GENEWDM.A01 3999276 17.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars demo 2/10
32471 GENEWDM.A02 3999426 17.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars demo 3/10
32472 GENEWDM.A03 3999402 17.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars demo 4/10
32473 GENEWDM.A04 3999332 17.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars demo 5/10
32474 GENEWDM.A05 3999534 17.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars demo 6/10
32475 GENEWDM.A06 3999064 17.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars demo 7/10
32476 GENEWDM.A07 3999471 17.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars demo 8/10
32477 GENEWDM.A08 3999200 17.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars demo 9/10
32478 GENEWDM.A09 2818726 17.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars demo 10/10
32479 GENEWDM.ARJ 3999121 17.09.1996 - - -
Gene Wars - playable demo from Bullfrog,
Populous-styled space-based strategy-action
game. DOS, requires 486/66 * VESA* 8 Mb,
recommended Pentium.
32481 GER3.ZIP 601220 09.02.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
playable demos.
31937 HARPCD.ZIP 1256708 25.08.1995 - - -
Harpoon Classic -pelattava demo. Täydellinen
kuusi skenaariota sisältävä esittelyversio
klassisen laivasto- strategiapelin
alkuperäisestä versiosta. Valmistanut
31952 HORDEDE.ZIP 1342209 23.02.1995 - - -
The Horde -pelattava demo. Strategia /
ylläpito. Huolehdi kansalaisista, kehitä
maata ja puolusta hyökkääviä ötökkälaumoja
vastaan. Valm. Crystal Dynamics.
31963 ISDEMO01.ZIP 708759 23.12.1994 - - -
Iron Seed Demo v1.10 Requires VGA, Mouse,
580K, DOS 4+ 386/33 - faster is better!
Awesome Dolby Surround music with an Aria,
ProAudio, Sound Blaster or Gravis UltraSound
or compatible with 600K and 1meg EMS. A vast,
strategic space-adventure. Reunite the
Kendar, an alliance of space-faring races, to
beat the Scavengers. Explore hundreds of
planets, meet, talk, trade with and fight
aliens. Gain experience to build better
weapons as you find clues that lead to the
31964 ISDEMO02.ZIP 619680 23.12.1994 - - -
Iron Seed Demo 2/3
65237 ISDEMO03.ZIP 710400 24.12.1994 - - tupla
Iron Seed Demo 3/3
32653 ITV-DEMO.A01 4099571 22.04.1996 - - -
Into The Void -demo 2/6
32654 ITV-DEMO.A02 4099194 22.04.1996 - - -
Into The Void -demo 3/6
32655 ITV-DEMO.A03 4099207 22.04.1996 - - -
Into The Void -demo 4/6
32656 ITV-DEMO.A04 4099327 22.04.1996 - - -
Into The Void -demo 5/6
32657 ITV-DEMO.A05 3525923 22.04.1996 - - -
Into The Void -demo 6/6
32658 ITV-DEMO.ARJ 4099200 22.04.1996 - - -
Into The Void -pelattava demo V1.01,
tyylikäs avaruusstrategia, runsaasti
vaihtoehtoisia rotuja, tekniikoita ja
avaruussotaa. E-Mail ja verkkopelituki.
Playmates Interactive.
24923 IZDEMO2.ZIP 2,3 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
Izyum 2.0 - The Battles of Izyum 1942-43 Strategy / world war II / turn based / demo Classic turn based hex strategy from Schwerpunkt. Battles around Kharkov and the southern front, across Donets river. Three scenarios. DOS, VGA.
31970 JAGDMO01.ZIP 1010196 11.05.1995 - - -
JAGGED ALLIANCE Playable Demo (IBM) Sir-Tech
A playable demo of JAGGED ALLIANCE. Unzip and
check out the readme file. PELIT BBS X-FILES
31971 JAGDMO02.ZIP 1328385 11.05.1995 - - -
Jagged Alliancen pelattava demo.Osa 2/2.
32663 JDGDEMO.ZIP 4085910 15.09.1996 renamed Pelit CD 1999 -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly games. Pelattava
demo. DOS.
32664 JDGSPECH.A01 2999400 15.09.1996 - - -
Puhepaketti Jagged Alliance: Deadly Gamesin
pelattavaan demoon. Osa 2/3.
32665 JDGSPECH.A02 1764996 15.09.1996 - - -
Puhepaketti Jagged Alliance: Deadly Gamesin
pelattavaan demoon. Osa 3/3.
32666 JDGSPECH.ARJ 2999400 15.09.1996 - - -
Puhepaketti Jagged Allience: Deadly Gamesin
pelattavaan demoon. Osa 1/3.
24924 KIEVDEM2.ZIP 2,2 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
Kiev 2.0 - The Battles of Kiev: 1941-43 Strategy / world war II / turn based / demo Classic turn based hex strategy from Schwerpunkt. Battle for Ukraine between 1941-1943. Three scenarios. DOS VGA.
32713 KIEVDEMO.ZIP 2213386 08.08.1996 - - -
Kiev - The Battles of Kiev: 1941-43 Playable
demo of a WW2 Eastern Front strategy game
from Schwerpunkt. Requires: DOS, SVGA.
65562 KKND_SML.ZIP 6086651 14.11.1996 - 11026/1,000 Game Levels 2.iso tupla
KKND Playable Demo Electronic Arts. A Command
& Conquer/Warcraft'ish type of game with
multiplayer options. You set up your forces,
find and drill for oil, process it to get
more resource units, then spend the resource
units to create more forces.
32764 LENIDEMO.ZIP 2419280 08.08.1996 - - -
Leningrad - The Battles of Leningrad:
1941-43. Demo version of a WW2 Eastern Front
strategy game from Schwerpunkt, requires DOS,
24925 LENIN2D.ZIP 3,3 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
"Leningrad v2.0 - The Battles of Leningrad: 1941-43. Schwerpunkts first game is once again Schwerpunkts best game. Version 2 is not just an upgrade - its a whole new game. Battle from Leningrad from both perspectives in World War II eastern front. Three scenarios. Hex based classical strategy. DOSVGA."
32803 LORDS2.ARJ 3660324 30.07.1996 - - -
Ei-pelattava demo Lords of the Realm
32002 LORDSDEM.ZIP 1385435 16.02.1995 - - -
Lords of the Realm -pelattava demo.
Strategia. Keskiaikaista britannian
valloitusta ja hallintoa. Testattu MB 12/94.
32004 MACHIDE.ZIP 2129717 30.11.1995 - - -
Machiavelli The Prince -pelattava demo.
Maailmantutkimista ja kaupankäyntiä
MicroProsen tahtiin.
32005 MAELSTDE.ZIP 271006 24.02.1995 - - -
Maelstrom demo. Avaruusstrategiaa ja
-sodintaa. Testattu MB 5/93. Valm.
Epicenter/Merit Software.
32847 MAXDMO.A01 2999581 29.10.1996 - - -
M.A.X. demo 2/4
32848 MAXDMO.A02 2999406 29.10.1996 - - -
M.A.X. demo 3/4
32849 MAXDMO.A03 1617907 29.10.1996 - - -
M.A.X. demo 4/4
32850 MAXDMO.ARJ 2999127 29.10.1996 - - -
M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration
playable demo from Interplay. The only
cocurrent turn-based strategy wargame that
combines fully customizable vehicles with
"top-down" SVGA graphics, diverse campaigns
and multi-player action. Fast play of
real-time is blended with the depth and
variety of a turn-based game through the use
of customizable 2turn timer" and "concurrent
play" to privide a truly addictive and
engrossing experience. Req. 486/66 & 8 Mb.
32910 MORECR.ZIP 1121998 21.12.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
MoreCraft Playable Demo From Microforum
add-on levels for the Warcraft II
32924 MTGDEM95.A01 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Magic the Gathering: Windows 95 playable
demo. Part 2/5.
32925 MTGDEM95.A02 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Magix the Gathering: Windows 95 playable
demo. Part 3/5.
32926 MTGDEM95.A03 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Magic the Gathering: Windows 95 playable demo
. Part 4/5.
32927 MTGDEM95.A04 2366668 20.12.1996 - - -
Magic the Gathering: Windows 95 playable
demo. Part 5/5.
32928 MTGDEM95.ARJ 2999469 20.12.1996 - - -
Magic the Gathering: Windows 95 playable
demo. Part 1/5.
32949 MWPLAY.ZIP 167090 09.02.1996 - 13109/Games to Treasure - Disc 2.iso -
MacArthur's War, 7-vuoron demo.
Strategiapeli, valm. Strategic Studies
Group (SSG).
66453 MZVDEM01.ZIP 2058591 31.08.1996 - - tupla
Muzzle Velocity-sotapelin pelattava demo. Osa
66454 MZVDEM02.ZIP 3129951 31.08.1996 - - tupla
Muzzle Velocity-sotapelin pelattava demo.
Osa 2/3.
66455 MZVDEM03.ZIP 3010737 31.08.1996 - - tupla
Muzzle Velocity-sotapelin pelattava demo.
Osa 3/3.
32969 NECROTEN.A01 3839028 23.09.1996 - - -
Necrodome-räiskintäpelin TEN-yhteysversio.
Osa 2/2.
32970 NECROTEN.ARJ 3999472 23.09.1996 - - -
Necrodome-räiskintäpelin TEN-yhteysversio.
Osa 1/2.
32049 ORIONDEM.ZIP 2137723 07.07.1995 - - -
A demo of Microprose's great game Master's of
Orion. If you haven't play the Orion, then
get this and FAST!
33111 PANTHE01.ZIP 4370631 22.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthersin isompi pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. Enemmän grafiikkaa, ääniä yms.
Osa 1/6.
33112 PANTHE02.ZIP 4369447 22.04.1996 - - -
Steel panthersin isompi pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. Enemmän grafiikkaa, ääniä yms.
Osa 2/6.
33113 PANTHE03.ZIP 4371519 22.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthersin isompi pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. Enemmän grafiikkaa, ääniä yms.
Osa 3/6.
33114 PANTHE04.ZIP 4371519 22.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthersin isompi pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. Enemmän grafiikkaa, ääniä yms.
Osa 4/6.
33115 PANTHE05.ZIP 4371519 22.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthersin isompi pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. Enemmän grafiikkaa, ääniä yms.
Osa 5/6.
33116 PANTHE06.ZIP 1359746 22.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthersin isompi pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. Enemmän grafiikkaa, ääniä yms.
Osa 6/6.
32058 PGDEMO.ZIP 3876681 24.02.1995 - - -
Panzer General pelattava demo. Loistava
strategiapeli, testattu MB 1/95 93 pistettä.
32063 PIRGDEMO.ZIP 1302870 21.03.1995 - - -
Pirates Gold -demo
Adventure/kaupankäynti/rosmous, n.
1500-luvulle sijoittuva meriseikkailu. Valm.
33168 PM2DEMO.ZIP 1417433 21.02.1996 - - -
Player Manager 2-futismanageripelin pelattava
32071 PM3DEMO.ZIP 1339919 25.08.1995 - - -
Premier Manager III -pelattava demo.
32073 PREM2.ZIP 512785 30.11.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Premier Manager II pelattava demo, jalkapallo
managerointi/strategiapeli, valm. Gremlin
33194 PWRCHESS.ZIP 4075224 20.12.1996 - - -
Powerchess. Sierran shakkipelin pelattava
demo. Win95.
33214 RAGSDEMO.ARJ 1430668 09.02.1996 - - -
Rags to Riches -pelattava demo.
Valm. Interplay.
33248 RELCIVWA.A01 3664617 30.07.1996 - - -
Robert E. Lee Civil War. Ei-pelattava demo.
Osa 2/2.
33249 RELCIVWA.ARJ 3999403 30.07.1996 - - -
Robert E. Lee American Civil War. Sierran
uuden strategiapelin ei-pelattava demo. Osa
39416 ROE2-SCE.ZIP 325390 16.12.1995 - - -
Rules of Engagement 2 (roe2) / Omnitrend
Software - vaihtoehtoiset grafiikat sekä
itsetehtyjä taisteluja/kampanjoita.
32095 ROEDEM.ZIP 846422 19.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Rules of Engagement. Non-playable demo.
33314 ROSDEMO.ZIP 2124407 11.11.1996 - - -
Rostov playable demo. From Schwerpunkt. WW2
eastern front strategy. Battles for Rostov
1941-1943. PC/DOS/VGA.
24926 ROSDEMO2.ZIP 2 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
Rostov 2.0 - The Battles of Rostov 1941-43 Strategy / world war II / turn based / demo Feldmarschall, you must advance and capture Rostov and the oilfields of the Caucausus. You will strike a deadly blow at the Russians, who are running out of reserves. Der Fuhrer and the people of the Fatherland despise failure!!! Classic turn based hex strategy from Schwerpunkt
32097 RRTDEMO.ZIP 141010 21.03.1995 - - -
Railroad Tycoon -demo. Bisnes. Valm.
33322 S2-DEMO.A01 3999489 12.06.1996 - - -
Settlers 2 -demo 2/6
33323 S2-DEMO.A02 3999200 12.06.1996 - - -
Settlers 2 -demo 3/6
33324 S2-DEMO.A03 3999200 12.06.1996 - - -
Settlers 2 -demo 4/7
33325 S2-DEMO.A04 3999494 12.06.1996 - - -
Settlers 2 -demo 5/6
33326 S2-DEMO.A05 2637376 12.06.1996 - - -
Settlers 2 -demo 6/6
33327 S2-DEMO.ARJ 3999270 12.06.1996 - - -
Settlers 2 -pelattava englanninkielinen demo.
Hieno, erinomaisen hauska valta- kunnan
rakentamis ja hallitsemispeli. Valm. Blue
33331 S2NET.ZIP 3693698 30.07.1996 - - -
Pienempi pelattava demo Settler's 2: Veni
Vidi Vici:stä.
68213 SCDEMO.ZIP 1251018 13.01.1995 - - tupla
Sim City 2000 demo Hallinto/Bisnes/kasvata
oma kaupunki Maxis
32107 SETTLERS.ZIP 1339786 04.07.1995 väärä koko nic.funet.fi -
A demo of BlueByte's hit game The Settlers.
Fully playable! If you haven't try the
actually game, try this (It's cheaper).
Vga/Svga graphics. 2 player mode enable!
33420 SGDEMO.A01 2999459 02.10.1996 - - -
Star General-avaruusstrategiapelin viiden
skenaarion pelattava demo. Osa 2/5.
33421 SGDEMO.A02 2999498 02.10.1996 - - -
Star General-avaruusstrategiapelin viiden
skenaarion pelattava demo. Osa 3/5.
33422 SGDEMO.A03 2999476 02.10.1996 - - -
Star General-avaruusstrategiapelin viiden
skenaarion pelattava demo. Osa 4/5.
33423 SGDEMO.A04 2222560 02.10.1996 - - -
Star General-avaruusstrategiapelin viiden
skenaarion pelattava demo. Osa 5/5.
33424 SGDEMO.ARJ 2999400 02.10.1996 - - -
Star general-avaruusstrategiapelin viiden
skenaarion pelattava demo. Osa 1/5.
33453 SIME-D.ZIP 471843 21.02.1996 - - -
SimEarth -interactive semi-playable demo from
32114 SIMLIFD.ZIP 657609 24.10.1995 - - -
Simlife -ei pelattava demo. Maailman luontia
ja jumalan leikkimistä Maxiksen klassisessa
33488 SOULTRAP.EXE 5720017 20.12.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Soultrap. Pelattava demo. DOS.
33489 SP2DEMO.A01 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Steel Panther 2: Modern Battles. Pelattava
demo. Osa 2/5.
33490 SP2DEMO.A02 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Steel Panther 2: Modern Battles. Pelattava
demo. Osa 3/5.
33491 SP2DEMO.A03 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers 2: Modern Battles. Pelattava
demo. Osa 4/5.
33492 SP2DEMO.A04 1972945 27.10.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers 2: Modern Battles. Pelattava
demo. Osa 5/5.
33493 SP2DEMO.ARJ 2999465 27.10.1996 - - -
Steel Panther 2: Modern Battles. Neljän
skenaarion pelattava demo. Osa 1/5.
32137 SPA-JAD1.ZIP 1016835 08.11.1994 - - -
Jagged Alliance Playable Preview [1/2]
32138 SPA-JAD2.ZIP 1353494 08.11.1994 - - -
Jagged Alliance Playable Preview [2/2]
33496 SPANZDEM.A01 1456974 19.01.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers - Sotastrategian pelattava
demo. Osa 2/8.
33497 SPANZDEM.A02 1457084 19.01.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers - Sotastrategian pelattava
demo. Osa 3/8.
33498 SPANZDEM.A03 1456971 19.01.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers - Sotastrategian pelattava
demo. Osa 4/8.
33499 SPANZDEM.A04 1456952 19.01.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers - Sotastrategian pelattava
demo. Osa 5/8.
33500 SPANZDEM.A05 1457057 20.01.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers - Sotastrategian pelattava
demo. Osa 6/8.
33501 SPANZDEM.A06 1456947 20.01.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers - Sotastrategian pelattava
demo. Osa 7/8.
33502 SPANZDEM.A07 89469 20.01.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers - Sotastrategian pelattava
demo. Osa 8/8.
33503 SPANZDEM.ARJ 1456974 19.01.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers - Sotastrategian pelattava
demo. Osa 1/8.
24927 SPDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 12.10.1998 - - eritupla
Spellcross demo 2/5
24928 SPDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 12.10.1998 - - eritupla
Spellcross demo 3/5
24929 SPDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 12.10.1998 - - eritupla
Spellcross demo 4/5
24930 SPDEMO.A04 2,2 Mt 12.10.1998 - - eritupla
Spellcross demo 5/5
24931 SPDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.10.1998 - - eritupla
Spellcross demo from Cauldron/SCi    1/5 Strategy - fantasy/high tech. Unique strategy game, experience apocalyptic war first hand. Orc forces battle with brute force and magic against high tech human opposition. Decide where to attack, composition and organisation of army, and direction of research. Turn based combat. Lead troops, tank divisions, air squadrons, heavy artillery and elite infantry brigade, across grassy plains and ho
68651 SSTEEL.A01 3553864 22.07.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/2.
68652 SSTEEL.ARJ 3999400 22.07.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel. Interplayn uuden
Mech-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo. Osa 1/2.
33652 TF1DEMO.A01 3999142 16.09.1996 - - -
Team F1 demo 2/9
33653 TF1DEMO.A02 3999274 16.09.1996 - - -
Team F1 demo 3/9
33654 TF1DEMO.A03 3999110 16.09.1996 - - -
Team F1 demo 4/9
33655 TF1DEMO.A04 3999263 16.09.1996 - - -
Team F1 demo 5/9
33656 TF1DEMO.A05 3999319 16.09.1996 - - -
Team F1 demo 6/9
33657 TF1DEMO.A06 3999426 16.09.1996 - - -
Team F1 demo 7/9
33658 TF1DEMO.A07 3999517 16.09.1996 - - -
Team F1 demo 8/9
33659 TF1DEMO.A08 808892 16.09.1996 - - -
Team F1 demo 9/9
33660 TF1DEMO.ARJ 3999209 16.09.1996 - - -
Team F1 - playable demo. Formula 1 Racing
management simulation, with very strong
tactical taste. By "The ASCARON". Create
directory "tf1demo" to root and unpack
32169 THEME.ZIP 1308372 16.05.1995 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Theme Park-huvipuisto simulaation pelattava
33688 THEMHOSD.ARJ 3291376 24.01.1996 - - -
Theme Hospital -demo, valm. Bullfrog.
32180 TPG2DEMO.ZIP 2146144 25.08.1995 - 12790/9700.zip -
The Perfect General II -pelattava demo. Valm.
QQP. Erinomainen kevyt strategiapeli niin
veteraanille kuin tuoreemmallekin pelaajalle.
32182 TRANSTYD.ZIP 792190 16.02.1995 - - -
Transport Tycoon pelattava demo -
strategia/bisnes/tycoon - MicroProse
33758 TTD-DEMO.A01 2999200 26.02.1996 - - -
Transport Tycoon Deluxe -pelattava
demo, valm. MicroProse. 2/4
33759 TTD-DEMO.A02 2999200 26.02.1996 - - -
Transport Tycoon Deluxe -pelattava
demo, valm. MicroProse. 3/4
33760 TTD-DEMO.A03 2361346 25.02.1996 - - -
Transport Tycoon Deluxe -pelattava
demo, valm. MicroProse. 4/4
33761 TTD-DEMO.ARJ 2999239 25.02.1996 - - -
Transport Tycoon Deluxe -pelattava
demo, valm. MicroProse. 1/4
32186 UFODEMO.ZIP 2608423 08.01.1995 - - -
UFO -pelattava demo strategia MicroProse
32188 ULTSMD.ZIP 1177211 25.08.1995 - - -
Ultimate Soccer Manager -pelattava demo.
33799 VCDOSDEM.ZIP 1451049 22.04.1996 - - -
Virtual Chess -playable demo, chessgame from
69658 VCHESSD.A01 1456243 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69659 VCHESSD.A02 1456150 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69660 VCHESSD.A03 1456409 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69661 VCHESSD.A04 1456306 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69662 VCHESSD.A05 1456395 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69663 VCHESSD.A06 1456322 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69664 VCHESSD.A07 1456329 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69665 VCHESSD.A08 1456299 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69666 VCHESSD.A09 1456170 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69667 VCHESSD.A10 1456330 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69668 VCHESSD.A11 1456217 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69669 VCHESSD.A12 1456390 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69670 VCHESSD.A13 1456332 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69671 VCHESSD.A14 1456314 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69672 VCHESSD.A15 1456095 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69673 VCHESSD.A16 1372092 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
69674 VCHESSD.ARJ 1456140 08.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Chess -demo
32196 VIKSHARE.ZIP 301698 19.12.1994 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Vikings: Fields of Conquest. 7-turn playable
demo. Develop your kingdom. Requires VGA. No
instructions. Calls itself a
"shareware"version, but really is only a
69896 WAR10B8.EXE 6046529 23.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft-strategiapelin TEN-yhteysversio.
V1.0 Beta 8.
33820 WAR2DEMO.A01 1457064 04.02.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2-Strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Blizzard. Osa 2/8.
33821 WAR2DEMO.A02 1457064 04.02.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2-Strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Blizzard. Osa 3/8.
33822 WAR2DEMO.A03 1457064 04.02.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2-Strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Blizzard. Osa 4/8.
33823 WAR2DEMO.A04 1457064 04.02.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2-Strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Blizzard. Osa 5/8.
33824 WAR2DEMO.A05 1457064 04.02.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2-Strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Blizzard. Osa 6/8.
33825 WAR2DEMO.A06 1457064 04.02.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2-Strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Blizzard. Osa 7/8.
33826 WAR2DEMO.A07 657686 04.02.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2-Strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Blizzard. Osa 8/8.
33827 WAR2DEMO.ARJ 1457135 04.02.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2-Strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Blizzard. 1/8.
32202 WARCRAFT.ZIP 1396386 26.01.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Warcraft : Orcs vs Humans (DEMO)
This is playable DEMO of the retail game. 3
levels included. Instructions are provided.
32204 WARLRD.ZIP 222002 24.10.1995 - 10565/Giga_Games_2_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1995.iso -
Warlords -pelattava demo. SSG:n klassinen
33872 WL2DEMO.ARJ 3831988 09.05.1996 - - -
Warlords II Deluxe limited playabkle demo
from SSG. A Fantasy oriented easy-to-play
strategy game. SSG.
33890 WSIMDEMO.A01 1456516 27.08.1996 - - -
Wooden Ships & Iron Men 2nd demo 2/4
33891 WSIMDEMO.A02 1456486 27.08.1996 - - -
Wooden Ships & Iron Men 2nd demo 3/4
33892 WSIMDEMO.A03 1111822 27.08.1996 - - -
Wooden Ships & Iron Men 2nd demo 4/4
33893 WSIMDEMO.ARJ 1456454 27.08.1996 - - -
Wooden Ships & Iron Men
New 2nd playable demo, a sea combat
strategy game from sailing ships
time. From Avalon Hill, based on their
old board game.
33902 WW2.ZIP 1437098 24.02.1996 - 22637/cd joy 70 No12.iso -
WarWizard 2 Demo (C) COPYRIGHT 1996
MicroGenesis Playable demo of a CRPG
currently in development. Some features are
not there yet, buy many are. Similar to Dark
Sun and the more recent Ultimas. It runs in
640x480x256 Super VGA mode, requires 8M ram,
and at least a 486/66.
33907 XCOMDEM.ZIP 1145428 18.01.1996 - - -
X-Com: Terror from the Deepin pelattava demo.
unzippaa -d -optiolla
33919 YDKJDE01.ZIP 4371519 24.02.1996 - - -
You Don't Know Jack-Tietovisailun pelattava
demo. Osa 1/2.
33920 YDKJDE02.ZIP 3092571 24.02.1996 - - -
You Don't Know Jack-Tietovisailun pelattava
demo. Osa 2/2.
60315 9OVA0896.ZIP 4719 30.08.1996 - - -
Novastar Game Company * scenario disks
catalog, company news etc
60365 ABSE-D.ARJ 537740 09.02.1996 - - -
Alien Breed Special Edition playable demo
from Team 17.
60367 ABSPIND.ARJ 2133080 23.10.1996 - - -
Absolute Pinball playable demo - 21st
30262 ACKNEX.ZIP 1726841 24.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ACKNEX game raycaster demo, demo for the
ACKNEX engine - the 3rd generation raycaster.
Toolkit to create commercial 3-D action or
role playing games (like HEXEN or DARK
FORCES) WITHOUT programming. This ist the
first level of SKAPHANDER, the first
commercial game created with the
ACKNEX/CubicSpace virtual game toolkit.
31747 ALADDEM2.ZIP 1368022 16.11.1995 - - -
Aladdin -pelattava _laajempi_ demo Disneyn
60565 ALADDIN.ZIP 524155 07.01.1995 renamed 23693/CEUS_CD.iso -
Aladdin pelattava demo Platform Virgin/Disney
Vaatii EMS:ää
60645 AMAGED-1.ZIP 3487797 18.03.1996 - MBCD -
Amageddon: 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Osa 1/2.
60646 AMAGED-2.ZIP 3046155 18.03.1996 - MBCD -
Amageddon: 3--räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Osa 2/2.
60684 AMOK.ZIP 6776290 02.10.1996 - - -
Amo: Vedenalaisen räiskintäpelin pelattava
60685 AMOKNEW.ZIP 2784202 05.11.1996 - 22111/Software USA Volume 4.12.iso -
Amok * level 2 for the playable demo. NOT
required. GTI.
60686 AMOKV2.ZIP 2802969 16.10.1996 - - -
Amok * playable demo V2, DOS & Win95.
Underwater shoot'em'up from GT Interactive
and Scavenger.
24558 AN0001.ZIP 10791 10.07.1996 - 6216/BlackPhiles_CD02.zip -
Thrustmaster Application Note AN-0001
Advanced Key Programming Techniques for the
FLCS-controller. This note describes the
built-in functions in some detail, and also
outlines the various techniques that can be
used when the built-in functions are not
sufficient to handle the requirement at hand.
60758 ANTADEMO.ZIP 2903069 25.03.1996 - 1978/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 5.iso -
Antagony-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
31750 AO-3DDEM.A01 4999369 06.12.1995 - - -
Alien Odyssey 3D Osuuden pelattava
demo. Argonaut Softwaren seikkailupeli,
2 tasoa.
31751 AO-3DDEM.A02 4999387 06.12.1995 - - -
Alien Odyssey 3D Osuuden pelattava
demo. Argonaut Softwaren seikkailupeli,
2 tasoa.
31752 AO-3DDEM.A03 4999346 06.12.1995 - - -
Alien Odyssey 3D Osuuden pelattava
demo. Argonaut Softwaren seikkailupeli,
2 tasoa.
31753 AO-3DDEM.A04 4999493 06.12.1995 - - -
Alien Odyssey 3D Osuuden pelattava
demo. Argonaut Softwaren seikkailupeli,
2 tasoa.
31754 AO-3DDEM.A05 4999347 06.12.1995 - - -
Alien Odyssey 3D Osuuden pelattava
demo. Argonaut Softwaren seikkailupeli,
2 tasoa.
31755 AO-3DDEM.A06 2660500 06.12.1995 - - -
Alien Odyssey 3D Osuuden pelattava
demo. Argonaut Softwaren seikkailupeli,
2 tasoa.
60779 AO-3DDEM.ARJ 4999372 07.12.1995 - - tupla
Alien Odyssey 3D Osuuden pelattava demo.
Argonaut Softwaren seikkailupeli, 2 tasoa.
60926 AS-RIGS.A01 3899435 24.07.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs demo 2/10
60927 AS-RIGS.A02 3899377 24.07.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs demo 3/10
60928 AS-RIGS.A03 3899511 24.07.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs demo 4/10
60929 AS-RIGS.A04 3899491 24.07.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs demo 5/10
60930 AS-RIGS.A05 3899521 24.07.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs demo 6/10
60931 AS-RIGS.A06 3899478 24.07.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs demo 7/10
60932 AS-RIGS.A07 3899470 24.07.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs demo 8/10
60933 AS-RIGS.A08 3899551 24.07.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs demo 9/10
60934 AS-RIGS.A09 1144611 24.07.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs demo 10/10
60935 AS-RIGS.ARJ 3899129 24.07.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs playable demo
3D shoot'em'up originating from PlayStation-
wander weird levels collecting diamonds and
battling your way through enemies to the
end. 1 player fully playable.
"c:\rigsie", or modify rigs.bat.
31772 BALDDEM.ZIP 749773 25.08.1995 - - -
Baldies -pelattava demo. Puzzlearcade. Valm.
61191 BALDIES.A01 1456298 20.04.1996 - - -
Baldies pelin katselteva demo 1/3
61192 BALDIES.A02 7261 20.04.1996 - - -
Baldies pelin katselteva demo 3/3
61193 BALDIES.ARJ 1456418 20.04.1996 - - -
Baldies pelin katseltava demo 1/3
31777 BBEAST.ZIP 4106594 30.12.1995 - - -
Battle Beast Fight-nimisen tappelupelin
scrollaava demo.
61245 BBINTRO.ZIP 2325991 24.02.1996 - - -
Animaatio, jossa esitellään Battle Beast
Fight-tappelupelin viholliset.
61307 BEDLAM.A01 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Bedlam-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo. Osa
61308 BEDLAM.A02 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Bedlam-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo. Osa
61309 BEDLAM.A03 2657483 15.10.1996 - - -
Bedlam-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo. Osa
61310 BEDLAMDE.ARJ 2999400 15.10.1996 - - -
Bedlam-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo. Osa
31784 BERAS.A01 1456200 17.12.1995 - - -
Battle of the Eras 2/5
31785 BERAS.A02 1456183 17.12.1995 - - -
Battle of the Eras 3/5
61329 BERAS.A03 1456348 18.12.1995 - - tupla
Battle of the Eras 4/5
61330 BERAS.A04 478891 18.12.1995 - - tupla
Battle of the Eras 5/5
61331 BERAS.ARJ 1330869 18.12.1995 - - tupla
Battle of the Eras! WOrked on for over a year
BERAS has finally been completed. Mortal
Kombat 2 styled beat'em'up, as a fully
playable demo. Featuring live actors and
16 channel soundtrack. Modem Play, 0/1/2
players. Req 386/vga/6 mb hd
31789 BHAWK.ZIP 1133345 11.05.1995 - 16162/PC Format Ultimate PC Games Collection (Future Publishing).ISO -
Black Thornen(Black Hawkin)pelattava
demo.Ihan hyvä.
61558 BODCOUNT.ZIP 718398 11.05.1995 - - -
grafiikka.Voit olla mm.Moottorisaha-murhaaja.
61559 BODYBLWD.ZIP 425657 09.02.1996 - - -
Body Blows -mätkinnän pelattava demo,
valm. Team 17.
31797 BODYCNTD.ZIP 1802169 05.02.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Operation: Body Count pelattava demo.
31802 BRUTALDE.ZIP 1343783 19.09.1995 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
Brutal - Paws of Fury -pelattava demo.
Eläinmätkintä. Valm. Gametek.
31803 BRUTDEMO.ZIP 1342379 16.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Brutal Challenge (c) Gametek Playable demo
31814 CANNON2.ZIP 899415 24.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Cannon Fodder 2 - pelattava demo
Sensible Softwaren hauskan räiskintäpelin
jatko-osa. Vaatii 2Mt EMS.
31824 CC-P2000.ZIP 945734 02.05.1995 - - -
Pinball Wizard 2000 *Play. Demo* (c) Ikarion
31826 CEDEMO.ZIP 530208 25.08.1995 - - -
Chaos Engine - pelattava demo. Räiskintä.
Valm. Warneractive. Vaatii rajusti
perusmuistia. Käynnistyy "cedemo.exe"
31827 CFDEMO.ZIP 928235 13.01.1995 - - -
Cannon Fodder pelattava demo
action/arcade/hubitapanta Sensible
61967 CGDEMO.ZIP 3054384 25.11.1996 - 17104/TEKNO 2-1997.iso -
CyberGladiators Playable Demo From k.a.a. /
Sierra On-Line It's robotic mayhem at its
finest, as metal gladiators battle it out for
their very survival! Requires Win95 w/
62001 CHASM.ZIP 1657312 15.09.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
The Chasm demo-test V1.02, 3D Action
shooting, "Yet another 3D game.. 3D polygon
based enemies, you can blast off limbs." -
ONE little test level. - FOUR types of
characters: - THREE different weapons.
Minimum: 486/66 * VGA * 8 Mb.
31831 CNINJADE.ZIP 748609 16.02.1995 - - -
Joe & Mac, Caveman Ninjas, pelattava demo.
Platform. New World Computing.
62393 CRUDEMO.A01 2999400 11.11.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Regret. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/7.
62394 CRUDEMO.A02 2999400 11.11.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Regret. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/7.
62395 CRUDEMO.A03 2999400 11.11.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Regret. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/7.
62396 CRUDEMO.A04 2999400 11.11.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Regret. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/7.
62397 CRUDEMO.A05 2999400 11.11.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Regret. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/7.
62398 CRUDEMO.A06 20019 11.11.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Regret. Pelattava demo. Osa 7/7.
62399 CRUDEMO.ARJ 2999400 11.11.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Regret-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/7.
62413 CRUSDEMO.A01 3999452 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/13.
62414 CRUSDEMO.A02 3999331 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 3/13.
62415 CRUSDEMO.A03 3999314 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 4/13.
62416 CRUSDEMO.A04 3999363 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelatatva
demo. Osa 5/13.
62417 CRUSDEMO.A05 3999434 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 6/13.
62418 CRUSDEMO.A06 3999304 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 7/13.
62419 CRUSDEMO.A07 3999334 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 8/13.
62420 CRUSDEMO.A08 3999276 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 9/13.
62421 CRUSDEMO.A09 3999318 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 10/13.
62422 CRUSDEMO.A10 3999330 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 11/13.
62423 CRUSDEMO.A11 3999342 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 12/13.
62424 CRUSDEMO.A12 2681699 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader:No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Osa 13/13.
62425 CRUSDEMO.ARJ 3999398 26.04.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse-toimintapelin pelattava
demo. Huom! Purkaantuu 94 Megatavuun! Osa
62507 CYBER2DE.A01 3999424 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 2/14.
62508 CYBER2DE.A02 3999410 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 3/14.
62509 CYBER2DE.A03 3999430 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 4/14.
62510 CYBER2DE.A04 3999401 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 5/14.
62511 CYBER2DE.A05 3999426 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 6/14.
62512 CYBER2DE.A06 3999422 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 7/14.
62513 CYBER2DE.A07 3999425 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 8/14.
62514 CYBER2DE.A08 3999416 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 9/14.
62515 CYBER2DE.A09 3999404 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 10/14.
62516 CYBER2DE.A10 3999456 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 11/14.
62517 CYBER2DE.A11 3999465 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 12/14.
62518 CYBER2DE.A12 3999385 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 13/14.
62519 CYBER2DE.A13 2162049 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: Pelattava demo. Osa 14/14.
62520 CYBER2DE.ARJ 3999398 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Cyberia 2: pelattava demo. Virginin upean
räiskintäpelin jatko-osan pelattava demo. Osa
62540 CYBRDEMO.A01 1457064 18.01.1996 - - -
Cybermage  Darklight Awakening-3d seikkailun
pelattava demo. Osa 2/7.
62541 CYBRDEMO.A02 1457064 18.01.1996 - - -
Cybermage  Darklight Awakening-3d seikkailun
pelattava demo. Osa 3/7.
62542 CYBRDEMO.A03 1457064 18.01.1996 - - -
Cybermage  Darklight Awakening-3d seikkailun
pelattava demo. Osa 4/7.
62543 CYBRDEMO.A04 1457064 18.01.1996 - - -
Cybermage  Darklight Awakening-3d seikkailun
pelattava demo. Osa 5/7.
62544 CYBRDEMO.A05 1457064 14.01.1996 - - -
Cybermage  Darklight Awakening-3d seikkailun
pelattava demo. Osa 6/7.
62545 CYBRDEMO.A06 733151 18.01.1996 - - -
Cybermage  Darklight Awakening-3d seikkailun
pelattava demo. Osa 7/7.
62546 CYBRDEMO.ARJ 1457064 18.01.1996 - - -
Cybermage  Darklight Awakening-3d seikkailun
pelattava demo. Osa 1/7.
31842 CYCLDEMO.ZIP 1329288 16.02.1995 - - -
Cyclones pelattava demo. Doom-klooni. SSI
31857 DC_SABOT.ZIP 858216 16.03.1995 - - -
Sabotage -demo
Epic Games
62688 DDROME.A01 2475941 08.10.1996 - - eritupla
DeathDrome-toimintapelin pelattava demo. Osa
62690 DDROME.A02 3999343 08.10.1996 - - eritupla
DeathDrome-toimintapelin pelattava demo. Osa
62692 DDROME.A03 794711 08.10.1996 - - eritupla
DeathDrome-toimintapelin pelattava demo. Osa
62694 DDROME.ARJ 3999440 08.10.1996 - - eritupla
DeathDrome-toimintapelin pelattava demo. Osa
31867 DESERTD.ZIP 641637 23.02.1995 - - -
Desert Strike - Return to the gulf -
pelattava demo. Räiskintä/arcade/
kopteriammunta. Valm. Gremlin
31869 DFORCES1.ZIP 3310832 10.04.1995 - MBCD -
Dark Forces -demo
31884 DS2V1001.ZIP 1419312 24.12.1995 - - -
Descent 2 - Interactive Demo v1.0 (1/3)
Earthshaking 3-level
playable demo brought to you by Parallax
Software & Interplay Productions!
31885 DS2V1002.ZIP 1456541 24.12.1995 - - -
Descent 2 SW 1.0, Interplay, (2/3)
31886 DS2V1003.ZIP 1431303 24.12.1995 - - -
Descent 2 SW v.1.0, Interplay, (3/3)
30451 DUDEDEMO.ZIP 3804218 13.08.1996 - - -
SPACE DUDE by EvryWare published by FormGen.
You'll laugh your head off as you control a
3D dude flying on an intergalactic surfboard
in space! Can you save the princess from the
evil aliens that want to kidnap her and
destroy the city? Interactive cinematics and
intensive 3D shooting action, along with a
novel game unlike anything you've ever played
make Space Dude a must- have!  This demo can
be run over and over again to experience more
of the many exciting scenarios you'll have to
63800 ERADDEMO.A01 1456224 23.08.1996 - - tupla
Eradicator demo 2/5
63801 ERADDEMO.A02 1456049 23.08.1996 - - tupla
Eradocator demo 3/5
63802 ERADDEMO.A03 1456302 23.08.1996 - - tupla
Eradicator demo 4/5
63803 ERADDEMO.A04 449349 23.08.1996 - - tupla
Eradicator demo 5/5
63804 ERADDEMO.ARJ 1456070 23.08.1996 - - tupla
Eradicator playable retail demo (1996).
3D shooting and running. Small
representation of the full version. Full
version will be complete and in stoes
November'96. Accolade.
32269 ERADEMO2.A01 2999399 11.11.1996 - - -
Eradicator. Pelattava demo V1.1. Osa 2/3.
32270 ERADEMO2.A02 1823247 11.11.1996 - - -
Eradicator. Pelattava demo V1.1. Osa 3/3.
32271 ERADEMO2.ARJ 2999306 11.11.1996 - - -
Eradicator. 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
V1.1. Osa 1/3.
32291 EWJ1DOS.ZIP 2540388 18.03.1996 - - -
Eartworm Jim-tasohyppelyn pelattava demo.
32292 EWJ2DOS.ZIP 2461783 18.03.1996 - - -
Earthworm Jim 2-Tasohyppelypelin pelattava
demo. DOS-
32338 FATE-DMO.A01 3883549 29.10.1996 - - -
Fate demo 2/2
32339 FATE-DMO.ARJ 3999177 29.10.1996 - - -
Fate Playable demo * 3D game using 3D Realms'
Build engine. "Action gaming to vex the
mind and satisfy the trigger finger."
Intracorp Entertainment. DOS/W95, 486.
31920 FIRE.ZIP 280592 21.05.1995 - 15731/Disk28.iso -
Fire&Ice tasohyppely-pelin pelattava demo.
32412 FMJDEMO.ZIP 1488545 18.01.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
FULL METAL JACKET  Version 1.0  DEMO top-view
style robot battle Action game. This may be
the First pc game with 360 dgree all
direction scroll, rotation, zoom in and zoom
out of background mappings. Support 320 * 240
resolution Support 4 channels sampling BGM
Three missions are available on this demo
version. All 15 missions are available on the
commercial version. Req: 386DX33,4mb,VGA.
32434 FSDEMO-1.ZIP 3500004 02.04.1996 - - -
Terminator: Future Shock. Demo Version 1.0.
Sisältää kolme leveliä.
Osa 1/2.
32435 FSDEMO-2.ZIP 3111948 02.04.1996 - - -
Terminator: Future Shock. Demo Version 1.0.
Sisältää kolme leveliä.
Osa 2/2.
31925 FURY.ZIP 367342 21.05.1995 - 15731/Disk28.iso -
Fury of the Furries Hypi&pompi-puzzlepelin
pelattava demo.
31927 FXFIGHD.ARJ 3475631 16.11.1995 - - -
FX Fighter pelattava demo - beat'em'up.
30494 GALATIX.ZIP 644963 23.12.1995 - 12925/GAMES94.ISO -
Galactix v1.3a - a famous Shareware game
32453 GEARDEMO.EXE 1232412 19.03.1996 - 20758/PC Guia 10.iso -
GearHeads-Lelutaistelupelin pelattava demo.
Philips Media.
32482 GEXTRIAL.A01 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
GEX. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/4.
32483 GEXTRIAL.A02 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
GEX. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/4.
32484 GEXTRIAL.A03 2545164 27.10.1996 - - -
GEX. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/4.
32485 GEXTRIAL.ARJ 2999451 27.10.1996 - - -
GEX-tasohyppelyn pelattava demo. Osa 1/4.
32495 GNOME.A01 3999400 02.10.1996 - - -
G-Nome. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/4.
32496 GNOME.A02 3999400 02.10.1996 - - -
G-Nome. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/4.
32497 GNOME.A03 720007 02.10.1996 - - -
G-Nome. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/4.
32498 GNOME.ARJ 3999400 02.10.1996 - - -
G-Nome: Mechräiskinnän pelattava demo. Osa
32513 GREEDEMO.EXE 5448723 21.01.1996 - 16137/PC-Format_February-1996_[PCF_23_0296].bin -
GREED Demo v3.0: It is the year 15432 during
the third age of man.  Scavenger Hunts mean
big money for the criminal elite.  Covertly
recruited by an enigmatic faction of the
A.V.C. you are a member of the Red Hunter
Elite Aquisition Squad. As a scavenger hunter
it is your job to plummet from orbit in your
drop ship supressing noncooperative entities
(Nops) as best you can in order to acquire
your primary target items.
24180 GUNMDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Gunmetal demo 2/5
24181 GUNMDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Gunmetal demo 3/5
24182 GUNMDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Gunmetal demo 4/5
24183 GUNMDEMO.A04 2,5 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Gunmetal demo 5/5
24184 GUNMDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
"Gunmetal demo v.99 from Mad Genius. 1/5 3D Shootemup The setting for Gunmetal is distant futurewhere huge multinational corporations have replaced governments.Assume role of a tank commander - part of the elite Nataka Imperial Armored Cavalry - and pilot a RPV (Remotely Piloted Vehicle) in the fight. DOS / Win95 with Direct-XP9024MB"
24185 GUNMUSIC.A01 2,9 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Gunmetal demo musics 2/4
24186 GUNMUSIC.A02 2,9 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Gunmetal demo musics 3/4
24187 GUNMUSIC.A03 2,3 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Gunmetal demo musics 4/4
24188 GUNMUSIC.ARJ 2,9 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
"Gunmetal demo v.99 Optional music file. You dont need this to play the demo. Its optional. from Mad Genius.  1/4"
32519 GWDEMO.A01 2999454 21.12.1996 - - -
Genewars demo 2/8
32520 GWDEMO.A02 2999533 21.12.1996 - - -
Genewars demo 3/8
32521 GWDEMO.A03 2999409 21.12.1996 - - -
Genewars demo 4/8
32522 GWDEMO.A04 2999441 21.12.1996 - - -
Genewars demo 5/8
32523 GWDEMO.A05 2999391 21.12.1996 - - -
Genewars demo 6/8
32524 GWDEMO.A06 2999174 21.12.1996 - - -
Genewars demo 7/8
32525 GWDEMO.A07 2778783 21.12.1996 - - -
Genewars demo 8/8
32526 GWDEMO.ARJ 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Genewars -räiskintäpelin pelattava demo. DOS,
vaatii 486/66 8 Mt VESA. Valm. Bullfrog.
32560 HEXDEMO.A01 1456323 01.01.1996 - - -
Hexenin demo, 2/4
32561 HEXDEMO.A02 1456382 01.01.1996 - - -
Hexenin demo, 3/4
32562 HEXDEMO.A03 1343501 01.01.1996 - - -
Hexenin demo, 4/4
32563 HEXDEMO.ARJ 1456372 01.01.1996 - - -
Hexenin 4 tason pelattava ei-beta demo. 1/4
31956 HZN_DARK.ZIP 464329 31.05.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Darker (c) Psygnosis - playable Preview
31959 ILLUSION.ZIP 1097992 17.11.1995 - 23643/PCGAMER13.bin -
Pinball Illusions -pelattava yhden kentän
demo. 21st Centuryn upea uusi PC-flipperi,
multiball-optiolla ja loistavilla kentillä.
32649 IRON.ZIP 707336 24.04.1996 - 24115/PCGAMER Disc 2.8 SEPT 1996.iso -
Iron Blood -playable one level demo. Robot
oriented beat'em'up, from Microforum.
65231 IRONMOV.ZIP 1371706 28.08.1996 - - -
Iron&Blood - Take Two Spills Blood & Iron
medieval-style fighting game on officially
licensed Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game.
MOV-formatted demoanimation showing actual
gameplay. For PlayStation, Saturn, PC and M2.
From Take 2 Software.
30563 JETSTR.ZIP 1276957 16.05.1995 - - -
Jet Strike. Arcaderäiskintää Sopwith 2:n
31972 JNGLBKDE.ZIP 1445453 30.11.1995 - - -
Jungle Book -pelattava demo. Disney-
klassikkoon perustuvat platform-peli, jelpi
Mogwaita pomppimaan pitkin viidakkoa. Disney
32671 JOHNDEMO.A01 3999443 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/13.
32672 JOHNDEMO.A02 3999472 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/13.
32673 JOHNDEMO.A03 3999454 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/13.
32674 JOHNDEMO.A04 3999474 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/13.
32675 JOHNDEMO.A05 3999454 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/13.
32676 JOHNDEMO.A06 3999435 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa 7/13.
32677 JOHNDEMO.A07 3999440 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa 8/13.
32678 JOHNDEMO.A08 3999474 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa 9/13.
32679 JOHNDEMO.A09 3999451 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa
32680 JOHNDEMO.A10 3999432 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa
32681 JOHNDEMO.A11 3999329 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa
32682 JOHNDEMO.A12 275099 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone. Pelattava demo. Osa
32683 JOHNDEMO.ARJ 3999468 11.06.1996 - - -
Johnny Bazookatone-tasohyppelypelin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/13.
31975 JUNGSDEM.ZIP 9203273 25.08.1995 - - -
Jungle Strike -pelattava demo.
Helikopteriräiskintä. Valm. Gremlin.
30569 K6DEMO.ZIP 363803 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Commander Keen 6 demo, EGA/VGA
65729 LIONKING.ZIP 1055767 08.01.1995 - 11472/Top 100 Games.iso tupla
The Lion King -pelattava demo Platform Disney
32795 LOCUSDEM.ZIP 3164932 05.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Locus-pelin pelattava demo.
Räiskintä/futuristinen 3-D prätkäpeli.
32009 MA-PDEMO.ZIP 1495434 26.03.1995 - - -
MAV : Psycho Pinball Playable demo
32006 MAGCAR01.ZIP 598538 06.01.1995 - - -
Magic Carpet demo 1/2
32007 MAGCAR02.ZIP 481136 06.01.1995 - - -
Magic Carpet demo 2/2
32013 MAV-INSP.ZIP 720812 16.03.1995 - - -
Operation Innerspace - Playable Demo
32015 MAV!SD-P.ZIP 1529299 16.03.1995 - - -
Star Dust - Playable Preview
A new version of the Asteroid game for PC
32853 MC2DEMO.A01 1457072 01.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2 - Pelattava demo. Hieno! Osa
32854 MC2DEMO.A02 1457064 01.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2 - Pelattava demo. Hieno!. osa
32855 MC2DEMO.A03 1457081 01.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2 - Pelattava demo. Hieno! osa
32856 MC2DEMO.A04 1457088 01.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2 - Pelattava demo. Hieno! osa
32857 MC2DEMO.A05 1457031 01.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2 - Pelattava demo. Hieno! Osa
32858 MC2DEMO.A06 1457075 01.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2 - Pelattava demo. Hieno! Osa
32859 MC2DEMO.A07 1457067 01.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2 - Pelattava demo. Hieno. Osa
32860 MC2DEMO.A08 1067928 01.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2 - Pelattava demo. Hieno! Osa
32861 MC2DEMO.ARJ 1457105 01.01.1996 - - -
Magic Carpet 2:sen pelattava demo. Hieno! Osa
66060 MDKNDMO.A01 3999298 23.10.1996 - - -
M.D.K. - non-interactive demo 2/5
66061 MDKNDMO.A02 3999199 23.10.1996 - - -
M.D.K. - non-interactive demo 3/5
66062 MDKNDMO.A03 3999156 23.10.1996 - - -
M.D.K. - non-interactive demo 4/5
66063 MDKNDMO.A04 1025026 23.10.1996 - - -
M.D.K. - non-interactive demo 5/5
66064 MDKNDMO.ARJ 3999154 23.10.1996 - - -
M.D.K. - non-interactive demo, shiny and
different shoot'em'up from Shiny
32882 METALRAG.A01 337792 15.10.1996 - - -
Metal Rage-tankkiräiskintäpelin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/2.
32883 METALRAG.ARJ 2999325 15.10.1996 - - -
Metal Rage-tankkiräiskintäpelin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/2.
32025 MK2DEMO.A01 1456423 15.02.1995 - - -
Mortal Kombat pelattava demo
32026 MK2DEMO.A02 1456384 15.02.1995 - - -
Mortal Kombat pelattava demo
32027 MK2DEMO.A03 1022914 15.02.1995 - - -
Mortal Kombat pelattava demo
32028 MK2DEMO.ARJ 1456302 15.02.1995 - - -
Mortal Kombat pelattava demo
32029 MK2DEMO.KEY 550 15.02.1995 - - -
Mortal Kombat pelattava demo
32030 MK3PREDE.A01 2807320 17.11.1995 - - -
Mortal Kombat III -pelattava prerelease
demo. Kuulu, näyttävä ja verta pärskivä
32031 MK3PREDE.ARJ 3699214 17.11.1995 - - -
Mortal Kombat III -pelattava prerelease
demo. Kuulu, näyttävä ja verta pärskivä
32898 MLDEMO.ZIP 2154900 09.02.1996 - - -
Metal & Lace -tyttömätkintäpelin
pelattava demo.
32033 MMXDEMO.ARJ 1050232 16.11.1995 - - -
Mega Man X Playable Demo, from Capcom. Arcade
platform shooting. Req. 486/33.
33014 NIHIDEMO.A01 2499200 05.10.1996 - - -
Nihilist ECTS96 demo 2/3
33015 NIHIDEMO.A02 2012068 05.10.1996 - - -
Nihilist ECTS96 demo 3/3
33016 NIHIDEMO.ARJ 2499146 05.10.1996 - - -
Nihilist - playable ECTS96 demo, DOS. "PURE
FROM 'BITS'" Real mercenaries, the hard-core
pilots; they risk their lives, and their
reputations, in the old-style arenas: the
Kraal - magnetic cages of plasma fire that
pulse to the tides of an alien sun..."
Fantastic opportunity to thrash your mates
over a modem or network link. Demo with 3 1p
levels, 2 multiplayer and 3 ships. Philips.
33017 NIHILDEM.ZIP 4688027 11.11.1996 - 17102/TEKNO 1-1997.iso -
Nihilist Playable Demo Space-shoot'em'up.
Bits Corporation/Philips Media Games. DOS.
67147 PDEMO95.ZIP 2876915 14.05.1996 - - -
Piranha: Stardust/Asteroids-tyylinen
räiskintäpeli. Pelattava demo.
32056 PDREDEM.ZIP 278922 24.02.1995 - - -
Pinball Dreams -pelattava demo. Flipperi.
21st Century Entertainment.
33134 PFD-DEMO.A01 2999275 23.08.1996 - - -
Pray For Death -demo 2/4
33135 PFD-DEMO.A02 2999293 23.08.1996 - - -
Pray For Death -demo 3/4
33136 PFD-DEMO.A03 1641869 23.08.1996 - - -
Pray For Death -demo 4/4
33137 PFD-DEMO.ARJ 2999374 23.08.1996 - - -
Pray For Death - playable demo of
Virgin's fantasy- and Egyptian history
oriented beat'em'up with very historical
characters. Demo contains two fighters.
DOS. 1/4
32057 PFDEMO.ZIP 816004 24.02.1995 - - -
Pinball Fantasies pelattava demo. Flipperi -
21st Centure Entertainment.
67235 PIL-DAR.ZIP 1455403 24.12.1994 - - -
Dark Force -demo
Lucas Arts
True gameplay (no GIF). AVI requires VFW
32062 PINMDEMO.ZIP 1103326 17.11.1995 - - -
Pinball Mania -pelattava yhden kentän demo.
Flipperi. Valm. 21st Century.
33161 PIRDEMO.ZIP 2877082 19.05.1996 - - -
Piranha - pelattava demo. Asteroids tyyppinen
shoot'em'up OTM:ltä.
32072 POP2DEMO.ZIP 1084471 19.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Prince of Persia 2
Playable demo. Requires VGA.
Supports sound devices.
33180 PP_DEMO.ZIP 917038 28.08.1996 - - -
Pinball Prelude - playable demo of nice
pinball game for DOS from Effigy.
32074 PRIMRAGD.A01 2999136 17.11.1995 - - -
Primal Rage - beat'em'upn
pelattava demo. Asennettava
"install" komennolla. Valm. Time
32075 PRIMRAGD.A02 1801816 17.11.1995 - - -
Primal Rage - beat'em'upn
pelattava demo. Asennettava
"install" komennolla. Valm. Time
32076 PRIMRAGD.ARJ 2999246 17.11.1995 - - -
Primal Rage - beat'em'upn
pelattava demo. Asennettava
"install" komennolla. Valm. Time
67491 PSFREE.ZIP 3947165 25.03.1996 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
Powerslave: 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattavan
demon päivitetty versio. Korjaa bugeja yms.
32078 PSYCHOPB.ZIP 1393984 17.03.1995 - - -
Psycho Pinball Playable demo
67559 PWRSLA12.ZIP 3932827 07.05.1996 - - -
Powerslave: 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo
V 1.2.
32081 PXDEMO.ARJ 717149 15.12.1995 - - -
Project-X - Your bog standard super-playable
horizontal scrolling shoot-'em-up. Playable
demo from Team 17.
32082 PYRO.ZIP 1253039 06.05.1995 - - -
Pyrotechnics-räiskintäpelin pelattava
67634 QUARDEMO.ZIP 1363358 27.01.1995 - 21829/Plex4.mdf tupla
Quarantine pelattava demo
adventure/rooli/räiskintä Gametek
32088 RAID114S.ZIP 2135121 02.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
ZONE RAIDERS Demo v1.14s, Virgin
32089 RAMDEM.ZIP 1333278 19.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Terminator: Rampage from Bethesda Softworks.
Demo. Wolf-3D-style 3D perspective
shoot-em-up with texture-mapped graphics.
Requires VGA, supports several sound systems.
33230 RAYDEMO.ARJ 2782558 22.01.1996 - - -
Rayman Tasohyppelyn pelattava demo.
33243 REBELA-D.ARJ 4464023 09.02.1996 - - -
Rebel Assault -pelattava demo.
33244 REBRUND.ZIP 4106198 27.08.1996 - - -
Rebel Runner playable one level Demo. Side
viewed running platforming beat'em'up. Req.
386+ From Microforum. URL:
http://www.microforum.com Must be installed
in drive's root to directory ":\digital"
33261 RENDDEMO.ZIP 2214597 21.12.1996 - 24030/1997-12_Disc_3.9_No._2.bin -
Tomb Raider Rendition Version Playable Demo
Rendition-ready demo of Tomb Raider
33274 RISE2D.A01 3999143 29.02.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Resurrection, Rise of the Robots
2 -playable pre-production demo, 2/4
33275 RISE2D.A02 3999289 29.02.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Resurrection, Rise of the Robots
2 -playable pre-production demo, 3/4
33276 RISE2D.A03 2072904 29.02.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Resurrection, Rise of the Robots
2 -playable pre-production demo, 4/4
33277 RISE2D.ARJ 3999142 28.02.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Resurrection, Rise of the Robots 2
-playable pre-production demo, the Robot
beat'em'up game from Acclaim.
67999 ROTRDEMO.ZIP 5031032 27.01.1995 - - tupla
Rise of the Robots pelattava demo
33318 RWSHAR-1.ZIP 2999947 04.02.1996 - - -
Road Warrior-Räiskintä/Autopelin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/3.
33319 RWSHAR-2.ZIP 2999905 04.02.1996 - - -
Road warrior-Räiskintä/Autopelin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/3.
33320 RWSHAR-3.ZIP 1679066 04.02.1996 - - -
Road Warrior-Räiskintä/Autopelin pelattava
demo. Osa 3/3.
33348 SC2_DEMO.ZIP 1451271 09.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Star Control II pelattava demo.
33352 SC3MELEE.A01 1439200 11.11.1996 - - -
Star Control III demo 2/6
68207 SC3MELEE.A02 1439200 11.11.1996 - - tupla
Star Control III demo 3/6
68208 SC3MELEE.A03 1439200 11.11.1996 - - tupla
Star Control III demo 4/6
68209 SC3MELEE.A04 1439200 11.11.1996 - - tupla
Star Control III demo 5/6
68210 SC3MELEE.A05 123529 11.11.1996 - - tupla
Star Control III demo 6/6
33357 SC3MELEE.ARJ 1439200 11.11.1996 - - -
Star Control 3 Hyper Melee Demo This playable
demo includes the fast action Hyper Melee
star ship combat from SC3. Pick from 7 ships,
play against the computer, or friend via
modem/serial link/network. Accolade
32105 SEALTEAM.ZIP 1374317 19.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Seal Team, a 3D view shoot-em-up attacking
enemy installations in Vietnam. Playable
demo. Requries VGA, supports sound
30788 SEEKANIM.ZIP 3846358 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Seek & Destroy Shareware Animation
This file is an ending animation for Safari's
Seek & Destroy, shareware version. Simply
unzip the file into your SEEK directory and
you'll see the cool ending anim when you
complete the second mission (end of shareware
version). This file is NOT necessary to play
Seek and Destroy. Requires: Seek & Destroy
shareware. Contents: UNANIM.FLC, FILE_ID.DIZ.
30789 SEEKSW1.ZIP 3826017 25.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Seek and Destroy v1.0
Seek and Destroy from Safari Software.
Execute strategic missions against the enemy
in either a tank or helicopter. Features a
smooth 360 degree battlefield, tons of
action, multiple weapon upgrades and
configurations, beautiful explosions and
mass destruction. Requires a 486 or faster
PC, 4 MB RAM, VGA Graphics, and nerves of
steel. (Also look for the optional ending
animation: SEEKANIM.ZIP)
32108 SF2DEMO.ZIP 4090856 11.05.1995 - - -
SF2 Turbon(Sen uusimman)pelattava demo.
33398 SF3KDEMO.A01 3199034 31.07.1996 - - -
Starfighter 3000 demo 2/3
33399 SF3KDEMO.A02 2615567 31.07.1996 - - -
Starfighter 3000 demo 3/3
33400 SF3KDEMO.ARJ 3199111 31.07.1996 - - -
StarFighter 3000 - Studio 3DO Two Level
Playable Demo of coming shoot'em'up. UNPACK
32110 SFROGD.ARJ 1066546 25.08.1995 - - -
Superfrog -pelattava demo. Platform-hyppely.
Valm. Team 17
33402 SFTEDEMO.A01 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Surface Tension. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/6.
33403 SFTEDEMO.A02 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Surface Tension. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/6.
33404 SFTEDEMO.A03 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Surface Tension. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/6.
33405 SFTEDEMO.A04 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Surface Tension. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/6.
33406 SFTEDEMO.A05 599327 20.12.1996 - - -
Surface Tension. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/6.
33407 SFTEDEMO.ARJ 2999462 20.12.1996 - - -
Surface Tension-räiskintäpelin pelattava deo.
Osa 1/6.
33436 SHELLS90.ZIP 2097196 18.06.1996 - 26148/Computer Buyer October 1996.iso -
Shellshock-tankkipelin pelattava demo. Core
68358 SHOCKDEM.ZIP 4253052 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Terminator: Future Shock 3d-räiskintäpelin
yhden tason pelattava demo.
33461 SKYDEMO.A01 2499400 25.11.1996 - - -
Terminator: SkyNET pl. demo 2/5
33462 SKYDEMO.A02 2499400 25.11.1996 - - -
Terminator: SkyNET pl. demo 3/5
33463 SKYDEMO.A03 2499472 25.11.1996 - - -
Terminator: SkyNET pl. demo 4/5
33464 SKYDEMO.A04 1423312 25.11.1996 - - -
Terminator: SkyNET pl. demo 5/5
33465 SKYDEMO.ARJ 2499453 25.11.1996 - - -
Terminator: SkyNET playable demo
From Bethesda Softworks
Return to the apocalyptic world that is The
Terminator (TM). SkyNET delivers all new
single player missions and the most explosive
multi-player combat ever to grace a screen.
Now take on the cyborg enemies in SVGA
graphics with all new options and weapons. Lb
pipe bombs over walls to bombard your enemies
or use the motion tracker and play a deadly
game of cat and mouse." 1/5
32134 SODDEMO.ZIP 737353 24.12.1994 - - -
Sword of Destiny -demo
Apogee, VGA
32136 SOVER.ZIP 1243619 11.05.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Sovereign of the earth tankkipelin pelattava
33506 SPCREAT.ZIP 4632842 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet Playable Demo from Criterion
Studios / Virgin. A 3D shoot'em'up, first
person perspective 360 degree relentless
action shoot'em'up game across various
terrains. Test your reflexes, nerves
and tactical awareness.
* Creative Labs 3D Blaster PCI version *
68567 SPDEMO.A01 3999200 17.10.1996 - - eritupla
Scorched Planet ECTS96-demo 2/6
68568 SPDEMO.A02 3999258 17.10.1996 - - eritupla
Scorched Planet ECTS96-demo 3/6
68569 SPDEMO.A03 3999493 17.10.1996 - - eritupla
Scorched Planet ECTS96-demo 4/6
68570 SPDEMO.A04 3999558 17.10.1996 - - eritupla
Scorched Planet ECTS96-demo 5/6
68571 SPDEMO.A05 1924248 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet ECTS96-demo 6/6
68572 SPDEMO.ARJ 3998960 17.10.1996 - - eritupla
Scorched Planet playable ECTS96-demo -
first person perspective 360 degree
relentless action shoot'em'up game across
various terrains. Test your reflexes, nerves
and tactical awareness. Includes DOS &
native Win95-demos, latter req. DirectX.
33512 SPDOS.ZIP 4051384 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet Playable Demo from Criterion
Studios / Virgin. A 3D shoot'em'up, first
person perspective 360 degree relentless
action shoot'em'up game across various
terrains. Test your reflexes, nerves
and tactical awareness.
* DOS; 4.1 MB *
33530 SRDEMO.A01 1457103 09.02.1996 - - -
Star Ranger-3D avaruusräiskinnän pelattava
demo.Osa 2/5.
33531 SRDEMO.A02 1457064 09.02.1996 - - -
Star Ranger-3D Räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Osa 3/5.
33532 SRDEMO.A03 1457064 09.02.1996 - - -
Star ranger- 3D avaruusräiskintäpelin
pelattava demo. Osa 4/5.
33533 SRDEMO.A04 549620 09.02.1996 - - -
Star Ranger-3D Avaruusräiskintäpelin
pelattava demo. Osa 5/5.
33534 SRDEMO.ARJ 1457064 09.02.1996 - - -
Star Ranger-3D avaruusräiskinnän pelattava
demo. Osa 1/5.
33535 SRLIGHT.EXE 4031743 12.02.1996 - 17108/TEKNO 3-1996.iso -
Star Rangers 3D-avaruusräiskinnän pelattavan
demon Lite-versio.
33536 SSD96.ZIP 3512049 18.02.1996 renamed archive.org -
Super Stardust 96-avaruusräiskinnän pelattava
33537 SSDEMO11.A01 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel. Pelattava demo V1.1. Osa
33538 SSDEMO11.A02 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel. Pelattava demo V1.1. Osa
33539 SSDEMO11.A03 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel. Pelattava demo V1.1. Osa
33540 SSDEMO11.A04 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel. Pelattava demo V1.1. Osa
33541 SSDEMO11.A05 1560748 20.12.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel. Pelattava demo V1.1. Osa
33542 SSDEMO11.ARJ 2999400 20.12.1996 - - -
Shattered Steel-mechräiskinnän pelattava demo
V1.1. Osa 1/6.
32144 SSF2TD.ARJ 3188091 19.05.1995 - - -
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
Demoversion from GameTak.
33543 SSTED-E3.A01 2999400 02.07.1996 - - -
Silent Steel E3 demo 2/5
33544 SSTED-E3.A02 2999400 02.07.1996 - - -
Silent Steel E3 demo 3/5
33545 SSTED-E3.A03 2999480 02.07.1996 - - -
Silent Steel E3 demo 4/5
33546 SSTED-E3.A04 2231647 02.07.1996 - - -
Silent Steel E3 demo 5/5
33547 SSTED-E3.ARJ 2999459 02.07.1996 - - -
Silent Steel * E3 playable demoversion.
Arcade shoot'em'up from Interplay. 1/5
33562 STRIFE10.EXE 5083177 05.03.1996 - 10680/El CD Rom de los Juegos.tar.gz -
Strife: 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
33564 STRPDEMO.A01 2999280 08.12.1996 - - -
Strikepoint demo 2/3
33565 STRPDEMO.A02 1652223 08.12.1996 - - -
Strikepoint demo 3/3
33566 STRPDEMO.ARJ 2999435 08.12.1996 - - -
Strikepoint playable demo. Helicopter
shoot'em'up from Elite Systems.
33576 SW_DEM-1.ZIP 2999816 29.01.1996 - - -
Electronic Artsin Shockwave-pelin demo. Osa
33577 SW_DEM-2.ZIP 1003000 29.01.1996 - - -
Electronic Artsin Shockwave-pelin demo. Osa
33578 SW_DEM-3.ZIP 4917190 29.01.1996 - - -
Electronic Artsin Shockwave-pelin demo. Osa
33571 SWARSKEY.TXT 1572 22.09.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars -demokeys
68806 SWIV_DOS.A01 3267618 22.09.1996 - - -
SWIV 3D -demo 2/2
68807 SWIV_DOS.ARJ 3499030 22.09.1996 - - -
SWIV 3D -räiskintäpelin pelattava demo,
DOS, SCi, 1/2
33584 SWIVBOTH.A01 2999471 02.10.1996 - - -
SWIV 3D: Pelattava demo. Win95/DOS. Osa 2/5.
33585 SWIVBOTH.A02 2999400 02.10.1996 - - -
SWIV 3D: Pelattava demo. Win95/DOS. Osa 3/5.
33586 SWIVBOTH.A03 2999470 02.10.1996 - - -
SWIV 3D: Pelattava demo. Win95/DOS. Osa 4/5.
33587 SWIVBOTH.A04 2414594 02.10.1996 - - -
SWIV 3D: Pelattava demo. Win95/DOS. Osa 5/5.
33588 SWIVBOTH.ARJ 2999400 02.10.1996 - - -
SWIV 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää DOS ja Windows 95-versiot. Osa 1/5.
32159 SYNDICD.ZIP 649651 25.08.1995 - - -
Syndicate -pelattava demo. Räiskintä. Valm.
33591 SYNWDEM2.A01 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. A new playable demo. Part
33592 SYNWDEM2.A02 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Uudempi pelattava demo. Osa
33593 SYNWDEM2.A03 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Uudempi pelattava demo. Osa
33594 SYNWDEM2.A04 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Uudempi pelattava demo. Osa
33595 SYNWDEM2.A05 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Uudempi pelattava demo. Osa
33596 SYNWDEM2.A06 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Uudempi pelattava demo. Osa
33597 SYNWDEM2.A07 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Uudempi pelattava demo. Osa
33598 SYNWDEM2.A08 2999400 27.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Uudempi pelattava demo. Osa
33599 SYNWDEM2.A09 1238552 27.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Uudempi pelattava demo. Osa
33600 SYNWDEM2.ARJ 2999471 27.10.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. A new playable demo. Part
68830 SYNWRDEM.A01 2999400 19.09.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/7.
68831 SYNWRDEM.A02 2999400 19.09.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/7.
68832 SYNWRDEM.A03 2999400 19.09.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/7.
68833 SYNWRDEM.A04 2999457 19.09.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/7.
68834 SYNWRDEM.A05 2999400 19.09.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/7.
68835 SYNWRDEM.A06 2429309 19.09.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Pelattava demo. Osa 7/7.
68836 SYNWRDEM.ARJ 2999400 19.09.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars. Syndicaten jatko-osan
pelattava demo. Osa 1/7.
32160 T2DEMO.ZIP 734334 24.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Turrican 2 PC Two level demo.
33601 T2K_PC10.ZIP 447064 23.02.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
TEMPEST 2000(tm) PC DEMO - version 1.0
Atari - shareware demo
Turn out the lights, turn up the volume and
p ind blowing assault
on the senses. Once your neurotransmitters
ge he hypnotic rhythms
of 100% pure techno-rave, you'll be
hooked... able to escape the
rush of blasting Flippers and Demon Heads as
33607 TALOSV-1.ZIP 3499919 25.03.1996 - - -
Vengeance on Talos V - toiminta/tasohyppely-
pelin pelattava demo. Osa 1/2.
33608 TALOSV-2.ZIP 2647305 25.03.1996 - - -
Vengeance on Talox V - toiminta/tasohyppely-
pelin pelattava demo. Osa 2/2.
32163 TCARDEMO.ZIP 1508725 16.02.1995 - - -
Total Carnage pelattava demo.
Räiskintä. I.C.E.
33643 TEKWAR-1.ZIP 1457623 15.10.1995 - - -
TEKWAR 1 of 5
Welcome to the Tek War Demo.
To skip the intro/briefing screens
press [Esc]. The F1
key brings up the help menu.
Have Fun!!!
33644 TEKWAR-2.ZIP 1457601 15.10.1995 - - -
TEKWAR 2 of 5
33645 TEKWAR-3.ZIP 1457415 15.10.1995 - - -
TEKWAR 3 of 5
33646 TEKWAR-4.ZIP 1457298 15.10.1995 - - -
TEKWAR 4 of 5
33647 TEKWAR-5.ZIP 1437940 15.10.1995 - - -
TEKWAR 5 of 5
68977 TERMRAMP.ZIP 1332072 08.01.1995 - - -
Terminator: Rampage demo Bethesda Softworks
32168 THEMACD.ZIP 1030464 20.12.1995 - - -
THE MACHINES: Playable 3 level Demo from
Merit Studios. Outfit a death-bringing robot
and drop it into a hazard filled arena -
simple, addictive and fun.
33689 THEXDEMO.ZIP 1456643 01.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
Thexder, Sierra, Windows -95
33704 TMDEMO.A01 2778546 25.04.1996 - - -
Total Mayhem-toimintapelin pelattava demo.
Osa 2/2. Domark.
33705 TMDEMO.ARJ 2999473 25.04.1996 - - -
Total Mayhem-toimintapelin pelattava demo.
Osa 1/2. Domark.
33706 TMNDEMO.ZIP 5740883 23.05.1996 - 22378/XENIATGM17.iso -
Total Mania-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
33707 TN-DEM2.A01 3999378 19.05.1996 - - -
Terra Nova demo 2/8
33708 TN-DEM2.A02 3999453 19.05.1996 - - -
Terra Nova demo 3/8
33709 TN-DEM2.A03 3999200 19.05.1996 - - -
Terra Nova demo 4/8
33710 TN-DEM2.A04 3999200 19.05.1996 - - -
Terra Nova demo 5/8
33711 TN-DEM2.A05 3999421 19.05.1996 - - -
Terra Nova demo 6/8
33712 TN-DEM2.A06 3999384 19.05.1996 - - -
Terra Nova demo 7/8
33713 TN-DEM2.A07 2488800 19.05.1996 - - -
Terra Nova demo 8/8
33714 TN-DEM2.ARJ 3999306 19.05.1996 - - -
Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri,
räiskintäpelin laaja pelattava demo. Sis.
Kolme erityisesti demoon suunniteltua
tehtävää. Looking Glass.
33715 TNDEMO-1.ZIP 4499985 17.04.1996 - - -
Terra Nova: Strike Force
Centauri-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo. Osa
33716 TNDEMO-2.ZIP 3626124 17.04.1996 - - -
Terra Nova: Strike Force
Centauri-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo. Osa
69211 TOMBRAID.ZIP 2026879 11.11.1996 koko¹ MBHH1998 tupla
Tomb Raider Playable Demo Core/Eidos
Interactive - state of the art, third person
perspective action-adventure game featuring
complete freedom of movement throughout
realtime 3D levels.
32179 TOWER.ZIP 1123456 06.05.1995 - 10811/PC_Review_CD13.iso -
Alien Breed:Tower Assaultin pelattava demo.
69439 TSD87.ZIP 3891816 02.04.1996 - - -
Battle Arena: Toshinden 3D Fighting game,
commercial demo for DOS. Sony Playstation
smash hit converted to PC. 3 of 11 characters
present. Demo V0.87, more recent than
33757 TSDEMO.ZIP 2747894 30.07.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
TimeSlaughter-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Bloodlust Software.
69446 TTFS-AN1.ZIP 8641755 02.04.1996 - - -
The Terminator - Future Shock, intro
animations. Bethesda Softworks.
69447 TTFS-AN2.ZIP 6249767 02.04.1996 - - -
The Terminator - Future Shock, intro
animations. Bethesda Softworks.
69452 TUBE.ZIP 1045252 31.01.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg tupla
Tube by Bullfrog
32187 ULTB-DE.ZIP 1147370 24.02.1995 - - -
Ultimate Body Blows -pelattava demo.
Mätkintä/beat'em'up. Team 17.
33781 ULTPIND.A01 2999293 18.02.1996 - - -
3d Ultra Pinball demo 2/3
33782 ULTPIND.A02 1376390 18.02.1996 - - -
3d Ultra Pinball demo 3/3
33783 ULTPIND.ARJ 2999373 18.02.1996 - - -
Ultra Pinball pelattava 1-kentän (Outpost)
demo. Valm. Sierra.
33797 VALBETA.A01 3206153 08.08.1996 - - -
Valhalla beta version 2/2
33798 VALBETA.ARJ 3999460 08.08.1996 - - -
Valhalla beta version - beat'em'up 1/2
Anarchy Entertainment
32198 VRPOOL10.ZIP 324162 24.04.1995 - 11026/1,000 Game Levels 2.iso -
Virtual Pool Demo - Interplay - Celeris
Experience the true meaning of Virtual
Reality and become immersed in the most
incredibly accurate real-time simulation ever
developed for the personal computer.
33829 WARRIO-1.ZIP 3999996 16.04.1996 - - -
Savage Warriors-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Osa 1/3.
33830 WARRIO-2.ZIP 3999955 16.04.1996 - - -
Savage Warriors-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Osa 2/3.
33831 WARRIO-3.ZIP 3857630 16.04.1996 - - -
Savage Warriors-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Osa 3/3.
33847 WETDEMO.A01 1457122 13.01.1996 - - -
WetLandsin, New World Compuringin Rebel
Assault-tyylisen räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Osa 2/9.
33848 WETDEMO.A02 1457064 13.01.1996 - - -
WetLands, New World Computingin Rebel
Assault-tyylisen räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Osa 3/9.
33849 WETDEMO.A03 1457064 13.01.1996 - - -
WetLan∩ds, New World Computingin Rebel
Assault-tyylisen räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Osa 4/9.
33850 WETDEMO.A04 1457140 13.01.1996 - - -
WetLands, New World Computingin Rebel
assault-tyylisen räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Osa 5/9.
33851 WETDEMO.A05 1457064 13.01.1996 - - -
WetLands, New World Computingin Rebel
Assault-tyylisen räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Osa 6/9.
33852 WETDEMO.A06 1457064 13.01.1996 - - -
WetLands, New World Computingin Rebel
Assault-tyylisen räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Osa 7/9.
33853 WETDEMO.A07 1456977 13.01.1996 - - -
WetLands, New World Computingin Rebel
Assault-tyylisen räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Osa 8/9.
33854 WETDEMO.A08 1191983 13.01.1996 - - -
WetLands, New World Computingin Rebel
Assault-tyylisen räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Osa 9/9.
33855 WETDEMO.ARJ 1457002 13.01.1996 - - -
WetLandsin, New World Computingin Rebel
Assault-tyylisen räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Osa 1/9.
32212 WITCHDE.A01 2999193 17.11.1995 - - -
WITCHAVEN -pelattava demo.
32213 WITCHDE.A02 876431 17.11.1995 - - -
WITCHAVEN -pelattava demo.
32214 WITCHDE.ARJ 2999161 17.11.1995 - - -
WITCHAVEN -pelattava demo. Fantasia-aiheinen
Doom-tyylin 3D-räiskintämäiskintä.
"Descend into a nightmare where you will
confront an evil that would wrench the
souls of lesser men."
In the full version:
*Engage in bloody carnage through dozens
of massive maps. *Wield 9 different
Medieval hand-to-hand weapons. *Cast 9
original spells & use 5 different
potions to cease the chaos. *Collect &
use nearly 40 different artifacts & items.
*Battle more and more monsters...
70148 WORMS.ZIP 1439203 19.09.1995 - 21528/DEMO80.bin tupla
Worms, Team-17, ECTS -95 playable demo. Doom
meets Lemmings meets Scorched Earth.
30941 WRATH.ZIP 3654115 29.01.1996 - 13089/Game Head January 1996.iso -
Battle Wrath - Keskiaikainen Beat'em Up.
33886 WRMS-RD.A01 2599497 27.08.1996 - - -
Worms - reinforcements demo 2/4
33887 WRMS-RD.A02 2599419 27.08.1996 - - -
Worms - reinforcements demo 3/4
33888 WRMS-RD.A03 2322602 27.08.1996 - - -
Worms - reinforcements demo 4/4
33889 WRMS-RD.ARJ 2599406 27.08.1996 - - -
WORMS - REINFORCEMENTS Playable demo. Team
17. Requires MSCDEX.EXE with a audio-CD in
CD-ROM drive. DOS.
70318 XPINS101.ZIP 1290121 27.11.1995 - - tupla
From Epic MegaGames and Digital Extremes
comes the next level in pinball games,
EXTREME PINBALL. Features Ultra-Realistic
table dimensions, animated arcade style 3D
dotmation scoreboard, multi-ball play and a
new music and sound system that changes the
music with gameplay events. Shareware table
features a T.V. monitor that plays a video.
Requires 386-33 (486-66 Recommended), VGA
graphics and 4 MB RAM.
70319 XPINS102.ZIP 1292727 27.11.1995 - - tupla
Extreme Pinball SW v.1.0, Epic (2/3)
70320 XPINS103.ZIP 533783 27.11.1995 - - tupla
Extreme Pinball SW v.1.0, Epic, (3/3)
70358 XS-ROLD.A01 2999200 03.12.1996 - - -
XS rolling demo 2/3
70359 XS-ROLD.A02 2366502 03.12.1996 - - -
XS rolling demo 3/3
70360 XS-ROLD.ARJ 2999504 03.12.1996 - - -
XS -rolling nonplayable demo of an DOS/Win95
action game. 1/3
24189 ZARNETD.A01 3,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Z.A.R. NETWORK demo 2/5
24190 ZARNETD.A02 3,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Z.A.R. NETWORK demo 3/5
24191 ZARNETD.A03 3,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Z.A.R. NETWORK demo 4/5
24192 ZARNETD.A04 3,6 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Z.A.R. NETWORK demo 5/5
24193 ZARNETD.ARJ 3,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Z.A.R. NETWORK demo - NEW/UPDATED 1/5 Maddox/Auric Vision 1st person 3D fighting and shooting, in open environment against renegade computer controlled robots. Free INTERNET play on all existing Z.A.R. servers! In multiplayer mode you have 12 levels, in single player mode - 2 missions. Supports link/moden/IPX/TCP/IP VR Devices. Direct3D/OpenGL/Win95 support in separate updates. DOS 486/100, 8MB
32236 ZONKDEMO.ARJ 880738 16.11.1995 - - -
Zonked - 20 level playable demo!
32237 ZOOLDEMO.ZIP 492790 24.02.1995 - - -
Zool -demo. Platform. Valm. Gremlin.
24194 ZSRV101.ZIP 347,7 kt 02.05.1998 - - -
Z.A.R. NETWORK demo dedicated server Run Z.A.R. game server over a LAN or Internet for multiplayer 3D action fun. Maddox/Auric Vision
31729 3DTABLED.ZIP 3547620 20.12.1995 - - -
3-D Table Sports Demo! from Time Warner
Interactive. Includes 3 different table top
games, with SlamHockey as playable.
60422 ACTDEM-1.ARJ 1999971 22.01.1996 - - -
Actua Soccer-Futispelin scrollaava demo. Osa
60423 ACTDEM-2.ARJ 1999963 22.01.1996 - - -
Actua Soccer-Futispelin scrollaava demo. Osa
60424 ACTDEM-3.ARJ 638038 20.01.1996 - - -
Actua Soccer-Futispelin scrollaava demo. Osa
31790 BHDEMO95.ZIP 1222712 15.10.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
This is a playable demo of Brett Hull Hockey
'95.  The user will control St. Louis and the
computer will be New York. The game is played
in 3 two minute periods and is preset with
penalties, line changes and offside calls on.
31801 BRETTH.ZIP 1222592 24.02.1995 - MBCD -
Brett Hull Hockey '95 Demo Vaatii: 486/20
MHz, 4 Mt RAM, SVGA, SB. Valm. Accolade
31809 C-ALEX1.ZIP 1456651 08.04.1995 - - -
MAVERICK:Alex Dampier's Pro Ice Hockey '95
Playable Preview (c) Merit Studios - [1/4]
31810 C-ALEX2.ZIP 1456659 08.04.1995 - - -
MAVERICK:  Alex Dampier's Pro Ice Hockey '95
Playable Preview (c) Merit Studios - [2/4]
31811 C-ALEX3.ZIP 1456669 08.04.1995 - - -
MAVERICK:Alex Dampier's Pro Ice Hockey '95
Playable Preview (c) Merit Studios - [3/4]
31812 C-ALEX4.ZIP 1433989 08.04.1995 - - -
MAVERICK:Alex Dampier's Pro Ice Hockey '95
Playable Preview (c) Merit Studios - [4/4]
62380 CRIDEM-1.ZIP 4999993 09.04.1996 - - -
Ian Botham's Cricket-krikettipelin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/6.
62381 CRIDEM-2.ZIP 4999996 09.04.1996 - - -
Ian Botham's Cricket-krikettipelin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/6.
62382 CRIDEM-3.ZIP 5000002 09.04.1996 - - -
Ian Botham's Cricket-krikettipelin pelattava
demo. Osa 3/6.
62383 CRIDEM-4.ZIP 4999985 09.04.1996 - - -
Ian Botham's Cricket-krikettipelin pelattava
demo. Osa 4/6.
62384 CRIDEM-5.ZIP 4999979 09.04.1996 - - -
Ian Botham's Cricket-krikettipelin pelattava
demo. Osa 5/6.
62385 CRIDEM-6.ZIP 3355454 09.04.1996 - - -
Ian Botham's Cricket-krikettipelin pelattava
demo. Osa 6/6.
63852 EURO96D.A01 4999321 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 2/13
63853 EURO96D.A02 4999065 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 3/13
63854 EURO96D.A03 4999164 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 4/13
63855 EURO96D.A04 4999315 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 5/13
63856 EURO96D.A05 4999196 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 6/13
63857 EURO96D.A06 4999228 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 7/13
63858 EURO96D.A07 4999294 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 8/134
63859 EURO96D.A08 4999380 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 9/13
63860 EURO96D.A09 4999139 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 10/13
63861 EURO96D.A10 4999364 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 11/13
63862 EURO96D.A11 4999138 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 12/13
63863 EURO96D.A12 2416918 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 demo 13/13
63864 EURO96D.ARJ 4999203 01.08.1996 - - tupla
Euro'96 - football game, fully playable
large demo. Requires Win95 or Win3.1, or
MS-DOS, minimum 486DX2/66, 8 Mb RAM,
VGA or SVGA. Gremlin Interactive. 1/13
31913 FAIRWDEM.ZIP 2418074 25.08.1995 - - -
Fairway to Heaven -golfpelin demoversio.
Valm. Gametek.
31919 FIFA.ZIP 1400965 18.04.1995 - 16162/PC Format Ultimate PC Games Collection (Future Publishing).ISO -
Fifa soccer from EA
Maailman paras jalkapallopeli, joka on
Electronic Artsin parhaimmistoa
myös urheilupeleissä, taakse jäävät esim.
NHL-hockeyt ja muut turhat, et tarvi muuta
kuin Fifa soccer.
32370 FIFA97.A01 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
FIFA '97 pl. demo 2/4
32371 FIFA97.A02 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
FIFA '97 pl. demo 3/4
32372 FIFA97.A03 1320005 25.11.1996 - - -
FIFA '97 pl. demo 4/4
32373 FIFA97.ARJ 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
FIFA '97 playable demo. EA Sports, Soccer.
DOS & Win95. 1/4
32375 FIFADE01.ZIP 2909138 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso,
mutta hieno. Osa 1/16.
32376 FIFADE02.ZIP 2914414 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso,
mutta hieno. Osa 2/16.
32377 FIFADE03.ZIP 2914386 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso,
mutta hieno. Osa 3/16.
32378 FIFADE04.ZIP 2914448 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso
mutta hieno. Osa 4/16.
32379 FIFADE05.ZIP 2914459 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso
mutta hieno. Osa 5/16.
32380 FIFADE06.ZIP 2914338 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso
mutta hieno. Osa 6/16.
32381 FIFADE07.ZIP 2914383 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso
mutta hieno. Osa 7/16.
32382 FIFADE08.ZIP 2914427 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. iso
mutta hieno. Osa 8/16.
32383 FIFADE09.ZIP 2914428 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso
mutta hieno. Osa 9/16.
32384 FIFADE10.ZIP 2914435 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso
mutta hieno. Osa 10/16.
32385 FIFADE11.ZIP 2914439 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso
mutta hieno. Osa 11/16.
32386 FIFADE12.ZIP 2914415 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso
mutta hieno. Osa 12/16.
32387 FIFADE13.ZIP 2914268 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso
mutta hieno. Osa 13/16.
32388 FIFADE14.ZIP 2914399 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso
mutta hieno. Osa 14/16.
32389 FIFADE15.ZIP 2914266 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. Iso,
mutta hieno. Osa 15/16.
32390 FIFADE16.ZIP 2902453 27.01.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 96-futiksen pelattava demo. iso
mutta hieno. Osa 16/16.
24195 FM9798D.ZIP 4,6 Mt 12.04.1998 - - -
Football Masters 97/98 demo ESP Software - comprehensive, multi-featured soccer league game. It covers seasonal stats, training, statistics, and match sequences. Not designed for the "Joystick Junkie", but for the serious soccer league fan. SVGA video with 512k, MS-compatible mouse, and DOS 6.0
31931 GOLFDEMO.ZIP 1026730 16.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
MicroProse Greens Golf demo.
31936 HARDB.ZIP 1394545 24.02.1995 - - -
This playable demo version of HardBall IV
gives you a good idea of what the end product
will look like when it is released Nov '94.
The demo limits you to one inning of play and
the league functions are not available.
Requires 386+, SVGA, 4MB Ram
32542 HB5DEMO.A01 1456987 18.01.1996 - - -
Hardball 5 Baseball-pelin pelattava demo. Osa
32543 HB5DEMO.A02 1457036 18.01.1996 - - -
Hardball 5 Baseball-pelin pelattava demo. Osa
32544 HB5DEMO.A03 1457012 18.01.1996 - - -
Hardball 5 Baseball-pelin pelattava demo. Osa
32545 HB5DEMO.A04 855587 18.01.1996 - - -
Hardball 5 Baseball-pelin pelattava demo. osa
32546 HB5DEMO.ARJ 1457023 18.01.1996 - - -
HardBall 5 Baseball-pelin pelattava demo. Osa
32541 HB5DEMO2.ZIP 2822355 18.01.1996 - - -
Hardball 5 Baseball-pelin pelattava demo
ilman ääniä.
30541 HORSEA13.ZIP 365829 23.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A Day at the Races v1.20 . Test your
betting skills and luck on an exciting
animated horse racing game for up to four
players. Choose one of eight horses to win,
place or show, based on posted odds which
influence the horses' performances. Create
your own voice overlays and hear yourself
introduce the races. Also included are a full
on-line help, and the option to toggle voices
on and off.
31979 KINGPIN.ARJ 1135779 15.12.1995 - - -
Kingpin - Experience the thrill of ten-pin
bowling. Playable demo from Team 17.
32815 MADDEN.A01 2999200 15.09.1996 - - -
John Madden Football 97 demo 2/5
32816 MADDEN.A02 2999200 15.09.1996 - - -
John Madden Football 97 demo 3/5
32817 MADDEN.A03 2999200 15.09.1996 - - -
John Madden Football 97 demo 4/5
32818 MADDEN.A04 1241976 15.09.1996 - - -
John Madden Football 97 demo 5/5
32819 MADDEN.ARJ 2999200 15.09.1996 - - -
John Madden Football 97 playable demo EA
Sports * DOS.
32014 MAV-JLAM.ZIP 866723 06.04.1995 - - -
Jack Niclaus: Live At Muirfield Demo (c)
32037 MPSFOOTB.ZIP 1407849 16.11.1995 - - -
MPS Football Playable demo. MicroProse.
32950 N96CDDEM.A01 3999441 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 2/14.
32951 N96CDDEM.A02 3999447 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 3/14.
32952 N96CDDEM.A03 3999389 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 4/14.
32953 N96CDDEM.A04 3999300 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 5/14.
32954 N96CDDEM.A05 3999422 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 6/14.
32955 N96CDDEM.A06 3999332 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 7/14.
32956 N96CDDEM.A07 3999417 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 8/14.
32957 N96CDDEM.A08 3999423 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 9/14.
32958 N96CDDEM.A09 3999439 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 10/14.
32959 N96CDDEM.A10 3999416 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 11/14.
32960 N96CDDEM.A11 3999426 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 12/14.
32961 N96CDDEM.A12 3999439 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Osa 13/14.
32962 N96CDDEM.A13 319055 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. 14/14.
32963 N96CDDEM.ARJ 3999346 23.05.1996 - - -
NHL 96 isompi pelattava demo. Sisältää
videota, enemmän ääniä ja useita eri
joukkueita. Osa 1/14.
32968 NCAADEMO.ZIP 4774733 21.02.1996 - - -
NCAA Championship Basketball-korispelin
pelattava demo.
33011 NHLDEM1.ZIP 1390655 19.01.1996 - - -
NHL96:n pelattava demo. Vaatii 8 mb RAM ja
486/50:n. 1/2
33012 NHLDEM2.ZIP 1647225 18.01.1996 - - -
NHL96:n pelattava demo. 2/2
32046 NHLPA94.ZIP 1418137 19.12.1994 - 23238/Gamestar_09_1999-09_cd1.bin -
NHL hockey from EA Sports
Short playable demo.
Requires VGA.
29855 OLDTIME1.ZIP 980827 22.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Old Time Baseball V1.10 beta [x/2]
29856 OLDTIME2.ZIP 681865 22.07.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Old Time Baseball V1.10 beta [x/2]
33138 PGADEMO.EXE 4820336 29.03.1996 - - -
PGA European Tour Golf-Golfpelin pelattava
demo. EA Sports.
33139 PGAETDM.A01 3999327 09.05.1996 - - -
PGA Golf: European Tour. Isompi pelattava
demo. Osa 2/6.
33140 PGAETDM.A02 3999386 09.05.1996 - - -
PGA Gold: European Tour. Isompi pelattava
demo. Osa 3/6.
33141 PGAETDM.A03 3999346 09.05.1996 - - -
PGA Golf: European Tour. Isompi pelattava
demo. Osa 4/6.
33142 PGAETDM.A04 3999392 09.05.1996 - - -
PGA Golf: European Tour. Isompi pelattava
demo. Osa 5/6.
33143 PGAETDM.A05 1095838 09.05.1996 - - -
PGA Golf: European Tour. Isompi pelattava
demo. Osa 6/6.
33144 PGAETDM.ARJ 3999366 09.05.1996 - - -
PGA Golf: European Tour-golfpelin isompi
pelattava demo. Sisältää mm. monen pelaajan
pelin ja lisää ääniä. Osa 1/6.
33145 PGAG96D.A01 3999453 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour Golf'96 demo 2/14
33146 PGAG96D.A02 3999407 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour Golf'96 demo 3/14
33147 PGAG96D.A03 3999422 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour Golf'96 demo 4/14
33148 PGAG96D.A04 3999465 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour Golf'96 demo 5/14
33149 PGAG96D.A05 3999451 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour Golf'96 demo 6/14
33150 PGAG96D.A06 3999428 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour GOlf'96 demo 7/14
33151 PGAG96D.A07 3999308 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour Golf'96 demo 8/14
33152 PGAG96D.A08 3999313 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour GOlf'96 demo 9/14
33153 PGAG96D.A09 3999284 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour Golf'96 demo 10/14
33154 PGAG96D.A10 3999283 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour GOlf'96 demo 11/14
33155 PGAG96D.A11 3999357 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour Golf'96 demo 12/14
33156 PGAG96D.A12 3999467 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour GOlf'96 demo 13/14
33157 PGAG96D.A13 3059466 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour Golf'96 demo 14/14
33158 PGAG96D.ARJ 3999444 22.04.1996 - - -
PGA Tour Golf'96 -tyylikkään golfpelin
pelattava demo. Electronic Arts.
Vaatii SVGA, 8 Mt
33169 PM3DDEMO.ZIP 2458042 15.12.1996 - - -
Premier Manager 3 Delux PC Demo Learn what
it's like to run a top UK football club in
this involving Football Managing game.
32103 SCOTGOLF.ARJ 2637003 19.07.1995 - - -
VR Golf Scottish - pelattava demo versio.
68810 SWOSD.A01 3999053 21.12.1995 - - tupla
Sensible World of Soccer demo
32156 SWOSD.A02 1312071 20.12.1995 - - -
Sensible WOrld of Soccer demo
32157 SWOSD.ARJ 3999361 20.12.1995 - - -
Sensible World of Soccer SWOS pelattava demo.
Sensible Softwaren kuulu jalkapallo peli,
valm. Renegade/Warner Interactive.
33605 TABLEDEM.ZIP 3571409 01.04.1996 - - -
3D Table Sports Demo, including Slamhockey,
Foosball and PowerHoop.
33702 TKO-DEM.ZIP 4085106 31.07.1996 - - -
TOTAL KNOCKOUT BOXING playable demo from
Digital Lobster. Arcade boxing game, req.
486/8 Mb, dos,includes modem & network play.
33718 TNNBAS-1.ZIP 5000003 22.04.1996 - - -
TNN Bass '96-kalastuspelin pelattava demo.
Osa 1/4.
33719 TNNBAS-2.ZIP 4999955 22.04.1996 - - -
TNN Bass '96 demo 2/4
33720 TNNBAS-3.ZIP 4999957 22.04.1996 - - -
TNN Bass '96 demo 3/4
33721 TNNBAS-4.ZIP 2262197 22.04.1996 - - -
TNN Bass '96 demo 4/4
32176 TONY3D.ARJ 2054036 25.08.1995 - - -
Tony La Russa baseball 3 -demo Valm.
Stormfront Studios.
33732 TPDOS.A01 1456443 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play '97 DOS demo 2/7
33733 TPDOS.A02 1456401 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play '97 DOS demo 3/7
33734 TPDOS.A03 1456476 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play '97 DOS demo 4/7
33735 TPDOS.A04 1456176 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play '97 DOS demo 5/7
33736 TPDOS.A05 1456113 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play '97 DOS demo 6/7
33737 TPDOS.A06 259467 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play '97 DOS demo 7/7
33738 TPDOS.ARJ 1456486 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97  DOS playable demo Electronic
33739 TPSND.A01 1456478 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 demo * extra sounds 2/5
33740 TPSND.A02 1456329 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 demo * extra sounds 3/5
33741 TPSND.A03 1456454 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 demo * extra sounds 4/5
33742 TPSND.A04 1318649 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 demo * extra sounds 5/5
33743 TPSND.ARJ 1456409 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 demo * Extra sounds Electronic
33778 UFB-1.ZIP 4499981 16.02.1996 - - -
Ultimate NFL Football-Jenkkifutispelin
pelattava demo. Osa 1/3.
33779 UFB-2.ZIP 4499986 16.02.1996 - - -
Ultimate NFL Football-Jenkkifutispelin
pelattava demo. Osa 2/3.
33780 UFB-3.ZIP 3006313 16.02.1996 - - -
Ultimate NFL Football-Jenkkifutispelin
pelattava demo. Osa 3/3.
32190 UR95DEMO.ZIP 1398568 17.11.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
quarter between San Francisco 49'ers and Los
Angles Raiders. Accolade.
33786 UR96DE-1.ZIP 2999979 21.02.1996 - - -
Unnecassary Roughness 96-Jenkkifutispelin
pelattava demo. Osa 1/2.
33787 UR96DE-2.ZIP 2665252 21.02.1996 - - -
Unnecassary Roughness 96-Jenkkifutispelin
pelattava demo. Osa 2/2.
24196 VFISH10.ZIP 2,1 Mt 08.04.1998 - MBCD -
Virtua Fishing is an ultimate Fishing Simulation game which bring all fishing fun to your home. It allows you to catch some variety species from Lakes and Rivers. You can put every captured fishes in proper tanks feed them and watch them grow. With its multiplayer-Modem Play feature, you can also play it head-to-head. DOS5 VGA
33811 VRSOC97.ZIP 5263169 03.12.1996 - - -
Virtual Soccer 97. Hienon jalkapallopelin
pelattava demo.
33812 VRSOCD.A01 2664026 14.04.1996 - - -
VR Soccer '96 DEMO 2/2
33813 VRSOCD.ARJ 2699417 14.04.1996 - - -
VR Soccer '96 DEMo 1/2   -
5 minute games with teams from US and
Russia. Req. 4 Mb. Interplay
69823 VRSOCDEM.A01 3999349 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69824 VRSOCDEM.A02 3999319 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69825 VRSOCDEM.A03 3999362 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69826 VRSOCDEM.A04 3999370 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69827 VRSOCDEM.A05 3999378 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69828 VRSOCDEM.A06 3999385 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69829 VRSOCDEM.A07 3999292 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 8/13
69830 VRSOCDEM.A08 3999340 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69831 VRSOCDEM.A09 3999421 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69832 VRSOCDEM.A10 3999397 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69833 VRSOCDEM.A11 3999409 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69834 VRSOCDEM.A12 308131 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa
69835 VRSOCDEM.ARJ 3999390 06.05.1996 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96-futispelin isompi pelattava
demo. Sisältää mm. Digitoidun selostuksen ja
enemmän animaatioita. Osa 1/13.
33814 VSNOOKER.ZIP 861777 20.04.1996 - 23649/PCGAMER29.bin -
Virtual Snooker -pelattava demo.
Biljardipeli, Celeris/Interplay.
24199 A_SIM10.ZIP 54,3 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
ADOM_SIM 1.0 Simulates herb growth and bolt bouncing on ADOM.  DeityProds 1998!
24197 ADBACK10.ZIP 66,8 kt 12.08.1998 - - -
ADOM-Backupper - Oletko kyllästynyt tekemään varmuuskopioita ADOM-hahmoistasi, tai kirjoittamaan jokaiselle hahmolle omia BAT-tiedostoja? Tämä ohjelma on suunnattu juuri heille. KOPIOI hahmonimi, tai UUSI hahmonimi. FreeWare, (C) Mikko Kauppila
30980 AGT15.A01 1145079 20.12.1995 - - -
AGT Master Edition Disk set 2/2
30981 AGT15.ARJ 1456289 20.12.1995 - - -
AGT Master Edition disk set, Adventure Game
Toolkit V1.5, luo omat tekstiseikkailusi.
24198 AIRPT121.ZIP 551,1 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
AIRPT121.ZIP  Dec 20, 1995  Pascal Meziat Airport is a software allowing to construct sceneries for Flight Simulator 5. Main part of scenery can be set by using of a graphic editor  Scasm.exe (1.45 or higher) compiler is required. SCASM.ZIP can be uploaded on CompuServe (FsForum, Lib 6).  Airport and Scasm are freeware.
30984 ARENAEDT.ZIP 40836 24.04.1995 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
A saved game editor for the game Elder
Scrolls: Arena.
30987 B17EDIT.ZIP 74841 04.11.1995 - 6177/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM Volume 3 Number 5 (PSL).ISO -
B17Edit - is a game editor for Micropose B17
Flying Fortress. It allows the player to
improve plane statistics and crew abilities.
Description Copyright 1995 PsL
24200 BRCHARED.ZIP 184,6 kt 23.09.1997 - 22093/SSERVCD_52A.iso -
Birthright Character Editor
30994 CASTEDIT.ZIP 11970 12.01.1995 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Shadow Caster Morph and Mana editor.
24201 CPUNK10.ZIP 24,4 kt 09.05.1998 - - -
EPH:n luontiohjelma CyberPunk 2020:een Tällä ohjelmalla saat nopeasti tehtyä ns. perusgorilloita Cyberpunkiin. Taidot, kyvyt, ominaisuudet, PV on valmiiksi arvottu ja hahmosta annetaan pieni kuvaus taitopisteiden lisäksi. Freewarea! Kokeile! Dark Productions.
24202 CSCHEA11.ZIP 10,8 kt 09.05.1998 - - -
The Loop Group Productions PROUDLY PRESENTS: Creature Shock Level Warper v1.1 With thiz, you can warp to _ANY_ level you want in this cool arcade game. Bug fix. Made by Trinity/TLGP 1998.
24203 DAGBAK22.ZIP 70,1 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Daggerfall Character Backup/Restore Utility v2.2 - Backup your characters to 20 slots of 6 savegames a-piece for 120 savegames total. Files are compressed and archived for later restoration,includes recovery options in case you change your mind or make a mistake and overwrite important savegames. See readme.txt for more info Shareware $5.00 US funds
24204 DC103.ZIP 616,5 kt 25.09.1997 - - -
Dungeon Keeper Dungeon Creator (v1.03)
31018 DGENEDIT.ZIP 13204 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Simple character/save game editor for
31021 DLEGIONS.ZIP 18006 29.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Game editing module for Dark Legions
Requires Universal Game Editor.
31032 DRKLND.ZIP 14398 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
UGE module for Darklands. Must have Universal
Game Editor to use this module.  Change
money, philosopher stone, attributes, skills
and more. Create ANY item in the game!
24205 EAGFX.ZIP 71,2 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
"NHL98: GFXVIEW 0.22 and GFXPAK 0.11. GFXVIEW is freeware Electronic Arts SHPI-image file viewerGFXPAK is freeware SHPI-image rebuilder"
31039 EDDRKSUN.ZIP 86407 28.03.1995 - 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img -
Editor for Dark Sun, edit characters etc.
24206 EFJLWCS.ZIP 3,1 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
EF2000 WCSII "Afterburn" Program Version 1.0b by John Lundell.
24207 EFMISS.ZIP 10,4 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
EF2000 utility: Edit missions using text files Chris Tyson
24208 EFSTATUS.ZIP 14 kt 21.04.1997 - 22407/DEMOSCHAMP.iso -
EF2000 utility: Campaign Status Utility by Ka On Lee. Generates a status report on your current EF2000 campaign.
29253 F3MAPSD.ZIP 62396 26.01.1995 - 13848/Kirks_Comm_Disc_Walnut_Creek_July_1994.iso -
Falcon Mappen, Falcon 3.0d utility.
29256 FALCNR.ZIP 110854 26.01.1995 - 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img -
Falconer, Falcon 3.0d manager program
allowing you to control every detail of your
squadron and campaign.
31046 FCE12.ZIP 79006 28.03.1995 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
FCE12.ZIP: Version 1.2 of Falcon Campaign
Editor - squadron/campaign editor for Falcon,
MiG-29, and Hornet. It has a basic
menu-selection interface in DOS, and a full
graphical Windows interface. * Now works with
Falcon Gold CD Limited Installation *
Complete support for Hornet
40677 FERR_V12.ZIP 73117 03.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Ferrari F1-V12 Sounds v1.0
24209 FFTOP10.ZIP 11,8 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
FATAL FUMES v1.10 - Track Record Verifier (C) Jussi Koskela 1997                      Use this utility to calculate check numbers for your track records and participate in   Fatal Fumes Contest at http://www.sci.fi/~abax (Contest maintained by FF developers!)
24210 FMFMGR10.ZIP 166,8 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
SU-27 Flanker Mission File Manager 1.0a This is a by-product of the new version of Flanker Campaign Shell, which is still under development. This program shows a list of full mission title, time of day, wing size, mission type (cap, escort, bombing, etc.), and your side. You can select and launch any mission from the list with just a few clicks. No need to guess from filenames anymore!
31051 GAMEBULD.ZIP 411276 20.12.1995 - - -
GameBuilder Lite v3 by MVP Software. Create
graphics adventure games with no programming.
Your games can include 256 color graphics,
main character and background animation,
masking, object inventory and detection,
music and sound effects, and more, with a
powerful point 'n click interface just like
the pros use!  Easy enough for children;
sophisticated enough for savvy gamers.
Supports CGA, EGA, VGA; mouse recommended.
24211 GAMEPORT.ZIP 12113 10.07.1996 - - -
Gameport is a diagnostic utility that will
find enabled gameports on your computer.
31052 GDIRV11.ZIP 115313 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Director V1.1, Universal game data
40679 GOODYEAR.ZIP 200077 03.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
F1GP2 modification, get modified alloy wheels
with a Good Year logo.
64545 GP2ASTR.ZIP 2886 08.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
GP2 Always Save Track Records (GP2ASTR)
Version 1.0
64546 GP2CCPE.ZIP 12993 08.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
GP2 Computer cars performance editor ver. 1.1
for Microprose's Grand Prix 2. This small
utility allow you to change some GP2 settings
like: maximum engine power in sessions,
drivers' grip and car failures.
64547 GP2CCPTC.ZIP 19422 08.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
Gp2 Change Cockpit Colors - v1.0 by Djordje
Janjusevic - djanus@EUnet.yu
64548 GP2CHNUM.ZIP 5981 08.11.1996 - 22380/WW_DEMO.iso tupla
Gp2 Change Number - v1.1 by Djordje
Janjusevic - djanus@EUnet.yu This small
utility for GP2 will change drivers number.
24212 GP2CV112.ZIP 205,8 kt 28.06.1997 - 23665/PCGAMER44.bin -
GP2CV V1.12 by Lars Birkemose GP2 Car Viewer
29272 GP2DAMED.ZIP 11723 03.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
F1gp2: Damage Editor 2.0
64553 GP2MISC.ZIP 6943 08.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
GP2 Misc Editor (GP2Misc) Version 1.0 1 -
Change pitlane speedlimit 2 - Change number
of laps in a 100% race 3 - Spectacular
29274 GP2TIM11.ZIP 24930 03.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
F1GP2 utility: Total Playtime Logger
29275 GP2UTIL2.ZIP 11255 01.09.1996 - 22380/WW_DEMO.iso -
F1 Grand Prix 2: Utils #2 Two more GP2
gamestate file utilities: RESETTIM.EXE sets
track records in some or all tracks to
3.00.000  TRACKREC.EXE prints out the current
track records.
29276 GP2WAV.ZIP 16857 03.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
F1GP2 utility: WAV Extractor/Inserter
29278 GSEASY.ZIP 139672 29.11.1995 - 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-387-Vol-3of3.iso -
Gunship 2000 Islands and Ice easier troops
modifier. MPS:
31057 GU-EOB2.ZIP 30524 29.11.1995 renamed 19691/ShareWare Extravaganza 1 of 4 (The Ultimate Shareware Company).iso -
Character editor for Eye of the Beholder 2.
Edit ability scores, hit points, race, class,
alignment, levels and more.  Resurrect Elves!
Make evil Paladins and triple-class Humans.
Create characters in NPC slots. Shareware.
31062 HOMM_KIT.ZIP 54367 29.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Game editing module for Might and Magic.
Comes with Universal Game Editor.
24213 ICEDIT.ZIP 91,4 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Icarus Editor
29296 INF-KXU.ZIP 50488 24.02.1995 - - -
3 game utils by Misha:
100's of pictures!
29297 ITS_TOOL.ZIP 38437 16.09.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Into the Shadows - Demo Editor
31068 JILLEDIT.ZIP 59887 27.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Karttaeditori Epicin Jill of the Jugleen
31069 KRONCHT1.ZIP 14921 13.12.1994 - 22537/GAMBLERCD08.BIN -
Betrayal at Krondor: money editor
29300 KRONEDIT.ZIP 13598 13.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Betrayal at Krondor: editoi ryhmän arvoja
31070 KYRAN2ED.ZIP 10323 28.03.1995 - 22376/XENIATGM15.iso -
Kyrandia II Hand of Fate Stage and Hotspot
24214 L2CONV11.ZIP 9,1 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Lemmings II The Tribes Level Converter Tool for converting Lemmings II The Tribes Levels from Amiga to PC.
31071 LBA_SVED.ZIP 9803 15.12.1995 - 22376/XENIATGM15.iso -
Selfexplaning Savegame-Editor for Little Big
Adventure (LBA).
29302 LVLEDIT.ZIP 429695 21.12.1996 - - -
Hunter/Hunted Mission Editor from sierra
24215 M1EDIT.ZIP 127,7 kt 11.04.1998 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
M1EDIT (for M1 Tank Platoon) DOS.
29303 MAGICD-1.ZIP 2999999 29.01.1996 - - -
Ohjelma, jolla voi tehdä/Suunnitella omia
Korttejaan Microprosen Magic The
Gathering-tietokonepeliin. Osa 1/2.
29304 MAGICD-2.ZIP 2054194 29.01.1996 - - -
Ohjelma, jolla voit Tehdä/Suunnitella omia
kortteja Microprosen Magic The
Gathering-tietokonepeliin. Osa 2/2.
24216 MAZEPR11.ZIP 63 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
Maze Printer v1.1 by Liam Starkenburg Utility. Generates unique mazes and sends them to the printer with a few simple keystrokes. DOS 3.0+
31078 MECHEDIT.ZIP 395059 15.08.1995 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Mech Warrior II mech cheat editor
31087 MOREDIT.ZIP 14897 02.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
MORED.EXE - V1.0b 06/05/95 Character editor
for MORDOR v1.066b - Allows editing of all
stats and hit points.
24932 MOSLO.ZIP 2816 19.09.1996 - 22553/GAMBLERCD22A.BIN -
MoSlo * Here's a handy little shareware
utility that slows your computer down so you
can play older arcade games on your fast 486s
and Pentiums.
32929 MTGDEMO.ARJ 94883 21.02.1996 - - -
MTGINV V4.1, Magic the Gathering inventory
Counts card values, keeps inventory etc.
Includes for example all cards from
Chronicles, Fallen Empires, Ice Age etc etc
29322 MW2-MSN.ZIP 20922 14.07.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
Mechwarrior II: - mission selector
24933 NFS2CE4.ZIP 43,6 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
"The UNofficial CarEditor v0.4 for The Need for Speed 2 (NFS2 SE) Written by MikeThommson©1997 MikeThommsonE-Mail: nfs2editor@hotmail.com http://members.tripod.com/~nfs2editor/"
24934 NFS2TED.ZIP 34,5 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
"      The UNofficial TrackEditor v2.1          for The Need for Speed 2/SE         Written by MikeThommson©1997 MikeThommsonE-Mail:  nfs2editor@hotmail.com      http://members.tripod.com/~nfs2editor/"
29325 NFSTEU11.ZIP 57606 25.11.1996 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
Need for Speed TEU 1.1
Track Editing Utilities:
current functions: flatten, straighten,
untwist, remove objects, view track, ...
This is a must have for use with Tracked.
29329 NUM.ZIP 8436 24.04.1995 - - -
Num on ohjelma joka näyttää annetut luvut
sekä heksa että oktaalijärjestelmässä. Kätevä
talletusten editoijille.
29330 NZ.ZIP 4950 14.07.1996 - - -
Nove - DeHackEd patch by Gary Taylor.
66754 OMFEDIT2.ZIP 22123 14.12.1994 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
One Must Fall Editor v2.0
(c) Legend Cheats, Inc.
30707 PMAN111.ZIP 154945 27.10.1995 - - -
PITKÄVETO MANAGER v1.11 Täydellinen työkalu
Pitkävedon pelaajalle. Voit merkitä muistiin
otteluiden tuloksia ja tutkia niitä
jälkeenpäin. Voit katsoa sarjataulukkoa,
vertailla kahden joukkueen tilastoja. Näet
myös joukkueiden voitto- prosentit,
maalierot, voittoputket ym... Voit myös pitää
tiliä pitkävetoon käyte- tyistä rahoista.
LISÄÄ OTTELU-toiminnossa ollut bugi on
31107 PP2-EDI.ZIP 7575 28.03.1995 - - -
Prince of Persia II Save Game Editor v1.0
67411 PREDIT.ZIP 27613 14.12.1994 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
PREDIT VER 1.1 is a SAV file EDITOR for
PRIVATEER by Origin. Change pilot cash
credits, ship type, number of missions, and
the pilot name and callsign. It also provides
a FULL HEX/ASCII editor with instructions for
"tailoring" your own SAV files with.
31108 PREDIT21.ZIP 42340 28.03.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
PREDIT V2.1 - a SAV file EDITOR for Privateer
by Origin.
29344 RANK3.ZIP 43080 25.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Worms rankings program.
24935 RBACEFIX.ZIP 1,4 kt 26.05.1997 - MBCD -
Red Baron modifier: Ace Rank Patch by Bill Ciciora. Corrects historical errors in the rank of various aces in the campaign game.
24936 RBBRISMB.ZIP 16,2 kt 26.05.1997 - MBCD -
"Red Baron modifier: Bristol F.2B Campaign Patch bySamuraiandJaybirdAdds the Bristol F.2B to the the campaign game. Not strictly a historical patch."
24937 RBC13.ZIP 42,9 kt 26.05.1997 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
RB COLOR 1.3 Red Baron Color Editor. Finally! Edit the colors of Red Baron aircraft! "Demoware" version allows you to modify and view all changes as well as fly your modified Sopwith Snipe and Fokker D.VII! The FIRST and BEST Red Baron aircraft painting utility. Version 1.3 adds restore option to return an aircraft to its original color. Also works with CD-ROM and German Red Baron. Designed by the Sysop of Maverick\'s Quodtegitur BBS, 209-223-1590.  (C)1995 by Joe Scoleri.
24938 RBDATA10.ZIP 79,8 kt 26.05.1997 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
"RB DATA: Red Baron Roster & Ace Editor from the creator of RBHEX and RBCOLOR. RB DATAs Ace Edit allows you to modify the date of appearanceassigned unitand aircraft flown by the aces in the campaign gameas well as virtually every other statistic regarding each ace in the game.  RB DATAs Roster Edit allows you to modify the statistics of your own pilot involved in a campaign game.  From simple functions such as reviving the deadto changing your airfield or personal"
24939 RBHEX4.ZIP 327,2 kt 26.05.1997 - - -
RB-HEX4 is the ULTIMATE Red Baron hex editing tool kit. **NEW** includes the REALISM PATCH which provides an "all in one" patch to enhance the realism of Red Baron!  Edit virtually ANY flight or combat characteristic of the fighter, bomber, and recon aircraft in the game.  Includes comprehensive docs for the Red Baron aircraft data file structure, a FREEWARE hex editor, FREEWARE player and ace data editors, a demoware plane painting utility, and ELEVEN custom patches to start
24940 RBMBLIST.ZIP 31 kt 26.05.1997 - - -
"Red Baron modifier: Pilot Data Printout Utility by JamesJaybirdJohnson. This interesting utility displays previously hidden statstics for your campaign pilots."
24941 RBMBPTCH.ZIP 12,2 kt 26.05.1997 - - -
"Red Baron modifier: Mission Builder Patch bySamuraiandJaybird. Adds the Mission Builder aircraft and aces to the campaign."
29351 RY_TFE.ZIP 7019 14.12.1994 - - -
24942 SCASM145.ZIP 84 kt 31.03.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
SCASM V1.45 - simple program for generating FS5 BGL-files.
31132 SCEDIT.ZIP 11778 20.04.1996 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Strike Commander Editor v1.0 Edit save-games,
mission, money, lost planes, weapons etc.
29356 SD.ZIP 35427 21.02.1996 - - -
SCI Decoder and SCI Decoder VGA v1.0, by Carl
Muckenhoupt. Displays the text and picture
data of Sierra On-Line games written with SCI
(Sierra Creative Interpreter, about 1988-93).
29361 ST_CCG_1.ZIP 2817117 15.12.1995 - - -
THE CARD STORE ST:TNG CCG card buy/sell/trade
collecton tracking, with price trends and
reporting. Know the value of your collection.
Shareware $24.95 plus S/H.
68677 STAR2ED.ARJ 51200 14.12.1994 - - tupla
Star Control 2 ship editor
31138 STARCHT.ZIP 31111 28.03.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Star Trails Character Editor 2.0 Created by
31141 TADS220.ARJ 560212 20.12.1995 - - -
TADS, the Text Adventure Development System
version 2.2.
24943 TMAN151.ZIP 42,6 kt 12.08.1998 - MBCD -
GP2 Track Man 1.5.1 Erilaisten ratoihin liittyvien asetusten muuttamiseen tarkoitettu GP2-apuohjelma.
24944 TMB121R.ZIP 137,3 kt 07.05.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
TIE Fighter: Mission Builder v1.21. This includes the BSL v1.21. These allow you to create custom missions and custom mission briefings from scratch. You can edit an entire mission right down to what questions are asked at the briefings. There is mouse support, and a working version of NEW MISSION. This is a REGISTERED full release version. With the upcomming release of "X-Wing vs. TieFighter" we decided to make TMB available for free and stop charging for
69186 TME12.ZIP 35140 14.12.1994 - - tupla
Tie Fighter tehtäväeditori
24945 TRACKD22.ZIP 41,5 kt 28.06.1997 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 7 -
TRACKED Version 0.22 - Need For Speed Track Editor
24946 TRKLAB11.ZIP 1,1 Mt 12.08.1998 - - -
Grand Prix 2 Track Lab Windows-apuohjelma GP2:een, jolla voit muuttaa ratojen kuvia. Mukana tulee myös Win GP2 HiPic sekä Win GP2 JAM.
31146 U7SCENED.ZIP 27939 28.03.1995 - 22376/XENIATGM15.iso -
Edit the scenery in the Ulitma 7 series Build
you own castles!
31150 UGE10.ZIP 114289 30.11.1995 - MBCD -
Universal Game Editor v1.0.  Change many
aspects of your favorite games.  Allows you
to edit almost any game that lets you save
your game.  Comes with MODULES for
Civilization, Betrayal at Krondor, Master of
Orion and Lands of Lore.  Link-in other
MODULES or create your own.
31151 UGECLOUD.ZIP 90845 30.11.1995 - - -
Might & Magic 4:  Clouds of Xeen UGE Game
editing module. Requires Universal Game
Editor. DOS/Win95.
31152 ULT_V15.ZIP 10832 25.03.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Character editor for ONE MUST FALL: 2097!!!!
Maximizes  your  character,  and  gives  you
trillions  of dollars!  Works on shareware &
registered version!       -Steve Abson 02/95
31153 UNEMENZO.ZIP 20357 30.11.1995 - - -
Game editing module for Menzoberranean from
SSI. Requires Universal Game Editor.
31154 UNERAVEN.ZIP 13526 30.11.1995 - - -
Game editing Module for Ravenloft: Strahd's
Possession from SSI. Requires Universal Game
31155 UNESHADO.ZIP 7422 30.11.1995 - - -
Game editing Module for Shadowcaster Requires
Universal Game Editor.
29370 USNFUTIL.ZIP 21844 24.04.1996 - 22376/XENIATGM15.iso -
USNFUTIL (c) George "Redshift" Sobala 1995 A
set of utilities to fly any planes in USNF,
and to adjust the pilot files.
31157 UW2CED.ZIP 6690 25.03.1995 - 4318/ClassicFond01.iso -
Character editor for Ultima Underworld 2
69612 UW2EDIT.ZIP 20879 14.12.1994 - 21352/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_Junio_1993.iso tupla
Ultima Underworld II CHARACTER EDITOR v2.2
This lets ya change attributes of your hero.
Mukana sorsat!
31168 W7EDIT20.ZIP 36683 28.03.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Wizardry 7 Character Editor V2.0
24947 WETSET10.ZIP 214,7 kt 29.05.1997 - - -
     WETSET 1.0 By Antero Laukkanen Wetrace and Dryrace selecting program    for F1GP2!! 4DOS BTM file! Graphics included!
70316 XP152.ZIP 141199 24.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
X-Wing Pro V1.52
║ X-Wing & Tie Fighter game editor!     ║
║ Missions, Ships, Pilots, & More.      ║
║ Supports Tours 1-5 & CD for X-WING.   ║
║ Supports Tours 1-13 for Tie Fighter.  ║
║ All known version of both Tie Fighter ║
║ and X-WING are supported.             ║
31184 XWINGED.ZIP 41781 26.01.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
XWEDIT V1.0, X-wing editor.
27182 XWORD11.ZIP 177384 16.11.1995 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip -
THE DAILY CROSSWORD v1.1  - Generate top
quality crosswords with a single keystroke.
Uses a 7000+ word dictionary (plus clues) to
generate a different puzzle every time. Solve
the puzzles on screen, or print them out for
later use or for publication. Has full
facilities for dictionary editing and for
creating new dictionaries. Enables personal
greetings or advertising slogans to be
embedded in the puzzle.
24948 3GM.ZIP 223,7 kt 30.11.1997 - MBCD -
3DGame-Menu v1.85.1 By David Maisonave  Menu Program for Duke Nukem 3D  Author:  David Maisonave  (Maisoanve@gamemenu.com) WebSite: http://www.gamemenu.com/duke.htm  3DGame-Menu is a mouse driven dos menu (frontend loader) shareware program to run Duke Nukem 3D.  Some of the many features are listed in the readme.txt file.  For install procedures see ReadMe.txt file.
30977 ACCQC.ZIP 116649 30.08.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Quake * ---===  DEACC  &  REACC  ===--- Set
of utilities allowing you to decompile and
recompile the QuakeC programs included into
the game.
31188 AE2_DOOM.ZIP 10942 28.03.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Run DOOM! Multi player on Lantastic!
29185 APCIDM56.ZIP 488403 08.01.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
-> MultiPlayer Network Modem DOOM! <-
APCiDOOM v5.6 is a freeware utility for DOOM
or DOOM II.  It is the client software that
allows high-speed modem users to play FOUR
PLAYER true network modem DOOM via the APCi
MultiPlayer Game Server.  It features a chat
utility that enables players to chat and
change WAD files/settings before and between
games. Supported modes are modem, serial
link, and IPX.  Proper operation requires
DOOM v1.9 or DOOM II v1.9 or later.  The MPGS
30985 ASC2MAP.ZIP 87277 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake utility: A 3ds4 .asc to .map converter
(for DOS). This-one uses a script so that you
don't have to re-edit the .map file when
you've moved one wall a centimeter/inch
to the left :-).
30988 BATCHMAP.ZIP 41362 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
quake utility: BatchMap version 1.0
.MAP -> .BSP front end
29194 BLEDIT.ZIP 24931 05.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Save game editor/cheat program for BACKLASH -
A Turret Gunner Simulation. BACKLASH is a 3D
action game for DOS from )|( Sanctuary
Software Studio, Inc.  Allows campaign and
mission selection and credit changing.
REQ:BACKLASH shareware software. REC:BACKLASH
full release software.
24949 BLMAPED.ZIP 519,9 kt 15.05.1997 - MBCD -
Blood map editor (MAPEDIT). Needs registered/ retail version of Blood 3D.
29195 BMPDF.ZIP 71858 19.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
LucasArts FileFormat Converter 1.1a (IBM/ZIP)
This is new release of the package that was
originally designed for the  use with DARK
FORCES, it's capable converting the LFDs from
X-Wing and Tie-Fighter as well. Back-up of
the original files prior modification is
highly  recommended!
30992 BSP15X.ZIP 162018 17.11.1996 - gamers.org -
BSP node builder v1.5 for Doom 1 & 2.
24950 BSP2PRT.ZIP 42,9 kt 18.09.1997 - 22004/Qoole for Quake (USA).7z -
Quake: BSP Portalizer (BSP2PRT) v1.0 by Alex R. Moon. BSP2PRT creates a .PRT file from a .BSP file which allows that .BSP to be "re- vised". What that means is that you can now recompile all your maps to use GLQuake\'s transparent water with virtually _NO_ speed hit. This utility will also allow map-makers to re-vis their maps without having to re- qbsp them if the .PRT file has been erased or allow end-users to re-vis maps which were distributed without being fully vised.
24951 BSP86B32.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.12.1997 - MBCD -
BSP v0.86b 32 bit - - editor for creating ".map" files for Quake. Copyright 1996 Yahn Bernier. Windows 95.
24952 BSPTUTOR.ZIP 2,2 Mt 26.12.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Tutorials for BSP by Yahn Bernier. zipped lessons of Quake editing.
30993 BUILD1.ZIP 70950 27.06.1996 - - -
UnOfficial Duke Nukem 3D Editing FAQ v1.0. By
Klaus Breuer.
29211 CFGLOADE.ZIP 3838 30.08.1996 - 23029/cdactioncoverdisc24b.iso -
Quake - Config file loader Batch files for
loading your custom confif files.
31011 D3D_UE.ZIP 114087 22.09.1996 - 6198/BILA_VRANA.iso -
DukeNukem 3D game editor, DOS.
62576 D3DOHJ14.ZIP 16447 27.11.1996 - - tupla
Duke Nukem 3D buildin suomenkielisiä ohjeita
v1.4. Tekijät: Lauri Pitkänen (MBnetissä Late
Pitkänen) ja Santeri Saarimaa. Uutta: Sarana-
ovi, lasi ja videovalvonta korjattu, hajoavat
seinät uutuutena.
24953 D3DOHJ16.ZIP 22,5 kt 31.08.1997 - MBCD -
Duke Nukem 3D buildin suomenkielisiä ohjeita v1.6! Tekijät: Lauri Pitkänen (MBnetissä Late Pitkänen) ja Santeri Saarimaa. Uutta: Ovien lukitseminen, automaattisesti sulkeutuvat ovet ja parallaksointi. Monia ohjeita on myös korjattu. Tämä on viimeinen versio ohjeista. Virheitä ei enää korjailla :) (ellei ole pakko)
29221 DCC10.ZIP 48485 07.01.1995 - 14307/mediashare_14.zip -
DOOM Control Center v1.0   4/1/94
Full feature replacement for SETUP.EXE
Mouse-driven user interface, control
all aspects of modem and net games
WITHOUT command line params. Use ext
WADs, edit chat macros, saved games.
62678 DCK22-F.ZIP 169921 11.09.1995 - 1976/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 3.iso -
Doom Construction Kit v2.2 (Zerius Dev.) BUG
FIX PATCH.  This archive replaces DCK32.EXE
with a new file that FIXES the frequent
crashes that prior versions of DCK
experienced on some systems.  You must
install DCK v2.2 for this file to work.
62679 DCK22.ZIP 447726 02.04.1996 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom Construction Kit v2.2 (Zerius Dev.)
Edits DOOM, DOOM 2, and HERETIC maps. If you
thought 1.0 was cool, check this out: DCK
uses all the memory of your 386/486 computer
to help you create intricate dungeons quickly
and easily. DCK unobtrusively takes care of
mundane tasks like sidedef, sector and vertex
references, but still allows you complete
control over the design of your map. DCK is
fast, powerful, very intuitive and has a
great interface. Requires DOOM 1 or DOOM 2 or
31013 DCK361.ZIP 596702 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
DOOM Construction Kit v3.61 (May 28th, 1996)
3.61 removes undesirable code oversights.
Create maps for DOOM, DOOM 2, HERETIC and
HEXEN: Combining the great features of its
previous version with a ton of enhancements
for Hexen and an entirely new GUI, DCK is a
great choice for new designers and old hands
alike! DCK is shareware, with a small
registration price. Requires an id/Raven
game, a mouse, a SuperVGA card and a few megs
of free memory. Works with DOOM, DOOM2, The
24954 DEATHM_A.A01 3 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Quake deathmatch Maker demo 2/3
24955 DEATHM_A.A02 2,6 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Deathmatch Maker demo 3/3
24956 DEATHM_A.ARJ 3 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Deathmatch Maker demo full install A user-friendly Quake level editor 1/3
24957 DEATHM_D.ZIP 4,1 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Deathmatch Maker demo minimum install A user-friendly Quake level editor
31014 DEDIT100.ZIP 15830 30.01.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
DEDIT DOOM Editor V1.00 January 1994 This is
another DOOM Editor written to run under
OS/2.  And why not!!? This program is
FreeWare, from KnowWare.
62737 DEEP876.ZIP 1193197 14.01.1997 - - -
QUAKE & DUKE NUKEM 3D Graphics - awesome
built-in graphics drawing. Edits ALL the
games in 1 program. True ONE-step linedef/
sector drawing. Totally configurable error
checker. LIGHTNING fast DeePbsp nodebuilder!
Copy, Cut, Paste, Merge, Undo. Instant
Things at once on you MAP!
62797 DESED103.ZIP 55694 29.11.1995 - 22632/cd No7 joystick No65 novembre 1995.iso -
│[  registered version ]│
│  VGA Savegame Editor  │
│   with many options.  │
│ ╥╖  MUDDLE's          │
│ ║║╓╖╓╖╓╖╓╖╫╓╖╟╖       │
│ ║║╟╜╙╖║║║║║║ ║║ V1.03 │
│ ╨╜╙╜╙╜╟╜╙╨╙╙╜╜╜       │
│"enhances your chances"│
24958 DESED200.ZIP 62,5 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
VGA Savegame Editor V2.00 for Descent I & II registered versions.
62802 DESPATCH.ZIP 63948 03.12.1996 - 16346/Riki0497-03.iso -
VGA Savegame Editor for Descent I & II
registered versions.
62817 DEVIL20H.ZIP 291341 25.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Devil 2.0h  -  Descent 1 level editor This is
a level editor for Descent 1 (registered
version), the game from Parallax.  Unzip the
zip-file with the '-d' (restore
subdirectories) switch in your Descent
directory. If you are an experienced Devil
user have a glance in the readme20.txt file.
If not have first a look in readme.txt and
docs/userman.doc.  If you have any questions,
please mail them to the Devil Mailing List
(see readme.txt) -Achim Stremplat,
24959 DEVIL22L.ZIP 592,8 kt 21.07.1997 - - -
DESCENT/DESCENT II: DEVIL Level Editor v2.2L (beta) Level Editor for registered DESCENT and/or DESCENT II. Requires math coprocessor (or emulation). Unzip to your \\DESCENT or \\DESCENT2 directory _with the -D option_ to preserve directory structure contained in the .ZIP. This version includes new English documentation (in HTML format).
31016 DFED171.ZIP 39044 24.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Dark Forces Demo Editor Version 1.71
31017 DFED2.ZIP 318638 24.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dark Forces Editor V2.00
31020 DIE011.ZIP 17435 25.04.1996 - 22193/SupergamesVolume2.bin -
Doom Image Editor v1.1 DIE (Doom Image
Editor) is a utility for the seemingly
endless tools for the DOOM wad. (The
game DOOM ain't gonna die out for a
looonnggg time.) You can Export an Image
from WADTOOLS (c) Jeff Miller 1994, and
Import it to DIE.  Then you can paint
all over it, Import it back to WADTOOLS,
and Shazam.  Custom walls.
31022 DM2CNV16.ZIP 86740 06.03.1995 - 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO -
DM2CONV v1.6ß - Best WAD Converter!
Convert DOOM WADs to run with DOOM2 or
HERETIC. Fully configurable. Powerful object
substitution! PUBLIC DOMAIN with sources.
29228 DMANIA36.ZIP 68358 31.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doomania v3.6 is an OUTSTANDING front-end
for Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Heretic,
and Hexen. It supports nearly every option
that the games do, and is VERY easy to use!
29229 DMAP1.ZIP 6512 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Duke Nukum Mapper Version 1.0 by Dave Datta.
DUKEMAP.EXE is a program that will read the
level files from the Apogee game series Duke
31023 DMCAD60.ZIP 704403 16.08.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DOOMCAD 6.0: The ultimate Doom, Doom2, and
Heretic editor!  All new interface and
Integrity Checker.  3D preview, Prefab
Construction, etc.  WINDOWS 3.1
63043 DMDEEP.ZIP 227160 26.01.1995 versio 6.11 The Arsenal Files 3.iso tupla
DeeP V6.12
A DOOM Enhanced Editor Program
for editing DOOM and DOOM II levels.
DeeP is a complete rewrite and
major enhancement of DEU. Features:
1. DOOM to DOOM II (and back) level conversi
2. Total mouse command support
with graphical Thing and Texture feedback.
31024 DMDKCONV.ZIP 59595 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
!!   Doom -> Duke3D Level Converter   !!!
DMDKCONV  V1.00 (960805) is a for converting
Doom I/II Levels to Duke Nukem 3D Levels.
It does a much better job than WAD2MAP.
Freeware. Download NOW !
Author Olaf Wendlandt, 100754.2513@compuserve
63059 DN3DOHJE.ZIP 8040 22.06.1996 - - tupla
Duke Nukem 3D suomenkielisiä ohjeita v1.0.
Tekijät: Lauri Pitkänen (MBnetissä Late
Pitkänen) ja Santeri Saarimaa.
29231 DN3DRR11.ZIP 10272 02.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D Resource Ripper v1.1
24960 DOE_QC.ZIP 188,5 kt 18.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity QuakeC source files and compiler.
31026 DOOMED10.ZIP 66647 08.11.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Doomedit Version 1.00
29234 DOOMENU.ZIP 76226 07.01.1995 - - -
Doom Network Menuing System v16.0 DooMenu now
fully supports DOOM 2!  DooMenu will also
allow IPX network, modem, and null-modem
play, or stand alone play quickly and easily
thru a menu which is far better than the one
packaged with Doom.
29235 DOOMEX.ZIP 7376 30.06.1995 - 21832/POWER_DUKE.bin -
Extracts individual data files from DOOM1.WAD
file. Sound files, graphics etc. 2 files -
New:12/14/1993  Old:12/14/1993
31027 DOOMGO.ZIP 77348 28.03.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Palette Manipulation uitlity for Doom
Very Cool!!!
29236 DOOMRUN.ZIP 109897 30.06.1996 - - -
This simple program helps you run all WAD-
files you have been collecting. Requires
registered version of Doom.
31028 DOOMSAVB.ZIP 26627 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
DOOMSAFE version 0.99ß, Safe DOOM save file
40668 DOOMSEC3.ZIP 6342 28.03.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Play the secret Warrens level from DOOM 1.1 -
31029 DOOMSTUF.ZIP 93476 28.03.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
DOOM Utilities
A Compilation of DOOM Utils: (NCA)
The Savegame Format For DOOM ■ Two Different
Savegame Editors ■ SERIAL PORT Networking for
DOOM ■ The Elusive GUS .INI File
31030 DOOMTEX.ZIP 72625 01.09.1996 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
DOOMTEX: Doom Texture Converter for QUAKEDM
31031 DOOMVB42.ZIP 418795 20.02.1995 - MBCD -
DOOMCAD (formerly DoomVB) 4.2: THE state of
the art Doom level creation facility.
Features: 3D LEVEL PREVIEW, levels from
scratch, prefab construction kit, too much to
mention!  Req. VBRUN300.DLL
29237 DSCED13.ZIP 281149 25.04.1996 - 10799/CD_ASCQ_22_0695.iso -
The Descent Saved Game Editor, SW v1.3
by Doug Winters
Edit Number of all missles, give
yourself all weapons and much more!
31033 DSCED17.ZIP 283024 22.07.1995 - - -
The Descent Saved Game Editor SW v1.7
by Doug Winters -- Edit Number
of all missles, give yourself
all weapons and much more!
Supports registered Descent
versions 1.0, 1.4, and 1.4a
29238 DSGE.ZIP 17209 25.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Descent Save Game Editor v1.00
By Andrew Pye
The FIRST save game editor
for the game Descent!  Edit
anything from ammo to weapons,
including lazer types!  Get
32767 shield and lazer
energy and 65536 of any or
all of the missiles!
29239 DSTRINGS.ZIP 4174 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Can't get Doom/Doom2 to work over the modem?
Here is a text file that list the very best
Modem Doom strings for 246 different modems!
Your modem is most likely to be in here!
31034 DTX10.ZIP 236583 19.01.1996 - - -
DTX V1.0 - Descent Texture/Sound/Music Editor
Editor for music, images, and digital sounds
in the game Descent. Windows 3.1+
29240 DUKERES.ZIP 34270 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
Duke Nukem 3D - Resolution Changer v1.2.
This program allows you to run Duke Nukem
3D Shareware v1.3d in any resolution you
want to as long as your video card and
monitor can support it.  This program is
31037 DXF2MAP.ZIP 30239 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Quake: DXF2MAP, DXF to Quake Map converter.
31042 EQUAD10.ZIP 73685 01.09.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso -
Quake - EQUAD v1.0 a decent Quake map editor.
It is totally for DOS, and it doesn't use the
31048 FIXWD2MP.ZIP 20619 22.09.1996 - 22145/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Duke Nukem 3D.iso -
FIXWD2MP v1.03 * accessory to Duke3D BUILD
WAD2MAP converter, DOS,  used to fix things
when WAD2MAP goes wrong.
31049 FMECAD64.ZIP 81104 13.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
FMECAD by Carlos Gomez, object editing
program for Dark Forces. Objects in the FME
(frame) format would include keys, batteries,
energy, medkits, and other things that you
can pick up during the game. FMEs are also
used as scenery.
24961 FQCC101.ZIP 490,2 kt 15.12.1997 - MBCD -
FastQCC v1.01. This is the fastest QuakeC compiler on Earth. Contains V101QC, V106QC and V164QW sources.
31053 GDR11.ZIP 197083 01.04.1995 - - -
GDR Doom Editor V1.1
This editor has been built to create levels
from scratch or to modify current levels. It
can handle reading levels from the main
DOOM.WAD as well as PWAD files you find on
BBS's. The changes made can then be saved to
a PWAD file for play.
31055 GOBBER.ZIP 9558 13.06.1996 - 19200/ae.mdf -
THE GOBBER UTILITIES - useful utitilites for
manipulating the GOB-files of DARK FORCES.
24962 GPLAY10B.ZIP 20,9 kt 26.04.2001 - - -
GeekPlayer 1.0BGeekplayerillä voi katsella nauhoitettua Counter Striken pelaamista, joka on DEM-muodossa.
31058 HCK30B3.ZIP 450826 25.04.1996 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
HEXEN Construction Kit v3.0 (Zerius Dev.)
From the creator of DCK comes this flexible
and easy-to-use Hexen map creation utility.
Combining the great features of its
predecessor with a ton of enhancements for
Hexen and an entirely new GUI, HCK is a
great choice for new designers and old hands
alike! HCK is shareware, with a small
registration price. Requires Hexen, a mouse,
a SuperVGA card and a few megs of free
64732 HDEEP622.ZIP 585556 19.05.1995 - - tupla
DeeP v6.22 & HeeP v6.22
DeeP v6.22 is a DOOM Enhanced Editor Program
for editing DOOM and DOOM II
HeeP V6.22 is a HERETIC Enhanced Editor
Program for editing HERETIC levels
Both are complete rewrites and major
enhancement and extension of DEU.
Contains options and features you dream of.
31060 HER2HEX.ZIP 23573 10.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HER2HEX - Quick Heretic to Hexen
PWAD converter
Version 1.00 (beta)
(c) 1995 Simply Silly Software
64784 HETH106.ZIP 245764 28.12.1995 - - tupla
"HETH" Editor v1.06 for HEXEN  HETH v1.06 is
a professional DEU-GCC editor for HEXEN. New:
Texture /Flats browser, drop-to-DOS, gamma
correction, scaled textures, button bar,
improved mouse functions and Hot Keys - more!
Features include UNDO function, auto texture
alignment, graphic view of objects while
editing, PWAD browser, more. DETH is the
editor of choice for discriminating PWAD
authors. No-nag freeware; by Antony Burden.
Pelit-BBS. [Unzip with -d option. Requires
31061 HEU.ZIP 181270 30.01.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
HEU - heretic editor utilities  A simple deu
5.21 port to heretic, using the specs
provided by id. You must have the registered
version of heretic to be able to save
changes. Please read the original deu docs
for more info on how to use this editor. this
is an official release by the deu team,they
will support this product.
25110 HEXSPC09.ZIP 59399 04.12.1995 - 22635/cd joystick 68 No10.iso -
The OFFICIAL Hexen Specs, version 0.9, by Ben
Morris (bmorris@islandnet.com). Technical
info on Hexen, by Raven Software. This is a
preliminary release to get the info out.
Version 1.0 is coming sometime soon!
Includes the Hexen Script Compiler.
29284 HEXSTUF.ZIP 55078 21.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HEXED: HEXEN Save Game Editor v1.0 Copyright
(C) 1995 Rubber Duck
29291 ID_DM10.ZIP 35609 26.07.1996 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
The DeathManager by id Software
DM is an easy-to-use interface that replaces
the hassle of typing command-line parameters
to network DOOM, DOOM2 and HERETIC. It is
also much easier than starting network games
from the SETUP.EXE program as there are no
menus to navigate, everything is on one
screen.  DM also saves all the information
you enter, so the next time you run DM, all
the options you last used are selected.
29293 IFRAG221.ZIP 120557 31.07.1996 - 7940/MIS Press - Digital Warfare.iso -
Enables up to 4 players to play a DOOM-clone
over TCP/IP (Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen).
40358 JBDEATH.ZIP 178487 17.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
*JBDEATH* Doom2 Multi-Player Deathmatch WAD!
Well planned Deathmatch Level with some cool
new sound effects, music, and graphics! ALL
Deathmatch rules were kept in mind as this
level was created. Edited by Dan Miler of
"D-Soft",The creator of ALL_THAT, NEWMISTD,
and FRAG101 WADS!!! **Very nicely Done!!!**
29298 JSERVE02.ZIP 40849 12.02.1996 - gamers.org -
Jserve ajuri doomiin.Mahdollistaa nelinpelin
modeemin ja 0-modeemikaapelin avulla.
65697 LEVMAPSX.ZIP 205314 16.12.1995 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso tupla
Map editor for DFUSE V1.00, non coprosessor
build of levmap.exe.
24963 LMPC300D.ZIP 178,1 kt 18.10.1997 - gamers.org -
LMPC 3.0.0 MS-DOS Binary Package. LMPC is the LMP/DMO/DEM Control Centre. LMPC helps you to handle LMP, DMO and DEM files. DEM files are supported more extensive with DEMA, The DEM Text File Analyser and DEMcut, The DEM file cutter tool.
65962 MAPED42.ZIP 177411 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
MapEdit V4.1, Wolfenstein 3D Map editor
24964 MAPED84.ZIP 318,8 kt 05.10.1997 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
ððððððððððððððMAPEDIT Ver 8.4ððððððððððððððð Create new Blake Stone, Wolf3D, Spear of Destiny (original & New Missions), Blake Stone: Planet Strike, Corridor 7: Alien Invasion, and Operation: Body Count floors. This is Freeware. You may distribute this package only in its original form - intact, complete, and unaltered. Authors: Bryan Baker Dave Huntoon Warren Buss Copyright (C) 1994, 1995
31075 MAPEXTND.ZIP 24796 22.09.1996 - 22145/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Duke Nukem 3D.iso -
MapTrans for Duke Nukem 3D * Editing Utility
DOS * Allows creation of maps that cover a
huge area
65963 MAPFAQ02.ZIP 33745 13.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Duke Nukem 3D Map Editing FAQ.
Haettu 3D Realmsin kotisivulta, sisältää
paljon esimerkkikarttoja.
29306 MAPS10.ZIP 18691 22.09.1996 - 22145/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Duke Nukem 3D.iso -
+----------] MAPS (version 1.0) [----------+
| Now you can start your .MAP, .RTS, .CON  |
| in DukeNukem with the configuration that |
| you want. This program manages the files |
| and parameters of the game for you, much |
| faster than using SETUP.EXE or command   |
| line parameters...                       |
+- e-mail: ricardo.ferreira@mpcbbs.com.br -+
31077 MBUILD.ZIP 44337 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Quake: Mbuild v0.3 -- David Langeliers Mbuild
is a program for creating .MAP files for
Quake. It reads .MPB files, which are similar
to POV-Ray files.
31079 MEDDLE15.ZIP 180959 02.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
Quake: MedDLe v1.5 lets you look at and edit
the mdl files.
66129 MHFSV22.ZIP 374807 01.09.1996 - 14534/IMAGE.img -
Quake: Marmot's Happy Fun Server! Version
29312 MIPDIP.ZIP 144290 27.08.1996 renamed 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
MipDip10 - Quake Mip Textures ripper and
31080 MK_WAD2.ZIP 19767 01.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Quake Texture WAD2 Builder Version 1.00
31089 NAME_FUN.ZIP 5435 30.08.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Quake editor documentation - text, tools, and
tips on getting colored (non-standard) names
in Quake.
24965 NEWWAD14.ZIP 260,1 kt 16.06.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
Quake: - NewWad 1.4 program to add textures in pcx, bmp or lbm formats to the WAD2 files that are used by qbsp.
31103 PAKIE10.ZIP 60057 02.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
Quake utility: PAK file editor
67325 POLYED16.ZIP 185726 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake: PolyEd v1.6, This editor will allow
you to create any polygon, and move and shape
it to any form or position you desire. It
will also allow you to use any texture or
any new texture name for any side of
any brush.
24966 POLYED18.ZIP 330,3 kt 16.06.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
"Quake: - PolyEd v1.8 By defaultwhen inserting a new entitythe dialog defaults to th the selected entity.  When inserting a brush or an entitythe 3rd dimmension insertion point is at the same level as the selected br or entity.  (used to be inbetween the limitsand at zero before t entity dialog now has 9 available key/variable/value things.  (ask help in loading a previosly saved pem file that used all available -This version may have a few more changes I cant"
24967 PROQC160.ZIP 86,8 kt 02.11.1997 - MBCD -
ProQCC v1.60 - One of the best QuakeC compilers out. ProQCC can decompile progs.dat of any size to native quakec code. The compiler can compile projects of any size, and does it 3 times faster then qccdos.
31112 QASM10.ZIP 7980 01.09.1996 - gamers.org -
Quake Assembler docs
67570 QCC.ZIP 223099 05.08.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
QUAKE: "QUAKE C Compiler (QCC) with Sources"
(IBM)  This is the last major component of
the QUAKE utilities to be released. To be
honest, I have been a little reticent to
release this because most of the actual QCC
code is basically rather embarrassing crap.
The time never became available to even give
it a good top to bottom going over. I never
spent any quality engineering time on my
parts, American wrote a lot of QCC code, and
even Romero has a bit of work in there. The
24968 QCC106.ZIP 199,1 kt 01.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake: QUAKE C Compiler for DOS & WIN95  The QUAKE C compiler for DOS (QCC_DOS.EXE) and WIN95/NT (QCC_NT.EXE), September 12, 1996. The updated QUAKEC progs source code for version 1.06 of QUAKE is included.
29333 QCC15.ZIP 64671 01.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Quake Control Center v1.5 (Quake Front End)
║The Quake Control Center is a FANTASTIC ║
║ warp-based front end for the 3D action ║
║ game Quake from id Software. It allows ║
║  you to select many, many options not  ║
║   directly supported by Quake, and it  ║
║does so using an intuitive, mouse-driven║
║  interface. For instance, you can warp ║
║    to any level in the game with any   ║
║ weapon(s) and ammunition you want, and ║
29334 QCFG33.ZIP 12413 30.08.1996 - 23029/cdactioncoverdisc24b.iso -
NecroBoi's Configuration v3.3 for QUAKE v1.01
To be used with a TrackMan Marble or a
3-button mouse ONLY ...
67573 QCFGDSW.ZIP 10450 05.08.1996 - - -
QUAKE "Config File Editor CFGEDSW v.1.0.1 A
Shareware QUAKE config file editor. Takes the
hurt out of the fingers when editing config
files for QUAKE. Has Auto insert statements
like automatic Bind. Very cool, plus you can
register it very cheap ($5.00US). By Zack
29335 QCFGEDSW.ZIP 10374 05.08.1996 - - -
QUAKE "Config File Editor CFGEDSW v.1.0.1 A
Shareware QUAKE config file editor. Takes the
hurt out of the fingers when editing config
files for QUAKE. Has Auto insert statements
like automatic Bind. Very cool, plus you can
register it very cheap ($5.00US). By Zack
31114 QCMAN10.ZIP 27273 30.08.1996 - gamers.org -
A new QuakeC manual 1.0 14-08-96
31115 QCSPEC3.ZIP 191862 30.08.1996 - 22390/XENIATGM28.iso -
Quake-C specification and HTML version. by
Olivier Montanuy August 8th, 1996.
39852 QCTFSV.ZIP 393504 14.01.1997 - - -
Quake Threewave Capture the Flag server This
is Threewave's version of Capture the Flag
for Quake. This is the server version.
Capture the flag offers an exciting variation
on team play. It gives meaning to base
defense along with offensive positioning and
29337 QD-B02.ZIP 47446 20.04.1996 - MBCD -
Terminaaliohjelma Quakeen. Tämä ohjelma
mahdollistaa Quaken pelaamisen modeemilla
29338 QD-B6.ZIP 48528 27.08.1996 - 22076/SSERV39.bin -
QD! build 1.00.05 alpha
The best modem dialer for QUAKE!  New to
build 5 ■ Supports all COM/UART/IRQ setups ■
Phone Book added ■ other bugs fixed.
29336 QD091.ZIP 48943 01.07.1996 - MBCD -
Frontendi Quaken modeemipelaukseen.
29339 QDM20B12.ZIP 435808 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake Deathmatch Manager (QDM) 2.0.12
(formerly QD!) is the most powerfull
front-end for multiplayer Quake.  Supporting
Modem, Null-modem, Network, TCP/IP and even
has a terminal built in. QDM includes QDMPPP
a collection of utilties that makes playing
Quake over the net simple and easy.  ** QDM
is a simple work around to the modem bug in
Quake 1.0!
31116 QEP.ZIP 1313613 19.09.1996 - - -
Quake Editing Pack, sisältää kaiken
tarpeellisen omien kenttien tekoon
31117 QKSPEC33.ZIP 77841 30.08.1996 - - -
The Unofficial Quake Specifications 3.3 Does
NOT deal with Quake-C.
24969 QMAPEXP.ZIP 631,4 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
QMAPExp - 3DS MAX users Quake level exporter
24970 QMAPLNCH.ZIP 16,8 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Quake: - Quake Map Launcher Utility Version 1 0 Copyright c November 1997 Thank you for using my Quake Map Launcher Utility henceforth referredto as Launcher I wrote Launcher because I was tired of having to load maps via Quake sconsole and felt that there had to be a better way I thus took up the task of writing a utility that would allow users to select a Quake mapand
31118 QMAPSPEC.ZIP 12292 30.08.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Quake Map Specs by Niklata
(nichd@norfolk.infi.net) version: 7/27/96
2:45AM EST This is the best reference to
Quake MAP Editing. It covers the entire MAP
file format, including brushes, entities, and
24971 QOOLE200.ZIP 845,6 kt 15.09.1997 - MBCD -
Qoole v2.00 - Quake Level Editor For DOS. Extremely easy to learn, make your first level quickly. Very powerful and user friendly. For beginner to expert. Shareware. Written by Matthew Ayres and Paul Hsu
31119 QPACK1.ZIP 632173 18.07.1996 - MBCD -
Apuohjelmia Quakeen, mukana mm. alkeellinen
kenttäeditori, tekstitiedostoja +paljon
29340 QPACK2.ZIP 943526 26.07.1996 - MBCD -
Quake Pack 2, lisää ohjelmia Quakeen
mukana mm. beta versio kenttäeditorista ym.
31120 QPU11.ZIP 29409 02.09.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso -
QPU version 1.1 by Richard Nichols THE MOST
utility for viewing and editing the pack file
format which id Software's great game QUAKE
uses. With it you can rip out files, insert
your own or just browse what's there.
67600 QSPY26SA.ZIP 27001 27.08.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
Quake Spy 2.6 Checks Quake-servers' response
times to find out playable games.
67601 QSPY31.ZIP 77872 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake Spy 3.1, This program was born out of a
desire to quickly find a playable Quake
server. I must have spent a week looking at
the finger output from Servers@ns.stomped.com
and then manually pinging those IP addresses
looking for a server with a decent response
time. While this accomplished my initial goal
it was hardly an acceptable solution.
Hence, the birth of Quake Spy!
67602 QSTAT1-4.ZIP 32601 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
qstat V1.4 - Get statistics from Quake
31123 QU-HTP.ZIP 3497 30.08.1996 - - -
How to use and make QuakeC patch files by
Jeff Epler  3 August
39893 QUAKEALL.ZIP 13506 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake - ALL secrets.
67622 QUAKEEXP.ZIP 2468165 02.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Quake Server Explorer - The Ultimate Internet
Quake Launcher!  New Functions in the Quake
Server Explorer:  *   Getting on the internet
and downloading the most current server list
http://citrix.progress.com/servers.html and
http://www.stomped.com/servers.html Used with
permission of ][ronman. *   Checking the
server to see if it is up. *   Launching
Quake for Deathmatch play. *   Telling you
how many people are in the game and what
24972 QUESSFE.ZIP 276,1 kt 30.04.1997 - gamers.org -
Quess (QUake chESS) frontend, makes the starting of Quess very easy. Windows.
24973 QUTILSDO.ZIP 478,6 kt 09.07.1998 - gamers.org -
QUAKE: "QUTILS for MS-DOS" (IBM)  These are ID\'s QUTILS from September 12, 1996, recompiled for MS-DOS. The package contains: QBSP, LIGHT, VIS, QBSP, QLUMPY, SPRGEN, QFILES, BSPINFO, MODELGEN, QCC and TEXMAKE. Take a look at README.NOW and README.TXT. If you want the sources and the WIN-32 executables, download QUTILS.ZIP from the same library. The DOS tools have not been extensively tested yet, so please be careful, I\'m not responsible for any damage .
29341 QVOTE27.ZIP 151869 02.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Qvote v2.7 - Quake Voting Booth - Allows
players to vote on server settings noexit and
teamplay. This version actually works!
67670 QWCL1217.ZIP 1470694 14.01.1997 - 23661/PCGAMER41.bin -
QuakeWorld Client Here is the long-awaited
QuakeWorld client Play Quake over Internet
with a centraled multiplayer architecture,
rank up your scores. iD Software.
67755 RAPEDIT.ZIP 31721 14.12.1994 - 21826/Plex1.mdf tupla
RAPTOR ─ v1.0 Money Editor !
All the cash in the world is YOURS with this
Money editor. Buy Those WEAPONS and Play One
Of the BEST games of this Year With EASE !
31126 RAPEDR10.ZIP 5518 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Raptor Saved Game Editor ∙ v.10
67918 RIFT049.ZIP 228432 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Internet Assistant v 0.4.9 Searches a list of
quake servers for an active node.
31128 RMD20A.ZIP 154478 02.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ROTT Mapper Deluxe for Apogee's Rise of The
Triad is a powerful level editor with
features like 56 zoom levels; line, square
and circle tools; cut, copy and paste; find
and replace; auto height; auto linking and
much, much more! v2.0a! By C.J. Ellsworth
29940 RMSETUP.ZIP 24440 07.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This is a Beta release of a driver that will
allow anywhere from2 to 4 players playing
DooM over serial lines. update to rmssetup
31129 ROTTED10.ZIP 276864 21.02.1996 - - -
THE TRIAD, a fully-functional, Windows-based
level editor, designed for simplicity and
31130 ROTTMD_2.ZIP 151332 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
ROTT Mapper Deluxe II - Editor - for Win
3.1/Win95. Level Editor for Rise of The Triad
29348 RUNDOOM2.ZIP 34555 26.07.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
RunDoom v1.0
If you play DOOM 1.2 over the modem with a
buddy, run this instead of SETUP.  Choose to
fight Monsters or NoMonsters. Saves the
setup configuration so you don't have to
keep typing it in everytime. Play from saved
game.  Use even if playing alone.  Try it!
24974 RVIS1.ZIP 44 kt 18.09.1997 - 22004/Qoole for Quake (USA).7z -
Quake: RVIS v1.0. This program RVIS is a speed enhancment to VIS distributed by iD on the 21th September 96. On the few levels tested it averages taking about 60% of the time taken by the original.
29354 S4DOOM12.ZIP 13832 24.10.1994 väärä koko Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
This is a set of Tools and a Batch to make
DOOM V1.2 run above 9600 BPS in
Direct Link Mode.
29357 SER7-5.ZIP 180783 16.12.1995 renamed 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
DEVICE DRIVER SER7.5. New features in V7.5:
-Supports Hexen and Hexen Classes -Supports
maximum of 63 levels for future expansion
-Map Browser. View the "automap" of any Wad
By Paul Hermann hermann@poly-eng.uakron.edu
24975 SHPCHG08.ZIP 39,3 kt 25.05.1997 - 23157/Gamestar_11_1999-11_cd2.bin -
X-Wing vs Tie Fighter Ship Changer V0.8 Written by Chris Napiorkowski
29359 SMAP100.ZIP 36404 19.09.1996 - 11032/3D Violence 2.iso -
SMAP v1.0 (map selector) * Utility for Duke
Nukem 3D * DOS * The ultimate .map selector
for dukematch in Duke Nukem 3D.
24976 SOA_QC.ZIP 559,5 kt 18.08.1997 - - -
Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon QuakeC source files and compiler.
31134 SPAINT14.ZIP 378332 15.10.1995 - - -
Satan paint 1.4
Satan paint was used mainly as a in-house
tool for Abuse, so you might find it useful
for adding artwork to Abuse.
31135 SPEARMOR.ZIP 119798 05.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Muutamia apuohjelmia Wolfenstain 3D:hen ja
Spears of Destinyyn, mm. karttaeditoreja.
24977 STONL101.ZIP 1,2 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Stoneless - the Quake Map Builder V1.01 by David Jewsbury - It allows everyone to create levels for the registered version of Quake, just like the ones included with the game. FREEWARE. Req: 486/Pentium, Win95, 16 MB, DirectX3
24978 SVGAMEED.ZIP 46,6 kt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Doom Save Game Editor by Daniel Kim Lets you edit your Doom and Doom 2 saved games. You can use it to increase your ammunition counthealth and armorand to add powerups and weapons. The QBasic source code is also includedso if you have the QBasic interpreter youll be able to edit the code and recompile it to adjust how the program works. Req. Doom or Doom II and DOS 6.0"
31140 SWCHPAL.ZIP 43574 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Swchpal is a quake utility
This will allow you to convert one
palette to another in quake.
This is used on your pak files
and other graphics containing files.
Share & Enjoy!
Andy Bay (IMarvinTPA)
released 9/15/96
29366 TOURNKIT.ARJ 50132 15.08.1995 - - -
Everything You need to Enter a local Doom
Tournament... Play DOOM with up to four
players via your modem. Play DOOM, DOOM 2,
and HERETIC Descent, and 40 other games
against a group of friends or acquaintances.
24979 TURBMA13.ZIP 653,7 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Turbis makelevel-archive v1.3 With utils and documentation included in this packet, you can make your own levels.
29368 TV_EDIT.ZIP 26777 18.07.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This is a program that will let you edit the
save games for 3D Realms' Terminal Velocity.
You can give yourself as many or as little
(why?) weapons as you like.  You can also max
out all the weapons, too!  If you need a
little help, check this out!  This program is
*NOT* written by Apogee or 3D Realms.
31156 UTIL3D.ZIP 171868 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Quake: IDUTIL3D Beta 0.3 Allows importing of
3dstudio models and Alias models into Quake.
31167 VW191CON.ZIP 13141 30.08.1996 - - -
V-WING  Level Converter
Create your very own levels for
V-Wing with this awesome tool.
Includes instructions.
NOTE! this tool requires V-Wing
v 1.91. Works with ShareWare
31169 WAD2HELP.ZIP 6021 30.08.1996 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
Quake documentation - help to make Wad2
31170 WADED183.ZIP 188116 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
WADED v1.83 beta - Excellent Map Editor!
Create WADs for Doom 1, Doom 2, and Heretic.
Easy to learn and use.  Draw maps quickly.
Includes WADCAT v0.6 and WADED FAQ v0.1.
Written by Matthew Ayres.
31175 WARM15.ZIP 226508 31.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WAD Auxiliary Resource
Tällä voit editoida Wadejasi: DOOM, DOOM II,
24980 WATER102.ZIP 22,5 kt 07.05.1997 - 22586/Hrac_13_1997-09_cd.bin -
WATER for GlQuake 1.02 by Baby Joe. WATER modifies Quake level maps (BSPs) so that water, slime or even lava surfaces becomes translucent. Only BSP file needed!
24981 WATRHACK.ZIP 17,4 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
"Waterhack is a utility that will allow non-GL Quake and/or QuakeWorld users to see through the water on levels visd with transparent water. It basically removes the water texture. See http://www.primenet.com/~splat/ waterhack.html for more info."
69965 WC3EDIT.ZIP 12908 16.12.1995 - 22632/cd No7 joystick No65 novembre 1995.iso tupla
Simple editor for Wing Commander 3 (WC3)
31177 WCRAFT.ZIP 873614 14.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
WORLDCRAFT v1.0 (12/02/96) - A powerful, easy
to use Map editor for id Software's QUAKE.
Texture-mapped 3D level previews, support for
Total Conversions, multiple undo,
mouse-centric visual editing, and more.
Shareware by Ben Morris, author of The DOOM
Construction Kit. Requires the registered
version of Quake. Win95 only!
70012 WEDIT221.ZIP 503116 19.08.1996 - - tupla
DARK FORCES "Wedit v2.21 Editor" (Win95)  A
minor update of Wedit, the latest WIN95 tool
for creation of DARK  FORCES levels. A bug
was fixed in Wedit 2.21 regarding positioning
of objects. Version 2.20 of Wedit contains a
few new exiting features, like import of VUE
files, improved Texture Dialog, Object
Selection dialog, and Object Logic dialog.
Also player for .WAX's plus more. Send
feedback to Ole Thomasen, obt AT
70013 WEDT21.ZIP 26835 14.12.1994 - 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img tupla
Wolfenstein 3-D Graphics Editor
29377 WORMRANK.ZIP 41765 11.03.1996 - - -
Rankingit kaikista Wormisin madoista näkyviin
tällä ohjelmalla + C-source koodit.
29378 WORMUTIL.ZIP 709432 25.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Worms: Reinforcements utilities,
for making your own levels.
31179 WPAL09.ZIP 49173 16.10.1996 - - -
WingsPal v0.9 from Far Side Software is a
little help program for creating levels for
Wings. It changes PCX-files palette so that
Wings can use it. Includes one sample level.
Freeware. Req. Wings, 386
31181 WRMCOLOR.ZIP 36278 25.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
WormsColors version 1.00ß
Jim Midnite, 1995/6
Change Worms-level colours to whatever
you want, like polluted beach or radioactive
24982 XVTE5-13.ZIP 139,2 kt 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
XWing vs. Tie Fighter Ship Editor
70421 Z-COOL.ZIP 2299 16.09.1996 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Z (c) Virgin Interactive, "Easy Loader"
Easy Loader, makes Z launchable from any
directory on your harddrive. No need to
tamper with Z.BAT. So if you don't like
having Z in your root-dir, this is some thing
for you. Just copy "z-cool.exe" to your Z dir
and execute!     -Hoson/HBD
31185 Z-D2C.ZIP 383018 24.02.1995 - MBCD -
40980 ZEN096.ZIP 245894 30.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
ZenNode 0.96:  An extremely fast NODES
builder for OS/2, DOS & Win32. Merges
multiple WADs into a single WAD file.
Rebuilds NODES and/or BLOCKMAP for
any or all levels in a WAD file.
Supports DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, and
30978 ACOLOSAV.ZIP 7598 13.12.1994 - scene.org -
A Savegame Editor to Colonization
30979 ACW_EDIT.ZIP 177560 24.11.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
American Civil War editor
24983 AUDWAV11.ZIP 20,9 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
AUD2WAV v.1.1 Muuntaa Command & Conquerin käyttämät AUD-äänitiedostot WAV-muotoon.
29191 BASEIT.ZIP 10968 16.09.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Base IT v1.00 by Barry Kalshoven - used with
ccmap.zip to update .ini file
Command & Conquer utulity
30990 BI2PAR11.ZIP 138996 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
A Map editor for Battle Isle II/2200 Package
that can be used for editing any missXXX.dat
file of the game Battle Isle II /2200 by Blue
24984 BIME154D.ZIP 82 kt 21.05.1998 - MBCD -
Battle Isle 2 / Battle Isle 3 Mission Editor v1.54 beta. DOS 386, Super VGA, 4 MB EMS
30998 CC_EQ.ZIP 376013 30.11.1995 - - -
Command & Conquer Edittor, Features of this
DEFinition include: -Editing power usage of
buildings -Editing power output of buildings
-Changing what weapons are used by each
Troop, building, or vehicle. (Imagine a
minigunner firing a 227mm rocket). -Raise or
lower purchase costs for everything.
-Changing hit points for everything.
31001 CC-SCEN.ZIP 251528 19.01.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Command & Conquer scenario editor
30995 CCEDIT21.ZIP 211944 18.03.1996 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Command and Conquer Editor! V 2.0  Command
and Conquer Editor v2.0 (revision 1) Allows
editing of: * weapon payload for infantry,
vehicles and structures * infantry and
vehicle costs * structure costs * structure
power production and usage * structure and
unit hit points * stealth capabilities of
vehicles and transport! * vehicles firepower
* unit and structure ownership  !!! Make a
BACKUP of your GAME.DAT BEFORE !!! you start
messing around with this! :)  Works up to
30996 CCEDIT4.ZIP 179207 03.12.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
CCEdit v4 beta 0.99 (Command & Conquer
30997 CCEDT151.ZIP 93301 24.12.1995 - - -
Command and Conquer Editor v1.5 (revision 1)
Allows editing of: weapon payload for
infantry, vehicles and structures, infan- try
and vehicle costs, structure costs, structure
power requirements, structure power
production, structure and unit hit points,
stealth capabilities of vehicles, vehicles
firepower, unit and structure ownership, unit
and structure tech. levels, vehicle speed
(**), structure and vehicle invulnerability
(**) (**) available only for the v1.18p
24985 CCGRA.ZIP 292,4 kt 29.04.1997 - - -
With Red Alert Mix Extractor and this MIX-file, you can extract sounds, graphics and animations from Command & Conquer!
40655 CCLITE.ZIP 15028 03.12.1996 - - -
CCLite 1.2 (patcher for CCEdit v4)
30999 CCMAP.ZIP 367334 24.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
C&C Ultimate Map Editor v2.1 Create your own
missions with this graphical C&C map editor.
31000 CCONVERT.ZIP 20925 01.03.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: CONVERT (v1.1)  Scenario
Editor Utility: This program will convert the
data file created with the scenario editor
(cc-scen) into two separate files.
29210 CCT100.ZIP 45705 15.04.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
CCTools. Apuohjelma Command & Conqueriin.
Auttaa omia skenaarioita tehtäessä mm.
Trigger/Teamtype-asetuksissa. V. 1.00
31002 CCUME21.ZIP 366745 01.03.1996 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Command&Conquer:Ultimate Map Editor v2.1 - 21
January 1996 Programming:    Richard Heesbeen
Ripping/Manual: Jeroen Ritmeijer
31003 CE4C_C.ZIP 41579 24.04.1996 - 21761/PCS0596.ISO -
31004 CIVED100.ZIP 28475 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
CIVED v.1.0 Civilization Saved Game Editor by
Arun Bhalla Edit the games of the hit game
Civilization! More money, become any nation,
change the year!
31005 CIVED15.ZIP 114175 24.10.1995 - 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img -
Civilization Editor V1.5
62110 CIVHACK1.ZIP 17908 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
CivHack V1.0 - mahdollistaa Civilizationin
hakkeroimisen, yksikköjen arvojen
muuttelemisen jne jne.
24986 CIVHCK15.ZIP 13,8 kt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
        -= CIVHACK =-   Civilization Hack Utility          Version 1.5       by Steven Kasenda   Released: 7 February 1997 Copyright (c) 97 KrAcKeR SOft
31006 CIVMAP22.ZIP 24050 28.03.1995 - 21761/PCS0596.ISO -
Civilization Map Editor V2.1
31008 CM2ED199.ZIP 59213 02.04.1996 - - -
The Championship Manager 2 date editor V1.99.
62178 CM2ED215.ZIP 32809 27.05.1996 - - tupla
Championship Manager 2 Data Editor V2.15
31010 CM2ED232.ZIP 26224 03.12.1996 - - -
The Championship Manager 2 Data Editor, v2.32
29215 COLOJB.ZIP 9528 28.03.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Colonization Jukebox, lets owners of
Colonization enjoy listening to the tunes
from the game.
40658 CRORION.ZIP 16710 27.05.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Master of Orion cracker V1.1 for changing
planets and ship designs.
29222 DE1-DB.ZIP 38439 23.11.1994 - - -
Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks
OBREADER-apuohjelma. Database-compiler, jolla
voi lukea ja luoda pelin databaseja.
29223 DGEDIT.ZIP 139075 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
editor DGEDIT 1.0 Michael Pranivong
OutOfMemory@worldnet.att.net This editor will
give your mercs full health, agility, wisdom,
etc... All weapons and items are available.
31035 DUN2EDIT.ZIP 104304 13.12.1994 - - -
Game editor for Dune 2
31036 DUNE2ED2.ZIP 297906 28.03.1995 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
Dune 2 save game/scenario editor.
24987 E2140CHT.ZIP 312,9 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Earth 2140 Editor
31040 EDMOM.ZIP 149898 28.03.1995 - 24001/1996-01_Disc_14.iso -
Editor for Master of Magic (Mom ver. 1.2)
Edit magic spells, units, cities, heroes,
weapons, maps, etc.
31041 EDMOO.ZIP 89277 28.03.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Master of Orion Save Game Editor
29246 EMLOOK.ZIP 28485 15.12.1995 - - -
Empire Deluxe v. 3.11 (PC) 'look' utility.
Remove obsolute or unwanted players from
history file, and keep track where you are in
terms of game points. Made by Steven Woodcock
29247 ENGL_107.ZIP 111840 16.09.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
Run cc-scen with C&C v1.07 (english)
29248 ENGL_118.ZIP 111826 16.09.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
Run cc-scen with C&C v1.18 (english)
29249 ENGL_119.ZIP 111838 16.09.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Run cc-scen with C&C v1.19 (english)
24988 EXPWP101.ZIP 18,5 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
Experimental Weapons V1.01. Excellent rules.ini for Red Alert. Adds lots of new units, like Special agent Volkov, Nuclear bomber, Dreadnought and more.
31047 FGEDITOR.ZIP 1013177 19.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Fantasy General Army Editor, Version 1.01
Edit your Fantasy General armies in standard
campaign game save game files. Win95/NT.
31054 GEMPOL1.ZIP 58136 27.05.1996 - 24012/1996-07_Disc_2.6.bin -
GEM POLISH, save-game editor and general
utility Fantasy General
24989 GLORY_RD.ZIP 22,1 kt 29.04.1997 - - -
Glory Road for Red Alert. Adds three new sides to C&C: Red Alert, each with new units and abilities.
24990 HEROEDIT.ZIP 359 kt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
Heroes of Might and Magic II Editori. Tällä ohjelmalla voit muutella save tiedostoja: Sankareiden armeijoita, kykyjä ja taikoja. WIN 95 MegaHörhöt Software.
31063 HSTED.ZIP 5201 10.04.1995 - - -
High Seas Trader - Money & Gargo Editor
24991 INCUBED.ZIP 145,3 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Incubation Editor
31064 JAEDIT12.ZIP 132488 25.11.1996 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Jagged Alliance Editor V1.1
Choose any weapon for your team
and increase the ability of the
soldiers to the maximum.
31065 JAEDIT15.ZIP 132062 24.10.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Jagged Alliance  Editor
by Ulrich Hofmann Version
1.5   ■-■  Choose
any weapon for your team and increase the
ability of the soldiers to the maximum.
31066 JAHACK1.ZIP 20014 24.04.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Jagged Allience Editor version 1.3 for Jagged
Allience v1.12 by Nathan Gall 3/18/96 Do: max
stats, lower costs, healing, maximize items,
give anyone anything.
31067 JAMRCED.ZIP 11143 22.10.1995 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
JagMerc v5.0 by MSi Jagged Alliance  Merc
24992 KKDEDT20.ZIP 24,6 kt 25.05.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
"KKND-Editor Version 2.0 Unit-Editor forKrushKill and Destroy"
31074 MAKEAMAP.ZIP 56564 30.11.1995 - 13675/InternetAccessToTheInformationHighway1994.disc1of1.iso -
Makeamap, Global Conquest map editor.
24993 MEXCOMAP.ZIP 149 kt 23.09.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
X-Com 3: Apocalypse Midnight Editor
66174 MIXMAN20.ZIP 38090 01.03.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: MIXMAN V2.0 The Mix
Manager  It lists you all the files inside
GENERAL.MIX (or any other MIX file), lets you
view them, extract to a file, or replace with
an external file. It also includes a
graphical map viewer with zoom levels. PB.
The names of all the missions are also
displayed, so you don' have to guess which
file belongs to which mission.
29313 MIXMAN31.ZIP 185272 14.11.1996 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Comman& Conquer: Mixman v3.1 utility for
Command & Conquer. It can be used to extract
and replace the mission description files.
This way you can make your own missions.
Additionally it comes with a set of utilities
that let you convert the graphics files used
by C&C. This way you can also customize the
31081 MMOM42S.ZIP 91896 02.04.1996 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Huerta-1 FOUND 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Multiplayer Master of Magic Shell MMoMS
unreg. shareware version 4.0s, a third-party
multiplayer utility, editor and scenario
generator for MPS Masters of Magic V1.31.
Provides for hot-seat play between multiple
human and computer opponents, limited to 2
human and 3 computer opponents in the SW
version, with up to 5 human opponents
supported in the registered version. Full
support for modem-to-modem games is provided
with registration.
24994 MOBHACK.ZIP 63,3 kt 25.01.1997 - - -
MOBHACK - Steel Panthers II Editor Utility v2.01 by Andy Gailey
31082 MOMEDT22.ZIP 42705 03.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Momedit 2.2 Released --> 2-21-96
Author --> The Source  Master of Magic saved
game editor For MOM version 1.31
29315 MOMGU1A3.ZIP 55717 02.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
MoM Graphical Utilities v1.0 alpha Revision 3
for Master of Magic - new interface for MoM,
new cities, towers, lairs, fog of war, and so
on new features.
31084 MOOEDI.ZIP 56381 13.12.1994 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Master of Orion: editori (hyvä)
31083 MOOEDITS.ZIP 73462 02.11.1995 - 22376/XENIATGM15.iso -
Master Of Orion: Three Editors This file
should contain 3 programs: PlanetEd, ShipEd
and RaceEd.
31085 MOOMAP10.ZIP 41488 02.11.1995 - - -
MapEd  --  a map editor for Master of Orion
Master of Orion v1.3, MapEd Version 1.0
31086 MOOSED11.ZIP 46713 28.03.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Master of Orion Ship Design Editor v1.1 (c)
1995  Hank Lee - All Rights Reserved Are you
frustrated that your ships are weak, and your
technologies are not advancing fast enough?
Have you ever tried to put powerful
improvments on your ship, but the hull does
not have enough space?  WORRY NO MORE!
Master of Orion Ship Design Editor is here to
save the day. Now you can improve your ships
ahead of time. You need not have the
knowledge to build an advanced ship. You
24995 OVRKIL11.ZIP 21,7 kt 23.09.1997 - 22093/SSERVCD_52A.iso -
OverKill v1.1 BETA 2 Weapon & Vehicle Editor For X-COM 3 : APOCALYPSE Ver 1.00 (English version)
31102 PACEDIT.ZIP 137563 28.03.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
PacEdit is an editor for SSI's Pacific War.
It lets you change many of the games values.
31104 PANZED.ZIP 72821 24.02.1995 - MBCD -
Panzer General Save File Editor V2.0
29867 PANZSEDT.ZIP 106362 13.06.1996 - 24001/1996-01_Disc_14.iso -
** Panzer General Map Editor
Allows you to update maps,
startup troops and more.
24996 PCTANKER.ZIP 61,5 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
"Gary Grigsbys Pacific War utility: TANKER Utility to fix the mess computer plays with location of tankers."
24997 PG2EDIT.ZIP 130,5 kt 03.03.1998 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Panzer General 2 Editor
29885 PGED150.ZIP 208583 28.03.1995 - 21761/PCS0596.ISO -
The PERFECT GENERAL just got more perfect!
TPG Scenario Editor and Map Maker, updatet
and upgraded. -Create/Edit Maps, Create/Edit
Scenarios, Create/Edit New Terrain!
31105 PGEDIT04.ZIP 36318 28.03.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Version 1.03 of Panzer General saved game
editor. -Add/subtract prestige from either
side - -Add/subtract the following from any
unit on either side: -fuel -ammo -moves
-entrenchment -experience -strength etc etc.
31106 PGSE.ZIP 10260 19.01.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
The Panzer General Save Game Editor Edit
names, types, coordinates, strenghts, fuel,
ammo etc etc.
29331 PRINCED1.ZIP 21870 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
PRINCED v.1.0 by Arun Bhalla Edit the saved
games of Prince of Persia Get more energy,
more time, go to any level!!!.
31109 PTEDIT.ZIP 19374 19.09.1996 - - -
Pizza Tycoon editor, change properties of any
31110 PZGED200.ZIP 84961 27.08.1996 - - -
Panzer General saved game editor V2.00
31111 PZGEDIT.ZIP 156473 23.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Panzer General Map Editor v0.2
Allows you to create or modify scenarios.
31124 RAEDIT.ZIP 275055 18.12.1996 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
C&C Red Alertin rahanmuuttoeditori
24998 RAEDIT40.ZIP 155,9 kt 22.07.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Red Alert: RAEdit 4.0 is the ultimate editor for Command and Conquer: Red Alert! With RAEdit, you can quickly and easily edit almost everything in Red Alert! With RAEdit, the possibilities are endless!
24999 RAMIX30.ZIP 140,9 kt 29.04.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Red Alert Mix Extractor V3.0. Helps you to extract graphics, sounds and animations from several .MIXes of Red Alert.
25000 RAMIX41.ZIP 250,9 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
RA-MIXer 4.1 for Red Alert. New in this version: Over 5100 offsets!!! PCX-viewer (VESA/XMS), Create new MIX-files, Replace- function for MIX-files! Add to MIX-files, Delete from MIX-files, Change IDs, Improved filemanager! AUD-support, The fastest AUD <=> WAV-converter on the NET, supports English, French and German RED ALERT! RA-HD 1.3; (RA-HD 2.0 is soon available)
31127 RED-ED.ZIP 90133 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
C&C : Red Alert - The Editor
Just place this in your Red Alert dir and
you'll be able to edit every single unit
you'll ever see in this great game. Some
29347 RULES104.ZIP 21807 14.01.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Red Alert: RULES.INI extractor. This program
extracts rules.ini from the redalert.mix file
in your redalert directory.
68204 SC2000ED.ZIP 10118 14.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
25001 SCENMANA.ZIP 27 kt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers utility: Scenario Manager vs 1.1
25002 SHPED047.ZIP 250,4 kt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers I/II Panzer General/Panzer General II utility: .SHP file editor 0.47 by Fred Chlanda.
25003 SHPUTL02.ZIP 24,7 kt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers I/II, Panzer General I/II .SHP file utilities by Fred Chlanda
31133 SIMF_EDT.ZIP 11488 01.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Simfarm save game editor
40724 SLUMFI.ZIP 91736 30.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
Railroad Tycoon slum eliminator.
25004 SP2B_OOB.ZIP 29,3 kt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers II utility: Order of Battle Generator by Sunny Koh
31136 SPHACK16.ZIP 36009 27.08.1996 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Huerta-1 FOUND 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
SPHACK 1.6 editor for Steel Panthers
25005 SPOB2PRV.ZIP 1,7 Mt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers II : SPOBEDIT 2.0 Preview for SPI/II/III by Jim Bello.
25006 SPOBE186.ZIP 1,3 Mt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers II : SPOBEDIT 1.86 by Jim Bello
29360 SPOBEDIT.ZIP 225704 30.08.1996 - - -
SpObedit * Steel Panthers utility. Allows you
to edit the Order of Battle files for Steel
Panthers. You have the ability to change
every available aspect relating to Weapons,
Units and Formations. Create new units and
formations, transfer items between nations
and just about anything else you want
31147 UFOCHEAT.ZIP 44148 26.01.1995 - 12425/pain_cave_bbs.zip -
Ufo save game editor
69526 UFOEDI.ZIP 21156 14.12.1994 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip tupla
UFO-Enemy unknown savegame editor
31148 UFOEDIT.ZIP 42149 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
UFO (X-COM) Saved Game Editor
by JL Enterprises
Required: VGA, mouse, 286, and UFO
29374 WAR2SGE.ZIP 21254 20.04.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 golf, tree, oil and map cracker
31171 WARCEDIT.ZIP 161664 02.11.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Warcraft Map Editor A Windows map editor for
Warcraft! This program allows you to create /
edit .SAV file maps. Included are two sample
maps written by the author. A must for all
Warcraft fans!
69897 WARCHEAT.ZIP 7048 14.12.1994 - 23049/cdactioncoverdisc52.iso tupla
War Craft (c) Saved Game Editor
69899 WARFLTTR.ZIP 21218 14.12.1994 - 5699/BBS%231.iso tupla
Warcraft: Humans & Orcs Save Game Editor
Change Gold and Lumber in a Saved Game
31180 WPNEDIT.ZIP 8604 07.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Ase-editori Steel Panthersiin
25007 XC1ALIEN.ZIP 16,7 kt 23.01.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
XC1ALIEN - XCOM/UFO Alien Containment Editor v0.1. Edits, adds or deletes aliens in containment in XCOM/UFO.
25008 XC1WEAP.ZIP 15,4 kt 23.01.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
XC1WEAP - XCOM/UFO Weapon Editor v0.1 * Edits weapons and ammo in XCOM/UFO (Damage,magazine capacity,time units,accuracy,etc.)
25009 XC2ME2.ZIP 24,2 kt 23.01.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
XC2ME2 - XCOM 2 Multi Editor v0.2 Edits weapons,ammo,armor,alien containment,base facilities,subs, sub weapons and aliens!
28494 XCOM-SOL.ZIP 18077 30.11.1995 renamed 21831/Plex6.mdf -
UGE module for X-COM (Soldier data). Must
have Universal Game Editor to use this
module.  Change rank, stats and PSI skills.
Teleport soldiers to other bases.  Give
soldiers any type of armor. Heal wounds.
25010 XCOM1UFP.ZIP 2,2 kt 23.01.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
"XCOM1UFP - Full Ufopedia for XCOM/UFO Just copy the files to your savegame directory and youll have full ufopedia entriesresearched everythingand able to manufacture everything!"
31182 XCOM2CP.ZIP 57403 19.05.1995 - - -
X-Com 2 Cheat Pack                     .
XCOM 2 Weapon Editor v0.1 Edits weapons and
ammo in XCOM 2 (Damage,magazine capacity,time
units,accuracy,etc.) XCOM 2 Alien Containment
Editor v0.1 Edits, adds or deletes aliens in
containment in XCOM 2. XCOM 2 Multi Editor
v0.1 Edits weapons,ammo,armor,alien
containment and base facilities! XCOM2UFP -
Full Ufopedia for XCOM 2 Just copy the files
to your save- game directory and you'll have
full ufopedia entries, researched everything,
70278 XCOM2E14.ZIP 62978 30.11.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
║  X-COM II: TFTD Saved Game Editor  ║
╟────────┐   version 1.4!   ┌────────╢
║░░░░░░░░│ by JL Enterprises│░░░░░░░░║
║Required: mouse, 286, and XCOM2:TFTD║
25011 XCOM2E15.ZIP 75,2 kt 16.06.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
X-COM II: TFTD Saved Game Editor version 1.5! by JL Enterprises Required: mouse, 286, and XCOM2:TFTD
29380 XCOMEDIT.ZIP 34409 28.03.1995 - 22376/XENIATGM15.iso -
UFO: edit your troops and bases.
29381 XCOMUT32.ZIP 36302 02.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Scott T Jones, stjones@aol.com This program
modifies saved game files or program files
for X-COM: UFO Defense (1.0 and 1.4) and
XCOM: Terror from the Deep (v.1 and 2), all
by MicroProse. It should also work with
UFO: Enemy Unknown.
30976 97NAMEED.ZIP 5280 24.11.1996 koko³ ratsnest1.iso -
NHL 97 Name & Birthplace editor
Requires: vb40032.dll
24257 ACTUA-ED.ZIP 28,1 kt 24.12.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Actua Soccer Team Editor
31038 E96-V95.ZIP 453714 18.03.1996 - - -
NHL-96 Editor V0.95
31043 F1ED1394.ZIP 31639 13.12.1994 - - -
Formula 1 Grand Prix Team And Driver Editor
31044 F1ED200.ZIP 40144 13.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
F1GP editor V2.0. Totally new written version
with helmet colors and many fancy options to
make F1GP from Microprose even better.
31045 F1ED21.ZIP 41296 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
F1GP editor v2.1. Windows NOT required!
24258 GP2JAM20.ZIP 129,4 kt 04.02.1997 - - -
"F1 Grand Prix 2: GP2JAM - JAM to BMP Converter v.2.0. GP2 from Microprose stores its image files in a unique formatthese files have the extension.JAM(referred to asJAMfiles). GP2JAM is a DOS program which converts GP2 JAM files to .BMP files and back again."
24259 GP2STPD.ZIP 98,2 kt 25.01.1997 - - -
F1GP2: GP2 Setup Displayer V1.0 - Windows
31056 GPDAMED.ZIP 4677 22.08.1996 - - -
GRAND PRIX 2 - Car damage editor
31059 HCKED101.ZIP 38525 13.12.1994 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
Nhl Hockey pelaaja editor
24260 N4S2UCV.ZIP 77,6 kt 25.09.1997 - MBCD -
Need for Speed 2 Ultimate Car Viewer
29323 NASCRSTG.ZIP 60312 24.04.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
ViewSTG version 1.5 freeware An IndyCar or
NASCAR .STG file viewer and printer. Use the
mouse or keyboard to navigate direcories
easily and view or print the car setup files.
Very easy to use. FREEWARE!
66510 NBAED200.ZIP 118243 15.08.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso tupla
NBA-Live '95: NBA-ED 2.00 - Player Editor for
EA Sports NBA Live 95 - Many new features!
31091 NBAED31.ZIP 102041 24.04.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Player Editor v3.1 NBA Live 96 Free-Agent
Editor v3.1 NBA Live 96 All-Star Teams Editor
v3.0 NBA Live 96 Player Editor Main Menu v3.1
by Dave Zolnier
24261 NFS23DCE.ZIP 85,6 kt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Need for Speed 2 3D Car Editor
24262 NFS2CSC.ZIP 11,9 kt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
NEED FOR SPEED 2 CAR SOUND CHANGER 2.1 This small DOS-program changes the sounds of the cars and other vehicles. It just simply copies files over others. Backup your files before using Car Sound Changer! Program includes a feature to restore files from CD-ROM. Author: Olli Salonen
24263 NFS2TRK.ZIP 6,4 kt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
THE UNOFFICIAL NEED FOR SPEED 2 TRACK FILE FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS 0.1 Need for Speed 2 track file formats! With this information, we can expect lots of different NFS2 utils to be released! Author: Denis Auroux
31092 NFSTRKED.ZIP 38296 02.04.1996 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Need For Speed: TRACKED Version 0.2 Track
Editor  * TRACKED is a track editor for The
Need For Speed, a car race simulation game by
Electronic Arts Canada. This editor is
unofficial, and has nothing to do with
Electronic Arts Canada. This version is a
preliminary release and thus has many bugs.
31094 NHL95E.ZIP 79381 24.02.1995 - MBCD -
NHL'95 Editor for Windows
31093 NHL95ED1.ZIP 339645 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
NHL Hockey 95 Player Editor, vaatii Windows
31096 NHL96ED.ZIP 33513 17.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
*** NHL 96 EDITOR ***
A simple editor for EA Sports
31095 NHL96ED2.ZIP 33484 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
NHL'96 Player Skill Editor V1.0
24264 NHL97E30.ZIP 71112 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Blomman's NHL'97-EDIT 3.0 (DOS) Editor to
change players/teams in NHL Hockey '97
31097 NHLED103.ZIP 19734 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Editor for EA Sports NHL Hockey V1.03
31098 NHLED104.ZIP 19765 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
NHLEDIT v1.04 for EA Sports Hockey 94
31099 NHLEDIT2.ZIP 16175 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
NhlEdit v2.00 for NHL Hockey 95
66582 NHLINFO.ZIP 165976 21.12.1996 - - -
NHL Hockey '94-'97 editor and statistics
viewer. Also features player, goalie and team
sorting by name, goals, points, etc plus
line, rule and schedule editor. Version 3.0
Beta 3. Freeware
31100 NHLSEA.ZIP 12225 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
NHL-Edit 1.0, a settings editor for NHL
Hockey '93. Edit settings in a middle of a
season. (OskuSoft)
24265 RPLAN100.ZIP 11,3 kt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Need for Speed 2 Replay Analyzer 1.00 Analyzes  replay  files  and tells if the cheats are used, game style, race type,  car settings,  driver  names, everything!
24266 SVGA-RO.ZIP 36,3 kt 25.01.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
"F1GP2: SVGA cockpitdarkpit. this is a new and definitive version of darkpit. The SVGA cockpit with dark backgroundand bright numbers and letters. By Renzo Oliveri"
24267 TRPATCH.ZIP 7 kt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Need for Speed 2 TRACK PATCH Simple patch which copies the track files from CD and updates the INSTALL.WIN. Author: Olli Salonen Operating system: DOS
24268 VGACOCK.ZIP 59,5 kt 25.01.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
F1GP2: New VGA cockpits.
31284 3DREAL13.ZIP 15827 15.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Official 3D Realms FAQ V1.3. About 3D Realms
games distributor for PC games, specializing
in 3D games including flight simulators, 3D
shooters, and the widely acclaimed 3D action
25012 666-9511.ZIP 301441 15.12.1995 - - -
666th Air Warrior Squadron mailing list
25013 7LEGDAT.ZIP 5,4 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Complete 7th Legion data file documentation
31285 7THGFAQ.LHA 13015 16.02.1995 - - -
7th GUEST Technical FAQ Ver. 1.17
25015 A10-2.ZIP 3,9 kt 17.02.1997 - 22617/Hrac_09_1997-02_cd.bin -
SILENT THUNDER: A-10 TANK KILLER II tactics and hints
31286 AACFAQ.LZH 21514 24.04.1995 - - -
Frequently Asked Questions about Aladdin -
25016 ABUSEFAQ.ZIP 9,6 kt 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
Abuse FAQ
25017 ACHFAQ.ZIP 2,7 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Achtung Spitfire tech support faq
25018 ACIVTIPS.ZIP 10,1 kt 31.07.1997 - MBCD -
Good Habits for PC Advanced Civilization
60497 AFTFAQ10.ZIP 14435 31.07.1996 - - tupla
Afterlife official FAQ V1.0 from LucasArts.
60499 AFTSF10.ZIP 22926 31.07.1996 - - tupla
The Unofficial Afterlife Strategy FAQ V1.0
60529 AG_GUIDE.ZIP 1847724 09.05.1996 - - -
The General's Guide to Allied General -
Allied General interactive Strategy Guide,
free demostration version.
25019 AGESTR.ZIP 5,7 kt 29.10.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires Strategy Guide By David Perkins and OGR.COM readers
25020 AGETIPS.ZIP 4,8 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
"Age of Empires An insiders strategy guide"
31289 AGFAQ.ZIP 1342152 09.05.1996 - - -
Allied General FAQ, Word6 -dokumenttina.
31290 ANDRFAQ.LHA 7229 16.02.1995 - - -
Epic Pinball's Android PinballFrequently
Asked QuestionsVersion 1.12
25022 ANGEL01.ZIP 6 kt 09.02.1999 - - -
Liigalista Dukeen. Uppasin tämän Angelin (Toni Asikainen) puolesta, tämän systeemien toimiessa malfunktionaalisesti.
31293 APOGEFAQ.LHA 36170 16.02.1995 - - -
Apogee FAQ Version 2.4
31297 ARENAFAQ.LHA 13853 16.02.1995 - - -
The Elder Scrolls: ArenaFrequently Asked
QuestionsRevised December 16, 1994
31299 ASCNDFAQ.ZIP 72377 30.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Ascendancy FAQ
25023 ATOMICB.ZIP 2,5 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
Atomic Bomberman FAQ Version 1.2 By Josh Baxley (aka phAWler)
25024 AWEAIL.LST 17909 07.11.1995 - 23693/CEUS_CD.iso -
Tietoa AWE 32:n AIL-ajureiden asennuksesta
eri peleihin
31302 B2B-MISC.ZIP 10375 14.11.1996 - - -
Back To Baghdad -aputekstejä. -Adding your
own Picture to Pilot Database. -Technical
Support FAQ -Mission Log Abbreviations
-Training Mission Hints & Tactics
25026 BC3KFAQ.ZIP 21,3 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
25027 BC3KHELP.ZIP 3,8 kt 18.01.1998 - MBCD -
BATTLECRUISER:3000AD TROUBLING SHOOTING FAQ Date    : 10-12-97 Author  : Derek Smart, 3000AD
25028 BCSTRG.ZIP 3136 05.12.1996 - - -
Blast Chamber strategy guide.
25029 BG-TOSC.ZIP 35,8 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
"Baldurs Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast FAQ/Guide v0.9"
25030 BLASTCOR.TXT 17,7 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Blastcorps FAQ.
25031 BOMKFAQ.ZIP 18 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain FAQ
25032 BR_FAQ.ZIP 39 kt 06.03.1998 - - -
 Blade Runner Frequently Asked Questions
31310 C&C.TXT 280629 24.03.1996 versio 7.01 discmaster.textfiles.com -
Unofficial C&C Strategy FAQ. Release 4.7.
31304 C&C701.TXT 307689 15.05.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: Strategy FAQ. V7.01.
31307 C&CFAQ22.TXT 56956 13.06.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Unofficial Command&Conquer FAQ V2.2.
25033 CAVETIPS.ZIP 13,4 kt 31.07.1997 - MBCD -
Cavewars Strategy Articles
25034 CC1FAQ28.ZIP 22,1 kt 20.04.1997 - MBCD -
Command & Conquer official FAQ 1.28
25035 CC2FAQ.ZIP 552,1 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 FAQ. Over 45,000 words, with map tactics, Battlemaker tips, the most commonly asked questions answered, and everything you need to know about the Grand Campaign, including requisition point allocation, reinforcement dates, and analysis of the win conditions.
25036 CC4VEH.ZIP 1,6 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
Close Combat IV: Battle of the Bulge VEHICLE REFERENCE SECTION Windows 98 & Windows 95 Extract the zip file to the directory of your choosing, all of the subdirectories are handled for you. For best viewing open the vehmain page and follow the links to each vehicle.
31306 CCFAQ11.ZIP 10893 31.07.1996 - - -
Frequently Asked Questions for Close Combat
25037 CCFIN10.ZIP 11727 18.12.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer moninpeliopas 1.0
Suomenkielinen, monia hyödyllisiä ohjeita
moninpeliin. (15.12.1996)
25038 CCMULTI.TXT 27342 24.03.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Unofficial C&C Multiplayer Strategy Guide V
31309 CCSFAQ.ZIP 79037 15.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Unofficial Command & Conquer C&C FAQ V3.71.
25040 CHAMM2G.ZIP 8,2 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Championship Manager 2 playing guide
25041 CHAOSF.ZIP 14 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
An Unofficial Chaos Overlords FAQ Version 0.7.1
25042 CHASMMF.ZIP 1 kt 23.06.1997 - MBCD -
31316 CIV-INF.LZH 64346 26.01.1995 - - -
Civilization FAQ, Postscript sheet of CIV
technologies + Civilization strategies.
25044 CIV2.TXT 43,4 kt 14.05.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Civilization 2-Strategy Guide V.20
62100 CIV2.TXT 44470 15.05.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Civilization 2-Strategy Guide V.20
25043 CIV2FAQ.ZIP 15,5 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
The unofficial Civilization 2 Strategy FAQ V2.0
25045 CIVCIS.ZIP 11855 16.11.1995 - - -
Compuserver Civilization conference with Sid
25046 CIVCONF.LZH 12093 16.11.1995 - - -
Compuserve Civilization Conference with Sid
31315 CIVILFAQ.LHA 52571 16.02.1995 - - -
Civilization FAQ.17th July, 1994
25050 COASFQ.ZIP 22,3 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Rollercoaster Tycoon Strategy guide v2.2 FAQ
25051 COASTR.ZIP 37,7 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Rollercoaster Tycoon Strategy Guide v3.31
25052 COLONBG.ZIP 7,3 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Colonization - A Beginners Guide"
31318 COLONFAQ.LHA 23723 16.02.1995 - - -
Colonization FAQ Version 2.0
25053 COUNTERG.ZIP 8 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
C&C: Counterstrike - Playing Guide
25054 COVERTG.ZIP 5,5 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
C&C: Covert Ops - Tactical Manual
31319 CRUNRF10.ZIP 7544 25.09.1996 - - -
25055 CRUSADER.TXT 57,7 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Crusader No Regret/No Remorse FAQ V2.2.
25057 DAGGERG.ZIP 10,1 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall - Playing Guide
25058 DBTSCOD.ZIP 454 tavua 16.04.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword Cheat Codes
31324 DCNDA2_8.ZIP 747824 15.03.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
DESCENDARIUM v2.8 eng. GRAPHICS of all mechs,
weapons and items of DESCENT! Completed by a
listing of their firepower, shields, number
of hits to destroy, SECRET LEVELS, CHEAT
CODES, combat tactics (includes level 7 Mega
Hulk and level 27 End Hulk !) [zip-archive
"dcnda2_8" contains 4 winword 2.0 doc files
which need 6.4 MB hard disk space unpacked]
31326 DESCFAQ3.TXT 69149 13.06.1996 - - -
Official Descent FAQ V3.0.
31329 DESCNFAQ.LHA 18515 16.02.1995 - - -
Descent FAQ Version 0.86
31333 DF260.ZIP 58067 17.08.1996 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
Dark Forces: "DF-FAQ v2.60 Final Version"
(IBM)  This is the DARK FORCES Frequently
Asked Question (FAQ) List which contains many
answers to many questions about DARK FORCES.
If you are stuck in a particular place, this
file has hints to get you to your location.
If you want the cheat codes, just read the
FAQ. If you want to know more about DARK
FORCES, just read this FAQ! Created by
Karsten A. Loepelmann. Look for the WinHelp
DF-FAQ final version and the DARK FORCES
25059 DIABF07.ZIP 15,3 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
31334 DIABLO.TXT 28536 27.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Diablo. Unofficial FAQ V1.0.
25060 DIABLOG.ZIP 9,6 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Diablo - Playing Guide
31335 DISC1_45.ZIP 19437 15.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
DISCWORLD GAME FAQ - V1.45 - Terry Pratchett
25061 DKHINTS.ZIP 4 kt 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
Dungeon Keeper Strategy Hints
25063 DLEGG.ZIP 11,4 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Dark Legions - Players Guide"
25062 DLEGGUI.ZIP 11,4 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
"Dark Legions - Players Guide"
31337 DMFAQ58.ZIP 107248 09.09.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
The post-release v5.8 of the "Official" DOOM
31338 DMFAQ66.ZIP 125233 16.02.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
The "Official" DOOM FAQ v6.666 by Hank
Leukart!  Happy birthday DOOM! Includes DOOM
I and DOOM II information on cheats, add-on
software, trouble- shooting and more.  Read
by thousands of people around the world.
31339 DMFAQS.ZIP 175040 04.03.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Doom 1 & 2 FAQ's
25064 DMSTR.ZIP 5,4 kt 12.08.1998 - MBCD -
Duke Master turnaus.. 03-08-98 Tämän tulee ottaa jokainen duke turnaukseen kuuluvan pelaajan. Sisällä on kaikki turnaukseen liittyvät teksti tiedostot. -Sami Palmu
25065 DR_STRFQ.ZIP 41 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Dark Reign Strategy FAQ The Dark Reign Bible Release 1.0 Written by Allan McKay (Machette)
25066 DSCNTLAS.ZIP 4,6 kt 12.06.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso tupla
Descent Atlas. Runsaasti infoa Descentistä.
31344 DSOFAQ15.ZIP 18064 23.08.1996 - MBCD -
Strategic Simulations, Inc. Official Dark Sun
Online: Crimson Sands Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ) Version 1.5
25067 DTRICKS1.ZIP 6 kt 28.01.1997 - gamers.org -
Doom Special FX and Wad Tricks. Incredible yet easy accomplished tricks for your Doom levels.
25068 DTURN4.ZIP 7,8 kt 07.07.1998 - - -
DukeTurnaus. Sisältää säännöt, ohjeet ja pelaajaparit. Kaikkien jotka kuuluvat turnaukseen on pakko ottaa tämä. v.4 5.7.1998
31346 DUKE3D08.ZIP 16015 24.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
The Official Duke Nukem 3D FAQ Version 0.8
25069 DUKE4EVE.TXT 15,3 kt 15.07.1997 - MBCD -
Internetist{ napsittua tietoa Duke Nukem Foreverist{. Monta FAQia yhdess{ tiedostossa. Eli siis t{m{ on FAQ
31349 DUNE2FAQ.LHA 16524 16.02.1995 - - -
Dune 2 FAQ & Strategy GuideRevision 1.3
25074 EF-SCENT.ZIP 3,2 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
East Front - A Scenario Design Aide
25070 EF2KAL21.ZIP 7,3 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
EF2000 / Kali / Modem FAQ Version 2.1 6/1/96 Prepared by Edward Kinateder (T-Man)
63610 EF2KFAQ.ZIP 5036 10.07.1996 - - tupla
Digital Image Design EF2000 Technical FAQs
25071 EFHPFAQ.ZIP 12,3 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
EF2000 Game Play FAQ Created 9/19/96 Version 1.0
25072 EFKEYS.ZIP 3,8 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
EF2000 keys summary for Word 6 Gary A. Lucero
25073 EFMAP72.ZIP 210,2 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
EF2000: Theater of Operations Map (72 dpi, JPEG Size: 218KB)
25075 EIF-MAN.ZIP 6,2 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
Europe in Flames Game Manual. The Europe in Flames Manual consists of Unit and Weapon Data for all the different countries found in Eastern Front II and Western Front as well as the different Terrain types found in both EF II and WF. 
31351 ENFAQ101.ZIP 8555 22.09.1996 - MBCD -
The Unofficial Enemy Nations FAQ 1.01a
25076 EPIC1294.ZIP 17297 23.02.1995 - - -
Epic Megagames news 5/94-12/94
25077 EX2FAQ.ZIP 3 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
The Exile II: Crystal Souls for WIndows 3.1/95 FAQ
25078 EX3FAQ.ZIP 4,2 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
Exile III: Ruined World for Windows FAQ v1.0 Exile III: Ruined World is a massive, fascinating role-playing game for Windows 3.1/95.
25079 EXILEFAQ.ZIP 4,2 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
The Exile for Windows FAQ This is the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) file for Exile: Escape From the Pit, a HUGE, highly detailed shareware fantasy role-playing game for Windows.
25080 F14GUI.ZIP 14331 16.11.1995 - - -
Player's Guide to F-14 Fleet Defender
31355 F2-FAQ.LZH 40749 26.01.1995 - - -
Elite II - Frontier FAQ
25084 F4DES4.ZIP 4,3 kt 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
"Falcon 4.0 designers notes #4."
25085 F4FAQ.ZIP 21,2 kt 17.02.1999 - - -
Falcon 4.0 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 3 February 1999
25086 FALC3T.ZIP 5382 26.01.1995 - - -
Falcon 3.0d tactics
31357 FALCFAQ.ZIP 19460 30.01.1995 - - -
Falcon 3 FAQ. Usein esitetyt kysymykset
31358 FANTEFAQ.LHA 10034 16.02.1995 - - -
Fantasy Empires FAQVersion 1.0
25087 FCOMWEB2.ZIP 1,7 Mt 02.12.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command online manual"
25088 FCORPSG.ZIP 9 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Flying Corps - Playing Guide
25089 FFE_FAQ.ZIP 22,5 kt 30.04.1997 - MBCD -
Frontier: First Encounters (FFE) FAQ v1.1 by "Jeroen van Drongelen" (spy@dds.nl).
25090 FGNEWS1.ZIP 9,6 kt 21.05.1998 - - -
AER NEWS A newsletter for Fantasy General No. 1, February 1998
31359 FIFA1_1.ZIP 8887 24.04.1996 - - -
Unofficial FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
FIFA Soccer 96 by Electronic Arts Release 1.1
31360 FIFA19.TXT 68904 27.10.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer '96 Unofficial FAQ V1.9.
25091 FIFA97PG.ZIP 5,3 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
FIFA 97 - Playing Guide
25092 FLOTCUBE.ZIP 2 kt 28.01.1997 - 22144/DOOMTOOL.ISO -
Doom special trick: Floating Cube.
25093 FLSTRAT.ZIP 12,5 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
Final Liberation strategy guides
25094 FP1-12.ZIP 156414 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Freeplay - the Internet Gaming Newsletter
issues 1-12.
25095 FP13.ZIP 1,6 kt 18.02.1997 - - -
FreePlay Internet Gaming newsletter 13
25096 FP14.ZIP 24,6 kt 18.02.1997 - MBCD -
FreePlay issue 14 Multiplayer Internet Gaming Newsletter
25097 FRAGA-G.ZIP 5,7 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Fragile Allegiance - Playing Guide
25098 FRONT-BG.ZIP 4 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Frontier: Elite II - A Beginners Guide"
25099 FXF-G.ZIP 3,7 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
"FX Fighter - Players Guide"
31361 GALC_FAQ.ZIP 38966 22.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for Galactic
31362 GAMBYT01.ZIP 321519 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine #1
31363 GAMBYT02.ZIP 505926 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine #2
31364 GAMBYT03.ZIP 829437 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine #3
25101 GAMELABS.ZIP 2696 30.08.1996 - - -
Annoying Game Labels We Need - suggestion for
new, more accurate game rating system.
31382 GB-G-1.ZIP 900843 05.02.1995 - - -
Game Bytes Magazine # 12 1/3
31383 GB-G-2.ZIP 861417 05.02.1995 - - -
Game Bytes Magazine # 12 2/3
31365 GB04-GRA.ZIP 988554 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine #4
31366 GB05-GRA.ZIP 1196023 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine #5
31367 GB06-GRA.ZIP 1207884 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine #6
31368 GB07-GRA.ZIP 1197131 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine # 7
31369 GB08-GRA.ARJ 1155181 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine # 8
31370 GB09-GRA.ZIP 1343257 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine # 9
31371 GB10-GRA.ZIP 1391473 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine # 10
31372 GB11-GRA.ZIP 1435283 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine # 11
31373 GB12.ZIP 407140 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine # 12 3/3
31374 GB13-GRA.ZIP 1429985 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine # 3 grafiikat
31375 GB13.ZIP 295008 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes Magazine # 3
31376 GB14-GRA.ZIP 1282594 16.02.1995 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Game Bytes #14 graphics
31377 GB15-GRA.ZIP 1437013 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #15! This is the
graphics library file that must accompany
GB15.ZIP.  Unzip this file in the same
directory as GB15.ZIP and you will be able to
view all the screenshots. Thanks for reading
Game Bytes.
31378 GB15.ZIP 297270 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #15! This issue
contains over 20 reviews of hot games like
Return to Zork, Aces Over Europe,
Shadowcaster, B-Wing and many more. Previews
of games like Simcity 2000, Harpoon 2, Man
Enough, The Elder Scrolls: Arena, plus more.
Be sure to also download GB15-GRA.ZIP to be
able to view all the screenshots.
31379 GB17-GRA.ZIP 1447330 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #17!  This file
contains ONLY the graphics screen- shots
library file.  You MUST also down- load
GB17.ZIP to make use of the screenshots
contained in this file.  Unzip this file into
the same directory as GB17.ZIP, run your VESA
driver (if you need to), and then run
GAMEBYTE.EXE (stored in GB17.ZIP).
31380 GB17.ZIP 859815 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #17! Our biggest
issue yet!  Reviews of hot new games like
SimCity 2000, Unnecessary Roughness, Mortal
Kombat, Sonic 3, Aero the Acrobat and many
more. Plus previews of games like Fleet
Defender, SimCity CD, more Pacific Strike,
1942, and more.  In order to view all the
screenshots, you must also download
GB17-GRA.ZIP and unzip in the same directory
as GB17.ZIP.
31381 GB18-GRA.ZIP 1242154 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #18!  This file
contains ONLY the graphics screen- shots
library file.  You MUST also down- load
GB18.ZIP to make use of the screenshots
contained in this file.  Unzip this file into
the same directory as GB18.ZIP, run your VESA
driver (if you need to), and then run
GAMEBYTE.EXE (stored in GB18.ZIP).
64401 GB18.ZIP 1269262 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Unquestionably the best Game Bytes yet. In
this issue, read reviews of hot new games
like The Horde, Ultima 8:Pagan, SubWar 2050,
and about a million more! :-) Previews of new
games like The Grandest Fleet, Harpoon 2,
Outpost, Star Reach and more.  To view all
the screenshots, you must also download
GB18-GRA.ZIP and unzip in the same directory
as GB18.ZIP.
64402 GB19-GRA.ZIP 1347086 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes #19 Graphics
64403 GB19.ZIP 1031050 06.09.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #19! Get this one
folks!  A great 'pre-CES' issue with lots in
this one.  Read reviews of hot new games
like UFO/X-COM, World Series Baseball, Who
Shot Johnny Rock and tons more.  Preview the
new Wing Commander - Armada!  Check out the
new 3DO reviews as well.  To view all the
screenshots, you must also download
GB19-GRA.ZIP and unzip in the same directory
as GB19.ZIP.
64404 GB20-GRA.ZIP 1038945 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes #20 Graphics
64405 GB20.ZIP 1442357 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #20! Get this this
issue for a full wrap-up of C.E.S. There are
plenty of great reviews in this issue like
Tie Fighter, Outpost, 1942: Pacific Air War,
Pacific Strike, Shockwave and Super Metroid.
Preview the new Doom II: Hell on Earth,
Cyclones, NASCAR and the new Lode Runner.  To
view all the screenshots, you must also
download GB20-GRA.ZIP and unzip in the same
directory as GB20.ZIP.
64406 GB21-G1.ZIP 1201828 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes #21 Graphics
64407 GB21-G2.ZIP 1200364 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes #21 Graphics
64408 GB21-G3.ZIP 967755 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Game Bytes #21 Graphics
64409 GB21.ZIP 999372 15.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #21! Get this one
folks!  The biggest issue yet and last of its
kind.  Read more than 41 reviews of new games
like Doom 2, Mortal Kombat 2, Lode Runner,
Battle Bugs and tons more.  Preview Wing
Commander 3, Donkey Kong Country, Bio Forge
and many more.  Check out the new 3DO reviews
as well.  If you want to view ALL the
screenshots, you must also download
GB21-G1.ZIP, GB21-G2.ZIP and GB21-G3.ZIP and
follow the instructions contained in the zip
25102 GGPCWKSH.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.10.1999 - - -
"GameSpots PC Workshop: PC Upgrade for Gamers sample edition Loyd CaseGameSpotand Computer Gaming World hardware gurutakes you through the basics and beyondshowing you how to fix problems common to gamers while revealing ways to improve your PCs performance. And thats only the beginning . . . GameSpot Game Guides are book-quality strategy guides for todays hottest computer and video games. Req. Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0"
25103 GLL210.ZIP 17,3 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
"Grendels Netgaming List v210 Network / Internet / direct & modem / pbem playable multiplayer games for PC/Amiga/ST/Unixplus - PC games supporting VR-headsets - Amiga games supporting analog joysticks - Amiga multibutton/cd32-controller supporting games - Amiga multitasking commercial games - Eastern Front 1941-1945 strategy games - Space strategy/tactical/combat games - Amiga CD-ROM games compatible with any CD-ROM system - CD32/CDTV/anything titles compatible"
25104 GLL227.ZIP 18,4 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
"Grendels Netgaming List v227 Network / Internet / direct & modem / pbem playable multiplayer games for PC/Amiga/ST/Unixplus - PC games supporting VR-headsets - Amiga games supporting analog joysticks - Amiga multibutton/cd32-controller supporting games - Amiga multitasking commercial games - Eastern Front 1941-1945 strategy games - Space strategy/tactical/combat games - Amiga CD-ROM games compatible with any CD-ROM system - CD32/CDTV/anything titles compatible"
25105 GP2-G.ZIP 6 kt 06.03.1997 - - -
Grand Prix 2 - Playing Guide
64556 GPL0105.ZIP 51877 18.01.1996 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 1, Number 5.
PC-pelilehti, sisältää mm: Film or Game?,
Previews: MechWarrior 2,
Thunderscape,Werewolf vs. Commanche, The
Indestructibles, CyberMage, Reviews:
Discworld, Space Quest 6,Flight Unlimited,
SimCity: The Card Game, Ghosts, CH Pro Pedal,
Opinions: Daedalus, KIngdom, FLight
Unlimited,Hi-Octane,SimCity,TPG2, Hell,
Industry Profile: Spectrum HoloByte.
64557 GPL0106.ZIP 53866 18.01.1996 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 1, Number 6.
PC-pelilehti. Sisältää mm: Previews: Gene
Wars, Spaceward Ho! 4, Baldies, Millenia,
Fade To Black. Reviews: Superhero League of
Hoboken CD, Jagged Alliance, ST: TNG: A Final
Unity, FX Fighter, Gravis Phoenix and
Firebird, Opinions: Johnny Mnemonic,
Ravenloft 2, Hi-Octane, FX Fighter, Industry
Profile: Maxis.
64558 GPL0107.ZIP 126401 13.12.1995 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 1, Number 7.
64559 GPL0108.ZIP 53549 15.12.1995 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 1, Number 8.
64560 GPL0109.ZIP 55761 15.12.1995 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 1, Number 9.
64561 GPL0110.ZIP 55066 15.12.1995 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 1, Number 10.
PC-pelilehti. Sisältää mm: All The News That
Matters, And Some That, Previews: Capitalism,
World Circuit Racing, Heart of Darkness,
review: Apache Longbow, Crusader, No Remorse,
Command & Conquer. Opinions: Hexen,Need For
Speed, C&C, Fade to Black, SU-27 etc etc.
Industry Profile: Virgin Interactive..
64562 GPL0202.ZIP 47506 15.12.1995 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 2.
PC-pelilehti. Sisältää mm: Previews:
Spycraft, Wing Commander 4, Monopoly CD,
Reviews: Warcraft, Magic Carpet 2, Sony
Playstation, Opinions: 3D Ultra Pinball, The
Riddle Of Master Lu, Slipstream 5000,
Stonekeep, Daggerfall etc etc. Industry
Profile: QQP, by James Flood
64563 GPL0203.ZIP 43219 09.05.1996 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 3.
PC-pelilehti. Sis mm previews: Gabriel Knight
2, Pax Imperia 2, Descent 2, Atmosfear,
Reviews: Operation: Inner Space, EF2000,
Vivid 3D Pro, Creative Labs 3D Blaster,
Indycar Racing 2, Magic: The Gathering
Desktop Themes. Opinions: Millenia, EF2000,
Rebel Assault 2 etc etc. Industry Profile: CH
31384 GPL0204.LZH 47730 09.05.1996 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 4.
PC-pelilehti. Sis mm:
Rumours & facts, Previews:
Pandora Directive, Deep Space 9,
Indestructibles, Vampire: The Masquerade.
Reviews: Caesar II, Cricket 96, TIE Fighter
CD, CH Throttle, Warcraft 2, Across The
Rhine. Opinions. Industry Profile:
Broderbund. Columns.
31385 GPL0207.ZIP 52019 05.08.1996 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 6.
PC-pelilehti. Sis mm. Robert J. Spencer on
Wing Commander 4, Colophon: This Is What It
Takes, Rumour and Occasional Fact: Previews
Master Of Orion 2, Theme Hospital, Big Red
Racing, AH-64D Longbow. Reviews: CH F-16
CombatStick, Wing Commander 4, Cybermage,
brief opinions, focus on gameplay, Industry
Profile: Legend. Columns.
31386 GPL0208.ZIP 65893 05.08.1996 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 8.
PC-pelilehti. Previews: Total Mayhem, Ultima
Online, Star Control 3, Gearheads. Reviews,
opinions, focus, comments, blizzard profile,
31387 GPL0209.ZIP 75645 05.08.1996 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 9.
31388 GPL0210.LZH 62831 13.06.1996 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 10
PC-pelilehti, sis. mm: Previews: Grand Prix
2, Afterlife, Return To Krondor, Links LS
Reviews: Earthsiege 2, Spycraft, Shian Jiann
Chyi Shya Chwan, Warhammer: Shadow Of The
Horned Rat, Frankenstein * Opinions, Focus,
Industry Profile: Interactive Magic, Columns.
64564 GPL0211.ZIP 56100 10.07.1996 - - tupla
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 11
PC-pelilehti, sis: Rumour and Occasional
Fact, Previews: Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight,
Comanche 3, Reverence, Syndicate Wars, CH
Force Feedback Joystick, Reviews: AH-64D,
Civ2, Conquest of the New World, SunAir,
Mission Critical, Fast attack, opinions,
focus, etc.
31390 GPL0212.ZIP 67602 09.09.1996 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 12
31391 GPL0214.ZIP 55639 09.09.1996 - - -
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 14
25106 GPMANT.ZIP 5,1 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Grand Prix Manager - Strategy Tips
31393 GW.FAQ 7715 14.08.1996 - - -
Gender Wars FAQ
31397 HARP-FA.ZIP 27688 26.01.1995 - - -
Harpoon II FAQ V2.2
31395 HARP1FAQ.LHA 31229 16.02.1995 - - -
31396 HARP2FAQ.LHA 28655 16.02.1995 - - -
Harpoon II frequently asked questions
25107 HC-JAN96.ZIP 10409 30.08.1996 - - -
LeadEaster' Hard Core News Steel Panthers
Special Issue Volume II, Issue 1: January,
25109 HERC-NFO.ZIP 53,5 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Missionforce: Cyberstorm tactics, equipment, easter eggs, cheats and everything.
31400 HEXENFAQ.ZIP 15115 04.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
An Frequently Asked Questions
text for HEXEN! This FAQ explains
differences between Heretic and Hexen,
includes cheat codes for both shareware and
registered versions, and much more.
31401 HEXFAQ.ZIP 15091 04.12.1995 - 6216/BlackPhiles_CD02.zip -
FAQ on Hexen, beta and commercial releases.
25111 HFIREFAQ.ZIP 4,4 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Hellfire FAQ
25112 HIND-G.ZIP 4,9 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Hind - Pilots Guide"
25113 HLMPGUI.ZIP 10,5 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Half-Life multiplayer FAQ/Guide
25116 HOMM.TXT 70687 18.03.1996 versio 0.2 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Heroes of Might And Magic-Strategy Guide.
25114 HOMM2FQ.ZIP 13,5 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might and Magic Two Frequently Asked Questions version 2.30
25115 HOMM2PG.ZIP 7,9 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Heroes Of Might And Magic II - Playing Guide
65096 IMPREXFA.LHA 10788 16.02.1995 - - -
25117 INTCP01.ZIP 782,1 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
EF2000: Mission Debrief. Listen to six minute recording of an EF network intercept mission. Includes text file and map to walk you through the engagement. By RodZ, T-man, and Vern
25118 JAGGED.ZIP 24446 03.03.1996 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Jagged Alliance - Strategy Guide
25119 JASTRAT.ZIP 24502 19.09.1996 - - -
Jagged Alliance Strategy Guide
25120 JKSTRAT.ZIP 10,2 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
The Ultimate Guide to Multiplayer Jedi Knight
65558 KINSTINC.ZIP 27116 16.05.1995 - - -
KINSTINC.ZIP                     Killer
Instinct FAQ v5.4 - liikelistoja ja muuta
25121 KPINFAQ.ZIP 4,5 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Kingpin FAQ
25122 LARRY7EG.ZIP 1,7 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Leisure Suit Larry 7 easter eggs
25123 LIIGA43.ZIP 67,8 kt 13.03.1999 - - -
Tässä on uusin Dukeliigalista ("FinLiiga") Paketti sisältää asiaan kuuluvat listat ja lukemista helpottavat batit sekä värillisinä, että värittöminä! Kaikki, jotka ovat tässä liigassa, niin imuttakaa tämä ! ! Uusia liigalaisia saa tulla mukaan. By : ChainDog Päivitetty : 12.3 - 99
25124 LIIGA44.ZIP 66,5 kt 19.03.1999 - MBCD -
Tässä on uusin Dukeliigalista ("FinLiiga") Paketti sisältää asiaan kuuluvat listat ja lukemista helpottavat batit sekä värillisinä, että värittöminä! Kaikki, jotka ovat tässä liigassa, niin imuttakaa tämä ! ! Uusia liigalaisia saa tulla mukaan. By : ChainDog Päivitetty : 19.3 - 99
25125 LIIGA45.ZIP 66,9 kt 29.03.1999 - - -
Tässä on uusin Dukeliigalista ("FinLiiga") Paketti sisältää asiaan kuuluvat listat ja lukemista helpottavat batit sekä värillisinä, että värittöminä! Kaikki, jotka ovat tässä liigassa, niin imuttakaa tämä ! ! Uusia liigalaisia saa tulla mukaan. By : ChainDog Päivitetty : 26.3 - 99
65785 LOL-FAQ.ZIP 5650 26.01.1995 - - -
Lands of Lore spoilers, info & puzzle
25126 LORDS2ST.ZIP 9 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
Lords of the Realm 2 Strategy Guide
25127 LSL7_GUI.ZIP 4486 07.12.1996 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail Player's
66456 M_OMF23.ZIP 87309 15.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
|/\/\|     /\/\att's     |/\/\|
|/\/\|One Must Fall: 2097|/\/\|
|/\/\|     FAQ  v2.3     |/\/\|
|/\/\| Released 09-01-95 |/\/\| The  most
comprehensive FAQ for OMF: 2097  to  date.
All in one file,  you get a Tutorial,Lists of
Special,Scrap,& Destruction Moves, Combos,
Secrets,Unranked Challengers, sTrAgEdIeS,&
65906 MAGICFAQ.LHA 5385 16.02.1995 - - -
Magic Carpet FAQ v1.0
25128 MAGICG.ZIP 4,4 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
Magic: The Gathering - Playing Guide
25129 MANUAL10.ZIP 203820 14.11.1996 - - -
MSI - B2B Supplemental Online Manual This
supplement is intended to augment the
"procedures to operate the sim" information
contained in the B2B Flight Manual that is
packaged with the sim.
25130 MBSTUFF.TXT 2,9 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
Ohje Mine Bombersiin - Tästä näkee kuinka voit itse tehdä helposti vaikka omia yksinpelikenttiä, pommeja yms. kenttiin ja myös koodit.                            
25131 MDKG.ZIP 8,5 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
MDK - Playing Guide
66071 MECHWAR2.FAQ 67542 27.07.1995 - - -
Unofficial Mechwarrior II Pre-Release FAQ
Version 1.2 (3.7.95)
66098 MERC.TXT 7758 27.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Mechwarrior 2: Mercaries. Unofficial FAQ
25132 MF-G.ZIP 5,5 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Mission Force: Cyber Storm guide
31404 MK2FAQ16.LHA 19470 16.02.1995 - - -
MORTAL KOMBAT II FAQ - Complete GuideRevision
31406 MK3PCFAQ.LZH 2258 30.11.1995 - - -
Mortal Kombat III (PC version) FAQ FAQ
Revision 3 (November 1, 1995)
25134 MM6FAQ.ZIP 4,6 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
The Unoffical Might & Magic 6 PRE-FAQ pre-FAQ version 1.62 by Robert Merritt
25135 MMV3FAQ.TXT 16,5 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Micro Machines 3 FAQ by Matthew Sephton.
31409 MN1193.LZH 14122 30.11.1995 - - -
MicroProse newsletter Volume 3 Number 3
Holiday 1993 On-Line Edition
31411 MOM-FAQ.ZIP 26214 26.01.1995 - - -
Master of Magic FAQ/Strategy Guide
31410 MOMFAQ.LHA 27315 16.02.1995 - - -
Master of Magic FAQ and Strategy
Guide.version 1.02
31413 MOOFAQ28.ZIP 67311 15.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Master of Orion (MoO) FAQ. Version 2.8.
31415 MORTALK3.ZIP 6108 04.12.1995 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso -
This is the full FAQ for Mortal Kombat 3 for
ver 2.1 with all the moves and codes unlike
the other FAQ on this system.
25136 MPSXMS93.ZIP 455030 16.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
MicroProse Christmas Special 1993.
25137 MPSXMS94.ZIP 242703 16.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
MicroProse Christmas '94 Special.
25138 MW2G.ZIP 8,5 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
MechWarrior 2 playing and mission guide
25139 MW2M-G.ZIP 6,7 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries - Complete Guide
25140 MYTHSE10.ZIP 32,3 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Myth - The Fallen Lords Kung Fu Gecko’s Unofficial Strategy Guide 1.0
25141 MYTHSTRA.ZIP 9,7 kt 04.01.1998 - MBCD -
Myth: The Fallen Lords Tactics Guide
66539 NETGAM15.ZIP 16036 31.05.1995 - - -
Games on the Internet Version 1.5. 486 games
are covered: - 417 DOS Games - 45 Windows
Games - 24 Non-Playable Demos
66542 NETHKFAQ.LZH 83897 27.01.1995 - - tupla
Nethack FAQ/Spoilers V7.00
25142 NETSTST.ZIP 6,2 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
NetStorm  Play / Strategy Guide for Multiplay For Beta Version 9.0
31419 NFS_FAQ.ZIP 3336 24.04.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
The Need For Speed FAQ V1.4
25143 NFSSPECS.ZIP 14,5 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
25144 NLNEWS67.ZIP 8706 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
NovaLogic news issues 6 & 7
25145 NOVA11.ZIP 2,1 kt 26.07.1997 - MBCD -
Novalogic Newsletter 11 Volume 2, Issue 4,
25146 NOVA12.ZIP 2,4 kt 16.10.1997 - - -
Novalogic Newsletter #12
25147 NOVAL5.ZIP 4,6 kt 27.01.1997 - MBCD -
Novalogic Newsletter 5.
31421 NOVAL6.ZIP 4356 07.12.1996 - - -
Novalogic Newsletter #6
25148 NOVAL8.ZIP 4,9 kt 17.02.1997 - - -
NovaLogic Newsletter #8 Volume 2, Issue 1, January 25, 1997
25149 NOVAL9.ZIP 3,5 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
NovaLogic Newsletter #9 Volume 2, Issue 2, March 1, 1997
66755 OMFFAQ22.LHA 18295 16.02.1995 - - -
ONE MUST FALL: 2097Frequently Asked
QuestionsVersion 2.2
25150 OUTP-G.ZIP 4,1 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Outpost - Players Guide"
25151 P2_FAQ13.ZIP 10,7 kt 15.01.1998 - - -
Prevateer 2: FAQ v1.30
25152 PALAT.TXT 6,8 kt 15.07.1997 - MBCD -
Teksti minebomberssiin jossa lukee mm.koodit ,merkkejä (joilla laitat pommeja ym. kenttiisi) jne.
67135 PCME0895.ZIP 1792055 15.12.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
║PC Multimedia & Entertainment Magazine║
║Vol.1/Iss.1                August 1995║
║ The new magazine on the net dedicated║
║ to interactive entertainment is here!║
║ PCM&E is packed with all the latest  ║
║ product and industry news, reviews,  ║
║ hints, cheats and solutions to games.║
║ Plus LOTS of screenshots...          ║
║            Check it out TODAY!!!     ║
25153 PCPM.ZIP 95,1 kt 30.05.1997 - MBCD -
PC- Pelimaailma - ohjelma kaikille PC- peleistä kiinnostuneille. Mukana käyttäjä- ystävällinen valikko-ohjelma, yli 30 peliarvostelua, 13 artikkelia sekä huijauskoodeja ja strategisia vinkkejä 12 eri peliin. JA MIKÄ PARASTA: OHJELMA ON TÄYSIN ILMAINEN!
25154 PCSTRFAQ.ZIP 8,6 kt 18.02.1999 - - -
PC Strategic Games FAQ Version 0.4 The master copy of this FAQ is currently kept at http://www.whitefang.com/pcst/ The FAQ answers questions about contemporary strategic games for the PC. Most of the issues covered relate to commercial strategic games that run under DOS or Win32.
25155 PF97.ZIP 52,6 kt 13.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Pelifriikki97 - Laaja tietokone- ja konsolipelitietokanta dossiin. Monta kymmentä arvostelua ja artikkelia... kaikkien friikkien ehdoton ykkönen."
25156 PG2_DATA.ZIP 82,4 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Panzer General 2 Unit Database PFD-formatted, required Adobe Acrobat Reader.
25157 PGQ_FAQ.ZIP 2,5 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Panzer General 2 FAQ by SSI
67427 PRIVAFAQ.ZIP 10109 27.01.1995 - - -
Privateer FAQ
67428 PRIVFAQ.LHA 7816 16.02.1995 - - -
Privateer FAQ
25158 PSL0309.ZIP 13,8 kt 14.09.1998 - MBCD -
Peliseuralista, päiväys 02.09.1998. Ihmiset hakevat pelikaveria erilaisiin peleihin. Näin säästyy aikaa, rahaa (puhelinyhtiöt) ja vaivaa molemmin puolin kun ei tarvitse roikkua purkkien group chateissa useita tunteja ja löydät helpommin sopivan tasoisen pelikaverin. Lue ilmoituksia ja tee joskus ROHKEASTI oma ilmoitus listalle. Kerro tästä myös kavereillesikin...
28196 PWHINT9.LZH 53794 16.02.1995 - - -
Gary Grigsby's Pacific War player checklist &
tactics V9. SSI
25159 Q2SECR.ZIP 8 kt 16.04.1998 - MBCD -
Quake 2 secrets.
25160 Q2STR10.ZIP 4,7 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Quake 2 Strategy Guide v1.0
25161 Q2TWEAK.ZIP 43,2 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
3 Fingers Quake II Tweak Guide 5/7/98 HTML
25162 Q3CONS.ZIP 6 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
Quake 3 Console commands
25163 QCRM-O97.ZIP 68,7 kt 21.09.1997 - gamers.org -
Quake C Reference Manual in Word97 format.
25164 QSTRG.ZIP 5,1 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Quake DM Level Tips and Strategies
25165 QUAKE.TXT 18,6 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Quake. Mini-FAQ.
29916 QUAKEFAQ.ZIP 5697 17.12.1995 - MBCD -
Behold that this FAQ will probably raise
more questions than it answers. id
Software, the makers of QUAKE, have been
a bit quiet about updates on QUAKE's
status. Nevertheless, the interest in
QUAKE is enormous, as QUAKE is expected
to be a quantum leap in computer gaming.
25166 RACG100.ZIP 59,2 kt 01.04.1997 - MBCD -
Red Alert Single Player Mission Creation Guide v1.0. 5.3.1997. By Andrew Griffin and Charles Francis Harkins.
25167 RAFAQ104.ZIP 35 kt 02.03.1997 - MBCD -
Red Alert: Internet Strategy FAQ 1.04
25168 RAGUIDE.TXT 98151 18.12.1996 versio 1.04 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
C&C Red Alert Strategy Guide 1.0.
25169 RASCN104.ZIP 25,3 kt 02.03.1997 - MBCD -
Red Alert: Scenario Editing Guide 1.04
25170 RATACTIC.ZIP 70 kt 06.10.1997 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert Unit Listing & Tactic Guide by Jouni Kotakorpi.
25171 REB_FAQ.ZIP 33,8 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Star Wars: Rebellion Strategy Guide/FAQ
25172 RECFAQ.ZIP 22,7 kt 13.05.1998 - - -
rec.aviation.simulators FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
25173 REDSG.ZIP 6199 21.12.1996 - - -
Command and Conquer: Red Alert Mini-Strategy
67853 REGRET.TXT 18236 27.10.1996 versio 1.0 discmaster.textfiles.com -
Crusader: No Regret. FAQ V1.1.
25174 RNKV13B.ZIP 3,2 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
RcoN\'in Käyttö v1.3b"RcoN\'in käyttö" on tehty helpottamaan
rconin käyttöä Counter-Strike servereille, ja
vastaamaan niin useasti kysyttyihin kysymyksiin.
67957 ROA2FAQ.ZIP 17998 24.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Star Trail : Realms of Arkania II An
Unofficial FAQ (v3)
68001 ROTTFAQ.LHA 27917 16.02.1995 - - -
Rise of the Triad FAQ v1.99
25175 RR_GUIDE.ZIP 12,6 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Redneck Rampage map maker guide
25176 RRUSERH.ZIP 50,4 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Redneck Rampage level making help all kind of help texts and small utilities to help you create your custom levels.
25177 RUNEWFAQ.ZIP 4,1 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War faq
25178 S2FAQ10.ZIP 7 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Screamer 2 (FAQ) V1.0
28266 S7-DES.ZIP 16385 26.01.1995 - MBCD -
Descent COMPLETE Cheat Codes + FAQ!
25179 SALIUSU.ZIP 76,2 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
"Total Annihilation: Saliusunit database A spreadsheet (in Excel 95 (7.0) format) that contains all the unitsand the new units up to the cobra.  Its got a heck of a lot of information... everything I felt was pertinent.  Its got a similar format to the unit charts you currently havebut this has way more infoas well as the weapon stats attached to the units who weild them."
25180 SAWFAQ11.ZIP 3 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Soldiers of War from SSI FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Version 1.1
25185 SC-FAQ11.ZIP 21,5 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Kung Fu Gecko’s Unofficial FAQ and Strategy Guide Subculture v1.1c
25181 SC2000TI.LHA 38959 16.02.1995 - - -
SimCity2000 Technical Info v1.7
25182 SC2K-G.ZIP 4,1 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
"SimCity 2000 - Players Guide"
25183 SC3.TXT 25 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Star Control 3. Strategy Guide.
25184 SCEGUIDE.ZIP 219581 23.08.1996 - - -
TacOps scenario guide.
31424 SCREFQ13.ZIP 11078 27.08.1996 - - -
Screamer unofficial FAQ V1.3
31425 SCRUSDOC.ZIP 50064 29.10.1996 - - -
Stellar Crusade - a copy of the pre-release
documentation for Norm Koger's old space-
strategy game. From the creator Koger
himself. "Scale: Strategic, 25 light year
radius sphere/3 months per turn. Topic:
Science fictional military / economic
simulation, 24th century. Systems: Atari ST,
Amiga, DOS."
25186 SETT-G.ZIP 4,1 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
The Settlers - Playing Guide
31426 SETTFAQ.LHA 11355 16.02.1995 - - -
Settlers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
25187 SF3_DUD.TXT 23,7 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Street Fighter III. Unofficial FAQ by Dudley.
25188 SHADOW-G.ZIP 6,1 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Shadowcaster - Players Guide"
25189 SI171096.ZIP 4409 07.12.1996 - - -
Sierra On-Line WebNews -- November 17, 1996
25190 SK_F035.ZIP 17,6 kt 20.04.1997 - MBCD -
Stonekeep - FAQ v0.35
25191 SM01.ZIP 11,6 kt 15.02.1999 - - -
Tässä on kaikki tieto uudistuksia myöten SM-dukeliigan tiedoista. Kaikki säännöt on koottu pelaajien avulla ja ehdoilla. LUe tämä ja saat selvää kaikken selville! Listoja myöten. TSEKKAA!!!. Lisää pelaajia otetaan kokoajan lisää..kaikki ovat tervetulleita!
25192 SMACTEIN.ZIP 6 kt 08.04.1999 - - -
"SMAC: U.S. Manual Index File Sid Meyers Alpha Centauri"
25193 SMLMAPS.ZIP 2,2 Mt 07.06.2000 - - -
"Panzer Campaign: Smolensk41 Campaign Maps and Historical Synopses UPDATED 28 APRIL 00 - follow the course of the actual battle. Includes a printable map of the Smolensk41 campaign scenario map. Created by Michael Avanzini.

25196 SP-CAMPL.ZIP 23673 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers appendum: Campaign Log Sheet -
Use this (PC MS Word ) to track your campaing
25201 SP-MORAL.ZIP 3955 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Pathers Nationality Morale and
Experience Table (Word Doc File) - Prepared
by Arnaud Bouis
25194 SP01.ZIP 113722 02.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers discussion group, SP chatting.
31429 SPAGS.LZH 270207 23.02.1996 - - -
The Society for the Preservation of
AdventureGames newsletter, issues 1-8 (may
15/94->feb 5/96). Informative e-mail zine
designedprimarily to keep the gaming public
aware oftext adventures on the market today.
25195 SPBOTB1.ZIP 621800 29.10.1996 - - -
Battle of the Bulge 1944
25197 SPCIAL12.ZIP 239,4 kt 28.01.1997 - gamers.org -
Doom Special Effects text files. Text version of http://www.daimi.aau.dk/~hykkelbj/doom/ special/index.html.
31430 SPESEP95.ZIP 743919 30.11.1995 - 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD1.iso -
SHAREPAPER ISSUE 4, a diskmag about quality
shareware, jumps on you with a SVGA user-
interface, 256 color screenshots, reviews,
previews, tips and much more! In this issue
we compare communication programs, such as
Telix, Telemate and Terminate. You'll also
find reviews of the hottest games like Epic's
Tyrian and Crack's Abuse. On the application
front we review Drag and File, WinZip 6.0,
WordExpress 1.1 etc.
25198 SPGUIDE.ZIP 92127 03.03.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers Strategy Guide
25199 SPLOG1.ZIP 8083 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers * Internet strategies
25200 SPMODERN.ZIP 1636 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers * how to create modern
25202 SPMOVE.ZIP 597 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers * movement costs
25204 SPPRIMER.ZIP 116024 30.08.1996 - - -
The Steel Panthers Illustrated Primer: A
Player's Guide to Winning Strategy & Ta ctics
(ASCII text version 0.98) 5/28/96 - 97 pages
Copyright ╕ 1996 Todd David Brady
25205 SQ.TXT 162,8 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Space Quest FAQ v1.8.
25206 STARCF12.ZIP 3,5 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
25207 STARCRFT.TXT 7,5 kt 09.03.1997 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
The Starcraft. FAQ V1.2.
31431 STEEL102.ZIP 33301 24.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Steel Panthers FAQ V1.02.
25208 STEELWPN.ZIP 7950 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers Tank Chart.
25209 STJUDGG.ZIP 8,7 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Star Trek: Judgment Rights - Players Guide"
25210 STORM107.ZIP 3,5 kt 16.10.1997 - - -
StormWatch The Red Storm Entertainment Newsletter Issue 1.07 19 September 1997
25211 STORM108.ZIP 2,5 kt 16.10.1997 - - -
StormWatch The Red Storm Entertainment Newsletter Issue 1.08 3 October 1997
25212 STORM109.ZIP 2,3 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
StormWatch - The Red Storm Entertainment Newsletter Issue 1.09 - 17 October 1997
25213 STORM110.ZIP 2,6 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
Stormwatch - The Red Storm Entertainment Newsletter Issue 1.10 - 31 October 1997
25214 STUNITYG.ZIP 5,6 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Star Trek The Next Generation: A Final Unity - Players Guide"
25215 SU27F266.ZIP 56,4 kt 02.03.1997 - MBCD -
Su-27 Flanker FAQ 2.66
68758 SU27PART.ZIP 413084 15.12.1995 - - -
Partial man pages for the upcoming SU-27
Flanker aircombat sim from Mindscape/SSI. It
unzips to ~4MB, and is a Microsoft Word 6
.DOC file.
25216 SW104.ZIP 3,5 kt 12.03.1997 - MBCD -
StormWatch The Red Storm Entertainment Newsletter Issue 1.04 3 March 1997
25217 SW161297.ZIP 4921 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Sierra On-Line WebNews --  December 16, 1996
25218 SWOPAS11.ZIP 13,2 kt 06.05.1999 - - -
SHAREWARE-PELINTEKIJÄN OPAS 1.1 Tämä dokumentti on tarkoitettu sw-peli- bisneksestä kiinnostuneille. Sisältää paljon vinkkejä, tietoja, kikkoja, rajoitustapoja, infoa hyvien rekkausohjeiden teosta, tietoja eri genrejen tuottavuudesta, kaikkea mah- dollista mitä olet ikinä halunnut tietää menestyäksesi shareware alalla. Soveltuu niin ammattilaisille kuin aloittelijoillekin By Blizzard / LaserSoft Inc.
25219 SYNDW-G.ZIP 5,5 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Syndicate Wars tactics and guide
31435 SYNDWARS.TXT 5219 20.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Syndicate Wars FAQ.
31436 SYNTAXP.LZH 264235 23.02.1996 - - -
SynTax, a bimonthly disk magazine
aboutadventure gaming. Special public
domain(promotional) issue of SynTax for
PCwith articles about adventure games
fromissues 1 through 33
25232 T_QUAKEC.ZIP 7,4 kt 14.04.1997 - MBCD -
QuakeC Tutorials, part 1 & 2. Includes: Compilation of QuakeC, Procedures (defining and calling), Declaring variables, Sending a message to a player (client), Conditional statements, Loops, What the built in procedures are and what they do.
31437 T100-105.ZIP 7080 24.02.1995 - - -
The Net PC Games Top 100  (Edition 104)
Week 02 Januari 01/'95 Compiled by Jojo Delft
The Netherlands jojo@hacktic.nl
Jojo - Productions (C)
25221 TA-STR.ZIP 9,4 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Total Annihilation Multiplayer Tips and Strategies
25220 TACOPSUG.ZIP 623 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
the complete TacOpsCE User Guide - done in PDF format for Adobe Acrobat Reader v3.0.
25222 TEDRILS.TXT 24,5 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Tendrils Game FAQ V1.0.
25223 TEKKEN3.TXT 18,8 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Tekken 3 Strategy FAQ.
30044 TFTDGUID.ZIP 48076 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
XCOM2: Terror from the Deep. The unofficial
strategy guide and answers to frequently
asked questions. Updated June 1, 1995
25224 TFX-TACT.ZIP 3,8 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
TFX - Tactical assistance from the top
25225 TGBL.ZIP 3,3 kt 28.01.1998 - - -
The Great Blood League liittymispaketti
25226 THEMEHG.ZIP 6 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
Theme Hospital - Playing Guide
69077 THEMEPFA.LHA 14931 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Theme Park FAQ V0.3
25227 THEMEPKG.ZIP 5,9 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Theme Park - Players Guide"
31440 THUND1_1.ZIP 10292 24.04.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
25228 TIE-G.ZIP 8,1 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
"TIE Fighter - Players Guide"
25229 TIMECOMG.ZIP 6,1 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
Time Commando - Complete Guide
25230 TMWAR-G.ZIP 4,5 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
This Means War - Strategy Guide
25231 TNOVAG.ZIP 5,2 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Terra Nova - Strategy Guide
31441 TOMBFAQ.ZIP 6022 05.12.1996 - - -
Tomb Raider FAQ
25233 TS0005.ZIP 28320 29.10.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers tactical notes: Dealing with
the Japanese By Steve Gilliard
69445 TTFAQ.LHA 21892 17.02.1995 - - -
Transport Tycoon FAQ. Version 1.1 *
25234 TTHV1-0.TXT 4,5 kt 20.03.1997 - MBCD -
Triplane Turmoil Offical Cadet School V1.0 Some tips and general tactics for Triplane Turmoil By Dragst/DKS
69491 TYRFAQ.ZIP 23718 24.04.1996 versio 0.52 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Tyrian unofficial FAQ V0.61.
69508 U9FAQ101.ZIP 8033 15.12.1995 - - -
25235 U9FAQ112.ZIP 10,9 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
ULTIMA IX : ASCENSION The Frequently Asked Questions List Version 1.12 - 17 January 1997
69521 UFAQ.LHA 7847 17.02.1995 - - -
Ultima FAQ
69527 UFOFAQ.ZIP 30057 26.01.1995 - - -
UFO FAQ/Strategy Guide 23.08.1994
25236 UFOG.ZIP 7,4 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
"UFO: Enemy Unknown - Players Guide"
69547 UMK3.ZIP 26156 23.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Mortal Kombat III FAQ v0.991
25237 V2_FAQ.ZIP 13,5 kt 27.08.1998 - - -
"Moodys Voodoo2 Game FAQ converted to HTML. August 24th1998by Larry Moody."
69699 VF2_30.ZIP 52897 16.07.1995 - 8180/Night Owl Best of Shareware (NOPV-18)(1995).ISO -
Virtua Fighter II FAQ
25238 VF3.TXT 17,1 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Virtua Fighter 3. Evading FAQ.
25239 WARCRAG.ZIP 1,8 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Warcraft - Players Guide"
25240 WARCRF2G.ZIP 5,1 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
Warcraft II - Tips and Tactics
25241 WARHAMRG.ZIP 10,3 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Warhammer: Shadow Of The Horned Rat Guide To. Short list of general hints and tips for playing the game and then theres a brief discussion of the different opponents youll face."
25242 WC2STRAT.ZIP 26208 25.04.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness strategy
69966 WC3FAQ.LHA 31190 17.02.1995 - - -
Wing Commander III FAQ, revision 1.10
69967 WC3FAQ23.ZIP 91562 02.04.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Wing Commander III un-official strategy guide
+ WC3/4 FAQ
25243 WHFAQ11.ZIP 19588 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat Informal
FAQ 1.1a by Bill Tindall bkt@wwa.com
September 11, 1996
25244 WINGC3G.ZIP 2,6 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Wing Commander III - Players Guide"
70128 WOLFFAQ.LHA 47523 17.02.1995 - - -
25245 WOWFAQ.ZIP 5,9 kt 12.03.1997 - MBCD -
Wages of War FAQ
31444 WRESTMAN.ZIP 22048 23.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Wrestlemania FAQ 4.1
25246 WW2-STRA.ZIP 34530 08.08.1996 - - -
World War II strategy manuals etc for
strategy gamers - like Steel Panthers
maniacs. -The Evolution of Blitzkrieg Theory
Department "Handbook On German Military
Forces" Chapter IV: TACTICS -Panzer
Vorwaerts! German Armored Force training
circular issued in 1945.
25247 XWINGALL.ZIP 26,7 kt 11.05.1999 versio 1.10 22602/Hrac_30_1999-08_cd.bin -
"X-Wing Alliance Mission Guide v1.0 FAQ eventually youre going to have to take him down. Includes full MULTIPLAYER TCP/IP. P200to attract the attention of the Kingpin; gang of thugs. Moving up in the world is sure your rise to the top by assembling your own burned-out buildings and urban decay. Begin existed lies world of Kingpin - landscape of Xatrix/Interplay.Somewhere in past that never 32MBWin95/98. Requires OpenGL videocard."
25248 XWINGIP.ZIP 5,9 kt 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter Internet Play Sourcebook by Chris Jensen
31446 XYZ1-6A.LZH 222899 23.02.1996 - - -
XYZZYnews issues 1-6, The Magazine
forInteractive Fiction Enthusiasts. Open
forumfor fellow gamers who are crazy
aboutcomputer adventure games, especially
text-based adventures.This includes nostalgic
fansof the old Infocom games,people who're
always on lookout for new games to play,
anddesigners of new adventure games.XYZZYnews
isfor anyone who favors computer games
thatcompel players to face
intellectualchallengesor series of logic
31447 XYZ1-6P.LZH 1591881 23.02.1996 - - -
XYZZYnews issues 1-6, The Magazine
forInteractive Fiction Enthusiasts. Open
forumfor fellow gamers who are crazy
aboutcomputer adventure games, especially
text-based adventures.This includes nostalgic
fansof the old Infocom games,people who're
always on lookout for new games to play,
anddesigners of new adventure games.XYZZYnews
isfor anyone who favors computer games
thatcompel players to face
intellectualchallengesor series of logic
25249 Z-DEMOS.ZIP 2,1 kt 12.03.1997 - - -
How to Beat the Z Demo
25250 11HOURE.ZIP 35,8 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
11th Hour Final Savegame cheat
25251 2K-DGATR.ZIP 84,1 kt 09.01.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Darius Gaiden Trainer
25254 2K-MONTR.ZIP 69,8 kt 25.11.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
"Montezumas Return +2 Trainer"
25255 2K-NMCTR.ZIP 87,1 kt 24.12.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Nightmare Creatures Trainer
25256 2K-TM2TR.ZIP 69,4 kt 25.11.1997 - scene.org -
Twisted Metal 2 +4 Trainer
25257 2K-VC2TR.ZIP 69,4 kt 25.11.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Virtua Cop 2 +3 Trainer
25252 2KFROGTR.ZIP 69,1 kt 26.11.1997 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Frogger +2 trainer
25253 2KIGNTRN.ZIP 294,9 kt 26.11.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Ignition MicroTrainer!
25258 3BPB-CN.ZIP 112,7 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
3D Ultra Pinball trainer
25259 3BPB-LC.ZIP 112,8 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
3D Ultra Pinball: Lost Continent trainer
25260 3DMM2TRN.ZIP 2,9 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
3D Maze Man Tropical Adventures trainer Unlimited Lives; No Pellets Required.
25262 ABESAVE.ZIP 38,3 kt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
"Abes Oddysee Saves: by Chris Tout"
25263 ADR17.ZIP 54,8 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
"ADOM_RUN 1.7 + ADOM_AVG! Autoroller for ADOM. supposed to get average attributes of characters. Youll define raceclass and times to run ADOM_AVGthen wait. Ancient Cheatings of ADOM!  Version 1.7"
25264 AEVILT2.ZIP 156,4 kt 24.09.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
Ancient Evil trainer.
27596 ALBICHT.ZIP 23932 05.12.1996 - - -
Albion cheat.
25265 ALIENMTC.ZIP 113,6 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Alien Trilogy Magic Trainer
25266 ANNOTR02.ZIP 112 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
Anno 1602 Magic Trainer
31291 ANTI-UFO.ZIP 15836 25.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
2 UFO -cheattiohjelmaa - lisää rahaa,
fiksaile äijiä.
31294 ARACSAVE.LZH 930 24.04.1995 - - -
Arachnophobia - valmiita tallennettuja
tilanteita kullekin tasolle pikku
cheattaamista varten. IBM PC-versioon.
31296 AREA51TR.ZIP 250070 05.12.1996 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
AREA 51 Trainer by Fabulous Furlough [01/01]
No-Hit, Infinite shots, Infinite Grenades
Just unzip the .exe, and play! RiSC - RiSC -
31298 ARENATRN.ZIP 76892 28.08.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
25267 ARESRTRN.ZIP 138,1 kt 24.09.1998 - 22065/secret_service_6001.iso -
Ares Rising Trainer Special Features:  Unlimited Funds.
25269 ARS_TRN.ZIP 111,9 kt 02.04.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Arsenal +2 Trainer
25268 ARSCHEAT.ZIP 30,6 kt 26.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Arsenal Savegame Cheat
25270 ASGHANTR.ZIP 333,4 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Asghan Trainer Unlimited Health, Air; Money at 10,000; more.
27624 B2BCHEAT.ZIP 613 05.12.1996 - - -
Back to Bagdad CHEAT
25272 BLADMTC.ZIP 112,3 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Blade Runner Magic Trainer (+3)
25273 BLH-DSTR.ZIP 6,1 kt 06.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
DemonStar Trainer +2
25274 BLH-RZTR.ZIP 6,1 kt 26.11.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Roketz Trainer +1
25275 BLH-TRTR.ZIP 8 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Trucks Trainer
25276 BMM6T.ZIP 336,2 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Might & Magic VI Magic Trainer Pack Freeze Character Stats; Magic Bonuses; and more.
25277 BOMENTRN.ZIP 995,1 kt 25.09.1997 - 17664/hot36.iso -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain Trainer (+4)
25278 BRONM.ZIP 112,9 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Last Bronx Magic Trainer (+1)
25279 BROODTRN.ZIP 97,4 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Agent-801159 FOUND 23177/Gamestar_03_1999-03_cd1.bin -
Starcraft: Broodwars trainer
31303 BT_TRN.ZIP 846 25.03.1995 - 22632/cd No7 joystick No65 novembre 1995.iso -
Black Thorne Trainer
25280 BZODMTC.ZIP 112 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Battlezone (DEMO) Magic Trainer
25284 C&C95TRN.ZIP 353,7 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
25282 C2ED.ZIP 22 kt 14.04.1998 - 16346/Riki0497-03.iso -
Civilization 2 Cheat Fix v1.1 A command-line driven DOS based program that will allow you to modify your saved-games so that you can enable the games cheat mode without the computer knowning, thus having a high-score and allowing you to cheat at the same time.
25283 CARMSAVE.ZIP 627 tavua 27.10.1997 - - -
Carmgeddon Savegame includes extra car and you can play all races what you ever want.
40656 CC_SAVE.ZIP 723470 23.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
│ GDI level 02-25, NOD level 02-25 │
│ All saved at level start + final │
│ end savegames for GDI & NOD incl.│
31305 CCBUILD.ZIP 13917 22.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
31308 CCITRAIN.ZIP 29675 02.11.1995 - - -
Command & Conquer interactive trainer
25285 CESIG2T.ZIP 199,5 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactica II trainer. Edit planets, spies, more. 
25286 CH-DKCHT.ZIP 12,3 kt 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
Dungeon Keeper Savegame Cheat *FINAL* gives you all the money you ever wanted + jump to any level.
31314 CHTM20WC.ZIP 304699 15.12.1995 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
██║█    -=≡ Cheat Machine v2.03 ≡=─    █║██
├─║──────── by A Forest Soft '95 ───────║─┤
│ ║     That game putting you down ?    ║ │
│ ║     Not when you use this baby !    ║ │
│ ║ It's has the biggest library of     ║ │
│ ║ cheats, tips, patches, codes, hints ║ │
│ ║ and trainers for cheating on        ║ │
│ ║ commercial or shareware games you   ║ │
│ ║ have ever seen !                    ║ │
│ ║  480+ Pc Cheats  100+ Amiga Cheats  ║ │
25287 CHTZV22.ARJ 396,3 kt 12.05.1997 - - -
-=ðCHEATZ v2.2 by Juha Toivokoskið=- PC-pelaajan CHEAT paketti, joka sisältää  þ Koodeja peleihin  þ Infoa Pelifirmoista (emailit ym.)  þ Tietenkin hyvän ohjelman!  þ HEXA editorin  þ Kato ite lisää jos uskallat!
25289 CLAWTRNR.ZIP 34,4 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Claw trainer
25300 CLS-S3LS.ZIP 41,8 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Settlers III Level Skipper (c) Devil 1/1
25290 CLSBHTRN.ZIP 178,9 kt 24.09.1998 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Bonkheads Trainer Unlimited Lives, TNT.
25291 CLSCOMTR.ZIP 147,8 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Trainer Unlimited Energy, Special Weapons Ammo, Machinegun Ammo, and Medpacks.
25292 CLSCVTRN.ZIP 50,6 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Carnivores trainer
25293 CLSESOTR.ZIP 91 kt 19.05.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Esoteria +2 *TRAINER*
25294 CLSEXTTR.ZIP 144,1 kt 17.07.1998 - 22594/Hrac_22_1998-06_cd.bin -
Extreme Tactics Trainer
25295 CLSFLFTR.ZIP 142,3 kt 17.07.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Flesh Feast Trainer Unlimited Energy and Ammo.
25296 CLSJJRTR.ZIP 145 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Trainer Unlimited Lives, Energy, Money, and Ammo.
25297 CLSMCTRN.ZIP 95,7 kt 02.04.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Moon Child +2 *TRAINER*
25298 CLSORTRN.ZIP 52,2 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Outrage trainer
25299 CLSPCTRN.ZIP 143 kt 17.07.1998 - 22594/Hrac_22_1998-06_cd.bin -
Panzer Commander Trainer Unlimited Ammo.
25301 CLSSSPTN.ZIP 52,4 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Simon the Sorcerer Pinball trainer
25302 CLSTGTRN.ZIP 50,6 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Top Gun trainer
25303 CM-IG2TR.ZIP 11,8 kt 11.06.2000 - 23165/Gamestar_19_2000-06_cd1.bin -
Imperium Galactica II Trainer (Supports All Language Releases) Special Features:  Unlimited Money; Activate    Debug Mode; Add Population. 
31317 CM.ZIP 64272 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Cheat Machine - The Game Enhancer  Contains cheats for
dozens of games, patches, codes, trainers,
cheat modes, ... anything imaginable to cheat
is available at a keypress. Info on the
hottest commercial releases as well as on
shareware/PD games. --- Don't get mad, get
even ! ---
25304 CNCHEAT.ZIP 868,1 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor Saved Game Editor
25305 CONCASH.ZIP 38,4 kt 26.11.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Constructor Money Trainer
25306 CONCHEAT.ZIP 11,4 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Constructor (TM) Cheat - Savefile data editor v1.1  - DOS
25307 CR-MCTRN.ZIP 49,8 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Mech Commander Trainer
25308 CROC-TRN.ZIP 112,2 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Croc Trainer
25309 CSCHEAT.ZIP 9,4 kt 25.06.1997 - MBCD -
Creature Shock Warper utility v.1.0 With this little program , you can warp to every level in this superior game...Done by The Lawnmover Man from Loop Group ....
25310 CSTORMME.ZIP 5,2 kt 31.08.1997 - MBCD -
MissionForce: Cyberstorm. Magical Enhancer for saved games.
40661 D-LEM.ZIP 3611 13.12.1994 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Lemmings 3 Super Savegame!  (Dread)
Play all 90 levels with 99 lemmings each!
25311 D2R.ZIP 37,7 kt 31.08.1997 - 22408/xeniatgm44.iso -
Descent II save game editor.
31328 DESCHT-2.ZIP 5332 25.04.1996 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
DESCHEAT v2.0: FREEWARE debug batch file to
patch saved games in the registered version
of DESCENT. All items are user changeable:
cloak, invulnerability, shields, weapons,
keys, you name it. You can even have your
quad lasers shoot 4 mega missiles at a time!
Version 2 has a batch file to return games to
normal status after you're done cheating.
27754 DESCHT10.ZIP 55944 25.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Descent Cheat for Registered/Retail Version
Edit saved games, ALL features ! Uses a VERY
simple mouse-able interface, plus good info
in the read me file. Best "Cheat" I've seen
yet !
31330 DESERT-T.ZIP 6055 30.06.1995 - 23016/cdactioncoverdisc -
31332 DETROIT2.ZIP 2981 28.08.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Detroit Trainer [+9] v2.0 For ONE PLAYER
40660 DF-LVLS.ZIP 878 28.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
All levels available for playing. Just copy
darkpilo.cfg to your dark forces directory
and play all the incredible levels of this
golden game...
25312 DIAB54.ZIP 176,3 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Diablo Trainer V5.4
25313 DIG-END.ZIP 26,5 kt 26.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
The Dig Final Savegame cheat
25316 DK_ENS10.ZIP 33,9 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Dungeon Keeper Creature Editor
25314 DK95TRN.ZIP 191,3 kt 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
25315 DKARTRN.ZIP 113,5 kt 12.05.1999 - - -
Dethkarz trainer cheat. Unlimited Health, Replay.
63038 DM2STR.ZIP 2242 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Dungeon Master 2 trainer
31877 DNET0INC.ARJ 12595 13.12.1994 - - -
Dune I:n traineri
40667 DOD-BDC.ZIP 9024 13.12.1994 - - -
Money Patcher for BattleDrom from Dynamix
25317 DOMNTRN.ZIP 172,9 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Dominion Trainer Unlimited Men, Material; Instant Build.
31343 DR-TRN.ZIP 14836 05.12.1996 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
25318 DRIVALLC.ZIP 815 tavua 18.10.1999 - - -
Driver All Cars & Tracks Cheat This is for the retail version of the game, not the demo. This config.dat file unlocks all the cheats, cars, and tracks. Just put the config.dat in your Driver Folder and there you have it, the cheats are all there and all tracks or unlocked.
25319 DTRAINER.ZIP 146,3 kt 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
Diablo (Ultimate Trainer-Working)
31345 DTSAV1.ZIP 2299 24.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Dick Tracy cheatti - erinomainen tallennettu
tilanne. IBM PC-versioon. Disney SOftware.
25320 DVNDS3.ZIP 2,6 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Darkstone trainer cheat
25321 DVNW40TR.ZIP 5 kt 18.12.1999 - 23238/Gamestar_09_1999-09_cd1.bin -
Warhammer 40K: Rites of War Trainer cheat
25322 ECS2_TRN.ZIP 112,1 kt 06.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Ecstatica 2 Trainer
31352 EP3TRPTG.ZIP 14046 13.12.1994 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
29250 EQSW202.ZIP 852398 19.09.1996 - MBCD -
The Equalizer 2.02 - Game Enhancement Utility
DOS/WIN31/WIN95 * Allows you to become faster
stronger and smarter. You will be able to
modify almost any attibute in your game. With
256 colour graphical interface, you will also
find it extreamly easy to use. Works with
over 50 games and more are comming all the
25323 ERS-GTA.ZIP 988 tavua 26.11.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Grand Theft Auto (c) Trainer Opens up all 3 cities/6 levels!
31353 EX_CSP.ZIP 10363 13.12.1994 - - -
Cool Spot +3 Option Trainer!
25324 F22CHT.ZIP 27 kt 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
F22 Lightning SaveGame Editor
25325 F22RMTC.ZIP 112,2 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
F-22 Raptor Trainer +4
25326 F22TRAIN.ZIP 170,3 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
F22: ADF Red Sea Operation Trainer Unlimited Ammo, Flares, and Chaffs.
31354 F2B-T.ZIP 123994 27.08.1996 - - -
25327 FALL2TRN.ZIP 113,4 kt 01.01.1999 - 22600/Hrac_28_1999-04_cd.bin -
Fallout 2 Trainer.
25328 FALLUGE.ZIP 7,6 kt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Fallout UGE Module
25329 FCTRAIN.ZIP 142,5 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Future Cop: LAPD Trainer (c) Electronic Arts
25330 FETRAI.ZIP 112,2 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Free Enterprise Trainer
25331 FF3.ZIP 927 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Fatal Fury 3 PC version final save data file Just double click on this file in ur file manager.  Stryker Wang IRC:#chinesecafe #chinesegb #gbinfow gamesoft@public3.bta.net.cn
25332 FF7TRAIN.ZIP 269,4 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Final Fantasy 7 Trainer Unlimited Portions, MP; Max Gils; Instant Attacks; 5000 HP in each combat.
25333 FFTRAIN.ZIP 101,6 kt 26.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Fighting Force Class Trainer (+7)
25334 FGED.ZIP 168,6 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Fantasy General. Editor for Win95. V1.0.
25336 FL-HACK.ZIP 22,5 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
Final Liberation Objective Marker Disabler V1.01.02 FLOMD is a little program that will make a small modification to the FL Epic40K.exe so that objective markers no longer affect your moral score. On a practical level this means that you can get rid of the "time-limit" effect that this has, and turn battles into bloody fights down to the last unit :-) Does NOT work with updated versions.
25335 FLEET-TR.ZIP 2,2 kt 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
F-14 Fleet Defender Trainer
25337 FREDIT.ZIP 2,1 Mt 17.07.1998 - 22409/xeniatgm45.iso -
Forsaken Saved Game Editor v1.01
25338 FSMSAV.ZIP 484,4 kt 26.05.1998 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
FIFA Soccer Manager Saved Game cheat
25339 FSN-D2TF.ZIP 76,6 kt 22.09.1998 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Dune 2000 Trainer Unlimited Spice, Power; Skip Level; Instant Build; Reveal Map.
25340 FTA2-TRN.ZIP 119,2 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
FTA 2: Halls of the Dead Trainer
25341 FTRARSED.ZIP 1,4 kt 17.07.1998 - 22594/Hrac_22_1998-06_cd.bin -
Arsenal Saved Game Patcher.
25342 FTRHDTRN.ZIP 110,7 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
House of the Dead trainer
25343 FTRHRTRN.ZIP 110,6 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Herculesa Trainer Unlimited Lives, Health.
25344 FTRJ2TRN.ZIP 110,7 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 trainer
25345 FTRLLTRN.ZIP 110,7 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Lucky Luke trainer
25346 FTRVC2TR.ZIP 110,7 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Virtua Cop 2 Trainer Unlimited Lives, Ammo, Credits; Free Play Option.
64385 GAMEGURU.ZIP 569189 18.12.1996 väärä koko archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Game Guru: Game Enhancer (Demo Version) For
the first time on PC, Studio 3DO introduces
dedicated game console style cheating with
the "Game Guru: Game Enhancer". Unlike other
cheat utilities, Game Guru is EASY to use and
sports a completely open architecture.  So,
you can download new cheat codes, create your
own, and spread cheats and hacks to your
friends. Game Guru requires NO hardware and
NO difficult-to-use TSR programs. It works
directly with the files saved on your hard
25347 GANJATRN.ZIP 134,1 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Ganja Farmer Trainer
64449 GENITRN.ZIP 11266 13.12.1994 - 7515/thegreatunsorted.tar -
25348 GG_DEMO2.ZIP 566 kt 06.04.1998 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Game Guru Game Enhancer - new demo By 3DO/Studio 3DO PC 486/33 DOS/Win95 8 MB Dedicated game console style cheating utility EASY to use and sports a completely open architecture.  So, you can download new cheat codes, create your own, and spread cheats and hacks to your friends. NO hardware and difficult-to-use TSR programs required.
25349 GHACK.ZIP 335,2 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Game Hack. Game editors pack for Win95.
25350 GNMTRAIN.ZIP 251,7 kt 17.07.1998 - 22063/secret_service_59a01.iso -
Game, Net, & Match Trainer
64537 GODSTRN.ARJ 7671 13.12.1994 - 739/GrandSlam volume 1.iso -
Gods traineri
25351 GSE9703.ZIP 225,6 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
25352 GSE9708U.ZIP 186 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
GSE 08/97 update
31392 GT-101A.ZIP 18789 20.12.1996 - - -
Games Trainer V1.01a. Huijausohjelma, joka
tukee seuraavia pelejä: Syndicate Wars, Star
Control 3, Z, Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games
ja Bubble Bobble & Rainbow Worlds. Uusin
versio korjaa useita bugeja, esimerkiksi
SVGA-grafiikkatilan kanssa esiintyneet
25353 GTATR11.ZIP 114,9 kt 24.12.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto Trainer
25354 GTV12MTC.ZIP 115,3 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Grand Theft Auto Magic Trainer (for v1.2)
29280 GU-PE.ZIP 23681 29.11.1995 renamed 12925/GAMES94.ISO -
Game utility for Planet's Edge. Edit crew hit
points, abilities and skills. Add elements to
the warehouse on Moonbase. Shareware.
Registered version will create, delete or
recharge ANY item in the game.
31394 GWIZ30.ZIP 271111 29.11.1995 - ratsnest2.iso -
░▒▓█▓▒░░▒▓█ GAME WIZARD 32 v3.0 █▓▒░░▒▓█▓▒░
The NUMBER ONE rated game cheating utility
just got a whole lot better.  Full support
for DOS EXTENDER under all memory managers.
It has the ability to search/modify/freeze 90
items while playing a game; create cheat
table files; save/load current game in
progress; view/edit files inside games;
capture any EGA/VGA/SVGA screen to disk; full
blown file manager; instant online help;
adjust game playing speed; shell to DOS
25355 GWIZ32.ZIP 265,9 kt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
Game Wizard Pro shareware Make cheat codes yourself! Enhanced Software Design program that allows you to cheat at virtually ANY DOS-based game. It has a TON of features: Ability to search/edit/freeze any memory location, capture any screen to disk, adjust game speed, save & load games at any location, and much more! Req. DOS 386 DOS3.1+
25356 H3ABLD.ZIP 114,2 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
"Heroes 3: Armageddons Blade trainer cheat Freeze resources for all teams."
25357 HMM2TRN.ZIP 7,9 kt 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
Heroes of Might And Magic II save game patch. 16 millions money!
25358 HMMED.ZIP 153,3 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Heroes of the Might and Magic editor.
25359 HOMM2T26.ZIP 1,9 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might and Magic II trainer cheatAllows you to get free creatures, free movement, free resources, view the entire map, get free spells, and even free skills. Works with Heroes of Might and Magic II (2). Includes a macro editor so you can make your own combo\'s of cheats. Also includes a castle trainer, so you can build everything in your castle for free in one turn!" 
25360 HOYLSGE.ZIP 11,9 kt 18.12.1999 - 23232/Gamestar_08_1999-08_cd1.bin -
"Hoyle Casino99 savegame editor"
25361 I76GTRN.ZIP 107,3 kt 02.04.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
I-76 Gold Edition - Trainer
25362 ICARTRN.ZIP 313,6 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Icarus Trainer
25364 IMPTRAIN.ZIP 18,7 kt 23.09.1997 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Imperialism Trainer +1 This little trainer will allow you to edit the amount of money you have up to a maximum of $1,000,000,000.
25365 INCHEAT.ZIP 154,8 kt 26.11.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Incubation Editor
25366 INCOMTR.ZIP 112,1 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Incoming Trainer (+1)
25367 INDYTRN.ZIP 171,1 kt 14.12.1999 - 13542/io_01_00.bin -
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine trainer cheat. Unlimited Money.
65125 INF-CHT.ZIP 81269 24.02.1995 - MBCD -
A utility to extract/decrypt the
CHEAT 15.0+ data files + latest cheats
for over 250 games!
40692 INF-ID3T.ZIP 4243 19.01.1996 - scene.org -
Alone in the Dark 3 MAXIMIZE AMMO & HEALTH
65528 KENCHT.ZIP 8707 21.03.1995 - - -
Edits your save games to give you keys,
weapons, lightnings, coins, a compass, etc.
For Epic Megagames' GREAT game.
25370 KKND-TRN.ZIP 19,5 kt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
25368 KKND2M.ZIP 111,8 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
KKND 2 trainer
25369 KKNDLEVS.ZIP 150,2 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Krush, Kill & Destroy cheat (Savegames)
25371 KMGTRN.ZIP 152,3 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
Knuddels Minigolf Trainer
65644 LASERTRN.ZIP 3144 13.12.1994 - - -
Laser Squad Trainer
65684 LEM2TRNR.COM 10118 13.12.1994 - 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso -
Tässä Lemmings - Tribesiin traineri,
saa laittaa kulumattomat ajan / workerit
25372 LGNICTRN.ZIP 113,4 kt 22.09.1998 - 22065/secret_service_6001.iso -
Icarus Trainer
65721 LILDEV_T.ZIP 206219 28.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Trainer for Litil Divil
25373 LOL2TRN.ZIP 113,4 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Lands of Lore 2 Trainer
25374 LOLCD1.ZIP 113,6 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Lands of Lore trainer
25375 LORD2OF.ZIP 665 tavua 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
LORDS OF REALMS 2 OFFSETS LIST for hex-editor patchers
25376 LORDS2G.ZIP 14,9 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Lords of the Realm 2 Save Game Cheat
25377 LSAVECR.ZIP 37,4 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Lula: The Sex Empire savegame editor
25378 MAABND.ZIP 73,4 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Maabus Final Savegame cheat
25379 MAGMAY11.ZIP 107,2 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Magic & Mayhem trainer cheat
65958 MANTRAIN.ZIP 30306 13.12.1994 - - -
MANTIS TRAINER -unlimited weapons
25380 MASDESGW.ZIP 1,7 kt 25.09.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
Mass Destruction Game Wizard Table
66000 MAV-MPMC.ZIP 1302 02.04.1995 - - -
66001 MAV-X2MC.ZIP 2476 02.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
25381 MCRP.ZIP 112,4 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Mech Commander Magic Trainer (v2)
25382 MCSAVE.ZIP 11,5 kt 22.09.1998 - 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso -
Mech Commander Savegame Modified Savegame from the beginning of the g
25383 MCTRAIN.ZIP 49,8 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Mech Commander Trainer Unlimited Money.
25384 MDKDOSTR.ZIP 1,6 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
MDK Trainer 4 DOS. Run it once to patch your mdk.exe. Run again to unpatch it.
25385 MEDTRAIN.ZIP 157,9 kt 22.09.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Get Medieval trainer
25386 MHTRN.ZIP 191,2 kt 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
25387 MISSION1.ZIP 338,3 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Mission Pack No. 1 cheat SaveGames
31407 MKC.ZIP 8410 13.12.1994 - 16622/Shareware Supreme Games.iso -
31408 MKII-TRN.ZIP 36622 24.02.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Interactive TSR Trainer for: MORTAL KOMBAT II
Options include:  Unlimited Kredits
Hold Player's Health
25388 MLNBAK.ZIP 147,9 kt 17.07.1998 renamed 17664/hot36.iso -
Wyvern Casino: Bikini Poker Trainer
25389 MLNXENT.ZIP 154,9 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Xenocracy Trainer Unlimited Money, Weapons, Shields, Ammo, and Reserve Power.
25390 MM6MONT.ZIP 269,6 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Might & Magic VI Trainer Unlimited Money.
25391 MMPOLICE.ZIP 791,1 kt 09.06.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness tweak Chicago Police with Jeep Wrangler This will give you 18 police cars in Midtown Madness existing of the Ford Crown Victoria Chicago Police, the Ford Mustang Chicago Police and the Police Jeep Wrangler in Singleplayer Cruise mode. 
25392 MMTRNRZR.ZIP 97,3 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Magic & Mayhem trainer
25393 MO2MTC.ZIP 114 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Mordor 2 Magic Trainer
29316 MOMHELP1.ZIP 14430 03.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Master of Magic Helper TSR V1.0 A TSR that
helps in the playing of Master of Magic
during game play.
31412 MOMON1_2.ZIP 11987 03.12.1996 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
MOMONEY money cheat v1.2 for MW2:
31414 MOO_TECH.ZIP 5875 03.12.1996 - 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO -
Microprose's MASTER OF ORION, By Lighthouse
Keeper, 1996. Greetings go to Angel Ariel
addres comments/questions to
ilans@inter.net.il The cheatre is freeware
and used 'as is'. No future versions or
enhancements are planned.
25394 MOTOTRN.ZIP 111,7 kt 26.05.1998 - 22061/SSERVCD_58A.bin -
Motoracer Magic Trainer (+1)
25395 MOTSSAVE.ZIP 883,3 kt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
Mysteries of the Sith cheat - All Savegames
25396 MSRATRN.ZIP 669,5 kt 22.09.1998 - 22065/secret_service_6001.iso -
MS Return of Arcade Trainer
25397 MTG13_MG.ZIP 111,8 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Magic: The Gathering Trainer for v1.3
25398 MTG2SHAN.ZIP 114,2 kt 26.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
MTG2: Duels of the Planeswalkers: Shandular Magic Trainer (+4)
25399 MTGSA13.ZIP 27,7 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
25400 MYTHTRN.ZIP 115 kt 02.04.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Myth Magic Trainer
25401 N2PATCH.ZIP 14,5 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Need for Speed 2 Cheat Patch
25402 NBA99TR8.ZIP 142,6 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
"NBA Live99 trainer cheat"
31417 NBCCMCHT.ZIP 8844 19.01.1996 - - -
25403 NBLOWTR.ZIP 106,3 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
OutWars Trainer + 3
25404 NITROTRN.ZIP 112,4 kt 02.04.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Interstate ´76 Nitro Pack +7 Trainer  for all Taurus scenarios and cars
31420 NOMAD.ZIP 5961 28.08.1996 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
Nomad 6+ Trainer
25405 NSCIGIIT.ZIP 130,1 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactica 2 trainer Special Features:  Unlimited Money. 
25406 OGNACTRN.ZIP 36,4 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Ancient Conquest trainer
25407 OGNASTRN.ZIP 37,3 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Asteroids trainer
25408 OGNB2TP1.ZIP 37,1 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23166/Gamestar_02_1999-02_cd1.bin -
Blood 2 trainer
25409 OGNCMTRN.ZIP 35,6 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23166/Gamestar_02_1999-02_cd1.bin -
Cybermercs trainer
25410 OGNH2TRN.ZIP 36,5 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Heretic 2 trainer
25411 OGNM2CHT.ZIP 581 tavua 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Myth 2 trainer
25412 OGNTHTRN.ZIP 37,4 kt 29.01.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23166/Gamestar_02_1999-02_cd1.bin -
Thief: The Dark Project trainer
25413 OGNUFTRN.ZIP 2,7 kt 29.01.1999 - 23177/Gamestar_03_1999-03_cd1.bin -
Ultrafighters trainer
25414 OP2_TRN.ZIP 111,8 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Outpost 2 trainer
25415 OTPT2TRN.ZIP 18,8 kt 24.09.1997 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Outpost 2 Trainer +4
25416 OUTW4T.ZIP 139,4 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Outwars Trainer Unlimited Ammo, Jets, Armor, and Biostats.
25417 P2E.ZIP 27,1 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Privateer  - Cheat Editor v2.1
25418 PDM-KOTR.ZIP 947 tavua 06.05.1998 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
25419 PDMLOMTR.ZIP 229 kt 27.02.1998 - 17664/hot36.iso -
Lords of Magic Trainer
25420 PDMP2TRN.ZIP 104,5 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
PANDEMONIUM 2 Trainer +3
25421 PDMSBITR.ZIP 11,1 kt 29.01.1999 - 23166/Gamestar_02_1999-02_cd1.bin -
Speed Busters trainer
25422 PDMSWRTR.ZIP 9,2 kt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
Star Wars Rebellion Trainer +2 Mark 2
25423 PPBRTRN.ZIP 112,5 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Big Race USA Pinball trainer
67483 PSD-JAZ.ZIP 29742 14.12.1994 - - -
67484 PSD-PST.ZIP 26154 14.12.1994 - - -
67504 PSYCHOTR.ZIP 2460 06.05.1995 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Psycho Pinball Unlimited Balls Trainer
67561 PX-TRN.ZIP 17066 14.12.1994 - 4350/ClassicFond04.iso -
+12 DUAL-PLAY option trainer for PROJECT X
67583 QFG3TRN.ZIP 8367 14.12.1994 - 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-386-Vol-2of3.iso -
Quest for Glory III trainer
25425 QIN-END.ZIP 28 kt 26.05.1998 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
QIN: Tomb/Middle Kingdom Final Savegame cheat
25424 QIN2-END.ZIP 27,8 kt 26.05.1998 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
QIN: Tomb/Middle Kingdom Alternate Final Savegame cheat
67680 R2-TRN.ZIP 12386 14.12.1994 - - -
Transport Tycoon +2 Money Trainer
67681 R2LK-T.ZIP 9306 07.01.1995 - - -
Lion King +3 trainer
67682 R2RISTRN.ZIP 5507 14.12.1994 - 21831/Plex6.mdf -
Rise of The Robots +1 option trainer
67683 R2SFTRN.ZIP 8125 07.01.1995 - 21831/Plex6.mdf -
Super Frog +3 Trainer
28209 RA-CHEAT.ZIP 14618 16.12.1996 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Cheat for Red Alert
25426 RA-TRN.ZIP 16,6 kt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
C&C: Red Alert (Ultimate Trainer!)
28210 RACHEAT.ZIP 18227 20.12.1996 - 17214/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Red Alert.iso -
Cheat for Red Alert *NON-PWA RELEASE*
40720 RAMONEY.ZIP 5734 18.12.1996 - 17214/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Red Alert.iso -
C&C Red Alertin rahahuijaus
67794 RBSTERTR.ZIP 7996 08.04.1995 - - -
X-COM Terror Of The Deep <+14>
Trainer Coded by Lone Ranger 3/28/95
25427 REBMAT.ZIP 111,7 kt 26.05.1998 - 22061/secret_service_58a01.iso -
Star Wars: Rebellion Magic Trainer (+1)
25428 REQ_TRN.ZIP 113,9 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Requiem: Avenging Angel trainer cheat
25429 RETFIMTC.ZIP 113,4 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Return Fire + 11 Trainer
25430 RISLAND.ZIP 112,1 kt 03.03.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Rising Lands Trainer +3 Gives you unlimited Scrap Metal, Food & Stones.
25431 RISTR10.ZIP 23,4 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Rising Lands Trainer (for v1.0)
25432 RMX4TRN.ZIP 139,9 kt 22.09.1998 - 22065/secret_service_6001.iso -
Rockman X4a Trainer
25433 ROGUEE11.ZIP 108 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Star Wars Rogue Squadron savegame editor
25434 ROR_TRN.ZIP 68,1 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
AOE: Rise of Rome Trainer Unlimited Food, Wood, Stone, Gold.
25435 RRALLTRA.ZIP 2,4 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Redline Racer (c) Ubisoft All tracks, All bikes, All Animals patch.
25436 RRTRAI.ZIP 67,9 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Robo Rumble trainer
25437 RTKTRN.ZIP 113,8 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Return to Krondor Trainer
25438 RWTTRAIN.ZIP 166,6 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Rampage World Tour BETA Trainer
25439 RZRACTRN.ZIP 78,3 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Alpha Centauri trainer
25440 RZRAPSTN.ZIP 490,1 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Adidas Power Soccer 98 Trainer
25441 RZRAPTRN.ZIP 124,7 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Addiction Pinball TRAINER
25442 RZRARTRN.ZIP 388,4 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
ArA NGC 6937 Trainer
25443 RZRBWTRN.ZIP 128 kt 19.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Beast Wars Trainer
25444 RZRBZTRN.ZIP 168,5 kt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
BattleZone +6 Trainer
25445 RZRCMTRN.ZIP 171,7 kt 17.07.1998 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Agent-988556 FOUND 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Commandos Trainer Unlimited Ammo, First Aid, Energy.
25446 RZRD2KTN.ZIP 211,1 kt 22.09.1998 väärä koko archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Dune 2000 Trainer Unlimited Spice; Skip Level; Reveal Map.
25447 RZRDUTRN.ZIP 127 kt 19.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Descent to Undermountain v1.2 TRAINER
25448 RZRFSS99.ZIP 170,2 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Fox Sports Soccer 99 Trainer
25449 RZRICTRN.ZIP 181 kt 17.07.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Incubation +7+17 Trainer (c) Blue Byte
25450 RZRIGTRN.ZIP 1,4 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Industry Giant (c) IMagic    TRAINER
25451 RZRLLTRN.ZIP 128,2 kt 19.05.1998 - 22063/SSERVCD_59A.bin -
Lucky Luke +6 TRAINER
25452 RZRM2TRN.ZIP 85,4 kt 22.09.1998 - 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso -
M.A.X 2 Trainer
25453 RZRMIBTN.ZIP 163,1 kt 19.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Men In Black Trainer
25454 RZRMK4.ZIP 83,2 kt 17.07.1998 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Flashkiller-2 FOUND MBCD -
Mortal Kombat 4 Trainer
25455 RZRMM3TN.ZIP 170,4 kt 17.07.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Micro Machines v3 Trainer
25456 RZRMTR.ZIP 440,1 kt 26.05.1998 - MBCD -
Might & Magic VI Trainer
25457 RZRPJTRN.ZIP 308 kt 22.09.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
Project Aidos Trainer
25458 RZRRASIX.ZIP 160,7 kt 22.09.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Rainbow Six Trainer Unlimited Shots, Flashbacks.
25459 RZRROMTN.ZIP 193,5 kt 22.09.1998 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
"Rage of Mages Trainer EarnN Train; Buy for Free in Shop."
25460 RZRSHTRN.ZIP 144,2 kt 22.09.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Spearhead Trainer
25461 RZRSNTRN.ZIP 168,9 kt 17.07.1998 - 22594/Hrac_22_1998-06_cd.bin -
Sanitarium Trainer
25462 RZRSSTRN.ZIP 252,5 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
"Sensible Soccer98 Trainer"
25463 RZRSYTRN.ZIP 162,5 kt 19.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Seven Years of War            TRAINER
25464 RZRTSTRN.ZIP 337,6 kt 17.07.1998 - 22409/xeniatgm45.iso -
Total Soccer Trainer
25465 S2-UHS.ZIP 16,8 kt 24.09.1997 - - -
Settlers II UHS-file
25466 SANDCRKS.ZIP 43,4 kt 30.06.1997 - MBCD -
Sand Warriors cheats - unpack these into your game subdirectory.
25467 SC-MTC.ZIP 113,1 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Starcraft Trainer Unlimited Resources.
28269 SC2CHT11.ZIP 8716 12.01.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
SimCity 2000  v1.1 cheat
modify any SimCity 2000 city to have over $2
billion dollars.
68206 SC3-TRN.ZIP 15550 08.11.1996 - - -
25468 SGC.ZIP 424542 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Super Game Cheat v5.00 Copyright (C)1995-96
Darrin Ackerman. All Rights Reserved. Super
Game Cheat is a DOS based program to view
cheats, codes, deb backdoors, and more for
453 PC based games.  Easy to use, nice int
and many other features.  Cost is US$10.
This is the shareware ve Visit the SGC WWW
25469 SHIV2-E.ZIP 50,8 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Shivers 2 Final Savegame cheat
25470 SIMSATR.ZIP 62,9 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Sim Safari Trainer
25471 SIMSTRN.ZIP 106,8 kt 05.06.2000 - - -
The Sims trainer. Special Features:  Add Money, Skip to Next Day. 
31427 SIMTWTR.ZIP 9012 06.05.1995 - - -
Money Trainer & Install Fix for - SimTower
25472 SPB-UHS.ZIP 30,9 kt 24.09.1997 - - -
Space Bar UHS File
25473 SPDMTC.ZIP 114,8 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
SpeedBoat Attack +2 Trainer
25474 SPIREUGE.ZIP 5,8 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
"Battlespire character editor modules for use with Universal Game Editor 1.0 ! Edit your characters nameclassskillsattributesspell point multiplierand wounds (health). REQUIRES the separate UGE 1.0 program to run. See README.TXT +Created by Ken Bakerjerry_fletcher@hotmail.com"
25475 SS2.ZIP 538 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Samurai Spirits 2 PC version game data save file. just double click it in ur file manager Stryker Wang IRC: #chinesecafe #chinesegb #gbinfow gamesoft@public3.bta.net.cn
25476 SSSC-TRN.ZIP 133,9 kt 22.09.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
Small Soldiers Trainer
25477 STOWER.ZIP 20,1 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
SimTower Money & Star editor Allows you to change your star value and the amount of money that you have.
31433 SWARSTRN.ZIP 16950 25.11.1996 - 23049/cdactioncoverdisc52.iso -
Syndicate Wars In-Game Trainer
Koulemattomat agentit seka loputtomat rahat
25478 SWAT2TRN.ZIP 80,7 kt 22.09.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
SWAT 2 trainer
25479 SWPMT.ZIP 102,4 kt 24.05.1999 - - -
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. Trainer. Unlimited health.
31434 SWTRAIN.ZIP 5845 21.03.1995 - - -
Trainer For EPIC's Solar Winds Game
25480 TA20B1.ZIP 112,3 kt 26.05.1998 renamed 17664/hot36.iso -
Total Annihilation Trainer (for v2.0 beta 1)
25481 TA3TRN.ZIP 88,8 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Total Annihilation Trainer for v3.0
25482 TEKWART.ZIP 2 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Tekwar Trainer
31438 TEKWRPL.ZIP 3789 19.01.1996 - - -
25483 TENKAT.ZIP 114 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Tenka Magic Trainer +3
25484 THHO-UHS.ZIP 26,6 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
Theme Hospital UHS File
25485 THID122T.ZIP 114,3 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project (DEMO) trainer
25486 THOSPTRN.ZIP 108,8 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Theme Hospital Save Game Cheater
31442 TOMB-TRN.ZIP 19100 05.12.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Tomb Raider trainer
25487 TP97_MTC.ZIP 112,3 kt 02.04.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
"Triple Play97 Magic Trainer"
25488 TP98_MTC.ZIP 112,3 kt 02.04.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
"Triple Play98 Magic Trainer"
69302 TPMONEY.ZIP 14211 14.12.1994 - - tupla
Theme Park Money Trainer
25489 TR2_MTC.ZIP 112,4 kt 02.04.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Tomb Raider 2 Magic Trainer
25490 TR2SGE.ZIP 4,7 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider 2 Save Game Editor
25491 TRG-ESTR.ZIP 147,5 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Excessive Speed trainer
25492 TRG-EXTR.ZIP 218,9 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Extreme G2 trainer
25493 TRG-GTTR.ZIP 147,5 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Grand Touring trainer
25494 TRG-MHTN.ZIP 129,2 kt 19.05.1998 - 22408/xeniatgm44.iso -
Motorhead +1 - Lap Skipping trainer
25495 TRG-PC1.ZIP 112,4 kt 19.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Trainer:  Plane Crazy UNLIMITED CREDITS
25496 TRG-SPTR.ZIP 113,4 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Spins trainer
25497 TRG-TNTR.ZIP 113,5 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Tiny Trails trainer
25498 TRG-TUNM.ZIP 147,4 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project trainer
25499 TRG-WTRN.ZIP 134 kt 22.09.1998 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Wetrix Trainer
69411 TRN!FT.ZIP 5136 24.02.1995 renamed 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
25500 TSMACDEM.ZIP 139 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Alpha Centauri DEMO trainer
25501 UCFRESEV.ZIP 8,4 kt 26.11.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
25502 UFOSA20.ZIP 110,6 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
X-Com Savegame Editor v2.20
25503 UGC1097A.ZIP 64 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
UGC October 1997 add-on packs I & II. Adds bunch of modures for new games to be cheated.
25504 UGC2971.ZIP 333,9 kt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
UGC v2.97 beta 2 Ultimate Game Cheater v2.97 Release 1. Created by Cosa Aranda. Copyright (C) 1997 by ARC Soft II. DOS.
25505 UHS-D4.ZIP 2,8 Mt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Universal Hint System - 165 datafiles
25506 UL2K-NMC.ZIP 87,1 kt 12.01.1998 - - -
Nightmare Creatures Trainer
25507 UNTA2KT2.ZIP 138,3 kt 17.07.1998 - 22594/Hrac_22_1998-06_cd.bin -
AstroRock 2000 Trainer
25508 UNTHHBTR.ZIP 138,1 kt 17.07.1998 - 22594/Hrac_22_1998-06_cd.bin -
Ancient Evil Trainer
25509 UPRISTR.ZIP 7,5 kt 24.12.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Uprising save game trainer use by copying the exe into save dir
25510 USM98TR.ZIP 50,7 kt 22.09.1998 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Ultimate Soccer Manager 98 trainer
69610 UUSATRN.ZIP 6290 14.12.1994 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Ultima UW I trainer
69613 UW2TRN.ZIP 6907 14.12.1994 - 21894/Image.bin -
Traineri Underworld 2:seen
69775 VODTRUNT.ZIP 5378 14.12.1994 - scene.org -
Veil Of Darkness trainer
69867 W-DES.ZIP 6565 25.08.1995 - - -
25523 WAR-PCUT.ZIP 1,1 kt 22.09.1998 - 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso -
Plane Crazy (US) trainer
25511 WAR2HSAV.ZIP 297323 17.12.1995 - 19199/Action Ware 2.iso -
Warcraft II save games.
All the human missions.
Each Mission is saved
just as it is completed.
25512 WAR2ORCS.ZIP 264218 17.12.1995 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
WarCraft II save games.
ALL 14 ORC missions.
All 14 save games were
saved just as the mission
starts and I've done a little
work on the save files to give
you over 1,000,000 gold, lumber
and oil in each one.
25513 WARECHTR.ZIP 113,4 kt 22.09.1998 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Echelon trainer
25514 WARECTRA.ZIP 113,4 kt 24.09.1998 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Evil Core Trainer
25515 WARFOFTR.ZIP 1,9 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Fields of Fire Trainer
25516 WARFORTR.ZIP 143,4 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Forsaken *TRAINER +7* (C): ACCLAIM 1998
25518 WARG-SGE.ZIP 127 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Wargasm editor
25517 WARGALTR.ZIP 113,4 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Race to Galamax trainer
25519 WARHEXTR.ZIP 114,9 kt 17.07.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Hexplore Trainer
25520 WARHODTR.ZIP 113,5 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
House of the Dead Trainer
25521 WARINCT.ZIP 14,9 kt 24.12.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
War Inc. saved game trainer +2 use by copying it into the saved games dir
25522 WARMZRTR.ZIP 111,8 kt 22.09.1998 - 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso -
"Montezumas Return Trainer"
25524 WARPS98F.ZIP 113,9 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
Pinball Soccer 98 Trainer
25525 WARROBTR.ZIP 113,6 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Robo Rumble Trainer
25526 WARSMTRN.ZIP 149,4 kt 02.04.1998 - scene.org -
25527 WARSO11T.ZIP 114,1 kt 17.07.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Spec Ops Trainer (for v1.1) Unlimited Time, Ammo, Health, and Shield.
25528 WARTR3TR.ZIP 113,4 kt 29.01.1999 - 23166/Gamestar_02_1999-02_cd1.bin -
Tomb Raider 3 trainer
25529 WARWH21T.ZIP 113,5 kt 17.07.1998 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Warheads Trainer (for v2.1)
25530 WC98TRN.ZIP 171,2 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
"World Cup98 Trainer"
70016 WEMPIRET.ZIP 23214 14.12.1994 - - -
World Empire trainer
25531 WET_MTC.ZIP 114,1 kt 19.05.1998 - 23030/cdactioncoverdisc25a1998.iso -
WET: Sexy Empire Magic Trainer (+5)
25532 WG-TRAIN.ZIP 190,5 kt 22.09.1998 - 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso -
WarGames Trainer
25533 WHPATCH.ZIP 16,9 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Warhammer: Dark Omen Saved Game Editor.
25534 WL3CHEAT.ZIP 48,3 kt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Warlords III - Saved Game Editor Desc:  Gives 32000 gold pieces to be used only with campaign missions against the computer.
25535 WRITHPI.ZIP 38 kt 26.11.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
This program get all the files from the Total Annihilation .HPI-files Totala1.hpi / Totala2.hpi / Totala3.hpi / Tot just try it, and then get all the sounds and  from the game ! This is a good start for making an editor for examples of 2 files are joined. Ericd45@aol.com - Orleans / France
25536 WWCHEAT.ZIP 3,5 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
\\Wacky Wheels Cheat 1.0With this you can do some extra tricks while driving - jump , use boosts and shoot 
your enemies with 99 ice cubes!!!!!! Done by The Lawnmover Man from Loop Group.
29379 XALTER.ZIP 119396 16.11.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
xALTER: XCOM (UFO) Soldier Attribute
Customizer (version 1.0)
25537 XCOM3C95.ZIP 111,5 kt 25.09.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
X-Com 3: Apocalypse Save Game Cheat
25538 XCOMITRN.ZIP 170,4 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
X-Com: Interceptor Trainer
29382 XCOMUT43.ZIP 43009 03.12.1996 - - -
X-COM Utilities 4.3 (for X-COM I & II)
40733 XCOMWPN2.ZIP 21726 24.04.1995 - - -
Muutama parempi ase UFO:n.
25539 XMENTRN.ZIP 2,7 kt 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
X-men - Children of the atom - TRAINER.
31183 XWCHEAT.ZIP 11755 14.11.1996 - ACS001.ISO (Arsenal Computer Popular Request 1) -
X-Wing fighter in-game trainer v1.2 +
mission editor
25540 YODA_MTC.ZIP 114,9 kt 02.04.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Yoda stories + 3 Trainer Yoda Stories + 3 Trainer done by Voodoo Child using
70504 ZOOL-T.ZIP 12166 14.12.1994 - - tupla
ZOOL II   +3 Trainer
31456 ZTRN.ZIP 14743 27.10.1996 - - -
The Z trainer. Adds Quickbuild and Levelskip.
60907 ARMOR052.ZIP 142919 24.07.1996 - - -
Armored Assault - On-Line Gamesin internet
multiplayer tankkipelin pääteversio. Vaatii
DOS/386/ 4 Mt/VGA/SB.
31190 ART024V9.ARJ 3999400 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Viralliset lisägrafiikat internetissä
pelattavaan monen pelaajan
lentosimulaattoriin. Resoluutio 1024x728.
V.9. Osa 1/3.
60911 ART1V12.A01 3038917 07.12.1996 - - -
Warbirds - 640x480 graphics V12. 2/2
60912 ART1V12.ARJ 3299200 07.12.1996 - - -
Warbirds - 640x480 graphics V12. ICI. 1/2
Includes the new graphics for V1.10 update.
60913 ART3V12.A01 2999200 07.12.1996 - - -
Warbirds - 1024x768 graphics V12 2/5
60914 ART3V12.A02 2999200 07.12.1996 - - -
Warbirds - 1024x768 graphics V12 3/5
60915 ART3V12.A03 2999200 07.12.1996 - - -
Warbirds - 1024x768 graphics V12 4/5
60916 ART3V12.A04 2050788 07.12.1996 - - -
Warbirds - 1024x768 graphics V12 5/5
60917 ART3V12.ARJ 2999200 07.12.1996 - - -
Warbirds - 1024x768 graphics V12 1/5
Includes the new plane graphics for V1.10
update. ICI.
25025 AWLEVY.ZIP 641094 10.11.1994 - - -
Air Warrior oheislevy
Sisältää karttoja, aputekstejä, elokuvia
yms, joista on hyötyä sekä noviisille
että asiantuntevalle Air Warrior-pilotille
31199 AWMANU.A01 3552929 05.05.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warriorin manuaali Adobe
Acrobat-formaatissa. Osa 2/2.
31200 AWMANU.ARJ 4499443 05.05.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warriorin manuaali Adobe
Acrobat-formaatissa. Osa 1/2.
62121 CKMAP94G.ZIP 29735 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds * grayscale v.94 inflight map.
24309 ETHERPPP.ZIP 46,8 kt 26.11.1997 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar eritupla
"Kali DOS PPP-driver with instructions Merits etherppp."
31220 FUNLAND.EXE 3177732 18.06.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
Funland. Mahdollistaa monien erilaisten
pelien, esimerkiksi shakin, pelaamisen
31224 IPXSTP11.ZIP 16463 15.08.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
IPX Setup v1.1  This is a small modification
of the original IPXSETUP.EXE.  This version
corrects the problem of "OPEN SOCKET 0xFF"
when you try to reload IPXSETUP after
65509 KALI12W.EXE 358038 07.08.1996 - - -
Kali (for DOS)  What is Kali? Kali is the
largest Internet gaming system in the world
with over 30,000 users and 100 servers in 23
countries. Kali supports more games than any
other system. Games include Descent, Descent
2, Warcraft, Warcraft 2, Command & Conquer,
NetMech (DOS and Win95), EF2000, Top Gun,
Duke Nukem, Quake, Doom, Doom II, Heretic,
Hexen, Apache, Rise of the Triad, Terminal
Velocity, VR Pool, Super Karts, Mortal Combat
3, Big Red Racing, and several other games.
24310 KALI14A.EXE 197,8 kt 15.09.1997 - MBCD -
Kali (for DOS). What is Kali? Kali is the largest Internet gaming system in the world with over 30,000 users and 100 servers in 23 countries. Kali supports more games than any other system. Games include Descent, Descent 2, Warcraft, Warcraft 2, Command & Conquer, NetMech (DOS and Win95), EF2000, Top Gun, Duke Nukem, Quake, Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Apache, Rise of the Triad, Terminal Velocity, VR Pool, Super Karts, Mortal Combat 3, Big Red Racing, and several other games. The Kali system runs in DOS, Windows 95, and even OS/2. A Macintosh version is also under development.  The Kali Servers run on UNIX and Windows 95/NT machines and can each handle up to 400 users.
24311 KDOS110.ZIP 86,5 kt 03.09.1998 - MBCD -
Kahn v1.1 for DOS Kali-like software to play ANY IPX network supporting game over the Internet. Very efficient and fast, lag-minimizing programming. Search for Games, Users, and Servers anywhere in the Kahn Network 21 day free completely working demo version. Registering $15. StarGate Networks.
24312 MADMG16.ZIP 418,2 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
MADM GOLD version 1.6   1/16/97 The worlds fastest online gaming software! Kali -like IPX-game-to-Internet-network software. MADM the next generation in on-line gaming! Visit us on the web: http://www.madm.com
31254 NTRV100A.ZIP 3057001 22.06.1996 - - -
Nettrivia V1.00. Internetissä pelattava,
monen pelaajan tietovisailupeli.
24313 PYRO20.ZIP 1,1 Mt 27.04.1997 - MBCD -
Pyrosaurus - free version. "Build and train teams of vicious fire-breathing dinosaurs. Send them into battles against teams built by other players. The competition is fierce and personal, only the strong will survive." DOS, Win 3.x, and Windows 95 A new concept in online gaming.
31257 QUAKEPPP.ZIP 176741 27.08.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
a PPP Connection
31265 WAR2KALI.ZIP 3198 19.01.1996 - 22635/cd joystick 68 No10.iso -
performance when played over KALI (utility
simulating IPX network for multiplayer games
over Internet).
31276 WB-B17FQ.ZIP 4160 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds * UNOFFICIAL B17 instructions -Basic
flight info. -Bombing Instructions. -My Life
as a closet buffer.
69923 WB109NFO.ZIP 19300 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds * V1.09 ja aiempien päivitysten
selvitys, esittely ja aloitusohjeet, Direct-X
69941 WBDSSOL.ZIP 565686 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds - Solomons scenario front end for
69948 WBSDB109.ZIP 3186232 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds-yhteysohjelma V1.09 Dos Base install
69949 WBSDB110.ZIP 3608206 14.01.1997 - - -
Warbirds for DOS base/update V1.10 Internet
playable flight simulation. Does not contain
graphics - they must be downloaded
separately. ICI, www.icigames.com
69950 WBSDC109.A01 1456200 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds DOS yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete 2/6
69951 WBSDC109.A02 1456200 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds DOS yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete 3/6
69952 WBSDC109.A03 1456200 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds DOS yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete 4/6
69953 WBSDC109.A04 1456200 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds DOS yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete 5/6
69954 WBSDC109.A05 1053990 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds DOS yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete 6/6
69955 WBSDC109.ARJ 1456200 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds DOS yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete
install, sisältää 640x480 grafiikat. 1/6
24314 CC3MAPS.ZIP 5,9 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III overview maps. A collection of the CC3 overview maps in .JPG format
26869 CDSMAP.ZIP 567146 24.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Wizardry 7, Crusaders of the Dark Savant
walkthrough map set.
24315 DMMAPS.LZH 87703 16.02.1995 - - -
Dungeon Master kartat
24316 EOB1MAP.LZH 3935 26.01.1995 - - -
Eye of the Beholder maps
24317 FALL2MAP.ZIP 477,4 kt 01.01.1999 - - -
Fallout 2 World Map. In .JPG Format.
24318 MTLEV2.ZIP 810 kt 26.01.2001 - - -
Sisältää 22 Wings-pelin kenttää!  Tehnyt: Mika Tammi
68845 T2029MAP.ZIP 1769 14.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
Maps for Terminator 2029
60038 #1WACKY.ZIP 1664308 17.10.1994 - MBCD -
Wacky Wheels v1.1 from Apogee!
386 (or higher) w/2 Megs REQUIRED!
A high-speed, VGA 3D point-of-view, full
screen racing game. Shareware version has 5
race tracks plus specialty tracks for shoot
outs. Also, two player mode via split screen
at same PC, or via modem or serial cable.
Many options & features. Killer MIDI music &
digital sounds supporting most top boards.
Joystick, save games, cheats, it's all here!
The full game has 42 tracks & eight racers.
24324 1RAL11.ZIP 6958642 08.10.1996 - MBCD -
Shareware from Apogee Software
A death race! And you're road kill unless you
can battle your way to the top ranking and
beat the baddest of them all--the Adversary!
The best top-down racing game on the PC has
it all: 3D graphics, cool cars, weapons,
voices, underground market, furious tracks,
even Duke Nukem himself! Made by Remedy Ent.
Supports modem/LAN/serial muliplayer games.
Many, many options and cool features!
24319 1RAL11A.ZIP 1139657 08.10.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Shareware from Apogee Software
Part #1 of 5. Also needs #1RAL11B,C,D,&E.ZIP.
A death race! And you're road kill unless you
can battle your way to the top ranking and
beat the baddest of them all--the Adversary!
The best top-down racing game on the PC has
it all: 3D graphics, cool cars, weapons,
voices, underground market, furious tracks,
even Duke Nukem himself! Made by Remedy Ent.
Supports modem/LAN/serial muliplayer games.
24320 1RAL11B.ZIP 1456198 08.10.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Part #2 of 5. Also needs #1RAL11A,C,D,&E.ZIP.
24321 1RAL11C.ZIP 1456198 08.10.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Part #3 of 5. Also needs #1RAL11A,B,D,&E.ZIP.
24322 1RAL11D.ZIP 1456198 08.10.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Part #4 of 5. Also needs #1RAL11A,B,C,&E.ZIP.
24323 1RAL11E.ZIP 1454570 08.10.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Part #5 of 5. Also needs #1RAL11A,B,C,&D.ZIP.
24325 ACROSS12.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.04.1998 - MBCD -
Action SuperCross 1.2  is a  motorbike simulation game, based on a  real physical model. You must navigate through the various  stages on your bike. 16 levels and a level editor are included. Requires DOS 5.0, 486DX-33, 16MB, VESA SVGA and a mouse. Supports SoundBlaster.
30361 BURNERS.ARJ 94208 23.12.1994 - - -
Trail-Burners - tapa vastustajat EGtA
1-4 pelaajaa
30363 CARAC100.ZIP 228824 07.11.1995 - MBCD -
Car Racer  Version 1.00 Copyright (c) 1993,95
Dietmar Meschede  A game for FOUR player. Ein
Autorennen für VIER Spieler. UniVESA 5.1B
24326 CRC130SW.ZIP 1422639 23.10.1996 - miscfindos.zip -
Crazy Racing V1.3
24327 DDRIV20.ZIP 913,3 kt 25.11.1999 - MBCD -
"Dangerous Driving v2.0 by Dog Breath Systems 4 wheel drive racing game. A bit differentvery fun and lightweight touch on the racing genre. For 1/2 players. Your goal is simply to drive your makeshiftspeedsteraround the course three timeswithout flipping over. Controls are configurable and the graphics are downright impressive for such a small game. Program comes with a level editor. DOS 6.0Pentium 100."
30468 EURO11.ZIP 275257 30.03.1996 repacked archive.org -
║                     ║
║      EURORACER      ║
║                     ║
║   Täysi versio 1.1  ║
║Min.486 dx/33, hiiri ║
║      MCGA/VGA       ║
║Arcade ajopeli, jossa║
║mukana sponsorointia ║
║   ja varustelua!    ║
63992 F2000.ZIP 590354 23.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
┌FORMULA 2000 - (c)1996 Spark Developments┐
Multi-directional scrolling arcade
race game, fast paced gameplay, 256
colour VGA graphics. WELL ABOVE average
shareware game, includes 3 tracks of
varying difficulty.  Released April 96.
reqs: 386+, VGA, SB/SB16/SBPro/GUS/SS.
64096 FF10.ZIP 673385 03.12.1996 renamed archive.org -
--------Fatal Fumes 1.0-------- A Brilliant
CAR RACING game by Abax Software from
FINLAND! -Incredible steering touch and
intelligent opponents to race against. -Full
screen 256 color parallax scrolling at
incredible 70 fps combined with crystal clear
six channel digital music will really knock
your socks off! -486/33+ and SB or compatible
sound card recommended for maximum enjoyment.
24328 FF110S.EXE 912,8 kt 29.06.1997 - MBCD -
           * FATAL FUMES v1.10 *           (c) 1997 Jussi Koskela A superb overhead racing car game from Finland. Featuring: * 70 FPS full screen parralax scrolling * 6 channel digital music + speech * Excellent playability * Enjoyable multiscreen tracks * Commentator voice * Individual opponents with portraits * Adjustable game speed * 35 multiscreen tracks in the   registered version   and more!!
24329 FNLSPRNT.ZIP 233,1 kt 06.08.1999 - - -
Final Sprint Beta 0.1 Classic retro remake. We started programming Final Sprint because we love the Atari ST game Super Sprint (made by Electric Dreams). We started in 1996 with it, it is programmed in 100% assembler. It runs in 640 x 480 256 colors, at the moment the game is playable with 2 players on one track. 486, 16 Mb, VESA 2.0 videocard.
24330 HOVERSW.ZIP 2,9 Mt 30.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Hoverski Shareware from Intense Games. Top-down perspective racing game. Youll take your Hoverski over all sorts of zany tracks and jumps. 4864MB. DOS or Win95."
30568 JUMPER.ZIP 165344 22.10.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
JUMPER DUDE! A Motorcycle Arcade Game!
This arcade style game requires you to
skillfully drive 1 of 2 motorcycles down a
track and over obstacles at speeds reaching
150mph! Requires EGA or VGA.  A 386 or
higher processor is recommended.  Shareware
Version from PC Specialists.  FUN - Check it
24331 KIIHDYTS.ZIP 860,9 kt 26.05.2001 renamed kiihdytys.net -
Kiihdytys 1.3 Yksinkertainen autokiihdytyspeli, jossa ostetaan auto, viritellään sitä ja kisaillaan toisia autoja vastaan. Tekijä Tony Rasmus. 
24332 KUOLOGE.ZIP 2,8 Mt 26.05.2001 - - -
Kuolo Golden Edition Eräänä päivänä Einari tulee hulluksi ja lähtee kadulle yliajamaan eläimiä... Tässä simppelissä autopelissä ajetaan kaiken mahdollisen yli ja yritetään olla osumatta seiniin. 
65639 LAPA125B.ZIP 14919 13.11.1995 - - -
║ ╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╦╦╔╗╬╔╗
║ ╔╣║║╔╣║║║╔╣║║║
╚═╚╝╠╝╚╝╚╚╚╚╝╚╚╝ 1.25b
30598 LIMFRICT.ZIP 1478655 16.11.1995 - - -
Limited Friction - top down scrolling driving
game for 1-4 players. Req. 486sx+
30730 PWORM21G.ZIP 211815 24.11.1995 - MBCD -
Pizza Worm 2.1G (C) Zorlim 1995
game ever seen on computer screen! And what
makes this even better? This is FREEWARE
game! Now take a look at this. You will
really love this game!  (Warning this game is
very addictive)
30740 RALLY.ZIP 2094818 17.11.1995 - MBCD -
PC RALLY Entertainment program based in the
rallies competitions. Now, with PC RALLY it
is possible fully enjoy this competition
thanks to the care used in achieving their
multiple options and the realism of their
graphic and movements, that will enjoy
through options included in this shareware
24333 RALLYS.ZIP 451,1 kt 27.04.1997 - MBCD -
RALLY-SPORT Free demo. Vector-graphics-based 3D rallying game. Features: * Racing against computer driver, * day- and night-time conditions * jumps and roll-overs * sliding and collisions * crowd * 3 different track types * ...and a lot more for you to find out! Req. 486 DOS 2 MB by Jukka Jäkälä
39407 RATOJA.ZIP 21899 23.11.1994 - MBCD -
Ratoja Stuntsiin
24334 RC039.ZIP 739457 15.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
RallyCross 039 Arcade, Racing Cars view from
top - MsDos by Antoniazzi Stefano
 multiplayer funny
simple race game SVGA graphics, mouse
required, possible 4 players with 2 gamepads
and keyboard, soundblaster optional, VESA
driver required. 6 cars (computer or human
control), 4 tracks in the demo version,
editor after registering, championship.
Shareware $10.
24335 RCBETA55.ZIP 7184761 31.08.1996 - MBCD -
Rally Challenge-rallipelin Beta-versio 0.55.
DOS. 486DX2 or better, VGA or SVGA.
24336 RDR141.ZIP 1,3 Mt 17.03.2000 - miscfindos.zip -
 Raisu Drag Racing  1.41 Final Made by Tuomo Untinen Drive 12 different dragsters and tune your car and won the season. Real photos, great music. DOS.
30749 REISKA.ZIP 216164 15.08.1995 - MBCD -
Reiska vs. Repa - The Final version
The superb worm game by NobleSoft
24337 RP100SW.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.11.1999 - MBCD -
RacePlus  1.00 SW Fast paced racing game for up to 2 human players. Requirements: VESA 2.0 or emulated, P90 or better, 8 Mb RAM, 4 Mb free HD space. Supports: SB, GUS. More information at RacePlus Web Site http://www.saunalahti.fi/tlehtine/raceplus/
30798 SKART14.ZIP 1420730 10.11.1994 - MBCD -
Skunny Kart v1.3 Multiplayer - High Speed 3D
Racing Action! Play alone or challenge your
friends (on the same computer -split screen
mode). User adjustable speed, different
racing modes, multichannel sound effects (8
sounds mixed in real time). Drive
under-water, make jumps, hit the Turbo lanes,
avoid the holes, jump over the road. Plenty
of pickups: invisible, win time, lose time,
invincible, seeking missike, reduce me,
reduce opponents, ghosts, bombs, oil slicks,
24338 SKYROADS.ZIP 579,8 kt 19.05.2001 versio 3.30 discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
SkyRoadsIlmainen hurjastelupeli, jossa taitetaan matkaa 
taivaalle viritetyillä radoilla.
68450 SLIX130C.EXE 399065 31.12.1996 - - -
Slicks 'n Slide 1.30c
30816 SPEEDSHA.ZIP 2890791 15.12.1995 - MBCD -
│   SPEED HASTE V.1.00 Shareware    │
│      Great S/W racing game.       │
│ Choose Formula One or Stock cars, │
│ Two players on the same computer, │
│ multiplayer, IPX network, modem,  │
│          head-to-head.            │
│Incredible graphics, awesome music │
│    and amazing sound effects!     │
│  486 DX2-66, 4 Mb RAM, VGA/SVGA   │
39482 SS_RAD.ZIP 500890 07.01.1995 - - -
379 rataa Slick'n'Slideen
30830 SSPEED11.ZIP 262551 23.02.1996 - MBCD -
SUPER SPEED  v1.1.  This  speedy  car  racing
game  delivers pure  action  for  up to  four
players.  Challenge your  friends or  compete
against  the  computer's  drivers.   Eventful
tracks with all  the  obstacles  you  usually
prefer  not  to find  in real  life  driving.
Requires:  386+, VGA. Distributed by The Game
39483 SSRATOJA.ZIP 29694 07.12.1994 - MBCD -
24 uutta rataa Slick'n'Slideen
39494 ST-TRACK.ZIP 21961 26.01.1995 - - -
Lisäratoja Stunts-peliin
39492 STRADAT.ZIP 43071 26.01.1995 - - -
Lisäratoja Stunts/4D Driving -peliin
39496 STUNTTRK.ZIP 2744 07.12.1994 - - -
Ratoja Stunts-peliin
68783 SUPERSPD.ZIP 508640 25.08.1995 - - -
Super Speed
This speedy miniature car racing game
delivers pure action for up to four players.
Challenge your friends or compete against the
computer drivers. Eventful tracks etc.
30849 SUPSPD12.ZIP 251086 09.02.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
S U P E R  S P E E D
Version 1.1. This speedy car racing game
delivers pure action for up to four
players. Challenge your friends or compete
against the computer's drivers. Eventful
30887 TR3.ZIP 562032 24.08.1996 - - -
TextRace 3 - a DEE game. * -The Return Of
TextRace- * v1.0 FREEWARE * Includes info on
30929 WIB3V10.ZIP 534425 15.08.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Wibbles III
D'India Software's latest SHAREWARE
masterpiece!  Wibbles III, the two player
caterpillar game with SVGA graphics! This
small game is hours of fun chomping your
friend!  A must have when two people are at
the same computer Wibbles III features 360
degree turning! REQUIRES: 1MB SVGA card, 386+
(486 rec.), Two Humans SUPPORTS: SB/GUS/PAS,
Null Modem
30936 WORM10.ZIP 152762 19.07.1995 - - -
Worm v1.0
Classical WORM-game Now support SoundBlaster
or compatible music-card FREEWARE !
30947 WURM.ZIP 56769 09.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Melko yksinkertaisella grafiikalla tehty ihan
hauska matopeli, omalla tavallaan vaativa.
30958 XMASUPSD.ZIP 265238 19.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Version 1.2. This speedy car racing game
delivers pure action for up to four players.
Challenge your friends or compete against the
computer's drivers. Eventful tracks with all
the obstacles you usually prefer not to find
in real life driving. Requires: 386+, VGA.
39540 !TRACKS!.ZIP 60320 24.03.1996 - - -
Pluto's Track to Slicks 'n' Slide... 27
25541 2LACROSS.EXE 177 kt 18.05.1998 - - -
"Action Supercross: Hells Jump ja HighCrushkaksi upeaa ja tarpeeksi haastavaa rataavaatii v1.2molemmista radoista mukana replayt. (c) Juha Toivokoski"
25542 2RATAA.ZIP 4,5 kt 08.06.1998 - - -
2 hienoa rataa Acrossiin: Vuoristorata ja Maastorata. Vaativat Acrossin version 1.2. Made and tested by: -Joge-
39104 326TRACK.ZIP 463641 06.05.1995 - - -
326 testattua rataa Slicksiin (yhdessä bugi)
Kaikissa mukana kilpailijat. Kaikki toimii
hyvin ainakin Slicks`n Sliden versiossa 1,286
39105 37TRACKS.UC2 64308 07.05.1996 - - -
Paketti sisältää ratoja Slixiin, jotka on
tehty versiolla 1.9D Radat ovat tehneet
Liljemark ja Sinisalo. Upi ihmeessä!!
25543 4ACTLEVS.ZIP 4,5 kt 07.01.1999 - - -
Tassa 4 hyvaa levelia Action Supercrossiin!
39111 57TRAX.ZIP 100471 14.01.1997 - - -
57 kpl ratoja Slicks 'n'
Slide >1.30 versioille.
25544 6PACK.ZIP 3,2 kt 21.07.1998 - - -
Action Supercross: SIX-PACK RATAPAKETTI Sisältää kuusi keskivaikeaa rataa mahtavaan crossipeliin. Vaatii pelin
25545 9LEVACRO.ZIP 54,3 kt 09.05.1998 - - -
"9 Levels for Acttion SuperCross v.1.2. Totally new ideas. From: Kim Westerberg Tracks: Dirt MountainHill of DangerHill of BloodTwisted Jail(totally new!)Maze of lawLets partyWeird StepsTheme Park and Triangle."
25546 AC_4LEV.ZIP 7,8 kt 02.05.1998 - - -
Action Supercross: Neljä erinnomaista kenttää Toimii vain 1.2 Copyright (C) 1998, Kim Blomqvist
25547 AC_HELL.ZIP 15,1 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
Action Supercross: Hell Roads 9 Makeeta ja haastavaa Rataa. On näkymättömiä esteitä , hyppyreitä , pudotuksia ja kaikenlaista ....  Hyvien ratojen ystäville !!!
25559 AC_THP.ZIP 39,9 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
9 Kimuranttia ACROSSin kenttää. By: Team HePu  1998 Vaatii Regiteröidyn ACROSS 1.2 ja paljon hermoja. Kentissä paljon vaikeutuksia mm. näkymättömiä seiniä.  Yhteystietoja: Heikki Marjo Heikki.Marjo@MbNet.fi  Ja  Anssi Purhonen AnssiP@artic.net  TAI TeamHePu@artic.net TeamHePu@hotmail.com  TAI Team HePu Valkeisentie 3 79700 Heinävesi
25548 ACLEVS.ARJ 3,2 Mt 08.05.1998 - - -
Action Supercross: 20 vaikeea sekä helppoa leveliä, mukana myös nauhat
25549 ACR001.ZIP 17,3 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
TUKO: Action Supercross radat v.001 : 12 upeaa rataa. Vaatii rekisteröidyn version. By : TUKO tuko@artic.net
25555 ACRLEV.ZIP 4,3 kt 02.05.1998 - - -
Action Supercross: CRLEV-3 ISOA leveliä Roar Softwarelta
25550 ACRLEV2.ZIP 2,7 kt 02.05.1998 - - -
Actio Supercross kenttiä 3 kpl TOSI ISOJA Roar Software
25554 ACRLEVS.ZIP 365,8 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
21 rataa Action SuperCrossiin. HUOM! Radat vaikenevat loppua kohden (siis meinaan että mitä isompi numero sitä vaikeampi rata). Vaatii version 1.2 Toimii myös rekistöröimät- tömässä versiossa, kunhan se vain on versio 1.2 Sisältää kaikki radat, saatavana myös erikseen. pakettien nimet: Acrlevs1.zip, Acrlevs2.zip, Acrlevs3.zip Lisää ratoja tulossa!
25551 ACRLEVS1.ZIP 4,5 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
7 rataa Action SuperCrossiin. HUOM! Radat vaikenevat loppua kohden (siis meinaan että mitä isompi numero sitä vaikeampi rata). Vaatii version 1.2 Toimii myös rekistöröimät- tömässä versiossa, kunhan se vain on versio 1.2 Ota myös lisää ratoja pakettien nimet on: Acrlevs2.zip, Acrlevs3.zip
25552 ACRLEVS2.ZIP 4,8 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
7 rataa Action SuperCrossiin. HUOM! Jatkoa paketista Acrlevs1.zip Radat vaikenevat loppua kohden (siis meinaan että mitä isompi numero sitä vaikeampi rata). Vaatii version 1.2 Toimii myös rekistöröimättömässä versiossa, kunhan se vain on versio 1.2 Paketissa mukana myös .rec filejä joistakin radoista. Jos olet missannut ekan paketin voit ottaa sen MBnetistä nimellä Acrlevs1.zip Muita paketteja: Acrlevs3.zip
25553 ACRLEVS3.ZIP 357,1 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
7 rataa Action SuperCrossiin. HUOM! Radat vaikenevat loppua kohden (siis meinaan että mitä isompi numero sitä vaikeampi rata). Vaatii version 1.2 Toimii myös rekistöröimät- tömässä versiossa, kunhan se vain on versio 1.2 Lisää Paketteja MBnetistä nimellä: Acrlevs1.zip, Acrlevs2.zip
25557 ACROSS_J.ZIP 341,3 kt 07.07.1998 - - -
4 upeaa Action Supercross v1.2 kenttää. Ramppi & vauhtipainoitteisia! Käyttävät SW-version rajoitukset loppuun saakka. Lukittuja. Mukana läpimenoreplayt.  tekijä: Jussi Sivonen email: jussi.sivonen@mbnet.fi
25556 ACROSSJC.ZIP 6,4 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
Tässä on 10 Action Supercross v1.2 -ratoja.
25558 ACROTOB1.ZIP 2,7 kt 02.12.1998 - - -
Action Supercross - kaksi häijyä rataa "hang0n" ja "wellhell". Ei mitään pikkunassejen räpellyksiä vaan kieroja kenkkuja vaativia haasteratoja. Tehnyt T.o.B/Byterapers
25560 ACT_LEVS.ZIP 7 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
Action Supercrossiin 2 tosi  laadukasta rataa. Et tule  pettymään. Kumpikin rata on testattu ja ne voi  päästä läpi (jos osaa). Made by: Rane
39120 AEATRK01.ARJ 9744 22.07.1996 - - -
Slicks n' Slide: AEA-radat 1-8. Vaatii 1.29:n
39121 AFRADAT.ZIP 41256 30.10.1996 - - -
11 rataa Slicksiin. Kaikissa tietokoneet
mukana. Versiolle 1.29+
25561 ALEVLS.ZIP 4,3 kt 26.04.1998 - - -
Action Supercross kenttiä 4 kappaletta ROAR Softwaren tekemiä kenttiä. Kentät isoja.
25562 ARFROZ99.ZIP 14,3 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Action Supercross-rata: Frozen. Ei liian helppo! Keskivaikea. Kesk.aika 3.20 min. By: Tupsu & Juho tuomaser@hotmail.com jps85@netti.fi
25569 AS-PAC1.ZIP 190,9 kt 10.12.1998 - - -
Action Supercross official track pack 01. contains 63 levels.
25570 AS-PAC2.ZIP 184,3 kt 10.12.1998 - - -
Action Supercross official track pack 02. contains 70 levels.
25565 ASC_TPK1.ZIP 1,1 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
Huippupakkaus Action SuperCross 1.2 versioon noin 390 huippurataa.
25566 ASC_TRAX.ZIP 65,7 kt 26.04.1998 - - -
Action Supercross: 16 todella hyvaa rataa versiolle 1.2
25563 ASCLEVP1.ZIP 3 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
Ratoja Action supercrossiin. 10 hyvää ja vaikeaa rataa haastetta kaipaaville. Sisältää myös recordit joka rataan. Made by Dennis & Saxi
25564 ASCLEVP2.ARJ 45,5 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
Action supercross leveleitä 12 kpl. Vaikeita ja haastavia ratoja!!! Tällä kertaa ei recordeja. Made by: Saxi & Dennis
25567 ASHURJA.ZIP 3 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
Action SuperCross: Hurjat, viisi hurjaa kenttaa. Toimii varmasti shareware versiossa, kunhan se vain on 1.2! Tehnyt: Kaj Lampio
25568 ASKURSSI.ZIP 8,2 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
Action SuperCross: KURSSIKENTÄT Vaatii v1.2. Kurssit tehtiin että näkisit millä tasolla olet Action SuperCross:in pelaamisessa jos pääset esim. ProKurssin läpi olet Pro-tason pelaaja. Tehnyt: Aleksi Myllyoja
25571 ASRADAT1.ZIP 2 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
Action Supercross -ratoja 3 kpl Tehty SW 1.2 versiolla. By: Riku Rauvala & Joni Helenius Rikun e-mail: riku_r@yahoo.com
25572 BIGONES.EXE 17 kt 20.04.1998 - MBCD -
Big ones - Ratoja Action Supercrossiin Kaksi SUURTA leveliä acrossiin. Tarvitset vähintään acrossin SW version 1.2!
25573 BMWMR_E.ZIP 2 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
"Need For Speed: High Stakes Car.  Since its introduction as the new Bond carBMWs highly praised Z3 roadster has thrilled owners with its dynamic performance and classic roadster lines. With the M roadsterthe Bavarian automobile maker decided to make a great thing even more muscular."
25574 BRANDS.ZIP 380,5 kt 10.07.1999 renamed 23942/PCGamer50_80Jogos.iso -
Grand Prix Legends Track This is the first track created for this sim that didnt ship with the game in version
25575 C_N_R.ZIP 356,1 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness track Cops & Robbers. The newest Cops & Robbers track released by Angel Studios. 
25576 DD-TRKS.ZIP 22,8 kt 14.03.1999 - - -
"The ULTIMATE track collection! 12 ERITTÄIN hyvää DD-rataa SlicksnSlide 1.30D:een. Tosi hyviätietokoneet ehkä voisivat olla parempiakinmutta who cares? Kopioi hetijos kaipaat hyviä ratoja!"
25577 EL-RAT.ZIP 114,9 kt 12.09.2000 - - -
14 Elastomania rataa + pari snapshottia. 
25578 EML3.ZIP 18,1 kt 04.05.2000 - - -
Elasto Mania Level Pack IIISisältää kenttiä Acrossin jälkeläiseen Elaston Maniaan. 
Tosi siistejä hyppyreitä joissa voi tehdä siistejä temppuja.
Nyt myös Half Pipeja. Tehnyt: Team Koistinen 2000.
25579 EMLP4.ZIP 15,3 kt 04.05.2000 - - -
Elasto Mania Level Pack IIIISisältää kenttiä Acrossin jäSlkeläiseen Elaston Maniaan. 
Tosi siistejä hyppyreitä joissa voi tehdä siistejä temppuja.
Nyt myös HalfPipeja. Mukana myös asennusohjeet. 
Tehnyt: Team Koistinen 2000
25580 EMLP5.ZIP 8,3 kt 04.05.2000 - - -
Elasto Mania Level Pack IVSisältää kenttiä Acrossin jälkeläiseen Elaston Maniaan. 
Tosi siistejä hyppyreitä joissa voi tehdä siistejä temppuja.
Nyt myös HalfPipeja. Mukana myös asennusohjeet. 
Tehnyt: Team Koistinen 2000.
25581 EMPACK26.ZIP 546 kt 10.05.2000 - - -
Elasto Mania levelpack. contains 94 levels (17 by shareware editor). 
25582 EMPACK27.ZIP 579,3 kt 10.05.2000 - - -
Elasto Mania levelpack. contains 156 levels (31 by shareware editor). 
25583 EMPACK29.ZIP 692,4 kt 10.05.2000 - - -
Elasto Mania levelpack. contains 176 levels (26 by shareware editor). 
25584 EMPL2.ZIP 16,2 kt 04.05.2000 - - -
Elasto Mania Level Pack IISisältää kenttäS Acrossin jälkeläSiseen Elaston Maniaan. 
Tosi siistejä hyppyreitä joissa voi tehdä siistejä temppuja.
Tehnyt: Team Koistinen 2000.
25585 F1SLICKS.ZIP 29,2 kt 27.04.1998 - - -
12 F1-rataa Slicksiin. Mukana mm. Suzuka, Monaco, Barcelona, Hockenheim, Estoril ja monta muuta! Imppaa heti! Antti Salonen
25586 GTAL1961.ZIP 6,8 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
Grand Theft Auto: London 1961 addon
25587 HARDASC.ZIP 2,5 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
Action Supercross: Viisi VAIKEAA tasoa v1.2:een. Toimivat myös rekisteröimättömässä versiossa.
39266 HARDTRAX.ZIP 25662 20.08.1996 - - -
Paketti sisältää 20 slicks rataa, jotka on
tehty siten, että tietokone olisi mahdolli-
simman hyvä. Tietokoneen autot antavat
parhaan vastuksen slicks-autoilla, muilla
ne saattavat eksyä radalta. Kannattaa
39287 HRADAT.ZIP 33771 20.04.1996 - - -
16 rataa Slicks 'N' Slideen. Tekijä: Leksa.
25588 JT-AS12.ZIP 3 kt 17.10.2000 - - -
Action Supercross lisõkentõt sisõltõõ kuusi aika helppoo rataa Action Supercross 1.2 peliin. Tehnyt Juho Tikkanen.
25589 KISAAKKI.ZIP 5,6 kt 01.10.1998 - - -
Action Supercross kisa rata... radassa onmonta huimaa kohtaa jossa vauhti menee päätä huimaavaksi!
25590 LEVELS.ZIP 7 kt 21.04.1998 - - -
Acrossiin muutamia kivoja ja hyviä kenttiä !
25591 LEVS.ZIP 4,4 kt 07.07.1998 - - -
Action Supercross: Kolme ennennäkemätöntä Across-leveliä. Sisältävät ennennäkemättömiä ideoita, leveli- suunnittelua ja haastavuutta! Ennennäkemätöntä! Ennennekönääkki By:Zacke (Vain ja ainoastaan
39321 MASATRAX.ZIP 11997 15.09.1996 - - -
5 Hienoa rataa
versio 1.29:ään
Made by: Matti H.
25592 MMRATRA.ZIP 104,1 kt 12.06.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness track: New Cops & Robbers track, this one can also be used to cruise. All players need to install it in order to play on the Zone. 
25593 MOMAHOL1.A01 3,9 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
Motocross Madness Holiday Track Pack 2/2
25594 MOMAHOL1.ARJ 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
"Motocross Madness Holiday Track Pack! 9 new tracks! Weve whipped up two brand new tracks and weve gone crazy warping 7 more until theyre almost unrecognizable. Kinda like your bike would be if you were doing all of this in real life. THIS ARCHIVE INCLUDES Just the two completely new tracks. International Airspace & Megadrive Blues. 1/2"
25595 MOMAHOL2.A01 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
Motocross Madness Holiday Track Pack 2/7
25596 MOMAHOL2.A02 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
Motocross Madness Holiday Track Pack 3/7
25597 MOMAHOL2.A03 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
Motocross Madness Holiday Track Pack 4/7
25598 MOMAHOL2.A04 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
Motocross Madness Holiday Track Pack 5/7
25599 MOMAHOL2.A05 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
Motocross Madness Holiday Track Pack 6/7
25600 MOMAHOL2.A06 68,9 kt 18.03.1999 - - -
Motocross Madness Holiday Track Pack 7/7
25601 MOMAHOL2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
"Motocross Madness Holiday Track Pack! 9 new tracks! Weve whipped up two brand new tracks and weve gone crazy warping 7 more until theyre almost unrecognizable. Kinda like your bike would be if you were doing all of this in real life. THIS ARCHIVE INCLUDES the SEVEN WARPED TRACKS. Augustas Evil TwinCusters Last BandFlat HeadParadise Lost in SpacePit PeeveSky LabTerminal Illness.  1/7"
25602 MOTOTRAC.ZIP 6,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - 22651/cd joystick No84 juillet aout 1997.iso -
Motoracer bonus tracks
25603 MP_ASC10.ZIP 25 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
M.P:n Action Supercross kentät 1.0 9 kenttää + 9 itse editoitavaa kenttää. Tekijä tavoitettavissa MBnetistä.
39338 MSLIX111.ZIP 467097 02.04.1996 - MBCD -
--> MBnet-ratapaketti Slicks' n' Slideen <--
MBnetin kaikista radoista tehty ratakokoelma,
josta on karsittu kaikki ajokelvottomat sekä
tietokoneettomat radat. V1.11 -- Antion /NNY
25604 MTM1YEAS.ZIP 8,1 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
"Monster Truck Maddness: Yeastman add-on tracks. Includes: Dry FallsLas Vegas SupercrossHighway 101Yeastmans L.A. SupercrossThe SummitMammoth MotocrossYeastmans Motocross Special EditionSnohomish PassSnoqualmie TrailSnoshone Heights Logging RunWashougal National Motocross. Copied with permission."
25605 MTM2ADD.ZIP 1,7 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
Monster Truck Madness 2 add-ons: new truck, the Jurassic Attack, and a new track, RCA Jam.
25606 MTM2YEAS.A01 4,3 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Monster Truck Maddness 2: Yeastman add-on tracks 2/3
25607 MTM2YEAS.A02 3 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Monster Truck Maddness 2: Yeastman add-on tracks 3/3
25608 MTM2YEAS.ARJ 4,3 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
"Monster Truck Maddness 2: Yeastman add-on tracks. Includes: Cape HatterasL.A. Supercross98Cascade SummitLas Vegas Supercross98Dry Falls 2Deception PassAnaheim Supercross with Music Addon. 1/3"
25609 PACK28.ZIP 867,6 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Action Supercross levelpack. contains 212 levels (1 by shareware editor). 
25610 PCECAR29.ZIP 124,1 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Burnout Championship Drag Racing Player\'s Choice Edition "Super Comp Rail Car" addon
39366 PECCABLE.ZIP 62368 20.04.1996 - - -
Tracks to Slicks'n'slide by Pekka Rönkkö
25611 PHPCROS1.ZIP 9,3 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
"Traakku LEVELS BY: Lauri Ainala 10 RATAA Action SuperCrossiin Helppoja/Keskivaikeita!!! PuavoHard98"
39392 QRURADAT.ZIP 38380 15.09.1996 - - -
omatekemiä slix ratoja
made by Pekka Nykänen
25612 RACETR10.ZIP 102,2 kt 17.06.1999 - - -
Midtown Madness Map - Racetrack v1.0 By Angel Studios. New map. "This is a small cops and robbers level that we made to use for a small group of people playing (works great up 8 also). It\'s made specifically for multiplayer games, but you can select it to cruise around and "get the lay of the land".
39396 RADA.ZIP 246208 16.09.1995 - - -
Slicks ∩n∩ Slide 1.29 (176) uutta kenttää.
39395 RADAT.ZIP 717240 31.05.1995 - - -
Slicksiin 508 uutta rataa.
39394 RADAT2.ZIP 130429 01.04.1995 - - -
74 kenttää Slicks'n'Slideen, ver. II
Uusia, uusittuja
Tehnyt: Mega Star "Captain Fox"
Tommy Incrosnatu
25613 RATOJA_1.ZIP 3 Mt 07.07.1998 - - -
Action SuperCross : 10 Tasokasta leveliä Todella vaikeita kenttiä jotka vaativat kikkailua. (Toimii ainakin Rekisteröidyssä 1.2 versiossa) Kommentit:JARKKO.P.EKLUND@MBNET.FI TEKIJÄT:ALIEN,LUCKY DUCK,BRAVESTARR
25614 ROCKLEVS.ZIP 14,6 kt 03.09.2000 - - -
Action Supercrossiin tasopaketti. 11 keskitasoa olevaa kenttää. Kentät ovat lyhyitä taitokenttiä. Kentät eivät ole vaikeusjärjestyksessä. Vaatii vähintõõn acrossin 1.2 SW version. By: Dumbster Software. 
25615 RP1.ZIP 7,6 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
Raceplus rekisteröityyn versioon viisi uutta rataa.. Lisää sivulta http://koti.mbnet.fi/~xfiles/
39478 S-RATOJA.ZIP 9981 27.06.1996 - - -
Stunts -ratoja. Installoi kopioimalla
tiedostot Stunts-hakemistoon.
25616 SANDOKAN.ZIP 1,6 kt 20.04.1998 - - -
Action SuperCross : Sandokan Level Todella vaikea kenttä Acrossiin. (Req.Full version of Across v.1.2) kommentit: KOSKELIN@MBNET.FI
25618 SL-KAMAT.ZIP 213,2 kt 28.04.1998 - - -
6 yleiselta laadultaan MBnetin keskitasoa parempaa rec. filea ja 3 sw-versiolla tehtya rataa Action Supercrossiin. Vaatii v1.2:n By: Zacke
39447 SLIXITC.ZIP 10434 20.08.1996 - - -
SLICKSiin paljon mainetta niittäneet
39448 SLIXJUFO.ZIP 47743 12.09.1995 - - -
Tämä paketti sisältää yli 20 loistavaa
rataa Slicksiin. Kaikilla radoilla on
määritelty ajolinjat myös tietokoneille.
Paketti sisältää mm. kuuluisat JUFO-radat!
39449 SLIXRATA.ZIP 44091 19.08.1996 - - -
LAADUKKAITA ratoja Slicks 'N' Slideen
Kaikissa mukana tietokoneen ohjastamat
ajopelit jotka toisinaan jopa antavat
vastusta :) Toimivat ainakin Slicksin
versiolla 1.29, osa vanhemmista saattaa
toimia myös 1.286:lla.
25617 SLIXTRA1.ZIP 38,4 kt 26.04.1998 - - -
Slicks & Slide 1.29d: mukavia ratoja...
25619 SLOTTRAC.ZIP 5,7 Mt 02.12.1999 - - -
PC Slot Cars tracksEgypt, Island, Lawn, Graph
25620 SLRADAT.ZIP 98,1 kt 05.12.1998 - - -
Slicksiin ratoja ja niiden HURJAT ennätykset. Toimii ainakin versiossa 1.29d
25621 SMALLONE.EXE 101,9 kt 20.04.1998 - - -
Small Ones - 2 Action Supercross rataa! 2 Pientä  Across rataa shareware versiolle 1.2 VAROITUS! Aloittelijoille vaikeita! (Sisältää myös .REC-filet läpipääsyyn!)
25622 SNRATA.ZIP 1 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
"Action Supercross SNAUCO rata paketti 1 11 laadukasta :) rataa. Toimii sharewaressakin. Kaikista radoista recordsit. By Team Snauco98"
39481 SSORATOI.ZIP 7664 15.09.1996 - - -
Kuusi huippu rataa slicksiin:jos olet
aloittelija niin radat ovat sinulle helppoja
eivätkä liian monimutkaisia..jos taas olet
slicksisti niin enkat voivat olla vaikeita
39484 SSRATTH.ZIP 20755 16.11.1995 - - -
Slick'n'Slide ratoja, tehnyt Timo Hakkarainen
25623 TANKKIV2.ZIP 10,7 kt 03.06.1998 - - -
Action Supercross: Tankki Vankki 2 täysin sama kuin edellinen versio, paitsi muuteltu niin, että on vähän enemmän mahdollista itseasiassa päästä se läpi. (tämä versio on myös lukittu (he he) By: Zacke
25624 TOBEASCL.ZIP 50,9 kt 20.04.1998 - MBCD -
Toben Action Supercross radat - Lyövät korkeatasoisuudellaan tajun kankaalle. - Radoissa tilaa jipoille mutta vaikeuttakaan ei ole unohdettu! -Yhteensä * 12 * rataa luomassa kai- vattua lisäjännitystä Crossi-pelien Kingiin! - Radat ovat tarkoitettu vain tosiKrossaajille. (Req. ACROSS ver1.2 ,DOS, 486-33,16MB) contact: tommi.nasiaho@mbnet.fi !!* * * By: Tobe * * *!!
25625 TOBLE.ARJ 231,2 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
Action Supercross. 67 rataa. By -Toble-
25626 TRIALBIK.ZIP 4,3 kt 20.04.1998 - - -
Action SuperCross : Taso Trial Bike(meeedium) palaute :KOSKELIN@MBNET.FI
25627 TSEMLEV1.ZIP 11,3 kt 05.06.2000 - - -
Elasto Mania kenttiäTuomasSoftin uusin tuotos on neljä  ElastoManian kenttää sisältävä paketti.  Hyppyjä, pomppuja sekä hurjaa menoa on  tiedossa näissä radoissa, jotka samalla vaativat myös taitoa ja tarkkuutta.
25628 TUOMIOT.ZIP 4,3 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
Action Supercross. Tässä kolme mahtavaa tuomio rataa, jotka ovat haastavampia, kuin normaalit radat. Vaativat rekisteröidyn across:in. Tehnyt: Kaj Lampio
39542 TVRADAT1.ZIP 29311 07.08.1996 - - -
15kpl kotitekoisia Slicks-ratoja, joissa myös
tietokoneautot osaavat ajaa. Radat väsäili
Tommi Vigman
25629 TYRY3R.ZIP 10,7 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
"Action Supercross: Oletko jo rämpännyt pelin puhki? Ja kaikki muut tyryukon radat ovat liian vaikeita? Tässä mukana: Tyrys PlaygroundHullurataBatman Liuku."
25630 VALOPAK.ZIP 36,8 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
Action Supercross Valopak-ratapaketti 9 laadukasta rataa joista suurin osa ratoja joita en suosittele
39553 VEROSLI2.ZIP 52027 29.07.1996 - - -
* VEROSLIXIT vol.2 * - - - - -  - - - - -
Veroslixit-sarja jat- kuu. Nyt 40 UUTTA ra-
taa Slicks 'n' Slideen.
39555 VEROSLIX.ZIP 101887 13.06.1996 - - -
VeroSlixit vol.1  86 SLICKS 'n' SLIDE -rataa.
Näitä ratoja ei ole aiemmissa ratapaketeissa
- julkaistu 24.3.96!
25631 XTR-ARIZ.ZIP 7,6 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Edgar Tottenteras Extreme Biker uusi rata: Freestyle - Arizona. Do crazy stunts in and around Teepees and wagons of the Wild West! 
25632 XTR-GRVY.ZIP 4 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Edgar Tottenteras Extreme Biker uusi rata: Motocross -  GhostTrack Not for those of you with a faint heart! This is one spooky track that will give you shivers down your spine! 
25633 XTR-SHOE.ZIP 4,9 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Edgar Tottenteras Extreme Biker uusi rata: Supercross - Shoelace. This is an open-air stadium with  some nice pipes, watch out  for the slippery areas! 
40001 0SCREAMS.ZIP 210005 23.10.1996 - - -
***SCREAMS*** Doom2
Are you tired of downloading shitty deathmach
wads? Download this and you'll get 11 well
made & planned wads. Lots of Sshotgun &
rocket battles. Not too much ammo & health.
Author: Pekka Ryhänen
24359 100PCT.ZIP 35,9 kt 15.02.1997 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin -
100PCT wad file for doom2
40002 12LOST2.ZIP 924123 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
This is the 2nd level of what will be a
full Episode 1 replacement entitled the
Lost Tomb for Doom 1 v 1.9 Beautification
is of the utmost importance in a level
and I tried to express it hear! Updated
version 1.2 with new title screen! Enjoy this
masterpiece!   .......Sinbad!
40005 22WADS.ZIP 1305624 10.06.1995 - - -
22 WADia Doom II:een
24360 2GETHA.ZIP 442,3 kt 15.02.1997 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin -
2getha wad file for doom2
24361 3GYZTAG2.ZIP 358 kt 21.02.1997 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin -
*******3 Guyz With Gunz, 2.0 ******* *This is a DooM Dethtag wad for 2-4 players.
40016 3MUS3.ZIP 7652 23.12.1995 - 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
3 MUS-tiedostoa esim. DOOM:iin
24362 3RING.ZIP 25,3 kt 21.02.1997 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin -
THREE RING CIRCUS WAD FOR DOOM2 Three large rooms attached by some hallways, etc. Each room has lifts, ledges, pits & windows. No hiding spots. Just all out deathmatching. Base was my idea and i incorporated ideas from the  best deathmatch wads ive played.
40018 41.ARJ 973797 28.03.1995 - - -
41 uutta kenttää Doom 1:kköseen!
lataat vain 41levl.exen
40023 4SPIDER.ZIP 11799 07.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
Welcome to the Spider4.Wad
This wad was designed for a DeathMatch level.
However my friends liked the PWAD for a
single and for Co-op play. The level had been
tested before an EXIT was added. DON'T USE
THE EXIT IN DEATHMATCH!!!!! The wad contains
plenty of weapons to handle whatever comes
along. It replaces level 7 in Doom2 y
40024 4X.ARJ 17991 25.05.1995 - - -
Deathmatch WAD for Doom, Doom2 and Heretic.
Small, mostly symmetric.
40027 7DMXDM.ZIP 82139 06.06.1996 - 20919/WADS_D2.iso -
Doom 2 WAD: 7 Deathmatch Wads
24363 8-BALL.ZIP 11,3 kt 15.02.1997 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin -
8-Ball wad for doom2
40029 9HELLZ.ZIP 68131 10.04.1995 - 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO -
Nine Hells is an all-new Doom 2 WAD featuring
nine unique rooms connected with a network of
hallways and teleporters.  Designed as a
deathmatch level, it has plenty of room for
hiding, hunting, and chasing.  Lots of
weapons and powerups, so the -altdeath
parameter is not needed.  Great with the
monsters on or off.  This WAD is also
challenging in single-player mode.
24364 A1_SNP2.ZIP 187,4 kt 11.03.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
"Doom II: - A1-SNiPER 2 and as a bonus A1-SNiPER Deluxe. Thepropersequel to A1-SNiPE. KK-SNiPE was sorta an experiment by me and I reckon it just didnt have the same atmosphere. A1-SNiPE 2 (Level 1) is a lot like the original and I reckon it kicks. But nothing touches the deluxe version of the original. I fixed up VisPlane overflow bugsimproved texturingand put in one-way axs to the southern area. That psycho bit with the"
40036 ACHERON6.ZIP 55305 22.09.1996 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom level: Crossing Acheron
40037 ACIDPOOL.ZIP 34019 24.11.1996 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
A c i d P o o l
IT Just Rocks! It is a small
Doom II pwad designed for
DeathMatch mode. Centered around
a pool of nukage, contains
only the combat shotgun, rocket-
launcher, and chaingun.
no enemies, and a secret
blur artifact! Who gets it? RUN!
by Kasmir (a.k.a Dan Warner)
60455 ADDICT.ZIP 324861 29.06.1996 - - -
Addictive parts 1-4 for Doom2
Addictive Deathmatch level series
from one of the top wad designers
in the world:
Iikka "Fingers" Keränen
60456 ADDICT1.ZIP 33367 06.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip tupla
Doom WAD: Addictive Deathmatch Series
60457 ADDICT2.ZIP 48584 13.06.1996 - - tupla
Addictive deathmatch-sarja Doom2:lle, osa 2.
60458 ADDICT3.ZIP 51425 13.06.1996 - - tupla
Addictive deathmatch-sarja Doom2:lle, osa 3.
60459 ADDICT4.ZIP 53462 13.06.1996 - - tupla
Hyvä DeathMatch-kenttä Doom2:een, tekijä
Iikka Keränen [niilo.keranen@pp.inet.fi]
24365 ADDICTDM.ZIP 548 kt 02.03.1997 - - -
Addictive Deathmatches  Levels 1-8.  From one of the top wad designers in the world:  Iikka "Fingers"  Keränen.  New graphics,  three  DM demos,  extra  music  wad  included.  (Email: niilo.keranen@pp.inet.fi)
40038 ADEATH1.ZIP 12217 19.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A deathmatch wad Game
Doom II Episode and level
40039 ADEATH2.ZIP 57987 19.10.1995 - - -
A deathmatch wad Game
Doom II Episode and level
40044 AJE-CMBO.ZIP 827240 16.09.1995 renamed 13309/Hell On CD-ROM - Ocurrence 2.iso -
Here is a combo-wad of 29 alltime favorite
DOOM2 DeathMatch levels!  These levels are
some of the best ever written by man's hand.
If you want a great afternoon of nonstop
fragging, get this PWAD.  Compiled and
modified by Aaron
40048 ALIEN.ZIP 1402729 29.08.1995 - - -
Alien graphics, sounds and levels for DOOM
40046 ALIENV11.ZIP 2209814 30.07.1996 - - -
Alien Invasion v1.1 for Doom 2 v1.9. This is
one of the best Alien Dooms ever made.
40047 ALIENVUP.ZIP 376125 09.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
40049 ALLHELL.ZIP 2637759 09.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Doom 2: All Hell is Breaking Loose! A nearly
total conversion for doom2. 5 new levels, new
sounds, new music and most importantly, new
graphics including twoheaded chaingundude.
40054 ARENA2.ZIP 15782 07.01.1995 - 17678/PowersourceMultimedia-UltimateDOOMCompanion.iso -
Arena II, Doom II DeathMatch WAD
40058 ARS_SML.ZIP 1828685 24.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Arsdoom for the Ars Electronica 95, Doom][
40059 AS7.ZIP 199653 07.06.1996 - 20919/WADS_D2.iso -
The A.S. Wad v7.0 - Latest Release!
Seven level Deathmatch for DOOM II.
No place to hide, but not so cramped
that you get fragged everytime you
respawn! The way Deathmatch ought to
be! Excellent for two people,
completely frenetic for 3 or 4.The
E-mail coming in tells me that a lot
of people are beggining to love this
wad and the non-stop blood that comes
40060 ASDOOM.ZIP 237537 07.01.1995 - 23631/PCGAMER01.bin -
AsDoom2 - The Final Countdown Doom 2 levels
40064 AUGUST.ZIP 38999 13.04.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
Doom 2 deathmatch level with demo.
40082 BAR&TRAP.ZIP 162695 15.08.1995 - - -
Baron.wad & Traps.wad - Doom II
Baron: 1 Player & Cooperative
Traps: Cooperative & Deathmatch
40084 BDMWAD.ZIP 266176 22.06.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
9 jaksoa DOOMiin. - Kaikki suunniteltu DEATH
MATCHia - varten! Paljon pimeitä sokkeloita -
ja suuria aukioita! -
40089 BESTSHOT.ZIP 111362 30.08.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Doom II level: Bestshot Medium size level.
Very playable wad built in the classic Doom
style with attention to detail and design.
61364 BF_THUD.ZIP 1183654 16.02.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
29 uutta kenttää yhdessä WADissa DOOM2:een.
61376 BGFHELL2.ZIP 41936 07.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso tupla
Doom WAD: BDG 9000 Hell v. 2.0 - Deathmatch
40101 BNB.ZIP 512641 25.04.1996 - - -
A BEAVIS and BUTT-HEAD - Sound and Graphics
patch - for DOOM! -
40113 BUG.ZIP 70298 07.01.1996 - - -
Bug-taso Doom II:hin.
40121 CARNE.ZIP 18893 19.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This is my first Doom 2 wad, it took me a
long time to make (most of it figuring the
program out) so please have fun with it.
You're in a base on the moon with lots'o'
dead bodies.
24366 CEMETARY.ZIP 38,3 kt 21.04.1997 - 4562/Shareware Heaven 5 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1) (1995).iso -
"Hells Cemetary DOOM 2. Watch for things that go BOO in the night. Get through the cemetary alive if you can. At least you dont have far to go when you di WeirdWads by Caretaker"
40126 CLEIM20A.ZIP 1311859 20.12.1996 - 20919/WADS_D1.iso -
Cleimos 2 -addon for Doom 2. Full 32-map
replacement, features new graphics and few
new sounds. File 1/2.
40127 CLEIM20B.ZIP 1115462 20.12.1996 - 20919/WADS_D1.iso -
Cleimos 2 -addon for Doom 2. Full 32-map
replacement, features new graphics and few
new sounds. File 2/2.
24367 CLONEWAR.ZIP 95,9 kt 21.04.1997 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
The Clone WarsNew floors for WOLF3D REG. Great 10 floor adventure! HARD & DANGEROUS. 
This is YOUR kind of mission...
40128 CLUE.ZIP 7694 19.07.1995 - - -
CLUE is a DEATHMATCH wad for DOOM II. Feel
the dark corridors and well-lighted rooms.
40129 COMEPLAY.ZIP 142394 30.08.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Doom II level: Comeplay Medium size level.
Very playable wad built in the classic Doom
style with attention to detail and design.
40139 CUE2WAD.ZIP 49461 30.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This DooM 2 wad (map 01) has
many stairways and lifts for a good
3-D feel.  Also, alot of puzzles to
figure out.
Linear wad made for solo play but
works for Deathmatch as you can get
thru all areas in both directions.
40140 CYGNUSIV.ZIP 790970 05.01.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Doom II: Cygnus IV v1.0. Single player. 14
levels of hard-hitting Doom II action, with
new graphics, sound and music, and some
damned impressive scenery!
24377 D2-LAST.ZIP 957 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
Doom 2: THE LAST MARINE The mother of all wads with new textures, new levels and different skies. This wad is about 50% finished and should be finished around the year 1998. Contains the hardest and baddest levels in DOOM that I have created myself and awsome textures.
24368 D2ADT4.ZIP 565175 14.01.1997 - - -
Doom II: - ADDICTIV.WAD Info [S/C/D]  New
-/././././. (by GamesNet) Kill your friends,
laughing sadistically on their hopeless
efforts when they try to escape you. Oh,
almost forgot: These places look good, too!
40141 D2BLIT.ZIP 35542 15.12.1996 - - -
Doom II: - Blitzkrieg! Info [S/C/.]  New
-/G/./././M (by GamesNet) This is undoubtedly
the fastest paced level ever made! You cannot
rest a second without being fragged! So load
the level and get ready for adren- aline
pumping action. WHO NEEDS CAFFEINE?!
Additional Credits to   : Slowƒingers, aka
2k¡££u (slowfingers@ix. - a classy guy whose
skills at deathmatch are wondered at by so
many (ehehe). we've had many a good game at
Doom2 deathmatch. ** THE FASTEST Æ∩S¡ IN THE
24369 D2BRIN.ZIP 36002 14.01.1997 - - -
DOOM II: - Break-In Info [S/C/-]  New
-/-/./././M (by GamesNet) You are breaking
into a secret base
24370 D2CNYN.ZIP 110,3 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
"DOOM II: - CANYON After beating back earths invasion by hell spawnyou are rewarded with some R and R. A few days rafting down the Grand Canyon seems like just the thing to let off some steam. After short chopper flight you step out on the canyon floor. You turn back to thank your pilotbut his blank stare and greenish complexion clues you in that something isnt right here... OH NONOT AGAIN!!!"
24371 D2CNYO.ZIP 42,3 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
Doom II: - Deathmatch Canyon A long canyon for deathmatch play. Previous WADs by author:  Realm Of Chaos (10 of the 32 levels) Enter Night Castle66 DethKeep
24372 D2CRNG.ZIP 1,1 Mt 23.06.1997 - - -
Doom II: - Carnage Galore ver 3.0 This version is MUCH neater than the previous one. Instead of literally hundreds of pictures that would have to be in the Heretic directory and a DMGraph program which can permanently change your iwad, there is one sprites file with a deusf pro- gram that simply merges the sprites file into the iwad and can easily restore it when you are finished playing with the new pictures. It is a great deal faster as well.
40142 D2DEM.ZIP 485429 15.12.1996 - - -
Doom ][: - Wad-file DEM.WAD (in DEM.ZIP)
Levels:         1-18 Demos Replaced: First &
Second Single-player, Deathmatch, and
Multi-player possible Difficulty:     Extreme
Author: Donald E. Messer Creation Utility:
DoomEd 4.2 (shareware version) by Geoff Allan
Email: dm6262a@american.edu Date:  April 18,
1996 Wad Size: 1.4 MB unzipped ·
Congratulations, you've beaten the huge demon
at the center of you must find your way back
out.  The demons watched you coming in
24373 D2ETHE.ZIP 66933 14.01.1997 - - -
DOOM II: - The Etherworld Info [S/-/-]  New
-/-/./././- (by GamesNet) My last Doom level
- onward Quake! More emphasis on overall
structure than most of my levels. You can
thank Jorge for the pentagram in the sky!
24374 D2ETPT.ZIP 163961 14.01.1997 - - -
DOOM ][: - Etpt5.Wad Info [S/C/-]  New
S/-/./././- (by GamesNet) Medium size level.
Very playable wad built in the classic Doom
sty attention to detail and design. Comments
welcomed to Email address Additional Credits
to  : Id Software for DOOM. Also authors of
play testing.
24375 D2HEH.ZIP 33710 14.01.1997 - - -
Doom II: - Heh.wad Info [S/C/D]  New
-/-/./././- (by GamesNet) Just something I
pulled out of my ass, and thought I would
share with the rest of you. Hope you all like
it. Feel free to e-mail me.
24376 D2IFTR.ZIP 50562 14.01.1997 - - -
DOOM II: - Infiltration Info [S/C/D]  New
-/-/./././. (by GamesNet) Infiltrate a base
and set the self-destruct!
40143 D2IMGE.ZIP 435878 15.12.1996 - - -
DOOM2 Deathmatch .WAD with 7 new MAP's new
graphics, new sounds, new music by; NIN,
Nirvana, White Zombie,& Metallica! Written
for 4 player deathmatch
40144 D2MRBD.ZIP 32320 15.12.1996 - - -
Doom II: - Morbid Doom! Info [S/-/D]  New
-/-/./././M (by GamesNet) Morbid is a small,
fast paced wad designed to stretch even the
most hardened of marines to their limits!
Includes such features as an "instant lift"
and a river of blood :) This has nothing to
do with morbdity.wad or morbdth2.wad. :)
*There are some changes in this second
release such as different textures, more gore
:), and a better instant lift.  Originally I
planned to make this part of a wad "pak" but
40145 D2MRKT.ZIP 38931 15.12.1996 - - -
Doom ?: - Market Info [./C/D]  New
-/././././- (by GamesNet) In their invasion
of earth, the demons had taken a market next
to city hall, a primary peice i the final
attack and capture of New York City. With
SWAT teams pu together plans outside the
premesis, you take it as your job to do the
work.  You borrow a helicopter and drop down
inside the store through a vent. Neat.  Looks
like no one in this abandoned shop no you.
24378 D2NONS.ZIP 14960 14.01.1997 - - -
Doom ?: - Non-stop DeathMatch Info [S/-/D]
New -/-/./././- (by GamesNet) This is a
DeathMatch wad inspired by the GREAT
"gore.wad", by an author unknown to me.  The
general idea of this wad is to maintain the
adrenaline pressure of the players at a
maximum rate all the time.  You start out in
a small niche, with your weapons right in
front of you.  Just run over 'em, out of the
niche, and find your foes!  There is NO BFG,
Plasma Gun, health, armor, Invulnerablility
25634 D2PRDT.ZIP 354602 14.01.1997 - - -
Doom II: - PURE DEATH PAK 1 (5) Info [-/-/D]
New S/-/./././M (by GamesNet)
25635 D2PURST.ZIP 1,3 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
Pursuit is the 3rd set of 32 DOOM II DM-only levels from TeamTNT. - 32 brand new levels - Difficulty levels = game rules - 3 multiplayer demos - All in one WAD, easy to run - Works w/DOOM II v1.9, Final DOOM - Intermission music by David Shaw - By the makers of "FINAL DOOM"
25636 D2SALV.ZIP 27,8 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
Doom 2: SALVATION Single Player/Cooperative/Deathmatch
25637 D2SCUMWD.ZIP 61,7 kt 05.06.1998 - - -
Doom II: Scum WAD by Charles Daniel Enter a bizarre setting, complete with Nazi trapping. Will having you fighting it out in a ghost church. Lots of nasties to fight and equipment to find as you negotiate this tricky sanctuary.
25638 D2STBL.ZIP 46811 14.01.1997 - - -
Doom II: - STABLE.WAD Info [S/-/-]  New
-/-/./././- (by GamesNet) It takes a while,
but once you get into the stable you may
either join the beasts in their solid
seclusion, or you may find your way out ...
Watch out for the secret swimming pool
though. It is not as friendly as it may seem
at first.
25639 D2SWR.ZIP 72828 14.01.1997 - - -
DOOM II: - Sewers Info [S/C/-]  New
-/-/./././M (by GamesNet) Escaping through
the sewers
25640 D2ULTR.ZIP 187653 14.01.1997 - - -
Doom II: - Ultimate run or die ! Info [S/C/D]
New S/-/./././. (by GamesNet)
25641 D2WADS1.ZIP 911,1 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
Doom II wadeja: The Artifact (artifact.wad) Maproom.wad V1.0 (maproom.wad) The Mine (MINE.WAD) The Bleeding Tower Of Pisa (PISA.WAD)
25642 D2WPMP.ZIP 30450 14.01.1997 - - -
Doom ][: - WATTER PUMP v2.0 Info [././.]  New
./././././. (by GamesNet)
40148 DANTE6.ZIP 62628 22.09.1996 - - -
Doom level: Dante's Gate
40150 DANZIG15.ZIP 394981 11.06.1995 - 13309/Hell On CD-ROM - Ocurrence 2.iso -
Good Deathmatch level for Doom II
40153 DCAD10.ZIP 404287 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
dCAD 1.0, BETA, a COMPLETE from-scratch
rewrite of DOOMCAD.  Edit Doom/Doom][/
Heretic/Hexen levels.  10x faster/twice as
easy to use than DoomCAD.  (Need separate
node builder).  Written in Borland Delphi.
40161 DEESPACE.ZIP 335418 29.11.1995 - 20919/WADS_D2.iso -
Kewl Doom2 WAD. A compilation of WADS Created
by Dave 'DEE' E. And Tony 'Spacey' B. Also
includes Killer WADS that we picked up along
the way. Sorry if it's your WAD and we didn't
mention your name. Also features Music by
Metallica! These were designed mainly for
Deathmatch. Have FUN!!
40165 DEMON20A.ZIP 511867 15.03.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
For DOOM v1.9, AND DEHACKED 3.0(incl.)
62779 DEMONIUM.ARJ 63386 25.03.1995 - - tupla
My own Wad to doom2! Bash your way through
the Demonium... Demons are here...The gates
are open...can you stop 'em... Tekijä:Tommi
Mäkelä =>Asmodeus
40167 DEREK2.ZIP 22533 16.11.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Derek's second Doom level by John D. Howa
There are many ways around this level -
choose the right one!  Requires DOOM v1.666
Registered version only!  Replacement for
E1M3, supports single and coop play. No new
sounds or graphics.
40179 DESL3.ZIP 3829409 16.10.1996 - - -
Descent levels:
40185 DESTRCT.ZIP 45114 01.04.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Destrct - An external wad for DOOM
It replaces E1M1, and it's GREAT for modem
Deathmatch.  The easy setting is very
easy--the medium setting is pretty hard--BUT
the hardest setting is KILLER! Tons of
deathmatch starting sites to make modem play
unpredictable!!  Created by Jim Weis
("DOOMinator") w/ DEU521. For registered DOOM
games ONLY.
25643 DETERNAL.A01 2,9 Mt 07.03.1997 - - -
Doom2: Eternal I and II. At last, Eternal II is here! Includes 13 new single player levels with music, and revisions to some Eternal I levels. Includes a powerful shell and solution demos. Final DOOM compatibile. Download this, unzip it in a new directory and type ETERNAL. Full instructions are in INSTALL.TXT inside. By Team Eternal. http://www.neosoft.com/~teamtnt Archive 2/3
25644 DETERNAL.A02 2 Mt 07.03.1997 - - -
Doom2: Eternal I and II. At last, Eternal II is here! Includes 13 new single player levels with music, and revisions to some Eternal I levels. Includes a powerful shell and solution demos. Final DOOM compatibile. Download this, unzip it in a new directory and type ETERNAL. Full instructions are in INSTALL.TXT inside. By Team Eternal. http://www.neosoft.com/~teamtnt Archive 3/3
25645 DETERNAL.ARJ 2,9 Mt 07.03.1997 - - -
Doom2: Eternal I and II. At last, Eternal II is here! Includes 13 new single player levels with music, and revisions to some Eternal I levels. Includes a powerful shell and solution demos. Final DOOM compatibile. Download this, unzip it in a new directory and type ETERNAL. Full instructions are in INSTALL.TXT inside. By Team Eternal. http://www.neosoft.com/~teamtnt Archive 1/1
40186 DETHCAST.ZIP 271718 30.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CASTLE OF DEATH, Deathmatch wad for Doom2
VERY advanced level design, new sounds, new
graphics, new music, and great gameplay help
to make this one of the best "Deathmatch"
levels you will ever play! Enter the castle
grounds and see what you're made of! :)
40187 DETHTAG.ZIP 290933 26.07.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Totally new team game that works within Doom
]['s current architecture. Deathtag requires
that a team score 5 points (score is tallied
WITHIN the map), and once a team scores 5
points, you can exit or reset the level and
start again..perfect for matches of more than
one game.
40195 DGOLD.ZIP 313087 25.04.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Doom Gold Four Bright from Enigma-13
This is THE FIRST sound/lighting PWAD to be
created exclusively for use with commercial
DOOM II Hell On Earth!  This changes a few of
the sounds in DOOM-II with BETTER sounds, and
it turns the light on too! No IDBEHOLD! :)
Try playing DOOM2 straight first.  Then add
in this PWAD and you'll see the difference!
40200 DM1_DM2.ZIP 316105 30.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
I'll bet all you DooMers loved the 1st
DooM even tho' you play DooM 2 now.
Well here's your chance to revisit
your old favorite while still playing
the new release.  This wad is a
conversion of DooM 1 Episodes 1-9
with a few new twists and surprises
thrown in. Of course all the new
40201 DM2BOX2.ZIP 2054 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Boxing arena for Doom 2
40662 DM2CHNST.ZIP 7868 23.11.1994 - MBCD -
Doom 2 - chain shotgun patch
With this patch your shotgun
shoots as fast as chaingun!
(This  only changes the file DOOM2.EXE!)
40202 DM2CONV.ZIP 24180 05.02.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Muuttaa Doomin wadit Doom II-yhteensopiviksi.
Tekee lisäksi myös muuta kivaa, esim. vaihtaa
halutessa esineitä, mm. shotgunit voi korvata
super shotguneilla
40203 DMATCHES.ZIP 230456 16.09.1995 - - -
DMATCHES - 9 ultimate deathmatch
levels for DOOM 1 from Iikka Keränen.
registered DOOM required, tested with
Ultimate DOOM v1.9. Enjoy killing your
friends! Best since POVDOOM!
40204 DMATCHS2.ZIP 344867 19.04.1996 - - -
┌ Dmatches.wad from Iikka Keränen now ─┐
│ available for DOOM2: 12 high-fragging│
│ levels with no bugs, this is the best│
└ deathmatch wad ever! Fun for months! ┘
40206 DME2MUS.ZIP 85027 20.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
New music for all nine levels of DOOM I,
Episode 2. Created Oct. 18 1995 by Patrick
40207 DMHEXWD1.ZIP 1433326 16.09.1996 - - -
Doom 2 / Hexen Wadeja, yksin ja moninpeliin.
Tarkistettu duplikaattien varalta. Sisältää:
Two Player WAD * DETHCOM 5 *The Devil's
Garden * Garden of the Imps 1 & 2 *
Impossible Land * Office - Death Zone * Thy
Family Consumed 1 & 2 * Titan Base * Where
Did The Floor Go? * Worlds Hub For Hexen
40208 DMONTY.ZIP 461959 13.06.1995 - - -
Monty Python sounds for DOOM!
40210 DMTC10.ZIP 104865 12.02.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
UAC Engineers have built the perfect
installation for marines to practice
deathmatching in which they named The
DethMatch Training Center. Cool DOOM ][ wad
with new sounds, music, graphics, and cool
25646 DOOM2WAD.ZIP 434 kt 25.01.1997 - 23656/PCGAMER36.bin -
40222 DOOMHEXN.ZIP 25243 04.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40224 DOOMKISA.ZIP 692499 30.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Pelit-lehden järjestämän Doomkisan
voittajista koostettu yhdeksän kentän WAD.
Plus YEAH.WAD, joka on rock'n roll -Doom
äänineen sekä grafiikoineen.
40225 DOOMMAPS.ZIP 39495 09.05.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Maps For Doom!
25647 DOOMSE2.ARJ 898,7 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
Doom Special Edition v2.0 "Demo" For doom2. If you have something comments to write write them to: jon.lehtinen@mbnet.fi
40228 DOOMT2.ZIP 4516 13.06.1995 - - -
Terminator II sounds for DOOM! And it's a
40234 DS-BSTDM.ZIP 712717 24.01.1996 - - -
[WAD] Blood, Sweat & Tears [DOOM2]
- The Great Deathmatch Experience
- New Graphics, Sounds and Demos
- 7 Levels Of Great Deathmatching
By: Tuner / DeltaProd.
40235 DSLVAWAD.ZIP 454498 20.04.1996 - - -
│ This is an incredibly good wad  │
│ for DOOM2!!! Many new ideas in  │
│ 11 NEW levels, like church,     │
│ graveyard, etc. Also much de-   │
│ tails... This is MUCH better    │
│ than any other wad! Deathmatch  │
│ and co-operative modes are also │
│ supported. You simply have to   │
│ download this masterpiece made  │
40260 DWOLF.ZIP 128182 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom lisäkenttäsarja
40261 DYST3.ZIP 1173146 13.06.1996 - 20919/WADS_D1.iso -
Dystopia3: Re-Birth of Anarchy
11 kenttää Doom2:een, parasta laatua.
Kaikkien kokeilleiden mielestä parempi kuin
Doom2:en omat kentät... paljon uutta
grafiikkaa ja muikea loppu. Myös Gamenetissä,
aol.comissa, ftp.cdrom.comissa ja monilla
40270 EYE01-03.ZIP 395845 30.06.1996 renamed 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Doom 2 WAD: The Eye of the Needle.
40273 FAKE.ZIP 12487 07.06.1995 - - -
2 player deathmatch level for doom2
25648 FDMHQ.ZIP 194196 14.01.1997 - - -
DOOM II: - Demon Headquarters Info [S/C/D]
New -/././././. (by GamesNet) A very large
and complex level. Find out where Demons
live, work,
40283 FORTKNOX.ZIP 99939 09.05.1996 - 23641/PCGAMER11.bin -
My first major level, completed about 9
months ago.  Never got around to
uploading it, so here it is.  Comments
39252 FORTLAKE.ARJ 27851 20.07.1995 - - -
Nätinnäköinen Deathmatch-wad; linnoitus ja
kaksi järveä.
40285 FRAG.ZIP 368138 04.11.1995 - - -
frag.wad -A deathmatch wad Game
:Doom II Episode and level
Single Player :Yes but no point
Cooperative :Yes but no monsters
Deathmatch :Yes
Difficulty :No
New Sounds :Yes
New Graphics :No
New Music :Yes
Demos Replaced :None
Base :New level from scratch
Editors :DCK, NWT
Known Bugs :None
Authors may use this in building levels if
they send me a copy. You may do whatever you
25649 GALSLA.ZIP 49,7 kt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Galiu vs. Sslasher USAn DMCon96 -tapahtuman parhaiden pelaajien välinen turnausmatsi. doom2 ver 1.9. Map1. Galiun Perspektiivi."
40292 GENOCIDE.ARJ 18394 05.02.1995 - - -
Genocide - Great deathmatch WAD for Doom I
By Olli Salonen
40295 GIGAKILL.ZIP 109415 11.06.1995 - 20919/WADS_D2.iso -
a 5 level deathmatch wad for Doom II
40298 GONADS.ZIP 9273 09.05.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
GONADS - a Doom II Deathmatch WAD. A large
arena-style outdoor room with lots of weapons
and ammo around.
25650 GOTHIC2.ZIP 2,5 Mt 21.05.1998 - 23238/Gamestar_09_1999-09_cd3.bin -
Ultimate Doom: Gothic DM2 for DOOM2 DeathMatch 32 map mega-wad
25651 GOTHICDM.ZIP 1,9 Mt 12.11.1997 - 22395/XENIATGM33.iso -
Gothic DeathMatch for Doom2 by the Gothic Crew 1997.
40305 H2HMUDCE.ZIP 257968 25.04.1996 - gamers.org -
Doom competition! 4 wads, 1, 2 or 4 players.
ompetition closes on 31.07.1995. Competing
requires internet access.
40313 HEROES.ZIP 2443943 19.09.1996 - 24008/1996-03_Disc_2.2.iso -
Heroes of DOOM * For The Ultimate Doom. An
excellent, highly recommended 36-level
replacement, will run under DOOM, but only
the first 27 levels will be accessible.
40312 HEROES2.ZIP 2602930 19.09.1996 - 24115/PCGAMER Disc 2.8 SEPT 1996.iso -
Heroes of DOOM ][ * Another compilation by
the creator of Heroes of DOOM I -- this one
is for DOOM ][.
40333 HOMER.ZIP 475294 12.06.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
PWAD, jossa on HOMER SIMPSON - äänet DOOMiin!
40335 HOPE.ZIP 10137 12.02.1996 - 21113/dday.bin -
This is Jorge Llubia' first attempt at DOOM 2
levels. Only one is included and it is okay
for Deathmatch/Co-operative/Single playing.
Comes with a Demo Too! Txt file included.
40337 HOUSE.ZIP 5343 20.07.1995 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
by: Tomi "Handy" Hänninen
64869 HOUSEDOM.ZIP 20759 20.04.1996 - - tupla
Doom2 Deatmatch lisäkenttä jossa on talo ja
siinä pieniä käytäviä, suuria aukioita...
40341 HXDTRP.ZIP 24360 15.12.1996 - - -
Hexen: - DETHTRAP.WAD Info [S/C/D]  New
-/-/./././- (by GamesNet) The DethTrap is a
DeathMatch (HexMatch?) level for HEXEN.
40344 ICARUS.ZIP 2849657 20.12.1996 - 22391/XENIATGM29.iso -
Icarus: Alien Vanguard -addon for Doom 2.
Great design from TeamTNT with alla the new
32 maps. Over 200 new textures were drawn for
40346 IDEAS.ZIP 75286 19.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This Wad contains some really great ideas for
DOOM PWad editors. Its very large and complex
but not really well built from an
arcitectural view.
40347 IGOR9.ZIP 162575 11.06.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
a 10 level deathmatch wad for Doom II
40351 INVADE2.ZIP 655672 31.12.1996 väärä koko Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Invasion 2 - The Upper Decks level for Doom
40353 INVADEME.ZIP 414809 07.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
æDeMoN InVasIoNæ ThE DisCoVerY FoR DOOM II
You come home from Leave to find your
Home is not a nice place to Live anymore!
Maybe they were right about the Noises
in the Basement!
39297 INVEPI2.ZIP 1919128 31.12.1996 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Invasion 2 - The Upper Decks epilogue movie.
39298 INVPRO2.ZIP 3119121 31.12.1996 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Invasion 2 - The Upper Decks prologue movie.
25652 JAAKKOLA.ZIP 71,8 kt 25.06.1997 - - -
Doom 2-taso - Jaakkolan yläaste. versio 1.12.1996
25653 JUDAS23.ZIP 11,7 kt 19.10.1998 - gamers.org -
Loistava, pieni deathmatchwadi DOOM2:seen
25654 KAZAM.ZIP 64,8 kt 29.06.1997 - - -
KAZAM.WAD and KAZAMFIR.wad: two great DOOM2 wads which are mainly designed for single player blood- spill. Both made by: Mikko Ilola
40381 LETTER11.ZIP 11155 23.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso -
A fast-speed Doom Deathmatch WAD
40389 MALL.ZIP 307430 08.01.1996 - 20919/WADS_D2.iso -
This DOOM II deathmatch wad with a mall
theme. It should be used with deathmatch 2.0
Includes around 80 new textures (And a movie)
6 new sounds, new music, all weapons but the
BFG.  Very open level, main mall hall with
around 8 stores to fight in.  You thought
playing hide and seek in a mall was fun! Wait
until you try deathmatch in one! Made By
Barrasso and Zep.
40391 MARINE1.ZIP 2821187 22.09.1996 - 24010/1996-05_-_Disc_2.4.bin -
Doom levels collection: Marine DOOM This is
the WAD file the Marines have been using for
training purposes with four-player network.
Also included is the DeHacked file, which
makes it a more realistic simulation of
40392 MARINES1.ZIP 412369 04.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom 1 wad: Marine killers
40394 MARKII.ZIP 8761 05.02.1996 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This is a great MULTI-PLAY DEATHMATCH for
DOOM 2! Especially NETDOOM!
39323 MEGA!.ZIP 69890 14.07.1996 - - -
Doos 2 WAD: Mega! by Will Pendleton.
40410 MEGA.ZIP 88989 04.07.1995 - - -
MEGA-LO-MANIC wad for Doom 2 by Iikka
40413 MHSDOOM2.ZIP 139495 31.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MHS Doom II, WAD for DOOM 2.
25655 MINES.ZIP 87,7 kt 15.09.1997 - 20919/WADS_D1.iso -
Doom 2 Level (S/C/D): Mines v1.1 by Ilkka Keränen
40420 MINIDETH.ZIP 35944 11.06.1995 - 20919/WADS_D2.iso -
Small and furious deathmatch level for Doom
40422 MKBLUHEL.ZIP 105982 20.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom 2 WAD: Blue Hell. Only 1 map.
40423 MM1_3UP.ZIP 1441685 20.12.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Memento Mori -addon for Doom 2. 32 levels,
new music and new features. For single and
cooperative play. File 1/3.
40424 MM2_3UP.ZIP 1441245 20.12.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Memento Mori -addon for Doom 2. 32 levels,
new music and new features. For single and
cooperative play. File 2/3.
25656 MM2.ZIP 3,9 Mt 28.01.1997 - 22390/XENIATGM28.iso -
Memento  Mori  2,  7/96.  The  final  Doom  2 chapter!  32 incredible levels, new graphics, new music  &  a cool story  make this  DOOM 2 ADD-ON the best ever built! Great for Single, Co-Op AND DM play.
40425 MM3_3UP.ZIP 154218 20.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Memento Mori -addon for Doom 2. 32 levels,
new music and new features. For single and
cooperative play. File 3/3.
39327 MMINFOUP.ZIP 297495 20.12.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
Memento Mori Info-pack.
40430 MODESTY.ZIP 453900 25.04.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar eritupla¹
Worms (PC) new levels: "Modesty"
40433 MTFACTOR.ZIP 160496 20.12.1996 - 20919/WADS_D1.iso -
Doom 2 WAD: A Hidden Mountain Factory. Great
scenes and design. Only 1 map.
40438 NEP7.ZIP 1237652 04.10.1996 - - -
-=[New Episode 7: Stargate!]=- v1.0 for Doom
2: Hell on Earth
****************************** Here is new
sounds, musics, levels and cool hacks.This is
not full version of New episode 7, this
contains 11 new levels (Maps 1-11). New
episode 7 is best for Co-Op games, when you
play with other players. New episode 7 haves
11 collected best levels. Download and
66552 NEWAD.ZIP 37012 08.01.1995 - - tupla
Finally!!! A NEW Level for Doom II!
After hours of work I have put together a
nice and challenging Death Match Level for
Doom ][.. Now you don't have to play the lame
(for DeathMatches) levels included with D][
when you want to kill your pal!
Note: Revised Doom2dm1.wad 10-03-94 4:35p
Improves performance with new Reject map data
40441 NIGHT.ZIP 4985 15.08.1995 - 11986/2007-01-13_www.messroms.de.zip -
NIGHTMARE! Uusi DeatchMatch-kenttä DOOM II:n
Symmetrinen muoto, ei liian laaja.
Made by: Tuomo Haatainen
25657 NIKKARI.ZIP 98,4 kt 25.06.1997 - - -
Doom2 taso Nikkarin lukiosta versio 20.12.1996 (puuttelliset grafiikat) Tasot on suunniteltu ainoastaan deathmatchia varten.
40444 NOWAY.ZIP 45734 05.02.1996 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
This is a DOOM2.WAD for just SINGLE PLAYER or
CO-operative Player. No Deathmatches on this
one. TXT file is included.
25658 NUKEWAD.ZIP 25361 14.01.1997 - - -
NUKE.WAD: The greatest Doom 2 DM wad.
- Nuke -
wanted to create the best deathmatch
wad ever. There's all weapons, one
teleport, some nasty places to wait for
the opponent and an outdoor arena.
Author: erno.pentzin@mbnet.fi
40449 ODYSSEY2.ZIP 504088 20.12.1996 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
Doom 2 WAD: Odyssey. Five single player maps.
66751 OMEGAWAD.ZIP 63181 08.01.1995 - - tupla
Omega II - Doom 2 WAD
40459 OUT!.ZIP 68930 30.12.1995 - - -
Title: GO PLAY OUTSIDE! Two Deathmatch WADs
for Doom II Author: KEVIN CORNETT
40475 P-PULSE.ZIP 102311 12.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
··──══ POWER PULSE: Vertical Death 2 ══──··
Fight for your life in a Doom 2 deathmatch
Lots of secrets and sniper spots included!
New sounds, music and graphics
║   Excellent add-on level for DOOM 2   ║
║ Made from scratch with the best tools ║
║   DEATHMATCH ONLY!  Specificly made   ║
║        for multi-player killing!      ║
25659 PAMPLON.ZIP 39,6 kt 21.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"Doom II: - PAMPLONA. Every year in PamplonaAmerican college students get gored while participating in the Running of the Bulls. Dont get gored."
39363 PATIENCE.ZIP 241853 23.02.1996 - - -
A new wad for you to play. Deathmatches
4 players well, but isn't too big for
just 2 or 3. Patience is one of my best
wads so far. I didn't put weird effects
such as invisable floors or a room that
is neither bright or dark. Not even a
golfcourse. This level is pure
deathmatch fun. You can also play single
player or co-op as it is a challenging
level. If you think it's impossible just
40473 POLARWAD.ZIP 10830 10.03.1995 - - -
Incredible deathmatch wad for Doom 2,
by Polarbear
25660 PRI_ZONE.ZIP 192,4 kt 16.02.1998 - - -
Doom 2 WAD: PRISON ZONE PRI_ZONE.WAD bu Wille Westerlund single/cooperative You are Spacemarine in a mission to force in to the aliens prisonzone, find and rescue your captured comrades and exterminate the prison warden. Then you must find your way back to the surface thru the aliens mining tunnels. The place is a huge prisonzone where humanoid aliens keep captured another alien spiecies
25661 RAM16.ZIP 320,2 kt 21.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Doom II: - Nazi Deth Kamp \'96. New version of "Nazi Deth Kamp" that originally appeared as level 2 in RamDeth last August and was later remade into level 6 in RamDoom. I added more enemies, health, and ammo to spice it up some
40491 RAVEN.ZIP 521174 20.12.1996 - 21328/Instant.Doom.Levels.-.Level.Master.II.iso -
Raven series addon for Doom 2. 11 levels.
40492 RB_LIB2.ZIP 35513 23.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso -
DOOM Wad: Castle Rott Roxx
40499 REMORSE.ZIP 650087 05.01.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Doom II DM: REMORSE. A very atmospheric dm
level for DOOM II 1.9, dimly lit with great
attention to architectual continuity. GLOOMY!
Realistic shading makes this wad very Quake
like. For the RAM challenged! Includes new
sounds specifically for this enviroment,
including ambient dripping..
25662 REQUIEM.ZIP 3,8 Mt 21.07.1997 - 22396/rbsii1.iso -
The Requiem Team proudly presents: The Amazing Doom2 32 level REQUIEM. Features 32 NEW exciting levels, NEW music and NEW textures.
40500 RETURN01.ZIP 532159 31.12.1996 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Return to Phobos -addon for Doom, 9 levels.
25663 RLMCHAOS.ZIP 1606093 05.01.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Doom II: Realm of Chaos. Single/Coop/DM. This
32-level Doom2 WAD is the first Mac-made
conversion WAD. The Macintosh Team is a group
of 7 MacDoom players..
40511 SCHOOLDM.ZIP 2179301 29.07.1996 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
SCHOOL-DOOM! v3.011/blue. 5 new levels, 3 of
them are HUGE, new sounds & music, new
graphics, 6.4 megs and grows!
25664 SCREAMDM.ZIP 210,7 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
 Scream Doom! All you need is Doom 1 or Ultimate doom! Extract the files to there where you got Doom DOOM(TM) requires an IBM compatible 386 or better with 4 megs of  RAM, a VGA graphics card, and a hard disk drive. A 486 or  better, a Sound Blaster Pro(TM) or 100% compatible sound card  is recommended. A network that uses the IPX protocol is  required for network gameplay. NOT FOR DOOM 2!!!!!!!!!! Contact me: dj.twister@jippii.fi
25665 SEWER666.ZIP 70,5 kt 21.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
DOOM II: - Sewers. Escaping through the sewers
40518 SIMPSON2.ARJ 2935269 20.04.1996 - - -
Simpsons-moduuli Doom 1.666 :lle.
Muutta KAIKEN!
40522 SLAPME2.ZIP 19700 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
The BEST Deathmatch wad for DOOM 2 out there.
Has all weapons, strategic hidng spots...
EVERYTHING for the ultimate Deathmatch level.
40532 SPARTAN5.ZIP 303354 23.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom II Wad: Spartan5
40533 SQUADRON.ZIP 2374365 10.11.1996 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso -
Doom 2: Squadron 417 (2-4 player co-op ONLY!)
Squadron 417 has earned reputation throughout
the solar system as one of the finest two,
three, and four man fighting units ever to
come out of the Deimos Academy on Mars. As
such, your unit is continuously asked to go
above and beyond the call of duty. Your
mission is very simple: To go from site to
site clearing any and all alien infestations
you might find. These sites could be
anything, so you must be prepared for any and
25666 SS_WADS2.ZIP 278564 05.01.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Doom II DM: ss_sk5.wad. Map01 is a fast
action dm level. Not only great in dm but it
also looks good. Map02 is a fast action dm
level and very good.
40536 STAND.ZIP 20648 08.03.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
The Stand - Doom 2 WAD
40537 STARWAR5.ZIP 758577 31.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Star Wars level addon for Doom. 4 levels,
Blockade Runner and The Death Star. Based on
blueprints of the sets built for the movie.
40538 STAUFDM.ZIP 60681 10.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Stauf mansion WAD for DOOM
25668 STRAIN1.ZIP 682,5 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
"STRAIN 1.0 1/4 by The Alpha Dog Alliance THE largest DOOM II Total Conversion. And its FREE! This is the product of our painstaking effort at a true successor to DOOM II. Includes 32 new levelsall new musicand a complete story which carries through the levels. 100+ new texturesand many new baddiesweaponsgraphicsand sound effects.  Yesthats right: new baddies and weapons! Designed for single play with special support for co-op and deathmatch"
25667 STRAIN10.ZIP 4,8 Mt 21.07.1997 - 20919/WADS_D2.iso -
"Doom2 addon: Strain 1.0 by The Alpha Dog Alliance. STRAIN is THE largest DOOM II Total Conversion. And its FREE! STRAIN includes 32 new levelsall new musicand a complete story which carries through the levels. It also contains 100+ new texturesand many new baddiesweaponsgraphicsand sound effects. Yesthats right: new baddies and weapons!"
25669 STRAIN2.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
STRAIN 1.0 2/4
25670 STRAIN3.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
STRAIN 1.0 3/4
25671 STRAIN4.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
STRAIN 1.0 4/4
25672 STRAINDM.ZIP 215,4 kt 27.07.1997 - 22397/970303_1024.iso -
STRAIN 1.0 DeathMatch Levels  STRAIN DeathMatch levels are specifically designed to use the STRAIN add-on for DOOM II.  These levels take special advantage of the tunes, textures, weapons, and even baddies of STRAIN.  You should be able to find STRAIN in the same place you found these deathmatch levels. This package contains one wad with 7 new levels and new music to be used with the new baddies, new weapons, and new graphics of STRAIN.
40544 SURMONT.ZIP 353312 22.06.1995 - 22160/WadsOfWads.1994.zip -
A new level and some NEW - graphics for DOOM!
25673 SWARMING.ZIP 513,3 kt 21.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"Doom II: - Swarming! These are seven of my wads. They arent supposed to be played consecutively as an episodeeach one should be started with a pistol. Maps 05 and 06 are easythe rest are very difficult andexcept for 01very long. Maps 0304 and 07 are the really difficult marathon levels but as in all the swarming levels the difficulty is with the amount of monsters not because of any mind boggling tricks or secrets."
25674 TERM-1.ZIP 15,6 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
TERMINATOR  A great Doom 1 and  Ultimate Doom map.   Made by Terminator      23-25.7 1997
25675 THELAIR.ZIP 372,6 kt 21.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Doom II: - The Lair Built for Doom2 v1.9 Mission: You have been inserted into the den of the Spider Mastermind. You must search out and destroy this insidious creature and all the demons he controls.
40569 THUD!.ZIP 270996 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This NINE LEVEL DOOM 2 WAD is phenominal in a
DEATHMATCH! You are locked into an arena and
the only way out is if you both use teamwork
to hit the switch! TXT file included.
25676 TLID212.ZIP 129,3 kt 12.02.1998 - - -
Tapiolan Lukio in Doom 2 v. 1.2: A level for Doom2 deathmatch, based on the plan of Tapiolan Lukio(sr.high-school?). Amazing resemblance! Big enough for a lot of players. MUST BE SEEN! This improved version has got music and sounds as well as better design. BUGS FIXED!
40572 TMDOOM1.ZIP 43550 16.05.1995 - - -
Doom wad for deathmatch and co-operative!
Made by: Battis
25677 TW_11.ZIP 2 Mt 04.05.2000 - 20919/WADS_D3.iso -
Doom 2: A Special Forces Total Conversion Created by Black Shadow Software. This TC is the most advanced, intensive and realistic Special Forces conversion ever created for Doom2. New and unique way to experience Doom. No more aliens, hellspawn or UAC bases - but gritty, exciting missions, a range of new environments, realistic weapons, and extended gameplay features such as mlook, jumping and more. 
40584 UAC_DEAD.ZIP 151722 31.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Dooms Day of UAC v1.0 for Doom. One level.
40587 UNLAG4.ZIP 21870 07.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
pale with "FEAR"! Another ultimate
construction, all Weapons, Barrels,
difficulty settings=different weapon setup.
Play only with berserk and Chainsaw if you
40588 UNUS_11.ZIP 595360 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A collection of sounds for Id Software's
DOOM! Once again, armed with my Echo Mic, I
stride forth and bring more sounds to DOOM!
This PWAD contains the original Unusual DOOM,
plus 12 more sounds for the registered
version of DOOM. For use with registered DOOM
ONLY!!!!! (The original Unusual DOOM is
availible as UNUSDOOM.ZIP. Look for it!)
40589 UNUSDOOM.ZIP 379032 25.04.1996 - - -
Unusual Doom Sounds. Interesting DOOM sound
39552 VADER11.ZIP 25242 25.04.1996 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
The BEST Deathmatch wad ever created.
If you download one thing today,
get this wad.
69717 VH.ZIP 113575 01.05.1996 - - tupla
Doomiin wadeja
40602 WADPAK1.ZIP 844922 30.06.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A WAD file, which contains - 27 NEW levels
for DOOM! - All levels should be playable -
in one player mode or in - DEATH MATCH mode !
40603 WADPAK2.ZIP 959044 30.06.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A WAD, which contains 27 levels - for DOOM!
All levels should be - playable in one player
of - DEATH MATCH mode! - (Really! IT isN'T
same as - WADPAK1 ! ) -
40604 WADPAK3.ZIP 1236446 30.06.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MORE LEVELS for DOOM! - (actually 27 new
levels) - Each of them should be playable -
in one player of DEATH MATCH mode -
40607 WATERTAG.ZIP 195219 10.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
by \>erminator  /  tdd
this wad goes beyond the limits of doom2!
you must see it to believe it!  No hacking
required!..  this is -Deathtag or Deathmatch-
compatible..  could this be one of the best
wads ever made?  you be the judge.  Also
included is a new deathmatch wad. STOWERS.WAD
40608 WC2-1P4.ZIP 60840 27.08.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 * 1 player maps: Bloodlust
(bludlust.pud), Crossriv.pud, doomsday.pud,
40610 WEEZ_01.ZIP 13116 20.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A complete new level for DESCENT from
Parallax/Interplay. From the author of Into
the Weezul's Lair episode for DOOM. Small but
carefully designed and balanced.
25678 WICKED.ZIP 245956 05.01.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Doom II: Wicked (The Best Gore Wad of All!)
The wad improves the deaths of most of the
enemies in Doom2. The new deaths are much
more inventive and gory than the originals.
Just take the chainsaw to the guys in the
first room of level1 to see a good example of
what I'm talking about. Not like most of the
cheap fakey gore patches out there.
25679 WOTDOOMF.ZIP 2,1 Mt 14.04.1997 - 22397/970303_1024.iso -
Wheel of Time Doom Final - addon for Doom2.
40627 WTRFRONT.ZIP 234162 20.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom 2 WAD: The Waterfront. Deathmatch, solo
and co-op level. Few new graphics and music.
60010 !WRATH!.ZIP 195497 25.11.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
L.A. Wrath - .MAP Duke Nukem 3D:n -Dukeen
ehkä tulevan episodin eka maa- Erittäin
huolellisesti tehty .MAP Duke Nukemiin, hyvä
Single Player sekä DukeMatch taso.. Sisältää
Duken parhaita kommentteja sisällään pitävän
RTS-filen myös!!!
25680 2_DUKE_L.ZIP 33,9 kt 12.08.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: Talot.map ja highway.map Kaksi hienoa ja viimeisteltyä leveliä. DM.
40033 AARENA7.ZIP 9530 24.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: Alien Arena 7 (DukeMatch)
25681 ALAMO.ZIP 15,4 kt 22.08.1999 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Hyvä Duke-ruutu. Voi pelata sekä yksin-että moninpeliä.
25683 ANSLEM.ZIP 64,5 kt 22.08.1999 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Duke-ruutu, joka voitti TEN:in ruutujensuunnittelukilvan. Tosin monstereita on liikaa..
25682 ANSLEMX.ZIP 47,1 kt 22.08.1999 - 17664/hot36.iso -
Erinomainen, detaljoitu Duke-MAP.
40052 AREA32.ZIP 12431 29.10.1996 - - -
Area 32, taso Duke Nukem 3d:hen. Hauska
yksinpelinä, hauskempi Dukematchina!
40055 ARMYCAMP.ZIP 10680 08.11.1996 - 17664/hot36.iso -
Duke Nukem 3D: Army Camp (Single Player,
60985 ASSAULT.ZIP 3555 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Assault -DukeMatch. 2-8 players.
25684 ATTACK4X.ZIP 67,4 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Duke Nukem 3d level: Attack 4 Xtreme. Dukematch map up to 8 players
25685 BETRAYAL.ZIP 37,1 kt 22.08.1999 - 17664/hot36.iso -
Hyvä Duke-ruutu, yksinpelinä erinomainen.
25686 BRUSSEAU.ZIP 50,7 kt 13.09.1999 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
Duke Nukem 3D-ruutu. Vaatii Atomic Edition.. Buildaajat, ottakaa esimerkki  t st ruudusta!
40115 BVARKMAP.ZIP 4273 25.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: DukeMatch Level
25688 CITY.ZIP 72,5 kt 21.02.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3d Map: City. Mm. Liikkuvia autoja, näköalatorni, uimahalli, ostoskeskus, lätkähalli, ja paljon muuta! Pyörii hitaasti P100:lla. Antti Salonen
25687 CITYBASE.ZIP 46,1 kt 13.09.1999 - - -
Citybase-tyylinen dukeruutu. Laatutavaraa. Vaatii DN3D 1.4.
40132 CONCERT2.ZIP 52339 19.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D level: CONCERT ARENA Dukematch
25689 D2FINAL.ZIP 47,8 kt 12.08.1998 - - -
DING II FINAL - Duke Nukem 3D kenttä. Dukematch, CoOp, ja yksinpeli mahdol- lista. Jatkaa siitä mihin Ding13D jäi. Monipuolinen, suuri ja taiteellista lahjakkuutta osoittava, täynnä pieniä yksityiskohtia oleva taso. * - * - * Piippo Software Productions 1998
25690 DARKZONE.ZIP 3,6 kt 13.09.1999 - - -
Hyva DN3D-ruutu. Multiplayer, vaatii DN3D 1.4
25691 DIEHARD.ZIP 59,1 kt 13.09.1999 - - -
Erinomainen DN3D-ruutu. Single, suosittelen kuitenkin Cooperativena.
40205 DMDUKE1.ZIP 8983 08.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: DukeMatch One. Fast DukeMatch
plays well in Spawn or No Spawn modes.
Underwater area. Hidden goodies. Has monsters
and is very challenging in solo mode, but has
no exit or final goal. Just go for 100%
40220 DN_TOOPE.ARJ 7525 15.09.1996 - - -
Toope on Itsetekemäni duke-rata. Sopii hyvin
modeemi/nettipeliin. Made & uploaded by:
40211 DN3D-26L.ZIP 69934 27.08.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D levels.
63058 DN3DGORE.ZIP 12505 19.03.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Supergore-patch for DukeNukem 3D 1.0
40212 DN3DMAPS.ZIP 291946 27.06.1996 - - -
====== Duke Nukem 3D ===== Sisältää 19
kenttää Dukeen ja hieman apua BUILDin
käyttäjille. Koonnut / Uploadannut by: Antti
40213 DN3DMPS1.ZIP 882132 13.06.1996 - - -
===== Duke Nukem 3D Pack ===== Tämä paketti
sisältää: - 33 hyvää kenttää Dukeen. - 57
_huonoa_ kenttää Dukeen. - Dokuja BUILDin
käyttäjille. - Kaikki cheat-koodit Dukeen.
40219 DNRMIX.ZIP 4965 14.01.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: DukeMatch level
25692 DNSEWER.ZIP 49 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: Sewer Map by Richard Bailey Gray (Levelord) Mix it up in a city and its sewers. Medium-sized city map, complete with an underground portion.
25693 DNSTUFF1.ZIP 117,7 kt 28.07.1998 - - -
DNstuff Vol 1. Sisältää 13 Deathmatch/Tiimi/ Yksinpeli .MAP:ia Duke3d:hen. Laatutavaraa, ei mitään 10min töherryksiä... (2 vuoden parhaat tuotokset)
25694 DNSWEEN.ZIP 31 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: Sweeney Map by Richard Bailey Gray (Levelord) Average-sized map which takes you through the confines of Sweeney & Company
25695 DNWATER.ZIP 4,3 kt 14.08.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem water.map
40227 DOOMREM.ZIP 9257 13.06.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Doom2:n MAP1-kenttΣ Duke3d:hen muunnettuna.
Lisatty muutamia hienouksia.
40229 DOOMTOO.ZIP 26239 08.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: doomtoo.map
40251 DUKE-MB1.ZIP 419225 13.06.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Duke Nukem 3D -lisäkenttiä, DukeMatcheja ja
yksinpelattavia. Sisältää kentät:
40252 DUKE-MB2.ZIP 743127 19.09.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D - 27 uutta kenttää. Sisältää:
aqua, armgdn, blockwar, canyon4, church,
danzig01, danzig02, danzig03, danzig06,
danzig09, downtwn, downundr, dukecity,
dukefest, dukeprox, ffest96, her_e4m1,
h_ledges, junkyard, justice1, legoland,
nasty24, paranoia, run-out, sand, screw-u2,
40239 DUKECDG.ZIP 961221 27.10.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D levels.
25696 DUKELAND.ZIP 9,7 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
===== Duke Nukem 3D LEVEL ===== Monipuolinen Duke ruutu, jonka olen tehnyt buildilla. Apunani käytin Lauri Pitkäsen ja Sante- ri Saarimaan ohjeita. Jos imu- roit tämän ruudun lähetä siitä minulle mielipiteesi KIITOS!!! Purkaa paketti Duke Nukem 3d hakemistoosi ja käynnistä se tällä ruudulla dukeland.bat ============================== Tehnyt: Ville Nieminen E-Mail: reino.nieminen@pp.inet.fi
40240 DUKELEVS.ZIP 22441 25.04.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem Levels
Well, here they are! ALL NEW, EXCITING,
CHALLENGING worlds for your Duke Nukem'
game! These replacement levels are packed
full of new adventures designed to bring new
life to your Duke Nukem game. This shareware
release contains a sampling of the full
registered version, which consists of a full
12-world episode of completely unique worlds,
with more new action and hidden surprises.
40242 DUKEMAP1.ZIP 288428 16.09.1996 - 23654/PCGAMER34.bin -
Duke Nukem 3D -lisäkenttiä yksin ja
40243 DUKEMAP2.ZIP 356633 16.09.1996 - 23654/PCGAMER34.bin -
Duke Nukem 3D -lisäkenttiä yksin ja
40244 DUKEMAP3.ZIP 260301 16.09.1996 - 23654/PCGAMER34.bin -
Duke Nukem 3D -lisäkenttiä yksin ja
40245 DUKEMAP4.ZIP 267549 16.09.1996 - 23654/PCGAMER34.bin -
Duke Nukem 3D -lisäkenttiä yksin ja
40246 DUKEMAP5.ZIP 419241 16.09.1996 - 23654/PCGAMER34.bin -
Duke Nukem 3D -lisäkenttiä yksin ja
40247 DUKEMAP6.ZIP 344822 16.09.1996 - 23654/PCGAMER34.bin -
Duke Nukem 3D -lisäkenttiä yksin ja
40248 DUKEMAP7.ZIP 336623 16.09.1996 - 23654/PCGAMER34.bin -
Duke Nukem 3D -lisäkenttiä yksin ja
40249 DUKEMAP8.ZIP 326333 16.09.1996 - 23654/PCGAMER34.bin -
Duke Nukem 3D -lisäkenttiä yksin ja
40250 DUKEMAP9.ZIP 664241 16.09.1996 - 23654/PCGAMER34.bin -
Duke Nukem 3D -lisäkenttiä yksin ja
25697 DUKEMAPS.ZIP 2,6 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D Addon Vol. 2 211 uutta kenttää.
40255 DUKEMM.ZIP 4075 08.11.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D map made by: Jon Lehtinen
31348 DUKERTS.ZIP 294567 13.06.1996 - - -
Kaksi käihää puhetiedostoa (.RTS) DUKE
25698 DUKESHIP.ZIP 22,9 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Duke Nukem 3d level: Sailing home (Version 1.1) Dukematch   2-8 Player
25699 DW5.ZIP 60,9 kt 22.08.1999 - gamers.org -
Hyvä Duke Nukem 3D-ruutu. Kannattaa kokeilla, käytä komentoa duke3d -map 
40269 EXTACY.ZIP 249815 10.07.1996 - - -
EXTACY.MAP For Duke Nukem 3d!! This Is A
Great Map For Duke 3d ! It Has Two Difficulty
Settings: Easy And Medium.. Can You Kill  The
BoSS ??? And This Works In DukeMatch Also!
File!! Taunt your Opponent With This
Phrases.. ! Made By: Taneli Virtanen Take
THIS Now ! ;)
25700 FIELD.ZIP 11,3 kt 13.09.1999 - - -
Dukematch-ruutu Duke 1.4:aan.
40276 FIGHT.ZIP 4861 19.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
-== FIGHT ==- A Duke Nukem 3D Userlevel
DukeMatch only
25701 FINAL-XX.ZIP 44,1 kt 13.02.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D level: "The New Multiplayer City" Not the Usual Trash (155k) jarkko.mauno@mbnet.fi
25702 FIREMAN.ZIP 28,1 kt 14.02.1998 - - -
Here is a very good level for Duke Nukem 3D In this level you have to capture a fire engine from aliens.
40284 FRAGCITY.ZIP 28303 19.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Duke Nukem 3D level: fragcity, dukematch
only. designed for those who like LOTS of
weapons, with many hidden"foxholes" scattered
25703 FUNPARK.ZIP 86,7 kt 15.10.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D map: Funpark Have you seen some left-hand made badly organized Levels? If you have just for a change download Funpark! Made by PauliSoft It is a great deathmatch- coop- single player level for Duke Nukem 3D It includes: Command center, Space Station And lots of other nifty things!
25704 H83_CWRS.ZIP 5,4 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Carwars - Dukematch kenttä Duke Nukem 3D:hMatala kaupunki jossa liikkuvia "autoja". Tekijä: Henu Heino - Basement Realm
25705 H83_LIBR.ZIP 40,1 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Library Under Ground - Duke Nukem 3D kenttä nykyajan kirjastosta tulevaisuudessa. Tekijä: Henu Heino - Basement Realm
25706 H83_MANS.ZIP 59,5 kt 12.10.1999 - - -
Duke Nuken 3D level: Abandoned Mansion on Dukematch-kenttä, joka kertoo vanhasta, hylätystä kartanosta. Jakso on tehty huolella ja ammattitaidolla, mutta on valitettavasti melko pimeä, joten sitä tulee pelata korkealla gamma-arvolla. Tarvitset Dukesta episodien The Birth & Duke It Out In D.C.:n grafiikat. Tehnyt: Henu Heino
25707 H83_MBSE.ZIP 27,8 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Moonbase - DukeMatch kenttä Duke Nukem 3D:hen. Tukikohta kuussa, jossa itsetuhomekanismi. Tekijä: Henu Heino - Basement Realm
25708 H83_RCTY.ZIP 81,7 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Real City - DukeMatch kenttä Duke Nukem 3D:hen Kaupunki joka yrittää olla aito, mutta on ihan normaali Duke kaupunki. Ihan kiva. Tekijä: Henu Heino - Basement Realm
25709 H83_SEA.ZIP 13,6 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Sea of Death - DukeMatch kenttä Duke Nukem 3D:hen Hapottava meri, jossa laivoja, saaria, ym. Hassu. Tekijä: Henu Heino - Basement Realm
25710 H83_WWAR.ZIP 2,3 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Waterwar - DukeMatch kenttä Duke Nukem 3D:hen Pieni vedenalainen kenttä. Tekijä: Henu Heino - Basement Realm
25711 HARBOR_1.ZIP 82,4 kt 20.04.1998 - - -
The Harbor_1 Duke3d level. Is it the best Duke (multi- player) level ever released? Download and see yourself why everyone talking is about it! author: jarkko.mauno@mbnet.fi
40310 HEADQ.ZIP 124895 08.11.1996 - - -
Duke3d level: The Headquarters Made by Purtsi
25712 HOLLIDAY.ZIP 16,1 kt 13.09.1999 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
"Duke Nukem 3D kenttä: The Dukes Happy Holliday Hans Schaaps (Alias Kraven) Email Address hans@cybercomm.nl Description Duke needed a vacation after his last missionso he booked a nice room in a   good looking resortunfortunately he   wasnt alone. Duke has to escape from   the resort and take a swim along the   way."
40345 ICEWORLD.ZIP 41279 25.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: Iceworld (Single Player
40352 INVADED.ZIP 38101 25.11.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Invaded - Duke Nukem 3D Level
Keeping with the L.A. theme of the original
shareware release of Duke Nukem 3D this level
drops you right into the hood. Complete with
every weapon available, and just about every
monster you can imagine this will keep you on
the edge of your seat from start to finish.
25713 ISLAND.ZIP 13,5 kt 12.08.1998 - - -
ISLAND - Duke Nukem 3D kenttä, joka soveltuu lähinnä Dukematch peleihin. Hienon näköinen ja keskikokoinen, ja varsin mukava pelata. Jopa yksi salapaikkakin löytyy :-) * - * - * Piippo Software Productions 1998
25714 JAIL.ZIP 38,6 kt 13.09.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Vankilaruutu Duke Nukem 3D versio 1.4:aan.
25716 JUDGE.ZIP 8,6 kt 07.01.1998 - - -
Duken kenttä: Operation: "could-boy" Tehtävänäsi on tuhota raketti,jonka maahamme on tuonut Ryssien raketti- expertit.Etsi nappi jolla tuhoat raketin piisirut. BY:Kim "Judge" Ordell
25715 JUDGE2.ZIP 336 kt 28.01.1998 - - -
Duken kenttä! Operation:STC Tämä kenttä on kakkos- osa edellisestä judgesta. Tehtävänäsi on sammuttaa sähköt tehtaalta. Paketti sisältää myös Parhaita windowsin taustakuvia, joista yksi on mun tekemä! Lue Tärkeetä.txt Made by:Kim "judge" Ordell
40376 KODIAK.ZIP 30226 25.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: Kodiakville (Single Player,
40384 LEVEL1.ZIP 49320 19.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D level: Level One. Very best
damned Doom2 level1 map remake.
40696 LGIBS.ZIP 13531 14.07.1996 - 17642/Duke 3D Mania (USA).zip -
Ever wanted to shower in the blood of
those alien maggots? Well now`s your
chance! Unzip this file and the file
Lgibs.con to your Duke Nukem3d
directory... next time you
blow somone up, remember your umbrella!
The amount of graphics that have to be
proccessed to make this work may slow
down some computers, mail me and I`ll
update the file and send u a copy. Note:
40388 LUNAR1.ZIP 8955 25.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: - new level
40461 PAINBOX.ZIP 24485 22.07.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D map: PAINBOX!! by: Kimmo Berg
25717 PLANET.ZIP 5,3 kt 22.08.1999 - - -
DukeMatch-ruutu, jossa on itua. Tästä voi tulla hyvätkin pelisessiot...
25718 PRICARA.ARJ 71,6 kt 24.02.1998 - - -
Duke 3d: kolme user-levelia. Ne kaikki ovat erittain hyvia Dukematchina, muttei varmasti hullumpia Co-oppina. Kokeile!
40494 RCKYMNTS.ZIP 19176 25.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: Rocky Mountains. (DukeMatch).
Fight with your Duke in the Mountains! Search
this Caves and dive into the deep seas.
39409 REALCITY.ZIP 43990 14.01.1997 - ratsnest3.iso -
REALCITY on todella suuri ja tarkasti tehty
kaupunkijossa on kolmikerroksinen hotelli ja
tietysti metrot,pankit,baarit sekä talotkin
räjähtelevät... By:Tero K.
40497 REDSKYDM.ZIP 22809 17.09.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D level: Redsky. Dukematch only,
25719 ROCKWARS.ZIP 6,5 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D level: Rockwars Simple but great level. You must run on caves and citys etc. and kill all aliens! Made By BlueAxe/TerrorSW
40512 S_DAYS.ZIP 21344 25.11.1996 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
Duke Nukem 3D: School Days (Single Player)
25720 SACANA20.ZIP 57,7 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: Sacana DukeMatch v2.0 by Regis Faria. Play in a thoroughly kick-butt setting in Sacana DukeMatch, a new map level for Duke Nukem DukeMatch. Overall feel of a large metallic fortress. Duke Nukem registered and DOS 5.0
25721 SECRET.ZIP 510,2 kt 13.09.1999 - - -
Maanmainio Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition - ruutu. Yksinpeli, vaatii DN3D 1.4.
40723 SEXEN.ZIP 17119 23.08.1996 - - -
SEXEN! for Duke Nukem 3D. -This really great
.CON file changes the assault troopers'
frames so that they look like the half-naked
females seen everywhere in the game.
25722 SPACCITY.ZIP 44,7 kt 24.11.1999 - gamers.org -
Duke Nukem 3d level: Space City By Mike Shaw. This is my 4th level. It is a city in space. Very detailed with great effects such as explosions, rotating pillar things and some great door effects.
40529 SPACE686.ZIP 92331 25.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: Space Ship 686 (new Level)
Sectors above sectors, 2-Way-Shuttle,
2 Biospheres and a lot more. This is a
very big SpaceShip-Level with 1022
sectors (for the insiders of you)
Have fun in singleplay, cooperative or
-       Level created by
-   Joerg Kieseler FIDO 2:244/6106.7
25723 TITANLVL.ZIP 24,7 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Escape from Titanic. A great map for Duke Nukem 3D made by Touko Maksimainen. Your mission is manage alive from sunking Titanic.
39108 3LEVELS.ZIP 1057 25.04.1996 - - eritupla
Three pretty hard levels for Jeptack the
Christmas Edition.
39113 77JETLVL.ZIP 22026 25.04.1996 - 12925/GAMES94.ISO -
77 custom levels for Adam Pedersen's Jetpack
ver 1.1 and later.  For the true fan!
40034 ABUSADD.ZIP 110801 27.08.1996 - - -
Abuse addons - new levels,
39118 ADDONS.ZIP 122632 21.12.1996 - - -
Hunter/Hunted 20 new missions. Requires the
full version. Sierra.
25724 ASC_SJ10.ZIP 54,9 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
Action Supercross Total Conversion (TC): Skijump. Jump with your bike as long as you can and then count the points.
25725 AZER2000.ZIP 79,9 kt 15.08.1998 - - -
Longbow 2: Azer 2000 Campaign fantasy scenario in which the current Iranian equipment found in the Azerbijian campaign is replaced by modern, state-of-the-art Russian hardware. This enhancement results in a more challenging and dynamic environment that will seriously test even the most skillful Longbow 2 pilot.
25726 BALLMAP2.ZIP 278,9 kt 13.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"Ive got some BALLS lisäkenttiäPaketti sisältää 5 kenttää (TrappedOllinCastlecoasterChinawallMinigolf) ja kaikkien kenttien uusimmat ennätykset."
25727 BC3K208M.ZIP 319,3 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD map pack for version 2.08
25728 BC3KMAP.ZIP 317 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Battlecruiser 3000 AD version 2.08 map pack
39184 CENTVA1.ZIP 162106 05.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Louisa County Airport  -  LKU Charlottesville
/ Albemarle Airport - CHO, Lake Anna Airport
- 7W4 Cub Field - Private.Designed utilizing
Airport 1.21, SCASM 1.45 and FS 5.1 CD
39196 CO1.ZIP 51827 29.11.1995 - 19670/RENO2.ISO -
Colorado Scenery Release 1 Scenery for
Microsoft Flight Simulator and the Aircraft
and Scenery Designer
39197 COASTERF.ZIP 98257 19.01.1996 - - -
Lisäratoja Disneyn Roller Coasteriin.
39200 COCO.ZIP 9823 26.12.1995 - - -
Flight simulator 5.0 maisematiedosto Sisältää
Costa Rican seudun.
25729 DK2BP3.ZIP 629,8 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
"Dungeon Keeper 2 Bonus Pack #3 Two new player Skirmish and Multiplayer levels. A real mano a mano testyoull need to find the secrets and rescue the Mistress to tip the balance in your favor."
25730 DK2PACK1.ZIP 638,7 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
Dungeon Keeper II addonpack #1 The Olympia level for DK2.
25731 DK2PACK2.ZIP 589,4 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Dungeon Keeper II bonus pack #2
25732 DYNALEVE.ZIP 3,4 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
JJ Dynaguy levelpack 8 good Dynaguy levels by J SpecialSoft\\Jukka Jokinen in 1999
39238 F15STORM.ZIP 135941 16.11.1995 - - -
F-15 Strike Eagle II: Desert Storm scenario
disk. MicroProse.
25733 F22ADFM.ZIP 248,5 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
F22: ADF extra missions.
25734 F4MISS2.ZIP 15,5 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Falcon 4.0 user missions. unzip missions it to the \\Campaign\\Save folder in your Falcon 4.0 directory. Defend your airspace against hostiles (barcap). Protect a strike of F-111s from SAMs on a night raid over North Korea (wondomal).
25735 FCMISS.ZIP 41,1 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Flying Corps user made missions.
39253 FS5FIN1.ZIP 172681 08.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
*      Add-on for MS Flight Simulator       *
*          version 5.0a or 5.1              *
*                                           *
*  Containing 83 airports and all VOR, NDB, *
*  ILS and Locator beacons in Finland.      *
*  Also dynamic scenery and communication   *
*  messages included.                       *
*                               .           *
*  Authors:             ._______|_______.   *
*  Kari Kyheroinen            \(*)/         *
39254 FS5FIN2.ZIP 398797 05.12.1996 - 15644/PCM_9612.iso -
*       Add-on for MS Flight Simulator      *
*            version 5.0a or 5.1            *
*                    ─│─                    *
*              ---o-┬( )┬-o---              *
*                   " " "                   *
*               TEAM FINLAND                *
25736 FSMISS.ZIP 8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Fighter Squadron: Screamin Demons Extra missions, campaigns, extra planenes and so on.
39263 GROOMLK7.ZIP 113544 07.10.1995 - - -
Latest version of Mike Freeman's Groom Lake
scenery file for FS4. More accuracy and
detail. Now with communications to the
25737 HKMISSI.ZIP 186 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Hornet Korea extra missions and campaigns
25738 IMPERA.ZIP 2,5 kt 22.08.1999 - - -
XvT Mission CRS Independence vastaan ISD Imperator. Aika haastava..
25739 JANETHUN.ZIP 8,9 Mt 30.11.1999 - - -
Jane\'s USAF: Thunderbird Add-on. In cooperation with the US Air Force Janes has created some special downloads for the owners of Jane\'s USAF. Climb into a customized F-16 with the Thunderbirds skin and learn to fly signature maneuvers in detailed training missions narrated by no. 6 pilot, Dean "Wilber" Wright. The enhancement includes three training missions instructing actual Thunderbird manuevers and so on.
39303 JETLV250.ZIP 67643 25.04.1996 - MBCD -
Jetpack LEVELS for version 1.1+
Includes OVER 250 excellent quality free
levels for JETPACK! Upload your homemade
levels on Software Creations!
25742 JJJET.ZIP 11 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
JJ jetpack levels JJ Jetpack Episodes JJ Episode1: The Tileworld JJ Episode2: The Ice Spikes  JJ Episode3: Total Chaos JJ Episode4: Hard Stone JJ Episode5: The Spaceship BY Jukka Jokinen                          |
25740 JJJET1.ZIP 2,9 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
JJ jetpack levels A lot of Jetpack Stuff. A good JetPack advenure. Try!
25741 JJJET2.ZIP 3,9 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
JJ jetpack levels A lot of Jetpack Stuff. A good JetPack advenure. Try!
25743 JJUFOH.ZIP 7,4 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Good Ufohippa levels! Here are housesspace ships and other more. Wery wery fun levels! Test!"
40364 JOULU.ZIP 26752 14.01.1997 - - -
JOULU.ZIP on kenttä Worms Reinforcements
peliin. Kenttä on kuvaus Joulupukin maasta ja
linnasta matojen mittakaavassa.
Tekijä: Matti Kuonanoja
65425 JPCASTLE.ZIP 12434 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
Castlevania JetPack Levels
Customized levels in the form of a
Castlevania game! 22 Full-featured levels,
plus a log of every level in detailed
clues! All in a short download! Castlevania
levels were made by F&D Software, completed
11/28/93. >Castlevania JetPack
Levels! (JetPack not included)
25744 JT_TOLK.ZIP 64 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Lisärata peliin MINIGOLF FOREVER v1.1Pura paketti hakemistoon "course2" ja pelaa! By Jaakko Tapio / Freon Productions
39314 LEOPARD.ZIP 42154 12.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
FS5 A version of British Chichester-Miles
Consultants, Ltd. CMC Leopard business jet.
25745 M1TP2M.ZIP 465,9 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
M1 Tank Platoon II user missions & tweaks
40399 MB2TASOJ.ARJ 11277 14.01.1997 - - -
Mine Bombers 2 tasoja.
25746 MCTOUR.ZIP 30,6 kt 15.08.1998 - - -
F-22: ADF Tour of Duty: Dictator Mali
25747 MRTRACKB.ZIP 722,4 kt 10.05.2000 - - -
Track Battle Scenario For Mind Rover. A new scenario has been released for Mind Rover to help announce their new contest. The contest is open to full game owners AND demo users. 
25748 ODD.ZIP 3,4 kt 22.08.1999 - - -
XvT: Fleet Battle. Kaksi laivastoa kohtaavat.
25749 PANZCSCE.ZIP 184,7 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
PANZER COMMANDER scenarios. ONE   MORE  TRY (German  Scenario) HELP  IS ON  THE WAY (British  Scenario) STEEL    JAWS   (Russian  Scenario) A   COUNTRY   HERO   (Russian Scenario) THE  RAG  TAG  CIRCUS  (American Scenario) AN  IDEAL   TANKER  (American Scenario)
25750 PC23SCE.ZIP 1,9 Mt 27.09.1999 - - -
Panzer Commander scenarios. 23 scenarios or campaigns. Includes: 17 scenarios long Soviet campaign in Hungary.
25751 PZC_KTC.ZIP 1017,2 kt 26.04.2000 - - -
Panzer Commander: Tiger II Campaign by Scotty 03/03/1944 - Ardennes "This is a Series of 20 Scenarois all made together to form a campaign. This Campaign is made with 100 percent new scenarios from scratch, most are very large with lots of nice landscape... make sure to read the readme file, you can now (if your video card will handle it) shoot targets over 2000 meters. Command platoon of Tiger II Tanks. 
39438 SCNRYEC.ZIP 84746 30.11.1995 - - -
Microsoft Flight Simulator Aircraft & Scenery
Designer* Scenery Files
39439 SCNRYSW.ZIP 134883 30.11.1995 - - -
Microsoft Flight Simulator
Aircraft & Scenery Designer*
Scenery Files
25752 SIXPWIRE.ZIP 2,6 kt 10.12.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Six-Pac 3D levelpack: Wire level set author: vulc/Snowsphere Illusions, CTM  (vulc@sci.fi)
25753 SSTRIKE2.ZIP 59,8 kt 22.08.1999 - - -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: kakkososa sstrikeI.zip:iin. Erittäin hubaa!
25754 SSTRIKEI.ZIP 70,3 kt 22.08.1999 - - -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter tehtävätrilogia. Kannattaa kokeilla, tämä on hubaa!
39495 STUI-NIM.ZIP 167375 28.02.1996 - - -
us being somewhat in awe of the possibilities
offered by STUNT ISLAND ("Can we really fly
EVERYTHING?"). A Stunt Island film.
25755 SU27-ARD.ZIP 142,3 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
SU-27 Flanker new missions: Antiradar Strike Missions Anti-Radar 1-3, Ironhand, Training. S-300.
25756 SU27-ASS.ZIP 62,8 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
SU-27 Flanker new missions: Antiship Strike Missions Ship1-3, Foxtrot, Sudak.
25757 SU27-CAP.ZIP 89,4 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
SU-27 Flanker new missions: CAP - Combat Air Patrol. Cap1, Furball, Bristol.
25758 SU27-FSW.ZIP 159,2 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
SU-27 Flanker new missions: Fighter Sweep Missions. IRST, Sweep3, 4x4 Sweep, Sweep4, Sweep5, Sweep6, Yeow!.
25759 SU27-GAT.ZIP 39 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
SU-27 Flanker new missions: Ground Attack Missions Ground1, Ground2, Ground3, Ground4, Ground5, Shilka,
39500 SU27-IRH.ZIP 306586 18.04.1996 - - -
SU-27 Flanker new training mission: Iron
25760 SU27-PPS.ZIP 4,9 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
SU-27 Flanker new missions: Pinpoint Strike Missions.
25761 SU27-RUN.ZIP 16,1 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
SU-27 Flanker new missions: Runway Strike Missions
39501 SU27MIS.ZIP 320245 25.04.1996 - - -
SU-27 Flanker, revised training missions plus
additional SIX new Airmanship missions.
39504 SWOTLADD.ZIP 82732 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Tehtäviä ja pilotteja Secret Weapons of the
Luftwaffeen (SWOTL).
39505 TAATDLP1.ZIP 1979 04.01.1996 koko¹ MBHH1998 -
I    * tArzAn tuotanto 1996 * presents *    I
I   tAAt levelpack #1 for Duff (5 levels)   I
25762 TERMLVLS.ZIP 4,3 kt 14.09.1998 - - -
Levels to Ufo-Hippa(v2.1). Made by: Terminator
39519 TG_MONMI.ZIP 185034 25.04.1996 - - -
TOP GUN: Fire at Will!  |
Mission of the Month 1  |
"Cuba '96/1." Spectrum Holobyte/MPS
40561 TGMOM05.ZIP 364191 28.08.1996 - - -
Top Gun: Fire At Will Mission of the Month
#1-5 #1 Recon patrol boat escaping Cuba #2
Protect ship containing political refugees #3
Encounter with Cuban fighter jets #4 Defend
Carrier against Cuban Strike #5 Escort B-52
39518 TGMOM08.ZIP 275719 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
Top Gun: Fire at Will Mission of the Month
#8. Requires Mission of the Month #5
"tgmom05". Mission 8: The U.S. imposed an
embargo on Cuba because of its chemical
weapons. While you're on BARCAP, a helicopter
is spotted trying to get through. Your orders
are to stop the chopper -- preferably without
shooting it down.
25763 TRIBAT.ZIP 55,6 kt 22.08.1999 - - -
Kolme erinomaista X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter - tehtävää.
39544 UA-SSI.ZIP 6747881 09.02.1996 - - -
SSI AD&D Unlimited Adventures:
pelattavia seikkailuja, kuvia, listauksia
ja muuta materiaalia pelattavaksi ja
omien seikkailujen tekoon.
39549 USNF-UM1.ZIP 2769 09.05.1996 - - -
U.S. Navy Fighters - User Mission 1
Eliminoi kaksi strategisesti tärkeätä maa-
kohdetta Krimin niemimaalla ja estä poltto-
ainekuljetus lentokentälle. Apunasi on kaksi
siipimiestä ja vastassasi Venäjän valiojoukot
Siirrä tehtävätiedosto USNF-hakemistoosi!
25764 WING.ZIP 142,4 kt 22.08.1999 - - -
XvT-Mission: X-Wing vs. Wing Commander. Erinomaista räiskintää.
25765 WW2FMISS.ZIP 320,5 kt 01.10.1999 - - -
"Janes WWII Fighters extra user made missionscampaignstweaks. For both USAAF & Luftwaffe."
25766 1STATION.ZIP 198,6 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Quake 2 DM: Refueling Base (rel. 1) Pretty medium size DeathMatch level for 2-4 players, with good playability, base-architecture and color lightning. I have tested this with C.R.Bot & in my LAN and I found this very fun. Author: CryptR
25767 2F4SANT2.ZIP 382,7 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
Quake Team Fortress Map 2Fort4Santa This map is a bit like 2fort5 but it has some major improvements like the centre fortress  and the sniper slots near the bridge. Only  Team Fortress. Suitable for 4-10 players.  Created by: Jaakko Santaniemi
25768 2STATION.ZIP 204,9 kt 01.02.1998 - gamers.org -
Quake 2 DM: Refueling Base (rel. 1) Pretty medium size DeathMatch level for 2-4 players, with good playability, base-architecture and color lightning. I have tested this with C.R.Bot & in my LAN and I found this very fun. Author: CryptR
25769 2TEMPLB3.ZIP 597,5 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
"2 TEMPLES  Quake level BETA 3 21/9/97 For TeamFortress 2.5 QuakeC Mod. Red and Blue twin Temples and deadly chasm between themwhich can be only crossed by walking on thin bridge over itso beware those enemy Soldiers and their Rocket Launchers. Amazing architecture and good gameplay. This map is really best choice for Teamplaying.progs/pack.mdl not found-bug fixed. This may work now little better."
39609 5DAYS.ZIP 267372 25.09.1996 - 24114/PCGAMER Disc 2.11 DEC 1996.iso -
:       New Quake Map:  5days       :
:   Completely new deathmatch Map   :
25770 AIRLV1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 02.12.1997 - 23154/Gamestar_00_1998-10_cd2.bin -
AirQuake Levels Pack 1: Air1, Air2, Air3 and AirCity by Iikka Keränen.
39630 ARENA.ZIP 73649 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: Arena Deathmatch Quake Map
25771 AVPAK.ZIP 895,1 kt 16.04.1998 - 22657/cd joystick no90 fevrier 1998.iso -
"Avatars Quake2 Deathmatch Blast-Packaramathon - 10 levels of pure carnage deathmatching."
61213 BASE.ZIP 135931 20.08.1996 - - eritupla
BASE-1, pieni DM-kenttä Quakeen
61217 BASIN.ZIP 116219 05.08.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
QUAKE: "The Basin" Deathmatch Level  The
greatest QUAKE level yet! Purely for
deathmatch, this level has a large basin of
water with an amazing elevator shaft, ledges,
and other great architecture. This level is
for version 1.01 registered only!  Created by
Jim Lowell on Jonathan Mavor's QUAKE editor,
61251 BC.ZIP 518019 16.09.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Quake level: Basic Castle Huge Level made to
sort of resemble a castle 1p coop dm
61472 BLACKMAJ.ZIP 4699 16.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
quake level: black majik!! AWSOME Quake
deathmatch level 1p coop dm
25772 BMTEMPLE.ZIP 554,1 kt 08.12.1997 - gamers.org -
"Temple of Black Moon 02/12/97 The officialClan of Black Moon- Quake clan DeathMatch Map by CryptR. Very well designed Quake Deathmatch map including awesome architecture with some new wall textures. ToBM has very much those professional level design skills used. Very compelling in 2-16 (or up to 32 ;) player Deathmatch. Medieval red Temple-like theme level."
39678 CRYPTR.ZIP 79739 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: Crypt'o'Death Single &
39683 D2MAP07.ZIP 114626 30.08.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Quake level: Doom2 Map07 Quake Remake *GOOD*
Remake of Doom2 Map07 with a few twists.
Single Player           : No Deathmatch 2-16
Player  : Yup
39685 DARK_AS.ZIP 234401 30.08.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Dark As Deathmatch Quake arena
where you can turn all the lights off and
creap up to people and kick their ass. Single
Player           : No Cooperative
: No Deathmatch              : Yes -- Good
for 2-4
39692 DASKULL.ZIP 592264 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: Da God Damned Skull DeathMatch
level, Its kinna like a fortress protected
bya cool battlement with a moat which has
boat and there's almost everything that a
level can possibly have like teleporters and
really cool doors and lifts and slime and
water and lava and jumps you gotta make and
very 3d architecture and arches and round
shit and open areas and really tight areas
and has been tested on server and I hopefully
corrected all errors and this run on sentence
39694 DBTD.ZIP 145779 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake level: Death By The Dozen
DM Level aimed at 4-8 player games.
39701 DFS2ND.ZIP 123531 01.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake - dfs2nd.bsp, small DM level
25773 DMWEKKE.ZIP 313,1 kt 01.03.2000 - - -
39711 DOTD.ZIP 276363 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake level: Death On The Docks
A DM Level aimed at 4-8 player games
63258 DUNG.ZIP 68372 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Small to Medium Sized
-Deathmatch Quake map-
63308 DWANG4M8.ZIP 52579 01.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake: Dwango 4 map 8 Conversion of the old
Doom2 classic "Dwango 4 map 8" Single Player
: not really Cooperative
: no Deathmatch              : definitely
63806 ERKLE.ZIP 180054 01.09.1996 - quaddicted.com -
Quake - erkle9, "Erkle's Domain" Author: Matt
Joiner "Very very cool level" Single Player
: Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player  :
What's that? DeathMatch              : 4
player max, not tested w/ more than 1
39732 FONTIR.ZIP 148925 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: fonti Single & Deathmatch.
25774 FORTMAPS.A01 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWorld TeamFortress karttapaketti 2/6
25775 FORTMAPS.A02 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWorld TeamFortress karttapaketti 3/6
25776 FORTMAPS.A03 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWorld TeamFortress karttapaketti 4/6
25777 FORTMAPS.A04 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWOrld TeamFortress karttapaketti 5/6
25778 FORTMAPS.A05 1,5 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWOrld TeamFortress karttapaketti 6/6
25779 FORTMAPS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWorld TeamFortress karttapaketti 1/6 Kaikki yleimmät Team Fortress servereillä käytetyt kartat. Suositeltava kopioitava.
39745 HELLKP10.ZIP 394848 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: Doom 2 map 7 redone for Quake
39746 HIGHDIVR.ZIP 103057 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: High Dive. Mostly water.
39752 HOUSER.ZIP 297339 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: house. Single & deathmatch.
39768 JDM1.ZIP 117148 01.09.1996 - 23663/PCGAMER43.bin -
Quake: jDM1, small deathmatch level ment for
8 or less players. Single Player: no,
cooperative: no
deathmatch: yes
39781 LAVAPIT.ZIP 4231 25.11.1996 - 23663/PCGAMER43.bin -
THE LAVA PIT. New deathmatch level for
25780 LOSTCITY.ZIP 415,2 kt 16.02.1998 - - -
Quake: Lost City, single player level for Quake 1.01 or higher.
25781 MASSIV62.ZIP 368,3 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
Quake Team Fortress Map Massive6 A Team Fortress map for 6-12 players. This ma has two traditional forts connected with a br The not-traditional part is that the bridge c opened! A nasty way to stop a flag-thief is t him swim! Excellent spots for a sentry gun.  Created by: Jaakko Santaniemi
39792 MBNQUA1.ZIP 2484140 16.09.1996 - - -
Quake Deathmatch kenttiä. Tarkistettu, ei
duplikaatteja MBnetissä ennestään oleviin.
Sisältää seuraavat: 222x3 * Run-A-Round *
CatWalk V.99 * The Courtyard * Flooded
Tele-X! * Hellhole * JoinInAndDie! * Kicker-1
* The Lava Pit * DOOM2's MAP01 * Melee01.bsp
* Mithrus's DM Lair * Mustard.bsp * Night
Stalker * ntdm1 * QuakeHenge * qmelee02.bsp *
The Quadraplex * Outskirts of the Nuclear
Reactor * Scarpa * Scohop's World * Skyhigh *
Quake Squared * Symbols * this is the end *
25782 MULTI394.ZIP 145,6 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
MULTIDEATH.394 -A deathmatch level for Quake I. Great fun especially with rocket laun- chers... TRY THIS AND YOU WANT MORE!!!   *By Werp / StarCore*
25783 NAVYM101.ZIP 1,7 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
Quake navyseal maps v1.01 navym1.bsp, navym2.bsp, navym3.bsp, navym4.bsp, navym5.bsp, navym6.bsp, navym7.bsp, navym8.bsp All maps made by Qwerty of WWD
39818 NYE3.ZIP 244581 27.08.1996 - - -
Quake level, nye3.bsp.
67250 PIT.ZIP 115131 02.09.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Quake Death Match level
39844 Q-BASER.ZIP 132785 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: Q-Base. Single & Deathmatch.
39877 Q-PALACR.ZIP 140124 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Q-Palace Single & deathmatch.
25784 Q3CASA.ZIP 3,3 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
Quake III: Arena  Q3-CTF: Castles Arggghhh map
25785 Q3CTFMA.ZIP 1,2 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
Quake III: Arena  DM map. The Malevolent Cathedral.
25786 Q3XQ3P1.ZIP 11,4 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
"Quake III: Arena Pur3Q3s XQ3pak1 maps "
25787 QARMEDD3.ZIP 329,7 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Quake: - Quake Playing - deathmatch (by GamesNet FDN) After more than 9 months comes my third level the Armageddon seriesfollowing the metal th again. Some people (like me ;) ) could call it a DM2 ripoffbut I guess every deathmatch level wi metal textures can be called like that :) Mostly taking place on two levelsI dont li vertical levels like DM4 that much ;) Fun fun"
39848 QCHUNKSR.ZIP 86297 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Qchunks.
39859 QEXMTRI.ZIP 306039 16.09.1996 - - -
quake examples and level-building helps: *
example level, shows design, doors, exists *
simple box. a very small one too. * Quake
tricks, what you can do with entities. *
Simple Quake Examples and Methods - V1.0
39862 QGIANT2.ZIP 376340 14.01.1997 - - -
"Fall on your death !" Tosi hyvä deathmatch
taso quakeen. Taitelua kuilun reunalla.
2-6:lle pelaajalle. Laatutyötä
39867 QHOUSE.ZIP 250563 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake leve: Small but intricate with good
25788 QHYDROCT.ZIP 856,1 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
Quake: - Hydrocephalus CTF Playing - deathmatch (by GamesNet FDN) A cool Capture The Flag level for Quake
39869 QK102.ZIP 5335 02.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Quake level: quake102. Deathmatch.
39873 QLEVS6.ZIP 1102031 25.09.1996 - - -
Quake levels: benta, clogged, dogget,
lurker, magnet, zdeath1
25789 QLOSTCIT.ZIP 415,2 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
Quake: Lost City, single player level for Quake 1.01 or higher.
25790 QMULTSTR.ZIP 530,9 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
Quake: - Multi-Storey Playing - deathmatch (by GamesNet FDN) For Qrally deathmatch. There are 8 starts. Th level is based on a Multi-storey carpark, its three levels and is set at night time.
25791 QOBLITRA.ZIP 121,8 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
Quake: - Obliterator Playing - deathmatch (by GamesNet FDN) A quite small, quick and deadly deathmatch level with 8 respawn points, although I think it is best suited for 2-4 players coz it may become quite messy with too many players.
39878 QPHIL.ZIP 244012 01.04.1996 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Phil's monster level for Quake.
39879 QPLCBO.ZIP 688895 14.01.1997 - - -
Place of Belonging BSP for Quake The Place of
Belonging is an add-on BSP for Quake that is
very much like a castle and dungeon.
25792 QQUARYTF.ZIP 540,8 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
Quarry for TeamFortress Quake by Anthony Rocc a new map. Requirements: TeamFortress C mod and DOS 5.0
39885 QTRICKSR.ZIP 135798 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Quake Tricks. A level just to
show the things you can do with entities. I
hope this will help you level builders out
there; I've yet to see a door in one of your
39892 QUAK4BSP.ZIP 1264984 07.12.1996 - - -
Quake BSPs: * Shaft of the Soulless BSP *
Quake Altar of Pain BSP * Quake House BSP *
Quake Join In And Die! BSP
25794 QUAKE_TA.ZIP 197,2 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
-Tiny Arena- A deathmatch level for Quake, similiar to the original Quake deathmatch levels. For 2-16 players. Author: Ali Rantakari
25793 QUAKEDM7.ZIP 258 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
DM7 Deathmatch level for Quake (c) Copyright Id Software 1997 DM7 on Id Softwaren uusi DM-leveli Quakeen. DM7:ssa on paljon eri korkeuksilla olevia tasanteita, vettä, aseita, panssareita yms. Todella hieno deathmatch leveli. Soveltuu hyvin jopa kahden pelaajan dethmatchiin.
67651 QUNIGHT.ZIP 284143 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake level: Nightstalker. Deathmatch.
67667 QUWELT.ZIP 47172 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake: welt.bsp * A kick ass deathmatch Quake
map. Single Player           : HELL NO!
Cooperative             : What? Deathmatch
39924 RUMBLE.ZIP 227581 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake level: Rumble, DM 1-16 pl.
25795 SEALMAPS.ZIP 2,3 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
QuakeC: Nave SEAL maps. NS Start Map - Break Out Map - Aircraft Demolition Map - Destroyer Assualt Map.
39941 SHAKE2R.ZIP 100224 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Shake 2 QuakeSW DM level. Single
Player  & deathmatch.
68631 SQUIM.ZIP 272820 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake: SQUIM Author: Kevin Schleicher Date:
8/18/96 Medium sized Deathmatch level Has 8
death-match starts and 1 exit
68808 SWMPTOD.ZIP 299838 16.09.1996 - - -
Quake levels: * swamp caves, medium sized,
fully populated level, with 3 main areas. 1p,
dm * tower of death, small but tight level,
utilizing Quake's ability to use floors above
floors above floors. 1p coop dm
25796 TFMAP3X.ZIP 1,2 Mt 11.04.1998 - - -
Quake: Team Fortress karttoja Outlook1, Outlook2, Sniper War (sniprwar)
25797 XMENLEVS.ZIP 4,1 Mt 02.04.1998 - - -
Quake TC: X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse extra DM & single player levels.
40045 !A_JPLEV.ZIP 16179 19.08.1996 - - -
2 Auts-vaihetta by:JUMPERS
40057 !A_RPLEV.ZIP 289898 19.08.1996 - - -
19 Auts-leveliä By: RAPERS!! Huippukamaa.
Testattu monella tyypillä.
25798 16_A_LVL.ZIP 185,7 kt 12.08.1998 - - -
AUTS leveli paketti, jossa 16 kovalaatuista leveliä. Ei mitään cut-a-picture-and-paste krääsää. (If U know what I mean) By HeRmo
25799 16X10S.ZIP 2,4 kt 06.05.1999 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3.1 -lisäepisodi 6 hullua kenttää. Sopii kahdelle pelaajalle. Samuli Hirvonen ja Ville Vartiamäki e-mail: hirvoset@koti.tpo.fi
40007 2LEVAUTS.ZIP 26227 22.11.1995 renamed Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 -
Kaksi Hyvää Leveliä AUTSiin. Jatkoa suuren
suosion saaneille Mountain, Flood & Aquarium
leveleille. Cave by KimmoL. Desert by Tommi
40008 3_AUTS_L.ZIP 20126 23.01.1996 - - -
║ Kolme häikäisevää tasoa     ║
║ pelien kunkkuun AUTS:iin:   ║
║ ULTIMATE                    ║
║ GLODD                       ║
║ NATURE                      ║
║ by:Antti "Banzai" Peltosaari║
25800 3_W_LVLS.ZIP 119,4 kt 12.08.1998 - MBHH1999 -
WINGS leveli paketti, jossa 3 huolella tehtyä leveliä. Hienot parallaksit ja kaikki. By HeRmo
40009 3DOMES.ZIP 33476 06.06.1996 - - -
Descent HOG: The Three Domes
40012 3FIFFY.ZIP 84684 25.04.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
Castle of the Damned 2: InSaNiTy!
A MAP01 pre-release for HeXeN!
This is a small version of the first
of 6 main levels in COTD2! Also
planned: 3 secret levels. Total of
40010 3FIFFY2B.ZIP 474019 06.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Hexen WAD: Urban HeXen: LA v2.0
40011 3FIFFYB.ZIP 127395 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Castle of the Damned 2: InSaNiTy!
A MAP01 pre-release for HeXeN!
This is a small version of the first
of 6 main levels in COTD2! Also
planned: 3 secret levels.
40013 3GUYS.ZIP 89443 24.11.1996 - 21765/PCS1096.ISO -
Worms Reinforcements level: 3 Guys.
40014 3KPLALEV.ZIP 24121 27.11.1995 - - -
Kolme leveliä Autsiin. Mm. Joulu!!
40015 3LEVAUTS.ZIP 21522 22.10.1995 renamed Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 -
Kolme Hyvää Leveliä AUTSiin Mountain by
KimmoL Flood & Aquarium by Tommi Lahtinen
40020 4D.ZIP 4132 21.05.1995 - 22630/Cd Joystick No63.iso -
Uusi taso Descentiin
40021 4LEVELS.ZIP 22217 25.04.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
Neljä uutta ja hienoa leveliä Autsiin.
40025 5LEVS.ZIP 27589 08.10.1995 - - -
5 uutta leveliä Autsiin.
25801 ANABASE.ZIP 16,3 kt 08.10.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Wings-level Anabase Made By Anasoft Anabase on Wings-taso, jossa tehtävänä on yrittää tuhota tukikohdan keskellä oleva pommi. Tehtävä on erittäin vaikea, mutta mahdollinen. Paketti sisältää läpiveto-ohjeet. Läpiveto ilman ohjeita voi kestää useita tunteja. Toimii ainakin v. 1.35:ssä. Toimii myös SW-versiossa, mutta silloin taso on huomattavasti vaikeampi suppeamman asevalikoiman vuoksi (mutta mahdollinen. Tekijä tavoitettavissa MBnetistä.
25802 ANTITERR.ZIP 3,4 kt 20.09.1999 - - -
Tapan kaikki 3.2 kentta Tapan kaikki peliin kampanja sisaltaa 9 kenttaa. Tehnyt Toni Hirvikorpi
40051 APPALACE.ZIP 19667 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Descent WAD: Argon's Pain Palace
60875 ARAND11.ZIP 11913 25.02.1996 - - -
AutsRandomizer V1.1  1996 Jere Sanisalo Tämä
ohjelma arpoo ennaltamäärätyn määrän AUTSin
ratoja AUTSin hakemistoon (tämä siksi, koska
AUTSissa on 32:n radan maksimi rajoi- tus).
Nyt myös MENUT + tuki muillekkin moni
kenttätiedostoisille peleille! MUISTA LUKEA
39144 ASTERIEL.ZIP 122576 04.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WAD for Heretic game by ID: moderate
thinking man's level quite large and complex
with many puzzles and not as munch violence.
Well done, see asteriel.txt.
40063 ATF_CBL1.ZIP 7844 03.02.1996 - 10630/3d-violence.zip -
Rott: Alex t. Frase's Comm-Bat Levels, 1st
40065 AUTS4LEV.ZIP 29152 02.11.1995 - - -
4 uutta itsetehtyä Auts-tasoa.
--- By: Juhis & Jani Rosti ---
40066 AUTSCON2.ZIP 22124 24.12.1995 - - -
Auts Level Converter Version 2. Now converts
PCX-levels too!
40067 AUTSIT.ZIP 258186 08.01.1996 - - -
AUTS 25 new levels
║    25 new levels...  ║
║     (High Quality)   ║
║ By: Mr.Co & Renegade ║
40069 AUTSLEV.ZIP 39936 16.09.1995 - - -
Kaksi uutta leveliä Autsiin.
40068 AUTSLEVS.ZIP 345849 06.12.1995 - - -
40 kerättyä Auts-tasoa.
40070 AUTSLVLS.ZIP 151005 14.01.1997 - - -
These auts levels are
made by : Terminator
40071 AUTSPS2.ZIP 82362 05.02.1996 - - -
PS level pack for Auts II
Includes 8 great levels for Auts:
40072 AUTSPSP1.ZIP 42222 16.09.1995 - - -
│    PS level pack for Auts no.1     │
│  ---─────────────────────────----  │
│ 8 very different levels for Auts,  │
│  ultimate stress game. Packet 1/1  │
│          Platinum Software         │
40073 AUTSTH.ZIP 47970 16.11.1995 - - -
AUTS-kenttiä, tehnyt Timo Hakkarainen.
40074 AUZLEVS.ZIP 9083 24.12.1995 - - -
Taas pari uutta mahtavaa leveliä Autsiin! By:
Space Moose
25803 AVPGPAK1.ZIP 3,8 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Aliens vs Predator Gold level pack 1 
40076 AWAKING.ZIP 13766 03.02.1996 - 22149/Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso -
Rott: The Awaking of The Hunt. 8 Single-Plyer
40079 BABE1.ZIP 35966 25.04.1996 - 21765/PCS1096.ISO -
Worms (PC) new level: BABE1.
40093 BH2.ZIP 100824 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: B747 and
40094 BH3.ZIP 91184 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: Lips and Mission.
40095 BH7.ZIP 330340 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: Henge 2 and Arch.
40097 BIRDS.ZIP 59973 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: Birds.
25804 BONECOLL.ZIP 485 kt 04.05.2000 - - -
Half-Life level: The Bone Collector By Gustavo A fast and furious small map with plenty of crossovers & good connectivity. 
40104 BORG47.ZIP 20236 20.10.1995 - 22149/Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso -
A new Descent level on board a Borg Ship.
25805 BOUNCTFC.ZIP 562,1 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Half-Life level: Bounce_TFC By Kevin White Team Fortress Classic file for Half-Life. A capture-the-flag level, the objective is to enter the enemy base and make your way to 
40106 BOYDSEND.ZIP 9271 20.10.1995 - 23998/1995-09_Disc_10.iso -
A level for DESCENT made with devil1.0.. just
put in descent directory and NEW GAME..
40107 BRATTICA.ZIP 30139 20.10.1995 - 10801/CD_ASCQ_24_0995.iso -
new Descent replacement level for level 1
This level will take you to a lost prison
mine that is as unique in design.
40108 BRINSANE.ZIP 26535 20.10.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
A new replacement level for Descent. Replaces
level 1. All instructions for use are
included. This level was created using Devel,
and was made from scratch. Insane level.
Created by Brett Russell.
40109 BRSPIRAL.ZIP 31258 20.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Descent replacement level for level one. This
is an original level created with Devil 099.
This level contains an unusual combination of
rooms, corridors, and spirals (as the name
implies). All documentation on how to use
this level with Descent is included. Requires
the registered version of Descent. Created by
Brett Russell
25806 BS-TLEV1.ZIP 4 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
-AWESOME TK3 levels by Black Shadow- Feel real killing in HOTEL, play some headball in ARENA, and keep killing in their own HOUSE. These levels are made for REAL KILLERS. Year -> 1998
40122 CASTLE.ZIP 172719 24.11.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Worms Reinforcements level: Castle.
39172 CASTLEDM.ZIP 55114 20.04.1996 - - -
Iso linna DMatch Hereticiin
39198 COC2.ZIP 51467 19.02.1996 - - -
version only) - Level 1 (E1M1). This is level
2 of a 5 level adventure originally designed
as an AD&D game.
39199 COC7.ZIP 65444 19.02.1996 - - -
version only) - Level 7 (E1M7). This is level
6 of a ? level adventure originally designed
as an AD&D game. Turn out the lights and
figure out the path of least resistance! )
25807 COOLLEV2.ZIP 2,4 kt 07.07.1998 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3: Mahtavia leveleita by : PASiS PRODUCTION
25808 COOLLEVS.ZIP 5,5 kt 29.06.1998 - - -
Tapan kaikki 3:seen pari deatchmatch levelii
40133 CORAL4M.ZIP 152835 05.02.1996 - 10801/CD_ASCQ_24_0995.iso -
This is an add-on mission for Descent.
25809 CREEDCHR.ZIP 207,1 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
The Creed Christmas Edition Missions BY Insomnia Entertainment Pty Ltd. aDD-ON for the Demo version of The Creed, a hip, gritty action/adventure game with rugged assignments and cutting-edge action. To install just run the file and follow the instructions. (Note: This update replaces all missions currently installed.) Req. 3D accelerator card with 4MB ram, Demo version of The Creed, Pentium 166, and Windows 95 or Windows 98
25810 CRYSTALL.ZIP 62,4 kt 14.01.2000 - - -
Wings-kenttä CRYSTAL.LEV Ällistyttävä Wings leveli! ;) Kiva parallaksi idea ainakin. Hieno kans. Kokeile. Nimensä mukainen. By HeRmo
40154 D-CHRIOP.ZIP 102586 27.08.1996 - - -
Descent -kenttiä: Mad Decorator, Kronos Iopa.
25811 D3CHAOS.ZIP 3,6 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Descent III "entropic" multiplayer level
25812 D3HAVOC.ZIP 10,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Descent III "Havoc" multiplayer level
25813 D3MAYHM.ZIP 903,1 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Descent III "Monsterball" multiplayer level
40147 DANGROOM.ZIP 28699 13.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Dark Forces GOB: The Danger Roon v1.1.
40159 DE-CATAC.ZIP 37315 31.07.1996 - - -
Descent level: The Catacomb: Winner of the
Levels of the World contest for Descent I
40162 DE-MAHEM.ZIP 93253 31.07.1996 - - -
Descent level: Modem Mayhem - Anarchy mission
from Descent:
40169 DE-SATUR.ZIP 29814 31.07.1996 - - -
Descent level: Level 15 from Descent:
Destination Saturn
40170 DES-BET3.ZIP 57438 22.09.1996 - - -
Descent kenttiä: Beta-trilogia, D-Match &
40168 DES1-9.ZIP 390303 22.09.1996 - - -
Descent kenttiä: alpha3, arena, badness,
charlie, chase3, darkseri, megadeth, tribyss,
40171 DESC-DIV.ZIP 310230 18.05.1996 - - -
Descent, 7 uutta kenttää.
40172 DESCLVLS.ZIP 651150 02.11.1995 - - -
Descent: 24 new levels for the reg'd version.
40173 DESCTLV1.ZIP 198 20.10.1995 - - -
Descent add-on level, Made with devil 101
40174 DESCTLV2.ZIP 5552 20.10.1995 - 10801/CD_ASCQ_24_0995.iso -
Another Descent level made with devil 101
40175 DESCTLV6.ZIP 313 20.10.1995 - - -
Nicely Made Descent level - Lots of twists
40176 DESDEM1.ZIP 869294 20.10.1995 - 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO -
Descent Level#1 ED&I
By Sacha Berwin This is the level 1
ED&I(exit,doors,and items) demo for
Descent(registered). This file can be played
on the demo player of registered versions of
Descent only. This demo demonstrates flying
tactics and menuvers. It also show where
items, doors, prisoners, and the end are.
40177 DESL1.ZIP 5425478 16.10.1996 - - -
Descent levels:
40178 DESL2.ZIP 3716480 16.10.1996 - - -
Descent levels:
40180 DESL4.ZIP 2328719 16.10.1996 - - -
Descent levels:
40181 DESL5.ZIP 2018518 16.10.1996 - - -
Descent levels:
40189 DF-COMPO.ZIP 762828 25.09.1996 - - -
Dark Forces - Components for Custom-made
Levels. Various graphics, sounds, and objects
for use in custom-made Dark Forces levels
40191 DF-MBN1.ZIP 2294675 13.06.1996 - - -
Dark Forces -MBnet kenttäpaketti: Academy,
Bespin12, Beyond21, Deathst1, Defbase,
Don-DF42, Escape. Kaikki uusia, ei dupeja
MBnetissä ennestään olevien kanssa.
40192 DF-MBN2.ZIP 2495274 13.06.1996 - - -
Dark Forces -MBnet kenttäpaketti, sisältää
kentät Gambit1, Hoerby, Imperial, Imphoth,
Infil-lb, Jb-ald10, night, Nitehawk,
Opjust1a, Powersta, Reside1a, Rpg-Df10,
Rtrive, Secrev01, Showdown, Stardes1,
Stardest, Terminat. Kaikki uusia, ei
duplikaatteja MBnetissä ennestään olevien
40193 DF-MBN3.ZIP 2122525 25.09.1996 - - -
Dark Forces kenttiä, 23 kpl ei duplikaatteja
MBnetissä ennestään oleviin: 3dmad, academy,
biohazrd, borea, cargobay, dangroom, easter,
escape, gambit, gulag5, imphoth, leia,
rancor1, recipoc, recyclst, rendev, scrolly,
shockw, sport10, starbase, wplant, xmansion,
40194 DF-MBN4.ZIP 2871831 25.09.1996 - - -
Dark Forces - 18 uutta kenttää, ei
duplikaatteja MBnetissä ennestään oleviin:
alderaan, authcon, bespin12, castle, danuta,
dml-df10, don-df42, dsplans, freebird,
imperial, invasion, mynkbase, ravage15,
revenge, roger, rpg-df20, vorn1, watrhunt,
40190 DFISLAND.ZIP 138617 01.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dark Forces: Island Invasion by Andy Stubbs
39207 DFSTF100.ZIP 2851567 31.10.1995 - - -
Levels, level editors and add-ons to Dark
Forces. Version 1.0
40197 DIE101.ZIP 23600 30.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Descent 2 HOG: Prepare to die.
40199 DINO.ZIP 74368 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: Dino.
25814 DMROCK.ZIP 5,1 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Unreal DMRockNRoll Deathmatch Level v1.0 Author: Sean Bonney Deathmatch level based on and under surface of giant asteroid. Outside areas feature craters, low gravity, and field of rolling asteroids overhead. Other areas include crashed alien spacecraft, underground waste treatment facility, surface pressure dome, and bottomless chasm.
25815 DOOM.ZIP 6,3 kt 04.05.2000 - - -
Levels for Tapan KaikkiSisältää yhden episodin tk:hon ja yhden deathmatch-kentän. 
Tehnyt Team Koistinen.
40236 DSPLANS.ZIP 10816 30.06.1996 - 24006/1997-02_Disc_2.13.iso -
Description             : You are Kyle
Katarn, You are about to steal the 2nd
set of plans of the Death Star. You have
heard rumors that Boba Fett and a couple
of Dark Troopers are at the small base.
Also beware that the Imperials at this
base are fond of Kell Dragons. May the
Force be with you.
25816 DSTAR2.ZIP 141,5 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: Endorin taistelu. Voit pelata joko kapinallisena, tai Imperiumin TIE-pilottina. Kuolemantähti tosin on Deep Space Factory, mutta kelpaa sekin.
63242 DTF-LEV.ZIP 31059 09.05.1996 - - tupla
DemoTeam Finlandia presents: - ■ AUTS ■
Levelpack v.1.0 4 GREAT different type Levels
25817 EKUTK.ZIP 5,6 kt 10.06.1998 - - -
Tapa Kaikki 3:sen karttoja. Sis. 3 kpl karttoja, 1 iso, 1 keskikokoinen ja 1 pieni.
25818 ELOAUTS.ZIP 122,1 kt 13.11.1998 - - -
Loistavat, mahtavat ja aivan ennen- näkemättömät kentät AUTS:iin. 13 kappaletta taattua laatua. Suosittelemme kaikille Auts-faneille! By: Elonen
40264 ENDBASE.ZIP 59168 25.09.1996 - 23157/Gamestar_11_1999-11_cd2.bin -
Dark Forces level add-on "Rescue on Endor"
40265 ENM3-V30.ZIP 1331593 09.05.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Alternate playing maps & graphics for the
shareware version (1.4) of WOLFENSTEIN 3D!
More guns!  More guards!  More difficult
levels!  Special gory NIGHTMARE GRAPHICS! ARE
Special bug-fix release.  ATTN: BBS SYSOPS...
offer your users the best: NIGHTMARE III!
25819 ERECH.ZIP 145,7 kt 30.06.1999 - 24039/1999-09_Disc_4.15.bin -
Heavy Gear 2 Map First bonus multiplayer map. For use with the full  version of the  game, it details another scuffle in the age-old bitter rivalries between Erech and Nineveh, two city-states. Most battles  concern the rich oil caches found under local terrain. Tensions are running high and it was inevitable that a fight would erupt.
40271 F15.ZIP 37007 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: F15.
40272 FAC_AUTS.ZIP 132901 07.10.1995 renamed Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 -
Download this now !  Great pack of levels for
auts. Great graphs and playability. Levels
are made by Sickman/FAC
25820 FALCON.ZIP 298,2 kt 08.12.1998 - 23157/Gamestar_11_1999-11_cd2.bin -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: Millenium falcon -tehtävä: Suojele Millenium falconia.
40274 FANS.ZIP 20116 25.04.1996 - 22149/Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso -
HOG for Descent: The Fans (1 deathmatch
25821 FURYWRLD.ZIP 61,1 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
FURY WORLD - Singleplayer map for BattleZone "Return of deadly Furies came true! You have been sent into their planet to destroy them to save Solar System from their terror and humanity from definite death." Terrain elevation layout is beatiful and good for combat, with many mountain peaks, high heights, canyons and valleys. Contains 2 different types of Furies as the enemies.
40294 GIGADTH.ZIP 11917 08.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
D2:- Gigadeath - Descent 2 anarchy level
40296 GIGALEV.ZIP 20087 27.12.1995 - - -
Auts levels made by Gigamess
40299 GRAIL.ZIP 60938 24.11.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Worms Reinforcements level: Grail.
25822 GTWYHALF.ZIP 9,9 Mt 30.08.1999 - 23159/Gamestar_13_1999-XMAS_cd2.bin -
The Gateway for Half-Life by Michael D. Hindman Add-on. A secret branch of the Army has stolen the PHEV (Prototype Hazardous Environment) suit. Your mission is to recover the suit at all costs. There has also been word of a German group operating in the area, so you must not let the suit fall into their hands. Req. Halflife and Windows 95 or Windows 98
64712 HAUTSL_2.ARJ 75036 04.12.1995 - - tupla
*******HAUTSL_2.ARJ (3.12.1995)*******
Odotettu jatko-osa HAUTSLEV.ZIPille. Sisältää
ja PERUS. Tyyli on lähellä ensimmäisen
paketin Hautis1:tä koska laamat vain
valittivat niistä "viherpallokentistä" :( ---
***********(c) Hautis/NCU*************
40308 HAUTSLEV.ZIP 24784 11.10.1995 - - -
----------- 4 LEVELIÄ AUTSIIN -------------
-------------- by Hautis/NCU --------------
---Hautis1, Pyoryla, Huiputus ja Dumbfire--
----Julkaistu tuomiopäivänä, 10.10. -95----
-----Sairaisia Ylukion Auts-friikeille-----
39276 HELLDEAT.ZIP 77069 14.12.1995 - 23999/1995-10_Disc_11.iso -
Another brand new Level for Heretic.
You are in a Hell full of pain and
DeatH. If you don't wanna be the one
which is the DeatH you must fight for
it! Also you must find the right way
to become you favorit HelLWeapoN!!!

from: Christian Sedlbauer (Reptile)
and   Alexander Kuhnt (Sub-Zero)
64783 HER_HELL.ZIP 108992 19.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Heretic WADs: Hell's Maw
40315 HEX-6PW.ZIP 504451 18.05.1996 - - -
HEXEN, kuusi uutta PWAD-kenttää
40316 HEXBRAWL.ZIP 9138 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40317 HEXCOO.ZIP 8516 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40318 HEXFALL.ZIP 7319 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40319 HEXGATE.ZIP 39019 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40320 HEXGRAVE.ZIP 17915 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40321 HEXKEEP.ZIP 16695 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A deathmatch .wad for hexen!
40324 HEXMAN.ZIP 15151 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HEXEN "Hexman" Deathmatch Level - the first,
second and third catagory weapons are
available, but the fourth was left out to
provide a better fight. There are no
monsters, so single play will be boring.
There are a few teleports to get you around
and to give the player the ability to jump
into hiding places.
40325 HEXNWADS.ZIP 427057 30.06.1996 - - -
22 uutta kenttää Hexeniin.
40326 HEXWADS.ZIP 111299 05.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A collection of wad files for hexen great for
modem play.
25823 HG2BASSL.ZIP 183,4 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II "beach assault" multiplayer level
25824 HG2ERECH.ZIP 142 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II "City of erech" multiplayer level
25825 HL-MEDW.ZIP 6 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
"Half-Life mod: Medieval World. Gives HL Diablo looknfeel. "
25826 HLUPLNKL.ZIP 3,6 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
Half-Life: Uplink NEW LEVELS. Same levels as in Uplink demo. Valve Software / Sierra. New mini-missions not yet seen.
25827 HONOR.ZIP 4,3 kt 17.03.2000 - - -
Episode1: The honor for TK321The episode to Tapan kaikki 3.21 has 11 levels and some hard levels? Ok, but it`s for two person... The author e-mail: antti.lipponen@luukku.com
25828 HT2V105M.ZIP 5,7 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Heretic II enhancement pack multiplayer maps
40338 HUMPLEV1.ZIP 95667 31.10.1995 - - -
8 Levels to AUTS Humppa-AKE's bests vol.1
39288 HWYVERN.ZIP 266979 03.01.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Welcome to "Wyvern Heights" for Heretic 1.0.
This wonderful environment replaces E1M1 and
features excellent texture alignment and a
ton of new graphics. Please read Wyvern.txt
for the gory details.
40340 HXBAT.ZIP 13565 03.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Batman-taso Hexeniin
40342 HXMORGUE.ZIP 14814 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HEXEN PWAD: The Morgue - *The*
high paced deathmatch PWAD for
Hexen. Bridge above chasm of fire,
fog covered swamp, and more.
25830 I&MWLEV1.ZIP 225 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Wings: ILE & Masa level pack 1. 8 erinomaista leveliä Wingsiin. Ei mitään tasottomia tuherruksia. Toimii ainakin versiosta 1.20 eteenpäin.
25831 I&MWLEV2.ZIP 524,5 kt 18.11.1998 - - -
I&M Levelpack2 for Wings. 8 kappaletta erinomaisia, huolella ja tunteella tehtyjä Wings -leveveleitä. Pelattavuutta, näyttävyyttä ja laatua by Ilkka Sjöstedt, Matti Heikkilä & Juha Rika.
25829 I82MAPP.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
Interstate \'82 map pack. We have compiled a map pack with all the latest and greatest maps including: " New Haven, NM" " Hill Top" " Bumps N Lumps" " Long Jump\'82 " " Vigilante Paradise 2 " These maps are the most played on the servers, so I suggest you better get them, or you wont get in on the great fun!
40348 IH_AUTS1.ZIP 70516 20.04.1996 - - -
-= AUTS-ratoja =- Antarktis, Hiekka- ranta,
Talvi, Ufola, Dinot -=   by I.H.   =-
25832 IMWLEV3.ZIP 470,5 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
IJM / I&M Levelipaketti 3 Wingsiin.  12 leveliä taattua laatua. Levelit on tehnyt JR & ILE.
40356 ITSAPIG!.ZIP 15186 07.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
It's a Pig! wad for HeXen Small and fast
DeathMatch in this one kiddies, and plenty 'o
stuff too!
40357 JAUTSLEV.ZIP 228201 20.08.1996 - - -
25 leveliä Autsiin
Made by Jussi Siwonen
40359 JETPAC.ZIP 38178 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: Jetpac.
25833 JJARENA.ZIP 121,2 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II "Jump Jet Arena" multiplayer level
25834 JJWLEV1.ZIP 229,1 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
A lot of Wings stuff on this JJ Wings levelpack. These levels are wery good playable on the internet or  8 player game. Test!
25835 JJWLEV2.ZIP 33,9 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
A lot of Wings stuff on this JJ Wings levelpack. These levels are wery good playable on the internet or  8 player game. Test!
25836 JJWLEV3.ZIP 109,3 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
A lot of Wings stuff on this JJ Wings levelpack. These levels are wery good playable on the internet or  8 player game. Test!
40369 KABLEVD1.ZIP 782186 16.10.1996 - MBCD -
KaBoom level disk #1 for KaBoom v0.54!! These
levels are for REGISTERED people only, and
will not WORK in the SW-version. Please
40382 LEV4AUTS.ZIP 1176172 18.01.1996 - - -
Noin 125 koottua Auts-tasoa. Huonoimmat tasot
karsittu pois. Volume 1. Tasojen nimiä on
muuteltu pikkasen duplikaattien
välttämiseksi. Vihje: Jos haluat vain jonkun
tietyn tason tutki paketti jo purkissa ja
valitse esiintulevasta listasta.
40383 LEVA1.ZIP 31759 09.05.1996 - - -
║ Yhdeksän vaativaa tasoa     ║
║ räiskintäpelien kuninkaaseen║
║ AUTS:iin                    ║
║ Suunnittelu ja toteutus     ║
║ Vesa "Keisari" Karhula ja   ║
║ Antti "Banzai" Peltosaari   ║
40393 MARIOLEV.ZIP 3537 09.05.1996 - - -
Super-mario leveli Autsiin
25837 MBLEV10.ZIP 7,9 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
Mine Bombersin  Rekisteröityyn versioon 3.1. pari kenttää. Tekijät:Jukka Leppänen ja Teemu Honkala
40414 MICROM.LEV 20941 22.07.1996 - - -
hyvä autsin kenttä.
40415 MIKE_KIL.ZIP 17247 03.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Killer instinct and the Mikeman WAD for Hexen
66229 MODESTY.ZIP 450622 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar eritupla¹
Description not available
40428 MODESTY2.ZIP 406803 25.04.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms (PC) new levels "Modesty2"
40429 MODESTY3.ZIP 335656 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements levels: Bobble, Eris,
Hacker and Invis1.
25838 MPTK308.ZIP 2,8 kt 14.10.1998 - - -
Mikko Pallarin Tapan Kaikki 3 Lisäkentät versio 0.8 Tekijä MBnetissä
25839 MTLEV1.ZIP 242 kt 27.05.2000 - - -
Wingsin kenttiä. Sisältää 12 Wingsin kenttää. 
40435 MV_AUTS2.ZIP 213594 08.01.1996 - - -
Autsin leveleitä + satunnaisleveligeneraato.
MV:n mahtitasoa... :)
40436 MV_AUTS3.ZIP 125462 05.03.1996 - - -
6 leveliä & levelien valintaohjelma AUTS:iin.
40437 MV_AUTSL.ZIP 186527 13.12.1995 - - -
12 huolella tehtyä leveliä AUTS:iin
By: Miika & Sami Virpioja
40443 NMESREV.ZIP 26283 05.02.1996 - 22149/Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso -
Rott: NME's revenge, 7 single-player levels.
25840 NOX_MAPS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Nox bonus multiplayer maps New in this package: the "shootout" map. 
40445 NSFTLEVS.ZIP 64917 29.10.1996 - - -
Tasoja V-Wingiin.
Mukana mm. tasot: Linnat, Laakso, Punkero
Yhteensä 5 tasoa. =-=NiemiSoft 1996=-=
25841 OPENCALL.ZIP 3 Mt 14.12.1999 - 22441/XENIATGM77.iso -
Starsiege Tribes - Open Call tehtäväpaketti. Tehtävät tarkoitettiin alunperin Tribes Extremeen mutta ne ovat nyt tarjolla tavallisen Tribesin pelaajille.  
40453 ORANGE.ZIP 514467 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements theme: Clockwork Orange.
(SFX & landscape)
40465 P-FALL.ZIP 9677 13.06.1996 - - -
***** RISE OF THE TRIAD *****
Ten RTC levels for modem head-to-head shoot t
lay. Includes:
Arachnaphobia, War in St. Louis, Monty's Hall
OT designed for
NETwork play, but play tested in normal CommB
40462 PANICALL.ZIP 249358 31.07.1996 - 21842/PPCDSP03.ISO -
Descent II: Panic Levels Top quality anarchy
levels for PC and Mac from Parallax Software.
40467 PHILIP1.ZIP 41341 01.07.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms new maps for use with Worms:
Reinforcements. Includes: csgworm, dotty,
music, space.
40471 PKLEVS.ZIP 101294 20.04.1996 - - -
10 erinomaista (?) leveliä AUTSiin.
esim. Lemmings 2 ja Mortal Kombat 2 (!!)
Made by : __/Panu\__
40477 PROTEK02.ZIP 50156 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This HEXEN WAD is based on a Heretic level
(E3M4) designed by "Kent the' Hacker" called
Heretrix. Slight changes were made to improve
Deathmatch playablity. The architecture was
adjusted to present more plausible views.
This level is just right for a 2 person
Deathmatch. With 3 or 4 players, you'll need
to keep you wits about you, or you'll be
toast (or hog).
25842 Q3WCTF.ZIP 7,9 Mt 11.01.2000 - 26855/PCZONE%2388APR00.iso -
Quake 3: Arena three new Capture the Flag maps.
40498 REF-LEV.ZIP 48013 25.01.1996 - - -
Special Auts level collection Here  is many
beautiful,  and different  AUTS  levels  from
Refinition      &     Ewock !
40501 RHEADS.ZIP 62646 25.04.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms (PC) new level: Rheads
25843 ROTTLASR.ZIP 48,8 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Rise of the Triad Lasersoft bonus levels
40526 SNOTT.ZIP 137798 25.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Rott: Snott (real difficult) 16 Single Player
levels, WAD included
40531 SPACE.ZIP 8086 29.11.1995 - - -
space age level pack for auts!
made by:Erik Sollamo
40528 SPACE2.ZIP 45084 08.01.1996 - - -
5-värislaidattua avaruusaiheista leveliä
autsiin.Todellla tasokkaita ja pelattavia
40534 SQUESH.ZIP 16770 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A really good Hexen deathmach wadfile. Lots
of crushers!
40535 STADIUM.ZIP 22226 28.08.1996 - 21842/PPCDSP03.ISO -
Descent II new level from Parallax Software:
the Stadium.
40547 SWEENEY.ZIP 9626 21.05.1995 - 22630/Cd Joystick No63.iso -
Uusi taso Descentiin
40549 TAATAUTS.ZIP 62935 27.02.1996 - scene.org -
tAAt AUTS-levels #1. This pack contains some
of the coolest levels you have seen.
40554 TANIS.ZIP 552538 14.04.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Dark Forces add-on level:
Outpost Tanis Van, Sneak on board a
Imperial Outpost, set three sequencer
charges, and escape alive!!!
25844 TCPIPKA.ZIP 1,4 Mt 06.05.1999 - - -
Tcp/Ip peliin muutama lisäkartta (asenna pelin MAPS hakemistoon!)
25845 TESTCHAM.ZIP 894,7 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
"Half-Life Counter-Strike level: Test Chamber - Hostage Rescue by Kerplunk (qleap@home.com) Background: Terrorists have taken over a nuclear testing facility and are bargaining for their leaders release from prison with the lives of three head scientists.  Waste overload can kill their hostages every 8 minutes. "
25846 THDMS.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.01.2000 - - -
Half-Life: They Hunger DM Maps.  Neil Manke\'s been at it again. After the brilliant "USS Darkstar" add-on he and his team decided to radically re-shape the Half-Life universe. Here are two deathmatch maps. Here are a couple of excellent deathmatch maps. Ideal for 2 - 6 players, these maps feature clever sniping spots, fixed canons and loads of weapons. Just down it, unzip it and kill.
25847 THEYHUNG.ZIP 15,8 Mt 11.04.2000 repacked Pelit CD 2000 -
Half-Life: They Hunger single-player level pack by Neil Manke, creator of "USS Darkstar" add-on. Radically re-shaped the Half-Life universe. Horror themed, it is not a military action game like original Half-Life. So don\'t expect aliens or soldiers this time. Keep this idea in mind and I believe you will enjoy it much more. Req. original Half-Life v1.0.0.9 or later. 
25848 THIEFLEV.A01 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 2/8
25849 THIEFLEV.A02 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 3/8
25850 THIEFLEV.A03 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 4/8
25851 THIEFLEV.A04 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 5/8
25852 THIEFLEV.A05 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 6/8
25853 THIEFLEV.A06 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 7/8
25854 THIEFLEV.A07 1,4 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 8/8
25855 THIEFLEV.ARJ 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 1/8 Individual mission files from the game. Use with the level editor as examples or modify them. These files include the information that was left out of the mission files on the game for space saving.
25877 TK_THP.ZIP 8,6 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
TK 3.0:n kenttiä TK:n läpipäässeille. By:Team HePu Paketti korvaa oikeat kentät! Yhteystietoja:  Heikki Marjo Heikki.Marjo@MbNet.fi  Ja  Anssi Purhonen AnssiP@artic.net  TAI  TeamHePu@artic.net TeamHePu@hotmail.com  TAI  Team HePu Valkeisentie 3 79700 Heinävesi
25875 TK-JONI.ZIP 5,1 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3 (TK3) levels Vaatimukset: The Ultimate Tapan Kaikki 3 v.1.0 tai uudempi. 2 mielestSni hyvSS tasoa Tapan Kaikki 3:seen, molemmissa tasoissa on 9 leveliS. Peli on hyvin pitkSlti rSiskintSS, mutta ilman tietynlaista taktikointia et tule pSrjSSmSSn. Asennusohjeet: Avaa zip-tiedosto, jolloin avautuu kaksi uutta zip-tiedostoa, avaa niistS toinen ja luo sille kansio tk3:ssa olevaan levs-hakemistoon ja kopioi levelit sinne. TekijS: Joni Ketokoski 
25862 TK3_JK.ZIP 15 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
TAPAN KAIKKI 3 - the ultimate TK (Campaign: War of the Damned) __________________________________  Here you have 15 new levels to TK3, including (1) POWER PLANT (2) LOW LIFE FACTORY (4) FRESH YOUR MIND (5) MEET YOUR MASTER (9) OUTDOOR ACTIVITY (10)THE HEADQUARTERS (dm)ROOMS OF DESTRUCTION (dm)SPACE STATION (dm)COMMODORE 64 NOW, and much more! __________________________________ ps. You have to rename your current campaign levels
25858 TK3-2MAP.ZIP 1,4 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3: kaksi kenttää deatcmatch/yksinpeli
25859 TK3-AHL.ZIP 7,1 kt 17.12.1998 - - -
The Ultimate TapanKaikki: 4 DeathMatch kenttää. Antti Hakkarainen
25861 TK3-E15.ZIP 7,9 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Tk3 episodi: Enemylines v.1.5 Arto Vuori 1999
25869 TK3-MAFI.ZIP 5,1 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3 episodi: Mafia Tekijä: Janne Alhonpää Sähköposti: japi__a@hotmail.com Episodi sisältää 5 scenariota
25872 TK3-RIW.ZIP 6,3 kt 11.03.1999 - - -
Tapen Kaikki 3 episodi. Tekijä: Niko Vierikko
25874 TK3-WAR.ZIP 17,2 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3 episodi: War with teleports Kalle Vanhatalo
25873 TK3-WAR2.ZIP 22,6 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3.1 episodi: War with teleports2 Kalle Vanhatalo
25856 TK31NAZI.ZIP 5,3 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
TK 3.1 Episodi. 10 Kenttää. MADE BY THE ALEKSISOFT!
25857 TK31RVNG.ZIP 9,8 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
REVENGE Episode to The Ultimate Tapan Kaikki 3.1. 11 fantastic levels. (c) 1998-1999 Miikka Productions. E-mail: miikka_24@hotmail.com
25860 TK3DOOM.ZIP 4,2 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25863 TK3JU1.ZIP 6 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25864 TK3JU2.ZIP 4,6 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25865 TK3JU3.ZIP 5,3 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25866 TK3JU4.ZIP 7,7 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25867 TK3JUFE.ZIP 3,3 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25868 TK3M007.ZIP 6,6 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25871 TK3MAP.ZIP 1,2 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
TAPAN KAIKKI 3:sen BATTLE mappi. Deathmatch/yksinpeli
25870 TK3MAPS.ZIP 2,1 kt 08.06.1998 - - -
TAPAN KAIKKI 3:seen 3 Deathmatch areenaa. ROAR Softwarel
25876 TKLEVELS.ZIP 33,5 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Wings-kenttiä. Sisältää: TK_Iron, TK_Sievi, TK_Rainer. Tasot on tehnyt Tapani Kylmä jolle voit vapaasti lähettää sähköpostia osoitteeseen: kylma_tapani@hotmail.com
39525 TMBTHARK.ZIP 81736 07.01.1996 - 20919/WADS_D2.iso -
The Graves of Thark for Heretic, level for
Single player, Co-op, and Deathmatch.
40574 TOM1.ZIP 210136 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements levels: Black, Hippo,
Mine, Spiky and Wg.
40575 TOM2.ZIP 559482 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements levels: Bubbles, Chem,
Lemming, Mace, Penknife, Plugs, Smile, The
Team and Toxic.
25878 TONTZA.ZIP 4,6 kt 20.09.1999 - - -
Tapan kaikki 3.2 kampanja Tassa on kampanja tapan kaikki peliin. 3.2 versio tarvii olla. Sisaltaa 7 tai 8 kenttaa Tehnyt Toni Hirvikorpi tontzankoti@crosswinds.net
25879 TRUCKMAN.ZIP 4,9 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
Truckman Episode to Tapan kaikki 3.21  There is 10 levels and it`s for two players. But it`s not so hard, anyway... Author: Jere Saastamoinen E-mail: saastamoinenjere@iobox.fi
25880 TTK.ZIP 6,9 kt 12.11.1998 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3:seen haastava episoodi. by : PASiS PRODUCTION
25881 TURBSHIP.ZIP 46,1 kt 30.11.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Turbis ylimääräisiä aluksia: Cobra, Delfina, Inka. Toimivat SW-versiossa.
40581 TURSKLEV.ZIP 3841 24.12.1995 - - -
Turska.LEV  Paras leveli Autsiin mitä ikinä
on tehty!! Tai sitten ei. Mutta ei se mitään,
turskat hallitsee ja vallitsee.  Tämän upean
levelin ovat tehneet Falcon ja Lounli Kauboi.
25882 TVT.ZIP 90,5 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: erään kapinallisen Calamariristeilijän tarina. Vaatii Balance of Power, mikä tietää hyvää...
40585 ULTI.ZIP 63099 27.07.1995 - - -
Level for Descent: Ultimate Chaos (3 levels)
25883 UNRAL101.ZIP 3,3 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Unreal user level: The Valley of Alshar Mick "VerMoorD" Beard
25884 UNRCLAY.ZIP 1 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Unreal user level: The Court of Izn-Nali Claycle
25885 UNRLEV3.ZIP 2 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
"Unreal new levels: Struck A Nerve (megsp1.zip) Bealdr (Beald.zip) LowerSon (LowerSoN.zip)"
25886 UNRLIB1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
"Unreal user level: The Liberation of Na Pali: Abunatus Hope Steve Farrow"
25887 UNRMORER.ZIP 1002,9 kt 08.01.1999 - - -
Unreal user level: Priest in a Puzzle Staton Richardson
25888 UNRPANUN.ZIP 884,3 kt 08.01.1999 - - -
Unreal user level: The Rescue of PaNunu GreyGore
25889 VERHILLS.ZIP 169,7 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II "Veril Hills " multiplayer level
40599 VWLEVS1.ZIP 90095 10.12.1996 - - -
Laadukkaita V-Wing-lisätasoja by Kozti. 6 eri
39585 WCKSSM1.ZIP 925572 05.12.1996 - - -
Wing Commander: Secret Missions 1 add-on
campaign, now released to public.
39584 WCKSSM12.ZIP 1701519 05.12.1996 - 22082/SSERVCD_44B.bin -
Wing Commander: Secret Missions 1+2 add-on
campaign, now released to public.
39586 WCKSSM2.ZIP 1425753 05.12.1996 - - -
Wing Commander: Secret Missions 2 add-on
campaign, now released to public.
25890 WCTKSSM2.ZIP 1,6 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
Wing CommanderThe Kilrathi Saga secret missions 2 addon
25891 WCTKSSP2.ZIP 3,6 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
Wing CommanderThe Kilrathi Saga special operations 1 & 2 addon
25892 WINGS10K.ZIP 186,1 kt 30.11.1999 - - -
Wings kenttä. 1000x1000. Tässä tasossa riittää tutkittavaa ja löydettävää. Tässä levelissä sujuu lisäksi niin räiskintä, tutkiminen kuin tukikohtien rakentelukin. tekiä:Antti Lisää hyviä tasoja löydät osoitteesta http://koti.mbnet.fi/~valliant/
40611 WINGSLEV.ZIP 101981 16.10.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
Wings kenttiä
4 kpl. Made By:Pekka Nykänen & Janne Paukku
25893 WINGST1.ZIP 16,8 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
A good mission level to Wings. A amazing labyrinth level. Destroy the bomb on level end. By J SpecialSoft\\Jukka Jokinen. Try this level! Test!
25894 WINGST2.ZIP 18,4 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
A good mission level to Wings. A amazing labyrinth level. Destroy the bomb on level end. By J SpecialSoft\\Jukka Jokinen. Try this level! Test!
40619 WLEVS1.ZIP 46623 08.11.1996 - - -
Viisi huolella tehtyä kenttää Wingsiin:
Clouds, Cola, Pyro, Spiral ja Watertubes.
Pakkoimutus Wingsin omistajille.
39592 WOL3R&G3.ZIP 346005 02.11.1995 - - -
10 new challenging - but beatable wolf3d
levels. requires wolf3d ver 1.2 or 1.4
40621 WOLFEXTR.ZIP 577721 21.03.1995 - - -
Wolfenstein Extras Disk - uusia kenttiä,
tekstuureja, utilityjä, chetteja yms.
40622 WOLFMAPS.ZIP 86020 21.03.1995 - - -
Uudet kentät Wolfenstein 3D:n.
40624 WORMS_SW.ZIP 561175 01.09.1996 renamed 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
WORMS: Reinforcements - Star Wars sound set
25895 WOTARE11.ZIP 430,4 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
Wheel of Time "Kingdom come" bonus map 
25896 WOTARE12.ZIP 998,6 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
Wheel of Time "The Inquisition"  bonus map
40626 WRNCITY.ZIP 18834 16.10.1996 - - -
Nightcity on uudenlainen kenttä Wormsiin.
Se on kaupunki matojen omassa mittakaavassa.
Kenttä sisältää useita rakennuksia joihin voi
myös mennä sisälle ja lukuisia matoja
erilaisissa toiminnoissa.
Tekijä: Matti Kuonanoja
40629 XXXWORM.ZIP 179497 25.04.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms (PC) new levels:
nude1 + nude 2.
39103 2SCEN.ZIP 10869 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
2 VERY good Command & Conquer multiplayer
scenarios. Pixel Scenarios.
39106 39TH.ZIP 30084 30.08.1996 - 22057/secret_service_56a01.iso -
Steel Panthers Scenario: September 19, 1944
The 39th Infantry weak and understrength
assaults the German held a German held town
on a ridge with armored support.
25897 3DAY.ZIP 5,3 kt 24.06.1999 - 22063/SSERVCD_59A.bin -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg! For those dedicated souls who asked for itwe have created a three-day scenario (unzip its one file into your Gettysburg! directory). This scenario is not an official part of the game and is recommended for multiplayer only."
39110 50LEVELS.ZIP 1207532 27.08.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: 50 maps
39117 ADC-1.ZIP 337691 24.04.1996 - - -
Aide De Camp -datatiedostoja. "ADC allows
gamers to take the map/board and
counters/pieces from almost any game and put
them on the computer." HPS Simulations.
60469 ADPACT.ZIP 21134 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso tupla
Warcraft 2 MAP: Death Pact.
25898 AG-SCEN.ZIP 54,1 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Allied General scenarios. a_lening.zip, a_poland.zip, a_soviet.zip, a_warsaw.zip
39124 AIRDROP.ZIP 14963 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
COMMAND&CONQUER "Airdrop" Scenario (IBM).
Update to my other mission with the same
name. It fixes some bugs with the enemies not
attacking at the right time and just sitting
39126 ALASSALM.ZIP 32412 18.01.1996 - - -
The first battle of Alassalmi for SSI's great
game Steel Panthers.
39127 ALLOUT.ZIP 7383 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "All-out War" Scenario (IBM). Two
large cities, all buildings, several units,
greatly lowered build costs/times
39129 ALTERAC.ZIP 19400 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
WARCRAFT II "Alterac" Scenario
39131 AOR-SCE1.ZIP 841541 29.10.1996 - - -
Age of Rifles - Wargame Construction Set III
skenaarioita. Aihepiirejä "american civil
war, british imperial wars, other historical
wars, fictional battles and wars". adowa,
aliwal, aorfaqs, aorkesh, canyon, cedarmtn,
custer, elands, elcaney,fairoaks, ferozesh,
foxgap, frontroy, full^ado,isand, kernstow,
magers, modder, moodkee, pearidge, sobraon,
talana, wgc2-bre.
39132 AOR-SCE2.ZIP 816747 29.10.1996 - - -
Age of Rifles - Wargame Construction Set III
skenaarioia ja kampanja: adowa, aliwal,
aorhms, aorkesh, canyon, cedarmtn, elands,
elcaney, ferozesh, foxgap, frontroy,
full^ado, isand, kernstow, lbighorn, magers,
modder, moodkee, pearidge, sobraon, talana
39139 AREASBE0.MPR 8465 14.01.1997 - - -
Areas Between Rivers, kenttä Red Alertiin
Loistava, By: H0ffeR / CPP
39140 ARMAGDN.ZIP 25994 07.06.1996 - 22389/CITE.iso -
Command & Conquer Level
Mission Description
Locate your slightly damaged GDI base
and perform repairs.  The, move QUICKLY
to establish a good defensive front.
The NOD base is very well established.
Destroy all NOD on the map.
39143 ASLMAP.ZIP 8537 28.08.1996 - - -
A set pf ASL maps, translated with the
Panthers in the Shadows mapbuilder for use
with HPS Simulations wargames.
61159 B2SCEN.ZIP 375744 08.08.1996 - - tupla
Breach 2 Scenario Collection, 76 scenarios
for Onmitrend's tactical wargame Breach 2.
39149 BADPACT.ZIP 22041 07.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
BAD Pact
Warcraft II Custom scenario. 1 player
You made a pact with Zuljin many years
ago to help defeat Cho'gal and Gul'dan.
Now, he wants to take you out!
39150 BALOFIRE.ZIP 12711 04.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
WARCRAFT 2 "Great Balls O' Fire" Scenario
39152 BATTLE.ZIP 10984 18.12.1996 - 22630/Cd Joystick No63.iso -
Siisti scenario Warcraft II:een. By: Cyanid
39154 BGG_NEW.ZIP 166864 11.09.1996 - - -
Battleground: Gettysburg, new scenario pack
from Talonsoft. Includes a few brand new
scenarios and random AI routines.
39155 BIGDEAL.ZIP 2443 14.01.1997 - - -
C&C: Red Alert - erittäin hyvä moninpeli
scenaario. bakteeri Scenarios laatutyötä.
25899 BOREHOLE.ZIP 63,3 kt 30.05.1999 - - -
"Alpha Centauri: Fight for the Boreholes Scenario. Firaxisnew scenario takes gamers to a distant continent where expeditionary forces of four factions have established strongholds surrounding the mysterious alien artifact known as The Borehole Cluster. Try to preserve your own objective while capturing the enemy-held objective before the scenario ends. NOTE: You must have the full version of Alpha Centauri."
39157 BRAVEHAR.ZIP 27582 07.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Warcraft 2 MAP: Braveheart
25900 BRAZIL.ZIP 267,1 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold "Brazil" bonus mapAll "Gold" maps require that you have at least the "2nd century" addon installed.
39160 BROVSBRO.ZIP 6211 04.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
COMMAND&CONQUER "Brother Vs. Brother" Sc.
(IBM). The 3rd mission in the "Heat of the
Night" series. Details on how to use & the
story line are in the enclosed text file. You
must be using version 1.19p or 1.20 (Cov.
Ops.) to use this mission - earlier versions
won't recognize the mission file.
39161 BTLNTOP2.ZIP 14422 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 Scenario
39176 C&C_MISS.ZIP 240314 14.01.1997 - - -
Tehtavia Command & Conqueriin
39177 C&C-MP1.ZIP 90818 02.04.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Unzip this map pack into your installed C&C
directory and enjoy sixteen (16) brand new
user created multiplayer maps!! View
MAPPACK1.TXT for credit information.
39178 C&C-MP2.ZIP 90627 02.04.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Just unzip this map pack into your installed
C&C directory for instant fun and excitement!
View MAPPACK2.TXT for credit information.
39179 C&C-MP3.ZIP 86183 02.04.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Just unzip this map pack into your installed
C&C directory for instant fun and excitement!
View MAPPACK3.TXT for credit information.
25901 C2-WW120.ZIP 42,5 kt 14.08.1998 - - -
"Civilization II Scenarios World War I version 2.0 by Bryan Caplan Its the Great War. The historical alliances are already in placealthough of coursealliances are made to be broken!"
39165 C220THCN.ZIP 23392 13.06.1996 - - -
Civ 2:seen scenario. Johda mailma 1920-
luvulta 2000 luvulle.
39166 C2AFRICA.ZIP 9477 13.06.1996 - - -
Scenaario civ 2:seen Afrikasta.
39167 C2ASIA.ZIP 10777 13.06.1996 - - -
Scenaario civ 2:seen Aasiasta.
39168 C2HOLY.ZIP 13187 13.06.1996 - - -
Scenaario civ 2:seen.
39169 C2INDIA.ZIP 86723 01.09.1996 - - -
Civilization 2: "India" scenario March 1996,
new studies show that both India and Pakistan
have more nuclear capabilities then estimated
in the past. Patience is wearing thin as a
nuclear attack grows more likely.
39170 C2MEXWAR.ZIP 19555 13.06.1996 - - -
Meksikon sisällis sodasta scenaario civ
39174 CC111SPL.ZIP 2964202 16.09.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: 111 single player levels,
all described.
25902 CC2-19M.ZIP 3,6 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user created maps. Includes 19 maps with descriptions: 1940_01, bulge, cc2maps, comman, FreeDeploy, MAQUIS_, multiplayer, Pack01, Pack02, Pack03, retreat01, Road_Battle, son_town, son_town2, stpol, Street_Fight, WARSAW_1, Wittmann, WITTMA_1
25903 CC2IRRI.ZIP 2,5 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: Matt Neumans IRRIGATION POND. Edited map graphics up a notch. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25904 CC2MP111.ZIP 2,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: Matt Neumans RAIL map. Edited map graphics up a notch. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25905 CC2MP300.ZIP 4 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: mick (xe5)s MODIFIED VEGHEL BRIDGE introduced new buildings and hidden fortifications and river crossings. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25906 CC2MPAIR.ZIP 7,5 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 map: Adam, Blackhound and Danny "Bad" Gauthier produced AIRFIELD. At 2280x2160 it approaches CC3 sized maps. If youve ever yearned for tank duels at longer ranges than the generally close quarters of CC2 this is the battlefield for you. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this. Includes map installer.
25907 CC2MPANT.ZIP 2,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: Wouter Pinkoffs SCHELDE. SCHELDE is interesting as it represents an action which would have been taking place on the left flank of Market Garden. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25908 CC2MPCHA.ZIP 3,1 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: FrantzCHATEAU set a new standard for original map graphics. Do not play him on this map. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25909 CC2MPDES.ZIP 1,2 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: Colonel Frankos DESET. Serve with the 8th Army against Rommel. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25910 CC2MPPEE.ZIP 3,3 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: Colonel Frankos PEENEMUNDE. Stop the V weapon raids on London. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25911 CC2MPSNO.ZIP 1,2 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: David Vimens SNOW. Get a taste of Russian Front conditions. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25913 CC2MPST.ZIP 5,4 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 map: HOFBAUERS DACHA uses some of the CC3 screenshot graphics to recreate the famous battle - "Two Huts and a Pigpen" Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this.
25912 CC2MPSTE.ZIP 5,4 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 map: Faust, Frantz and mick (xe5) joined forces to do STEPPE, another compilation of CC3 screenshots. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this.
25914 CC2MPWOO.ZIP 572,8 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: David Vimens WOOD. Get a taste of Russian Front conditions. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25916 CC3-3OPS.ZIP 206,8 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III new custom operations: A Russian Bridge Too Far by rwcanuck Custom German Grand Campaign by Howard Ward Custom Russian Grand Campaign by Howard Ward
25915 CC311BTL.ZIP 76,3 kt 13.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III user battles. 11 new battles.
39181 CCPACK14.ZIP 208151 16.09.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
Command & Conquer Scenario Package release
1.4, maintained by Case, this archive has
many publically available levels packaced
39183 CCSNGLE1.ZIP 1124199 02.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Monta yksinpelattavaa tehtävää Command &
25917 CIV2-B5.ZIP 5,5 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Civilization II: Babylon 5 muunnos "I was there at the dawn of the third age of mankind. It began in the Earth year 2257 with the founding of the last of the Babylon stations, located deep in neutral space." Scenario and units by: Paul Heron History and other texts by: Janne Lunden
39186 CIV20396.ZIP 8285 25.04.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 new scenario:
Alexander the Great.
39188 CIV2MAP.ZIP 9550 25.09.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 Maps: An Archapeligo - An
archapeligo of islands. (wierd.mp), map with
a lake - A map with lots of land but little
water (more'n64.mp), Tolkien's Inner Sea -
From his book "The Lord of the Rings"
(innersea.mp), The British Isles - A very
accurate map (britain.mp).
39189 CIV2MED.ZIP 2980 13.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
CIVILIZATION 2 "Mediterranean" Map
39190 CIV2PMS.ZIP 22424 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
3 Skenaariota Civilization 2:een. Mukana mm.
Suomi, Venäjä, Ruotsi, Norja, Tanska, Saksa
ja Baltian maat. Eli todellinen Itämeren
Sota! Tekijä: Pasi Matilainen 1996. Email:
39192 CIV2SCE.ZIP 190136 25.09.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 scenarios: Space Ship Crash
(crash.zip), The Revolution of Quebec
(quebec.zip), The Avengence of the Republic
(republ1.zip), The Battle for Arrakis
39194 CIVJAP.ZIP 140489 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Civilization Alternative : Japan, korvaa
historiallisen maapallon Civilizationista
historiallisella Japanilla.
39195 CLASSIC.ZIP 6483 18.12.1996 - - -
Classical scenario to Warcraft 2.By: Cyanid.
39201 COMPETE.ZIP 21903 13.06.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WARCRAFT II DESERT/Goldline 2 Scenarios
39203 CRESTFAL.ZIP 10934 13.06.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WARCRAFT II "Crestfall" Scenario
39205 CSWCPK18.ZIP 424991 13.06.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Warcraft 2 MAP pack #18 by Cyber Systems.
25918 CULSOR.ZIP 47,9 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
Commander Culsor Red Alert map pack for multiplayer games. Kuusi kookasta kenttÄÄ. Malmia tarkoituksella kohtuullisen vÄhÄn. Tarkoitettu pelattaviksi 2-3 pelaajan peleissÄ.
25919 CWG2SCEN.ZIP 618,1 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
Civil War Generals 2 SCENARIO PACK 1 January 1998 Contest Battles. Sierra. The battles were prepared for the January, 1998, CWG2 Online Contest. They are variants on scenarios that shipped with the game, and are NOT entirely new battles. The forces were specially rebalanced to make them as fair as possible to each player. Although the contest is history, the battles remain well-suited for two-player games and are best as multiplayer.
25920 DBAJ2K.ZIP 5,2 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
DBA Online new armies, june 2000. 24 new armies for battle. 
39206 DDRA.ZIP 7043 12.12.1996 - - -
C&C :Red Alert -moninpeliskenario. Erittäin
hyvä. Pixel Scenarios laatutyötä.
39208 DG_AQA.ZIP 59963 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-yksinpelikampanja: Project:
Aqaruis. Todella haastava!
25921 DG_CTF.ZIP 5,1 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
CAPTURE THE FLASK 1.2 Loistava moninpelikenttä Deadly Gamesiin! Ei voi jättää väliin. Jokaisen Deadly Gamerin pakkohankinta!
39211 DG_DKEEP.ZIP 47896 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-yksinpelikampanja: dKEEP.
25923 DG_SOLO.ZIP 231,4 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Tuomiopäivä nyt! 50:n (!) tehtävän yksinpeli kampanja Jagged Alliance:Deadly Gamesiin. By Antti Lahtinen
25922 DGCTF.ZIP 8,2 kt 07.07.1998 - - -
CAPTURE THE FLASK CTF-kenttä Deadly Gamesiin. Kaksi linnaa, snipperi paikat jne.
39209 DGDATLNK.ZIP 33114 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-yksinpelikampanja: DataLink.
39210 DGDHLSML.ZIP 26733 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-yksinpelikampanja.
39213 DGLSDCMP.ZIP 50777 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-kampanja: LSD Camp. Yksi tai
kaksi pelaajaa.
39214 DGSMART.ZIP 35614 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-yksinpelikampanja: Get Smart.
39215 DGVICTOR.ZIP 57006 14.01.1997 - - -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games Here is a very
short campaign (four new missions) for this
great game. The campaign is balanced, so
there is neither too much of great equipment
nor too many enemies.
39218 DIENBIEN.ZIP 125491 23.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
3 skenaariota Steel Panthersiin.
39219 DOMINIO.ZIP 133633 09.05.1996 - - -
Dominio - A scenario for Warlords II Fairly
40221 DOOMCIV.ZIP 325150 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
Civilization II: - scenario
DOOM maps :-)))))))))))))))
39224 E2-AGIN.ZIP 35429 18.02.1996 - - -
Empire 2: The Battle of Agincourt -skenaario
39227 E2-SCN.ZIP 53620 18.02.1996 - - -
Kolme Empire 2 -skenaariota:
39226 E2-SCN2.ZIP 45956 08.08.1996 - - -
Empire 2 - Art of War - four new scenarios:
39225 E2AOW-SC.ZIP 484425 09.05.1996 - - -
Empire 2 - Art of War - skenaarioeditorilla
luotuja lisäskenaarioita New World
Computingin strategiapeliin.
39229 ED-MAP.ZIP 252013 15.12.1995 - - -
Empire Deluxe - itsetehtyjä lisäkarttoja
strategiafaneille QQP:n klassikkopeliin.
39231 ED-SCN.ZIP 629923 15.12.1995 - - -
Empire Deluxe - itsetehtyjä skenaarioita
QQP:n klassikkostrategiaan.
39230 ED-SCN2.ZIP 123660 23.08.1996 - - -
Empire Deluxe: itsetehtyä skenaarioita sis:
WW2-1941.SCN, WW2-WE.SCN, WW3-1994.SCN.
25925 EF-2SCE.ZIP 36,6 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
East Front/Eastern Front scenarios. A RUSSIAN FLOOD File: flood.zip THE PINCERS CLOSE File: pincers.zip
25924 EF2-SCE1.ZIP 36,6 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
East Front II scenario #1: 15 July, 1944 Alushta Valley, Poland: Best played against Human opponent. Recommend the use of optional armor facing rule. The once mighty Wehrmacht was in full retreat from Russia. While the German high command scrambled to save its depleted panzer divisions and form a defensive line along the Vistula River in Poland, the Red Armies faced their own troubles as they began to outrun their supply lines. 
25926 EINO3.ZIP 39,2 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III karttaTarinapainotteinen kartta. Eino jumala käskee ylipappi Jonia tuhoamaan pakana Jarmo. Sisältää hieman rivoa huumoria. Map in english
25927 EINO4.ZIP 39,1 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III karttaTarinapainotteinen kartta Heroes 3 peliin. Pakana Jarmo kostaa Einokultille. Sisältää paljon rivoa huumoria. Map in english
25928 EISCEN1.ZIP 194,8 kt 24.12.1998 - - -
Enemy Infestation extra mission: Army of Darkness
39233 ELESALIE.ZIP 19749 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "2 Player Co-op" Scenario
39235 EURO1914.ZIP 22047 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "Europe 1914" Scenario (IBM).
This is it! I spent ages getting this map
perfect and now I can finally release it. The
place is Europe, the time is 1914. Each
player takes control one of the six major
powers - UK, France, Russia, Turkey, Austria
and Germany, while the CPU controls the
neutral countries. Then each player has to
decide, using diplomacy and/or brute force
where and when he will expand his Empire.
39251 F_MAX.ZIP 12540 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "Fortress Maximus" Scenario
(IBM). 1 Player. 128x128 Winter Map. No goofy
story. Just a contender for most difficult
fortress to penetrate. Good Luck!- Layman
25929 F41_122.ZIP 89,5 kt 25.02.1999 - - -
The Operational Art of War skenaario: Finland 1941. Jatkosota, hyökkäysvaihe. Tehnyt Petri Kamunen. p.kamunen@kolumbus.fi
39240 FASC107.ZIP 74618 30.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
CIVILIZATION 2 Fascist Gov't Patch 1.2
39246 FC2-PRAF.ZIP 4653 02.04.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II lisäkampanja: Prairie
39245 FC2CAMP.ZIP 52656 09.05.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II -kampanjoita Big Time
Software/Avalon Hillin
39241 FC2CAMP2.ZIP 4915 24.04.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II - kaksi uutta taisteluja
+ yksi kampanja: Duel.btl, greekgua.cam,
39242 FC2CAMP3.ZIP 6302 08.08.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II - new battle "F4 vs MiGs"
and new campaign "Rafale".
39243 FC2CAMP4.ZIP 11929 16.10.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II - * new campaign "Iraqi
'87" Iran vs Iraq * new battle "Dogfight over
25931 FC2SCE.ZIP 34,9 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
Fleet Command scenarios - French Revenge 01/25/99 - Northeastern Brazil Opponents: French Soviets Brazilians Russians - Lobster War 01/15/99 - Northeastern Brazil Opponents: Brazilians Argentinans French
25930 FC2SCENA.ZIP 168,8 kt 08.06.1999 - - -
"Flight Commander II scenario collection from the authors website. Big Time Software/Avalon Hill"
39248 FGEXP.ZIP 811763 28.08.1996 - - -
Fantasy General - Mini-Campaign A freebie for
FG-fans! "This Island Challenge is not for
the weak of heart or spirit! Only the most
dedicated and experienced Fantasy Generals
should risk the lives of their troops upon
this land most horrible and foul. There is no
turning back!
39250 FLSTRM.ZIP 13145 07.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Leveli Warcraft II:een
25932 FS7SCEN.ZIP 20,2 kt 10.02.2000 - - -
Fighting Steel scenarios.  Battle of Java Sea. Convoy WS5A Sink the Edinburgh Mines Away ! Scharnhorst 1 Horse Jump The Escorts
39264 G_VS_E.ZIP 16019 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "Good Vs. Evil" Scenario (IBM).
This is a advanced pud with: all heroes in
War2x, orc homelands, lightning cannon
towers, and several unit changes. It is meant
for 2 player allys, but can be played w/ one
player. Note- Requires Warcraft II v1.3.
Uploaded by !-Lothar-!
39255 GARDENO.ZIP 3890 14.01.1997 - - -
Red Alert moninpeli scenario: Garden of War
39259 GOLDISLE.ZIP 15931 27.06.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
Saarikenttä Warcraft II:een. Max. 8 pelaajaa
39260 GOODPUD.ZIP 44576 03.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Hyviä tasoja Warcraft II:hin
39261 GRADIA.ZIP 8445 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
CIVILIZATION 2 "Gradia" Scenario (Win). New
Scenario based on the concepts of Stacey
Jeursivich. The Gradians come from the mind
of a soon to be well known science
fiction/fantasy author. ATTENTION! Back up
your "city.txt", as this will change it.
25933 H83_HVAN.ZIP 211,2 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Horsevania - Kenttä Heroes II - Price of Loyalty:yn. XL-kenttä, jossa paljon pervoja event:tejä. Tekijä: Henu Heino - Basement Realm
64685 HAR2MAPS.ZIP 63464 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon 2 - karttoja taisteluiden luontiin.
64704 HARP2SC.ZIP 2310105 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon 2 skenaarioita
39268 HARPSCE2.ZIP 2196990 09.02.1996 väärä koko archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Yli 30 skenaariota Harpooniin,
kaikkiin Battlesetteihin.
39269 HARPSCE3.ZIP 472299 24.02.1996 väärä koko archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Harpoon skenaarioita: NACV North Atlantic
Convoys -battlesetille.
64705 HARPSCE4.ZIP 1357025 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon skenaarioita: GIUK GAP- battlesetille
(tulee Harpoonin mukana).
64706 HARPSCE5.ZIP 417127 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon skenaarioita: Medieval-
64707 HARPSCE6.ZIP 119649 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon battlesettejä: Indian Ocean & Persian
Gulf IOPG -battlesettiin.
64708 HARPSCE7.ZIP 282561 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon skenaarioita
39274 HARPSCEN.ZIP 469589 21.03.1995 - - -
Skenaarioita Harpooniin - jokaiselle
39275 HAWAII.ZIP 19597 08.12.1996 - - -
Hawaii Assault Steel Panthers II scenario.
Pixel Scenarios 1996
25934 HEARTLND.ZIP 409,4 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II bonus map"Heartland" 
25935 HMM3EINO.ZIP 39,2 kt 12.10.1999 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic 3 Tarinapainotteinen kartta. Eino-jumala käskee ylipappi Jonia tuhoamaan pakana Jarmon. Sisältää hieman rivoa huumoria. Map in english
25936 HOMM2MAP.ZIP 47 kt 18.10.1999 - - -
Dark vs. Light Isokokoinen huolella tehty map Heroes of might & Magiciin (Expansion)
25937 IG2D-MIS.ZIP 132,5 kt 16.04.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactica II Demo Mission. This is a mission for the demo version of Imperium Galactica II. Just download this file, and copy it into the IG2 directory, into DATA. 
25938 IG2SCEN1.ZIP 78,3 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactica 2: Alliances bonus scenario #1 
25939 IG2SKIRM.ZIP 445,8 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactica 2: Alliances skirmish bonus scenario 
39291 IMPOSBLE.ZIP 28904 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "Mission Impossible" Scenarios
(IBM). This is your mission should you choose
to accept it. These are the two hardest
missions you will ever play on warcraft 2
including: Timstuf.pud and the wicked
Hard.pud. If you really want a challenge dont
play with cheats and if you win with out the
cheats e-mail me for some more levels or just
to comment...
39295 INDIA.ZIP 80635 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
CIVILIZATION 2 "Future Nuclear War"
39296 INVASION.ZIP 85980 14.07.1996 - 17009/Superpower.iso eritupla
Civilization 2 scenario: Alien Invasion.
25940 ISTHM39.ZIP 27,9 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
"The Operational Art of War skenario: Isthmus39. Talvisota 1939. Tehnyt Ilkka Mutanen"
25941 JAP_MOVE.ZIP 200,2 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold bonus map"Japan on the move"
39302 JAVIETDI.ZIP 160582 14.01.1997 - - -
("Short Timer" (Challenging) Version 1.01) 25
Scenarios for use with SirTech's Jagged
Alliance:Deadly Games Simulation This
campaign attempts to recreate (as best as can
be done given the limitations of SirTech's
Deadly Games scenario editor) typical actions
that might have occurred during the Vietnam
Conflict in 1967-1968.
39310 KARELIAN.ZIP 7715 14.01.1997 - - -
RA: Karelian Invasion multiplayer
Scenario for C&C: Red Alert. Size: LARGE. (C)
1996 Pasi Matilainen Play and be Happy!-)
39311 KIDNAP.ZIP 16401 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "Kidnap" Scenario (IBM). In order
to destroy the morale of the Alliance, the
Orcish Horde has kidnapped Lothar. They have
hidden him away on a remote island. Rescue
Lother and bring him to the circle of power.
Please let me know if you like this. I have
more ... Matt Freitag 102404.2126
25942 KKND2M1.ZIP 340 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II multiplayer bonus map #1. Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25943 KKND2M2.ZIP 474,7 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II multiplayer bonus map #2. Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25944 KKND2M3.ZIP 529,9 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II multiplayer bonus map #3. Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25945 KKND2M4.ZIP 850,3 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II multiplayer bonus map #4. Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25949 KKND2S1.ZIP 239,8 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "The Gemini XII" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25946 KKND2S10.ZIP 573 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "The Nest" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25947 KKND2S12.ZIP 796,8 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Airborne Robotic Assault Squad" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25948 KKND2S13.ZIP 459,8 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Perfect General" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25950 KKND2S2.ZIP 475,6 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Over The River" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25951 KKND2S3.ZIP 240 tavua 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Army Group South" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25952 KKND2S4.ZIP 530,7 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Renegade Robots" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25954 KKND2S5.ZIP 738,4 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Ring of Fire" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25953 KKND2S51.ZIP 737,4 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Flaming Rings" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25955 KKND2S6.ZIP 953,2 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Getting Back and Getting Even" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25956 KKND2S8.ZIP 96,1 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Pacman" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25957 KUA_APUA.ZIP 111,8 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold "Kua\'Apuanii" map
25958 LCMAPS.ZIP 38,4 kt 14.06.1998 - - -
Legal Crime - karttoja ja Byte Enchantersin valmistama scenaario.
25959 LIEGNITZ.ZIP 3,9 kt 08.11.1999 - - -
Dragoon scenario by Art of War Publishing: Leignitz
39315 LMSKAG.ZIP 10965 19.01.1996 - 10565/Giga_Games_2_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1995.iso -
Harpoon GIUK battleset scenario: THE
25960 LOCAL.ZIP 5,6 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Neljä uutta yksikköä Myth2-peliin.
39316 LOLC2SCE.ZIP 31181 09.09.1996 - - -
L o L L o S o F t  Presentertz A CIVILIZATION
(also included): Pacific Ocean / LoLLoSoFt
-scenario  1996 LoLLoSoFt
25961 LS-MISS.ZIP 5,3 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
Lead Soldier additional mission. Requires updated LS game.
39319 MAPGOLD.ZIP 553032 16.09.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
ZREL ]- For Win 3.1/95/NT 59 Brand NEW user
created multiplayer maps!! --> NOTE: This
pack has been updated for compatiblity
with Westwood's Covert Operations
39320 MAPS.ZIP 9644 13.06.1996 - - -
Karttoja Paybacktimeen. Mukana myös yhdet
ase-ja esinetiedostot.
25962 MEDISCE1.ZIP 1,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
"Medieval scenarios. FANTASY / FICTIONAL / GENERALIZED. * Amazon Island v1.0 Author: Jeff Lapkoff Amazon warrior queens battle for control of an island. * Norsemen! v1.0 Author:Phil Natta Norsemen raid an Irish Abbey in the 10th century. *  OShey v1.0 Author: Duane Clark Battle between the Scottish clans Clark and McLeod. * Shaka v1.0 Author: Phil Natta A collection of three Zulu scenarios from the early 19th century! ."
25963 MEDISCE2.ZIP 1,5 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
"Medieval scenarios. HISTORICAL SCENARIOS. Soissons. Singidunum. Sontius. Verona. Addua. Pineta. Tolbiac. Civitate. Hab. Asruf. Nevilles Cross.  Patay.  Formigny."
39326 MI6.ZIP 6340 14.01.1997 - - -
Red Alert scenario
39328 MONSOON.ZIP 14716 09.09.1996 - - -
Flight Commander 2 Campaign Internet
Tournament MONSOON.CAM - fly in Internet
ladder against whole world in a huge FC2
campaign. This campaign is based on a Harpoon
Scenario by Larry Bond printed in the Harpoon
Naval Review 1994. India makes a military
move to Pakistan, and then declares dominance
in the Indian Ocean by establishing Total
Exclusion Zone preventing all commercial and
military traffic. Players take the role of an
Indian Mig 29 fighter squadron commander, 40
25964 MPADDON.ZIP 3,3 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Mech Commander new Multiplayer Maps from MicroProse.
39331 MPGOLD.ZIP 320791 01.03.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: MAP PACK *GOLD* v1.1 Unzip
this map pack into your installed C&C
directory, then run INSTGOLD for fifty nine
(59) brand new user created multiplayer
39330 MPGOLD20.ZIP 604000 16.09.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
Version 2.0 For Windows 70 MISSIONS!
Assembled by Chris Dickens(Kali: AlexKidd)
and K2(K2@K2.ORG)  -Now Compatible with Users
of CC-Pack! -Optimized for use with Covert
Operations Missions
39335 MR.ZIP 56229 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
COMMAND&CONQUER "Money Rush" Scenario (IBM).
Nod has a mining facility in the area,
capture it and take the cash. Comments
39336 MSBOOM.ZIP 5785 19.01.1996 - 13109/Games to Treasure - Disc 2.iso -
Harpoon GIUK-scenario: Boomers At Sea.
39342 MUDLORDS.ZIP 170638 28.03.1995 - - -
Mudlords: My 1st scenario for Warlords II
39343 MULINQUI.ZIP 13236 25.11.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
WARCRAFT 2 "Multiplayer" Scenario (IBM).
This is the multiplayer version of
INQUISITION. If you haven't tried it yet,
it's time to download "INQUI2.ZIP" !
39352 N_VS_S.ZIP 13511 14.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WARCRAFT II "North vs South" Scenario
25965 NENAMER.ZIP 272,2 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold map "Northeast North America"
25966 NEWPITS.ZIP 72,2 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows: Custom silhouettes and terrain for Panthers by Carl Fung
25967 NEWTOP.ZIP 107,1 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl II: Custom silhouettes and terrain for Panthers by Carl Fung
39350 NORTHPO1.MPR 9155 14.01.1997 - - -
North Pole - kenttä Red Alertiin
Tasokas, by: H0ffeR / CPP
25968 NYC2LA.ZIP 441,8 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold "NYC to LA"bonus map.
39353 OCEANCOM.ZIP 9052 14.01.1997 - - -
Red Alert moninpeli scenario: Ocean Combat.
Suunniteltu erityisesti verkkopeliin,
ei sovi skirmish moodilla pelattavaksi.
39355 ONERIVER.ZIP 6804 12.12.1996 - - -
C&C :Red Alert -moninpeliskenario. Yksi joki
kuolemaan....Pixel Scenarios laatutyötä.
39356 ONWAY.ZIP 9527 14.01.1997 - - -
Oneway ------- Scenario for Warcraft II
Mapsize: Medium
39359 ORC.ZIP 137009 25.11.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
WARCRAFT 2 "To the Southern Lands" Campaign
(IBM). This is the sequal to "Rise of the
Orcich Hordes" and includes 10 levels
complete with storyline and stuff. E-mail me
if there are any problems, hints or tips and
if you just get stuck.
39360 OREBEACH.ZIP 6918 08.12.1996 - - -
C&C: Red Alert -skenario. Tämä skenario
sisältää yli 1000000 krediitilla orea
joten tämä skenario takaa pitkän moninpelin!
Pixel Scenarios laatutyötä.
25969 PACGESC.ZIP 27,5 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Pacific General scenarios. guantan, islands, keyisland, libya, oceanic.
25970 PANZGSCE.ZIP 180,1 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Panzer General scenarios. beirut, clippe, dunkirk, gibralta, iceland, liege, malta, midway
25971 PARNIATH.ZIP 268,3 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold bonus map "The Parniath Bridge" All "Gold" maps require that you have at least the "2nd century" addon installed.
39364 PAX.ZIP 180871 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
CIVILIZATION 2 "Pax Americanum" Scenario
(Win). A violence packed scenario where you
use the Americans to conquer the world. Has
many new conventional units and two new
nuclear ones.
25972 PEGENSC.ZIP 16 kt 27.09.1999 - - -
"Peoples General user scenarios. * Repulse at Saigon 07/05/2020 - Saigon * Retaking Singapore 12/01/2012 - Singapore * Chaka Beijing 08/05/2020 - Beijing * Penang 1 on 1 01/01/2006 - China * Drive to Klin 8/6/05 - Klinbetween Moscow and Leningrad * The Highway at VolokolamskPart 1 8/4/05 Volokolamsknear Moscow * The Highway at VolokolamskPart 2 * Three in Taipei 8/8/05 - Taipei"
25973 PENNSYLV.ZIP 373,5 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold map "Pennsylvania"
25974 PG2CUSSC.ZIP 384 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Panzer General II 3 customized scenarios.
25975 PG2SCENS.ZIP 377,9 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Panzer General II scenarios. 35 of them!
25976 PHARXMAS.ZIP 198,7 kt 17.01.2000 - - -
Pharaoh christmas bonus maps 
39371 PHEN.ZIP 6185 14.01.1997 - - -
Phenomenom C&C: Red Alert -skenario. Erittäin
hyvä!!! Graafisia kikkailuja sun muuta!!!
Pixel Scenarios laatutyötä....kommentteja
Kalle Hiukalle (kalle.hiukka@mbnet.fi)
39372 PISSED.ZIP 12277 25.11.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
WARCRAFT 2 "Peasant Attack" Scenario (IBM).
very cool Pud, created with WAR2xEdit
39373 PITSHAST.ZIP 8160 28.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows -scenario: Hasty
Attack. "At the end of a long day of battle
you must take your depleted TF and make a
hasty attack across a river and capture a
supply depot." Original filename hastyatk.zip
39374 PITSKNG2.ZIP 6629 28.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadow custom scenario. King
of the Hill - ASL scenario created and placed
onto PitS. Original filename knghil2.zip
25977 PITSMAPS.ZIP 178,1 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows: The complete collection of Panthers maps (40) by John Fluker.
39379 PS_MAP2.ZIP 123004 28.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows materials: Another
set of Panthers maps. Unzip into new
subdirectory so you don't overwrite old maps.
Players may rename them when copying into
Panthers directory.
39384 PS_TER1.ZIP 15970 24.04.1996 - - -
Custom terrain set for Panthers in the
Shadows from HPS Simulations. Look at README
file for instructions after PKUNZIPPING.
39385 PS_TER3.ZIP 41948 28.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows materials. Custom
winter terrain set for Panthers in the
Shadows and Tigers on the Prowl from HPS
Simulations. Look at README.TER file for
instructions after PKUNZIPPING.
39377 PS-FLUKR.ZIP 57462 24.04.1996 - - -
Set of 16 maps for Panthers in the Shadows by
HPS Simulations.  This set was created by
John Fluker. The maps are named "XA.MAP" to
"XN.MAP".  Players may rename them at their
convenience when copying into Panthers
39378 PS-KGP.ZIP 354226 24.04.1996 - - -
Kampfgruppe Peiper - Panthers in The Shadows
scenario set. "Actions of the 1st SS Panzer
Division at the Battle of the Bulge, during
the period December 17 - 24, 1944."
39381 PS-OMAH2.ZIP 21683 24.04.1996 - - -
BEACH SCENARIO #2 To use this scenario,
merely unzip into your Panthers subdirectory.
This is the standard Omaha scenario without
any carpet bombing. Enjoy!
39382 PS-SANTA.ZIP 20627 08.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows scenario: santam,
"the night assault of the 351st Infantry
Regiment against Santa Maria Infante, and the
94th Fusilier Bn defending the area."
39380 PSMAPS-3.ZIP 57456 28.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows -material: Set of 16
maps for PitS by HPS Simulations. This set
was created by John Fluker. The maps are
named "XA.MAP" to "XN.MAP". Players may
rename them when copying into Panthers
39389 PUDS.ZIP 39661 23.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Lisätasoja Warcraft 2:een.
39391 QFGSCEN.ZIP 381704 04.10.1996 - - -
Warlords II Deluxe: Quest for Glory- aiheinen
39418 R-PACK.ZIP 38831 14.11.1996 - MBCD -
-[ REALITY PACK for Deadly Games ]- A
campaign of 8 good 2-4 player scenarios for
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games.
25978 R2ROME.ZIP 266,3 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold bonus map "Return to Rome" "Gold" maps require that you have at least the "2nd century" addon installed.
39402 RAPACK.EXE 118537 14.01.1997 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert Survivors Pack
Includes: Red Alert FAQ, Red Alert strategy
guide, cheats and new upgraded maps of
Pixel Scenarios.... Top Quality Maps= Pixel
39401 RAPACK15.ZIP 737513 14.01.1997 - 12521/PCMania CD61_1.iso -
Red Alert Map Pack: 117 new Multiplayer Maps.
All with information & ratings.
25979 RAWINT.ZIP 5,4 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
Red Alertin kartta moninpeleihin. Kartta on riittavan iso ja malmia + jalokivia loytyy. Tehnyt Kaj Lampio
25980 RC_ALTON.ZIP 347,6 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
 RollerCoaster Tycoon "Alton Towers" scenario
25981 RCT_FORT.ZIP 102,5 kt 10.02.2000 - - -
RollerCoaster Tycoon  "Fort" bonus scenario
39410 REALMS2.ZIP 60538 28.03.1995 - - -
Forgotten Realms scenario for Warlords 2
25982 REDMAPS2.ZIP 23,1 kt 25.09.1998 - - -
JRA SoftWare on julkaissut uuden ja paremman lisäkenttä paketin C&C RedAlert:iin Edellisten mappien bugeja on korjattu ja mukana on myös pari uuttamappia
25983 RISING1.ZIP 32,9 kt 05.06.2000 - - -
"Rising Sun: Scenario #1 29 April1942 - CotabatoMindanaoPhilippines: Best played as Axis While the battle for control of the Philippines was being fought on Luzon through the beginning of 1942the Allied garrison on Mindanao was for the most part ignored by the Japanese 14th Army. With the morning sun beginning to rise over Mindanao on April 29ththe landing craft approaching through Moro Gulf carrying General Kawaguchis Detachment split into two forces and headed toward objectives at Cotabato and Parang. "
25984 RISING2.ZIP 33,9 kt 05.06.2000 - - -
Rising Sun Scenario #2 24 December, 1941 - Mauban, 90km SE of Manila, Luzon, Philippines: Best played as Axis. Two weeks after the 7 December 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese 14th Army began the conquest of Luzon in the Philippines. 
25985 RISING3.ZIP 33,7 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
"Rising Sun scenario #3: 15 January1942 - Abucay Hacienda6km W of Abucay50km WNW of ManilaLuzonPhilippines: Best played against Human opponent Japans 14th Army began the battle for Bataan in the Philippines on 9 January 1942with a tremendous artillery barragepounding the Allied I and II Corpspositions. "
25986 RISING4.ZIP 32,4 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
"Rising Sun scenario #4: 13 September1942 Edsons/Bloody Ridge5km SSE of Lunga PointGuadalcanal: NIGHT Best played as Axis By 12 September 1942the main Japanese striking force on Guadalcanalunder General Kawaguchiwas in position to thrust once again at the American marines surrounding Henderson Field. "
25987 RISING5.ZIP 30,8 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
Rising Sun scenario #5: 18 December, 1942 Buna, 160km NE of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 
25988 RMMPUDS.ZIP 76,3 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
RmMPUDS, a collection of several WarCraft II maps for multiplayer enjoyment. ;) (2-4pl) You probably NEED Beyond the Dark Portal.
39415 ROAD.ZIP 57478 25.11.1996 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
COMMAND&CONQUER "Road Of Pain" Scenario
(IBM). Take control of GDI base, and battle
down the imfamous "Road Of Pain" to destroy
all the Nod Forces. Comments welcomed,-Midget
25989 RPACK2.ZIP 59,7 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
< REALITY PACK 2 for Deadly Games > A campaign of 11 good 2 player scenarios for Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games. All levels by: Razoredge & DemonLord
25990 S3HOLIM.ZIP 408,3 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
"The Settlers III  - Holiday Maps Weve put together two holiday themed single player maps for use with the full version. MASTREE pits two rival Egyptian tribes against one another in a classic struggle for power. STAR - is little smaller than Mastreeand should make for a little quicker game. This map has a weakened Roman legion facing off against a growing Egyptian kingdom."
39436 SCENAR01.ZIP 122064 16.10.1996 - - -
Robert E. Lee - Civil War General, Scenario
pack #1 for Impressions/Sierra strategy game.
New scenarios, alternate battles, alternate
25991 SCENSLA.ZIP 242,6 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Starcraft scenario: Enslavers Dark Vengeance Episode II: Hung Jury. A Single Player Veteran Level Campaign.
25992 SCPRECU.ZIP 7,4 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
"Starcraft: Precursor Campaign Journey to the farthest reaches of the galaxy and take command of an elite team of Confederate Marines in the Precursor Campaign. Whether youre new to real-time strategy games or a skilled veteranyoull be faced by the challenge of leading your troops to victory over powerful and truly alien opponents. 5 all-new missions & tutorial"
39453 SMASH.ZIP 19395 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A really cool 2 player PUD for WarCraft 2.
39469 SP-DANUB.ZIP 56790 02.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers scenario: Desperate Drive for
the Danube, Budapest, Hungary, November 1944.
39472 SP-OOB.ZIP 174621 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers - Need Orders of Battle for
your Custom Scenarios? + Try these for
German, American, and Soviet WWII Units -
Donated by S. Sheckells
39473 SP-PSOTA.ZIP 621299 25.10.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Steel Panthers - 15 new scenarios, mainly for
two players. Excellent, carefully created,
playtested and balanced. Smaller, bigger and
even HUGE battles, ranging from Finnish
Winter War, Finnish war 1944-1945 against
Germans in Lappland to Kursk 1943 and
imagined battles Finland-vs-USA. Created by
Petri Kamunen. Feedback to
39475 SP-SNG.ZIP 26522 18.02.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers skenario: Battle of the
39476 SP-WEUR1.ZIP 882872 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers scenarios: Western Front.
Includes following (original filenames):
12ssp2.zip advof47.zip airraid.zip
authie15.zip beresq.zip bocwal.zip
cefaloni.zip channel.zip citydivd.zip
climbach.zip corridor.zip crusher.zip
ebenemal.zip epinal.zip falaise.zip farm.zip
filottra.zip flood.zip flybynit.zip fog.zip
fraiture.zip gela.zip grabner.zip juve051.zip
kruja.zip lance.zip
39477 SP-WEUR2.ZIP 992956 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers scenarios, Western Front,
includes following (original filenames):
larissa.zip leros.zip lovelady.zip maleme.zip
meteor.zip moselle.zip mud.zip niteraid.zip
noose.zip normandy.zip oberembt.zip
pegasus.zip peiper.zip pershing.zip
remagen.zip rockroll.zip scen1.zip scen2.zip
scen044.zip scen52.zip schmidt.zip
shoulder.zip stavelot.zip stmalo.zip
sword.zip swotw.zip tfdoan.zip tflvldy2.zip
valletta.zip witt.zip
25993 SP2-KASH.ZIP 45,7 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Steel Panthers II scenario: A Place Called Kashmir Pakistan has made its last nuclear tests and India has declared a war with it. Indias first troops are arriving to Kashmira Pakistan occupied area between the Pakistan and India. You must break the defence line to provide the advance of Indian armys main troops."
25994 SP3-10SC.ZIP 2,4 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Steel Panthers III scenarios. BATTLES AROUND BASTOGNE 1944 SNOOPYS POINT 1967 RATS IN THE DESERT 1991 THE BATTLE FOR STANLEY 1982 BREAKOUT! 1944 Operation Bluecoat 1944 Copperhead Road 2003 OMAHA BEACH 1944 DELTA FORCE 1998 Prokhorovka: The Biggest of Them All! 1943"
25995 SP3-9CAM.ZIP 1,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
STEEL PANTHERS III campaigns. THE FIRST TEAM South Vietnam, 1965-1970 BLACK BERETS Middle East, June 6-9 1967 DEJAVU THE RATS Kuwait-Iraq, Feb 25-28 1991 ALGERIAN NIGHTMARE HARD LUCK HEROES 1944 HEROES OF THE MOTHERLAND CAMPAIGN NW Russia 1941 THE JANESVILLE 99 Philippines, December 1941 World War II – Part Campaign Central Germany, April-May 1945. As Allied an
25996 SP3-KARE.ZIP 327,5 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Steel Panthers III: Back to Karelia skenaariopaketti. PELAA SOTAVETERAANIEN HYVÄKSI: Sharewarena levitettävä laadukas skenaariokokoelma Suomen armeijan jatkosodan hyökkäysvaiheesta jonka maksu suoritetaan suoraan sotaveteraaneille, Rintamamiesveteraanien liitto ry:lle Merita 212618-12711. Sisältää 11 perinpohjin valmistettua taistelua hyökkäyksestä Syvärille. Kartat piirretty armeijan
25997 STARMAPS.ZIP 215,4 kt 25.09.1998 - - -
JRA SoftWare on laajentanut lisäkenttä toimintansa StarCraftiin tässä muutama mappi teille.
39488 STEELSCE.ZIP 118730 19.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers skenaarioita: Aachen
I,II,III,IV Viipuri -44
39489 STLO.ZIP 35290 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel  Panthers  Scenario:    June  29, 1944
The German 3rd Fallschirmjaeger and elements
of  the 12th  Sturmgeschutz  brigade  defend
against an attack  towards  St. Lo by  units
from the U.S. 737th Tank Battalion and 116th
Infantry Regiment. Created by Keith Heitmann
39497 STVITH.ZIP 53710 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers Scenario: St. Vith, Belgium,
December 17, 1944, "The Fortified Goose Egg".
Units of the Wehrmacht 18th Volksgrenadier
Division and the Fuhrer's Begleit Brigade
assault elements of the U.S. 7th Armored and
106th Infantry Regiment in the area around
St. Vith, known as "The Fortified Goose Egg".
Created by Keith Heitmann, dheitm8612@aol.com
39503 SUICIDE.ZIP 3363 20.04.1996 - - -
A whole new MAP for Warcraft 2 !!
Made by US !!
25998 SV4SCENS.ZIP 17 kt 13.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Solar Vengeance 4 brain & scenario files. Brains are different computer players. Scenarios are what they sound like - different scenarios from Star Trek to completely imagined situations. All work in share ware version of the game.
39515 TANKSCEN.ZIP 137833 23.11.1994 - - -
Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks
Lisäskenaarioita taisteltaviksi Sis: Aircav,
Angaur, Arras, Breakout, Cachy, Contact,
DDay, 4 kpl Khafji, River, Rus41, Sedan,
Swordpt1, Whalei. Karttoja: Brvkvo, Tobruk
39516 TBEACH.ZIP 5078 25.11.1996 - - -
Tiberium Beach Command & Conquer multiplayer
skenario. Tämä skenario takaa pitkän
moninpelin! Pixel Scenarios laatutyötä...
39517 TFDOAN.ZIP 23321 01.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers Scenario: Task Force Doan
Units of the U.S. 3rd Armored Division make
an assault against the forward defensive
line of the Siegfried Line.
39520 THEBEST.ZIP 5666 14.01.1997 - - -
Red Alert moninpeli scenario: The Best of
both worlds
25999 TOAW2SC.ZIP 801,3 kt 27.09.1999 - - -
"The Operational Art of WarVol. II: User made scenarios. - Americas War in Vietnam v1.03 CRIMSON SANDS: Libya Invades Egypt War In Europe 93 Americas War in Vietnam 65-75 Falklands 82 Kosovo 99 Atlantic Fury"
26000 TOAW58SC.ZIP 5,2 Mt 27.09.1999 - - -
The Operational Art of War, Volume I 58 interesting and challenging user scenarios, ranging from middle age wars to 1950s.
26001 TOAWSC4.ZIP 118,7 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
The Operational Art of War, Vol. 1 skenaarioita: BATTLING TO BASTOGNE File: bastogne.zip Southern Ardennes, December 16-21 1944 IWO JIMA – DOORSTEP TO HELL Central Pacific, Iwo Jima, Feb.19-Mar24 1945 CHOSIN – A MARINE TRIUMPH North Korea, November 27-December 6 1950 DIEN BIEN PHU – A TRAGIC TEST File dbp.zip Northern Indochina, Dien Bien Phu Valley,1954 Operation Bluecoat: File: bluecoat44.zip
39533 TOP_MAP2.ZIP 33462 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl maps: Nine additional
user-creater maps for Tigers On the Prowl.
PKUNZIP into a temporary directory and check
for duplicate file names before moving into
your TOP directory (you may need to rename
some of the new map files to keep from losing
existing ones). Created by Nina Kristiansen
39526 TOP-9LVS.ZIP 12776 24.04.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -scenario: The Battle for
the Berezina - Russia, 1941 Scenario 1 ("Nine
Lives") 1st Moscow Motorized Rifle Division
VS Lead Elements 18th Panzer Division
39528 TOP-FI39.ZIP 6821 24.04.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -scenario: Finland
December 1939.
39529 TOP-FS.ZIP 8108 24.04.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -scenario: FS.SCN, swamp
39530 TOP-KIEV.ZIP 17281 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl materials: Four maps of
the Kiev area for ToP done by a Danish
player. Original filename kiev_map.zip
39531 TOP-KRVT.ZIP 20418 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -custom scenario:
Kirovitsky 1944 Scenario by Nicholas Bell.
Original filename krvtsy.zip
39536 TOP-WTOP.ZIP 14317 24.04.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -material.
39527 TOPCLASH.ZIP 4114 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -scenario: Clash along
the Psel - 12 July 1943. Original filename
39532 TOPLUTZ.ZIP 4534 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl custom scenario: the
German attack on Lutz, Poland, 1939. Original
filename LUTZ.ZIP
39534 TOPMAP_A.ZIP 18105 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl maps: Seven PKZIPPED TOP
maps created by John Fluker. After unzipping,
files will be named FA.MAP -FG.MAP. See
section B.3.3 (Appendix page 5) in the TOP
manual for info on file names, etc.
26002 TOPMAPS.ZIP 79,2 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl II: The complete collection of ToP2 maps (28) by John Fluker.
39535 TOPWIN.ZIP 14497 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl terrain set: Winter
terrain set done by Andy Ralls in England.
After saving your current file "AA.TER" to
another name, PKUNZIP this file to your TOP
directory -overwriting the old AA.TER.
Original filename wintop.zip
39539 TPG-SCE1.ZIP 273457 09.05.1996 - - -
The Perfect General / QQP - lisäskenaarioita
Sis. mm: Ice Station Zebra, Battle of
Centerville, Battle of the Bulge!, CENTER,
39537 TPG2-SA.ZIP 36746 24.07.1996 - - -
The Perfect General II - interesting
savegames to play
26003 TPG2CAMP.ZIP 1,5 Mt 14.01.1999 - - -
The Perfect General II campaigns.
69301 TPG2SCE1.ZIP 331597 09.05.1996 - - tupla
The Perfect General 2 (tpg2) uusia
26004 TPWLEVEL.ZIP 3 Mt 18.05.2000 - 22683/cd joystick no116 juin 2000 cd2.iso -
Sim Theme Park/Theme Park World bonus levels. This addon includes 4 new levels with new rides, you may have to run the .exe files inside the "rides" directory to have them installed. 
26005 TTPHORIA.ZIP 144,7 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold "Euphoria" map
39543 UAE1.ZIP 18403 14.01.1997 - - -
Flight Commander II campaign: UAE 1 Author:
Wayne Rutledge The Gulf Cooperative Council
(GCC) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
under Saudi Arabian command authority engage
the Islamic Republic of Iran in a war over
Abu Musa. This island is only 70 kilometers
from the coast of the UAE and has been
claimed by the UAE for generations until
occupied by the Iranians. You command the
UAE's Mirage fighter-bomber squadron.
39547 UMS1PD1.ZIP 102521 02.04.1996 - - -
Universal Military Simulator taisteluja UMS
39548 UMS1PD2.ZIP 147032 02.04.1996 - - -
Universal Military Simulator taisteluja UMS
39551 VAAGSO.ZIP 31736 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers Scenario: December 27, 1941,
British commandos on their first large scale
raid supported by the guns of the cruiser HMS
KENYA and the RAF attack the German occupied
Norwegian coastal town of South Vaagso and
the nearby islet of Maaloy. Created by Keith
Heitmann, dheitm8612@aol.com
26006 VALLEYS.ZIP 50,6 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
A new king of Warcraft II -levels! Includes 1 and 2 player scenarios and a textfile, which tells you the story of Four Valleys. from: Matti Pietila & Antti Hartman Matti -> Mikko.Reiskanen@mbnet.fi Antti -> Hardman@sci.fi
26007 VIVAMEX.ZIP 241,1 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold "Viva Mexico!" map
39557 W2THSD.ZIP 19946 15.12.1996 - - -
39559 WAR2ICE.ZIP 294771 20.04.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 lisäkenttiä
39560 WAR2PCG.ZIP 49097 25.10.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 * 5 new levels.
26008 WAR2PUDS.ZIP 440,5 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
Warcraft II scenario collection. 31 scenarios made by Ari Lavander and Jesse Nurmenniemi.
39561 WARINGER.ZIP 6720 25.11.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
COMMAND&CONQUER "War in Germany" Scenario
(IBM). c&c map
39562 WARWSC1.ZIP 406977 07.12.1996 - - -
Warwind - new scenarios.
39576 WC2_CRZY.ZIP 16124 31.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Crazy is a Multi-Player PUD for Warcraft 2!
two player support, one orc one human..
39583 WC2_SQRS.ZIP 14278 31.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Squares is a 4 Player PUD for warcraft 2
39564 WC2-12P8.ZIP 192278 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 12 new 8-player levels. All
39565 WC2-28P4.ZIP 482861 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 28 new 4-player levels. All
39566 WC2-2P3.ZIP 51400 27.08.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 * 2 player maps: corners.pud (for
4 players), Battle for the Northlands
(n-lands.pud), Tides (tides.pud)
39567 WC2-2P5.ZIP 33704 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 2 new 5-player levels. All
39568 WC2-2P7.ZIP 37257 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 2 new 7-player levels. All
39569 WC2-6P3.ZIP 85213 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 6 new 3-player levels. All
39570 WC2-74P1.ZIP 1018186 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 67 new 2-player levels. all
39571 WC2-8PUD.ZIP 109235 28.08.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 -new scenarios: 1stgood.pud,
4player.pud, cruel.pud, deadwar.pud,
destroy.pud, hurry.pud, megawar.pud,
39572 WC2-94P1.ZIP 2395753 17.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 87 new 1-player levels. All
39573 WC2-9P6.ZIP 164230 17.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 9 new 6-player levels. All
39575 WC2-BOHO.ZIP 36616 27.08.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 - skenaarioita: Boot Camp, The
39577 WC2-HARB.ZIP 15083 19.01.1996 - - -
Frozen Harbor - 2 player PUD for Warcraft II
Battle it out in the vast ocean.
Expand your knowledge and create havok
for your opponent.
39579 WC2-PUD.ZIP 135201 13.06.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2: map collection
26009 WC2BEETL.ZIP 119,5 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
Warcraft II level: Beetle. By Blizzard. 128x128 Forest Designed for 2-6 Players
39578 WC2PUDS.ZIP 56589 15.09.1996 - - -
Neljä itesetehtyä scenariota wc2:seen.
Soveltuu erityisesti kaksinpeliin modeemilla
tai nollakaapelilla.
39590 WL2SCENS.ZIP 3277728 28.03.1995 - - -
Warlords II Skenaarioita:
39591 WL2TOLK.ZIP 164307 09.05.1996 - - -
WARLORDS 2 "War of the Ring" Scenario v1.1
(IBM)  Extensive and exhaustive work in
translating Tolkien's classic masterpiece the
"Lord of the Rings" trilogy to the WARLORDS
format in this rendition of the "War of the
Ring". Keeping as close to the maps within
Tolkien's books as well as the armies and
sides involved, this keeps the spirit of
Middle Earth intact while retaining play
balance. If you're a fan of the "knickers"
style shorts of the warlords infantry, stay
26010 WL3DL2C.ZIP 2,2 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
Warlords III: Darklords Rising campaigns. The Elves Return - ten scenario campaign. The HUGE Wars - ten scenario campaign. Both require v1.02. SSG.
26011 WOODLIMB.ZIP 272,9 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold bonus map"Wooden Limbs and Iron Muscles" 
26012 WW2RECON.ZIP 6,2 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Myth II: Soulblighter mod: WWII: Recon v1.0. Map of modern warfare. It requires intricate micromanagement and offers stunning realism. Different units and maps, weapons, sounds, effects, and other changes. Territory is revealed only as your units "discover" it. 1999 Craig Goodman.
39599 X-MAS.ZIP 4580 20.12.1996 - MBCD -
C&C: Red Alert -jouluaiheinen
moninpelikenttä. ISO ja sisältää 1.6
miljoonalla orea ja jalokiviä. Pixel
Scenarios laatutyötä.
39598 XCOMMIS.ZIP 368248 08.11.1996 - - -
XCOM - Loydä Alien tästä Terrori tehtävästä!
Alien jossain päin kenttää, sotilaasi ovat
heksatut. Sinulla on 2 tankkia ja 2
26013 04NGS.ZIP 8,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
WarBirds -Internet lentosimulaattorin oheismateriaaleja. VMF-323 Squad Night Review. MAG-11 teamed up, for their first ever New Guinea Historical Arena mission. Participants: VMF-158, VMF-214, VMF-323 + the entire Jap air force! The movie goes for 97 seconds. Fascinating color and black\'n\'white air combat footage. QuickTime "mov" format.
26014 AC_RECS1.ZIP 769,9 kt 28.03.1998 - - -
action supercross replays!! pack nro 1 herpeli/joonas alahärmästä
26015 ACREC.ZIP 2,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Sekalaisia recordeja (sairaan hyviä!) kuuluisaan Across peliin!!!
26016 ACROSSRE.ZIP 1 Mt 11.01.1998 - - -
Uskomattomia ACROSS replay tiedostoja! Suositellaan *vain* kokeneille Acrossin pelaajille, sillä he tietävät, että nämä temput ovat mahdottomia! Eikä tää paku niin kaua kestä imuttaa ainakaa 33.6 motul. by Juha Toivokoski, Olli Natri + Ossi Natri
26017 ACTION47.ZIP 427,6 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
* ACTION SUPERCROSS * Ohjeet kuinka teet nopean ajan seuraavissa radoissa: Over And Under, Hill Legend, Hangman ja Slalom. Ja hitaan ajan Slippery Slopessa. Sisältää viisi REC-filua.
26018 ASC_REPL.ZIP 838 kt 15.01.1998 - - -
Action supercross uusintoja Jotkut uusinnat paljastavat hyviä huijaus konsteja..... mutta vain aloittelijoille Sisältää myös minun enkkani     By:  LoBo
61788 C64S11BD.ZIP 318185 20.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
C64S Emulator (Evaluation Version) MS-DOS
3.3+ (486/33+ Reqd)
26019 DCDPAK.ZIP 663,6 kt 07.02.1998 - - -
Driderin ja Dethorin oma across rec pack
26020 EAGLEM.ZIP 2459 25.11.1996 - - -
EagleMax Joystick Review. Created by ACT
Laboratory Ltd.
26021 EMC8F2A.ZIP 1,9 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
WarBirds -Internet lentosimulaattorin oheismateriaaleja. EMC (European Micro Scenario) 8 "Battle of Britain II" Frame 2 animoitu GIF-taistelureportaasi. Mukana toiminnassa myös suomalaislaivue "êberfinns Perkele". http://emc.warbirds.org
26022 EMC8F3A.ZIP 3,4 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
WarBirds -Internet lentosimulaattorin oheismateriaaleja. EMC (European Micro Scenario) 8 "Battle of Britain II" Frame 3. animoitu GIF-taistelureportaasi. Mukana toiminnassa myös suomalaislaivue "êberfinns Perkele". http://emc.warbirds.org
26023 EMC9F3A.ZIP 1,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
WarBirds -Internet lentosimulaattorin oheismateriaaleja. EMC (European Micro Scenario) 9 "Kiel" Frame 3. animoitu GIF-taistelureportaasi. Ilmataisteluja vuoden 1943 taivaalla, amerikkalaispommittajien hyökätessä saksaan. Mukana toiminnassa myös suomalaislaivue "êberfinns Perkele". http://emc.warbirds.org
26024 GRAVSTI.ZIP 46033 20.12.1996 - - -
Advanced Gravis new joysticks information and
pictures: The Blackhawk, The GamePad Pro and
Firebird 2.
26025 HG_FAQ.ZIP 10,7 kt 14.06.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Version 2.20. Revision 28/05/98                 
39764 INT-REAC.ZIP 1062269 20.12.1996 - - -
Reactor from Intergraph * 3D-acceleration
graphics card based on Rendition's Verite
V1000. Information and text pictures on Quake
& Monster Truck Madness.
26026 JUGG160.ZIP 68685 03.12.1996 - - -
JuggleMaster Version 1.60 This software is a
juggling simulator for DOS. It will help you
start juggling and understand siteswap
26027 KPTAN.ZIP 671,9 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
"The Awakening Nightmare" Stunt Islandilla tehty elokuva, tehnyt: Kalle Heino. email: kheino@sgic.fi Tarvitset SIPLAYERin.
26028 KPVFOS.ZIP 545,7 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
"Visitors from Outer Space" Stunt Islandilla tehty elokuva. Tehnyt: Kalle Heino email: kheino@sgic.fi Tarvitset SIPLAYERin.
26029 L7JOKES.ZIP 851,9 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Leisure Suit Larry Joke Contest! Winning jokes! Audio previews of Als favorites!"
26030 LASRECS.ZIP 738,6 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
Acrossiin replay tiedostoja, ennätykseni Expert systemissä ja muita hauskoja kommeluksia, taktiikka pakki ilmestyy myöhemmin.
26031 LKSWREC1.ZIP 739,1 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Kokoelma kommelluksia Action Supercross- peliin replay (*.rec) muodossa. Tämä lisäosa on välttämätön. Tämän parempia kommelluksia et löydä mistään!!
26032 MAHTIPK1.ZIP 146,3 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
Mahti Kieppipak 1 Muiden Acrossiin tehtyjen record-pakettejen kieriskellessä surkeissa tempuissa, ja mitättömässä laadussa, Mahti Pakit pelastavat epätoivossa kiemurtelevan laaman päivän. 6 erilaista kiepautus- temppua Acrossin SW-radoissa.
26033 MS-GAMEP.ZIP 1642743 20.12.1996 - - -
Microsoft Gamepay pictures & info,
26034 PCIRCLES.ZIP 80,7 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Megaman Series Hints Quick Reference for All Megaman Titles.
26035 PCPM98.ZIP 123,6 kt 03.01.1998 - MBCD -
"PC- Pelimaailma98 Odotettu uusi versio suositusta PC- pelitietopankistajossa mukana kymmenittäin peliarvosteluitaasiantuntevia artikkeleitaaiheena tietokonepelit ja järisyttäviä Top 10- listoja. Vaatii 386+hiiriVGA. Freewarea! (C) Tuukka Salonen & Markus Kujanpää 1997"
26036 QCOM1.ZIP 2,7 Mt 26.06.1997 - - -
Quake Comics Issue I The Adventures of Dank and Scud by Michael Houston Required: Adobe Acrobat reader.
26037 QCOM2.ZIP 5,3 Mt 26.06.1997 - - -
Quake Comics Issue 2 The Adventures of Dank and Scud by Michael Houston Required: Adobe Acrobat reader.
26038 QCOM3.ZIP 5,4 Mt 26.06.1997 - - -
Quake Comics Issue 3 The Adventures of Dank and Scud by Michael Houston Required: Adobe Acrobat reader.
26039 SNESV160.ZIP 52030 20.12.1996 - - -
Super Nes joypad to PC, build instructions
and driver.
26040 SW3DPRO.ZIP 1885743 20.12.1996 - - -
Microsoft Sidewinder 3D Pro -joystick
pictures & info.
26041 TEPACK.ZIP 1 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
TeMPPu PaCK Acrossiin... joka sisältää 10 toistaan hienompia reccejä. Parempia temppu reccejä ei löydy --Palaute nimelle Heikki Virkkunen-- tehnyt: sANKo^MDS
26042 TKPACK.ZIP 1 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Action supercrossiin taktiikka pack... Näin teet nopeat ajat 6 eri ruudussa. -CreaK-
26043 TOBEASCR.ZIP 489,3 kt 20.04.1998 - - -
Toben ACROSS - REPLAYTJäikö jokin kikka opettelematta vanhoista ruuduista? Tässä kaikki mahdolliset ja 
mahdottomat kikkailut! Ennen tulevaa *LEVEL* -pakettiani, on parasta kurkata 
läpi Wanhan version Leveleitten komeimmat kikat. Ei aikoja, pelkät Kynät. 
Tässä iltanaurettavaa pitkiksi ajoiksi. By: Tobe, tommi.nasiaho@mbnet.fi
26044 TOR10.ZIP 26,9 kt 30.11.1997 - - -
Testaa: Osaatko rikastua? v1.0 Helppo tapa testata itsesi! Suomalaista Freewarea!
26045 VADEPACK.ZIP 811,3 kt 26.02.1998 - - -
Action Supercrossiin 7 laadukasta recordia. Näe kuinka tehdään kovia aikoja. Et tule pettymään. Huom! Laadukkain recordipaketti tähän mennessä. Kuskina Vade*FAT. Lisää tulossa jahka luoja suo.
24499 1MATH.ZIP 488948 24.03.1996 renamed - -
Improved and more feature-packed sequel to
popular WORD RESCUE (file #1RESCUE.ZIP).
The Gruzzles are back and stealing all the
numbers in this funny, adventure filled
Nintendo-style EGA/VGA multi-scrolling
learning game. Includes puzzling word-math
problems and arithmetic. Many, many options.
24500 1RESCUE.ZIP 429948 24.03.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Word Rescue is Apogee's first educational
game, yet is a great challenge for adults,
too.  Tons of EGA/VGA graphics, and it was
created using our Duke Nukum-style game
system. Play as a male or a female character
and explore many fascinating locations as
you search for all the stolen words. Three
difficulty levels, auto-save, unlimited
lives, ADlib Music, Joystick and much more!
24501 ABUGS.ZIP 1179341 06.06.1996 - 12772/11000.zip -
ANIMATED BUGS v1.0 - is a board game for
young children that is full of color, sound
and animation.  Garden backgrounds, mini-
animations, and full-screen animations
are featured.  Two players can play the
game (one or both can be the PC). Movement
is determined by a spinner that can be
either numbers, colors, or shapes.  Sound
support for most boards and the PC speaker.
VGA and Hard Drive required. Keyboard/mouse.
24502 ADIBOOP.ZIP 7396326 23.10.1996 - - -
Adiboo - I can read, I can count. Children
4-7 years reading/counting help-program.
24503 ADIGEOP.ZIP 3555035 23.10.1996 - - -
ADI Geography - Sierra geography/edutainment
children education program. Sierra.
30280 ANTS.ZIP 258738 14.12.1995 - 16622/Shareware Supreme Games.iso -
ANTS (VER 3.1) 
Ant grabs letters to spell words. (Talks)-
ANTS is graphic program where an ant drags
letters to spell words. If word is not
spelled before time runs out, a gigantic
tennis shoe comes crashing down. If word is
spelled, Ant City is built. Rqs VGA 384K.
Supports Sound. CSVOC.ZIP contains sound
Education - Language
24504 ATTACK28.ZIP 83243 04.12.1996 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
Letter Attack is an arcade-style typing tutor
in which the player must defend the planet
from the aliens. Words and letters flash
across the screen and must be typed correctly
to be eliminated. Includes a practise section
to show correct finger placement.
24505 BABYSIT1.ZIP 1207763 14.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BABYSITTER will teach your children how to
say early words, the alphabet, reading,
spelling their name, drawing and much more.
You can change the words to match your child
name.  SOUND BLASTER required.  DareWare Inc.
24506 BABYSIT2.ZIP 1208660 14.02.1996 - 2462/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 8).iso -
BABYSITTER will teach your children how to
say early words, the alphabet, reading,
spelling their name, drawing and much more.
You can change the words to match your child
name.  SOUND BLASTER required.  DareWare Inc.
61399 BIGMA235.ZIP 156626 04.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
BIG MATH ATTACK! tests your math skills
spelling, typing and metric conversions
skills in a fun arcade environment.
Several skill levels are available that
makes this program suitable for both
children and adults. Top scores recorded.
EGA or VGA, hard disk reqd. Version 2.35
24507 BIGMA250.ZIP 225,3 kt 11.03.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
BIG MATH ATTACK! tests your math skills spelling, typing and metric conversions skills in a fun arcade environment. Several skill levels are available that makes this program suitable for both children and adults. Top scores recorded. EGA or VGA, hard disk reqd. Version 2.5
24508 CROSSP7B.ZIP 212972 24.02.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
Crossword Power v7.00  Create a variety
of crossword puzzles and kriss-cross
activities from your words and clues.
Includes foreign language character support.
100% compatible with Vocabulary Power.
24509 DMATCH40.ZIP 582603 24.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dino Match v4.0  from DynoTech Software.
Exciting memory-building windows game for
ages 5-9. Commercial software now shareware.
Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue books from Rex
the Tyrannosaurus by solving various memory
tasks. Game has animation, music, and sound
effects. Has a "no loose" feature to help
make learning more fun. Req: 386+; Win 3.1,
Win 95, or OS/2; 4MB RAM; Sound Card (opt,
but recommended).  [$20]
63066 DNUMBR40.ZIP 1119573 24.02.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Dino Numbers v4.0  - DynoTech Software.
Exciting windows arithmetic game for 7-12.
Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue cows from Rex
the Tyrannosaurus by solving various math
tasks (add, subtract, multiply, or divide).
Includes animation, music, and sound effects.
Also has a "no loose" feature to help make
learning more fun. Req: 386+; Win 3.1, Win95,
or OS/2; 4MB RAM; Sound Card (optional, but
recommended).  [$20]
24511 DSPELL40.ZIP 960322 24.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dino Spell v4.0  from DynoTech Software.
Exciting windows spelling game for ages 7-12.
Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue fruit from Rex
the Tyrannosaurus by solving various spelling
challenges. Includes animation, music, and
sound effects. Registered Edition contains 30
total levels and a separate word list manager
to add your own custom spelling words. Req:
386+; Win 3.1, Win 95, or OS/2; 4MB RAM;
Sound Card (opt, but recommended).  [$20]
30469 EURV15.ZIP 115609 02.05.1995 - 21829/Plex4.mdf -
Europe v1.5 for DOS
Tämä ohjelma kyselee sinulta kaiken Euroopan
teollisuudesta, valtioiden, jokien, sekä
muitten maantieteellisten asioiden
30475 F_CARD10.ZIP 27118 22.10.1995 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
F_Card - is a simple flash card program for
improving basic math skills. You can choose
any combination of the four basic math
groups, choose the range of numbers for
generating questions, and set the duration of
each session. Description Copyright 1995 PsL
24512 FUN23_21.ZIP 975352 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
====== AMY'S FUN-2-3 ADVENTURE! (V2.1) ======
So much FUN has been put into this incredible
COMMERCIAL-QUALITY educational program,  that
you won't be able to keep your kids away from
it!  An adorable puppy named Amy guides young
children through four entertaining activities
which  help  teach  number  recognition   and
counting skills.  Outstanding animated graph-
ics and  real speech and sound effects add to
the counting fun.   Requires 286+, 640K, VGA.
Supports sound cards, mouse and keyboard.   A
24513 KNOWIT.ZIP 513857 03.01.1996 - MBCD -
KNOW IT ALL is the incredible, EXPANDABLE,
learning game with great VGA graphics, a
MIDI soundtrack, and digitized sound
effects.  Soundtrack and effects play
through your sound card or PC speaker.
13998 KSORMI.ZIP 431082 15.08.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
Kymppisormi 2.11 esittelyversio asennuslevyke
30614 MATHFU.EXE 250000 11.05.1995 - - -
INTERACTIVE arcade action game DRILLS,
REVIEWS, and TESTS math facts.   Helps kids
LEARN and RETAIN skills while making math as
much FUN as playing  nintendo style video
games.  Complements any elementary (K-6) math
curriculum.   HIGHLY ANIMATED, supports sound
blaster, super smooth side and vertical
scrolling over multiscreen areas.  Includes
counting, +, -, x, /.  Requires IBM
compatible with EGA or VGA,  After loading on
your system press F5 for a demo of  game
24514 MATHTS30.ZIP 134456 18.03.1996 - 14524/MG_0296.ISO -
Mathtest 3.00-S: Practice basic or advanced
math problems with games and many options,
including negatives, decimals, carrying,
borrowing, sound, horizontal or vertical
problems, single-digit problems, long
division, multi-digit multiplication, and
solving for components. Supports CGA, EGA, or
VGA cards, and requires 320K of memory.
30615 MATHWZ10.ZIP 66590 17.12.1995 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso -
Math Wizard will serve as a great tool in
helping your child learn the basics of math.
Included are various excercises in Addition,
Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.
Whether used in school or in the home, Math
Wizard will provide your child with the basic
fundamentals of math as well as build a solid
foundation on which to build and learn. Both
parents and teachers will greatly appreciate
30642 MUSIC1.ZIP 116475 11.05.1995 - - -
MERLIN'S MUSIC V1.02  Fun activities
teach basic musical notation- Childen use
mouse to enter notes on musical staff and can
hear their compositions played on the PC
speaker. Children can save their masterpieces
to work on later. Program also plays excerpts
of folk tunes, hymns, nursery rhyme music and
national anthems. Requires '286, VGA, mouse.
30643 MWAR.ZIP 77311 24.04.1995 - 20928/400 MB Of Top PC Shareware.iso -
Mineral Wars v1.0
War strategy game that teaches the concepts
of geology. Also educational.
24515 RUOTSI11.ZIP 14,6 kt 29.01.1997 - - -
Ruotsi v1.1 - opetusohjelma ruotsin kielen opiskeluun.
24516 TG21.ZIP 403,3 kt 21.04.1997 - 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO -
Start the child with Toddler Games v2.1 They are mouse-only and self-teaching. This set of programs is a user-friendly introduction to the computer for kids as young as 18 months.  The child does not use the keyboard.  He just guides the mouse.  As he plays, he also explores some fundamental concepts.
30881 TNYTAP.ZIP 53517 31.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A game that allows very young children to
"TAP" safely at the keyboard.  Each key
produces a different sound, picture or game.
30884 TOMMATH.ZIP 175143 31.12.1995 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
█▓▒░ TOMMY'S MATH TOOTER (TM-164)       ░█▓▒
Have kids that hate math?  This will turn
them on!  Even a big kid in his 30s (ha ha)!
2-player game, you vs. the PC.  Try to take
a "hand" of numbers & math symbols and make
equations! Demo mode. Auto game save/restore.
Works with any DOS PC or clone, any monitor,
no mouse or joystick needed.
30894 TTKV20.ZIP 369918 11.05.1995 - 13835/Kids Companion CD-ROM.iso -
TYPE TREK v2.0  New version of the
popular typing tutor in Star Trek-like game
format features hi-res graphics, animation
and sound! You can also "talk" to three races
of aliens. Has online, illustrated manual.
Registered users can add their own word
lists, and get a complete, interactive,
online tutorial. IBM-PC or compatible,
EGA/VGA, HDD req'd. Tea Time Software. (ASP)
30104 ULT7GM.ZIP 164616 31.12.1995 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
Ultima VII: The Black Gate GM Music Update -
This will allow General MIDI wavetable cards
to correctly play the music and some sound -
effects from Ultima 7.  Allows Ultima 7 to -
natively play General MIDI/GS music.       -
This file does NOT come from Origin Systems-
24517 VISA15.ZIP 31603 08.01.1996 - - -
Todella mahtava Maantietovisa!!! Versio 1.5
30192 10KARO.ZIP 448296 16.09.1995 taat.fi taat.fi -
Kinkku Karoliina
tArzAn pelituotanto 1995. VGA, 386, MIDAS
30240 256COMPO.ZIP 52777 03.08.1996 discmaster discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
36 kappaletta 256 tavun kokoista peliä.
Alkuperäisesti tehty kilpailuun.
26046 AHMATTI.ZIP 160,8 kt 25.03.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
26047 AMMU10B.ZIP 86,2 kt 13.03.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
ammu opjekti! 1.0 beta. (c) 1998 Ville Kivistö. Toiminnallinen ampumispeli, jossa ammutaan renderöityjä opjekteja. Mukavahkon addiktiivinen. Tarvitsee VGA/Hiiri. Suositus DX4. Ilmainen. Made in Soomi.
26048 ANATALVI.ZIP 197,4 kt 23.03.1999 - MBCD -
Antin nakkikioski TALVELLA - BY : Light Iron Uusi peli, uudet kujeet...Antin nakkikioski TALVELLA - pelissä on tarkoitus pitää Antin Nakkikioskia pystyssä talvella. Parannuksia viime versioon mm. Tavaraa ei pysty myymään jos sitä ei ole, lainan maksu paranneltu ja grafiikka on kokenut edistysaskeleen, eli koko peli on grafiikkaa. Myös paras uudistus eli hinnat ovat kunnossa. Kun ostat tavaroi- ta niin niitten kpl. hinta on vain 1mk. Vaatii 286+, VGA ja DOS. ** -LATAA HETI- **
30278 ANTERO.ZIP 103289 15.02.1995 taat.fi taat.fi -
Omena Olttu II   AHMATTI
tArzAn tuotanto 1994
30277 ANTEROLP.ZIP 164469 19.07.1995 - - -
Ahmatti Antero -lisäpaku
tArzAn tuotanto 1995
26049 ARKKU10.ZIP 203,1 kt 17.03.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
 Arkku 1.0 Freeware (c) 2000 margye Arkanoid-klooni Vaatii: PC, MS-DOS, min. 320x200x256 näyttö, hiiri suositeltava                                            c-kielinen lähdekoodi saatavissa tekijältä        marja.hassinen@pp.inet.fi                                                                                              
26050 ARVSIMU.ZIP 13,3 kt 04.05.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Peliarvostelusimulaattori Kyllä, tässä se on! Peliarvostelusimu jäljittelee realistisesti Epelit-lehden ja MikroTavun peliarvostelijoita, sillä siihen on mallinnettu oikea arvostelualgoritmi. Imuta siis heti iltojen ratoksi ja kovalevyn täytteeksi! Made By: MMsoft
26052 ATHOCK.ZIP 97,5 kt 09.05.1998 - - -
ATOMI HOCKEY 1997 V.:0.95 tehnyt: Jarkko T. Kähkönen AThockey Erinomainen txt-tyylinen Jääkiekkomanageripeli. athockey.zip
26051 ATHOCK2.ZIP 44,8 kt 18.06.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
ATOMI HOCKEY 1997 v. II tehnyt: Jarkko T. Kähkönen Yli 110 erilaista tapahtumaa. Oikeat pelaajat. Maalivahdit. Erinomainen txt-tyylinen Jääkiekkomanageripeli. Ilmainen päivitys uusimpaan versioon postia lähettämällä: kajarkko@hotmail.com. Tulossa Athock III. Toinen nimi Athockey.
26053 ATTACKSW.ZIP 52,8 kt 14.04.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
THE ATTACK(sw) Made by Haglund Studios Haglund Studios näyttää taas taitojaan tekstipelien maailmassa. Tällä kertaa on vuorossa taistelu alieneita vastaan. Tämä on ShareWare-versio, rekkaus vain 15 markkaa + HD (tai DD)-disketti. IMUROI IHMEESSÄ!!! Tämä on HaS-laatua!
30303 BAND.ZIP 71828 24.12.1995 - - -
The pc-section of Real Panic Presents: bändi
SIMULAATTORI 1.0 -Todella realistinen, voit
kerrankin tuntea olevasi julkkis!!!
Päämääränä on voittaa euroviisut.
Hiirituki+hillitöntä ansiräpellystä. GET IT!
26054 BATTLE05.ZIP 40,9 kt 12.01.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Mayhem SoftWare Presents: Battle Arena v0.5 Peli on tarkoitettu kaksin pelattavaksi. Tarkoitus on yksinkertainen:  TAPA VASTUSTAJASI!!!
26055 BLUE12.ZIP 690,1 kt 04.05.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
BlueTank v1.2 Korvallinen productions Söpö kaksinpeli, jossa pitää liistiä toinen vaiheisella ja ohjuksilla. Sisältää karttaeditorin. Ilmainen. PC. DOS. 
26056 BS-TITA.ZIP 444,2 kt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
-Titanic The legend by Black Shadow-  Mahtava Titanic simulaatio, jossa sinut pistetään laivan ruoriin. Ohjaa laivaasi jäävuorien keskellä, varo ettet törmää. Kaikkien Titanic "fanien" pakko hankinta. VGA, SB. BY  Black Shadow 1998
26057 BUNDE.ZIP 43,2 kt 19.05.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Massiivinen maalaispeli nimeltänsä BUNDE! vaatii mikrotietokoneen toimiakseen textipelien aatelia Imppaa heti!! sisältää Turpo Pascal Sorsa-koodin.
26058 BURNO06.ZIP 687 kt 19.06.1998 - - -
* Burn-o-Priest v0.6 * Ihan *saatanan* hauska peli missä olet itse pääpiru ja poltat pappeja. Äänet on ihanat ja efektit nasevia. !!!IME HETI!!!! (c) 10tons entertainment 1998
26059 BUSSIM06.ZIP 53,4 kt 25.02.1999 - MBCD -
Bussisimulaattori 0.6 By SMOY Prod. and Viruz Software: Olet bussinkuljettaja ja keräät matkustajia sekä varot kammottavia jalankulkijoita ynnä muuta - PAPPILAN MUSTA SIKAkin on mukana! Tämä peli on selvästi raaempi kuin Carmageddon kakkonen! Nethack-tyylinen, Suomenkielinen, Viholliseditori mukana. Merkkigrafiikkavaroitus! Peli on Freewarea. Tarvitset QBASIC.EXE:n. Tekijät: Sippo Kähmi, Olli Sikstus
26060 CATMOUZE.ZIP 42,5 kt 06.01.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Cat & Mouse klassinen peli jossa olet kissa ja ajat takaa kurjaa hiirtä vanhojen kunnon aikojen tapaan! Aidontuntuinen, mukava pelata Cat & Mouse peli on nyt täällä! Imuta siis omasi jo tänään...by Juha Toivokoski Email: toivokoski.juha@mbnet.fi
30394 COSMLAMU.ZIP 21643 08.12.1996 discmaster discmaster.textfiles.com -
->pWp esittaa: -= C0SM0LAMU =-<- ->5th<- in
Demolition 2 introcompo
26061 COWQST.ZIP 922,8 kt 16.04.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
cowQuest v.2.01 HAND Productions (C) 1998-99 Be prepared for some silly cow adventures, guide the little cow trough mystic levels filled with passages, tunnels, ravins, mines and lots of other dangers. Defeat that Evil Silly Psycho Cow! Type of game: Platform DOS/win3.x/95/98/NT soundcard www.pcpinball.com 
26062 CSIM10A.ZIP 53,9 kt 30.07.1997 - MBCD -
Da MBnet ChatSim 1.0 by Jokke / BAD KARMA. Täydellinen MBnetin chatin mallinnus - retoriikka, joka lennättää silmät päästäsi! Uskomattoman todentuntuinen chattirepliikki- generaattori, jossa joka sessio on uniikki. Huippumuunneltavuus ja kaikki tarpeelliset ominaisuuudet. Sisältää DJGPP v2.01 sorsat.
26063 CT16.ZIP 66,6 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
CompTalk 1.6 - PARAS CHATTISIMU 4EVER - SE muutenkin pölö CHATTISIMULAATTORI!!! Osaa vastata melkein KAIKKEEN...
26064 CYBERANT.ZIP 861,3 kt 27.03.1997 - MBHH1998 -
tArzAn pelituotanto 1997 : -- CYBER ANTERO -- Koko perheelle sopiva opettavainen peli. Hauskaa ajanvietettä pikkutunneille asti. (486.GUS/SB/ESS.VESA)
26065 DARKBAT.ZIP 105,9 kt 14.11.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
"Dark Bats Rising. A RPG featuring nice 256-color graphics and incredible playability! BatWare Productions 2000. DOS. "
26066 DEPRISON.ZIP 99,8 kt 08.11.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Deprisonment is a turn-based jailbreak game. Escape from prison but watch out - the guards are there to get you! Requires DOS, VGA card with capabilites for a resolution 320x200 @8 bits-per-pixel (256 colors). An SVGA card is optional, but strongly recommended.
26067 DIRTYHAR.ZIP 732,9 kt 25.02.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
"DIRTY HARRY v1.1 From tAAt. TV:stä tuttu! This is a BUGFIXED versionÿof this great game.  Features also new music!  This is a really exiting almost 3D game from tArzAn tuotanto.  It has been developed about one year!  Its got marvellous graphics and bright sound effects.  Pentium recommended. 3DFX nor MMX nor other 3D-cards are supported. Requires a MIDAS sound system compatible sound card and a mouse."
26068 DJBM.ZIP 90 kt 13.03.1997 - MBCD -
Bänd, tekijänä Alfware. Olet bändin manageri, palkkaat jäseniä, keikkailet, ostat varusteita ja paljon enemmän. (Tukee sb/disney/pc/da)
30439 DLAMU2.ZIP 26667 15.09.1996 väärä koko discmaster.textfiles.com -
.-- pWp --.
Pienen Ystävämme
Seikkailut Jatkuvat
-Disqualified on
Demolition '96
26069 DUOWRM16.ZIP 16,4 kt 25.06.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Duoworm 1.6 Tässä matopelissä pääset syömään Hansoneita. Varma hankinta Hansonien vihaajille ! Imuroi heti !!!
26070 EASYRDER.ZIP 73,7 kt 16.02.1998 - MBCD -
EasyRider (C)ValuRautasoft Easyrider on ValuRautasoftin huippusuosion saanut poliittinen tekstiseikkailu, joka ei kuitenkaan vaadi pelaajalta juuri lainkaan poliittista tietoutta :)
26071 EINO.ZIP 746,5 kt 16.12.1997 - MBCD -
Einon Koulupäivä Tässä pelissä sinun täytyy hypätä Einon housuihin ja selvitä yhden koulupäivän läpi. Vaatii 386/4Mb/VGA Tukee SB/GUS/PAS. (C) Sami Kyöstilä 1997
26072 ELAIN101.ZIP 35,8 kt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Oikeutta Eläimille! (1.01) Ilkeät nenärenkain varustetut eläinaktivistit hyökkäävät turkistarhaasi. Vain sinä ja haulikkosi voivat pelastaa ketut vapaudelta!
26073 ERNO11.ZIP 206,5 kt 24.12.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Erno V. 1.1 Made By Anasoft TM Erno on Taunon tyylinen tekstiseikkailu, mutta paljon monipuolisempi. Sisältää esim. Loton, KPS-sän, ostettavia/myytäviä tavaroita jne...
30477 FIDOLAMU.ZIP 27612 15.09.1996 väärä koko discmaster.textfiles.com -
-= pWp oN pALaNnuT mAAiLmAaN =-
|                           |
|      -= FIDOLAMU =-       |
|                           |
|  testaa heti, pystytkö    |
|  vastaamaan verkottuvan   |
| yhteiskuntamme asettamaan |
|   multimediahaasteeseen.  |
26074 FIGHT10.ZIP 203,1 kt 23.11.1997 - MBCD -
THE ULTIMATE FIGHTING OF FINLAND vs. SWEDEN - Versio 1.0 - Reaaliaikainen, nopeatempoinen suomalainen mätkintäpeli kahdelle pelaajalle höystettynä henkeäsalpaavilla tausta- musiikeilla (SB/SBPRO/GUS). Voit olla joko suomalainen tai ruotsalainen ja mätkiä kaverisi henkihieveriin. REPLAY:llä näet viimeisimmän potkusi uusintana. Vaatii ainakin DOS, 386, 4MT. Aidontuntuinen (verta ei säästy!) Piippo Software Productions 1997
26075 FM4.ZIP 119,2 kt 05.04.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Hauska taistelupeli DOS-pohjalle. 
HUOM!! Ei toimi windowsin alla!!!  
Meihin saa yhteyttä: Petri Paavilainen Petubest@dlc.fi Petri.j.paavilainen@mbnet.fi Http://www.dlc.fi/~petubest/ TAI Kaj Larm Cassu@dlc.fi Kaj.Larm@mbnet.fi Http://www.dlc.fi/~cassu/ TAI Spider Games Finland Sgsf@mailcity.com Http://members.xoom.com/sgsf/
26076 GOODEVSW.ZIP 34,8 kt 04.11.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
"GOODnEVIL: The Ultimate Fight ***(c) Haglund Studios 1998*** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄSHAREWAREÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tämä on Haglund Studiosin ensimmäinen täysin OMA tekstiseikkailu. Pelissä ohjaat etsivääJohn Browniajoka on ainoakuka on saanut vihiä pahan ja hullun miehenSam Smithin aikeista. Sam Smith aikoo räjäyttää 5:dellä erittäin tuhovoimaisella ydinpommilla koko itäisen pallonpuoliskon!!! Sinun tehtäväsi on estää Samin aikeet. Peli on 6-osainenmahtavan"
26077 HAJYPAC.ZIP 66,8 kt 20.10.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Häjy*Pac - Vain Tosimiehille(tm) Useimmat Eivät Koskaan Pääse Läpi Häjy*Pacin Ensimmäistäkään Tasoa! Vaatii Kait 486-Prosessin, Ja VGA-tason Näytönohjuksen. Tehnyt: the Lost Spaceman of Refinition.
26078 HAKKERI.ZIP 52,9 kt 24.12.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Hakkeri TestiCardware By Alpha Software. 
Tämä ohjelma testaa sinun hakkeruutesi vaikeiden kysymysten avulla. 
Jos olet luullut itseäsi hakkeriksi, tämä ohjelma voi näyttää jotain aivan muuta....
26079 HIPPI.ZIP 53,2 kt 30.05.1997 - MBCD -
TaneSoft esittää: HIPPIMITTARI! Tämä ohjelma mittaa hippiytesi, ja kertoo myös muita totuuksia sinusta. Tarvii: 8088/VGA Suositus: 386/VGA
30556 INTELS12.ZIP 31899 18.02.1996 - - -
Intel Simulator v1.2
by Future Force
Great Intel simulator is a pretty simple
text game but great fun!
65221 INVATAXI.ZIP 490563 13.06.1995 - MBCD tupla
Jälleen Åkesoft riennättää sinulle hehkeän
pelikokonaisuuden: INVATAXIn. Invakuskina
tarvitset hiiren ja mie- lellään SB:n.
Invaliidipeli SEXgames- tyyliin! Tässä
pelissä pannaan invoja oikeisiin paikkoihin.
26080 JAKETR12.ZIP 1 Mt 20.04.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
- Jake Cool Trilogy v1.2 by RmM - All 3 Jakes in one package! (Including the previously unreleased Jake Cool I.) Featuring humor, animation, Finnish language, and.. uh.. and.. err, more humor?-)
26081 JARMO12.ZIP 69,1 kt 18.03.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
JARMO 1.2 FW - Aleksi Räsäsen tekemä pieni, mukava valikko-tekstiseikkailupeli. Tarkoituksena on kerätä 2000 markkaa rahaa, jotta Jarmo saisi itselleen uuden printterin. Voit tienata rahaa ryöstämällä, tienaamalla, pyytämällä ja voittamalla.
26082 JAV2K.ZIP 118 kt 18.12.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Javelin 2000          Zod Presents Javelin 2000  v. 0.82 (full)   (Note new version numbers!)  Great javelin game, only 120k     -Requires: 486+ and EGA     -Fun for 1 to 5 players
26083 JOKKIS.ZIP 78,1 kt 18.01.2001 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
JOKAMIEHENLUOKKA 1.1 Tämä peli sijoittuu kilpailijoiden määrällä mitattuna Suomen suosituimpaan autourheilumuotoon: jokamiehen luokkaan! Osta joku auto ja osallistu jokkis- kilpailuihin kohteena maine ja mammona! Rahan kertyessä voit ostaa autoosi vaikka uuden moottorin. Pelin aihe lisättynä uskomattoman helposti omaksuttavaan käyttöliittymään  tekevät tästä sen pelin joka lisää univelkaa! Jokamiehenluokka, Jokkis (C) Jussi Myllykoski 
26084 JOPE115.ZIP 64,7 kt 03.02.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Jope 1.15 - Jope on Suomen paras teksti- seikkailu. 99.99 % bugiton! Sopii  erityisesti Herttoniemen yhteiskoulun oppilaille/opettajille. Koodannut Jouko Strömmer. Freeware.
26085 JOS.ZIP 36,5 kt 04.11.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
JOS - Haglund Studios productions 1998 JOS on Haglund Studiosin ensimmäinen ja ainoa puzzlepeli. Se on kaksinpeli, jossa on aluksi 15 palikkaa ruudulla. Tehtäväsi on poistaa palikoita tietyssä järjestyksessä, niin, että viimeinen palikka jää kaverillesi. Silloin olet voittanut pelin. FREEWAREA!
26086 JS20.ZIP 407,2 kt 10.02.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Jätkänshakki 2.0 by Kim Sariola Ainoastaan kaksinpeliin tarkoitettu yksinkertainen jätkänshakki. Pistepeli, turnauspeli ja harjoitus- peli. Taustakuvan ja modulen voi vaihtaa omiin! Vaatii 286/MS-DOS/VGA/HIIRI Tukee Soundblasteria + yhteensopivia
26087 K18.ZIP 190,6 kt 18.07.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Killer 18 1.0 FREEWARE   Killer 18 on 2-3 pelaajan Miniwar kopio  paremmalla grafiikalla ja omaperäisyydellään. Pelissä on tarkoituksena TAPPAA, ja punasolut  lentelevät iloisesti ympäri areenaa, kun vastustaja nielee ydinpommin. K18 eroaa muista  vastaavantyylisistä peleistä uusien ideoidensa lisäksi ainutlaatuisen ilmalentoTM-systeeminsä  ansiosta.  
30572 KALEVAL3.ZIP 140693 23.08.1996 - - -
SÄHKÖ-KALEVALA 3. laitos! Erinomainen parodia
Suomen omasta kansalliseepoksesta.
VGA-tasoinen grafiikka ja mahtavat
kanneläänet. Vaatii hiiren. FREEWARE. Ei
härski, muttei vallan poliittisesti
korrektikaan versio Kalevalasta.
26088 KESAVISA.ZIP 16,5 kt 22.12.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
KESÄKISAVISA V1.0 - Mahtava visailupeli niiden mieleen jotka pitävät urheilusta. Sisältää 60 kysymystä. Varustettu hienoilla äänillä. - Dark Production -
26089 KIRJ_KST.ZIP 39 kt 14.02.1998 - MBCD -
Kustantamopeli v.1.33  Strategia-, myynti- ja teksti-peli. vaatii     : 286 8 mhz, 1mb RAM, CGA-näytönohjain suosittelu : 486/DX2 66mhz math. prosessori tehnyt: Jarkko T. Kähkönen
30587 KRAVA2.ZIP 30488 15.09.1996 väärä koko discmaster.textfiles.com -
- pWp:llä on ilo esitellä teille -
:                                    :
:       - = KRAVATTI 2 = -           :
:                                    :
: Internet-nettisurffauksen perus-   :
: näkökohdat esiteltynä hyvin inter- :
: aktiivisen multimedian välityksellä:
:                                    :
30588 KRAVATTI.ZIP 26487 15.09.1996 väärä koko discmaster.textfiles.com -
▄▄▄       ▄▄▄
█▄█ ▄   ▄ █▄█  .   
█   █ ▄ █ █    .   KRAVATTI!
▀   ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀
Windows-multimedia tulee toimistoon.
Onko Sinut jo koulutettu asiallisesti?
26090 KS100-N.ZIP 24,1 kt 16.12.1997 - MBCD -
KraKKeRi SiMuLAAtt0ri v1.00 final! By Tecnic Software productions Härän vuonna 1997 (kiinal. kal.) Realistinen simulaatio KrÄKKeRiN vaikeasta ja vaa- rallisesta elämästä. No-sound versio. UUTTA: Sisältää nyt ANSI grafiikkaa. Vaatii: DOS5 + 286 + 200 kB.
26091 KT111.ZIP 656,6 kt 27.05.1998 - MBCD -
Parviirus Productions Presents >>>KOIRATAPPELU<<< v1.11 (FREEWARE) 2-4 pelaajan arkaadilentotaistelupeli 256 värisellä SVGA-grafiikalla, realistisilla äänillä, reaaliajassa lasketulla läpikuultavuudella ja PELATTAVUUDELLA höystettynä! Pomminraskasta äksöniä isolla Ä:llä!
26092 KTN_PK10.ZIP 182 kt 17.06.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Palikka 1.0 - Keitin Freeware tetris-kinda game. But it hasn\'t got any "arcade action". You\'ll have to think every move you make: "What consequenses might this move have?" etc. The game is based on a TI-85 game "Insane Game". DOS.
26093 LAUTAT10.ZIP 122,6 kt 21.05.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
LAUTAT ver1.0 17.5. 1999 Lautat on uutta lauta -pallo-pelien alagenreä edustava keräilypeli 
loistavalla pelattavuudella. Laite suositukset: dos,Pentium 200mhz, sb yhteensopiva äänikortti, 
svga, hiiri. http://koti.mbnet.fi/~lautat Tekijät: Lauri Turpeinen & Tatu Koistinen
26094 LIMSAT.ZIP 47,5 kt 14.12.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Limsan etsintä! JLM SOFTWARE esittää: Tämä paketti sisältää: - Uuden version (1.2) Limsan etsintä 1 -pelistä! - JATKO-OSAN NIMELTÄ LIMSAN ETSINTÄ 2! (v1.0) Vaatii DOS. Älkää unohtako tekstiseikkailuita tällä 3D-korttien aikakaudella!
26095 LYHRAV07.ZIP 99,4 kt 08.11.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Lyhyt Ravi v0.7 (c) Teemu Harju Productions Mukava pikku ravi- vedonlyöntipeli.
26097 M2.ZIP 392,3 kt 08.04.1998 - MBCD -
Martti 2 Martin pitkäänodotettu jatko-osa. Mukana UPEAT grafiikat sekä animaatiot. SoundBlaster-äänet tekevät pelistä juuri sen oikean Sinulle! Vaatii: 386/VGA/ÄÄNIKORTTI (C) 1998 ValuRautasoft
26096 M2000.ZIP 34 kt 16.12.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Mission2000x5³ TekstiSeikkailu vaatimukset: 386 Tehnyt: N&J-Software huom. ei tosikoille!
26098 MACGY105.ZIP 732,4 kt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
MacGyver v1.05 - MacGyver TV-sarjan mukaan luotu yksinkertainen valikkopohjainen seikkailupeli sarjan jaksoihin pohjautuen. DOS
26099 MACGYV14.ZIP 328,6 kt 24.03.1999 - MBCD -
MacGyver ja kadonneiden miesten tapaus. V.1.4 NoQb FINAL! Sinun, Macgyverin täytyy jäleen pelastaa koko maailma. Tekijät: PeXu/LaZzi/Sika Productions/ Spider Games Finland KY. Made in Finland. Tarvitsee: 386, VGA, n.600kt kovalevy tilaa. !HUOM! TÄMÄ VERSION _EI_ TARVITSE QB 4.5:N RUN-TIME MODUULEITA!
26100 MANAGER.ZIP 29,2 kt 05.11.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
The Great managerointi by: JaRiWaRe Rakenna kaupunki ja hommaa sinne populaa
26101 MARSW120.ZIP 39,2 kt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
  Shareware MARKET-Bisnes PELI             V.1.20    !!! REKISTERÖIMÄTÖN !!!  Rankka bisnespeli kaupan pi-  täjän uralta. LaserSoftin  huippu tuotantoa ! Imppaa  heti ! Rekisteröinti vain  30 Mk !!! Rekisteröi !!!!  (C) LaserSoft & Mika Halttunen
26102 MARTTI.ZIP 159,7 kt 22.11.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Martti: Madeiralta kotiinMartti on hukannut suomalaisen aurinkorasvansa, eikä voi pistää 
iholleen mitään ulkomaalaista mönjää. Auta marttia ja etsi hänelle 
aurinkorasvaa! Vaatii 286/VGA, suositellaan 386+
(c) ValuRautasoft.
26103 MATO111.ZIP 218,9 kt 15.02.1999 - MBCD -
Matopeli v1.11Taydellinen kopio Nokian puhelimien matopelista. Mukana erilaisia vaihtokuoria ja enkkalistat. 
By: Jaakko Valikyla FREEWARE http://www.vtoy.fi/~plara/mato
26104 MATO2.ZIP 28,7 kt 23.03.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Mat* v2.0 by Team 20 000.  This program is Freeware. Mato2 on täydellinen matopeli kaikille matopelien ystäville , joka sisältää uskomattoman hauskan kaksinpelin, jossa madot ovat kahdessa eri ruudussa. Tähdet ilmestyvät ruutuihin samoihin paikkoihin ja ensiksi tähdelle ehtinyt s aa pisteen ja kasvaa. EI SIIS SAMASSA RUUDUSSA SÖHLIMISTÄ VAAN AITOA REAKTIONOPEU TTA!!!   
26105 MATONO13.ZIP 719,9 kt 02.12.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Matopeli versio 1.3 Erään  kotimaisen kännykkävalmistajan tutuksi tekemä matopeli PC-versiona. Tehty VB5:llä, sisältää kaikki tarvittavat tiedostot. 100% suomenkielinen freeware. Lähdekoodi tarjolla tekijältä ilmaiseksi. Windows 95/98/NT raine.pyotsia@pp.inet.fi http://personal.inet.fi/cool/raissu
26106 MBSIM08.ZIP 266,9 kt 12.08.1998 - MBCD -
MBnet Simulaattori v0.80 Simuloi aidosti MBnettiä. BBS ja multinode chat. Sheriffinkomennot, oikeat virtuaalikäyttäjät, hotkey tekoäly, telnet-, modeemi-, ja doortuki, keskustelualueiden infotaulut. Vaatii: 386DX, win- versio: ansi.sys DOS: DPMI-muistia. Tehnyt Samuli Kajantola.
26107 MIELI_11.ZIP 76,3 kt 11.11.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Pako Miälisairaalasta v1.1 *Teuvo Questin luojalta* -Tapettuasi 6000 hippiä rap-musiikin avulla joudut miälisairaalaan. Pako on sinun käsissäsi. Vaatii VGA:n sekä pelaajalta kohtuullisen suuren aivokapasiteetin. *Karpaasi-tuotanto* Aiemmat versiot epäkelpoja!
26108 MK.ZIP 479,1 kt 21.10.1997 - MBCD -
MÄTTÖ KOMPAKTI -=SHAREWARE=- Hauska pilapeli joka on keksitty MORTAL COMBATISTA,vaikkakin  on 2D peli. Tässä pelissä on  MÄTTÖÄ JA VERTA! Laitevaatimukset: P75/8kb Win 3.0 - Win95 
26109 MMMATO.ZIP 164,8 kt 17.05.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
mmmato PD margye Yksinkertainen matopeli ja sen C-kielinen lähdekoodi. Vaatii: PC, MS-DOS, 256-värinen näyttö marja.hassinen@pp.inet.fi                                                                                              
26110 MOREB099.ZIP 619,9 kt 31.07.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
More Bugs v0.99. Uudelleen lämmitelty versio pelistä Bugs. Olet ruudun keskellä majaileva öttiäinen ja ammuskelet ympäristöstä ryömiviä muita ötökäitä etteivät ne saavuttaisi sinua. Freeware. Windows 95, DirectX 5. Jani Virtanen http://www.helsinki.fi/~jtvirtan/index.html
30635 MOTUKKA.ZIP 392759 19.09.1996 - - -
Motukkataxi on Invataxin reinkarnaatio.
Taattua suomalaista laatua. Vaatii 486dx2/66
590kt perus ja 512kt EMS sekä Gravis
Ultrasound tai joku Soundblaster äänikortti.
26111 NAKKI150.ZIP 218,9 kt 10.02.1999 - MBCD -
.*.*.* Antin nakkikioski v1.5 FREEWARE *.*.*. Antin nakkikioski v1.5 on jatko-osa peliin nimeltä Antin nakkikioski v1.1 . Parannuksia viime versioon : Tavaroilla on halvempi myyntihinta kaupoissa, kilpailija (tietokone), kilpailijan sabotaasi (poliisi) myyntilupien poistuminen, "loistavat" kuvat ensi versiossa vielä enemmän...!!! Elikä perusidea vielä tallella : johda nakkikioskia ja rikastu ! VAATII : 286+, 481kt tilaa, DOS Tehnyt : Strong studios (Ex. HeAnsoft)
26112 NHL-TFC.ZIP 108,6 kt 06.08.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
NHL-THE FIRST CONTRACT 1.0. Jääkiekkoaiheinen peli, missä sinä olet Don Baizley ja yrität neuvotella mahdollisimman hyvän sopimuksen lupaaville NHL tulokkaille kuten, Jere Karalahti ja Marko Tuomainen! Mukana menossa myös ulkomaiden suuruudet kuten Patrik Stefan, Daniel ja Henrik Sedin sekä paljon muita ulkomaalaisia! Junkyard Softwaren laadukasta HUGWAREa. (C) Copyright 1999, Junkyard Software
30658 NOBEER.ARJ 410321 20.12.1995 - - -
vA.3 COMPU-NERD vA.2, test yourself and your
26113 NROARVA.ZIP 87 kt 17.05.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Numeron arvaus -peli MAKSAPALLEROn Numeron arvaus -peli. Arvaa tietokoneen arpoma luku. INTERNATIONAL VERSION: Suomi, Ruotsi, Espanja. http://www.saunalahti.fi/kateva2 Antti.Kateva@mbnet.fi 
26114 NUCASC.ZIP 16,1 kt 16.02.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
"NUCASC v1.0  by Team20000. This program is Freeware. NUCASC is reaction game that doesnt need a screen. It works like this: The three lights(Num Lock Caps Lock and Scroll Lock) light up randomly and the user has to put out them before they go out. The period within the lights go out gets all the time shorter and shorter. Every press brings one point. DOSA keyboard with the three lights286DOS"
26115 OBIKE220.ZIP 338,1 kt 25.07.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Operation Bike 2.20 OB on suomalainen ASCII-peli. Uutta: Kaksi tasoa. Vaatimukset on varmaan jotain 286 ja DOS. Merkkigrafiikkapelien parasta pohjasakkaa. Naurettavan herkullista Alfa Crusis-laatua.
26116 OEW100.ZIP 441,4 kt 22.08.1999 - MBCD -
CODENAME OEW - Attack of 3D effect UFOS! Superb 2D & 3D combined strategy action aimed especially for C&C and/or XCOM lovers. Comes with two full-featured editors. Needs Win95. tAAt 1997-1999.
30668 OMPPU.ZIP 14177 15.02.1995 taat.fi taat.fi -
Omena Olttu
tArzAn tuotanto  (VGA/SPK)
26117 ORC_10.ZIP 116,2 kt 17.08.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Orcworld is a small rolegame. It contains two different characters, save possibility and really good game. Req. 386, 4mt, VGA, 1mb hd Copyright EETUSOFT and RISTO SEPPÄNEN
26118 PADO13.ZIP 86,3 kt 28.04.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
"Pahis Jengi Of The dösäri In this game your mission is to blow up the dösäri So why dont download it? Version 1.3 286 2mg vga"
26119 PAHISE13.ZIP 105,2 kt 13.03.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
The PAHIS-jengi of Kartzi school is a fun game with the purpose to explode the teachers room by using a bomb in a coffee maker. If you like text adventures, you might want to try this. English version! Requires: 486/33, VGA screen
26120 PAHISFIN.ZIP 105,3 kt 31.05.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
The PAHIS-jengi of Kartzi school on hauska peli, mutta ei liian helppo. Parannuksia edelliseen peliin nimeltä Pahis-jengi of the dösäri on huomattavasti esim: käyttöliittymässä. Jos haluat kokeilla parannettua PADO:a tai haluat kokeilla jotain uutta tekstiseikkailua, ota tämä! Versio 1.2 Bugeja korjattu lisää!!
26121 PALK125.ZIP 67 kt 13.06.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Palkkamurhaaja ver 1.25 Minimivaatimukset: 386, näppäimistö, DOS Palkkamurhaaja on simulaatio palkkamurhaajan elämästä. Ostat aseita, autoja ja huumeita. Ja sitten vain murhaamaan! 
30694 PELURI.ZIP 27962 15.09.1996 väärä koko discmaster.textfiles.com -
▄▄▄       ▄▄▄
█▄█ ▄   ▄ █▄█  .   
█   █ ▄ █ █    . PELURILAMERI!
▀   ▀▀▀▀▀ ▀
Se on semmonen hirrmusen jännäpeli.
Siinä pystyy ostamaan Belejä !!!!!
30701 PILTTI.ZIP 24155 15.09.1996 väärä koko discmaster.textfiles.com -
= = pWp:llä on ilo esitellä teille = =
Realistinen ja totuudenmukainen.
Vaatii WWW:n toimiakseen.
26122 PLURT11.ZIP 2,1 Mt 12.10.1999 - MBCD -
Plurtsis v1.1 on yhdellä koneella pelattava moninpeli. Uudistuksena peli toimii paremmin useimmilla koneilla. Sisältää uusia ominai- suuksia, uusi kenttä ja paljon muuta uutta. Vaatii windows95 ja directx 6.1. Vähintään Pentium 120Mhz. Tekijä Sauli piirola.
26123 PM100.ZIP 335,6 kt 18.12.2000 renamed archive.org -
Pelimies. Dos / Windows Pelimies on yhden pelaajan  seikkailu/roolipeli. Laitteistovaatimus: 486 Tarkempia tietoja: lueminut.txt http://mypage.org/pelimies email:oharkonen@hotmail.com Tekijõ: Olli Hõrk÷nen
26124 PNGS10.ZIP 624,6 kt 18.10.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
"PENGUINS v1.0 Worms or Molez style action game. Command an army of penguins and kill your friends. Real time fightingyou dont need to wait for your turn. Excellent music and sound effects. Beautiful graphics. Powerful weapons. Made in Finland. Pentium recommended."
26125 POTKUS09.ZIP 201,8 kt 26.05.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Potkulautaseikkailu strataaripeli (tAAt 1997) VESA needed - Game works in 640x480x256 mode. Deep strategy game for freaks.
26126 PPELI20.ZIP 57 kt 11.04.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Päivän Peli 2.0 Eeppinen taktikointisimulaattori kasettien p0stimyynnistä! Uudessa versiossa grafiikkaa, animaatiota ja Arcade-Elementti! ShareWare. Tekijät the Lost Spaceman + Droodle / Refinition. Vaatii DOS ja 80386 - prosessin. Matikkaprossu nopeuttaa peliä.
26127 PRS051.ZIP 27 kt 03.01.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
PAPER, ROCK, SCISSORS! tietokoneversio vanhasta tutusta pelistä. Tietokonettakin vastaan voi tarvittaessa pelata. VAPAASTI LEVITETTÄVISSÄ!!! Tässä ensimmäisessä versiossa ei ole panostettu grafiikkaan. 286 VGA 1 Mt
67540 PUPU.ZIP 62681 14.11.1996 - MBCD -
Pelissä seikkaillaan Nöpö-pupulla Cityssä!!!
26129 PW.ZIP 57,1 kt 25.02.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
PointWorm V1.2  Uusi hieno matopeli kokonaan uudella idealla. Väistele ruudulle tulevia pisteitä ja kerää erikoispisteitä! Vaatii 386, VGA, DOS. 1998 J.K Software
26128 PW18.ZIP 56,2 kt 20.09.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
"**PixelWorm v1.8 - (c) Haglund Studios 1999** FINALLY new version of this cool wormgame! Featuring: 3 game modes1-2 wormswhite potions. These Worms dont growand they cant die! Time is the only limit! NEW FROM v1.7: High Scores-lists in all modes!!! In those liststhere is a new number which tells youthat what hardness was usedwhen that score was made. Requires: 286+Colour monitor (VGA)."
30731 PWP_DL.ZIP 50355 15.09.1996 - - -
an introductionary
introcontribution intro
that shows the light
in the dark world of
26130 QUATTU11.ZIP 247,7 kt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Quattuordecim 1.1 - loistava jalkapallobreakoutmixpeli. BootSector4:n tuotantoa, tämän pelin takia jätät läksyt tekemättä. DOS.
26131 RJ-CMR10.ZIP 681,9 kt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
Kommando Rusinat 1.0a Mahtava 1-3:n pelaajan taso- hyppely/arcade tyylinen peli. Seikkaile läpi vaarallisen talon rusinoilla tai rupsauta kaverisi rusina muusiksi! Tämän mahtavan pelin tehnyt sinulle: Rusinajengi! Huom. FREEWARE!  (Uses Midas Sound System)
26132 RJ-COCHI.ZIP 157,1 kt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
Rusinacochi 1.0Ärsyttääkö kun kaverillasi on virtuaalilemmikki, mutta sinulla ei? Kopioi tästä itsellesi oma 
rusinacochi, joka omaa kaikki kuusi hyvän virtuaalilemmikin ominaisuutta.
26133 RM98SW.ZIP 213,6 kt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
"Ralli Manager98 SHAREWARE v1.0 - beta antoi kaikille tosiaankin huononkuvan tästä pelistä. Uusiparanneltu versio. SW:ssä ei ole paljoa juttua mutta rekkaamalla saa huikeasti kamista lisää (c) LaserSoft 1998"
26134 RSIM12.ARJ 50,2 kt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
Rope Sim v1.2 - roolipelisimulaattori! incl. sorsia ammuttavaksi
26135 RUS120.ZIP 225,8 kt 23.06.1997 - MBCD -
Venäläinen Ruletti Version 1.2 By Heroine & LD. Nyt pääset tappamaan sekä itsesi että kaverisikin!
30776 RVINKKI.ZIP 17842 15.09.1996 väärä koko discmaster.textfiles.com -
| -.--.-- pWp --.--.- |
|                     |
|   MiCROBiTTi'S      |
|    RUOKAViNKKi      |
|                     |
26136 RW1666.ZIP 189,3 kt 21.01.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
RastaWorm v1.666 (C) FrostBite Crew Uusi versio FBC:n matopelistä nimeltä RastaWorm. RastaWorm on Rasta henkinen matopeli jossa keräillääN erään kasvin lehtiä. Hieman Rastafiilistä ja mato. Voiko Matopeliltä enään muuta vaatia? 320x200x256/SB/VGA
26137 RYSSA.ZIP 785,2 kt 14.08.1998 - MBCD -
"Ryssä. Tämä peli sijoittuu talvisotaanjossa neuvostoliitto hyökkäsi suomen kimppuun.Pelin sankari on sijoitettu minigunin taakse ampumaan viheliäitä neukkusotilaita. laitevaatinmus: DOS 486 66 16megatavua keskus muistia sb16vaatii hiiren. voi pyöriä pienemmälläkin kalustolla. sheeparts products."
26138 SAUNAW.ZIP 104,1 kt 13.03.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Sauna Worm by Sauna. Very like Nokia 8810 worm. Minimum req: 286, Dos/Win. Freeware!
26139 SC11.ZIP 84,6 kt 17.01.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Space Combat 1.1  Kotimainen vaikka kaikki on kirjoittetu  englanniksi. Stategia peli.  Ihan mukava vaikka se  ei ole hirveän kehittynyt. Vain kahdelle pelaajalle. Tehnyt: Stefan Parviainen
26140 SEPARILA.ZIP 1,6 Mt 21.04.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
        -SEPARILA- v1.0  Peli jossa toimitaan hoitajana  kehityskodissa Invataxi-tyyliin.        By: FABLE MACHINE  http://www.netlife.fi/users/kai.kuittinen
30793 SHMOO.ZIP 58533 22.10.1995 discmaster discmaster.textfiles.com -
A great game for ZZT that is called Ned the
Knight. Fun, endless humor. Authored by
Jeremy LaMar. A must!!!
26141 SIENI18.ZIP 839 kt 11.03.1999 - MBCD -
FINAL SIENI.... Mukaansa tempaava arcade tykitys, Final Sieni - kertoo eläväisen tarinan Juhanin, kovan sienimiehen onnettomuudesta.  Koe Juhanin ihmeelliset hallusinaatiot, ja kerää taivaalta satavia SIENIÄ! Laitevaatimus: 486-66MhZ/VGA/SB (c) Fable Machine 1999
26142 SIMA025.ZIP 231,7 kt 31.01.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
SIMmarket 0.25 by Zizio GamesTässä pelissä perustetaan supermarketketju, ja huolehditaan asiakkaiden 
viihtyvyydestä ynnä muusta. Peliä kehitetään koko ajan ja mielipiteitä 
otetaan innolla vastaan.
26143 SK2K.ZIP 62,4 kt 17.05.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
SuperKAKSARI 2000 v1.0 Kuin oikea formulaveikkaus! Aloita veikkausura, etene kausia, tiedä kuka voittaa ja kuka sijoittuu toiseksi! Mukana aika-ajot, simuloitu kisatapahtuma ja tietokonepelaaja. Realistiset tulokset ja voittosummat. Perustuu kauteen 2000. FREEWARE Vaatii DOS/WIN9X. Tehnyt Shadow Films. 
68419 SKALE2.ZIP 1081736 18.12.1996 - - -
Erinomainen parodia suomen omasta
kansalliseepoksesta. VGA-tasoinen
grafiikka ja taustalla SB-musiikki!
Tämä ohjelma on FREEWAREa.
-=[PAH! SOFTWARE 18.12.1996]=-
26144 SKATE.ZIP 95,7 kt 02.02.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Skate Boarding  by Apoky! Software Platform-style skateboarding game where you skate along jumping stairs, crates, and everything else while doing tricks on the way. The more tricks you do, the more points you earn becoming the best skateboarder. Warning: very crude, basic, ugly game with fun idea. DOS.
26145 SKODA107.ZIP 60,9 kt 12.09.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
"Skoda Cars   V1.07 freeware. Tämä on tyypillinen tekstipeli managerointieli osta/aja/voita käytännöllä. ®Copyrigh by Jokusoft Slim ShadDr. Dre & Partyboy http://www.jokusoft.cjb.net jokusoft@hotmail.com "
26146 SKURPALO.ZIP 10,3 kt 27.02.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
S T F G A F B F R G - The Ultimate Fantasy Role Game Taistele läpi tunnelin Zorimin, Gavlorin, Helsinan ja Tartarin kanssa. Paljon näppäinkomentoja ja erilaisia esineitä. Huumoriakaan ei ole unohdettu. Vaatii: PC, DOS/WIN311/95
26147 SOGOBAN.ZIP 87,7 kt 28.09.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Sogoban 2000 Vanhan retropelin graaffisesti Pulasoft tyylillõ paranneltu versio. Koodi   : Henri Koskela  Grafa   : Henri Koskela Pelin alkuperõinen idea: Joku vanha tyyppi, on varmaan jo kuallu. Lisenssi: Freewarea!!!  http://www.tkukoulu.fi/~kastul/02/koskela/ Pulasoft.html Hekoski@tkukoulu.fi DOS. 
26148 SPEL.ZIP 17,1 kt 13.12.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
SPELI 1.11; Textmode game for 2 players, where you have to eliminate your opponent with different special weapons. Game contains couple of different levels and different kind of weapons. You can make own levels and edit weapons easily. Try!, it could be addictive.
26149 STATEGY3.ZIP 194,4 kt 25.05.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Strategy III - reaaliaikaisen strategiapelin shareware versio 0.5. Sharewaressa vain kaksinpeli. Rekisteröinti 20mk.
26150 STH11.ZIP 704,9 kt 09.09.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
SOKEIDEN TIKANHEITTO 1.1 Peli,jossa heitetään tikkaa sokeilla! Pakko nähdä! Copyright 1999 BatWare & Sandman Productions
26151 SUMO.ZIP 71,8 kt 15.02.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Hyppyheikkien sumopaini v 1.44 - The Fight of the Sumo-Hoppers Tässä pelissä ohjaat sumopainijaa, ja tarkoituksenasi on selättää vastustajasi tai saada hänet tata- min ulkopuolelle. 1 - 2 pelaajaa. Taattua suomalaista laatua!! PD-peli.
30847 SUPERS20.ZIP 45831 18.12.1996 - - -
SuperSeikkailu 2.0 : Rooli?/Textiseikkailu
Karthago Productions 1996
26152 T3V10.ZIP 67,7 kt 03.01.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Tauno 3 v1.00Hi folks! En jaksanut odottaa kun Tauno-peliin ilmestyy uusi jatko-osa, 
joten tein jatko-osan itse! Niille jotka eivät tiedä: Tauno on kotimaisten 
tekstiseikkailujen parhaimmistoa!
(C) Copyright 1997 Zizio Games
26153 TACOS.ZIP 20,3 kt 25.03.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
TheAmazingCompleteOrganisatorShrink?!? (tai jotain vastaavaa...) Minkälainen ihminen juuri sinä olet? Oletko yksinäinen, haluaisitko vain varmistaa että sinulla ei ole mitään sairautta ja jos on niin miten se parannetaan... Vihdoin ja viimein kauan odotettu SUOMENkielinen Shrink on täällä!!! Imuta 10 min kuluessa ja saat imuroida toisen kaupan päälle!
26154 TAIKA10.ZIP 46,3 kt 27.08.1997 - MBCD -
AJATUSTENLUKIJA v.1.0  Lukee tietokoneen avustamana telepaattisesti ajatuksesi ! Täysin suomenkielinen.
26155 TAKT31.ZIP 214,2 kt 01.03.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
 Taktinen Sota 3.1 Pelin ideana on komentaa tykistöä kuvitellussa sotatilanteessa. Aseistusta saa paranneltua pelin aikana, ja myös erilaisia kohteita on useita. Yksinkertainen ja helppo, peli. Ohjelman kotisivu on osoitteessa gamma.nic.fi/~sunimh/taktinen.html Laitteistovaatimuksia ei varsinaisesti ole. DOS.
26156 TAPPELI.ZIP 5,4 kt 01.12.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
The Peli! is a simple hack-your-friend type of game for 2-5 players. Great fun especially after a couple of KOFFs :)
26157 TAUNO116.ZIP 30,3 kt 25.01.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
TAUNO v 1.16 Hauska hupi/seikkailupeli upealla grafiikalla ja juonella höystettynä. Hyppää Taunon housuihin ja selvitä hänen sotkunsa. (ei kirjaimellisesti :-) ) Tulossa Tauno 2 (kirjaimellisesti parempi!)  Vaati: PC 286+, 2MB, VGA
26158 TETRIS2.ZIP 10,5 kt 21.11.1998 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Tetris2: The New Blood... Vuosikausien odotus on päättynyt! 80-luvun megapeli on saanut vihdoinkin jatkoa! (Vaatii qbasicin)
26159 TEXTGAME.ARJ 9 kt 30.10.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Hieno dos-pohjainen teksti peli jossa sinun on maara varastaa omenoita.
30875 TIKKANEN.ZIP 41892 15.09.1996 discmaster discmaster.textfiles.com -
══ PwP /94 : Tikkanen-trilogia ══
Kyrsiikö tämä kuuluisa toimittaja?
Pura aggressiosi näillä ohjelmilla,
älä tosielämässä!
26160 TLR0_0_6.ZIP 386,7 kt 26.09.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
The 4th Age: The Lost Rings version 0.0.6 This is testing version of TLR game programmed by Z.I.A. Systems. This version was compiled on 27/8/2000. Tiiligraafinen roguelike/rpg. DOS
26161 TOWER21.ZIP 132,7 kt 17.09.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Towers of Mist JLM Softwaren toimintapeli. Jälleen uusi versio 2.1! Paljon esim. graafisia bugeja nitistetty, parannuksia ja lisäyksiä ym. tehty! Vaatii 286, DOS, VGA sekä matematiikkaprosessori. (C) JLM Software. v2.1
26162 TVISA.ZIP 23,2 kt 22.12.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
TV-VISA v1.0 Mahtava tietokilpailu, joka sisältää 30 kysy- mystä. Pelissä on myös mahtavat äänet.
26163 UNDER060.ZIP 1 Mt 19.09.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Underground 0.6 by Vesa Piittinen/Merrysoft Released 14th of August 2000 - Cave flying game, few ideas taken at Liero, MoleZ and Wings, has new controlling. Features: Nine weapons, music, random levels, 2-8 players with AI and great playability! Finnish eli kotimainen. FREEWARE! New: Smoke effects, more realistic weapons Uses SEAL for sounds, VESA 1.2 for SVGA modes DOS, VGA, P150 minimum, P200 recommended
26164 URHVISA.ZIP 10,8 kt 22.12.1997 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
URHEILUVISA V1.1 Tämä peli on tavanomainen urheiluvisa. Tässä pelissä on 87 urheiluun liittyvää kysymystä.
26165 V5135.ZIP 468,6 kt 25.02.1999 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
V5 Ravipeli! Rahapeli, jossa saadaan tai menetetään rahaa veikkaamalla hevosia. Voitetut rahat voi joko pitää taskussa, jolloin ne ovat vaarallisen alttiina rosvoille ym. vaaratekijöille. Voit laittaa rahasi pankkiin, jossa ne ovat paremmassa turvassa, ja kasvavat vielä korkoakin, mutta mikään pankki ei ole pomminvarma...
30923 VSMC70PR.ZIP 373731 25.09.1995 - MBCD -
|  :  / - ViRTUAL MAGiCOM - PRE-REL v.70 |
/ - THE 1ST REAL SNES/6502 EMULATOR |   / -
386/1MB/SVGA/MSDOS 5.0/HDD REQ'D |  / -
26166 WARK03.ZIP 1 Mt 04.05.2000 - mbnet_oudot.zip -
Warkurre v0.3 beta. Copyright (c) 2000 Daniel Herkert. DOS, 486, P133. The big idea is to kill da other player. You ave three weapons which you can toggle trhu. When you pick up another weapon it replaces the one you were holding. www.mbnet.fi/~stalker 
26167 WELLU.ZIP 2,4 Mt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
Wellun Willit Wantasiat Aivan mahtava Larry-tyylinen seikkailu!! Tehtävänäsi on astua Wellun housuihin ja rällästellä peräkylällä. Ongelmia on jos jonkinlaisia, tästä ei enää peli parane! Vaatii SoundBlaster, VGA. Tehnyt BootSector4.
26168 WORMELI.ZIP 21,6 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
Pahoittelemme tapahtunutta: Wormeli - a worm game for 1-4 players, also computer competitors. Requires 286,Color-VGA, (good)keyboard and some sense of humour! Made by rkc productions.mour! Made by rkc productions.
24559 C3TSV1.ZIP 1,8 kt 11.08.1997 - - -
Comanche 3n ohjelmointi CH Pro Throttlelle. Mielestäni parempi kuin se joka tulee C3n mukana. Käyttää jokaisen napin ja hatun oikein. Tekijänä: The Saint
24560 CHPCHK.ZIP 10869 10.07.1996 - - -
Thrustmaster utility: Chipcheck v1.00,
flcs/tqs compatibility check.
24561 D2FLCS.ZIP 660 31.07.1996 - - -
Descent 2 Thrustmaster FLCS B.50 file.
31323 DARKFRCE.ZIP 2067 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Dark Forces B50 & M50 From JohnF39534, Req.
31327 DESCFL.ZIP 2842 28.03.1995 - 22630/Cd Joystick No63.iso -
Unofficial .B50 and .M50 Files for DESCENT -
24562 EZBUILD.ZIP 555965 30.07.1996 - - -
EZBuild * utility for Thrustmaster
controllers. Tired of trying to figure out
how to create ADV file to run your favorite
game with your ThrustMaster brand WCS and
(P)FCS? EZBuild minimizes creation time 10
fold. Input the codes you want for each
button and EZBuild creates the ADV for you!
24563 FBD1003.ZIP 901,3 kt 14.06.1998 - 20199/2015-02-07.ftp.sten.lv.tar -
Gravis Firebird joystick PC install disk version 1.0.03.
24564 GP2UTIL.ZIP 13721 01.09.1996 - - -
F1 Grand Prix 2: KBDSTEER KBDSTEER.EXE allows
disabling Steering help and Opposite lock
when playing using the default keyboard
settings. Steering lock is also adjustable.
24565 GRIP100B.ZIP 621,4 kt 17.06.1998 - - -
Gravis GrIP Multiport joypad These files are the latest disk set for the Gravis GrIP MultiPort. DOS setup.
24566 GRIP210.ZIP 1,5 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
Gravis GamePad Pro - Gravis GrIP software Version 2.10. This software will work for ALL GrIP products such as the Gravis GrIP MultiPort and the GamePad Pro.
24567 GRVUTL4.ZIP 177,1 kt 14.06.1998 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Gravis Utility - GravUtil Version 4.0, a joystick calibration / testing program by Advanced Gravis. It is a DOS - based program (works in a FULL-Screen DOS BOX under Win 95) that allows you to test the operation of your joystick / gamepad / GrIP.
24568 MK2LV60.ZIP 20097 31.07.1996 - - -
Thrustmaster FCS/WCS II compile/download
OLDER WCS 2 - older MK2LOADs don't support
all commands used in current ADV-files.
24569 PCFBIRD2.ZIP 1,2 Mt 14.06.1998 - 12539/PCMania CD79_3.iso -
Gravis Firebird 2 joystick -  This is file set of the PC Firebird 2 Flightstick.
24570 PHX1008.ZIP 666,6 kt 14.06.1998 - 20199/2015-02-07.ftp.sten.lv.tar -
Gravis Phoenix joystick: Phoenix Flight and Weapons Control System Version 1.0-08 Software.
24572 TH-UTIL.ZIP 178691 10.07.1996 - - -
Combination of utilities for Thrustmaster
24571 THRUFAQ.ZIP 5419 10.07.1996 - - -
Thrustmaster Frequently Asked Questions *
Flight Control System/Pro Flight Control
System * Mark II Weapons Control System *
Game Cards * Keyboard BIOS * Miscellaneous *
Common Game Calibration Utilities *
Additional Notes
24573 ULTICOOL.ZIP 3420 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
Ulticool Com * Thrustmaster utility universal
TSR that will allow you to program your
genuine ThrustMaster PFCS, FCS, FCS/EX, and
24574 WB-B50.ZIP 2570 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds * B50/M50/MDF files for use with
Thrustmaster control devices
24575 WCSV810.ZIP 677,9 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
Thrustmaster  Command & Control Center V8.10 for WCS Mark II equipped systems
60044 #TRPP102.ZIP 125191 14.01.1997 - - -
some general bugs and adds new graphics.
29383 10_12RHP.ZIP 470359 09.02.1996 - 19200/ae.mdf -
Heretic V1.2 update
29384 11THDRI.ZIP 192992 19.01.1996 - - -
11th Hour sound drivers update.
29385 11THPLA.ZIP 230109 19.01.1996 renamed patches-scrolls.com -
11th Hour beta-update, v32.exe V2.42. Fixes a
number of problems in 11th Hour, but is not
official release.
29386 18_19DRP.EXE 471508 03.09.1995 - 22378/XENIATGM17.iso -
Doom I rek. päivitys 1.8 -> 1.9.
29390 19_UDPAT.EXE 1066599 19.07.1995 - 22378/XENIATGM17.iso -
Doom 1 rek. päivitys 1.9 -> Ultimate Doom.
29388 1942-101.ZIP 369246 23.11.1994 - - -
1942: Pacific Air War
Joystick Update to 1.01
29389 1946PTCH.ZIP 175671 05.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Aces over Pacific: 1946 Patch A - Dynamix
60171 305FIX.ZIP 15335 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
F-16 Falcon Gold fix for V3.05 ONLY,
eliminate the "Cannot Create File" error when
playing multi-player comms in Falcon.
29393 3BUTWH.ZIP 319234 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
WITCHAVEN UPDATES: CyberMaxx/i-glasses plus
mouse/joystick support * 3 button mouse
support * mouse turn speed increased
60188 3DFX.ZIP 450518 03.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Tomb Raider 3dfx Beta Patch
60209 3R1_22.ZIP 459590 25.11.1996 - 22645/cd joy 78 No20.iso -
Third Reich update V1.22 Corrects: - lockups
during computer SR under Win95 - Loading
saved games when there is only 1 save
available. - Vichy problems - etc etc etc
etc. Avalon Hill.
60210 3R1_3.ZIP 462889 05.12.1996 - 22080/SSERVCD_43.bin -
Third Reich Update, 1.3 Adds 2 new difficulty
levels, new hotkeys, bugfixes, tweaks to AI
etc. Avalon Hill.
26169 3R1_38.ZIP 479,3 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Third Reich V1.38 update by Avalon Hill OS DOS The "final" patch.
29395 486SND.ZIP 70531 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Fast 486 Sound Driver Updates for older
MicroProse games like Civilization, F117,
F15, F19, KOTS, Railroad Tycoon etc.
29396 5THFLT12.ZIP 312406 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
5th Fleet V1.2 update from Avalon Hill.
26170 66PATCH.ZIP 13,1 kt 15.02.1998 - MBCD -
"Redneck Rampage: SuckinGrids on Route 66 version 1.01 update"
26171 96MIZU10.ZIP 159,4 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
NHL96 final rosters of season 95-96 By:Mizu
29397 96UPDATE.ZIP 41461 23.12.1995 - MBCD -
For EA Sports NHL96
29398 97DOS11.ZIP 853579 04.12.1996 - MBCD -
Update for DOS
Version 1.1
26172 97FINTXT.ZIP 8,2 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
NHL97 suomenkieliset tekstit By:Mizu
26173 97MIZU10.ZIP 659,9 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
NHL97 season 96-97 rosters By: Mizu
25014 97ROSTER.ZIP 651307 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
NHL97 rosters Nov 17th by Blake Wyatt
Päivittää pelaajat Marraskuun 17
tilanteeseen. Myös 1997 ensimmäisen
kierroksen varaukset mukana farmissa.
Saku Koivu ei ole enää yhtä surkea ja
Teemu Selänne ei ammu enää väärältä
29399 A10PATCH.ZIP 56682 05.02.1995 - 19691/ShareWare Extravaganza 1 of 4 (The Ultimate Shareware Company).iso -
A-10 Tank Killer Patch - Dynamix
26174 A1602_03.ZIP 479,2 kt 26.05.1998 - MBCD -
Anno 1602 version 1.03 update
29400 AAWSV2.ZIP 200618 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
ANcient Art of War in the Skies V2 update -
29401 AB121P.ZIP 111661 05.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Airbucks patch V1.2->1.21 - Impressions
26175 ABUSE20P.ZIP 935 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Abuse registered version 2.0 update.  This will update the registered version of the game.
26176 ABUSES12.ZIP 36 kt 12.08.1998 - MBCD -
Abuse 2.0 soundcard patch by RmM Patch v1.2, now FM works!-) Adds support for a lot of soundcards like GUS and GUSMAX. Also, adds music support for a lot of non-General Midi cards. This IS a third party patch.
26177 ABUSESND.ZIP 35,6 kt 12.08.1998 - MBCD -
Abuse 2.0 soundcard patch by RmM Adds support for a lot of soundcards like GUS and GUSMAX. Also, adds music support for a lot of non-General Midi cards. This IS a third party patch.
29402 ACARS95.ZIP 439403 07.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This set now contains the following
details: Tech approval stickers, roof
flaps, fuel filler necks and overflow
nozzles, jack ickers, helmets and see
through nets, brand names and logo's,
realistic sponsor stickers and
placement, body panel dentations, front
end details, colours, driver and crew
suits, proper rocker, bumper, and body
29403 ACEPATCH.ZIP 610342 07.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Aces of the Pacific, päivitys versiosta 1.0
tai 1.01 versioksi V1.2
29404 ACES_PTB.ZIP 608246 22.09.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Aces of the Pacific - Patch B Dynamix.
60444 ACW_113A.ZIP 551464 20.01.1996 - 22636/cd joystick 69 No11.iso tupla
The Civil War: 1861-1864 V1.1 update from
Empire Interactive.This update addresses both
the Campaign and Battle AI as well as
updating naval battles, city supply, and
route planning.
60445 ACW_113B.ZIP 1300826 20.01.1996 - 22636/cd joystick 69 No11.iso tupla
Civil War Update Patches for all machines, 4
Meg machines, international versions.
60454 ADC_118.ZIP 566123 16.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Aide de Camp 1.18
29407 ADC116B.ZIP 573235 24.04.1996 - - -
Version 1.16b Update for HPS Simulations Aide
De Camp program. This version has many new
features including file importing, auto
symbol sizing, printouts, and the ability to
adjust map sizes.
60453 ADCIV101.ZIP 292865 15.12.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Advanced Civilization Update from Version
1.00 to Version 1.01. Avalon Hill.
29409 AEGI_11.ZIP 9126 28.03.1995 - - -
Aegis: Guardian of the Fleet V1.1 update
29410 AF14CD.ZIP 178545 05.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Armoured Fist CD update V1.4
29411 AF14DK.ZIP 177399 22.09.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Armoured Fist 1a14 update.
29412 AFTER.ZIP 10330 17.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Afterlife (8-bit soundcard fix)
29413 AI_101.ZIP 54313 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
AMERICA INVADES! Patch Level 1.0.1 - Avalon
Hill Games.
29414 AITD2FIX.ZIP 1333436 22.09.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Alone in the Dark II korjauksia korppu-
versioon. Infogrames.
29415 AITDCDFX.ZIP 150868 22.09.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Alone in the Dark II korjauksia, CD-
versioon. Infogrames.
26178 ALE_P11.ZIP 1,1 kt 29.05.1997 - MBCD -
Aleshar: the World of Ice v1.1 Patch. Fixes a problem with missing file in v1.0. Requires ALE_SW10.ZIP!
26179 ALE_P12.ZIP 85,4 kt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Aleshar : the World of Ice Patch for REGISTERED USERS ONLY! Fixes the trouble with moleman lightstone.
29416 ALIEN101.ZIP 256260 28.03.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Alien Legacy V1.01 update
29417 ALQADM11.ZIP 646739 05.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Al Qadim "The Genie's Curse" update 1.1 SSI
29418 AMAZON2.ZIP 62923 14.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Amazon Guardians of Eden patch for troubles
with landing in water but not able to pick
up the raft.
29419 AMB102.ZIP 143116 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Ambush at Sorinor V1.02 update
41162 ANTAG_F.ZIP 304265 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
THE ANTAGONIZER - AI Module for Ascendancy,
non-US release.
41163 ANTAG.ZIP 304143 15.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
THE ANTAGONIZER - AI Module for Ascendancy,
29420 ANVUP11.ZIP 134503 14.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Anvil Of Dawn patch v1.1b95
from New World Computing.
Fixes crashes, updates other
29421 AOD12.ZIP 847197 29.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Aces of the Deep Patch V1.2, fixsaa sekä
originaalin AOTD:n että expansiivilevyn.
29422 AOEPAT.ZIP 72809 07.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Aces of Europe (Dynamix) päivitys "Patch A".
Korjaa useita bugeja.
60786 AOR101.EXE 601640 25.09.1996 - - -
Age of Rifles Version 1.01 update, SSI.
26180 AOR1014A.ZIP 1,3 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Rifles 1.0 to 1.4 update disk 1/2 SSI
26181 AOR1014B.ZIP 802,3 kt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Rifles 1.0 to 1.4 update disk 2/2 SSI
26182 AOR13_14.ZIP 444 kt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Rifles 1.3 to 1.4 update SSI
26183 AOR1402.ZIP 429,9 kt 07.01.1998 - MBCD -
"Wargames Construction Set III: Age of Rifles 1.40 to 1.402 update This is an unofficial (not supported by SSI) patch made by Norm Koger on users requests."
60797 AOS_102.ZIP 228868 15.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Age of Sail update V1.02 Talonsoft
60806 APACHE2.ZIP 481815 19.01.1996 - 22636/cd joystick 69 No11.iso tupla
Apache Longbow update V1.2
29423 APCHPCH2.ZIP 3241177 16.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Apache DOS update (27th september '96) This
will enable you to play Apache vs Hind, also
fixing problems patched in earlier patches
including modem-problems, mission crashes
etc. Interactive Magic 9/27/96
60808 APCHPTCH.ZIP 487872 24.04.1996 - 22639/cd joy 72 No14.iso tupla
Apache  - Head to Head modem patch. Makes
modem connections more reliable, enhanced
communications and more. Interactive Magic.
29425 ARMADAP.ZIP 579493 28.03.1995 - - -
Wing Commander Armada proving grounds add-on.
29426 ARMPAT.ZIP 621843 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Wing Commander Armada joystick calibration
29427 ARUPD6.ZIP 260223 23.11.1994 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Elder Scrolls, Chapter I: Arena Update
Version 1.06 Sis. Pentium-hidastimen, fiksejä
jumiutumisiin yms.
29428 ASBFIX.ZIP 27323 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Admiral Sea Battles Fix
29430 ASC185.ZIP 292389 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Ascendancy bug patch update V1.8.5
29429 ASC185F.ZIP 292515 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Ascendancy bug patch update V1.8.5 NON-US
26184 ASMTX123.ZIP 6,5 Mt 01.06.1997 - MBCD -
Actua Soccer upgrade for Matrox Mystique all versions.
26185 ASMTX3.ZIP 747,4 kt 01.06.1997 - MBCD -
Actua Soccer upgrade for Matrox Mystique (v3 only)
29431 ASNDGSMV.ZIP 40975 30.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
Gunship 2000 AdLib sound driver updates
29432 ASS105.EXE 38944 25.01.1996 - - -
Ääniajuri Asylumin versio 1.05 Crusader:
No Remorsea varten.
26186 ASTRO12D.ZIP 133,3 kt 22.12.1998 - - -
Astrorock 2000 version 1.2 for DOS update
29433 ATDOS6.ZIP 212030 05.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
A-Trainin yhteensopivuus paremmaksi MS-DOS
6.0:n kanssa - vaatii A-Train V1.02. Maxis.
61031 ATF_114.ZIP 956656 23.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Jane's Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) update
V1.14. Includes many fixes and improvements,
including improved GUS support, the general
ability to fly all of the aircraft in the
game, improved AMRAAMs, improved guns for
MiG-29s and Su-27s, general AI improvement,
and many numerous fixes for the pro mission
editor, multiplayer play, and gameplay
26187 ATF_DIG.A01 3,3 Mt 10.06.1997 - MBCD -
ATF/NATO Fighters new digital music 2/4
26188 ATF_DIG.A02 3,3 Mt 10.06.1997 - MBCD -
ATF/NATO Fighters new digital music 3/4
26189 ATF_DIG.A03 2,4 Mt 10.06.1997 - MBCD -
ATF/NATO Fighters new digital music 4/4
26190 ATF_DIG.ARJ 3,3 Mt 10.06.1997 - MBCD -
ATF/NATO Fighters/ATF Gold All new digital music for ATF, the NATO Fighters expansion, and ATF Gold. by Janes Combat Simulations / EOA 1/4
26191 ATLENG.ZIP 526,9 kt 02.04.1998 - 22059/SSERVCD_57A.bin -
Atlantis generic fixes update for DOS version only
29437 AU10211A.ZIP 454546 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Archon Ultra V1.0 -> 1.1a update, SSI
29438 AU11211A.ZIP 200107 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Archon Ultra V1.1 -> 1.1a update, SSI
26192 AWE_SIED.ZIP 38,7 kt 28.04.1998 - 22548/GAMBLERCD19.BIN -
Settlers/Siedler AWE-32&AWE-64 sound support Should work with Settlers / Serf City as well. Note that this is a inofficial hack and not supported by Blue Byte / SSI.
29440 AZUPD104.ZIP 1187017 09.02.1996 - 1974/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 11.iso -
Absolute Zeron 1.0.4 patch
29442 B17V2.ZIP 220179 07.12.1994 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
B-17 Flying Fortress, päivitys versioon 2.
41170 B2B_PAT1.ZIP 717353 27.08.1996 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
Back to Baghdad fix #1
61150 B2B103.ZIP 2608285 28.10.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
Back to Baghdad V1.03 udpate. Military
29443 B3_101.ZIP 598340 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Breach 3 Version 1.01 Patch. Sierra.
29444 BARIS101.ZIP 400987 07.12.1994 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space Päivitys
versioon V1.01. Lisää GUS-tuen ja erinäisiä
29445 BASHF2.ZIP 74789 21.03.1995 - - -
This is a small patch file to Monster Bash,
the shareware version.  If you are having
trouble with the game crashing after you die,
or with rockmen that are standing in place,
then use this update to the program. This
file superceedes BASHFIX.ZIP.
29446 BASHFIX2.ZIP 74829 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Monster Bash! by Apogee!
This is a small patch file to Monster Bash,
the shareware version.  If you are having
trouble with the game crashing after you die,
or with rockmen that are standing in place,
then use this update to the program. This
file superceedes BASHFIX.ZIP.
29447 BASHFIX3.ZIP 76852 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Monster Bash! by Apogee!
This is Fix File #3 for Apogee's Monster
Bash.  This fixes all problems with the game.
This is a drop-in replacement file for the
BASH1.EXE file.  This will update your game
to Version 1.1. Read the enclosed READ.ME
file for details on fixes in this version.
29448 BB101.ZIP 203058 30.07.1996 - - -
Blood Bowl V1.1 update Destiny
29449 BBP9611.ZIP 953165 15.09.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
Front Page Sports: Baseball 96 patch V1.1
29450 BBPATCH.ZIP 153620 03.12.1996 - 22645/cd joy 78 No20.iso -
NBA Full Court Press Basketball ratings patch
61252 BC1BTO1C.ZIP 3169375 10.11.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso -
Battlecruiser 3000AD Version 1.0B to 1.0C
Patch Take 2 Retail
61253 BC1TO1C.ZIP 2598625 10.11.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso -
Battlecruiser 3000AD Retail 1.0 to 1.0C
patch Take 2
61254 BC1TO1C2.ZIP 1137896 03.12.1996 - 24006/1997-02_Disc_2.13.iso -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01/1.01c to 1.01c r2
61259 BC3K_01B.ZIP 927076 05.11.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01a to 1.01b
61255 BC3K101A.ZIP 1084937 05.11.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01a {disk 1/3}
61256 BC3K101B.ZIP 1104994 05.11.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01a {disk 2/3}
61257 BC3K101C.ZIP 922403 05.11.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01a {disk 3/3}
26193 BC3K107C.ZIP 3,5 Mt 28.06.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v1.07C update This patch contains support for 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics, Rush, and Voodoo2. It will upgrade the original U.S. or U.K. v1.0 to v1.07C or v1.01D7C CD-ROMs purchased from 3000AD directly. This patch will not work on the free version. http://www.bc3000ad.com
26194 BC3K107D.ZIP 1,6 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v1.07D update. In order to upgrade to v1.07D, you must have BC3K v1.07C. v1.07C contains support for 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics, Rush, and Voodoo2. It will upgrade the original U.S. or U.K. v1.0 to v1.07C or v1.01D7C CD-ROMs purchased from 3000AD directly. This patch will not work on the free version.
26195 BC3K108B.ZIP 566,6 kt 16.07.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v1.08B update. This patch will not work on the free version.
26196 BC3K109A.ZIP 1,4 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD upgrade 1.08b to 1.09a update
26197 BC3K109B.ZIP 442,2 kt 28.11.1998 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD upgrade 1.09a to 1.09b update
26198 BC3K109C.ZIP 232,4 kt 28.11.1998 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD upgrade 1.09b to 1.09c update
26199 BC3K109D.ZIP 270,7 kt 28.11.1998 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD upgrade 1.09c to 1.09d update
26201 BC3K207.ZIP 2,6 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 2.00 to 2.07 update
26200 BC3K207U.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 2.06 to 2.07 update
26202 BC3K2082.ZIP 2,2 Mt 29.08.1999 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD update 2.07 to 2.08 release candidate 2
26203 BC3K2089.ZIP 2,3 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD update 2.07 to 2.08 RC 9 release candidate 9
26204 BC3K3DFX.ZIP 630,7 kt 26.12.1997 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 3DFX update beta. requires version 1.01D rev.6 or greater installed
26205 BC3KCD08.ZIP 583,4 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD update 1.08a->1.08b This patch is for the CD release of version 1.08A only.
26206 BC3KMAN.ZIP 2 Mt 18.01.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 *NEW* BC3K Manual
26207 BC3KNDX.ZIP 2,1 Mt 18.01.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 Manual Appendix
26208 BC3KUKD7.ZIP 5,7 Mt 02.04.1998 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.0 to 1.01d r7C update (UK release)
26209 BC3KUSD7.ZIP 6 Mt 02.04.1998 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.0 to 1.01d r7C update (US release)
29192 BDADV.ZIP 12537 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
with Thrustmaster WCS MarkII OR Thrustmaster
WCS MarkII and 4 button stick with a hat
switch like CH Flightstick
61328 BERAFIX2.ARJ 249186 16.12.1995 - - tupla
Battle of the Eras Patch II - use with
addition with first patch.
29452 BERASFIX.ARJ 125970 15.12.1995 - - -
Battle of the Eras Patch
61369 BGA11_1.ZIP 1361368 02.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Battleground: Ardennes. Patch V1.1. Disk 1
61370 BGA11_2.ZIP 1311318 02.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Battleground: Ardennes. Patch V1.1. Disk 2.
61371 BGA11_3.ZIP 882636 02.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Battleground: Ardennes. Patch V1.1. Disk 3.
29454 BH_SOUND.ZIP 151607 16.11.1995 - - -
The Last Bounty Hunter äänikorttipäivitys,
valm. American Laser Games.
29453 BHSB8.ZIP 149783 16.11.1995 - - -
The Last Bounty Hunder SB fix. Valm. American
Laser Games.
29455 BHUPDATE.ZIP 372975 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Last Bounty Hunter save/load fix
29456 BI2UPDT.ZIP 256851 05.02.1995 - 21842/PPCDSP03.ISO -
Battle Isle II - Erben des Titan update. Blue
26210 BIFUN144.ZIP 201,1 kt 07.01.1998 - - -
"Biing! version 1.44F update This patch is only intended for Funsofts budget re-release of the game!"
29457 BIG3.ZIP 255794 24.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
BIG 3 strategy game UPDATE for Windows. From
29458 BJS60V11.ZIP 436883 25.04.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Renegade: Battle For Jacob's Star
version 1.0 to version 1.1 update
(60MB Installation ONLY). SSI.
26211 BLOOD12.ZIP 693,6 kt 25.07.1997 - MBCD -
Blood Req. päivitys v1.01 -> v1.02.
26212 BLOODCS2.ZIP 132,2 kt 25.07.1997 - MBCD -
Blood update v1.02 of censored version.
26213 BLOODRT2.ZIP 467,2 kt 25.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
Blood update v1.01 to 1.02 of retail shareware version
26214 BLOODSW1.ZIP 393,6 kt 28.06.1997 - 22586/Hrac_13_1997-09_cd.bin -
Blood SW. päivitys v1.00 -> 1.01.
26215 BLOODSW2.ZIP 465,6 kt 25.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
Blood SW. päivitys v1.01 -> 1.02.
26216 BLOODTL2.ZIP 279,9 kt 25.07.1997 - - -
Blood update Blood Tools 1.02
29460 BLP120SW.ZIP 533692 01.04.1996 - 2839/Software of the Month Club 1996 February.iso -
BACKLASH Version 1.00 to 1.20 PATCH RELEASE
BACKLASH - A Turret Gunner Simulation V1.20SW
by )|( Sanctuary Software Studio, Inc.  This
patch updates v1.00SW of BACKLASH to the new
v1.20SW release.  Includes a new difficulty
level, improved sound card support, hints and
more !  Requires an existing installation of
version 1.00 or 1.10 to update.
29461 BLUGREY.ZIP 67352 05.02.1995 - - -
The Blue and The Grey V1.01 update -
29462 BOBUP.ZIP 116495 24.10.1995 - - -
Their Finest Hour : Battle of Britain 1940
29463 BODPCH.ZIP 86548 24.10.1995 - - -
Battles of Destiny fix
29464 BOPB11PT.ZIP 291153 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Boppin v1.1 Patch Update!
This file is for registered owners of the
Apogee game "Basic Boppin v1.0" ONLY!! This
file will update your registered copy of
Basic Boppin v1.0 to v1.1.  If you have the
registered Super Boppin v1.0, you need a
different file.  If you have shareware, this
will do nothing for you.  -- Apogee
29465 BOPS11PT.ZIP 302513 05.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Boppin v1.1 Patch Update!
This file is for registered owners of the
Apogee game "Super Boppin v1.0" ONLY!! This
file will update your registered copy of
Super Boppin v1.0 to v1.1.  If you have the
registered Basic Boppin v1.0, you need a
different file.  If you have shareware, this
will do nothing for you.  -- Apogee
29469 BRAIN_SB.ZIP 3903 23.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Castle of Dr. Brain updated drivers for
faster computers.
26218 BRDOSPT.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.09.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
Birthright DOS update
26217 BRDOSPT2.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Birtright for DOS update
29470 BRIDE104.ZIP 279486 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Modern Bride V1.04 update from Virgin Games.
26219 BRUD115D.ZIP 3,9 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball - Big Race USA data update 1.15 for DOS
26220 BRUG115D.ZIP 491,2 kt 28.11.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball - Big Race USA game update 1.15 for DOS
26221 BRUG118D.ZIP 447,7 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball - Big Race USA game version 1.18 for DOS update
61681 BS30PAT6.ZIP 642329 02.11.1994 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee Patch File
This file is for registered owners of Blake
Stone: Aliens of Gold Episodes 1-6 ONLY!! If
you do not have the registered version of
Episodes 1-6, this will do nothing for you.
This will turn your registered copy of Blake
Stone v2.1 Episodes 1-6 into a Blake Stone
v3.0 Episodes 1-6. Maintenance Release
29475 BTCS_V13.ZIP 540064 28.03.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Bard's Tale Construction Set V1.3 update
29476 BTJOYFIX.ZIP 102662 26.01.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Blackthorne Joystick Fix!  Now You Can Use A
26222 BURNPT5H.ZIP 564,4 kt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Burnout: Championship Drag Racing version 1.23 update for 3Dfx cards
26223 BURNPT5S.ZIP 605,1 kt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Burnout: Championship Drag Racing version 1.23 update for 2D cards
29477 C96TRDNT.ZIP 330632 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
EA SPORTS CRICKET 96 - Trident VLB 9400 CXi
video card patch
29479 CAESAR11.ZIP 111672 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Caesar v1.1 Patch, Impressions/Sierra.
29480 CAPP110.ZIP 413038 16.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Capitalism 1.10
29481 CASTLES1.ZIP 114762 16.11.1995 - - -
Castles Update V1.01 - Interplay
29483 CAWC203A.ZIP 207574 05.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Carriers at War Construction Kit 2.0->2.03 -
29484 CAWC203B.ZIP 172914 05.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Carriers at War Construction Kit 2.01->2.03 -
29485 CAWC203C.ZIP 147715 05.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Carriers at War Construction Kit 2.01a to
2.03 - SSG.
29486 CAWC203D.ZIP 122542 05.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Carriers at War Construction Kit 2.02 ->
2.03. SSG.
41185 CC-95FIX.ZIP 6143 16.11.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Command and Conquer Win95 fix
29208 CC-LOAD.ZIP 5600 24.02.1996 - - -
C&CLOAD, overcome some of the "shortcomings"
of playing Command & Conquer on a network
(specifically LANs.)  C&CLOAD allows the
network administrator to: -install C&C on a
file server, thus alleviating the need for a
CD-ROM drive at each machine. -saved-game
files to be placed in each users' home
directory -the use of a different .INI file
for each machine.
29487 CC119P.ZIP 618263 05.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Command & Conquer 1.07 -> 1.19p patch
29488 CC122P.EXE 1339815 28.09.1996 - 24005/1997-01_Disc_2.12.iso -
Command & Conquer patch to V1.22p.
29490 CCDL11.ZIP 809705 02.11.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Dark Legions Critics Choice upgrade V1.1.
29491 CCFB13.ZIP 630397 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
MicroProse NFL Coaches Club Football -
Superbowl Expansion Disk v1.3. This expansion
disk adds the winners of all 27 previous
superbowls to your TEAMS directory and
updates the program to v1.3.
29492 CCFBUPD2.ZIP 242881 05.02.1995 - - -
Microprose NFL Coaches Club Football update
29493 CCPROCD.ZIP 806540 24.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CCPRO V1.14 update for Links 386CD/ Links 386
Pro from Access, needs PC Golf Simulator.
26224 CD23-24.ZIP 247,1 kt 09.07.1997 - MBCD -
Cyber Duel Update 2.3->2.4
29494 CDCHESS.ZIP 71914 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
BattleChess CD Enhanced update.
29495 CDNET.ZIP 212712 02.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Worms Multiplayer-päivitys CD-versiolle.
Mahdollistaa Sarjakaapeli-, Modeemi ja
29496 CDSPENT.ZIP 15139 05.02.1995 - - -
Wizardry VII: Crusaders of the Dark Savant
Pentium fix.
40657 CDYSHACK.ZIP 1554667 07.10.1994 - - -
For all you cyber-golfers who are
ready to make a change in the
sounds that come with Links 386
Pro, this is what you've been
waiting for.  Replace the sound
file with a new file, full of the
voices from the best golf movie.
"CADDY SHACK" ....a must!
26225 CHASM104.ZIP 226,8 kt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Chasm: The Rift v1.04 update This patch adds improved mouse control and fixes MS-DOS clock problems.
29497 CHQ197.ZIP 139823 24.10.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Command H.Q. Update V1.97.
29498 CITK101.ZIP 83304 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
CRISIS IN THE KREMLIN Version 1.01 update
62101 CIV2111.ZIP 740728 13.06.1996 - 24013/1996-08_Disc_2.7.iso -
Civilization 2 patch to v1.11 (from MPS)
29500 CIVNETP3.ZIP 1214331 29.03.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Civnet Patch 3.
25049 CIVPAK.ZIP 270672 23.12.1994 - - -
Humungous collection of enhancements to the
game CIVILIZATION!  Game adjunct.
29501 CIVSND.ZIP 57637 30.11.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
New sound drivers for Civilization. Support
is added for all OPL-3 based FM cards (Pro
Audio Spectrum Plus, 16, Studio; Sound
Blaster Pro, 16, 16ASP, AWE32; AdLib/Cardinal
Gold; Microsoft Windows Sound System; and all
compatibles) and for any General MIDI card.
62122 CKUPD1.ZIP 362125 29.11.1995 - - -
COnquered Kingdoms update.
29502 CLOUDUP.ZIP 191123 14.04.1996 - - -
Clouds of Xeen update - the latest
version. New World Computing.
29503 CM2-156B.ZIP 236926 27.08.1996 - - -
Championship Manager 2 Update V1.56b Fixes
goalkeeper bug from previous update. You NEED
the V1.56 update.
62177 CM2DATA.ZIP 234097 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Championship Manager II updated player
rosters 05/1996.
29505 CM2PATCH.ZIP 1155344 15.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
29506 CM4_104.ZIP 224197 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Chessmaster 4000 Turbo for Windows update
V1.04. Corrects Mentor, Import, Modem Play
problems etc. By Software Toolworks.
29508 CMO1BB.ZIP 96477 12.07.1995 - 20199/2015-02-07.ftp.sten.lv.tar -
Comanche: Maximum Overkill patch: bugs, SB
and SBOS
29509 CMOM2G.ZIP 60966 24.10.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Comanche: Maximum Overkill update M2G
(pentium update & more)
26226 CMOM3H.ZIP 330,2 kt 26.12.1997 - - -
Comanche version M3H update for Comanche CD or Comanche Maximum Overkill only.
29510 CNW110E.ZIP 940347 27.08.1996 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
Conquest of the New World 1.10 (US-release)
29511 CNW110I.ZIP 984139 27.08.1996 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
Conquest of the New World 1.10
41193 CNW111.ZIP 166214 19.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Conquest of the New World V1.11, requires
previous V1.1 patch.
29512 COL_CD.ZIP 2018 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Colonization CD-version fix
29513 COLON30.ZIP 399189 05.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Colonization v3.0 Update (c) Microprose
29514 COM201.ZIP 510553 15.12.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Werewolf VS Comanche 2.0 / Comanche V2.01
29516 COMAN.ZIP 61050 23.11.1994 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
29515 COMANCUP.ZIP 96434 07.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Comanche: Maximum Overkill päivitys.
29517 CONCDFIX.ZIP 99215 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Conan CD update.
26227 CONEURO.ZIP 896 kt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor update - DOS to Win95 native converter. This patch is for the european releases only - except the italian version, which will have a separate patch. All it seems to accomplish is to convert the DOS version into a Windows 95 native one.
29518 CONQKIN1.ZIP 362008 04.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Conquered Kingdoms patch (march 3rd, 95)
62301 CORENEW3.ZIP 3266032 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
AD&D Core Rules fix #3
29519 COS11.ZIP 218759 28.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Clash of Steel V1.1 update - SSI.
62330 COV11W95.ZIP 185846 23.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Chaos Overlords v1.0 to version v1.1 update.
New World Computing.
29521 CRIMEWAV.ZIP 250405 24.10.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Crime Wave 486 patch. By Access Software.
29522 CRK96SX.ZIP 662119 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
EA SPORTS CRICKET 96 - Patch to make game run
on 486 SX machines
29523 CRSHK10A.ZIP 146576 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Creature Shock V1.0a update.
29524 CRU121P.ZIP 2790503 19.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Crusader: No Remorse (tm) V1.21 patch
26228 CSMTCPIP.ZIP 4 Mt 11.03.1998 - MBCD -
Chasm: The Rift update - TCP/IP add-on - Modem Play add-on - 3 new levels with new monsters
29525 CSRPATCH.ZIP 100897 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Caesar patch. Impressions.
29526 CW115EN.ARJ 1823506 24.02.1996 - - -
American Civil War V1.15, UK-release version
62493 CW202_4M.ZIP 603854 15.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Civil War / America 2.02 update for 4 meg
62494 CW202_A.ZIP 1605832 15.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Civil War / America 1.x to 2.02 update
62495 CW202_M.ZIP 803425 15.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Civil War / America 2.0x to 2.02 update
29528 D2_18_19.ZIP 158614 23.02.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom 2 päivitys 1.8 -> 1.9.
29529 D2_19PAT.ZIP 434366 15.02.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom 2 päivitys 1.7a -> 1.9.
29530 D2PTCH11.ZIP 514783 01.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Descent 2 patch V1.1
29531 D2PTCH12.ZIP 807694 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
Descent II 1.2/DOS update
29532 D2SOUND.ZIP 47831 24.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Dune 2 "two soundcards" patch
29534 D2VIRGEP.ZIP 1241893 16.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Descent II (update for graphic cards with
Virge chipset)
62592 DAG177.ZIP 385265 16.10.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso tupla
Daggerfall V1.77, patches also Cyrix
processor bugs. Bethesda Softworks
62593 DAG179.ZIP 562878 05.11.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso tupla
Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall 1.03.179
62594 DAG191.ZIP 1213272 05.12.1996 - 23014/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
Daggerfall V1.91 update. Bethesda Softworks
62595 DAG195.ZIP 1229488 21.12.1996 - 22646/cd no21 joystick no79.iso tupla
Daggerfall update V1.95 Bethesda
29537 DARK07.ZIP 614456 12.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Darklands Update v483.06 to v483.07
29538 DARK51.ZIP 430129 12.12.1994 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Darklands v5.1 (Upgrade for v4 or v5)
26229 DARKSD2.ZIP 69,6 kt 25.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
Darkside II update
62657 DAWNPUPD.ZIP 453052 19.01.1996 versio 1.1 24000/1995-12_Disc_13.iso -
Dawn Patrol V1.2 update from Empire.
29539 DB96_MAR.ZIP 75980 18.03.1996 - - -
NHL Hockey 96-Roster Patch March 96.
29540 DC_DM2S.ZIP 280884 16.11.1995 - - -
│ Dungeon Master II: Legend Of Skullkeep │
│             Sound Update               │
29541 DCNT11UP.ZIP 579858 26.01.1995 - MBCD -
DESCENT Shareware v1.1 UPDATE Updates Descent
1.0 to 1.1  Just copy all files to your
DESCENT directory, overwriting existing ones.
Filename: DCNT11UP.ZIP Disk 1 of 1
29543 DDAY11.ZIP 362032 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
D-Day V1.1 update, adds Modem Play.
31325 DDAYFLCS.ZIP 1488 21.02.1996 - - -
D-Day Operation Overlord: Thrustmaster FLCS
29544 DESC14A.ZIP 557847 24.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DESCENT Registered 1.0 -> 1.4a Update Patch
Includes: Hires modes, netgames across
routers, and misc. bug fixes.
29545 DESCR14U.ZIP 527410 19.05.1995 - - -
DESCENT Registered 1.0 -> 1.4 Update Patch
Unzip all files into your
Descent directory and type "patch".
This will NOT patch Descent Shareware.
62803 DEST1140.ZIP 956491 21.12.1996 - - -
Destiny Patch Ver. 1.140 Interactive Magic.
29546 DESTMAN.ZIP 1778843 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Destiny (updated manual)
29547 DETV21.ZIP 354128 16.02.1995 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso -
Detroit update V2.1. Impressions. Lisää
modeemipelin, korjaa kaikki tunnetut bugit ja
parantaa käyttöliittymää.
29549 DG112.ZIP 1129293 16.10.1996 - 24005/1997-01_Disc_2.12.iso -
Jagged Alliance II: Deadly Games 1.12
26230 DGLB10.ZIP 333,9 kt 29.09.1999 - - -
DoomGL v0.10. OpenGL compatible version of Doom, DoomGL. By Kokak. This program supports Shareware Doom, registered Doom and Doom II. DoomGL has been tested on Voodoo, Voodoo 2, Voodoo 3, ATI Rage Pro, Riva TNT, G200, Savage 3D, I740 and Rendition V2200.
29551 DGMRGPCH.ZIP 965435 03.12.1996 - - -
Drowned God * Inscape Morgana Patch
29553 DGPATCH.ZIP 959408 03.12.1996 - 22080/SSERVCD_43.bin -
Drowned God Cyrix CPU Patch
29554 DGUPDATE.ZIP 425056 24.10.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Daemonsgate Update.
26231 DHTV11.ZIP 585,8 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
Die Hard Trilogy 1.1 update
29555 DISC104.ZIP 520583 04.06.1995 - - -
Here is the patch for the DISCWORLD CD
adventure game from Psygnosis. It makes the
game much more enjoyable, as well as giving
sound support for more soundcards.
29556 DK5_6.ZIP 832407 12.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Darklands Update v483.05 to v483.06
29557 DKPATCH.ZIP 64294 16.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel upgrade
Corrects redbook audio and adds 6 new
deathmatch levels.
29558 DL3511.ZIP 797794 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Dark Legions V1.1 update SSI
29559 DLCD11.ZIP 854538 16.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Dark Legions V1.1 update CD-versio SSI
26234 DM_LIB.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.05.1998 - - -
Dunkle Manoever crashfix update This patch is a replacement file and should only be used by players which experience crashes while playing the last level.
26232 DM16_19R.ZIP 530,9 kt 06.11.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
DOOM! 1.666 to 1.9 update (registered)
29561 DM1666RP.ZIP 770469 08.09.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Doom 1 rek. päivitys 1.2 -> 1.666.
29562 DM1666SP.ZIP 650824 08.09.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Doom 1 sw. päivitys 1.2 -> 1.666.
29563 DM18RP.ZIP 511343 30.01.1995 - - -
Doom 1 rek. päivitys 1.666 -> 1.8.
29564 DM18SP.ZIP 546083 05.02.1995 - - -
Doom 1 sw. päivitys 1.666 -> 1.8.
29565 DM218P.ZIP 381122 05.02.1995 - 21315/HOMEWARE14.bin -
Doom 2 päivitys 1.7a -> 1.8.
26233 DMB2V26.ZIP 982,1 kt 17.06.1997 - 22542/GAMBLERCD13.BIN -
Descent II Mission Builder 2.6 update (registered version)
29566 DMS18_19.ZIP 91170 03.09.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Doom 1 sw. päivitys 1.8 -> 1.9.
29567 DN3D11PT.ZIP 618458 21.02.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.1 Patch from 3D Realms
This patch will update your shareware copy of
Duke Nukem 3D v1.0 to v1.1.  This game patch
requires that you have your copy of v1.0
installed before use.  From 3D Realms.
29568 DNSW13PT.ZIP 1222903 25.04.1996 - MBCD -
Duke Nukem 3D v1.1 to v1.3d Patch
This patch will update your shareware copy of
Duke Nukem 3D v1.1 to v1.3d.  This game patch
requires that you have your copy of v1.1 on
your hard drive and installed before use.
From 3D Realms.
29569 DNX_386U.ZIP 273739 29.04.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Links 386 CD Update (c) Access [o1/o1]
29570 DNX_ALPA.ZIP 29186 21.05.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Alphabet Blocks Update (c) Sierra [1/1]
29571 DNX_DISC.ZIP 519366 15.05.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Disc World v1.04 Update (c) Psygnosis
63067 DNX_ELFU.ZIP 1172640 31.05.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz tupla
Elfish Latest Update (c) Maxis [01/01]
29573 DON-DF41.ZIP 448577 21.02.1996 - 21858/PFY0496.ISO -
FOR DON-DF41: * Expanded Operation DethStar
Level. * Addition of Fourth level, Impossible
Rescue * Cutscenes for all four levels *
Difficulty setting used * In game mission
briefings * New characters, objects, etc.
29574 DOOM2P16.ZIP 118357 30.06.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom 2 päivitys 1.666 -> 1.7a.
29575 DOOM2PAT.ZIP 152744 25.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Doom 2 päivitys 1.7 -> 1.7a.
29576 DOTTCD.ZIP 131633 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Maniac Mansion II: Day of the Tentacle fix
for Pentium machines - CD version.
29577 DOTTMIDI.ZIP 1241429 23.11.1994 - - -
General Midi-update Day of the Tentacleen
26235 DPAT1_7.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
Dawn Patrol version 1.7 update
63148 DPTRSVGA.ZIP 124912 19.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dawn Patrol SVGA Driver Update
29578 DQKPATCH.ZIP 324626 07.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Dark Queen of Krynn päivitys versioon V1.1.
26236 DR64MB.ZIP 73,9 kt 21.05.1998 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Death Rally fix for users with more than 64MB RAM
29579 DREG14A5.ZIP 245085 14.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DESCENT Registered 1.4a -> 1.5 Update Patch
Includes shutter glass support.
29580 DREG14UP.ZIP 527622 06.06.1995 - 21832/POWER_DUKE.bin -
DESCENT Registered 1.0->1.4 Update Patch
Includes: Hires modes, netgames across
routers, and misc. bug fixes.
29581 DREG15.ZIP 579863 14.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DESCENT Registered 1.0 -> 1.5 Update Patch
Includes shutter glass support.
29582 DRKSND.ZIP 104304 24.02.1996 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Darklands Version 7 Sound Update, can be used
on all Darklands-versions, new sound drivers.
29583 DRSW11PT.ZIP 554371 16.10.1996 - MBCD -
░▒▓ - Death Rally v1.1 Shareware Patch - ▓▒░
This file will patch Death Rally Shareware
v1.0 into v1.1.  This patch requires that you
have your copy of v1.0 shareware on your
system and installed before you use this
patch.  From Apogee & Remedy.
29584 DS9V11.ZIP 279819 10.07.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
29585 DSCD11A.ZIP 1454155 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Dark Sun V1.1 CD-Version update - SSI
29586 DSCD11B.ZIP 1223025 28.03.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Dark Sun V1.1 CD-version update 2/2 SSI
63210 DSCNTDLC.ZIP 525469 25.04.1996 - 17678/PowersourceMultimedia-UltimateDOOMCompanion.iso -
numerous reports of Descent locking up with
Cyrix CPUs. We contacted Cyrix, and they
tested the game on all their CPUs and said
that it worked on all of them. After closer
inspection on a failing PC the CPU was not a
Cyrix, but a Texas Instruments.  So, we
called the Texas Instruments people, and they
tested the game on some of their test
platforms. They were able to reproduce it on
a TX486DLC/E 40MHZ CPU, and are currently in
29587 DSUN11D1.ZIP 1453137 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Dark Sun Update V1.1 disk 1/2 SSI
29588 DSUN11D2.ZIP 334942 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Dark Sun Update 1.1 disk 2/2
29589 DTCF1_3.ZIP 702579 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Total Control Football 1.3/DOS update
29590 DU21.ZIP 276161 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Dracula Unleashed V2.1 update
26237 DUKEDC_P.ZIP 33 kt 08.10.1998 - - -
Duke it out in D.C. runtime error fix update
40671 DUKEGORE.ZIP 12716 01.04.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Extra gore for V1.1 for Duke 3D
29591 DUNE2107.ZIP 183458 16.02.1995 - - -
Dune II V1.07 update
29592 DUNE2AIL.ZIP 7580 30.06.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
GUS AIL drivers for Dune II
29595 E2DV101U.ZIP 214542 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Empire II: The Art of War update V1.00 ->
V1.01. (e2).
41208 EARTHFIX.ZIP 10910 12.07.1995 - - -
Metaltech: Earthsiege GUS fix from Sierra
29596 ED310U.ZIP 221577 07.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Empire Deluxe päivitys 3.0 -> 3.1
29597 EDDUP11A.ZIP 518104 12.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Empire Deluxe v3.11a
29598 EEXEEF.ZIP 192852 24.04.1996 - - -
EF2000 update from V2.0 to V2.1
29599 EFPAT24A.ZIP 2758242 16.09.1996 - Pelit CD 1997 -
EF 2000 V2.04 update, from clean install.
29600 EFPAT24X.ZIP 643534 16.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
EF 2000 2.02 to 2.04
29601 EFUP132.ZIP 623818 15.08.1995 - - -
Elite Fighters (REGISTERED) update to version
1.32 - By Thunder Software-95
29602 EFUPD122.ZIP 103020 18.06.1995 - - -
Elite Fighters Update v1.21->1.22 New sound
drivers (incl. NoSound)
29603 ELFISHUP.ZIP 1164034 16.02.1995 - - -
El-Fish SVGA Update
41211 ELIT2MIN.ZIP 10774 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Elite II: Frontier mining bug-fix
29605 ENTMOV11.ZIP 47805 01.04.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Entomorph game by SSI Patch v1.1 12.2.96
29606 EPATCHEF.ZIP 2378298 29.03.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Eurofighter 2000 Midlife Update.
29607 EPATEF2.ZIP 2714743 08.05.1996 - 22407/DEMOSCHAMP.iso -
EF2000 midlife upgrade V2.02.
29608 ESPAT101.ZIP 666335 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Metaltech: EarthSiege V1.01 update
29609 ESXPANPT.ZIP 347844 19.01.1996 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Earthsiege Expansion Patch. Fixes lockups
when playing with Expansion Pack installed.
29610 EUROPACH.ZIP 666012 27.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Euro96 Soccer fix 1
29611 EUROPT1.ZIP 666214 01.09.1996 - - -
Euro '96, Gremlin, Patch #1 * Fix the sound
problem that hung some machines * A problem
that could cause games to produce drifferent
results has been fixed. * The quitting
problems with Wireplay have been fixed. *
Wireplay adverts in the stadia. * Varous bug
fixes and game-play imprevements * Players
updated  If you are playing network games you
may have problems if both machines aren't
26238 EUSPC101.ZIP 834 kt 02.04.1998 - 22057/secret_service_56a01.iso -
"Erics Ultimate Solitaire version 1.01 update"
40674 EXTWIZ.ZIP 28737 10.07.1996 - 24011/1996-06_Disc_2.5.iso -
Instructions for patching Extreme Pinball for
the ThrustMaster Wizzard Pinball Controllers:
29612 F117-03.ZIP 348281 07.12.1994 - - -
Patch #3 F-117 Stealth Fighter 2.0:lle.
Lisää digitoidut äänet Sound Blaster
29613 F11704.ZIP 92745 29.11.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
F-117A VGA V04 update. MPS.
29614 F14UPDT.ZIP 195710 26.01.1995 - - -
F-14 Fleet Defender Update to version 2.0
Fixes many problems
29615 F14V12.ZIP 467049 23.11.1994 - 24048/1995-04_Disc_5.iso -
F-14 Fleet Defender update versioon V1.2.
29616 F15303.ZIP 454075 07.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
F-15 Strike Eagle III. Päivitys versioon
29617 F15INIS8.ZIP 3959 29.11.1995 - 16777/softwarevault:gamesvolume2digitalimpact1995.iso -
F-15 Strike Eagle III Improved modem
29618 F15UP9.ZIP 450560 23.11.1994 - - -
F15 STRIKE EAGLE III Update 9 Version 4108.03
from MicroProse
26239 F16D12UK.ZIP 694,8 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.2 for DOS update. This patch is for UK release only. fixes: - Frame rate increase of approximately 15% to 20%! - Feature-rich "check six" view implemented.
26240 F16D12US.ZIP 694,8 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.2 for DOS update. This patch is for US release only. fixes: - Frame rate increase of approximately 15% to 20%! - Feature-rich "check six" view implemented.
63987 F1GP-'95.ZIP 60389 31.05.1995 renamed MBCD -
F1GP:hen vuoden 95 autot, kypärät, kuskit
29619 F1GP105.ZIP 916496 23.11.1994 renamed 23693/CEUS_CD.iso -
Formula 1 Grand Prix Update versioksi 1.05
63988 F1GP96.ZIP 174611 None - - -
F1 GP 1996-tallit ja kuskit.Oikeat väritykset
autoissa ja kypärissä. Oikeat
voimasuhteet.Kaikki, jolla saat F1 GP:n
loistamaan taas täysillä kuvaruudullasi! Made
by Jari Laitinen.
29622 F2210018.ZIP 2448246 09.12.1996 - MBCD -
F-22 Lightning II V1-18 update Novalogic.
29623 F305.ZIP 1269872 23.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Falcon 3.0 -> 3.05 upgrade
40675 F3MSL.ZIP 19830 25.04.1996 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
F3 Missile Ver. 1.0
Falcon Missile Parameter Adjuster
patch Falcon (ver 3.04-3.05), MiG (ver
1.03-1.04) and Hornet (ver 1.02) to make
missiles act more realistically. Version 1.0
offers support only for the shoulder-
launched weapons (SA-7s and Stingers).
29254 F3PAD.ZIP 1496 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
F3PADLK for FALCON 3.0 version 3.01.1
F3PADLK is a terminate and stay resident
program that will add small indicator lights
to Falcon's Padlock view.
29255 FAL95.ZIP 2956 25.04.1996 - 12773/12000.zip -
for Falcon 3.0 and Falcon Gold
26241 FALLUP1D.ZIP 643,8 kt 24.11.1997 - MBCD -
Fallout v1.1 update DOS New version fixes NPC bugs, savegame corruption, and more. Interplay
41219 FARM13.ZIP 254585 16.02.1995 - - -
Sim Farm V1.3 udpate
29624 FATECD.ZIP 152793 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Indiana Jones IV: Fate of the Atlantis fix
for Pentium-machines CD-version.
29625 FATPATCH.ZIP 1147357 27.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Fatal Racing update from V1.0 to V2.0, also
adds 3D Blaster support.
29626 FB96_101.ZIP 235237 18.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Front Page Sports: Football Pro '96 Version
1.01 Patch. Sierra.
26242 FBDEMOUP.ZIP 698,2 kt 14.08.1998 - MBCD -
"JetFighter: Fullburn demo update. Download this patch if the JetFighter: Full Burn demo doesnt work for you and if you downloaded the demo on or before 7/27/98. Mission Studios"
40676 FCPROST.ZIP 147442 15.12.1996 - - -
Full Court Press Current Rosters 12/96
29631 FDGVID.ZIP 69661 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
F-14 Fleet Defender GOlD video patch
29632 FDUP11.ZIP 1361181 16.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Fighter Duel 1.1.00 update, (c)1996, Philips
Media Publishing, Inc. Written by Jaeger
Software, Inc. and SPGS. This archive updates
all versions of Fighter Duel for the United
States, and Europe.
64067 FDUPDV1.ZIP 843919 24.07.1996 - - -
Fighter Duel 1.0.45 update Jaeger
Software/Philips Media
64068 FDUPDV2.EXE 1330646 31.07.1996 - - -
Fighter Duel 1.92 update Jaeger
64069 FDUPDV3G.EXE 1369354 25.09.1996 - - -
Fighter Duel Patch Version 3,
Jaeger SOftware/Philips Media
29633 FE106ECD.ZIP 777657 24.12.1995 - - -
First Encounters, Gametek, 1.06 ENGLISH CD
29634 FE106EDK.ZIP 777048 24.12.1995 - - -
First Encounters, Gametek, v.1.06 ENGLISH
29635 FE110.ZIP 662886 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Fantasy Empires V1.10 update - SSI
29636 FEP_5DC.ZIP 180725 24.10.1995 - - -
29638 FEP_V10.ZIP 1191183 24.10.1995 - - -
29637 FEP_V105.ZIP 1190986 15.08.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
First Encounters patch, Gametek, v.1.05
29639 FFE106EC.ZIP 777267 14.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Frontier:- First Encounters Patch Disk
ver 1.06. Gametek.
64102 FFSW11UP.EXE 1592808 23.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Fire Fight Update to V1.1. For Shareware
26243 FHL98V10.ZIP 289,8 kt 19.09.1997 - - -
SM-liiga rosterit kaudelle 97-98. Liuta parannuksia edelliseen rosteriini, plus peli tyylit haettu pidemmälle. Season modessa ongelmia. Asenna NHL96\\Data\\ -hakemistoon.
29641 FIFA-WBT.ZIP 32776 12.07.1995 renamed 20199/2015-02-07.ftp.sten.lv.tar -
Gravis Ultrasound Fix for Fifa Soccer
29640 FIFA4.ZIP 513621 02.04.1996 - - -
Executable from FIFA International Soccer CD
4MB version. This will enable the game to run
on a 4MB machine using the 8MB version of
FIFA International Soccer.
29642 FINNP5.ZIP 10417 25.09.1996 - - -
Tämä on itsetehty päivitys Steel Panthersin
suomalaiskalustoihin. Päivitys korjaa
aikaisemmat väärinkäsitykset ja pahimmat
virheet ja lisää kaksi uutta vaunua.   Versio
1.3  (c) Finnpatch
26244 FINSTEEL.ZIP 147,5 kt 25.05.1998 - MBCD -
Suomalaiskaluston päivitys Steel Panthers I:seen 21.5.98 Lisää uusia aseita, panssareita ja kymmeniä uusia kuvia, sekä korjaa SSI:n pahimmat virheet. pppalo@gnwmail.com
29644 FL102CD.EXE 1315698 07.02.1996 - - -
Front Lines (CD) v1.0. to v1.2. patch
29645 FL102FD.EXE 841610 07.02.1996 - - -
Front Lines (floppy disk version) v1.0. to
v1.2. patch
29646 FLCOM104.ZIP 226226 29.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
v1.04 patch to Flight Commander 2 from Big
Time Software/Avalon Hill.
29647 FLDK102.ZIP 814813 24.04.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Front Lines Update V1.02
29648 FLOPNET.ZIP 210402 02.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Worms Multiplayer-päivitys Diskettiversiolle.
Mahdollistaa Sarjakaapeli-, Modeemi ja
29649 FPROPT.EXE 185600 12.12.1994 versio 1.01 96/EPISODE_14_JUN_1995.iso -
Front Page Sports: Football Pro v1.02
29650 FPSBB103.ZIP 1212307 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Front Page Sports: Baseball '94 v 1.03, 1995
MLBPA rosters, teams and players. Requires
V1.02. Sierra.
29651 FRUAV12.ZIP 513127 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Forgotten Realms: Unlimited Adventures V1.2
29652 FS50A.ZIP 1442578 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Flight Simulator V5.0a update
29653 FTINST.ZIP 128509 25.08.1995 - 24068/1995-06_Disc_7.iso -
Flash Traffic - Updated Install expands the
sound card support with drivers for the
Microsoft Sound System and cards with the
Ensoniq chip, including Reveal, Ensoniq
Soundscape, and Forte-16.
29655 FU_PAS16.ZIP 2655 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Flight Unlimited Pro Audio 16 Spectrum audio
driver. From Looking Glass Technologies.
29654 FU3DPAT.ZIP 936965 24.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Flight Unlimited 3D Blaster patch. New:
updated SB drivers, new graphics code, FBO
travel fix, joystick fixes, video fixes,
virtual i/o fix etc. From Looking Glass.
29656 FUPAT24.ZIP 846979 14.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Flight Unlimited MS-DOS update to V2.4s.
Updated SB-drivers, new code, FBO travel
fixed, new joystick hate code + other
stick coding, fixes, updates.
Looking Glass.
29657 FWCD20.ZIP 697264 24.04.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Fighter Wing CD update V2.0
64348 FWDK20.ZIP 696932 24.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Fighter Wing update floppy V2.0
29658 FWDK34.ZIP 696933 24.10.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Fighter Wing Floppy update V2.0.
29659 FWNGDRV2.ZIP 1396 24.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
BIT gfx-cards. MERIT.
26245 G3C3DMAX.ZIP 275 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Hexagon Kartell 3D-Max update (requires v1.03)
26246 G3CIGLAS.ZIP 614 tavua 26.07.1997 - - -
Hexagon Kartell Eve-glasses update (requires V1.03)
26247 G3CVFXJ.ZIP 295 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Hexagon Kartell VFX helmets update (requires v1.03)
29660 GB2SNDF.ZIP 7669 16.02.1995 - - -
Ghostbusters II sound-fix
29661 GCV20.ZIP 238683 12.12.1994 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Global Conquest v2.0
26248 GFXPLUS.A01 2,4 Mt 26.07.1997 - MBCD -
EF2000 Graphcis+ 3D card upgrade 2/4
26249 GFXPLUS.A02 2,4 Mt 26.07.1997 - MBCD -
EF2000 Graphics+ 3D card upgrade 3/4
26250 GFXPLUS.A03 1,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - MBCD -
EF2000 Graphics+ 3D card upgrade 4/4
26251 GFXPLUS.ARJ 2,4 Mt 26.07.1997 - MBCD -
EF2000 Graphics+ 3D card upgrade patch. Requires european release with TactCOM addon installed for the update though. 1/4
29662 GGDWFIX.ZIP 176915 18.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Drug Wars save/restore fix.
29663 GK2PAT11.ZIP 112004 24.02.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
Gabriel Knight II: The Beast Within update
V1.11. Sierra.
29664 GKCDPAT.ZIP 598217 23.11.1994 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Päivitys Gabriel Knightin PC CD-ROM versioon
29665 GKPAT.ZIP 380282 23.11.1994 - 16777/softwarevault:gamesvolume2digitalimpact1995.iso -
Gabriel Knight Update
26252 GLDM094D.ZIP 962,3 kt 08.01.1999 - - -
GL Doom version 0.94d update Requires the commercial version of Doom installed.
26253 GLDMLB9A.ZIP 733,8 kt 18.10.1999 - - -
OpenGL DooM Legacy v1.29 beta 9a Update your old Doom to: SVGA, translucency, freelook, advanced setup, 32 players, 3d collisions, jump, transparent water, crosshairs, autorun, SKINS, teamplay, and more.. Now includes proper doom3.wad for those who had an out-of-date version, and the automap bug has been fixed. http://www.frag.com/doomlegacy
26254 GLDO008B.ZIP 274,3 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
GLDoom v008 beta. Made by the guy behind GLHeretic.
26255 GLHB10.ZIP 323 kt 27.09.1999 - - -
GLHeretic version 1.0. Requires OpenGL. 3dfx users should have the OpenGL Beta 2.1 Drivers installed first, rather than using the MiniGL. By Kokak.
26256 GLHEXB08.ZIP 386,2 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
GLHexen beta 8 is an OpenGL compatible version of Hexen. It is based on WinHexen and it shares the OpenGL engine from DoomGL & GLHeretic.
29669 GNB_12.ZIP 629258 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-1943
update V1.2 from SSI.
29667 GNB10_12.ZIP 344331 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Great Naval Battles III GNB3 Update from
V1.0->V1.2. SSI.
29668 GNB11_12.ZIP 339352 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Great Naval Battles III GNB3 Update from
V1.1->V1.2. SSI.
29670 GNB2-11.ZIP 592396 07.01.1995 - - -
Great Naval Battles Vol 2 - The Guadalcanal
Campaign V1.1 päivitys. SSI
29671 GNB4ED11.ZIP 333604 19.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Great Naval Battles IV, Burning Steel, V1.1
update missing file - scenario editor.
29672 GNB4V11.ZIP 557301 25.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Great Naval Battles IV, Burning Steel
Version 1.1 update. SSI.
29673 GNS-HER.ZIP 49313 30.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
29674 GOB1CD.ZIP 83763 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Gobliiins CD Version patch. From Sierra.
29675 GOB2CD.ZIP 110419 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Gobliins 2 CD patch From Sierra
29676 GOB2DK.ZIP 116044 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Gobliiins II Patch.
26257 GP10_136.ZIP 2,9 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Gunmetal v1.0->1.36 update. Mad Genius. Fixes Voodoo2 and AI problems.
26258 GP131136.ZIP 1,9 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Gunmetal v1.31->1.36 update. Mad Genius. Fixes Voodoo2 and AI problems.
26259 GP135136.ZIP 579,7 kt 22.12.1998 - - -
Gunmetal upgrade 1.35 to 1.36 update
64544 GP296PKA.ZIP 115691 25.09.1996 - - -
F1 Grand Prix 2: The 1996 Grand Prix 2 Car
Set (107kb) made by PK Arnall Paul has has
updated his 96' cars. Cars looks now great!
Includes also readme.txt, names file and
installation batch-file.
40680 GP2ADS1B.ZIP 489424 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
1996  Ville Tikkaoja  Here are  some new
advertisements  for Grand Prix II.   These
advertisements include   tobacco   and   many
other advertisements mostly from '96
season. With these you can  get your game
even more realistic. Easy to install.
40682 GP2CAR96.ZIP 217405 01.09.1996 - - -
F1 Grand Prix 2: -96 autot
40685 GP2HEL96.ZIP 30368 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
F1GP2 addon: Helmets 1996 (bmp files)
40686 GP2JSCH.ZIP 227676 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
Sisältää -96 vuoden autot, kuljettajat
,kypärät, JAM-kääntäjän sekä myös GP2CCPEn,
Tehnyt Jussi Saarivirta
40687 GP2NAM96.ZIP 1106 01.09.1996 - - -
F1 Grand Prix 2: -96 kuskien nimet
64554 GP2SET30.ZIP 184673 08.11.1996 - - -
GP2SET30.ZIP - Version 3.0 by PK Arnall,
Pieter van Dieren www.volftp.vol.it/GP2 1996
new cars, a performance patch, new names and
new cockpit colors. NOTE: This carset only
works in the English version of GP2. If you
are using another version and don't want to
switch, download carset 2.0.
64555 GP2SET32.ZIP 376179 08.11.1996 - - -
Uudet kuljettajat, kypärät, voimasuhteet
autot, renkaat ja paljon muuta gp2:seen.
Eli päivitys kaudelle '96 ver 3.2
40688 GP2TEAMS.ZIP 473533 01.09.1996 - - -
[unofficial patch]
64565 GPMENG.ZIP 697300 09.02.1996 - 24010/1996-05_-_Disc_2.4.bin -
Grand Prix Manager 1.01 update
29677 GPMV102.ZIP 695846 22.09.1996 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Grand Prix Manager 1.02 patch MicroProse
29678 GRFUP.ZIP 717261 07.01.1995 - - -
The Grandest Fleet -update Päivittää
ääniajurit ja korjaa bugeja. QQP
29679 GRNSBP.ZIP 3559 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
MicroProse Greens: SB Pro drivers.
29680 GS2V85.ZIP 431810 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Gunship 2000 V8.5 update
29682 GUSBIO.EXE 70505 12.07.1995 - 24095/1995-08_Disc_9.iso -
Ultrasound Bioforge patch
29683 GUSFARM.ZIP 83490 12.07.1995 - 21354/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_Noviembre_1994.iso -
Ultrasound AIL & MIDPAK/DIGPAK V1.0 with
patch for SimFarm
29684 GUSSEAL.ZIP 128036 12.07.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Ultrasound AIL & MIDPAK/DIGPAK V1.0 with
patch for Seal Team
29685 GUSWLF13.ZIP 835095 23.11.1994 - - -
Wolfenstein 3D Fix for Gravis UltraSound.
Suroundsound support use  to install UltraWolf v1.31
29686 GWP1010.ZIP 365191 14.01.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Gender Wars fix v0.1 (ATI Mach 64 fix)
40691 H_GUS1.ZIP 3139 26.01.1995 - - -
Parempi instrumenttikartta GUSsiin
Hereticissä. Toimii kunnolla ainakin
megaisilla korteilla, eikä ainakaan haittaa ,
vaikka olisi vähemmän.
29687 H102.ZIP 372078 17.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Hornet päivitys versioksi V1.02
Spectrum Holobyte
29695 H2-V21.ZIP 1312308 24.02.1996 - - -
Harpoon 2 update - latest game engine version
26260 H2D10_13.ZIP 969,2 kt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Heroes of Might and Magic II version 1.3 for DOS update
26261 H2DEXP21.ZIP 429 kt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Heroes of Might and Magic II expansion pack version 2.1 for DOS update
64658 H2DOS11.ZIP 530150 14.01.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Heroes of Might and Magic II DOS 1.0 to 1.1
29688 H2DPATCH.ZIP 1239072 24.10.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Harpoon2 Deluxe Patch V2.1.13. Mahdollistaa
Harpoon 2 MultiMedian skenaarioeditorin
taistelujen käyttämisen, sisältää bugifiksejä
ja muutaman uuden featuren. Valm.
29689 H2UPDAT1.ZIP 1165345 04.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Harpoon II update * for users with ANYONE
owning a version of H2 other than the
Admirals Edition. ThreeSixty/IntraCorp
Entertainment Inc.
29690 H2UPDAT2.ZIP 1411268 04.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Harpoon II update * for users with ANYONE
owning a version of H2 other than the
Admirals Edition. ThreeSixty/IntraCorp
Entertainment Inc.
29691 H2UPDAT3.ZIP 913264 04.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Harpoon II update * for users with ANYONE
owning a version of H2 other than the
Admirals Edition. ThreeSixty/IntraCorp
Entertainment Inc.
29692 H2UPGR.ZIP 970349 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Harpoon II patch.
29693 H2V112.ZIP 133964 23.11.1994 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Hockey League Simulator 2, Update V1.12
29694 H2V114.ZIP 137947 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Hockey League Simulator 2 V1.14 update.
Bethesda Softworks. Beta.
29696 HARP154.ZIP 581395 16.02.1995 väärä koko archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Harpoon Classic 1.5x to 1.54 update
29697 HARP157.ZIP 581381 28.03.1995 - 10798/CD_ASCQ_21_040595.iso -
Harpoon Classic V1.57a. Three-Sixty.
29698 HARPD154.ZIP 193027 16.02.1995 - - -
Harpoon Classic Scenario Editor V1.54 update
29699 HB4PATCH.ZIP 1140755 13.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
HardBall 4 patch compilation This patch
compilation includes all of the HardBall 4
patches combined into one easy installation.
29700 HB4ROST.ZIP 48748 27.08.1996 - - -
Hardball IV updated rosters (as of july, 5th
26262 HB5_162G.ZIP 156,5 kt 17.06.1997 - 22087/SSERVCD_48A.bin -
Hardball V 1996 schedule patch
29701 HB512.ZIP 588466 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HardBall 5.12 patch
December 1, 1995 ===================
What's new ---------- As we promised,
we've read every HardBall 5 related
message posted to
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.sports, America
Online, and Compuserve, then combined
that with every tech support call and
every piece of email we've received.  We
came up with a list of things that you
40689 HB5LGD96.ZIP 89107 02.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
HardBall 5 1996 MLBPA stats patch contains
the 1995 season end statistics and all of the
player trades up to the last week of January
29702 HDCD11.ZIP 263756 23.02.1995 - - -
The Horde update V1.1 CD-ROM
29703 HDK11.ZIP 266250 07.01.1995 - - -
The Horde - diskettipäivitys V1.1
41249 HELL512K.ZIP 259291 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Hell fix for 512K graphics boards uncensored
41250 HELLPG13.ZIP 873700 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Hell fix #2 for PG-13 version ONLY.
29704 HEROES12.ZIP 565360 04.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
V1.2 update for Heroes of Might and Magic
1995 game by New World Comp. Fixes sound,
memoru, modem and other problems.
29705 HEXN11PT.ZIP 420633 14.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Hexen V1.0->1.1 upgrade.
Includes now 8 player IPX network support
and bug fixes.
29706 HEXN11RP.ZIP 911088 05.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Hexen update V1.0->V1.1. Now with 8-player
IPX support.
29707 HH_GUS.ZIP 17894 12.07.1995 - 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso -
This is an update that only applies to the
Gravis UltraSound Card Users.  If you are
running Apogee's Halloween Harry game, this
update to the SBOS driver will allow you to
get digitized sounds and music on your Gravis
UltraSound card.  If you use this, it is very
important to read the enlosed docs. This will
work for either v1.1 or v1.2 of Halloween
Harry. (SBOS Beta Driver 2.0B11) This file is
included in v1.2 of the game.
26263 HINDDOS.ZIP 565,6 kt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
"Hind (for DOS) 1.2 update + New WSO operation modes + Audible undercarriage + Optionalwimp modelanding cushion + Description of crash-land cause + Provision of R-60s for two-player flights + Keyboard control for collective was always  a connected throttle stick - not any more. Plus other bug fixes and enhancements"
29708 HIOCTAN1.ZIP 1457435 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Hi-Octane upgrade , disk 1/2
29709 HIOCTAN2.ZIP 1454368 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
HiOctane upgrade, disk 2/2, Bullfrog. Offers
for example: split screen race, clone race,
death match, hot seat play etc.
26264 HIPNOTIC.ZIP 792,7 kt 05.09.1997 - - -
Päivitys Quake Mission Pack 1:lle ja GLQuakelle, muuttaa kentät läpinäkyvälle vedelle. Tarvitsee VISPAT12.ZIPin.
29710 HIVE_101.ZIP 92828 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Hive V1.01 update
29711 HLS112.ZIP 133706 16.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Hockey League II V1.10 update
29712 HOFPATCH.EXE 198592 12.12.1994 - 21830/Plex5.mdf -
Hand of Fate Patch
29713 HOG_UP.ZIP 339132 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Hammer of the Gods -patch.
64886 HPATCH12.ZIP 568123 29.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
29714 HPATPG13.ZIP 899643 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
PATCH PG-13 Version of HELL, Gametek.
29715 HPPA-R.ZIP 128951 16.02.1995 - - -
This file is for registered owners of the
Apogee game Hocus Pocus v1.0 ONLY!! This file
will update your registered copy of Hocus
Pocus v1.0 to the newly released v1.1.  This
patch will not do anything if all you have is
the shareware episode.  This patch requires
that you have your game installed. -- Apogee
29717 HSTCD102.ZIP 418833 24.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
High Seas Trader CD update V1.02
29718 HSTDK102.ZIP 418345 24.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
High Seas Trader V1.02 update.
29719 HTIC13RP.ZIP 1445340 05.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Heretic V1.2 update to Heretic: Shadow of the
Serpent Riders. Heretic: Shadow of the
Serpent Riders includes two all new episodes
of Heretic: The Ossuary and The Stagnant
29721 IC_PAT.ZIP 580061 24.10.1995 - - -
Iron Cross update - new sound drivers, and 6
new scenarios.
29720 IC104E.ZIP 367457 23.11.1994 - 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img -
Indy Car Update versioksi V1.04
29722 ICR104E.ZIP 367468 16.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
IndyCar Racing V1.04 update (euro-english)
29723 ICR2_02.ZIP 1279026 20.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Indycar 2 patch v1.00 ->1.02
29724 ICR2_12.ZIP 206307 23.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
icr2_12.zip   - IndyCar Racing II 1.1 to 1.2
29726 ICREXP.ZIP 1406 16.02.1995 - - -
IndyCar Racing expansion disks corrupted
files fix
29727 ICRGUS.ZIP 56957 23.11.1994 - - -
Gravis AIL 32 ääniajurit V1.1 IncyCar
Racing-pelin V1.02 tai uudemmalle versiolle.
26265 ID1.ZIP 969,8 kt 05.09.1997 - - -
Päivitys Quaken rekisteröidylle versiolle ja GLQuakelle, muuttaa kentät läpinäkyvälle vedelle.
26266 IF16D13.ZIP 618,7 kt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
iF-16 v1.3 DOS update by Imagic
29728 INCACDPT.ZIP 1247996 16.11.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Inca CD update. From Sierra.
29729 INHERITC.ZIP 285807 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Inherit the Earth CD-version upgrade.
29730 IO_VIRDR.ZIP 56706 23.06.1996 - - -
F-14 Fleet Defender, F-15 Strike Eagle III,
Falconcd/MiG-CD/Hornet-CD - virtual
i-O/i-glasses enabling patch.
29731 IP1A.ZIP 335774 07.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Patchi X-Wing: Imperial Pursuitiin.
30559 ISLCAS15.ZIP 542094 27.08.1996 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.TaiPan-3 FOUND 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Random Games Island Casino 1.5
29732 JA_113.ZIP 1390521 19.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
JAGGED ALLIANCE : Version 1.13
41271 JACK.ZIP 30949 16.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Jack the Ripper fix
29734 JJET240.ZIP 350261 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Harrier Jump Jet update from MicroProse.
29735 JJUPD.ZIP 115746 29.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
MicroProse Jump Jet-simulator rudder pedals
29736 JMANFIX.ZIP 194929 12.09.1995 - - -
Bugikorjaus The Journeyman Project -peliin.
26267 JOHN01B2.ZIP 183,3 kt 28.06.1998 - - -
John Sinclair version 1.01 beta 2 update
29737 JORU_1.ZIP 161757 24.10.1995 - - -
Alien Logic update v1.1 - valm. SSI.
26268 JPPATCH.ZIP 80,9 kt 26.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
Jurassic Park general fixes update
29738 JRAVEN11.ZIP 146732 24.10.1995 - - -
Jump Raven V1.1 update
29739 JU_151.ZIP 250515 27.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Jack Nicklaus' Unlimited Golf & Course Design
update V1.5. Accolade.
29299 KALIDOOM.ZIP 13020 31.07.1996 - MBCD -
Replacement for Doom IPXSETUP.EXE, improves
performance when playing over Kali.
31225 KALINB10.ZIP 167356 16.10.1996 - MBCD -
Deadlock Kali patch (inofficial)
29740 KGPTCH.ZIP 1063671 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Kasparov's Gambit V1.1 update - Chess,
Electronic Arts.
29741 KINGM151.ZIP 204073 12.12.1994 - 96/EPISODE_14_JUN_1995.iso -
Kingmaker v1.51
29742 KINGM152.ZIP 84487 30.11.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Kingmaker V1.52 update
26269 KO97ENG.ZIP 961,1 kt 25.05.1997 - 22088/SSERVCD_48B.bin -
Kick Off 97 1.01 update (english release)
29743 KOP0520U.ZIP 195313 18.11.1996 - MBCD -
Does not add new music.
29745 KOTS.ZIP 493329 16.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Knights of the Sky V2 update
29744 KOTSUP.ZIP 67695 30.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
MicroProse Knights of The Sky update for
faster computers.
29746 KQ7-151.ZIP 66129 25.04.1996 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Kings Quest VII 1.4/1.5->1.51 update.
29747 KUPD056.ZIP 290440 20.12.1996 - - -
KaBoom V0.55 -> KaBoom V0.56 update
40695 LAFPATCH.ZIP 79244 27.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
29749 LB108E.ZIP 843345 11.09.1996 - Pelit CD 1997 -
AH-64D Longbow - V1.08e update. Fixes some
bug, adds some new engine improvements, and
includes support for the Sidewinder.
29750 LB108FIX.ZIP 60550 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
AH-64D Longbow V1.08 patch PART 2. Fixes
slowdowns. Interactive Magic.
29752 LBPAT.ZIP 14665 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Conquest of the Longbow : Robin Hood fix for
version 1.0 only
29753 LCA1_02.ZIP 193687 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Lucky's Casino Adventure update V1.02 From
29754 LCD95.ZIP 1242790 04.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
41284 LGNPAT.ZIP 52689 24.04.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Legions for Windows patch.
26270 LIEROFIX.ZIP 52,7 kt 15.02.1999 - - -
Liero 1.33 -päivitysTämä päivitys VAATII VERSION 1.32! Korjaa mm. ninja ropen. 
Pura paketti siihen hakemistoon, jossa Lieron tiedostot ovat. 
ÄLÄ käytä tätä päivitystä, jos sinulla ei ole versiota 1.32, 
vaan ota kokonainen paketti LIERO133.ZIP
29755 LINK_162.ZIP 20928 25.10.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Links update V1.62
29756 LINKS108.ZIP 416304 23.11.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
LINKS386 PRO Update to Version 1.08
Version 1.08 corrects the problem with the
swing panel going too fast or too slow when
running in OS/2 or WINDOWS.
29757 LINKS121.ZIP 454865 16.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Links V1.21 update
29758 LINKS162.ZIP 61719 25.08.1995 - - -
Links: The Challenge of Golf 1.62 - A new
29759 LION560.ZIP 229067 02.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Lion - fix for low memory. From Sancturay
29760 LNKS386U.ZIP 305087 12.08.1994 - - -
Patches Links 386 Pro to v1.20
41296 LOCUS_CP.ZIP 738320 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Locus "CyberMaxx Head Mounted Display" fix
41298 LOCUS_VD.ZIP 222598 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Locus "Virtual I/O Glasses fix"
41297 LOCUSMEM.ZIP 738312 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Locus "not enough low memory" fix.
29762 LODE-CD.ZIP 110838 16.02.1995 renamed 2460/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 6).iso -
Loderunner for Windows CD-update
29761 LODE13.ZIP 197701 16.02.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Lorerunner for Windows V1.3 update
29763 LOLCDPCH.EXE 213423 12.12.1994 - 96/EPISODE_14_JUN_1995.iso -
Lands of Lore CD Patch
29764 LOLP122.EXE 292992 12.12.1994 - 96/EPISODE_14_JUN_1995.iso -
Lands of Lore (disk) v1.22
29765 LOLP123.ZIP 277611 25.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
file to Version 1.23. This update fixes
several minor bugs including the inability to
retrieve Dawn's second Key and problems with
some Gateway and Pentium. Westwood Studios.
29766 LOM-1.ZIP 336499 14.10.1995 renamed 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part I) (Terry Blount).iso -
Lords of Midnight Update 1 (6.9.95)
29767 LOM.ZIP 336775 29.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Lords of Midnight Update 1 (9/6/95) Domark
29768 LOOM_ROL.ZIP 57380 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Loom Roland sounddriver. Lucasfilm Games.
29769 LOTR102C.ZIP 490122 16.11.1995 - - -
UPDATE: Lords of the Realm CD V1.02 from
29770 LOTR102D.ZIP 258629 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
UPDATE:Lords of the Realm Disk V1.02 from
29771 LOTR103C.ZIP 552651 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Lords of the Realm V1.03 CD-ROM update.
29773 LSL6PAT.ZIP 200009 23.11.1994 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Leisure Suit Larry 6 Patch
This patch will correct errors that occur
while playing Leisure Suit Larry 6.
SOUND CARD OWNERS: If you have an 8 bit
sound card such as a Sound Blaster, Sound
Blaster Pro, or Thunderboard, we have
8 bit bonus WAV files on this patch.
29774 LSL7V12.ZIP 1048187 05.01.1997 - MBCD -
Leisure Suit Larry 7, Sierra, v.1.2.
29775 LSVER02.ZIP 140859 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Lightspeed V2 update - MPS
29776 LUNIFIX.ARJ 130194 25.10.1995 - - -
LUNICUS Update to v1.1 from Cyberflix.
29777 M104.ZIP 599585 17.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
MiG-29 versioksi V1.04 päivitys
Spectrum Holobyte
40698 M1DESERT.ZIP 24094 30.11.1995 - 12925/GAMES94.ISO -
MicroProse M1 Tank Platoon Desert Palette
29778 M1FIRE.ZIP 92245 30.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
M1 Tank Platoon firing patch. MPS.
29779 M64FIX.ZIP 4675 25.08.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Eight Ball/Royal Flush AT, Mach 64 fix. Self
29780 MACH11.ZIP 121595 25.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Machiavelli The Prince update from
29781 MADDEN11.ZIP 1107362 05.11.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Madden NFL Football '97 1.1
29785 MADDOG.ZIP 58603 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Mad Dog Mccree update, from American Laser
29783 MADDOG2.ZIP 58897 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Mad Dog Mcree 2 update from American Laser
29782 MADDOG2B.ZIP 59260 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Mad Dog 2 update B for SB16, from American
Laser Games.
29784 MADDOGB.ZIP 58914 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Mad Dog Mccree SB16 update from American
Laser Games.
29786 MADWEEK8.ZIP 179306 05.11.1996 - - -
John Madden Football 97 Week 8 updated
rosters. Required the patch to use. EOA.
29787 MADWEEK9.ZIP 189212 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
John Madden Football 97 updated Week 9
rosters. Requires the patch. EOA.
32823 MAN_SBP.ARJ 11566 24.02.1996 - - -
Mantis XF-5700 Experimental Fighter SB Pro
26271 MANOVER1.ZIP 1,3 Mt 02.04.1998 - 22059/SSERVCD_57A.bin -
Dunkle Manoever version 1.1 patch A update
29788 MANUPD.ZIP 258251 28.03.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Mantis XF-5700 Experimental Fighter update.
29305 MAPHACK.ZIP 115221 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Magic Carpet PLUS Maphack from Electronic
Arts. Docs in manual.
29789 MARID.ZIP 257209 04.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Mario is Missing CD ROM Deluxe update
29790 MAV-AL12.ZIP 165709 12.03.1995 - - -
Alien Logic V1.02 Update from S.S.I. (1/1)
29791 MAV-DE11.ZIP 494226 21.05.1995 - - -
Daedalus Encounter v1.1 Update (c) Virgin
29792 MAV-DISC.ZIP 523850 18.06.1995 - - -
Discworld v1.04 Update (c) Psygnosis
40699 MAV-F195.ZIP 197179 06.04.1995 - - -
Formula 1 Grand Prix Cars & Driver 95
29793 MAV-GPFX.ZIP 16709 06.05.1995 - - -
Grand Prix v2.ß Install Fix
29795 MAV-SFUP.ZIP 506093 06.04.1995 - - -
Presents Strategic Falcon v1.21
Update Patch
29796 MAV-SP11.ZIP 538695 09.11.1994 - - -
29797 MAV-WO22.ZIP 476784 12.03.1995 - - -
Wings Of Glory V 2.2 Update
From Origin Systems
29798 MAV-XC14.ZIP 1461760 02.09.1994 - - -
X-Com/UFO 2 v1.4 Update
29799 MAV-XV2.ZIP 931477 02.11.1994 - - -
Xcom: Terror From The Deep v2 Update (c) MPS
29800 MAV-ZORF.ZIP 212138 12.03.1995 - - -
Zorro CD-ROM Fix 2      [1/1]
29794 MAVIN231.ZIP 1574722 21.05.1995 - - -
29802 MC2MSE.ZIP 322870 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Magic Candle II V2.0 (VGA-only) update
29803 MC2UPB.ZIP 328689 28.03.1995 - - -
Magic Candle III V1.16 update.
29804 MCDRV.ZIP 14118 25.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Siege and Tegel's Mercenaries SoundBlaster
29805 MCLEV50.ZIP 204629 30.01.1995 - - -
Magic carpet fix
29806 MCOS_2.ZIP 355099 28.03.1995 - - -
MicroCosm V1.2 update.
29808 MECH2V11.ZIP 661465 04.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MechWarrior 2 MW2 DOS Version 1.1 Update for
V1.0 DOS, do NOT use with any other MW2
version. New: Spacetec Spaceball Avenger/
VFX-1 Headgear / CH Virtual Pilot PRO support
and numerous fixes.
29809 MEGARACE.ZIP 187500 12.12.1994 - 96/EPISODE_14_JUN_1995.iso -
MegaRace CD Patch
29810 MENZDK11.ZIP 64554 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Menzoberranzan V1.1 update, SSI.
66099 MERC105P.EXE 2808279 08.11.1996 - 24006/1997-02_Disc_2.13.iso -
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries v1.05 patch
29812 MERCH2.ZIP 64785 23.11.1994 - - -
Merchant Prince UPDATE to V1.2 from QQP.
Fixes Mouse, Commodities Screen, Random World
Map Generation and A.I. BUGS.
26272 MHM99_11.ZIP 128,2 kt 04.11.1998 - - -
MHM 99 REGISTERED V1.1 PÄIVITYSPAKETTI Rekisteröidyn version päivityspaketti korjaa lukuisia löytyneitä bugeja ja outouksia.
29813 MIS_PAT2.ZIP 4977 27.08.1996 - 22642/cd joy 75 No17.iso -
Back to Baghdad patch, fixes problems in
Missions AGRadar1, Tallil Ho and Munitions
Strike. Military Simulations Inc.
29814 MKFIX.ZIP 1190605 17.11.1996 - 24048/1995-04_Disc_5.iso -
Mortal Kombat I update, version 4.1.1993.
29815 ML11.ZIP 123986 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Maelstrom V1.1 update
29816 MLP142.ZIP 102935 28.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Metal & Lace v1.42 update patch
adds EASY and HARD mode!!
29817 MOM131.ZIP 1499787 28.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Master of Magic V1.3 update, MicroProse.
66234 MOMV12.ZIP 1419535 13.01.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Master of Magic V1.2 update MicroProse
66235 MOMV13.ZIP 641985 01.03.1995 - 4350/ClassicFond04.iso -
Master of Magic v1.3 Update (IBM)
This is the version 1.3 update for MOM.
*IMPORTANT* This update requires version 1.2
of the game prior to installation.
66239 MONKUP.ZIP 69929 04.08.1996 - - tupla
The Secret of Monkey Island - cure problems
with SB in 486 or faster
29819 MONPCH13.ZIP 267289 27.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
29822 MOO_V13.ZIP 1362808 23.11.1994 - - -
Master of Orion päivitys versioksi V1.3
66261 MOO2V12.ZIP 1644573 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Master Of Orion 2: Battle At Antares  V1.2
update, MicroProse.
26273 MORRAF.ZIP 529,3 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"Moraffs Dungeons of the Unforgiven Module Iupdated 7/23/93: NOW WITH 3D imaging on the walls and SUPER-VGA GRAPHICS! Supports HerculesCGAEGAlow-res VGAhigh-res VGASuper-VGA (800x600 or 1024x768-in 16 or 256 colors)plus most Windows acceleraters!"
29824 MT2UP.ZIP 582255 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Megatraveller II V1.04.2 update
40701 MULTICIV.ZIP 137876 23.11.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Civilization monen pelaajan häkkiversio
hiukan buginen
29827 MW2GIDDI.ZIP 42510 30.11.1995 - 10802/CD_ASCQ_25_1095.iso -
Latest and greatest controller drivers for
MechWarrior 2: Spaceball Avenger, Virtual i/o
I-Glasses, CH Flightstick, Basic Keyboard,
2-button joystick, Mouse, Microsoft
Sidewinder (Digital and Analog modes),
Thrustmaster, Virtual Pilot. New techniques
should improve playability with old joysticks
as well.
41322 MW2PATCH.ZIP 15376 16.11.1995 - 10802/CD_ASCQ_25_1095.iso -
Mechwarrior II new joystick drivers.
41323 MYSTFIX.ZIP 23354 16.02.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Myst Mwave sound fix
29829 NAOTK.ZIP 101344 09.01.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Falcon Gold Art of the Kill
Videoplayer bug fix.
26274 NAS20203.ZIP 477,2 kt 23.05.1997 - MBCD -
Nascar Racing 2, patch from v1.02 -> v1.03.
29831 NASC121.ZIP 1047699 24.12.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Papyrus Nascar v1.21 fixes modem bugs, etc.
29832 NASCAR.ZIP 482810 14.07.1996 - - -
this executable corrects a problem with
importing cars into the NASCAR game. If you
have a Matrox MGA Super Game Pack, version
1.2 or later you do not need this file.
29834 NAVYUP.ZIP 105292 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Navy Strike new video drivers
40702 NBA96DAV.ZIP 755042 01.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
96 teams for NBA LIVE 96 with all
the trade deadline trades. Also
has Jordan, Barkley, Johnson in
the game. Not Rookie free agents
seems to simulate realistic, Bulls
too! Pick a team and simulate, it's
amazing. Enjoy 2-24-96
40703 NBAPV514.ZIP 290109 03.12.1996 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
NBA Live! '95 roster patch 5.14
40704 NCAA.ZIP 42424 27.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
NBA Live! '96 NCAA 1.0 roster patch
29835 NCAABB2.ZIP 328818 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
NCAA Championship Baseball fix 2
29836 NCAAPAT1.ZIP 328222 14.11.1996 - - -
NCAA Basketball Patch #1 GTE Entertainment
29837 NDUEL111.ZIP 612532 15.12.1996 - - -
Fighter Duel NetDuel V1.1. REQUIRES Patch v3
and original Fighter Duel Enables the fighter
simulator FD to be played over Internet as a
multiplayer sim.
66521 NDUELV1N.EXE 591861 25.09.1996 - - -
Fighter Duel Network update V1.0.40
(Network Fighter Duel) - requires Patch V3
and Fighter Duel -game. Jaeger/Philips.
40706 NEED4SPD.ZIP 22352 08.01.1996 - - -
Need for Speediin patchi jolla saa käyttöön
29838 NEMCDFIX.ZIP 492569 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Nemesis: A Wizardry Adventure (cd changing
31246 NETMECH1.ZIP 1454689 27.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Netmech 1.0. Mahdollistaa Mechwarrior II:n
moninpeluun. Osa 1/8.
31247 NETMECH2.ZIP 1448135 27.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Netmech 1.0. Osa 2/8.
31248 NETMECH3.ZIP 1456719 27.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Netmech 1.0. Osa 3/8.
66543 NETMECH4.ZIP 1454333 27.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Netmech 1.0. Osa 4/8.
31250 NETMECH5.ZIP 1456013 27.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Netmech 1.0. 5/8.
31251 NETMECH6.ZIP 1451569 27.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Netmech 1.0. 6/8.
31252 NETMECH7.ZIP 1455775 27.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Netmech 1.0. 7/8.
31253 NETMECH8.ZIP 90706 27.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Netmech 1.0. 8/8.
29839 NEWTANK.ZIP 12149 23.11.1994 - - -
Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks
epävirallinen patchi: korjaa aseiden
tulivoimaa realistisempaan suuntaan
29840 NFS_CD.ZIP 463161 02.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Need for Speed patch to fix problems with
CD-ROM Seek error.
29841 NFS_SEEK.ZIP 460869 14.07.1996 - 2458/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 4).iso -
The Need for Speed: patch disk. Fix any
problems that you may have with the CD-Rom
Seek error on NFS PCCD.
40709 NFSPATCH.ZIP 22891 27.08.1996 - 23652/PCGAMER32.bin -
Need For Speed patch V1.0 by Ryan
Weisenberger. This patch allows you to
permanently access the bonus track and bonus
car without winning the tournaments.
29842 NFSUP.ZIP 461935 19.01.1996 - - -
Road & Tracks - The Need for Speed Update
Electronic Arts.
29847 NHL-UP1.ZIP 278917 23.11.1994 - - -
NHL-Hockey Update Versioksi 1.1
40710 NHL95UP.ZIP 56555 25.11.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Uudet (11/96) rosterit NHL 95:een. Sisältää
myös uudet jäälogot sekä pelipaidat
Coloradolle, Washingtonille ja Phoenixille.
Suomalaisten pelaajien arvot kohdallaan.
41327 NHL96.ZIP 727728 02.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
NHL Hockey '96 patch, fixing problems in
gameplay. From Electronic Arts.
29843 NHL96FIN.ZIP 109275 27.06.1996 - - -
NHL '96: Updated rosters, 29th May, 96
66579 NHL96FIX.ZIP 726082 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
NHL Hockey'96 fix for CD-ROM errors during
playing. EOA.
26275 NHL96S11.ZIP 228,5 kt 30.05.1997 - MBCD -
SM-Liigan kauden 96-97 rosterit NHL96:n Kotoisen liigamme koitokset kannattaa nyt siirtää omalle koneellesi jos omistat NHL96:n.  Rosterit tarkkaan mietityt ja toimivat aika kivasti. Tekijää voi kiusata täällä.
26276 NHL96SML.ZIP 227,7 kt 26.05.1997 - - -
SM-Liigan kauden 96-97 rosterit NHL96:een. V.1.00. Joko olet kypsynyt NHL-jengeihin? Oma rakas SM-Liigamme on vähintään yhtä kiin- nostava. Pura zippi NHL96:en Data hakemistoon. Mutta kannattaa varmistaa ensin vanhat db-filet. Tekijä:Harri Lindroth
29845 NHLDOS.ZIP 851430 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
NHL Hockey '97 1.1/DOS update
29846 NHLEND95.ZIP 37123 16.11.1995 - - -
NHL '95 Updated player Database
26277 NIBUP121.ZIP 80,6 kt 21.05.1998 - 22063/SSERVCD_59A.bin -
"Nibbly96 version 1.21 update"
29848 NIHILIST.ZIP 644362 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
nihilist update
40714 NITEEYE2.ZIP 6408 25.04.1996 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
NITE_EYES, alters Falcon palette to make
things easier to see in night.
66594 NMPAT_B1.ZIP 704853 08.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
NetMech DOS first update BETA.
29850 NPT121.ZIP 126567 24.02.1995 - #Jope -
Naklakh V1.21 update
29851 NRALLY11.ZIP 52069 17.11.1996 - - -
Network Q RAC Rally, Europress, v.1.1.
29852 NXGENIST.ZIP 63478 16.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Star Trek The Next Generation: A FINAL UNITY
Alternate Installer. Section: Spectrum
HoloByte. Allows NexGen + OS/2 users to
install the game.
29853 OB3.ZIP 33898 28.03.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
OB3 - additional changes to War In Russia -
cheat/editors - NO UPDATE!
29854 OCPATCH.ZIP 544745 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Operation Crusader MAC/PC v2.35 UPDATE,
Atomic Games/Avalon Hill.
26278 OEART101.ZIP 17,2 kt 21.05.1998 - - -
Oikeutta Eläimille! Grafiikkapäivitys. Ilkeät eläinaktivistit hyökkäävät nyt päivisinkin! Uudet fontit, tausta,äijän värit, ja muuta uutta. Pura tämä paketti pelin hakemistoon! New Art by NikoSoft
31422 OFFAIL30.ZIP 37085 30.01.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Official GUS/GUSMAX Drivers For AIL3.0 Games
Adapted Through The NET
Provides Native Gus Support
[Directly From Adv. Gravis]
29857 OMFUP21.ZIP 983216 15.12.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
--== OMF 2097: Version 2.1 Upgrade ==-- This
patch upgrades any version of Epic's One Must
Fall 2097 to version 2.1. OMF v2.1 features
all of the same steel-bending action in older
versions of OMF, and includes
Network/Modem/Serial play. This patch works
with the registered and shareware versions of
26279 OP1998ED.ZIP 250,6 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Päivitys Microprosen GP2:seen kaudelle 1998. (Tätä pakettia voi pitää vielä demona koska kaikkien tallien kuskit eivät ole vielä selvillä) By: OP
26280 OPED1997.ZIP 222,6 kt 15.12.1997 - MBCD -
Kauden 1997 päivitys GP2:een Sisältää renkaat, ajajat, autot, lähtövalot, ohjaamo jne. jne. Tehnyt: OP.
29858 ORIVESA.ZIP 40241 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
problems. From Domark.
29859 OUTP15FD.ZIP 851995 15.12.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Outpost V1.5f patch for the Floppy Version
from Sierra.
29861 P100_110.EXE 260599 05.02.1996 - - -
Terminator: Future Shock v1.10 update
26281 P1011.ZIP 695,9 kt 16.10.1997 - 24017/1998-01_Disc_3.10.iso -
Blood Plasma Pack 1.1 to 1.11 update
29865 P5UPD.ZIP 5543 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
MicroProse updateja: F-15 II, F-15 III, Red
Storm Rising, M1-Tank Platoon Pentium fiksit.
26282 P87CS20.ZIP 117,8 kt 22.07.1997 - - -
"P87CS20.ZIP - Pieters Grand Prix 2 1987 Carset v2.0. (18.7.1997). 1987 carsdrivershelmetsnumbersperformance patch that supports all versions of GP2pitbox order patchchanged cockpit colors to match the colors of the carsnew pitcrew colors and new wheels. Needs gp2ed160.zip!"
26283 P92CS10.ZIP 228,6 kt 05.09.1998 - - -
"Pieters Grand Prix 2 1992 Carset v1.0. (14.11.1997). Needs GP2ED181.ZIP."
26284 P93CS10.ZIP 131,4 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
"P93CS10.ZIP - Pieters Grand Prix 2 1993 Carset v1.0. (25.8.1997). 1993 carsdrivershelmetsnumbersperformance patch that supports all versions of GP2pitbox order patchchanged cockpit colors to match the colors of the carsnew pitcrew colors and new wheels. Needs gp2ed160.zip!"
26286 P94CS11.ZIP 133,3 kt 22.07.1997 - - -
"P94CS11.ZIP - Pieters Grand Prix 2 1994 Carset v1.1. (28.6.1997). 1994 carsdrivershelmetsnumbersperformance patch that supports all versions of GP2pitbox order patchchanged cockpit colors to match the colors of the carsnew pitcrew colors and new wheels. Needs gp2ed160.zip!"
26285 P94CS11S.ZIP 132,4 kt 22.07.1997 - - -
"P94CS11S.ZIP - Pieters Grand Prix 2 1994 Senna Carset v1.1. (28.6.1997). 1994 carsdrivershelmetsnumbersperformance patch that supports all versions of GP2pitbox order patchchanged cockpit colors to match the colors of the carsnew pitcrew colors and new wheels. Needs gp2ed160.zip!"
26287 P95CS20.ZIP 138 kt 22.07.1997 - - -
"P95CS20.ZIP - Pieters Grand Prix 2 1995 Carset v2.0. (28.6.1997). 1995 carsdrivershelmetsnumbersperformance patch that supports all versions of GP2pitbox order patchchanged cockpit colors to match the colors of the carsnew pitcrew colors and new wheels. Needs gp2ed160.zip!"
67008 P96CS41.ZIP 332372 03.12.1996 - 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO -
F1GP2: Car Paints, helmets, names, colours
and everything V4.1 to update F1gp2 fully
to 1996 season.
26288 P96CS50.ZIP 136,3 kt 22.07.1997 - MBCD -
"P96CS50.ZIP - Pieters Grand Prix 2 1996 Carset v5.0. (28.6.1997). 1996 carsdrivershelmetsnumbersperformance patch that supports all versions of GP2pitbox order patchchanged cockpit colors to match the colors of the carsnew pitcrew colors and new wheels. Needs gp2ed160.zip!"
26289 P96NT10.ZIP 134,4 kt 22.07.1997 - - -
"P96NT10.ZIP - Pieters Grand Prix 2 1996 Non Tobacco Carset v1.0. (18.7.1997). 1996 carsdrivershelmetsnumbersperformance patch that supports all versions of GP2pitbox order patchchanged cockpit colors to match the colors of the carsnew pitcrew colors and new wheels. Needs gp2ed160.zip!"
67009 P97CS21.ZIP 325232 03.12.1996 - 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO -
F1GP2: Car Paints, helmets, names, colors for
1997 v2.1
26290 P97CS40.ZIP 251,8 kt 05.09.1998 - - -
"Pieters Grand Prix 2 1997 Carset v4.0. (16.1.1998). Needs GP2ED181.ZIP."
26291 P97NT11.ZIP 248,4 kt 05.09.1998 - - -
"Pieters Grand Prix 2 1997 Non Tobacco Carset v1.1. (16.1.1998). Needs GP2ED181.ZIP."
26292 P98CS27.ZIP 299,8 kt 05.09.1998 - - -
"Pieters Grand Prix 2 1998 Carset v2.7. (23.8.1998). Needs GP2ED181.ZIP."
26293 P98NT12.ZIP 299,4 kt 05.09.1998 - - -
"Pieters Grand Prix 2 1998 Non Tobacco Carset v1.2. (4.8.1998). Needs GP2ED181.ZIP."
29866 PAC19.ZIP 202647 16.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Pacific War 1.1 x19 update
29868 PAW15B.ZIP 299931 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Requires PAW 1.4 / PAW Scenario or PAW Gold.
29869 PAWGCD.ZIP 4211 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PACIFIC AIR WAR Gold CD Volume Label Update
29870 PAWV14A.ZIP 1454518 28.03.1995 - - -
1942: Pacific Air War 1.4 update - disk
#1unzip both disks into on directory onto
your harddisk and then follow therules
described in readme.nowMatthias
29871 PAWV14B.ZIP 1371445 28.03.1995 - - -
1942: Pacific Air War 1.4 update - disk
#2unzip both disks into on directory onto
your harddisk and then follow therules
described in readme.nowMatthias
26294 PAZA_V11.ZIP 203 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Pazifik Admiral version 1.1 update.
26295 PBT2WPNS.ZIP 4,1 kt 21.02.1998 - MBCD -
Realistiset aseet PBT2:een! 24 tuliasetta, 6 meleeasetta, 9 kranua tai kosautetta! Mukana mm.Colt .45, Magnum .44, 12g. Shotgun, erilaisia kranunheittimiä ja palj. muuta! Antti Salonen & Toni Hannula
26296 PCD20.ZIP 4,9 Mt 08.04.1998 - MBCD -
Blood 3Dfx Alpha Patch - for Plasma Pak Monolith. This is the ALPHA release of Blood. This version used a version of Build engine modified by 3DFX to support their hardware. This ALPHA only support the Registered and Plasma versions of Blood; shareware is NOT supported.
29872 PCPOX_U.ZIP 223877 04.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PerOxyd 4.x to 4.3 shareware
26297 PCPOX45.ZIP 218,9 kt 03.06.1997 - - -
perOxyd 4.x to 4.5 update
29873 PCSTRUPD.ZIP 105347 23.11.1994 - - -
Pacific Strike Update versioksi V1.19
67144 PD10TO12.ZIP 906623 27.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Power Doll patch from V1.0 -> V1.2
67145 PD12TO13.ZIP 141129 27.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Power Dolls patch from V1.2 -> V1.3
29876 PD2_GUS.ZIP 6662 23.11.1994 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Gravis UltraSound Driver for Pinball Dreams 2
29877 PEROX0_2.ZIP 240980 15.12.1995 - 22636/cd joystick 69 No11.iso -
Per.Oxyd 4.0 to 4.2 update (shareware)
29878 PEUPGR.ZIP 167590 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Universal Military Simulator II Planet Editor
V1.7 update
29880 PG11CD.ZIP 108017 28.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Panger General CD-update V1.1. SSI
29879 PG11CD12.ZIP 84163 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Panzer General V1.1->1.2 update CD-version.
29881 PG11DK12.ZIP 83180 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Panger General V1.1->1.2 update disk version.
29882 PG12CD.ZIP 113076 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Panzer General V1.0->1.2 update CD-version.
29883 PG12DK.ZIP 118363 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Panzer General V1.0->1.2 disk update SSI
29884 PGA486.ZIP 100347 20.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PGA TOUR 486 GOLF  -  Patch Disk
29886 PGGMID.ZIP 36503 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Pirates! Gold General Midi Support patch
29887 PGVER3.ZIP 1336000 12.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Pirates! Gold v3
40717 PHANTDAC.ZIP 5102 17.11.1995 - - -
Phantasmagoria-Dacblast.drv patch, korjaa
ongelmia Sound Blaster 16 äänikortin kanssa.
40718 PINBTSNG.ZIP 133633 03.01.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
If you are using a Tseng ET4000 /W32
video card or a video card which
features the ET4000 /W32 chip-set, you
will need to run the patch program
provided on the game disc before running
Pinball World.
29889 PINUP.ARJ 979620 19.01.1996 - - -
Pro Pinball - The Web update from Empire
29890 PINUPD21.ZIP 78033 19.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Epic Pinball update V2.1
40719 PP97CS10.ZIP 343443 08.11.1996 - - -
Uudet kuljettajat, kypärät, voimasuhteet
autot, renkaat ja paljon muuta gp2:seen.
Eli päivitys kaudelle '97 ver 1.0
29891 PPACK15.ZIP 689165 21.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Duke Nukem 3D: Plutonium PAK v1.5 Patch. This
patch will update an existing copy of Duke3D
Plutonium PAK v1.4 to v1.5.  This will NOT
work if you only have v1.3d.  Fixes some bugs
in the program.  Read the enclosed text file
for more information.  From 3D Realms.
29893 PQ1V_PEN.ZIP 7435 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Police Quest 1 VGA Pentium fix.
29892 PQ1VGA.ZIP 4776 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Police Quest I 2.00 (VGA) Caffeine Carol's
29894 PQ3PENT.ZIP 3168 12.12.1994 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Police Quest III (Pentagram fix)
29895 PQ410B.ZIP 184657 16.02.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Police Quest IV V1.0b update
29896 PQ4CUF.ZIP 6625 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PATCH: Police Quest 4 Walker Patch
29897 PQ4PAT.ZIP 363239 23.11.1994 - 22191/supergames6.zip -
Police Quest IV - Open Season PC Floppy
Version Patch to Update to Version 1.0c
26298 PROE110D.ZIP 494,1 kt 02.04.1998 - 22059/secret_service_57a01.iso -
Perry Rhodan: Operation Eastside version 1.10d update
29898 PROPH_PT.ZIP 119749 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Prophecy fix for graphics problems. From
26301 PS_122.ZIP 804,6 kt 16.04.1998 - 22061/secret_service_58a01.iso -
Panthers in the Shadows version 1.22 update
26299 PS_122B.ZIP 47,7 kt 21.10.1998 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows upgrade 1.22 to 1.22b update
67476 PS-F11.ZIP 105348 08.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
Pacific Strike päivitys versioon F1.19 Origin
26300 PS1_22E.ZIP 48,9 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows update 1.22 to 1.22e
67477 PS118.ZIP 758160 16.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Panthers in the Shadows 1.18
29900 PVGER3.ZIP 1336779 07.12.1994 - - -
päivitys Pirates Gold versio 3. Yleisiä
bugifiksejä, parempi näyttökorttituki,
lisätty digitaalinen ääni.
26302 PW2_1888.ZIP 311,7 kt 12.11.1998 - - -
An update-kit for Parawormer 1.66a. NEW VERSION: 1.888 A lot of improvements. (c) JVSoft 1998.
29902 PWRPOKER.ZIP 182501 17.11.1995 - - -
Powerpoker network patch from EOA.
41383 PYTHFIX.ZIP 84600 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Monty PYTHON: Complete Waste of Time Fix
29904 Q101-106.ZIP 363397 04.10.1996 - MBCD -
Quake 1.01 ==> 1.06 patch (Päivittää SW ja
Rekisteröidyn version!)
67567 Q105BETA.ZIP 780544 17.09.1996 - - -
Quake V1.05a BETA update. Sisältää molemmat
tarvittavat paketit, beta5a.exe ja
29907 QF4-110.ZIP 631949 16.02.1995 - - -
Quest For Glory IV update
29908 QFG3U.ZIP 95611 16.02.1995 - - -
Quest for Glory III update
29909 QG2IMPRT.ZIP 2765 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PATCH: Quest For Glory II - import fix from
29910 QG3_11.ZIP 96539 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Subj:  PATCH: QG3 Update V1.1 from Sierra.
29912 QG4IMP.ZIP 5969 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PATCH: Quest For Glory 4 import patch, solves
problems loading saved characters from
previous Quest for Glories. Sierra.
29913 QG4NOTE.ZIP 6402 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PATCH: Quest For Glory 4 Note Patch, fixes
problem where player will not recieve fake
note from Katrina. Sierra.
29914 QGEPAT.ZIP 127077 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Quest for Glory I (VGA) patch A
29915 QSET.ZIP 13397 23.11.1994 - - -
Quarantine Setup update patch
26303 QUAKE108.ZIP 205 kt 18.10.1997 - MBCD -
Quake (dos) päivitys v1.06 -> v1.08. Kopioi Quake.Exe entisen päälle.
67621 QUAKE92P.ZIP 406286 27.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Quake SW 0.91 patch to 0.92
29917 QUARCD35.ZIP 502097 16.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Quarantine CD update
29918 QUARDK35.ZIP 497794 16.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Quarantine update
29919 QUARTHRU.ZIP 12586 24.02.1995 - - -
This is a fix for GameTek's Quarantine to
correct problems with the Thrustmaster
Steering Wheel.  UnZIP this file into your
Quarantine directory, and re-run SETUP to
calibrate the steering wheel.
26304 R0010.ZIP 2,6 Mt 19.08.1997 - - -
Blood Req. päivitys v1.00 -> v1.1.
26305 R0011.ZIP 2,6 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Blood 1.0 to 1.11 update RETAIL version
26306 R0020.ZIP 3,4 Mt 08.04.1998 - MBCD -
Blood 3Dfx Alpha Patch - v1.0->1.20 Monolith. This is the ALPHA release of Blood. This version used a version of Build engine modified by 3DFX to support their hardware. This ALPHA only support the Registered and Plasma versions of Blood; shareware is NOT supported.
26307 R0210.ZIP 1,6 Mt 19.08.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
Blood Req. päivitys v1.02 -> v1.1.
26308 R1011.ZIP 612,3 kt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Blood Req. päivitys v1.1 -> v1.11.
26309 R1120.ZIP 1,3 Mt 08.04.1998 - MBCD -
Blood 3Dfx Alpha Patch - v1.11->1.20 Monolith. This is the ALPHA release of Blood. This version used a version of Build engine modified by 3DFX to support their hardware. This ALPHA only support the Registered and Plasma versions of Blood; shareware is NOT supported.
29920 R13CDPT.ZIP 788788 05.02.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Rise of the Triad:Dark War v1.2 - v1.3 Patch!
CD-ROM/Power Pack Registered Version. This is
the patch for customers who have the CD-ROM
version, or a floppy disk version that has
had the PowerPack applied to it.  This is NOT
for the Site License CD-ROM, the shareware
episode, or the regular floppy disk version.
From Apogee Software, Ltd.
67678 R13FDPT.ZIP 716860 06.02.1996 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Rise of the Triad:Dark War v1.2 - v1.3 Patch!
Floppy Disk Registered Version. This patch is
for Apogee customers who have the registered
version of ROTT!  If you have the shareware
episode, either of the CDROM versions, or the
PowerPack upgraded version, this is not for
you.  ROTT is from Apogee Software, Ltd.
67679 R13SWPT.ZIP 697158 06.02.1996 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Rise of the Triad v1.2 - v1.3 Patch!  This
patch is for the shareware episode only!  If
you have any of the registered versions,
either floppy or CD-ROM based, then this is
not for you.  This patch will upgrade either
the v1.2 or v1.2a shareware episode to v1.3.
From Apogee Software, Ltd.
26310 RA108USP.ZIP 1,2 Mt 19.08.1997 - 24030/1997-12_Disc_3.9_No._2.bin -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert v1.08 update from V1.04 or 1.07 to 1.08PE
29923 RACEPTCH.ZIP 34175 10.07.1996 - - -
Three patches to plug T2 controller into
other ACM connector for Nascar V1.20, 1.21
and Indycar II V1.00
67706 RADR11P.ZIP 709809 16.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
--==Radix: Patch to v1.10R (Registered)==--
This file updates your registered version of
Epic's Radix: Beyond The Void v1.0 to v1.1.
New in v1.1 is: better joystick and keyboard
control, momentum/inertia added, new levels
for improved modem/network play, new sounds
and graphics, cheat codes, and other
improvements. Also includes a Radix FAQ.
Simply unzip the file in your current RADIX
directory and run RADR11P.EXE.
29924 RADR20P.ZIP 2284514 05.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
--== Radix Patch to v2.0 (Registered) ==--
This file updates your shareware version of
Epic's Radix: Beyond the Void v1.X to v2.0,
Radix Remix.  Version 2.0 includes: new
graphics, new and improved visual effects,
new levels, better controls, improved
physics, and 2 new weapon upgrades. Also
includes the latest Radix FAQ. Unzip the file
in your current RADIX directory and run
67707 RADS11P.ZIP 639231 19.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
--==Radix: Patch to v1.10S (Shareware)==--
This file updates your shareware version of
Epic's Radix: Beyond The Void v1.0 to v1.1.
New in v1.1 is: better joystick and keyboard
control, momentum/inertia added, new levels
for improved modem/network play, new sounds
and graphics, cheat codes, and other
improvements. Also includes a Radix FAQ.
Simply unzip the file in your current RADIX
directory and run RADS11P.EXE.
29925 RADSW20P.ZIP 1539125 05.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
--== Radix Patch to v2.0 (Shareware) ==--
This file updates your shareware version of
Epic's Radix: Beyond the Void v1.1 to v2.0,
Radix Remix.  Version 2.0 includes: new
graphics, new and improved visual effects,
new levels, better controls, improved
physics, and 2 new weapon upgrades. Also
includes the latest Radix FAQ. Unzip the file
in your current RADIX directory and run
67756 RAPP-R.ZIP 255418 24.12.1994 - - -
This file is for registered owners of Raptor
ONLY!!  This file will patch your registered
copy of Raptor v1.0 to the newly released
v1.1.  This patch will do nothing if you only
have the shareware version.  This patch
requires that you have your copy of the game
currently installed. (c)1994 Apogee Software
67757 RAPP-S.ZIP 282046 16.02.1995 - - -
This file is for shareware users of Raptor
ONLY!!  This file will patch your shareware
copy of Raptor v1.0 to the newly released
v1.1.  DO NOT use this patch if you have the
registered version of the game.  There is a
seperate patch for the registered version.
29926 RAVE95.ZIP 180813 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Jump Raven update.
26311 RCHA165U.ZIP 382,1 kt 09.08.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"Rocket Chase Update v1.60 -> v1.65New from v1.60:  many bugs fixedtransparent water and  some new options. 
Remember to unzip the files into RCs directory with directory structure.
29927 REBEL18.ZIP 447664 09.01.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Rebel Assault CD-ROM päivitys 1.8
67874 RENBETA1.ZIP 357358 21.12.1996 - 22080/SSERVCD_43.bin -
Tomb Raider Beta Rendition Patch Add
Rendition Verite support to the retail
version of Tomb Raider!
29930 REX849.ZIP 220350 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender
V8.49 update. MPS.
29931 RFSTA125.ZIP 370509 28.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Road from Sumter to Appomattox V1.25
29932 RIDPATCH.ZIP 143158 30.11.1995 - 24003/1996-02_Disc_2.1.iso -
29933 RING120C.ZIP 457385 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Ringworld V1.20c update.
29934 RIP103.ZIP 826723 05.05.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Ripper update from V1.02 to V1.03, Take 2.
29935 RIP105.ZIP 392571 27.08.1996 - 6198/BILA_VRANA.iso -
Ripper 1.05 update
67925 RIPPER01.ZIP 377976 14.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Ripper, update from V1.0 to V1.01.
Fixes VESA problems, init problems,
exit problems, end game changes.
67935 RISE101.ZIP 1372959 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Sierra On-Line
67951 RLFTCD11.ZIP 495600 16.02.1995 - 21826/Plex1.mdf -
Ravenloft V1.1 CD update SSI
29938 RLFTCD12.ZIP 344610 16.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Ravenloft V1.2 CD update SSI
67952 RLFTDK11.ZIP 494314 16.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Ravenloft V1.1 update SSI
29939 RLFTDK12.ZIP 344608 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Ravenloft V1.2 update SSI
29942 ROA_UPD.ZIP 60523 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiry update.
29941 ROA2KID.ZIP 102696 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Realms of Arkania II: Star Trails "Kid faces"
test patch.
29944 ROE2_106.EXE 544384 12.12.1994 - 92/EPISODE_03_JUL_1994.iso -
Rules of Engagement II v1.06
29943 ROE205.ZIP 462421 07.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Rules of Engagement 2 päivitys versioksi
26312 ROG_GLUK.ZIP 2 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Quake mission pack #2 OpenGL update for UK release. Requires GLQuake already installed and will only work if you got the european distribution. The previously added patch was only for the US release and will fail to update a european copy. To determine which version you need, press the ~ key. This will pull down the console. If your console has no text on it, you need the US patch.
26313 ROGUEGL.ZIP 2 Mt 05.09.1997 - 24030/1997-12_Disc_3.9_No._2.bin -
Päivitys Quake Mission Pack 2:lle ja GLQuakelle, muuttaa kentät läpinäkyvälle vedelle. GLQuaken versio pitää olla 0.95 tai suurempi!
29945 ROML205.ZIP 943418 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Ripley's Believe It Or Not! The Riddle of
Master Lu Version 2.05 Update
29946 RORCD101.ZIP 69232 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Rise of the Robots V1.01 CD-ROM update
29947 RORCD102.ZIP 71232 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PATCH: Rise of the Robots CD sound for
Ensoniq, Orchid, and DSP-16 sound cards.
29948 ROSTV29.ZIP 513054 04.01.1997 - MBCD -
NHL97 rosters Dec. 23/96 by CuJoX v.2.9
40722 ROSTV340.ZIP 100998 03.12.1996 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
NBA Live! '96 roster patch 3.40
29949 ROT12ASP.ZIP 220502 17.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
This file will upgrade Rise of the Triad from
v1.2 to v1.2a.  This file is for the
shareware version of v1.2 only.  This patch
requires that you have your game installed.
If you have have the registered version, this
file is not for you.  From Apogee Software
29950 ROTTCDI.ZIP 20369 24.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
If you have v1.2a of Apogee Software's Rise
of the Triad: Dark War, and you are having
problems with the installation, and you have
a compressed drive, download this and give it
a try. It is a simple replacement, which does
nothing more than copy the files from the CD.
Not published or supported by Apogee - USE AT
29951 RPAT_12R.ZIP 317859 20.10.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
░▒▓██ RAPTOR v1.2 PATCH FILE - APOGEE ██▓▒░
This file is for registered owners of Raptor
ONLY!!  This file will patch your registered
copy of Raptor v1.1 to the newly released
v1.2.  This patch will do nothing if you only
have the shareware version.  This patch
requires that you have your copy of the game
currently installed. (c)1994 Apogee Software
29952 RPAT_12S.ZIP 317967 20.10.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
░▒▓██ RAPTOR v1.2 PATCH FILE - APOGEE ██▓▒░
This file is for shareware users of Raptor
ONLY!!  This file will patch your shareware
copy of Raptor v1.1 to the newly released
v1.2.  DO NOT use this patch if you have the
registered version of the game.  There is a
seperate patch for the registered version.
29953 RRDV2EXC.ZIP 620466 23.11.1994 - - -
Railroad Tycoon Deluxe v2.0 update!
68014 RRQ106BA.ZIP 639713 05.12.1996 - 22645/cd joy 78 No20.iso -
Quake Rendition Verite update Beta 10,
requires V1.06 SW/Retail.
29955 RRTV3.ZIP 98060 23.11.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Railroad Tycoon patch versioksi 3 MicroProse
26314 RS99A99B.ZIP 362,9 kt 06.06.1997 - - -
Blood SW CD. päivitys v0.99a -> v0.99b.
26315 RS99B99C.ZIP 462,1 kt 06.06.1997 - - -
Blood SW CD. päivitys v0.99b -> v0.99c.
26316 RSW0210.ZIP 609,6 kt 19.08.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
Blood SW CD. päivitys v1.02 -> v1.1.
26317 RSW1011.ZIP 290,2 kt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Blood SW CD. päivitys v1.1 -> v1.11.
26318 RSW99B10.ZIP 2,8 Mt 19.08.1997 - - -
Blood SW CD. päivitys v0.99b -> v1.1
26319 RSW99C10.ZIP 1,1 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
Blood SW CD. päivitys v0.99c -> v1.0.
68028 RTZ11.ZIP 339504 16.02.1995 - - -
Return to Zork V1.1 update Infocom
29956 RTZ12.ZIP 926683 25.08.1995 - - -
Return to Zork Updater 1.2 - Fixes many bugs
and inconsistencies in the gameplay and
replaces several sound/music drivers to
eliminate audio popping and lockups in Sound
Blaster, LSE, Pro Audio Spectrum and other
68029 RTZCD11.ZIP 386546 16.02.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Return to Zork V1.1 CD update Infocom
68116 S2_102.ZIP 686211 27.08.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Settlers II 1.02 update
26320 S3TOMB.ZIP 344,3 kt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider S3 ViRGE Update Eidos. Add S3 ViRGE support to the retail version of Tomb Raider Gives you perspective correct texture mapping and filtering. You must have a 4Mb S3 ViRGE card. To install, just replace the TOMB.EXE in your TOMBRAID directory with the TOMB.EXE in this ZIP file. If you decide to go back to the original TOMB.EXE (copy it from the CD again), you must also delete the S3.DAT file in your TOMBRAID directory.
68148 SAM.ZIP 81142 09.12.1994 - 14529/mediashare7.zip tupla
Sam & Max Hit The Road bugifiksi
29960 SAMCD.ZIP 169232 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Sam & Max Hit The Road CD-version fix.
68149 SAMCDUP.ZIP 169234 08.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
Sam'n'Max Hit The ROad CD-päivitys LucasArts
29962 SANGO13.ZIP 1123745 24.02.1995 - MBCD -
Sango Fighter V1.3 UPDATE Best 94PC Fighting
Game,Support Adlib,SB, Mt32,Gmidi. Anwsome
Graphics and Sound Effects. Must Have!!
29963 SC211UPD.ZIP 1375930 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
SimCity 2000 V1.1 update
29964 SC2PATCH.ZIP 8142 16.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Star Control II fix for SoundMan 16
68233 SCOPT101.ZIP 1904503 15.12.1996 - - -
SimCopter v1.01 Update from Maxis
29969 SF2TUKD3.ZIP 229898 29.05.1995 - - -
Super Street Fighter II Turbo päivitys (1.3)
29970 SF2TUKD5.ZIP 881208 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Super Street Fighter II Turbo - Version 1.5
Patch UK-version disk.
29971 SF2TUSD6.ZIP 422051 31.12.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Super Streetfighter II turbo patch 1.5 to 1.6
26321 SF4V201.ZIP 473,2 kt 09.02.1999 - - -
"StarFight IV - Ihmiskunnan perintö v2.01 * Korjaus Pentium II/PPro prosessoreille. * Programmers cuteli paranneltu käsikirjoitus Pura paketti pelin hakemistoon komennolla PKUNZIP -d -o SF4V201.ZIP"
29972 SFPATCH.ZIP 53222 20.04.1996 - - -
Starfight (full) version patch from 1.0 to
68319 SG101DOS.ZIP 269387 15.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Star General DOS patch v1.01
29977 SGRAD20.ZIP 1631089 16.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Stalingrad 1.85 to 2.0 (inofficial!) World At
War-series - Atomic Games.
29979 SGUP12.ZIP 145676 07.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Siege, päivitys versioksi V1.2 MindCraft
26322 SH131.ZIP 764,4 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Silent Hunter 1.3 to 1.31 update
29980 SHERLOCK.ZIP 46040 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
UPDATE: V1.02 Sherlock Holmes Consulting
Detective CD from ICOM1
26323 SHV1_31.ZIP 5,3 Mt 02.04.1998 - - -
Silent Hunter 1.31 update. SSI.
29983 SHV111.ZIP 4901223 29.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Silent Hunter update 1.0->1.11 SSI
29982 SHV111P.ZIP 752638 29.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Silent Hunter update 1.1->1.11 SSI
29984 SIERRA16.ZIP 203700 12.07.1995 - - -
GUS drivers for Sierra games with General
MIDI support
29985 SIERRA32.ZIP 168373 12.07.1995 - - -
GUS drivers for Sierra 32-bit games
29986 SIERRAGM.ZIP 11980 07.01.1995 - - -
General-midi patches for sierra games!
29987 SILPH1.ZIP 70789 17.11.1995 - - -
29988 SIMFAR13.ZIP 254595 21.02.1996 - - -
SimFarm v1.3 Update from Maxis
29989 SIMLIFE3.ZIP 196701 16.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Sim Life V1.03 update - MAXIS
29990 SIUPDATE.ZIP 71088 24.04.1995 - - -
Stunt Island - pelin päivitetyn version
päivitetty käsikirja, vinkkeineen jne. Disney
68415 SJ11.ZIP 450670 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Spelljammer V1.1
29992 SK_P12.ZIP 559262 21.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Stonekeep V1.2 update.
29993 SKY101.ZIP 182459 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
SkyNET v1.01 Update Bethesda Softworks
29994 SLPTCH.ZIP 483869 30.11.1995 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
Slipstream 5000 Updatefixes modem
connectivity problems
29995 SM_COM.ZIP 61175 12.11.1994 - - -
Comanche General update v1.3
26324 SM30.ZIP 55,6 kt 18.03.1998 - MBCD -
SM-Liiga päivitys v3.0 NHL95:een, By: Mizu Mukana kaikki SM-Liiga joukkueet, sekä osa EHL joukkueista pelaajineen ja paitoineen. Joukkueet päivitetty lopullisiin kokoonpanoi- hinsa.
26325 SMARINES.ZIP 274,1 kt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Space Marines version 28th february 1996 Just to clarify things: Filedates are from 28th february 1996 , so only if your smarines.exe is older than that, you might need this patch.
26326 SNIPEP00.ZIP 616 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Mercenary Sniper version 1.02 PATCH Requires old snipe102.zip. Has now an open sight fullscreen mode for assault rifles and machine gun, check it out. - DISTRIBUTE LIKE CRAZY !
29996 SNKR_UK.ZIP 106829 04.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Virtual Snooker V1.1 update UK-release
29997 SNKR_US.ZIP 106857 04.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Virtual Snooker V1.1 update US-release
25203 SP-P0189.ZIP 2006 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers Replacement graphic for HS-129
26327 SP1&2UNI.ZIP 159,2 kt 08.12.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 1 & 2 unit patch. Adds units like Comanche, T-84, Merkava Mk4, Embraer AMX T-95, Olifant 1a and many others! Includes pictures ja instructions. Made by Ilja Varha.
29998 SP10B.ZIP 215103 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Shadow President V1.0b update
26329 SP2-SF20.ZIP 38,2 kt 03.01.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers II - Finnish equipment v2.0 This OOB replaces the RED side of SP2 with the Finnish army. This is the final version with very authentic view of the army and air force. Note: all unit/weapon names are in Finnish, but everything is very logical for non-Finns as well. Only bug is one AMX-13 tank which cannot be removed due a buggy editor. Made by Petri Kamunen pkamunen@jmp.fi
26328 SP2SD2G.ZIP 38,1 kt 03.09.1998 - - -
Steel Panthers Scenario disk #2 El Guettar scenario fix update
26330 SP2V1_1.ZIP 1,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles v1.1 update. SSI. This patch fixes SEVERAL bugs and adds several new features. Will only work with the Medium and Full installations of Steel Panthers II.
26331 SP3D1_01.ZIP 243,9 kt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command v1.01 update. SSI. For DOS install.
29999 SP42PX.ZIP 50452 30.08.1996 - 22059/secret_service_57a01.iso -
Modifies weapons models on SP 1.1*/1.12x/1.2.
41412 SPACEACE.ZIP 34022 10.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Space Ace CD-ROM patch
30000 SPVAMER.ZIP 686335 25.11.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Scorched Planet patch for Rendition
Verite-based cards. Increase frame rates and
adds bilinear filtering. FOR
English/Italian/Spanish American version -
Interactive Magic.
30001 SPVEIS.ZIP 686116 25.11.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Scorched Planet patch for Rendition
Verite-based cards. American-version.
Interactive Magic.
41413 SQ4CDTB.ZIP 24024 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Space Quest IV CD-version fix for lockups
with some soundcards
30002 SQ4TEXT.ZIP 5450 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PATCH: Space Quest IV - Text.001 fix, fix for
the text.001 not found error. From Sierra.
30003 SQ5PATCH.ZIP 18002 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
UPDATE: Space Quest 5 DISK patch Sierra
30004 SS2V3.ZIP 99967 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Silent Service II V3 update. MPS.
68644 SSIWBFIX.ZIP 7959 17.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso tupla
Waveblaster fix for SSI games
30831 SSTEEL.ZIP 7552174 22.07.1996 - 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin -
Shattered Steel 1.0 (c) Interplay
Interplays mech-game!
39493 ST-SUPER.ZIP 16899 02.04.1996 - - -
Stunts Supercars!!! Head-exploding trained
supercars to Stunts - 4d Sports Driving.
Install by just copying files to your Stunts
26332 ST26B26D.ZIP 378,3 kt 26.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
Stars! 2.6b to 2.6d (registered shareware) update
26334 ST27027B.ZIP 381,7 kt 26.07.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
Stars! 2.7 to 2.7b (retail version) update
26335 ST27C27F.EXE 374,4 kt 27.08.1997 - starsfaq.com -
Stars! 2.7c -> 2.7f päivitys (Empire-versio)
39485 STAD_FIX.ZIP 69026 02.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Tony LaRussa Baseball II two new stadiums.
68671 STALIN_P.ZIP 540642 21.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Stalingrad V1.85 from Avalon Hill.
68686 STARLEGU.ZIP 218920 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Star Legions V1.02 update
30838 STARSHIP.ZIP 1404471 12.12.1994 - 96/EPISODE_14_JUN_1995.iso -
Starship v2.0
68693 STARTREK.ZIP 94526 24.04.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso eritupla
Star Trek 25th Anniversary update
30010 STE101.ZIP 333793 19.06.1996 - - -
A-10 Tank Killer II: Silent Thunder Patch
30011 STEEL103.ZIP 501851 17.10.1996 - 24005/1997-01_Disc_2.12.iso -
Shattered Steel v1.03 Patch
30012 STEEL113.ZIP 415786 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PATCH: V1.013 Disciples of Steel - from
MegaSoft Entertainment.
30013 STEEL12.ZIP 584150 19.07.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers virallinen päivitys versioon
1.2 SSI
30014 STEELFIN.ZIP 10405 23.10.1996 - - -
Steel Panthersin suomalaiskaluston
päivitys,lisää paljon uutta
kalustoa,parantelee jo olemassaolevia!
Pohjautuu finnp5.zip:iin.
30015 STISPACK.ZIP 303815 17.11.1996 - MBCD -
Stunt Island: Update Pack Helpfile and two
30016 STPATCH.ZIP 100250 12.12.1994 - 96/EPISODE_14_JUN_1995.iso -
Star Trek 25th Anniversary patch
30017 STRF_12D.ZIP 851256 01.07.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Strife V1.2 update for DOS.
30018 STRF_12W.ZIP 847340 01.07.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Strife V1.2 update for Windows (updatable in
Windows, not FOR Windows)
30019 STRF2_3.ZIP 163565 14.11.1996 - MBCD -
Strife 1.2 to 1.3 update
68743 STUPD.ZIP 1298170 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Seal Team update
68759 SU27_03B.ZIP 538804 02.04.1996 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
SU-27 Flanker V1.03 beta update. SSI.
26336 SU27_SCE.ZIP 709,4 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
"SU-27 Flanker Squadron Commanders Edition installation update. This patch will fix the .dll crashes"
30022 SU2711B1.ZIP 388832 14.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
SU-27 Flanker V1.1 update, SSI.
Package #/3.
30023 SU2711B2.ZIP 520450 14.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
SU-27 Flanker V1.1 update, SSI.
Package #/3.
30024 SU2711B3.ZIP 1600030 14.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
SU-27 Flanker V1.1 update, SSI.
Package #/3.
68796 SW-SB1.ZIP 3371 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Seawolf SB16-fix
26337 SW0210.ZIP 609,2 kt 19.08.1997 - 22396/rbsii1.iso -
Blood SW. päivitys v1.02 -> v1.1
26338 SW1011.ZIP 290,8 kt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Blood SW. päivitys v1.1 -> v1.11.
26339 SW12SND.ZIP 6,6 kt 12.06.2000 - - -
Shadow Warrior PCI soundcard fix. This patch requires a shareware or registered version 1.2 of this game to work. Update. 
26340 SW12SWPT.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.09.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior v1.1 to v1.2 Patch Share Ware 3D Realms
30025 SW202.ZIP 98864 13.01.1995 - 24048/1995-04_Disc_5.iso -
Subwars 2050 update V 2.02 MicroProse
26341 SW3DFX11.ZIP 1,7 Mt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 3Dfx (v1.1) update Add 3Dfx support to Shadow Warrior. Does not work with Voodoo Rush-based cards! Registered Version v1.2 CD:
26342 SWING04E.ZIP 724,8 kt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Swing version 1.04 update
26343 SWPL3D11.ZIP 1,7 Mt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 3Dfx (v1.1) update Add 3Dfx support to Shadow Warrior. Does not work with Voodoo Rush-based cards! Registered Special Edition (PLock) v1.2 CD:
26344 SWPL3DFX.ZIP 1,6 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
Shadow Warrior 3Dfx update Registered Special Edition (PLock) v1.2 CD Add 3Dfx support to Shadow Warrior
26345 SWSW3D11.ZIP 1,7 Mt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 3Dfx (v1.1) update Add 3Dfx support to Shadow Warrior. Does not work with Voodoo Rush-based cards! Shareware Version v1.2:
26346 SWSW3DFX.ZIP 1,6 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 3Dfx update Shareware Version v1.2: Add 3Dfx support to Shadow Warrior
26347 SWUK3D11.ZIP 1,7 Mt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior 3Dfx (v1.1) update Add 3Dfx support to Shadow Warrior. Does not work with Voodoo Rush-based cards! Registered UK (No Shuriken) v1.2 CD:
26348 SWUK3DFX.ZIP 1,6 Mt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Shadow Warrior 3Dfx update Registered UK (No Shuriken) v1.2 CD: Add 3Dfx support to Shadow Warrior
30027 SWUPG.ZIP 305990 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
V2.0/2.1. LucasFilm Games.
30028 T2KVGA.ZIP 327803 07.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Twilight 2000 patchi.
30029 T7G_130.EXE 330491 12.12.1994 - 96/EPISODE_14_JUN_1995.iso -
7th Guest v1.30
30031 T7G_FIX.ZIP 128708 12.07.1995 - 556/Experimental BBS Explossion III.iso -
Update patch for The Seventh Guest
30032 T7G-FIX.ZIP 128944 07.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
7th Guest CD patchi. Korjaa ongelmia
VESA-näyttökorttien kanssa, lisää S3- tuen,
paikkaa puheviat ja muita
30030 T7GFIX3.ZIP 299258 07.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
The 7th Guest Fix 3. Lisää uusia
tukitiedostoja, kuten tuen PAS16 ja
GUS-äänikorteille. Vie vähemmän muistia.
30033 TANKFX11.ZIP 419147 24.10.1995 - - -
Tank Commander Patch V1.1, fixes serial/
modem problems, frame rate & other problems.
The Big Red Software Company.
30034 TANKS130.ARJ 414893 15.12.1995 - - -
Tanks: Wargame Construction Set II (wcs /
wcs2) version 1.30. Norm Koger/SSI.
30035 TBASS101.ZIP 244281 05.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
30036 TC3UPD.ZIP 116365 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Trump Castle SVGA update from Capstone3.
30037 TCPATCH1.ZIP 238406 18.04.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Tank Commander Update 1 (IBM)
30038 TCV12.ZIP 539640 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Tank Commander V1.2 update from Domark.
30039 TDFIX12.ZIP 8908 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
TDFIX V1.2, Test Drive III Joystick Fix. From
30040 TEA-TRT.ZIP 53953 30.01.1995 - - -
Transport Tycoon Sound fix
30041 TEKMNET.ZIP 275947 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Tekwar Modem & Network Patch ***12/20/95***
This patch will make network and modem play
more reliable. Capstone.
30042 TFORCE12.ZIP 285520 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Task Force 1942 V1.2 update. MPS.
68998 TFS_120.ZIP 372215 14.04.1996 - 22637/cd joy 70 No12.iso -
Terminator: Future Shock update V1.20
30043 TFS_130.ZIP 488652 23.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Terminator: Future Shock update V1.30
69000 TFXCD1.ZIP 214068 17.02.1995 - 24048/1995-04_Disc_5.iso tupla
TFX Patch 1 CD
69001 TFXCD2.ZIP 205576 17.02.1995 - 24048/1995-04_Disc_5.iso tupla
TFX patch 2 CD - vaatii patchin 1
69002 TFXCD3.ZIP 251646 17.02.1995 - 24048/1995-04_Disc_5.iso tupla
TFX Patch 3 CD - vaatii aiemmat patchit
69003 TFXDK1.ZIP 298261 17.02.1995 - - tupla
TFX Patch 1
69004 TFXDK2.ZIP 205357 17.02.1995 - - tupla
TFX Patch 2 - vaatii patchin 1
69005 TFXDK3.ZIP 225765 17.02.1995 - - tupla
TFX Patch 3 - vaatii aiemmat patchit
69020 TG11.ZIP 718294 17.02.1995 - - tupla
The Grandest Fleet V1.1 update
30052 TGFCDU.ZIP 454380 30.11.1995 - - -
Grandest Fleet CDROM update 2.
30053 TGFUP1.ZIP 718496 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
patch which brings QQP's "The Grandest Fleet"
to version 1.1.
30054 TGFUP2.ZIP 454976 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Grandest Fleet Patch 2.
30055 TGV11.ZIP 532083 23.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Top Gun: Fire At Will! Update V1.1. Spectrum
30056 THEMEPRK.ZIP 32532 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Theme Park update.
30057 THUND11.ZIP 453111 21.02.1996 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
ThunderScape v1.1 Update SSI
30059 TIECDJOY.ZIP 492983 21.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Tie Fighter CD fix for Sidewinder 3D Pro
30060 TIEU.ZIP 300866 23.11.1994 - - -
Update Kit Files for Tie Figter from
41430 TITANIC.ZIP 34952 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Titanic: Adventure Out Of Time video fix
30062 TMAYP11.ZIP 774053 31.07.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Total Mayhem V1.1 patch.
30063 TMELTFIX.ZIP 108908 17.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Total Meltdown (22nd august '96)
30064 TMERC12.ZIP 164818 28.03.1995 - - -
Tegel's Mercenaries V1.2 update. Mindcraft.
30065 TNV109.ZIP 882165 14.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Terra Nova patch V1.09,
Looking Glass.
26349 TOMBPVR.ZIP 1 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider update for PowerVR V1.03
26350 TOMBRUSH.ZIP 355 kt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider Voodoo Rush update beta
30066 TONY2V12.ZIP 697569 12.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Tony LaRussa Baseball II v1.2
30067 TONY96.ZIP 669451 27.06.1996 - - -
Tony La Russa Baseball 3,
1996 Edition update V1.10 beta
30068 TOP_126.ZIP 560814 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Version 1.26 Update for HPS Simulations
Tigers On the Prowl program.  This revision
corrects all known problems in previous
release versions, and adds several new
features.  See the README file for more
information and changes. PKUNZIP over old
program files by overwriting.
69233 TOP_202.ZIP 789572 17.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Tigers on the Prowl II 2.02
26353 TOP_208.ZIP 842 kt 16.04.1998 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl II version 2.08 update
26351 TOP_208B.ZIP 40 kt 21.10.1998 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl II upgrade 2.08 to 2.08b beta update
26352 TOP2_08E.ZIP 41,3 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl update 2.08 to 2.08e
30069 TOR1C.ZIP 277036 17.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Tornado päivitys versiosta V1.0 versioksi
Digital Integration
30070 TORINPAT.ZIP 34617 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Torin's Passage update. Sierra.
30071 TPG2UP1.ZIP 965493 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Perfect General II V1.01 update.
69438 TR_PEN.ZIP 92051 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Terminator Rampge Pentium fix
69310 TR3DFX.ZIP 449592 09.12.1996 - - -
Tomb Raider 3dfx Final Patch
26354 TRATI.ZIP 346,2 kt 28.04.1998 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider ATI update Play Tomb Raider in 3D accelerated mode on ATI 3D Rage Pro chipsets: All in Wonder Pro, XPERT @ PLAY, XPERT @ WORK
26355 TRAVP001.ZIP 5,4 kt 28.06.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
Megatraveller I (version 3, patch 0.01) usermade update
30075 TRL-DCT.ZIP 583241 26.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
by InterPlay Patch for v1.0 -> v1.1 Brought
to you by The Watchmen [5i4]
26356 TS_107D.ZIP 896,9 kt 26.05.1998 - 22549/GAMBLERCD20A.BIN -
Pro Pinball - Timeshock! 1.07 update for DOS
30080 TSRFONT.ZIP 5168 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
SimCity Classic DOS/SimAnt DOS garbled Text
30081 TTYC_ATI.ZIP 181181 18.04.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Transport Tycoon ATI-graphics support
26357 TURB126P.ZIP 698,7 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
Turbis patch 1.2.6b. Tämä patch tiedosto päivittää Turbis 1.2.x:n versioksi 1.2.6b. Tämä patchi tuo uusina ominaisuuksina mm. bonukset, tekniset viat, vielä hienommat räjähdykset ja paremman tahdistuksen.
26358 TURB128U.ZIP 389,1 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Turbis update 1.2.6(b) to 1.2.8b
30082 TV11SPT.ZIP 512606 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
░▒  TERMINAL VELOCITY v1.1 from 3D Realms! ▒░
░▒       Shareware v1.0 to v1.1 patch      ▒░
This patch will update your shareware copy of
Terminal Velocity v1.0 to v1.1.  This patch
requires that you currently have shareware
v1.0 installed on your hard drive before you
apply this patch.  From 3D Realms.
30083 TV12SWPT.ZIP 503905 19.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
░▒  TERMINAL VELOCITY v1.2 from 3D Realms! ▒░
░▒   Shareware Episode v1.1 - v1.2 Patch   ▒░
This patch will update your shareware copy of
Terminal Velocity v1.1 to v1.2. This patch
requires that you currently have your copy of
the game installed.  If you have the CD-ROM
or the disk based registered version, then
you need a different file.  From 3D Realms.
40728 TWL_F195.ZIP 199257 13.04.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Formula 1 Grand Prix Cars & Driver'95
30085 TYCOON.ZIP 181728 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
UPDATE: Transport Tycoon, March 31, 1995,
30086 TYRUP11.ZIP 540070 30.11.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
---===== TYRIAN Upgrade to Ver 1.1 ====---
This patch upgrades the shareware version of
Tyrian to V1.1.  Specifically, it corrects:
support for DMA 3 and MIDI port 300, control
problems caused by the joystick routine,
random lockups and runtime errors.
69492 TYRUP201.ZIP 448862 08.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
========== Tyrian v2.01 Upgrade ==========
This patch upgrades Tyrian v2.0 to v2.01.
Tyrian v2.01 has a few bug fixes including
the keyboard bug found in v2.0.  *Note: This
patch works with both the shareware and
registered version of Tyrian v2.0. For more
information on Tyrian or any other Epic title
please visit us on the Web at
69502 U6PATCH.ZIP 2049 17.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Ultima 6 adlib/sb timing problems fix
69505 U7UP34.ZIP 330780 17.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Ultima VII - The Black Gate version 3.4
update  This archive contains the files that
will update your an installed copy of Ultima
VII - The Black Gate to version 3.4.
Upgrading does not mean that you will
automatically have to start your game over.
There is a detector in the executable that
will check your existing savegames, and if
they are uncorrupted, then you will be able
to continue playing them. Only if your games
are determined to have problems in them will
30091 U8-AWE.ZIP 48760 24.02.1995 - - -
UTM8-UPG-01-ENG Sound Blaster AWE32 Driver
for Ultima 8 Patch to support General MIDI on
your SB AWE32 when playing Origin System's
Ultima 8 Pagan. Refer U8.TXT for details
69506 U8ADLIB.ZIP 27649 17.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Ultima 8 adlib sound update
41440 UAKMARIA.ZIP 82782 18.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Under A Killing Moon ARIA-soundcards fix
30092 UBGAMEXE.ZIP 109143 18.04.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Ultimate Backgammon SVGA-fix
30093 UF95CD.ZIP 313085 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
HoloByte-MicroProse On-Line Services
30094 UFBDIG.ZIP 5560 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Updated digital sound driver for Ultimate
Football from MicroProse Software. Requires
the ver 1.3.1 update or the Superbowl release
69523 UFO1-2.ZIP 634202 09.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi tupla
UFO (MicroProse) update V1.2
30096 UFO13UPD.ZIP 635311 17.03.1995 - - -
Ufo Enemy Unknown update v1.3 (c) MPS
30097 UFO14.ZIP 1401956 18.04.1995 - - -
UFO - Enemy Unknown (X-COM) Update V1.4 -
30098 UFO2V14U.ZIP 1322840 25.04.1995 - - -
X-Com/UFO 2 v1.4 Update
30099 UFOV13.ZIP 635373 07.01.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Update v1.3 to UFO: Enemy Unknown
30100 UID-PG1.ZIP 136746 26.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
of 1
30101 UID-W31.ZIP 155816 26.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
30102 UKM4_195.ZIP 397563 19.01.1996 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Under A Killing Moon V1.04 update
30103 UKM4_197.ZIP 400514 19.01.1996 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Under A Killing Moon V1.04 update for CYRIX
microprosessors users.
26359 UKOOLVIS.ZIP 109,7 kt 03.04.1998 - - -
VisPatch for Ukooldm maps - vis those levels to get fast transparent water in Glquake. Vispatch 1.2 included. Author Lasse Lehtinen.
30106 UNT-BLU.ZIP 108594 26.01.1995 - - -
BlackThorne Update (o1.o1.95)
30105 UNT-BLUP.ZIP 226095 05.01.1995 väärä koko archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
BlackThorne Update (o1.o1.95)
30107 UNT-COM.ZIP 72632 07.01.1995 - - -
Comanche Maximum Overkill Update
30108 UNT-KQ7.ZIP 84920 26.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Kings Quest 7 Update Patch
30109 UNT-MNC.ZIP 140631 26.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Menzoberranzan V1.o1 CD Update
30110 UNT-W15.ZIP 239729 07.01.1995 - - -
Harpoon Classic CD Update V1.52
26360 UPDFV12.ZIP 225,9 kt 03.01.1998 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Alien Cabal version 1.2 update of registered release
26361 UPDSW12.ZIP 210,1 kt 03.01.1998 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Alien Cabal version 1.2 update of shareware release
30111 UR95CLOK.ZIP 439483 02.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Unnecessary Roughness '95 fixes.
30112 UR96PATC.ZIP 589110 19.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Unnecessary Roughness '96 Patch - 5 January
1996. Accolade.
26362 URPGA_UP.ZIP 1,1 Mt 11.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Ultimate RPG Archives CD check remover update Removes CD copy protection for Bards Tale 1 - 3 which was accidently left in."
30114 USNF11.ZIP 954626 24.10.1995 - 1977/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 4.iso -
U.S. Navy Fighter V1.1 update.
30115 USNFGUS.ZIP 42082 20.04.1996 - 20199/2015-02-07.ftp.sten.lv.tar -
GUS -tuki U.S. Navy Fightersiin
30116 UW1PATCH.ZIP 206426 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Ultima Underworld update.
30117 UW2PATCH.ZIP 671232 13.01.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Ultima Underworld II patch, fixes many
30118 UWFIX.ZIP 208993 13.01.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Ultima Underworld patch, fixes inventory
30119 V4V-UP3.ZIP 1090581 13.01.1995 - - -
V 4 Victory update V3.1, päivittää kaikki
skenaariot. 360 Pacific.
69677 VCPTCH.ZIP 301071 27.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Virtual Corporation update from V1.0
30121 VCS-U8UP.ZIP 569353 16.05.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
30122 VP0908.ZIP 61149 17.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
3DVX video drivers for Virtual Pool as of
09th august '95
30123 VPATCH.ZIP 167227 25.08.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Voyeur patch - Adds new sound drivers and
fixes most other known problems.
30124 VR0614.ZIP 20641 24.10.1995 - - -
Virtual Pool new video drivers for most
popular gfx-chips with more performance.
39556 W2_EREG.ZIP 144400 06.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Eregion - The Rings of Power, a Warlords II
scenario by Aappo Kähönen, situated in J.R.R.
Tolkien's Middle Earth.  Includes
Tolkien-based army and city sets.
30126 W2D_P20.ZIP 501944 30.11.1995 - - -
Patch to create V2.2.3 of Warlords II Deluxe
from V2.0. This patch only works on V2.0.
30128 W2D_P22.ZIP 298271 30.11.1995 - - -
Patch to create V2.2.3 of Warlords II Deluxe
from V2.0. This patch only works on V2.2.0.
30127 W2D_P222.ZIP 112344 30.11.1995 - - -
Patch to create V2.2.3 of Warlords II Deluxe
from V2.0. This patch only works on V2.2.2.
30125 W2DP20.ZIP 501852 22.10.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
WARLORDS II DELUXE v2.0 to v2.2.3  This .ZIP
file patches v2.0 of WARLORDS II DELUXE IBM
to v2.2.3. Copy to the \W2DELUXE directory,
unzip and then type PATCH to run. PELIT-BBS
30129 W2DP22.ZIP 308189 23.01.1996 - 24001/1996-01_Disc_14.iso -
Update patch: Warlords II v2.2.0 -> v2.2.4
26363 W2DPPRO.ZIP 972,9 kt 02.06.1998 - MBCD -
Warlords II Deluxe Pentium Pro Patch Requires V2.2.4 or later.
26364 W2XPTCH.ZIP 721,6 kt 26.07.1997 - MBCD -
Warcraft II : Beyond the Dark Portal expansion pack 1.50 update
30130 W3V110.ZIP 124927 17.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Wayne Gretsky Hockey 3 päivitys
versioksi V1.10
69883 WAKECD11.ZIP 283281 17.02.1995 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Dark Sun II : Wake of the Ravager V1.10 CD
update SSI
69884 WAKEDK11.ZIP 136413 17.02.1995 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Dark Sun II : Wake of the Ravager V1.10
update SSI
69895 WAR102A.ZIP 154906 17.02.1995 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip tupla
Warlords II 1.02 -> 1.02a update SSG
30135 WAR115CD.ZIP 402919 26.01.1995 - - -
Warcraft - Orcs and Humans Update to version
1.15 Adds GUS-support and fixes ALL problems
with network- and modemplay. This is the
update for CD-based versions only. A separate
patch is available for Disk-version.
30136 WAR115D.ZIP 402654 26.01.1995 - #Jope -
Warcraft - Orcs and Humans Update to version
1.15 Adds GUS-support and fixes ALL problems
with network- and modemplay. This is the
update for Disk-based versions only. A
separate patch is available for CD-version.
26365 WAR2_140.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.07.1997 - MBCD -
Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness v1.4 Patch Blizzard Entertainment v1.4 fixes exorcism bug and some system-specific issues, adds color randomization for multiplayer games. Also includes improved anti-cheating security. The is for the American version only!
30139 WARWINDP.ZIP 355144 14.11.1996 - - -
War Wind Retail - Tha'Roon 2nd Scenario Crash
Update [Beta]
69961 WC117.ZIP 624142 16.11.1995 - - -
█  Warcraft:Orcs & Humans Updt v1.17 █
30140 WC2_12.ZIP 511666 24.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness update from
V1.0 to V1.2.
40732 WC2TM.ZIP 3053 28.03.1995 - - -
Wing Commander III Thrustmaster support.
30141 WC3JOY.ZIP 37136 26.01.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Alternate Joystick Routines for WC III
Joystick Patch for Wing Commander III
30142 WC4_16SV.ZIP 13152 14.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
WC4PATCH for Wing Commander IV :
The Price of Freedom
Addresses 16-bit SVGA palette problems
with S3 and IBM RGB523 RAMDAC chips,
with cartds like Hercules Graphite
Terminator Pro 64 PCI and the STB
Velocity PCI. Origin.
30143 WC4DPTCH.ZIP 871 23.02.1996 - 24009/1996-04_-_Disc_2.3.bin -
Wing Commander 4: Videoanimaatioiden nopeutus
30144 WC4S16PT.ZIP 12838 01.04.1996 - - -
Wing Commander IV patch for 16-bit SVGA-cards
30145 WC4WIN95.ZIP 449025 16.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Wing Commander IV Win95 Patch Origin Adds
native Windows 95 support to WC4, make sure
you have DirectX drivers installed!
30146 WCDNET.ZIP 214414 06.04.1996 - - -
Worms CD-ROM version päivitys. Tämän
päivityksen avulla voit pelata kaveriasi
vastaan modeemilla, nolla- modeemilla tai
30147 WCGLF102.ZIP 335153 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
update. U.S. Gold.
69994 WEB130KB.ZIP 1969307 14.04.1996 - 24012/1996-07_Disc_2.6.bin tupla
Pro Pinball: The Web. 130KB patch.
30148 WEB140KB.ZIP 1932577 17.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Pro Pinball - The Web 1.40k
41449 WEB150PW.ZIP 245468 17.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Pro Pinball - The Web 1.40k to 1.50p
(Windows95 native, needs DirectX installed!)
30150 WER101.ZIP 485286 15.12.1995 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Werewolf VS Comanche 2.0 / Werewolf V1.01
30151 WETUP11.ZIP 312106 14.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Wetlands update to V1.1 from
New World Computing
30152 WFLOPNET.ZIP 212104 06.04.1996 - - -
Worms levykeversion päivitys. Tämän
päivityksen avulla voit pelata kaveriasi
vastaan modeemilla, nolla- modeemilla tai
30154 WGH3V111.ZIP 129515 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 3 Bug Fixes + update
30155 WHEN_3.ZIP 369687 28.03.1995 - - -
When 2 Worlds War V1.3 update. Impressions.
70042 WHRP153I.ZIP 248135 28.03.1995 - - -
Harpoon Classic For Windows V1.53i update.
26366 WIE189.ZIP 447,8 kt 09.01.1998 - - -
War in Europe version 1.89 udpate
70099 WIR11.ZIP 239255 17.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
War In Russia V1.1 update SSI
26367 WIR13X.ZIP 176,1 kt 15.09.1997 - MBCD -
War in Russia 1.1 x13 update (unsupported release)
41451 WIZ_GOLD.ZIP 280693 22.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Wizardry Gold sound fix
30160 WIZ11A1.ZIP 280764 16.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Wizardry Gold 1.1a1 This patch improves
combat speed and performance, and fixes a bug
when a skill reaches 100.
41450 WIZ6ROOT.ZIP 12549 17.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Wizardry VI fix
30161 WL2AWE32.ZIP 25282 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Warlords II AWE32 Sound Card Fix. SSG.
70105 WL2P-11.ZIP 897521 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Warlords II / Scenario Builder V1.11 update
26368 WNGUP136.ZIP 177,9 kt 24.11.1998 - - -
Wings update v1.35 -> 1.36.
30163 WOGB50.ZIP 2954 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Wings of Glory thrustmaster support.
30164 WOGWISH.ZIP 444670 02.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Customer request update for WINGS OF GLORY
V2.2 - Origin.
26369 WOLFG092.ZIP 83,8 kt 30.11.1999 - - -
"Wolfenstein 3D OpenGL Portv0.92 WolfGL. Now works with the demo of Spear of Destinyits just 2 levelsthough for now. There are other new features and improvements as well."
30166 WORLDU.ZIP 211503 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Might & Magic: World of Xeen CD-version
70139 WORLDUP.ZIP 211493 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Might & Magic: World of Xeen CD udpate
30167 WORMSCD.ZIP 28048 15.12.1995 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Worms Hard-Drive Installation Patch.
30168 WORMSCU.ZIP 191749 15.12.1995 - - -
Worms CD-ROM version update from Team 17.
30169 WORMSFU.ZIP 189644 15.12.1995 - - -
Worms floppy update from Team 17.
70156 WOWPATCH.ZIP 1427832 14.01.1997 - - tupla
Wages of War 1.0 to 1.1 Update
70172 WRCFT121.ZIP 614162 28.03.1995 - - -
Update Warcraft to v1.21
70196 WSIM_101.ZIP 170887 14.11.1996 - 22645/cd joy 78 No20.iso -
Wooden Ships and Iron Men 1.01
30174 WW22PAT.ZIP 421670 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
WarWizard V2.2 update.
30175 WW23PAT.ZIP 449423 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
WarWizard 2.x to 2.3 update.
70215 WW2PTC.ZIP 1660 17.02.1995 - - -
World War II: Battles of the Pacific fix
30176 WW2PTCH.ZIP 198871 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
World War II: Battles of the South Pacific
V1.2 update.
26370 WWUP187.ZIP 444,9 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
Computer War In Europe V1.86 update
26371 XA_A121.ZIP 428,7 kt 22.11.1997 - MBCD -
Extreme Assault V1.2.0 -> 1.2.1 update US-version Fixes Network error in which cannon towers lappeared instead of the desired Extras. v1.2.1 is not compatible with older versions when playing multiplayer games. All players must upgrade to v1.2.1.
26372 XA_E120.ZIP 489 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Extreme Assault V1.20 update (US) Improved network scoring and support for Voodoo Rush cards. v1.10->1.20 ONLY. Not compatible with older versions when playing multiplayer.
26373 XA_E12DR.ZIP 180,2 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Extreme Assault V1.20 update addition. Some Voodoo Rush 3Dfx owners may have to get this in addition to the v1.20 update
26374 XCARFX.ZIP 369,2 kt 16.07.1998 - MBCD -
"X-CAR 3Dfx update. Add 3Dfx Voodoo Rush and Voodoo2 support to Bethesdas X-CAR: Experimental Racing. For this patch to work you must either have already installed the GLIDE drivers for your card or download the appropriate GLIDE drivers either from the 3Dfxs web site or from your card manufacturers web site. Bethesda Softworks."
70276 XCHEAT2.ZIP 10259 09.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
UPDATED Working Cheat for all Missions of
X-Wing.... CHEAT!
70284 XEENFIX.ZIP 191011 17.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso tupla
Might & Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen fix
30179 XEENFIX2.ZIP 226116 28.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Darkside Of Xeen update 2
30181 XWINGUPD.ZIP 195954 26.01.1995 - 20199/2015-02-07.ftp.sten.lv.tar -
Korjaa muutamia bugeja XWingistä, jotka
haittaavat ainakin GUSin toimintaa. Kannattaa
tietää mitä tekee, kun käyttää tätä. Lue
70432 Z-WCG.ZIP 142703 24.02.1995 - - tupla
GUS Fix for WARCRAFT `Orcs and Humans'
26375 ZABAS103.ZIP 4 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
Z.A.R. NETWORK demo update v1.03 Base upgrade - you need this to use any of the other updates for Zar. Auric Vision.
26376 ZAD3D103.ZIP 1 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
Z.A.R. NETWORK demo v1.03 update Direct3D support upgrade - You need the base upgrade v1.03 to use this - Auric Vision
26377 ZAGL103.ZIP 473,3 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Z.A.R. NETWORK demo v1.03 update OpenGL support upgrade - You need the base upgrade v1.03 to use this - Auric Vision
26378 ZAWIN103.ZIP 891,2 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Z.A.R. NETWORK demo v1.03 update Windows 95/NT support upgrade - You need the base upgrade v1.03 to use this - Auric Vision
30182 ZCFGIRQ5.ZIP 3673 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PATCH: Zorro Lockup patch. Capstone3.
30183 ZCFGIRQ7.ZIP 3678 24.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PATCH: Zorro Lockup patch (IRQ7).Capstone3.
30973 ZONE66GR.ZIP 304980 21.03.1995 - - -
Zone 66
Add-on Gravis Ultrasound musical sound track
for Zone 66. Requires Zone 66.
30184 ZONEUP.ZIP 19124 14.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Zone Raiders update #1, fixes problem
in Episode 2 Track 5.
From Virgin.
26379 ZPCPATCH.ZIP 420,2 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
ZPC Patch GT Interactive adds joystick and mouse sensitivity controls to ZPC
30185 ZYHB4FIX.ZIP 573058 07.08.1994 - - -
Hardball 4 - Score Board Fix
26445 2GREN.ZIP 40,1 kt 28.12.1997 - - -
2 Hienoa demoa Quakeen jossa näytetään kuinka voit käyttää kranaatinheitintä hyväksesi DM1:ssä ja DM2:ssa Hienoja kranaattihyppyjä toivottaa: Janne Kalliomäki
26446 3WCTFC.A01 2,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Quake/QuakeWorld: Capture The Flag 2/4
26447 3WCTFC.A02 2,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Quake/QuakeWorld: Capture The Flag 3/4
26448 3WCTFC.A03 1,7 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Quake/Quakeworld: Capture The Flag 4/4
26449 3WCTFC.ARJ 2,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
"Quaken Internet-moninpelilipunryöstö 1/4Quake/QuakeWorld: Threewave Capture the Flag v4.00 Author: DaveZoidKirsch.
You must install this package to play on servers using the custom ThreeWave flag 
models and levels for version 4.0. 
26451 4ZOMBIES.ZIP 151,5 kt 27.09.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"QuakeC: - Zombies! v1.1 Who doesnt love zombies?  WellI figured there was one type of very much neededbut missing from Quake. Now we can love (loathe even more."
26452 AIRQ100.ZIP 3,1 Mt 02.12.1997 - 23154/Gamestar_00_1998-10_cd2.bin -
AIRQUAKE v1.00 (30.11.1997) by Iikka Keränen . This is a "total conversion" with players replaced by fighter planes and other military vehicles, and monsters replaced by similar vehicles or ground artillery. Download AIRLV1.ZIP also, if you need the levels AIR1-3 and AIRCITY.
26453 AIRQUWAD.ZIP 102 kt 06.10.1997 - - -
AirQuake texture wad by Iikka Keränen, 1997. Currently in: All textures used in Aircity. bsp; brick walls, asphalt, sky, water, rock.. Everything you need for making city levels.
26454 ALL_1635.ZIP 1,8 Mt 06.10.1997 - 24030/1997-12_Disc_3.9_No._2.bin -
Quake demo: Quake Done Quicker - All episodes of Quake played on Nightmare, in 16 minutes, 35 seconds. By QDQ team.
26455 ARENA104.ZIP 737,8 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
QuakeC: Quake ArenaBall v1.04b by Paul Bieles - A rip off of SpeedBall! The basic idea is to get a head into a goal, first you must gib a player, once their head has been detached from their body you can start throwing it around!  Once you score a goal, the head disappears and you must then go on the look out for another gib!
26456 ARSENAL.ZIP 126,8 kt 27.09.1997 - 12522/PCMania CD62_2.iso -
QuakeC: Arsenal Add-On v1.0 Creates three new original looking weapons: * Spike Ring, * Payload Missile * Lightning Tripwire.
26457 AUTOMA09.ZIP 833,6 kt 25.05.1998 - - -
"Quake laajennus Aut OMatic Pack v0.9. Sisältää uusia aseitamodeleitaääniä. Suomeksi käännetty"
26458 BLAZE10.ZIP 158,1 kt 27.09.1997 - 16346/Riki0497-03.iso -
QuakeC: Blaze Gun v1.0 Replaces the regular nail gun with the fire launching Blaze Gun!
26459 BLITZER1.ZIP 5,3 Mt 09.06.1998 - - -
Suomi vs. Ruotsi Quake-maaottelun 1. erän demo, 1998 käydystä maaottelusta. Suomea tässä maaottelussa olivat edustamssa monet maineikkaat suomalaiset quakettajat, kuten Spetnaz, Freak-Ed, Dedi, Blitzer ja monet muut. Demo on kuvattu suomalaisten joukkueessa pelanneen Blitzerin silmistä, joka urhoollisesti puolustaa DM2:n toista raketinlähetintä.
26460 BLITZER2.ZIP 5,3 Mt 09.06.1998 - - -
Suomi vs. Ruotsi Quake-maaottelun 2. erän demo, 1998 käydystä maaottelusta. Suomea tässä maaottelussa olivat edustamssa monet maineikkaat suomalaiset quakettajat, kuten Spetnaz, Freak-Ed, Dedi, Blitzer ja monet muut. Demo on kuvattu suomalaisten joukkueessa pelanneen Blitzerin silmistä, joka urhoollisesti puolustaa DM2:n toista raketinlähetintä.
26461 BPLAYER2.ZIP 259,6 kt 28.06.1997 - 14534/IMAGE.img -
QuakeC: BPLAYER V2.00b - Bot Player. bplayer2.zip Author :Wolf
26462 BSHOT10.ZIP 728,6 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Quake: Buster Shot v1.0 by Nick "SiNGE" Bousman, Glenn "Griphis" Saaiman. The Buster Shot is a weapon powered by Red Mercury. It charges your shotgun shells and creates a nasty reaction when they hit metal. If you fire it at enemies wearing armor, it breaks the armor and chunks of metal fly off. We gave armor to some enemies so it can be used in single player games.
26463 CLUBSHUB.ZIP 403,6 kt 27.09.1997 - 23667/PCGAMER46.bin -
QuakeC: Club Shub - Club Shub is a fine establishment where monsters go to loosen up after a hard day of guarding the castles and military bases of Quake.
26464 DAPAK.ZIP 2,6 Mt 23.11.1997 - 22427/XENIATGM63.iso -
DA PAK! Eight base style pure DeathMatch maps. Awesome gameplay. Server mod for enhanced DM.
26465 DBWP082.ZIP 1 Mt 27.09.1997 - 12522/PCMania CD62_2.iso -
QuakeC: Diablo Weapons v0.82b by Rayme C. Vinson This patch is intended for deathmatch. You might enjoy it just fine in single player, though.
26466 DDQ-1941.ZIP 40,9 kt 19.05.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Doom done quick is a speedrun through the Ultimate Doom on Ultra-Violence skill, in 19:41
26467 DM3.ZIP 122,6 kt 03.04.1998 - - -
Deathmatch 3 for normal Quake. A QuakeC patch made by Lasse Lehtinen.
26469 DME11.ZIP 663,8 kt 18.09.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
DeathMatch Essentials v1.1 (27.8.97) by RAzOR Entertainment. With this add-on, you can see which weapon your enemy is using in deathmatch. You also have the ability to crouch.
26468 DME11SRC.ZIP 113,8 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
DeathMatch Essentials v1.1 (27.8.97) by RAzOR Entertainment. This is the source pack.
26470 DOGLCH20.ZIP 122,3 kt 27.09.1997 - 12522/PCMania CD62_2.iso -
QuakeC: DOGGIE LAUNCHER: plus, version 2.0 makes doggies come out of the grenade launcher, also i have added a few surprises (hint:try the rocket launcher and nailguns)
26471 ELIM14.ZIP 158,9 kt 28.06.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"QuakeC: Eliminator Bot V1.4 Copyright 1996Cameron B. Newham. provides you with some decent adversaries to play Quake against. Dont have a network connection? These automated deathmatch opponents are by no means friendly and theyd just love to kick your sorry behind all over the place. Whats morethey arent stupid like most of the other bots out there. These know how to fight and know their way around."
26472 EP1_0257.ZIP 393,6 kt 06.10.1997 - - -
Quake demo file: Episode 1 of Quake Done Quicker by Yonatan Donner, Perkele and Burninsun.
26473 FARENA12.A01 1,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Quake/QuakeWorld: Final Arena v1.20 2/4
26474 FARENA12.A02 1,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Quake/QuakeWorld: Final Arena v1.20 3/4
26475 FARENA12.A03 982,4 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Quake/QuakeWorld: Final Arena v1.20 4/4
26476 FARENA12.ARJ 1,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Quake/QuakeWorld: Final Arena v1.20 Author: David \'crt\' Wright Rocket Arena is an interesting new twist to traditional deathmatch. It is a strictly one-on-one game with "winner stays, loser goes" type rotation. It is designed both to improve deathmatch skills and be a kick butt patch to boot.    1/4
26477 FASRV12.ZIP 272,4 kt 24.02.1998 - 22412/NEW.iso -
Quaken Rocket Arenaan ja Final Arenaan serveri-päivitys, joka mahdollistaa vaivattomasti oman serverin ylläpitämisen ja näin ollen moninpelaaminen vaikkapa IPX-verkossa tai nollamodeemikaapelilla onnistuu vaivattomasti.
26478 FEAR13.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.09.1997 - 14534/IMAGE.img -
QuakeC: FEAR v1.3 (aka Memory Eater) Put together by: Jon (its132@aol.com) - Four new skins. Wow. - Added a crawl function  - Drop backpack function that was SUPPOSED to be in the last version. - MOLOTOV COCKTAIL weapon. etc. etc. etc.
26479 FEMREAPR.ZIP 639,8 kt 21.09.1997 - - -
Female Player model for use with Quake, Quakeworld etc.
26480 FEMSKIN1.ZIP 715,5 kt 21.09.1997 - - -
Quake: Female Skin Pack 1
26481 FEMSKIN2.ZIP 213,6 kt 21.09.1997 - - -
Quake: Female Skin Pack 2
26482 FLAME.ZIP 125,2 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
QuakeC: Quake Flamethrower! v1.0
26483 FQ60TO67.ZIP 578 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix Total Conversion update from V.60 to V.67
26484 FQMAPS.A01 2,2 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix maps 2/5
26485 FQMAPS.A02 2,2 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix maps 3/5
26486 FQMAPS.A03 2,2 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix maps 4/5
26487 FQMAPS.A04 1,6 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix maps 5/5
26488 FQMAPS.ARJ 2,2 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix Complete Total Conversion that changes Quake into a true role-playing game! All levels. 1/5 ONLY MAPS HERE! Requires other files as well.
26489 FROGB009.ZIP 137,2 kt 25.05.1998 - - -
Frogbot Beta 0.09 QuakeC Bot. The Frogbot mod in my continuing attempt to create a bot that is human. Robert Field.
26490 FVF21.ZIP 2,1 Mt 30.07.1997 - 22537/GAMBLERCD08.BIN -
Quake Total Conversion: Future vs. Fantasy Quake Documentation v2.1 by Freeform Interactive. 80 Different Weapons 74 Original Models - 15 Custom Skins with Head Gibs - 13 Class-Specific Power-ups - 13 New Sounds - 12 Unique Character Classes - etc-
26491 FVF40.ZIP 2,8 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
Quake: - Future vs Fantasy Documentation v 4 0 Quake ConversionFreeform Interactivehttp www freeformint comFvF Web Pagehttp fvf warzone comThe Freeform Interactive TeamCreator Programmer Richard Cheung Hap hap freeformint comGraphic Designer Ecker Joerg Fritz fritz freeformint comGraphic Designer Maurizio Majelli MJM mjm freeformint com
26492 GANGWARS.ZIP 5,5 Mt 26.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
"C4 Films proudly presents: Gang Wars Its an action comedy for Quake where one gang want their money back from another gang. There is a great camerawork and great and fun story."
26493 GAT15.ZIP 280,1 kt 18.09.1997 versio 1.0 ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake: Gatling Gun v1.5 by Tritian, Phlipt and Christopher Bolin. Here is a gatling gun. It has 6 barrels, fires 10 times faster then the nailgun, and generally kicks ass.
26494 GIANA0_1.ZIP 757,5 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Giana Quake TC v0.1 beta by BioProbe Design. "Giana Quake" is a new experiment of pure nostalgia, a remake of the classic platform game "Great Giana Sisters" (Rainbow Arts 1987). Basically, it\'s a Total Conversion of Quake, set in the cute 2D world of Giana.
26495 GO-Z1.ZIP 3,2 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Suomi vs. Norja Quake-maaottelun 1. erän demo. Suomen ja Norjan parhaimmiksi todetut Quake- klaanit ottivat mittaa paremmuudestaan maaottelun muodossa. Vastakkain suomalainen Z klaani ja norjalainen GameOver klaani. Demo kuvattu norjalaisen X-Sectopodin silmistä. Demo qwd-muodossa, joten katsottava QuakeWorldin kautta.
26496 GO-Z2.ZIP 2,9 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Suomi vs. Norja Quake-maaottelun 2. erän demo. Suomen ja Norjan parhaimmiksi todetut Quake- klaanit ottivat mittaa paremmuudestaan maaottelun muodossa. Vastakkain suomalainen Z klaani ja norjalainen GameOver klaani. Demo kuvattu norjalaisen X-Sectopodin silmistä. Demo qwd-muodossa, joten katsottava QuakeWorldin kautta.
26497 GRAPV111.ZIP 214,5 kt 27.09.1997 - 16346/Riki0497-03.iso -
QuakeC: MORNING STAR v1.11 weapon.
26498 HH30CL.ZIP 5,3 Mt 23.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Headhunters Client Side Pak v3.0. The objective of deathmatch Headhunters is to blast apart other players and take their putrid skulls to the altar where the gods reward your efforts with frags.
26499 HH30SRC.ZIP 216 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
Headhunters v3.0 Source Code, both Quake and QuakeWorld.
26500 HH31NQSV.ZIP 156,8 kt 23.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Headhunters Quake Server Side Pak v3.1. You need also Client Side Pak to keep a server.
26501 HH31QWSV.ZIP 96,8 kt 23.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Headhunters QuakeWorld Server Side Pak v3.1. You need also Client Side Pak to keep a server.
26502 HHDAPAK.ZIP 1,8 Mt 13.12.1997 - - -
Headhunters V3.0 - DaPak Levels Addon. Features: Included are the DaPak maps, used on a few Headhunters servers. 7 levels total, all base style. Quite a blast in deathmatch, and awesome overall. You need other HH files too!
26503 HOVERB06.ZIP 2,2 Mt 15.12.1997 - - -
Hover Public Beta v0.60 by Means of Destruction. Hover is a 3D racing action game built with the Quake engine.
26504 IKBLUE.ZIP 153,8 kt 22.07.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
IKBLUE texture wad for Quake levels by Iikka Keränen. This is the texture wad that has been used in the levels IKSPQ2, IKSPQ3 and IKSPQ4. All the textures in this wad are made by me - from scratch.
26505 IKGNQW03.ZIP 70,8 kt 23.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
IKGUNS weapon patch version 1.1 for QuakeWorld. Build 3 from QW sources v1.64. This package only contains the progs.dat file; You MUST also download the ikguns11.zip which contains the models and sounds. You need this file only if you are running a QW server.
26506 IWBOT16.ZIP 553,6 kt 28.06.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"QuakeC: IronWulvts Deathmatch Bot V0.16 IWBOT16.zip Author : Ben Garrod (IRONWULVT) This will create a deathmatch opponent. This opponent will be able to use all weapons. He will pick up objects including powerups. He dodges and hunts his killer after respawning. It is very deadly. Good AI."
26507 KQP220Z.ZIP 2,8 Mt 12.11.1997 - gamers.org -
Killer Quake Pack v2.20z by Howard Roy (31.10.1997) This is a combination patch of the various patches listed in the killer.txt, as well as many other original patches created by myself.
26508 KSC.ZIP 193 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
-Killer Skin Combination- 10 Different skins for Quake. Top quality, no crap. Inclu- des player.mdl. Download. Author: Ali Rantakari
26509 LBCL100.ZIP 1,4 Mt 07.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
LavaBall Client Files - LavaBall is a Quake conversion by Tod Bouris and Tony Fabris. These files are required to play the game on an internet or a LAN.
26510 LBSV100.ZIP 75 kt 07.11.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
LavaBall Server Files - LavaBall is a Quake conversion by Tod Bouris and Tony Fabris. These files are required to become a LavaBall server on an internet or a LAN. The client files are also required.
26511 MBBLOB.ZIP 546,6 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
Demo Mbnetin Quakedemo kisaan. Nauhoitettu paikallisverkossa.
26512 MBQ2.ZIP 7,2 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Modeemipelaajien QuakeWorld turnauksen tulokset sekä demo, jossa pelaa AQCHerbie.
26513 MBQDEMO.ZIP 4,4 Mt 12.02.1998 - - -
Demoja Mbnettiläisten QW-kisasta, 7. helmikuuta 1998.
26517 MBQUAKE.ZIP 275,9 kt 16.10.1997 - - -
Netissä pelatun Mbnet-Quake kisan tulokset ja Screenshotit
26514 MBQUAKE2.ZIP 246,8 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
Screenshotteja netissä pelatusta Mbnettiläisten Quakekisasta.
26515 MBQUAKE3.ZIP 68,2 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
Kuvia Mbnettiläisten Quake-kisasta netissä Kisa 3.
26516 MBQUAKE4.ZIP 66,7 kt 09.02.1998 - - -
Screenshotteja 7. helmikuuta 1998 netissä pelatusta Mbnettiläisten Quakekisasta.
26518 MISFIX3.ZIP 51,2 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
"3 Fingers Quake/QW Anti-Slowdown Missile & Grenade MDLs. Works in GL and Regular Quake/QW on any server you play on. New Version 1.02."
26519 MQCHEAT.ZIP 113 kt 27.09.1997 - 23667/PCGAMER46.bin -
Multi-Quake Cheat v1.1 Written by Kuhas of the QMS Clan some nice impulse cheats that work regardless of whether you were playing in single or multiplayer mode.
26520 NS22U.ZIP 298,3 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
QuakeC: Navy Seals Weapons Patch v2.01->2.2 udpate.
26521 NSEAL201.ZIP 5,8 Mt 26.05.1998 - 22407/DEMOSCHAMP.iso -
QuakeC: Navy Seals Weapons Patch v2.01 by Minh Le (Gooseman). Features Heckler & Koch Mk. 23, Mossberg 590 tactical shotgun, Heckler & Koch MP5 Submachine gun, Colt M-16 Assault Rifle and several others with sQuad Bots.
26522 NSGLMODE.ZIP 2 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
QuakeC: Navy Seals Weapons Patch GL Upgrade - For users of NS1 2.2 - also includes new weapon models.
26523 NUKE.ARJ 988,7 kt 04.04.1998 - - -
Ydin-aseet quakeen Tämä on vasta 0.0000000001 beta ydinaseista quakeen.:) Pineaple ja Rocket Launcher korvaantuvat vaarallisilla ydinaseilla. Lisäksi myös veren määrää tuplattu. Muista, että tämä ei ole lopullinen versio nukesta.  Nuke by : Sorsa.
26524 OBOTS102.ZIP 985,9 kt 10.05.1998 - 23154/Gamestar_00_1998-10_cd2.bin -
Omicron Bot v1.02 - A QuakeC bot, with much better AI and options than in Reaperbot.
26525 OP_BAYS.ZIP 3 Mt 24.12.1997 - 22533/GAMBLERCD04.BIN -
Hauska mutta hupaisa demo Quakeen nimeltään Operation bay shield. Demon on tehnyt Clan Undead ja demo sisältää todella paljon hienoja kamera kulmia, puhetta ja huumoria.
26526 PAINKEEP.A01 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion 2/11
26527 PAINKEEP.A02 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion 3/11
26528 PAINKEEP.A03 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion 4/11
26529 PAINKEEP.A04 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion 5/11
26530 PAINKEEP.A05 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion 6/11
26531 PAINKEEP.A06 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion 7/11
26532 PAINKEEP.A07 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion 8/11
26533 PAINKEEP.A08 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion 9/11
26534 PAINKEEP.A09 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion 10/11
26535 PAINKEEP.A10 109,9 kt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion 11/11
26536 PAINKEEP.ARJ 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake: PainKeep total conversion retains the basic look and feel of Quake, adding new levels, weapons, art, and sounds 1/11
26537 PRELIM1B.ZIP 814,9 kt 03.01.1998 - - -
Quake TC: Star Wars Quake Total Conversion.
26538 PSISLUG.ZIP 379,4 kt 27.09.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuakeC: Psionic Slug V1.00 Author : Jim Rowley The modification introduces a psionic slug monster into your original quake levels.
26539 PSTRM091.ZIP 322,4 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Quake: The Proton Storm v0.91b by Nick "SiNGE" Bousman, Glenn "Griphis" Saaiman. This is the most kickass energy-beam weapon ever created. You pick it up in the game by getting two lightning bolts. It uses 50 cells per shot, and takes six seconds to charge up that many cells, but then, WATCH OUT! A two- second blast of intense energy will obliterate anything and everything in its path. Have fun!
26540 PTRON10.ZIP 208,4 kt 18.09.1997 - gamers.org -
Quake: Positron Beam v1.0 by Nick "SiNGE" Bousman, Glenn "Griphis" Saaiman. This weapon shoots out a stream of antimatter in the form of positrons encased in a heavily magnetized plasma sheath. The result is a beam weapon with a large release of energy at the point the beam intersects normal matter.
26541 Q2FGD102.ZIP 151,9 kt 28.01.1998 - - -
QUAKE2.FGD File for Worldcraft 1.5 (and < ?) Newest version 1.02. Created by: CryptR QUAKE2.FGD consist all Quake2 entities, their fields and flags. Includes also usual palette, one sample texture wad, and instructions how to set up. Gives you possibilities to make levels for Quake2 without having Worldcraft 1.6 which will be probably soon only (commercially only?).
26542 QBANANA.ZIP 144,4 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
QuakeC: Banana Throw bananas!
26543 QCADMIN.ZIP 128,5 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
Quake: - !Admin! New - quake C (by GamesNet FDN) This patch allows you to change items placing on the levels. You can remove QD on dm4 and place RL there, you can remove Red Armor on Dm6 and place Ring of shadows there, you can do evrything you want... You can even place deathmatch start points!
26544 QCANNON.ZIP 184,3 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
QuakeC: A373317 Phased Pulse Cannon Author : Josh Robison AKA Jabberwocky AKA Jabber. Experimental mass destruction weapon.
26545 QD100Q.ZIP 5 Mt 08.02.1998 - 23154/Gamestar_00_1998-10_cd2.bin -
Quake demo: Quake done 100% Quick (movie version) by the QDQ team. It is a run through Quake on Nightmare skill, going through all the levels (including the secret ones) and getting all the kills and all the secrets, as fast as possible.
26546 QD1Q7245.ZIP 4 Mt 11.12.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake demo: Quake done 100% Quick (player- perspective version) by the QDQ team. It is a run of Quake on Nightmare skill, going through all the levels (including the secret ones) and getting all the kills and all the secrets, as fast as possible.
26547 QDQ_1635.ZIP 2,8 Mt 06.10.1997 - 24030/1997-12_Disc_3.9_No._2.bin -
Quake demo: Quake Done Quicker The Movie - All episodes of Quake played on Nightmare, in 16 minutes, 35 seconds. By QDQ team. This is the movie version.
26548 QDQL1406.ZIP 1,2 Mt 10.02.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake Done Quick Lite. Quaken demo jossa peli pelataan läpi helpoimmalla vaikeustasolla, aika 14 minuuttia 6 sekuntia. Tämä versio on pelaajan perspektiivistä kuvattu.
26549 QDQLITE.ZIP 1,9 Mt 08.02.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake Done Quick lite. Quakeen demo jossa peli vedetään alusta loppuun niin nopeasti kuin pystyy skill 0:lla.
26550 QDROPST.ZIP 124,7 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
"QuakeC: DropStuf - Another QuakeC modification by Steve Bond/John Guthrie will allow you to put your current weapon and some of its ammo into a backpack and throw it. This is great for Team Deathmatch."
26551 QGAMERDM.ZIP 3,5 Mt 06.08.1997 - - -
PC GAMER -lehden toimittajien Quake demoja Tämä paketti sisältää kuusi demoa, jotka sisältävät rajua Quaken deathmatch pelaamista. Demoissa pelataan Quaken koko-versiossa olevan Deathmatch Areenan leveleitä. (DM2, DM3, DM4 jne.)
26552 QHOLO1.ZIP 123,4 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
QuakeC: HoloSelf Mod v1.0 By: Perecli Manole AKA: Bort Adopted from the holoduke idea, this mod allows you to create a clone image of yourself and briefly fool your opponents.
26553 QJETPACK.ZIP 144,5 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
QuakeC: Quake Jetpak v.01 By Quake Command! http://www.nuc.net/quake
26570 QK_JKALL.ZIP 63,2 kt 09.02.1998 - - -
MBnetin Quake kisan osallistuja E1M2 0:45, skill 3 (nightmare) Pelaaja:Janne Kalliomäki
26571 QK_JKORV.ZIP 74,5 kt 13.02.1998 - - -
Quaken nopeuskisan demo. Pelaajana Janne Korva. Aika 0:42.
26554 QKIKKO.ZIP 3,7 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Quake: -KIKKO CONVERSION- Huikea Muunnelma quakeen! Muuttaa grafiikat ja äänet hauskoiksi! Hauskan näköiset örkit laulavat, huutavat ja ym...Varmaa laatua! Tehnyt A&M tuotanto
26569 QKISA.ZIP 1,7 Mt 19.09.1997 - - -
Quake-kisa demokokoelma Koonnut Lasse Lehtinen. Mukana yhteensä 9 demoa.
26558 QKISA2.ZIP 1,9 Mt 22.09.1997 - - -
Quake-kisa demokokoelma Mukana yhteensä 10 demoa Koonnut Lasse Lehtinen
26555 QKISA2JK.ZIP 351,2 kt 08.12.1997 - - -
MBnetin Reaperskaba2:n demo. 54 fragia. Pelaajana Janne Korva.
26556 QKISA2LL.ZIP 288,1 kt 02.12.1997 - - -
MBnetin Quakekisan demo. 25 fragia. Pelaaja: Lasse Lehtinen - BlobSSC
26557 QKISA2MS.ZIP 240,1 kt 02.12.1997 - - -
quakekisa kakkosen pelidemo
26559 QKISAGE.ZIP 174,8 kt 29.08.1997 - - -
MBnetin Quakekisan demo. 25 fragia. Pelaaja: Janne Korva AKA Genezis
26560 QKISAHK.ZIP 207,6 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
Quake-skaban voittajademo. 26 fragia. Tehnyt: Henry Kostamovaara
26561 QKISAJK.ARJ 162,2 kt 29.08.1997 - - -
Quake-kisan (voittajan?) demo. Frageja 23. Pelaaja Janne Korva.
26562 QKISAKL.ZIP 255,6 kt 01.09.1997 - - -
MBnetin Quake-kisan demo - 10 fragia Pelaaja: Kalle Liukkonen - TUCHerbie
26563 QKISALL2.ZIP 195,7 kt 18.08.1997 - - -
Quake-kilpailu demo  Lasse Lehtisen kilpailu ja pieni Rocket Jump Demo.
26564 QKISAMH.ZIP 233,5 kt 18.08.1997 - - -
Mika Hirvosen demo Quake kisaan 20 tapolla
26565 QKISAST.ZIP 265,1 kt 03.09.1997 - - -
Quake kisa demo - 19 fragia Pelaaja: Seppo Tyrväinen
26566 QKISATH.ZIP 218,6 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
MBQuake-skaban satoa: Tapio Heiskarin demo ÿ "Tulos": 10 fragia Leveli: DM4 Vastustaja: Reaperbot skill 2 Aika: 4 min
26567 QKISATK.ZIP 134,3 kt 18.08.1997 - - -
Pelit alueen Quake skaba. Pelaaja vs. Reaper Bot skill 2 pelaaja: Tuomas Kareinen alias: IvanHoe  (vanhalla aliaksella) tulos: 17
26568 QKISATL.ZIP 132,8 kt 29.08.1997 - - -
Quake-kilpailu demo  Taavi Lappalaisen kilpailudemo, tulos 17 fragia.
26572 QM3DEM.ZIP 3 Mt 21.02.1998 - - -
Quakeen demo, joka sisältää rajua räiskintää räketit ja lihakimpaleet lennellen. Vielä kun mukaan liittää Mortal Kombat elokuvasta tutun musiikin ja muitakin hyviä musiikki- kappaleita, niin meno on melkoista. :)
26573 QMAGIC.ZIP 150,6 kt 27.09.1997 - ratsnest3.iso -
QuakeC: Quake Magic v1.1 This patch allows you to cast spells at any time (as long as you have enough health. You use your own energy to power these amazing effects.
26574 QMBTR3.ZIP 5,1 Mt 07.02.1998 - - -
Modeemipelaajien QuakeWorld turnauksen #3 demo, jossa pelaa JEDI-Herbie-. Tähän turnaukseen osallistui joukko hyviä MBnetistä tuttuja Quakettajia ja mukana tulevan demon perusteella varmaankin saa ihan hyvän kuvan siitä, millaista meno oli tuossa turnauksessa. -:)
26575 QMECH8.ZIP 2,2 Mt 20.10.1997 - - -
"Quake Total Conversion TC: QuakeMech v0.8 public beta Author: cl2 Quake with FASAs BattleTech universe. Fight with massive BattleMechshuge fighting machines each with firepower of a 19th century armored division!"
26576 QPYRAMD.ZIP 191 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
QuakeC: Electro-Pyramid 1.0 / Static-Line 1.0 Tornado Bomb 1.0 / Storm Bomb 1.1 Author   : John Mason
26577 QR12.A01 2,9 Mt 11.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Rally V1.2. Part 2/4.
26578 QR12.A02 2,9 Mt 11.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Rally V1.2. Part 3/4.
26579 QR12.A03 960,2 kt 11.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Rally V1.2. Part 4/4.
26580 QR12.ARJ 2,9 Mt 11.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Rally V1.2. Newest version of the car-modification for Quake. It modifies most of the weapons, brings seven cars to fight with, and some racing levels too. Part 1/4.
26581 QS4.ZIP 645,6 kt 22.07.1997 - 12522/PCMania CD62_2.iso -
Quake Soccer v4.0.
26582 QSKAGNZ.ZIP 340,6 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
60 fragin demo Reaper Skill 2:sta vastaan 5 minuutin aikarajalla. MBnetin demokisaan. Pelaajana Janne Korva
26583 QSQ101.ZIP 142,6 kt 02.09.1997 - - -
Quake Superheroes total conversion play one of several superhero characters with special powers. Be sure to download the Quake Superheroes skins file (supermdl.zip)
26584 QTANK05B.ZIP 1,8 Mt 05.09.1997 - - -
QuakeC: Qtank Beta v0.5b. TANKS... in Quake! This is meant to be a complete deathmatch conversion as an alternative for the normal mode of playing deathmatches.
26585 QTCEARTH.ZIP 547,7 kt 29.12.1997 - - -
Quake TC: EarthQuake TC Prelim version You will find new weapons, and some new functions that are not in normal Quake.
26586 QTEAM200.ZIP 3,1 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
QuakeC: QTeam 2.00,the most advanced teamplay addon available for Quake! It provides a host of new and exciting capabilities such as dynamic team scoring, capture the flag and tag team play, friendly fire penalties, restricted team colors, a programming interface for map designers, and Ghost Morons for controlled player entry into the game.
26587 QTPAT52B.ZIP 149,7 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
QTANK patch from 0.5b -> 0.52b.
26588 QUAKE-DM.ZIP 443,4 kt 13.08.1998 - - -
Quake-DM leveleitten salapaikat ja oikotiet (demoina)jne.. Parannuksia/ehdotuksia/lisäyksiä jos semmoisia löytyy =) ->jekk@dlc.fi tai kari.vesalainen@mbnet.fi  By Molotovi *QKT*
26589 QUARK39.ZIP 655,4 kt 01.09.1997 - - -
Quake Army Knife V3.9
26590 QUESS134.ZIP 137,2 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Quess (Quake Chess) patch from v1.3x -> v1.34
26596 QW_SKINS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.08.1997 - 23154/Gamestar_00_1998-10_cd2.bin -
Quakeworld-skin-base packet. Unzip this to QUAKE\\QW\\SKINS, and then the qws_*.zip - packets.
26591 QWS_9652.ZIP 2,5 Mt 07.09.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Quakeworld-skin-packet-update 24.12.1996. Unzip this to QUAKE\\QW\\SKINS.
26592 QWS_9706.ZIP 2,8 Mt 07.09.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Quakeworld-skin-packet-update 8.2.1997. Unzip this to QUAKE\\QW\\SKINS.
26593 QWS_9715.ZIP 2,6 Mt 07.09.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Quakeworld-skin-packet-update 7.4.1997. Unzip this to QUAKE\\QW\\SKINS.
26594 QWS_9721.ZIP 1,5 Mt 07.09.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Quakeworld-skin-packet-update 20.5.1997. Unzip this to QUAKE\\QW\\SKINS.
26595 QWS_9729.ZIP 5,5 Mt 08.09.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Quakeworld-skin-packet-update 17.7.1997 Unzip this to QUAKE\\QW\\SKINS.
26597 RAJAA.ZIP 123,4 kt 10.04.1999 - - -
Quake mod: Jotain Rajaa by Börjeware Vääntää aseet loogisemmiksi ja hauskemmiksi, aseet käsikranaatti, kivääri, katkaistu haulikko, konepistooli, muita muutoksia.
26598 RARENA11.ZIP 2,6 Mt 26.12.1997 - 24030/1997-12_Disc_3.9_No._2.bin -
Rocket Arena Quakeen Sisältää kaikki tarvittavat mapit. Rocket Arena on yksi Quaken lukuisista Internet-pelaamis mahdollisuuksista.
26599 REALQUAK.ZIP 1,6 Mt 01.09.1997 - 12522/PCMania CD62_2.iso -
* REAL QUAKE - Paljon uutta & ihmeellistä * Real Quake on erittäin laadukas sekä hyvä päivitys Quakeen. Quaken aseet muuttuvat realistisimmiksi, eli haulikon hylsyt vaan lentää kun ammut, nailgunin naulat kimpoilevat seinistä, panokset teleportautuvat teleporteista jne. Real Quake sisältää myös pari uutta vihollista sekä muutamia parannuksia entisiin vihollisiin. Pari suhteellisen uutta sekä pahaa vihollista mitkä tämä päivitys tuo mukanaan ovat Snake
26600 REAPRSKN.ZIP 377,2 kt 07.07.1998 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Reaper BOTille erilaisia skineja.
26601 RGB2A.ZIP 300,5 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
"Quake movie: Ranger gone bad 2 Todella hienoelokuvajossa tehdaan hyokkays Gloom Keepiin!"
26602 ROTP060.A01 2,1 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix 1/3
26603 ROTP060.A02 1,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix 2/3
26604 ROTP060.ARJ 2,1 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix Complete Total Conversion that changes Quake into a true role-playing game! All support files V0.60 3/3
26605 ROTP060P.ZIP 234 kt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fantasy Quake: Rise of the Phoenix Complete Total Conversion that changes Quake into a true role-playing game! Progs.dat v0.60
26606 RPODS10.ZIP 162,2 kt 18.09.1997 - gamers.org -
Quake: Rocket Pods v1.0 by Nick "SiNGE" Bousman, Glenn "Griphis" Saaiman. What we got here is a 5-barrel ballistic rocket launcher. The most aptly descriptive term for the attack this creates would be "carpet bombing"
26607 SFQ10.ZIP 6,1 Mt 31.08.1997 - 23178/Gamestar_30_2001-06_cd2.bin -
"Quake: Special Forces v1.0 TC by Hitman. Your country needs you! Youve been through the roughest training the military has to offerweve invested millions in you - and now its time to earn your paycheck. There is a clear and present danger to the nations security. Were sending you in solo in acovertrole to minimize detection. If caughtyou will labeled a renegade and unsanctioned. Do not let us down!"
26608 SHRAKICO.ZIP 1,1 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
SHRAK icons - now you can custom your SHRAK desktop icons with these three variations...
26609 SKINHEAD.ZIP 102,6 kt 30.10.1997 - - -
skinhead for quake!
26610 SLAZER20.ZIP 681,3 kt 28.06.1997 - 23665/PCGAMER44.bin -
QuakeC: The Super Lazer V2.0 by C.Cummings
26611 SNIPER13.ZIP 1,4 kt 27.09.1997 - 12522/PCMania CD62_2.iso -
QuakeC: SNiPER Quake v1.3 This little add-on gives you the ability to accurately pick off your enemies with ease.
26612 SOFQ1.ZIP 3,6 Mt 02.06.1998 - 23210/Gamestar_06_1999-06_cd1.bin -
Quake: Soldier of Fortune Inc. mission Quake mission about secret commando mission against bio-chemical plant developing bio-weapons. Single player.
26613 SQDBT201.ZIP 270,2 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
QuakeC: Navy Seals Weapons Patch sQuad Bots 2.01 - This Navy SEALs sQuad bots modification confronts you with a team of up to four opponent bots, which operate in a (more) intelligent, realistic, and coordinated fashion than current Quake monsters and most other bots. This modification aims to enhance your "single player" Quake with more realism and replayability.
26614 SUPERMDL.ZIP 318 kt 28.08.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake Superheroes skin files Skin files supported in the Quake Superheroes total conversion
26615 SWEFIN1.ZIP 1,5 Mt 16.03.1998 - - -
8. Maaliskuuta laivalla järjestetyn Suomi vs. Ruotsi Quake-maaottelun demo.
26616 SWEFIN2.ZIP 4,3 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
Suomi vs Ruotsi Quake-maaottelu 1998 toukokuu QuakeWorld-demo, erä II.
26617 SWORDSMA.ZIP 746,2 kt 27.09.1997 - 12522/PCMania CD62_2.iso -
Quake: The Demonic Swordsman By Matthew Grum 1997 This patch replaces the Hell knight with the Demonic Swordsman. He behaves the same as the Hell knight, but lookes and sound different.
26618 TBOMB11.ZIP 159,6 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Quake: Duke Nukem 3-D -like TripBombs v1.1 by Nick "SiNGE" Bousman, Glenn "Griphis" Saaiman
26619 TDK10.ZIP 6,4 Mt 15.09.1997 - - -
The Demon King - a Partial Conversion for Quake. TDK has 14 new levels, new models, sounds and effects. TDK is non-linear, meaning all the levels form one cohesive world, like Hexen and Hexen2.
26620 TF28INST.ZIP 5,2 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
TeamFortress v2.8 fairly old QuakeWorld/QuakeC patch which radically changes team games. It provides far more incentive for teams to actually work as a team. Each member of the team has unique weapons, items, and abilities, and style of play. For Quake1 only. Does not include TF maps.
26621 TF28UPGR.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.05.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Team Fortress 2.8 - Päivitys, Client sekä sekä Server versiot.
26622 TFB-V07.ZIP 782,9 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
Team Fortressiin tekoälypelaajat, eli botit. Toimii myös lokaalina.
26623 TFPYRO.ZIP 3,9 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
Quake: - TeamFortress Pyro Script v1.0
26624 TND_1BS.ZIP 3,2 Mt 04.01.1998 - - -
Quake TC: Tomorrow Never Dies Amazing new weapons, interiors and bad guys make TND Quake the most exciting custom Quake level ever! Imagine yourself as 007 himself... armed with a Walther PPK and MP5K.
26625 UKTFF1.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.06.1998 - - -
Quake TeamFortress demo UK:n TF leaguen finaalin 1. erästä - 07/06/1998. USA:n parhaimmat TeamFortress-pelaajat ottavat mittaa toisistaan tiukassa finaalissa TF:n mestaruudesta. (Ei toimi sitten aivan uusimmalla QuakeWorldillä, vaan vaatii toimiakseen vanhan QuakeWorld 2.10:n)
26626 UKTFF2.ZIP 2,3 Mt 15.06.1998 - - -
Quake TeamFortress demo UK:n TF leaguen finaalin 2. erästä - 07/06/1998. USA:n parhaimmat TeamFortress-pelaajat ottavat mittaa toisistaan tiukassa finaalissa TF:n mestaruudesta. (Ei toimi sitten aivan uusimmalla QuakeWorldillä, vaan vaatii toimiakseen vanhan QuakeWorld 2.10:n)
26627 ULTGUN20.ZIP 138 kt 28.06.1997 - 23665/PCGAMER44.bin -
QuakeC: The Ultra Shotgun V1.0 by C.Cummings. It fires at 4 times the power of the double barelled shotgun at the speed of an UZI 9mm.
26628 ULTQMIN.ARJ 480,3 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
Quake: ULTIMATE QUAKE first release For use with Quake v1.01 Attempt to enhance the gameplay in Quake and to add some new weapons/weapon modes as well as a magic system.
26629 UUSVUOS.ZIP 304,6 kt 28.12.1997 - - -
Uusi Vuosi v1.0 Quakelle Sotilaat ampuvatkin nyt ilmaan ilotulitusraketteja! Mukana yksi testirata. Raketit ujeltavat hienosti. Hyvää uutta vuotta! by: Kalpakonna Fragment
26630 UWMOD12.ZIP 3,3 Mt 27.09.1997 - - -
"QuakeC: Ultimate Weapon Mod v1.2 by Andy Brennan This patch is a combination of the very best Quake-C patches available. It includes most of the best new weapons createdseveral new monstersand a few more miscellaneous patches. In additionIve also added a player model with 19 of some of the best skins available."
26631 WARBOT2.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.11.1997 - - -
Warbot v2: Reaperbotin muunneltu versio. Uutta: Botit nakyvat tulostaulukossa, niilla on erivariset paidat ym, nyt niilla on kunnon nimet, sisaltaa YCamin, bugeja fixattu, sisaltaa ylimaaraista verta!
26632 XMENRAVD.A01 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse 2/5
26633 XMENRAVD.A02 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse 3/5
26634 XMENRAVD.A03 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse 4/5
26635 XMENRAVD.A04 1010,5 kt 24.11.1997 - - -
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse 5/5
26636 XMENRAVD.ARJ 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse Quake 1/5 Total Conversion demo. Req. P90 16 MB Quake Registered. By Zero Gravity / Marvel
26637 YPOD.A01 2,9 Mt 12.02.1998 - - -
Quake: Your Path of Destruction TC, 2/5
26638 YPOD.A02 2,9 Mt 12.02.1998 - - -
Quake: Your Path of Destruction TC, 3/5
26639 YPOD.A03 2,9 Mt 12.02.1998 - - -
Quake: Your Path of Destruction TC, 4/5
26640 YPOD.A04 1,8 Mt 12.02.1998 - - -
Quake: Your Path of Destruction TC, 5/5.
26641 YPOD.ARJ 2,9 Mt 12.02.1998 - - -
Quake: Your Path of Destruction TC (Total Conversion). Erittäin Doom-henkinen, hyvin toteutettu TC Quakelle. Paketti 1/5.
26642 YPODUP1.ZIP 178,8 kt 25.12.1997 - 22400/xeniatgm39.iso -
Quake: Your Path of Destruction päivitys #1.
26643 ZER.ZIP 10,9 Mt 02.10.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake: Zerstörer - Testament of the Destroyer by Nihilism Unlimited. This is absolutely awesome total conversion (TC) which has 8 single player and 5 good deathmatch maps, and those will keep you on the edge of your seat for many hours! The ambience of this map was such a great experience it made this a very different game of Quake and causes you to be totally immersed from start to finish. The levels include some of the best new weapons
26644 ZEUS205.ZIP 372,1 kt 28.08.1997 - 24030/1997-12_Disc_3.9_No._2.bin -
QuakeC: Zeus Bot - Automated Quake companion
26380 ACQUAK2.ZIP 6 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
"Action Quake2 v1.0 by SamCailThompson The free Action Quake2 program allows you to access any Action Quake2 server running the same client version (.95). Action Quake2 is a Deathmatch mod designed along the lines of a good action movie. No BFGs (big friendly guns) or rapid-fire rocket launchers here - and not a plasma weapon or laser gun in sight. What you do have is a mod where stealth and strategy pay off. Quake2 Ver. 3.19 and Windows 95"
26381 AIRQ206A.ZIP 1,5 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AirQuake2 v0.60a TC (Total Conversion) for Quake2. Radically different style of game from Quake2 instead of a 1st-person shoot-em-up, AirQuake2 is a 3rd-person flight-sim. Control a range of combat aircraft, helicopters and ground-vehicles, around maps ranging from huge canyon networks to sandy desert wastes.
26382 AQ2V020A.ZIP 2 Mt 18.05.1998 - - -
The COMPLETE package for AirQuake2 version 0.20a! This package contains some HUGE INTERNAL CHANGES and therefore you should DELETE your OLD copies of Airquake2.
26383 BIGDADDY.ZIP 420,6 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
" Quake 3: Arena level: Bigdaddy Author Kenneth Ray Huge level with very little gravity and grappling hooks all over the joint. Its not very aesthetically pleasingbut its a lot of fun to play when you have a 3 or more players with bots loaded."
26384 BOTSCL29.A01 3,1 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Quake2: Battle of the Sexes client v2.9 2/2
26385 BOTSCL29.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Quake2: Battle of the Sexes client v2.9 for Q2 Capture The Flag (CTF). Requires latest Q2 update + Q2 Weapons patch. By Jesse Herrera aka Spinoza. Alters several characteristics and abilities of your character based on the gender you choose to play. Also includes teamplay and classes.    1/2
26386 BOTSD295.ZIP 814,4 kt 25.05.1998 - - -
Quake2: Battle of the Sexes for Q2 Capture The Flag (CTF). v2.9.5 DLL Upgrade
26387 BOTSMAP1.ZIP 3,8 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Quake2: Battle of the Sexes for Q2 Capture The Flag (CTF). Map Pack #1
26388 BOTSMAP2.ZIP 5 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Quake2: Battle of the Sexes for Q2 Capture The Flag (CTF). Map Pack #2
26389 BOTSSE29.A01 3,1 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Quake2: Battle of the Sexes server v2.9 2/2
26390 BOTSSE29.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Quake2: Battle of the Sexes server v2.9 for Q2 Capture The Flag (CTF). Requires latest Q2 update + Q2 Weapons patch. By Jesse Herrera aka Spinoza. Alters several characteristics and abilities of your character based on the gender you choose to play. Also includes teamplay and classes.     1/2
26391 CIR.ZIP 43,5 kt 16.04.1998 - 23154/Gamestar_00_1998-10_cd2.bin -
Quake 2 DM level: Circular Death
26392 CRAYBOX.ZIP 483,5 kt 14.04.1998 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Quake 2 level: Cray Oh La Boxes Really fun deathmatch level for three to eight players.
26393 CRBOT091.ZIP 141,8 kt 16.04.1998 - 16122/PC Format 79 - Feb 1998.iso -
The C.R.Bot, for Quake II 0.91a
26394 CRBOT099.ZIP 608,8 kt 07.02.1998 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Botit quake 2:selle. Paras saataville oleva.
26395 CRBOT104.ZIP 181,9 kt 16.03.1998 - - -
Crbot 1.04, uusi versio QuakeC botista Quake 2:seen. Teamipeli ja muokattavat death obituaryt.
26396 CRBOT112.ZIP 183 kt 13.04.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Crbot 1.12, QuakeC botti Quake 2:seen.
26397 CRBOT114.ZIP 183,5 kt 28.04.1998 - 23154/Gamestar_00_1998-10_cd2.bin -
Crbot 1.14, QuakeC botti Quake 2:seen.
26398 CTC13.ZIP 2,3 Mt 28.07.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
"Quake 2 Mod: Catch The Chicken 1.3 The object ofCatch the Chickenis to hold onto the chicken as long as you can without being fragged by your friends. Features: New modelsgraphics and sounds! Short movie intro!! GibStats support. Observer and chase camera modes. A little bit more..."
26399 DM2_98V2.ZIP 330,1 kt 14.04.1998 - 13537/IO CD grudzien 98.iso -
"Quake 2 level: Stroggophobopolis version 2 DM2_98v2 - remake of DM2 from Quake 1built entirely from scratch.  Used the mine textures. Its pretty true to the original."
26400 Q2DM64.ZIP 7 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
"Quake2: 64 Player Deathmatch Pack Three large deathmatch maps that weve cooked up for Quake II. It is recommended thatas a clientyou have at least 32 megs of RAM to use these maps."
26401 Q2DQ2.ZIP 1,7 Mt 14.07.1999 - 22440/XENIATGM66.iso -
"Quake 2 Done Quick2 The first speed-run by the Quake done Quick team through id Softwares Quake2. It is a run all the way through Quake2 on Hard skillgoing through the levels as fast as possible."
26402 Q2ELOK2.ZIP 727 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
Maniac ja Sotilas osat 3&4 2 erinomaista "elokuvaa" quake 2:selle!uudet maat, uudet tehtävät, uudet kujeet! Jatkoa osille 1&2! tehnyt A&M tuotanto
26403 Q2ELOKU.ZIP 737,7 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
MANIAC JA SOTILAS osat 1&2 Quad Clan Software: Kaksi hyvää ja hauskaa "elokuvaa" Quake 2:seen. sisältää myös kaksi kenttää.
26404 Q2JLBRK.A01 4,4 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Quake 2: Jailbreak 2/2
26405 Q2JLBRK.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Quake 2: JailBreak from Dave Dynerman  1/2 deathmatch mod in the tradition of CTF. There are two teamsred and blue. Each team has a baseand in his base is a Jail. When you kill an enemyhe goes to your Jail. Likewisewhen you are killed you will go to their Jail. Once you have team mates in Jailyou can free them by penetrating the enemys base and hitting the switch to open the Jail doors. Req. Quake 2 Windows 9598or NT"
26406 Q2KC2.ZIP 5,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Quake2 mod: KIKKO CONVERSION 2 Muunnelma quake2:seen. Muuttaa grafiikat, äänet, ja muuta! Tehty n. 3 kk. Hauskaa meininkiä alusta loppuun. Tehnyt A&M tuotanto.
26407 Q2LOKI.ZIP 15,6 Mt 31.08.1999 - - -
Quake 2 seikkailu: Loki Minions: Escape. Yksin pelattava seikkailu/laajennus. Uusia hirviöitä, aseita, kenttiä.
26408 Q2NS.A01 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
Navy Seals: Dev. Group TC Quake 2:lle 2/2
26409 Q2NS.ARJ 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
Navy Seals: Dev. Group TC Quake 2:lle 1/2 (First look beta). Navy Seals on Total Conversion Quake 2:lle, joka sisältää lukuisia uusia eri aseita (mark 23 pistol, MP5 SMG jne.), ja kranaatteja. Tuo Q2:n moninpelaamiseen lisää monipuolisuutta.
26410 Q2PV20.EXE 1013,5 kt 28.04.1998 - - -
"Q2Proxx is a QuakeII proxy that sits between your QuakeII client on your LAN and the server located elsewhere on your LAN or on the internet! Play DeathMatchCTFor custom maps. Its up to you!"
26411 Q2TAPST1.ZIP 61 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
Quake II: Coconut Monkey\'s "Tapestry of Injustice". Add-on pack of the worst Q2 levels ever made.
26412 Q2TIMER.ZIP 150,3 kt 12.04.1998 versio 1.02 ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake 2 timer patch v1.01, The main thing about Q2 that I was disappointed about was that there was no onscreen timer.  This makes speed demos, such as the Quake done Quick project a bit difficult...
26413 Q3CTFF1.ZIP 2,6 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Quake 3: Arena CTF: QuartzCTF1. CTF-kenttä "Cast Into Shadows"
26414 Q3DOOMAP.ZIP 3,1 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Quake 3: Arena CTF: DooCTF MapPack. You NEED the Threewave CTF levels already installed properly!
26415 QS228R2.ZIP 515,3 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Quake2: Quick Start - "Eraser Bot Wizard" V2.28 Rev. 2 - program to ease the configuration and launching the Eraser Bot for Quake2.
26416 QSMASH.ZIP 226,5 kt 04.05.1998 - - -
Kenttä Quake2:teen. Paras pienellä lähiverkolla. By Ville Salomäki
26417 QUASAR10.ZIP 2,1 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
"Quake 2: Quasar v1.0 by ChrisMrCoolFerrer Quasar brings home the fun of Laser Tag to Quake2 with 3 different styles of play. Each map will have 3 arenas for playing each game on6 New Weapons and New Sounds."
26418 QUASAR11.ZIP 324 kt 25.05.1998 - - -
Quake 2: Quasar v1.1 update. Requires v1.0.
26419 QWEAPONS.ZIP 1,7 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Quake2: Weapons. This "pak" file allows you to see players carrying their actual weapons. Very cool!
26420 RA2220CL.A01 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Rocket Arena 2 v2.20 2/6
26421 RA2220CL.A02 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Rocket Arena 2 v2.20 3/6
26422 RA2220CL.A03 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Rocket Arena 2 v2.20 4/6
26423 RA2220CL.A04 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Rocket Arena 2 v2.20 5/6
26424 RA2220CL.A05 3,1 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Rocket Arena 2 v2.20 6/6
26425 RA2220CL.ARJ 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Quake 2: Rocket Arena 2 v2.20 client 1/6 Q2 Internet-moninpelimuunnos. "One of the most fun (and most addictive) mods ever created." Tällä paketilla voit pelata RA2-servereillä.
26426 RA2250UP.A01 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Rocket Arena 2 v2.50 update 2/3
26427 RA2250UP.A02 4,7 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Rocket Arena 2 v2.50 update 3/3
26428 RA2250UP.ARJ 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Quake 2: Rocket Arena 2 v2.50 client UPDATE. Requires v2.20. Q2 Internet-moninpelimuunnos. 2.50 lisää 28 uutta kenttää. "One of the most fun (and most addictive) mods ever created."                                       1/3
26429 RA2BOTI.ZIP 6,9 kt 25.05.1998 - - -
"RA2 Bot HOWTO by DavidcrtWright The info in this filealong with the included source filesare everything you need to add basic RA2 support to your bot. You may find a copy of the RA2 map specs (available from the Rocket Arena 2 page) useful as well."
26430 REMAINS.ZIP 882,7 kt 20.01.1999 - gamers.org -
"Remains Quake 2 Single Play Level by Juha Koiste. This is my latest Quake 2 leveland it should be a lot better than the levels Ive released so far (Area 51Old Storage AreaOld Storage Area II etc.) Check it out! :)"
26431 SH2_B76.ZIP 1,8 Mt 31.03.1998 - - -
"Superheroes II Beta 7.6 CTFWindows version (ftp.cdrom.com) The mod itself. If you want to run a serverthis file is required; if you just want to get all the extra neat soundsiconsgraphicsand modelsyou STILL need this file. You can play Superheroes without itbut itll suck."
26432 SOFQ2.ZIP 1,8 Mt 02.06.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake2 : Soldier of Fortune Inc. mission Quake 2 mission about secret commando mission against bio-chemical plant developing bio-weapons. Single player.
26433 STTQ2S11.ZIP 2,3 Mt 14.07.1999 - - -
Star Trek: The Quake 2 Simulation v1.1. Quake 2 add-on which recreates many aspects of the USS Enterprise-D as seen in TV. You will find that the areas which are present are generally a close match to "the real thing". You\'ll find the Main Bridge, Main Engineering, Ten Forward, Sickbay, transporter rooms, and more besides, along with a fully functional interactive turbolift system. Created by Andrew Wyllie Homepage: http://members.aol.com/stquakesim/
26434 STWFMP4.ZIP 2,5 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Quake2 mod: ST Weapons Factory v2.2 All the STWF Maps in one zip file (Contains 2FortGore, Postal2, SlabCTF5 and Welt) Unzip into your \\quake2\\ctf\\maps directory. Plus GameSpy tab.
26435 TENTACLE.ZIP 349,2 kt 24.02.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake2 PPM (Plugin Player Model): Tentacle by Markus Lutz. This is based on the tentacles of Day of the Tentacle -game.
26436 VWEP_315.EXE 2,2 Mt 28.07.1998 - gamers.org -
Quake 2 Mod: Visible Weapons. This mod allows you to see other players carrying their actual weapons. Very cool! Requirements: Quake2 3.15 patch or newer.
26437 WDEST50.ZIP 1,9 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
Quake2: Weapons of Destruction for Quake2 v5.0 This is a combo mod and changes most of the weapons and adds some new features.
26438 WFCLI40.A01 3,8 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Quake 2: Weapons Factory v4.0 2/4
26439 WFCLI40.A02 3,8 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Quake 2: Weapons Factory v4.0 3/4
26440 WFCLI40.A03 3 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Quake 2: Weapons Factory v4.0 4/4
26441 WFCLI40.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
"Quake 2 mod: Weapons Factory v4.0 by John Rittenhouse and the Reno Brothers. Based on Zoids CTF modWeapons Factory adds some new features to team play including player classesrespawndecoyslots of weaponsspecial itemsjetpack... Client files. Unzip into your \\quake2\\ctf directory."
26442 XQ2-125L.ZIP 827,7 kt 06.05.1999 - - -
"Xtreme Quake 2 - V1.25 - Linux (x86) A combo modification for id Softwares Quake 2. Over 30 new weapons like Proximity Mine LauncherLaser Tripwire and Blood DrainerAirstrikes with different payloadsdifferent grenade types e.g. Nail Bomblots of features including GrapplePersonal TeleporterHolo-Decoyand Anti-Gravity Boots. Works with single playercooperative and deathmatch. Requires Quake 2 version 3.20 to work properly."
26443 XQ2-125W.ZIP 852 kt 06.05.1999 - - -
"Xtreme Quake 2 - V1.25 - Win9x (x86) A combo modification for id Softwares Quake 2. Over 30 new weapons like Proximity Mine LauncherLaser Tripwire and Blood DrainerAirstrikes with different payloadsdifferent grenade types e.g. Nail Bomblots of features including GrapplePersonal TeleporterHolo-Decoyand Anti-Gravity Boots. Works with single playercooperative and deathmatch. Requires Quake 2 version 3.20 to work properly."
26444 ZUMLIN10.ZIP 351 kt 24.02.1998 - - -
Quake2 PPM (Plugin Player Model): Zumlin v1.0 by Rowan "Sumaleth" Crawford. Zumlin is a plugin player model for deathmatch play in Quake2. It is an entirely new model with all 20 animations, a new skin, a new weapon (and skin), a player icon and a story explaining his existance in the Quake2 story.
26811 11TH-HOU.LZH 46831 24.02.1996 - - -
11th Hour walkthrough, riddlesetc material
26812 11THWLK.ZIP 8867 01.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Walkthrough for 11th hour.
26813 7THGUEST.LZH 11290 03.03.1996 - - -
7th Guest ratkaisu
26815 ADBARE.ZIP 19,6 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
26816 ADFULL.ZIP 29,5 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
26818 AITD-SOL.ZIP 6204 03.03.1996 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Alone in the Dark solve
26817 AITD2SOL.LZH 6948 24.02.1996 - - -
26819 AKEYANEG.ZIP 1,6 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Akeyan Enigma v1 Soleau Puzzle Akeyan10.zip Solve the ancient mysteries of the Akeyan temples by collecting the cryptic tablets scattered throughout each chamber. Strategic planning is a must in your quest to escape from each room using lava rocks, secret tunnels and other objects while avoiding the Akeyan force fields. Can you solve these 50 mind-bending logic puzzles? Win 3.1/95 Pentium 16megs
26820 ALBIONWT.ZIP 14346 05.12.1996 - - -
Albion solve.
26821 ALIEN.TXT 8758 24.03.1996 - - -
Aliens: The Comic Book Adventure. Final
26822 ALONE3.ZIP 9726 05.06.1995 - 16350/Riki0297-01.iso -
Alone In The Dark 3 -läpipeluuohjeet (eng.)
26823 ALONESOL.LZH 6079 03.03.1996 - - -
Alone in the Dark Solution - Infogrames
26824 AMBER_WT.ZIP 3,8 kt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
AMBER: Journeys Beyond Walkthrough
26825 ANGELSOL.ZIP 2771 06.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Angel Devoid: Face of the Enemy walkthrough
26827 ANIMAL.TXT 12,8 kt 09.10.1997 - - -
Animal. Walkthrought.
26826 ANIMALS.ZIP 4,7 kt 25.09.1997 - - -
ANIMAL solution
26828 ANVIL.TXT 80,1 kt 12.06.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin tupla
Anvil of the Dawn-roolipelin läpipeluuohje.
60775 ANVIL.TXT 82006 13.06.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin tupla
Anvil of the Dawn-roolipelin läpipeluuohje.
26829 ANVILWT.ZIP 55,7 kt 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
26830 ANVSOL.ZIP 55959 27.08.1996 - - -
Anvil of Darn solution
26831 ARACHINT.LZH 3218 03.03.1996 - - -
ARACHNOPHOBIA vinkkejä ja ratkaisu, Disney
Software. IBM/Amiga/C-64
26832 ARKWALK.ZIP 11,6 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Ark of Time solve
26833 ARRIVAL.ZIP 6,2 kt 25.09.1997 - 22586/Hrac_13_1997-09_cd.bin -
The Arrival walkthrough
26834 ASGHANW.ZIP 6,6 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Asghan walkthrough
26835 ATLANTC.ZIP 7,1 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Atlantis solution
26836 AVVYSOL.ZIP 1748 27.06.1996 - - -
AVVY - Denarius Avaricius Sextus, solve.
61149 B13S.LZH 16085 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Bureau 13 Hints and Walkthru
26837 BADMOJO.TXT 4,6 kt 14.05.1996 - - tupla
Bad Mojo-seikkailupelin läpipeluuohjeet.
61180 BADMOJO.TXT 4684 15.05.1996 - - tupla
Bad Mojo-seikkailupelin läpipeluuohjeet.
26839 BAK-SLV.ZIP 89475 03.03.1996 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
26840 BARD1SOL.LZH 6652 03.03.1996 - - -
The Bard's Tale ratkaisu
26841 BARD2SOL.LZH 14372 03.03.1996 - - -
The Bard's Tale II ratkaisu
26842 BARD3SOL.LZH 25483 03.03.1996 - - -
The Bard's Tale III ratkaisu
26843 BASK-WT.ZIP 31065 20.12.1995 - - -
26844 BBDOYOU.ZIP 4 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Beavis & Butthead Do U solve
26845 BEAVISS.LZH 3,8 kt 24.02.1996 - - tupla
Beavis & Butthead in Virtual Stupiditywalkthru
61305 BEAVISS.LZH 3848 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Beavis & Butthead in Virtual
26846 BEYTIMES.ZIP 7,7 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Beyond Time walkthrough
26847 BIG_RED_.TXT 34250 24.03.1996 - - -
Big Red Adventure-seikkailupelin
26848 BIOSOLVE.ZIP 6896 06.04.1995 väärä koko discmaster.textfiles.com -
Full and Complete solve for Origin's
26849 BITWT.ZIP 54700 20.12.1995 - - -
"Buried in Time" walkthrough
26850 BKSW2WK.ZIP 5,8 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
26851 BLACKCAU.LZH 1478 03.03.1996 - - -
Black Cauldron ratkaisu
26852 BLHEATS.ZIP 24,8 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Blue Heat Walkthrough
26853 BLOODNSO.LZH 2007 16.11.1995 - - -
Bloodnet - quick solve.
26854 BLSOLVE.ZIP 118,1 kt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
Black Dahlia walkthrough
26856 BRAIN13.TXT 1913 24.03.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Braindead 13-pelin läpipeluuohje.
26857 BROKEN.TXT 13167 20.12.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Broken Sword. Läpipeluuohje.
26858 BSC-WALK.ZIP 15,9 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Blackstone Chronicles solve
26859 BURIED2.ZIP 9772 03.03.1996 - - -
Buried in time 2 - Ratkaisu
26860 BURNC-WK.ZIP 11,8 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
BurnCycle Walkthrough
26861 BYZANWT.ZIP 19,6 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Byzantine: The Betrayl Walkthrough
26862 C5S.ZIP 4157 16.11.1995 - - -
Challange of the Five Realms solve
26863 CALLAHAS.ZIP 9,3 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
26864 CAMELOTS.LZH 7106 03.03.1996 - - -
Conquest of Camelot ratkaisu - Sierra
26865 CARMWT.ZIP 565,6 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Carmageddon walkthrough from SCi
26866 CCSHINTS.ZIP 479 tavua 24.05.1997 - MBCD -
"Callahans Crosstime Saloon Blackboard Solutions"
26867 CDESTINY.TXT 29047 20.12.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Clandestiny. Läpipeluuohje.
26868 CDNAMICE.LZH 5944 03.03.1996 - - -
Codename: Iceman ratkaisu. Sierra
26870 CHRONICL.TXT 6836 13.06.1996 - - -
Chronicles Of The Sword - walktrough
26871 CHRONOQ.LZH 1636 03.03.1996 - - -
Chrono Quest ratkaisu
26872 CLUBDWT.ZIP 2,7 kt 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
26873 CMASTER.TXT 29,4 kt 14.05.1996 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO tupla
Chronomaster-pelin läpipeluuohje.
62180 CMASTER.TXT 30072 15.05.1996 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO tupla
Chronomaster-pelin läpipeluuohje.
26874 COLCSOLV.TXT 3,4 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
City of Lost Children Walkthrought.
26875 COLDWALK.ZIP 1,4 kt 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
26876 COMISOLV.ZIP 6,8 kt 25.11.1997 - - -
Curse Of Monkey Island Solution by Lasse Lehtinen
26878 CONN-SLV.ZIP 6,3 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Connections walkthrough
26879 CONQLBSO.LZH 2731 03.03.1996 - - -
Conquest of the Longbow - Legends of Robin
Hood - ratkaisu. Sierra.
27718 CPATH.ZIP 11817 20.12.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
26880 CREASHCK.ZIP 6,8 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Creature Shock Solution and hint guide
26881 CYBERIA2.TXT 15 kt 14.05.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Cyberia 2-pelin läpipeluuohjeet.
62529 CYBERIA2.TXT 15379 15.05.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Cyberia 2-pelin läpipeluuohjeet.
26890 D-EARTH.ZIP 201,3 kt 26.11.1997 - 17664/hot36.iso -
Dark Earth Solution
26882 DAEDALUS.ZIP 3622 25.08.1995 - 18003/walnutcreekcdrom-handheldorganizertoolkit-march1998.iso -
26884 DARK_SEE.TXT 17361 24.03.1996 - - -
Dark Seed II-seikkailupelin läpipeluuohje.
26883 DARKSEED.LZH 1623 03.03.1996 - - -
Darkseed ratkaisu
26885 DARKTERR.TXT 16481 20.12.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Dark Sun: Shattered Lands. Läpipeluuohje.
26886 DAWALK.ZIP 6,6 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Dark Angael Walkthrough
26887 DBQUEST.TXT 9,3 kt 14.05.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso tupla
DBQuest-roolipelin läpipeluuohjeet.
62672 DBQUEST.TXT 9487 15.05.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso tupla
DBQuest-roolipelin läpipeluuohjeet.
26888 DEADALS.ZIP 6683 27.06.1996 - - -
Dead or Alive solve.
26889 DEARALT.ZIP 9,5 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
DARK EARTH Walkthrough by CRASH
26891 DEJAVU2S.LZH 2410 03.03.1996 - - -
Deja Vu II:Lost in Las Vegas ratkaisu
26892 DEMONFOR.TXT 5411 18.03.1996 - - -
Demon's Forge-pelin läpipeluuohjeet.
26894 DEUS.TXT 13,3 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Deus. Läpipeluuohjeet.
26893 DEUSSOLV.TXT 13,5 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Deus Walkthrought.
26895 DGATEWT.ZIP 8597 19.01.1996 - - -
DEATH GATE walkthrough
26896 DIGSOLVE.ZIP 3748 03.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Full Walkthru For "THE DIG" By Lucasarts
26897 DIGSTUF.LZH 39,2 kt 24.02.1996 - - tupla
The Dig - full solve, FAQ and Turtlepuzzle solved with picture.
62928 DIGSTUF.LZH 40174 25.02.1996 - - tupla
The Dig - full solve, FAQ and Turtlepuzzle
solved with picture.
26898 DINO.TXT 6,8 kt 12.06.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Dinotopia-pelin läpipeluuohje.
62935 DINO.TXT 6990 13.06.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Dinotopia-pelin läpipeluuohje.
26899 DISCSOLV.ZIP 7071 25.04.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Discworld Walkthrough
26900 DISK2SOL.TXT 9 kt 02.03.1997 - MBCD -
Diskworld II ratkaisu.
26901 DISKWSTU.LZH 41,6 kt 24.02.1996 - - tupla
Discworld, full solve, FAQ, hintsand step-by-step walkthru.
62965 DISKWSTU.LZH 42588 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Discworld, full solve, FAQ, hintsand
step-by-step walkthru.
26903 DL-WT.ZIP 27505 20.12.1995 - - -
Dragon Lore walk-thru.
26902 DLHSPEC2.ZIP 682,3 kt 26.05.1996 - MBCD tupla
Dirty Little Helper Special 3D Action Games international version Supports all famous 3D Action Games with cheats, trainer, solves etc.
26904 DMAST2S.ZIP 6,7 kt 06.03.1997 - - -
Dungeon Master II: The Legend Of Skullkeep - Complete Solution
26905 DOGDAYS.ZIP 3,7 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Dog Day solve
26906 DRACULAS.LZH 2280 03.03.1996 - - -
Dracula Unleashed ratkaisu
26907 DRAGONS.ZIP 3749 16.11.1995 - - -
Dragonsphere ratkaisu. MPS.
26908 DRAGONWS.LZH 22623 03.03.1996 - - -
Dragon Wars ratkaisu - Interplay
26909 DREAMWSO.LZH 3769 03.03.1996 - - -
Dreamweb ratkaisu
26911 DRM2RLTY.ZIP 6,3 kt 24.09.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
Dreams To Reality Complete Walkthrough.
26912 DTHINT.LZH 2489 03.03.1996 - - -
Dick Tracy vinkkejä ja ratkaisu. Disney.
26913 DUCKMSLV.ZIP 2 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
Duckman Walkthru
26914 DUCKTALE.LZH 628 03.03.1996 - - -
Duck Tales ratkaisu
26915 DUNESOL.LZH 8830 03.03.1996 - - -
Dune ratkaisu
26916 DUNGMSOL.LZH 15741 03.03.1996 - - -
Dungeon Master ratkaisu
26917 DZONESOL.LZH 9642 24.02.1996 - - -
Dream Zone solution
26919 ECOQ1S.LZH 3422 03.03.1996 - - -
Eco Quest ratkaisu
26920 ECST.ZIP 4943 20.12.1995 - - -
help for Ecstatica: solution v1.0
26921 EINOWLK.ZIP 2,6 kt 24.12.1997 - - -
Einon Koulupäivä Walktruu.. ZiG/IGH
26922 ELVIR1S.LZH 3295 03.03.1996 - - -
Elvira - Mistress of the Dark ratkaisu
26923 ELVIR2S.LZH 5315 03.03.1996 - - -
Elvira II - Jaws of Cerberus ratkaisu
26925 ENTO.TXT 17712 24.03.1996 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Entomorph: Plaque of Darkfall Solve.
26926 ENTRE-B.ZIP 6,2 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Entrepreneur Walkthrough...
26927 EOB2-SOL.LZH 5656 26.01.1995 - - -
Eye of the Beholder II solve
26928 EOB2SOL.LZH 5610 03.03.1996 - - -
Eye of the Beholder II ratkaisu
26929 F2WALK.ZIP 53,1 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Fallout 2 solve
26930 FABLE.TXT 18952 20.12.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Fable. Läpipeluuohjeet.
26931 FADE.TXT 32961 15.05.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Fade to Black-pelin läpipeluuohjeet.
26932 FALLSLV.ZIP 6,9 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
FALLOUT Walkthrough
26933 FATETHRU.ZIP 5829 13.04.1995 - - -
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantiksen
26934 FORBCW.ZIP 5,5 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
The Forbidden City solve
26935 FORKWT.ZIP 7,6 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
Fork in the Tale Solve
26936 FORTBOD.ZIP 41,3 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Legend of Fort Boyard Walkthrough
26937 FOTAQSOL.ZIP 5407 16.08.1995 - - -
Flight of the Amazon Queen -solution
26938 FRANKEN.TXT 30774 15.05.1996 - 21761/PCS0596.ISO -
Frankenstein: Trought the eyes of the
monster-pelin läpipeluuohjeet.
26939 FRANKSO.LZH 10975 24.02.1996 - - -
26940 FTA2SLV.ZIP 17,6 kt 26.05.1998 - 22061/SSERVCD_58A.bin -
Faery Tale Adventure II Walkthrough
26941 FTALESOL.LZH 9628 24.02.1996 - - -
Faery Tale Adventure solution
26942 FTSOLVE.ZIP 6710 31.05.1995 - - -
Full Throttle -ratkaisuohje
Täydellinen läpipeluuohje LucasArtsin
asfaltinmakuiseen seikkailupeliin.
26943 FUTWARSS.LZH 5197 03.03.1996 - - -
Future Wars ratkaisu
26944 GENIEWLK.ZIP 7331 23.10.1996 - - -
Al-Qadim: THE GENIE'S CURSE solve
26947 GK-SOL.LZH 28134 24.02.1996 - - -
Gabriel Knight solution with extrastuffs
26945 GK2-SOL.LZH 11612 24.02.1996 - - -
Gabriel Knight 2 solution
26946 GK2.ZIP 6401 03.03.1996 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
Gabriel Knight 2 - Ratkaisu
26948 GOBLSSOL.LZH 3013 03.03.1996 - - -
Gobliiins ratkaisu
26949 GOLDRSOL.LZH 5586 03.03.1996 - - -
Goldrush ratkaisu
26950 GRIMDWT.ZIP 1,5 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Grim Fandango DEMO solve
26951 GRIMF.ZIP 9,5 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Grim Fandango solve
26952 GW2SOL.TXT 10751 17.11.1996 - - -
Gateway 2: Homeworld. Läpipeluuohje.
26953 HACKERS.LZH 1736 03.03.1996 - - -
Hacker ratkaisu - Activision
26954 HANFOFWT.ARJ 96718 20.12.1995 - - -
THE HAND OF FATE walkthrough
26955 HARVSOLC.ZIP 2,5 kt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Harvester cheats & solution.
26956 HELLWLK.ZIP 7952 23.10.1996 - - -
HELL : A Cyberpunk Thriller Walk Thru
25108 HELLWT.ZIP 16572 20.12.1995 - - -
Mr. Beautiful's Guide to Hell
26957 HEROQ1S.LZH 7477 03.03.1996 - - -
Hero's Quest I ratkaisu - Sierra
26958 HEROQ2.LZH 5834 03.03.1996 - - -
Hero's Quest II ratkaisu - Sierra
26959 HEXEN_WT.ZIP 47161 23.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Complete Hexen Walkthrough from Internet
26960 HGRAIL.TXT 13649 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Monty Python and the Quest for The Holy Grail
26961 HHGTTG.LZH 3024 03.03.1996 - - -
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy ratkaisu
26962 HHIJINXS.LZH 3288 03.03.1996 - - -
Hollywood Hijinx ratkaisu + vihjeitä. Infocom
26963 HLWALK.ZIP 31,4 kt 29.01.1999 - 16133/PC Format 2002-08 ZA.bin -
Half-Life solve
26964 HOC-S.LZH 1952 03.03.1996 - - -
Heart of China ratkaisu
26965 HOPKSLV.ZIP 5,8 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Hopkins F.B.I. solve
26966 HRHINTS.LZH 13626 03.03.1996 - - -
Roger Rabbit - Hare Raising Havoc, vinkkejä
ja ratkaisu. Disney.
26967 HUGO1SOL.TXT 4480 08.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Hugo1 (House of Horror Solution!!)
26968 IGOR_1.ZIP 4,5 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Igor: Objective Uikokahonia Solve
26969 IGOR.TXT 5411 22.03.1996 renamed 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Igor: Objective Uikokahonia-seikkailupelin
26971 INCA-S.LZH 8203 24.02.1996 - - -
Inca solve
26970 INCA2-S.LZH 4492 24.02.1996 - - -
Inca 2 solve
26972 INCIDENT.TXT 6195 20.12.1996 - - -
Benjamin: Alien Incident. Läpipeluuohje.
26973 INDY3S.LZH 4092 03.03.1996 - - -
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ratkaisu.
26974 INDY4S.LZH 7796 03.03.1996 - - -
Indiana Jones and Fate of the Atlantis
ratkaisu. LucasSrts.
26975 ISISWT.ZIP 1,9 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
ISIS Walkthrough
26976 IUC2SLV.ZIP 8631 23.02.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Innocent Until Caught 2 : Presumed Guilty
Full solve/walkthrough both characters
26977 JACKDARK.ZIP 1,1 kt 26.11.1997 - 21816/Pegasus_Vol_2_CD2.iso -
Jack In The Dark by Loricel SOLVE
26978 JACKOR.ZIP 4,1 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Jack Orlando. A Cinematic Adventure Walkthrough by Willem van der Velden
26979 JGUNNESS.LZH 102005 21.02.1996 - - -
Ratkaisuja yli 60:een vanhaan
tekstiseikkailuun, mm: Voodoo Castle,
AdventureLand, Bugsy, Dracula, Eureka, Fish,
Frankenstein, Gremlins, Hulk, Jinxter,
Kentilla, Lords of Time, Seabase Delta,
Spiderman, Arrow of Death jne, mm.
seuraavilta valmistajilta: Scott Adams,
Channel 8, Interplay, Sierra, Incentive,
Datasoft, CRL, Level 9, Magnetic Scrolls,
Melbourne House, Ocean, Mastertronic,
Firebird jne. Klassisten 8-bittisten
26980 JINXTERS.LZH 1691 03.03.1996 - - -
Jinxter ratkaisu. Infocom.
26981 JOURMP3.ZIP 14,7 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Journeyman Project 3 solve
26982 JOURNM2S.LZH 33078 28.02.1996 - - -
Journeyman Project 2 solve
26983 KINGCHIS.LZH 1395 03.03.1996 - - -
King of Chicago ratkaisu.
26984 KINGDOM.TXT 6,2 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Kingdom: Far Reaches. Läpipeluuohje.
26985 KLUMPSO.ZIP 65,2 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Koala Lumpur Ultimate Solve
26986 KNICHWT.ZIP 4653 26.04.1996 - - -
Knight's Chase walkthru. Infogrames.
26987 KOALALUS.ZIP 7,9 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Koala Lumpur solve
26988 KPINWALK.ZIP 5,7 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Kingpin solve
26989 KQ1S.LZH 1072 03.03.1996 - - -
Kings Quest I ratkaisu
26990 KQ2S.LZH 2803 03.03.1996 - - -
Kings Quest II ratkaisu. Sierra
26991 KQ3S.LZH 2497 03.03.1996 - - -
Kings Quest III ratkaisu. Sierra
26992 KQ4S.LZH 7972 03.03.1996 - - -
Kings Quest IV ratkaisu. Sierra
26993 KQ4SS.LZH 10479 03.03.1996 - - -
Kings Quest IV ratkaisu. Sierra
26994 KQ5S.LZH 3928 03.03.1996 - - -
Kings Quest V ratkaisu. Sierra
26995 KQ6S.LZH 9236 03.03.1996 - - -
Kings Quest VI ratkaisu. Sierra
26996 KQ7SOL.LZH 18980 28.02.1996 - - -
King's Quest 7 solve
26997 LASTE-A.ZIP 6,4 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Last Express solve
26998 LASTEXP.ZIP 9,3 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
THE LAST EXPRESS walkthrough
26999 LASTNINS.LZH 2988 03.03.1996 - - -
The Last Ninja ratkaisu
27000 LB2S.LZH 9177 03.03.1996 - - -
Laura Bow II: Dagger of Amon Ra ratkaisu
27001 LBA-S.LZH 36451 28.02.1996 - - -
Little Big Adventure solve
27002 LEISURE6.ZIP 3321 03.03.1996 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry 6 - Ratkaisu
27003 LEMCHROS.ZIP 40018 27.06.1996 - - -
Lemmings Chronicles solve.
27004 LGOP-2S.LZH 2945 03.03.1996 - - -
Leather Goddesses of Phobox II ratkaisu
27005 LGOP-S.LZH 2586 03.03.1996 - - -
Leather Goddesses of Phobos ratkaisu -
27006 LHOUSE.TXT 42591 27.10.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Lighthouse. Läpipeluuohjeet.
27007 LIT-WT.ZIP 12126 20.12.1995 - - -
LOST IN TIME walkthru
27008 LKASFAQ.LZH 12704 03.03.1996 - - -
Lion King vinkkejä ja ratkaisu. Disney.
27009 LOADED.TXT 31509 13.06.1996 - - -
The Dame was Loaded-pelin läpipeluuohje.
27010 LOL-SOL.LZH 142421 16.02.1995 - - -
LANDS OF LORE:  The Throne of Chaos COMPLETE
27011 LOOMS.LZH 1525 03.03.1996 - - -
Loom ratkaisu - LucasArts
27012 LOSTEDEN.ZIP 7211 25.08.1995 - - -
LOST EDEN -solution
27013 LOSTINLA.LZH 1755 03.03.1996 - - -
Les Manley Lost in L.A. ratkaisu
27014 LOTRSOLV.TXT 67,9 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Lord of The Rings Solve.
27020 LSL-S.LZH 10043 03.03.1996 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry vastaukset ja ratkaisu.
27015 LSL2-SOL.LZH 3126 03.03.1996 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry 2 ratkaisu
27016 LSL3-SOL.LZH 5679 03.03.1996 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry 3 ratkaisu
27017 LSL5SOL.LZH 4956 28.02.1996 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry 5 solve
27018 LSL6SOL.LZH 6671 28.02.1996 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry 6 solve
27019 LSL7.TXT 29633 20.12.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Leisure Suit Larry 7: Love for Sail.
27021 LURESOLV.TXT 4,5 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
Lure of the Tempress solve.
27022 LURKING.LZH 2621 03.03.1996 - - -
Lurking Horror ratkaisu. Infocom
27023 MAGICCS.LZH 17326 03.03.1996 - - -
The Magic Candle ratkaisu. Mindcraft.
27024 MALCWK.LZH 74506 24.02.1995 - - -
MALCOLM'S REVENGE - Walkthru and some maps
27026 MAN-NYS.LZH 4557 03.03.1996 - - -
Manhunter: New York ratkaisu
27027 MAN-SFS.LZH 7274 03.03.1996 - - -
Manhunter: San Francisco ratkaisu
27025 MANLEY2.LZH 2344 03.03.1996 - - -
Les Manley 2: Search for the King ratkaisu
27028 MANSI2.ZIP 3482 03.03.1996 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Maniac Mansion 2 : Day of the Tentacle
ratkaisu LUCASARTS
27029 MART_SOL.ZIP 4517 16.02.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Complete walktrough for the game Martian
27030 MDKSTRAT.ZIP 15 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
MDK Walkthru
27031 MENZO.TXT 12540 18.03.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Menzoberranzan-roolipelin läpipeluuohjeet.
27032 MGATEWT.ZIP 8597 20.12.1995 - - -
DEATH GATE walkthrough
27033 MI3SLV2.ZIP 16,4 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
THE CURSE OF MONKEY ISLAND MEGAMONKEY WALKTHROUGH (With differences in modes explai by Cindy Wells 
27034 MIMI.ZIP 1,1 Mt 03.07.1997 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin tupla
Mimi & the Mites(tm) from Product Development Center of The Unobstructed Reason Corporation. Platform game for puzzles and lust loving people with strong action element. Solve puzzles by achieving particular goal. Req. 386+, VGA, 6 MB
27035 MISSION.TXT 12057 22.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Mission Critical-Seikkailupelin
Läpipeluuohje. Legend.
27036 MM2-S.LZH 8340 03.03.1996 - - -
Might & Magic II ratkaisu
27037 MM3-S.LZH 7007 03.03.1996 - - -
Might & Magic 3 ratkaisu
27038 MM4-SOL.ZIP 16272 26.01.1995 - - -
Might & Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen solve & info
27039 MMANSSOL.LZH 3554 26.01.1995 - - -
Maniac Mansion solve
27041 MONKEY1S.LZH 6907 03.03.1996 - - -
Secret of the Monkey Island ratkaisu
27042 MONKEY2.TXT 12,9 kt 23.07.1997 - MBCD -
Monkey Island 2 - solution
27043 MUMMY.TXT 13669 20.12.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Mummy - Tomb of the Pharaoh. Läpipeluuohje.
27044 MUMMYWLK.ZIP 4227 17.10.1996 - - -
Mummy: Tomb of the Pharaoh Walthrough
27045 MYST-S.LZH 5456 16.02.1995 - - -
Myst ratkaisu
27046 MYST-SOL.ZIP 5962 26.01.1995 - - -
Myst solve
28109 MYSTHINT.ZIP 5226 07.08.1994 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip -
MANY hints for MYST - improve your play
27047 NEMESIS.TXT 31839 22.04.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Zork Nemesis-seikkailupelin ratkaisuohjeet.
27048 NEUROMS.LZH 5812 03.03.1996 - - -
Neuromancer tunnussanat ja ratkaisu.
Electronic Arts
27049 NINE-WT.ZIP 5,1 kt 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
9 Walkthrough
27050 NOCTO-S.LZH 9205 24.02.1996 - - -
Noctropolis solve
27051 NORMALTY.TXT 21165 13.06.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Normality Inc-seikkailupelin läpipeluuohje.
27052 ODDALTW.ZIP 8,1 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Oddysee Alternate Solve"
27053 ODDWT.ZIP 33,3 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Oddysee solve"
27054 OPFATAL.ZIP 13 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Opera Fatal Solve
27055 ORIONCWT.ZIP 7364 20.12.1995 - - -
Orion Conspiracy solve
27056 OVERSSLV.ZIP 9,5 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Tex Murphy: Overseer Walkthrough
27057 PANDORA.TXT 56604 27.10.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Pandora Directive. Läpipeluohjeet.
27058 PAPASOL.ZIP 6472 27.06.1996 - - -
Paparazzi solve.
27059 PHAN2WT.ZIP 4455 05.12.1996 - - -
Phantasmagoria 2 solve
27060 PHANT-S.LZH 13488 24.02.1996 - - -
Phantasmagoria solve
27061 PHANWT.ZIP 3754 17.11.1995 - - -
Return of the Phantom walkthru
27062 POLICEQ4.ZIP 4756 03.03.1996 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
Police Quest 4 - Ratkaisu
27063 PQ1S.LZH 8275 03.03.1996 - - -
Police Quest I ratkaisu
27064 PQ2S.LZH 2314 03.03.1996 - - -
Police Quest 2 ratkaisu
27065 PQ3SM.ZIP 24186 03.03.1996 - - -
Police Quest III ratkaisu ja kartta
27066 PQ4-S.LZH 7080 28.02.1996 - - -
Police Quest 4 solve
27067 PQSWAT-S.LZH 7349 28.02.1996 - - -
Police Quest SWAT solve
27068 PRISONER.TXT 8843 18.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Prisoners of Ice-seikkailupelin
27069 PRISONER.ZIP 5542 15.08.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Prisoner Of Ice -ratkaisuohje
27070 QB1SOL.LZH 3252 03.03.1996 - - -
The Colonel's Bequest ratkaisu - Sierra
27071 QFG3S.LZH 2498 03.03.1996 - - -
Quest for Glory 3 ratkaisu. Sierra
27072 QFG4-S.LZH 17878 28.02.1996 - - -
Quest for Glory 4 tips & solve
27073 QFG5-AW.ZIP 17,2 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory 5 alternate solve
27074 QFG5WALK.ZIP 8,7 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory 5 solve
27075 QFGSOLVE.ARJ 81408 19.09.1996 - - -
Walkthroughs for Quest for Glory 1-4
27078 RE-WALK.ZIP 23 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Resident Evil solve
27076 REALHAU1.ZIP 19,4 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Realms Of The Haunting solve
27077 RELENTS.LZH 36443 28.02.1996 - - -
Relentless solve
27079 RIDDLEOF.TXT 15311 18.03.1996 - - -
Riddle Of Master Lu-seikkailupelin
27080 RIPPER.TXT 23354 24.03.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Ripper-seikkailupelin Läpipeluuohje.
27081 RIPPER.ZIP 9605 13.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Ripper-pelin läpipeluuohje.
27082 RLOFTSOL.LZH 45219 03.03.1996 - - -
Ravenloft ratkaisu. SSI
27083 RLSLVPTG.ZIP 266,3 kt 13.12.1994 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO tupla
67953 RLSLVPTG.ZIP 272713 14.12.1994 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO tupla
27085 ROBIN.TXT 4,5 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Robin Hood. Conquest of the Longbow. Läpipeluuohje.
27084 ROBINSON.TXT 22,4 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
"Robinsons Requiem solve."
27086 ROML-S.LZH 3818 24.02.1996 - - -
Riddle of Master Lu solve
27087 ROR-IHNM.ZIP 6484 21.02.1996 - - -
I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream WalkThrough
27088 ROR-TCHE.ZIP 20731 21.02.1996 - - -
Touche: Adv. Of 5th Musketeer
27089 ROSE.TXT 36,1 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Rose Tattoo. Läpipeluuohje.
27090 ROTH.TXT 66,2 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Realms of Haunting. Läpipeluuohje ja vinkkejä.
27091 ROTHWT.ZIP 21,3 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
Realms of the Haunting Walkthrough
27092 RTZ-S.LZH 17973 24.02.1996 - - -
Return To Zork solve
27093 SACSOL.ZIP 9,6 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Santa Fe Mysteries: Sacred ground solve
27094 SAFECRAC.ZIP 3,9 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
Safecracker by Daydream Software Complete safe-solutions
27095 SAMMAXS.LZH 4755 03.03.1996 - - -
Samn'n'Max Hit The Road ratkaisu. LucasArts
27096 SANDEWT.ZIP 1,6 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Sanitarium DEMO solve
27097 SANI-WT2.ZIP 8,7 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Sanitarium solve
27098 SCOMETWT.ZIP 4026 20.12.1995 - - -
27100 SHADCARN.ZIP 3,5 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Shadows of Cairn Walkthrough
27101 SHADWGSO.LZH 9694 03.03.1996 - - -
Shadowgate ratkaisu
27102 SHANNARA.ZIP 5097 03.03.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Shannara - Ratkaisu
27105 SHIV-S.LZH 17584 24.02.1996 - - -
Shivers solve
27103 SHIV2SOL.ZIP 14 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Shivers 2 Solutions -
27104 SHIVERSC.ZIP 2,8 kt 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls Puzzle Hints and Solutions
27106 SHLOHS.LZH 3451 24.02.1996 - - -
Superhero League of Hoboken solve
27107 SILENT.TXT 2062 24.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Silent Steel-pelin läpipeluuohje.
27108 SILSTEEL.ZIP 2088 24.04.1996 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
Silent Steel walkthrough.
27111 SILVER.TXT 21,9 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
The secret of silver blades. Läpipeluuohje.
27109 SILVERB.ZIP 18 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Silver solve v1.0
27110 SILVERS.ZIP 11,2 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
Silver solve v1.0
27112 SIMCOPT.TXT 506 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Simcopter. Cheat codes.
27113 SIMON2WT.ZIP 16288 20.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Simon the Sorceror II: Complete Walk-Thru
27114 SIMONSOL.LZH 7045 16.02.1995 - - -
Simon the Sorcerer solve - Adventuresoft
27115 SMOK_WK.ZIP 9,8 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
The Sacred Mirror of Kofun Walkthrough
27116 SOTSS.TXT 21,9 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
The secret of the silver blades. Walkthrought.
27117 SPH2-SOL.ZIP 6,3 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Space Hulk 2 - The Complete Solution
27118 SPQRWT.ZIP 2,3 kt 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
27119 SPYCRAFT.ZIP 4998 13.06.1996 - - -
Spycraft: The Great Game-vakoilupelin
27120 SQ1S.LZH 2,9 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Space Quest 1 ratkaisu
68624 SQ1S.LZH 2926 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Space Quest 1 ratkaisu
27121 SQ2S.LZH 6,1 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Space Quest 2 ratkaisu
68625 SQ2S.LZH 6199 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Space Quest 2 ratkaisu
27122 SQ3S.LZH 4,1 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Space Quest 3 ratkaisu
68626 SQ3S.LZH 4156 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Space Quest 3 ratkaisu
27123 SQ4S.LZH 3 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Space Quest 4 ratkaisu
68627 SQ4S.LZH 3108 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Space Quest 4 ratkaisu
27124 SQ5SOL.ZIP 4,1 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Space Quest V: The Next Mutation solve
27125 SQ6SOLVE.ZIP 9826 15.08.1995 - - -
Space Quest 6 - The Spinal Frontier solution
27126 SSHOCKSO.LZH 13,7 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
System Shock ratkaisu V0.3
68642 SSHOCKSO.LZH 14073 04.03.1996 - - tupla
System Shock ratkaisu V0.3
27127 ST25THSO.LZH 4365 26.01.1995 - - -
Star Trek 25th Anniversary solve
27128 STAFU-S.LZH 30810 24.02.1996 - - -
Star Trek: The Final Unity solve
27129 STARCON2.LZH 6,8 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Star Control 2 ratkaisu
68683 STARCON2.LZH 6964 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Star Control 2 ratkaisu
27130 STARCON3.TXT 8337 20.12.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Star Control 3. Läpipeluuohje.
27131 STARFLT2.LZH 8,9 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Star Flight 2 ratkaisu
68684 STARFLT2.LZH 9080 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Star Flight 2 ratkaisu
27132 STARFLTS.LZH 922 tavua 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Star Flight ratkaisu
68685 STARFLTS.LZH 922 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Star Flight ratkaisu
27133 STGINTRO.ZIP 1,2 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
Star Trek: Generations solution
27134 STOKEKS.ZIP 22926 27.06.1996 - - -
Stonekeep solve.
27135 STTNGWLK.ZIP 23310 19.10.1995 - 6216/BlackPhiles_CD02.zip -
Star Trek: The Next Generation
A Final Unity walkthrough help file - get
this if you are stuck!
31432 SUMMON-S.LZH 12099 24.02.1996 - - -
The Summoning FAQ/TIPS
27136 TAGENT.TXT 10452 31.10.1995 - - -
Teenagentin läpipeluuohje suomeksi.
27137 TAGNTSOL.ZIP 4505 16.09.1995 - - -
Teenagent ratkaisu.
27138 TEENAGEN.TXT 6594 18.03.1996 - - -
Teen Agent-seikkailupelin läpipeluuohjeet.
27139 TIMELORE.LZH 2,2 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Times of Lore ratkaisu
69140 TIMELORE.LZH 2229 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Times of Lore ratkaisu
27140 TIMSOL.LZH 18,6 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
The Incredible machine ratkaisu
69148 TIMSOL.LZH 19041 04.03.1996 - - tupla
The Incredible machine ratkaisu
27141 TMGTSOLV.ZIP 4332 01.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
TimeGate Solve
27144 TOMB_RAI.ZIP 27,7 kt 29.07.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider - Complete Walkthrough and Secrets - by Mark Smith PlayStation Version - Some details may vary on PC-CDROM Version 2.1 - 01/05/97  (Now features alternant solutions)
27142 TOMB3WLK.ZIP 39 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider 3 solve
27143 TOMB4O.ZIP 19,2 kt 10.02.2000 - - -
Tomb Raider 4  - The last revelation SUOMENKIELINEN LÄPIPELUUOPAS Kirjoittanut raipe raipe@vtoy.fi
27145 TOMBWT.ZIP 5640 05.12.1996 - - -
Tomb Raider solve
27146 TOONWT.ZIP 5821 15.12.1996 - - -
Toonstruck Walkthrough
27147 TORIN.ZIP 5057 24.03.1996 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
Torin's Passage-seikkailupelin läpipeluuohje.
27148 TOUCHE1.TXT 21078 18.03.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Touche: Fifth Musketeer-seikkailupelin
27149 TOUCHESO.ZIP 7627 03.03.1996 - - -
Touche - Ratkaisu
27150 TR2WALK.ZIP 38,5 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
Tomb Raider 2 Walkthrough
27151 TR2WT.ZIP 38,6 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider II solve
27152 TREK25S.LZH 4,1 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Star Trek 25th Anniversary ratkaisu
69375 TREK25S.LZH 4246 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Star Trek 25th Anniversary ratkaisu
27153 TUMUALT.ZIP 15,4 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
Temujin walkthrough
27154 TWINWT.ZIP 5,4 kt 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
"Twinsens Odyssey / Little Big Adventure 2 Walkthrough"
27155 U2S.LZH 4 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 2 ratkaisu
69496 U2S.LZH 4090 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 2 ratkaisu
27156 U3S.LZH 4,6 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 3 ratkaisu
69497 U3S.LZH 4729 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 3 ratkaisu
27157 U5S.LZH 3 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 5 ratkaisu
69500 U5S.LZH 3067 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 5 ratkaisu
27158 U6S.LZH 11,2 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 6 ratkaisu
69503 U6S.LZH 11488 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 6 ratkaisu
27159 U7S.LZH 9,4 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 7 ratkaisu
69504 U7S.LZH 9619 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 7 ratkaisu
27160 U7SOL.ZIP 17330 26.01.1995 - - -
Ultima 7 solve ja lisäinfoa
27161 U8S.LZH 19,5 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 8 ratkaisu
69507 U8S.LZH 19946 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima 8 ratkaisu
27162 U8SOL.ZIP 18221 26.01.1995 - - -
Ultima 8 solve
27163 UAKM-WT.ARJ 119160 20.12.1995 - - -
Under A Killing Moon - solve, maps, helps,
27164 UFOWALK.ZIP 6,1 kt 12.05.1999 - - -
"UFOs solve."
27165 UNRWALK.ZIP 42,3 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Unreal Solve
27166 URBRUNSO.ZIP 3188 23.08.1996 - - -
Urban Runner -solve
27167 UW2SOL.ZIP 17257 26.01.1995 - - -
Ultima Underworld II solve
27168 UWS.LZH 13,3 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima Underworld ratkaisu
69615 UWS.LZH 13645 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Ultima Underworld ratkaisu
27169 VAMPIDW.ZIP 4,2 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
27170 VOODOOKC.ZIP 3,7 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Voodoo Kid walkthrough
27172 WASTEL-S.LZH 8573 24.02.1996 - - -
Wasteland solve
27171 WASTELND.TXT 31124 18.03.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Wasteland-pelin läpipeluuohjeet.
27173 WAXWO-S.LZH 11880 24.02.1996 - - -
Waxworks solve
27174 WILLYBSO.LZH 4 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Willy Beamish ratkaisu
70054 WILLYBSO.LZH 4051 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Willy Beamish ratkaisu
27175 WIZ6S.LZH 29,1 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Wizardry 6 ratkaisu
70102 WIZ6S.LZH 29813 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Wizardry 6 ratkaisu
27176 WIZ7S.LZH 6,1 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Wizardry 7 ratkaisu
70103 WIZ7S.LZH 6239 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Wizardry 7 ratkaisu
27177 WOODRUFF.ZIP 14860 16.08.1995 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Woodruff and the Schnibble of Azimuth
27178 XANTHS.LZH 8885 24.02.1996 - - -
Companions of Xanth solve
27179 XDUSLVL1.ZIP 9,4 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus solve for level 1"
31445 XENO.TXT 72894 17.11.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
XenoPhage. Unofficial FAQ V1.1.
27180 XENTARS.LZH 6762 24.02.1996 - - -
Knights of Xentar solve V1.5
27181 XFILCOD.ZIP 10,9 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
X-Files: The Game solve
27183 ZAKMCS.ZIP 4,2 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
"ZakMcCracken ratkaisu"
70436 ZAKMCS.ZIP 4339 04.03.1996 - - tupla
ZakMc'Cracken ratkaisu
27184 ZEDSOL.ZIP 4 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Zeddas solve
27185 ZGIALTS.ZIP 8,6 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Zork: Grand Inquisitor Alternate Solve
27186 ZGISOLV.ZIP 13,8 kt 15.02.1998 - - -
Zork: Grand Inquisitor large solution
27187 ZGISPELL.ZIP 2,2 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
27188 ZORK123S.LZH 7 kt 03.03.1996 - - tupla
Ratkaisut Zork I, II, III - Infocom
70506 ZORK123S.LZH 7147 04.03.1996 - - tupla
Ratkaisut Zork I, II, III - Infocom
27189 ZORK1SOL.ZIP 6,9 kt 03.03.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Zork I ratkaisu - Infocom
70508 ZORK1SOL.ZIP 7074 04.03.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Zork I ratkaisu - Infocom
27190 ZORK2SOL.LZH 2 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Zork II solve - Infocom
70509 ZORK2SOL.LZH 2047 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Zork II solve - Infocom
27191 ZORK3SOL.LZH 6,9 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Zork III solve - Infocom
70510 ZORK3SOL.LZH 7025 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Zork III solve - Infocom
27192 ZORKGIS.ZIP 6,5 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
30235 1TOME.ZIP 3130279 23.02.1996 - MBCD -
The Infernal Tome by MVP Software. On a world
far away science has become magic, and a
cataclysmic struggle is underway between two
mystic scientists. You must direct a party of
four on a perilous quest to bring about peace
and reclaim the lost Tome. But beware! In
this 3D fantasy role-playing game of magic,
mystery and monsters, nothing is as it seems.
Req 386+, VGA; a sound card is recommended.
28672 ABYSSX2.ZIP 389,1 kt 22.10.1998 - MBCD -
            Abyss alphaX 2 Abyss is a crpg that combines elements from Ultima and many roguelike  games. Requires Svga and 486/66, Soundblaster compatible soundcard  is  required for sound. Unzip with directories.
60468 ADOM0944.ZIP 612862 14.01.1997 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Ancient  Domains  of  Mystery  0.94  gamma 4.
ADOM is a  so-called  rogue-like  game.  This
means  that  it is a  single-user  game which
allows you  to play the role  of  an intrepid
adventurer  exploring  a large  dungeon  with
some specific goal  in mind.  The graphics in
the game are based on  simple text characters
and  the game  is  controlled  with  a  large
number of keyboard commands.
28673 ADOMG10.ZIP 878 kt 18.03.1999 - - -
Adom gamma 10. Versio, joka toimii Os/2:ssa, Windowsissa ja Dossissa. Laaja ja monipuolinen ASCII-grafiikalla toteutettu roolipeli. Monien mielestä todella hyvä ja addiktivisuutta aiheuttava. Toimii jopa 286-koneissa.
28674 ADOMG12.ZIP 1,1 Mt 09.12.1998 - MBCD -
Adom gamma 12 (prerelease). Versio, joka toimii Os/2:ssa, Windowsissa ja Dossissa. Laaja ja monipuolinen ASCII-grafiikalla toteutettu roolipeli. Monien mielestä todella hyvä ja addiktivisuutta aiheuttava. Toimii jopa 286-koneissa.
28675 ADOMG14.ZIP 950,3 kt 27.08.1999 - - -
Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.9.9g14
28676 ADOMG15.ZIP 911,8 kt 29.12.1999 - - -
Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.99 gamma 15. Tietokoneroolipelien kuninkaan uusi versio on ilmestynyt. Gamma 3 korjaa edellisten versioiden pahoja bugeja, peli on nyt huomattavasti nautittavampi. ADOM on Nethack/Rogue -tyylinen merkkigrafiikkaroolipeli, joka on aktiivisen kehityksen alla ja todennäköisesti hienoin ja monipuolisin tarjolla olevista freeware-roolipeleistä. Mukana on melkein 20 ammattia, monipuolinen kykyjärjestelmä sekä omaperäinen mainio pelisysteemi. Pelin oppii helposti, hengissäpysyminen vaatii taktiikkaa ja taitoa. Drakalor Chain (pelin pelimaailma) on erittäin hyvin suunniteltu ja käy yhä monipuolisemmaksi pelin uusien versioiden myötä.
28677 ADOMG16.ZIP 821,2 kt 27.05.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.99 gamma 16 prerelease 2. Tietokoneroolipelien kuninkaan uusi versio on ilmestynyt. Gamma 3 korjaa edellisten versioiden pahoja bugeja, peli on nyt huomattavasti nautittavampi. ADOM on Nethack/Rogue -tyylinen merkkigrafiikkaroolipeli, joka on aktiivisen kehityksen alla ja todennäköisesti hienoin ja monipuolisin tarjolla olevista freeware-roolipeleistä. Mukana on melkein 20 ammattia, monipuolinen kykyjärjestelmä sekä omaperäinen mainio pelisysteemi. Pelin oppii helposti, hengissäpysyminen vaatii taktiikkaa ja taitoa. Drakalor Chain (pelin pelimaailma) on erittäin hyvin suunniteltu ja käy yhä monipuolisemmaksi pelin uusien versioiden myötä. 
28678 AETHR11.ZIP 1956910 02.04.1996 - - -
The Aethra Chronicles V1.1, Fantasy Role
Playing a game unlike any Shareware Game in
its Genre. Incredible High Resolution
Graphics are just the start. You are on a
quest to save the kidnapped prince and clear
your fathers name.  You will create your
characters, hire or find companions to join
you in your quest and then you are off.  Your
Travels will take you across the land to find
what clues you can. Clues which will lead you
to discover the horrible truth behind the
28679 AKLABETH.ZIP 58,9 kt 15.06.1998 - MBCD -
Ultima 0: Akalabeth. Freeware-versio Lord Britishin ensimmäisestä roolipelistä.
28680 ALE_SW10.ZIP 2,1 Mt 29.05.1997 - MBCD -
Aleshar: the World of Ice by Hypothermia Aleshar: the World of Ice is an exciting computer adventure game with hours of exploring. Featuring nearly 100 dungeon levels and intelligent NPCs! Explore the vast continent full of hazards and mysterious places. Req: 386, 4MB, VGA Rec: 486, 8MB, SVGA, GUS Supports: SB, SB16, PAS, GUS
60735 ANG280.ZIP 608006 25.12.1996 - - tupla
Angband v2.8.0 for dos.
28681 ANGB283C.ZIP 640,3 kt 05.09.1998 - MBCD -
Angband 2.8.3 (Dos): The Pits of Angband. Angband is a "graphical" dungeon adventure game using textual characters to represent the walls and floors of a dungeon and the inhabitants therein, in the vein of "rogue", "hack", "nethack", and "moria".
30290 ASPETRA.ZIP 429433 07.06.1996 - MBCD -
Get ready for the Role-Playing event
of the decade!  Over three years in
the making!  Never before has a
computer RPG offered such a rich,
involving story, to complement a
perfectly designed Role-Plaing
experience.  Only $28 to register!
Supports VGA and Soundblaster.
28682 AVALON10.ZIP 1,5 Mt 16.12.1999 - MBHH2001 -
"Avalon v1.0 by MiG. 2D role playing game. Classic 2D RPG Game with a story about a hero who must save humanity from extinction- A village in the far future is under attack by monstersand you are the only one who is brave enough to save it. Of course this is not an easy taskso youll have to fight many powerful creatures and solve some puzzles to achieve your goal. DOS."
28683 BALGSUKA.ZIP 29,3 kt 19.08.1999 - - -
Balganor roolipelin jatko-osa. Tähän on lisätty paljon uusia ominaisuuksia ja muuta, hahmoista saa nytten paljon tarkemman, kun mukana on ikä ja tässä jopa on kokemus mukan. Nyt täytyy tehdä niiden plus pisteiden eteenkin vähäsen, mutta vieläkin on mukana vain yksi pakollinen tehtävä. Joten homman pitäisi olle ainakin pelin johtajalle mukavaa ja erityisesti sen takia, että säännot ovat nytten paljon selkeämmät. -Janne Lunden-
28684 BCREW12E.ZIP 578094 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
BRIDGE CREW - Welcome to world of cooperative
computer assisted science fiction
roleplaying. Simulates the bridge of starship
with each player controlling one or more of
the ship's functions. Each player has their
own terminal from which they can call up
reports on different ship's functions, access
the ship's computer, and perform functions
unique to their job. Players call up
terminals, gather data and control together
their ship against GM controlled ones.
61865 CATABYSS.ZIP 530550 21.03.1995 - - -
The Catacomb Abyss in 3-D!  A captivating
tale of wizards & fantasy trips into other
dimensions. You've been called upon to
perform feats of magic & courage against your
arch-rival, Nemesis. You'll discover a myriad
of bizzare creatures and places as you embark
on an unforgettable adventure into the wild
world of the Abyss. Definitely among the best
3-D graphics available anywhere! Sys.Req.:
286 or better, 640K, EGA or better. GAMER'S
28685 CBS20.EXE 1,3 Mt 20.09.1999 - MBCD -
City Beneath the Surface v2.0 by Odium Entertainment. City Beneath the Surface is a good old-fashioned fantasy role-playing game in 320x200x256 graphics mode. The game is extremely bloody and violent and you have to slay hundreds of monsters before your mission is over. The game supports both Sound Blaster and Gravis Ultrasound sound cards.
28686 COC084A.ZIP 237,2 kt 29.08.1999 - MBCD -
Caverns of Chaos v0.84  Game where players control wizards, which possess the forces of chaos, with only target to eliminate others. Something like strategy / rpg.  * 1-4 players local game * 1-8 players IPX network game (1 to 4 players per computer) * 486 required * Textmode =)
28687 CRAWL330.ZIP 446,3 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
Dungeon Crawl version 3.30. Crawl is a fun game in the grand tradition of games like Rogue, Hack and Moria. Your objective is to travel deep into a subterranean cave complex and retrieve the Orb of Zot, which is guarded by many horrible and hideous creatures.
28688 CRAWL340.ZIP 625,4 kt 25.02.2001 - - -
Dungeon Crawl v3.40 Dungeon Crawl is a fun game in the grand tradition of games  like Rogue, Hack and Moria. Your objective is to  travel deep into a subterranean cave complex and  retrieve the Orb of Zot, which is guarded by many  horrible and hideous creatures. 
28689 DOD008G5.ZIP 76,2 kt 15.01.1998 - MBCD -
  DuNgEoN oF DeAtH v0.0.8 Gamma 5            MUD-Tyylinen  Fantasiaan perustuva tekstitaistelu.  Made By: Tommi Räinä (Chopper) 1998
63725 ENCHANTS.ZIP 1418630 09.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
Enchantasy by EGA Computing SW-roleplaying
game. Summoned to the Town of Keldar by the
great Mage Rudimon, you are offered a quest
of great danger and fantastic reward.
Requires: 386, DOS, 640K RAM, VGA.
30470 EXCLS1_2.ZIP 618021 02.04.1996 - MBCD -
EXCELSIOR is a RPG which returns players to
the classic style of gaming defined in the
early '80s.  In Excelsior, you become a
"fixer" - A demigod with the task of fixing a
glitch in the Lysandian universe.  A chaotic
presence has taken control of the king and is
threatening to disturb the destiny of the
planet.  Your task is to identify the chaos
and destroy it so that Lysandia can be
returned to its normal course.
28690 FAUSTUS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
FAUSTUS PART I.  A fantasy game in english and german. For many exciting evenings. You must lead the 4 adventurers in their battles against orks, dragons and other creatures. Search multi leveled dungeons for hidden doors, traps, diamonds, gold... Explore the land, find hints, increase your weapons and armor ... Unpack this File to your games directory and have fun.
64106 FHEROES.A01 1456200 25.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 2/10
64107 FHEROES.A02 1456200 25.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 3/10
64108 FHEROES.A03 1456200 25.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 4/10
64109 FHEROES.A04 1456200 25.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 5/10
64110 FHEROES.A05 1456200 25.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 6/10
64111 FHEROES.A06 1456200 25.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 7/10
64112 FHEROES.A07 1456200 25.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 8/10
64113 FHEROES.A08 1456200 25.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 9/10
64114 FHEROES.A09 130247 25.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 10/10
64115 FHEROES.ARJ 1456200 25.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes ShareWare version
A Big, heavy fantasy rpg/strategy game
for DOS. Req. min. 486/66, 8 Mb, SVGA,
mouse, 150 MB HD, Premium P100+ 16 MB+,
sound card, printer.
30485 FREEV12.ZIP 1877354 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
-- The Search for Freedom v1.2 -- Programmed
completely in Turbo Pascal 7.0 by Howard
Feldman This is a role-playing fantasy game,
similar in many facets to Ultima 4- style
controls, and Bard's Tale puzzles.  This is
my first game on the IBM and I hope you all
enjoy it. It consists of 4 towns, 22 dungeon
levels, and 2 wildernesses to explore, along
with 100 items, over 100 different monsters
with over 50 different icons, along with
soundblaster supported sound effects.
30488 FSTORM10.ZIP 1297728 11.02.1996 - - -
░ Flame Storm:  The Bratockian Saga part II ░
▒ It's here!  The long-awaited sequel to    ▒
▓ The Walls of Bratock.  Bigger than it's   ▓
█ predecessor, Flame Storm also features    █
▓ an all new oblique-overhead environment,  ▓
▒ better graphics, improved music and       ▒
░ more than 10 cinematic cut-scenes to      ░
▒ give the most complete role-playing       ▒
▓ experience ever in the shareware          ▓
█ industry!  VGA, 1meg, Sound Blaster       █
28691 KRONDORP.ZIP 276,2 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
"Betrayal at Krondor FREE version If you experience a lock up a Nalars Rib in chapter fourdownload this patch."
27193 KRONDORZ.A01 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - MBCD -
Betrayal at Krondor. Free version. Part 2/4.
27194 KRONDORZ.A02 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - MBCD -
Betrayal at Krondor. Free version. Part 3/4.
27195 KRONDORZ.A03 1,5 Mt 13.04.1997 - MBCD -
Betrayal at Krondor. Free version. Part 4/4.
27196 KRONDORZ.ARJ 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - MBCD -
Betrayal at Krondor. Full, absolutely free version of this original role-playing, based on books of Raymond E. Feist, originally released in 1993. By: Dynamix/Sierra. Part 1/4.
27197 MAAGI121.ZIP 462,1 kt 30.03.1998 - MBCD -
Maagi on sairaan hullu ja hauska keskiaikaan sijoittuva isometrinen mätkintä/roolipeli, jossa tarkoituksena on rymytä paha pimeyden ruhtinas Kookmanekntahn maan mutiin. Vaatii vähintään 486, 2MB RAM, näppäimistö, hiiri, VGA, äänikortti ja kovalevy suositeltava. Rekisteröinti 60 MK.   Taattua Heevelisoft tuotantoa! Uutta:   -bugeja korjattu.
27198 MAZM97.ZIP 19793 19.09.1996 - MBCD -
PWP : MAZZEMBLY 1997 v1.0
a realistic  demo party simulation ]
30628 MIDNIGHT.ZIP 102072 24.04.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Mike Singletonin klassiset adventuret: -
Lords of Midnight ..ja.. - Doomdark's Revenge
100% toimivina ja alkuperäisen näköisinä
PC-käännöksinä. Vanhoille C-64 -käyttäjille
huikea vanhan seikkailukokemuksen uudelleen
eläminen, uusille eeppinen seikkailu
Midnightin maassa, yhdistettyä seikkailua,
strategiaa ja roolipeliä kahdessa
tietokonehistorian suurimmassa klassikossa.
-Control main characters, story following
their exploits whether you lead them to
27199 MSONG.ZIP 1,8 Mt 29.01.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Mysterious Song Take on the role of knight Spear, and embark on a quest to discover your true identity. This console style role playing game features hand drawn 2d tile graphics, cg rendered battle backgrounds, an original music score, and over 10 hours of gameplay.  
27200 NAH130.ZIP 629637 24.03.1996 väärä koko Pelit CD 1999 -
NAHLAKH 1.30, Nethack-stylish game.
Features: * A party of up to eight
characters. * An huge number of towns,
dungeons, castles, and islands to explore.
* Over 100 spells and prayers. * Over 300
different monsters. * The most  complex
tactical  combat system I've ever seen in
shareware, yet  still  easy  to use. * A
detailed system for items... there can be
millions  of  different combi- nations of
the item properties.
By: Tom Proudfoot - proudft@ccnet.com
40705 NCHRHC23.ZIP 71065 02.11.1995 - - -
Nethack Characters
66576 NH321PM.ZIP 918048 20.06.1996 - MBCD -
** NetHack version 3.2.1 ** NetHack is a
Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the
adventurer) descend into the depths of the
dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor.
You are accom- panied by a dog or cat that
can help you in many ways and can be trained
to do all sorts of things.  On the way you
will find useful (or useless) items (quite
possibly with magic properties), and assorted
mons- ters.  Unlike most adventure games,
which give you a verbal description of your
66577 NH321RM.ZIP 1453098 20.06.1996 - ratsnest3.iso -
** NetHack version 3.2.1 ** NetHack is a
Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the
adventurer) descend into the depths of the
dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor.
You are accom- panied by a dog or cat that
can help you in many ways and can be trained
to do all sorts of things.  On the way you
will find useful (or useless) items (quite
possibly with magic properties), and assorted
mons- ters.  Unlike most adventure games,
which give you a verbal description of your
27201 NH322RM.ZIP 1,4 Mt 04.02.1997 - MBCD -
NETHACK v3.2.2 Real Mode NetHack is a Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the adventurer) descend into the depths of the dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor. You are accom- panied by a pet that can help you in many ways and can be trained to do all sorts of things.  On the way you will find useful (or useless) items (quite possibly with magic properties), and assorted mons- ters.  Unlike most adventure games, which give you a verbal description of your
27202 NH330PM.ZIP 1,2 Mt 14.12.1999 - Pelit CD 2000 -
Nethack v3.3.0 - DOS-versioNetHack on fantasiamaailmaan sijoittuva seikkailupeli, jossa sukellat luolastoon hakemaan muinaista amulettia. Matkalla kohtaat kaikenlaista hirviöistä bonustavaroihin.
Eräs maailman suosituimmista seikkailupeleistä. Toteutus merkkipohjainen, mutta myös graafinen versio mukana. 
Vaatii 386:n. 
66578 NHEXB313.ZIP 740836 08.11.1996 - - -
NetHack Extended v. 3.1.3 finnish NetHack
variant source codes.
27203 NHEXB314.ZIP 741829 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Nethack Extended 3.1.4
Suomalainen Nethack 3.1.3-variantti.
30655 NHP41.ZIP 946597 30.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Nethack Plus 4.1, a variant of v.3.1.3
New features include...
-Five new classes
-Spells and Spellcasting improved
-Lots of items, spells, wands and orbs have
been added
-Each class now has one or more features
available only for that class
-Monster Improvements
-Character Stat Change (some stats may go
above 18)
40712 NHTNG.ZIP 921226 30.06.1996 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip -
NHTNG is a set of Nethack patches compiled
into one executable. Includes many humorous
features and also some really nice, useful
ones. Lots of new monsters, items and such.
On technical level NHTNG is like Nethack 3.1.
27204 OMEGA802.ZIP 309289 20.04.1996 - - -
Omega merkkigrafiikka crpg. Versio 0.80
30726 PSIONICS.ZIP 239247 21.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
The focusing of brainwaves to achieve a
physical result. Psionics is a futuristic
Role Playing Game set aboard a space lab
called, Nexus. You have been taken to this
space station to undergo numerous tests on
your psychic potential.  The purpose for
these tests were so that the researchers and
you could better understand the mental
abilities which you possess.
30734 QUARAS.ZIP 3313867 18.06.1996 - MBCD -
Quaras. SVGA rooli/seikkailu/puzzlepeli.
27205 QUEST05P.ZIP 44,9 kt 25.01.1999 - MBCD -
Quest versio 0.5+ Tehtäväsi on etsiä luolastosta kaikki kultarahat. * Nethack tyylinen * Suomenkielinen * Hirviöeditori * Merkkigrafiikkavaroitus! * Freewarea * Tarvitset QBASIC.EXE:n
30735 QUEST2.ZIP 292954 28.02.1996 - MBCD -
Quest ][ an RPG by Tony Relyea of Russian
Under Ware Inc.  A simple game involving time
travel, fighting, and watching people get hit
by trains. I really can't describe it here in
this limited space, JUST GET IT!!! "The
Russians don't wear underwear" -Abraham
30739 RAG22.ZIP 1298365 20.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
RAGNAROK, shareware version. Graphical
nethack-style roleplaying game in norwegien
30747 REBEL10.ZIP 951269 19.01.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
===Axe Productions - Presents - Joyous
Rebel=== The latest game from Axe Productions
features: + The first in a new saga of role
playing games + 256 color graphics + SB/GUS
Sound Effects + Huge world to Explore +
Expansive cave system below ground + Many
colorful characters to interact with + Large
inventory of weapons and armor
30764 ROLCRU1.ARJ 1392275 17.11.1995 - MBCD -
ROL CRUSADERS, Computer rol game Another
release of Digital Dreams Multimedia game
series Great arcade. If you want to feel the
exciting experience of rol games and much
more... just have a look to ROL CRUSADERS.
You'll be amazed. Moreover, many, many other
interesting games are coming, so ... STAY IN!
You won't be disappointed.
30765 ROLCRU2.ARJ 1444708 17.11.1995 - MBCD -
-- "" --
27206 ROTMW12.ZIP 1,7 Mt 23.04.1997 - MBCD -
"Rings of the Magi for Windows by MVP. Chosen by Computer Gaming World as the best shareware puzzle game of 1996. The mystics of AcRained have crafted their rings to prevent the life force of their world from draining awaybut now their secret art is in danger of being lost. As their apprenticeyou are called upon to learn and harness the power of the rings."
27207 SALAD030.ZIP 178,9 kt 20.04.1998 - MBHH1999 -
The Legend of Saladir V0.30 (19.04.1998)A roguelike fantasy RPG-game.
27208 SLAM621S.ZIP 4,2 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
"SLASHEM ver 0.0.6E2F1 - Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic A Nethack Variant - complete sources. C."
27209 SLAM640B.ZIP 2,3 Mt 26.01.2001 - - -
"Slashem v0.0.6E1Slashem is a variation of NetHack; the name
stands for Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack -
Extended Magic. The goal is still the same:
to descend to the Dungeons of Doom to
retrieve the Amulet of Yendorand destroy
the thiefthe Wizard of Yendor in the
27210 SLASH-E8.ZIP 982,9 kt 07.09.1997 - MBCD -
Slash (SuperLotsoAddedStuffHack) Beta 8, Nethack 3.2.2-enginellä.
68444 SLASH6.ZIP 1025394 08.06.1996 - MBCD -
Nethack SLASH!-laajennus V6.0.
27211 SPU224.ZIP 45,6 kt 23.06.1997 renamed zak.fi -
Spurgux 2.24
68608 SPURGUX.ZIP 43960 19.01.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
PC - SpurguX Vs 2.22 Tositapahtumiin
perustuva seikkailupeli, jossa antisankari
kahlaa kaupunginosien halki etsien
konjakkipulloa, jonka huhutaan olevan tasolla
50, seuranaan ainoastaan kova jano. Kaduilla
hän törmää mitä erilaisimpiin olentoihin,
joilla kaikilla on omat tapansa, sekä saattaa
löytää erilaisia kapistuksia, joista on
hyötyä tai sitten ei.
27212 SUOMAA.ARJ 609,1 kt 10.11.1999 - tuomount.kapsi.fi -
Suomaa 1.15 Ultiman tyylinen karkeahko, yksinkertainen roolipeli, jossa yrität estää viinkinkien hyökkäysen Suomaahan. Pelissä on yli puoli megatavua grafikkaa. Ääniä pelissä on myös yli puolimegatavua. Suomenkielinen. Minimi: 286, hiiri, VGA-kortti Suositus: 386, Sound Blaster tai yhteensopiva
30853 SWI.ZIP 1526658 19.05.1996 - 17111/TEKNO 4-1996.iso -
Scent of War I: Damn those Demons-roolipeli.
27213 SYRE310A.ZIP 1,3 Mt 12.05.1999 - MBCD -
THE KINGDOM OF SYREE III: THE DEPTHS OF HELL v1.0a Lord Champion, thy help is desperately needed!  Return to a Syree larger than thy last sojourn, more monsters, more magic, more danger. Only you can stop the powers of Hell from reaching up. Supports SoundBlaster music and effects with add-on package. Requires DOS 5.0 and VGA/MCGA. From Everlasting Software! Top viewed classic Ultima I/II/III style RPG.
27214 TOSDEMO.ZIP 1,7 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
TOWER OF SOULS SHAREWARE VERSION demo The first level of Tower of Souls. Marvel at the innovative control system that allows complete integration of spell casting, combat object manipulation and eight-directional movement. One of the biggest RPG you will ever play!!
27215 ULTI4.ZIP 528,7 kt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
Ultima IV FREE version - given out to public by Origin to celebrate Ultima IX and Ultima Online. Harken back to the innocent days of RPG playing when story was everything and graphics nothing. 386 DOS DOS5+ 4 MB EGA
30907 ULTIZR3.ZIP 1891355 02.04.1996 - - -
Ultizurk 3 - a shareware CRPG, top-down style
similar to Ultima 6... VGA graphics, sound,
etc. Huge world, not crippled in any way...
27216 ULTIZRK1.ZIP 333,9 kt 26.06.1997 - - -
"Ultizurk I: The Grandmasters Quest Fullfree roleplaying game for DOS."
27217 ULTIZRK4.ZIP 758,2 kt 26.06.1997 - - -
The Great Ultizurkian Underland Version 5.5 Role-playing/adventure game for DOS. Requires DOS 5.0+; 640K+; Hard disk; mouse; VGA monitor; 386SX/16 PC or compatible. Runfile: ULTIZURK Documentation: README.TXT
69594 URW2051.ZIP 313288 31.05.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
The UnReal World v2.051 (Bugfix Version)
Character Graphics Fantasy RPG
This game represents totally new
era in computer role playing!
69595 URW209.ARJ 536828 02.04.1996 - - -
TTRBB proudly presents:
The UnReal World Fantasy RPG v2.09
is something  very  unique in  the genre of
computer role playing. UrW is more on
everyday 'medieval' life  than hack & slash
offering  you  extremely realistic and
enchanting  game  system and world. Greatly
improved  version! *...you need to see it to
27218 URW240.ZIP 7,6 Mt 28.03.2000 - MBHH2001 -
The UnReal World RPG * Version 2.40       Playable under: DOS/WIN 95/98/NT    Requirements: 486,4MB,800*600 SVGA,SB UrW is a unique RPG  placed in the far north at the iron age.  It  brings  you  realistic game-world  with  real  northern  mythology, folklore  and  way  of  life.  Features  and atmosphere of the game are very original. - as a member of one of the ten varying
27219 VOID12.ZIP 486,5 kt 25.02.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 4 -
Void v1.2 Void is a simple role-playing adventure. Your quest is to find the powerful Orbs and return them to the king, before evil Krylin finds them and abuses their power. 
27220 WW_2_3_A.ZIP 974894 19.01.1996 - MBCD -
WarWizard, top-down perspective Computer Role
Playing Game, V2.3. Large scale CRPG that
casts you into the role of WarWizard,
powerful multi-class character ready to
complete a variety of quests and adventures.
non-linear game play that is simply
challenging and fun. Req: VGA,386,4mb,
27221 WW_2_3_B.ZIP 877262 19.01.1996 - MBCD -
WarWizard, top-down perspective Computer Role
Playing Game, V2.3. Large scale CRPG that
casts you into the role of WarWizard,
powerful multi-class character ready to
complete a variety of quests and adventures.
non-linear game play that is simply
challenging and fun. Req: VGA,386,4mb,
27222 WW_2_3_P.ZIP 449660 19.01.1996 - MBCD -
WarWizard, top-down perspective Computer Role
Playing Game, V2.3. Large scale CRPG that
casts you into the role of WarWizard,
powerful multi-class character ready to
complete a variety of quests and adventures.
non-linear game play that is simply
challenging and fun. Req: VGA,386,4mb,
27223 YENDOR2.EXE 2029849 14.05.1996 - MBCD -
Yendorian Tales Book One: Chapter
27224 YENDOR3.ZIP 2,6 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
SPECTRUM PACIFIC PUBLISHING PRESENTS * Yendorian Tales - Tyrants of Thaine * An epic fantasy role-playing game (C) 1997 SW Games Although the appearance of Paltivar is imminent, there are more urgent matters at hand in Thaine. Yendor will surely become their next victim if you do not act quickly...  Features: * Great VGA graphics * Digitized sound effects * Fully animated life-like monsters * Turn-based movement and battle * In-depth characters to interact with
27225 ZANG250D.ZIP 1,4 Mt 22.06.2000 - - -
Zangband 2.5.0 development version - Zelazny Angband, an Angband variant. Dos binary. surf to www.zangband.org for more
30496 !GALAXI.ZIP 333263 24.11.1996 renamed 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
Blast Alien Invaders in Space! Excellent
Graphics and Sound.
60037 #1RAP12.ZIP 2017304 27.09.1994 - MBCD -
Raptor v1.2 from APOGEE! (VGA)
386 (or higher) w/2 Megs REQUIRED!
Kill for cash! In the future as a mercenary
flying the super-tech Raptor, you'll be sent
on interplanetary missions to knock off top
competitors of MegaCorp. Upgrade w/ 14 hard
core weapons. Jaw-dropping VGA animation &
cinematics.  Supports all major sound cards,
including GUS, PAS16, & AWE32!  Developed by
Cygnus Studios.  Supports mouse & joystick.
30189 02VEGHAT.ZIP 122659 05.02.1996 - scene.org -
Vegetarian Haters 0.2 from tAAt. More info in
version 0.1's file_id.diz and docs. Vau.
30228 1OUTER1.ZIP 969067 13.04.1995 - MBCD -
Outer Ridge
Fully Rendered 3D Action! The newest
action packed 3D game to hit the scene.   Fly
your spaceship through asteroid belts,destroy
anything in your path.  Avoid the Enemy
Patrols and  try to stay alive.  Supports
Sound Blaster, Gravis Ultrasound and  Gravis
Gamepad! Mouse  or   Joystick.    Requires
VGA, 386+, and minumum 4 megs RAM. SHAREWARE
26645 1SG11A.ZIP 958,7 kt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.1) Part #1 of 4.  Also requires #1SG11B,C,D.ZIP. Never has the PC seen a more graphically explosive shooter. Fully rendered & animated enemies, with non-stop variety, plus complex bosses.  Each mission, equip your ship with new engines, weapons & special power-ups. Triple-parallax scrolling, radical music, secrets, hot effects--Stargunner has it all! The new benchmark game for shooters! Get it! For screen shots visit http://www.apogee1.com
26646 1SG11B.ZIP 1,4 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.1) Part #2 of 4.  Also requires #1SG11A,C,D.ZIP.
26647 1SG11C.ZIP 1,4 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.1) Part #3 of 4.  Also requires #1SG11A,B,D.ZIP.
26648 1SG11D.ZIP 1,4 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.1) Part #4 of 4.  Also requires #1SG11A,B,C.ZIP.
60136 1STAR.ZIP 5340977 25.11.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin tupla
STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.0)
Amazing shooter blows away Raptor!
Never has the PC seen a more graphically
explosive shooter. Fully rendered & animated
enemies, with non-stop variety, plus complex
bosses.  Each mission, equip your ship with
new engines, weapons & special power-ups.
Triple-parallax scrolling, radical music,
secrets, hot effects--Stargunner has it all!
The new benchmark game for shooters! Get it!
For screen shots visit http://www.apogee1.com
26649 A2-1_0_2.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.11.1998 - MBCD -
A2 - The Ultimate Sequel to the AUTS Shareware                   v. 1.0.2 Homepage: http://www.sci.fi/~mips/a2
26650 A3DSW100.ZIP 2,2 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Astro3D(TM) v1.00 Copyright (c) 1997 Jarrod Davis Software Fight aliens, space debris and God knows what else to clear major trade routes in 3D space combat. Req. P75, 8 MB, VGA
26651 ABDU1226.ZIP 284,7 kt 03.11.1999 - - -
AbductorVersion:  #1226 Desc:  Abductor arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:  Kurt W. Dekker Publisher:  PLBM Games Email:  sales@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list
26652 ABUSE200.ZIP 3129955 10.03.1996 - MBCD -
Abuse-toimintapelin SW-versio 2.00. Crack Dot
26653 ABUSEPD.ZIP 2,8 Mt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
Abuse full version. Abuse kokoversio. Sivusta kuvattu 2D räiskintäpeli. Olet yksinäinen soturi vihamielisen planeetan uumenissa taistellen alieneita vastaan. Erikoinen ohjausjärjestelmä jossa pelaajan aseita kontrolloidaan itsenäisesti itse soturista. Tekijä Crack Dot Com. Julkaistu vapaaseen PD-levitykseen. DOS.
30261 ACKACK.ZIP 56025 16.09.1995 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Ack-Ack Attack! by Kurt W Dekker.
Räiskintäpeli paratrooperin tyyliin.
60606 ALIEN1.ZIP 147968 31.12.1996 - - -
Alien Phobia V1.0
Ylhäältäpäin kuvattu alieninrätkintäpeli..
30273 AM100.ZIP 310170 23.12.1994 - 10794/CD_ASCQ_17_101194.iso -
Asteroid Mayhem v1.00  - Arcade action
game. Requires VGA, 386+, 575k+ RAM...
486/33DX & Soundblaster recommended. Somewhat
of a cross between Crystal Quest and
Asteroids! Blow up endless numbers of
ray-traced asteroids, and crazy alien
creatures, all brought to life with silly
digital sound (supports adlib, soundblaster,
internal speaker), (256color VGA scrolling)
(Shareware $10) NecroBones
30274 AM11SW.ZIP 102400 30.06.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
ARMOR MATCH v1.1 Released on 16.6.1995. This
version is 21-day evaluation version. This is
freely distributable shareware created by
Marko Laitinen in Finland. A better version
of other same kind games. In this game, you
have to shoot all the other players before
they blow you up. Features 1-10 players,
SB-support, VGA 360x480x256-mode. It costs
only $15 or 40FIM to get the registered
version ! See ARMOR.ASC for more details of
the program. The shareware-version is FREE !
26654 AMC11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
"Attack of the Mutant Camels v1.1 by RetroSpec. Arcade shootemup. Classic retro remake. The Camelsencased in assault armouroverrode their gentle natural behavior with cybernetic implants. These 150 foot tall cybercamels began a reign of terrormarching relentlessly across the landscape squishing everything in their path... except you! Original version seen on C-64Spectrum. DOS."
26655 ANTIT11.ZIP 756,6 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
Muta-Antit v1.1 on Isometrinen SVGA räiskintäpeli. Sisältää yksin- ja moninpelin, sisäänrakennetut botvastustajat. Vaatii DOS, Pentium 120, 21mb ram, VESA, hiiri ja ehkä jopa näppäimistönkin. (mielellään Windows 95/98 käyttöjärjestelmä)
26656 APHOB11.ZIP 144,7 kt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
ALIEN PHOBIA V1.1 from Wah-Software This minigame is full of action. Fight against 400 aliens with minigun and flamethrower. unzip with WINZIP or use -d option.
26657 ARHOT04.ZIP 422,9 kt 03.12.1999 - - -
Arho Toikka 0.4 beta. Uuden matoräiskinnän deathmatchin betatest ja teknologiademo yhdellä kentällä. Suositellaan n.P160. Toimii n.P100. Vain kaksinpeli. Tehnyt: The Lost Spaceman of Refinition.
26658 ARTYB4B.ARJ 458,7 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
Arty Beta 4b by Solid Upea artillerypeli 2-6 pelaajalle. Vaad: 486/66  Suos: Pentium Pura alihakemistot myös. Tehnyt Solid http://www.saunalahti.fi/~dragnet/solid/
26659 ASLTEDIT.ZIP 51,7 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
Assault Trooper Mission builder works only with the full version
26660 ASTER10.ZIP 202,4 kt 20.10.1997 - 23668/PCGAMER47.bin -
CHAMP Asterocksver. 1.0 Copyright 1997 CHAMProgramming Based on CHAMP Asteroids, this version offers superb graphics, Soundblaster  support and enhanced gameplay. Truly classic shooting! DOS 386/33 VGA
61011 ASTRO.ZIP 317495 30.12.1995 - MBCD -
AstroFire is a fast-moving arcade game
featuring stunning 256-colour raytraced
graphics. Blast your way through 25 levels
of asteroids and alien ships, collecting
power-ups to boost your fire-power and
your defences. Version 1.0s (Shareware).
Requires 286 or better & colour VGA.
Sound Blaster/Joystick Optional.
Author: Owen Thomas, ORT Software.
26661 ASTRO302.ZIP 911,6 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
ASTROFIRE v3.02d arcade game by ORT Software New enhanced version of this critically acclaimed game, featuring new weaponry, increased fire-power, awesome power-ups, improved sound, smoother control, stunning raytraced graphics and many enemy craft and asteroids. This shareware version contains the first 25 action-packed levels. Requires 386 or faster PC + DOS or Win95. 
26662 ATAB_005.ZIP 890,4 kt 21.11.1998 - - -
"ATA v0.05 BETA - First public beta! Cool game with awesome graphics and so on. A little foretaste of this NorthnSouth-style game. Requires probably a Pentium-class machine. By Badgers"
26663 ATAB_FIX.ZIP 55,9 kt 22.12.1998 - - -
ATA v0.05 BETA FIX - Crash bug fix! Fixes crash bug with VESA 1.2. You will need the original package (ATAB_005.ZIP), this package includes only fixed ATA.EXE By Badgers
26664 ATROOP12.ZIP 455,3 kt 17.09.1997 renamed archive.org -
"ASSAULT TROOPER v1.2 Copyright (c) 1996-97 Juha Kauppinen. isometric commando-like action game. Your duty is to complete various mission in dangerous places all around the globe. MS-DOS 3.2 or higher486VGA The shareware version includes only the first two places of ten possible. Ordering the full version of the game youll get all those ten places and a great mission builder."
26665 ATTAC103.ZIP 925,3 kt 06.04.1998 - MBCD -
ATTACK v.1.03The newest Turboraketti/AUTS/  KOPS-styled game. Many wea-   pons, 3d-rendered levels.  3 different game-modes etc. Realistic water and pressurewaves. Lots of new ideas. 
30293 AUTS116.ZIP 133347 25.10.1995 - MBCD -
Auts v1.16sw
61086 AV092.ZIP 403543 19.09.1996 - MBCD -
Avenger v0.92
Tosi makee avaruus shoot'em-up, vähän
klassisen Space Invadersin tyylin,
kuitenkin höystettynä myös omilla ideoilla.
VGA 256 renderoidut grafiikat ja äänet
SB:lle/SB16:lle. Katso Mikrobitti 9/96 s.77.
Tässä versiossa paljon uutta verratuna
edelliseen versioon. Kotimaista laatua.
Shareware 20mk.
26666 AV10SW.ZIP 925,9 kt 03.02.1997 - MBCD -
"Avenger v1.0 FINAL by Deadline Space shootem-up for 1-2 players. Fight your way through 20 action filled levels with different weapons. Thrilling story-line with superb rendered animations. VGA 256 rendered whole screen action and 22khz sounds for SB/SB16. Req. 386+about 500k mem. Recommended: Fast 486 and soundcard."
26667 AWING12.ZIP 2,9 Mt 20.01.1999 - MBCD -
Assault Wing 1.2 - The Ultimate Freeware Shoot Your Friends Up Cave Flight Game. After one year of bugfixing A great game for many players. Supports mouse, joystick, GUS SB, silence. Requires VESA 2.0, fast video card and a 486 too. Pentium recommended. Lots of Weapons, Bonuses & Stuff contains subdirs; unzip with -d
26668 AXIA.ZIP 1,3 Mt 25.04.1999 - MBCD -
"Axia! by Wildcard DesignIncorporated Blast nasties and asteroids and collect the bountyhigh-speed action space shoot-em-up. Smooth top-view360-degree scrolling space shoot-em-up game thats unique in its egocentric control and display. (The world revolves around you.) Control the ship with your keyboard and watch the fun begin! Good graphicsrealistic gameplayand great sound effects; it distinguishes itself in a crowded genre. DOS / Win95."
26669 B5TAC.A01 1457064 14.04.1996 - - -
B5:TAC-räiskintäpeli. Osa 2/5.
26670 B5TAC.A02 1457064 14.04.1996 - - -
B5:TAC-räiskintäpeli. Osa 3/5.
26671 B5TAC.A03 1457064 14.04.1996 - - -
B5:TAC-räiskintäpeli. Osa 4/5.
26672 B5TAC.A04 892217 14.04.1996 - - -
B5:TAC-räiskintäpeli. Osa 5/5.
26673 B5TAC.ARJ 1457064 14.04.1996 - - -
B5:TAC-räiskintäpeli. Osa 1/5.
26674 BACKLASH.ZIP 4035227 30.07.1996 - 2847/Software of the Month Club 1997 January.iso -
Backlash V1.30. Mukava räiskintäpeli, jossa
ohjataan avaruusaluksen tykkitornia.
30301 BALL23.ZIP 67910 19.01.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Ball, v2.3:  VGA space-battle game between
two players.  Spaceship commanders fight each
other to earn money that can be used to buy
weapons, defenses, etc.  Easy to learn, and
quite addictive.  Best as 2- player game, but
one player can battle against computer.
Shareware by Shawn Bayern.
31773 BARYON.ARJ 1128597 31.05.1995 - 3016/ACTION PURE (Art&Play)(1995).iso -
BARYON (DEMO) Arcade-style game, is scrolling
shooting game. The feature of this game is
faster scrolling speed and smoother mobility.
30305 BATLSTAR.ZIP 307612 16.11.1995 - MBCD -
BATTLESTAR v1.0 from Vivvid Technologies...A
true arcade type game featuring high
resolution (VGA) vector and bitmapped
graphics.  Full SoundBlaster(TM) sound track
and digitized sound effects. Fast action and
very intense!
30306 BATSDOOM.ZIP 363472 04.11.1995 - 6764/CDA1_96.ISO -
Version 2.7: This PC arcade shoot'em-up
scroller pits you against wave upon wave of
swooping, circling, diving space bats! Fast
colorful animation, power-up crystals, bonus
rounds, hot music and sound-effects, and
superb animation! Can you survive the mutant
space bats and save Earth? Find out! A
highly-rated, must-have classic! EGA/VGA,
mouse/kb/joystck. Shareware by Pop Software.
30312 BEER.ARJ 4269956 08.10.1995 - MBCD -
Beer on peli, jossa lennetään kaljapullolla,
ja ammutaan korkilla vastaantulevia toisia
pulloja, ja koreja, yms... Pelissä on myös
kauppa, josta voi ostaa kaikenlaisia
hyödyllisiä lisä-aseita, xenon 2 tyyliin.
Hienot Sb-soundit.
26675 BEEZ110.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.03.2000 - miscfindos.zip -
"Beez 1.10Beez is a good old-fashion shootem up with a few new ideas. 
In this game you fly a bee with a heavy arsenal. Your mission is 
to return stolen eggs and - of course - to save the world. 
System requirements: Pentium recommended. 256 colour VGA. 
Sound BlasterGUS or Pro Audio Spectrum. M.S.DOS 5.0 or higher. 
Copyright Janne Kivilahti/Deep Connection. Freeware!
26676 BEEZ112.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
"Beez v1.12Beez is a good old-fashion shootem up with a few new ideas. 
In this game you fly a bee with a heavy arsenal. Your mission is 
to return stolen eggs and - of course - to save the world. 
System requirements: Pentium recommended. 256 colour VGA. 
Sound BlasterGUS or Pro Audio Spectrum. M.S.DOS 5.0 or higher. 
Copyright Janne Kivilahti/Deep Connection. Freeware!
30320 BIPLANES.ARJ 80222 20.12.1995 - - -
Biplanes, Two armed biplanes face each other
in a duel to the death. Only one pilot can
survive. Nice small arcade game of aerial
30328 BL120SW.ZIP 3319049 10.12.1995 - MBCD -
BACKLASH - A Turret Gunner Simulation V1.20SW
by )|( Sanctuary Software Studio, Inc.  A 3D
action/arcade game. Defend the mothership
from enemy spacecraft, mine fields, asteroid
fields and drones over 15 missions. Rewards
from missions can be used to buy upgrades.
Shareware version contains 1 campaign and 3
dif. levels. Tons of graphics and action !!!
REQ:386DX,VGA,2MB(500conv,750ext/exp) 6MB HD
30331 BLAST.ZIP 392917 15.02.1995 - - -
Blasteroids 3-D
Blasteroids 3-D is a fast paced 3-D space
simulation game in which you must shoot your
way through a series of asteroid belts.  It
requires lightning fast reflexes and a
sharpshooter's eye to make your way through.
30330 BLAST10.ZIP 1387499 23.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
3D Ball Blaster distributed by HomeBrew
Software. Best described as a soccer
derivative, this game is based on an
incredibly fast 3D engine, which allows for
natural looking grafics - effects. In this
man vs. machine battle multiple features help
the player maintain control over the magnetic
ball and keep the opponent in check. Among
these are: portable walls, gravity wells,
boosters, landmines etc. The registered
version features network mode and many more
26677 BMF101SW.ZIP 1,6 Mt 22.11.1997 - MBCD -
BMF v1.0.1 SW from imagination development A fighting game for one to eight players, network game supported. 486DX2/66+ highly recommended, GUS/SB/SBPRO supported
61542 BMFPREV.ZIP 187920 17.09.1996 - - -
>> BMF preview version (v0.1) << A
multiplayer kill'em'all-game 486dx/66
recommened, a friend to be beaten in game
required (c) 1996 imagination
26679 BOFH.ZIP 694 kt 04.05.2000 - - -
BOFH:Servers Under Siege V1.02 As the Bastard Operator, kill terrorists and  defuse bombs  in  an  overhead-view action game.  Requires: DOS/Win95/Win98, 386+  machine,  VGA display,  optionally SB/SBPRO/SB16/GUS for sound. 
26678 BOFH12.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
BOFH: Servers Under Siege V1.2As the Bastard Operator, kill terrorists and  defuse bombs  in  an  overhead-view action game.  Requires: DOS/Win95/Win98, 386+  machine,  VGA display,  optionally SB/SBPRO/SB16 or  GUS  for  sound.  V1.2 adds a new enemy,  new weapons/tools and a level editor! Please unzip with -d option
30350 BRKFRE1A.ZIP 402193 15.08.1995 - MBCD -
BRKFREE v1.0a - BreakFree 3D action game.
Fast paced, first person game of demolition
and escape. Launch your fireballs and fire
your gun to blow away all the walls on a
level. Move to keep your fireballs in play.
Multiple levels with different environ-
ments. Great graphics and tons of special
effects. Requires 528K memory and 256-color
VGA graphics. Has digitized sounds. By
Software Storm, Inc. $18 to register
30357 BUG3D.ZIP 1587753 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Your mission begins on alien world, Crwand,
where your race has been taken from your
home, Erthron, 100 years ago. Now is the time
for your race to attack the aliens who made
you all slaves. Your mission is to terminate
the Skulls and the Nuls, who have teamed to
try to stop your army before it gets a chance
to make any headway. 15 levels. Requires 386+
and 2.5 MB of EMS or XMS memory. By Jim Ball.
61853 CARNSW10.ZIP 1820879 01.04.1996 - MBCD tupla
A brand new arcade style adventure game
with plenty of increasingly difficult levels
to shoot your way thru. Blow up numerous
enemy nasties including tanks, robots,
shooting eyeballs, wiggling things and
doodads with suprises! Fun sound effects,
music, ease of play and 486 happiness will
keep you addicted.
30371 CC10.ZIP 1578408 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Operation Vulture 3: Cyber Chopper
Fly the futuristic helicopter,
Vulture, into battle in this awesome action
game. Fight a huge array of enemies with
multiple weapons across several enormous
levels.  Features dual player mode, quadruple
parallax 4-way scrolling, and a digital
soundtrack!  Cyber Chopper requires: 386 or
higher, 2MB ram, VGA
26680 CDOGS106.ZIP 651,3 kt 26.01.2001 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
"C-Dogs v1.06C-Dogs is a 1 or 2 player game for DOS. The player character(s) are elite soldierstaking on mission after mission to defeat evil in any form. That isyou kill it or blow it up. Sounds violent? Yepthats right. Stillthe emphasis is on gameplay rather than gore. But the game will involve a lot of mowing down of enemies - and the occasional unlucky civilian - so now you have been warned."
26681 CENTIP10.ZIP 179,4 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
"CHAMP Centiped-emver. 1.0 Copyright 1997 CHAMProgramming Based on CHAMP Centipedethis version offers superb graphicsSoundblaster  support and enhanced gameplay. Very Retro experince of classic shootemup. 386/33Mhz DOS3.10 VGA"
26682 CGALAX10.ZIP 237,3 kt 26.06.1997 - MBCD -
"CHAMP Galaxiav1.0 Shareware version from CHAMProgramming Based on CHAMP Galaxianthis version offers superb graphicsSoundblaster support and enhanced gameplay that truly makes you feel like youre in an arcade!"
40776 CHOP.ZIP 415173 05.03.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Choppy The Pork Cop. Räiskintäpeli, jossa
Choppy ampuu tappajatekohampaita,
hampurilaisia jne. Windows.
26683 CHOP101.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.05.1999 - MBCD -
COMBAT CHOPPERS SW V1.0 Melee type Shoot `em up game with modern choppers. 1-4 choppers, which of TWO can be human controlled. Good computer controlled choppers which offer you quite a challenge. TEAMPLAY also optional. Nice EFFECTS and SOUNDS and - most important lots of COOL WEAPONS. Copyrights (C), PsiStorm Entertainment 1999
30379 CHOPDUEL.ZIP 102692 23.12.1994 - ratsnest1.iso -
Chopper Duel v1.0
The ultimate air combat game
26684 CHOPLIFT.ZIP 30041 19.09.1996 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO -
Choplifter clone by abrantisoft. req. 486 *
30380 CHOPPER!.ZIP 274212 15.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Chopper Commando 1 Run the gauntlet in a
heavily armed Apache Helicopter. 3D arcade
style graphics. Reasonably fast machine with
VGA required. Uses mouse or keyboard. Seek
and destroy targets before they get you but
watch out for the air to ground missles,
they're deadly. 256 color flight simulator
style game featuring bitmapped 3d graphics.
30389 COLOSSO.ZIP 2808789 13.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Escape From Dr. Colosso
Action Adventure 3D Game from
Campana Productions. Fight your way to
Freedom with this multi level game complete
with weapons, sounds, music, and stunning
256 color smooth-scrolling 3D action. Don't
miss out on the adventure!
26685 COMBAT11.ARJ 1,1 Mt 25.11.1999 - MBCD -
Free Combat 1.1Reaaliaikainen ylhäältä päin kuvattu toimintapeli. 
Realistinen liikkuminen, haavoittuminen, taidot, 
vihollisten käyttäytyminen ja näkökenttä (FOV). 
Ohjelmoitavat näppäimet. 38 tehtävää, tehtäväeditori 
mukana. Vaatimukset: Pentium, VGA, 3MB levytilaa, 
DOS. Tukee SB-äänikortteja.
26686 COMENH15.ZIP 608,6 kt 23.09.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"Commando enhanced v1.50 by the lost patrol Eenhancement ofCommando 32kwith many extra features! including sound and effects. 20 action packed levels plus end sequence! Bugfixesetc. Classic retro remake. P90MIDASVGA action guaranteed!"
26687 COMM32K.ZIP 34,1 kt 06.08.1999 - MBCD -
"Commando 32k by the lost patrol. Classic retro remake. Shootemup. the supposed-to-be mekka 32k entry with extra soundtrack! 32k action pack! P120 & DOS required."
30391 CONTROL.ZIP 1810742 05.12.1995 - - -
Operation: Mind Control is a 3-D doomstyle
game. Included in this file is the first 3
levels. The full 15 levels are available in
the registered version. After unzipping this
file control.exe is a self-extracting file
that will automatically install the game to
your hard drive. Change to mindcont directory
and enter MC to start the game.
26689 CYBDUEL.ZIP 218667 18.12.1996 - MBCD -
Cyber Duel V1.0 demo version. 2 player top
viewed fighting game By Jarmo Nikkanen &
Ville Heijari
26688 CYBDUEL2.ZIP 1021,9 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Cyber Duel II Copyright (c) J. Nikkanen & V. heijari 1997 New version of already known Cyber Duel I - Two Players Combat Game Where Two Cyborgs Are Shooting each other with standard and imaginary guns. Big playfields, special equipment SVGA 640x480 to 1024x768, 12 MB. Registering 50 MK
30416 CYLINDRX.ZIP 2105849 24.03.1996 - MBCD -
Taistelupeli, jossa lennetään/ajetaan kolmen
aluksen joukkueella toista kolmen aluksen
joukkuetta vastaan. Hieman Locuksen tyylinen,
mutta ilman palloa.
30419 DARKWOLF.ZIP 717732 11.01.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
DarkWolf v1.4
D'India Software's latest SHAREWARE
masterpiece!  DARKWOLF, the action game with
awesome 256 color VGA graphics, digital
music, digital sound, 32-bit parallax
scrolling, and MORE!  The "play control" and
"fun factor" are impressive! As the king's
wizard, you must try and keep the kingdom
from being thrown into civil war, but beware,
Grondahl Morrison is out to shorten your
lifespan. CHECK IT OUT! Requires: VGA, 386+
30428 DEFEND.ZIP 56786 16.09.1995 - archive.org -
Defend by Kurt W Dekker. Klassinen
30427 DEFENDER.ZIP 12125 21.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
ASCII-merkeillä toteutettu räiskintäpeli.
30433 DESTINY_.ZIP 2345551 29.11.1995 - MBCD -
 - Colourful upwards
scrolling shoot'em'up. Minimum 386/33, rec
30443 DPFORT.ZIP 1140230 05.03.1996 - MBCD -
You are an elite helicopter pilot chosen by
the high command officials to infiltrate an
underground fortress, rescue all of captured
high command officers, and exterminate the
evil terrorist.  The fortress contains seven
tightly guarded bunkers.  Each bunker
contains shield generators for the next
bunker.  You'll have to destroy all shield
generators in each of the bunkers and survive
the self-destruct explosion.  Each bunker is
30446 DRUG12.EXE 2532725 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Drug Killers 1.2. Ylhäältäpäin kuvattu
30449 DSHOT11.ZIP 77347 20.04.1996 - - -
DuckShoot 1.1 By Bonus Software
In this game you need fast reflexes and
firm mousehand. Shareware.
26690 DUCKMRDU.ZIP 692,1 kt 22.10.1998 - MBCD -
Duck mr Duck (disccover version) Worms-like game for 2-3 players. Each player has his own team that consist of 4 ducks. Goal is to kill each others ducks so long that only one team is left. Different elements: LAND, SEA and AIR. DOS 486. Supports SB, GUS. 2-3 players.
30458 DZONE10.ZIP 165832 31.05.1995 renamed archive.org -
Destruction Zone
30461 EF121.ZIP 1764988 04.06.1995 - MBCD -
Elite Fighters 1.21
30465 ELECTROM.ZIP 426179 23.12.1994 renamed nic.funet.fi -
Electro Man
Your starbase has been infiltrated by alien
attackers.  In Electro Man, you must journey
through dozens of screens filled with
exciting puzzles and run-jump-and-shoot
action!  You'll be addicted to this 256-
color game from Epic MegaGames and Xland
instantly.  Requires 386 or faster processor.
Supports Sound Blaster and Adlib music
26691 EM101.ZIP 3,1 Mt 03.03.2000 - miscfindos.zip -
"Emancy - The Revenge of Tamanduas v1.01Excellent action shootem up game with up to 100 intelligent computer players. 1 or 2 human players. Contains team playcampaign modegreat sounds and lots of weapons. Shareware version."
26692 ESCAPE12.ZIP 1262670 29.03.1996 - MBCD -
Escape Velocity-räiskintäpeli. V1.2.
26693 F2-10.ZIP 3 Mt 05.02.1998 - MBCD -
Fight 2 (v1.0) (C) Sebastian Aaltonen 1997 Fight 2 on vanhantyylinen räiskintäpeli uuden tyyppisellä grafiikalla ja efekteillä maustettuna. Fightiä voi pelaja maksimissaan 4 pelaajaa, joista osa voi olla tietokoneita. Äänikortti ja Pentium-kone suositeltava...
30476 FD.ZIP 1426183 17.11.1995 - MBCD -
Future Dimension by LIFETIMES, fast
arcade-looking shoot'em'up with many
different gamestyles. 386 and up.
26694 FDUEL040.ZIP 883,8 kt 03.01.1998 - MBCD -
FiNAL DUEL v0.40. Extremely addictive two player duel in space with best graphics and real-time graphical effects. Supports GUS, SB, PAS for quality sound effects! Requires VGA, 486dx/33, 4Mb mem.
26695 FLARE.ZIP 89,9 kt 08.07.1998 - MBCD -
FLARE - Levitaatiotankit jyllää. Toimintaa ja tehoefektejä. Kahden pelaajan tavallaan luolamätkettä. MS-DOS.
26697 FREETRIP.ZIP 1,9 Mt 05.04.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Triplane Turmoil v1.02 FREEWARE. Laadukas äärettömän hauska lentopeli jossa porhalletaan sivusta kuvatussa maisemassa ensimmäisen maailmansodan lentokoneilla. Tehtäväsi on tuhota mahdollisimman paljon vihollisen joukkoja niin maassa kuin ilmassakin. Sisältää yksin- ja moninpelin jopa neljälle pelaajalle. Digitaaliäänet ja -musiikit. Laitevaatimus. DOS, 486, 4 Mt. Tekijä Dodekaedron Software. 
26699 FUSE10SW.ARJ 831,5 kt 16.03.1998 - MBCD -
FUSE 1.00sw Upea suomalainen räiskintäpeli. Rakenna itsellesi tukikohta ja yritä samalla tuhota vihollisesi käyttäen raketteja ym. kivaa. Rekisteröinti ei ole enää mahdollista, mutta kakkososa on tuloillaan. Vaatii: 486/100Mhz/8Mb
30504 G_FIRE!.ZIP 276602 04.03.1996 renamed 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
GroundFire! Updated Demo,
(More Sounds & Inhanced play!)
Is a challenging,addicting,
non-stop action,War shooter
game for Dos. Great graphics
and good game play.
You gotta try this one!
(Fully functional demo version.)
Min requirements: 386/sx with
a Sound Blaster or compatible
30493 GALAGA94.ZIP 59032 29.11.1995 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Galaga 1.1 by Arnold Pichler - a small
shoot'em up from the C-64 times.
26700 GALAXIP.ZIP 348940 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Title:  Galaxi Version:  #1133 Desc:  Galaxi
arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:
Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95
+ $4.95 S&H Author:  PLBM Games Email:
kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 +
$4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete
30499 GARNOTT2.ZIP 4679878 15.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Garnott ][ - Dage Vador is back !
Garnott ][ is a powerful, realistic, space
traveling, alien carnage, shoot'em up game.
Beta version. 386 w/ 4 Megs RAM req. Supports
30505 GFORCE.ZIP 268469 20.12.1995 - MBCD -
G-Force, TurboRaketti/Roketz/AUTS styled
shoot'em'up, where two players fly little
rockets in cavern trying to shoot each other
with guns, roketz and mines.
26701 GRAVITON.ZIP 111,6 kt 21.01.1999 - MBCD -
Graviton. Thrust/Gravitar-klooni. Viivagrafiikalla toteutettu antiikkisen kolikkopelin retrokäännös. DOS.
26702 GUB11IMG.ZIP 91409 20.04.1996 - ratsnest1.iso -
Imagination presents... GUB v1.1
386,VGA required (GUS/SB optional)
Incredibly fast and addictive
shoot'em'up for action freaks!
26703 GUNSH132.A01 1,4 Mt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
Cobra Gunship 1.32 2/5
26704 GUNSH132.A02 1,4 Mt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
Cobra Gunship 1.32 3/5
26705 GUNSH132.A03 1,4 Mt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
Cobra Gunship 1.32 4/5
26706 GUNSH132.A04 492,2 kt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
Cobra Gunship 1.32 5/5
26707 GUNSH132.ARJ 1,4 Mt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
Cobra Gunship 1.32 by Elysium Digital 95 Demo of a Choplifter-style game - side-view scroller helicopter arcade game. Fly through a variety of missions. Along the way, you will use an arsenal of weaponry to destroy your opponents.Between missions, you will customize your chopper, adding newer engines, better armor, and improved weapons. 486/33 SVGA 12 MB DOS 6.2/Win95 1/5
30528 HAMMER.ZIP 626454 23.12.1994 - MBCD -
Star Hammer v1.0 
(286+,VGA 256-col,HD)
2268 and still the war rages on. Mankind has
been at war for 28 years with the evil race
known as the Sloboids.  Become a Starfighter
pilot in this mission-based space combat
game.  Features full-screen 16 direction
scrolling, save game, full dynamic Adlib/
Soundblaster sound-track, digitized speech
and action galore.  Joystick supported.
26708 HELIJEEP.ZIP 457,4 kt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
Title:  Heli-Jeep Version:  #1211 Desc: Helicopter/Jeep Arcade Game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: Kurt W. Dekker Publisher:  PLBM Games Email: plbm@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H Retro flying action.
30537 HHUNTER.ZIP 858732 03.04.1995 - MBCD -
Highway Hunter: From Safari Software
A fast, frantic and furious arcade blast
fest!  Guide your advanced assault vehicle,
THE MASTER, through roads of destruction and
carnage.  256-color parallax-scrolling
graphics, huge boss tanks and hot powerups
make Highway Hunter one of the best shooters
on the PC!  Shareware version 1.0 from Safari
Software and Omega Integral Systems.
26709 HOK10.ZIP 44,3 kt 05.09.2001 - miscfindos.zip -
Hiltusen on KUOLTAVA 1.0 Freeware FPS Copyright (C) ULTRANUS TM 2001 Pahan herra Hiltusen hulluksi tekevä koje muuttaa ihmiset raivopäämurhaajiksi. On aika puhkoa konnilta mahat! 
Komea ja hektinen uuden sukupolven 3D-ammuskelu, joka on julkisuudessa jäänyt syyttä toisen kotimaisen lippulaivan, kaupallisemman Max Paynen varjoon. DOS / Windows.
30539 HOOVER.ZIP 91425 06.12.1995 - 24000/1995-12_Disc_13.iso -
The monsters have taken over one of our
most prized national landmarks. The
Hoover Dam has been infested with
hell-spawn and it's your job to clean
house!  Battle your way up and down
canyon ledges and caves in this very
large, very detailed level.  You'll want
to stop and enjoy the view as you look
up at the majestic Hoover Dam.  Just
don't stand still too long or you'll be
26710 HRS.ZIP 935,5 kt 25.04.1999 - MBCD -
HAUDANRYÖSTÄJÄ SUOMESTA - Räiskintäpeli. Ylhäältä kuvattu juoksenteluräiske. Laitteistovaatimukset: DOS, VESA 2.0, nopea 486 ja 5 Mb muistia. Huom: toimii huonosti sekä Windows- että DOS-ympäristössä tietyissä käynnistyssysteemeissä.
26711 HYTANK.ZIP 570,5 kt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
Title:  Hyper Tank Version:  #1207 Desc: Hyper Tank Game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:  Joystick, Mouse, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:  Kurt W. Dekker Publisher:  PLBM Games Email:  sales@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H Retro top viewed combat/action.
30552 IKILLERS.ZIP 1911023 02.04.1996 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
IKILLERS Game version 1.00 Full multi-level
3D Action Game ala DOOM, 256 Color graphics,
excellent action, great quality sound effects
and music, and great animation.  Battle bad
guys, and creepy monsters.  Includes
advertising info for the Pie 3D Game Creation
System. Req. 386-33 or better CPU, DOS, VGA,
SB opt.
26712 INSHARE.ZIP 420,9 kt 14.05.1997 - MBCD -
Invaders... Remake of classic Space Invaders game! by Lord Generic Productions and AAIT Retro
30557 INV08C.ZIP 633373 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Cheesy Invaders - the classic 'shoot aliens
descending from above' theme modernized! Req.
386 * VGA.
26713 INV78.ZIP 42373 15.12.1996 - MBCD -
Invaders 1978 * Arcade (retro) DOS * The most
faithful version of Taito's original Space
Invaders for the PC
26714 INVADR11.ZIP 25,9 kt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
SPACE INVADERS by PAUL S. REID Version 1.1 An Exact Clone of the Arcade Game in 100% Assembler Game, Source Code, and Documentation Included Freely Distributable - No Shareware Fee Released September 17, 1995 - MINOR BUG FIXES
26715 IPDEML.A01 2999305 02.10.1996 - MBCD -
Interpose: pelattava demo. Osa 2/4.
26716 IPDEML.A02 2999344 02.10.1996 - MBCD -
Interpose: pelattava demo. Osa 3/4.
26717 IPDEML.A03 2146516 02.10.1996 - MBCD -
Interpose: pelattava demo. Osa 4/4.
26718 IPDEML.ARJ 2999343 02.10.1996 - MBCD -
■ Interpose (TM) ■ A Fully Working Action
Game Demo (C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * VGA Graphics - Animated
Storyline * Awesome Sound Effects and Music *
Major Sound Cards Supported (SB/GUS) *
Joystick/Gravis/Keyboard Controls * 486-25
Mhz or Higher Required * Dos 5.0 or Higher
Required * 6.2 Megs of Free RAM * 22 Megs of
Free Hard Drive Space
26719 IPXMAS.ZIP 3279469 21.12.1996 - MBCD -
Interpose Special Christmas Edition from
Webfoot Games System Requirements: 486SX/25
or faster, 6.2MB RAM, VGA video card, MS-DOS
5.0 or greater (or Windows 95) Fulfilling the
Twilight Zone and Webfoot promise of
incredible graphics and music, Interpose is a
stunningly fast scrolling action game. The
action - and that DOES mean action! - takes
place in space. Shoot 3D enemy ships while
conserving energy and fire-power. Choose from
an arsenal of weapons, including missiles,
31969 IZDEMO.ZIP 909778 29.11.1995 - 13089/Game Head January 1996.iso -
IZMIR arcade shoot'em'up playable demo. Run
with your soldier shooting down everything
that moves.
65503 KAB056SW.ZIP 1341641 20.12.1996 repacked MBHH1998 -
KaBoom V0.56 - SW - Intensive 2-4 player
combat game. Fast 486 recommended, VGA
required. Please read the README.DOC before
26721 KAB057SW.ZIP 1,3 Mt 11.03.1997 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
KaBoom V0.57 - SW - Intensive 2-4 player combat game. Fast 486 recommended, VGA required. Please read the README.DOC before playing. ** THIS IS AN PUBLIC BETA VERSION, NOT THE FINAL! **
30580 KILLEM10.ZIP 38271 05.12.1995 - - -
Erinomainen räiskintäpeli, jossa ammut ruutua
alaspäin valuvaa vihollis alusta.
26723 KOPS052.ZIP 1,3 Mt 29.06.1997 - - -
KOPS 0.52 - DISCCOVER COMPETITION version. Game for 2-4 players. Gravitational battles in 640x480x256 mode. Offers you also parallax scrolling with full digital soundtrack and sound fx. Requires 486/66 and 8Mb, fast Pentium recommended. Freeware.
26722 KOPS0520.ZIP 1801913 18.11.1996 - MBCD -
KOPS 0.52 SHAREWARE peli 2-4 pelaajalle.
Taistelupeli Turboraketti/Auts/Wings/Kaboom
tyyliin 640x480x256-tilassa. Tarjoaa moni-
tasovierityksen digitaalisen ääniraidan sekä
ääniefektien kera. Vähintään 486/66 ja 8Mb,
Pentium suositeltavaa. KOPSimaan siitä!
26724 KOPS10.ZIP 3,2 Mt 29.07.2001 - MBHH2002 -
KOPS v1.0 KOPS on kaksiulotteinen luolalentelyklassikko, jossa on tarkoitus räjäyttää vastustajat päreiksi. Tarjoaa moni- tasovierityksen digitaalisen ääniraidan sekä ääniefektien kera. Tämä on vapaaseen jakeluun päästetty täysi versio. 2-4 pelaajaa. Freeware. 
30590 KSI.ZIP 68921 03.09.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Kurt's Spaced Invaders! Klassinen Space
26725 KT2V10.ZIP 2,4 Mt 29.08.1999 - MBCD -
KoiraTappelu 2-Taistelumme v1.0 (FREEWARE) 1-6 pelaajan arkaadilentotaistelupeli 16 bittisillä SVGA grafiikoilla, STEREO äänillä, SELOSTUKSELLA, tietokone vastustajilla, uusilla pelimoodeilla ja PELATTAVUUDELLA höystettynä. Vaatii: P150, 16 meg, 16bit SVGA, hiiri, näppäimistö, DOS Tekijä: Parviirus
26726 KTS_SHRW.A01 1,4 Mt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 2/6
26727 KTS_SHRW.A02 1,4 Mt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 3/6
26728 KTS_SHRW.A03 1,4 Mt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 4/6
26729 KTS_SHRW.A04 1,4 Mt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 5/6
26730 KTS_SHRW.A05 417,1 kt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 6/6
26731 KTS_SHRW.ARJ 1,4 Mt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00  1/6 A next-generation arcade shootem-up with spectacular hi-resolution SVGA graphics3D texture-mapped Phong-shaded shipsrendered and animated backgroundseye-popping fluid scrolling and freedom of movementmultiple real-time light sourcesoriginal game plot and intelligent enemiesincluding giantic megabosses. Requires Pentium and SVGA. http://www.metropolis.com.pl http://www.gamefactory.com"
40846 KUUVAARA.ZIP 457361 31.10.1995 - MBCD -
Klik & Play -peli. 1-kenttäinen räiskintäpeli
toimii win3.1 ja win95.  ILMAISOHJELMA !!!
26732 LIERO133.ZIP 373 kt 15.02.1999 - MBCD -
"Liero 1.33Liero 1.33 by MetsänEläimet!
Earthworm simulation game based on a real physical model. 
Features: 2 worms40 weaponsgreat playabilityfour game 
modes: Killem AllGame of TagCapture the Flag and 
Simple CtF! NEW: AI-players without true intelligence! 
And all this is FREEWARE! Requires 386SX560KB 
conventional memory. SB supported760KB XMS 
required for sounds.
40697 LINNA.ZIP 63930 31.05.1995 - - -
Suomalainen vastustaja Scorchille.
26733 LINNA103.ZIP 55,7 kt 12.05.1999 - nic.funet.fi -
Linna v1.03. Freeware. DOS. The Castle is a small and old game like Scorched Earth. This one only has one weapon. Very simple and easy. DOS. Made by Sami Tammilehto.
30599 LLAMA.ZIP 254167 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Llamatron: 2122 PC V1.0 The 8-bit
mind-dazzling arcade-shooting game converted
to PC by the man himself, Jeff Minter!
30602 LMECHV2.ZIP 102469 12.02.1996 - 21858/PFY0496.ISO -
Lazer Mech made By Joz Ong. * LATEST
30605 LOTF.ZIP 378367 30.11.1995 - 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso -
LAST OF THE FREE, remake of an old classic
coinop shoot'em'up.
31073 LVLINFO.ZIP 19502 20.10.1995 - 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO -
The official specs for Descent from Parallax
software. Use this if you are making your own
editor, or are just curious.
65861 LW2U.ZIP 526254 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi tupla
LineWars II
Software. Play alone or battle your friends
in MODEM & NETWORK play -- up to 8 players!
Cruise through a true 3D environment in the
Deneb star system, toasting pirate ships as
you progress through THREE killer missions!
Supports regular VGA and 640x480 Super VGA,
Sound Blaster, Gravis, Thrustmaster & more.
26734 MA150.ZIP 879,5 kt 21.07.1998 - - -
Meteor Attack v1.05 the updated version of the first release. New: CD Music, Some new graphics, No more bugs. Ramposoft 1998 http://www.vip.fi/ahlforsp/
26735 MACH106.ZIP 171,6 kt 01.02.2000 - miscfindos.zip -
"Machine Wreckers (v. 1.06)  is a traditional shootem up (R-TypeSilkworm...). The level map is re-created every time the game starts. You can control a spaceship or a walking tank and play alone or in the two player mode. MW requires a 586-class computer with VGAa mouseDOS557 kB of free base memory and a SoundBlaster."
26736 MB311FW.ZIP 1021,7 kt 05.02.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Mine Bombers v3.11 Vapaaseen levitykseen päästetty täysversio. Mine Bombers on räiskintäklassikko, jossa ahneet kaivosmiehet räjäyttävät toisiaan ilmaan samalla kun yrittävät haalia aarteita itselleen. 
30621 MEGAPEDE.ZIP 868180 16.09.1995 - MBCD -
Megapede Version 1.2e
26737 METEORPL.ZIP 524167 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Title:  Meteor Rescue Version:  #1133 Desc:
Meteor Rescue arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA
Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
26738 MINEB31.ZIP 899649 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Mine Bombers 3.11 is a jolly 2 player game: A
mixture of BOULDER DASH and DYNABLASTER with
PLENTY of WEAPONS (27 different), that you
use to blow up your opponent while collecting
treasures and other "stuff" in a mine. Now
S3M background music and new graphics. This
game is addictive - Beware!
26739 MIWS15.ZIP 567766 20.04.1996 - MBCD -
Imagination presents... Men In War v1.5 SW
An excellent kill-your-friends-
game for two or three players!
386+ with 2MB RAM and VGA required
Supports SB and GUS
26740 MOLEZ110.ZIP 1,7 Mt 18.11.1998 - MBCD -
"MoleZ v1.10 by FRACTiLE Games! The ultimate multiplayer real-time  mole shootem up for 2-4 players!  req. PentiumVBE1.28Mb mem. Also supports SB and GUS for sounds."
26741 MOLEZFCR.ZIP 1,7 Mt 05.03.2000 - MBHH2001 -
"MoleZ v1.10 Finalby FRACTiLE Games! The ultimate multiplayer real-time  mole shootem up for 2-4 players!  req. PentiumVBE1.28Mb mem. Also supports SB and GUS for sounds. FREE CHRISTMAS RELEASE! Full registered version available for free from the authors."
30633 MOPOSOTA.ZIP 72669 06.01.1995 - MBCD -
Deluxe Moposota, taistelua sotamopoilla
joita voi varustaa itse mm. singoilla,
antimopo-ohjuksilla, plasmajyrällä etc.
26742 MRBOOM30.ZIP 631,3 kt 15.07.1999 - MBCD -
"mr.boom 3.0 Action boomemup arcade. Accurate bomberman conversion. 8 players. IPX comp. Dos or Windows. Gus sounds. Featuring: 8 levels11 bonus & rabbit riding !!! only 500KB. freeware."
26743 MW125.ZIP 419,8 kt 14.10.1998 - MBCD -
Miniwar 1.25 by Jussi Aittoniemi is a great multiplayer shoot-em-up game, where little troopers kill each other with various weapons, which they get in weapon drops. Includes 22 weapons, and an easy way to make own levels. Supports 2-4 players and SB. Requires 386 with math coprocessor, about 460 kb of conventional and some megs of free XMS. Pentium recommended. Unzip with -d switch. No music version.
26744 MWMUS.ZIP 933,3 kt 14.10.1998 - MBCD -
Miniwar music Pack These are the musics for the no-music version of Miniwar. Just unzip them into the DATA subdirectory.
30646 NERAK2.ZIP 366203 23.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Nerakian Adventure ($5) Karen Scites
Nerakian Adventure was written by Karen
Scites using the DCGAMES Graphics Adven-
ture Game Builder. Requires a VGA card
and supports Sound Blaster/Adlib cards
(or compatibles).
For the latest release of DCGAMES (4.0
as of October 1995), visit Software
Creations BBS via direct dial or the
66591 NITE3D20.ZIP 993715 31.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
NITEMARE-3D, A House of Horrors v2.0 -
VGA 256 color 3D scrolling action game.
Continuing the theme of the original HUGO
games, this all new series features first
person perspective scrolling in 256 color
VGA.  Supports mouse, joystick and Sound
Blaster compatible sound cards.  Requires 386
or higher and 2 Meg extended memory. Version
2.0 upgrades 3D characters, adds a hit
detector and fixes bugs in E1L5 & E3L8.
26745 NITRO.ZIP 479,4 kt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
Title:  Nitro! Version:  #1198 Desc:  Nitro Combat Game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:  Kurt W. Dekker Publisher:  PLBM Games Email:  sales@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H Retro. Bomberman/Dynablaster-clone.
30657 NJFLUX.ZIP 379059 07.01.1995 - 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso -
Side/overhead view shooter by A-J Games
w/Sound Blaster sound effects you won't
believe! VGA/SVGA. The ship Nejilian Flux has
been destroyed, but its crew have been picked
up by an alien `scooter'. Find your way back
to Earth. 1994 release, V1.0.
26746 NOODLE12.ZIP 372,2 kt 29.08.1999 - - -
NoodleZ 1.2 - Kalasta Haulikolla. Tässä kevätpäivänraikkaassa arkaadipelissä (DOS) tarvitset nopeita refleksejä, hieman tuuria ja kalliin rusketuksen! Vaatii 2 pelaajaa, VGA:n ja vähintään 486/66 tasoisen prosessin. Freeware. Tekijä lost Spaceman of Refinition. Nyt myös äänet!
26747 OBLIT.ZIP 618251 15.12.1996 - MBCD -
Obliterator V0.0 Blow things up in 360° of
freedom and when you're done that,  blow more
things up. Tons of stinkin' aliens  to
obliterate.  More carnage than you can shake
a stick at. 486, VGA, SB
30667 OK123.ZIP 377099 31.12.1995 - - -
SMOOTH 16-color scrolling action,  SB/Adlib
sound track, and joystick support!  You
arrive at your home planet after a long
space flight, only to find it has been
destroyed by a demonic warlike alien race
that kills for sheer pleasure.  IT'S TIME
FOR REVENGE.  Shareware,  Member ASP.
30671 ONTARGET.ZIP 135688 14.07.1996 - 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin -
OnTarget v1.7ß- VGA Artillery Game
(c)1987,1995 by RAD Software
PO Box 1991, Columbus, GA  31902
The BEST artillery game that others
have been trying to emulate!
This is the shareware version of
Villa Crespo Software's best-selling
game!  Shoot artillery pieces at each
other under a beautiful star-filled
26748 ORBWAR11.ZIP 646,2 kt 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
ORB WARS 1.1, a SHAREWARE flying game (DOS) for one/two player(s). Pentium recommended.
30675 OUTLAW.ZIP 385132 24.02.1995 - - -
Outlaw 1997
A TWO player battle to the death. Blood,
guts, and FATALITY SCENES!!!!!
Requires 386+ & VGA. AdLib/SB supported.
26749 P2_DOS.ZIP 1,1 Mt 09.06.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 5 -
"Project 2 - DOSby Thomas Grip Genre: Action/shootemup. Top Viewed action game with lots of action. Real-time lighting. Particle systems. Event driven maps. 10 different weapons. 8 different enemies. A gripping storyline. Free. DOS. Pentium 75. "
26750 PHAS2105.ZIP 574,2 kt 22.10.1998 - MBHH1999 -
PHASE2 (3D) v1.05 from WAH-Software Fly over texture mapped landscape and shoot enemies with minigun and photon torpedoes. SHAREWARE version includes 10 levels and 2 planets. unzip with winzip or with -d option. 
30697 PHYLOX.ZIP 331872 11.05.1995 - nopv_games.zip -
Hauska räiskintäpeli,jossa räiskitään
alieneita konekiväärillä ja kranateeilla.
30698 PICKLE.ZIP 944528 24.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Pickle Wars by MVP Software .
Parallax scrolling, 256-color, georgeous
cinematic sequences, whimsical musical score,
digitized sound effects -- you'll LOVE this
new game. Can you save your beloved Arcadia
from the dastardly invading Pickle race?
Will you locate the ancient weapons in time?
Will our hero and heroine discover each
other?  Find out in Pickle Wars, the
whimsical, wacky new game sensation.
Req 286+, VGA; joy, SB option
30719 POPTBALL.ZIP 539452 17.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
elminate ball by ball and clear all levels to
rescue the world! SB/VGA/Dig-CD-Audio
26751 POTUT11.ZIP 95,2 kt 29.07.2001 - #anonyymi -
Potut v1.1 Potut on 1-3 pelaajan tasohyppelyräiskintä, jossa kolme pottua yrittää listiä toisensa eri tuliasein.  
67387 PP100.ARJ 571750 05.09.1996 - - -
PP V1.0. New and improved version. Includes
larger playfields. New sound system (8 voices
max). Lots of animations and objects in
fields, new weapons, new technology and
more optimized code. PP is an AUTS/ROKETZ
styled game.
67388 PP110.ARJ 578147 14.01.1997 - - -
PP 1.10. AUTS/ROKETZ/KOPS/JNE. tyylinen
räiskintäpeli. Ominaisuuksia: Kentat
1200x1200x256c, texturemapatut
koneet/objektit, kentissä tykkitorneja,
ansoja jne. Kaikki mitä luolalentelyssä voi
olla. Uusia ominaisuuksia: kristallinkirkas 8
kanavainen ääniengine ja bugifiksauksia.
26752 PP22.ZIP 643,5 kt 22.11.1997 - MBCD -
PP v2.2. Luolalentelyn uusin versio. Äänibugi korjattu yms.
26753 PRCHD105.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.06.1999 - MBCD -
            -=Parched Terrain=-                Versio 1.05    Freewarea oleva laadukas tankkipeli.   Tuo mieleen scorched earthin. 5 erilaista   asetta,somat SVGA-grafiikat, muhevat ääni-   efektit. Apuna käytetty allegro-kirjastoa.        DOS. Tekijä : Ilkka Hela
30725 PRISON11.ZIP 884724 28.02.1996 - 21858/PFY0496.ISO -
Eternal Prison Version 1.1, 3-D arcade
Doom-type game in which the player attempts
to escape from a futuristic prison. Use
keyboard, mouse or joystick. Requires 386,
4MB Ram VGA and sound card.
26754 RADSW11.ZIP 3,8 Mt 07.04.1996 - MBCD tupla
Radix: Beyond The Void - Shareware v1.1 From Epic MegaGames and Neural Storm: Fly the Radix super fighter through massive steel trenches in this gruesome tale of alien invasion. With a huge arsenal of destructive weapons, you must fly strategic missions on the surface of Theta-2, and inside the huge alien vessel. Radix features advanced 3D technology including, texture mapped walls, ceilings, floors, and slopes, allowing for a rich level of detailed
67708 RADSW11.ZIP 4001722 08.04.1996 - MBCD tupla
Radix: Beyond The Void - Shareware v1.1
From Epic MegaGames and Neural Storm:
Fly the Radix super fighter through
massive steel trenches in this gruesome tale
of alien invasion. With a huge arsenal of
destructive weapons, you must fly strategic
missions on the surface of Theta-2, and
inside the huge alien vessel. Radix features
advanced 3D technology including, texture
mapped walls, ceilings, floors, and slopes,
allowing for a rich level of detailed
26755 RCHA160.ZIP 2,3 Mt 09.02.1999 - MBCD -
Rocket Chase 1.60 - Attention!A polished rocket flying game for 2-4 players . Highly  optimized, smooth  parallax scroll, 
digital  sound  effects, colourful  graphics. NEW  from  v1.50:  new  levels,  bugs  
fixed. Requires: 386,VGA,4MB opt:SB,GUS,2joys,CD.

30743 RDBAB101.ZIP 1503831 19.10.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Red Babe 1.01 is a 3D world shoot 'em up
adventure, created by The Dark CaVErN
Productions as Freeware!! This is the latest
version with all bugs fixed.  Future releases
in the next few months include a full 30+
level intricate 3D game, and an Adult fantasy
type with nudity etc...  The DaRK CaVErN BBS
26756 REIGN122.ZIP 157,1 kt 20.01.1999 - MBCD -
Reign v1.22 - Final? (19/11/98) Hienoilla efekteillä tehostettu, joskin yksinkertainen räiskintä- peli, jossa eivät ainakaan viholliset lopu kesken. Käytännössä vaatii: Pentium 120Mhz, tai nopeampi. (c) 1998 Tero Alatalo
30751 RESCUE.ZIP 266104 15.08.1995 - 6180/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (July 1994).iso -
Rescue! v 1.2
Fly your nimble Hovercraft thru forests and
perilous mountain passes. Scanning the sky,
you swivel your rapid fire cannons in a
deadly sweeping swath against the attacking
missiles or to clear space for rapid evasive
maneuvers while you blast your way thru the
missile launcher defenses. Your friends/kids
will love being your optional gunner(s).
Outstanding Soundblaster songs and sound
effects.  640k, VGA, & 286+.
30754 REVENGE.ZIP 444573 16.02.1995 - MBCD -
Revenge of the Mutant Camels - aito Jeff
Minter of LLamasoft konversio. Psykedeelistä
räiskintää laamoilla, yhdessä historian
oudoimmista peleistä.
41101 RIVERRUN.ZIP 2870318 16.12.1996 - 11026/1,000 Game Levels 2.iso -
RIVER RUN - Explore four regions of a vast
and nearly boundless river system by
annihilating choppers, fighter jets,
gunboats, carriers, blazing fires, and more,
while desperately seeking oil spills for
fuel.  Features seamless fast-paced action,
16 channel digital surround sound, rich
music, 2-player mode, and classic play-
ability.  Super easy setup.  For DOS or works
well in Win95 and is smooth on 486/33+
30762 ROCKS486.ZIP 58368 17.02.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Asteroids-tyylinen peli (VGA/SVGA)
26757 ROCRAID.ARJ 1,2 Mt 20.10.1997 repacked daryldixonretro.111mb.de -
"Rocket Raid Retro but modified remamake of the coin-op shootemup classic Missile Command. DOS."
26758 ROIDS10B.ZIP 70,9 kt 18.03.2002 - - -
Vectoroids v1.00b  By Minimal Enjoyment Games. A nice asteroids clone with 3d vector  graphics, applied physics modelling,  free 360 degrees movement. Freeware. 
30767 ROMU.ZIP 104837 25.08.1995 - MBCD -
Avaruusromu v1.00
Avaruustaistelu Turboraketin tyyliin
Ruutu jaettu 2-4 osaan pelaajien luvun mukaan
30770 ROX.ZIP 91698 16.09.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
"ROX" by Kurt W Dekker. Asteroids-klooni.
68015 RRRET20.ZIP 362473 23.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Version 2.0 -- In the year 2020, the robots
maintaining Earth's life support systems have
revolted. Defeat the enemy robots in the
tunnels beneath our complex using a remote
control tank from the R3 squad. Shareware
from Just For Me Software . (Note: The
$10.00 registered version makes an ideal
holiday or birthday gift).
30772 RRV20.ZIP 141147 06.03.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Robot Revenge v2.0 and robotmath v2.0
30777 SATANP.ZIP 950277 06.03.1996 - - -
Newest Game by Linoleum soft SATAN'S PALACE
3D/VR. Unzip with -d command. Kicks dooms
26759 SCORCH15.ZIP 648032 05.02.1996 - MBCD -
Scorched Earth v1.5:  256 color VGA artillery
game that allows up to 10 players to blow
each other to bits.  Tons of configurable
options including weapons, defense
mechanisms, weather, economics, etc.  Can
also be played by one person against various
computer foes. VGA Required.  Shareware by
Wendell Hicken.
30782 SCUD.ZIP 48687 16.09.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
"Scud Attack" by Kurt W Dekker.
26760 SCUDPLBM.ZIP 209419 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Title:  Scud Attack Version:  #1135 Desc:
Scud Attack arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA
Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
26761 SD07.ZIP 642,8 kt 03.09.1998 - MBCD -
Space Dust v0.7 by BitSoft. 3D avaruusräiskintää. Verkkopeli(max 10 pelaaja),SVGA, tietokonepelaajat, moninpeli(jopa kolme pelaaja samalla koneella+ 7 tietokonepelaajaa). Pura -d optiolla.
32109 SF_ARCDE.ZIP 593381 24.12.1995 - - -
Starfight Arcade v1.0b by JP-Productions
This is demonstration of the
full game and may be distributed freely. Full
game will be out during spring 95 as PD too.
26762 SF-1.ZIP 1458074 20.03.1996 - MBCD -
Starfight : The beginning of the end (1/7)
26763 SF-2.ZIP 1458067 20.03.1996 - MBCD -
Starfight : The beginning of the end (2/7)
26764 SF-3.ZIP 1458065 20.03.1996 - MBCD -
Starfight : The beginning of the end (3/7)
26765 SF-4.ZIP 1457634 20.03.1996 - MBCD -
Starfight : The beginning of the end (4/7)
26774 SF-5.ZIP 1458065 20.03.1996 - MBCD -
Starfight : The beginning of the end (5/7)
26775 SF-6.ZIP 1458067 20.03.1996 - MBCD -
Starfight : The beginning of the end (6/7)
26776 SF-7.ZIP 567896 20.03.1996 - MBCD -
Starfight : The beginning of the end (7/7)
26766 SF5GAME.ZIP 7 Mt 29.06.1999 - MBCD -
       StarFight V: Hell\'s Gate "First interstellar war ended three years ago. Now mankind stands before a new conflict, for the Hell\'s Gate is opening.." SF5 is the newest addition to twice-awarded StarFight SciFi-game series. Requires: * P120MhZ (200MhZ+ recommended) * 24MB RAM, Windows 95/98 or MS-DOS 6.0 * SBPro or 100% compatible for digital audio This is the basic package. Add-ons: SF5MUSIC.ZIP (9.2MB)  Digital music SFMOVIE.ZIP (11.1MB) Additional cutscenes
26767 SF5MOV01.ZIP 3,2 Mt 28.06.1999 - MBCD -
"StarFight V: Hells Gate cutscenes 1/4"
26768 SF5MOV02.ZIP 1,9 Mt 28.06.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"StarFight V: Hells Gate cutscenes 2/4"
26769 SF5MOV03.ZIP 2,3 Mt 28.06.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"StarFight V: Hells Gate cutscenes 3/4"
26770 SF5MOV04.ZIP 3,4 Mt 28.06.1999 - MBCD -
"StarFight V: Hells Gate cutscenes 4/4"
26771 SF5MUS01.ZIP 2,7 Mt 28.06.1999 - MBCD -
"StarFight V: Hells Gate digital music 1/3"
26772 SF5MUS02.ZIP 2,7 Mt 28.06.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"StarFight V: Hells Gate digital music 2/3"
26773 SF5MUS03.ZIP 3,6 Mt 28.06.1999 - MBCD -
"StarFight V: Hells Gate digital music 3/3"
30791 SFIST007.ZIP 34474 25.01.1996 - - -
StarFist      FREEWAREA!    0.07
Hienoa avaruusräiskintää. Edelleen optimoitu
joten mikset jo ole imuroimassa?  Tarvitsee:
Vga, 286.  Suositeltavaa olisi väh.  386/33.
Tekijä: Gridle/VoodooCult (Santeri Saarimaa)
68331 SH155.ZIP 147799 22.10.1995 - - -
Shoot the möhkäleet 1.55
Good graphics & good musics takaavat
nautinollisen pelihetken raskaan
päivän perään.. MMmmmmMMmmmm....
100% Jake Software laatua!!
68332 SH2-128.ZIP 949834 22.10.1995 - - -
SHOOT 2 : The StarFighter  Järisyttävä peli
nautinto (!) 256 colors used (joissain
kohdin..) joystick, mouse, keyboard control!
Adlib musics, SB Digital effects and much
more! 110% JakeSoft! Måste for download!!
30792 SHDEMO10.ZIP 299232 22.10.1995 - - -
Mahtava, fantastinen avaruus peli! R-typen
tyyppinen =) Nyt uutta JakeSoftilta :
erinomainen kaksin pelinä! Fully 256 color
used! (Ainakin kokonaisessa versiossa tulee
olemaan..) DownLoad now! 200% JakeSOft
30795 SHOOTG32.ZIP 215603 13.04.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Shooting Gallery v3.2: Colorful VGA action.
Offers seven rounds of shooting action with
arcade shooting range, skeet, target and wild
west shootout. Runs in 256 color mode
requiring VGA or MCGA system and a mouse.
Includes SoundBlaster support, multiple
players, selectable rounds, practice modes
and other options. By Nels Anderson (ASP).
30806 SM2V11.ZIP 157390 24.04.1995 - MBCD -
StarMines II - The Planets of Mines
Smoothly scrolling arcade action
in deep space. Fly your ship in
the mazes of the Planet of Mines
and collect the Bonusoid chrystals.
256 color VGA and 80286 required,
SoundBlaster supported. CardWare.
26777 SNIPE105.ZIP 1,7 Mt 22.10.1998 - MBCD -
Mercenary Sniper version 1.05 You are a mercenary sniper and your mission is to kill all enemies. The game is decidicated to all militarists. a 486 processor, a mouse and 5 MB of memory are required. A fast display card, a Pentium and a SoundBlaster compatible soundcard are recommended for maximum game experience. Includes nice background musics, many sound
26778 SOI.ZIP 336612 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Title:  Spaced-Out Invaders Version:  #1133
Desc:  classic arcade game Needs:  IBM PC,
VGA Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
30818 SPIN_130.ZIP 963685 23.08.1996 - MBCD -
Spin, V1.30 beta, single player shoot-em-up
game. Your mission is to protect the
freighters from the pirates, to clear the
freighter lanes of the pirates and to arrest
as many pirates as possible.
30821 SPRUIT.ZIP 495327 14.11.1996 - MBCD -
Spruit v1.00. 22.10.96
Shareware Version  -Software- Paras
luolastolentelypeli 1-4 pelaajalle  mitä maa
päällään kantaa!! Rulettaa  AUTSin  ja
VWINGin  + muut  kevyesti pe-
lattavuudellaan,  lisäideoil- laan ja
näyttävyydellään. VGA grafiikat,  SB  ja  GUS
äänet. 386+ vaad. Pentiumilla ei tar- vitse
tinkiä detaileista.
30823 SQ101.ZIP 1590380 22.04.1996 - MBCD -
Title of Game  : Star Quest I in the 27th
century Type of Game   : Full 3D Space Combat
and Race Simulator Operating Sys  : MS-DOS
Requirements   : 386 DX 33 Mhz minimum (486
or faster recommended)  VGA  4 MEG RAM  7 MEG
Free Hard Disk Space Uploader Email :
info@virtuadv.com Short Descrip. : A Full 3D
Space Combat and Race Simulator Long Desc
: Take command as a high level officer
giving orders to a squadron of ultra-fast
wing ships with high fire power.  Order the
30826 SQUIRT.ZIP 1869889 24.03.1996 - - -
The first Australian 3D action game by
Innovative Applications. Enter the ultimate
water-gun squirmish tournament and try to
win the ultimate prize through five
action-packed scenarios, solving puzzles and
trying to stay dry. Think it's child's play?
- No way! Suitable for all age groups.
Support Aussie shareware. 486DX, 4Mb RAM and
SBlaster recommended for full effect.
30832 SSUKKULA.ARJ 100274 07.01.1995 - MBCD -
Super Sukkula on ihan kiva kaksinpelattava
avaruusräiskintä eli ammu toverisi tohjoksi!
26779 STARFORT.ZIP 291 kt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Title:  Star Fortress Version:  #1214 Desc: Star Fortress Arcade Game Needs:  IBM PCVGA Optional:  JoystickSoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: Kurt W. Dekker Publisher:  PLBM Games Email: plbm@plbm.com Website: http://www.plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H Retro shootemup."
26780 SUBFURY.ZIP 558,8 kt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
Title:  Sub Fury Version:  #1198 Desc: Submarine Combat Game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: Kurt W. Dekker Publisher:  PLBM Games Email: sales@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H Retro. Simple arcade action.
30846 SUKKULA.ZIP 100508 01.04.1995 - - -
Super Sukkula v3π/r²
Kahden pelattava demo!
Tuki äänikorteille, vaatii 386
30851 SWAR.ZIP 38112 16.09.1995 - MBCD -
"Space War" by Kurt W Dekker. Klooni
alkuperäisestä Space Warsista.
26781 SWARPLBM.ZIP 67530 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Title:  SWAR (space combat) Version:  #1135
Desc:  SWAR arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA,
Two Players Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
26782 T2-08.A01 4 Mt 08.09.1998 - MBCD -
Tappo II v0.8 OSA2/2
26783 T2-08.ARJ 5,7 Mt 08.09.1998 - MBCD -
Tappo II v0.8 (C)Sebastian Aaltonen 1998 Luolalentelyä 1-4:lle pelaajalle. Hieno SVGA-grafiikka ja loistavat efektit. Sisältää myös tietokenepelaajat ja ison läjän erilaisia avaruusaluksia ja aseita. Tarvitsee 120Mhz pentiumin ja 24MB muistia...
30857 TANC.ZIP 1356413 22.03.1996 - MBCD -
Fast scrolling Tank game 640x480x256 on your
PC! Needs 1meg SVGA. supports SB.  With MODs.
30860 TANKKK.ZIP 329543 07.01.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Tankkk Mahtava Tappelu peli vikkelä-
sormisille. Voit tapppaa toisen jos
kolmannekin kaverisi. Mahtava!!
26784 TANKW11.ZIP 135905 05.08.1996 - MBCD -
* TANK WARS 1.1 * Uusi versio. Peli vihdoin
toimii!! Tämä on räiskintäpeli 1-4
pelaajalle. Sikapaljon optioita!!!
26785 TAPPO199.ZIP 1,1 Mt 07.01.1998 - MBCD -
Tappo v1.99 FINAL Räiskintää 2-8:lle pelaajalle. Sisältää paljon kenttiä, ja 17 erilaista alusta. Vaatii 486 66Mhz koneen ja mielellään äänikortin.
68889 TASO110.ZIP 585265 18.12.1996 - - -
Taso V1.10 Mith presentoi: Taso110 2-4
Players SVGA SplitScreen Blow them up! Shoot
them down! 2 player flying & shoothing. New
features: - bugs fixed - new chopper - VESA
support - new (old) S3M
26786 TASO130.ZIP 2,3 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
"Amber presents: Taso 130 - rel. 25/08/97 Great multiplayer arcade game from Finland. New SFX and GFX. Works w/ DOS and Windows95 Supports most popular sound cards! Read TASO130.DOC for more information.  Lots of new features including base buildingnew helicopters and weapons. DistBy.DP97"
30864 TB.ZIP 70525 13.06.1996 - - -
TrailBurners-klooni Jopa nimi on sama! Tehnyt
26787 TENGENSW.ZIP 43,5 kt 10.03.1998 - MBCD -
Star Wars - originaali ikivanha 3D avaruusräiskintä, alunperin tehnyt Vector Grafix/Broderbund. Uskomattoman antiikkista retromeininkiä. Vaatii käytännössä koneen hidastimen, kuten moslo-ohjelman jotta olisi pelattavan nopeuksinen. DOS.
26788 TFIRE20.ZIP 2,1 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
TERRAFIRE v2.00d arcade game by ORT Software Awesome arcade action from the award-winning creator of AstroFire, featuring stunning raytraced graphics, super-smooth 360 degree parallax scrolling, gravitational physics, huge bosses and devastating power-ups. Thrust your ship through heavily defended underground caverns, past wind tunnels, fire-walls and subterranean lakes. Requires 486 or faster PC + DOS or Win95. 
30870 THREA14.ZIP 869597 04.06.1995 renamed - -
Threat 1.40
26789 THREA145.ZIP 880279 19.08.1996 - MBCD -
The Game Factory presents
A Fragment production
Threat V1.41US
Threat - an Extremely Fatal Shoot'em up
Lead your 1-3 men army to victory
- accurate 320*400  VGA graphics
30871 THUNDERS.ZIP 356528 25.08.1995 - - -
Mukava pikku räiskintäpeli.Lue lueminut.doc.
30873 TIGER20.ARJ 1112502 28.02.1996 - - -
Flying Tigers by Ticsoft is a fast paced
shoot-em up game with multiple weapons, power
ups, enemies and bosses.  In this episode you
will be thrown into the middle of 1942, where
the techno bosses are starting a technology
transfer to the Japanese Empire. Requires:
386+, 4 Meg RAM as XMS, VGA.  Adlib(tm)/
Soundblaster(tm) optional.  (v2.0)
69147 TIMHNT10.ZIP 1489635 02.03.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg tupla
Time Hunters distributed by HomeBrew Software
is a game where you travel back in time and
shoot dinosaurs to rack up points.  Requires:
566K RAM, VGA, mouse. Sound card optional.
26792 TK.ZIP 683,9 kt 18.10.1997 - MBCD -
Tapan kaikki is a great game. Just kill every one you see. 1 / 2 players. Freeware.
26790 TK2.ZIP 817,3 kt 15.01.1998 - MBCD -
"Tapan kaikki 2.0Something you have waited for a long time. 
Many new features + new weapons & items. Killem all!
26791 TK321.ZIP 1,6 Mt 09.09.1999 - MBCD -
"The Ultimate TK (Tapan Kaikki) v1.21 TK is back and better !!! Ultimate killing game including new IPX deathmatch game for 8 players max !!!!! Its payback time !!!! Top viewed 2D shootemup. By ERROR FREE PRODUCTIONS DOS Pentium 8 MB"
26793 TRIP101.ZIP 1283070 18.12.1996 - MBCD -
Triplane Turmoil V1.01 sw
quality super-fast flying game, Includes solo
and multiplayer options up to 4 players,
Digital sound-track&sounds, Six solo-missions
and 1 multiplayer level. VERY addictive game
play! Download and fly! 486+, 4 megs of RAM
30897 TUB.ZIP 501520 13.04.1995 - MBCD -
Tubular Worlds
Riippuvuutta aiheuttava räiskintäpeli, -
jossa tuhotaan vihollisaluksia ja väistellään
kuulia todella perinteikkääseen henkeen. -
Todellinen räiskintäpelien äiti. -
Julkaisija: Dongleware Publishing, Inc.
26794 TURB128B.ZIP 5 Mt 29.11.1999 - MBCD -
Turbis v1.2.8b. Kotimainen luolalentely, jossa hienot grafiikat ja loistava pelattavuus. Uusina ominaisuuksina bonukset, tekniset viat, uudet räjähdykset, uusi tahdistus ja bugit korjattu. Vaatii 32MT muistia ja nopsan pentiumin. DOS.
26795 TYLLI13S.ZIP 500,2 kt 05.02.2002 - zak.fi -
Tylli v1.3sKaksi tykkitornia tulittavat toisiaan kukkulaisessa maastossa. Ampujan on otettava huomioon tuulen suunta ja nopeus, käytetyn ruudin määrä sekä ampumiskulma.
26796 TYRI2000.ZIP 3,8 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Tyrian 2000 shareware. Vertical scrolling shootemup. By XSIV Games/Eclipse Software. The original game in full with added features! Over 65 Levels that span 5 Episodes (in the registered version)Full GameArcade and Timed Battle Modessupports 1 or 2 players on the same PC3 Difficulty Levelsover one dozen hidden levels and modes and more! DOS (or Windows 95/98)P133VGA."
30900 TYRSW20.ZIP 1824330 02.04.1996 - MBCD -
TYRIAN - Shareware v2.0
Second release of Tyrian from Epic MegaGames.
Featuring 4 new action packed levels in
addition to the original 14, plus awesome new
special effects and gameplay enhancements.
Multiple gameplay options offer you hours of
excitement and exploration. TYRIAN brings the
most complete overhead arcade shooter to life
on your PC! Req: 386 or better IBM PC or
compatible, 4 megs RAM, VGA, 7 megs HD space.
30902 TZONE.ZIP 531783 20.04.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
THUNDER ZONE v1.0 256 color 8-way scrolling
action space game by Thunder of Ingenuity
Software. Direct UltraSound support with
digital soundtrack and sound effects.
Supports modem and network play.
30906 ULTIM11.ZIP 1350055 18.05.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
Ultimate V1.1 3D-räiskintäpeli.
26797 VIPER131.ZIP 983 kt 30.11.1999 - MBCD -
"Viper v1.3.1 by Volcano. This is an  addictive game in which you try to kill  your friend(s) with  small ships  flying around in a cave... Or if you dont  have  enough friends you can race against the clock in crono levels. * 6 levels + 1 chrono level * random level generator14 powerups Req: a fast 4864 megVGA. Recom: PentiumVGA/SVGA and SB."
30922 VRS.ZIP 1221939 30.11.1995 - MBCD -
VR Slingshot NOVICE Version, Buckle up for
Virtual Reality! Dodge that venom-spitting
vipercraft and hang an outside loop around
the Gravitron! VR Slingshot(TM) is the first
game to combine: 1. Real-time computational
fluid dynamics airflow simulation, 2.
Real-time physics- based interaction, 3.
Advanced flying and driving simulation, 4.
Stereoscopic 3D graphics, 3D sound.
69849 VW191SW.ZIP 249614 01.09.1996 - MBCD -
╔════════╣V-WING  1.91 SW╠════════╗
║  Arcade game, where you fly a   ║
║  small but lethal spaceship, and║
║  blast everybody else into obli-║
║  vion. Awesome graphics, and    ║
║  incredible gameplay!           ║
║  Download now!                  ║
69850 VW191UPD.ARJ 1119093 22.08.1996 - - -
V-WING V1.91
Update for registered version.
Adds   gun-turrets,   weapons,
levels etc.
69851 VW195SW.ARJ 335322 14.01.1997 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 -
V-WING  1.95 SW
Arcade game, where you fly a
small but lethal spaceship, and
blast everybody else into obli-
vion. Awesome graphics, sounds
and gameplay!
1-4 players.
Download now!
26798 VW195SW.ZIP 329,3 kt 18.01.2000 - - -
V-WING  1.95 SWArcade game, where you fly small but lethal spaceship, and blast everybody else into oblivion. Awesome graphics, sounds and gameplay! 1-4 players. Download now!
26799 VW195UPD.ARJ 649791 14.01.1997 - - -
V-WING v 1.95 päivitys rekisteröityyn
26800 WAGIO02A.ZIP 1,8 Mt 24.02.2000 - - -
- Wagio v0.2 -  Cave flying, 2-4 players, svga. Pentium recommended. MIDAS Digital Audio System 1.1.2 Freeware.
26801 WARBNKR.ZIP 202117 23.02.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Warbunkers - The Final Showdown! v1.01 Great
256 color VGA artillery game featuring
stunning Sound Blaster support (fine with GUS
SB emulation), exciting new weapons, up to 8
players including very skilled computer
players, rainy and windy weather, ALIEN
INTRUDERS and much more!
26802 WARENCVF.ZIP 344,9 kt 11.06.1998 - MBCD -
"War Encounter version F beta by Ben Crossman and Rodney Ng Fairly simple 1/2 player Space Control like space shootemup with Star Trek universe ships and races. Supports link/modem/ network multiplayer. Req. DOS 386 VGA 3 MB Extended RAM."
26803 WGHOPE1.ZIP 2,5 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
WINGS OF HOPE v0.0 Some nice 2D flying and some really nice music. Three different airplanes. Bombs and machine guns. Made in Finland. Freeware. Digital Dawn. DOS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/~alt/dd/
26804 WHAM101B.ZIP 2,7 Mt 14.02.1998 - MBCD -
WHAM! V1.01B - (C) Avalanche Games * The Best AUTS Clone. Awesome playability. Rendered VGA graphics. Over 60 special weapons. 12 normal guns! Many different playing modes! Registering only 50 FIM/10$ Registered version on CD-ROM!  * * 486DX2/66, DOS, 8MB required.  * * LOTS of NEW ideas! * * MADE IN FINLAND! DOWNLOAD NOW! * 
26805 WHAT10.ZIP 446,3 kt 15.06.2000 - - -
"WHAT" v. 0.9b final betaChallenge your friends in this new 2D-action
game! Run in the battlefield with your
enemy, use jetpack to fly, vehicles to
(literally) crush your opponent, and/or just
plain bullet-method! Random generated
battlefields, many options to fiddle with!
Req: PC 486/90mHz, 2MB RAM, keyboard.
Optional sounds require soundcard.
(C) Palikka Technologies 1998-2000
70075 WINGS116.ZIP 738614 24.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
WINGS V1.16  AUTS/V-wing/KaBoom style fast
and addictive 2-4 player combat game.
Requires 486/VGA
26806 WINGS136.ZIP 3,1 Mt 24.11.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Wings v1.36  Fast and addictive 1-8 player combat game. Requires 486/VGA. Supports SoundBlaster, modem/serial game.
26807 WINGS140.ZIP 3,1 Mt 18.07.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Wings v1.40  FREEWAREFast and addictive 1-8 player combat game. Requires DOS/486/VGA. Supports SoundBlaster, modem/serial game. Now FREEWARE. By Miika Virpioja. 
26808 WKF10.ZIP 4,6 Mt 06.11.2000 - miscfindos.zip -
Who Kills First v1.0 Kahden pelaajan räiskintäpeli jaetulla kuvaruudulla. Pelissä on 16 asetta, 8 kenttää, 4 eri peli moodia ja paljon pikku juttuja... Vertakin on riittämiin asti. Suositus: Pentium, 8mt, VGA 
30934 WORLD108.ZIP 154763 21.03.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
TC's Virtual World v1.08 -ammuskelupeli
30940 WRATHEAR.ZIP 2407768 03.04.1995 - MBCD -
Wrath Of Earth
An amazing game with excellent 3D graphics
386+VGA+4Meg Ram Rqd.
26809 WT_IPDT.ZIP 3827228 02.10.1996 - MBCD -
Interpose (TM)
A Fully Working Action Game Demo
This Is The Tiny Demoversion!
(C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc.
* VGA Graphics
* Awesome Sound Effects and Music
* Major Sound Cards Supprted (SB/GUS)
* Joystick/Gravis/Keyboard Controls.
70244 WZ_100.ZIP 69310 18.04.1995 - - -
WarZone 1.001ß User Manual two player,
head-to-head, real-time war game played on a
40x40 map. Modem/direct cable.
30952 XARGON.ZIP 560371 21.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Xargon 1: Beyond Reality
A new release from Epic MegaGames: Intense
arcade action meets bold exploration.  You
play the role of Malvineous on an expedition
through gigantic, action-packed levels in the
style of the award-winning Jill of the
Jungle. Excellent 256-color art, highly
animated enemies, Sound Blaster music/sound,
and more!  Requires 386/486, VGA, and nerves
of steel.
30953 XBLSTR12.ZIP 599858 24.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
Xenoblaster Attack of the Xorg v1.21
XENOBLASTER: Attack of the Xorg is a new Game
- Supports VGA/HD/386+UP/SB/JOY  Pilot
the STARBLADE in a last ditch assault against
an unstoppable enemy. Mid-stage animation
highlight this game. An excellent action game
of intermediate skill level.
30967 ZART.ZIP 38352 16.09.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
"Zart" by Kurt W Dekker. Kaksinpelattava
26810 ZARTPLBM.ZIP 75688 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Title:  Zee Artillery (ZART) Version:  #1135
Desc:  ZART arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA,
Two Players Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
30974 ZONE66.ZIP 1019409 07.01.1995 - 14716/moonshine7moonshinesoftware1996.iso -
Zone 66
Ultra action 32-bit arcade game of mayhem
and destruction from EPIC MEGAGAMES and
RENAISSANCE.  Full 256-COLOR, 360-degree
scrolling.  Pilot your fighter jet around a
massive playfield, leaving devastated earth
in your wake. Includes huge CINEMATIC
animated intro & digital soundtrack for the
SB.  Requires 386 or better, 2 Megs RAM.
[Note: For GRAVIS ULTRASOUND support, also
get $ZONE66G.ZIP]
of intermediate skill level.
an unstoppable enemy. Mid-stage animation
highlight this game. An excellent action game
- Supports VGA/HD/386+UP/SB/JOY  Pilot
the STARBLADE in a last ditch assault against
the STARBLADE in a last ditch assault against
- Supports VGA/HD/386+UP/SB/JOY  Pilot
30623 !MELODUS.ZIP 356633 14.10.1995 - 9344/Shareware Overload Trio Volume 2 (Chestnut CD-ROM).ISO -
animated, 3-D graphic adventure in which you
play the role of Mel Odius, an up-and-coming
young guitarist who is about to get that big
break. He has a small problem, though. The
problem is that his guitar has been stolen!
Your objective is to help Mel find his
guitar.  Requires VGA.
60031 #1KROZ.ZIP 127607 01.08.1993 - MBCD -
Kingdom Of Kroz
The classic adventure/arcade game that Apogee
first released.  This is a 16-color CGA game
that won a national contest when first
released.  Excellent puzzle-based game where
you guide an adventurer through diabolical
maze-like levels.  Ingenious melding of
action and trap-solving.
60045 $SOLAR.ZIP 510274 11.10.1994 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Solar Winds
Space Arcade-Adventure game from Epic
MegaGames! *HOT* thriller -- 256-color VGA
graphics, SOUND BLASTER musical sound track,
digital sound effects,  Joystick & mouse
support. You are JAKE STONE,  BOUNTY HUNTER.
You'll take on the galaxy while a detailed
STORY develops, revealing a devious plot.
Commercial-quality 1993 shareware release
from EPIC!
30234 1_TAGENT.ZIP 1452064 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
One day a teenager is captured by two
men in dark glasses and long coats.
This could be a very interesting day!
Get ready for a wonderfully humorous
adventure.  Teen Agent is a point-and-
click animated graphic adventure that
features detailed hand-painted back-
grounds and 20000+ individual frames
of animation.
30215 1EVEREST.ZIP 1176446 22.10.1995 - MBCD -
Everest: Iceman's Apprentice by MVP.
Experience the thrill and challenge of
planning and executing arduous climbs of the
world's greatest peaks. Features professional
photography of mountains in this unusual
game. Will you lead your expedition to great
heights, or will you be overtaken by numerous
perils that befall foolish or unlucky
climbers? Req 386+, VGA, mouse; sound card
30227 1MYSTIC.ZIP 1203938 29.08.1994 - MBCD -
Mystic Towers v1.1 by APOGEE (VGA)
Not a platform game--it's an action/puzzle
packed adventure like you've never seen!
Explore hundreds of rooms and use magic &
wits to overcome the traps, dark forces and
varied creatures.  Excellent animation,
filled with humor.  Digital music support.
New style game with all the usual Apogee
touches, including save/restore & joystick.
Requires 286+.  Created by Animation FX.
30233 1SHADOW.ZIP 796801 17.11.1995 - MBCD -
MVP's ShadowForce adventure game. In the 22nd
century you are the ShadowForce, an elite
team whose mission is to investigate the
shutdown of Icarus, a government AI & genetic
warfare facility. You encounter the deadly
Overlord, and you discover the awful secret
behind Icarus. ShadowForce is a graphical
adventure game with the feel and playability
of the old text adventures. Requires VGA;
Sound Blaster and mouse are recommended.
27226 1THOR.ZIP 2486914 18.02.1996 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin -
Thor's Hammer by MVP Software, a 3D graphical
adventure. As in ages past, the shadow of a
great evil falls across our homeland. A
champion must once again take up our cause to
quell the encroaching darkness. If you are
that champion, you will find yourself gripped
in an adventure of mythic proportions. Our
situation is grave, young warrior, and it is
in desperation that we turn to you. Req 5 meg
RAM and 486+ is recommended.
27227 2112.ZIP 29718 28.02.1996 - - -
Text adventure  game based on the Rush song,
_2112_. Author unknown.
30239 24HREK.ZIP 688635 09.09.1996 - - -
Tämä on suomenkielinen ASCII:hin
pohjautuva tekstiseikkailupeli.
(saa silti kopioida)
Sis. 2 versiota:
< 286 Karsittu äänet
386 > Mod musiikkeja
60330 A277V4I.ZIP 459572 07.10.1995 - - tupla
Angband 2.77a4 - A nethack/moria-style
adventuring game with ASCII graphics and the
famous playability. Interesting forever.
30257 ABBEY.ZIP 50891 30.11.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Abbey, text adventure, explore abandoned
abbey, seach treasures and gain rank.
30264 ADV350.ZIP 129646 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Adventure. The 1st adventure game ever.
Original 350-point Adventure, with Fortran
27228 ADV551.ZIP 103741 06.03.1996 - MBCD -
Colossal Cave Adventure (551-point ver.)
for MS-DOS
30265 ADV660.ZIP 196732 30.11.1995 - MBCD -
Adventure4, 660-point version of Adventure
with modifications and improvements.
27229 AGEHERO.ZIP 66450 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
Age of Heroes v1.0
30982 AGT17.ZIP 389903 06.02.1995 - MBCD -
Adventure Game Toolkit v1.7 
Create your very own text
adventure games with this easy-to-use
"authoring system" which can be used to
make games as professional as those from
INFOCOM and others.  384K memory needed.
Now "freeware" -- No royalties or fees.
30266 AIW12.ZIP 160855 28.02.1996 - - -
Alice in Wonderland V1.2 adventure
27230 ALICE.ZIP 84408 28.02.1996 - MBCD -
The Adventures of Alice Who Went Through The
Looking-Glass Came Back Though Not Much
Changed, a GAGS game writing contest winner.
27231 ALPHAM11.ZIP 274 kt 11.04.1999 - MBCD -
Alphaman V1.1, adventure game set on Earth in the future, following a nuclear disaster. You will take the role of a mutated human who is struggling to save the planet from annihilation. Simple ANSI-GFX but nice gameplay.
60630 ALPMAN.ZIP 272695 16.11.1995 - - -
Alphaman V1.0, adventure game set on Earth in
the future, following a nuclear disaster. You
will take the role of a mutated human who is
struggling to save the planet from
annihilation. Simple ANSI-GFX but nice
27232 AMULVEGA.ZIP 371,5 kt 19.05.1999 - MBCD -
Westfront Omega: The Amulet of Vega v0.53 by Paul Allen Panks. Text adventure. Enjoyable throwback to the classic days. As in the original Colossal Caves text adventure you interact with the game by typing commands and directions and reading descriptions of your surroundings and the action. Extensive enough to explore for hours. DOS 5.0
30281 ANTTI1.ZIP 17326 13.06.1996 renamed WaybackMachine -
ANTIN KALARETKI!!!! Antti niminen mies lahtee
humoristiselle "kalamatkalle" mutta huonoin
seurauksin... Tekstiseikkailu. Versio 1.0
30284 APPRENTI.ZIP 139745 28.02.1996 - - -
Apprentice - The Testing of a Magical Novice
text adventure
27233 ASTROBOK.ZIP 78232 28.02.1996 - - -
30294 AVALOT12.ZIP 1080359 15.12.1995 - - -
LORD AVALOT D'ARGENT v1.1 from Thorsoft Can
you help Avvy rescue the princess? This is a
graphical adventure game (reqs EGA) starring
Avalot (descendant of the famous Avaricius)
whose aim is to save Princess Geida from the
wicked baron who has kidnapped her. Including
SB/Adlib music, joystick & mouse support, and
corny jokes. Needs 3Mb on disk.
27234 AWECHASM.ZIP 82604 28.02.1996 - - -
The Awe-Chasm or...
The Chasm of Awe or... Snatch & Crunch II
A bit of an iffy adventure
Version 2.0 June 16 '91
Dedicated to Sean T. Ellis
(and his cotton socks)
27235 AXRU594S.ZIP 108031 28.02.1996 - - -
XORU, A Work of Pseudo-Medieval Fantasy
text-adventure/role-playing game written by
Brian Sanders Revision 5.94, Advanced
30304 BARB.ZIP 224132 15.12.1995 - - -
Assignment for the Berkeley road, text
27236 BEARLAND.ZIP 636,9 kt 21.05.1997 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
BearLand - The Adventures in the Kingdom of BearLand. Your children will LOVE this game and you will too ! An adventure-maze game for kids. Windows.
30329 BLAKSTAR.ZIP 630678 15.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Blackstar - Agent of Justice. Evil lurks in
the city. Innocent victims killed for
pleasure. Soon death becomes personal. And
the Agent of Justice seeks revenge. A brand
new, exciting graphic adventure game. Mouse
driven, intuitive point 'n' click interface.
Requires 286 or better, 540K Ram, 2 Mb of HD
space free, 256-color VGA, sound card
26855 BMAN210.ZIP 209620 15.10.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
The adventures of Block Man continue as he
tries to prove his worth to Princess
Pentagwin by collecting all the jewels she
has scattered about the countryside. Great
ingenuity is required to solve these 10 mind-
bending puzzles using teleports, elevators,
boats, blocks and much more. Block Man II
features, sound blaster support, solutions,
smooth scrolling VGA graphics!  ADDICTIVE!!!
30343 BRATOCK.ZIP 1063348 23.10.1996 - 16624/Shareware Universe The Gold Collection.iso -
The Walls of Bratock V1.1 role-playing. Fight
fearsome monsters and talk to dozens of
people as a monstruous quest unfolds before
you! By Oracle Software
27237 BTTITAN.ZIP 128143 28.02.1996 - #anonyymi -
Beyond the Titanic, by Scott Miller (Apogee)
30396 C-RALF.ZIP 180164 28.02.1996 - 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-385-Vol-1of3.iso -
Castle Ralf V4.2 text-adventure
27238 CANTON.ZIP 1426583 23.10.1996 - MBCD -
░▒▓█  CANTON ─ v1.0 from NNN Software  █▓▒░
As Atlas PathFinder, Aventurer and Trader,
explore the mysterious Far-East and amass a
fabulous fortune. Start with one caravan and
build up a mercantile empire, but first you
must survive! Stunning animated and still
graphics. Very nice beginner level strategy
game, On-Line manual. Requires 286 or higher,
EGA, 640K RAM, mouse, and hard disk with
4Megs free.
30365 CARDIGAN.ZIP 121123 28.02.1996 - - -
Space Aliens Laughed at My Cardigan, AGT
adventure by Andre M. Boyle
27239 CASTAWAY.ZIP 50299 28.02.1996 - 15961/PowerPak Gold (Fall 1992)(Flordia Lion's Den).iso -
Castaway, recreational text adventure by
Conrad R. Button Author's difficulty rating:
30368 CATABS13.ZIP 830355 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
The Catacomb Abyss in 3-D!
A captivating tale of wizards & fantasy trips
into other dimensions. You've been called
upon to perform feats of magic & courage
against your arch-rival, Nemesis. You'll
discover a myriad of bizzare creatures and
places as you embark on an unforgettable
adventure into the wild world of the Abyss.
Definitely among the best 3-D graphics
available anywhere! Sys.Req.: 286 or better,
640K, EGA or better. GAMER'S EDGE, a div. of
27240 CAVERN.ZIP 47,2 kt 18.03.2000 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
 Cavern Nethack/Rogue-tyylinen merkkipohjainen seikkailu, monimutkaiset skrollaavat luolastot (fraktaaliluolageneraattori). Tappelupainotteinen, sujuva. Tekijä Aleksi Eeben aeeben@mail.student.oulu.fi http://www.student.oulu.fi/~aeeben/
30372 CCR.ZIP 171081 30.11.1995 - MBCD -
Colossal Cave Adventure, remake of the
original megaold text adventure. TADS source
27241 CENDQU10.ZIP 2,7 Mt 02.06.1998 - MBCD -
"Cendrics Quest v1.00  Explore a castle as the mageCendric. You must overcome the obstacles set by the malevolent Dark SorcererSalorannas you search the castle for 3 golden boxes. Adventure. SerpentHead Software. DOS"
27242 CLAUSE.ZIP 270327 28.02.1996 - - -
Sanity Clause or, Why Santa Didn't Make It to
YOUR House  that Year, version 1.11, by Mike
McCauley, another winner of the annual AGT
game writing contests
27243 CLIFF1.ZIP 111306 28.02.1996 - - -
Cliff Diver: Investigator for Hire - Case 1:
The Case of Crime to the Ninth Power version
1.5, an AGT adventure by Patrick Farley
27244 CLIFF2.ZIP 202884 28.02.1996 - 2021/The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume III (Data Express)(1993).ISO -
CLIFF DIVER, P.I. - Case 2
The second in a series of interactive novels
(text adventures) in the style of
"hard-boiled" detectives like Sam Spade or
Philip Marlowe.  1st place winner in AGT
adventure game writing contest.
27245 CLOSET11.ZIP 161 kt 22.11.1998 - MBCD -
Coming Out Of The Closet - uudempi versio. yhdessä paikassa tapahtuva pienimuotoinen Alanilla kirjoitettu tekstipeli. Mikko Vuorinen mvuorine@cc.helsinki.fi
27246 COSMOSRV.ZIP 215323 28.02.1996 - - -
CosmoServe - An Adventure Game for the
BBS-Enslaved by Judith Pintar. This game won
the 5th Annual AGT Game Writing Contest
(together with The Multi-Dimensional Thief)
27247 CRIME10.ZIP 43156 28.02.1996 - #anonyymi -
cRiMe version 1.0 by David W. Nilsen; rated
PG-13 by author. This looks like a text
adventure, but it gives you a few minutes to
commit as many crimes as possible; then it
ends and tells you your score.
30398 CRUSHC22.ZIP 129601 15.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CRUSHER CASTLE II v2.2  Req. EGA Crushc22.zip
Crusher Castle II is an adventure, strategy,
and arcade game all in one. Your objective is
to escape from a haunted castle of 25 rooms
filled with ghosts, bombs, candles, maps, and
much more.  Packed with features and with
animated graphics, no two adventures are ever
the same!  Very few have escaped the Castle.
Can you ?  Crusher II is fun for ALL ages!
27248 CURSES16.ZIP 314425 08.01.1996 - MBCD -
Curses (release 16) - Critically acclaimed
interactive fiction text adventure in the
tradition of Infocom, on a mammoth scale.
Packed with wonder and intrigue, puzzles
and personalities. Words paint pictures
that computer graphics never can: free
your imagination and explore the original
form of digital virtual reality! OS/2 and
DOS versions included in this archive.
27249 DAGGER1.ZIP 35,4 kt 12.06.1996 - MBCD tupla
"The Silver Dagger by Animator. Theres been a murder and only you can solve it! Freeware."
62604 DAGGER1.ZIP 36262 13.06.1996 - MBCD tupla
The Silver Dagger by Animator. There's been a
murder and only you can solve it! Freeware.
30418 DARKCON.ZIP 52808 28.02.1996 - 21807/Pegasus_20.iso -
Dark Continent, recreational text adventure
by Conrad R. Button Author's difficulty
rating: Intermediate.
31012 DCGAMES4.ZIP 1439755 23.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
DCGAMES 4.0 ($45) DC SOFTWARE (c) 1995
Create your own graphics based adventure
and role playing games using the DCGAMES
Graphics Adventure Game Builder.
Create up to 1000 worlds with over 500
characters and objects in each world.
A complete scripting language allows you
to customize the game system to your
exact requirements, including full music
30424 DDD.ZIP 81530 20.12.1995 - - -
Ditch Day Drifter: Interactive Fiction by
Michael J. Roberts. Text adventure.
27250 DDR18.ZIP 155,1 kt 23.09.1999 - - -
"Doomdarks Revenge PC v1.8 Classic retro remake. Based on: Doomdarks Revenge by Beyond - 1985. Roleplaying strategy adventure. Seen on:  SpectrumC64Amstrad. Author:   Chris Wild http://www.anam.demon.co.uk/revenge/gate.htm DOS."
30426 DEEPSPAC.ZIP 133118 29.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Deep Space Drifter: Interactive Fiction, text
27251 DEFBOST.ZIP 745978 23.10.1996 - MBCD -
Defender of Boston V1.1, Fantasy Roleplaying
game. You play the role of an investigator in
1921 Boston, who must go to a strange little
island known as Rock Island to solve
mysterious disappearance. Your goal is to
solve the mysteries of Rock Island and return
to Boston alive. Req. 286/VGA.
30430 DELIRIUM.ZIP 3522339 25.05.1996 - MBCD -
Escape from Delirium
Shareware, ViRTUAL X-PERiENCE Software
Have you ever played a
graphic-adventure being even more mad than
30432 DEPTH15.ZIP 1326902 14.10.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Depth Dwellers -- The Quest v1.5 is an
intense, virtual reality, 3D action game by
TriSoft.  Plunged into the mines you witness
the true demonic nature of the Ri. Run, jump,
duck, crawl and kill -- do whatever it takes
to conquer and kill the Ri and fulfill your
quest.  Features new advances in 3D
technology, outstanding graphics and music.
Req. 386+, VGA, 4Mb Killer game! Not for
young kids.
30434 DETECT.ZIP 62668 15.12.1995 - 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso -
Detective - text adventure.
27252 DINKUM.ZIP 82504 28.02.1996 - - -
Dinkum, the Australian Adventure Game version
2.14 by Gary A. Allen, Jr.
30437 DISMAL.ZIP 429338 29.11.1995 - - -
DISMAL PASSAGES Part I: The Wicked Curse
Version 1.2, nice mix of mouse-controlled and
text adventure.
27253 DND27A.ZIP 573778 28.02.1996 - - -
DnDBBS, the Dungeons and Dragons Bulletin
Board System version 2.7a, by Erik J.
Oredson. A text only D&D game that can act as
a BBS of its own, run as a door program under
another BBS, or just be played through local
login. DOS executable and documentation.
30441 DOPLGNGR.ZIP 125080 28.02.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Dopplegänger release 1, a science fiction
adventure by Payman Prastaran and Thomas Long
30442 DOSBSHP3.ZIP 130789 18.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
DOS text battle ship game has sound blaster
sounds and bios writes for screen readers
31458 DRMWLD21.ZIP 209403 30.05.1995 - MBCD -
The Dreamworld Trilogy for OS/2
Contains three text adventure games.
27254 DSENCHNT.ZIP 156082 28.02.1996 - - -
Disenchanted, a parody of the Infocom
adventure Enchanter, by Joseph S. Licari
30453 DUNGEN.ARJ 269168 20.12.1995 - MBCD -
Dungeon, maze-solving text adventure. Dwelve
into forgotten secrets of lost labyrinth deep
in bowels of earth, searching for vast
treasures long hidden, guarded by fearsome
monsters and diabolical traps! Classical
adventure created in the 70s.
30454 DUNJIN43.ZIP 221824 30.11.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Dunjin, text adventure similar to Zork. V4.3
27255 EARTH14.ZIP 62191 30.06.1996 - MBCD -
Destination: Earth - is a text
adventure game. You've landed on a moon
of Jupiter where all inhabitants have
been slain by aliens. Your mission is
to survive and return to Earth with
this new-found information. Type your
responses to each scenario and hope
that you've chosen wisely.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
30460 EC3.ZIP 115887 30.11.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Enchanted Castle, elaborate text adventure
with over 100 rooms.
27256 ELF20.ZIP 201516 28.02.1996 - 9325/The Pier Shareware Number 2 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso -
Elf's Christmas Adventure v2.0 
A Musical Text Adventure
about an Elf's effort to help Santa save
Christmas when the North Pole is fogged-
in.  Created with the "Master's Edition"
of the Adventure Game Toolkit (AGT).
30466 ENT21ENG.ZIP 1720433 17.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Entombed, Graphic Adventure Game, v2.1
In the tradition of MYST comes a
complete ray-traced mystery of peril
and intrigue: ENTOMBED. Its challenge
will pit you against an ancient
civilization's technology, insidious
and potentially lethal traps, and a
27257 ERSKI10.ARJ 39064 13.06.1996 - #anonyymi -
Erski & Co. seikkailee    V1.0 Yksinkertainen
seikkailupeli jossa olet Erski ja
tarkoituksena viettää perjantai-ilta.
PD-peli. (C) 1996 Kalle Heino
27258 EVRYTING.ZIP 3,2 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
1997 Interactive Fiction Competition. The 3rd annual text adventure game competition. Free adventures released to public for voting. 35 games in total for your enjoyment. All come with hints or solves in case you get stuck. DOS-version. Voting possible till Dec. 31st. More info at http://www.ifcompetition.org.
30474 FALLTHRU.ZIP 174186 28.02.1996 - - -
Fallthru version 2.00, by Paul H. Deal Text
adventure with RPG elements for up to three
30480 FLEECE.ZIP 101942 15.12.1995 - 21831/Plex6.mdf -
The Fellowship of the Fleece, text adventure.
27259 FREEGOT.ZIP 1 Mt 26.09.2000 renamed archive.org -
God of Thunder - an action-adventure game from CSE Games. Now freeware. DOS, 286, VGA
31050 GAGS106A.ZIP 180145 15.06.1992 - 15961/PowerPak Gold (Fall 1992)(Flordia Lion's Den).iso -
Generic Adventure Game System
You can create text adventures with a text
editor to use with this game system.
27263 GATEWAY.ZIP 5,2 Mt 05.05.2001 - MBHH2003 -
"GatewayFrederik Pohls Gateway by Legend. The FULL commercial game given free. Adventure/RPGreq. 386/33. Strap yourself into an alien starship whose destination was programmed 500000 years ago and blast off into the unknown. The download not only includes the complete production version of Gatewaybut also includes a text file of the Gateway hint book. "
27260 GATEWAY1.ZIP 1,6 Mt 03.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Frederik Pohls Gateway 1/3 by Legend The FULL commercial game given free. Adventure/RPGreq. 386/33. Strap yourself into an alien starship whose destination was programmed 500000 years ago and blast off into the unknown. The download not only includes the complete production version of Gatewaybut also includes a text file of the Gateway hint book."
27261 GATEWAY2.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Frederik Pohls Gateway - FREE - 2/3 Legend Entertainment Company"
27262 GATEWAY3.ZIP 1,8 Mt 24.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Frederik Pohls Gateway - FREE - 3/3 Legend Entertainment Company"
27264 GERBIL.ZIP 187446 28.02.1996 - - -
Gerbil Riot of '67
By Simon Avery (AFIO), Using TADS.
A great text adventure of the old school.
Escape from a lunatic asylem meeting strange
and bizarre characters  on your journey.
27265 GFGE.ZIP 131854 28.02.1996 - - -
Golden Flutes and Great Escapes! Four games
from the book "Golden Flutes and Great
Escapes: How to Write Adventure Games for the
Apple Computer" by Delton T. Horn, translated
from Apple BASIC to C by Christopher E.
Forman. The titles in this collection: *The
Golden Flute - a fantasy adventure *The Great
Escape - a maze game *Treasure Hunt - a
search for buried pirate gold *Mars  - a
quest for treasured relics on Mars Only the
last title is a genuine text adventure; the
30506 GLAD37.ZIP 675076 07.01.1996 - MBCD -
Gladiator is a gauntlet style, real-time
arcade game where you (the red team)
must set out to destroy your enemies
(and pick up treasure!) in a variety of
scenarios.  You get to sharpen the
skills of your team as you progress
through the levels, and each character
class (Fighter, Mage, etc.) has a number
of special abilities which come into
play as your character gains levels.
30515 GOTHIC.ZIP 144494 28.02.1996 - - -
New England Gothic, an AGT adventure by Simba
64579 GRAIL.ZIP 102666 28.02.1996 - MBCD eritupla
The Misadventure of the Holy Grail v2.1, A
silly entertainment (not a difficult game,
actually) from the Apple II Eamon FRP game by
Evan Hodson. Very loosely translated to AGT
and expanded by Michael Detlefsen.
30527 HAMMER10.ZIP 627599 15.10.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
STAR HAMMER v1.0  Distributed by
HomeBrew Software.  (286+,VGA 256-col,HD).
2268 and still the war rages on. Mankind has
been at war for 28 years with the evil race
known as the Sloboids.  Become a Starfighter
pilot in this mission-based space combat
game.  Features full-screen 16 direction
scrolling, save game, full dynamic Adlib/
Soundblaster sound-track, digitized speech
and action galore.  Joystick supported.
30529 HARDCOCK.ZIP 12489 30.01.1995 - - -
Kiva peli v1.0
(C) 1995 TONTTU
Tekstipeli, jossa ajetaan jokea alaspäin
veneellä ja yritetään pysyä vedessä.
30536 HHOUSE.ZIP 59093 15.12.1995 - 19854/NWT_Psion3.tar -
The Haunted House (beta). Text adventure.
27267 HIDFIELD.ARJ 1009390 05.02.1996 - - -
Hidden Fields v1.0
Lomax Software releases its most
spectacular game to date! This is a new
genre of  PC gaming. You must try, to get
lost fields back. Avoid the enemies and
try to stay alive. If you can get 90
percent back of your field, you won one of
28 ! Don't miss this game, it's one of the
best games, shareware has to offer. The
game features over 40 sound effects, 14
DIFFERENT enemies, 4 difficulties and 256
colors graphic.
27268 HIRMUS11.ZIP 43,2 kt 26.10.2000 - #anonyymi -
Hirmus Sisalisk v1.1Suomalainen tekstiseikkailu, jossa kauhea ja suuri Hirmus Sisalisk terrorisoi Keuruuta ja keuruulaiset aikovat ostaa Venäjän mafialta ydinpommin, jolla he aikovat hoidella Hirmuksen. Sinun tehtäväsi on etsiä taikamiekka jolla voit tappaa Hirmuksen. Jos epäonnistut, keuruulaiset räjäyttävät latauksen, jonka seurauksena he joutuvat hengittämään myrkyllisiä laskeumia ja kuolevat pois! 
27269 HOBBS.ZIP 167305 28.02.1996 - - -
Sir Ramic Hobbs and the High Level Gorilla,
by Gil Williamson
27270 HOC_PC.ZIP 6,7 Mt 23.03.2000 renamed archive.org -
Heart of China - FreewareJulkaisija Dynamix/ Sierra, 1991. Kaupallinen peli julkaistuna vapaaseen levitykseen. Seikkailupeli. Asetu Jake "Lucky" Mastersin saappaisiin. Tehtäväsi on pelattaa rikkaan miehen kidnapattu tytär roistojen käsistä. Hiirellä ohjattava seikkailu joka yhdistää hyvän tarinan näyttävään grafiikkaan. Rise of the Dragonin enginellä tehty. Klassikkomateriaalia. PC-versio. DOS.
27271 HOLMES.ZIP 213029 28.02.1996 - - -
The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes
An unusual text adventure game.  Solve a
series of cases in this game based on the
classic boardgame 221B Baker Street. Created
with the Master's Edition of the Adventure
Game Toolkit.  512 K required.
27272 HOTEL.ZIP 43,8 kt 23.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
HOTEL CALIFORNIA Text Adventure (IBM). A freeware text adventure designed for those who long for the days of the old InfoCom classics. Inspired by the 1970\'s Eagles song "Hotel California." This is the IBM version of a Macintosh game available for the past year and a half. Programmed by Dan Harris-Warrick; IBM version prepared by Chris Duttweiler.
27273 HUGECV.ZIP 448385 28.02.1996 renamed archive.org -
Humongous Cave v2.0 
The largest text adventure currently
available on a microcomputer.  Based on
the "Colassal Cave" adventure.  Created
using the "Master's Edition" of AGT (the
Adventure Game Toolkit. Hard Disk needed.
30545 HUGO1.ZIP 215283 16.09.1995 - MBCD -
Hugo 1: Hugo's House of Horrors
30546 HUGO2.ZIP 295538 16.09.1995 - MBCD -
Hugo 2: Whodunit?
30547 HUGO3.ZIP 483991 16.09.1995 - MBCD -
Hugo 3: Jungle Of Doom
30548 HUMBUG48.ZIP 139396 15.12.1995 - 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso -
Humbug V4.8. Text adventure.
27274 HURRRY.ZIP 1417263 28.02.1996 - - -
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!  
An Illustrated, Musical Text Adventure
about a mystery at a traveling circus by
Dave Malmberg.  Created using the new
"Master's Edition" of the Adventure Game
Toolkit (AGT). Requires Hard Disk/EGA/VGA
65026 IGOR.ZIP 1990897 15.10.1995 - MBCD tupla
Pendulo Studios S.L.'s latest creation
brought to you by Optik Software, Inc!  A
fantastic 3 Dimensional Interactive 'point
and click' adventure game, in which you must
help Igor through all his zany adventures, in
order to survive college and win over Laura,
the girl of his dreams.  A MUST FOR ALL
27275 IGOR110.ZIP 2,1 Mt 14.04.1997 - MBHH1998 -
"IGOR: OBJECTIVE UIKOKAHONIA SHAREWARE! v1.10. Includes hint sheet! A fantastic 3D interactivepoint and clickadventure gamein which you must help Igor through all his zany adventuresin order to survive college and win over Laurathe girl of his dreams. A MUST FOR ALL SIERRA ON-LINE(TM) & LUCASFILM(TM) FANS!"
29295 INF55.ARJ 419972 20.12.1995 - - -
Inform 5.5, v1502, (5 July 1995), Infocom
game compiler to play old Infocom adventures
without the games itselves.
27276 INSRRCTN.ZIP 346 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
Insurrection Demo 1998 Colin Day, Trapezoid Entertainment. Top viewed adventure/maze game. Simple, work in progress & looks bad - download at your own risk. DOS.
30560 JACJIM50.ZIP 95082 28.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Jacaranda Jim v5.0:  Text adventure game.
Escape from Ibberspleen IV! Why has Alan the
Gribbley been hypnotised? Who taught Mavis
the cow to tapdance? What is the significance
of the word "invoices"?  By Graham Cluley.
27277 KAUHU.ZIP 47,6 kt 04.11.1997 - #Lee -
-=KauhujenTalo=- Erittäin yksinkertaisesti toteutettu tekstiseikkailu KauhujenTalossa Sinun tehtäväsi on etsiä koodi ja päästä pois talosta. Taattua Alpha Software laatua! Vaatii 286
30583 KJQ33.ZIP 147109 23.02.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
KING JAMES QUEST V3.3 \- A ega graphic text
game.  Requires 512k of ram and ega monitor.
This is a non-fictional text adventure game.
The player plays the role of Moses, Joshua,
Jesus and more !  Objects are found and they
must be used like they were in bible times.
Do you have the courage of Moses ?  or, how
about being there at the ressurection !!
Randall Alaimo, member ASP.
27278 KLASS04.ZIP 815,7 kt 23.09.1999 - MBCD -
Klass of 99 v1.0.0.4 (C) 1999 Richard Jordan Classic retro remake, of games Skool Daze and Back To Skool Copyright 1983 - Microsphere. Dedicated to that timeless eighties classic. Game which sees that boy Eric exploding back on to our screens in a brand new PC adventure. Fun comical arcade adventure where Eric adventurers in school, takes classes, terrorizes his mates and generally is a nuisance. Very few games can boast such originality and pure gameplay. DOS.
30584 KLAUS.ZIP 664452 28.02.1996 - - -
Klaustrophobia, a tortuous odyssey through
life's more annoying moments in three parts,
by Carol Hovick Part I: Fear of Flying,
Airplanes, Airports and Re-Booking Part II:
What This Country Really Needs Is A Good
$250.00 Dalmation Part III: It's that Ol'
Deja Vu All Over Again
30595 LEGEND38.ZIP 475431 28.02.1996 - - -
The Legend Lives! v1.0 An Unnkulian Universe
Unventure by David Baggett 386SX or later CPU
30596 LIBRARY.ZIP 170729 28.02.1996 - - -
Library - An Adventure Game Based on the
Library of Guilford College (or Something
Like It) but with Added Puzzles and Danger,
by Frederick D. King
30597 LICH_10S.ZIP 1330221 30.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
The Lich
EPISODE 1: Resurrection (Shareware)
VGA Required. Sound Blaster and
Joystick supported. This game is a
must for any game collection! Find
the Evil Dragon/Lich Grimlor and
destroy him! Detailed dungeons and
many objects including, teleports,
potions, lava, water, boulders,
27279 LOD.ZIP 506757 25.10.1996 - MBCD -
LORDS OF DOOM: Part One: The Black God
SHAREWARE fantsy role playing game. Lead a
lone hero to defeat powerful evil demi-god
awaked by the Great Comet. You will find the
large playing area, lots of interactive
dialogues with NPCs, magical book with over
sixty pages of darkest knowledge, plenty of
monsters, many items and powerful spells.
Game features VGA high-resolution (640x480)
graphics, intuitive contol interface (mouse
or keyboard) and build in HELP. This game was
27280 LOM18.ZIP 732,9 kt 23.09.1999 - - -
Lords of Midnight Version 1.8 Classic retro remake. Adventure strategy adventure. Legendary first person roleplaying game of the 80s. Adventure in the land of Midnight, find allies and enemies, form alliances and fight the forces of Doomdark. Includes source codes, maps etc. DOS.
30603 LONE_S21.ZIP 2353564 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
Lone Eagle -Colombian Encounter is an
incredible shareware true adventure game in
the sierra style. Modern day pirates,
colorful characters, wonderful graphics,
Virtual Scenery where all backgrounds come to
life with movements and the main character
can be either male or female throughout.
Great family fun for ages 9 and up.
Encourages reading. Need 386,mouse,10 meg hd
space, dos 5.0 and extended mem manager.
27281 LOSER.A01 1456329 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
Loser w2.6 2/3
27282 LOSER.A02 988926 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
Loser w2.6 3/3
27283 LOSER.ARJ 1456383 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
Loser w2.6 - suomalainen laatupeli. Tehtävä
on auttaa koulukiusattu Teppo uuden elämän
alkuun. ainoa keino on tappaa kiusaajat
viimeiseen mieheen. Req. 8 MB HDD ***
Rec. Gus/SB, 386+
27284 LOST202.ZIP 216800 28.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Lost, a science fiction text adventure,
version 2.0.2. Shareware by Jeff Hersh; his
rating: hard. Written with TADS.
30604 LOSTINSP.ZIP 143764 28.02.1996 - - -
Lost in Space: Dr. Smith Goes Home; an
introductory mini-text game designed to play
in a single sitting, by Graeme Cree. DOS
executable (AGT runtime), map, and
walkthrough. This is the original version of
the game; another version, slightly modified
for widespread circulation, is called Tossed
into Space (see tossed.zip).
30617 MCMURPHY.ZIP 87020 28.02.1996 - 6180/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (July 1994).iso -
McMurphy's Mansion version 1.6, by David
Martin author's rating: difficulty: average;
playing time: 80 hours
27285 MDTHIEF2.ZIP 1166934 28.02.1996 - - -
The Multi-Dimensional Thief, Release 2.0 by
Joel Finch * This game won the 5th Annual AGT
Game Writing Contest (together with
CosmoServe). With pop-up hints, a map and a
minimal walkthrough by the author.
30622 MELITA.ZIP 146558 28.02.1996 - - -
The Melita Adventure, Parts I and II, by
Philip Bourne
30648 NEXTREK.ZIP 31702 20.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
NexTrek - is a space trek game based on The
Next Generation. Your duty as Captain is to
uphold Federation policy, protect Federation
ships and installations from attack and
protect the ship and its crew which have been
entrusted to your command. Description
Copyright 1995 PsL
30654 NFTC30.ARJ 124117 20.12.1995 - - -
adventures, each a horrifying nightmare.
Adventure games in the classic style. No
fancy graphics or sound effects. Like a book,
these games allow you to use your own
imagination to create worlds of wonder that
make graphic adventures pale in comparison.
27286 NIRVANA.ZIP 120450 28.02.1996 - #anonyymi -
Nirvana, an Adventure in the World of Wimsey
version 3.1, by Wimsey Co.
30656 NITE3D20.ZIP 993715 14.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
NITEMARE-3D, A House of Horrors v2.0 -
VGA 256 color 3D scrolling action game.
Continuing the theme of the original HUGO
games, this all new series features first
person perspective scrolling in 256 color
VGA.  Supports mouse, joystick and Sound
Blaster compatible sound cards.  Requires
386 or higher and 2 Meg extended memory.
Version 2.0 upgrades 3D characters, adds a
hit detector and fixes bugs in E1L5 & E3L8.
27287 ONEHAND.ZIP 99581 28.02.1996 - - -
The Sound of One Hand Clapping - A Riddle in
Subtlety Release 1a, by Erica Sadun
30692 PC_LIGHT.ZIP 268997 23.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
The Light: Shelby's Attendum.
30693 PCU10.ZIP 234631 24.02.1996 - - -
PC University: An Everyday Nightmare, version
1.0 TADS adventure by Neil deMause
30695 PERTT135.ZIP 379768 28.02.1996 - - -
Codename: Pertti v1.35
Tästä maanmainiosta PD-seikkailu/
sikailupelistä from Teemu Arho/ASCII-Soft...
30696 PHILIP.ZIP 152984 24.02.1996 - - -
The Battle of Philip against the Forces of
30700 PILOTJ.ZIP 135796 24.02.1996 - - -
The Pilot or A Flight into Fantasy, another
exercise in hyperactive hijinks from The
Adventure Game Jockey playable demo (about
1/3 of the game)
27288 POIKDEMO.ZIP 323,2 kt 12.10.1998 - MBCD -
Poika, joka söi kilpaa peikon kanssa - demoversio (C) 1998 Mika Rissanen Kolmeosainen seikkailupeli lapsille. Demossa voit kokeilla peliä vapaasti yhden osan verran. DOS 286 VGA hiiri
30723 PORK.ZIP 169527 20.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
PORK, parody of the classic Infocom text
EMPIRE. Retaining some of the cleverness, low
cunning, and humor of ZORK - while poking a
little good-natured fun at it.
30721 PORK15.ZIP 169452 24.02.1996 - 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso -
PORK I: The Great Underground Sewer System
(version 1.5) a parody of Zork I by David
Malmberg, written with AGT
30722 PORK2A.ZIP 69402 24.02.1996 - archive.org -
PORK II, The Gizzard of Showbiz a parody of
Zork II by Bill Larkins
27289 PRADB6.ZIP 511,6 kt 16.02.1998 - MBCD -
P.R.A  UUSIN BETA DEMO (6)!!!  Penko pingviini (tai vaihtoehtoisesti ihminen) on taas joutunut vaikeuksiin... MUTTA TÄLLÄKERTAA TULOKSENA ON... Rooli / seikkailu peli aloittelevalle roolipelaajalle. - Hienot Nintendomaiset grafiikat - Helppo pelata - HAUSKA ;-) ... onko??? - HYVÄT SOUNDBLASTER ÄÄNET - Vaatii 486,VGA (tukee SB) PuavoHardin tuotantoa 1997 *DOS
30732 QFF140.ZIP 138698 23.10.1996 - - -
Quest for fame v1.40  Tekstipohjainen
roolipeli johon mahtuu kymmeniä pelaajia.
Monia kiltoja ja yli tuhat erilaista
27290 RACE13.ZIP 123704 28.02.1996 versio 1.3 Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
The Great Archeological Race V1.0 Adventure
where you play the curator of a museum...and
it's your job to help increase failing
patronage by finding new artifacts.  Your
quest leads you deep into the heart of the
South American jungle, where you discover a
whole new world!  Shareware, from Absolute
27291 RECOVERY.ZIP 115088 28.02.1996 - - -
The Game of Recovery; an Allegorical
Adventure by Daniel J. Pallotta. Version
1.03; written with AGT.
30748 REDHOOK.ZIP 361008 21.03.1995 - 10624/PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso -
Redhook's Revenge - piracy game.
27292 RETURNCC.ZIP 114245 28.02.1996 - - -
Prologue to The Return to the Colossal Cave,
by Thomas W. Penner, playable demo of a
sequel to Colossal Cave
27293 RIMWORLD.ZIP 76836 28.02.1996 versio 2.0 ? 13114/GameWare Collection (CMS Software) (1993).iso -
Rimworld version 2.11, interactive SF by
Russel A. Duderstadt
27294 ROTD_PC.ZIP 7,1 Mt 23.03.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 -
Rise of the Dragon - FreewareDynamix/ Sierran 1990 julkaisema seikkailu nyt vapaaseen levitykseen julkaistuna. Hiiri/ näppäinohjattava aikuispelaajille suunnattu dekkari/seikkailu. Tapahtumat kuvataan pelaajan silmin. Tapahtumat etenevät reaaliajassa. Vahva tarina, kiintoisia hahmoja ja unenomainen, kiehtovan synkkä pelimaailma. Klassikko. PC-versio. DOS.
30775 RUNCY20.ZIP 310696 24.02.1996 - - -
Runcibal Quest v2.0
27295 RYLVANIA.ZIP 212568 24.02.1996 - 20915/1000GAME.iso -
ADVENTIONS presents "The Horror of Rylvania,"
a text adventure written with TADS.
ADVENTIONS' Unnkulian games have gotten rave
reviews from adventure gamers around the
world for their excellent prose, challenging
puzzles, and great sense of humor.
"Rylvania" is a serious look at gothic
horror, interactive fiction style. "The
Horror of Rylvania" was written by D. A.
Leary. This is version 1.0 of the demo.
27296 SAVEPTON.ZIP 293454 24.02.1996 - - -
Save Princeton version 1.91 for DOS by Jacob
Solomon Weinstein and Karine Schaefer
27297 SAVFUT.ZIP 362,5 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
Savage Future by J. Kintz Role-playing adventure game. You play the character of Rolanfox who must explore the land of the future. There are cities, caves, and undergrounds to explore. There is a variety of objects to get and horrible monsters to fight. DOS 5.0
27298 SERPED11.ZIP 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
SerpentHead Deluxe game v1.1  Fantasy  adventure with role-playing elements. Find  clues, solve puzzles and unravel the secrets  of Castle SerpentHead. Encounter the ghost of Cendric and a greedy dragon in your quest to  defeat the evil wizard, Salorann, and  retrieve the legendary SerpentScepter. 
68299 SERPENT1.ZIP 997922 20.04.1996 - - -
SerpentHead, Graphical Adventure Game A
Search Though Castle SerpentHead for the
hidden SerpentHead Staff.
27299 SF3_01.ZIP 2,3 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
Starfight 3 - Within The Darkness (SF3_01.ZIP..SF3_10.ZIP) PD Sci-Fi arcade/adventure game. Digital soundtrack, FMV animation, 20+ levels. Requirements: * 486DX4 75MhZ (DOS), P75 (Win95) (6x86 optimized, P133/faster recommended) * Digital sound card (GUS/SB 2.0)
27300 SF3_02.ZIP 2,9 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
StarFight 3 - Within the Darkness ZIP 2/10
27301 SF3_03.ZIP 2,7 Mt 21.09.1997 - MBCD -
StarFight 3 - Within the Darkness ZIP 3/10
27302 SF3_04.ZIP 2,3 Mt 21.09.1997 - MBCD -
StarFight 3 - Within the Darkness ZIP 4/10
27303 SF3_05.ZIP 2,7 Mt 21.09.1997 - MBCD -
StarFight 3 - Within the Darkness ZIP 5/10
27304 SF3_06.ZIP 2,5 Mt 21.09.1997 - MBCD -
StarFight 3 - Within the Darkness ZIP 6/10
27305 SF3_07.ZIP 2,9 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
StarFight 3 - Within the Darkness ZIP 7/10
27306 SF3_08.ZIP 2,6 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
StarFight 3 - Within the Darkness ZIP 8/10
27307 SF3_09.ZIP 2,7 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
StarFight 3 - Within the Darkness ZIP 9/10
27308 SF3_10.ZIP 2,8 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
StarFight 3 - Within the Darkness ZIP 10/10
27309 SF4_01.ZIP 2,5 Mt 28.06.1998 - MBCD -
StarFight 4: LEGACY, Ihmiskunnan perintö "First person" seikkailupeli. Digitaalinen musiikki, HiRes grafiikka, FMV animaatiota, kokonaan suomeksi, höystetty hienoilla toimintaosuuksilla ja huumorilla. PD. (SF4_01.ZIP..SF4_09.ZIP, SF4INTRO.ZIP) Vaatii: 486DX4 100MhZ(DOS)/P75(Win95); Suos P90; 12/16MB RAM (DOS/Win95); VESA 1.2 SVGA; Digit. äänikortti (GUS/SB 2.0 yht.sop.) HUOM! EI TOIMI MATROX-NÄYTTÖKORTEILLA!
27310 SF4_02.ZIP 2,7 Mt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Starfight 4 2/9
27311 SF4_03.ZIP 2,5 Mt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Starfight 4 3/9
27312 SF4_04.ZIP 2,4 Mt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Starfight 4 4/9
27313 SF4_05.ZIP 2,6 Mt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Starfight 4 5/9
27314 SF4_06.ZIP 2,2 Mt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Starfight 4 6/9
27315 SF4_07.ZIP 2,6 Mt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Starfight 4 7/9
27316 SF4_08.ZIP 3,1 Mt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Starfight 4 8/9
27317 SF4_09.ZIP 2,6 Mt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Starfight 4 9/9
27318 SF4INTRO.ZIP 2,9 Mt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Starfight 4 : LEGACY - Ihmiskunnan perintö Intro/loppuanimaatio. Välttämätön, jos haluat maksimaalisen pelikokemuksen ja kunnolliset loppu- ja alkuanimaatiot!
27319 SHELBYPC.ZIP 271831 24.02.1996 - - -
The Light: Shelby's Addendum. Quest Adventure
#3, by Colm A. McCarthy. Version 1.0, release
30796 SIM-PELI.ZIP 40141 31.12.1994 - MBCD -
Suomalainen ankea tekstiseikkailu, jossa
simuloidaan Maran presidentaalisia kykyjä.
68413 SIRRAMIC.ZIP 137818 21.12.1995 - - tupla
Sir Ramic Hobbs, text adventure
30799 SKQ1-100.ZIP 114697 07.01.1995 - 38/devilsdoorknobbbscapture1996-2003.iso -
Skull Quest I, The Cyan Sarcophagus. VGA
support and high performance speeds. 386-33DX
or a 486-25 required.
27320 SKYLAND4.ZIP 192691 28.02.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Skyland's Star version 4.0, by Daniel Leon
Berke and Matthew Engle, original concept by
Jeremy Cavaterra
27321 SOS.ZIP 160557 28.02.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Son of Stagefright - A Pleasant Day at the
Theater in Three Paranatural Acts - version
1.0, by Mike McCauley * This game won the 3rd
Annual AGT Game Writing Contest
27322 SPATENT.ZIP 102617 28.02.1996 - - -
The Spatent Obstruction, version 2.55 An
Interactive Novel by Christopher Canavan
30819 SPLEEN.ZIP 94015 19.09.1996 - MBCD -
CAPTAIN SPLEEN I You are interplanetary
adventurer Captain Spleen! You have to pay
off your debts to Mr. Pointy, the giant nose,
and you'd better get going! It's not nice to
fool with Mr. Pointy! A simple, easy to play
adventure From Colin Gagnon Software
Suggested Retail Price: $5 Registration: $5
(See, it's cheap!)
27323 SPORTAL.ZIP 197530 28.02.1996 - - -
The Star Portal, a science fiction adventure
game suggested by the Damon Knight short
story "Ticket to Anywhere", version 1.03 by
Michael Detlefsen. DOS executable and a
27324 SQUYN15.ZIP 154710 28.02.1996 - - -
The Squynchia Adventure version 1.5, by M. &
T. Frank * converted from LADS to AGT by
David Malmberg. File contains compiled AGT
game files, a DOS interpreter (version 1.5
beta), and a walkthrough.
30833 SSVINST.EXE 4192008 18.03.1996 - MBCD -
Santa's Secret Valley. Yksinkertainen, mutta
siististi toteutettu Jouluaiheinen
30842 STRYKR10.ZIP 259032 28.02.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Star Stryker, by Yang Liu
27334 T-ZERO.ZIP 226209 28.02.1996 renamed / versio 1.00 19691/ShareWare Extravaganza 1 of 4 (The Ultimate Shareware Company).iso -
t-zero V1.04 "An Adventure for the Time
Being" by Dennis M. Cunningham
27325 TAMORET.ZIP 128744 28.02.1996 - - -
Tamoret, the Adventure to the Fourth
Dimension AGT adventure by Michael J. Lyons
27326 TARK.ZIP 149480 28.02.1996 - - -
The Adventure of Tark Simmons, Priestess of
the First Church, in her battle against The
Demon of Dark Desire, by W.P. Kegelmeyer
30868 TEMPEST.ZIP 120288 20.12.1995 - 14708/MONSTER1.ISO -
The Tempest, an adventure game based very
loosely on the play of the same name by
27327 THE-GAME.ZIP 151612 28.02.1996 - - -
"Whatever We Decide To Call This Game" by The
Three Engineers: Joel Finch, Glen Henville
and little bits by Matthew Newbery. Your
first day at Tumbulgum University (must be in
27328 THRGLASS.ZIP 8,4 Mt 18.06.2000 - - -
Through the Looking Glass v1.1 by Sandra Helleman. Adventure. Simple, free story game with some basic animation effects. It will appeal to children through its use of mouse-click interactivity, music, and brightly colored characters. The heroine of the story has been studying magic and has found that music has the power to create a bridge to parallel worlds. Beginning with an opening scene in a tavern, you use the mouse to click on four symbols to interact with your environment. DOS. 
27329 TIME2.LHA 644686 24.02.1996 - aminet.net -
A Matter of Time *Introductory text/graphics
Adventure  2/3
27330 TJA.ZIP 474108 28.02.1996 - - -
Jeweled Arena version 1.0, AGT adventure by
David S. Raley with pop-up hints
30878 TLLEG.ZIP 496210 20.12.1995 - - -
The Legend Lives!, all-text interactive work,
text adventure, like Adventure or Zork. More
of a novel and less of a game.
30880 TMG!11.ZIP 2845990 14.10.1995 - - -
TOO MANY GECKOS! is the debut game from
Anarchy Entertainment, featuring exquisite
graphics in an incredibibly realistic, fully
texture-mapped 3-D environment.  Take a
journey up the Nile River in Egypt,
rebuilding the destroyed Pyramids and Temples
in this totally original and unique 3-D
puzzle. 386-33, 4 megs RAM, VGA, 6 megs HD
27331 TOHO.ZIP 180538 06.03.1996 - MBCD -
Toho Academy Adventure - Freeware
A "furry" sci-fi text adventure game
that will appeal to fans of Japanimation,
furry stories, Japanese Comix, anime and
fantasy.  Created using the Adventure
Game Toolkit or AGT.  384K memory needed.
27332 TOSSED.ZIP 140222 28.02.1996 - 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso -
Tossed into Space: Dr. Schmidt Goes Home, by
Graeme Cree, short SF adventure for
beginners. DOS executable, AGT source code,
and a complete walkthrough. This version was
slightly modified for widespread circulation;
the original was called Lost in Space (see
27333 TOWRGOLD.ZIP 281,7 kt 31.07.1999 - - -
Tower of Gold by Mooneyham Text adventure game in which you type commands to wind your way through an adventure. DOS 5.0
30890 TRILADV.ZIP 235594 28.02.1996 - - -
three adventure games (Doppyworld, Asylum,
Doppy & Pru's Summer Holiday) by A.J.Shepherd
(The Doppelganger)
30893 TSQUARED.ZIP 137629 28.02.1996 - archive.org -
TimeSquared, Chapter One: Centroplis, by Bert
30901 TZERO104.ZIP 226764 20.12.1995 - - -
T-ZERO V1.04, text adventure.
27335 UNNK1V30.ZIP 271726 28.02.1996 - 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img -
ADVENTIONS presents "Unnkulian Underworld:
The Unknown Unventure," a text adventure
written with TADS. V3.0 Written by D. A.
27336 UNNK2V30.ZIP 292134 28.02.1996 - 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img -
ADVENTIONS presents "Unnkulian Unventure II:
The Secret of Acme," the sequel to the
popular "Unnkulian Underworld." UU2 is a text
adventure that features a full sentence
parser, a large vocabulary, nearly 100
locations and 64 carryable objects, and
hundreds of decorations that make the game
feel much more real than other interactive
fiction games. V3.0 UU2 was written by David
M. Baggett.
27337 UNNKHZ10.ZIP 360515 28.02.1996 - 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img -
ADVENTIONS presents "Unnkulia One-Half: The
Salesman Triumphant," and a demo version of
"Unnkulia Zero: The Search for Amanda."  Both
games are text adventures written in the TADS
lanauage. This is version 1.0.
27338 WADEWAR3.ZIP 112561 28.02.1996 - nopv_games.zip -
The Wade Wars: Book III - nevertheless the
first release in the Wade Wars series by Fish
Software. Rating: beginner to intermediate.
Shareware release without save/restore
27339 WAY.ZIP 346154 19.01.1996 - MBCD -
Waystation v1.1 is an interactive- fiction
game similar to old Infocom games.  Includes
the actual game and the run-time programs
necessary to play it. FREEWARE
30932 WOMBAT.ZIP 97512 28.02.1996 renamed archive.org -
The Golden Wombat of Destiny version 1.2, by
Huw Collingbourne
27340 WRAITH.ZIP 149242 28.02.1996 - archive.org -
Wraith Blaster version 1.0, by Ken Dibble A
text based space trader game: earn money,
become master trader, and find a place to
30943 WRECKED.ZIP 323385 23.12.1995 - 11026/1,000 Game Levels 2.iso -
Wrecked Type Acade type game
A Psychedelic ADVENTURE
27341 YASTAG.ZIP 141861 28.02.1996 - - -
Yet Another Silly Text Adventure Game: Quest
of Yogurt by Robert Kwong, Burton Lee, and
Dennis Ng. Verily, verily! It's a text
adventure insofar as it writes out text, but
your interaction is limited to answering Y/N
27343 ZORK1.ZIP 75683 16.09.1996 - MBCD -
--== ZORK I ==-- THE Ancient Text-Adventure
27342 ZORK1ADV.ZIP 191,4 kt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Zork: The Great Underground Empire Infocomin legendaarinen tekstipeli julkaistuna vapaasti levitettäväksi uusimman Zork -seikkailun julkaisemisen kunniaksi. DOS, Activision.
27344 ZORK2.ZIP 84,3 kt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz Infocomin legendaarinen tekstipeli julkaistuna vapaasti levitettäväksi uusimman Zork -seikkailun julkaisemisen kunniaksi. DOS, Activision.
27345 ZORK3.ZIP 75,7 kt 22.10.1997 - 22447/XENIATGM83.iso -
Zork III Infocomin legendaarinen tekstipeli julkaistuna vapaasti levitettäväksi Zork: Grand Inquisitor -seikkailun julkaisun kunniaksi. DOS, Activision.
27346 A7100000.ZIP 81,7 kt 16.12.1999 - - -
Elite PC- pelien maailmanhistorien tunnetuimpia pelejä tekijöiden Ian Bellin ja David Brabenin vapaaseen levitykseen tarjoamina. Astu eeppiseen avaruusseikkailuun! Matkaa Cobra MK III avaruusaluksellasi aurinkokunnasta toiseen tehden kauppaa ja taistellen. Paketissa PC Elite. Sisältää käsikirjan. DOS.
30292 ATCGAME5.ZIP 126528 20.10.1995 - MBCD -
ATC-Game - is an Air Traffic Control
simulation. You are in charge of the terminal
area of a medium sized international airport.
It is your job to vector the departing
traffic to the appropriate airway and the
arriving traffic to the appropriate runway,
maintaining sufficient separation between
aircrafts. Description Copyright 1995 PsL
31301 AUTOSET.ZIP 14145 04.03.1996 - - -
Version 1.5 of a custom module for FSFS ATC
workshop which makes it easy to control
setting of autopilot altitude and heading and
much more. It can also set ADF, COM and NAV
frequencies plus OBS and transponder. New
features in 1.5 include: Radar altimeter,
possibility to enter a position (lat/lon),
and tell the autopilot to fly to it. Last but
not least: A help screen. FSFS is required.
28713 B1022001.ZIP 272,7 kt 16.12.1999 - - -
PC Elite PlusElite - pelien maailmanhistorien tunnetuimpia pelejä tekijöiden Ian Bellin ja David Brabenin vapaaseen levitykseen tarjoamina. Astu eeppiseen avaruusseikkailuun! Matkaa Cobra MK III avaruusaluksellasi aurinkokunnasta toiseen tehden kauppaa ja taistellen. Paketissa PC Elite Plus. Sisältää käsikirjan. DOS:
27347 BC3KFULL.A01 4,8 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD 2/11
27348 BC3KFULL.A02 4,8 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD 3/11
27349 BC3KFULL.A03 4,8 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD 4/11
27350 BC3KFULL.A04 4,8 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD 5/11
27351 BC3KFULL.A05 4,8 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD 6/11
27352 BC3KFULL.A06 4,8 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD 7/11
27353 BC3KFULL.A07 4,8 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD 8/11
27354 BC3KFULL.A08 4,8 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD 9/11
27355 BC3KFULL.A09 4,8 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD 10/11
27356 BC3KFULL.A10 1,6 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD 11/11
27357 BC3KFULL.ARJ 4,8 Mt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser: 3000AD v1.01D7C TÄYSI PELI1/11 3000AD, INC/Derek Smart. Historian suurin ja laajin mutta myös epäonnisin avaruussimulaatio/seikkailupeli nyt vapaasti levitettävänä versiona. Täysi peli kaikkine ominaisuuksineen. Lennä valtavalla aluksella, tutki, taistele, käy kauppaa. Asennetaan paketissa olevalla makebc3k-ohjelmalla. DOS, P133, 16 Mt, 120 Mt kiintolevy. Tukee 3Dfx.
27358 BKSE131A.ZIP 1434888 05.12.1996 - MBCD -
BLACK KNIGHT SE: F/A-18 Flight Simulator V1.3
This F/A-18 flight simulator gives you the
most realistic air combat experience you can
have without enlisting! Go against MIG-29s,
or take on a ground attack mission using some
of today's most advanced weapons systems.
Terrific graphics, thunderous stereo sound,
awesome realism. From FormGen.  1/2
Requires 386+/8 Mb/VGA
27359 BKSE131B.ZIP 1397462 05.12.1996 - MBCD -
BLACK KNIGHT SE: F/A-18 Flight Simulator V1.3
29489 CC3D342.ZIP 358872 15.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Corncob 3D ver 3.42 by MVP Software. As you
hear the scream of KLA homing devices that
barely miss your wobbling Corsair, you know
you're in for the fight of your life. You
check your altitude gauge, then steel
yourself for another run at the enemy. This
is part of the action in Corncob 3D, the best
shareware air combat game ever. Req VGA.
Supports most sound cards, joystick.  Updated
version 3.42.
30408 CYB95D01.ZIP 1209252 15.08.1995 - MBCD -
CyberBykes - Shadow Racer VR
One hot ride! Full 6-degrees of freedom
as you race to meet military objectives.
Move over Descent, 8-player network or
2-player modem game allow players to go
against each other using chain guns,
lasers, guided missiles and more.
Commercial release also includes a full
level editor and dozens of missions.
30409 CYB95D02.ZIP 1076193 15.08.1995 - MBCD -
CyberBykes (2/3)
30410 CYB95D03.ZIP 1003410 15.08.1995 - MBCD -
CyberBykes (3/3)
30412 CYBER10.ZIP 1024123 29.06.1995 - MBCD -
3D CyberPuck distributed by Ticsoft Software.
Best described as a soccer derivative, this
game is based on an incredibly fast 3D
engine, which allows for natural looking
graphic-effects. In this man vs. machine
battle, multiple features help the player
maintain control over the magnetic ball and
keep the opponent in check. Among these are:
portable walls, gravity wells, boosters,
landmines etc. The registered version
features network mode and many more useful
30420 DARWIN.ZIP 110688 13.06.1996 - MBCD -
Darwin v1.6- A Theory of Evolution
life simulator, by RAD Software
PO Box 1991, Columbus, GA  31902
Observe the Theory of Evolution
as expounded by Charles Darwin.
This computer simulation shows how
a species adapts to its environment
in an intertaining, educational manner
using multi-colored computer "Tribbles"
40659 DC-9MOD.ZIP 43933 19.10.1995 renamed 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
FS5  A  modified  DC-9  aircraft for FS5.
27360 EARTHDEM.ARJ 4245505 23.05.1996 - - -
shareware version) USA life simulator. If
this shareware version is a DEMO program,it
comes with full features upto age 25 (length
of play is from age 17 to 67 in full
40672 EC1ISS.ZIP 36840 23.11.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Instrument Scenery Sets For MS Flight
Simulator 5. This file contains the East
Central 1 Region, version 1.05. This means
the navaids and airports involved in
instrument approaches in MI are included.
40673 EC3ISS.ZIP 45910 23.11.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Instrument Scenery Sets For MS Flight
Simulator 5. This file contains the East
Central 3 Region, version 1.05. This means
the navaids and airports involved in
instrument approaches in WI and IL are
31356 F4U-4.ZIP 60087 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
FS5: Change Vought F4U Corsair
27361 FADEMO.ZIP 398,7 kt 03.06.1997 - - -
Flight Action demo - Axisim Software Simulation/Sport - req. 486/33 4 MB action-oriented World War II type flight simulator that combines ease of use and arcade action with advanced features such as realtime 3D graphics, 360 degree virtual cockpit, flight recording, realistic artificial intelligence and a 3D stereo-vision mode.
30492 GAB-V21.ZIP 1032682 09.02.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Fly for either the Japanese or the United Sta
on December 7, 1941.  This is a fully playabl
alone air combat simulation program.  Commerc
quality graphics, support for joystick, sound
and mouse. Registration is ONLY $12!!!!
30498 GAMMA.ZIP 516890 06.04.1995 - - -
GAMMA Wing v1.4 space flight simulator. Fly
against hostile aliens out to conquer Earth!
144 rendered views per ship. 8 track digital
sound effects. Needs 486, VGA. Supports
joysticks. New soundtrack and volume
controls. Features: Ship design, Hit
location, Damage control, Malfunctions, Pilot
stats, Infinite map, Mission generator, +More
27362 MHARMLB.ZIP 267,9 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Mostly Harmless pre-alpha demo. Classic retro remake of the game Elite. Project aims to create a clone of the classic 1980s video game Elite. Elite was originally written by Ian Bell and David Brabham for the BBC B. This will not change the Elite formula in any way that will alter the game-play. It will just be a better Elite. Mostly Harmless will not include any of the features of Frontier or Frontier First Encounters. DOS.
29324 NAVSIM.ZIP 265385 12.04.1995 - 10797/CD_ASCQ_20_020395.iso -
NAVSIM is a program written to allow flight
simulator pilots to conduct pre-flight
dead-reckoning navigation calculations and to
produce a flight log form on which to chart
the progress of the flight. This enables you
to fly compass headings in any wind
conditions in the same way as the majority of
private pilots would do.
66596 NNIRVI12.ZIP 114687 None - - -
Nnirvi-simulaattori v1.20
(C) 1995 MoonSoft
Simuloi Nnirvin arvosteluja PELIT-lehdessä.
SIMNIRVI 1.2 voi luoda 32768000000000000000
erilaista arvostelua!!
27363 REDBRN.ZIP 952,8 kt 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
Red Baron! Sierra is giving away, for FREE, our original 16-color DOS version of the most celebrated WWI flight sim in history, Red Baron. Why? Just to get you excited about our upcoming sequel, Red Baron II. Requires 286 & 1 MB & DOS5. "The year is 1914-it is the dawn of World War I. Experience the look, feel, and experience of aerial warfare in WWI. Engage in close- range dogfights, go balloon-busting to take out the aerial eyes of the enemy, take on Zeppelins, escort
27364 SUBHUNT.ZIP 3,7 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
SUBHUNT V1.2 - SPECTRUM PACIFIC PUBLISHING 3D submarine action simulator (C) 1997 3D submarine action simulator developed by the LARC at the University of North Texas. Take command of a shark-class submarine and engage enemies in a wide variety of missions with differing scenarios. 3D VGA graphics, variety of missions, enemies, and weapons, 3 levels of difficulty and more. DOS 486/66 8 Mb VGA
30562 !JBALL15.ZIP 201967 14.10.1995 - 9344/Shareware Overload Trio Volume 2 (Chestnut CD-ROM).ISO -
╔══════════════ NΣW WÆVΣ MΣDIÆ ═════════════╗
║                ~ presents ~               ║
║               Jim Ball v1.5               ║
║ JimBall is an addicting arcade/stratagy   ║
║ game that requires puzzle solving skills  ║
║ and patience to maneuver a green BUBBLE   ║
║ through levels of mindbending mazes.      ║
║ EGA/VGA(640x480x16),SoundBlaster Supp.    ║
╚ by Jim Heiserman + NewWaves' Jace Cavacini╝
30573 !KAPTURE.ZIP 238407 14.10.1995 renamed 20915/1000GAME.iso -
Kapture 3D (v1.0) - by Nate Goudie An intense
two player action/strategy game of "Capture
the Flag" which takes place in the years
following a nuclear holocaust.  Both players
compete head-to- head with non-stop,
split-screen (first person perspective)
action!  Make use of your trusty handgun,
land mines, scanners, compasses, med-kits,
etc, while evaiding hazards like fire and
spear traps (not to mention your opponent!).
Requires 386+ and 256 color VGA.  Give it a
30783 !SCV16.ZIP 267915 23.12.1994 renamed 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso -
Stelcon 2469 v1.6
The  ULTIMATE  space  war / strategy  game!
Supports  ONLY high-quality  256  color VGA
graphics! Stelcon can be a  simple 2 player
war  game  to a  5 player campaign! Playing
field can have up to 20 star  systems, each
with its own planets and  resources! Manage
new  technologies   and   starships!   Play
against   a   friend   or   the   computer!
Compiled Oct  3,1992. Shareware:$20
60027 #1EMPIRE.ZIP 203660 30.01.1995 - - -
World Empire, RISK-tyyppinen strategiapeli
60265 7000V20.ZIP 1059535 22.04.1996 - MBCD -
Circa 7000 - Armageddon-sotastrategiapelin
27365 7000V21.ZIP 1,1 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Circa 7000 - Armageddon v2.1 sotastrategiapelin Shareware-versio. Scifi-taistelua ylhäältä vuoropohjaisesti 2D-kuvattuna. Joukkueesta pienen armeijan kokoiset joukot, jalkaväkeä, mechejä ja kulkuneuvoja monipuolisissa maastoissa. Vaatii DOS, 486/33, 4 Mt, SVGA. Play by e-mail tuki.
27366 AN270999.ZIP 743 kt 03.11.1999 - - -
"ANARCHY 27/09/99 beta. by Thomas Harte. Classic retro remake. An update of the ZX Spectrum gameChaosby Julian Gollop. A fantasy strategy board game with a bit chess like system. Control wizard who conjures creatures and battles for control. http://softysoft.cjb.net http://www.btinternet.com/~t.harte/ SoftySoft/anarchy.htm"
30282 APOCCOW.ZIP 1058907 15.05.1996 - MBCD -
Apocalypse Cows. Scorched Earthsin tyylinen
peli, jossa yritetään saada vastustaja
tuhotuksi lehmillä.
27367 ARRA112.ZIP 700,4 kt 18.07.2000 - - -
Arrakis v1.12. Dune/Dune 2000-tyyppinen yksinkertainen taktiikkaräiskintä, joka vie pelaajat Herbertin tutuksi tekemälle Dyyni-planeetalle. DOS. 
27368 ATA_P110.ZIP 587,3 kt 14.11.2000 - MBHH2003 -
Ata - Extracts from the American Civil WarPATCH v1.0x->v1.10     (http://www.mbnet.fi/~badgers/) An extremely great game involving tactics and action. Beautiful artwork, skillful programming, enjoyable playability...  just about everything a good game needs.  Requirements for smooth playability: at least AMD K-6 200 MHz computer or corresponding, plenty of memory, Windows  9x/DOS and VESA 2.0. By Badgers  
27369 ATTIL25.ZIP 369,1 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
ATTILA V2.5 - The object of ATTILA is simple: blend clever strategy and a little bit of luck to conquer the world. Risk-style strategy game for one to four players. VGA DOS5+
61065 ATTILA.ZIP 235420 04.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Attila v1.2 is a strategy-game. Objective is
to conquer the world.
30314 BEGIN.LZH 83094 23.12.1994 - - -
Usean aluksen taktista avaruustaistelua
Star Trek-tyyliin
27370 BEGIN2.ZIP 123,4 kt 31.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Begin V2.0, updated version of the classic tactical starship simulation.
61317 BEGIN2.ZIP 126313 22.02.1995 - MBCD tupla
Begin V2.0, updated version of the classic
tactical starship simulation.
27371 BG1.ZIP 1 Mt 20.06.1999 - MBCD -
BATTLEGROUND V1 by Metso Games Two player strategy game with realtime tactical combat. Fight against your opponent with different units and command your armies to conquer everything! Recommended:Pentium, SB compatible soundcard, SVGA, VESA 2.0. DOS.
27372 BOB2.ZIP 393474 24.04.1996 - - -
B.O.B. 2, Battle of Britain 2, trial version
of strategy game of the air war over Britain
1940 for Windows.
30336 BOLO.ZIP 250993 07.01.1995 - - -
Bolo Adventures is a challenging strategy
game where the objective is to get Mr. Bolo
out of 15 rooms of mind-boggling puzzles.
Each room is filled with obstacles such as
lasers, crates, water and boxes and more!
Unlike arcade games, Bolo Adventures isn't a
contest of how fast you're reflexes are, it's
a test of your resourcefulness. A must for
all serious gamers. Great Animated Graphics!
30355 BTLCHS10.ZIP 921356 19.10.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
*********  Battle Cheese v1.0  ******** *
Command your army of mutant cheese  * *
troops in a conquest for the world! * * An
exciting strategy game that      * * features
hi-res VGA graphics, Sound * * Blaster
support, and point & click  * * interface.
Shareware--only $8 for  * * the enhanced,
registered version!   * *          By Brad
Boggess            *
30362 BW14.ZIP 78807 30.11.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
"Board Warfare" version 1.4, Loosely based on
warfare strategy boardgames. Requirements:
DOS compatible PC, VGA graphics and 386 CPU
27373 CAESARFR.ZIP 1,5 Mt 06.08.1999 - MBHH2003 -
Caesar - full game released to public. Download & play the commercial game for Free. Originally released in 1993. Build a city and rise to the position of caesar of the Roman empire. More than 20 buildings to construct. Impressions classic offere city building aficionados their first chance to test their mettle as governor of Roman city. Now, step back in time to the first century A.D. Requires DOS. Includes documentation in .PDF-format. Unsupported. READ DOCS!
61814 CAMPAIGN.ZIP 315327 None versio 3.0 discmaster.textfiles.com -
Campaign, a Political Satire by Geoff Shaw of
Russian Under Ware Inc. Run for president,
lie and sling mud until you get elected. Try
to become President, campaign, debate, raise
money, lie, cheat, say "The Russians don't
wear underwear," all the fun stuff that
Politicians(r) do everyday. No H/W
27374 CAPFLA32.ZIP 403598 24.04.1996 - MBCD -
CAPTURE THE FLAG! v3.2 New Play by E-Mail!
"This wilderness version of hide-and-seek
remains the most exquisite shareware strategy
game for the PC. What makes it so great?
Maybe it's the artful melding of high detail
and ease of use...  Or Maybe it's the lovely
artwork.  This game is so intriguing that you
won't want to stop playing."  ELECTRONIC
ENTERTAINMENT pg 63, Oct 94.  640K, VGA, &
30366 CARGOBAY.ZIP 816406 15.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MVP's Cargo Bay strategy game. Altair-217 is
an experiment in peace. A criminal group has
vowed it will fail, however. They have
planted iradium explosive devices in cargo
bays throughout the station. If detonated,
the colonists will blame each other, and all
hopes for peace will vanish. Your job is to
preserve the peace by clearing Altair-217 of
all explosive devices. Suspense & excitement
rule in this new game from MVP.
30377 CHESSHOU.ARJ 656235 25.02.1996 - 23644/PCGAMER14.bin -
CHESSHOUSERS, Strategy chess game, from
Digital Dreams Multimedia, combining logic
and amousement in amazing concept.
27375 CLEANERF.ZIP 664,7 kt 02.09.1998 - MBCD -
Operation Cleaner 1.0 v212In this game you run a demolition firm. Your task is to demolish buildings 
and keep your company up and running. Requirements: 486, Pentium 
recommended, VGA, mouse, 1900kB of disk space, DOS (runs under 
Windows 95), SB optional. PKUnzip with -d (restore dir structure)
27376 CLEANR10.ZIP 664,7 kt 02.09.1998 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 -
Operation Cleaner 1.0.212In this game you run a demolition firm. Your task is to demolish buildings 
and keep your company up and running. Requirements: 486, Pentium 
recommended, VGA, mouse, 1900kB of disk space, DOS (runs under 
Windows 95), SB optional. PKUnzip with -d (restore dir structure)
27377 COE22PCD.ZIP 1,9 Mt 08.11.1999 - 10574/100 Great Games Windows ME.iso -
Conquest of Elysium 2.2 fantasy turn based wargame where you and your friends take control of a powerful warlord or wizard and struggle for total control of the continent Up to eight players may participate and the computer can control any free players. DOS. http://www.efd.lth.se/~d92jk/bogus.html
30390 CONQ21.ZIP 131579 23.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Conquest 2.1
Riskin tapainen maailmanvalloituspeli
30393 CORWP30.ZIP 107510 23.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Core Wars Pro 3.0
27378 CRI67A.ZIP 947,2 kt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
CRISIS v0.67 - strategic wargaming system currently undergoing early beta testing. Allows you to play realistic campaign and battle scenarios for conflicts from 500BC to the present day. You can play the scenarios provided with the game, or you can design your own. The scenario editor is highly configurable. DOS.
27379 CRIME.ZIP 896,8 kt 22.11.1997 - 1867/10tonsofgamesmegacollection1internationalsoftwarevalues1997.iso -
CRIME FIGHTER V1.5 (ASP): Strategy-, adventure-, action game. Up to four players try to seize the power in the underworld. For this they have to commit as many crimes as possible (raid banks, attack mail trains, steal cars, etc.). English and German text,mouse recommended, but also keyboard, hard drive, nice EGA/VGA-graphics, animation, New version from 1997! Author: Peter Steffen, P.O. Box 1371,32270 Kirchlengern Germany, PeterSteffen@compuserve.com
30397 CRS-CTRS.ZIP 123036 15.08.1995 - MBCD -
The absolute Tetris clone with lots of
special effects!    Cryonics 1995
27380 CRTRD101.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.12.2000 - MBHH2002 -
Creators v1.01 DEMO by the Mad Arab. A beautiful turn-based strategy game in fantasy world up to 4 players. Create your own army to dominate your rivals. Pentium, VBE2.0, 8 MB memory. Supports SB compatibles and GUS. 
27381 CRUSH!.ZIP 4,1 Mt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
CRUSH! from Stone Jackal Studios A strategy sports game similar to the ever popular Blood Bowl, CRUSH! has super graphics, excellent gameplay, and really deserves a look. DOS 486/50 8 Mb.
31322 CUBIX.ZIP 84021 11.05.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Cubix V1.0 - All new 1995 Shareware game True
3 dimensional strategy games you play inside
and around cubes. Multiple games for 1 or 2
players. Build 3D chains, set traps, build
blocks to twart your opponent. Easy to learn
yet very challenging to play. Play against
anyone anywhere in the world without needing
a network over the IRC, CB sim, or chat,
Limited cheat mode. Low reg fee.
27382 CWS141.ZIP 133526 24.01.1996 - MBCD -
VGA Civil War Strategy, 1 or 2 player
strategy level game of the American Civil
War. Recruit armies, control and fortify
cities, move armies and navies, conduct shore
bombardment, use railroads, and many other
features. Easy to play, but has subtle
strategy elements. Has random starting
condition option to provide fresh challenges.
Requires only 256k memory and VGA. Small, but
very enjoyable for strategists.
27383 DICT131.ZIP 162,5 kt 26.04.2000 - - -
Dictator v1.31 - classic retro remake. Textbased economic-politacal game from Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48k/Commodore 64. Author of original game is Don Priestley, DkTRONICS 1983. Game is very simple. You as new dictator of Ritimban Republic must be number one in republic as long as you can manage it. You go through screens by press any key or if answer or option required by keys. Political simulator, fun, easy, addictive. Free - EMAILWARE. DOS/Windows. 
30435 DIGGERS1.ZIP 1432520 14.04.1996 koko¹ MBHH1998 -
DIGGERS 1.0 is a fast-paced strategy/
adventure game in which quick thinking and
careful decision-making are essential. The
game takes place on the planet Zarg, where
large amounts of minerals and ores can be
found below the surface. Volcanic activity
has created many perils and hazards. You must
gather enough gems and gold-- using pure
mining skill or brute force-- to fulfill the
quota for each level. Millennium Media Group.
63174 DRGNBN12.ZIP 960185 27.05.1996 - MBCD tupla
Dragons Bane: Mah Jongg II v1.2: solitaire.
Second generation tile solitaire with SVGA
and VGA support and digitized sound effects.
Many play options, wide variety of available
tile sets and board layouts. Editor included
for both tiles and layouts. Extensive record
keeping. By Nels Anderson .
30459 EAST14.ZIP 421457 23.12.1994 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
East Front, 1914 v1.0 strategy wargame.
Boardgame style, operational level, DOS game
covering the first 3 months of WWI on the
eastern front.  Needs 286, 1Meg expanded
memory, 590k free RAM, VGA. 386 recommended.
Shareware ($28) Forgotten Fronts Simulations.
27384 EGATRK31.ZIP 130629 14.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
EGATrek v3.1: EGA/VGA space/strategy game.
You are in command of a powerful starship in
a battle to save the galaxy. Use your
weapons, scanners, comm, etc. to control your
ship. Colorful hi-res graphics in this
updated version of the classic space game. By
Nels Anderson (ASP).
27385 EMANA2.ZIP 85,3 kt 14.12.1999 renamed jonneweb.net -
EduskuntaManageri2. Astu Suomen eduskuntaan ja vallitse maatamamme. Päätä budjetista, veroista, tuista, armeijasta... Copyright OOgEsoft 1999 DOS, 286, VGA. http://www.angelfire.com/id/oogesoft 
29604 ENOID110.ZIP 203921 27.07.1995 - MBCD -
Electranoid v1.10s
Electranoid is designed to close the book on
all Arkanoid style programs. This game takes
break out to the limits! Not only do you
smash bricks, but you battle the enemy
fighters with lasers, missiles and just about
anything you can throw at them! This update
includes new ordering info, minor
enhancements and can use XMS instead of EMS.
Req: 2M RAM, VGA, Mouse & 386+; Opt: SB Card
27386 ETM10.ZIP 1,4 Mt 01.06.1997 - - -
Entrapment v1.0 Todella hyvä sotastrategia peli. Pelissä on SB,GUS ja PAS äänikortti tuki. vaatii: 486,SVGA,Hiiri. Copyright (C) Brilliants software 1997
30473 FACETX20.ZIP 135855 19.10.1995 - 909/JCSM Shareware Collection (September 30th 1995 Author to Vendor Edition) (JCS Distribution).ISO -
FaceTrex is a challenging and pure strategy
logic game where the objective is to use your
animated man to push faces located on a 12x8
grid board onto their negative image located
elsewhere on the board. The face grids will
slide in the direction pushed until they hit
either another face grid or the side of the
board, or special arrow grids which re-direct
the push. 25 mind-bending puzzles included!
27387 FHEROES.A01 1,4 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 2/10
27388 FHEROES.A02 1,4 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 3/10
27389 FHEROES.A03 1,4 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 4/10
27390 FHEROES.A04 1,4 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 5/10
27391 FHEROES.A05 1,4 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 6/10
27392 FHEROES.A06 1,4 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 7/10
27393 FHEROES.A07 1,4 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 8/10
27394 FHEROES.A08 1,4 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 9/10
27395 FHEROES.A09 127,2 kt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes 10/10
27396 FHEROES.ARJ 1,4 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Fallen Heroes ShareWare version A Big, heavy fantasy rpg/strategy game for DOS. Req. min. 486/66, 8 Mb, SVGA, mouse, 150 MB HD, Premium P100+ 16 MB+, sound card, printer.
27397 FIN200.ZIP 658,9 kt 04.05.1998 - MBCD -
FINAN$$I ver 2.0  * SVGA-grafiikka * mahtavat äänitehosteet
27398 FOB13_1.ZIP 684 kt 24.02.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fields of Battle Free Demo Version V1.3, packages fob13_1.zip->fob_8.zip, Fields of Battle - Strategic Warfare Series of World War I. Exciting strategic warfare game. You are the general staff of the involved empires. You decide where and when to expand production capacity, infrastructure and intelligence service. The army, navy and airforce is also in your control and you must plan your strategic campaigns wisely to win the war. Creators available on Net: e-mail:
64229 FOB13_1.ZIP 700457 25.02.1996 - MBCD tupla
Fields of Battle Free Demo Version V1.3,
packages fob13_1.zip->fob_8.zip, Fields of
Battle - Strategic Warfare Series of World
War I. Exciting strategic warfare game. You
are the general staff of the involved
empires. You decide where and when to expand
production capacity, infrastructure and
intelligence service. The army, navy and
airforce is also in your control and you must
plan your strategic campaigns wisely to win
the war. Creators available on Net: e-mail:
27399 FOB13_2.ZIP 700172 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle Free Demo Version V1.3,
packages fob13_1.zip->fob_8.zip,
27400 FOB13_3.ZIP 700176 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle Free Demo Version V1.3,
packages fob13_1.zip->fob_8.zip,
27401 FOB13_4.ZIP 700172 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle Free Demo Version V1.3,
packages fob13_1.zip->fob_8.zip,
27402 FOB13_5.ZIP 700156 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle Free Demo Version V1.3,
packages fob13_1.zip->fob_8.zip,
27403 FOB13_6.ZIP 700176 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle Free Demo Version V1.3,
packages fob13_1.zip->fob_8.zip,
27404 FOB13_7.ZIP 700148 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle Free Demo Version V1.3,
packages fob13_1.zip->fob_8.zip,
27405 FOB13_8.ZIP 514340 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
Fields of Battle Free Demo Version V1.3,
packages fob13_1.zip->fob_8.zip,
30486 FRONT.ZIP 86572 21.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Russisk Front - tanskankielinen strategiapeli
operaatio Barbarossasta. Ruotsia osaaville.
27406 FWARS10.ZIP 187820 13.06.1996 - MBCD -
Fantasy Wars v1.0.
Warlords-tyylinen strategiapeli 2-4
pelaajalle. Sharewarea.
64628 GUESS11.ZIP 857198 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Second Guess v1.1:  solitaire and more!
Concentration solitaire game with every
imaginable playing option. Also multi player
games and play versus the computer. VGA/SVGA
graphics and digitized sound effects for
SoundBlaster. Photo backgrounds and sharp,
detailed tiles for playing pieces with tile
editor included. By Nels Anderson (ASP).
40827 GWARS10.ZIP 53065 05.02.1995 - - -
Gravity Wars v1.0
Todella mielenkiintoinen avaruussotapeli
Windowsiin. Kaveri pitää ampua laserilla.
Planeetat muuttavat laserin kulkua. Haas-
tavaa ja hauskaa erityisesti kaksinpelinä
Siistit grafiikat ja animaatiot. Ja tämä
peli on vielä suomenkielinen!
27407 H-HOUR.ZIP 722168 19.01.1996 - MBCD -
H-HOUR Real Time Tactical War Game H-HOUR is
a Real-Time Tactical Combat Simulation. 1-2
players. 1900-1950 warfare. Platoon-squad
scale. 4x4 km map. 12 terrains. Unit-level
control. Open-ended engine, options, victory
conditions. Move, fire, visibility, morale,
land ownership, capture, transport,
dig-in/out, camouflage. 2 players: serial,
modem, IPX network. Windowing GUI. High res
256 color graphics. On the fly resolution
switch. Clean interface. On-line manual.
27408 H-HSOUND.ZIP 977619 19.01.1996 - MBCD -
H-HOUR Sound Files (IBM) Sound files for
H-HouR - Real-Time Tactical Networked Combat
30530 HBLITZ.ZIP 227116 24.01.1996 - - -
HORROR BLITZ ver. 1.0 By Dave & Terry Teare
RISK-variantti, runsaasti optioita.
30542 HOWITZ95.ZIP 324004 30.01.1995 - - -
Howitzer v0.95beta
by Randall Spangler
Multi-player artillery combat
simulator.  386+, Super-VGA required.
Digital Soundblaster sound.  Supports
EMS and screens up to 1024x768x256.
Many types of fractal landscapes,
weather, ammo, shields, computer
64895 HRM-PELT.ZIP 93078 16.11.1995 - - -
╠╝  HiRMUuuragh.║jees.   ╣
║ PELTOPELI - älä vohki! Kasvata peltoa ja
jännää tuliko hyväkin sato. Valitse useista
vilja-ja lannote-lajesta ja kylvä
║    (>HiRMU<)       ║
27409 HUUHKAJA.ZIP 277,9 kt 16.07.1998 - MBHH1999 -
HUUHKAJA-shakki. Vaatii DOS, XT/486, VGA. Pelaa virallisilla shakkisäännöillä. Jos siirto olisi laiton HUUHKAJA neuvoo lailliset siirrot kirkastamalla ruudut. Pelaa sitä paremmin mitä nopeampi on kone. Pyrkii käyttämään saman ajan kuin pelaajakin. http://www.personal.eunet.fi/pp/bilis/ huuhkaja.zip
27410 ISOWI101.ARJ 987,8 kt 15.09.1998 - MBCD -
IsoWiha versio 1.01 Taatusti kotimainen strategiapeli toisesta ma Taistelut painottuvat tietenkin Suomen jatkos ukana myös muutamat pakolliset taistelut muilta rintamil Suositus    : Pentium, Svga ja SoundBlaster t Minimi      : 486    , Svga (toimii, mutta hi
30576 KCHESS.ZIP 176759 08.12.1996 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso -
K-Chess for DOS v2.2 - An instructional chess
program which shows it's own calculations on
screen as it works, helping you to play
better. Includes various types of hints, one
or two player or autoplay modes, multi level
undo and redo, save and restore games, and
print game listings. Full keyboard and mouse
control, and online help. Hard to beat!
30582 KINGS20.ZIP 60252 24.04.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Kings v2.0
Kings is a game about being the dominant
civilization on a planet. You control your
civilization, build cities, control trade
and production, and command your armies in
65584 KORT.ZIP 583438 24.12.1994 väärä koko The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
King Arthur's K.O.R.T. by MVP Software .
Great new Medieval strategy game in which you
must conquer Great Britain.  256 color VGA
graphics, terrific theme music, digitized
sound effects and voices!  Who says valor and
chivalry are dead.  Prepare for battle! Req
286+, VGA, mouse.
30619 MECH112.ZIP 757262 06.01.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Mech 1.12, Battletech-strategiapeli
30620 MEGA700.ZIP 519433 27.07.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Megatron VGA
66217 MN.ZIP 778164 24.12.1994 - - tupla
Metallic Nations
Sotastrategia-peli, jossa pyrit
valloittamaan "Novia"-tähtiparven
herruuden. Monessa suhteessa parempi kuin
Civilization tai Empire.
66240 MONOGL11.ZIP 76490 28.02.1996 - - -
22quirements - just a 80286 or better, a VGA
(or better) monitor, and the standard 640K of
RAM should be all you need.
30634 MOTTI.ZIP 53827 24.02.1995 - MBCD -
Motti the Game v1.0
Helposti omaksuttava strategiapeli, jossa
ideana on vallata alueita viholliselta jopa
4 pelaajan voimin. Suomeksi!
27411 MULE051A.ZIP 716 kt 30.12.1999 - miscfindos.zip -
"MULE version 0.51 Alpha Classic retro remake. This is basically PC-conversion of Commodore64s M.U.L.E. One of the most addicting and classic games of all time. Colonize a planet with up to four players at the same time! Quick reactions and complex strategies lead to victory in this highly elaborated simulation of a self-supporting group of planeteers. By Toni Räsänen http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~taur DOS."
27412 MULE05A.ZIP 452,3 kt 12.10.1999 - MBCD -
"Img MULE version 0.5 Alpha Classic retro remake. This is basically PC-conversion of Commodore64s M.U.L.E. One of the most addicting and classic games of all time. Colonize a planet with up to four players at the same time! Quick reactions and complex strategies lead to victory in this highly elaborated simulation of a self-supporting group of planeteers. DOS."
30640 MULE386.ZIP 1108328 24.12.1994 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
M.U.L.E. 386 Converted from the old Atari 800
and Commodore 64 game. BETA release
66531 NERO.ZIP 37436 01.02.1996 - MBCD -
NERO on suomalainen shakkipeli, josta riittää
vastusta kokeneemmallekin pelaajalle.
27413 NERO3.ZIP 56,1 kt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
Nero 3 - suomalainen shakkipeli josta riittää vastusta kokeneemmallekin pelaajalle. Yksinkertainen ja rumahko, mutta nopea ja helppo pelattava. DOS.
27414 NERO4.ZIP 60,8 kt 22.11.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Nero 4. My strongest chess program so far. Developement happens all the time... Ssuomalainen shakkipeli josta riittää vastusta kokeneemmallekin pelaajalle. Yksinkertainen ja rumahko, mutta nopea ja helppo pelattava. DOS.
27415 NWAR210.ZIP 1,3 Mt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
Nuclear War v2.10 Deluxe. This is the game about the Nuclear Holocast and other seedy, suspicious things nations do to each other. You are one of five rulers over the world and your only goal is to take over the world. Nuke them, send propaganda, build big weapons. Fast and fun half arcade half strategy game. You can play over 40 different characters. Play yourself, hot seat or against friends over IPX network. By Markus Backman http://www.cs.umu.se/~ens97mba DOS
30666 OAKFLAT.ZIP 182918 24.01.1996 - 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-385-Vol-1of3.iso -
The Oakflat Nuclear Power Plant Simulator
v3.0sw. Run a light-water pressure fission
reactor and generate electricity at a profit.
A score based on amount of power generated,
damage to plant, and financial figures.
30672 ONTRGT15.ZIP 93810 30.05.1995 - 21894/Image.bin -
OnTarget v1.5- VGA Artillery Game
(c)1987,1994 by RAD Software PO Box 1991,
Columbus, GA  31902 The BEST artillery game
that others have been trying to emulate!
This is the shareware version of Villa
Crespo Software's best-selling game!
Shoot artillery pieces at each other under
a beautiful star-filled moon-lit night sky.
Play against a friend or the computer!
27416 ORV-D094.ZIP 1,1 Mt 01.03.2000 - - -
 Orvelot - DOS version 0.94.  A real time strategy game for 1-4  players on one computer or up to 16  players using a network. Freeware.  Requires: Pentium 120MHz+, 8 MB RAM,  VGA. Recommended: Celeron 300MHz+,  32 MB RAM, SVGA. 
30678 PAAVO.ZIP 32790 24.04.1993 - - -
PAAVO: Hallitus-simulaatio, jossa pyrit
mahdollisimman korkealle tasolle Paavona ...
30684 PBT12.ZIP 255455 24.10.1995 - MBCD -
!!!   PAYBACKTIME  V 1.2   !!!  An ultimate
Laser Squad style duel game. Terminate your
friends with massive collection of weapons in
different battlefields. All editors included
: Map editor, Weapon editor, Item editor ...
Supports all SB compatible cards. Works fine
on 386 sx + machines. This game can make your
best friend turn into a deadly enemy... NOW :
Bugfixed version, lots of weapons and new
maps... ***********************************
67106 PBT15.ZIP 270100 09.02.1996 - MBCD -
!!!   PAYBACKTIME  V 1.5   !!!  An ultimate
Laser Squad/UFO style duel game. Terminate
your friends with massive collection of
weapons in different battlefields. Your
soldiers will improve in their skills and
your battle-unit will grow. But beware...
Your enemy is waiting.  All editors included
: Map editor, Weapon editor, Item editor.
Supports all SB compatible cards. Works fine
on 286+ machines.  NOW : LAST MAJOR VERSION.
Lots of new graphics added, improved
27417 POLL126.ZIP 642,3 kt 31.07.1999 - - -
POLLUX v1.26 by FLP. Competitive game of interstellar exploration, diplomacy and conquest. You are elected as the leader of your planets government. You will be in charged of the production of food, raw materials, starships etc. Your object is to explore and conquer the galaxies. Develop new sciences. More than 100 sciences, over 100 ship hulls and diplomacy. DOS.
30716 POLLUX.ZIP 688808 24.02.1996 - MBCD -
Pollux v1.0 Final Beta September 1995 The
Starage Simulation by FLP Explore and conquer
new worlds and galaxies, research more than
100 science fields, design your own ships.
Play Pollux v1.0
27418 PT2.ZIP 654,8 kt 23.07.1997 - MBCD -
Payback Time 2The ultimate tactical combat simulation game.  386 required, 486 recommended. 
30738 R2.ZIP 90119 21.03.1995 renamed archive.org -
Russian Front II - strategiapeli
Kurskin taistelusta itärintamalta.
30745 REAP11.ZIP 168973 24.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Reaping the Dungeon 1.1 - FRONTLINE SOFTWARE
VGA strategy game! Battle powerful creatures
with modern weapons and devices purchased at
shops. Sell treasure at varying prices. Many
abilities can be improved using Raw Crystals
which are found deep below Jupiters surface!
Species of magical mushrooms and visual orbs
will help with your weapon recovery mission!
30752 RET1.ZIP 67351 18.12.1996 - - -
Colonize v1.0
A new game by Retch
productions. You are in
charge of a new colony
on the moon. Build a
strong settlement and
defend your territory.
30755 REX210.ZIP 277134 23.02.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Imperium Rex v2.10 Strategy Wargame for
MS-DOS. Goal: Take over and rule all of
civilization. Strategy, tactics, and
logistics all play a role in the success of
your empire. The Neutral Player (NP) resists
all change (computer-played). More than one
human player is best. Playable remotely,
non-real-time. Colour VGA 512k & Mouse.
30760 ROBOTC12.ZIP 395454 15.12.1995 - 21316/hot-shareware-01.iso -
░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███ ROBOT CRUSADES v1.0 ███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░
Copyright (c) 1994 By: John A. Reder ---=<
RederWare >=--- Welcome to the 22nd Century!
Where RoboSports are so popular that it is
big business!   You are a Corporate Crusade
Strategest!  Your job is to design a robotic
army that will flatten the competition.  The
UnRegistered version of this game is
SHAREWARE! VGA and Minimum DOS 5 or better
required.  WARGAME!  Happy Hunting!
68013 RRISK.ZIP 124114 16.06.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
RRisk -strategiapeli. Kuin aito.
30779 SC3-104.ZIP 117103 25.08.1995 - MBCD -
Stellar Conquest III v1.04  - Space
Strategy wargame, VGA/mouse required. 286+
required. Design your own ships, and play a 2
to 4 player game (any of which can be human
or computer). Select from plasma cannons,
lasers, cloaking devices, torpedo launchers,
and more to build your fleet to compete for
resources and destroy your enemies!
[NecroBones] $10
27419 SFCS-154.ZIP 1868883 20.04.1996 - - -
│   SFCS:The Academy Free Release V1.52    │
│ Star Fleet Combat Simulator: The Academy │
│ Version 1.52. The Best Starship Simulator│
│ ever! This new FREE version includes 2   │
│ Scenarios with 3 Levels of Difficulty and│
│ full Control of Power Distribution.      │
│ D/L 2 files: SFCS-152.zip & SFCSVRTM.zip │
│                                          │
27420 SIMWARFW.ZIP 127,6 kt 17.03.1998 - MBCD -
Simple Warfare - yksinkertainen vuoropohjainen freeware strategiapeli 2-4 pelaajalle. DOS. Tehnyt Jukka Kokkonen
27421 SLORDS.ZIP 3,2 Mt 18.07.2000 - MBHH2003 -
Star Lords Avaruusstrategia. Master of Orionin esi-isä. Viimeistelemätön mutta täysin pelattava strategia, jossa pelaaja johtaa avaruusimperiumiaan. Kehitä teknologiaa, tutki avaruutta, rakenna siirtokuntia, sodi ja neuvottele. Peli sisältää kaikki hyvän avaruusstrategian, ns. neljän E:n "Ex4"ominaisuuden. Toimii MS-DOS tilassa. Ei kopiointisuojausta. 
27422 SPWW207.ZIP 29,7 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World War II v2.07.  Ilmainen muunnos SSI:n strategiapeliin jossa siitä tehdään entistä monipuolisempi, pelattavampi ja realistisempi. Ohjelmaan on käytetty tuhansia työtunteja, muun muassa uusia grafiikoita ja kymmeniä uusia yksiköitä luotaessa. Asennetaan puhtaan Steel Panthers II asennuksen päälle. Korjaa samalla SP2:n toimimaan myös uusissa P2-koneissa.
27423 SPWW222B.ZIP 7,4 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World War II v2.07->2.2b.  2.2b-versio korjaa runsaasti bugeja ja tuo uusia ominaisuuksia. Paketissa 2.2-versio josta päivitetään versioon 2.2b.
30824 SQUAD136.ZIP 170939 26.12.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
COP SQUAD v1.36 - Like to play "Cops &
Robbers" ? This game gives you a chance to
test your knowledge of law and your use of
your own common sense. Your goal is to rise
from the rank of ROOKIE to become the CHIEF
OF POLICE! You will take promotional exams,
visit doughnut shops, conduct investigations
and fight your suspects. Basic registration
is $15.00 (Deluxe registration for $20.00
includes a Player Editor) and all future
68682 STARCOMM.ZIP 473650 08.01.1995 - - tupla
Star Commander
Captain your own starship while unleashing
deadly destruction on others!
A game of tactical space combat
30841 STPOLICE.ZIP 470020 06.03.1996 - MBCD -
"Stellar Police"
is a Role-Play style video game based on
a Commodore 64 action game created with
BR0DERBUND'S "Arcade Game Construction
Kit" in 1989.
30856 TACT538.ZIP 351635 24.04.1995 - MBCD -
Tactical v5.38 Star Fleet Battles Simulator.
NEW VERSION!  Bugs Fixed!  Based on FASA's
Star Trek RPG. Allows combat with up to 30
ships at once. All ships from The Fed, Rom, &
Klingon fleets included. One or two player
modes. Registered version includes the New
Generation versions of Fed, Rom, & Klingon
ships + the Ferengi and the ability to design
your own ships!--Shareware! Only $25.
30862 TANKWAR.ZIP 242874 16.04.1995 - - -
TANK - The Great War
Upea strategia-peli by Jukka Kokkonen.
Peli vaatii toimiakseen VGA-kortin
ja vain noin 700 KB kovalevyä.
Kerrassaan mahtava peli!!!
30861 TANKWARS.ZIP 211790 21.03.1995 - 6180/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (July 1994).iso -
Tank Wars, Artillery Duel -tyyppinen
27424 TOM3DCH1.ZIP 184,3 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
TOMMY\'S ALMOST 3-D CHESS (TM-229) A mini-chess game played on 5 x 4 x 3 cube. Pieces can levitate 1 level before moving. Easy to learn, cool to play against PC or another person.  Multi-level lookahead. Auto save/restore.  Works with any DOS PC or clone, any monitor, no mouse/joystick needed. (c) Copyright 1998 by Tommy\'s Toys (TM) "Programmed by aliens from outer space" (TM)
27425 TOS12.ZIP 6,9 Mt 05.06.2000 - MBHH2001 -
"Titans of Steel v1.2 tactical BattleMech strategy gamean offspring of Mechforcethe brilliant Amiga classic by Ralph H. Reed.Turn basedMech combat. Build your own combat vehiclesassemble teams and fight with huge combat vehicles that can weight more 100 tons Unique idea with excellent presentation and playability. DOS 486 24 MB RAM 15 MB HD SVGA (Vesa 1.2) Solo & hotseat play. Supports IPX multiplayer. By Vicious Byte. "
27426 TOSMENU.ZIP 333,3 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Titans of Steel graphical module laucher by Travis Alexander
30889 TRBTRK13.ZIP 155435 07.01.1995 - - -
Turbo Trek v1.3 Strategiapeli avaruudessa
30908 UNT-HUR.ZIP 70787 07.01.1995 - - -
Hurkle - Strategy Game [1/1]
30911 UTOPIA20.ARJ 109100 30.01.1995 - MBCD -
Utopia V2.0 - onko sinusta Suomen johtajaksi?
Pääministerinä luotsaat maatamme halki
kivikkoisten kuukausien, pyrkien huolehtimaan
maan taloudesta, työllisyydestä yms,
tehden lakeja ja tiukkoja päätöksiä.
27427 WAP099.ZIP 206,7 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
War and Production 0.99 FW Dos strategy game which tries to be somewhere between Civilization and Railroad Tycoon. Bad interface but good design otherwise. DOS. 286. No sounds. 2-8 players. Made by Dan-Anders Strömberg and Patrik Karlsson.
30925 WARBOTS.ZIP 71944 15.08.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Warbots - voit ohjelmoida itse
taistelurobotteja yksinkertaisella ja
helposti opittavalla ohjelmointikielellä.
27428 WARDIARY.ZIP 3669835 05.12.1996 - MBCD -
WAR DIARY War Diary -a real time strategy
game based on actual events in the 16th
century. Build and manage complex bases from
which to launch your attacks. Fell the trees,
smelt the Iron, harvest your crops. Trade
your resources. Your army -archers, footmen,
knights, artillery etc. must defend your
homeland against an invading army. Requires:
486+, VGA, 8MB RAM, mouse, Sound Blaster or
compatible. Published by The Game Factory.
31174 WARLD2ED.ZIP 52966 23.11.1994 - - -
Editori Warlords II:een.
Mahdollistaa kaupunkien, niiden tuotannon
ja eri arvojen muuttelun.
30927 WARSHELL.ZIP 1271091 21.12.1996 - - -
War is Hell - A futuristic top-view
action/strategy game. Req. 486/33 & 4 MB.
battle-strategy-action game that will test
your strategic and tactical skills, as well
as your eye-hand coordination. The objective
is to crush your enemy with a wide variety of
spacecraft and weaponry using cunning and
cat-like reflexes.
27429 WIR20.ZIP 3,8 Mt 03.09.2000 - - -
"Gary Grigsbys War In Russia The Matrix Project - Complete v2.0. Alunperin 1993 SSI:n julkaisema klassinen sotastrategia uusitussa kuosissa. Matrix Games on ohjelmoinut pelin sisukset uusiksikorjaten bugejalisäten uusia ominaisuuksia ja niin edelleen. Ulkoasu on kuitenkin ennallaan. www.matrixgames.comDOS/386. "
30935 WORLD10.ZIP 76909 24.01.1996 - 20928/400 MB Of Top PC Shareware.iso -
The World is Mine! V1.0 ASCII-based strategy
game or world conquest. Combines military
conquests with domestic harmony, resource
managing, keeping morale and industries up.
Simulate power struggle between 10 opposing
30948 WW2107.ZIP 253284 30.11.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WW2 in Europe v1.07 Copyright (c) 1995 W. R.
Hutsell 1-2 Player Strategy Wargame with PBM
and multiple scenarios
70216 WWII.ZIP 86658 19.05.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso tupla
vanha ANSI-grafiikalla toteutettu
strategiapeli toisesta maailmansodasta.
30951 WZ111.ZIP 122106 16.11.1995 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso -
WarZone v1.11: game where the year is 2041 &
the world has gone to hell - as the leader of
one of the world's most powerful armies, you
must attack and dispose of your enemies to
form the ultimate world empire. your enemies
are 10 different foes w/varying strengths.
27430 X0_11.ZIP 30,5 kt 21.10.1997 - MBHH1998 -
X-0 on perinteinen  suomalainen jätkänshakki 1-2 pelaajalle. Nyt siis mukana myös tietokone- pelaaja!!! Pieni, mutta  hyvin tehty. FREEWARE. Vaatii: DOS,VGA.
27431 XO130.ZIP 185,4 kt 15.10.1998 - - -
RISTINOLLA v1.30 You can play against your best friend in a thrilling, bug free, entertaining, wonderful game. DOS.
30968 ZASER.ZIP 138988 19.01.1996 - MBCD -
Zaserboard - strategic chess, Zaserboard is a
two to four player game with the goal of
defeating all other players by destroying
their kings. Zaserboard is played on a 13 X
13 chess like board with each Zaserpiece
having different characteristics.
28752 1XENO-A.ZIP 515833 07.05.1996 renamed 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
░▒▓ Xenophage v1.0 Shareware From Apogee █▓▒░
░▒▓ and Argo --- A Killer Fighting Game! █▓▒░
Part #1 of 5.  Also needs #1XENO-B,C,D,E.ZIP.
"...revolutionary game design, it may indeed
knock fighting fans into another universe of
apocalyptic action." ─ Strategy Plus.  Visit
www.apogee1.com for screen shots. Supports
640x480 SVGA for awesome detail. Innovative
panning/zooming arenas. Special moves, combos
resurrections & humiliations. Rip flesh NOW!
28753 1XENO-B.ZIP 1456198 07.05.1996 renamed 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
░▒▓ Xenophage v1.0 Shareware From Apogee █▓▒░
Part #2 of 5.  Also needs #1XENO-A,C,D,E.ZIP.
28754 1XENO-C.ZIP 1455338 07.05.1996 renamed 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
░▒▓ Xenophage v1.0 Shareware From Apogee █▓▒░
Part #3 of 5.  Also needs #1XENO-A,B,D,E.ZIP.
28755 1XENO-D.ZIP 1455546 07.05.1996 renamed 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
░▒▓ Xenophage v1.0 Shareware From Apogee █▓▒░
Part #4 of 5.  Also needs #1XENO-A,B,C,E.ZIP.
28756 1XENO-E.ZIP 1453821 07.05.1996 renamed 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
░▒▓ Xenophage v1.0 Shareware From Apogee █▓▒░
Part #5 of 5.  Also needs #1XENO-A,B,C,D.ZIP.
28757 1XENO.ZIP 6332562 29.04.1996 - MBCD -
░▒▓ Xenophage v1.0 Shareware From Apogee █▓▒░
░▒▓ and Argo --- A Killer Fighting Game! █▓▒░
"...revolutionary game design, it may indeed
knock fighting fans into another universe of
apocalyptic action." ─ Strategy Plus.  Visit
www.apogee1.com for screen shots. Supports
640x480 SVGA for awesome detail. Innovative
panning/zooming arenas. Special moves, combos
resurrections & humiliations. Rip flesh NOW!
Great music & sounds.  Created by Argo Games.
30351 BRUDAL14.ZIP 1232072 04.12.1995 - MBCD -
==-      BRUDAL BADDLE  v1.4   -== A Fast
Action Fighting Game in the Tradition of
Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter 2.   Flying
blood, turbo speeds, cool sound, hot music,
digitized actors and special moves. 386 or
better, VGA, 4 MB ram
30395 COZE20.ZIP 1130832 23.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Fight single matches, elimination tournaments
or the awesome 20 monsters bash, which is one
of the most action-packed event every seen!
Elite Edition includes better graphix than
Champions of Zulula, more monsters, one more
boss, digital sound support.  Download one of
the most original fight game today!
Requires    : [VGA][1mb XMS]
Recommended : [386+][Adlib/SB/PAS/GUS]
30478 FIGHTER.ZIP 1945050 29.11.1995 - - -
JENRE : on-line fighter action game, 8
characters, powerful motion of CPU
characters, speedy actions, diverse attacking
techniques, head to head play with modem or
serial cable.
32019 MAV-WRD1.ZIP 1457769 25.05.1995 - - -
32020 MAV-WRD2.ZIP 1327295 25.05.1995 - - -
28758 OMFPD.ZIP 6,3 Mt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
One Must Fall 2097 (OMF) full version. Commercial game released to PD. Welcome to the future of fighting from Epic MegaGames. In the year 2097 steel will bend and sparks will fly.  You control a massive robot through match after match of strategic fighting action. Blazing animation, stereo music & sound for all major sound cards, 1 or 2 player action. A true Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter killer--MUST SEE TO BELIEVE. Now with Modem/Network/Serial play! DOS.
28759 OMFSW21A.ZIP 1403645 20.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
---==== OMF 2097: Final Release v2.1====---
Welcome to the future of fighting from Epic
MegaGames. In the year 2097 steel will bend
and sparks will fly.  You control a massive
robot through match after match of strategic
fighting action. Blazing animation, stereo
music & sound for all major sound cards, 1 or
2 player action. A true Mortal Kombat and
Street Fighter killer--MUST SEE TO BELIEVE.
Now with Modem/Network/Serial play!
28760 OMFSW21B.ZIP 1447224 20.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
---==== OMF 2097: Final Release v2.1====---
disk 2 / 3
28761 OMFSW21C.ZIP 125620 20.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
---==== OMF 2097: Final Release v2.1====---
disk 3 / 3
28762 SANGO.ZIP 1140806 13.06.1996 - 12422/1999-cave-bbs-filesection.zip -
Sango Fighters. Taistelupeli, jossa on suoran
tappelun lisäksi tarinapeli.
Shareware-versiossa voi valita kahdesta
ukosta. Superaseita ja erikoiliikkeitä.
30790 SENTO.ZIP 1439086 24.02.1995 - MBCD -
Sentoo(TM) v1.01 - A real-time rendered True
3D Fighting game playable on any PC 486DX2/66
with Local BUS VGA or higher with 8 MB RAM.
(Pentium rec.) Sentoo(tm) also has full
sound, MIDI & Joystick support for machines
equipted with SB Compatible hardware.  A
Registered Version is available directly from
47-TEK by calling (800) 478-4788 for only
$29.47. The CD-ROM has all the characters of
SENTOO(TM) and another game,"CREEP
CLASH(TM)", Full Motion Video, High
28763 SFLIU21.ZIP 2496088 20.04.1996 - - -
--== SFLIU Hyper Fighting  ==-- Version 2.10
- Street Fighter II like beat'em'up.
28764 SFLIU220.ZIP 1331393 20.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
SFLIU V2.20 UPDATE, needs SFLIU V2.1 to work.
Fixes bugs and adds a "Super Street Fighter
2" mode.
28765 SSF2ALL.ZIP 5,1 Mt 04.11.1998 - - -
"Super Street Fighter 2 - 2nd Impact A DOS freeware game based on Capcoms arcade smash hit!"
28766 TIMESLA.ZIP 12,3 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
"Timeslaughter FREEWARE.  Bloodlust Software 1996. Beatemup. Characters from unique time periods are zapped from place to placeeach with their own reason to fight. Certainly the bloodiest PC game when it was released. Features: Tons of movesspecial movesand slaughter moves for eachcompletely unique charactermulti-layered fully animated backgrounds etc. DOS."
30975 ZULU.ZIP 479727 11.05.1995 renamed archive.org -
Champion Of Zulula
VGA/Adlib fight game!  Choose from 16
different races and fight your way to the
top of the tournament!  Battle single
matches, elimination tournament or the
awesome 20 monsters bash!  When you're
ready, face the challenge of the 3 evil
lords!  Oracle Software Enr.
Req:[VGA][64k EMS] Rec: [386+][Adlib]
60000 !1HYPER.ZIP 1064835 14.10.1995 - MBCD tupla
HYPERCYCLES(tm) Hot New Game by Aclypse!
Exciting, full perspective, intense, high
speed 3D action on the grid, enemy riders
laying laser walls to surround you. Carriers
and stalkers flying above, dropping evil upon
you. As you ride your HYPERCYCLE, you see
over your shoulder that a Laser Tank is
moving in for the kill. But with your ground
and surface to air missiles you'll make them
pay. Intense 256 Color VGA, music and sound
effects. (Shareware) Req. 486 33Mhz 4MB
60001 !BILLY10.ZIP 533966 22.02.1995 renamed 7499/arcadebbs.zip tupla
Billy The Kid 1.0 from Alive Software
A 3D VGA Western Action Arcade Game. Many
levels, 256 color scrolling action, Escape
from prison, survive the New Mexico desert,
rattle snakes, buffaloes, bombs, gunmen and
other surprises. Explore the old man's mine
and his army of mice, fight with gangs,
cross Ghost- towns, find treasures, face
deadly enemies, Apache warriors and Sheriff
Pat Garrett's lethal six shooter. Requires:
VGA, 286-16 and 530K of memory
60003 !C-KONG.ZIP 310749 24.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
The object of CHAMP Kong is to save your
girlfriend from the love sick ape named Kong!
Requires: 386/25Mhz or better, VGA, 450k
60004 !CRYSTAL.ZIP 174465 08.01.1996 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Crystal Madness - Mark Davis '95
A hot, new, mind boggling, quick
thinking, fast action arcade game!
With: SoundBlaster, 256VGA
60009 !TIKKA13.ZIP 85056 22.07.1996 - MBCD tupla
TIKKA versio 1.3
1-4 Pelaajalle !
- Osumat !
- Tulokset !
- Keskiarvot !
Lord Wullias
60012 #1AC.ZIP 1750856 01.11.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
ALIEN CARNAGE v1.0 ─ Apogee game!
386 or better required! The best 256-color
*VGA* action/arcade game for the IBM PC! If
Duke Nukem has a twin, it's Harry--with an
arsenal of powerful weapons (guided missile,
photon cannon, micro nukes, jetpack, more)
Harry has the zombie aliens shakin' in their
slimy shoes! Cool cinematics, Sound Blaster
music, superb animation, hilarious story.
This game was formerly Halloween Harry.
60013 #1AGENT.ZIP 255058 01.08.1993 - MBCD -
ALL-NEW for Feb. 1992. EGA/VGA graphics.
Full-screen scrolling adventure/action game
were you play a top agent who must retrieve
stolen plans to a deadly laser satellite.
Action and puzzles galore!
60014 #1ARCTIC.ZIP 147701 01.08.1993 - MBCD -
The chilling sequel to Pharaoh's Tomb finds
Nevada Smith on the hunt for more treasure,
this time in icy glaciers.  Perilous traps
and puzzles will stump you on every level.
Will you survive the abominable snowman?
Ultra-smooth animation, detailed graphics,
and arcade sound effects.
60015 #1BASH21.ZIP 1024502 01.08.1993 - MBCD -
Young hero Johnny Dash visits the Under World
of Count Chuck to save his dog, Tex. Over 2
Megs compressed graphics (Apogee's biggest
game yet!).  Full Ad Lib soundtrack and
nightmarish Sound Blaster digitized effects.
Two cinematic scenes.  Get the file
#1MB-PIX.ZIP for preview slide show.
Absolutely the most animated game Apogee has
created to date.  Three skill levels.
60016 #1BIO11.ZIP 654521 24.08.1993 - - -
Total action, kick butt, Duke Nukem-style,
shoot-everything-that-moves adventure. As a
CIA agent, you must rescue Metro City from
the mutant army of Dr. Mangle.  Use several
high-powered weapons & watch the guts fly!
Great levels, Ad Lib music & sounds, huge
boss creatures, stunning variety. GET THIS!
Developed with Id Software's game engine.
Secret areas and maneuvers to discover. 286+
60017 #1BOP11.ZIP 1349374 11.01.1995 - MBCD -
BOPPIN' v1.1 from APOGEE!
Variety jammed arcade/puzzle game!
In an alternate *arcade game* universe, you
must free dozens of imprisoned enemies from
other video games. Each level has unique VGA
graphics in this unusual game. Violence mode
provided. Cool animation & cinematics. MIDI
music & digital sound for all popular cards.
One or two can play together.  Level editor
in full version, plus 160 levels! Shareware.
By Accursed Toys. Supports two joysticks.
60024 #1COSMO.ZIP 540514 01.08.1993 - MBCD -
ALL-NEW, Mar. 1992. SUPERB EGA/VGA graphics.
Full-screen wide adventure/action game made
with SUPERIOR graphics than our Duke Nukum.
Show-stopping animation!  FIRST EVER IBM PC
theme songs!  Help Cosmo rescue his parents
on a peril-packed planet!  80286+ required!
60025 #1CRYSTL.ZIP 238434 01.08.1993 - MBCD -
Ultra-smooth, full-screen scrolling EGA
animation and graphics, like Commander Keen.
You're Mylo, and you're out to strike it
rich. Explore an Altarian planet in this
action-packed arcade roller coaster ride.
Excellent animation and screen effects.
Joystick supported. By Apogee. Member SPA.
60026 #1DUKE.ZIP 292483 01.08.1993 - MBCD -
Save Earth in this amazing EGA super game!
Over one megabyte of animation and graphics!
Incredible 360° dual-layered playfields,
like never before seen on an IBM PC! Builtin
hint mode, joystick support, arcade sound
effects, save/restore, etc. This game beats
the Sega Genesis games--a real show stopper!
60028 #1HH12.ZIP 1311454 08.11.1993 - MBCD -
386 or better required! The best 256-color
*VGA* action/arcade game for the IBM PC! If
Duke Nukem has a twin, it's Harry--with an
arsenal of powerful weapons (guided missile,
photon cannon, micro nukes, jetpack, more)
Harry has the zombie aliens shakin' in their
slimy shoes! Cool cinematics, Sound Blaster
music, superb animation, hilarious story.
Save/restore, 3 skill levels, boss enemies.
60029 #1HOCUS.ZIP 913471 29.08.1994 - MBCD -
386SX or higher -- 567K required
Scrolling action game like Mario Bros., with
constant variety of levels, graphics, music,
enemies and awesome parallaxing backgrounds.
In a magical kingdom, Hocus must overcome
many realms before becoming a full-fledged
Wizard.  Supports ALL major sound boards,
like Ad Lib, GUS, PAS, SB & general midi.
Three skill levels, joystick/pad optional.
Copyright (c) 1994 Mike Voss. >shareware<
60030 #1KEEN.ZIP 226049 01.08.1993 - - -
Five months straight as the number one
selling shareware program--unprecedented!.
This vivid EGA game has four-way scrolling
levels and great arcade action. No other IBM
game as ever duplicated Nintendo action
better. You're lost on Mars, battling the
Vorticons. Dozens of great features.
60032 #1MAJR14.ZIP 581749 01.08.1993 - MBCD -
Triple parallax scrolling sets this action
shoot 'em up game apart from any other.
EGA/VGA graphics, joystick, AdLib & Sound
Blaster supported. Incredible 3-D illusion of
depth. Become Earth's greatest hero as you
repel an alien invasion. Multi-skill levels,
cinematics, demo, saved games, etc.
60033 #1MAR7.ZIP 88792 20.03.1996 - MBCD -
Mario!!! v1.7   By Chaos Software, is a
NEW, VGA 256 color arcade game clone of the
old Super Mario Bros. games for Nintendo. But
throw away the Nintendo, Mario!!! is here!
Mario has the best of all of the SMB games.
And its only 80k!! So Download Mario!!!
now!!!! PB !!!!
60034 #1MARS.ZIP 152107 01.08.1993 - - -
Rocket to Mars and explore the mysterious
structures that seem to be built by an alien
civilization. You must rescue trapped NASA
astronauts, survive countless hazards, and
uncover ancient secrets.  Great arcade action
and adventure, with plenty of alien
surprises.  A CGA game with Nintendo-like
60035 #1PAGA.ZIP 338429 31.10.1994 - MBCD -
Indiana Jones look out--here comes Alabama
Smith! Paganitzu is an epic EGA graphics
adventure game in a vast Aztec pyramid.  Can
you overcome the amazing puzzles in the many
perilous chambers.  Longest animated ending
sequence ever in an APOGEE game.  Very fun
game!  Joystick supported.  Member SPA.
60036 #1PTOMB.ZIP 134047 31.10.1994 - MBCD -
A colorful arcade game full of puzzles,
prizes and adventure.  Journey into a vast
Egyptian pyramid in search of priceless
treasure. Excellent run & jump type game with
smooth animation and great sound effects.
3eviewed in Computer Gaming World as
"Superior". Joystick support.
60040 #4KEEN.ZIP 664947 31.10.1994 - - -
ALL-NEW! Ground breaking EGA/VGA graphics &
incredibly smooth animation! Apogee & Id
Software bring you a brilliant sequel, an
EPIC adventure with 1.6 MEGs of graphics,
smooth scrolling levels, Ad Lib music, tilted
level view, and hilarious action sequences!
60041 #4KEENC.ZIP 521505 31.10.1994 - MBCD -
ALL-NEW! Finally in CGA graphics, too!  Now
those with CGA graphics can enjoy the epic
adventures of kid genius, Billy Blaze.  Over
1.6 MEGs of ultra-smooth, full-screen, high-
speed graphics & ANIMATION GALORE! Play the
game that beats all the slow moving animated
commercial games. Released by Apogee (SPA).
60143 1_VINYL.ZIP 1327811 20.01.1996 - MBCD tupla
The Vinyl Goddess' space ship has
crash landed on a forbidden planet.
Can you guide this beautiful goddess
through dangerous and exotic
locations in order to free herself
from the planet.  GET READY for sexy
arcade action in ths new release
from UNION LOGIC that will blow your
mind at 70 frames per second.
60073 10&PAKO2.ZIP 178790 31.05.1995 - MBCD tupla
If you  liked Pako 1 then  you are going to
love this  one.  Pako II is to be the best
Pac-Man clone out there. This game is full
of rich graphics and music, plus it runs at
a smooth 60 frames per second for fast paced
game play. Brought to you by
Uranium-Software. Req: VGA (256) & 286+;
Opt: Adlib card
60124 1993HOLL.ZIP 173784 07.01.1995 - - tupla
1993 Holiday Lemmings -peli Psygnosis
30198 1AGENT.ZIP 216809 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Secret Agent, EGA/VGA
60127 1ARCTIC.ZIP 158907 04.03.1996 väärä koko nic.funet.fi tupla
The chilling sequel to Pharaoh's Tomb finds
Nevada Smith on the hunt for more treasure,
this time in icy glaciers.  Perilous traps
and puzzles will stump you on every level.
Will you survive the abominable snowman?
Ultra-smooth animation, detailed graphics,
and arcade sound effects.  CGA Graphics.
30203 1BIPBOP2.ZIP 157631 23.12.1994 - 21354/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_Noviembre_1994.iso -
BipBop II  ...NEW from S&M Software! An
incredible new VGA game from S&M Software,
featuring: * 256-color graphics and art! *
real time 3D rotation effects! * raytraced
game pieces * hypnotically flowing backdrops!
arcade game in the whole entire UNIVERSE, or
so says the programmer. VGA or MCGA and 512k
30209 1COSMO.ZIP 502609 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Cosmic Adventure, EGA/VGA
30211 1CRYSTL.ZOO 234285 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Crystal Quest, EGA/VGA
60128 1DARK.ZIP 221176 04.03.1996 väärä koko nic.funet.fi tupla
Great EGA graphics and Ad Lib music make
this one of Apogee's more popular games.
In medieval times the powerful wizard Garth
has overthrown the Kingdom.  Can you save
the Kingdom?  A Nintendo-style game with
ten scrolling levels.  Save/restore.
60130 1FLASH.ZIP 578715 15.12.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso tupla
Jack Flash by MVP Software. Jump into the
action with Jack and his Succ-O-Matic as you
try to stop Evil Eddie and his dastardly
"things" from destroying the universe.
Parallax-scrolling, side-splitting humor.
More zest than a Microsoft press release.
More action than a Stallone flick, and cuter
too! Relive the good old days when mad
scientists threatened mankind and games were
fun! Req 386, VGA; supports most sound cards.
60131 1HP11.ZIP 943936 20.10.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
386SX or higher -- 567K required
Scrolling action game like Mario Bros., with
constant variety of levels, graphics, music,
enemies and awesome parallaxing backgrounds.
In a magical kingdom, Hocus must overcome
many realms before becoming a full-fledged
Wizard.  Supports ALL major sound boards,
like Ad Lib, GUS, PAS, SB & general MIDI.
Three skill levels, joystick/pad optional.
Copyright (c) 1994 Mike Voss. >shareware<
60132 1JAZZ.ZIP 1424237 11.10.1994 - MBCD tupla
FAST VGA graphics, ROCKING Digital Audio
with Surround Sound, and WHITE-HOT action.
Sonic. Jazz Jackrabbit is coming towards you
at light speed, and this little bunny carries
a big gun! Lead the animated Jazz across the
galaxy to save kidnapped bunny princess Eva
60133 1ROC.ZIP 2543430 02.12.1995 - MBCD tupla
Innovative fantasy platform game!
At any time press a key to tag-team switch
between a male sword welding warrior and a
hot female fireball shooting sorceress! What
more do you want?!  Variety, mysticism, cool
music/sound effects by Bobby Prince (DOOM),
big bosses, gameplay galore?  It's ALL here!
486+ recommended. A blood toggle. Etc., etc.
Just get it and you won't be sorry! Ver 1.0
60193 3DPIT13.ZIP 112807 20.12.1995 - MBCD tupla
3D-PITFALL, ver 1.3:  3D arcade game, vga
graphics;  MAJOR SPEED INCREASE!! for all of
you complainers out there who don't want to
spring for a defective pentium. :-)
28767 3DPULSD.ZIP 1,7 Mt 14.07.1999 - MBHH2000 -
3D Pulsoid (final release) Arcade game. Retro remake. Developed by Fifth Dimension Company Published by  Ultisoft. An arcanoid game, "destroy all the bricks and go to the next level." 32 insidious game levels make it really fascinating ! 17 beautiful melodies will charm Your ear and cool sound effects will impress You! DOS, 486, P75, 8MB.
30244 4DUKE.ZIP 1117470 29.08.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
sequel takes Duke to an alien planet where
his brain can be used to devise the ultimate
attack agaist Earth! Two years to make, this
sequel to the award-winning original boasts
more incredible action than any game ever,
with killer music, SB effects, & cinematics.
Duke uses four powerful weapons, flies an
attack shuttle, shoots in 4 directions, etc.
Multiple skill levels. 80386+ recommended.
Duke I was 1992 Shareware Game of the Year!
60328 A1JET.ZIP 1350 20.10.1995 - 1977/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 4.iso tupla
Five great Jetpack levels. They are real
stumpers. Two of them kill me at least four
out of five times.
60357 ABDUCTOR.ZIP 325531 15.09.1996 versio #1254 ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Title:  Abductor Version:  #1133 Desc:
Abductor arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA
Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
60414 ACKACKP.ZIP 140666 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Ack-Ack Attack Version:  #1135 Desc:
shoot-em-up arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA
Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
28768 AHMI11.ZIP 234,8 kt 22.12.1998 - - -
Ahminta 1.1 Tavanomainen matopeli. DOS. juha-matti.ayvari@mbnet.fi
60586 ALDO.ZIP 18284 07.10.1995 - 1969/RBBSIABOX31.cdr tupla
Aldos Adventure. PART 1.
60587 ALDO2.ZIP 25809 07.10.1995 - 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img tupla
Aldos Adventure. PART 2.
60588 ALDO3.ZIP 26796 07.10.1995 - 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img tupla
Aldos Adventure. PART 3.
28769 ALS.ZIP 197,8 kt 27.09.1999 - - -
"Advanced Lawnmower Simulator Classic retro remake. ALS was quite simply the best game to appear on Spectrum. Yesyouve guessed it - the whole thing was an April Fools joke. DOS & Windows versions."
60761 ANTATT.EXE 41628 15.08.1995 - 13127/gcw.iso tupla
ANT ATTACK is an action-packed game. Giant
ants have invaded the earth and you must
destroy them before they take over. Ants
multiply on the screen and you have a choice
of three weapons to defeat them. ANT ATTACK
has a choice of three levels of difficulty
(easy, medium, and hard) and this shareware
version has 10 levels. Supports joysticks and
sound cards (but also supports keyboard and
computer speaker). It has music, sound
effects, and VGA graphics! Self-extracting
archive. Shareware; from Dataware.
60821 APOLLO10.ZIP 872653 15.09.1996 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO tupla
APOLLO - mission to the moon, v1.0. Become
the commander of an Apollo spacecraft bound
for the moon and back. Photo-realistic
graphics combined with authentic audio will
place you inside the cramped craft as it
descends to the lunar surface. The game is
divided into three distinct phases: Lunar
landing, Orbital Docking, and Earth Re-entry.
Each phase will challenge you to prove you
have the right stuff.          Shareware $10.
60836 AQUEST40.ZIP 322917 18.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Step into the wild world of Nature as a
Forest animal.  Discover your prey, avoid
your predators.  Collect energy tokens and
survive.  A never ending adventure, includes:
foxes, bears, rabbits, wolves, bobcats and
many more animals.  Take a walk on the wild
side with this fun game filled with realistic
sound effects, music and great graphics.
Requires:386 EGA/VGA. Option: Mouse,Sblaster
28771 ARCHON.ZIP 30,4 kt 21.02.2001 - 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar -
Archon Archon is a chess-like game, where the two sides, Light and Dark, try to control all five power points. Both sides are lead by wizards, who have assembled mythical creatures, like goblins, unicorns and dragons, to battle for the dominance of the power points. DOS. 
28770 ARCHON11.ZIP 118,6 kt 21.02.2001 - - -
Archon - the Light and the Dark v1.1 Archon is a chess-like game, where the two sides, Light and Dark, try to control all five power points. Both sides are lead by wizards, who have assembled mythical creatures, like goblins, unicorns and dragons, to battle for the dominance of the power points. This is a trial version, and only for palm devices with at leas os v3. 
60899 ARIVA.ZIP 75017 06.06.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
ARIVAssa sinun pitää ohjata mato maaliin.
60910 ARO10.ZIP 763504 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
================== ARO =====================
=         A Quick VGA jump'n'run           =
= Follow Aro, a cuddly, little, red guy,   =
= through a zany land filled with slimes,  =
= strange bouncing creatures, magical      =
= potions, funky trees, blue skies, orange =
= sunsets, twinkly stars, and crumbling    =
= castles.                                 =
= requires a 386+, VGA card, and 2mb RAM   =
61167 BACKFO.ZIP 509671 16.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
Back To The Forest (c) Copysoft
28772 BALLUNCY.ZIP 836,6 kt 13.01.1999 - - -
=BALLUNACY v1.1= Great brain teasing game featuring soundblaster support,VGA and SVGA VESA support.Guide the balls around the screen to the exit point.
61196 BAM.ZIP 60940 01.04.1996 - - tupla
BOUNCE-A-MANIA!! is very similar to BreakOut
61247 BBONG01.ZIP 861439 18.12.1996 - - tupla
BingBong 0.01 - ßeta
Vanha kunnon Pingpong- peli uutena versiona
kahdelle pelaajalle. MOD -musiikit ja kau-
niit grafiikat. Bugifixeja sekä uutta audiota
ja graphicia. VGA, Hiiri, SB By Impress
61315 BEERW22.ZIP 100161 18.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
BEERWORM 2.2 from FALLESMANNI -A Brilliant
Wormgame -Supports SB sound effects -Many
bugfixes -Several new  exellent items -Some
new graphics -Boss key included -Must for
30316 BEYAVYSS.ZIP 289519 23.12.1994 - MBCD -
Beyond The Abyss
An incredible new Gauntlet-style game, but
with so much more variety. Fight your way
through castles, deserts, swamps, forrests,
mountains, and more. Very smooth scrolling,
tons of sprites, and digital sound effects
help add to the frenzied excitement! This is
a must download! Optional: Snd Crd &
Joystick. Requires: 1M ram, 286+, VGA.
61387 BHELL10.ZIP 1649729 14.02.1996 - MBCD tupla
Construction Bob escapes from hell
The all-star construction stuntman is back in
the bouncing adventure of his life!  Poor old
Bob mistakingly ends up in hell.  To get out
he will need your help.  Run, jump and ride
mining carts as you avoid rocks, leap over
holes and dodge arrows.  Ennemies like the
gargoyles, the demon hands and Satan himself
are out to get you!
28773 BILLY161.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Drilling Billy playable demo 16 MB 1/3 Imagine yourself in an unexplored dream land surrounded by funny monsters blocking your way through out various parts of the kingdomlimited only by the borders of fantasy. Good old fashioned like platform game completed with the best visual and audible standards offered by the present technology. Its all taking place in a cute environment made with an impressive screen resolution making the 3D-animated charactersthe level design and req 486/66 8 mb VESA"
28774 BILLY162.ZIP 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Drilling Billy playable demo 16 MB 2/3
28775 BILLY163.ZIP 526,5 kt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Drilling Billy playable demo 16 MB 3/3
28776 BILLY81.ZIP 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Drilling Billy playable demo 8 MB 1/2 Imagine yourself in an unexplored dream land surrounded by funny monsters blocking your way through out various parts of the kingdomlimited only by the borders of fantasy. Good old fashioned like platform game completed with the best visual and audible standards offered by the present technology. Its all taking place in a cute environment made with an impressive screen resolution making the 3D-animated charactersthe level design and req 486/66 8 MB VESAauppinen"
28777 BILLY82.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Drilling Billy playable demo 8 MB 2/2
28778 BIRDSNB.ZIP 493,9 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
The Birds and The Bees by John Dow. Arcade game. Classic retro remake. Game of Wagnerian High Drama and excitement.You must guide your buzzy bee type thing across the garden, avoiding savage birdies and vicious caterpillars to reach the flower beds. Once at the flowerbeds you must plunder them for their nectar, before escaping back to the safety of your hive. Freeware. DOS. http://www.retrospec.co.uk
28779 BLUPPO.ZIP 974,6 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
"BLUPPO (TM) A Shareware Arcade Scrolling Game C)1997 Webfoot TechnologiesInc. DOS or Windows(TM) 95 FAST scrolling action! 2 simultaneous players! An under-water extravaganza. Bluppo must collect all the fish in each level and avoid falling boulders and nasty sturgeon. And if thats not bad enoughhe must conserve oxygen! Scrolling playfield features great graphics and music. Supports 2 simultaneous players at once!"
61568 BOLZ10F.ZIP 2596474 08.04.1996 - MBCD tupla
Experience the first five levels of this
fast-paced, arcade action/ adventure.
256-color VGA graphics and 32-channel digital
techno soundtrack make this a must download!
Defeat Billy Bolz and rescue all the balls in
the world!! DOS, 486+, Most major sound
61571 BOMBBY11.ZIP 299943 13.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
great clone of the
10 Levels.A MUST!!!
a vt production by
61572 BOMBER.ZIP 102139 11.05.1995 - archive.org tupla
BOMBER V2.1 The REAL Arcade game! Offers you
great VGA graphics and SoundBlaster digitized
sounds. A very entertaining software from
Patrick Piché. NOW, BLAST THEM OUT.
61586 BOOTGAME.ZIP 11945 06.05.1996 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip tupla
Pommittajapeli, joka asennetaan levykkeen
61611 BPV12SW.EXE 196009 08.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
Bomp Proof v1.2sw. 1 pelaajan puzzle
tyyppinen aivojenkäyttöpeli. Nyt SB/GUS
yhteensopivat musat ja efektit. Vaatii
SVGA+386(DX) 2Mb. X-Dreams.
61641 BREAK10.ZIP 1353582 27.02.1996 - MBCD tupla
BreakIt distributed by HomeBrew Software is
similar to Break Out, but with a lot of
additional prizes, obsticles and features.
One or two players. Requires: 386+, 2 Meg
RAM, VGA, mouse. Joystick required for two
player mode, sound card optional.  (v1.0)
28780 BRIX101.ZIP 1,6 Mt 12.09.2000 - - -
"Brixor v1.01is tilebreak-game with easybusiness-strategyand also classic tile- game. Brixor works under fullscreen DOS or DOS mode in DOSWindows3.1-98(not tested) in WinNTLinux and OpenDOS. Uses 640X480 16bit video (VESA)so at least p90 with soundcard recommended. Mouse interface. 15 levels in SW-version. SW$20 /Fim100   -Try it free!    http://koti.mbnet.fi/~aquarius/"
28781 BROID115.ZIP 382,5 kt 14.07.1999 - - -
"Boulderoid v1.15. Classic retro remake. Arcade. Dig around in caves collecting diamonds but dont get crushed. Based on: BoulderDash by First Star Software - 1984. Seen on: Atari 400/800C64SpectrumAmstradSTBBCMSXAmiga. (Also: GameBoyNESSNES). Authors:  MacroHeadMicroBrain & Codewraith Software. DOS."
61671 BROTHERS.ZIP 1051422 17.09.1996 - - -
Bomber Brothers v1.1 is a fun arcade game for
up to four players. Kill your friends before
they will blow you up. VESA-SVGA and mouse
required. Supports several sound cards. Made
in Finland. Released 01.08.1996.
28782 BTESTR13.ZIP 94,4 kt 02.12.1998 - MBCD -
"Brain testerv 1.3. Freeware. What you do to train your your physical body? You can runswim or use different types of testers. What you do to train your brain? You can complete iq testssolve puzzles and you can also use trainers. Pentix (Tetris) type game with tonts of added features. Require intensive brain work to play wellbut its a game! Improved playfieldnew keys addedimproved scoring systemplaybackbrain work indicator etc. DOS"
61709 BTGVEIJO.ZIP 137023 22.09.1995 - - tupla
Veijo Saves the World
Veijon maailman pelastus operaatio
on "nopeatempoinenäktionseikkailu"-
tyylinen peli.. Eikun imutukseksi!
VaATII: 386+,VGA.. GUS/SB olis kiva
28783 BTPRE.ZIP 463,6 kt 14.07.1999 - 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar -
BurgerTimeWARP! v.90 demo. Platform game - with food! Collect the food and drink to gain extra pepper sprays - they stun the bad guys. Try to crush hostile foods putting them into a hamburger! 4 levels. Burgertime, the name and idea (C) is probably to Data East. But I think this version is changed enough to be (C) to us. DOS. http://www.cdworld.co.uk/craig
28784 BTRIS120.ZIP 453,5 kt 25.02.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Bluetris 1.20 - Beautiful  Tetris-clone  with 256 colors, digital music and sounds. Includes several nice features  like  select  piece rotation direction, hi-scores and game statistics!
61729 BUKU.ZIP 470277 17.11.1995 - MBCD tupla
BreakThrough Bukulu, by Alex Mead
AMProSoft, June 1995
The fun breakthrough style video
game with a new twist.  While
bouncing the ball at the bricks you
can rotate your paddle 90° for
greater control than ever before.
Awesome graphics, great music and
hours of fun await you.
Req: SVGA Monitor, 386 or better PC
28785 BURPS10.ZIP 305,8 kt 14.07.1999 - - -
THE BURPS v1.0. Classic retro remake. Features: No 3d textured polygons, No ultra smooth parallax scrolling, 200% Playablity. The old ones are the good ones! Collect the three parts of the treasure key using one of three characters. Each character can access its own secret passage ways. 2D action. Original game "Atic Atac" from Atari, C-64 & Spectrum. By Stuart Collier & Andy Hewitt. DOS, VGA, 1 MB.
28786 CASHFLOW.ZIP 242,6 kt 06.08.1999 - - -
"CASHFLOW v1.0 **FREEWARE** Classic retro remake. A fast paced platform gamefeaturing lots of graphicssound and an addictive gameplay Based on: Frantic Freddy. Seen on: C64. Req.: DOS VGA 386/33 minimum Register and get the complete sourcecode!!! (C) 1997 Nikolaj Pagh"
61995 CHARLY1.EXE 1303313 10.02.1996 - - tupla
Jump'n'run game! Try to solve over 25 levels
with Charly the clown! (Shareware: 5 levels)
- 25 levels plus many bonuslevels - amazing
VGA graphics with 256 colors,
parallaxscrolling and rendered graphics -
fantastic music and effects
Play it and have fun!
61996 CHARLY2.EXE 1459605 10.02.1996 - - tupla
Charly the Clown. Hauska ja hieno
Mario-tyylinen tasohyppelypeli. 5 tasoa. Osa
62051 CHOMP10.ZIP 698467 13.06.1996 - MBCD tupla
Chomper v1.0
CHOMPER is the ultimate of its genre.  Avoid
the ghosts while chomping as many dots as
possible, in a large, scrolling virtual maze
approximately 30 times the size of the actual
screen.  This shareware version features 5
levels, each suspended over a planet and
stars in the background.  Features 256 color
graphics, parallax scrolling and 10 original
musical compositions. Win 95 compatible.
27452 CKONG111.ZIP 260,9 kt 28.08.1997 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
"Champion Kong - Donkey Kong clone Turn your expensive computer into an ancient machine! Good for nostalga buffs. Actuallyits an excellent copy of the ole quarter gobbler."
62195 CMPPCM.ZIP 229254 15.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
Champ Pac-em V1.1,
62232 COLDDREA.ZIP 1959662 18.11.1995 - MBCD tupla
Cold Dreams V1.02 pre-release, Gods-like
classical platform game with great graphics
and good gameplay.
27453 COOKIE.ZIP 367,4 kt 23.09.1999 - 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar -
Cookie Classic retro remake. Written by John Dow with graphics by Andy Noble (C)1983 A.C.G (C)1999 John Dow & Andy Noble. Move Charlie the Chef around screen throwing bags of flour at the ingredients in an attempt to knock them into your mixing bowl at the bottom of the screen. Avoid knocking nuts and bolts e.t.c in the bowl. http://www.retrospec.co.uk DOS
62430 CRYSALIS.ZIP 353598 19.01.1996 - - tupla
Chrysalis, Alpha version of a game engine
we've since upgraded in new and better ways
:). Linux and DOS versions included.
62483 CUBE106D.ZIP 173560 08.04.1996 - - tupla
CUBE  v.106d Ultimate stress-killer ! 4
players, VGA graphics. Music for GUS, SB,
PAS, WSS ! Almost 30 levels. Editors, good
S3M... by Jokke & other members of BAD KARMA
62506 CYBDEMO.ZIP 47163 24.04.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso tupla
Cybersphere, smooth playable action game
resembling classics like Breakout and
Arkanoid. Shareware demo. Superb graphics and
playability! (C)1996 Psycon Software - By
Clay Hellman
62531 CYBERKID.EXE 4257229 19.02.1996 - MBCD tupla
Cyril Cyberpunk
Hauska tasohyppely Apogeelta. Cyril
ammuskelee alieneita erilaisissa
ympäristöissä ja huristelee lentolaudallaan.
62552 CYCLE.ZIP 43173 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Cycle, tron-like game for 6! players on 1
62749 DEFL10SW.ZIP 410451 19.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
Imagination presents: Deflector
A game of strategy and
survival for players who are
not afraid of a challenge.
386+ / VGA required
SB / GUS optional
63017 DKONG.ZIP 307615 30.06.1996 - MBCD tupla
CHAMPION KONG  Donkey Kong clone
Turn your expensive computer into
an ancient game machine!  Good for
nostalga buffs. Actually, it's an
excellent copy of the old quarter
30440 DOGS_V10.ZIP 261257 23.12.1994 - MBCD -
CyberDogs 1.0
Do you like Warhammer 40k, Space Hulk,
Crusade, Marine games? Then you'll love this
one. One or two players are merceneries and
rumble around in a maze earning money to buy
ammo + utils for the next mission. The job is
to blow up all that moves, collect stuff in
between and try to get out alive. There's
ten missions, piece of cake ;)
27454 DOSEGG.ZIP 418,8 kt 06.08.1999 - 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar -
Chickie Egg v1.0 - classic retro remake. Platform game. A 3D version of an old classic platform game. You, the farmer, must collect all the eggs before your time expires, while avoiding the emus (and the duck). Based on: Chuckie Egg by A&F - 1983. Seen on:  BBC, Spectrum, C64, Amstrad, ST, Dragon, Electron. Platform: DOS, (Win95-friendly) By Steve McCrea http://www.mccrea.demon.co.uk/step/steve.htm DOS.
27455 DOSSNAKE.EXE 319 kt 25.01.2001 - - -
"Deluxe Snake 2.9.8 for DOSDeluxe Snake is a clone of the classic arcade games Nibbles and Snake
with improved gameplayincluding power-upsmushroomswallstail-bite
and other fun stuff. Play on multiple arena sizeswith borders on/offin 4
different gamemodes. Theres a top 20 high-scores list for each unique
settingwhich also stores gamelengths and datesand can be merged with
friendslists. Freeware.
27456 DRAK200.ZIP 362,7 kt 18.01.1998 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Drak Shareware v2.00 from Nostalgy A NEW generation of tetris principles!
63226 DS_POUET.ZIP 890683 05.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
D-Stroy, fast arcade game up to 4 players in
Dynablaster style. With fast scrollings, lots
of bonuses, intelligent monsters, and lot of
FUN!!! Requirements: 386+, VGA.
63214 DSHADOWS.ZIP 1365759 15.12.1995 - MBCD tupla
DEATH BY DARK SHADOWS V1.5  Enter a world of
voodoo, black magic and the unknown in this
strange story of Dr. Jones and his daughter.
With your soul transformed into that of a
black panther, your journey takes you into
depths of darkness,  as you leap over the
perils of death in an attempt to rescue your
brainwashed daughter.  * REALLY Smooth
Animation! * Weird and strange Storyline! *
Beautiful dark and eerie SuperVGA Graphics! *
SoundBlaster Support!
63253 DUFF110.ZIP 378700 13.07.1996 - MBCD tupla
DUFF v1.10
Both  action  and  strategy  featuring
addictive  game.   Shareware version.
Requires  386 and VGA.  Supports GUS
and SB for music and sound.
27457 DW2.ZIP 112,8 kt 13.02.1998 - MBCD -
Drugworm 2 Iki-ihanan matopelin jatko-osa. 360 asteen vapaa kääntyvyys, nätit grafiikat ja seko mato. By Ile/Kosto
27458 E_FITUP3.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.12.1998 - MBCD -
Eclipse Fitup v0.90. Tetris Warning. Multiplayer Tetris game : Up to 3 players on the same screen. Supersonic & Paranoia mode. VESA and SB/SB-Pro/SB16/GUS
63978 E_PACM2.ZIP 773634 23.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
E-C-L-I-P-S-E   P-A-C-M-A-N
A real game...
real code       100% asm
real gfx        100% bitmap
real music      100% Rez
v0.40 Released: Apr 26 1996
63644 ELECTRN.ZIP 285854 07.01.1995 - - tupla
Electranoid version 1.0s
Electranoid is designed to close the book on
all Arkanoid style programs. This game goes
far beyond any Arkanoid style program that
we've ever seen! Not only do you smash
bricks, but you battle the enemy fighters
with lasers, missles and just about anything
you can throw at them! Watch out, these
enemies fight back with balls of steal! Req:
2M RAM, VGA, Mouse & 386+; Opt: SB Card
64186 FLIPINTL.EXE 1986706 23.05.1996 - MBCD tupla
Flipout. Breakout-pelin tyylinen.
64208 FLYNN14.ZIP 1177323 21.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
FLYNN SPRINT v 1.4 1-15-95 smooth- scrolling,
maze puzzle, fast-action, game. Climb
ladders, race through mazes, and dig holes to
collect all the jewels at each level.  Avoid
"instant death" squares, monsters, and other
killer creatures! Requires 386, VGA. Most
sound cards supported. Thoroughly tested on
Windows 95.  Includes Windows Setup.
ImagiSOFT, Inc. 
64271 FOXRANGE.ZIP 472254 11.05.1995 - - tupla
RANGER FOX - Hot Arcard Game from Korea -
27459 FRACAS.ZIP 869,3 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Fracas - 5 level shareware version. Arcade puzzlegame not unlike Bomberman/ Dynablaster. DOS.
64287 FRAMED.ZIP 197535 25.08.1995 - 23640/PCGAMER10.bin tupla
Framed - platform adventure game.
27460 FRAMED11.ZIP 195,3 kt 28.03.2001 - nic.funet.fi -
Framed 1.1FRAMED v1.1 - A huge shareware platform  adventure game from Machination. Wrongly imprisoned in a foreign jail your quest is to escape and prove your innocence. This hugely enjoyable game features ultra smooth eight way scrolling, lovely VGA graphics and Soundblaster sound effects. Framed has a clever and intriguing plot that unfolds as you play. Framed requires only 540K of RAM and will run on a 286 or better.
64316 FRUIT.ZIP 78864 01.04.1995 - - tupla
Fruit, mielenkiintoinen hedelmäpeli.
27461 FSALAD.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.01.1998 - MBCD -
Fruit Salad v1.3 by Vintage Software Remove all the fruit from each level. Sounds easy, right? A level is made up of fruits at the top of the screen, with others attached to them. You must shoot additional fruit from the fruit shooter to create groups of three that will then dissolve the fruit and free other trapped objects. DOS 486
64381 GALAXI.ZIP 330696 30.06.1996 - MBCD tupla
Galaxian - Space Invaders-tyylinen peli.
64397 GATE20.ZIP 765872 27.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg tupla
▌▌▌▌ GateWorld  By  HomeBrew Software! ▌▌▌▌
Captian Klondike meets the G.O.R.G. machine
in Part 1: "The Seed Ship".  Over 2 Megs
compressed graphics. Full Adlib soundtrack.
Support for over 12 different sound cards.
Story and epilogue sequences, demo mode,
save/restore, hints, preview, and MORE!
Requires VGA, 560K RAM, 286 or better. Sound
card and joystick optional. Needs PKUNZIP
2.04 to extract. (v2.0)    
27462 GIANA131.ZIP 117,7 kt 06.08.1999 - MBCD -
Giana Sisters v1.31 by Myth aka Rainer Sinsch. Classic retro remake. Super Mario-like fun platform game that was so similar to its Nintendo counterpart that Nintendo sued the game out of market. Based on: The Great Giana Sisters DOS.
64516 GNASHER.ZIP 26171 19.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
GNASHER v. 24. Variation of the old Pacman
game with some twists. Full Turbo Pascal
source code included.
64517 GND_FIRE.ZIP 225597 05.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
GroundFire! Is a challenging,addicting,
non-stop action,War shooter game for Dos.
Great graphics and good game play. (Fully
functional demo version.) You gotta try this
one! Min requirements: 386/sx with a Sound
Blaster or compatible sound card and v.g.a
64534 GOBMAN11.ZIP 71957 16.12.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso tupla
GOBMAN, Arcade, pacman clone with a few nice
twists. Collect bombs, hourglasses, and
special red dot to use against the monsters.
Nice graphics and good gameplay. Requires
286+, VGA, Joystick optional
30514 GOT110.ZIP 791093 17.10.1994 - MBCD -
GOD OF THUNDER v1.1  (Impulse)
Thor battles and plots his way past dozens of
puzzles and hundreds of enemies to reach the
final showdown with the evil serpent who is
terrorizing innocent villagers!  A great
adventure with fun, Zelda-style gameplay and
an engrossing story line of an enchanted
past!  Meet ignorant villagers and mystical
creatures!  Excellent Sound Blaster digital
sound and full soundtrack. Requires: 286+
64590 GRAVWELL.ZIP 392738 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Gravity Well Version:  #1133 Desc:
Lunar module simulation Needs:  IBM PC, VGA
Optional:  Mouse, Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
27463 GREEDY.ZIP 1,1 Mt 05.02.1998 - MBCD -
Greedy by Eclipse - the wonderfull Pacman retro remake - A real game... real code       100% asm real gfx        100% bitmap real music      100% Rez v1.10 Last Rel.: Sept 10 97 VESA and SB/SB-Pro/SB16/GUS
27464 GSX-MAS.ZIP 204,6 kt 17.08.1999 - - -
"Giana Sisters X-mas98 Special Edition by Rainer Sinsch. Classic retro remake. Super Mario-like fun platform game that was so similar to its Nintendo counterpart that Nintendo sued the game out of market. Based on: The Great Giana Sisters DOS."
64626 GTWRLD1.ZIP 697003 21.03.1995 - MBCD tupla
GateWorld  By  HomeBrew Software!
3 OF 3 Captian Klondike meets the G.O.R.G.
machine in an asteriod in Part One: The Seed
Ship. Over 2 Megs compressed graphics in each
part of this trilogy!  Full Ad Lib
soundtrack.  Support for over 8 different
sound cards.  Story and epilogue sequences.
Three skill levels.  Joystick support,
save/restore, hints, etc.  Requires VGA, 570K
RAM, 286 or better.  Sound card and joystick
optional. (v1.3) . Platform.
64631 GUIMO!.ZIP 3508789 02.10.1996 - MBCD -
Guimo-tasohyppelyn beta-versio 1.0.
64659 H2OGAME.ZIP 975952 16.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
■ H2O ■
A Puzzle/Strategy Game
(C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc.
* VGA graphics
* Awesome sound effects and music
* Major sound cards supported
* Joystick, joypad, and keyboard
* 386 33 Mhz or higher required
64763 HELIOUS.ZIP 287327 31.05.1995 - nopv_games.zip tupla
HELIOUS ONE  Contains nine
bïzαrrê & fun levels you won't believe It
combines strategy with action oriented arcade
sequences. Featuring gameplay so original
you'll play it just to see what'll happen
27465 HHEAV11.ZIP 558,1 kt 03.11.1999 - #anonyymi -
"Headbangers Heaven v1.1 by John Dow. Classic retro remake. Originally seen on Spectrum. Created by Jeff Minter."
27466 HMATO21.ZIP 138,2 kt 24.03.1999 - MBCD -
HedelmäMato 2.1 - erilainen matopeli. Bugeja korjattu! Parhaimmillaan kaksinpelinä, mutta myös tekoälyttömyys löytyy. Mukana kenttäteemaeditori! DOS. Vaaditaan 486/66 prosessori, SiliConGraphicsia suositellaan. Lisäksi VGA (jotta näkyis värejä). By the Lost Spaceman of Refinition. (raevata@saunalahti.fi) Freeware.
64848 HOINSTAL.ZIP 1196198 07.12.1996 - 22536/GAMBLERCD07.BIN tupla
HOPY-ONE(TM) Interactive Demo An Arcade
Classic (C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc.
graphics * Joystick or keyboard control *
Soundcard supported * 386 or higher required
In the year 2013, seven of the Planetariums
decided to initiate a plan to eradicate the
F.L.V. (Fast Line Virus), the deadliest
strain of mutating virus in the galaxy.  The
bio-droid, HOPY-ONE, was created in a
laboratory to research the virus and aid in
27467 HOLISERP.ZIP 648,7 kt 15.06.1999 - MBCD -
"* Holiday Serpent * is a great 360 degrees turning wormgame with a scrolling screen and SVGA graphics. This is much better than the original Serpent99! Uses MIDAS Digital Audio System. PuavoHard99DOS."
65267 IW11.A01 1456200 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Inner Worlds shareware 2/5
65268 IW11.A02 1456200 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Inner Worlds shareware 3/5
65269 IW11.A03 1456200 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Inner Worlds shareware 4/5
65270 IW11.A04 765026 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Inner Worlds shareware 5/5
65271 IW11.ARJ 1456200 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Inner Worlds from Sleepless Software 1/5
Share Ware-version. Side viewed nice
looking arcade action adventure
, in other words, a platformer.
27468 IW13.A01 1,3 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
Inner Worlds V1.3. Shareware. Part 2/5.
27469 IW13.A02 1,3 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
Inner Worlds V1.3. Shareware. Part 3/5.
27470 IW13.A03 1,3 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
Inner Worlds V1.3. Shareware. Part 4/5.
27471 IW13.A04 1,1 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
Inner Worlds V1.3. Shareware. Part 5/5.
27472 IW13.ARJ 1,3 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
Inner Worlds V1.3 by Sleepless Software. Fantasy-related platform game. Control Nikita through several different levels on her quest to destroy evil Grulob. Shareware version. Part 1/5.
27473 JAGTRI30.ZIP 386,3 kt 17.02.1999 - - -
Jagtris v3.0 by Gunther Serrano A different twist on the popular "falling blocks" type of Tetris-game, and despite the similarities, it\'s not Tetris. Cubes made of nine blocks and of various colors fall, allowing you to rotate and move their position. Up to four players. DOS 5.0
65327 JAZZXMS.ZIP 1437436 24.12.1994 renamed 23693/CEUS_CD.iso tupla
27474 JETMAN.ZIP 69 kt 14.07.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Jetman. Classic retro remake. Original by Ultimate in 1983. Build your spaceship by collecting the various pieces and dropping them in order on top of each other. Once built, fuel will then be dropped to the planets surface. Collect these and drop them onto the now built spaceship. When it flashes just move into the ship. It will then lift from the planets surface. Arcade action. Stuart Collier Seen on: Spectrum, BBC, Vic-20. DOS, VGA, 1 Mt.
65358 JETPAK14.ZIP 350738 17.10.1994 - MBCD -
JETPACK v1.4 from Impulse
Conquer and explore 100 treacherous levels!
Equipped with Jet Turbines and a powerful
Phase Shifter, your quest for precious gems
begins.  Search through dungeons full of
treasures and peril, dodging smart monsters
intent on sending you to your doom! Use the
built-in level creator to edit and collect
hundreds of homemade levels! Fast 256 color
action arcade game with digital sound.
27475 JETPAK15.ZIP 882,2 kt 23.01.1999 - MBCD -
JETPACK 1.5 *** FREEWARE The original classic is now free, and includes 400 levels! With your Jetpack strapped to your back, collect precious gems from 100 levels of adventure! Dodge treacherous Trackbots, whirling spikes, and other monsters intent on sending you to your doom.  Built-in level editor lets you create and collect hundreds of levels!  1-8 players, joystick supported. Full screen arcade action and digital sound.
65380 JILL.ZIP 282382 24.03.1995 - The Wildcat Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
256-color scrolling arcade adventure,
supports VGA/EGA/CGA/Jys, Sound Blaster. HOT!
Epic MegaGames brings you a new era in gaming
with this immense 16-level world featuring
Super Nintendo-quality animation, effects and
sound track.  Try JILL OF THE JUNGLE now!
65385 JJXMAS95.ZIP 1440892 12.12.1995 - MBCD tupla
From Epic MegaGames comes the All-New 1995
Holiday Hare. This holiday version of the
award winning Jazz Jackrabbit features new
levels and music for your holiday game
playing pleasure!
27476 JMPMAN.ZIP 78,7 kt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Jumpman Lives! The classic hit-game from early 80s on PC by Apogee.  Retro.
27477 JOE212L.ZIP 115,2 kt 08.10.1998 - MBCD -
Joe v2.12l - Tasohyppelyä
65426 JPOTTI22.ZIP 30359 10.11.1994 - MBCD tupla
Jättipotti v2.02
Rahapelien pelaajan ehdoton apuväline.
Sisältää nyt myös pitkävedon!
27478 JSMW11A.ZIP 709,7 kt 23.09.1999 - MBCD -
JetSet Miner Willy PC v1.1 By Craig Rothwell. Classic retro remake. This game is a conversion of a ZX Spectrum game made in 1984 by the now god like Matthew Smith who basically wrote the book on platform games. This was the first truly successfull platform game of all times. Collect all the objects from around the house, then go back to Maria your house keeper with 74 of them. Over 60 rooms to find and explore. DOS. Includes bonus games.
27479 JSW991U.ZIP 263,6 kt 23.09.1999 - MBCD -
Jet-Set Willy v0.991Classic retro remake Originals (C) 1983 BUG-BYTE Ltd, (C) 1983/1984 SOFTWARE PROJECTS Ltd 1997 Alchemist Research. From original idea by Matthew Smith. My version of the all time classic Jet-Set Willy. Arcade platform game. by Andy Noble. Freeware. DOS.
27480 JUMPJAC2.ZIP 1,5 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
"Jumping JackArcade game. Classic retro remake. Jump to the top of the screen avoiding 
drunken Northenerscars and things. Ohand dont fall down the gaps... 
Includes a deathmatch mode for those of you lucky enough to have friends. 
Includes game file and backdrops/source code. 
http://www.retrospec.co.uk DOS & Win95"
27481 KAKAMATO.ZIP 73,9 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
Kakamato v1.0 Kaksinpelattava matopeli! 50 kenttää, mukana myös kenttäeditori. Toimii vanhoillakin PC:illä, kunhan VGA-näyttö löytyy (640x480x16 väriä) (c)1999 Susanna Software.
27482 KALA10.ZIP 122,2 kt 28.09.2000 renamed jonneweb.net -
Kalapeli. Versio 1.0 Idea  : Kerõõ planktoneita, kasvata kalaasi ja voita kaverisi. Tehnyt: Pulasoft (Copyright Henri Koskela) Mail  : hekoski@tkukoulu.fi http://www.tkukoulu.fi/~kastul/02/koskela/ Pulasoft.html FREEWAREA !!! (kopioi, mutta älä muuttele) DOS. 
65523 KEEN5.ZIP 671227 None - - -
Commander Keen V
30577 KEENDM01.ZIP 379152 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Only you can help Commander Keen overcome the
killer vegetables which have conspired to
"clean his plate" in KEEN DREAMS, the "lost
episode" developed for GAMER'S EDGE by Keen's
award-winning creators, ID Software. King
Boobus Tuber and his Tater Troopers are ready
to take you on in this choice Keen adventure!
KEEN DREAMS is one of 10 great games in the
"Lost Game Collection" created by ID Software
exclusively for GAMER'S EDGE!  Check'em out!
65530 KENO115.ZIP 61564 18.06.1995 - #hyrava -
Noble Softin Keno v1.15
Mitä uutta:
50 parhaan enkkalistat, tilastot, koodatut
enkkalistat, ohjeet uudistettu REK.LST
65531 KERBOOMP.ZIP 493314 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Kerboom! Version:  #1133 Desc:
Kerboom! arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA,
Mouse or Joystick Optional:  SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
65552 KILOBLST.ZIP 521899 14.07.1996 - 6180/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (July 1994).iso tupla
A superb 256-color VGA animated arcade game,
30 levels of fun & wild digitized artwork!
Supports VGA (also EGA), Jys, and a Megacool
sound track for the Sound Blaster. The makers
of Jill of the Jungle have returned to bring
you even more *excellent* entertainment. Yes,
those Epic folks are back again, and this new
game is COOL... No, wait... It's HOT...
27483 KLORE2.ZIP 125,3 kt 14.07.1999 - - -
"Knight Lore II : WulfRyder v0.01 alpha By Peter Hanratty. Classic retro remake. A tribute to one of the gratest games of all time; RetroSpec brings you Knight Lore II: WulfRyder - a sequel to Ultimates classic Knight Lore. Revisit the castledo battle with demonscast spellsfeel the familiar cracking of your bones as the Animal within emerges... A top isometric viewed 3D action adventure. Originally made on Vic-20C-64MSXBBCAmstradApple IISpectrum..."
65614 LADMN310.ARJ 165190 07.01.1995 - 23633/PCGAMER03.bin tupla
The mind-boggling puzzles of the Ladder Man
series continue with this latest release.
Help Ladder Man collect all the light bulbs
in each of the puzzle rooms and then reach
the elusive doorway. Use his ladder to reach
objects like TNT, boats, balloons and crates
while avoiding deadly lasers and dangerous
water hazards. You must literally construct
his own escape. WARNING ADDICTIVE!
27484 LIGHTBIK.ZIP 67,4 kt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
"Lightbikes v1.0 by James Payne Action / racing / multiplayer Get on your light cycle and watch where youre going in free light-cyles-style game in 3D. Avoid running into walls and streams of light for as long as you can. Solo and two multiplayer modes. DOSsupports multiplayer for 8 players using IPX network."
65851 LUNAR.ZIP 89207 16.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
"Lunar Lander" by Kurt W Dekker.
65886 MACINVAD.ZIP 45059 24.02.1996 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso tupla
MAC INVADERS Save the planet from destruction
by the evil Macintosh  computers!  Fight off
wave after wave of the hellspawns in this new
arcade game for your PC from Tesseract
27485 MANIC15U.ZIP 191,4 kt 14.07.1999 - MBHH2003 -
Manic Miner v1.51. Retro remake. "Here is my version of that all time classic Manic Miner." FREEWARE. Original  (C) 1983 BUG-BYTE Ltd, (C) 1983 SOFTWARE PROJECTS Ltd and (C) 1997 Alchemist Research. Originally released in MSX, Oric, Amiga, C-64, Electron & Dragon. One the the first arcade platform games - ever - ! DOS.
65990 MASTER10.ZIP 38989 14.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
MASTERMIND v1.0 by: Shadow This program is
27486 MATRX10D.ZIP 959,9 kt 19.03.1999 - MBCD -
Matrix v1.01. Strategy/Puzzle Prepare for some high paced puzzle solving action as you enter the Matrix. 3D graphics and digital sound lead you through the levels as you match up to destroy the blocks or die trying. DOS.
27487 MEGA085A.ZIP 2,1 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"MegaBlocks 0.85a A addictive freeware game with the basic idea of tetris. This one is however more fun and more challenging! For examplegame themes include Old timesHells arenaClassic and Erotic alternatives. Copyright 1998 Rainbow Entertainment. DOS."
66106 METEOR.ZIP 84628 16.09.1995 väärä koko gamers.org tupla
"Meteor mission" by Kurt W Dekker.
66128 MGOLF.ZIP 209025 19.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
AM's MINI GOLF 3D Great 3d polygon mini golf
game.  Easy to play with changeable viewpoint
and varied holes.  Up to 9 players.
Registered users get a complete hole and
course designer.  Sound Blaster sound
effects. Dos,486DX+,3Mb Ram.
66144 MIMI.ZIP 1189227 20.04.1996 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin tupla
Mimi & the Mites(tm) from Product Development
Center of The Unobstructed Reason
Corporation. Platform game for puzzles and
lust loving people with strong action
element. Solve puzzles by achieving
particular goal. Req. 386+, VGA, 6 MB
66232 MOLEMACH.ZIP 290209 10.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
Mole Machines * seek the other player and
destroy him. Drive underground in mining
vehicles and destroy the opposing miner
before you're out of energy. Req. 486. By
Petri Savolainen
66271 MORRAF.ZIP 542035 24.02.1995 - MBCD tupla
Moraff's Dungeons of the Unforgiven
Module I, updated 7/23/93: NOW WITH 3D
imaging on the walls and SUPER-VGA GRAPHICS!
Supports Hercules, CGA, EGA, low-res VGA,
high-res VGA, Super-VGA (800x600 or
1024x768-in 16 or 256 colors), plus most
Windows acceleraters!
30636 MPONG05B.ZIP 338966 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
MORTAL PONG v 0.5b Beta The first-and-only
PONG, first ever made coin-op game in
modernized 1/2 player version.
27488 MSPAC111.ZIP 279 kt 18.10.1997 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
"CHAMP Ms. Pac-emver. 1.11 Based on CHAMP Ms. Pacmanthis version offers superb graphicsSoundblaster support and enhanced gameplay that truly makes you feel like youre in an arcade! A complete remake.Retro"
66609 NOPAT.ZIP 165660 18.06.1995 - - tupla
Noble Softin noppapelit
66610 NOPPA32.ZIP 91368 01.04.1995 - - tupla
Noppa 0.2
27489 NOTYET.ZIP 3,2 Mt 05.02.1998 - MBCD -
Notyet v2 arcade game by MVP Software and Grog Productions. The action is fast and furious in this unique and highly original game. Clear the world of trigrams to advance to more complex worlds. Quick wits and nimble fingers will get you to the next world, but watch out for special effects of warps, yin/yangs, black holes and more.  Req 486+, 8 meg RAM, VGA.
66659 NSRAHAP.ZIP 171229 02.04.1995 - - tupla
Noble Softin mahtavat rahapelit
Kuin RAYn automaateista ! Mukana: KENO,
VENTTI ja NOPPA 1. Myös enkkalistat. Tätä et
voi ohittaa. (c) Lauri Aaltonen
66667 NTECH10.ZIP 666133 16.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
NanoTech V1.0, 3d platform game with MOD
music, req. 386+ MSDOS 5+ VGA. Control a
nanobot in 3D environment, jumping from
platform ahead to another.
66774 ONEARM.ZIP 45466 18.03.1996 - - tupla
SLOTS.EXE is an original shareware program
by Anthony G. Weiss. Another one of the good
old one arm bandits!  Have fun, and please
distribute freely.
66788 ONESIMUS.ZIP 547096 11.05.1995 - 16624/Shareware Universe The Gold Collection.iso tupla
Onesimus-Quest for Freedom.Tasohyppely Jill
of the Junglen tyyliin.
66925 OXYD.ZIP 1156827 11.05.1995 - MBCD tupla
OXYD, version 3.B.  This color shareware game
allows cooperative play  via modem and
includes ten levels for preview.  OXYD is a
creative  challenge that introduces the
player to interesting puzzles, elaborate
mazes,  friction, velocity, gravity,
magnetism, lasers, prisms and other aspects
of  physical science realm.  Plays like
MARBLE MADNESS, with SoundBlaster and mouse
support.  Version 3.B features support for SB
16.  See OXYD.TXT & OXHINT.TXT  here in the
lib for more information
27490 PACPC21.ZIP 195 kt 15.09.2000 - - -
PacPC 2.1Klassinen Pac-Man-klooni, joka on uskollinen esikuvalleen.
"PacPC is a free Pac-Man clone that brings the hungry yellow dot and even hungrier 
ghosts to your PC\'s desktop. Just as in the original game, the object is to speed around
the onscreen maze, munching dots and the occasional bonus goody on the way. Avoid 
the ghosts at all costs, unless you munch out on one of those really big dots: only then 
are the tables turned on those meddlesome spooks."
30679 PAGA.ZIP 310765 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Paganitzu, EGA/VGA
67032 PALLO.ZIP 111520 13.06.1996 - - tupla
Pallo on kahden pallontorjunta-pelin
yhdistelmä: Paketissa ovat Bananoid ja
67033 PALLOT.ZIP 56451 24.12.1995 - - tupla
Pallon väistelypeli, optimoitu pelattavaksi
66 Mhz DX2:lla (nopeammilla koneilla peli on
liian vaikea, hitaammilla helppo)
27491 PBALL202.ZIP 1 Mt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
POWBALL v2.02 - best Breakout game in the world (C) 1997 Anthony P. Hamilton Hit a ball with your paddle and knock away bricks until the screen is cleared whilst trying to keep at least one ball on screen * Simultaneous 2 player mode * Silky-smooth animation and gameplay * 32 channel 32-bit digital stereo sound * Built-in level editor * 150+ action-packed levels etc - DOS VGA SPECTRUM PACIFIC PUBLISHING PRESENTS
67129 PCLAS1.ZIP 30991 14.03.1995 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 1/n:
67130 PCLAS2.ZIP 25380 14.03.1995 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 2/n:
67131 PCLAS3.ZIP 9080 14.03.1995 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 3/n:
67132 PCLAS4.ZIP 24686 14.03.1995 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 4/n:
67133 PCLAS5.ZIP 64318 14.03.1995 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 5/n:
67134 PCLAS6.ZIP 23700 14.03.1995 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 6/n:
27492 PENKO212.ZIP 216,9 kt 26.04.1998 - MBCD -
"Penkos Penguin Adventure 2 v1.2 Hyvä tasohyppelypeli junioreille. Nyt FREEWAREA koko peli ! Mukana hyvä tallennussysteemiparempaa grafiikkaapaljon kenttiä ym. hauzgoo. Suositus pentium. PuavoHardin tuotantoa 1997-1998"
27493 PENTU131.ZIP 74,9 kt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
"Pentix Unlimited version 1.31 If you are tetris/pentix professional dont miss the challenge. Become pentix sportman! This is no longer only puzzle/ action game. Now its a sport game. Tetris -clone with many options and game styles. DOS"
29888 PINBALL2.ZIP 845997 24.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
EPIC PINBALL: Super Android
A major new version of the ultra-popular
pinball thriller from Epic MegaGames.  Epic
Pinball brings true arcade-style pinball to
life on your PC.  This update brings many hot
new features to the original: Surround Sound
for stereo sound cards, improved music and
sound, and more!  Epic Pinball is currently
the #2 game on the Shareware Top Ten!
67237 PING.ARJ 787456 19.09.1996 - - tupla
SECTOR ONE aNd FANTASY PresenT : .:. - PiNG -
.:. tHe OfficiaL TenniS SimulatoR oF tHe US
ArmY, FeaturinG BonI, CarebearS WarS,
SpindizzY SoundS aNd MorE ! (Req.
486+/VGA/GUS/SB/DOS) Extract with pkunzip -D
27494 PINPONG.ZIP 151,1 kt 07.02.2000 - - -
PinPong v1.0  by Hadzidakis Dionysis. Play a new style pong game. Arcade game, a mixture of the old Arcanoid and the not so old Ultimate Spinball. The object of the game is to blast all the blocks without loosing all your balls. There are four paddles for each side of the screen to and also some power-ups. DOS 5.0
27495 PKANV08B.ZIP 251,6 kt 12.01.1999 - MBCD -
     *-= Pekka Kana v0.8b =-*    Pekka Kana on uusi tulokas tasohyppelyiden genreen. Veri roiskuu jos kieroutunut mielesi sitä halajaa. Tekijä:Deep Connection 486DX2/Näyttö/n. puoli megaa kovalevytilaa.
27496 PLAST14.ZIP 824,2 kt 22.10.1998 - MBHH1999 -
     úúùù PLASTRIS (SW) v1.4 ùùúú Simply the Best Tetris Clone Ever Made ! Features:1/2/Serial/Team/          Tournament, Special          Blocks, Nice Backgrounds,          GUS-support, CPU player          ,lot of fun, etc. Minimum : PC 386+,640K,VGA,(GUS) Slightly: PC 486/50,GUS,(CD-ROM)    Registering Only $12 (50FIM)
67277 PLBMPONG.ZIP 91033 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Title:  PLBM Pong Version:  #1135 Desc:  Ping
Pong arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA, Two
Players Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
27497 PLBMPOOG.ZIP 116,2 kt 19.07.1998 - MBCD -
Title:  PLBM Pong-Out Version:  #1192 Desc: Ping Pong and Brick-Out arcade games Needs: IBM PC, VGA, Two Players Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:  Kurt W. Dekker Publisher:  PLBM Games Email:  sales@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list
67320 POKERI08.ZIP 35582 16.09.1995 - - tupla
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ *Noble Soft* ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
█ Noble Softin uusin rahapeli POKERI █
█ Demoversio 0.8.                    █
67331 PONG10.ZIP 35994 18.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
Pong! v1.0
A great new remake of the original
classic. FEATURES:  VGA graphics, full
musical accompaniment, 1 or 2 player
simultaneous action, online help and more!
REQ: a PC, VGA card, and a sound card for
music. Freeware by Jason Maas.
27498 PONGTWO.ZIP 35,7 kt 25.04.1999 - #anonyymi -
Pong 2 by David Boyer New version of the venerable retro arcade game, Pong. Your goal is to hit balls with your bat, and stop them from zipping past you and reappearing on the other side of the screen. Each ball you miss gives your opponent a point, and vice versa. This unsophisticated, DOS-based version lets you play against the computer or human opponent. It has simple graphics, no sound, and very basic game dynamics. DOS 5.0
67339 POPEMUP.ZIP 115699 13.06.1996 - - tupla
Made by Insect/GigaMess Helper:
TexMex/GigaMess This is asteroids(tm)
stylegame for one player with five levels.
This game is megacool but VERY easy so go and
27499 POTTI666.ZIP 2,6 Mt 06.05.1999 - MBCD -
Potti 666 v1.00 (c) Jari Kankare 1999 TÄmÄ hiukan omalaatuinen hedelmÄpeli tai paremminkin kirjainpeli on kiva ja nÄppÄrÄ ajanviettopeli. Pelissä pitää saada mahdollisimman paljon voittoja jotta pääsee listoille. Windows 95 486 800x600 jari.kankare@dlc.fi http://www.dlc.fi/~kankare
27500 PSSST.ZIP 474,2 kt 06.08.1999 - - -
PSSST! Final version. Classic retro remake. By John Dow. Based on PSSST! seen on Spectrum during the early 80s. FUn arcade action. Protect a flower from the worms and other insects. DOS.
27501 PULSFIN.ZIP 3,8 Mt 14.07.1999 - - -
"Pulsoid (final release) by Fifth Dimension Company You are tired of shots and bloodpouring from the displayarent you? Fed up with accelerating a racing car? Pure assembler! Freeware! Spectrum Remake! 32 new insidious levels! 2 players mode! Level editor! We thank the developer of the prototype of the real Pulsoid - MASTERTRONIC game firmwhich in 1988 released its creation. RETRO REMAKE BREAKOUT type fun game. DOS4866 MB."
27502 PW2166A1.ZIP 1,3 Mt 14.08.1998 - MBCD -
"PARAWORMER II (v1.66a) is an ultimate worm blastem up for 1-2 players. 0-7 computer playersscrolling areavector based worms360-angle-turning radars5 different weapons. Musics&sounds. Requires MS-DOS or WIN95486DX-338Mb and VGA. Supports SoundBlaster."
27503 PYROMANI.ZIP 580 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
"Pyromania by Andrew Lunn falling blocks game where you destroy the blocks that fall into your playing field. You can obstruct your opponents game play by dropping blocks into his or her playing field. 486 DOS 3.3 4 mb VGA"
27504 Q-LAT.ZIP 273,9 kt 31.12.1998 - - -
Q-LAT v1.00. Lopullinen versio. Q-Lat on peli jossa on lainailtu ideoita biljardista ja petanquesta. Suomenkielinen. Vaatii DOS/WIN95, 486 ja Sound Blaster ääniä varten. Tekijä: Janne Kivilahti/Deep Connection.
27505 RBNCH101.ZIP 33,5 kt 24.02.1998 - - -
"ReactBENCH v1.01 -=a Mags=- 1998 February Test your reacting speed if you dare. System requirements: DOS/Win95100k HD"
27506 REPTON.ZIP 120,2 kt 24.06.1999 - - -
Repton v1.0 by Paul Bieles. Arcade. This is a copy of famous BBC game, which was similar to BoulderDash. All you have to do is collect all of the diamonds! Watch out for falling boulders, pick up keys to open safes which house extra diamonds. Retro remake of a classic 8-bit game. Seen on: BBC, C64, Amstrad, Electron. Platform: DOS, (Win95-friendly) http://www.bielesibub.demon.co.uk/games.htm
67901 REVENG13.ZIP 1195576 19.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Clyde's Revenge is a smooth scrolling arcade
adventure from the makers of Hocus Pocus,
published by Apogee Software! Double parallax
scrolling, a dynamite soundtrack and full
digital sound effects highlight this arcade
hit! Supports 12 different sound cards
including Sound Blaster and UltraSound for 8
channels of sound! This game requires a
486-33 or higher, VGA graphics and 4
megabytes of RAM.
67959 ROADHG10.ZIP 1397808 14.10.1995 - MBCD tupla
ROAD HOG! v1.0 - A hot new arcade style car
racing game. Requires 386+, 570K, 576K EMS.
Joystick/ digital GamePad, and all major
sound boards optional. Race through wild
texture mapped arcade fun, honk your horn as
you pass wicked opponents, and make your
tires squeel till your ears begin to bleed!
Written by Teacy Entertainment, distributed
by Homebrew Software .
67961 ROBALL2.ZIP 163854 11.05.1995 - MBCD tupla
ROBALL Veikeä taitopeli jossa pitää hyppiä
pallolla esteiden yli.
67977 ROF.ZIP 96463 16.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
"Revenge of Frogger". Frogger- klassikkopelin
67980 ROLLIN.ZIP 1039516 20.04.1996 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin tupla
Rollin, guide a rolling ball from start to
the end of each level, feel the inertai and
gravity-laws pulling it, how momentum of
speed makes controlling harder...
Parallax-scrolling, fun and enjoyable game,
with two player competing option.
67992 ROOMS.ZIP 242838 23.02.1996 - - tupla
ROOMS OF DOOM is a side-scrolling arcade
game.  As such, there are several
actions you must master in order to get
the most out of the game. Shoot Zombies
and things!
68004 ROXX.ZIP 484150 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Roxx Version:  #1133 Desc:  Roxx
arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:
SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95
S&H Author:  PLBM Games Email:
kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 +
$4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete
27507 ROXXZER.ZIP 5,3 kt 12.10.1998 - MBCD -
ROXXZER -- The Very Best BoulderDash Clone Ever! Now Only 256 Bytes Of Pure ASM-power! Sourcecode also included. -Copyright 1998 Taneli Riihonen
27508 RTFR10.ZIP 986,4 kt 11.05.1997 - MBCD -
R.T.F.R - Radiation Threat From Russia Protect Finland from the russian nuclear plants. This game challenges your reflexes. (supports Finnish)
68025 RTIDE.ZIP 698623 01.04.1996 - - tupla
In Search of Dr. Riptide v1.1
You: Nick Nautilus, Secret Naval
Agent 1138. Your mission:  To seek and
destroy the evil Dr. Riptide and his
secret undersea lab. Your main submarine
is armed to the teeth, and with the aid
of your small, maneuverable JASON
sidekick you'll be able to explore the
tiniest nooks and crannies. You are more
than ready to face the insane creations
68035 RUDY135A.ZIP 62217 24.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
DR. RUDY v1.35a (15 Mar 96) by Kevin J. North
IBM arcade/action game for 1 or 2
players. Supports 256-color VGA or CGA, color
monitor highly recommended. FreeWare, but
2-player mode can be "unlocked" for a $10
donation. Game play: You start with a bottle
with viruses in it of 3 different colors.
Immediately you get a colored pill, and it is
your job to guide it as it slowly falls
through the bottle and place it so that it
matches colors in a row/column. New for
27509 RWORM12.ZIP 8,4 kt 28.01.1998 - MBCD -
RetroWorm V1.2 By Tuomas Ikola Perinteistä matoilua ilman erikoisjippoja. Paljon parempi pelattavuus kuin edellisissä versioissa. DOS. FREEWAREA!
30781 SCUBA11.ZIP 463472 24.12.1994 - MBCD -
Scubaman's Quest 1.1 from Alive Software.
The coolest VGA Underwater Action Arcade.
This game features:  256 color scrolling
action, Soundblaster/Adlib sound effects and
great music.  Three full underwater
adventures are included. Collect rare marine
creatures, discover lost treasures and many
other surprises. Armed with your stungun try
to survive shark attacks, killer whales,
angry jelly-fish, mutant squids, giant
turtles, hostile divers, mermaids and more.
68267 SDRAMP.A01 3041555 29.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
Alien Rampage V1.11 2/2
68268 SDRAMP.ARJ 3499636 29.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
ALIEN RAMPAGE v1.11 - Shareware (c) 1996 by
Softdisk Publishing ALIEN RAMPAGE is a
side-scrolling arcade game featuring
beautiful multiple-parallax backgrounds,
large, detailed graphics, and bloody death
sequences. (Violence can be turned off.) This
version has 4 weapons and 7 levels including
1 mean boss to beat! Needs a 486 DX/66, 11
meg hard drive space.
27510 SERP1999.ZIP 451,7 kt 12.01.1999 - MBCD -
"* Serpent99 * First and the best wormgame of the year. Scrolling SVGA screen! Uses MIDAS Digital Audio System. PuavoHard99 DOS."
27511 SIMEO101.ZIP 204,4 kt 10.03.1999 - MBCD -
"Simeons World v1.01 Freeware Hypi&Pompinyt myös työkalut omien levelpäkkien tekemiseen.. 486Vgadossb pro"
68429 SKUDESER.ZIP 443127 11.05.1995 - - tupla
Skunny Kart Racingin orava seikkailee
68430 SKUFORES.ZIP 516674 11.05.1995 - - tupla
Skunny Kart Racingin orava seikkailee
68432 SKUNNY.ZIP 3890782 02.11.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
SKUNNY! 32-bit Platform Game Experience the
fastest, most exciting platform game released
to the market in years. Up to six levels of
parallax scrolling, 3D-rendered animations.
The game contains more than 750,000 graphic
elements and a built-in level editor. Dozens
of objects to interact with: camp fires, gold
coins, barrels, ropes, boosters, pinball,
mine cart, magic carpet, saw blades, etc.
Find hundreds of secret passages, bonus
levels and the treasure! Requires 486+, 8Mb,
68433 SKUPIZZA.ZIP 412438 11.05.1995 - - tupla
Skunny Kart Racingin orava seikkailee
68434 SKUSPACE.ZIP 365242 11.05.1995 - - tupla
Skunny Kart Racingin orava seikkailee
68439 SKYROADS.ZIP 415973 21.03.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Great 3D challenge for those who dare!
Imagine cruising a road in Crab Nebula with
your starglider! Catch breathtaking views of
the universe! Loaded with superb graphics,
marvelous tunes and smooth 3D animation,
SkyRoads is a game that is definitely fun!
68441 SKYXMS.ZIP 424715 08.01.1996 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip tupla
SkyXmas: Xmas version of SkyRoads with new
roads/gfx/muzax Imagine cruising a road in
Crab Nebula with your starglider! Catch
breathtaking views of the universe! Loaded
with superb graphics, marvelous tunes and
smooth 3D animation,SkyRoads is a game that
is definitely fun to play! [VGA/EGA,
68485 SN2000T.ZIP 67529 17.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
------------------------------ Super nibbles
2000 turbo on mato peli 1 pelaajalle. 320 *
200 VGA Grafiikat ja 18 eri kenttää, joita
voit editoida ja paljon muuta!!
68493 SNIBB131.ZIP 57479 02.02.1996 - - -
┌──── ┐   ┌ ┌───┐ ┌───  ┌───┐ │
└───┐ │   │ ├───┘ ├─    ├──┬┘ │
────┘ └───┘ ┘     └───  ┘  └  │
N  I  B  B  L  E  S  1.3    │
68559 SPACECHS.ZIP 490513 26.01.1995 - MBCD tupla
Jason Storm battles Evil Guys Inc. for
control of a vast city in Game 1 of the
Space Chase Trilogy!! 10 MASSIVE levels,
incredible EGA/VGA graphics, all original
Adlib/SB music, stunning graphics. req.
286-16+, 530K RAM (580K w/music),EGA/VGA
From Safari Software Productions
27512 SPC3D060.ZIP 190 kt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
 Six-Pac 3D. Version 0.60 (386+, vga, gus/sb, awe32)
68580 SPEEDKAR.ZIP 521533 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Speed-Kar Version:  #1133 Desc:
Speed-Kar arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA
Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
68582 SPEEDY10.ZIP 1527703 02.03.1996 - 2841/Software of the Month Club 1996 May.iso tupla
Speedy distributed by HomeBrew Software is a
different type of racing game.  You don't
have to defeat opponents or get the best lap
time.  The aim of the game is to reach the
goal safely while avoiding obstacles like
water, fences, other cars and holes.
Requires: 386+, 4 Meg RAM, VGA.  Joystick and
sound card optional. (v1.0)   
27513 SPLAT10.ZIP 403,2 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
"Splat! PC v1.0 arcade classic retro remake. Run with a spider in maze but watch out you wont get crushed! Seen on:  SpectrumAmstradC64. Platform: DOS(Win95-friendly) Author:  John M. Dow Homepage: http://www.nelefa.org/splat/ This was done pretty much as gentle re-intro to game writing. Okso it isnt Quakebut t theres only one of me."
68669 STAL.ZIP 56842 16.09.1995 - fileplanet.com tupla
"Stalactites" by Kurt W Dekker.
68672 STALKER.ZIP 1431331 21.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
The stunning 256-color VGA action game from
MM Software Productions: There is a Zone, a
radioactive contamination zone, a zone of
death and decay!Only one man - the Stalker -
is brave enough to enter the Zone in search
of the magical Golden Sphere, which can
fulfill any wish. Enter the Zone and discover
for yourself - IF YOU DARE! Requires 386,
VGA, Sound Blaster (optional)
68673 STALPLBM.ZIP 90838 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Stalactites Version:  #1135 Desc:
Stalactites arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA
Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster
Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:
PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special:
any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT
file for complete list
27514 STIXWORL.ZIP 530,1 kt 24.12.1998 - MBCD -
"Stixworld by PsychoHazard Software Childrens platform arcade game. Delightfulinnovative twist on the standard run-and-jump arcade game. You find yourself trapped in a 2D notebook world endangered by the jaws of the approaching recycling truck. To save the world you have to find your way into the 3D realm - navigating numerous obstacles and uncovering hidden doors and treasures. DOS 3.0"
27515 STRSH101.ZIP 1,3 Mt 29.05.1998 - MBCD -
STARSHIFT v. 1.01 Freeware ARCADE PREVIEW Kiehtova 1-4 pelaajan toimintapeli truecolor- grafiikalla ja digitaalisilla äänillä. (Disccover-kilpailu) Tehnyt Jetro Lauha (myös KOPSin tekijä).
68766 SUB_100.ZIP 77519 14.11.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Super Breakout, klassinen tiilenmurskaaja/
4 mailaa. Vaatii väh. 486DX25 Tukee
27516 SWHM14.ZIP 220,2 kt 02.04.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Hungry man - versio 1.4 Laadukas BOULDER DASH - klooni!!! Auta Hungry Mania selviytymään pa- hoista paikoista syömällä MEHEVIÄ hampurilaisia ja väistelemällä PAHOJA vihollisia ja PAINAVIA kiviä! Vaatii: 486 66MhZ, VGA Tukee: SoundBlaster PuavoHardin tuotantoa - 1998 PS. PAHOJA BUGEJA KORJAILTU!!!
68809 SWORM11.ZIP 102018 18.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
-= S u p e r W o r m =-  Versio 1.1
27517 TBALL131.ZIP 526,8 kt 25.04.1999 - MBCD -
Turbo Ball versio 1.31. Turbo Ball on hienolla SVGA -grafiikalla ja mukavilla äänillä toteutettu Krakout -tyyppinen peli. Pelissä on useita eri bonuksia, pahiksia ja muuta mukavaa 150 vaiheen verran. Peli vaatii vähintään 486DX -tasoisen prosessorin, SVGA näytön ja 4 MB muistia. Sound Blaster tai muu yhteensopiva äänikortti suositeltavaa. Tekijä: Tuomo Turunen.
68933 TD2192.ZIP 1278402 11.05.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Traffic Department 2192
Guide Lt. Velasquez through this incredible
256 color action game. This Safari Software
and P² production features an exciting 50,000
word story, and overhead action you don't
want to miss! Voluntarily rated "R" and
includes a "PG" option for younger audiences.
Supports: Sound Blaster/Sound Blaster Pro,
Gravis GamePad. Requires 286+
27518 TETUN.ZIP 134,7 kt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
"Tetris Unlimited v1.31 Become tetris sportman! This is no longer only puzzle/action game. Now its sport game. This game is not super hi-quality game in graphics/soundsbut it does what it should. It provides convinient playing! Many new features and options (2 new keysalmost unlimited playfieldetc.) Build-in feature for playing world tetris championships that will be held every month. DOS. Yuri Balagurov http://dix.dubna.ru/jb/pentun"
69124 THUNZONE.ZIP 525362 11.05.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso tupla
Arcade game!
Released In May!  FREEWARE!
Major Support For Gravis Ultrasound.
Supports SoundBlaster..and compatibles
Star Trek - Type Shootem up.
27519 TOMAATTI.ZIP 72,2 kt 23.06.1997 - MBCD -
Tomaatti Sota V.1.0a on ratkiriemukas ennen näkemätön kaksintaistelu peli, jossa on tarkoi- tuksena tuhota toinen tomaatti... By: WizeQuiz
27520 TRIBBLES.ZIP 413,8 kt 23.01.2001 - - -
Tribbles - Tribute to Nibbles This game is a clone of the old Nibbles game. This version comes with high quality graphics, music and playability. Requirements: DOS 5.0, VGA, 486DX. FREEWARE. (C) Yoshi / 3G Design 2000
69418 TRONIC.ZIP 715250 03.12.1996 - MBCD tupla
* Tronic (TM) * A Shareware Arcade Style
Classic (C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * VGA graphics * Awesome
sound effects and music * Major sound cards
supported * Mouse and keyboard control *
386sx or higher required * Multiple levels of
69464 TUROID12.ZIP 88441 16.11.1995 - MBCD tupla
New smooth 60 fps, most beautiful VGA
graphics, ball-paddle game.  Turoid is full
of features including bonus shoot' em up
levels, up to 64 balls, two lazers, high
score table, full-width display, on-line
help, an intuitive Level Editor, and much
more. Adlib support.  286 or higher, VGA, and
mouse required.  Shareware 1994.
27521 UFOHI200.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.03.1998 - MBCD -
Ufo Hippa v2.0 by THP - FREEWARE!!! - Great 2/3 player UFO tag game. *256 colors *Sounds and musics *Weapons *Teleports *Level editor
27522 ULTRASH.ZIP 3,4 Mt 15.07.1999 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
Ultranium v1.0 Advanced Breakout-style game for the newest generation of computers. This video game uses colorful 3D bitmaps and stereo sound for fun gameplay. Sometimes it rains bonuses. DOS.
69694 VENTT102.ZIP 49821 06.05.1995 - - tupla
Noble Softin Ventti v1.02
Kuin suoraan RAY-automaatista.
Enkkalistat, ja paljon muuta.
69695 VENTTI11.ZIP 60702 18.06.1995 - - tupla
Noble Ventti v1.1
27523 VERTRIX.ZIP 2,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - MBCD -
Vertrix v5.1 by The Clusters. Freeware. Action & Strategic game * Place falling blocks in rows or Special Figures * Use at best your bonusses against a human or CPU opponent chosen beetween 12 characters * Splendid graphics 320x400 256 colors ! * SoundBlaster. 386/33, DOS 3.1, around 4 Mb RAM (XMS) free, VGA 256 colors.
69709 VGAJOUST.ZIP 52838 07.01.1995 - MBCD tupla
Turnajaismainen kaksintaistelupeli
strutseilla. VGA 256 colors.
69710 VGAKIX15.ZIP 407927 28.02.1996 - MBCD tupla
VGA Kix 1.5 Kix is an arcade style video game
for the PC similar to the old Taito arcade
game Qix or STIX on C-64. Using your stylus,
you attempt to draw areas on the game board
without getting caught by the Kix or other
opponents.  You complete a level after you
have claimed a certain percentage of the
total board.Requires a fast 286 PC or better
with VGA.
69741 VIPER.ZIP 38156 16.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
"Viped" by Kurt W Dekker. Matopeli.
27524 VIPER2.ZIP 497 kt 25.02.2001 - - -
Viper 2 Viper 2 on ylhäältä kuvattu autopeli, jossa kovaa vauhtia kulkeva auto yrittää väistellä vastaantulevaa liikennettä sekä kivenlohkareita. Myöhemmillä tasoilla pitää myös pelata jalkapalloa tönimällä autolla pallo maaliin. 
69742 VIPERPLB.ZIP 265282 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Viper Version:  #1133 Desc:  Viper
arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:
Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95
+ $4.95 S&H Author:  PLBM Games Email:
kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 +
$4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete
69743 VIRPOTTI.ZIP 262662 23.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
Virtua Potti, potti5-simulaattori,
vähintään 386/VGA/hiiri.
27525 VPOTTI2.ZIP 805,6 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Virtua  Potti  II   - potti5 - simulaattori  vaatii:386/VESA/hiiri äänikortti suositeltava-
27526 VWORM.ZIP 607,9 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
Variable Worm BETA by VARIABLE. Features 360 deg. movement, 640x480x256 screen resolution, enemy worms, Not so good music but you can send me new ones. Your aim is to eat flies flying around. Requires: dos, pentium, sound card.
27527 WATMAN.ZIP 1,8 Mt 17.01.2000 väärä koko 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar -
"Watman (challenge version)  updated. Platform game. Classic retro remake of Batman. Original game was done by Jon Ritman & Bernie Drummondpublished by Ocean. Originally seen on SpectrumC-64Amstrad. Youre batman and youve got to collect the 7 batcraft parts to rescue robin. Beforeyoull have to get some items which can help you in your task. Freeware. By kakarot@ole.com"
70050 WILD.ZIP 670384 22.03.1996 - - tupla
Skunny-Orava seikkailee Villissä Lännessä.
70142 WORMGA14.ZIP 7339 24.11.1996 - - -
Wormgame v1.4 (freeware) by Samuli Kajantola.
2 players, 8 levels, worms can grow longer,
neverending worm option, speed normal or
fast. Requires: 286/VGA/DOS/11.1KB (!) HD
Simple but good!
27528 WORMZ13.ZIP 1,3 Mt 08.04.1999 - MBCD -
Worm Zone v1.3 by Samuli Kajantola. Great multi-player worm game. This is DOS+datafiles package, you can get Linux or Win32 packages from homepages. Features 360 deg. movement, split-screens, scrolling levels, enemies, weapons, multiple resolutions, joystick support, music with playlist etc. Requires: pentium 133MHz, 16 MB RAM, sound card supported by operating system.
27529 WOW98_2.ZIP 153,5 kt 11.06.1998 - MBCD -
"WIZARD of WOR98 V.2.098 Arcade classic now on PC ! Featuring  great  graphics and stunning sounds !! Download and play NOW !!!! - by SYS64738 -"
27530 WRAMA11.ZIP 497,1 kt 27.03.1998 - MBCD -
Wormarama v1.1 (C) 1998 Tuomas Ikola Hyvä matopeli hienoilla kentillä. þ 320x200 grafiikat 256 värillä þ 360-asteisesti kääntyilevä mato þ 486+, VGA þ Freewarea Uutta: Parempi pisteenlaskusysteemi, vahvat tunnelmaa luovat musiikit, uusi näppisrutiini jne.
27531 WU1500.ZIP 208,9 kt 12.01.1998 - MBCD -
WORM UNLIMITED v1.5 Pizza Worm style 360  degrees rotating wormie.  Levels, blocks, NO music in this version but WIN95 support & pmode. 2 player game etc. TheDamned 1998
30957 XMASJET1.ZIP 472771 03.11.1994 - MBCD -
CHRISTMAS JETPACK 1.1 from Impulse
FREE Action-Packed VGA game!  Santa's got a
jetpack and more levels to conquer!  Expore
new levels of treacherous dungeons, with new
graphics & sounds.  Create your own Christmas
levels with the built-in level editor!
Equipped with Jet Turbines and a powerful
Phase Shifter, you must deliver all the
Christmas presents! Fast 256 color action
arcade game with digital sound. Requires: VGA
opponents.  You complete a level after you
you attempt to draw areas on the game board
total board.Requires a fast 286 PC or better
with VGA.
have claimed a certain percentage of the
without getting caught by the Kix or other
27532 XYBEA2.ZIP 496,2 kt 17.01.2000 renamed genesis8bit.fr -
"Xybernoid for DOS  alpha test version 0.02. Classic retro remake. Shootemup. Coding is by Tero Turtiainen and most of the graphics by Lee Hyde. By Retrospec. http://www.retrospec.co.uk/tero/xybernoid/"
70443 ZASM95.ZIP 592148 15.08.1995 - - tupla
Zorlim's Asm 95 packet
Includes: Intro, c00l colors
Zorlim's Arcade Volleyball and
Pizza Worm 2.1
27533 ZONG.ZIP 571,9 kt 24.04.1997 - 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO -
ZONG - is an outstanding "breakout" game for DOS. You use your mouse to control the paddle, in an attempt to destroy all the blocks on each progressively challenging level. Some blocks release power-ups that make your paddle "sticky", close off the ball exit, and more. A sound card is required for the music and sound effects. Description Copyright 1996 PsL through the bottle and place it so that it matches colors in a row/column. New for your job to guide it as it slowly falls Immediately you get a colored pill, and it is donation. Game play: You start with a bottle 2-player mode can be "unlocked" for a $10 monitor highly recommended. FreeWare, but with viruses in it of 3 different colors. 2-player mode can be "unlocked" for a $10 with viruses in it of 3 different colors. monitor highly recommended. FreeWare, but
28788 !CATCH11.ZIP 101873 01.04.1996 - ratsnest1.iso -
Catch...If You Can!  (VGA256 required)
A simple, but action packed, addictive
game that everyone will enjoy!
A definate download!  It's only 100K.
Supports Sound Blaster.  Source Avail.
30186 $EPICBB.ZIP 624017 23.12.1994 renamed 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Epic Baseball
Animated 256-color VGA sports simulation!
Epic MegaGames turns shareware into a whole
new ball game with this new thriller created
by Microleague.  You select teams, decide on
the lineups, and call the plays!  Baseball at
its best - the commercial version of this
game has won top awards from many major game
28787 94BOXING.ZIP 93047 04.03.1996 - 16983/Super CD 6 (Groupware).iso -
This Demo is in computer vs computer
mode only to allow you to sit back,
whatch, and notice how the fighter
ratings effect their performance in the
ring. You choose between two teams to go
at it (home/away) and adore the violent
and sometimes blood filled graphics!
Just sit back and enjoy afew matches
till the end then see what's on the
30295 AV.ZIP 24653 22.10.1995 - 19691/ShareWare Extravaganza 1 of 4 (The Ultimate Shareware Company).iso -
Todella klassikko lajissaan, Arcade
Vollyball. Kaksi palloa pompottelee kolmatta.
30307 BBALL.ZIP 642693 21.03.1995 - 556/Experimental BBS Explossion III.iso -
3 Point Basketball game by MVP Software
.  Take on "ASBA" stars such as Shackle
O'Deal and Bald Barkler in a 3 point
shootout.  Rick Vitality calls the action as
you fire up those threes.  Will you be "hot
with the rock," or are your shots better
described as "what a brick, baby?"  Requires
VGA+, mouse; Sound Blaster is optional.
61282 BDSKI11.ZIP 1006472 10.09.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
How good of a skier do you think you really
are?  Test your skills in this fast paced
downhill skiing game for Windows. This
addicting game is fun and easy for anyone to
use. Just be sure you don't run into any
bears while you're maneuvering your way down
the slalom course! If you have a sound card
you will hear some great sound effects!
27536 CCOACH72.ZIP 327,2 kt 02.11.2001 - MBHH2002 -
"College Coach 7.2 College Coach is a menu-driventext-based college football coaching simulation. You are in charge of a college football teamcontrolling the teams roster and game play preferences. As you gain prestigeyou will be offered jobs by better schools. You can also play against other players instead of the computer.  Shareware$20. "
30374 CFB40.ZIP 97935 30.11.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Cunning Football V4.0, dynamic, interactive,
menu driven football game. It tests both
skill and strategy. Simulates a real football
game as closely as possible. Includes
interceptions, penalties, and other
subtleties found in football.
28789 CHMPDART.ZIP 377,2 kt 13.01.1999 - MBCD -
Championship Darts 1.1Great Darts game for up to 16 people.Features include matchplay and tournament modes,soundblaster support,computer controlled opponents, saving and loading of tournaments. DOS.
40785 CROQUE1A.ZIP 16029 02.10.1994 - 23684/Shareware Game Pak For Windows.iso -
Solitary Croquet 1.0a for Windows 3.0 allows
one to play croquet with one ball, a mallet,
and nine arches. The object of the game is to
hit the ball with the mallet by selecting the
distance and direction that the ball will
take to go through an arch. The ball must go
through the arches in sequential order.
However, at least 20 shots are allowed to hit
the ball through the 9 arches. Shareware ($5)
from Backus Computer Services.
28790 DARTS21.ZIP 52,3 kt 20.06.1999 - MBCD -
DARTS v.2.1 Suomalainen, englantilaista pubidartsia jäljittelevä peli. Ohjelmoitu QuickBasicilla. DOS.
28791 ELBOW_SW.ZIP 2,2 Mt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Tennis Elbow from DIS Software The Ultimate Tennis Challenge! Shareware Version 1.15 - SVGA 640*480 in 256 colors - 60 frames per second - 20 frames per strike Training & One Set Match 0 to 4 Human Players
63676 ELPLTBEL.ZIP 108699 16.08.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Links386 Pro tournament results from The
Belfry. Played by ELPL members. Contains
final leaderboard,stats and recorded games.
28792 FISHS114.ZIP 4,2 Mt 18.05.2000 renamed archive.org -
Fishing Simulator v1.14 by J.C. Spooner Go fishing! Realistic fishing simulator that features: Catch different species of fish (12 species of fish included in shareware version). Fish from different venues and pegs (1 venue 6 pegs). Tackle - Float fishing, ledgering, spinning, fly fishing, freeline fishing all included. Choose from a large selection of baits. Good graphics. DOS. 
28793 FMBELG.ZIP 228,4 kt 21.05.1999 - MBCD -
Belgian Football Manager PC Game Take control of a football team. Start in the lowest division, build your team, stadium and grounds into a super outfit and conquer the series. Easy, mostly text coaching. DOS. Author: Charl Gerber - Charl.Gerber@iname.com
28794 FMDUTCH.ZIP 220 kt 21.05.1999 - MBCD -
Dutch Football Manager PC Game Take control of a football team. Start in the lowest division, build your team, stadium and grounds into a super outfit and conquer the series. Easy, mostly text coaching. DOS. Author: Charl Gerber - Charl.Gerber@iname.com
28795 FMENGL.ZIP 239,6 kt 21.05.1999 - MBCD -
English Football Manager PC Game Take control of a football team. Start in the lowest division, build your team, stadium and grounds into a super outfit and conquer the series. Easy, mostly text coaching. DOS. Author: Charl Gerber - Charl.Gerber@iname.com
28796 FMGERMAN.ZIP 236,8 kt 21.05.1999 - MBCD -
German Football Manager PC Game Take control of a football team. Start in the lowest division, build your team, stadium and grounds into a super outfit and conquer the series. Easy, mostly text coaching. DOS. Author: Charl Gerber - Charl.Gerber@iname.com
28797 FMGREEK.ZIP 238,5 kt 21.05.1999 - MBCD -
Greek Football Manager PC Game Take control of a football team. Start in the lowest division, build your team, stadium and grounds into a super outfit and conquer the series. Easy, mostly text coaching. DOS. Author: Charl Gerber - Charl.Gerber@iname.com
28798 FMITALY.ZIP 170 kt 21.05.1999 - MBCD -
Italian Football Manager PC Game Take control of a football team. Start in the lowest division, build your team, stadium and grounds into a super outfit and conquer the series. Easy, mostly text coaching. DOS. Author: Charl Gerber - Charl.Gerber@iname.com
30491 FUZZY100.ZIP 2078171 16.05.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Fuzzy's World V1.00s- Pixel Painters
Pixel Painters releases its most spectacular
game to date! It's wild! It's zany! It's...
it's... space golf?? That's right, the most
outrageous sport of the future is here for
you today! Completely animated, outstanding
graphics and music. Don't miss this game,
it's one of the most unique games shareware
has to offer! Req: 4M RAM, VGA, HD, Mouse,
386/33 (486 recommended); Opt: Sound Card
28799 HOPPI.ZIP 15,4 kt 27.10.1997 - MBCD -
Ski Jumpping !!!!!  Ensimakua täydellisesti fysiikanlakien mukaan toteutetusta mäkihyppelypelista. Ehdoton hankinta niille jotka ovat kyllästyneet lartsan skijumpin epärealistisiin hyppyihin.
28800 KEIHAS99.ZIP 167,5 kt 26.05.2001 renamed archive.org -
Keihäskisa -99 v1.3 by Paakkelsi-Soft 1999. 1-4 pelaajaa kaipaava keihäänheittopeli. Freeware. paakkelsi@hotmail.com 
28801 MATCHP.ZIP 839,1 kt 27.04.1997 renamed archive.org -
Matchup Baseball V4.0 from James (Brad) Davenport Matchup Baseball allows you to match baseball teams against one another. Imagine the 1995 Atlanta Braves against the 1927 Yankees. The outcome is based on actual team and player statistics. Create or edit your own team from the 94/95 major league teams. View one play at a time or put it on cruise control and let them play. Check the stats after the game, conduct your own draft, yank the pitcher or bring in a pinch-hitter.
28802 MG4EVER.ZIP 4,5 Mt 20.10.1999 - miscfindos.zip -
Minigolf Forever v1.0 by Digital Dawn - Freeware Games Finland. 1 to 8 players. Minigolf. Fun. Yeehaa. Made in Finland. DOS, SVGA required. Pentium, SB recommended.
28803 MGOLF112.ZIP 721,3 kt 29.11.1999 - MBCD -
MiniGolffi v1.12Pelissä pelaaja samaistuu minigolffariin Nyt rataeditori ja 24 rataa samassa paketissa ja kaikki FREEWAREa. K.Korpijoki 1999
28804 MHM2000.ZIP 599,1 kt 03.03.2000 - - -
MHM 2000 v1.0 SHAREWARE Hyvät naiset ja herrat, jääkiekkomanageri- peleillä on jälleen uusi kuningas. Pura alihakemistot/kansiot huomioiden!
28805 MHM97DX.ZIP 212,3 kt 16.02.2000 - - -
"MHM97 Deluxe FREEWARE  Jääkiekkomanageripelin Deluxe-versio nyt ilmaisena. Mukana Quickbasic 4.5- lähdekoodi!"
28806 MHM97V12.ZIP 165,5 kt 20.01.1998 - MBCD -
"MHM97 v1.2 (C) 1998 Maso Software Versio 1.2 jääkiekkomanagerien kunin- kaasta. Mukana paljon uutta kivaa!!"
27555 MHM99SW.ZIP 655,4 kt 22.10.1998 - MBCD -
MASO SOFTWARE HOCKEY MANAGER 99 V1.0 SW Jääkiekkomanagerein kuninkaan pojanpoika is- kee viimein tajuntaasi! Ennennäkemätön visio tästä vaativasta ammatista nyt viimein ulkona!
27556 NL200010.ZIP 131,3 kt 17.01.2000 - - -
NettiLiiga2000 v1.00  JaFi@ Software => NettiLiiga on jännittävä liiga, johon kokoat SM-liigan jääkiekkojoukkueista kentällisiä ja seuraat niiden menestystä internetin välityksellä. NettiLiiga2000 on eräänlainen manageripeli, joka helpottaa sinua tekemään pelaajavalintoja internetissä pelattavaan viralliseen NettiLiigaan. Jos LiigaPörssi -peli on sinulle tuttu, on myös NettiLiiga2000! DOS, 386-486. Freeware!
27557 NL200011.ZIP 183,6 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
"NettiLiiga 2000 - NL2000 on eräänlainen kevyt manageripelijota voit pelata kotona omalla koneellasi yksintai mieluusti kavereiden kanssa. Voit myös osallistua kansalliseenNettiLiigaanjoka on jännittävä liigajohon lähetät 1-4 kokoamaasi joukkuetta. Valmentajien TOP-100 -lista päivittyy jokaisen pelatun kierroksen jälkeen heti aamulla. Myös pelaajien tilastot ja sarjataulukko päivittyvät kierrosten jälkeen. Sis. pel/joukkuepäivitys v1.11. DOS. "
27558 PHM.ZIP 138 kt 17.01.2000 renamed jonneweb.net -
PRO HOCKEY MANAGER 1.1 Maailman paras jääkiekko-managerointipeli! Addiktiivinen paketti SM-liigan ja 1. divi- sioonan joukkueiden managerin työstä! Työ ei ole helppo, mutta jonkun se on tehtävä! Erittäin hulvattomia sattumia/tapahtumia! Jussi Myllykosken laadukasta FREEWAREa. (C) Copyright 1999, 2000 Jussi Myllykoski Purkamisen jälkeen suorita INSTALL.BAT!
27561 PILK-2V.ZIP 26,2 kt 05.03.2000 - - -
Uusia vesistöjä Pro PilkkiinHaukimonttu ja Kerponsaari. Pura pilkki-hakemistoosi. 
(C) Copyright Procyon Products 2000.
27560 PILK140.ZIP 1,4 Mt 05.03.2000 - - -
Pro Pilkki v1.40Etenkin kalastajien keskuudessa suursuosion saanut pilkkipeli. 
Paljon kalalajeja, vesistöjä ja uusimmassa versiossa myös 
vapaamuotoiset houkutusnykyt. Ilmainen.
(C) Copyright Procyon Products 2000.
27562 SBSIM.ZIP 427,3 kt 15.12.1999 - - -
"STRATEGIC BASEBALL SIMULATOR 3.4 - Premier  DOS baseball simulation uses real stats to  simulate big-time baseball. Capable of  simulating an entire league schedule and  summarizing the statistical results. Or play  in single-game mode against the computer.  Easy to use and play. Optimized for fun and  accuracy! Data is in ASCII for easy editing.98 &99 teams! Freeware. DOS."
27563 SCARY24.ZIP 183,2 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
ScaryFish 2.4  Multi-species Fishing Game 1-4 Players; over 25 species; many options. Has "Relaxing" and Tournament modes. Shareware version has 49 holes at 3 worlds. Humorous mishaps occur. Results different every time you play. Requires 286 or better processor, VGA, and at least 512K RAM. Keywords: games sports fishing scary PMP Exciting contest with over 100 ways to win! Anglers will appreciate the realism.
30794 SHOCKEY.ZIP 31743 30.11.1995 - - -
The Solar Hockey League V1.1, challenging
future hockey game.
27564 SJ_171.ZIP 90,8 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Skijump 1.71Maailman realistisin mäkihyppypeli. 1-4 pelaajalle, joukkuemäki, mäki-ennätykset ja paljon 
muuta! Toimii 286:lla. http://www.hut.fi/~vkononen/sj.html
27565 SJ300.ZIP 1,2 Mt 09.10.2000 - - -
Ski Jump International 3.00the new generation in the cult favorite ski jump international. now with new graphics, 20 new hills, multi-language support and much more great new stuff. we speak english. puhumme my÷s suomea. http://www.hut.fi/u/vkononen/sj3/ shareware version dos. suomipeli. 
27566 SKIJUMP.ZIP 130,7 kt 24.01.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
Klassinen hiiriohjattu simulaatio keskieuroopan mäkiviikoista (4 hills), EI sisällä file_id.diz......Kaiketi Freewarea Lähetetty toisen käyttäjän toivomuksesta
30812 SOCCER95.ARJ 1048573 17.11.1995 - 23644/PCGAMER14.bin -
DDM SOCCER'95, Soccer game Last release of
Digital Dreams Multimedia futbol series.
Great arcade. If you want to feel the
exciting experience of futbol leagues,
matches and much more... just have a look to
Soccer'95. You'll be amazed. Moreover, many,
many other interesting games are coming, so
... STAY IN! You won't be disappointed.
27567 SOCCERAC.ZIP 78,7 kt 02.02.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Final Soccer Challenge  Soccer/sports. If you dont like sportsthis is not a problem. This game doesnt resemble soccer at all. Easyfun arcade game for 1 or 2 players. DOS."
27568 STIME10B.ZIP 102,6 kt 06.03.1997 - - -
Skitime from Compressor Small, simple, skifree clone for dos with kewl AdLib music & SB sfx & VGA gfx!!! 8)
27569 TTENNIS.ZIP 1,7 Mt 12.01.1998 - MBCD -
TOP TENNIS World-class tennis comes to your PC. Virtually everything you can do in a real tennis match you can do in Top Tennis. Lobs, dropshots, aces, volleys etc. Different court types and tournaments around the world. Adjustable difficulty levels from beginner to pro so anybody can play. Requires: 386+, VGA, 4MB RAM, Sound Blaster or compatible. Published by The Game Factory.
27570 TZGOLF2.ZIP 2579590 15.12.1996 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
|/\/\/\/\/   TZ-Minigolf II /\/\/\/\/\|
|\/\       The Expert Edition     \/|
Comfortable miniature golf simulation for
Windows for up to 4 players with music, sound
and 18 nicely designed and very tricky holes.
Six holes playable for unregistered users.
Needs 4 MB RAM and 256 colors under Windows.
Sound adapter recommended. Works fine with
30964 YAB.ZIP 353064 07.11.1995 - 1867/10tonsofgamesmegacollection1internationalsoftwarevalues1997.iso -
YAB-baseball todella upea/hauska/pelattava
baseball-peli.1 - 2 pelaajaa, adlib, vga.
30970 ZAV.ZIP 288471 25.08.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Zorlim's Arcade Volleyball (Asm'95 release)
new refit of old classic game called Arcade
Volleyball. Download and check out. This
party version supports only two player mode.
27571 ZAV8B.ZIP 341506 01.09.1996 - zak.fi -
Zorlim's Arcade Volleyball (Ver 0.8B)
(VGA/GUS/SB/PAS/WSS/JOYS/2PLR!) This is a new
refit of old classic game called Arcade
Volleyball. Download and check out. This
party version supports only two player mode.
28807 101-AIRB.ZIP 673 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
101st Airborne cheat codes
28808 21LEVELS.ZIP 47,8 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Star Fleet Academy Savegame (All Levels) chea
28809 3DLEMM.TXT 1,7 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Lemmings 3D. Cheat codes and passwords.
28810 688ICHT.ZIP 865 tavua 24.12.1997 - - -
688(i) Hunter/killer cheat
28811 688SONAR.LZH 852 16.02.1995 - - -
688 Attack Sub sonar codes
28812 7KINGCHT.ZIP 680 tavua 03.03.1998 - MBCD -
Seven Kingdoms cheats
28813 7LEG-GH.ZIP 289 tavua 26.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
7th Legion GameHack Table
26814 7THGUEST.TXT 44360 27.07.1995 - 12425/pain_cave_bbs.zip -
Solutions to various problems encountered in
The 7th Guest
28814 AACHEAT.ZIP 3,8 kt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Armor & Amulet Money Cheat
28815 ABUCHEAT.ZIP 876 27.08.1996 - - -
Abuse - how to cheat
28816 ABYUHS.ZIP 145,5 kt 12.05.1999 - - -
Abyss - Incident At Europa UHS cheat. Requires UHS cheat tool.
28817 ACES.TXT 138 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Aces over Europe. Cheat codes.
28818 ACHCHT.ZIP 363 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Achtung Spitfire! CHEAT
28819 ACONQ-CC.ZIP 440 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Ancient Conquest cheat codes
28820 ACW-GU_1.ZIP 3532 28.08.1996 - - -
American Civil War (RFSTA III) from
Interactive Magic Hints/Tips - First Draft
28821 ADAM.ZIP 961 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron saved game cheat Special Features:  Gold Medal in all 19 levels; Supreme Allied Commander; Access to All Ships.
28822 ADUHA.ZIP 106,2 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Armed and Delirious UHS Module. Cheat. Program that was written using a cheat tool known as the Universal Hint System. Requires UHS reader.
28823 AEA-GH.ZIP 593 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Alien Earth GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
28824 AEARTH.ZIP 33,2 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Alien Earth Final savegame cheat.
28825 AFISTCH.ZIP 744 tavua 16.07.1998 - - -
Armored Fist 2 Cheat Codes Cheats only valid with v1.03
28826 AFTERPO.ZIP 42,9 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Afterlife UGE Module
27593 AGEEMP.ZIP 890 tavua 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
Ages of empires cheat codes
27592 AGEEMPC.ZIP 873 tavua 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires cheat
27594 AGESAILC.ZIP 587 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Age of Sail cheat
27595 AGILECH.ZIP 627 tavua 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Agile Warrior F-IIIX CHEAT
27597 ALIENTC.ZIP 412 tavua 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Alien Trilogy cheat codes
27598 ALIEPRED.ZIP 8,1 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator character guide v1.2
27601 ALL_WCST.ZIP 151047 03.12.1995 - - -
WCST's semi-official spoilers for Nethack
3.x. Includes very much information about the
game's basics and playing techniques. Also
includes a draft of new spoiler version and
some WCST newsletters.
27599 ALLODSC.ZIP 508 tavua 16.07.1998 - - -
Allods: Sealed Lands cheat
27600 ALLSPOIL.ZIP 136318 03.12.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Near-complete spoilers for Nethack 3.x.
Includes verbose information about monsters,
praying, items and everything you might need.
Warning: This may make the game look less
27602 ALTRIGH.ZIP 574 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Alien Trilogy GameHack Table
27603 AM2C.ZIP 1,3 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
Army Men 2 cheat
27604 AMASUPC.ZIP 838 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
AMA Superbike cheat code
27605 AMOK-GH.ZIP 441 tavua 02.04.1998 - 22592/Hrac_20_1998-04_cd.bin -
AMOK GameHack Table
27606 ANCEV-GH.ZIP 470 tavua 16.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
Ancient Evil cheat Unlimited Ammo, Jets, Armor, and Biostats. GameHack table. Requires Gamehack cheat tool.
27607 ANNO16CH.ZIP 467 tavua 16.07.1998 - - -
Anno 1602 Cheat
27608 ANTSCH.ZIP 451 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Ants cheat
27610 AOE-GH.ZIP 360 tavua 26.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Age of Empires GameHack Table
27609 AOEDEMO.ZIP 669 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Age of Empires DEMO Game Cheats
27611 AREA51CH.ZIP 3227 05.12.1996 - - -
Cheats and secrets to AREA 51
27612 ARENA102.ZIP 34798 12.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
elders scrolls:Arena cheat
the money cheat, the stats cheat,
the experience points cheat.
27613 ARENACHT.ZIP 34076 13.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
The Elder Scrolls: Arena cheat
27614 ASHASHGH.ZIP 499 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Ashes 2 Ashes GameHack Table
27615 ASHESC.ZIP 486 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
27616 ATC.ZIP 461 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Actua Tennis cheat
27617 ATEARUHS.ZIP 31 kt 27.02.1998 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
"Azraels Tear UHS File"
27618 ATRAIN.TXT 142 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
A-Train. Cheat codes.
27619 ATRILOGY.TXT 253 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Alien Trilogy. Cheat codes.
27620 AVPCC.ZIP 3,1 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator cheat
27621 AVPMARD.ZIP 139,1 kt 11.05.1999 - 23199/Gamestar_05_1999-05_cd1.bin -
Alien vs. Predator Marine Demo Trainer. Unlimited Health.
27622 AVSBON.ZIP 442 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator hidden bonus cheat
27623 B13S.LZH 15,7 kt 24.02.1996 - - tupla
Bureau 13 Hints and Walkthru
26838 BAK-RID.ZIP 8107 26.01.1995 - - -
Betrayal at Krondor puzzle solutions
27625 BAK.TXT 467 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Betrayal at Krondor. Cheat codes.
27626 BAM_CO.ZIP 671 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Blood and Magic Cheat Codes
27627 BATFORC.ZIP 440 tavua 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
Batman Forever Cheat Codes
27628 BATTLECS.ZIP 28,7 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Battlespire saved game cheat
27629 BATTLZCO.ZIP 464 tavua 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
BattleZone Cheat Codes
27630 BBDOUC.ZIP 355 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Beavis & Butthead Do-U cheat
27631 BBUMCHT.ZIP 442 tavua 24.12.1997 - - -
Beasts & Bumpkins cheat
27632 BC3KSPCE.ZIP 693 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000AD UGE module cheat
27633 BCAUHS.ZIP 8,4 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Black Cauldron UHS cheat for Universal Hint System
27634 BDHC.ZIP 440 tavua 14.12.1999 - - -
Browning Duck cheat
27635 BDROME.TXT 135 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Battledrome. Cheat codes.
27636 BEDL2-GW.ZIP 2,6 kt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Bedlam 2 Game Wizard Table
27637 BEDL2HEX.ZIP 966 tavua 02.04.1998 - 22592/Hrac_20_1998-04_cd.bin -
Bedlam 2 Hex Cheat
27638 BERZB-GH.ZIP 340 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
Bezerker Birds cheat - GameHack Table. You need GameHack cheating tool to use this.
27640 BEY-UHS.ZIP 158 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Beyond Time Cheat - UHS Module.
27639 BEYNDZRK.LZH 4589 16.02.1995 - - -
Beyond Zork vinkkejä - Infocom
27641 BGATEC.ZIP 497 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
"Baldurs Gate cheat"
27642 BGSECRET.ZIP 2,4 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
"Baldurs Gate secrets guide v1.0"
27643 BGTIP.ZIP 6 kt 24.05.1999 - - -
"Baldurs Gate cheat"
27644 BI2CODES.LZH 2189 26.01.1995 - - -
Battle Isle II level codes
27645 BIOMCHT.ZIP 7960 21.03.1995 - - -
Apogee Productions Bio Menace cheat codes.
27646 BIRDHUNT.ZIP 597 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
Bird Hunter cheat codes
27647 BIRTH-GH.ZIP 918 tavua 27.02.1998 - - -
Birthright GameHack Table
27648 BLACFSG.ZIP 28,7 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Blackstone Chronicles final savegame cheat
27649 BLADECHT.ZIP 534 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
BladeRunner cheat
27650 BLCUC.ZIP 703 tavua 14.12.1999 - - -
Brian Lara Cricket cheat
27651 BLOODC2.ZIP 1,1 kt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Blood updated cheats
27652 BLOODCHT.TXT 2 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Blood. Cheat codes.
27653 BLOODCOD.ZIP 657 tavua 18.03.1997 - - -
Blood (Shareware) Cheat Codes
27654 BLUF-UHS.ZIP 21,2 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Blue Force Cheat - UHS Module.
27655 BOGGLEC.ZIP 422 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Boogle CHEAT
27656 BOMENCHT.ZIP 535 tavua 20.10.1997 - - -
27657 BOS-CODE.ZIP 582 tavua 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
Balls of Steel cheat codes
27658 BOS-GH.ZIP 911 tavua 27.02.1998 - - -
Balls of Steel GameHack Table
27659 BRIGHTC.ZIP 459 tavua 23.09.1997 - - -
"BirthRight:the Gorgons Alliance cheat"
27660 BSPREHEX.ZIP 1,2 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
Battlespire Stats Hex Loc Chart
27661 BSWORDSA.ZIP 34,8 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Broken Sword Cheat Special Features:  Assorted Savegames.
27662 BUGCHEAT.ZIP 904 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Bug! PC cheat codes
27663 BUREAUCR.ZIP 11,2 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Bureaucracy. UHS hint file.
27664 BZCHT.ZIP 466 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Battlezone cheat
27665 BZONCHT.ZIP 391 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Battlezone cheats
27726 C_SWPRSG.ZIP 473 tavua 24.05.1999 - 23221/Gamestar_07_1999-07_cd1.bin -
Star Wars Episode I - Racer. Cheat. Edited Player File. Adds Money; Max Specs for your Pod; Access All Tracks. Put the file in your \\data\\player\\ dir. Always make a backup of your current data before overwriting any files.
25288 C-KNO.ZIP 13172 24.02.1995 - - -
Save Games for Knights of Xentar (including
(?) the END )
25039 C&C-STGY.ZIP 71437 30.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Command & Conquer Strategy guide
27688 C&CCHEAT.ZIP 98157 04.12.1995 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Command & Conquer cheat
27690 C&CTIPS.TXT 13470 27.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
C&C Tips and Tactics.
27666 C2SUPER.ZIP 2,9 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Carmageddon 2 DEMO Cheat Creates a "Super-Car".
27667 C2TIM_V2.ZIP 19,4 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Carmageddon 2 cheat
27669 CAE3-GH.ZIP 382 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Caesar 3 GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
27668 CAE3CC.ZIP 466 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Caesar 3 cheat
27670 CAPLUSC.ZIP 412 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Capitalism Plus cheat
27671 CAPTCCH.ZIP 895 tavua 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Captain Claw cheats
27672 CAPTHINT.ZIP 956 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Capitalism cheat
27673 CARM2CC.ZIP 716 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Carmageddon 2 Cheat Codes:
27674 CARM2SG.ZIP 7,9 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Carmageddon 2 super savegame cheat
27675 CARMCOD.ZIP 578 tavua 15.09.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Cheat Codes
27676 CARMFCH.ZIP 575 tavua 25.09.1997 - - -
Carmageddon - Full Version Cheat Codes
27677 CARMFIN.ZIP 1,6 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
27678 CARMSCIC.ZIP 3,4 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Carmageddon cheat codes from SCi
27679 CARNC.ZIP 486 tavua 24.05.1999 - - -
Carnivores cheats
27680 CARNIC.ZIP 636 tavua 14.12.1999 - - -
Carnivores cheat
27681 CARNIVOR.ZIP 1,1 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Carnivores cheat
27682 CASTWCHT.ZIP 828 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Castle of the Winds hex cheat
27683 CASTWH.ZIP 721 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
Castle of the Winds hex cheat
30369 CATAHNTS.ZIP 27289 21.03.1995 - - -
Hints to Catacombs of the Abyss, the new
shareware game from Gamer's Edge.  Includes
ACCURATE God mode keystrokes, strategy,
monster descriptions, scroll contents, keys
needed per level, where to look for the
gems... But doesn't give the store away. By
Mark Francis.
27684 CAVEWARC.ZIP 462 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Cave Wars cheatcode
27685 CBEL-LEV.ZIP 953 tavua 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines Level codes with the highest military honors.
27686 CC3-GER.ZIP 27,1 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Close Combat III cheat - make German units stronger
27687 CC95MOD.ZIP 21,7 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
"Command & Conquer95 Uge Modules"
27689 CCMONEY.ZIP 7048 02.11.1995 - 24013/1996-08_Disc_2.7.iso -
Command & Conquer money cheat
27691 CDREAHE.ZIP 1,1 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
Cold Dreams saved games cheat
27692 CDUTYC.ZIP 714 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty cheat
27693 CHAOISCH.ZIP 1,1 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Chaos Island All Cheat Codes
27694 CHAOSOC.ZIP 518 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
Chaos Overlords cheat codes
27695 CHASM.TXT 220 27.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Chasm-pelin huijauskoodit.
62004 CHEAT150.ZIP 79134 30.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
CHEAT v15.0: The ultimate list of cheats and
debug codes for MS-DOS computer games. Over
251 games exist in this realm!  This is a
giant list of secret backdoors and cheat
codes for some of today's most popular games!
Added to this release are Heretic, Descent,
Falcon 3.0, some new features, TW2002, and
31312 CHEATZZ.ZIP 29753 21.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Now you can CHEAT in Major Stryker,
Catacomb Abyss, Cosmo, Wolf3D 1.0, Commander
Keen 1, Commander Keen 4, Keen Dreams, Secret
Agent, Crystal Caves, Sim City, Street Rods
1, and Street Rods 2!
31313 CHEET37.ZIP 580092 25.08.1995 - - -
Cheet Sheets Games Mag, January 1995 The
first major upload of '95?  The latest issue
of THE PC game cheating magazine has arrived.
Lots more cheats, tips, reviews, solutions,
hints and news! The best disk magazine for
the PC, with a full GUI interface under DOS!
27696 CHEXQ2.ZIP 418 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Chex Quest 2 CHEAT
27697 CHEXQU.ZIP 523 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Chex Quest cheat codes
27698 CIV-BG.ZIP 596 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
Civil War: Blue & The Grey cheat
62108 CIVADVN.ZIP 9460 None - - -
27699 CIVCHEAT.ZIP 5553 24.02.1996 - 7510/phoenixrising.zip -
Cheat for CivNet Ver 1.0 With this version
you only get 25000+ gold pieces to start
25047 CIVGOVT.ZIP 661 16.11.1995 - - -
Civilization Effects of goverment
62111 CIVILADV.LZH 16593 None - - -
Civilization kehitystaulukot
27700 CIVNETCH.ZIP 659 tavua 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
CivNET Cheat Codes
25048 CIVNETFQ.ZIP 2934 25.04.1996 - - -
Sid Meiers CivNET Frequently Asked Questions
File by Spectrum HoloByte-MicroProse
On-Line Services
27701 CLAW-GH.ZIP 356 tavua 26.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Captain Claw GameHack Table
27702 CLSP3ALC.ZIP 111 kt 29.01.1999 - 23177/Gamestar_03_1999-03_cd1.bin -
Populous 3 cheat
27703 CLSSWSQC.ZIP 473 tavua 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Star Wars Rogue Squadron cheat
27704 CLSUACHT.ZIP 10,3 kt 24.09.1998 - 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso -
Urban Assault Cheat All Levels; All Vehicles.
27705 CLSVPRCM.ZIP 321 tavua 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Viper Racing cheat
27706 COAFAQ.ZIP 26,9 kt 24.05.1999 - - -
Rollercoaster Tycoon Strategy Guide v3.01
27707 COASTER.LZH 6271 24.04.1995 - - -
Roller Coaster vinkkejä - Disney.
27709 COLON.TXT 9,4 kt 09.10.1997 - - -
Colonization. Hints and tips.
27708 COLONCHT.ZIP 930 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Colonization additional cheats
27710 COMANCHE.TXT 132 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Comanche. Cheat codes.
27711 COMD-CC.ZIP 550 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
Commandos cheats
27712 COMGOLD.ZIP 532 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Comanche GOLD cheat codes
27713 COMIXC.ZIP 420 tavua 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
Comix Zone Cheat Codes
27714 COMMANDO.TXT 263 20.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Time Commando Level codes for Easy-level.
26877 CONGOWT.ZIP 2713 27.08.1996 - - -
Congo Walkthru ---  AFTER THE MAZE ONLY ---
27715 CONQ1086.ZIP 446 tavua 26.12.1997 - - -
Conqueror 1086 AD cheat
27716 CONSTCOD.ZIP 1007 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Constructor DOS version cheat codes
27717 COPCHEAT.ZIP 684 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Future Cop: L.A.P.D. cheat
27719 CREEPERS.ZIP 844 tavua 17.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Creepers level codes
62375 CREEPERS.ZIP 844 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Creepers level codes
27720 CRICK97.ZIP 657 tavua 20.10.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 cheat
27721 CROC-GH.ZIP 312 tavua 27.02.1998 - - -
Croc GameHack Table
27722 CRUSCH.ZIP 826 27.08.1996 - - -
Crusader: No Remorse Cheats
27723 CS2CHT.ZIP 822 tavua 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Cyberstorm 2 Cheat Activates cheat codes.
27724 CS2CODES.ZIP 1,1 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Cyberstorm 2 cheat
31320 CSMAG45.ZIP 812914 02.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Cheet Sheets Games Mag, November 1995 The
latest issue of THE PC game cheating magazine
has arrived. Sheet Sheets Nov 1995 issue 45.
Lots more cheats, tips, reviews, solutions,
hints and news! The best disk magazine for
the PC, with a full GUI interface under DOS!
Developed by NGS. No charge for use.
31321 CSMAGADV.ZIP 1384601 02.04.1996 - - -
Cheet Sheets Adventure Special 1995 A Special
Adventure issue of THE PC game cheating
magazine has arrived. Cheet Sheets adventure
special autumm'95 Lots more cheats, tips,
reviews, solutions, hints and news! The best
disk magazine for the PC. Containing ALL
Adventure Solutions from Day 1.
27725 CSTORM.TXT 497 20.12.1996 - - -
Cyberstorm cheat codes.
27727 CUTTC.ZIP 1,2 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Cutthroats cheat codes
27728 CYBERGC.ZIP 434 tavua 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
CyberGladiators Cheat Codes
27729 CYBGLADC.ZIP 693 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Cyber Gladiators cheats
27730 CYBRTPS.LZH 7900 22.02.1995 - - -
27731 CYD-UHS.ZIP 38,2 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Cydonia Cheat - UHS Module.
27732 D2CHT.ZIP 125403 08.10.1996 - - -
Descent II: - Cheat Codes
27733 D2KATSAV.ZIP 412,2 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Dune 2000 Cheat All savegames from Atreides missions.
27734 D3DEC.ZIP 531 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Descent 3 (DEMO) cheat  
27735 DAME-END.ZIP 2,9 kt 17.07.1998 - 22594/Hrac_22_1998-06_cd.bin -
Dame Was Loaded Final Savegame cheat
27736 DANGCHTN.ZIP 472 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Dark Angael v1.1 cheat codes
27737 DARKRCOD.ZIP 418 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
Dark Rift cheat code
27738 DARKRECH.ZIP 860 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Dark Reign cheat
27739 DARKRV.ZIP 118,5 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Dark Reign +74 Trainer for v1.4
27740 DARKSUN2.TXT 40827 24.03.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Dark Sun 2: Wake of the Ravager. Complete
27741 DAS_RMF.LZH 13778 24.04.1995 - - -
Disney Animation Studio -ohjeita ja vinkkejä.
27742 DBTSCHT.ZIP 920 tavua 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Die by the Sword cheats
27743 DD2_CODE.ZIP 509 15.12.1996 - MBCD -
Destruction Derby 2 Cheat Codes
27744 DDALLEV.ZIP 500 tavua 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Deathtrap Dungeon cheat all levels
27745 DEADCH.ZIP 399 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Deadly Tide cheat code
27746 DEADLC.ZIP 642 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Deadlock cheats
27747 DEATDROM.ZIP 443 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
DeathDrome Cheat Codes
27748 DECEPTC.ZIP 502 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Deception CHEAT
27749 DECHEAT.ZIP 20,4 kt 27.02.1998 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Dark Earth Cheat Instructions
27750 DEFNCHT.ZIP 518 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Defiance - Cheat Codes
27755 DES-GH.ZIP 498 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Descent GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
27752 DESCENT.ZIP 729 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Descent cheat codes
27751 DESCENT2.TXT 2427 15.01.1997 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Descent 2. Huijauskoodit.
27753 DESCFREE.ZIP 796 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
Descent: FreeSpace cheat codes
27758 DF_SOLV.ZIP 2990 28.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
All Cheats & Solutions to DARK FORCES
27756 DF2UC.ZIP 543 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
Delta Force 2 cheat codes
27757 DFCHT11.ZIP 1300 28.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Includes 13 new in-game cheats as well as how
to activate an in-game hidden demo!
27759 DGNXFSVG.ZIP 457,7 kt 24.09.1998 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
The X-Files Cheat Savegame collection.
27760 DHT-1.ZIP 1 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Die Hard Trilogy cheats
27761 DIABLOHL.ZIP 91,4 kt 18.10.1999 - - -
Help for Diablo v0.7 by Stephan Modify the MSG Hotkeys for multiplayer games of Diablo, change the screen size, and add a command.txt to your Hellfire directory that gives you two more players to choose from and some new monsters. The program will also convert Diablo single save games to Hellfire, patch the Hellfrui.dll and back up your multiplayer characters without their inventory. Req. Diablo, Hellfire patch, and Windows 95 or Windows 98
27762 DIABLOS.ZIP 6,9 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Diablo Spells Cheat
27763 DIABQST.ZIP 4,4 kt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Diablo (List of Quests)
27764 DIABSHRN.ZIP 2 kt 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
Diablo - Shrine Guide
27765 DINKHEXC.ZIP 884 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Dink Smallwood hex cheat
27766 DINKSGH.ZIP 579 tavua 26.05.1998 - - -
Dink Smallwood GameHack Table
27767 DINOQ.ZIP 522 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Dino's Quest cheat codes
27768 DKE-UHS.ZIP 30 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
Dark Earth cheat UHS Module. Requires UHS, Universal Hint System cheat tool
27769 DKGOLD.ZIP 18,8 kt 26.05.1998 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Dungeon Keeper GOLD Cheat File
27770 DL2-CODE.ZIP 615 tavua 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Deadlock 2 cheats
27771 DL2DEGH.ZIP 462 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Deadlock 2 - Demo UGE Module
27772 DLOCKTIP.TXT 8,4 kt 09.10.1997 - - -
Deadlock. Tips and strategies.
27773 DLORE2SV.ZIP 636 tavua 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
27774 DLORE2WT.ZIP 91,1 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Dragon Lore 2 Cheat Complete Walkthrough.
27775 DM2SPELL.ZIP 903 25.08.1995 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
27776 DMSPELLS.LZH 863 16.02.1995 - - -
Dungeon Master Magic Spells
27777 DN3DCHT.ZIP 702 12.02.1996 - 17642/Duke 3D Mania (USA).zip -
Cheat codes for Duke Nukem 3D (shareware)
31025 DN3DEDIT.TXT 40552 02.06.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D. Build Editorin käyttö-ohjeet
31340 DN3DGACP.ZIP 88953 28.08.1996 - - -
MÄNTYLÄ (Works only with Duke Nukem 3D Full
Version V1.3d). Requires 486DX4/100MHz+ 0 0.5
MB HD *Adds the amount of blood. *Cheats
installation, Gives you 500 health, 100 armor
and ten times more ammo, some weapons will
have more firepower etc. etc. *Installs a
demo which shows ALL the secrets of the
27778 DN3DSECR.ZIP 4972 27.08.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D 2nd and 3rd episodes secret
27779 DN3DTIPS.ZIP 12662 03.03.1996 - 17642/Duke 3D Mania (USA).zip -
Duke Nukem 3D Tips
27780 DOCODES.ZIP 1,3 kt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Warhammer: Dark Omen cheat codes
27781 DOD-HHC.ZIP 6324 13.12.1994 - - -
Highway Hunter cheat codes
27782 DOMIN-C.ZIP 460 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Dominion cheat
27783 DOMSPECH.ZIP 455 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Dominant Species cheat
27784 DOTT_UHS.ZIP 13,1 kt 12.01.1996 - 21810/Pegasus_50_CD1.iso tupla
Day of the Tentacle - UHS hint file Universal Hint System file containing hints for the LucasArts game
27785 DPSEATR.ZIP 490 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
Deep Sea Trophy Fishing cheat
27790 DR-CODES.ZIP 457 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Dark Reign cheat
27786 DRACULGH.ZIP 362 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
Dracula: Reign of Terror cheat - GameHack Table. You need GameHack cheating tool to use this.
27787 DRAGCCH.ZIP 1,1 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Dragon Castle cheat
31342 DRAGONWH.LZH 760 16.02.1995 - - -
Dragon Wars vihjeitä
27788 DRAKACH.ZIP 376 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame cheat
27789 DRBRAIN3.ZIP 10,9 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Dr. Brain 3. UHS hint file.
27791 DRKECOD.ZIP 455 tavua 24.12.1997 - - -
DARK EARTH cheat code
26910 DRKS-WT.ZIP 2510 27.08.1996 - - -
Darkseed solution
27792 DRMCHEAT.ZIP 17,1 kt 06.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Dark Reign Money Cheat
27793 DRSKIP.ZIP 779 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Dark Reign mission selection cheat
27794 DS9TIPS.ZIP 4684 27.06.1996 - - -
Star Trek : Deep Space Nine : Crossroads of
Time Hints and Tips
27795 DSCNTCHT.ZIP 823 30.01.1995 - MBCD -
DESCENT Cheat Codes
Here are a few cheat codes for the hot new
game, `Descent`.  I'm sure you'all will
figure out how to use these!
63211 DSCNTLAS.ZIP 4681 13.06.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso tupla
Descent Atlas. Runsaasti infoa Descentistä.
27796 DSMOUHA.ZIP 44,2 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Dark Side of the Moon UHS Module. Cheat. Program that was written using a cheat tool known as the Universal Hint System. Requires UHS reader.
27797 DSPINCHT.ZIP 5340 13.12.1994 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Pinball Fantasies Built-In
Cheat And Phun Codes..
27798 DTRAP-GH.ZIP 1,1 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Deathtrap Dungeon cheat - GameHack Table. You need GameHack cheating tool to use this.
27799 DUKE3D.ZIP 53,6 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Duke Nukem 3D. UHS hint file.
27800 DYNAB.ZIP 619 tavua 17.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Dynablaster level codes
63318 DYNAB.ZIP 619 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Dynablaster level codes
27804 EA_SEC.ZIP 1,9 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault - Secret Area Guide
27801 EACOD.ZIP 472 tavua 15.09.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault Cheat Codes
27802 EARS2CC.ZIP 621 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Earthsiege 2 cheat
27803 EARTHWRM.TXT 693 20.12.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Earthworm Jim: Huijauskoodit.
27805 EATTHISC.ZIP 589 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Eat This cheat codes
27806 EINFECH.ZIP 1020 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Enemy Infestation cheat codes
27807 EMERCC.ZIP 499 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Emergency: Fighters for Life cheat
27808 EMERGC.ZIP 580 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
Emergency: Fighters for Life cheat
27809 EMEROOM.ZIP 3,8 kt 02.04.1998 - 22592/Hrac_20_1998-04_cd.bin -
Emergency Room Cheat + Solve
27810 ENTRPCHT.ZIP 578 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Entrepeneur single-player cheat
27811 EOB1.ZIP 26,5 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Eye of Beholder 1. UHS hint file.
27812 EPICBALL.ZIP 1336 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Epic Pinball cheat/edit codes + methods
27814 ERAD.TXT 1,1 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Eradicator. Cheat codes.
27813 ERADCHT.ZIP 703 14.11.1996 - MBCD -
Eradicator Cheat Codes
27815 ERASERC.ZIP 679 tavua 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
Eraser: Turnabout Cheat
27816 ESIG2-GH.ZIP 335 tavua 27.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Earthsiege 2 GameHack Table
27817 ESOT-HEX.ZIP 913 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Esoteria HexCheat
27818 EVIDENC.ZIP 750 tavua 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
Evidence Cheat
27819 EVOLCHT.ZIP 2,1 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Evolution Cheats
27820 EWJ2HINT.ZIP 9322 27.06.1996 - - -
Earthworm Jim 2 Hints and Tips!
27821 EXC2555C.ZIP 535 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Excalibur 2555AD 2 cheats
27822 EXHUMCT.ZIP 337 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Exhumed Cheats
27823 EXPEC.ZIP 663 tavua 20.05.1999 - - -
Expendable cheats
27824 EXTREME.TXT 400 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Extreme Pinball. Cheat codes.
25082 F15_BOMB.ZIP 6046 16.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
F-15 Strike Eagle III Bomber helper
25081 F153MIGS.ZIP 3464 16.11.1995 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
Dealing with and avoiding MiGs in Strike
Eagle III.
25083 F15TIP.ZIP 77463 29.11.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
F-15 Strike Eagle III designer tips on
27825 F16.ZIP 523 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
F-16 Falcon 3.0 cheat codes
27826 F1CHEAT.ZIP 451 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
FORMULA 1 save game cheat
27827 F21CHT.ZIP 474 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Force 21 cheat
27828 F22-2.ZIP 364 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
F22 Lightning 2 cheat
27829 F22HEX.ZIP 1 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
F22 Raptor Hex Cheat
27830 F22TIP.ZIP 4,9 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
F-22 Lightning II Hints & Tips Novalogic
27831 FAB-UHS.ZIP 42,1 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Fable Cheat - UHS Module.
27833 FALLEGC.ZIP 672 tavua 23.09.1997 - - -
27832 FALLEGCH.ZIP 592 tavua 27.09.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance cheat
27834 FALLHEX.ZIP 664 tavua 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Fallout Hex Cheat
27835 FALLMNY.ZIP 900 tavua 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
Fallout Money Cheat
27836 FALLOSC.ZIP 316 tavua 27.02.1998 - MBCD -
Fallout super character cheat
27837 FANTASY7.ZIP 101,4 kt 11.05.1999 - 23221/Gamestar_07_1999-07_cd1.bin -
Final Fantasy 7 +46 trainer
27838 FANTEMP.ZIP 548 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Fantasy Empire cheat
27839 FANTHOL.ZIP 638 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Fighter Anthology - Cheat Mode
27840 FAPREHE.ZIP 785 tavua 14.12.1999 - - -
F.A. Premier League Football Manager 2000 cheat
27841 FATFUR3.ZIP 718 tavua 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
Fatal Fury 3 PC Cheat 1.0
27842 FCCUP.ZIP 658 tavua 24.05.1999 - - -
Future Cop L.A.P.D. updated cheats
27843 FCLAPDC.ZIP 572 tavua 20.05.1999 - - -
Future Cop cheats
27847 FF7-SAVE.ZIP 1,8 kt 22.09.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
Final Fantasy 7 Cheat Modified Savegame.
27844 FF7GH.ZIP 12,6 kt 22.09.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
Final Fantasy 7 cheat - GameHack Table. You need GameHack cheating tool to use this.
27845 FF7HINTS.ZIP 16,5 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Final Fantasy 7 misc. hints
27846 FF7SAVES.ZIP 37 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy 7 Cheat Savegame Collection.
27848 FFEASTLS.ZIP 460 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Flesh Feast cheat code
27849 FIFA97C.ZIP 764 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
FIFA Soccer 97 cheat
27850 FIFA98CT.ZIP 461 tavua 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
FIFA SOCCER 98 cheat codes
27851 FIFA98MV.ZIP 1,2 kt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
FIFA Soccer 98 Special Moves cheat
27852 FIRE-GH.ZIP 420 tavua 16.07.1998 - - -
Fire Fight cheat GameHack table. Requires Gamehack cheat tool.
27853 FLCHEATS.ZIP 1,1 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
Final Liberation cheats
27854 FO2_102I.ZIP 59,2 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Fallout 2 Items Cheat for v1.02d
27855 FO2I-UGE.ZIP 9,6 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Fallout 2 Cheat. UGE Module.
27856 FOR101.ZIP 103,6 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Forsaken +26 trainer for v1.01
27857 FORLEG.ZIP 731 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Forever Legend cheats
27858 FORSAGH.ZIP 769 tavua 16.07.1998 - MBCD -
Forsaken Cheat GameHack table. Requires Gamehack cheat tool.
27859 FORSCOD.ZIP 761 tavua 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Forsaken cheats
27860 FROGGCHT.ZIP 410 tavua 24.12.1997 - - -
27861 FROGTIPS.ZIP 1 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
Frogger - Hints and Tips
27862 FSHOCK.TXT 9172 15.05.1996 - 21320/hry-pro-dos-shareware-1997.zip -
Terminatot: Future Shock-pelin Cheat-koodit.
27864 FTA2-END.ZIP 253,4 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
FTA2: Halls of the Dead Cheat
27863 FTA2CHT.ZIP 1,4 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
Faery Tale Adventure 2 cheats
27865 FTA2FAQ.ZIP 264,6 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Faery Tale Adventure 2: =Halls Of The Dead= FAQ Farr Map, Item List, Endings, Overworld Map Tapestone List
25100 FXLIST10.ZIP 3199 06.08.1995 - - -
FX Fighters erikoisliikkeet v1.0
Lista Argonaut Software/GTE Entertainmentin
erinomaisen 3D-mätkimispelin erikois-
liikkeistä sekä .BAT-tiedosto, jonka avulla
voi pelata Rygilillä.
27866 GALLAP.ZIP 53,9 kt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Galapagos Save Game cheat
27867 GANG10M.ZIP 692,3 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd1.bin -
Gangsters Edited savegame cheat
27868 GARF-GH.ZIP 295 tavua 27.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Garfield GameHack Table
27869 GAZHINT.ZIP 18,2 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Gazillionaire Hints & Cheats
27870 GEARLC.ZIP 393 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Gearheads cheat
27871 GENDER.TXT 300 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Gender Wars. Cheat codes.
27872 GENEWARS.TXT 271 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Gene Wars. Cheat codes.
27873 GENEWCOD.ZIP 548 tavua 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Gene Wars Cheat Codes
27874 GETCHEAT.ZIP 5,3 kt 01.02.1998 - MBCD -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg cheat codes & editing tips"
27875 GEX-2C.ZIP 1,8 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
GEX cheat codes
27876 GEX3DHEX.ZIP 2,4 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko saved game cheat
27877 GEX3DSG.ZIP 335 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Gex 3D: Enter the Gecko Final savegamecheat
27878 GGQII.ZIP 823,7 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Quake 2 (full) Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27879 GGSAC.ZIP 333 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Alpha Centauri Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27881 GGSAOE.ZIP 230,6 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Age of Empires Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27880 GGSAOERR.ZIP 670,1 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Age of Empires: Rise of Rome Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27882 GGSBG.ZIP 647,2 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Dune 2000 Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27883 GGSCVCTP.ZIP 500,3 kt 15.07.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide Civilization: Call to Power
27884 GGSDKII.ZIP 1,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Dungeon Keeper 2 Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27885 GGSEVRQS.ZIP 679,2 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to EverQuest Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27886 GGSFEARE.ZIP 1,1 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
GameSpot game guide: Fear Effect. Text in Adobe Acrobat format. You will need (free) Acrobat Reader for that. 
27887 GGSFFEIG.ZIP 393,8 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Final Fantasy VIII Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27888 GGSFO.ZIP 268,2 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Fallout 2 Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27889 GGSHL.ZIP 241,2 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Half-Life Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27890 GGSHMM.ZIP 801,6 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Heroes of Might & Magic III Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27891 GGSKINGP.ZIP 378 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Kingpin Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27892 GGSMII.ZIP 685,8 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Myth II: Soulblighter Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27893 GGSMMVII.ZIP 678,4 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Might & Magic VII Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27894 GGSMW3.ZIP 1,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to MechWarrior III Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27895 GGSMYST.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Myst Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27896 GGSPT.ZIP 748,1 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
GameSpot game guide: Planescape: Torment Text in Adobe Acrobat format. You will need (free) Acrobat Reader for that. 
27897 GGSREVER.ZIP 415,7 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
GameSpot game guide: Resident Evil: Code Veronica Text in Adobe Acrobat format. You will need (free) Acrobat Reader for that. 
27900 GGSSC.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Starcraft Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27898 GGSSC3K.ZIP 882 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to SimCity 3000 Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27899 GGSSCBW.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to StarCraft: Brood War Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27901 GGSSIMS.ZIP 525,1 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
GameSpot game guide: The Sims. Text in Adobe Acrobat format. You will need (free) Acrobat Reader for that. 
27902 GGSSSII.ZIP 879,7 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to System Shock 2 Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27903 GGST2.ZIP 680 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Turok 2 Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27904 GGSTCRS.ZIP 263,4 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Rainbow 6 Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27905 GGSTFC.ZIP 335,8 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Team Fortress Classic Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27906 GGSTRIII.ZIP 483,8 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Unofficial Game Guide to Tomb Raider III Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader (free download)
27907 GNGART.ZIP 428 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Guts N Garters cheat
27909 GNOME.ZIP 890 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
G-Nome cheat code
27908 GNOMEC.ZIP 1022 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
G-Nome cheat codes
27910 GNS-BTD.ZIP 11002 05.01.1995 - - -
27911 GOTHOS.ZIP 17,1 kt 27.02.1998 - 17662/hot34.iso -
Gothos hint file
27912 GPOLCHT.ZIP 777 tavua 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
G-POLICE cheats & level codes
27913 GPOLSEC.ZIP 4,5 kt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
G-Police Secrets cheat
27914 GRAIL.TXT 314 27.10.1996 - - -
Monty Python: Quest for the Holy Grail.
27915 GRANT-CC.ZIP 534 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Grand Touring cheat codes
27916 GRIDRUNC.ZIP 482 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
27917 GRIM-UHS.ZIP 36,3 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Grim Fandango Cheat - UHS Module.
27918 GRUNTZC.ZIP 630 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Gruntz cheats
27919 GT97SGC.ZIP 178,9 kt 26.11.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
GT Racing 97 Save Game Cheat
27920 GTACHTC.ZIP 640 tavua 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Theft Auto cheat codes
27921 GTAMISS.ZIP 13,1 kt 26.11.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Grand Theft Auto demop cheat
27922 GTL1969C.ZIP 620 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 cheat
27923 GW2HINTS.TXT 22188 11.11.1996 - - -
Gateway 2: Homeworld. Vinkkejä.
31398 H_CODES2.ZIP 6272 05.02.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Tämä paketti sisältää cheat-koodeja
ID:n Heretic-peliin. Tämä versio
sisältää myös tavarakoodit!
27924 H2FCHT.ZIP 888 tavua 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Hexen 2 full version cheats
27925 HARVESTC.ZIP 615 16.10.1996 - - -
Harvester Cheat Codes
27926 HBCODES.ZIP 537 25.11.1996 - - -
Hellbender cheat codes.
27927 HDCC.ZIP 813 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Hidden & Dangerous cheat
27928 HDHEXC.ZIP 543 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Hidden & Dangerous hex cheat
27929 HEAVYGRC.ZIP 481 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear cheat codes
27930 HELICCH.ZIP 570 tavua 23.09.1997 - - -
Helicops demo cheat: (May work on FULL versio
27931 HELICOPS.ZIP 790 tavua 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
HeliCops Cheat
27932 HELLBCC.ZIP 491 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Hellbender Cheat Codes:
64768 HELLBEND.TXT 387 20.12.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Hellbender cheat codes.
27933 HER2-GH.ZIP 689 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Heretic 2 GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
27934 HERC-GH.ZIP 281 tavua 27.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Hercules GameHack Table
27935 HERET2CC.ZIP 1,1 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Heretic 2 cheat codes
27936 HEX2COD.ZIP 1 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
Hexen II Cheat Codes
27937 HEX2DWK.ZIP 810,7 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
Hexen 2 (DEMO) Walkthrough
27938 HEXCHT.ZIP 1389 04.12.1995 - - -
-=[ Hexen Cheat Codes ]=-
for the DEMO/Beta version
27939 HEXCODES.ZIP 523 04.12.1995 - - -
Hexen : Beyond Heretic Cheat codes
for release version 1.0
64790 HEXDEMCH.ZIP 633 04.12.1995 - - -
Hexen : Beyond Heretic Cheat codes
for the 4 level demo
31399 HEXEN04.ZIP 18576 04.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Cheat codes for Hexen - Heretic II
27940 HEXEN2C.ZIP 751 tavua 18.09.1997 - - -
Hexen II Demo Cheat Codes
27941 HEXME.ZIP 13654 31.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Super Cool codes for Hexen
27942 HG2C.ZIP 406 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear 2 cheat
27943 HGWEP.ZIP 8,8 kt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Heavy Gear Weapon Cheat
27944 HLCHT.ZIP 1,3 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Heretic 2 cheat codes
27945 HLOFC.ZIP 571 tavua 14.12.1999 - - -
Half-Life: Opposing Force cheat
27946 HLTFTIPS.ZIP 4,8 kt 24.05.1999 - - -
Half-Life - Team Fortress game tips
27947 HMSSGC.ZIP 1020,3 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
Silver savegame collection cheat
27948 HNICEDC.ZIP 459 tavua 13.05.1997 - - -
Have a N.I.C.E. Day - Cheat Codes
27949 HOD-ALL.ZIP 490 tavua 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Heart of Darkness Cheat
27950 HOLISL.ZIP 357 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Holiday Island GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
27951 HOMICIDE.TXT 13,4 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
SFPD Homicide. Hints/Tips.
31402 HOMM2_CO.ZIP 405 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might and Magic II Cheat Codes
27953 HOMM2.TXT 299 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Heroes of the Might and Magic 2. Cheat codes.
27952 HOMM2C.ZIP 493 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Heroes of Might and Magic II cheat
27954 HSEDEAD.ZIP 459 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
House of the Dead cheat code
27956 HUMAN.ZIP 882 tavua 17.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Humans level codes
64917 HUMAN.ZIP 882 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Humans level codes
27955 HUMANI.ZIP 943 tavua 17.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Humans: Insult to Injury level codes
64918 HUMANI.ZIP 943 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Humans: Insult to Injury level codes
27958 HUNTER.TXT 466 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Hunter Hunted. Cheat codes.
27957 HUNTERC.ZIP 665 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Hunter Hunted Cheat Codes  Type in the following codes, followed by ENTER  * RAYL - Makes you invincible  * SNELLINGS - Restores health  * COLE - All weapons plus invulnerbility  * LUKASZUK - Full weapons  * SAGE, BLUE, ACOCADO, OCHRE, VINCENT, HAHN  - Changes player color
27959 HUNTHUGH.ZIP 1,6 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Hunter Hunted GameHack Table
27960 HWS2C.ZIP 410 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Hardwood Solitaire 2 cheat
27961 HYPBCH.ZIP 443 tavua 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
Hyperblade Cheat Codes
27962 HYPER.TXT 243 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Hyperblade. Cheat codes.
27963 I76BUGC.ZIP 708 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Interstate 76 - a bug cheat
27964 I76CODE.ZIP 504 tavua 27.04.1997 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 cheat code"
27965 I76VAR.ZIP 394 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
"INTERSTATE76 - fly helicopter or drive a tank."
27966 ID4COD.ZIP 976 tavua 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
ID4 - Independence Day (Cheat Codes)
27967 IG2HEXC.ZIP 915 tavua 11.06.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactica II Hex Cheat 
27968 IGNFULLC.ZIP 524 tavua 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Ignition cheat
27969 IMPISMC.ZIP 385 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Imperialism cheat
27970 IMPMM7.ZIP 113,7 kt 18.12.1999 - 23938/CDGAMER42.iso -
Might & Magic VII trainer cheat
27971 INCA2.ZIP 9086 20.12.1996 - 22400/xeniatgm39.iso -
Inca 2. UHS-vinkkitiedosto.
27972 INCO-CH.ZIP 904 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Incoming cheat codes
27973 INCOCOD.ZIP 820 tavua 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Incoming cheat codes
27974 INCUBC.ZIP 390 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Incubation hex cheat
27975 INCUBHE.ZIP 403 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Incubation hex code cheat
27976 INDGHEX.ZIP 457 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Industry Giant cheat
27977 INDY4.TXT 120 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Indiana Jones 4: Fate of Atlantis. Cheat codes.
27978 INFERC.ZIP 477 tavua 14.12.1999 - - -
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine cheat
27979 INFERNO.TXT 173 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Inferno. Cheat codes.
27981 ISCODES.ZIP 3,6 kt 29.12.1997 - - -
Inner Space cheat codes
27982 ISNOGUD.ZIP 743 tavua 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
Isnogud Cheat
27984 IW-QG5SC.ZIP 22 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Quest for Glory 5 Savegame Collection cheat
27983 IWARCHT.ZIP 548 tavua 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
IWAR level cheat
27985 JA2IMP.ZIP 1,1 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 UGE module cheat
27986 JADA-UGE.ZIP 21,1 kt 29.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games UGE Module
27987 JAG2DETR.ZIP 139,7 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 (DEMO) trainer for v1.0.0.6. Gives Ivan unlimited action points per turn and continually heals all damage he may receive.
27988 JALL-UGE.ZIP 14,3 kt 29.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Jagged Alliance UGE Module
65301 JAM-TE.ZIP 39773 10.05.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
EDITION! +Includes all the secret players
(Fresh prince, Beastie Boys, etc) +Has all
the codes (Power up Dunks, Slippery court,
etc) +Supports ARCADE, SNES, GENESIS, and GG
27989 JAZZ2CHT.ZIP 603 tavua 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Cheat Codes
27990 JAZZ2SWC.ZIP 658 tavua 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Shareware Cheat Codes
27991 JAZZJACK.ZIP 592 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Jazz Jackrabbit cheat codes
27992 JEDICHT.ZIP 637 tavua 20.10.1997 - - -
Jedi Knight (Demo and Retail) Cheat Codes
27993 JEDIK-GH.ZIP 542 tavua 29.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Jedi Knight GameHack Table
27994 JETMOTOC.ZIP 741 tavua 27.12.1997 - - -
Jet Moto cheat codes
40693 JILLCHT.ZIP 15924 21.03.1995 - - -
255 Health Points For Jill Of The Jungle
27995 JJ2-CODE.ZIP 598 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 cheat Codes:
27996 JJ2C.ZIP 606 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2: The Secret Files cheats
27997 JKVIDEO.ZIP 1,1 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Jedi Knight cheat - see all videos
27998 JMP3-UHS.ZIP 19,8 kt 19.05.1998 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
Journeyman Project 3 UHS cheat for Universal Hint System
27999 JN5CHT.ZIP 480 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 cheat
28000 JP2CODC.ZIP 483 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
James Pond 2: Operation Robocodcheat codes
28001 JSFCHT.ZIP 484 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Joint Strike Fighter - fly any fighter cheat
28002 JURWARC.ZIP 422 tavua 23.09.1997 - - -
Jurassic War cheat
28003 K0SV1-30.ZIP 579,6 kt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Incubation All Savegames cheat
28004 KATHCOD.ZIP 481 tavua 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
Katharsis Cheat Codes
65524 KEENA.ZIP 6512 21.03.1995 - - -
Commander Keen Alphabet, Read Codes
28005 KELSWEAP.ZIP 16 kt 04.01.1998 - MBCD -
"Worms 2 - Kels Weapon Tips Guide to the art of using weapons the cool way from W2 betatesters in Team 17!"
65553 KILOCHT.ZIP 4049 21.03.1995 - - -
Kiloblaster Cheat, Unlimited Shields & More!
28006 KINGBHE.ZIP 431 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
"Kings Bounty hex cheat"
28008 KKND-CH.ZIP 1 kt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
KKnD cheat
28007 KKND2CC.ZIP 897 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Industry Giant cheat
28009 KNIGEND.ZIP 19,3 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
"Knights Chase Cheat - Final Savegame."
28010 KPDEMOC.ZIP 652 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Kingpin (DEMO) cheats
28011 KPINC.ZIP 1,7 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Kingpin: Life of Crime cheat
28012 KQ5H.LZH 7443 16.02.1995 - - -
Kings Quest V vinkkeja. Sierra
28013 KQ7HINTS.ZIP 10302 24.03.1995 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
Vinkkipaketti Sierran King's Quest VII
28014 KQ8CHT.ZIP 3 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity cheat codes"
28015 KRAZIVAN.ZIP 577 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Krazy Ivan Cheats.
28020 L-COD.LZH 1411 16.02.1995 - - -
Lemmings tasokoodit
28016 L2CODES.LZH 2469 16.02.1995 - - -
Lemmings II tasokoodit
28017 LASEXUHS.ZIP 90,3 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Last Express UHS File
28018 LASTREST.ZIP 914 tavua 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
9 - The Last Resort Cheat
28019 LBROCHT.ZIP 829 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Last Bronx cheat
28021 LEGHINTS.ZIP 111644 16.11.1995 - 9327/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_5_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1994).iso -
Official MicroProse The LEGACY hintbook.
28022 LEGOISLN.ZIP 973 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Lego Island code cheat
28023 LEM95-GH.ZIP 492 tavua 16.07.1998 - - -
"Lemmings95 cheat GameHack table. Requires Gamehack cheat tool."
28024 LEMM3D.ZIP 953 tavua 17.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Lemmings 3D level codes
65685 LEMM3D.ZIP 953 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Lemmings 3D level codes
28025 LIBDCHT.ZIP 518 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Liberation Day cheats
28026 LMSEC.ZIP 1,1 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Lords of Magic: Special edition cheat
28027 LOL3CHT.ZIP 713,8 kt 12.05.1999 - - -
Lands of Lore 3 cheat. Unlimited Health, Mana, Gold.
28028 LOMAHINT.ZIP 994 tavua 05.01.1998 - - -
Lords of Magic (Hints)
28029 LOMCODE.ZIP 484 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Lords of Magic Cheat Codes
28030 LOMHINT.ZIP 3449 14.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
28031 LOMSE-GH.ZIP 341 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Lords of Magic: SE GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
28032 LOR2TR.ZIP 50,9 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Lords of the Realm 2 V1.03 +102 trainer
28033 LORDS2.TXT 791 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Lords of the Realm 2. Cheat codes.
28034 LOSTVIK2.ZIP 909 tavua 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Lost Vikings 2 - cheat & level codes
28035 MADD98-C.ZIP 717 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
"Madden98 cheat codes and more"
28036 MADSPCHT.ZIP 426 tavua 24.12.1997 - - -
Madspace cheat
28037 MAGG-GH.ZIP 468 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Magic: The Gathering GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
28038 MAGICBMC.ZIP 897 tavua 23.09.1997 - - -
Magic: The Gathering - Battlemage - cheat
28039 MAGMAYH.ZIP 442 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Magic & Mayhem cheats
28040 MAMEFAQ.ZIP 84,1 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
M.A.M.E. cheat collection/FAQ
28041 MANA-C.ZIP 4,9 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Duel: War of the Mages cheat
28042 MASSDESC.ZIP 488 tavua 29.12.1997 - 22206/utility95collectionchicagocomputerbroker1995disk2.iso -
Mass Destruction cheats
28043 MAV-TVCH.ZIP 777 15.08.1995 - - -
Terminal Velocity Cheatcodes
28044 MAX2CHT.ZIP 751 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
M.A.X. 2 cheat
28045 MAXSTRAT.ZIP 5,7 kt 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
M.A.X. cheat
66012 MB11BCHT.ZIP 63751 21.03.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Cheat Information [Rev B] for Monster Bash
v1.1, including god and warp modes! This file
replaces MB11CHT.ZIP
66017 MBCHT.ZIP 61870 21.03.1995 - - -
Cheat information for Monster Bash v1.02
including god and warp modes!
28046 MC_CHEAT.ZIP 1235 29.04.1995 - - -
Magic Carpet - Review & Cheat Codes
28047 MCDEEDI.ZIP 4,9 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Mech Commander DEMO Edited Savegame cheat
28048 MDKALL.ZIP 1 kt 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
M.D.K. All Versions Cheat
28049 MDKCHEAT.ZIP 18,4 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
MDK Dos/Win95 Cheat
28050 MDKCHT.ZIP 442 tavua 15.09.1997 - - -
MDK Cheat Codes
28051 MDKCODE.ZIP 843 tavua 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
M.D.K. Cheat Codes
28052 MDKGWIZ.ARJ 2,6 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
M.D.K. GWizard Table
28053 MEATPUC.ZIP 428 tavua 20.10.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet Cheat Codes
28054 MEATPUPC.ZIP 500 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
MEAT PUPPET cheat codes
28055 MECH2.TXT 2203 18.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
MechWarrior2-pelin Cheat-koodit.
28056 MECHCCH.ZIP 587 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
MechCommander cheat
28057 MECHCGH.ZIP 1001 tavua 16.07.1998 - - -
Mech Commander cheat Alter Drop Weight; Money. GameHack table. Requires Gamehack cheat tool.
28058 MECHCOCH.ZIP 544 tavua 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Mech Commander cheat
28059 MEGAX4C.ZIP 595 tavua 24.05.1999 - - -
Megaman X4 cheats
28060 MERC3DFX.ZIP 792 tavua 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
MW2: Mercenaries 3DFX Cheat
28061 MERCSCO.ZIP 758 17.10.1996 - - -
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries Cheat Codes
28062 MHCHEAT.ZIP 451 tavua 23.09.1997 - - -
Machine Hunter Cheats
28063 MHEAD-CC.ZIP 1,6 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Motorhead Cheat Codes & Secrets
28064 MHNY-UHS.ZIP 15,8 kt 19.05.1998 - 22063/secret_service_59a01.iso -
Manhunter: New York UHS cheat for Universal Hint System
28065 MI3-UHS.ZIP 25,6 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Curse of Monkey Island UHS File
28066 MIBCHT.ZIP 553 tavua 29.12.1997 - - -
Men in Black cheat codes
28067 MIBTRCK.ZIP 456 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Men in Black character cheat
28068 MICROCOS.ZIP 2,7 kt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Microcosm Gameplay and Hint Supplement
28069 MIDMAC.ZIP 409 tavua 20.05.1999 - - -
Midtown Madness cheat
28070 MIGHT7.ZIP 268,7 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Might & Magic VII cheatedit savegame files
28071 MINESWH.ZIP 503 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Minesweeper cheat
66178 MK2-BEST.ZIP 4904 23.02.1995 - 22189/supergames_4.zip -
Mortal Kombat 2 Most Complete Guide Around
25133 MK2-REV.LZH 4387 24.02.1995 - - -
Mortal Kombat 2  revision number 3
100% Guide for v3.1
Added:  Confirmed Moving
Floor , Hear Ohh Well after Dead Pool Fatal,
Disable Throwing, Fight Noob Sailbot!
28072 MK2MOVES.ZIP 3269 05.03.1995 - 6216/BlackPhiles_CD01.zip -
Mortal Kombat II:  Full Moves List
28073 MK3CDS.ZIP 3049 04.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Mortal Kombat 3 Codes Galore  [1/1]
Hundreds Of MK3 Codes! All Valid!!
28074 MK3MOVES.ZIP 113624 22.10.1995 - - -
Everyones Moves For Mortal Kombat III This is
a Pretty Neat program where you get to use
the mouse and look at anyones moves. Much
easier than going through a whole text file
looking for who you want. By J. Knowles AKA
Tornado Starfish Software - The Psychedelic
Starfish (508) 752-7249
31405 MK3MVS03.ZIP 120046 18.03.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Everyones Moves For Mortal Kombat III
(Arcade) Version 0.3
This is a Pretty Neat program where
you get to use the mouse and look at
anyones moves. Much easier than going
through a whole text file looking for
who you want. Most of these moves could
be converted to super nintendo. Better
EVER than before! Backround Soundblaster
support. Supported, but NOT required!
28075 MK4-GH.ZIP 688 tavua 22.09.1998 - 22065/SServCD_60.bin -
Mortal Kombat 4 cheat - GameHack Table. You need GameHack cheating tool to use this.
28077 MK4MOV.ZIP 4,6 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Mortal Kombat 4 Cheat Display all moves for characters in MK4.
28076 MK4MOVES.ZIP 198,6 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Mortal Kombat 4 cheat & moves
28078 MK4VIDCH.ZIP 1,4 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Mortal Kombat 4 Cheat Enables "ALL VIDEOS".
28079 MKCD.ZIP 397 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
Metal Knight cheat
28080 MKTSECH.ZIP 437 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Mortal Kombat Trilogy cheats
28081 MLENOTES.ZIP 34,8 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Tuimaa tekstiä Star Control II:n Supermeleestä
28082 MM3ITE.LZH 3453 26.01.1995 - - -
Might & Magic III Item list
28083 MM4HINT.ZIP 21944 03.03.1996 - - -
Might and Magic 4 - Clouds of Xeen Vinkkejä
28084 MM6SECR.ZIP 488,6 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Might & Magic VI Saved Game cheat Access to Secret Area - "New World Computing"
28085 MMCCI20.ZIP 792629 04.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
MK3  Mortal-Moves V2.0   MK3
The ULTIMATE Mortal Kombat 3 Moves Program
EVER!!! Checkout  the  3-D Graphical
Interface!  Crack   the HIDDEN  CODES  in
this Program to Unlock  some  of  the  most
hidden Secrets! Download this NOW Mortal!
Created By  Compu-Comics   (c)1995
REQUIREMENTS: SVGA 640x480x256/386
28086 MMSAVEMO.ZIP 728,8 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness save modifier cheater. This program modifies the player1.sav file in your Midtown Madness directory. This way it allows you to get all cars and tracks without finishing them first. There is no way to get your original files back once you edit them, so make sure you back-up the original player1.sav file. 
28087 MOL-UHS.ZIP 26 kt 19.05.1998 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
Meaning of Life UHS cheat for Universal Hint System
28088 MOMSPOIL.ZIP 2209 26.01.1995 - - -
Master of Magic spoilers
28092 MOO.TXT 173 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Master of Orion. Cheat codes.
28090 MOO2.TXT 416 15.01.1997 - MBCD -
Master of Orion II. Cheat-koodit.
28091 MOOHIN.ZIP 166834 16.11.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Includes a 175 page text file consisting of
cuts and pastings from UseNet (Internet)
discussion in comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.strategy.
PLUS valuable charts for planning MOO
28093 MORELEC.ZIP 2,4 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Oh No! More Lemmings cheat codes
28094 MORELEMM.LZH 2478 16.02.1995 - - -
Oh no! More Lemmings - tasokoodit
28096 MORIA.TXT 194 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Moria. Cheat codes.
28095 MORIACHT.ZIP 395 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Moria Cheat Codes
28097 MORP-UHS.ZIP 24,2 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Morpheus Cheat - UHS Module.
28098 MOTORCHT.ZIP 619 tavua 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
Motoracer cheat
28099 MPHG-PH.ZIP 1699 23.08.1996 - - -
Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail
Puzzle Hints
28100 MRACE2.TXT 461 20.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Megarace 2 cheat codes.
28101 MT2CHT1.ZIP 1,2 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Megatraveller 2 cheat Edited Characters
31416 MTM.TXT 232 20.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Mosnter Truck Madness cheat.
28102 MTM2ADDT.ZIP 6,6 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness 2 Cheat Adds "Torture Pit" Track.
28103 MTMCHT.ZIP 417 tavua 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness Cheat Codes
28104 MUZZVELC.ZIP 612 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Muzzle Velocity cheat
28105 MW2CODES.ZIP 854 21.02.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
This is most of the codes for MECHWARRIOR 2
and some codes for GHOST BEAR LEGECY
28106 MW2GHOST.ZIP 537 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
"Mechwarrior 2: Ghost Bears Legacy cheat codes"
28107 MW3CC.ZIP 787 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Mechwarrior 3 cheat
28108 MWTITAN.ZIP 608 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Mechwarrior: The Titanium Trilogy cheats
28110 MYST_UHS.ZIP 13,7 kt 12.01.1996 - 21810/Pegasus_50_CD1.iso tupla
MYST - UHS hint file Universal Hint System file containing hints for the Broderbund/Cyan game
28111 MYTH2CHT.ZIP 450 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Myth 2: Soulblighter cheat
28112 MYTHCH2.ZIP 421 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Myth win cheat
28113 MYTHCHT.ZIP 401 tavua 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Myth cheat
28115 NAM-C.ZIP 403 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
NAM cheats
28116 NAM-GH.ZIP 831 tavua 22.09.1998 - 22065/secret_service_6001.iso -
NAM cheat - GameHack Table. You need GameHack cheating tool to use this.
28114 NAMCON.ZIP 10,1 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd1.bin -
NAM Cheat Unlimited Health & Ammo.
28117 NAS2CHT.ZIP 472 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
NASCAR 2 cheats
28118 NAVYTIPS.ZIP 3,8 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Navy Strike - Hints and Tips
28119 NBACHT.ZIP 377 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
28121 NBAL98.ZIP 483 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
"NBA Live98 cheats"
28120 NBAL98T.ZIP 74,2 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
NBA Live 98 trainer.
28122 NECRO.TXT 650 20.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Necrodome cheat codes.
28123 NEMWUGE.ZIP 2 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Nemesis: The Wizardry Adventure UGE module. Cheat. Requires UGE reader, Universal Game Editor.
28124 NETSTCHT.ZIP 507 tavua 26.05.1998 - - -
NetStorm Cheat Codes
28125 NFLF2KC.ZIP 480 tavua 14.12.1999 - - -
NFL Fever 2000 cheat
28126 NFS2CHT.ZIP 539 tavua 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Need 4 Speed 2 cheats for new cars
28127 NFS2COD.ZIP 566 tavua 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
Need for Speed 2 Cheat Codes
28128 NFS2SEC.ZIP 1,7 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Need for Speed 2: Special Edition cheats
28129 NFS3CHT.ZIP 867 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Need for Speed 3 cheat code
28132 NFSHS.ZIP 1,2 kt 18.12.1999 - 23232/Gamestar_08_1999-08_cd1.bin -
Need For Speed: HS Cheat Enabler
28131 NFSHSC.ZIP 1,1 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Need For Speed: High Stakes cheat
28130 NFSHSCH.ZIP 1,1 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Need for Speed: High Stakes more cheats
28133 NHL2KCU.ZIP 621 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
NHL 2000 cheat codes
28134 NHL97CH.ZIP 611 tavua 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
NHL Hockey 97 Cheat Codes
28135 NHL98C.ZIP 848 tavua 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
NHL 98 Cheat Codes
28136 NHL99CC.ZIP 1,3 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
"NHL99 cheat codes"
28137 NHLOPENI.ZIP 430 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
28138 NICE2C.ZIP 706 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Have a N.I.C.E. Day 2 cheats
28139 NIHIL-C.ZIP 678 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Nihilist cheat
28140 NK-MK2.ZIP 9388 23.02.1995 - - -
MORTAL KOMBAT II All the Tricks/Moves/Hidden
Characters Combat
Basics/Fatalities/Strategies and exclusively
: The Author's Stategies.
28141 NLB-TVCH.ZIP 661 15.05.1995 - MBCD -
Terminal Velocity Cheatcodes
28142 NMARECRE.ZIP 558 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
28143 NOVA9H.LZH 5099 16.02.1995 - - -
Nova 9 vinkkejä
28144 NSTIPS.ZIP 5332 23.05.1996 - - -
Navy Strike hints, tips and mission info.
28146 NUCSTR.ZIP 1,3 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Nuclear Strike - Levelcodes and more
28145 NUCSTRC.ZIP 854 tavua 13.08.1999 - - -
Nuclear Strike - Levelcodes and Cheatcodes
28147 OBEL-GH.ZIP 387 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Obelix GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
28148 ODDWCHT.ZIP 416 tavua 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
"Abes Oddysee Cheat Codes"
28149 OGNH3TRN.ZIP 211,7 kt 11.05.1999 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Packed-9 FOUND 23199/Gamestar_05_1999-05_cd1.bin -
Heroes of Might & Magic 3 Trainer. Unlimited Movement, Spells. Edit Artificats, Players, Attributes, etc.
31423 OMF_RECS.ZIP 11523 20.04.1996 - - -
muutama filmi OMFin One player gamen
28152 OMFM.ZIP 70777 14.12.1994 - MBCD -
All special moves for One Must Fall! Get this
28150 OMFMOVE.ZIP 1986 24.02.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
All moves to One Must Fall !! :)
28151 OMFMVS.ZIP 1126 07.01.1995 - - -
By Zorlim
28153 OP2-GH.ZIP 367 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Outpost 2 cheat - GameHack Table. You need GameHack cheating tool to use this.
28154 OSB.ZIP 774 tavua 17.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
One Step Beyond level codes
66863 OSB.ZIP 774 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
One Step Beyond level codes
28155 OUTCCHT.ZIP 1 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Polaris Rebellion cheats
28156 OUTLAWU.ZIP 1 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
Outlaws Updated Codes
28157 OUTLCHT.ZIP 423 tavua 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Outlaws (Cheat Codes)
28158 OUTLWCHT.ZIP 404 tavua 27.04.1997 - MBCD -
Outlaws Cheat Codes
28159 OUTWAL.ZIP 550 tavua 26.05.1998 - - -
Outwars Access All Levels cheat
28160 OUTWARC.ZIP 1,1 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Outwars Cheat List - Retail Version
28161 P2COD.ZIP 601 tavua 27.01.1997 - MBCD -
Privateer 2: The Darkening Cheat Codes
28162 PACWARUE.ZIP 470 tavua 23.09.1997 - - -
Pacific General unit editor cheat
40715 PANDSAVE.ZIP 10176 27.10.1996 - 22389/CITE.iso -
Pandora Directive Savegames.
28163 PANWINK.TXT 10396 23.10.1996 - - -
The Pandora Directive hints
28164 PANZCD.ZIP 2,4 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Panzer Commander (DEMO) Config Cheat
28165 PANZDRAG.ZIP 1017 tavua 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Panzer Dragoon Cheat List
28166 PANZG2C.ZIP 622 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Panzer General II hex cheat
28167 PAXI2HNT.ZIP 4,4 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
Pax Imperia 2 Hints
28168 PDMEXTR.ZIP 5,7 kt 11.05.1999 - 23221/Gamestar_07_1999-07_cd1.bin -
Expendable trainer.
28169 PDMMCTR.ZIP 5,5 kt 11.05.1999 - 23221/Gamestar_07_1999-07_cd1.bin -
Machines trainer.
28170 PDMMMTC.ZIP 2,1 kt 20.05.1999 - 23221/Gamestar_07_1999-07_cd1.bin -
Midtown Madness cheat access all cars & tracks
28171 PDMW.ZIP 2,6 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Wargasm cheat
28172 PEOG-GH.ZIP 351 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
"Peoples General GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool."
28173 PETE97.ZIP 716 tavua 26.11.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Pete Sampras Tennis cheat
28174 PHANEGG.ZIP 1,2 kt 27.01.1997 - MBCD -
Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh Easter Eggs
28175 PHANT2.ZIP 12,2 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Phantasmagoria 2. UHS hint file.
28176 PHARAC.ZIP 474 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
Pharoah cheat
28177 PLANCR.ZIP 818 tavua 26.05.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy Plane Cheat
28179 PODCHT.ZIP 1,2 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
POD Cheat
28178 PODCHT2.ZIP 1,2 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
POD Cheats
28180 POLRCC.ZIP 607 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Polaris Rebellion cheats
28181 POP3CC.ZIP 488 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Populous: The Beginning cheat
28182 POSTALFL.ZIP 490 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
POSTAL cheat codes
28183 POSTFINS.ZIP 673 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Postal Cheat - Final Savegame.
28184 POWSLIDC.ZIP 952 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Powerslide cheat codes
28185 POWSLVF.ZIP 321 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Powerslave cheats
28186 PPARADC.ZIP 474 tavua 13.05.1997 - - -
Project Paradise - Cheat & Level Codes
28187 PRAY.TXT 423 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Pray for Death. Cheat codes.
28188 PREMAN97.ZIP 473 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Premier Manager 97 cheat
28189 PRI2MAPH.ZIP 1,9 kt 27.01.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 Map Helper
28190 PRIV2.TXT 524 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Privateer 2. Cheat codes.
28191 PROBASSC.ZIP 506 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Pro Bass Fishing cheat
28192 PROJPARA.ARJ 2,8 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
Project Paradise GWizard Table
28193 PROSHUF2.ZIP 505 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Pro Shuffleboard Challenge 2 cheat
28194 PRTSTAR.ZIP 688 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Protostar cheat
28195 PSFC.ZIP 523 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
Psychic Force 2012 cheat codes
28199 Q2-GH.ZIP 342 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Quake 2 GameHack Table
28197 Q2DCHT.ZIP 1,4 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Quake 2 demo CHEAT
28198 Q2DSEC.ZIP 1,6 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
28200 Q2GZERO.ZIP 1,2 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quake 2: Ground Zero cheats
28201 Q2LEVN.ZIP 1,1 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
Quake 2 Levelnames cheat
28202 Q3ATCC.ZIP 720 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Quake 3: Arena (Test) cheats
28203 QFG5-UGE.ZIP 42,1 kt 29.01.1999 - 22600/Hrac_28_1999-04_cd.bin -
Quest for Glory 5 Cheat. UGE Module.
28204 QMISS1CH.ZIP 462 tavua 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Mission Pack No. 1 - Scourge of Armageddon cheat code
28205 QUARANT.ZIP 514 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Quarantine cheat codes
28206 QUIVER.ARJ 2,2 kt 17.06.1997 - 22087/SSERVCD_48A.bin -
Quiver GWizard Table
28207 QUIVERC.ZIP 947 tavua 13.05.1997 - - -
QUIVER cheats and tips
28216 R_CODES.ZIP 6210 15.02.1995 - - -
Rise Of The Triad - Cheat-Koodit v1.0
Tämä paketti sisältää cheat-koodeja
Apogeen Rise Of The Triad-peliin.
28208 R2MISA.ZIP 34 kt 24.05.1999 - - -
Resident Evil 2 Walkthrough/FAQ v3.0 For Leon and Claire - Story A.
28211 RADIX.TXT 27380 15.05.1996 - - -
Radix: Beyound Void-pelin Cheat-koodit
28213 RALLY.TXT 354 20.12.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Death Rally cheat codes.
28212 RALLYR97.ZIP 608 tavua 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Ralley Racing 97 CHEAT
28214 RANGERS.TXT 484 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Star Rangers. Cheat codes.
28215 RAVDCX-C.ZIP 427 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Ravage DCX cheat codes
28217 RE2INH.ZIP 3,4 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Resident Evil 2 inventory hex cheat
28218 RE2SAVES.ZIP 3,6 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Resident Evil 2 savegame files cheat
28219 REB-ALL.ZIP 3,4 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Star Wars: Rebellion Cheat Creates a very powerful REBEL fleet.
28221 REBE_E.ZIP 2,6 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Star Wars Rebellion Empire Cheat
28220 REBE11.ZIP 21,4 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Star Wars: Rebellion UGE Module
28222 REBEL2.ZIP 617 03.03.1996 - 8177/Night Owl (NOPV-14)(Night Owl Publishing)(1994).ISO -
Rebel Assault 2 - Koodit
28224 REBMOON.ZIP 485 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Rebel Moon Rising cheats
28225 RECOILC.ZIP 454 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Recoil cheat
28226 REDGCC.ZIP 1,1 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Redguard cheats
28227 REDLINET.ZIP 3,3 kt 11.05.1999 - 13541/IO_maj_99.iso -
Redline trainer. Unlimited Ammo, Health; Access All Levels.
28228 REDNCODU.ZIP 1 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
Redneck Rampage Updated cheat Codes
28230 REDNECK.TXT 266 tavua 09.03.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Redneck Rampage. Cheat codes.
28229 REDNECKS.ARJ 3,4 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
Redneck Rampage GWizard Table Included in the GW table are: Health, Weapons, Ammo and Stuff. Frenchie (twix@concepts.nl)
28231 REDNRAMP.ZIP 789 tavua 03.02.1997 - MBCD -
Redneck Rampage Cheat Codes
28232 REDRACC.ZIP 382 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Redline Racer cheat
28233 REGRETCH.TXT 990 27.10.1996 - 16349/Riki1297-11.iso -
Crusader: No regret. Huijauskoodit.
28234 REJNEKD.ZIP 684 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Resident Evil Sweet Jill Cheat
28235 RELENT.TXT 89 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Relentless. Cheat codes.
28236 RELOADED.ARJ 2 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
"Reloaded - Included in the GW table are: LivesAmmoPowerCactus Crub and Body Count. The latter is part of the scoring. Im not very sure what the Crub is for. Frenchie (twix@concepts.nl)"
28237 RENTUHS.ZIP 7,1 kt 12.05.1999 - - -
Rent-A-Hero UHS cheat Requires UHS cheat tool.
28238 REQC.ZIP 1 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Requiem: Avenging Angel cheats
28239 RESE2-GH.ZIP 424 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Resident Evil 2 (DEMO) GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
28240 RESEV2C.ZIP 467 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Resident Evil 2 cheat
28241 RESEVDC.ZIP 416 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Resident Evil - Directors Cut cheat
28242 RETF-GH.ZIP 492 tavua 16.07.1998 - - -
Return Fire cheat GameHack table. Requires Gamehack cheat tool.
28243 RETFIR2C.ZIP 895 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Return Fire 2 cheat codes
28244 REUNIHIN.LHA 3884 16.02.1995 - - -
Reunion hints V1.01
28245 REVIL2.ZIP 15,2 kt 24.05.1999 - - -
Resident Evil 2 Walkthrough/FAQ For Leon - Story B.
28246 REVOLTCH.ZIP 441 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Re-Volt (Demo) cheats
28247 REXBLDC.ZIP 755 tavua 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
Rex Blade: The Apocalypse Cheats
40721 RGE-OMF.ZIP 5107 14.12.1994 - - -
One Must Fall "Wealthy Character"
28248 RING.ZIP 5131 20.12.1996 - 22400/xeniatgm39.iso -
Ringworld 2. UHS-vinkkitiedosto.
28249 RISE2.TXT 4,8 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Rise of the Robots 2. Cheat codes.
28250 RISEMOV.ZIP 1180 26.01.1995 - - -
Rise of the Robots all moves
28251 RISLAGH.ZIP 321 tavua 26.05.1998 - - -
Rising Lands GameHack Table
28252 RIVENS.ZIP 8,2 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Riven savegame collection cheat
28253 RIVENUHS.ZIP 38,7 kt 29.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Riven UHS File
28254 RJLVLCH.ZIP 1,9 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Rocket Jockey Level Cheat
28255 RLXGRAHT.ZIP 14,1 kt 22.09.1998 - 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso -
Graduation cheat
28256 RMCODES.ZIP 732 tavua 09.07.1998 - - -
" Ralli Manager98:n CHEATTI-KOODIT ! RM98 SW - fanien (joita tuskin onkaan) toive Tästä piskuisesta cheatpakista saat RM98 koo Kätevä hankinta (vielä) rekisteröitymättömill Ime ja kokeile !  (c) LaserSoft1998"
28257 ROCKHINT.LZH 2505 24.04.1995 - - -
The Rocketeer vinkkejä. Disney.
28258 ROMCHT.ZIP 551 tavua 24.09.1998 - - -
Rage of Mages cheat codes
28259 ROS-UHS.ZIP 28,9 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Sherlock Holmes: Rose Tattoo Cheat - UHS Module.
68000 ROTTCH.ZIP 899 16.03.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Cheats for Rise of the Triad
28261 RTCUP.ZIP 526 tavua 24.05.1999 - - -
Rollercoaster Tycoon updated cheats
28262 RTKSAVE.ZIP 122,4 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Return to Krondor final savegames cheat
28263 RTYCOONC.ZIP 485 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Rollercoaster Tycoon cheat
28264 RZRHO3TR.ZIP 25,6 kt 11.05.1999 - 16336/ResetCD_1999_06.iso -
Heroes of Might & Magic 3 trainer
28265 S2CHEAT.ZIP 456 tavua 03.03.1997 - MBCD -
SCREAMER 2 - Cheat-koodit (mm. bonus-autot ja kaikki radat).
28267 SANIUHS.ZIP 77,1 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
Sanitarium cheat UHS Module. Requires UHS, Universal Hint System cheat tool
28268 SBUSTCH.ZIP 547 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Speed Busters Cheat Codes
28276 SC_SAVE.ZIP 773 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Starcraft Cheat Access All Levels.
28271 SCORCH.ZIP 444 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Scorched Planet Cheat Codes
28270 SCORCHED.TXT 563 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Scorched Planet. Cheat codes.
28272 SCRALLYC.ZIP 358 tavua 29.12.1997 - - -
Screamer Rally cheat codes
28273 SCREA2F.ZIP 8,5 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Screamer 2 Cheat
28274 SCREAM2.TXT 277 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Screamer 2. Cheat codes.
28275 SCREAMER.TXT 361 tavua 09.03.1997 - 26812/Dppcz1299.iso -
Screamer. Cheat codes.
28277 SCUDIEC.ZIP 495 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Scud: IE levelcodes cheat
28278 SEPCOREC.ZIP 800 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
Septerra Core hints
28279 SETTCHT.ZIP 444 tavua 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
Settlers 2 Cheat Code
28280 SETTLER2.TXT 302 20.12.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Settlers 2 cheat.
28281 SFACHEAT.ZIP 629 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Star Fleet Academy cheat
28282 SFAESTR.ZIP 850 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Starfleet Academy - Easter Egg cheat
28283 SFZ2CHT.ZIP 798 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Street Fighter Zero 2 PC Cheats
28284 SFZEROC.ZIP 645 tavua 03.03.1998 - - -
Street Fighter Zero cheats
28285 SFZHID.ZIP 1,2 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Street Fighter: Zero cheat codes
28286 SHOGD-GH.ZIP 819 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Shogo DEMO GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
28287 SHRAKC.ZIP 446 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Shrak cheats
28288 SIMCCHE.ZIP 740 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Sim Copter cheat
28289 SIMO2UHS.ZIP 18,7 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Simon the Sorcerer 2 UHS File
28290 SIMSCHT.ZIP 2,6 kt 05.06.2000 - - -
The Sims cheat codes
28291 SIN-CC.ZIP 1,1 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Return Fire 2 cheat codes
28292 SITHSECR.ZIP 792 tavua 10.03.1998 - MBCD -
Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith SECRET LEVEL
28294 SJAM.ZIP 799 tavua 26.05.1998 - - -
Space Jam Cheat Codes
28293 SJAMCODE.ZIP 870 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Space Jam cheat codes
28296 SKYNET.TXT 429 20.12.1996 - MBCD -
Terminator: Skynet's Revenge. Huijauskoodit.
28295 SKYNETC.ZIP 568 tavua 17.02.1997 - - -
SkyNET Cheat Codes
28297 SLOT01.ZIP 33,6 kt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Fallout hacked saved game cheat
28299 SMAS-HEX.ZIP 785 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Shadowmaster cheats
28298 SMASCDS.ZIP 642 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Shadow Master hex cheats
28300 SOCHEATS.ZIP 687 tavua 26.05.1998 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
Spec Ops Access All Levels cheat
68504 SODCHEAT.ARJ 38912 14.12.1994 - - tupla
Spear of Destiny debugmode cheats, weapons,
28301 SONICSV.ZIP 5,8 kt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Sonic 3D Blast Savegame (All Levels) CHEAT
28302 SORCEUHS.ZIP 14,1 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Sorcerer UHS Module. Cheat. Program that was written using a cheat tool known as the Universal Hint System. Requires UHS reader.
28303 SOTE-CHT.ZIP 445 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Shadows of the Empire cheat
28304 SOTESECR.ZIP 473 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Shadows of the Empire game secrets cheat
28305 SPACEJC.ZIP 853 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Space Jam cheat codes
28306 SPARKCH.ZIP 497 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
South Park cheats
28307 SPC1889S.ZIP 7419 17.11.1995 - - -
Space 1889 - necessary skills, main and sub
28308 SPCC.ZIP 461 tavua 14.12.1999 - - -
Space Clash cheat
28309 SPECCHT.ZIP 530 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Spec Ops cheat
28310 SPECDATA.ZIP 641 tavua 26.11.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Pax Imperia 2 New Specs
28311 SPECOLL.ZIP 445 tavua 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops: Rangers Lead the Way all levels cheat
28312 SPECRC.ZIP 447 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Spellcross cheat
28313 SPELLCRS.ZIP 470 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Spellcross cheat
28314 SPF2-FS.ZIP 1 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Super Puzzle Fighter final save cheat
28315 SPLANET.ZIP 588 tavua 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Scorched Planet level cheats
28316 SS2ITEM.ZIP 2,7 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
System Shock 2 cheats
28317 SS2UC.ZIP 3,4 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
System Shock 2 cheat
28318 SSHOCKCH.TXT 170 27.10.1996 - - -
System Shock. Huijauskoodit.
28319 SSTEEL.TXT 1643 20.12.1996 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
Shattered Steel cheat codes.
28320 STA_MAN.ZIP 1,5 Mt 14.07.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Armada.Adobe Acrobat (PDF) -muotoinen ohjetiedosto.
28321 STARC-3.ZIP 654 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Star Control 3 cheat code
28322 STARCCOD.ZIP 545 tavua 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
StarCraft Cheat Codes
28323 STARCOMC.ZIP 601 tavua 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Star Command Revolution (Cheat)
28324 STARCRFC.ZIP 786 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Starcraft cheats
28325 STARGENM.ZIP 612 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Take No Prisoners cheat codes
28326 STARGUN.TXT 422 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Stargunner. Cheat codes.
28327 STARSTRN.ZIP 3 kt 11.05.1999 - 16336/ResetCD_1999_06.iso -
Starsiege trainer
28328 STARTREK.TXT 30398 22.03.1996 - - -
Star Trek: Judgement Rites Hint File from
28329 STFUC.ZIP 471 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
Starsiege cheat codes
28330 STG-UHS.ZIP 8,8 kt 16.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
Star Trek: Generations UHS Module. Requires UHS, Universal Hint System cheat tool
28331 STMONOP.ZIP 849 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Star Wars Monopoly hint
28332 STNTC.ZIP 475 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Stunts cheat code
31139 STONKEEP.ZIP 6497 23.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
Game editor module for Interplay's Stonekeep
28333 STRACERC.ZIP 445 tavua 13.05.1997 - - -
28334 STRIFE.TXT 284 18.03.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Strife: 3D-räiskintäpelin Cheat-koodit.
28335 STRMHINT.ZIP 745 tavua 27.01.1997 - MBCD -
S.T.O.R.M. hints
28336 STSCC.ZIP 1,4 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Starship Creator cheat
28337 STWMAN.ZIP 1,9 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Shogun: Total War manuaaliPDF-muodossa. EA.
28338 SUBCD-GH.ZIP 316 tavua 03.01.1998 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Sub Culture - DEMO GameHack Table
28339 SUBCHEX.ZIP 379 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Subculture Hex Cheat
28340 SUBCOD.ZIP 736 tavua 03.03.1998 - - -
SUB CULTURE cheat codes
28341 SUBTIP.ZIP 5542 17.11.1995 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
Subwar 2050 helpful tips from MicroProse.
28342 SUPERBIK.ZIP 91,2 kt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Motorace GP Superbike CHEAT
28343 SUZTRCK.ZIP 188 tavua 16.07.2000 - - -
Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing cheatAll tracks and bikes. Instructions: Unzip to main program directory. NOTE: This will overwrite your first savegame slot. Make a backup before unzipping.
28344 SWARD-GH.ZIP 357 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Swarm (DEMO) GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
28345 SWARUHS.ZIP 81,3 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
Syndicate Wars cheat UHS Module. Requires UHS, Universal Hint System cheat tool
28346 SWAT3C.ZIP 850 tavua 14.12.1999 - - -
SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle cheat
28347 SWAVEASS.ZIP 472 tavua 03.01.1998 - - -
28348 SWFULLC.ZIP 863 tavua 23.09.1997 - - -
Shadow Warrior Full Version Cheats
28349 SWIV3DC2.ZIP 393 tavua 20.10.1997 - - -
SWIV 3D (Alternate Cheat)
28350 SWPMTIP.ZIP 478 tavua 24.05.1999 - - -
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace cheat
28351 SWR-FAST.ZIP 3,4 kt 22.09.1998 - 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso -
Star Wars: Rebellion Cheat Increase the quantity of units that BOTH sides can build and maintain.
28352 SWRS-CC.ZIP 1,4 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Star Wars Rogue Squadron cheat codes
28353 SWRSHEX.ZIP 1,1 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Star Wars Rogue Squadron player profile cheat
28354 SWSHAREC.ZIP 1 kt 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
Shadow Warrior Shareware cheat codes
28356 SYND_COD.ZIP 599 15.12.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars Cheat Codes
28355 SYNDCHE.ZIP 722 tavua 03.02.1997 - MBCD -
Syndicate Wars Cheat Codes
28357 SYNWARS.TXT 297 20.12.1996 - - -
Syndicate Wars cheat.
28358 T7G_UHS.ZIP 15 kt 12.01.1996 - - tupla
The 7th Guest - UHS hint file Universal Hint System file containing hints for the Virgin/Trilobyte game
28359 TACHTCOD.ZIP 1,8 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Total Annihilation cheats
28360 TACOD.ZIP 791 tavua 20.10.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation Cheat Codes
28361 TANCHT.ZIP 459 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Tanarus cheat
28362 TARZANC.ZIP 410 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
Tarzan cheat codes
28363 TCSSNC.ZIP 618 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
"Tom Clancys SSN cheats"
28365 TD5C.ZIP 813 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
Test Drive 5   cheats
28364 TD5CHT.ZIP 765 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Test Drive 5 cheat codes
28366 TEAM47C.ZIP 1,5 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Team 47 Goman *cheat codes*
28367 TEKWAR.ZIP 724 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Tekwar cheat codes
28368 TENELBOC.ZIP 403 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Tennis Elbow cheat
28369 TENKHEX.ZIP 929 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Lifeforce: Tenka(PC) - saved game hex cheats
28370 TERMV-GH.ZIP 478 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Terminal Velocity GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
28371 THCHT.ZIP 27,1 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
28373 THE-RACE.ZIP 1,4 kt 17.07.1998 - 22594/Hrac_22_1998-06_cd.bin -
Pax Imperia 2 Cheat
28372 THEMECOD.ZIP 576 tavua 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
Theme Hospital Cheat Codes
28374 THIEFS.ZIP 8,6 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project savegame collection cheat
28375 THIEFUGE.ZIP 337 tavua 19.04.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project UGE module. Cheat. Requires UGE reader, Universal Game Editor.
28376 THOSPFAX.ZIP 933 tavua 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
Theme Hospital fax machine cheats
28377 THROTTLE.TXT 171 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Full Throttle. Cheat codes.
28378 TIEINFO.ZIP 19423 03.03.1996 - - -
Paljon tietoa Tie Fighterista
28379 TIGSHARK.ZIP 898 tavua 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Tiger Shark Hints/Tips/cheat codes
28380 TINYTRAC.ZIP 742 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Tiny Trails Level Codes:
28383 TIT-UHS.ZIP 26 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Titanic Cheat - UHS Module.
28381 TITANIS.ZIP 6,7 kt 03.02.1997 - MBCD -
"Titanic: Adventure Out of Time Puzzle Hints Here are some puzzle hints for the more difficult puzzles in Titanic: Adventure Out of Time. Ive set them up in a Hint 1 and Hint 2 fashion. The first hint is a subtlebut good hint. The second hintwhich is at the bottom of the pageis a dead giveawayso read it with care.  Subtle Hints (Hint 1) * Giveaway Hints (Hint 2)    1) - Im currently in my apartmentbut I cant exit and I dont know what I am supposed to do?"
28382 TITAUHS.ZIP 24,3 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
Titanic: Adventure Out Of Time UHS cheat for Universal Hint System
28384 TLC.ZIP 409 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
The Light Corridor cheat codes
28385 TM2CHEAT.ZIP 776 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
28386 TNNOPC.ZIP 341 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
TNN Outdoors Pro Hunter cheat
28387 TNNOPHC.ZIP 765 tavua 14.12.1999 - - -
TNN Outdoors Pro Hunter cheat
28390 TNP-GH.ZIP 1013 tavua 03.01.1998 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Take No Prisoners GameHack Table
28388 TNPFULC.ZIP 356 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Take No Prisoners - Full version cheats
28389 TNPFULL.ZIP 866 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Take No Prisoners cheat codes
28391 TOCACHT.ZIP 1,1 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
Touring Car Championship cheats
28392 TOMAGO.ZIP 446 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Tamagotchi CDROM gameplay cheat
28393 TOMBCODE.ZIP 464 tavua 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider Cheat Codes
28394 TONTROU.ZIP 467 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Tonic Trouble cheats
28395 TORINC.ZIP 466 tavua 24.12.1997 - - -
"Torins Passage cheat"
28396 TOSHINDN.TXT 5230 13.06.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Battle Arena: Toshinden-tappelupelin
28397 TOXBUNC.ZIP 464 tavua 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Toxic Bunny Cheats
28398 TP97CHT.ZIP 501 tavua 27.01.1997 - MBCD -
Triple Play 97 Cheat Codes
28399 TP99CHTS.ZIP 722 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
"Triple Play99 cheats"
28400 TP99HID.ZIP 655 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
"Triple Play99 cheat"
28401 TPARKC.ZIP 524 tavua 11.05.1999 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
Theme Park cheat
28402 TR1-GH.ZIP 521 tavua 02.04.1998 - 22592/Hrac_20_1998-04_cd.bin -
Tomb Raider GameHack Table
28404 TR2-GH.ZIP 684 tavua 02.04.1998 - 22592/Hrac_20_1998-04_cd.bin -
Tomb Raider 2 GameHack Table
28403 TR2CHTC.ZIP 504 tavua 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider 2 cheat
28405 TR3CC.ZIP 432 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider 3 cheats
28406 TR3CHE.ZIP 1,1 kt 18.12.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider 3 cheats
28407 TRACER.TXT 111 20.12.1996 - - -
Tracer cheat codes.
28409 TRG-GX2T.ZIP 219,1 kt 11.05.1999 - 23199/Gamestar_05_1999-05_cd1.bin -
Gex 2 trainer
28408 TRGBDTRN.ZIP 219 kt 11.05.1999 - 23199/Gamestar_05_1999-05_cd1.bin -
Bowlda Dash trainer
28410 TSLAUGHC.ZIP 1,6 kt 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
TimeSlaughter Moves List and CHEAT!
28411 TSTRUCK.ZIP 30,4 kt 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Toonstruck. UHS hint file.
28412 TTTC.ZIP 595 tavua 11.05.1999 - - -
Thrust, Twist, & Turn cheats
28413 TUNGUST.ZIP 111,8 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Tungusta trainer.
28414 TUROKCH.ZIP 718 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Turok PC cheat codes
28415 TUROKRET.ZIP 686 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
28416 TYRIAN.TXT 2591 11.11.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Tyrian. Huijauskoodit.
28417 TYRIHINT.ZIP 1339 03.03.1996 - - -
Tyrian - Aseet, koodit ja salapaikat
28420 U_ALIENL.ZIP 9,8 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Alien Legacy cheat  UGE Module
28418 U6H.LZH 8,7 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Ultima 6 vinkkejä
69501 U6H.LZH 8864 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Ultima 6 vinkkejä
28419 U8CHEAT2.ZIP 18454 14.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Cheat for Ultima VIII
You can do almost anything with this great
cheat : Edit character, watch end flic etc..
28421 UGHCHT.ZIP 604 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
Ugh level passwords cheat
28427 UHSPC.ZIP 141,4 kt 12.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Universal Hint System Reader 3.10, DOS/Win. Gives hint-book style clues for many popular computer games; hints range from subtle clues to full answers. You are only shown the hints that you want, so your game is not spoiled. The $20 registration fee allows you to use the entire collection of hint files (over 115 as of Oct. 1995) and enables certain hints in some files that are restricted to registered users.
28430 ULTIMA6.TXT 217 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Ultima 6. Cheat codes.
28431 UMASC10C.ZIP 18 kt 15.07.1997 - MBCD -
Unofficial MBnet ADOM Spoilers version 1.00c
28432 UMS98RA.ZIP 477 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
"Ultimate Soccer Manager98 cheat"
28433 UNINVHI.LZH 1,5 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Uninvited vinkkejä
69560 UNINVHI.LZH 1506 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Uninvited vinkkejä
28434 UNRCOD.ZIP 5,4 kt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
UnReal Cheat Codes:
28435 UPRISFC.ZIP 436 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Uprising cheat
28436 UPRISFUL.ZIP 587 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
UPRISING cheat codes
28438 UVW-GH.ZIP 326 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Ultra Violet World cheat - GameHack Table. You need GameHack cheating tool to use this.
28437 UVWCHT.ZIP 455 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Ultra Violent World cheat
28439 UWHI.LZH 443 tavua 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Ultima Underworld vinkkejä
69614 UWHI.LZH 443 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Ultima Underworld vinkkejä
28440 V2K6LVL.ZIP 9 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
V2000 6 levels solution.
28441 V2KHT.ZIP 4,6 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
V2000 Hints & Tips
28442 VANG-CC.ZIP 446 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Vangers cheat
28444 VC2CHT.ZIP 2,2 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Virtua Cop 2 cheats, secrets etc.
28443 VC2CHT2.ZIP 824 tavua 29.12.1997 - - -
Virtua Cop 2 cheats
28445 VIRTSPRN.ZIP 785 tavua 03.03.1998 - - -
Virtual Springfield cheat
28446 VRPOCH.ZIP 360 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
Powerboat Racing cheats
28447 VRPOWBC.ZIP 620 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Powerboat Racing cheat codes
28448 VVAL2C.ZIP 675 tavua 27.07.1997 - MBCD -
Virtual Valerie 2 Cheat
28449 W2-VCZ.ZIP 100,8 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Worms 2 +24 trainer
28450 WAGECHT.ZIP 1,1 kt 03.02.1997 - MBCD -
Wages of War Cheat Codes
28451 WAR3HEX.ZIP 1,6 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
Warlords 3 hex cheat
28452 WARC2-GH.ZIP 327 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Warcraft 2 GameHack Table. Requires GH cheat tool.
28453 WARGLEVC.ZIP 429 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Wargasm level passwords cheat
28454 WARINCHT.ZIP 669 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
WAR INC cheat codes
28455 WARSANSV.ZIP 187,1 kt 17.07.1998 - 22594/Hrac_22_1998-06_cd.bin -
Sanitarium Cheat - All Savegames.
28456 WARWRLD.ZIP 429 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
War of the Worlds Cheat Codes
28457 WATWRLD.ZIP 441 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Waterworld cheat
28458 WC1.TXT 185 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Wing Commander I. Cheat codes.
28459 WC2CODES.ARJ 377 07.05.1996 - - -
28460 WC3.TXT 199 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Wing Commander 3. Cheat codes.
28461 WC3.ZIP 741 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Wing Commander III cheat codes
28463 WC4.TXT 325 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Wing Commander 4. Cheat codes.
28462 WC4HEX.ZIP 927 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Wing Commander IV Hex cheat
28464 WC98CODE.ZIP 529 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
"World Cup98 cheats"
28465 WCEDITOR.ZIP 40255 14.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Cheattti Wing Commander ykköseen.
28466 WCPROPHE.ZIP 552 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy hex cheat
28467 WCWCHT.ZIP 468 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
WCW/Nitro cheat
28468 WDOC.ZIP 1,3 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
Warhammer: Dark Omen cheat
30149 WEBTIPS.ZIP 208197 23.05.1996 - - -
Pro Pinball: The Web Help File V1.3 for
Windows. Tips, maps, infos...
28469 WETATTAC.ZIP 510 tavua 03.12.1999 - - -
Wet Attack cheat codes
30153 WFRRHNT.LZH 4643 18.04.1995 - - -
Who Framed Roger Rabbit - vinkkejä ja
ohjekirjan päivitystä. Disney.
28470 WH2CHEAT.ZIP 535 27.08.1996 - - -
Witchaven 2 Cheats Codes
28471 WH2HEX.ZIP 661 tavua 06.05.1998 - - -
WarHammer Epic 40k : Final Liberation Hex Cheat
28472 WHCODES.ZIP 651 03.01.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
WitchHaven cheat codes
28473 WHDOMX.ZIP 828,3 kt 26.05.1998 - MBCD -
Warhammer: Dark Omen MAXX Cheat
28474 WHIPLASH.TXT 817 24.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Whiplash-Autopelin Cheat Codet.
28475 WILDRCHT.ZIP 2,9 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Wild Ride! HINTS and CHEATS
28476 WING2.TXT 191 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Wing Commander 2. Cheat codes.
28477 WINTUGE.ZIP 2,1 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Wintrek UGE module. Cheat. Requires UGE reader, Universal Game Editor.
28479 WITCH2.TXT 522 13.06.1996 - 23659/PCGAMER39.bin -
Witchaven 2 Cheat Codes.
28478 WITCH2C.ZIP 535 tavua 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
Witchaven 2 Cheats Codes
70101 WITCHAV.ZIP 820 18.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
WitchHaven cheat codes
28480 WK4CHAOC.ZIP 702 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate cheat
28481 WORM2C2.ZIP 691 tavua 03.01.1998 - MBCD -
Worms 2 Cheat Instructions
28482 WORM2LC.ZIP 1,2 kt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
Worms 2 - passwords for all 45 missions & cheat codes.
28483 WORMS2CH.ZIP 1,9 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Kaikki Worms 2:sen tehtävien salasanat ja kiva asekoodi jolla saa kaikki erikoisaseet
70171 WRCCHEAT.ZIP 8130 13.01.1995 - 9304/Cream of the Crop 6.iso -
Warcraft: Orcs & Humans cheat - lots of gold
and timber!
28484 WRECKINC.ZIP 534 tavua 22.09.1998 - - -
Wreckin Crew cheat codes
28485 WRIGCOD.ZIP 536 tavua 02.04.1998 - - -
Wrigglers Level Codes
28486 WW2GICC.ZIP 436 tavua 18.12.1999 - - -
World War II: G.I. cheats
28487 WWCHT.ZIP 398 tavua 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
War Wind Full Version Cheat Codes
28488 WWHINT.ZIP 6,4 kt 11.01.1998 - - -
War Wind hints
28489 WZC.ZIP 1,1 kt 24.05.1999 - - -
Warzone 2100 cheat codes. Req. v1.01
28490 XAFULLC.ZIP 562 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault (Full Ver) cheats
28491 XATAX.TXT 176 18.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
XATAX-pelin Salasanat.
28492 XCARFULC.ZIP 543 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
X-Car: Experimental Racingf cheats
28493 XCOMINTR.ZIP 524 tavua 17.07.1998 - - -
X-Com: Interceptor cheats
28495 XEEN.TXT 417 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Might & Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen. Cheat codes.
28496 XGAMSAV.ZIP 1,3 kt 29.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
X-Games Pro Boarder savegame cheat
28497 XGPBMVS.ZIP 629 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
X-Games Pro Boarder non direct moves cheat
28498 XMC-CMB.ZIP 1,3 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
X-Men: Children of the Atom cheats
28499 XMEN-TCC.ZIP 490 tavua 26.11.1997 - - -
QUAKE - *X-MEN: THE RAVAGES OF APOCALYPSE Total Conversion Cheat Codes
28500 XSCOD.ZIP 341 tavua 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
XS Cheat Codes
28501 XWING.TXT 74 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Xwing, Cheat codes.
28502 YDKJINFO.ZIP 445 tavua 19.05.1998 - - -
"You Dont Know Jack! gameplay cheat"
28503 YDKJRIDE.ZIP 971 tavua 29.01.1999 - - -
"You Dont Know Jack - The Ride cheat"
28504 ZAPHINT.ZIP 42 kt 09.01.1998 - - -
Zapitalism Hints & Cheats
31448 ZMPTXT1.ZIP 464437 25.09.1996 - - -
Z game guides: general hints and tips for
" z " with specific tactics for each level.
Tactics for all Two player levels
31449 ZMPTXT2.ZIP 427978 25.09.1996 - - -
Z game guides: general hints and tips for
" z " with specific tactics for each level.
Tactics for all Three player levels
31450 ZMPTXT3.ZIP 626080 25.09.1996 - - -
Z game guides: general hints and tips for
" z " with specific tactics for each level.
Tactics for all Four player levels
28505 ZONERC.ZIP 605 tavua 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
Zone Raiders Cheat Codes
70507 ZORK1HI.LZH 6121 17.02.1995 - - tupla
Vihjeitä Zork I:een. Infocom
28507 ZPC.TXT 143 tavua 09.03.1997 - MBCD -
Zero Population Count (ZPC). Cheat codes.
28506 ZPCCOD.ZIP 232 tavua 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
ZPC cheat codes
31453 ZSPTXT1.ZIP 288938 25.09.1996 - - -
Z game guides: general hints and tips for
" z " with specific tactics for each level.
Tactics for Desert World only
31454 ZSPTXT2.ZIP 609245 25.09.1996 - - -
Z game guides: general hints and tips for
" z " with specific tactics for each level.
Tactics for Volcanic and Artic Worlds.
31455 ZSPTXT3.ZIP 635881 25.09.1996 - - -
Z game guides: general hints and tips for
" z " with specific tactics for each level.
Tactics for Jungle and City Worlds.
28827 BG10.ZIP 88 kt 04.02.1998 - MBCD -
Belien Goodit v1. 50 koodia moneen eri peliin, hyvät grafiikat.
31311 CHEAT251.ARJ 158665 15.08.1995 - 11754/ftp.sysabend.org.zip -
CHEAT v25.1: The ultimate list of cheats and
debug codes for MS-DOS computer games. Over
305 games exist in this realm!  This is a
giant list of secret backdoors and cheat
codes for some of today's most popular games!
Over 50 new games in this release, a CD
player, other new options, and new graphics
to boot... this is the biggest release to
date! Bug fix for release 25.0.
28828 CHT12C0.ZIP 854,3 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
CHEATS DATABASE v12c.00 1250+ Cheats. DOS.
28829 DFCS20.ZIP 127,8 kt 26.04.2001 - - -
DoubleFormat Cheat System v2.0 by XRay Huijauksia PC ja PlayStation-peleihin yht. 675 kpl kätevällä käyttöliittymällä. Vaatii 4DOS 6.00B:n tai uudemman. Freeware. 
28830 DLH_0398.ZIP 2,2 Mt 02.05.1998 - MBCD -
Dirty Little Helper March 1998 Cheats database.
28831 DLH40AUG.ZIP 1,1 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
DLH - Dirty Little Helper The Ultimate Cheats Database ver.4.0b2 -  August 1997 Standardversion - only basic modules (c) 1997 by B.Wolffgramm u. P.Lieven
28832 DLHDOSB5.ZIP 170,2 kt 29.08.1999 - MBCD -
Dirty Little Helper v1.0 beta 5 DOS The Ultimate cheats database program. This is the frond end program required to read DLH-cheatfiles.
63022 DLHSPEC2.ZIP 698661 27.05.1996 - MBCD tupla
Dirty Little Helper Special 3D Action Games
international version Supports all famous 3D
Action Games with cheats, trainer, solves
28833 DLHU4AUG.ZIP 657,3 kt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
DLH- Dirty Little Helper The Ultimate Cheats Database ver.4.0b2 -  August 1997 Update Version - Req. Jun/1997 issue This special update also creates the April module out of the old issue; No need to download DLHM0697.ZIP (c) 1997 by B.Wolffgramm u. P.Lieven
63137 DOTT_UHS.ZIP 13443 13.01.1996 - 21810/Pegasus_50_CD1.iso tupla
Day of the Tentacle - UHS hint file
Universal Hint System file containing
hints for the LucasArts game
64410 GBASE113.ZIP 1398517 02.04.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
GAMEBASE v1.13  :  This shareware / demo
version of  GameBase  contains over 515
cheats,  solutions, keys, codes, hints,
walkthru's  etc.  for both  older  and  newer
games.  The registered  version  contains
more than 1000 items.
28834 GC05_112.ZIP 171 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
===== GreatCheat v0.50.112 ===== Freeware cheating-utility, which contains many cheats and solves. Uses text-mode windowing system. This version contains 101 cheats and 11 solves. ================================
28836 GP2TUN.ZIP 15,3 kt 04.02.1997 - - -
"F1 Grand Prix 2: GP2Tuner v1.0. This is a simple DOS program which asks you a few questions about your cars behaviour and determines which setup adjustments might help to solve your problems. It will create a standard text file with the analysis report. For each problemit will give a list of possible adjustments as well as the number of side-effects of each adjustment."
64643 GWIZ23.ZIP 118413 13.12.1994 - 22189/supergames_4.zip -
Game Wizard v2.30
The most powerful GAME CHEATING utility ever
developed anywhere in the world.  NOW WITH
MANAGERS.  It has the ability to:
search/modify/lock items while playing games;
create personalized cheat files; save/load
current game in progress; view text files
inside games; adjust game playing speed;
shell to DOS within games; quick exit to DOS
from programs and much much more.
64644 GWPRO20B.ZIP 147597 None - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
The most powerful GAME CHEATING
utility ever developed anywhere in the world.
MEMORY MANAGERS.  It has the ability to:
search/modify/lock items while playing games;
create personalized cheat files; save/load
current game in progress; view text files
inside games; adjust game playing speed;
shell to DOS within games; quick exit to DOS
from programs and much much more. This is it
28837 HUIJ0210.ARJ 74,9 kt 24.06.1997 - MBCD -
HUIJARI v0.210 Ohjelma, josta löytyy apu moneen tietokone peliin. Sisältää: Huijauskoodeja,Vinkkejä ja Läpipeluuohjeita. (C) Tuomas Laatikainen 1997
27980 INFIDEL.ZIP 11728 13.06.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Infidel-pelin UHS-vinkkifile.
66442 MYST_UHS.ZIP 13992 13.01.1996 - 21810/Pegasus_50_CD1.iso tupla
MYST - UHS hint file
Universal Hint System file containing
hints for the Broderbund/Cyan game
67437 PROCHEAT.ZIP 152226 28.02.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Freeware - Cheat
your games with PRO CHEATER!!!! PRO CHEATER
is a large database of cheats, tricks, and
more.. for your games and applications. This
version contains cheats to 583
games/programs. Totally FREE, no registration
needed. NEEDS VBRUN300.DLL to run.
28223 REBEL.ZIP 4462 27.10.1996 - 22400/xeniatgm39.iso -
Rebel Assault 2. UHS-vinkkitiedosto.
28260 ROTT.ZIP 29761 13.06.1996 - 22400/xeniatgm39.iso -
Rise of the Triadin UHS-vinkkifile.
28838 SOTEUGE.ZIP 899 tavua 23.09.1997 - - -
Shadows of the Empire UGE Module
68859 T7G_UHS.ZIP 15318 13.01.1996 - - tupla
The 7th Guest - UHS hint file
Universal Hint System file containing
hints for the Virgin/Trilobyte game
28422 UHS-BADM.ZIP 12530 14.06.1996 - - -
Bad Mojo - Universal Hint System file
28423 UHS-BB.ZIP 9815 14.06.1996 renamed 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Beavis & Butthead in Virtual Stupidity - -
Universal Hint System file
69533 UHS-D1.LZH 359078 24.02.1996 - - -
Universal Hint System -datatiedostoja,1-d,
cheatteja yms. mm. seuraaviin:11th Hour,
alone in the dark 1/2/3,amfv, bat, camelot,
curses, dejavu 1/2,descent, dgate, dig,
discworld, dott,dragonsphere, dune 2
69534 UHS-D2.LZH 356969 24.02.1996 - - -
Universal Hint System -datatiedostoja,e-l,
cheatteja yms. mm.
sman2,lgop,lit,lol,loom, larry 1/2/3/5/6
69535 UHS-D3.LZH 461863 24.02.1996 - - -
Universal Hint System -datatiedostoja,m-z,
cheatteja yms. mm.
28424 UHS-GABR.ZIP 23376 27.06.1996 - - -
Universal Hint System (UHS) file: Gabriel
Knight 2: The Beast Within
28425 UHS-INFI.ZIP 11885 27.06.1996 renamed 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO -
Universal Hint System (UHS) file: Infidel,
from Infocom.
28426 UHS-LURK.ZIP 11529 14.06.1996 renamed 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
The Lurking Horror - Universal Hint System
28428 UHS-ROTT.ZIP 29923 27.06.1996 renamed 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO -
Universal Hint System (UHS) file: Rise of the
Triad: Dark War
28429 UHS-T7G.ZIP 15072 14.06.1996 - - -
The 7th Guest - Universal Hint System file
28839 UHSDS401.ZIP 90,6 kt 31.08.1999 - MBCD -
UHS Reader for MS-DOS v4.01 . The Universal Hint System gives you only the hints that you need to solve dozens of computer games. Unlike traditional walkthroughs, the UHS lets you select questions from menus and view only as much information -- from subtle nudges to full answers -- as you want, so that you have an opportunity to finish solving the puzzles on your own. Shareware: $20 registration fee.
69536 UHSPC.ZIP 144815 13.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Universal Hint System Reader 3.10, DOS/Win.
Gives hint-book style clues for many popular
computer games; hints range from subtle clues
to full answers. You are only shown the hints
that you want, so your game is not spoiled.
The $20 registration fee allows you to use
the entire collection of hint files (over 115
as of Oct. 1995) and enables certain hints in
some files that are restricted to registered
28840 VDSW11.ZIP 276 kt 10.03.1999 - MBCD -
VINKKIDISU II V.1.1 (C) TUOMAS IKOLA 1999 Maailman suurimman suomenkielisen pelivink- kikokoelman ehkäpä viimeinen DOS-versio. Uusi ja uljas Windows-versio on jo kehitteillä. Uutta shareware-versiossa: * Yli 100 vinkkiä lisätty Kokoversiossa vinkit lähes 1100 peliin. Uusimman version löydät aina ohjelman kotisivuilta osoitteesta: HTTP://FLY.TO/VDISU Purku: Pkunzip -d vinkki11.zip c:\\?
28841 VINKKI35.ZIP 503 kt 05.01.1998 - MBCD -
==== VINKKIDISU V3.5 BY TUOMAS IKOLA ===== Jokaisen PC-pelaajan ehdoton apuväline, joka sisältää huijauksia, vinkkejä ja läppäreitä yli 700 eri peliin suomeksi. Suuresta osasta pelejä löytyy tiedot pelin tyypistä, valmistajasta ja laitteistovaa- timuksista yms. Myös omien vinkkien lisää- minen ohjelmaan on mahdollista(& helppoa). Purku: Pkunzip -d vinkki35.zip c:\\? IMUUTA IHIMEES! ET TODELLAKAAN PETY
28842 WARL3UGE.ZIP 1,1 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
Warlords 3 UGE Module
28843 747-4PNL.ZIP 62,1 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
FS5.1: BOEING 747-400 "COCKPIT" Flight Shop REQUIRED for use.
28844 A320CHK.ZIP 2,5 kt 03.05.1998 - - -
Airbus A320 series checklists for FS98. Based on real A320-200 checklists. Version 1.2, by Sami Puro.
28845 AA-DC10.ZIP 81,4 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
"FS5.1:  AMERICAN AIRLINES MCDONNELL DOUGLASS DC-10. BAOs Flight Simulator Flight Shop is required."
28846 AGENTEQP.ZIP 60 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
X-Com 3: X-Pak Agent Equiping Background screen for X-Com: Apocalypse.
28847 ARR10.ZIP 9 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Aksus Realistic Rules for Red Alert (ARRfRA) v1.0 More realistic rules.ini for Red Alert."
28848 CART98JH.ZIP 449 kt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Vuoden 1998 CART-sarjan (Indy) autot Grand Prix 2:een.
28849 CESS152.ZIP 5,2 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
FS5.1: 1978 Cessna Model 152 II. This file just contains a .WRI file and a .AFX file from AAF for FS4.
28850 CESSNAT.ZIP 55,5 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
FS5: Flight plan ROMA CIAMPINO to NY LA GUARDIA with Cessna182 by Patrizio Migliola
28851 COLINPAT.ZIP 12,6 kt 10.01.1999 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Tällä paketilla saat Colin McRae Rallyyn kaikki autot ja radat käyttöön ilman cheat-koodeja. Seuraa paketin mukana tulevia ohjeita.
28852 CRVL6R.ZIP 92 kt 21.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
"    This airplane requires BAOs Flight     Shop and Microsoft Flight Simulator     5.0a or 5.1.     This is a Sud-Aviation SE 210     Caravelle VIR. About 280 Caravelles     of all types were produced in the     1950s and 60s with about 60 of     them still flying today. Its     painted in the colors of United     Airlines circa 1961."
28853 EFHVEFHK.ZIP 960,1 kt 01.09.1997 - - -
FSFS Flight Adventure Hyvinkää - Helsinki-Vantaa Freeware adventure by Sami Puro. Todella realistinen..
28854 F-16FS5.ZIP 39,3 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
FS5.1 :  Basic F-16. Requires Flight Shop.
40678 FINWRMS.ZIP 742651 19.08.1996 - - -
Suomenkieliset puheet WORMSIIN. - Puhumme
40681 GP2ADS20.ZIP 530709 08.12.1996 - MBCD -
'96 ADVERTISEMENTS FOR GP2  v2.0 - Copyright
1996  Ville Tikkaoja  Here are  some new
advertisements for Grand Prix II  mostly from
'96 season. Tobacco and many other
advertisements and few changes  to some
buildings are included. With these  you can
get your game even more realistic. Easy to
28855 GP2RSET.ZIP 188,3 kt 29.05.1997 - - -
F1GP2:n parhaat n{pp{imist|-s{{d|t ja niiden hotlapit. Lue (LUEMUT.TXT)! Tekij{n{: Risto Junnilainen
28856 HASEK.ZIP 102,3 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
Dominik Hasekin maski NHL98:iin.
28857 L188NBL1.ZIP 127,6 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
28858 LDN-AP10.ZIP 101,1 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
FS5: LONDON ONTARIO AIRPORT SCENERY...add-on scenery for Alfred Grechs CAN-CEN2 or CAN-CEN3 synthetic scenery files. These files add taxiways, edge lights, centre lines, terminal, hangers and others for the airport at london Ontario. These files in no way alter Alfreds scenery other than to add the above items. Please read the .doc files.
28859 LINATE.ZIP 68,7 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Milano Linate BGL Scenery for FS5.1, by Alessandro Antonini - V. 1.0
28860 LINKLO.ZIP 596,6 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
FS5: SWISSAIR 6618 Milano Linate to Zurich Kloten. Flight Shop Adv.Weather Forecast from Hamburg Meteo. Flight Log.Real WAV from Milano ACC. Linate Scenery by A.Antonini and Europe1 by BAO is required.
28861 MAXRA1_3.ZIP 273,9 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
"MaximaRA - Modified Rules expansion ver. 1.3 By Will Cheeseman. You need Counterstrike to use this. This includes many things like stealth tanksnuclear bomberantseinsteinsoviet agent Volcovheavy gunnerflame tankstesla tankssecret agentswonder dog and Tanyas sister. Also many new buildings."
28862 MD-90.ZIP 28 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
FS5: New MD-90 This is a new MD90 Model. Features Slats, Flaps, Air stair Forward Strakes, Anit collision lights, (wing and tail). No paint so you may paint. Please see the enclosed MD-90.txt for operating Information and Installation Instructions Flight Shop Required Designed By Mike Vidal
28544 MIG19.ZIP 4,9 kt 20.04.1997 - 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO -
"FS5: mig21.zip by Richard Springstead This file contains a mig19 shape and flight m ks Flight Sim Toolkit.  The Mig19 shapes are for flight and es are for Gear Downif you wish to fly it y In Color the Mig19 should by greeen with a bl this file is free and public domain. Use it at your own discretion and risk. To use the mig19 filessimply unzip them in "
28545 MIG29FL2.ZIP 109,3 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
FS5.1: MiG29
28546 NFS2PHAN.ZIP 3,1 kt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Need For Speed 2: PHANTOM JAGUAR PATCH This patch gives you a totally black Jaguar. Author: Pezpunk.
28547 NFS2SEBC.ZIP 1,2 kt 26.11.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Need for Speed 2: SE Bonus Car
28548 PBT2TF.ZIP 3,5 kt 24.02.1998 - MBCD -
*PBT2:n TeamFortressin* *****aseet & muut!***** Uudet ase & armorisetit PBT2:een SUORAAN tf:sta! Jos tiedät mikä tf on, tai et tiedä mikä tf on, niin imppaa tämä! Antti Salonen
28549 QCITYS1B.ZIP 166,5 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
FS5: Quad-Cities  scenery.  Airports at Moline (MLI), Davenport (DVN) and McNeil Field (C95) in East Moline. Final version. Designed with AIRPORT version 1.21 and compiled with  SCASM  version  1.45. 
28554 RB-SCORE.ZIP 4,5 kt 01.06.1997 - - -
"Red Baron Scoring by JamesJaybirdJohnson A surprising text file describing how Red Baron scores your missions."
28550 RBMPCHF2.ZIP 907 tavua 01.06.1997 - - -
This patch corrects an error in the Mision Builder Patch which accidently assigned a German pilot to a British squadron for a month.  Just run the batch file in your Red Baron directory after running the MBPTCH batch files.
28551 RBPERS.ZIP 2,7 kt 01.06.1997 - - -
"Red Baron modifier: Aces Personal Aircraft Patch by Graeme von Cree. Adds/fixes famour acesflown planes."
28552 RBREAL10.ZIP 72,8 kt 01.06.1997 - - -
"RB-REAL for the Red Baron flight sim is a historical update patch.  The patch corrects some errors in the historical aircraft data and modifies other values to make the program more realistic. Includes RB EXPERTa utility which modifies the on screen messages to reflect the limited knowlege a pilot would have.  FREEWARE created by the Sysop of Mavericks Quodtegitur BBSJacksonCA(209) 233-1590. http://www.volcano.net/~themaverick"
28553 RBRICHTH.ZIP 1,7 kt 01.06.1997 - - -
"Red Baron: Aces Personal Aircraft Patch by Graeme von Cree. Two patches to correct historical errors in the personal aircraft used by aces in the campaign game."
28555 RBT15.ZIP 130,6 kt 01.06.1997 - - -
Red Baron Tournament 15 by The Maverick and Scott Mobley. A Red Baron tournament using a special version of the realism patch.
28556 RBXB146.ZIP 57,7 kt 01.06.1997 - - -
"Red Baron: XBaron by Bob Church An essential utility for running Red Baron with fast CPUs (486/33 plus.) It also allows you to calibrate and customize your joystick and rudder pedals. Dont leave the hangar without it!"
28557 REALCARS.ZIP 99,7 kt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Theft Autoon lisäohjelma joka muuttaa autojen "feikki" nimet oikeiden autojen nimiksi. Esim: Porka Turbo muuttuu Porche Turbokisi ja Classic onkin Rolls Royce.
28558 S97AO24.ZIP 367,8 kt 10.06.1997 - MBCD -
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1997 päivityspaketti v2.4. Sisältää kauden 97 autot, kuljettajat, tiimit, voimasuhteet, Goodyear-renkaat ja ratatoimitsijat. Pura tämä paketti gp2- hakemistoon tehtyyn SEASON97-hakemistoon, jotta asennus onnistuisi. Paketin on tehnyt Matti Laitinen.
40725 SMECHS.ZIP 19595 20.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A large assortment of super mechs for
mechwarior 2. There  is even a firemoth with
200+tons of weapons on it. But to use this
mech, you must enter the COLDMISER cheat code
the moment the mission starts or you mech
will blow up becouse of the -heatsinks.
28559 SP201R02.ZIP 507,2 kt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers II : Canadian/Russian MOBs by Wayne Young.
28560 SWE35.ZIP 693 kt 14.06.1998 - - -
Steel Panthers II : Swedish Army MOB by Mattias Andersen
28561 TALOA.ZIP 78,9 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
FS5.0a/FS5.1 plane: BAO\'s DC-3 dressed up in the 1950\'s "anything , anywhere , anytime" airline Transocean. Needs Flight Simulator Flight Shop.
40727 TURBOP.ZIP 8750 06.03.1996 - - -
This is a new airspeed-indicator for
FSFS-turboprop aircrafts like the Dash 8,
Dornier 328 etc. It works with your good old
Cessna-panel from FS5. The new airspeed gauge
has a speed range from 0 up to 400 kts.
28562 WOS.ZIP 2,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Aircrafts of the Spanish Civil War" realized with Flight Sim Toolkit (Simis/Domark). This simulator is complete. Flight models try to be accurate. Most of the combat scenarios are inspired by true strategies used during Spanish Civil Air War. Many aircrafts are flying in the simulator. The advice could be to join formations of other planes and to follow them to their missions. And you can fly in 15 differents types of aircrafts! Req. fast 486 or Pentium, 640x480x256, VESA
40653 !BOOM-TC.ZIP 2910817 14.11.1996 - - -
-[*DOOM Total Conversion: BOOM!!*]- bY:
L.mR-SOFTWARE (c) 1995-1996
for Ultimate DOOM. There is great
FTP-Address where you can get the patches to
upload your DOOM 1 to version 1.9, if you
haven't DOOM 1 version 1.9 now. BOOM-TC
contains many new graphics, sounds and 9 new
levels. All new enemies. This is great Total
conversion.. DOWNLOAD and ENJOY!
28863 16REAPER.ZIP 335,2 kt 03.07.1998 - - -
Best 16 Skins for the Reaper Bots (7/2/97). Player16.mdl is a skins file for the Reaper Bots. There are 16 skins that depict different characters.                                         
28864 2BTNDUKE.ZIP 2,5 kt 04.05.1998 - - -
Erittäin hyvä Duke Nukem 3D:n konfiguraatio 2-nappisille hiirille.  Tehnyt: Joonas Saarinen
60197 3GRENADE.ZIP 141897 30.08.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake * GRENADE MODS a progs.dat that has 3
different ways just to fire a stupid grenade.
You can fire a plain grenade but you can
change the the timer. You can fire it as a
pipebomb ready to be detonated. You can also
make it a proximity bomb. You can also change
the grenade, pipebomb, or proximity bomb to
look like different shapes.
60360 ABOMB6.ZIP 14565 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Atom Bomb V0.06b by Tuomas
Heino If you thought lightning gun discharges
were fun underwater, just wait! Uses about
half of all ammo possible, kills others, and
leaves you with 1-3 health.
60467 ADMIN2.ZIP 3856 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Admin.qc V2 by Doug Keegan -
run dedicated server and have a user be able
to easily change game parameters while
60478 ADVWEPV7.ZIP 109755 19.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Advanced Weapons Pack v.7
60633 ALTHOME.ZIP 7392 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: This is a modified version of
Vhold's homing missile weapons.qc to make it
a bit more... interesting. First, rockets
only acquire targets that are 'infront'.
Next, I thought I'd make the missile curve
rather than abruptly change directions. Etc.
30272 ALTMOTE.ZIP 1369188 27.03.1996 - 22145/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Duke Nukem 3D.iso -
AltMote.zip contains 4 new RemoteRidicule
files (40 differents  sounds in  all) for
Rise  of  the  Triad  or  Duke  Nukem 3D.
Sounds are well-known quotes from various
movies. Download it today for remote ridi-
cule needs! By: Chris Hamlin
28865 AQ1_01.ZIP 3 Mt 15.06.2000 - - -
 Action Quake 1 Alpha. Yksi Quake 2:n suosituimmista pelimuunnoksista on lopulta käännetty vanhalle kunnon Quake 1:lle. AQ2:sta tutut ominaisuudet ovat mukana, eli uusia aseita (jotka ladattava tuon tuosta), uusi osumamallinnus sekä realistiset putoamisvammat. http://aq1.telefragged.com.
60973 ASMOQC11.ZIP 238632 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Changes to Quake v1.01 by
Asmodeus V1.1 - Ogres have limited ammo -
monsters with backpack give leftover ammo -
monsters pick stuff - pipe bombs - solid
gibbable moveable corpses - heads, kicking,
61132 AXE_OF_C.ZIP 135818 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
Quake: The Axe of Command (v0.9) Changes your
axe into a magical weapon, grabbing a monster
from the hold of Quake and into your command.
61374 BGADM101.ZIP 118013 18.12.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
BGADM Bot - The BG Automatic DeathMatch
Opponent V1.01! bgadm101.zip QuakeC.
61375 BGBOT20A.ZIP 370240 04.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake: - BG Bot (by GamesNet) This is the
ALPHA version. I know there are many, many
bugs. If you find any it is ok to mail me
about it. Just don't go overboard.
61481 BLASTE11.ZIP 10078 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake: Blaster v1.1 replaces your handy
single-barreled shotgun with a slightly
retooled version of the blasters that
Enforcers pack. It's a three-shot semiauto
with a relatively fast reload time.
61484 BLDBTH.ZIP 139594 19.09.1996 - 14534/IMAGE.img -
QuakeC patch: Enter Bloodbath v. 0.9 by
Ishamael QuakeC mod designed to enhance the
40652 BLDCLOT4.ZIP 515962 20.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
--BlodClot patch v.004--
for Duke Nukem 3d v 1.3d
Adds sounds from Aliens
Army of Darkness, Evil
Dead 2, Mortal Kmobat,etc
61546 BNBDMS3.ZIP 1922879 30.08.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso -
--Beavis & Butthead Quake DEATHMATCH Sounds
V3.0-- By Guardian aka Cornholio e-mail
guardian@n-jcenter.com This replaces all the
sounds you hear in deathmatch.
61554 BOBAFETT.ZIP 72609 30.08.1996 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Quake - PCX format graphic textures for use
on the player and grunt models. Replace
player or grunt with Boba Fett from Star Wars
61573 BOMBS8.ZIP 158350 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Bombs8 QuakeC weapon patch by
PVP fully networkable quakeC patch that
enables 2 extra grenade launcher modes and 1
extra rocket launcher mode:
61584 BOOMERG.ZIP 126323 19.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Boomerang Missiles version 0.1:
61594 BORT1.ZIP 256426 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Bort's QuakeC Mod v1.0 Adopted
from the holoduke idea, you now have the
ability to create a clone image of yourself
and briefly fool your opponents. 2. Shot gun
shells now shoot out of your shotguns.
61595 BORT21.ZIP 253872 25.09.1996 - - tupla
Bort's QuakeC Mod v2.1
*Adopted from the holoduke idea, you now have
the ability to create a clone image of
yourself and briefly fool your opponents.
*Shot gun shells now shoot out of your
shotguns. * Grappling hook. Shoot a spear
like entity into anything and upon impact it
will pull you towards it. Hit a monster or a
player with it and it will cause damage.
61597 BOSSK.ZIP 71378 30.08.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso tupla
Quake - replace player/soldier with Bossk
from Star Wars.
28866 BOT15.ZIP 408,9 kt 09.05.1998 - MBCD -
NukeBOT v1.5 - Advanced DM opponent for Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition v1.5 NukeBOT is one of the most advanced user created bots around. Bot has some special features like jetpack and random spawn spot selection when killed, and fight skills of course + able to use 4 different weapons in distance and shrinker when close. Full Multiplayer support too.
61599 BOTSKN15.ZIP 360792 14.11.1996 - - tupla
Quake: BotSkin v.1.5 (for Quake 1.06)
Originally a BGBot(1.6) hack,  this little
project started with the inculsion of skins
to help distinguish between the bots. Now
includes improved combat ai, fixed attack
code, all the death animations, bodies that
stay and MORE!
61602 BOUNCER.ZIP 14403 19.09.1996 - 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Bouncing Betty's for QUAKE You
toss'em out and they go into wait mode. they
just sit there innocently until some freak
comes near'em, then they pop up and give the
area a shrapnel spray at crotch level.
61700 BSTCHEAT.ZIP 146593 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Ultimate Cheat Patch
61749 BUUUH.ZIP 159242 04.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake: - Scare to Death v0.9 (tm) Now you can
scare the other DM players to death.
61757 BYOMV10.ZIP 170909 19.09.1996 - 22389/CITE.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: BYOM (Be Your Own Monster) v1.0
take on the role of the heroic do-gooding
marine, the fiendish fiend, the shambling
shambler, or the wizardly scrag
61780 C3PO.ZIP 58223 30.08.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso tupla
Quake - replace the graphics for the player
or the grunt  with graphics of C3-PO from
Star Wars.
61812 CAMERA.ZIP 131205 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
PATCH by Nezu the Unworthy
61816 CAMPKILL.ZIP 22195 02.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Camper-Killer & Next-Level Randomizer
Broadcast "Camper Alerts" and then gibbing
the camper on three strikes! (2) To randomly
pick from a set of levels, the next-level.
deathmatch oriented, to be installed on the
62000 CHASECAM.ZIP 9894 25.09.1996 versio 1.1 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso tupla
QuakeC: Chase cam, v2.2 * Bind a key to
impulse 30 and press it to toggle between
chase cam and normal view. It's a lot like
Fade to Black.  Works as a single or
multi-player patch.
62169 CLUSTER.ZIP 20096 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Cluster, Use cluster launcher
like grenade launcher, choose it and hit
28867 COOLGUNS.ZIP 956,2 kt 20.11.1998 - gamers.org -
CoolGuns Patch for Duke Nukem 3D from Minion. Change your guns with the free CoolGuns Patch. Turns the pistol into an Uzi, the chain gun into a Gatling gun, and the devastator into a cool-looking weapon. The patch also includes new art. Duke Nukem 3D (registered) and DOS 5.0
62297 COOP-PAK.ZIP 166422 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Co-op Pack V1.0,
compilation of others patchs. This is made
for single and co-op play(don't you people
ever get tired of deathmatch?).
Put together not to give an advantage, but a
little wider choice of tools to use.
* Flares * Flashlight * Throw backpack
* Laser Gun replaces single shot shotgun.
* Double-barrel shotgun ejects 1 shell
* flame thrower
62457 CSPIKE10.ZIP 134363 18.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: cspike10.zip AUTHOR: Charlie
Zimmerman DESCRIPTION: spikes now live on
after they hit the walls.  Some of them
deflect and bounce all over the place. Some
stick in the walls for a time before falling
to the ground and disappearing. Grenades
throw out some spikes when they blow up. This
thing is a riot. Try it.  Only the server
needs run this.
62464 CTAGGUNS.ZIP 156777 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: several new weapons which are
accessable through the regular weapon
selection buttons.
62485 CUJO10.ZIP 169512 18.12.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
QuakeC: CUJO V1.00 This mod creates a
personal attack dog which will follow the
player and attack his enemies, even drawing
fire in the process.
62554 CZTEX1.ZIP 295271 30.08.1996 - 22388/XENIATGM26.iso tupla
CZ Quake Textures, Vol. 1 "Our first batch of
custom textures to decorate your Quake
levels. 14 mip textures include woods,
marbles, tiles, and more.
62558 D-TOOLZ.ZIP 133727 19.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
QuakeC patch: The Custom Backpack Dropper
V1.0 By: Chris Sobotkiewicz
62639 DARTS.ZIP 127099 19.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Explosive Darts
62640 DARTS06.ZIP 156275 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Poison Dart Gun v0.6 - Adds a
poison dart gun
62644 DAS_DM10.ZIP 182281 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: DaScott's QuakeC DM
Enhancements 1.0 Brings together some
familiar QuakeC hacks and many new
enhancements to make a total package.
Features include alternate weapon modes,
multiskin 1.1, droppable backpacks,
deathmatch 3, observer mode, the fiend
pentagram, and new teamplay with lots of new
weapon modes.
62645 DAS_QDM1.ZIP 144818 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
DaScott's Quake Deathmatch mods v1.0
This changes everything that needs to be
changed for Quake deathmatch. Enhances Quake
in a few key areas to help refine the
deathmatch environment. This includes weapon
modifications, new weapons, server (or
console) changes, rules changes, and
other cool stuff.
28868 DD061DOS.ZIP 420,4 kt 17.05.1998 - - -
v0.61 of a DOS port of LinuxDOOM by Chi Hoang (cyhoang@acs.ucalgary.ca) with support for mlook, hi-res, hi-color, translucency, DeHackEd and cd-audio. http://www.frag.com/dosdoom
62771 DEMOCH2.ZIP 146644 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Demo Charges v2
28869 DIAVIP.ARJ 98,9 kt 12.01.1999 - - -
Uudet Autot Carmageddoniin: Dodge Viper Classic, Lamborghini Diablo. Helppo asentaa...
29227 DM15.ZIP 246598 22.09.1996 - - -
DukeMenu v1.5 - AWESOME Duke Nukem shell!
Supports hot keys, user maps, top 10 list,
tagging, description files. Configurable!
Internal help, DeathMatches, and MORE!
Written by Scott W. Wiggin for WiggySoft.
63041 DMBOT1.ZIP 179981 01.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake - DM Bot V1.00 23/8/96 Bot that attacks
enemies in DM.
63042 DMCAM11.ZIP 152199 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: DeathMatch Camera. Shows the
intermission vie t players in it. Shows
current scores as well h a bigscreen TV it
can be used to show other  going on in the
63047 DMMDE321.ZIP 74050 18.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Deathmatch Modes V3.21 By: Andrew
63048 DMMODES3.ZIP 67478 19.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
QuakeC patch: Deathmatch Modes V3.00 Play dm
by quake rules with monsters.
40664 DMN2_15.ZIP 760537 04.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
-All-New never before seen effects! -New
death sequences! for 6 enemies! -All new
demos! All 3 demos replaced! -All new sounds!
18 of 'em! -All new music for all 32 levels!
-Totally new wall graphics! -Totally new
bloody cover-page! -Total blood effects!
-Complete color changes for nearly all
enemies, animations, and objects! -All new
text! All redone! New endings! -All weapons
and monsters were speeded up and given new.
40663 DMN2_15A.ZIP 761585 08.11.1996 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso -
63055 DMPLUS09.ZIP 139043 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: DeathMatch PLUS PACK! v0.9 New
Weapons Timed Bomb BFG TripWire. New
Deathmatch Options IT TI Quake-TI Capture the
Flag New Other Stuff Personal Teleporter Each
new item/weapon can be toggled on or off.
28870 DNANTIG.ZIP 35,1 kt 06.06.1998 - - -
AntiG-bomb Thrower Patch v1.0 for Duke Nukem 3D by Nicola Giuseppe Deganello This .con file improves your shrinker! Used against an enemy, it will throw into its body an anti-gravity bomb, which will make him lift in the air for two or three meters before to explode. DOS 5.0
29232 DNFE11.ZIP 354017 22.09.1996 - 6198/BILA_VRANA.iso -
=-=DUKE NUKEM 3D Front End Utility v1.0=-=
DOS utility to run user defined MAP files in
DUKE3D.  Also has own config file for more
parameters!  Includes more than 20 levels!!
Tested on version 1.3D Only.
28871 DNMILITA.ZIP 494,3 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: Military Patch by Jose Logroño Add a few modifications to Duke Nukem 3D with the free Military Patch. The Military patch includes sounds from Dark Forces and includes the Mp5 weapon, which replaces the pistol. This is a simple Duke patch and quite straightforward. Duke Nukem 3D (registered) and DOS 5.0
28872 DNRAGE.ZIP 26,5 kt 06.06.1998 - - -
Duke Rage Con by Stallion This con file will patch over your exsiting cons and make several changes to Duke. When Duke is on steroids, he will become bigger (look in view mode F7) he will turn red, (again view in view mode!!) His heart will start beating rapidly, and he will become invincable.  req. DOS 5.0
28873 DNTAXIP.ZIP 808,3 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: Taxicab Launcher Patch by Bill McGuire somewhat unusual weapons patch. This patch converts the RPG into a potent, deadly new weapon - a taxicab launcher.
40666 DNULTRA.ZIP 27758 08.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: - "EULTRAGORE GORE"
28874 DNUTLIMA.ZIP 53,9 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: Ultimate Duke Nukem Patch v1.3d by Roope Paakkonen Alter your DukeNukem Dukematch. Hear steps from other players, lose health if you have less than 50% of energy, and bleed so others can track you down.
28875 DNUZISSS.ZIP 997,1 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: Shadow Warrior Uzis!! Patch for Duke. by Patrick M. Import an Uzi.
63077 DOGGIE.ZIP 130588 01.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake C Patch - doggie, Files
Modified...Weapons.QC Turns your borring
rockets into DOGGIES! When you launch them,
'Woof!  Woof!' when they explode, they whine.
40669 DROIDS11.ZIP 14326 13.06.1996 - 22149/Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso -
DROIDS 1.1 By DSielke For use with LucasArt's
Dark Forces. File of 3do droids for use in
Dark Forces add on Levels.
63181 DRONE03.ZIP 127023 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Drone v.03  The rocket has been
replaced by a spherical drone that will fly
in straight lines bouncing off walls and
occasionaly exploding on impact till it
acquires a target.
63182 DROPDEAD.ZIP 472301 01.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
VARIATIONS FOR QUAKEv1.01 This is the first
release of a set of alternative Quake source
devised to make deathmatch and teamplay more
63195 DRUNKM3.ZIP 125442 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
Quake: Drunk Missile's, are now at their BEST
possible settings. 3 Missiles with a totally
erratic path for each.
28876 DUKE15S5.ZIP 73,3 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
DUKE NUKEM 3D ATOMIC EDITION SKIRMISH helppo käyttöinen SKIRMISH - ohjelma Duke Nukem 1.4&1.5 atomic edition peliin. Tämä toimii kuten moninpeli yleensä. Vastustajat ovat kuten TEN-gamessa ja olo tuntuu melko aidolta, lukuun ottamatta hillitöntä piso-olin räiskintää.  Tämän paketin sisältö on seuraava...  (päivityksiä saattaa tulla) * EPISODE * KENTTÄ * VAIKUS-ASTE * MULTI
28877 DUKE15S6.ZIP 73,8 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
* DUKE NUKEM 3D ATOMIC EDITION SKIRMISH v 0.6 Housewife * Helppo käyttöinen SKIRMISH - ohjelma Duke Nukem 1.4&1.5 atomic edition peliin. Tämä toimii kuten moninpeli yleensä. Vastustajat ovat kuten TEN-gamessa ja olo tuntuu melko aidolta, lukuun ottamatta hillitöntä piso-olin räiskintää.  Tämän paketin sisältö on seuraava...  (päivityksiä saattaa tulla) * EPISODE * KENTTÄ * VAIKUS-ASTE * MULTI PELAAJIEN MÄÄRÄ (+sinä itse) * OMIEN KENTTIEN LATAILU * HIRVIÖT
28878 DUKE3DCN.ZIP 214,4 kt 06.06.1998 - - -
Duke 3D Cons by Lindsay Enterprises lets you change your Duke Nukem 3D game in several ways: You get a flame thrower in place of a freeze thrower, more health and ammo, cameras that blow up, different messages, and more. Duke Nukem 3D and Windows 95
40670 DUKE84D1.ZIP 820460 22.09.1996 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D modification: Duke84 By Jack
Jeskey * added routines and Modifications. *
Much more gore * Lots of added sounds *
Random weapon shot * Mp patch : Changes your
9mm to a submachine gun!
31347 DUKEIT.ZIP 12863 08.11.1996 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
DUKEIT: By °FireZone Ent.
You've played DUKE 3D. You killed a little.
You got killed a little. You cheated a bit.
You got cheated a bit. Now you want to kick
some mother f_cking a$$! Here is a beautiful
way how. This temporarily modifies your old
USER.CON file when running, and restores it
when DUKEIT finishes. Makes you ultimate man
by giving you more health, resistance, and
stronger weapons by 10 fold. One thing, do
63569 EATGIBS.ZIP 3185 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
QuakeC patch: Eat Gibs 1.0 by Sean Leonard If
your health is below 50%, you can eat the
gibs of monsters or your opponants to heal
63614 EFX1B3.ZIP 191603 12.12.1996 - 14534/IMAGE.img -
Quake: "Environmental effects" QC Patch  You
may place a lightning generator in a level.
You may place a rain generator in a level.
You may place a snow generator in a level.
Including a sample level showing all these
63654 ELIM12.ZIP 162706 25.09.1996 - 10832/PC_REVIEW_61.7z -
QuakeC: Eliminator CBot Engine V1.2
Author   : Cameron Newham * most
sophisticated Quake C Bot available. The
Eliminator Bot package provides you with
some decent adversaries to play Quake
against.  Don't have a network connection?
Maybe you have a $100,000 LAN at home but
no friends... Well, here is the answer to
your Deathmatch dreams. These automated
deathmatch opponents are by no means
63879 EXBPK001.ZIP 7190 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake: exploding backpack v.001
63889 EXFISH.ZIP 131568 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
QuakeC: rocket launcher shoots fish and they
blow up just like a normal rocket.
64024 FALL.ZIP 1943 19.09.1996 - gamers.org tupla
QuakeC patch: Real Fall patch
64027 FALLTURN.ZIP 1456 19.08.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
Quake: Turning and twisting falls You will
now turn and twist when you fall.  I don't
have a clue as to how well this works; it may
look and act horribly.  If you have any
suggestions as to how to improve the twist
and turn mechanism, please e-mail me.  Note
that this patch will probably get a lot
better once I recieve the registered version.
64087 FEIGN_V9.ZIP 22028 19.08.1996 - 818/Monster Media Number 16 (Monster Media)(October 1996).ISO tupla
Quake: Feign Death 0.9 This bit of quakeC
code allows you to feign death in a
deathmatch, i.e. "play possum."  When you're
down on the ground, you can't shoot, move, or
jump. You can, however look around.  Warning,
when you turn around, so does your "corpse,"
so you'll be easy to spot. When you go down,
you shoot off an empty backpack , that
contains a message to clue in your opponents.
When you feel it's safe, you can get back up.
28879 FINDUKE.ZIP 4,1 Mt 24.12.1997 - - -
DUKE NUKEM 3D FINLAND EDITION V1.0  Uusi päivitys Duke Nukem 3Dhen  joka antaa vielä hieman lisä-  potkua tähän jo puhkipelattuun  hittipeliin.  +Uusia grafiikoita  +Uusia ääniä  +Uusia musiikkeja  +Uusia aseita
64163 FLABOMB1.ZIP 191781 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
Flabomb1.zip (187K) -Adds a new weapon. A
bomb that kills everyone in a room after 5
64168 FLARE2.ZIP 124612 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Quake Flares 2 * replaces the
grenade launcher with a flare launcher.
64169 FLARES.ZIP 132159 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Quake Flares 1.0 * gives you
flares similar to the flares in Descent.
These are spike- shaped flares that you shoot
into a wall/ floor/ceiling to light up dark
areas .
64174 FLASHLT2.ZIP 131844 01.09.1996 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Quake - Flashlight Filename : flashlt2.zip,
V2. Author   : Jeff Epler This patch allows
you to use a flashlight.
64284 FRAGROCK.ZIP 20289 19.09.1996 - 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Nail Rockets:
64291 FREAK11.ZIP 151026 02.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Freak11.zip (147K) -A type of Bio-Weapon.
Infect other players with Hemophilia by
slashing them with the axe.
64301 FRENZY1C.ZIP 9594 19.09.1996 - 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: WEAPON FRENZY 1.0 *
conglomeration of other people's weapon mods.
64307 FRIEND4.ZIP 10484 19.09.1996 - 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Friend - monster who goes along
with you and beats up on your enemies.
64399 GAUN3.ZIP 130064 18.12.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Quake: Gauntlet's server Patch This patch has
a few things to liven up Multiplayer Quake.
1) Camper Deterrent: 2) Random Levels 3) Name
64481 GIBBIN3.ZIP 236879 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Gibbin3.zip (231K) -Makes monster corpses
solid and allows you to walk over them
instead of having to jump. Also adds more
gibs, different gib combinations and lower
health for already dead monsters. Bodies will
pile up, and crusified monsters are gibable
64535 GODELQC3.ZIP 247707 02.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Quake: Adds weapons & skins
64581 GRAP109B.ZIP 186152 19.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
QuakeC patch: MORNING STAR v1.09b
64584 GRAPV102.ZIP 126922 19.08.1996 - - -
Quake: Grappling Hook modification 1.02  This
modification turns the axe into a grappling
hook. Basically you can shoot it into a wall
and be pulled up. You can also use it on
monsters/players. Registered QUAKE is
required for this modification. This is a
really cool mod.
64585 GRAPV105.ZIP 167521 02.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake: Grapv105.zip (163K) -Patch to give you
a grapling hook
64588 GRAV1.ZIP 1301 30.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Eric's Quake Gravity Script Ver.     1.0
Change the gravity in the level made easy!
Up to 1600 gravity and to low as 25  O - More
gravity P - less gravity INS-Highest Gravity
HOME-Normal gravity PGUP- Lowest gravity   To
install, just put grav1.scr in your ID1
directory and add the line exec grav1.scr in
either you autoexec.cfg ; or command line
when starting quake.
64589 GRAVITY2.ZIP 138605 01.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake: Gravity Grenades v2.0 Overrides that
grenade launcher, each grenade fired will
randomly change the gravity anywhere from
from about 2900 to almost 0.
64619 GTIMERF.ZIP 124638 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake: Gtimerf.zip (121K) -Changes the delay
time on the grenades
64678 HANSOLO.ZIP 46329 30.08.1996 - 22617/Hrac_09_1997-02_cd.bin -
Quake - replace the graphics for the player
or the grunt  with graphics of Han Solo from
Star Wars.
64737 HEADGUN.ZIP 232115 01.09.1996 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Quake: head gun. A gun that let's you throw
the head gibs. You get the gun when you have
the grenade launcher, and the ammo is all the
gibbed heads lying around.
64740 HEAL.ZIP 2061 19.09.1996 - gamers.org tupla
QuakeC patch: Leftover Health Patch
64855 HOMSTICK.ZIP 20576 19.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: Homing Sticky Missiles v0.9
65002 ICTRK101.ZIP 500063 19.09.1996 - 12522/PCMania CD62_2.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Inner Circle Trinket V1.01 by
Gary Griggs addon that provides a new powerup
that has random effects. Some of these
effects are good and some are downright evil.
65010 IDGLOBE.ZIP 131777 01.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake: IDGlobe.qc 1.0 This Quake-C mod adds
an IFF-type feature. Usable in both
single-player and net games, when toggled on,
it will ID both monsters and other players.
65098 IMPULIST.ZIP 1394 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Standard Issue Impulse Lister A
Server Utility by TigerShark
65233 IRONWLVT.ZIP 755146 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: A lot of patches together.
65377 JFIEND11.ZIP 113952 19.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
The Fiend's Pentagram v1.1 * modification to
original Quake 1.01 QuakeC code. This
modification changes the Pentagram of
Protection into the Fiend's Pentagram.
Picking up the Pentagram will change you into
a Fiend!  Your new
65397 JMIX.ZIP 143796 23.10.1996 - - tupla
QuakeC: Fall.zip, Spredgun.zip and
Chasecam.zip converted to one pak file. By
Jussi Siwonen
65430 JSQCMOD1.ZIP 16384 19.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
QuakeC patch: JSQCMOD1, enhanced teamplay,
new weapons electro axe, cluster-bouncy-
proximity grenades
65431 JTEAM092.ZIP 48188 19.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: the Complete Enhanced Teamplay
65537 KEYMIX15.ZIP 800562 19.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: *** KeyMix 1.5 *** cool variety
on the standard deathmatch games, and
hopefully add some more strategy to the game.
65542 KICKING2.ZIP 15688 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Kicking This patch lets the
players kick any moveable thing around.
40694 KUMMELI.ZIP 1628192 26.07.1996 - - -
KUMMELI sounds for DOOM!
65643 LASERTAG.ZIP 2408 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Laser tag, allows players to be
damaged as in a laser tag game.
65660 LAVAGUN.ZIP 18861 19.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: Lava Gun * Kinda like the
plasma gun from Doom - Rapidly shoots lava,
taking a cell for each ball which eventually
splashes spectacularly.
65671 LDG.ZIP 130101 18.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: This file does 3 things: -More back
kick when firing off the grenade launcher and
rocket launcher -No pixelated explosions
-Long Distance Grenades! by sirus@aimnet.com
28880 LWV10.A01 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
The Last Warrior osa 2/4
28881 LWV10.A02 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
The Last Warrior osa 3/4
28882 LWV10.A03 2,7 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
The Last Warrior osa 4/4
28583 LWV10.ARJ 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Shadow Warrior add-on: The Last Warrior 1/4 starring Lo Wang. Freely distributable. By Inferno Interactive. DOS or Win95.
65885 MACHSHOT.ZIP 124909 18.12.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
66067 MDLVW_01.ZIP 55801 02.09.1996 - - tupla
Quake: MDLVIEW v.0.1 Small program to view
the "Aliasses", monsters, players, and other
66066 MDLVW2.ZIP 45653 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: mdlview version 2.00
Allows the viewing of textured .mdl models.
29308 MGLDOOM.ZIP 125525 25.11.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Hook up to 4 player DOOM here.
Legal to distribute Registered Software
Legal Registered Modem Software 
Provided by Modem Gamelink BBS
Works in Win 3.1, Win95, DOS..
Fully automated, will search for
and identify Modem, com port,
modem init string.. Unzip to a
temp dir or floppy.Type Install.
Install procedure...
66166 MISTEL.ZIP 129207 18.12.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Missile Teleport QuakeC Mod  v0.01 by B.K.
Adams This modified progs.dat file allows
missiles -- rockets, grenades, and nails --
to be teleported. Fire a barrage of grenades
into a teleporter and rest assurred that
anyone unlucky enough to be standing near the
teleport destination will get a nice
66221 MNSTLURE.ZIP 258092 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuakeC: Monster Lure and Nail bomb
This is a monster lure and nailbomb. In coop
mode, it attracts all monsters within a
radius of 600 units and draws their fire.
66252 MON_DM09.ZIP 165030 01.09.1996 - 22386/XENIATGM24.iso -
DaScott's Monster Deathmatch v0.9 DM as a
monster! As straightforward as the name
implies- this patch enables you to play quake
dm as a random monster.
66251 MONSTDM2.ZIP 62183 18.12.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
QuakeC: Monster Deathmatch V2.00 By: Andrew
Stefanski While deathmatching in Quake is
tons of fun, sometimes I really missed having
the monsters running around harassing the
players. To take care of that, I did some
playing around in Quake C.
66264 MOP2.ZIP 850195 02.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake: mop2.zip (852K) -Mobsters on parade
66265 MOREWPNS.ZIP 125772 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake: Morewpns.zip (122K) -Supper nailgun
becomes super laser gun. Grenades & missiles
explode into flechetts
66269 MORPH2.ZIP 164007 01.09.1996 - 23662/PCGAMER42.bin -
Quake: Morph Filename : morph2.zip Version  :
2 Date     : 96/08/22 Author   : Jeff Epler
This patch allows you to morph into various
66278 MOTION.ZIP 31565 19.09.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
66412 MULTI_11.ZIP 395583 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Quake: Multiex.zip (137K) -An exmple of
multiplayer cheats
66409 MULTIMDL.ZIP 751948 30.08.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
Quake - For use with MultiMod by Shyft Use
these optional .mdl files with multimod.zip
in order to use the multiple skins for
players and the grunt.  Also replaces
enforcers textures to show damage and a
different gib head.
66411 MULTIW.ZIP 335480 01.09.1996 - 223/The Arsenal Files Collection %238 (Arsenal Computer) (1996).ISO tupla
Quake: Multiweapon Mod By Dr.Rigormortis
changes the weapon you see on your opponent
according to what they are using.
66434 MYBOT13A.ZIP 272101 19.09.1996 - - tupla
QuakeC patch: Mybot 1.3a, tmbot qc modified
to shoot grenades at zombies.
66479 NAILS.ZIP 11662 16.09.1996 - 22881/PC Action Issue 80 (Estate 1999).ISO -
Quake level: Nails. very similar to level two
except there are only supernailguns and two
66558 NEWOLD.ZIP 5133 01.09.1996 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Quake: Shub Niggurath's Soul Sphere v1.0 by
Chris Johnson This is a DEATHMATCH ONLY mod
that makes the notorious map "end" exitable
(which it normally is not in deathmatch).
66562 NEWWAD12.ZIP 225992 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuakeC: NewWad 1.2, NewWad is a program to
add textures in pcx, bmp or lbm formats
to the WAD2 files that are used by qbsp.
66563 NEWWEAP.ZIP 25652 18.12.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
QuakeC: Smart Weapon Patch v1.00 by SoniC
40713 NIGHTSKY.ZIP 5588 14.07.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Night sky patch for Doom.
66704 OBSERV11.ZIP 155402 19.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
QuakeC patch: JAFO PATCH .1.1 - look
deathmatches as 'ghost' without playing.
66741 OLD_DM.ZIP 146511 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuakeC patch: Old Deathmatch Mode! -
Deathmatch 2 Enhancement V1
67189 PETDOGS.ZIP 184730 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuakeC: Petdogs 1.0, I made a doggy gun that
allows you to shoot real live doggys. What
the gun does is spawn real dogs, but they're
at your command.
67264 PLASER11.ZIP 11947 19.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
QuakeC patch: Player laser 1.1 by Bill Turner
Laser replacement for shotgun.
67271 PLAUNCH.ZIP 125470 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Human Launcher by Michael
Gargiulo- -grenade launcher to shoot full
sized clones of you! -The bodies come
tumbling out like rag dolls(filled with
chunky tomatoes). -I added "Appropriate"
sound effects.... -The damage radius of the
"human chunks" is higher than the grenade.
67289 PLUSGREN.ZIP 145712 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: PLUSGrenade, Quake grenade
enhancements V1.0 Adds a new grenade that
launches a selectable number of exploding
lava balls and a proximity grenade.
67364 POVDOOM.ZIP 1597348 25.08.1995 väärä koko Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
PovDoom 2.0 by Iikka Keränen
Muuttaa Doomin (1) grafiikat paremmiksi.
Pura Doomin hakemistoon ja lue ohjeet!
67442 PROJ1_06.ZIP 587025 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: QUAKE Project1 v 0.6 test
Several QuakeC patches in one.
67466 PROXMIN1.ZIP 131639 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
Quake: Proxmin1.zip (128K) -Rocket launcher
becomes proximity mine launcher
67467 PROXMIN2.ZIP 7949 25.09.1996 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
QuakeC: Proximity Mines, Throw n-tropy's
shit out the window! This is the real
thing! Just press 'M' and a mine is laid.
3 seconds later, it's armed and dangerous.
67502 PSYCHOC2.ZIP 170835 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: PsychoC V2 release 2 of the
quakec code run server PsychoServer
67539 PUNISH12.ZIP 143408 01.09.1996 - - tupla
Quake: Punishment Filename : punish.zip
Version  : 1.21 Date     : 96/8/19 Author   :
Robert DeFilippo III Quake C  : yes Sound
: no MDL      : no Changes weapons.
67571 QCC106.ZIP 203920 29.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
Quake: QUAKE C Compiler for DOS & WIN95  The
QUAKE C compiler for DOS (QCC_DOS.EXE) and
WIN95/NT (QCC_NT.EXE), September 12, 1996.
The updated QUAKEC progs source code for
version 1.06 of QUAKE is included.
67572 QCEJECT.ZIP 128914 22.09.1996 - - tupla
QuakeC patch: EJECT! by Steve Bond * makes
the Shotgun and Double Barrel Shotgun eject
shell casings (VERY cool.)
67574 QCHEAT.ZIP 125802 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
Quake: Qcheat.zip (122K) -Adds new cheat
codes. -impulse 12-Limited Gimmie -impulse
13-Silver Key -impulse 14-Gold Key -impulse
252-Pentagram of Protection -impulse 253-Ring
of Invisibility -impulse 254-Biosuit
67578 QCONSOLE.ZIP 20571 14.11.1996 - - tupla
Quake Console Commands OVER 250!! - Zorlim
67579 QCORPSES.ZIP 125700 02.09.1996 - - tupla
Quake: Corpses!, details how to get Shotguns
running on your system and what to do if you
have problems. Corpses now stick around for
one minute. Then, corpses gib and the heads
go flying.
67584 QFLAG.ZIP 327086 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Quake Capture the Flag
Team match Quake map featuring QuakeC
coding by Gary Griggs. Capture the Flag is
a map where kiling your enemies is not your
goal. To score points, you and your teammates
must capture your flag from the enemy base
and return to your home base alive with
the flag.
67585 QGORE.ZIP 125722 19.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Quake gore v1.0
67586 QHACK-PC.ZIP 12844 01.04.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
Quake hack-thingy. It opens the ID1.PAK file
and it will allow you to save the entries.
67587 QJOE19.ZIP 125752 02.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake: QJoe v.1.9 by:
Joe Sola with help+ideas from:      Tom
Shallon Features: Killer Heads!!!
67591 QNITEMS.ZIP 29548 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
power-up manager allowing the use of an
item(s) at a time, later then when you
actually need that item.
67593 QPLUS11.ZIP 255929 02.09.1996 - - tupla
Quake Plus 1.1 Filename : QPlus11.zip Version
: 1.10 Date     : 25.8.96 Author   : Werner
Spahl Quake C  : yes combination of different
Quake enhancements making the game more
realistic by utilizing a "use" key to
activate, get or drop! Lots of other features
are included, with only few impulse keys
needed to access them. While too powerful
weapons and powerups are avoided, a
reasonable teammode is set up  without using
special console commands.  Altogether a much
67594 QPLUS13.ZIP 262578 25.09.1996 - 10832/PC_REVIEW_61.7z tupla
* Quake Plus 1.3 *
combination of different Quake enhancements
making the game more realistic by utilizing
a "use" key to activate, get or drop! Lots
of other features are included, with only few
impulse keys needed to access them. While too
powerful weapons and powerups are avoided, a
reasonable teammode is set up without using
special console commands.
67595 QPOWER.ZIP 127263 19.09.1996 - - tupla
QuakeC patch: More Power! QuakeC
Modification. Adds some major kick to the
Grenade Launcher, Super Nailgun, and Single
and Double Barrel Shotguns.
67599 QSLFD.ZIP 6696 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: SelfDestruct V1.0 by
whitetrash, allows players the option of
blowing themselves up in the face of
67606 QTAG.ZIP 560231 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Quake Tag, Team match Quake map
featuring QuakeC coding by Gary Griggs.
Qtag is a quake map designed exclusively
for team play with a minimum of 4 players.
(2 teams) The objective is NOT to kill your
opponents, but to score points by picking
up the Scoring Object.
67607 QTEAM100.ZIP 131582 19.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
QuakeC patch: QTeam 1.00, provides an
additional teamplay option that supports
restricted team colors, friendly fire, and
team scoring.
67608 QTEAM150.ZIP 745646 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuakeC: QTeam 1.50,the most advanced teamplay
addon available for Quake! It provides a
host of new and exciting capabilities such as
dynamic team scoring, capture the flag and
tag team play, friendly fire penalties,
restricted team colors, a programming
interface for map designers, and Ghost
Morons for controlled player entry into
the game.
67612 QUA-DART.ZIP 81814 27.08.1996 - - tupla
Quake: Darth Vader Replacement for the
knight.mdl file that makes the knight look
like Darth Vader, complete with light saber!
67617 QUAD_SW.ZIP 28898 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: You can switch Quad power
ON/OFF. You can add Quad power time.
67616 QUADUKE.ZIP 315317 27.08.1996 - - tupla
"AquaDuke" = A Quakework Duke Change Quake
soldier to Duke Nukem.
67618 QUAHPPY.ZIP 11636 30.08.1996 - - tupla
Quake - replacement for the scrag that makes
him/her a Happy Face!
67623 QUAKER.ZIP 60269 30.08.1996 - gamers.org tupla
Quake - Insane Quaker skin texture.
67626 QUAKEWAD.ZIP 2057015 30.08.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
Quake Texture Wad Contains EVERY texture in
Quake v1.01, including the deatmatch level
textures and ammo/health box textures.
67628 QUALIAS.ZIP 2005 30.08.1996 - - tupla
Alias.cfg v3.0 by Guardian New aliases for
67629 QUALIEN.ZIP 61504 30.08.1996 - - tupla
* Alien for Quake - just a taste * Version
1.1 * J Diamond
67636 QUAUTFIR.ZIP 617 30.08.1996 - - tupla
Quake - Autofire on/off alias By Guardian aka
67637 QUBATMAN.ZIP 104603 30.08.1996 - - tupla
Quake - Batman (player replacement model)
.mdl replacement for the default player.mdl
67638 QUDECOY.ZIP 127714 02.09.1996 - - tupla
QuakeC: DECOY PATCH for Quake V1.01. Hologram
patch, like in duke3d, with remote camera
built in + the capability to detonate it when
another play gets to close!!!
67639 QUDEVIL.ZIP 27219 30.08.1996 - - -
Quake - The Red Devil skin texture.
67642 QUEST11.ZIP 254904 08.01.1997 - 22393/XENIATGM31.iso -
Quake: QUEST v1.1, Quake Map Editor  Quest is
a DOS based map editor for Quake.  This is
the last official version of Quest from the
orginal authors.  New version may be ported
to other  operating systms or may be picked
up for DOS.  This program requires
67644 QUGENIUS.ZIP 12079 01.09.1996 - - -
Quake: Genius Missiles(tm) v1.0 This patch
replaces the standard rocket launcher
missiles with homing, intelligent missiles.
67645 QUGHOSTS.ZIP 291384 01.09.1996 - - -
Quake: Ghosts. addon that will change the
Scrags to Ghosts, and put you in a new level
full of them. Single Player: Yes,
Cooperative: Yes, Deathmatch: Yes
67646 QUHEADS.ZIP 478491 01.09.1996 - - -
Quake: Heads.qc by Casey Robinson You can
pick up peoples' heads after you gib them,
and then throw the heads around. They float
around looking for something to kill, which
is hopefully not you.
67647 QUHOMER.ZIP 94541 30.08.1996 - - -
Quake - replacement mdl for the ogre in quake
of Homer Simpson!!
67650 QUKICK.ZIP 5840 01.09.1996 - - -
Quake: weapon kick patch.
67653 QUPLAYR.ZIP 110835 30.08.1996 - - -
Quake - modified version of the boba fett
graphicmodifed it work the Quake Reg'd
67654 QURANDOM.ZIP 131135 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake: Random.zip (127K) -Items regenerate
random locations in deathmatch.
67659 QURIFT.ZIP 285276 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake: Rift * Your Internet Assistant v 0.6.3
* 1996, Bob Jamison
67660 QUSHADOW.ZIP 37109 30.08.1996 - - -
Quake - The Shadow skin texture.
67661 QUSTALKE.ZIP 6134 30.08.1996 - - -
Quake - Night Stalker skin texture
67662 QUSTORM.ZIP 48308 30.08.1996 - - -
Quake - .pcx format graphic textures for use
on the player and grunt models in Quake.
These replace the graphics for the player or
the grunt  with graphics of a Stormtrooper
from Star Wars.
67663 QUTERMNT.ZIP 59190 30.08.1996 - - -
Quake - replace the graphics for the player
or the grunt  with graphics of the terminator
T-800 from the Terminator movies.
67664 QUTRACER.ZIP 7868 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake: The tracer QuakeC Filename :
tracer.zip Version  : 1.00 Date     :
96/08/18 Author   : Jonathan Avraham Want to
get rid of ambushes? Want to ambush in water
and know exactly when to attack without being
discovered? Use the tracer. Just press T and
a tracer is shot. When it hits a monster or
player, it sticks to it/him/her and starts to
beep, and by the strength of the sound you
can evaluate the distance to.
67665 QUTRB01B.ZIP 894103 02.09.1996 - - -
Torgo Patch v.001b
For Quake v1.01 Registered
By Dr. Rigormortis/Scott Dalton
Changes all zombies to Torgos from Manos.
This package includes new graphics, sounds,
and AI for the zombie which makes it act
suspiciously like Torgo.
67666 QUVENOM.ZIP 88844 30.08.1996 - - -
Quake - VENOM.mdl * Its VENOM from spiderman.
67671 QWIZ12.ZIP 16798 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: QUAKE WIZARDS V1.2 ' allows
your player to cast D&D spells and such.
67698 RACNAB20.ZIP 150040 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: RACNAB v2.0 _RA_dio _C_ontrol
_NA_il _B_omb.
67699 RADAR.ZIP 6496 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Radar 1.0 signals vicinity of
enemy with dark sound. If the enemy is near
frequency of beeps become short.
67700 RADAR0_5.ZIP 8015 02.09.1996 - gamers.org tupla
Quake: Radar Filename : Radar0_5.zip Version
: 0.5 Author   : Nick Wilson aka NiCkMaN
Quake C  : yes the radar will search for
enemies that you can't see. That includes
invisible players, enemies behind walls, or
out of your line of sight.  Uses 5 cells per
67827 REAPER06.ZIP 160649 14.11.1996 - - -
QUAKE: Reaper Bots v0.6 Reaper Bots are
computer controlled artificial deathmatch
opponents, that actually _think_ and _learn_
the level as they play. They jump, swim, pick
up and use armor weapons and ammo, have skill
settings, and don't cheat. They can also be
played on any level without any special
requirements. You can have 16 player games
with a single computer! Clearly the _best_
bots by far. Many bugs fixed since last
version. Created by Steven Polge. Uploaded by
67856 RELARMOR.ZIP 132980 19.09.1996 - gamers.org tupla
QuakeC patch: Realistic Armor by Reptilian *
makes the armor more realistic. while wearing
this armor, you will take damage based on the
percentage of armor you have left.
67865 RELWEP13.ZIP 210734 02.09.1996 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Quake: Realistic Weapons Filename :
relwep13.zip Version  : 1.3 Date     :
96/08/22 Author   : Cameron Newham
(W_Australia) Quake C  : yes * Server help
and predefined aliases * Makes the weapons
unreliable * Recoil on all weapons except
lightning gun * Spikes, rockets & grenades
slow down while in water * Rockets leave a
bubble trail in water * Spikes, rockets,
grenades and backpacks can travel through
teleporters * Rockets and armour add weight
67916 RICOCHET.ZIP 1800 19.09.1996 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: Ricocheting projectiles *
Bullets now ricochet off of walls.
67971 ROCKETL.ZIP 169252 19.09.1996 - - tupla
QuakeC patch: RocketLauncher Version .01
67972 ROCKETZ.ZIP 119621 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
Quake: Rocketz-DM ver .2 level This is a
conversion of a old Doom2 DM level we did for
our local DOOM Tourney. It was one of the
most popular. Single Player           : No
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No Deathmatch 2-6
Player   : Yes Deathmatch 6+ Player    : Yes
29346 RTSMAKER.ZIP 18208 20.04.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
RTS-Maker Apogeelta Tällä  ohjelmalla voit
tehdä omia RTS -tiedostoja  Apogeen  Rise  of
the Triad:iin ja Duke Nukem 3D:hen
Modeemi/Verkkopeliä varten.
68328 SGQCVER3.ZIP 961124 19.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: RocketLauncher Version .01
Features * Quake C Patches * Right Click On
Quake C Patches To Show Properties * Multiple
CFG Files * Saved Games * Modified Maps *
Setting Basic Server Settings And Rules *
Saving And Loading Server Configurations
68362 SHOVEOFF.ZIP 126585 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Shove off! by Steve Bond  *
multiplayer only lets you shove other players
68420 SKARMOD2.ZIP 1002627 02.09.1996 - - tupla
QuakeC: Skarmod Version  : 1.2b Date     :
96/08/15 Author   : Sigurdur G. Gunnarsson
Modifies weapons, skins & monters.
68421 SKARMOD3.ZIP 1125223 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Skarmod V1.3 by Sigurdur G.
Gunnarson This patch will will do add the
following stuff: Adds a lot of stuff, guns
68424 SKELETOR.ZIP 192526 30.08.1996 - gamers.org tupla
Quake skin - turns the player or the grunt
into the classic character from the he-man
cartoon series, Skeletor...
68494 SNIPER.ZIP 134459 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: The Sniper Rifle v1.0
68542 SOULSWP1.ZIP 133266 02.09.1996 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Quake: Soul Swapper QuakeC Filename :
soulswp1.zip Version  : 1.00 Date     :
96/8/24 Author   : Jeff Epler A weapon that
swaps the "souls" of the attacker and the
attacked. Deathmatch only, doesn't work on
68576 SPECIAL.ZIP 125904 18.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
THE SPECIALIST QUAKE KIT 1.0 Okay, it's here,
the explosive package sure to add a new
dimension to deathmatching ... This kit adds
three impulse commands to the game: IMPULSE
20 - drop a trigger bomb IMPULSE 21 - trigger
all bombs IMPULSE 22 - drop a proximity bomb
68586 SPIDERMN.ZIP 106510 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake MDL: Spiderman, Spiderman from the
famous Marvel Comics series.
68588 SPIKES10.ZIP 137397 02.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake: Spikes 1.0 Nails, when they hit
something that bleed, explode, when they hit
a wall, ceiling, floor, or other structure,
they stick, arm after 1 second, then explode
when a player gets near them(I may change it
to include monsters later).
68599 SPOT_V1.ZIP 15852 19.09.1996 - 22384/XENIATGM22.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Spot - following pet with
68600 SPREDGUN.ZIP 18102 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: THE 'CONTRA' SPREAD GUN! v1.0
68628 SQEAM.ZIP 90166 02.09.1996 - gamers.org tupla
Simple Quake Examples and Methods - Version
1.0 By Cameron Newham, August 26th 1996 This
archive contains seven examples of
common-place map entities in id's Quake.
68708 STEP05.ZIP 157887 02.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Quake: Adds a steping sound for the player
68723 STINGER.ZIP 6284 18.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuakeC: Stinger bomb for QuakeC code
68780 SUPERAXE.ZIP 126278 18.12.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
SuperAxe Quake C Mod This simple Quake C
Modification makes the Axe a usable weapon in
deathmatch. Its for those times in deathmatch
with 16 players when there just isn't enough
ammo to go around.
68785 SUPLIGHT.ZIP 141546 02.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake: Super Lightning Gun QuakeC Filename :
suplight.zip Version  : 0.9 Date     :
8/21/96 Author   : Marc Fombaron Hit '8' two
times to activate the super lightning gun.
The beam is now directed on the targets and
the gun discharges until no more bad dude
stand up. Keeping the weapon activated with
no target costs no cells, each shot costs 10
cells. The weapons does twice as damage as
the regular lightning gun.
68846 T20SK10.ZIP 442990 19.09.1996 - - -
QuakeC patch: Top20Skins tries to establish a
collection of 20 skins which rank at the
'top' of all skins currently available.
68923 TCHWPN10.ZIP 125573 18.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuakeC: techWeapon V1.0 by Keith Russell The
Good News: Your single- and double-barrelled
shotguns have been replaced with high tech
single and dual blasters.
28584 TDRAGON.ZIP 5,9 Mt 28.08.1998 - 23238/Gamestar_09_1999-09_cd3.bin -
Shadow Warrior Total Conversion: Twin Dragon Tämän alunperin piti tulla kaupallinen, mutta nyt julkaistu freewarena. Kentät ovat huomattavasti laadukkaampia kuin normaalissa SW:ssä joten se on joka pelaajan pakkolöytö. Vaatii Shadow Warriorin täysversion.
68941 TEAMSCOR.ZIP 145872 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
QuakeC patch: Teamscore patch. This patch
tabulates team scores and prints them on exit
68965 TELE.ZIP 23215 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
QuakeC patch: Patch created by: KTGOW 1)
Teleport dropping: 2) TeleBombs:
68968 TELEW11.ZIP 137974 18.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuakeC: TeleWeapon Patch V1.1 Author: Ronald
E. Mercer (the_DM)
68995 TF1_1SRC.ZIP 89777 19.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
QuakeC patch: TeamFortress Quake Version 1.1
Multiple Player classes patch for Quake, with
6 classes, advanced team options, new
weapons, items, rules, etc. Source included.
68996 TF1_21PR.ZIP 185052 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
TeamFortress Quake Version 1.21
Multiple Player classes patch
for Quake, with advanced team
options, new weapons, items,
rules, Advanced Map Support, etc.
28585 THEGATE.A01 3,8 Mt 19.05.1997 - - -
The Gate 2/5
28586 THEGATE.A02 3,8 Mt 19.05.1997 - - -
The Gate 3/5
28587 THEGATE.A03 3,8 Mt 19.05.1997 - - -
The Gate 4/5
28588 THEGATE.A04 457 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
The Gate 5/5
28589 THEGATE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 19.05.1997 - - -
The Gate -  Duke Nukem 3D Total Conversion from BDP. "The Gate" is a four episode, 24 level, total conversion for Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition or Plutonium Pak. It features replacement weapons, replacement music, replacement enemies, replacement artwork, replacement sound effects and much more! Will NOT work with Duke Nukem v1.3d
69121 THROWAXE.ZIP 164255 02.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake: Allows you to chuck your Axe around
69122 THROWEYE.ZIP 6220 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: ThrowEyes 1.0
69185 TMBOT11.ZIP 181582 02.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake: TM Bot QuakeC Filename : tmbot1.zip
Version  : 1.1 Date     : 96/8/26 Author(s):
Micheal Polucha,Tim Polucha ( Automated
Helper Bot or Player 2 on only one computer!
With this advanced AI you can conquer any
level of Quake. TM Bot is based on the
Enforcer Model.
69313 TRACBEAM.ZIP 14419 02.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake: The Tractor Beam QuakeC Filename :
tracbeam.zip Version  : 1.0ß Date     :
96/08/26 Author   : Jonathan Avraham (Data,
engage tractor beam.) Ever wanted to just
throw your DeathMatch enemy for a quick lava
bath? Ever wanted to get him up high in the
air and then release him, falling to his
death? Now you can, with the Tractor Beam.
Just change to tractor beam mode and grab the
69346 TRAPS.ZIP 132413 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Booby Trap, lays down what appears
to be a box of missiles. When another player
tries to pick one up... boom! They get a
69575 UNREL.ZIP 127284 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Unreliable Weapons V1.00
28590 URSKIN10.ZIP 4,3 Mt 26.06.1998 - - -
Unreal SkinPack version 1.0. Compiled by Chris Taylor. 
69640 VAMP10.ZIP 582585 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Vampire Mod V1.00, This mod enables
you to switch into a Vampire similar to
Morph mod except you can only swith to a
Vampire or stay as a worthless human.
69736 VIOLENCE.ZIP 164125 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
Quake: Grenade launcher & nail gun fire the
odd gib, monster gibs are tripled, and gibs
28591 VOLVO850.ARJ 12,4 kt 13.05.1998 - - -
Volvo 850 Carmageddoniin Oletko väsynyt alkuperäisistä Carmageddon autoista ? Kaipaatko vaihteeksi jotain COOLIA ? Imuroi tämä ! Sika Makee Sininen Volvo 850 Jyrää...
69852 VWEAPONS.ZIP 21337 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Vhold's Weapons & MORE v1.1
69912 WATERMON.ZIP 2290 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Water aware monsters
70074 WINGS.ZIP 1519 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Wings by Kyle R. Hofmann
Creates wings for your character.
70100 WISP.ZIP 16260 18.12.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
QuakeC: Wisp version 1.0 by Iikka Paavolainen
(ipaavola@cc.hut.fi) The wisp is a flying bot
(that resembles a lava ball due to a lack of
a more accurate model) that you can summon
and banish at will, freeze/unfreeze, recall,
and even ride with! It will attack other
players and monsters that it sees, and hunt
semi- intelligently for targets when none are
70362 XSOLDIER.ZIP 3661 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Mod QC by SHYFT This mod makes
the shotgun weilding grunts throw a grenade
70366 XTRAWP19.ZIP 128080 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: XTRAWEAPONS 1.9
70445 ZAXE1.ZIP 162504 02.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake: Zaxe QuakeC Filename : zaxe1.zip
Version  : 1.00 Date     : 96/8/27 Author   :
Jeff Epler If you take the axe to a zombie,
you'll eventually kill it.
70456 ZEUS10.ZIP 187237 18.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: ZeusBot V1.00 This mod creates a
helper bot which will attack the player's
enemies and draw fire. The bot attacks with a
Lightning Gun, which will not harm the player
if he runs into it.
70489 ZOMBOMB.ZIP 5713 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Mod QC by SHYFT makes some of
the zombies charge the player and detonate
themselves in a damaging shower of blood.
70490 ZOMGEN.ZIP 125756 19.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
QuakeC patch: Zombie Generator * causes the
zombies to 'infect' other monsters when they
hit them.
30254 !AABYSS.ZIP 656807 14.10.1995 - 9344/Shareware Overload Trio Volume 2 (Chestnut CD-ROM).ISO -
Software Visions Apocalypse Abyss
A puzzle/action game with dazzling
graphics and a full digitized sound
track! Thirty levels, sixty in the
registered version! Level editor inc.
Requires:286 w/VGA or MCGA
60018 #1BOPPIN.ZIP 1289778 16.11.1994 renamed 16983/Super CD 6 (Groupware).iso -
BOPPIN' v1.0 from Apogee!
Variety jammed arcade/puzzle game!
In an alternate *arcade game* universe, you
must free dozens of imprisoned enemies from
other video games. Each level has unique VGA
graphics in this unusual game. Violence mode
provided. Cool animation & cinematics. MIDI
music & digital sound for all popular cards.
One or two can play together.  Level editor
in full version, plus 160 levels! Shareware.
30187 $MDLX1.ZIP 382190 23.12.1995 - - -
Micro! Deluxe from Acumos Software
30191 0X-11.ZIP 137087 10.12.1994 - MBCD -
0x (Noughts and Crosses) v1.1
New version, with source code
30195 1994POOL.ZIP 614458 22.02.1995 - MBCD -
1994 POOL 6.01: This totally new exciting
billiard pool game is like nothing you've
seen on a computer! Each level has cool
objects such as dragon, helicopter, bombs,
fireballs, UFO, etc. 1994 POOL uses advanced
physics, vector calculus & CAGD to achieve
1/100th pixel accuracy! Extremely challenging
and addictive. Req. 386/486+, VGA, 580K RAM,
mouse. Recommended: Sound Blaster- or Gravis
Ultrasound-compatible card. Ninano Software.
30196 1995CARD.ZIP 451468 23.12.1994 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Flower Card v6.02
If you're looking for a totally *new*
different, and exciting card game,
try this very popular game played by
almost all 150 million Japanese, Koreans, and
many Americans as well. Very easy to learn
and has auto-self-play (demo) mode. Good
online help. Recommended: Sound Blaster- or
Gravis Ultrasound-compatible sound card. From
Ninano Software.
30200 1ARCY.ZIP 443169 23.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Arcy 2 graphical puzzle game by MVP Software
.  If you like cool graphics and hot,
mind-boggling puzzles, you'll LOVE Arcy 2,
all the way from Germany!  We got tired of
all those run-and-shoot games, so we decided
to create something different.  The result is
Arcy 2, the new hit game from the people who
brought you Pickle Wars and 3 Point
Basketball.  Req 286+, VGA; Sound Blaster is
30221 1JELLY2.ZIP 590111 22.02.1995 - MBCD -
The Jelly Bean Factory
Very addicting puzzle game.  256-color VGA
graphics with digitized music and sound
effects.  Minimum 286 required. Supports
Sound Blaster, Sound Blaster Pro, and
joystick.  By SUMMIT Software.
-Tetris/Coloris klooni -
40738 31V1.ZIP 275585 02.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
JT's "31" Card Game is an MS-Windows card
game where the object is to come as close as
you can to having 31 points in your hand (or
to get exactly 31 points) in the same suit;
08/15/95; IntelliMedia.
30241 3DCUBEV3.ZIP 46086 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
MagicCube V3.001 Computer Solves, VGA Macro
Library. All Face..Slice a real cube, too.
Practice solving the Rubik's cube with the
computer, you can try out series of moves you
can restore it to pristine with only a tiny
keystroke). Race the computer or compete for
the shortest number of moves, load and save
algorithms with the algorithm library.
60243 4TRIS.ZIP 33904 13.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
4Tris - A new tetris clone
-playable with up to 4 players
.simultaneously on one pc -many game options
-runs on every pc (even on xt's) -fanatastic
ansi-gfx ...and it is free to use (cardware)
24612 5BALLS.ZIP 161,8 kt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
5 BALLS IN LINE V1.0 muunnelma perinteisestä jätkänshakista. Päämääränäsi on saada viisi omaa palloa samalle linjalle ennen vastustajaasi. Voit pelata ystävääsi tai tietokonettasi vastaan.
30255 AAPUZZLE.ZIP 958110 06.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Computer Puzzles Unlimited - is a set
of 30 word puzzles, including
cryptograms, anagrams, word find,
crossword puzzles, and more. Each
puzzle comes with three difficulty
levels and puzzles can be saved for
later completion.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
60356 ABCWORD.ZIP 767838 10.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
Abcwords Game 1.0 APR95 DOS letters game New
letters game,for 1 or 2 players,where you
find all the words (4,7 or 10) into a series
of letters.Twelve series(30 for a registrated
version) on 9 levels,allow you to estimate
your sense of observation,your memory and
your rapidity to find all the words in a
limited time. Available in french under
"ABCDMOTS".Author,Raynald Marcoux.From JAIM
$13. IBM, 386Mhz,VGA screen,512 Ko.
24613 ABSTRUTH.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
"Absolute Truth by Mooneyham Adventure / detective mystery. Youve been employed by Scotland Yard to solve the latest crimes that have plagued the area.  Search rooms carefully to find clues before time runs out. DOS 5.0"
30263 ADA_T100.ZIP 224566 27.08.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Ada Towers is a solitaire card game.  The
main difference between Ada Towers and
regular solitaire is that all of the cards
are visible and cards can only be placed on
top of cards of the same suit.
24614 AIVO105.ZIP 57,4 kt 15.12.1997 - MBCD -
** AIVOJYRÄ 1.05 ** Monipuolinen ja laaja visailupeli. Mukana 3 eri visatyyppiä: ABC-visa, Perusvisa ja Vihjevisa. Yhteensä pelissä on peräti 400 KYSYMYSTÄ!  *** KORJAUKSET: *** + Caps Lock -bugi korjattu. + Äänikortti-bugi korjattu.
24615 AJ10DEMO.ZIP 58,5 kt 27.08.1997 koko¹ ratsnest3.iso -
AivoJumppa v1.0 Hippuhauska tietokilpailu-peli 60 kysymyksellä. Sisältää mm aiheet: Tietokoneet Maantieto Ja Viihde. Vaatii 386. TEhnyt Alpha SoftWare. Rekisteröinti: 60mk
30270 ALNPOK11.ZIP 138308 23.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Practice poker against the galaxy's best
this game pits up to five crafty aliens
against you Each opponent is rendered in
256 color image and complete with its own
personality This program requires vga,
640k memory, and a mouse
30271 ALPHA.ZIP 56701 28.08.1994 - 19273/ftp.winsite.com-win95-games.tar -
Mission Alphatron (a Scramble variant)
60643 ALY2.EXE 44957 13.06.1996 - MBCD -
Älyhoi 2
Tekijät: Jussi ja Mikko Uusi-Illikainen
Pakkaus sisältää tieto visa pelin
Pakkaus puretaan komenolla aly2.exe
24616 ALY3.EXE 44062 04.10.1996 - MBCD -
Älyhoi 3
Uusi versio hyvästä tietovisailu pelistä
Lisäyksenä enemmän kysymyksiä ja Bugeja on
Tekijät: Mikko ja Jussi Uusi-Illikainen
60771 ANTRUN.ZIP 282099 07.01.1995 - archive.org -
Ant Run  v2.0  Req.EGA/VGA & Mouse Race
against the clock as you rotate tunnels for
the ant to run through. Quick thinking and
fast reflexes are required to keep the ant
scurrying through the Ant Hill passageways.
Gain extra points for bonus tunnels and other
objects as you try for the Top Ten High
Scores. Keep your ant on the move with
various strategies for really high scores.
60772 ANTRUN23.ZIP 140099 19.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Ant Run v2.3 Req.EGA & Mouse ANTRUN23.ZIP
Race against the clock as you rotate tunnels
for the ant to run through. Quick thinking
and fast reflexes are required to keep the
ant scurrying through the Ant Hill
passageways. Gain extra points for bonus
tunnels and other objects as you try for the
Top Ten High Scores. Keep your ant on the
move with various strategies for really high
scores. Warning VERY ADDICTIVE!
24617 AQUAMAN.ZIP 120518 23.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
AQUA MAN   v1.0       Req. EGA/VGA
Aqua Man is mind-bending game of logic,
planning, and problem solving. The objective
is to push and position pipe links so that
they connect two storage pumps on the game
board. Use rocks and whirlpools to help you
solve each of the 20 different puzzles.
Aqua Man is a pure animated strategy game,
that is a must for all puzzle lovers!
30291 ASSIMILA.ZIP 304764 17.12.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
ASSIMILATION Take charge with many 256 color
VGA graphics & digital sound effects and
one-on-one play or play against the computer.
Assimilation will boggle your mind for the
rest of your life. REQ: VGA,386+,MOUSE
SUPPORTS: SB Technic Energy
61260 BCASH32.ZIP 199660 16.09.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
Boulder Cash v3.2
by Core Image
A VGA-game with GUS / SB music.
60 fascinating levels are built of
dozens of different objects!
61316 BEETLE12.ZIP 1132190 22.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
Req.SVGA Mouse Windows 3.1x 4 Meg Ram 33+Mhz
Race against the clock as you rotate paths
for the beetle to run across. Quick thinking
and fast reflexes are required to keep the
beetle scurrying across the leaf board. Gain
extra points for bonus grids and other items
as you try for the Top Ten High Scores.
Beetle Run has sound card support, animations
and is filled with educational beetle facts.
30324 BJ250.ZIP 172858 23.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BLACKJACK! 2.50D ASP If you're looking for
the finest way to learn Blackjack look no
more... you have found it! Basic strategy &
Card counting drills - Strategy error
tracking & reporting - User defined card
counting system - Custom betting strategies.
SUPER GRAPHICS!  The comments of hundreds of
registered users can be summed up in 5 words
- "The Best I've Ever Seen!". Requires VGA,
EGA or Hercules Graphics.
30325 BJ301.ZIP 68811 30.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Vegas BLACKJACK v3.01. Vegas BlackJack
is played the same as in Las Vegas.
A single deck is used and shuffled
every 3 hands. If you are a card counter
then this is the game for you. Double
Down on a card count of 10 or 11.
Split any pair of cards. A very
entertaining game that keeps you
coming back for more. Extensive use of
ANSI Graphics.
61453 BJVISION.ZIP 212877 31.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Blackjack Vision. Included is a fully
functional blackjack game.
30332 BLOX.ZIP 312224 07.01.1995 renamed archive.org -
Superblox v2.0
(c) 1994 by SideTracked Software
A 256-color VGA Tetris adaptation.   New
features include: bombs, dynamic playing
field, textured block styles, self-play mode,
and animations.  An absolute must for Tetris
fans!!!  Requires 286 or higher, VGA, and
512K free of conventional memory. Shareware.
24618 BLUPIMAN.ARJ 1,2 Mt 08.06.1998 - - -
"Blupimania ShareWare Niceeasy puzzle game where you must help & control the cutesy Blupis when they walk around the screen. Dont let Blupis fall into obstaclesbuild wallsgive them objects to ensure their survival. Easy arcade/puzzle-action. DOS."
24619 BLWORK20.ZIP 793,4 kt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
Hypervisual Blockworks 2.00, the award- winning virtual building toy, scores high among kids and adults alike. 300+ carefully drawn blocks can be stacked and grouped in infinite ways, allowing endless model building possibilities. Finalist in ZDNet Shareware Awards 1998
30333 BMAN1.ZIP 84754 05.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
BLOCK-MAN 1    v1.0       Requires EGA/VGA
Block-Man is a commoner in Bentangle who is
in love with the King's daughter. The King
ordered his masons to construct 10 rooms in
such a way that great ingenuity would be
required to complete them. Using blocks left
in the rooms he devised this brilliant plan
to select a worthy husband for his Princess.
Can you help Block Man reach the doorways in
each room to find his true love?  Addictive!
24620 BMMAZE10.ZIP 748,5 kt 18.12.2000 - - -
BufferMemory-MazeTämä puskurimuistilla varustettu "3D" labyrinttipeli ei olekaan mikä tahansa labyrinttipeli! DOS / 300MHz / SB yht.sop. äänikortti jänkhÄ--Ä productions. 
24621 BOXI100.ZIP 57515 18.12.1996 - - -
Boxi v1.0. Coloriksen tapainen palikkapeli,
jossa hienot grafiikat ja hyvä peli-idea.
61610 BPSWV11.EXE 70297 23.10.1996 - MBCD -
Bomp Proff V1.1 puzzle-tyyppinen aivojen
käyttöpeli X-Dreamsilta. Vaatii SVGA ja
suhtkoht uuden VESA-ajurin.
30348 BRIDGE.ZIP 235701 23.12.1994 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
MVP Bridge - is a game of Bridge for up to
two players. You are South, your partner is
North, and your opponents are East and West.
Features include the ability to save, and
edit hands, five additional conventions, and
a selection of card backs. There is also
music that plays in the background.
61661 BRIDGE23.ZIP 156473 17.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
CONTRACT BRIDGE v2.3  - Consisting of
DOS program bids, plays and scores rubber
matches of the card game Contract Bridge.
Requires a color text monitor. Mouse support
included. On-line instructions. The program
is ideal for recreational Bridge players, and
can be used to sharpen skills. Written by
Robert Lindsay Wells. Shareware. $15.00
30347 BRIDGE27.ZIP 273437 04.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
CONTRACT BRIDGE v2.7 MS-DOS program bids,
plays and scores rubber matches of the card
game Contract Bridge. The display uses color
ASCII text (standard and large text versions
are included). Full mouse support.
30349 BRIX.ZIP 287717 07.06.1996 - MBCD -
BRIX: A new Epic 256-color action/puzzle game
Featuring 112 levels of excellent VGA action
puzzles, Sound Blaster music & digital sound,
and 100% pure FUN!  This new puzzler from
Epic MegaGames will drive you nuts with some
of the most clever puzzles in the universe!
Commercial-quality shareware,  member ASP.
61665 BRIX10.ZIP 29563 31.05.1995 - 13109/Games to Treasure - Disc 1.iso -
Brix, good blockgame
24622 BS-QUIZ.ZIP 521,1 kt 08.07.1999 - - -
-The Quiz by Black Shadow ! Tietokilpailupeli, jossa on 2player mode, hienot grafiikat, äänet ja hiiri ohjaus. Kysymyksiä reilusti ja lisää saa netistä, eli pelattavaa riittää.  BS 1999, SB, Hiiri, VGA, DOS & Windows
24623 BS-SV10A.ZIP 658,9 kt 09.06.1998 - MBCD -
-Super Ventti by Black Shadow-  Tässä pelissä voit tuplata niin paljon, kun vain uskallat !!! Koe mahtava aito fiilis, pelaa ja lähetä parhaat tulokset nettiin! Kaikkien kolikkopelien pelaajien pakko hankinta!!! VGA , HIIRI , XMS , SB B Y  Black Shadow 1998 Janne Jäms‚n
30352 BSTORM10.ZIP 176930 17.11.1995 - MBCD -
BrainStorm distributed by HomeBrew Software!
BrainStorm is a strategic puzzle game for one
player; concerning tiles, colors and
different gravity forces.  Your job in each
of the levels is to make all of the tiles
disappear.  Requires:  mouse, 400K RAM, VGA.
Adlib(tm)/Soundblaster(tm) or compatible card
is recommended. (v1.0) 
30353 BTBETA25.ZIP 73067 23.12.1994 - 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin -
Battle Trip v.25ß - Based on the French Card
game Mille Borne.  It is a fast paced race
against the computer to see who can get to
1000 miles first.  Watch out for accidents,
out of gas, flat tires, etc.  Supports all
the usual, non standard COM ports, Now
supports Multinode configurations! Reg only
$15 for Single Node/$17 Multinode BATTLE TRIP
WCS Software 9/18/94
30358 BUGS10.ZIP 1202899 08.04.1996 - 6171/PSL_Monthly_Shareware_CD-ROM_Public_Software_Library_January_1995.iso -
ANIMATED BUGS v1.0 - is a board game for
young children that is full of color, sound
and animation.  Garden backgrounds, mini-
animations, and full-screen animations are
featured.  Two players can play the game (one
or both can be the PC). Movement is
determined by a spinner that can be either
numbers, colors, or shapes.  Sound support
for most boards and the PC speaker. VGA and
Hard Drive required. Keyboard/mouse.
24624 BUSTMOVE.ZIP 199811 24.02.1996 - 13090/Game Head March 96.iso -
Bust-a-Move (Bubble Crack), Fast-action
puzzle for MS-DOS, Simple rules, addictive
gameplay, bears strong relation to Tetris,
Dr. Mario, BipBop and, of course, the arcade
game of the same name. VGA ModeX/Soundcard.
Supports 2-player mode via modem or serial
cable. Creation of new levels is easy w/ any
text editor
61756 BXWORD12.ZIP 221611 24.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
VGA game. Solve electronic crossword
puzzles on your computer. Answer peek,
save work options featured. All clues
come from the Bible, with references
to the King James versions.  Requires
VGA & hard disk.  Version 1.2
25281 C2CDSG.ZIP 8236 20.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A saved game for castles 2, where you have
defeated everyone but now you can still play
so you can enjoy all the side storys.
61843 CARD12.ZIP 139564 23.12.1994 - 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso tupla
The SPS Games Pack:
Montana, Arachnid, Towers and Mines.
The first three are patience-like card games.
Mines is a game like Minesweeper.
24625 CASIN100.ZIP 85,4 kt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Hedelmäpeli varustettuna eräänlaisella tuplauksella. Vaatii 486+VGA.
29203 CBA15A.ZIP 46882 20.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CBASCII v1.5a.  Import/export ChessBase data
to/from PGN Files.  From Andy DuPlain.
24626 CHECKRMW.ZIP 539,2 kt 09.02.2000 - - -
Checkers 1.2  A fun game of Checkers for DOS.  Play against the computer at different  difficulty settings. Includes sound and  speech.
30381 CHSCLK12.ZIP 55696 19.10.1995 - 909/JCSM Shareware Collection (September 30th 1995 Author to Vendor Edition) (JCS Distribution).ISO -
Full featured  chess  clock  with large
digital display.  Useful for tournament play
or timed "blitz" games.  Features move
counter, clock "in use" flag, opt- ional "low
time" warning,  and optional stimulating
"flasher".   Requires 286 or or better & VGA.
Includes source.   Only $1.00 to register.
30383 CLASSC.ZIP 36428 20.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Colorful classification of game openings from
PGN files.  For MS-DOS.
30384 CLAW.ZIP 620068 27.02.1996 - 23646/PCGAMER16.bin -
Claw 2 v1.1, an arcade puzzle game. Requires
30387 CODEBRKR.ZIP 67505 04.11.1995 - 6181/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (March 1995).iso -
Codebreaker - is a game of deductive
reasoning and logic, and may be used for
entertainment or as an educational tool.
Description Copyright 1995 PsL
24627 CTRS100.ZIP 100878 13.06.1996 - MBCD -
variation on the falling tile theme. Full
mouse and sound card support! Mode-X
graphics! From the author of G-STONES III.
24628 CUBE110G.ZIP 567283 18.12.1996 - - -
CUBE versio 1.1e. BAD KARMA. Labyrinttipeli
jossa voit joko ottaa mittaa kavereistasi tai
yrittää pelata kaikki 41 rataa yksin läpi!
Täysin uusittu versio sisältää musii- kin,
ääniefektit sekä uusitun grafiikan.
24629 CUBISM.ZIP 291,4 kt 12.04.1998 - 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso -
Cubism from Persei Entertainment game in which you are challenged to remove a certain number of blocks from the screen. It will only work in a certain pattern with limited time and moves. DOS 3.0
30413 CYBERC.ZIP 273277 21.03.1995 - 21807/Pegasus_20.iso -
Cyber Chess, futuristic chess game.
30436 DISCTFIX.ZIP 159401 24.04.1996 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
DiscTetris - 96. 2 player tetris.
24630 DOSARENA.ZIP 701,4 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
DOSArena 1.02 by Damian Yerrick A collection of action puzzle games. Requires a PC with a 486 or faster processor, a mouse, DOS 6 or Windows 9x, and CWSDPMI (for DOS users). Copr. 1999 Damian Yerrick http://www.rose-hulman.edu/~yerricde/ download.html
24631 DOTSO10.ZIP 97,3 kt 22.01.1998 - MBCD -
DOTSO   v1.0     Vaatii  EGA/VGA.Mielellään Win 95 Hieno Dotso (C) nyt ensimmäistä kertaa suomalaisena suunnittelu työnä.Peli ei ole huippu grafiikkainen,mutta sitäkin hauskempi. Peli on alumperin suunniteltu Amigalle ja Commodore 64:lle ,mutta nyt siis parempi käännös PC:lle. Pelin on suunnitellut Niko Marjomaa ja Eelis Halme. Pelin on toteuttanut Soleau Software Jos(ja kun) rekistöröit pelin lue rekisröitymis ohje. Hauskaa pelaamistä.
24632 DPOT2.ZIP 321,4 kt 26.01.1997 - MBCD -
DoublePot 2 - PC-versio RAY:n raha-automaatista Tuplapotti jossa voittolinjat ja tuplaus kuten RAY-pokerissa. Rahapeleistä pitäville.
63155 DRAK140.ZIP 366738 23.02.1996 - MBCD -
A NEW generation of tetris principles!
--> With a fantastic 256-color VGA graphic
through 100 completely differents levels of
fun. Enypsox present a supergame with blocks
in many differents forms, graphics and uses
...5 modes like Crystal, Elemental...more...
...Disasters...and a great music background.
A must to see ! VGA 286+ Opt Snd Crd & JyStk
Quality Share $29. Credit card,Phone & Mail.
63173 DRGNBN10.ZIP 961105 15.08.1995 - MBCD -
Dragons Bane: Mah Jongg II v1.0: solitaire.
Second generation tile solitaire with SVGA
and VGA support and digitized sound effects.
Many play options, wide variety of available
tile sets and board layouts. Editor included
for both tiles and layouts. Extensive record
keeping. By Nels Anderson (ASP).
24633 DYNAS80F.ZIP 68351 30.06.1996 - MBCD -
Dynamo Draughts - is the European
version of Draughts, a variant of
checkers. Draughts is played on a 10x10
board, although this program allows you
to resize the board. Kings can move
along an entire diagonal, leaping
opponents, landing on any space beyond
the opponent, and then taking further
leaps in different directions.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
30462 E-GAME10.ZIP 91474 24.04.1996 renamed 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Epsilon Games V1.0, side viewed arcade puzzle
/manipulation game, use your skill and wits
to collect notrealium balls while evading
persistent robots.
30471 EZ-GO.ZIP 164657 15.08.1995 - MBCD -
EZ-GO, strongest go program for DOS
by Bruce Wilcox.
EZ-GO is the shareware version of EGO.
64105 FGWTET11.ARJ 153801 15.12.1995 repacked archive.org tupla
Fastgraph Tetris for Windows
64119 FIBSW121.ZIP 191601 28.08.1994 - monster94.zip/monster2.zip tupla
FIBS/W v1.21 -- Now providing support for
TCP/IP, SLIP and PPP Connections. FIBS/W is a
Microsoft Windows(TM) based client for the
First International Backgammon Server (FIBS)
-- an Internet server which allows users to
play against human opponents all over the
world. FIBS/W provides a graphical game board
and mouse-driven interface to the FIBS server
30479 FINTRIS2.ZIP 367605 21.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
The father of all tetris-clones
Fintris   includes  THREE  BLOCKSETS,
with  MANA and last but certainly not
the least GRAPHICS.  PLUS features
far too numerous to be mentioned here.
64207 FLYNN14.ZIP 1177323 04.03.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
FLYNN SPRINT v 1.4 1-15-95 smooth-
scrolling, maze puzzle, fast-action,
game. Climb ladders, race through mazes,
and dig holes to collect all the jewels
at each level.  Avoid "instant death"
squares, monsters, and other killer
creatures! Requires 386, VGA. Most sound
cards supported. Thoroughly tested on
Windows 95.  Includes Windows Setup.
ImagiSOFT, Inc. 
64332 FUNBALLS.ZIP 71682 13.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
FUNBALLS PC v1.0, Shareware
Written by St.AbcuGLS of Delta System Release
date: 18.07.1995.  Unzip the package with the
-d option!
30489 FUNBL100.ZIP 1013255 06.04.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
FUNBALL v1.0   by Impulse
Wrack your brains on this strategy game where
balls bounce, merge, shatter, shrink and
teleport! Features huge scrolling playfield,
digitized sounds, and smooth ray-traced
animations in 256-color graphics. Music &
sound on SB compatible cards. Runs in
English, French and German. Requires: VGA,
286+ CPU,  Mouse
24634 GAMBIT18.ZIP 87162 23.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Gambit modem chess
64390 GAMEZ96.ZIP 3089485 20.04.1996 - MBCD tupla
Note: Please do not install in Windows for
Workgroups (Win 3.11)  Games 96 is a
collection of games for windows. (Win 95 or
Win 3.1). It contains 2 variations on poker.
1 game of Gin. 1 game of Crazy 8's. 1 Lotto
selector. 1 Sliding Puzzle game.  You may
unzip all files to a temporary directory and
then run Setup.exe  This version of Games 96
is Shareware. Please direct any comments to:
Alexander Smoljanovic  Alex1@Express.ca
30501 GEMQ101.ZIP 143834 13.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
G-QUEST * VGA LOGIC GAME *** A unique &
challenging soko-ban style game full of great
graphics, mazes and puzzles to solve. Full
mouse and sound card support! Mode-X
graphics! From the author of G-STONES III.
24635 GEMS314.ZIP 207546 13.06.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
G-stones III *** VGA Breakout *** A
unique & challenging breakout style game.  Up
to 6 players with individual difficulty
settings, 3 levels of difficulty,  43 types
of bitmapped gems, 11 bitmapped backgrounds,
as many as 4 moving balls at a time, 5 levels
per game, adjustable game speed, adjustable
mouse speed, sound card support, and
background music.
24636 GL131S.ZIP 1154863 07.12.1996 - MBCD -
Get Lost! ver. 1.31s  (aka gl131s.zip) First
person 3D maze shareware game brought to you
by Tom Bombadil's Software Emporium and House
of Curiosities.  Visit our web site at
30513 GOMOKU.ZIP 52372 15.02.1995 - MBCD -
Gomoku, "japanilaisten ristinolla"
24637 GOTH10.ZIP 318,7 kt 26.04.2001 renamed archive.org -
 Gamma Othello v1.0. Coded by: Jussi Lyytinen Aka: Archer / Neurosis Date: 06.01.2001 PC conversion from the ancient board game OTHELLO. requires SVGA, DOS, Mouse. Freeware. 
30532 HEART.ZIP 530026 21.03.1995 - 556/Experimental BBS Explossion III.iso -
Guide the elf Percival through twenty levels
of puzzles featuring 256-color animated
graphics!  Heartlight is a puzzle game from
Epic MegaGames and XLAND Games and it's sure
to keep you up late at night as you try to
conquer all the ingenious levels.  Requires
386 or faster processor.  Supports Sound
Blaster and Adlib music cards.
30535 HEXXAG.ZIP 570115 07.01.1995 renamed archive.org -
HEXXAGON - The Animated Strategy Game
From Software Creations & Argo Games.
Immerse yourself in one of the most enjoy-
able and richly crafted games to date. Over a
MEG of animated 256 color VGA graphics &
digital sound make this game an instant
classic! One-on-one or play vs computer. Req:
VGA, 286 or above. SB support. 
24638 HHUNTDOS.ZIP 371 kt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Älypeli, jossa tarkoituksena on poimia 13x13 kokoiselta ruudukolta mahdollisimman paljon pisteitä. Ideana on, että toinen pelaajista voi liikkua vain pystysuunnassa ja toinen vain vaakasuunnassa. ILMAINEN!
30544 HUBIE.ZIP 536561 18.05.1996 - MBCD -
HUBIE!  A Shareware Puzzle/Arcade Game
by Serendipity Software. Guide Hubie through
increasingly challenging boards filled with
Balloons, Boulders, Springs, Fire, Pipes,
Vines, Magnets, Ice Cubes, and More! Hubie
features 256-color Animation, Multi-Channel
Sound Blaster Sound FX, Adlib & GM Music. *
Registered Version includes Board Editor,
100+ Boards, New Objects and Music! v1.0 Req:
286+, 2mb, VGA. Optional: SB, Joy
30550 ICONRMBR.ZIP 39356 28.08.1994 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Icon Remember 2.0 is a game to challenge your
memory. It is very similar to the classic
game of concentration. It features a set
of 5 different picture collections:
- Nature
- Computer
- Flags of the World
- Office
- Miscellaneous
65025 IGO.ZIP 232033 04.12.1994 - MBCD tupla
IGO - Tutorial for the Game of Go
IGO is a scaled-down version of David
Fotland's "Many Faces of Go" program.
IGO contains a complete interactive
go tutorial and go rules. You can also
play against the computer on a 9x9 board.
30555 INT2RUSI.ZIP 323794 28.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Introduction to Russian. A simple collection
of simple games, like tic-tac-toe and stuff.
Russian Under Ware Inc.
30566 JLPOKERI.ZIP 82368 29.11.1995 - - -
JLpokeri v.1.0. Täydellisin + paras versio
RAY:n 200 mk:n pokerista! Vaatii VGA:n + 286
! Shareware by:Janne L. rek. vain 30mk! ! !
24639 JPOTTI22.ZIP 29,6 kt 26.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Jättipotti v2.02 Rahapelien pelaajan ehdoton apuväline. Sisältää nyt myös pitkävedon!
24640 JUURI.ZIP 9,5 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
Neliöjuuri v 1.3 on Neliöjuuren tietojen testauspeli, jossa on myös TopTen-lista! Tehnyt: Jukka Honkanen
30578 KENO117.ZIP 67797 22.10.1995 - - -
Keno v1.17
Noble Softin tuli-isku
lisäystä v1.15 --> v1.17:
* Erittäin laajat asetukset
joilla voit säätää mm. tup-
lausrajaa, vaihtaa voiton-
jakoa, säätää nopeutta. Ja
nyt myös ennennäkemättömän
nopea rahojen kelaus!
24641 KENOP.ZIP 382,4 kt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
Keno plussa on jokaisen kortinpelaajan saatava, jos vain tykkää keno pelistä jossa on hyvä grafiikka ja huippu tuplaus 1000 asti. Testaa ja jää koukkuun DOS. Juhavu@Yahoo.com
24642 KTR211.ZIP 64138 29.07.1996 - MBCD -
KATETRIS II - The Shadow Dimension V1.1 -
Requires 386, 486 or Pentium
24643 L5RC-14.ZIP 135,2 kt 24.11.1998 - MBCD -
L5RC v1.4 - fun little reaction & brains game whipped together to prove a point at a bureaucratic video game company, that being that fun games require neither an elaborate story nor megabytes of full-motion video and 3-D graphics. DOS CoGS:Digital Amusements
30594 LASERBOX.ZIP 34497 13.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
LASER BOX - The object is to shine a laser
beam into a box to find the hidden mirrors.
65755 LLARRY11.ARJ 141223 08.01.1995 - 23633/PCGAMER03.bin tupla
Loader Larry  v1.1  Req.EGA/VGA  Loadlar.zip
Larry Lontrose is a part-time dock loader in
his hometown of Longview. He has ambitions to
be promoted up the corporate ladder. By
solving the 20 mind-bending puzzle rooms, you
can help Larry fulfill his dreams. Each room
has objects like boxes, balloons, Tnt, and
much more. Using these objects and avoiding
others, he must reach the doors in each room.
A pure animated logic puzzle!
65756 LLIGHT.ARJ 346826 08.01.1995 - 23633/PCGAMER03.bin tupla
Laser Light - challanges you to guide the
laser beam from the gun through a series of
objects, using various tools, such as
mirrors, splitters, gates, etc. You will be
allowed a certain amount of time to set up
the path before the laser gun fires. Each
level becomes increasingly more difficult
with twists and turns, exploding objects, and
24644 LOTTOV36.ZIP 31,6 kt 16.12.1998 - - -
LOTTO-SIMULAATTORI v3.6 QBASIC-kielellä tehty lottopeli hieman soveltaen. Ilmainen. Mukana lähdekoodi ja suoraan ajettava tiedosto. http://info2.info.tampere.fi/~haovank9/
24645 LT12.ZIP 39,6 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
* Lyhenne Testi  v1.2 * Hallitsetko mielestäsi hyvin atk-alan termistön? Kokeile tätä ohjelmaa niin näet todellisen tietämyksesi!
30608 LYNQ_SW.ZIP 2022946 14.05.1996 - MBCD -
Name of Game   : LYNQType of Game   : 3-D
Mind BenderOperating Sys  : DOS/Win95Uploader
Email : Anarchy Entertainment
Uploader WWW   : Anarchy
Entertainment Date
Uploaded  : April 2, 1996Short Descrip. : 3-D
Puzzle Game Texture Mapped Polys Scrolling
BackgroundLong Desc      : Lynq is a cool 3-D
puzzle game from Anarchy Entertainment.
30610 MANCALA.ZIP 159626 16.11.1995 - - -
Mancala 1.0
Mancala is often called the
national board game of Africa.
Test your skills against the
computer or against a friend.
All rules are included.
256-colour graph and SB sound!
24646 MAPKN111.ZIP 448 kt 12.08.1998 - MBCD -
Gamelon Map Knowledge V1.11 Hirsipuu-tyyppinen tietovisa, jossa kysellään maailman eri valtioita ja kaupunkeja. Kiva pelattava, mutta vaikea saada toimimaan. Vaatii DOS+SMARTDrive/Win9x, P75.  - latex@mbnet.fi
24647 MASTER22.ZIP 235,3 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
MasterMind v2.2 - FREEWARE!! Legendaarinen taktikointipeli jossa tarkoituksena päätellä tietokoneen muodostama väri yhdistelmä. Myös kaksinpelimahdollisuus. -SoundBlaster tuki (myös PC Speaker toimii) -CD levyjen soittomahdollisuus! -Top10 tuloslista. Suositus: 486/33 4Mt SB tai yhteensopiva Vaatii hiiren. (C) Valtteri Haverinen 1999
30618 MDLX1.ZIP 494061 12.04.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
An enjoyable puzzle / logic game. Help Micro
rotate and move mirrors, push obstacles, and
throw  switches  to  advance   through  many
levels of play. Features include 3D rendered
256-color  VGA graphics,  a large  scrolling
playfield, and many unique levels. Supports:
SB/Adlib/MT-32/PC speaker/joystick, for  286
or faster. Shareware game by Acumen Software
24648 MEMORY2.ZIP 262,9 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
MEMORY v.2.0 - Simpsons - aiheinen muistipeli jossa on tarkoituksena kortteja kääntämällä löytää oikeat parit.
30627 MGT231.ZIP 71153 09.03.1996 - MBCD -
MGT v2.31 -- manage go tables (MS-DOS)
24649 MHOFTRIB.ZIP 176,3 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
MicroHof Tribbles v1.20  DOS A VGA DOS game with soundcard support. Use tools to work your way through a challenging sequence of mazes that will keep you busy for weeks.  Posted by Justin Gartin (jgartin@mailandnews.com) of MicroHof (http://microhof.tsx.org)
24650 MIINA.ZIP 7,2 kt 27.08.1997 - - -
Miinakenttä - tekstitilassa toimiva miinaharavan tyylinen peli
30629 MILLE.ZIP 20856 14.07.1996 - 18105/Wildcat Gold - The Optical BBS (The Golden ROM Series)(Volume 4 Number 1)(The Digital Publishing Company)(1992).ISO -
Mille Bornes - is a version of the
classic French card game which pits you
against the computer. However, instead
of displaying the cards, this game
gives a text rendition of your hand and
the computer's hand, and instructs you
to press certain keys to play the game.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
30630 MJTILSCT.ZIP 7815 12.04.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Mah Jongg tiles for Nels Andersons Mahjongg
game - Canadian Scout Awards, Badges, Flags
and Insignia.  Celebrates the Canadian
Jamboree to be held in Thunder Bay, Ontario,
July 1997. w/text. 01/05/95
24651 MMIND.ZIP 42228 12.02.1996 - - -
Älypelien kunkku nyt tietokoneella! Kaikille
fanaattisille 'neroille upea variaatio
klassisesta MasterMindistä! Vaatii VGA:n ja
hiiren. Marmor- Gamesin tuotantoa.
30637 MRPHLO20.ZIP 483163 15.12.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
MORPHELLO v2.0 from Sentience Entertainment,
A classic strategy Othello-game with a twist
featuring 3d raytraced graphics and morphing,
SB digital soundtrack. New: A faster, smarter
AI and PAS/GUS support
24652 MTVISA.ZIP 41,6 kt 21.10.1997 - MBCD -
MIKROTIETOKONE VISA Oletko aina halunnut koetella tietokonetaitojasi? Visassa  40 tietokone maailmaan  liittyvää kysymystä. Suomenkielinen. Tässä visassa pannaan taidot koetukselle. Parasta laatua! Piippo Software Productions !EI REKISTERÖINTIMAKSUJA!
66407 MUIST10.ZIP 191983 12.08.1996 - - tupla
Muistipeli v1.0 Hienot kuvat omaava
muistipeli windowsille FREEWAREA!
ohjelmapaketti sisältää vbrun100.dll
31245 MUSE151.ZIP 2186175 24.02.1996 - 18135/Wintainment 500.iso -
MUSE International V1.51 - world's first
globally networked, international puzzle
24653 MVPBR302.ZIP 336392 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MVP Bridge v3.02 by MVP Software. If you like
to play Bridge, or you would like to learn,
MVP Bridge is for you. The critics agree that
MVP Bridge is the best shareware Bridge game
ever developed. Chosen by Computer Gaming
World as the best shareware card game of the
year and nominated by PC Mag as one of the
five best shareware games (all categories) of
the year. Req 2 meg RAM, VGA, MS-compatible
mouse. Supports most sound cards.
24654 NEKRU3.ZIP 62,5 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
ARVAUS OHJELMA v.0.8 Tässä ohjelmassa joudut arvaamaan numeron, joka on 1-100 alueelta. Mukana on Lotto ohjelma joka arpoo lotto numeroita. Tehnyt : SofT-4- & Nekru Software -1997 (peite nimi : RT 1988)
30647 NERO2000.ZIP 148107 31.05.1995 - zak.fi -
Nero 2000 on suomalainen tietovisa.
40711 NHL96_97.ZIP 12290 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
SVGA Tileset for Dragon's Bane II v1.2 NHL
tileset for Dragon's Bane II v1.2
24655 NOPPA102.ZIP 6 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
Noppa v1.02 - kopio RAY:n nopasta. Vaatii: 4dos v5.5x / 4os2 v2.5x (c) Harri Väisänen / BTM Systems
30661 NOVA111.ZIP 65947 14.07.1996 - MBCD -
NOVA CHESS v1.11. Version update of earlier
NOVA.ZIP, Thomas Starke's freeware
chess-playing program.
30665 NYET3.ZIP 618221 01.06.1995 - MBCD -
*NYET3* "Revenge of the Mutant Stones" V1.0
NEW from Germany, Neat Animations, Super
Sound/Music, Weapon Arsenal and 36 action
packed levels make this the best Tetris
hybrid ever. VGA, Soundcards, 1 or 2 players.
286+ with hard disk, (c)1993 Proline
Software: Published by Pearl America, Inc.
30674 OTHELLL3.ZIP 83736 13.04.1995 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso -
Othelllo 3.0
66927 OXYDV39.ZIP 1013623 26.01.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Oxyd is a challenge in exploration and dis-
covery that introduces the player to inter-
esting puzzles, elaborate mazes, friction,
velocity, gravity, electricity, magnetism,
lasers, prisms and many other aspects of the
physical world. Using the mouse, a marble is
guided through the Oxyd landscapes. You may
even play Oxyd by modem and enjoy a collab-
orative thinking experience with a friend.
VGA and EGA versions 3.9 for the PC.
24656 PALLOT11.ZIP 733,1 kt 29.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Pallot v1.1 (FREEWARE)Tekijä Parviirus. Yksinkertainen (äly)peli, jossa  ohjataan yhtä tai useampaa pientä palloa ruudulla. Tavoitteena on kerätä kaikki ruudulla olevat nuotit ja ohjata pallo radanloppureikään tietyn aikarajan sisässä. Sisältää rataeditorin,  ratasetinteko-ohjelman, 35 rataa ja  värikkäät grafiikat. Vaatii: DOS, VGA, hiiri, näppäimistö, 1 pelaaja.
24657 PALLOX.ZIP 175374 18.12.1996 - - -
PalloX v1.0 Beta by !CODE-EYE! and A-Group!
Beautiful "Ruksi-Nolla" game, where is
awesome graphics and music/sounds.
Unfortunately, this is just a beta version,
and that means there is some "little" bugs
30685 PCJIG31.ZIP 156770 16.11.1995 - 909/JCSM Shareware Collection (September 30th 1995 Author to Vendor Edition) (JCS Distribution).ISO -
PC JIGSAW 3.1, game by Alive Software. Play
and learn with this sophisticated Jigsaw
game.  A great kid's game, it loads a puzzle
on the screen and then shuffles the pieces.
Can you put them back together ?  Use the
mouse or the keyboard.  It features 5 Levels
and includes seven colorful puzzles and
music.  PCX file support is also available.
Turn your  favorite PCX files into puzzles.
When you register you get 50 Jigsaw puzzles.
24658 PCSHLK21.ZIP 105207 03.07.1996 - MBCD -
PC-Sherlock 2.1: A Game of Logic & deduction.
Can machines think? Find out for yourself.
You and your PC play Sherlock Holmes and
engage in a war-of-minds to break each
other's secret code using the clues of Bulls
& Cows. PC-Sherlock is also a fun-way to
improve logic and is a perfect educational
gift for your child. It goes straight to the
point and exposes sloppy thinking. Try it.
See if you can beat the PC! Runs on DOS, VGA.
24659 PENTE.ZIP 149,3 kt 18.04.1997 - - -
Pente - tietokoneversio suositusta lautapelistä Pente. VLaitevaatimus: 386 tai suurempi, VGA 640*480/256, Hiiri ja pelikaveri.
24660 PEROXYD.ZIP 1319731 24.02.1996 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
PerOxyd. Hauska puzzle-peli, jossa yritetään
saada kuulalla kaikille ruudussa oleville
palikoille parit.
24661 PERRKDYD.ZIP 136,6 kt 13.01.1999 - - -
Perky Version 4.3 DOS based board game Get 5 in row, seems easy but is rather tricky! Highscore competition FREEWARE
24662 PIN160.ZIP 147,3 kt 10.11.1999 - - -
Pinochle "Single deck game" v1.60 Close to  tournament play. Nice graphics give the feel  of a real game. VGA/better, w/256 color  required. Compatible with DOS, WINDOWS or  OS/2 Warp 3.0 with a FAT partition. Supports  Microsoft compatible pointing devices.  Features include save game for future play,  review of original deal, meld bids supported, "Shoot the Moon", hints. Shareware ($24) from SAC Products.
24663 PKERI111.ZIP 9,1 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Pokeri v1.11 - sis. kopiot RAY:n peleistä Pokeri, JokeriPokeri ja KakkosPokeri. Kaikissa 100 ja 200 markan voitonjako. Vaatii: 4dos v5.52+ / 4os2 v2.5x (c) Harri Väisänen / BTM Systems
67263 PLAS12.ZIP 385066 23.10.1996 - MBCD -
PLASTRIS (SW) v1.2     Simply the Best
Tetris Clone Ever Made !
Features:1/2/Serial Game, Special
Blocks, Nice Backgrounds,
Sounds with GUS, CPU
player, etc.
Minimum : PC 386+,640K,VGA,(GUS)
Slightly: PC 486/50,GUS,(CD-ROM)
30712 POKER120.ZIP 64946 20.04.1996 - - -
Ehdottomasti kaikkien aikojen PARAS RAY-
pokeri peli PC:lle
67319 POKER13.ZIP 358408 12.04.1995 - 9339/So Much Shareware 5 (CD-ROM) (Power User Software)(1995).ISO -
3 of 4 animated players for a lively session
of 5 or 7 card stud.  Choose the tabe stakes
and game speed.  On screen displays track
bets, calls, raises, etc. for each bet round.
Statistics and suggestions provided. EGA/VGA,
24664 POKER207.ZIP 84,8 kt 29.05.1997 - MBCD -
THE POKER 2         v2.07  Uusi PC-pokeri joka  on aivan kuin RAY:n  video pokeri (COOOL!)  640x480x256,  (SB,GUS,PAS...)!
30715 POKERI21.ZIP 17356 02.05.1995 - - -
Pokeri 2.1 (C) 1990 T.Armanto
24665 POKERP.ZIP 403,1 kt 14.08.1998 - MBCD -
POKER+ Uudenlainen hieno SVGA pokeripeli, jossa myös hiirituki, SB äänet ja hyvät säätöominaisuudet! Rekisteröidessä saat: uusia taustoja ja teemoja, neljä eri pokerityyppiä: 100/200 mk pokeri, ässäpokeri ja jokeri- pokeri, ja paljon muuta.
24666 POPA10.ZIP 33,3 kt 27.08.1997 - MBCD -
PokeriPasianssi v1.0 on pokerin käsillä leikkimistä 1-4 pelaajalle. Monipuoliset säädöt ja mahdollisimman minimaaliset laitevaatimukset.
24667 POTTI.ZIP 60,8 kt 22.09.1997 - miscfindos.zip -
POTTI - Suomalainen 5 linjainen potti peli. Mahtava kopioi RAY:n Potista jossa viisi voittomahdollisuus linjaa. Voit laittaa koneeseen niin paljon kolikoita (5mk ja 1mk) kuin ikinä haluat, ei rajoitusta! Koe satojen markkojen voitot! VGA Grafiikka ja Pc Speaker äänet. Tehty vuonna 1993. Tähän todellakin jää koukkuun!!
30728 PULSE12.ZIP 284786 27.05.1996 - MBCD -
Pulse:  Ray-Traced 3D Graphics complement
a new and unique form of solitaire
entertainment. Group and combine game pieces
to advance in levels, receive powerups and
deal with sudden events. Easy to learn, tough
to master. Fully soundtracked, PC, DOS ,SW,
30729 PUZ1994.ZIP 424587 12.04.1995 - - -
Stunning images from around the world in
SuperVGA color! The ultimate puzzle game.
Extremely flexible -- choose any numbers of
pieces from 4 to 2000! Hall of fame for your
best scores. Save puzzles, solution hints,
simple mouse interface, and much more!
Designed to use all major SVGA boards but
also will work on VGA All puzzles use
original photography.
30733 QOL20.ZIP 35794 10.01.1995 - - -
Qolumns 2.0 älypeli Tetriksen tapaan
30741 RANDZU12.ZIP 82626 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Randzu V1.2, a logical game well known
as "5 in a line" Req: 286+ VGA
24668 RBLOX11.ZIP 130,8 kt 31.01.1997 - MBCD -
iLLUMiNATiON Presents: R E M B L O X ! v1.1 An addictive and nicely presented puzzlegame. Mouse, VGA required. SB, GUS supported. v1.1: - Lots of bugs fixed!
30757 RISTET.ZIP 43140 17.12.1995 - - -
Another one of those nice and simple Tetris
24669 RISTIKKO.ZIP 163,2 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
Ristikko v1.0 Hyvä ristikon ratkomis peli. Pelissä on VGA grafiikka ja hyvä musiikki. Peli tukee SB,GUS ja PAS äänikortteja. Brilliants software 1997
24670 RMPRO11.ZIP 394,8 kt 24.01.1997 - MBCD -
RISTIMOLLA Professional - 486/DOS/VGA/SB Mahtava jätkänshakki in Finnish. Sairaasti toimintoja. Yksin ja kaksinpeli. Useita eri vaikeustasoja. Turnaukset. Pikapelit shakkityyliin eri aikarajoilla. Voit ladata taustalla haluamasi kuvan ja mod-biisin. Ohjeet kaikkeen. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
30761 ROCKMN13.ZIP 199526 08.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Rock Man  v1.3  Req.EGA/VGA  Rockmn13.zip
Rock Man is an exciting logic strategy game
from Soleau Software. Use your ingenuity to
help Rock Man collect all the rare moths
flying around each of the 15 mind-bending
mountain puzzles. Use ropes, axes and
other objects while avoiding dangerous
Lava rocks. Packed with features! Do you
have what it takes solve each puzzle ?
A pure animated logic puzzle for all ages!
24671 RUKSI2.ZIP 14992 23.10.1996 - MBCD -
........ RUKSINOLLA 2 ........ Ristinollapeli
2 pelaajalle. Taattua suomalaista Fallesmanni
laatutyötä. Kokeilemisen arvoinen kokemus!
Vaatii VGA näytön ja näppiksen. Suomi on hyvä
paikka elää.
24672 RUNES10.ZIP 990,2 kt 23.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
"RUNES for Windows v1.0   Runes10.zip RUNES is a true brain twister for those who  love solving logic puzzles. Marcus Flavius  is a Roman scholar who has been sent by the Senate of Rome to discover the secret of the Oracle of Runes. Marcuss task is to reach  the doorway in each puzzle by strategically  stacking the marble blocks that are strewn  about each room. The game is packed with features and is animated logic fun for all!"
30780 SCRABBLE.ZIP 43390 15.12.1996 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Scrabble - small scrabble game running on any
ibm system.
27099 SCRYP101.ZIP 123697 26.12.1995 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
Scrypt-o-grams v1.01 is a cryptogram puzzle
game based on passages from the King James
Bible. Each letter in the original passage is
replaced by a different letter in the code
and it's up to you to solve it. When you
finish, an inspirational passage from the
Word of God is your reward. Lots of features
and hints make it easy for the newcomer get
started and the puzzle experts will enjoy
racing the clock.
24673 SHAPE105.ZIP 43,3 kt 18.09.1997 - MBHH1998 -
SHAPES v1.05 Simple puzzle game for one player. Features: - Nice VGA 256 color graphics - Mouse support Requires fast 286 and only about 60kb memory and disk space. by FRACTiLE
30825 SQUARE12.ZIP 203636 17.10.1994 - 20915/1000GAME.iso -
SQUAREZ DELUXE 1.2   from Impulse
Devastator bombs, missiles,and hazardous
chemicals dominate the playing field as you
try to maneuver ahead of your opponent! Get a
new look at Tetris-style games from the
author of Jetpack. Try it now and get
addicted! Fast puzzle action with excellent
256 color graphics! Requires: VGA  Supports:
30828 SR_PRO.ZIP 1285062 07.01.1995 - - -
One of the best Tetris games ever!!
By Rogelio Bernal  (bernal@wit.edu)
Better than many commercial versions,
and this one IS FREE!!! Requires VGA.
Mouse and Sound Blaster are optional,
but highly reccomended.
MUCH more than a Tetris game.
AWESOME 256 color graphics in twickled VGA
modes (360x400x256).
24674 SS114.ZIP 337,7 kt 23.04.1997 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
"SOLITAIRE SUITE v1.14 is the premier sharewar solitaire collectionfeaturing seven of the  very best solitaire card gameseach with a  smooth and elegant graphical user interface.  Includes CalculationConcentrationIdiots  DelightMidnight OilMonte CarloOsmosisand Royal Cotillion. Requires EGA or VGA and  a mouse. Shareware by Randy Rasa.  Now includes Windows setup utility. Win95 Tested!"
24675 SSEWRD10.ZIP 78,3 kt 04.01.1998 - MBCD -
SSE Word Search v1.0 puzzle game where you must find words hidden in a grid of letters. Nice, easy-to-use interface. Choose from three different sizes of grids. Random puzzles created each and every time. Choose words from a variety of topics Req. DOS, mouse
30829 SSLOTS26.ZIP 288545 19.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
(v2.6) sslots - Super Slots A very realistic
slot machine simulation. Super Slots allows
$0.25 and $1 bets. You have as much as 5
chances to win on each spin. Comes with
outstanding graphics and sound effect to give
a realistic flavor. Shareware (US $10) Tim
Hirtle, 102705.2261@compuserve.com
24676 STONEX10.ZIP 36,4 kt 24.02.1998 - MBCD -
STONEX v1.0 - Stonex on mukava älypeli, jossa aivot saavat työtä palikoiden muo- dossa. Pelin idea on yksinkertainen: näy- töllä kimaltelee kaksi kivipinoa, joista ylempi olisi muokattava alemman mukaisek- si. Tämä ei kuitenkaan ole niin helppoa, kuin miltä se kuulostaa...
24677 STRESS05.ZIP 329,4 kt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
VirtuaSTRESS 0.5 Nopeutta ja tarkkaivaisuutta vaativa vauhdikas korttipeli, jonka tarkoituksena päästä eroon korteista ennen vastustajaa. Muistuttaa peliä "Lännen nopein". Mukana viisi eri tietokonevastustajaa ja kaksinpeli mahdollisuus lähiverkon avulla (IPX). Varoitus: Aiheuttaa voimakasta riippuvuutta! Ilmainen versio. (Hiiri, SVGA, 386) Matti Roslander, Diamond Software 1999. DOS
30844 STS.ZIP 52230 01.04.1995 - - -
Sounds the Same game - Test your word power.
This game should run in any machine without
24678 SUPERZ.ZIP 158,8 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Super ZZT - Tim Sweeney of Epic Megagames\' first game ZZT released to public! "Your adventure began when you discovered the Town of ZZT. Then you ventured through the caves, escaped from the Dungeons, and mastered the City of ZZT. Just when you thought it was over, your extreme talents are being called upon once  again." Req. 512k ram
30850 SV115.ZIP 49114 29.01.1996 - - -
SuperVisa 1.16 - Finnpro 1995, alkeellinen
30852 SWITC.ZIP 1020549 06.12.1995 - - -
puzzlegame with many different playstyles,
key collecting, port opening, switch pulling
etc. Nice VGA graphics and easy gameplay.
30858 TANGRM11.ZIP 169723 08.11.1994 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
30866 TCG20.ZIP 247055 13.04.1995 - MBCD -
Telecards v2.0 - Korttipelejä modemilla tai
tietokonetta vastaa pelattaviksi. - Sisältää
täydellisen opastuspaketin, jos et sattumalta
osaa jotain ohjelman peleista. - Hupia
kavereiden kanssa. - Cutlass software. -
68990 TETRIS.ARJ 195669 13.06.1996 - - -
256-värinen Tetris-klooni (PD) Äänikortit:
GUS/SB/PAS/Windows Sound System
Laitevaatimus: 286 ilman ääniä 386+ äänien
kanssa Reilusti erilaisia palikoita (c)
VPKSoft 1996
24679 TETRIS97.ARJ 527,8 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
Tetris-97 x-mas edition   TETRIS-97 is a professional   tetris game with cool graphics   made by ERROR FREE PRODUCTIONS   with WATCOM C++
24680 THINK.ZIP 113729 28.08.1996 - MBCD -
- Think about it Shareware ver 1.0 - DOS or
Windows, VGA. Puzzlegame. By Black Shadow
1996, Janne Jämsen.
24682 TIETO-OH.ZIP 41,8 kt 21.10.1997 - MBCD -
TIETO-OHJELMA v 1.01 Tämä ohjelma kysyy sinulta Valtioita, ja Kaupunkeja.  Tässä ohjelmassa kyllä tulee selville mitä  tiedät maantiedosta. (C) Nekru software -1997
24681 TIETO12.ZIP 40754 08.12.1996 - - -
TIETO v.1.2
Hauska tieto peli.
Shareware versiossa on
kaksi kysymys aluetta.
Jos rekisteröit
niin saat 200 lisä
kysymystä ja neljä
aihe aluetta.
VAIN 15mk
24683 TIETOP_2.ARJ 52902 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
░▒▓ Tietopää v2.0 ▓▒░  Kiva
123-vaihtoehtovisailu ! Uudistettu versio
vanhasta suosikista, nyt SW-versiossa 4
aihetta ja rekisteröidyssä versiossa 6.
SW-versiossa 40 kysymystä, Rekisteröidyssä
versiossa 300.
24684 TIETOV30.ZIP 360530 19.08.1996 - MBCD -
Tietoviisas 3.0 on hauska tietovisailupeli.
Tässä esittelyversiossa on neljä aihetta,
jotka ovat urheilu, maantieto, yleistieto ja
tietotekniikka. Täydellisessä versiossa on
280 kysymystä ja 7 aihetta. Internet:
30877 TIVISA20.ZIP 31538 18.06.1995 - MBCD -
Tietovisa 2.0
Suomenkielinen A-B-C-vaihtoehtoehtovisa.
Rekisteröity versio sis. 8 aihealuetta.
30882 TOMDUMB.ZIP 155847 10.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
Standard 8 x 8 Chess is too hard and besides
it's for nerds! Try Dumb Chess instead!
Played on a 5 x 5 board, easier to learn and
games last only 10 min.!  BONUS: Dumber
Chess, each game has different rules and
pieces!  1-9 level lookahead (2 in unreg.
vers.).  Auto game save/restore.
Works with any DOS PC or clone, any monitor,
no mouse or joystick needed.
30883 TOMGOMAK.ZIP 151288 08.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
The Oriental board game!  Learn instantly,
play long time .  Be the first player to
get 5-in-a-row on an 8 x 8 grid.  2-player
game.  Demo mode.  Auto game save/restore.
Works with any DOS PC or clone, any monitor,
no mouse or joystick needed.
"Programmed by aliens from outer space"
30886 TOMTUT.ZIP 168686 07.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Fast addictive board game!  Like Tic-Tac-Toe
only on a 4x4 board!  2-player game, you vs.
the PC.  Demo mode. Auto game save/restore.
Works with any DOS PC or clone, any monitor,
no mouse or joystick needed.
69214 TOMYUCKY.ZIP 161948 08.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Forget Uno and play this instead!  The card
game for people who don't like cards.  Your
team vs. the PC.  Options.  Demo mode.
Works with any IBM PC or clone, any
monitor, no mouse or joystick needed.
"Programmed by aliens from outer space!"
24685 TPOKERI1.ZIP 1 Mt 22.11.1998 renamed archive.org -
!TonttuPokeri! Joulu aiheinen pokeri-peli, jossa voi tuplata tonniin ja pelata kympin panoksella! FREEWARE!! Tekijät: Jari Sireini & Mikko Niiranen - 1998
40944 TRISX107.ZIP 374444 19.09.1996 - MBCD -
-=≡ Tristix ≡=- Shareware Version 1.07 The
best Tetris-like game yet! Features four
simultaneous players, computer player,
competitive mode, special pieces, variable
piece sizes, next piece window (c) 1996 Evan
Salomon & Phillip Bailey
69409 TRIV125.ZIP 59531 15.08.1995 - - -
TRIVIA.BTM 1.25 - Tietovisailu
Vaatimus: 4DOS 5.0D tai uudempi.
(Testattu versiolla 5.5C)
Uutta: Valmis PIF-tiedosto Windowsia varten,
Tekstit kunnossa 4DOSin versiolla 5.5C
24686 TRIVIA.ZIP 222,4 kt 23.04.1997 - 2460/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 6).iso -
"TRIVIA QUIZ v1.1Windows - Enjoy the pursuit of trivia? Try this quiz. Heres a fun and challenging set of 50 trivia questions in a multiple choice quiz. Wrong answers sound a buzzerso this is a good learning experience too. When youre done answeringyour score is calculated. Challenge your family/friends to beat your score. The quiz is freeso give it a try! Fun graphics and sound! Educational for kids and great fun for adults."
24687 TSGMED14.ZIP 87,5 kt 16.02.1998 - MBCD -
National flags as educational games by Prof. Timo Salmi of The University of Vaasa, Finland. http://www.uwasa.fi/~ts/
30895 TUBES110.ZIP 547296 07.11.1994 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
TUBES  v1.1  by Impulse
Help Dr. Lanny B. Brilliant form new
molecules and win the Nobel Prize! Match 3 or
more similar atoms before your beaker
overflows. Create new molecules while
watching out for mischief crystals and other
bad elements in this action- packed puzzle
game!  Full soundtrack. Requires: VGA  286+
Supports: SB/Ad/Joy
69473 TVSF131.ZIP 35494 24.02.1996 - - -
Tietoviisas v1.31 Tietoviisas on hauska
tietokilpailupeli. Shareware-versiossa on
kaksi aihetta jotka ovat urheilu ja
maantieto. Rekisteröidyssä versiossa on n.200
24688 TXIRUN10.ZIP 294,4 kt 24.04.1997 renamed archive.org -
Taxi Run v1.0   Req. VGA & Mouse   Race against the clock picking up and  dropping off passengers in this exciting new arcade game from Soleau Software.  Keep your taxi on the move by rotating  road sections with the click of your mouse. Smooth scrolling graphics and a mouse interface make Taxi Run a  challenge for both young and old. How good a taxi driver are you?
30909 UPT.ZIP 44298 31.07.1996 - - -
LiQUiD presents: UpTris v0.666, the ultimate
pc-game of the century. req. VGA 286+
24689 UVISA.ZIP 28440 14.11.1996 - MBCD -
U-Visa versio 1.14 Tähtitiedeaiheinen
tietovisailu alan harrastajille ja kaikille
aiheesta kiinnostuneille.
24690 UVKSW.ZIP 135,4 kt 21.10.1997 - MBCD -
VirtuaKENO v1.0 PC-versio RAY:n raha-automaatista. Tyylikäs SVGA-grafiikka. Samaan sarjaan kuin DS:n pokeri ja ventti. DOS.
24691 UVP15.ZIP 705,2 kt 05.02.1998 - MBCD -
<< VirtuaPOKER 1.5SW >>> Uusi todella upea versio RAY-automaattien PC-käännöksestä. 2-pokeri, JokeriPokeri ja 200mk Pokeri. SVGA-grafiikat, S3M/MOD (SB/GUS) musiikit. Ehdoton pokerien kuningas! Pakkohankinta!
24692 VALTIOT1.ZIP 126,6 kt 07.07.1998 - MBCD -
Valtiot v1.0 (C) 1998 Tuomas Ikola Digitaaliseen muotoon käännetty versio legendaarisista auto- ja moottoripyörä- pelikorteista. Tässä pelissä tosin pelataan maailman eri valtioilla - joko yksin- tai kaksinpelinä. Pelissä on mukana 70 eri valtiota. Uusi idea ja hyvä tuntuma. Kokeile ihmeessä! Uutta viime versioon: þ Tekoälyä hieman parannettu þ Kaksinpeli ja paljon muuta kivaa Vaatii: 386+, VGA, DOS Purku: Pkunzip -d valtiot1.zip c:\\?
30912 VEIT100.ZIP 480050 13.06.1996 - MBCD -
Varmint's EITtris is a freeware competative
Tetris game.  Up to four people/computer
opponents can EIT each other simultaneously.
Lots of special weapons and game play
enhancements make this game stand out from
your average Tetris clone.  Play for score,
rows cleared, or who is best at hosing their
opponents. Uses SVGA graphics and Sound
Blaster Sound. System requirements:  386 (486
recommended), SVGA Card, (Sound Blaster or
compatable sound card recommended)
24693 VENT098A.ZIP 31,8 kt 03.11.1997 - - -
Arisoft Ventti v0.98a DOS.
24694 VENTTI.ZIP 96,7 kt 05.02.1998 - zak.fi -
Ventti 100 v2.1«+ Tämä VENTTI yrittää matkia aitoja Black Jack sääntöja mutta eihän ventillä edes ole kunnon laadittuja sääntöjä vaan ne pokkeavat pikkuisen toinen toisistaan. Aiemmassa versiossa oli vähemmän voittoja, nyt niitä on muutama lisää. Myös pienet asetukset koristavat ventin juhlapöytää. Nyt myös uutuutena BUDJETIN laskin. (Laskimen ja onnellisimman pelimiehen listan saa ka- ristettua isompikin mies SETUP.exe:stä.)
24695 VIRNOPPA.ZIP 36 kt 24.01.1997 - MBCD -
Virtua Noppa 1.0 by  Markus Polvilampi  1997 Huippurealistinen noppapeli RAY:n NOPPA pelin pohjalta  vaatii: 286+, 4Mb, VGA  E-Mail: askoka@mail.kolumbus.fi Internet: koti.kolumbus.fi/~askoka
24696 VIRPOTTI.ZIP 256,5 kt 26.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
Virtua Potti, potti5-simulaattori, vähintään 386/VGA/hiiri.
24697 VISAD1.ZIP 12,5 kt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
======= VISADISU V1.0 BY TUOMAS IKOLA ======= Visadisu on visailuohjelma, jossa on kysymyksiä tietokoneista ja peleistä. Visadisuun voi myös itse lisätä kysymyksiä.
24698 VOCAB307.ZIP 216,9 kt 12.01.1998 - - -
Vocabulary Power v3.07  Automatically create word searches, bingo cards, magic number squares, matching and multiple choice quizzes, flash cards, cryptolists, and juggle word activities from your words and clues. Includes foreign language character support. Your word lists are 100% compatible with Crossword Power.
69773 VOCABP3A.ZIP 220228 24.02.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
Vocabulary Power v3.00  Automatically
create word searches, bingo cards, magic
number squares, matching and multiple choice
quizzes, flash cards, cryptolists, and juggle
word activities from your words and clues.
Includes foreign language character support.
Your word lists are 100% compatible with
Crossword Power.
40951 VPKTRIS.ZIP 196400 02.04.1996 - - -
256-värinen Tetris-klooni (PD) Äänikortit:
GUS/SB/PAS/Windows Sound System
Laitevaatimus: 286 ilman ääniä 386+ äänien
kanssa Reilusti erilaisia palikoita (c)
VPKSoft 1996
24699 VSTEP.ZIP 115,8 kt 05.04.1998 - MBCD -
<< VirtuaSTEP >> Upea PC-käännös "Steppi" -automaatista. Hedelmäpelin tapainen peli, jossa siirto ja tuplaus. Tyylikäs SVGA -grafiikka ja hyvä pelattavuus takaavat pelinautinnon. Osa VirtuaSLOTS 2 -pelipakettia. Matti Roslander , Diamond Software 1998 / SF
24700 VVSW.ZIP 138 kt 21.10.1997 - MBCD -
VirtuaVENTTI Upea simulaatio RAY:n Ventti-automaatista! (640x480 256c) Diamond Software 1997
30933 WORDY370.ZIP 458194 07.01.1996 - MBCD -
WORDY v3.70: Educational wordgame study
system, especially for Scrabble (tm)
players.  Includes a word construction
game as well as many utilities for
creating custom word lists. With
99,000+ word "dictionary".
24701 WRDCHL.ZIP 578,5 kt 27.01.2000 - - -
WORD CHALLENGE v1.43  An educational and entertaining word game for 1 or 2 players. Consists of 4 games in one: Hangman, Anagrams, Vocabulary & Spelling, and Trackword. Shareware version has 200 words in each data file (800); registered version has a total of 12,000 words and includes an edit- or so you can create your own V & S files. 512K and a minimum of CGA required. DOS.
24702 X012.ZIP 65,4 kt 28.01.1997 - - -
X-0 version 1.2 Kaksinpelattava ristinolla. Tehty QB:llä!!!
30954 XENOBL10.ZIP 1525722 31.05.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
XenoBall distributed by HomeBrew Software is
an action puzzle game where you lay down
different pieces of track which allows the
player to finish a preset path. Requires:
536K RAM, VGA, mouse. Sound card optional.
24703 XIR1_2.ZIP 164,5 kt 26.09.2000 renamed kriceland.fi -
Xirtrix v1.2 - Copyright 1995, 2000 Paul K. Pekkarinen A Wordtris clone it is.
30955 XIR10.ZIP 96729 30.06.1995 - - -
Xirtrix v1.0 - Wordtris-like puzzle game
Req: 286+,VGA. Shareware.
30956 XIXIT.ZIP 452632 19.09.1995 - MBCD -
XIXIT - Shareware!
Johhn Hood and Tomasz Pytel's (TRAN) Optik
Software, Inc! A challenging and addictive
puzzle game, in which columns of random tiles
fall down, and you must place identical tiles
in a row of 3 or more FEATURES ONE PLAYER AND
30962 XQUEST10.ZIP 279605 11.05.1995 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
by Mark (Atomjack) Mackey
Crystal Quest for the PC!
XQuest is a  PC  version of the
old Mac classic Crystal Quest.
Get crystals! Avoid mines! Blow
lots of things to pieces!  This
game boasts smooth VGA graphics
30963 XQUEST2.ZIP 312586 24.04.1996 - Pelit CD 1999 -
XQUEST 2 by Mark Mackey XQuest  is  a totally
addictive arcade  game  for the  PC.  Get
gems! Avoid mines! Blow lots of things  to
pieces!  This  game boasts smooth VGA
graphics  and excellent   sound.    VGA   and
mouse/joy required, SB optional
30966 YTZ26.ZIP 55234 21.03.1995 - MBCD -
Yacht-Z v2.6   A dice strategy game
Yacht-Z is a version of the classic dice
game.  You can play single or triple scoring
varieties of the game.  Up to four players
can play at once. This is the original and
most often reviewed of all Yacht-Z type dice
games.  Several years of constant use and
valuable input from users has shaped this
into one of the most enjoyable and
24704 ZENERO20.ZIP 63,4 kt 07.04.1997 - MBCD -
Zenero 2.0 Zenero on mukava, suomenkielinen tie- tovisapeli. Rekisteröimättömässä ver- siossa on 2 aihealuetta ja 150 kysy- mystä. Rekisteröidyssä versiossa on 6 aihealuetta ja 450 kysymystä. Re- kisteröintimaksu on vain 20mk. Lait- teistovaatimus: 386 + VGA
30972 ZFORT.ZIP 56455 08.01.1996 - - -
X-fortress. Taitopeli Dossiin.
24708 ZZT.ZIP 176,2 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
"ZZT - Tim Sweeney of Epic Megagamesfirst game ZZT released to public! ZZT is an action/adventure game based on object-oriented programming. To complete Town of ZZTyou must master 43 game boards filled with creatures and ingenious puzzles. The game is very challenging and requires a good amount of brain power as well as fast reflexes. Includes a game editor. Req. 512 kb"
24705 ZZTBEST.ZIP 144,4 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Best of ZZT  - Tim Sweeney of Epic Megagames\' first game ZZT released to public! ZZT is an action/adventure game based on object-oriented programming. "Best of ZZT" is a set of two giant game worlds. The individual boards were created by many ZZT enthusiasts across the world! These boards are the winners of the 1991 ZZT Game Design contest. Req. 512 kb
24706 ZZTREV.ZIP 220,7 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
"ZZTs Revenge - Tim Sweeney of Epic Megagamesfirst game ZZT released to public! ZZT is an action/adventure game based on object-oriented programming. Winning entires of the ZZT game design contest. Youll find a good variety of actionpuzzle solvingand mystery throughout the worlds so dont expect them to be to easy to solve! Req. 512 KB"
24707 ZZTTOXIC.ZIP 155,7 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
"ZZT: Toxic Terminator - Tim Sweeney of Epic Megagamesfirst game ZZT released to public! ZZT is an action/adventure game based on object-oriented programming. Guide the heroSmiley Guythrough intricate levels as you try to defeat Dr. Z and his evil minions. Req. 512 KB"
28883 2001_B4.ZIP 63,1 kt 29.09.1999 - - -
2001 - The Emerson Arcadia 2001 Emulator. Written by Paul Robson. Video game console emulator. Also known as the "LeisureVision" (Canada) "Hanimex HMG2650", "Schmidt TVG2000" or "Telefever" (Germany) "Advision Home Arcade" (France) "Leonardo" (Italy). Early videogame based around Signetics components - the same vintage as the Intellivision, Odyssey 2 or Atari 2600, but not quite as successful. Includes games.
28885 3DO.FAQ 48254 21.02.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
28884 3DOFAQ.329 47560 06.09.1995 - - -
3DO FAQ v3.29
Julkaistu 30.3.95
28886 3DOPICS.ZIP 979686 27.02.1995 - - -
Screen shots and other pictures about 3DO
28890 A-TRAINM.ZIP 1610446 22.04.1996 - - -
A-Train-pelin Playstation-version
MOV-muotoinen näyteanimaatio.
28887 A2600-2P.ZIP 1,5 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
Atari 2600  - two long lost games now available in emulator compatible format. Garfield - by Steve Woita. Sky Patrol - by Bob Smith.
28888 A2600PEL.ZIP 26,3 kt 29.09.1999 - - -
Atari 2600 konsolipelejä. Klassiselle Atari 2600 pelikonsolille tehtyjä uusia pelejä. The Dark Mage (Greg Troutman) Elk Attack (Mark R. Hahn) INV (Eric Mooney & Piero Cavina) Mondo Pong (Piero Cavina) Tetris26 (Colin Hughes) ROM-imageja, toimivat emulaattorissa.
28889 ASSRIGSG.ZIP 306848 19.01.1996 - - -
Assault Rigs, PlayStation demokuvia.
28891 BBC-E397.ZIP 406 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
BALLBLAZER CHAMPIONS Playstation E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Ultra-fast sports/action game. Lucasarts.
28892 BLAPS-E3.ZIP 1138071 29.06.1996 - - -
BLACK DAWN * E3 showpackage with press
release and screenshots. "Gamers hungry for
helicopter combat can soon descend into the
apocalypse and face their darkest hour with
BLACK DAWN, available Fall '96 for the Sony
PlayStation." Virgin.
28893 BLE15U.ZIP 889,6 kt 02.11.1999 - - -
Bleem - Playstaion SOFTWARE EMULATOR - upgrade v1.5 for REGISTERED versions. http://www.bleem.com
28894 BTECHSNS.ZIP 2533604 19.01.1996 - - -
Super Nes SNES Battletech-räiskintäpelin
demokuvia. Valm. Activision.
28895 BUGE397.ZIP 677,1 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
28897 C&C-E3.ZIP 2780 29.06.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer E3 press release: C&C
Saturn, Windows '95 and Macintosh CD-ROM by
September 1996 and the Sony PlayStation in
1997. Virgin.
28896 CASPS-E3.ZIP 1642355 29.06.1996 - - -
Casper * E3 screenshots for PlayStation from
28898 CHRONDG.ZIP 965939 19.01.1996 - - -
Chronicles of the Sword PlayStation
demokuvia, PPsygnosis.
28899 CHRONO.ZIP 930 05.11.1995 - - -
Epävirallista tietoa Chrono Triggeristä.
28900 CLAYEC97.ZIP 836,4 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Clayfighter N64/Playstation ECTS97 screenshots. Interplay
28901 CLAYFPIC.ZIP 1,8 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Clayfighter screenshots - Playstation/N64 Interplay
28902 CPK2AVI.ZIP 13990 27.06.1996 - - -
Tällä voit konvertoida Sega Saturnin pelien
CD:iltä löytyvät .CPK filet .AVI fileiksi, ja
katsella niitä PC:llä.
Usage: cpk2avi -i d:\*.cpk c:\sega\*.avi
28903 CRONOFAQ.ZIP 20167 05.11.1995 versio 1.3 Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Chrono Trigger nimisen Super Nintendo pelin
FAQ-läpiveto-ohje v 1.2
28904 CT_ENDS.ZIP 3189 05.11.1995 - - -
Lista Chrono Trigger nimisen SNES pelin
monista eri lopetustavoista ja ending:istä
28906 CT-WALK.ZIP 17535 05.11.1995 - - -
Chrono Trigger nimisen SNES
28905 CTMTC30.ZIP 10910 05.11.1995 - - -
Lista Chrono Triggerin hirviöistä ja niiltä
varastettavista tavaroista.
28907 CWAAE397.A01 3,8 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Colony Wars E397 2/5
28908 CWAAE397.A02 3,8 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Colony Wars E397 3/5
28909 CWAAE397.A03 3,8 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Colony Wars E397 4/5
28910 CWAAE397.A04 2,2 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Colony Wars E397 5/5
28911 CWAAE397.ARJ 3,8 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Colony Wars PlayStation E397 showpackage with MPEG trailer & info. Psygnosis. A 3D space combat epic that is ideal for both the arcade gamer and the sci-fi buff, Colony Wars offers fast and furious action together with the depth to present an intellectual challenge. 1/5
28912 CWARE397.ZIP 1 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Colony Wars PlayStation E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. A 3D space combat epic that is ideal for both the arcade gamer and the sci-fi buff, Colony Wars offers fast and furious action together with the depth to present an intellectual challenge.
28913 DDERBDG.ZIP 1414729 19.01.1996 - - -
Destruction Derby PlayStation/PC demokuvia.
28914 DES-SAE3.ZIP 175161 29.06.1996 - - -
Descent * E3 screenshots for Sega Saturn from
28915 DFPS-E3.ZIP 616656 23.06.1996 - - -
Dark Forces for PlayStation * E3 showpackage
Press release and screenshots. LucasArts.
28916 DKCFAQ.TXT 70292 01.03.1995 - 6216/BlackPhiles_CD02.zip -
Donkey Kong Country FAQ - kaikki mahdollinen
salatavara tähän SNES-peliin.
28917 DUKE3D64.ZIP 4,3 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D Nintendo 64 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info GT INTERACTIVE
28918 E96-BALP.ZIP 131617 16.10.1996 - - -
Ballblazer for Playstation ECTS96 showpackage
with press info & screenshots for Playstation
Stunning multiplayer real-time 3D arcade-
sports game. Virgin.
28919 E96-BB2P.ZIP 126321 16.10.1996 - - -
Bubble Bobble 2 ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & information, Playstation,
28920 E96-BLAZ.ZIP 438165 03.10.1996 - - -
Blazing Dragons ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshot, sounds & press release. "King
Arthur's worst nightmare! A twisted graphic
misadventure pitting noble-hearted dragons
against bumbling humans in a series of
off-beat quests that span the world of
"Camelhot". Created by Terry Jones, original
member of Monty Python's Flying Circus and
director of The Life of Brian." Saturn &
Playstation, Crystal Dynamics/BMG.
28921 E96-CCPS.ZIP 199220 16.10.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer Playstation & Saturn ECTS96
showpackage with info & screenshots. Real
time arcade-strategy.
28922 E96-CRWA.ZIP 700686 25.09.1996 - - -
Crimewave ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
and info. "all-out urban war could be just
around the corner...fast, immediate and
slick, combining all the excitement of a
driving game with traditional shoot æem up
skills.  The fun and frantic race for justice
28923 E96-CWM.A01 3999411 25.09.1996 - - -
Crimewave demoanimation 2/5
28924 E96-CWM.A02 3999432 25.09.1996 - - -
Crimewave demoanimation 3/5
28925 E96-CWM.A03 3999324 25.09.1996 - - -
Crimewave demoanimation 4/5
28926 E96-CWM.A04 1804718 25.09.1996 - - -
Crimewave demoanimation 5/5
28927 E96-CWM.ARJ 3999309 25.09.1996 - - -
Crimewave ECTS96 showpackage with
demoanimation and press release.
FORMAT SEGA SATURN driving game with
traditional shoo'em'up skills. The fun and
frantic race for justice is on! Heavily
armoured vehicles, overcoming obstacles such
as ramps, drops and barriers. Furiously fast,
with accelerating action, stacks of targets
and loads of playablility. EIDOS. 1/5
28928 E96-DFP.ZIP 68144 16.10.1996 - - -
Dark Forces Playstation ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots & information. Virgin.
28929 E96-DSP.ZIP 166883 16.10.1996 - - -
Darkstalkers - The Night Warriors ECTS96
showpacakge with screenshots & info,
Playstation, arcade fighting, Virgin.
28932 E96-GRDP.ZIP 153347 16.10.1996 - - -
Grid Run Playstation ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots & info. Action-puzzle, Virgin.
28933 E96-HC.ZIP 2115152 19.10.1996 - - -
Hardcore 4x4 Playstation/Saturn ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots & press release.
Challenging off-road racer that will test the
skill and endurance of Saturn and PlayStation
gamers everywhere this autumn. Instead of
simply relying on the traditional assets of
racing games where sexy cars speed along
endless stretches of super smooth tarmac and
all too often, the only challenge is how long
you have to take your thumb off the
accelerator in order to get round each bend;
28934 E96-HERP.ZIP 129146 16.10.1996 - - -
Herc's Adventures SAturn&Playstation ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots & info. Greek
Mythology-togaparty adventure. Virgin.
28935 E96-LONS.ZIP 986525 25.09.1996 - - -
LONE SOLDIER ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots and info. SONY PLAYSTATION Fully
textured landscapes and characters, furious
blasting action and enough twist and turns to
keep even the hardned alien basher happy for
a long time to come. Close Encounters was
never like this!
28936 E96-MMMI.ARJ 142565 23.10.1996 - - -
Micro Machines Military Sega Megadrive ECTS96
showpackage with screenshots & info.
28937 E96-MTPS.ZIP 211760 25.09.1996 - - -
Moto X ECTS96 showpackage, motorcycle
racing game for psx from Time Warner.
28938 E96-NWPS.ZIP 118275 16.10.1996 - - -
Night Warriors Sega Saturn ECTS96 showpack
with screenshots & info. Beat'em'up, Virgin
28939 E96-P97P.ZIP 646832 23.10.1996 - - -
PGA 97 PSX ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots from EOA.
28940 E96-PAND.ZIP 443815 03.10.1996 - - -
PANDEMONIUM! ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshot, sounds & press release.
Playstation. the fastest 3D action game
starring the hilarious combo of Nikki and
Fargus (& Sid).  She's a wizard's protégé
with quick reflexes, a propensity for
acrobatics and an over-caffeinated
personality. Crystal Dynamics/BMG.
28941 E96-PODS.ZIP 4096818 25.09.1996 - - -
PO'ed ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
for PSX from Time Warner.
28942 E96-PPPS.ZIP 126461 16.10.1996 - - -
Powerplay Hockey'96 ECTS96 showpackage for
Playstation/Saturn with screenshots & info,
ice-hockey, Virgin.
28943 E96-PTBS.ZIP 1248108 25.09.1996 - - -
Pitball ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
for PSX, beat'em'up from Time Warner.
28944 E96-SC2P.ZIP 214106 23.10.1996 - - -
SimCity 2000 for PSX ECTS96 showpackage with
screenshots, info & company info. Maxis
28945 E96-SGP.ZIP 322321 16.10.1996 - - -
Star Gladiator ECTS96 showpackage with PSX
from Virgin.
28946 E96-SGTH.ZIP 177777 16.10.1996 - - -
Spot Goes To Hollywood ECTS96 showpackage for
PSX with screenshots & info from Virgin
28947 E96-SMPR.ARJ 3562023 23.10.1996 - - -
Sampras Extreme PlayStation ECTS96 showpack
with screenshots & info. Tennis. Codemasters.
28948 E96-SPID.A01 2483136 03.10.1996 - - -
Spider ECTS showpackage 2/2
28949 E96-SPID.ARJ 2999246 03.10.1996 - - -
Spider ECTS showpackage with screenshot,
press release & videoclip, Playstation &
Saturn. Boss/BMG                1/2
28950 E96-TLD.ZIP 1391623 05.10.1996 - - -
The Last Dynasty for PlayStation/Saturn
ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots &
information (Acrobat-format). Combat
simulation, Sierra.
28951 E96-TTP.ZIP 1167780 20.10.1996 - - -
Transport Tycoon ECTS96 showpackage for Sony
PlayStation with screenshots, info &
corporate info. MicroProse.
28952 E96-TUR2.ZIP 6738592 03.10.1996 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter ECTS96 showpackage
with screenshots and press release. Nintendo
64 3-D shooting from Acclaim.
28953 E96-TURO.A01 2999294 03.10.1996 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter ECTS96 2/3
28954 E96-TURO.A02 472022 03.10.1996 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter ECTS96 3/3
28955 E96-TURO.ARJ 2999445 03.10.1996 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter ECTS96 showpackage
with videoclip, pics & info. 3D-
shoot'em'up for Nintendo64 from Acclaim.
28956 E96-XTD.ZIP 544258 20.10.1996 - - -
X-COM: Terror from the Deep for Playstation
ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots, info &
corporate info. MicroProse.
28930 E96EXCAI.ZIP 1541970 25.09.1996 - - -
EXCALIBUR ECTS96 showpackage with screenshots
and info. Sony Playstation, Tempest/Telstar.
28931 E96EXCAM.ZIP 5771237 25.09.1996 - - -
EXCALIBUR ECTS96 showpackage with
MOV-demoanimation. Sony Playstation,
28958 EG-E397.ZIP 1,3 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Extreme G E397 Nintendo 64 showpackage with screenshots & info. Extreme G is a futuristic combat racing game played across 12 rollercoaster-like tracks. Four players pilot high-tech, heavily armed motorbikes in an intense fast-action racing experience. Acclaim.
28957 EGA-E397.ZIP 3,8 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Extreme G E397 Nintendo 64 showpackage with 2 AVI trailers. Extreme G is a futuristic combat racing game played across 12 rollercoaster-like tracks. Four players pilot high-tech, heavily armed motorbikes in an intense fast-action racing experience. Acclaim.
28959 ESPER.ZIP 585540 09.02.1996 - - -
Saplattua musiikkia Final Fantasy III
nimisestä SNES pelistä. Esper Attack niminen
biisi. Tekijä: Nobuo Uematsu, Japanin
kuuluisin pelisäveltäjä.
28960 EXCA-E3.ZIP 1542134 02.07.1996 - - -
EXCALIBUR * E3 showpackage with press release
and screenshots. "Third person 3D adventure
with engine that allows you to fully interact
with the people and the objects. High
definition graphics and atmospheric
soundtrack. Arcade adventure. FORMAT:- SONY
28962 F1-E3.ZIP 1555511 19.06.1996 - - -
Formula One -E3 messupaketti, PlayStation,
sis. kuvia ja lehdistötiedote.
28961 F1C-E3.ZIP 1147996 29.06.1996 - - -
with press release and screenshots. "New
Racing Title Features Maximum Driving
Control, Brilliant Colors - first officially
licensed Formula One racing title for Sega
Saturn." Virgin.
28963 F1PLAYPI.ZIP 276778 27.04.1996 - - -
Formula One -näytekuvia. "the ONLY official
Formula One racing game for the PlayStation
in 1996. Experience the glamour and
excitement of full F1 season as you take on
the formidable challenge. 13 teams, 35
drivers and 17 circuits. Bizarre
28964 FF2MIDI.ZIP 16957 01.11.1995 - - -
MIDI musiikki Final Fantasy II nimisestä
Super Nintendo pelistä.
28965 FF3GUIDE.ZIP 59071 01.11.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Final Fantasy III Troughout guide Final
Fantasy III Läpiveto-ohje Upped By Gladius.
28966 FF3SEC15.ZIP 9893 01.11.1995 - - -
Final Fantasy III vinkkejä ja salaisuuksia.
28968 FF5.ZIP 116985 09.02.1996 - - -
Kuvia Final Fantasy V nimisestä SNES pelistä,
jota ei koskaan julkaistu Japanin
28967 FF5MIDI.ZIP 20404 01.11.1995 - - -
MIDI misiikkia Final Fantasy V nimisestä SNES
pelistä, joka ei koskaan ole ilmestynyt
muualla kuin Japanissa.
28972 FF7_PSX.ZIP 883519 29.02.1996 - - -
Kuvia Joulukuu 96 PSX:lle tulevasta pelistä
Final Fantasy VII:stä, joka oli alunperin
Nintendo 64:n peli. Tekijä on Squaresoft ja
peli on roolipeli.
28969 FF7-OSA1.ZIP 2859830 05.05.1996 - - -
Quicktime-muodossa oleva videopätkä Final
Fantasy 7:n SGI-demosta. Ensimmäinen osa.
28970 FF7-OSA2.ZIP 3783179 05.05.1996 - - -
Quicktime-muodossa oleva videopätkä Final
Fantasy 7:n SGI-demosta. Toinen osa.
28971 FF7-OSA3.ZIP 3555846 05.05.1996 - - -
Quicktime-muodossa oleva videopätkä Final
Fantasy 7:n SGI-demosta. Kolmas osa.
28973 FF7.ZIP 575436 09.02.1996 - - -
Kuvia Nintendo 64:n maatajärisyttävästä
pelistä tai oikeastaan sen SGI työasemassa
pyörineestä demosta, Final Fantasy VII:stä
Vapise PSX ja Saturn !!!
28974 FFMIDI11.ZIP 62942 03.12.1995 - - -
Uusi versio 1.1 Midi musiikkeja kaikista
Squaresoft:n peleistä SNES:llä. Musiikit ova
t siis MIDI muodossa.
28975 FFMIDI12.ZIP 119194 09.02.1996 - - -
Uusi versio 1.2 MIDi musiikkeja SquareSoftin
peleistä. Säveltäjänä Japanissa tunnettu
Nobuo Uematsu.
28976 FFMOD11.ZIP 322591 13.12.1995 - - -
Uusi versio MOD:ja, S3M:jä ja XM:jä
sisältävästä paketista, jotka on otettu mm.
Final Fantasy peleistä. versio 1.1
28977 FFPSE397.ZIP 631 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Fantastic Four E397 PlayStation showpackage with screenshots & info. 3-D Perspective Side-scrolling Action/Adventure
28978 FIRST.PSX 8581 05.09.1995 - - -
Ensikokemuksia Sony Playstationista ja mukana
tulevasta demo cd:stä.
28979 FKSEPSXA.ZIP 3,5 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Formula Karts Special Edition PLAYSTATION AVI videotrailer Telstar
28980 FRE96-E3.ZIP 3256 29.06.1996 - - -
FREAK BOY * E3 press release, THE FIRST
28981 FZEROAV.A01 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
F-Zero64 trailer 2/3
28982 FZEROAV.A02 2,5 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
F-Zero64 trailer 3/3
28983 FZEROAV.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
F-Zero64 videotrailer Nintendo 64 racing game from Nintendo  1/3
64386 GAMES.HTM 5804 05.04.1995 - - -
Tietoa Sony Playstationille olevista ja
tulevista peleistä HTM dokumentti muodossa
28984 GAMESHTM.ZIP 2,3 kt 05.04.1995 - - -
Tietoa Sony Playstationille olevista ja tulevista peleistä HTM-dokumenttimuodossa
28985 GPOL-DG.ZIP 2155750 19.01.1996 - - -
G Police, PSX/PlayStation/PC demokuvia,
28987 GS-PS-E3.ZIP 3278347 20.06.1996 - - -
Gunship for Playstation - E3 showpackage
Press release, demopictures and MOV format
demoanimation. Microprose.
28986 GS2KPSP.ZIP 3162219 27.04.1996 - - -
Gunship 2000 Sony PlayStation näytekuvia ja
pressitiedote. MicroProse.
28988 HERAE397.ZIP 384,7 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
"Hercs Adventures Saturn/Playstation E397 showpackage. Action. Lucasarts."
28989 HERCE397.ZIP 391,3 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
"Disneys Hercules for Playstation E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Action. Virgin."
28990 HEXEN64.ZIP 4,5 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Hexen Nintendo 64 Es97 showpackage with screenshots & info. GTI.
28991 HYBRIDAV.A01 3 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Hybrid Heaven trailer 2/3
28992 HYBRIDAV.A02 2,7 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Hybrid Heaven trailer 3/3
28993 HYBRIDAV.ARJ 3 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Hybrid Heaven videotrailer Nintendo 64 action from Konami   1/3
28994 IHELIXP.ZIP 144447 25.04.1996 - - -
Iron Helix, Sega CD-versiosta neljä
näytekuvaa. Spectrum Holobyte.
28995 LAMBOAVI.A01 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Lamborghini 64 trailer 2/5
28996 LAMBOAVI.A02 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Lamborghini 64 trailer 3/5
28997 LAMBOAVI.A03 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Lamborghini 64 trailer 4/5
28998 LAMBOAVI.A04 2,1 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Lamborghini 64 trailer 5/5
28999 LAMBOAVI.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Lamborghini 64 videotrailer Nintendo 64 racing from Titus  1/5
29000 LEM-E3.ZIP 1824311 19.06.1996 - - -
The Adventures of Sir Lomax in Lemmingland
(working title) * E3 messupaketti. Platform
gaming/Lemmings puzzle solving combination.
Kuvia ja infoa. Playstation.
29001 LEMPLTP.ZIP 430252 27.04.1996 - - -
LEMMINGS PLATFORM (working title) - Platform
gaming/Lemmings puzzle solving combination -
At least 5 layers of parallax scrolling - 3D
elements allow sprites to move in and out of
the background. etc. Playstation. Interactive
29003 LOA-SAE3.ZIP 1713996 30.06.1996 - - -
Loaded * E3 screenshots for Sega Saturn from
29002 LOADED.ZIP 354020 27.06.1996 - - -
Loaded from Interplay, screenshots and
information, coming for PlayStation and
Saturn early '96.
29004 LONES-E3.ZIP 986442 02.07.1996 - - -
LONE SOLDIER * E3 showpackage with press
information and screenshots. "Fully textured
landscapes and characters, furious blasting
29007 MANA.ZIP 444177 09.02.1996 - - -
Kuvia Secret of Mana:sta ja Secret of Mana
II:sta. Molemmat pelit ovat SNES:lle
29005 MANA2OPN.ZIP 579273 02.12.1995 - - -
Ensimmäinen ote Secret of Mana II (Seiken
Detsentsu 3) musiikista. On Amiga 8SVX IFF
formaatissa. Todennäköisesti kaikkien aikojen
parhaita pelejä.
29006 MANABEAS.ZIP 782538 01.11.1995 - - -
Sampled music from Secret of Mana named Super
Nintendo game !!!  Tune ManaBeast1. It's on
Amiga IFF 8FSX format so it's recommended to
use music player made expecially for IFF
format because it has some repeating points.
29008 MMPSX081.ZIP 892,5 kt 29.09.1999 - - -
Manic Miner PSX v0.81 for PSX/PlayStation/ Net Yaroza Classic retro remake. "Here is my version of that all time classic Manic Miner." FREEWARE. Original  (C) 1983 BUG-BYTE Ltd, (C) 1983 SOFTWARE PROJECTS Ltd. Originally released in MSX, Oric, Amiga, C-64, Electron & Dragon. One the the first arcade platform games ever. 2 versions. A version for those with a Yaroze dev kit. A version for those with access to a commercial dev kit or Playstation emulator.
29009 MONSTR20.ZIP 306565 27.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Playstation Monster Secrets 2.0 The largest
collection of playstation game info, faqs,
tips, codes, game shark codes in the world.
Includes jap games/codes also! If you own a
playstation, you MUST HAVE this guide.
Copyright 1996, David Smith
29010 MOO2PIC2.ZIP 752143 27.04.1996 - - -
Master of Orion 2: Battle At Antares
näytekuvia ja lehdistötiedoitteet.
29011 MTG95PI.ZIP 1158164 27.04.1996 - - -
Magic The Gathering for Windows 95
näytekuvia. MicroProse.
29012 MUPPETIS.ZIP 3462177 27.04.1996 - - -
Muppets - Treasure Island. Muppet-pelin
näytekuvia. Activision.
29013 MYSTPSPI.ZIP 4195273 27.04.1996 - - -
MYST - PlayStation näytekuvia. Graafinen
seikkailu. Visual Sciences/Psygnosis
29014 N64CHEAT.ZIP 277,8 kt 23.01.1999 - - -
N64 CheatsCode v1.0 by Sylvain Mercure Get access to a whole selection of cheats for Nintendo 64 games with N64 CheatsCode, a freeware program. N64 CC is a cheat code viewer that includes cheats for 75 games. Windows 3.1
29015 N64CODE.ZIP 721,4 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
N64 Codebook v5.99 by Cheat Code Studios Large library of cheat codes for Nintendo 64 games. There are cheats for 138 games, and the games are separated into five alphabetical groups. Windows 95, 98, or NT
29016 NA-PS-E3.ZIP 1019270 30.06.1996 - - -
NANOTEK WARRIORS for PlayStation * E3
showpackage with screenshots and press
release. Action arcade. Virgin.
29017 NEORAGE.ZIP 412 kt 17.12.1999 - - -
NeoRAGE v0.2d. Neo Geo arcade / home system emulator. One of the finest arcade game emulators on the net. Features include language selection and support for both the Sidewinder and standard Gamepads.
29018 NHLPSE3.ZIP 3101060 30.06.1996 - - -
NHL Powerplay∩96 for PlayStation * E3
showpackage with press release and
screenshots from Virgin.
29019 NHLSA-E3.ZIP 1129936 30.06.1996 - - -
NHL Powerplay∩96 for Saturn * E3 showpackage
with press release and screenshots from
29020 PARAS-DG.ZIP 1224351 19.01.1996 - - -
Parasite, PSX/PlayStation/PC demokuvia,
29021 PINFT-E3.ZIP 2880 30.06.1996 - - -
Hyper 3D Pinball * E3 press release, coming
to Sega Saturn in August. Virgin.
29022 PLAYSTA.FAQ 18141 21.02.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
Playstationin FAQ 1.01
29023 POWERSDG.ZIP 1017867 19.01.1996 - - -
PowerSports Soccer, PSX/PlayStation
29024 PS.FAQ 42350 06.09.1995 - - -
Sony Playstation faq 1.40 (04.09.95)
29025 PSXCODE1.ZIP 600 01.04.1996 - - -
Playstation codes for Wipeout, Warhawk, NFL
Gameday and Destruction Derby.
29026 PSXGIF.ZIP 282211 05.04.1995 - - -
Gif kuvia Playstationin peleistä:
MotorToonGP & Raiden
29027 PSXVSSAT 1153 01.11.1995 - - -
Playstationin ja Saturnin teknistentietojen
29028 RA2PS-E3.ZIP 1741037 23.06.1996 - - -
Rebel Assault II for PlayStation * E3
showpackage with screenshots and press
releases from LucasArts.
29029 REDAEC97.ZIP 2,6 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Red Asphalt ECTS97 screenshots. Interplay. Playstation
29030 RESIE2A.A01 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Resident Evil 2 trailer 2/5
29031 RESIE2A.A02 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Resident Evil 2 trailer 3/5
29032 RESIE2A.A03 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Resident Evil 2 trailer 4/5
29033 RESIE2A.A04 1,3 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Resident Evil 2 trailer 5/5
29034 RESIE2A.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
Resident Evil 2 videotrailer Action/adventure from Capcom        1/5
29035 RGBPIN.TXT 6702 30.03.1995 koko¹ #hyrava -
Näin teet Playstationin RGB/Scart kaapelin
29036 SAGA.ZIP 483021 09.02.1996 - - -
kuvia Romancing Saga III:sta ja Super Mario
RPG:stä. Molemmat pelit ovat SNES:lle.
29037 SATRN32X.FAQ 31898 26.02.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
SegaSaturnin FAQ
29038 SBAPS-E3.ZIP 577720 23.06.1996 - - -
BallBlazer for PlayStation * E3 showpackage
"Popular Futuristic Sports-Action Title
Re-Released - a new life for the breakthrough
classic.  The all-new, updated version of
BallBlazer for the Sony PlayStation is
re-designed to take full advantage of the
latest technology, providing a stunning
multiplayer game in a spectacular real-time
3D environment. BallBlazer will release in
the fall of 1996." LucasArts.
29039 SC2PS-E3.ZIP 364642 27.06.1996 - - -
SimCity 2000 Sony PlayStation * E3
showpackage with information and screenshots.
29040 SEGACOD2.ZIP 3082 06.03.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
29041 SHA-PSE3.ZIP 681,4 kt 29.06.1996 - - tupla
Shattered Steel * E3 screenshots for PlayStation. Interplay.
68334 SHA-PSE3.ZIP 697738 30.06.1996 - - tupla
Shattered Steel * E3 screenshots for
PlayStation. Interplay.
29042 SHER-E3.ZIP 1865788 23.06.1996 - - -
Herc's Adventures for PlayStation and Saturn
* E3 showpackage. Greek mythology based
2-player arcade adventure. With press
releases and screenshots from LucasArts.
29043 SNES9X.ZIP 550,5 kt 03.09.2000 - - -
Snes9x: The Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator http://www.snes9x.com It basically allows you to play most games designed for the SNES and Super Famicom Nintendo game systems on your PC or Workstation; which includes some real gems that were only ever released in Japan. Windows 9x. 
29044 SPOT-E3.ZIP 688167 30.06.1996 - - -
SPOT GOES TO HOLLYWOOD * E3 showpackage with
press release and screenshots. "Explore
Classic Movie Worlds With The Lovable Red
Dot. Players set out to explore 20 levels set
in movie spoof worlds full of puzzles,
creative enemies, hidden passages and
arcade-style action." PlayStation and Saturn.
29045 SW-INFO.ZIP 89855 17.09.1996 - - -
Skeleton Warriors - screenshots and info,
beat'em'up for PSX and Saturn.
29046 SWPICS2.ZIP 289883 19.09.1996 - - -
Skeleton Warriors * PSX/Saturn, more previw
pictures of beat'up'up.
29047 SWTKE397.ZIP 185,2 kt 01.08.1997 - - -
"STAR WARS: MASTERS OF TERÄS KÄSI Playstation E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. 3D fighting game genre fulfills its ultimate destiny with LucasArts Entertainment Companys Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsian intense multiplayer fighting experience."
68956 TECHSPEC.HTM 5264 30.03.1995 - - -
Playstationin teknisiätietoja HTM dokumentti
29048 TECHSPEC.ZIP 2,5 kt 30.03.1995 - - -
Playstationin teknisiä tietoja HTM-dokumentti muodossa.
29049 TENKA-E3.ZIP 2347366 21.06.1996 - - -
Tenka - E3 messupaketti, kuvia ja
lehdistötiedotteet. "This second generation
action adventure represents a giant step
forward in PlayStation development. Using a
totally 3D realtime environment Tenka
features all atmospheric lighting effects
that the format has to offer and stretches
those capabilities to the limit."
PlayStation. Psygnosis.
29050 TFTD-E3.ZIP 2994 21.06.1996 - - -
X-COM: Terror From The Deep Playstation E3
-showpackage with press release. MicroProse.
29056 TGPS-E3.ZIP 5,3 Mt 20.06.1996 - - tupla
Top Gun - E3 showpackage for Playstation. Press Release, pictures and MOV -format demoanimation. MicroProse.
69033 TGPS-E3.ZIP 5585761 21.06.1996 - - tupla
Top Gun - E3 showpackage for Playstation.
Press Release, pictures and MOV -format
demoanimation. MicroProse.
29051 TGPS1-E3.ZIP 3661569 23.06.1996 - - -
Top Gun - E3 showpackage for Playstation from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview with John
Vifian, the producer: -Technological Advances
29052 TGPS2-E3.ZIP 830794 23.06.1996 - - -
Top Gun - E3 showpackage for Playstation from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview with John
Vifian, the producer: -Multiple missions
29053 TGPS3-E3.ZIP 1583576 23.06.1996 - - -
Top Gun - E3 showpackage for Playstation from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview with John
Vifian, the producer: -Favorite aspects
29054 TGPS4-E3.ZIP 7264452 23.06.1996 - - -
Top Gun - E3 showpackage for Playstation from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview with John
Vifian, the producer: -Differences from the
PC version
29055 TGPS5-E3.ZIP 1420256 23.06.1996 - - -
Top Gun - E3 showpackage for Playstation from
MicroProse. MOV-format interview with John
Vifian, the producer: -improvements to
29057 TGUNPSX.ZIP 3741380 27.04.1996 - - -
Top Gun: Fire At Will! Sony PlayStationille.
näytekuvia ja lehdistötiedoite.
29058 TTYCPSX.ZIP 3984852 27.04.1996 - - -
MicroProse announce Transport Tycoon for Sony
PlayStation. Näytekuvia+pressi- tiedote.
29059 ULTRA64.FAQ 29633 04.09.1995 - - -
Tietoa Nintendon uudesta tulokkaasta
29060 VRBPS-E3.ZIP 4591053 02.07.1996 - - -
VR Sports Baseball'96 * E3 screenshots for
PlayStation and Saturn from VR Sports/
29061 VRGPS-E3.ZIP 4112312 02.07.1996 - - -
VR Sports Golf'96 * E3 screenshots for
PlayStation and Saturn from VR Sports/
29062 VRSOPSE3.ZIP 4133109 02.07.1996 - - -
VR Sports Soccer'96 * E3 screenshots for
PlayStation and Saturn from VR Sports/
29063 YOSHIAV.A01 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
"Yoshis Island trailer 2/4"
29064 YOSHIAV.A02 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
"Yoshis Island trailer 3/4"
29065 YOSHIAV.A03 535,9 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
"Yoshis Island trailer 4/4"
29066 YOSHIAV.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - - -
"Yoshis Island videotrailer Nintendo 64 platformer from Nintendo 1/4"
29067 Z64IGN1.ZIP 1,3 Mt 01.10.1998 - - -
Ensimmäinen osa Zelda 64:n uusimmasta QuickTime-promovideosta (25.9.98). Mukana linkkiosoite tiedostossa Z64VIDEO.TXT.
29068 5TH.ZIP 7,3 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
MtG: 5th editionin täydellinen check-lista.
29069 ALN_LST.ZIP 9451 13.06.1996 - - -
M:tG - Alliances. Kaikki expansion kortit ja
niiden vaikutukset. Huom! Lista julkaistu
ennen sarjaa ;)
29070 APP32_11.ZIP 551,8 kt 18.05.1997 - - -
Apprentice 32 v.1.1. Win 95:lle (tai wins32:lle) ja internetille tarkoitettu Magic: the Gathering ohjelma, jolla voit pelata Mtg:tä netin yli. Ehdoton ohjelma kaikille netin käyttäjille!
29071 BAHN370.ZIP 2,1 Mt 08.04.2001 - - -
Bahn 3.70r2 Junasimulaatio, jolla voit rakentaa oman rautatien. Sisältää noin 3600 junaa, joista voit valita haluamasi. Shareware - toimii 63 päivää asennuksesta. Vaatii: 386, 16MB muistia, 32768-väriin pystyvä näyttö, Win 3.1 / Win9x. http://www.jbss.de/.
29072 BTECHLST.ZIP 14,2 kt 10.02.1997 - - -
WotC:n "Battletech"-korttipelin Limited-version kaikki kortit listattuna. Virallinen.
29073 BTUNLIM.ZIP 15,7 kt 27.03.1997 - - -
Battletech: Unlimited, täydellinen lista http://www.wizards.com
29074 CL260898.ZIP 62,2 kt 30.08.1998 - - -
26.8.1998 julkaistu Cloisterin lista mtg-korteista.
62155 CLOI_04C.ZIP 42075 18.12.1996 - - -
Magic: The Gathering. Netissä julkaistava
Cloister hintalista kaikista M:tG korteista.
Päiväys 4.12.96
29075 CLOI-164.ZIP 43,6 kt 22.04.1997 - - -
Magic the Gathering. Netissä julkaistava Cloister hintalista kaikista MtG korteista. Päiväys 16.4.97
29077 CLOI-193.ZIP 44,6 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
Magic the Gathering. Netissä julkaistava Cloister hintalista kaikista MtG korteista. Päiväys 19.3.97
29078 CLOI-285.ZIP 44 kt 18.06.1997 - - -
Magic the Gathering. Netissä julkaistava Cloister hintalista kaikista MtG korteista. Päiväys 28.5.97
62154 CLOI0101.ZIP 36010 05.01.1997 - - -
Cloister MtG hintalista 01.01.97
29076 CLOI1906.ZIP 46,5 kt 29.06.1997 - - -
Magic the Gathering. Netissä julkaistava Cloister hintalista kaikista MtG korteista. Päiväys 19.6.97
29079 CLOISTER.ZIP 48,1 kt 12.08.1997 - - -
Cloisterin MtG-arvolista. Päiväys: Wed Aug  6 23:59:22 PDT 1997
29080 DINO217.ZIP 70,6 kt 19.04.2001 - - -
DINO V2.17    !!! FREEWARE !!! ****************************** DINO on tavallinen DOS-pohjainen tekstiseikkailupeli, jossa pitää pelastaa Kyläläiset pahalta Rex-nimiseltä dinosaurukselta. Sinä olet urhea ritari, jolle tuo tehtävä on annettu. Tehtävä ei ole kuitenkaan niin yksinkertainen kuin voisi luulla, sillä joudut muutaman kerran tilanteeseen, jossa on harkittava tarkoin mitä tekee. Apunasi on vain aseenkantaja, taikamiekka ja ruumistasi
64703 HARNMISC.ZIP 1891430 10.11.1996 - - tupla
Kokoelma Harn-kamaa netistä.
29081 HL_LIST.ZIP 7920 14.04.1996 - - -
Homelands-laajennussetin kortit
29082 LEGENDS.ZIP 16336 24.11.1996 - - -
MtG Legends-laajennuksen korttilista.
29083 LISTMIRA.ZIP 18490 10.11.1996 - - -
Mirageitten korttilista ILMAN rarityjä.
29084 MAGICLST.ZIP 31714 14.04.1996 - 12811/aol-file-protocol-4400-2701-to-2800.zip -
Cloister MtG-arvolista, Maaliskuu 1996.
Haettu ftp.hhhh.org:sta.
29085 METWLIST.ZIP 60972 18.12.1996 - - -
Middle-earth: The Wizards pelin perussarjan
korttilistat Html- muodossa. Lisäksi myös
FAQ, rarity-lista ja lista Fixed Packien
29087 MIR_LST.ZIP 17278 10.11.1996 - - -
Magic the Gathering: Mirage korttilista.
Suoraan WotC:n kotisivulta.
29086 MIRAGE.ZIP 14855 10.11.1996 - 12811/aol-file-protocol-4400-2701-to-2800.zip -
MTG cardlist of the expansion Mirage.
29088 MODEMMTG.ARJ 257819 14.04.1996 - - -
Magic with Modem. Ohjelma MtG:n pelaamiseen
joko modeemilla, kaapelilla tai IRCissä.
29090 MTG_APUO.ZIP 252,4 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
Magic the Gathering, apuohjelma jossa mukana korttilistoja. Pieni ja kätevä apuohjelma Magicia pelaaville.
29093 MTG_IA.ZIP 32315 22.06.1995 - - -
Magic: the Gathering. Ice Age- laajennuksen
kaikki kortit ja niiden harvinaisuusluokat.
29092 MTG-CARD.ZIP 27065 22.01.1996 - - -
Magic The Gathering card lists: Chronicles,
Homelands, 4th ed. cards
29095 MTG.ZIP 133178 14.04.1996 - - -
Magic: the Gathering -korttien tΣydelliset
listat. Mukana joka laajennus sekΣ joka
kortin teksti. Suoraan WotC:lta.
29089 MTGA_200.ZIP 373,7 kt 24.11.1997 - - -
Magic the Gathering - UUSI apuohjelma, käyttöliittymää on paranneltu ja muutamia uusia ominaisuuksia on ilmestynyt.
29091 MTGCARDS.ZIP 10994 10.04.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
A list of all the Magic: The Gathering cards
29094 MTGSANAS.ZIP 2,3 kt 02.03.1997 - - -
Magic yhe Gathering - Slangisanasto! Uusi, 27 alueen avustuksella koottu slangisanasto.
29096 RULECARD.ZIP 155,4 kt 29.06.1997 - 1515/ratsnest3.iso -
"DAngelon yksittäisiä kortteja koskevat sääntötulkinnat. Updated 18.6."
29097 RULEGEN.ZIP 79,7 kt 29.06.1997 versio 20.05.97 1515/ratsnest3.iso -
"DAngelon yleisiä sääntöjä koskevat sääntötulkinnat. Updated 18.6."
29098 SCRABL34.ZIP 128768 03.01.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
************* SCRABLST 3.4 *************
SCRABLST  is a set of unusual and useful
word  lists  for  Scrabble (tm) players.
Also  included is a utility for extract-
ing  words  containing  specified letter
patterns  from  ASCII-format  word lists
and other useful info for  Scrabble (tm)
players.  Freeware.     $0 registration.
29099 SUITCS35.ZIP 6,8 Mt 29.10.1998 - - -
"Suitcase v3.5. Jokaisen Magic the Gatheringiä pelaavan unelmaohjelma korttien lajitteluun. Sisältää kaikkien korttisarjojen tiedot uusimpaa Urzas Saga -laajennusta myöten. Windows 95/98/NT."
29101 TEMPEST.TXT 106,2 kt 13.10.1997 - - -
"The Magic Dojos Tempest spoiler list."
29100 TEMPESTO.TXT 80,3 kt 24.11.1997 - - -
The Official Tempest Card List from http://www.wizards.com/Magic/
69519 UDCK212S.ZIP 506316 18.03.1996 - 12811/aol-file-protocol-4400-2701-to-2800.zip -
*UltraDeck 2.12 ])=- the ultimate
software for Magic: The Gathering
players.  Need I say more?
29102 UDCK214R.ZIP 929,5 kt 19.07.1997 - 22548/GAMBLERCD19.BIN -
UltraDeck 2.14. The ultimate software for Magic the Gathering players. Nyt FreeWarena.
29103 VIS2.ZIP 8,5 kt 02.03.1997 - - -
Visions Full Spoilers (v2.0) - Kaikki edellisen version kirjoitusvirheet ja muut mokat korjattu. Muotoilu parempi.
29104 WEATHER.TXT 23,8 kt 11.06.1997 koko¹ ratsnest3.iso -
29125 GALCIV2D.ZIP 1417610 31.10.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Galactic Civilizations v. 2.0 Demo
29126 MOTEINF.ZIP 254033 17.11.1996 - - -
Master of the Empire - kolme kuvaa sekä
esittely pelistä Stardockin kotisivulta.
29127 BUGSD102.ZIP 933,7 kt 15.12.1997 - - -
"PlusPak: B.U.G.S. (Bills Unbelievable Ghastly Spaceships) DEMO for OS/2 v1.02."
29128 TOBDEMO.ZIP 4,1 Mt 17.01.1997 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
Trials of Battle demo for OS/2 - 11/25/96 First person multiplayer action game for OS/2. Pilot your armored hovercraft over a realistic 3D terrain against pilots from three alien races. Can you be the first human to reach the rank of Battle Master?
29129 TOBMOVIE.ZIP 5105925 10.11.1996 - - -
Trials of Battle - Stardockin tulevan
OS/2-pelin AVI-näyteanimaatio.
29130 LINKSOS2.ZIP 1,5 Mt 04.05.1997 - - -
Links OS/2:n, Stardockin OS/2:lle kääntämän Access Softwaren golfpelin kuvia.
31459 LEMDEMOF.ZIP 985456 31.10.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Lemmings for OS/2 final demo.
33452 SIM2KOS2.ZIP 678398 31.10.1996 - - -
Sim City 2000 for OS/2:n kuvia.
33723 TOBPICS.ZIP 180942 31.10.1996 - - -
Stardockin Trials of Battlen kuvia.
29131 DEPMV106.ZIP 327447 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DoomEdit/PM, OS/2 PM DOOM map editor
29132 QBSPOS2.ZIP 161217 31.10.1996 - os2sharewarebbs.zip -
Quake: *** QBSP v29 Binaries for OS/2
29133 ZEN096.ZIP 245145 31.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
ZenNode 0.96:  An extremely fast NODES
builder for OS/2, DOS & Win32. Merges
multiple WADs into a single WAD file.
Rebuilds NODES and/or BLOCKMAP for any or all
levels in a WAD file. Supports DOOM, DOOM II,
Heretic, and HEXEN.
29134 GC2-FAQ1.ZIP 107922 31.10.1996 - - -
Galactic Civilizations 2 FAQ.
64382 GALCHT.ZIP 10641 31.10.1996 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
Galactic Civilizations Save Game Editor
29135 PMICS2B2.ZIP 772,6 kt 12.10.1997 - 2462/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 8).iso -
PMICS v2.0 beta. An OS/2 Warp interface for playing chess vie the numerous chess servers found on the Internet.
29136 QSPY2-B1.ZIP 36,3 kt 14.07.1997 renamed 21540/07-Games.zip -
"QuakeSpy/2 0.76á. This is the first public beta of QuakeSpy/2. QuakeSpy/2 is a utility that lists response timenumber of playersrulesetc playing on a running Quake server. QuakeSpy/2 is in no way associated with the well known QuakeSpy for Windows 95we just couldnt think of a better name."
29137 MG102.ZIP 99,8 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
MasterGear 1.0.2 - Sega Master System/Game Gear emulator for OS/2
29138 WAM101.RAR 81771 04.11.1996 - - -
Wack-A-Mole carnival game for OS/2, v1.01
29139 2KOS2FIX.ZIP 1032054 31.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
SimCity 2000 for OS/2 Warp update.
29140 BUGSO156.ZIP 400,5 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
B.U.G.S. version 1.56 for OS/2 update
29141 ENT13OS2.ZIP 3,2 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Entrepreneur version 1.3 for OS/2 update
29143 GC214B.ZIP 1005343 31.10.1996 - - -
Galactic Civilizations II update 2.14
29142 GC214B2.ZIP 952412 31.10.1996 - 22642/cd joy 75 No17.iso -
Galactic Civilizations II v2.14b2 udpate
29144 GCDISK.ZIP 921071 31.10.1996 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Galactic Civilizations II V2.0.1
29145 GCFIX05.ZIP 1294332 31.10.1996 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Galactic Civilisations fix #5
29146 GCXFIX.ZIP 1012,5 kt 16.10.1997 versio 2.91 24017/1998-01_Disc_3.10.iso -
Galactic Civilizations II expansion pack 1.1 update OS/2
29147 LNKSFK1.ZIP 617,3 kt 12.09.1997 - 24017/1998-01_Disc_3.10.iso -
Links for OS/2 Fixkit 1 v1.3.
29148 TFIX2.ZIP 180,2 kt 19.05.1997 - 21563/30-fixes_v.zip -
Vigilance on Talos V for OS/2 fix #2
29149 TFIX3.ZIP 303,6 kt 03.09.1998 - - -
Vigilance on Talos V for OS/2 fix #3 update
29150 WAR2OS2.ZIP 33222 31.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Warcraft II fix for OS/2 users (inofficial)
29151 3DMORRIS.ZIP 2,3 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
"3D Morris v1.05 by Grigore Computers Board strategy game. The object is to place stones on the board to form three in a row. When you get three in a rowyou can remove an opponents piece. The object is to reduce your opponent to two men or frustrate his ability to move. The game has excellent graphicssoundand music options during play; a tutorial and help file; computer or human opponent play. TCP/IP multiplayer. Windows 9598or NT"
29152 GWA281V1.ZIP 477,7 kt 14.07.1997 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
GW-Angband 2.8.1v1 OS/2, A variant of Angband. For some details, see the online help files.
29153 NETHK321.ZIP 830224 03.12.1996 - 4392/Cream of the Crop 20 (Terry Blount) (1996).iso -
Nethack for OS/2 v3.21.
29154 NH322OS2.ZIP 866421 25.12.1996 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
Nethack 3.22 for OS/2.
29155 OM2_802.ZIP 425518 04.11.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Omega for OS/2 Ver.0.80.2. A rogue-like
multi-dungeon game which runs on IBM OS/2
60878 ARCADE95.ZIP 773157 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Penny's Arcade Windows 95. Complete Shooting
Gallery of Fun. Has sound and 256 color
rendered graphics.
61324 BEMDEMO.ZIP 2128064 31.10.1996 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
Bug Eyed Monster from Outer Space:
Internetin, modeemin tai 0-kaapelin avulla
pelattava strategiapeli OS/2:lle.
63094 DOOMOS2.ZIP 2499549 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Doom for OS/2 1.6b  This is a beta-version so
don't knock anyone down for stability issues.
Copy your own DOOM.WAD and DOOM1.WAD into the
directory and .... have fun
66329 MROIDS09.ZIP 906924 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
A shoot'em-up game running as a
PM-program for up to four players.
66330 MROIDS10.ZIP 937298 18.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
MASTERROIDS is a shoot'em-up game running as
PM-program for up to four players. You are fl
a spacecraft and have to destroy comets (or w
ever they are), fight against aliens and grab
extras, work in team,... {Replaces: MROIDS09.
68637 SS2012B.ZIP 530670 04.11.1996 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
$Sheriff vers0.12b FOR OS/2 WARP. You are the
$Sheriff and your task is to protect the BANK
of the town. Kill the bad guys, spare the
innocent people, (sounds simple but it is
70132 WOR.ZIP 50088 21.03.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Wizard of Wor, the C64 classic game converted
to OS/2 Presentation Manager
29156 ADDDB.ZIP 69812 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Adddb (Adddb.EXE) is a 32-Bit, Native OS/2
Presentation Manager Program That Provides
Intuitive, Fast Gui Management For Advanced
Dungeons & Dragons.
29157 GROSS2.ZIP 39489 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
OS/2 Small text adventure game.
29158 NH313.ZIP 719433 31.10.1996 - 13460/os2_94.zip -
NetHack for OS/2
29159 VEG2-101.ZIP 1,2 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
VEGAS II v1.01  *** FREEWARE *** Uusi hieno hedelmäpeli a la Las Vegas * True Color -grafiikat * Uutuutena kympin panos. Päävoitto 1000:- * Windows 95, 800x600/256
29160 WERWOLF.RAR 352049 04.11.1996 - - -
Werfolf "the beginning of the helicopter
simulation" by Wolfgang F. Engel
CIS:101527,3124  32bit OS/2 application using
29161 ASLT12A.ZIP 627131 31.10.1996 - OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Assault I : The Beginning, v 1.2a A 2 player
(via TCPIP) strategy/ wargame.  Simple, yet
exciting.  A cross between Stratego, Chess,
and a hex based wargame.  Requires TCPIP and
800x600x256 or better video display.
29162 MATRIX11.ZIP 96673 31.10.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Matrix v1.1 an OS/2 PM strategy game for two
players. Completely configurable. Warning:
might be addictive.
29163 OS2GAMES.ZIP 383038 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Uudet 32-bittiset ja siistimmät
versiot OS/2:n shakki- ja pasianssi-
peleistä. Englanninkieliset.
29164 OVER090.ZIP 194296 31.10.1996 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
Overthrow v0.90.
29165 PMWOV10A.ZIP 117810 13.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Robin Raymond's PM War Over
Villages v1.0a. This program is an OS/2
PM Game allowing users to play war games
against other players or agaist the computer.
29166 UCHESS17.ZIP 183,3 kt 17.04.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
UChess v1.17GA. A Pentium optimized OS/2 32 bit Chess Program by Roger Uzun. UChess is based on gnuchess 4PL74 with several enhancements designed to strengthen its play.
31457 AQUANAUT.ZIP 229050 07.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Aquanaut! an arcade game for OS/2
Aquanaut is a fast paced arcade-type
game for OS/2.  It makes full use of
MMPM/2 for extensive sound effects
and background music.
29167 BILOS161.ZIP 1,2 Mt 01.01.1998 - - -
Billy v1.27 demo for OS/2, 1/4.
29168 BILOS162.ZIP 1,3 Mt 01.01.1998 - - -
Billy v1.27 demo for OS/2, 2/4.
29169 BILOS163.ZIP 661,8 kt 01.01.1998 - - -
Billy v1.27 demo for OS/2, 3/4.
29170 BILOS164.ZIP 366,3 kt 01.01.1998 - - -
Billy v1.27 demo for OS/2, 4/4.
29171 FERB10.ZIP 122966 31.10.1996 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
Ferbal is an arcade-style action game
where the objective is to defend a
planet from waves of incoming hostile
forces.  As a native OS/2 Presentation
Manager game, Ferbal is able to take
advantage of many of OS/2's features to
provide fast, fun gameplay without
eating up a lot of valuable disk space.
Ferbal requires the use of a mouse (or
other similar pointing device).
29172 KOULESB3.ZIP 205004 31.10.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Koules for OS/2. A fast action arcade game
29173 MAKMAN10.ZIP 321487 31.10.1996 - 23364/Chip_1997-10_cd.bin -
MakMan/2 v1.00. PacMan clone for OS/2 PM.
Fearuting DIVE and MMPM2 support. Requires at
least 800x600 resolution.
29174 REBOUND.ZIP 765,8 kt 17.02.1997 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
Rebound is fullscreen (does not use Dive) game for OS/2. Rebound is a simple version of the game Pong.
29175 ROIDS23.ZIP 229554 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
arcade-style space demolition game for PM
29105 BCTWAR90.ZIP 32842 31.10.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Bacteria War for OS/2
version 0.90
29106 CC20033B.ZIP 69,2 kt 12.09.1997 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
Chinese checkers v0.33b (freeware).
29107 CFSPOKER.ZIP 3,2 Mt 19.05.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
CFSPoker is a commercial quality computer software program for OS/2 2.1, 2.11, or Warp (3.0 or 4.0). CFSPoker is distributed with 1,000 bonus credits. The game is unrestricted in its use until your credits diminish to 0. At that time, a key, available from C F S Nevada, Inc. for $34.95, is required to re-enable the game. CFSPoker presentation and operation resembles the current, generally available International Game Technology, Sigma Games, and Ballys video games. Home
29108 ENTRTN27.ZIP 1512208 31.10.1996 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
Entertainment Pack for OS/2 - collection of
multimedia games for OS/2 Warp including
Battleship, Backgammon, Checkers, Connect
Four, Eleven, Galaxy, Greed, Golf, King 'n
Ace, Master Mind, Memory, Mine, Othello, Pac,
Peaks, Pegged, Poker, Puzzle, Pyramid,
Roulette, Scrooge, Store, Tetravex, Tetris,
Tic Tac Toe, Towers and Worm. Shareware(US$
35 - all form of payments)
29109 FMCRD27.ZIP 369798 31.10.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
<<<< Card Games I for OS/2, Version 2.7 >>>>
This is the suite of 9 solitaire card games
developed by Felix Maschek. - Now with
several variations of Klondike. - English and
German language support. - PM-program for
easy installation. - ShareWare (fee: USD 28,-
or DM 35,-). - Fully functional and
unlimited. - Very addictive! <<<<<<<<< Have
fun with the games! >>>>>>>>>
29110 FMCRD303.ZIP 840758 13.11.1996 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
Card Games for OS/2, V3.0.3 This is the suite
of 12 solitaire card games developed by Felix
Maschek. New: FreeCell, Arachnid and Klondike
104! English and German language support.
PM-program for easy installation. Optimized
for WARP V3 and later. Fully functional and
29111 FMCRD320.ZIP 818,4 kt 14.07.1997 - 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar -
Card Games for OS/2, Version 3.2. This is the suite of 13 solitaire card games developed by Felix Maschek. New: King Solitaire, FreeCell, Arachnid! English and German language support. PM-program for easy installation. Optimized for WARP V3 and later. Fully functional and unlimited. Nice artworks and background patterns! Very addictive! Shareware.
29112 M3DARC.ZIP 56575 31.10.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Native OS/2 PM Minesweeper Game with 3D
Version and solvable (!!!) Games.
29113 MAH21DE.ZIP 286767 31.10.1996 - 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO -
Mahjongg 2.1F for OS/2. Customizable tiles,
Different boards & Backgrounds Tournament
mode, Statistics, Full 32 bit implementation,
Shareware US $25
29114 MATRIX13.ZIP 94,9 kt 04.05.1997 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
Matrix v1.3 an OS/2 PM strategy game for two players. Completely configurable. Warning: might be addictive.
29115 MEMGAM22.ZIP 222,4 kt 21.07.1997 - - -
Memory Game for OS/2 ver. 1.2 - Shareware. Card matching game with 32 beautiful, 300dpi, 256 color dinosaur pictures. Designed to work with Speech Navigation (Warp 4.0). Now supports 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions and keeps track of top score and background. Registered version with more picture themes and options available for only $5.00. Register by e-mail or Compuserve GO SWREG. E-mail: 73322.2045@compuserve.com
29116 MINE3D.ZIP 52,1 kt 23.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
MINE3D: 3D Logic Minesweeper
29117 OIL132.ZIP 371696 25.12.1996 - 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso -
OIL v1.32. A shareware game for OS/2.
Complete the pipeline in the given time.
29118 OILOS2.ZIP 384446 14.01.1997 - - -
OIL is a shareware game for OS/2. Complete
the pipeline in the given time. Shareware
Version 1.31 If you already have a full
version of OIL below version 1.3, please
delete the file  OIL.SCR before starting the
new version.
29119 PMGO12.ZIP 267693 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
PMGo v1.2 -- The game of go for OS/2
29120 SEAHAV22.ZIP 283496 31.10.1996 - monster94.zip/monster2.zip -
Seahaven Towers -pasianssi OS/2:lle
68739 STRS_145.ZIP 69926 31.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Straub's Tetris V1.45 (20.4.1996)
Straub's Tetris also known as STris
is a small but lovely Tetris-Clone
for OS/2.
29121 STRS-145.ZIP 70263 31.10.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Straub's Tetris V1.45 (20.4.1996) also known
as STris is a small but lovely Tetris-Clone
for OS/2.
29122 TOYLAND.ZIP 2,5 Mt 17.04.1997 versio 1.0 22923/pcwoct96.zip -
Toyland OS/2 v1.1. Toyland is a puzzle game for OS/2. Toyland requires OS/2 2.x or Warp. To play with sound you need MMOS/2. To use voice control you need OS/2 Warp 4
69259 TOYLND9.ZIP 2106708 31.10.1996 - 4392/Cream of the Crop 20 (Terry Blount) (1996).iso -
Toyland OS/2 0.9 - Toyland is a puzzle game
for OS/2. Toyland requires OS/2 2.x or Warp.
To play with sound you need MMOS/2.
29123 TRIPL107.ZIP 161 kt 12.10.1997 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
Triples. A tetrislike shareware game for OS/2 v1.07.
29124 WTRIS101.ZIP 171,1 kt 12.09.1997 - 21540/07-Games.zip -
(v1.01) WarpTris - FREEWARE WarpTris is a Freeware, 32bit Multi-Threaded Tetris like game for OS/2 Warp. Instead of tiles droping from top to bottom they appear at the middle of the game window, and then start falling towards on side of it randomly. This enables you to make lines all around the game window. This release adds Num Lock independence and corrects some minor bugs that existed on WarpTris 1.0. Author:pcamara@geocities.com
29176 1W773.ZIP 83,3 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 Cathay Pacific/Oneworld Boeing 777-300 Registration B-HNH. Based in Hong Kong, Cathay Pacific is the launch customer to Boeing\'s 777-300, and B-HNH is the first one on earth. It has since formed an alliance with British, Qantas, American, Finnair and Canadian, naming it "Oneworld". The alliance is real, but the plane is fictitious. Includes landing lights and cabin lighting. By Jeffrey Lung.
29177 2AMGAME.A01 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 2/5
29178 2AMGAME.A02 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 3/5
29179 2AMGAME.A03 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 4/5
29180 2AMGAME.A04 947,8 kt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 5/5
29181 2AMGAME.ARJ 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club client v1.03d by 2AM Inc. 2AM Game Club is an Internet gaming network with a unique approach. Putting the emphasis on the "multiplayer" in "multiplayer gaming", 2AM aims to bring people together for competition and fun on the Internet. Use this client to play all of 2AM\'s multiplayer-tailored games from Checkers and Backgammon to Alliance & Defiance, Invisible Hand and so on. Windows 95.
29182 752AY5P1.ZIP 206,4 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS5/FSFS Finnair Boeing 757-200 (Pro Series) 1.01 Features a more realistic texture on the fuselage, more night lighting, including tail light Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. Wings designer: Bill Alderson
29183 752AY8P1.ZIP 157,1 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 Finnair Boeing 757-200 (Pro Series) 1.01 Features a more realistic texture on the fuselage, more night lighting, including tail light Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. Wings designer: Bill Alderson
29184 AABATSIM.ZIP 1,9 Mt 20.01.1999 - - tupla
Axis & Allies Battle Simulator v1.0 Understand and predict the outcome of battles. One of the most flexible, informative, and easy-to-use battle simulators available. Freeware. By Jeff Carey. Windows 95.
29188 AS_CARDM.ZIP 177,7 kt 25.11.1999 - - tupla
AS Card Maker With this you can easily make your own Card Deck for AS Card Games. The most time consuming part is finding pictures you want and then converting them in Bitmap Format. After that  you can make the very fast. Program automatically resize images to fit in one card. Note if your pictures width is greater than height , pictures will lose their aspects. Windows 95 By AS Games aki.suuronen@pp.phnet.fi Windows 95.
29189 AVPLNC10.ZIP 219,4 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
Aliens Vs Predator Launcher v1.0 By Leinen Software. You can now start the game into any level, you can change the rendering device and the resolution, settings are now permanently stored so AvP recognizes them every time, (even if you do not start it with the launcher) and a small error fixed that caused it to not run on some computers. Windows 95
29190 BACKTALY.ZIP 2 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
BackgammonTally V1.0 BY PC Guru free database for the serious backgammon player, which lets you maintain a record of every game played. Windows 95, 98, or NT
29193 BFC-PB2F.ZIP 1,9 Mt 15.09.1998 - - tupla
Battlefield Communicator Public Beta 2 Version 0.9 allows real-time voice communication during multiplayer games. Supports for example Quake 2, GLQuake, QuakeWorld, Sin, Diablo, and Fighter Ace. ShadowFactor Software Inc.
29196 BZCFG11.ZIP 185,3 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
Battle Zone Configuration Utility v1.1 from Leinen Software Development was designed to help troubleshooting and optimizing the rendering performance of Battle Zone. It lets you change the graphic settings from within a comfortable user interface e.g. Mip-Mapping, Triple-Buffering, Alpha Blending, Texture and Sprite pre-loading and many more. Win95
29197 BZCP130.ZIP 217,8 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone utility: Bz Command Center v1.3 Battlezone Frontend Map Loader A nifty little utility by Willie Goebel that lets you skip all the drudgery of typing in all that command line stuff everytime you want to play one of those cool (IA) maps.. line correct. One of the most indespensable tools you will ever use..
29198 BZFLAGS1.ZIP 62,7 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone accessory: Multiplayer Flags v1.1 Over 300 multiplayer Flags to chose from, all conviently zipped up and ready for browsing.
29199 BZFRAC04.ZIP 179,4 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone utility: BzFrac vr04a Battlezone Fractal Landscape Generator uses a fractal algorithm to automatically generate .HGT files to be used by the game Battlezone. & even simpler said "it makes maps"
29200 BZWHEEL.ZIP 140 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone utility: BZ Wheel lets you use your scroll wheel mouse with Battlezone.. now you can use the scroll function to act as keyboard commands, its like adding two new buttons to your mouse, instructions are included with the program, and a sample input.map file to get you going quickly.
29201 CAMOCM10.ZIP 976,5 kt 13.05.1998 - MBCD tupla
Camo Commander - utility for F/A-18 Korea. Lets you select from any of 10 available camouflaged aircraft for both the US Navy and Marine Corps, and a number of world air forces, including Canada, Switzerland and Spain. Game Tool Technologies. Win95.
29202 CART1998.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.09.1999 - - tupla
Cart 1998 Päivitetyt 1998 kauden ajajalistat Cart Presicion Racingiin. Uusia ajajia mm. JJ Lehto ja Arnd Meier.
29204 CC2MAPIN.ZIP 2,9 Mt 20.01.1999 - - tupla
Close Combat 2 utility: MAP-INST 1.0 Map installer. Install user made maps into CC2. Postcard-ware
29205 CC3CMANG.ZIP 486,6 kt 13.03.1999 - - tupla
Close Combat III utility. Configuration Manager. Install and uninstall patches and mods with a single mouse click.
29206 CC3CONFM.ZIP 486,6 kt 19.03.1999 - - tupla
Close Combat III Configuration Manager Install and uninstall patches and mods with a single mouse click.
29207 CCAP200.ZIP 641,1 kt 05.06.1998 - - tupla
Chess Captor v2.0 by Michiel Magnee Utility. Brings the convenience of Windows to the creating of chess diagrams. Features: Fully configurable chess board: Determine how you want the chess board to look: gridlines, borders, squares, colors, coordenates, orientation, backgrounds etc., support for headers and footers in chess diagrams: set up chess positions in no time, move pieces smootly over the board... Windows 95
29212 CHECKTLY.ZIP 2 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
CheckersTally by PC Guru Free database for the serious checkers player, which lets you maintain a record of every game played. It provides fields for description, location, result, opponent, and game/match date and time. You also have an area to record freeform notes. Windows 95, 98, or NT
29213 CHESSTLY.ZIP 2 Mt 09.07.1999 - - tupla
Chess Tally v1.0.1 by PC Guru Utility. Free program for the serious chess player. Now you can maintain a record of every game played, against who, and what the outcome was. Windows 95, 98, or NT
29214 CMX16.ZIP 304 kt 26.05.1998 - 22551/GAMBLERCD21A.BIN tupla
Championship Manager 97 X-Plorer utility
29216 CREAOB12.ZIP 364 kt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures CyberLife Object Pack 1+2
29217 CREAOBSK.ZIP 671,8 kt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures Observation Kit This Applet shows a list of all of your Norns in one list together with their status. Options allow you to set alarms for when Norns become ill, or pregnant, and you can even set the window to remain on top where you can see it. The Observation Kit needs Creatures 1.01 or greater. As recommended by the Creatures Team.
29218 CREAPREK.ZIP 2,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures - The Genetics Preview Kit is a new Creatures Applet for viewing Creature genotypes. It can be used either as stand-alone product, or in conjunction with the Creatures product. Creatures is required in order to see the results of any Genotypes
29219 CUBIXX.ZIP 1,6 Mt 23.12.1998 - - tupla
"Cubixx v2.5.5 by Paul Thomson Are you one of those people out there who has a Rubiks Cube collecting dust because you just cant solve it and you think taking it apart and putting it back together is cheating? Wellthenthis is the program for you. Cubixx lets you create your cubeexactly as it appearson your PC. Simply fill in the colors as they appear and click solve. Windows 9598or NT"
29220 D3V10.ZIP 40,3 kt 19.08.1999 - - -
Descent 3 View This Descent 3 Viewer uses OpenGL and allows you to view the robots and objects in Descent3. All that and its so small even a 14.4 modem laughs at it! Windows 95.
29224 DHC6_KOG.ZIP 90,4 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 DHC-6-300 Twin OtterSTOL fixed-wing, twin engine aircraft (registration sign OH-KOG).This aircraft has been 
used since 1980 for aerogeophysical measurements.The aircraft is owned and 
maintenanced by Finnair Company. The subsidiary of Finnair, Malmilento Oy, 
is the operator. Original by Barry Blaisdell. Aerogeophysical measure-equipment 
and repaint by Mikko Maliniemi.
29225 DIERLLR.ZIP 870,4 kt 05.06.1998 - - tupla
DieRoller v3.2 by Alex C. Cole Utility. Roll the dice with Die Roller. Calculates the results each time you roll the dice, and allows you to modify each roll. Windows 95
29226 DINKDMOD.ZIP 14,5 Mt 25.11.1999 - MBHH2000 tupla
"Dink Smallwood D-MODSnew worlds/adventures for the full version. Includes: The Search For Milli VanilliThe Scar of DavidDinks Doppleganger Full 2.1The Ninth LockThe RozarusElemental PeaceSword of ParanorThe SlaughterhousePointlessDinkopolisMystery IslandDinkanoidDinkZillaProphecy of the AncientsDink ArenaLost In Dink."
29230 DMDSETUP.ZIP 977,7 kt 10.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Dynamic Mission Designer for Su-27 Flanker V1.0 mission planning utility for use with SSI/Mindscapes excellent flight simulation, Su-27 Flanker. By Game Tool Technologies. Windows 95
29233 DOA-MAN.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.11.1999 - - tupla
Dawn of Aces ManualThe complete, official manual and guide to the megaplayer World War I online flying simulator. How to play, how to fly, how to fight and survive. How to use the commands, what they mean, everything you need to get up and stay there included. PDF-format. You need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, that you can get for free http://www.adobe.com - select Get Acrobat Reader, and then follow the instructions on the screen. http://www.ientertainmentnetwork.com
29241 EAWCTL16.ZIP 793,4 kt 27.09.1999 - - tupla
"European Air War Control v1.6 will help those who dont like fiddling with the ini file in EAW. You can select your preferred resolution/multiplayer settings and run the game. The multiplayer sliders should help those with serious lag/internet problems although you will need to experiment. Requirements: European Air War v1.1"
29242 EAWPIXP.ZIP 4,9 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
European Air War Paint Kit Microprose has made available a European Air War Paint Kit. The Kit allows you to create your own plane textures, cockpits, and even Terrain! Windows 95.
29243 EAWSKINN.ZIP 12,4 kt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
European Air War EAW Skin Utility.
29244 EGN153A.EXE 1,1 Mt 19.06.1998 - - tupla
EGN ENTERnet global network Preview 153a EGN on pelikaverien etsimiseen tarkoitettu icq klooni joka tukee useampia pelejä kuin icq ja tukee winampista tuttua skinin vaihto tekniikkaa.
29245 ELF95403.ZIP 785,3 kt 12.10.1999 - 22446/XENIATGM82.iso tupla
ELF x WINSOCK  Advanced, programmable, fast and user-friendly client for playing MUDs. MACROs, VARs, ALIASes, TRIGGERs, full mouse support, sounds, logs, scroll-buffer, full ANSI colour support, user definable windows, encryption, wizards, support for multiple instances. Automatic TICK recognition for faster HP/MANA/MOV regain. Fully configurable. Works with winsock and Win 3.1/Win 3.11/WfW/OS/2/Win 95. This program is freely distributable. Cheap registration fee:
29251 F182GTT.ZIP 42,4 kt 10.06.1998 - 22574/GAMBLERCD32B.BIN tupla
F/A-18 Korea Camo Commander utility, FREEBIE: Canadian CF-18 based on 410 Cougars Squadron Commemorative colors.
29252 F1RSIMCA.ZIP 161,7 kt 16.03.1998 - - tupla
"UbiSoftin F1 Racing Simulationiin vuoden98 autojen graffat. Tarvitset Arturo Bazin F1RS Editorinjotta voisit käyttää näitä. Sen saat MBnetistä nimellä F1RSEdit.zip."
29259 FSCONV.EXE 481,9 kt 02.11.1997 - 24023/1997-05_Disc_3.2.iso tupla
Flight Shop converter to Flight Simulator for Windows 95 (Converts FSFS planes compatible with FSW95)
29258 FSCONV98.EXE 1,5 Mt 09.04.1998 - 22298/VPR9902A.BIN tupla
Konekonvertteri Microsoftin Flight Simulator 98:lle. Tällä tiedostolla pystyt helposti muuntamaan Flight Shop -yhteensopivat lentokoneet FS 98:lle. Muuntaa myös adventuret eli "seikkailut".
29260 FSCOURSE.ZIP 2,1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - tupla
"Flight Simulator Course Plot How many times have you launched fs and taken off from Meigs Field and landed in Ohare? Do you see yourself doing a bunch of touch-n-gos? calculate the various NAV radios from any two airports in the United States. If you like European flightshow about a flight from Athens Greece to Heathrow Intl in London all pre-calculated for you? over 3700+ airports6500+ Nav Radiosand 12300+ runways COVERED. Win95."
29261 FUZZYDIE.ZIP 2,4 Mt 24.12.1998 - - tupla
"Fuzzy Dice! v2.51 by Grog Inc. Dice-rolling program thats packed with features. In addition to rolling any number of dice with any number of sides (up to 500)it can keep statistics and features well rounded AD&D character generator. Windows 95"
29262 GAMEINST.A01 2,9 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer 2/4
29263 GAMEINST.A02 2,9 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer 3/4
29264 GAMEINST.A03 1,2 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer 4/4
29265 GAMEINST.ARJ 2,9 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer from JC Research, Inc. 1/4 Installs from different multiplayer game packs into your computer: other is a group of three different Internet board games, other is action game called Mission Chameleon, where you infiltrate bug/machine colonies in a disguised war craft to destroy the bugs. Windows 95. Board games work through their own game server.
29266 GCTRIAL.ZIP 4,6 Mt 02.10.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
"Game Commander trial version Simpleyet somewhat powerful little voice recognition program for gamers and especially to flight simulation fans. The trial version allows you to evaluate Game Commander for 90 days before plunking down your hard-earned money. Try it on your favorite games and then order the full product. The programs use is quite intuitiveand the instructions are easy. Windows 95microphone"
29267 GGRID22.ZIP 2,9 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
GamesGrid Backgammon Internetpelin yhteysohjelman Versio 2.2 Windows 95-versio.
29268 GL3D-150.ZIP 4 Mt 14.07.1999 - - tupla
"GameLaunch 3D 1.5 Front-end for configuring 3D action gamesuseful for beginners and hardcore gamers alike. Itll configure your 3D card for speed or beauty with just the press of a button. You can create and manage multiple keyboard configurations with drag-and-drop interface. All your preferences are saved for laterand you can even combine GameLaunch with GameSpy to connect to online games. Supports Quake 3QuakeQWorldQ2Hexen II/HworldUnrea etc"
29269 GM95-136.ZIP 545,4 kt 30.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
GameMenu95 v1.36 - Windows95 Front-end loader for Duke3D, Quake, Doom2, Blood, Strife, Descent, Heteric, Hexen,  Terminal Velocity, Rise of the Triads, PowerSlave, Redneck Ramapge, Shadow Warrior etc. Launch a selected level, episode, or user-define map in single or multi-player mode. Launch game or editor with selected map/wad/bsp/rtl file. ETC.
29270 GP2ASTR.ZIP 2,8 kt 09.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
GP2 Always Save Track Records (GP2ASTR) Version 1.0
29271 GP2CCPE.ZIP 12,7 kt 09.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
"GP2 Computer cars performance editor ver. 1.1 for Microproses Grand Prix 2. This small utility allow you to change some GP2 settings like: maximum engine power in sessionsdriversgrip and car failures."
29273 GP2MISC.ZIP 6,8 kt 09.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
GP2 Misc Editor (GP2Misc) Version 1.0 1 - Change pitlane speedlimit 2 - Change number of laps in a 100% race 3 - Spectacular crashes
29277 GRREL21.ZIP 6,3 Mt 08.11.1999 - - tupla
"Grand Realm Tools v2.1.9016by Kevin Wilson GRT is helper utility for the Sierra online game called The Realm. GRT is designed and distributed to enhance game play and the gaming experience of those playing The Realm. Features quick-reference Realm Maps; full set of quick-reference Realm Information tables; Address BookIgnore List etc. Sierras The Realm and Windows 95"
29279 GUNCAM.ZIP 101,8 kt 30.08.1999 - - tupla
GunCamera Rev 0.50 990217 WarBirds utility. Capture screenshots to animated gif movie as you fly the simulation. This program can run in background and capture screen when fire button(s) are pressed. It may work for other games too. Works on 2D and certain 3D cards, like TNT.
29281 H2_UTILS.EXE 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen 2 utilities, contains level processing programs like QBSP, LIGHT and VIS, and HCC (HexenC)
29282 H3KACD10.ZIP 1 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Air Combat Designer for FA-18 Korea v1.0 By Game Tool Technologies. PC based random mission generator designed to work with Graphic Simulations excellent flight sim, FA-18 Korea. ACDH3K instantly creates complex air to air missions. Users can choose any of a number of global and flight level variables to modify the current scenario. Windows 95.
29283 HALFSKIN.ZIP 944,9 kt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Half-Life Skin Installer .8 Created to make the installation of skins and models a snap. There are more than 350 custom skins/models for Half-Life and the number grows each day. To install such a large number of skins/models is no trivial task. What would normally take hours to do can now be accomplished in a few minutes with the Skin Installer for Half-Life. Windows 95, 98, or NT
29285 HICIVGAL.ZIP 164,1 kt 25.02.1999 - - tupla
"HiCiV (Galyavov) by Igor Galyavov Keep track of your civilizations progress (and the other ones too) in your Civilization II game with HiCiV. This is a useful utility that keeps watch over your civilization and writes out your history. Keeps track of populationgoldcitiesand science levels. Req. Civilization II and Windows 9598or NT"
29286 HKP15.ZIP 504,3 kt 11.04.1998 - - tupla
Hornet Korea Paintkit and Landscaper Add on tool for flight simulation Hornet: Korea by Graphic Simulations. Note: THIS PROGRAM ONLY WORKS FOR 3DFX USERS Windows95 menu driven program that allows you to choose between 5 different military paint schemes for the F/A 18 Hornet.
29287 HLLA10.ZIP 208,7 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
Half-Life Launcher v1.0 By Leinen Software. Three of the single-player maps and the hazard course, which were missing in the first version, have been added. The add-on games can now also be started into their first levels (if defined).
29288 HLLAUNCH.ZIP 1,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
Half-Life Launcher v1.0 Free utility that launches the game Half-Life with optional command lines. Half-Life, 32 MB RAM, Pentium 166, and Windows 95, 98, or NT
29289 HLLPRUN.ZIP 2,1 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Half-Life Launchpad 1.0 utility. Features WON support, online help, bug fixes and more.
29290 HVIEW11.ZIP 1,5 Mt 31.03.1997 - - -
Missionforce: Cyberstorm HERCview tool created by James Parker. This will allow you to load and print out custom HERC designs.
29292 IEN_SAS.ZIP 10,7 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"iEN SAS system software (SAS). For iEN online gaming systemhttp://www.ieonlinet.net Required to play iENs other online multiplayer games online. Windows 95."
29294 IMPGALCH.ZIP 613 tavua 21.04.1997 - 22584/Hrac_11_1997-05_cd.bin -
Imperium Galactica (Editor)
29301 LEVEL30.ZIP 2,7 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
Level 3.0 on Duke Nukem 3D:hen lisättävä tasolen harppaus ohjelma. Voit valita episodin, tason ja vaikeusasteen todella helposti. Kaiken lisäksi tämä on freewarea.
29307 MCRDCNTR.ZIP 896,6 kt 04.06.1998 - - tupla
"Maries Card Counter v1.0 by Marie T. Taillon - card game utility. The main goal of Maries Card Counter is to improve your mental ability to remember the cards in any card game. This little software can make a huge differencewhen you play cards. Now you can remember all the cards that have been playedand its so easy!. Windows 95"
29309 MHSER15.ZIP 181,9 kt 16.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Motorhead dedicated server 1.5, June 17, 1998 (C)Digital Illusions 1998 Motorhead dedicated server for use with the p1.4 client. Run your own Motorhead servers on LAN or Internet. Max. 12 players.
29310 MIDISWIC.ZIP 541,1 kt 23.01.1999 - - tupla
"MIDI-Switch by Mike Cicco If youre disappointed with the background music of your favorite gameuse MIDI-Switch to customize it by switching the gamesoriginal MIDI files with your own. Simply pick any one of the games MIDI filesselect your replacement MIDI fileand click Replace. Windows 95"
29314 MM_FULL.ZIP 1,5 Mt 10.04.1999 - - tupla
"HOMM III Monster Mash Version 1.3.0 small utility for viewing the CreatureSkillSpelland Artifact descriptions found in New World Computings hit strategy gameHeroes of Might & Magic IIIAKA HOMM III. Windows 95 Copyright © 1998-99 Paul H. SoaresJr."
29317 MOMLOAD.ZIP 17,5 kt 06.05.1998 - - tupla
Master of Magic QuickLoader v1.02 utility by Ben Esacove - uses Wizards.exe to load a Master of Magic savegame quickly. freeware. Win95.
29318 MORETX22.ZIP 73,3 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
Airline Textures (twin-engine) pack II. A collection of additional texture files for use with JETS2.ZIP. Airlines included: Air Afrique, Air Transat (NC), British Airways (OC), Canadian (NC), Continental, Continental Micronesia, China Eastern, China Southern, Finnair (NC), JAL, KLM, LAM, Lufthansa, Northwest, Shuttle by United, TACV, United, as well as the "Grupo TACA" (Aviateca, LACSA, NICA and TACA). By Sergio Ortega.
29319 MOVSPACE.ZIP 6,8 kt 13.05.1998 - - tupla
"Janes F-15 Install Size Reduction Utility MovSpace is a utility to decrease the full install size of F-15. It reclaims approximately 135 mbytes of HD space by removing the movies from the players Hard Drive. Windows 95."
29320 MPC2121.ZIP 619,3 kt 11.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
MultiPlayerCiv2 1.21 Allows you to play multiplayer games of Civilization 2. Works in hotseat, TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, modem and serial connection. Windows 95. Suggested Civ II v2.42.
29321 MPQVIEW.ZIP 152,9 kt 18.05.1998 - 11519/Igromania_07.iso tupla
StarCraft MPQ (install.exe) viewer and extractor.
29326 NHLI524.ZIP 579,5 kt 13.01.1999 - - tupla
"NHL Hockey-9499 editor and statistics viewer. Also features playergoalie and team sorting by namegoalspointsetc plus linerule and schedule editors. Version 5.24. Freeware"
29328 NORNFA12.ZIP 634,3 kt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures utility: Nornfamily by Elisabeth Witek. Enables you to track the progress of your Creatures breeding.
29332 Q_BENCH.ZIP 124,7 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
QBENCH is a Quake Benchmark program-compare your own results with the results found in http://www.stomped.com/performance.html
29342 RAL9510G.ZIP 179,7 kt 06.10.1997 - - tupla
Red Alert Launcher 95 v1.0g - 20.7.1997 by Golden Ghost Software.
29343 RAMIX51.ZIP 323,3 kt 08.04.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake tupla
RAmixer 5.1 --- Mix Extracting program for Red Alert and Command & Conquer.
29345 RB3D_SRV.ZIP 2,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - tupla
Red Baron 3D multiplayer server Set up your own server for multiplayer games with Red Baron 2 or 3D (high bandwidth recommended!).
29349 RW_BASE.ZIP 906,8 kt 02.12.1999 - - tupla
Roger Wilco Base Station v0.27.Internet- palvelin RW ohjelmalle. Base Stationilla pelaajat voivat ylläpitää RW-palvelinta 24h tai tarvittaessa. Siihen voi ottaa yhteyden joko IP-osoitteen tai pikakuvakkeen avulla. Erittäin käytännöllinen RW:n aktiivisille käyttäjille. Ilmainen. Paketissa Linus, FreeBSD ja Windows-versiot. http://www.rogerwilco.com
29350 RW_MK1A.ZIP 341,6 kt 02.12.1999 - - tupla
Roger Wilco Mark Ia. Ehdoton nettipelurin apuohjelma. Mahdollistaa reaaliaikaisen ja vaivattoman äänikommunikoinnin pelaajien välillä. Vaivaton asentaa ja käyttää, toimii kaikkien pelien kanssa. Pelaajat voivat joko ottaa yhteyden yhteiseen RW: IP-osoitteeseen tai ylläpitää RW Internet-palvelinta. Rekisteröimättömänä toimii demo-tilassa. Rekisteröinti ILMAINEN. Vaatii Windows 95/98 Pentium 166 TCP/IP http://www.rogerwilco.com
29352 S2EDIT.ZIP 39,9 kt 05.03.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Settlers II - SaveGame Editor v1.1 savegame editor for the great game  Settlers II  can  give   you thousands  of   items in   your Headquarters, and much, much more. Please read the  documentation  on how to install and run this  great program! - Bug fixes. - New Editing Options. Copyright (C)1996 Darrin Ackerman. All Rights Reserved.
29353 S340KF.ZIP 140,3 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 SAAB 340 Air Botnia (3D) Air Botnia is a SAS subsidiary competing with Finnair on domestic Finnish and Scandinavian routes. Air Botnia serves currently 15 cities with five J32s and five SAAB 340s. Five ex-SAS Fokker F28s are scheduled to arrive later this year (1999) and the old J32s are to be sold soon. This plane carry the new SAS look-a-like livery. 3D accelerator needed!
29355 SDOEC11.ZIP 802 kt 18.12.1999 - - tupla
SDOE Chameleon. Utility for Screaming Demons: Fighter Squadron.
29358 SIPLAYER.ZIP 176,5 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
Stunt Island filmien katseluohjelma. Tarvitset elokuvasta .FLM ja .ALL tiedostot.
29362 TAGTRAK.ZIP 3,8 Mt 04.01.1998 - - tupla
Total Annihilation utility: T.A.G Trakker 32 by Hybrid. time tracking application designed for Total Annihilation.  It is primarly used to log time, scores, players, maps and other misc. options that are associated with Total Annihilation.  It is a fairly simplistic front-end to a database that will (we hope) make your life a little bit easier.
29363 TENZIP.EXE 6,9 Mt 09.04.1998 - 24032/1998-07_-_Disc_4.1_No._2_Imperfect.iso tupla
T.E.N Network Client Välttämätön MtG - Manalinkin käyttämiseksi.
29364 THUGL111.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.03.1999 - MBCD tupla
ThUGL v1.11 by Lars Filges ThUGL (The Ultimate Game Launcher) is a front end utility that works with any game built on the Unreal or Quake 2 engine - including Sin, Heretic 2, Daikatana, Blood 2, Duke Nukem Forever, and more. It has a simple interface that lets you choose a game type (you can use ThUGL to start up Internet server games), an episode, and a level, as well as frag and time limits and a maximum number of clients. Windows 95, 98, or NT
29365 TIE2XVT.ZIP 8 kt 22.08.1999 - 22412/NEW.iso tupla
Käännä TIE Fighter - tehtävät XvT-muotoon.
29367 TRBOSLVP.ZIP 3,5 Mt 22.10.1998 - - tupla
"Turbo Solve! Pro v2.0 by Richard Thompson powerfuleasy to use32-bit word puzzle solving program for Windows95/NTcapable of solving a wide variety of word puzzles including crosswordsanagramsin-wordspair-up puzzlesword searches etc. Windows 95"
29369 UOPING.ZIP 12,3 kt 17.03.1998 - - tupla
Ultima Online utility - UOPING. tests the latency between your machine and the Ultima Online servers (after the 10th packet has returned, press enter to quit)
29371 VDICE31.ZIP 12,1 kt 20.07.1998 - - tupla
vDice v3.1. utility. by Andrew M. Powell designed to replace the polyhedral dice used in most role-playing games. Just click a number button to roll dies with needed numbers. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
29372 W2WRM211.ZIP 126,6 kt 24.12.1998 - - tupla
WarMaker 2.11 Warcraft 2 Random Map Generator. Windows 95.
29373 W3TOOLS.ZIP 3,6 Mt 12.11.1998 repacked Pelit CD 1999 tupla
Warlords III new tools set
29375 WARMAKER.ZIP 144,8 kt 23.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
WarMaker 1.0  11-06-97 Warcraft 2 Random Map Generator. Windows 95.
29376 WNHLI423.ZIP 162,5 kt 03.02.1998 - - tupla
WNHLINFO 4.23 Toni Wilenin NHLINFON Windows-versio. (Tukee myös NHL 98)
30219 !1HYPER.ZIP 1 Mt 31.12.1995 - MBCD tupla
"HYPERCYCLES(tm) Hot New Game by Aclypse! Excitingfull perspectiveintensehigh speed 3D action on the gridenemy riders laying laser walls to surround you. Carriers and stalkers flying abovedropping evil upon you. As you ride your HYPERCYCLEyou see over your shoulder that a Laser Tank is moving in for the kill. But with your ground and surface to air missiles youll make them pay. Intense 256 Color VGAmusic and sound effects. (Shareware) Req. 486 33Mhz 4MB"
30297 !AWRMS10.ZIP 126,1 kt 23.04.1997 - MBCD -
!!!!! ARMED WORMS v1.0 !!!!! A new, EXCELLENT two-player worm game with... - Weapons - Beautiful 256-color graphics - Over 20 tracks and possibility to make own with the included TRACK-EDITOR v1.0 !!!
30319 !BILLY10.ZIP 521,5 kt 31.12.1995 renamed 7499/arcadebbs.zip tupla
"Billy The Kid 1.0 from Alive Software A 3D VGA Western Action Arcade Game. Many levels256 color scrolling actionEscape from prisonsurvive the New Mexico desertrattle snakesbuffaloesbombsgunmen and other surprises. Explore the old mans mine and his army of micefight with gangscross Ghost- townsfind treasuresface deadly enemiesApache warriors and Sheriff Pat Garretts lethal six shooter. Requires: VGA286-16 and 530K of memory"
30382 !C-KONG.ZIP 303,5 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
The object of CHAMP Kong is to save your girlfriend from the love sick ape named Kong! Requires: 386/25Mhz or better, VGA, 450k memory.
30400 !CRYSTAL.ZIP 170,4 kt 03.07.1997 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
"Crystal Madness - Mark Davis95 A hotnewmind bogglingquick thinkingfast action arcade game! With: SoundBlaster256VGA"
30874 !TIKKA13.ZIP 83,1 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
TIKKA versio 1.3 1-4 Pelaajalle ! Laskee:  - Osumat !  - Tulokset !  - Keskiarvot ! Lord Wullias
30188 $SOLAR.ZIP 498,3 kt 10.10.1994 - nic.funet.fi tupla
"Solar Winds Space Arcade-Adventure game from Epic MegaGames! *HOT* thriller -- 256-color VGA graphicsSOUND BLASTER musical sound trackdigital sound effectsJoystick & mouse support. You are JAKE STONEBOUNTY HUNTER.  Youll take on the galaxy while a detailed STORY developsrevealing a devious plot. Commercial-quality 1993 shareware release from EPIC!"
30236 1_VINYL.ZIP 1,3 Mt 02.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"VINYL GODDESS FROM MARS The Vinyl Goddessspace ship has crash landed on a forbidden planet. Can you guide this beautiful goddess through dangerous and exotic locations in order to free herself from the planet.  GET READY for sexy arcade action in ths new release from UNION LOGIC that will blow your mind at 70 frames per second.  REQ: 386+    SUPPORTS: SBADLIBJOY"
30193 10&PAKO2.ZIP 174,6 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
PAKO II If you  liked Pako 1 then  you are going to love this  one.  Pako II is to be the best Pac-Man clone out there. This game is full of rich graphics and music, plus it runs at a smooth 60 frames per second for fast paced game play. Brought to you by Uranium-Software. Req: VGA (256) & 286+; Opt: Adlib card
30197 1AC.ZIP 1,7 Mt 01.11.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
"Alien Carnage v1.0ALIEN CARNAGE v1.0 Ä Apogee game! 386 or better required! The best 256-color *VGA* action/arcade game for the IBM PC! If Duke Nukem has a twinits Harry--with an arsenal of powerful weapons (guided missilephoton cannonmicro nukesjetpackmore) Harry has the zombie aliens shakinin their slimy shoes! Cool cinematicsSound Blaster musicsuperb animationhilarious story. This game was formerly Halloween Harry."
30199 1ARCTIC.ZIP 155,2 kt 03.07.1997 väärä koko nic.funet.fi tupla
"ARCTIC ADVENTURE The chilling sequel to Pharaohs Tomb finds Nevada Smith on the hunt for more treasurethis time in icy glaciers.  Perilous traps and puzzles will stump you on every level. Will you survive the abominable snowman? Ultra-smooth animationdetailed graphicsand arcade sound effects.  CGA Graphics."
30201 1BASH21.ZIP 1000,5 kt 01.08.1993 - nic.funet.fi -
"Monster Bash v2.1MONSTER BASH! A HORROR BY APOGEE! v2.1 Young hero Johnny Dash visits the Under World of Count Chuck to save his dogTex. Over 2 Megs compressed graphics (Apogees biggest game yet!).  Full Ad Lib soundtrack and nightmarish Sound Blaster digitized effects. Two cinematic scenes.  Get the file #1MB-PIX.ZIP for preview slide show. Absolutely the most animated game Apogee has created to date.  Three skill levels."
30202 1BIO11.ZIP 639,2 kt 24.08.1993 - nic.funet.fi -
"Bio Menace v1.1BIO MENACE v1.1 - APOGEES ACTION HIT! Total actionkick buttDuke Nukem-styleshoot-everything-that-moves adventure. As a CIA agentyou must rescue Metro City from the mutant army of Dr. Mangle.  Use several high-powered weapons & watch the guts fly! Great levelsAd Lib music & soundshuge boss creaturesstunning variety. GET THIS! Developed with Id Softwares game engine. Secret areas and maneuvers to discover. 286+"
30204 1BOP11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 01.07.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
"Boppinv1.1BOPPINv1.1 from APOGEE! Variety jammed arcade/puzzle game! In an alternate *arcade game* universeyou must free dozens of imprisoned enemies from other video games. Each level has unique VGA graphics in this unusual game. Violence mode provided. Cool animation & cinematics. MIDI music & digital sound for all popular cards. One or two can play together.  Level editor in full versionplus 160 levels! Shareware. By Accursed Toys. Supports two joysticks."
30205 1BS30-A.ZIP 390,5 kt 10.11.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
"Blake Stone v3.0 1/4Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action  1/4 Also requires #1BS30-BCD.ZIP. In 1992 came Wolfenstein. NOW theres Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold! A battle against a madman whos hatched an army of doomwith mutantsbiodroidsdemons--all genetically designed for mass terror!  Blake v3.0 has an even more impressive list of features than the original release.  Rediscover it today! Requires 386+DOS 5+.  AdLib/SB supported. Nearly two years to make by JAM Productions."
30206 1BS30-B.ZIP 361,3 kt 10.11.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Blake Stone v3.0 2/4Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action  2/4 Also requires #1BS30-A,C,D.ZIP.
30207 1BS30-C.ZIP 358,5 kt 10.11.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Blake Stone v3.0 3/4Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action  3/4 Part 3 of 4. Also requires #1BS30-A,B,D.ZIP.
30208 1BS30-D.ZIP 360,6 kt 10.11.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Blake Stone v3.0 4/4Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action  4/4 Part 4 of 4. Also requires #1BS30-A,B,C.ZIP.
30210 1CRYSTL.ZIP 232,8 kt 01.08.1993 - nic.funet.fi -
"CRYSTAL CAVES Ultra-smoothfull-screen scrolling EGA animation and graphicslike Commander Keen. Youre Myloand youre out to strike it rich. Explore an Altarian planet in this action-packed arcade roller coaster ride. Excellent animation and screen effects. Joystick supported. By Apogee. Member SPA."
30212 1DARK.ZIP 216 kt 03.07.1997 väärä koko nic.funet.fi tupla
"DARK AGES Great EGA graphics and Ad Lib music make this one of Apogees more popular games. In medieval times the powerful wizard Garth has overthrown the Kingdom.  Can you save the Kingdom?  A Nintendo-style game with ten scrolling levels.  Save/restore."
30213 1DUKE.ZIP 285,6 kt 01.08.1993 - nic.funet.fi -
Duke Nukum DUKE NUKUM  -  Save Earth in this amazing EGA super game! Over one megabyte of animation and graphics! Incredible 360ø dual-layered playfields, like never before seen on an IBM PC! Builtin hint mode, joystick support, arcade sound effects, save/restore, etc. This game beats the Sega Genesis games--a real show stopper!
30214 1EMPIRE.ZIP 198,9 kt 30.01.1995 - - -
World Empire v1.0World Empire, RISK-tyyppinen strategiapeli v1.0
30216 1FLASH.ZIP 565,2 kt 01.07.1997 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso tupla
Jack Flash by MVP Software. Jump into the action with Jack and his Succ-O-Matic as you try to stop Evil Eddie and his dastardly "things" from destroying the universe. Parallax-scrolling, side-splitting humor. More zest than a Microsoft press release. More action than a Stallone flick, and cuter too! Relive the good old days when mad scientists threatened mankind and games were fun! Req 386, VGA; supports most sound cards.
30217 1HH12.ZIP 1,3 Mt 08.11.1993 - 20928/400 MB Of Top PC Shareware.iso -
"Halloween Harry v1.2HALLOWEEN HARRY v1.2 - APOGEE GAME! 386 or better required! The best 256-color *VGA* action/arcade game for the IBM PC! If Duke Nukem has a twinits Harry--with an arsenal of powerful weapons (guided missilephoton cannonmicro nukesjetpackmore) Harry has the zombie aliens shakinin their slimy shoes! Cool cinematicsSound Blaster musicsuperb animationhilarious story. Save/restore3 skill levelsboss enemies."
30218 1HP11.ZIP 921,8 kt 01.07.1997 - nic.funet.fi tupla
HOCUS POCUS v1.1 by APOGEE!  (VGA) 386SX or higher -- 567K required Scrolling action game like Mario Bros., with constant variety of levels, graphics, music, enemies and awesome parallaxing backgrounds. In a magical kingdom, Hocus must overcome many realms before becoming a full-fledged Wizard.  Supports ALL major sound boards, like Ad Lib, GUS, PAS, SB & general MIDI. Three skill levels, joystick/pad optional. Copyright (c) 1994 Mike Voss. >shareware<
30220 1JAZZ.ZIP 1,4 Mt 10.10.1994 - MBCD tupla
JAZZ JACKRABBIT from EPIC MEGAGAMES A GROUND-BREAKING game with ULTRA-SMOOTH, FAST VGA graphics, ROCKING Digital Audio with Surround Sound, and WHITE-HOT action. YOU MUST SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT!  Look out Sonic. Jazz Jackrabbit is coming towards you at light speed, and this little bunny carries a big gun! Lead the animated Jazz across the galaxy to save kidnapped bunny princess Eva Earlong.
30222 1KEEN.ZIP 220,8 kt 01.08.1993 - nic.funet.fi -
"Commander Keen 1 sharewareCOMMANDER KEEN Five months straight as the number one selling shareware program--unprecedented!. This vivid EGA game has four-way scrolling levels and great arcade action. No other IBM game as ever duplicated Nintendo action better. Youre lost on Marsbattling the Vorticons. Dozens of great features."
30223 1KROZ.ZIP 124,6 kt 01.08.1993 - nic.funet.fi -
Kingdom of KrozKingdom Of Kroz The classic adventure/arcade game that Apogee first released.  This is a 16-color CGA game that won a national contest when first released.  Excellent puzzle-based game where you guide an adventurer through diabolical maze-like levels.  Ingenious melding of action and trap-solving.
30224 1MAJR14.ZIP 568,1 kt 01.08.1993 - nic.funet.fi -
"Major Stryker v1.4MAJOR STRYKER v1.4 -- BY APOGEE! Triple parallax scrolling sets this action shootem up game apart from any other. EGA/VGA graphicsjoystickAdLib & Sound Blaster supported. Incredible 3-D illusion of depth. Become Earths greatest hero as you repel an alien invasion. Multi-skill levelscinematicsdemosaved gamesetc."
30225 1MAR7.ZIP 86,7 kt 03.07.1997 renamed 1513/ratsnest1.iso -
Mario! v1.7Mario!!! v1.7   By Chaos Software, is a NEW, VGA 256 color arcade game clone of the old Super Mario Bros. games for Nintendo. But throw away the Nintendo, Mario!!! is here! Mario has the best of all of the SMB games. And its only 80k!! So Download Mario!!! now!!!! PB !!!!
30226 1MARS.ZIP 148,5 kt 01.08.1993 - nic.funet.fi -
Monuments of MarsMONUMENTS OF MARS Rocket to Mars and explore the mysterious structures that seem to be built by an alien civilization. You must rescue trapped NASA astronauts, survive countless hazards, and uncover ancient secrets.  Great arcade action and adventure, with plenty of alien surprises.  A CGA game with Nintendo-like
30229 1PAGA.ZIP 330,5 kt 31.10.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
PaganitzuPAGANITZU Indiana Jones look out--here comes Alabama Smith! Paganitzu is an epic EGA graphics adventure game in a vast Aztec pyramid.  Can you overcome the amazing puzzles in the many perilous chambers.  Longest animated ending sequence ever in an APOGEE game.  Very fun game!  Joystick supported.  Member SPA.
30230 1PTOMB.ZIP 130,9 kt 31.10.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Pharao\'s TombPHARAOH\'S TOMB A colorful arcade game full of puzzles, prizes and adventure.  Journey into a vast Egyptian pyramid in search of priceless treasure. Excellent run & jump type game with smooth animation and great sound effects.  3eviewed in Computer Gaming World as "Superior". Joystick support.
30231 1RAP12.ZIP 1,9 Mt 26.09.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
"Raptor v1.2 from APOGEE! (VGA) 386 (or higher) w/2 Megs REQUIRED! Kill for cash! In the future as a mercenary flying the super-tech Raptoryoull be sent on interplanetary missions to knock off top competitors of MegaCorp. Upgrade w/ 14 hard core weapons. Jaw-dropping VGA animation & cinematics.  Supports all major sound cardsincluding GUSPAS16& AWE32!  Developed by Cygnus Studios.  Supports mouse & joystick."
30232 1ROC.ZIP 2,4 Mt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"REALMS OF CHAOS -- ACTION BY APOGEE Innovative fantasy platform game! At any time press a key to tag-team switch between a male sword welding warrior and a hot female fireball shooting sorceress! What more do you want?!  Varietymysticismcool music/sound effects by Bobby Prince (DOOM)big bossesgameplay galore?  Its ALL here! 486+ recommended. A blood toggle. Etc.etc. Just get it and you wont be sorry! Ver 1.0"
30237 1WACKY.ZIP 1,6 Mt 17.10.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
"Wacky Wheels v1.1Wacky Wheels v1.1 from Apogee! 386 (or higher) w/2 Megs REQUIRED! A high-speedVGA 3D point-of-viewfull      screen racing game. Shareware version has 5   race tracks plus specialty tracks for shoot   outs. Alsotwo player mode via split screen  at same PCor via modem or serial cable.     Many options & features. Killer MIDI music &  digital sounds supporting most top boards.    Joysticksave gamescheatsits all here!  The full game has 42 tracks & eight racers.  "
30238 1WOLF14.ZIP 725,7 kt 31.10.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Wolfenstein 3-D  1.4Wolfenstein 3-D v1.4 by ID/APOGEE! 256 color VGA graphics Fastest 3-D graphics of ANY PC game.  Sound Blaster effects and Ad Lib music.  Graphics so real they cause dizziness!  Rated PC-13 due to intense, realistic visual effects. Needs 286 or better.  Fixes some video problems, and adds joystick calibration.
30243 3DPIT13.ZIP 110,2 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"3D-PITFALLver 1.3:  3D arcade gamevga graphics;  MAJOR SPEED INCREASE!! for all of you complainers out there who dont want to spring for a defective pentium. :-)"
30245 4GENDEM.A01 2,9 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
4th Generation. Shareware version. Part 2/3.
30246 4GENDEM.A02 1,8 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
4th Generation. Shareware version. Part 3/3.
30247 4GENDEM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
4th Generation. New space-shooter using rendered graphics, from Webfoot Technologies. Blast your way throught enemy fighter waves with such weapons as Pulse Cannons, Velden Arrows and Photon pulse. Shareware. Part 1/3.
30249 4KEEN.ZIP 649,4 kt 31.10.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Commander Keen IVCOMMANDER KEEN in "GOODBYE GALAXY" ALL-NEW! Ground breaking EGA/VGA graphics & incredibly smooth animation! Apogee & Id Software bring you a brilliant sequel, an EPIC adventure with 1.6 MEGs of graphics, smooth scrolling levels, Ad Lib music, tilted level view, and hilarious action sequences! OUTSTANDING GAME!  Member SPA.
30248 4KEENC.ZIP 509,3 kt 31.10.1994 - nic.funet.fi -
Commander Keen IV (CGA)COMMANER KEEN in GOODBYE GALAXY - CGA version ALL-NEW! Finally in CGA graphics, too!  Now those with CGA graphics can enjoy the epic adventures of kid genius, Billy Blaze.  Over 1.6 MEGs of ultra-smooth, full-screen, high- speed graphics & ANIMATION GALORE! Play the game that beats all the slow moving animated commercial games. Released by Apogee (SPA).
30250 4PONG100.ZIP 42,3 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
4Pong v1.00 - simple but oh so brilliat variation of the ancestor of all games, the great Pong. The simple idea is that each player has a paddle to control and which he uses to rebound the ball that is moving in the playfield. Your planet saving mission is NOT to let the ball slip in your side of the field but rebound it to the opponets side. Req. 486/maths coprosessor, DOS
30251 4TRIS.ZIP 33,1 kt 12.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
"4Tris - A new tetris clone -playable with up to 4 players .simultaneously on one pc -many game options -runs on every pc (even on xts) -fanatastic ansi-gfx ...and it is free to use (cardware)"
30252 4WARS123.ZIP 1 Mt 21.02.1998 - MBCD -
"Worm Wars v1.23 SW by Mags Squad 02/1998 Wormgame with weapons for up to 4 players. Features:Computer Players - Almost 50 Weapons Over 30 Levels - Supports: SBGUS and PAS Requirements: 486dx2/662MB and WIN95/DOS Pentium and soundcard recommended"
30256 AARGH10.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
AARGH! on LOISTAVA ja HÄKELLYTTÄVÄ Spogu-klooni. 1- 4 pelaajaa, upeat äänitehosteet ja monet muut seikat tekevät siitä nautittavan ja upean PD-pelin
30258 ABCWORD.ZIP 749,8 kt 09.09.1995 - MBCD tupla
Abcwords Game 1.0 APR95 DOS letters game New letters game,for 1 or 2 players,where you find all the words (4,7 or 10) into a series of letters.Twelve series(30 for a registrated version) on 9 levels,allow you to estimate your sense of observation,your memory and your rapidity to find all the words in a limited time. Available in french under "ABCDMOTS".Author,Raynald Marcoux.From JAIM $13. IBM, 386Mhz,VGA screen,512 Ko.
30259 ACABAL12.ZIP 4,3 Mt 09.01.1998 - - -
Alien Cabal V1.2 ShareWare from QASoft A vast Alien complex was discovered under the city and a one man army was sent to destroy it. Find the entrance to the underground complex, exterminate all alien life, and destroy everything else. Cheapish looking 3D action shooter. P100 16 MB DOS or Win95
30260 ACKACKP.ZIP 137,4 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Ack-Ack Attack Version:  #1135 Desc: shoot-em-up arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list
30269 ALDO.ZIP 17,9 kt 01.07.1997 - 1969/RBBSIABOX31.cdr tupla
Aldos Adventure. PART 1.
30267 ALDO2.ZIP 25,2 kt 01.07.1997 - 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img tupla
Aldos Adventure. PART 2.
30268 ALDO3.ZIP 26,2 kt 01.07.1997 - 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img tupla
Aldos Adventure. PART 3.
30276 ANTATT.EXE 40,7 kt 01.07.1997 - 13127/gcw.iso tupla
ANT ATTACK is an action-packed game. Giant ants have invaded the earth and you must destroy them before they take over. Ants multiply on the screen and you have a choice of three weapons to defeat them. ANT ATTACK has a choice of three levels of difficulty (easy, medium, and hard) and this shareware version has 10 levels. Supports joysticks and sound cards (but also supports keyboard and computer speaker). It has music, sound effects, and VGA graphics! Self-extracting archive. Shareware; from Dataware.
30279 ANTRUN30.ZIP 137,7 kt 11.03.1997 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO -
Ant Run v3.0 Req.EGA & Mouse ANTRUN30.ZIP Race against the clock as you rotate tunnels for the ant to run through. Quick  thinking and fast reflexes are required to keep the ant scurrying through the Ant Hill passageways. Gain extra points for bonus tunnels and other objects as you try for the Top Ten High Scores. Keep your ant on the move with various strategies for really high scores. Warning VERY ADDICTIVE!
30283 APOLLO10.ZIP 852,2 kt 03.07.1997 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO tupla
APOLLO - mission to the moon, v1.0. Become the commander of an Apollo spacecraft bound for the moon and back. Photo-realistic graphics combined with authentic audio will place you inside the cramped craft as it descends to the lunar surface. The game is divided into three distinct phases: Lunar landing, Orbital Docking, and Earth Re-entry. Each phase will challenge you to prove you have the right stuff.          Shareware $10.
30285 AQUEST40.ZIP 314,3 kt 03.07.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
ANIMAL QUEST 4.0 GAME FROM ALIVE SOFTWARE. Step into the wild world of Nature as a      Forest animal.  Discover your prey, avoid your predators.  Collect energy tokens and survive.  A never ending adventure, includes: foxes, bears, rabbits, wolves, bobcats and many more animals.  Take a walk on the wild side with this fun game filled with realistic sound effects, music and great graphics. Requires:386 EGA/VGA. Option: Mouse,Sblaster
30286 ARESCUE.ZIP 131,6 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
"Airlift Rescue v1.0 386DX/40 VGA remake of CHOPLIFTER which was very popular in the eary 1980s on the ATARI and APPLE-II platforms. You are the pilot of a rescue helicopter. Your mission is to fly to a mideastern terrorist compound and rescue hostages. Retro."
30287 ARIVA.ZIP 73,3 kt 03.07.1997 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
ARIVAssa sinun pitää ohjata mato maaliin.
30288 ARO12.ZIP 749,8 kt 18.01.1998 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
"ARO A Quick VGA jumpnrun Follow Aroa cuddlylittlered guythrough a zany land filled with slimesstrange bouncing creaturesmagical potionsfunky treesblue skiesorange sunsetstwinkly starsand crumbling castles. requires a 386+VGA cardand 2mb RAM"
30300 BACKFO.ZIP 497,7 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Back To The Forest (c) Copysoft
30302 BAM.ZIP 59,5 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
BOUNCE-A-MANIA!! is very similar to BreakOut
30308 BBONG01.ZIP 841,2 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
BingBong 0.01 - áeta Vanha kunnon Pingpong- peli uutena versiona kahdelle pelaajalle. MOD -musiikit ja kau- niit grafiikat. Bugifixeja sekä uutta audiota ja graphicia. VGA, Hiiri, SB By Impress Products
30309 BBROTV14.ZIP 1002,5 kt 09.04.1997 - MBCD -
Bomber Brothers v1.4 on neljän hengen pelattava Dyna Blaster tyyppinen toimintapeli, jossa yritetään mm. pommeilla ja tulipalloilla saada muut pelaajat hengiltä ennen kuin itse tulee grillatuksi. Uutta: Näppäimiä voi vaihtaa, omia kenttiä voi poistaa ja kenttäeditorin muistibugi on korjattu. Valmistunut Huhtikuussa 1997.
30310 BCASH32.ZIP 195 kt 25.01.1997 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
Boulder Cash v3.2 Retro. y Core Image A VGA-game with GUS / SB music. 60 fascinating levels are built of dozens of different objects!
30311 BDASS.ZIP 163,7 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
Bad ass 1.0 Roolipeli synkeältä keskiajalta. Tuhansia erilaisia hirviöitä. Peliin mahtuu myös satoja pelaajia.
30313 BEERW22.ZIP 97,8 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
BEERWORM 2.2 from FALLESMANNI -A Brilliant Wormgame -Supports SB sound effects -Many bugfixes -Several new  exellent items -Some new graphics -Boss key included -Must for everyone!
30315 BESTRIS.ZIP 31,5 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
BESTRIS Traditional and well designed Tetris. Great game play! Try it and be amazed how good it is! Req. VGA, 386+
30318 BHELL10.ZIP 1,6 Mt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Construction Bob escapes from hell The all-star construction stuntman is back in the bouncing adventure of his life!  Poor old Bob mistakingly ends up in hell.  To get out he will need your help.  Run, jump and ride mining carts as you avoid rocks, leap over holes and dodge arrows.  Ennemies like the gargoyles, the demon hands and Satan himself are out to get you! VGAAdlibSBPASGUSJoystick
30321 BIPROLEX.A01 2,9 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Briprolex+ FREEWARE 2/3
30322 BIPROLEX.A02 2,3 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Biprolex+ FREEWARE 3/3
30323 BIPROLEX.ARJ 2,9 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Biprolex+ FREEWARE  1/3 Dynamic Battle Field For Your Brain. By K-D Lab. Combine Tetris and Break-Out. One player plays a Tetris side of the field while the other player battles back with Break-Out. 386+ VGA DOS5+
30326 BJPLUS40.ZIP 113 kt 11.03.1997 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
BLACKJACK PLUS v4.0  * Play with 1-7 players. * Four Modes of play * Specify  player stake, strategy, bet, * Adjust game  playing speed. * Play with 1-9 decks, adjust  deal depth. * Display card totals? * Set  house rules. * Take or refuse insurance. *  View/Print complete statistics!
30327 BJVISI.ZIP 195,5 kt 22.05.1997 - - -
BLACKJACK VISION simulator v3.0 - Blackjack game/analyzer/simulator. v3.0 supports VGA graphics and can simulate up to 8 BILLION hands. Includes statistic graphing, over 150 different stats, 2 editable card counting charts fully customizable with betting variations,Stack Deck, many rule variations, tutor, and much more. Shareware $75.00 Shiloh Research.
30334 BNIB10B.ZIP 156,2 kt 06.03.1997 - - -
BAH NiBBLES 1.0b - Nice Nibbles clone. Many cool features like digitized sound & music, VGA/MCGA graphics, cute sounds ;), many levels, and much, much more!!!        Freeware
30335 BOLDER.ZIP 459,7 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
LOMAX BOULDERS Logan Maxwell,  the  fearless hero of  our game,  heard  about  an adventure deep  in  the  South of Africa. After  studying long and hard, he found  the secret  to  the  thousand   year  old  puzzle, BOULDERS.  The  game features fantastic  sound  effects,  256 color graphics,   5 difficulties,  parallax smooth  scrolling!  Only you can help
30337 BOLZ10F.ZIP 2,5 Mt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
BOLZ! FROM COGNITION DEVELOPMENT TEAM Experience the first five levels of this fast-paced, arcade action/ adventure. 256-color VGA graphics and 32-channel digital techno soundtrack make this a must download! Defeat Billy Bolz and rescue all the balls in the world!! DOS, 486+, Most major sound cards.
30338 BOMBBY11.ZIP 292,9 kt 03.07.1997 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
BOMBERBOY Ver.1.1 SHAREWARE RELEASE great clone of the arcade BOMBERMAN VGA, SB, MODE-X, 10 Levels.A MUST!!! a vt production by A.SCHERP, J.GELHAUS
30339 BOMBER.ZIP 99,7 kt 01.07.1997 - archive.org tupla
BOMBER V2.1 The REAL Arcade game! Offers you great VGA graphics and SoundBlaster digitized sounds. A very entertaining software from Patrick Pich‚. NOW, BLAST THEM OUT.
30340 BOO101P.ZIP 385,6 kt 08.01.1998 - - -
"(     > - = ð B O O G I E ð = - < 1.0 ) New wonderful wormgame by Drugworms author. Many levels + level editor! By Ile / Kosto"
30341 BOOTGAME.ZIP 11,7 kt 03.07.1997 - 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip tupla
Pommittajapeli, joka asennetaan levykkeen boottisektorille
30342 BPV12SW.EXE 191,4 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Bomp Proof v1.2sw. 1 pelaajan puzzle tyyppinen aivojenkäyttöpeli. Nyt SB/GUS yhteensopivat musat ja efektit. Vaatii SVGA+386(DX) 2Mb. X-Dreams.
30344 BREAK10.ZIP 1,3 Mt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
BreakIt distributed by HomeBrew Software is similar to Break Out, but with a lot of additional prizes, obsticles and features. One or two players. Requires: 386+, 2 Meg RAM, VGA, mouse. Joystick required for two player mode, sound card optional.  (v1.0) 
30345 BREAKM11.ZIP 368,6 kt 23.05.1997 - MBCD -
Break Machine Version 1.1 "Tribute to Arkanoid" << CARDWARE VERSION >> A game By Fred Pesch. Enjoy the new 320*400 Challenge : Destroy Monsters and Bricks with your X-PAD 01 Ship. 50 levels + editor (Vga, SoundBlaster, Adlib, Mouse) (C) 1995, IO Design
30346 BREF-V12.ZIP 1,2 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Bref v1.21 Funny action Tetris-a-like game. GUS/SB Dos/Win95 SVGA
30354 BTGVEIJO.ZIP 133,8 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Veijo Saves the World Veijon maailman pelastus operaatio on "nopeatempoinenäktionseikkailu"- tyylinen peli.. Eikun imutukseksi! VaATII: 386+,VGA.. GUS/SB olis kiva
30359 BUGSSW20.ZIP 545,1 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
"Bombs and Bugs v2.0 Shareware AWKWARD Software SmallBomberman-like game for up to four players on ONE computer. New version features better graphicsimproved gameplay and computer-controlled players. DOS"
30360 BUKU.ZIP 459,3 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
BreakThrough Bukulu, by Alex Mead AMProSoft, June 1995 The fun breakthrough style video game with a new twist.  While bouncing the ball at the bricks you can rotate your paddle 90ø for greater control than ever before. Awesome graphics, great music and hours of fun await you. Req: SVGA Monitor, 386 or better PC
30364 CARD12.ZIP 136,3 kt 22.12.1994 - 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso tupla
The SPS Games Pack: Montana, Arachnid, Towers and Mines. The first three are patience-like card games. Mines is a game like Minesweeper.
30367 CARNSW10.ZIP 1,7 Mt 31.03.1996 - MBCD tupla
OPERATION: CARNAGE                    A brand new arcade style adventure game with plenty of increasingly difficult levels to shoot your way thru. Blow up numerous enemy nasties including tanks, robots, shooting eyeballs, wiggling things and doodads with suprises! Fun sound effects, music, ease of play and 486 happiness will keep you addicted.                   
30370 CBT.ZIP 504,2 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
CBT 1.2 COLOR CROSS (CC), BATTLE CHARGE (BC), and TUNNEL WAR (TW) form a trilogy of challenging 2-player, abstract strategy games. CC was a finalist in the Computer Gaming World Strategy/War Games category of the 1994 Ziff-Davis Shareware Awards. The zip file contains CC1.11, BC1.11, and TW1.01. These are small, mouse driven DOS programs that install and run conveniently from within Windows 3.1x/95 and also run effectively on older systems (286) with VGA graphics.
30373 CDRAKE.ZIP 2,1 Mt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
CRAZY DRAKE V1.0 by One Reality *VGA* Super arcade action scrolling game like Earth Worm Jim.  Jump, climb, run, swing and shoot your way through the hugh levels while you collect bonus items and blow away the bad guys.  Each level has its own boss to challenge your progress.  Supports all Sound Blasters and Gravis Ultrasound. Cool Graphics Sounds, Music, Parallaxing Backgrounds and Much more!  Copyright Neurotech Software.
30375 CHALL11A.ZIP 220,3 kt 22.04.1997 - MBCD -
PERSONAL CHALLENGE 1.1a Rosemary West  Lets you play educational trivia games to test your knowledge as you compete against  yourself or other players in five categories. Your choice of Beginner, Intermediate or  Expert level determines the speed at which  you must play and the points you can earn.  Each player earns an Honorary Degree and a  chance for fame on the High Scorers list.  Replaces IQ CHALLENGE.
30376 CHARLY13.ZIP 2,7 Mt 23.06.1997 - MBCD -
"CHARLY THE CLOWN 1.30/SCHENK&HORN Fantastic Jumpnrun game! Try to solve over 25 levels with Charly the clown! (Shareware: 5 levels) - 25 levels plus many bonuslevels - amazing VGA graphics with 256 . colorsparallaxscrolling and . rendered graphics - fantastic music and sound fx - Play it and have fun!"
30378 CHMPR12.ZIP 689,6 kt 20.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
CHOMPER V1.2 Ultimate of the Pac-man genre. Avoid the ghosts while chomping as many dots as possible, in a large, scrolling virtual maze approximately 30 times the size of the actual screen. This shareware version has 5 levels, each suspended over a planet and stars in the background. It features 256 clr graphics, parallax scrolling and 10 original musical compositions. (Win 95 friendly.) Retro
30385 CLICK10.ZIP 295,5 kt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
-Click The Color 1.0- Huippua pelsimistä. Kokeile nopeutesi värien näpyttelyssä. Samanlainen kuin Speden Speleissä. VGA , HIIRI , XMS(20k) , SB BY  Black Shadow 1997 Janne Jäms‚n
30386 CMPPCM.ZIP 223,9 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Champ Pac-em V1.1,
30388 COLDDREA.ZIP 1,9 Mt 30.06.1997 - MBCD tupla
Cold Dreams V1.02 pre-release, Gods-like classical platform game with great graphics and good gameplay.
30399 CRYSALIS.ZIP 345,3 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
"ChrysalisAlpha version of a game engine weve since upgraded in new and better ways :). Linux and DOS versions included."
30402 CUBE106D.ZIP 169,5 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
CUBE  v.106d Ultimate stress-killer ! 4 players, VGA graphics. Music for GUS, SB, PAS, WSS ! Almost 30 levels. Editors, good S3M... by Jokke & other members of BAD KARMA ***SOURCE APART FROM MIDAS INCLUDED***
30403 CUBESHOT.EXE 61,3 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
WireSoftin Kuutioammuntapeli. Kahden pelaajan peli, jossa pitää ampua ruudulla kimpoilevia kuutioita. Kiva pikkupeli. Vaatii 386+/VGA.
30404 CVBJS20H.ZIP 4,1 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Casino Verite BlackJack v2.0h by QFIT There are a lot of Blackjack games available, but you will not find a more realistic and complete one. Choose from 532 casinos worldwide and from 895 sets of rules from these casinos. Play is so realistic that even the motions of hits, stays, etc. are as they would be in an actual game. Right down to maps of the cities and states you will be playing in, you will think you are really on a trip to your favorite casino. If you have
30407 CWORM102.ZIP 58,3 kt 18.09.1997 - MBCD -
CRAZYWORM v0.102. Very addictive worm game. Features excellent 256 color graphics. Requires 386 and VGA.
30411 CYBDEMO.ZIP 46,1 kt 03.07.1997 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso tupla
Cybersphere, smooth playable action game resembling classics like Breakout and Arkanoid. Shareware demo. Superb graphics and playability! (C)1996 Psycon Software - By Clay Hellman
30414 CYBERKID.EXE 4,1 Mt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Cyril Cyberpunk Hauska tasohyppely Apogeelta. Cyril ammuskelee alieneita erilaisissa ympäristöissä ja huristelee lentolaudallaan.
30415 CYCLE.ZIP 42,2 kt 30.06.1997 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Cycle, tron-like game for 6! players on 1 keyboard.
30417 CZETS201.ZIP 163,9 kt 31.08.1997 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
Crazy Eights - A single hand card game.
30425 DDOWNS15.ZIP 604,8 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Digital Downs v1.5  Animated, interactive Horse Racing Game. Capture the  excitement of spending a day at the races.  Jockey abilities, track conditions, and horse abilities vary. All ofthese factors combine  with the race length to make a unique racing  situation. Bet from $2 to $100. Win, Place,  Show, Exacta, Quinella, and Daily Double bets are available.
30429 DEFL10SW.ZIP 400,8 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Imagination presents: Deflector    A game of strategy and survival for players who are  not afraid of a challenge.     386+ / VGA required      SB / GUS optional
30431 DEMON100.ZIP 313,8 kt 22.11.1997 - MBCD -
DEMON IN CIRCUIT KEEPER Shareware v.1.0á           (C) VINDEMIATRIX This games meaning is to chase demons that have escaped from the circuit. You use your mouse to shoot down the demons and try to get as many points as possible. You can hear musics & sounds from a Sound Blaster or com- patible. WARNING!
30438 DKONG.ZIP 300,4 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"CHAMPION KONG  Donkey Kong clone Turn your expensive computer into an ancient game machine!  Good for nostalga buffs. Actuallyits an excellent copy of the old quarter gobbler."
30444 DRGNBN12.ZIP 937,7 kt 26.05.1996 - MBCD tupla
Dragons Bane: Mah Jongg II v1.2: solitaire. Second generation tile solitaire with SVGA and VGA support and digitized sound effects. Many play options, wide variety of available tile sets and board layouts. Editor included for both tiles and layouts. Extensive record keeping. By Nels Anderson .
30447 DRUG132.ZIP 37,8 kt 24.12.1997 - - -
Drugworm 1.31b 
Sikamaisen hauska matopeli. Sopii hulluille ja muille vähemmän normaaleille. By Ile/Kosto
30450 DS_POUET.ZIP 869,8 kt 03.07.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
D-Stroy, fast arcade game up to 4 players in Dynablaster style. With fast scrollings, lots of bonuses, intelligent monsters, and lot of FUN!!! Requirements: 386+, VGA.
30448 DSHADOWS.ZIP 1,3 Mt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
DEATH BY DARK SHADOWS V1.5  Enter a world of voodoo, black magic and the unknown in this strange story of Dr. Jones and his daughter. With your soul transformed into that of a black panther, your journey takes you into depths of darkness,  as you leap over the perils of death in an attempt to rescue your brainwashed daughter.  * REALLY Smooth Animation! * Weird and strange Storyline! * Beautiful dark and eerie SuperVGA Graphics! * SoundBlaster Support!
30452 DUFF110.ZIP 369,8 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
DUFF v1.10         ÿÿÿÿÿÿ Both  action  and  strategy  featuringÿÿÿÿÿÿ addictive  game.   Shareware version. ÿÿÿÿÿÿ Requires  386 and VGA.  Supports GUS ÿÿÿÿÿÿ and SB for music and sound.          ÿÿÿÿÿÿ
30455 DXBALL17.ZIP 592,1 kt 28.04.1997 - MBCD -
DX BALL 1.7 The best  ARKANOID type game for your PC
30456 DYNA297.ZIP 346,6 kt 18.09.1997 - MBCD -
"DYNA - the dynamiter rabbit v2.97 (the final I think) code and design by Frodo The whole game is based on an Amiga gameFusecutterby Rune Espeseth. The goal is to disarm all the dynamites and timebombs using a viking helmet. Can you become the master dynamiter and save the world from enormous destruction? Start playing and prove that you are a true Dyna! 486/33 DOS Includes the level editor!"
30457 DYNJDS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
"Dynamite Joe DOS from C2V Productions You are Joealias Boom-Boom Joe or The Explosivebetter known as DYNAMITE JOE. Youve been rotting for 3 years in the slammer alreadyand the pressure has been building up. Its time to break loose and escape from this lousy stinking rotten jail. You dig your way through the underground using existing tunnelsor make your own as you go. Collect keysfind treasures and watch out for wardens and police."
30467 E_PACM2.ZIP 755,5 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Eclipse Pac ManA real game... real code, 100% asm, real gfx, 100% bitmap, real music, 
100% Rez v0.40 Released: Apr 26 1996. VESA and SB/SB-Pro/SB16/GUS.

30463 ELECNOID.ZIP 189,3 kt 12.05.1997 - MBCD -
Electranoid v1.11s Designed to close the book on all Arkanoid style programs. This game takes break out to the limits! Not only do you smash bricks, but you battle the enemy fighters with lasers, missiles and just about anything you can throw at them! This update includes new ordering info, minor enhancements and can use XMS instead of EMS. Req: 2M RAM, VGA, Mouse & 386+; Opt: SB Card
30464 ELECTRN.ZIP 279,2 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
"Electranoid version 1.0s Electranoid is designed to close the book on all Arkanoid style programs. This game goes far beyond any Arkanoid style program that weve ever seen! Not only do you smash bricksbut you battle the enemy fighters with lasersmissles and just about anything you can throw at them! Watch outthese enemies fight back with balls of steal! Req: 2M RAMVGAMouse & 386+; Opt: SB Card"
30472 F2000.ZIP 576,5 kt 22.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
FORMULA 2000 - (c)1996 Spark Developments Multi-directional scrolling arcade \t race game, fast paced gameplay, 256\t colour VGA graphics. WELL ABOVE average shareware game, includes 3 tracks of\t varying difficulty.  Released April 96. reqs: 386+, VGA, SB/SB16/SBPro/GUS/SS.\t
30481 FLIPINTL.EXE 1,9 Mt 02.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Flipout. Breakout-pelin tyylinen.
30483 FOXRANGE.ZIP 461,2 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
RANGER FOX - Hot Arcard Game from Korea - VGA/SBlaster
30484 FRAMED.ZIP 192,9 kt 01.07.1997 - 23640/PCGAMER10.bin tupla
Framed - platform adventure game.
30487 FRUIT.ZIP 77 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Fruit, mielenkiintoinen hedelmäpeli.
30490 FUNNYLND.ZIP 9,5 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
FuNNy LanD pelissä olet huvipuiston johtaja! Voit ostaa laitteita ja kauppoja! FreeWare
30495 GALAXI.ZIP 322,9 kt 02.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Galaxian - Space Invaders-tyylinen peli.
30497 GALCON51.ZIP 71,3 kt 23.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
GALACTIC CONQUEST v5.10 (IBM). Galactic Conquest v5.10 adds Difficulty Levels, better AI, better strategy, better battles, and fixes some bugs from previous versions. Shareware version allows up to 2 players, 100 years of war, and up to 15 production per planet. GO SWREG #8916 to get registered version and up to 4 players, 1000 years of war, and possible 40+ production per planet, as well as more options, more features, more
30500 GATE20.ZIP 747,9 kt 02.07.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg tupla
ÝÝÝÝ GateWorld  By  HomeBrew Software! ÝÝÝÝ Captian Klondike meets the G.O.R.G. machine in Part 1: "The Seed Ship".  Over 2 Megs compressed graphics. Full Adlib soundtrack. Support for over 12 different sound cards. Story and epilogue sequences, demo mode, save/restore, hints, preview, and MORE! Requires VGA, 560K RAM, 286 or better. Sound card and joystick optional. Needs PKUNZIP 2.04 to extract. (v2.0)    
30502 GENO4_10.ZIP 102,5 kt 12.01.1998 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Genocide 4.10Shareware. 3D Tank Combat Game, 4 Players. Needs: 640x480x256 resolution 
MicroSoft Compatible Mouse. (c)James Payne, PyroSoft, 1996.
30503 GETPISTE.ZIP 183,4 kt 22.09.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
GET PISTE! by Tim Furnish (10 level demo version) From Hungry Software, More than just a side view skiing game in which you drop bombs, bridges, traffic cones, balloons, buckets of paint, 10 tonne weights, pneumatic drills and UFOs (among others) over a variety of carefully crafted levels set in five different areas, in order to collect spinning gem things. 486-66 recommended. dos.
30507 GNASHER.ZIP 25,6 kt 01.07.1997 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
GNASHER v. 24. Variation of the old Pacman game with some twists. Full Turbo Pascal source code included.
30508 GND_FIRE.ZIP 220,3 kt 03.07.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
GroundFire! Is a challenging,addicting, non-stop action,War shooter game for Dos. Great graphics and good game play. (Fully functional demo version.) You gotta try this one! Min requirements: 386/sx with a Sound Blaster or compatible sound card and v.g.a monitor.
30509 GO100.ZIP 144,7 kt 18.03.1998 - MBCD -
GetOut v1.00 - jälleen yksi uusi klooni vanhasta BreakOutista, tai KrackOutista.Tämä klooni EI tarjoa mitään uutta (paitsi bugit), eikä ole muutenkaan muita versioita kummempi, mutta ompahan vain lauantai-iltojen ratoksi kyhätty. DOS, 486. Jouni Laukkanen.
30511 GOBMAN11.ZIP 70,3 kt 30.06.1997 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso tupla
GOBMAN, Arcade, pacman clone with a few nice twists. Collect bombs, hourglasses, and special red dot to use against the monsters. Nice graphics and good gameplay. Requires 286+, VGA, Joystick optional
30516 GRAVWELL.ZIP 383,5 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Gravity Well Version:  #1133 Desc: Lunar module simulation Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:  Mouse, Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list
30521 GTWRLD1.ZIP 680,7 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
GateWorld  By  HomeBrew Software! 3 OF 3 Captian Klondike meets the G.O.R.G. machine in an asteriod in Part One: The Seed Ship. Over 2 Megs compressed graphics in each part of this trilogy!  Full Ad Lib soundtrack.  Support for over 8 different sound cards.  Story and epilogue sequences. Three skill levels.  Joystick support, save/restore, hints, etc.  Requires VGA, 570K RAM, 286 or better.  Sound card and joystick optional. (v1.3) . Platform.
30522 GUESS11.ZIP 837,1 kt 26.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Second Guess v1.1:  solitaire and more! Concentration solitaire game with every imaginable playing option. Also multi player games and play versus the computer. VGA/SVGA graphics and digitized sound effects for SoundBlaster. Photo backgrounds and sharp, detailed tiles for playing pieces with tile editor included. By Nels Anderson (ASP).
30523 GWORM10.ZIP 49,6 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Gravity Worm V1.0 - freeware. Needs: 486, VGA Supports: SB, GUS MUDDLE presents 1997
30524 H2H.ZIP 381 kt 30.06.1997 - MBCD -
HEAD TO HEAD: A fun, fast-paced game for two players. Fly helicopters, aliens, superheroes, gods, and lots more. Zoom around the sky trying to kill your opponent, or just fly into him... Supports SB,GUS,PAS sound cards for digital music & SFX. Requires 386 & VGA. SHAREWARE: œ5
30525 H2OGAME.ZIP 953,1 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
                þ H2O þ         A Puzzle/Strategy Game  (C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc.           ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  * VGA graphics  * Awesome sound effects and music  * Major sound cards supported  * Joystick, joypad, and keyboard  * 386 33 Mhz or higher required
30526 HACXSW10.ZIP 5,1 Mt 18.10.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
HACX shareware v1.0. An interactive first person shooter. Fight futuristic weapons of mass destruction! Requires DOOM2, version 1.9
30531 HB.ZIP 417,1 kt 30.05.1997 - MBCD -
Hyper Breakout Nopeatempoinen tiilenmurskaus- peli. Neljä mailaa pitää palloa pelissä. Mahdollisuus tehdä omia kenttäkokonaisuuksia. Freewarea. Tukee: 486/VGA/SB/GUS/reaktiot TAATTUA iMAGiSoft tuotantoa!!!!!
30533 HELIOUS.ZIP 280,6 kt 01.07.1997 - nopv_games.zip tupla
"HELIOUS ONE  Contains nine b‹zàrrˆ & fun levels you wont believe It combines strategy with action oriented arcade sequences. Featuring gameplay so original youll play it just to see whatll happen next."
30534 HEXMZ11.ZIP 117,1 kt 14.04.1997 - - -
HexMaze v1.1 by Russell Salamori. Makes hexagonal mazes.
30538 HOINSTAL.ZIP 1,1 Mt 03.07.1997 - 22536/GAMBLERCD07.BIN tupla
HOPY-ONE(TM) Interactive Demo An Arcade Classic (C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * Hi-Res 640x350 VGA graphics * Joystick or keyboard control * Soundcard supported * 386 or higher required In the year 2013, seven of the Planetariums decided to initiate a plan to eradicate the F.L.V. (Fast Line Virus), the deadliest strain of mutating virus in the galaxy.  The bio-droid, HOPY-ONE, was created in a laboratory to research the virus and aid in
30540 HOPPER.ZIP 745 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
Title: Island Hopper Version: #1146 * Desc: Shooting/scrolling arcade game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $24.95 + $4.95 Author: PLBM Games Email: sales@plbm.com
30551 IGO.ZIP 226,6 kt 03.12.1994 - MBCD tupla
IGO - Tutorial for the Game of Go IGO is a scaled-down version of David Fotland\'s "Many Faces of Go" program. IGO contains a complete interactive go tutorial and go rules. You can also play against the computer on a 9x9 board.
30553 IKOSDS.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
Iko San by C2V Productions Takes the fun and strategy of a Tetris-like game and enhances it with awsome 3D animation and graphics. Iko San is infused with 9 superb sound tracks, 5 difficulty levels, hundreds of various playing pieces and tons of fun! DOS.
30554 INCUN.ZIP 1,9 Mt 18.09.1997 - 17112/TEKNO 4-1997.iso -
INCUNABULA The Unspoken Secrets DEMO V1.0 epic fantasy adventure RPG similar in style to the Final Fantasy series by SquareSoft for the Nintendo game platforms. The player controls a party of 1 to 6 characters as they explore a dangerous world, battle fierce creatures, and unravel the clues to their quest. 08/04/97 release. 386/33+ SVGA
30558 INVATAXI.ZIP 479,1 kt 12.06.1995 - MBCD tupla
Jälleen Åkesoft riennättää sinulle hehkeän pelikokonaisuuden: INVATAXIn. Invakuskina tarvitset hiiren ja mie- lellään SB:n. Invaliidipeli SEXgames- tyyliin! Tässä pelissä pannaan invoja oikeisiin paikkoihin.
30561 JAZZXMS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 23.12.1994 renamed 23693/CEUS_CD.iso tupla
30564 JILL.ZIP 275,8 kt 01.07.1997 - The Wildcat Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
256-color scrolling arcade adventure, supports VGA/EGA/CGA/Jys, Sound Blaster. HOT! Epic MegaGames brings you a new era in gaming with this immense 16-level world featuring Super Nintendo-quality animation, effects and sound track.  Try JILL OF THE JUNGLE now!
30565 JJXMAS95.ZIP 1,4 Mt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
JAZZ JACKRABBIT HOLIDAY HARE 1995 From Epic MegaGames comes the All-New 1995 Holiday Hare. This holiday version of the award winning Jazz Jackrabbit features new levels and music for your holiday game playing pleasure!
30571 KADUR064.ZIP 153,2 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
- Kaduria v0.6.4 Alpha - Rogue-like CRPG. No monsters or magic in this version. VGA required and Pentium recommended.
30574 KAPTURE.ZIP 232,8 kt 23.12.1994 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO tupla
Kapture 3D (v1.0) - by Nate Goudie          An intense two player action/strategy game of "Capture the Flag" which takes place in the years following a nuclear holocaust.  Both players compete head-to- head with non-stop, split-screen (first person perspective) action!  Make use of your trusty handgun, land mines, scanners, compasses, med-kits, etc, while evaiding hazards like fire and spear traps (not to mention your opponent!). Requires 386+ and 256 color VGA.  Give it a
30575 KARMES1.ZIP 16,8 kt 14.02.1998 - MBCD -
KÄRMES V1.0 BY TUOMAS IKOLA Mukava matopeli 320x200 grafiikoilla. Yhdeksän haastavaa kenttää. Vaatii mielellään 486:sen ja VGA:n. FREEWAREA!
30579 KERBOOMP.ZIP 481,8 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Kerboom! Version:  #1133 Desc: Kerboom! arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA, Mouse or Joystick Optional:  SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list
30581 KILOBLST.ZIP 509,7 kt 03.07.1997 - 6180/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (July 1994).iso tupla
"KILOBLASTER 1.0 -- new from EPIC MEGAGAMES A superb 256-color VGA animated arcade game30 levels of fun & wild digitized artwork! Supports VGA (also EGA)Jysand a Megacool sound track for the Sound Blaster. The makers of Jill of the Jungle have returned to bring you even more *excellent* entertainment. Yesthose Epic folks are back againand this new game is COOL... Nowait... Its HOT..."
30585 KORT.ZIP 569,8 kt 23.12.1994 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
"King Arthurs K.O.R.T. by MVP Software . Great new Medieval strategy game in which you must conquer Great Britain.  256 color VGA graphicsterrific theme musicdigitized sound effects and voices!  Who says valor and chivalry are dead.  Prepare for battle! Req 286+VGAmouse."
30586 KOSMO10.ZIP 77,1 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
Kosmo Mato v1.0 Uusi viritelmä klassisesta matopelistä, tehnyt Mika Kuusisto.
30589 KRYPED.ZIP 1,4 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
Krypton Egg V4.0 By C2V Productions - Breakout arcade game from France that has many twists and turns. This is not your ordinary breakout game, however. Besides the spectacular graphics and sounds, all sorts of hordes and monsters drop along with the balls. DOS
30592 KURRE100.ZIP 663,6 kt 24.11.1997 - MBCD -
Kamikaze Kurret v1.00 By Ethereal Team - hieno räiskintäpeli jossa voit tappaa kaverisi hilpeästi hyppimällä naruissa, uimalla vedessä ja ampumalla häntä monella hilpeällä aseella... FREEWARE | DOS & VGA & SB File_id by Abnormal Uses MIDAS Sound System
30593 LADMN310.ARJ 161,3 kt 01.07.1997 - 23633/PCGAMER03.bin tupla
LADDER MAN III   v1.0    (EGA/VGA) The mind-boggling puzzles of the Ladder Man series continue with this latest release. Help Ladder Man collect all the light bulbs in each of the puzzle rooms and then reach the elusive doorway. Use his ladder to reach objects like TNT, boats, balloons and crates while avoiding deadly lasers and dangerous water hazards. You must literally construct his own escape. WARNING ADDICTIVE!
30600 LLARRY11.ARJ 137,9 kt 07.01.1995 - 23633/PCGAMER03.bin tupla
Loader Larry  v1.1  Req.EGA/VGA  Loadlar.zip Larry Lontrose is a part-time dock loader in his hometown of Longview. He has ambitions to be promoted up the corporate ladder. By solving the 20 mind-bending puzzle rooms, you can help Larry fulfill his dreams. Each room has objects like boxes, balloons, Tnt, and much more. Using these objects and avoiding others, he must reach the doors in each room. A pure animated logic puzzle!
30601 LLIGHT.ARJ 338,7 kt 07.01.1995 - 23633/PCGAMER03.bin tupla
Laser Light - challanges you to guide the laser beam from the gun through a series of objects, using various tools, such as mirrors, splitters, gates, etc. You will be allowed a certain amount of time to set up the path before the laser gun fires. Each level becomes increasingly more difficult with twists and turns, exploding objects, and more.
30606 LUNAR.ZIP 87,1 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"Lunar Lander" by Kurt W Dekker.
30607 LW2U.ZIP 513,9 kt 23.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi tupla
LineWars II INCREDIBLE 3D SPACE ACTION GAME from Safari Software. Play alone or battle your friends in MODEM & NETWORK play -- up to 8 players! Cruise through a true 3D environment in the Deneb star system, toasting pirate ships as you progress through THREE killer missions! Supports regular VGA and 640x480 Super VGA, Sound Blaster, Gravis, Thrustmaster & more.
30609 MACINVAD.ZIP 44 kt 03.07.1997 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso tupla
MAC INVADERS Save the planet from destruction by the evil Macintosh  computers!  Fight off wave after wave of the hellspawns in this new arcade game for your PC from Tesseract Software!
30612 MARIOVGA.ZIP 46,9 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD -
Mario Brothers VGA V1.0 DOS. Klassinen vanha arcadepeli siistinä yksin/kaksinpelikäännöksenä. Retro.
30613 MASTER10.ZIP 38,1 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
MASTERMIND v1.0 by: Shadow This program is freeware.
30616 MATO97.ZIP 184 kt 31.07.1997 - MBCD -
MATO-97 vähän samanlainen mato peli kuin pizza worm Hienot animaatiot ! Vaatii: 486/66 ja SVGA ja VGA näytön sekä lisäksi noin 500 kilotavua perusmuistia Copyright (c) Mikko Uusi-Illikainen
30625 METEOR.ZIP 82,6 kt 01.07.1997 väärä koko gamers.org tupla
"Meteor mission" by Kurt W Dekker.
30626 MGOLF.ZIP 204,1 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"AMs MINI GOLF 3D Great 3d polygon mini golf game.  Easy to play with changeable viewpoint and varied holes.  Up to 9 players. Registered users get a complete hole and course designer.  Sound Blaster sound effects. Dos486DX+3Mb Ram."
30631 MN.ZIP 759,9 kt 23.12.1994 - - tupla
Metallic Nations Sotastrategia-peli, jossa pyrit valloittamaan "Novia"-tähtiparven herruuden. Monessa suhteessa parempi kuin Civilization tai Empire.
30632 MOLEMACH.ZIP 283,4 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"Mole Machines * seek the other player and destroy him. Drive underground in mining vehicles and destroy the opposing miner before youre out of energy. Req. 486. By Petri Savolainen"
30638 MTRBLST5.ZIP 445,4 kt 15.09.1997 - MBCD -
MTRblast v0.005  alpha-beta  by Iikka Keränen .  MTRblast is a two- player  action game  where you either  try to shoot down your  friend or  to get better lap time on a  racing track.  In  many points  it resembles   an   old  (Finnish)   Amiga  game Turboraketti...
30639 MTRIS10.ZIP 82 kt 06.02.1998 - - -
M-TRIS... hyvä Tetris peli, jossa on esim: - Hyvät Grafiikat - Hyvä pelattavuus versio: 1.00
30641 MURSKA10.ARJ 134,1 kt 16.12.1997 - - -
Murska 1.0 - hauska ping-pong-tiilenmurskaus- aggressionkanavointituote :) Pomputtele palloa tietokoneen kanssa ja murskaa mitä tahansa. Paljon eri tasoja ja tasoeditori. 386/33MHz/VGA/SB/hiiri Nalletuotannon FREEWAREA
30644 MZR2FIX.ZIP 271,6 kt 12.04.1998 - MBCD -
Mazer 2 - New fixed version! Great multiplayer game where 2-3 players collects points in randomly generated dark maze! Fast and easy gameplay! Requires fast 386, some memory and VGA-card. Supports many soundcards. (C) 1998 Cabal
30645 NAPY3.ZIP 74,9 kt 06.02.1998 - - -
Näpy3.zip v3.0 SW   By Mepäsarts Tämä uuden sukupolven reaktio-nopeus testeri yhtdistää huvin ja hyödyt täysin uudella tavalla. Pääset mukaan liike-elämen saloihin. Samalla opit aakkoset ja numerot. Kuopiolaisen Mepäsartsin laatutuote. Rekisteröinti vain 30 MK!
30649 NFIGHTER.A01 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Nebula Fighter demo 2/5
30650 NFIGHTER.A02 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Nebula Fighter demo 3/5
30651 NFIGHTER.A03 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Nebula Fighter demo 4/5
30652 NFIGHTER.A04 1,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Nebula Fighter demo 5/5
30653 NFIGHTER.ARJ 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Nebula Fighter Playable Demo 1/5 Holodream Software / One Reality / IONOS a true arcade style horizontal scrolling shootemup game. You will enjoy the pre- rendered graphics as you blow the enemy away. Collect items along the way to add to your growing arsenal of weaponry. Fly through asteroid fields that look so real you will think your there. Battle your way through multiple playing arenas. Several animations to add to the enjoyment. Great actionoriginal music and sound effects to keep you on the edge of your seat. A must have for the shooter fan. P100 16 MB DOS"
30659 NOPAT.ZIP 161,8 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Noble Softin noppapelit
30660 NOPPA32.ZIP 89,2 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Noppa 0.2
30662 NSRAHAP.ZIP 167,2 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Noble Softin mahtavat rahapelit Kuin RAYn automaateista ! Mukana: KENO, VENTTI ja NOPPA 1. Myös enkkalistat. Tätä et voi ohittaa. (c) Lauri Aaltonen
30663 NTECH10.ZIP 650,5 kt 30.06.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
NanoTech V1.0, 3d platform game with MOD music, req. 386+ MSDOS 5+ VGA. Control a nanobot in 3D environment, jumping from platform ahead to another.
30669 ONEARM.ZIP 44,4 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
SLOTS.EXE is an original shareware program by Anthony G. Weiss. Another one of the good old one arm bandits!  Have fun, and please distribute freely.
30670 ONESIMUS.ZIP 534,3 kt 01.07.1997 - 16624/Shareware Universe The Gold Collection.iso tupla
Onesimus-Quest for Freedom.Tasohyppely Jill of the Junglen tyyliin.
30676 OXYD.ZIP 1,1 Mt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
OXYD, version 3.B.  This color shareware game allows cooperative play  via modem and includes ten levels for preview.  OXYD is a creative  challenge that introduces the player to interesting puzzles, elaborate mazes,  friction, velocity, gravity, magnetism, lasers, prisms and other aspects of  physical science realm.  Plays like MARBLE MADNESS, with SoundBlaster and mouse support.  Version 3.B features support for SB 16.  See OXYD.TXT & OXHINT.TXT  here in the lib for more information
30677 OZSHARE.ZIP 408,3 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
"OidZone! Destroy the Oids and avoid the swarm mines in this fast-action game ! Remake of the classic space shootemup! Lord Generic Productions and AAIT Retro"
30680 PAL12.ZIP 296,6 kt 23.07.1997 - MBCD -
PALIKKA v1.2 (c)Teemu Sikanen Hieno TETRIS klooni! vaatii 486/VGA
30682 PALLO.ZIP 108,9 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
Pallo on kahden pallontorjunta-pelin yhdistelmä: Paketissa ovat Bananoid ja Aquanoid.
30681 PALLOT.ZIP 55,1 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Pallon väistelypeli, optimoitu pelattavaksi 66 Mhz DX2:lla (nopeammilla koneilla peli on liian vaikea, hitaammilla helppo)
30683 PAST10B.ZIP 238,1 kt 06.03.1997 - - -
Compressor presents Pastil race 1.0b Type.....: 2D car game Requires.: 386&VGA Supports.: GUS, SBs, PAS Includes.: Map editor ;D Ylhäältä kuvattua grafiikkamerkkirallia
30686 PCLAS1.ZIP 30,3 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 1/n: ALLEY CAT
30687 PCLAS2.ZIP 24,8 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 2/n: SOPWITH 2
30688 PCLAS3.ZIP 8,9 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 3/n: ASTROFIRE
30689 PCLAS4.ZIP 24,1 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 4/n: ARCADE VOLLEYBALL
30690 PCLAS5.ZIP 62,8 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 5/n: CHOPPER COMMANDO
30691 PCLAS6.ZIP 23,1 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Vanhat PC-Pelien klassikot, osa 6/n: DIGGER
30699 PILGRIM1.ZIP 16,2 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
"Pilgrims Journey I - This is a text adventure game I wrote for a class project."
30702 PING.ARJ 769 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
SECTOR ONE aNd FANTASY PresenT : .:. - PiNG - .:. tHe OfficiaL TenniS SimulatoR oF tHe US ArmY, FeaturinG BonI, CarebearS WarS, SpindizzY SoundS aNd MorE ! (Req. 486+/VGA/GUS/SB/DOS) Extract with pkunzip -D ping.zip
30703 PIPETRIS.ZIP 297,5 kt 03.02.1997 - MBCD -
"PIPETRIS ver 1.0 from Far Side software is a newaddictive tetris-clone. Including great playabilitygraphics and sound effects with exiting special blocksPipetris will be the only tetris youll ever need."
30705 PLBMPONG.ZIP 88,9 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Title:  PLBM Pong Version:  #1135 Desc:  Ping Pong arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA, Two Players Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list
30708 PMVISA10.ZIP 41,9 kt 29.05.1997 - - -
Punk - Metal visa 1.0 Punk - metal aiheinen tietovisailu. Freeware!
30710 POD14.ZIP 123,2 kt 23.04.1997 - MBCD -
POD v1.4 - Move your "pod" around a network  of coloured tracks to remove them, but avoid  falling off or being left stranded. A  challenging game of 20 levels, sound and  great EGA graphics. Registered version  includes 60 more levels plus a utility to  create your own. Room license also available  for multiple PCs in one classroom or office.
30711 POK220VE.ZIP 516,5 kt 23.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
*      DGS Poker Version 2.20 English      * * DOS Version (OS/2 Available on request)  * * New Graphics in 640 X 480 compiled with  * * DGS Protected Mode System III Revision 2 * *        Now ADRESSE.EXE compatible        * *   New function added: Statistic etc...   * *   Require 286 or higher with 512K RAM    * *    Microsoft or PS/2 Mouse, VGA 256K     * * PC-DOS 3.30 +, MS-DOS 3.30 +, OS/2 2.0 + *
30713 POKER14.ZIP 325,4 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
"Ultimate Poker v1.40  Animatedinteractive Poker simulation (5 and 7 card stud). Anty up with any three ofeight animated players for a lively session of poker. Choose the table stakes and game speed. On screen displays track the betscallsraiseschecksand folds for each bet round and each players stake. Statistics show the winning record of a particular hand frequency of each."
30714 POKERI08.ZIP 34,7 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ *Noble Soft* ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ Û Noble Softin uusin rahapeli POKERI Û Û Demoversio 0.8.                    Û
30717 PONG10.ZIP 35,2 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Pong! v1.0 A great new remake of the original classic. FEATURES:  VGA graphics, full musical accompaniment, 1 or 2 player simultaneous action, online help and more! REQ: a PC, VGA card, and a sound card for music. Freeware by Jason Maas. clueless@wpi.wpi.edu
30718 POPEMUP.ZIP 113 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
Made by Insect/GigaMess Helper: TexMex/GigaMess This is asteroids(tm) stylegame for one player with five levels. This game is megacool but VERY easy so go and test!!
30720 POPWAR.ZIP 327 kt 22.10.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
" 3rd Generation     presents    PopWar97  Req: 386/40MHz  (486 Recommnd)    VGAMouse   Opt: SB Card"
30724 PPACK100.ZIP 162,1 kt 24.01.1997 - MBCD -
Pelipack v1.00 Kaksi peliä : 1) Työntäjä v1.00, vga, 486dx2-66 Työnnä laatikoita sokkeloissa. 2) ParityWars v1.00. 1-2 Plr, vga, 286.
30727 PSQUAD05.ZIP 250,2 kt 27.08.1997 - MBCD -
"ParaSquad Freeware V 0.5  Simple shootem up game. By Antti Aromäki"
30736 QUIV102.ZIP 1,9 Mt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Quiver ShareWare V1.02 from ESD Games 3D 1st-Person Arcade Action Shooter Req 486/33 6 MB VGA DOS5
30737 QUIZ305.ZIP 177,6 kt 22.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Create A Quiz - Lets you generate your own on-screen interactive quizzes. Great for teachers and students. Quizzes can also be printed out. Can be used in a stand-alone kiosk environment. 1-9 participants may play at the same time - great for games. Supports multiple choice and fill-in-the- blank questions. Can also be used to give and track surveys. Many, many options. Menu driven, easy to use interface.
30742 RAVAGE.ZIP 1,3 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
"Ravage V1.1 - vertical scrolling nice but quite typical shootemup for DOS."
30744 RDBALL10.ZIP 534,1 kt 24.04.1997 - MBCD -
BALLISTIC v.1.0 - Ballistic is an addictive fast paced arcade puzzle game.  It has superb 256 color VGA graphics with very smooth animation and game play.  REQUIRES 386/16MHz or faster, VGA, 450K RAM, and 1 MB HDD space. Sound Blaster and Mouse optional.
30753 REVENG13.ZIP 1,1 Mt 01.07.1997 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
"Clydes Revenge is a smooth scrolling arcade adventure from the makers of Hocus Pocuspublished by Apogee Software! Double parallax scrollinga dynamite soundtrack and full digital sound effects highlight this arcade hit! Supports 12 different sound cards including Sound Blaster and UltraSound for 8 channels of sound! This game requires a 486-33 or higherVGA graphics and 4 megabytes of RAM."
30758 ROADHG10.ZIP 1,3 Mt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
ROAD HOG! v1.0 - A hot new arcade style car racing game. Requires 386+, 570K, 576K EMS. Joystick/ digital GamePad, and all major sound boards optional. Race through wild texture mapped arcade fun, honk your horn as you pass wicked opponents, and make your tires squeel till your ears begin to bleed! Written by Teacy Entertainment, distributed by Homebrew Software .
30759 ROBALL2.ZIP 160 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
ROBALL Veikeä taitopeli jossa pitää hyppiä pallolla esteiden yli.
30763 ROF.ZIP 94,2 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"Revenge of Frogger". Frogger- klassikkopelin klooni.
30766 ROLLIN.ZIP 1015,2 kt 03.07.1997 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin tupla
Rollin, guide a rolling ball from start to the end of each level, feel the inertai and gravity-laws pulling it, how momentum of speed makes controlling harder... Parallax-scrolling, fun and enjoyable game, with two player competing option.
30768 ROOMS.ZIP 237,1 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
ROOMS OF DOOM is a side-scrolling arcade game.  As such, there are several actions you must master in order to get the most out of the game. Shoot Zombies and things!
30769 ROXX.ZIP 472,8 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Roxx Version:  #1133 Desc:  Roxx arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional: SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:  PLBM Games Email: kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list
30771 RRISK.ZIP 121,2 kt 15.06.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
RRisk -strategiapeli. Kuin aito.
30773 RTIDE.ZIP 682,2 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
"In Search of Dr. Riptide v1.1 You: Nick NautilusSecret Naval Agent 1138. Your mission:  To seek and destroy the evil Dr. Riptide and his secret undersea lab. Your main submarine is armed to the teethand with the aid of your smallmaneuverable JASON sidekick youll be able to explore the tiniest nooks and crannies. You are more than ready to face the insane creations"
30774 RUDY135A.ZIP 60,8 kt 03.07.1997 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
DR. RUDY v1.35a (15 Mar 96) by Kevin J. North IBM arcade/action game for 1 or 2 players. Supports 256-color VGA or CGA, color monitor highly recommended. FreeWare, but 2-player mode can be "unlocked" for a $10 donation. Game play: You start with a bottle with viruses in it of 3 different colors. Immediately you get a colored pill, and it is your job to guide it as it slowly falls through the bottle and place it so that it matches colors in a row/column. New for
30778 SBMANIA.ZIP 955,3 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Super Bubble Mania v1.0 Win95/DOS arcade game. Guide your hero through 7 levels of heart pounding action, where you collect power-ups, pop baloons and defeat the aliens that want to conquer Earth. The registered version includes 100+ levels, Mania Mode, and lots of nasty bosses. Requires 486/33MHz or above, VGA, 3mb ram, 4mb hard disk, Gravis Ultrasound, SoundBlaste or compatible. Also supports Joysticks/Joypad
30785 SDRAMP.A01 2,9 Mt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Alien Rampage V1.11 2/2
30786 SDRAMP.ARJ 3,3 Mt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
ALIEN RAMPAGE v1.11 - Shareware (c) 1996 by Softdisk Publishing ALIEN RAMPAGE is a side-scrolling arcade game featuring beautiful multiple-parallax backgrounds, large, detailed graphics, and bloody death sequences. (Violence can be turned off.) This version has 4 weapons and 7 levels including 1 mean boss to beat! Needs a 486 DX/66, 11 meg hard drive space.
30797 SIRRAMIC.ZIP 134,6 kt 20.12.1995 - - tupla
Sir Ramic Hobbs, text adventure
30800 SKUDESER.ZIP 432,7 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Skunny Kart Racingin orava seikkailee aavikolla.
30801 SKUFORES.ZIP 504,6 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Skunny Kart Racingin orava seikkailee metsässä.
30802 SKUNNY.ZIP 3,7 Mt 01.07.1997 - nic.funet.fi tupla
SKUNNY! 32-bit Platform Game Experience the fastest, most exciting platform game released to the market in years. Up to six levels of parallax scrolling, 3D-rendered animations. The game contains more than 750,000 graphic elements and a built-in level editor. Dozens of objects to interact with: camp fires, gold coins, barrels, ropes, boosters, pinball, mine cart, magic carpet, saw blades, etc. Find hundreds of secret passages, bonus levels and the treasure! Requires 486+, 8Mb,
30803 SKUPIZZA.ZIP 402,8 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Skunny Kart Racingin orava seikkailee kaupungissa.
30804 SKUSPACE.ZIP 356,7 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Skunny Kart Racingin orava seikkailee avaruudessa.
30805 SKYXMS.ZIP 414,8 kt 03.07.1997 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip tupla
SkyXmas: Xmas version of SkyRoads with new roads/gfx/muzax Imagine cruising a road in Crab Nebula with your starglider! Catch breathtaking views of the universe! Loaded with superb graphics, marvelous tunes and smooth 3D animation,SkyRoads is a game that is definitely fun to play! VGA/EGA, SB/Adlib CREATIVE DIMENSIONS OCT 1994
30807 SMATO.ZIP 97,1 kt 15.01.1998 - MBCD -
Super Mato - Muunnelma wanhasta matopelista. Sis. apuohjelman, jolla saat omia kenttia peliin. Vaatii miel. 486/33
30808 SN2000T.ZIP 65,9 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
SUPER NIBBLES 2000 TURBO v1.0Super Nibbles 2000 turbo on matopeli 1 pelaajalle. 
320 x 200 VGA-grafiikat ja 18 eri kenttää, joita voit editoida ja paljon muuta!
30809 SNAKEDEM.ZIP 377,9 kt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
SNAKES - Remake of an Amiga hitgame by R.S.I. (part of Soft Machine) in co-production with Victrix Software. Featuring sparkling graphics, stunning music, action & fun. Dos.
30810 SNOPPA11.ZIP 67,8 kt 23.04.1997 - - -
Jlm Softwaren SUPER NOPPA, arpapeli kolmella nopalla. TUPLAUSTOIMINTO, ohjeet, upea tausta, kahden nimen ennätyslista jne. Kirjoita: type LUE!.TXT | more Versio 1.1. Vaatii DOS 4.0, VGA.
30813 SOLI10B.ZIP 135,3 kt 23.07.1997 - - -
Dossissa toimiva pasianssi-peli
30814 SPACECHS.ZIP 479 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
SPACE CHASE from SAFARI is HERE AT LAST! Jason Storm battles Evil Guys Inc. for control of a vast city in Game 1 of the Space Chase Trilogy!! 10 MASSIVE levels, incredible EGA/VGA graphics, all original Adlib/SB music, stunning graphics. req. 286-16+, 530K RAM (580K w/music),EGA/VGA From Safari Software Productions
30815 SPEEDKAR.ZIP 509,3 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Speed-Kar Version:  #1133 Desc: Speed-Kar arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list
30817 SPEEDY10.ZIP 1,5 Mt 02.07.1997 - 2841/Software of the Month Club 1996 May.iso tupla
"Speedy distributed by HomeBrew Software is a different type of racing game.  You dont have to defeat opponents or get the best lap time.  The aim of the game is to reach the goal safely while avoiding obstacles like waterfencesother cars and holes. Requires: 386+4 Meg RAMVGA.  Joystick and sound card optional. (v1.0)   "
30820 SPOQU10.ZIP 113,9 kt 03.03.1997 - MBCD -
SPOQU! 1.0A Pong -style game with nice graphics and music 
for 2-4 players. SB & GUS. By Illumination. Retro.
30822 SPUTNIK.ZIP 220,7 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
"Sputnik - An unknown government has sent you and your comrade to orbit of Moon in a small landing modulenamed as Sputnik. Because of limited budgetyou have a very limited store of necessary goodies like fuel and oxygen. Simple arcade game where you try to land your craft into moons surface. Req. VGA 486/66 by TEAM Poldek!  3.1 MEMBERS OF POLDEK!"
30827 SROADS.ZIP 406,2 kt 01.07.1997 - - -
SkyRoadsGreat 3D challenge for those who dare! 
Imagine cruising a road in Crab Nebula 
with your starglider! Catch breathtaking 
views of the universe! Loaded with superb 
graphics, marvelous tunes and smooth 
3D animation, SkyRoads is a game that 
is definitely fun!
30836 STAL.ZIP 55,5 kt 01.07.1997 - fileplanet.com tupla
"Stalactites" by Kurt W Dekker.
30834 STALKER.ZIP 1,4 Mt 30.06.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
STALKER 1: PATH OF FIRE The stunning 256-color VGA action game from MM Software Productions: There is a Zone, a radioactive contamination zone, a zone of death and decay!Only one man - the Stalker - is brave enough to enter the Zone in search of the magical Golden Sphere, which can fulfill any wish. Enter the Zone and discover for yourself - IF YOU DARE! Requires 386, VGA, Sound Blaster (optional)
30835 STALPLBM.ZIP 88,7 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Stalactites Version:  #1135 Desc: Stalactites arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional:  Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email:  kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list
30837 STARCOMM.ZIP 462,5 kt 07.01.1995 - - tupla
Star Commander Captain your own starship while unleashing deadly destruction on others! A game of tactical space combat
30839 STARWREK.ZIP 331,2 kt 11.01.1998 - MBCD -
Star Wrek v1.0 Tässä Hurjassa Avaruusräiskinnässä Luodit Lentävät Kuin Bitit Rinnakkaisportista! Voit Pelata Joko Kaveriasi Tai Tietokonetta Vastaan! Vaatii 486, VGA, 1 Mb EMS, SB By Sami Kyöstilä -98
30840 STBL.ZIP 83,3 kt 02.04.1998 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
STORE BLOCKS - In this game You can Build and Move blocks. One kind of tetris-clone Needs  : 486 and VGA Supports :  SB and GUS MUDDLE presents 1998
30843 STSHARE.ZIP 476,7 kt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Star Thief! A Battle For Survival Against The Forces Of The Cosmos ! Remake of a classic space game! Lord Generic Productions and AAIT
30845 SUB_203.ZIP 357,1 kt 15.02.1997 - MBCD -
Super Breakout 2.03 Tiilenmurskauspeli, jossa on huipussaan sekä pelattavuus että hupi! Neljällä mailalla (kaksi sivuilla, kaksi yllä ja alla) tökitään palloa tiiliä kohti. VGA256,SB->SB16, Japp-mainosmusiikki ;-) Retro Taattua SimoSoft tuotantoa.
30854 SWORM11.ZIP 99,6 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
-= S u p e r W o r m =-  Versio 1.1 Matopeli. FREEWARE 386+, VGA, MOUSE, (SB)
30855 T2000SW.ZIP 1,3 Mt 10.06.1997 - MBCD -
TETRIS 2000 V1.0 - good looking 256/SVGA Tetris with pinpoint playing accuracy - the only tetris you will ever need.
30859 TANKARE.ZIP 1,2 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
"TANK ARENA by 3.14 Software TANK ARENA is a PC game which fills a big hole in todays games: most of the games are made for one player onlyvery few games are for two players and most of the times you need two computers. This game however can be played with one or two persons on the same computer. The mission goal is of course very simple: kill your opponents tank before he kills you... There are loads of weapons to do this and there are also many different opponents."
30863 TANX10SW.ZIP 200,9 kt 23.07.1997 - MBCD -
Shareware TANX 1.0  (C) 1997 JJSoft Legendaarinen kaksintaistelu tankeilla. Uusina ominaisuuksina mm. erikseen kääntyvä tykkitorni, mahdollisuus ohjelmoida omia kenttiä, 3 pelaajaa samalla näppäimistöllä ja läjittäin asetuksia. Rekisteröintihinta 20 mk. Purkaminen PKUNZIP -d TANX10SW.ZIP
30865 TC0001B.ZIP 40,6 kt 25.06.1997 - - -
TERROR CASTLE V 0.001 BETA Do you like Nethack/SpurguX styled RPG games? If you do, Terror Castle is the game for you! Battle against the evil Alucard Ris in this depth-seeking adventure, so download this now! 286/1MB -  1 Level :(
30867 TD2192.ZIP 1,2 Mt 01.07.1997 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Traffic Department 2192 Guide Lt. Velasquez through this incredible 256 color action game. This Safari Software and Pý production features an exciting 50,000 word story, and overhead action you don\'t want to miss! Voluntarily rated "R" and includes a "PG" option for younger audiences. Supports: Sound Blaster/Sound Blaster Pro, Gravis GamePad. Requires 286+
30869 TEST003A.ZIP 50 kt 06.03.1997 - - -
T.E.S.T. v0.03a by Orgg / SoliD Star control meets AUTS
30872 THUNZONE.ZIP 513 kt 01.07.1997 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso tupla
Arcade game! Released In May!  FREEWARE! Major Support For Gravis Ultrasound. Supports SoundBlaster..and compatibles Star Trek - Type Shootem up.
30876 TIMHNT10.ZIP 1,4 Mt 01.03.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg tupla
Time Hunters distributed by HomeBrew Software is a game where you travel back in time and shoot dinosaurs to rack up points.  Requires: 566K RAM, VGA, mouse. Sound card optional. (v1.0)         
30888 TRASH00.ZIP 372,5 kt 05.04.1997 - MBCD -
Trash b0.0 on suomalainen laatupeli, jossa pääset löylyttämään kavereitasi. Puretaan -d valitsimella.
30891 TRONIC.ZIP 698,5 kt 02.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
* Tronic (TM) * A Shareware Arcade Style Classic (C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * VGA graphics * Awesome sound effects and music * Major sound cards supported * Mouse and keyboard control * 386sx or higher required * Multiple levels of play
30896 TUBE.ZIP 1020,8 kt 30.01.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg tupla
Tube by Bullfrog
30898 TUROID12.ZIP 86,4 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"TUROID 1.20 New smooth 60 fpsmost beautiful VGA graphicsball-paddle game.  Turoid is full of features including bonus shootem up levelsup to 64 ballstwo lazershigh score tablefull-width displayon-line helpan intuitive Level Editorand much more. Adlib support.  286 or higherVGAand mouse required.  Shareware 1994."
30899 TWINBLOK.ZIP 645,4 kt 28.04.1997 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
TwinBlok (TM) A Shareware Arcade Style Classic (C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * For 1 or 2 players * Incredible VGA graphics * Awesome sound effects and music * Major sound cards supported * Joystick, mouse, and keyboard control * 386sx or higher required * Multiple levels of play
30903 UDPZ050.ZIP 108,3 kt 07.03.1997 - MBCD -
ULTRA DELUXE PALLO ZONE version 0.50. IPX required! Pentium preferred. VESA SVGA game. tAAt 1997
30904 UFOHI135.ZIP 187,1 kt 23.07.1997 - MBCD -
UFO Hippa V1.35 by THP FREEWARE!!!  Great 2/3 player UFO tag game. *256 colors *MOD musics *Weapons *Teleports *Level editor
30905 UFOHIPPA.ZIP 359,2 kt 02.11.1997 - - -
Super Ufo-Hippa v. 1.0 Hyvä kilpailija vanhemmalle Ufo-Hipalle. 2 pelaajaa. Vaatii 486, SB
30913 VENTT102.ZIP 48,7 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Noble Softin Ventti v1.02 Kuin suoraan RAY-automaatista. Enkkalistat, ja paljon muuta.
30914 VENTTI11.ZIP 59,3 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
Noble Ventti v1.1
30915 VGAJOUST.ZIP 51,6 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Turnajaismainen kaksintaistelupeli strutseilla. VGA 256 colors. Klassikko.
30916 VGAKIX15.ZIP 398,4 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
VGA Kix 1.5 Kix is an arcade style video game for the PC similar to the old Taito arcade game Qix or STIX on C-64. Using your stylus, you attempt to draw areas on the game board without getting caught by the Kix or other opponents.  You complete a level after you have claimed a certain percentage of the total board.Requires a fast 286 PC or better with VGA.
30917 VGUARD10.ZIP 2,5 Mt 08.04.1997 - MBCD -
---========== Vanguard ACE ============--- Imaginative Illusions is proud to present Vanguard Ace, vertical shooter blast fest for the PC. Features: 70 Frames Per Second smooth screen update. Multiple layer parallax scrolling. Rendered graphics. Mecha style sprites design and bosses. At least 30 fps per sprite. Multiple weapon levels for each ships. You can select from 5 different ships. (Full version). Over 1000 frames of animated sprites. Probably the 1st vertical shooter
30919 VIPER.ZIP 37,3 kt 01.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
"Viped" by Kurt W Dekker. Matopeli.
30918 VIPERPLB.ZIP 259,1 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Title:  Viper Version:  #1133 Desc:  Viper arcade game Needs:  IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration:  $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author:  PLBM Games Email: kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list
30924 VTX_ALPH.ZIP 483,4 kt 24.02.1997 - - -
Vortex alpha versionVortex is a graphical role playing game that combines elements from roguelike games 
and many commercial crpgs. Requires svga, Sb is required for sound. Made in Finland.
30926 WARMATO.ZIP 49 kt 06.08.1997 - MBCD -
Warmaton lopullinen versio. By breezesoft!!
30928 WEBS32.ZIP 606,5 kt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
WEBS is a deceptively simple solitaire game requiring both strategy and cunning. You claim nodes on a web while trying to limit the moves available to your opponent.  The registered version contains additional options, such as 2 player mode, and tougher computer opponents. It also include the Web Spinner which lets you modify any of the webs, or create your own.
30931 WILD.ZIP 654,7 kt 03.07.1997 - - tupla
Skunny-Orava seikkailee Villissä Lännessä. Platform.
30930 WILDF11.ZIP 84,8 kt 05.04.1997 - - -
WILDFIRE v1.1 Little time killing game! Needs    : 486DX/33, Vga Supports : Sb, Gus
30937 WORMG164.ZIP 27 kt 31.01.1997 - MBCD -
Wormgame v1.64 SW by Samuli Kajantola 1-2 players, 8 levels, worms can grow longer, neverending worm option, speed normal or fast, 360 degrees free movement, NEW: random arena color, egde pass-option and worm is made from circles. Requires only: 286/VGA/DOS/50KB HD
30938 WORMIE.ZIP 167,7 kt 25.03.1997 - MBCD -
Da very great nibbles-kloonI. Mcga, up to 2 players. KoDe: dust/ jungle tribe, sekä pauke by floppy/jungle tribe
30939 WORMUP12.ZIP 334,4 kt 25.06.1997 - MBCD -
WORMup v.1.2 - olet mato jonka tehtävä on vain syödä pieniä vihreitä salaattikuutioita. Peli toimii 640x480 moodissa, sisältää Sound Blaster äänikortti tuen musiikkien ja ääniefektien kera.
30942 WRDEMO.ZIP 420,8 kt 11.04.1998 - - -
WORM RALLY v.1.0 by Mikko Loponen. DOS.
30944 WRMATO09.ZIP 28,6 kt 30.07.1997 - - -
Wormato o.9 <>BReeZeS0FT
30945 WSR4_1B.ZIP 94,8 kt 15.12.1995 - - eritupla¹
WALL $TREET RAIDER v4.1      2/2 Reviewing the program in BYTE Jerry Pournelle wrote of W$R, "You can really learn something about stocks, mergers, takeovers, and..HAVE A WHACKING GOOD TIME IN THE BARGAIN....As these machines get more powerful, I expect to see a lot more of this kind of game." Now, with new "Cheat Mode" to engage in financial scamming! 1 to 4 players, or play against the computer. Nothing else like it!  Ronin Software, $25.00
30946 WSS113.ZIP 69,6 kt 20.04.1997 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
 Word Search and Scramble. Make your own  wordsearch puzzles.   1.13a  by QED software. 
30949 WWII.ZIP 84,6 kt 18.05.1996 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso tupla
Wargame SimulationsWWII V5.04, vanha ANSI-grafiikalla toteutettu strategiapeli toisesta maailmansodasta.
30950 WYVSOLI.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Solitaire game with downloadable graphical decks
30959 XPINS101.ZIP 1,2 Mt 26.11.1995 - - tupla
EXTREME PINBALL v1.0 From Epic MegaGames and Digital Extremes comes the next level in pinball games, EXTREME PINBALL. Features Ultra-Realistic table dimensions, animated arcade style 3D dotmation scoreboard, multi-ball play and a new music and sound system that changes the music with gameplay events. Shareware table features a T.V. monitor that plays a video. Requires 386-33 (486-66 Recommended), VGA graphics and 4 MB RAM.
30960 XPINS102.ZIP 1,2 Mt 26.11.1995 - - tupla
Extreme Pinball SW v.1.0, Epic (2/3)
30961 XPINS103.ZIP 521,3 kt 26.11.1995 - - tupla
Extreme Pinball SW v.1.0, Epic, (3/3)
30969 ZASM95.ZIP 578,3 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
"Zorlims Asm 95 packet Includes: Introc00l colors Zorlims Arcade Volleyball and           Pizza Worm 2.1"
30971 ZE10.ZIP 68,9 kt 25.07.1997 - MBCD -
ZePHYR presents: Zetris 1.0, the best Tetris clone Requires 386, VGA, (SB) FREEWARE
29387 1830_14.ZIP 189,1 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
1830 update to V1.4 - Avalon Hill
29392 305FIX.ZIP 15 kt 27.03.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
F-16 Falcon Gold fix for V3.05 ONLY, eliminate the "Cannot Create File" error when playing multi-player comms in Falcon.
29394 3DFX_AL.ZIP 439,1 kt 27.01.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider 3DFX upgrade with antialiasing replaces 3dfx.zip
29405 ACW_113A.ZIP 538,5 kt 19.01.1996 - 22636/cd joystick 69 No11.iso tupla
The Civil War: 1861-1864 V1.1 update from Empire Interactive.This update addresses both the Campaign and Battle AI as well as updating naval battles, city supply, and route planning.
29406 ACW_113B.ZIP 1,2 Mt 19.01.1996 - 22636/cd joystick 69 No11.iso tupla
Civil War Update Patches for all machines, 4 Meg machines, international versions.
29408 ADUPDATE.ZIP 1,3 Mt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Archimedian Dynasty 1.120 update
29424 ARIGS.ZIP 314 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Assault Rigs for ATI 3D Rage (Cyrix 6x86 fix)
29434 ATF_114.ZIP 934,2 kt 22.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
"Janes Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) update V1.14. Includes many fixes and improvementsincluding improved GUS supportthe general ability to fly all of the aircraft in the gameimproved AMRAAMsimproved guns for MiG-29s and Su-27sgeneral AI improvementand many numerous fixes for the pro mission editormultiplayer playand gameplay mechanics."
29435 ATUPDEU1.ZIP 1,6 Mt 02.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Alien Trilogy Patch Acclaim Fixes memory and video card problems. European version.
29436 ATUPDUS1.ZIP 1,6 Mt 02.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Alien Trilogy Patch Acclaim Fixes memory and video card problems. US version.
29439 AVFIX1.ZIP 979,7 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Avarice: The Final Saga fixpack #1
29441 B173V2.ZIP 232,4 kt 25.03.1997 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
Päivittää B17 Flying Fortressin versioon 2.0 (3,5" disketille)
29451 BERAFIX2.ARJ 243,3 kt 15.12.1995 - - tupla
Battle of the Eras Patch II - use with addition with first patch.
29459 BKUPD133.ZIP 930,4 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Black Knight CD-ROM 1.x to 1.33 update
29466 BORGPTCH.ZIP 1,8 Mt 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
Star Trek: Borg update This fixes installation problems.
29467 BPGBL105.ZIP 2,3 Mt 21.04.1997 - 22650/cd joystick No83 juin 1997.iso -
"Mechwarrior II Battlepack: Ghost Bears Legacy 1.05"
29468 BPMW105.ZIP 2,6 Mt 21.04.1997 - 22536/GAMBLERCD07.BIN -
Mechwarrior II Battlepack 1.05
29471 BRKSWORD.ZIP 359,6 kt 21.03.1997 - 23016/cdactioncoverdisc -
Broken Sword (fix for S3 Trio64)
29472 BRRD225.ZIP 1 Mt 14.04.1997 - 22650/cd joystick No83 juin 1997.iso -
Big Red Racing, Domark, 2.25
29473 BS30PAT6.ZIP 627,3 kt 01.11.1994 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee Patch File This file is for registered owners of Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold Episodes 1-6 ONLY!! If you do not have the registered version of Episodes 1-6, this will do nothing for you. This will turn your registered copy of Blake Stone v2.1 Episodes 1-6 into a Blake Stone v3.0 Episodes 1-6. Maintenance Release
29474 BSHIPS11.ZIP 330,4 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Battleships 1.1 update
29478 C97DOSP1.ZIP 656,5 kt 06.03.1997 - 22648/cd joystick no81 avril 1997.iso -
"Cricket97 patch 1 DOS"
29482 CAVE1_11.ZIP 368,6 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Cavewars V1.11 update
29499 CIV3UPGR.ZIP 290,8 kt 21.04.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
Civilization 2 -> "Civilization 3" Päivitys lisää kaikenlaista uutta Civilization 2:een. Ota kuitenkin ensin varmuuskopiot alkuperäisistä tiedostoista, jotka korvataan.
29504 CM2DATA.ZIP 228,6 kt 26.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Championship Manager II updated player rosters 05/1996.
29507 CM5KPTCH.ZIP 2,1 Mt 06.02.1997 - MBCD -
Chessmaster 5000 1.02 update
29520 COV11W95.ZIP 181,5 kt 22.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Chaos Overlords v1.0 to version v1.1 update. New World Computing.
29527 CW_120.ZIP 372,5 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
"Cavewars update to v1.20. Also fixes problems with users of Rendition based 3-D cards. If you dont have oneyou dont need this patch."
29593 D_UP15.ZIP 136,3 kt 17.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
====== Simply Silly Software ====== This upgrade file will upgrade all registered version of D! to version 1.5.  This new version will fix many of the bugs you may be encountering  Requires a previously registered copy of D! ====== Simply Silly Software ======
29533 D2VERITE.ZIP 809,8 kt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Descent II Rendition Verite Patch
29535 D2VOODOO.ZIP 894,4 kt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Descent II 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics Patch
29536 DAG213.ZIP 1,3 Mt 27.04.1997 - MBCD -
Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall V1.07.213
29542 DD2NET.ZIP 292,2 kt 27.04.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Destruction Derby 2 network play patch Enables serial and modem play for 2 players. IPX and TCP/IP play supports up to 20players
29548 DFTALK.ZIP 49,5 kt 26.02.1997 - - -
Dark Forces: Speech upgradeUpgrades your version of Dark Forces to make the yellow text scroller 
at the start talk. The genuine Dark Forces narrator (Denny Delk) will 
read out the yellow text scroller ("Text Crawl").
29550 DG113.ZIP 1,1 Mt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games v1.113z Patch Sir-Tech
29552 DGPATCH4.ZIP 923 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Drowned God patch v.4
29560 DLOCK131.ZIP 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
Deadlock v1.31 update from Accolade
29572 DNX_ELFU.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.05.1995 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz tupla
Elfish Latest Update (c) Maxis 01/01
29594 DW2PTCH3.ZIP 433,4 kt 18.03.1997 - 23665/PCGAMER44.bin -
Discworld II fix #3
29620 F1P_UKUS.ZIP 439,4 kt 21.04.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Power F1 (US & UK releases) network & rudder pedal fix
29621 F2210004.ZIP 1,3 Mt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
F-22 Lightning II videofix - needs to be applied prior to v1.01.00.18
29627 FB971013.ZIP 527,6 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
"Front Page Sports: Football Pro97 v1.3 Patch * From Sierra On-Line - V1.0 to 1.3"
29628 FB971113.ZIP 458,6 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
"Front Page Sports: Football Pro97 v1.3 Patch * From Sierra On-Line - V1.1 to 1.3"
29629 FB971213.ZIP 87,7 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
"Front Page Sports: Football Pro97 v1.3 Patch * From Sierra On-Line - V1.2 to 1.3"
29630 FBP9711.ZIP 415,6 kt 17.01.1997 - - -
"Front Page Sports: Football Pro97 V1.1 update. Sierra."
29643 FIXSA170.ZIP 98,5 kt 08.04.1997 - 22649/cd joystick no82 mai 1997.iso -
Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall savegame fixer 1.70
29666 GMACH107.ZIP 496,1 kt 18.03.1997 - 23016/cdactioncoverdisc -
The Gene Machine update V1.07
29716 HPUPDATE.ZIP 135,6 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
"HodjNPodj patch"
29725 ICR2REND.ZIP 580,6 kt 06.02.1997 - MBCD -
IndyCar Racing II update for Rendition ready 3D based cards
29733 JAM-TE.ZIP 38,8 kt 09.05.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
NBA JAM ALL THE CHEATS AND TRICKS UPDATE FOR NEW TE EDITION! +Includes all the secret players (Fresh prince, Beastie Boys, etc) +Has all the codes (Power up Dunks, Slippery court, etc) +Supports ARCADE, SNES, GENESIS, and GG +MICHEAL JORDAN IS BACK!
29748 KUPD057.ZIP 276,8 kt 11.03.1997 - MBCD -
KaBoom V0.56 -> KaBoom V0.57 update
29751 LBOW104E.ZIP 1013,3 kt 21.04.1997 - 22536/GAMBLERCD07.BIN -
AH-64 Longbow Gold 1.04F update
29772 LOTR2103.ZIP 871,1 kt 27.01.1997 - MBCD -
Lords of the Realm II V1.03 update. Sierra.
29801 MAXE104.ZIP 827,4 kt 07.04.1997 - MBCD -
M.A.X päivitys versioon 1.04
29807 MDKDOS_E.ZIP 373,7 kt 21.04.1997 - 22536/GAMBLERCD07.BIN -
MDK F2 savegame patch for DOS for european release
29811 MERC106P.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries V1.05 to v1.06 update from Activision -  this patch should only be for people developing custom missions for MercNet. If you are not developing custom missions, wait for the next patch.
29818 MONKUP.ZIP 68,3 kt 03.08.1996 - - tupla
The Secret of Monkey Island - cure problems with SB in 486 or faster
29820 MOO2MED.ZIP 2,1 kt 20.03.1997 - - -
MASTER OF ORION 2: Medium Installation This small but useful batch file will expand your standard Master of Orion 2 hard disk installation to include some more data files which, so far, have been left on the MOO2 CD-ROM.
29821 MOO2V131.ZIP 3,3 Mt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Master of Orion II 1.3.1 update
29823 MRTLCOIL.ZIP 1 Mt 18.03.1997 - 22535/GAMBLERCD06.BIN -
Mortal Coil fix
29826 MTG_TUT.ZIP 634 tavua 06.02.1997 - MBCD -
Magic The Gathering: Battlemage new tomes
29825 MTGBV11A.ZIP 474,4 kt 02.02.1997 - MBCD -
Magic: the Gathering - Battlemage V1.1 update by Acclaim
29828 N971302.ZIP 232,7 kt 01.04.1997 - - -
"NHL97: Rosters 13.02.97 by Lobi"
29830 NAS21012.ZIP 657,2 kt 07.05.1997 - MBCD -
Nascar Racing 2, patch from v1.00 to v1.02.
29833 NATO_11E.ZIP 147,8 kt 02.02.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
NATO Fighters Cyrix Fix for English version Electronic Arts
29844 NHL97MAR.ZIP 621 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
"Nhl97 - Update 29th march 97 Here are all the trades until this daybut i wasnt so sure about those line-upsbut i tried my best. :) BY:Ripper"
29849 NMPAT_B1.ZIP 688,3 kt 07.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
NetMech DOS first update BETA.
29860 OVERLRD.ZIP 44,2 kt 21.03.1997 - 23016/cdactioncoverdisc -
Overlord new VESAdrivers
29862 P2DOSPAT.ZIP 930,5 kt 06.02.1997 - 23665/PCGAMER44.bin -
Phantasmagoria 2 DOS Patch This patch adds DOS compatibility to the "Windows 95 Only" versio.
29863 P2PATCH.ZIP 543,8 kt 18.02.1997 - MBCD -
Privateer 2 patch from Origin/EOA.
29864 P4DEATH1.ZIP 325,8 kt 21.03.1997 - 23016/cdactioncoverdisc -
Pray For Death V1.1 update
29874 PD10TO12.ZIP 885,4 kt 26.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Power Doll patch from V1.0 -> V1.2
29875 PD12TO13.ZIP 137,8 kt 26.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Power Dolls patch from V1.2 -> V1.3
29899 PS-F11.ZIP 102,9 kt 07.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
Pacific Strike päivitys versioon F1.19 Origin
29901 PWPATCH.ZIP 128,9 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Pinball World update
29903 Q100-101.ZIP 361,9 kt 27.04.1997 renamed 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Quake patch v1.01 - Upgrades the shareware version of Quake from 1.0 to 1.01
29905 QBC97_11.ZIP 664,3 kt 17.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
"NFL Quarterback Club97 1.1"
29906 QBC97RST.ZIP 87,5 kt 02.02.1997 - - -
"Quarterback Club97 Roster Patch ParSoft / Activision * This patch adds the rosters for the 1997 AFC-NFC Pro Bowl. Just copy the patchinto the DATA subdirectory (ie. ACCLAIM/QBC97/DATA). Then all you do is type QBC97RST.EXE"
29911 QG4_110A.ZIP 614,6 kt 21.04.1997 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Quest for Glory IV 1.10a update
29921 R13FDPT.ZIP 700,1 kt 05.02.1996 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Rise of the Triad:Dark War v1.2 - v1.3 Patch! Floppy Disk Registered Version. This patch is for Apogee customers who have the registered version of ROTT!  If you have the shareware episode, either of the CDROM versions, or the PowerPack upgraded version, this is not for you.  ROTT is from Apogee Software, Ltd.
29922 R13SWPT.ZIP 680,8 kt 05.02.1996 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Rise of the Triad v1.2 - v1.3 Patch!  This patch is for the shareware episode only!  If you have any of the registered versions, either floppy or CD-ROM based, then this is not for you.  This patch will upgrade either the v1.2 or v1.2a shareware episode to v1.3. From Apogee Software, Ltd.
29928 RENBETA2.ZIP 349,3 kt 27.01.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider Rendition Ready 3D upgrade beta replaces renbeta1.zip
29929 RENDFINA.ZIP 347,7 kt 18.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Tomb Raider Rendition Verite final update.
29936 RISE101.ZIP 1,3 Mt 26.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
29937 RISK11.ZIP 183,2 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Risk 1.1 update
29954 RRQ106BC.ZIP 272,2 kt 27.04.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Quake v1.06 Rendition Patch, beta 12. Optimize Quake v1.06 for use with Rendition-based graphics accelerator video cards
29957 RTZCD12.ZIP 460,1 kt 27.03.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Return to Zork v1.2 update for DOS CD
29958 S2V151.EXE 1,7 Mt 02.03.1997 - MBCD -
Settlers 2 update to version 1.51
29961 SAM.ZIP 79,2 kt 08.12.1994 - 14529/mediashare7.zip tupla
Sam & Max Hit The Road bugifiksi
29959 SAMCDUP.ZIP 165,3 kt 07.01.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
"SamnMax Hit The ROad CD-päivitys LucasArts"
29965 SCENUPD.ZIP 1,4 Mt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Harpoon Classic 97 Scenario Update Interactive Magic Updates several Scenarios in Harpoon Classic 97
29966 SCOPT102.ZIP 1,8 Mt 21.03.1997 - MBCD -
SimCopter V1.02 update
29967 SCRM2_11.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
Screamer II V1.11 (single play) update
29968 SCRM2N11.ZIP 652,8 kt 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
Screamer II V1.11 (network play) update
29974 SGD10_11.ZIP 318,9 kt 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
Star General DOS V1.0 to V1.1 update SSI
29973 SGD10111.ZIP 301,3 kt 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
Star General DOS V1.01 to V1.1 update SSI
29975 SGR11PT.ZIP 2,9 Mt 21.04.1997 - 22650/cd joystick No83 juin 1997.iso -
Stargunner 1.1 (registered version) update
29976 SGRAD185.ZIP 528 kt 21.02.1996 - - -
Stalingrad V1.85 from Avalon Hill.
29978 SGSW11PT.ZIP 463,7 kt 18.02.1997 - MBCD -
-- Stargunner v1.1 Shareware Patch -- This file will patch Stargunner Shareware v1.0b into v1.1.  This patch requires that you have your copy of v1.0b shareware on your system and installed before you use this patch.  From Apogee Software, Ltd.  Please read the enclosed readme.txt for details.
29981 SHRAK_V2.ZIP 748,4 kt 18.03.1997 - 24024/1997-06_Disc_3.3.iso -
Shrak v1.2 Patch
29991 SJ11.ZIP 440,1 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Spelljammer V1.1
30006 SS_P112.ZIP 851,6 kt 06.02.1997 - MBCD -
Shattered Steel 1.12 update
30005 SSIWBFIX.ZIP 7,8 kt 16.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso tupla
Waveblaster fix for SSI games
30007 ST27A27B.ZIP 84,2 kt 21.04.1997 - 24025/1997-07_Disc_3.4.iso -
Stars! 2.7a to 2.7b (retail release) update
30008 STAR3DFX.ZIP 468,7 kt 21.04.1997 - 23665/PCGAMER44.bin -
"Star Fighter 3Dfx update Krisalis Software / 3DO Add 3Dfx Voodoo support to 3DOs Star Fighter"
30009 STARLEGU.ZIP 213,8 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Star Legions V1.02 update
30020 STRIFE31.ZIP 124,2 kt 08.04.1997 - 24025/1997-07_Disc_3.4.iso -
Strife 1.3 to 1.31 update
30021 STUPD.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Seal Team update
30026 SW-SB1.ZIP 3,3 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Seawolf SB16-fix
30045 TFXCD1.ZIP 209,1 kt 16.02.1995 - 24048/1995-04_Disc_5.iso tupla
TFX Patch 1 CD
30046 TFXCD2.ZIP 200,8 kt 16.02.1995 - 24048/1995-04_Disc_5.iso tupla
TFX patch 2 CD - vaatii patchin 1
30047 TFXCD3.ZIP 245,7 kt 16.02.1995 - 24048/1995-04_Disc_5.iso tupla
TFX Patch 3 CD - vaatii aiemmat patchit
30048 TFXDK1.ZIP 291,3 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
TFX Patch 1
30049 TFXDK2.ZIP 200,5 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
TFX Patch 2 - vaatii patchin 1
30050 TFXDK3.ZIP 220,5 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
TFX Patch 3 - vaatii aiemmat patchit
30051 TG11.ZIP 701,5 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
The Grandest Fleet V1.1 update
30058 TI_CD.ZIP 199,5 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Titanic: Adventure out of Time game lock-up fix for certain cd-rom drives
30061 TILTFIX.ZIP 203,4 kt 21.03.1997 - 23016/cdactioncoverdisc -
Tilt! V1.01 update
30076 TR_PEN.ZIP 89,9 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Terminator Rampge Pentium fix
30072 TRACERUP.ZIP 888,8 kt 08.04.1997 - 22649/cd joystick no82 mai 1997.iso -
Tracer netplay update
30073 TREK25.ZIP 92,3 kt 24.04.1995 - - -
Star Trek 25th Anniversary update
30074 TRIVESA.ZIP 15,9 kt 27.03.1997 - - -
TRIVESA - for Trident video cards that have problems running Activision games in a DOS environment.
30077 TRPP102.ZIP 122,3 kt 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
TRIPLANE TURMOIL PATCH V1.0 -> V1.02 Removes some general bugs and adds new graphics. For REGISTERED versions.
30078 TSD_MYS.ZIP 342,3 kt 03.02.1997 - MBCD -
Toshinden Battle Arena Matrox Mystique Accelerated Version 1.0 January 27, 1997 This is the update patch to the retail version of Toshinden that will accelerate it on the Matrox Mystique card. It will run on 2 or 4Mb  boards.
30079 TSDUPGRD.ZIP 575,6 kt 06.02.1997 - MBCD -
Toshinden 2.5 (Voodoo chipset upgrade)
30084 TVREG_S3.ZIP 352,9 kt 18.02.1997 - MBCD -
Terminal Velocity S3 ViRGE update. This updates the registered CD-ROM version of Terminal Velocity v1.2 to support S3 ViRGE based 3D cards.
30087 TYRUP201.ZIP 438,3 kt 07.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
========== Tyrian v2.01 Upgrade ========== This patch upgrades Tyrian v2.0 to v2.01. Tyrian v2.01 has a few bug fixes including the keyboard bug found in v2.0.  *Note: This patch works with both the shareware and registered version of Tyrian v2.0. For more information on Tyrian or any other Epic title please visit us on the Web at http://www.epicgames.com/. ==========================================
30088 U6PATCH.ZIP 2 kt 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Ultima 6 adlib/sb timing problems fix
30089 U7UP34.ZIP 323 kt 16.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Ultima VII - The Black Gate version 3.4 update  This archive contains the files that will update your an installed copy of Ultima VII - The Black Gate to version 3.4. Upgrading does not mean that you will automatically have to start your game over. There is a detector in the executable that will check your existing savegames, and if they are uncorrupted, then you will be able to continue playing them. Only if your games are determined to have problems in them will
30090 U8ADLIB.ZIP 27 kt 16.02.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Ultima 8 adlib sound update
30095 UFO1-2.ZIP 619,3 kt 08.12.1994 - nic.funet.fi tupla
UFO (MicroProse) update V1.2
30113 USM2PAT.ZIP 1,5 Mt 21.04.1997 - 22088/SSERVCD_48B.bin -
Universal Soccer Manager II update
30120 VCPTCH.ZIP 294 kt 26.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Virtual Corporation update from V1.0
30131 W97AO20.ZIP 493,8 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
Grand Prix 2 Season 1997 Wet Weather Add-on v2.0 by Matti Laitinen.
30132 WAKECD11.ZIP 276,6 kt 16.02.1995 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Dark Sun II : Wake of the Ravager V1.10 CD update SSI
30133 WAKEDK11.ZIP 133,2 kt 16.02.1995 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Dark Sun II : Wake of the Ravager V1.10 update SSI
30134 WAR102A.ZIP 151,3 kt 16.02.1995 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip tupla
Warlords II 1.02 -> 1.02a update SSG
30137 WAR117.ZIP 609,5 kt 16.11.1995 - - -
Warcraft:Orcs & Humans Updt v1.17
30138 WAR121.ZIP 599,8 kt 28.03.1995 - - -
Update Warcraft to v1.21
30156 WHIP3DFX.ZIP 585,4 kt 06.03.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Whiplash 3Dfx Update (Enhanced)
30157 WHIPADD.ZIP 581,9 kt 06.02.1997 - MBCD -
Whiplash 3D Blaster upgrade
30158 WHIPREND.ZIP 535,4 kt 06.03.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Whiplash Rendition Verite Update Added Rendition Verite support to Whiplash
30159 WIR11.ZIP 233,6 kt 16.02.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
War In Russia V1.1 update SSI
30162 WL2P-11.ZIP 876,5 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Warlords II / Scenario Builder V1.11 update SSG
30165 WORLDUP.ZIP 206,5 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Might & Magic: World of Xeen CD update
30170 WOW1-8P.ZIP 1,7 Mt 03.02.1997 - MBCD -
Wages of War v1.28 Update New World Computing Update version 1.0 to v1.28
30171 WSD_106.ZIP 878,2 kt 20.04.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
World Series Poker Patch
30172 WSIM1_02.ZIP 167,3 kt 27.01.1997 - MBCD -
Wooden Ships & Iron Men V1.02 update Avalon Hill
30173 WW_12.ZIP 335,9 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Warwind 1.2 update
30177 XCHEAT2.ZIP 10 kt 08.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
UPDATED Working Cheat for all Missions of X-Wing.... CHEAT!
30178 XCOM14.ZIP 1,3 Mt 21.04.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
UFO / X-COM V1.4 update
30180 XEENFIX.ZIP 186,5 kt 16.02.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso tupla
Might & Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen fix
30986 AUTSCONV.ZIP 14 kt 06.02.1997 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 tupla
Autsin leveli konvertteri .BMP->.LEV.
30991 BMZ11.ZIP 120,4 kt 14.04.1997 - 1867/10tonsofgamesmegacollection1internationalsoftwarevalues1997.iso -
BridgeMaze v1.1 is a maze generator (with bridges!) for Win95. Requires MFC40.DLL.
31007 CLAWEDIT.ZIP 777,1 kt 30.11.1997 - MBCD -
Claw Editor by Monolith Productions Editor for Claw that allows users to create their own levels or modify existing ones. Win95
31009 CM2ED215.ZIP 32 kt 26.05.1996 - - tupla
Championship Manager 2 Data Editor V2.15
31015 DETH392.ZIP 792,3 kt 20.03.1997 - 19802/2015.02.johngaughan.net.tar -
DETH/HETH 3.92 23rd April 96. DETH is a version of GCC DEU 5.21 with a few features borrowed from 5.3. It has been written by wad editors, so the features should reflect what a wad creator both needs and requires. Supports HEXEN, as well as DOOM II, DOOM, Ultimate DOOM, and HERETIC. By Antony Burden.
31019 DHE31.ZIP 111,7 kt 04.02.1997 - MBCD -
DeHackEd v3.1, the best Doom exe editor available!  Improvements over v2.4 include Ultimate Doom support, along with cheat code, code pointer and other misc data editing, along with numerous other improvements.  Load the included patch for an incredible arsenal of super weapons! Includes mouse support and works with all versions of Doom from 1.666 to Final DOOM (DOS).
31072 LEVMAPSX.ZIP 200,5 kt 15.12.1995 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso tupla
Map editor for DFUSE V1.00, non coprosessor build of levmap.exe.
31076 MAPFAQ11.ZIP 118,4 kt 02.03.1997 - gamers.org -
DUKE NUKEM 3D: "MAP Editing FAQ v1.1"  DUKE3D MAP Editing FAQ v1.1 updated by Jonah Bishop (originally by Brett Gmoser) is a detailed DUKE3D FAQ describing how to create MAP files, Hitags, Lotags, Sector Effectors, Splitting Star Trek Doors, etc. Includes descriptions for all facets of editing MAP files. Also includes small example levels showing each type structure and/or special effect. Updated yet another time, this time with the new Plutonium Pak effects, and other
31090 NBAED200.ZIP 115,5 kt 14.08.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso tupla
"NBA-Live95: NBA-ED 2.00 - Player Editor for EA Sports NBA Live 95 - Many new features!"
31101 OMFEDIT2.ZIP 21,6 kt 13.12.1994 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
One Must Fall Editor v2.0 (c) Legend Cheats, Inc.
31113 QBSPUTIL.ZIP 612,7 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
QBSP, LIGHT and VIS utilities for Quake level building. Includes dos- and win32-versions plus QBSP256C, an enhanced version of win32- qbsp.
31121 QUAKEME.ZIP 287 kt 20.03.1997 - 19646/PCF_CD38.bin -
QuakeMe V2.2 Animation Viewer and Texture editor for MDL files compatible with QTest, Quake SW 0.91/0.92 Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 and Windows NT 4.0
31122 QUEST041.ZIP 322,7 kt 25.01.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Quest Public Beta 1.041 Notes Quake level editor.
31125 RAPEDIT.ZIP 31 kt 13.12.1994 - 21826/Plex1.mdf tupla
RAPTOR Ä v1.0 Money Editor ! All the cash in the world is YOURS with this Money editor. Buy Those WEAPONS and Play One Of the BEST games of this Year With EASE !
31131 SC2000ED.ZIP 9,9 kt 13.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
31137 STAR2ED.ARJ 50 kt 13.12.1994 - - tupla
Star Control 2 ship editor
31144 TME12.ZIP 34,3 kt 13.12.1994 - - tupla
Tie Fighter tehtäväeditori
31145 TRAKED11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 15.05.1997 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness Truck & Track editor v1.1 from TRI inc.
31149 UFOEDI.ZIP 20,7 kt 13.12.1994 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip tupla
UFO-Enemy unknown savegame editor
31158 UW2EDIT.ZIP 20,4 kt 13.12.1994 - 21352/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_Junio_1993.iso tupla
Ultima Underworld II CHARACTER EDITOR v2.2 This lets ya change attributes of your hero. Mukana sorsat!
31172 WARCHEAT.ZIP 6,9 kt 13.12.1994 - 23049/cdactioncoverdisc52.iso tupla
War Craft (c) Saved Game Editor
31173 WARFLTTR.ZIP 20,7 kt 13.12.1994 - 5699/BBS%231.iso tupla
Warcraft: Humans & Orcs Save Game Editor Change Gold and Lumber in a Saved Game
31176 WC3EDIT.ZIP 12,6 kt 15.12.1995 - 22632/cd No7 joystick No65 novembre 1995.iso tupla
Simple editor for Wing Commander 3 (WC3) savegames.
31178 WEDT21.ZIP 26,2 kt 13.12.1994 - 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img tupla
Wolfenstein 3-D Graphics Editor
31186 2HNSPAD2.ZIP 541,2 kt 09.07.1999 - 9308/PSL Volume 7 Number 7 (July 1999).iso tupla
Two Handed Net Spades v2.0 by Greg DeBacker Card game. If you like to play and can never find a partner, Two Handed Net Spades may solve your problems. You can either play against either the computer or compete against another player connected via a modem, a network, or a null-modem cable. Windows 3.1
31187 ACBETA3.ZIP 52,9 Mt 19.10.1999 - - tupla
"Asherons Call beta - free. Microsoft. Internet multiplayer RPG. Players are called alongside thousands of other adventurers by mystical character Asheron to participate in an epicmassively multiplayer online role-playing adventure in which they must choose to compete or cooperate with thousands of others. You need to activate an account with a free beta subscription in http://www.zone.com Windows 95 P166 32MB DirectX Supports Direct3"
31189 AHHIRES.ZIP 1 Mt 14.12.1999 - - tupla
Aces High optional hi-res texture patch. Requires an 8 MB video card.
31191 ART1V13.A01 2,9 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
Warbirds 640x480 cockpit art V13 2/3
31192 ART1V13.A02 2 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
Warbirds 640x480 cockpit art V13 3/3
31193 ART1V13.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
Warbirds 640x480 Cockpit art V13 for WB V1.11 1/3
31194 ART3V13.A01 3,8 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
Warbirds 1024x768 cockpit art V13 2/5
31195 ART3V13.A02 3,8 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
Warbirds 1024x768 cockpit art V13 3/5
31196 ART3V13.A03 3,8 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
Warbirds 1024x768 cockpit art V13 4/5
31197 ART3V13.A04 1,7 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
Warbirds 1024x768 cockpit art V13 5/5
31198 ART3V13.ARJ 3,8 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
Warbirds 1024x768 cockpit art V13 for WB V1.11 1/5
31201 BCDX.ZIP 998,7 kt 16.07.1998 - - tupla
Battlecity for Windows 95/DirectX. Internet playable strategy/action game, top viewed. Build a city or join a city which in you make things that defend your city and things that help you attack other cities. You attack other cities to try and orb them(destroy them) and get points to get higher ranks. Multiple weapons, action & strategy, building and fighting. Free!
31202 BJCHMSHP.ZIP 1,4 Mt 04.10.1999 - - tupla
"BlackJack Championship v1.0 by BJChamp Internet game that you can play onlineby yourself or with others. The colorful interface is attractivethough covered with flashingcontinually updated ads to support the service. You must register online and receive a passwordbut its not mandatory to provide your email address. You start with $1000 in funny moneybut the sponsoring Website offers real cash prizes. Windows 9598or NTInternet connection"
31204 BZL32223.ZIP 1 Mt 10.11.1999 - - tupla
Blitzln V2.23 (Win 95) BlitzIn is a graphical interface that works with your local Internet provider to connect you with the Internet Chess Club (ICC). On ICC you can play chess against a variety of opponents, observe games in progress, participate in special events and tournaments, get a rating, and interact with other chess aficionados from around the world.
31209 ENG-BLAD.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Engage Games: Rolemaster The Bladelands v1.13 http://www.engagegames.com
31210 ENG-C2.ZIP 2,5 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Engage Games: Castles II v1.10 http://www.engagegames.com
31211 ENG-DARK.ZIP 1,8 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Engage Games: Darkness Falls v1.12.00 http://www.engagegames.com
31212 ENG-IMPR.ZIP 2,1 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Engage Games: Improv COmedy Trivia v1.04 http://www.engagegames.com
31213 ENG-SPLA.ZIP 4,5 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Engage Games: Splatterball v2.00.00 http://www.engagegames.com
31214 ENG-VP.ZIP 1,8 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Engage Games: Virtual Pool v1.03 http://www.engagegames.com
31215 FASETUP.A01 1,4 Mt 02.02.1998 - MBCD -
Fighter Ace 2/5
31216 FASETUP.A02 1,4 Mt 02.02.1998 - MBCD -
Fighter Ace 3/5
31217 FASETUP.A03 1,4 Mt 02.02.1998 - MBCD -
Fighter Ace 4/5
31218 FASETUP.A04 1,3 Mt 02.02.1998 - MBCD -
Fighter Ace 5/5
31219 FASETUP.ARJ 1,4 Mt 02.02.1998 - MBCD -
Fighter Ace setup program. VR1/Microsoft Internet playable WW2 fighter air combat game - EASY realism. 16 different WW2 planes, UK/USA/Russia/Germany. Requires Pentium & Windows 95. Internet Gaming Zone http://www.igz.zone account REQUIRED. Includes 1 day free flying.
31235 M59TRI2.ZIP 1,4 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Vale of Sorrow add-on world TRIAL. Req. all data files. From Studio 3D0 Heralded as "the first-ever Internet-based 3D graphical Multi-User Dimension," Meridian 59 is an Internet-based fantasy role-playing game populated by real players and unreal monstrosities. Req. 486/66 8 MB Win95
31227 M59TRI21.A01 2,8 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Vale of Sorrow DATA 1 2/2
31228 M59TRI21.ARJ 3 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Vale of Sorrow DATA 1 1/2
31229 M59TRI22.A01 2,8 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Vale of Sorrow DATA 2 2/2
31230 M59TRI22.ARJ 3 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Vale of Sorrow DATA 2 1/2
31231 M59TRI23.A01 2,8 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Vale of Sorrow DATA 3 2/2
31232 M59TRI23.ARJ 3 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Vale of Sorrow DATA 3 1/2
31233 M59TRI24.A01 2,8 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Vale of Sorrow DATA 4 2/2
31234 M59TRI24.ARJ 3 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Vale of Sorrow DATA 4 1/2
31236 M59TRIAL.A01 2,9 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms. Trial version. Part 2/9.                            
31237 M59TRIAL.A02 2,9 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms. Trial version. Part 3/9.                            
31238 M59TRIAL.A03 2,9 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms. Trial version. Part 4/9.                            
31239 M59TRIAL.A04 2,9 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms. Trial version. Part 5/9.                            
31240 M59TRIAL.A05 2,9 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms. Trial version. Part 6/9.                            
31241 M59TRIAL.A06 2,9 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms. Trial version. Part 7/9.                            
31242 M59TRIAL.A07 2,9 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms. Trial version. Part 8/9.                            
31243 M59TRIAL.A08 1,6 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms. Trial version. Part 9/9.                            
31244 M59TRIAL.ARJ 2,9 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms. Trial version. With this Trial version, you can play Meridian 59 free for 5 days. Meridian 59 is 3D MUD/CRPG, with lots of areas to explore and quests to solve. By: 3DO. Win95. Part 1/9.                                 
31249 NETMECH4.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.06.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg tupla
Netmech 1.0. Osa 4/8.
31255 OOOINSTM.ZIP 1,2 Mt 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
"Gameshows.com: Out of Order Freeware front end to Gameshows.coms online trivia game. Take the online competition one step further and let players compete in realtime against each. Win95 PPP-connection"
31258 REALM30D.A01 3,8 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
The Realm 3.0 demo 2/6
31259 REALM30D.A02 3,8 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
The Realm 3.0 demo 3/6
31260 REALM30D.A03 3,8 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
The Realm 3.0 demo 4/6
31261 REALM30D.A04 3,8 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
The Realm 3.0 demo 5/6
31262 REALM30D.A05 1,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
The Realm 3.0 demo 6/6
31263 REALM30D.ARJ 3,8 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
The Realm 3.0 FREE BETA DEMO! 1/6 Free Online Demo! - Free trial so you can try out The Realm with no risk or obligation! Play the game for 30 day for FREE! The Realm is an ever-evolving online world of monsters, magic, and medieval society. Discover the future of interactive adventure games, and explore a new world of quests and companionship with thousands of players from across the world. Win95
31264 SAMINSTM.ZIP 1,4 Mt 14.05.1997 - MBCD -
"Gameshows.com: Strike a Match front end Similar to Berkley Systems You Dont Know JackStrike A Match takes the online competition one step further and let players compete in realtime against each other. Online trivia game."
31266 WB95B111.A01 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Warbirds 1.11r2 BASE install 2/4
31267 WB95B111.A02 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Warbirds 1.11r2 BASE install 3/4
31268 WB95B111.A03 769,3 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
Warbirds 1.11r2 BASE install 4/4
31269 WB95B111.ARJ 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Warbirds 1.11r2 (Release 2) 1/4 Internet-pelattava monen hengen lentosimulaattori BASE install, sis. 640x480 grafiikat. Sisältää ILMAISEN kaksintaistelumahdollisuuden modeemin/linkin paikallisverkon IPX&TCP/IP ja Internetin kautta. Vaatii Win95 DirectX http://www.imagiconline.com
31270 WB95C111.A01 2,9 Mt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
WarBirds Win95 full install V1.11 2/6
31271 WB95C111.A02 2,9 Mt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
WarBirds Win95 full install V1.11 3/6
31272 WB95C111.A03 2,9 Mt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
WarBirds Win95 full install V1.11 4/6
31273 WB95C111.A04 2,9 Mt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
WarBirds Win95 full install V1.11 5/6
31274 WB95C111.A05 1,3 Mt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
WarBirds Win95 full install V1.11 6/6
31275 WB95C111.ARJ 2,9 Mt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
WarBirds Win95 full install V1.11 1/6 Full Download. Contains Microsoft DirectX, all 640x480 cockpit art files, all the sound files, both the pacific and the mediterranian terrain. ICI - http://www.icigames.com
31277 WBSDB111.ZIP 3,9 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
WarBirds DOS minimum install version: 1.11 Contains only the F6F Hellcat 640x480 art.
31278 WBSDC111.A01 2,9 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
WarBirds DOS full install V1.11 2/4
31279 WBSDC111.A02 2,9 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
WarBirds DOS full install V1.11 3/4
31280 WBSDC111.A03 1,9 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
WarBirds DOS full install V1.11 4/4
31281 WBSDC111.ARJ 2,9 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
WarBirds DOS full install V1.11 1/4 Contains all 640x480 graphics. ICI - http://www.icigames.com
31282 WCHAT309.EXE 2,3 Mt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
Westwood chat ohjelma internetissä chattimista ja Red Alertin ja muiden Westwoodin pelien pelaamista varten
31283 ZMUD3242.ZIP 696,7 kt 21.04.1997 - 5457/Aplicaciones Windows.iso -
ZMUD! - the greatest MUD client for PC/Windows in the Universe
31287 AFTFAQ10.ZIP 14,1 kt 30.07.1996 - - tupla
Afterlife official FAQ V1.0 from LucasArts.
31288 AFTSF10.ZIP 22,4 kt 30.07.1996 - - tupla
The Unofficial Afterlife Strategy FAQ V1.0
31336 DM2STR.ZIP 2,2 kt 17.12.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso tupla
Dungeon Master 2 trainer
31341 DN3DGORE.ZIP 12,2 kt 18.03.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Supergore-patch for DukeNukem 3D 1.0
31350 EF2KFAQ.ZIP 4,9 kt 09.07.1996 - - tupla
Digital Image Design EF2000 Technical FAQs
31389 GPL0211.ZIP 54,8 kt 09.07.1996 - - tupla
G+ Magazine: Volume 2, Number 11 PC-pelilehti, sis: Rumour and Occasional Fact, Previews: Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, Comanche 3, Reverence, Syndicate Wars, CH Force Feedback Joystick, Reviews: AH-64D, Civ2, Conquest of the New World, SunAir, Mission Critical, Fast attack, opinions, focus, etc.
31418 NETHKFAQ.LZH 81,9 kt 26.01.1995 - - tupla
Nethack FAQ/Spoilers V7.00
31428 SODCHEAT.ARJ 38 kt 13.12.1994 - - tupla
Spear of Destiny debugmode cheats, weapons, etc.
31439 THEMEPFA.LHA 14,6 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Theme Park FAQ V0.3
31443 TPMONEY.ZIP 13,9 kt 13.12.1994 - - tupla
Theme Park Money Trainer
31451 ZOOL-T.ZIP 11,9 kt 13.12.1994 - - tupla
ZOOL II   +3 Trainer
31452 ZORK1HI.LZH 6 kt 16.02.1995 - - tupla
Vihjeitä Zork I:een. Infocom
31460 3DU_TRA.ZIP 9,2 Mt 18.09.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 -
3D Ultra TrainTown Deluxe demo. Sierra. Pienoisrautateitä, puzzleja ja rataeditori. Windows 9x, P120, 16 Mt, DirectX. 
31461 4X4EVOUD.ZIP 33,2 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
4x4 Evolution updated demoTerminal Reality presents 4x4 Evolution, a new and dynamic simulation racer featuring rugged, customizable 4X4 vehicles. 4x4 Evolution puts virtual drivers behind the wheel of their favorite real world SUV and/or truck and challenges them to race through a variety of detailed off-road environments. P166, 32MB, Win9x, DirectX, 3D accelerator. 
31462 AADEMO.ZIP 31,1 Mt 04.10.2000 - - -
Amazons & Aliens demoAmazons & Aliens is a strategy/resource management game in the spirit of Civilization and WarCraft. Unique to A & A is the imaginative alien world, lighthearted bent and breathtaking graphics. A & A is not always about plundering and pillaging your neighbors (though it could be). Players can enjoy outsmarting, negotiating and trading to take control of the planet or you can brutally conquer your enemies. P233, 32MB, Win95 .
31463 AIRFIXD.ZIP 30,5 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Airfix Dogfighter demo. Tekijä Paradox Entertainment / Vision Park. Lentelyräiskintä. Lennä koottavilla pienoismalleilla asuintiloissa kun isäntäväki on poissa. Taistele toisia pienoismalleja vastaan ja pidä muutenkin melskettä. Hauska omaperäinen ja helppo räiskintä. Windows 9x, PII 300, 64 Mt, 3D-kiihdytin. Tukee DIrect3D + 3Dfx Glide. 
31464 AIWD105.ZIP 26,1 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
AIWars demo v1.05 Tekijä Nexus Information Systems. 3D naamaperspektiiviräiske erikoisella datapainotuksella. Pelaaja toimii NETissä agenttina, kamppaillen puolustustavia ohjelmia ja muita agentteja vastaan. Kerää tietoa, käy kauppaa, taistele. Demossa myös LAN tai TCP/IP Internet moninpeli (multiplayer). Demossa kaksi kenttää, tarkoituksena järjestelmän valtaaminen sisältäkäsin. Windows 95, Pentium MMX, 32 Mt, DirectX 6.1. 
31465 ALB102.ZIP 53,6 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
Allegiance beta demo 1.02.    Julkaisija Microsoft. Internet-pelattava  avaruustaistelusimulaatio. Yhdistää  taktisen laivueittain käytävän avaruussodan  intensiivisiin yksi-yhtä-vastaan  kurvatappeluihin upealla grafiikalla ja  äänillä. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98,  3D-kiihdytin
31466 ALICEDMO.ZIP 78,7 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
"American McGees Alice demo Alice returns to an evil Wonderland where she must put the wicked Queen of Hearts in her place. PII 40064MBWin953D accelerator (16 MB)   "
31467 AMATDEMO.ZIP 42 Mt 16.02.2000 - - -
Army Men: Air Tactics demo.  Julkaisija 3DO. Vihreiden muovisoturien armeija palaa. Mutta tällä kertaa soturit eivät olekaan jalkaväkeä vaan joukko hyökkää vihollistensa kimppuun ilmasta. Kevyt toiminnallinen räiskintäpeli jossa tehtävien ratkaisuun on käytettävä myös hieman harkintaa. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98,P133, 32MB, DirectX.
31468 ANIMANI.ZIP 36,7 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
 Animaniacs: A Gigantic Adventure. Julkaisija Southpeak Interactive. Sivulta kuvattu tasohyppely joka perustuu television Animaaliset-piirrossarjaan. Tutut hahmot Yakko, Wakko ja Dot seikkailevat keräten esineitä ja edeten kentissä. Sisältää myös moninpelin paikallisverkossa tai Internetissä TCP/IP (multiplayer). Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt.
31469 ANIMDEMO.ZIP 61,5 Mt 04.10.2000 - - -
"Animorphs demoDo you have what it takes to be one of the Animorphs? Know the secret and leap into their world. As JakeCassieRachel or Marco youll acquire awesome new morphs and battle an array of evil controllers and aliens in amazing 3D environments. P20032MBWin95/98."
31470 AOADEMO.ZIP 15,9 Mt 24.10.2000 - - -
Ace of Angels demoAce of Angels is a space fighter simulator that allows you to fight head to head against others across the Internet. At present you may select one of 14 fighters, and design its weapons loadout to your specifications. Our flight model attempts to simulate actual 3D space flight. The full game will have a working campaign, but this demo has only one multiplay Arena. P300, 64MB RAM, Direct3D. 
31471 AOE2C_DE.ZIP 36 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Age of Empires II: The Conquerors demo. Ensemble Studios/Microsoft. Virallinen jatko-osa menestyspelille. Sisältää yksin- ja moninpelin. Windows 9x, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX. 
31472 ASTRXDMO.ZIP 17,6 Mt 04.10.2000 - - -
Asterix: The Gallic War demoTactics to invent... Territories to protect... Ingredients to find... and loads of punches to hand out! By Toutatis! The reconquest of Gaul has begun. Quick! Jump into battle with Asterix and Obelix. 
P166, 32MB, Win95.
31473 ATV_DEMO.ZIP 6,8 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Kawasaki ATV Powersports demo. Tekijä Monkey Byte. Urheilu/ralli/ mönkijäralli. VOit kisata viiden eri tietokonekuljettajan kanssa viidessä erilaisessa kisassa. Körryytä vauhdikkaasti nelivetoisella mönkijällä. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, 2 Mt näytönohjain. Tukee Direct3D. 
31474 AXISD22.ZIP 30,8 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Axis updated demo v2.2Experience high speed robot action in Axis. You play ARM, a mech that can improve his ability to fight by changing parts and weapons. Multiplayer support via IPX, TCP/IP and a Ladder service. PII 266, 64MB, Win95, 3D accelerator.   
31475 BANGDEMO.ZIP 26,2 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
BANG! Gunship Elite demo. Julkaisija Red Storm Entertainment. 3D-avaruustaistelupeli. Vauhdiikasta räiskintää ja upeaa grafiikkaa. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, PII 233, 32 Mt, DirectX 7a, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31476 BASSDEMO.ZIP 4,3 Mt 24.02.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
 Black Bass with Hank Parker demo. Julkaisija Hot-B. Urheilu / kalastuspeli. Jännittävä kalastuspeli jossa noukitaan järven eläviä Amerikassa tunnetun kalastusexpertin johdolla. Sisältää algoritmejä, tekoälyn, erilaisia järvien ympäristöjä ynnä muuta. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, DirectX 7. Tukee Direct3D.
31477 BC3KV209.ZIP 107 Mt 22.01.2000 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000AD v2.09 DEMO.   Julkaisija Derek Smart / Interplay. Liki surullisenkuuluisa avaruussaaga on yltänyt 2.0 versioon ja jopa muuttunut bugiläjästä pelattavaksi ja toimivaksi simulaatioksi. Astu valtaisin avaruusaluksen ohjaksiin ja tutki, seikkaile, tee kauppaa ja taistele. Windows 95/98, 16 Mt. Tukee 3Dfx Glide.
31478 BCCDEMO.ZIP 49,3 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
" Beetle Crazy Cup  demo(Eurooppa) / Beetle Buggin(USA) demo. Tekijä XPiral/Infogrames. Rallipeli. Vauhdikas rallipeli jossa kurvataan yli 50 erilaisella autolla villeissä rallitapahtumissa. Erikoisia autoja mukaanlukien rallikuplia ja bigfootteja. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98P23332 MtDirectX. Tukee Direct3D."
31479 BIGBAD4.ZIP 22,7 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
"Big Bang demo 4  by Project 2 Interactive. Spectacular3D space shootemup featuring some of most spectacular battles ever seen in video-game. Big Bang puts player at helm of a small fighter representing one of three races and then lets all hell break loose.Experience flying space-craft in those apocalyptic battles full of hundreds of ships. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX3D accelerator"
31480 BLAIRDMO.ZIP 67,1 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Blair Witch Volume 1: Rustin Parr demoHaxan Films, the creator of Blair Witch Project, has granted unprecedented access to its wealth of intricate folklore, providing the developers with ample fodder for detailed and compelling storylines, all powered by the awesome Nocturne engine. Blair Witch Volume 1: Rustin Parr combines traditional adventure elements with a healthy dose of heart-pounding action to create a frighteningly cerebral gaming experience. P233, 64MB, Win95/98, DirectX. 
31481 BMXDEMO.ZIP 37,9 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
"Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX demoThere are no shaved legs and skinny tires in this kind of biking. This is about busting big air tricks and landing them hard with the slap of your wheels. Its about pushing yourself to the edge and savoring the rush when you finally nail that new freestyle move. Its about the most intensework-the-bike-for -all-its-worth athletes in competition today. This is a game about BMX. P20032MBWin953D accelerator  "
31482 BNECKD.ZIP 15,3 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
 Breakneck demo v1.03Tekijä Synetic/Southpeak. Rallipeli. Kilpaile yli 40 autolla ja 24:llä radalla. Visuaalisesti huikaiseva peli joka vie ympäri maailmaa kaikissa sääolosuhteissa. Mutta pelissä on myös pimeä puolensa: voit käyttää aseita toisten pelaajien nitistämiseksi. Valitse siis auto radan mukaan ja painu baanalle. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98/2000, P233, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin.
31483 BOBDEMO.ZIP 43,4 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
"Battle of Britain demoIn the summer of 1940Luftwaffe were given the task of neutralising the RAF protected airspace over southern England and pave the way for the invasion of England. Fly for the RAF or Luftwaffe in a game that recreates some of the most decisive air battles of WW II. With over 800 miles of airspace and 5 different aircraftRowans Battle of Britain brings to life the skill and courage required to battle a seemingly invincible enemy. "
31484 BROUTDMO.ZIP 5 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
"Breakout demoBlast through pyramidscastle wallsbarnyard obstacles and much more in this  all-new edition of the arcade classic.  Use your paddle to aim the ball and blast  your way through dozens of new levels.  Let nothing stand in your way in this  highly addictive 3-D interactive  experience. Capture prizes and create as  much chaos as you can! Its great fun and  competitive action for fans of the original  and newcomers alike. P200Win 9x."
31485 BUSTM4D.ZIP 28,4 Mt 12.02.2000 - - -
Bust A Move 4 demo.  Julkaisija Interplay. Arcadepeli. Vauhdikas, hauska ja harmiton yhden tai useamman pelaajan kilpailupeli. Pelaajat ampuvat eri värisiä kuplia ruudun yläreunaan pyrkien Tetrismäisesti poistamaan samanväriset kuplakasat. Villi ja etenkin kaverien kanssa vauhdikkaan iloinen touhupeli. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P100, 32 Mt, DirectX.
31486 BW2DEMO.ZIP 93,1 Mt 23.10.2000 - 23171/Gamestar_24_2000-11_cd1.bin -
"Blair Witch Volume 2 demoBlair Witch Volume 2: The Legend of Coffin Rock demo. In this episodea Civil War soldierstricken by amnesiais rescued in Burkittsville by a strange girl named Robin Weaver and soon dubbed `Lazarusby her equally strange grandmother. After Robin mysteriously disappears into the forest of the Black HillsLazarus is drawn into a nightmare world of human sacrifice and supernatural terror.  "
31487 CBALLDMO.ZIP 14 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
"Clusterball demoClusterball is an online sportdesigned to invoke the same adrenaline rush as Quake and Unrealbut replacing the spatter and gore with pure gameplay. By combining the feel and gaming experience from ballflight and racing gamesClusterball is totally unlike anything youve ever seen before. PII 23364MBWin95/98DirectX3D accelerator. "
31488 CC2DFDMO.ZIP 6,7 Mt 24.10.2000 - - -
Combat Command 2: Danger ForwardCombat Command 2: Danger Forward is a unique game system that authentically recreates the most exciting engagements of WWII. Emphasizing command control and combined arms, Danger Forward focuses on the Mediterranean and Western Front, from 1940-1945. Innovative rules, including the most detailed treatment of paradrops and amphibious landings ever in a computer wargame, make Combat Command a unique and exciting gaming experience. P200, 32MB RAM. 
31489 CCDEMO11.ZIP 4,3 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
 Cue Club demo v1.1 Tekijä Midas Interactive. Urheilu/biljardi. Monipuolinen biljardi/snooker-simulaatio. Kuvakulma esitetään suoraan ylhäältä pöydän päältä, ohjaaminen tavallinen hiirikontrolli. Erikoisuuksien sijaan peli keskittyy monipuolisten pelityyppien tarjoamiseen ja hyvään pelattavuuteen. Helppo, vauhdikas pelattava ilman suuria laitevaatimuksia. Laitevaatimus: WIndows 95/98, P166, 16 Mt, DirectX.
31490 CCINDEMO.ZIP 57,5 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Close Combat: Invasion Normandy demoClose Combat: Invasion Normandy takes you back to Normandy, where it all began. This time you\'ll be fighting for the Cotentin peninsula, from the landings at Utah Beach to the siege at Cherbourg. New Force Pool dynamics allow you to customize your Battle Groups, and armored vehicles won\'t always be the best tools in the arsenal. By placing a premium on infantry tactics, Invasion Normandy puts the capital "C" back into Close Combat. P200, 32MB, Win95. 
31491 CEDEMOB2.ZIP 34,5 Mt 24.02.2000 - - -
Codename Eagle beta demo 2 from Refraction/Take 2. First person action. It is early 1900. The Tsar of Russia is dead. His son plans to create largest army on the face of the planet. Yet unoccupied countries form alliance, in a desperate attempt to fight back. You penetrate deep behind enemy lines for surveillance, sabotage and assassination operations. Win95 P200 16MB DirectX. Supports Direct3D
31492 CEMPDMO1.ZIP 31,4 Mt 08.06.2000 - 21280/HACKER29.BIN -
Codename Eagle multiplayer demo. Tekijä Refraction/Take 2. "First person" räiskintä. Moninpelidemo. Vuonna 1900 Venäjän tsaari on kuollut ja maailma jakautuu useisiin taisteleviin faktioihin. Pelaaja on linjojen takana toimiva yksinäinen kommando, tehtävänään sabotoida jne. Demossa TCP/IP ja IPX moninpeli. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 16 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31493 CEWDEMOU.ZIP 46,3 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
"Cossacks - European War updated demoCossacks - European War is a historical real-time strategy based on events of 1600- 1800 centuries in Europe when nations and states were created and demolishedgold was turned to numerous armiesand neverending wars shed seas of blood. It was the time when new regulations were developed in armiesand commandersmastery was polished to perfection. The new era began with cannonade thunder and bulletswhine... "
31494 CHIX76D.ZIP 15,2 Mt 03.09.2000 - - -
SuperChix 76 pelattava demo. Julkaisija Fiendish Games. 70-luvun mahtavat muskeliautot ovat palanneet. Astu vauhdikkaaseen kilpa-ajoon. Windows 9x, PII 233, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31495 CMD102.ZIP 30,6 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Combat Mission DEMO v1.02. Tekijä Big Time Software/Battlefront.com Toisen maailmansodan sotastrategia. Yhdistelmä vuoropohjaista- ja reaaliajassa tapahtuvaa sodankäyntiä. Realistinen, perusteellisesti tuotettu vapaasti pyöritettävästä kuvakulmasta esitetty sotapeli, joka sijoittuu Normandian maihinnousun jälkeisiin taisteluihin Ranskassa. Laitevaatimus: WIndows 95/98, Pentium, suositellaan 3D-kiihdytintä. 
31496 CMR2DEMO.ZIP 35,7 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
"Colin McRae Rally 2.0 demoThis demo lets you play 3 selected stages from the UKAustralia and Swedendriving in the Ford Focus. Theres also a chance to play the newArcade Moderacing against 5 AI opponents on the Italian track. P23332MBWin9x. "
31497 COMANCHE.ZIP 4,9 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Enemy Engaged - demo
31498 CP8NET.ZIP 16,1 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
 3-D Ultra Cool Pool Internet-demo. Julkaisija Sierra. Upea biljardi/pool-urheilupeli joka tarjoaa useita eri pelityyppejä hyvällä pelattavuudella. Tämä demo on vain Internet-pelattava kahdelle pelaajalle, sisältäen 8-Ball pelin. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX.
31499 CRIMECD.ZIP 85,4 Mt 12.10.2000 - - -
Crime Cities demoBetrayed, condemned to death, and now blackmailed by the very people you once honored and trusted with your life, you must venture to an almost forgotten star system. Your task is to destroy the Mafia clans controlling the Pandemia prison colony, and its surrounding moons, or die trying. 
31500 CROC2D.ZIP 31,8 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
Croc 2 demo.  Tekijä Argonaut Software/ Fox Interactive. 3D tasohyppely. Pikkudinosaurus Croc on palannut! Tällä kertaa hän etsii kadonneita vanhempiaan. Tutki yli 40 kenttää joista jokainen on täynnä yllätyksiä, outoja petoja ja tehtäviä. Laitevaatimus: PII 266, 32MB, Windows 95/98, DirectX, 3D kiihdytin.
31501 CSDEMO.ZIP 41,3 Mt 30.11.2000 repacked archive.org -
Crimson Skies demoCrimson Skies puts you in the cockpit for thrilling dogfights and aerial adventure. In this alternate history, the year is 1937 and the United States is fractured into squabbling nation-states, brought about by the weight of the Great Depression, regional prohibition and mounting isolationism. Giant Zeppelins crisscross the skies carrying both passengers and cargo, and airborne bandits are a constant threat. PII 233, 32MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
31502 CUE142.ZIP 6 Mt 26.06.2000 - - -
Cue Club demo v1.42. Tekijä Midas Interactive. Urheilu/biljardi. Monipuolinen biljardi/snooker-simulaatio. Kuvakulma esitetään suoraan ylhäältä pöydän päältä, ohjaaminen tavallinen hiirikontrolli. Erikoisuuksien sijaan peli keskittyy monipuolisten pelityyppien tarjoamiseen ja hyvään pelattavuuteen. Helppo, vauhdikas pelattava ilman suuria laitevaatimuksia. Pelit rajoittuvat 90 sekunnin pituuteen demossa. Laitevaatimus: WIndows 95/98, P166, 16 Mt, DirectX. 
31503 CULTURES.ZIP 63,3 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Cultures demoCultures offers all the elements of resource management, trading, military operations 
and discovery. The player must manage resources, trade and advance across this 
unruly terrain. Success hinges on balancing the strategic aims 
with the needs of each member of the tribe. The tribe must prepare to advance across 
America trading, uniting and fighting until they have retrieved the 6 elements of the comet 
that will restore harmony to their homeland. PII 266, 32MB, Win9x. 
31504 DAIKADMD.ZIP 34,5 Mt 05.06.2000 - - tupla
Daikatana Deathmatch multiplayer demo by ION Storm/Eidos. 1st person 3D action. Go back into the past to set history straight Along for the ride are Mikiko and your friend Superfly Johnson, AI-controlled allies who have their own personalities, abilities, advantages, and disadvantages. Multiplayer demo includes two deathmatch maps. Playable ONLY on Internet, through free MPlayer. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 MB, DirectX. Req. 3Dfx or OpenGL 3D card. 
31505 DCRISIS.ZIP 48,2 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Dino Crisis demo. Julkaisija Capcom. 3D toiminta. Toimintaa trooppisessa sademetsässä joka vilisee esihistoriallisia dinosauruksia ja muita petoja. 10 minuutin aikarajoitus. Paina A aloittaaksesi pelin, F9 lopettaaksesi. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D. 
31506 DEUSEXD.ZIP 139,3 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
"Deus Ex demoIn this thrilling roleplaying adventureyou play the part of a nano-technologically augmented anti-terrorist agent. Its up to you to stop the conspirators from achieving their goals. The future is hereand the world is a dangerous and chaotic place. Worst of allan ages old conspiracy bent on world domination has decided that the time is right to emerge from the shadows and take control. No one believes they exist. No one but you. "
31507 DEUSM02.ZIP 32,6 Mt 16.08.2000 - - -
Deus Ex demo - Mission #2. Vaatii alkuperäisen demon. 
31508 DEVILIN.ZIP 67,6 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
Devil Inside demo. Tekijä Cryo Interactive. 3D toimintaseikkailu. Yliluonollisia tapahtumia pursuava toimintapeli jossa pelaaja astuu vastakkain pimeyden voimien kanssa. "Third person" kuvakulmasta esitetty peli tarjoaa erikoisen ohjausjärjestelmän ja runsain mitoin eläviä kuolleita ynnä muita olioita suoraan Paholaisen syövereistä. Alone In The Dark-pelien luojan Hubert Chardeaun uusi luomus. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, PII 233, 32 Mt, 3D-kiihdytin 
31509 DFDEMO.ZIP 66,5 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Deep Fighter demoAn underwater civilization is fighting to survive the dual threat of deadly enemies and the impending destruction of their landscape. You take on dangerous missions, while droids and drones maintain and repair the crumbling city. The ultimate objective is to construct a giant mothership that will transport your civilization safely away. DF combines elements of 3D dog-fighting, exploration and puzzle solving. This playable demo contains the first four missions from the main game. 
31510 DFLWMPD.ZIP 37,1 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Delta Force: Land Warrior updated demoJatko-osa suosituille Delta Force/Delta Force 2 -toimintapeleille. Yhdistää realismia ja vauhdikasta toimintaa. Tämä uusittu demo sisältää moninpelimahdollisuuden. Windows 9x, P2-233, 64 Mt, Direct3D. 
31511 DHT2DEMO.ZIP 33,1 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Die Hard Trilogy 2 demo. Julkaisija Fox Interactive. Toimintapeli. Kolme erilaista toiminnantäyteistä peliä yksissä kuorissa. Ohjaamalla John McClanea, koviin paikkoihin eksyvää poliisia, pääset tappelemaan keskelle vankilakapinaa, villeihin takaa-ajoihin ja sihtailemaan tarkka-ampujana. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31512 DIABLO2D.ZIP 127,2 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Diablo II demoIn Diablo II, return to a world of dark fantasy. Explore the world of Diablo II -- journey across distant lands, fight new villains, discover new treasures and uncover ancient mysteries, all in the quest to stop the Lord of Terror, once and for all...  P233, 32MB, Win9x. 
31513 DIDEMO.ZIP 51,8 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Devil Inside updated demoDave Ackland, a cop turned journalist, now investigates for the local TV channel specialising in the weird and bizarre. Dave he has a strange power - He can change into Deva, a leather clad devil with supernatural powers. On Halloween, Dave enters a haunted house where heinous crimes have been committed. He will have to fight against the living dead to solve the crimes and lay the evil to rest once and for all. PII 233, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX  
31514 DKDEMO.ZIP 102,4 Mt 27.04.2000 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Daikatana demo. Tekijä ION Storm/Eidos. 3D first person toimintapeli. Surullisenkuuluisa useita vuosia tehty muinaiseen Japaniin sijoittuva toiminta. Mutta kuinka käy, onko pelillä enää mahdollisuutta tragikoomisen kehitysjakson jälkeen. Tutustu itse ja arvioi. Sisältää yksin- ja moninpelin. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX, OpenGL-näytönohjain. 
31515 DOWDEMO.ZIP 117 Mt 08.06.2000 - 16067/PCM8.iso -
Dogs of War demo. Julkaisija Talonsoft. Strategiapeli. Ensimmäinen todella kolmiulotteinen taktinen toiminta-strategia joka yhdistää saumattomasti toiminnan ja suurten joukko-osastojen komentamisen. Science-fiction asetelma, vetoava pelattavuus ja dynaamiset taistelukentät. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, PII 266, 32 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D-näytönohjain. 
31517 DR2-OT.ZIP 77,8 Mt 22.06.2000 - - -
Dark Reign 2 Online Test demo. Tekijä Pandemic Studios/Activision. Reaaliaikainen taktiikkaräiskintä. Tulevaisuudessa pilalle saastunut maapallo on jakautunut suuriin kaupunkivaltioihin, jotka kamppailevat jatkuvasti radioaktiivisessa ympäröivässä maailmassa vaeltavia olentoja vastaan. Osapuolet ovat nyt lukkiutuneet perusteelliseen taisteluun. Tätä demoa voi pelata ainoastaan Internetissä WON.NETin kautta. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, PII 233, 64 Mt, DirectX 7a, Direct3D-kiihdytin. 
31516 DR2DEMO.ZIP 32,9 Mt 04.10.2000 - - -
"Dark Reign 2 demoIn an apocalyptic futureecologically unstable Earth is under the rule of the Jovian Detention Authority. Charged to protect the exclusive dome citiesthe JDA is locked in battle with the Sprawlers who dwell in the irradiated world outside. After a catastrophic event the Sprawlers unite their unconventional technologies and weaponry to engage the JDA in Earths final chapter. Gamers can take up the cause of either sidefighting through 20 challenging missions. 
P23364MBWin95DirectX 7a3D accelerator."
31518 DTRADEMO.ZIP 8,4 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Dirt Track Racing Australia demoDirt Track Racing Australia is a simulation racing game capturing the exact experience of real life racing. It features realistic physics simulation, tuning & upgrading of vehicles as well as a progression through various series from hobby stock to late model class. P200, 32MB, Win95, 3D accelerator. 
31519 DTRSCDMO.ZIP 18,2 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Dirt Track Racing Sprint Cars demoThe sport of sprint car racing is among the most popular motor sports in the United States with over 700 tracks, and millions of spectators attending weekly race meetings. DTRSC is the first game to capture the essence of sprint car racing. It realistically simulates the physics of these unique machines, with their distinctive angled wings and top speeds of up to 170mph.  P166, 32MB, Win95, DirectX   
31520 E2150D20.ZIP 79,4 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
Earth 2150 demo v2.0. Tekijä TopWare/SSI. Reaaliaikainen strategia. Vuonna 2150 on maapallo muuttunut hornaksi, planeetan kiertoradan siirryttyä lähemmäs aurinkoa. Kansakunnat taistelevat nyt viimeisistä resursseista. Peli kehuu monipuolisella 3D-maastollaan joka on interaktiivinen ja muuttuu pelin kuluessa. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P II 233, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin. Tukee 3Dfx/OpenGL. 
31521 E2150TR.ZIP 7,3 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Earth 2150 traileri.MPEG-muotoinen esittelyvideo. TopWare Interactive / SSI.
31522 E2KDEMO.ZIP 29,6 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Euro 2000 demo.EA Sports.
31523 EART2150.ZIP 36 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
Earth 2150 EI PELATTAVA demo.  Julkaisija Topware. Toimintapeli. 2002 avaruusasemalla tapahtuu. Vaatii Windodws 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, 3Dfx Glide.
31524 EECHDEMO.ZIP 80 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Enemy Engaged: RAH-66 Comanche Versus Ka-52 Hokum demo. Julkaisija Razorworks/Empire. Taisteluhelikopterisimulaattori. Apache Hokum simulaattorin jatko-osa. Varsin realistinen mutta samalla myös erittäin pelattava ja jopa hauska simu. Kalustona kaksi maailman parasta taistelukentän vatkainta. Dynaamiset, elävät kampanjat ja taistelukentät, erinomainen simulaatio sopivalla vaikeusasteella. Windows 95/98, Pentium II, Direct3D. 
31525 EFMIDMOC.ZIP 116,5 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Escape from Monkey Island complete demoEscape from Monkey Island finds pirate wannabe Guybrush Threepwood facing sociopathic parrots, deformed buccaneers, and an insult flinging villain with a sinister agenda in this rollicking 3D adventure. EfMI features a cinematic story full of drama, intrigue and side-splitting humor. The game is highlighted by hundreds of challenging puzzles, set amidst dozens of richly rendered backgrounds. "Complete" demo: Voice, music, intro cut scene. P200, 32 Mb, Win9x, 3D card. 
31526 EFMIDMOM.ZIP 35,2 Mt 09.10.2000 - - -
Escape from Monkey Island minimum demoEscape from Monkey Island finds pirate wannabe Guybrush Threepwood facing sociopathic parrots, deformed buccaneers, and an insult flinging villain with a sinister agenda in this rollicking 3D adventure. EfMI features a cinematic story full of drama, intrigue and side-splitting humor. The game is highlighted by hundreds of challenging puzzles, set amidst dozens of richly rendered backgrounds. Music only, no voice or intro cut scene. P200, 32 Mb, Win9x, 3D card. 
31527 EFMIDMOT.ZIP 82,3 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Escape from Monkey Island typical demoEscape from Monkey Island finds pirate wannabe Guybrush Threepwood facing sociopathic parrots, deformed buccaneers, and an insult flinging villain with a sinister agenda in this rollicking 3D adventure. EfMI features a cinematic story full of drama, intrigue and side-splitting humor. The game is highlighted by hundreds of challenging puzzles, set amidst dozens of richly rendered backgrounds. Voice and music, no intro cut scene. P200, 32 Mb, Win9x, 3D card. 
31528 EJ3DEMO.EXE 20,4 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Earthworm Jim 3D - demoEarthworm Jim 3D - demo ilman DirectX 7:aa
31529 EJ3NODX7.EXE 13,4 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Earthworm Jim 3D - demoEarthworm Jim 3D - demo DirectX 7:lle
31530 EUROLEAG.ZIP 58,1 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
EuroLeague Football demo. Julkaisija Dinamic. Urheilupeli/jalkapallo. Tämä jalkapallo ottaa aiheeseen erityisen monipuolisen näkökulman: pääset sekä pelaamaan kentälle että tekemään kaikki manageripelien tapaiset päätökset. Demo sisältää osuuden kokoversion manageriosuudesta. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P II, Direct3D 
31531 EVOLVAD.ZIP 30,2 Mt 15.03.2000 - - -
 Evolva demo. Julkaisija Interplay. Toimintapeli. Taktinen räiskintä joka heittää pelaajan visuaalisesti hämmästyttävään 3D maailmaan. Pelimaailma on täynnä älyllisiä olentoja joita ajaa erityinen tekoälyohjelmisto. Pelaajan on taisteltava planeetan saastuttamaa parasiittia vastaan, jota kuitenkin suojelee joukko käskyläisiä. Komenna siis soturijoukkoa tehtävää täyttäessäsi. Laitevaatimus WIndows 95/98, PII 266, 32 Mt, 3D kiihdytin.
31532 F1CS2KD.ZIP 43,6 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
F1 Championship Season 2000 demoRe-live the gladiatorial battles between Michael Schumacher and David Coulthard or tear up the record books and take an outsider to World Championship glory. With in-depth behind the scenes technical support from the Orange Arrows and Benetton Formula One teams never before has the game player been able to enter the world of Formula One racing in such detail and authenticity. P233, 64MB, Win95  
31533 F1WGP99.ZIP 63 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
F1 World Grand Prix 99 demo. Julkaisija Eidos. Vuoden 1999 mestaruuskilpailuun perustuva formulapeli. Mukana aidot tallit ja kuljettajat. Jokainen auto on aito toisinto alkuperäisestä, sekä visuaalisesti että ajettavuudeltaan. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166 MMX, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31534 FARGATED.ZIP 66,4 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Far Gate demoThe future of your entire colony is in your hands! Take command and lead the Proximan colony to safety back to Terra, and bring vengeance upon those who have betrayed them. PII 233, 32MB, Win95, 3D accelerator. 
31535 FF8D2L.ZIP 67 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
Final Fantasy VIII demo 2.  Tekijä Squaresoft. Seikkailupeli. Uusin osa tunnetusta japanilaisesta seikkailupelien sarjasta. Se yhdistää eeppisen tarinan dynaamisiin roolipelielementteihin, musiikkiin ja vaikuttaviin henkilöhahmoihin. Seikkailu lähestulkoon herää henkiin digitaalisen taiteen näytöksenä. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. Demo videoiden kera.
31536 FF8D2S.ZIP 26,9 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
Final Fantasy VIII demo 2.  Tekijä Squaresoft. Seikkailupeli. Uusin osa tunnetusta japanilaisesta seikkailupelien sarjasta. Se yhdistää eeppisen tarinan dynaamisiin roolipelielementteihin, musiikkiin ja vaikuttaviin henkilöhahmoihin. Seikkailu lähestulkoon herää henkiin digitaalisen taiteen näytöksenä. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. Demo ilman videoita.
31537 FHDEMO.ZIP 92,4 Mt 22.06.2000 - 23167/Gamestar_20_2000-07_cd1.bin -
Flying Heroes demo. Tekijä Illusion Softworks/Talonsoft. 3D lentelyräiskintä. Erikoinen fantasiamaailmaan sijoittuva toimintapeli, jossa pelaajat ovat erilaisilla lentävillä laitteilla tai eläimillä kamppailevia gladiaattoreita. Taistele suurilla areenoilla keräten lisäaseita, bonuksia - ja fragaten vastustajia. Laitevaaimus: Windows 9x, P II 266, 64 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D-kiihdytin. 
31538 FIFA01DM.ZIP 19,7 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
FIFA 2001 demoWith over 50 National teams and 17 different leagues, the choices and competition of FIFA 2001 are real and intense. Adding to the authenticity, players have a realistic sense of urgency on the pitch as the ball enters and leaves their circle of influence. Players come to life through appearance, skill and behaviour. Newcomers to the series will enjoy easy-to-play accessibility while experienced game players will appreciate the depth of gameplay. P166, 32MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator.  
31539 FOCOMD.ZIP 77,7 Mt 07.04.2000 - - -
Force Commander demo. Julkaisija LucasArts. Science fiction taktiikkaräiskintä. Star Wars pelisarjan uusin tulokas tarjoaa tällä kertaa reaaliaikaista toimintastrategiaa Mech Commanderin tyyliin. Komenna joukkoja maataisteluissa juonenkäänteiden läpi joko kapinallisten tai imperiumin puolella. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, PII 266, 64 Mt, DirectX 7, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31540 FORDRACE.ZIP 16,3 Mt 23.01.2000 repacked discmaster.textfiles.com -
Ford Racing demo.  Julkaisija Empire Interactive. Rallipeli. Aja tusinalla kuululla Fordin autolla. Peli väittää omaavansa realistisen fysiikan ja erittäin tarkan autojen mallinnuksen. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, tukee Direct3D.
31541 FROG2DMO.ZIP 15,7 Mt 12.10.2000 - - -
"Swampy the Crocodile and Frogger have never gotten along. Frogger always got the glory and Swampy got the gloom. Now Swampy has run off with the poor lost Frog Babies and its up to Frogger to get them back! 
Its fast and furious action from start to finish for Frogger and his new friendLillie Frog. Help them save the Frog Babies through incredible new 3-D worlds filled with crazy obstaclesfun power-ups and menacing enemies. 
31542 FTBOSDMO.ZIP 115 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Fallout: Tactics demoFallout: Tactics is a turn-based tactical combat game with RPG character development and depth of story line. Join the Brotherhood of Steel, and take part in a quest to find long-dormant technology in order to defeat a powerful enemy. The player controls up to six characters in the single player mission-based campaign or they may use their squad online in multiplayer battles. Squad-members improve with experience, increasing their skills and earning perks. 
31543 FURFDEMO.ZIP 55,5 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
"Fur Fighters demoThe Fur Fighters are an elite fighting force of stuffed animals on a mission to rescue their families from the evil General Viggo. The Fur Fighters must battle their way through Viggos legions of Stupid Bears and solve diabolical puzzles to save their babiesrescue their mutated kin in six outrageous boss levels and snatch the planet from Viggos clutches. PII 30032MBWin953D accelerator. "
31544 GALINV.ZIP 4,9 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Galactic Invasion 1.1 demo3D-version of Space Invaders. You must shoot down alien ships using everything from missiles and boomerangs to multiple lasers. Shoot weird ships at the top to collect powerups. 
31545 GBUGGYRD.ZIP 9,7 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
Gubbly Buggy Racer demo. Tekijä Actual Entertainment. Kilpa-ajopeli. Hauska Mario Kart -tyyppinen kilpa-ajelu. Yhdelle tai kahdelle pelaajalle. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, P200, 32 Mt, Direct3D. 
31548 GC_E3TR.ZIP 13,1 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Ground Control E3 2000 traileriAVI-muotoinen esittelyvideo. Massive Entertainment / Sierra.
31547 GCDEMO.ZIP 104,7 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Ground Control demo. Julkaisija Massive Entertainment/Sierra. Reaaliaikainen taktiikkaräiskintä. Ruotsalaisen poppoon tekemä RTS-räiske eroaa positiivisella tavalla genren muista peleistä. Mukana on myös annos realismia, hyvä ohjausjärjestelmä, älykkäät yksiköt ja toimiva 3D-kuvakulma. Nopean toiminnan ja strategisten piirteiden ansiosta peli on kiinnostava - ja visuaalisesti näyttävä toiminta-annos. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31546 GCDEMOUS.ZIP 45,3 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
Ground Control demo 2. Julkaisija Massive Entertainment/Sierra. Reaaliaikainen taktiikkaräiskintä. Ruotsalaisen poppoon tekemä RTS-räiske eroaa positiivisella tavalla genren muista peleistä. Mukana on myös annos realismia, hyvä ohjausjärjestelmä, älykkäät yksiköt ja toimiva 3D-kuvakulma. Nopean toiminnan ja strategisten piirteiden ansiosta peli on kiinnostava - ja visuaalisesti näyttävä toiminta-annos. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31549 GHGARD.ZIP 11,2 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
GearHead Garag demo v1.1 , tekijä Ratloop, Inc.. Autonkorjaus simulaatio. Jokaisen ruuvinvääntäjän, auton ja mopon korjailijan unelmapeli? Työskentele virtuaalisessa autotallissa värkäten erilaisten autojen parissa. Korjaa, muunna, maalaa, virittele. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX.
31550 GIFTDEMO.ZIP 12,4 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
Gift demoGift is a breathtakingly innovative and altogether different kind of 3D-arcade action adventure game that breaks the mould and depicts the adventures of a new affectionate and mischievous hero, Gift. Set in eight different worlds, each accompanied with unique and visually stunning graphic environments, GIFT reinvents the 3D-arcade action/adventure genre as a challenging and controversial tour de force that satirises computer game characters and films. 
31551 GOLFGAME.ZIP 38,8 Mt 04.02.2000 - - -
The Myrtle Beach Tour Golf demo.  Simulation/Sport. Yhdysvaltalaiselle Myrtle Beach -golfkentälle sijoittuva golfsimulaatio. Erityisesti moninpeliin suunniteltu, tukee myös yksinpeliä tietokonetta vastaan. Paikallisverkko ja Internet moninpeli/multiplayer tuki. Windows 95, P133, 32 MB.
31552 GP3_DEMO.ZIP 118,6 Mt 04.10.2000 - - -
Grand Prix 3 demoFormula One simulation of the complete Grand Prix season featuring all the circuits, all the teams, all the drivers and all the cars, reproduced accurately. Featuring Driving Aids for rookies, Quick Race, Non-Championship Races and the complete Championship Season with full qualifying and practice days, pit stops, complete car set ups and data logging. Unparalleled attention to detail, no other simulation comes as close to the real feeling of driving a F1 car. 
PII 266, 32MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator.
31553 GSDEMO.ZIP 18,6 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
GunShip! demo. Julkaisija Microprose/Hasbro Helikopterisimulaattori. Kolmas maailmansota on puhjennut Euroopassa. Lennä taisteluhelikoptereilla räiskintäpainotteisessa lentelypelissä ja tuhoa vihollisen kalustoa, niin maasta kuin ilmastakin. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, PII 266, 32 Mt, Direct3D. 
31554 GUBBUGG.ZIP 9,7 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Gubble Buggy Racer demo. Actual Entertaniment. Ajopeli. Mario Kart-tyylistä ajelua futuristisilla kilpureilla. Tukee jaetun ruudun moninpeliä. Laitevaatimus: P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31555 GUNLOKUD.ZIP 98,2 Mt 23.10.2000 - - -
"Gunlok updated demoGunlok is a 3D team based action strategy game from Rebellion. The machines have wonbut humans continue to strive against themand now is the time to take the fight to The Corporation. Along the way Gunlok solves puzzles and battles robots as he strives to free mankind. During the game Gunlok picks up companions and through team co- operation and using each others unique abilitiesthey battle their way to a confront the evil at the heart of The Corporation. "
31556 GUNMAND.ZIP 58,4 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
"Gunman Chronicles demoIts been five years since the infestation of the alien Xenomes was stopped. Nowthe Xenome scourge is spreading once again. As leader of the Gunmen you must set things right. Find the source of this invasion and clear these alien scum from the galaxy! GC combines Wild West with high-tech scifi to create a thrilling and visually unique first-person action experience powered by the Half-Life engine! P23332MBWin9x. "
31557 HEISTDMO.ZIP 66,2 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
"Heist demo You play a lone criminal bailed from jailcalled upon to assemble a team of crack heisters for an unknown gangland mastermind. Working for your unseen bossyou travel across the USrecruiting crew to carry out jobs to the specification of the cartels leader. Each of the jobs involves hits and heists on rival gangs and their stasheach one strengthening your leaders grip over the criminal fraternity. PII 23364MBWin9x. "
31558 HH2001.ZIP 55 Mt 05.03.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
 Sammy Sosa High Heat Baseball 2001 beta demo. Tekijä Team .366/3DO. Urheilu/baseball. Jos jenkkien outo baseball-villitys kiinnostaa on tässä kelpo tapa vilkaista tapahtumien sisään. Upealla 3D grafiikalla varustettu urheilupeli vie keskelle mailanheilutusta. Täydellinen tasapaino toiminnan ja realismin välillä. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, 32 Mt, vähintään 2 Mt näytönohjain tai 3D-kiihdytin,
31559 HITMANUD.ZIP 33,8 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
"Hitman: Codename 47 updated demo Use stealth and tactical problem solving to enterexecute and exit your assignment with minimum attention and maximum effectiveness. For a priceyou have access to devious devicesbut how you use them will determine if you retire as a millionaire or get permanently retired. Hitman is the worlds most accomplished assassin; howeverhe is plagued by a troubling past of deception and genetic butchery. PII 26664MBWin9x3D accelerator.  "
31560 HLUPLINK.ZIP 48,5 Mt 24.01.2000 - - -
"Half-Life: Uplink.  Demo. from Sierra. The long-awaited demo for Sierras Half-Life has finally been released and it contains a mini-mission not yet seen. Download it now. System Requirements: Pentium-13324 MB RAMSVGA w/ 2MBmouse sound boardWindows 95; Windows 98; Windows NT. Requires Direct3D or OpenGL accelerator."
31561 HMFAKKDM.ZIP 72,3 Mt 05.10.2000 - - -
"Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2 demoHeavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2 is a 3D action/adventure based on Kevin Eastmans serialized graphic novel Melting Pot. Environments are beautiful and complexand they are packed with involved puzzles that are essential to the story. With Action-Based Outcomesgameplay is influenced by your actions - there is no set path. Each time you sit down to play Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2 you will have a new experience. PII 23332 MbWin9xDirectX3D accelerator. "
31562 HNMDEMO.EXE 2,1 Mt 14.07.2000 - 21278/HACKER26.BIN -
Horse & Musket demo.Shrapnel Games.
31563 HOYLE5D.ZIP 26 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
Hoyle Casino 5 demoPoker, Blackjack, Slots - we have them all, and more! Choose from 12 different games with more than 350 and experience the sights, sounds and excitement of a real Las Vegas casino. Hoyle Casino 5 brings you crisp, colorful graphics, authentic gameplay, and entertaining characters for the most realistic casino experience available without actually being there! P133, 32MB, Win9x. 
31564 HTTEST.ZIP 51,8 Mt 03.09.2000 - - -
Hired Team: Trial demo test. 3D-räiskintä. New Media Generation. Moninpelattava 3D-räiskintä. sisältää useita erilaisia pelimoodeja, mukaanlukien tavanomaisen deathmatchin ja erilaisia joukkuepelejä. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, muutoin tuntematon. 
31565 HTTGD.ZIP 42,7 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
"Hired Team: Trial Gold demo New Media Generation is happy to present the new demo of our game - Hired Team: Trial Gold edition. The demo contains three levels from the final game: RuinerSteel-clad Fortress and DEM. These levels will show some of the fast paced action weve got here for you - two of the maps are made for straight deathmatchthe third will let you play Capture The Flag (Steel Clad Fortress map). There will be 7 types of weapons. "
31566 HWCDEMO.ZIP 48,7 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
Homeworld: Cataclysm demoCommand multiple 360-degree 3-D views as you manage ship production and deployment in a gorgeous outer-space environment, leading your fleet against a powerful alien menace. Cataclysm boasts 18 all-new ships, 25 new technologies,17 single-player missions and fantastic multiplay, with improved interface and technology. PII 266, 32MB, Win9x.
31567 ICBDEMO.ZIP 80,2 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
"In Cold Blood demoPlay part of the full version in this demo of In Cold Blooda real 007-killerin which you play as secret agent John Cord. Youve been sent to Volgia to find a missing English agentwho has found out something very secret about Volgia - so secret he had to die for it... "
31569 IG2_ED.ZIP 132,3 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactica II demo.   Julkaisija GT Interactive. Avaruusstrategia. Säädettävässä reaaliajassa tapahtuva laajan mittakaavan science fiction strategia. Tutki, rakenna, huolehdi siirtokunnistasi, kehitä teknologiaa, vakoile, harjoita diplomatiaa ja niin edelleen. Windows 95/98, P233, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D kiihdytin.
31568 IG2DEMO.ZIP 132,3 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactiga 2 - pelattava demoReaaliaikaisen avaruusstrategiapelin pelattava demoversio.
31570 IGI_DEMO.ZIP 46,3 Mt 30.11.2000 - 23861/010307_0816.iso -
"Project IGI demoYouve survived worse...but not by much. Now you have to bandage your woundsinfiltrate a fortified Russian Basedisable the security systemand get the goods... Im Going In is the first military stealth shooter to stress cunning and covertness over firepower. Battle your way through Eastern Europe in pursuit of a homicidal ex-Russian Colonel bent on turning Europe into a radioactive wasteland. "
31571 INFESTD.ZIP 9,4 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Infestation demo. Tekijä Frontier Developments/Ubi Soft. Räiskintä/toiminta. Räiskintä jossa ajellaan ympäriinsä erilaisilla aseistetuilla kulkuneuvoilla ja tutkitaan ympäröivää pelimaailmaa. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, P II, Direct3D. 
31572 INSANEUD.ZIP 33,6 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
Insane updated demoTake your vehicle to the most inhospitable corners of the world and drive all over them. Insane will make you face a multitude of off-road racing challenges, all geared up for the best in network LAN / Internet gaming. And if the world is not enough, create the course of your nightmares with the unique Environment Generator. Go for broke and go Insane, the all-new off-road game that bends the rules and rules the bends. PII 233, 64MB, Win95, 3D accelerator.  
31573 INVICTUS.ZIP 103,5 Mt 06.03.2000 renamed archive.org -
  Invictus demo. Tekijä 14 Degrees/Interplay. Reaaliaikainen strategia/taktiikkaräiskintä. Keskiaikaiseen fantasiamaailmaan sijoittuva toiminta. Resurssien keräämisen sijaan peli painottuu hyvän sankarijoukkion kasaamiseen jolla täytetään tehtäviä. Käytettävissä on yli 30 erilaista yksikkötyyppiä joita pelaaja värvää matkan varrella. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P266, DirectX 6.0, 64 Mt.
31574 JBSC2DMO.ZIP 16,2 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
"Jetboat Superchamps 2  demoLast years stunning 3D jetboat racer returns  with smarter graphicsmore tracksmore champs and powerful new soundsand the same adrenaline thrill. Progress through 5 varied tracks including PacificSubway and Fjords locationsunlocking new races as you go. Match the abilities of the champs to each courseand access all the Superchampsincluding the ultimate man-machine Tetsuo!  PII 23332MBWin9x3D accelerator.  "
31575 JEDEMO2.ZIP 42 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
"Journeys End demoA 3d RPG with accelerated graphicsthis action game takes place in a realm of magic and fantasywhere a long-forgotten evil reaches out one last time for eternal power. Use your reflexeswitsand magical items to follow the path of lightor that of darkness. Full version includes multiplayer and the editing capability to create your own 3d RPG. "
31576 JETSKIRD.ZIP 14,9 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Kawasaki Jet Ski Racing demoKawasaki Jet Ski Racing gives a whole new meaning to racing fun. This 3D experience is tons of fun for all the family! Compete against up to 5 computer opponents in ten different environments located throughout the globe. Race in such places like Hong Kong, Egypt, Venice, and more. 4 styles of gameplay including a circuit mode. Watch out for log jams, waterfalls, and strong current. P266, 32MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
31578 KA_DEMO.ZIP 82,4 Mt 03.03.2000 repacked Pelit CD 2000 -
 Klingon Academy demo. Julkaisija Interplay. Avaruustaistelu/simulaatio. Star Trek universimiin sijoittuva simulaatio, jossa pelaaja opiskelee Klingonin valtakunnan tehokkaaksi soturiksi. Voit komentaa jopa suuria taistelualuksia, mutta myös ottaa osaa toimintaan ampujan tuolilta. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, Pentium II 233 MHz, 64 Mt, 8 Mt Direct3D-näytönohjain.
31577 KA52DEMO.ZIP 86,6 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
KA-52 Team Alligator demo.  By Simis / GT Interactive. Helikopteri lentosimulaattori. Team Apache-simulaattorin jatko-osa. Kehittynyt, odotettu simu Venäläisestä taisteluhelikopterista. Komenna 16 kopterin ryhmiä kampanjoissa ja tehtävissä. Räjähtävää grafiikkaa, efektejä, sääolosuhteita ja dynaamisia kampanjoita. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, Direct3D, DirectX 7
31579 KAMDEM22.ZIP 104,1 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Klingon Academy multiplayer demo. Julkaisija Interplay. Avaruustaistelu/simulaatio. Star Trek universimiin sijoittuva simulaatio, jossa pelaaja opiskelee Klingonin valtakunnan tehokkaaksi soturiksi. Voit komentaa jopa suuria taistelualuksia, mutta myös ottaa osaa toimintaan ampujan tuolilta. Moninpeli demo. Tukee TCP/IP & IPX peluuta sekä MPlayer pelipalvelua. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P2 233 MHz, 64 Mt, 8 Mt Direct3D- näytönohjain. 
31580 KAODEMO2.ZIP 32,4 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
"Kao the Kangaroo updated demo Denisa young and clever kangaroo was captured by a hunter and when he woke up he had boxing gloves on his handsand some guy was shouting at him something about becoming a boxer. With time Denis concentrated his energy on trainingrealising that becoming a real boxer is the only chance for escaping. The occasion appeared one daywhen the hunter was drunk and didnt shut Deniscage properly. That is how the long and full of surprise trip home begun. P20032MB RAM. "
31581 KODEMO.ZIP 48,1 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
KO demo. Julkaisija Data Becker. Urheilu/nyrkkeily. Oletko valmis haasteeseen? House kehään ja ala heiluttamaan nyrkkiäsi. Taistele tiesi mestaruusotteluun mutta muista, mustat silmät ja mustelmat ovat vasta alkua. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, PII 266, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31582 KODPTOUR.ZIP 69,6 Mt 07.04.2000 - - -
King of Dragon Pass: Game Tour (demo). Julkaisija A Sharp. Rooli/seikkailu/ strategiapeli. Huikea Glorantha-nimiseen fantasiamaailmaan sijoittuva peli, jossa pelaaja hallitsee klaaniaan kaukaisessa historiassa. Myyttinen maailma jumalten, ihmisten, olentojen ja seikkailujen täyttämänä. Vuoropohjainen, lähes kirjallinen toteutus jossa pääasiassa tehdään päätöksiä joiden mukaan klaani elää. Ei toimintaa. Demo 1 pelivuoden mittainen. Windows 95,Pentium 
31583 KPCDMO1A.ZIP 73,4 Mt 24.07.2000 - - -
"KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmaree Child demo. Teekijää Third Law/Gathering of Developers. 3D-räiskintä. Kuuluisan rockbändin tahtiin marssiva räväkkärocknroll-toimintapeli. Pelaaja on kentästä riippuen yksi KISSin jäsenistätaistellen pahan voimia vastaan. Demo sisältää viisi kenttää. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9xPentium3D-kiihdytin. "
31584 KUFDEMO.ZIP 162 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
Kingdom Under Fire demoKingdom Under Fire details the epic battles between the Race of Light and the Race of Darkness. Each mission in KuF is played as memoirs of the leaders: as the story unfolds, the truth about the last war is revealed, as are the relationships between heroes. Each mission contains RPG-type events with action and dialogue. Race of Light missions are played first, and finally the Race of Darkness missions. P120, 32MB, Win9x.  
31585 LASTCDEM.ZIP 26,2 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
Last Call demo. Julkaisija Simon & Schuster. Baarimikkopeli. Toimit suositun julkkisbaarin tiskin takana tehden drinkkejä asiakkaille. Pystytkö täyttämään heidän toiveensa? Osaatko tehdä juuri oikeanlaisen tilatun juoman? Vai kestääkö se liian kauan? Tehtäväsi on täyttää asiakkaiden toiveet ja tienata siinä samalla tippiä. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX. 
31586 LEMDEMO.ZIP 33,4 Mt 08.06.2000 - 23859/PCWORLD_PLUS.iso -
Lemmings Revolution demo. Julkaisija Psygnosis. Toiminta/puzzle. Jatko-osa yhdelle maailman tunnetuimmista äly/reaktiopeleistä. Ohjaa laumaa pikkuruisia ukkeleita heidän matkallaan halki vaarallisten tasojen. Laita ukot käyttämään erilaisia työkaluja jotta turvallinen reitti saataisiin alkuun. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P166, 16 Mt, Direct3D. 
31587 LINKS01D.ZIP 50,1 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
"Links 2001 demoLinks 2001 will feature an entirely new rendering engine that delivers unprecedented ball physics and graphicsand the addition of the Arnold Palmer Course Designerwhich allows PC golfers to re-create their home courses. Other improvements to Links 2001 include: new tour players and coursesnew golfer animations and personalitiescustomizable club distances that allow for an even more accurate re-creation of a players actual game and faster and easier online play.  "
31588 MBTRUPDD.ZIP 55,8 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Mercedes-Benz Truck Racing updated demo The hottest and most real truck racing sim you have ever seen. The strong license of Daimler Chrysler/Mercedes and the fast 3D engine assure a game of high interest and quality! Mercedes Truck Racing will stand out from the crowd of racing sims already available. 11/30 Update: Multilanguage demo added (English, French, German). PII 333, 64MB, Win95/98, DirectX, 3D accelerator. 
31589 MCM2DEMO.ZIP 40,6 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Motocross Madness 2 demo. Tekijä Rainbow Studios/Microsoft. Vauhdikkaan motocross-pelin jatko-osa tarjoaa kaikki edeltäjänsä ominaisuudet - mutta myös runsaasti uutta. Pelissä on parannettu realismia, grafiikkaa, käytettävyyttä ja yhteisö/moninpelioptioita. Demossa yksi pelimuoto ja yksi rata. Sisältää täyden moninpelituen linkillä, modeemilla, TCP/IP-verkossa ja Internetissä (multiplayer. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, PII 300, 64 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31590 MDK2DEMO.ZIP 82,4 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
MDK 2 demo. Tekijä Bioware/Interplay. 3D kasvo/ulkoperspektiivin toiminta. MDK:n ainutlaatuinen ja Kehuttu toiminta jatkuu! Monipuolinen biosoturi Kurt jatkaa alienien vastaista kamppailuaan. Tässä toiminnantäyteisessä thrillerissä vieraillaan oudoissa, synkissä maailmoissa taistellen sekä tulivoiman että aivojen voimalla. Jatko-osassa on runsaasti uusia esineitä, huumoria ja uusi kolmas hahmo pelattavaksi. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Vaatii OpenGL. 
31591 MEDI20D.ZIP 6,3 Mt 14.06.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Medieval 2.0 Demo. Julkaisija Incredible Simulations, Inc. Keskiajasta renesanssiin ulottuva historiallinen strategiapeli. Vuoropohjainen, tukee PBEM:ää. Sisältää mittavan kokoelman historiallisia taisteluja 1500-luvulta eteenpäin. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98,  233mhz Pentium, 16 Mt. 
31592 MEFAT-D.ZIP 23 Mt 05.03.2000 - - -
 Metal Fatigue demo. Julkaisija Psygnosis. Reaaliaikainen taktiikkaräiskintä. Toiminta- strategia joka sijoittuu täysin 3D:nä kuvattuu maailmaan. Erikoisuuksia: jättimäiset robottiyksiköt, 3-tasoinen peluu, hyvä tekoäly, erityinen rakennusvaihe ennen taistelujen alkamista. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D tai 3Dfx 3D-kiihdytin.
31593 MESSIDE.ZIP 99,4 Mt 14.06.2000 - - -
Messiah demo. Tekijä Shiny/Interplay. 3D toiminta/seikkailu/järkeily. MDK:n tekijöiden uusin vallankumouksellinen peli. Pelaaja hallitsee Bob-enkeliä joka kykenee valtaamaan muiden olentojen ruumiin, hyödyntäen näiden kykyjä omiin tarkoituksiinsa. Tehtävä: puhdista maa synnintekijöistä. Sielukas, erilainen 3D toiminta. Laitevaatimus: WIndows 95/98, P233, 64 Mt, Direct3D tai 3Dfx-kiihdytin 
31594 MGMMVD11.ZIP 11,5 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Mini Golf Master: Miniverse demo v1.1  Tekijä no.2 Games. Urheilu/minigolf. Arcadetyyppinen isometrisestä perspektiivistä kuvattu urheilupeli. 3D-renderoidut vierivät kentät ja kehittynyt fysiikkamoottori. Mainioita, erittäin nättejä ratoja 1-4 pelaajan koluttavaksi. Jopa deathmatch-mahdollisuus! Laitevaatimus P166, 32 Mt, Windows 95/98, DirectX
31595 MGSDEMO.ZIP 47,8 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
"Metal Gear Solid demoA nuclear weapons disposal facility in Alaska is captured by terrorists. They have got their hands on nuclear warheadsand if their demands are not mettheyll launch a nuclear weapon. As retired Special Forces veteran Solid Snake you are called back into duty in a mission to deal with the terrorist threat. The clock is ticking. PII 23332MBWin9x3D accelerator "
31596 MISCOMD.ZIP 40,4 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
Missile Command demo.  Julkaisija Hasbro. Räiskintäpeli. Koe klassinen kolikkopeli modernisoituna PC-käännöksenä. Ydinsota on puhjennut ja puolustat maatasi taivaalta satavia ydinohjuksia vastaan. Vauhdikas, helppo ja hauska räiskintä jossa ammut torjuntaohjuksia putoavia ohjuksia vastaan. Sisältää sekä klassisen että 3D-viritetyn version. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX.
31597 MM2DEMO.ZIP 30,6 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
"Midtown Madness 2 demoMidtown Madness 2 delivers even more mad-cap racing excitement with all the wild and hair-raising racing challenges youve come to expect! Midtown Madness 2 features two all new locations (London & San Francisco) and 9 hip new urban roadsters! Demo features two cars (Ford MustangMini Cooper)one city (San Francisco)3 modes (CruiseBlitzCheckpoint)multiplayer (Blitz only)and Crash Course mode enabled. PII 23332 MBWin953D accelerator  "
31598 MOHODEMO.ZIP 48,9 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
"MoHo demoMoHo is an all-action arcade style game set on a unique future world whereas a prisoner of the Stateyou are compelled to compete in gladiatorial events against other wrongdoers for the amusement and pleasure of law-abiding citizens. Sentenced to life behind barsyour one hope is to work your way up through the system to get a shot at becoming the Peoples Champion. P26632MBWin953D accelerator. "
31599 MRD105.ZIP 11,7 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
MindRover demo v1.05 Tekijä CogniToy. 3D strategia/ohjelmointipeli. Pelaaja on Jupiterin kuussa oleva tutkija. Tehtäväsi on ohjelmoida kuumönkijöitä ajamaan kilpaa ja taistelemaan toisten mönkijöiden kanssa, samalla kun laitteiden on osattava nagivoida sokkelossa. Ohjelmointi tapahtuu graafisesti yhdistämällä eri laitteita käytöskomponentteihin ja säätämällä niiden ominaisuuksia. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX, 
31600 MRMDEMO.EXE 24,5 Mt 14.07.2000 - - -
Michelin Rally Masters demo.Digital Illusions / Infogrames.
31601 MSBB2001.ZIP 30,1 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 2001 demo. Julkaisija Microsoft. Urheilupeli/baseball. Ensimmäinen urheilupeli joka yhdistää Baseball Mogul- simulaatiotekniikan upeaan grafiikkaan ja pelattavuuteen. Voit hoitaa sekä bisnespuolta ja joukkueen hallintaa että myös pelata itse kentällä. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, PII 266, 64 Mt, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31602 MSCASINO.ZIP 24,3 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Microsoft Casino demoPlay ten of your favorite casino games in virtual versions of three famous Las Vegas casinos with The Microsoft Casino trial version. Take into the tropics with access to The Mirage resort. Inside you can play either Blackjack or Video Poker. Start with $10,000 and play until you win big or lose it all! Along the way, play and win up to three different comps from The Mirage, featuring Sigfreid & Roy, Danny Gans and The Mirage buffet. P133, 16MB, Win9x. 
31603 MSRUNDMO.ZIP 24,4 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
Moonshine Runners demoMoonshine Runners is a game where you control crazy vehicles with amusing drivers around funny obstacle courses using a lot of magic spells. The game has several addictive play modes, some well-known, others unique. The game style is imaginative and easy to learn. It features cutting-edge state-of-the-art graphics/physics technology and includes a lot of original music, whimsical animations and high-detail interactive environments. P233, 32MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
31604 MW4TEST.ZIP 68,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - 23171/Gamestar_24_2000-11_cd1.bin -
"MW4 Test PlatformMW4TEST is a multiplayer-only test platform. Included are 4Mechs and one multiplayer map. Users can also play multiplayer against computer-controlledMechs (bots).MechLab is fully-functional and you can create hundreds of variants with the 4Mechs available to you. Multiplayer options and game types allow you to play dozens of different type games. Both individual and team play is enabled in MW4TEST. "
31605 MW4UDEMO.ZIP 67,1 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
"MechWarrior 4: Vengeance demoMechWarrior 4: Vengeance weaves heart- pounding BattleMech action with the unfolding storyline of the perpetual BattleTech universe. Developed by the creators of the BattleTech Universe and original MechWarrior gameMW4: Vengeance portrays the playersepic struggles to reclaim their birthright as they command an awesomely armed 40-foot tall80-ton90-mile per hour war machine across the remote battlefields of a hostile world. PII 30064MBWin953D accelerator  "
31606 MXMANIAD.ZIP 39,5 Mt 21.11.2000 - - -
Motocross Mania demoMotocross Mania contains four distinct game styles, with players competing in fast and furious races on stadium-based supercross circuits and across a multitude of wild outdoor motocross tracks. Motocross Mania also perfectly captures freestyle stunt riding. A comprehensive replay system allows you to capture your coolest moves and post in on the web for all to see! PII 266, 64MB, Win95, 3D accelerator.  
31607 N2000D.ZIP 25,1 Mt 01.03.2000 - - -
 NASCAR 2000 demo. Julkaisija EA Sports. Rallipeli. Tunnetun kilpa-ajopelin uusi osa. Kilpaile jenkkilän NASCAR-sarjan haastavilla ovaaliradoilla 33 muun kuljettajan kanssa. Kiidä 750 hevosvoiman vauhdittamana ja opettele kuinka erilaisten ratojen haasteet voitetaan ykkössijan tavoittamiseksi. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX 7. Tukee Direct3D.
31608 N3DEMO.ZIP 23,4 Mt 18.01.2000 - MBCD -
NASCAR Racing 3 demo.  Tekijä Papyrus/Sierra. Kilpa-ajopeli Amerikan ovaaliradoilta. Erittäin kehuttu ja MikroBitissäkin huippupisteet saanut peli päästää pelaajat tehokkaiden rata-autojen rattiin. Hyvä grafiikka, realismi ja erinomainen pelattavuus. Demo sisältää myös moninpelin linkillä, paikallisverkossa/LAN ja Internetissä, yhteiden kaverihaun kautta (multiplayer). Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt. Tukee Direct3D/3Dfx
31609 NASCAR4D.ZIP 78 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
NASCAR Racing 4 demoNASCAR Racing 4 features a brand new engine and online or LAN racing for up to 32 participants. The new engine enables enhanced interaction between the cars and the game world, with rolls, the ability to become airborne and tires that spin. The user interface includes pop-up help for car setup and configuration options. The new hardware- required 32-bit graphics engine allows for real-time shadows, a higher frame rate and smooth slow motion. 
31610 NERFDEMO.EXE 21,8 Mt 18.05.2000 - 23935/PC Gamer IT CD 47 2-2.iso -
Nerf Arena - demo 
31611 NFS5ONDE.ZIP 31,7 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed beta Internet demo. Julkaisija Electronic Arts. Autopeli. Vauhdikasta kilpa-ajoa NFS-sarjan tuttuun malliin. Demossa on 15 päivän aikaraja jona voit kilpailla Single Player/Quick Race-kisoja yhdellä autolla ja radalla. Tarkoitettu EARacing moninpelijärjestelmässä pelattavaksi, tee ilmainen tunnut www.earacing.com Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98/2000, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX 7, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31612 NFSPUD.ZIP 30,1 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed demo. Julkaisija Electronic Arts. Autopeli. Vauhdikasta kilpa-ajoa NFS-sarjan tuttuun malliin. Demossa on 15 päivän aikaraja jona voit kilpailla Single Player/Quick Race-kisoja yhdellä autolla ja radalla. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98/2000, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX 7, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31613 NHEAT_D.ZIP 42,1 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
NASCAR Heat demo. Autosimulaattori. Monster Games/Hasbro. Jenkkien NASCAR-autoilua kuvaava simulaattori. Windows 9x, P233, 32 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D. 
31614 NHL2001D.ZIP 27,1 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
"NHL 2001 demoHigh-flyinhard hittinbig shootinpowerplay hockey. Experience the drama on life on the ice with NHL 2001. Lace up the skates and play with or against all 30 National Hockey League teamscompete with the new expansion Columbus Blue Jackets and Minnesota Wildand 20 International teams including Ukraine and Latvia. "
31615 NLDEMO.ZIP 24 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
NASCAR Legends demo. Tekijä Papyrys/Sierra. Rallipeli. Kilpaile jenkkilän kuuluisissa Nascar-kisoissa nopeilla rata-autoilla. Ajettavanasi on suuri määrä kuuluisia amerikkalaisia muskeliautoja kuten Ford Torino, Plymouth Superbird ja Dodge Daytona. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31616 NOBLEARM.ZIP 46,2 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
Fading Suns: Noble Armada demo. Julkaisija Holistic Design. Avaruussota-strategia. Aloitat pelin yksin, yhdellä aluksella ja rajoitetuilla voimavaroilla. Tehtäväsi on laajentua, rakentaa lisää aluksia, vahvistaa voimiasi ja tutkia samalla universumia. Pelissä on vahva panostus diplomatiaan ja yhteistyöhön muiden rotujen kanssa. Voit valita itse toimintatapasi. Betaversio. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31617 NOCDEMO1.ZIP 127,6 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Nocturne - demo
31618 NOCDEMO2.ZIP 116,3 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Nocturne - demo
31619 NOLFDEMO.ZIP 107,3 Mt 05.10.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
"No One Lives Forever demoA story-drivenfirst person adventure with over-the-top actiontense subterfugeoutrageous villains and wry humor in the tradition of 1960s spy films and TV shows. Armed with conventional and experimental weaponry and gadgetsCate Archer explores exotic localescircumvent trapsand contend with deadly agents. The demo includes sample levels from three different missions plus the first training level from the retail version of the game. PII 30064MBWin95/98DirectX  "
31620 NOXDEMO.ZIP 43,9 Mt 11.02.2000 - - -
 Nox demo. Tekijä Westwood Studios. 3D toiminta/seikkailu/fantasiapeli. Noxin maassa etelän ihmiset ja pohjoisen velhot ovat ajautuneet sotaan. Isometrisesti kuvatussa kauniisti pikselöidyssä toiminnassa pelaaja seikkailee taistellen, taikoen ja keräten esineitä. Tämä on moninpelidemo, tarjoten moninpeliä paikallisverkossa ja Internetissä Westwood Onlinen kautta. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, Direct3D.
31621 NPGPEDMO.ZIP 27,9 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Nelson Piquet\'s Grand Prix Evolution demoThe latest Grand Prix World Championship incarnation is something different now and you are one of the drivers. You\'ll have the chance to drive incredibly powered vehicles, up to 200k HP, these last generation "cars" are equipped with turbine engines that can easily reach 1200 Km/h, floating on a magnetic surfaced track with sudden turns, ups and downs and tunnels. P233, 32MB, Win95. 
31622 ONIDEMO.EXE 68,7 Mt 27.12.2000 - - -
"Oni demoOni: a single-player blend of action and adventure that combines the 
best elements of shooters and fighting games into a near-future epic
featuring anime-style action and characters. Throughout breathtaking 
indoor and outdoor levels created by real-world architectsOnis third-person 
vantage point casts gamers in the role of Konokoa heroine with a vast 
arsenal of fighting movesincluding kickspunchesthrows and combos
as well as finishing moves. Windows 95/98. Free.
31623 OPFORDF.ZIP 71,2 Mt 05.03.2000 - - -
 Half-Life: Opposing Force demo. Tekijä Gearbox/Sierra. 3D toimintapeli. Vuoden 1999 paras toimintapeli nyt uutena versiona, jossa tapahtumat nähdäänkin vastapuolen silmin. Palaa Black Mesa tutkimusasemalle kokemaan täysin uusi episodi alieneiden ja ihmisten välisestä konfliktista. Kasvoperspektiivin fiksua toimintaa. Laitevaatimus: P166, 24 Mt, Windowds 95/98, DirectX. Tukee OpenGL.
31624 OUTFDEMO.ZIP 49,3 Mt 15.11.2000 - - -
The Outforce demoThe Outforce is a traditional top-down RTS game, played across a battlefield situated in space. To simplify the control and strategy system, the player only have to control his units along a two-dimensional battlefield. The battlefield is scattered with asteroids, gas clouds and spacial debris as well as space stations, trading posts and military bases, which are all part of an interactive environment that can be taken advantage of in the actual game play.  
31625 OWARDEMO.ZIP 6,5 Mt 30.10.2000 - - -
Original War is a real-time strategy game with several new twists and tweaks that set it apart from the other games of the genre. 
31626 PACWARD.ZIP 16,1 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Pacific WarriorsPacific Warriors is a WWII air combat game. It\'s an action packed 3D game, where the player will face countless enemies in the air as well as on the ground. He pilots different kinds of American fighter aircrafts. A "radar" will guide him through level after level, where stronger and stronger enemies will confront him the farther he gets. Power-ups, machine guns and special weapons will be at his disposal, and aid his progress. P133, 32MB, Win95, 3D accelerator.  
31627 PARS0182.ZIP 18 Mt 24.03.2000 - - -
Parsec self-rolling demo build 0182.  Windows 95/98, P200, 32 MB, OpenGL/3Dfx. Parsec is going to introduce you to a whole new universe. The core of Parsec will be a network of gameservers each responsible for a single galaxy comprised of several solar systems. Internet space combat simulation.
31628 PBDEMOD6.ZIP 18,5 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
 Pinky and the Brain: World Conquest demo. Julkaisija Southpeak Interactive. Toiminta/puzzle. Tartu hiireen ja käynnistä aivosi. Olet juuri astunut outoon sokkeloiseen maailmaan. Nopeatempoisessa 3D-älypelissä hipsit pelilaudalla koettaen värittää siitä mahdollisiman suuren osan itsellesi. Demossa myös 4-pelaajan moninpeli (multiplayer). Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin.
31629 PG3SEDMO.ZIP 38,9 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
"Panzer General III: Scorched Earth demoSSIs Panzer General Series is one of the most successful operational wargame franchises of all time. From its initial launch in 1994 to the presentthe Panzer General name has promised consumers a funaccessibleand addictive strategy wargaming experience. The look and feel of the series evolved over the years and in 1999 the game went into a full 3-D graphics mode with a leader-based gaming system. 
P23332MBWin9x3D accelerator."
31630 PGA2KDMO.ZIP 43,7 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
PGA Championship Golf 2000 demoPGA 2000 includes all the great features of PGA Championship Golf, plus improvements in TrueSwing, the Course Architect, golfer and course graphics, 5 all new courses and a season and career model that accurately recreates the experience of tour play for single and multi-player action!  P166, 32MB, Win9x.  
31631 PIMMDEMO.ZIP 29,1 Mt 14.07.2000 - - -
Alien Nations: Pimmon-demo.JoWood.
31632 PROPFAND.ZIP 32,9 Mt 16.02.2000 - - -
Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey demo.  Tekijä Cunning Developments/Empire. Uusi osa tunnettuun flipperi simulaatioperheeseen. Palaa Viktoriaanisiin vuosiin eksentrisen professori Steamin mukana huimimmassa flipperiseikkailussa! Tämä demo on rajoitettu maksimipisteiden ja peliajan osalta. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P90, 16MB, DirectX.
31633 RCDELUXE.ZIP 20,1 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
3D Ultra Radio Control Racers Deluxe demo.Sierra. Ralli/urheilu. Voit kilpailla tässä demossa kahdella radio-ohjattavalla kilpa-autolla yhdellä pelin 16:sta radalla. Voit pelata joko tietokonetta tai toista pelaajaa vastaan. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, P90, 32 Mt, DirectX 7. 
31634 RCDEMO3.ZIP 89,2 Mt 26.04.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Rally Championship 2000 demo. Tekijä Magnetic Fields/Europress. Rallipeli. Kaunis ja vauhdikas rallipeli joka tarjoaa runsaasti uusia ominaisuuksia - mutta myös perinteistä rallihurmaa. Kuten useita näkymiä, toimivat ohjaamon mittarit, hyvä valikoima autoja, monipuolinen vauriomallinnus ja niin edelleen. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31635 RE3DEMO.ZIP 71 Mt 24.10.2000 - - -
"Resident Evil 3 demoJust days after surviving the grisly disaster at the mansion labJill Valentineresigns from S.T.A.R.S. and attempts to escape a nightmarish city in ruins. Trapped in a town crawling with hordes of flesh eating zombieshideous mutants and a relentless new nemesisshe must rely on cunning and brute force to stay alive. What she soon discovers is that the evil created by Umbrella Corporations bio-tech terror is even more horrifying than she ever imagined... "
31636 REALMYST.ZIP 46,8 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
realMyst updated demoA re-creation of the best-selling computer game, realMYST represents 
Cyan’s original vision--an immersive 3D interactive adventure that is both 
timeless and excitingly new for both first-time players and long-time enthusiasts. 
This updated version includes better video card support and more configuration 
31637 RFTSDEMO.ZIP 45 Mt 04.10.2000 - - -
Reach for the Stars demoReach for the Stars is a turn-based strategy game of epic galactic exploration, colonization and conquest. The original RFTS released in the mid 1980\'s was wildly popular in it\'s day, winning spots on many "Game Of The Year" and "Best Game" lists, and even now maintains a very loyal following. 
P200, 64MB, Win95/98, DirectX.
31638 RGBY2001.ZIP 86,5 Mt 05.10.2000 - - -
Rugby 2001 demoRugby 2001 features 20 real international teams and real players, realistic player likenesses, new 3D game engine, realistic weather and pitch effects, dynamic dirtying of players, and virtual Stadium technology. P200MMX, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX  
31639 RISINGSD.ZIP 33,2 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
Rising Sun: Pacific Front demo.  Tekijä Talonsoft. Vuoropohjainen strategia, toinen maailmansota. Eastern/Western Front pelien rungolle rakennettu strategia Tyynenmeren taisteluista 1941-1945. Taistele tuhansien kilometrien alueella, Burman viidakoista Okinawan saarelle. Joukkuetasolla. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P133, 16 Mt, DirectX.
31640 RMASTERS.ZIP 24,5 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
Rally Masters demo.  Tekijä Digital Illusions/ Infogrames. Rallipeli. Toisin kuin useimmissa ralleissa on Rally Mastersissa mukana lähes kaikki mahdolliset erilaiset rallityylit. Täydessä pelissä on 51 rataa ja 22 autoa. Eli laaja, monia pelaajatyyppejä miellyttävä ruotsalaisvalmisteinen autopeli. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98/2000, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX ja 3D-kiihdytin.
31641 ROLLC2D.ZIP 15,4 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
 Rollcage Stage II demo. Julkaisija Psygnosis. Scifiralli/toiminta. Jatko-osa vauhdikkaalle Rollcage-rämistelylle, jossa päästään jälleen kisaamaan päättömästi ympäriinsä pomppivilla autoilla. Nyt tarjolla on entistä enemmän autoja, ratoja ja pelitiloja. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, 3D-kiihdytin.
31642 RUNEDEMO.ZIP 86,5 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Rune demoIn RUNE, players assume the role of Ragnar the Viking, mightiest warrior of a bygone age. RUNE is a third-person perspective game of action and adventure steeped in a blend of Norse mythology and high fantasy. Players will have to use their brains as well as brawn to survive as they explore the fully 3D game world fighting off creatures from both Norse legend and the minds of the Human Head staff. PII 300, 32MB, Win95, 3D accelerator. 
31643 S1KDEMO.ZIP 21,9 Mt 05.03.2000 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
 Super 1 Karting demo. Julkaisija Midas Interactive. Mikroautoralli. Riemukas mikroautosimulaatio jossa pääsee surraamaan autenttisesti mallinnetuilla autoilla pitkin maailmaa sijoitetuilla radoilla. Täydessä versiossa on useita automalleja, 11 rataa ja moninpeli. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 24 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D-kiihdytin.
31644 SACRIFD.ZIP 90,7 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Sacrifice demoSacrifice on reaaliaikainen 3D-moninpeli vahvoilla roolipelielementeillä höystettynä. Demo käsittää kolme yksinpelikenttää ja kolme opastuskenttää. 
31645 SANITYDE.ZIP 61,1 Mt 16.08.2000 - - -
Sanity: Aiken\'s Artifact demo. Tekijä Monolith/Fox Interactive. Seikkailupeli. "Third person" seikkailu jossa pelaaja on voimakas psionisten voimien taitaja. Matkalla kohtaat salaisia huumelaboratorioita, demonien täyttämiä luolastoja ynnä muita kauhuja. Laitevaatimus: PII 300, 64Mt, DirectX 7, Direct3D. 
31646 SAR2DEMO.ZIP 35,8 Mt 06.09.2000 - - -
Search and Rescue 2 demo. Interactive Vision/Global Star Software. Helikopterisimulaattori. Ohjaa pelastushelikopteria erilaissa pelastustehtävissä. Windowx 9x, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX, tukee Direct3D. 
31647 SB2000D.ZIP 35,2 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
Superbike 2000 demo. Tekijä EA Sports. Virallinen Superbike-sarjan moottoripyörä- rallin simulaatio. Tämä demo antaa sinulle tuntumaa millainen täysi peli tulee olemaan. Mukana tulee olemaan mm. 13 rataa, 25 ajajaa, realistinen fysiikkamallinnus, hyvä tekoäly, moninpeli myös jaetulla ruudulla ynnä muuta. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P233, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D.
31648 SB2001DM.ZIP 37 Mt 05.10.2000 - - -
Superbike 2001 demoThis demo gives you a taste of the full game whose features include: Full championship mode across all 13 tracks that make up the real Superbike World Championships, all official teams and all 25 riders from the Championships, realistic bike physics, groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence, various difficulty levels and rider assistance, split screen mode. 6 player multiplayer over LAN or Internet. 
P266, 32MB, Win95, 3D accelerator.
31650 SBDEMO.ZIP 21 Mt 27.05.2000 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Steel Beasts demo. Julkaisija Shrapnel Games. Panssarivaunusimulaatio. Nykyaikainen, mahdollistaa taistelemisen entisiä Varsovan Liiton maita vastaan joko M1A1 tai Leopard 2A4:llä. Mallinnus sisältää tykistön, savun, miinakentät ja niin edelleen. Demo rajoittuu yhteen tehtävään, rajoitettuun tehtäväeditoriin ja kaikkiin tutoriaaleihin. www.shrapnelgames.com. Windows 95/98, Pentium 
31649 SBDEMOEN.EXE 45,7 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Soulbringer demo.Infogrames / Interplay.
31651 SCEDEMO.ZIP 11,7 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Sno-Cross Extreme demoSno-Cross Extreme offers extreme sled racing in three different leagues located all over the world such as the Olympic city of Nagano, the jet set centre Aspen or even in the Russian naval ship graveyard in Murmansk, Russia. 
31652 SCR4X4D.ZIP 32,1 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
Screamer 4x4 demoScreamer 4x4 is a rally-style off-road simulation, which features a host of licenced vehicles. Each vehicle will come complete with its own driving mechanics and dynamics, offering a completely different driving experience dependant on the choice of vehicle. In addition, bonus vehicles become unlocked on completion of specific goals, increasing the replay value. This demo will time-out after 8 minutes. P200, 32MB, Win95, 3D accelerator.   
31653 SE4DEMO.ZIP 17,3 Mt 16.08.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Space Empire IV demo. Avaruusstrategia. Loistava 4X-strategia jossa rakennetaan imperiumia, kehitetään teknologiaa, käydään sotia ja pidetään naapuruussuhteita hyvinä - samalla vakoillen toisen kaikki salaisuudet. Upea, ehdoton avaruuseepos. Demossa 100:n vuoron rajoitus. Windows 9x, Pentium 32 Mt. 
31654 SFC2DEMO.ZIP 74,7 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Starfleet Command II: Empires at War demoThe campaign game has been redesigned for Starfleet Command Volume II from the ground up to provide for a richer solo gaming experience and will have a redesigned fleet control interface. SFC II will allow the player to experience new races such as the Mirak Star League and the Interstellar Concordium. Along with these new races come their new weapon systems. 
31655 SHOGDEM.ZIP 95,1 Mt 23.01.2000 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Shogun: Total War.  Battle Trainer Test demo (alpha). Tekijä Creative Assembly/ Electronic Arts. Reaaliaikainen sotastrategia feudaaliajan Japanista. Johda suuria samuraiden armeijoita raivatessasi tietä kohti nousevan auringon valtakunnan johtajuutta. Tässä testidemossa on kokeiltavana tutoriaalitehtävät. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, Pentium II, 32 Mt, DirctX 7.
31656 SIMSAQUA.ZIP 1,7 Mt 24.03.2000 - - -
"The Sims: Mini Aquarium demo.  Feedem. Watchem. Cleanem ... or they might just go belly up! Windows 95/98"
31657 SIMSBABY.ZIP 2,2 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 The Sims Cry Baby demo. By Maxis/Electronic Arts. Care for a virtual baby for half an hour. So you want to have a baby? But parenthood comes with responsibilities. You will need to take care of your baby and make sure it gets enough food and rest to grow into a child. Your goal is to keep the baby well fed and well rested enough to turn into a child in 30 minutes. Windows 95, 98, or NT
31658 SIMSCHAT.ZIP 1,7 Mt 24.03.2000 - - -
The Sims apuohjelma: Chatter Box.  Jos et vielä omista itse peliä voit kuunnella tällä miltä kahden pelihahmon keskustelu mahtaakaan kuulua. Windows 95/98
31659 SIUPDEMO.ZIP 100 Mt 20.10.2000 - - -
Stupid Invaders updated demoFive strange aliens, one tiny spaceship and a whole heap of trouble! After crash landing on Earth, Etno and his alien pals find themselves on the run from an evil scientist, Dr. Sakarine, who collects aliens as a hobby. The evil professor and his hired henchman, Bolok, have plans for Etno and his friends which includes a comprehensive study of alien physiology. P200, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX, 3D accelerator. 
31660 SL_TRIAL.ZIP 71,8 Mt 22.06.2000 - - -
StarLancer demo. Tekijä Digital Anvil/Microsoft. Avaruustaistelusimulaattori. Sekä yksin- että Internet-pelattava simulaatio. Astu tulevaisuuden avaruusalusten ohjaimiin monipuolisessa taistelusimulaatiossa. Päämääräsi on nousta arvoasteissa laivueenkomentajaksi, joka johtaa koko armadaa taistelussa vihollisen joukkoja vastaan. Demo sisältää yksinpelitehtäviä. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 MB, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31661 SOFDEMO.ZIP 95,1 Mt 27.01.2000 - - -
Soldier of Fortune demo.  Tekijä Raven Software/Activision. 3D naamaperspektiivin räiskintä. Erityisen verinen ja väkivaltaan painottuva 3D-toimintapeli. Pelaaja päätyy äärimmäisen vaaralliseen nykypäivän maailmaan palkkasoturin tehtävissä. Ei armoa. Demo sisältää myös moninpelin/multiplayer. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 64 Mt, 3D kiihdytin.
31662 SPLABD14.ZIP 26,2 Mt 16.02.2000 - - -
Animaniacs: Splatball! demo.  Julkaisija Southpeak Interactive. Animaaliset-piirrossarjaan perustuva helppo toimintapeli. Tutut hahmot rientävät pelikentällä pelaten splatteria. Tukee myös moninpeliä paikallisverkon ja Internetin kautta (multiplayer). Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX.
31664 SS_DEMO.ZIP 13,3 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Sammy Sosa Softball Slam demo. Julkaisija 3DO. Urheilupeli. Hauska perhepeli. Nopeatempoista urheilua jossa kisataan pelikentällä pallon perässä. Laitevaatimus: WIndows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31663 SSAMD2.ZIP 71,7 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
"Serious Sam test demo 2Serious Sam is a high-adrenaline arcade- action shooter heavily focused on frantic single player action. In a world where advanced technology is mixed with black magic and psychic powersSam travels thru ancient Egypt and several planetsconfronting Mentals minions on his way to their base. This demo is to test hardware compatibility and gameplay problems. This test includes multiplayer support and many improvements over the first public test demo.  "
31665 SSDEMO.ZIP 39,7 Mt 05.10.2000 - - -
Sudden Strike demoSS is Set in World War II and offers Russian, German, French, American and British missions. Conquer the enemy\'s positions, win the cleaning-up operations and call in parachutists or fighter bombers for support. The multiplayer demo contains one Campaign-Mission, one "normal" Mission and a 1 vs. 1 Multiplayer-Map. All eatures of the final version are included. P200, 32 Mb, Win9x, DirectX.  
31666 STARMADA.ZIP 72,7 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Armada demo. Julkaisija Activision Reaaliaikainen strategia/avaruussota. Star Trek: The Next Generation-universumiin sijoittuva naputtelustrategia, jossa pelaaja johtaa joko Federaation, Klingonien, Romulaanien tai Borgien joukkoja. Rakenna tukikohtia, komenna aluksia, käy taisteluita. Kuvattu 3D-grafiikalla yläviistosta. Hyvin taktiikkaräiskintämäinen mutta scifi-teemalla. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31667 STCC2DMO.ZIP 35,2 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Swedish Touring Car Championship 2 demoSwedish Touring Car Championship 2 features all the drivers, cars and teams from the 2000 championship. All the STCC tracks are included as well as two extra tracks; Kinnekulle Ring and Linköpings Motorstadium. The challenge is to participate as one of the drivers and win this prestigious championship. Also included is the Super Stock Racing championship where one drives Camaro cars. This concludes to 10 car models, 32 skins, 36 drivers and 9 tracks of pure joy! 
31668 STDEMO.ZIP 62,9 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans demo. Julkaisija Ellipse Studios. Reaaliaikainen toiminta-strategia joka sijoittuu poikkeuksellisesti meren pohjaan. Komenna yhtä kolmesta sivilisaatiosta pinnan alla kytevässä konfliktista. Liiku 3D-maisemissa ja kerää/käytä resursseja yksikköjen ja rakennusten rakentamiseen. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P233MMX, 32 Mt. 
31669 STDS9FUD.ZIP 110,8 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Deep Space Nine: The Fallen updated demoStar Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen is a 3rd person action/adventure powered by an enhanced version of the Unreal Tournament engine. Playing as Sisko, Kira, or Worf, you must battle your way through a series of increasingly perilous missions. You must attempt to protect the station and the entire Alpha Quadrant from a host of rival factions that are determined to retrieve and exploit the destructive potential of the lost Red Orbs. P233, 64MB, Win95/98/NT4/2000, DirectX.  
31670 STNWDEMO.ZIP 87,4 Mt 16.08.2000 - - -
Star Trek: New Worlds demo. Interplay. Pelaa Federaationa, Klingoneina tai Romulaaneina. Koe haasteita jotka vievät sinut tehtävästä toiseen. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, PII 300, 64 Mt, DirectX 7, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31671 STTADEMO.ZIP 60,4 Mt 20.10.2000 - - -
Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy demoStarship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy is a real-time strategy offering that puts players in command of a platoon of Mobile Infantry. Over the course of the twenty-mission campaign, players will select, outfit, and guide their troopers into combat with the Bugs. Each operation begins with a briefing, followed by the selection of an appropriate strike team. 
31673 STV_EF.ZIP 115,2 Mt 16.08.2000 - - -
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force demo. Tekijä Raven Software/Activision. Scifi 3D-räiskintä joka käyttää Quake III engineä. Star Trek-universumissa. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, P233, 64 Mt, DirectX, OpenGL-kiihdytin. 
31672 STVEFDMD.ZIP 30 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force demoThis new demo of the Holomatch offers all three game play modes of the full game for you to try and enjoy. Several changes were made to Elite Force between the time of its original demo in July 2000 and the release of the game in September 2000. This demo reflects the multiplayer of the shipping version of STV: Elite Force. P233, 64MB, Win9x, DirectX, 3D accelerator w/ OpenGL. 
31674 SUE_MPD.ZIP 62,9 Mt 06.09.2000 - - -
Sudden Strike moninpelattava demo. Julkaisija CDV Software. Reaaliaikainen taktiikkaräiskintä/strategia. Toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva strategia, jossa soditaan Venäläisenä, Saksalaisena, Ranskalaisena, Jenkkinä tai Brittinä. Kaunis ulkoasu ja helppo hiiriohjaus. Myös omia ideoita joskin muutoin varsin toiminnallinen painotus. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. 
31677 SW_INTRO.ZIP 6 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Shadow Watch traileri.MPEG-muotoinen esittelyvideo. Red Storm Entertainment.
31675 SWAT3EED.ZIP 83,3 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
SWAT 3: Elite Edition demoSWAT 3: Elite Edition is a first-person tactical police simulation. The demo features single-player, deathmatch and cooperative online play. Go at it alone with four AI-driven officers at your side or go online for five person cooperative play. The demo features all the weapons and multiplayer features found in the full version. Gameplay is limited to one mission: the nightclub. P300, 64MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
31676 SWATCHD.ZIP 56,1 Mt 05.03.2000 - - -
 Shadow Watch demo. Tekijä Red Storm Entertainment. Vuoropohjainen toiminta/ strategia. Ufo/X-COM tyyppinen strategia jossa ohjataan yksittäisiä sotilaita terrorismin vastaisissa tehtävissä. Tyylikäs sarjakuvamainen grafiikka. Pelasta panttivankeja, tuhoa rakennuksia, suunnittele hyökkäyksiä vihollisten tukikohtia vastaan jne. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P133, 32 Mt, DirectX, 2 Mt näytönohjain.
31678 SYD2KD.ZIP 18,4 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Sydney 2000 demoSydney 2000 is a graphical showcase bringing every aspect of the Olympic Games to video games players around the world. No detail has been spared to produce the most realistic sports game ever, whilst retaining a great feeling of fun and frantic multi-player competition. Demo contains 110m Hurdles.  P266, 64MB, Win95, 3D accelerator. 
31679 TAXI2DE.ZIP 10,6 Mt 06.09.2000 - - -
Taxi 2 demo. Ubi Soft. Taxi 2-elokuvaan perustuva peli vie pelaajan 12 tehtävän mittaiselle matkalle Marseillen ja Pariisin katujen halki. Rankkaa kaahailua kaupunkien kaduilla. Windows 9x, P233, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin. 
31680 TB4DEMO.ZIP 10,6 Mt 12.04.2000 - - -
Trophy Bass 4 demo. Julkaisija Sierra Sports. Kalastuspeli. Hauska, haastava ja realistinen peli jenkkilän kalavarantojen hyödyntämisestä. Heitä uistinta erilaisissa sääoloissa, harkitse missä kalat luuraavat ja koeta sitten koukuttaa fisuja. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31681 TCMDEMO.ZIP 11,3 Mt 18.12.2000 - - -
The Corporate Machine demoPlayers must start a company and take over the world by becoming a monopoly. Through research prowness, manufacturing might, marketing, and tactical strategy, players will create, manufacture, and distribute their products all over the world. The Corporate Machine combines business strategy depth with ease of play. The demo version requires players to play on-line and can play only the computer industry. 
31682 TDLMDEMO.ZIP 52,8 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
 Test Drive Le Mans demo. Julkaisija Infogrames. Kilpa-ajopeli. Virallinen Le Mans-rallipeli jossa voit valita yli 50 autosta ja 25 tallista, kullakin oma ajotyylinsä ja taktiikkansa. Hyppää mukaan legendaariseen kilpaan jossa on ajettava vuorokaudenympäri säätilasta välittämättä. Intensiivistä ja vauhdikasta rallia. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98/2000, PII 266, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin (Direct3D / 3Dfx)
31683 TDRATD.ZIP 123,7 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Carmageddon TDR 2000 Alpha test demo In the 21st century the big cities are home for the wretched of the earth. They are sealed from the wealthy with great walls. With a fast car at your disposal, it is your mission to break through the wall from the inner city out to freedom and escape from the utter misery found inside. In this test demo you have four minutes to create as much mayhem as possible. 
31684 THEOCRAC.ZIP 53,7 Mt 26.04.2000 repacked archive.org -
Theocracy demo. Julkaisija Ubi Soft. Reaaliaikainen strategia/taktiikkaräiskintä, joka sijoittuu kaukaiseen historiaan Azteekkien valtakuntaan. Tehtäväsi on yhdistää ja kehittää heimoja, lopulta yrittäen pysäyttää espanjalaisten hyökkäys. Isometrisesti kuvattua historiallista toimintastrategiaa. Sisältää myös kauppaa, diplomatiaa, taloudenhoitoa yms. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 64 Mt, 800x600, DirectX 6.2. 
31685 THERIFTD.ZIP 16,5 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
The Rift demo.  Tekijä Thrushwave. 3D avaruustaistelu, simulaatio/strategia. Rankasti Homeworldistä lainaava pienemmän budjetin avaruussota. Johda kolmen eri rodun laivastoja, yhteensä 75 erilaista alusta. Johda eksyneet kolonistisi takaisin kotiin Terraan ja kosta niille jotka johdattivat teidät ansaan. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 64 Mt, DirectX, 3D kiihdytin.
31686 THIEF2D.ZIP 130,5 Mt 22.01.2000 - - -
Thief II: The Metal Age demo,   lopullinen. 3D naamaperspektiivistä kuvattu toiminta/seikkailu. Pelaaja on varjoissa viihtyvä varas, jonka suorittaa erilaisia tehtäviä. Pääpaino on hiiviskelysä ja varovaisessa toiminnassa, ei ryntäilyssä ja räiskeessä. Tekijä Looking Glass/Eidos. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95, P233, 32 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D.
31687 THRILLD.ZIP 15,4 Mt 12.07.2000 - - -
3D Ultra Pinball: Thrillride demo. Julkaisija Sierra. Flippripeli. Vauhdikas arcadmäiske huvipuiston  läpi. Demo  antaa plata aina  2.000.000 pisteen saakka. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P133, 32 Mt, DirectX. 
31688 TMACHDE.ZIP 71,7 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
The Time Machine demo. Tekijä Cryo Interactive. Seikkailu. Ulkoperspektiivillä toteutettu science fiction seikkailu joka perustuu H.G.Wellsin tunnettuun kirjaan "Aikakone". Pelaaja lennähtää vuoteen 800.000 jossa ihmiskunnan jäänteet kamppailevat selviytymisestä. Auta heitä selviämään ja korjaamaan ajan tasapaino - sekä sitten löytämään tie omaan aikaasi 1800-luvulle. Laitevaatimus: PII 233, Windows 95/98, DirectX, 32 Mt. 
31689 TONYHP2D.ZIP 27,4 Mt 06.09.2000 - - -
"Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 demo. Activision. Urheilu/skeittipeli. Näyttävä ja vauhtikas skeittailupeli. Windows 9xP20032 MtDirectX3D-kiihdytin. "
31690 TONYT-D.ZIP 30,7 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths demo. 
Seikkailupeli. Vanhojen LucasArtsin seikkailujen tapaan tehty hienografiikkainen adventure. Pelaat veikeän etsivän saappaissa. Minimoitu demo - ei sisällä musiikkeja. Italiankielinen puhe. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, Pentium. 
31691 TONYT-MD.ZIP 56,5 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Tony Tough and the Night of Roasted Moths demo. Seikkailupeli. Vanhojen LucasArtsin seikkailujen tapaan tehty hienografiikkainen adventure. Pelaat veikeän etsivän saappaissa. Täysdemo - sisältää musiikit. Italiankielinen puhe. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, Pentium. 
31692 TOWERD1.ZIP 10,1 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Tower of the Ancients demo v1. Tekijä Fiendish Games. Hurja 3D-ulottuvuutta hyödyntävä Tetris- viritelmä. Taivaalta putoaa erilaisia kivenlohkareita joita on aseteltava pyörivälle alustalle kolmen riveihin. Idea on tyypillinen Tetris mutta raskaalla grafiikkakuorrutuksella. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, 3D-kiihdytin, 16 Mt, DirectX.
31693 TP2001D.ZIP 36,7 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Triple Play 2001 demo. Julkaisija EA Sports. Urheilu / baseball. Jenkkien baseball-urheilua kuvaava urheilupeli. Realistinen ote jossa on hyvät pelaajahahmot. Demossa yksinpeli, yksi kenttä ja joukkue. Laitevaatimukset tuntemattomat, Windows 95/98 sekä Pentium/Pentium II. 
31694 TRAFGIA.ZIP 20,5 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Traffic Giant demo. Julkaisija JoWood. Strategia/bisnes. Hoida suurkaupungin julkista liikennettä. Kontrolloit koko liikennejärjestelmää, junia, busseja, metroja, ja niin edelleen. Realistisesti toimiva suurkaupunki tuhansine kulkuvälineineen ja ihmisineen. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, PII 266, 32 Mt, DirectX. 
31695 TRCDEMO.ZIP 14,6 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
"Tomb Raider: Chronicles demoIn light of Laras recent disappearancethose closest to her gather together at the Croft Estate on a grayrainy day for a memorial service in her honor. Afterwardsthe friends sit quietly together in the study of the Croft Mansion and provide new insights about Laras past exploits; exploits that have until now remained a secret...  Tomb Raider: Chronicles reveals four untold adventurestaking you on a journey to search four ancient artifacts. "
31696 TREADMD.ZIP 22 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
Tread Marks share ware demo.  Longbow Digital Arts Tank action combat. Off-Road Battle Tank Racing and Combat game. You can actually put holes and scorch marks in the terrain, which last for as long as the race does. You can even dig yourself a new canyon, or level a significant chunk of the map. New demo has LAN multiplayer. Windows 95 DirectX Pentium II OpenGL card
31697 TRLA.ZIP 14,3 Mt 16.02.2000 - - -
Tomb Raider: The Lost Artifact demo.  Tekijä Eidos Interactive. Vain minuutteja on kulunut kun Dr. Willard on poistettu maan päältä. Mutta seikkailu ei suinkaan lopu tähän. Laran matka jatkuu eteenpäin, tällä kertaa kohti Loch Nessiä, Skotlantiin. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166MMX, 16 Mt. Tukee Direct3D.
31698 TTFDREV1.ZIP 55,9 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
Tachyon: The Fringe demo. Tekijä Novalogic. Avaruustaistelu. Olet yksi aurinkokunnan parhaista palkkasoturi-avaruuslentäjistä. Joudut tehtäviin jotka sisältävät rankkaa avaruussotaa, vapaamuotoiset tehtävärakenteet, innovatiivisia uusia aseita ja huikean massiivisia objekteja. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX6. Tukee Direct3D. 
31699 TUXRDEMO.ZIP 8,1 Mt 05.10.2000 - - -
Tux Racer demoTux Racer lets you take on the role of Tux the Linux Penguin as he races down steep, snow-covered mountains. Enter cups and compete to win the title! Tux Racer includes a variety of options for gameplay, including the abilty to race courses in fog, at night, and under high winds. P200, 64 Mb, Win9x, OpenGL.  
31700 TW2001D.ZIP 14,7 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2001 demoTiger Woods PGA Tour 2001 is an accurate golf simulation, with easy-to-read putting greens, real-time swing synchronization, a golf course editor, in-depth Internet play, real PGA TOUR pros and highly accurate golf ball physics. Revolutionary Play Against the ProsT technology lets PC golfers compete shot for shot against PGA Tour pros in select events. This demo is a one hole par 4 on the TPC at Sugarloaf course. You can only play as Tiger Woods. P200, 32MB, Win9x (NT & Win2000 not supported). 
31701 UCHAOS.ZIP 25,1 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
 Urban Chaos demo. Tekijä Mucky Foot/Eidos. Ulkoperspektiivistä kuvattu toimintapeli. Vuonna 1999 sekaannus, sodat ja nälänhätä raivoavat. Suurkaupungeissa kaaos on valloillaan. Varkaat, terroristit ja kultit riehuvat. On sinun tehtäväsi astua tähän sekaannuksen keskelle ja luoda siihen järjestys. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P233, 32 Mt, DirectX 7, 3D-kiihdytin.
31702 UHC_DEER.ZIP 16,5 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Ultimate Hunt Challenge: Deer demo. Tekijä EA Sports. Metsästyspeli. 3D kiihdytyksellä ja 1st/3rd person näkökulmilla varustettu peli jossa samoat metsässä riistaa jahdaten. Tässä demon versiossa jahtaat kauriita. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, 2 Mt näytönohjain, DirectX 7. Tukee Direct3D ja 3Dfx Glide. 
31703 UHC_PHEA.ZIP 15,3 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Ultimate Hunt Challenge: Pheasant demo. Tekijä EA Sports. Metsästyspeli. 3D kiihdytyksellä ja 1st/3rd person näkökulmilla varustettu peli jossa samoat metsässä riistaa jahdaten. Tässä demon versiossa jahtaat fasaaneja. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, 2 Mt näytönohjain, DirectX 7. Tukee Direct3D ja 3Dfx Glide. 
31704 UHC_TURK.ZIP 15,2 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Ultimate Hunt Challenge: Turkey demo. Tekijä EA Sports. Metsästyspeli. 3D kiihdytyksellä ja 1st/3rd person näkökulmilla varustettu peli jossa samoat metsässä riistaa jahdaten. Tässä demon versiossa jahtaat kalkkunoita. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, 2 Mt näytönohjain, DirectX 7. Tukee Direct3D ja 3Dfx Glide. 
31705 VAMPMASQ.ZIP 82,4 Mt 12.07.2000 - - -
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption demo.Julkaisija Nihilistic Software / Activision. Koe miltä tuntuu olla kuolematon.  Olet yksi pimeyden herroista, vampyyri. Joudut taistelemaan halki vuosisatojen voimallisen vampyyrilordin kanssa, taistelusta taisteluun yrittäessäsi tuhota hänet. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/8, PII 233, 64 Mt, 3D-kiihdytin, DirectX. 
31706 VANTMAST.ZIP 18,6 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
Vantage Master v2.0 demo  by Nihon Falcom. Take a journey into adventure. Role playing game in which your answers to various scenarios take you on a journey into adventure. Windows 95/98/NT
31707 VENOMUD.ZIP 81,6 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Venom updated demoIn Venom you visit the hottest spots of crisis, collect information about aliens and stop the infestation. You command a 2-man squad, learning the advantages of your weapons, and features and patrol routes of your enemies, which are superior in numbers, strength and abilities. Plan carefully and act collectively. A set of simple commands allows controlling your computer teammate and performing simultaneous actions. P233, 32MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
31708 VP3DEMO.ZIP 19,1 Mt 20.10.2000 - - -
Virtual Pool 3 demoThe ultimate pool simulator arrives with enhanced graphics and a brand-new career mode! The only pool game that guarantees to make you a better player is still the best pool game in town. Note: This demo will not run on Windows 95. You will need Windows 98, Windows Me, or Window 2000 to run the demo. 
31709 VR2DEMO.ZIP 30,7 Mt 05.10.2000 - - -
"Experience the unique driving sensations of V-Rally 2. Youll be behind the wheel of super-fast carsyour sole objective: to become the World Champion. V-Rally 2 pushes realism to the extreme: animated driver and co-drivercars get damaged and dirty in real time... V-Rally 2: closer still to reality!  
31710 VS_95.ZIP 6,5 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
Virtual Skipper demoJulkaisija Duron. Simulaattori/purjehdus/urheilu. Hightech 3D:nä kuvattu purjehduspeli jossa seilataan kilpaa maailman kuuluisimmilla purjehdusrannoilla. Windows 95-versio. Pentium, DirectX 7, Direct3D/3Dfx Glide. 
31711 VS_98.ZIP 4,6 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
Virtual Skipper demoJulkaisija Duron. Simulaattori/purjehdus/urheilu. Hightech 3D:nä kuvattu purjehduspeli jossa seilataan kilpaa maailman kuuluisimmilla purjehdusrannoilla. Windows 98-versio. Pentium, DirectX 7, Direct3D/3Dfx Glide. 
31712 VS_NT.ZIP 5,1 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
Virtual Skipper demoJulkaisija Duron. Simulaattori/purjehdus/urheilu. Hightech 3D:nä kuvattu purjehduspeli jossa seilataan kilpaa maailman kuuluisimmilla purjehdusrannoilla. Windows NT-versio. Pentium, DirectX 7, Direct3D/3Dfx Glide. 
31713 VZ-014.ZIP 12,6 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
Vyruz: Destruction of the Untel Empiredemo. Tekijä Chilicon Valley. Räiskintäpeli. Viistosti isometrisesti kuvattu perinteitä kunnioittava räiskintäpeli. Ohjaa leijuvaa taisteluvaunua sokkeloisten kenttien halki taistellen puolustusjärjestelmiä ja vihollisen kulkuneuvoja vastaan. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
31714 WARMUPUD.ZIP 53,5 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
"Warm Up! updated demoTime to burn some rubber. A new racing game which offers the best mix of simulation and arcade on the market. 22 racing cars availableaGhostmode to fight against its own lap times or against ones collected via Internet. Tension: total. Concentration: maximal. Nerves of steel: indispensable and the Pause button for when the stress is too much! P233MMX32MBWin953D accelerator. "
31715 WATCHMKR.ZIP 30,6 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
"The Watchmaker demoThe Watchmaker is Trecisions new 3D realtime inventory based adventure title: a compelling story which embodies the true evolution of adventure gamingintroducing brand new featuressituations and techniques.  PII 26664MBWin9x3D accelerator. "
31716 WL-BCRY.ZIP 87,5 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Warlords Battlecry demo. Julkaisija SSI. Reaaliaikainen strategia. Kuulun pelisarjan uusi osa astuu vuoropohjaisesta järjestelmästä tosiaikaan. Pelaaja johtaa joukkojaan halki fantasiamaailman, vapaasti joko hyvän tai pahan puolella, täyttäen tehtäviä. Yhdeksän erilaista rotua, moninpeli. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 64 Mt, DirectX. 
31717 WM10142K.ZIP 41,3 Mt 18.10.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
"Winthorps Mansion demoSay goodbye to reality and prepare to enter
the deep halls of Winthorps Mansion. The
local towns people have told horrific tales
of ghostly beings that haunt the deserted
mansion. Dark secrets lurk behind every door
revealing the secret of the dreaded house.
Now you must fight for your life to escape
the twisted halls and see the light of day
once again.
PII 35064MBWin953D accelerator."
31721 X-TENDE.ZIP 12,7 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
 X-tension Rolling demo. By THQ. X-tension is a new game based on X-Beyond the Frontier. It adds new features to the concept of X-Beyond the Frontier extending it further and giving you more freedom in a more immersive universe. A game to live in. Windows 95/98, DirectX6, Direct3D, MediaPlayer.
31719 XDEMO.EXE 36 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
X - Beyond the Frontier - demo              
31718 XDEMO531.ZIP 43,5 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
X-Plane 5.31 Demo Amazing flight simulator by Laminar Research. First to use three-dimensional terrain elevation maps of the entire country. Most flexible flight simulator ever released for personal computers. "This piece of software is ultimate proof that PC technology is able to simulate flight dynamics in quite a realistic manner.... Windows 95/NT, DirectX5, P133, 32 MB. Supports OpenGL 3D acceleration. 
31720 XP554F.ZIP 61,6 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
X-Plane 5.54Full installation. 
31722 XWADEMO.ZIP 27,7 Mt 12.10.2000 - - -
"Star Wars: X-Wing AllianceA neutral family fights for business and survival against the Empire and a rival family who will stop at nothing to destroy your company. 
You will join the Rebel Alliance for covert assignments and uncover the second Death Star project. Youll find yourself at the controls 
of the legendary Millennium Falconflying against the Imperial fleet in the Battle of Endor. X-Wing Alliance puts you in the middle of the 
epic Star Wars conflict -- and takes space combat excitement to new heights. P20032 MbWIn 9xDirectX."
31723 XWVSTFDM.ZIP 5,8 Mt 12.10.2000 - - -
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter demoDemo includes one cooperative mission, and one melee mission. Both can be flown solo or with other players. The craft database reflects only the starships that appear in these missions. You can pilot an X-Wing or TIE Interceptor.
P90, 16 Mb, Win 9x.
31724 ZEUSDEMO.ZIP 46,5 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Zeus: Master of Olympus demoExperience mythology as you never imagined it. Invite gods, monsters, and heroes into a city you create and rule, as the creators of the award-winning City Building Series immerse you in the Heroic Age of Greece. Players will host Olympics, send Jason after the Golden Fleece, and establish colonies nearby. P166, 32MB, Win9x. 
31737 ABSZERO.A05 1,4 Mt 21.09.1995 - - tupla
Absolute Zero -demo
31743 AIRSVGA.ZIP 2 Mt 24.08.1995 - 23640/PCGAMER10.bin tupla
Airpower -pelattava demo. SVGA-versio. Rowan Softwaren lentosimulaattori.
31756 AO-3DDEM.ARJ 4,8 Mt 06.12.1995 - - tupla
Alien Odyssey 3D Osuuden pelattava demo. Argonaut Softwaren seikkailupeli, 2 tasoa.
31763 ASCDEMO2.A01 3 Mt 30.11.1995 - - tupla
Ascendency pelattava demo, valm. Logic Factory. Avaruusstrategiaa, erittäin kaunis. Vaatii miel. 486/33, 8 Mt Ram ja SVGA - toimii myös 386:ssa.
31764 ASCDEMO2.A02 2,7 Mt 30.11.1995 - - tupla
Ascendency pelattava demo, valm. Logic Factory. Avaruusstrategiaa, erittäin kaunis. Vaatii miel. 486/33, 8 Mt Ram ja SVGA - toimii myös 386:ssa.
31786 BERAS.A03 1,4 Mt 17.12.1995 - - tupla
Battle of the Eras 4/5
31787 BERAS.A04 467,7 kt 17.12.1995 - - tupla
Battle of the Eras 5/5
31788 BERAS.ARJ 1,3 Mt 17.12.1995 - - tupla
"Battle of the Eras! WOrked on for over a year BERAS has finally been completed. Mortal Kombat 2 styled beatemupas a fully playable demo. Featuring live actors and 16 channel soundtrack. Modem Play0/1/2 players. Req 386/vga/6 mb hd"
31796 BNZ_STRI.ZIP 189,8 kt 14.05.1995 repacked betaarchive forum tupla
31846 DAMEDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 29.11.1995 - - tupla
Preview of THE DAME WAS LOADED, non playable new adventure game with huge load of videostuff. MSDOS. Coming out late 95/early 96. Comical detective adventure.
31847 DAMEDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 29.11.1995 - - tupla
Preview of THE DAME WAS LOADED, non playable new adventure game with huge load of videostuff. MSDOS. Coming out late 95/early 96.
31851 DAMEPICS.ZIP 414,7 kt 15.12.1995 - - tupla
THE DAME WAS LOADED screen shots. Humoristinen etsiväpeli "slick, 1940s-style detective adventure game, rife with adventure, mystery and more than a few laughs, immerses you in an engaging non- linear plot, where you must use your wits and detective know-how.
31870 DFORCES2.ZIP 1,1 Mt 26.05.1998 - 16983/Super CD 6 (Groupware).iso -
Dark Forces demo 2/3 Valinnainen alkudemo-animaatio. LucasArts.
31871 DFORCES3.ZIP 5,6 Mt 26.05.1998 - 12810/aol-file-protocol-4400-2601-to-2700.zip -
Dark Forces demo 3/3 Valinnainen animaatiopaketti. LucasArts.
31941 HIOCTANE.A01 1,4 Mt 19.09.1995 - - tupla
High Octane -demo
31942 HIOCTANE.A02 1,4 Mt 19.09.1995 - - tupla
High Octane -demo
31965 ISDEMO03.ZIP 693,8 kt 23.12.1994 - - tupla
Iron Seed Demo 3/3
31998 LIONKING.ZIP 1 Mt 07.01.1995 - 11472/Top 100 Games.iso tupla
The Lion King -pelattava demo Platform Disney Software
32023 MICROMD.ZIP 109,5 kt 07.01.1995 - - tupla
MicroMachines demo auto/ralli/kilpa/2-pl Codermasters
32044 NASCARDM.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.01.1995 - - tupla
Nascar Racing pelattava demo
32052 OVERLORD.ZIP 1,1 Mt 07.01.1995 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla¹
Overlord demo Lentosimulaattori
32086 QUARDEMO.ZIP 1,3 Mt 26.01.1995 - 21829/Plex4.mdf tupla
Quarantine pelattava demo adventure/rooli/räiskintä Gametek
32096 ROTRDEMO.ZIP 4,8 Mt 26.01.1995 - - tupla
Rise of the Robots pelattava demo
32100 SAMNMAX.A02 2,8 Mt 01.12.1995 - - tupla
"SamnMax -pelattava demo. LucasArtsin muikea seikkailupeli etsiväkaksikon pöljäilyistä pitkin ameriikanhampurilaista."
32111 SHERO.ZIP 568,6 kt 26.01.1995 - - tupla
Superhero League of Hoboken demo Steve Meretzky Adventure Legend
32153 SUB2050.ZIP 757,1 kt 07.01.1995 - 16997/SuperOZ Shareware, Games Volume 1.iso tupla
Subwars 2050 demo Simulaattori MicroProse
32155 SWOSD.A01 3,8 Mt 20.12.1995 - - tupla
Sensible World of Soccer demo
32219 WOGDEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 18.09.1995 - - tupla
Wings of Glory -demo
32220 WOGDEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 18.09.1995 - - tupla
Wings of Glory -demo
32221 WOGDEMO.A06 1,4 Mt 18.09.1995 - - tupla
Wings of Glory -demo
32222 WOGDEMO.A07 437,3 kt 18.09.1995 - - tupla
Wings of Glory -demo
32227 WRMSDEMO.ZIP 1,6 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
WORMS DEMO v2. Klassisen matoräiskeen demo vuodelta 1995. DOS. WORMS (C) 1995 Team17 Software http://www.team17.com
32239 ZRAID.ZIP 659,3 kt 29.06.1995 - - tupla
Zone Raiders -autoilupelin pelattava demo.
32243 ECSTAT2.A01 2,9 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
Ecstatica 2. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/5. Win95.
32244 ECSTAT2.A02 2,9 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
Ecstatica 2. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/5. Win95.
32245 ECSTAT2.A03 2,9 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
Ecstatica 2. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/5. Win95.
32246 ECSTAT2.A04 1,7 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
Ecstatica 2. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/5. Win95.
32247 ECSTAT2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
Ecstatica 2. Hienon, polygonipohjaisen toimintaseikkailun pelattava demo. Win95. Osa 1/5. Valm. Psygnosis. Vaatii DirectX.
32248 EFS_VT10.A01 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Emperor of the Fading Suns demo 2/4
32249 EFS_VT10.A02 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Emperor of the FAding Suns demo 3/4
32250 EFS_VT10.A03 703,9 kt 02.02.1997 - - -
Emperor of the Fading Suns demo 4/4
32251 EFS_VT10.ARJ 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Emperor of the Fading Suns from SegaSoft, Inc. / Holistic Design. Internet Demo (tiny 1.0) Control one of the Five Noble Houses, each trying to command enough votes to be crowned Emperor of the Known Worlds. Politics, war, treachery and trade in a grand strategy game. Req. Win95 w/ DirectX3, 486/66, 16 MB. 1/4
32253 EMDL.A01 3,3 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
Eat My Dust large demo 2/4
32254 EMDL.A02 3,3 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
Eat My Dust large demo 3/4
32255 EMDL.A03 1,5 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
Eat My Dust large demo 4/4
32256 EMDL.ARJ 3,3 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
"Eat My Dust Playable demo Large version with most video features From Davidson & Associates Park you ego behind the wheel for pulse- pounding3-D road racing like youve never experienced Windows 95 with DirectX"
32257 EMDM.A01 2,4 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
Eat My Dust playable demo - medium 2/3
32258 EMDM.A02 2,1 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
Eat My Dust playable demo - medium 3/3
32259 EMDM.ARJ 2,4 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
"Eat My Dust playable demo 1/3 medium version with additional video from Davidson & Associates Park you ego behind the wheel for pulse-punding3D road racing like youve never experienced! Outrageous carscrazy characterswicked driving conditionsand low-down dirty tricks are the rules of the road. So gear up and get ready to outsmart your opponent in a mind-blowingadrenaline-rushing road race. Demo contains one trackone player character and one car. For Windows 95 with DirectX & P90."
32260 EMDS.ZIP 4,2 Mt 17.01.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
"Eat My Dust Playable Demo Small version. from Davidson & Associates Park your ego behind the wheel for pulse- pounding3-D road racing like youve never experienced! Outrageous carscrazy characterswicked driving conditionsand low-downdirty tricks are the rules of the road. So gear up and get ready to outsmart your opponent in a mind-blowingadrenaline-rushing road race. Demo contains one trackone player characterand one car. For Windows 95 with"
32280 ESOTERIA.A01 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria playable demo. Part 2/5.
32281 ESOTERIA.A02 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria playable demo. Part 3/5.
32282 ESOTERIA.A03 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria playable demo. Part 4/5.
32283 ESOTERIA.A04 139,3 kt 11.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria playable demo. Part 5/5.
32284 ESOTERIA.ARJ 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria playable demo. New 3D-action agme, which places you to a control of Raven, a new kind of military robot, armed with missile packs and ARC, new devastating energy weapon-system. By Hornet. Part 1/5.
32285 ESTMSFX.A01 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria optional music 2/6
32286 ESTMSFX.A02 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria optional music 3/6
32287 ESTMSFX.A03 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria optional music 4/6
32288 ESTMSFX.A04 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria optional music 5/6
32289 ESTMSFX.A05 2,2 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria optional music 6/6
32290 ESTMSFX.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Esoteria Playable Demo Optional Music file: Replace SEGS.22K file in Esoteria directory
32313 F95DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 05.03.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited for Windows 95. Playable demo. Part 2/7.
32314 F95DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 05.03.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited for Windows 95. Playable demo. Part 3/7.
32315 F95DEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 05.03.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited for Windows 95. Playable demo. Part 4/7.
32316 F95DEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 05.03.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited for Windows 95. Playable demo. Part 5/7.
32317 F95DEMO.A05 2,9 Mt 05.03.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited for Windows 95. Playable demo. Part 6/7.
32318 F95DEMO.A06 805,2 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited for Windows 95. Playable demo. Part 7/7.
32319 F95DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 05.03.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited for Windows 95. Win95-version of this great looking civil flight simulator. Playable demo. By: Looking Glass Technologies. Part 1/7.
32324 FAPDEM31.A01 2,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Forced Alliance demo 2/4
32325 FAPDEM31.A02 2,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Forced Alliance demo 3/4
32326 FAPDEM31.A03 2,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Forced Alliance demo 4/4
32327 FAPDEM31.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Forced Alliance Playable Demo 1/4 Orbital Studios / Ripcord Games high-end science fiction space combat game. The product features intense first person space combat with intriguing alien diplomacy. Agamersgame that features several major breakthroughs in science fiction gameplay. Features real consequence of rank. When the player gets promotedhe/she really gets promoted. 486DX10016MBWin95DirectX 3"
32328 FAPDEM51.A01 3,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Forced Alliance demo 2/4
32329 FAPDEM51.A02 3,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Forced Alliance demo 3/4
32330 FAPDEM51.A03 2,1 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Forced Alliance demo 4/4
32331 FAPDEM51.ARJ 3,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Forced Alliance Playable Demo 1/4 Orbital Studios / Ripcord Games high-end science fiction space combat game. The product features intense first person space combat with intriguing alien diplomacy. Agamersgame that features several major breakthroughs in science fiction gameplay. Features real consequence of rank. When the player gets promotedhe/she really gets promoted. 486DX10016MBWin95DirectX 5"
32404 FLIPOUT1.A01 3,8 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
FlipOut! playable demo 2/5
32405 FLIPOUT1.A02 3,8 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
FlipOut! playable demo 3/5
32406 FLIPOUT1.A03 3,8 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
FlipOut! playable demo 4/5
32407 FLIPOUT1.A04 465,1 kt 12.03.1997 - - -
FlipOut! playable demo 5/5
32408 FLIPOUT1.ARJ 3,8 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
FlipOut! playable demo. Cutesy puzzle-brain game with nice colourful graphics and nice puzzles of putting tiles to their own places. For Windows 95 with DirectX3. Gametek.
32413 FORCWR.A01 1,4 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Forbes Corporate Warrior demo 2/5
32414 FORCWR.A02 1,4 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Forbes Corporate Warrior demo 3/5
32415 FORCWR.A03 1,4 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Forbes Corporate Warrior demo 4/5
32416 FORCWR.A04 874,3 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
Forbes Corporate Warrior demo 5/5
32417 FORCWR.ARJ 1,4 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Forbes Corporate Warrior Demo by Byron Preiss Multimedia Company Game where Business is War and Cash is Ammo! Blast your way through a futuristic universe where you compete for wealth and power. In the virtual corporate world of the not-so-distant future, business is war, and your only safety net is the Internet. Some of its many features are: An arsenal of futuristic cyber-weapons knocks the living daylights out of your competition; Network Play. Head to head over the Internet
32418 FORKDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 2/12
32419 FORKDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 3/12
32420 FORKDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 4/12
32421 FORKDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 5/12
32422 FORKDEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 6/12
32423 FORKDEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 7/12
32424 FORKDEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 8/12
32425 FORKDEMO.A08 3,8 Mt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 9/12
32426 FORKDEMO.A09 3,8 Mt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 10/12
32427 FORKDEMO.A10 3,8 Mt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 11/12
32428 FORKDEMO.A11 702,1 kt 16.05.1997 - - -
A Fork In Tale demo 12/12
32429 FORKDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
A Fork in the Tale Interactive Demo Demo of a 5 CD action adventure game. The controls are on-screen, just click with a mouse or other pointing device. Videofilled adventure with humour and action sequences. Windows 95 with  8MB, DirectX Advance Reality interactive http://www.AnyRiver.com
32447 GAG-FLY.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
GAG - subgame FLY from the adventure/ puzzlegame by Auric Vision. Windows 95.
32448 GAG-XTET.ZIP 1,7 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
GAG - subgame XTRIS from the adventure/ puzzlegame by Auric Vision. Windows 95.
32502 GPM2DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Grand Prix Manager 2 demo 2/8
32503 GPM2DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Grand Prix Manager 2 demo 3/8
32504 GPM2DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Grand Prix Manager 2 demo 4/8
32505 GPM2DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Grand Prix Manager 2 demo 5/8
32506 GPM2DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Grand Prix Manager 2 demo 6/8
32507 GPM2DEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Grand Prix Manager 2 demo 7/8
32508 GPM2DEMO.A07 2,7 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Grand Prix Manager 2 demo 8/8
32509 GPM2DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Grand Prix Manager 2 - playable demo. Be a Formula 1 manager! DOS 8 MB MicroProse.
32517 GUB12NOX.ZIP 2,9 Mt 22.05.1997 - - -
"Gubble demo V1.2 Actual Entertainmentfamily-oriented action/strategy game featuring beautiful 3D graphics and toe- tapping music. Take apart a bunch of structures by finding tools and using them to remove all of the screwsnailsboltsand other hardware. The action is fast paced and funso youre not likely to get bored. Gubble is a fun game for everyone in your"
32583 HORNET3D.ZIP 3,2 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
F/A-18 Hornet 3.0 by: Graphic Simulations Corporation This is a flight model simulation creators of Amber: Journeys Beyond. The demo lets you cut through the clouds above a Hawaiian training theater. Req. Windows 95 DirectX P75 16 MB
32585 HOSPSM.A01 2,9 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital demo 2/5
32586 HOSPSM.A02 2,9 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital demo 3/5
32587 HOSPSM.A03 2,9 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital demo 4/5
32588 HOSPSM.A04 798,6 kt 08.04.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital demo 5/5
32589 HOSPSM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital playable demo small 1/5 from Bullfrog/EOA Build a hospital from the ground up, hire medical staff and manage resources. Includes tutorial, allowing you to add new facilities to your isometric SVGA creation. 486/66 8 MB SVGA DOS or Win95
32590 HOTWDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
History of the World demo 2/5
32591 HOTWDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
History of the World demo 3/5
32592 HOTWDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
History of the World demo 4/5
32593 HOTWDEMO.A04 217,4 kt 23.05.1997 - - -
History of the World demo 5/5
32594 HOTWDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
"History of the World pel. demo by: Avalon Hill. Based on Avalon Hills identically-titled board gameHOTR spans seven epochsworth of global conquest. Choose your empireand command its forces to victory against the competing countries throughout the world in this turn-based strategy game. The demo allows you to play through one of the earlier ages. 486/668 MB RAMmouseWin3.1/95. 1/5"
32602 HUNTDEM5.A01 2,4 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
Hunter/Hunted (head to head missions) demo 2/4
32603 HUNTDEM5.A02 2,4 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
Hunter/Hunted (head to head missions) demo 3/4
32604 HUNTDEM5.A03 1,1 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
Hunter/Hunted (head to head missions) demo 4/4
32605 HUNTDEM5.ARJ 2,4 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
Hunter/Hunted (head to head missions) playable demo from k.a.a. / Sierra. Platform fighting. Windows 95 w/ DirectX. 1/4
32606 HUYDL106.A01 2,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
"Huygens Disclosure demo V1.06 2/7"
32607 HUYDL106.A02 2,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
"Huygens Disclosure demo V1.06 3/7"
32608 HUYDL106.A03 2,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
"Huygens Disclosure demo V1.06 4/7"
32609 HUYDL106.A04 2,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
"Huygens Disclosure demo V1.06 5/7"
32610 HUYDL106.A05 2,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
"Huygens Disclosure demo V1.06 6/7"
32611 HUYDL106.A06 1,5 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
"Huygens Disclosure demo V1.06 7/7"
32612 HUYDL106.ARJ 2,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
"Huygens Disclosure playable demo V1.06 A completely new breed of action-adventure game. Using innovative technologies developed exclusively by Microforum you go on a journey to discover an alien world of mystery and hidden dangers. With incredible 3D graphicsa cast of amazing characters and a host of ground-breaking technological advancesHuygens Disclosure delivers an enthralling gameplaying experience. 16MB RAMPentiumSoundBlasterWindows 95"
32623 IF16DEM.A01 1,9 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
iF-16 demo 2/7
32624 IF16DEM.A02 1,9 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
iF-16 demo 3/7
32625 IF16DEM.A03 1,9 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
iF-16 demo 4/7
32626 IF16DEM.A04 1,9 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
iF-16 demo 5/7
32627 IF16DEM.A05 1,9 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
iF-16 demo 6/7
32628 IF16DEM.A06 943 kt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
iF-16 demo 7/7
32629 IF16DEM.ARJ 1,9 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
iF-16 playable demo Digital Integration/Interactive Magic Take to the skies in the F-16, equipped with the latest technological upgrades, and fight your way through three future war zones: Korea, Cyprus, and Israel. Dozens of air and ground vehicles participate on both sides of every mission to create a sense total immersion in the war. Pentium, 16MB, Win95, DirectX  1/7
32638 IM1A2DM2.A01 3,3 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
iM1A2 Abrams Tank demo 2/4
32639 IM1A2DM2.A02 3,3 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
iM1A2 Abrams Tank demo 3/4
32640 IM1A2DM2.A03 2,1 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
iM1A2 Abrams Tank demo 4/4
32641 IM1A2DM2.ARJ 3,3 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
iM1A2 Abrams Tank playable demo 1/4 from Interactive Magic All-new playable demo of iM1A2 Abrams, based on a current beta version of the game. It incorporates many features and improvements not seen in the earlier alpha demo. Windows 95 w/ DirectX3.
32694 JWARDEM.A01 2,9 Mt 09.05.1997 - - -
Jurassic War. Playable demo. Part 2/3.
32695 JWARDEM.A02 1,7 Mt 09.05.1997 - - -
Jurassic War. Playable demo. Part 3/3.
32696 JWARDEM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 09.05.1997 - - -
Jurassic War: playable demo. Warcraft II-style strategy game with several enchantments. In this demo, you have two tribes to choose from, both with several missions. By TRIC. Part 1/3.
32697 KAINDE2L.A01 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 1/12
32698 KAINDE2L.A02 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 2/12
32699 KAINDE2L.A03 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 3/12
32700 KAINDE2L.A04 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 4/12
32701 KAINDE2L.A05 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 5/12
32702 KAINDE2L.A06 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 6/12
32703 KAINDE2L.A07 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 7/12
32704 KAINDE2L.A08 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 8/12
32705 KAINDE2L.A09 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 9/12
32706 KAINDE2L.A10 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 10/12
32707 KAINDE2L.A11 562,5 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 11/12
32708 KAINDE2L.ARJ 4,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
"Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo Includes the FMV animations. Sneak Preview Edition of the epic RPG where you play Kaina brash nobleman who is murdered and reincarnated as a vampire. Kain must suck blooduse weapons and spellsand solve puzzles in a quest to save his ailing world of Nosgoth. In this special preview editionthe player gets a chance to experience Kains world and peek into the complex story that is still to come. Req: Win9516 MBP100+DirectX 1/12"
32709 KAINDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 2/4
32710 KAINDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 3/4
32711 KAINDEMO.A03 1,6 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain demo 4/4
32712 KAINDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
"Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain pl. demo by Crystal Dynamics/Activision. Epic RPG where you play Kaina brash nobleman who is murdered and reincarnated as a vampire. As a vampireKain must suck blooduse weapons and spellsand solve puzzles in a quest to save his ailing world of Nosgoth. In this special preview editionthe player gets a chance to experience Kains world and peek into the complex story that is still to come... Requires: P10016MBWin95DirectX"
32743 L2SEIGDM.A01 3,8 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Lords of the Realm: Siege Pack demo 2/4
32744 L2SEIGDM.A02 3,8 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Lords of the Realm: Siege Pack demo 3/4
32745 L2SEIGDM.A03 3,1 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Lords of the Realm: Siege Pack demo 4/4
32746 L2SEIGDM.ARJ 3,8 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Lords of the Realm II: Siege Pack playable demo by Sierra On-Line Demos some of the new features of the Siege Pack, does not require the full or demo version of Lords of the Realm II to work. Strategy. Includes full network/Internet play. Windows 95.
32749 LBA2DEM.A01 3,8 Mt 23.06.1997 - - -
Little Big Adventure 2 - Pelattava demo. Osa 2 / 4
32750 LBA2DEM.A02 3,8 Mt 23.06.1997 - - -
Little Big Adventure 2 - Pelattava demo. Osa 3 / 4
32751 LBA2DEM.A03 2,7 Mt 23.06.1997 - - -
Little Big Adventure 2 - Pelattava demo. Osa 4 / 4
32752 LBA2DEM.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.06.1997 - - -
"Little Big Adventure 2 / Twinsens Odyssey Pelattava demo. Osa 1 / 4 Isometrinen seikkailupeli. DOS/Win95486"
32753 LEDDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
The LEDwars demo 2/4
32754 LEDDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
The LEDwars demo 3/4
32755 LEDDEMO.A03 519 kt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
The LEDwars demo 4/4
32756 LEDDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
The LEDwars Playable Demo Larian Studios / Ionos Multinational Corporations WAR over L.E.D.! A game for cutting edge real time strategy addicts. Scarce resources for cultivating and refining L.E.D. pills from the rare led plant brought on the L.E.D. WARS. The war is on! Conquer and control the entire world supply of L.E.D.. In a world controlled by multinational corporations and their private armed forces. Win95, DirectX 1/4
32763 LEN_DEMO.ZIP 2,3 Mt 18.03.1997 - - -
The Battles of Leningrad: 1941-43 V2 pl. demo Strategy game of WW2 eastern front from Schwerpunkt. DOS.
32786 LLSDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Links LS. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/7. Win95.
32787 LLSDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Links LS. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/7. Win95.
32788 LLSDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Links LS. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/7. Win95.
32789 LLSDEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Links LS. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/7. Win95.
32790 LLSDEMO.A05 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Links LS. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/7. Win95.
32791 LLSDEMO.A06 1,6 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Links LS. Pelattava demo. Osa 7/7. Win95.
32792 LLSDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Links LS. Todella hienon Golf-pelin 9 reiän pelattava demo. Osa 1/7. DOS ja Win95. Sisältää verkko- ja modeemipelituen. Valm. Access Software.
32800 LOMAX.ZIP 5,2 Mt 03.08.1997 - - -
Lomax. Lemmings-related platform game, where you control Lomax throught diffenrent levels, with several old Lemmings "skills" with you. By Interactive Design/Psygnosis. Windows 95.
32814 MACHINST.ZIP 3,7 Mt 10.06.1997 - 17112/TEKNO 4-1997.iso -
"Machine Hunter playable demo from Eurocom/MGM - Its 2084 and Mars is being overrun by a horde of alien-dominated death robots who plan to invade earth. Its your mission to destroy this army of mechanized killers one by oneinvade their bodies -- then use their powers to annihilate the rest of the evil throng before they destroy Earth. Demo contains one level. 3D top-down shooter similar to Interplays Loaded and Reloaded. Req. P6+ 8 MB Win95 DirectX"
32827 MANXTTDE.A01 1,9 Mt 25.11.1997 - - -
Manx TT demo 2/6
32828 MANXTTDE.A02 1,9 Mt 25.11.1997 - - -
Manx TT demo 3/6
32829 MANXTTDE.A03 1,9 Mt 25.11.1997 - - -
Manx TT demo 4/6
32830 MANXTTDE.A04 1,9 Mt 25.11.1997 - - -
Manx TT demo 5/6
32831 MANXTTDE.A05 724,8 kt 25.11.1997 - - -
Manx TT demo 6/6
32832 MANXTTDE.ARJ 1,9 Mt 25.11.1997 - - -
Manx TT Super Bike playable demo by Sega. Strap that helmet on for the thunderous hum of Super Bike racing. Straight from the actual Isle of Man Trophy races in England, this tire burning look at the raw power of motorcycle racing is simply the best there is. Lean into the tight curves of these notorious courses. Demo supports Direct3D (D3D) and 3Dfx. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
32833 MARBLES.A01 2,9 Mt 25.06.1997 - - -
Lose Your Marbles 2/3
32834 MARBLES.A02 2,7 Mt 25.06.1997 - - -
Lose Your Marbles 3/3
32835 MARBLES.ARJ 2,9 Mt 25.06.1997 - - -
Lose Your Marbles by SegaSoft Windows 95 Playable Demo of Lose Your Marbles, a puzzle game. 1/3
32838 MASSDEST.ZIP 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Mass Destruction Playable Demo NMS Software / BMG Interactive Take command of a tank and blast an enemy airbase to pieces. Action filled blastfest with 3D isometric view. DOS.
32841 MAXDEMO2.A01 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
M.A.X large playable demo. By: Interplay. Part 2/6.
32842 MAXDEMO2.A02 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
M.A.X large playable demo. By: Interplay. Part 3/6.
32843 MAXDEMO2.A03 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
M.A.X large playable demo. By: Interplay. Part 4/6.
32844 MAXDEMO2.A04 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
M.A.X large playable demo. By: Interplay. Part 5/6.
32845 MAXDEMO2.A05 1,2 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
M.A.X large playable demo. By: Interplay. Part 6/6.
32846 MAXDEMO2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
M.A.X (Mechanized Assault & eXploration) large playable demo. Contains all sound, 5 training missions and limited custom game. By: Interplay. Part 1/6. DOS/Win95.
32862 MDDEMO.A01 2,8 Mt 25.01.1997 - - -
Marble Drop playable demo 2/2
32863 MDDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 25.01.1997 - - -
Marble Drop playable demo from Maxis unique puzzle strategy game that chanllenges players to explore the workings of different mechanical puzzles. Players drop different colored marbles in each puzzle machine and figure out how to get the right colored marbles to their corresponding destination. For Windows 95. 1/2
32864 MDK95-30.A01 1,4 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
MDK V3.0 playable demo 2/6
32865 MDK95-30.A02 1,4 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
MDK V3.0 playable demo 3/6
32866 MDK95-30.A03 1,4 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
MDK V3.0 playable demo 4/6
32867 MDK95-30.A04 1,4 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
MDK V3.0 playable demo 5/6
32868 MDK95-30.A05 436,7 kt 27.03.1997 - - -
MDK V3.0 playable demo 6/6
32869 MDK95-30.ARJ 1,4 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
"MDK V3.0 playable demo 1/6 from Shiny/Playmates Original action/shootemup with one of the largest playing environments ever created - whre the action is no longer limited to cramped tunnels and dark corridors! Extremerely fluid and uninterrupted gameplay as you explore everything from the tallest city rooftops to the darkes city streets. Windows 95 only."
32915 MS_DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 26.05.1997 - - -
MADSPACE demo 2/9
32916 MS_DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 26.05.1997 - - -
MADSPACE demo 3/9
32917 MS_DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 26.05.1997 - - -
MADSPACE demo 4/9
32918 MS_DEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 26.05.1997 - - -
MADSPACE demo 5/9
32919 MS_DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 26.05.1997 - - -
MADSPACE demo 6/9
32920 MS_DEMO.A06 1,4 Mt 26.05.1997 - - -
MADSPACE demo 7/9
32921 MS_DEMO.A07 1,4 Mt 26.05.1997 - - -
MADSPACE demo 8/9
32922 MS_DEMO.A08 645 kt 26.05.1997 - - -
MADSPACE demo 9/9
32923 MS_DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 26.05.1997 - - -
"MADSPACE Playable Demo V1.01 Have you even played a 3D-Action game using speech recognition? No! MADSPACE is the first game in the world which gives you this possibility. 3D first person shootemup by Maddox Games Ltd./Auric Vision Ltd. Req P100 8 MB DOS"
32938 MUPTRED.A01 3,8 Mt 21.10.1996 - - tupla
Muppet Treasure Island demo 2/9
32939 MUPTRED.A02 3,8 Mt 21.10.1996 - - tupla
Muppet Treasure Island demo 3/9
32977 NEOINST.A01 2,9 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
Neophyte playable demo 2/3
32978 NEOINST.A02 1,8 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
Neophyte plyable demo 3/3
32979 NEOINST.ARJ 2,9 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
"Neophyte playable demo            1/3 from Alien Software Requires: P60 8 MB Win95 DirectX As Thaela Neophyte warriorit is your job to save your village from total destruction. Now get crackinyouvot got your work cut out for you! Arcadeadventure."
32991 NFS2DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
Need for Speed 2. Playable demo. Part 2/6.
32992 NFS2DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
Need for Speed 2. Playable demo. Part 3/6.
32993 NFS2DEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
Need for Speed 2. Playable demo. Part 4/6.
32994 NFS2DEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
Need for Speed 2. Playable demo. Part 5/6.
32995 NFS2DEMO.A05 1,8 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
Need for Speed 2. Playable demo. Part 6/6.
32996 NFS2DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
Need for Speed 2 - playable demo. Long-awaited sequel to tthe most popular racing game ever! Choose one of the fastest road-monsters in the world, and enter to the race! By: Electronic Arts. Windows 95. Part 1/6.
32997 NFS2SEA.A01 1,4 Mt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Need For Speed 2: Special Edition 3Dfx 2/5
32998 NFS2SEA.A02 1,4 Mt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Need For Speed 2: Special Edition 3Dfx 3/5
32999 NFS2SEA.A03 1,4 Mt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Need For Speed 2: Special Edition 3Dfx 4/5
33000 NFS2SEA.A04 822,4 kt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Need For SPeed 2: Special Edition 3Dfx 5/5
33001 NFS2SEA.ARJ 1,4 Mt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Need For Speed 2: Special Edition 3Dfx demo Put the brand new Ferrari 355 F1(tm) through it\'s paces on the beautiful new Mexican track in 3Dfx for eye watering frame rate and hyper-smooth graphics." Req. P90 16 MB Win95 DirectX5 3Dfx with Glide 2.3+ drivers. Electronic Arts     1/5
33018 NOIRDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 03.06.1997 - - -
Noir demo 2/11
33019 NOIRDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 03.06.1997 - - -
Noir demo 3/11
33020 NOIRDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 03.06.1997 - - -
Noir demo 4/11
33021 NOIRDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 03.06.1997 - - -
Noir demo 5/11
33022 NOIRDEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 03.06.1997 - - -
Noir demo 6/11
33023 NOIRDEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 03.06.1997 - - -
Noir demo 7/11
33024 NOIRDEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 03.06.1997 - - -
Noir demo 8/11
33025 NOIRDEMO.A08 3,8 Mt 03.06.1997 - - -
Noir demo 9/11
33026 NOIRDEMO.A09 3,8 Mt 03.06.1997 - - -
Noir demo 10/11
33027 NOIRDEMO.A10 648,7 kt 03.06.1997 - - -
Noir demo 11/11
33028 NOIRDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 03.06.1997 - - -
"Noir playable demo Blacknwhite 1930s detective adventure. There are six cases in allwhich can be played simultaneously or in any order (full version only). Only after solving all six cases will you discover what happened to Jack Slayton. Windows 95. Cyberdreams"
33040 NRSE95D.A01 2,9 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Norse by Norsewest playable demo V1.0 2/3
33041 NRSE95D.A02 2,2 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Norse by Norsewest playable demo V1.0 3/3
33042 NRSE95D.ARJ 2,9 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Norse by Norsewest playable demo V1.0  1/3 From Interplay. Erik the Swift, Baleog the Fierce and Olaf the Sout have escaped from the evil alien, Tomator, and have been leashed in the time again - but not before they were able to snatch some of hsi powerful new high-tect toys. Equippped with their new weapons - rocket boot, light saber and power shield - they will search throughout many different worlds. Fight off an entirely new cast of enemies, find hidden items and use teamwork to tackle the varying terrain of strange new worlds. This version includes the first 3 levels. Windows 95 with DirectX3.
33059 OP2_ALL.A01 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 2/12.
33060 OP2_ALL.A02 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 3/12.
33061 OP2_ALL.A03 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 4/12.
33062 OP2_ALL.A04 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 5/12.
33063 OP2_ALL.A05 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 6/12.
33064 OP2_ALL.A06 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 7/12.
33065 OP2_ALL.A07 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 8/12.
33066 OP2_ALL.A08 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 9/12.
33067 OP2_ALL.A09 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 10/12.
33068 OP2_ALL.A10 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 11/12.
33069 OP2_ALL.A11 1,3 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2. Playable demo with adds. Part 12/12.
33070 OP2_ALL.ARJ 2,9 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2: Divided Destiny. Playable demo of this city-building/strategy game. Standard demo version with AVI-animation and additional music. Part 1/12. Windows 95. By: Sierra. rEQ. p60 16mb svga
33074 OP2_HELP.ZIP 598,8 kt 14.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2 playable demo - optional help file from Dynamix/Sierra On-line
33075 OP2_MUSI.A01 2,9 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2 playable demo optional musics 2/2
33076 OP2_MUSI.ARJ 3,1 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2 playable demo - optional musics from Dynamix/Sierra On-line
33071 OP2DEMO.A01 3 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2 demo 2/3 compact
33072 OP2DEMO.A02 2,6 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2 demo 3/3 compact
33073 OP2DEMO.ARJ 3 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2 playable demo - compact from Dynamix/Sierra On-line The sequel to one of the most controversial titles in recent years is nigh. O2 promises to build upon the foundation of the original, with huge battlefield maps, many new technologies to research, and open-ended multiplayer capability. This real-time strategy game offers resource management, research and development, and good, old fashioned combat. Pentium-60, 16 MB RAM, SVGA, mouse, Win95
33096 OVEVE397.A01 4,3 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Overboard! E397 2/4
33097 OVEVE397.A02 4,3 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Overboard! E397 3/4
33098 OVEVE397.A03 2,5 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Overboard! E397 4/4
33099 PACGEN.A01 2,9 Mt 25.06.1997 - - -
Pacific General demo 2/7
33100 PACGEN.A02 2,9 Mt 25.06.1997 - - -
Pacific General demo 3/7
33101 PACGEN.A03 2,9 Mt 25.06.1997 - - -
Pacific General demo 4/7
33102 PACGEN.A04 2,9 Mt 25.06.1997 - - -
Pacific General demo 5/7
33103 PACGEN.A05 2,9 Mt 25.06.1997 - - -
Pacific General demo 6/7
33104 PACGEN.A06 1011 kt 25.06.1997 - - -
Pacific General demo 7/7
33105 PACGEN.ARJ 2,9 Mt 25.06.1997 - - -
Pacific General Playable Demo from SSI. Turn based strategy/wargame set in the Pacific theater of conflict in World War II, pitting the Japanese Empire against the combined might of the Allied forces. Follow-up to the best selling Panzer General! P90, Win95, DirectX 1/7
33108 PANDDEMO.ZIP 2 Mt 27.04.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Pandemonium playable demo by: Crystal Dynamics. A classic for the console, this game represents a marriage between the 2-D side-scrolling and 3-D action/adventure genres. As one of two colorful cartoon characters, you must traverse surreal, Escher-esque worlds, grabbing power-ups and missile weapons along the way. The demo requires DirectX and includes 3-D hardware support. Requirements: Pentium-100, 16 MB RAM, SVGA w/ 2MB, sound board, Windows 95
33118 PARKDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
SimPark demo 2/4
33119 PARKDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
SimPark demo 3/4
33120 PARKDEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
SimPark demo 4/4
33121 PARKDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
SimPark -puistosimulaation pelattava demo. Johda american mantereelle sijoittuvaa luonnonpuistoa ja koeta saada sekä sen eläin- että kasvikunta mahdollisimman monipuoliseksi. Windows 3.1/95. Maxis. 1/4
33125 PB_DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Pinball Builder demo 2/7
33126 PB_DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Pinball Builder demo 3/7
33127 PB_DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Pinball Builder demo 4/7
33128 PB_DEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Pinball Builder demo 5/7
33129 PB_DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Pinball Builder demo 6/7
33130 PB_DEMO.A06 148,3 kt 02.02.1997 - - -
Pinball Builder demo 7/7
33131 PB_DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Pinball Builder playable demo V1.01 by Spidersoft/21st Century Entertainment You always knew you could make the ultimate pinball table, now prove it! Use the quick and easy drag-and-drop Windows interface to add jet bumpers, kickers, light, roll-over switches, drop targets and more! Req. Windows, 1/7
33170 POLITIKA.A01 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Politika demo 2/9
33171 POLITIKA.A02 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Politika demo 3/9
33172 POLITIKA.A03 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Politika demo 4/9
33173 POLITIKA.A04 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Politika demo 5/9
33174 POLITIKA.A05 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Politika demo 6/9
33175 POLITIKA.A06 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Politika demo 7/9
33176 POLITIKA.A07 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Politika demo 8/9
33177 POLITIKA.A08 909,1 kt 31.10.1997 - - -
Politika demo 9/9
33178 POLITIKA.ARJ 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
POLITIKA non-playable interactive demo Published by Red Storm Game genre: Political Strategy President Boris Yeltsin has died without leaving any obvious successor. There are now eight major political factions fighting for control of Russia. Max. 8 players can attempt their skills in political fields, alliances, production etc in wrenching the control of all of Russia! Requires Windows 95. 1/9
33183 PRFVE397.A01 3,8 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Profiteer E397 2/3
33184 PRFVE397.A02 2,9 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Profiteer E397 3/3
33189 PUY2NODX.ZIP 2,9 Mt 27.01.1997 - 22082/SSERVCD_44B.bin -
Puyo Puyo 2 Playable Demo from Compile The demo allows the player to face off against three different opponents in a game similar to "Baku Baku". Small blobs fall two at a time and come in four colors. When four of a color are connecting, they are eliminated and any more blobs above fall. Japanese! Windows 95 w/ DirectX.
33190 PUZTRIAL.ZIP 2,4 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
Microsoft Entertainment Pack: The Puzzle Collection TRIAL version. Power up your gray matter for The Puzzle Collection - featuring games by Alexey Pajitnov, the Russian mastermind behind Tetris. Trial version contains Rat Poker, Finty Flush, and Spring Weekend puzzles. Windows 95.
33191 PWDEMO.A01 2,4 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Perfect Weapon 2/3
33192 PWDEMO.A02 2,1 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Perfect Weapon 3/3
33193 PWDEMO.ARJ 2,4 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
"Perfect Weapon playble demo 1/3 from ASC Games. You are Blake HunterEarth Defence Forces top agent and World Champoin Martial Artist. You find yourself transported to a mysterious and histile world. You must fight and explore five deadly world to uncover the conspiracy that has selected you. Req. P75 8 MB Win95 DirectX. Beatemup"
33195 PWRSLNEW.A01 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
Powerslave. New playable demo. Part 2/5.
33196 PWRSLNEW.A02 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
Powerslave. New playable demo. Part 3/5.
33197 PWRSLNEW.A03 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
Powerslave. New playable demo. Part 4/5.
33198 PWRSLNEW.A04 366,1 kt 20.02.1997 - - -
Powerslave. New playable demo. Part 5/5.
33199 PWRSLNEW.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
Powerslave. New playable demo version of this Egypt-related 3D-action/shooter. New version adds bug fixes, 640x480 resolution graphics mode etc. By: Lobotomy Software. DOS. Part 1/5.
33200 PYRAMAD.A01 1,4 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
Pyramad playable demo 2/3
33201 PYRAMAD.A02 1,1 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
Pyramad playable demo 3/3
33202 PYRAMAD.ARJ 1,4 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
"Pyramad playable demo from MagiCastle 1/3 Take the classic game Dominosadd a twist of Cheopsand youve got MagiCastles Egyptian themed puzzle game. The demo allows you to play on the smallest boardplacing tiles within it to match up hieroglyphics and form a pyramid. 486/66 8 MB mouse Windows 95"
33236 RCHL10ND.A01 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Rally Challenge demo 2/5
33237 RCHL10ND.A02 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Rally Challenge demo 3/5
33238 RCHL10ND.A03 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Rally Challenge demo 4/5
33239 RCHL10ND.A04 344,4 kt 02.02.1997 - - -
Rally Challenge demo 5/5
33240 RCHL10ND.ARJ 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Rally Challenge playable demo by Silver LIghtning Software Brings you the excitement of rally car racing to your PC. Experience high speed thrills as you throw a top performance turbo charged racing vehicle around tracherous stages. For Windows 95 w/ DirectX and 8 MB. 1/5
33250 REL-DEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 01.06.1997 - - -
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General demo 2/5
33251 REL-DEMO.A02 3,3 Mt 01.06.1997 - - -
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General demo 3/5
33252 REL-DEMO.A03 3,3 Mt 01.06.1997 - - -
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General demo 4/5
33253 REL-DEMO.A04 1,1 Mt 01.06.1997 - - -
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General demo 5/5
33254 REL-DEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 01.06.1997 - - -
Robert E. Lee: Civil War General playable demo. Experience the precision of detailed strategic game play and the compeling chaos of the battlefield as you assume the role of the North or the South in single or two-player mode. Narrow your game play to a single day or multi-day battle, or play the entire campaign of the Confederacy as the great General himself. This demo has one full battle. Requires Windows. By Sierra. 1/5
33285 RJNEWDEM.A01 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - - -
Rocket Jockey. New playable demo. Part 2/10.
33286 RJNEWDEM.A02 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - - -
Rocket Jockey. New playable demo. Part 3/10.
33287 RJNEWDEM.A03 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - - -
Rocket Jockey. New playable demo. Part 4/10.
33288 RJNEWDEM.A04 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - - -
Rocket Jockey. New playable demo. Part 5/10.
33289 RJNEWDEM.A05 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - - -
Rocket Jockey. New playable demo. Part 6/10.
33290 RJNEWDEM.A06 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - - -
Rocket Jockey. New playable demo. Part 7/10.
33291 RJNEWDEM.A07 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - - -
Rocket Jockey. New playable demo. Part 8/10.
33292 RJNEWDEM.A08 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - - -
Rocket Jockey. New playable demo. Part 9/10.
33293 RJNEWDEM.A09 2,8 Mt 13.04.1997 - - -
Rocket Jockey. New playable demo. Part 10/10.
33294 RJNEWDEM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 13.04.1997 - - -
Rockey Jockey. New version of the playable demo. Rocket Jockey is new, original rocket-racing game. Three racing modes are included in this demo. By: SegaSoft. For: Windows 95. Part 1/10.
33295 RKRONDOR.A01 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
Return to Krondor. Non-playable demo. Part 2/3.
33296 RKRONDOR.A02 1,1 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
Return to Krondor. Non-playable demo. Part 3/3.
33297 RKRONDOR.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
Return to Krondor. Non-playable demo of visually impressive role-playing game from 7th Level. For Windows 95. Part 1/3.
33298 RMR.A01 2,9 Mt 22.02.1997 - - -
Rebel Moon Rising. Playable demo. Part 2/8.
33299 RMR.A02 2,9 Mt 22.02.1997 - - -
Rebel Moon Rising. Playable demo. Part 3/8.
33300 RMR.A03 2,9 Mt 22.02.1997 - - -
Rebel Moon Rising. Playable demo. Part 4/8.
33301 RMR.A04 2,9 Mt 22.02.1997 - - -
Rebel Moon Rising. Playable demo. Part 5/8.
33302 RMR.A05 2,9 Mt 22.02.1997 - - -
Rebel Moon Rising. Playable demo. Part 6/8.
33303 RMR.A06 2,9 Mt 22.02.1997 - - -
Rebel Moon Rising. Playable demo. Part 7/8.
33304 RMR.A07 1,3 Mt 22.02.1997 - - -
Rebel Moon Rising. Playable demo. Part 8/8.
33305 RMR.ARJ 2,9 Mt 22.02.1997 - - -
"Rebel Moon Rising. First 3D action-gamethat uses the advantages of Intels MMX technology. Six missions are included in this demo. By: Fenris Wolf. Req. Win95 and Pentium with MMX. Part 1/8."
33308 ROBODEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
Robotron X demo 2/4
33309 ROBODEMO.A02 3,3 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
Robotron X demo 3/4
33310 ROBODEMO.A03 1,6 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
Robotron X demo 4/4
33311 ROBODEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
"Robotron X playable demo from GTI 1/4 Modernized version of the 80s arcade classic now in a 3D perspective type of view. Windows 95 with DirectX. If you have problems try switching to 64x480 and try running game repeteadly until in works."
33332 SABREACE.A01 4,8 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace demo 2/11
33333 SABREACE.A02 4,8 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace demo 3/11
33334 SABREACE.A03 4,8 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace demo 4/11
33335 SABREACE.A04 4,8 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace demo 5/11
33336 SABREACE.A05 4,8 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace demo 6/11
33337 SABREACE.A06 4,8 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace demo 7/11
33338 SABREACE.A07 4,8 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace demo 8/11
33339 SABREACE.A08 4,8 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace demo 9/11
33340 SABREACE.A09 4,8 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace demo 10/11
33341 SABREACE.A10 1013,7 kt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace demo 11/11
33342 SABREACE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace: Conflict Over Korea demo from Virgin. Flight simulation game based on the Korean Conflict in the 1950s, on either side of the war! Fly F51, F-80, F-86 or Yak-9 and MiG-15. Demo includes link/modem, LAN and TCP/IP multiplayer with 8 players. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX    1/11
33362 SC_DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 22.05.1997 - - -
SafeCracker demo 2/5
33363 SC_DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 22.05.1997 - - -
SafeCracker demo 3/5
33364 SC_DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 22.05.1997 - - -
SafeCracker demo 4/5
33365 SC_DEMO.A04 2 Mt 22.05.1997 - - -
SafeCracker demo 5/5
33366 SC_DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 22.05.1997 - - -
SafeCracker playable demo 3D graphical adventure game. 16-bit graphics. Daydream Software. WIn95.
33353 SC3MELEE.A02 1,4 Mt 12.11.1996 - - tupla
Star Control III demo 3/6
33354 SC3MELEE.A03 1,4 Mt 12.11.1996 - - tupla
Star Control III demo 4/6
33355 SC3MELEE.A04 1,4 Mt 12.11.1996 - - tupla
Star Control III demo 5/6
33356 SC3MELEE.A05 120,6 kt 12.11.1996 - - tupla
Star Control III demo 6/6
33359 SCARDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 18.02.1997 - - -
Scarab playable demo 2/3
33360 SCARDEMO.A02 756,5 kt 18.02.1997 - - -
Scarab playable demo 3/3
33361 SCARDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.02.1997 - - -
Scarab playable demo. There is was raging in silence. Mechanical Gods are the foot soldiers for warring factions of beings beyond our solar system, beyond our comprehension. Here among the pyramids, Alien beings pilot robots in this bizarre arena to determine the victor in an epic struggle. From Electronic Arts. Genre: 3D shooting. Windows 95 with DirectX.    1/3
33377 SCUDIE.A01 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
Scud: Industrial Evolution 2/4
33378 SCUDIE.A02 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
Scud: Industrial Evolution 3/4
33379 SCUDIE.A03 3,4 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
Scud: Industrial Evolution 4/4
33380 SCUDIE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
"Scud: Industrial Evolution Playable Demo 1/4 SegaSoft - Youre Scudthe coolest robot assassin to ever be dispensed from a vending machine - a coin operated killer hellbent on customer satisfaction. Grab your twin Magnums and blast the crap out of every mutant freak and senseless droid that crosses your path as you make your way through the bizarre world of Scud: Industrial Evolution.. Note: This game isnt much in single-player mode. It is meant for SegaSofts HEAT.NET multiplayer gaming service. P90 16 MB Win95 DirectX"
33410 SGDEMO2.A01 1,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Star General demo V1.2 2/10
33411 SGDEMO2.A02 1,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Star General Demo V1.2 3/10
33412 SGDEMO2.A03 1,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Star General Demo V1.2 4/10
33413 SGDEMO2.A04 1,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Star General Demo V1.2 5/10
33414 SGDEMO2.A05 1,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Star General Demo V1.2 6/10
33415 SGDEMO2.A06 1,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Star General Demo V1.2 7/10
33416 SGDEMO2.A07 1,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Star General Demo V1.2 8/10
33417 SGDEMO2.A08 1,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Star General Demo V1.2 9/10
33418 SGDEMO2.A09 1,1 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Star General Demo V1.2 10/10
33419 SGDEMO2.ARJ 1,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Star General demo V1.2   1/10 Uusi paranneltu demo SSI:n viiden tähden sarjaan kuuluvasta avaruus-strategiapelistä Vaatii Windows 95.
33439 SHIV2DMO.A01 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls. Playable demo. Part 2/8.
33440 SHIV2DMO.A02 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls. Playable demo. Part 3/8.
33441 SHIV2DMO.A03 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls. Playable demo. Part 4/8.
33442 SHIV2DMO.A04 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls. Playable demo. Part 5/8.
33443 SHIV2DMO.A05 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls. Playable demo. Part 6/8.
33444 SHIV2DMO.A06 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls. Playable demo. Part 7/8.
33445 SHIV2DMO.A07 858,6 kt 15.03.1997 - - -
Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls. Playable demo. Part 8/8.
33446 SHIV2DMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
Shivers 2: Harvest of Souls. This package contains playable demo, slideshow and movie from Shivers 2, the upcoming adventure game from Sierra Online. Win95. Part 1/8.
33466 SLAMDMO.A01 2,4 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
"Slamn Jam demo 2/3"
33467 SLAMDMO.A02 1,5 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
"Slamn Jam demo 3/3"
33468 SLAMDMO.ARJ 2,4 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
"Slamn Jam playble demo by: Crystal Dynamics Answer to NBA Jam. This demo version only allows you to play in 1-player Modefor only two 2-minute quarterswith limited optionsusing only the Magic & Kareem All-Stars and Chicago teams in exhibition mode. Requirements: 486/6616 MB RAMsound boardDOS  1/3"
33469 SLAMTILT.ZIP 2,7 Mt 06.02.1997 - 23661/PCGAMER41.bin -
SlamTilt Flipper Playable Demo From Liquid Dezign / 21st Century Converted from the Amiga version, SlamTilt was voted best Amiga title for 1996 by a German magazine. Now you can experience it on your PC!  Full version contains four tables of fast moving, unbelievable, spine-tingling action, each table packed with superb subgames and fluid animation. For Windows 95 with DirectX 3
33474 SMIRROR.A01 3,1 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror 2/3
33475 SMIRROR.A02 2,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror 3/3
33476 SMIRROR.ARJ 3,1 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror Rolling Demo from Revolution Software Intrepid adventurer\'s George Stobart and Nico Collard embroiled in a whole new mystery. On their quest, they will do battle with with a deadly crime syndicate and an ancient Mayan cult, intent on destroying mankind. As with "Broken Sword - the Shadow of the Templars" George and Nico\'s adventure takes them around the world on a journey where death and danger lurk around every corner..." Win95 1/3
33478 SONIC3K.EXE 5 Mt 01.03.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Sonic & Knuckles Collection (Sonic 3). Pelattava demo Segan kuuluisan tasohyppelypelisarjan kolmannesta osasta. Win95.
33487 SOULT106.ZIP 5,2 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
SoulTrap playable demo V1.06 by Microforum. Lets you look at one level of the 11 level game. Malcolm West is trapped on a platform high above the mountains, you control him as he leaps from one precarious perch to another with only the barest clue of where your adventure will lead. One wrong step and you plunge to your end. 16MB RAM, Pentium, and Windows 95
33524 SRACER.ZIP 2,8 Mt 03.02.1997 - 23660/PCGAMER40.bin -
"Street Racer Playable Demo Developer / Publisher: Vivid Image / Ubi Soft Rev up and go ballistic with Street Racerthe action-packed animated road race thats twistedintense and out of this world! For all you Super Mario Kart fans! The demo includes one circuit. Use joystick or keyboard. Keyboard controls: * D - Accelerate * Q - Jump * Caps lock -Left * A - Right * X - Fire"
33525 SRALLYLG.A01 2,9 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally Championships. Large playable demo. Part 2/5.
33526 SRALLYLG.A02 2,9 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally Championships. Large playable demo. Part 3/5.
33527 SRALLYLG.A03 2,9 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally Championships. Large playable demo. Part 4/5.
33528 SRALLYLG.A04 2,7 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally Championships. Large playable demo. Part 5/5.
33529 SRALLYLG.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally Championships. Large playable demo. Part 1/5.
33550 STARCOM.A01 2,9 Mt 01.06.1997 - - eritupla
Star Command Revolution pl. demo V1.1 2/2
33551 STARCOM.ARJ 3,1 Mt 01.06.1997 - - eritupla
Star Command Revolution pl. Demo V1.1 from GTi. The ultimate real-time space strategy game, which allows players to manage resources, build spacecrafts, learn new technologies, and most importantly - engage in real-time battles throughout the cosmos. As one of four races navigating through space players must balance their resources, develop knowledge and explore new areas of space while battling hostile forces and freeing other races bound in slavery by evil cosmic ... 2/2
33554 STC_DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Sega Touring Car Championship demo 2/5
33555 STC_DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Sega Touring Car Championship demo 3/5
33556 STC_DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Sega Touring Car Championship demo 4/5
33557 STC_DEMO.A04 1,1 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Sega Touring Car Championship demo 5/5
33558 STC_DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sega Touring Car Championship demo 1/5 from Sega. How Fast Can a Bullet Take a Corner? Touring Cars are born to book and youre just the driver to tempt the power of a torque engine. Clinging to wicked curving courses at these speeds separates the racers from the day trippersso sit tight and floor itthis is the real thing. Demo lets you drive one car (Opel Calibra V6) 2 laps on the Country Circuit. P9016MBWin95DirectX 5"
33579 SWDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Sand Warriors demo 2/5
33580 SWDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Sand Warriors demo 3/5
33581 SWDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Sand Warriors demo 4/5
33582 SWDEMO.A04 1,1 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Sand Warriors demo 5/5
33583 SWDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Sand Warriors Playable Demo Gremlin / Interplay Blending Ancient Egyptian iconography and futuristic hyper-technology with the fastest SVGA graphics engine ever, Sand Warriors from Gremlin Interactive is the arcade 3D flight-sim for PC owners this summer. DOS 16 MB P75+
33602 T47-320.ZIP 4,2 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Team 47 GoMan Shareware by 47-Tek Pentium, 16MB, Win95, DirectX Move freely within a vast 3D world where Monsters roam the streets of cities. Defend 18 mission targets while jumping onto buildings, wading through rivers, skimming ocean, sliding down snow covered mountain tops etc. Choose from 5 sleek and highly acrobatic Mechs armed with an arsenal!Battle alien monsters and watch cities crumble around you as blazing special effects fill the screen. 320 Mode, No
33603 T47-512.ZIP 5,2 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Team 47 GoMan Shareware by 47-Tek Pentium, 16MB, Win95, DirectX Move freely within a vast 3D world where Monsters roam the streets of cities. Defend 18 mission targets while jumping onto buildings, wading through rivers, skimming ocean, sliding down snow covered mountain tops etc. Choose from 5 sleek and highly acrobatic Mechs armed with an arsenal!Battle alien monsters and watch cities crumble around you as blazing special effects fill the screen. Supports Direct3D
33604 T47-640.ZIP 5 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Team 47 GoMan Shareware by 47-Tek Pentium, 16MB, Win95, DirectX Move freely within a vast 3D world where Monsters roam the streets of cities. Defend 18 mission targets while jumping onto buildings, wading through rivers, skimming ocean, sliding down snow covered mountain tops etc. Choose from 5 sleek and highly acrobatic Mechs armed with an arsenal!Battle alien monsters and watch cities crumble around you as blazing special effects fill the screen. Supports Direct3D
33623 TB2WIN95.ARJ 1,9 Mt 12.11.1996 - - tupla
Trophy Bass 2 playable demo The Sequel to the successful Trophy Bass fishing game, part 2 now supports modem/network/Internet play in Win95 full version. Win95 * req. DirectX. Sierra On-Line. 1/4
33639 TDORDEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Test Drive: Off-Road pl. demo 2/4
33640 TDORDEMO.A02 3,3 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Test Drive: Off-Road pl. demo 3/4
33641 TDORDEMO.A03 3 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Test Drive: Off-Road pl. demo 4/4
33642 TDORDEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
"Test Drive: Off-Road playable demo 1/4 From Accolade. A wild ride in the worlds most exotic off-road vehicles. Ultra-fast 3D racing featuring the HummerLand RoverDefender 90Jeep Wrangler CJ6 and Chevy 271. DOS & Win95."
33648 TERADEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
Terracide demo 2/3
33649 TERADEMO.A02 2,4 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
Terracide demo 3/3
33650 TERADEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
Terracide playable demo by Simis/Eidos Interactive. Speeding through the solar system towards Earth is a flotilla of spaceships, harboring deadly crews of robots, mutated humans and semi-alien lifeforms. Their brute force is too much for the massed Terran forces; only a single, one-man ship could hope to slip through their scanners and infiltrate their craft to destroy them from within. Descent-like shooting. Requires P150 w/o 3D card OR P90 w/ 3D card, Win95, 16 MB,
33679 THEHOSPD.A01 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital playable demo 2/9
33680 THEHOSPD.A02 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital playable demo 3/9
33681 THEHOSPD.A03 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital playable demo 4/9
33682 THEHOSPD.A04 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital playable demo 5/9
33683 THEHOSPD.A05 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital playable demo 6/9
33684 THEHOSPD.A06 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital playable demo 7/9
33685 THEHOSPD.A07 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital playable demo 8/9
33686 THEHOSPD.A08 1,6 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital playable demo 9/9
33687 THEHOSPD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital playable demo from Bullfrog/EOA DOS5+ & Win95 486DX2/66 8 MB SVGA
33692 TIGERS.ZIP 2,7 Mt 03.02.1997 renamed 15586/NEXT29.iso -
"TigerShark Playable Demo Developer / Publisher: n-Space / GTI Fight underwater and on the waters surface in this one level playable demo of TigerShark. It is not completely debugged yet and some features like Voodoo and MMX support arent done yet. Requires Windows 95 with DirectX 3."
33695 TIMEDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Time Warriors playable demo 2/4
33696 TIMEDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Time Warriors playable demo 3/4
33697 TIMEDEMO.A03 2 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Time Warriors playable demo 4/4
33698 TIMEDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Time Warriors Playable Demo Silmarils / ReadySoft. Action-packed 3D fighting game (similar to Tekken or Toshinden) that allows players to indulge their fighting fantasies without the bloodshed that characterizes many titles. Battles are waged on landscapes that range from the Alps to a richly appointed palace brimming with Buddhas. Multiple camera views, effects, many play options, network support etc. Demo contains 2 characters and 2 arenas. Also contains Matrox Mystique
33724 TOMBRAID.ZIP 1,9 Mt 12.11.1996 koko¹ MBHH1998 tupla
Tomb Raider Playable Demo Core/Eidos Interactive - state of the art, third person perspective action-adventure game featuring complete freedom of movement throughout realtime 3D levels.
33726 TOPAIN.A01 3,3 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Theatre Of Pain playable demo 2/4
33727 TOPAIN.A02 3,3 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Theatre Of Pain playable demo 3/4
33728 TOPAIN.A03 2,4 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Theatre Of Pain playable demo 4/4
33729 TOPAIN.ARJ 3,3 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
"Theatre Of Pain Playable Demo from Mirage. Battle it out as Styx or hack and slash away with Vulcanin this 2D beatem up. Requires: P6016MB"
33763 TWIGDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 2/13
33764 TWIGDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 3/13
33765 TWIGDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 4/13
33766 TWIGDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 5/13
33767 TWIGDEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 6/13
33768 TWIGDEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 7/13
33769 TWIGDEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 8/13
33770 TWIGDEMO.A08 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 9/13
33771 TWIGDEMO.A10 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 10/13
33772 TWIGDEMO.A11 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 11/13
33773 TWIGDEMO.A12 636,5 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
Twigger demo 12/13
33774 TWIGDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
"Twigger playable demo 1/13 from Nikita Try out the latest Russian gaming sensation. Its moles fighting underground in this a bit humorous arcade puzzle game. Req. 486/66 8 MB Win95"
33776 U9SHOTS.ZIP 1,9 Mt 15.12.1997 - - -
Ultima IX: Ascension, varhaisia kuvaruutu- kaappauksia itse pelistä.
33800 VF2_DEMO.A01 3,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Virtua Fighter 2 2/4
33801 VF2_DEMO.A02 3,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Virtua Fighter 2 3/4
33802 VF2_DEMO.A03 3,6 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Virtua Fighter 2 4/4
33803 VF2_DEMO.ARJ 3,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Virtua Fighter 2 Playable Demo by Sega - The number one fighting game of all time has topped itself with texture-mapped graphics, unmatched speed, and 500 new moves that will blow you away. Now you can punch, kick and pile drive any challenger in the world over the Internet. Check out the most realistic fighting game there is! P90 (MMX supported), 16MB, Win95, DirectX 1/4
33828 WARH-GFX.ZIP 1013,8 kt 14.02.1996 - - tupla
Warhammer -PC lisäkuvia. Strategiapeli, valm. Mindscape. Testattu MB 3/96
33875 WP2097.A01 3,3 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
Wipeout 2097 demo 2/5
33876 WP2097.A02 3,3 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
Wipeout 2097 demo 3/5
33877 WP2097.A03 3,3 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
Wipeout 2097 demo 4/5
33878 WP2097.A04 2,9 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
Wipeout 2097 demo 5/5
33879 WP2097.ARJ 3,3 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
WipEout 2097 / XL Playable Demo with MOVIE from Psygnosis. WipeOut 2097 is poised to take anti-gravity racing completely over the edge. Lightning-fast reflexes rule in this race - chase thriller where your goal is to stay in the lead and defend your craft against other pilots. Negotiate hairpin turns make gut-wrenching drops and initiate jumps all while blasting your opponents with intimidating weaponry. Supports Direct3D. P133, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX
33880 WP2097B.A01 1,4 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
Wipeout 2097 demo 2/5
33881 WP2097B.A02 1,4 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
Wipeout 2097 demo 3/5
33882 WP2097B.A03 1,4 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
Wipeout 2097 demo 4/5
33883 WP2097B.A04 242,9 kt 06.06.1997 - - -
Wipeout 2097 demo 5/5
33884 WP2097B.ARJ 1,4 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
WipEout 2097 / XL Playable Demo WITHOUT MOVIE from Psygnosis. WipeOut 2097 is poised to take anti-gravity racing completely over the edge. Lightning-fast reflexes rule in this race - chase thriller where your goal is to stay in the lead and defend your craft against other pilots. Negotiate hairpin turns make gut-wrenching drops and initiate jumps all while blasting your opponents with intimidating weaponry. Supports Direct3D. P133, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX
33894 WW2000D.A01 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Westworld 2000 demo 2/8
33895 WW2000D.A02 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Westworld 2000 demo 3/8
33896 WW2000D.A03 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Westworld 2000 demo 4/8
33897 WW2000D.A04 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Westworld 2000 demo 5/8
33898 WW2000D.A05 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Westworld 2000 demo 6/8
33899 WW2000D.A06 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Westworld 2000 demo 7/8
33900 WW2000D.A07 3 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Westworld 2000 demo 8/8
33901 WW2000D.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
"Westworld 2000 playable demo 3D shootemup in old western style. Win95 only - P75 - 12 MB - SVGA Byron Preiss Multimedia CompanyInc"
33908 XMENDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
X-Men: Children of the Atom demo 2/5
33909 XMENDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
X-Men: Children of the Atom demo 3/5
33910 XMENDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
X-Men: Children of the Atom demo 4/5
33911 XMENDEMO.A04 232,5 kt 10.06.1997 - - -
X-Men: Children of the Atom demo 5/5
33912 XMENDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
X-Men: Children of the Atom pl. demo by Acclaim - The arcade conversion of the popular 2D X-Men fighting game. Windows 95.
33921 YDKJ-SPD.A01 3,1 Mt 26.06.1997 - - -
"You Dont Know Jack: Sports demo 2/3"
33922 YDKJ-SPD.A02 2,9 Mt 26.06.1997 - - -
"You Dont Know Jack: Sports demo 3/3"
33923 YDKJ-SPD.ARJ 3,1 Mt 26.06.1997 - - -
"You Dont Know Jack: Sports demo The irreverent quiz show party game all about sports. This standalone product includes over 800 questionsall hilarious combinations of classic style sports trivia and pop-culture. Complete will all new graphicsanimation and sound design with a sporty twist Windows 95. Berkeley Systems. 1/3"
33924 YODADEMO.ZIP 3,1 Mt 31.03.1997 repacked Pelit CD 1997 -
"Yoda Stories from LucasArts Who says you cant have a stimulating adventure at 900+ years old? Yoda proves hes still got it in him in Lucasadventure game similar to Indiana JonesDesktop Adventures. Guide characters around the map and sample a top-down version of the Star Wars universe. This demo contains a single mission: Destroy an Imperial arms base! 486/668 MB RAMWindows 95"
33925 ZAR_D_E.A01 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Z.A.R. demo MMX 2/4
33926 ZAR_D_E.A02 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Z.A.R. demo MMX 3/4
33927 ZAR_D_E.A03 1,6 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Z.A.R. demo MMX 4/4
33928 ZAR_D_E.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Z.A.R. Playable Demo MMX+NonMMX from Maddox Games | Auric Vision Zone of Artificial Resources - Z.A.R. was used by humans to manufacture rockets, robots, satellites, and other hardware to help expand to other galaxies. Z.A.R. was controlled by one big computer network. Then one day it began spitting out robotic monstrosities of mass destruction. And you get to be the guy to shut them all down. 1st person 3D fighting and shooting, in more open environment and
33929 ZAR_DT_E.A01 2,4 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Z.A.R. demo 2/3
33930 ZAR_DT_E.A02 1,6 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Z.A.R. demo 3/3
33931 ZAR_DT_E.ARJ 2,4 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Z.A.R. Playable Demo Non-MMX from Maddox Games | Auric Vision Zone of Artificial Resources - Z.A.R. was used by humans to manufacture rockets, robots, satellites, and other hardware to help expand to other galaxies. Z.A.R. was controlled by one big computer network. Then one day it began spitting out robotic monstrosities of mass destruction. And you get to be the guy to shut them all down. 1st person 3D fighting and shooting, in more open environment and
33949 ZYCFULL.A01 2,9 Mt 30.03.1997 - - -
Zyclunt. Playable demo. Part 2/4.
33950 ZYCFULL.A02 2,9 Mt 30.03.1997 - - -
Zyclunt. Playable demo. Part 3/4.
33951 ZYCFULL.A03 76,2 kt 30.03.1997 - - -
Zyclunt. Playable demo. Part 4/4.
33952 ZYCFULL.ARJ 2,9 Mt 30.03.1997 - - -
Zyclunt. Playable demo. Take your sword and hack your way throught the levels filled with diffenrent kinds of robots. Nice action game. By: Phantagram. Part 1/4. For Windows 95.
33953 ZYCMINI.ZIP 3,3 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
Zycmini - playable demo Arcade/Action for Win95/DirectX3 Side viewed platform-fighting.
33954 10PNDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Ten Pin Alley demo 2/5
33955 10PNDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Ten Pin Alley demo 3/5
33956 10PNDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Ten PIn Alley demo 4/5
33957 10PNDEMO.A04 208,3 kt 18.04.1997 - - -
Ten Pin Alley demo 5/5
33958 10PNDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Ten Pin Alley demo 1/5 from ASC Games. Hit the lanes with allthe pin-crashing wall-shaking personality of real bowling! Req P75 8 MB Win95 DirectX
33959 1602EC97.ZIP 1,6 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
"Anno 1602 ECTS96 showpackage with press release & screenshots. brilliant new God game for the PC. Recreates a `real worldchallenge with more accuracybetter graphics and more challenges than the genre has ever seen before."
33960 1993HOLL.ZIP 169,7 kt 01.07.1997 - - tupla
1993 Holiday Lemmings -peli Psygnosis
33961 3DMNGLM.A01 2,9 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
3D Ultra minigolf Lost Mine hole 2/3
33962 3DMNGLM.A02 2,2 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
3D Ultra minigolf Lost Mine hole 3/3
33963 3DMNGLM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
3D Ultra minigolf Lost Mine hole 1/3 Graphic adventure. Sir-Tech Software. s, shared memory handles and more. Also able to kill tasks, to switch to another task, check whether a task is running or not, drive info, and much more...
33964 3DMNGOLF.A01 2,9 Mt 10.04.1997 - - -
3D Ultra minigolf 2/3
33965 3DMNGOLF.A02 2,3 Mt 10.04.1997 - - -
3D Ultra minigolf 3/3
33966 3DMNGOLF.ARJ 2,9 Mt 10.04.1997 - - -
"3D Ultra minigolf playable demo    1/3 How mini-golf should be played... Not just with challenging holes and an amusing windmill but also with fantasy courses where the obstacles are obstacles like youve never before imagined. One hole included. Win95 486/66 8 MB DirectX"
33967 3DMNWAC.A01 2,9 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
3D Ultra minigolf TIM hole 2/4
33968 3DMNWAC.A02 2,9 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
3D Ultra minigolf TIM hole 3/4
33969 3DMNWAC.A03 1,3 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
3D Ultra minigolf TIM hole 4/4
33970 3DMNWAC.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
3D Ultra minigolf TIM hole 1/4
33971 4X4DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Hardcore 4x4 demo 2/5
33972 4X4DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Hardcore 4x4 demo 3/5
33973 4X4DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Hardcore 4x4 demo 4/5
33974 4X4DEMO.A04 2,6 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Hardcore 4x4 demo 5/5
33975 4X4DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Hardcore 4x4 playable demo Gremlin Interactive. Bigfoot truck racing. Windows 95, DirectX3          1/5
33976 688IE397.ZIP 2,7 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
"688(I) Hunter/Killer E397 screenshots from Janes/EOA"
33977 7KINGPR2.ZIP 956,6 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
Seven Kingdoms preview with screenshots Enlisht/Interactive Magic
33978 7KINGPRE.ZIP 709 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
"Seven Kingdoms preview with screenshots Created by Enlight Software/Imagic thinking mans Warcraftblending elements of PowermongerCivilizationand Command & Conquer. Combining mythology with historyyou take on the role either a MayanJapaneseNormanGreekPersianVikingor Chinese kingdom and set forth to conquer the world. Howeverunlike most games of this ilkthis can be accomplished without ever lifting a sword or engaging in battle."
33979 7THLE397.ZIP 358,5 kt 24.09.1997 - - -
7th Legion E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Microprose.
33980 7THLPICS.ZIP 2,3 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
7th Legion screenshots MicroProse
33981 7THLPRE.ZIP 348,5 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
7th Legion preview with screenshots real-time strategy Created by Epic MegaGames
33982 7THSW1.A01 2,9 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
7th Legion. Shareware version. Part 2/7.
33983 7THSW1.A02 2,9 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
7th Legion. Shareware version. Part 3/7.
33984 7THSW1.A03 2,9 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
7th Legion. Shareware version. Part 4/7.
33985 7THSW1.A04 2,9 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
7th Legion. Shareware version. Part 5/7.
33986 7THSW1.A05 2,9 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
7th Legion. Shareware version. Part 6/7.
33987 7THSW1.A06 205,7 kt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
7th Legion. Shareware version. Part 7/7.
33988 7THSW1.ARJ 2,9 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
7th Legion. New, C&C/Red Alert-style realtime-strategy game from Epic Megagames/Microprose. Bloody war has ravaged for centuries on earth, and it is the time of final conflict... Has varying sized     battlelefields with different climates and terrains. Shareware version contains one of the two campaings. Part 1/7. Windows 95. Req. Direct 5.0. P90 16 MB
33989 A3DSPICS.ZIP 78,8 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Astro3D screenshots. 3D space combat.
33990 AD3DFXPI.ZIP 374,7 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty 3Dfx screenshots
33991 ADDEMO2.A01 2,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty NEW demo 2/4
33992 ADDEMO2.A02 2,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty NEW demo 3/4
33993 ADDEMO2.A03 2,5 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty NEW demo 4/4
33994 ADDEMO2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Archimedean Dynasty NEW playable demo from Blue Byte. Now with 3Dfx support. 1/4 Challenging, action packed submarine simulation. Audio-fitted SuperVGA film sequences in cinema format with orchestral sound make you feel like you are a part of the action. "Subwar 2050 aka Mechwarrior II underwater". Req.DOS/486/16 Mb RAM
33995 ADDPE397.ZIP 4 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
ADDICTION PINBALL E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Team 17/Microprose. "THE MOST ACCURATE PINBALL SIMULATION EVER" includes 3 \'theme based\' tables, each with LED displayed sub-games, transparent ramps, moving features,  multi-balls and wild sound FX. Extensive research ensures the ball dynamics are ultra realistic and accurately reflects its surroundings, adding to the immersive qualities of playing in a real world environment.
33996 ADMGFX.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Admiral: Sea Battles PC lisäkuvia. Helppo meristrategia, valm. Megamedia.
34004 AF2-E397.ZIP 445,6 kt 24.09.1997 - - -
Armored Fist 2 E397 showpackage with info & screenshots. Novalogic.
33997 AF2DEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Armored Fist 2 demo 2/7
33998 AF2DEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Armored Fist 2 demo 3/7
33999 AF2DEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Armored Fist 2 demo 4/7
34000 AF2DEMO.A04 1,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Armored Fist 2 demo 5/7
34001 AF2DEMO.A05 1,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Armored Fist 2 demo 6/7
34002 AF2DEMO.A06 1,4 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Armored Fist 2 demo 7/7
34003 AF2DEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
"Armored Fist 2 pl. demo by Novalogic Take control of the U.S. militarys M1A2 Abrams tank! Armored Fist 2 features NovaLogics VoxelSpace 2 rendering technology to create fastphoto-realistic terrain and atmospheric effects. DOS or Win95P12016MB(DirectX in Win95)   1/7"
34005 AF2EC97.ZIP 940,3 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Armored Fist 2 ECTS97 screenshots. Novalogic.
34006 AFIST2P.ZIP 226,3 kt 25.07.1997 - - -
Armored Fist 2 preview with screenshots NovaLogic, Inc. Category: Tank Simulator Similar to: Armored Fist, iM1A2 Abrams
34007 AGPICS.ZIP 1 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
ArmorGeddon kuvia - Internet tankkitaistelu.
34008 AHX1E397.ZIP 667,9 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
AHx-1 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. "Developed by Pixel Multimedia, AHx-1 unleashes some of the most advanced weaponry air combat has ever known.  The AHx-1 helicopter combines the maneuverability of a standard helicopter with the fire-power and speed of a fixed-wing aircraft. Missions and game play were designed by actual Israeli helicopter pilots. AHx-1 supports both multi-player and single player combat, along
34009 ALEXE397.ZIP 4,7 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Great Battles of Alexander E397 showpackage with screenshots. Turn based strategy wargame. Interactive Magic.
34010 ALEXPICS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 21.03.1997 - - -
The Great Battles of Alexander screenshots & information from Interactive Magic.
34011 ALO_DEM.A01 2,9 Mt 28.09.1997 - - -
Aliens Online preview pack 2/3
34012 ALO_DEM.A02 365,3 kt 28.09.1997 - - -
Aliens Online preview pack 3/3
34013 ALOPREV.ZIP 453,4 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Aliens Online preview with screenshots
34014 ANARE397.ZIP 2,2 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
"Anarchy E397 showpackage with screenshots. Action/shootemup. Microsoft"
34015 ANDRE397.ZIP 2,9 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Andretti Racing E397 showpackage with screenshots from Indycar & Stockcar. EOA.
34016 ANDRETTI.A01 1,4 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Andretti Racing demo 2/7
34017 ANDRETTI.A02 1,4 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Andretti Racing demo 3/7
34018 ANDRETTI.A03 1,4 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Andretti Racing demo 4/7
34019 ANDRETTI.A04 1,4 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Andretti Racing demo 5/7
34020 ANDRETTI.A05 1,4 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Andretti Racing demo 6/7
34021 ANDRETTI.A06 560,2 kt 26.12.1997 - - -
Andretti Racing demo 7/7
34022 ANDRETTI.ARJ 1,4 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Andretti Racing pl. demo from EA SPorts Delivers on all cylinders. Ground breaking 3D graphics, comprehensive network play,and most accurate Indy car and Stock car physics available - ultimate PC Racing game. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX5. Supports 3Dfx and NVIDIA Riva 128.                     1/7
34023 AOE-E397.ZIP 2 Mt 29.07.1997 repacked betaarchive forum -
Age of Empires E397 showpackage with screenshots. Strategy. Microsoft.
34024 AOEPIC2.ZIP 1,3 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Age of Empires screenshots
34025 AOEPREV.ZIP 3 Mt 22.09.1997 - - -
Age of Empires screenshots & info. Developed by Ensemble Studios Published by Microsoft
34026 AOJ-E397.ZIP 376,9 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Guardians: Agents of Justice E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Superheroic game that combines strategy and animated adventure into an exciting game where the player commands a team of super-powered crime fighters against the forces of evil.
34027 AOS-GFX.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.08.1998 - - tupla
Age of Sail -PC lisäkuvia. Strategiapeli, Talonsoft/Empire.
34028 AOTME397.ZIP 651 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Attack of the Mutant E397 showpackage with screenshots. DreamWorks.
34029 APCLE397.ZIP 131 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Apocalypse E397 showpackage with screenshots. Activision.
34030 ARESRP.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Ares Rising screenshots - space combat game.
34031 ARMYMPR.ZIP 485,2 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
Army Men preview with screenshots Publisher / Developer: 3DO Category: Combat/Strategy Similar to: Close Combat, Muzzle Velocity
34032 ARTOFFLY.ZIP 1,2 Mt 27.09.1997 - - -
Art of Flying demo from Bluemoon Interactive Take to the skies with this stunning futuristic flight simulation. P100 16 MB Win95
34034 ASHEE397.ZIP 468,3 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
"Asherons Call E397 showpackage with screenshots. RPG. Microsoft."
34035 ASPDEMO.A01 2,5 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Achtung Spitfire! demo 2/5
34036 ASPDEMO.A02 2,5 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Achtung Spitfire! demo 3/5
34037 ASPDEMO.A03 2,5 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Achtung Spitfire! demo 4/5
34038 ASPDEMO.A04 2 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Achtung Spitfire! demo 5/5
34039 ASPDEMO.ARJ 2,5 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Achtung Spitfire! playable demo Big Time Software/Avalon Hill brings you the excitement of engaging in tactical dogfighting in this WWII strategy game. The demo lets you try out the games turn-based combat system. Battle of France/ Battle of Britain in 1940s! Requirements: 486/1008 MB RAMsound boardWindows 3.1 or 95.   1/5"
34040 ATLAE397.ZIP 3,4 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
ATLANTIS E397 showpackage with info & screenshots. Cryo. Adventure (CDROM PC/Mac/ Saturn). Atlantis is not lost, that is if you have a PC and lots of time. In this visually breathtaking adventure of plot and intrigue, you enter the life of Seth and seeks the truth during the reign of Queen Rhea. With over 100 chapters and five exotic destinations - each with its own culture and obstacles - you will never run out of challenges while determining the fate of
34041 ATLANTP.ZIP 5,6 Mt 26.06.1997 - - -
Atlantis - the Lost Tales screenshots. Cryo.
34042 ATOMBPRE.ZIP 261,4 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Atomic Bomberman preview with screenshots from Interplay.
34044 AVRDEMO.A01 2,6 Mt 18.03.1997 - - -
Aaron vs Ruth playable demo 2/2
34045 AVRDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.03.1997 - - -
"Aaron vs Ruth playable demo from Mindscape. Battle of the Big Bats brings baseballs best to life in a game as exciting as its players. Requires: Pentium 8 MB Win95 DirectX3 1/2"
34046 AW2PICS.ZIP 5,2 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
AIR WARRIOR II demonstration screenshots & information from Interactive Magic.
34047 AW3DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 24.12.1997 - - -
Air Warrior III pl. demo 2/6
34048 AW3DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 24.12.1997 - - -
Air Warrior III pl. demo 3/6
34049 AW3DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 24.12.1997 - - -
Air Warrior III pl. demo 4/6
34050 AW3DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 24.12.1997 - - -
Air Warrior III pl. demo 5/6
34051 AW3DEMO.A05 2,3 Mt 24.12.1997 - - -
Air Warrior III pl. demo 6/6
34052 AW3DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 24.12.1997 - - -
Air Warrior III pl. demo from Imagic From the creators of the hit Air Warrior II comes flight-sim for both stand-alone and online play. With new 3D-accelerated graphics, six new campaigns, enhanced AI, and dozens of other improvements, AW3 stand-alone play will keep new pilots and grizzled veterans alike on the edge of their seat. Windows 95, P90 (2D) or P133 (3D), 16 MB, DirectX5. Supports D3D.  1/6
34053 AWONPIC.ZIP 258,9 kt 25.07.1997 - - -
Age of Wonders screenshots from Epic MegaGames. Fantasy Strategy.
34054 AZAPRE.ZIP 189,7 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Azaria preview with screenshots Singularity. Internet playable graphic adventure like Myst with inventory and integrated puzzles.
34055 B98-E397.ZIP 4,5 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
"Front Page Sports: Baseball98 E397 showpackage with screenshots. Sports.Sierra."
34056 BALANPI.ZIP 623,7 kt 30.11.1997 - - -
X-Wing vs TIE FIghter: Balance of Power screenshots
34057 BALAPICS.ZIP 148,6 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Balance of Power - X-Wing vs. TIE Fight Add-on Screen Shots
34058 BB98DML.A01 3,8 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 demo 2/9"
34059 BB98DML.A02 3,8 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 demo 3/9"
34060 BB98DML.A03 3,8 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 demo 4/9"
34061 BB98DML.A04 3,8 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 demo 5/9"
34062 BB98DML.A05 3,8 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 demo 6/9"
34063 BB98DML.A06 3,8 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 demo 7/9"
34064 BB98DML.A07 3,8 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 demo 8/9"
34065 BB98DML.A08 1,1 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 demo 9/9"
34066 BB98DML.ARJ 3,8 Mt 06.06.1997 - - -
"Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro98 pl. demo playable LARGE by Sierra On-Line Sierras smashing addition to the FPS heritage packs more wallop than a finely crafted Louisville Slugger. In the demoyou can swing through a few innings with the opposing teamtry your arm at batting practiceor test out your team management skills.   1/9 Pentium-6016 MB RAMmousesound board"
34067 BB98DMS.A01 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 2/8"
34068 BB98DMS.A02 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 3/8"
34069 BB98DMS.A03 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 4/8"
34070 BB98DMS.A04 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 5/8"
34071 BB98DMS.A05 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 6/8"
34072 BB98DMS.A06 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 7/8"
34073 BB98DMS.A07 1,5 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
"FPS: Baseball Pro98 8/8"
34074 BB98DMS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 02.06.1997 - - -
"Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro98 SMALL demo. New impressive looking baseball game from famous FPS-series from Sierra. For Windows 95. playable demo. 1/8"
34075 BBDEMO.ZIP 3,9 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Blood Bath playable demo from Underworld Software "You\'ve seen it on movies. You\'ve seen it on live TV. Cops trading automatic gun fire with hard-core criminals. Now it\'s your turn! Grab a gun--it\'s time to clean up the streets. True interactive game play with the most realistic digitized videoever seen." Classic arcade videogame-shooter type gunning. 1 level. 486, 10Mb, DOS, Windows 3.1x/95/NT
34076 BBWIEGFX.ZIP 504,4 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
Beavis & Butthead in Wiener Takes All PC-lisäkuvia. Sikahuumorilla varustettu triviapeli. Viacom.
34077 BC3000PT.ZIP 669,4 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000AD screenshots + hints & tips. Gametek.
34078 BDAHPRE.ZIP 208 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Black Dahlia preview with screenshots Created by Take 2 Interactive
34079 BEACPREV.ZIP 517,2 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
"Dukes Vacation: Lifes a Beach! preview with screenshots Duke Nukem3D add-on"
34080 BGEC97.ZIP 810,1 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
"Baldurs Gate ECTS97 screenshots. Interplay"
34081 BGN_DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Battleground: Antietam demo 2/5
34082 BGN_DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Battleground: Antietam demo 3/5
34083 BGN_DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Battleground: Antietam demo 4/5
34084 BGN_DEMO.A04 1,9 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Battleground: Antietam demo 5/5
34085 BGN_DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Battleground: Antietam demo 1/5 American Civil War strategy from Talonsoft. Requires 486/33 8 MB Windows 3.1+
34086 BGS_DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Shiloh demo 2/8
34087 BGS_DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Shiloh demo 3/8
34088 BGS_DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Shiloh demo 4/8
34089 BGS_DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Shiloh demo 5/8
34090 BGS_DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Shiloh demo 6/8
34091 BGS_DEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Shiloh demo 7/8
34092 BGS_DEMO.A07 1,1 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Shiloh demo 8/8
34093 BGS_DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Shiloh playable demo 1/8 Historical turnbased strategy from Talonsoft. Windows 3.1/95
34094 BGW_DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Waterloo demo 2/8
34095 BGW_DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Waterloo demo 3/8
34096 BGW_DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Waterloo demo 4/8
34097 BGW_DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Waterloo demo 5/8
34098 BGW_DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Waterloo demo 6/8
34099 BGW_DEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Waterloo demo 7/8
34100 BGW_DEMO.A07 534,8 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Waterloo demo 8/8
34101 BGW_DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground: Waterloo playable demo 1/8 Historical turnbased strategy from Talonsoft. Windows 3.1x/95
34102 BH98MOV.ZIP 4,3 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
"NHL Breakaway98 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Acclaim. Sports/ Hockey"
34103 BIA-E397.ZIP 1,5 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Betrayal in Antara E397 showpackage with screenshots. Adventure. Sierra.
34104 BIRTE397.ZIP 1,8 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Birthright E397 showpackage with screenshots. Sierra.
34105 BIRTPICS.ZIP 379,3 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
"Birthright: Gordons Alliance screenshots"
34106 BK_SCR.ZIP 625,1 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
Blitzkrieg! The fourth volume in the World at War series info & pictures. Avalon Hill.
34107 BLADEPR.ZIP 443,9 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Blade preview with screenshots Rebel Act Studios / Friendware Category: Action/Adventure Similar to: Quake, Hexen II
34108 BM2DEM2.ZIP 3,6 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Bust-A-Move 2 demo V2.0 Acclaim Entertainment In this arcade game, you launch colored bubbles at an array of bubbles. Get three or more bubbles of the same color to link, and they will burst. Burst through to the far wall, and you win the game. Let the bubbles build to the bottom of the screen, and you lose. Simple keyboard control makes the game quick to learn, and sound effects make play interesting. Bank shots and increasing speed will keep the kids playing for a while. DOS
34109 BO-KAINP.ZIP 262,2 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain preview with screenshots arcade adventure. Activision.
34110 BOMBERMP.ZIP 1,8 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Bomberman screenshots - Interplay
34111 BOSE397.ZIP 896 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Balls of Steel E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. "PINBALL ON STEROIDS! GT INTERACTIVE REVEALS A NEW SET WITH \'BALLS OF STEEL\'" new pinball game for Windows 95.  Developed by Pinball Wizards, a new division of Apogee, Balls of Steel is a serious pinball game with exciting new features that appeal to both hard-core and casual pinball players.
34118 BR-E397.ZIP 6,6 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Batman & Robin E397 screenshots
34112 BRDEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 25.07.1997 - - -
Birthright demo 2/6
34113 BRDEMO.A02 3,3 Mt 25.07.1997 - - -
Birthright demo 3/6
34114 BRDEMO.A03 3,3 Mt 25.07.1997 - - -
Birthright demo 4/6
34115 BRDEMO.A04 3,3 Mt 25.07.1997 - - -
Birthright demo 5/6
34116 BRDEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 25.07.1997 - - -
Birthright demo 6/6
34117 BRDEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 25.07.1997 - - -
"Birthright: The Gorgons Alliance Playable Demo from Sierra - You are the leader of your own kingdom and domain and it is you who has the power to wage war or preserve peace. At a single commandarmies march and kingdoms fall. Mixture of strategic war gaming and role-playing. With the blood abilities of a born kingyou command heroeswizardsand mighty armies. DEMO HAS Full Birthright realm gameincluding BasicAdvancedand Expert modes of play. Choose from 17 unique realms and 32 leaders. Full multi-player game play in demo! Req P75 8 MB Win95 1/6"
34119 BRKSE397.ZIP 365,3 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
BROKEN SWORD: THE SMOKING MIRROR E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Virgin. International Adventure Features Challenging Gameplay and Stunning Graphics. mysterious world of danger and intrigue - thrust gamers into a complex world where they must outwit deceptive characters, dance around danger and solve a mammoth mystery to save mankind. Adventure.
34120 BS2-DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror demo 2/9
34121 BS2-DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror demo 3/9
34122 BS2-DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror demo 4/9
34123 BS2-DEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror demo 5/9
34124 BS2-DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror demo 6/9
34125 BS2-DEMO.A06 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror demo 7/9
34126 BS2-DEMO.A07 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror demo 8/9
34127 BS2-DEMO.A08 824,9 kt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror demo 9/9
34128 BS2-DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
"Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror pl. demo Revolution Software/Virgin - Intrepid adventurers George Stobbart and Nico Collard embroiled in a whole new mystery. On their questthey will do battle with a deadly crime syndicate and an ancient Mayan cultintent on destroying mankind. Followup to Shadow of the Templars. Adventure. P9016MBWin95DirectX   1/9"
34129 BSPIRPIC.ZIP 150,9 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
Battlespire info & screenshots. "fuses the richness and depth of fantasy role-playing with the furious gameplay of 3D action games. Featuring a dark and sinister style unlike any other game, Battlespire will stun you with its ferocious yet magnificent graphic splendor in full hi-resand hi-color." Bethesda
34130 BUCDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Buccaneer demo 2/8
34131 BUCDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Buccaneer demo 3/8
34132 BUCDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Buccaneer demo 4/8
34133 BUCDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Buccaneer demo 5/8
34134 BUCDEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Buccaneer demo 6/8
34135 BUCDEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Buccaneer demo 7/8
34136 BUCDEMO.A07 1,5 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Buccaneer demo 8/8
34137 BUCDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Buccaneer Playable Demo by SSI 1/8 A 3D adventure game set in the 17th century Caribbean, Buccaneer offers high-seas combat, land combat, and elements of resource management. Players can choose a "cut-to-the-chase" combat-only option or immerse themselves in the wide-open world of the buccaneers by choosing the campaign option! Combat is fast and furious. Fight ship-to-ship and board the enemy for desperate hand-to-hand action. Ship-to-ship combat is real-time 3D and can be played with up to 4 players via the Internet, modem or serial connection. P100 16 MB Win95 DirectX5
34138 BUCGFX.ZIP 2,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Buccaneer PC lisäkuvia SSI
34139 BUCPICS.ZIP 367,9 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
Buccaneer screenshots - SSI - A 3D adventure game set in the 17th century Caribbean, offers high-seas combat, land combat, and elements of resource management.
34140 BULLE397.ZIP 863 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Battleground: Bull Run E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Talonsoft/Empire
34141 BULLRP.ZIP 576,6 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
Battleground 7: Bull Run info & screenshots Stretegy from TalonSoft
34142 BYZANTIN.A01 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Byzantine: The Betrayal demo 2/5
34143 BYZANTIN.A02 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Byzantine: The Betrayal demo 3/5
34144 BYZANTIN.A03 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Byzantine: The Betrayal demo 4/5
34145 BYZANTIN.A04 201,9 kt 24.11.1997 - - -
Byzantine: The Betrayal demo 5/5
34146 BYZANTIN.ARJ 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
"Byzantine: The Betrayal Playable Demo 1/5 Discovery Channel/Interplay Puzzle/Adventure In this dangerously authentic mystery thrilleryoull need all your reporters instincts and skills to solve your way to the truth... or perish in the attempt. Nowlet the journey begin. But remember: Trust no one. Suspect everyone. And play as if your life depends on it. P9016MBWin95DirectX"
34157 C3DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 21.03.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 non-playable demo 2/3
34158 C3DEMO.A02 2,7 Mt 21.03.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 non-playable demo 3/3
34159 C3DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 21.03.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 non-playable demo 1/3 from Novalogic. This non-playable demo shows off a single player mission from the Gallant Venture campaign. DOS.
34147 C3DEMO2.A01 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 demo 2/10
34148 C3DEMO2.A02 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 demo 3/10
34149 C3DEMO2.A03 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 demo 4/10
34150 C3DEMO2.A04 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 demo 5/10
34151 C3DEMO2.A05 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 demo 6/10
34152 C3DEMO2.A06 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 demo 7/10
34153 C3DEMO2.A07 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 demo 8/10
34154 C3DEMO2.A08 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 demo 9/19
34155 C3DEMO2.A09 637,4 kt 02.09.1997 - - -
Comanche 3 demo 10/10
34156 C3DEMO2.ARJ 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
"Comanche 3 Playable Demo NovaLogic - C3 offers entirely new technologyan accurate flight modelrealistic sounds such as Pilot chatter and digitized sounds of a REAL Comanche in flight - and youll experience it all in Dolby SurroundSound. An immersive combat helicopter gaming experience. Pentium16MBWin95DirectX     1/10"
34160 C97ATE3.A01 3 Mt 02.12.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 Ashes Tour Edition demo 2/4
34161 C97ATE3.A02 3 Mt 02.12.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 Ashes Tour Edition demo 3/4
34162 C97ATE3.A03 41,8 kt 02.12.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 Ashes Tour Edition demo 4/4
34163 C97ATE3.ARJ 3 Mt 02.12.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 Ashes Tour Edition pl. demo by Beam Software / EA Sports. Sports / Cricket. Windows 95 DirectX5     1/4
34164 C97AVOX.A01 1,9 Mt 15.12.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 Ashes Tour voice-overs 2/4
34165 C97AVOX.A02 1,9 Mt 15.12.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 Ashes Tour voice-overs 3/4
34166 C97AVOX.A03 1,4 Mt 15.12.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 Ashes Tour voice-overs 4/4
34167 C97AVOX.ARJ 1,9 Mt 15.12.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 Ashes Tour Edition pl. demo Optional voice-overs.
34168 C97DEMOD.A01 2,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 playable demo DOS 2/4
34169 C97DEMOD.A02 2,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 playable demo DOS 3/4
34170 C97DEMOD.A03 75,3 kt 06.02.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 playable demo DOS 4/4
34171 C97DEMOD.ARJ 2,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 playable demo by Beam Software / Electronic Arts For those parts of the world that enjoy Cricket, download away! Features Virtual Stadium Technology and motion captured players. Commentary by Richie Benaud and Ian Botham. DOS version. 1/4
34172 C97DEMOW.A01 2,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 playable demo Windows 95 2/3
34173 C97DEMOW.A02 1,9 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 playable demo Windows 95 3/3
34174 C97DEMOW.ARJ 2,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 playable demo Windows 95 1/3 by Beam Software/Electronic Arts For those parts of the world that enjoy cricket, download way! Features Virtual Stadium Technology and motion captured players. Commentary by Richie Benaud and Ian Botman. Win95 + DirectX.
34175 C97VOX.A01 2,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 optional commentary 2/3
34176 C97VOX.A02 1,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 optional commentary 3/3
34177 C97VOX.ARJ 2,4 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
Cricket 97 optional commentary 1/3 Hear Richie Benaud and Ian Botham on the Cricket 97 game by EOA!
34178 CA_DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Counter Action demo 2/4
34179 CA_DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Counter Action demo 3/4
34180 CA_DEMO.A03 344,5 kt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Counter Action demo 4/4
34181 CA_DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Counter Action plyable demo 1/4 Real-time World War II combat strategy game where you can play the Germans or the Russians. Nashi Igry / Mindscape DOS / 486
34182 CADYHACK.A01 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Caddy Hack 2/13
34183 CADYHACK.A02 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Caddy Hack 3/13
34184 CADYHACK.A03 1,8 Mt 01.04.1998 - - -
Caddy Hack 4/13
34185 CADYHACK.A04 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Caddy Hack 5/13
34186 CADYHACK.A05 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Caddy Hack 6/13
34187 CADYHACK.A06 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Caddy Hack 7/13
34188 CADYHACK.A07 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Caddy Hack 8/13
34189 CADYHACK.A08 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Caddy Hack 9/13
34190 CADYHACK.A09 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Caddy Hack 10/13
34191 CADYHACK.A10 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Caddy Hack 11/13
34192 CADYHACK.A11 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Caddy Hack 12/13
34193 CADYHACK.A12 2,9 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Carry Hack 13/13
34194 CADYHACK.ARJ 4,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Caddy Hack Hunted minigolf pl. demo Beta 2Differentminigolf game with one playable course. From C-Wave/Virgin. Windows 95 with DirectX."
34195 CANEEC97.ZIP 513,6 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack ECTS97 newspack with screenshots, cars, art etc. SCi
34196 CAPLE397.ZIP 1,1 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Capitalism Plus E397 showpackage with screenshots. Business/strategy. Interactive Magic.
34197 CAPTE397.ZIP 1,3 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Captives E397 showpackage with screenshots. Sierra.
34198 CARMA.A01 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - - -
Carmageddon. Playable demo. Part 2/5.
34199 CARMA.A02 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - - -
Carmageddon. Playable demo. Part 3/5.
34200 CARMA.A03 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - - -
Carmageddon. Playable demo. Part 4/5.
34201 CARMA.A04 2 Mt 29.08.1997 - - -
Carmageddon. Playable demo. Part 5/5.
34202 CARMA.ARJ 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - - -
Carmageddon. Playable demo of this violent 3D-driving game from Sales Curve Interactive. Crush other cars and drive over citizens to gain points and more time to complete the level. DOS. Part 1/5.                        
34203 CARMAG.ZIP 4,1 kt 21.03.1997 - 22583/Hrac_10_1997-04_cd.bin -
34205 CARMAPR.ZIP 119,6 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
Carmageddon - Preview with screenshots
34204 CARMAPR2.ZIP 178,4 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
Carmageddon preview with screenshots Bloody driving from SCi
34206 CARMDEM2.A01 2,9 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
Carmageddon. New playable demo. Part 2/6.
34207 CARMDEM2.A02 2,9 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
Carmageddon. New playable demo. Part 3/6.
34208 CARMDEM2.A03 2,9 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
Carmageddon. New playable demo. Part 4/6.
34209 CARMDEM2.A04 2,9 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
Carmageddon. New playable demo. Part 5/6.
34210 CARMDEM2.A05 1,2 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
Carmageddon. New playable demo. Part 6/6.
34211 CARMDEM2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 27.05.1997 - - -
"Carmageddon. New playable demo. Fixes bugs etc. Violent and funny car-racing game. You have to make it to the goal in timeor if you just dont wantyou can allways drive over the poor inhabitants. By SCI. Part 1/6."
34212 CARMSP2L.A01 4,8 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 2/7
34213 CARMSP2L.A02 4,8 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 3/7
34214 CARMSP2L.A03 4,8 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 4/7
34215 CARMSP2L.A04 4,8 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 5/7
34216 CARMSP2L.A05 4,8 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 6/7
34217 CARMSP2L.A06 1,1 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 7/7
34218 CARMSP2L.ARJ 4,8 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack NEW pl. demo with 3Dfx support. Large version with intro & trailers. Add-on pack to Carmageddon violent car-racing game. Crush your opponent cars, drive over pedestrians and if you want drive thru the whole course. Drive through medieval worlds full of knights in shining armour and jesters and hell. SCi/Interplay DOS6.2/Win95 P90 16MB
34219 CARMSP2S.A01 2,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 2/8
34220 CARMSP2S.A02 2,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 3/8
34221 CARMSP2S.A03 2,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 4/8
34222 CARMSP2S.A04 2,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 5/8
34223 CARMSP2S.A05 2,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon SPlat Pack new demo 6/8
34224 CARMSP2S.A06 2,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 7/8
34225 CARMSP2S.A07 613,1 kt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack new demo 8/8
34226 CARMSP2S.ARJ 2,9 Mt 26.12.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack NEW pl. demo with 3Dfx support. Small without intro & trailers. Add-on pack to Carmageddon violent car-racing game. Crush your opponent cars, drive over pedestrians and if you want drive thru the whole course. Drive through medieval worlds full of knights in shining armour and jesters and hell. SCi/Interplay DOS6.2/Win95 P90 16MB
34227 CART3E97.ZIP 206,6 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
CART Precision Racing E397 showpackage with screenshots. Racing. Microsoft.
34228 CARTPICS.ZIP 2 Mt 22.10.1997 - - -
CART Precision Racing screenshots Formula racing by Microsoft
34229 CARTPRE.ZIP 456,4 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
CART Precision Racing Distributed by Microsoft preview with screenshots
34230 CAS1EC97.ZIP 2,3 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack ECTS97 screenshots. SCi
34231 CAS2EC97.ZIP 1,8 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Carmageddon Splat Pack ECTS97 screenshots. SCi
34232 CC2-E397.ZIP 4,5 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Close Combat II: A Bridge Too Far E397 showpackage with screenshots. Microsoft
34233 CC2PICS.ZIP 4,5 Mt 16.10.1997 - - -
Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far preview with screenshots Atomic Games/Microsoft
34235 CC2PRE.ZIP 296,4 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Close Combat II: A Bridge Too Far preview with screenshots. Atomic  Games/Microsoft
34234 CC2PREV.ZIP 897 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far Created by Atomic Games Published by Microsoft
34236 CE-E397.ZIP 6,9 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Conquest Earth E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. the latest breakthrough in strategy war gaming - fusion of genres that combine to bring you a complete gaming experience. Fully interactive and based on real time fast and furious action, Conquest Earth brings new challenges with a new breed of enemy. A totally alien form of life, the Jupitians are gaseous beings with marvellous morphing
34237 CEPICS.ZIP 258,5 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Conquest Earth screenshots
34238 CHASM-SW.A01 2,9 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Chasm: The Rift demo v2.20 2/4
34239 CHASM-SW.A02 2,9 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Chasm: The Rift demo v2.20 3/4
34240 CHASM-SW.A03 1,5 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Chasm: The Rift demo v2.20 4/4
34241 CHASM-SW.ARJ 2,9 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Chasm: The Rift Playable Demo V2.20 from Megamedia/GT Interactive 3D shootemup. Time channels have formed in the Earths atmosphereturning once normal life forms into something they were never meant to be. As part of a special commando unityou must not only ward off and eradicate the beastsbut destroy the time channels. This new demo contains a new leveltotalling now three missions. DOS.           1/4"
34242 CHDEMO.ZIP 1,2 Mt 25.08.1997 - - -
Chessica for Windows Demo (English) Advanced chess program for Windows 3.1x and Windows 95. Includes World Computer Chess Champion engine by Frans Morsch.
34243 CHILE397.ZIP 2,4 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Chill E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. Designed to be the first game that accurately recreates the rush associated with flinging a fragile human body mounted on a half-centimetre thick piece of fibre glass down the side of a death-trap mountain slope. Chill will combine speed, tricks and death-defying jumps into an exciting, fast paced gaming experience.
34244 CHISE397.ZIP 2 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Chaos Island E397 showpackage with screenshots. Real time strategy with dinosaurs. DreamWorks.
34245 CKEC97.ZIP 626,8 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Crime Killer ECTS97 screenshots, PC & Playstation. INterplay.
34246 CLAWDINS.A01 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Captain Claw demo 2/4
34247 CLAWDINS.A02 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Captain Claw demo 3/4
34248 CLAWDINS.A03 2,1 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Captain Claw demo 4/4
34249 CLAWDINS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Captain Claw Playable Demo from Takarajimasha / Monolith A side-scolling platform arcade adventure, especially designed for Internet multiplayer fun! Get to play a part in one of theclassic rivalries - cats against dogs! Your role in this monumental adventure is that of Captain Nathaniel J. Claw, a feline pirate of the seven seas. P90, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX 3 1/4
34250 CM2DEMO.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - ratsnest3.iso -
Championship Manager pl. demo by Eidos Interactive - Simulation/Sport. football management simulation computer game. This game allows you to take on the job of managing a football team and gives you all the options a real life manager would have - such as a buying and selling players in a world wide transfer market, choosing tactics, formations and styles of play. DOS 486/33 8 MB
34264 CME-EC97.ZIP 2,1 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Championship Manager 97/98 ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press info. Eidos.
34251 CMEATFUL.A01 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo full 2/8
34252 CMEATFUL.A02 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo full 3/8
34253 CMEATFUL.A03 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo full 4/8
34254 CMEATFUL.A04 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo full 5/8
34255 CMEATFUL.A05 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo full 6/8
34256 CMEATFUL.A06 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo full 7/8
34257 CMEATFUL.A07 3 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo full 8/8
34258 CMEATFUL.ARJ 3,8 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet Playable Demo full version From Kronos Digital Entertainment / P.I.E. A 3rd person, isometric view action game.. Requires Win95, DirectX
34259 CMEATMIN.A01 2,9 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo min. 2/5
34260 CMEATMIN.A02 2,9 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo min. 3/4
34261 CMEATMIN.A03 2,9 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo min. 4/5
34262 CMEATMIN.A04 2 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Puppet playable demo min. 5/5
34263 CMEATMIN.ARJ 2,9 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Meat Pupppet playable demo minimum version 1/5 from Kronos Digital Entertainment / P.I.E. A 3rd person, isometric view action game. Requires Win95 + DirectX
34265 CNSTDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor demo 2/9
34266 CNSTDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor demo 3/9
34267 CNSTDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor demo 4/9
34268 CNSTDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor demo 5/9
34269 CNSTDEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor demo 6/9
34270 CNSTDEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor demo 7/9
34271 CNSTDEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor demo 8/9
34272 CNSTDEMO.A08 316,9 kt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor demo 9/9
34273 CNSTDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Constructor Playable Demo Acclaim - takes the empire building and resource management of the best simulations and adds to it a strong dose of character interaction, humor, and strategic competition. Take the role of a real estate developer in a race to build up and manage resources, properties, environments, and human interaction, while trying to outperform and destroy rival development firms. This is a 20 minute playable demo. DOS. 1/9
34274 CONDEMN.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.01.1997 - - -
AVI-animaatioita tulevasta Condemnation-pelistä. Osa 1/4.
34275 CONQEPR.ZIP 310,9 kt 21.05.1997 - - -
Conquest Earth preview with screenshots Eidos Interactive Futuristic Combat / Strategy
34276 CONSE397.ZIP 974 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Constructor E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Acclaim. Life Simulation / Strategy takes the empire building and resource management of the best simulations and adds personality through detailed character interaction, dark humor, and strategic competition.
34277 CONSPRE.ZIP 294,7 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
Constructor preview with screenshots Probe Entertainment/Acclaim
34278 CROCPICS.ZIP 88,8 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
CROC info & screenshots. Introducing CROC, an all new character in a completely original 3D, free roaming adventure game with amazing graphics and animation that must be seen to be believed. Argonaut Software Ltd,
34279 CROCPRE.ZIP 341,2 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Croc preview with screenshots Publisher / Developer : Fox Interactive / Argonaut Category: 3D Action Similar to: Mario 64
34280 CRUSH13.A01 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - MBCD -
Crush! Deluxe V1.3 Shareware. Part 2/3.
34281 CRUSH13.A02 2,1 Mt 28.04.1997 - MBCD -
Crush! Deluxe V1.3 Shareware. Part 3/3.
34282 CRUSH13.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - MBCD -
Crush! Deluxe V1.3 Shareware version. Newest version of this violent strategic sports game. Now includes Mplayer-support, special equipments and more! By: Stone Jackal/Megamedia. Part 1/3. Windows 95.
34283 CRYPE397.ZIP 1,8 Mt 27.07.1997 repacked betaarchive forum -
BLOOD: CRYPTIC PASSAGE E397 showpackage with screenshot & info. WizardWorks Group announces Cryptic PassageÖ an entertainment add-on compilation for the popular PC game, Blood, with exclusive new levels, textures, art and maps for more heart-pounding action.
34284 CS2-E397.ZIP 1,2 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Cyberstorm 2 E397 showpackage with screenshots. Strategy. Sierra.
34285 CURSMON1.A01 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
The Curse of Monkey Island demo 2/7
34286 CURSMON1.A02 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
The Curse of Monkey Island demo 3/7
34287 CURSMON1.A03 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
The Curse of Monkey Island demo 4/7
34288 CURSMON1.A04 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
The Curse of Monkey Island demo 5/7
34289 CURSMON1.A05 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
The Curse of Monkey Island demo 6/7
34290 CURSMON1.A06 949,9 kt 09.07.1997 - - -
The Curse of Monkey Island demo 7/7
34291 CURSMON1.ARJ 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
The Curse of Monkey Island Playable Demo 1/7 from LucasArts. The rollicking third installment of the popular Monkey Island game series, which includes the award-winning "Secret of Monkey Island" and "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck\'s Revenge". Curse finds Guybrush taking up dull blade and rapier wit against LeChuck to save Elaine Marley, his one true love, from being made into the evil pirate\'s demon bride. P60, Kauppinen
34302 CW_SCR.ZIP 759,2 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
Cavewars screenshots & info.
34292 CWG2DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Civil War Generals 2 demo 2/8
34293 CWG2DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Civil War Generals 2 demo 3/8
34294 CWG2DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Civil War Generals 2 demo 4/8
34295 CWG2DEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Civil War Generals 2 demo 5/8
34296 CWG2DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Civil War Generals 2 demo 6/8
34297 CWG2DEMO.A06 1,4 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Civil War Generals 2 demo 7/8
34298 CWG2DEMO.A07 478,1 kt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Civil War Generals 2 demo 8/8
34299 CWG2DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Civil War Generals 2 playable demo Impressions/Sierra Rewrite history. Or relive it. Your army - whether Union or Confederate - awaits your command. Will you be Robert E. Lee? Ulysses S. Grant? Sherman or Jackson? Turn based strategy from US civil war. 486/66, 8Mb, Windows 3.1x/95  1/8
34300 CWG2E397.ZIP 458,3 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Civil War General E397 showpackage with screenshots. Strategy. Sierra.
34301 CWG2PRE.ZIP 736,6 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Civil War Generals 2 preview with screenshots Sierra On-Line / Impressions Category: Turn-Based Strategy Similar to: Robert E. Lee: Civil War General
34303 DAIKE397.ZIP 5,3 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
"Daikatana E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. ION Storm/Psygnosis. a first person perspective action game.  With the design led by gaming legend John Romerothe game takes the 3D shootem up genre to a new dimension."
34304 DAIPICS.ZIP 263,7 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Daikatana new screenshots
34305 DAIPRE.ZIP 1,1 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Daikatana preview with screenshots 3D action by ION Storm.
34306 DAKEC97.ZIP 1,9 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Daikatana ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press info. PC & Playstation. ION Storm/Eidos
34307 DARKCOPR.ZIP 112,8 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
Darklight Conflict preview with screenshots Multiplayer space combat by EOA
34308 DARKCPRE.ZIP 290,2 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Dark Colony Preview with screenshots Developed by Gametek Distributed by SSI
34309 DARKVPRV.ZIP 396,2 kt 02.02.1997 - - -
Dark Vengeance preview with screenshots Publisher / Developer: Reality Bytes Category: Action/RPG Similar to: Quake, Unreal, Into the Shadows
34310 DARTDEMO.ZIP 8 kt 30.11.1997 - - -
WinDart Demonstration by SSoft.
34311 DBTSEC97.ZIP 2,4 Mt 29.10.1997 repacked betaarchive forum -
Die By The Sword ECTS97 screenshots. Interplay.
34312 DBTSPICS.ZIP 3,2 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Die by the Sword screenshots - Interplay
34313 DBTSPRE.ZIP 196,7 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
Die by the Sword preview with screenshots from Interplay Productions Winter 1997. Unique and potentially groundbreaking fantasy combat-adventure game that promises to feature the most detailed range of motion control ever available in a computer game.
34318 DC-E397.ZIP 573,1 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Dark Colony E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Strategy. SSI. Visual. Violent. Intelligent. Real-time sci-fi strategy that breaks new ground! A superior real-time strategy experience, Dark Colony offers three different types of Artificial Intelligence. Over 40 missions. Network and modem play. Brilliant graphics, special effects and the support of MMX technology!
34314 DCDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 30.03.1997 - - -
Darklight Conflict. Playable demo. Part 2/4.
34315 DCDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 30.03.1997 - - -
Darklight Conflict. Playable demo. Part 3/4.
34316 DCDEMO.A03 222,6 kt 30.03.1997 - - -
Darklight Conflict. Playable demo. Part 4/4.
34317 DCDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 30.03.1997 - - -
"Darklight Conflict. Great-looking action game ala Wing Commanders. By Rage Software/Electronic Arts. Part 1/4. Playable demo."
34319 DCOLPICS.ZIP 599,1 kt 25.04.1997 - - -
Dark Colony screenshots Real time strategy from Gametek.
34320 DCPICS.ZIP 944,9 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Dark Colony screenshots from Gametek real time strategy
34321 DDTPICS.ZIP 203,1 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
Daytona USA Deluxe screenshots - Sega
34322 DDX_DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
Daytona USA Deluxe demo 2/9
34323 DDX_DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
Daytona USA Deluxe demo 3/9
34324 DDX_DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
Daytona USA Deluxe demo 4/9
34325 DDX_DEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
Daytona USA Deluxe demo 5/9
34326 DDX_DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
Daytona USA Deluxe demo 6/9
34327 DDX_DEMO.A06 1,4 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
Daytona USA Deluxe demo 7/9
34328 DDX_DEMO.A07 1,4 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
Daytona USA Deluxe demo 8/9
34329 DDX_DEMO.A08 876,3 kt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
Daytona USA Deluxe demo 9/9
34330 DDX_DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
"Daytona USA Deluxe playable demo from Sega. Youre racing a Daytona Stock car thats thundering down a straight away at 250 MPH. Think fast! Demo supports multiplayer using serial/modem linkIPX or TCP/IP. Req. Windows 95P9016 MBSVGA. Supports MMX. 1/9"
34331 DE1-E397.ZIP 2,6 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Dark Earth E3 showpackage with artwork screenshots. Action/Adventure. Kalisto.
34332 DE2-E397.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Dark Earth E3 showpackage with characters screenshots. Action/Adventure. Kalisto.
34333 DEFCON5P.ZIP 265,9 kt 26.12.1997 - - -
Defcon 5 screenshots.
34334 DEFDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Defiance demo 2/5
34335 DEFDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Defiance demo 3/5
34336 DEFDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Defiance demo 4/5
34337 DEFDEMO.A04 2,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Defiance demo 5/5
34338 DEFDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
"Defiance playable demo from Avalon Hill 1/5 Throw on your battle armor and snatch up your blastersyoure about to make some alien monsters very unhappy. Taking action-combat gameplay further than any of its predecessors Defiance combines a sophisticatedfluid game engine with an engagingcompelling storyline Req. Win95 P90 16 MB DirectX3"
34339 DEFIPICS.ZIP 307,5 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Defiance Screen Shots
34340 DEFIPREV.ZIP 678,1 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Defiance preview with screenshots Avalon Hill/Visceral Productions the latest in a string of first person shooters
34341 DEMONPR.ZIP 536,6 kt 02.02.1997 - - -
Demonstar preview with screenshots Publisher / Developer: ionos / Mountain King Studios Category: Arcade/Shooter Similar to: Raptor, Tyrian
34342 DEMOWC.A01 4,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy demo 2/8
34343 DEMOWC.A02 4,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy demo 3/8
34344 DEMOWC.A03 4,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy demo 4/8
34345 DEMOWC.A04 4,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy demo 5/8
34346 DEMOWC.A05 4,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy demo 6/8
34347 DEMOWC.A06 4,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy demo 7/8
34348 DEMOWC.A07 4 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy demo 8/8
34349 DEMOWC.ARJ 4,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy pl. demo from Origin Ancient Kilrathi prophets foretold the utter destruction of all life in the universe. That time is at hand. New alien menace has entered Confed space. The latest in the famous Wing Commander saga! Fly a series of exclusive missions found only in this demo. Req. Windows 95, 32 Mb, DirectX, P133 (with 3Dfx), P166 (w/o 3Dfx). Supports Direct3D. 1/8
34350 DHELLFPR.ZIP 1,7 Mt 05.10.1997 - - -
Diablo: Hellfire preview with screenshots Sierra.
34351 DIESWPRE.ZIP 94,4 kt 27.01.1997 - - -
Die By The Sword preview with screenshots Mano mano medieval sword fighting game Treyarch Invention/Interplay Productions
34352 DILBE397.ZIP 724,3 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Dilbert E397 showpackage with screenshots. DreamWorks.
34353 DILBERT.A01 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
"Dilberts Desktop Games demo 2/6"
34354 DILBERT.A02 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
"Dilberts Desktop Games demo 3/6"
34355 DILBERT.A03 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
"Dilberts Desktop Games demo 4/6"
34356 DILBERT.A04 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
"Dilberts Desktop Games demo 5/6"
34357 DILBERT.A05 1,2 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
"Dilberts Desktop Games demo 6/6"
34358 DILBERT.ARJ 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
Dilbert\'s Desktop Games playable demo strives to bring you hours of "irreverent fun" through "10 hilarious games and activities". The demo contains previews of all 10 games available in the full version, and also a few playable such as Elbonian Airlines. Small arcade/puzzle games. DreamWorks Interactive Win95, DirectX         1/6
34359 DKOUT.ZIP 2,8 Mt 18.03.1997 - 23663/PCGAMER43.bin -
Duke Nukem 3D: Duke It Out In D.C. Add-On from Wizard Works. The President has been kidnapped! Duke Nukem lands in DC to get the alien scum and save the free world.This level takes place at the White House. Other levels take place at The Capitol Building, The Lincoln Memorial, The FBI headquarters, and The Naval Institution. 9 Levels and 1 Secret Level. You MUST have the Registered version of Duke Nukem v1.3d or the Atomic version.
34360 DKP-E397.ZIP 1 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
"The Dark Project E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Eidos. Looking GlassLong Awaited Fantasy Role-Playing Game. fantasy action/adventure game in the Underworld traditionwhich draws on our experience as game developers and players\x90.and which charts a course to the future of adventure role-playing in virtual fantasy worlds."
34361 DKRDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Dark Reign demo 2/6
34362 DKRDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Dark Reign demo 3/6
34363 DKRDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Dark Reign demo 4/6
34364 DKRDEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Dark Reign demo 5/6
34365 DKRDEMO.A05 1,8 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Dark Reign demo 6/6
34366 DKRDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Dark Reign playable demo by Auran/Activision Real-time strategy. The insidious Imperium has used its stranglehold on water to control not only Earth, but the other planets and universes humans have populated, in a bid to start life anew. Demo includes link/modem network/Internet multi-player. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX, 14.4K modem or 28.8K for Internet play. 1/6
34367 DOGDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
DOGDAY demo 2/6
34368 DOGDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
DOGDAY demo 3/6
34369 DOGDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
DOGDAY demo 4/6
34370 DOGDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
DOGDAY demo 5/6
34371 DOGDEMO.A05 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
DOGDAY demo 6/6
34372 DOGDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
DOGDAY playable demo by Eyst/Impact 1/6 Adventure set in a bleak, oppressive society run by a corrupt totalitarian regime under rule of all-powerful Chegga. You must make contact with the underground movement and expose the government. Lots of videoanimation Win95 P90 16MB DirectX
34373 DOMIPICS.ZIP 433,1 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Dominion screenshots
34374 DOMPRE.ZIP 910,7 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Dominion preview with screenshots 7th Level Category: Strategy Similar to: Command & Conquer, KKnD
34375 DREIGNPR.ZIP 460,8 kt 02.02.1997 - - -
Dark Reign preview with screenshots Created by Australis Microprogramming and Activision. Real-time strategy.
34376 DREME397.ZIP 3,1 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
DREAMS E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Cryo. Action/arcade (CDROM-3DFX PC/Playstation) Bizzare and new - yet strangely familiar. Walk, run, jump, fly and swim through the world of Dreams, a game of action and magic in beautiful, lighting-fast real-time 3D. DREAMS offers adventure, with over 100 places to explore and over 100 dreamers and monsters. Find the power to create and the
34377 DREPREV.ZIP 446,3 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
Dreams to Reality preview with screenshots Interplay / Cryo Category: Action/Adventure Similar to: Tomb Raider
34378 DRGEC97.ZIP 284 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Drowned God ECTS97 showpackage with press release & screenshots. mind stretching graphic adventure for the PC Ocean/INfogrames
34379 DRKE-I1.ZIP 5,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Dark Earth screenshots, background, information. Kalisto entertainment and MultiSim present the role-playing game with full interactivity of role-playing games in a universe brought to your computer by a video game. A world that is both sombre and epic, mediaeval and technological, realistic and imaginary, which behind a "rational" facade hides mysteries and dangers that surpass
34380 DRKEPRE.ZIP 697,4 kt 25.07.1997 - - -
"Dark Earth Electronic Arts / Kalisto Category: 3D Adventure Similar to: Ecstatica 2Twinsens Odyssey"
34381 DRMOE397.ZIP 1,7 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Island of Dr Moreau E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psyfnosis. This challenging adventure game is a faithful adaptation of the novel by H G Wells. Full  of puzzles and traps for the unwary, it provides an opportunity to pit your wits against  fiendish devices and the forces of nature. Adventure game, action-packed, where the player dives into an oppressive atmosphere, in the heart of the jungle
34382 DRPREV.ZIP 346,3 kt 17.01.1997 - - -
Dark Reign from Activision preview with screenshots
34383 DTD-E397.ZIP 3,1 Mt 31.07.1997 repacked betaarchive forum -
Deathtrap Dungeon E397 showpackage with screenshots &  info. Eidos. Incredible new 3D action adventure epic based on the multi-million selling Fighting Fantasy books by Ian Livingstone. Fun and simplicity are both paramount. The combat system is fast furious and easy to use. The levels are modelled in full 3D, creating an atmospheric dungeon full of a host of cunningly designed traps, where the player battles.
34384 DTD-EC97.ZIP 10,9 Mt 29.10.1997 repacked betaarchive forum -
Deathtrap Dungeon ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press info. 3D action adventure. Eidos.
34385 DTDSHOTS.ZIP 1,6 Mt 25.09.1997 repacked betaarchive forum -
Deathtrap Dungeon screenshots
34386 DTUM.A01 2,9 Mt 05.03.1997 - - -
Descent to the Undermountain. Playable demo. Part 2/4.
34387 DTUM.A02 2,9 Mt 05.03.1997 - - -
Descent to the Undermountain. Playable demo. Part 3/4.
34388 DTUM.A03 1,2 Mt 05.03.1997 - - -
Descent to the Undermountain. Playable demo. Part 4/4.
34389 DTUM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 05.03.1997 - - -
Descent to the Undermountain. Playable demo. 3D-role playing game based in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms. Enter to the caves of Undermountain, find and slay goblins, who are raiding the city of Waterdeep. True 3D World with polygon monsters. By: Interplay. DOS. Part 1/4.
34390 DUKEDCP.ZIP 109,5 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Duke It Out In DC - Preview with screenshots
34391 DUNKE397.ZIP 279,3 kt 24.09.1997 - - -
Dungeon Keeper E397 screenshots - Bullfrog
34392 DZORPRE.ZIP 519,3 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Drachen Zor preview with screenshots Publisher / Developer : Southpeak Interactive / 8th Wonder Games Category: 3D Fantasy / Fighting Similar to: Diablo
34393 DZSPLASH.ZIP 5,3 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Drachen Zor by Southpeak Interactive A 3D fighting game, this non playable demo gives a demonstration of one of the characters in the game.
34406 E_MRDEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 16.12.1997 - - -
Moon Racer PowerVR demo 2/7
34407 E_MRDEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 16.12.1997 - - -
Moon Racer PowerVR demo 3/7
34408 E_MRDEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 16.12.1997 - - -
Moon Racer PowerVR demo 4/7
34409 E_MRDEMO.A04 1,9 Mt 16.12.1997 - - -
Moon Racer PowerVR demo 5/7
34410 E_MRDEMO.A05 1,9 Mt 16.12.1997 - - -
Moon Racer PowerVR demo 6/7
34411 E_MRDEMO.A06 993,1 kt 16.12.1997 - - -
Moon Racer PowerVR demo 7/7
34412 E_MRDEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 16.12.1997 - - -
Moon Racer PowerVR pl. demo Virtuality Defy the limits of gravity. Race on the moon in 1/6 the force! Be very careful that you reach the next oxygen station before your tanks run out. One Moon Racer will win.. others will die trying. Choose right lunar buggy for right track. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX, PowerVR card      1/7
34394 EARTHUS.A01 3,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Earth 2140 demo 2/5
34395 EARTHUS.A02 3,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Earth 2140 demo 3/5
34396 EARTHUS.A03 3,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Earth 2140 demo 4/5
34397 EARTHUS.A04 16,7 kt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Earth 2140 demo 5/5
34398 EARTHUS.ARJ 3,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Earth 2140 Playable Demo 1/5 TopWare / Interplay Experience life in 2140AD two warring factions battle for the last remaining resources on the planet. High tech weaponry and superior firepower are the new tools of diplomacy. Only one side will triumph, and only one person can determine which side it will be. Sitting at the helm of the most advanced tactical interface, you will decide which side to support, you will decide which troops come home alive, and you will decide if humanity survives to the year 2141. Pentium 16 MB DOS or Win95
34399 EASTFIPI.ZIP 1,5 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
East Front info & screenshots. WW2 strategy. Talonsoft
34400 EAWE397.ZIP 556,6 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
European Air War E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Microprose. Building on the success of the award-winning 1942: The Pacific Air Warr, European Air War is a new World War II era flight simulation game that offers authentic cockpit designs, accurate flight models, enhanced artificial intelligence, and spectacular graphics and visual effects. Chance to fly 20 fighter planes for the American, British or German
34401 EAWEC97.ZIP 1,7 Mt 22.10.1997 - - -
European Air War ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. WW2 flight sim. Microprose.
34402 EFPICS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
East Front screenshots - platoon-level, basically a more isometric game than Steel Panthers with a dynamic campaign system. Talonsoft.
34403 EFSPREV.ZIP 1,1 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
Emperor of the Fading Suns prewith with screenshots. Created by Holistic Design Distributed by SegaSoft
34404 EJ3DEC97.ZIP 3,9 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Earthworm 3D ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots. PC & N64. Interplay.
34405 ELR-E397.ZIP 1,5 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Elric E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. Drawing on the creations of fantasy writer Michael Moorcock, this is a pure beat ’em up action game based on combat and the use of magical runes. Isometric real-time, 3D backgrounds, Impressive video effects during combat.
34413 ENTINF.ZIP 391 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
Entrepreneur screenshots & info. World domination through corporate warfare! It is ironic that many of the new games focus on real time military strategy games when there is a whole other type of warfare going on around us. We read about it in the magazines on occasion but it\'s glossed over with words such as "competitive" and "mind share" when in fact corporations are out to defeat each other and gain control over their respective markets. by Stardock.
34414 ENTPRE.ZIP 340,5 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Entrepreneur preview with screenshots Created by Stardock Systems
34415 ESB1E397.ZIP 4 Mt 31.07.1997 repacked betaarchive forum -
Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire E397 showpackage with design screenshots & info. fuses the richness and depth of fantasy role-playing with the furious gameplay of 3D action games.
34416 ESB2E397.ZIP 1,7 Mt 31.07.1997 repacked betaarchive forum -
Elder Scrolls Legend: Battlespire E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. fuses the richness and depth of fantasy role-playing with the furious gameplay of 3D action games.
34417 ESOT3PR.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Esoteria 3 preview with screenshtos Created by Mobeus Designs Inc. "Esoteria 3 follows the trend set by Tomb Raider and Hyperblade of third-person- perspective 3D games."
34418 ESR1E397.ZIP 3,4 Mt 31.07.1997 repacked betaarchive forum -
The Elder Scrolls: Redguard E397 showpackage with desgin screenshots & info. Bethesda. Like all crowd-pleasing action-adventure stories, REDGUARD is a refreshing combination of high adventure and low humor, heroic courage and subtle wit, daring action and fairy-tale charm. Brisk, original blend of stirring action-adventure in a magic-rich, immersive fantasy setting is a refreshing tonic in a market saturated with repetitive
34419 ESR2E397.ZIP 2 Mt 31.07.1997 repacked betaarchive forum -
The Elder Scrolls: Redguard E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Bethesda. Like all crowd-pleasing action-adventure stories, REDGUARD is a refreshing combination of high adventure and low humor, heroic courage and subtle wit, daring action and fairy-tale charm. Brisk, original blend of stirring action-adventure in a magic-rich, immersive fantasy setting is a refreshing tonic in a market saturated with repetitive
34420 ETAPRE2.ZIP 862,2 kt 15.09.1997 - - -
Extreme Tactics preview with screenshots Created by Media Station real-time strategy Create all the units yourself here!
34422 EX_DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Excalibur 2555AD demo 2/4
34423 EX_DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Excalibur 2555AD demo 3/4
34424 EX_DEMO.A03 704 kt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Excalibur 2555AD demo 4/4
34425 EX_DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Excalibur 2555AD pl. demo from Tempest/Telstar  Retrieve the Excalibur from raiders from the future. Fight with your broadsword and spells through the multiple levels of the city of Salto, or talk your way. Fully light-sourced 3D environment immerses the player in 16-bit color. Tomb Raider style action adventure. P100 16 MB Win95 DirectX Supports Direct3D & 3Dfx  1/4
34421 EX25E397.ZIP 596,8 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Excalibur 2555 A.D. E397 showpackage with info & screenshots.3D action. Sir-Tech Software.
34426 EXRDEMO.A01 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
The Last Express demo 2/10
34427 EXRDEMO.A02 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
The Last Express demo 3/10
34428 EXRDEMO.A03 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
The Last Express demo 4/10
34429 EXRDEMO.A04 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
The Last Express demo 5/10
34430 EXRDEMO.A05 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
The Last Express demo 6/10
34431 EXRDEMO.A06 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
The Last Express demo 7/10
34432 EXRDEMO.A07 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
The Last Express demo 8/10
34433 EXRDEMO.A08 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
The Last Express demo 9/19
34434 EXRDEMO.A09 2,1 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
The Last Express demo 10/10
34435 EXRDEMO.ARJ 4,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
The Last Express Playable Demo Smoking Car Productions / Red Orb Detective adventure happening in The Orient Express -train. Gather pieces of murder mystery by listening conversations, walking from car to car and getting to know the passengers. P60, 8MB, DOS or Win95          1/10
34436 EXTREME.A01 2,9 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault. Playable demo. Part 2/7.
34437 EXTREME.A02 2,9 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault. Playable demo. Part 3/7.
34438 EXTREME.A03 2,9 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault. Playable demo. Part 4/7.
34439 EXTREME.A04 2,9 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault. Playable demo. Part 5/7.
34440 EXTREME.A05 2,9 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault. Playable demo. Part 6/7.
34441 EXTREME.A06 852,1 kt 14.05.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault. Playable demo. Part 7/7.
34442 EXTREME.ARJ 2,9 Mt 14.05.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault. New, action-simulator from Bluebyte. Flight in two diffenrent operation areas, with your new hi-tech helicopter. Playable demo. Part 1/7.
34443 EXTTAP2.ZIP 704,5 kt 08.10.1997 - - -
Extreme Tactics preview with screenshots Publisher / Developer : Media Station                Pentium 90 (120MHz Pentium Real time strategy like C&C
34444 EXTTAPR.ZIP 149 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
Extreme Tactics preview with screenshots Media Station Fall 1997 Real-time strategy. Create units with highly specialized capabilities, from mammoth war machines with incredible firepower and massive shielding to speedy, almost invisible reconnaissance craft that put a premium on flight over fight.
34445 F13DFX.A01 1,4 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Formula 1 3DFX demo 2/4
34446 F13DFX.A02 1,4 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Formula 1 3DFX demo 3/4
34447 F13DFX.A03 306,3 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Formula 1 3DFX demo 4/4
34448 F13DFX.ARJ 1,4 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Formula 1 3DFX demo - Psygnosis. The demo features two tracks from the seventeen available in the full product. Also includes 35 real drivers and 13 teams, with official F1 statistics and  specifications. A Pentium 133 and 256K L2 cache or better are recommended. 1/4
34449 F15E397.ZIP 504,1 kt 24.09.1997 - - -
"F-15 E397 screenshots from Janes/EOA"
34450 F197E397.ZIP 1,8 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
"Formula 197 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. The greatest racing game ever is firmly back in pole position. Now with even more advanced arcade and sim modesthe game is fully enhanced for 1997."
34451 F197VE3.A01 2,9 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
"Formula 197 E397 2/4"
34452 F197VE3.A02 2,9 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
"Formula 197 E397 3/4"
34453 F197VE3.A03 1,4 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
"Formula 197 E397 4/4"
34454 F1EI4C97.ZIP 2,7 Mt 30.10.1997 - - -
"F1 ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press info. French developer Lankhor has teamed up with Eidos Interactive to set the world alight with a next generation F1 game that will leave the competition standing on the grid. Developed with the help of McLarens own race engineers. Eidos."
34455 F1RSE397.ZIP 2,8 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
F1 Racing Simulation E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Ubisoft. A 3D real-time Formula 1 simulation racing game based on the 1996 championships.
34456 F1SHOTS.ZIP 160,4 kt 20.03.1997 - - -
Description not available
34457 F22AEC97.ZIP 701,9 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
DID F22 Air Dominance Fighter ECTS97 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Ocean.
34458 F22LEC97.ZIP 5,1 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
"F22 Lightning II ECTS97 showpackage with press releases & screenshots. - The Worlds Answer To Air Supremecy amazing realismstunning graphicsmultiplayer capabilities and unmatched game play. Flight Simulation. Novalogic."
34459 F22RAPPR.ZIP 537,8 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
iF22 Raptor preview with screenshots Interactive Magic Category: Flight Sim
34460 F22REC97.ZIP 2,3 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
F-22 Raptor ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press releases. Novalogic.
34461 F40-E397.ZIP 793,6 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Falcon 4.0 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Microprose. Multiplayer combat simulation game, Falcon 4.0 is set in the Korean peninsula with a real-time, full-scale war in progress.  Players take on the role of a pilot in an F-16 jet fighter and face a variety of tactical land and air missions, including intense dogfights. Providing the most authentic F-16C flight modeling, Falcon 4.0 includes highly-detailed
34462 F4DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Falcon 4.0 demo 2/9
34463 F4DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Falcon 4.0 demo 3/9
34464 F4DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Falcon 4.0 demo 4/9
34465 F4DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Falcon 4.0 demo 5/9
34466 F4DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Falcon 4.0 demo 6/9
34467 F4DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Falcon 4.0 demo 7/9
34468 F4DEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Falcon 4.0 demo 8/9
34469 F4DEMO.A08 1,6 Mt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Falcon 4.0 demo 9/9
34470 F4DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Falcon 4.0 playable demo from MicroProse Multiplayer air combat simulation set in the Korean peninsula with a real-time war in progress in which you take the role of single pilot in F-16 jet fighter. Superb 3-D photorealistic texture-mapped graphics and detailed models of F-16 avionics, weapons and threats provide most realistic combat flight simulation available. Windows 95, 32 MB, DirectX5 - P133 (with 3Dfx) P166 (without 3D)
34471 FA18E397.ZIP 173,1 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
F/A-18 Hornet E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Flight simulation. Graphics Simulations Corps / Empire
34472 FA18KORD.A01 1,9 Mt 30.11.1997 - - -
F/A-18 Korea demo 2/5
34473 FA18KORD.A02 1,9 Mt 30.11.1997 - - -
F/A-18 Korea demo 3/5
34474 FA18KORD.A03 1,9 Mt 30.11.1997 - - -
F/A-18 Korea demo 4/5
34475 FA18KORD.A04 1,6 Mt 30.11.1997 - - -
F/A-18 Korea demo 5/5
34476 FA18KORD.ARJ 1,9 Mt 30.11.1997 - - -
F/A-18 Korea Playable Demo 1/5 Graphic Simulations continues its tradition of high-realism combined with outstanding performace, and ups the ante with beautiful new workstation-quality 3Dfx Voodoo or Voodoo Rush-based texture mapped graphics, in F/A-18 KOREA. High-speed flat shaded graphics give you exceptionally fast and crisp visuals on systems without 3Dfx hardware acceleration. Pentium, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
34477 FADEMO2.A01 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance large demo 2/8
34478 FADEMO2.A02 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance large demo 3/8
34479 FADEMO2.A03 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance large demo 4/8
34480 FADEMO2.A04 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance large demo 5/8
34481 FADEMO2.A05 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance large demo 6/8
34482 FADEMO2.A06 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance large demo 7/8
34483 FADEMO2.A07 1,7 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance large demo 8/8
34484 FADEMO2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance Playable demo LARGE with sound. Developer / Publisher: Gremlin/Interplay. Fragile Allegiance takes space strategy simulation to new heights with its in-depth and addictive real-time gameplay. A wide variety of missions, combat scenarios and highly advanced artificial intelligence will challenge strategy gamers of all levels. DOS & Win95. 1/8
34485 FADEMONS.A01 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance. No Sound-playable demo. Part 2/4.
34486 FADEMONS.A02 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance. No Sound-playable demo. Part 3/4.
34487 FADEMONS.A03 1,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance. No Sound-playable demo. Part 4/4.
34488 FADEMONS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Fragile Allegiance. No Sound-playeble demo. Part 1/4.  Space Strategy & business & diplomacy from Gremlin.
34489 FALHPICS.ZIP 2,1 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
FALLEN HAVEN screenshots & information from Interactive Magic.
34490 FALLDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Fallout. Interactive demo. Part 2/7.
34491 FALLDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Fallout. Interactive demo. Part 3/7.
34492 FALLDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Fallout. Interactive demo. Part 4/7.
34493 FALLDEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Fallout. Interactive demo. Part 5/7.
34494 FALLDEMO.A05 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Fallout. Interactive demo. Part 6/7.
34495 FALLDEMO.A06 2,5 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Fallout. Interactive demo. Part 7/7.
34496 FALLDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Fallout. Interactive demo of this new, futuristic role-playing game with SVGA-graphics. By: Interplay. Windows 95. Part 1/7.
34497 FALLOPI.ZIP 3,5 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Fallout screenshots - Interplay
34498 FALLP2.ZIP 459,6 kt 25.07.1997 - - -
Fallout screenshots. RPG - Interplay
34499 FANFE397.ZIP 315,4 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
FANTASY FOOTBALL E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. "WIZARDWORKS OFFERS THE MOST POWERFUL FANTASY FOOTBALL SOFTWARE EVER" the most powerful fantasy football software ever developed for fantasy coaches and league commissioners
34500 FB97DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
"Front page Sports: Football Pro97 playable demo. Part 2/6."
34501 FB97DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
"Front Page Sports: Football Pro97 playable demo. Part 3/6."
34502 FB97DEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
"Front Page Sports: Football Pro97 playable demo. Part 4/6."
34503 FB97DEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
"Front Page Sports: Football Pro97 playable demo. Part 5/6."
34504 FB97DEMO.A05 2,7 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
"Front Page Sports: Football Pro97 playable demo. Part 6/6."
34505 FB97DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.03.1997 - - -
"Front Page Sports: Football Pro97 playble demo. New version of famous football game from Sierra. For: Win95. Part 1/6."
34506 FCEC97.ZIP 9,9 Mt 30.10.1997 - - -
Fighting Force ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. 3D Fighting. Eidos.
34507 FCGE397.ZIP 249,9 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Flying Corps Gold E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. WW1 flying simulation. Rowan/Empire
34508 FDDEM3.ZIP 3,8 Mt 28.01.1997 - 12790/9700.zip -
Fighter Duel-lentosimulaattorin kolmas pelattava demoversio. Sisältää myös Netduelin.
34509 FFC-E397.ZIP 2,1 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Fighting Force E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. 3D arcade fighting from Eidos.
34510 FFORCE.A01 1,4 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Fighting Force demo 2/6
34511 FFORCE.A02 1,4 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Fighting Force demo 3/6
34512 FFORCE.A03 1,4 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Fighting Force demo 4/6
34513 FFORCE.A04 1,4 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Fighting Force demo 5/6
34514 FFORCE.A05 374,5 kt 27.12.1997 - - -
Fighting Force demo 6/6
34515 FFORCE.ARJ 1,4 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
"Fighting Force playable demo from Eidos 1/6 delivers unparalleled action and hundreds of attack moves in a fully progressive 3D environment to bring you the next level in fighting games. Smash through an anti-tank barricadepick up fire hydrant and crush baddies head etc. Play 4 different characters aloneor 2 player co-op mode. Win95P9016MBDirectXDirect3D-capable 3D accelerator"
34516 FHAVENP.ZIP 667,1 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
Fallen Haven PC lisäkuvia. Strategia.
34517 FIA-E397.ZIP 742,9 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Fighter Ace E397 showpackage with screenshots. Flying simulation. Microsoft.
34518 FIFA98PI.ZIP 708,8 kt 25.09.1997 - - -
"FIFA98 screenshots"
34519 FIFARTWC.A01 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
FIFA: Road to the World Cup 98 demo 2/6
34520 FIFARTWC.A02 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
FIFA: Road to the World Cup 98 demo 3/6
34521 FIFARTWC.A03 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
FIFA: Road to the World Cup 98 demo 4/6
34522 FIFARTWC.A04 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
FIFA: Road to the World Cup 98 demo 5/6
34523 FIFARTWC.A05 1,1 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
FIFA: Road to the World Cup 98 demo 6/6
34524 FIFARTWC.ARJ 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
"FIFA: Road to the World Cup 98 demo 1/6 Playable Demo EA Sports Conquer fierce defenders and defeat entire nations on your quest to qualify for World Cup 98. The largest sporting event of the century Its up to you to qualify! Sports - football. P9016MBWin95DirectX"
34525 FIFASMD.A01 3,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager pl.demo 2/11
34526 FIFASMD.A02 3,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager pl.demo 3/11
34527 FIFASMD.A03 3,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager pl.demo 4/11
34528 FIFASMD.A04 3,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager pl.demo 5/11
34529 FIFASMD.A05 3,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager pl.demo 6/11
34530 FIFASMD.A06 3,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager pl.demo 7/11
34531 FIFASMD.A07 3,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager pl.demo 8/11
34532 FIFASMD.A08 3,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager pl.demo 9/11
34533 FIFASMD.A09 3,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager pl.demo 10/11
34534 FIFASMD.A10 1,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager pl.demo 11/11
34535 FIFASMD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Fifa Soccer Manager playable demo 1/11 Football and managering, with player buying and selling, gameplay editor, training, transferring, finances and so on. Win95 P60 16MB DirectX3 EA Sports / Electronic Arts
34536 FIFASMP.ZIP 5,8 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
FIFA Soccer Manager Screenshots from the managerial side Football and managering,with player buying and selling, gameplay editor, training, transferring, finances and so on. EA Sports / Electronic Arts
34537 FINALLPI.ZIP 209,5 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
Final Liberation screenshots A turn-based strategy game of epic proportions, Final Liberation chronicles a monumental struggle for survival in the distant future. The first computer game set in the WARHAMMER EPIC 40,000 universe by GAMES WORKSHOP, Final Liberation features the full armies of the Imperium of Man and the Space Ork Horde. From standard infantry to the mighty Imperial legions of tanks, from the Ork warbikes to the towering Titans and Gargants, the future
34538 FIRWE397.ZIP 1,4 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
"FIFA: Road to World Cup98 E397 showpackage with screenshots. EOA."
34539 FL2PRE.ZIP 148,7 kt 24.03.1997 - - -
Flying Saucer preview with screenshots.
34540 FLDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Final Liberation demo 2/6
34541 FLDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Final Liberation demo 3/6
34542 FLDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Final Liberation demo 4/6
34543 FLDEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Final Liberation demo 5/6
34544 FLDEMO.A05 455,9 kt 27.12.1997 - - -
Final Liberation demo 6/6
34545 FLDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Final Liberation PL. DEMO Games Workshop / SSI turn-based strategy game of epic proportions, chronicles a monumental struggle for survival in the distant future. 1st computer game set in the WARHAMMER EPIC 40,000 universe, features the full armies of the Imperium of Man and the Space Ork Horde. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5  1/6
34546 FLN2EC97.ZIP 11,2 Mt 30.10.1997 - - -
Flying Nightmares 2 ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press releases. aggressive step forward in flight simulation entertainment, seamlessly merging traditional simulation techniques, cutting edge graphics and real-time multi-player strategy facets into an innovative and compelling title. Eidos.
34547 FN2PICS.ZIP 1,9 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Flying Nightmares 2 screenshots
34548 FOR-E397.ZIP 1,9 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Forsaken E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Eidos. new Dark Fantasy RPG and Adventure title that immerses gamers into a whole new visually stunning and challenging environment. With breathtaking 65,000 color graphics, fully animated 3D characters, true light sourcing and coloring in Direct 3D, Forsaken is by far the most visually realistic and detailed RPG to date.  Explore shadowy catacombs or the
34549 FORSE397.ZIP 1,9 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Forsaken E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Acclaim.  3D shooter. 1st-person action shooter in a full 360 degree environment Over 25 weapons including camera mounted missiles, the spider mine, Suss-gun, beam laser, and many others Network, Internet and modem play
34550 FORSPICS.ZIP 570,1 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Forsaken screenshots
34551 FPG1E397.ZIP 5,4 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf E397 showpackage with screenshots. Sierra.
34552 FPG2E397.ZIP 7 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf E397 showpackage with screenshots. Sierra.
34553 FPS-E397.ZIP 2,6 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Ski Racing E397 showpackage with screenshots. Sierra.
34554 FPSGPRE.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.05.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf preview with screenshots. Sierra.
34555 FPSSKIPR.ZIP 289,4 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Ski Racing preview with screenshots Distributed by Sierra
34556 FPTRE397.ZIP 4,7 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Trophy Rivers E397 showpackage. Fishing. Sierra.
34557 FS98DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 27.09.1997 - - -
Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 AVI 2/4
34558 FS98DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 27.09.1997 - - -
Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 AVI 3/4
34559 FS98DEMO.A03 1,7 Mt 27.09.1997 - - -
Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 AVI 4/4
34560 FS98E398.ZIP 5,4 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Flight Simulator 98 E397 showpackage with screenshots. Microsoft.
34561 FS98PICS.ZIP 943,6 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
"Flight Simulator98 screenshots"
34562 FSQUAPI.ZIP 902,3 kt 16.10.1997 - - -
"Fighter Squadron: The ScreaminDemons Over Europe from Parsoft info & screenshots WW2 flight simulation"
34563 FSSDE397.ZIP 488,9 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Fighter Squadron: The Screaming Demons Over Europe E397 showpackage with screenshots. Activision.
34564 FT2PICS.ZIP 797,2 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
Full Tilt! Pinball 2 PC lisäkuvia. Flipperi. Maxis.
34565 FTA2PRE.ZIP 285 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Faery Tale II Adventure II preview with screenshots from The Dreamers Guild."
34566 FTEAMP2.ZIP 301,7 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
FireTeam info & screenshots Collaborative Play/Team Action Internet playable isometric action game. Multitude, Inc.
34567 FTPRE.ZIP 280,6 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
FireTeam preview with screenshots Internet playable squad/soldier level strategy game. Created by Multitude    
34568 FU2-E397.ZIP 2,2 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited II E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Looking Glass/Eidos
34570 FU2PRE.ZIP 443,5 kt 21.05.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited 2 preview with screenshots Looking Glass Technologies Civilian Flight Simulator
34569 FU2PRE2.ZIP 197,3 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited II preview with screenshots Looking Glass Fall 1997
34571 FUN2EC97.ZIP 6,4 Mt 30.10.1997 - - -
Flight Unlimited 2 ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press release. Looking Glass / Eidos.
34572 GAL_DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Galapagos demo 2/6
34573 GAL_DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Galapagos demo 3/6
34574 GAL_DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Galapagos demo 4/6
34575 GAL_DEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Galapagos demo 5/6
34576 GAL_DEMO.A05 942,8 kt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Galapagos demo 6/6
34577 GAL_DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Galapagos playable demo Anark/Electronic Arts- a fantastic and dangerous place where up and down have no meaning, where rivers of iridescent acid and high-energy laser mines are beautiful but deadly artifacts of some other time. Help Mendel survive and adapt into new environments. Almost like Game Of Life in modern day. P90 10 MB Win95 DirectX5, supports Direct 3D 1/6
34578 GK3PICS.ZIP 427,7 kt 15.09.1997 - - -
Gabriel Knight 3 screenshots
34579 GLORGFX.ZIP 711,3 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
Gloriana PC lisäkuvia.
34580 GNPICS.ZIP 1,1 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Great Nations kuvakaappauksia
34581 GOLFWBDM.A01 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf Pro pl.demo 2/10
34582 GOLFWBDM.A02 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: GOlf Pro pl.demo 3/10
34583 GOLFWBDM.A03 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf Pro pl.demo 4/10
34584 GOLFWBDM.A04 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf Pro pl.demo 5/10
34585 GOLFWBDM.A05 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf Pro pl.demo 6/10
34586 GOLFWBDM.A06 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf Pro pl.demo 7/10
34587 GOLFWBDM.A07 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Front Page SPorts: Golf Pro pl.demo 8/10
34588 GOLFWBDM.A08 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf Pro pl.demo 9/10
34589 GOLFWBDM.A09 819,5 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Front Page SPorts: Golf Pro pl.demo 10/10
34590 GOLFWBDM.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Front Page Sports: Golf Pro pl.demo 1/10 Sierra On-Line - So real you can almost smell the grass (or hear the groans as you shank it to the left and hit a tree...) From the beauty of the greens and fairways - painstakingly recreated down to each clubhouse, tree and break in the green - to the true-to-life movement of the 3D golfer, immerses you in completely realistic golf environment. Win95 DirectX P60 16 MB
34591 GOLGDM5.A01 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Golgotha demo 2/8
34592 GOLGDM5.A02 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Golgotha demo 3/8
34593 GOLGDM5.A03 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Golgotha demo 4/8
34594 GOLGDM5.A04 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Golgotha demo 5/8
34595 GOLGDM5.A05 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Golgotha demo 6/8
34596 GOLGDM5.A06 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Golgotha demo 7/8
34597 GOLGDM5.A07 243,2 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Golgotha demo 8/8
34598 GOLGDM5.ARJ 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
"Golgotha playable demo from Crack dot Com think C&C(tm) meets Doom(tm). The goal of the demo levels is to get an engineering vehicle to the glowing takeover pad of your enemys base. Req. Windows 953Dfx 1/8"
34599 GOLPRE.ZIP 134,9 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
Golgotha preview with screenshots from Crack dot Com.  Think Command & Conquer and Doom rolled into one, Golgotha will marry a 2-D overhead-view strategy game with a first person, 3-D action shooter.
34600 GPDEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
G-Police demo 2/5
34601 GPDEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
G-Police demo 3/5
34602 GPDEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
G-Police demo 4/5
34603 GPDEMO.A04 466,7 kt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
G-Police demo 5/5
34604 GPDEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
G-Police Playable Demo   1/5 Psygnosis - strategic, flight combat game. Help patrol domed cities in a futuristic setting that is reminiscent of classic films like Blade Runner and Aliens. Demo supports S3 ViRGE VX, ATI Rage 3D II, nVidia RIVA 128, Matrox Mystique, 3Dfx Voodoo and Rush, PowerVR, Rendition. Req. P166, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX 5
34605 GPO-E397.ZIP 1,8 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
"G-Police E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. fast-pacedexciting 3D shootem upbased in highly-populated 3D futuristic city landscapes."
34606 GPOLPICS.ZIP 956,2 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
G-Police screenshots
34607 GPOVE397.A01 2,9 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
G-Police E397 2/4
34608 GPOVE397.A02 2,9 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
G-Police E397 3/4
34609 GPOVE397.A03 1,2 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
G-Police E397 4/4
34610 GRE397.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.09.1997 - - -
Armed And Delirious E397 showpackage Graphic adventure. Sir-Tech Software.
34611 GRENDUEL.ARJ 48,9 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Screenshot from Grenduel
34612 GRIMPICS.ZIP 24,3 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Grim Fandango screenshots New LucasArts adventure.
34613 GT97.A01 3,3 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
GT Racing 97 demo 2/4
34614 GT97.A02 3,3 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
GT Racing 97 demo 3/4
34615 GT97.A03 3,2 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
GT Racing 97 demo 4/4
34616 GT97.ARJ 3,3 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
"GT Racing 97 Playable Demo Blue Sphere / Ocean Race around with computer controlled exotic cars in this Screamerish game.. All text is in French (except the title of course)but you should be able to figure it out. Contains one demo course. Requires DOS"
34617 GT98E397.ZIP 636,3 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
"Grand Tour Racing98 E397 showpackage with screenshots. Activision."
34618 GTA24.A01 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 24 bit 2/7
34619 GTA24.A02 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 24 bit 3/7
34620 GTA24.A03 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 24 bit 4/7
34621 GTA24.A04 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 24 bit 5/7
34622 GTA24.A05 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 24 bit 6/7
34623 GTA24.A06 768,9 kt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 24 bit 7/7
34624 GTA24.ARJ 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto pl. demo from DMA Design/BMG 24 bit colour version - top-down action game which allows you to steal cars and commit various felonious acts as you build your reputation as a criminal. This demo allows you to go on a six-minute crime spree in 1 whole city with 4 missions. 486/100, 16 MB RAM, SVGA w/ 512K, DOS DMA - Protecting you from mediocrity - because we love ya                    1/7
34625 GTA3DFX.A01 2,9 Mt 21.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 3Dfx Demo. Part 2/4.
34626 GTA3DFX.A02 2,9 Mt 21.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 3Dfx Demo. Part 3/4.
34627 GTA3DFX.A03 503,6 kt 21.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 3Dfx Demo. Part 4/4.
34628 GTA3DFX.ARJ 2,9 Mt 21.11.1997 - - -
"Grand Theft Auto 3Dfx Demo. GTA is one of the most coolest games ever released. This time you wont fight against bad guys... this time youre the bad guy! Commit diffenrent kinds of crimes. If assasinationsbomb car-missions or car thefts arent enoughtyou can always take your machine gun and go shooting those poor civilians or cops. By: BMG. This playable demo has time limit of six minutes. Part 1/4."
34629 GTA8.A01 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 8 bit demo 2/4
34630 GTA8.A02 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 8 bit demo 3/4
34631 GTA8.A03 1,2 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 8 bit demo 4/4
34632 GTA8.ARJ 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto pl. demo from DMA Design/BMG 8 bit colour version -         1/4 top-down action game which allows you to steal cars and commit various felonious acts as you build your reputation as a criminal. This demo allows you to go on a six-minute crime spree in 1 whole city with 4 missions. 486/100, 16 MB RAM, SVGA w/ 512K, DOS DMA - Protecting you from mediocrity - because we love ya
34633 GTAECTS.A01 2,9 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto special 3Dfx demo 2/5
34634 GTAECTS.A02 2,9 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto special 3Dfx demo 3/5
34635 GTAECTS.A03 2,9 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto special 3Dfx demo 4/5
34636 GTAECTS.A04 447,9 kt 01.12.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto special 3Dfx demo 5/5
34637 GTAECTS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Grand Theft Auto pl. demo from DMA Design/BMG Special 3Dfx version with special missions set in city of San Andreas. Top-down action game which allows you to steal cars and commit various felonious acts as you build your reputation as a criminal. 486/100, 16 MB RAM, SVGA w/ 512K, DOS , 3Dfx card. DMA - Protecting you from mediocrity - because we love ya
34638 GUB2ALPH.ZIP 1,8 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
"Gubble II playable Alpha demo by Actual Entertainment. In the original GUBBLEGubble D. Gleepthe title charactermoves around in his shell-like space pod. In GUBBLE IIhe comes out of his shell! He can now walkjumpduck and flyand thats just for starters. Much larger levels with automatic scrollingnew toolsenemies etc. Puzzle/arcade entertainment. P908MBWin95DirectX"
34639 HALFL2A.ZIP 1,5 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Half-Life by Valve Software 2 Half-Life AVI demonstrations
34640 HALFLMPG.A01 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - - -
Half-Life movie 2/3
34641 HALFLMPG.A02 1,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - - -
Half-Life movei 3/3
34642 HALFLMPG.ARJ 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - - -
Half-Life by Sierra New Half-Life movie in MPG format
34643 HALFLPRE.ZIP 600,6 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Half-Life Preview with screenshots Created by Valve Published by Sierra
34644 HANDEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Great Battles of Hannibal demo 2/7
34645 HANDEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Great Battles of Hannibal demo 3/7
34646 HANDEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Great Battles of Hannibal demo 4/7
34647 HANDEMO.A04 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Great Battles of Hannibal demo 5/7
34648 HANDEMO.A05 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Great Battles of Hannibal demo 6/7
34649 HANDEMO.A06 722,3 kt 24.11.1997 - - -
Great Battles of Hannibal demo 7/7
34650 HANDEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
"Great Battles of Hannibal Playable Demo 1/7 Interactive Magic - Lead the armies of Carthage against its sworn enemyRome. Its time to take the war to Rome itself - can you break the Romansiron grip? Play as any of several great commanders on both sides of the Second Punic War. And when youre ready for the ultimate challengetry the multiplayer options for modemlocal-area networkor Internet play. Pentium16MBWin95DX5"
34651 HC97GFX.ZIP 389,2 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Harpoon Classic97 PC-lisäkuvia Moderni laivasto-strategia. IMagic."
34652 HCBGDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Hoyle Classic Board Games demo 2/6
34653 HCBGDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Hoyle Classic Board Games demo 3/6
34654 HCBGDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Hoyle Classic Board Games demo 4/6
34655 HCBGDEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Hoyle Classic Board Games demo 5/6
34656 HCBGDEMO.A05 914,9 kt 27.12.1997 - - -
Hoyle Classic Board Games demo 6/6
34657 HCBGDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 27.12.1997 - - -
Hoyle Classic Board Games demo from Sierra. Take the "bored" out of board games with Hoyle. 10 time-tested favorites with easy point-n-click interface and challenging opponents. Demo has 2 games. 486/66 8 Mb Win3.1 1/6
34658 HE2DEM11.A01 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 2/7
34659 HE2DEM11.A02 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 3/7
34660 HE2DEM11.A03 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 4/7
34661 HE2DEM11.A04 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 5/7
34662 HE2DEM11.A05 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 6/7
34663 HE2DEM11.A06 224,3 kt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 7/7
34664 HE2DEM11.ARJ 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II Demo v1.11 1/7 Activision and Raven Software Long awaited sequel to the 3D-shooter with fantasy theme. Uses advanced version of Quake engine. New demo includes all characters (rather than the original two), all known bug fixes, and the ability for network with registered users playing the shareware levels. P90 16 MB Win95 DirectX. Includes GLHexen for 3Dfx users, req. 24 MB.
34665 HEAVYGPR.ZIP 421,4 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
Heavy Gear preview with screenshots Activision. Mechwarrior style robot fighting.
34666 HERCPC.A01 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Hercules demo 2/3
34667 HERCPC.A02 1,3 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Hercules demo 3/3
34668 HERCPC.ARJ 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Hercules Action Game playable demo All the makings of a legend! This fast-paced adventure with attitude is an action-packed quest to become a hero as you battle evil monsters, save Mount Olympus, and take your place among the gods. Disney Interactive P90, 16MB, Win95, 1/3
34669 HEX2JPG.ZIP 246,9 kt 20.08.1998 - - tupla
"Hexen 2 screenshots. 22 JPGs of Raven/iD Softwares new 3d-game."
34670 HEX2PRE.ZIP 1,5 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Hexen 2 preview with screenshots
34671 HEXPPICS.ZIP 2,3 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Hexplore screenshots - 3D isometric arcade adventure with 4 player multiplayer possibility, rotating graphics engine etc. Infogrames
34672 HGE397.ZIP 498,8 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Heavy Gear E397 showpackage with screenshots. Robot/mechcombat. Activision.
34673 HLIFE397.ZIP 578 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Half-Life E397 showpackage with screenshots. Sierra.
34674 HOTWGFX.ZIP 781,1 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
History Of The World PC lisäkuvia strategia Avalon Hill
34675 HRDERBY.ZIP 4,4 Mt 17.06.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
"Triple Play98 Playable Demo: Home Run Derby. Electronic Arts Win95."
34676 I76.A01 3,3 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
I76 demo 2/7
34677 I76.A02 3,3 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
I76 demo 3/7
34678 I76.A03 3,3 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
I76 demo 4/7
34679 I76.A04 3,3 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
I76 demo 5/7
34680 I76.A05 3,3 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
I76 demo 6/7
34681 I76.A06 452,9 kt 08.04.1997 - - -
I76 demo 7/7
34682 I76.ARJ 3,3 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
"Interstate76 playable demo from Activision - all our muscle car combat rages70s style in the american southwest. HUD features radar and a rear view mirror to track your enemiesweapons inventorydamage indicator and much more. Destroying your enemy has never been more enjoyable. Real car damageincluding smokedents and bullet holes! Req Win95 DirectX3 P90 16 MB"
34683 I76LOOK.ZIP 261,9 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
"Interstate76 first look with screenshots Created by Activision"
34684 I77-E397.ZIP 311,8 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
"Interstate77 E397 showpackage with screenshots. Car combat. Activision."
34685 I77PRE.ZIP 212,2 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
"Interstate77 Preview with screenshots. Created by Activision"
34686 ICEDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Solid Ice demo 2/3
34687 ICEDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Solid Ice demo 3/3
34688 ICEDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Solid Ice pl. demo V1.04 Feel the need for speed? Get a rush with Solid Ice. Its pulse pounding hockey action pumped up full blast. Get in the game and go head to head with the superstars of the NHLPA. Experience the powerthe explosive speed and the lightening quick reflexes of the very best. Solid Ice has it all: bone-jarring body checksbullet-like slapshotsgreat glove saves and spectacular goals. Its hard hitting hockeypacked with customizing features found"
34689 IF16PICS.ZIP 190,3 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
iF-16 by Interactive Magic screenshots
34690 IF21E397.ZIP 1,2 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
iF-22 Raptor E397 showpackage with screenshots - Bosnia. Flight simulation by Interactive Magic.
34691 IF22E397.ZIP 1,6 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
iF-22 Raptor E397 showpackage with screenshots - misc. Flight simulation by Interactive Magic.
34692 IF23E397.ZIP 3,5 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
iF-22 Raptor E397 showpackage with screenshots. Flight simulation by Interactive Magic.
34693 IG-E397.ZIP 851,8 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Imperium Galactica E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. GTI. "DELIVERS REAL-TIME STRATEGY ACROSS THE COSMOS" Real-time strategy adventure, GT Interactive Software Corp. delivers Imperium Galactica, a game which explores the depths of sci-fi space action and adventure across the cosmos. Developed by Digital Reality, ultimate galactic building experience, as the first game in the genre to feature both
34694 IGN_DEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Ignition demo 2/4
34695 IGN_DEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Ignition demo 3/4
34696 IGN_DEMO.A03 1,3 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Ignition demo 4/4
34697 IGN_DEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Ignition Playable Demo UDS / Virgin UK Youre about to enter a world of no-holds-barred auto racing - life in the really fast lane. Across exotic countries and around some of the most punishing race tracks ever devised youll have to conquer a variety of other vehicles in a nitrous sprint for the finishing line. Use all means at your disposal to win - if that means ramming someone off a 200ft cliff then so be it. Note: You must unzip the demo in C:\\IGN to get it work. P75 8 MB Win95 DirectX3 1/4"
34698 ILLUSPRE.ZIP 265,2 kt 05.10.1997 - - -
Illusia: Quest for the Eternals preview with screenshots Living Mask Productions Category: Multi-User Dungeon / Role-playing
34699 IM1A2DEM.EXE 5,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin tupla
M1A2 Abrams-tankkisimulaattorin pelattava demo. Vaatii DirectX 2.0-ajurit. Interactive Magic/ Charybris Enterprises.
34700 IM1A2KU.ZIP 40 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
iM1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank PC-liskuvia, tankkisimulaatio, Interactive Magic.
34701 IM1A2PIC.ARJ 2,4 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
"iM1A2 ABRAMS Americas Main Battle Tank Preview screenshots from Interactive Magic"
34702 IMPDEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 30.06.1997 - - -
Imperialism demo beta 2/7
34703 IMPDEMO.A02 3,3 Mt 30.06.1997 - - -
Imperialism demo beta 3/7
34704 IMPDEMO.A03 3,3 Mt 30.06.1997 - - -
Imperialism demo beta 4/7
34705 IMPDEMO.A04 3,3 Mt 30.06.1997 - - -
Imperialism demo beta 5/7
34706 IMPDEMO.A05 3,3 Mt 30.06.1997 - - -
Imperialism demo beta 6/7
34707 IMPDEMO.A06 2,3 Mt 30.06.1997 - - -
Imperialism demo veta 7/7
34708 IMPDEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 30.06.1997 - - -
"Imperialism playable demo BETA from SSI This game is about imperialismstraight-up. Choose a domain and foster it by mining resourcesmaintaining a careful balance of trade with neighboring countriesand declaring war when necessary. The demo - which shows off Imperialisms superb three-quarter SVGA graphics - lets you develope your empire for ten yearsgiving you a small taste of what the full release will be like. System Requirements: Pentium-90 Windows 95 1/7"
34709 IMPEPRE.ZIP 547,6 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Imperialism preview with screenshots SSI / Frog City Category: Turn-Based Strategy Similar to: Civilization, Risk
34710 IMPINFO.ZIP 593 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
"Imperialism screenshots & info You Could Rule The World! Multifaceted resource management strategy game set in a fictional 19th centuryEarth-like world. In order to achieve victoryyou must develop your countrys infrastructure and by clever manipulation of economicdiplomaticand military resources unify the world under your leadership. SSI"
34711 INCOPICS.ZIP 1,1 Mt 05.10.1997 - - -
Incoming screenshots
34712 INCPICS.ZIP 792,6 kt 01.12.1997 - - -
Incubation screenshots - 3Dfx
34713 INCUINFO.ZIP 321,8 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Incubation - info & screenshots. Battle Isle\'s latest - IT\'S TURN-BASED. IT\'S TACTICAL. IT\'S TERRIFYING! turn-based tactical game with a vast array of weaponry and equipment available to the player. Each marine in the player\'s squad will have a limited amount of energy to use for moving and fighting as well as the opportunity to gain experience in battle. Uses the stunning "Extreme Assault" 3D graphics engine.
34714 INTEE397.ZIP 5,2 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
INTERVENTION E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Cryo. Strategy (CDROM-Internet PC) - promotes you to a Divine Being whose task it is to create, nurture and manage Universes, while struggling to build up enough power and influence to keep your worshippers faithful and to protect yourself against the other gods that roam the Multiuniverse. Play against the computer, on a local network
34715 IP44E397.ZIP 1,1 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
"iPanzer44 E397 showpackage with screenshots. Realistic WWII tank simulation by Interactive Magic."
34721 IRC_MAIN.A01 1,4 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
International Rally Championship demo 2/4
34722 IRC_MAIN.A02 1,4 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
International Rally Championship demo 3/4
34723 IRC_MAIN.A03 829,1 kt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
International Rally Championship demo 4/4
34724 IRC_MAIN.ARJ 1,4 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
International Rally Championship pl. demo by EuroPress Follow-up to the extremely popular Rally Championship title. The major features include - 3 NEW cars making a total of 9 cars, A fab Track Editor, Split-screen 2-player - same PC mode, Modem, Null Modem Cable and Network play, support for 3DFX, Direct 3D & Power 3D card support, Load and play tracks made by other players, Save your own tracks out and let others play your efforts. Windows 95 w/ DirectX3     1/4
34716 IRC3DP.ZIP 177,6 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
International Rally Championship 3Dfx screenshots - Europress
34717 IRCD3DDE.A01 1,4 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
International Rally Championship D3D demo 2/4
34718 IRCD3DDE.A02 1,4 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
International Rally Championship D3D demo 3/4
34719 IRCD3DDE.A03 400,1 kt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
International Rally Championship D3D demo 4/4
34720 IRCD3DDE.ARJ 1,4 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
International Rally Championship Direct3D demo, playable by Europress. Racing. Windows 95.  1/4
34725 IWARDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
I-War demo 2/7
34726 IWARDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
I-War demo 3/7
34727 IWARDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
I-War demo 4/7
34728 IWARDEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
I-War demo 5/7
34729 IWARDEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
I-War demo 6/7
34730 IWARDEMO.A06 660,5 kt 24.11.1997 - - -
I-War demo 7/7
34731 IWARDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
I-War Playable Demo     1/7 Particle Systems/Ocean For over a hundred years war has raged across the depths of space. Drops the player into the middle of this conflict giving them full control over a 150 metre long Dreadnaught class corvette - the destiny of mankind lies with their actions. Demo limited to 1 NAV station and 5 minutes of play. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5
34732 IWAREC97.ZIP 889,6 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
I-War ECTS97 showpackage with press release & screenshots. THE ULTIMATE SPACE-SIM drops the player into the middle of conflict giving them full control over a 150 metre long Dreadnaught class corvette - the destiny of mankind lies with their actions. the most advanced and technically accomplished space sim ever created. Ocean.
34733 IWPRE.ZIP 452,2 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Iron Wolves preview with screenshots Multiplayer WWII Naval Simulator
34734 JA2-E397.ZIP 805,8 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Jagged Alliance II E397 showpackage with info & screenshots.Strategy. Sir-Tech Software.
34735 JAG2PICS.ZIP 218,5 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 screenshots. Sirtech
34736 JAMXDEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
NBA Jam Extreme playable demo 2/4
34737 JAMXDEMO.A02 3,3 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
NBA Jam Extreme playable demo 3/4
34738 JAMXDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
NBA Jam Extreme playable demo 4/4
34739 JAMXDEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 24.03.1997 - - -
NBA Jam Extreme playable demo 1/4 from Acclaim Entertainment. Backboard-shattering graphics and sneaker-incinerating action. Pentium-133, 16 MB, SVGA w/ 2 MB, sound board, Windows 95, DirectX
34740 JB-E397.ZIP 615,7 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Joe Blow II E397 showpackage with info & screenshots. Sir-Tech Software.
34741 JEDIDEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight 2/11
34742 JEDIDEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight 3/11
34743 JEDIDEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight 4/11
34744 JEDIDEMO.A04 1,9 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jegi Knight 5/11
34745 JEDIDEMO.A05 1,9 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight 6/11
34746 JEDIDEMO.A06 1,9 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight 7/11
34747 JEDIDEMO.A07 1,9 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight 8/11
34748 JEDIDEMO.A08 1,9 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight 9/11
34749 JEDIDEMO.A09 1,9 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jedi KNight 10/11
34750 JEDIDEMO.A10 1,1 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight 11/11
34751 JEDIDEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight playable demo Features 1 single player & 1 multiplayer level. Single or multiplayer gameplay over modem, network or Internet. Intense Star Wars action in all-new story. Develop Force powers and become a Jedi knight or a Dark Jedi. Master lightsaber combat and harness an arsenal of fire power. LucasArts Requires: Windows 95, DirectX5, PCI graphics card, P90, 16 MB   1/11
34752 JEDIPIC3.ZIP 517,5 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II new screenshots. LucasArts.
34753 JEDIPICS.ZIP 749 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Jedi Knight new screenshots
34754 JEDIPRE.ZIP 605,8 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II Preview with screenshots. Created by LucasArts
34755 JF3DEM.A01 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD eritupla
JetFighter III demo 2/9
34756 JF3DEM.A02 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD eritupla
JetFighter III demo 3/9
34757 JF3DEM.A03 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD eritupla
JetFighter III demo 4/9
34758 JF3DEM.A04 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD eritupla
JetFighter III demo 5/9
34759 JF3DEM.A05 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD eritupla
JetFighter III demo 6/9
34760 JF3DEM.A06 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD eritupla
JetFighter III demo 7/9
34761 JF3DEM.A07 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
JetFighter III demo 8/9
34762 JF3DEM.A08 545,4 kt 23.09.1997 koko¹ MBCD -
JetFighter III demo 9/9
34763 JF3DEM.ARJ 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD eritupla
JetFighter III Playable Demo V1.59 1/9 Mission Studios | Interplay "time limited" mission "fragments" that run for 5 minutes each. New:Support for MMX and 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics cards. (Rush not supported) A careful blend of: Ease of Use, Fun, Action, Realism, Feeling Of Flight. Takes the JetFighter series into the future with spectacular graphics, more action, more sound, more real-world scenery and even better feeling of flight. Req. DOS P90 16 MB
34764 JF3TEST.A01 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Jetfighter III pre-release demo 2/7
34765 JF3TEST.A02 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Jetfighter iii pre-release demo 3/7
34766 JF3TEST.A03 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Jetfighter III pre-release demo 4/7
34767 JF3TEST.A04 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Jetfighter iii pre-release demo 5/7
34768 JF3TEST.A05 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Jetfighter III pre-release demo 6/7
34769 JF3TEST.A06 978,9 kt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Jetfighter iii pre-release demo 7/
34770 JF3TEST.ARJ 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Jetfighter III pre-release test/demo This version of JF3 is being distributed in order to get some last-minute customer feedback and compatibility testing. This PRE_RELEASE will require P90, 16 mb, and has limitations that do not appear in full version. 1/7
34771 JK-E397.ZIP 1,9 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Jedi Knight E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Lucasarts.
34772 JN4DEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4 Golden bear demo 2/5
34773 JN4DEMO.A02 3,3 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4 Golden Bear demo 3/5
34774 JN4DEMO.A03 3,3 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4 GOlden Bear demo 4/5
34775 JN4DEMO.A04 1,7 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4 Golden Bear demo 5/5
34776 JN4DEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4: Golden Bear Edition playable demo from Accolade * With beautiful high-speed, true-color graphics, a true physics model, more realistic swing meters, better putting, unlimited camera positions and a complete course designer, Jack Nicklaus 4 is the game every golfer has anticipated! The demo features 3 holes, 1 animated golfer, play stroke play only, single player or shared keyboard modes of play. Windows 95 with DirectX3.1/5
34777 JN5DEMOD.A01 3,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf Course Designer 2/7
34778 JN5DEMOD.A02 3,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf Course Designer 3/7
34779 JN5DEMOD.A03 3,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf Course Designer 4/7
34780 JN5DEMOD.A04 3,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf Course Designer 5/7
34781 JN5DEMOD.A05 3,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf Course Designer 6/7
34782 JN5DEMOD.A06 3,7 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf Course Designer 7/7
34783 JN5DEMOD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf Course Designer demo Accolade. Win95 P120 16 MB DirectX  1/7
34784 JN5DEMOG.A01 4,8 Mt 28.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf demo 2/6
34785 JN5DEMOG.A02 4,8 Mt 28.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf demo 3/6
34786 JN5DEMOG.A03 4,8 Mt 28.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf demo 4/6
34787 JN5DEMOG.A04 4,8 Mt 28.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf demo 5/6
34788 JN5DEMOG.A05 3,7 Mt 28.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf demo 6/6
34789 JN5DEMOG.ARJ 4,8 Mt 28.12.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 5 Golf demo Accolade. Golf game with numerous enhancements over its close brother Jack 4. Win95 P120 16 MB DirectX 1/4
34790 JNG4CDD.A01 3,8 Mt 25.01.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4 Golf Course Designer demo 2/6
34791 JNG4CDD.A02 3,8 Mt 25.01.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4 Golf Course Designer demo 3/6
34792 JNG4CDD.A03 3,8 Mt 25.01.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4 GOlf Course Designer demo 4/6
34793 JNG4CDD.A04 3,8 Mt 25.01.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4 Golf Course Designer demo 5/6
34794 JNG4CDD.A05 1,5 Mt 25.01.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4 Golf Course Designer demo 6/6
34795 JNG4CDD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.01.1997 - - -
Jack Nicklaus Golf 4 - Golf Course Designer demo version. Create your own golf courses! Requires Windows 95.
34796 JPRKE397.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
Jurassic Park: The Lost World E397 screenshots. Electronic Arts
34797 JSF-E397.ZIP 2,9 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
"Joint Strike Fighter E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Eidos. test-fly the latest advances in stealth-technology from the PentagonBoeings X-32 fighter and Lockheed Martins X-35."
34798 JSFEC97.ZIP 4,3 Mt 30.10.1997 - - -
Joint Strike Fighter ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press release. Innerloop / Eidos
34799 KAINPRE.ZIP 278,8 kt 27.03.1997 - - -
Legacy of Kain preview with screenshots Created by Crystal Dynamics/Activision action/RPG, along the lines of The Legend of Zelda or Diablo.
34802 KKND_SML.ZIP 5,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - 11026/1,000 Game Levels 2.iso tupla
"KKND Playable Demo Electronic Arts. A Command & Conquer/Warcraftish type of game with multiplayer options. You set up your forcesfind and drill for oilprocess it to get more resource unitsthen spend the resource units to create more forces."
34804 KKND_XT.A01 1,4 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
KKnD Xtreme demo 2/6
34805 KKND_XT.A02 1,4 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
KKnD Xtreme demo 3/6
34806 KKND_XT.A03 1,4 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
KKnD Xtreme demo 4/6
34807 KKND_XT.A04 1,4 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
KKnD Xtreme demo 5/6
34808 KKND_XT.A05 446,8 kt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
KKnD Xtreme demo 6/6
34809 KKND_XT.ARJ 1,4 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
KKnD Xtreme playable demo 1/6 Beam Software/Melbourne House Real-time strategy - most intense battle sequences ever featured in this genre. More spectacular carnage and firefights than any other game of this type. Demo has 4 missions, 2 for Evolved, 2 for Survivors. P75, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX5
34800 KKNDEVOL.A01 2,6 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
"Krush Killn Destroy KKnD updated demo 2/2"
34801 KKNDEVOL.ARJ 2,9 Mt 06.02.1997 - - -
"Krush Killn Destroy KKnD update playable demo 1/2. Now you can play as the Evolved From Beam Software/ Electronic Arts. Realtime strategy similar to Warcraft or Command & Conquer."
34803 KKNDSURV.EXE 5,3 Mt 25.02.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
"KKND (KillKrushN Destroy). C&C-style strategy gamewhere you take control of the Evolved (the people who survived the nuclear war on the surface) or the Survivors (the elite who were safe in underground bunkers during the war). In this version of the playable demo you can take control of the Survivors. By: Beam Software."
34810 KLDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Koala Lumpur demo 2/4
34811 KLDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Koala Lumpur demo 3/4
34812 KLDEMO.A03 1,7 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Koala Lumpur demo 4/4
34813 KLDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
Koala Lumpur: Journey to the Edge pl.demo 1.0 Irreverent comic adventure set in an edgy animated world. You must help Koala Lumpur, mystic marsupial and his pompous womanizing canine companion, Dr. Dingo Tu-Far complete challenging puzzles on their quest to save the universe and achieve spiritual enlightenment. Biting humor, edgy characters and outrageously funny dialogue will keep you addicted for hours. Broderbund. Windows 3.1/95 486/66 8 MB SVGA
34814 KO98DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Kick Off 98 demo 2/7
34815 KO98DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Kick Off 98 demo 3/7
34816 KO98DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Kick Off 98 demo 4/7
34817 KO98DEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Kick Off 98 demo 5/7
34818 KO98DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Kick Off 98 demo 6/7
34819 KO98DEMO.A06 1,1 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Kick Off 98 demo 7/7
34820 KO98DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Kick Off 98: World Cup Soccer 1/7 Playable Demo by Anco/Funsoft Attempts to bring you authentic, fast, competitive gameplay and silky smooth player animations, all without a 3D Accelerator Card. P133, 16MB, DOS.
34821 KOALALP.ZIP 127,8 kt 27.01.1997 - - -
Koala Lumpur: Journey to the Edge preview with screenshots adventure from Broderbund and Colossal Pictures
34822 KQMASKP.ZIP 66,7 kt 27.01.1997 - - -
"Kings Quest: The Mask of Eternity preview with screenshots from Sierra."
34823 L7TRIP.A01 2,7 Mt 31.03.1997 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry 7 - Love for Sail AVI 2/2
34825 LB2PRE.ZIP 379,3 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Longbow 2 preview with screenshots Developed by Origin Skunkworks, Janes Combat Simulations and Electronic Arts.
34824 LB2PRE2.ZIP 934,9 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
Longbow 2 preview with screenshots Developed by Origin Skunkworks, Janes Combat Simulations and Electronic Arts.
34826 LCRIME.ZIP 1,7 Mt 18.09.1997 - - -
Legal Crime kuvakaappauksia - Internet-pelattava mafiapeli, Syndicate-mallisella toteutuksella. http://www.byteenchanters.com
34827 LEGSDEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
"NFL Legends Football98 2/6"
34828 LEGSDEMO.A02 3,3 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
"NFL Legends Football98 3/6"
34829 LEGSDEMO.A03 3,3 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
"NFL Legends Football98 4/6"
34830 LEGSDEMO.A04 3,3 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
"NFL Legends Football98 5/6"
34831 LEGSDEMO.A05 1 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
"NFL Legends Football98 6/6"
34832 LEGSDEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
NFL Legends Football \'98 Playable Demo by Accolade With this demo you can playone five minute quarter as either the  New England Patriots or the Green Bay Packers in the Championship  game of one of the following eras:  1932, 1950, 1968 or 1997. The  demo is playable by one player only. Two (or more) player mode and play-by-play commentary are available in the full, retail version. Contained in the demo are all the regular in-game options. "Incredible 3D graphics Req, 486/66 Win95 8 MB DirectX5 1/5
34841 LOM-PRE.ZIP 249,3 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
Lords of Magic preview with screenshots Strategy - Impressions/Sierra
34833 LOMDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Lords of Magic demo 2/7
34834 LOMDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Lords of Magic demo 3/7
34835 LOMDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Lords of Magic demo 4/7
34836 LOMDEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Lords of Magic demo 5/7
34837 LOMDEMO.A05 2,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Lords of Magic demo 6/7
34838 LOMDEMO.A06 594,5 kt 29.12.1997 - - -
Lords of Magic demo 7/7
34839 LOMDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Lords of Magic pl. demo from Sierra. Fantasy real-time strategy. Wage bloody battle and choose your allies with care. Search out the Great Temples and master the eight kinds of magic - strategy game that offers the same enjoyment as from reading Tolkien novels or playing D&D.Experience full fledged fantasy world, with magic and fantastic creatures. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX     1/7
34840 LOME397.ZIP 2 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Lords of Magic E397 showpackage with screenshots. Strategy. Sierra.
34842 LOMUDEMO.ZIP 4,4 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
JONAH LOMU RUGBY V1.16 Demo release. The demo version of the game allows one person to play (New Zealand) against the CPU (Wales) in a friendly match. Codemasters. dos.
34843 LR2SE397.ZIP 1,3 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Lords of the Realm 2 E397 showpackage with Siege screenshots. Sierra.
34844 LS98DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Links LS 98 demo 2/7
34845 LS98DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Links LS 98 demo 3/7
34846 LS98DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Links LS 98 demo 4/7
34847 LS98DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Links LS 98 demo 5/7
34848 LS98DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Links LS 98 demo 6/7
34849 LS98DEMO.A06 2,9 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Links LS 98 demo 7/7
34850 LS98DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Links LS 98 pl. demo from Access Software. "The new standard for PC Golf simulators". With all the features of LS 97, LS 98 adds a new dimension. Added reflections on the water and occasional glimpses of the other players add to the realism. The demo includes 9 holes from Kapalua Bay and 2 golfer animations (one male and one female). Demo has multiplayer capability. P90 16 MB Win95 DirectX5  1/7
34851 LSTWE397.ZIP 1,5 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Lost World E397 showpackage with screenshots. Action. DreamWorks.
34852 LUCPRESS.ZIP 6,8 kt 25.02.1997 - - -
Description not available
34853 LUNAE397.ZIP 2 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
"Lunatik E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Eidos. 3D ShootEm Updrawing on the addictive game play aspects of classics such as Defender and Zaxxon for inspirationand merging them with a uniquely dramatic look and feelthe combination of which has never been seen before."
34854 M12EC97.ZIP 436,2 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
M1 Tank Platoon IIECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Microprose. The most advanced, most realistic, most detailed, and most engaging simulation of tank combat available
34855 M2SCREEN.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Mordor II: Darkness Awakening screenshots The sequel to the cult classic RPG Mordor
34856 MADDENFU.A01 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"Madden NFL98 demo 2/7"
34857 MADDENFU.A02 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"Madden NFL98 demo 3/7"
34858 MADDENFU.A03 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"Madden NFL98 demo 4/7"
34859 MADDENFU.A04 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"Madden NFL98 demo 5/7"
34860 MADDENFU.A05 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"Madden NFL98 demo 6/7"
34861 MADDENFU.A06 1,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"Madden NFL98 demo 7/7"
34862 MADDENFU.ARJ 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Madden NFL \'98 Playable Demo 1/7 EA Sports all-time classic football series returns bringing back the brains of football in the form of "Liquid AI." There have been some improvements to other areas of the game, but the AI has received the most noticeable changes. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5
34863 MADSPACE.A01 2,9 Mt 15.06.1997 - - -
Madspace. Playable demo. Part 2/5.
34864 MADSPACE.A02 2,9 Mt 15.06.1997 - - -
Madspace. Playable demo. Part 3/5.
34865 MADSPACE.A03 2,9 Mt 15.06.1997 - - -
Madspace. Playable demo. Part 4/5.
34866 MADSPACE.A04 196,8 kt 15.06.1997 - - -
Madspace. Playable demo. Part 5/5.
34867 MADSPACE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.06.1997 - - -
Madspace. New 3D-action game from Auric Visions/Maddox Games. Lots of big guns and aliens to kill. Part 1/5.
34868 MADSPCPI.ZIP 3,2 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
"MADSPACE screenshots & info 3D action shootemup with speech recognition. Maddoc Games/Auric Vision"
34869 MAGEDEMO.A01 1,3 Mt 26.09.1997 - MBCD -
Mageslayer. Shareware version. Part 2/7.
34870 MAGEDEMO.A02 1,3 Mt 26.09.1997 - MBCD -
Mageslayer. Shareware version. Part 3/7.
34871 MAGEDEMO.A03 1,3 Mt 26.09.1997 - MBCD -
Mageslayer. Shareware version. Part 4/7.
34872 MAGEDEMO.A04 1,3 Mt 26.09.1997 - MBCD -
Mageslayer. Shareware version. Part 5/7.
34873 MAGEDEMO.A05 1,3 Mt 26.09.1997 - MBCD -
Mageslayer. Shareware version. Part 6/7.
34874 MAGEDEMO.A06 561,9 kt 26.09.1997 - MBCD -
Mageslayer. Shareware version. Part 7/7.
34875 MAGEDEMO.ARJ 1,3 Mt 26.09.1997 - MBCD -
Mageslayer. 1/7New, Gauntlet-style top-down shooter from Raven Software. Choose from two diffenrent character classes and enter to the sewers controlled by evil ratmen. Windows 95. Shareware. .
34876 MAGEE397.ZIP 741,3 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Mageslayer E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. "GT INTERACTIVE TO UNVEIL NEW PC ACTION THRILLER, \'MAGESLAYER\' THIS SUMMER Raven Software Title Seamlessly Blends Classic Gaming Elements And Technology"
34877 MAGEPICS.ZIP 1,9 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Mageslayer screen shots top viewed action
34878 MALICSRC.ZIP 773,3 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
Malice Quake Total Conversion screenshots
34879 MANOWAR.A01 2,9 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Man of War demo 2/6
34880 MANOWAR.A02 2,9 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Man of War demo 3/6
34881 MANOWAR.A03 2,9 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Man of War demo 4/6
34882 MANOWAR.A04 2,9 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Man of War demo 5/6
34883 MANOWAR.A05 937,6 kt 04.11.1997 - - -
Man of War demo 6/6
34884 MANOWAR.ARJ 2,9 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
"Man of War pl. demo from Strategy First Sea Strategy. Set during the age of fighting sail3D first person perspective lets you experience first hand the saga of an Admirals life at sea. With a fleet of ships in your charge and a nations fate in the balancebear witness to the consequence of your command and change the course of history. DOS/Win3.1/Win 95 - P75 - 8/16Mb RAM - SVGA 1 MB 1/6"
34885 MANXE397.ZIP 1,7 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
"Manx TT Superbike E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. Now you can experience the Manx TT races firsthand on some of the worlds fastest motorcyclesracing against the worlds most skilful riders. "
34886 MANXGFX.ZIP 1,4 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Manx TT PC lisäkuvia moottoripyöräkilpa, Sega.
34887 MAPPY95.ZIP 61,3 kt 26.07.1997 - MBCD -
"Mappy Playable Demo from Namco. Direct port of the classic 80s arcade gameMappy. P100Win95DirectX 3. If you encounter problems with the displayjust try screwing upit works."
34888 MASKE397.ZIP 2,9 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Mask of Eternity E397 showpackage with screenshots. Adventure. Sierra.
34889 MAX2EC97.ZIP 927,4 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
M.A.X. 2 ECTS97 screenshots. Interplay.
34890 MC-E397.ZIP 405,8 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
"MechCommander E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Microprose. Real-time action strategy game of tactical combat and resource management set in the stunningly detailed BattleTech Universe. player assumes role of MechCommanderin command of a growing unit of MechWarriorsr and their assignedMechs. The goal is to retake the planet Port Arthur from the technologically superior Smoke Jaguar Clan. Players manage"
34891 MD3EC97.ZIP 649,8 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
"Matchday 3 ECTS97 showpackage with press release & screenshots. John Ritmanthe fabled 1980s creator of computer football as we know it with the original all-formats super-hits Matchday 1&2has returned to Ocean to bring playability back to the 90s videogame generation with the all-new Matchday 3. Ocean."
34892 MDK3AREN.A01 3,8 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
MDK - special 3 arena demo 2/3
34893 MDK3AREN.A02 2,7 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
MDK - special 3 arena demo 3/3
34894 MDK3AREN.ARJ 3,8 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
MDK - special 3 arena demo, playable. Utterly original and fluid action game, visually impressive 3D-shooting. DOS & Win95 - req. P60 16 MB SVGA.
34895 MDKNEW.A01 2,9 Mt 01.03.1997 - - -
MDK. New playable demo. Part 2/3.
34896 MDKNEW.A02 1,6 Mt 01.03.1997 - - -
MDK. New playable demo. Part 3/3.
34897 MDKNEW.ARJ 2,9 Mt 01.03.1997 - - -
MDK. New playable demo of this visually impressive 3D-game from Shiny Entertainment. Fight your way throught using your sidearm, zoomable sniper rifle or air strikes. This new version of the playable demo fixes movement bugs and adds strafes and some visual effects are redone. Part 1/3. DOS/Win95.
34898 MESSEC97.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Messiah ECTS97 screenshots. Interplay.
34899 MIBDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 08.10.1997 - - -
Men In Black demo 2/6
34900 MIBDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 08.10.1997 - - -
Men In Black demo 3/6
34901 MIBDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 08.10.1997 - - -
Men In Black demo 4/6
34902 MIBDEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 08.10.1997 - - -
Men In Black demo 5/6
34903 MIBDEMO.A05 1,7 Mt 08.10.1997 - - -
Men In Black demo 6/6
34904 MIBDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 08.10.1997 - - -
Men In Black: The Game, playable demo Gigawatt/SouthPeak You are an intergalactic border patrolman, a secret agent, and a soldier. Protect the Earth from the Scum of The Universe. Action game in spirit of the movie. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 1/6
34905 MIBPRE1.ZIP 474,9 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Men In Black preview with screenshots Created by Gigawatt Studios Distributed by Southpeak Interactive
34906 MIBPRE2.ZIP 672,6 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Men In Black preview with screenshots
34908 MIGAE397.ZIP 324,1 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
MiG Alley E397 showpackage with screenshtos & info. Flying simulation in Korean war. Rowan/Empire.
34909 MKTPICS.ZIP 342,9 kt 01.12.1997 - - -
Mortal Kombat Trilogy screenshots
34910 MMASEC97.ZIP 837,2 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
"Motor Mash ECTS97 showpackage with press release & screenshots. If you think that there are a lot of psychopaths on the road then youve never played Motor Mash - the startlingly addictive multi-player cartoon racer from Eutechnyx."
34911 MODPACK.ZIP 770 kt 06.11.1997 - - tupla
Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far DEMO MODPACK makes all the units available for use in the CC2 Demo. Plus another nice element or two for people who want to experiment with many different set-up options:
34912 MON3E397.ZIP 1,2 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
The Curse of Monkey Island E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Adventure. Lucasarts.
34913 MON3PRE.ZIP 187,4 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Description not available
34914 MONTEP2.ZIP 739,4 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
"Montezumas Return! screenshots & info immersive realtime 3D action adventure Utopia TechnologiesInc."
34915 MONTEPI.ZIP 395,5 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
"Montezumas Return! screenshots & info first-person full-3d action adventure game."
34916 MR2-DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 2/20
34917 MR2-DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 3/20
34918 MR2-DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 4/20
34919 MR2-DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 5/20
34920 MR2-DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 6/20
34921 MR2-DEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 7/20
34922 MR2-DEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 8/20
34923 MR2-DEMO.A08 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 9/20
34924 MR2-DEMO.A09 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 10/20
34925 MR2-DEMO.A10 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 11/20
34926 MR2-DEMO.A11 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 12/20
34927 MR2-DEMO.A12 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 13/20
34928 MR2-DEMO.A13 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 14/20
34929 MR2-DEMO.A14 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 15/20
34930 MR2-DEMO.A15 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 16/20
34931 MR2-DEMO.A16 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 17/20
34932 MR2-DEMO.A17 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 18/20
34933 MR2-DEMO.A18 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 19/20
34934 MR2-DEMO.A19 3,5 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 demo 20/20
34935 MR2-DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Megarace 2 -itsestään pyörivä JA pelattava demo Cryon hurjasta autokilpapelistä. Huima kapealla, kiemurtelevalla radalla kiertelevä ralleilu, VGA/SVGA, hyvä.   1/20
34936 MRINTDE2.A01 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Moto Racer GP NEW demo 2/7
34937 MRINTDE2.A02 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Moto Racer GP NEW demo 3/7
34938 MRINTDE2.A03 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Moto Racer GP NEW demo 4/7
34939 MRINTDE2.A04 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Moto Racer GP NEW demo 5/7
34940 MRINTDE2.A05 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Moto Racer GP NEW demo 6/7
34941 MRINTDE2.A06 1,3 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Moto Racer GP NEW demo 7/7
34942 MRINTDE2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Moto Racer GP Playable Demo - NEW from Delphine/Electronic Arts This new demo contains two new tracks exclusive to this demo: Sea of Sand and Fun Fair. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX            1/7
34943 MSABTF.A01 2,9 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far demo 2/6
34944 MSABTF.A02 2,9 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far demo 3/6
34945 MSABTF.A03 2,9 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far demo 4/6
34946 MSABTF.A04 2,9 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far demo 5/6
34947 MSABTF.A05 1,4 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far demo 6/6
34948 MSABTF.ARJ 2,9 Mt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far pl. demo Atomic Games / Microsoft Real-time, historically accurate World War II strategy game that puts you in command of either the Allied or Axis forces during the epic Operation Market Garden battle in German controlled Holland. Step into the battlefield and share the experience with your low-down infantrymen in this fantastically created game! P90, 16MB, Win95/NT, DirectX    1/6
34949 MSAOE.A01 2,9 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires demo 2/9
34950 MSAOE.A02 2,9 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires demo 3/9
34951 MSAOE.A03 2,9 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires demo 4/9
34952 MSAOE.A04 2,9 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires demo 5/9
34953 MSAOE.A05 2,9 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires demo 6/9
34954 MSAOE.A06 2,9 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires demo 7/9
34955 MSAOE.A07 2,9 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires demo 8/9
34956 MSAOE.A08 681 kt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires demo 9/9
34957 MSAOE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Empires playable demo from Ensemble Studios/Microsoft. Beautiful graphics, 12 civilizations, a comprehensive technology tree, dozens of units, randomly generated maps, and a rich soundtrack, add up to a more complete gaming experience. Brings you the expanse of the unknown. You have room to roam - and the 8 other players in multiplayer forum. P90 16 MB Win95 DirectX       1/9
34958 MSPCE397.ZIP 1,3 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Microsoft Puzzle Collection E397 showpackage with screenshots. Microsoft.
34959 MTGEE397.ZIP 2 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
MAGIC: THE GATHERING The PC Card Expansions E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. The first Magic: The Gathering expansion will offer a variety of new features including the availability of over 100 rare digital cards from the original Unlimited Edition, Arabian Nights and Antiquities trading card sets, a new Sealed Deck Generator gameplaying feature, plus 60 new premade decks. MicroProse
34960 MTRRP3D.ZIP 6,9 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Motoracer screenshots - 3DFX PC version Motorcycle racing from Electronic Arts
34961 MTRRPIC.ZIP 3,6 Mt 22.04.1997 - - -
Motoracer screenshots - standard PC version Motorcycle racing from Electronic Arts
34962 MTRUGFX.ZIP 1,2 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Monster Trucks PC lisäkuvia Ralli. Psygnosis.
34963 MVDEM122.A01 2,9 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Muzzle Velocity demo V1.21 2/3
34964 MVDEM122.A02 2,6 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Muzzle Velocity demo V1.21 3/3
34965 MVDEM122.ARJ 2,9 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Muzzle Velocity DEMO V1.21         1/3 The hottest war/strategy game ever! MV is the only true war strategy game that puts you in the middle of the action. Instead of being locked into a simple overhead view, like competing war games, MV allows you on the actual battlefield in a real-time interactive 3D environment complete with texture mapping and spectacular 32 channel digital sound. The gameplay is phenomenal.
34966 MW2DEMO.ZIP 1,3 Mt 09.07.1997 - 21894/Image.bin tupla
MechWarrior II: The Clans - pelattava demo.
34967 MW2MERC2.A01 2,2 Mt 19.05.1997 - - -
Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries long AVI 2/2
34968 MW3-E397.ZIP 1,6 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
MechWarrior 3 E397 showpackage. Microprose.
34969 MW3PIC.ZIP 408,3 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Mechwarrior 3 Screen Shots
34970 MYTHDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Myth: The Fallen Lords demo 2/9
34971 MYTHDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Myth: The Fallen Lords demo 3/9
34972 MYTHDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Myth: The Fallen Lords demo 4/9
34973 MYTHDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Myth: The Fallen Lords demo 5/9
34974 MYTHDEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Myth: The Fallen Lords demo 6/9
34975 MYTHDEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Myth: The Fallen Lords demo 7/9
34976 MYTHDEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Myth: The Fallen Lords demo 8/9
34977 MYTHDEMO.A08 616,5 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
Myth: The Fallen Lords demo 9/9
34978 MYTHDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Myth: The Fallen Lords playable demo by 1/9 Bungie - brings you a world where the living are fighting a losing battle against the risen dead. Direct armies as they struggle to withstand the onslaught of the Fallen Lords. Real time strategy with great story, movies, miniatyre strategic battles. DEMO supports internet multi-player and has 1 training map, 2 full maps & 1 network map. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5. Supports 3Dfx.
34979 MYTHE397.ZIP 3 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Myth E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Bungie/Eidos. Fully multimetric realtime tactical game, and it will stun gamers with the full-on experience of epic battle.
34980 MYTHEC97.ZIP 19,2 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Myth ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press release. Strategy. Bungie/Eidos.
34982 MYTHPRE.ZIP 194,5 kt 24.03.1997 - - -
Myth preview with screenshots real-time strategy game from Bungie
34981 MYTHPRE2.ZIP 774,2 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
Myth preview with screenshots
34983 MYTHSCR2.ZIP 1,8 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Myth screenshots
34984 MZVDEM01.ZIP 2 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Muzzle Velocity-sotapelin pelattava demo. Osa 1/3.
34985 MZVDEM02.ZIP 3 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Muzzle Velocity-sotapelin pelattava demo. Osa 2/3.
34986 MZVDEM03.ZIP 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
Muzzle Velocity-sotapelin pelattava demo. Osa 3/3.
34987 N98-E397.ZIP 1,2 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
"Nascar98 E397 showpackage with screenshots. EOA."
34988 NB98E397.ZIP 1,5 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
"NBA Life98 E397 showpackage with screenshots. EOA."
34989 NBA_DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"NBA Action98 demo 2/7"
34990 NBA_DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"NBA Action98 demo 3/7"
34991 NBA_DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"NBA Action98 demo 4/7"
34992 NBA_DEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"NBA Action98 demo 5/7"
34993 NBA_DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"NBA Action98 demo 6/7"
34994 NBA_DEMO.A06 81,9 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
"NBA Action98 demo 7/7"
34995 NBA_DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"NBA Action98 Playable Demo 1/7 Sega Entertainment full court5 on 5 basketball in an intenseaction-packed atmosphere. Featuring all 29 teams (including expansion franchises Toronto and Vancouver) and over 340 NBA playersincluding the Create-A-Player featurefull-team rosters and statistics from the96/97 season. P9016MBWin95DirectX 5"
35010 NC-E397.ZIP 404,4 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Nightmare Creatures E397 showpackage with screenshots. Action. Activision.
34996 NC1-E397.ZIP 4,1 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Nightmare Creatures E397 showpackage with artwork screenshots. Kalisto.
34997 NC2-E397.ZIP 2 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Nightmare Creatures E397 showpackage with screenshots. Kalisto.
34998 NC98E397.ZIP 2,9 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
"NCAA Football98 E397 showpackage with screenshots. EOA."
34999 NCAA98.A01 2,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
NCAA Football 98
35000 NCAA98.A02 2,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
NCAA Football 98
35001 NCAA98.A03 2,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
NCAA Football 98
35002 NCAA98.A04 2,3 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
NCAA Football 98
35003 NCAA98.ARJ 2,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
NCAA Football 98 playable demo. EA Sports. The full game has all 10 division 1A conferences plus conference championship games. Win95 P133 16 MB DirectX5
35004 NCAAFFD.A01 3,8 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
NCAA Basketball: Final Tour 97 pl.demo 2/6
35005 NCAAFFD.A02 3,8 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
NCAA Basketball: Final Tour 97 pl.demo 3/6
35006 NCAAFFD.A03 3,8 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
NCAA Basketball: Final Tour 97 pl.demo 4/6
35007 NCAAFFD.A04 3,8 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
NCAA Basketball: Final Tour 97 pl.demo 5/6
35008 NCAAFFD.A05 458,7 kt 17.02.1997 - - -
NCAA Basketball: Final Tour 97 pl.demo 6/6
35009 NCAAFFD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
"NCAA Basketball: Final Tour 97 pl. demo From Mindscape. Bring it to the big dancea battle secong to none! This is NCAA hoops like youve never experienced. Not only is this the best looking basketball gameFINAL FOUR 97 is the best basketball simulation on the PC and PSX. But dont believe the hypeschool is now in session. Windows 95 with DIrectX3P908 MB. 1/6"
35011 NETSE397.ZIP 1,8 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
NetStorm E397 showpackage with screenshots. Activision.
35013 NETSPRE.ZIP 276,6 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
NetStorm preview with screenshots Titanic Entertainment/Activision Fall 1997. Real time strategy with different approach.
35012 NETSPRE2.ZIP 438,4 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
NetStorm preview with screenshots Activision
35021 NETWAR.ZIP 136,5 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
netWAR preview with screenshots from Headland Digital Media, Inc. Category: Action Similar to: Reloaded
35014 NETWARSW.A01 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 2/7
35015 NETWARSW.A02 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 3/7
35016 NETWARSW.A03 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 4/7
35017 NETWARSW.A04 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 5/7
35018 NETWARSW.A05 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 6/7
35019 NETWARSW.A06 279,7 kt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 7/7
35020 NETWARSW.ARJ 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
"NetWAR shareware - Internet playable   1/7 shootemup frenzy in commandy tryleall-barrels blasting action with soldiers on footair and sea. Shoot others with your standard riflejump into tank when you find onethen take a joyride in heavily armed helicopter. Isometric action. Free multiplayer demo of the full commercial game. Feq. Win95 P90 DirectX3.0a SVGA 16 MB 28.8K"
35022 NF98E397.ZIP 170,4 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
"Madden NFL98 E397 showpackage with screenshots. EOA."
35023 NFQBE397.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
"NFL Quarterback Club98 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Sports / Football Acclaim"
35024 NFS2PRES.ZIP 309,1 kt 11.03.1997 - - -
Description not available
35025 NH2DEMOS.ZIP 173 kt 16.10.1997 - 22093/SSERVCD_52A.iso -
"Namco History Volume 2 pl. demo from Nacmo! 2 demos from Namcos Namco History Volume 2. New Rally-X and The Tower of Druaga. All documentation is in Japanese. This game will probably never come out for the PC in the U.S. Lovely old coin-op conversions. Remember Radar Rat-Race?!?! P10016MBWin95DirectX 5"
35026 NH98E397.ZIP 506 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
"NHL POWERPLAY98 E397 showpackege with screenshots & info. Virgin. For Playstation & Win95. Delivers The Challenge and Realism of Professional Hockey With Advanced Artificial Intelligence and Amazing 3-D Graphics. Superior artificial intelligence (AI) puts players on the ice and in the skates of the National Hockey League PlayersAssociation (NHLPA)s top pros. "
35027 NHL98DEM.A01 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
NHL98 demo 2/6
35028 NHL98DEM.A02 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
NHL98 demo 3/6
35029 NHL98DEM.A03 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
NHL98 demo 4/6
35030 NHL98DEM.A04 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
NHL98 demo 5/6
35031 NHL98DEM.A05 1,2 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
NHL98 demo 6/6
35032 NHL98DEM.ARJ 1,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
NHL98 playable demo from EA Sports 1/6 Brings you NHL hockey like no other game ever made - smartest hockey game available. Demo features Detroit Red Wings and Philadephia Flyers. Win95 16 MB Win95 DirectX5
35033 NINEC97.ZIP 410,9 kt 31.10.1997 - - -
Ninja ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & info. 3D beat-em-up. Core Design/Eidos
35034 NIR-E397.ZIP 724,1 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Napoleon in Russia E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Strategy. Talonsoft/Empire.
35035 NITRORPR.ZIP 99,1 kt 27.01.1997 - - -
Nitro Racers preview with screenshots top down car racing from Studio 3DO
35036 NRINFO.ZIP 208,9 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
No Respect info & screenshots Shoot\'em\'up. Player will instantly be immersed in a completely real-time and free environment with easy control over his ship and be a part of a real dramatic and entertaining experience" Get ready for the most spectacular blast of a lifetime. State of the art of high tech combat in real-time 3D. OCEAN Software.
35037 NRSEDOS.A01 2,4 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Norse by Norsewest demo V1.0 2/4
35038 NRSEDOS.A02 2,4 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Norse by Norsewest demo V1.0 3/4
35039 NRSEDOS.A03 2 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Norse by Norsewest demo V1.0 4/4
35040 NRSEDOS.ARJ 2,4 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
Norse by Norsewest Playable demo V1.0 1/4 From Interplay. Erik the Swift, Baleog the Fierce and Olaf the Stout have escaped from the evil alien, Tomator, and have been unleashed in time once again - but not before they were able to snatch some of his powerful new toys. Equipped with their new weapons - rocket boots, light saber and power shield- they will search thoroughout many different worlds, fight off entirely new cast of enemies, find hidden items and use teamwork to tackle the varying terrain of strange new worlds. Includes 3 first levels. DOS.
35041 NS105B.A01 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm playable demo 2 2/7
35042 NS105B.A02 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm playable demo 2 3/7
35043 NS105B.A03 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm playable demo 2 4/7
35044 NS105B.A04 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm playable demo 2 5/7
35045 NS105B.A05 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm playable demo 2 6/7
35046 NS105B.A06 923,2 kt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm playable demo 2 7/7
35047 NS105B.ARJ 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
"NetStorm playable demo 2 from Titanic/ Activision Online multiplayer real-time strategy game. Goal is to capture opposing playerspriests and sacrify them. Revolution in Action-Strategyaway from the micro management of countless minionsand instead toward intelligentindependent battle units. Demo 2 has more features and better play balance. P90 16 MB RAM SVGA w/ 1MB Windows 95 DirectX5 DEMO HAS FULL MULTIPLAYER / INTERNET SUPPORT 1/7 Kauppinen"
35048 NSDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Nuclear Strike demo 2/5
35049 NSDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Nuclear Strike demo 3/5
35050 NSDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Nuclear Strike demo 4/5
35051 NSDEMO.A04 3 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Nuclear Strike demo 5/5
35052 NSDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Nuclear Strike Playable Demo 1/5 Electronic Arts Stop the war before it goes Nuclear in a race against time as you face nuclear terrorism that could trigger WWIII. Command a high-tech covert organization equipped with the latest in military hardware Swoop across photorealistic, 3Dfx accelerated terrain as you lay waste to enemy installations and hardware with the most intense explosions this side of a summer bloc
35053 NSMUSIC.A01 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm demo music 2/7
35054 NSMUSIC.A02 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm demo music 3/7
35055 NSMUSIC.A03 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm demo music 4/7
35056 NSMUSIC.A04 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm demo music 5/7
35057 NSMUSIC.A05 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm demo music 6/7
35058 NSMUSIC.A06 101,1 kt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
NetStorm demo music 7/7
35059 NSMUSIC.ARJ 1,4 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NetStorm playable demo by Activision 1/7 Online multiplayer strategy game. OPTIONAL MUSICS FILE - without this you wont get any music."
35060 NSTRE397.ZIP 150,8 kt 24.09.1997 - - -
Nuclear Strike E397 screenshots from Electronic Arts
35061 OCASTP.ZIP 113,5 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Outcast - Get ready for the most spectacular real time action adventure in a truly believable and immersive virtual environment. Born from the idea to cover the broadest interactive spectrum possible in order to create the most interesting gameplay. Short term, medium term and long term interactions together are the best way to catch interest from the player. Information and screenshots.
35062 ODDBPRE.ZIP 100 kt 27.01.1997 - - -
Oddball Engines - loony racing game preview with screenshots from Merit
35063 ODDE397.ZIP 5,4 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
"ODDWORLD: ABES ODDYSEEE397 showpackage with screenshots & info. GT INTERACTIVE UNVEILS THE NEW A.L.I.V.E. GAME GENRE WITH First of Five Oddworld Inhabitants Titles Debuts"
35064 ODDPREV.ZIP 209,5 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
OddWorld Inhabitants preview with screenshots GT Interactive
35065 ODDWPRE.ZIP 209,6 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
"Abes Oddysee preview with screenshots GT Interactive -  September 1997 Incredibly clever game whichamong other accomplishmentsuses an on-the-fly communication system (Gamespeak)which assigns various game controls to specific commands."
35066 OMICE397.ZIP 3,1 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Omikron E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Quantic Dream/Eidos. Arcade/Adventure game entirely realized in real time 3D, for PC CD-ROM and PlayStation.
35067 OMIKSCR.ZIP 192,7 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Omikron screenshots from Quantic Dream
35068 OMKAE397.A01 3,8 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Omikron E397 2/4
35069 OMKAE397.A02 3,8 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Omikron E397 3/4
35070 OMKAE397.A03 367,7 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Omikron E397 4/4
35071 OP2PRE.ZIP 183,9 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Outpost 2 preview with screenshots Space strategy. Sierra.
35073 OTR_SCR.ZIP 647,3 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
Over The Reich info & screenshots from Avalon Hill.
35072 OTR-GFX.ZIP 1,7 Mt 20.08.1998 - - tupla
Over The Reich -PC lisäkuvia. Strategia, Big Time SOftware/Avalon Hill
35074 OUTLDEM2.A01 2,9 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Outlaws demo v2.0 2/5
35075 OUTLDEM2.A02 2,9 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Outlaws demo v2.0 3/5
35076 OUTLDEM2.A03 2,9 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Outlaws demo v2.0 4/5
35077 OUTLDEM2.A04 2,1 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Outlaws demo v2.0 5/5
35078 OUTLDEM2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Outlaws pelattava demo V2.0 - Villin Lännen 3D-räiskintää Lucasartsin malliin. Uudessa demossa 3Dfx-tuki ja 3D-audiotuki. Vaatii DirectX3.0a P60 Win95  1/5
35079 OUTLPIC.ZIP 123 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
Outlaws (LucasArts) screenshoteja
35080 OUTMUL2.A01 3 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Outlaws multiplayer add-on 2/3
35081 OUTMUL2.A02 2,7 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Outlaws multiplayer add-on 3/3
35082 OUTMUL2.ARJ 3 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Outlaws pelattava demo V2.0  1/3 Multiplayer Add-on - mahdollistaa moninpelin Microsoft Internet Gaming Zonen (IGZ) http://www.zone.com, paikallisverkon ja Kalin kautta Vaatii Demo v2.0:n. Lucasarts.
35083 OUTWE397.ZIP 1 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Outwars E397 showpackage with screenshots. Action. Microsoft.
35084 OVERE397.ZIP 2,1 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Overboard! E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. A Sea-based, arcade puzzler. Overboard! puts you in control of a galleon ship on a quest to seek long-lost treasure. Fun comes first in this game, with unique and highly- addictive game-play. Visually striking, challenging and entertaining for everyone. Maritime mayhem at its best!
35085 P2DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 2/14
35086 P2DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 3/14
35087 P2DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 4/14
35088 P2DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 5/14
35089 P2DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 6/14
35090 P2DEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 7/14
35091 P2DEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 8/14
35092 P2DEMO.A08 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 9/14
35093 P2DEMO.A09 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 10/14
35094 P2DEMO.A10 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 11/14
35095 P2DEMO.A11 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 12/14
35096 P2DEMO.A12 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 13/14
35097 P2DEMO.A13 3,5 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
Privateer 2 playable demo 14/14
35098 P2DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.04.1997 - - -
"Privateer 2 playable demo 1/14 Space strategy & combat Scout dangerous sectorshunt down criminalsfly recon or follow the plot. Its sapce adventure the way you want it! Req. P75 8 MB DOS"
35105 PA-E397.ZIP 1021,5 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Pathe News 20th Century Challenge E397 showpackage with info & screenshots. Trivia. Sir-Tech Software.
35099 PA2DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Pandemonium 2 pre-alpha demo 2/4
35100 PA2DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Pandemonium 2 pre-alpha demo 3/4
35101 PA2DEMO.A03 279,3 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
Pandemonium 2 pre-alpha demo 4/4
35102 PA2DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
"Pandemonium 2 Pre-Alpha playable demo 1/4 Join NikkiFargus and Sid as they try to steal the power of the Comet of Infinite Possibility in a hugepsychedelicplatform journey to the edge of sanity. Theyve grown olderwiserhave new powers and deadly new enemies. Crystal Dynamics /BMG Interactive P16616MBWin95DirectX 53Dfx Card"
35103 PACGENIN.ZIP 249,8 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Pacific General screenshots & info The 5-Star Series Hits the Beach and the Pacific Will Never Be the Same! With 2 full-length campaigns, a Scenario Editor, and a Battle Generator, this game will keep you busy for months to come. Features Full Japanese and Allied Campaigns, naval combat and island-hopping land battles, Head to Head Play via modem or network. Windows 95 P90 16 MB. SSI.
35104 PACGP2.ZIP 807,5 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Pacific General screenshots. SSI.
35106 PASSE397.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
Perfect Assassin E397 screenshots - Grolier
35107 PAX-DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pax Imperia demo 2/10
35108 PAX-DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pax Imperia demo 3/10
35109 PAX-DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pax Imperia demo 4/10
35110 PAX-DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pax Imperia demo 5/10
35111 PAX-DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pax Imperia demo 6/10
35112 PAX-DEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pax Imperia demo 7/10
35113 PAX-DEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pax Imperia demo 8/10
35114 PAX-DEMO.A08 3,8 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pax Imperia demo 9/10
35115 PAX-DEMO.A09 1 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pax Imperia demo 10/10
35116 PAX-DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
"Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain beta playable demo from Heliotrope/THQ Your universe is as vast as you deem it to be. Explore and colonize hundreds of inhabitable worlds in one of the largest game universes ever created. No two worlds will ever be the same! Jggle economicsresearch and develop hundreds of technologiesbuild your planets assets and handle diplomacy. 486/100 16 MB Win95 DirectX         1/10"
35117 PAXPRE.ZIP 265,5 kt 15.09.1997 - - -
Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain preview with screenshots Distributed by THQ You begin with a single, well populated planet in a galaxy choked with up to 800 others, starting funds, and a scout ship. It is from this point that you begin researching all kinds of new technology, constructing ever-evolving starships, and branching out in search of new worlds, terraforming, building, and slaughtering the competition.
35118 PB3DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
3D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent 2/7
35119 PB3DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
3D Ultra Pinball: The Lost COntinent 3/7
35120 PB3DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
3D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent 4/7
35121 PB3DEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
3D Ultra Pinball: The Lost COntinent 5/7
35122 PB3DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
3D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent 6/7
35123 PB3DEMO.A06 538,9 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
3D Ultra Pinball: The Lost COntinent 7/7
35124 PB3DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
"3D Ultra Pinball: The Lost Continent playable demo Dynamix/Sierra The third installment in Sierras 3D Ultra Pinball series pits you in a dinosaur-infested land as you struggle to keep the ball in play on two parallel sets of flippers. This demo lets you tackle just one of the fifteen tables contained in the full version. Windows 3.1 / 95486/668 MBDirectX or WinG in Win3.1 1/7"
35125 PF15E397.ZIP 1,3 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Power F1 Win95 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Eidos.
35126 PF1DEMO.A01 2,2 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Power F1 Demo (Eidos Interactive) . Osa 2 / 2
35127 PF1DEMO.ARJ 2,7 Mt 23.03.1997 - - -
Power F1 Demo (Eidos Interactive) " ... could be the first real challenger for Microprose\'s F1P2 ... " . Osa 1 / 2
35139 PG2-E397.ZIP 882,8 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Panzer General II E397 showpackage with screenshots & information. Strategy. SSI.
35128 PG2DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II demo 2/11
35129 PG2DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II demo 3/11
35130 PG2DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II demo 4/11
35131 PG2DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II demo 5/11
35132 PG2DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II demo 6/11
35133 PG2DEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II demo 7/11
35134 PG2DEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II demo 8/11
35135 PG2DEMO.A08 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II demo 9/11
35136 PG2DEMO.A09 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II demo 10/11
35137 PG2DEMO.A10 605 kt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II demo 11/1
35138 PG2DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General II Playable Demo SSI Witness the LIVING BATTLEFIELDTM, a new standard for strategy game artwork. Featuring the heightened realism of hand-rendered maps - thirty painstakingly crafted battlefields that are faithful to the real ones of WWII - the LIVING BATTLEFIELD also showcases detailed rendered combat units. P90, Win95, 16Mb, DirectX  1/11
35140 PG2INFO.ZIP 234,3 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Panzer General II screenshots & info You Could Rule The World! The sequel to the mega-hit Panzer General, Panzer General II is played across 4 campaigns of linked scenarios The Battle Editor allows you to edit the included scenarios to reflect YOUR version of History.See the destruction your forces cause on the new Interactive Battlefield. Multiplayer support across a LAN or Internet. Beautifully modeled 3D units. Interactive
35141 PGAPE397.ZIP 3,7 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
PGA Tour Pro E397 showpackage with screenshots. EOA.
35142 PGATOURP.A01 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
PGA Tour Pro demo 2/5
35143 PGATOURP.A02 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
PGA Tour Pro demo 3/5
35144 PGATOURP.A03 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
PGA Tour Pro demo 4/5
35145 PGATOURP.A04 1,1 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
PGA Tour Pro demo 5/5
35146 PGATOURP.ARJ 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
PGA TOUR Pro Playable Demo EA Sports - recreates the game of golf in its every nuance. Experience the excitement and pressure of competing on the TOUR against real TOUR pros. Will you crumble in the clutch or gut out a victory in the final round of a tightly contested tournament? Join the PGA TOUR and find out. This demo lets your play the 9th hole at Pebble Beach. NOTE: To run the demo, you need to have a CD-ROM drive P90, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX 3     1/5
35147 PILGEC97.ZIP 273,5 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Pilgrim ECTS97 showpackage with press release & screenshots. brand new adventure from Infogrames that sets astounding new standards for the genre. Set in the thirteenth century Pilgrim revolves around an epic tale created by artists more used to working in the fields of literature and design. Infogrames.
35148 PLAGE397.ZIP 3,5 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Plague E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Eidos. bold expedition into the next generation of real-time strategy gaming. The game is based upon an original concept by Ian Livingstone and combines all the best elements of a real-time wargame with a medieval resource management theme.
35149 PLSEC97.ZIP 1,5 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
World League Soccer ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press release. Eidos.
35150 POD3DX.A01 3,8 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
POD playable demo 3Dfx version 2/3
35151 POD3DX.A02 3,7 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
POD playable demo 3Dfx version 3/3
35152 POD3DX.ARJ 3,8 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
POD playable demo 3Dfx version 1/3 from Ubisoft - futuristic experience that cannot compare to anything ever before seen, heard or imagined. Players ripping through intense 3-D environments in customizable cars while linkin up to 8 simultaneous players over the Internet or Intranet. Includes 2 tracks 2 cars and multiplayer. Req. P120 16 MB 640x480x16
35153 PODD3DX.A01 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
POD NEW 3Dfx demo 2/5
35154 PODD3DX.A02 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
POD NEW 3Dfx demo 3/5
35155 PODD3DX.A03 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
POD NEW 3Dfx demo 4/5
35156 PODD3DX.A04 280,5 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
POD NEW 3Dfx demo 5/5
35157 PODD3DX.ARJ 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
POD NEW Playable Demo 3Dfx 1/5 from UbiSoft - redefines racing and revolutionizes Internet-direct multi-player gaming for an experience that is out of this world.Players will be ripping through intense 3-D environments in customizable cars while linking up to eight simultaneous players over the Internet or Intranet. Contains one track (Lake) and one car (Fuego) it also supports the POD Online Game Service. MMX/non-MMX 3Dfx versions. P100 (MMX optional), Win95,DX
35158 PODDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
POD NEW demo 2/4
35159 PODDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
POD NEW demo 3/4
35160 PODDEMO.A03 2,6 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
POD NEW demo 4/4
35161 PODDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
POD NEW Playable Demo  1/4 from UbiSoft - redefines racing and revolutionizes Internet-direct multi-player gaming for an experience that is out of this world.Players will be ripping through intense 3-D environments in customizable cars while linking up to eight simultaneous players over the Internet or Intranet. Contains one track (Lake) and one car (Fuego) it also supports the POD Online Game Service. MMX/non-MMX versions. P100, Win95, DirectX
35162 POLIPICS.ZIP 1,1 Mt 06.11.1997 - - -
"Tom Clancys Politika screenshots Youre in Russiaand President Boris Yeltsin has suddenly died with no obvious successorleaving a power vacuum. Youre in charge of one of eight major factions that have risen from the chaos and are competing to take control of the remnants of one of the most powerful nations in the world."
35163 POP3E397.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
Populous 3 E397 screenshots - Bullfrog
35164 POP3PIC2.ZIP 847,8 kt 25.09.1997 - - -
Populous 3 screenshots
35165 POSTAL11.A01 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - MBCD -
Postal demo 2/6
35166 POSTAL11.A02 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - MBCD -
Postal demo 3/6
35167 POSTAL11.A03 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - MBCD -
Postal demo 4/6
35168 POSTAL11.A04 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - MBCD -
Postal demo 5/6
35169 POSTAL11.A05 575 kt 31.10.1997 - MBCD -
Postal demo 6/6
35170 POSTAL11.ARJ 3,8 Mt 31.10.1997 - MBCD -
Postal pl. demo v1.1 by Running With Scissors 1-level playable demo of RWS\'s controversial top-down and 3/4-view action game. "Non-Stop- Killing, Action-Strategy, Psychological Thriller" This new demo is far improved over the original beta release, and includes IPX or TCP/IP-multiplayer gaming. Arcade action/shoot\'em\'up P90, 16MB, Win95/NT4.0 1/6
35171 POSTALPR.ZIP 926,3 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Postal preview with screenshots Created by Running With Scissors Published by Ripcord Games "non-stop killing, action, strategy, psychological thriller". In case you aren\'t aware of the significance of the title, Postal has become "urban slang" for going over the edge. Isometric, top-down perspective, you control "Postal Guy", a no-name lunatic who goes "postal".
35172 POSTPICS.ZIP 201,6 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Postal screenshots.
35173 POWERBP1.ZIP 2,4 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Powerboat screenshots - England Interplay
35174 POWERBP2.ZIP 3 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Powerboat screenshots - Japan Interplay
35175 POWERBP3.ZIP 4,2 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Powerboat screenshots - New York Interplay
35176 POWERBP4.ZIP 2,5 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Powerboat screenshots - Russia Interplay
35177 POWERBP5.ZIP 5,4 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Powerboat screenshots - with boat Interplay
35178 POWF1PRE.ZIP 546,1 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Power F1 preview with screenshots Teque London / EIDOS Interactive Category: Simulation / Racing Similar to: Indy Car Racing II
35189 PP-E397.ZIP 1,7 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Pro Pilot E397 showpackage with screenshots. Civilian flight simulation. Sierra.
35179 PP98DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NHL Powerplay98 demo 2/10"
35180 PP98DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NHL Powerplay98 demo 3/10"
35181 PP98DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NHL Powerplay98 demo 4/10"
35182 PP98DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NHL Powerplay98 demo 5/10"
35183 PP98DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NHL Powerplay98 demo 6/10"
35184 PP98DEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NHL Powerplay98 demo 7/10"
35185 PP98DEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NHL Powerplay98 demo 8/10"
35186 PP98DEMO.A08 3,8 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NHL Powerplay98 demo 9/10"
35187 PP98DEMO.A09 1,7 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NHL Powerplay98 dmeo 10/10"
35188 PP98DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
"NHL Powerplay98 Playable Demo Radical/Virgin Real Hockey Moves with Real Hockey action from fake shotsstumble passes and one-timers to dump-insdeflections and hooking. Superior 3-D graphics. On-the-fly 3-D environment. Demo allows you to play two five-minute periods between the Detroit Red Wings and Philadelphia Flyers. Req. P75 (2D) P133 (3D)16MbWin95DirectX (Direct3D supported)"
35190 PR-E397.ZIP 1 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Planetary Raiders E397 showpackage with screenshots. Internet playable multiplayer space action trading strategy game. Interactive Magic.
35200 PR-TIMD.A01 1,6 Mt 24.11.1997 - - tupla
"Professor Tims Incredible Machines demo 2/2"
35191 PRESINFO.ZIP 117,3 kt 16.10.1997 - - -
"Preservation - The Battle of the Ancients info & screenshots. Top viewed space shootemup."
35192 PREYE397.ZIP 2,5 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Prey E397 showpackage with screenshots & info.
35194 PREYP.ZIP 377,5 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Prey preview with screenshots from GT Interactive / 3D Realms Category: 3D Shooter Similar to: Quake 2, Unreal
35193 PREYPRE.ZIP 151,5 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Prey preview with screenshots.  3D Realms
35195 PRF-E397.ZIP 1,7 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
"Profiteer E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. This lightening-fast arcade shootem up/tactical game offers a unique and original vision of gameplay over the Earths surface. With an impressive level of graphical detailgameplay rich environment and many innovative new featuresProfiteer is a clear leader in its sector. will support Serial linkIPXmodem and TCP formats. Most multiplayer games will be playe"
35196 PROFITSD.ZIP 2,1 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Profits Warning - Internet multiplayer game using real shares values from Team 17. Win95/NT.
35197 PROPPRE.ZIP 72,6 kt 27.01.1997 - - -
"Propaganda preview with screenshots from Burst/Virgin * car shootemup"
35198 PROTGFX.ZIP 5,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball: Timeshock PC lisäkuvia. flipperi.
35201 PRYSTG.ZIP 422,2 kt 21.04.1997 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
PREY - first screenshots
35202 PSYDE397.ZIP 1,1 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Psybadek E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Amazing new 3D hoverdek arcade action game. This challenging game revolves around a group of distinct characters headed up by a guy named Xako and a girl called Mia. Both characters have their own distinct storylines, perform different stunts and have access to different secret levels. This 3D platform action game is the missing game for both the PlayStation and PC CD-ROM
35203 PWRBEC97.ZIP 2 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Powerboat ECTS97 screenshots. Boat racing PC & Playstation. Interplay.
35207 Q2_TEST.A01 2,9 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2 Test-version. Part 2/4.
35208 Q2_TEST.A02 2,9 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2 Test-version. Part 3/4.
35209 Q2_TEST.A03 2,2 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2 Test-version. Part 4/4.
35210 Q2_TEST.ARJ 2,9 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2. Test-version, 1/4,of Quake 2, long-awaited sequel of Quake, one of the most popular 3D-action games ever! This test-version was not intended to represent the final state of Quake 2. It still lacks lots of features present in Quake 2, and should only be taken as a preview what is coming. Note: This is not an shareware- or even demo-version of Quake 2! Three levels, OpenGL, no multiplayer support. Req. P90, 16 Mt RAM. Windows 95. By ID Software. 
35204 Q2NEWPIC.ZIP 948 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Quake2 New Screen Shots
35206 Q2PICS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Quake2 screenshots
35205 Q2PICS2.ZIP 737,8 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
Quake II screenshots
35211 QBC97DMO.A01 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
"NFL Quarterback Club97 demo 2/5"
35212 QBC97DMO.A02 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
"NFL Quarterback Club97 demo 3/5"
35213 QBC97DMO.A03 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
"NFL Quarterback Club97 demo 4/5"
35214 QBC97DMO.A04 1,7 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
"NFL Quarterback Club97 demo 5/5"
35215 QBC97DMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
35216 QFG5E397.ZIP 1,5 Mt 31.07.1997 - - -
Quest for Glory 5 E397 showpackage with screenshots. Adventure. Sierra.
35217 QFVFPRE.ZIP 551,1 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Future vs. Fantasy preview with screenshots Quake add-on
35218 QUIVDEV.ARJ 2,4 Mt 19.05.1997 - - -
The Quivering - in development visuals and screenshots. Adventure from Gametek.
35219 RASCE397.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Rascal E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. Real-time 3D platform game. You play the part of Rascal, the son of a scientist who has built a time machine. One evening, you decide to investigate the time machine. After all, one quick look at the past can’ hurt anyone, can it? But soon you find yourself avoiding traps and creatures as you journey across seven different worlds. Visually stunning with
35220 RAYGOLD.A01 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Rayman Gold demo 2/4
35221 RAYGOLD.A02 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Rayman Gold demo 3/4
35222 RAYGOLD.A03 755,1 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Rayman Gold demo 4/4
35223 RAYGOLD.ARJ 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
"Rayman Gold playable demo from Ubi Soft Created for both fans of the original million-selling Rayman and newcomers to Raymans wacky worldRayman Gold doubles the gameplay of the original. It includes not only the complete original Rayman gamebut also 24 brand new levels! Includes also level editor. Exchange levels over Internet! Great 2D side-viewed platform action! P9016MBWin95  1/4"
35224 RAYGPRE.ZIP 555,3 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Rayman Gold preview with screenshots Ubi Soft 2D action platformer
35226 RB-E397.ZIP 2,8 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
Red Baron II E397 showpackage with screenshots. WW1 flight simulator. Sierra.
35225 RB2PRE.ZIP 257,5 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Red Baron II preview with screenshots Created by Dynamix Distributed by Sierra
35227 RCHAMPD.A01 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Rally Championship playable demo 2/5
35228 RCHAMPD.A02 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Rally Championship playable demo 3/5
35229 RCHAMPD.A03 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Rally Championship playable demo 4/5
35230 RCHAMPD.A04 3,1 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Rally Championship playable demo 5/5
35231 RCHAMPD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Rally Championship Playable Demo from Europress. For the rally racing fans: sort of a Need For Speed meets Sega Rally. With Network/Modem support too. Includes one long track, and one car: Subaru Impreza Turbo DOS 16 MB and recommended P100
35232 REAPINFO.ZIP 4,9 Mt 18.09.1997 - - -
The Reap - infoa ja kuvakaappauksia, Housemarque Gamesin jouluksi ilmestyvän upean räiskintäpelin previkkatietoa! http://www.housemarque.com
35233 REBE397.ZIP 1,3 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
Star Wars: Rebellion E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Real-Time, Strategy-Based Title Challenges Players to Build, Deploy and Direct the Galactic Empire or Rebel Alliance Forces to Victory
35234 REBELM.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
"Rebel Moon Rising E397 showpackage. GT INTERACTIVE AND FENRIS WOLFSREBEL MOON RISINGASCENDS ONTO PCS 3DSci-Fi Action Title First To Feature VoiceType Speech Recognition Technology Designed Exclusively For Intels New MMX Technology. Screenshots & info"
35235 REBELPR.ZIP 542,3 kt 03.02.1997 - - -
Star Wars: Rebellion preview with screenshots
35236 REBOE397.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
Reboot E397 screenshots. Electronic Arts
35237 REDLINEP.ZIP 396,7 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Redline screenshots from Accolade. Category: Action Similar to: I76, Carmageddon
35238 REDNECKD.A01 2,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Redneck Rampage alpha demo 2/5
35239 REDNECKD.A02 2,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Redneck Rampage alpha demo 3/5
35240 REDNECKD.A03 2,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Redneck Rampage alpha demo 4/5
35241 REDNECKD.A04 1,6 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Redneck Rampage alpha demo 5/5
35242 REDNECKD.ARJ 2,4 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
"Redneck Rampage alpha playable demo V0.7moonshinefrom Xatrix/Interplay A classic tale of alien livestock abduction! Ride shotgun with our two unlikely heroes as they go on the rampagestomping on anything that gets in their way! 3D shooting! Req. P90 16 MB PCI/SVGA video. 1/5"
35243 REFLPICS.ZIP 423,8 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
REFLUX screenshots & info 3D action strategy (real-time strategy) game. The game has original gameplay features, as well as fast and spectacular 3D graphics and sound engine.
35244 RESEPICS.ZIP 1,9 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Resident Evil screenshots
35245 RESEPRE.ZIP 151,4 kt 15.09.1997 - - -
Resident Evil preview with screenshots Created by Capcom/Virgin - the obligatory "killer-app" for the Playstation that helped the console rocket to the top. Action-adventure with puzzles.
35246 RESIE397.ZIP 227,1 kt 30.07.1997 - - -
RESIDENT EVIL E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. VIrgin. INJECT PC GAMERS WITH A LETHAL DOSE OF TERROR. Fear has a new face when Virgin sends PC gamers on a spine-chilling mission inside the horrific house of terror -- Resident Evil. Players will encounter a real life nightmare as they dodge acid-spitting zombies, fight off mutant dogs and piece together the puzzles that will free them from a house filled with the
35247 REXDEMO.ZIP 3,3 Mt 10.05.1997 - - -
REX. New 3D-action game. Control Rex throught numerous levels and blast all cyborgs who dare to come on your way! By: Xtreme Games.
35248 RF2PICS.ZIP 2,4 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Return Fire 2 screenshots
35249 RGUARDP.ZIP 332 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Redguard screenshots. Bethesda Softworks Category: Action / Adventure Similar to: Tomb Raider, Alone in the Dark
35250 RIOTE397.ZIP 761,6 kt 30.07.1997 - - -
"Riot E397 showpackage with screenshots. 3D shootemup. Microsoft."
35251 RIOTPICS.ZIP 617,7 kt 03.10.1997 - - -
Riot screenshots - 3D shooting. Monolith.
35252 RIVENPR.ZIP 499,5 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Riven: The Sequel to Myst preview with screenshots. Adventure. Published by Red Orb Entertainment
35253 RMCKE397.ZIP 3 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
Rayman Construction Kit E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. AKA Rayman Gold. Ubi Soft makes the tools that were used to develop Rayman available to the public. Players can create their own Rayman adventures by constructing their own game maps and enjoy new game levels.
35254 ROSPRE.ZIP 247,9 kt 03.02.1997 - - -
The Roswell Omen preview with screenshots Life on Mars? . . . the Roswell UFO?. . . Area 51? Alien Encounters? . . . The Face on Mars? Are these phenomena connected? Find out in The Roswell Omen . . .
35255 RSPCE397.ZIP 1 Mt 30.07.1997 - - -
Respect Inc. E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. A 1930s Chicago style graphic adventure that brings a fun 3D approach to the world of the Mob. puts you in the role of a small-time gangster desperate to make the big league.
35256 RTKPRE.ZIP 263,3 kt 27.01.1997 - - -
Return to Krondor preview with screenshots
35257 RTMPRE.ZIP 802,1 kt 03.02.1997 - - -
Road to Moscow preview with screenshots Created by the Battlefield Design Group and Arsenal Publishing * WW2 east front strategy
35258 RWDEMO12.A01 1,4 Mt 15.12.1997 - - tupla
The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War v1.2 2/4
35259 RWDEMO12.A02 1,4 Mt 15.12.1997 - - tupla
The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War v1.2 3/4
35260 RWDEMO12.A03 1,3 Mt 15.12.1997 - - tupla
The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War v1.2 4/4
35261 RWDEMO12.ARJ 1,4 Mt 15.12.1997 - - tupla
The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War Version 1.2 Demo Developer: Arcanium Productions An inventive mix of traditional 13-tile MahJong, spell casting, and strategic land combat. Choose from 9 wizards (only 3 in the demo), and try to outduel your opponents over LAN, the Internet Modem or Serial Link with the help of fantastic creatures and honorable mercenaries in this deep, engaging stategy title.  Two modes of Play; pure Japanese MJ or full Rune War. 1/4
35262 S272E397.ZIP 3,1 kt 01.08.1997 - - -
SU-27 Flanker 2.0 E397 press release. SSI
35263 S2GOLD.A01 2,9 Mt 18.03.1997 - - -
The Settlers II Gold Edition pl. demo 2/4
35264 S2GOLD.A02 2,9 Mt 18.03.1997 - - -
The Settlers II Gold Edition pl. demo 3/4
35265 S2GOLD.A03 1,5 Mt 18.03.1997 - - -
The Settlers II Gold Edition pl. demo 4/4
35266 S2GOLD.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.03.1997 - - -
"The Settlets II Gold Edition playable demo 1/4 from Blue Byte. The demo includes the map editor but doesnt let you save and is limited to 15 minutes. It also includes two maps: training map from the original S2 and a Winter map. Requires 486/66 DOS5 8 MB"
35267 S2MISSD.A01 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
The Settlers II Mission CD demo 2/4
35268 S2MISSD.A02 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
The Settlers II Mission CD demo 3/4
35269 S2MISSD.A03 1,8 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
The Settlers II Mission CD demo 4/4
35270 S2MISSD.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
The Settlers II - Mission CD V 1.51 DEMO VERSION! Contains the level editor and an updated demo of the original Settlers II game. Blue Byte.
35271 SABRE397.ZIP 307,9 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Sabre Ace: Conflict Over Korea E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Virgin. PROPEL GAMERS INTO THE SKIES OF A REAL WAR-TIME BATTLE. Allowing flight sim gamers to experience the heart-stopping combat and adrenaline-induced aircraft control of a real war-time pilot. Puts players in the midst of the Korean War. Available in September, SABRE ACE will be the only flight sim on the market capturing the intensity of flying an actual
35272 SAFEPRE.ZIP 370,5 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Safecracker preview with screenshots Daydream Software Category:Graphic Adventure/Puzzle Game Similar to:The Journeyman Project, Zork Nemesis, Spycraft
35273 SBMEDIUM.A01 3,8 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Space Bar demo 2/6
35274 SBMEDIUM.A02 3,8 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Space Bar demo 3/6
35275 SBMEDIUM.A03 3,8 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Space Bar demo 4/6
35276 SBMEDIUM.A04 3,8 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Space Bar demo 5/6
35277 SBMEDIUM.A05 3,8 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Space Bar demo 6/6
35278 SBMEDIUM.ARJ 3,8 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
"Space Bar playable demo MEDIUM 1/6 Published by Rocket Science Planetfall/Hitchhikers Guide/and so on creator Steve Meretzkys latest twisted tale. Playing Alias Node your job is to solve a murder mystery by way of interrogating the denizens of a space-age saloon. The demo lets you sample the games 360 degree 3D engineallowing you also to interact with a few of the wacky characters in the bar. Win95 P75 16MB DirectX3"
35279 SBSMALL.A01 2,4 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Space Bar demo 2/4
35280 SBSMALL.A02 2,4 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Space Bar demo 3/4
35281 SBSMALL.A03 2 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
Space Bar demo 4/4
35282 SBSMALL.ARJ 2,4 Mt 08.04.1997 - - -
"Space Bar playable demo SMALL 1/4 Published by Rocket Science. See MEDIUM demos description."
35283 SC3KNFO.ZIP 926,2 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
SimCity 3000 info & screenshots Maxis
35284 SC3KPRE.ZIP 157,2 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
SimCity 3000 preview with screenshots Maxis
35285 SCDEMO.ZIP 1,2 Mt 27.01.1997 - - tupla
Star Crusader demo 1.0 Space fighting from Gametek
35286 SCEC97.ZIP 1,3 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
SOccer Nation ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press release. FOotball. Ocean.
35287 SCOMPR.ZIP 560,4 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
Star Command Revolution - preview with screenshots
35288 SCRE397.ZIP 475 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Star Command: Revolution E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. "GT INTERACTIVE AND METROPOLIS DIGITAL DELIVER REAL-TIME STRATEGY NETWORKABLE SCI-FI ADVENTURE". Challenges up to four players to manage resources, build spacecrafts, learn new technologies, and most importantly, engage in real-time battles throughout the cosmos.
35289 SCREAMPR.ZIP 57,1 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
"ScreaminDemons Over Europe preview with screenshots. Parsoft/ Activision October 1997. Nine fighters and bombers - including the P-38B-17Focke-Wulfand Messerschmidt - from GermanyBritainand the USin 50 missions including dog fightsbombing runsand bomber escorts. While not specific historic missionsall will take place over realistic locations above the English ChannelGermanyand Northern Africa"
35290 SENTE397.ZIP 1,7 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Sentinel Returns E397 press release Psygnosis - Sentinel Returns offers all the features and addictive gameplay of the 80s classic The Sentinel plus a great deal more. Sophisti-cated 3D audio and visual techniques magnify the chilling look and feel of the original game, bringing the presentation and  learning curve bang up to date. In this intense strategy game, your aim is to defeat the Sentinel and progress through the
35291 SENTPRE.ZIP 112,7 kt 27.01.1997 - - -
Sentient from Psygnosis adventure - preview with screenshots.
35292 SFACAPIC.ZIP 3,1 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Starfleet Academy screenshots - Interplay
35293 SFINFO.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
Stellar Frontier screenshots & info for Windows 95, Windows NT, and OS/2 Warp Release Date: 4Q97 real-time multimedia networked game where each player competes against other players around the world via the internet, LAN, or computer players on your own system.
35294 SGETGFX.ZIP 1,7 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sid Meyers Gettysburg PC lisäkuvia strategiafiraxis"
35295 SGOLFDMO.A01 2,9 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
SimGolf playable demo 2/7
35296 SGOLFDMO.A02 2,9 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
SimGolf playable demo 3/7
35297 SGOLFDMO.A03 2,9 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
SimGolf playable demo 4/7
35298 SGOLFDMO.A04 2,9 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
SimGolf playable demo 5/7
35299 SGOLFDMO.A05 2,9 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
SimGOlf playable demo 6/7
35300 SGOLFDMO.A06 2 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
SimGolf playable demo 7/7
35301 SGOLFDMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
SimGolf playable demo From Maxis. The demo includes two holes each at Rancho La quinta and the Prince Course. Course Architect and Network play are fully functional. You cannot save anything you do in the Course Architect however.       1/7 Windows 95 w/ DirectX
35302 SHADE397.ZIP 2,1 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
"Shadow Master E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. This all-action arcade-style game combines blastemup excitement with puzzle-solving elements against a unique background. GENRE: Dark FantasyShoot-em-up"
35303 SHADMPRE.ZIP 135 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Shadow Master preview with screenshots Psygnosis 3D action like Descent
35304 SHADOWM.A01 1,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Shadow Master demo 2/7
35305 SHADOWM.A02 1,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Shadow Master demo 3/7
35306 SHADOWM.A03 1,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Shadow Master demo 4/7
35307 SHADOWM.A04 1,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Shadow Master demo 5/7
35308 SHADOWM.A05 1,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Shadow Master demo 6/7
35309 SHADOWM.A06 928,3 kt 29.12.1997 - - -
Shadow Master demo 7/7
35310 SHADOWM.ARJ 1,9 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Shadow Master pl. demo from Psygnosis A dark fantasy world. Gruesome mechanical opponents. A relentless battle, huge environments and challenging game-play featuring intricate fantasy artwork. Adrenaline-fueled blasting action and puzzle solving. Single-level demo. Supports full multiplayer modem/link/network/Internet. Req. Win95 P133 (w/ 3Dfx), P166 (w/ other 3D card), 16MB, DirectX 5, Direct3D.  1/7
35311 SHADWPR.ZIP 458 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Shadow Warrior preview with screenshots
35312 SILEC97.ZIP 356,1 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Silver ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press release. strategic adventure game in the grand tradition of the finest fantasy fiction. Set in a mysterious gothic world the game pits the wit, strength and ingenuity of five unique heroes against a mighty sorcerer who has ruled this world for 999 years. Ocean
35313 SIMCOPTD.A01 3,8 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
SimCopter demo 2/5
35314 SIMCOPTD.A02 3,8 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
SimCopter demo 3/5
35315 SIMCOPTD.A03 3,8 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
SimCopter demo 4/5
35316 SIMCOPTD.A04 1,7 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
SimCOpter demo 5/5
35317 SIMCOPTD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 27.01.1997 - - -
"SimCopter playable demo from Maxis 1/5 Heres your change to really get into SimCity 2000. Just climb aboard SimCopter. Players fly harrowing missions over the hills and between the skyscrapers of a virtual 3D city. Use pre-made or SimCity 2000 created cities! Zoom between the skyscrapersfactoriesresidences and all of the other urban landmarks from SimCity 2000. The demo contains 3 career cities and one user city. Windows 95 with DirectX."
35318 SIMGOLFP.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Sim Golf PC lisäkuvia Golfpeli. Maxis.
35319 SIMPRKP.ZIP 1,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Sim Park PC lisäkuvia Luonnonpuistosimulaatio. Maxis.
35320 SINPICS2.ZIP 336,5 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Sin new screenshots
35321 SKMOE397.ZIP 3 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
Skull Monkeys E397 showpackage with screenshots. DreamWorks.
35322 SKPRE.ZIP 61,5 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
Sonic & Knuckles Collection - Preview with screenshots
35323 SKRAPPI.ZIP 83,3 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
"SKRAP screenshots 3D shootemup with helicopter"
35324 SKRAPSW.ZIP 3,9 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
"SKRAP playable 1 episode demo 3D shootemup with helicopter by Neuronware Req Pentium 8 MB Windows 95 DirectX3"
35325 SKYNETP.ZIP 752,2 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
Terminator: SkyNET PC lisäkuvia 3D räiskintä, Bethesda Softworks.
35330 SL-E397.ZIP 1,7 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
Steel Legions E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Eidos. 3D sci-fi simulation adventure that combines strategy and combat with intense action on randomly generated battlefields up to 2500 kilometres square.  With missions also randomly generated to create an infinite number of battle scenarios, Steel Legions provides the ultimate gameplay experience.
35326 SLAMDEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Slam demo 2/4
35327 SLAMDEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Slam demo 3/4
35328 SLAMDEMO.A03 996 kt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Slam demo 4/4
35329 SLAMDEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Grand Slam Playable Demo 1/4 Burst/ Virgin promises to deliver, advanced player controls, unprecedented AI, over 800 MLBPA players, and more. The demo supports hardware accelerated modes only on a Matrox Mystique (with or without m3D) Sports - Baseball. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
35331 SLIMSHOT.ZIP 41 kt 14.03.1997 - - -
"-ÿSLIMERS!ÿScreenshotsÿ- ScreenshottejaÿSlimers!ÿ-pelistä. (c)ÿIlluminationÿ96"
35332 SMGATEP.ZIP 93 kt 10.06.1997 - - -
Baldur\'s Gate preview with screenshots Interplay / Bioware Category: RPG Similar to: AD&D "Forgotten Realms" Games
35333 SMGEE397.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
"Sid Meyers Gettysburg E397 screenshots from Firaxis/EOA"
35335 SMGPIC.ZIP 310 kt 15.09.1997 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg! from Firaxis screenshots"
35334 SMGPICS.ZIP 918,9 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg! ScreenShots"
35336 SMPPRE.ZIP 44,1 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Spacebar preview with screenshots Adventure. Segasoft.
35337 SODADEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
SODA Off-Road Racing beta 2/5
35338 SODADEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
SODA Off-Road Racing beta 3/5
35339 SODADEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
SODA Off-Road Racing beta 4/5
35340 SODADEMO.A04 3,4 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
SODA Off-Road Racing beta 5/5
35341 SODADEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
SODA Off-Road Racing Beta Playable Demo Papyrus/Sierra On-Line provides the adrenaline rush of an 800-horsepower truck taking twists, turns, and jumps at breakneck speed. No racing between the lines here - these trucks can take all the punishment you can dish out!  This is a one track beta demo. Championship Series mode, multiplayer modes, records, damage, and replay system are disabled. 3D accelerated for Rendition Verite-based cards only! P90 16 MB Win95 DirectX 1/5
35342 SODAE397.ZIP 397,8 kt 01.08.1997 - - -
SODA Off Road Racing E397 showpackage with screenshots. Sierra.
35343 SODAPRE.ZIP 230,3 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
SODA Off-Road Racing preview with screenshots Distributed by Sierra
35344 SOSCPICS.ZIP 394,4 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Streets of SimCity screenshots Car racing & destruction by Maxis
35345 SOTEDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Shadows of the Empire demo 2/5
35346 SOTEDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Shadows of the Empire demo 3/5
35347 SOTEDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Shadows of the Empire demo 4/5
35348 SOTEDEMO.A04 1,1 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Shadows of the Empire demo 5/5
35349 SOTEDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Shadows of the Empire 1 level pl. demo 1/5 Req. Win95, 3D Accelerated PCI graphics card supported 3Dfx, Verite 1000, Permedia 2, P90+, DirectX 3.0a. Lucasarts
35360 SP3-E397.ZIP 2,7 kt 01.08.1997 - - -
Steel Panthers III E397 press release. SSI.
35350 SP3DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 3. Playable demo. Part 2/10.
35351 SP3DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 3. Playable demo. Part 3/10.
35352 SP3DEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 3. Playable demo. Part 4/10.
35353 SP3DEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 3. Playable demo. Part 5/10.
35354 SP3DEMO.A05 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 3. Playable demo. Part 6/10.
35355 SP3DEMO.A06 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 3. Playable demo. Part 7/10.
35356 SP3DEMO.A07 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 3. Playable demo. Part 8/10.
35357 SP3DEMO.A08 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 3. Playable demo. Part 9/10.
35358 SP3DEMO.A09 134,8 kt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 3. Playable demo. Part 10/10.
35359 SP3DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 29.08.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers 3: Brigade Command 1939-1999. New version of the famous tank strategy game. New version consists both WW II and future conflicts, and lots of improvements. This playable demo version contains one full scenario, a tutoi anda demo battle. By SSI. Part 1/10.
35361 SP3PICS.ZIP 388,6 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
Steel Panthers III screenshots The latest from Gary Grigsby and Keith Brors, Steel Panthers III lets players fight larger tactical battles using the same easy-to-use interface featured in their critically acclaimed SP 1/2. Engage in brigade-size battles from every major historical conflict from 1939 to date, plus hypothetical battles, such as NATO 1998 and Holy War 1999!
35362 SPACEBPR.ZIP 79,1 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
The Space Bar preview with screenshots Adventure filled with humour Created by Boffo Games, Rocket Science Games and SegaSoft
35363 SPCBEC97.ZIP 389,4 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Space Bar ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & Press release. Fantastic new tongue-in-cheek adventure by Steve Meretzky. Ocean.
35364 SPCIEC97.ZIP 2,1 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Space Circus ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots. 3D action adventure. Infogrames.
35365 SPDYZONE.A01 1,4 Mt 15.12.1997 - - -
Speedy Zone 2/3
35366 SPDYZONE.A02 1,2 Mt 15.12.1997 - - -
Speedy Zone 3/3
35367 SPDYZONE.ARJ 1,4 Mt 15.12.1997 - - -
Speedy Zone pl. demo 1/3 by Digital Point The paradise for speed drivers. Pick your favorite racing car, fasten your seat belt, and get ready to race! Supports MMX and 3Dfx accelerators P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
35368 SPEDSGFX.ZIP 1,4 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Speedster PC lisäkuvia. Ralli.
35369 SPIREP.ZIP 228,8 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Description not available
35370 SR2020I.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Stealth Reaper 2020 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. "A futuristic war machine capable of mass destruction, the Stealth Reaper is a radical combination of stealth bomber, fighter and attack-helicopter. With the world at war, Stealth Reaper 2020 challenges players with complex campaign scenarios and demanding mission objectives. Using a flight model designed by actual military simulation developers, Stealth
35371 SR3DSW95.ZIP 4,3 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
Space Rocks 3D Share Ware demo from Elpin Systems. Enjoy the classic paradigm that Atari begat, now with tactile 3D rendering. Object should be obvious: blow up all rocks and alien ships and grab weapon power-ups. Requirements: 486/66, 8 MB RAM, sound board, Windows 95, DirectX3.
35372 SSLAYER.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.01.1997 - 22082/SSERVCD_44B.bin -
"Santa Slayer Playable Demo From Digital Dialect - Find out what Santa and his Elves do up at the North Pole for fun! Fly around as Santa in his sleigh armed with two pistols and missile launchers. Blast Elves and other floating Santas all to the tune of happy Christmas music! Also supports multiplay over network/link/modem/tcpip. This game demonstrates Digital Dialects Cancun 3D engine. Digital Dialect developed"
35373 SSN-GFX.ZIP 1,4 Mt 20.08.1998 - - tupla
"Tom Clancys SSN -PC lisäkuvia. Kevyt simulaattori/arcade-sukellusvenepeli."
35374 ST1STPRE.ZIP 435,1 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Star Trek: First Contact Screen Shots
35375 ST4PICS.ZIP 555,6 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
Star Trek IV: Secret of Vulcan Fury screenshots. Interplay.
35376 ST4SEC97.ZIP 2,2 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
Star Trek 4: Secret of Vulcan Fury ECTS97 screenshots. Interplay.
35377 STARDEMO.EXE 1,5 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
"Stars Playable Demo v2.7b Developer / Publisher: Empire Interactive The ultimate multi-playerspace strategy conquest game for Microsoft Windows. Play solo or against as many as fifteen opponents on a single machineacross a LANor submit turns via the Internete-mail or BBSs. Every turn tests your strategy as you build and deploy starshipscolonize and develop planetsand forge new technology to expand and defend your empire. Requires some form of Windows (Win953.1xNT)"
35378 STFCPICS.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.09.1997 - - -
Star Trek: First Contact ScreenShots
35379 STFIE397.ZIP 340,6 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Star Trek: First Contact E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Action/Adventure. Microprose. "players must struggle for control of the ship\'s crew and systems and develop new weapons and other technological advancements to thwart the Borg. In high- action, first-person point-of-view encounters, players battle the Borg to prevent them from taking control of the ship. As an enhancement to the gaming experience,
35380 STGENP2.ZIP 5,5 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Star Trek: Generations screenshots
35381 STVFPRE.ZIP 330,9 kt 25.06.1997 - - -
Star Trek: Secret of Vulcan Fury preview with screenshots. Interplay
35382 SU272I.ZIP 260,8 kt 24.12.1997 - - -
SU-27 Flanker v2.0 screenshots & info. This second-generation military flight sim is state-of-the-art! Offers stunning graphics and streamlined playability all without compromising the technical excellence. Previously classified Russian satellite imagery is used to generate a detailed 3D world with fully texture-mapped terrain. SSI
35383 SUBCPICS.ZIP 305,3 kt 01.12.1997 - - -
Sub Culture screenshots
35384 SUBCPRE.ZIP 589,3 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Subculture preview with screenshots
35385 SUBENG.A01 1,4 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Sub Culture demo 2/7
35386 SUBENG.A02 1,4 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Sub Culture demo 3/7
35387 SUBENG.A03 1,4 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Sub Culture demo 4/7
35388 SUBENG.A04 1,4 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Sub Culture demo 5/7
35389 SUBENG.A05 1,4 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Sub Culture demo 6/7
35390 SUBENG.A06 1,1 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Sub Culture demo 7/7
35391 SUBENG.ARJ 1,4 Mt 01.12.1997 - - -
Sub Culture playable demo 1/7 by Criterion/Ubi Soft An underwater 3D action adventure game with physics based dynamics modelling, real-time 3D together with image processing for underwater special effects make it one of the most visually stunning games ever! Based in underwater environment. Win95 P90 16 MB DirectX. Supports 3Dfx, PowerVR, Verite & Direct3D.
35392 SW2-E397.ZIP 2,2 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
SWAT2 E397 showpackage with screenshots. Sierra.
35393 SWIDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Shipwreckers demo 2/4
35394 SWIDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Shipwreckers demo 3/4
35395 SWIDEMO.A03 135,9 kt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Shipwreckers demo 4/4
35396 SWIDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
Shipwreckers/Overboard (Europe) playable demo from Psygnosis Captain a heavily armed galleon on a quest to annihilate your pirate nemesis, Blowfleet, and discover long-lost treasures.. Destroy enemy strongholds, ports and shipyards while building a fleet of swashbuckling ships armed with cannons, depth charges and flame throwers. Fun seagoing action! P90 16 MB Win95 DirectX5, req. Direct3D capable graphics card.      1/4
35397 SWOPREV.ZIP 557,4 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror Preview with screenshots.
35406 TA-INFO.ZIP 2,6 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
"Total Annihilation E397 showpackage Screenshots & information groundbreaking in real-time strategy war game with true 3D terrainruntime 3D battle units plus an ongoing supply of differrent unique downloadable 3D vehiclesbuildings and defenses. Web surferscan sneak a look at Cavedog Entertainments explosive first game online at http://www.cavedog.com."
35413 TA-SCRV.A01 2,4 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation E397 showpackage 2/3
35414 TA-SCRV.A02 2,3 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation E397 showpacakge 3/3
35415 TA-SCRV.ARJ 2,4 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
"Total Annihilation E397 showpackage Screen Viewer. View video captures from TAs action. groundbreaking in real-time strategy war game with true 3D terrainruntime 3D battle units plus an ongoing supply of differrent unique downloadable 3D vehiclesbuildings and defenses. Web surferscan sneak a look at Cavedog Entertainments explosive first game online at http://www.cavedog.com.  1/3"
35416 TA-UNITV.ZIP 1,1 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
"Total Annihilation E397 showpackage 3D Unit Viewer groundbreaking in real-time strategy war game with true 3D terrainruntime 3D battle units plus an ongoing supply of differrent unique downloadable 3D vehiclesbuildings and defenses. Web surferscan sneak a look at Cavedog Entertainments explosive first game online at http://www.cavedog.com."
35398 TADINST.A01 2,9 Mt 19.11.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation. Playable demo. Part 2/8.
35399 TADINST.A02 2,9 Mt 19.11.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation. Playable demo. Part 3/8.
35400 TADINST.A03 2,9 Mt 19.11.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation. Playable demo. Part 4/8.
35401 TADINST.A04 2,9 Mt 19.11.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation. Playable demo. Part 5/8.
35402 TADINST.A05 2,9 Mt 19.11.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation. Playable demo. Part 6/8.
35403 TADINST.A06 2,9 Mt 19.11.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation. Playable demo. Part 7/8.
35404 TADINST.A07 203,8 kt 19.11.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation. Playable demo. Part 8/8.
35405 TADINST.ARJ 2,9 Mt 19.11.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation. Winner of the Red Alert has arrived! Total Annihilation features 150 units and buildings with two waring sides, 25 mission-campaings for both sides, and true 3D-polygon based units and buildings, which allow most realistic animations ever seen on this type of games. By Cavedog. Req. DirectX 5.0. P133 with 32MB highly recommended. Three missions in this playable demo. Part 1/8.
35407 TANAPRE.ZIP 405,1 kt 10.06.1997 - - -
Tanarus preview with screenshots Internet multiplayer tank combat
35408 TAODEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
Ardennes Offensive demo 2/2
35409 TAODEMO.ARJ 3,1 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
The Ardennes Offensive playable demo 1/2 from SSG/SSI. Decisive Battles of WWII: The Ardennes Offensive re-creates the savage and desperate fighting which followed in the bloody campaign known as The BVattle of the Bulge! Strategy - Win95. unpack with -D option!
35410 TAP-E397.ZIP 3 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
Team Apache E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Eidos. state of the art AH64A flight simulator that utilises futuristic technology to bring you the ultimate next generation helicopter game.
35411 TAPEC97.ZIP 3,5 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
Team Apache ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press release. state of the art AH64A flight simulator that utilises futuristic technology to bring you the ultimate next generation helicopter game. Eidos.
35412 TAPRE.ZIP 567,6 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation preview with screenshots Created by Cavedog Entertainment Published by GT Interactive Real tiem strategy.
35417 TB1DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 2/13
35418 TB1DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 3/13
35419 TB1DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 4/13
35420 TB1DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 5/13
35421 TB1DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 6/13
35422 TB1DEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 7/13
35423 TB1DEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 8/13
35424 TB1DEMO.A08 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 9/13
35425 TB1DEMO.A09 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 10/13
35426 TB1DEMO.A10 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 11/13
35427 TB1DEMO.A11 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 12/13
35428 TB1DEMO.A12 3,3 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
Tunnel B1 demo 13/13
35429 TB1DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - - -
"TUNNEL B1 - playable demo Very nice looking tunnel-shootemup from Ocean. DOS & SVGA 640x480x16bit  1/13"
35430 TD43DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 3Dfx demo 2/7
35431 TD43DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 3Dfx demo 3/7
35432 TD43DEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 3Dfx demo 4/7
35433 TD43DEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 3Dfx demo 5/7
35434 TD43DEMO.A05 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 3Dfx demo 6/7
35435 TD43DEMO.A06 271,6 kt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 3Dfx demo 7/7
35436 TD43DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 Playable Demo - 3Dfx version Accolade is stepping up to the plate with a whole new graphics engine and many new features, to re-take the pioneering spot in racing simulations. The demo features both the 1998 Dodge Viper and the Shelby Cobra racing through Keswick, P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5, 3Dfx card. 1/7
35437 TD4DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 demo 2/5
35438 TD4DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 demo 3/5
35439 TD4DEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 demo 4/5
35440 TD4DEMO.A04 1,1 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 demo 5/5
35441 TD4DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 24.11.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 Playable Demo 1/5 Accolade is stepping up to the plate with a whole new graphics engine and many new features, to re-take the pioneering spot in racing simulations. The demo features both the 1998 Dodge Viper and the Shelby Cobra racing through Keswick, P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5
35443 TD4PICS.ZIP 743,9 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 screenshots
35442 TD4PICS2.ZIP 482,7 kt 01.12.1997 - - -
Test Drive 4 screenshots
35444 TEMPICS.ZIP 346,2 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Temujin screenshots.
35445 TEMUPICS.ZIP 258,2 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Temujin: The Capricorn Collection screenshots by South Peak Interactive
35446 TGP-E397.ZIP 789,2 kt 01.08.1997 - - -
The Golf Pro E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Sports. Empire.
35447 THEMEPRE.ZIP 212,5 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
Theme Hospital preview with screenshots
35448 THEREAP.A01 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 2/13
35449 THEREAP.A02 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 3/13
35450 THEREAP.A03 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 4/13
35451 THEREAP.A04 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 5/13
35452 THEREAP.A05 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 6/13
35453 THEREAP.A06 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 7/13
35454 THEREAP.A07 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 8/13
35455 THEREAP.A08 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 9/13
35456 THEREAP.A09 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 10/13
35457 THEREAP.A10 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 11/13
35458 THEREAP.A11 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 12/13
35459 THEREAP.A12 1,9 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap demo 13/13
35460 THEREAP.ARJ 3,3 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
The Reap pelattava demo (c) 1997 Housemarque Games, Inc. Suomalainen jouluksi 1997 ilmestyvä upea räiskintäpeli. Lue lisää MB 10/97. Stardustien tekijältä! Vaatii Pentium, 16 MB, Windows 95, DirectX3 Suositellaan P133, 24 Mb, DirectX5        1/13
35461 TNPDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Take No Prisoners demo 2/4
35462 TNPDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Take No Prisoners demo 3/4
35463 TNPDEMO.A03 1,6 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
Take No Prisoners demo 4/4
35464 TNPDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 04.08.1997 - - -
"Take No Prisoners Playable Demo Raven Software / Red Orb Seen a lot of 3D action games? Hard-core shooter from Raventhe developers of Heretic/Hexen bringing a whole new perspective to 3D action games. Features unique top-down camera anglessophisticated attack and defense strategiestruly 3-dimensional environment. Now you can blow away a Punk on the catwalk above you or lob a molotov cocktail on some Growlers on the ground below you. NOTE: This demo will not work on #9 Imagine cardswont supporrt D3D on ATI Rage II/S3 ViRGEMystique. Req. P90 16 MB Win95 DirectX suppports D3d 1/4"
35465 TNPPRE.ZIP 545,5 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Take No Prisoners preview with screenshots Red Orb / Raven
35466 TOMBDEM2.ZIP 2 Mt 18.02.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Tomb Raider (cit yof Vilcabama Part 2) new playable demo. From Core/Eidos.
35467 TONEPRE.ZIP 197 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
The Tone Rebellion preview with screenshots The Logic Factory September 1997- new take on the real-time strategy genre, looking and sounding dramatically different from the standard bearers, Warcraft and Command & Conquer. Plus, the emphasis on cooperative play, along with some adventure game-style puzzles, may put The Tone Rebellion in a class by itself.
35468 TONTROP.ZIP 428,9 kt 01.12.1997 - - -
Tonic Trouble preview with screenshots
35469 TOURDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Toca: Touring Car Championship 2/6
35470 TOURDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Toca: Touring Car Championship 3/6
35471 TOURDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Toca: Touring Car Championship 4/6
35472 TOURDEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Toca: Touring Car Championship 5/6
35473 TOURDEMO.A05 1,2 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Toca: Touring Car Championship 6/6
35474 TOURDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Toca: Touring Car Championship pl. demo Car Racing by Europress. Demo has 2-lap challenge on Donington GP circuit. Take controls of a Audi A4 Honda Accord. High-speed action in a pack of 16 high speed cars. Demo supports most Direct3D and 3D-cards. Req. Win95 P166 16 MB DirectX5  1/6
35475 TP98E397.ZIP 1,1 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
"Triple Play98 showpackage with screenshots. EOA."
35476 TP98PRE.ZIP 205,3 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
"Triple Play 98 preview with sreenshots Electronic Arts / EA Sports Category: Sports Similar to: Triple Play97 and Hard Ball 5"
35477 TPTCPICS.ZIP 1 Mt 18.09.1997 - - -
"THE PRINCE & THE COWARD : graphic adventure info & screenshots - pointnclick animated graphic adventure in Monkey Island or Broken Sword style. This is not a revolutionary game: although we have added some extras never before seen in the genrewed like to think about TP&TC as a evolution in adventures. The plot is interesting and funnythe graphics is ... wellso it for yourselfand the engine is very flexible."
35481 TR2-E397.ZIP 2,7 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
Tomb Raider 2 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Eidos.
35483 TR2-PRE.ZIP 709,9 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Tomb Raider 2 … Starring Lara Croft preview with screenshots Created by Core Design Distributed by Eidos Interactive
35478 TR2DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - ratsnest3.iso -
Tomb Raider II demo 2/3
35479 TR2DEMO.A02 657,6 kt 06.11.1997 väärä koko ratsnest3.iso -
Tomb Raider II demo 3/3
35480 TR2DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - ratsnest3.iso -
Tomb Raider II playable demo Core/Eidos Lara Croft returns! This demo contains part of the Great Wall of China level. 3Dfx cards are supported. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5  1/3
35482 TR2PICS.ZIP 1,7 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Tomb Raider 2 screenshots.
35484 TRDEMO10.A01 3 Mt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Front Page Sports: Trophy Rivers demo 2/5
35485 TRDEMO10.A02 3 Mt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Front Page Sports: Trophy Rivers demo 3/5
35486 TRDEMO10.A03 3 Mt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Front Page Sports: Trophy Rivers demo 4/5
35487 TRDEMO10.A04 199,7 kt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
Front Page Sports: Trophy Rivers demo 5/5
35488 TRDEMO10.ARJ 3 Mt 24.09.1997 - MBCD -
"Front Page Sports: Trophy Rivers demo 1.0 Follow-up to Sierras famous fishing game. COntinue here catching fish from the US rivers! Req. Win3.1/95486/668 MBSVGA Win3.1 needs Win32s 1.3+ & WinGWin95 needs DirectX - Sierra.    1/5"
35489 TSDDEMO.ZIP 3,7 Mt 25.08.1997 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Battle Arena Toshinden PC Demo v0.88.
35490 TSDEMOUS.A01 2,9 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pro Pinball: Timeshock! demo 2/7
35491 TSDEMOUS.A02 2,9 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pro Pinball: Timeshock! demo 3/7
35492 TSDEMOUS.A03 2,9 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pro Pinball: Timeshock! demo 4/7
35493 TSDEMOUS.A04 2,9 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pro Pinball: Timeshock! demo 5/7
35494 TSDEMOUS.A05 2,9 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pro Pinball: Timeshock! demo 6/7
35495 TSDEMOUS.A06 2,6 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pro Pinball: Timeshock! demo 7/7
35496 TSDEMOUS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Pro Pinball: Timeshock! playable demo Empire. Follow-up to the great flipper Pro PInball: The Web. Demo plays for 7 minutes or 50,000,000 points. P75, 8MB, Win95, DirectX
35497 TSPREV.ARJ 5,6 Mt 21.03.1997 - - -
Pro Pinball: TIMESHOCK! Work In Process interview information screenshots sketches
35498 TT-E397.ZIP 2,6 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
Tonic Trouble e397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Ubi Soft. action/adventure.
35499 TUROE397.ZIP 1,6 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Turok PC E397 showpackage with screenshtos & info. 1st Person Fighting/Shooting Acclaim.
35500 TUROKD2.A01 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 2/8
35501 TUROKD2.A02 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 3/8
35502 TUROKD2.A03 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 4/8
35503 TUROKD2.A04 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 5/8
35504 TUROKD2.A05 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 6/8
35505 TUROKD2.A06 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 7/8
35506 TUROKD2.A07 1021,9 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 8/8
35507 TUROKD2.ARJ 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter 1/8 NEW Playable Demo. Iguana/Acclaim Take on the role of a Native American Turok. It is your duty to protect humanity against the threats from the residents of the Lost Land, the "sewer of the universe." Alien races along side of ferocious dinosaurs, which have only been defeated by Turok. Amazing 3D action! P120, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX, Direct3D-capable 3D accelerator.
35508 TWIN10AV.ZIP 597,6 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Twinsens Odyssey by Activision Demonstration AVIs for the action/adventure sequel to the popular gameRelentless"
35509 TWIN1AVI.ZIP 689,8 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Twinsens Odyssey by Activision Demonstration AVIs for the action/adventure sequel to the popular gameRelentless"
35510 TWIN2AVI.ZIP 887,9 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Twinsens Odyssey by Activision Demonstration AVIs for the action/adventure sequel to the popular gameRelentless"
35511 TWIN3AVI.ZIP 851,6 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Twinsens Odyssey by Activision Demonstration AVIs for the action/adventure sequel to the popular gameRelentless"
35512 TWIN4AVI.ZIP 694,1 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Twinsens Odyssey by Activision Demonstration AVIs for the action/adventure sequel to the popular gameRelentless"
35513 TWIN5AVI.ZIP 615,2 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Twinsens Odyssey by Activision Demonstration AVIs for the action/adventure sequel to the popular gameRelentless"
35514 TWIN6AVI.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Twinsens Odyssey by Activision Demonstration AVIs for the action/adventure sequel to the popular gameRelentless"
35515 TWIN7AVI.ZIP 863,9 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Twinsens Odyssey by Activision Demonstration AVIs for the action/adventure sequel to the popular gameRelentless"
35516 TWIN8AVI.ZIP 751,1 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Twinsens Odyssey by Activision Demonstration AVIs for the action/adventure sequel to the popular gameRelentless"
35517 TWIN9AVI.ZIP 971,7 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
"Twinsens Odyssey by Activision Demonstration AVIs for the action/adventure sequel to the popular gameRelentless"
35518 UBIKE397.ZIP 2,6 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
UBIK E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Cryo. Action/strategy (CDROM PC/Playstation) - From the science fiction thriller by Philip K. Dick, who brought you Blade Runner and Total Recall, comes an entirely new kind of challenge: UBIK. New York in the year 2019: mega-corporations, cryonics, colonies in space... and an on-going war of industrial espionage. Using guns and explosives, gangs
35519 UBIKPRE.ZIP 437,9 kt 08.10.1997 - - -
"UBIK preview with screenshots Interplay/Cryo. Syndicate Wars like real time action strategy in author Philip K. Dicks world."
35520 UEFAEC97.ZIP 582,3 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
UEFA Soccer ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & press release. Ocean.
35521 UEFAPICS.ZIP 4 Mt 20.03.1997 - - -
UEFA Champions League 1996/97 Format: PC CD ROM/Playstation Developer: Krisalis Software Street Date: March 1997 A true 3D motion-captured football simulation of the UEFA Champions League 1996/97. Screenshots & information.
35522 ULR1E397.ZIP 2,1 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Ultim@ate Race E397 showpackage with screenshots. Racing game. Kalisto.
35523 ULR2E397.ZIP 1,9 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Ultim@ate Race E397 showpackage with screenshots. Racing game. Kalisto.
35524 ULR3E397.ZIP 3,6 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Ultim@ate Race E397 showpackage with screenshots. Racing game. Kalisto.
35525 ULR4E397.ZIP 2,9 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Description not available
35526 UNREE397.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.07.1997 - - -
Unreal E397 showpackage with screenshots & info.
35529 UNRPIC.ZIP 310,5 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Unreal screenshots
35527 UNRPIC2.ZIP 325,3 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
Unreal new screenshots
35528 UNRPIC3.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Unreal screenshots
35530 UNRPRE.ZIP 1007,5 kt 03.02.1997 - - -
Unreal preview with screenshots Publisher / Developer: GTI/Epic
35531 UO-E397.ZIP 3,3 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
Ultima Online E397 screenshots from Origin/EOA
35532 UOGFX.ZIP 4,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Ultima Online PC lisäkuvia sis. kuvia viimeisen betatestin loppuvaiheesta, kun Guardian tappaa Lord Britishin.
35533 UOPIC597.ZIP 842,4 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
Description not available
35534 UOPICS2.ZIP 1,6 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Ultima Online - more screenshots
35535 UPRISEPR.ZIP 590,8 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Uprising preview with screenshots 3DO / Cyclone Studios Category: Strategy / 3D Action Similar to: Command & Conquer, iM1A2 Abrams
35536 UPRISING.A01 2,9 Mt 15.09.1997 - MBCD -
Uprising. Playable demo. Part 2/7.
35537 UPRISING.A02 2,9 Mt 12.09.1997 - MBCD -
Uprising. Playable demo. Part 3/7.
35538 UPRISING.A03 2,9 Mt 12.09.1997 - MBCD -
Uprising. Playable demo. Part 4/7.
35539 UPRISING.A04 2,9 Mt 12.09.1997 - MBCD -
Uprising. Playable demo. Part 5/7.
35540 UPRISING.A05 2,9 Mt 12.09.1997 - MBCD -
Uprising. Playable demo. Part 6/7.
35541 UPRISING.A06 1013 kt 12.09.1997 - MBCD -
Uprising. Playable demo. Part 7/7.
35542 UPRISING.ARJ 2,9 Mt 12.09.1997 - MBCD -
Uprising. New strategy game from Cyclone/3DO. You control Wraith tank, mobile command center with numerous diffenrent weapons. Deploy Citadels, Factories and other buildings, an build numerous units to aid you on your mission. Windows 95, requires DirectX 5.0. Part 1/7.
35543 VI-E397.ZIP 558,6 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Virus: The Game showpackage with info & screenshots. Action. Sir-Tech Software.
35544 VOODEC97.ZIP 3,8 Mt 29.10.1997 - - -
"Voodoo Kid ECTS97 showpackage with press release & screenshots. dark graphic adventure. classically scary childrens tale. Full of adventureperil and intrigueVoodoo Kid is much more than a computer gameits a fully involving adventure which puts the onus on the child to solve the puzzles and defeat evil. Infogrames"
35545 VP2DEMO.ZIP 2,8 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Virtual Pool 2 playable demo from Celeris/VR Sports Over 2 million pool players have taken a break with Virtual Pool, the #1 pool game in the world. Now, after 8000 programmer hours of enhancements, new 3D photorealistic animation and over 50 new features, the ultimate pool simulator is better than ever. Demo lets you play one 4-Ball game Pentium, 8MB, Win95, DirectX 5
35546 VP95DEMO.ZIP 1,4 Mt 06.03.1997 - 17679/CD_1.iso -
Virtual Pool for Windows 95 Playable Demo Celeris / Interplay Virtual Pool is a real-time, 360 degree, 3-D environment that allows you to play pool from any perspective. Choose from 8-Ball, 9-Ball, Straight Pool or Rotation. Then chalk up, position the cue and take your best shot.... The demo lets you play one game of 4-Ball pool For Windows 95 with DirectX
35547 VRBBDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
VR Baseball HWA demo 2/5
35548 VRBBDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
VR Baseball HWA demo 3/5
35549 VRBBDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
VR Baseball HWA demo 4/5
35550 VRBBDEMO.A04 1,3 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
VR Baseball HWA demo 5/5
35551 VRBBDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 31.10.1997 - - -
VR Baseball HWA pl. demo (Hardware Accelerated) by Digital Voodoo/VR Sports Imagine being able to play Major League Baseball from any position or angle you choose. Now you can. 640x480 SVGA graphics with over 65,000 colors, bilinear filtering, real cast shadows etc. Demo lets you play the Homerun Derby P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX5, 3D accelerator (3Dfx, V1000/V2200, ATI 3D Rage Pro)  1/5
35552 VRSOCDEM.A01 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 2/13.
35553 VRSOCDEM.A02 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 3/13.
35554 VRSOCDEM.A03 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 4/13.
35555 VRSOCDEM.A04 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 5/13.
35556 VRSOCDEM.A05 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 6/13.
35557 VRSOCDEM.A06 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 7/13.
35558 VRSOCDEM.A07 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 8/13
35559 VRSOCDEM.A08 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 9/13.
35560 VRSOCDEM.A09 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 10/13.
35561 VRSOCDEM.A10 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 11/13.
35562 VRSOCDEM.A11 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 12/13.
35563 VRSOCDEM.A12 300,9 kt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96: isompi pelattava demo. Osa 13/13.
35564 VRSOCDEM.ARJ 3,8 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
VR Soccer 96-futispelin isompi pelattava demo. Sisältää mm. Digitoidun selostuksen ja enemmän animaatioita. Osa 1/13.
35565 VSQUAD2.A01 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Virtua Squad 2 demo 2/5
35566 VSQUAD2.A02 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Virtua Squad 2 demo 3/5
35567 VSQUAD2.A03 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
Virtua Squad 2 demo 4/5
35568 VSQUAD2.A04 871,4 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
Virtua Squad 2 demo 5/5
35569 VSQUAD2.ARJ 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - - -
"Virtua Squad 2 playable demo 1/5 Sega. A crimes gone bad. The crooks are fully armed and theyve got hostages. Do you sit back and watch these thieves run the show or do you lift your weapon and pump some lead into these dirt bags? Based on the acclaimed coin-op Virtua Cop 2Virtua Squad 2 is shooting its way to the PC! P9016MBWin95DirectX 5. Supports Direct3 Demo includes 2 player network multiplayer."
35570 VTX-PICS.ZIP 387,3 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
Joitakin kuvia tulevasta crpg:stä nimeltä Vortex. Suomalaista laatua.
35571 W2-E397.ZIP 68,2 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Worms II E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Team 17/Microprose. "MICROPROSE TEAMS UP WITH TEAM 17 - Worms II, the successor to the best selling original, Worms to be first of seven in publishing deal" 
35572 W2PICS.ZIP 274,8 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Worms 2 screenshots. Team 17/MicroProse
35573 W2T-E397.ZIP 562,1 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Worms 2 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info & interviews. Team 17.
35574 WAR3DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Warlords III demo 2/5
35575 WAR3DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Warlords III demo 3/5
35576 WAR3DEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
Warlords III demo 4/5
35577 WAR3DEMO.A04 407,7 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
Warlords III demo 5/5
35578 WAR3DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
"Warlords III playble demo SSG/Broderbund - follow-up to the popular turn-based strategy series. The demo allows you to play a basic campaignwhere the object is to overthrow all neighboring threats by managing troopsforming alliancesengaging in battleand taking over your enemiescastles. P7516 MB RAMmousesound boardWin95 DirectX v3.0a 1/5"
35579 WAR3PRE.ZIP 946,1 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Warlords III: Reign of Heroes preview with screenshots Created by SSG
35580 WARGE397.ZIP 603,1 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
War Gods E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. "MIDWAY HOME ENTERTAINMENT AND GT INTERACTIVE UNLEASH ARCADE SMASH WAR GODS FOR PC". Let the fighting begin! PC gamers will soon unleash their wrath as Midway introducec War Gods. Beat\'em\'up.
35581 WARIDEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 08.12.1997 - - -
WAR, Inc. playable demo
35582 WARIDEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 08.12.1997 - - -
WAR, Inc. playable demo
35583 WARIDEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 08.12.1997 - - -
WAR, Inc. playable demo
35584 WARIDEMO.A04 1,9 Mt 08.12.1997 - - -
WAR, Inc. playable demo
35585 WARIDEMO.A05 1 Mt 08.12.1997 - - -
WAR, Inc. playable demo
35586 WARIDEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 08.12.1997 - - -
WAR, Inc. playable demo Interactive Magic another entry into real-time strategy (RTS) - with business corporation twist. As CEO of this mercenary organization, you must research new technologies, design newer and better vehicles, handle finances and lead your troops. DOS, P90, 16MB
35587 WARINCPR.ZIP 662 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
WAR, Inc. preview with screenshots By Interactive Magic / Optik Category: Real-time Strategy Similar to: Command & Conquer Master of Orion
35588 WAROTS.ZIP 40,5 kt 02.09.1997 - - -
"War on the Sea - computer version of Avalon Hills War at Sea and Victory in the Pacific (sort of). If you liked those two games you will probably like this quickie diversion. Games cannot be saved but they are fun. DOS. Very simple."
35589 WAW2E397.ZIP 467,5 kt 01.08.1997 - - -
War Wind II E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Real time strategy. SSI.
35590 WB2-E397.ZIP 497,2 kt 01.08.1997 - - -
Warbirds 2 E397 showpackage with screenshots. Internet playable multiplayer flight simulation/combat game with WWII planes. Interactive Magic.
35591 WCPPRE.ZIP 354 kt 15.09.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy preview with screenshots Created by Origin Systems
35592 WCPTEST.A01 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy 3Dfx test 2/10
35593 WCPTEST.A02 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy 3Dfx test 3/10
35594 WCPTEST.A03 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy 3Dfx test 4/10
35595 WCPTEST.A04 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy 3Dfx test 5/10
35596 WCPTEST.A05 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy 3Dfx test 6/10
35597 WCPTEST.A06 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy 3Dfx test 7/10
35598 WCPTEST.A07 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy 3Dfx test 8/10
35599 WCPTEST.A08 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy 3Dfx test 9/10
35600 WCPTEST.A09 585,4 kt 04.11.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy 3Dfx test 10/10
35601 WCPTEST.ARJ 1,4 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy playable 3Dfx test demo! One of the best selling games of all time is redefined. A new space combat engine for unequaled visual excitement andtactical realism. A new and terrifying alien menace, A new story, New graphics! Origin. P166, 32MB, Win95, DirectX 5, 3Dfx card 1/10
35602 WETREC97.ZIP 506,8 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Wetrix ECTS97 showpackage with press release & screenshots. computer game that is so beautifully simple, compulsive, compelling, addictive and absorbing that words do not do it any justice at all. 3D puzzle game. Ocean
35603 WF98E397.ZIP 6,3 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
"World Football98 E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Ubi Soft. 2D soccer simulation thats designed for top speed and intense realism."
35604 WFEARPRE.ZIP 382,1 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
"Wes Cravens Principles of Fear preview with screenshots Cyberdreams / Asylum Entertainment Category: Adventure Similar to: Harvester / Resident Evil"
35605 WHDOE397.ZIP 524,6 kt 01.08.1997 - - -
"Warhammer: Dark Omen E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Strategy. SSI. Only arcade/strategy game available that offers real-timefull-screentrue 3D gameplay!  Based on Warhammerrthe worlds best-known fantasy battle system by Games Workshopthis epic is destined for greatness! Unlike other battle gamesDark Omen presents the player with a constantly evolving game and expanding army.  Each"
35606 WINPOD.A01 2,9 Mt 22.09.1997 - - -
POD. Shareware-version. Part 2/4.
35607 WINPOD.A02 2,9 Mt 22.09.1997 - - -
POD. Shareware-version. Part 3/4.
35608 WINPOD.A03 2,3 Mt 22.09.1997 - - -
POD. Shareware-version. Part 4/4.
35609 WINPOD.ARJ 2,9 Mt 22.09.1997 - - -
POD. New, arcade-style racing game from Ubisoft. Choose your car, and enter the race. You have only two way to go: win or die. Shareware-version includes two cars and tracks. Win95. Part 1/4.
35610 WOD-E397.ZIP 1,5 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Wings of Destiny E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. all action World War II flight sim, set to advance the standards of air combat multi-player gaming. Real-time 3D graphics combined with solid, addictive gameplay will fly Wings of Destiny closer to reality than any flight sim has been before. The player can fight for either side in the war and choose to fly from four different  aircraft: the Messerschmitt; the P51 Mustang;
35611 WODPRE.ZIP 851,1 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
Wings of Destiny preview with screenshots. WW2 flightsim. Psygnosis.
35612 WORFDEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
"Puma World Football98 demo 2/4"
35613 WORFDEMO.A02 3,3 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
"Puma World Football98 demo 3/4"
35614 WORFDEMO.A03 1,8 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
"Puma World Football98 demo 4/4"
35615 WORFDEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
"Puma World Football98 demo - FRENCH - Ubi Soft. Simulation/Sport. Team up with the pros in this spectacular soccer simulation specifically designed to enhance the fast paced fluid action that is synonymous with the real game. Demo is in FRENCH language but fully playable and easy to get into. Windows 95P901/4"
35622 WORMS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - 21528/DEMO80.bin tupla
Worms, Team-17, ECTS -95 playable demo. Doom meets Lemmings meets Scorched Earth.
35616 WORMS2D2.A01 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Worms 2 NEW demo 2/6
35617 WORMS2D2.A02 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Worms 2 NEW demo 3/6
35618 WORMS2D2.A03 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Worms 2 NEW demo 4/6
35619 WORMS2D2.A04 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Worms 2 NEW demo 5/6
35620 WORMS2D2.A05 18,6 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Worms 2 NEW demo 6/6
35621 WORMS2D2.ARJ 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
"Worms 2 NEW playable demo Island landscape - two player hotseat Team 17/MicroProse Worms 2 is a turn based game where up to 6 players can participate in anygiven match. You command a platoon of Worms who inhabit a randomly generated terrainits time to do or dieput up or shut upyou must destroy the other Worms with an assortment of devastating weapons. P10016MbWin95DirectX 5         1/6"
35623 WOW-GFX.ZIP 2,6 Mt 20.08.1998 - - tupla
Wages of War -PC lisäkuvia. Strategiapeli, New World.
35624 WRACE12.A01 3,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Winter Race 3D Full V1.2 demo 2/3
35625 WRACE12.A02 2,8 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Winter Race 3D Full V1.2 demo 3/3
35626 WRACE12.ARJ 3,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Winter Race 3D Full V1.2 Playable Demo 1/3 Fielding Productions - loaded with major fast paced action and awesome 3D scenery that has been carefully detailed for a great gaming experience. New in this version: Transparent water with moving wave geometry, Table based and Vertex fog support, Adjustable fog settings: Off, Normal, Dense, and Dynamic, Track expansion including cliffs and moguls. New Gouraud Shaded Slopes for non 3D hardware users and so on! P90, 16 Mb, Win95, DirectX 5
35627 WRACEPR.ZIP 1,7 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
Winter Race 3D preview
35628 WRCE397.ZIP 450,7 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
Wreckin Crwe E397 showpackage with info & screenshots. Fast arcade style racing. Sir-Tech Software.
35645 WW_DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 2/12
35646 WW_DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 3/12
35647 WW_DEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 4/12
35648 WW_DEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 5/12
35649 WW_DEMO.A05 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 6/12
35650 WW_DEMO.A06 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 7/12
35651 WW_DEMO.A07 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 8/12
35652 WW_DEMO.A08 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 9/12
35653 WW_DEMO.A09 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 10/12
35654 WW_DEMO.A10 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 11/12
35655 WW_DEMO.A11 452,7 kt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind demo 12/12
35656 WW_DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
War Wind - playable demo! Requires DirectX, suggested system P60 with 16 MB RAM. An epic strategy game, real time,  network and modem play, great story, four races battling when civilization is blowing asunder around them. SSI, 1/12
35629 WW2DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 20.08.1997 - - -
War Wind II demo 2/7
35630 WW2DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 20.08.1997 - - -
War Wind II demo 3/7
35631 WW2DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 20.08.1997 - - -
War Wind II demo 4/7
35632 WW2DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 20.08.1997 - - -
War Wind II demo 5/7
35633 WW2DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 20.08.1997 - - -
War Wind II demo 6/7
35634 WW2DEMO.A06 4,1 Mt 20.08.1997 - - -
War Wind II demo 7/7
35635 WW2DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.08.1997 - - -
War Wind II Playable Demo SSI years after the Great Conflict, much has changed on Yavaun. Humans, reluctant colonists, are now part of the cultural diversity of this alien world. Factions have formed over the decades since the humans appeared. And peaceful coexistence is not the order of the day. Real time fantasy strategy. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5 1/7
35636 WW2PICS.ZIP 299 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
War Wind II screenshots  - SSI
35637 WWD12.A01 3,8 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
War Wind playable demo V1.2 2/8
35638 WWD12.A02 3,8 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
War Wind playable demo V1.2 3/8
35639 WWD12.A03 3,8 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
War Wind playable demo V1.2 4/8
35640 WWD12.A04 3,8 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
War Wind playable demo V1.2 5/8
35641 WWD12.A05 3,8 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
War Wind playable demo V1.2 6/8
35642 WWD12.A06 3,8 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
War Wind playable demo V1.2 7/8
35643 WWD12.A07 1,2 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
War Wind playable demo V1.2 8/8
35644 WWD12.ARJ 3,8 Mt 06.03.1997 - - -
War Wind playable demo V1.2 from SSI An ancient, alien world teeters on the brink of anarchy, the winds of change threatening to blow civilization asunder. For centuries four diverse races have tolerated a precarious social and racial balance. But the time has come for change. A new order is in the wind - and it will be born of fire. Real time strategy masterwork with bio-mechanically enhanced units. Network and modem play. P60 16 MB Windows 95. 1/8
35657 WWDEMO.ZIP 1,5 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Computer War In Europe pl. demo, based on the orginal SPI board game War In Europe, is a division level simulation of World War II in the European theatre. Each turn represents a week. The map is made up of 17,000 hexes, with each hex representing a distance of twenty miles. A player can control the Axis, the Western Allies, or the Soviet Union. The game is designed for PBEM or solitaire play, but provides no computer opponent. DOS. Decision Games.
35658 WWIND2P.ZIP 750,7 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
War Wind II preview with screenshots. Real time fantasy strategy. SSI.
35659 WWRLDPIC.ZIP 5,6 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Waterworld screenshots - Interplay
35660 WWS_DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Worldwide Soccer98 demo 2/4"
35661 WWS_DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Worldwide Soccer98 demo 3/4"
35662 WWS_DEMO.A03 1,2 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Worldwide Soccer98 demo 4/4"
35663 WWS_DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 04.08.1997 - MBCD -
Worldwide Soccer \'98 Playable Demo by Sega. Soccer fans, get ready for the best there is in PC sports games. Worldwide Soccer is here with smooth 3D animations, 360 degree instant replay and on-the-fly commentary. Ultra Game Players\' "Best Sports Game" debuts on the PC with the ultimate in realistic, all-out soccer action. Supports MMX. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
35664 XA_DEMO.A01 3,3 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault NEW demo 2/4
35665 XA_DEMO.A02 3,3 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault NEW demo 3/4
35666 XA_DEMO.A03 2,2 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault NEW demo 4/4
35667 XA_DEMO.ARJ 3,3 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
"Extreme Assault NEW Playable Demo from Blue Byte. Newsgroup If you are looking for a good adrenaline rushthen youre sure to enjoy this intense action game from Blue Byte. Aliens have secretly set up operations on Earth and its up to you to put a stop to their sinister plans. Blow `em away with your Sioux AH-23a high tech attack helicopterand the T1the next generation battle tank. The new demo contains a new levelsupports 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics based cardsForce-feedback controllers and 4-Player LAN play (or via KALI). Req P90 16MB DOS/Win95 1/4"
35668 XAPRE.ZIP 705,7 kt 24.03.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault preview with screenshots Blue Byte Software, Inc Category: Action Similar to: Comanche
35669 XC3-E397.ZIP 282 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
X-COM: Apocalypse (UFO III) E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Strategy. MicroProse
35670 XCA1E397.ZIP 1018,1 kt 01.08.1997 - - -
XCar: Experimental Racing E397 showpackage with design & info. Racing. Bethesda.
35671 XCA2E397.ZIP 2,9 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
XCar: Experimental Racing E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. Racing. Bethesda.
35672 XCARDE12.A01 2,4 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
X-Car: Experimental Racing demo 1.20 2/4
35673 XCARDE12.A02 2,4 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
X-Car: Experimental Racing demo 1.20 3/4
35674 XCARDE12.A03 1,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
X-Car: Experimental Racing demo 1.20 4/4
35675 XCARDE12.ARJ 2,4 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
X-CAR: Experimental Racing demo V1.20 by Bethesda New version of the X-CAR demo, more closely matches the full version, no 3Dfx support yet. Select from a collection of revolutionary high-tech, race-bred automobiles. Customize your machine from a portfolio of the most advanced racing components. Test your prototype on the high-speed oval, skid pad or handling track. New demo contains Additional tracks, Tighter driving model, Smarter AI etc. Req. DOS 4/4
35676 XCOM3D.A01 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
X-Com: Apocalypse demo 2/10X-COM III / UFO III pl. demo 2/10
35677 XCOM3D.A02 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
X-Com: Apocalypse demo 3/10X-COM III / UFO III pl. demo 3/10
35678 XCOM3D.A03 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
X-Com: Apocalypse demo 4/10X-COM III / UFO III pl. demo 4/10
35679 XCOM3D.A04 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
X-Com: Apocalypse demo 5/10X-COM III / UFO III pl. demo 5/10
35680 XCOM3D.A05 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
X-Com: Apocalypse demo 6/10X-COM III / UFO III pl. demo 6/10
35681 XCOM3D.A06 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
X-Com: Apocalypse demo 7/10X-COM III / UFO III pl. demo 7/10
35682 XCOM3D.A07 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
X-Com: Apocalypse demo 8/10X-COM III / UFO III pl. demo 8/10
35683 XCOM3D.A08 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
X-Com: Apocalypse demo 9/10X-COM III / UFO III pl. demo 9/10
35684 XCOM3D.A09 370,4 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
X-Com: Apocalypse demo 10/10X-COM III / UFO III pl. demo 10/10
35685 XCOM3D.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
X-Com: Apocalypse demo 1/10X-COM III / UFO III playable demo by MicroProse/SPectrum Holobyte. 3rfd in the line of enormously popular turn-based scifi strategy games. Lets you play the game turn-based or real time! DEmo includes single combat mission. 486/100 8 MB mouse DOS
35686 XCOM3P2.ZIP 110,9 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
X-COM: Apocalypse - First Impressions & pictures of new aliens.
35687 XCOMAPRE.ZIP 139,8 kt 23.05.1997 - - -
X-COM Apocalypse preview with screenshots MicroProse
35688 XDECDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
"Gooch Grundys X-Decathlon demo 2/6"
35689 XDECDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
"Gooch Grundys X-Decathlon demo 3/6"
35690 XDECDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
"Gooch Grundys X-Decathlon demo 4/6"
35691 XDECDEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
"Gooch Grundys X-Decathlon demo 5/6"
35692 XDECDEMO.A05 2,5 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
"Gooch Grundys X-Decathlon demo 6/6"
35693 XDECDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
"Gooch Grundys X-Decathlon Playable Demo Microforum. The game for everyone whos ever dreamed of becoming an Olympic athletebut didnt want to get off the couch. Really ALTERNATIVE sport events with unique competitors. Demo has TWO eventswith network game ENABLED (link/modem/network/ Internet). Requires: Win95DirectX. 1/6"
35694 XDEMOFX.A01 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
X-Car: Experimental Racing 3Dfx demo 2/3
35695 XDEMOFX.A02 1,6 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
X-Car: Experimental Racing 3Dfx demo 3/3
35696 XDEMOFX.ARJ 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
X-Car: Experimental Racing 3Dfx Playable Demo Bethesda Softworks Be the first to explore that envelope and drive these near-future racing machines. Enter the racing circuit or compete against your friends via modem or network. X-Car will push your driving skills to the limit as you negotiate real and concept tracks at speeds approaching 300 mph! This demo does not work with Voodoo Rush cards. DOS 1/3
35697 XENCE397.ZIP 2,1 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
Xenocracy E397 screenshots - Grolier
35698 XF-E397.ZIP 1,7 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
XFire E397 showpackage with info & screenshots. Action. Sir-Tech Software.
35699 XFI-E397.ZIP 2,5 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
X-Fighters E397 showpackage with screenshots. Sierra.
35700 XSD.A01 1,4 Mt 03.02.1997 - - -
XS demo 2/6
35701 XSD.A02 1,4 Mt 03.02.1997 - - -
XS demo 3/6
35702 XSD.A03 1,4 Mt 03.02.1997 - - -
XS demo 4/6
35703 XSD.A04 1,4 Mt 03.02.1997 - - -
XS demo 5/6
35704 XSD.A05 468,8 kt 03.02.1997 - - -
XS demo 6/6
35705 XSD.ARJ 1,4 Mt 03.02.1997 - - -
"XS playable demo 1/6 Developer / puhlisher: SCi/GTI XS is SCis new 1st-person combat simand promises to ventilate the stuffy POV action genre. Using a proper 3D environmentpolygonal characters and light-sourced texture mapping thoroughoutXS buries the sprite 3D product weve seen being recycled over the last 3 yearsand allows truly free-form combat. DOS & Win95Pentium8 Mb"
35706 XVTDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter demo 2/5
35707 XVTDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter demo 3/5
35708 XVTDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter demo 4/5
35709 XVTDEMO.A04 317,1 kt 09.07.1997 - - -
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter demo 5/5
35710 XVTDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
"X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter playable demo LucasArts. Finallya chance to fight as a Imperial or Rebel shipin an all-out battle of good against evil. Lucas ArtsX-Wing vs. TIE features all the control options youd expect from a sophisticated sim while still allowing you to partake in some good old-fashioned shoot-em-up action. One could be sure thatif the Star Wars ships existed todaythis game would be the closest one could come to flying one. Req. P90 16 MB RAM"
35711 YBDEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
Youngblood demo 2/6
35712 YBDEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
Youngblood demo 3/6
35713 YBDEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
Youngblood demo 4/6
35714 YBDEMO.A04 1,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
Youngblood demo 5/6
35715 YBDEMO.A05 481,7 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
Youngblood demo 6/6
35716 YBDEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
Youngblood playable demo from Extreme/GTI 1/6 Guide the Youngblood team through eleven real-time missions that combine pulse pounding action with strategic role-playing elements. Battle through dense jungles, parched deserts, smoldering volcanoes to the very pits of hell itself as their mutant enemies grow more bizarre and violent with each mission... P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
35717 YNGBE397.ZIP 934,5 kt 27.07.1997 - - -
Youngblood  E397 showpackage with screenshots & info. "GT INTERACTIVE FUSES NEW RPG CHALLENGER WITH POPULAR \'YOUNGBLOOD\' CHARACTERS"  New Title Blends Role-Playing Elements With Action-Combat Game Play
35718 ZGI2E397.ZIP 1,4 Mt 01.08.1997 - - -
Zork: Grand Inquisitor E397 showpackage with screenshots. Adventure. Activision.
35719 ZGIPICS.ZIP 68,5 kt 10.06.1997 - - -
Zork: Grand Inquisitor screenshots
35720 ZOIKEC97.ZIP 596 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Zoiks! ECTS97 showpackage with press release & screenshots. first truly interactive, Hanna Barbera product featuring a cast of classic cartoon characters.2D graphic adventure starring a host of classically animated Hanna Barbera characters including Scooby Doo, Shaggy, Fred Flintstone, Penelope Pitstop, Huckleberry Hound, Snagglepuss and others. Ocean
35721 ZOLARIA.A01 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Winds of Zolaria Playable Demo 2/6
35722 ZOLARIA.A02 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Winds of Zolaria Playable Demo 3/6
35723 ZOLARIA.A03 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Winds of Zolaria Playable Demo 4/6
35724 ZOLARIA.A04 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Winds of Zolaria Playable Demo 5/6
35725 ZOLARIA.A05 841,6 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
Winds of Zolaria Playable Demo 6/6
35726 ZOLARIA.ARJ 2,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
Winds of Zolaria 1/6Playable Demo A.B.T.S. Intelligence Group Inc. StarFox-like shooter featuring all the technical 3D jargon known to man. 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics or FireGL-series cards recommended. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX, Direct3D capable video card  
35727 ZOMVE397.A01 2,9 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Zombieville E397 2/4
35728 ZOMVE397.A02 2,9 Mt 29.07.1997 - - -
Zombieville E397 3/4
35729 ZOMVE397.A03 267,8 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
Zombieville E397 4/4
35730 101DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
101: The 101st Airborne in Normandy demo 2/6
35731 101DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
101: The 101st Airborne in Normandy demo 3/6
35732 101DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
101: The 101st Airborne in Normandy demo 4/6
35733 101DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
101: The 101st Airborne in Normandy demo 5/6
35734 101DEMO.A05 3,7 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
101: The 101st Airborne in Normandy demo 6/6
35735 101DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
"101: The 101st Airborne in Normandy demo 1/6 Turn/RTS strategy. Empire. Lead paratroopers behind enemy lines in strategy-based simulation of squad level combat based on D-Day landings in Normandy 1944. Controlling everything from attacks on the enemy to finding your next mealthinking mans skirmish combat. Demo has 1 scenario. Windows 95 Direct-X 16 MB Pentium"
35736 20KE398.ZIP 1,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
20K Leagues The Adventure Continues E398 screenshots. Adventure. Southpeak Interactive.
35737 3DRMDEMO.A01 3,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
3D Railroad Master playable demoversion 2/6
35738 3DRMDEMO.A02 3,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
3D Railroad Master playable demoversion 3/6
35739 3DRMDEMO.A03 3,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
3D Railroad Master playable demoversion 4/6
35740 3DRMDEMO.A04 3,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
3D Railroad Master playable demoversion 5/6
35741 3DRMDEMO.A05 45,9 kt 14.09.1998 - - -
3D Railroad Master playable demoversion 6/6
35742 3DRMDEMO.ARJ 3,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"3D Railroad Master playable demoversion 1/6 Through the falling snowthe 50 car freight train eases around the curves of the steep mountain pass trying to make up for delays while carefully keeping speed under control to avoid a disastrous derailment. Finallythe best railroading simulation game ever created! This is the closest youll come to operating your own railroad short of the real thing! Requirements: P16632MB and Win95."
35743 3RDWE398.ZIP 833,8 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Third World E398 screenshots. Strategy. Activision.
35744 5ELEM302.A01 2,7 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
5 Elements Masters demo 2/2
35745 5ELEM302.ARJ 2,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
5 Elements Masters demo Developed by: UltraFish 3D martial arts action game set in the late Tang Dynasty of China. Search for the City in the Clouds and return the stolen idol to its resting place and thus restore the balance between Heaven and Earth. Win95 P166 16 MB DirectX 5 - suppports 3D acceleration through Direct3D. WARNING: might not work. DL on own risk. 1/1
35746 7KAADEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries demo 2/5
35747 7KAADEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries demo 3/5
35748 7KAADEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries demo 4/5
35749 7KAADEMO.A04 3,2 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries demo 5/5
35750 7KAADEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries demo Real time strategy/fantasy/medieval -Enlight /Interactive Magic - epic strategy and empire building. Players compete against up to six AI opponents control of land, trade, and peasants. Combining the intuitive interface design of RTS with depth and variety of traditional game of empire building. Strategic gaming experience like no other. Win95 P90, 16MB, DirectX 5      1/5
35751 7KDEMO2.A01 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms demo 2/7
35752 7KDEMO2.A02 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms demo 3/7
35753 7KDEMO2.A03 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms demo 4/7
35754 7KDEMO2.A04 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms demo 5/7
35755 7KDEMO2.A05 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms demo 6/7
35756 7KDEMO2.A06 38,9 kt 31.01.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms demo 7/7
35757 7KDEMO2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms playable UPDATED demo from Enlight/Interactive Magic Real-time game of epic strategy and empire building. Compete against up to six AI opponents or other players for control of land, trade, and peasants. Wage open warfare on your rivals or forge alliances with them. Send spies, mine ore, manufacture, build, trade, research and so on. Pentium, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 1/7
35758 7KNGPICS.ZIP 832,8 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms screenshots IMagic
35759 A19DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Alley 19 Bowling demo 2/4
35760 A19DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Alley 19 Bowling demo 3/4
35761 A19DEMO.A03 673,9 kt 06.04.1998 - - -
Alley 19 Bowling demo 4/4
35762 A19DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Alley 19 Bowling Playable Demo 1/4 Suzetti Software/ StarPlay Productions comprehensive and light hearted bowling simulation that uses unique mouse driven bowling action and fully controllable full-motion video characters. This demo uses one of those characters and one color of ball. The user can bowl five frames against human or computer opponents. P60, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5
35763 ABEDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 2/15"
35764 ABEDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 3/15"
35765 ABEDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 4/15"
35766 ABEDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 5/15"
35767 ABEDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 6/15"
35768 ABEDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 7/15"
35769 ABEDEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 8/15"
35770 ABEDEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 9/15"
35771 ABEDEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 10/15"
35772 ABEDEMO.A10 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 11/15"
35773 ABEDEMO.A11 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 12/15"
35774 ABEDEMO.A12 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 13/15"
35775 ABEDEMO.A13 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 14/15"
35776 ABEDEMO.A14 4,1 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo 15/15"
35777 ABEDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Exoddus demo. GT Interactive. Platform/Adventure. Our friend Abe must save another lot of his fewllow Mudokons from Glukkons hands. Nifty piece of platform action with puzzlesadventure and brains. Win95/98 P120 16MBDirectX     1/15"
35778 ABEODD.A01 3,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - - -
"Abes Odyssey demo 2/9"
35779 ABEODD.A02 3,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - - -
"Abes Odyssey demo 3/9"
35780 ABEODD.A03 3,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - - -
"Abes Odyssey demo 4/9"
35781 ABEODD.A04 3,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - - -
"Abes Odyssey demo 5/9"
35782 ABEODD.A05 3,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - - -
"Abes Odyssey demo 6/9"
35783 ABEODD.A06 3,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - - -
"Abes Odyssey demo 7/9"
35784 ABEODD.A07 3,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - - -
"Abes Odyssey demo 8/9"
35785 ABEODD.A08 222 kt 07.03.1998 - - -
"Abes Odyssey demo 9/9"
35786 ABEODD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - - -
"Oddworld: Abes Odyssey Demo 1/9 from GT Interactive - In a world run by ruthless meat baronsyour entire race is about to become pie filling ... A very different side viewed platform game with adventureinteractivecommunication and a story! P12016MBWin95DirectX"
35787 ACDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
Armor Command demo 2/6
35788 ACDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
Armor Command demo 3/6
35789 ACDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
Armor Command demo 4/6
35790 ACDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
Armor Command demo 5/6
35791 ACDEMO.A05 1,9 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
Armor Command demo 6/6
35792 ACDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
Armor Command demo. Real time action /  1/6 strategy. Ronin/Ripcord. Vehicle and building based 3D game set in future. Humans and Aliens battle for control of the galaxy. Unique blend of strategic combat play and resource management like C&C with mission structure similiar to X-Wing and Tie-Fighter. Incredibly full 3d world world. Ability to dynamically change your camera angle/view. P90,16MB,Win95,DirectX 5.Supports Direct3D
35793 ACSSEC97.ZIP 1,2 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Acclaim Sports Soccer ECTS97 screenshots
35794 ADDPINBD.A01 2,4 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
Addiction Pinball demo 2/5
35795 ADDPINBD.A02 2,4 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
Addiction Pinball demo 3/5
35796 ADDPINBD.A03 2,4 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
Addiction Pinball demo 4/5
35797 ADDPINBD.A04 2,2 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
Addiction Pinball demo 5/5
35798 ADDPINBD.ARJ 2,4 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
ADDICTION PINBALL DEMO v1.2 1/5 TEAM17 SOFTWARE. This limited demo contains non-final code and may be subject to minor performance problems. We have cut down the number of modes available, the sound effects, and the CD-Audio music to make the demo available to you. The full game features much much more! A top notch & fun pinball simulation Windows 95, P120, 2 Mt vidcard, 16 MB, DX5
35799 ADFGFX.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
F22: Air Dominance Fighters lisäkuvia. Lentosimulaattori. DiD.
35800 AEDEMO10.A01 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Ancient Evil demo 2/9
35801 AEDEMO10.A02 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Ancient Evil demo 3/9
35802 AEDEMO10.A03 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Ancient Evil demo 4/9
35803 AEDEMO10.A04 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Ancient Evil demo 5/9
35804 AEDEMO10.A05 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Ancient Evil demo 6/9
35805 AEDEMO10.A06 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Ancient Evil demo 7/9
35806 AEDEMO10.A07 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Ancient Evil demo 8/9
35807 AEDEMO10.A08 501,1 kt 06.04.1998 - - -
Ancient Evil demo 9/9
35808 AEDEMO10.ARJ 1,4 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Ancient Evil pl. demo 1/9 Silver Lightning Software. 3D isometric adventure / role-playig game. For centuries, would-be heroes have been piting there skills against the Crypt of the Ancients, the resting place of the Demigods who created the world. P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
35809 AFL98.A01 1,9 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
AFL 98 pl. demo 2/5
35810 AFL98.A02 1,9 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
AFL 98 pl. demo 3/5
35811 AFL98.A03 1,9 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
AFL 98 pl. demo 4/5
35812 AFL98.A04 986,4 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
AFL 98 pl. demo 5/5
35813 AFL98.ARJ 1,9 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
"AFL 98 pl. demo from EA Sports Get ready to experience a state of the art interactive version of Australias number one spectator sport. It is a sport that combines the free flowing play of Soccer with the hard hitting action of American Football or Rugby. The AFL 98 Internet demo will allow you to one 4 minute quarter in a rematch of the97 Season Final. P10016MBWin95DirectX 5    1/5"
35814 AFL99DHW.A01 3,8 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AFL 99 demo 2/6
35815 AFL99DHW.A02 3,8 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AFL 99 demo 3/6
35816 AFL99DHW.A03 3,8 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AFL 99 demo 4/6
35817 AFL99DHW.A04 3,8 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AFL 99 demo 5/6
35818 AFL99DHW.A05 2,5 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AFL 99 demo 6/6
35819 AFL99DHW.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AFL 99 demo. Hardware only version. EA Sports Australia. This is a limited demo of AFL 99. Two teams are available; The Adelaide Crows, playing at home,or The North Melbourne Kangaroos, playing away. One, four minute quarter period. There is only one Stadium available - The MCG - and you can only play at night. Pentium II 233, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX         1/6
35820 AFL99DSW.A01 2,9 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AFL 99 demo 2/4
35821 AFL99DSW.A02 2,9 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AFL 99 demo 3/4
35822 AFL99DSW.A03 1,9 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AFL 99 demo 4/4
35823 AFL99DSW.ARJ 2,9 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
AFL 99 demo. Software only version. EA Sports Australia. This is a limited demo of AFL 99. Two teams are available; The Adelaide Crows, playing at home,or The North Melbourne Kangaroos, playing away. One, four minute quarter period. There is only one Stadium available - The MCG - and you can only play at night. Pentium II 233, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX      1/4
35824 AFSHE398.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Aftershock E398 screenshots. Racing game. Rage Software.
35825 AHX1EC97.ZIP 4,6 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
AHX-1 ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. GTI. most intense military simulator action game featuring the fastest, most versatile attack helicopter in the world - the AHx-1. Using stealth and agility, fly to different parts of the globe through hostile enemy territory and strike against heavily guarded targets.
35826 AI-E398.ZIP 664,9 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
A.I. Alien Intelligence E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Interplay. First real-time strategy game with simultaneous space and land combat
35827 AIPICS.ZIP 637,4 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
AI: Alien Intelligence screenshots Interplay real-time strategy
35828 AIRNE398.ZIP 2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Aironauts E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Infogrames. Ariel shoot-em-up that defies the imagination. Created for the PlayStation and the PCAironauts is based on a futuristic game show. In the show the worlds worst offending prisoners are pitted against each other in vast arenas. Equipped with heavily armed hand glidersthe prisoners must fight one-on-oneperform dramatic ariel stunts andmostimportantlysurvive to fight again."
35829 AKOLYPIC.ZIP 328,2 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Akolyte screenshots multi-character 3D action title featuring a world of "classical legends and mythology".
35830 ALCEE398.ZIP 1,6 Mt 20.07.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri E398 showpackage with infoscreenshots & art. Firaxis. features the perfect balance of discoveryexplorationbuilding and conquest that players have come to expect from a Sid Meier strategy game. The game takes these elements and combines them with a gripping sci-fi story to create the most compelling and addictive strategic gameplay in the industry."
35831 ALIPREV.ZIP 361,5 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
Alien Earth preview with screenshots Created by Beam Software Published by Playmates Interactive Adventure
35832 AMDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Army Men demo 2/5
35833 AMDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Army Men demo 3/5
35834 AMDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Army Men demo 4/5
35835 AMDEMO.A04 2,3 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Army Men demo 5/5
35836 AMDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Army Men demo from 3DO. Top viewed action arcade. Assume the role of Sarge, who serves in Green army during a war against Tans. 2D arcade combat, you are out to blow up everything and anything. Take different challenges as game progresses. Demo includes boot camp training mission and 2 alpine levels (Enemy Mines and Ghost Train). Win95 P90 16MB DirectX      1/5
35837 ANA-E398.ZIP 60,4 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Anachronox E398 press release & screenshots. ION Storm/Eidos. 3D, third-person, science fiction role-playing game (RPG).
35838 ANDREC97.ZIP 2,2 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Andretti Racing ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Racing. Electronic Arts
35839 ANDREPI.ZIP 361,9 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Andretti Racing screenshots racing simulation Electronic Arts
35840 ANUL1100.ZIP 1,1 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
"AlphaNatix demo. Zero Entertainment. Puzzle/word/action. Wind your way around around wicked word challenges. Rack up lettersavoid hazards and race to complete your word list before time runs out. Once youve a completed puzzlego back and try to beat your own score. Why? Because AlphaNatix tracks your best scores and allows you see how you fare against players worldwide! Win95P1338MBDirectX"
35841 AOE2E398.ZIP 2,8 Mt 24.09.1998 repacked betaarchive forum -
Age of Empires II E398 screenshots. Strategy. Microsoft.
35842 AOPDEMO.ZIP 3,1 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Abyss of Pandemonium demo Published by: Instant Access A new mission add-on for the original Quake. Complete with new levels and monsters to conquer. This demo features one of each of the following: a single-player level, a deathmatch level, and a new weapon: the Napalm Launcher. Pentium-90, 16 MB RAM, Windows 95
35843 APOPICS.ZIP 131 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
Apocalypse screenshots - Activision
35844 ARDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Ares Rising demo 2/6
35845 ARDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Ares Rising demo 3/6
35846 ARDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Ares Rising demo 4/6
35847 ARDEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Ares Rising demo 5/6
35848 ARDEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Ares Rising demo 6/6
35849 ARDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Ares Rising demo v1.0. iMAGINE Studios. Space combat simulator. Now you can get your chance to prove that you are the hotshot space pilot you say you are. Thrust into the middle of an intergalactic adventure, rely on your wits, guts, and raw piloting skills to survive. Demo contains 6 missions. Supports link/modem/ipx&tcp/ip multiplayer. See who is the real Top Gun with your friends. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5. Supports Direct3D acceleration.       1/6
35850 ARMEDDPI.ZIP 383,9 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Armed and Delirious screenshots Adventure Sir-Tech
35851 ARMMPICS.ZIP 40,6 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
Army Men screenshots from Ubi Soft
35852 ASCSHOTS.ZIP 782,3 kt 29.05.1998 - - -
Ultima: Ascension - upouusia kuvaruutu- kaappauksia juuri auenneelta kotisivulta http://www.ultima-ascension.com.
35853 ASGHANDE.A01 1,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Asghan demo 2/7
35854 ASGHANDE.A02 1,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Asghan demo 3/7
35855 ASGHANDE.A03 1,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Asghan demo 4/7
35856 ASGHANDE.A04 1,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Asghan demo 5/7
35857 ASGHANDE.A05 1,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Asghan demo 6/7
35858 ASGHANDE.A06 1,7 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Asghan demo 7/7
35859 ASGHANDE.ARJ 1,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Asghan: The Dragon Slayer demo 1/7 Silmarils/Grolier 3D third person action adventure Set in richly detailed 3D medieval fantasy environment. The player takes on the role of the main character Asghan and has to guide him through multitude of traps, puzzles and deadly skirmishes against over 60 different kinds of enemy. P120, 16MB, Win98/95, DirectX SUPPORTS 3Dfx Glide, Direct3D
35860 ASGHEC98.ZIP 5,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Asghan ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Grolier. Seen through both 1st and 3rd person perspectives, the game is set in a medieval / fantasy world which encompasses over 30 graphically superb locations.  Asghan battles his way forward using his many agility skills such as swimming, diving, somersaults and climbing.
35861 ASHEINFO.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
"Asherons Call - Internet multiplayer roleplaying game from Microsoft. Info screenshots."
35862 ASHERP.ZIP 911,2 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
"Asherons Call screenshots Internet Online rpg. Microsoft."
35863 ASTEEC98.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Asteroids ECTS98 showpackage with screenshots. Activision.
35864 ASTRO2KD.A01 2,9 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
AstroRock 2000 demo 2/4
35865 ASTRO2KD.A02 2,9 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
AstroRock 2000 demo 3/4
35866 ASTRO2KD.A03 2,4 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
AstroRock 2000 demo 4/4
35867 ASTRO2KD.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
"AstroRock 2000 Demo 1/4 2D top viewed space shootemup LogicWare - soar through the interstellar vastnessmaking the galaxy safe for Rockn Roll. Explore strange galactic placesdecimate offending asteroidseliminate evil aliens... Face new fiendish shipsnew weaponryand a bad attitude. 486/668MBWin95DirectX"
35868 AT-E398.ZIP 306,7 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
ATTACK OF THE SAUCERMAN E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. Immerse yourself in the Golden era of the flying saucer! huge, 3D interactive environment allowing maximum movement through the world. Ed, the player/character is viewed from a third person perspective and is constructed from both sprite and polygon graphics. 3D platform game.
35869 ATENEC97.ZIP 511,5 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
Actua Tennis ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Gremlin.
35870 AVPDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Aliens vs. Predator demo 2/6
35871 AVPDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Aliens vs. Predator demo 3/6
35872 AVPDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Aliens vs. Predator demo 4/6
35873 AVPDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Aliens vs. Predator demo 5/6
35874 AVPDEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Aliens vs. Predator demo 6/6
35875 AVPDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Aliens vs. Predator demo. FOX Interactive. 3D action. Play as Colonial Marine, Alien or Predator and prepare for the ultimate deep-space battle. You\'ll need to master each character\'s unique weapons and abilities to stay alive in this heart-pounding, first-person action adventure. Work in-progress demo. Run "AVP_PREDATOR_DEMO.EXE", do not setup. P200, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D Predator demo. Play as an alien predator! 1/6
35876 B2DEMO.A01 3,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Blood 2 demo 2/10
35877 B2DEMO.A02 3,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Blood 2 demo 3/10
35878 B2DEMO.A03 3,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Blood 2 demo 4/10
35879 B2DEMO.A04 3,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Blood 2 demo 5/10
35880 B2DEMO.A05 3,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Blood 2 demo 6/10
35881 B2DEMO.A06 3,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Blood 2 demo 7/10
35882 B2DEMO.A07 3,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Blood 2 demo 8/10
35883 B2DEMO.A08 3,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Blood 2 demo 9/10
35884 B2DEMO.A09 2,3 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Blood 2 demo 10/10
35885 B2DEMO.ARJ 3,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Blood 2: The Chosen playable demo 1/10  1st person shoot em up. With incredible  macabre gusto, Blood 2: The Chosen will  attack your senses and rattle your psyche,  hitting you hard with horrific and gruesome  happenings, and generating the kind of wide-eyed, open-mouthed terror you have  only felt as a nightmare-ridden child. Sounds like a good time to research a new pastime.  Requirements: P133, 16 MB. Win95/98 and DirectX
35886 B2PICS.ZIP 530,2 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Blood 2 screenshots
35887 BARDEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Barrage demo 2/5
35888 BARDEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Barrage demo 3/5
35889 BARDEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Barrage demo 4/5
35890 BARDEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Barrage demo 5/5
35891 BARDEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Barrage updated demo from Mango Grits. Launch yourself into an incredibly realistic 3D world. In your highspeed hover-fighter aircraft you can fly freely anywhere in our six fully immersive, realistic outdoor, underground and underwater 3D environments. Blast away at the military targets, watch out for their return fire as you race to locate and neutralize the heavily defended power bases. P133, 32MB, Win95, DirectX5, Direct3D or 3Dfx card    1/5
35892 BARRAGE2.A01 2,9 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
Barrage NEW demo 2/4
35893 BARRAGE2.A02 2,9 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
Barrage NEW demo 3/4
35894 BARRAGE2.A03 989,8 kt 28.04.1998 - - -
Barrage NEW demo 4/4
35895 BARRAGE2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
Barrage NEW Playable Demo 1/4 Mango Grits - Launchyourself into incredibly realistic 3D world. In your high speed hover fighter aircraft you can fly freely anywhere in 6 immersive, realistic outdoor,underground and underwater 3D environments. Blast away at military targets, watch out for return fire while you race against the clock. New demo includes two battle environments P90 32 MB Win95 3Dfx
35896 BARRPICS.ZIP 288,3 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Barrage screenshots - coming fast-paced shooter with amazing visuals
35897 BATCHECK.ZIP 2,3 Mt 21.05.1998 - - -
"Battery Check demo. Platform game based on the Jazz Jackrabbit 2 engine. The game is in Dutchbut there isnt that much text to worry about. Orange Games. P9016MBWin95DirectX"
35898 BATTLE98.A01 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Battle Pinball demo 2/5
35899 BATTLE98.A02 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Battle Pinball demo 3/5
35900 BATTLE98.A03 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Battle Pinball demo 4/5
35901 BATTLE98.A04 2,7 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Battle Pinball demo 5/5
35902 BATTLE98.ARJ 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
"Battle Pinball demo version v1.1 1/5 Pinball flipper game. Play Time 2 Min3Balls It is a pinball game - with bright lightsa pounding iron balland stunning sound - all of which are essential for a pinball game. Competitive computer match for one or two players in opposition to each othertrying to achieve higher pointsand hindering the opponent by magic or killing the opponents ball. DOS / Win95&98Pentium16 MB"
35903 BBMGL112.A01 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - -
Baseball Mogul demo 2/4
35904 BBMGL112.A02 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - -
Baseball Mogul demo 3/4
35905 BBMGL112.A03 1,7 Mt 16.02.1998 - - -
Baseball Mogul demo 4/4
35906 BBMGL112.ARJ 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - -
Baseball Mogul playable demo v1.12 Infinite Monkey Systems - Running a baseball team is more complicated than turning a double play. Build a team but also set ticket and concession prices, negotiate trades, juggle against the salary cap, and try to eventually emerge victorious over the season. All the current teams with active rosters are listed. Windows 95
35907 BEASTWAR.A01 1,4 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Beast Wars demo 2/6
35908 BEASTWAR.A02 1,4 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Beast Wars demo 3/6
35909 BEASTWAR.A03 1,4 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Beast Wars demo 4/6
35910 BEASTWAR.A04 1,4 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Beast Wars demo 5/6
35911 BEASTWAR.A05 492,9 kt 25.05.1998 - - -
Beast Wars demo 6/6
35912 BEASTWAR.ARJ 1,4 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Beast Wars Transformers Playable Demo 3d third person action/combat Hasbro Interactive. The everlasting Transformers reborn! Morphing robot soldiers change into wild animals in an explosive fight to the finish. 3Dfx and Direct3D hardware acceleration supported P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX   1/6
35913 BENEE398.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Beneath E398 screenshots. Action adventure.
35914 BENEEC98.ZIP 2,8 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Beneath ECTS98 screenshots. Activision.
35915 BGATENID.ZIP 32,5 Mt 04.04.2000 - - -
"Baldurs Gate rolling demo - EI PELATTAVA.Tekijä Bioware/Interplay. AD&D Forgotten Realms-maailmaan sijoittuva roolipeli. Olet tutustunut tähän peliympäristöön muun muassa Pool of RadianceEye of the Beholder ja monissa muissa seikkailuissa. Tämä on kuitenkin huikeasti edistyneempi ja hienompi roolipeli joka jättää muut yrittäjät varjoonsa. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95P10016 Mt. "
35916 BL2-E398.ZIP 5 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Blood 2: The Chosen E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. GTi. The legend of Blood continues in a state-of-the-art game featuring all new vicious weaponsgreater blood-shed and more ghastly realistic true 3D gameplay.  Blood 2 has set out its stall but now Blood 2 is coming to blow you away."
35917 BLADE398.ZIP 2,3 Mt 20.07.1998 - - -
Blade E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Gremlin. much more than just another 3D combat game. Boasting the most versatile and detailed 3D environment ever, it will deliver PC owners, a memorable gaming experience, set within an authentic and beautiful fantasy world.
35918 BLADEC97.ZIP 6,1 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
"Blade Runner ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Westwood/Virgin. arguably the greatest science fiction movie e d on Philip K Dicks cult novelDo Androids Dream of Elect s cult classic presents a fantastic vision of a nigh e.  Now Westwood Studioswill take you deeper than e ark and"
35919 BLCKDLIA.A01 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 2/13
35920 BLCKDLIA.A02 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 3/13
35921 BLCKDLIA.A03 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 4/13
35922 BLCKDLIA.A04 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 5/13
35923 BLCKDLIA.A05 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 6/13
35924 BLCKDLIA.A06 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 7/13
35925 BLCKDLIA.A07 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 8/13
35926 BLCKDLIA.A08 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 9/13
35927 BLCKDLIA.A09 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 10/13
35928 BLCKDLIA.A10 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 11/13
35929 BLCKDLIA.A11 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 12/13
35930 BLCKDLIA.A12 3,6 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Black Dahlia demo 13/13
35931 BLCKDLIA.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Blach Dahlia playable demo Take 2 Interactive Adventure / detective game Leads player through an eerie landscape of death, deception and occult mystery in 1941, ancient supernatural saga which threatens to unleash unspeakable terror on an unsuspecting world. You must unravel the mysteries! Windows 95 & DirectX 5    1/13
35932 BMCTEDEM.A01 2,9 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
BASS Masters Classic: Tournament Edition demo 2/4
35933 BMCTEDEM.A02 2,9 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
BASS Masters Classic: Tournament Edition demo 3/4
35934 BMCTEDEM.A03 1,6 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
BASS Masters Classic: Tournament Edition demo 4/4
35935 BMCTEDEM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
"BASS Masters Classic: Tournament Edition demo from Inland/THQ. Sports/Fishing. 3D fishing game. Realistic fishing simulation on the market. 3D lakes and environmentsTHQs signature underwater views. Become a better fisherman - weather permitting or not! P13316MBWin95/98DirectX5 Supports Direct3D 3D-acceleration.  1/4"
35936 BOEPICS.ZIP 500,8 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
Blades of Exile screenshots. Computer role-playing game.
35937 BR98EC97.ZIP 1,7 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
"NHL Breakaway98 ECTS97 screenshots Acclaim"
35938 BRDEMOUS.A01 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball: Big Race USA demo 2/6
35939 BRDEMOUS.A02 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball: Big Race USA demo 3/6
35940 BRDEMOUS.A03 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball: Big Race USA demo 4/6
35941 BRDEMOUS.A04 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball: Big Race USA demo 5/6
35942 BRDEMOUS.A05 3,5 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball: Big Race USA demo 6/6
35943 BRDEMOUS.ARJ 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball: Big Race USA demo. From Empire. Pinball simulation. Race your way across USA in fastest, most exciting, most intricate Pinball sim ever released. With 14 different US cities as play areas, incredible ball "spin & slide" dynamics, and real-time internet head-to-head play for the first time ever, Pro Pinball Big Race USA delivers more adrenaline-pumping action than your brain can handle: challenge it if you dare ! P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX       1/6
35944 BRUNDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling demo 2/5
35945 BRUNDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling demo 3/5
35946 BRUNDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling demo 4/5
35947 BRUNDEMO.A04 2,7 Mt 20.08.1998 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.7094186-1 FOUND MBCD -
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling demo 5/5
35948 BRUNDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Brunswick Circuit Pro Bowling. From THQ. 1/5 Sports / bowling. Includs personalities, tournaments, state-of-the-art equipment and family fun. Choose from 13 bowlers and hit lanes in a true 3D simulation, utilizing advanced physics engine. Boasts authentic tournament rules, equipment, and structures, including the brand new Brunswick Bowling Skins Game! Direct3D & 3Dfx supported. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5
35949 BS2-EC97.ZIP 2,5 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
"Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Virgin. ú Sequel to Revolutions award-winning origin rd ú Players switch between two central characte the game ú Hundreds of challenging puzzlesand over 5 haracters to help and hinder your progress"
35950 BTIMEPI.ZIP 58,7 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
Beyond Time screenshots Published by Dreamcatcher Interactive Adventure
35951 BTPICS.ZIP 144,3 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Multiplayer Battletech screenshots from GameStorm http://www.gamestorm.com
35952 BUGGE398.ZIP 669 kt 20.07.1998 - - -
Buggy E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Gremlin. gives you the chance to take control of one of sixteen super-compact, radio-controlled vehicles. Each possesses a distinctive paintjob and its own unique handling: some respond like drugged bison, while others flit around like pond-skaters in a gale.
35953 BUGGEC97.ZIP 876,1 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
Buggy ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Gremlin. gives you the chance to take control of one o r-compact, radio-controlled vehicles. Each possesses a d nt-job and its own unique handling: some respond like dr hile others flit around like pond-skaters in a gale.
35954 BULLEC97.ZIP 6,1 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Battleground: Bull Run ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Talonsoft/Empire Step back in time and take command of either  e or Union forces near the quiet North Virginian village  scene of two momentous battles which changed the course of
35955 BUNGHOLE.A01 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Beavis & Butt-Head: Bunghole In One demo 2/7
35956 BUNGHOLE.A02 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Beavis & Butt-Head: Bunghole In One demo 3/7
35957 BUNGHOLE.A03 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Beavis & Butt-Head: Bunghole In One demo 4/7
35958 BUNGHOLE.A04 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Beavis & Butt-Head: Bunghole In One demo 5/7
35959 BUNGHOLE.A05 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Beavis & Butt-Head: Bunghole In One demo 6/7
35960 BUNGHOLE.A06 980,5 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
Beavis & Butt-Head: Bunghole In One demo 7/7
35961 BUNGHOLE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Beavis & Butt-Head: Bunghole In One demo 1/7 Sports / minigold. From GTI. The inventors of frog baseball are back and adding their own unique spin to the world of miniature golf. No more wussy windmills to block your path. Dodge nacho cheese lava flows, lava lamps, tombstones, buzz saws and more. Note: This demo has only 2 holes. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX
35962 BZ1024.ZIP 299,5 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
BattleZone Enhanced info & screenshots. BZ Voodoo 2 pictures in 1024x768
35963 BZONDEM2.A01 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Battlezone updated demo 2/6
35964 BZONDEM2.A02 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Battlezone updated demo 3/6
35965 BZONDEM2.A03 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Battlezone updated demo 4/6
35966 BZONDEM2.A04 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Battlezone updated demo 5/6
35967 BZONDEM2.A05 3,2 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Battlezone updated demo 6/6
35968 BZONDEM2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Battlezone updated Playable Demo Activision is bringing this arcade classic to the PCs of the 90s, but this time, there is a great deal more to the game. Soviets and US are fighting on moon for alien bio-metal. Action & strategy in most astonishing and original form. Updated demo supports Direct3D cards and 1024x768 mode with improved textures. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX        1/6
35969 BZPICS.ZIP 1 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
BattleZone screenshots. Activision.
35970 C2MGE398.ZIP 1,1 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Civilization II Multiplayer Gold E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Strategy. MicroProse.
35971 C2TTE398.ZIP 3,7 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Civilization II: The Test of Time E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. revolutionizing new enhancements including animation, linked maps, the addition of two exciting worlds and more. Strategy. Microprose.
35972 C3-E398.ZIP 2,2 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Caesar III E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Impressions/Sierra. Multiple gameplay objectives in a richer, truer environment. Players can build and maintain a thriving Roman city, develop armies, defend their territory against invading neighbors, or, if they choose, take over the empire by exploiting resources and charming the emperor for power and promotion.
35973 C3INFO.ZIP 129,8 kt 02.05.1998 - - -
Caesar III info & screenshots. Strategy. Impressions/Sierra.
35974 CAESAR3.A01 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Caesar III demo 2/5
35975 CAESAR3.A02 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Caesar III demo 3/5
35976 CAESAR3.A03 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Caesar III demo 4/5
35977 CAESAR3.A04 4,7 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Caesar III demo 5/5
35978 CAESAR3.ARJ 4,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Caesar III demo. From Impressions/Sierra.1/5 Strategy. Players of Caesar III are immersed in a city simulation set in the age of ancient Roman Empire. Players place buildings on previously empty terrain and construct a city. Buildings come to life, and city begins to evolve. Players have specific objectives to achieve, although many players will not use these, but rather will content themselves in designing their idea of the perfect city. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
35979 CAPTEC97.ZIP 1,2 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Captives ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Sierra Arcade / Reflection - ú Original game design  real arcade action while minimising violence ú Superb 3D isometric graphics and 25 differe
35980 CARMA2D2.A01 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Carmageddon 2 demo 2/6
35981 CARMA2D2.A02 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Carmageddon 2 demo 3/6
35982 CARMA2D2.A03 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Carmageddon 2 demo 4/6
35983 CARMA2D2.A04 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Carmageddon 2 demo 5/6
35984 CARMA2D2.A05 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Carmageddon 2 demo 6/6
35985 CARMA2D2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Carmageddon 2 - Carpocalypse Now. Uudempi pelattava demoversio Carmageddon 2:sta näyttävällä grafiikalla, hyvällä pelattavuudella ja 3D-tuella varustettuna. Vaatii: P166, 16MB ram, Win95/98 ja DirectX Vauhdikas autoralli verellä ja hulvattomalla meiningillä varustettuna.     1/6
35986 CARNDE12.A01 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Carnivores demo 2/5
35987 CARNDE12.A02 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Carnivores demo 3/5
35988 CARNDE12.A03 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Carnivores demo 4/5
35989 CARNDE12.A04 1,9 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Carnivores demo 5/5
35990 CARNDE12.ARJ 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Carnivoresin pelattava demoversio v1.2 1/5 3D-räiskintää Action Formsin tekemänä. Dinosaurusten metsästystä haulikolla varustettuna trooppisissa maisemissa. Demo sisältää yhden saaren, kaksi dinosaurusta ja aseistuksena on haulikko. Vaatii: P150, 16MB ram, Windows 95/98, 45MB kiintolevy tilaa ja DirectX 6:n. Tukee: 3Dfx glideä.
35991 CASTROL2.A01 2,9 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Castrol/Honda Superbike World Champions UPDATED DEMO 2/5
35992 CASTROL2.A02 2,9 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Castrol/Honda Superbike World Champions UPDATED DEMO 3/5
35993 CASTROL2.A03 2,9 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Castrol/Honda Superbike World Champions UPDATED DEMO 4/5
35994 CASTROL2.A04 1,2 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Castrol/Honda Superbike World Champions UPDATED DEMO 5/5
35995 CASTROL2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Castrol/Honda Superbike World Champions   1/5 UPDATED Demo - Interactive Entertainment / Intense Games. Officially licensed and developed with the 1997 World Champions, blistering motorcycle racing simulation. To win the championship you will have to master bike and its setup for every track. Multiple options,complete control of simulation environment. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX.
35996 CBALE398.ZIP 7 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Cyberball E398 screenshots. Pinball game.
35997 CCHEEC97.ZIP 1,4 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
"Combat Chess ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Empire. Empires Combat Chess is a masterpiece of com   Over 600 animation sequences and some of the most soph -time rendering effects ever seen on a home compute ring alive the ancient game of chess as never before."
35998 CCSGFX.ZIP 1011 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Callahans Crosstime Saloon seikkailupelin lisäkuvia."
35999 CCTPEC98.ZIP 6,8 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Civilization: Call To Power ECTS98 screenshots. Activision.
36000 CFS-E398.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator E398 screenshots. Flight simulation.
36001 CHAOSDEM.A01 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 2/13
36002 CHAOSDEM.A02 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 3/13
36003 CHAOSDEM.A03 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 4/13
36004 CHAOSDEM.A04 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 5/13
36005 CHAOSDEM.A05 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 6/13
36006 CHAOSDEM.A06 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 7/13
36007 CHAOSDEM.A07 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 8/13
36008 CHAOSDEM.A08 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 9/13
36009 CHAOSDEM.A09 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 10/13
36010 CHAOSDEM.A10 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 11/13
36011 CHAOSDEM.A11 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 12/13
36012 CHAOSDEM.A12 2,2 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo 13/13
36013 CHAOSDEM.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate demo Random Games/SSI squad-level, turn-based tactical action that pits players against Chaos Lord Zymran, in an attempt unravel the mystery of the ancient relic. Stunning 3D-rendered movies prepare players for the campaign missions, gradually unveiling the diabolical intent of the Chaos Space Marine plot. P133, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX      1/13
36014 CMERCSD.A01 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Cybermercs demo 2/8
36015 CMERCSD.A02 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Cybermercs demo 3/8
36016 CMERCSD.A03 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Cybermercs demo 4/8
36017 CMERCSD.A04 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Cybermercs demo 5/8
36018 CMERCSD.A05 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Cybermercs demo 6/8
36019 CMERCSD.A06 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Cybermercs demo 7/8
36020 CMERCSD.A07 4,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Cybermercs demo 8/8
36021 CMERCSD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Cybermercs demo from Digital Impact/JC Res. Tactical combat/business. In 2114 Earth is suffering from population crisis and exhaustion of resources. Now aliens, rebels and mercenaries fight it out. Combat game with Diablo like gameplay. Demo has full link/modem/ipx/tcp/ip multiplayer. Win95 P166 32MB DirectX        1/8
36022 CMRALLY.A01 4,8 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Colin McRae Rally demo 2/9
36023 CMRALLY.A02 4,8 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Colin McRae Rally demo 3/9
36024 CMRALLY.A03 4,8 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Colin McRae Rally demo 4/9
36025 CMRALLY.A04 4,8 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Colin McRae Rally demo 5/9
36026 CMRALLY.A05 4,8 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Colin McRae Rally demo 6/9
36027 CMRALLY.A06 4,8 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Colin McRae Rally demo 7/9
36028 CMRALLY.A07 4,8 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Colin McRae Rally demo 8/9
36029 CMRALLY.A08 4,3 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Colin McRae Rally demo 9/9
36030 CMRALLY.ARJ 4,8 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Colin McRae Rally demo from Codemasters. 1/9 Racing. This demo of Colin McRae Rally includes three tracks: New Zealand, Australia, and Monte Carlo. There are no computer opponents. Win95/98, DirectX, Direct3D card
36031 COMGDEMO.A01 2,4 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Comanche Gold demo 2/5
36032 COMGDEMO.A02 2,4 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Comanche Gold demo 3/5
36033 COMGDEMO.A03 2,4 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Comanche Gold demo 4/5
36034 COMGDEMO.A04 2,1 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Comanche Gold demo 5/5
36035 COMGDEMO.ARJ 2,4 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Comanche Gold Playable Demo Helicopter flight sim / combat / arcade NovaLogic - includes an enhanced version of the best-selling helicopter sim of 1997 - Comanche 3. New campaigns, new missions, mission design tool, weather effects and much much more! Pentium, 16MB, Win95, DirectX  1/5
36036 COMMDEM2.A01 3,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines multiplayer demo 2/4
36037 COMMDEM2.A02 3,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines multiplayer demo 3/4
36038 COMMDEM2.A03 2,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines multiplayer demo 4/4
36039 COMMDEM2.ARJ 3,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines multiplayer demo Eidos. Isometric viewed combat/action. Set in WWII, real-time tactical wargame that puts you in command of a squad of elite Allied Commandos completing missions behind enemy lines. Engage in the ultimate battle of wits and wills. This LAN TCP/IP and Mplayer.com multiplayer demo supports 3 pl. co-operative play in scenario against the battleship Bismarck. P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5  1/4
36040 COMMDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Commandos demo 2/4
36041 COMMDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Commandos demo 3/4
36042 COMMDEMO.A03 2,7 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Commandos demo 4/4
36043 COMMDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines demo isometric viewed combat/action Pyro/Eidos Interactive. Set in WWII, real-time tactical wargame that puts you in command of a squad of elite Allied Commandos completing missions behind enemy lines. Engage in the ultimate battle of wits and wills. Demo has 2 levels & full LAN/Internet multiplayer through TCP/IP. P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5    1/4
36044 CORUM2D.A01 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Legend of Corum vol.2: Dark Lord demo 2/4
36045 CORUM2D.A02 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Legend of Corum vol.2: Dark Lord demo 3/4
36046 CORUM2D.A03 4,1 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Legend of Corum vol.2: Dark Lord demo 4/4
36047 CORUM2D.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Legend of Corum vol.2: Dark Lord demo. 1/4 Isometric presented arcade / adventure by HiCom. Asiatic / animelike. Feasures fantastic moving pictures, assortment of actions, fighting and magic, Req. Win95, P90, 16MB, DX5. http://www.gndhicom.com
36048 CP99E398.ZIP 1 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Canal+ Soccer 99 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Canal+/Infogrames. first arcade-type soccer game to offer new functions and capabilities that lets the user play as a valuable member of a team
36049 CREEDF_H.A01 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 2/8
36050 CREEDF_H.A02 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 3/8
36051 CREEDF_H.A03 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 4/8
36052 CREEDF_H.A04 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 5/8
36053 CREEDF_H.A05 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 6/8
36054 CREEDF_H.A06 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 7/8
36055 CREEDF_H.A07 1,4 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 8/8
36056 CREEDF_H.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
"The Creed demo from Insomnia/Electronic Arts 3D third person action adventure. To survive streets of Cerebus you will need to watch your back. Every moment could be your last. Danger lurks behind each corner. You dont even know who you can trust! Escape from this condemned planet before its too late or suffer an unimagineable death. This updated demo contains 6 new missions. 3D Accelerated version.    1/8"
36057 CREEDF_S.A01 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 2/7
36058 CREEDF_S.A02 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 3/7
36059 CREEDF_S.A03 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 4/7
36060 CREEDF_S.A04 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 5/7
36061 CREEDF_S.A05 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 6/7
36062 CREEDF_S.A06 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
The Creed demo 7/7
36063 CREEDF_S.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
"The Creed demo from Insomnia/Electronic Arts 3D third person action adventure. To survive streets of Cerebus you will need to watch your back. Every moment could be your last. Danger lurks behind each corner. You dont even know who you can trust! Escape from this condemned planet before its too late or suffer an unimagineable death. This updated demo contains 6 new missions. Software Accelerated version.    1/7"
36064 CREEDIMP.ZIP 121,3 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
"The Creed Mission Importer. Electronic Arts. This program lets the playable demo import new missions available on The Creeds web site."
36065 CROCDEM6.A01 2,9 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Croc demo 2/6
36066 CROCDEM6.A02 2,9 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Croc demo 3/6
36067 CROCDEM6.A03 2,9 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Croc demo 4/6
36068 CROCDEM6.A04 2,9 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Croc demo 5/6
36069 CROCDEM6.A05 1,7 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Croc demo 6/6
36070 CROCDEM6.ARJ 2,9 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Croc: Legend of Gobbos pl. demo from Argonaut/FOX Interactive CROC, all new character in original 3D, free roaming adventure platformer with amazing graphics and animation. Waddle, run, swim, swing and even fly. His slick maneuvers will leave villains eating his dust. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX Supports ViRGE, 3Dfx,  ATI Rage, Voodoo Rush, Direct3D.   1/6
36082 CS2-E398.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Cyberstorm II: Corporate Wars E398 showpackage with screenshots & info. Real time strategy with turn based alternative. Dynamix/Sierra.
36071 CS2DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2 demo 2/11
36072 CS2DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2 demo 3/11
36073 CS2DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2 demo 4/11
36074 CS2DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2 demo 5/11
36075 CS2DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2 demo 6/11
36076 CS2DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2 demo 7/11
36077 CS2DEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2 demo 8/11
36078 CS2DEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2 demo 9/11
36079 CS2DEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2 demo 10/11
36080 CS2DEMO.A10 566,4 kt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2 demo 11/11
36081 CS2DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 17.06.1998 - - -
CyberStorm 2: Corporate Wars from Sierra.1/11 Real-time strategy. Sequel to Mission Force: Cyberstorm and offers both turn-based and real-time gameplay. The demo provides both a training mission and a standard mission. The year is 3569 and several corporations want to sieze control of a newly found jumpgate unleashing whatever forces it takes to win. Windows 95 Pentium-133, 16 MB RAM, DX5.
36083 CS2HIRES.ZIP 3,7 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
CyberStrike 2 demo high resolution textures.
36084 CS2SW.A01 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
CyberStrike 2 SW 2/7
36085 CS2SW.A02 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
CyberStrike 2 SW 3/7
36086 CS2SW.A03 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
CyberStrike 2 SW 4/7
36087 CS2SW.A04 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
CyberStrike 2 SW 5/7
36088 CS2SW.A05 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
CyberStrike 2 SW 6/7
36089 CS2SW.A06 1,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
CyberStrike 2 SW 7/7
36090 CS2SW.ARJ 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
CyberStrike 2 SW. Simutronics/989 Studios. Mech-like combat action. Single and massively multiplayer online game. Set 100 years in the future, it is first person combat game where players pilot small customizable mechanized robots. Demo contains single player missions and online multiplayer capability. Requires P166, 32MB, Win95, DirectX. Supports Direct3D & 3Dfx.                             1/7
36091 CSFE398.ZIP 1,6 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Carrier Strike Fighter (iF/A-18E) Published by Interactive Magic Developed by iMagic Labs E398 showpackage with info & screenshots.
36092 CWG2EC97.ZIP 2 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Civil War Generals 2 ECTS79 showpackage with info & screenshots. Impressions/Sierra Historical Wargame
36093 D2K-E398.ZIP 2 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Dune 2000 E398 screenshots. Westwood.
36094 D2KPICS.ZIP 171,9 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Dune 2000 screenshots from Westwood
36095 D3-E398.ZIP 660,7 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
Descent III E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Interplay. latest addition to the revolutionary Descent series, which introduced gamers to the dizzying 3-D world of 360 degrees of movement in a first person shooting game.  This time around, players will experience not only the same frenzied, subterranean shooting action, but also the thrill of flying out of the mines into the planetary atmosphere engaging in combat with
36096 DARKDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
Warhammer: Dark Omen demo 2/4
36097 DARKDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
Warhammer: Dark Omen demo 3/4
36098 DARKDEMO.A03 996,6 kt 02.02.1998 - - -
Warhammer: Dark Omen demo 4/4
36099 DARKDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
"Warhammer: Dark Omen demo Games Workshop/ Mindscape real-time 3D battle game based on Warhammer the Worlds best known Fantasy Battle system. Command regiments of cavalryinfantry and archers as well as wizardswar machines and huge monsters in your role as a mercenary army captaintasked with wiping the hordes of darkness from the face of the map. P9016MBWin95DirectX"
36100 DAYDELP.ZIP 632,3 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Daytona USA Deluxe screenshots Sega
36101 DBTSDEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword demo 2/8
36102 DBTSDEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword demo 3/8
36103 DBTSDEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword demo 4/8
36104 DBTSDEMO.A04 1,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword demo 5/8
36105 DBTSDEMO.A05 1,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword demo 6/8
36106 DBTSDEMO.A06 1,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword demo 7/8
36107 DBTSDEMO.A07 1005,9 kt 27.02.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword demo 8/8
36108 DBTSDEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 27.02.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword pl. demo from Treyarch/Interplay Venture into a foreboding land where monsters are cunning, and traps abound. Free form movement and combat in a fantasy 3D world. True combat adventure with complex movement, true 3-D environments, polygonal characters, variable viewpoints, and dynamic interaction. P100, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5. Supports 3Dfx Voodoo.   1/8
36109 DBTSVOIC.A01 4,8 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword Voices 2/6
36110 DBTSVOIC.A02 4,8 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword Voices 3/6
36111 DBTSVOIC.A03 4,8 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword Voices 4/6
36112 DBTSVOIC.A04 4,8 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword Voices 5/6
36113 DBTSVOIC.A05 3,6 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword Voices 6/6
36114 DBTSVOIC.ARJ 4,8 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Die By The Sword demo - Optional Voice add-on (You must get the demo too).      1/6
36115 DBZ-E398.ZIP 5,5 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Dead Ball Zone E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Violent sports. Rage Software.
36116 DEADDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Dead Reckoning demo 2/7
36117 DEADDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Dead Reckoning demo 3/7
36118 DEADDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Dead Reckoning demo 4/7
36119 DEADDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Dead Reckoning demo 5/7
36120 DEADDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Dead Reckoning demo 6/7
36121 DEADDEMO.A06 4,3 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Dead Reckoning demo 7/7
36122 DEADDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
"Dead Reckoning demo. Piranha Interactive. Action/shootemup/sports. What do you do when youve been abducted from Earth by a sadistic Master Race? Fight for your life in game theyve arranged for their amusement. Losing isnt option - fate of Earth hangs in the balance. Facing you in battle is host of repulsive and violent aliens who are just as pissed off as you are about being thrown into fight of their lives. P16616MBWin95/98DirectX. SUPPORTS Direct3D     1/7"
36123 DEERHUNT.A01 1,4 Mt 13.03.1998 - - -
Deer Hunter demo 2/6
36124 DEERHUNT.A02 1,4 Mt 13.03.1998 - - -
Deer Hunter demo 3/6
36125 DEERHUNT.A03 1,4 Mt 13.03.1998 - - -
Deer Hunter demo 4/6
36126 DEERHUNT.A04 1,4 Mt 13.03.1998 - - -
Deer Hunter demo 5/6
36127 DEERHUNT.A05 178,5 kt 13.03.1998 - - -
Deer Hunter demo 6/6
36128 DEERHUNT.ARJ 1,4 Mt 13.03.1998 - - -
"Deer Hunter Playable Demo 1/6 SunStorm/WizardWorks Feel the thrill of the hunt with Deer Hunterthe interactive deer hunting challenge for your PC. Hunt from a tree-stand or the brush - its open season yearround. Demo will allow you to practice at the range or hunt in Arkansas with the shotgun and your choice of masking or attractant scent for up to 30 minutes per session. P7516MBWin95DirectX 5"
36129 DEMEEC97.ZIP 3,6 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Dementia EXTS97 showpackage with screenshots & info. Adventure. Telstar.
36130 DES3PIC.ZIP 328,2 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Descent III screenshots from Parallax
36131 DETHKARZ.A01 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Dethkarz demo 2/6
36132 DETHKARZ.A02 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Dethkarz demo 3/6
36133 DETHKARZ.A03 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Dethkarz demo 4/6
36134 DETHKARZ.A04 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Dethkarz demo 5/6
36135 DETHKARZ.A05 2,3 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Dethkarz demo 6/6
36136 DETHKARZ.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Dethkarz demo from Beam Software/Melbourne House. Racing/Arcade. Fast Cars from Future. The future is good. Biggest sport is death racing. Races are held on purpose-built tracks build above withering heights. Win95/98, P166, 16MB, Direct3D or 3Dfx card. Time limited. 1/6
36137 DF-EC98.ZIP 2,5 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Delta Force ECTS98 showpackage with press releases & screenshots. Novalogic. commando-style PC action title, gamers can see and engage the enemy beyond the 75-pace viewing limitations found in most competing products, allowing players to avoid a land mine only a few feet in front of them or obliterate the enemy miles away.
36138 DFORE398.ZIP 144,6 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Delta Force E398 showpackage with screenshots Action/combat game on squad level, modern fighting. Novalogic.
36139 DFREEPIC.ZIP 565,9 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
Descent: FreeSpace screenshots. Volition (Parallax) / Interplay Space War game
36140 DGEC97.ZIP 283,8 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
Drowned God ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ocean. mind stretching graphic adventure for the PC.
36141 DINOBB1.A01 1,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
DinoMight Baseball 2/6
36142 DINOBB1.A02 1,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
DinoMight Baseball 3/6
36143 DINOBB1.A03 1,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
DinoMight Baseball 4/6
36144 DINOBB1.A04 1,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
DinoMight Baseball 5/6
36145 DINOBB1.A05 1,3 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
DinoMight Baseball 6/6
36146 DINOBB1.ARJ 1,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
"DinoMight Baseball demo from Microforum fantastic baseball game for kids that combines the enduring popularity of dinosaurs with Americas favorite pass-time. All of your childs favorite dinosaurs are includedfrom T-Rex to Triceratopsand with unexpected surprises around every corner. fun-filled baseball game. Windows 95  1/6"
36147 DKP-E398.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project E398 press release & screenshots. Looking Glass/Eidos. creative talent that pioneered the 3D interactive role-playing game, Ultima Underworld I & II and System Shock, have come together again to make a revolutionary first-person action/adventure that brings subterfuge and mystery to a tired genre of mindless shooting. Your most powerful weapons - stealth and thievery.
36148 DKRPICS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Dark Reign screenshots Activision
36149 DL2_DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II demo 2/8
36150 DL2_DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II demo 3/8
36151 DL2_DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II demo 4/8
36152 DL2_DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II demo 5/8
36153 DL2_DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II demo 6/8
36154 DL2_DEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II demo 7/8
36155 DL2_DEMO.A07 1,7 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II demo 8/8
36156 DL2_DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II: Shrine Wars FULL DEMO from Accolade. Game of strategy, resource management and military conquest that will take you on the search for the secret power of an ancient civilization. Includes a single & multiplayer scenarios. Includes link/modem/IPX & TCP/IP network or Internet multiplayer support. Req. P90, Win95/NT4, DirectX5, 16 MB, SVGA 1 Mb.    1/8
36157 DL2_DMIN.A01 2,4 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II small demo 2/5
36158 DL2_DMIN.A02 2,4 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II small demo 3/5
36159 DL2_DMIN.A03 2,4 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II small demo 4/5
36160 DL2_DMIN.A04 2 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II demo small 5/5
36161 DL2_DMIN.ARJ 2,4 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Deadlock II: Shrine Wars SMALL DEMO from Accolade. Game of strategy, resource management and military conquest that will take you on the search for the secret power of an ancient civilization. Includes a single & multiplayer scenarios. Includes link/modem/IPX & TCP/IP network or Internet multiplayer support. Req. P90, Win95/NT4, DirectX5, 16 MB, SVGA 1 Mb.     1/5
36162 DL2GFX.ZIP 721,5 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Deadlock II lisäkuvia strategia. Accolade.
36164 DNF-E398.ZIP 1,7 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
"Duke Nukem Forever E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. GTi. will deliver even more of the trademark humor and wit that was so acclaimed in Duke Nukem 3Dand will utilize id Softwares proprietary cutting-edge Quake II game engine - with enhanced capabilities over its predecessorand a promised end result which will allow gamers to fully immerse themselves in a 3D environment like never before."
36163 DNFE3982.ZIP 5,1 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Duke Nukem Forever E3 Floor video. (c) 3DRealms Entertainment. Näyttävä ja hyvällä musiikilla höystetty reilu 3 min. 30 sek. kestävä animaatio tulevasta Dune Nukem Forever pelistä. Animaatio rm-muodossa, joten tarvitset esim. RealPlayer-ohjelman, jotta voit katsoa tämän animaation.
36165 DOMDEM11.A01 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Dominion beta demo 2/7
36166 DOMDEM11.A02 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Dominion beta demo 3/7
36167 DOMDEM11.A03 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Dominion beta demo 4/7
36168 DOMDEM11.A04 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Dominion beta demo 5/7
36169 DOMDEM11.A05 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Dominion beta demo 6/7
36170 DOMDEM11.A06 840,2 kt 21.04.1998 - - -
Dominion beta demo 7/7
36171 DOMDEM11.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Dominion: Storm Over Gift3 BETA demo v1.1 by Ion Storm / Eidos delivers what other r time strategy games only promise. Fast gfx in 4 resolutions, sophisticated AI, 8 player multi player DM/cooperative. Incredible gameplay, animations and speed. You will only be allowed to play the HUMAN race. Additionally, this version has disab some of the "special" units. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5, 52MB HD  1/7
36172 DOMENGFX.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Dark Omen lisäkuvia. Strategia. Mindscape.
36173 DOW-E398.ZIP 2,4 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Dawn of War E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Virgin. the only real-time strategy game set in a prehistoric world. full-blown 3-D terrain system, detailed objects, character animations, translucent effects like smoke, fog and water and realistically rendered forces of nature bring this treacherous primordial Earth to life.
36174 DRAKE398.ZIP 653,9 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Drakan (working title) E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. new action-adventure that combines the best of all worlds: an intriguing storyline, thrilling adventures, heroic battles and a right-hand dragon to help you cut through the mire - all within seamless 3D environments never before experienced. Planned for release in January 1999
36175 DREAPICS.ZIP 2,3 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Dreams to reality screenshots - action/adventure. Cryo.
36176 DREPICS.ZIP 315,1 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Dark Reign Expansion: Rise of the Shadowhand screenshots
36177 DRERPIC.ZIP 225,6 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Dreams to Reality screenshots Created by Cryo Interactive
36178 DRIFTPIC.ZIP 284,1 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
"DriftZone screenshots. Multiplayer Asteroids clonewith same interesting gameplay with sound and multi-player support. If you you dont know the original... imagine multi-player Asteroids in color with cool 3D models that are animated in real time (no pre-rendered crap here)!"
36179 DROUPICS.ZIP 146,9 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Riana Rouge screenshots adult adventure Created by Black Dragon Productions Distributed by Eidos Interactive
36180 DSMOE398.ZIP 2,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Dark Side of the Moon E398 showpackage with screenshots. Adventure. Southpeak Interactive.
36181 DSPECDE.A01 2,9 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Dominant Species demo 2/5
36182 DSPECDE.A02 2,9 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Dominant Species demo 3/5
36183 DSPECDE.A03 2,9 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Dominant Species demo 4/5
36184 DSPECDE.A04 1,4 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Dominant Species demo 5/5
36185 DSPECDE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Dominant Species demo from Red Storm. 3D real time strategy. You are a young Mindlord, set to control your minions in the harvesting of Anima. You must protect your planet against the invading humans who want to steal your anima! Welcome to an entirely unique 3D Strategy experience! P200MMX, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX Direct3D    1/5
36186 DTRGFX.ZIP 629,7 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Dreams To Reality lisäkuvia 3D toiminta/seikkailu. Cryo.
36187 DUELE398.ZIP 3,2 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Duel: The Mage Wars E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Virgin. Having raised the benchmark for turn-based combat strategy gaming with the XCOM series, developer Mythos is are now re-inventing the action/strategy genre. Draws upon popular mythology and history to create a beguiling set of magical-shifting realms in which wizards schooled in the deadly arts of sorcery vye for dominance.
36188 DUELTMGD.A01 4,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Magic & Mayhem demo 2/8
36189 DUELTMGD.A02 4,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Magic & Mayhem demo 3/8
36190 DUELTMGD.A03 4,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Magic & Mayhem demo 4/8
36191 DUELTMGD.A04 4,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Magic & Mayhem demo 5/8
36192 DUELTMGD.A05 4,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Magic & Mayhem demo 6/8
36193 DUELTMGD.A06 4,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Magic & Mayhem demo 7/8
36194 DUELTMGD.A07 3,4 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Magic & Mayhem demo 8/8
36195 DUELTMGD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Magic & Mayhem / The Mage Wars demo Real time fantasy strategy/adventure Mythos Games/Virgin. RTS strategy, with high doses of adventure and role-playing.Take role of novice wizard, lost in an unfamiliar world inhabited by power hungry baron wizards. Gain control of lands, items, and regions, by defeating the baron wizards and stealing their magic. Battle by summoning creatures from other magical planes of existence. P133, 32MB, Win95/98, DX6. Supp. multi-player 1/8
36196 DV_DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Dark Vengeance demo 2/7
36197 DV_DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Dark Vengeance demo 3/7
36198 DV_DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Dark Vengeance demo 4/7
36199 DV_DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Dark Vengeance demo 5/7
36200 DV_DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Dark Vengeance demo 6/7
36201 DV_DEMO.A06 180,3 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
Dark Vengeance demo 7/7
36202 DV_DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Dark Vengeance demo. Reality Bytes/GT Interactive 3D third person action. The Dark Elves are on a bloody quest for revenge against the people of Amagar...and only you can stop them. Demo has full TCP/IP multiplayer support. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX6 SUPPORTS Direct3D       1/7
36203 EAFREC97.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
"East Front ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Talonsoft/Empire puts you in the middle of the greatest strugg ggle of the 20th Century.  This platoon-level game of tac n Russia1941 - 1945starts you out as a company comm ouve earned it - a promotion to higher ranks as the war g ve"
36206 EAW_USDE.A01 3,8 Mt 28.07.1998 - MBCD -
European Air War demo 2/4
36207 EAW_USDE.A02 3,8 Mt 28.07.1998 - MBCD -
European Air War demo 3/4
36208 EAW_USDE.A03 2,9 Mt 28.07.1998 - MBCD -
European Air War demo 4/4
36209 EAW_USDE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.07.1998 - MBCD -
European Air War demo. MicroProse. WW2 flight simulation. Pilot 20 authentic fighter aircraft from Great Britain, Germany and the United States. Unsurpassed graphics and a dynamic game world will captivate you in this sequel to the critically acclaimed and award-winning 1942: Pacific Air War. Minimum P166 (w/o 3D accelerator), P133 (w/ 3D accelerator), 32MB, Win95/98   1/4
36204 EAW-E398.ZIP 617,5 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
European Air War E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Flight simulation. Microprose. New World War II era flight simulation game that offers authentic cockpit designs, accurate flight models, enhanced artificial intelligence, and spectacular 16-bit graphics and visual effects with Direct3D support.
36205 EAW-EC98.ZIP 1,9 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
European Air War ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. MicroProse. historically accurate flight simulation about the struggle for air superiority over England during the Battle of Britain and Europe from 1943-1945.
36211 EC98-FA2.ZIP 3,7 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
"Fallout 2 ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Interplay. This new post apocalyptic adventure will continue to use the critically acclaimed SPECIAL role-playing system recognisable from the originalplus it will include new locationsweapons and charactersas well as the player`s new ability to race across the wasteland in a modified 50s style 8-cylinder Chevy."
36210 EC98DES3.ZIP 5 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Descent III ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Interplay. In the ground-breaking tradition of its predecessors, which introduced gamers to the dizzying, frenetic 3-D world of 360§ of movement, Descent III promises not only the familiar, disorienting frenzy of action but new innovations as well.
36212 ECHEDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Echelon demo 2/7
36213 ECHEDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Echelon demo 3/7
36214 ECHEDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Echelon demo 4/7
36215 ECHEDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Echelon demo 5/7
36216 ECHEDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Echelon demo 6/7
36217 ECHEDEMO.A06 826,7 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Echelon demo 7/7
36218 ECHEDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Echelon demo - 1/7 - Explore, discover and eliminate! New real time strategy game by ET Audiocom/Amnesty Visuals. Windows 95 & Pentium.
36219 ECHEE398.ZIP 1,8 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Echelon - Explore, discover and eliminate E398 showpackage with screenshots. Real time strategy.
36220 EI_DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Enemy Infestation demo 2/6
36221 EI_DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Enemy Infestation demo 3/6
36222 EI_DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Enemy Infestation demo 4/6
36223 EI_DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Enemy Infestation demo 5/6
36224 EI_DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Enemy Infestation demo 6/6
36225 EI_DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Enemy Infestation from Ripcord/Clockworks Tactical strategy. Places you in role of commander of a remote mining colony that has been overrun by an alien, praying mantis-like species. Drawing inspiration from Alien films EI is real-time strategy. Combat alien menace with a variety of troops while managing resources and researching alien technology. Demo includes IPX & TCP/IP multiplayer. Windows 95, P200, 32 MB, DirectX. Demo. 1/6
36226 EJ3DE398.ZIP 662 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
Earthworm Jim 3D E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Interplay. the ever-popular segmented superhero knocked unconscious by a falling cow in this all-new 3-D adventure.
36227 EL-E398.ZIP 497,5 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
"Eliminator E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. Youre against the clock and only the trigger can save you. Your heart beatsthe adrenaline flows and only mastery of Eliminatora  unique combination of racingarcade and shootem up game-playwill guarantee your escape."
36228 EMERGYE4.A01 2,4 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
Emergency demo 2/7
36229 EMERGYE4.A02 2,4 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
Emergency demo 3/7
36230 EMERGYE4.A03 2,4 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
Emergency demo 4/7
36231 EMERGYE4.A04 2,4 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
Emergency demo 5/7
36232 EMERGYE4.A05 2,4 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
Emergency demo 6/7
36233 EMERGYE4.A06 1,8 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
Emergency demo 7/7
36234 EMERGYE4.ARJ 2,4 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
Emergency Playable Demo TopWare - Real time strategy like command/rescue game. Command rescue units, police cars and fire engines. Save people from desperate, life-threatening situations. But hurry - every second counts. This is no game for the weak at heart. Demo lets you play 3 levels. Rescue operations game with isometric view. New demo has four levels. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX   1/7
36235 ENINE398.ZIP 1,5 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Enemy Infestation E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ripcord Games. new 3-D isometric perspectivehorror thrilleris more than a battle between organic creatures and technology.  Its a battle for survival of a race and a specieswith players taking on the role of the exterminator."
36236 ENTDEM15.ZIP 4,3 Mt 23.12.1998 - - -
"Entrepreneur Playable Demo v1.5 Stardock Systems In the most ruthless strategy game of all timeyou conquer the world by having your company dominate the industry youre in and crush the competition. This one of a kind game has complete network play and hooks in to Stardock.netStardocks online gaming network. New demo has updated graphics and improved gameplay. 486/6616MBWin95/NTDirectX"
36237 EP-E398.ZIP 514,8 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Expert Pool E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. The essential 3D simulation for Pool hotshots
36238 EQAPRMO.A01 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
EverQuest movie 2/3
36239 EQAPRMO.A02 4,6 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
EverQuest movie 3/3
36240 EQAPRMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
EverQuest Movie by Sony Interactive A movie showing off the upcoming internet-only RPG EverQuest. The non-interactive demo shows off the EverQuest 3D engine and detailed spell effects.     1/3
36241 ES3EC97.ZIP 939,1 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
"EarthSiege 3 ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Sierra. Metaltech 200 years have passed since the des e Cybrids invasion fleet. Earth-based humans have re-es act with the inner-planet coloniesbut relations are stra  thing binding the humans together is the Cybrid thr es are"
36242 ESTDMOPR.A01 3,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Esoteria: The Prequel demo 2/4
36243 ESTDMOPR.A02 3,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Esoteria: The Prequel demo 3/4
36244 ESTDMOPR.A03 3,7 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Esoteria: The Prequel demo 4/4
36245 ESTDMOPR.ARJ 3,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Esoteria: The Prequel demo by Mobeus/Bandai - third person perspective, 3-D, action/adventure game. All of the environments and structures are fully modeled 3-D structures in one huge world. Non-linear gameplay. Dynamic cameras. IPX+TCP/IP multi player. Control Raven, a new kind of military robot armed with missile packs and other devastating weapons. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX. Supports 3Dfx. 1/4
36246 ETDEMO.A01 3,9 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
Extreme Tactics demo 2/6
36247 ETDEMO.A02 3,9 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
Extreme Tactics demo 3/6
36248 ETDEMO.A03 3,9 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
Extreme Tactics demo 4/6
36249 ETDEMO.A04 3,9 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
Extreme Tactics demo 5/6
36250 ETDEMO.A05 3,6 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
Extreme Tactics demo 6/6
36251 ETDEMO.ARJ 3,9 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
Extreme Tactics Playable Demo Media Station/ Piranha real-time, multi-player tactical war simulation in which players can design and control their own vehicles. Through their choices of vehicle designs, artificial intelligence, strategy and tactical decisions, the personalities of the players permeate the game to an extent unmatched in existing RTS games. Win95, P90, 16MB, DirectX
36252 EVERQPIC.ZIP 639,9 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
EverQuest screenshots. Internet RPG. Created by Sony Interactive Studios
36253 EVOLDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Evolution demo 2/6
36254 EVOLDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Evolution demo 3/6
36255 EVOLDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Evolution demo 4/6
36256 EVOLDEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Evolution demo 5/6
36257 EVOLDEMO.A05 2,4 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Evolution demo 6/6
36258 EVOLDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
"Evolution playable demo from Crossover/Discovery Channel Multimedia In this intensechallenging strategy gameyou begin as one of the earliest amphibians to crawl out onto landcompeting against up to five computer or human (networked) opponents to evolve the first intelligent species (and that doesnt have to mean homo sapiens!). Win95P6016MBDirectX 5"
36259 EX25EC97.ZIP 1,7 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Excalibur 2555AD E397 showpackage with screenshots. 3D adventure. Telstar
36260 EXCAPICS.ZIP 521,2 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Excalibur 2555 A.D. screenshots Tomb Raider like action. Sir-Tech
36261 EXO-E398.ZIP 6,2 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Oddworld: Abe\'s Exoddus E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. GTi. Abe\'s Exoddus is everything "Abe\'s Oddysee" was and a whole lot more: more levels, more gameplay, more characters, more interaction, more movies... and way more cool stuff_with all the personality, humour and quirkiness that made Abe\'s Oddysee the success that it is.
36262 EXPEE398.ZIP 4,4 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Expendable E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Rage Software. designed very much in the "Commando" mould- updating it and setting it in space across incredible 3D worlds. The emphasis is placed firmly on thrills and arcade feel.
36263 EXTWARI.ZIP 291,7 kt 02.02.1998 - - -
Extreme Warfare info & screenshots. fully 3D, action combat game         where war is waged on a scale never b         Players dive into epic-sized battles          series of intense, more than "shoot e         mission-based campaigns. You play as          races, Human or Sway, fighting for yo         existence on the planet Mars.
36264 F15DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 2/13"
36265 F15DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 3/13"
36266 F15DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 4/13"
36267 F15DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 5/13"
36268 F15DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 6/13"
36269 F15DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 7/13"
36270 F15DEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 8/13"
36271 F15DEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 9/13"
36272 F15DEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 10/13"
36273 F15DEMO.A10 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 11/13"
36274 F15DEMO.A11 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 12/13"
36275 F15DEMO.A12 1,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo 13/13"
36276 F15DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 demo.By Janes Combat Simulations / Electronic Arts. Flying simulation Next generation in jet combat with most realistic graphicsphysicsavionics and gameplay in the sky. PCF-15 delivers the blood-pounding thrill of high-speed air combat. Demo puts you into action-packed air-to-ground sortie. Win95 P133 (w/3Dfx) / P166 (w/o3Dfx)16MBDirectX5         1/13"
36277 F15GFX.ZIP 2,4 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15 lisäkuvia lentosimulaattori. Janes Combat Simulations Electronic Arts"
36285 F16-EC98.ZIP 2,5 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
F-16 Multirole Fighter ECTS98 showpackage with press releases & screenshots stunning 3D graphics, with 3DFX support serving to enhance the breathtakingly crisp terrains at resolutions up to 1024 by 768. Featuring a full six degrees of freedom (6DOF) rendering engine, delivers visual effects never before seen in a PC flight simulator.
36278 F16AE398.ZIP 3,6 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
F-16 Aggressor E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Virgin. Flight simulation. new combat flight sim that raises the standards of PC-based sims to a level of realism found only in the most advanced military and airline training simulations.
36279 F16AEC97.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
F-16 Aggressor ECTS97 pack with info screenshots Virgin. the closest anybody outside the military will encing flight in the cockpit of the F-16 Falcon. This highl ulation lets you fly in 40 missions spread across 4 campai on your PC. With a unique AI system that supports a large ssions types
36280 F16DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
F-16 Multirole Fighter demo 2/5
36281 F16DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
F-16 Multirole Fighter demo 3/5
36282 F16DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
F-16 Multirole Fighter demo 4/5
36283 F16DEMO.A04 3,3 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
F-16 Multirole Fighter demo 5/5
36284 F16DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
"F-16 Multirole Fighter demo from Novalogic. Flight simulation / easy arcade. Able to pull nine Gs and fly at more than Mach 2F-16 is effective at delivering a crippling ground strike while still maintaining air superiority. Get ready to prove yourself. Demo supports Internet multiplayer through Novaworld. P12016MBWin95DirectX. Supports 3Dfx 1/5"
36286 F16NE398.ZIP 344,2 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
F-16 E398 showpackage with screenshots. Flight simulation. Novalogic.
36287 F197CEDM.A01 1,4 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
"Formula 197 demo 2/8"
36288 F197CEDM.A02 1,4 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
"Formula 197 demo 3/8"
36289 F197CEDM.A03 1,4 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
"Formula 197 demo 4/8"
36290 F197CEDM.A04 1,4 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
"Formula 197 demo 5/8"
36291 F197CEDM.A05 1,4 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
"Formula 197 demo 6/8"
36292 F197CEDM.A06 1,4 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
"Formula 197 demo 7/8"
36293 F197CEDM.A07 527,7 kt 28.04.1998 - - -
"Formula 197 demo 8/8"
36294 F197CEDM.ARJ 1,4 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
"Formula 197 / Championship Edition 1/8 Playable Demo - car racing/simulation Bizarre Creations/Psygnosis - spectacular racing excitementwith new F1 circuits and realistic reactions to surroundings. Includes both arcade & full racing simulation demos. Win95 P133 16MBDirectX5. Supports 3Dfx & Direct3D"
36295 F198E398.ZIP 184,4 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Formula 198 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. official product of the FIA Formula One World Championshipwill be your only chance this year to experience the ultimate driving fantasy!"
36296 F1MPEC98.ZIP 1,5 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
F1 Manager Professional ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Formula F1 team management.
36297 F1PPEC97.ZIP 5,4 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
F1 Pole Position ECTS97 screenshots from Ubi Soft
36298 F1UBI.A01 3,8 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
F1 Racing Simulation beta demo 2/7
36299 F1UBI.A02 3,8 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
F1 Racing Simulation beta demo 3/7
36300 F1UBI.A03 3,8 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
F1 Racing Simulation beta demo 4/7
36301 F1UBI.A04 3,8 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
F1 Racing Simulation beta demo 5/7
36302 F1UBI.A05 3,8 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
F1 Racing Simulation beta demo 6/7
36303 F1UBI.A06 3,3 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
F1 Racing Simulation beta demo 7/7
36304 F1UBI.ARJ 3,8 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
"F1 Racing Simulation Beta Playable Demo Ubi Soft. Here is Ubi Softs F1 Racing Simulation demo from the French magJoystick. Contains one trackMonza. Voodoo Rush owners: Copy Glide 2.4 over the Glide driver in the F1 directory. Win95 P12020Mb3Dfx Voodoo Graphics card                     1/7"
36314 F2-E398.ZIP 674,2 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
Fallout 2 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Interplay. will feature bigger, smarter, nastier enemies - more mutants, droids, ghouls and flesh-eating, spore-implanting, carnivorous  plants that will blow the player away. There will also be improved combat AI for friends and foes alike. The player can enjoy the best that retro-technology has to offer by cruising the wastes in a newly-repaired car.
36305 F22ADF1.ZIP 6 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
F22 Air Dominance Fighter renderoituja kuvia - soveltuvat esimerkiksi UPEIKSI taustakuviksi. DID/Ocean The dream of having a military standard simul as become a reality" (Martin Kenwright; DID\'s MD) Ease of installation and use. multiple traini cluding take-off, landing, re-fuelling, hydraulic fai al failure
36306 F22ADF2.ZIP 3 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
F22 Air Dominance Fighter GAME screenshots DID/Ocean The dream of having a military standard simul as become a reality" (Martin Kenwright; DID\'s MD) Ease of installation and use. multiple traini cluding take-off, landing, re-fuelling, hydraulic fai al failure and engine failure.
36307 F22ADF3.ZIP 1,6 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
F22 Air Dominance Fighter GAME screenshots DID/Ocean The dream of having a military standard simul as become a reality" (Martin Kenwright; DID\'s MD) Ease of installation and use. multiple traini cluding take-off, landing, re-fuelling, hydraulic fai al failure and engine failure.
36308 F22ADF4.ZIP 939,6 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
F22 Air Dominance Fighter GAME screenshots DID/Ocean The dream of having a military standard simul as become a reality" (Martin Kenwright; DID\'s MD) Ease of installation and use. multiple traini cluding take-off, landing, re-fuelling, hydraulic fai al failure and engine failure.
36309 F22ADF5.ZIP 949,1 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
F22 Air Dominance Fighter GUI screenshots DID/Ocean The dream of having a military standard simul as become a reality" (Martin Kenwright; DID\'s MD) Ease of installation and use. multiple traini cluding take-off, landing, re-fuelling, hydraulic fai al failure and engine failure.
36310 F22RAPD6.A01 2,9 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
F-22 Raptor demo 2/4
36311 F22RAPD6.A02 2,9 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
F-22 Raptor demo 3/4
36312 F22RAPD6.A03 1,6 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
F-22 Raptor demo 4/4
36313 F22RAPD6.ARJ 2,9 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
F-22 Raptor playable demo V6 by Novalogic 1/4 full-featured F-22 flying simulator with dynamic campaigns, training missions and all. Comes with FREE Internet multiplayer arena in novaworld.net with the result of the smoothest Internet flight experience to date! The demo gives you the chance to fly a single player mission and fly for free on novaworld.net. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5
36321 FA-PICS.ZIP 173,2 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
Fighter Ace screenshots. Multiplayer WW2 air combat game. Microsoft.
36315 FA18KG.ZIP 1,7 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
F/A-18: Korea PC-lisäkuvia lentosimulaattori Graphic Simulations
36316 FABYSSD.A01 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Fatal Abyss demo 2/5
36317 FABYSSD.A02 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Fatal Abyss demo 3/5
36318 FABYSSD.A03 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Fatal Abyss demo 4/5
36319 FABYSSD.A04 2,1 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Fatal Abyss demo 5/5
36320 FABYSSD.ARJ 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Fatal Abyss demo from SegaSoft 3D         1/5 shooting/flying action. In the near future there is a war being fought over Bacteria 241 strange new energy source found in its raw form at the bottom of the ocean. Now it is up to you to either play on the side of Eco Systems and help salvage their plans, or on the side of Proteus Tech to destroy and dominate. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX Supports 3Dfx
36322 FC-E398.ZIP 2,9 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Force Commander E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Lucasarts. Whether waging battle with the armies of the resourceful Rebel Alliance or powerful Galactic Empire, the relentlessly challenging Force Commander will offer full-scale, ground-based combat over a vast array of engagement theaters throughout the Star Wars universe, all fully rendered in 3D. Real time strategy.
36323 FCGEC97.ZIP 748,3 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
Flying Corps Gold ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Empire. best elements from the phenomenally successfu ation of this spring, revamped them and added a huge number nd graphical improvements.
36324 FCOPDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Future Cop: L.A.P.D. demo 2/6
36325 FCOPDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Future Cop: L.A.P.D. demo 3/6
36326 FCOPDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Future Cop: L.A.P.D. demo 4/6
36327 FCOPDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Future Cop: L.A.P.D. demo 5/6
36328 FCOPDEMO.A05 3,5 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Future Cop: L.A.P.D. demo 6/6
36329 FCOPDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
"Future Cop: L.A.P.D. demo from Electronic Arts. 3D action. LA is one rough place to serve and protectbut you wont be patrolling streets alone. Youll use revolutionary miracle of modern science - durablearmed to the teethand capable transforming into two unique vehicles: the Walker and the Hovercraft. Youve gotta take advantage of the strengths of each. P90 (?)32MBWin95/98DirectX 6 Supports 3Dfx Glide & Direct3D         1/6"
36330 FCPICS.ZIP 298,1 kt 02.02.1998 - - -
Flying Circus screenshots Internet playable WW1 air combat game. In Free beta. http://www.simguild.com
36331 FD2-E398.ZIP 589,6 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
Fighter Duel 2.0 E398 press releases & screenshots. WW2 flight simulation. Infogrames. fly one of more than 30 authentically modeled WWII aircraft while leading a variety of single and multiplayer air combat and ground attack missions over realistic 3D terrain. Fly historical aircraft matchups, or experiment with "what if" scenarios as you fly against the computer or human pilots.
36332 FEEBEC97.ZIP 4,6 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
The Feeble Files screenshots from Adventuresoft
36341 FF_DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Flesh Feast demo 2/6
36342 FF_DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Flesh Feast demo 3/6
36343 FF_DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Flesh Feast demo 4/6
36344 FF_DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Flesh Feast demo 5/6
36345 FF_DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Flesh Feast demo 6/6
36346 FF_DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Flesh Feast Playable Demo SegaSoft - 3D adventure game in the style of Resident Evil. "madness as people are mysteriously dying, only to rise again with an insatiable hunger...for human flesh! Who or what is responsible for this horror? How can these fiendish ghouls be stopped? P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5. Supports Direct 3D.    1/6
36333 FF7DEMO2.A01 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy VII release demo 2/7
36334 FF7DEMO2.A02 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy VII release demo 3/7
36335 FF7DEMO2.A03 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy VII release demo 4/7
36336 FF7DEMO2.A04 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy VII release demo 5/7
36337 FF7DEMO2.A05 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy VII release demo 6/7
36338 FF7DEMO2.A06 597,1 kt 28.06.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy VII release demo 7/7
36339 FF7DEMO2.ARJ 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
"Final Fantasy VII release demo. 1/7 Cutesy adventure by Squaresoft USA/Eidos Popular role-playing game FFVII has arrived for the PC after conquering the PlayStation. Story focuses on Cloudan ex-soldier of Shinra who has teamed up with Avalanche to combat Shinra stranglehold. Meet mysterious and powerful allies who will assist in fighting the monsters that protect Shinras empire. Win95 32 MB DirectX5. Supports 3D acceleration."
36340 FF7PICS.ZIP 3,2 Mt 08.06.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy VII PC-screenshots. Popular console rpg on PC.
36347 FIFA99ED.A01 2,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
FIFA 99 demo 2/5
36348 FIFA99ED.A02 2,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
FIFA 99 demo 3/5
36349 FIFA99ED.A03 2,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
FIFA 99 demo 4/5
36350 FIFA99ED.A04 2,1 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
FIFA 99 demo 5/5
36351 FIFA99ED.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
"FIFA 99 demo from EA Sports. Football. FIFA - bigger and better than ever. Most successful and popular football game returns after two World Cup licenced games. As youd expectFIFA 99 provides more teamsmore ways to play and more excitement than any other game on the market. Win95/98DirectX616 MB Supports Direct3D      1/5"
36352 FIFTHED.A01 3,8 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Fifth Element demo 2/4
36353 FIFTHED.A02 3,8 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Fifth Element demo 3/4
36354 FIFTHED.A03 1,5 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Fifth Element demo 4/4
36355 FIFTHED.ARJ 3,8 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
The Fifth Element demo. From Kalisto/    1/4 Ubi Soft. 3D adventure. Guide Leeloo and mighty Korben Dallas to the rescue of all life and light! The Universe needs YOU. 3D game from the movie of same name. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX Supports 3Dfx Glide, Direct3D
36356 FLGFX.ZIP 492 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Final Liberation strategian lisäkuvia. SSI.
36357 FM9899DE.A01 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Player Manager demo 2/7
36358 FM9899DE.A02 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Player Manager demo 3/7
36359 FM9899DE.A03 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Player Manager demo 4/7
36360 FM9899DE.A04 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Player Manager demo 5/7
36361 FM9899DE.A05 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Player Manager demo 6/7
36362 FM9899DE.A06 1,3 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Player Manager demo 7/7
36363 FM9899DE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Player Manager - season 98-99 demo Football management game by Anco. Windows 95. 1/7
36364 FOFEC97.ZIP 2,6 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Fields Of Fire: War Along the Mohawk ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Let us take you back to 1757 and place you on he eastern United States/Canadian border. In Fields of F  the Mohawk you are asked to play your part in the titani ween the British and the French for this regions contr our own hand
36365 FORS98DE.A01 2,9 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Forsaken Shareware - new demo 2/7
36366 FORS98DE.A02 2,9 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Forsaken Shareware - new demo 3/7
36367 FORS98DE.A03 2,9 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Forsaken Shareware - new demo 4/7            
36368 FORS98DE.A04 2,9 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Forsaken Shareware - new demo 5/7
36369 FORS98DE.A05 2,9 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Forsaken Shareware - new demo 6/7
36370 FORS98DE.A06 761,8 kt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Forsaken Shareware - new demo 7/7
36371 FORS98DE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
"Forsaken SHAREWARE - NEW DEMO Probe/Acclaim Descent like tunner shooter. Bounty huntersmercenaries and all free booting scum of the earth are raiding ravaged planet Earths remainsagainst each other and dead worlds ruthless robotic guardians. Demo has 3 levels & 4 players multiplayer deathmatch over link/modem/network - supports Internet play. Supports 3DfxATIPowerVRViRGE and ALL D3D cards. Req. P13316MBWin95DX51/7"
36372 FROGGERD.ZIP 3,6 Mt 04.01.1998 - - -
"Frogger 3D playable demo from Hasbro Froggers backand hes armed with new moves like Super Hop! With over 35 new levelsamazing 3D graphicsoriginal sound effectsand solo or multi-playyoull be hopping with Frogger for hours. This demo lets you play one level from the full version. Supports: 3Dfx (Glide)Direct3DMMX P9016MBWin95DirectX 5"
36393 FS-EC98.ZIP 1,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Fighter Squadron: ScreaminDemons Over Europe ECTS98 screenshots. Flight simulation Activision"
36373 FSACTDEM.ZIP 2,5 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
FS Action! Scenery FS5 expansion pack demo. Abacus Software.
36386 FSDEMO_A.A01 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 2/6
36387 FSDEMO_A.A02 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 3/6
36388 FSDEMO_A.A03 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 4/6
36389 FSDEMO_A.A04 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 5/6
36390 FSDEMO_A.A05 1,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 6/6
36391 FSDEMO_A.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
"Flying Saucer Playable Demo 176 Small demo without Brain Scan PostLinear Entertainment Evil aliens bent on destroying Earth. A shadow government agency cloning human-alien pilots. A stolen flying saucer from Area 51. Nowyoure the only person who can save the planet. What will you do? Fly UFO that flies like no other craft youve flown before. Training/real/abduction mission. Windows 95 P10016MBDirectX 5"
36380 FSDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 2/7
36381 FSDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 3/7
36382 FSDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 4/7
36383 FSDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 5/7
36384 FSDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 6/7
36385 FSDEMO.A06 3,9 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Flying Saucer demo 7/7
36392 FSDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
"Flying Saucer Playable Demo 1/7 Large demo with Brain Scan & long musics PostLinear Entertainment Evil aliens bent on destroying Earth. A shadow government agency cloning human-alien pilots. A stolen flying saucer from Area 51. Nowyoure the only person who can save the planet. What will you do? Fly UFO that flies like no other craft youve flown before. Training/real/abduction mission. Windows 95 P10016MBDirectX 5"
36374 FSDEMO10.A01 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Descent: FreeSpace demo 2/6
36375 FSDEMO10.A02 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Descent: FreeSpace demo 3/6
36376 FSDEMO10.A03 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Descent: FreeSpace demo 4/6
36377 FSDEMO10.A04 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Descent: FreeSpace demo 5/6
36378 FSDEMO10.A05 1,7 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Descent: FreeSpace demo 6/6
36379 FSDEMO10.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Descent: FreeSpace The Great War pl. demo 1/6 Space combat - Volition/Interplay - Happening in detailed and dynamic universe, takes space combat sims to new levels of action and realism. Demo includes 3 missions in mini campaign, 4 Terran ship classes, 3 enemy fighter classes, etc. Win95 P166 16 MB DirectX. Supports 3Dfx. 3D accelerator requires P133.
36394 FSQPICS.ZIP 1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Fighter Squadron: Screaming Demons Over Europ screenshots Activision
36395 FTAWE398.ZIP 402 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
"F22: Total Air War E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. DID/Infogrames. youre commanding the war! DID F22 Total Air War takes Digital Image Designs F22 product to an even higher level. Not only will gamers be able to pilot the worlds most advanced jet fightertheyll also be able to immerse themselves in a dynamicnon-linear real-time campaign."
36396 FTNGINFO.ZIP 148,9 kt 13.05.1998 - - -
Fighting steel info & screenshots. This naval combat game is state-of-the-art! Most graphically stunning and realistic simulation of surface warfare ever created. SSI.
36397 FU2PICS2.ZIP 426,1 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Flight Unlimited II screenshots
36398 FUFPICS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Future Fighter II  Jälleen todistus siitä,että kyllä suomalaiset osaa pelejä tehdä jos vain sopiva porukka kerääntyy kokoon... 3D räiskintä.
36399 FULLBUDE.A01 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
JetFighter: Fullburn demo 2/6
36400 FULLBUDE.A02 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
JetFighter: Fullburn demo 3/6
36401 FULLBUDE.A03 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
JetFighter: Fullburn demo 4/6
36402 FULLBUDE.A04 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
JetFighter: Fullburn demo 5/6
36403 FULLBUDE.A05 2,2 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
JetFighter: Fullburn demo 6/6
36404 FULLBUDE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
"JetFighter: FullBurn demo. 1/6 Mission Studios/Interplay. Mission Studiosnewest flight sim in the JetFighter saga. The full version contains 4 CDs of cinematic storyLAN playand lets you play the good or bad guys. DOS - no other requirements told. Demo supports LAN multiplayer dogfighting."
36405 GALAMAX.ZIP 3,6 Mt 28.08.1998 renamed 9312/Windows 6-Pak (InfoMagic) (Disc 4) (1999).ISO -
"The Race to Galamax demo. Mind Mechanics. Action shootemup. From the team that brought you Halloween Harry and Zombie Wars. Conquer 21 planets by destroying their defence systems and win the ultimate interstellar trophy. Fast-paced action game with loads of explosions and special effects. Also supporting compressed digital soundtracks which add to the realism. P13316MBWin95DirectX. Supports 3D"
36406 GALGXF.ZIP 2,5 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Galapagos PC-lisäkuvia
36407 GANGE398.ZIP 3,2 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
"Gansters: Organised Crime E398 press release & screenshots. Hothouse Creations/Eidos. Set in a Chicago-like town in the 1920s prohibition periodGangsters is the strategy game where crime pays. From extortion and intimidation to street execution or all-out gang warfareGangsters creates a world where you are the Boss with the power of life and death over those you control."
36408 GANGEC98.ZIP 2,4 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Gansters ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Eidos. Set in a Chicago-like town in the 1920s prohibition periodGangsters is the strategy game where crime pays. From extortion and intimidation to street execution or all-out gang warfareGangsters creates a world where you are the Boss with the power of life and death over those you control."
36409 GCDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Gruesome Castle demo 2/4
36410 GCDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Gruesome Castle demo 3/4
36411 GCDEMO.A03 706 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
Gruesome Castle demo 4/4
36412 GCDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
"Gruesome Castle pl. demo from Gee Whiz! combining the 3D freedom of Nintendos Mario 64 with the classic adventure game play of LucasArts Monkey Island series. This is the first true 3D graphic adventure for the PC. Incluudes adventurous gang of teens who travel the world solving mysteries. P16616MBWin95DirectX 5. Supports 3Dfx   1/4"
36413 GD99DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
NFL GameDay 99 demo 2/4
36414 GD99DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
NFL GameDay 99 demo 3/4
36415 GD99DEMO.A03 472 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
NFL GameDay 99 demo 4/4
36416 GD99DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
NFL GameDay 99 demo. 989 Studios. Sports / american football. Hottest looking, best playing and most realistic football game. See all the teams, players and stadiums in unprecedented lifelife detail. Revolutionary 3D graphics, authentic motion captured moves and superior artificial intelligence delivers a true NFL experience.     1/4 P166, 16MB, Win95. Supports 3D acceleration through 3Dfx & Direct3D.
36417 GEX2DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
GEX: Enter the Gecko demo 2/5
36418 GEX2DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
GEX: Enter the Gecko demo 3/5
36419 GEX2DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
GEX: Enter the Gecko demo 4/5
36420 GEX2DEMO.A04 874,5 kt 28.06.1998 - - -
GEX: Enter the GEcko demo 5/5
36421 GEX2DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
GEX: Enter the Gecko demo 3D platform game. Crystal Dynamics. GEX\'s mission is to save television and make Rez "disappear". Plain and simple. The agents give GEX a map and instruct him to hide the body between Jimmy Hoffa\'s and Spuds Mackenzie\'s. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX, 3Dfx     1/5
36422 GFBASEDE.A01 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
Grim Fandango demo 2/6
36423 GFBASEDE.A02 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
Grim Fandango demo 3/6
36424 GFBASEDE.A03 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
Grim Fandango demo 4/6
36425 GFBASEDE.A04 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
Grim Fandango demo 5/6
36426 GFBASEDE.A05 1,4 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
Grim Fandango demo 6/6
36427 GFBASEDE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
Grim Fandango demo. LucasArts. Adventure with the best LucasArts traditions upheld! "Something\'s rotten in the Land of Dead and you\'re being played for a sucker. Meet Manny Calavera, travel agent at the Department of Death. But there\'s trouble in paradise. Help Manny untangle himself from a conspiracy that threatens his very salvation. Win95/98, DirectX, P133, 16 MB Base demo without movies and music           1/6
36428 GFFULLDE.A01 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo  2/12
36429 GFFULLDE.A02 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo  3/12
36430 GFFULLDE.A03 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo  4/12
36431 GFFULLDE.A04 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo  5/12
36432 GFFULLDE.A05 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo  6/12
36433 GFFULLDE.A06 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo  7/12
36434 GFFULLDE.A07 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo  8/12
36435 GFFULLDE.A08 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo  9/12
36436 GFFULLDE.A09 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo 10/12
36437 GFFULLDE.A10 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo 11/12
36438 GFFULLDE.A11 1,9 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo 12/12
36439 GFFULLDE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Grim Fandango demo. LucasArts. Adventure with the best LucasArts traditions upheld! "Something\'s rotten in the Land of Dead and you\'re being played for a sucker. Meet Manny Calavera, travel agent at the Department of Death. But there\'s trouble in paradise. Help Manny untangle himself from a conspiracy that threatens his very salvation. Win95/98, DirectX, P133, 16 MB Full demo with movies and music 1/12
36440 GK3-E398.ZIP 2,1 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Gabriel Knight III E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Sierra. Adventure. In Gabriel Knight III, Sierra is taking another large step forward in control and realism, producing a real-time 3D environment that offers players an unprecedented level of exploration and control while maintaining strong narrative and adventure elements.
36441 GK3-EC98.ZIP 1,8 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Gabriel Knight III ECTS98 showpackage with press release and screenshots. Sierra. Req. browser. One of the most famous adventure series of all time is back with a completely redesigned game engine. The full motion video of the games previous version has been replaced with a stunningly realistic real-time 3D engine."
36442 GLDOEC98.ZIP 2,7 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Global Domination. ECTS98 showpackage with screenshots. Psygnosis. Action strategy.
36443 GLOBE398.ZIP 282,8 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
"Global Domination E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. Its the ultimate power trip:  Employ the right balance of offensive might and defensive acumenand the world is yours for the taking. PsygnosisGlobal Domination for PC CD-ROM and Sony PlayStation forges a new genre of game that combines 3D strategywar gaming and arcade combat shoot `em up."
36444 GMDEMINS.A01 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Get Medieval demo 2/6
36445 GMDEMINS.A02 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Get Medieval demo 3/6
36446 GMDEMINS.A03 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Get Medieval demo 4/6
36447 GMDEMINS.A04 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Get Medieval demo 5/6
36448 GMDEMINS.A05 963,9 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Get Medieval demo 6/6
36449 GMDEMINS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
"Get Medieval demo from Monolith Productions Top viewed action. Greatly inspired by the much-beloved 1980s Atari arcade game Gauntlet Theres the top-down view of the characters as they move around dungeon picking up treasurepotions that give you health and power-ups that improve weapons and shields. Along the way there will be baddies to slay. Win95 P90 16 MB SVGA DirectX 5    1/6"
36450 GNMDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Game, Net & Match! demo 2/6
36451 GNMDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Game, Net & Match! demo 3/6
36452 GNMDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Game, Net & Match! demo 4/6
36453 GNMDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Game, Net & Match! demo 5/6
36454 GNMDEMO.A05 2,5 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Game, Net & Match! demo 6/6
36455 GNMDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
"GameNet & Match! demo from Blue Byte. 1/6 Sports/tennis. New 3D-supported tennis game using an easy-to-control system and their Extreme Tactics game engine. Demo lets you either choose a training gameor a single match pitting you against the computer or another person. Demo supports multiplayer through IPX LAN or free/full Internet play using BBs lobby server for easy opponent finding. Win95 P33 16MB DX5. Supports 3Dfx and Direct3D accelerators."
36456 GPCINST.A01 1,4 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
The Golf Pro demo 2/3
36457 GPCINST.A02 1,1 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
The Golf Pro demo 3/3
36458 GPCINST.ARJ 1,4 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
The Golf Pro pl. demo from Empire hopes to deliver a golf simulation where control of golfer is so advanced it FEELS like the real thing. Where rendered images and fly-bys are indistinguishable from reality. Where you can seamlessly challenge another golfer in any part of the world to a match any time you wish. P90, 8MB, Win95, DirectX  1/3
36459 GPD1192.A01 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
G-Police new demo 2/9
36460 GPD1192.A02 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
G-Police new demo 3/9
36461 GPD1192.A03 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
G-Police new demo 4/9
36462 GPD1192.A04 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
G-Police new demo 5/9
36463 GPD1192.A05 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
G-Police new demo 6/9
36464 GPD1192.A06 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
G-Police new demo 7/9
36465 GPD1192.A07 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
G-Police new demo 8/9
36466 GPD1192.A08 1,1 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
G-Police new demo 9/9
36467 GPD1192.ARJ 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
G-Police NEW Playable Demo v1.19.2 from Psygnosis. Strategic, flight combat game. In this futuristic thriller, you help patrol domed cities styled like Blade RUnner and Aliens, engage in fights, shadow suspects and help to keep the city in order. Demo work with: ViRGE, Rage 3D, Riva 128, Matrox, 3Dfx. * Updated demo comes with AGP Enhanced version and new level. P166, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5, supports 3D accelerators. 1/9
36482 GPL-E398.ZIP 765,3 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Grandprix Legends E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Racing sim. Sierra.
36468 GPLDEMO3.A01 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 2/14
36469 GPLDEMO3.A02 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 3/14
36470 GPLDEMO3.A03 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 4/14
36471 GPLDEMO3.A04 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 5/14
36472 GPLDEMO3.A05 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 6/14
36473 GPLDEMO3.A06 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 7/14
36474 GPLDEMO3.A07 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 8/14
36475 GPLDEMO3.A08 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 9/14
36476 GPLDEMO3.A09 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 10/14
36477 GPLDEMO3.A10 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 11/14
36478 GPLDEMO3.A11 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 12/14
36479 GPLDEMO3.A12 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 13/14
36480 GPLDEMO3.A13 152,4 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo 14/14
36481 GPLDEMO3.ARJ 1,4 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
"Grand Prix Legends 3rd demo - racing Sierra Sports - GPL puts you in drivers seat of historys most famous race cars from 1967on some of the greatest tracks in the world. next-generation physics modelrace graphicsand sound effects will give you heart-stoppin and white-knuckled action. New demo works in Win98new graphics optionscar setup. Win95P16632 MbDirectX5. Supports 3Dfx Voodoo/Voodoo2RenditionMatroxViper 330 V1000/V2200 3D chips.          1/14"
36483 GPLEC97.ZIP 752,9 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Grand Prix Legends ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Sierra. Historical Racing Simulation ú A new generation of driving simulation with ry, true 3D physics engine
36484 GPROEC97.ZIP 2,7 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
The Golf Pro ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots interview. Empire.
36485 GRAREC98.ZIP 6,9 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Grav Armour ECTS98 showpackage with press release and screenshots. IMagic. fast action 3D game of futuristic tank combat. Picture yourself skimming across highly detailed landscapes at low level and high speed. Contemplate taking on 31 other people, not merely in deathmatch but in teams or in real scenarios with proper objectives.
36486 GRIPEC97.ZIP 1 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Gripped - Off-Road Championship ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots info. Sierra. Off-road racing The thrills and spills of short-course off-ro
36487 GROUNDPI.ZIP 772,9 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
Quake II: Ground Zero mission pack Screenshots. Activision.
36488 GRTOUR4.A01 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Touring Cars demo 2/4
36489 GRTOUR4.A02 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Touring Cars demo 3/4
36490 GRTOUR4.A03 785,5 kt 12.11.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Touring Cars demo 4/4
36491 GRTOUR4.ARJ 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Touring Cars playable demo v4.0 BETA TEST. Elite Systems. Realistic autentic car racing with unique stunt mode which takes the rigour of vehicle simulation and applies it for the sole aim of having FUN ! Windows 95, Pentium, DirectX 5, 3D accelerator (3Dfx/Direct3D)      1/4
36492 GS3-E398.ZIP 10,4 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Gunship III E398 press release. Helicopter simulation. Microprose.
36493 GTGDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
Golden Tee Golf demo 2/6
36494 GTGDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
Golden Tee Golf demo 3/6
36495 GTGDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
Golden Tee Golf demo 4/6
36496 GTGDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
Golden Tee Golf demo 5/6
36497 GTGDEMO.A05 1,6 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
Golden Tee Golf demo 6/6
36498 GTGDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
"Peter Jacobsens Golden Tee Golf demo 1/6 Sports/Golf - Incredible Technologies After several years of success as a coin-op game GTG finally comes to the PC. Designers have succeeded in offering players cutting edge features in immersive game environment. GTG - pure golf GAMEnot simulation. Innovative TrakSwing/ITalk featurefast play & multiplayer (not in demo). 3 hole demo P10016MBWin95DirectX 5"
36499 GUNMETIN.ZIP 212,9 kt 21.04.1998 - - -
Gunmetal info & screenshots 3-D combat and adventure game, where the player operates an advanced repulsor-lift R.P.V. (Remotely Piloted Vehicle) sometime in the early 23rd century. Combines the best aspects of both combat simulation games and 3-D shooters.
36500 H2-DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Heretic II demo 2/8
36501 H2-DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Heretic II demo 3/8
36502 H2-DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Heretic II demo 4/8
36503 H2-DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Heretic II demo 5/8
36504 H2-DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Heretic II demo 6/8
36505 H2-DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Heretic II demo 7/8
36506 H2-DEMO.A07 4,7 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Heretic II demo 8/8
36507 H2-DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Heretic II demo from Raven/Activision 3D 1st person action. Starring in this drama is Corvus, the heroic elf from original game. His realm is infected with murderous magical plague. Epic quest across sprawling continent Explore ruined cities, gaping gorges, eerie swamplands, unstable mines, menacing dungeons and other outlandish domains. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS 3Dfx Glide, Direct3D      1/8
36508 H2-E398.ZIP 556,9 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Heretic II E398 screenshots. 3d action. Activision.
36509 HALFE398.ZIP 1,7 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Half-Life E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Sierra. Revolutionary leap in 3D first-person games by combining stunning technology enhancements with genre-breaking gameplay elements.
36510 HARDDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Hardwar demo 2/5
36511 HARDDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Hardwar demo 3/5
36512 HARDDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Hardwar demo 4/5
36513 HARDDEMO.A04 500,6 kt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
Hardwar demo 5/5
36514 HARDDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
"Hardwar demo from Gremlin. Action / flying sci-fi combat. Youre an Operativea free agent and a speculator. Scanning the comms channel for salvage or sabotage jobs throughout the hostile network of craters and tunnel linksyou aim to better your reputationgain creditenhance your Moth (your shipyour only real asset) and ultimately escape Titan. Adventure/combat/ action. Win95 Pentium 16 MB. Supports PowerVR3Dfxand Direct3D        1/5"
36515 HB6DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Hardball 6 demo 2/6
36516 HB6DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Hardball 6 demo 3/6
36517 HB6DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Hardball 6 demo 4/6
36518 HB6DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Hardball 6 demo 5/6
36519 HB6DEMO.A05 3,1 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Hardball 6 demo 6/6
36520 HB6DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Hardball 6 Playable Demo 1/6 MindSpan/Accolade Sports / baseball HB6 marks the next step in taking the Hardball series to higher level. By bringing graphics engine into the "true" 3D world, Accolade is able to make the game more life like and realistic. Overall look of title is still intact, while is greatly enhanced. Pentium, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
36521 HCSNW99D.A01 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Casino99 demo 2/8"
36522 HCSNW99D.A02 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Casino99 demo 3/8"
36523 HCSNW99D.A03 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Casino99 demo 4/8"
36524 HCSNW99D.A04 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Casino99 demo 5/8"
36525 HCSNW99D.A05 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Casino99 demo 6/8"
36526 HCSNW99D.A06 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Casino99 demo 7/8"
36527 HCSNW99D.A07 1,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Casino99 demo 8/8"
36528 HCSNW99D.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Casino99 demo. Sierra. Casino games. Take a walk through Hoyles new 3D casino and take a chance on fun. Every table and machine you step up to is paying off with over 100 winning variations of your favorite games. Play against Hoyles animated cast of charactersor head to the Internet to challenge players from around the globe. Either wayyour can bet that Hoyle gives you most realistic casino experience ever. 486/668MBWindows 3.1/95     1/8"
36529 HEDZDEM2.A01 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
H.E.D.Z. demo 2/6
36530 HEDZDEM2.A02 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
H.E.D.Z. demo 3/6
36531 HEDZDEM2.A03 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
H.E.D.Z. demo 4/6
36532 HEDZDEM2.A04 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
H.E.D.Z. demo 5/6
36533 HEDZDEM2.A05 3,2 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
H.E.D.Z. demo 6/6
36534 HEDZDEM2.ARJ 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
H.E.D.Z. 2nd demo from Hasbro. Action. Very different kind of game concept. You play the role of one of the purple aliens participating in intergalactic head-hunting competition. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D              1/6
36535 HEDZDEMS.A01 2,9 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
H.E.D.Z. demo small 2/3
36536 HEDZDEMS.A02 2,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
H.E.D.Z. demo small 3/3
36537 HEDZDEMS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
H.E.D.Z. 2nd demo SMALL from Hasbro. Action. Very different kind of game concept. You play the role of one of the purple aliens participating in intergalactic head-hunting competition. Update: Smaller demo added, contains less music/sound fx and a shorter level. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D       1/3
36538 HEXPEC97.ZIP 3,2 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Hexplore ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ocean. point-and-click adventure/combat game set at  e first millenium. It takes classic PC adventuring th  them a unique twist via innovative new software tech
36539 HEXPLORE.A01 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Hexplore demo 2/4
36540 HEXPLORE.A02 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Hexplore demo 3/4
36541 HEXPLORE.A03 2,8 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Hexplore demo 4/4
36542 HEXPLORE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Hexplore Playable Demo 1/4 Infogrames 3D isometric action adventure. 1000 AD, a world of lost treasures and forgotten realms. In this world, 4 heroes are looking to save a precious book that reveals the precise location of the Garden of Eden, the source of the Divine Knowledge. Travel in a medieval fantasy world, fight, make frineds and have a good time. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
36543 HG2_DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II demo 2/10
36544 HG2_DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II demo 3/10
36545 HG2_DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II demo 4/10
36546 HG2_DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II demo 5/10
36547 HG2_DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II demo 6/10
36548 HG2_DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II demo 7/10
36549 HG2_DEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II demo 8/10
36550 HG2_DEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II demo 9/10
36551 HG2_DEMO.A09 2,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II demo 10/10
36552 HG2_DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II demo from Activision. 1/10 DD combat/mech. You\'re transported to planet Caprice, strategically important "Gate World" that connects all of mankind\'s interstellar settlements, and serves as the enemy\'s base for launching invasions against Terra Nova. You will advance behind enemy lines, to gain intelligence on the nature of the enemy\'s armies, weaponry and plans for future attacks against our home planet. Win98 32 MB P166 DirectX 6. Supp. Direct3D. Inc. multiplayer
36553 HG2-E398.ZIP 345,7 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II E398 screenshots. Mech combat. Activision.
36554 HG2-EC98.ZIP 3,7 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear II ECTS98 screenshots. Activision.
36555 HGDEMO.A01 4,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear demo 2/11
36556 HGDEMO.A02 4,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear demo 3/11
36557 HGDEMO.A03 4,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear demo 4/11
36558 HGDEMO.A04 4,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear demo 5/11
36559 HGDEMO.A05 4,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear demo 6/11
36560 HGDEMO.A06 4,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear demo 7/11
36561 HGDEMO.A07 4,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear demo 8/11
36562 HGDEMO.A08 4,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear demo 9/11
36563 HGDEMO.A09 4,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear demo 10/11
36564 HGDEMO.A10 416,5 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear demo 11/11
36565 HGDEMO.ARJ 4,3 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Heavy Gear Demo from Activision Based on role-playing game of the same nameHG is set in a universe not too dissimilar to that of the Mechwarrior series. Fight onMech-like robotic battle armours on planet of Terra Nova. Req. P16616MBWin95DirectX 53Dfx or Rendition card       1/11"
36566 HGEARPI.ZIP 393,8 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear screenshots. Activision.
36567 HGUNE398.ZIP 675,9 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Hired Guns E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. command a team of four mercenaries and view their antics from a first person perspective in the unique quad screen view. Managing your team is key to survival and mission success and you operate in a world where security is nil.
36568 HH99DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
High Heat Baseball 1999 demo 2/5
36569 HH99DEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
High Heat Baseball 1999 demo 3/5
36570 HH99DEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
High Heat Baseball 1999 demo 4/5
36571 HH99DEMO.A04 1,3 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
High Heat Baseball 1999 demo 5/5
36572 HH99DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
High Heat Baseball 1999 demo. 1/5 Sports/baseball. Team .366/ 3DO demo contains the Home Run Challenge feature of High Heat 1999, and lets you choose from four stadiums. It only includes the Direct3D and 3Dfx Glide versions. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX, 3Dfx or Direct3D card
36573 HLIFEC97.ZIP 2,4 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Half-Life ECTS97 infopackage with info screenshots. Sierra. Half-Life is not just another Doom clone. Its chnologies, gripping scenario, touches of role play and a , and the highly advanced enemy AI cannot fail to impre
36574 HLIFEC98.ZIP 2,3 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Half-Life ECTS98 showpackage with press release and screenshots. Sierra. Req. browser. next step in the evolution of 3D action games. With the most advanced proprietary technology and dozens of innovative gameplay enhancements in a proven genre
36575 HMWRE398.ZIP 2,1 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Homeworld E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Sierra. Next dimension in space combat. The debut release from Vancouver, B.C.-based RelicÖ Entertainment, this sublime offering uniquely melds existing genres to create a completely new gaming experience. An evolutionary step in gameplay and technology, simultaneously delivers cinematic quality graphics, stunning special effects, brilliantly-rendered ships and an innovative
36587 HOD-E398.ZIP 533,1 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Infogrames. Adventure.
36576 HODD-12.A01 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo 2/11
36577 HODD-12.A02 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo 3/11
36578 HODD-12.A03 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo 4/11
36579 HODD-12.A04 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo 5/11
36580 HODD-12.A05 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo 6/11
36581 HODD-12.A06 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo 7/11
36582 HODD-12.A07 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo 8/11
36583 HODD-12.A08 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo 9/11
36584 HODD-12.A09 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo 10/11
36585 HODD-12.A10 4,5 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo 11/11
36586 HODD-12.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Heart of Darkness demo v1.2 from Infogrames 2D platform action game. Face darkest fears i secret kingdom, a world of soul-hungry phantoms, bed- time demons with manic monsters and bizarre friends. Control Andy in his mission through side viewed levels, putting wits and reflexes into action. Win95 486/66 16MB DirectX     1/11
36588 HODPICS.ZIP 652,4 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
H.O.D. screenshots. Adventure.
36589 HOGSEC98.ZIP 3,3 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Hogs of War ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Gremlin. skirmish action game based loosely around the time of World War One for PC and PlayStation. Six armies are ready for battle each representing a different nation from Pig World and each with their own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.
36590 HOLIEC97.ZIP 466,8 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
"Holiday Island ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ocean. new strategy game that challenges players to  iday resort of their dreams on an unspoiled tropical isla lscasinosswimming poolsparks and other tourist attra e sure that you dont forget the airportsdocks and road e to them."
36591 HOPFBI.A01 2,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Hopkins FBI demo 2/5
36592 HOPFBI.A02 2,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Hopkins FBI demo 3/5
36593 HOPFBI.A03 2,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Hopkins FBI demo 4/5
36594 HOPFBI.A04 1,1 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Hopkins FBI demo 5/5
36595 HOPFBI.ARJ 2,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
"Hopkins FBI demo. MP Entertainment. 1/5 Adventureclassic side viewed pointnclick. Play FBI agentfind and kill Bernie Berksonthe most vicious and dangerous criminal in years. Hostage showdownsmurders terrorist acts: Special Agent Hopkins has to get around a nightmare of traps and twisted surprises in the course of his investigations. Drawing on American comic-strip cartoonspresent day. click-and-play adventure game. Win95/98DirectX"
36596 HORDEC97.ZIP 2,4 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Hordes of Steel ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. GTI. Enter the realm of Hordes where fantasy role- strategic real-time resource management. Battle for con ngdom of "Aldamar" by using innovative and intelligent  deployment of armies, and the discovery of "Magyck". The ctive is to
36597 HOSTILEW.A01 4,3 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
Hostile Waters rolling demo 2/5
36598 HOSTILEW.A02 4,3 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
Hostile Waters rolling demo 3/5
36599 HOSTILEW.A03 4,3 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
Hostile Waters rolling demo 4/5
36600 HOSTILEW.A04 2 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
Hostile Waters rolling demo 5/5
36601 HOSTILEW.ARJ 4,3 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
Hostile Waters rolling demo. Nonplayable. 1/5 Rage Software. Cross between the Strike series, Carrier Command, and Red Alert, taking elements of each, and combining them to fast adrenaline fuelled shooting sections; more paced and strategic sections; world considerations such as night and day and weather conditions, and small amount of resource management. Windows 95, Pentium/P2, 64 MB, 3Dfx, DirectX
36602 HOSWE398.ZIP 4,2 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Hostile Waters E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Rage Software. cross between the Strike series, Carrier Command, and Red Alert, taking elements of each, and then combining them with its own features to create what will hopefully be a unique and rewarding gaming experience.
36603 HOTDDEMO.A01 3,9 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
House of the Dead demo 2/4
36604 HOTDDEMO.A02 3,9 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
House of the Dead demo 3/4
36605 HOTDDEMO.A03 3,6 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
House of the Dead demo 4/4
36606 HOTDDEMO.ARJ 3,9 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
House of the Dead demo. Sega. 3D arcade shooting action. A team of special operatives is dispatched to the laboratory to investigate - what they find are brain sucking zombies running wild in an experiment gone awry. Rescue staff and fend off hordes of un-dead and other genetic mutations. Your high-powered hand gun will splatter these creatures, but you better shoot fast. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX. Supports 3D accelerators   1/4
36607 HS3_DEMO.ZIP 3,5 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD tupla
Hang Sim demo from Ilan Papini. Flying/Hang gliding simulation. The main features of Hang Sim are: Highly realistic flight model built especially to simulate low speed flight. Unique atmospheric model which simulates flow of air over 3D terrain. Realistic thermals. Realistic 3D scenery. * Built to use 3D hardware acceleration and sound mixing. Advanced yet easy to use virtual cockpit, P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supp. Direct3D
36608 HTDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Hard Truck: Road to Victory demo 2/4
36609 HTDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Hard Truck: Road to Victory demo 3/4
36610 HTDEMO.A03 3,5 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Hard Truck: Road to Victory demo 4/4
36611 HTDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Hard Truck: Road to Victory demo. From SoftLab-Nsk/Buka. Truck racing. Mixture of action and car simulator genres. By any standards, it is an extraordinary journey on lorries to victory. Demo supports full multiplayer through link, modem, network and Internet. Pentium, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX Supports 3D acceleration.            1/4
36612 HVYGPICS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Heavy Gear screenshots Activision
36613 HWARE398.ZIP 2,5 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Hardwar E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Gremlin. futuristic arcade flight simulation which gives PC  gamers a huge virtual world to explore, conquer and ultimately escape.
36614 HWIPRESS.ZIP 162,8 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
HUMANOIDS WATCH INSTITUTE lehdistötiedote & kuvia. Suomalaiunen seikkailupeli. F P C  P R O D U C T I O N S
36615 I76DEMOA.A01 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
"Interstate76 Arsenal demo 2/8"
36616 I76DEMOA.A02 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
"Interstate76 Arsenal demo 3/8"
36617 I76DEMOA.A03 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
"Interstate76 Arsenal demo 4/8"
36618 I76DEMOA.A04 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
"Interstate76 Arsenal demo 5/8"
36619 I76DEMOA.A05 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
"Interstate76 Arsenal demo 6/8"
36620 I76DEMOA.A06 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
"Interstate76 Arsenal demo 7/8"
36621 I76DEMOA.A07 3,7 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
"Interstate76 Arsenal demo 8/8"
36622 I76DEMOA.ARJ 3,8 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
"The Interstate76 Arsenal demo from Activision. Arsenal contains two games: I76 Gold Edition (Improved 3D accelerationenhanced graphicsdifficulty levelsoptimized gfx engine)and the Nitro Pack (mission expansion). Demo features 1 single player mission from eachnew 3D enhancements and new chemical grenade launcher. 3D CARD ONLY! Win95 16 MB P100 DirectX"
36623 I76NPP.ZIP 639,1 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
"Interstate76 Nitro Pack screenshots"
36624 I82-E398.ZIP 1,1 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
"Interstate82 E398 screenshots. Activision."
36625 I82-EC98.ZIP 3,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Interstate82 ECTS98 screenshots. Activision."
36626 IADRENIX.A01 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Adrenix demo 2/5
36627 IADRENIX.A02 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Adrenix demo 3/5
36628 IADRENIX.A03 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Adrenix demo 4/5
36629 IADRENIX.A04 2,2 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Adrenix demo 5/5
36630 IADRENIX.ARJ 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Adrenix demo from Digital Dialect /  1/5 Playmates. Descent like 3D action shooter. As former pilot in the elite Anti Insurrection Squad, Griffin had hunted rebels for years, had been their worst enemy But tha was before someone destroyed his home and  dark conspiracy involving a corporation called Medtech is hunting him. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX. Direct3D / 3Dfx supported.
36651 IAF-E398.ZIP 2,1 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
WORLD AIR POWER: ISRAELI AIR FORCE  E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Flight simulation. EA.First flight simulation to model an entire air force rather than just one plane or one era. Players of all skill levels will fly as fighter pilots and dogfight through Middle Eastern canyons at extremely low altitudes on full after burners just like real Israeli Air Force pilots.
36631 IAFDEMO.A01 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 2/20"
36632 IAFDEMO.A02 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 3/20"
36633 IAFDEMO.A03 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 4/20"
36634 IAFDEMO.A04 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 5/20"
36635 IAFDEMO.A05 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 6/20"
36636 IAFDEMO.A06 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 7/20"
36637 IAFDEMO.A07 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 8/20"
36638 IAFDEMO.A08 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 9/20"
36639 IAFDEMO.A09 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 10/20"
36640 IAFDEMO.A10 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 11/20"
36641 IAFDEMO.A11 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 12/20"
36642 IAFDEMO.A12 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 13/20"
36643 IAFDEMO.A13 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air force playable demo 14/20"
36644 IAFDEMO.A14 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 15/20"
36645 IAFDEMO.A15 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 16/20"
36646 IAFDEMO.A16 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 17/20"
36647 IAFDEMO.A17 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 18/20"
36648 IAFDEMO.A18 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 19/20"
36649 IAFDEMO.A19 1,5 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 20/20"
36650 IAFDEMO.ARJ 2,7 Mt 14.09.1998 - - -
"Janes Israeli Air Force playable demo 1/20 Janes Israeli Air Force delivers the state-of-the-art in flight simulations with the best terrain ever seen on PC. Finallya realistic sim that lets you dogfight throught canyons at low altitude with fasat gameplay and graphic detail that redefines photo-realism. Fly the real Israeli planes with accurate avionicsrealistic cockpitsand detailed 3-D shapesthen use real tactic including radar evasion and pop-up attacksand coordinated air assaults using multiple formations. With both historical and hypothetical missionsthe only way to get a more realistic experience is to join up. Requirements: Pentium 200MMX32MBDirectX 5.04MB video memory and Windows95/98."
36652 ICCDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
International Cricket Captain demo 2/4
36653 ICCDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
International Cricket Captain demo 3/4
36654 ICCDEMO.A03 2,2 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
International Cricket Captain demo 4/4
36655 ICCDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
"International Cricket Captain Demo 1/4 Sports / Cricket - Empire Interactive An intelligent and accurate cricket simulation! Among a whole host of unique features you can look forward to are real player statsall the nuances of cricket strategy and commentary from the BBCs Jonathan Agnew. Produced in association with Wisdenthe authoritative source of cricket information. P9016MBWin95DirectX"
36656 ICCSFX.A01 3,3 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
International Cricket Captain demo sounds 2/4
36657 ICCSFX.A02 3,3 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
International Cricket Captain demo sounds 3/4
36658 ICCSFX.A03 1,7 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
International Cricket Captain demo sounds 4/4
36659 ICCSFX.ARJ 3,3 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
International Cricket Captain Demo sounds 1/4 Sports / Cricket - Empire Interactive Optional Sound Files - NOT required, take these if you want better sounds.
36660 IF18DEMO.A01 3,7 Mt 01.10.1998 - - -
iF/A-18E: Carrier Strike fighter demo 2/8
36661 IF18DEMO.A02 3,7 Mt 01.10.1998 - - -
iF/A-18E: Carrier Strike Fighter demo 3/8
36662 IF18DEMO.A03 3,7 Mt 01.10.1998 - - -
iF/A-18E: Carrier Strike Fighter demo 4/8
36663 IF18DEMO.A04 3,7 Mt 01.10.1998 - - -
iF/A-18E: Carrier Strike Fighter demo 5/8
36664 IF18DEMO.A05 3,7 Mt 01.10.1998 - - -
iF/A-18E: Carrier Strike Fighter demo 6/8
36665 IF18DEMO.A06 3,7 Mt 01.10.1998 - - -
iF/A-18E: Carrier Strike Fighter demo 7/8
36666 IF18DEMO.A07 1,1 Mt 01.10.1998 - - -
iF/A-18E: Carrier Strike Fighter demo 8/8
36667 IF18DEMO.ARJ 3,7 Mt 01.10.1998 - - -
"iF/A-18E: Carrier Strike Fighter demo 1/8 iMagic Labs continues its tradition of high- intensityhigh-realism flight sims with iF/A-18E: CARRIER STRIKE FIGHTER. This time were putting you in the cockpit of the Super Hornetthe US Navys successor to the venerable Hornet strike fighter. The Super Hornet is designed to carry the Navys aerial forces into the next centuryand CARRIER STRIKE FIGHTER can take you theretoowith cutting-edge simulation technology. Win95 P166 24 MB DirectX5"
36668 IF18EC98.ZIP 1,4 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
iF/A-18 Carrier Strike Fighter ECTS98 showpackage with press releases & screenshots. IMagic. Talon Campaign System generates an unlimited number and variety of true-to-life naval aviation missions and/or campaigns, with enemies and allies all participating in a full-scale, dynamic war.
36669 IF22E398.ZIP 659,8 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
iF-22 v. 5.0 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. The sequel to iF-22  - The Realistic Simulation of the F-22 Raptor
36670 IGDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 08.04.1998 - - -
Industry Giant demo 2/5
36671 IGDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 08.04.1998 - - -
Industry Giant demo 3/5
36672 IGDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 08.04.1998 - - -
Industry Giant demo 4/5
36673 IGDEMO.A04 3,5 Mt 08.04.1998 - - -
Industry Giant demo 5/5
36674 IGDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 08.04.1998 - - -
"Industry Giant pl. demo from Imagic. Business strategy. Its time to give the biggest players in the industry something to worry about. Manipulate stockscreate good company strategylocate key resources. Build transportation networks over landseaand air. Create factories and choose the products youll specialize in. Then bring those products to market and start raking in the profits. Win95P9016 MbDirectX 5 1/5"
36675 IGNIEC97.ZIP 6,6 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Ignition ECTS97 pack with info screenshots Virgin stylish and challenging arcade racing game th ility first and foremost. Viewed from a top-down perspect  spectacular panoramic views of seven different courses, e d with dozens of heart-stopping hazards.
36676 IJIME398.ZIP 3,4 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Lucasarts. The Famed Archeologist in the Rumpled Fedora Returns to Whip Up New Real-Time 3D Thrills
36677 INCDEMO2.A01 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Incubation demo 2/6
36678 INCDEMO2.A02 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Incubation demo 3/6
36679 INCDEMO2.A03 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Incubation demo 4/6
36680 INCDEMO2.A04 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Incubation demo 5/6
36681 INCDEMO2.A05 675,8 kt 31.01.1998 - - -
Incubation demo 6/6
36682 INCDEMO2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Incubation: Time Is Running Out UPDATED playable demo by Blue Byte - turn based tactical game with a vast array of weaponry and equipment. Uses Extreme Assault 3D engine with user-controlled free floating camera. Lead a squad of marines through the first 4 missions or up to 3 friends in multiplayer LAN, Internet or modem/serial link. P90, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX 5. Supports 3Dfx. 1/6
36683 INCOEC97.ZIP 2,3 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Incoming ECTS97 info & screenshots. Rage.
36684 INCOMING.A01 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Incoming demo 2/3
36685 INCOMING.A02 987,7 kt 09.04.1998 - - -
Incoming demo 3/3
36686 INCOMING.ARJ 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
"Incoming: Lux-et-Robor Playable Demo from Rage. Aliens have attacked the moon and earth! Visually attracting shootemupwhere you control anti aircraft/UFO weaponry. P13316MBWin95DirectX 5Direct3D-compliant card 1/3"
36687 INCTWMDE.A01 2,9 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Incubation: The Wilderness Missions demo 2/5
36688 INCTWMDE.A02 2,9 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Incubation: The Wilderness Missions demo 3/5
36689 INCTWMDE.A03 2,9 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Incubation: The Wilderness Missions demo 4/5
36690 INCTWMDE.A04 2 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Incubation: The Wilderness Missions demo 5/5
36691 INCTWMDE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Incubation: The Wilderness Missions demo 1/5 Incubation Mission Pack. Blue Byte. Something goes terribly wrong leaving you stranded with only a few of your men and no means to radio for help. Driven by desperation, you flee the now familiar city and wander off into mysterious jungle. Push your tactical skills to the limit. Turn based sci-fi tactical combat/strategy on squad level. English demo version. Win95 P90, 16MB, DX5
36692 IP44E398.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
iPanzer\'44 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Tank sim. IMagic. Will put you in command of the best medium tanks fielded by America, Russia and Germany during the climactic campaigns of 1944. Experience first hand the differences between the American M4A3-76HV "Sherman" the PzKw V G "Panther" of Germany, or the T-34/85 from Russia.
36693 IWAR3DP.ZIP 630,2 kt 11.04.1998 - - -
I-War 3Dfx screenshots
36694 IWARE398.ZIP 969,3 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
I-War E398 showpacakge with info & screenshots. Infogrames. Genre: Space simulation, action/strategy.
36695 IWARINFO.ZIP 5,4 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
I-War info, screenshots & interview. most advanced and technically accomplished sp The following are just a selection of the features that mak realistic and immersive game of its type.
36696 IWARPICS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
I-War screenshots. Space combat sim. Ocean.
36697 IWDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
I-War/Independence War demo 2/9
36698 IWDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
I-War/Independence War demo 3/9
36699 IWDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
I-War/Independence War demo 4/9
36700 IWDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
I-War/Independence War demo 5/9
36701 IWDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
I-War/Independence War demo 6/9
36702 IWDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
I-War/Independence War demo 7/9
36703 IWDEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
I-War/Independence War demo 8/9
36704 IWDEMO.A08 4,2 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
I-War/Independence War demo 9/9
36705 IWDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
I-War/Independence War demo from Particle Systems/Infogrames. Space combat simulation. Original science-fiction story set in the future. Game deals with the adventures of large space-ship and her crew. Includes fighter combat, unique gameplay, realistic physics, great space combat adventures. Includes Voodoo1/2 support, in-game help,optional arcade mode and HTML manual. Win95 P90 16MB DirectX. Suppo5rts 3Dfx. You may need to unplug your joystick if crashes occur. 1/9
36719 JA2-EC97.ZIP 6,4 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 ECTS97 screenshots. Sirtech Software.
36706 JA2DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 2/13
36707 JA2DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 3/13
36708 JA2DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 4/13
36709 JA2DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 5/13
36710 JA2DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 6/13
36711 JA2DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 7/13
36712 JA2DEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 8/13
36713 JA2DEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 9/13
36714 JA2DEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 10/13
36715 JA2DEMO.A10 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 11/13
36716 JA2DEMO.A11 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 12/13
36717 JA2DEMO.A12 2,6 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 demo 13/13
36718 JA2DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
"Jagged Alliance 2 demo 1/13 Sirtech Software. Strategy with rpg elements. Control elite team of soldiers such as these through an intense hybrid of actionrole-playingand strategic warfare. Your group has been hired to overthrow a dictatorship in a remote 3rd world countryand youre the best of the best. Assassins. Demolition experts. Anti-security operatives. Those premium skillshoweverwill be put to the test."
36720 JA2PICS.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 screenshots. Sir-Tech.
36721 JA2PRE.ZIP 790,2 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 preview wihh screenshots Sir-Tech
36722 JACKORI.ZIP 2,1 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Jack Orlando screenshots & info. Adventure game. Topware.
36723 JCORPSD2.A01 1,9 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Juggernaut Corps demo 2/6
36724 JCORPSD2.A02 1,9 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Juggernaut Corps demo 3/6
36725 JCORPSD2.A03 1,9 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Juggernaut Corps demo 4/6
36726 JCORPSD2.A04 1,9 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Juggernaut Corps demo 5/6
36727 JCORPSD2.A05 736,4 kt 21.04.1998 - - -
Juggernaut Corps demo 6/6
36728 JCORPSD2.ARJ 1,9 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
"Juggernaut Corps: First Assault UPDATED Demo Shepherds WorldsInc. Blast your way through the universe in this fast-paced 32-bit 2D arcade action shooter. Pilot one of the multiple starships through a host of alien infested systemskilling everything in your path. Rapid-firing powerful weapons of destructionplenty of powerupsrendered graphicsand fantastic game play make this an instant classic. P9016MBWin95DirectX"
36729 JESTE398.ZIP 1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Jest E398 showpackage with screenshots & info. Infogrames. 3D platform.
36730 JFFBE398.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
JETFIGHTER FULLBURN E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Take 2. Puts the player in the role of a fighter pilot during a near future conflict between United States and Russia. The game can be played from either side of the conflict; thus, the player will be presented with two separate story lines, two different campaigns  and several different types of aircraft to fly.
36731 JHGPE398.ZIP 3,1 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
"Johnny Herberts Grand Prix Champinonship 1998 E398 showpackage with screenshots. Formula racing."
36732 JHPCG98D.A01 3,8 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
"Johnny Herberts Grand Prix Championship 1998 official demo. (2/3)"
36733 JHPCG98D.A02 1,2 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
"Johnny Herberts Grand Prix Championship 1998 official demo. (3/3)"
36734 JHPCG98D.ARJ 3,8 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
"Johnny Herberts Grand Prix Championship 1998 official demo. From Midas Interactive. Formula racing. This early demo has the Monaco track. Full game features 15 tracks in 15 different countries. Race in 3 different modes: World Championshipsingle raceor trainer mode. This game is endorsed by Joh Herbert and is not approved by the FIA or any other federation or organization. P12016MBWin95DirectX. 3Dfx or other 3D accelerator recommended."
36735 JM3LOTP.ZIP 266,1 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Journeyman Project 3: Legacy screenshots adventure Red Orb
36736 JOEBEC97.ZIP 3,2 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Joe Blow ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. 3D platform. Telstar
36737 JP3PICS.ZIP 126,8 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Journeyman Project III screenshots
36738 JSF_DEM2.A01 2,9 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
Joint Strike Fighter updated demo 2/5
36739 JSF_DEM2.A02 2,9 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
Joint Strike Fighter updated demo 3/5
36740 JSF_DEM2.A03 2,9 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
Joint Strike Fighter updated demo 4/5
36741 JSF_DEM2.A04 742,3 kt 03.04.1998 - - -
Joint Strike Fighter updated demo 5/5
36742 JSF_DEM2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
"Joint Strike Fighter UPDATED pl. demo 1/5 Innerloop/Eidos Flying simulation of the Lockheed Martin X-35 and Boeing X-32 fighters with real-time dynamic campaigns in four vast scenarios. Demo now has unlimited flight time Voodoo2 supportmultiplayer support via IPXTCP/IPmodemserialand Mplayer (April98) MIN. Without 3Dfx: P13316MBWin95DX5 With 3Dfx: P10016MBWin95DirectX 5"
36743 JSFGFX.ZIP 2,1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
JSF - Joint Strike Fighter lentosimulaattorin lisäkuvia.
36744 JSFPICS.ZIP 477,5 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Joint Strike Fighter 3Dfx screenshots
36745 KHGDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Klingon Honor Guard demo 2/7
36746 KHGDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Klingon Honor Guard demo 3/7
36747 KHGDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Klingon Honor Guard demo 4/7
36748 KHGDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Klingon Honor Guard demo 5/7
36749 KHGDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Klingon Honor Guard demo 6/7
36750 KHGDEMO.A06 2,5 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Klingon Honor Guard demo 7/7
36751 KHGDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
"Klingon Honor Guard demo from MicroProse 3D 1st person action. While your character is training for induction to KHG assassination attempt is made on leader of the Klingon High Council. Youre ordered to active duty in order to pursue the criminals to their safe house. This is only the beginning...failure is death! P13332MBWin95/98DirectX3D accelerator SUPPORTS OpenGLDirect3D  1/7"
36752 KKND2-D1.A01 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire Series 9 demo 2/4
36753 KKND2-D1.A02 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire Series 9 demo 3/4
36754 KKND2-D1.A03 1,2 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire Series 9 demo 4/4
36755 KKND2-D1.ARJ 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"KKnD 2: Krossfire Series 9 Demo 1/4 by Beam/Melbourne Real time strategy in C&C style. 40 years after first KKnD. Now the New Survivors pour out of the groundtrying to retake the surface.Further Evolvedride mutant beasts to defend the surface once again - with 3rd side as Series 9 robotic armyrevenge in their crazed visorsstorm across the land. P13316MBWin95DirectX"
36756 KKND2-D2.A01 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire Evolved demo 2/4
36757 KKND2-D2.A02 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire Evolved demo 3/4
36758 KKND2-D2.A03 1,1 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire Evolved demo 4/4
36759 KKND2-D2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"KKnD 2: Krossfire Evolved Demo by 1/4 Beam/Melbourne Real time strategy in C&C style. 40 years after first KKnD. Now the New Survivors pour out of the groundtrying to retake the surface.Further Evolvedride mutant beasts to defend the surface once again - with 3rd side as Series 9 robotic armyrevenge in their crazed visorsstorm across the land. P13316MBWin95DirectX"
36760 KKND2-D3.A01 2,9 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire Survivors demo 2/4
36761 KKND2-D3.A02 2,9 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire Survivors demo 3/4
36762 KKND2-D3.A03 1,4 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire Survivors demo 4/4
36763 KKND2-D3.ARJ 2,9 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
"KKnD 2: Krossfire Survivors Demo 1/4 by Beam/Melbourne Real time strategy in C&C style. 40 years after first KKnD. Now the New Survivors pour out of the groundtrying to retake the surface.Further Evolvedride mutant beasts to defend the surface once again - with 3rd side as Series 9 robotic armyrevenge in their crazed visorsstorm across the land. P13316MBWin95DirectX"
36764 KKND2-D4.A01 2,9 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire ALL RACES demo 2/6
36765 KKND2-D4.A02 2,9 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire ALL RACES demo 3/6
36766 KKND2-D4.A03 2,9 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire ALL RACES demo 4/6
36767 KKND2-D4.A04 2,9 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire ALL RACES demo 5/6
36768 KKND2-D4.A05 151,6 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
KKnD 2: Krossfire ALL RACES demo 6/6
36769 KKND2-D4.ARJ 2,9 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
"KKnD 2: Krossfire ALL RACES Demo 1/6 by Beam/Melbourne Real time strategy in C&C style. 40 years after first KKnD. Now the New Survivors pour out of the groundtrying to retake the surface.Further Evolvedride mutant beasts to defend the surface once again - with 3rd side as Series 9 robotic armyrevenge in their crazed visorsstorm across the land. This demo includes missions for all the three combatantsSurvivorsEvolved and Series 9.P13316MBWin95DX"
36770 KKNXEC97.ZIP 3,2 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
KKnD Xtreme ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Melbourne/Electronic Arts
36771 KMENG120.A01 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Knights and Merchants demo 2/6
36772 KMENG120.A02 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Knights and Merchants demo 3/6
36773 KMENG120.A03 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Knights and Merchants demo 4/6
36774 KMENG120.A04 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Knights and Merchants demo 5/6
36775 KMENG120.A05 470,7 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
Knights and Merchants demo 6/6
36776 KMENG120.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Knights and Merchants demo v1.20 Real-time strategy / war / building / trade. IMagic. Recreates the era of the Middle Ages based on Anglo-Saxon period around 1200 A.D. Settlers-like RTS wargamewhere player defends his kings kingdom as army leader. Middle Ages adventure. Now you must win back all those provinces which once belonged to your king. Demo supports FULL link/modem/LAN/ Internet multiplayer6 pl. Win95 P133 16MB DirectX      1/6"
36777 KOKIE398.ZIP 2,1 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Knockout Kings E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. EA Sports. Boxing game.
36778 KOPINST.A01 1,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Neophyte demo 2/5
36779 KOPINST.A02 1,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Neophyte demo 3/5
36780 KOPINST.A03 1,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Neophyte demo 4/5
36781 KOPINST.A04 937,7 kt 02.05.1998 - - -
Neophyte demo 5/5
36782 KOPINST.ARJ 1,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
"Neophyte: Koplios Story 1/5 Top viewed Adventure Alien Software Inc. Earthquake has blocked routes to far-orr monastryand many strange things have been happening in monastrys forbidden unused basement. Solve the mysteries and recoved the Armor of Gorus. Niceeasy adventure game with some twist on japanese Anime. Win95 P60 8 Mb"
36783 KUBADEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Kuba demo 2/5
36784 KUBADEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Kuba demo 3/5
36785 KUBADEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Kuba demo 4/5
36786 KUBADEMO.A04 2,6 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Kuba demo 5/5
36787 KUBADEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"Kuba demo. By Patch Products. 1/5 Board strategy/puzzle game. One-on-one action hits your PC with Kubathe classic European board game which is available for the first time on CD-ROM! Learn to play in five minutes but spend a lifetime trying to beat Kubas incredible artificial computer intelligence. There are four intelligence levelsso players of all levels will be challenged by the computer opponent. Win95/98DirectX"
36788 L5RRE398.ZIP 680,2 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Legend of the Five Rings: Ronin E398 screenshots. 3D action/adventure. Activision
36789 LANDE398.ZIP 384,9 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Lander E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. DVD game. Psygnosis. Defy the effects of gravity as you guide your ship over a multitude of planetary environments across the Solar System! Experience a unique solar flight adventure which sees you as player/pilot acquire the game-play skills necessary to manoeuvre your Lander craft through difficult obstacles and traps on both the planetary surfaces and in
36790 LASTBRON.A01 2,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Last Bronx demo 2/6
36791 LASTBRON.A02 2,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Last Bronx demo 3/6
36792 LASTBRON.A03 2,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Last Bronx demo 4/6
36793 LASTBRON.A04 2,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Last Bronx demo 5/6
36794 LASTBRON.A05 1,1 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Last Bronx demo 6/6
36795 LASTBRON.ARJ 2,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
"Last Bronx Playable Demo Sega - He Who Continues to BreatheWins. The most vicious of gang warriors are looking for blood in the streets of Tokyo. Theyre coming armed to the teeth with a body count in mind and if you lose this battleyou leave in a bag. The only rules are no rulesso get pumped up and be prepared. Street beatemup action. P9016MBWin95DirectX 5      1/6"
36796 LB2DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
Longbow 2 demo 2/6
36797 LB2DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
Longbow 2 demo 3/6
36798 LB2DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
Longbow 2 demo 4/6
36799 LB2DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
Longbow 2 demo 5/6
36800 LB2DEMO.A05 4,2 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
Longbow 2 demo 6/6
36801 LB2DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
"Longbow 2 Playable Demo 1/6 Janes Combat Simulations - the cutting-edge sequel to 1996s universally acclaimed Flight Sim of the Year. An all-new graphics enginecombined with a host of innovative new multiplayer featuresmultiple aircraft types and dynamic campaignsdelivers the ultimate helicopter combat experience. P13316MBWin95DirectX Supports 3Dfx & Direct 3D."
36802 LDAYDEMO.A01 3,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Liberation Day demo 2/6
36803 LDAYDEMO.A02 3,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Liberation Day demo 3/6
36804 LDAYDEMO.A03 3,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Liberation Day demo 4/6
36805 LDAYDEMO.A04 3,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Liberation Day demo 5/6
36806 LDAYDEMO.A05 3,4 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Liberation Day demo 6/6
36807 LDAYDEMO.ARJ 3,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
"Liberation Day pl. demo Turn based sci-fi strategy Interactive Magic. The enemy is merciless. They have superior weaponrythey have allies with supernatural powersand youre heavily outnumbered. You have just one advantage: theyre not expecting you. Land forcesbuild basefind resourcesconstruct armies of 28 unit typesWindows 95Pentium16MBDirectX 5        1/6"
36808 LIBDAYI.ZIP 331,7 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
Liberation Day info & screenshots. Strategy - IMagic
36809 LIVEWIRD.ZIP 4 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Livewire! ECTS98 demo - tehnyt SCi. Hauska action-arcade jossa ohjataan pikku ötökkää koetaen saada kaikki ruudut väritetyiksi. Helppo, hauska, yksinkertainen touhupeli. Windows 95.
36810 LOL2EC97.ZIP 3 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Lands of Lore 2: Guardians of Destiny ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Virgin. artistic triumph, a technological marvel  and of enthralling entertainment in rpg genre.
36813 LOM-SE-D.A01 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Lords of Magic Special Edition demo 2/6
36814 LOM-SE-D.A02 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Lords of Magic Special Edition demo 3/6
36815 LOM-SE-D.A03 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Lords of Magic Special Edition demo 4/6
36816 LOM-SE-D.A04 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Lords of Magic Special Edition demo 5/6
36817 LOM-SE-D.A05 1,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Lords of Magic Special Edition demo 6/6
36818 LOM-SE-D.ARJ 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Lords of Magic Special Edition demo Fantasy strategy. Sierra. When the evil sorcerer Balkoth threatens the peaceful people of Urak with death and destruction, brave heroesmust rise up to defeat the forces of tyranny. Combines turn-based exploration and real-time combat with all-new Quest Pack. 16-bit graphics, a powerful 3D map editor, a rich story, compelling quests, new monsters etc. P100, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX     1/6
36811 LOMEC97.ZIP 1,8 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Lords of Magic ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Sierra. Resource management and real-time combat ú Strategic gameplay that combines turn-based gement with real-time combat & magic
36812 LOMGFX.ZIP 932,9 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Lords of Magic lisäkuvia. Fantasia-strategia. Impressions/Sierra.
36819 LOSPICS.ZIP 169,1 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Legends of Kesmai screenshots Internet playable RPG Gamestorm http://www.gamestorm.com
36820 LOTCEC97.ZIP 415 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
WarCraft Adventures: Lord of the Clans ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots. Blizzard/Sierra A WarCraft universe adventure
36826 LR2-E398.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Lore Runner 2 E398 showpackage with press release & screenshots. long-anticipated sequel to a gaming classic, Lode Runner 2. Originally released in 1983 on the Apple II platform, Lode Runner has since sold more than two million units worldwide and has become one of the most popular video games in history.
36821 LR2DEMO.A01 3 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
Lode Runner 2 demo 2/5
36822 LR2DEMO.A02 3 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
Lode Runner 2 demo 3/5
36823 LR2DEMO.A03 3 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
Lode Runner 2 demo 4/5
36824 LR2DEMO.A04 2,5 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
Lode Runner 2 demo 5/5
36825 LR2DEMO.ARJ 3 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
Lode Runner 2 demo 1/5. GT Interactive. 3D puzzle/platform game. Retro remake of the old classic. Like a laundry list of improvements for 1998, including 3D graphics, multiplayer games, optical effects, and more, yet beneath all this is the same engagingly simple concept. Players will take on the role of a Runner traveling through an isometric gameworld, collecting gold, solving puzzles, and evading the creatures who dwell in it. P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
36827 LSLCDEM1.A01 2,4 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Leisure Suit Larrys Casino demo 2/4"
36828 LSLCDEM1.A02 2,4 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Leisure Suit Larrys Casino demo 3/4"
36829 LSLCDEM1.A03 539,1 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Leisure Suit Larrys Casino demo 4/4"
36830 LSLCDEM1.ARJ 2,4 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Leisure Suit Larrys Casino demo by Sierra. Casino/card game. Includes BlackjackChat (via Won.net)and two comedy clubs. Supports multiplayer over the Internet through WON.net. Small version without music. P9016MBWin95DirectX     1/4"
36831 LSLCDEM2.A01 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Leisure Suit Larrys Casino demo 2/6"
36832 LSLCDEM2.A02 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Leisure Suit Larrys Casino demo 3/6"
36833 LSLCDEM2.A03 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Leisure Suit Larrys Casino demo 4/6"
36834 LSLCDEM2.A04 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Leisure Suit Larrys Casino demo 5/6"
36835 LSLCDEM2.A05 3,3 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Leisure Suit Larrys Casino demo 6/6"
36836 LSLCDEM2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Leisure Suit Larrys Casino demo by Sierra. Casino/card game. Includes BlackjackChat (via Won.net)and two comedy clubs. Supports multiplayer over the Internet through WON.net. Large version with music. P9016MBWin95DirectX     1/6"
36837 LUNATPR.ZIP 307,2 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Lunatik preview with screeenshots Step into the Asylum - Eidos.
36838 LWC-EC98.ZIP 1,8 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Luftwaffe Commander ECTS98 showpackage with screenshots. Mindscape. Flight simulation.
36839 M1TP2GFX.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
M1 Tank Platoon II lisäkuvia. Tankkisimulaattori. MicroProse.
36840 M29-EC98.ZIP 4,1 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
MiG-29 Fulcrum ECTS98 showpackage with press releases & screenshots. Novalogic. simulation, based on the Russian MiG-29, initiates a new standard in massive multiplayer gaming
36841 MA99E398.ZIP 2,2 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
"Madden NFL 99 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. EA Sports. Worlds No. 1 Interactive Football Series Also Delivers on Tradition of Superior Gameplay"
36842 MACEEC97.ZIP 5,3 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
"Mace: The Dark Age ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. GTI. set to redefine the future of the beatem up cross the medieval worldcharacters have gathered to p the ultimate hand-to-hand combat tournament. A tournament  the most able will survive..."
36843 MADDEMO.ZIP 3,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - 17119/TEKNO GAMES 1-1999 CD2.iso -
Madtrax demofrom Rayland. Racing. Racing game similar to Pod. The full version will feature 11 tracks, 8 cars, 5 different weapons, realistic physics, split-screen mode, and more. P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX, 3Dfx or Direct3D
36844 MAJEE398.ZIP 3 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Majesty: Empires of the Darklands E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ripcord Games. fantasy world simulation game. sets itself apart from other real-time games, thanks largely to the strong strategy and role-playing influences. unique combination of classic game styles, which breaks ground and defines a new genre of computer games with its own original set of game mechanics and style of play.
36845 MALKE398.ZIP 3 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Malkari E398 showpackage with screenshots & info. Strategy. Imagic. Simultaneous turn based strategy game. The game will be multiplayer from the start with options for cooperative and antagonistic gameplay. Space strategy.
36846 MALKEC98.ZIP 1,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Malkari ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Imagic. Simultaneous turn-based strategy in space.
36847 MAOEC97.ZIP 1,7 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Mask of Eternity ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots. Sierra. Real-time 3D adventure A new experience in adventure games
36848 MASKDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 2/12"
36849 MASKDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 3/12"
36850 MASKDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 4/12"
36851 MASKDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 5/12"
36852 MASKDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 6/12"
36853 MASKDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 7/12"
36854 MASKDEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 8/12"
36855 MASKDEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 9/12"
36856 MASKDEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 10/12"
36857 MASKDEMO.A10 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 11/12"
36858 MASKDEMO.A11 3,9 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo 12/12"
36859 MASKDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity demo. Sierra. Adventure3D third person. Reseat the Mask of Eternity and restore lawlight and order to your world. Only then can global order be restored! Visit otherworldly realms filled with unimaginable charactersbrain-twisting tests of courage and incredible challenges. Itll take perfect marksmanship and a sharp sword to finish your quest! P16632MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D     1/12"
36860 MAX2DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
M.A.X. 2 demo 2/6
36861 MAX2DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
M.A.X. 2 demo 3/6
36862 MAX2DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
M.A.X. 2 demo 4/6
36863 MAX2DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
M.A.X. 2 demo 5/6
36864 MAX2DEMO.A05 2,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
M.A.X. 2 demo 6/6
36865 MAX2DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
M.A.X. 2 demo. Interplay. Real-time strategy with turn based alternative. Offers three play styles with pausable RTS sections. Enables you to slow down the action when you meet the enemy, so you can think about your decisions. The simultaneous turn-based play offers a slightly faster and different mode of turn-based play, but allows the same feeling of control. Demo allows Internet multiplayer gaming. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
36866 MAX2E398.ZIP 2 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
"m.a.x. 2 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Interplay. highly anticipated sequel to Interplays critically acclaimed M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault and Exploration. Highlights include three gameplay modes including a real-time gameplay option that will provide explosive action for those who demand a fast-paced strategic wargame. Gamers will also be able to choose between simultaneous turn-based and classic"
36867 MAX2PICS.ZIP 493,2 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
M.A.X. 2 screenshots real time strategy Interplay
36868 MC-E398.ZIP 438 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Mechcommander E398 showpacakge with info & screenshots. Strategy. Microprose. science fiction legacy of the BattleTech universe lives on in the first MechWarriorr interactive game of tactical command.
36869 MCEC97.ZIP 2,5 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Battletech: MechCommander ECTS97 pack with info  & screenshots. Microprose.  real-time strategy game of tactical combat a nagement;  tactical combat occurs in an isometric view  ield with  realistic BattleMechs and terrain. In real-t  takes  command of a unit of BattleMechs, manages it nipulates its
36870 MD3PICS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Matchday 3 screenshots. Soccer - Ocean.
36871 MDNDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Madden NFL 99 demo 2/6
36872 MDNDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Madden NFL 99 demo 3/6
36873 MDNDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Madden NFL 99 demo 4/6
36874 MDNDEMO.A04 2,9 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Madden NFL 99 demo 5/6
36875 MDNDEMO.A05 1,2 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Madden NFL 99 demo 6/6
36876 MDNDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
"Madden NFL 99 demo from EA Sports. American Football.Coach Madden has been working overtime to ensure that NFL99 is best lookingbest-playing football game on the planet. With amazing Super Hi Res 3-D graphicsMadden NFL 99 has all the juke movesmonster hits and sideline grabs youve come to expect from your favorite NFL players along with some extra features for PC gamers. P13316MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D                           1/6"
36877 MECHCPI.ZIP 802,1 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
MechCommander screenshots MicroProse
36878 MESSE398.ZIP 3,9 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Messiah E398 showpackage with screenshots. Shiny Entertainment.
36879 MESSPICS.ZIP 232,3 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Messiah screenshots Created by Shiny Entertainment
36880 MG29E398.ZIP 1,4 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
MiG-29 E398 showpackage with screenshots. Flight simulation. Novalogic
36881 MGDLXDM2.A01 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo - Underwater Hole. 2/6
36882 MGDLXDM2.A02 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo - Underwater Hole. 3/6
36883 MGDLXDM2.A03 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo - Underwater Hole. 4/6
36884 MGDLXDM2.A04 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGOlf Deluxe demo - Underwater Hole. 5/6
36885 MGDLXDM2.A05 3,7 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo - Underwater Hole. 6/6
36886 MGDLXDM2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
"3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo - Underwater Hole. Sports/minigold. Sierra Attractions. Play minigolf with lots of visual candy. Very nice minigolfinwith an intuitive pushndrag interface. 1-4 players. Give her a whack off the deck of my little pirate shipand do yer level best to land the shot in the water between the bell-buoys. Pentium 16 MB Win95 DirectX5 SVGA  1/6"
36887 MGDLXDM3.A01 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 2/6
36888 MGDLXDM3.A02 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 3/6
36889 MGDLXDM3.A03 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 4/6
36890 MGDLXDM3.A04 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 5/6
36891 MGDLXDM3.A05 3,7 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGOlf Deluxe demo 6/6
36892 MGDLXDM3.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
"3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 1/6 - Deep Sea Diving Hole. Sports/minigold. Sierra. Play minigolf with lots of visual candy. Very nice minigolfinwith an intuitive pushndrag interface. 1-4 players. Give her a whack off the deck of my little pirate shipand do yer level best to land the shot in the water between the bell-buoys. Pentium 16 MB Win95 DirectX5 SVGA"
36893 MGDLXDMO.A01 4,9 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 2/9
36894 MGDLXDMO.A02 4,9 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 3/9
36895 MGDLXDMO.A03 4,9 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 4/9
36896 MGDLXDMO.A04 4,9 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 5/9
36897 MGDLXDMO.A05 4,9 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 6/9
36898 MGDLXDMO.A06 4,9 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 7/9
36899 MGDLXDMO.A07 4,9 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 8/9
36900 MGDLXDMO.A08 4,6 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo 9/9
36901 MGDLXDMO.ARJ 4,9 Mt 12.05.1998 - - -
"3D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe demo Sports /  1/9 minigolf -  Sierra On-Line Lets you play on 2 holes. Includes lots of visual candy! Very nice minigolfinwith an intuitive pushndrag interface. 1-4 players. Pentium16MBWin95DirectX 5SVGA"
36902 MGPRS2DE.A01 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 demo 2/5
36903 MGPRS2DE.A02 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 demo 3/5
36904 MGPRS2DE.A03 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 demo 4/5
36905 MGPRS2DE.A04 3,2 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Monaco Grand Prix Racing Simulation 2 demo 5/5
36906 MGPRS2DE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Monaco Grand Prix Racign Simulation 2 demo. Ubi Soft. Formula 1 racing. Pushes limits of gameplay realism forward by offering exciting new game modes, 3D effects and unprecedented customization. Game will not only simulate race, but everything about the racing world. Players can control every aspect of race,from preparing a pit stop strategy to adjusting their car during a race. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX, Direct3D       1/5
36907 MH3DE398.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Motorhead E398 showpackage with Direct3D screenshots. Car racing. Digital Illusions.
36908 MHEDE398.ZIP 2,6 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Motorhead E398 showpackage with PC screenshots. Car racing. Digital Illusions.
36909 MIA-E398.ZIP 2 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Missing In Action E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. GTi. a third-person-viewed shoot `em up that allows the player take to the skies in a variety of period attack helicopters and return to Vietnam for a piece of the action. Piloting such classic craft as the Loach, Chinook, Cobra and Huey, the player is tasked to complete four major military campaigns - based upon actual operations carried out by the US forces in
36910 MIBPICS2.ZIP 603 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Men In Black screenshots Southpeak Interactive
36911 MIGAEC97.ZIP 324,2 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
MiG ALLEY ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots. Rowan/Empire Korea, 1951. The enemy has jets, you have a p campaign-based flight simulation, with the op t action in mini campaigns, single historical missions an  play.
36912 MK4-E398.ZIP 2,1 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
"Mortal Kombat 4 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. GTi.  first true 3D sequel in Midways gangbuster fighting series is set to kick butt on all formats this year!"
36913 MKEC97.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
"Mortal Kombat Mythologies ECTS97 pack with in screenshots. GTI.  A prequel to the events featured in the firs  Kombat  gamesMK Mythologies features Sub-Zero as a o in a unique  twist to the classic fighting game series.  Capturing the essence of the classic beate logies takes  the player on a quest of role-playing propor"
36914 MOE-E398.ZIP 1,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity E398 showpackage with screenshots & info. Sierra."
36915 MOGUL99D.A01 2,9 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Baseball Mogul 99 demo 2/4
36916 MOGUL99D.A02 2,9 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Baseball Mogul 99 demo 3/4
36917 MOGUL99D.A03 2,4 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Baseball Mogul 99 demo 4/4
36918 MOGUL99D.ARJ 2,9 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Baseball Mogul 99 Playable Demo 1/4 Sports / baseball Infinite Monkey/WizardWorks Continues the Baseball Mogul dynasty. Just like Mogul 1, Mogul 99 is an addictive baseball franchise simulator. You assume the role of both General Manager and Manager for professional baseball team of your choice. All real players with real stats. Win95 486/100, 16MB
36919 MOHEE398.ZIP 4 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Monkey Hero E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Take 2. 3D action adventure featuring rich and compelling game enviroments and challenging puzzles based on chinese legend.
36920 MORPHDE.A01 4,8 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Morpheus demo 2/6
36921 MORPHDE.A02 4,8 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Morpheus demo 3/6
36922 MORPHDE.A03 4,8 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Morpheus demo 4/6
36923 MORPHDE.A04 4,8 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Morpheus demo 5/6
36924 MORPHDE.A05 4,5 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Morpheus demo 6/6
36925 MORPHDE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Morpheus demo from Piranha Interactive. 1/6 Adventure. Exploration of worlds within worlds, of dreams and awakenings! The story is intriguing. Arctic explorer is attempting to solve mystery of a disappearance on polar ice cap 30 years earlier. He ends on an amazing adventure, spanning 6 worlds. Surrealistic feel to it; as Piranha indicates, "Instead of just exploring our world, it reaches into a realm where your dreams never die. Win95 P90 16MB DirectX
36926 MOTMEC97.ZIP 837,3 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
"Motor Mash ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ocean. If you think that there are a lot of psychopa d then youve never played Motor Mash - the startlingly add layer cartoon racer from Eutechnyx (formerly Merit Studios)"
36927 MOTOR2D2.A01 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
Moto Racer 2 demo 2/7
36928 MOTOR2D2.A02 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
Moto Racer 2 demo 3/7
36929 MOTOR2D2.A03 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
Moto Racer 2 demo 4/7
36930 MOTOR2D2.A04 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
Moto Racer 2 demo 5/7
36931 MOTOR2D2.A05 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
Moto Racer 2 demo 6/7
36932 MOTOR2D2.A06 1,5 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
Moto Racer 2 demo 7/7
36933 MOTOR2D2.ARJ 3,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - - -
Moto Racer 2 demo. Delphine/Electronic Arts Racing/motorcycle. Ultimate motorcycle racing is back and totally customizable! Build your own tracks with the new 3D track creator and
36941 MR-E398.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Montezuma\'s Return E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Take 2. Anyone who was playing games in 1984 will recall this game as a classic, appearing on all formats as "Montezuma\'s Revenge". After a 13 year sabbatical, the game that helped create an industry is back in all its glory, and sporting a new first-person guise for 1998.
36934 MR2-E398.ZIP 1,5 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
MotoRacer 2 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Motorbike racing. EA. new tracks that are based on realistic locations, a new 3-D Track Creator to design custom courses, improved graphics and increased multiplayer support.
36935 MRDEM126.A01 3,8 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! demo 2/6"
36936 MRDEM126.A02 3,8 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! demo 3/6"
36937 MRDEM126.A03 3,8 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! demo 4/6"
36938 MRDEM126.A04 3,8 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! demo 5/6"
36939 MRDEM126.A05 1,2 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! demo 6/6"
36940 MRDEM126.ARJ 3,8 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! Playable Demo v1.26 1/6 Utopia TechnologiesInc. first-person real-time 3d action adventure game. Features real-time immersive 3D graphics and fast action gameplay. Spiced with humorwith focus on jumpingpuzzle solving and obstacle maneuvering. Amazing 3D engine. VGA/SVGA: P13316MBWin95DirectX 5. Supports 3Dfx needing P13324MBWin95DirectX 5"
36942 MRVID1.A01 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: main 2/5"
36943 MRVID1.A02 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: main 3/5"
36944 MRVID1.A03 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: main 4/5"
36945 MRVID1.A04 4,7 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: main 5/5"
36946 MRVID1.ARJ 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! Demo - Optional Videos : Main Videos"
36947 MRVID2.A01 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: enemy 2/6"
36948 MRVID2.A02 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: enemy 3/6"
36949 MRVID2.A03 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: enemy 4/6"
36950 MRVID2.A04 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: enemy 5/6"
36951 MRVID2.A05 176,6 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: enemy 6/6"
36952 MRVID2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! Demo - Optional Videos : Enemy Deaths"
36953 MRVID3.A01 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: bosses 2/5"
36954 MRVID3.A02 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: bosses 3/5"
36955 MRVID3.A03 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: bosses 4/5"
36956 MRVID3.A04 2,4 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! video: bosses 5/5"
36957 MRVID3.ARJ 2,9 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return! Demo - Optional Videos : Bosses"
36958 MSAOEX.A01 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome demo 2/6
36959 MSAOEX.A02 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome demo 3/6
36960 MSAOEX.A03 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome demo 4/6
36961 MSAOEX.A04 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome demo 5/6
36962 MSAOEX.A05 1,6 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome demo 6/6
36963 MSAOEX.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome demo from Ensemble/Microsoft. Strategy / real-time. highly anticipated add-on to the award winning, best-selling RTS game. Focusing on legendary Roman Empire this will challenge veterans and novices alike to wage war on an epic scale with four additional civilizations, several unique units, new technologies and new campaigns. Demo has FULL multiplayer link/modem/IPX & TCP/IP - 4 plr. P90, 16 MB, Win95/98, DirectX        1/6
36964 MSBB3D.A01 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 3D 1998 demo 2/6
36965 MSBB3D.A02 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 3D 1998 demo 3/6
36966 MSBB3D.A03 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 3D 1998 demo 4/6
36967 MSBB3D.A04 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 3D 1998 demo 5/6
36968 MSBB3D.A05 1,3 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 3D 1998 demo 6/6
36969 MSBB3D.ARJ 2,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 3D 1998 Edition demo 1/6. WizBang! Software/Microsoft. Spors/Baseball. Using cutting edge 3D accelerator technology, brings some of the most visually stunning graphics ever achieved in a real-time 3D game High detail player models animated with true motion-captured animations increases the startling realism. Realistic physics and very smart artificial intelligence for computer opponents, and you get quite a game.
36970 MSCART20.A01 1,9 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
CART Precision Racing TRIAL v2.0 (2/8)
36971 MSCART20.A02 1,9 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
CART Precision Racing TRIAL v2.0 (3/8)
36972 MSCART20.A03 1,9 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
CART Precision Racing TRIAL v2.0 (4/8)
36973 MSCART20.A04 1,9 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
CART Precision Racing TRIAL v2.0 (5/8)
36974 MSCART20.A05 1,9 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
CART Precision Racing TRIAL v2.0 (6/8)
36975 MSCART20.A06 1,9 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
CART Precision Racing TRIAL v2.0 (7/8)
36976 MSCART20.A07 1,1 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
CART Precision Racing TRIAL v2.0 (8/8)
36977 MSCART20.ARJ 1,9 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
CART Precision Racing TRIAL v2.0 Terminal Reality/Microsoft - Strap in tight for white knuckle excitement! Compete against CART cars controlled by exacting artificial intelligence. Rolling starts, daring passes, and fully animated pit stops are all realistically modeled. Demo supports serial link/modem/network/Internet multiplayer racing. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5 - supports Direct3D. v2.0 with new track.
36978 MSGOLD99.A01 3,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1999 Edition demo 2/7
36979 MSGOLD99.A02 3,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1999 Edition demo 3/7
36980 MSGOLD99.A03 3,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1999 Edition demo 4/7
36981 MSGOLD99.A04 3,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1999 Edition demo 5/7
36982 MSGOLD99.A05 3,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1999 Edition demo 6/7
36983 MSGOLD99.A06 1,1 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1999 Edition demo 7/7
36984 MSGOLD99.ARJ 3,8 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1999 Edition demo. 1/7 Sports/golf. Easy to use, true-to-life golf game. Fluid and realistic game graphics, beautifully rendered courses, and accurate ball physics recreate feel of real round of golf. Demo features 3 holes in Donald Ross Memorial. P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX
36985 MSGOLF98.A01 3,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1998 edition demo 2/5
36986 MSGOLF98.A02 3,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1998 edition demo 3/5
36987 MSGOLF98.A03 3,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1998 edition demo 4/5
36988 MSGOLF98.A04 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1998 edition demo 5/5
36989 MSGOLF98.ARJ 3,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Microsoft Golf 1998 Edition demo. Sports / Golf. Microsoft. Easy to use, true-to-life golf game. Fluid and realistic game graphics, beautifully rendered courses, and accurate ball physics recreate the feel of a real round of golf. Fully multiplayer-capable via the Microsoft Internet Gaming Zone. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX      1/5
36990 MSMCM.A01 3,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Motocross Madness demo. (2/5)
36991 MSMCM.A02 3,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Motocross Madness demo. (3/5)
36992 MSMCM.A03 3,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Motocross Madness demo. (4/5)
36993 MSMCM.A04 3,6 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Motocross Madness demo. (5/5)
36994 MSMCM.ARJ 3,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
"Motocross Madness demo. Microsoft. Racing. Stunt motocross racing. First thing youll notice about the game are all the optionstracksand settings available for the player to choose from. There is something here for all types of racing enthusiastsmotocross aficionadosand coin-op junkies. Demo supports full multiplayer: link/modemLAN IPX&TCP/IP (8pl.) & Internet (4pl.) with IGZ. P133 (w/ 4MB 3D card)P166 (w/ 2MB 3D card) (1/5)"
36995 MSPINB.ZIP 4,5 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Microsoft Pinball Arcade demo from Microsoft collection of licensed tables that represent the evolution of pinball. Realistic graphics make for the most authentic pinball simulation on the PC ever. This game adds to a wickedly fast action for current and prospective pinball wizards. P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX 6 SUPPORTS Direct3D
36996 MSUADEM2.A01 2,9 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Urban Assault demo 2/5
36997 MSUADEM2.A02 2,9 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Urban Assault demo 3/5
36998 MSUADEM2.A03 2,9 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Urban Assault demo 4/5
36999 MSUADEM2.A04 1,3 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Urban Assault demo 5/5
37000 MSUADEM2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Urban Assault update demo from Microsoft 3D action/combat. Lead humanity from brink of oblivion in a post apocalyptic Earth. Ground-breaking new action/strategy game. With dozens of unique and powerful war machines in your charge, you must battle forces of evil from your command station, and occasionally jump into one of the vehicles to lead the fight yourself. Full multiplayer options. Win95/98, P120, 16 MB, DirectX. Supports 3D acceleration.               1/5
37001 MTM2INFO.ZIP 2,5 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Monster Truck Madness II kuvia & infoa. Microsoft.
37002 MTM2TRI.A01 3,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
Monster Truck Madness 2 demo. (2/5)
37003 MTM2TRI.A02 3,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
Monster Truck Madness 2 demo. (3/5)
37004 MTM2TRI.A03 3,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
Monster Truck Madness 2 demo. (4/5)
37005 MTM2TRI.A04 2,4 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
Monster Truck Madness 2 demo. (5/5)
37006 MTM2TRI.ARJ 3,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
Monster Truck Madness 2 trial/demo Truck/car racing Terminal Reality/Microsoft Trial includes four monster trucks. Gamers will be able to burn rubber on Farm Road 29, a circuit track. Trial allows players to race 4 player multiplayer against one another, in LAN or Internet on Internet Gaming Zone. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5 Supports 3D accelerators. (1/5)
37007 MW2TITRI.ZIP 4,1 Mt 08.04.1998 - - -
MechWarrior II Titanium Trilogy mainosanimaatio. Activision.
37008 MW3-E398.ZIP 561,7 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
MechWarrior III E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Tactical mech action. Microprose. Gamers Challenged to Climb Into the Cockpit of a Massive Fighting Machine for the Ultimate Face-Off Set Within the Legendary Sci-Fi BattleTechr Universe
37009 MW3-EC98.ZIP 1,5 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
MechWarrior III ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. MicroProse. Gamers Challenged to Climb Into the Cockpit of a Massive Fighting Machine for the Ultimate Confrontation Within the Legendary Sci-Fi BattleTechr Universe
37010 MXEC97.ZIP 4,4 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Maximum Force ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. GTI. From the creators of the smash-hit arcade sho comes even more playability and heart-stopping action in .
37011 MYTH2DEM.A01 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Myth II demo 2/9
37012 MYTH2DEM.A02 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Myth II demo 3/9
37013 MYTH2DEM.A03 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Myth II demo 4/9
37014 MYTH2DEM.A04 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Myth II demo 5/9
37015 MYTH2DEM.A05 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Myth II demo 6/9
37016 MYTH2DEM.A06 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Myth II demo 7/9
37017 MYTH2DEM.A07 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Myth II demo 8/9
37018 MYTH2DEM.A08 3,5 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Myth II demo 9/9
37019 MYTH2DEM.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Myth II: Soulblighter demo. Bungie. Real time fantasy strategy. Unique strategy game, set in a 3D world of dangerous alliances and ancient evil, where all beings tremble before the wrath of Soulblighter, cruelest and most cunning of the evil Fallen Lords. Demo includes 2 levels + 1 multiplayer level. FULL multiplayer support for LAN/Internet TCP/IP, 16 pl. P133, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D & 3Dfx         1/9
37020 NASCARPB.A01 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Nascar Pinball demo 2/5
37021 NASCARPB.A02 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Nascar Pinball demo 3/5
37022 NASCARPB.A03 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Nascar Pinball demo 4/5
37023 NASCARPB.A04 2,6 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Nascar Pinball demo 5/5
37024 NASCARPB.ARJ 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
NASCAR Pinball demo. By Sierra. Pinball game. From the creators of the best selling 3-D Ultra Pinball Series. Race side-by-side with some of the greatest drivers in the world as you put the pedal to the metal in this action-packed pinball experience. Pentium, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX     1/5
37025 NATIE398.ZIP 501,5 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Nations Fighter Command E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. action-packed flight simulation which offers instant action via intuitive controls, historical missions and multi-player gaming. Nations Fighter Command is planned for releas in the first quarter of 1999.
37026 NBA98DEM.A01 1,9 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
NBA Live 98 demo 2/6
37027 NBA98DEM.A02 1,9 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
NBA Live 98 demo 3/6
37028 NBA98DEM.A03 1,9 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
NBA Live 98 demo 4/6
37029 NBA98DEM.A04 1,9 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
NBA Live 98 demo 5/6
37030 NBA98DEM.A05 1,9 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
NBA Live 98 demo 6/6
37031 NBA98DEM.ARJ 1,9 Mt 02.02.1998 - - -
"NBA Live 98 demo by EA Sports Experience the NBA lifestyle. Hip graphics and progressive music combine with the most realistic competitive gameplay available. NBA Live 98 feeds you the raw POWER of todays NBA. Power controlPower movesand Power gameplay. P9016MBWin95DirectX. Supports 3Dfx. 1/6"
37032 NC99E398.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. EA Sports.
37033 NCAA99H.A01 3,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 demo 2/6
37034 NCAA99H.A02 3,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 demo 3/6
37035 NCAA99H.A03 3,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 demo 4/6
37036 NCAA99H.A04 3,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 demo 5/6
37037 NCAA99H.A05 2,4 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 demo 6/6
37038 NCAA99H.ARJ 3,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 demo. EA Sports. delivers the ultimate college atmosphere with all 112 teams and stadiums, authentic fight songs and chants, and all major conferences and championship games. Stunning 3-D players. Limited 2 minutes demo. Hardware "Polygon" version. Requires Windows 95 & 3Dfx card, P133, 32 Mb, DirectX.    1/6
37039 NCAA99S.A01 3,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 demo 2/4
37040 NCAA99S.A02 3,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 demo 3/4
37041 NCAA99S.A03 2,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 demo 4/4
37042 NCAA99S.ARJ 3,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 demo. EA Sports. delivers the ultimate college atmosphere with all 112 teams and stadiums, authentic fight songs and chants, and all major conferences and championship games. Stunning 3-D players. Limited 2 minutes demo. Software "Sprite" version. Requires Windows 95, other req. unknown.       1/4
37043 NCGFX.ZIP 850 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Nightmare Creatures lisäkuvia 3D toiminta.
37044 NETSPICS.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
NetStorm screenshots Activision
37045 NFLBLIDE.A01 4,3 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
NFL Blitz demo 2/8
37046 NFLBLIDE.A02 4,3 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
NFL Blitz demo 3/8
37047 NFLBLIDE.A03 4,3 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
NFL Blitz demo 4/8
37048 NFLBLIDE.A04 4,3 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
NFL Blitz demo 5/8
37049 NFLBLIDE.A05 4,3 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
NFL Blitz demo 6/8
37050 NFLBLIDE.A06 4,3 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
NFL Blitz demo 7/8
37051 NFLBLIDE.A07 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
NFL Blitz demo 8/8
37052 NFLBLIDE.ARJ 4,3 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
"NFL Blitz demo. Midway. Sports - american football. This is like no football game youve ever seen before. It features bone-crunching tacklesspectacular catchesand secret plays. All in game-breaking 3D action. P16616MBWin95/98DirectX3Dfx or Direct3D card. SUPPORTS 3Dfx GlideDirect3D   1/8"
37053 NFS3BD2.A01 3,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit pre-beta demo. (2/5)
37054 NFS3BD2.A02 3,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit pre-beta demo. (3/5)
37055 NFS3BD2.A03 3,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit pre-beta demo. (4/5)
37056 NFS3BD2.A04 1,3 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit pre-beta demo. (5/5)
37057 NFS3BD2.ARJ 3,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
"Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit pre-beta demo 2. Racing game. Electronic Arts. Features include copsnight racingreal-time lighting modelsreflective maps on carstracks set in familiar locations30fps performanceand more. In this demo youre behind the wheel of a Chevrolet Corvette. Try to beat your rivals to the finish line or just make it there without getting pulled over! Windows 95Pentium16 MBDirectX. (1/5)"
37058 NFS3E398.ZIP 4,3 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. EA. Multiple new licensed supercars, 3-D enhanced graphics, fresh gameplay features for added excitement and a twist, a law enforcement team with multiple levels of aggression dedicated to stopping you and/or any speeders in hot pursuit mode. Dashboard views, downloadable supercars via the Internet, 3-D graphics support and multiplaye
37062 NH-E398.ZIP 548,3 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
NEWMAN/HAAS RACING: AN AMERICAN INDY CAR CHALLENGE E398 showpackage with info & screenshots.  Racing. Psygnosis.
37059 NH98EC97.ZIP 3,3 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
"NHL98 ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Electronic Arts"
37060 NH99E398.ZIP 777,8 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
NHL 99 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. EA Sports. Award-Winning NHL Interactive Hockey Series Features Bigger Bodychecks and Harder Shots. will deliver the most aggressive gameplay as well as the easiest pick-up and play capability in the industry
37061 NHAAS_ID.ZIP 3,2 Mt 12.11.1998 - 17119/TEKNO GAMES 1-1999 CD2.iso -
"Newman/Haas Racing demo - Psygnosis. Racing. To design the most powerful CART racing game to dateStudio 33 started with the PsygnosisFormula 1 enginestripped it downand totally rebuilt it specifically for CART. Accessibleintuitive and challenging. Windows 95Direct3D cardDirectX."
37063 NHL99DE.A01 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
NHL 99 demo 2/8
37064 NHL99DE.A02 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
NHL 99 demo 3/8
37065 NHL99DE.A03 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
NHL 99 demo 4/8
37066 NHL99DE.A04 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
NHL 99 demo 5/8
37067 NHL99DE.A05 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
NHL 99 demo 6/8
37068 NHL99DE.A06 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
NHL 99 demo 7/8
37069 NHL99DE.A07 3,1 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
NHL 99 demo 8/8
37070 NHL99DE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
NHL 99 demo from EA Sports. Sports/Ice hockey For the best hockey series out there, the beat goes on. Mix of updates, upgrades, and new features. Demo lets you play the Washington Capitals versus the Detroit Red Wings in one game (5 minute periods). P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX6 SUPPORTS Direct3D 3Dfx     1/8
37071 NIC_DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Nightmare Creatures demo 2/4
37072 NIC_DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Nightmare Creatures demo 3/4
37073 NIC_DEMO.A03 704,8 kt 09.04.1998 - - -
Nightmare Creatures demo 4/4
37074 NIC_DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Nightmare Creatures pl. demo from Kalisto/Activision. 3rd person action. Demons and monsters spawn in the streets of London in the 19th century.Wander the streets sewers, etc. of London fighting any creature you come across. P133 16 MB Win95 DirectX Supports Direct3D acceleration.  1/4
37086 NICE2DM.A01 2,4 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 Playable Demo SMALL version. (2/4)
37087 NICE2DM.A02 2,4 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 Playable Demo SMALL version. (3/4)
37088 NICE2DM.A03 1,5 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 Playable Demo SMALL version. (4/4)
37089 NICE2DM.ARJ 2,4 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 Playable Demo SMALL version Synetic/Magic Bytes Car racing game. This demo includes the Australian track and lets you drive the Lamborghini Diablo against 7 other computer controlled cars.. P100, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5 Supports 3D acceleration on 3Dfx, Matrox, PowerVR, ATI Rage, V2200, Riva 128 etc. Note: DEMO IN GERMAN. ENGLISH INSTRUCTIONS.
37075 NICE2DM2.A01 3,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 Playable Demo LARGE version. (2/6)
37076 NICE2DM2.A02 3,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 Playable Demo LARGE version. (3/6)
37077 NICE2DM2.A03 3,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 Playable Demo LARGE version. (4/6)
37078 NICE2DM2.A04 3,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 Playable Demo LARGE version. (5/6)
37079 NICE2DM2.A05 82,2 kt 10.05.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 Playable Demo LARGE version. (6/6)
37080 NICE2DM2.ARJ 3,9 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 Playable Demo LARGE version Synetic/Magic Bytes Car racing game. This demo includes the Australia, Arizona, and F1 Track Melbourne. You can drive the McLaren F1 LM, Jaguar E-Type, and Fiat 500 cars. P100, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5 Supports 3D acceleration on 3Dfx, Matrox, PowerVR, ATI Rage, V2200, Riva 128 etc. Note: DEMO IN GERMAN. ENGLISH INSTRUCTIONS.
37081 NICE2DM3.A01 4,8 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 - 3rd Playable Demo. (2/5)
37082 NICE2DM3.A02 4,8 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 - 3rd Playable Demo. (3/5)
37083 NICE2DM3.A03 4,8 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 - 3rd Playable Demo. (4/5)
37084 NICE2DM3.A04 3,9 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
N.I.C.E. 2 - 3rd Playable Demo. (5/5)
37085 NICE2DM3.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
"N.I.C.E. 2 - 3rd Playable Demo Synetic/Magic Bytes Car racing game. This demo includes AustralianArizonaEgypt and F1 Track Melbourne and lets you drive McLaren F1 LMDodge ViperAston Martin DB5 and CitroenEnte2CV. against 7 other computer controlled cars.. P10016MBWin95DirectX 5 Supports 3D acceleration on 3DfxMatroxPowerVRATI RageV2200Riva 128 etc. Note: GERMAN DEMO. ENGLISH INSTRUCTIONS."
37090 NIREC97.ZIP 724,4 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
BATTLEGROUND: NAPOLEON IN RUSSIA ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots Talonsoft/Empire After a series of indecisive battles and stea in front of the advancing French, the Russian Czar Alexan ised on the outskirts of Moscow itself, turned and faced  ne final desperate battle.
37091 NL98EC97.ZIP 1,8 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
"NBA Live98 ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Electronic Arts"
37092 NLDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Nightlong demo 2/8
37093 NLDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Nightlong demo 3/8
37094 NLDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Nightlong demo 4/8
37095 NLDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Nightlong demo 5/8
37096 NLDEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Nightlong demo 6/8
37097 NLDEMO.A06 3,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Nightlong demo 7/8
37098 NLDEMO.A07 928,4 kt 25.10.1998 - - -
Nightlong demo 8/8
37099 NLDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
"Nightlong Demo from Team 17. 1/8 Adventure. Graphically stunning pointnclick adventure. Year is 2099world is a markedly different place. And in United States capital capital Union Cityall is not well. Futuristic tale of espionate and deceuita soty of corruption and conspiracy. Windows 95P10016 MBDirectX5"
37100 NLONE398.ZIP 1,7 Mt 20.07.1998 - - -
Nightlong E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Team 17. graphically stunning point and click adventure, set across five intricate levels and featuring a myriad of locations to explore. The locations are superbly crafted in SVGA and simply ooze the cyberpunk atmosphere of a dark technological future which has to be seen to be believed.
37101 NOVSEC98.ZIP 3,3 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
North vs. South ECTS98 showpackage with press releses & screenshots. Imagic. Challenging Civil War Game Covers Battles in the Eastern United States
37102 O2EC97.ZIP 1,3 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Outpost 2 ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots. Sierra. Real time resource and combat management
37103 ODDWPICS.ZIP 78,6 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
"Abes Oddysee screenshots Created by Oddworld Inhabitants Published by GT Interactive"
37104 ODTDEMO2.A01 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Escape ODT demo 2/5
37105 ODTDEMO2.A02 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Escape ODT demo 3/5
37106 ODTDEMO2.A03 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Escape ODT demo 4/5
37107 ODTDEMO2.A04 2,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Escape ODT demo 5/5
37108 ODTDEMO2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Escape ODT NEW demo from Psygnosis. 3D action/platform. Disease is rampantcity of Calli is dyingand no modern medicines can help. Find the curing pearlescapeOr Die Trying. This is the basic setting for Psygnosisnew action/adventure game. Win95/98 P120 16MB DirectX Supports Direct3D3DfxForce Feedback"
37109 ODTE398.ZIP 647,8 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
"O.D.T. E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. Mysteryintrigueand the ultimate combat challenge awaits you in Psygnosisnew action/adventure game. adrenaline-pumpingfright-filled 3D."
37110 OPARTWAR.ZIP 5 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
The Operational Art Of War - TalonSoft and Norm Koger join forces! Bringing you the greatest operational level wargame experience to ever hit your PC. Gives the user the ability to create virtually any battle of any war that occurred between 1939 and 1955. The game scale can range from individual companies of men (about 120) to whole Corps (40,000 men & equipment). screenshots & information.
37111 OUTCEC97.ZIP 893,7 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
Outcast ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ocean. Action / Adventure game
37112 OUTCPICS.ZIP 919,1 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Outcast screenshots from Appeal/Infogrames
37113 OUTWRSI.ZIP 450,2 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Outwars screenshots & info. Action from Microsoft.
37114 OVERPICS.ZIP 395,8 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Tex Murphy: Overseer screenshots Adventure  Created by Access Software
37115 OWTRIAL.A01 3,3 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Outwars TRIAL 2/7
37116 OWTRIAL.A02 3,3 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Outwars TRIAL 3/7
37117 OWTRIAL.A03 3,3 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Outwars TRIAL 4/7
37118 OWTRIAL.A04 3,3 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Outwars TRIAL 5/7
37119 OWTRIAL.A05 3,3 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Outwars TRIAL 6/7
37120 OWTRIAL.A06 718,6 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Outwars TRIAL 7/7
37121 OWTRIAL.ARJ 3,3 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Outwars TRIAL version - pl. demo 1/7 SingleTrac/Microsoft 3D action & strategy Grandest world-scope to date, with massive outdoor levels and exotic scenery. Control group of jump-jet equipped soldiers. Engage in brutal aerial duels with bristling arsenal of mechanized combat armor. Full multiplayer support link/modem/network/Internet for 8 players. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX. Supports 3Dfx, Direct 3D
37122 P31-EC97.ZIP 5,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Populous 3 ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Electronic Arts. A multiplayer resurrection of the worlds gre"
37123 P32-EC97.ZIP 3,9 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Populous 3 ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Electronic Arts. A multiplayer resurrection of the worlds gre"
37124 P33-EC97.ZIP 5,6 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Populous 3 ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Electronic Arts. A multiplayer resurrection of the worlds gre"
37125 PAELE398.ZIP 626,5 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
"Panzer Elite E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. Gritty realism of war and captivating game-play in Panzer Elitethe companys first tank simulation offering. Rich in historical detailfeaturing highly detailed 3D graphicsdynamic campaign structurescomprehensive battle planning systemsand representative World War II battle scenarios."
37126 PAN2PICS.ZIP 3,1 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Pandemonium 2 screenshots & info. BMG. the mould-breaking three-dimensional platform.
37127 PAZCDEM2.A01 3,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Panzer Commander updated demo 2/6
37128 PAZCDEM2.A02 3,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Panzer Commander updated demo 3/6
37129 PAZCDEM2.A03 3,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Panzer Commander updated demo 4/6
37130 PAZCDEM2.A04 3,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Panzer Commander updated demo 5/6
37131 PAZCDEM2.A05 683,6 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
Panzer COmmander updated demo 6/6
37132 PAZCDEM2.ARJ 3,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Panzer Commander UPDATED Playable Demo SSI Comprehensive WWII tank simulator in which the player is given the task of driving a WWII-vintage German, Russian, British or American tanks in a variety of combat scenarios and campaigns through the war. Win95, P133, 16 Mt, 2 Mt SVGA, DirectX 3D acceleration supported - Direct 3D.  1/6
37133 PBOAT.A01 3,8 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Powerboat Racing demo 2/6
37134 PBOAT.A02 3,8 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Powerboat Racing demo 3/6
37135 PBOAT.A03 3,8 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Powerboat Racing demo 4/6
37136 PBOAT.A04 3,8 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Powerboat Racing demo 5/6
37137 PBOAT.A05 2,4 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Powerboat Racing demo 6/6
37138 PBOAT.ARJ 3,8 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Powerboat Racing pl. demo from VR Sports Strap in and throttle up as you whip through in immersive powerboat racing game. Jump over roadways and through passing convoys or speed between oil tankers before they close off the track and turn your boat into splinters. Find shortcut and take the lead, or force your opponent into river barge at 200 miles. P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5. Supports Direct3D.
37143 PCDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy demo 2/8
37144 PCDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy demo 3/8
37145 PCDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy demo 4/8
37146 PCDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy demo 5/8
37147 PCDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy demo 6/8
37148 PCDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy demo 7/8
37149 PCDEMO.A07 4,1 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy demo 8/8
37150 PCDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy Playable Demo 1/8 Inner Workings/Europress Tired of racing on the roads? Then take to the skies - a soaring aerial speed-fest in which only most daring and courageous pilots will win! Fantastic twist on traditional racing genre, offering a breakneck turn of speed, range of daredevil stunts and dash of wacky humor! Gameplay limited to 90 secs a race. P166, 16MB, Win95, DX5, supports 3D / Direct3D.
37139 PCDEMO2.A01 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy NEW demo 2/4
37140 PCDEMO2.A02 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy NEW demo 3/4
37141 PCDEMO2.A03 3,7 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy NEW demo 4/4
37142 PCDEMO2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy NEW demo. 1/4 Inner Workings/Europress Tired of racing on the roads? Then take to the skies - soaring aerial 3D speed-fest where only most daring and courageous pilots will win! Fantastic twist on traditional racing genre, offering a breakneck turn of speed, range of daredevil stunts and dash of wacky humor! Gameplay limited to 90 secs a race. New demo has single & multiplayer on LAN, TCP/IP and heat.net P166, 16MB, Win95, DX5, supports 3D accleration though Direct3D and 3DFX.
37151 PCRAZGFX.ZIP 969,1 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Plane Crazy lisäkuvia 3D lentely/ralli. Europress.
37152 PCZOMPIC.ZIP 314,8 kt 05.01.1998 - - -
Panzer Commander info & screenshots. The Armored Combat Simulator-  immersive 3D b simulator in which the player is given the ta of driving a WWII-vintage Panzer or Allied ta in a variety of combat scenarios. SSI.
37153 PFA-E398.ZIP 618,6 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
"PFA Soccer Manager E398 showpackage with screenshots & info. Psygnosis. be the manager of your favourite club and to pit your wits against the other managers in the UKs top divisions."
37154 PGLDPICS.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
POD Gold screenshots from Ubi Soft
37155 PGPPICS.ZIP 4,5 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Prost Grand Prix screenshotteja. Rallipeli.
37156 PHOEE398.ZIP 296,3 kt 20.07.1998 - - -
"Phoenix E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Team 17. 3D shootem up for PC Win 95(r) and NT(r)set in a troubled galaxy in the not-too-distant future. High-spec 3D software enginelooks accelerated even when its not! * Real time Phong lightingbump-mapping and specular-mapping in software * Multiple directional lightsources"
37157 PHOTEX2P.ZIP 367,2 kt 02.02.1998 - - -
Monster Truck Madness II Photex2 graphics engine demoscreenshots.
37158 PILGE398.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Pilgrim E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Infogrames. Adventure.
37159 PIT3PICS.ZIP 3,2 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Pitfall 3D screenshots Activision
37160 POP3DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Populous: The Beginning demo 2/5
37161 POP3DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Populous: The Beginning demo 3/5
37162 POP3DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Populous: The Beginning demo 4/5
37163 POP3DEMO.A04 3 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Populous: The Beginning demo 5/5
37164 POP3DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
Populous: The Beginning demo from Bullfrog/ Electronic Arts. God/action game. Conquer 5 worlds and 25 levels. Achieve your destiny - become a god! Play against up to three enemy Shamen. Incredible spells such as Erode, Volcano and the Angel of Death. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX 6    1/5
37165 POW-E398.ZIP 3,5 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Powerslide E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. GTi. fastest and most sophisticated off-road driving game ever seen on the PC. Richer graphics, faster graphics and better handling and dynamics than any other racing game available on the market.
37166 POW-EC98.ZIP 4,7 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Powerslide ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. GTi. fastest and most sophisticated off-road driving game ever seen on the PC. Richer graphics, faster graphics and better handling and dynamics than any other racing game available on the market.
37167 POWS046H.A01 1,4 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Powerslide updated demo. 2/5
37168 POWS046H.A02 1,4 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Powerslide updated demo. 3/5
37169 POWS046H.A03 1,4 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Powerslide updated demo. 4/5
37170 POWS046H.A04 206,1 kt 14.10.1998 - - -
Powerslide updated demo. 5/5
37171 POWS046H.ARJ 1,4 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
"Powerslide updated demo from Ratbag/ GT Interactive Racing. Extreme off-road racing. Its dangerousits illegalit kicks butt. Very fast very action filled racing in the future after an environmental holocaust. Demo supports multiplayer IPX & TCP/IP P16616MBWin95/98DirectX Direct3D3DfxForce Feedback   1/5"
37172 PP98E398.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Sierra Propilot98 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Flying simulation. Dynamix/Sierra."
37173 PP98EC97.ZIP 900,3 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
"NHL Powerplay98 ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Virgin. Ice hockey. realistic recreation of a game that  requiresskillspeed  and  courage."
37174 PPLGDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Peoples General demo 2/6"
37175 PPLGDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Peoples General demo 3/6"
37176 PPLGDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Peoples General demo 4/6"
37177 PPLGDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Peoples General demo 5/6"
37178 PPLGDEMO.A05 1,7 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Peoples General demo 6/6"
37179 PPLGDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Peoples General demo from SSI. Turn based easy strategy. Based on Living Battlefield engine from Panzer General IIthis game takes speculative look at the Eastern Hemisphere in the year 2005. USA & Soviet Union vs China. Armies of 19 different nations are available. Armies will feature hypothetical prototype weaponry based on extensive research of each nations military development schedules. P16632MBWin95DirectX LIMITED 2 TURN DEMO.    1/6"
37180 PQS2.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Police Quest: SWAT 2 ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots. Sierra. Action / Real-time strategy This real-time follow-up to Police Quest: SWA  once more into a dangerous world of emergency situation citement of a real action game combined with quality tactic s.
37181 PREYEC97.ZIP 3,5 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Prey ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. GTI. The most intense gameplay ever experienced!
37182 PROBOD2.A01 4,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
X Games Pro Boarder 2nd demo 2/9
37183 PROBOD2.A02 4,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
X Games Pro Boarder 2nd demo 3/9
37184 PROBOD2.A03 4,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
X Games Pro Boarder 2nd demo 4/9
37185 PROBOD2.A04 4,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
X Games Pro Boarder 2nd demo 5/9
37186 PROBOD2.A05 4,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
X Games Pro Boarder 2nd demo 6/9
37187 PROBOD2.A06 4,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
X Games Pro Boarder 2nd demo 7/9
37188 PROBOD2.A07 4,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
X Games Pro Boarder 2nd demo 8/9
37189 PROBOD2.A08 1,2 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
X Games Pro Boarder 2nd demo 9/9
37190 PROBOD2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
"X Games Pro Boarder 2nd demo Electronic Arts Sports / snowboarding. Delivers worlds best snowboardersnine intense levels2112 trick combinationsa slamminsoundtrack with Foo FightersRancidand NOFXand full freedom 3D to let you ride the whole mountain. Why be a poser when you can be a pro? demo has link modem IPX TCP/IP multiplayer Windows 95 P166 32 MB 2MB PCI DirectX5 Supports Direct3D & MMX       1/9"
37191 PROSE398.ZIP 2 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Prost Grand Prix 98 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Infogrames. first and foremost a car racing simulation program for anyone who has racing in their blood.
37192 PROSTGPD.A01 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Prost Grand Prix E398 demo. (2/7)
37193 PROSTGPD.A02 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Prost Grand Prix E398 demo. (3/7)
37194 PROSTGPD.A03 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Prost Grand Prix E398 demo. (4/7)
37195 PROSTGPD.A04 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Prost Grand Prix E398 demo. (5/7)
37196 PROSTGPD.A05 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Prost Grand Prix E398 demo. (6/7)
37197 PROSTGPD.A06 4,6 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Prost Grand Prix E398 demo. (7/7)
37198 PROSTGPD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Prost Grand Prix E398 demo from Canal+ Multimedia. Formula 1 racing game. This demo features the Monaco track. Requires DOS or Windows95, Pentium. Supports 3Dfx accelerators.
37200 PS-EC98.ZIP 4,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Pizza Syndicate ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Software 2000. Build a pizza empire!
37199 PSCRE398.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
"Professional Sports Car Racing E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Virgin. fast drivingintensely competitive Grand Touring racing simulation game. For the players driving pleasureall of the dream cars racing in the 1998 season of the Professional SportsCar championship will be authentically re-created including the internationally famous Panoz Esperante."
37201 PSY-E398.ZIP 347,1 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Psybadek E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. stylish combo of traditional platform trickery and `board\'-inspired, catch-some-air thrills, is an adrenaline rush for the senses that will inspire gamers to the point of obsession as they learn the skills that\'ll take them to higher levels of Psybadek addiction. Grab your "dek" and perform the ultimate in surfing style and skill
37202 PWLOEC97.ZIP 761,7 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
BATTLEGROUND: PRELUDE TO WATERLOO ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots info Talonsoft/Empire delivers the twin battles of Ligny and Quatre ays preceding the epic struggle at Waterloo!
37203 Q23DPICS.ZIP 493,8 kt 20.01.1998 - - -
Quake II 3Dfx screenshots Activision
37204 Q2DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Quake II demo 2/8
37205 Q2DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Quake II demo 3/8
37206 Q2DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Quake II demo 4/8
37207 Q2DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Quake II demo 5/8
37208 Q2DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Quake II demo 6/8
37209 Q2DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Quake II demo 7/8
37210 Q2DEMO.A07 3,8 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Quake II demo 8/8
37211 Q2DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Quake II Playable Demo id Software/Activision Official demo of the most famed 3D action game of 1997/1998. Includes single player, deathmatch, and co-operative gameplay Windows 95/NT4.0, P90, DirectX, 16MB. Supports 3D accelerators through OpenGL (GLQuake II) 1/8
37212 Q2MPAVI.A01 2,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Quake 2 Mission Pack AVI 2/4
37213 Q2MPAVI.A02 2,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Quake 2 Mission Pack AVI 3/4
37214 Q2MPAVI.A03 1,4 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Quake 2 Mission Pack AVI 4/4
37215 QC98EC97.ZIP 7,9 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
"NFL Quarterback Club98 ECTS97 screenshots Acclaim"
37216 QFG5EC97.ZIP 1,7 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
"Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots. Sierra. Role-playing Adventure From Mediterranean islands to the Lost City o ull be swept along in the spectacular 3D scenery of this f n the Quest for Glory series! Wend your way through devil encounter the most amazing battles."
37217 QUEENDMO.A01 4,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Queen: The Eye demo 2/9
37218 QUEENDMO.A02 4,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Queen: The Eye demo 3/9
37219 QUEENDMO.A03 4,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Queen: The Eye demo 4/9
37220 QUEENDMO.A04 4,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Queen: The Eye demo 5/9
37221 QUEENDMO.A05 4,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Queen: The Eye demo 6/9
37222 QUEENDMO.A06 4,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Queen: The Eye demo 7/9
37223 QUEENDMO.A07 4,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Queen: The Eye demo 8/9
37224 QUEENDMO.A08 2,6 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Queen: The Eye demo 9/9
37225 QUEENDMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Queen: The Eye demo from Electronic Arts 3D third person action. You must escape, stop the Eye and his minions, and release the power of the music! Full game features musics by the band The Queen. Action & combat & some adventure against evil opponents. DOS/Win95 P90 16 MB  1/9
37226 RA95DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Red Alert demo 2/7
37227 RA95DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Red Alert demo 3/7
37228 RA95DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Red Alert demo 4/7
37229 RA95DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Red Alert demo 5/7
37230 RA95DEMO.A05 3,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Red Alert demo 6/7
37231 RA95DEMO.A06 2,9 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Red Alert demo 7/7
37232 RA95DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert Playable Demo Westwood Studios World War II never happened. At least, not the way we think of it. Hitler never rose to power and threatened all of Europe - something more terrible happened: Joseph Stalin. Soviet empire is storming into Europe. Towns are falling and countries collapsing before the overwhelming might of the Soviet forces. Does anyone stand chance? Real time strategy. P60, 8MB, Win95, DirectX
37233 RAGEMAGE.A01 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Rage of Mages demo 2/9
37234 RAGEMAGE.A02 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Rage of Mages demo 3/9
37235 RAGEMAGE.A03 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Rage of Mages demo 4/9
37236 RAGEMAGE.A04 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Rage of Mages demo 5/9
37237 RAGEMAGE.A05 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Rage of Mages demo 6/9
37238 RAGEMAGE.A06 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Rage of Mages demo 7/9
37239 RAGEMAGE.A07 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Rage of Mages demo 8/9
37240 RAGEMAGE.A08 1,5 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Rage of Mages demo 9/9
37241 RAGEMAGE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Rage of Mages demo v1.01 from Monolith. 1/9 RPG/Adventure - top viewed. Unique new RPG. In its homeland title captured the attention of wide fan base. Game synthesizes a serious, hardwood RPG sense of character development and story with the versatile, familiar engine feel of a real-time strategy game. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX
37243 RB2-MP2.A01 4,8 Mt 02.12.1998 - - -
Red Baron II 3D demo 2/6
37244 RB2-MP2.A02 4,8 Mt 02.12.1998 - - -
Red Baron II 3D demo 3/6
37245 RB2-MP2.A03 4,8 Mt 02.12.1998 - - -
Red Baron II 3D demo 4/6
37246 RB2-MP2.A04 4,8 Mt 02.12.1998 - - -
Red Baron II 3D demo 5/6
37247 RB2-MP2.A05 2,6 Mt 02.12.1998 - - -
Red Baron II 3D demo 6/6
37248 RB2-MP2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.12.1998 - - -
"Red Baron II 3D demo v1.0.7.7 demo. Dynamix/ Sierra. WW1 Flight Simulation. Experience excitement of World War I air combat against human players across the room or across the world. Demo includes both single player play and full multiplayer support with linkmodemnetwork and Internet. In-built WON.NET server supportfind opponents from Sierras free server. P13332MBWin95/98DirectX Supports 3Dfx.          1/6"
37242 RB2EC97.ZIP 2,4 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Red Baron II ECTS97 pack with info & screenshots. Sierra. Historical WWI Flight simulation Relive the era when the knights of the sky ro ood and fabric.
37249 RB2PICS.ZIP 764,9 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Red Baron kuvakaappauksia. Sierra.
37250 RCPICS.ZIP 799,7 kt 02.02.1998 - - -
UltraCorps screenshots & wallpapers. Internet multiplayer space strategy. VR1.
37251 RCSSE398.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
R/C Stunt Copter E398 showpackage with screenshots & info. Shiny Entertainment. Radio controllable helicopter game / simulation.
37252 RECOE398.ZIP 5,1 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
"Recoil E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Virgin.futuristic action shooter that challenges players to overcome the forces of a power-hungry computer network in a vehicle that morphs from a rapid-motion tank to a hovercraftto amphibious war machine to a submersible--all in the players choice of first or third person perspective."
37253 RECOIL2.A01 4,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Recoil demo 2/6
37254 RECOIL2.A02 4,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Recoil demo 3/6
37255 RECOIL2.A03 4,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Recoil demo 4/6
37256 RECOIL2.A04 4,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Recoil demo 5/6
37257 RECOIL2.A05 4,1 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Recoil demo 6/6
37258 RECOIL2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Recoil demo. Virgin. 3D shooting action. 1/6 players are transported to a futuristic 3D world to drive state-of-the-art carbon fiber tank where fast shooting and fast thinking are required. Control tank of unprecedented agility, speed, and the ability to navigate swiftly among the different environments. Find additional technologies for the vehicle, use hovering capabilities, morph into an amphibious vehicle to glide across water etc P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supports 3D.
37259 REDGDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
The Elder Scrolls: Redguard demo 2/8
37260 REDGDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
The Elder Scrolls: Redguard demo 3/8
37261 REDGDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
The Elder Scrolls: Redguard demo 4/8
37262 REDGDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
The Elder Scrolls: Redguard demo 5/8
37263 REDGDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
The Elder Scrolls: Redguard demo 6/8
37264 REDGDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
The Elder Scrolls: Redguard demo 7/8
37265 REDGDEMO.A07 1,9 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
The Elder Scrolls: Redguard demo 8/8
37266 REDGDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
The Elder Scrolls: Redguard demo. Bethesda Softworks. 3D adventure. Will take the industry and flip it upside down, redefining the term interactive, offering a unique combination of gameplay, dialogue, action, and adventure. Windows 95 & 3Dfx Voodoo 3D accelerator.   1/8
37267 REDLINED.A01 1,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Redline Racer demo 2/7
37268 REDLINED.A02 1,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Redline Racer demo 3/7
37269 REDLINED.A03 1,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Redline Racer demo 4/7
37270 REDLINED.A04 1,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Redline Racer demo 5/7
37271 REDLINED.A05 1,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Redline Racer demo 6/7
37272 REDLINED.A06 623,1 kt 17.03.1998 - - -
Redline Racer demo 7/7
37273 REDLINED.ARJ 1,4 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Redline Racer Playable Demo 1/7 Criterion Studios/Ubi Soft Motorcycle racing game. This demo lets you choose from 2 bikes and race them on the circuit called Tudor Hill Demo runs for 15 minutes P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5. REQUIRES Direct3D compliant or 3Dfx card
37274 REDLPICS.ZIP 225,9 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Redline screenshots Ubi Soft
37275 RESIEC97.ZIP 4,3 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Resident Evil ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Virgin. sends PC gamers on a spine-chilling mission i ific house of terror -- Resident EvilÖ. Players will encoun e nightmare as they dodge acid-spitting zombies, fight of and piece together the puzzles that will free them from d with the
37276 REVEE398.ZIP 1,7 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Revenant E398 press release & screenshots. Cinematix/Eidos. new dark fantasy role playing game (RPG) that immerses gamers into a visually stunning and challenging environment. With breathtaking 65,000 color graphics, fully animated 3D characters, true light sourcing and coloring in Direct 3D, Revenant is by far the most realistic and detailed RPG to date.
37277 RF23DFX.ZIP 4,8 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Return Fire 2 demo 3Dfx accelerated. Ripcord Games. Command a number of different combat vehicles in 3D shootemupfighting against enemy that will you in the airby landand by sea Infiltrate your enemys baseslocate the hidden flagand return to your base unharmed. Supports full multiplayer through link/modem/network/Internet for 4 pl. Requires Windows 95very fast Pentium or P2DirectX 3Dfx-card"
37278 RF2D3D.ZIP 5 Mt 03.09.1998 - MBCD -
"Return Fire 2 demo software accelerated. Ripcord Games. Command a number of different combat vehicles in 3D shootemupfighting against enemy that will you in the airby landand by sea Infiltrate your enemys baseslocate the hidden flagand return to your base unharmed. Supports full multiplayer through link/modem/network/Internet for 4 pl. Requires Windows 95very fast Pentium or P2DirectX."
37279 RISINGGB.A01 2,9 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Rising Lands demo 2/6
37280 RISINGGB.A02 2,9 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Rising Lands demo 3/6
37281 RISINGGB.A03 2,9 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Rising Lands demo 4/6
37282 RISINGGB.A04 2,9 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Rising Lands demo 5/6
37283 RISINGGB.A05 2 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Rising Lands demo 6/6
37284 RISINGGB.ARJ 2,9 Mt 10.03.1998 - - -
Rising Lands Playable Demo by Microids. After the Apocalypse, living a daily fight for survival. Players (1 to 4 via network) manages resources and territory to build camps, cities using different structures, protect mankind from extinction and to best defend or attack themselves against invading armies. Real-time strategy. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX       1/6
37285 ROBOBAST.A01 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Robosaurs versus Space Bastards! demo 2/8
37286 ROBOBAST.A02 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Robosaurs versus Space Bastards! demo 3/8
37287 ROBOBAST.A03 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Robosaurs versus Space Bastards! demo 4/8
37288 ROBOBAST.A04 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Robosaurs versus Space Bastards! demo 5/8
37289 ROBOBAST.A05 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Robosaurs versus Space Bastards! demo 6/8
37290 ROBOBAST.A06 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Robosaurs versus Space Bastards! demo 7/8
37291 ROBOBAST.A07 2,5 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Robosaurs versus Space Bastards! demo 8/8
37292 ROBOBAST.ARJ 3,8 Mt 14.10.1998 - - -
Robosaurs versus Space Bastards! demo 1/8 Arcade/platform/action. Revolutionary game that takes best elements of racing games, flight simulators, and beat-em-ups, and does something else entirely. In order to finish a level; you must first kill all the Bastards! This may involve moving crates, blowing shit up, leaping off tall stuff. Windows 95/98, DirectX5, P90, 16 MB,
37293 ROGUEDEM.A01 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - MBCD -
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron demo 2/6
37294 ROGUEDEM.A02 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - MBCD -
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron demo 3/6
37295 ROGUEDEM.A03 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - MBCD -
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron demo 4/6
37296 ROGUEDEM.A04 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - MBCD -
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron demo 5/6
37297 ROGUEDEM.A05 1,7 Mt 10.12.1998 - MBCD -
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron demo 6/6
37298 ROGUEDEM.ARJ 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - MBCD -
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron demo. Lucasarts. 3D arcade/combat. Takes place between Star Wars: A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. Fly X-Wings and other crafts on missions which will range from rescue and reconnaissance to search-and-destroy and more Air-to-air dogfights and air-to-ground combat over the far-flung planets of the Star Wars universe. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX 6, Direct3D OR 3Dfx 3D-card. Supports force feedback.  1/6
37299 RRDEMO3.A01 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
RoboRumble 3rd demo 2/9
37300 RRDEMO3.A02 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
RoboRumble 3rd demo 3/9
37301 RRDEMO3.A03 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
RoboRumble 3rd demo 4/9
37302 RRDEMO3.A04 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
RoboRumble 3rd demo 5/9
37303 RRDEMO3.A05 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
RoboRumble 3rd demo 6/9
37304 RRDEMO3.A06 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
RoboRumble 3rd demo 7/9
37305 RRDEMO3.A07 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
RoboRumble 3rd demo 8/9
37306 RRDEMO3.A08 1,3 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
RoroRumble 3rd demo 9/9
37307 RRDEMO3.ARJ 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"RoboRumble 3rd demo from TopWare. Real-time 3D strategy game with single and multiplayer modes (up to 4 players). Plot is based on a battlefield competition between two leading arms manufacturers. Winner will be awarded a contract from the Earths government to supply the weaponry for an impending war with hostile Aliens. This 3rd demo has 2 player multiplayer over TCP/IP and four levels. P9016MBWin95DirectX     1/9"
37308 RRT2EC98.ZIP 5,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Gathering of Developers. The sequel to the legendary Railroad Tycoon, RRT2 puts gamers in control of more than 34 cargo and 51 train engines from around the world. Players can span the ages from 1804 to beyond 2000 while establishing transportation empires and outmaneuvering fellow robber barons.
37309 RSQUE398.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Rogue Squadron E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Lucasarts. intense action-arcade experience through thrilling planetary ground-to-air and air-to-air battle scenarios. LucasArts builds on its strong series of Star Wars action-based games.
37310 RTK-E398.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Return To Krondor E398 showpackage with screenshots & info. Adventure. Sierra. highly anticipated sequel to the best selling RPG of all timeBetrayal at Krondor. It is set in Raymond E. Feists world of Midkemiaand will offer many of the key RPG elements found in the original while simultaneously incorporating the latest gaming technology."
37311 RTMPICS.ZIP 1,5 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Road To Moscow screenshots. Operational level WW2 strategy game, eastern Front.
37312 RUSHE398.ZIP 1,4 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
"Rushdown E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Infogrames/Canal+ Experience high-speed thrills on snow-boardkayak and mountain bike in a wide variety of locations over five continents. Theres no time to lose: you race against the clock and test your limits."
37313 RUTHDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
"Tom Clancys ruthless.com demo 2/4"
37314 RUTHDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
"Tom Clancys ruthless.com demo 3/4"
37315 RUTHDEMO.A03 1,6 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
"Tom Clancys ruthless.com demo 4/4"
37316 RUTHDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
"Tom Clancys ruthless.com demo. From Redstorm Entertainment. Strategy/business. second game of the Power Plays seriesis a bitter contest of economic growth and conquest set the high-stakes world of modern corporate raiding. It combines the crushing grip of business expansion with the rapier strikes of deceitdirty tricksand outright crime. Requires Windows 95.    1/4"
37317 RW-E398.ZIP 2,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Raider Wars E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Internet multiplayer online space combat game. Imagic Online. immersive, action-filled on-line experience where players will pit their combat skills against hundreds of real, human opponents around the world in a fantastic extraterrestrial environment. Space combat was never as involving before the arrival of Raider Wars.
37318 S3-EC98.ZIP 7,3 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Settlers III ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Blue Byte.
37319 S97EC97.ZIP 4,3 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
"Siege97 ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots. Telstar."
37320 SABREC97.ZIP 3,5 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Virgin. put yourself behind the controls of t  YAK-9, the F-51 Mustang, the F-80 Shooting Star and the  l of which saw plenty  of action in Korea itself during 
37321 SABREGFX.ZIP 597 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Sabre Ace PC-lisäkuvia lentosimulaattori Virgin
37322 SAFDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
SimSafari demo 2/5
37323 SAFDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
SimSafari demo 3/5
37324 SAFDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
SimSafari demo 4/5
37325 SAFDEMO.A04 774,9 kt 11.03.1998 - - -
SimSafari demo 5/5
37326 SAFDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
SimSafari Playable Demo Maxis brings Africa to you! Imagine yourself in rugged bush country, peering through binoculars at vast herds of elephants, zebras and lions. Choose from exotic plants and wildlife to create your own safari park. Team with a neighboring village and build a flourishing safari camp. Even tackle wild missions! For ages 8+. 486/66, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
37327 SANDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 2/15
37328 SANDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 3/15
37329 SANDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 4/15
37330 SANDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 5/15
37331 SANDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 6/15
37332 SANDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 7/15
37333 SANDEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 8/15
37334 SANDEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 9/15
37335 SANDEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 10/15
37336 SANDEMO.A10 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 11/15
37337 SANDEMO.A11 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 12/15
37338 SANDEMO.A12 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 13/15
37339 SANDEMO.A13 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 14/15
37340 SANDEMO.A14 590,9 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo 15/15
37341 SANDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sanitarium demo From DreamForge/ASC 1/15 After a car crash you find yourself... from ... A madhouse... Vague memories assault you, a phone call, message of utmost importance, car losing control... In the background, you hear people screaming, sobbing, laughing maniacally. Is it a nightmare? Are you insane? Is it reality? Maybe this is death. Amazing looking adventure of horrors. http://www.ascgames.com P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX.
37342 SANIPREV.ZIP 460,7 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Sanitarium preview with screenshots Created by Dreamforge Distributed by ASC Games
37343 SAW160.ZIP 4,5 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Solders At War 160x120 Preview AVI World War 2 squad level combat SSI
37344 SAWGFX.ZIP 2,3 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Soldiers At War lisäkuvia. Strategia. SSI.
37346 SAWPICS.ZIP 373,5 kt 05.01.1998 - - -
Soldiers At War info & screenshots. Isometric turn based combat game of WW2. Walk, jump, kneel, crawl, use your flame-thrower, fire your bazooka, crawl in disabled tanks and use their machine guns, throw grenades, kick in doors, fight house to house in devastated citities etc. SSI.
37345 SAWPICS2.ZIP 361,7 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Solders At War screenshots World War 2 squad level combat SSI
37347 SBIKE398.ZIP 798,3 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
"Superbikes E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Virgin. Capitalizing on the popularity of one of the fastest growing international motor sportsSpelling Entertainments Virgin Interactive proudly announces the release of the only officially licensed Superbike simulation gamesSuperbike World Championship Series."
37348 SBMDE398.ZIP 806,8 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Space Bunnies Must Die E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Take 2. Challenges players to defend the planet from an ever-multiplying hare horde using the action heroics and weapon prowess of the gun-slinging Alison. The results are far from cute and cuddly as players blast their way through a bizarre nightmare laden with wild west worlds, freaky mutant creatures, and an unyielding combat design.
37349 SC3KE398.ZIP 2,6 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
SimCity 3000 E398 screenshots. Maxis.
37350 SCARSDE3.A01 2,9 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
S.C.A.R.S. demo 2/3
37351 SCARSDE3.A02 758,9 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
S.C.A.R.S. demo 3/3
37352 SCARSDE3.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
"S.C.A.R.S. 3rd demo by Vivid Image/Ubi Soft Like blowing things up? Love sheer speed? Combines toughest future cars with biggest guns for explosive arcade style racing. Whiplash action and killer graphics provides gripping replayability. Nine trackscompletely unique environments and alternative routes keep the pace frantic. Real time light effects let you see the terror in your opponents face. Win95 P166 16MB 3Dfx or Direct3D        1/3"
37353 SCDELUXE.A01 2,9 Mt 21.05.1998 - - -
Star Command Deluxe demo 2/4
37354 SCDELUXE.A02 2,9 Mt 21.05.1998 - - -
Star Command Deluxe demo 3/4
37355 SCDELUXE.A03 1,3 Mt 21.05.1998 - - -
Star Command Deluxe demo 4/4
37356 SCDELUXE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 21.05.1998 - - -
Star Command Deluxe demo The Most Strategic Real-Time Strategy Game Space combat & strategy. Single & multiplayer over Internet with central game opponent finding server - DEMO includes internet play! 64 different types of starships and buildings, 4 races, Win95 P90 16 MB 1 MB video. MDI. 1/4
37357 SCOMEC98.ZIP 5,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Shadow Company ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. IMagic. Realtime Tactical Combat game with personality. lead your group of mercenaries through a non-linear campaign of missions.
37358 SCRFDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Starcraft ShareWare demo 2/6
37359 SCRFDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Starcraft ShareWare demo 3/6
37360 SCRFDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Starcraft ShareWare demo 4/6
37361 SCRFDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Starcraft ShareWare demo 5/6
37362 SCRFDEMO.A05 4,1 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Starcraft ShareWare demo 6/6
37363 SCRFDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 28.06.1998 - - -
Starcraft ShareWare demo. Blizzard. Real-time strategy. Three races fight in distant future about survival. As the military leader for your species, you must gather the resources you need to train and expand your military and lead them to victory. Demo has full multiplayer support with link/modem/ipx and tcp/ip Internet for 2-8 players. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX      1/6
37364 SCRREC97.ZIP 2,5 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Screamer Rally ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Virgin. the most exciting and enjoyable driving game  the PC. At least it was. Now Screamer Rally is racing in th new cars, new tracks and, crucially, even more speed. A , in-built hardware acceleration and improved AI also en y gives
37365 SDOEE398.ZIP 762,1 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Fighter Squadron: Screaming Demons Over Europe E398 screenshots. Flight simulation. WW2. Activision.
37366 SDYNMP.A01 3 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Shanghai: Dynasty demo multiplay 2/3
37367 SDYNMP.A02 2,7 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Shanghai: Dynasty demo multiplay 3/3
37368 SDYNMP.ARJ 3 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Shanghai: Dynasty Playable Demo Activision Multi player & Internet play components.1/3
37369 SDYNSP.A01 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Shanghai: Dynasty demo 2/3
37370 SDYNSP.A02 2,6 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Shanghai: Dynasty demo 3/3
37371 SDYNSP.ARJ 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Shanghai: Dynasty Playable Demo Activision Best-selling Shanghai family of puzzle games gains another member - new era of tile matching excitement. Delivering single- and multiplayer puzzlers, the game features four Shanghai games, plus the authentic Mah-Jongg multiplayer game. MULTI PLAYER COMPONENTS IN SEPARATE PACKAGE P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 1/3
37372 SEMPE398.ZIP 851,3 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Semper Fi E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Turn based strategy. Imagic. Inspired by the heroics of the US Marine Corps, Semper Fi is a battalion size, fast paced game which contains fifteen battles based on hypothetical situations in the Middle East, Cuba, Korea, Bosnia and the Mediterranean. Players will command forces ranging in size from a single company to two, whole Battalions, with a wide variety
37373 SENTRDEM.A01 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Sentinel Returns demo 2/6
37374 SENTRDEM.A02 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Sentinel Returns demo 3/6
37375 SENTRDEM.A03 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Sentinel Returns demo 4/6
37376 SENTRDEM.A04 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Sentinel Returns demo 5/6
37377 SENTRDEM.A05 1008,9 kt 16.12.1998 - - -
Sentinel Returns demo 6/6
37378 SENTRDEM.ARJ 3,8 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
The Sentinel Returns demo. Psygnosis. 1/6 Strategy/puzzle. Sequel to classic strategy game features same addictive, chilling gameplay with advanced graphic redesign and musical score by John Carpenter. Sequel to this first true virtual reality game combines same intensely compelling gameplay with stunning visual and sound enhancements Windows 95, DirectX 5.0, Pentium. Supports 3Dfx.
37379 SET3PRE.ZIP 777,3 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Settlers III preview with screenshots Blue Byte
37380 SFDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Semper Fi demo 2/4
37381 SFDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Semper Fi demo 3/4
37382 SFDEMO.A03 3 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
Semper Fi demo 4/4
37383 SFDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
"Semper Fi Playable Demo 1/4 Interactive Magic - turn based hex strategy. United States Marine Corps: trained and equipped to go anywhere in the world on a moments notice and to fulfill missions from hostage rescues to amphibious assaults. Assum role of Marine Battalion Commander and lead the Corps to victory through three campaigns and 15 scenarios. P9016MBWin95DirectX 5"
37384 SFI-INF.ZIP 469,3 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
Semper Fi info & screenshots. Strategy. IMagic.
37385 SGDEMOW.A01 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Space Girl demo 2/3
37386 SGDEMOW.A02 1,1 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Space Girl demo 3/3
37387 SGDEMOW.ARJ 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Space Girl pl. demo from Realtech VR/ Titus. Year 8002. System OOLRO 3, where the oldest and most powerful empire ever exists: KROSSO, consists of thousands of colonies. Arcade game with great playability, where it is easy to plunge into space battles against spacefighters, enter this real time textured 3D environment. Space combat. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5. Supports Direct3D & 3Dfx.
37388 SINDEMO2.A01 4,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
SIN demo 2/8
37389 SINDEMO2.A02 4,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
SIN demo 3/8
37390 SINDEMO2.A03 4,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
SIN demo 4/8
37391 SINDEMO2.A04 4,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
SIN demo 5/8
37392 SINDEMO2.A05 4,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
SIN demo 6/8
37393 SINDEMO2.A06 4,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
SIN demo 7/8
37394 SINDEMO2.A07 402,7 kt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
SIN demo 8/8
37395 SINDEMO2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
SIN / Ritual Entertainment uusi (2.) demo. Odotettu 3D 1st person räiskintä, joka lupaa tarjota mehevää grafiikkaa, pelaajan päätösten kautta juonenkäänteitä ja ennen näkemätöntä syvyyttä. Demo antaa aihetta koville odotuksille, jos vain koneesta löytyy tarpeeksi tehoa. Uudessa demossa 2 yksinpeli ja 4 moninpelikenttää. LAN/Internet multiplayer tuki. P150 32 Mt DirectX 5+ 3D-tuki: ATI, 3Dfx, Riva128, Verite
37396 SINE398.ZIP 1,1 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Sin E398 screenshots. 3D action. Activision.
37397 SINPICS3.ZIP 2,7 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
SIN screenshots Activision
37398 SITHDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Mysteries of Sith. Playable demo. Part 2/5.
37399 SITHDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Mysteries of Sith. Playable demo. Part 3/5.
37400 SITHDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Mysteries of Sith. Playable demo. Part 4/5.
37401 SITHDEMO.A04 2,5 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Mysteries of Sith. Playable demo. Part 5/5.
37402 SITHDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
"Mysteries of Sith. Playable demo of upcoming Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight data disk. In this demo missionyou must defend rebel base against Imperial assault. Features nice new imprivements like friendly unitsImperial reinforcements and the famous Han Solos Blaster. By Lucasarts. Part 1/5. Win95 P90 16MB DirectX5. Supports 3d accelerators."
37403 SITHPRE.ZIP 681,3 kt 05.01.1998 - - -
Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith expansion pack preview with screenshots LucasArts
37404 SKIDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
Front Page Sports: Ski Racing 2/7
37405 SKIDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
Front Page Sports: Ski Racing 3/7
37406 SKIDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
Front Page Sports: Ski Racing 4/7
37407 SKIDEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
Front Page Sports: Ski Racing 5/7
37408 SKIDEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
Front Page Sports: Ski Racing 6/7
37409 SKIDEMO.A06 795,2 kt 06.02.1998 - - -
Front Page Sports: Ski Racing 7/7
37410 SKIDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 06.02.1998 - - -
Front Page Sports: Ski Racing demo from Sierra. Fast paced, adrenaline pumping, downhill ski simulation from Front Page Sports featuring world champion skier Picabo Street. Full version ith competitive Internet racing. Supports Microsoft Sidewinder Pro Force Feedback joysticks and 3Dfx cards. Req. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5
37411 SKIESPIC.ZIP 372,5 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
Skies Part screenshots by Padadigm/Segasoft
37412 SMGDEM2C.A01 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg confederate demo 2/8"
37413 SMGDEM2C.A02 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettygburg confederate demo 3/8"
37414 SMGDEM2C.A03 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg confederate demo 4/8"
37415 SMGDEM2C.A04 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg confederate demo 5/8"
37416 SMGDEM2C.A05 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg confederate demo 6/8"
37417 SMGDEM2C.A06 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg confederate demo 7/8"
37418 SMGDEM2C.A07 932,7 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg confederate demo 8/8"
37419 SMGDEM2C.ARJ 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg! NEW demo - CONFEDERAT Firaxis/Electronic Arts. Real-time game simulating one of the most dramatic battles in American Civil War. This demo allows you to play as the Yankees in three scenariosalong with the full set of tutorials. The demo also contains full multiplayer over link/modem/network/Internet. P9016MBWin95DirectX5          1/8"
37420 SMGDEM2U.A01 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg yankee demo 2/8"
37421 SMGDEM2U.A02 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg yankee demo 3/8"
37422 SMGDEM2U.A03 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg yankee demo 4/8"
37423 SMGDEM2U.A04 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg yankee demo 5/8"
37424 SMGDEM2U.A05 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg yankee demo 6/8"
37425 SMGDEM2U.A06 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg yankee demo 7/8"
37426 SMGDEM2U.A07 962,1 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg yankee demo 8/8"
37427 SMGDEM2U.ARJ 1,4 Mt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg! NEW demo - YANKEE Firaxis/Electronic Arts. Real-time game simulating one of the most dramatic battles in American Civil War. This demo allows you to play as the Yankees in three scenariosalong with the full set of tutorials. The demo also contains full multiplayer over link/modem/network/Internet. P9016MBWin95DirectX5     1/8"
37428 SMSOCC.A01 2,9 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
Super Match Soccer demo 2/4
37429 SMSOCC.A02 2,9 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
Super Match Soccer demo 3/4
37430 SMSOCC.A03 1,4 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
Super Match Soccer demo 4/4
37431 SMSOCC.ARJ 2,9 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
"Super Match Soccer demo by Cranberry Source/ Acclaim. Aims to revolutionize the way we play computer football by bringing back the idea of learning real soccer skills: how to aim a shothow to pass into spacehow to get possession and keep it. Intuitive game play/control system pioneered in Matchday. Will soon sort out the veteransfrom the young pretendersto the crown of football champions. Windows 95P9016MBDirectX 1/4"
37432 SMSOLD-D.A01 4,3 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
Small Soldiers: Squad Commander demo 2/6
37433 SMSOLD-D.A02 4,3 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
Small Soldiers: Squad Commander demo 3/6
37434 SMSOLD-D.A03 4,3 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
Small Soldiers: Squad Commander demo 4/6
37435 SMSOLD-D.A04 4,3 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
Small Soldiers: Squad Commander demo 5/6
37436 SMSOLD-D.A05 2,4 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
Small Soldiers: Squad Commander demo 6/6
37437 SMSOLD-D.ARJ 4,3 Mt 11.08.1998 - - -
Small Soldiers: Squad Commander demo 1/6 by DreamWorks. Easy real time strategy. A clean, quiet, cozy community has become party central to a pack of pillaging playthings. Toys have gone wild and fight with each other amongst the big humans. Top viewed action in real time strategy style. P100, 16MB, Win95, DirectX, 1 MB SVGA video
37438 SNOWWAVE.A01 3,3 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Snow Wave Avalanche demo 2/4
37439 SNOWWAVE.A02 3,3 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Snow Wave Avalanche demo 3/4
37440 SNOWWAVE.A03 1,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Snow Wave Avalanche demo 4/4
37441 SNOWWAVE.ARJ 3,3 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Snow Wave Avalanche demo. 1/4 Sports / snowboarding. Midas Interactive. With SNOW WAVE AVALANCHE you will be able to enjoy giddy descents among the frozen crags and canyons, performing terrifying jumps into space and incredible acrobatics worthy of a real champion. Spectacular playability is guaranteed. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
37450 SO_DEMO2.A01 3,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Spec Ops demo 2/5
37451 SO_DEMO2.A02 3,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Spec Ops demo 3/5
37452 SO_DEMO2.A03 3,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Spec Ops demo 4/5
37453 SO_DEMO2.A04 988,2 kt 29.08.1998 - - -
Spec Ops demo 5/5
37454 SO_DEMO2.ARJ 3,8 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Spec Ops: U.S. Army Rangers Playable Demo - v1.3 - contains mouse control & mission timer override. Zombie/Ripcord Games 3D third percon combat game, which mirrors the high paces missions the US Rangers are trained for. Mission models vary from stealth and reconnaissance to hostage rescues and to all-out firefights with enemy troops. Win95, P166, 16MB, DirectX 5. REQUIRES 3Dfx Voodoo/Voodoo Rush/Voodoo2 3D accelerator.1/5
37442 SOCC98PI.A01 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Soccer98 Pinball demo 2/8"
37443 SOCC98PI.A02 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Soccer98 Pinball demo 3/8"
37444 SOCC98PI.A03 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Soccer98 Pinball demo 4/8"
37445 SOCC98PI.A04 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Soccer98 Pinball demo 5/8"
37446 SOCC98PI.A05 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Soccer98 Pinball demo 6/8"
37447 SOCC98PI.A06 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Soccer98 Pinball demo 7/8"
37448 SOCC98PI.A07 3 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Soccer98 Pinball demo 8/8"
37449 SOCC98PI.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Soccer98 Pinball demo from Pin-Ball Games. Jalkapalloaiheinen flipperipelijossa   1/8 tavallisen paukuttelun sijaan pelataankin jalkapallosäännöillä ja jaliskentälläkoettaen tehdä maaleja. Myös kaksinpeli samalla koneellajolloin pelataan toista vastaan. Vaatii Windows 95Pentium16 Mt ja SVGA. Vaatii DirectX5.2 + DirectX Media. DirectX _EI_ mukana paketissa. Jos tarvitset DX Median asenna se dxmedia.exe-tiedostosta."
37455 SOLEEC97.ZIP 2,8 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Command & Conquer: Sole Survivor ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Westwood/Virgin. multiplayer game that will allow up to 50 pla e against each other in a single game.  Players select  to command as they engage in a deadly game of hide-and-seek  pick up "crates" (power-ups) to enhance their unit, b ayers and
37456 SONIC3D.ZIP 2,4 Mt 05.02.1998 - - -
Sonic the Hedgehog from Sega Join Sonic the Hedgehog and destroy the evil Dr. Robotnik in the PC version of the classic game from Sega. This demo covers level one. Avoid the ants, bees, and scorpions and collect rings and other powerups, including extra lives. This PC version is a very faithful rendition of the original video game. Windows 95
37457 SOSGFX.ZIP 864,6 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Streets of SimCity autoräiskeen lisäkuvia. Maxis.
37458 SOSPICS.ZIP 8,6 kt 05.01.1998 - - -
Streets of SimCity screenshots Maxis
37459 SOTEEC97.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Shadows of the Empire ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. LucasArts. A POWERFUL NEW EVIL ENTERS THE STAR WARS UNIVERSE
37460 SOULE398.ZIP 3,2 Mt 20.07.1998 - - -
Soulbringer E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Adventure. Gremlin. contains a whole empire to discover. Towns and villages, forests and mines, arctic wastes and arrid deserts: all are populated by a cast of mystical  characters, drawing gamers deeper and deeper into the immersive real-time world of heroes and wizards. Provides this finest environment for adventure thanks to a fully rotational,
37469 SP-EC98.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Shadowpact ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Blue Byte. unique combination of real-time strategy and role-playing within a richly detailed world of historical conspiracies and secret societies. By assuming your role as head of one of the many cabals warring for world domination, you will manipulate a hand-picked network of agents and allocate your resources through the virtual reality
37461 SP3-EC97.ZIP 597 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Steel Panthers III ECTS97 screenshots SSI
37462 SPABEC97.ZIP 389,5 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Space Bar ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ocean.fantastical new toungue-in re for PC by Steve Meretzky, award winning designer of suc ics as The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy and Zork Zer
37463 SPACE134.A01 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
SubSpace v1.34 demo 2/4
37464 SPACE134.A02 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
SubSpace v1.34 demo 3/4
37465 SPACE134.A03 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
SubSpace v1.34 demo 4/4
37466 SPACE134.ARJ 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
"SubSpace v1.34 Playable Demo Burst/Virgin Internet playble 2D top viewed shootemup. This demo is limited to three ships and your score and name are not recorded. 486/50Internet connection8MBWin95DirectX 1/4"
37467 SPBAEC97.ZIP 2,9 Mt 29.01.1998 - - -
Speedboat Attack ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & info. Boat racing. Telstar
37468 SPCCE398.ZIP 529,6 kt 20.07.1998 - - -
Space Circus E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Infogrames. Adventure. An outstanding "EXPLOR-ACTION" game in a mad real time 3D cartoon environment.
37470 SPECEC97.ZIP 224,8 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Special Ops ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Zombie/BMG Special Ops is a unique series of 3D real - t on games based on special army operations and missions s on action. The game will also feature compelling cinemat al effects, as well as a fast paced variable 3D environme
37471 SPHDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 2/14
37472 SPHDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 3/14
37473 SPHDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 4/14
37474 SPHDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 5/14
37475 SPHDEMO.A05 3,2 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 6/14
37476 SPHDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 7/14
37477 SPHDEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 8/14
37478 SPHDEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 9/14
37479 SPHDEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 10/14
37480 SPHDEMO.A10 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 11/14
37481 SPHDEMO.A11 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 12/14
37482 SPHDEMO.A12 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 13/14
37483 SPHDEMO.A13 2,5 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Spearhead demo 14/14
37484 SPHDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
"Spearhead demo. By Zombie/Interactive Magic. Tank simulator. Battle in Tunisian deserts and mountains against Libyan incursion and Islamic rebels. Spearhead the U.S. response to Libyan invasion. Youll be on your own. In factour intelligence tells us that they could take the capital in as little as four days. So saddle up and get ready to rideyouve got a war to prevent. Win95P13316 MBDirectX. Supports 3D3DfxDirect3D.1/14"
37485 SPPEC97.ZIP 997 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Sierra Pro Pilot ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Sierra. Civil flight simulation
37486 SPRHEC97.ZIP 892,8 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Spearhead screenshots - tank combat - BMG
37488 SR-E398.ZIP 567,6 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Sentinel Returns E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. Sequel to classic strategy game features same addictive, chilling gameplay with advanced graphic redesign and musical score by John Carpenter. the sequel to this first true virtual reality game that combines the same intensely compelling gameplay with stunning visual and sound enhancements
37487 SR98E398.ZIP 341,6 kt 20.07.1998 - - -
Snow Racer 98 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Infogrames. Sports/downhill skiing.
37489 SREC97.ZIP 982,9 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports: Ski Racing ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Sierra. Ski simulation you hurtle down six of the worlds most famou i slopes"
37508 SS-E398.ZIP 946,1 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
Swords & Sorcery E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Virgin. Created by David W. Bradley, one of the world\'s premiere designers of computer fantasy role-playing games and the genius behind Wizardry 5, 6 and 7, Swords & Sorcery is a 3-D role-playing game. bring "live" role-playing to the computer gamer, offering the player a closer sense of true role-playing than anyone has ever before experienced.
37490 SS98DEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"Sensible Soccer98 demo 2/9"
37491 SS98DEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"Sensible Soccer98 demo 3/9"
37492 SS98DEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"Sensible Soccer98 demo 4/9"
37493 SS98DEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"Sensible Soccer98 demo 5/9"
37494 SS98DEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"Sensible Soccer98 demo 6/9"
37495 SS98DEMO.A06 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"Sensible Soccer98 demo 7/9"
37496 SS98DEMO.A07 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"Sensible Soccer98 demo 8/9"
37497 SS98DEMO.A08 1 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"Sensible Soccer98 demo 9/9"
37498 SS98DEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Sensible Soccer \'98 demo. Sensible Software. described as "the most playable soccer game ever to grace the PC". It features \'sensi Gameplay\7 pitch typesmany stadiumsover 50 crowd chantscomprehensive on-pitch editorand much more. P13316MBWin95DirectX 1/9
37499 SSCREA-D.A01 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Starship Creator demo 2/9
37500 SSCREA-D.A02 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Starship Creator demo 3/9
37501 SSCREA-D.A03 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Starship Creator demo 4/9
37502 SSCREA-D.A04 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Starship Creator demo 5/9
37503 SSCREA-D.A05 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Starship Creator demo 6/9
37504 SSCREA-D.A06 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Starship Creator demo 7/9
37505 SSCREA-D.A07 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Starship Creator demo 8/9
37506 SSCREA-D.A08 3,3 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Starship Creator demo 9/9
37507 SSCREA-D.ARJ 4,8 Mt 15.09.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Starship Creator! demo 1/9 By Simon and Schuster. Allows you to build, staff, and command a starship of your own devising, and then take it on a series of missions along the final frontier. Includes two missions, one beginner, and one advanced. Win95/98, P90, 16 MB RAM (32 recommended), Direct-X
37509 SSGOEC97.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.01.1998 - - -
Sierra Sports: Golf ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots. Sierra. Golf simulation Enjoy the beauty of the green ways with their trees and  landscaping, admire the deta -houses, and envy the swing of the 3D golfer
37510 SSIEE398.ZIP 2,9 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Starsiege E398 showpackage with screenshots & info. Dynamix/Sierra. the next generation of 3D combat simulations, and the only premier 3D combat sim scheduled to release this year.
37511 STACEC97.ZIP 853,3 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Starcraft ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Blizzard/Sierra Real-time Strategy action-based strategy game of galactic propor
37512 STARNAIN.ZIP 824,5 kt 02.02.1998 - - -
Star Nations info & screenshots. allows you to exercise your potential as an    enterpreneur, adventurer, crusader, and ad re    you fit to rule? Do you have the guile, cu    flexibility that a ruler needs to lead his    prosperity.
37513 STB-EC98.ZIP 7,5 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Birth of the Federation ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. MicroProse. turn-based, multi-player strategy game of space exploration, empire expansion and tactical combat that gives players control of one of the five major races in the STAR TREKr universe.
37514 STBFE398.ZIP 2,6 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Birth of the Generation E398 showpacakge with info & screenshots. Strategy. Microprose. turn-based game of space exploration, expansion and tactical combat set the rich STAR TREK universe. Similar to Civilization II and Master of Orion II, the game emphasizes resource management and combat and diplomacy.
37515 STDIE398.ZIP 1,3 Mt 20.07.1998 - - -
Fading Suns: Starship Diplomacy E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ripcord Games. Strategy/space. a Real-Time Action Strategy, Space Conquest Simulation set in the popular "Fading Suns" role-playing universe. requires long-term strategy, with extensive interaction through a changing, organic, living universe. Multiple play modes
37516 STEELREB.ZIP 547,7 kt 12.05.1998 - - -
Steel Rebels screenshots An intense real time strategy-action game for Windows95, to be released fall 1998. Lead the rebel forces to victory.
37517 STKAE398.ZIP 99 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
Star Trek: Klingon Academy E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Interplay. Experience the Star Trek Universe like never before_from the Klingon perspective! Places gamers against the Federation. ONLY space combat flight simulation that lets the player battle within a variety of distinct space terrain; black holes, ion storms, gas nebulas all providing a richer, more engaging gaming experience.  To date, all other space-combat
37518 STRAE398.ZIP 1,5 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Stratosphere E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ripcord Games. RTS strategy. Explosive Action, Strategic Planning and Multi-player Challenges Mix For Aerial "Demolition Derby" In 3D-Rendered World
37519 STRATDEM.A01 2,9 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Stratosphere demo 2/6
37520 STRATDEM.A02 2,9 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Stratosphere demo 3/6
37521 STRATDEM.A03 2,9 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Stratosphere demo 4/6
37522 STRATDEM.A04 2,9 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Stratosphere demo 5/6
37523 STRATDEM.A05 71,3 kt 15.02.1998 - - -
Stratosphere demo 6/6
37524 STRATDEM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Conquest of the Skies: Stratosphere Playable Demo from Ripcord Games As commander of a flying fortress, you must guide it through tight canyons, over hostile cities, and into deadly battle. Real time action & strategy game. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5    1/6
37525 STREEC97.ZIP 2,1 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Stealt Reaper ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. GTI.
37526 STREETSD.A01 2,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Streets of SimCity demo 2/5
37527 STREETSD.A02 2,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Streets of SimCity demo 3/5
37528 STREETSD.A03 2,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Streets of SimCity demo 4/5
37529 STREETSD.A04 2,2 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Streets of SimCity demo 5/5
37530 STREETSD.ARJ 2,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
"Streets of SimCity Playable Demo - Maxis Its your city to cruise through or bruise throughcheck out your own SimCity 2000 city or one of 50+ built-in citiesor take on opponents in an urban free-for-all while skiddingbootlegging and blasting away. Speed through a sprawling metropolis or tackle one of Streetsrim-rattling missions. YOU set the road rules. Win95 P166 32 MB Dx - supports 3Dfx    1/5"
37531 STRSHQV0.ZIP 118,8 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Kolme kuvaruutukaappausta Starshift-pelistä.
37532 SUBCPIC2.ZIP 1,4 Mt 31.01.1998 - - -
Sub Culture screenshots Ubi Soft
37533 SUBSEC97.ZIP 503,6 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Subspace ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Virgin.  top-down view multiplayer internet space shooter.
37534 SUPREC97.ZIP 243,5 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Super Bikes ECTS97 pack with info screenshots Virgin. breathtaking simulation and a visual  so a brilliant game: fast,  smooth, ultra- and wit trol that lets you really ride the race of your life.
37535 SW2DMO13.A01 4,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
S.W.A.T. 2 demo 2/8
37536 SW2DMO13.A02 4,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
S.W.A.T. 2 demo 3/8
37537 SW2DMO13.A03 4,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
S.W.A.T. 2 demo 4/8
37538 SW2DMO13.A04 4,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
S.W.A.T. 2 demo 5/8
37539 SW2DMO13.A05 4,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
S.W.A.T. 2 demo 6/8
37540 SW2DMO13.A06 4,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
S.W.A.T. 2 demo 7/8
37541 SW2DMO13.A07 2,5 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
S.W.A.T. 2 demo 8/8
37542 SW2DMO13.ARJ 4,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
S.W.A.T. 2 Demo v1.03 from Sierra. Turn based tactical combat. Third person, top-down view that is reminiscent of recent titles like Fallout. Essentially unchanged from its predecessor is the realism that it contains and the feeling of authenticity that pervades every element of the game. Command police squads or terrorists in small scale tactical combat situations. Updated demo lets you play as the "bad guy" or "good guy". P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX            1/8
37543 SWA2E398.ZIP 2,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
SWAT 2 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Sierra.
37544 SWAREC97.ZIP 864 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Star Warped ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Sierra Star Wars parody.
37545 SWARMDM2.A01 1,4 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Swarm demo 2/5
37546 SWARMDM2.A02 1,4 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Swarm demo 3/5
37547 SWARMDM2.A03 1,4 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Swarm demo 4/5
37548 SWARMDM2.A04 890,7 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Swarm demo 5/5
37549 SWARMDM2.ARJ 1,4 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Swarm Playable Demo UPDATED version 1/5 Reflexive Entertainment - fast-paced, intense game of destruction that immerses you in the seedy, bloody world of futuristic corporate servitude. Popular genre of 2D action arcade space shoot-em-ups taken to the next level! High resolution 640x480->1024x768 color graphics, great sounds and easy gameplay. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
37550 TABTDEMO.ZIP 4 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation: Battle Tactics demo. This is a demo version of the expansion pack Total Annihilation: Battle Tactics (TABT). TABT is a collection of 100 short missions designed for players interested in expanding the single player experience. This demo requires the full version of Total Annihilation with the most current update installed. 1998 Humongous Entertainment, Inc.
37551 TAE398.ZIP 3,5 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Team Apache E398 showpackage with screenshots, pictures and information. Simis/Mindscape.
37552 TAIFE398.ZIP 1,7 Mt 20.07.1998 - - -
Tai Fu E398 showpackage with screenshots. 3D Action. DreamWorks Interactive
37553 TAM-E398.ZIP 3,4 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
"Trans Am Racing68-72 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. GTi. most realistic racing simulation ever createdwith the most exciting cars ever produced. provides a racing experience unlike any otherso get behind the wheel of Detroits finestand get your motor running. state of the art 3Dracing simulation of the the Sport Car Club of Americas series from 1968 to 1972"
37554 TAN-AR13.A01 2,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo level pack 2/4
37555 TAN-AR13.A02 2,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo level pack 3/4
37556 TAN-AR13.A03 1,1 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo level pack 4/4
37557 TAN-AR13.ARJ 2,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus Playable Demo LEVEL PACK, contains entire Tanarus level set. Get this if you have only the small version of Tanarus demo, and want to play on the other areas too, without downloading them one by one during play session. Internet playable multiplayer tank combat game.       1/4
37558 TAN-AR2.A01 2,7 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo level pack newest arenas 2/4
37559 TAN-AR2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus Playable Demo LEVEL PACK, newest arenas. This archive contains the nine player made arenas that were made available on April 21, 1998. Be sure to unzip these files to your Tanarus directory. Internet playable multiplayer tank combat game. 1/2
37560 TANAR2S.A01 1,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 2/4
37561 TANAR2S.A02 1,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 3/4
37562 TANAR2S.A03 1,4 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 4/4
37563 TANAR2S.ARJ 1,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus Playable Demo from Sony Interactive Studios. INTERNET PLAYABLE TANK GAME. SMALL install - contains only training arena. June 4th 1998 version. Tired of playing against your computer? Prepare for ultimate challenge in futuristic multi-player action/strategy tank game where all all competion are other players like you. P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5, 28.8k connection. Direct3D Supported. 1/4
37564 TANAR3L.A01 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 2/6
37565 TANAR3L.A02 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 3/6
37566 TANAR3L.A03 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 4/6
37567 TANAR3L.A04 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 5/6
37568 TANAR3L.A05 346,9 kt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 6/6
37569 TANAR3L.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus Playable Demo from Sony Interactive Studios. INTERNET PLAYABLE TANK GAME. LARGE install - contains all 13 arenas. July 28th 1998 version. Tired of playing against your computer? Prepare for ultimate challenge in futuristic multi-player action/strategy tank game where all all competion are other players like you. P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5, 28.8k connection. Direct3D Supported. 1/6
37570 TANKE398.ZIP 4,4 Mt 20.07.1998 - - -
Tanktics E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Gremlin. the fastest, most original strategy game in the history of the world. construct a number of tanks and use these to seek, destroy and make life unpleasant for other people.  Every tank in the game is modular, with tracks, engine blocks, weapons and radar control dishes that can be fitted together in different configurations.
37571 TANTEC97.ZIP 815,1 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Tanktics ECTS97 showpackage with screenshots & info. BMG construct tanks and use them to defend his ba ery other player and, if possible, to snatch their flag h
37572 TARTE398.ZIP 370,9 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Tartan Army E398 press release & screenshots Red Lemon/Eidos - strategic combat/god game. The game is presented in full 3D with various flexible viewpoints and full motion capture for all the characters in the game. Dark middle ages.
37573 TAWINFO.ZIP 1,9 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
"Total Air War - info & screenshots. The worlds most complete and compelling simulation of modern air combat. Dynamic campaign simulatorproviding unlimited player action. Combat simulation to engage players in the all the challenges and excitement of fighting a modern air warfrom planning the tactics right down to flying the missions. Assume different roles. From DIDcreators of F-22: Air Dominance Fighter."
37574 TBRIGADE.A01 2,9 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Thunder Brigade demo 2/5
37575 TBRIGADE.A02 2,9 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Thunder Brigade demo 3/5
37576 TBRIGADE.A03 2,9 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Thunder Brigade demo 4/5
37577 TBRIGADE.A04 1,1 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Thunder Brigade demo 5/5
37578 TBRIGADE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Thunder Brigade demo 1/5  Interactive Magic Action. Lightning-paced Action/Arcade game that delivers rocketing thrills and furious firepower. Pilot well-armed flying tank and join interplanetary warfare against two rival factions. Three federations battle for control of dozen spectacular planets - the ultimate fate of each rests in your trigger-finger. P133, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX
37579 TD23DFX.A01 3,7 Mt 18.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive: Off-Road 2 playable demo 2/3
37580 TD23DFX.A02 2,4 Mt 18.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive: Off-Road 2 playable demo 3/3
37581 TD23DFX.ARJ 3,7 Mt 18.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive: Off-Road 2 playable demo 1/3 Simulation racing game by Accolade. Big bad trucks, with big bad attitude! 20 vehicles including over 10 licensed off-road behemoths. Choose between the Dodge© Ram, Chenowth FAV, Ford F-150, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Ford Explorer, Nissan Pathfinder, Dodge T-Rex, Jeep Wrangler and more... Requirements: P90, 16MB, Windows 95/98, DirectX and 3D-card (3dfx glide).
37582 TD2SOFT.A01 3,7 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive: Off-Road 2 playable demo 2/3
37583 TD2SOFT.A02 1,7 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive: Off-Road 2 playable demo 3/3
37584 TD2SOFT.ARJ 3,7 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive: Off-Road 2 playable demo 1/3 Simulation racing game by Accolade. Big bad trucks, with big bad attitude! 20 vehicles including over 10 licensed off-road behemoths. Choose between the Dodge Ram, Chenowth FAV, Ford F-150, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Ford Explorer, Nissan Pathfinder, Dodge T-Rex, Jeep Wrangler and more... Requirements: P90, 16MB, Windows 95/98, and DirectX.
37585 TD5DEMO.A01 1,9 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive 5 demo. (2/6)
37586 TD5DEMO.A02 1,9 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive 5 demo. (3/6)
37587 TD5DEMO.A03 1,9 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive 5 demo. (4/6)
37588 TD5DEMO.A04 1,9 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive 5 demo. (5/6)
37589 TD5DEMO.A05 1,3 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive 5 demo. (6/6)
37590 TD5DEMO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Test Drive 5 demo from Accolade. Sports car racing. Clash of modern super cars vs. muscle cars from past continues in sequel to best-selling Test Drive 4. TD5 features twice the cars (28) and three times as many tracks (18). Addition of new features like split-screen mode, branching roads, and breathtaking photo realistic graphics make it a racing challenge. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX Direct3D & 3Dfs Voodoo (1/6)
37591 TDEFE398.ZIP 438,6 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Tellurian Defence E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. ambitious new title blurs the line between combat and strategy games.
37592 TEAMDEMO.A01 4,3 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Team Apache demo 2/6
37593 TEAMDEMO.A02 4,3 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Team Apache demo 3/6
37594 TEAMDEMO.A03 4,3 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Team Apache demo 4/6
37595 TEAMDEMO.A04 4,3 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Team Apache demo 5/6
37596 TEAMDEMO.A05 1,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Team Apache demo 6/6
37597 TEAMDEMO.ARJ 4,3 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
"Team Apache Demo by Simis/Mindscape Not a run-of-the-mill helicopter simulation that offers precision and realism with no regard for entertainment. Its combat flight sim that tries to stay true to the Apachean awesome aircraftbut also recognizes that there is more to realism than the switches in cockpit. Dose of action along with combat perspective. P9016MBWin95DirectXsupports 3D acceleration.     1/6"
37598 TERRAVI.A01 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 2/16
37599 TERRAVI.A02 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 3/16
37600 TERRAVI.A03 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 4/16
37601 TERRAVI.A04 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 5/16
37602 TERRAVI.A05 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 6/16
37603 TERRAVI.A06 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 7/16
37604 TERRAVI.A07 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 8/16
37605 TERRAVI.A08 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 9/16
37606 TERRAVI.A09 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 10/16
37607 TERRAVI.A10 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 11/16
37608 TERRAVI.A11 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 12/16
37609 TERRAVI.A12 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 13/16
37610 TERRAVI.A13 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 14/16
37611 TERRAVI.A14 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 15/16
37612 TERRAVI.A15 2,9 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 16/16
37613 TERRAVI.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Terra Victus demo 1/16 top/isometric viewed soldier action game WaveQuest/Ripcord - real-time strategy and action. Happens in Neo-Earth, where dictator is threatening to conquer the inhabitants. Play as a freedom fighter, trying to band together other rebels, in series of missions not totally unlike Jagged Alliance. Includes rpg-elements, adventure and combat. P133, 16 MB RAM, Windows 95, DX5
37614 TERVE399.ZIP 1,2 Mt 20.07.1998 - - -
Terra Victus E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ripcord Games.
37616 TG-HNEST.A01 4,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
"Top Gun: Hornets Nest demo 2/6"
37617 TG-HNEST.A02 4,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
"Top Gun: Hornets Nest demo 3/6"
37618 TG-HNEST.A03 4,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
"Top Gun: Hornets Nest demo 4/6"
37619 TG-HNEST.A04 4,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
"Top Gun: Hornets Nest demo 5/6"
37620 TG-HNEST.A05 1,2 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
"Top Gun: Hornets Nest demo 6/6"
37621 TG-HNEST.ARJ 4,8 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
"Top Gun: Hornets Nest demo Microprose 1/6 Flight simulation. Youre Maverickthe Navys top gunin the cockpit of a screaming F/A-18with the attitude and guts to take out any enemy foolish enough to take you on. You rule the sky in a fast-pacedaction-flying battle-to-the-death gamebased on the classic motion picture. Just kick the tires. light the fires and go to full afterburner and cleanem andfryem. P16616MBWin95/98DirectX. Supports Direct3D"
37615 TGHNE398.ZIP 517,9 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
"Top Gun: Hornets Nest E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Flight simulation. Microprose. Takes the pilot to a new level of intense flight and fight action against threatening aerial forces and dangerous ground targets."
37622 THI-EC98.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Eidos. revolutionary first-person action/adventure that brings subterfuge and mystery to a tired genre of mindless shooting. Your most powerful weapons - stealth and thievery.
37623 THIEFD.A01 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
Thief demo 2/10
37624 THIEFD.A02 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
Thief demo 3/10
37625 THIEFD.A03 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
Thief demo 4/10
37626 THIEFD.A04 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
Thief demo 5/10
37627 THIEFD.A05 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
Thief demo 6/10
37628 THIEFD.A06 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
Thief demo 7/10
37629 THIEFD.A07 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
Thief demo 8/10
37630 THIEFD.A08 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
Thief demo 9/10
37631 THIEFD.A09 1,5 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
Thief demo 10/10
37632 THIEFD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.11.1998 - MBCD -
Thief: The Dark Project demo. From Looking Glass/Eidos. 3D first person action/ adventure. Revolutionary adventure that introduces stealth, subterfuge, and mystery to tired genre of mindless shooting. As a master thief, you must make use of stealth and intellect to complete your missions. Windows 95 P166 w/ Direct3D card, P200 w/o 3D card, 32MB, DirectX 6 SUPPORTS Direct3D 1/10
37633 TIGER99D.A01 1,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf demo 2/5
37634 TIGER99D.A02 1,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf demo 3/5
37635 TIGER99D.A03 1,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf demo 4/5
37636 TIGER99D.A04 1,7 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf demo 5/5
37637 TIGER99D.ARJ 1,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf demo. EA Sports Sports / Golf. Monster drives off the tee. Firing at the pin. Snaking putts the length of the yellow-brick road. Chipping with a 3-wood. Fist pumping, crowd jumping, pure adrenaline! This is golf, Tiger style! One hole demo, 3rd hole at the TPC at Sawgrass in Ponte Vedre Beach Florida. Supports 3Dfx Glide and Direct3D. P133, 32MB, Win95, DirectX 5                            1/5
37638 TMR1E398.ZIP 359,7 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Tommi Mäkinen Rally E398 showpackage with screenshots. Europress.
37639 TMR2E398.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Tommi Mäkinen Rally E398 showpackage with screenshots. Europress.
37640 TMR3E398.ZIP 244,5 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Tommi Mäkinen Rally E398 showpackage with screenshots. Europress.
37641 TOAOW1-D.A01 1,4 Mt 11.08.1998 - - tupla
The Operational Art of War, Vol. 1 demo 2/5
37642 TOAOW1-D.A02 1,4 Mt 11.08.1998 - - tupla
The Operational Art of War, Vol. 1 demo 3/5
37643 TOAOW1-D.A03 1,4 Mt 11.08.1998 - - tupla
The Operational Art of War, Vol. 1 demo 4/5
37644 TOAOW1-D.A04 1 Mt 11.08.1998 - - tupla
The Operational Art of War, Vol. 1 demo 5/5
37645 TOAOW1-D.ARJ 1,4 Mt 11.08.1998 - - tupla
The Operational Art of War, Vol. 1 demo 1/5. Talonsoft. Turn based strategy.Gives the user ability to create virtually any battle of any war between 1939 and 1955. Scale can range from individual companies of men  to whole Corps and from 2.5 miles per hex to 25 miles per hex. This flexibility is second to none for an operational level game. This demo only has 1 playable scenario, Korea 1950-51 Created by Norm Koger, a wargaming veteran. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
37646 TOCAINFO.ZIP 2,4 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
TOCA Touring Car Championship info screenshots. Codemasters. official game of the 1997 RAC / AutoTrader To pionship.
37647 TONICDE.A01 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
Tonic Trouble demo 2/8
37648 TONICDE.A02 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
Tonic Trouble demo 3/8
37649 TONICDE.A03 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
Tonic Trouble demo 4/8
37650 TONICDE.A04 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
Tonic Trouble demo 5/8
37651 TONICDE.A05 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
Tonic Trouble demo 6/8
37652 TONICDE.A06 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
Tonic Trouble demo 7/8
37653 TONICDE.A07 3,4 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
Tonic Trouble demo 8/8
37654 TONICDE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
"Tonic Trouble demo. Ubi Soft. 1/8 Arcade platform. Eda friendlycareless alienaccidentally dropped mysterious can of Tonic onto Earth while attending scientific exploration of the galaxy. Ed must recover tonic and explore weird worlds and accomplish perilous missions. Each of Eds missions require him to find six objects hidden in a world. Win95/98 P166 32MB directX Direct3D accelerator"
37655 TOSPICS.ZIP 321,5 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
Titans of Steel - ToS - screenshots. tactical BattleMech strategy game, an offspring of Mechforce, brilliant Amiga classic by Ralph Reed.
37656 TOW-E398.ZIP 2 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Tides of War E398 showpackage with press release & screenshots. real-time strategy, revives a critical time period in history when territories were unexplored and war was waged via armed vessels. GTi.
37657 TOW-EC98.ZIP 1,5 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Tides of War ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. GTi. exciting new sailing action adventure game from Devils Thumb Entertainment and GT Interactivefeatures 3D animated ships and an entire world of intrigue and adventure to explore.  Tides Of War will set new standards for naval combat."
37658 TP99DEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 02.04.1998 - - -
Triple Play 99 demo 2/3
37659 TP99DEMO.A02 2,7 Mt 02.04.1998 - - -
Triple Play 99 demo 3/3
37660 TP99DEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 02.04.1998 - - -
Triple Play 99 Playable Demo EA Sports Real Baseball, All Highlights. All the action of a baseball highlight reel. Blast a game-winning home run. Dive for a sinking line drive. Step up to the plate and bring it on. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5, 3Dfx supported   1/3
37661 TPASSDM.A01 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Trespasser demo 2/8
37662 TPASSDM.A02 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Trespasser demo 3/8
37663 TPASSDM.A03 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Trespasser demo 4/8
37664 TPASSDM.A04 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Trespasser demo 5/8
37665 TPASSDM.A05 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Trespasser demo 6/8
37666 TPASSDM.A06 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Trespasser demo 7/8
37667 TPASSDM.A07 3,1 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
Trespasser demo 8/8
37668 TPASSDM.ARJ 3,8 Mt 08.11.1998 - - -
"Trespasser demo from Dreamworks. 1/8  3D action/adventure. You find yourself from The Lost Worlds Site Bonce proud research facility for the InGen Corporation and breeding ground for the dinosaurs that would eventually inhabit Jurassic Park. It is here Anne finds herselfleft to discover a way home while evading the savage dinosaurs that have flourished on the island in their natural habitat. Win95P16632 MBDirectX6. Supports D3D."
37669 TR2DEMO2.ZIP 3,6 Mt 28.04.1998 - - -
Tomb Raider II 2nd Playable Demo Core Design/Eidos Interactive Lara Croft returns! This new demo contains part of the Venice lev P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5 Supports 3Dfx & Direct3D accelerators
37670 TR30E398.ZIP 3,3 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
The Realm 3.0 E398 showpackage with screenshots & info. Online roleplaying game. Sierra.
37671 TR3MOVIE.ZIP 1,1 Mt 04.06.1998 - - -
Tombraider 3 preview movie (.MOV) Requires Apple Quicktime.
37672 TRAD98D.ZIP 2,6 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
"Wall $treet Trader99 NON PLAYABLE demo. Trader 98. Monte Christo Multimedia. This demo will give you an overlook of the product. You will have a first contact with Lord Flemingsee the interface with its different functionsread news about the golds crisisdealhire an insider to investigate an economic sector etc. Business. Requires DirectX."
37673 TRAIND20.ZIP 2,1 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
Train Dispatcher 2.0 Demo Control train tracks, handle timetables and do your best to keep the trains moving. Strategy/management like game of train track controllig simulation. Simulates a 24 hour shift. Windows 3.x/95
37674 TRAINDB.ZIP 2,2 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
Train Dispatcher 2.0 - Track Builder Demo Create new train tracks for the Train Dispatcher 2.0 Window 3.x/95
37675 TRCLE398.ZIP 1,4 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
The Robot Club E398 showpackage with screenshots. Southpeak Interactive.
37676 TRESE398.ZIP 2,5 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Trespasser E398 showpackage with screenshots 3D action. UCS/Dreamworks.
37677 TRI_DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Tribal Rage demo 2/6
37678 TRI_DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Tribal Rage demo 3/6
37679 TRI_DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Tribal Rage demo 4/6
37680 TRI_DEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Tribal Rage demo 5/6
37681 TRI_DEMO.A05 1,5 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Tribal Rage demo 6/6
37682 TRI_DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - MBCD -
Tribal Rage demo. 1/6 Talonsoft. Real-time strategy. 2030 - years of war, famine and plague have forced the survivors of Earth into tribes that sweep across the wastelands, fighting one another for what precious resources, safe lands, and bad jokes that remain. Struggle to prevail in a future that is desperate and outrageous! Make advanced features and intelligent design. Demo offers Enforcer tribe for control. Full link/modem/IPX,Internet-multiplayer. Win95.
37683 TRIPICS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Trophy Rivers screenshots
37684 TRLOEC98.ZIP 5,8 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Tribal Lore ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Gremlin. 3D magic `ncombat strategy gamewith a mind-blowing AIset in a mystical pseudo-Celtic environment."
37685 TROOPBS.ZIP 352,5 kt 13.05.1998 - - -
Starship Troopers: Battlespace nettipelin infoa & kuvia. http://www.gamestorm.com
37686 TROPEC97.ZIP 955,8 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Sierra Sports: Trophy Rivers ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Sierra. Fishing simulation
37687 TSHOEC97.ZIP 2,8 Mt 29.01.1998 - - -
Pro Pinball: Timeshock ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots Empire Experience the true feel, excitement and acti inball table
37688 TTTE398.ZIP 592 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
T.T.T. - Thrust, Twist `n Turn E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Next generation of 3D racing. As usual fast reflexes are a must where your goal is to stay in the lead and defend your vehicle against other drivers. With a fast hi-performance 3D engine, smooth graphics, very cool 3D tracks T.T.T. is more than just another 3D race ga
37689 TURBISK.ZIP 669,6 kt 14.02.1998 - - -
Turbis kuvia. Luolalentely.
37690 TURPICS.ZIP 192,8 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter screenshots
37691 TVICE398.ZIP 2,4 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Terra Victus E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Take 2. You begin life as a soldier, a rebel freedom fighter in a small nomadic village. From there you will create team of rebels like you, equip them,and begin long journey victory to the defeat of Von Harmer. Only the bravest men and women will join in your cause. Many answer out of love for your cause. Others are more interested in gold - their skills may not be questionable,
37692 UA-E398.ZIP 3,3 Mt 19.07.1998 - - -
Ultima: Ascension E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. RPG. Origin. Mind-bending 3-D fantasy world, nonstop suspense and action, unprecedented visuals, and an intuitive interface that makes it easy for players to jump right into the mayhem and start adventuring. Immersive 3-D lighting effects, stunning 16-bit color, 3-D graphics and movable camera angles amaze, while ambient 3-D sound, wind motion and lapping
37693 UBIKEC97.ZIP 6,5 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Ubik ECTS97 screenshots - Ubi Soft From the science fiction thriller by Philip K. Dick, who brought you Blade Runner and Total Recall
37694 UEFASOPI.ZIP 2,5 Mt 29.01.1998 - - -
UEFA Soccer screenshots. Ocean.
37695 UNREAL3M.A04 4,3 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Unreal avi movie 5/6
37696 UNREEC97.ZIP 6 Mt 29.01.1998 - - -
Unreal ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. GTI.        the latest word in 3D combat technolog yond the        imagination of any other gaming univer
37697 UNRSHI.ZIP 141,9 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Unreal new screenshots
37698 UPRISI3D.A01 3,8 Mt 11.01.1998 - - -
Uprising demo 3Dfx 2/5
37699 UPRISI3D.A02 3,8 Mt 11.01.1998 - - -
Uprising demo 3Dfx 3/5
37700 UPRISI3D.A03 3,8 Mt 11.01.1998 - - -
Uprising demo 3Dfx 4/5
37701 UPRISI3D.A04 3,8 Mt 11.01.1998 - - -
Uprising demo 3Dfx 5/5
37702 UPRISI3D.ARJ 3,8 Mt 11.01.1998 - - -
Uprising demo 3Dfx version. Cyclone / 3DO. War strategy from an entirely NEW perspective. Incredibly intense blend of heart-pounding action and real-time strategy never before seen in a FULL BLOWN, FIRST PERSON 3D WORLD! Command an entire army of sci-fi roops. Demo: one level, four allied unit types. Win95 P90, 12MB, Win95, DirectX 5
37703 URBANPRE.ZIP 286,9 kt 05.01.1998 - - -
Urban Assault preview with screenshots Microsoft
37704 URDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Ultim@te Race Pro demo 2/5
37705 URDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Ultim@te Race Pro demo 3/5
37706 URDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Ultim@te Race Pro demo 4/5
37707 URDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Ultim@te Race Pro demo 5/5
37708 URDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 01.02.1998 - - -
Ultim@te Race Pro pl. demo Kalisto/MicroProse screamingly fast, running at up to 70 frames per second on a P200 racing game. Vivid scaleable color depth and screen resolution. Visual effects will take your driving experience to the limit. Lens flares, 3D sky, smoke, transparency, and 3D car damage. 1 track 2 cars. Multiplayer support for 4 players. P133 16 MB Win95 DX5 Supports 3Dfx PowerVR Direct3D      1/5
37709 URR-E398.ZIP 7,1 Mt 23.07.1998 - - -
Ultim@ate Race Rally E398 screenshots. Kalisto.
37710 V2000P.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Virus 2000 screenshots.
37712 V2K-EC98.ZIP 1,9 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
V2000 ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Grolier. Action game.
37711 V2KEC97.ZIP 482,9 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
"V2000 info screenshots from Grolier. As the sequel to the classic Virus which was  88this multi-leveledfast-moving action game will b ond quarter 1998 for PC and Playstation.  At the centre o the graceful flight of the players craft as the player tr vading creatures spreading a terrible red virus over"
37713 VANDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Vangers demo 2/10
37714 VANDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Vangers demo 3/10
37715 VANDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Vangers demo 4/10
37716 VANDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Vangers demo 5/10
37717 VANDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Vangers demo 6/10
37718 VANDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Vangers demo 7/10
37719 VANDEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Vangers demo 8/10
37720 VANDEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Vangers demo 9/10
37721 VANDEMO.A09 2,1 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Vangers demo 10/10
37722 VANDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
Vangers: One for the Road demo 1/10 K-D Lab/Interactive Magic In the future, tunneling through time and space has changed humankind beyond recognition. Adventure/puzzle game but in very strange, original form, where you must trade, communicate and prepare for a coming battle against the enemies of the clan. Uniqueness warning. Pentium-133, 16 MB RAM, Windows 95, DX5
37723 VEGASDM.A01 2,4 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Vegas Games 2000 demo 2/4
37724 VEGASDM.A02 2,4 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Vegas Games 2000 demo 3/4
37725 VEGASDM.A03 2,1 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Vegas Games 2000 demo 4/4
37726 VEGASDM.ARJ 2,4 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Vegas Games 2000 demo from 3DO. Slots/money games. New high resolution graphics, familiar games, a simpleinterface, and multiplayer capabilities. This is no shareware compilation, 3DO went the extra mile to create a top notch gaming environment. P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX 6      1/4
37727 VIGIDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 2/12
37728 VIGIDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 3/12
37729 VIGIDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 4/12
37730 VIGIDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 5/12
37731 VIGIDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 6/12
37732 VIGIDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 7/12
37733 VIGIDEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 8/12
37734 VIGIDEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 9/12
37735 VIGIDEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 10/12
37736 VIGIDEMO.A10 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 11/12
37737 VIGIDEMO.A11 1,9 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo 12/12
37738 VIGIDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 03.10.1998 - - -
Vigilance demo from SegaSoft. 3D third person action. Only one strike force can defend humanity from the rising tide of violence - Special Intelligence Operations Network, or SION. Mission-based action adventure. Demo has both single and multiplayer, over network and Internet. P133, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supports 3Dfx.    1/12
37739 VIGIPRE.ZIP 171,4 kt 05.01.1998 - - -
Vigilance preview with screenshots
37740 VIPEEC97.ZIP 745,5 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Viper ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Ocean. 3D helicopter blaster of unparalleled proport
37741 VIPERD22.A01 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Viper Racing demo v2.2 (2/5)
37742 VIPERD22.A02 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Viper Racing demo v2.2 (3/5)
37743 VIPERD22.A03 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Viper Racing demo v2.2 (4/5)
37744 VIPERD22.A04 995,6 kt 15.10.1998 - - -
Viper Racing demo v2.2 (5/5)
37745 VIPERD22.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Viper Racing demo v2.2 from Monster Games / Sierra Racing. Earn money in driving "career" to upgrade their sports cars, and eventually land the monstrous, 700-horsepower Dodge Viper GTS-R. By competing in more than 20 different races, drivers work their way up through four different classes and can gradually earn more than 40 different Viper upgrades, from poly brushings to carbon fiber brake pads. Supports full multiplayer. (1/5)
37746 VIRUEC97.ZIP 4,3 Mt 29.01.1998 - - -
Virus ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Telstar.
37747 WARBRED2.A01 2,9 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
WarBreeds demo v2.0 2/6
37748 WARBRED2.A02 2,9 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
WarBreeds demo v2.0 3/6
37749 WARBRED2.A03 2,9 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
WarBreeds demo v2.0 4/6
37750 WARBRED2.A04 2,9 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
WarBreeds demo v2.0 5/6
37751 WARBRED2.A05 2,6 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
WarBreeds demo v2.0 6/6
37752 WARBRED2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
WarBreeds Playable Demo v2.0 1/6 Red Orb Entertainment real-time strategy game of genetic conquest on an alien world. Four alien clans are thrust into a power vacuum and must battle for survival and domination, with unique twist of creating soldiers from genetic materials. New demo has multiplayer capabilities over the Internet. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5
37753 WARGAMES.A01 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
WarGames demo 2/7
37754 WARGAMES.A02 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
WarGames demo 3/7
37755 WARGAMES.A03 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
WarGames demo 4/7
37756 WARGAMES.A04 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
WarGames demo 5/7
37757 WARGAMES.A05 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
WarGames demo 6/7
37758 WARGAMES.A06 1013,9 kt 31.07.1998 - - -
WarGames demo 7/7
37759 WARGAMES.ARJ 3,8 Mt 31.07.1998 - - -
WarGames demo. MGM Interactive. Real-time strategy (RTS). Heavily laced with influences from original motion picture. Play as humans in demo. Different terrains, real weather effects - reminiscent of Myth in the way it looks and feels. Rotate 360 degrees, zoom in and out on action, view map from different angles. Well designed 3D units. Demo supports FULL link/modem/IPX+TCP/IP multiplayer, 4 pl. Win95 P133 16MB SVGA - supports 3Dfx, Rendition 2100/2200, Riva128, Direct3D  1/7
37760 WARGASDE.A01 4,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo  2/11
37761 WARGASDE.A02 4,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo  3/11
37762 WARGASDE.A03 4,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo  4/11
37763 WARGASDE.A04 4,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo  5/11
37764 WARGASDE.A05 4,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo  6/11
37765 WARGASDE.A06 4,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo  7/11
37766 WARGASDE.A07 4,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo  8/11
37767 WARGASDE.A08 4,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo  9/11
37768 WARGASDE.A09 4,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo 10/11
37769 WARGASDE.A10 947,4 kt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo 11/11
37770 WARGASDE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 28.11.1998 - - -
Wargasm! demo from DID. 3D combat/action. Another first from DID! The ultimate blend of strategy, tactics and all-out war! Instant playability and intense 3D arcade-style action ensure it will appeal to every type of gamer. Windows 95. Supports software and hardware acceleration. RAM/CPU requirements unknown, Pentium minimum.    1/11
37771 WARGINF1.ZIP 5,5 Mt 30.03.1998 - - -
Wargames - information & screenshots.
37772 WARGINF2.ZIP 6,7 Mt 30.03.1998 - - -
Wargames - information & screenshots.
37773 WARGINF3.ZIP 4,2 Mt 30.03.1998 - - -
Wargames - information & screenshots.
37774 WARGPICS.ZIP 2,3 Mt 08.06.1998 - - -
Wargames screenshots
37775 WARZE398.ZIP 2,6 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Warzone 2100 E398 press release & screenshots. Pumpkin Studios/Eidos. real time action and strategy game set on Earth in the 21st Century. The goal of the game is to conquer North America and reclaim lost technologies.
37776 WARZEC98.ZIP 3,3 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Warzone 2100 ECTS98 showpackage with press release & screenshots. Eidos. real time action and strategy game set on Earth in the 21st Century. The goal of the game is to conquer North America and reclaim lost technologies.
37777 WAYPTZET.A01 4,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo 2/11
37778 WAYPTZET.A02 4,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo 3/11
37779 WAYPTZET.A03 4,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo 4/11
37780 WAYPTZET.A04 4,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo 5/11
37781 WAYPTZET.A05 4,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo 6/11
37782 WAYPTZET.A06 4,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo 7/11
37783 WAYPTZET.A07 4,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo 8/11
37784 WAYPTZET.A08 4,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo 9/11
37785 WAYPTZET.A09 4,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo 10/11
37786 WAYPTZET.A10 1,2 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo 11711
37787 WAYPTZET.ARJ 4,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Way Point Zeta demo BETA 9.0 from Elpin  1/11 Systems. Multiplayer 3D space combat. You will have hours and hours of enjoyment blasting asteroids, collecting precious minerals and ores, and then buying terribly destructive weapons that will help you annihilate other daring souls in this exciting 3D space combat game. This demo has NO single player.Has IPX & TCP/IP multiplayer for 8 players with  DeathMatch and King of the Hill modes. Win95/98 with Direct3D card.
37788 WB2-E398.ZIP 2,2 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Warbirds E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Internet online multiplayer flight simulation. Imagic Online.
37790 WC98_E.A01 3,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
World Cup 98 demo 2/5
37791 WC98_E.A02 3,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
World Cup 98 demo 3/5
37792 WC98_E.A03 3,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
World Cup 98 demo 4/5
37793 WC98_E.A04 730,9 kt 02.05.1998 - - -
World Cup 98 demo 5/5
37794 WC98_E.ARJ 3,8 Mt 02.05.1998 - - -
World Cup 98 Playable Demo Sports/football EA Sports - France 98 is the biggest sporting event of the century and World Cup 98 meticulously recreates WC  tournament. This will look and feel like a WC presentation personalizing the experience like no other interactive product before. Demo has 2 minute half set St.Denis stadium - England vs Brazil Win95, P100, 16MB, DirectX. 3Dfx & PowerVR & Direct3D support.         1/5
37789 WC98E398.ZIP 863,2 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
World Cup 98 E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. EA Sports. Adds World Cup 98 to the Internationally Best-Selling FIFA Soccer Franchise; Game to Ship on the Nintendo 64, PlayStation and PC
37795 WCPROPIC.ZIP 687 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy screenshots Origin
37796 WDESE398.ZIP 617,2 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Wings of Destiny E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. Psygnosis. flight sim category with stunning new multi-player WWII air combat game. Players relive the war as either Allied or German pilots in four campaigns that include 50 historically accurate aeronautic missions over seven European countries
37797 WETRIXD.A01 1,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Wetrix demo 2/4
37798 WETRIXD.A02 1,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Wetrix demo 3/4
37799 WETRIXD.A03 580,2 kt 29.08.1998 - - -
Wetrix demo 4/4
37800 WETRIXD.ARJ 1,9 Mt 29.08.1998 - - -
Wetrix demo. From Zed Two. Puzzle The game is a simple, single screen game, which involves positioning pieces as they fall onto a square landscape to form dams and lakes to collect falling water which flows around the landscape. The game can go on indefinately and the idea is to earn the highest score possible by maximizing the use of various bonuses and evaporating water at the right time. Pentium, 16MB, Win95, DirectX  1/4
37801 WIL9E398.ZIP 3,4 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Wild 9 E398 showpackage with screenshots. 3D free flowing platform game. Shiny Entertainment.
37802 WINBLOP.ZIP 505,4 kt 10.03.1998 - - -
Microshaft Winblows 98-parodiaohjelman kuvakaappauksia.
37803 WL3DARK.A01 3,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Warlords III: Darklords Rising demo 2/5
37804 WL3DARK.A02 3,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Warlords III: Darklords Rising demo 3/5
37805 WL3DARK.A03 3,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Warlords III: Darklords Rising demo 4/5
37806 WL3DARK.A04 3,5 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Warlords III: Darklords Rising demo 5/5
37807 WL3DARK.ARJ 3,9 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
Warlords III: Darklords Rising demo 1/5 Red Orb Entertainment. Fantasy strategy. The door to the left leads you into another world, a place of danger, intrigue, and glory Become a character in the Warlords III: Darklords Rising world and explore a city in your quest to join the ranks of the Sirian Knights! Open the door to step into this dark fantasy world... Includes full link/ modem/network/Internet multiplayer for 4
37808 WLBEC97.ZIP 222,7 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
World League Basketball ECTS97 screenshots. Mindscape.
37809 WLS98PIC.ZIP 3,6 Mt 08.06.1998 - - -
"World League Soccer98 screenshots."
37810 WLSDEMO2.A01 2,4 Mt 05.06.1998 - - -
World League Soccer demo 2/5
37811 WLSDEMO2.A02 2,4 Mt 05.06.1998 - - -
World League Soccer demo 3/5
37812 WLSDEMO2.A03 2,4 Mt 05.06.1998 - - -
World League Soccer demo 4/5
37813 WLSDEMO2.A04 2,1 Mt 05.06.1998 - - -
World League Soccer demo 5/5
37814 WLSDEMO2.ARJ 2,4 Mt 05.06.1998 - - -
World League Soccer demo Sports / Soccer - by Silicon Dreams Hectic arcade action and a taxing learning curve. Aim being to produce simply the best soccer game on the market. Simple yet intuitive control method, fluid animation and smooth player movement. Req. Win95, Pentium, 16 MB. Supports software, Direct3D & 3Dfx 3D acceleration.    1/5
37815 WOTWEC97.ZIP 8,4 Mt 29.01.1998 - - -
War of the Worlds ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. GTI. takes the action/ strategy game back in time  th Century in an epic struggle against malevolent Martian i
37816 WOW-E398.ZIP 3,1 Mt 28.07.1998 - - -
"JEFF WAYNES The WAR OF THE WORLDS E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. GTi. true 3Dreal-time combat strategy gamefeaturing fully texture-mapped animated objectsdynamic lighting and non-linear game play."
37817 WRECEC97.ZIP 727,2 kt 29.01.1998 - - -
Wreckin Crew ECTS97 showpackage with info & screenshots. Telstar.
37818 WRMS2D98.A01 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Worms 2 NEW demo 2/8
37819 WRMS2D98.A02 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Worms 2 NEW demo 3/8
37820 WRMS2D98.A03 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Worms 2 NEW demo 4/8
37821 WRMS2D98.A04 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Worms 2 NEW demo 5/8
37822 WRMS2D98.A05 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Worms 2 NEW demo 6/8
37823 WRMS2D98.A06 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Worms 2 NEW demo 7/8
37824 WRMS2D98.A07 147,5 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
Worms 2 NEW demo 8/8
37825 WRMS2D98.ARJ 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
"Worms 2 NEW Internet Playable Demo Team 17/Microprose - turn based game where up to 6 players can participate in any given match. You command a platoon of Worms who inhabit a randomly generated terrainits time to do or dieput up or shut upyou must destroy the other Worms with an assortment of devastating weapons. Island landscape demo with Internet multiplayer. P10016MbWin95DX5  1/8"
37826 WST-EC98.ZIP 1,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Wall Street Tycoon ECTS98 showpackage with press releases & screenshots. IMagic. you trade speculatively, or for the long haul. Over the Internet, using real-time pricing data, or through its many fast paced missions historically based on real pricing and news data.
37827 WW2FIGHT.A01 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 2/12
37828 WW2FIGHT.A02 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 3/12
37829 WW2FIGHT.A03 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 4/12
37830 WW2FIGHT.A04 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 5/12
37831 WW2FIGHT.A05 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 6/12
37832 WW2FIGHT.A06 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 7/12
37833 WW2FIGHT.A07 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 8/12
37834 WW2FIGHT.A08 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 9/12
37835 WW2FIGHT.A09 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 10/12
37836 WW2FIGHT.A10 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 11/12
37837 WW2FIGHT.A11 3,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
WWII Fighters demo 12/12
37838 WW2FIGHT.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
"WWII Fighters demo from Janes Combat  1/12 Simulation. Flight simulation. Skies above World War II Europe come alive.Fly seven best fighters of the war. Demo features 2 playable missions that will load in alternating order. The historical theme and timeline of WWII Fighters is based on the Battle of the Ardenneswhich took place from late 1944 to early 1945. Win95 P200 32 MB Direct3D or 3Dfx"
37839 XCALE398.ZIP 797,9 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
X-COM Alliance E398 showpackage with info & screenshots. 3D action. Microprose. fifth game in the X-COM series combining fast action alien combat with in-depth strategy to create an exhilarating and addicting multiplayer gaming experience. Ultilizing the Unreal 3-D engine, X-COM Alliance is being developed for Windowsr 95/98 in the MicroPros Chipping Sodbury, England Studio. and the only premier 3D combat sim scheduled to release this year. the next generation of 3D combat simulations,
37840 XCAREC97.ZIP 2,6 Mt 29.01.1998 - - -
X-Car ECTS97 pack with info screenshots. Virgin. Enter the racing circuit or compete a iends via modem or network. X-Car will push your drivin e limit as you negotiate real and concept tracks at spee  300 mph! Customise your machine from a portfolio of th d racing components. Test your prototype on the high-s
37841 XCOMINT.A01 4,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
X-COM: Interceptor demo 2/5
37842 XCOMINT.A02 4,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
X-COM: Interceptor demo 3/5
37843 XCOMINT.A03 4,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
X-COM: Interceptor demo 4/5
37844 XCOMINT.A04 3,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
X-COM: Interceptor demo 5/5
37845 XCOMINT.ARJ 4,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
"X-COM: Interceptor pl. demo 1/5 Space combat - Microprose - 2067Earths resources depleted so earth turns into the stars. Unfortunatelyaliens are there already. Command elite force of space combat fighters that has been fielded to meet the aliens in the depths of space. Also maintain your financesmanage basesresearch tech. Win95 P166 16 MB DX5 - supports 3D accelerators when needs P166."
37846 XDEMO03.ZIP 3,4 Mt 18.03.1998 - - -
X Rolling Demo release 3 from EGOSOFT. 3D action space simulator being developed by EGOSOFT. Updated demo tries to address as many of the problems reported. Win95, P100, 16MB, DirectX, Direct3D card
37847 XENODEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Xenocracy demo 2/5
37848 XENODEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Xenocracy demo 3/5
37849 XENODEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Xenocracy demo 4/5
37850 XENODEMO.A04 2,3 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Xenocracy demo 5/5
37851 XENODEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - - -
Xenocracy demo. By Simis/Grolier. Space combat simulaiton. Four planetary superpowers wage a covert war for solar domination. You as commander of the United Planet Nations elite peacekeeping squadron, try to keep the hostilities from escalating into an all out thermostellar conflict! Space flight combat game on the cutting edge of combat design. Pit sophisticated space fighters and bombers against human fleets, pirates and aliens. P133, 16MB, Win95, DX 1/5
37852 XFEC97.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Aces: X-Fighters ECTS97 showpackage with info screenshots. Sierra. Experimental flight simulation your chance to match wits with the greatest s s and design your own prototype WWII aircraft.
37853 XFOOLGFX.ZIP 815,7 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
X-Fools - kuvia Parroty Interactiven tekemästä X-Files parodiarompusta.
37854 XVTBOPP.ZIP 339,5 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter: Balance of Power expansion disk screenshots LucasArts
37855 ZGIGFX.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Zork: Grand Inquisitor lisäkuvia. Seikkailu. Activision.
37856 ZGIPICS2.ZIP 1,3 Mt 20.01.1998 - - -
Zork Grand Inquisitor screenshots Activision
37857 1602AD-D.ZIP 24,4 Mt 16.12.1999 - - -
1602 A.D. demo. Tekijä Sunflowers/GTI. Strategiapeli. Hallitse ja valloita. Vuoteen 1602 sijoittuvassa pelissä pelaaja astuu valtameren taa, perustamaan siirtokuntia emämaalleen. Rakenna asumuksia, työpajoja, kaivoksia. Tuota ja käy kauppaa. Harjoita diplomatiaa naapureiden kanssa. Tervetuloa tutkimusmatkailijoiden aikakauteen. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P100, 16 Mt, DirectX.
37858 7K2DEMO.A01 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars demo. 2/7
37859 7K2DEMO.A02 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars demo. 3/7
37860 7K2DEMO.A03 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars demo. 4/7
37861 7K2DEMO.A04 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars demo. 5/7
37862 7K2DEMO.A05 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars demo. 6/7
37863 7K2DEMO.A06 4,4 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars demo. 7/7
37864 7K2DEMO.ARJ 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars demo. 1/7 Enlight Software. Real time fantasy strategy. Take charge of one of 12 ancient kingdoms or you can give your darker side free reign and play as the leader of a Fryhtan horde. Gives you heroes, 3D rolling terrain, Random Campaign Generator, an incredible number of fighting units and weapons, more beautiful and detailed buildings, expanded espionage and research and numerous other new features. Windows 95, P200, 32 MB, DirectX.
37865 7K2SOUND.ZIP 12,6 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars demo. Sound add-on for Demo. Optinal - not required.
37866 ABOMIDEM.A01 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Abomination: The Nemesis Project demo 2/6
37867 ABOMIDEM.A02 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Abomination: The Nemesis Project demo 3/6
37868 ABOMIDEM.A03 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Abomination: The Nemesis Project demo 4/6
37869 ABOMIDEM.A04 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Abomination: The Nemesis Project demo 5/6
37870 ABOMIDEM.A05 7,8 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Abomination: The Nemesis Project demo 6/6
37871 ABOMIDEM.ARJ 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Abomination: The Nemesis Project demo by Hothouse/Eidos. Team based Strategic and Tactical Combat game, set in an isometric world. Genetically augmented volunteers from Delta, SEALS, and Force Recon were engineered to be the ultimate weapons for low intensity conflicts. Now they have to fight a war against a different kind of enemy. Windows 95 P166 32MB                   1/6
37872 ACCDEMO.A01 2,9 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Australian Cricket Captain demo 2/5
37873 ACCDEMO.A02 2,9 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Australian Cricket Captain demo 3/5          
37874 ACCDEMO.A03 2,9 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Australian Cricket Captain demo 4/5
37875 ACCDEMO.A04 863,4 kt 11.03.1999 - - -
Australian Cricket Captain demo 5/5
37876 ACCDEMO.ARJ 2,9 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Australian Cricket Captain demo. Sports / cricket. Empire Interactive. The first ever Cricket management game for PC In this demo you will be able to choose team and play one match in Sheffield Shield and one match in the Mercantile Mutual Cup. Many features in the game have been disabled in demo. P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX    1/5
37877 ACD230.A01 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
Ancient Conquest demo from Megamedia. 2/7
37878 ACD230.A02 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
Ancient Conquest demo from Megamedia. 3/7
37879 ACD230.A03 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
Ancient Conquest demo from Megamedia. 4/7
37880 ACD230.A04 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
Ancient Conquest demo from Megamedia. 5/7
37881 ACD230.A05 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
Ancient Conquest demo from Megamedia. 6/7
37882 ACD230.A06 4,6 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
Ancient Conquest demo from Megamedia. 7/7
37883 ACD230.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
Ancient Conquest demo from Megamedia. 1/7 Real time strategy/ancient/naval adventure Set in the fictional days when heroes like Hercules and Zetes lived. Build yor navy, earn money while exploring natural resources, fight against monsters, survive disasters as well as the mighty Persians and Barbarians who who robbed you of your ships and settlements. Includes full link/modem/IPX/ Internet multiplayer.
37884 AF3DEMO2.ZIP 25,7 Mt 02.11.1999 - - tupla
Armored Fist 3 DEMO 2 by Novalogic Action tank simulator. As the task force commander your orders are clear - advance, engage and destroy the enemy. You control the advanced battle tank, M1A2 Abrams. This brutish armor plated beast bears over 1500 horsepower and a massively destructive 18 foot-long cannon. Demo includs free Internet multiplayer support through Novaworld. P233MMX, 64MB, Win95/98, DirectX
37885 AHAVOCD.A01 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 2/14
37886 AHAVOCD.A02 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 3/14
37887 AHAVOCD.A03 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 4/14
37888 AHAVOCD.A04 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 5/14
37889 AHAVOCD.A05 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 6/14
37890 AHAVOCD.A06 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 7/14
37891 AHAVOCD.A07 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 8/14
37892 AHAVOCD.A08 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 9/14
37893 AHAVOCD.A09 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 10/14
37894 AHAVOCD.A10 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 11/14
37895 AHAVOCD.A11 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 12/14
37896 AHAVOCD.A12 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 13/14
37897 AHAVOCD.A13 900,6 kt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo 14/14
37898 AHAVOCD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc demo from Razorworks / Empire Interactive. Flying simulation. Immersive simulation of the worlds two most formidable helicopter gunships the American AH64D Apache Longbow and the Russian MIL 28N Havoc-B. Demo includes full multiplayer TCP/IP, modem, serial. Windows 95, P200, 32MB, DirectX. SUPPORTS Direct3D    1/14
37899 AMASUDE2.ZIP 26,1 Mt 05.11.1999 - - tupla
AMA Superbike demo 2from Motorsims Sports / Motorcycle racing. Whole new world of Superbike racing. Thrill and competition of motorcycle racing to life on your PC with realistic, state-of-the-art sensory graphics. The demo consists of nine manufacturer bikes. THis demo supports free online multiplayer gaming on Internet. Windows 95 PII 266 32 MB Supports Direct3D
37900 AMASUPER.ZIP 26,1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
AMA Superbike full demo from Motorsims Sports / Motorcycle racing. Whole new world of Superbike racing. Thrill and competition of motorcycle racing to life on your PC with realistic, state-of-the-art sensory graphics. The demo consists of nine manufacturer bikes. THis demo supports free online multiplayer gaming on Internet. Windows 95 PII 266 32 MB Supports Direct3D
37901 AMERZONE.ZIP 162,2 Mt 19.10.1999 renamed 19196/FTP.UBISOFT.COM.2014.01.zip tupla
Amerzone demo by Microids/Ubi Soft Adventure. The game whisks you from France to far-off land of imaginary Amerzone,in Central America. The player personifies a young journalist who discovers legend of mysterious "White Birds". Ebark on adventure that will lead you through the Amerzone and bring you face to face with the secrets of the jungle. Windows 95 P166 32 MB DirectX
37902 ANTIETDE.ZIP 23,4 Mt 29.11.1999 - - tupla
"Sid Meiers Antietam! demoTekijä Firaxis. Reaaliaikainen strategiapelisijoittuu Yhdysvaltain sisällissotaan. Jatko-osa Gettysburg! -peliin. Perustuu sen pelirunkoon tarjoten historiallisesti tarkan ja yksityiskohtaisen näkemyksen 1800-luvun taistelukentän tapahtumiin. 3D-kuvakulmakätevä käyttöliittymä. Demossa kaksi taistelua joita voi pelata joko Unionin tai Konfederaation puolella. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98P13332 MtDirectX."
37903 AOE2DEMO.ZIP 46,7 Mt 05.11.1999 - - tupla
Age of Empires II: Age of Kings demo by Microsoft. RTS strategy. Sequel to the award-winning, best-selling real-time strategy game Age of Empires. AOE2 spans a thousand years, from the fall of Rome through Middle Ages in which players lead one of 13 civilizations into greatness. The game keeps epic scope while evolving the combat and economic features. Demo has full multiplayer using TCP/IP LAN/Internet, modem & link. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX
37904 APOOL2.ZIP 4,3 Mt 10.07.1999 - - tupla
Arcade Pool 2 demo. Team 17 / Hasbro. Sports / pool / biljardi. Jatko-osa kuuluisaan alunperin Amigalle ja CD32:lle julkaistuun biljardipeliin, joka oli kauan ykkösenä kaikilla Amiga-listoilla. Erittäin pelattava ja miellyttävä pallonpaukuttelu niin yksin- kuin kaksinpelattavaksi. Vaatii Windows 95, P90, 16 Mt, DirectX.
37905 ATDEMO_E.A01 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Airline Tycoon demo 2/8
37906 ATDEMO_E.A02 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Airline Tycoon demo 3/8
37907 ATDEMO_E.A03 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Airline Tycoon demo 4/8
37908 ATDEMO_E.A04 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Airline Tycoon demo 5/8
37909 ATDEMO_E.A05 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Airline Tycoon demo 6/8
37910 ATDEMO_E.A06 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Airline Tycoon demo 7/8
37911 ATDEMO_E.A07 2,6 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Airline Tycoon demo 8/8
37912 ATDEMO_E.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Airline Tycoon demo from Spellbound. 1/8 Business simulation. Run your own airline! Handle the operations, lines, planes. Make profit, satisfy the airport owner. In demo only two of six missions can be played. The game stops after 100 rounds. Windows95/98 P90 16MB DirectX 6.0
37913 ATDEMOEP.ZIP 8 kt 12.05.1999 - - -
Airline Tycoon demo from Spellbound. Screenshot.
37914 AVP_AL13.A01 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -ALIEN- demo 2/7
37915 AVP_AL13.A02 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -ALIEN- demo 3/7
37916 AVP_AL13.A03 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -ALIEN- demo 4/7
37917 AVP_AL13.A04 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -ALIEN- demo 5/7
37918 AVP_AL13.A05 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -ALIEN- demo 6/7
37919 AVP_AL13.A06 892,8 kt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -ALIEN- demo 7/7
37920 AVP_AL13.ARJ 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
"Aliens vs. Predator -ALIEN- demo. v1.3 1/7 FOX Interactive. 3D action. Play as Colonial Marine and prepare for the ultimate deepspace battle. Youll need to master each characters unique weapons and abilities to stay alive in this heart-poundingfirst-person action adventure. Work in-progress demo. Run the EXEdo not setup. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D"
37921 AVP_MA14.A01 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -MARINE- demo 2/6
37922 AVP_MA14.A02 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -MARINE- demo 3/6
37923 AVP_MA14.A03 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -MARINE- demo 4/6
37924 AVP_MA14.A04 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -MARINE- demo 5/6
37925 AVP_MA14.A05 1,4 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator -MARINE- demo 6/6
37926 AVP_MA14.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
"Aliens vs. Predator -MARINE- demo v1.4 1/6 FOX Interactive. 3D action. Play as Colonial Marine and prepare for the ultimate deepspace battle. Youll need to master each characters unique weapons and abilities to stay alive in this heart-poundingfirst-person action adventure. Work in-progress demo. Run the EXEdo not setup. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D 1/6"
37927 AZTECD.A01 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Aztec demo            2/8
37928 AZTECD.A02 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Aztec demo            3/8
37929 AZTECD.A03 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Aztec demo            4/8
37930 AZTECD.A04 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Aztec demo            5/8
37931 AZTECD.A05 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Aztec demo            6/8
37932 AZTECD.A06 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Aztec demo            7/8
37933 AZTECD.A07 8,3 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Aztec demo            8/8
37934 AZTECD.ARJ 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Aztec: The Curse in the Heart of the City of Gold demo. Adventure/RPG. Cryo. The year is 1517. Aztec empire has reached its peak... The life of "Little Serpent" changes completely: he knows too much and is accused of murdering the nobleman! In the capital of Tenochtitl·n, our hero has to undergo ordeals in which his life will be at stake. The City of Gold with its hundred pyramids becomes the place of all ambushes... Windows95/98 P200 16MB           1/8
37935 BBLITD.ZIP 27,1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time demo. Tekijä Infogrames. 3D arcadetasohyppely. Väiski Vemmelsääri, tuttu piirrettyjen vipeltäjä, paiskautuu uteliaisuuttaan esihistoriaan ja joutuu nyt seikkailemaan täysillä kotiin päästäkseen. Humoristinen ja piirrossarjojen henkeä mukaileva 3D tasohyppely on hauskaa refleksejä vaativaa pelailua. Windows 95, P200, 32 Mt. Vaatii Direct3D kiihdyttimen.
37936 BC3K20D.A01 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 2/13
37937 BC3K20D.A02 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 3/13
37938 BC3K20D.A03 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 4/13
37939 BC3K20D.A04 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 5/13
37940 BC3K20D.A05 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 6/13
37941 BC3K20D.A06 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 7/13
37942 BC3K20D.A07 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 8/13
37943 BC3K20D.A08 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 9/13
37944 BC3K20D.A09 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 10/13
37945 BC3K20D.A10 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 11/13
37946 BC3K20D.A11 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 12/13
37947 BC3K20D.A12 1,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo 13/13
37948 BC3K20D.ARJ 4,8 Mt 27.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo from   1/13 3000AD, Inc. Space combat simulation. Almost 10 years in the making, the only space flight sim that gives you everything you expect in the genre and more. Advanced AI technologies provide total immersion. Advanced simulation with unmatched replay value. Command and control Battlecruiser with 4 fighters, 4 shuttlecrafts, 4 all terrain vehicles. Demo includes 4 space regions, 2 stations. DOS, P200, 32 MB. Supports 3Dfx Voodoo.
37949 BC3K20P.ZIP 11,5 kt 27.05.1999 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 A.D. v2.0 demo screenshots from 3000AD, Inc. Space combat simulation.
37950 BCT95DEM.ZIP 3,6 Mt 19.10.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain tupla
BCT: Brigade Combat Team v1.20 Windows 95 or later. From ProSIM Company. Strategy. The most realistic tactical simulation today. Based on the battalion/ brigade level tactical simulator designed for and used by the army to train its senior commanders. This simulation retains all of realism of its mainframe-based predecessor. Simulation of combined arms warfare. The game pits two opposing units of up to brigade/ regimental size against each other.
37951 BCTDEMO.ZIP 2,7 Mt 19.10.1999 - MBHH2000 tupla
BCT: Brigade Combat Team v1.20 Windows 3.1+ or later. From ProSIM Company. Strategy. The most realistic tactical simulation today. Based on the battalion/ brigade level tactical simulator designed for and used by the army to train its senior commanders. This simulation retains all of realism of its mainframe-based predecessor. Simulation of combined arms warfare. The game pits two opposing units of up to brigade/ regimental size against each other.
37952 BE20003D.A01 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Baseball Edition 2000 3DFX demo 2/5
37953 BE20003D.A02 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Baseball Edition 2000 3DFX demo 3/5
37954 BE20003D.A03 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Baseball Edition 2000 3DFX demo 4/5
37955 BE20003D.A04 3,3 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Baseball Edition 2000 3DFX demo 5/5
37956 BE20003D.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Baseball Edition 2000 3DFX demo VR Baseball 2000 is a photo-realistic baseball game with: detail in full real-time 3D environment, finely shaped contoured polygons, and movement so true-to-life you can actually see muscles flex underneath their jerseys. Unbeatable realism and intense action. This demo will allow three innings of exhibition play. Windows 95, 3Dfx Voodoo, 32 Mb, P200
37957 BEATDOWN.A01 4,8 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Beatdown demo         2/5
37958 BEATDOWN.A02 4,6 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Beatdown demo         3/5
37959 BEATDOWN.A03 4,8 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Beatdown demo         4/5
37960 BEATDOWN.A04 3,8 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Beatdown demo         5/5
37961 BEATDOWN.ARJ 4,8 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
"Beatdown demo from Soar Software/Hot-B Isometric beatemup action.The fear of urban society in your home. Defend your turf and expand your power base by any means necessary. Witpowerintimidation and iron stomach are needed to survive in this real-time action adventure.Seeking to destroy your gang and exact revengeruthless rivals prowl the dangerous streets.Only you can rule thehood! P9016MBWin95/98DirectX6               1/5"
37962 BHUNTERD.ZIP 6,9 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"BHunter playable demo. By InterActivision. Shootemup.Cities have grown enormously with buildings towering high above what used to be streets. Hovercraft have replaced cars as the main mean of transportationand the crime rate has risen to frightening heights.Bounty Hunters are people trying to make a living out of the crimetaking over jobs the police has given up. Hunt criminals in fast flying shootemup. Win95/98 P133 32MB"
37963 BLARADE.A01 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Brian Lara Cricket demo 2/6
37964 BLARADE.A02 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Brian Lara Cricket demo 3/6
37965 BLARADE.A03 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Brian Lara Cricket demo 4/6
37966 BLARADE.A04 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Brian Lara Cricket demo 5/6
37967 BLARADE.A05 2,3 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Brian Lara Cricket demo 6/6
37968 BLARADE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Brian Lara Cricket updated demo. Codemasters. Sports/cricket. The action takes place in a full 3D environment enabling a true tv-style presentation. Motion capture technology is used to recreate the perfect movement of the human body and particularly the unique techniques found in cricket. All shots seen in a cricket match have been included. This updated demo does not require a 3D card. Windows95/98 P166 16MB DirectX Supports Direct3D & 3Dfx. 1/6
37969 BRAVEHD.ZIP 100,1 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
Braveheart demo by Eidos. RTS strategy. Freeform campaign game set in 13th Century Scotland. Rolling hills, many towns and ranks of fierce warriors. A lost battle is not necessarily a lost war. A victory not necessarily a foot closer to the final goal. Take on the might of the English army to gain your freedom! RTS with global management. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX Supports Direct3D & 3Dfx
37970 BZDEMO.ZIP 49,4 Mt 08.12.1999 - - tupla
Supreme Snowboarding demo(Boarder Zone USAssa) Tekijä Housemarque/Infogrames. Urheilu/lumilautasimulaatio. Kotimaisen pelitekijän suursaavutus. Upea urheilupeli jossa pelaaja syöksyy lumilaudallaan huikeita rinteitä, vapaasti reittinsä valiten. Laadukas tekninen toteutus ja upea grafiikka nostavat sen urheilupelien parhaimmistoon. Windows 95/98, P166, 16 Mt, DirectX, tukee Direct3D
37971 BZIIDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 30.08.1999 - - tupla
Battlezone II demo from Activision.  2/4
37972 BZIIDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 30.08.1999 - - tupla
Battlezone II demo from Activision.  3/4
37973 BZIIDEMO.A03 564,4 kt 30.08.1999 - - tupla
Battlezone II demo from Activision.  4/4
37974 BZIIDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.08.1999 - - tupla
Battlezone II demo from Activision.  1/4 3D strategy action. Command your troops from battlefield rather than above it. By combining depth of a real-time strategy game with the excitement of first person action, BZ2 provides the ultimate expression of action-oriented strategic gameplay. Drive a variety of futuristic combat vehicles. Or get out of your craft to act as stealthy commando. Organizing troops and resources. Windows 95 P200 32 MB DirectX 3D accelerator
37975 C2_DEMO.ZIP 29,7 Mt 02.11.1999 - - tupla
"Carnivores II demo by WizardWorks 3D first person hunting game. Another world. Another time. Another test of the fittest. Traverse vast new world filled with prehistoric creatures from a time long past. With enough weaponry to flatten a mountain rangeyou begin your search. You are outnumberedoutsmarted and the object of a deadly prehistoric creatures hunt. The hunter has become the hunted. Windows 95 P200 32MB DirectXsupports Direct3D"
37976 CACTBBAL.ZIP 12 Mt 05.11.1999 - - tupla
Cactus League Interactive Baseball v1.9.5 Manage the major leagues. By Cactus Development Company. Statistics-based simulation that lets you manage teams, games, and both of the major leagues for an entire season. You pick the lineups, make the trades, and define your own offensive and defensive strategies. The demo comes with all the players, all the stats, all the ballparks, and even the schedule from the 1995 season. Pentium 100 and Windows 95
37977 CASEDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Case Closed demo.                      2/6
37978 CASEDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Case Closed demo.                      3/6
37979 CASEDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Case Closed demo.                      4/6
37980 CASEDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Case Closed demo.                      5/6
37981 CASEDEMO.A05 803,3 kt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Case Closed demo.                      6/6
37982 CASEDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Case Closed demo.                      1/6 Puzzle/Mystery. Ultimate murder mystery adventure. Board game like Cluedo. 12 Beautifully detailed 3D-rendered rooms spanning 2 floors. Search rooms using 360 degrees of seamless 3D animation. 48 Clues to find and analyze. 12 Different weapons. 4 Possible motives. 8 Cases to solve. Over 1,500 lines of dialogue. Download new add-on cases. 1-4 players. Windows 95 - P200 - 32MB RAM
37983 CC4DEMO.ZIP 50,3 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
Close Combat IV: Battle of the Bulde demo. Atomic Games/Mindscape/SSI. Sotastrategia. Kuuluisa reaaliaikainen strategiapelisaaga jatkuu. Tällä kertaa taistelu sijoittuu 1944- 1945 talvella käytyyn Ardennien suurhyökkä ykseen, Saksan ja länsiliittoutuneiden kamppailuun. Peliä on uudistettu niin grafiikan kuin pelijärjestelmänkin puolella. Nyt mukana myös ilma- ja tykistötuki. Demossa mukana TCP/IP moninpeli/multiplayer. Windows 95, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX.
37984 CFL99DE.ZIP 12,5 Mt 19.10.1999 - - tupla
"CFL Football99 demo. By Winter Valley. Sports / american football. Football simulation that provides standard player trading features and arcade style of playwith real football rules. Real Football with Real Football Rules. CFL football: 3 downs110 yard field12 players per side20 second play clockunlimited backfield motionand no sissy fair catches allowed. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX"
37985 CHIXDEBE.ZIP 10,3 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"ChixnGear demo. From Fiendish Games. High adrenalin 1970s chix and muscle car racer. The full version of the game includes: Funky 1970s music tracks. 3 massive tracks that can be raced both forwards and backwards 6 beautiful chix including Daisy Lipsey and Sharon Sharalike. 6 meaty muscle cars. Realistic physicsincluding handbrake powerslides. Cool special effectssuch as volumetric fog and environment mapping. Windows 95 P233 16MB DirectX Direct3D"
37986 CHS2000D.A01 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Castrol Honda Superabike 2000 demo 2/3
37987 CHS2000D.A02 4,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Castrol Honda Superabike 2000 demo 3/3
37988 CHS2000D.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Castrol Honda Superabike 2000 demo 1/3 By Midas Interactive. Brings the complete motorcycle-racing package straight into your home. This is true simulation software where the detail is phenomenal. Now you can tinker and tweak the performance of your bike without worrying about oil on the carpet. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supports Direct3D
37989 CKDEMO9Z.ZIP 28,7 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
"Confirmed Kill playable beta demo v0.109D. Online multiplayer WW2 simulator. Eidos. Special attention has been paid to creating fully immersive environment. Not played like current batch of flight sims that are on the market. The focus is team Mission play. Even though it offers persistent playing world that Airwarrior and Warbirds doits focus is on specific Missions. Free online demouses MPlayer. Windows 95P20032 MBDirectX 6Direct3D card."
37990 CLANS.ZIP 20,7 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
Clans demo. Julkaisija StrategyFirst. Isometrisesti kuvattu hiiriohjattu toimintapeli. Kuoleman ja tuhon aalto hyökyy aiemmin rauhallisen valtakuntasi yli. Kerää rohkeutesi ja astu miekkä kädessäsi, taikavoimat täysille viritettyinä, kamppailemaan piemyden voimia vastaan. Seikkailu etenee ruutu kerrallaan erilaisia petoja vastaan taistellen. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P120, 32 Mt, DirectX
37991 CM3DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Championship Manager 3 demo 2/2
37992 CM3DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Championship Manager 3 demo. By Eidos. 1/2 Sports / football management. In order to give you a taster of CM3 we have made a fully playable demo available for you. This will be for the English leagues only and will run for around half a season. The saved game of the demo is compatible with the release version of CM3 which will allow you to continue your game from the demo if you buy the full version of CM3. Windows 95, P133, 32 Mb.
37993 CM9900B.ZIP 8,2 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Championship Manager Season 99/00 demo. Tekijä Sports Interactive. Urheilusimulaatio/ managerointi. Kuulun irheilupelin uusin versio. Sisältää nyt joukkueita 16 maasta ja parannettu liigajärjestelmä. Pelaa jalkapalloa katsomon ja managerinpenkin puolelta. Laitevaatimus Windows 95, Pentium. Tukee Direct3D.
37994 CMM_FULL.ZIP 25,6 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
Crusaders of Might and Magic demo. Tekijä 3DO. 3D ulkoperspektiivin fantasia toimintapeli. Kuulu pelisarja astuu nyt myös 3D-toiminnan maailmaan. Drake, elämän kovettama soturi, liittyy ristiretkeen joka tähtää tuhoamaan pimeyden voimat. Miekan ja magian mahdolla hänen on taisteltava viiden maailman läpi. Juokse, hypi, väistele, taistele ja taio matkallasi. Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX, tukee Direct3D.
37995 COMMBCOD.A01 3,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty demo 2/4
37996 COMMBCOD.A02 3,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty demo 3/4
37997 COMMBCOD.A03 1,9 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty demo 4/4
37998 COMMBCOD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty demo. Real time strategy/puzzle. Eidos. Dirty 1/2 Dozen are back in action. Lead the team into harms way.Command your men as they sneak into Eastern Europe, Greece, and Germany to finish the job they started. Armed with new weapons and devious decoys, Commandos vow to fight until victory. However, Germans have other plans for the boys. Demo includes TCP/IP LAN/Internet multiplayer. P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX    1/4
37999 CORSAIRS.A01 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Corsairs demo 2/8
38000 CORSAIRS.A02 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Corsairs demo 3/8
38001 CORSAIRS.A03 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Corsairs demo 4/8
38002 CORSAIRS.A04 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Corsairs demo 5/8
38003 CORSAIRS.A05 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Corsairs demo 6/8
38004 CORSAIRS.A06 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Corsairs demo 7/8
38005 CORSAIRS.A07 1 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Corsairs demo 8/8
38006 CORSAIRS.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
"Corsairs demo by Microids. RTS sea strategy action.Realistic 18th century atmosphere with pirate trimmings. Be privateerheading your fleet while you sail the oceans in search of treasure.Explore uncharted territoriesbattle stormsnavigate through dense fogdefend against enemy galleonsboard enemy ships with guns and swordsengage in tough trading negotiationsrecruit henchmen etc. Operate for your and your kings good. Win95 P133 32MB DirectX    1/8"
38007 CP8BALL.ZIP 15,7 Mt 05.11.1999 - - -
3-D Ultra Cool Pool - 8-Ball demo. Sierra. Sports/pool/billiards. Take everything you know about Pool, and throw it in a blender. Cool Pool has all your favorites; Eight Ball, Cutthroat, Nine Ball, and more! Req. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX.
38008 CPCHAMDE.ZIP 20,8 Mt 05.11.1999 - - -
3-D Ultra Cool Pool - Cameleon Ball demo. Sierra. Sports/pool/billiards. Take everything you know about Pool, and throw it in a blender. Cool Pool has all your favorites; Eight Ball, Cutthroat, Nine Ball, and more! Req. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX.
38009 CRASHD.ZIP 5 Mt 10.11.1999 - - -
Hot Wheels Crash demo by Mattel. Create outrageous 3D crashes with your favorite Hot Wheels cars. Make the wildest possible stunt crashes and watch your points skyrocket! Position your stunt cars to good position, angle and let them go into the most wildest car stunts! P166, 32 Megs, 2D or 3D graphics card, Windows 95.
38010 CUTTRD22.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Cutthroats demo v2.2 by Hothouse/Eidos. 2/7
38011 CUTTRD22.A02 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Cutthroats demo v2.2 by Hothouse/Eidos. 3/7
38012 CUTTRD22.A03 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Cutthroats demo v2.2 by Hothouse/Eidos. 4/7
38013 CUTTRD22.A04 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Cutthroats demo v2.2 by Hothouse/Eidos. 5/7
38014 CUTTRD22.A05 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Cutthroats demo v2.2 by Hothouse/Eidos. 6/7
38015 CUTTRD22.A06 4,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Cutthroats demo v2.2 by Hothouse/Eidos. 7/7
38016 CUTTRD22.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Cutthroats demo v2.2 by Hothouse/Eidos. 1/7 Pirate adventure. Loot and extort your way to infamy in the seedy world of 17th century Caribbean. Strike terror in hearts of your victims: board ships, ransom hostages and sack towns. Be captain of a ship bristling with cannons. Fight for King and country as privateer or become a ruthless pirate. Will you survive to retire a Pirate King? Windows 95, P200, 32 MB, DirectX
38017 CWC99DEM.A01 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Cricket World Cup 99 demo. EA Sports. 2/7
38018 CWC99DEM.A02 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Cricket World Cup 99 demo. EA Sports. 3/7
38019 CWC99DEM.A03 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Cricket World Cup 99 demo. EA Sports. 4/7
38020 CWC99DEM.A04 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Cricket World Cup 99 demo. EA Sports. 5/7
38021 CWC99DEM.A05 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Cricket World Cup 99 demo. EA Sports. 6/7
38022 CWC99DEM.A06 3,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Cricket World Cup 99 demo. EA Sports. 7/7
38023 CWC99DEM.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"Cricket World Cup 99 demo. EA Sports. 1/7 Sports / Cricket. Its a Carnival of Cricket. Official game of the Cricket World Cup 99. Recreate the worlds most prestigious cricket competition with all the major grounds. You are playing the second innings of a cliffhanger 20 over match between England and India. In this demothe difficulty is set to easy. Windows 95DirectXPentium."
38024 D3DEMO2.A01 4,7 Mt 09.05.1999 - - -
Descent 3 demo v2 2/8
38025 D3DEMO2.A02 4,7 Mt 09.05.1999 - - -
Descent 3 demo v2 3/8
38026 D3DEMO2.A03 4,7 Mt 09.05.1999 - - -
Descent 3 demo v2 4/8
38027 D3DEMO2.A04 4,7 Mt 09.05.1999 - - -
Descent 3 demo v2 5/8
38028 D3DEMO2.A05 4,7 Mt 09.05.1999 - - -
Descent 3 demo v2 6/8
38029 D3DEMO2.A06 4,7 Mt 09.05.1999 - - -
Descent 3 demo v2 7/8
38030 D3DEMO2.A07 3,8 Mt 09.05.1999 - - -
Descent 3 demo v2 8/8
38031 D3DEMO2.ARJ 4,7 Mt 09.05.1999 - - -
Descent 3 pelattava demoversio ver. 2. 1/8 Descent on kaivoksissa lentelyä ja räiskintää robottivastuksia vastaan ja tarkoitus on eri kaivoksissa suorittaa jokin tietty tehtävä. Sisältää useita eri aseita aina lasereista ja pommeista lämpöhakuisiin ohjuksiin asti. Paljon näyttävää grafiikkaa ja efektejä. Mahdollistaa moninpelin IPX:n, serial:n, modeemin tai Parallax Onlinen kautta. Vaatii toimiakseen: Pentium 200 Mhz, 32MB ja Direct3D:tä tukevan 3D-kortin. 
38032 DA2DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 27.08.1999 - - tupla
Deer Avenger 2 demo                    2/4
38033 DA2DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 27.08.1999 - - tupla
Deer Avenger 2 demo                    3/4
38034 DA2DEMO.A03 4,6 Mt 27.08.1999 - - tupla
Deer Avenger 2 demo                    4/4
38035 DA2DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 27.08.1999 - - tupla
"Deer Avenger 2 by Simon & Schuster Sequel to the best-selling parody. In DA2 you play the deer and your mission is to capture three hunters who have run down your favorite doe. Youll find the hunters protected by twenty-eight obnoxious bystanders in three fun locations: a suburban streeta telemarketing office and a roadside bar. Can you capture all three hunters? Easy arcade shooting game. Windows 95DirectX 6.0Direct3D card                    1/4"
38036 DAIKADMD.ZIP 34,5 Mt 05.06.2000 - - tupla
Daikatana Deathmatch multiplayer demo by ION Storm/Eidos. 1st person 3D action. Go back into the past to set history straight Along for the ride are Mikiko and your friend Superfly Johnson, AI-controlled allies who have their own personalities, abilities, advantages, and disadvantages. Multiplayer demo includes two deathmatch maps. Playable ONLY on Internet, through free MPlayer. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 MB, DirectX. Req. 3Dfx or OpenGL 3D card. 
38037 DARKMADE.ZIP 7,5 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
Dark Matter technology demo. Nanotainment. Arcade/strategy space simulation, built from ground up to be a networked game. You will fight on the side of one of several alien species. The technology demo demonstrates the engine core and initial extensions. You must have DirectX 6.1 or later. Windows 95. Supports Direct3D.
38038 DARKSTDE.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Darkstone demo 1/3
38039 DARKSTDE.A02 7 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Darkstone demo 2/3
38040 DARKSTDE.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Darkstone demo. Delphine Software/       1/3 Gathering of Developers. Adventure. Surviving this medieval world, living under the shadow of nefarious dragon, will require nothing less than a complete transformation. As a knight, monk, thief, or sorcerer, you will creep through dungeons, explore towns and wilderness, and slay armies of nasty enemies on your quest to collect seven crystals. 2 player LAN/Internet IPX,TCP/IP multiplayer. Win95 P233 32 MB Direct3D
38041 DASETUP.ZIP 7,2 Mt 30.08.1999 - - tupla
Deer Avenger demo. Simon & Schuster Interactive The hunter becomes the hunted and Bambi is out for blood. 3D accelerator, 32 MB RAM, Pentium 166, and Windows 95 or Windows 98
38043 DESF-AT.A01 3,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - tupla
Desert Fighters Alpha Technology demo 2/4
38044 DESF-AT.A02 3,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - tupla
Desert Fighters Alpha Technology demo 3/4
38045 DESF-AT.A03 1,7 Mt 30.05.1999 - - tupla
Desert Fighters Alpha Technology demo 4/4
38046 DESF-AT.ARJ 3,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - tupla
Desert Fighters Alpha Technology release demo Dynamix. WW2 fighter combat simulator. Experience intense air-to-air dogfighting action, special effects. This sneak preview includes three aircraft: Macchi MC .202 Folgore, Hawker Hurricane MIIc and Bf109e. Each will provide a true 3D cockpit system, which allows for extremely smooth transitions. This demo is MULTIPLAYER ONLY and only using internet connection. Win95 P200 32MB. Supports Direct3D.    1/4
38047 DESF-ATZ.ZIP 13,1 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Desert Fighters Alpha Technology release demo Dynamix. WW2 fighter combat simulator. Experience intense air-to-air dogfighting action, special effects. This sneak preview includes three aircraft: Macchi MC .202 Folgore, Hawker Hurricane MIIc and Bf109e. Each will provide a true 3D cockpit system, which allows for extremely smooth transitions. This demo is MULTIPLAYER ONLY and only using internet connection. Win95 P200 32MB. Supports Direct3D.
38042 DESFAFP.ZIP 45,7 kt 30.05.1999 - - tupla
Desert Fighters Alpha Technology release demo screenshots. Dynamix. WW2 fighter combat simulator.
38048 DF2DEMO0.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Delta Force 2 demo v0.08 from Novalogic. 2/4
38049 DF2DEMO0.A02 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Delta Force 2 demo v0.08 from Novalogic. 3/4
38050 DF2DEMO0.A03 1,7 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Delta Force 2 demo v0.08 from Novalogic. 4/4
38051 DF2DEMO0.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"Delta Force 2 demo v0.08 from Novalogic. 1/4 3D first person combat. Youre a member of U.S. militarys elite anti-terrorist detachment. First-person action but based on reality; you use real-world weapons and tactics in real-world hotspotscapturing terrorist basesrescuing hostagesdestroying enemy structures and weapons. The pre-release version of DF2 demo supports a limited number of 3D cards. Windows 95P200MMX32MB. Supports Direct3D"
38052 DF2DEMO1.ZIP 36,3 Mt 03.12.1999 - - tupla
"Delta Force 2 demo from Novalogic. 3D first person combat. Youre a member of U.S. militarys elite anti-terrorist detachment. First-person action but based on reality; you use real-world weapons and tactics in real-world hotspotscapturing terrorist basesrescuing hostagesdestroying enemy structures and weapons. Windows 95P200MMX32MB. Supports Direct3D"
38053 DFDEMO4.A01 2,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Delta Force demo v4 2/7
38054 DFDEMO4.A02 2,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Delta Force demo v4 3/7
38055 DFDEMO4.A03 2,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Delta Force demo v4 4/7
38056 DFDEMO4.A04 2,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Delta Force demo v4 5/7
38057 DFDEMO4.A05 2,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Delta Force demo v4 6/7
38058 DFDEMO4.A06 340,9 kt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Delta Force demo v4 7/7
38059 DFDEMO4.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
"Delta Force demo v4 from Novalogic. 3D Action You are a member of the U.S. Armys elite top secret Special Forces unit. Exciting new 1st/3rd person action sim game featuring expansive real world outdoor environments. Employ authentic special forces weaponry with accurate ballistics. Detailed Voxel Space¸ 3 graphics terrain and rich 3D positional sound. Includes FREE* access to NovaWorld for Internet multiplayer. Win95/98 P166 MMX 32MB DirectX        1/7"
38060 DH2DEMO.A01 4,3 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Deer Hunter II demo 2/5
38061 DH2DEMO.A02 4,3 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Deer Hunter II demo 3/5
38062 DH2DEMO.A03 4,3 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Deer Hunter II demo 4/5
38063 DH2DEMO.A04 2,1 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Deer Hunter II demo 5/5
38064 DH2DEMO.ARJ 4,3 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Deer Hunter II demo from WizardWorks. 3D hunting. Get ready to lock your sights on the buck of a lifetime. The hunt has never felt as real as it does in this stunning 3D environment rich with trees, valleys, incredible weather effects and ambient sounds. Join the hunt. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D 1/5
38065 DHCDEMO.ZIP 15 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
Deer Hunt Challenge demo. Tekijä EA Sports. Urheilu/metsästyspeli. 3D naamaperspektiivistä kuvattu metsästyspeli. Pelissä yhdistyy toiminta, päämäärätavoitteiset kentät ja imaisevat ympäristöt räiskintähenkisellä pelattavuudella. Tämä peli keskittyy metsästyksen haasteeseen ja strategiaan, mutta reippaalla toimintaannostuksella. Minimivaatimus P166, 32 Mt, DirectX, Windows 95/98. Tukee Direct3D.
38066 DIABLOD.ZIP 49,7 Mt 22.12.2001 - - tupla
Diablo demo Embark, if you dare, on a dark and sinister quest that will pull you into the very depths of hell itself... and beyond. This dark role-playing adventure offers multiplayer support, including Internet play through Battle.net. 
38067 DISCIPD2.ZIP 36,5 Mt 16.12.1999 - - tupla
Disciples: Sacred Lands demo v99.8.20.2 Tekijä Strategy First. Vuoropohjainen fantasia-strategia Heroes of Might & Magic pelien tapaan. Tyyli vain on isometrinen ja grafiikkapainotteisempi, näyttävämpi. OHjaa yhtä pelin roduista kun ne matkaavat tarinan halki luoden voimakkaita sotureita ja maageja, löytäen ikivanhoja esineitä ja taikakääröjä. Miekkaa & magiaa, seikkailua ja sotaa. Vaatii Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX.
38068 DK2MPD.ZIP 45 Mt 05.11.1999 - MBCD tupla
Dungeon Keeper 2 multiplayer demo. Bullfrog/ Electronic Arts. Genre-defying blend of real-time strategy, god sim, first-person action and fantasy role-playing. You play the sinister archfiend and master of cavernous Underworld. Build dungeon to your own design, lay traps and doors to protect yourself, recruit an army of foul creatures and lure heroic adventurers to their doom. Demo has full, free TCP/IP, IPX and Internet multiplayer. Win95 P166 32 MB Supp. Direct3D
38069 DLODE2D.A01 4,8 Mt 14.07.1999 - - -
Deadlode II demo 2/3
38070 DLODE2D.A02 3,7 Mt 14.07.1999 - - -
Deadlode II demo 3/3
38071 DLODE2D.ARJ 4,8 Mt 14.07.1999 - - -
Deadlode II demo. Tekijä The Coven. Quake 2 moninpelilaajennus. Demo sisältää kaksi tehtävä-pohjaista moninpelikenttää, kuusi kokonaan uutta asetta, 14 (lopullisen version 400:sta) radioviestiä ja lukuisia uusia kenttien suorittamiseen tarvittavia varusteita. Vaatii Quake 2.  1/3
38072 DRAKAD2Z.ZIP 65,7 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2 by Psygnosi 3D third person fantasy adventure/action. Seamlessly blends aerial and ground-based gameplay in beautiful 3D world. You are Rynn, warrior-heroine with savvy attitude and quick sword arm who teams up with a powerful, fire breathing dragon. Embark on epic journey. Combines hand-to-hand combat with unique flight engine. Explore mysterious world,solve puzzles, and interact with characters. Win95 P166 16MB DirectX. Supports Direct3D.
38073 DRAKAND2.A01 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2  2/14
38074 DRAKAND2.A02 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2  3/14
38075 DRAKAND2.A03 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2  4/14
38076 DRAKAND2.A04 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2  5/14
38077 DRAKAND2.A05 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2  6/14
38078 DRAKAND2.A06 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2  7/14
38079 DRAKAND2.A07 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2  8/14
38080 DRAKAND2.A08 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2  9/14
38081 DRAKAND2.A09 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2 10/14
38082 DRAKAND2.A10 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2 11/14
38083 DRAKAND2.A11 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2 12/14
38084 DRAKAND2.A12 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2 13/14
38085 DRAKAND2.A13 3,7 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2 14/14
38086 DRAKAND2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo 2 by Psygnosi 3D third person fantasy adventure/action. Seamlessly blends aerial and ground-based gameplay in beautiful 3D world. You are Rynn, warrior-heroine with savvy attitude and quick sword arm who teams up with a powerful, fire breathing dragon. Embark on epic journey. Combines hand-to-hand combat with unique flight engine. Explore mysterious world,solve puzzles, and interact with characters. Win95 P166 16MB DirectX. Supports Direct3D.  1/14
38087 DRAKANDP.ZIP 177,5 kt 30.05.1999 - - -
Drakan: Order of the Flame demo screenshots. Psygnosis. 3D third person fantasy adventure/action.
38088 DRDEMO.ZIP 40 Mt 13.12.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain tupla
Demolition Racer demo. Tekijä Pitbull Syndicate/Infogrames. Romuralli. Vääntyvän metallin kirskunaa tulviva räväkkä kilpa-ajelu jossa ei peltiä säästellä. Maaliin pääsemisen ohella myös toisten autojen romuttaminen on kelpo tapa voittopisteiden haalimiseen. Kohtalainen ulkoasu, räväkkä meininki ja rockmusiikki tahdittaa pellinruttaamista. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX 7, Direct3D-kiihdytin 4 Mt.
38089 DRIVERD.A01 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Driver demo by Reflections/GTi. 2/3
38090 DRIVERD.A02 4,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Driver demo by Reflections/GTi. 3/3
38091 DRIVERD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Driver demo by Reflections/GTi. 1/3 Racing racing/action/wrecking. Puts gamers right into middle of action and squarely behind the wheel of the most wanted getaway car. Driver delivers clutch-your seats, adrenaline-charged action of a heart-stopping, Hollywood-style car chase, propelling players along high-speed, all-out thrill ride through the wild streets of four major U.S. cities. P200, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supports Direct3D.
38092 DROIDWD.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Star Wars DroidWorksdemo 2/4
38093 DROIDWD.A02 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Star Wars DroidWorksdemo 3/4
38094 DROIDWD.A03 1,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Star Wars DroidWorksdemo 4/4
38095 DROIDWD.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Star Wars DroidWorksdemo 1/4 By Lucas Learning Ltd. Take a fun and educational tour into the inner fabric of the Star Wars legacy. This fantasy edutainment adventure challenges you to master the art of droid building while working undercover for the Rebel Alliance in your mission to overcome the Empire. Main components of the game include a droid design/construction module. Windows 95, DirectX 5.2, Pentium 133,
38096 EDGARTEB.ZIP 72,5 Mt 24.11.1999 koko? MBCD eritupla¹
Edgar Torronteras Extreme Biker demo. Tekijä Deibus Studios/Sierra. RÄväkkää extremeluokan mopoilua kaksipyöräisillä moottoripyörillä. Tunne adrenaliinin pursuavan kun ajat kauniiden, detaljoitujen maisemien halki. Aja aavikolla, metsissä ja vilkkaissa kaupungeissa. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D.
38097 ELITEDRT.A01 3,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Elite Darts demo 2/3
38098 ELITEDRT.A02 2,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Elite Darts demo 3/3
38099 ELITEDRT.ARJ 3,8 Mt 30.09.1999 repacked archive.org tupla
Elite Darts demo by Patch Products, Inc. Beautifully produced darts simulation featuring great graphics, atmospheric sound effects, and highly realistic dart-throwing action. A well-produced tutorial movie teaches you how to throw by guiding a transparent throwing arm with your mouse. This demo lets you play a single-player game of 301. Windows 95   1/3
38100 EVILCDM3.A01 2,9 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Evil Core demo 2/5
38101 EVILCDM3.A02 2,9 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Evil Core demo 3/5
38102 EVILCDM3.A03 2,9 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Evil Core demo 4/5
38103 EVILCDM3.A04 2,5 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Evil Core demo 5/5
38104 EVILCDM3.ARJ 2,9 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Evil Core: The Fallen Cities demo 3 Adventure A.B.T.S. - adventure with 3D shooter action. You can talk to people, buy items from stores fly anywhere you want in the world. There are secret lands to be found even in the demo. Earn money from completing missions. Includes Multiplayer, split screen cooperative play or fight, now with link, modem, IPX, TCP/IP Internet play. P133, 16MB, Win95, DirectX, Direct3D. Compability warning.  1/5
38105 EXPDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Expendable demo 2/11
38106 EXPDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Expendable demo 3/11
38107 EXPDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Expendable demo 4/11
38108 EXPDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Expendable demo 5/11
38109 EXPDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Expendable demo 6/11
38110 EXPDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Expendable demo 7/11
38111 EXPDEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Expendable demo 8/11
38112 EXPDEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Expendable demo 9/11
38113 EXPDEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Expendable demo 10/11
38114 EXPDEMO.A10 1,3 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Expendable demo 11/11l
38115 EXPDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
"Expendable demo by: Rage Software 1/11 Arcade shootemup. Ikari warrior stylesecond-person shooter that features loads of special graphical effects. Youre dropped in to battle for human settlements which have been overrun by the Charva. Very graphic intensive fast action. Windows 95Pentium32 MBDirectX 6.1Direct3D accelerator"
38116 EXPPOOL.ZIP 11,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Expert Pool demo from Psygnosis. Pool/Sports. The only computer pool game to capture the atmosphere, style and intensity of live pool game. Features include a mathematically modeled 3D dynamics engine, advanced game interface, real-time fully animated character that actually play pool, and more. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supports Direct3D
38117 F21DEMO.A01 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Force 21 demo                           2/7
38118 F21DEMO.A02 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Force 21 demo                           3/7
38119 F21DEMO.A03 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Force 21 demo                           4/7
38120 F21DEMO.A04 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Force 21 demo                           5/7
38121 F21DEMO.A05 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Force 21 demo                           6/7
38122 F21DEMO.A06 4 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Force 21 demo                           7/7
38123 F21DEMO.ARJ 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Force 21 demo. Red Storm Entertainment. 1/7 Action strategy. Year 2015. World War III is About To Begin. China has invaded Russia to capture its vital economic resources. Real time 3D Tactical Wargame combining strategic and tactical play to take you into the future of war. Command American or Chinese armored forces with tanks, helicopters, artillery, combat engineers, and electronic warfare units. Demo will run slowly on AMD/Cyrix. Windows 95 P200 16MB DirectX. Supp. Direct3D
38124 F2KDEMUK.ZIP 20 Mt 05.11.1999 - - tupla
"FIFA 2000 demo by EA Sports. Sport/football. For the first time ever MLS teams have the chance to go head-to-head with the worlds greatest teams. Soif you wanna take part in a monster-battle between MLSs DC United and Europes No.1 - Man Unitedif you think youre good enough to take on defensive gladiators Eddie Pope (DC United and USA) and Sol Campbell (Spurs and England). Get in to FIFA 2000 Major League Soccer. Windows 95 16MB Pentium"
38125 FASTARSD.ZIP 31,6 Mt 10.11.1999 - - tupla
The F.A. Premier League Stars demo by EA Sports. Sports/football. Take YOUR Premier League team through 38 games in 10 months through the toughest games against the toughest rivals in 20 spectacular arenas against the best STARS in the land in the quest for the Premier League trophy. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
38126 FDEMO2.A01 3,3 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Fire and Darkness netdemo 2/2
38127 FDEMO2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Fire and Darkness netdemo 1/2 Singularity Softwares real-time strategy game. Fire and Darkness is a futuristic 3D real-time strategy game. It combines an advanced 3D graphics engine, state-of-the-art networking technology, and a powerful combat simulation engine to provide a fast-paced, immersive experience that leaves existing wargames in the dust. Requirements: Pentium 90 Mhz, 16MB, Windows 95/98 and DirectX. Supports direct3D.
38128 FLANKER2.ZIP 37,3 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
Flanker 2.0 demo. Tekijä SSI. Lentosimulaattori. Kuulun SU-27 Flankerin jatko-osa. Upeagrafiikkainen simulaattori todenmukaisella lentomallilla ja fotorealistisilla maisemilla. Parannettu fysiikkajärjestelmä, 3D äänet ja tarkka vauriomallinnus tarjoavat todenmukaisen taisteluelämyksen. Peliä voi skaalata aloittelijasta tosiexpertille sopivaksi. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Vaatii Direct3D-näytönohjaimen.
38129 FLEETCD.A01 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command demo  2/10"
38130 FLEETCD.A02 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command demo  3/10"
38131 FLEETCD.A03 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command demo  4/10"
38132 FLEETCD.A04 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command demo  5/10"
38133 FLEETCD.A05 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command demo  6/10"
38134 FLEETCD.A06 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command demo  7/10"
38135 FLEETCD.A07 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command demo  8/10"
38136 FLEETCD.A08 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command demo  9/10"
38137 FLEETCD.A09 2,4 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command demo 10/10"
38138 FLEETCD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command demo. 1/10 Janes Combat Simulations. Real time naval strategy. Worlds mightiest arsenals are under your complete control. You give the orders and the entire battle group - fast frigatesAegis guided missile cruisersnuclear submarinesnuclear-powered aircraft carriers and each plane on them- follows your command. The definitive naval strategy game. Windows 95P20032 MBDirectX. SUPPORTS Direct3D."
38139 FLWDEMO.ZIP 17,6 Mt 15.10.1999 - - tupla
FLW Professional Bass Tournament demo. By WizardWorks. Sports / fishing. Cast your lure and compete with the best anglers on the FLW Tour. Real-time 3D graphics and actual tournament action let you choose your lure, competition bass boat and even the weather on the lakes in the FLW Tour. Feel the waves ripple as you run and gun your boat toward a tournament-winning hot spot and weigh-in a prize bass any pro would be proud to catch. P166, 32MB, Win95/98,DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3
38140 FS2DE10.A01 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
FreeSpace 2 demo      2/7
38141 FS2DE10.A02 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
FreeSpace 2 demo      3/7
38142 FS2DE10.A03 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
FreeSpace 2 demo      4/7
38143 FS2DE10.A04 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
FreeSpace 2 demo      5/7
38144 FS2DE10.A05 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
FreeSpace 2 demo      6/7
38145 FS2DE10.A06 1,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
FreeSpace 2 demo      7/7
38146 FS2DE10.ARJ 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
FreeSpace 2 demo by Volition/Interplay 1/7 Space combat simulator. 32 years after the Great War Shivans have surfaced again, threatening the survival of the Terrans and Vasudans. Rebellion and civil war jeopardize security of the colonies and the future of both Terrans and Vasudans. Serve as part of Galactic Terran Vasudan Alliance monitoring and intervening in interstellar skirmish. Win95 P200 32MB DirectX 3D acceleration
38147 FSTEELD.A01 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
Fighting Steel demo   2/5
38148 FSTEELD.A02 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
Fighting Steel demo   3/5
38149 FSTEELD.A03 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
Fighting Steel demo   4/5
38150 FSTEELD.A04 4,6 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
Fighting Steel demo   5/5
38151 FSTEELD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
Fighting Steel demo. SSI. 1/5 Naval combat simulator. Combining depth of a detailed simulation and tactical challenges of the finest wargame, FS re-creates most spectacular naval gunnery battles of WWII from 1939-1942. Command ships from the British, German, American and Japanese fleets everything from a single ship to a Task Force in real-time action! Combat takes place in a true 3-D world. Win95, P133, 64 MB, DirectX
38152 FSTEELDZ.ZIP 23,6 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
Fighting Steel demo. SSI. Naval combat simulator. Combining depth of a detailed simulation and tactical challenges of the finest wargame, FS re-creates most spectacular naval gunnery battles of WWII from 1939-1942. Command ships from the British, German, American and Japanese fleets everything from a single ship to a Task Force in real-time action! Combat takes place in a true 3-D world. Win95, P133, 64 MB, DirectX
38153 G17DEMO.ZIP 79,5 Mt 15.10.1999 - - -
Gorky 17 (Europe) / Odium (US name) demo. Metropolis Software/Topware Isometric adventure / turn strategy. You command elite government soldiers on a fact finding mission to an abandoned Russian spy-training facility. Adventure in top isometric system with roleplaying elements, and fight in turn based, 3D accelerated close view. P200MMX, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
38154 GABE3DEM.ZIP 55,9 Mt 08.12.1999 - - -
Gabriel Knight 3 demoBlood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned. 3D seikkailupeli. Jatko-osa tunnettuun pelisarjaan. Tosielämän tapahtumiin perustuvassa seikkailussa pelaaja tutkii Ranskan vuoristossa ikivanhaa mysteeriä. Tapahtumat kuvataan 3D virtuaali maailmassa,jossa kameraa voi siirtää vapaasti hahmojen ympärillä. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D.
38155 GANGDEM2.A01 4,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2 2/11
38156 GANGDEM2.A02 4,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2 3/11
38157 GANGDEM2.A03 4,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2 4/11
38158 GANGDEM2.A04 4,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2 5/11
38159 GANGDEM2.A05 4,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2 6/11
38160 GANGDEM2.A06 4,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2 7/11
38161 GANGDEM2.A07 4,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2 8/11
38162 GANGDEM2.A08 4,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2 9/11
38163 GANGDEM2.A09 4,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2 10/11
38164 GANGDEM2.A10 3,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2 11/11
38165 GANGDEM2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Gangsters demo 2. Eidos. Real time action/business/strategy. Do you possess the backbone to be a wise guy? Think you have what it takes to be the mob boss of brutal organized crime family? Set in Chicago style city of the 1930s, you work in the gritty underworld of the Mafia, dealing in extortion, bootlegging, prostitution, violence, intimidation, gambling, and gang warfare. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX 1/11
38166 GGD101.ZIP 7,5 Mt 30.08.1999 - MBCD -
Goofy Golf Deluxe demo. Published by: Squeegee Software. Incredible miniature golf game. Clay animation graphics give it a unique and colorful style. The game comes with 54 miniature golf holes and a Course Designer. A mouse controlled user interface is so easy to learn even the youngest golfers can play. Pentium-120, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95
38167 GP500CCD.ZIP 78,5 Mt 05.11.1999 - - -
Grand Prix 500ccm English Demo Ascaron Software. Sports/motorcycle racing. In this demo you will only be able to race on the Assen Circuit. You may choose one of 26 drivers and the difficulty level. Windows 95 P166, 16 MB, Direct3D/Glide 3D accelerator.
38168 GP500DEM.A01 4,8 Mt 29.08.1999 - - -
GP500 demo 2/4
38169 GP500DEM.A02 4,8 Mt 29.08.1999 - - -
GP500 demo 3/4
38170 GP500DEM.A03 3,4 Mt 29.08.1999 - - -
GP500 demo 4/4
38171 GP500DEM.ARJ 4,8 Mt 29.08.1999 - - -
"GP500 demo. Melbourne House/Hasbro. Motorbike racing. Every rider and every team on Grand Prix circuit is hereand waiting for your challenge. Youll be wrestling with your 500cc racing machine on every curve against 23 other riders. Frighteningly realistic models with authentic rider AI. Demo lets you race on Muguello track. TCP/IP & IPX multiplayer support for 4 pl. Windows 95P20032 MBDirectXDirect3D  1/4"
38172 GRNTDINS.A01 4,8 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Gruntz demo 2/6
38173 GRNTDINS.A02 4,8 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Gruntz demo 3/6
38174 GRNTDINS.A03 4,8 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Gruntz demo 4/6
38175 GRNTDINS.A04 4,8 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Gruntz demo 5/6
38176 GRNTDINS.A05 669,2 kt 13.01.1999 - - -
Gruntz demo 6/6
38177 GRNTDINS.ARJ 4,8 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
"Gruntz demo from Monolith. Puzzle/action. It takes wits and wisdom to work your way through Monoliths new Puzzle-Powered brain game: Gruntz! Along the wayyoull experience side-splitting dialoguerich hand-painted backgroundsand the cutestgooey-est creatures on the planet! P9016MBWin95/98DirectX 6     1/6"
38178 GROMDEM2.ZIP 17,1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
Gromada playable demo 2. By Gromada inc/ Bethesda Softworks. Arcade game that employs high-color graphics and isometric view. Fully animated plants and machines, highly realistic explosions, dynamic light and other special effects. Pilot powerful, fully customizable tank against massive forces stacked against you. 4 pl. multiplayer for link, modem, IPX & TCP/IP & Internet. Requirements: P166, 16MB, SVGA 2MB, Windows 95/98, DirectX 5.0.
38179 GTA2DEMO.ZIP 12,3 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
"Grand Theft Auto 2 demo. Take 2. Car racing/combat/action. Follow-up to one of most controversial titles ever - the critically acclaimedbest-selling GTA. Set in eerily familiaryet futuristicdark and vast metropolisyou play role of lone gunman who is out of cashout of luck and definitely operates outside the law. Become King of the City. Use your ruthless cunning to set the gangs at each others throats. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX. Supp. Direct3D"
38180 GUARDEM.A01 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
The Guardian of Darkness demo 2/9
38181 GUARDEM.A02 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
The Guardian of Darkness demo 3/9
38182 GUARDEM.A03 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
The Guardian of Darkness demo 4/9
38183 GUARDEM.A04 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
The Guardian of Darkness demo 5/9
38184 GUARDEM.A05 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
The Guardian of Darkness demo 6/9
38185 GUARDEM.A06 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
The Guardian of Darkness demo 7/9
38186 GUARDEM.A07 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
The Guardian of Darkness demo 8/9
38187 GUARDEM.A08 597,2 kt 10.04.1999 - - -
The Guardian of Darkness demo 9/9
38188 GUARDEM.ARJ 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
The Guadian of Darkness demo from Cryo. 3D Third person action adventure. Ultra-secret organization regularly sends you on the most perilous missions involving paranormal. His spiritual powers enable him to unravel the darkest investigations, confronting powerful horrors with his combat magic. 13 Medium powers, 15 Warrior spells to solve 10 missions with subtlety or using brute force in a game of adventure and action P200 32MB Win95/98 DirectX Direct3D card  1/9
38189 GUNGAN.A01 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Star Wars: Episode I The Gungan Frontier demo 2/5
38190 GUNGAN.A02 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Star Wars: Episode I The Gungan Frontier demo 3/5
38191 GUNGAN.A03 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Star Wars: Episode I The Gungan Frontier demo 4/5
38192 GUNGAN.A04 3,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Star Wars: Episode I The Gungan Frontier demo 5/5
38193 GUNGAN.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Star Wars: Episode I The Gungan Frontier demo. Published by: Lucas Learning. In this simulation designed for players ages nine and up, your goal is to transform the barren moon of Naboo into a thriving, balanced ecosystem and help the Gungans build a new underwater bubble city. Control release of creatures and exotic plants into the empty landscape. Monitor population levels, manage the food web and harvest resources. Pentium-166, 32 MB RAM, Windows 95; Windows 98   1/5
38194 HASIDEMO.ZIP 12 Mt 04.12.1999 - - tupla
Hang Sim demo. Lentosimulaattori. Tekijä Ilan Papini/Wilco Publishing. Erilainen lentopeli. Pelaaja astuu purjekoneen, liitovarjon tai muun siviililaitteen ohjaksiin. Erittäin realistiset lentomallit tarjoavat huikeaa liitolentoa ilmavirtauksissa. Lentomallit on tarkoin tutkittu ja kehitetty. Kaunis 3D-ulkoasu ja erilaiset pelimoodit tekevät lentämisestä sitäkin miellyttävämpää. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 16 Mt, DirectX.
38195 HAT_DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Hatfields & McCoys demo 2/5
38196 HAT_DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Hatfields & McCoys demo 3/5
38197 HAT_DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Hatfields & McCoys demo 4/5
38198 HAT_DEMO.A04 3,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Hatfields & McCoys demo 5/5
38199 HAT_DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"Hatfields & McCoys demo from Lupine Games Light hearted real-time tactics (RTT) style comedy shooter. H&M is very loosely based on the famous American feud done in a cartoon stylebridging a gap between yesteryears arcade games and the RTTs of today. Windows 95 P166 32MB Direct3D      1/5"
38200 HELLCOPD.A01 4,8 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Hell-Copter demo from Ubi Soft. 2/6
38201 HELLCOPD.A02 4,8 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Hell-Copter demo from Ubi Soft. 3/6
38202 HELLCOPD.A03 4,8 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Hell-Copter demo from Ubi Soft. 4/6
38203 HELLCOPD.A04 4,8 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Hell-Copter demo from Ubi Soft. 5/6
38204 HELLCOPD.A05 4,6 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Hell-Copter demo from Ubi Soft. 6/6
38205 HELLCOPD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Hell-Copter demo from Ubi Soft. 1/6 Helicopter shooting action. You are leader of the famous "Hell-Copter" strike attack squadron. Choose from three different helicopters and arm them with all the weapons you need. Similar in style to the old Electronic Arts "Strike" games: Desert Strike etc. Demo has full link/modem/ipx & tcp/ip multiplayer. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX. SUPPORTS Direct3D, Force Feedback
38206 HELLCOPP.ZIP 20,7 kt 08.06.1999 - - -
Hell-Copter demo screenshot from Ubi Soft. Helicopter shooting action.
38207 HIDD2.A01 4,8 Mt 10.09.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo  2/15
38208 HIDD2.A02 4,8 Mt 10.09.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo  3/15
38209 HIDD2.A03 4,8 Mt 10.09.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo  4/15
38210 HIDD2.A04 4,8 Mt 10.09.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo  5/15
38211 HIDD2.A05 4,8 Mt 12.10.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo  6/15
38212 HIDD2.A06 4,8 Mt 12.10.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo  7/15
38213 HIDD2.A07 4,8 Mt 12.10.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo  8/15
38214 HIDD2.A08 4,8 Mt 12.10.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo  9/15
38215 HIDD2.A09 4,8 Mt 12.10.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo 10/15
38216 HIDD2.A10 4,8 Mt 12.10.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo 11/15
38217 HIDD2.A11 4,8 Mt 11.09.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo 12/15
38218 HIDD2.A12 4,8 Mt 11.09.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo 13/15
38219 HIDD2.A13 4,8 Mt 11.09.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo 14/15
38220 HIDD2.A14 782,6 kt 11.09.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo 15/15
38221 HIDD2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 11.09.1999 - - tupla
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo.Talonsoft. 1/15 Take2. Action/real-time strategic game, containing combination of non-traditional features, elements of RTS, action games and partly tactical strategies. Rainbow 6 like combat in World War II. Lead soldiers in difficult missions deep in enemy territory. It is a giant, mega-lo-manic game. NEW demo has multiplayer support for link, modem, IPX & TCP/IP. 2 missions. Windows95/98 P233 32MB RAM Direct3D card DX6
38222 HIDD2Z.ZIP 67,5 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Hidden & Dangerous NEW demo.Talonsoft Take2. Action/real-time strategic game, containing combination of non-traditional features, elements of RTS, action games and partly tactical strategies. Rainbow 6 like combat in World War II. Lead soldiers in difficult missions deep in enemy territory. It is a giant, mega-lo-manic game. NEW demo has multiplayer support for link, modem, IPX & TCP/IP. 2 missions. Windows95/98 P233 32MB RAM Direct3D card DX6
38223 HIDDENDP.ZIP 10,5 kt 27.05.1999 - - -
Hidden & Dangerous demo screenshots. Talonsoft / Take2. Arcade/action third person. Action/real-time strategic game.
38224 HIREDTD.ZIP 31,1 Mt 16.12.1999 - - tupla
Hired Team test demo. Tekijä New Media Generation. 3D naamaperspektiiviräiskintä. FPS-räiskintä jossa on paljon taktiikkaa ja strategiaelementtejä. Peli on enemmänkin räiskintöjen ja taistelusimulaattorin yhdistelmä. Tässä testiversiossa on mukana vain moninpeli, paikallisverkossa tai Internetin kautta. Kaksi deathmatch-kenttää. Käynnistääksesi aja asennushakemiston kautta bin/Shine.exe-tiedosto. Windows 95/98, Direct3D, Pentium.
38225 HMDEMO09.ZIP 1,9 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Hollywood Mogul demo v2.09. Strategy / simulation. Run your own Hollywood film studio from Hollywood In the ultimate role-playing strategy simulation you are the Dream Factory. Mogul Company Windows
38226 HOMM3D.ZIP 93,7 Mt 20.10.1999 - MBCD tupla
Heroes of Might & Magic III demo from New World/3DO. Strategy / adventure. Lead armies, build structures at castles you own and gather resources. Adventure around, find treasures and allies with your heroes, fight and manage your resources to build your army, cities and expand. Ddemo includes sample of one single-player scenario game map "Dead and Buried." Four week (28 turns) time limit and contains 3 of the 8 town types. Windows 95 P133 32MB DirectX
38227 HOYLBORD.ZIP 18,5 Mt 02.12.1999 - - tupla
Hoyle Board Games 3 demo. Play a set of popular board games. Suite of classic games that will keep your whole family amused. This demo allows full access to Placer Racer, Zen Bones, and Backgammon. In Placer Racer, you shoot colored balls out onto the board as you try to line up three balls of the same color. Zen Bones is an adaptation of the popular Mah Jongg.Outstanding graphics, 3D animations and realistic sound effects. Windows 95 required for Internet play and Windows 3.1.
38228 HOYLCS99.ZIP 30,4 Mt 02.12.1999 - - tupla
"Hoyle Casino99 demo from Sierra. Gambling. Play Blackjack and four slot machines. Serious gamers have long known that the combination of the Sierra and Hoyle names makes for a great playing experience. Each game is packed with slick graphicsanimated opponentsand life-like sound. This demo version lets you experience Blackjack and four slot machinescomplete with authentic rules and winning strategiestutorialsand hints. Windows 95 or Windows 98"
38229 HS_GLID.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Hang Sim 3.0 MINIMAL demo: Glider from Ilan Papini. Flying/Hang gliding simulation. Main features are: Highly realistic flight model built especially to simulate low speed flight. Unique atmospheric model which simulates flow of air over 3D terrain. Realistic thermals. Realistic 3D scenery. * Built to use 3D hardware acceleration and sound mixing. Advanced yet easy to use virtual cockpit, P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supp. Direct3D
38230 HS_HGLID.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Hang Sim 3.0 MINIMAL demo: Hang glider from Ilan Papini. Flying/Hang gliding simulation. Main features are: Highly realistic flight model built especially to simulate low speed flight. Unique atmospheric model which simulates flow of air over 3D terrain. Realistic thermals. Realistic 3D scenery. * Built to use 3D hardware acceleration and sound mixing. Advanced yet easy to use virtual cockpit, P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supp. Direct3D
38231 HS_HGPGL.ZIP 1,4 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Hang Sim 3.0 MINIMAL demo: Paraglider from Ilan Papini. Flying/Hang gliding simulation. Main features are: Highly realistic flight model built especially to simulate low speed flight. Unique atmospheric model which simulates flow of air over 3D terrain. Realistic thermals. Realistic 3D scenery. * Built to use 3D hardware acceleration and sound mixing. Advanced yet easy to use virtual cockpit, P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supp. Direct3D
38232 HS_UGLID.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.12.1998 - - -
Hang Sim 3.0 MINIMAL demo: Ultralight from Ilan Papini. Flying/Hang gliding simulation. Main features are: Highly realistic flight model built especially to simulate low speed flight. Unique atmospheric model which simulates flow of air over 3D terrain. Realistic thermals. Realistic 3D scenery. * Built to use 3D hardware acceleration and sound mixing. Advanced yet easy to use virtual cockpit, P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supp. Direct3D
38233 HWDEMO.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD tupla
Homeworld demo from Sierra. 2/7
38234 HWDEMO.A02 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD tupla
Homeworld demo from Sierra. 3/7
38235 HWDEMO.A03 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD tupla
Homeworld demo from Sierra. 4/7
38236 HWDEMO.A04 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD tupla
Homeworld demo from Sierra. 5/7
38237 HWDEMO.A05 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD tupla
Homeworld demo from Sierra. 6/7
38238 HWDEMO.A06 5,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD tupla
Homeworld demo from Sierra. 7/7
38239 HWDEMO.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD tupla
Homeworld demo from Sierra. 1/7 Real-time space combat strategy. Brings heart-stopping 3D warfare to the vastness of space. Next evolution of real-time strategy gaming, delivering fresh experience in a totally 3D universe. New level of freedom to create new styles of gameplay while simultaneously delivering cinematic quality graphics, stunning special effects, and an innovative interface. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 MB, DirectX, Direct3D
38240 HWORDGMS.ZIP 21,6 Mt 29.11.1999 - - tupla
Hoyle Word Games demo by Sierra. Play classic and challenging word games. Eight different word games of varying types, including solo games, competitive games, and games where you race the clock. Includes mix of traditional and new games: Anagrams, Crosswords, DoubleCross, Enigma, Hangman, Speedy Racer, Word Searches, and Word Yacht. Play on your own, against characters, or over Internet. In this demo you can play Hangman, Crosswords, and Word Yacht. Windows 95/98.
38241 HYPEDEMO.A01 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Hype - The Time Quest demo from Ubi Soft 2/4
38242 HYPEDEMO.A02 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Hype - The Time Quest demo from Ubi Soft 3/4
38243 HYPEDEMO.A03 4,4 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Hype - The Time Quest demo from Ubi Soft 4/4
38244 HYPEDEMO.ARJ 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Hype - The Time Quest demo from Ubi Soft 1/4 3D action adventure.Third-person romp through fantasy realm that has drawn early comparisons to the Nintendo 64 smash-hit Zelda. Fantastic, colorful world full of creatures and characters -- magic and mystery. Mixes action-oriented, dexterity intense elements with more traditional adventure gameplay. Unique, addictive style of gaming. Win95 P200 32MB DirectX 3D accelerator
38245 I82DEMO.ZIP 27,8 Mt 14.12.1999 - - tupla
"Interstate82 demo. Tekijä Activision. 3D autoräime & toiminta. 1997 kohutuin toimintapelin on palannut! Auto-terrorismi on yltänyt 1982 ennätyslukemiin. USA on kriisissä ja legendaarisen tiesoturin Taurusin on palattava. Astu raskaasti aseistettuun kaaraasi ja lähde kamppailemaan tien päälle. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98P23332 MtDirectX 73D kiihdytin."
38246 IFRT30B.A01 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
IFR Trainer 3.0 Beta - Demo 2/3
38247 IFRT30B.A02 4,2 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
IFR Trainer 3.0 Beta - Demo 3/3
38248 IFRT30B.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
IFR Trainer 3.0 Beta - Demo 1/3 Flight simulator. Offers 3 different photorealistic cockpits for single engine, multi-engine and jet planes. Runways are lighted at night and when flying under low visibility conditions. The editable database includes over 19,000 airports worldwide reproduced with all details. Uses OpenGL for rendering and acceleration. Windows 95 P200 32 MB OpenGL accelerated video card
38249 IMP2D11.A01 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Imperialism II demo 2/7
38250 IMP2D11.A02 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Imperialism II demo 3/7
38251 IMP2D11.A03 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Imperialism II demo 4/7
38252 IMP2D11.A04 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Imperialism II demo 5/7
38253 IMP2D11.A05 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Imperialism II demo 6/7
38254 IMP2D11.A06 4,2 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Imperialism II demo 7/7
38255 IMP2D11.ARJ 4,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Imperialism II: Age of Exploration demo v1.1. SSI. Turn-based strategy game set in time of the exploration and conquest of the New World. In this sequel to the critically acclaimed game Imperialism, you take on the role of one of the European Great Powers.Your goal is to dominate Europe, your tools are conquest and diplomacy. Build strong economy, develop your country, build armies. P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX       1/7
38256 INDYDEMO.ZIP 34,8 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine demo. Tekijä LucasArts. 3D toimintaseikkailu Tomb Raiderin tapaan, päätähtenä kuulu leffasankari. Vuonna 1947 neuvostoagentit etsivät Baabelin tornia. Mikä heidän tarkoituksensa on? Niinpä tohtori Jones ottaa ruoskansa ja hattunsa, suunnaten ympäri maailmaa etenevään seikkailuun etsiessään mystistä Infernomasiinaa. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin. Tukee Direct3D
38257 IWDE15DE.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Independence War: Deluxe Edition demo v1.5
38258 IWDE15DE.A02 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Independence War: Deluxe Edition demo v1.5
38259 IWDE15DE.A03 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Independence War: Deluxe Edition demo v1.5
38260 IWDE15DE.A04 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Independence War: Deluxe Edition demo v1.5
38261 IWDE15DE.A05 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Independence War: Deluxe Edition demo v1.5
38262 IWDE15DE.A06 1,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Independence War: Deluxe Edition demo v1.5
38263 IWDE15DE.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Independence War: Deluxe Edition demo v1.5 Particle Systems/Infogrames. Space combat simulation. All-new Defiance Campaign where player fights from enemy side in 18 new missions. War is reaching crucial phase in 2268. The conflict is escalating, with no end in sight. Includes fighter combat, unique gameplay, realistic physics, great space combat adventures. Windows 95, P166, 32 MB, DirectX6. Supports Direct3D.
38264 IWNDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 28.06.1999 - - -
I-War/Independence War Neutronium demo 2/5
38265 IWNDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 28.06.1999 - - -
I-War/Independence War Neutronium demo 3/5
38266 IWNDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 28.06.1999 - - -
I-War/Independence War Neutronium demo 4/5
38267 IWNDEMO.A04 1,7 Mt 28.06.1999 - - -
I-War/Independence War Neutronium demo 5/5
38268 IWNDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 28.06.1999 - - -
I-War/Independence War Neutronium demo 1/5 from Particle Systems/Infogrames. Space combat simulation. SciFi story set in future. Game deals with the adventures of large space-ship and her crew. Includes fighter combat, unique gameplay, realistic physics, great space combat adventures. Includes Voodoo1/2 support, in-game help,optional arcade mode and HTML manual. Win95 P90 16MB DirectX.Supports 3Dfx Direct3D Contains two missions.
38269 JACK6D.A01 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - tupla
Jack Nicklaus 6 demo   2/7
38270 JACK6D.A02 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - tupla
Jack Nicklaus 6 demo   3/7
38271 JACK6D.A03 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - tupla
Jack Nicklaus 6 demo   4/7
38272 JACK6D.A04 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - tupla
Jack Nicklaus 6 demo   5/7
38273 JACK6D.A05 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - tupla
Jack Nicklaus 6 demo   6/7
38274 JACK6D.A06 2,1 Mt 24.06.1999 - - tupla
Jack Nicklaus 6 demo   7/7
38275 JACK6D.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - tupla
Jack Nicklaus 6: Golden Bear Challenge demo. Sports / Golf. Hypnos / Activision. Takes the critically acclaimed game franchise to the next level, with enhanced graphics and game play,life-like golfers, an improved, intuitive interface, great camera control, excellent opponent A.I., pro-sportscaster commentary and multiplayer support. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX     1/7
38276 JAKFDEMO.ZIP 23,9 Mt 14.12.1999 - - tupla
Jakkal: flesh+bones demo. Tekijä Blaze Technologies. Reaaliaikainen taktiikkaräiskintä. Fantasiamaailmaan sijoittuva. Viisas hallitsija Zodan on salamurhattu. Nyt kaaos ja pimeyden voimat valtaavat alaa. Pelaajan on rakennettava tukikohtansa ja rakennettava armeija omaa iskuaan varten. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, Direct3D-näytönohjain.
38277 JETBOATD.ZIP 10,4 Mt 08.12.1999 - - tupla
Jetboat Superchamps demo. Tekijä Fiendish Games. Pikavene-urheilua. Manga-tyyppinen kilpa-ajopeli jossa alla on suihkumoottorilla varustettuvesimenijä. Kisaa kohti ensimmäistä sijaa ja löydä samalla monia piiloitettuja ominaisuuksia. Jetboat näyttää upealta mutta omaa myös riittävästi pelattavuutta haastaakseen kokeneimmatkin kilpurit ja pelaajat. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, 32 Mt, P233, DirectX. Vaatii Direct3D.
38278 JGXSR711.A01 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 2/12
38279 JGXSR711.A02 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 3/12
38280 JGXSR711.A03 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 4/12
38281 JGXSR711.A04 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 5/12
38282 JGXSR711.A05 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 6/12
38283 JGXSR711.A06 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 7/12
38284 JGXSR711.A07 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 8/12
38285 JGXSR711.A08 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 9/12
38286 JGXSR711.A09 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 10/12
38287 JGXSR711.A10 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 11/12
38288 JGXSR711.A11 1 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo 12/12
38289 JGXSR711.ARJ 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS Racing demo. Car/racing. By ASC Games Action/arcade racing game that combines heat of fierce competition with next generation look and feel of stock car track and vehicle designs. Modern technology has advanced - and has ultimately changed - the face of racing. Cars reach speeds in XS of 300 mph around steep banks, corkscrew loops, and air-catching jumps challenging the drivers. ultimate challenge… Windows 95, P166, 16 MB. Supports Direct3D.  1/12
38290 JGXSRDEM.A01 3,7 Mt 21.06.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS racing playable demo 2/4
38291 JGXSRDEM.A02 3,7 Mt 21.06.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS racing playable demo 3/4
38292 JGXSRDEM.A03 3,4 Mt 21.06.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS racing playable demo 4/4
38293 JGXSRDEM.ARJ 3,7 Mt 21.06.1999 - - -
Jeff Gordon XS racing playable demo 1/4 Action/arcade racing game that combines the heat of fierce competition with a next generation look and feel of stock car track and vehicle designs. Modern technology has changed the face of racing. Cars reach speeds in excess of 300 mph in steep banks, corkscrew loops, and air-catching jumps, challenging the drivers every second. Requirements: P166, 16MB, Windows 95/98 and DirectX. Supports: Direct3D.
38294 KINGPIND.ZIP 104,5 Mt 20.10.1999 - - -
"Kingpin demo from Xatrix/Interplay 3D first person action. A landscape of burned out buildings and urban decaywhere local gangs rule the streets.Assemble your own gang of thugs. If a new member turns out to be a punkwaste him and make way for new blood. Originalaction filled organized crime in 3D world. Command your thugs. But eventually youre going to have to take Kingpin himself down... Windows 95 P200 32 MB OpenGL accelerator"
38295 KLOOPD.ZIP 20,7 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
"Killer Loop demo by Crave Entertainment. Racing. Brace yourself for a brand new racing experience - Magno-Kinetic (MK) racingwhere the action is beyond extreme. Breathtaking futuristic cities simply fly byas racers drive sleep tri-pod vehicles over tortuous 360 degree tracks at fantasticwhite-knucle speeds. Players must utilize on-board weaponry and execute hair-raising maneuvers as they avoid their rivals laser fire. Windows 95/98P16616MBDirectXDirect3D"
38296 KTAPR99.A01 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Killer tank demo v2. 2/7
38297 KTAPR99.A02 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Killer tank demo v2. 3/7
38298 KTAPR99.A03 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Killer tank demo v2. 4/7
38299 KTAPR99.A04 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Killer tank demo v2. 5/7
38300 KTAPR99.A05 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Killer tank demo v2. 6/7
38301 KTAPR99.A06 3,5 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Killer tank demo v2. 7/7
38302 KTAPR99.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Killer tank demo v2. 3D tank action game by Electrotech multimedia. Killer Tank is fast and furious intense 3D-action based on arcade "third person" style gameplay. Fast and furious \'gore and fun\' 3D-accelerated game featuring destructive tank action in a number of diverse photorealistic environments. This demo includes three missions from the first campaign. Requirements: P233, 32 MB and 3Dfx-card.          1/7
38303 KWANDEMO.ZIP 12,6 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Michelle Kwan Figure Skating demo. Tekijä Gonzo Games/Electronic Arts. Urheilu / taitoluistelu. Lähde kuvioluistelemaan jääkentille olympialuistelijan tahdittamana. Palkitseva ja luova urheilupeli, jossa voit muun muassa suunnitella omat kuviosi. Peli on sponsoroitu 19-vuotiaan maailmanmestarin äänillä jne, todelliseksi luistelufanaatikon unelmaksi. Laitevaatimus P200, 16 Mt, Win95/98, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D.
38304 L3DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
F-22 Lightning 3 demo. 2/8
38305 L3DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
F-22 Lightning 3 demo. 3/8
38306 L3DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
F-22 Lightning 3 demo. 4/8
38307 L3DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
F-22 Lightning 3 demo. 5/8
38308 L3DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
F-22 Lightning 3 demo. 6/8
38309 L3DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
F-22 Lightning 3 demo. 7/8
38310 L3DEMO.A07 237 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
F-22 Lightning 3 demo. 8/8
38311 L3DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
"F-22 Lightning 3 demo.Arcade flight simulator Novalogic. Sit in cockpit of the worlds most advanced tactical fighter. The challenging single-player mission lets you fly through a dynamic thunderstorm and unleash over 20 square miles of radioactive devastation with B-61 tactical thermonuclear bomb. The demo also allows you to battle over the Internet with more than 120 other pilots simultaneously via NovaWorld. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX. Supports 3Dfx & Direct3D                                        1/8"
38312 L3DEMOZ.ZIP 33,6 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
"F-22 Lightning 3 demo.Arcade flight simulator Novalogic. Sit in cockpit of the worlds most advanced tactical fighter. The challenging single-player mission lets you fly through a dynamic thunderstorm and unleash over 20 square miles of radioactive devastation with B-61 tactical thermonuclear bomb. The demo also allows you to battle over the Internet with more than 120 other pilots simultaneously via NovaWorld. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX. Supports 3Dfx & Direct3D"
38313 LANDERDE.A01 2,4 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Lander demo 2/5
38314 LANDERDE.A02 2,4 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Lander demo 3/5
38315 LANDERDE.A03 2,4 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Lander demo 4/5
38316 LANDERDE.A04 1011,7 kt 26.02.1999 - - -
Lander demo 5/5
38317 LANDERDE.ARJ 2,4 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Lander demo from Psygnosis. 3D space flying / arcade. Control jet powered interplanetary Lander, constantly fighting gravity to stay aloft and complete missions. Engage in a series of missions for various research organisations to perform different tasks (destroying objects,transporting items, solving puzzles).Strong piloting element with puzzles and adventure. Addictive gameplay combined with an eerie immersive storyline. Win95, P166, 16 MB,DirectX.Supports Direct3D                                          1/5
38318 LEGACYD1.ZIP 1,1 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Elite Legacy NONPLAYABLE demo 1. By Paul Johnstone. Space combat/adventure/business simulation. Remake of the 80\'s classic "Elite" (by Ian Bell and David Braben), which has been updated for the 90\'s, taking advantage of modern 3DFX graphic accelerator technology. One of it\'s most important aims is to stay as faithful to the original Elite as possible, so if you enjoyed Elite you\'ll love Elite Legacy! Win95, 3Dfx.
38319 LEGDEM2.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Elite Legacy NONPLAYABLE demo 2. By Paul Johnstone. Space combat/adventure/business simulation. Remake of the 80\'s classic "Elite" (by Ian Bell and David Braben), which has been updated for the 90\'s, taking advantage of modern 3DFX graphic accelerator technology. One of it\'s most important aims is to stay as faithful to the original Elite as possible, so if you enjoyed Elite you\'ll love Elite Legacy! Win95, 3Dfx.
38320 LEGORACE.ZIP 12,1 Mt 08.12.1999 - - -
Lego Racers demo. Tekijä High Voltage Software/Lego Media. Hauska kilpa-ajopeli jossa alla on jokin legoista väsätty kilpuri. Pelaaja voi jopa rakentaa oman autonsa legopalikoista, tai valita jonkin valmiista autoista. Sitten vain radalle ajamaan kilpaa toisten legotyyppien kanssa. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D kiihdytin.
38321 LEXTREME.A01 4,8 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Links Extreme demo.                   2/6
38322 LEXTREME.A02 4,8 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Links Extreme demo.                   3/6
38323 LEXTREME.A03 4,8 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Links Extreme demo.                   4/6
38324 LEXTREME.A04 4,8 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Links Extreme demo.                   5/6
38325 LEXTREME.A05 2 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Links Extreme demo.                   6/6
38326 LEXTREME.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
"Links Extreme demo. Access/Microsoft. 1/6 Sports / golf / action. Two golfersas well as two levels of gameplay on hilarious Armadillo Als Demolition Driving Range. Here points are awarded for accurately hitting exploding golf balls into moving targets such as cowsflamingosand uptight course marshals before time expires. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX"
38327 LILS2000.ZIP 41,1 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
Links LS 2000 demoUrheilu/golf. Tekijä Microsoft. Uusin osa maailman suosituimpaan golf-simulaatioon. Yli 17 vuoden kehitystyö kulminoituu Links LS 2000:een, jossa realismi, fysiikka ja todentuntuinen grafiikka tekevät merkittävän eron muihin golfpeleihin. Demo tukee linkki/modeemi, IPX ja TCP/IP sekä Internet moninpeliä. (multiplayer). Myös http://www.zone.com tuki. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX.
38328 LS99DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 2/12
38329 LS99DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 3/12
38330 LS99DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 4/12
38331 LS99DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 5/12
38332 LS99DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 6/12
38333 LS99DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 7/12
38334 LS99DEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 8/12
38335 LS99DEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 9/12
38336 LS99DEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 10/12
38337 LS99DEMO.A10 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 11/12
38338 LS99DEMO.A11 942,4 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
Links LS 99 demo 12/12
38339 LS99DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Links LS 99 demo from Access Software. 1/12 Sports / golf. The cradle of golf in your computer screen. 1999 Edition of worlds most award-winning golf simulation features historic St Andrews Links - Old Course and over twenty-five new features. New tournament environment. Real-time voice and spectator mode improve internet play. Demo includes 9 holes from Entrada at Snow Canyon. FULL serialmodemipxtcp/ip multiplayer. P15016MBWin95/98 w/ DirectX 6 or NT. 3D."
38340 M2D-121.A01 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Myth II demo 2/9
38341 M2D-121.A02 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Myth II demo 3/9
38342 M2D-121.A03 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Myth II demo 4/9
38343 M2D-121.A04 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Myth II demo 5/9
38344 M2D-121.A05 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Myth II demo 6/9
38345 M2D-121.A06 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Myth II demo 7/9
38346 M2D-121.A07 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Myth II demo 8/9
38347 M2D-121.A08 3,5 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Myth II demo 9/9
38348 M2D-121.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Myth II: Soulblighter demo v1.2.1. Bungie.1/9 Real time fantasy strategy. Unique strategy set in a 3D world of dangerous alliances and ancient evil, where all beings tremble before the wrath of Soulblighter, cruelest and most cunning of the evil Fallen Lords. Demo includes 2 levels + 1 multiplayer level. FULL multiplayer support for LAN/Internet TCP/IP, 16 pl. P133, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D & 3Dfx
38349 M2KDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Madden NFL 2000 demo. EA Sports. 2/5
38350 M2KDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Madden NFL 2000 demo. EA Sports. 3/5
38351 M2KDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Madden NFL 2000 demo. EA Sports. 4/5
38352 M2KDEMO.A04 437,6 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Madden NFL 2000 demo. EA Sports. 5/5
38353 M2KDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Madden NFL 2000 demo. EA Sports. 1/5 Sports. Authentic NFL football designed specifically for the PC. With a new interface, Madden NFL 2000 lets you easily and quickly navigate with keyboard commands and drag-and-drop mouse control. With increased frame rate for lightning fast gameplay, you will hit with unreal speed and explosive power. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
38354 MACHINES.A01 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - eritupla
Machines demo 2/9
38355 MACHINES.A02 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - eritupla
Machines demo 3/9
38356 MACHINES.A03 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Machines demo 4/9
38357 MACHINES.A04 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Machines demo 5/9
38358 MACHINES.A05 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Machines demo 6/9
38359 MACHINES.A06 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Machines demo 7/9
38360 MACHINES.A07 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Machines demo 8/9
38361 MACHINES.A08 525,2 kt 26.02.1999 - - -
Machines demo 9/9
38362 MACHINES.ARJ 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - eritupla
Machines demo from Acclaim. 1/9 Real time strategy. Control a race of silicon-based life forms on a mission to seed and dominate new worlds. Marshal resources to develop and expand your forces in competition with other players and the indigenous life of the alien world. Machines offer everything you are looking for in a real time strategy sim. Demo has full link/modem/IPX & TCP/IP multiplayer for 4 players. P120, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX, Direct3D card.
38363 MAJESTD.ZIP 43,5 Mt 30.12.1999 - - tupla
Majesty demo. Julkaisija Microprose/Hasbro. Reaaliaikainen fantasiastrategia. Tavallista erikoisempi valtakunnan rakentamis- ja huolehtimispeli. Sijoittuen fantasiamaailmaan pelaajan on laajennuttava, värvättävä sotilaita, rakentajia ja asukkaita, koottava veroja ja puolustettava aluettaan. Mukana on myös tekninen tutkimus ja kokemusjärjestelmä. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX.
38364 MALKADEM.A01 2,9 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Malkari demo 2/5
38365 MALKADEM.A02 2,9 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Malkari demo 3/5
38366 MALKADEM.A03 2,9 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Malkari demo 4/5
38367 MALKADEM.A04 1,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Malkari demo 5/5
38368 MALKADEM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
Malkari demo from Interactive Magic Space combat strategy. Gme of epic space strategy in a dynamic, 3D setting. Players take command of a single Chapter of one of the Five Guilds of Malkari, and attempt to lead their brethren to ultimate glory by exploring and conquering the entire star system. P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX  1/5
38369 MANKI15.ZIP 17,1 Mt 04.10.1999 - - -
Mankind v1.5 demo. By Vibes/Cryo Interactive. Internet multiplayer strategy - space. Intergalactic strategy that takes place exclusively on-line with an infinite number of players,divided in mortal conflict between the two empires. Your victory will require strategy, tactics and ingenuity. Colonize planets, build infrastructures in space and on the ground, use resources to your best advantage and forge alliances. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supp. Direct3D
38370 MEDIEVAL.ZIP 4,3 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
Medieval demo. Incredible Simulations. Turn based strategy. Quick turn-based tactical combat game set in the Middle Ages. It also comes with BattlePlan Scenario and Symbol Editors allow you to edit or create any period battle you desire. P133, 16MB, Win95 http://www.IncredibleSimulations.com
38371 MIGADEMO.A01 9,5 Mt 29.08.1999 - MBCD -
Mig Alley demo                         2/5
38372 MIGADEMO.A02 9,5 Mt 29.08.1999 - MBCD -
Mig Alley demo                         3/5
38373 MIGADEMO.A03 9,5 Mt 29.08.1999 - MBCD -
Mig Alley demo                         4/5
38374 MIGADEMO.A04 8,9 Mt 29.08.1999 - MBCD -
Mig Alley demo                         5/5
38375 MIGADEMO.ARJ 9,5 Mt 29.08.1999 - MBCD -
"Mig Alley demo from Rowan/Empire Interactive. Jet flight simulator. Korean War. No more shooting at dots! Definitive up-close-and personal 50s Jet Fighter simulation. Without radar-guided missilesyoull need to get in real close to blow your opponent from skies. And at a closing speed of 1000 mphthats not going to be easy. Windows 95 P166 32 MB DirectX. Supports Direct3D accelerators. 1/5"
38376 MINIVB3.A01 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Miniverse demo 2/4
38377 MINIVB3.A02 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Miniverse demo 3/4
38378 MINIVB3.A03 2,2 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Miniverse demo 4/4
38379 MINIVB3.ARJ 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Miniverse demo beta 3 1/4 Arcade minigolf. Non logical golfin with planets with demanding courses and refined accommodations for the most discriminating miniature golfer. Stroke play and croquet style death matches. Courses are littered with obstacles ranging from typical sand and water traps to explosive devices. Secret areas, hidden holes, and alien artifact power-ups all add to the chaos. Windows95/98 - P166 - 32 MB RAM - DirectX 6.0
38380 MMADDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Midtown Madness demo from Microsoft. 2/6
38381 MMADDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Midtown Madness demo from Microsoft. 3/6
38382 MMADDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Midtown Madness demo from Microsoft. 4/6
38383 MMADDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Midtown Madness demo from Microsoft. 5/6
38384 MMADDEMO.A05 1,9 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Midtown Madness demo from Microsoft. 6/6
38385 MMADDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Midtown Madness demo from Microsoft. 1/6 Arcade racing in urban cities. combines challenge of competitive racing, strategy of urban navigation, freedom of unrestrained exploration and the thrill of the chase within a realistically modeled, ever-changing and fully interactive city environment. Set within the "mean streets" of Chicago. Supports full multiplayer & Internet gaming. Windows 95, P166, 32 MB, DirectX, Direct3D accelerator
38386 MOBRULED.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Mob Rule demo. Studio 3/Simon&Schuster 2/6
38387 MOBRULED.A02 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Mob Rule demo. Studio 3/Simon&Schuster 3/6
38388 MOBRULED.A03 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Mob Rule demo. Studio 3/Simon&Schuster 4/6
38389 MOBRULED.A04 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Mob Rule demo. Studio 3/Simon&Schuster 5/6
38390 MOBRULED.A05 8,7 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Mob Rule demo. Studio 3/Simon&Schuster 6/6
38391 MOBRULED.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Mob Rule demo. Studio 3/Simon&Schuster 1/6 Business/arcade strategy. You will need to have eyes in the back of your head. A wide range of fun things to do including shootings extortion, exploitation, controlling unions, breweries, brothels and other enterprises on your turf, attacking rival mob head quarters, stealing from rival gangs and generally causing mayhem. Start with 1 building, build a crimical empire. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX
38392 MORTYRD2.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Mortyr new demo from Mirage. 2/3
38393 MORTYRD2.A02 8,3 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Mortyr new demo from Mirage. 3/3
38394 MORTYRD2.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Mortyr new demo from Mirage. 1/3 3D first person shooter. It is 2093, and Hitler had won WW2. The world is ran by the Nazi World Order. A Nazi officer goes back to 1944 in time machine to find out what happened - and to prevent what had happened. 3D shooter that brings Wolfenstein 3D-like action to modern day PCs. Full multiplayer support, network/Internet IPX & TCP/IP Windows 95, P200, 32 Mb. Supports Direct3D
38395 MOTORH4D.A01 2,9 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Motorhead multiplayer demo 2/5
38396 MOTORH4D.A02 2,9 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Motorhead multiplayer demo 3/5
38397 MOTORH4D.A03 2,9 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Motorhead multiplayer demo 4/5
38398 MOTORH4D.A04 1,6 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Motorhead multiplayer demo 5/5
38399 MOTORH4D.ARJ 2,9 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Motorhead multiplayer demo. 1/5 Digital Illusions/Gremlin Car racing. Game where speed makes the difference. Along with the spectacular crashes and breath-taking speed, the most impressive thing about this game is the AI. Unlike traditional racing games, there are no fixed paths or static patterns. Speedy, spectacular looking racing. This demo is MPLAYER enabled for Internet multiplayer. Win95 P166 16 MB DirectX. Supp. D3D/3Dfx
38400 MSBB2000.A01 3,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 2000 demo 2/4
38401 MSBB2000.A02 3,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 2000 demo 3/4
38402 MSBB2000.A03 2,4 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 2000 demo 4/4
38403 MSBB2000.ARJ 3,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 2000 demo. WizBang! Software/Microsoft. Sports / baseball. Life-like graphics, user-friendly AI, and realistic sights and sounds.Contains detailed 1999 MLB season rosters, up-to-date player stats etc. Broadcast quality camera angles bring home action in multiple and customizable views. Trial version takes players out to Fenway Park for a day game. Players access all bat types. Win95 P133 32MB DirectX6.1.Supports Direct3D    1/4
38404 MSCC3.A01 3,8 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat III demo 2/7
38405 MSCC3.A02 3,8 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat III demo 3/7
38406 MSCC3.A03 3,8 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat III demo 4/7
38407 MSCC3.A04 3,8 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat III demo 5/7
38408 MSCC3.A05 3,8 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat III demo 6/7
38409 MSCC3.A06 2,5 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat III demo 7/7
38410 MSCC3.ARJ 3,8 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat III: The Russian Front demo Real time WW2 tactical wargame/strategy. Atomic Games / Microsoft. Focuses on invasion of Soviet Union by Germany from 1941 to fall Berlin 1945. Four years long campaign, great new armies and units, enhanced gameplay, both sides playable and so on. Demo includes full serial/modem and tcp/ip multiplayer. P133, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX    1/7
38411 MSPBTECH.A01 1,9 Mt 18.02.1999 - - -
"Mike Stewarts Pro Bodyboarding demo 2/4"
38412 MSPBTECH.A02 1,9 Mt 18.02.1999 - - -
"Mike Stewarts Pro Bodyboarding demo 3/4"
38413 MSPBTECH.A03 647,2 kt 18.02.1999 - - -
"Mike Stewarts Pro Bodyboarding demo 4/4"
38414 MSPBTECH.ARJ 1,9 Mt 18.02.1999 - - -
"Mike Stewarts Pro Bodyboarding tech demo. 1/4 Gee Whiz! Entertainment. Sports. Bodyboarding on the beaches. Full game will feature: Four different options and modes of play: Eight playable characters. Eight surfing locations. Ability to surf drop knee. Original surf soundtrack by The Fatman and Rick Morallis. Full voice commentary by ESPNs Jay Reale P16616MBWin95/98DirectX. Supports Direct3D"
38415 MW3DEMO2.A01 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
MechWarrior 3 2nd demo 2/8
38416 MW3DEMO2.A02 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
MechWarrior 3 2nd demo 3/8
38417 MW3DEMO2.A03 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
MechWarrior 3 2nd demo 4/8
38418 MW3DEMO2.A04 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
MechWarrior 3 2nd demo 5/8
38419 MW3DEMO2.A05 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
MechWarrior 3 2nd demo 6/8
38420 MW3DEMO2.A06 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
MechWarrior 3 2nd demo 7/8
38421 MW3DEMO2.A07 1,2 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
MechWarrior 3 2nd demo 8/8
38422 MW3DEMO2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
"MechWarrior 3 2nd demo. By Zipper/MicroProse Hasbro. Combat / mech simulation.MW3 delivers intensity of the MechWarrior universe as its never been seen before. Take control of mission planning. Newfound equipment and parts allow you to customize and repair your damagedMechs as you launch an offensive against the Smoke Jaguar Clan. Groundbreaking technological performance and heart-pounding action. P16632MBWin95/98DirectX. SUPPORTS Direct3D             1/8"
38423 MW3MPDEM.ZIP 31,1 Mt 15.10.1999 - MBCD -
"MechWarrior 3 multiplayer demo by Hasbro. Combat / mech simulation.MW3 delivers intensity of the MechWarrior universe as its never been seen before. Take control of mission planning. Newfound equipment and parts allow you to customize and repair your damagedMechs as you launch an offensive against the Smoke Jaguar Clan. Groundbreaking technological performance and heart-pounding action. MP demo has full modemIPX & TCP/IP multiplayer. Win95 P166 32 MB DirectX"
38424 NASCARRE.A01 4,3 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Revolution demo 2/7
38425 NASCARRE.A02 4,3 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Revolution demo 3/7
38426 NASCARRE.A03 4,3 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Revolution demo 4/7
38427 NASCARRE.A04 4,3 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Revolution demo 5/7
38428 NASCARRE.A05 4,3 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Revolution demo 6/7
38429 NASCARRE.A06 3,6 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Revolution demo 7/7
38430 NASCARRE.ARJ 4,3 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Revolution demo from EA Sports. 1/7 Car racing. A "raceable" PC racing simulation Game where you race against other DRIVERS. Game that pushes your PC hardware to the max, delivering the look, sound, and feel of NASCAR racing. Full simulation with adjustable physics, car setups, and difficulty settings. Windows 95/98 P200, 32MB, DirectX, Direct3D card. Supports Force Feedback.
38431 NBA2000.A01 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
NBA Inside Drive 2000 demo. Microsoft. 2/5
38432 NBA2000.A02 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
NBA Inside Drive 2000 demo. Microsoft. 3/5
38433 NBA2000.A03 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
NBA Inside Drive 2000 demo. Microsoft. 4/5
38434 NBA2000.A04 2,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
NBA Inside Drive 2000 demo. Microsoft. 5/5
38435 NBA2000.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"NBA Inside Drive 2000 demo. Microsoft. 1/5 Sports / basketball. Intense and exciting basketball. Youll find all the speedpowerand energy of the NBA - but with one major difference: youre no longer mere spectator. Drive to the holetoss one from beyond the arcgive it up to the big guy in the paintor take it coast to coast. Trial Version puts you in a rematch of the 1999 NBA Finalswith New York Knicks vs San Antonio Spurs. P16632MBWin95/98DirectX. Supp.Direct3D"
38436 NBAL2000.ZIP 32,8 Mt 18.10.1999 - - tupla
"NBA Live 2000 demo from EA Sports Sports / basketball. Improved upon that feature to make it fit more seamlessly into the overall look of the engine. Theyve also synched mouth movement with the phrases often uttered in the game. Expect to see real faces of NBA stars both old and newas well as realistic player movement courtesy of motion capture. Win95 P166 16MB DirectX Supports Direct3D"
38437 NBAL99DE.A01 3,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
NBA Live 99 demo 2/5
38438 NBAL99DE.A02 3,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
NBA Live 99 demo 3/5
38439 NBAL99DE.A03 3,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
NBA Live 99 demo 4/5
38440 NBAL99DE.A04 1,2 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
NBA Live 99 demo 5/5
38441 NBAL99DE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
NBA Live 99 demo from EA Sports. 1/5 Sports. New player facial animations, chatter and celebrations after big plays bring NBA players to life. Choose from a variety of modes and styles to set up a game with the ultimate NBA realism, or pick up and play with Arcade mode for faster setup, fewer rules, and more Monster Dunks. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
38442 NERFDE11.ZIP 21,7 Mt 29.11.1999 - - tupla
Nerf ArenaBlast demo v.11By Hasbro. 3D shooter action. Entirely new 3D universe with bright, colorful levels and three cool ways to play: PointBlast, BallBlast and SpeedBlast. Battle it out with fun, non violent shooter action. The game is powered by the Unreal engine, so the 3D graphics are eye popping. Guaranteed fun for kids and adults alike. Internet multiplayer support. Win95 P200MMX 32MB DirectX, Supports Direct3D
38443 NFLF2000.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Microsoft NFL Fever 2000 demo 2/3
38444 NFLF2000.A02 6,7 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Microsoft NFL Fever 2000 demo 3/3
38445 NFLF2000.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"Microsoft NFL Fever 2000 demo. Microsoft. 1/3 Sports american football. Intensein your face NFL Football action. Hard hittingfastand easy to playNFL Fever puts you in total control. Trial features all the hard-hitting tackles of the retail version in one action-packed five-minute quarter between Super Bowl XXXIIIs Denver Broncos and Atlanta Falcons in Georgia Dome. Windows 95 P200 32 MB DirectX Supp. Direct3D"
38446 NFSHSD.A01 3,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Need for Speed: High Stakes demo. 2/4
38447 NFSHSD.A02 3,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Need for Speed: High Stakes demo. 3/4
38448 NFSHSD.A03 2,9 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Need for Speed: High Stakes demo. 4/4
38449 NFSHSD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
"Need for Speed: High Stakes demo. 1/4 Electronic Arts. Car racing.Recreated through close collaborations with the worlds most renowned car manufacturers. Dream collection waiting to be unleashed on the open road. Carelessness results in costly damage and flagrant disregard for the law results in strict enforcement from the Highway patrol. You can also choose to uphold the law Prepare for the ultimate driving experience. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX. SUPP Direct3D."
38450 NFSHSDP.ZIP 16,3 kt 17.06.1999 - - -
Need for Speed: High Stakes demo screenshot. Electronic Arts. Car racing.
38451 NFSHSDZ.ZIP 14,3 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
"Need for Speed: High Stakes demo. Electronic Arts. Car racing.Recreated through close collaborations with the worlds most renowned car manufacturers. Dream collection waiting to be unleashed on the open road. Carelessness results in costly damage and flagrant disregard for the law results in strict enforcement from the Highway patrol. You can also choose to uphold the law Prepare for the ultimate driving experience. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX. SUPP Direct3D."
38452 NHL2000D.A01 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - MBCD tupla
NHL 2000 demo by EA Sports 2/5
38453 NHL2000D.A02 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - MBCD tupla
NHL 2000 demo by EA Sports 3/5
38454 NHL2000D.A03 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - MBCD tupla
NHL 2000 demo by EA Sports 4/5
38455 NHL2000D.A04 4 Mt 02.10.1999 - MBCD tupla
NHL 2000 demo by EA Sports 5/5
38456 NHL2000D.ARJ 9,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - MBCD tupla
"NHL 2000 demo by EA Sports 1/5 Sports / ice hockey. Puts you in control of the swiftest and strongest players on ice. With big hits and sweet fakes that YOU controlNHL 2000 delivers non-stop hockey action from the first drop of the puck. Take the shotsdeliver the hits and set up your favorite players with theImport Your Facefeature. PlayStation or PCNHL 2000 is your ticket to an action-packed NHL season."
38457 NIR_DEMO.ZIP 17,3 Mt 02.11.1999 - - tupla
"Napoleon in Russia Demo By Talonsoft. Turn based strategy. Napoleons army advances into Russia. Can you conquer the vast expanses or slaughter the French intruders? Easy-to-use front-end interface. http://www.talonsoft.com."
38458 NOCDEMO3.ZIP 115,5 Mt 19.10.1999 - - tupla
Nocturne demo 3By Terminal Reality/ Gathering of Developers. 3D action adventure. An offering steeped in both classical and modernhorror,a George Romero ode to Lovecraft with a deep tip of the hat to pulp fiction. Behind each rendered frame is a team of designers grinning evilly and poised to jump out and scream, Gotcha! This demo is based on final release code & has 3Dfx support. Pentium II, 128MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
38459 NR1999D.A01 1,9 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition demo 2/7
38460 NR1999D.A02 1,9 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition demo 3/7
38461 NR1999D.A03 1,9 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition demo 4/7
38462 NR1999D.A04 1,9 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition demo 5/7
38463 NR1999D.A05 1,9 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition demo 6/7
38464 NR1999D.A06 1,5 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition demo 7/7
38465 NR1999D.ARJ 1,9 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing 1999 Edition demo 1/7 Papyrys/Sierra. Racing. Creates authentic racing simulation for drivers of all ages. With the help of a spotter and crew chief, you can experience excitement of driving on tracks of the 1998 Winston, Grand National, and Craftsman Truck Series. Customize cars and trucks to achieve maximum speed, strategize to outsmart your opponents and race wide-open to take the checkered flag. P100, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supp. 3Dfx.
38466 NVSDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
North vs. South demo 2/5
38467 NVSDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
North vs. South demo 3/5
38468 NVSDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
North vs. South demo 4/5
38469 NVSDEMO.A04 3,9 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
North vs. South demo 5/5
38470 NVSDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
North vs. South demo. Erudite Software/ 1/5 Interactive Magic. Turn based strategy. USA civil war 1860-1865. Two unproven armies face each other across the Potomac River, each fully expecting that upcoming battle will be decisive and final. This was the Battle of Bull Run. The soldiers and generals of North and South would meet time and time again, in some of the bloodiest and best-remembered conflicts in American history. Win95, P166, 16 MB, DirectX
38471 OF1RDEMO.A01 1,4 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Official Formula 1 Racing demo. 2/6
38472 OF1RDEMO.A02 1,4 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Official Formula 1 Racing demo. 3/6
38473 OF1RDEMO.A03 1,4 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Official Formula 1 Racing demo. 4/6
38474 OF1RDEMO.A04 1,4 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Official Formula 1 Racing demo. 5/6
38475 OF1RDEMO.A05 466,8 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
Official Formula 1 Racing demo. 6/6
38476 OF1RDEMO.ARJ 1,4 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Official Formula 1 Racing demo. By Lankhor/ Eidos. I Combination of months of reserach, planning and testing and it represents the epitome and spirit of Formula One. It is one of the select few games to carry the prestigious FIA License. System requirements unknown. SUPPORTS 3dfx Glide, Direct3D          1/6
38477 OUTCAST2.ZIP 116,2 Mt 29.08.1999 - MBCD -
Outcast demo 2. Appeal/Infogrames. 3D action adventure. Face dangers of a mysterious and hostile world in order to close black hole. Fanastic, wild adventure created in imaginative strange world. Interact with the people, find yourself in middle of two opposing factions. New Shamazaar demo Windows 95, 32 MB, P200, DirectX
38478 PANDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
"Microsoft Pandoras Box TRIAL demo. 2/4"
38479 PANDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
"Microsoft Pandoras Box TRIAL demo. 3/4"
38480 PANDEMO.A03 1,2 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
"Microsoft Pandoras Box TRIAL demo. 4/4"
38481 PANDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
"Microsoft Pandoras Box TRIAL demo. 1/4 Puzzle. Collection of 10 different types of graphically oriented and 3-D puzzles created by the famed Tetris designerAlexey Pajitnov Pandoras Box offers players more than 350 graphically rich and engaging puzzle variations to challenge and entertain puzzle fans for hours. P10016 MBWin95/98/NTDirectX"
38482 PBABOWL2.ZIP 21,4 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
PBA Bowling 2 demo. Tekijä Bethesda Softworks Urheilu/keilailu. Värikäs matka Amerikan keilahallien syövereihin tunnetun julkaisijan matkassa. Realistinen fysiikkajärjestelmä, täysin 3D-mallinnetut pelaajat ja hämmästyttävän todellinen radan ja pallon mallinnus. Virallinen "Professional Bowler\'s Association" keilailusimulaatio. Laitevaatimus PII 266, 64 Mt, Windows 95/98, DirectX 7 ja DirectX Media. Tukee Direct3D.
38483 PBRDEMO.ZIP 30,1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
Professional Bull Rider demo. Sierra Sports. Urheilupeli/härkäratsastusta. Eläydy jenkkilän punaniskoihin ja hyppää villin showhärän selkään. Kokeile miltä liki 1000 kiloisen rimpuilevan eläimen selässä roikkuminen maistuu. Mutta voit koettaa myös toisinpäin - ohjaa härkää koettaen heittää ratsastaja pois. Laitevaatimus Windows 95, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D.
38484 PEACMAKE.A01 4,8 Mt 29.08.1999 - - tupla
Peacemaker demo                        2/6
38485 PEACMAKE.A02 4,8 Mt 29.08.1999 - - tupla
Peacemaker demo                        3/6
38486 PEACMAKE.A03 4,8 Mt 29.08.1999 - - tupla
Peacemaker demo                        4/6
38487 PEACMAKE.A04 4,8 Mt 29.08.1999 - - -
Peacemaker demo                        5/6
38488 PEACMAKE.A05 386,7 kt 29.08.1999 - - -
Peacemaker demo                        6/6
38489 PEACMAKE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 29.08.1999 - - -
"Peacemaker demo by Kuju Entertainment. 1/6 Shootemup. Take to the air as leader of the PEACEMAKER team! Stamp out terrorism wherever it is encounteredhalt wars if at all possibleand bring peace to the world. Armed with the latest battlefield technologiestheir response to a threat to world peace is swift and absolute. Combat enemies with your high tech helicopter. The time for toleration and negotiation is past. Windows 95PentiumDirectXDirect3D"
38490 PG3DDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Panzer General 3D Assault demo.        2/7
38491 PG3DDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Panzer General 3D Assault demo.        3/7
38492 PG3DDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Panzer General 3D Assault demo.        4/7
38493 PG3DDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Panzer General 3D Assault demo.        5/7
38494 PG3DDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Panzer General 3D Assault demo.        6/7
38495 PG3DDEMO.A06 1,4 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Panzer General 3D Assault demo.        7/7
38496 PG3DDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Panzer General 3D Assault demo. By SSI. 1/7 Strategy. Play in a 3D environment that is visually dazzling. Forests can burn, cities and airfields can be destroyed and the terrain alters as you crush and conquer your enemies. Your strategic command decisions will determine the power of your forces. Promote, dismiss or reassign your commanders to build the most powerful units in all of WWII. New 3D enviroment, game system and interface. Windows 95, P233, 8 Mb 3D card.
38497 PHAN1DEM.A01 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
The Phantom Menace demo 2/8
38498 PHAN1DEM.A02 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
The Phantom Menace demo 3/8
38499 PHAN1DEM.A03 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
The Phantom Menace demo 4/8
38500 PHAN1DEM.A04 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
The Phantom Menace demo 5/8
38501 PHAN1DEM.A05 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
The Phantom Menace demo 6/8
38502 PHAN1DEM.A06 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
The Phantom Menace demo 7/8
38503 PHAN1DEM.A07 301,7 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
The Phantom Menace demo 8/8
38504 PHAN1DEM.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace demo LucasArts. Third person combat action. Step into the epic saga and beyond - while taking on the roles of Obi-Wan Kenobi,Qui-Gon Jinn, Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka. Use the Force, and your wits, to overcome challenges at every turn as you plunge deeper into this story of a galaxy in crisis. P200, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX, Direct3D card                                         1/8
38505 PHAN1DEZ.ZIP 33,6 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace demo LucasArts. Third person combat action. Step into the epic saga and beyond - while taking on the roles of Obi-Wan Kenobi,Qui-Gon Jinn, Queen Amidala and Captain Panaka. Use the Force, and your wits, to overcome challenges at every turn as you plunge deeper into this story of a galaxy in crisis. P200, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX, Direct3D card
38506 PHARAOD2.ZIP 27,1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Pharaoh demo 2. Tekijä Impressions/Sierra. Strategiapeli. Erityisesti Caesar-peleistään tunnettu valmistaja vie pelaajansa nyt entistä kauemmas historiaan. Historiallisessa Egyptissä 2900-700 eKr odottaa sivilisaatio rakentajaansa. Pystytä kaupunkeja, huolehdi asukkaista ja taloudesta, työllistä asukkaat ja varmista että heidän kaikki tarpeensa tulevat täytetyiksi. Uusi demo on aiempaa hienompi, pelattavampi ja vastaa paremmin myyntiversiota. Windows 95, P166, 32 Mt.
38507 PHOENIXD.ZIP 44,4 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Phoenix demo. Tehnyt Team 17 / Hasbro. Avaruustaistelu & simulaatio. Phoenixin maailma on kansoitettu niin sankareilla kuin konnillakin. Jokaisella oma historiansa. Uuden milleniumin keskellä pelaaja toimii poliisina, joka päätyy keskelle tapahtumien syöveriä. Pelaaja joutuu lentämään erilaisia tehtäviä avaruudessa, tapahtumien kulun riippuessa omasta menestyksestäsi. Laitevaatimus PII266, 64 Mt, DirectX, Windows 95/98. Tukee Direct3D.
38508 PIZZASYN.A01 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000.  2/12
38509 PIZZASYN.A02 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000.  3/12
38510 PIZZASYN.A03 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000.  4/12
38511 PIZZASYN.A04 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000.  5/12
38512 PIZZASYN.A05 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000.  6/12
38513 PIZZASYN.A06 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000.  7/12
38514 PIZZASYN.A07 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000.  8/12
38515 PIZZASYN.A08 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000.  9/12
38516 PIZZASYN.A09 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000. 10/12
38517 PIZZASYN.A10 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000. 11/12
38518 PIZZASYN.A11 902,8 kt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000. 12/12
38519 PIZZASYN.ARJ 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Pizza Syndicate demo by Software 2000.  1/12 Business. GOOD pizza chefs and clever restaurant managers are on their way to culinary conquer the globe. The best pizza recipes, choice of location, staff and interior design of your restaurant will determine your success or failure. But you can do it on the dark side too. Built a syndicate, avoid nothign to become the godfather. Windows 95, P90, 16 MB
38520 PONGDEMO.ZIP 3,6 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
Pong demo by Hasbro Interactive. Arcade. The addictive game that started it all is 3-D experience. Premise is same - keep your opponent from scoring. But now you have the option of single or multi-player games and over 20 fun, action-packed levels of competition. Best of all, Pong now has loads of offensive and defensive power-ups, game secrets, and fully functioning paddles that can catch, throw and spin the ball. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
38521 POP3D-D.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Prince of Persia 3D demo. Red Orb. 2/6
38522 POP3D-D.A02 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Prince of Persia 3D demo. Red Orb. 3/6
38523 POP3D-D.A03 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Prince of Persia 3D demo. Red Orb. 4/6
38524 POP3D-D.A04 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Prince of Persia 3D demo. Red Orb. 5/6
38525 POP3D-D.A05 2,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Prince of Persia 3D demo. Red Orb. 6/6
38526 POP3D-D.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Prince of Persia 3D demo. Red Orb. 1/6 Action adventure. In 1989, Prince of Persia legacy was launched and with it the beginning of the action/adventure genre. Now in 1999, Prince returns with landmark 3D and animation technology. Sharpen your blade, ready your bow and arrow, and enter 12th Century Persia. Tread carefully and keep your wits about you, because your demise might just lie around the corner. Demo does not work on Voodoo2 SLI. Win95 PII233 64MB 8MB 3D accelerator
38527 PSSOCC.A01 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Puma Street Soccer demo 2/8
38528 PSSOCC.A02 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Puma Street Soccer demo 3/8
38529 PSSOCC.A03 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Puma Street Soccer demo 4/8
38530 PSSOCC.A04 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Puma Street Soccer demo 5/8
38531 PSSOCC.A05 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Puma Street Soccer demo 6/8
38532 PSSOCC.A06 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Puma Street Soccer demo 7/8
38533 PSSOCC.A07 3,3 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
Puma Street Soccer demo 8/8
38534 PSSOCC.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
"Puma Street Soccer demo. Pixel Storm/SunSoft Sports/soccer. Soccer action where skills and strategy are as important as stamina and power. Its 4-a-side soccer like you always wanted to play but were afraid to askwith all the thrills of the most popular sport in the worldonly much faster and physical than anything you have played before. P13316MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D              1/8"
38535 PSSOCCP.ZIP 8,3 kt 12.05.1999 - - -
Puma Street Soccer demo screenshot
38536 Q3ADEMO.ZIP 46,6 Mt 08.12.1999 - - tupla
Quake III Arena demo. (c) Id Software. Moninpelipainotteista 3D-räiskintää. Moninpeli onnistuu joko Internetin kautta tai LAN-verkossa. Sisältää neljä kenttää, kuusi hahmoa ja runsain mitoin aseistusta. Monipuolinen moninpelituki. Sisäänrakennettu peliservereiden haku. Vaatii toimiakseen: 64 Mt ram-muistia, OpenGL:ää tukevan 3D-kortin, DirectX:n ja Windows 95/98:n ja vähintään nopean Pentiumin.
38537 QFUN.A01 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - tupla
Vital Engine demo 2/2
38538 QFUN.ARJ 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - tupla
Vital Engine Demo 1/2 Quake3 style based game demo based on the Vital Engine 3D-engine. You need a 3D ccelerator with 4 megs & Win95
38539 QG5DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire demo 2/10
38540 QG5DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire demo 3/10
38541 QG5DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire demo 4/10
38542 QG5DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire demo 5/10
38543 QG5DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire demo 6/10
38544 QG5DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire demo 7/10
38545 QG5DEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire demo 8/10
38546 QG5DEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire demo 9/10
38547 QG5DEMO.A09 2,6 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Quest for GLory V: Dragon FIre demo 10/10
38548 QG5DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
"Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire new demo 1/10 Sierra. Adventure. Land of subtle beauty and great danger. Island of Marete needs a hero to defend against army of mercenariesmonsters and terrors. Adventuremagic and role playing elements. Demo supports IPX + TCP/IP multiplayer combat & Internet play through Sierras server. New demo has new quest. Windows 95DirectX5P13316 MBSVGA"
38549 R6RSPEAR.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear demo. 2/6
38550 R6RSPEAR.A02 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear demo. 3/6
38551 R6RSPEAR.A03 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear demo. 4/6
38552 R6RSPEAR.A04 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear demo. 5/6
38553 R6RSPEAR.A05 4,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear demo. 6/6
38554 R6RSPEAR.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear demo. 1/6 Red Storm Entertainment. Tactical 3D first person shooter. The teams initial missions being business as usual: a hostage situation at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and an airplane hijacking. Howeverteam soon discovers that these crisis situations are actually related to nefarious plots of not onebut two antagonists - Russian Mafia and Middle Eastern terrorist organization.Windows 95P23332 MBDirectX. Supports Direct3D."
38555 RACERDE.A01 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - MBCD tupla
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer demo. 2/4
38556 RACERDE.A02 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - MBCD tupla
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer demo. 3/4
38557 RACERDE.A03 2 Mt 20.06.1999 - MBCD tupla
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer demo. 4/4
38558 RACERDE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - MBCD tupla
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer demo. 1/4 LucasArts. Sci-Fi Racing. Climb on, strap in and experience pure adrenaline-pumping excitement of the Podracing sequence. Take controls as Jedi-to-be Anakin Skywalker, or any one of over 20 Podracers,and feel full force blast of two massive jet engines at simulated speeds of up to 600 mph. Turbine driven chariot through 8 spectacular worlds. Win95, P166, 32 MB, DirectX, Direct3D card.
38559 RACERDEZ.ZIP 16,2 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer demo. LucasArts. Sci-Fi Racing. Climb on, strap in and experience pure adrenaline-pumping excitement of the Podracing sequence. Take controls as Jedi-to-be Anakin Skywalker, or any one of over 20 Podracers,and feel full force blast of two massive jet engines at simulated speeds of up to 600 mph. Turbine driven chariot through 8 spectacular worlds. Win95, P166, 32 MB, DirectX, Direct3D card.
38560 RALLY2DE.ZIP 45,4 Mt 02.11.1999 - MBCD tupla
"Sega Rally 2 demo by Sega. Rally/car racing. The realism of the smash-hit Arcade Racer now on the home PC! With breathtaking graphics and speed of play backed up by full force-feedback support and 3D audioyoull feelhearseeand taste the thrill of pushing the worlds greatest rally cars to their limits. Windows 95P20032 MB. Supports Direct3D."
38561 RALLY2KD.A01 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Rally Championship 99 demo. 2/7
38562 RALLY2KD.A02 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Rally Championship 99 demo. 3/7
38563 RALLY2KD.A03 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Rally Championship 99 demo. 4/7
38564 RALLY2KD.A04 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Rally Championship 99 demo. 5/7
38565 RALLY2KD.A05 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Rally Championship 99 demo. 6/7
38566 RALLY2KD.A06 7,6 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Rally Championship 99 demo. 7/7
38567 RALLY2KD.ARJ 9,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Rally Championship 99 demo. 1/7 By Magnetic Fields/Actualize. Car racing. Multiple driving positions,fully operational 3D dashboard instruments, superb selection of top rally cars, new crash, collision and damage routines and comprehensive multi-player. All adding up to most exciting experience you can have without getting into a car and doing the real thing. Win95, P200, 32 MB, DirectX, 3D accelerator
38568 RCDEMO.ZIP 21,4 Mt 19.10.1999 - - -
Radio Control Racers demo from Sierra Racing. Little cars HUGE Fun! More than just cars with antennas, RCR\'s unique Driver Stand view combined with true 3D physics delivers the most realistic RC racing experience on your computer. Earn money to upgrade your vehicle\'s motor, shocks, and tires - or just grab one of the power-ups. Demo features "Under Construction" Track and two RC Racers to drive. Windows 95 P90 32MB DirectX
38569 RCT-EDL.A01 3,8 Mt 18.02.1999 - - -
Rollercoaster Tycoon demo 2 2/5
38570 RCT-EDL.A02 3,8 Mt 18.02.1999 - - -
Rollercoaster Tycoon demo 2 3/5
38571 RCT-EDL.A03 3,8 Mt 18.02.1999 - - -
Rollercoaster Tycoon demo 2 4/5
38572 RCT-EDL.A04 3,4 Mt 18.02.1999 - - -
Rollercoaster Tycoon demo 2 5/5
38573 RCT-EDL.ARJ 3,8 Mt 18.02.1999 - - -
"RollerCoaster Tycoon demo 2 by Hasbro. 1/5 Management/building/business.Design and build biggestbest and scariest rides ever seen in any theme park. Create over 50 designs from traditionalWooden Rollercoasterto the high-techSteel Corkscrew. All featuring accurately simulated motion dynamics. Fund research and youll get the greatest rides. Builddesign and tech your amusement park. P13316MBWin95/98DirectX 6"
38574 RE2DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 2/13
38575 RE2DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 3/13
38576 RE2DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 4/13
38577 RE2DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 5/13
38578 RE2DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 6/13
38579 RE2DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 7/13
38580 RE2DEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 8/13
38581 RE2DEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 9/13
38582 RE2DEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 10/13
38583 RE2DEMO.A10 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 11/13
38584 RE2DEMO.A11 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 12/13
38585 RE2DEMO.A12 2,7 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo 13/13
38586 RE2DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - MBCD -
Resident Evil 2 demo. Capcom. 3rd person horror/gore adventure. Phenomena continues to spread,inviting you into immense environment, with incredibly detailed 3-D graphics and intense gameplay. Vast selection of weapons, more mutant beasts and intricate sub-plots, which weave together in the worlds most terrifying adventure. The worst possible nightmare has been realized as the virus runs rampant. Raccoon City is infested. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS D3D   1/13
38587 REDL090M.A01 3,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 2/5
38588 REDL090M.A02 3,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 3/5
38589 REDL090M.A03 3,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 4/5
38590 REDL090M.A04 3,1 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 5/5
38591 REDL090M.ARJ 3,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
"Redline v0.90 open beta MULTIPLAYER demo 1/5. Action. Beyond Games/Accolade. Urban Warfare in 21st century gang combat action game. Features seamless blend of vehicular and on-foot combat that will have you carjacking your opponentsridesfragging rival gang members in drive-by shootingsand camping out with your sniper rifle to blow away unsuspecting punks. TCP/IP multiplayer & free MPLAYER meeting room supported. P20032MBWin95/98DirectXDirect3D card"
38592 REDL090S.A01 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 2/10
38593 REDL090S.A02 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 3/10
38594 REDL090S.A03 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 4/10
38595 REDL090S.A04 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 5/10
38596 REDL090S.A05 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 6/10
38597 REDL090S.A06 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 7/10
38598 REDL090S.A07 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 8/10
38599 REDL090S.A08 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 9/10
38600 REDL090S.A09 3 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Redline v0.90 demo 10/10
38601 REDL090S.ARJ 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
"Redline v0.90 open beta SINGLE PLAYER demo. Action. Beyond Games/Accolade. Urban Warfare in 21st century gang combat action game. Features seamless blend of vehicular and on-foot combat that will have you carjacking your opponentsridesfragging rival gang members in drive-by shootingsand camping out with your sniper rifle to blow away unsuspecting punks. TCP/IP multiplayer supported. P20032MBWin95/98DirectXDirect3D card   1/10"
38602 REDODDE.A01 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
The Red Odyssey demo 2/6
38603 REDODDE.A02 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
The Red Odyssey demo 3/6
38604 REDODDE.A03 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
The Red Odyssey demo 4/6
38605 REDODDE.A04 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
The Red Odyssey demo 5/6
38606 REDODDE.A05 1,6 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
The Red Odyssey demo 6/6
38607 REDODDE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Battlezone Mission Pack: The Red Odyssey demo Published by: Team Evolve. Offical mission pack for Activision\'s Battlezone. The Direct3D-enhanced stand-alone demo contains the first 3 missions for the Black Dogs. "The struggle between the CCA and the US forces in space is escalating. The Americans have followed the Russians to the Jovian system in pursuit of the Fury technology." Pentium-166, 16 MB RAM, Windows 95, Supports Direct3D      1/6
38608 REQDEMO2.A01 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Requiem demo 2/7
38609 REQDEMO2.A02 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Requiem demo 3/7
38610 REQDEMO2.A03 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Requiem demo 4/7
38611 REQDEMO2.A04 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Requiem demo 5/7
38612 REQDEMO2.A05 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Requiem demo 6/7
38613 REQDEMO2.A06 3,4 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Requiem demo 7/7
38614 REQDEMO2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
"Requiem: Avenging Angel demo from 3DO. 3D first person action. There has been a second war in Heavenand group of rebellious angels has descended to Earth to destroy mankind. This is 3D first-person shooterbut it is not just an aim-and-shoot type of gamesince the plot is integrated into the game. Youll have to speak and interact to gain informationacquire needed itemsor get past certain obstacles. Windwos 95 P166 16MB 1/7"
38615 REVENAD2.ZIP 41 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
Revenant demo 2. Cinematix/Eidos. 3D adventure/RPG: Not traditional RPG in style of Ultima series or Might and Magic. Blend of several genres all fused together into one. It has dialog and plot like an adventure, realtime combat that plays like 3-D fighting game.It has tile based isometric artwork. Mix these elements together and you can begin to see Revenant. New demo has bug fixes and is more enjoyable experience. P233, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX
38616 REVOD2.A01 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Re-Volt 2nd demo      2/6
38617 REVOD2.A02 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Re-Volt 2nd demo      3/6
38618 REVOD2.A03 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Re-Volt 2nd demo      4/6
38619 REVOD2.A04 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Re-Volt 2nd demo      5/6
38620 REVOD2.A05 823,2 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
Re-Volt 2nd demo      6/6
38621 REVOD2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
"Re-Volt 2nd demo by Iguana/Acclaim.Car Racing R/C car racing takes racing genre and turns it on its head. Where you couldnt go beforethere are now no limits. The robust vehicles tumble around all kinds of locations impossible to breakusing whatever tactics necessary to gain first place in the race. Finallyfrustrated kids of all ages can drive their R/C cars freely! Demo includes IPX multiplayer. P20032MBWin95/98DirectXDirect3D card.                      1/6"
38622 REVODEMP.ZIP 265,5 kt 17.06.1999 - - -
Re-Volt demo by Iguana/Acclaim. Car Racing. Screenshots.
38623 RMAN2DH.A01 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - MBCD -
Rayman 2 demo - FULL 2/6
38624 RMAN2DH.A02 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - MBCD -
Rayman 2 demo - FULL 3/6
38625 RMAN2DH.A03 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - MBCD -
Rayman 2 demo - FULL 4/6
38626 RMAN2DH.A04 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - MBCD -
Rayman 2 demo - FULL 5/6
38627 RMAN2DH.A05 8,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - MBCD -
Rayman 2 demo - FULL 6/6
38628 RMAN2DH.ARJ 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - MBCD -
"Rayman 2 demo. Ubi Soft. 1/6 3D platform game. Pirates have taken over Raymans worldand they have imprisoned him and most of his friends. Free your friends an beat their evil boss. Runjumpadventure aroundbattle pirates. Windows 95P13332 MB3D accelerator. Supports Direct3DGlide. Full demo with sound & musics."
38629 RMAN2DL.A01 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - -
Rayman 2 demo SMALL  2/3
38630 RMAN2DL.A02 4,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - -
Rayman 2 demo SMALL  3/3
38631 RMAN2DL.ARJ 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - -
"Rayman 2 demo. Ubi Soft. 1/3 3D platform game. Pirates have taken over Raymans worldand they have imprisoned him and most of his friends. Free your friends an beat their evil boss. Runjumpadventure aroundbattle pirates. Windows 95P13332 MB3D accelerator. Supports Direct3DGlide. SMALL demo without sound & music."
38632 ROADWARS.A01 3,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Road Wars demo 2/6
38633 ROADWARS.A02 3,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Road Wars demo 3/6
38634 ROADWARS.A03 3,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Road Wars demo 4/6
38635 ROADWARS.A04 3,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Road Wars demo 5/6
38636 ROADWARS.A05 2,2 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Road Wars demo 6/6
38637 ROADWARS.ARJ 3,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Road Wars demo from Intense Entertainment 1/6 Racing combat. Cutting-edge vehicular combat racing game set in a police state of the near future where the extreme sport of Road Wars has emerged. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX. SUPPORTS Direct3D
38638 ROLLCAGE.A01 2,9 Mt 20.07.1999 - MBCD -
Rollcage demo 2/4
38639 ROLLCAGE.A02 2,9 Mt 20.07.1999 - MBCD -
Rollcage demo 3/4
38640 ROLLCAGE.A03 5,7 kt 20.07.1999 - MBCD -
Rollcage demo 4/4
38641 ROLLCAGE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.07.1999 - MBCD -
"Rollcage DEMO from ATD/Psygnosis Car racing. Its fast and furioushi-octane fun. Combines combat action with next generation road racing giving you the most explosive and outrageous game on wheels! P16616MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS 3Dfx GlideDirect3D       1/4"
38642 ROLLCAGP.ZIP 6,2 kt 18.02.1999 - - -
Rollcage demo screenshots. Psygnosis.
38643 ROM2DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Rage of Mages II: Necromancer demo.     2/9
38644 ROM2DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Rage of Mages II: Necromancer demo.     3/9
38645 ROM2DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Rage of Mages II: Necromancer demo.     4/9
38646 ROM2DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Rage of Mages II: Necromancer demo.     5/9
38647 ROM2DEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Rage of Mages II: Necromancer demo.     6/9
38648 ROM2DEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Rage of Mages II: Necromancer demo.     7/9
38649 ROM2DEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Rage of Mages II: Necromancer demo.     8/9
38650 ROM2DEMO.A08 2,9 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Rage of Mages II: Necromancer demo.     9/9
38651 ROM2DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.08.1999 - - -
Rage of Mages II: Necromancer demo.     1/9 Action / roleplaying / strategy. Merges best elements of role-playing and real-time strategy. Recruit stalwart allies, gather powerful weapons, and wield awesome magic as you complete important quests and train your character. Seek out source of undead menace that is terrorizing the land. Great single-player storyline. Windows 95, P166, 32 MB, DirectX.
38652 ROM2DEMZ.ZIP 41,1 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Rage of Mages II: Necromancer demo. Action / roleplaying / strategy. Merges best elements of role-playing and real-time strategy. Recruit stalwart allies, gather powerful weapons, and wield awesome magic as you complete important quests and train your character. Seek out source of undead menace that is terrorizing the land. Great single-player storyline. Windows 95, P166, 32 MB, DirectX.
38653 ROWDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
WarHammer 40,000: Rites of War demo 2/7
38654 ROWDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
WarHammer 40,000: Rites of War demo 3/7
38655 ROWDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
WarHammer 40,000: Rites of War demo 4/7
38656 ROWDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
WarHammer 40,000: Rites of War demo 5/7
38657 ROWDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
WarHammer 40,000: Rites of War demo 6/7
38658 ROWDEMO.A06 3,5 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
WarHammer 40,000: Rites of War demo 7/7
38659 ROWDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
WarHammer 40,000: Rites of War demo. SSI.1/7 Strategy / fantasy / turn based. Combining the accessible turn-based style of Panzer General II with the gorgeous and horrifying imagery of battletorn WarHammer 40K universe, ROW brings you a strategic challenge that will blow your mind. 40K figures fully animate as they move, attack, and die. Ambient map animations bring the battlefield to life. Windows 95, Pentium.
38674 RR_DEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Rival Realms demo 2/6
38675 RR_DEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Rival Realms demo 3/6
38676 RR_DEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Rival Realms demo 4/6
38677 RR_DEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Rival Realms demo 5/6
38678 RR_DEMO.A05 3,6 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Rival Realms demo 6/6
38679 RR_DEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Rival Realms demo from Digital Integration Adventure / action. Collect food, gold, and lumber to use in constructing buildings and obtaining new units. Control mages in isometric view, cast spells, fight. Different races.Each structure can be updated to produce more units per cycle or obtain other special abilities. Menu texts are in German but in-game text is in English. Win95/98, P133, 16 MB, DirectX     1/6
38660 RR2DEMO2.A01 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 2/14
38661 RR2DEMO2.A02 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 3/14
38662 RR2DEMO2.A03 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 4/14
38663 RR2DEMO2.A04 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 5/14
38664 RR2DEMO2.A05 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 6/14
38665 RR2DEMO2.A06 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 7/14
38666 RR2DEMO2.A07 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 8/14
38667 RR2DEMO2.A08 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 9/14
38668 RR2DEMO2.A09 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 10/14
38669 RR2DEMO2.A10 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 11/14
38670 RR2DEMO2.A11 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 12/14
38671 RR2DEMO2.A12 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 13/14
38672 RR2DEMO2.A13 1,1 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II demo 14/14
38673 RR2DEMO2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II playable demo v2. 1/14 Pop Top/GOD. Sequel to game that easily falls into the "legend" category. Intricate cargo web and dynamic financial environment set stage for your chance at showing the world what true Robber Baron is capable. Buy and sell stocks, schedule train routes, optimize consists, lay rail, build stations and take over companies. Business/strategy. 2 scenarios + map editor. Windows 95/98 P133 16 MB 1024x768 res.
38680 RRDEMO.ZIP 60 Mt 29.12.1999 - - -
Renegade Racers demo. Julkaisija Interplay. Kilpa-ajopeli ilmatyynytankeilla ja muilla erikoisilla kulkuneivoilla. Kaunisgrafiikkainen ralli jossa ajetaan pitkin poikin erilaisia fantastisia ratoja, keräten aseita ynnä muita bonuksia ja tähdäten voittoon millä hinnalla hyvänsä. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX 7, Direct3D 3D-kiihdytin.
38681 RSDEMO10.A01 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Riding Star demo 2/6
38682 RSDEMO10.A02 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Riding Star demo 3/6
38683 RSDEMO10.A03 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Riding Star demo 4/6
38684 RSDEMO10.A04 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Riding Star demo 5/6
38685 RSDEMO10.A05 1,1 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Riding Star demo 6/6
38686 RSDEMO10.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Riding Star demo. Sports / horse riding. 1/6 Equestrian simulation. Players have option to compete head to head against their friends or computer in grand prix season to be become world champion. ompeting in dressage, show jumping, cross country or in a complete three day event, players are able to experience all thrill and excitement of an equestrian competition. Superb graphics and authentic commentary and scoring. Windows95/98 P150 16 MB
38687 RSIXDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
"Tom Clancys Rainbow Six demo 2/7"
38688 RSIXDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
"Tom Clancys Rainbow Six demo 3/7"
38689 RSIXDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
"Tom Clancys Rainbow Six demo 4/7"
38690 RSIXDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
"Tom Clancys Rainbow Six demo 5/7"
38691 RSIXDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
"Tom Clancys Rainbow Six demo 6/7"
38692 RSIXDEMO.A06 4,2 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
"Tom Clancys Rainbow Six demo 7/7"
38693 RSIXDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
"Tom Clancys Rainbow Six demo.By Red Storm Entertainment. 3D action / strategy. Lead elite multinational task force battling international terrorism in highly realistic settings. Series of missions in which you must plan and execute precise assaults on terrorist installations. Unlike other gamesif you make a mistakeyoure gone - because in the real worldone shot counts. P166Win95DirectX. Supports 3D acceleration - Direct3D. First person combat action like Spec Ops but with realism. 1/7"
38694 RUSROUL2.A01 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
38695 RUSROUL2.A02 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
38696 RUSROUL2.A03 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
38697 RUSROUL2.A04 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
38698 RUSROUL2.A05 4 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
38699 RUSROUL2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
"RUSSIAN ROULETTE II - THE NEXT WORLDS demo by Logos. 3D first person action. Get insideenroll and get your first mission from the recruit officer... Most possibleyoull have to join a team. Keep close to your guide and he will bring you to the destination point. You are free to change or abandon any of your vehicles! Any thing slightly resembling a tanka plane etc can be used as transport or fighting machine. Windows 95DirectX532 MBP200.                 1/6"
38700 S3_ADEMO.ZIP 52,8 Mt 12.10.1999 - - -
The Settlers III: Quest of the Amazons demo Blue Byte. Real time strategy. Eagerly anticipated fourth Settlers race! Warlike Amazons expands to include even more variety and challenges, giving fans a taste of woman power. Demo includes single player map in which you lead a contentious Amazaon race into batle against the ever fierce Romans and also a multiplayer map for great strategy gaming on LAN or on the Internet. Windows 95, P166, 32 MB, DirectX
38701 S3MULTID.A01 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Settlers III demo 2/8
38702 S3MULTID.A02 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Settlers III demo 3/8
38703 S3MULTID.A03 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Settlers III demo 4/8
38704 S3MULTID.A04 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Settlers III demo 5/8
38705 S3MULTID.A05 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Settlers III demo 6/8
38706 S3MULTID.A06 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Settlers III demo 7/8
38707 S3MULTID.A07 1,6 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Settlers III demo 8/8
38708 S3MULTID.ARJ 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
"Settlers III single/multiplayer demo From Blue Byte. Strategy/empire building / adventure/puzzle. Control your civilizations evolutionfrom initial planning and building of its infrastructureto the full-blooded conflict of race against race in the quest to expand your power and domination. Agriculture industry and trading. Hypnotic charm and humour. TCP/IP multiplayer 20 playersNet server opponent finding system.. Windows 95 P100 32MB DirectX      1/8"
38709 SBKDEMO2.A01 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Superbike World Championship demo v2.0 2/10
38710 SBKDEMO2.A02 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Superbike World Championship demo v2.0 3/10
38711 SBKDEMO2.A03 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Superbike World Championship demo v2.0 4/10
38712 SBKDEMO2.A04 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Superbike World Championship demo v2.0 5/10
38713 SBKDEMO2.A05 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Superbike World Championship demo v2.0 6/10
38714 SBKDEMO2.A06 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Superbike World Championship demo v2.0 7/10
38715 SBKDEMO2.A07 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Superbike World Championship demo v2.0 8/10
38716 SBKDEMO2.A08 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Superbike World Championship demo v2.0 9/10
38717 SBKDEMO2.A09 4,3 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Superbike World Championship demo v2.0 10/10
38718 SBKDEMO2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Superbike World Championship demo v2.0 1/10 Milestone/EA Sports. Motorcycle racing. Travel the globe to 12 official, accurately modeled racing circuits. Create your own with real teams and riders. Manipulate telemetry and performance of dream machines. Witness spectacular crashes as animated polygon riders hurtle through air,independent of their motorcycles. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, Direct3D accelerator
38719 SBMDDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Space Bunnies Must Die! demo 2/8
38720 SBMDDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Space Bunnies Must Die! demo 3/8
38721 SBMDDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Space Bunnies Must Die! demo 4/8
38722 SBMDDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Space Bunnies Must Die! demo 5/8
38723 SBMDDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Space Bunnies Must Die! demo 6/8
38724 SBMDDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Space Bunnies Must Die! demo 7/8
38725 SBMDDEMO.A07 886,4 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Space Bunnies Must Die! demo 8/8
38726 SBMDDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
"Space Bunnies Must Die! demo from Jinx/ Ripcord Games. 3D third person action/shooter You play Allison Huxtertruck-stop waitress who must battle the evil horde of Bunnies. Each level contains jewel encrusted carrot scepter which is guarded by the level boss. You need all of the scepters in order to unlock Lotars Level and find your sister. Your goal in this demo level is to find and secure its scepter. P16632MBWin95/98DirectX 6. SUPPORTS Direct3D      1/8"
38727 SCDEMOUS.ZIP 87,6 Mt 30.09.1999 - 23156/Gamestar_10_1999-10_cd1.bin -
"Septerra Core demo. By Monolith. Adventure. You are Mayaa junk scavenger. Yours is a world of layersin which continents orbit at different elevations around the planet. It is you who will ultimately discover Septerras true natureas you journey out of familiar surroundings of your home countryand come face to face with the Legacy. Traditionalisometric viewed adventure. Windows 95 P200 32 MB DirectX"
38728 SCGTDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Sports Car GT demo 2/6
38729 SCGTDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Sports Car GT demo 3/6
38730 SCGTDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Sports Car GT demo 4/6
38731 SCGTDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Sports Car GT demo 5/6
38732 SCGTDEMO.A05 1,2 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Sports Car GT demo 6/6
38733 SCGTDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Sports Car GT demo from Electronic Arts Car Racing. Get behind the wheel of the fastest incarnations of the hottest cars on road! Race actual cars on real-world courses throughout North America and Europe. Tune and customize, then compete against computer controlled opponents designed to simulate the driving styles of the real-life drivers. Demo supports FULL IPX & TCP/IP multiplayer. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D & 3Dfx Voodoo                      1/6
38734 SD2DEMO.ZIP 13,8 Mt 29.12.1999 - - -
Shanghai: Second Dynasty demo. Julkaisija Activision. Äly/lautepeli. Perinteinen Mah-Jongg lautapeli itämailta kauniissa kuorissa, useiden eri pelityyppien kera. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX.
38735 SEEDDE2.A01 3,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Seed test demo 2.     2/4
38736 SEEDDE2.A02 3,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Seed test demo 2.     3/4
38737 SEEDDE2.A03 3,6 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Seed test demo 2.     4/4
38738 SEEDDE2.ARJ 3,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Seed test demo 2 by Humansoft.First person 3D shooter. Does not follow the rules set down by traditional 3D shooters. It is trying to do something new, something innovative by utilizing game features from the more traditional platform games such as Mario on Nintendo 64. Smoothly blends the gameplay offered by 3D shooter with platform game. Very unique game, unheard of thus far. Windows 95, P2 300, 64 MB. Supports 3Dfx Glide.                                 1/4
38754 SFCDEMO.ZIP 20,9 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo SMALL Interplay. Strategic real time space combat simulation set in the Star Trek Universe. Based on Sarfleet Battles (SFB) board game. Dynamically generated missions responding to events. Pilot ships from six different political forces. Demo includes link, modem, network (IPX) and Internet (TCP/IP, MPlayer) multiplayer. Small demo has minimal sounds. Windows 95, P200, 32 MB, DirectX. Supports Direct3D.
38739 SFCDEMOL.A01 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo FULL. 2/10
38740 SFCDEMOL.A02 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo FULL. 3/10
38741 SFCDEMOL.A03 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo FULL. 4/10
38742 SFCDEMOL.A04 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo FULL. 5/10
38743 SFCDEMOL.A05 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo FULL. 6/10
38744 SFCDEMOL.A06 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo FULL. 7/10
38745 SFCDEMOL.A07 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo FULL. 8/10
38746 SFCDEMOL.A08 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - tupla
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo FULL. 9/10
38747 SFCDEMOL.A09 3,9 Mt 07.07.1999 - - tupla
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo FULL.10/10
38748 SFCDEMOL.ARJ 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - tupla
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo FULL. 1/10 Interplay. Strategic real time space combat simulation set in the Star Trek Universe. Based on Sarfleet Battles (SFB) board game. Dynamically generated missions responding to events. Pilot ships from six different political forces. Demo includes link, modem, network (IPX) and Internet (TCP/IP, MPlayer) multiplayer. Windows 95, P200, 32 MB, DirectX. Supports Direct3D.
38749 SFCDEMOS.A01 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - tupla
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo SMALL 2/5
38750 SFCDEMOS.A02 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - tupla
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo SMALL 3/5
38751 SFCDEMOS.A03 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - tupla
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo SMALL 4/5
38752 SFCDEMOS.A04 1,9 Mt 07.07.1999 - - tupla
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo SMALL 5/5
38753 SFCDEMOS.ARJ 4,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - tupla
Star Trek: Starfleet Command demo SMALL 1/5 Interplay. Strategic real time space combat simulation set in the Star Trek Universe. Based on Sarfleet Battles (SFB) board game. Dynamically generated missions responding to events. Pilot ships from six different political forces. Demo includes link, modem, network (IPX) and Internet (TCP/IP, MPlayer) multiplayer. Small demo has minimal sounds. Windows 95, P200, 32 MB, DirectX. Supports Direct3D.
38755 SHADOW20.ZIP 38,8 Mt 20.10.1999 - - tupla
"Shadow Company new updated playable demoversion version 2.0. Shadow Company is Sinister Gamess a revolutionary real-time tactical combat game with a propritetary 3D engine. Shadow Company immerses players in the mysterious world of cutthroat mercenarieswith photo-realistic game environmentsincredible graphics and addictive game play. Shadow Company will be gunning for you. Requirements: P20032MBWindows 95/98DirectX and Direct3D card."
38756 SHADOWMN.A01 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Shadow Man demo from Acclaim.          2/8
38757 SHADOWMN.A02 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Shadow Man demo from Acclaim.          3/8
38758 SHADOWMN.A03 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Shadow Man demo from Acclaim.          4/8
38759 SHADOWMN.A04 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Shadow Man demo from Acclaim.          5/8
38760 SHADOWMN.A05 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Shadow Man demo from Acclaim.          6/8
38761 SHADOWMN.A06 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Shadow Man demo from Acclaim.          7/8
38762 SHADOWMN.A07 2,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - tupla
Shadow Man demo from Acclaim.          8/8
38763 SHADOWMN.ARJ 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
Shadow Man demo from Acclaim.          1/8 3D third person action adventure. Enter the dark world of Mike LeRoi. Voodoo hero. Dead man, ShadowMan. Go in armed with voodoo power like the Magnum Desert Eagle, Violator, Flamebeau, Calabash, and many more. Gather Voodoo artifacts - eyes, ears, nail clippings, necklaces of human teeth and the Govi - in order to solve the mysteries of Deadside. Windows 95, P166, 32 MB, Direct3D card.
38764 SHOGD21.A01 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Shogo demo 2/9
38765 SHOGD21.A02 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Shogo demo 3/9
38766 SHOGD21.A03 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Shogo demo 4/9
38767 SHOGD21.A04 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Shogo demo 5/9
38768 SHOGD21.A05 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Shogo demo 6/9
38769 SHOGD21.A06 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Shogo demo 7/9
38770 SHOGD21.A07 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Shogo demo 8/9
38771 SHOGD21.A08 3,7 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Shogo demo 9/9
38772 SHOGD21.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
"Shogo: Mobile Armor Division demo v2.1 2 levels. from Monolith. 3D action/combat. Prepare to enter this fast-paced 3D epic in which every action has a consequenceno one can be trustedand allegiances shift suddenly. Anime &Mech effected combat. New demo includes multiplayer. P13332MBWin95/98DirectX 6 SUPPORTS Direct3D  1/9"
38773 SINISD2.ZIP 53,6 Mt 16.10.1999 - - tupla
Sinister: Unleashed preview demo 2 (NEW) Space action combat. Blasts you into hostile universe fraught with danger.A space dwelling species of supreme evil is on the verge of creating the ultimate bio-mechanical weapon: the Sinistar. You must destroy these evil beings before they embark on their malevolent crusade. Req. PII 233, 64 MB, Windows 95, DirectX, Direct3D accelerator
38774 SINISDE.A01 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Sinister: Unleashed preview demo 2/10
38775 SINISDE.A02 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Sinister: Unleashed preview demo 3/10
38776 SINISDE.A03 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Sinister: Unleashed preview demo 4/10
38777 SINISDE.A04 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Sinister: Unleashed preview demo 5/10
38778 SINISDE.A05 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Sinister: Unleashed preview demo 6/10
38779 SINISDE.A06 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Sinister: Unleashed preview demo 7/10
38780 SINISDE.A07 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Sinister: Unleashed preview demo 8/10
38781 SINISDE.A08 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Sinister: Unleashed preview demo 9/10
38782 SINISDE.A09 4 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Sinister: Unleashed preview demo 10/10
38783 SINISDE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Sinister: Unleashed two level preview demo Space action combat. Blasts you into hostile universe fraught with danger.A space dwelling species of supreme evil is on the verge of creating the ultimate bio-mechanical weapon: the Sinistar. You must destroy these evil beings before they embark on their malevolent crusade. Req. PII 233, 64 MB, Windows 95, DirectX, Direct3D accelerator               1/10
38784 SLAZERO.ZIP 59,8 Mt 10.11.1999 - - tupla
Slave Zero demo from Accolade. 3D third person action combat. Draws some inspiration from Mechwarrior series. Setting is bustling city characterized by interactive environmen in which you can stomp cars, pick up pedestrians, and swat hovercrafts and blimps out of the sky. Combination of action and robot action makes intense experience. The massive differences in scale it incorporates certainly dwarf anything. P2-266, 32 MB, Win95, DirectX, Direct3D
38785 SLDEMO.A01 4,7 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Shattered Light demo 2/6
38786 SLDEMO.A02 4,7 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Shattered Light demo 3/6
38787 SLDEMO.A03 4,7 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Shattered Light demo 4/6
38788 SLDEMO.A04 4,7 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Shattered Light demo 5/6
38789 SLDEMO.A05 4,5 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Shattered Light demo 6/6
38790 SLDEMO.ARJ 4,7 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Shattered Light playable demoversion 1/6 Role playing game by Catware. A hero is now needed to re-assemble the Sun Store, a large faceted jewel that was shattered in the second attemp to bring new energy to Delos. Once reassembled, the hero can then travel to the Castle of the Laria and stay the evil tha threatens the people of Delos. This demoversi is only for single player game, you can only play the Male, Knight and Character. Include map-editor. Requirements: P166, 32MB, DX 6.0.
38791 SLVRDEMO.ZIP 123,4 Mt 15.12.1999 - MBCD tupla
"Silver demo by Spiral House/Infogrames Adventure. Take on the role of Davida mystical knight. Destroy Silver and his power forever. To complete his questDavid must obtain and master eight magical orbs that will allow him to summon the forces of fireicelifelightningearthacidtime and light. These orbs will grant him the power to battle Silvers dark sorcery. Windows 95/98P16632 MBDirectX"
38792 SMACDE11.A01 4,8 Mt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri demo v1.1 2/5"
38793 SMACDE11.A02 4,8 Mt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri demo v1.1 3/5"
38794 SMACDE11.A03 4,8 Mt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri demo v1.1 4/5"
38795 SMACDE11.A04 1,9 Mt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri demo v1.1 5/5"
38796 SMACDE11.ARJ 4,8 Mt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Sid Meiers Alpha Centauri demo v1.1 Turn based strategy / Civilization In Space Firaxis/Electronic Arts. You are leader of a faction that has just crash-landed on surface of Alpha Centauri; you must now explore area around youdiscover how to survive and expand on alien worldbuild up empireand conquer rival factions who seek to undermine your goals. 100-turn single-player. Based on final game code. Higher res gfx etc. P13316MBWin95/98DirectX                     1/5"
38797 SMALIEND.ZIP 23,4 Mt 19.10.1999 - - tupla
"Sid Meiers Alien Crossfire demo. Firaxis. Strategy. Add-on to Alpha Centauri. It is a time of upheaval on Planet. As five new factions fight for recognitionAlpha Centauris original inhabitants return to do battle above the skies of humanitys new home. With seven new playable factionshost of new gameplay additionsand a custom faction editorthis is a must have add-on for every Alpha Centauri fan. Windows 95 P133 16MB DirectX"
38798 SO2MPD.ZIP 36 Mt 08.12.1999 - - tupla
Spec Ops II: Green Berets  multiplayerdemo. Ripcord Games/Zombie First/third person combat action Rather than just stereotypical killing aliens/monsters, Spec Ops set itself apart from rest of shooter genre by incorporating real world military combat, in actual hot-spot, real world locations, with actual weapons and tactics used by the US armed services. Four types of gameplay in MP demo: King of the Hill, Deathmatch etc. P200 32MB Win95/98 DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
38799 SPBDEMO3.A01 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Speed Busters 3rd demo 2/6
38800 SPBDEMO3.A02 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Speed Busters 3rd demo 3/6
38801 SPBDEMO3.A03 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Speed Busters 3rd demo 4/6
38802 SPBDEMO3.A04 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Speed Busters 3rd demo 5/6
38803 SPBDEMO3.A05 4,5 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Speed Busters 3rd demo 6/6
38804 SPBDEMO3.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Speed Busters 3rd demo. Ubi Soft. Racing. 1/6 Breaking all the rules and delivering thrill like no other! Object is to play it fast - real fast - and push yourself, your vehicle and your 3D environments to their all-time limit.Police have lost their minds and reward players with money for breaking the radar record. Cash earned can be used to upgrade one of 8 vehicles. Challenges, spinning, slipping and racing. 3rd demo with new car/ track. P166, 16MB, Win95, DirectX, Direct3D
38805 SPIRIT37.ZIP 24,5 Mt 05.11.1999 - - tupla
"Spirit of Speed 1937 demo. By Hasbro. Car racing. Grand Prix simulation set in the years that saw the rise of those famousand now legendaryracing cars and drivers. Youll drive the most exciting cars ever built and experience the thrill of total speed; a thrill that swept the world in the Thirties and made spectators flock in their hundreds of thousands to newpurpose built circuits such as Brooklands. PII23332MBWin95/98DirectX3D accelerator"
38806 SPO2D11.ZIP 35,5 Mt 10.11.1999 - - tupla
Spec Ops II: Green Berets demo v1.1 Ripcord Games/Zombie First/third person combat action Rather than just stereotypical killing aliens/monsters, Spec Ops set itself apart from rest of shooter genre by incorporating real world military combat, in actual hot-spot, real world locations, with actual weapons and tactics used by the US armed services. P200, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
38807 SRDEMO12.ZIP 16,8 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
"Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver demo v1.2. By Crystal Dynamics/Eidos. 3D third person action adventure. Youre a vampire. You learn to slash with your claws to stun vampiric opponentsfind inventive ways to dispatch themand then drain their souls to sustain yourself. You learn to jumphigh jump and glide with your tattered wings. Updated demo offers greater stabilitybetter gamepad support. Win95 P166 32MB DirectX Direct3D"
38808 SSDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 2/12
38809 SSDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 3/12
38810 SSDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 4/12
38811 SSDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 5/12
38812 SSDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 6/12
38813 SSDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 7/12
38814 SSDEMO.A07 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 8/12
38815 SSDEMO.A08 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 9/12
38816 SSDEMO.A09 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 10/12
38817 SSDEMO.A10 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 11/12
38818 SSDEMO.A11 15,2 kt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo 12/12
38819 SSDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
Starsiege demo by Dynamix. 3D mech combat/ action.They are multiplying in void somewhere beyond Neptune, constructing their armada in hidden shipyards and factories. Cybrids are ready. Their legions are more than enough to decimate earth. HERCs are going to combat, again. MechWarrior inspired mech combat. P166, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D   1/12
38820 STARSHDE.A01 2,9 Mt 11.04.1999 - - -
Starshot: Space Circus Fever demo 2/5
38821 STARSHDE.A02 2,9 Mt 11.04.1999 - - -
Starshot: Space Circus Fever demo 3/5
38822 STARSHDE.A03 2,9 Mt 11.04.1999 - - -
Starshot: Space Circus Fever demo 4/5
38823 STARSHDE.A04 428,2 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Starshot: Space Circus Fever demo 5/5
38824 STARSHDE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 11.04.1999 - - -
Starshot: Space Circus Fever demo from  1/5 Infogrames. Third person 3D platform. Adventure and action. The player will be running a space circus in the 32nd century. He will explore galaxies in search of the rarest animals and machines so that he can stage the most incredible show. Also a comedy with the look and screenplay tone of a cartoon. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS 3Dfx Glide
38825 STCCDEMO.ZIP 33,9 Mt 08.12.1999 - - tupla
Swedish Touring Car Championship demoTekijä Digital Illusions/Bonnier Multimedia. Rallipeli. Osallistu vuoden 1999 Ruotsin rallin mestaruussarjaan. Voit valita kymmenestä eri autosta, 15 aidosta kuljettajasta ja kuudesta radasta. Demoon sisältyy Volvo S40-auto, yksi rata, kaksi pelitilaa ja tuki rateille ynnä muille ohjausvälineille. Windows 95/98, 32 Mt, Pentium, 3D-kiihdytetty näytönohjain (4 Mt).
38826 STHIDE-D.ZIP 23,7 Mt 29.11.1999 - - tupla
Star Trek: Hidden Evil demoJulkaisija Activision. 3D seikkailupeli. Insurrectionin jälkeiseen aikaan sijoittuvassa adventuressa pelaaja löytää itsensä keskeltä kriisiä. Pelaajan on otettava yhteen muukalaisten kanssa sarjassa haastavia tehtäviä. 3D toimintaseikkailussa tapahtumia seurataan vaihtuvilla kamerakulmilla, ongelmia ratkoen ja paikkoja tutkien. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D ja 3Dfx Glide.
38827 STORMDE.A01 2,9 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Storm demo 2/4
38828 STORMDE.A02 2,9 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Storm demo 3/4
38829 STORMDE.A03 2,6 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Storm demo 4/4
38830 STORMDE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Storm DEMO. By Buka Entertainment. 1/4 3D shooter action. The game takes place on one of the Galaxy Federation planets in 2351. Humans versus alien civilization. Includes multiplayer server for TCP/IP, supports multiplayer gaming. P200, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX, Direct3D card. SUPPORTS 3dfx Glide, Direct3D
38831 STRWARP.ZIP 10,9 kt 10.05.1999 - - -
Street Wars demo screenshot. Studio 3/Infogrames Strategy / action / puzzle.
38832 STRWARSD.A01 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Street Wars demo v1.0.0.4 2/9
38833 STRWARSD.A02 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Street Wars demo v1.0.0.4 3/9
38834 STRWARSD.A03 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Street Wars demo v1.0.0.4 4/9
38835 STRWARSD.A04 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Street Wars demo v1.0.0.4 5/9
38836 STRWARSD.A05 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Street Wars demo v1.0.0.4 6/9
38837 STRWARSD.A06 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Street Wars demo v1.0.0.4 7/9
38838 STRWARSD.A07 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Street Wars demo v1.0.0.4 8/9
38839 STRWARSD.A08 1,2 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Street Wars demo v1.0.0.4 9/9
38840 STRWARSD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
"Street Wars demo v1.0.0.4 by Studio 3/ Infogrames Strategy / action / puzzle. Sequel to Constructor. Set during American gangster era of 1920s and 30s. Puts you in role of aspiring young hoodlum trying to impress the Godfather while building empire of your own. Take control of the citycreate army of gangsters. Make shady businesses. Unique blend of real time strategymanagement sim and dark humour. Windows 95/98 P150 32MB 1/9"
38841 SUBT-AT.A01 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 2/13
38842 SUBT-AT.A02 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 3/13
38843 SUBT-AT.A03 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 4/13
38844 SUBT-AT.A04 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 5/13
38845 SUBT-AT.A05 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 6/13
38846 SUBT-AT.A06 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 7/13
38847 SUBT-AT.A07 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 8/13
38848 SUBT-AT.A08 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 9/13
38849 SUBT-AT.A09 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 10/13
38850 SUBT-AT.A10 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 11/13
38851 SUBT-AT.A11 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 12/13
38852 SUBT-AT.A12 2,4 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 13/13
38853 SUBT-AT.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. 1/13 Megamedia. Real-time strategy game which puts players in command of one of three civilizations in conflict. Taking place underwater across a range of 3D landscapes, players must collect and manage their resources to build the units and structures necessary to defeat their foes. Demo has optional music files. Windows 95 P200 32MB DirectX 6
38861 SUBT-ATP.ZIP 399,7 kt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo screenshots. Megamedia.
38862 SUBT-ATZ.ZIP 59,6 Mt 11.06.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo. Megamedia. Real-time strategy game which puts players in command of one of three civilizations in conflict. Taking place underwater across a range of 3D landscapes, players must collect and manage their resources to build the units and structures necessary to defeat their foes. Demo has optional music files. Windows 95 P200 32MB DirectX 6
38854 SUBTATM1.A01 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo music 1 2/3
38855 SUBTATM1.A02 4,4 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo music 1 3/3
38856 SUBTATM1.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
"Submarine Titans technology demo.        1/3 Optional music files 1. You dont need these to play the game. But you can enhance your experience. Megamedia."
38857 SUBTATM2.A01 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo music 2 2/4
38858 SUBTATM2.A02 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo music 2 3/4
38859 SUBTATM2.A03 484,8 kt 30.05.1999 - - -
Submarine Titans technology demo music 2 4/4
38860 SUBTATM2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.05.1999 - - -
"Submarine Titans technology demo.        1/4 Optional music files 2. You dont need these to play the game. But you can enhance your experience. Megamedia."
38863 SUE_DEMO.ZIP 24,3 Mt 19.10.1999 - - tupla
"Sudden Strike NON PLAYABLE demo. CDV Software. RTS strategy. Set in World War II and offers carefully planned RussianGermanFrenchAmerican and British missions The depth of the gamethe infinite tactical possibilities and the excellent game-play outshine anything ever seen to date. Conquer the enemys positionswin the cleaning-up operations and call in parachutists or fighter bombers for support. P20032MBWin95/98DirectX"
38864 SWAT3DEM.ZIP 43,9 Mt 08.12.1999 - - tupla
SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle demo.Tekijä Sierra. 3D kasvoperspektiivin toimintapeli. Los Angeles, 2005. Rainbow 6:n ja muiden taktiikkatoimintojen tyyppinen joukkuetason älykköräiskintä. LAPD SWAT yksikkö suojaa kaupungissa Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien kokousta. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D-kiihdytystä.
38865 SWPITDD.A01 4,8 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Star Wars Pit Droids demo 2/4
38866 SWPITDD.A02 4,8 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Star Wars Pit Droids demo 3/4
38867 SWPITDD.A03 2,8 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
Star Wars Pit Droids demo 4/4
38868 SWPITDD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
"Star Wars Pit Droids demo 1/4 by LucasArts Entertainment Puzzle game. Direct the pit droids through eight locations on Tatooineas they wind their way from the Transport Ship through Wattos Shop and Junkyardthe sweltering deserts of Hutt Flatsthe mazes of the Mos Espa marketplaceand ultimately to the Podrace Arena. DirectX 6.132 MB RAMPentium 166and Windows 9598or NT"
38869 SYSSHO2D.A01 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
System Shock 2 demo - Electronic Arts. 2/8
38870 SYSSHO2D.A02 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
System Shock 2 demo - Electronic Arts. 3/8
38871 SYSSHO2D.A03 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
System Shock 2 demo - Electronic Arts. 4/8
38872 SYSSHO2D.A04 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
System Shock 2 demo - Electronic Arts. 5/8
38873 SYSSHO2D.A05 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
System Shock 2 demo - Electronic Arts. 6/8
38874 SYSSHO2D.A06 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
System Shock 2 demo - Electronic Arts. 7/8
38875 SYSSHO2D.A07 3,9 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
System Shock 2 demo - Electronic Arts. 8/8
38876 SYSSHO2D.ARJ 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD tupla
System Shock 2 demo - Electronic Arts. 1/8 Rooli/seikkailu/3D naamaperspektiivitoiminta. Jatko-osa yhdelle kaikkien aikojen parhaimmista seikkailuista. Cyberpunk toimintaa science-fiction kauhutarinan kera. Imaisee sekä seikkailijat että toiminta pelaajat upealla teknisellä toteutuksellaan ja pelijärjestelmällään josta löytyy kaikki roolipelien ominaisuudet. Vaatii P200, 54 Mt, Win95/98, DirectX Tukee Direct3D-kiihdytystä.
38877 TAKI20DE.ZIP 43,2 Mt 11.11.1999 - - tupla
"Total Annihilation: Kingdoms v2.0 demo By Cavedog/GT Interactive. RTS fantasy strategy. Take the role of one of the four immortal monarch of these nations at war. Youll rally your legions - swordsmenarchers and knights on horseback - under your flag. Wizardsbeasts and even flame-spewing demons will will heed your every commandwaging war on an epic field of battle. Windows 95P-20032 MB."
38878 TANAKA3D.A01 3,7 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Tanaka 3D pelattava demoversio 2/4
38879 TANAKA3D.A02 3,7 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Tanaka 3D pelattava demoversio 3/4
38880 TANAKA3D.A03 2,6 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Tanaka 3D pelattava demoversio 4/4
38881 TANAKA3D.ARJ 3,7 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Tanaka 3D pelattava demoversio 1/4  Pacific Median vauhdikas aluksilla kaahailupeli kapeilla radoilla näyttävissä kaupunkimaisemissa. Sisältää useita eri ratoja, joissa kilpaillaan vastuksia vastaan ja vaistellään eteen tulevia esteitä. Mahdollista ostaa kaupasta parempia moottoreita, lasereita yms. Sisältää  standard ja custom pelityypit. Vaatii toimiakseen: P150, 16MB, Windows 95/98 ja DirectX:n. Tukee: Direct3D:tä.
38882 TANKRDEM.A01 2,9 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Tank Racer demo 2/3
38883 TANKRDEM.A02 589,3 kt 20.03.1999 - - -
Tank Racer demo 373
38884 TANKRDEM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
"Tank Racer demo from Grolier Interactive Tank / racing / shootemup. Racing with a difference. Offers the player50 tonnes of Funas they blast their way around a multitude of tracks. The player has to choose from a set of twelve tankscollect power ups knock their opponents into submission! P9016MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D 1/3"
38885 TANKTICD.A01 3,3 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Tanktics demo 2/4
38886 TANKTICD.A02 3,3 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Tanktics demo 3/4
38887 TANKTICD.A03 1,5 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Tanktics demo 4/4
38888 TANKTICD.ARJ 3,3 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
"Tanktics demo from DMA Design/Gremlin 1/4 RTS / arcade. You with the super-fast fingers and the highly-tuned brain! Think youre ready to take onthe fastestfunniestmost original strategy game in the history of the universe? Including: PUZZLEStrategyactionspitetime travelconstruction. P9016MBWin95/98DirectX"
38889 TB3DDEMO.A01 3,7 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Trophy Bass 3D demo 2/5
38890 TB3DDEMO.A02 3,7 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Trophy Bass 3D demo 3/5
38891 TB3DDEMO.A03 3,7 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Trophy Bass 3D demo 4/5
38892 TB3DDEMO.A04 2,5 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Trophy Bass 3D demo 5/5
38893 TB3DDEMO.ARJ 3,7 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
"Trophy Bass 3D Alpha playable demo 1/5 Fishing simulation game by Sierra Sports. Trophy Bass 3D offers all the qualityauthenticityfun and outstanding gameplay expected from a Sierra Sports Field & Stream Trophy simulation. Requirements: P16616MBWindows 95/98DirectX and 3D-card. Supports 3Dfx glide. Use Winzip to unzip this demootherwise this demo installation dont work."
38894 TBS3DDMO.ZIP 21,4 Mt 17.12.1999 - - tupla
Trophy Bass 3D playable demo Fishing simulation game by Sierra Sports. Trophy Bass 3D offers all the quality, authenticity, fun and outstanding gameplay expected from a Sierra Sports Field & Stream Trophy simulation. Requirements: P166, 32MB, Windows 95/98, DirectX and 3D-card. Supports 3Dfx glide & OpenGL.
38895 TBUCKDEM.A01 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Field & Stream Trophy Buck demo 2/7
38896 TBUCKDEM.A02 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Field & Stream Trophy Buck demo 3/7
38897 TBUCKDEM.A03 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Field & Stream Trophy Buck demo 4/7
38898 TBUCKDEM.A04 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Field & Stream Trophy Buck demo 5/7
38899 TBUCKDEM.A05 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Field & Stream Trophy Buck demo 6/7
38900 TBUCKDEM.A06 3,9 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Field & Stream Trophy Buck demo 7/7
38901 TBUCKDEM.ARJ 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
"Field & Stream Trophy Buck demo 1/7. Sports/ hunting. Sierra. True hunting simulation for the PC from the creators of other Sierra Sports simulationslike Trophy Bass series. Sets the stage by simulating every aspect of hunting. Your skills determine whether youll experience a well executed huntor return home empty handed. Exceptof coursethe hunting season never ends. P16632MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D"
38902 TD6_DEMO.ZIP 27 Mt 29.12.1999 - - tupla
Test Drive 6 demo. Julkaisija Infogrames. Rallipeli. Kuulu pelisarja jatkuu. Uudet autot ja maisevat kutsuvat kisaamaan. Kokeile Lotus GT-1:tä, Dodge Viper GTS:ää, Shelby Series 1:tä tai vaikkapa miltä Jaguar XKR-vauhtihirmun ratin takana tuntuu. Vauhdikasta kisaa toisten autojen ja poliisien kanssa. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P233, 32 Mt, Direct3D 3D-kiihdytin.
38903 TDOR3DE.ZIP 8,3 Mt 13.12.1999 - - tupla
Test Drive Off-Road 3 demo. Tekijä Infogrames. Tämä peli vie sarjaan ennestään tutustuneet uudelle tasolle: uudet upeat grafiikat ja monipuoliset ominaisuudet antavat paljon purtavaa. Muunneltavat autot, juonikkaat radat ja uusi fysiikkajärjestelmä tarjoavat ylittämätöntä off-road -toimintaa. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P200, 16 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D.
38904 TGDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
"Traitors Gate demo   2/8"
38905 TGDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
"Traitors Gate demo   3/8"
38906 TGDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
"Traitors Gate demo   4/8"
38907 TGDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
"Traitors Gate demo   5/8"
38908 TGDEMO.A05 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
"Traitors Gate demo   6/8"
38909 TGDEMO.A06 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
"Traitors Gate demo   7/8"
38910 TGDEMO.A07 1,7 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
"Traitors Gate demo   8/8"
38911 TGDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
Traitors Gate demo. By Daydream Software. Adventure. Protect the British Crown Jewels at the Tower of London. PIAD, a security department within the Pentagon, needs to solve do this launching a covert operation, code-named Traitors Gate. Multi-media / video adventure with puzzle elements. Win95, P100, 32 MB, DirectX, QuickTime 2.1.2                      1/8
38912 THIEFD2.A01 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 2/12
38913 THIEFD2.A02 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 3/12
38914 THIEFD2.A03 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 4/12
38915 THIEFD2.A04 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 5/12
38916 THIEFD2.A05 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 6/12
38917 THIEFD2.A06 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 7/12
38918 THIEFD2.A07 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 8/12
38919 THIEFD2.A08 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 9/12
38920 THIEFD2.A09 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 10/12
38921 THIEFD2.A10 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 11/12
38922 THIEFD2.A11 1,1 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief demo 2 12/12
38923 THIEFD2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project demo 2. 1st person action adventure. Looking Glass/ Eidos.Revolutionary adventure that introduces stealth, subterfuge, and mystery to a tired genre of mindless shooting. As cynical and world-weary master thief, you must make use of stealth and intellect to complete your missions in ancient city of a fictional past where magic and primitive technology coexist. P166 w/ Direct3D card, P200 w/o 3D card, 32MB, DirectX 6. Supp Direct3D         1/12
38924 THIEFGDL.A01 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo FULL  2/8
38925 THIEFGDL.A02 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo FULL  3/8
38926 THIEFGDL.A03 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo FULL  4/8
38927 THIEFGDL.A04 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo FULL  5/8
38928 THIEFGDL.A05 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo FULL  6/8
38929 THIEFGDL.A06 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo FULL  7/8
38930 THIEFGDL.A07 2,1 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo FULL  8/8
38931 THIEFGDL.ARJ 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
"Thief Gold demo by Looking Glass / Eidos. 3D first person action/ adventure. Revolutionary adventure that introduces stealthsubterfugeand mystery to tired genre of mindless shooting. As master thiefyou must make use of stealth and intellect to complete your missions. Enhanced version of original game plus new missions.Demo includes section of the ThievesGuild level. P20032MBWin95/98Direct3D card. FULL DEMO with all musics & sounds.   1/8"
38932 THIEFGDS.A01 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo SMALL 2/5
38933 THIEFGDS.A02 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo SMALL 3/5
38934 THIEFGDS.A03 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo SMALL 4/5
38935 THIEFGDS.A04 4,2 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
Thief Gold demo SMALL 5/5
38936 THIEFGDS.ARJ 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
"Thief Gold demo by Looking Glass / Eidos. 3D first person action/ adventure. Revolutionary adventure that introduces stealthsubterfugeand mystery to tired genre of mindless shooting. As master thiefyou must make use of stealth and intellect to complete your missions. Enhanced version of original game plus new missions.Demo includes section of the ThievesGuild level. P20032MBWin95/98Direct3D card. SMALL DEMO without all musics & sounds. 1/5"
38937 THRUST10.A01 4,7 Mt 05.06.1999 - - tupla
"Thrust Twistn Turn pelattava demo v1.0 2/5"
38938 THRUST10.A02 4,7 Mt 05.06.1999 - - tupla
"Thrust Twistn Turn pelattava demo v1.0 3/5"
38939 THRUST10.A03 4,7 Mt 05.06.1999 - - tupla
"Thrust Twistn Turn pelattava demo v1.0 4/5"
38940 THRUST10.A04 2,7 Mt 05.06.1999 - - tupla
"Thrust Twistn Turn pelattava demo v1.0 5/5"
38941 THRUST10.ARJ 4,7 Mt 05.06.1999 - - tupla
"Thrust Twistn Turn pelattava demo v1.0 1/5 Carts Entertainmentin vauhdikas kaahailupelijossa ohjaat vikkelästi liikkuvaa autoa upeissa kaupunkimaisemissa. Sisältää yhden pelattavan radanrunsaasti näyttävää grafiikkaauskomattomia hyppyjä ym. Vaatii toimiakseen: P16616MBWindows 95/98 ja DirectX:n (6.0 tai uudempi) Tukee: Direct3D:tä ja 3dfx glideä."
38942 TLJOURD.ZIP 80 Mt 08.12.1999 - - tupla
The Longest Journey demo. Tekijä FunCom. Seikkailupeli. Laaja ja näyttävä seikkailu jossa käytetään Monkey Islandeista tuttua tyyliä kauniimmalla 3D-grafiikalla. Elävä, toimiva pelimaailma jossa pelaaja voi toimia rauhassa ilman paineita tai aikarajoja. Täydessä pelissä on yli 150 paikkaa, 60 puhuvaa hahmoa ja satoja ratkaistavia ongelmia. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D-kiihdytystä.
38943 TLRDEMO.ZIP 11,8 Mt 02.11.1999 - - tupla
"Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation demo. By Core Design/Eidos. Action adventure. Based entirely in Egyptian locationsits plot revolves around ancient mythology and the alignment of the stars at the millennium. Finding herself in a serious predicamentLaras objective is clear from the outset - she must escape a terrifying destiny and rectify a situation that threatens to destroy humanity. P26632MBWin95/98DirectX3D accelerator - supports Direct3D"
38944 TMIND101.ZIP 4,1 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Twisted Mind demo v1.01 from Soft Enterprises/ Modern Games. Puzzle / 3D Tetris. Board game in which the objective is to move similar game pieces or stones into groups to form walls. Pop-up bonus pieces get you more time or a view of hidden pieces. Start off by working through the animated, interactive tutorial to learn the objectives, bonuses, and obstacles in the game. Demo includes 10 levels, 1 table. P90,16MB,Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
38945 TOCA2DM.A01 3,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
TOCA 2 demo 2/6
38946 TOCA2DM.A02 3,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
TOCA 2 demo 3/6
38947 TOCA2DM.A03 3,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
TOCA 2 demo 4/6
38948 TOCA2DM.A04 3,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
38949 TOCA2DM.A05 580,6 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
TOCA 2 demo 6/6
38950 TOCA2DM.ARJ 3,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
TOCA 2: Touring Cars demo. Sports/Racing Codemasters. Demo allows you to play a 3 lap single race at Croft with either the Honda or Formula Ford. There is a 5 minute time out after the lights go green, then you will have to try again. All sound/graphics/physics/ controller options are configurable within the demo, and Force Feedback wheels are supported. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D  1/6
38951 TONICD2.ZIP 44,3 Mt 02.11.1999 - - tupla
Tonic Trouble updated demo. Ubi Soft. Arcade platform & puzzle game. Ed, a friendly, careless alien, accidentally dropped mysterious can of Tonic onto Earth while attending scientific exploration of the galaxy. Ed must recover tonic and explore weird worlds and accomplish perilous missions. Missions require him to find six objects hidden in a world. New demo offers all new levels to play. Win95/98 P166 32MB directX Direct3D accelerator
38952 TOYSSPCD.ZIP 27,6 Mt 16.10.1999 - - tupla
"Army Men: Toys in Space demo By 3DO. Arcade shootemup. Sarge returns in this new episode. This time Sarge must confront a bewildering variety of new enemies as Plastro enlists the aid of the deadly Bug-Eyed Aliens! Combat both old Tan nemesis and the new plastic alien menace. Isometric viewed RTS action. Demo supports linkmodemIPXTCP/IP multiplayer for 1-4 players. Windwos 95P9016MBDirectX"
38953 TP2KDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Triple Play 2000 demo 2/4
38954 TP2KDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Triple Play 2000 demo 3/4
38955 TP2KDEMO.A03 1,6 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Triple Play 2000 demo 4/4
38956 TP2KDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Triple Play 2000 demo by EA Sports. 1/4 Sports / baseball. Back for another big season. More-responsive hitting gives you the control to hit for placement or power - lift bloop single over the shortstop’s head, drive double into the gap, or jack a monster home run into another time zone. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS 3dfx Glide
38972 TR_TIMES.ZIP 32,9 Mt 28.12.1999 - - tupla
Tomb Raider: The Last RevelationThe Times demo. Tekijä Core Design/Eidos. 3D toimintaseikkailu. Tällä kertaa sankarittaremme Lara Croft matkaa Egyptiin tutkimaan vuosituhannen vaihteeseen liittyviä ennustuksia. Matka vie muinaisten rakennusten uumeniin, vaarallisten ansoitettujen reittien halki. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P266, 32 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D-kiihdytin.
38960 TR2GUS.A01 3,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider II Gold demo 2/3
38961 TR2GUS.A02 2,6 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider II Gold demo 3/3
38962 TR2GUS.ARJ 3,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider II Gold demo "The Golden Mask edition" by Core/Eidos. Includes original TR2 plusa separate disc featuring new levels. The new levels have been created with same engine and technology as TR2.Featuring enhanced Lara Croft, complete with costume changes, TR2 combines the classic gameplay of the original with array of improved features. Demo includes one level. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D                     1/3
38957 TR2GUS2.A01 3,8 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider II Gold demo 2/3
38958 TR2GUS2.A02 2,2 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider II Gold demo 3/3
38959 TR2GUS2.ARJ 3,8 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider II Gold demo "The Golden Mask edition". Demo 2. By Core/Eidos. Includes original TR2 plus separate disc featuring new levels.New levels have been created with same engine and technology as TR2.Featuring enhanced Lara Croft, complete with costume changes, TR2 combines the classic gameplay of the original with array of improved features. Demo includes one level. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D           1/3
38963 TR3SPDE.A01 3,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider III demo 2/4
38964 TR3SPDE.A02 3,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider III demo 3/4
38965 TR3SPDE.A03 2 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
Tomb Raider III demo 4/4
38966 TR3SPDE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
"Tomb Raider III demo. Core Design/Eidos 3D third person action adventure. Unfolds in much more non-linear fashion than Laras previous adventures.Lara will once again span globe from the arctic pole to the islands of the South Pacific. Choose own destiny by selecting the order in which they play each of the 4 main levels. Levels are also more openwith multiple routes to the same end. Windows 95P166MMX (without 3D / P133 with 3D16 MBDirectX6. Supports Direct3D 1/4"
38967 TRAINTD.ZIP 8,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
"3D Ultra Lionel TrainTown demo. Sierra. Children puzzle game. Features reverence found only in 3D Ultra games! Youll be amazed at the hilarious and zany jobs youll need to complete; everything from delivering suppliesto tests of memoryto a dung-sorting contest with Farmer MacDonalds cows. All with the miniatyre trains! P12016MBWin95/98DirectX"
38968 TRIBESD.A01 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - MBCD tupla
StarSiege: Tribes demo. 2/3
38969 TRIBESD.A02 5,8 Mt 01.10.1999 - MBCD tupla
StarSiege: Tribes demo. 3/3
38970 TRIBESD.ARJ 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - MBCD tupla
StarSiege: Tribes demo. Dynamix/Sierra. 1/3 3D first person shooter. Multiplayer or 1 person practise only. Revolutionary shooter set in Starsiege Universe. Pits different warring tribes against each other. Designed from scratch to focus on cooperative multiplayer gaming. Develop skills required to become full-fledged warrior, but the real heat of TRIBES radiates from multiplayer combat between two to 32 players. TCP/IP, LAN/Internet. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX
38971 TRLRDEMO.ZIP 12,5 Mt 10.11.1999 - - tupla
"Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation demo 2Core Design/Eidos. Third person action adventure. Based entirely in Egyptian locationsLast Revelations plot revolves around ancient mythology and the alignment of the stars at the millennium. Finding herself in a serious predicamentLaras objective is clear from outset -she must escape terrifying destiny and rectify a situation that threatens to destroy humanity. P26632MBWin95/98DirectX3D accelerator"
38976 TS_DEMO.ZIP 42,4 Mt 28.12.1999 - - tupla
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun demo. Tekijä Westwood Studios. RTS, reaaliaikainen taktiikkaräiskintä. Kuulun pelisarjan tuore osa vie pelaajat lähitulevaisuuteen, jossa GDI ja NOD jatkavat taisteluaan hitech aseistuksella. Dynaaminen 3D-maasto, isometrinen näkökulma, hieno grafiikka ja monipuoliset pelimoodit antavat taktiikkaräiskeiden faneille paljon purtavaa. Demossa kaksi täysin uutta tehtävää. Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX.
38973 TS200015.ZIP 11,1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
Total Soccer 2000 demo v1.5 by Live Media. Sports/football. Designed from start with playability in mind.Essential game for people who wish to play soccer at field level. While other titles have focused mainly upon graphical splendor TS 2000 is instantly playable and intuitive game that accurately recreates the fun and excitement of the sport. Req. Windows 95 P166 32MB DirectX. Supports 3Dfx Glide.
38974 TSDEMOL.ZIP 49,2 Mt 16.10.1999 - - tupla
TrickStyle demo - large. By Criterion Studios/Acclaim. Sports / cyberskating on hover-boards. Race high above futuristic cityscapes. Features exceptional physics engine and state of the art character animations. Accurate collision spheres allow for true character interaction and stunt based racing. Large demo has a non-interactive demo loop. P233, 32MB, Win95/98, Direct3D or 3Dfx
38975 TSDEMOS.ZIP 29,3 Mt 16.10.1999 - - tupla
TrickStyle demo - small. By Criterion Studios/Acclaim. Sports / cyberskating on hover-boards. Race high above futuristic cityscapes. Features exceptional physics engine and state of the art character animations. Accurate collision spheres allow for true character interaction and stunt based racing. P233, 32MB, Win95/98, Direct3D or 3Dfx
38977 TT2SECCD.A01 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo                                        2/11
38978 TT2SECCD.A02 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo                                        3/11
38979 TT2SECCD.A03 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo                                        4/11
38980 TT2SECCD.A04 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo                                        5/11
38981 TT2SECCD.A05 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo                                        6/11
38982 TT2SECCD.A06 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo                                        7/11
38983 TT2SECCD.A07 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo                                        8/11
38984 TT2SECCD.A08 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo                                        9/11
38985 TT2SECCD.A09 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo                                       10/11
38986 TT2SECCD.A10 2,9 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo                                       11/11
38987 TT2SECCD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II: The Second Century demo Pop Top Software/Gathering of Developers Strategy / building / business. Standalone demo of expansion. Challenging eighteen scenario campaign containing modern trains and engines, new maps/industries/features/ music & video. Begin in post-Depression years of the 1930s through 2042. Does not require RT2, contains three scenarios from full game. P133, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX         1/11
38988 TUROK2D.A01 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - MBCD -
Turok 2 demo 2/5
38989 TUROK2D.A02 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - MBCD -
Turok 2 demo 3/5
38990 TUROK2D.A03 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - MBCD -
Turok 2 demo 4/5
38991 TUROK2D.A04 3,7 Mt 15.02.1999 - MBCD -
Turok 2 demo 5/5
38992 TUROK2D.ARJ 4,8 Mt 15.02.1999 - MBCD -
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil demo. Acclaim. 1st person 3D action. Turok unwittingly awakens deadly foe-The Primagen.Stop Primagen from escaping his prison and breaking through wall dividing the nether world from Earth! Demo supports Gamespy Lite (play 1 mp. level) over Internet. Offers gamers a chance to sample hardcore weaponry, a single and a multiplayer level. P200, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX. Supp. Direct 3D & 3Dfx      1/5
38993 TZAGDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
"Disneys Tarzan Action Game demo 2/4"
38994 TZAGDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
"Disneys Tarzan Action Game demo 3/4"
38995 TZAGDEMO.A03 2,8 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
"Disneys Tarzan Action Game demo 4/4"
38996 TZAGDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
"Disneys Tarzan Action Game demo by      1/4 By Eurocom/Disney Interactive. Platform game. Join Tarzan and friends on a thrillingaction-packed adventure as you swing on vinesromp through the jungle on an elephants backand tree-surf through 13 adrenaline-pumping levels of savage 3-D action in the jungle. anger. As Tarzanyou will grow from a boy to a mandeveloping skills and abilities. P16624MBWin95/98DirectX3D accelerator"
38997 TZARDEMO.ZIP 81,4 Mt 08.12.1999 - - tupla
Tzar: The Burden of the Crown demoTekijä Haemimont Smartcom. Reaaliaikainen fantasia-strategia. Bulgarialainen tekijä on ottanut RTS-pelien perusainekset ja liittänyt niihin valtakunnan rakentamista ja jopa hitusen roolipeliä. Peli ei tarvitse 3D-kiihdytintä vaan tarjoaa erittäin tarkat, kauniit maastot perinteisellä 2D:llä. Vaatii Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt, DirectX.
38998 TZARPICS.ZIP 312,6 kt 08.12.1999 - - tupla
Tzar: The Burden of the Crown demo kuviaTekijä Haemimont Smartcom. Reaaliaikainen fantasia-strategia.
38999 U2DEMO2.A01 4,8 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Uprising 2 demo 2/7
39000 U2DEMO2.A02 4,8 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Uprising 2 demo 3/7
39001 U2DEMO2.A03 4,8 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Uprising 2 demo 4/7
39002 U2DEMO2.A04 4,8 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Uprising 2 demo 5/7
39003 U2DEMO2.A05 4,8 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Uprising 2 demo 6/7
39004 U2DEMO2.A06 562,2 kt 25.02.1999 - - -
Uprising 2 demo 7/7
39005 U2DEMO2.ARJ 4,8 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Uprising 2: Lead and Destroy demo 2. by 3DO. 3D-action & realtime strategy. Shooting against aliens, like Battlezone. This new and improved demo contains a new, more comprehensive combat mission. An intuitive training mission is included, which instructs you how to control the hovertank (the Wraith) and implement the main weapons systems. Win95/98, 32 Mb, P166, DirectX 6. Supports 3Dfx.     1/7
39006 U8BALL.ZIP 3,2 Mt 25.04.1999 - MBCD tupla
Ultimate 8 Ball demo. Mirage/THQj. Billiards. The demo allows you to play Six Ball against Ed Case, one of the games many CPU players. The aim is to beat him! To do this you must pot the balls in order, and be the player to pot the last ball. Excellent looking and playable. P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D
39007 USAFDEMO.ZIP 49,5 Mt 13.10.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
"Janes USAF demo by Janes Combat Simulations Flying simulation. Be the top pilot of the most advanced air force: USAF. Fly and train over US soil in the F-16C Falcon and A-10 Warthog or an arsenal of six other planes. Then relive great historic air battles flying the rugged F-4E over Vietnam or the powerful F-15C in Operation Desert Storm. Finallypus the envelope flying the menacing F-117 Stealt Windows 95P20064 MBDirectXDirect3D"
39008 UTD348.ZIP 52,9 Mt 02.11.1999 - - tupla
Unreal Tournament demo v348. Epic Megagames / GT Interactive. 3D first person combat. This got it all: ton of amazing levels, kick ass new weapons, brain-melting new modes of play deadly Bots and a slew of other features bound to have your happiness glands working overtime!Single but especially multiplayer combat. LAN/ Internet. P200, 32MB, Win95/98, 4 MB video card. Supports 3Dfx Glide & Direct3D
39009 VDSFISH.A01 3,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Deep Sea Fishing beta demo 2/6
39010 VDSFISH.A02 3,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Deep Sea Fishing beta demo 3/6
39011 VDSFISH.A03 3,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Deep Sea Fishing beta demo 4/6
39012 VDSFISH.A04 3,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Deep Sea Fishing beta demo 5/6
39013 VDSFISH.A05 2,3 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Deep Sea Fishing beta demo 6/6
39014 VDSFISH.ARJ 3,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
"Virtual Deep Sea Fishing beta demo. Interplay Sports / fishing. Angle the worlds biggest game fish in a beautifulaction-orientedreal-time 3D environment. Go after 18 varieties of saltwater game fish in 13 exotic locations using your mouse to reel in your trophy as it twists and turns on your line in the ultimate battle. P13316MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D      1/6"
39015 VENOMD.A01 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - tupla
Venom from GSC Game World. 2/7
39016 VENOMD.A02 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - tupla
Venom from GSC Game World. 3/7
39017 VENOMD.A03 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - tupla
Venom from GSC Game World. 4/7
39018 VENOMD.A04 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - tupla
Venom from GSC Game World. 5/7
39019 VENOMD.A05 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - tupla
Venom from GSC Game World. 6/7
39020 VENOMD.A06 2,3 Mt 17.08.1999 - - tupla
Venom from GSC Game World. 7/7
39021 VENOMD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - tupla
Venom from GSC Game World. 1/7 3D action shooter which is being developed using the Vital Engine ZL. The following demo is a compatibility test demo, which has been released to test how the game works on different hardware. This demo is playable but game play differs from actual game greatly because we have disabled many features. Windows 95, P200, 32 MB, Direct3D.
39022 VRDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
V-Rally demo 2/6
39023 VRDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
V-Rally demo 3/6
39024 VRDEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
V-Rally demo 4/6
39025 VRDEMO.A04 3,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
V-Rally demo 5/6
39026 VRDEMO.A05 1,5 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
V-Rally demo 6/6
39027 VRDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 10.04.1999 - - -
V-Rally demo from Infogrames. Car racing. 1/6 Push yourself to the limit and test your own precision-driving skills. P90, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX, Direct3D or 3Dfx card. SUPPORTS Direct3D, 3Dfx Glide
39028 VRTNSID.A01 4,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Tennis beta demo 2/7
39029 VRTNSID.A02 4,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Tennis beta demo 3/7
39030 VRTNSID.A03 4,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Tennis beta demo 4/7
39031 VRTNSID.A04 4,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Tennis beta demo 5/7
39032 VRTNSID.A05 4,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Tennis beta demo 6/7
39033 VRTNSID.A06 546,4 kt 11.03.1999 - - -
Virtual Tennis beta demo 7/7
39034 VRTNSID.ARJ 4,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
"Virtual Tennis playable beta demo. Sports / Tennis. Interplay. Allows you to play through a range of tournaments around the world and challenge the top players for the Worlds Number One ranking. It features all of the shots of professional tennis players5 different play options3 different modes and live in-game commentary. As close to the real tennis action as you can get! P13316MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D 1/7"
39035 W2MBIDEM.A01 3,3 Mt 08.01.1999 - - tupla
Worms 2 MBinternet-demo 2/3
39036 W2MBIDEM.A02 2,1 Mt 08.01.1999 - - tupla
Worms 2 MBinternet-demo 3/3
39037 W2MBIDEM.ARJ 3,3 Mt 08.01.1999 - - tupla
Worms 2 MBinternet-demo 1/3 Kuuluisaa matoräiskettä. MBinternet-käyttöä varten erityisesti räätälöity maksuton kaksinpelimahdollisuus joko samalla tietokoneella tai Internetin välityksellä. Internet-pelaaminen tapahtuu MBinternetin Worms2-pelipalvelimella, ja niinpä pelit toimivat nopeasti ja tahmailematta. Laitevaatimukset: Windows 95, DirectX 5.0, 16 Mt, 2 Mt SVGA näytönohjain.
39038 WADEMO.A01 2,4 Mt 25.02.1999 - MBCD -
Worms: Armageddon demo 2/6
39039 WADEMO.A02 2,4 Mt 25.02.1999 - MBCD -
Worms: Armageddon demo 3/6
39040 WADEMO.A03 2,4 Mt 25.02.1999 - MBCD -
Worms: Armageddon demo 4/6
39041 WADEMO.A04 2,4 Mt 25.02.1999 - MBCD -
Worms: Armageddon demo 5/6
39042 WADEMO.A05 1,4 Mt 25.02.1999 - MBCD -
Worms: Armageddon demo 6/6
39043 WADEMO.ARJ 2,4 Mt 25.02.1999 - MBCD -
Worms: Armageddon demo from Team 17. 1/6 See Worms as we know and love it going out with a bang. It enhances the original award-winning gameplay with barmy new weapons game-enhancing new features and much improved multi- and single-player gaming modes. We have also set up WORMNET, a free worldwide IRC-style network to make playing online easier and more accessible. P100, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX
39044 WARTORNB.A02 6 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
WarTorn beta demo            2/2
39045 WARTORNB.ARJ 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
WarTorn beta demo from Eyst. 1/2 Real Time Strategy Game that uses a full 3D graphics engine. Fight in series of arranged combats over different terrains. Manage your resources between. Demo offers network and Internet multiplayer. Windows 95, P166, 32 MB, 3D accelerator
39046 WCWN0115.A01 3,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
WCW Nitro demo 2/5
39047 WCWN0115.A02 3,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
WCW Nitro demo 3/5
39048 WCWN0115.A03 3,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
WCW Nitro demo 4/5
39049 WCWN0115.A04 105,5 kt 26.02.1999 - - -
WCW Nitro demo 5/5
39050 WCWN0115.ARJ 3,8 Mt 26.02.1999 - - -
"WCW Nitro demo. From THQ. Sports / american wrestling. Photo-realistic3D wrestling. Features WCW and NWO superstars with their signature movestaunts and rants. Lightning fastfour-wrestler action and the most current WCW and NWO wrestlers. Actual theme music and rants for the top wrestlers. Contro Hollywood Hogan as you take on all comers in a multi-playerBattle Royalgame. The big boys are slamming into your PC. Win95P16616 MBDirectX.Supports Direct3D                                         1/5"
39051 WESTFRNT.A01 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
West Front demo by Talonsoft. 2/4
39052 WESTFRNT.A02 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
West Front demo by Talonsoft. 3/4
39053 WESTFRNT.A03 3,6 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
West Front demo by Talonsoft. 4/4
39054 WESTFRNT.ARJ 9,5 Mt 01.10.1999 - - tupla
"West Front demo by Talonsoft. 1/4 Turn based World War II strategy. WWII game that drops you right into middle of dustynoisybloody WWII Europe as battalion commander. As you advance from the North African desert to the Bocage country of Normandyyoull have to pick your fights wisely. For each active unitan infobox appears on screen and displays a wide range of critical mission data. Windows 95P133DirectX"
39055 WIHDEMO.ZIP 15,8 Mt 16.12.1999 - - tupla
The War In Heaven demo. Tekijä Valusoft. 3D kasvoperspektiivistä kuvattu räiskintä/ tappelupeli. Viimeinen sota Taivaan ja Helvetin välillä on käynnissä. Pelaaja astuu enkelin tai demonin hahmoon ja lähtee matkalle 12 tason läpi, taistellen miekkansa avulla tiensä eteenpäin, ratkoen raamatullisia ongelmia. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 16 Mt, Direct3D-kiihdytin.
39056 WILDMETA.A01 3,3 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Wild Metal Country demo 2/4
39057 WILDMETA.A02 3,3 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Wild Metal Country demo 3/4
39058 WILDMETA.A03 2 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Wild Metal Country demo 4/4
39059 WILDMETA.ARJ 3,3 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
"Wild Metal Country demo DMA Design/Gremlin1/4 Arcade/shootemup. This game moves forward state-of-the-art in PhysicsAI and Software Rendering and provides combination of unique driving experience and close-in third person fighting game. The levels are set on large detailed terrains with many and varied opponents ranging from tanks and gun towers to hover vehicles and aircraft. Player controls many different vehicles. P16616MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS 3Dfx GlideD3D"
39060 WILDWEST.ZIP 48,8 Mt 16.10.1999 - - tupla
Wild Wild West "The Steel Assassin" demo by Souhpeak Interactive Third person shoot\'em\'up Adventure/action that combines irreverent humor of movie with adventure puzzle solving and twitch action.Take on roles of James West and Artemus Gordon as they uncover, layer by layer, the true conspiracy behind the attempt on Grant\'s life. This demo is a shoot\'em\'up in ranch. P200, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX, Supports Direct3D
39061 WLS99.A01 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
"Michael Owens World League Soccer99 demo2/5"
39062 WLS99.A02 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
"Michael Owens World League Soccer99 demo3/5"
39063 WLS99.A03 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
"Michael Owens World League Soccer99 demo4/5"
39064 WLS99.A04 3 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
"Michael Owens World League Soccer99 demo5/5"
39065 WLS99.ARJ 3,8 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
"Michael Owens World League Soccer99 demo1/5 Sports / Soccer. Silicon Dreams / Eidos Set to score with soccer fans all over globeso get your copy now and see what you are missing. Developers have captured blistering pace and ability of Michael Owen for you to control. P9016MBWin95/98DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D & 3Dfx"
39066 WOTDEMO.ZIP 73,4 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
The Wheel of Time demoTekijä Legend Entertainment/GT Interactive. 3D naamaperspektiivin toimintaseikkailu. Robert Jordanin paremmin Britanniassa tunnettuun kirjasarjaan perustuvassa fantasiamaailmassa seikkaillaan miekan ja magian voimin. Unrealin engineä käyttävänä WoT yhdistää 3D toimintaa strategiaan ja jopa roolipelaamiseen. Laitevaatimus P2 266, 64 Mt, Windows 95/98, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D Toimii kohtalaisesti myös Pentium-koneissa.
39067 WZ2100.A01 3,7 Mt 29.05.1999 - - -
Warzone 2100 new updated playbable demo 2/4
39068 WZ2100.A02 3,7 Mt 29.05.1999 - - -
Warzone 2100 new updated playbable demo 3/4
39069 WZ2100.A03 3,4 Mt 29.05.1999 - - -
Warzone 2100 new updated playbable demo 4/4
39070 WZ2100.ARJ 3,7 Mt 29.05.1999 - - -
Warzone 2100 new updated playbable demo 1/4 Pumpkin Studios a real time action and strategy game set on Earth in the 21st Century. Upon entering the post-nuclear world of Warzone 2100 you land from your transport and establish your base. Here you conduct research, design and manufacture vehicles, build new structures and prepare your plans of global conquest. Features new missions from Campaign 2 and 3. Requirements: Windows 95/98, DirectX. Supports: Direct3D.
39071 WZDEMMP2.A01 3,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Warzone 2100 multiplayer demo 2 2/4
39072 WZDEMMP2.A02 3,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Warzone 2100 multiplayer demo 2 3/4
39073 WZDEMMP2.A03 2,4 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Warzone 2100 multiplayer demo 2 4/4
39074 WZDEMMP2.ARJ 3,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Warzone 2100 multiplayer demo 2. Eidos.Real time strategy/action set on Earth in 21st Century. Upon entering the post-nuclear world you land from your transport and establish your base. Here you conduct research, design and manufacture vehicles, build new structures and prepare your plans of global conquest. NEW demo has new map & tech. This demo with serial, modem, IPX & TCP/IP + MPlayer multiplay, max 4 pl. Win95/98, DirectX SUPPORTS Direct3D+3Dfx 1/4
39075 XDEM501Z.ZIP 24,6 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
X-Plane 5.01 Demo. Amazing flight simulator by Laminar Research. First to use three-dimensional terrain elevation maps of the entire country. Most flexible flight simulator ever released for personal computers. "This piece of software is ultimate proof that PC technology is able to simulate flight dynamics in quite a realistic manner.... Windows 95/NT, DirectX5, P133, 32 MB. Supports OpenGL 3D acceleration. 1/6
39076 XPLCLASS.ZIP 5,4 Mt 11.03.1999 - MBCD -
X-Plane Classic Demo. Amazing flight simulator by Laminar Research. First to use three-dimensional terrain elevation maps of the entire country. Most flexible flight simulator ever released for personal computers. "This piece of software is ultimate proof that PC technology is able to simulate flight dynamics in quite a realistic manner.... Windows 95/NT, DirectX5, P133, 32 MB. Works with any video card.
39077 XS_DEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Excessive Speed demo 2/5
39078 XS_DEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Excessive Speed demo 3/5
39079 XS_DEMO.A03 3,8 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Excessive Speed demo 4/5
39080 XS_DEMO.A04 3,3 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Excessive Speed demo 5/5
39081 XS_DEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
"Excessive Speed demo. Isometric arcade racing Chaos Works/Iridon Interactive. Takes the popular genre of 2D action racing games to the next level! High resolution graphicssupport for MMX and 4-player splitscreen multiplay combine to leave Excessive Speeds would-be competition in the dust. P9016MBWin95/98DirectX      1/5"
39082 XTMDEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Extreme Trial Motocross demo 2/6
39083 XTMDEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Extreme Trial Motocross demo 3/6
39084 XTMDEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Extreme Trial Motocross demo 4/6
39085 XTMDEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Extreme Trial Motocross demo 5/6
39086 XTMDEMO.A05 1,8 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Extreme Trial Motocross demo 6/6
39087 XTMDEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Extreme Trial Motocross demo from The Dawn Interactive. Motocross simulation. Great attention has been payed to the physics of one of the most exciting elements in a motocross GP: dust and mud are dislosloged and sprayed throughout the environment as well as on riders. Complex structure offering variety of options giving longevity. Demo includes link, modem, network and Internet (IPX, TCP/IP) Multiplayer. Win95, P166, 16 MB. SUPPORTS Glide & Direct3D          1/6
39088 XTMDEMOP.ZIP 7,2 kt 30.06.1999 - - -
Extreme Trial Motocross demo screenshots. The Dawn Interactive. Motocross simulation.
39089 XTMDEMOZ.ZIP 25,6 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Extreme Trial Motocross demo from The Dawn Interactive. Motocross simulation. Great attention has been payed to the physics of one of the most exciting elements in a motocross GP: dust and mud are dislosloged and sprayed throughout the environment as well as on riders. Complex structure offering variety of options giving longevity. Demo includes link, modem, network and Internet (IPX, TCP/IP) Multiplayer. Win95, P166, 16 MB. SUPPORTS Glide & Direct3D
39090 XTOMDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 10.05.1999 - - -
Xtom 3D demo 2/4
39091 XTOMDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 10.05.1999 - - -
Xtom 3D demo 3/4
39092 XTOMDEMO.A03 2,6 Mt 10.05.1999 - - -
Xtom 3D demo 4/4
39093 XTOMDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 10.05.1999 - - -
"Xtom 3D demo by Jamie System Development. 3D flying shootemup. Elvesdragons and technology. Pretty looking shooting action. Traditional shooter turned into 3D. P200 32 MB DirectX Windows 95. Supports Direct3D. 1/4"
39094 XWADEMO.A01 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - MBCD -
X-Wing Alliance demo 2/6
39095 XWADEMO.A02 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - MBCD -
X-Wing Alliance demo 3/6
39096 XWADEMO.A03 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - MBCD -
X-Wing Alliance demo 4/6
39097 XWADEMO.A04 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - MBCD -
X-Wing Alliance demo 5/6
39098 XWADEMO.A05 3,9 Mt 23.03.1999 - MBCD -
X-Wing Alliance demo 6/6
39099 XWADEMO.ARJ 4,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - MBCD -
"Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance demo from    1/6 LucasArts. Space combat.Neutral family fights for its business - and its survival - and is swept up in the struggle against encroaching Empire. Finallyjoin Rebel Alliance for series of covert assignments. The finale? Youll find yourself at controls of legendary Millennium Falconflying against the massive Imperial fleet in the Battle of Endor. Takes space combat to new heights.Windows 95P20032 MbDirectX. Supports Direct3D."
39100 ZULUWAR.ZIP 1,1 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
ZuluWar! Demo Strategy. Historial,turn based. The 1879 British Invasion of Zululand. As the clouds of the rainy season in Natal disappeared, a new storm brewed on the border between the British colony and Zululand in 1879. The Anglo-Zulu War of 1879 was about to begin... battalion level, 2 miles per hex, 5 day turns. Entire 1879 campaignj. Game styles zulu kraal location, zulu fire weapons, british intel, weather, visibility, fog of war. PBEM. Win 3.x/95, 640x480.
39390 !!PUD!!.ZIP 58,8 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
"Some great multiplayer PUDs for WarCraft II. Includes: It is a good day to dieGreeeen!LabyrinthOh Dear!ChessFootball By: Mr. Spooky"
39101 14JETLVL.ZIP 4,5 kt 11.08.1997 - - -
14 hienoa tasoa Jetpack-peliin! (mm. jääluola, ampiaispesä, pankki, labyrintti jne.) Jos keräilet tasoja, sinun on ehdottomasti imuroitava nämä!
39102 15JETLVL.ZIP 5,1 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
Tässä on taas 15 hienoa tasoa Jetpackiin. Tämä paketti on jatkoa paketille 14JETLVL.ZIP. Tasoja on esim. "raketinheitin", "ukko", "hämäys", "radio,", "sieni", yms. Imuroi ihmeessä nämä!
39107 3BASES1.ZIP 5,5 kt 23.07.1997 - - -
!! 3 BASES ZONE !! Red Alert multiplayer MAP Todella onnistunut monipeli kartta Red Alerttiin. 3 muurilla ympäröityä tukikohtaa, ei todellakaan liikaa tyhjää. Koko on 50x55.    L.MR-SOFT (c) LAATUTYÖTÄ 1997
39109 4PAKU.ZIP 21,2 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Silakka Software esittää: 4 tosi hyvää Red Alert scenaariota. Paljon orea luvassa ja myös timantteja.
39112 5_RAMAPS.ZIP 35,1 kt 03.01.1998 - - -
Red Alert kenttiä - 5 kpl, tehnyt Teemu Tervahauta
39114 7_W2MAPS.ZIP 59,9 kt 03.01.1998 - - -
WarCraft II - seitsemän itsetehtyä karttaa. Tehnyt Teemu Tervahauta
39145 A-TEAMP2.ZIP 39,6 kt 13.08.1997 - - -
Kaksi RA:n scenariota! By A-team! Toinen on tarkoitettu pelattavaksi Shroud Regrows optiolla, ja toinen ihan normaalisti. Kumpikin on hyvia, mutta toisessa ei ole omaa txt tiedostoa, ja on muutenkin vahan kesken.
39115 A1JET.ZIP 1,3 kt 01.07.1997 - 1977/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 4.iso tupla
Five great Jetpack levels. They are real stumpers. Two of them kill me at least four out of five times.
39116 ACROSS_L.ZIP 1,9 kt 20.04.1998 - MBCD -
Action Supercrossiin 4 rataa. Ainakin toimii ACROSSin Shareware 1.2 versiossa. By:
39119 ADPACT.ZIP 20,6 kt 05.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso tupla
Warcraft 2 MAP: Death Pact.
39122 AGENTTI1.ZIP 30,2 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
"SlicksnSlide: 20 erinomaistaennen julkaisematonta rataa!!! (versioon 1.30c) By: Agentti Software"
39123 AGSCEN.ZIP 15,8 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Allied General skenaarioita: Scenario 5 Pack  agdcrem.zip  - 5 hypothetical scenarios involving the invasions of Malta, Midway, Clipperton, Gibraltar, and Dunkirk. Crete  crete.zip  Overly ambitious German airborne attack against British and Greek defending forces on Crete.
39125 AJPRADAT.ZIP 27,3 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
"AJP radat SlicksnSlideen. (AJP_1-17) nyt todella hyviä ratoja slicksiin. tekijänä AJPhuom. radat ovat versiolle 1.30C"
39128 ALPHA_I.ZIP 5,1 kt 15.07.1997 - - -
ALPHA ISLAND scenario red alerttiin (LG) Sopii motu ja verkko peliin.Voit myös pelata skrimishillä. !!ei suositella yli 4 pelaajalle!!
39133 AOR-SCE3.ZIP 806,6 kt 25.06.1997 - - -
Wargame Construction Set III: Age of Rifles skenaarioita. Duplikaattitarkastettuja, ei dupeja MBnetissä ennestään oleviin. Sisältää täyden kuvauksen jokaiseen taisteluun. Sis: aspern, aspern12, austerli, austrltz, dresden1, eylau, gaines, keer, keshcol, maiwand, malvern2, marengo, mcfarm, minecrek, qb200, quatreb, raab, valley, wadihesa, wagram, wilsons. Lähde: The Wargamer, http://www.wargamer.com
39130 AORHEINO.ZIP 23,6 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
AGE OF RIFLES: Heinola 1809
39134 AOS-SCE1.ZIP 11,4 kt 25.06.1997 - - -
"Age of Sail scenaarioita: * The American Naval War of 1812 aos1812.zip collection of 14 scenarios 
for sea engagements during the War of 1812based on Theodore Roosevelts Naval War of 1812. * 
End of the Fishguard Expedition aos126.scn (BrestFrance - March 091797) 
Lähde: The Wargamerhttp://www.wargamer.com"
39138 APRADAT.ZIP 100 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
"53 Tracks for S L I C K SNS L I D E  1 . 3 0 C  or newer versions.  Tracks are made by Antti P."
39135 APRADAT2.ZIP 34,5 kt 29.05.1997 - - -
18 rataa Slicksin 1.30C Versioille, tekijänä Anttis tämä paketti on jatkoa apradat.zipille Imuta jos olet slicksin ystävä.  SW versiolla ajavat suosittelen teitä rekisteröimään pelin koska se on hyvä...
39136 APRADAT3.ZIP 17 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
"APRADAT Vol. 3 - (jatkoa apradat vol. 1 ja vol. 2 ratapaketeille). 9 Rataa SlicksnSlide 1.30 Versioille tekijänä Antti Pietiläinen (Antti.Pietilainen@mbnet.fi)"
39137 APRADAT4.ZIP 63,5 kt 29.06.1997 - - -
APRADAT Vol. 4 -nyt 25 uutta rataa Slicksin 1.30 versioille. Radat väsäili Anttis, E-Mail: Anttitus@iname.com
39141 ARTOFWAR.ZIP 5,7 kt 05.03.1997 - 721/HaCKeRz_KrOnIcKLeZ.iso -
>> Art Of War << Mukava moninpelikenttä Red Alerttiin. Malmia ja jalokivä riittä... Ei liian mittava. koko 64*64 By Star-Flyer 1997
39142 ASCLEVS.ZIP 3,6 kt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
Seitsemän todella laadukasta , huolella tehtyä leveliä Action Supercrossiin (v. 1.2).Levelit ovat Beta-testattuja... Saavuttanut valtavan suosion maapallolla ja muilla planeetoilla.Et voi elää ilman näitä huippu leveleitä ! Imuta ja NAUTI !
39146 ATEAMPG.ZIP 86,1 kt 29.08.1997 - - -
A-team Package GOLD! 9 loistavaa RA scenariota! taattua laatua! Osa ennennakemattomia, osa vanhoja. Hyvat txt-filet! Testattuja, toimii hyvin!
39147 ATFGMISS.ZIP 239,4 kt 16.04.1998 - - -
ATF Gold: 10 uutta yksittäistehtävää ja kampanjaa.
39148 B2SCEN.ZIP 366,9 kt 07.08.1996 - - tupla
"Breach 2 Scenario Collection76 scenarios for Onmitrends tactical wargame Breach 2."
39151 BASE.ZIP 3,4 kt 20.03.1998 - - eritupla
Silakka Software repäisee: Base scenaarion Red Alerttiin. Hyvissä paikoissa tukikohdat, paljon timantteja! ja muuta kivaa. Sopii tosi hyvin moninpeliin!!! *imuta* heti!
39153 BEST&RA.ZIP 19,6 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Tämä Red Alertin mappi kokoelma on lajinsa huippua. Se sisältää kolme erittäin hyvää kenttää Red Alerttiin. Yksi niistä kentistä on päivitetty versio täälä jo olevaan mutta samojen tekijöiden tekemään kenttään.Kaksi muuta kenttää ovat .... Katsoppa itse mitä ne ovat. Kentät on tehnyt besta mesta software ent.tstp software.
39156 BLOCRYPT.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
Cryptic Passage Demo for Blood by Sunstorm. Requires FULL Blood. y. Levels will include: Creepy Boat Docks, Old Opera House, Gothic Library, Lost Monastery, Steamboat, Graveyard, Abysmal Mine Shaft, Mountain Pass, Ancient Castle and Boggy Creek!
39158 BRIDGEW.ZIP 6,3 kt 26.05.1997 - - -
C&C: Red Alert Bridge War-niminen kaksinpeli scenaario. Orea ja Timantteja juuri sopivasti. Valitukset Teemu Junniselle. Jos tulee valituksia niin tästä scenaariosta voi tulla myös päivitetty versio. Viper Scenarios laatutyötä.
39159 BRKLEVS1.ZIP 2,8 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
15 Lisäkenttää SUPER BREAKOUT2 peliin Tehnyt: Antti Känsäkoski
39162 BTWW2DEM.ZIP 6,1 kt 30.07.1997 - - -
"  BEYOND THE WORLD WAR II - First mission! This is first mission of L.mR-SOFTs upcoming Red Alert campaing (10-12 new SP levels). In this mission you are going to exterminate traitor who have stealed our Chronosphere technology. Hunt him down and kill him! Tanya will assist. Very great Single Player mission!"
39163 BUTCV014.ZIP 18,9 kt 24.02.1998 - - -
The Land of Butchers v.1.4 PUD Erittäin haastava kenttä Warcraft 2:seen. Yksinpelikenttä, jossa on kaikkea. Pelastus-joukku, vihollisia jotka hyökkää- vät maalta, mereltä ja ilmasta. Vedä läpi ja ole ylpeä itsestäsi.
39164 BUTCV016.ZIP 19,9 kt 28.02.1998 - - -
The Land of Butchers v.1.6 PUD Erittäin haastava ruutu Warcraft 2:seen. Yksinpeliruutu, jossa on kaikkea. Pelastus-joukko, vihollisia jotka hyökkäävät maalta, mereltä ja ilmasta. Vedä läpi ja ole ylpeä itsestäsi.
39171 CANARISL.ZIP 1,1 Mt 31.01.1997 - - -
Scenaario Flight Simulartor 5.x Kanarian saarista. Erittäin hieno.
39173 CAW-SCE.ZIP 665,7 kt 21.02.1997 - - -
Carriers At War new scenarios: caw-scen.zip, cawalask.zip, midway47.zip, pedestal.zip, rabaul.zip, weser.zip
39175 CCHURTGE.ZIP 176,2 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
Close Combat campaign: The Hurtgen Forest Self made replacement campaign to Atomic Games/Microsoft WW2 strategy game. Installation instructions inside.
39180 CCNORMAN.ZIP 175,5 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
Close Combat campaign: Normandy Self made replacement campaign to Atomic Games/Microsoft WW2 strategy game. Installation instructions inside.
39182 CCPCK20D.ZIP 368,2 kt 21.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
                    COMMAND & CONQUER MAP PAC                           Version 2.0 For Dos                        72 Multi-Player MISSIO
39185 CITIDEL.ZIP 37,8 kt 20.04.1997 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
WARCRAFT 2 "Citidel v1.2" Scenario (IBM). A single pud from the Arch-Wizard Stony. Very hard! Try this one out if you\'re looking for a challenge. I reccommed War2xed version 3.3 or higher to have Deathwing as an enemy. Enjoy...
39187 CIV2MAPS.ZIP 564,4 kt 27.09.1997 - 23668/PCGAMER47.bin -
Civilization II - 185 karttaa!
39191 CIV2SCEN.ZIP 4,6 Mt 27.09.1997 - 23668/PCGAMER47.bin -
Civilization II : 91 skenaariota! Mm. kolmas maailmansota, Neuvostoliiton invaasio Suomeen/Ruotsiin jne.
39193 CIVILS.ZIP 15,3 kt 26.02.1998 - - -
"Command & Conquer level: Civils Attack Force you play as Civils against Nod Boys... by helping Gdi forces... but Gdi dont like so they want to stop us... but do not kill them all or mission is Failed!!! Good Luck Commander! (DR)"
39202 CRADLE.ZIP 6,1 kt 26.05.1997 - - -
C&C: Red Alert: Erittäih hyvä kaksinpeli scenario, jossa on juuri sopivasti Orea ja Timantteja. Ei liikaa, mutta ei kumminkaan lopu kesken. Viper Scenarios laatutyötä.
39204 CRYST2.ZIP 3,2 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
Red Alert: Crystal Map. Niille, jotka eivät voita tietokonetta kuin huijaamalla (timantit epäreilusti aseteltu).
39212 DGLIBYA.ZIP 220,3 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Deadly Games kamppanja Libyassa (C) Mikael Muurinen 25 tehtävää
39216 DGWWEST.ZIP 149,4 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Deadly Games kamppanja Willissä lännessä 14 tehtävää (C) Mikael Muurinen
39217 DIA-TSTP.ZIP 4,8 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Red alert skenaario vailla vertaa Sopii todella hyvin monimpeliin sekä modeemilla että skirmishiin. Rahaa sika paljo eli yli 5miljoonaa tstp softwaren laatutyötä
39220 DR_TRK1.ZIP 132,7 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
Death Racerin rata paketti #1 slicksin versiolle 1.30d Imuta Ihmeessä et pety!, tässä on mukana enkat niille jotka haluavat koettaa taitojaan... E-Mail: Anttisp@sci.fi
39221 DR_TRK2.ZIP 37,7 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
"Death Racers track package #2 (for SlicksnSlide 1.30d) with 18 tracks. E-mail: Anttisp@sci.fi"
39222 DR_TRK3.ZIP 55 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
"Death Racers Track Package #3 for SlicksnSlide 1.29d or newer. (contains some my old tracks and new ones.)"
39223 DR_TRK4.ZIP 66,2 kt 13.03.1998 - - -
"Death Racers Track Package #4 for Slicks 1.30d Read Readme.now file for more info. Send any com- ments to Anttisp@sci.fi"
39228 EA_INCA.ZIP 4 Mt 22.10.1997 - - -
Extreme Assault : Inca multiplayer level Blue Byte.
39232 EFSCEN1.ZIP 31,3 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
East Front scenarios: THE CITADEL - Velikiye Luki, 220km NW of Smolensk. 26 December, 1942 BITTER LESSONS AT KOMINTERN - Komintern north of Tatsinskaya. 160km NE of Rostov. 24 December, 1942 TERROR AT BORISOV - E of Borisov near Lipki 130km W of Orsha. 3 July, 1941 THE SIBERIANS ARE COMING - Panovo 25km E of Tula. 14 December, 1941
39234 ETFAV015.ZIP 8,9 kt 10.03.1998 - - -
Eternal Fate v.0.15 Red Alert:lle (Dos) Testattu ja hyväksi todettu ruutu Red Alerttiin. Paljon orea ja timantteja muttei liikaa. Pelaajien paikat suunniteltu tarkasti. Eli 8:lla pelaajalle monimutkainen ruutu. Josta riittää tasoa jopa verkkokohtaamisten suosikeiksi. Vedä läpi 7 vastuksella ja ole ylpeä itsestäsi. Tehnyt: Kim Westerberg
39236 EVILISL1.ZIP 7 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
RED ALERT: Hyvä scenaario. Muureja ja kaikkea muuta luvassa. Tulossa missionpack! by: Silakka Software 1998
39237 F15-21M.ZIP 466,4 kt 16.04.1998 - - -
"Janes F-15: 21 uutta yksittäistehtävää. Sisältää tehtäväkuvaukset."
39239 FA-23MIS.ZIP 76,8 kt 16.04.1998 - - -
Fighters Anthology - 23 uutta yksittäistehtävää. Sisältää tehtäväkuvaukset
39244 FC2CAMP5.ZIP 5,2 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Flight Commander II scenarios: Korean War 1950-1953 campaign escape + escort battles
39247 FF_TRACK.ZIP 22,3 kt 09.07.1997 - - -
Fatal Fumes - 18 Rataa
39249 FLAMEOFD.ZIP 5,9 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
-=Flame Of Destruction=- Moninpelikenttä Red Alertiin varustettuna suurella määrällä malmia ja jalokiviä. Taidolla toteutettu hieno kenttä, Moninpelaajan unelma, tämä on MUST! (C) RiP-Rest in Pc Productions 1996 - MADE IN FINLAND.
39256 GENESIS.ZIP 1,5 Mt 11.08.1997 renamed nyerguds.arsaneus-design.com -
Red Alert: "Flame Dancers: Genesis". Ilmainen 35 tehtävän kampanja Red Alertiin. Tekijä Andrew Griffith.
39257 GETTY50.ZIP 2,7 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
"Gettysburg! Custom scenario: The 2nd Day: Culps Hill"
39258 GLOBAL.ZIP 6 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
Superb multiplayer map for C&C Red Alert!!!
39262 GREATV11.ZIP 90,6 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
Civilization II: The Great Empires scenario 6 months in making. Requires Civ II v2.62
39265 HAR2MAPS.ZIP 62 kt 24.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon 2 - karttoja taisteluiden luontiin.
39267 HARP2SC.ZIP 2,2 Mt 24.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon 2 skenaarioita
39270 HARPSCE4.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon skenaarioita: GIUK GAP- battlesetille (tulee Harpoonin mukana).
39271 HARPSCE5.ZIP 407,4 kt 24.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon skenaarioita: Medieval- battlesettiin.
39272 HARPSCE6.ZIP 116,8 kt 24.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon battlesettejä: Indian Ocean & Persian Gulf IOPG -battlesettiin.
39273 HARPSCE7.ZIP 275,9 kt 24.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon skenaarioita
39277 HER_HELL.ZIP 106,4 kt 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
"Heretic WADs: Hells Maw"
39278 HKOR33M.ZIP 462,3 kt 16.04.1998 - - -
F/A-18 Hornet: Korea 33 yksittäistehtävää&kampanjaa.
39279 HOMM2EPM.ZIP 1,8 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II EXPANSION PAK MAPS - 25 extra levels
39285 HOMM2MP.ZIP 1,7 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II 24 new levels/maps
39280 HOMM2MP2.ZIP 781,9 kt 16.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II kenttiä duplikaattitarkistettuja & kuvaukset mukana Tässä paketissa: 13 kenttää
39281 HOMM2MP3.ZIP 1,7 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II kenttiä duplikaattitarkistettuja & kuvaukset mukana Tässä paketissa: 22 kenttää
39282 HOMM2MP4.ZIP 1,7 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II kenttiä duplikaattitarkistettuja & kuvaukset mukana Tässä paketissa: 24 kenttää
39283 HOMM2MP5.ZIP 1,7 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II kenttiä duplikaattitarkistettuja & kuvaukset mukana Tässä paketissa: 22 kenttää
39284 HOMM2MP6.ZIP 1,7 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II kenttiä duplikaattitarkistettuja & kuvaukset mukana Tässä paketissa: 24 kenttää
39286 HONORATA.ZIP 24,1 kt 18.08.1997 - - -
Hönöradat Stuntsiin. tehty koulun tietokoneella ja ajettu.
39289 ICELAND.ZIP 814,4 kt 15.02.1997 - - -
Fs5.x Scenario Islannista.
39290 ICOMP.ZIP 56,7 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
Apuohjelma lisäratojen asentamiseksi MotoRacer GP -peliin. Lue mukana tuleva INSTALL.TXT ohjeita varten!
39292 INCUP1_2.ZIP 77,6 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
Incubation Level Pack 1 & 2 New levels: Stratagem, Larynx, Embolus, Debaser.
39293 INCUP3.ZIP 41,5 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Incubation Level Pack 3 Capstanio level + Sentinel level Blue Byte
39294 INCUXMAS.ZIP 27,5 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
"Incubation level: Christmas XMAS Dont expect any pretty reindeer or a jolly Saint Nickjust boatloads of madman-hungry ScayGer ready to rip you to shreds."
39299 ISLANDS.ZIP 13,8 kt 15.07.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
"C&C Red Alert scenario From Von Stalin Scenarios: Island Split If you like landfallscruisersairstrikeslots of cash and islandsTHIS is for YOU!! Your cruiser(s) moves in while the choppers are still with the ore truckpicking off bystanding troopsand the transports are being protected from enemy subs by destroyers. Meanwhileyoure deploying that extra Mobile Consructions yard youve been keeping hidden under a mobile gap for a whilebecause of the low money on the current island. Suggestionscomments etc. Email: lari.fagerholm@mbnet.fi And Mb-net: Lari Fagerholm. Theres a .txt file includedso you can read the details later."
39300 JADGWAR.ZIP 220,5 kt 26.04.1998 - - -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games     WAR-kampanja 24 tehtävää sodassa Suomen ja Venäjän välillä vuosina 1999-2000. Myös kaksinpelivariaatio. Joitain uusia juttuja, esim. sotilasarvot ryssille. Huippulaatua!
39301 JATKOSOT.ZIP 80,5 kt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers I Nurmoilan kylän taistelu matkalla Aunukseen sekä Ihantalan suurtaistelun eräs vaihe kesällä -44. Koepaketti Suomen Jatkosodan scenaario- kokoelmasta, joka sisaltaa yhteensä kuusi scenaariota.
39304 JOELEVLS.ZIP 1,4 kt 16.10.1997 - - -
3 kenttää JOE:hen. Vaatii väh. Joe 1.53e:n. Korjaukset edellisiin kenttiin. Thenyt Heikki Alanen
39305 JOPE0.MPR 5 kt 21.07.1997 - - -
Jope on erinomainen saaritaso Red Alert-peliin. Tason koko on (s) ja rahaa on juuri riittävästi! Tekijä: Teemu Nordfors
39306 JPCASTLE.ZIP 12,1 kt 24.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
Castlevania JetPack Levels Customized levels in the form of a Castlevania game! 22 Full-featured levels, plus a log of every level in detailed clues! All in a short download! Castlevania levels were made by F&D Software, completed 11/28/93. >Castlevania JetPack Levels! (JetPack not included)
39307 JS_S2M1.ZIP 19,8 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Settlers II kartta: Mine! Mine! Huolella tehty erinomainen kartta Settlers II:een. Neljä pelaajaa, myös paljon vuoria. Kokeile heti! Kentän tehnyt Joonas Saarinen
39308 KAAPPAUS.ZIP 3,2 kt 23.11.1997 - - -
Kaappaus avaruuteen! Jännittävä 5:n Jetpack-tason seikkailu, jossa sinut kaapataan oudolle avaruusasemalle! Tasot näyttävät todella aidoilta, vaikka ne on tehty Jetpackin tasoeditorilla. Imuroi heti! (tehnyt: Jussi Laine)
39309 KAMPAINI.ZIP 45,5 kt 24.12.1997 - - -
Paketti sisältää 3 kampanjaa Jagged Alliance 2 Deadly Gamesiin. eko-sota.cpn ja kampaini.cpn 1 pelaajalle ja kampanja.cpn 2 pelaajalle.
39312 KINGHILL.ZIP 744,4 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Monster Truck Madness: King Of The Hill - track.
39313 L2LEVL11.ZIP 36,8 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Lemmings II The Tribes LevelCollection I New levels created by Chris Hodges and his friends converted from the Amiga-Level-Format to the PC-Level-Format, so that everybody with Lemmings II The Tribes on PC can play those new levels.
39317 LONGRIVE.ZIP 7,6 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
RED ALERT : SKENAARIO Long river to fire Orea noin 750 000 $ Koko 96*96 (MAX) Hyv{ meritaistelu kentt{ , mutta k{y muihinkin pelityyleihin. Taattu :O-ENTERTAIMENT
39318 MAANALNN.ZIP 3,3 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
Maanalainen maailma - Hurja seitsemästä Jetpack-tasosta koostuva seikkailu. Taattu valinta kyseisen pelin ystäville. Seikkailussa pääset katselemaan maanalaista kaupunkia, ja sinisten hirviöiden talon vessaa!! Aidontuntuisia ja jännittäviä tasoja. Tätä ei yksikään Jetpack-fani voi ohittaa! Tehnyt: TUULIKKI LAINE
39322 MCRAZR8.ZIP 590,1 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Monster Truck Madness add-on tracks for retail version: Crazier Eight - Take "A Crazy Eight" and add more twists and turns
39324 MERIFLA.ZIP 6,7 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Red Alert kenttä. By:SalRa, softa. Merivoimien mittelöön ja rahaahan riittää
39325 METALISL.ZIP 1,5 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Total Annihilation: Metal Isles MAP Four symmetrical metal islands, perfect for  sea battles.
39332 MP_PANIC.ZIP 3,3 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
"MP production presents: PANIC Monipuolinen rata SlicksNSliden versioon 1.29c (Saatta toimia muullakin versiolla) Lisää ratoja on tulossa lähiaikoina."
39329 MPATRIOT.ZIP 940,9 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Monster Truck Madness: Patriot - a new truck.
39333 MRTRACKS.A01 3 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Kaksi lisärataa MotoRacer GP peliin. Osa 2 / 2
39334 MRTRACKS.ARJ 3,8 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Kaksi lisärataa MotoRacer GP peliin. Imuroi myös tiedosto ICOMP.ZIP, jonka avulla radat asennat. Osa 1 / 2
39337 MSIERRA.ZIP 901,9 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Monster Truck Madness add-on tracks for retail version: Sierra Logging Run by The Monster Truck Racing Association
39339 MSNOWY.ZIP 683,6 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Monster Truck Madness add-on tracks for retail version: Snowy Canyon - A Rally course carved from ice and snow
39340 MTMBONUS.ZIP 2,4 Mt 19.05.1997 - - -
Monster Truck Madness - three bonus tracks!
39341 MTMCRAZY.EXE 734,8 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Lisärata Monster Truck Madnessiin The Crazier Eight -circuit Vaatii osto-version MTMstä.
39344 MWLEVELS.ZIP 4,5 kt 26.02.1998 - - -
Laadukkaita MiniWar tasoja, toimivat mahdollisesti myos MegaWarissa. Sumu tuotantoa.
39345 N2TRACKS.ZIP 2,9 Mt 15.09.1997 - - -
NASCAR Racing 2, 2 uutta fantasy-rataa.
39346 NATUB.ZIP 5,5 kt 18.02.1997 - - -
Natural Bridges Red Alert moninpeli scenaario by B-Group.
39347 NEKRU2.ZIP 43,6 kt 05.10.1997 - - -
Nekru softwarelta 3 scenaariota Warcraft 2:teen ja 2 Red Alerttiin. Tosi hyvät maastot ja muita hienouksia Tehnyt : Nekru software SofT-4- & Muumi(o)
39348 NEKRUZO.ZIP 6 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
  NEKRUZONE hyvä Red Alert scenaario   joka sisältää 500000 creditsiä!   JA siltoja sun muuta maastoa.   Kannattaa imuroida tämä scenaario!   Nekru softwaren laatutyötä (c) 1997
39349 NET_TRAX.ZIP 861,2 kt 15.07.1997 - - -
Internet track package for Slicks\'n\'Slide with "487" tracks
39351 NORTH.ZIP 6,7 kt 26.05.1997 - - -
C&C: Red Alert kaksinpeli scenaario. Orea ja Timantteja juuri sopivasti. Valitukset Teemu Junniselle. Jos tulee valituksia, niin silloin voi tulla päivitetty versio tästä scenaariosta. Viper Scenarios laatutyötä.
39354 OMF_EUR.ZIP 25,8 kt 15.07.1997 - - -
Europe Challenge A new tournament for the registered verion of One Must Fall 2097. Just unzip these files into your OMF dir.
39357 OP2UPDT.ZIP 401,6 kt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
Outpost 2: Scenario Pack 1 Three new multiplayer scenarios! "Peacekeeper" (two players) and "La Corrida" (four players) each feature a computer player between you and your opponents. Also includes the six-player scenario, "Pie Chart."
39358 ORCCAM01.ZIP 109,2 kt 30.07.1997 - - -
Human Invasion of Southshore An excellent orc campaign for Warcraft II. After we conquered the lands of Lordaeron, humans made a landfall near the city of Southshore... By: Markus Kelamaa Mk Productions -97
39361 ORE_ZONE.ZIP 6,5 kt 05.10.1997 - - -
Red Alert: Ore Zone -kartta. Laatukartta jossa on viisi saarta + orea pullollaan oleva saari jossain kartan pimennoissa!                             made by erasmus
39362 PACGENSC.ZIP 357,8 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Pacific General skenaarioita. berlin2, breakout, finoff2, frisco46, italyveng, iwojima2, libya, midway, moresby, op_japan, persia, rabaul2, redcobra, redlion, varsovi, viipuri, weserbung
39365 PBT2MAPS.ZIP 10,2 kt 21.02.1998 - - -
*****PBT 2:N KENTTIÄ***** PBT2:een 9 mmahtavaa kenttää. Kokoa riittää 20x30:sta 100x100:aan!!
39367 PERU.ZIP 8 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Oletko aina halunnut tappaa terroristeja? Nyt se on mahdollista sillä tässä on Perun panttivankidraama scenaario Jagged Alliance: Deadly Gamesiin. Anna UZIn soida ja M16:sta laulaa! anttin.lahtinen@mbnet.fi
39368 PG2-45SC.ZIP 204,3 kt 16.04.1998 - - -
Panzer General II skenaarioita - 45 uutta taistelua. Mukana täydelliset kuvaukset.
39369 PGCAMPS.ZIP 833,3 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Panzer General skenaarioita & kampanjoita Scen: barb42, cdkorea1, gamescn, hansscen, holland, lenin42, pgrsscen, sanfran, uralscn. Sekä: newcamp, uusi Eurooppa 1939-> kampanja ja pg_camp, Eurooppa 1939-> jossa uusia core yksikköjä, uusia lentokoneita, uusia skenarioita jne.
39370 PGSCE.ZIP 14,2 kt 19.08.1997 - - -
Panzer General scenarioita: Battle of Rome and Naples - gamescn.zip (Central Italy - May 06, 1939) San Francisco - sanfran.exe (San Francisco, California - January 15, 1945)
39375 PK_TRK1.ZIP 34 kt 15.11.1997 - - -
"21 hyvää rataa slicksnslide 1.30d versioille.Ei tietokoneeille ajolinjoja.Palautetta voit lähettää email: leif.karlsson@mbnet.fi"
39376 PPLEVEL1.ZIP 24,3 kt 21.04.1997 - 22584/Hrac_11_1997-05_cd.bin -
Project Paradise Bonus Level
39383 PS-SCE1.ZIP 19,4 kt 25.06.1997 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows skenaarioita: * San Pietro SPietro.zip (San Pietro, Italy - December 15, 1943) Company-level attack of tanks and infantry on a motorized Panzer Grenadier Battalion. * Mech 44 Mech44.zip (France - October 07, 1944) US mechanized attack on elite German force. Lähde: The Wargamer, http://www.wargamer.com
39386 PSYCHOSO.ZIP 8,2 kt 31.01.1997 - - -
-=Psychotic Ore Soldiers=- Moninpelikenttä Red Alertiin varustettuna mahtavalla määrällä jalokiviä sekä malmia. Laadukas ja iso kesä kenttä. TÄMÄ TEIDÄN TÄYTYY SAADA!! Kaikkien pelureiden toiveisiin on nyt vastattu. imehetitämä. (C) RiP-Rest in Pc Productions 1996 - MADE IN FINLAND.
39387 PT2BEST.ZIP 15,5 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
PAYBACKTIME V. 2.0 - 13 kenttää, tehnyt Error Software.
39388 PT2MAPS.ZIP 12,6 kt 09.02.1998 - - -
Karttoja ja asetiedostot Paybacktime 2:een.
39417 R-PACK2.ZIP 58,3 kt 03.11.1997 - - -
< REALITY PACK 2 for Deadly Games > A campaign of 11 good 2 player scenarios for Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games. All levels by: Razoredge & -HaVoC-
39420 R&SRADAT.ZIP 41,1 kt 29.05.1997 - - -
33 haastavaa rataa slicksin versioon 1.30c. Enkkalistat kovaa tasoa, kokeike vaikka! Tekij{n{: Riku&Satsi
39393 RA_2LVLS.ZIP 8,2 kt 30.10.1997 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert leveleitä 2kpl, 2 Isles ja AREA 5. Molemmat laadukkaita, käy SKIRMISH- modeemi- ja verkkopeliin! -Tekijä: Scandal  (C) 1997
39399 RA-MAPS!.ZIP 2,8 Mt 08.12.1997 - - -
"Death Racers Map collection for C&C Redalert with 483 Maps!!!"
39397 RAGSML.ZIP 12,7 kt 11.01.1998 - - -
"Red Alert: Glowskuligans Mainland (2-4 players)"
39398 RAKENT01.ZIP 11,3 kt 18.02.1997 - - -
Red Alertin neljä kohtalaista kenttää made by:Henri Karivirta
39400 RAMSCW.ZIP 7,1 kt 11.01.1998 - - -
Red Alert: Getting closer to Moscow Pt2 (8) - Size: 96x96
39403 RASMIRNF.ZIP 34 kt 07.05.1997 - - -
Red Alert Single Player: "Smirnoff" Campaign, Russian, 5 scenarios.
39404 RASOKKEL.ZIP 7,5 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Red Alert kenttä By:SalRa softa Mukavan irtonainen kettä, jossa vesi hajottaa hyvin maa alueet, ei kylläkään tarpeeksi hyvin laivaston käyttöön.
39405 RASPMS01.ZIP 13,5 kt 12.05.1997 - - -
A very hard single-player soviet mission for C&C - Red Alert
39406 RASTUFF.ZIP 56,7 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Todella hyvä rules.ini Red Alrtiin. Mukana tulee uusia yksiköitä kuten Flame Tank ja Pioneer. Lisänä on viisi hyvää viimeisteltyä multi- player mappia! Made By Arto Ketola
39408 RATOP5.ZIP 27,8 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
Top5 - 5 PARASTA Red Alert scenariota by A-Team!
39411 REDAMAPS.ZIP 35,3 kt 15.12.1997 - - -
Kuusi Red Alert kenttää. Messutkaa jos löytyy bugeja, tai jos on jotain muuta asiaa kentistä.  E-MAIL : Heikki.Malkki@Mbnet.fi Yksityisposti: Heikki Malkki
39412 REDAR.ZIP 3,9 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Red Alert kenttä: By:SalRa softa. Todella onnistunut kenttä Neuvosto armeijalle, eikä oreakaan ole liikaa
39413 REDIMAP1.ZIP 20,1 kt 04.08.1997 - - -
Red Alert Scenaarioita Yksin ja moninpelattavaksi By:Hupi Software.
39414 RELWARS.ZIP 11,4 kt 23.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Religious Wars Scenario for Civilization 2
39419 RRLEV1.ZIP 389,6 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Redneck Rampage custom levels Bootleg, dethmaze, doggone, factory, kinfolk massacre, no_theme, Oldmine, Outskirt, pentagon, PH1Map, Revenge, sucks, theswamp, twilight,varmints, WampFarm
39421 RUSWAR1.ZIP 4,8 kt 21.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
HARPOON CLASSIC "Russian Civil War" Scenario(Win). This is a new scenario for "Harpoon Classic for Windows". It uses the GIUK III Battleset. Please send me any comments or ideas... In a change from my usual scenarios, you play the part of a Russian Navy Admiral who must destroy a renegade Russian navy force who want to start a war in the Atlantic... A chance to try CBG operations from what used to be "the other
39422 SAHALEE.A01 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports Golf Pro98: Sahalee 2/10"
39423 SAHALEE.A02 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports Golf Pro98: Sahalee 3/10"
39424 SAHALEE.A03 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports Golf Pro98: Sahalee 4/10"
39425 SAHALEE.A04 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports Golf Pro98: Sahalee 5/10"
39426 SAHALEE.A05 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports Golf Pro98: Sahalee 6/10"
39427 SAHALEE.A06 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports Golf Pro98: Sahalee 7/10"
39428 SAHALEE.A07 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports Golf Pro98: Sahalee 8/10"
39429 SAHALEE.A08 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports Golf Pro98: Sahalee 9/10"
39430 SAHALEE.A09 1,5 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports Golf Pro98: Sahalee 10/10"
39431 SAHALEE.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - - -
"Sierra Sports Golf Pro98 (formerly Front Page Sports Golf) Add-on golf course: SAHALEE. From Sierra Sports Golf Association (SGA).     1/10"
39432 SALT.ZIP 5,3 kt 26.05.1997 - - -
C&C: Red Alert: Salt Lake kaksinpeli scenaario, jossa on juuri sopivasti Orea ja Timantteja. Valitukset Teemu Junniselle. Jos tulee valituksia, niin tästä kentästä voi tulla tänne päivitetty versio. Viper Scenarios laatutyötä.
39433 SALVATIO.ZIP 17,3 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
Salvation v.1.0 Warcraft 2:seen Kolmelle pelaajalle tehty jota voi kuitenkin pelata yksin. Voisin sanoa, että olen tehnyt tämän ruudun loppuun asti. Kaikkea löytyy ruudusta. Tehnyt: Kim Westerberg
39434 SAW2SCEN.ZIP 149,3 kt 13.05.1998 - - -
Soldiers At War 2 scenarios: 1. Hold Out ---  holdout.zip  (Somewhere in France - April 06, 1943) 2. Shot Down ---  shotdown.exe  (Somewhere in the Alps - March 02, 1944) - By SAW Design Group, SSI
39435 SAWSCEN2.ZIP 592,4 kt 21.05.1998 - - -
Soldiers At War -skenarioita. udt.zip commaslt.zip commvill2.zip dbridge.zip trench.zip r&r.zip storm.zip abridge.zip bulge.zip holdout.zip shotdown.zip sieg1.zip
39437 SCEN.ARJ 17,5 kt 30.10.1997 - - -
3 Good multiplayer scenarios for Deadly Games
39441 SEA_TREE.ZIP 15,3 kt 28.04.1997 - 24013/1996-08_Disc_2.7.iso -
WARCRAFT II .PUD Seas and Trees 1-7 player level 128x128
39440 SEAB.ZIP 1 Mt 21.05.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation kenttä: SeaBattle Players: 2 ARM & Core skirmish: yes multiplayer: yes
39442 SEEK.ZIP 49,2 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
Red Alert maa: Seek and Destroy By:KaKa
39443 SETT2P1.ZIP 25,9 kt 03.01.1998 - - -
Settlers 2: Kaksi Scenaariota jossa tieto- koneet ovat sopivan vaikeita. By:Patkiss
39444 SETT2P2.ZIP 71,1 kt 03.01.1998 - - -
Settlers 2 kenttäpaketti V1.50 Neljä scenaariota. By: Patkiss
39445 SHSCENS.ZIP 18,6 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
"Silent Hunter skenaarioita: Revenge revenge.zip Sink the Carrier tokyo.zip Battle in the Yellow Sea hunting.zip Convoy To Japan wowww2.zip Cods First Action cod11293.zip USS Hammerhead hammer.zip TrukPart 2 truk2.zip Bataan 2 bataan2.zip"
39446 SILAKKA!.ZIP 4,9 kt 20.03.1998 - - -
Silakka Software esittää hienon Red Alert scenaarion: Silakka Land! hienoa maastoa, paljon orea, paljon timantteja & paljon muuta hauskaa! joten imppaa tämä niin pääset heti sotatunnelmaan!
39450 SLIXTRAC.ZIP 10,1 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
"Slixtrac.zip Made by Mikko Simola. Formula 1 ratoja SlicksnSlideen. Kopioi paketin tiedostot Slicks hakemistoosi ja pelaa!!! Lähetä palautetta E-mail: mikko.simola@ff.nullnet.fi"
39451 SLPACK01.ZIP 24,3 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
DP-RADAT Vol. 1 20 laadukasta rataa Slicksiin. Radat teki $watCat
39452 SMALFI.ZIP 4,1 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Red Alert kenttä By:SalRa softa Pieni kenttä mätkintään ja toimintaa riittää, kun orea löytyy
39454 SNC-CMAS.ZIP 24,8 kt 31.01.1997 - - -
5 Multiplayer Scenarios for Red Alert by SiNC -1996-
39455 SNC-FWP.ZIP 30,7 kt 31.01.1997 - - -
Freezing Weather Packet by SiNC 5 multiplayer scenarios for Red Alert -1997-
39456 SNC-VLT.ZIP 34,7 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
"Valentines Day Packet by sinc 5 Multiplayer scenarios for Red Alert 14.02.1997"
39470 SP-KH.ZIP 584,8 kt 21.05.1998 - - -
Steel Panthers taistaluja. Tehnyt Keith Heitmann. Mukana tarkat kuvaukset. Siusältää: 39th.zip,advof47.zip,airraid.zip, charge.zip,clash.zip,combat.zip,convoy.zip, cruewell.zip,even.zip,khalkhin.zip, lovelady.zip,nhpum_ga.zip,queen.zip, sahara.zip,scavange.zip,schmidt.zip, schutz.zip,stalino.zip,stvith.zip,tfdoan.zip, tflvldy2.zip,thermop.zip,vaagso.zip
39457 SP2-BLUE.ZIP 38,6 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
Steel Panthers II scenario: BLUES TO THE RESCUE?* United States Assault vs. North Vietnam Defend - Date: November 1967* Location: Que Son Valley, S. Vietnam* Bravo Troop\'s "Blues" aerorifle platoon of the 9th Cavalry was accustomed to helping other units out of sticky situations. But when the troop commander\'s helicopter was shot down, the Blues went to the rescue, only to find themselves serving as bait in a North Vietnamese trap. With darkness fast approaching, the NVA had the Blues right
39461 SP2-LOTS.ZIP 1 Mt 21.05.1998 - - -
Steel Panthers II taisteluja. Sisältää: 10000-1->10000-5, The Ten Thousand kirjaan perustuen; airwars1-> airwars4, Arabit vs Israel; ripcord1-> ripcord6, Vietnam-taisteluja; yankee1-> yankee12, perustuu Team Yankee kirjaan; route13 ja thedelta.
39462 SP2-MEGA.ZIP 1,3 Mt 11.04.1998 - - -
"Steel Panthers II: Novastars BLITZKRIEG 1950: SOVIET MEGA CAMPAIGN demo."
39465 SP2-UADR.ZIP 29,7 kt 01.06.1997 - - -
Steel Panthers II scenario: Up A Deadly River by Patrick C. Miller An actual battle from the Vietnam War fought in 1967 along the Rach Ba Rai River in South Vietnam. Designed to be played from the US side, it is a large assault scenario incorporating American riverine, air and land units.
39458 SP2BULGE.ZIP 632,1 kt 27.01.1997 - - -
Steel Panthers 2: Bulge 1999 campaign, requires Campaign Disk. SSI.
39459 SP2CROSS.ZIP 27 kt 18.02.1997 - - -
STEEL PANTHERS II: "Crossroad at Cagha Sarai"
39460 SP2FRONT.ZIP 22,2 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
STEEL PANTHERS II: "Frontline Excitement"
39463 SP2OOB.ZIP 59,6 kt 17.02.1997 - - -
Steel Panthers 2: Modified OOBs for V1.0: U.S. Marine Corps, U.S, Soviet, Canadian
39464 SP2RIVER.ZIP 42,5 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
STEEL PANTHERS II: "River Raid \'68"
39466 SP2WAR1.ZIP 2 Mt 17.02.1997 - - -
39467 SP2WPNS.ZIP 29,3 kt 17.02.1997 - - -
"Steel Panthers 2:Min Lehs Weapons and Equipment List. Unit statistics for major weapons in Steel Panthers II."
39468 SP3-30SC.ZIP 925,8 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Steel Panthers III: 30 yksittäistaistelua bdeatk, brevity, champs, diamond, dnpr943, finalwar, germany, hbr, indignation, iraq01, kollaa, korpetsch, lines, mainsupply3, meuselle, mex, ntc297, patton1, patton2, patton3, ponts44, renegard, rfa50, sedan, snwblind, steel, storm98, victor, viipuri, wave. Jokaisesta taistelusta kuvaus index.txt -tiedostossa.
39471 SPLDEC.ZIP 8,6 kt 12.01.1998 - - -
Red Alert: Split Decision (LG) (2-4) - Size: 64x126 (Snow)
39474 SPRA1.ZIP 8,3 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
Single Player Scenario for Red Alert!!! -HARD! -One of 1st ones ever made! by: VeSoft/hffr^CPP PS. THIS IS NOT SKIRMISH!!!
39479 SS_1241T.ZIP 1,9 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
"1241 Rataa SlicksnSlide 1.30 versioille radat purettuna noin 34 Mtpakattuna 20 Mt >>>Anttis<<<"
39480 SS130.ZIP 154,1 kt 03.01.1998 - - -
"SlicksNSlide! - 60 itsetehtyä rataa versioon 1.30. Kaikissa radoissa tietokoneautot toimivat erittäin hyvin. Tehnyt Teemu Tervahauta"
39487 ST_APRAD.ZIP 71,1 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
153 rataa StuntsiinRequires Stunts 1.0/1.1 radat on Tehty Stunts 1.0 & Stunts 1.1 Versioilla ja 
toimii molemmissa.  Ratoja Saa Levittää Vapaasti.  Lue lueminut.TXT tarkempia 
tietoja varten.
39490 ST_MMRAD.ZIP 60,8 kt 29.05.1997 - - -
Stuntsiin ratoja tekijä: Mika M.
39486 STALINGR.ZIP 7,5 kt 24.01.1997 - 23203/Gamestar_53_2003-07-08_dvd.iso -
Red Alert scenario. Sisältää kenttä kuvauksen.
39491 STRADAT2.ZIP 304,5 kt 29.05.1997 - - -
525 rataa Stuntsiin.    kokoojana Anttis kannattaa imuroida, jos olet stuntsin ystävä... ( Highscoret mukana kaikissa radoissa )  tässä paketissa on highscoret "AP" ratoihin jotka ovat ainakin mbnetissä ilman enkkoja (ST_aprad.zip)
39498 SU27EMIS.ZIP 90,5 kt 03.01.1998 - - -
SU-27 Flanker missions: Escort Missions escort1, escort2, red10, td
39499 SU27IMIS.ZIP 198,5 kt 03.01.1998 - - -
SU-27 Flanker Misisons: Intercept missions.
39502 SU27SMIS.ZIP 76,8 kt 03.01.1998 - - -
SU-27 Flanker missions: Scramble missions.
39506 TA-GREEN.A01 2,9 Mt 08.04.1998 - - -
TAE Greenworld 2/2
39507 TA-GREEN.ARJ 3,8 Mt 08.04.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation Map and Mission Editor - Greenworld terrain mini-archive.  1/2
39508 TAM-10P.ZIP 10,4 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation karttoja. Lähde: annihilation.com. Paketissa parhaat TA-kentät, 10/10 pistettä saaneet: - Heavy Metal - Micro-TA-Machines - The Battle for Heavens Gate V3 - Deep Space Relay Array 13 - Lake Volcano
39509 TAM-9P1.ZIP 9,1 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation karttoja. Lähde: annihilation.com. Paketissa joukko parhaita TA-kenttiä, 9/10 pisteitä saaneista: - Beachfront - Battle Field of Death - Cobalt Canyon - Comet Catcher - Enta Da Stage - Evad River Delta
39510 TAM-9P2.ZIP 7,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation karttoja. Lähde: annihilation.com. Paketissa joukko parhaita TA-kenttiä, 9/10 pisteitä saaneista: - Green Shores - Highway to Heck! - LandAirSea - Metal Bridges - Mexicana2
39511 TAM-9P3.ZIP 6,1 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation karttoja. Lähde: annihilation.com. Paketissa joukko parhaita TA-kenttiä, 9/10 pisteitä saaneista: - Molten Metal - Mountain Cross - Sea Lanes v1
39512 TAM-9P4.ZIP 3,9 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation karttoja. Lähde: annihilation.com. Paketissa joukko parhaita TA-kenttiä, 9/10 pisteitä saaneista: - Sea Of Blood - Skirmish
39513 TAM-9P5.ZIP 3,5 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation karttoja. Lähde: annihilation.com. Paketissa joukko parhaita TA-kenttiä, 9/10 pisteitä saaneista: - The Rock - Urban Warfare - War Zone
39514 TAM-MINI.ZIP 6 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation karttoja. Lähde: annihilation.com. Paketissa hyviä pieniä kenttiä.
39521 THERISE.ZIP 48,1 kt 19.05.1998 - - -
The Rise - HOMM2 map Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 multiplayer map. 6 players, XL landscape, lots of treasury, no limits, every class is used. Download this right now! Volt / Dark Productions
39523 TK-SS129.ZIP 13,7 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Slicks 1.29d ratoja, osa 1 Teemu Kiiskilän tekemiä.
39524 TK-SS130.ZIP 15,9 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Slicks 1.30c ratoja, osa 1 Teemu Kiiskilän tekemiä.
39522 TKCOLORS.ZIP 171,7 kt 07.03.1997 - MBHH1998 -
"TKCOLORS.KOP" - 1320x1040 level for KOPS.
39538 TPG2SCE1.ZIP 323,8 kt 08.05.1996 - - tupla
The Perfect General 2 (tpg2) uusia skenaarioita. Sis BEDFORD, COLORWAR, FOREVER, KEYISLE, PG2SOD, RICH01, TOUGHNUT.
39541 TT_KOPS2.ZIP 750,7 kt 14.07.1997 - MBHH1998 -
tAAt KOPS Pack #2 - Tämä paketti sisältää Kops-peliä varten tasot Cyber Antero, Maasto, Mount, tAAt-text ja Truxet.
39545 UFOPACK1.ZIP 11,8 kt 22.12.1997 - - -
UFOPACK Vol.1 40 kappaletta laadukkaita leveleitä UFOHIPPA-nimiseen peliin.
39546 UHIPPALE.ARJ 5,5 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
Leveleitä UFO Hippaan V1.35 by Janne Suomalai FREEWARE!!! Hyviä ja hauskoja, 22 kenttää.
39550 UUSMAA.ZIP 83,9 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
A New World on rata peliin nimeltä Civilization 2. Siinä on lähes 30 uutta tai muuteltua yksikköä ja lisäksi siinä on pari muutosta muutenkin.
39554 VEROSLI3.ZIP 52,1 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
* VEROSLIXIT vol. 3 * Slicks-ratojen sarja jatkuu! Nyt 41 ennen julkaisematonta rataa.
39558 WAERHEAL.ZIP 5,8 kt 21.05.1998 - - -
Fantasy General battle: Siege on Waerhealla Palace
39563 WB2.ZIP 13 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
Shadow Warrior Wangbang map: Paranneltu versio wb.mapistä.Sisältää kauko-ohjailtavan tankin + lisää panoksia/aseita , huoneita.Tavaroita siirrelty parempiin paikkoihin. Tekijä: LoBo
39574 WC2ABYSS.ZIP 19,4 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
WARCRAFT II .PUD Journey into the abyss 1-3 player level, CO-OP, DEATHMATCH, BOTH
39580 WC2SC11.ZIP 11,9 kt 28.01.1998 - - -
Warcraft 2 Custom Scenario Tekijä: Timo S Tamminen Erittäin haastava yksinpeli scenario warcraft 2:seen.
39581 WC2SCE1.ZIP 62,7 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
39582 WC2SCENA.ZIP 790,6 kt 03.01.1998 - - -
War Craft 2 -More Scenarios! paketti tehnyt Petteri Eerola. Sisältää: 14 uutta scenariota, Pelitallenteita, näytönsäästäjän, Bmp-kuvia sekä WC2 pelin vinkkejä.
39587 WDTEASER.ZIP 392,4 kt 04.11.1997 - - -
Shadow Warrior: Wanton Destruction demo. This teaser demo features two brand new maps. One single player map - The Monastery Gardens, and one Wangbang map - Waterfight. Sunstorm Interactive Requires Registered Version of Shadow Warrior
39588 WGEMAPS.ZIP 16,5 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
We Got Explosives! 34 new maps!! Works only with version 1.02
39589 WINTERWO.ZIP 4,5 kt 11.08.1997 - - -
WinterWar With Ore Scenaario Red Alerttiin. (96X96) orea noin 1066335 eli paljon. Taattua Anttitus laatua. lähetä palautetta: E-Mail: Anttitus@iname.com
39593 WSIM_APR.ZIP 8,7 kt 10.06.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Wooden Ships & Iron Men: April 1997 scenarios These scenarios originally appeared in the General magazine. We have converted them to be used with the computer game version.
39594 WSIM_FEB.ZIP 10,8 kt 18.03.1997 - - -
Wooden Ships & Iron Men additional scenarios: February 1997 scenarios! Avalon Hill.
39595 WSIM_MAR.ZIP 9,8 kt 18.03.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Wooden Ships & Iron Men additional scenarios: March 1997 scenarios! Avalon Hill.
39596 WSIM_MAY.ZIP 10,1 kt 10.06.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Wooden Ships & Iron Men: May 1997 scenarios These scenarios originally appeared in the General magazine. We have converted them to be used with the computer game version.
39597 WSIMSP.ZIP 35,6 kt 01.08.1997 - - -
Wooden Ships & Iron Men Scenario Pack - includes over 35 new scenarios for the game from several different time periods, including the War of 1812, Russian battles, the early American Revolution, the Napoleonic wars, the battles of Richard Bollitho, and several pirate scenarios.
39600 ZPACK1.ZIP 16,6 kt 19.09.1997 - - -
Kolme hyvätasoista karttaa C&C:Red Alertiin Kaikki kartat suunniteltu ennalta. Bugit on myös tarkistettu pois. Kartat soveltuvat hyvin sekä skirmish, että modeemipeleihin.            Made by: erasmus
39601 2TALOA.ZIP 121,2 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
Quake:Deatmatch kenttä Quakeen       2 taloa ja viemäriverkosto       railakasta räiskimistä ota heti!       By: Pekka Nykänen & Kimmo Koivisto
39602 2TEMPLB2.ZIP 592,2 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
2 TEMPLES Quake level BETA 2 21/9/97 For TeamFortress 2.5 QuakeC Mod Red and Blue twin Temples and deadly chasm between them, which can be only crossed by walking on thin bridge over it, so beware those enemy Soldiers and their Rocket Launchers. Amazing architecture and good gameplay. This map is really best choice for Teamplaying. Author: Lari Muuriaisniemi
39603 3GRENADE.ZIP 138,6 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake * GRENADE MODS a progs.dat that has 3 different ways just to fire a stupid grenade. You can fire a plain grenade but you can change the the timer. You can fire it as a pipebomb ready to be detonated. You can also make it a proximity bomb. You can also change the grenade, pipebomb, or proximity bomb to look like different shapes.
39608 4-LEVEL.ZIP 121,5 kt 25.04.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: 4 Level Mayhem Deathmatch with 4 main levels.  Should make for some great DM play. This BSP is for Quake Registerd 1.01.
39604 4BSHOT10.ZIP 134,6 kt 13.04.1997 - gamers.org -
"QuakeC: 4 Barreled Shotgun. Collect two normal 2-barrel shotguns and youll have more firepower! By Howard Roy."
39605 4FIFFY3.ZIP 523,7 kt 09.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Damnation by George Fiffy. This level starts you out in a medieval setting (mostly stone, brick, and wood) under attack by four elevated ogres and a couple of ground-bound knights. This immediate (and intense) combat is a fitting indicator of what this level is going to be like.
39606 4FIFFY4.ZIP 581,1 kt 30.07.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: REoL TOUGH: Antichrist! by George J. Fiffy II. This new level, destined to be on your hard drive for a long time, was as much a pleasure to play as it was to look at. All of the best things in a single player map are present here!
39607 4FIFFY5.ZIP 606,7 kt 18.09.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: REoL TOUGH: Base! by George J. Fiffy II. Here is a very challenging base map that you should all enjoy. Although this isnt the prettiest mapit is very good. The monster placement was excellent with foes attacking you from all sides and corners as there was only one break in the action in the very start."
39610 AAQUA.ZIP 963,7 kt 15.09.1997 - - -
Quake SPQ Level: The Ancient Aqueduct by Roger Staines. Roger has done his usual outstanding job of testing all of your combat abilities and he has made another unique map with absolutely stunning architecture! The ambience of this map is such that you really think you are in an ancient aqueduct system (not a particularly easy thing to do given the limitations that the Quake engine can have). He has been able to place all of the foes in perfect position to make this a great
39611 ABOMB6.ZIP 14,2 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Atom Bomb V0.06b by Tuomas Heino If you thought lightning gun discharges were fun underwater, just wait! Uses about half of all ammo possible, kills others, and leaves you with 1-3 health.
39612 ACBETA1.ZIP 1 Mt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"QuakeC: AIRCRAFT v0.9 (Public BetaFirst release). What you have now is a very roughbut functional BETA version of our Aircraft project. Everythingworksbut I know everything doesnt work quite right. Thats what makes this a BETA."
39613 ADDQK1A.ZIP 213,7 kt 02.03.1997 - 22584/Hrac_11_1997-05_cd.bin -
Quake map: Addictive Quake Deathmatches, part 1 version A by Iikka Keränen.
39614 ADDQK1B.ZIP 213,8 kt 05.04.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake map: Addictive Quake Deathmatches, part 1 version B by Iikka Keränen. Needs IKGUNS10. ZIP.
39615 ADDQK2A.ZIP 342 kt 17.02.1997 - gamers.org -
Quake map: Addictive Quake Deathmatches, part 2 version A by Iikka Keränen.
39616 ADDQK2B.ZIP 304,8 kt 05.04.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake map: Addictive Quake Deathmatches, part 2 version B by Iikka Keränen. Needs IKGUNS10. ZIP.
39617 ADMIN2.ZIP 3,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Admin.qc V2 by Doug Keegan - run dedicated server and have a user be able to easily change game parameters while connected.
39618 ADVWEPV7.ZIP 107,2 kt 24.04.1997 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Advanced Weapons Pack v.7
39619 AIRFIST1.ZIP 755,7 kt 24.04.1997 - 23666/PCGAMER45.bin -
Quake: AirFist v.1.0 The experimental AirFist has become a formidable defensive weapon in the fight against Quake.  A compressed air weapon that sends almost anything it is aimed at flying.  This weapon is also used to send incoming ordinance other than where it was originally intended. Although unofficial use, some in the field have become adept at using a blast aimed at the ground to overcome both hostile and unattainable ground.  Be warned, the self-recharging compressor requires time
39620 AIRTIME.ZIP 390,5 kt 24.04.1997 - - -
"QuakeC: Airtime Quake Mod v0.9. Quake maps and custom maps in general tend to be too tight for experiencing all the cool stunts that can be acieved with the Swinging Hook. For this reason Airtime Quake exists. This conversion puts your air maneuvering skills to the test. Watch the demo to see a sample of whats possible."
39621 ALBA01.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.07.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Alba 01 - the Road To Inverurie by Neil Manke. This beautifully detailed map with its many secrets will keep you on the edge of your seat for a long time. There is magnificent style and cool architecture that has become the trademark of this great level author. You will of course be in for a lot of surprises with this very well constructed level. This map is a sneak preview of the up coming Alba TC that will be available in the very near future. It will
39622 ALBA02.ZIP 1 Mt 30.07.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Alba 02 - Inverurie by Neil Manke. This map is even better than Neil\'s previous map "The Road to Inverurie". As with all of Neil\'s great levels, he has put in a lot of details, wonderful architecture, new textures, and even a few surprise new sounds in this map. The whole ambience of this level will make you feel as if you really are there in the thick of battle. The combat situations are outstanding and he has a great knack for keen monster placement.
39623 ALTHOME.ZIP 7,2 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
"QuakeC patch: This is a modified version of Vholds homing missile weapons.qc to make it a bit more... interesting. Firstrockets only acquire targets that areinfront. NextI thought Id make the missile curve rather than abruptly change directions. Etc."
39624 AMCANDEM.ZIP 65,5 kt 05.04.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Demo jossa näytetään miten Anti-Matter Cannonia ja Plasmapyssyä pitää käyttää. Tarvitsee IKGUNS10.ZIPin.
39625 ANACONDA.ZIP 747,5 kt 30.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Anaconda by Steve Thomas. This level is based on the movie "Anaconda". Couple of new monsters: Bubbah\'s snakeman and well, guess what the end monster is ;) The level itself is of the "underground sewer" theme, and has been done extremely well.
39626 ANONCA1.ZIP 488,7 kt 04.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Anonca Base: The Shambling by Rob Marton. This level is done mostly in the blue-metal textures. Most areas are dimly and sporadically lit, making this one of the creepiest levels yet made. The lighting has been done superbly; hard to see at times..
39627 ANONCA3.ZIP 638,6 kt 18.09.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Anonca Base 3 by Rob Marton. This level has been done in a "sanitary future base" style, and it has been done well. Textures are mostly bright or smooth and the entire place has a fresh, just- cleaned feeling. The white tile used for much of the flooring contributes to this. Most areas are very large, but they run surprisingly smoothly. The author\'s sparing use of detailing helps the speed as well as gives the areas a rather majestic look.
39628 ARCANE.ZIP 771,1 kt 02.10.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Arcane by Matt Sefton. This level has been done extremely well in the "runic" style. The architecture and texturing in this level is most excellent - play areas are widely varied in size, detailing is subtle and effective, and most areas are memorable and interesting.
39629 ARCHMAGE.ZIP 272,4 kt 24.04.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
QuakeC: Arch Mages of Quake. v1.0 beta 2. By Chris Burke. Turn Quake into a magic-based RPG! Gone are those mundane tools of the marines. Instead, you wield magical spells into battle. Gain experience for slaying your enemies, increasing your level and magical power.
39631 ARMA1.ZIP 218,1 kt 29.05.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
      * Armageddon 1 *   * DM level for Quake *      * 2-4 players *   * brought to you by *       * Langsuyar *
39632 ARMA2.ZIP 456 kt 11.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake: - Armageddon 2. Here it is, the second Armageddon level. What started as a pure dm map has become a combined single/DM level that plays well in both modes.
39633 ARMORGOD.ZIP 824,4 kt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Armour of God by Scott McNutt. This level has been done in the medieval/castle theme. The architecture is huge and sprawlingand most of the structures are unornamented. The author adheres to his chosen theme wellandwhile this level isnt truly immersiveits convincing."
39634 ARTIFACT.ZIP 4,9 Mt 30.05.1997 - 22538/GAMBLERCD09.BIN -
Quake Movie: The Artifact by Clan Phantasm.
39635 ASMOQC11.ZIP 233 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Changes to Quake v1.01 by Asmodeus V1.1 - Ogres have limited ammo - monsters with backpack give leftover ammo - monsters pick stuff - pipe bombs - solid gibbable moveable corpses - heads, kicking,
39636 ASSASSIN.ZIP 1 Mt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Assassin by Stuart Maine. Here is a level that isnt especially pretty but it was quite an adventure and takes hours to make it out alive! It is a huge mostly metal level with tricks and traps galore! He had a pretty good maze that was full of hungry rottweilers ready to have you for dinner."
39637 ATROCITY.ZIP 770,9 kt 30.07.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Atrocity by Jeff Aranyi. Atrocity is Jeffs first level and its a corker! Set in medieval timeshuge buildings loom out from the darknesswith ogres taking up sniper positions all around you. The level is full of twists and turns and is very puzzle orientatedpeppered with some pretty mean traps to keep you on your toes."
39638 AUXIMINE.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: More Furious Madness from the Massed Gadgets of Auximenies by David Kelvin. Needs Mission Pack 1 or Winquake. The author really has a lot of talent for making single player levels. More Furious Madness From the Massed Gadgets of Auximenies was made as an example to show what can be done with his quakec patch "Director" He has incorporated some pretty cool cut scenes that do not impair game play! Even though this level has no theme to it is a lot of FUN.
39639 AXE_OF_C.ZIP 132,6 kt 24.04.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
Quake: The Axe of Command (v0.9) Changes your axe into a magical weapon, grabbing a monster from the hold of Quake and into your command.
39640 AZURETTE.ZIP 532,9 kt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Azurette by Noel Weer. This medieval styled map has one of the smoothest in game flows that can be found. All skill levels were implemented to enhance gameplay making the combat situations quite superb with your foes waiting for you in the least expected places. This map will make a very good deathmatch map as well since it is fairly compact and has many strategic areas built into the level.
39641 BOBAFETT.ZIP 70,9 kt 24.04.1997 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Quake - PCX format graphic textures for use on the player and grunt models. Replace player or grunt with Boba Fett from Star Wars
39642 BOMBS8.ZIP 154,6 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Bombs8 QuakeC weapon patch by PVP fully networkable quakeC patch that enables 2 extra grenade launcher modes and 1 extra rocket launcher mode:
39643 BOOM100.ZIP 821,6 kt 29.05.1997 - - -
Quake patch : "The Ultimate Boomstick" by Skoude and Raiden Includes new awesome sounds, weapons and features. Requires registered Quake. WWW-site: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/80 05/ contact E-mail : skoude@freenet.hut.fi / tommi.kokki@mbnet.fi
39644 BOOMERG.ZIP 123,4 kt 24.04.1997 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Boomerang Missiles version 0.1:
39645 BORT1.ZIP 250,4 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
"QuakeC patch: Borts QuakeC Mod v1.0 Adopted from the holoduke ideayou now have the ability to create a clone image of yourself and briefly fool your opponents. 2. Shot gun shells now shoot out of your shotguns."
39646 BORT21.ZIP 247,9 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
"Borts QuakeC Mod v2.1 *Adopted from the holoduke ideayou now have the ability to create a clone image of yourself and briefly fool your opponents. *Shot gun shells now shoot out of your shotguns. * Grappling hook. Shoot a spear like entity into anything and upon impact it will pull you towards it. Hit a monster or a player with it and it will cause damage."
39647 BOSSK.ZIP 69,7 kt 24.04.1997 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso tupla
Quake - replace player/soldier with Bossk from Star Wars.
39648 BOTSKN15.ZIP 352,3 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Quake: BotSkin v.1.5 (for Quake 1.06) Originally a BGBot(1.6) hack,  this little project started with the inculsion of skins to help distinguish between the bots. Now includes improved combat ai, fixed attack code, all the death animations, bodies that stay and MORE!
39649 BOUNCER.ZIP 14,1 kt 24.04.1997 - 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso tupla
"QuakeC patch: Bouncing Bettys for QUAKE You tossem out and they go into wait mode. they just sit there innocently until some freak comes nearemthen they pop up and give the area a shrapnel spray at crotch level."
39650 BSTCHEAT.ZIP 143,2 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Ultimate Cheat Patch
39651 BUUUH.ZIP 154,5 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake: - Scare to Death v0.9 (tm) Now you can scare the other DM players to death.
39652 BYOMV10.ZIP 166,9 kt 24.04.1997 - 22389/CITE.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: BYOM (Be Your Own Monster) v1.0 take on the role of the heroic do-gooding marine, the fiendish fiend, the shambling shambler, or the wizardly scrag
39653 C3PO.ZIP 56,9 kt 24.04.1997 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso tupla
Quake - replace the graphics for the player or the grunt  with graphics of C3-PO from Star Wars.
39654 CAMBER.ZIP 748,3 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: The Castle Amber by Psycho. A beautifully built map from Psycho, author of a number of the Shrak levels. The Castle Amber is just that - a large castle, with a great open courtyard, tricky puzzles and exciting dungeon areas. I was particularly impressed with the attention to detail in this map, right down to the stair treads of 2 different textures. Great fun to play and great to look at - what more could you want? DM/SK/CO
39655 CAMERA.ZIP 128,1 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: THE BARELY CREDIBLE CAMERA PATCH by Nezu the Unworthy
39656 CAMPKILL.ZIP 21,7 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Camper-Killer & Next-Level Randomizer Broadcast "Camper Alerts" and then gibbing the camper on three strikes! (2) To randomly pick from a set of levels, the next-level. deathmatch oriented, to be installed on the server only. For REGISTERED QUAKE ONLY.
39657 CASTLED.ZIP 590,4 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Castled! by Steve Rescoe. Main reason being this level is possibly Steves last as a purveyor offreelevels since his recent appointment with Ion Storm. This map was created as part of the Demon King TC some time agobut still shows clearly Steves talent for creating totally immersive worlds. This level suffers badly from slowdown due to the immense detail of each area."
39658 CATACOMB.ZIP 545,2 kt 04.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: The Catacombs by Mike Melzer. Beautifully executed and built. The monster mix is just difficult enough without being ridiculous, and enough ammo is provided so that you rarely have to resort to the axe.
39659 CDAWN2.ZIP 1,3 Mt 07.05.1997 - gamers.org -
Quake: CyberDawn TOTAL Conversion - version 2 (public alpha test) by Simitar. Play a robot destroying other robots. You get a rapid fire perforator-like weapon that can be modified to shoot any type of ammo. You have 500 health, and your weapons are also 5 times as powerful, but your enemies are 5 times as powerful too.
39660 CDESPAIR.ZIP 695,4 kt 02.10.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Court Despair by Sonya Roberts. This fine map is set in a medieval mansion. The architecture is really nice, you will like the cozy living room and a beautiful chapel to name just a few things that catches eyes. The monster placement and flow is superb.
39661 CDESTROY.ZIP 711,3 kt 02.10.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Destroy Base by Sonya Roberts. Sonya has really done a great job of representing the very essence of base styled maps with this thrilling new level. There are some fine examples of excellent architecture.
39662 CHASECAM.ZIP 9,7 kt 24.04.1997 versio 1.1 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso tupla
"QuakeC: Chase camv2.2 * Bind a key to impulse 30 and press it to toggle between chase cam and normal view. Its a lot like Fade to Black.  Works as a single or multi-player patch."
39663 CHASEROC.ZIP 154,9 kt 21.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"Quake: - Chase Rocket v0.1 (by GamesNet) Chase cam v3.3(which isnt released yet) is built into this patch also. The main improvement of 3.3 is the targeter."
39664 CHURCH.ZIP 420,9 kt 04.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Church by Anders Gustafsson. No secrets marked in this level, but there were a couple of places (notably by the super shotgun) that could have been hidden better and qualified. The theme and architecture blended perfectly and the monster/weapons placement was superb. Extensive water-ways, excellent lighting and shading, and climbing around in the rafters was just too cool.
39665 CLIMB.ZIP 156,1 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: The Climb by Glenn Ancheta. Intense ogre-killing action! Plenty of extra ammo and lots of stuff to kill makes this level a good workout and a really good time. No mind-shattering puzzles or secrets -- just plain, good old-fashioned killing.
39666 CLUSTER.ZIP 19,6 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Cluster, Use cluster launcher like grenade launcher, choose it and hit +attack
39667 COLONY.ZIP 399,3 kt 30.07.1997 väärä koko quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Colony by Mark T. This level starts with the military-base theme. The base in this level has been done extremely well; it looks and feels like an abandoned base (complete with dim/flickering mood lighting) and it runs very smoothly throughout. The monsters are placed well for the most partbut in some areas i was able to dispatch them relatively easily. The lighting in the mines is gloomy and effectivebut youre not stumbling around in the dark."
39668 COMBAT.ZIP 817,5 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Quake Combat School by Ace. QCS is a great new idea by Ace - its a training course for SPQ combatwhere you hone your skills into those of a ruthless killing machine :) The idea of the contest is to get through the level with 100% kills and in the fastest time - the winner will be crowned SPQ Champion of the World and featured on mineCrashs and Lt Dans pages."
39669 COMMCTR.ZIP 1009,8 kt 02.10.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: The Comm Center by Rick Troppman. Rick Troppmans Comm Center is an obvious homage to The Slipgate Complex. This level is inspired byrather than copied fromthe aforementioned map and it has the miracle ingredient - fun! Every type of monster is here but it all helps to make the gameplay fast and furiouswith plenty of secret passageways and room entrysjust like the original."
39671 COOP-PAK.ZIP 162,5 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
"QuakeC: Co-op Pack V1.0compilation of others patchs. This is made for single and co-op play(dont you people ever get tired of deathmatch?). Put together not to give an advantagebut a little wider choice of tools to use. * Flares * Flashlight * Throw backpack * Laser Gun replaces single shot shotgun. * Double-barrel shotgun ejects 1 shell * flame thrower"
39670 COOPMINE.ZIP 818,4 kt 18.09.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Trouble Down T\'Pit by Tom Cleghorn. This level has been designed for cooperative play. It has been done in the "base" style overall, and you\'re exploring a small underground mining installation. This level is well-constructed and fast-playing overall with the exception of the area that you enter as you emerge from the first teleport; since the first main area consists of one long hallway (more or less), slowdown is inevitable.
39672 CORP2.ZIP 606,2 kt 18.09.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Corporal Punishment II by Gyro Gearloose. This level has been sitting in the clutter of Gyros laboratory for some months nowso good job Dr Benway ragged him to clean up and this level was uncovered under the cobwebs :) Picking up where the original Corporal Punishment left offCorp II plunges you into a maze of tunnels and walkways populated by the evil Corporals - grunts with superpowerswho wield nailgunsgrenade and rocket launchersthanks to"
39673 CORPORAL.ZIP 1,1 Mt 28.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Corporal Punishment by Gyro Gearloose. Deep in the bowels of his secret laboratory, the evil Gyro Gearloose and his medical expert Dr Benway have been devising a diabolical deformed strain of grunt known as The Corporal. Corporals are able to shoot all of the weapons in your possesion and will kill you given (less than) half a chance :) This level is billed as a deathmatch level but is top fun in Single Player too. Gyro has developed new monster AI, textured the level
39674 CRCASTLE.ZIP 409,7 kt 08.10.1997 - gamers.org -
" CryptRs Castle - A Quake DeathMatch Level Medieval style castle surrounded by deep and deadly lava moat. Castle itself contains Kings LairMess HallHallwaysDungeonsCortyardTowers on each four corners. Nice architecture. Primarily designed for 2-10 players DeathMatch games. Author: Lari Muuriaisniemi"
39675 CRITTERS.ZIP 492,6 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Critters by Jim Lowell. The follow up to The House of Desolution, Jim Lowell\'s Critters level creates a new industrial high-tech landscape that looks fantastic. It plays great and introduces his new patented "jump-lifts"! Yes, bots can use jump lifts! DM/CO
39676 CRUCIBLE.ZIP 445,6 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: The Crucible by Gyro Gearloose. The architecture and design in this masterpiece are beyond compare. Plenty of room for running and gunning, with strategically-placed cramped spots you pretty much have to brute-force your way out of. Monsters are plentiful and well-placed, so that the action ceases only long enough for you to catch your breath.
39677 CRYO.ZIP 1,4 Mt 23.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Levels: Daredevils Descent & Cryogenic Crypt by Dan Koppel. Two really cool levels for use with Mission Pack #1. Daredevils Descent starts out fairly easy but soon gets right down to business with many different combat situations to contend with. The game flow is almost flawless. The architecture is very well done as well. Also the Cryogenic Crypt is a killer map!"
39679 CRYPT.ZIP 311,4 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: The Black Crypt by Richard Carlson. A very gloomy and moody level; the theme is set immediately when you enter this level. Visibility is lowbut the lights have been placed wellso you never really feel like youre stumbling along in the dark."
39680 CSPIKE10.ZIP 131,2 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: cspike10.zip AUTHOR: Charlie Zimmerman DESCRIPTION: spikes now live on after they hit the walls.  Some of them deflect and bounce all over the place. Some stick in the walls for a time before falling to the ground and disappearing. Grenades throw out some spikes when they blow up. This thing is a riot. Try it.  Only the server needs run this.
39681 CTAGGUNS.ZIP 153,1 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: several new weapons which are accessable through the regular weapon selection buttons.
39682 CZTEX1.ZIP 288,4 kt 24.04.1997 - 22388/XENIATGM26.iso tupla
CZ Quake Textures, Vol. 1 "Our first batch of custom textures to decorate your Quake levels. 14 mip textures include woods, marbles, tiles, and more.
39720 D-TOOLZ.ZIP 130,6 kt 24.04.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
QuakeC patch: The Custom Backpack Dropper V1.0 By: Chris Sobotkiewicz
39684 DARKAGES.ZIP 416,4 kt 20.03.1997 väärä koko quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Dark Ages by Juha Koiste is not the largest or most complex map, but it is well built and enjoyable to play. The map features nicely lit rooms and interesting medieval architecture as you fight your way up from the basement to the top of the castle. Nice map for Reapers, too! DM/SK
39686 DARKFST.ZIP 1,1 Mt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Dark Forest by Reichert. You start in a small house outside a castle, and proceed to wend your way through the dark forest. Attention to theme in this level is among the best ever seen; the forest is truly creepy (play track 7 on the Quake CD when you go through this level -- check the CD section for the .rc file that will help you do this) and feels like a forest...
39687 DARKNITE.ZIP 454,4 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Dark Night by Neil Manke. The first Quake level where the puzzles have been difficult to figure out. This level has a great use of thespecialsto create an environment that focuses on the thinking part of Quake. You even have to solve a mini- puzzle to get out of the first room."
39688 DARKQ.ZIP 122,5 kt 24.04.1997 - - -
QuakeC 1.06 patch: "DarkQ". In this patch all the lights are removed and all you have to light your way is a torch. This adds a new edge to single-player games and can be lots of fun in multi-player as you can turn your torch off and lie in wait for your prey.
39690 DARTS.ZIP 124,1 kt 24.04.1997 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Explosive Darts
39689 DARTS06.ZIP 152,6 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Poison Dart Gun v0.6 - Adds a poison dart gun
39691 DAS_DM10.ZIP 178 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
"QuakeC patch: DaScotts QuakeC DM Enhancements 1.0 Brings together some familiar QuakeC hacks and many new enhancements to make a total package. Features include alternate weapon modesmultiskin 1.1droppable backpacksdeathmatch 3observer modethe fiend pentagramand new teamplay with lots of new weapon modes."
39693 DAS_QDM1.ZIP 141,4 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
"DaScotts Quake Deathmatch mods v1.0 This changes everything that needs to be changed for Quake deathmatch. Enhances Quake in a few key areas to help refine the deathmatch environment. This includes weapon modificationsnew weaponsserver (or console) changesrules changesand other cool stuff."
39695 DECREE.ZIP 555,7 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Devils Decree by Jim Ahara. This is one big sprawling mutha of a level with some great ideasfrom the church complete with pews to the catacombs full of zombies. Be warned though - this is one tough level for experts only. Thank God for God mode! -"
39696 DEMOCH2.ZIP 143,2 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Demo Charges v2
39697 DEPRAVIT.ZIP 838,8 kt 31.08.1997 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
"Quake SPQ Level: The Church of Depravity by Alex Gingell. This is a preview for the Deaths Dominion level pack for Scourge of Armagon. You must have S.O.A. for it to work. This level is very well constructed with great architecture. The monster placement was astounding and there were challenges around every corner and some interesting traps to overcome."
39698 DESO.ZIP 374,2 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: House of Desolution by Jim Lowell. An oldie but goodie, House of Desolution was the first high quality SP map. It still stands up as a great example of level building with its moving boat and variety of traps. The final ogre walkway area is especially cool. DM/CO
39699 DESPAIR2.ZIP 452,5 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Liquid Despair by Steve Rescoe. Liquid Despair by Steve Rescoe is the closest thing to Descent youll get from a Quake map! The liquid theme is carried superbly throughout the level as you weave your way through alternate catacombs of water and dry landlosing all sense of direction in the process! A real puzzler :) DM/SK/CO"
39700 DETHCRCH.ZIP 535,4 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Death Church by Juha Koiste. Not a classic, but a nicely built, playable map from Juha Koiste. Death Church includes its own skill selection level and then transports you to the main map where you battle through various rooms of the church, progressing further with each button trigger. Boxy and a little linear, Death Church is still a fun map with nice atmospherics and well worth a look. DM/SK/CO
39702 DISCORD.ZIP 449,8 kt 18.09.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Discordia by Creed. Discordia is a nice medium sized medieval styled map that will keep you on your toes. It has good combat situations with a lot of well placed monsters and the game flow was very smooth. You will be glad you found the three secrets that will really come in handy in the hard skill setting as it can become quite challenging in spots.
39703 DISGRACE.ZIP 412,4 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Base of Disgrace by Chris Williams. This level is another in the "base theme" mold, but it does stand out as having a base look that is not seen before, and which has been very well done. The architecture and detailing is consistent and believeable throughout, the level shows attention to theme, and flow and pacing have been done well. A fun level, and well worth the download.
39704 DISTURB.ZIP 419,8 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: The Disturbed by Marty. Another superbMetallevel by Martycreator of Horror Erotique. This level really does rank alongside ids own metal themed levels - expertly constructedgreat to look at with no slowdown whatsoever. This is a smallcompact level with well thought out gameplay and some great traps and is a blast with Reapers - watchem fry :) DM/SK/CO"
39705 DMBOT1.ZIP 175,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake - DM Bot V1.00 23/8/96 Bot that attacks enemies in DM.
39706 DMCAM11.ZIP 148,6 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: DeathMatch Camera. Shows the intermission vie t players in it. Shows current scores as well h a bigscreen TV it can be used to show other  going on in the game.
39707 DMMDE321.ZIP 72,3 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Deathmatch Modes V3.21 By: Andrew Stefanski
39708 DMPACKM1.ZIP 113,6 kt 18.08.1997 - - -
DMPackM1.bsp: Pieni 2-4 pelaajan Deathmatch leveli. Testattu verkkopelissä ja BOTeilla.
39709 DMPLUS09.ZIP 135,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: DeathMatch PLUS PACK! v0.9 New Weapons Timed Bomb BFG TripWire. New Deathmatch Options IT TI Quake-TI Capture the Flag New Other Stuff Personal Teleporter Each new item/weapon can be toggled on or off.
39710 DOOM2_04.ZIP 232,7 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: The Focus by Swen Klemund. If the title of this level doesnt sound familiarthe file name should already have given it away... Yepthis is a strikingly well-done conversion of Doom 2 map 04 to Quake."
39712 DRAKOPF.ZIP 785,1 kt 06.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Levels: Drakopf by Steve Rescoe. Two levelswhich are designed to be played in order. Drakopf starts quietly enough in an empty roomand the author gives you the super shotgun and a couple boxes of shells right away. Drakopf 2 starts by amoatof sortsand here the author gives us the head of some beast (a dragon?) to look at and be impressed by."
39714 DRASTIC.ZIP 1,6 Mt 06.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Drastic Falls by Mark Wheeler You start in a "treehouse" in a forest. Making your way through a small cave to end up behind a waterfall. This leads into a "dam" (for lack of a better term.) Along the way, you will find monsters, weapons, ammo, medkits, secrets, traps.
39713 DRASTICL.ZIP 4,4 Mt 06.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Drastic Lodge by Mark Wheeler Ive gone on vacationhowever my butler says a new breed of creatures havevisitedwhile I was away. I havent heard from him lately so I fear the worst. I have hired an exterminator (you) to check things out and clean out the infestation of the lodge and surrounding grounds."
39715 DRONE03.ZIP 124 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Drone v.03  The rocket has been replaced by a spherical drone that will fly in straight lines bouncing off walls and occasionaly exploding on impact till it acquires a target.
39716 DROPDEAD.ZIP 461,2 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake - DROP DEAD ADVANCED DEATHMATCH VARIATIONS FOR QUAKEv1.01 This is the first release of a set of alternative Quake source devised to make deathmatch and teamplay more enjoyable.
39717 DRUNKM3.ZIP 122,5 kt 24.04.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
"Quake: Drunk Missilesare now at their BEST possible settings. 3 Missiles with a totally erratic path for each."
39718 DSPIRL11.ZIP 629,6 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: The Downward Spiral by Stan C. The Downward Spiral is the best SPQ map seen ever. The architecture is simply breathtakingthere are fantastic tricks and traps (check out those stalactites and the whirlpool) and the gameplay is superb. Its hard and exacting but you *need* to finish this level :) DM/SK/CO"
39719 DTHPCK1U.ZIP 2,1 Mt 30.07.1997 - - -
Quakeworld 32 player maps: Base32b.bsp and Death32c.bsp.
39721 EYESOCK.ZIP 527 kt 07.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Eye Socket by "Taskmaster" (Warren Marshall). This level features some absolutely great architecture, tending toward the larger end of the spectrum. There really isn\'t too much detailing, but what there is serves to accent the flow and clean overall design without compromising playing speed...
39723 FALL.ZIP 1,9 kt 24.04.1997 - gamers.org tupla
QuakeC patch: Real Fall patch
39722 FALLTURN.ZIP 1,4 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
"Quake: Turning and twisting falls You will now turn and twist when you fall.  I dont have a clue as to how well this works; it may look and act horribly.  If you have any suggestions as to how to improve the twist and turn mechanismplease e-mail me.  Note that this patch will probably get a lot better once I recieve the registered version."
39724 FANE.ZIP 511,9 kt 18.05.1997 - 22535/GAMBLERCD06.BIN -
Quake SP Level: Fane of the Diabolist by Richard Dale Carlson. Starts off in a dark mini-canyon with broken ground, making it a bit hard to maneuver. The architectural style remains consistent. Flow and pacing are done well. This level includes some puzzles.
39725 FEIGN_V9.ZIP 21,5 kt 24.04.1997 - 818/Monster Media Number 16 (Monster Media)(October 1996).ISO tupla
Quake: Feign Death 0.9 This bit of quakeC code allows you to feign death in a deathmatch, i.e. "play possum."  When you\'re down on the ground, you can\'t shoot, move, or jump. You can, however look around.  Warning, when you turn around, so does your "corpse," so you\'ll be easy to spot. When you go down, you shoot off an empty backpack , that contains a message to clue in your opponents. When you feel it\'s safe, you can get back up.
39726 FEMPLAYX.ZIP 14 kt 24.04.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
Quake: - texture replacement for the female warrior text
39727 FLABOMB1.ZIP 187,3 kt 24.05.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
Flabomb1.zip (187K) -Adds a new weapon. A bomb that kills everyone in a room after 5 sec.
39728 FLARE2.ZIP 121,7 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Quake Flares 2 * replaces the grenade launcher with a flare launcher.
39729 FLARES.ZIP 129,1 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Quake Flares 1.0 * gives you flares similar to the flares in Descent. These are spike- shaped flares that you shoot into a wall/ floor/ceiling to light up dark areas .
39730 FLASHLT2.ZIP 128,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Quake - Flashlight Filename : flashlt2.zip, V2. Author   : Jeff Epler This patch allows you to use a flashlight.
39731 FLYER.ZIP 159,2 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Flyer by Phil Hammond. Dark and forbiddingthis level sports plenty of action considering its small size. It consists of one main roomand this room isapart from the lighted railingsvery dark. So dark in spotsin factthat the player can fall down into a spot where he cannot get out of."
39733 FOON.ZIP 469,6 kt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: From out of nowhere by J.F. Gustafsson. Originally this map was meant to be for Deathmatch only, but the author has cunningly added the single player aspect to it as well. You will find that this small, compact, medieval styled map packs a lot of punch for its size! It has a very good game flow and was challenging.
39734 FORBBASE.ZIP 394,3 kt 16.03.1997 - - -
"Quake SP Level: The Forbidden Base by Juha Koiste. Another very small but beautifully built map. This map is very much in the Romero base mould with some nice architectural ideas and lightingbut would benefit from difficulty settings as its a little easy. Its small size and compact layout make it a great map for reapers. Ideal for a quick Single Play fix before breakfast :) DM/CO"
39735 FRAGROCK.ZIP 19,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Nail Rockets:
39736 FRBDBASE.ZIP 395,5 kt 15.02.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Level for Quake, made with Thred. Designed for single play/deathmatch. This map is really high quality level. Definitely worth to try!
39737 FRCASTL2.ZIP 364,3 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Fear Castle by Robert Carter. An old(ish) level by Robert CarterFear Castle is an excellent example of maintaining theme and architecture throughout a map. Not a true SP level due to itsopenroom patterns (the player can roam around the level at will and exit very easily) it is still excellent fun and a particularly good Reaper blast :) DM/CO"
39738 FREAK11.ZIP 147,5 kt 24.05.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Freak11.zip (147K) -A type of Bio-Weapon. Infect other players with Hemophilia by slashing them with the axe.
39739 FRENZY1C.ZIP 9,4 kt 24.04.1997 - 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso tupla
"QuakeC patch: WEAPON FRENZY 1.0 * conglomeration of other peoples weapon mods."
39740 FRIEND4.ZIP 10,2 kt 24.04.1997 - 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Friend - monster who goes along with you and beats up on your enemies.
39741 HEADGUN.ZIP 226,7 kt 24.04.1997 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
"Quake: head gun. A gun that lets you throw the head gibs. You get the gun when you have the grenade launcherand the ammo is all the gibbed heads lying around."
39742 HEAL.ZIP 2 kt 24.04.1997 - gamers.org tupla
QuakeC patch: Leftover Health Patch
39743 HELLBASE.ZIP 550,1 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Hellbase by Roger Staines. This level starts off in a cage-like enclosure with a military theme. The architecture in this level is superb - playable, believable, consistent, and well thought-out. The monster placement is very well done both in numbers and difficulty.
39744 HELLCTLE.ZIP 709,3 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Hells Castle by Juha Koiste. A Medieval themed level that also moves into Wizard territoryit features great gameflow and some excellent detailed architecture throughout. Monsters are a bit thin on the ground but the map more than makes up for it with its pacing and traps. DM/SK/CO"
39747 HIVE.ZIP 838,4 kt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: HivePart One by Chris Mayers. An action packed journey into a strange combination of a military/medieval level (whicharchitecture-wiseowes a tip of the hat to ideas in Andrew Smiths Epoch Turning) which sees you wading knee deep in grunts to reach your objective of disabling the hive. Its a big map with some nice architecture and is fun to playwith a very high kill rate."
39748 HOMSTICK.ZIP 20,1 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: Homing Sticky Missiles v0.9
39749 HOOK30B3.ZIP 238,3 kt 24.04.1997 - - -
Quake: Grappling Hook QuakeC Mod v3.0 beta 3 2.1.1997. This version of the grappling hook uses true swinging physics never seen before. It allows chain climbing and sliding. All this with undisturbed use of weapons during hook use.
39750 HORRID.ZIP 759,8 kt 18.10.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Horripalatia by Noel Weer. You must have SOA for this map to work. This metal map is richly detailed with many fine sites to see. The foe placement is very well done as you will find out from the very start when you fight for your life to get out of the start area.
39751 HOUSBOMB.ZIP 754,5 kt 30.04.1997 - - -
Quake SP Level: House of Bombay by Dr. Gomez Inigo Bombay. This level is something weird. The architecture in this level has been done with an eye to visual aesthetics. The flow is acceptable, but the pacing is erratic.
39753 HOUSTRPS.ZIP 503,8 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: House of Traps by Scott McNutt. House of Traps has somewhat plain but ultimately realistic architecture. Lots of room for combat and plenty of action in this level.House of Trapsis appropriately namedtoo.."
39754 IAM1.ZIP 784,4 kt 30.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Myworld is Yourworld by Martin R. Goedtke. This level begins with you in a darkened courtyard, and two fiends have their backs to you. There is a plot to this level, and the architecture, lighting, and texture selection reflects this well.
39755 ICTRK101.ZIP 488,3 kt 24.04.1997 - 12522/PCMania CD62_2.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Inner Circle Trinket V1.01 by Gary Griggs addon that provides a new powerup that has random effects. Some of these effects are good and some are downright evil.
39756 IDGLOBE.ZIP 128,7 kt 24.04.1997 versio 1.2 Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake: IDGlobe.qc 1.0 This Quake-C mod adds an IFF-type feature. Usable in both single-player and net games, when toggled on, it will ID both monsters and other players.
39757 IKGUNS11.ZIP 392,6 kt 13.04.1997 - gamers.org -
"IKGUNS weapon patch version 1.1 for Quake. Contains two new weapons that dont replace any original weaponsand can be inserted into levels as entities. Also they have icons in status bar. This patch is very easy to use: it needs NO impulse commands!! By Iikka Keränen."
39758 IKSPQ1.ZIP 322,6 kt 15.09.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Before Nightfall (IKSPQ1) by Iikka Keränen. The level is a castlealbeit a small one. The goal from the outset is clear: get the gold key and return to the start position. Monster placement is good and heavyand youre given the weaponry to do the jobalong with just enough ammo... This is the revised versionwhich has no grayflash."
39759 IKSPQ2.ZIP 415,7 kt 18.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Temple of the Thousand-Faced Moon (IKSPQ2) by Iikka Keränen. The architecture for this level has been done in a distinctively-arabesque style, and all the textures used have been created by the author. Gameplay is linear and the flow is smooth, though some areas ran a bit choppily due to the amount of detail. This level is simply beautiful. Brilliantly done, and a must-download.
39760 IKSPQ3.ZIP 444,6 kt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Halls of the Shambler God by Iikka Keränen. This level is a stunner! Boasting some of the best architecture seen in a Quake levelIikka wasnt satisfied with ids textures so he made his own to match his levels atmosphere - and superb they are too with none of the awful pixellation seen in a lot of user-textures. The level is a cathedral-type theme with vaulted ceilings - a perfect hunting ground for scrags - and is toughbut severely playable."
39761 IKSPQ4.ZIP 522,2 kt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Homecoming by Iikka Keranen. It has to be said - Iikka makes the most beautiful maps the world has ever known :) This map is the fourth in the ikspq series of levels and its even more stunning than the previous maps. The architecture is breathtaking and is highlighted by the fact that all the textures are custom created by Iikka to an incredibly high standard. The build quality of the level is unsurpassed - there is NONE texture misaligments. This map"
39762 IKSTART.ZIP 277,7 kt 30.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Welcome to IKSPQ by Iikka Keränen. This is the start level for IKSPQ- series - not requiredbut recommended. This start level is a smallopen castle-like structure; since its a skill-setting levelthere are no monstersbut this level should be fun in deathmatch due to the openness and connectivity."
39763 IMPULIST.ZIP 1,4 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Standard Issue Impulse Lister A Server Utility by TigerShark
39765 IRONWLVT.ZIP 737,4 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: A lot of patches together.
39766 JANITOR1.ZIP 468,4 kt 23.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Outpost by Neil Manke. The flow is somewhat linear. The ammo and monster mix has been finely balanced. Thematically, this level is absolutely marvelous; it feels like some sort of haunted mini-castle.
39767 JAWBREAK.ZIP 924,1 kt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Jawbreaker by Matt Sefton. Jawbreaker is the new military base level by Matt Sefton. Inspired by the base levels from Scourge of Armagon and some of the Quake 2 screenshots, and intended as a (semi) sequel to The Underworld, Jawbreaker is a sprawling base environment featuring cool traps, lotsa nice architecture and a very high monster count - 111 on hard :)
39769 JFIEND11.ZIP 111,3 kt 24.04.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
"The Fiends Pentagram v1.1 * modification to original Quake 1.01 QuakeC code. This modification changes the Pentagram of Protection into the Fiends Pentagram. Picking up the Pentagram will change you into a Fiend!  Your new"
39770 JMIX.ZIP 140,4 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
QuakeC: Fall.zip, Spredgun.zip and Chasecam.zip converted to one pak file. By Jussi Siwonen
39771 JSQCMOD1.ZIP 16 kt 24.04.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
QuakeC patch: JSQCMOD1, enhanced teamplay, new weapons electro axe, cluster-bouncy- proximity grenades
39772 JTEAM092.ZIP 47,1 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: the Complete Enhanced Teamplay V0.92
39773 JTKMAP6.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Area 51 by Juha Koiste. Juha has been gradually improving the quality of his maps release by release! Area 51 (the title seems to have no bearing on the level, btw) starts you off in a typically runic environment, leading through lava chambers filled with scrags and ogres to a chapel with a great vaulted ceiling. After negotiating those obstacles, the level takes a twist as you enter a huge storeroom full of crates, grunts and enforcers. After scaling the
39774 KEYMIX15.ZIP 781,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: *** KeyMix 1.5 *** cool variety on the standard deathmatch games, and hopefully add some more strategy to the game.
39775 KEYQUEST.ZIP 733,4 kt 16.06.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake: KeyQuest Level Here is the first of many FREE levels! Another SHRAK exclusive! © copyright 1997 quantum axcess
39776 KICKING2.ZIP 15,3 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Kicking This patch lets the players kick any moveable thing around.
39777 KOULU.ZIP 578,3 kt 16.10.1997 - - -
Quake level for CTF and deathmatch play 8 starting points for both CTF teams
39778 KSM.ZIP 691,5 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: King Solomons Mines by Ace. Strategy is awarded in this level; in some placesyou are able to kill monsters that you would not have otherwise encountered until much later in the leveland in othersyou are given ledges and other out-of-the-way places to attack monsters that cannot reach you."
39779 LASERTAG.ZIP 2,4 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Laser tag, allows players to be damaged as in a laser tag game.
39780 LAVAGUN.ZIP 18,4 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: Lava Gun * Kinda like the plasma gun from Doom - Rapidly shoots lava, taking a cell for each ball which eventually splashes spectacularly.
39782 LAZSIGHT.ZIP 261 kt 21.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake: Laser Sight 1.0 By Scott Ramsay. Quake C patch that adds a laser sight to all Quake Weapons
39783 LDG.ZIP 127,1 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: This file does 3 things: -More back kick when firing off the grenade launcher and rocket launcher -No pixelated explosions -Long Distance Grenades! by sirus@aimnet.com
39784 LEGACYI.ZIP 434,3 kt 06.04.1997 - - -
Quake SP Level: The Insurrection, Part I by Chris Mayers. This level is architecturally unornamented, yet the lighting and flow are both superb. Plenty of action here for those that like a lot of extended combat. The theme is carried out wonderfully; this is another level that feels like a real place.
39785 LOSTWRLD.ZIP 861,3 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: The Lost World by Matt Sefton The slipgate has led you to a hallowed templecarved into the rock of a long forgotten world. Once a place of worshipthe temple has been overrun and ransacked by Quakes evil minions. As if to pour further scorn on the attempts of your fellow soldiers to reclaim this holy placethey have buried the bodies of your friends in pagan graves. You must avenge the death of your brothers and rid this land of pain and hate forever..."
39786 MACHSHOT.ZIP 122 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
39787 MAELSTRM.ZIP 2,9 Mt 18.10.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Levels: Maelstrom by Stephen Parker. This archive contains three and a half levels in a .pak file, along with a start level. These maps have been done in the medieval theme and, on the whole, they are well built, fast running, and interesting. The structures are on the large side of the scale but, with a few notable exceptions, they run smoothly and quickly throughout. The flow in them is semi-linear, with keys
39788 MARKSWAD.ZIP 425,3 kt 16.06.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Quake: - markswad.zip 85 new textures for Quake! Some are original (from photo scans) and hand drawn. Others are taken from webpage background archive sites.
39789 MARS1.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Mars1 by Jean-Marc Gruninger You will need Scourge of Armagon to play this very large and intense base style map. The author has made this level especially for glquake and it ran really fine on my Monster 3d card. Jean-Marc has also done a fine job of with his architecture, game flow and placement of foes. The only thing that would have made this level better is if he would have had more than just one difficulty setting, but he did a fine job on the one
39790 MARTIM6.ZIP 894,6 kt 23.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Lucifer\'s Path by Tim van Hal and Marco van Schriek. This level is actually three mini-levels in one -- you\'re required to conquer three "missions" before the exit is revealed. Great architecture -- functional and fast-running -- is seen throughout this level, with good proportions and variety.
39791 MAYARD.ZIP 1,8 Mt 23.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Sir Mayard and the Mountain by David Jewsbury. There are two levels in this archive -- MAYARD and MAYARD2. These levels come with a story, and the story is given to you through the use of pop-up messages. Flow is good and pacing is excellent.
39793 MDLVW_01.ZIP 54,5 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Quake: MDLVIEW v.0.1 Small program to view the "Aliasses", monsters, players, and other things.
39794 MDLVW2.ZIP 44,6 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: mdlview version 2.00 Allows the viewing of textured .mdl models.
39795 MECH2FXD.ZIP 1,7 Mt 24.04.1997 - - -
"QuakeC: MechWAR2 - The Humans Strike Back. V2.0 BUGFIXED! By Lando (aka Conan) and bugfix released by Piramida. If you come across quakepower or the punceagram of protection you get transformed into a mech and go kick some ass. The mech has 4 armaments: the LB-X Autocannona light PPC plasma cannontwin SRM-2 rocket launchersand the almighty ER Pulse Laser."
39796 METRO.ZIP 861,2 kt 22.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Hive, Part II (Metro) by Chris Mayers. This level, as you might be able to guess from the title, has been done in a subway station theme. The architecture and texturing have been done extremely well -- some new textures have been added to further the theme, and they blend in perfectly. The immersiveness of this level is greatly enhanced by this. Structures are well proportioned, the layout of the level makes sense, and as you roam around the fairly-
39800 MEXX.ZIP 659,9 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Levels: The Entrance & The Sanctum by Marcus Dromowicz. MEXX1 (The Entrance) is a water-based level. Over 80% of the total area of this level is underwater. MEXX2 (The Sanctum) is dark, gloomy, and oppressive. There is lighting, but it is dim and well- placed.
39797 MEXX3.ZIP 522,6 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Chthons Castle by Marcus Dromowicz. More gloom in this one. This level is much more densely populated than the previous level (111 monsters on Hard)and it shows. The secrets are markedbut very subtly. Ammo is very balanced in regards to both quantity and type."
39798 MEXX4.ZIP 488,6 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Nurgles Vault by Marcus Dromowicz. The central multi-level open stairway in the courtyard just outside the firstdoorhas some of the most furious and extended combat. Great level."
39799 MEXX5.ZIP 579,5 kt 05.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: The Terror of Tzeentch by Marcus Dromowicz. This is another dimly-lit and frighteningly-atmospheric level. The entire level is difficult, but not impossible to conquer, and the combat in here is among the best. The architecture is uniformly excellent both in playability and design.
39801 MULTIW.ZIP 327,6 kt 24.04.1997 - 223/The Arsenal Files Collection %238 (Arsenal Computer) (1996).ISO tupla
Quake: Multiweapon Mod By Dr.Rigormortis changes the weapon you see on your opponent according to what they are using.
39802 MUNGO.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.09.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Power Plant by Bryan L. This level has been done in the military base style, using a particular theme (a power plant) that has been extremely well done. The architecture and texturing is mostly convincing (the huge red symbol on the wall in the slime room being the only exception) and is immersive in the extreme. Some texture misalignments were noted, however. The detailing present in this level is subtle, yet effective, adding to the overall feel.
39803 MUNY01.ZIP 32,1 kt 29.05.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
MunY 01 muny01.bsp  By Eric Sambach & Mark Hornery. Quake Deathmatch level, This is a small and fast paced map, best with 2 or 3 players.
39804 MUNY02.ZIP 41,7 kt 29.05.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
MunY 02  muny02.bsp  By Eric Sambach. Quake Deathmatch level, This is a smallish and fast paced map, best with 4 or more players.
39805 MUNY04.ZIP 116,9 kt 29.05.1997 - 22537/GAMBLERCD08.BIN -
MunY 04  muny04.bsp  By Eric Sambach. Quake Deathmatch level, This is a medium sized map, best 4 or more players.
39806 MUNY05.ZIP 68,5 kt 29.05.1997 - 22617/Hrac_09_1997-02_cd.bin -
MunY 05  muny05 .bsp  By Eric Sambach. Quake Deathmatch level, This is a medium sized map, best 4 or more players.
39807 MUNY06.ZIP 94,4 kt 29.05.1997 - 22535/GAMBLERCD06.BIN -
MunY 06  muny06.bsp  By Eric Sambach. Quake Deathmatch level, This is a medium sized map, best with 2-10 players.
39808 MUSEUM.ZIP 596,1 kt 06.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Museum by Steve Rescoe. The architecture for this level is marvelous; its exactly how a museum would lookif it were situated in hell and populated by demons. Some really interestingartworkon the walls and quite a lot of very good and very intense combat in this one."
39809 MYBOT13A.ZIP 265,7 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
QuakeC patch: Mybot 1.3a, tmbot qc modified to shoot grenades at zombies.
39810 MYKD1.ZIP 923,8 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Mykd1 by Mike Drummond. The author has very carefully filled this map with a lot of detail yet it didnt slow down. The architecture is real nice in most areas. This level absolutely rocks from start to finish! It will make a great CTF map as well."
39811 NAVYBASE.ZIP 506,7 kt 06.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Navy Base by Gary Marshall (Zedek). Starts with you on a dock next to the ship you just got off of. Lots of opportunities to jump and climb on stuffand theres plenty of swimmingtoo. The presence of some of the non-military-base monsters early on is a bit strange."
39812 NCC1701D.ZIP 1,5 Mt 30.04.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Quake Level: USS Enterprise NCC 1701-D by Andrew Wyllie. This is a recreation of the Enterprise from Star Trek: The Next Generation! It utilises custom Quake-C code to provide turbolifts, Captains log entries and healing facilities in Sickbay.
39813 NCROSEUM.ZIP 377,6 kt 23.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Necroseum by Noel Weer. This level is shorttightand fast. Its pretty cramped in most areasmaking for some hard fighting (because you really dont have anywhere to dodge)."
39814 NETWORLD.ZIP 614,4 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: The Netherworld by Dave Kelvin. This level has been done in the "metal" theme, and is very very strongly reminiscent of E1M6; in fact, this level could very easily replace E1M6 and you\'d probably not notice the difference. The architecture is simply gorgeous; all the structures fit into the theme, playing areas are varied in size (though most run to the smaller end of the scale), and the author has used the three-dimensionality of Quake very
39815 NEWOLD.ZIP 5 kt 24.04.1997 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Quake: Shub Niggurath\'s Soul Sphere v1.0 by Chris Johnson This is a DEATHMATCH ONLY mod that makes the notorious map "end" exitable (which it normally is not in deathmatch).
39816 NEWWEAP.ZIP 25,1 kt 24.04.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
QuakeC: Smart Weapon Patch v1.00 by SoniC
39817 NITEMARE.ZIP 599,5 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Nitemare by ViolentJ (Jeff Farris). This base type is the authors first Quake map. This Killer Map is very challenging and fun. The game flow is pretty good and the monster placement was excellent. You will find that there are not too many monsters but they are placed in very strategic places making your player skills very important for your survival.
39819 OAK081.ZIP 1004,9 kt 06.05.1997 - - -
OAK Quake bot v0.81.
39820 OBIWAN.ZIP 558,8 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Prepare for Hell by Obi-Wan. Prepare for Hell is a visual feast - great architecture, a labyrinth of different areas to explore, some really cool level tricks and cruel but fair monster and weapon placement. Flaws? - you battle so hard to get the silver key, then the gold is handed to you on a plate (well, an altar...). DM
39821 PLAUNCH.ZIP 122,5 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Human Launcher by Michael Gargiulo- -grenade launcher to shoot full sized clones of you! -The bodies come tumbling out like rag dolls(filled with chunky tomatoes). -I added "Appropriate" sound effects.... -The damage radius of the "human chunks" is higher than the grenade.
39822 PLAYER.ZIP 559,8 kt 24.04.1997 - gamers.org -
QuakeC: The Severed Player Patch v1.0 FINAL! By Vengence of The Lone Gunmen. Yes, it has arrived, "Severed - the new Player MDL". You can now run around in deathmatch, and blow/ cut off other Quaker\'s arms, legs and Heads.
39823 PLUMBER.ZIP 779,2 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Call a Plumber by Gyro Gearloose Another Gyro Gearloose creationPlumber introduces 2 new monsters -Snakemanby Tan Sian Yue andSpiderby Ken Turner. These monsters turn an OK level into an awesome experience. The attention to detail on the models is tremendous. DM/SK/CO/NM"
39824 PLUSGREN.ZIP 142,3 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: PLUSGrenade, Quake grenade enhancements V1.0 Adds a new grenade that launches a selectable number of exploding lava balls and a proximity grenade.
39825 PMGUNS.ZIP 136,8 kt 07.05.1997 - 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso -
"QuakeC: PM Guns v1.0. 7 new gunsincluding charge missilesdoom shotgundragons breathchaingunpoison gas rocketsmind gas rockets and buster cannon."
39826 POLYGON2.ZIP 735,3 kt 06.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Polygon  by Rick Lipsey. This is a base-style level, and it is very large... only Suicide Staccato matches this one in size for the base-level theme.
39827 PPRPLN13.ZIP 144,6 kt 24.04.1997 - gamers.org -
QuakeC: Paper Airplane v1.3.1 by Jim Thoenen. As QuakeGuy prepares to embark upon his journey into Quake, he discovers that he has mysteriously come upon an endless supply of clean white paper. Being the total stud that he is, he has the ability to fold pieces of paper into little airplanes in less than a half of a second.
39828 PREY2.ZIP 632 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Prey2 by Marty. This level takes place in a ex-mining facility full of very well placed foes. He did an outstanding job of getting details put into this map without slowing down the game play. He also did an excellent job with the game flow of this map as it is very smooth from start to finish!
39829 PRISON2.ZIP 452,3 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Prison by Anders Gustavsson. Prison is a well built medieval level featuring some nice architecture, such as the waterwheel. Every area of the map is fully accessible and should be great for deathmatch too. After the plethora of rock hard levels lately, Prison is an easy ride for those of you lacking leet Quake skills :) DM
39830 PRODIGYS.ZIP 4,3 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
"Quake SP Levels: Prodigy Special Edition - a quake adventure. Includes all the four (one new!) Prodigyslinked to each other. The basic story is that youre a mercenary searching for a collection of golden keys. All you know is that there is one per area and that the inhabitants will fiercely protect their territory."
39831 PROJ1_06.ZIP 573,3 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: QUAKE Project1 v 0.6 test Several QuakeC patches in one.
39832 PROXMIN1.ZIP 128,6 kt 24.04.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
Quake: Proxmin1.zip (128K) -Rocket launcher becomes proximity mine launcher
39833 PROXMIN2.ZIP 7,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
"QuakeC: Proximity MinesThrow n-tropys shit out the window! This is the real thing! Just pressMand a mine is laid. 3 seconds laterits armed and dangerous."
39834 PSYCHOC2.ZIP 166,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: PsychoC V2 release 2 of the quakec code run server PsychoServer
39835 PUNISH12.ZIP 140 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Quake: Punishment Filename : punish.zip Version  : 1.21 Date     : 96/8/19 Author   : Robert DeFilippo III Quake C  : yes Sound : no MDL      : no Changes weapons.
39836 PURG3.ZIP 856,1 kt 06.10.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Reconstruction by Bryan Pillow. This level begins as a "base-themed" level and contains a very smooth transition to the medieval theme. The base section is built very well, though it does run a bit slowly through the first long hallway. Architecture and lighting is extremely well done throughout this level, though the detail is a little on the light side.
39837 PURGATOR.ZIP 719 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Enter Purgatory by Bryan Pillow. Enter Purgatory has a start map in which you have to kill a monster to start a skill. The harder the skill the tougher the monster! It then leads you to Purgatory a dismal place full of Quakes minions just waiting to kill you! The game flow of this level was very good and the lighting effect of the cross is nice.
39838 PWRNFURY.ZIP 479 kt 28.06.1997 - gamers.org -
Quake BSP: Power and Fury pwrnfury.bsp - Guy Shelton - deathmatch
39839 PYRAMID.ZIP 482,2 kt 06.04.1997 väärä koko quaddicted.com eritupla
Quake SP Level: Pyramid by Ted Stahl. This map is in ancient times. Many new textures and excellent layout are both present in this map, plus there are a few puzzles and surprised in store for you!
39840 PYRO2.ZIP 740,1 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Pyro 2 - A Smash of Three by Dean Scott. Although it has misaligned textures (doors), it still is a good map. The map displays some interesting and different architectural ideas, some nice new textures and the gameflow works well. It could do with difficulty settings and a few more monsters as it *is* a little easy, but all in all, a fun blast! DM
39841 QAGONY.ZIP 312,8 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
Quake BSP: ABODE OF AGONY agony.bsp - Kevin Haley - Single Player / Cooperative
39842 QAKULA4.ZIP 602,6 kt 28.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: The Ruins of Athelstan by Timothy R. Jervis. You are in the ruins. These ruins really do look and feel like ruins. This will be a part of the Wheel of Time Total Conversion.
39843 QARCH.ZIP 104,6 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
Quake: - Stats:  LlamaTekk Platforms
39845 QBUGWAR.ZIP 926,2 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
"Quake SHRAK: The BUGWAR Client Here is a little taste of what you have been missing! BUGWAR takes you to the next level in deathmatch play! You BECOME a LightSear or a Gorok. Get busy in a whole new way! This is so cool that you dont even need to buy SHRAK to do it!Course if you already have SHRAK then you dont need it plus you get more than just a little taste!"
39846 QCEJECT.ZIP 125,9 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
QuakeC patch: EJECT! by Steve Bond * makes the Shotgun and Double Barrel Shotgun eject shell casings (VERY cool.)
39847 QCHEAT.ZIP 122,9 kt 24.04.1997 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
Quake: Qcheat.zip (122K) -Adds new cheat codes. -impulse 12-Limited Gimmie -impulse 13-Silver Key -impulse 14-Gold Key -impulse 252-Pentagram of Protection -impulse 253-Ring of Invisibility -impulse 254-Biosuit
39849 QCOMST.ZIP 263,1 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
Quake: Challenge of the Masters BSP Small but tight Deathmatch level for Quake.
39850 QCONSOLE.ZIP 20,1 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Quake Console Commands OVER 250!! - Zorlim
39851 QCORPSES.ZIP 122,8 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Quake: Corpses!, details how to get Shotguns running on your system and what to do if you have problems. Corpses now stick around for one minute. Then, corpses gib and the heads go flying.
39853 QCUJO13.ZIP 402,4 kt 24.04.1997 - - -
QuakeC: - CUJO patch V1.3 gives you a great personal attack dog named Cujo. It will follow you around, seek out your enemies, and attack them.
39854 QDARK.ZIP 397,7 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
"Quake: Dark Hell - Back by popular demand its ANOTHER free level! Dark Hell awaits you! As usual you can play it with SHRAKQuakeMission Packs... © copyright 1997 quantum axcess"
39855 QDM4.ZIP 158,8 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
Quake BSP:DM4 map for Eliminator Bot Author : Eric Spry
39856 QDM7.ZIP 262,8 kt 15.09.1997 - - -
Quake: Acropho ia. Seven deathmatch specific levels.
39857 QDRAGON.ZIP 310,2 kt 24.04.1997 - - -
QuakeC: The Quake Dragon! v1.02 by Lone Gunmen. Dragon flies around, is fire resistant, and will burn you alive.  If the Quake Dragon hits you, you start to burn.. and you need something wet to put it out. Anything wet - water, slime or even lava.. :) http:/www2.eis.net.au/~lcullen/tlg/
39858 QDUNGEN.ZIP 436,2 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
"Quake BSP: HellKeepeRs DungeoN dungeon.bsp - Deathmatch - It has a ancient temple and other nice looking stuff in it. My clanthe FalleN AngelS think it is pretty cool."
39860 QFLAG.ZIP 319,4 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Quake Capture the Flag Team match Quake map featuring QuakeC coding by Gary Griggs. Capture the Flag is a map where kiling your enemies is not your goal. To score points, you and your teammates must capture your flag from the enemy base and return to your home base alive with the flag.
39861 QFLOOD.ZIP 305,9 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
Quake: - Floodland - a Deathmatch only Quake MAP
39863 QGORE.ZIP 122,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Quake gore v1.0
39864 QGRIDLCK.ZIP 149,2 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
"Quake: - Gridlock Radical deatmatch level-takes place on a system of grids. The are one on anotherat different anglesin a large retangular horizontal prism. All players start on the topthere are tons of deathmatch starts there (16) and you have to jump down to get to other grids. Be careful and not fall ALL the way downor youll perish in the lava below. There are many wind tunnels aboutone connecting each grid to the nextso you may want to pratice in"
39865 QHACK-PC.ZIP 12,5 kt 24.04.1997 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
Quake hack-thingy. It opens the ID1.PAK file and it will allow you to save the entries.
39866 QHOLIO.ZIP 253,3 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
"Quake: - Scarys Quakeholio... Source Included"
39868 QJOE19.ZIP 122,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake: QJoe v.1.9 by: Joe Sola with help+ideas from:      Tom Shallon Features: Killer Heads!!!
39870 QLEV3.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
Quake levels: 5150, RUNWAYS, TEF_AOP
39871 QLEV4.ZIP 1,2 Mt 26.05.1997 - - -
Quake BSPs: * Giggler 4 (Giggler4.bsp) Fairly large deathmatch map made for the +deathmatch 2 setting. * Marsbase (marsbase.bsp) GREAT deathmatch level for 6+ players
39872 QLEVEL.ARJ 3,4 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Quakeworld TF ja CTF leveleitä
39874 QLEVS7.ZIP 2 Mt 22.05.1997 - - -
39875 QLVS_B&F.ZIP 134 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
Quake Deathmatch levels: Bazooga,Forest
39876 QNITEMS.ZIP 28,9 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: QUAKE NEW ITEMS QNITEMS.ZIP power-up manager allowing the use of an item(s) at a time, later then when you actually need that item.
39880 QPLUS11.ZIP 249,9 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Quake Plus 1.1 Filename : QPlus11.zip Version  : 1.10 Date     : 25.8.96 Author   : Werner Spahl Quake C  : yes combination of different Quake enhancements making the game more realistic by utilizing a "use" key to activate, get or drop! Lots of other features are included, with only few impulse keys needed to access them. While too powerful weapons and powerups are avoided, a reasonable teammode is set up  without using special console commands.  Altogether a much
39881 QPLUS13.ZIP 256,4 kt 24.04.1997 - 10832/PC_REVIEW_61.7z tupla
* Quake Plus 1.3 * combination of different Quake enhancements making the game more realistic by utilizing a "use" key to activate, get or drop! Lots of other features are included, with only few impulse keys needed to access them. While too powerful weapons and powerups are avoided, a reasonable teammode is set up without using special console commands.
39882 QPOWER.ZIP 124,3 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
QuakeC patch: More Power! QuakeC Modification. Adds some major kick to the Grenade Launcher, Super Nailgun, and Single and Double Barrel Shotguns.
39883 QSLFD.ZIP 6,5 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: SelfDestruct V1.0 by whitetrash, allows players the option of blowing themselves up in the face of opposition
39884 QTAG.ZIP 547,1 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Quake Tag, Team match Quake map featuring QuakeC coding by Gary Griggs. Qtag is a quake map designed exclusively for team play with a minimum of 4 players. (2 teams) The objective is NOT to kill your opponents, but to score points by picking up the Scoring Object.
39886 QTWNDR.ZIP 308,2 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
Quake: Twin Dragons BSP Deathmatch level that consists of two courtyards, both four stories high.
39887 QTWW.ZIP 538,5 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
Quake SHRAK:The Warfare Warehouse Once more for your gaming pleasure we have a FREE LEVEL! Fully compatible with SHRAK, original Quake, and the Hipnotic add on! © copyright 1997 quantum axcess
39888 QUA-DART.ZIP 79,9 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Quake: Darth Vader Replacement for the knight.mdl file that makes the knight look like Darth Vader, complete with light saber!
39889 QUAD_SW.ZIP 28,2 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: You can switch Quad power ON/OFF. You can add Quad power time.
39890 QUADUKE.ZIP 307,9 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
"AquaDuke" = A Quakework Duke Change Quake soldier to Duke Nukem.
39891 QUAHPPY.ZIP 11,4 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Quake - replacement for the scrag that makes him/her a Happy Face!
39894 QUAKER.ZIP 58,9 kt 24.04.1997 - gamers.org tupla
Quake - Insane Quaker skin texture.
39895 QUAKGORE.ZIP 122,5 kt 24.04.1997 - - -
QuakeC: Quake gore v1.0 by Mamos.
39896 QUALIAS.ZIP 2 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Alias.cfg v3.0 by Guardian New aliases for Quake.
39897 QUALIEN.ZIP 60,1 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
* Alien for Quake - just a taste * Version 1.1 * J Diamond
39898 QUAUTFIR.ZIP 617 tavua 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Quake - Autofire on/off alias By Guardian aka CORNHOLIO
39899 QUBATMAN.ZIP 102,2 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
Quake - Batman (player replacement model) .mdl replacement for the default player.mdl
39900 QUDECOY.ZIP 124,7 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
QuakeC: DECOY PATCH for Quake V1.01. Hologram patch, like in duke3d, with remote camera built in + the capability to detonate it when another play gets to close!!!
39901 QVIOLENC.ZIP 122,8 kt 24.04.1997 - - -
QuakeC: Excessive Violence v1.0 by Neil Klopfenstein. The excessive violence patch is a way to add, well, excessive violence to Quake. And by excessive i mean more excessive than quake already has.. :)
39902 QVNYRD.ZIP 546,1 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
Quake: - The Vineyard Info S/./D  New -/-/./././- (by GamesNet) No use fighting over crushed grapes (well maybe there is a reason ... ). The level was designed as a deathmatch level (3-8 I guess). Not much gloom & doom here mostly bright textures. .
39903 QW32_11.ZIP 4,7 Mt 18.08.1997 - - -
The QuakeWorld 32 Player PAK v1.1 by Kevin Foster (Riveen). 6 great DM maps for Quakeworld and 32 players.
39904 QWIZ12.ZIP 16,4 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
"QuakeC patch: QUAKE WIZARDS V1.2allows your player to cast D&D spells and such."
39905 QWIZLR.ZIP 456,2 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
"Quake: - The Wizards Lair Info ./-/D  New -/-/./././- (by GamesNet) medium sized deathmatch levelwith lots of cool architecture"
39911 RA.ZIP 755,7 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Ra by Jussi Tuononen. Unlike the name would suggest, this level isn\'t an homage to the Egyptian god of the sun. it\'s a very non-linear level, done in a "natural" (yet not medieval) setting, so you\'ll have to do quite a bit of searching and exploring to find everything you need. The architecture has been done well and is varied in both dimensions and flow. The transitions from one style to another were a bit abrupt in places, however. Combat is good, if a bit on the
39906 RACNAB20.ZIP 146,5 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: RACNAB v2.0 _RA_dio _C_ontrol _NA_il _B_omb.
39908 RADAR.ZIP 6,3 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Radar 1.0 signals vicinity of enemy with dark sound. If the enemy is near frequency of beeps become short.
39907 RADAR0_5.ZIP 7,8 kt 24.04.1997 - gamers.org tupla
"Quake: Radar Filename : Radar0_5.zip Version : 0.5 Author   : Nick Wilson aka NiCkMaN Quake C  : yes the radar will search for enemies that you cant see. That includes invisible playersenemies behind wallsor out of your line of sight.  Uses 5 cells per use."
39909 RAIN.ZIP 220 kt 24.04.1997 - - -
QuakeC: Rain 1.0 by QuakeX. This patch will give you a nice rainstorm in your maps. :)
39910 RAPFIRE2.ZIP 177,9 kt 21.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"Quake: Rapid fire shotgun II. This weapon is for those players who are getting their butts kicked and they just cant take it anymore. This weapon is an improvement over the first Rapid Fire Shotgun. This model has a muzzle flash and also ejects shells.  This weapon has all new modelssounds and modified qc code."
39912 REAPER81.ZIP 161,6 kt 24.04.1997 - - -
QUAKE "Reaper Bots" QC Patch v0.81" (IBM/VGA) Reaper Bots eliminate the need for human deathmatch opponents. They are computer controlled adversaries that fight with you (in team play) or against you in deathmatch games, and they actually learn the level as they play! You can have a deathmatch without having any human opponents! Many bug fixes and improvements since the previous version; now there\'s much better AI, improved game play, and the bots can communicate. Created
39913 RELARMOR.ZIP 129,9 kt 24.04.1997 - gamers.org tupla
QuakeC patch: Realistic Armor by Reptilian * makes the armor more realistic. while wearing this armor, you will take damage based on the percentage of armor you have left.
39914 RELWEP13.ZIP 205,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Quake: Realistic Weapons Filename : relwep13.zip Version  : 1.3 Date     : 96/08/22 Author   : Cameron Newham (W_Australia) Quake C  : yes * Server help and predefined aliases * Makes the weapons unreliable * Recoil on all weapons except lightning gun * Spikes, rockets & grenades slow down while in water * Rockets leave a bubble trail in water * Spikes, rockets, grenades and backpacks can travel through teleporters * Rockets and armour add weight
39915 REQ_SE2.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.05.1997 - - -
"Quake Requiem Special Editionbugfix2ed. This patch is designed to enhance Quake and its playability as both a single player and multi-player game. This patch was designed to run in Multi-Player (deathmatch) modeeither against other deathmatch players or against the computer controlled roBOTsor regular Single-Player mode against the usual Quake monsters."
39916 RES.ZIP 775,4 kt 06.04.1997 - - -
"Quake SP Level: The Insurrectionpart IV by Chris Mayers. Combat is frequent and plentifulbut not overwhelming or sadistic. The architecture is great in most placesand in the others its simply wonderful. some slowdown is presentthough.."
39917 RETTEAR.ZIP 812,8 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Retinal Tear by Taskmaster (Warren Marshall). This setting for this Killer Map is in a large castle full of danger. This level is a real challenge at the higher skill levels and it is tons of fun too! The architecture was very nice as was placement of monsters. The different combat situations were mixed and superb. There are a lot of wide open places in this map that makes it perfect for deathmatch. This is a level that you are sure to enjoy!
39918 RICOCHET.ZIP 1,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: Ricocheting projectiles * Bullets now ricochet off of walls.
39919 RIT.ZIP 680,7 kt 06.10.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Escape the Base... by Chris Burgess. This level has been done in the base style, and for the most part has been done well. Architecture has been done well, with most of the structures and play areas being on the smaller side, though the texture choices are a bit odd in places and are misaligned in others.
39920 ROADKILL.ZIP 248 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
Quake:Deathmach kenttä Quakeen 4 taloa ja puisto. By:Pekka Nykänen ja Kimmo Koivisto
39921 ROCKETL.ZIP 165,3 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
QuakeC patch: RocketLauncher Version .01
39922 ROCKETZ.ZIP 116,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
Quake: Rocketz-DM ver .2 level This is a conversion of a old Doom2 DM level we did for our local DOOM Tourney. It was one of the most popular. Single Player           : No Cooperative 2-4 Player  : No Deathmatch 2-6 Player   : Yes Deathmatch 6+ Player    : Yes
39923 ROYALWAR.ZIP 458,6 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Royal Warriors by Scott McNutt. Royal Warriors by Scott McNutt starts with a cool skill selection level called Enter the Dragon. From there you are taken to a seemingly simple room with 4 floor levels. To get to the top you must battle your way through a series of puzzles and monsters - a very simple idea executed very well and a lot of fun to play. DM/SK/CO
39925 SACRIFCE.ZIP 170,4 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuakeC: Sacrifice-O-Head. This enables you to sacrifice the heads of your enemies to your favorite deity, who then rewards you with a gift.
39926 SADLARK5.ZIP 979,6 kt 18.09.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: The Palace of Sadlark by Jonas N.P. Lindstrom. This map is in a medieval setting with just a touch of metal. The architecture in it is very well constructed and was wonderfully detailed thru out its entirety. This map kicks ass on more than one occasion with its many extremely well placed monsters... (ouch!!!) There are even a few very deadly traps in this level just to keep you on your guard as well as a couple of puzzles to pass your time."
39927 SADLARK6.ZIP 970,8 kt 06.10.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: The sacrifice of flesh by Jonas N.P. Lindstrom. This is number 6 in the sadlark series. This mostly metal map is full of surprises and will keep you on your toes all the way thru. The author did an excellent job of sticking with the theme of the level. The architecture and the game flow is nearly perfect.
39928 SANCT.ZIP 857,8 kt 06.04.1997 - - -
Quake SP Level: The Insurrection, Part III by Chris Mayers. This level sports the true-to- form architecture and lighting that are shown in the other three "Insurrection" levels. Plenty of maneuvering area and lots of combat.
39929 SBLUE.ZIP 425,7 kt 18.09.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Sadistic Blue by YooShin Yang. This level has been done in mostly blue metal and stone textures. This is an extremely fast-paced and intricate levelwith play areas usually featuring smalltightand cramped areas. It contains not only a pentagram (youll need it)but a pair of quads (youll want these). There are plenty of weapons and ammo for your fragging pleasurebut there isnt an overwhelming amount; its just about perfectthough it"
39930 SCHIST1.ZIP 772,5 kt 31.08.1997 - gamers.org -
Quake SPQ Level: Encounter at Schist by Noel Weer. A great base type map that has been done in keen detail and is a "teaser" for a mini series that Noel is working on. If the rest of the levels are this good, you will love them all! This Killer Map has real good game flow and the authors placement of foes was excellent!
39931 SCOOP.ZIP 701,8 kt 31.08.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Quake SPQ Level: Scoop of Chaos by J.F. Gustafsson. This base style map with some cool armament in it was quite a thrill to play. From the very beginning you are busy fighting for your life and you need a lot of strategy just to make it thru the start area. The author has placed the foes in very good strategic positions. All difficulty setting were very well implemented with good monster placement, just the right amount of ammo and there are 3 timely secrets that will help you
39932 SCORN.ZIP 393,8 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Scorn by Michael Reed. Scorn is a must for allMetalfans. Great architecture and imaginative lighting fill this levelwhich is populated by hordes of ogres and hell knights. This is a difficult map not for the faint heartedbut well worth the fight. Watch out for that deadly ceiling... DM/CO"
39934 SE.ZIP 863,6 kt 18.09.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Severe Exposure by Zied Rieke. This is a fine base map with a lot going for it. The architecture is very good too. The monster placement was on the spectacular side with your opponents jumping from other levels of the map to hunt you down.
39933 SEWER12.ZIP 751,1 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Sewage Playground by Brian Kline. This level is a sewage station of some type. The architecturelightingand theme in this level are astonishing in their immersiveness; this is another one of those levels that looks and feels exactly like youd think its supposed toand nothing is extraneous or missing. The flow and pacing have been done welland the monsters have been selected and placed for maximum effectiveness."
39935 SGC4.ZIP 340,8 kt 06.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Notlobs Residence by Steve Clarke. Dark and forbiddingthis level starts out quietly enough. The architecture is beautifuland the detailing is perfectly matched to the theme."
39936 SGC5.ZIP 601,7 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Notlobs Base by Steve Clarke. Notlobs Base shows just how a military installation should be built. Fantastic architecture in the id styleplenty of interesting areas to explore and great gameplaywhile retaining the base themei.e. gruntsenforcers and dogs only. Excellent level - highly recommended. DM"
39937 SGC6.ZIP 760,6 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Notlobs Castle by Steve Clarke. Notlobs Castle is a medieval level that is absolutely stunning. You fight your way through a castle that is riddled with nasty surprises and layer upon layer of perilous walkwayswith as much attention paid to underwater areas as above ground. Finely detailed and a blast to play - a wonderful map. DM"
39938 SGC8.ZIP 979,1 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: Notlobs Moonshot by Steve Clarke. Notlobs Moonshot is the latest in Steve Clarkes series of Notlob levelseach different to the last. This time you are pitched into a complex military basewherein order to exityou must complete three tasks in separate sections of the level. This process works very well and its not long before youre knee deep in enforcersavoiding laser trip wires to achieve your goals."
39939 SGQCVER3.ZIP 938,6 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
QuakeC patch: RocketLauncher Version .01 Features * Quake C Patches * Right Click On Quake C Patches To Show Properties * Multiple CFG Files * Saved Games * Modified Maps * Setting Basic Server Settings And Rules * Saving And Loading Server Configurations
39940 SHADOW.ZIP 1000,3 kt 02.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake single player level: Shadow over Innsmouth. This is somewhat of a sequel to Village. Youll start out in a damp cave that leads to a crack in the rock surrounding a medieval town. You need to find your way down to the harbour to get the key out of this shadow filled place. Unzip with -d."
39942 SHOGGOTH.ZIP 746,6 kt 06.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Chapel Shoggoth by Marc Laidlaw. Theme and architecture are both excellent; though this levels a bit on the dark sideit more than makes sense for this theme -- after allhow much light do you really expect while youre underground?"
39943 SHOVEOFF.ZIP 123,6 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Shove off! by Steve Bond  * multiplayer only lets you shove other players around.
39944 SILUETTE.ZIP 654,5 kt 28.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Silhouette of Darkness by Neil Manke. Both the theme and the mood in this one are top quality, given leverage by the judicious (and frequent) use of messages to advance the plot.
39945 SKARMOD2.ZIP 979,1 kt 24.04.1997 - - tupla
QuakeC: Skarmod Version  : 1.2b Date     : 96/08/15 Author   : Sigurdur G. Gunnarsson Modifies weapons, skins & monters.
39946 SKARMOD3.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Skarmod V1.3 by Sigurdur G. Gunnarson This patch will will do add the following stuff: Adds a lot of stuff, guns etc.
39947 SKELETOR.ZIP 188 kt 24.04.1997 - gamers.org tupla
Quake skin - turns the player or the grunt into the classic character from the he-man cartoon series, Skeletor...
39948 SKIN1213.ZIP 2,1 Mt 28.04.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
Quake World - skins file. Included several sample skins in PCX format
39949 SKINBASE.ZIP 18,1 kt 28.04.1997 - 14534/IMAGE.img -
Quake World - base skin files. Included is the basic skin image and the guidelines for submitting a new skin
39950 SLAUGHTR.ZIP 553,1 kt 09.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: Slaughterhouse by Neil Manke. This level is exactly what it says it is -- a slaughterhouse. All new textures in this one, and the ice areas were notably convincing.
39951 SNIPER.ZIP 131,3 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: The Sniper Rifle v1.0
39952 SOULSWP1.ZIP 130,1 kt 24.04.1997 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Quake: Soul Swapper QuakeC Filename : soulswp1.zip Version  : 1.00 Date     : 96/8/24 Author   : Jeff Epler A weapon that swaps the "souls" of the attacker and the attacked. Deathmatch only, doesn\'t work on monsters.
39953 SPECIAL.ZIP 123 kt 24.04.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
"THE SPECIALIST QUAKE KIT 1.0 Okayits herethe explosive package sure to add a new dimension to deathmatching ... This kit adds three impulse commands to the game: IMPULSE 20 - drop a trigger bomb IMPULSE 21 - trigger all bombs IMPULSE 22 - drop a proximity bomb"
39954 SPIDERMN.ZIP 104 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake MDL: Spiderman, Spiderman from the famous Marvel Comics series.
39955 SPIKES10.ZIP 134,2 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake: Spikes 1.0 Nails, when they hit something that bleed, explode, when they hit a wall, ceiling, floor, or other structure, they stick, arm after 1 second, then explode when a player gets near them(I may change it to include monsters later).
39956 SPOT_V1.ZIP 15,5 kt 24.04.1997 - 22384/XENIATGM22.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Spot - following pet with commands
39957 SPREDGUN.ZIP 17,7 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
"QuakeC patch: THECONTRASPREAD GUN! v1.0"
39958 SPSATAN.ZIP 779 kt 23.05.1997 - - -
Quake SP Level: Spongebath of Satan by Derek Lawrie. A dark and murky SP/DM level which is also quite entertaining! The game flow in this level was really smooth and the monster placement was real good. Danger lurked in every dark corner (and there are lots of dark corners).
39959 SQEAM.ZIP 88,1 kt 24.04.1997 - gamers.org tupla
"Simple Quake Examples and Methods - Version 1.0 By Cameron NewhamAugust 26th 1996 This archive contains seven examples of common-place map entities in ids Quake."
39960 SQUAWK2.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.04.1997 - 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso -
Squawk Quake Total Conversion v2 (alpha) by Simitar (http://www.oz.net/~simitar). In Squawk Quake TC you play a "kobold" (formerly called an "anthrosaur") which in this setting is an almost humanoid dinosaur.
39961 TFL3.ZIP 644 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: This Feels Lurid by Anders "Backspace" Persson. This Killer Map is the authors first level, but was just released. This is a good combat level with a lot if different situations for your enjoyment. The level isn\'t real pretty but the layout along with the monster placement makes this a challenge and a lot of fun to play.
39962 THEFLYMK.ZIP 809,8 kt 06.10.1997 - - -
"Quake SPQ Level: The Fly by Markus Klar. Welcome to The Flywhere nothing is what it seems :) Markus has produced the Quake equivalent of an Escher painting and has come up with a truly original map. The Fly at first seems like a typical underground base affairwith rooms carved into the rockpopulated by ogresenforcersfiendsetc. And its a TOUGH level - be prepared for plenty of saves. Thenjust when you think youre progressing nicely - BANG - youre"
39963 THROWAXE.ZIP 160,4 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake: Allows you to chuck your Axe around
39964 THROWEYE.ZIP 6,1 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: ThrowEyes 1.0
39965 TMBOT11.ZIP 177,3 kt 24.04.1997 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin tupla
Quake: TM Bot QuakeC Filename : tmbot1.zip Version  : 1.1 Date     : 96/8/26 Author(s): Micheal Polucha,Tim Polucha ( Automated Helper Bot or Player 2 on only one computer! With this advanced AI you can conquer any level of Quake. TM Bot is based on the Enforcer Model.
39966 TMI.ZIP 490,8 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Trilogy Military Installation by Stuart Presley. TMI is the first level of a new episode by Clan Trilogy. TMI remains faithful to the id military base levels produced by John Romeroand in doing so retains a very polished look and a good layout. As its mission 1enemies are a little thin on the ground. DM/SK/CO"
39967 TORTURE.ZIP 456,3 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Torture by Gyro Gearloose. This level has a greatcartoonfeel - its top fun to play and has lots of cool areas to discover. Make sure you visit the dungeonscomplete with various devices of pain! Some clever design ideas including the Easter Island heads and a cool cage trap. DM/SK/CO"
39968 TRACBEAM.ZIP 14,1 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Quake: The Tractor Beam QuakeC Filename : tracbeam.zip Version  : 1.0á Date     : 96/08/26 Author   : Jonathan Avraham (Data, engage tractor beam.) Ever wanted to just throw your DeathMatch enemy for a quick lava bath? Ever wanted to get him up high in the air and then release him, falling to his death? Now you can, with the Tractor Beam. Just change to tractor beam mode and grab the motherfunker.
39969 TRAPS.ZIP 129,3 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Booby Trap, lays down what appears to be a box of missiles. When another player tries to pick one up... boom! They get a mouthfull!
39970 TRR.ZIP 710,2 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: The Ruiners Revulsion by Luke Higgins. This level has been done in the medieval style. The architecture in this level has been wonderfully done in most places; this level feels like a castle complex or suchlike. The flow is linear and the pacing is interesting; itll be quiet for a whilebut if you shoot one monsterit seems like they come climbing out of the walls to get at you.."
39971 TSS.ZIP 680,4 kt 14.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Temple of the Secret Society by Ace. Following on from the successful Quake Combat SchoolTSS is Aces latest opus - a medieval level with a twist! After negotiating numerous deadly traps you come upon a strange looking room everything is upside down! A neat idea and one of many in this large and very enjoyable level."
39972 TWW.ZIP 532,1 kt 23.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: The Warfare Warehouse by Ludovic Texier. This level is exactly what it says it is -- a warehouse. Attention to themeusing architectural detailis excellent. The level is one of the most detailed levels seenthanks to its design and sizeits also one of the smoothest- running."
39973 ULTMISSL.ZIP 142,2 kt 24.04.1997 - - -
QuakeC: The ultimate killer missile patch by Iikka Keränen. This mod contains three new variations from missiles... All are very deadly. I have made killing as easy as possible, you can let your guns do stuff like aiming, thinking, finding enemies etc. Just sit back and enjoy! ;)
39974 UNDRWRLD.ZIP 552,3 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: The Underworld by Matt Sefton. The level is a military base-style map with some nifty traps, nice architecture and good gameplay. Although designed specifically for single play, it has been enhanced for deathmatch too. DM/SK/CO
39975 UNREL.ZIP 124,3 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Unreliable Weapons V1.00
39976 UTAH.ZIP 741,8 kt 14.04.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Deaths Taste by Utah. This level has been done in the medieval stylewith lots of stonerusted metaland demonic imagery. You start outside the keep. Areas are widely varied in sizedimensionsand detailingcombat is frequent and tenseweapons and ammo provided are appropriate but not overwhelmingand enough health is placed so you probably wont die."
39977 V6.ZIP 1,3 Mt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SPQ Level: Vivisect Six by Zied Rieke. This outstanding base level is very large but plays really smooth if you have 16 megs of ram. This is so large that you may get lost in it several times for long periods of time. This map is a lot of fun since it was quite a challenge to overcome the many great combat situations that were presented to me. Watch out for the flying red enforcers that are new to the game as they are very good shots.
39978 VALLWIND.ZIP 2 Mt 15.09.1997 - - -
Quake SPQ Levels: Valley of the Wind & The Red Room by Steve Wilson. Valley of the Wind begins as a base-style level, but changes to a more "natural" outdoors-type setting roughly in the middle. The Red Room centers around a red room. The architecture in this level tended towards the twisty and cramped unlike the running room given you in the previous level.
39979 VAMP10.ZIP 568,9 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC: Vampire Mod V1.00, This mod enables you to switch into a Vampire similar to Morph mod except you can only swith to a Vampire or stay as a worthless human.
39980 VIGIL.ZIP 1 Mt 23.05.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: The Vigil by Wright Bagwell. This most excellent map is a little different than the levels you are used to. It starts out with ... "You are assigned a vigil to watch over a friend\'s tomb, as he has recently met his match somewhere in battle. Soon after your vigil begins, the enemies that wanted him dead have arrived to give you some punishment..." You will all be pleased with the new concept of this map and its presentation.
39981 VILLAGE.ZIP 556 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SP Level: Village of Dread by Steve Rescoe Village of Dread is awesome - you *are* fighting your way through a medieval village that looks superb and plays even better. Hugely atmospherichighly detailed and complete with an exploding barrel patchthis leveland I dont say this lightlyis better than many of ids. Its true Crash - Steve cant make a bad level :) DM/SK/CO"
39982 VIOLENCE.ZIP 160,3 kt 24.04.1997 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso tupla
Quake: Grenade launcher & nail gun fire the odd gib, monster gibs are tripled, and gibs explose.
39983 VISIONOH.ZIP 618,8 kt 16.03.1997 - - -
Quake SP Level: Vision of Hatred by Darin McNeil Vision of Hatred features a first for Quake levels - cut scenes! Using the Cut-scene Construction Kit (included) a strong storyline is told throughout this fun level and it really adds to the atmosphere. The level itself is nicely built, if a little tough (a shambler to kill and *then* 2 fiends in a small room?!!) with some great ideas. Take a look! -
39984 VOIN30.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.04.1997 - - -
VoinQuake v3.0 by Peter H. Both shotguns now have "Doom" reloading frames. Slower rockets, cool blood, soldiers shoot supershotguns, punch instead of the axe, zombies are now bigger, ogres now reload the grenade launchers.
39985 VWEAPONS.ZIP 20,8 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
"QuakeC patch: Vholds Weapons & MORE v1.1"
39986 WAREHAUS.ZIP 804,4 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: The Warehouse by Warren Marshall. The WarehouseWarrens new military base levelwas originally planned for a mission pack. Its a sprawling mass of nooks and crannies where only the dead bodies you leave in your wake stop you from getting lost! Gameplay is fast and furious and excellent funwith some neat new textural twists on the military theme. Enforcersgrunts and dogs rule the roost here and youll have to lay waste to hordes of them to"
39987 WARPGATE.ZIP 752,2 kt 31.08.1997 - quaddicted.com -
"Quake SPQ Level: The Warpgate by Ozric. This level has been done in the medieval style. The architecture throughout this level is solidconsistentwell-madeand utterly believeable; proportions are good and play areas are comfortably large. The flow is linearbut the author has crafted the level well enough that it doesnt really seem like it. The structures are beautiful andin placesintricateand there is a great variety of detail and lighting."
39988 WATERFLO.ZIP 77,2 kt 21.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"Quake: - WaterFlo (by GamesNet) This modification simply uses one of ids original textures to cre flowing water for Quakea much needed addition."
39989 WATERMON.ZIP 2,2 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Water aware monsters
39990 WATRWRKS.ZIP 799,6 kt 06.10.1997 - - -
"Quake SPQ Level: Waterworks by Erik Robson. This levels theme is that of a large water- processing areaand this theme has been done extremely wellwith huge overhead pipesmany areas either completely or partially submergedand somewhat-gloomy lighting. Architecture has been done well and the structures fit the theme very well. Good use of pop up messages and specials in this level."
39991 WELL.ZIP 637,8 kt 16.03.1997 - quaddicted.com -
Quake SP Level: The Well of Lost Souls. The Well of Lost Souls is one of the most playable maps. Gameplay is top-notch and is complimented by some truly great and well thought out traps littered throughout the excellent architecture of the level. I loved the "You killed my puppy!" section with it\'s use of complex triggered walls and floor panels :) Mike\'s levels just get better and better. DM/CO
39992 WINGS.ZIP 1,5 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Wings by Kyle R. Hofmann Creates wings for your character.
39993 WISP.ZIP 15,9 kt 24.04.1997 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc tupla
QuakeC: Wisp version 1.0 by Iikka Paavolainen (ipaavola@cc.hut.fi) The wisp is a flying bot (that resembles a lava ball due to a lack of a more accurate model) that you can summon and banish at will, freeze/unfreeze, recall, and even ride with! It will attack other players and monsters that it sees, and hunt semi- intelligently for targets when none are near.
39994 WOTQ069F.ZIP 3,8 Mt 11.05.1997 - - -
"Wheel of Time Quake beta v0.69 FULL package - doesnt need any patches."
39995 WRONGWAY.ZIP 739 kt 06.04.1997 - - -
"Quake SP Level: The Wrong Way! by Marc Roussel. The combat is frequentbut youre well-equipped for it. There is significant stair-stepping on some of the shadows."
39996 XSOLDIER.ZIP 3,6 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Mod QC by SHYFT This mod makes the shotgun weilding grunts throw a grenade sometimes.
39997 XTRAWP19.ZIP 125,1 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: XTRAWEAPONS 1.9
39998 ZAXE1.ZIP 158,7 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
"Quake: Zaxe QuakeC Filename : zaxe1.zip Version  : 1.00 Date     : 96/8/27 Author   : Jeff Epler If you take the axe to a zombieyoull eventually kill it."
39999 ZEUS10.ZIP 182,8 kt 24.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
"QuakeC: ZeusBot V1.00 This mod creates a helper bot which will attack the players enemies and draw fire. The bot attacks with a Lightning Gunwhich will not harm the player if he runs into it."
40000 ZOMBOMB.ZIP 5,6 kt 24.04.1997 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso tupla
QuakeC patch: Mod QC by SHYFT makes some of the zombies charge the player and detonate themselves in a damaging shower of blood.
40395 !MATCH2!.ZIP 8,4 kt 03.10.1997 - - -
======DUKE3D:DUKEMATCH====== Hyvä DUKEMATCH rata. Kaupunki aiheinen ei ole liian pitka paljon aseita. Tehnyt:Jarkko Asplund (kommentit ovat tervetulleita) PS:Päivitys edelliseen versioon, !match1!.zip
40003 1LMRLVS.ZIP 245,2 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
L.mR-SOFT level pack #1 for V-WingL.mR-SOFT Level Pack #1 for V-Wing 7 hyvää tasoa, mm. H-Wing Tehdas, Luonto ja Deimos. Tasoissa käytetty jonkin verran myös skannattua grafiikkaa.
40004 1T&C.ZIP 40,8 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Town & Country1
40006 2BASES.ZIP 25 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
!!! 2Bases.MAP Duke 3D:n !!! Duke Nukem 3D:n 2 pelaajan DukeMatcheihin tehty level! Sisältää salaisia paikkoja, paljon aseita, ansoja. Ym! Maassa on kummallekin pelaa- jalle oma tukikohta. Toimii ainoastaan 2 Pelaajan peleissä ja tietysti myös yksinpelissä.
40017 3RCLEVS.ZIP 242,4 kt 11.08.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Kolmen tason paketti Rocket Chaseen. Tasot eivät toimi versiossa 1.0.
40019 4DOORS.ZIP 29,6 kt 21.07.1997 - - -
*********Duke map************* duke3d:hen hullun hyvä kenttä nimeltä 4DOORS OF QUEST joka on Roope alias Anteron tekemä. ******************************
40022 4PIT.ZIP 12,4 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): 4pits
40026 76PRCNCT.ZIP 268,9 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): 76th Precinct
40028 8TRACK.ZIP 53,3 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): 8 track heaven
40030 A-1-LVLS.ZIP 274,2 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
These auts levels are made by : Terminator and Demolition Man Finished : 11.01.1997
40031 A-2-LVLS.ZIP 207,8 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
These auts levels are made by : Terminator and Demolition Man Finished : 15.01.1997
40032 A-3-LVLS.ZIP 333,5 kt 30.07.1997 - - -
auts levels made by : Terminator and Demolition Man. Finished : 01.06.1997
40035 ACESHIGH.ZIP 15,8 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): Aces High
40040 AFK.ZIP 67,1 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Argentina Track
40041 AFTERMTH.ZIP 41,3 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Aftermath
40042 AIRBATTL.ZIP 9,3 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): airbattle
40043 AIRPORT1.ZIP 52,9 kt 11.03.1997 - 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso -
Duke Nukem 3D: Airport (Single Player, DukeMatch).
40050 ANASAZIR.ZIP 22,9 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Anasazi Raceway
40053 ARENA11.ZIP 84,7 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Battle Arena
40056 ARM.ZIP 35,1 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Armadillo Arena
40061 ASERALLY.ZIP 262,1 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): *Asesino Rally*
40062 ASSAULT.ZIP 3,5 kt 26.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Assault -DukeMatch. 2-8 players.
40075 AVMA.ZIP 6,3 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): AVMA Arena
40077 AW_LVPK1.ZIP 486,7 kt 02.06.1998 renamed Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 -
- Assault Wing LEVELPACK #1 - - works with AWING 1.1beta  - contains 4 new levels for you to fly around and kill your friends. 1) Pirates 2) CandyLand 3) Freetime 4) The-Arena - greedy boys shall die!    -
40078 AXLHIRES.ZIP 209,2 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Ax-Ls Badlands"
40080 BACKWATR.ZIP 320,6 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Backwater
40081 BANDMISS.ZIP 28,9 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): HF Arena
40083 BDEADLEV.ZIP 19,2 kt 02.03.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Wings levels: Braindead BBS. Huolella tehty jakso Wingssiin, virallinen Braindead BBS:n jakso... Todella pelattava ja hauska. Toimii kaikissa Wingssin versioissa.
40085 BEEHIVE.ZIP 43,6 kt 18.10.1997 - 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar -
I76 Track(s): BeeHive
40086 BENT.ZIP 76,9 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Bent Springs
40087 BER.ZIP 2,5 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Berserker
40088 BESTLEVS.ZIP 662,9 kt 02.04.1998 - MBHH1999 -
 * OY AB Abinatuotandon *   parhaat WINGS levelit Tähän pakettiin kerätty kaikki parhaat OY AB Abi- natuotandon kentät... mukana mm: _YÖ, _MÖRKÖ, _Ö, _ABINA ja selitysteksi    http://WWW.SICOM.FI/MP/OY
40091 BF_THUD.ZIP 1,1 Mt 15.02.1995 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
29 uutta kenttää yhdessä WADissa DOOM2:een.
40090 BFS.ZIP 24,9 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): BFS Arena
40092 BGFHELL2.ZIP 41 kt 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso tupla
Doom WAD: BDG 9000 Hell v. 2.0 - Deathmatch
40096 BIGFUNMB.ZIP 2,4 kt 12.05.1997 - - -
Neljä laadukasta Mine Bombers rataa.
40098 BLIZJARO.ZIP 103,5 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Blizamenjaro
40099 BLOODB.ZIP 71,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Blood Bowl
40100 BLUE.ZIP 25,4 kt 25.06.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Yksi uusi kenttä Rocket Chaseen versioon 1.1. Tehnyt Joonas Hakkarainen.
40102 BNC.ZIP 56,9 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Bash n Crash
40103 BORDER.ZIP 111,4 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): BorderTown, TX
40105 BOUNCY.ZIP 60,5 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Bouncy-Bouncy
40110 BS-WLEV1.ZIP 106,7 kt 16.10.1997 - - -
Black Shadow presents couple of COOL levels TO WINGS  - HELL - Under World   LEVEL size: XL Year: 1997
40111 BS-WLEV2.ZIP 118,1 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
JUNGLE-Wings level by Black Shadow. There are waterfalls,alligators, secret temple,caves,villages, secret places... Level size = XXL Year = 1997
40112 BS-WLEV3.ZIP 47,1 kt 08.12.1997 - - -
FOUR-by Black Shadow & Tradigators. A great Wings level. It contains four different worlds in the same level -> Heaven, Forest, Hell and ICE World. Year = 1997, size = XL
40114 BURGER.ZIP 84,5 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Burger Run!
40138 C_RUN.ZIP 552,3 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Cannonball Run
40116 C10.ZIP 23,9 kt 27.04.1997 - 24115/PCGAMER Disc 2.8 SEPT 1996.iso -
Descent 2 level: Crossfire! 1.0 Single Player:Yup CO-OP:If you want Anarchy:NO KIDDING!
40117 CACTJACK.ZIP 62,6 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Cactus Jacks"
40118 CAN1.ZIP 168,5 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): CANYON FUN 1
40120 CANYON.ZIP 33,4 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Ginochiuffalo
40119 CANYONB.ZIP 190,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Canyon Wars
40123 CFRW100.ZIP 62,1 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): CF-Raceway
40124 CHASEB.ZIP 23,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Chase
40125 CHINA.ZIP 107 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): China Bowl
40130 COMODE.ZIP 128,3 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Yodas Comode"
40131 COMPJMPS.ZIP 180,1 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): Comp Jumps
40134 CORPRATE.ZIP 3,7 kt 21.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: DukeMatch Level
40135 CRANIUM.ZIP 324,7 kt 11.08.1997 renamed nitro404.com -
"!CRANIUM PACK FOR DUKE3D! Lots of new levelsepisodes art and music! For good Duke3d action you need this! Its easy! Just unzip CRANIUM.ZIP to your Duke3d directory and playit! >>> by Juha Toivokoski"
40136 CRENSHAW.ZIP 37,2 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Crenshaw Night
40137 CROSS.ZIP 61,7 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): CrossRoads
40146 D3GRVYRD.ZIP 171,3 kt 02.03.1997 - - -
DUKE3D "Hell-Hell-Rock\'n\'Roll" Level (IBM) This is Gravyard MAP by my ingenious little friend Stefan Michel, who already brought you Jeopardy MAP! It\'s the first MAP of the "Hell-Hell -Rock\'n\'Roll" trilogy, in which DUKE gets mad to find his girlfriend in hell. Afterwards he makes his trip into heaven. Features: Ride two hearses, great for Dukematch! Visit a not-so-holy church and walk on it\'s roof! New Sounds. You can read tombstones, ring the church bells, hear the
40149 DANTE.ZIP 17,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
"I76 Track(s): Dantes Pit"
40151 DBLTRBL.ZIP 15,1 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Double Trouble
40152 DBOWL.ZIP 4,2 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Death Bowl
40155 DCITY.ARJ 8,4 kt 24.06.1997 - - -
Death City for Duke Nukem 3D             Hienohko dukematch leveli, jossa on metro ja pari kerrostaloa. Levelissä on silta kahden kerrostalon välissä. Tehnyt: Mikko Ziegler
40156 DCMAP.ZIP 12 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
Tässä olis hyvä duke3d mappi. vihollisia on aika kivasti. olen tehnyt tähän rutuun metron ja tämä ruutu on kaupunki mainen. Tästä ruudusta löytyy muutakin kivaa.                 PY: jones
40157 DDERBY.ZIP 22,1 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Destructo Derby
40158 DEADLY.ZIP 3,7 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
D E A D L Y Duke Nukem 3D kenttä. Moninpeliin tarkoitettu hieno kenttä. 8 pelaajan seassa tuskin selviät kauaa hengissä. Kokeile! By: Juho Vilska 1997 Piippo Software Productions
40160 DEEP.ZIP 47,9 kt 03.09.1997 - - -
Deep Blood Duke3d map Made by Juha Toivokoski
40163 DEMLDERB.ZIP 7,9 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): DemolitionDerby
40164 DEMOLISH.ZIP 12,1 kt 21.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D: Demolish for Duke 3d (DukeMatch)
40166 DEMONIUM.ARJ 61,9 kt 24.03.1995 - - tupla
"My own Wad to doom2! Bash your way through the Demonium... Demons are here...The gates are open...can you stopem... Tekijä:Tommi Mäkelä =>Asmodeus"
40182 DESPLATM.ZIP 3,6 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Desert Platform
40183 DESRET.ZIP 134,4 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): The Desret
40184 DESTORM.ZIP 98,4 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): DESERT STORM
40188 DEVIL.ZIP 341,5 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Devils Bluff"
40196 DIAMMB.ZIP 733 tavua 07.04.1997 - - -
Muutama Mine Bombersin kenttää, joista saa TODELLA paljon rahaa ja lisäelämiä. Versiot yksin, kaksin, kolmin- ja nelinpeliin. By Juho Östman & Ville Huuskonen
40198 DING13D.ZIP 23,7 kt 17.09.1997 - gamers.org -
D I N G   1 3 D Keskiaika tyylinen Duke Nukem 3D kenttä, joka lukeutuu Suomen parhaimpiin!! Laadukas moninpelikenttä jossa koet elämäsi huikeimmat deathmatchit. Huikea toteutus sekä kauniit rakennukset. Hienot varjostukset, sekä todella aidontuntuinen. By: Juho Vilska 1997 Piippo Software Productions
40209 DMRUN.ZIP 41,1 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Dead Mans Run
40216 DN_ARN2.ARJ 53,5 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
ARENA ruutu Duke Nukem 3D:hen Loistava moninpeli ruutu. Tekijä: Teemu Hiltunen
40214 DNAH.ARJ 11,5 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
"Duke Needs A Hamburger" - Taso duke nukemiin (tehty duke 3d atomic editionin buildilla) Erittäin laadukas ja haastava ja sisältää hyviä yksityiskohtia. Vain ja ainoastaan single player peliin (Multiplayer versio tulossa) Tekijä: Joona Tormas
40215 DNAMBU.ZIP 7,9 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: DukeMatch level Ambushed
40217 DNBEST.ZIP 152,8 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
"Duke Nukem 3D: Best Of Duke Levels  This here is a collection of the cream of the cropthe finest Duke  Nukem user levels money CANT buy.  And Ill tell you why money cant buy them; Theyre Free!  Thats rightyou may keep these levels at NO  OBLIGATION.  Because thats how the business goesbaby! -Ike Turner PS: I have included maker documentation wherever possible."
40218 DNMOTE22.ZIP 362,5 kt 25.07.1997 - - -
Tässä on erittäin hieno Duke Nukem 3D 1.3 rata. Mukana on omia hienoja kuvia, ja erittäin tarkasti höystettyjä yksityiskohtia. (tämä todellakin poikkeaa muista radoista)
40223 DOOMKEEP.ZIP 75,4 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Doom Keep
40226 DOOMRACE.ZIP 302,3 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Doom Race
40230 DOOMVLLY.ZIP 228,8 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Doom Valley
40232 DRAG.ZIP 145,5 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Drag Race 69
40231 DRAGCOMP.ZIP 32,9 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Drag Comp.
40233 DROP.ZIP 5,9 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Drop
40237 DSTRIKE.ZIP 335,8 kt 27.09.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D Level: Alien Attack By Chris Ackerman - Best For Single-Multiplayer Game
40238 DTF-LEV.ZIP 30,3 kt 08.05.1996 - - tupla
DemoTeam Finlandia presents: - þ AUTS þ Levelpack v.1.0 4 GREAT different type Levels
40253 DUKE-MB3.ZIP 54 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
40241 DUKEMA10.ZIP 499,7 kt 25.01.1997 - - -
40254 DUKEMIX1.ZIP 88,6 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
40256 DUKEMP10.ZIP 112,6 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D levels: Alleys (Alleys02) DukeMatch level Aquarium World (aquarium.map) 1/dukelevel Whitehouse Invasion (WHTHOUSE.MAP) Dukematch
40257 DUKEPAC.ZIP 140,2 kt 15.02.1997 - - -
Collection of some Duke Nukem 3d levels: ID4,RADIO,GT2,SLUMMI,GETOUT!,NUKEM and BATTLE MADE BY: Junior, Nightwolf, Hönö COLLECTED BY: Junior -97-
40258 DUSKDUEL.ZIP 7,5 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Dusk Duel
40259 DVBASH.ZIP 17,6 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): DV BASH
40262 EASTERX.ZIP 130,5 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): EasterX
40263 ELIM1B.ZIP 4,1 kt 18.10.1997 - 22651/cd joystick No84 juillet aout 1997.iso -
I76 Track(s): Elimination
40266 ER_GP.ZIP 21,6 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): ER Grand Prix
40267 ER_XDRAG.ZIP 24,4 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): ER Extreme Drag
40268 ESCAPE1.ZIP 43,9 kt 01.09.1997 - - -
Duke nukem 3d: Vankila pako jossa sinun täytyy karata planeetalta pois mukana kaikkea yllätyksiä ja vaikeita taistoja Tekijä: jani kujansuu
40275 FAULT.ZIP 218 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): Samadri Fault
40277 FIGURE8.ZIP 52,1 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Figure 8 Track
40278 FII76MAP.ZIP 921,2 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): FI Hideout Night, Raceway 360, FI Hideout Day
40279 FIRECITY.ZIP 6,2 kt 29.06.1997 - - -
FIRECITY a level for worms united and rein- forkements pai Ozo97. Hassu & Outo. Not sou mats diiteils.
40280 FIREPIT.ZIP 271,5 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Fire Pit
40281 FIST1_1.ZIP 83,8 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): FotNS Kata 1.1
40282 FOOSE3.ZIP 639,8 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
40286 FRAPPE.ZIP 180,8 kt 18.10.1997 - 24021/1998-05_Disc_3.14.bin -
I76 Track(s): Frappe Rally
40287 FTRACK.ZIP 195,2 kt 18.10.1997 - 24021/1998-05_Disc_3.14.bin -
I76 Track(s): FunkTrack
40288 FUNKA.ZIP 45,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
"I76 Track(s): Funkmens Arena"
40289 FUNKYRID.ZIP 97,7 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Funky Ride
40290 GAUNTLET.ZIP 43,5 kt 18.10.1997 - 22651/cd joystick No84 juillet aout 1997.iso -
"I76 Track(s): Dells Gauntlet"
40291 GCIS.ZIP 31,8 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): GCI Speedway
40293 GHOSTTWN.ZIP 185,6 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Ghost Town
40297 GLAD.ZIP 73,6 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Gladitorus
40300 GRINDER.ZIP 86,2 kt 18.10.1997 - 22651/cd joystick No84 juillet aout 1997.iso -
I76 Track(s): The Grinder
40301 GROOVECH.ZIP 54,5 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): GrooveChasm
40302 GROUNDBK.ZIP 67,9 kt 28.04.1997 - 24115/PCGAMER Disc 2.8 SEPT 1996.iso -
Descent II level: Ground Breaker E-mail Address       : Compuserve 76022,1605 medium sized level designed for  multi-player or single play mode.
40303 GUIDO11.ZIP 38,9 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): Ramp o Rama
40304 GUMBALL.ZIP 121,7 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Gumball Rally
40306 HAPPYJOY.ZIP 1 Mt 15.01.1998 - - -
WORMS2 äänipaketti Beavis& Butthead ja Ren Stimpy äänistä. Mukana suomenkieliset ohjeet asennukseen. (C) Mikael Muurinen
40307 HAUTSL_2.ARJ 73,3 kt 03.12.1995 - - tupla
HAUTSL_2.ARJ (3.12.1995) Odotettu jatko-osa HAUTSLEV.ZIPille. Sisältää levelit BANANAZ, FANHOUSE, HEAVHELL, OTTELU ja PERUS. Tyyli on lähellä ensimmäisen paketin Hautis1:tä koska laamat vain valittivat niistä "viherpallokentistä" :( (c) Hautis/NCU
40309 HAVEN11.ZIP 63,4 kt 18.10.1997 - 24021/1998-05_Disc_3.14.bin -
I76 Track(s): NEW HAVEN 1.1
40311 HELLS8.ZIP 14,9 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
"I76 Track(s): Hells Eight"
40314 HESA1.ZIP 22,8 kt 03.10.1997 - - -
======!Hyvä Rata Dukeen!====== Kaupunkirata, jossa on cinema, hotelli, baari ja muuta hauskaa. Erittäin hyvä Dukemacth rata. Tehnyt:Jarkko Asplund (kommentit ovat tervetulleita)
40322 HEXLIGHT.ZIP 1 kt 15.02.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HEXlight level for Hexen
40323 HEXLV1.ZIP 194,7 kt 25.05.1997 - - -
Hexen - two new levels: Hexen: Mission Arrgh (HEXMISS.WAD) Lair of Thieves (HEXTHIEF.WAD)
40327 HFI76MAP.ZIP 131,1 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): HF Home Town, HF Arena, HF Raceway
40328 HGP.ZIP 21,3 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): HighGround Park
40329 HIDEKIL.ZIP 72,4 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): HideNKill"
40330 HIDESEEK.ZIP 35,1 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Hide_N_Seek
40331 HIHHULI.ZIP 34,2 kt 04.08.1997 - - -
Hihhuli.map on todella hieno Duke Nukem 3D ruutu! Hihhulissa ei kuitenkaan valitettavasti vielä ole moninpeli mahdollisuutta. Sopivasti ÖrBelÖItÄ, ja hienoja mestoja :) Myös salamestoja löytyy.                      -Uploaded By RaKki
40332 HITECHMB.ZIP 1,4 kt 10.06.1997 - - -
Kolme uutta hi-tech rataa Mine Bombersiin. Jatkoa bigfunmb.zip ja origmbl.zip paketeille.
40334 HONK45.ZIP 48,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Honk .45!
40336 HOUSEDOM.ZIP 20,3 kt 19.04.1996 - - tupla
Doom2 Deatmatch lisäkenttä jossa on talo ja siinä pieniä käytäviä, suuria aukioita...
40339 HWY0.ZIP 57,7 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): Highway Zero
40343 HXTHVS.ZIP 125,5 kt 27.03.1997 - - -
40349 IMP_YA.ZIP 30,3 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
YELLOW ALERT for DUKE NUKEM 3D: Cool add-on for Duke3D, it makes the game harder and adds LOTS of new things to the game. made by: Antti Takala, Impulse/The Damned
40350 INTERCPT.ZIP 81 kt 18.10.1997 - 24021/1998-05_Disc_3.14.bin -
I76 Track(s): IntercptPursuit
40354 IRONCNYN.ZIP 187 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Iron Canyon
40355 ISA.ZIP 3,9 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Iron Skull
40360 JMAPS.ZIP 61,7 kt 13.08.1997 - - -
Dukeen neljä mappia By jani koponen! Cop.map : tehtävasi on valloittaa alien city 2bases.map : Death Match. hyvä! kaksi beissiä Dmcity.map : Deatmatch city. iso areena! Hotel.map : alienit on vallannut hotellin. valtaa se! vaikeus tasot.
40361 JMP&RACE.ZIP 128,1 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Jump NRace"
40362 JNMAPS.ZIP 25 kt 07.04.1997 - - -
Tässä ois 3 hyvää duke nukem 3d mappia. Kaikista mapeista löytyy viholliset. BIOCITY ja E1L8 on kaupuki maisia mappeja ja POISON on karu, mutta sieltä löytyy päävastus ja tietenkin muuta hauskaa.                 PY: jones
40363 JOAD.ZIP 108,3 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Tom Joad Valley
40365 JOUST.ZIP 129,2 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Joust
40366 JRCLEVS.ZIP 40 kt 01.06.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Kaksi tasoa Rocket Chaseen. Piirtänyt Joonas Hakkarainen. Tasot on konvertoitu versioon 1.1. Toimivat myös shareware-versiossa.
40367 JUMP1P1.ZIP 104,9 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): The Long Jump
40368 JUPEMNE.ARJ 8,1 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
9 kappaletta ratoja MineBombers-peliin. Made by Petri Järvinen ja Jussi Multanen. Yhteystiedot: Petri Järvinen : email: paukku.jarvinen@mbnet.fi tai jarpetvi@ MbNetissä: Paukku Järvinen Jussi Multanen: email: muljuspe@naakka.vlk.fi Ratojen kuvaukset( epämääräiset tosin ): Norm.mne = Aivan tuiki normaalirata. Ei todel
40371 KABLEV.ZIP 1,1 Mt 28.10.1997 - MBHH1998 -
KABOOM LEVEL PACK #1 Sisältää 8 tasokasta tasoa KaBoomiin (ainakin v0.56).
40370 KABLEVD2.ZIP 760,9 kt 11.03.1997 - MBHH1998 -
KaBoom level disk #2 for KaBoom v0.57!! These levels are for REGISTERED people only, and will not WORK in the SW-version. Please register..
40372 KABSHIP1.ZIP 54,9 kt 28.10.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Apinalauma, Inc. esittää: KaBoom Ship Pack #1 15 erilaista alusta (mm. Original AUTS, Enterprise, Teräsmies jne.) KaBoomiin. ApinalaumA laatua vm. 1997
40373 KEISARI3.MAP 24,5 kt 10.06.1997 - - -
Keisari3 on mahtava dukematch areena ruutu, aika pieni mutta paljon aseita ja kivoja ansoja. Antti&toffe tuotantoa!!!
40374 KENTAT.ZIP 10,7 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
Parikymmentä itsetehtyä Mine Bombers kenttää. Toimii ainakin ver. 3.11. Huolella tehnyt: Jouko Vesterinen
40375 KINOHILL.ZIP 54,2 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
"I76 Track(s): King OHill"
40377 KOH.ZIP 28,1 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): King of Hill
40379 LA_RIVER.ZIP 64,3 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): La River
40378 LARD!.ZIP 18,5 kt 01.12.1997 - - -
L A A R D I  Duke3d Leveli vailla vertaansa! Kutkuttavan mukava taso muuttuukin yhtäkkiä tappavaksi viemäriksi, alieneiden suurhyökkäykseksi, taktiikkaväistelyiksi, vesiputouksiksi, pimeiksi kellareiksi tai muuksi yhtä kammottavaksi! Tunne nyt kaikki tämä!
40380 LASTWAR.ZIP 9,3 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
One Duke Nukem 3D user map by : Junior
40385 LOSTDUKE.ZIP 296,3 kt 22.07.1997 - - -
The Lost Duke Episodes TC by Mark Hadley. The 3 Lost Episodes of Duke Nukem, way back when he was still working for the CIA (see Duke Nukem I). Apparently, before the fight with Dr. Proton, he had fought off an alien invasion of Earth (though more in secrecy), the selfsame ones that tried again later during Duke Nukem 3D.
40386 LUCKYRAC.ZIP 198,2 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): RACE
40387 LUCKYT.ZIP 225,4 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): LUCKY
40390 MARGVILL.ZIP 233,4 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Margaritaville
40397 MAYD_MAP.ZIP 44,4 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
MAYDAY.MAP Duke3d User level A overrun space station. Works in Single player, Co-operative and DukeMatch. Lots of secrets. Author: Mika Hirvonen
40396 MAYD2.ZIP 44,4 kt 25.01.1997 - - -
MAYDAY.MAP Bugfixed version A overrun space station, works in single player, co-op and dukematch. Difficulty levels. Lots of secrets and traps. Author Mika Hirvonen
40398 MB2LEVEL.ARJ 39,6 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
Tasoja MineBomberssiin.
40400 MBLEVELS.ZIP 3,5 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
MineBombers levels by Hi-T.E.K.
40403 MBLEVS.ZIP 15,7 kt 31.01.1997 - - -
Minebombers levels by: Toivokoski juha
40401 MBLEVS2.ZIP 8,6 kt 02.02.1997 - - -
Minebombers ratoja versioon 3.11 Radat ovat hyviä, laadukkaita, vaivalla tehtyjä! Ensimmäinen osa radoista: mblevs.zip by: Joonas (muttei Moilanen)
40402 MBLEVS3.ZIP 25,3 kt 05.03.1997 - - -
Minebombers ratoja jatkoa edellisille, testattu hyvin tuloksin! By: Joonas Moilanen & Juha Toivokoski
40404 MBLP1.ZIP 14,8 kt 03.10.1997 - - -
MineBombers Level Pack vol 1. 16 Strategista kenttää versiolle 3.11
40405 MBMOI.ARJ 7,1 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
Mine bombersiin 10 uutta MOI rataa
40406 MBNET_MB.ZIP 1,4 kt 02.12.1997 - - -
Epävirallinen MBnet miinakenttä Skitso Productions:in Mine Bombersiin. *** Disma Workshop ***
40407 MBPACK1.ZIP 2,4 kt 12.04.1998 - - -
Mine Bombers -peliin kenttiä.
40408 MBSUPER.ARJ 204,9 kt 29.06.1997 - - -
Huippu pakkaus Minebomberssiin!!! 292 huippua tasoa! Ker{nnyt: Markus Strandvall
40409 MEANER.ZIP 12,2 kt 20.04.1997 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Rott: MEANER is a 7-level course, and hopeful lives up to its name. The first level is pret basic, but things get better (and tougher) wi each succeeding level.
40411 MESALOBO.ZIP 109,6 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Mesa del Lobo
40412 MHMAPS.ZIP 18,2 kt 07.04.1997 - - -
Tässä ois hyvä duke3d mappi: ufoattax.map TÄmä mappi muistuttaa minun kotikylää. Täällä on hulluja vihollisia jotka muistuttavat minua ja perhettäni!          PY. MATTI HENTTONEN
40418 MINE.RCL 43,4 kt 29.10.1997 repacked MBHH1998 -
Mine-niminen kenttä Rocket Chaseen versioon 1.1.Tehnyt:Janne Nyman ja Petri Julkunen.
40416 MINE0001.ARJ 4,3 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
Lisäkenttiä MineBombers-peliin. By Jukka Keisala
40417 MINELEVS.ZIP 3,4 kt 12.05.1997 - - -
Kolme hyvää minebombers kenttää.         Tekijänä: T.R Skenaariot 1997
40419 MINERSRI.ZIP 99,1 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Miners Ridge
40421 MISSION.ZIP 78,6 kt 07.04.1997 - - -
EPISODI Duke 3d:hen Kolme kenttää ja midejä. T: Tuomas Kokki/Lauri Kokki
40426 MNEPACK1.ZIP 8,9 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Mine Pack 1 -  6+1 Loistavaa monipelaaja kenttää MineBombersiin. 6 + 1 - disma workshop 1997
40427 MNET.ZIP 16,8 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Mine Bombers kaivoksia (tai mitä onkaan...) Tosi hyviä!! Kaikki kehuu!! Muuten on tehty taidolla. Näissä on jippoja yms. paljon. Pelin hohto palaa kun näitä pelaa! (jos se johonki on kadonnu...) WAU! Jos et tykkää ni hullu oot! Vaihtelua!
40431 MODLAND.ZIP 47,5 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): modland5
40432 MOTORX.ZIP 176,7 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): MotorX
40434 MTNPASS.ZIP 254,3 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): Mountain Pass
40439 NEWAD.ZIP 36,1 kt 07.01.1995 - - tupla
"Finally!!! A NEW Level for Doom II!      After hours of work I have put together a nice and challenging Death Match Level for Doom .. Now you dont have to play the lame (for DeathMatches) levels included with D when you want to kill your pal! Note: Revised Doom2dm1.wad 10-03-94 4:35p Improves performance with new Reject map data"
40440 NIGHTMER.ZIP 128,8 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Nightmeer, NV
40442 NIRV.ZIP 11,1 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Nirvana - 2-8 pelaajan Dukematch kenttä. Tässä kentässä refleksit ovat tärkein aseesi...
40446 OAK100.ZIP 305,6 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Oak County
40447 OAOWORLD.ZIP 86,9 kt 11.03.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Wings level: OaoWorld. Hieno kenttä wingsiin, vaatiin 1.20 version. Kooltaan 900 x 900, joten tilaa riittää. By OAO productions.
40448 OBRACE.ZIP 20,4 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Obstical Race
40450 OFFROAD.ZIP 282,6 kt 18.10.1997 - 22651/cd joystick No84 juillet aout 1997.iso -
I76 Track(s): Offroad
40451 OMEGAWAD.ZIP 61,7 kt 07.01.1995 - - tupla
Omega II - Doom 2 WAD
40452 ONELEVS.ZIP 87 kt 11.03.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Wings levels: Onelevs. Viisi uutta kenttää Wingsiin, tekijänä Doctor MAD.
40454 ORIGMBL.ZIP 7 kt 30.05.1997 - - -
Tosi hienoja ja laadukkaita Mine Bombers ratoja. Jatkoa bigfunmb.zip ratapaketille.
40455 OSELEV02.ZIP 44,6 kt 02.03.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Wings 1.20 levels: Kolme CUULIA Kenttää. Oseworld, melko iso kenttä, sisältää myös vettä. Kivat värit. Oseisle, leveä kenttä jossa on saari täynnä koloja ja tunneleita. Kunnon ACTION kenttä! Osefoun, pystysuora valtava kenttä, jossa torpedot jyllää, ja putoukset kohisee.
40456 OSELEV03.ZIP 19 kt 02.03.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Wings 1.20 levels: Kolme Uutta Kenttää. Nämä kentät ovat minikenttiä, eli hyvin pieniä, joissa ei pelkureilla ole varaa mennä piiloon. Starsky, kentistä kaikkein suurin (314x180). Blump, outo psykoille tarkoitettu kenttä (200x150). Fog, kaikkein pienin kenttä, ei pakoteitä! (157x90)
40457 OTTO.ZIP 266,9 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Ottos Escape"
40458 OUTO.RCL 74,2 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
Taas uusi kenttä Rocket Chaseen..
40460 OVAL.ZIP 16,3 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Oval-O-Death
40463 PENTAGON.ZIP 543,5 kt 07.04.1997 - - -
Pentagon kenttä Duke3d:hen. Mukana uusia grafiikoita Dukeen.
40464 PERISH.ZIP 243,1 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Perish Heights
40466 PGH11.ZIP 55,2 kt 18.10.1997 - 24021/1998-05_Disc_3.14.bin -
I76 Track(s): Pgh Mem RaceW
40468 PICCALL.ZIP 12,3 kt 01.12.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D Map: T.V.C.C BY  Henri Falkstedt. Single/dukematch/ coop-level. The level is somekind of a transport vehicle checking center, in which people can check out- or incoming transport vehicle traffic.
40469 PIKE.ZIP 267,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
"I76 Track(s): Pikes Peak"
40470 PITDUEL.ZIP 2,4 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): The Pit
40472 PMRW.ZIP 34,1 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Potman Raceway
40474 POP.ZIP 12,6 kt 18.10.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
I76 Track(s): Pit of Pain
40476 PRISNEW.ZIP 38,6 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Prison Complex
40478 PSYKO_O.ZIP 18,1 kt 01.04.1997 - - -
Wings level: Psyko!. Hieno kenttä Wingsiin, vain psykoille. Toimii kaikissa versioissa. By Rolling Demon.
40479 QUADPLAY.ZIP 163,5 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Quad Play
40487 R_AMER01.ZIP 422,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Rural America
40480 R666.ZIP 438,5 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Route 666
40481 RACE1A.ZIP 169 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): Snow Summit
40482 RACEFANS.ZIP 180,5 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): RaceFans
40483 RADAT1.ZIP 6,3 kt 15.02.1997 - - -
Muutama hyvin tehty rata Mine Bomberssiin!!!
40484 RAGECO.ZIP 269,7 kt 18.10.1997 - 22651/cd joystick No84 juillet aout 1997.iso -
I76 Track(s): Rage County
40485 RALLYRCN.ZIP 249,1 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Rally Racin
40486 RALLYV.ZIP 98,6 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Rally valley
40488 RAMPHQ.ZIP 57,4 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Guidos Ramp HQ"
40489 RAT.ZIP 54 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Rats Nest"
40490 RAVAGED.ZIP 124,3 kt 18.10.1997 - 24021/1998-05_Disc_3.14.bin -
I76 Track(s): Ravaged Lands
40493 RCBALLS.ZIP 112,7 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
Taso Rocket Chaseen.
40496 RCL_ICE.ZIP 243,8 kt 22.11.1997 - MBHH1998 -
Land Of Ice - laaja taso Rocket Chasen 1.1 versioon.
40495 RCLAVA.ZIP 45,6 kt 21.02.1998 - - -
A level for Rocket Chase (not for v1.0).
40502 RHEAVEN.ZIP 73,7 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Racers heaven"
40503 ROADRACE.ZIP 233,9 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Road Racin!
40504 ROD.ZIP 173,7 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): City of Rod
40506 ROLL.ZIP 54,3 kt 18.10.1997 - 24021/1998-05_Disc_3.14.bin -
I76 Track(s): Rolling Fields
40505 ROLLERCS.ZIP 126,7 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Rollercoaster
40507 RRUN100.ZIP 215,2 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Roscoes Run"
40508 SAGUAROC.ZIP 158,2 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Saguaro Canyon
40509 SATAN_1.ZIP 5,8 kt 21.07.1997 - - -
SatanHauska leveli Duke Nukem 3D:hen. Tätä ei ole  alunperinkään suunniteltu hienoksi, 
joten sellaista onkin turha odottaa. Itse pelasin  levelin läpi peri kertaa, ja ainakin 
minulla oli hauskaa ;)  By Juha Toivokoski.
40510 SATAN_2.ZIP 50,6 kt 11.08.1997 - - -
>Satan#2, the awesome Duke level< Jatkoa vanhemmalle SATAN#1:lle, tässä maassa on kuitenkin enemmän yksityiskohtia (efektit) ja salareita, löydätkö kaikki? Tällä kertaa Ufot ovat pesiytyneet maan- alaiseen bunkkeriin, ja sinun tulee tappaa ne kaikki.
40513 SDEATH.ZIP 7,1 kt 15.07.1997 - - -
Worms Reincforcements kenttä: Sudden Death
40514 SEMAP1.ZIP 113,5 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): SE Facility
40515 SFMAPS.ZIP 1,1 Mt 16.03.1997 - - -
"Duke Levels: Total Entertainment Networks Duke Nukem Level Design Contest Semi-Finalist Level Pack. Here is a bundle of some of the best user-created levels anyones ever seendesigned for Dukematching."
40516 SHADOW41.ZIP 75,2 kt 28.04.1997 - 24013/1996-08_Disc_2.7.iso -
Descent II: The Shadow Lands v4.1 level Author: Christopher Butcher Made with: Devil V2.10a Four small anarchy levels, NO invuls and NO earthshakers!
40517 SHOVE.ZIP 1,5 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Shove Off
40519 SKULL1-1.ZIP 19 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Skull Arena 1.1
40520 SKYRACE.ZIP 61,7 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Sky Race
40521 SLALOM.ZIP 75,8 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Slalom
40523 SLIXMINE.ZIP 6,4 kt 15.07.1997 - - -
"--==|| Kaksi SlicksN Slide rataa sekä yksi Mine Bombers rataa. Mahdollisuus tilata SlicksN Slide tai Mine Bombers ratoja."
40524 SLIXMODE.ZIP 21,6 kt 10.06.1997 - - -
Tosi hyviä ja laadukkaita Slicks ratoja. Tekijä sama kuin Mine Bombers ratapakettien tekijä. (BIGFUNMB.ZIP, ORIGMBL.ZIP ja HITECHMB.ZIP)
40525 SNAKRALY.ZIP 12,6 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Snake Rally
40527 SNOWRALL.ZIP 51,4 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): SNOW RALLY2
40530 SPACEST.ZIP 54,6 kt 15.07.1997 - - -
DUKE NUKEM 3D MAP Space Station Isohko uusi leveli dukeen. Yksin- ja moninpeli mahdollisuus.
40539 STEEPLE.ZIP 28,6 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Steeple Chase
40540 STUNT1.ZIP 4,9 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): Stunt Race-1
40541 SUPERIT.ZIP 162,3 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
Mine Bombers kenttiä n.215 kpl. kokoelma kerännyt: Jouko Vesterinen
40542 SUPERTRK.ZIP 402,7 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Super Track
40543 SURGE.ZIP 44 kt 18.10.1997 - 24021/1998-05_Disc_3.14.bin -
I76 Track(s): Surge!
40545 SVILLE.ZIP 19,7 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): starkville
40546 SWDRAG.ZIP 28,3 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): SW Drag Complex
40548 T2029MAP.ZIP 1,7 kt 13.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
Maps for Terminator 2029
40553 TACO.ZIP 327,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
"I76 Track(s): R76: Episode 1"
40550 TACO2.ZIP 397,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
"I76 Track(s): R76: Episode 2"
40551 TACO3.ZIP 284,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
"I76 Track(s): R76 Episode 3"
40552 TACOFINL.ZIP 25,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
"I76 Track(s): R76: Final Msn"
40555 TDRAG.ZIP 26,3 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): TallahasseeDrag
40556 TELIGOLF.ZIP 29,9 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
"Supreme Duke3d multiplayer map. This map is REALLY something else. by:SordLegTRY ITyoull like it."
40558 TEMPE.ZIP 18,6 kt 18.10.1997 - 24021/1998-05_Disc_3.14.bin -
I76 Track(s): Tempe  Elim
40557 TEMPELE2.ZIP 26,4 kt 15.07.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3d Leveli parhaasta päästä! Laadukasta rytinää sekä yksinpelinä, että Dukematchina. Sekoile vanhassa autiomaatemppelissä. Kelpo hupia.
40559 TESTYMP.ZIP 236,7 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
"I76 Track(s): Breeze CreekLake OGDrededs Pass"
40560 TEURAS.ZIP 2,5 kt 24.06.1997 - - -
TEURASTAMO Duke Nukem 3D kenttä. Jälleen kerran Piippo Software Productions reväyttää murhanhimoisten liipasinsormen. Et ole aikaisemmin nähnyt näin paljon verta, teurastettavaa ja ruumiinosia. Avaa ovesi verilöylyyn, OTA TÄMÄ!
40562 THABEAST.ZIP 132,2 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): ThA BeAsT
40563 THEARENA.ZIP 11,3 kt 29.05.1997 - - -
"- The Arena - Descent 2 anarchy/cooperative level. (c) Reaper Team97"
40564 THECHASE.ZIP 84,3 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): The Chase
40565 THECHASM.ZIP 94,9 kt 18.10.1997 - 22651/cd joystick No84 juillet aout 1997.iso -
I76 Track(s): The Chasm
40566 THEHIGHL.ZIP 26 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): thehighlands
40567 THEKEEP.ZIP 5,2 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): The Keep
40568 THEPIPE.ZIP 203,9 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): the PIPE
40570 TILTTI6.ZIP 13,6 kt 07.04.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D - lisäkenttä! made by: -=HiFi=-
40571 TILTTI7.ZIP 15,3 kt 23.06.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D - lisäkenttä Lähes legendaarisen maineen saavuttaneen Tiltti6.map:n UPEA jatko-osa! Made By: -=HiFi=- Copyright protected
40573 TMESAS.ZIP 518,6 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Twin Mesas, TX
40576 TOWN.ZIP 12 kt 03.10.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
"-=pB=- Kaupunkimaisemiin toteutettu Duken taso. Tarkoitettu D-Matchiinmutta toimii yksinpelinä. Tekijänä Juhana Lehtinen / pB97"
40578 TRENCH.ZIP 69 kt 18.10.1997 - 22651/cd joystick No84 juillet aout 1997.iso -
I76 Track(s): Trench War
40577 TRENCHEZ.ZIP 215,8 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Da Trenchez!
40579 TRESTLE.ZIP 73,4 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Trestle Town
40580 TS.ZIP 29,4 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Twin Spires
40582 TWIST.ZIP 363,1 kt 18.10.1997 - 21972/PowerPlay0697.iso -
I76 Track(s): Twister
40583 U2.ZIP 62,2 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
A Level to Duke3d v 1.5 and 1.7  MaDe by: ZiG/Dragon Crew
40586 UMTR.ZIP 52,2 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): U.M.T.R
40590 URANIUM.ZIP 1,5 Mt 22.07.1997 versio 1.0 gamers.org -
Duke Nukem 3D: Uranium Pack v1.1. An ALL new EPISODE!!! With ALL new levels!! An UZI that replaces the pistol! MORE BLOOD AND GUTS!!! Duke swears more!! (Maximum that he can!!) Press the spacebar ANYWHERE and Duke will swear. All new music for each level of the new episode. Press the spacebar on any wall and splater blood on it! When you kill troopers whatch MONEY and BLOOD fly everywhere!! Shoot troopers in the neck and they will suffer for a LONG time!! An all new
40591 VALLY.ZIP 60,5 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): the vally
40592 VELDT.ZIP 206,2 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): The Veldt
40593 VEROMB1.ZIP 23,9 kt 13.03.1997 - - -
VeroMB:t vol.1 22 MineBombers-kenttää sis. Impala01-18 tehty versioon 3.11
40594 VEROMB2.ZIP 36 kt 13.03.1997 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
VeroMB:t  vol. 2 40 MineBombers-rataa (.mne / ver. 3.11)
40595 VH.ZIP 110,9 kt 26.04.1996 - - tupla
Doomiin wadeja 
40596 VOLCANO.ARJ 47,1 kt 24.01.1997 - - -
VOLCANO.LEVTekijä Eetu Henttonen (Dpaintilla) Mahtava leveli. 
Tulivuori laavajärvineen, mutta ei kannata pelata flowing water päällä. 
Ainakin Wings 1.15 versiossa se näyttää aivan oudolta.  Minut tavoittaa 
MBnetistä ja E-Maililla eetu.henttonen@mbnet.fi
40597 VOODMAP.ZIP 25 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
Tämä duke nuke 3d:hen tehty kenttä on tarkoitettu verkko- tai modeemipeliin. Tätä voi pelata yksinkin, mutta silloin tämä kenttä on oudompi ja erittäin vaikea. Made by Kim Ordell
40598 VOODOO.ZIP 150,1 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Voodoo Villa
40600 W_1_LVLS.ZIP 865,4 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
Here are 100 levels for the game called Wings. Made by: Terminator Finished : 08.11.1997
40601 W2MATTIK.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Worms 2 äänipaketti - ääniä mm. Matti Kyllöseltä ja joiltain sarjakuvahahmoilta. Mukana suomenkieliset ohjeet asennukseen (C) Mikael Muurinen.
40605 WARLORD.ZIP 50 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D level: Warlord Updated version from the Deep level. Lots of secrets and change to play death / coop match.
40606 WATERLOO.ZIP 69,7 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Waterloo
40609 WC2SCE2.ZIP 400,2 kt 14.05.1997 - - -
Warcraft II kenttiä: CONQUEST by : Matt and Mike Maze of Doom by : Mike Troll Forest v1.0 by Jeff James (128x128, 1 player human) The Great War campaign by Death (12 levels long human campaign) THE MAGE WARS (CONQUEST, DOOMMAZE, FOREST, GREATWAR, MAGEWAR)
40612 WINGSLV1.ZIP 114,7 kt 30.10.1997 - - -
Muutama leveli WINGS 1.16:teen (c) 1997 anaKreon
40613 WINGSLV2.ZIP 290,8 kt 30.10.1997 - - -
WINGS LEVEL PACK #2 (c) 1997 anaKreon & & Sepi.S. Sisältää 8 kultivoitunutta kenttää WINGSiin. Tasoista 87,5%:ssa parallaxit. AUTS!
40614 WINGSLV3.ZIP 557,5 kt 30.10.1997 - - -
WINGS LEVEL PACK osa 3 * (c) 1997 anaKreon ja Sepi.S. Sisältää 18 leveliä eli kenttää WINGS-luolastolentelyyn joka niin mainiosti jatkaa AUTSin ja TURBORAKETIN perintöä, kuten tekevät myös KOPS, KABOOM V-WING ja muut vastaavat. =)
40615 WINGSLV4.ZIP 785,6 kt 30.10.1997 - - -
Wings level pack IV. Uusia ulottuvuuksia Wings-peliin.
40616 WINGSLV5.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.10.1997 - - -
Wings Level Pack osa V(5) Jälleen taso tai enemmän iskettyämme jälleen salamin tavoin tänne AUTS/VWING/KABOOM/ PP/SPRUIT/KOPS/TURBORAKETTI- fanaatikkojen temmellysmaalle joka tunnetaan myös purkkina.
40617 WINGSTAS.ZIP 17,3 kt 29.06.1997 - - -
Kolme SUPER extra hyv{{ tasoa Wingsiin!!!! tekij{t: Markus Strandvall ja Tomi Finnerman
40618 WINTERLN.ZIP 113 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): Winterland
40620 WOLFES.ZIP 57,7 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): Land of Wolf
40623 WOOFPAK.ZIP 150,9 kt 18.10.1997 - interstate76.com -
"I76 Track(s): Woofies Den"
40625 WRATH3.ZIP 55 kt 01.09.1997 - - -
"   Uusin versio Duke 3D:n tasostaL.A Wrathv3.0 Final Sisältää useita muutoksiakuten liikoja aseita vähennettyvihollisia lisättyuseat paikat tehty kokonaan uudestaanentisiä paikkoja siistitty ammattimaisemminyms.      Tekijä: Lari Muuriaisniemi  Kommentit ovat tervetulleita!"
40628 XENEX2.ZIP 42,8 kt 27.09.1997 renamed 24025/1997-07_Disc_3.4.iso -
"Duke Nukem 3D: XeNeXThe Map Of All Time! Intended to be the best dukematch youll ever have. This map is set out in a gothic past littered with future weapons at your disposal."
40630 ZEN0528.ZIP 107,7 kt 18.10.1997 renamed interstate76.com -
I76 Track(s): ZEN M
40631 ZENR0529.ZIP 109,9 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
I76 Track(s): ZEN R
40632 12DMBOT.ZIP 326,3 kt 16.03.1998 - - -
"CryptRs DMBOT v1.2 for DooM2 - By: CryptR Automatic Deathmatch opponent for Doom2 Deathmatch games. Created with DeHackEd. 5 different botslike chaingunplasma and BFG bot. 4 addictive Deathmatch levels are included. Bots have some special abilities such as bots can move same time while they are shooting their targetsbots will spawn after some time when it died like players can."
40633 747271PN.ZIP 1 Mt 19.12.1998 - - tupla
Cockpit panel for Boeing 747-271.  With working cockpit lights! Probably the first panel with working cockpit light on the net. By Adam & Zeev Kovalsky
40634 98ADS.ZIP 529,3 kt 28.11.1998 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: 98 Adverts 7.0. Vuoden 1998 mainokset GP2:een.
40635 98FAC_WS.ZIP 115,9 kt 28.11.1998 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1998 kuljettajien kuvat "Driver Select"-ruutuun.
40636 98HEL.ZIP 9,5 kt 14.09.1998 - - tupla
Kauden 1998 ajajien kypärät Grand Prix 2:een.
40637 98HLM_WS.ZIP 64,9 kt 28.11.1998 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1998 kypärät.
40638 98MIZU31.ZIP 164,5 kt 16.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
NHL98 final rosters for season 97/98 by: Mizu
40639 98S76V10.ZIP 603,2 kt 10.03.1999 - - tupla
Sikorsky S-76-10 Paneeli FS98:lle.
40640 98TP_25.ZIP 1,6 Mt 14.09.1998 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: 1998 Track Pack v2.5 Vuoden 1998 radat GP2:een.
40641 99ROSTER.ZIP 140,7 kt 22.12.1998 - - tupla
NHL99 Rosters Viimeisimmät pelaajasiirrot NHL99 peliin Rosterit on päivitetty 18.11 asti http://www.edu.kauhajoki.fi/~markokm/ e-mail: markokm@edu.kauhajoki.fi
40642 99TP14_1.ZIP 1 Mt 12.10.1999 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1999 ratapaketti v1.45. Sisaltaa kaikki 99 radat GP2:een. Osa (1/2).
40643 99TP14_2.ZIP 981,1 kt 12.10.1999 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1999 ratapaketti v1.45. Sisaltaa kaikki 99 radat GP2:een. Osa (2/2).
40644 A320FIN2.ZIP 40,6 kt 12.10.1998 - - tupla
Finnair Airbus A320-200 for MS Flight Simulator 98. Finnair has ordered total of 12 Airbus A320 family aircraft and first ones will be delivered in early 1999. This aircraft has illuminated cabin windows at night, landing lights and also A320 checklists. Version 2.0 by Sami Puro.
40645 A32A_01.ZIP 40,2 kt 29.03.1999 - - tupla
FS98 SAAB A32A Lansen. The A32 Lansen (Javelin) was the first Swedish aircraft design to pass the sound barrier. The "Lansen" replaced the SAAB B18, and the first aircraft were delivered in 1955. A total of 447 units were built and served the Swedish Air Force until 1976.  By Bertil Nilsson. /bertil.nilsson@mbox3.swipnet.se  More Swedish military aircraft at http://www.home1.swipnet.se/~w-17835/fltsim.htm
40646 ABS3402.ZIP 42 kt 12.10.1998 - - tupla
"Air Botnia Saab 340A for MS Flight Simulator 98. Finnish domestic airlineAir Botniaoperates currently 3 S340s and 5 BAe J32s. This aircraft features landing lightsilluminated cabin windows at night and transparent propellers. FS98 Aircraft & Adventure converted needed. Version 2.0 by Sami Puro."
40647 AGEINTME.A01 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time 2/5
40648 AGEINTME.A02 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time 3/5
40649 AGEINTME.A03 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time 4/5
40650 AGEINTME.A04 1,3 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In TIme 5/5
40665 DN3DUSER.ZIP 11 kt 16.10.1997 - - -
DUKE NUKEM 3D USER.CON Piippo Softwaren vastaisku kaikille muille user.conneille! Kaikki tekstit suomennettu. Kenttien musiikkien paikkoja muuteltu. Panosten määrää muuteltu, vihollisten voimia muuteltu, ja vaikka mitä! Laatua ladulla!
40683 GP2CCPTC.ZIP 19 kt 09.11.1996 - MBCD tupla
Gp2 Change Cockpit Colors - v1.0 by Djordje Janjusevic - djanus@EUnet.yu
40684 GP2CHNUM.ZIP 5,8 kt 09.11.1996 - 22380/WW_DEMO.iso tupla
Gp2 Change Number - v1.1 by Djordje Janjusevic - djanus@EUnet.yu This small utility for GP2 will change drivers number.
40690 HERCNUS.ZIP 12 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
"Missionforce: Cyberstorm HERCs R Us Sierras Christmas present for everyone: 89 custom HERC designsdirect from the CyberStorm team!"
40700 MT&TS-A.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.09.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D: Tämä paketti sisältää 2 rts-filettä, jotka sopivat erityisen hyvin moninpeliin Made by TonySoft!
40726 SMITCFG2.ZIP 2,1 kt 13.03.1997 - 21745/PCShareware-9-97.iso -
Tässä on eräs .CFG Duke Nukem 3D:hen, jossa ohjaukseen käytetään hiirtä ja näppäimistöä. Eli siis ei-se-tavallinen-ohjaus. Ja siinä on myös hyvä holoduke temppu.
40729 USER2.ZIP 10,4 kt 24.09.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3d:hen uusi user.con  OHJEET mukana! Uusi päivitetty versio: 1.0 Uudet vastustajien energiat. Uudet aseiden panosten määrä. Uudet omat energiasi. Osa Suomenkielistä tekstia! Koe uusi ulottuvuus Duke Nukem 3d:ssä (c) Hupi software
40730 USER3.ZIP 10,5 kt 05.10.1997 - - -
Duke Nukem 3d:hen uusi user.con ja uusi ohje tiedosto parempikin vielä. Uusi päivitetty versio: 1.1 Joidenkin maitten nimiä vaihdettu. Joitakin musia vaihdettu entiseen 1.0 versioon ja muuta hauskaa. Uudet vastustajien energiat. Uudet aseiden panosten määrä. Uudet omat energiasi. Ja jotain uutta edelliseen 1.0 versioon Osa Suomenkielistä tekstia! Ime HETI ja koe uusi ulottuvuus Duke Nukem 3d:ssä (c) Hupi software
40731 VISPAT12.ZIP 39,1 kt 05.09.1997 - - -
VisPatch v1.2 - make transparent water to the original Quake levels, quick and easy.
40734 YA20A.ZIP 989,5 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
YELLOW ALERT v2.0a for Duke Nukem 3d 1.3d Keskeneränen lisäosa Dukeen, tehkää valmiiksi jos huvittaa. Muutama rata puuttuu, mutta silti upea.. monia uusia örkkejä ja aseita ja PALJON muuta! Katso ihmeessä, vaikket tekisikään valmiiksi.. 100% FREEWAREA! by: Antti Takala
41148 100TO130.ZIP 997,6 kt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Links LS v1.30 Patch V1.00->V1.30
41149 110TO130.ZIP 573,7 kt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Links LS v1.30 Patch V1.10->V1.30
41150 120TO130.ZIP 483,8 kt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Links LS v1.30 Patch V1.20->V1.30
41151 3DFX.ZIP 299,8 kt 06.06.1997 - MBCD eritupla
MDK 3Dfx BETA Patch Updated 3Dfx upgrade for MDK. Fixes crash problem and now supports the Voodoo Rush chipset.
41153 96PATCH.ZIP 702,8 kt 25.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
"Cricket96 general fixes update"
41155 A10P1_2.ZIP 560,3 kt 17.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
A-10 Cuba! v1.2 Patch From ParSoft/Activision Brings: Even Faster Framerate, More Weapons, Network Messaging, Network Optimizations, Easier Network Scoring, Better Joystick Control, Detachable Chutes, Advanced Settings, Other Fixes: for U.S. or Australian versions
41154 A10P11_2.ZIP 560,1 kt 17.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
A-10 Cuba! v1.2 Patch From ParSoft/Activision Brings: Even Faster Framerate, More Weapons, Network Messaging, Network Optimizations, Easier Network Scoring, Better Joystick Control, Detachable Chutes, Advanced Settings, Other Fixes: v1.01 to v1.2 Patch
41156 A10PFR_2.ZIP 560,8 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
A-10 Cuba! v1.2 Patch From ParSoft/Activision Brings: Even Faster Framerate, More Weapons, Network Messaging, Network Optimizations, Easier Network Scoring, Better Joystick Control, Detachable Chutes, Advanced Settings, Other Fixes: European version
41157 AAPATCH.ZIP 270,7 kt 19.08.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
Amulets & Armor update for occasional corruption of character data
41158 ABRMV110.ZIP 509,8 kt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
iM1A2 Abrams Tank v1.10 Patch IMagic
41159 AD_3DFX.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Archimedean Dynasty 3Dfx update This patch requires the version V1.120 of Archimedean Dynasty! You find the version number in the top left corner of the main menu.
41164 ANTAR110.ZIP 162,5 kt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Betrayal in Antara update 1.1.0
41166 AOS_105.ZIP 458 kt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Sails 1.05 (US release)
41165 AOS105UK.ZIP 337,2 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Age of Sails 1.05 (UK-release)
41167 ASP115.ZIP 230,2 kt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Achtung Spitfire v1.15 update Fixes AI problems, fixes Spitfire IX incorret usage, historical problems, power/acceleration and other minor things. Big Time / Avalon
41168 AW2_ART.ZIP 281,6 kt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
Air Warrior II new graphics for Mosquito. Only for full install.
41169 AW2U102B.ZIP 3,1 Mt 25.07.1997 - - -
Air Warrior II v1.02b update Interactive Magic Fixes bugs causing garbled CPIDs in certain situations and in-flight disconnections.
41171 BALDPATC.ZIP 1009,1 kt 06.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Baldies fix for DirectX3 problems
41172 BATPATCH.ZIP 1,1 Mt 15.12.1997 - MBCD -
Battlespire v1.3 Patch Bethesda Fixes graphics & multiplayer problems plus others.
41173 BB9811PT.ZIP 354,8 kt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
"Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro98 v1.0.0.1 update. Sierra."
41174 BETTERC2.ZIP 84,7 kt 22.11.1997 - MBCD -
Better Civilization 2Tämä huolella tehty päivitys lisää Civ2:een kolme uutta yksikköä ja teknologiaa 
sekä paljon hienommat grafiikat useaan vanhaan yksikköön! Kokeile ihmeessä, 
et pety! (vaatii vähintään Civ2:n version 2.4)
41176 BGA_134.ZIP 4,7 Mt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
Battleground: Ardennes 1.34 update (US release)
41175 BGA134UK.ZIP 841,6 kt 17.06.1997 - MBCD -
Battleground: Ardennes 1.34 update (UK release)
41177 BGB_134.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
Battleground: Bulge 1.34 update
41179 BOCG_P1.ZIP 1,1 Mt 19.08.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
British Open Championship Golf fix #1
41180 BOCG_PAT.ZIP 1,1 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
British Open Championship Golf update Adds many new improvements like animated crowds and support for the Virtual Open. It also fixes several bugs and contains a few tweaks to the ball physics and announcer AI. Looking Glass
41181 BRRW227.ZIP 1 Mt 18.04.1997 - 22650/cd joystick No83 juin 1997.iso -
Big Red Racing for Windows 95 2.27 update
41182 C2WIN101.ZIP 346,5 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
Caesar II for Windows95 1.01 update
41183 C97WINP1.ZIP 777,4 kt 06.03.1997 - 22648/cd joystick no81 avril 1997.iso -
Cricket 97 Patch for Win95 From Melbourne House
41184 C97WINP2.ZIP 778,8 kt 20.10.1997 - 22093/SSERVCD_52A.iso -
"EA Sports Cricket97 version 2.0 for Windows95 update"
41186 CCS101.ZIP 691,9 kt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Callahans Crosstime Saloon 1.01 update"
41188 CD2W31.ZIP 238,2 kt 25.05.1997 - 22088/SSERVCD_48B.bin -
Casino Deluxe II 1.01 for Windows 3.1
41189 CD2W95.ZIP 238,2 kt 25.05.1997 - 24026/1997-08_Disc_3.5.iso -
Casino Deluxe II 1.01 for Windows 95
41191 CIV2SC11.ZIP 1,1 Mt 01.06.1997 - 24026/1997-08_Disc_3.5.iso -
Civilization II scenario CD 1.1 update
41195 CREA_102.ZIP 1,1 Mt 17.09.1997 - - -
Creatures Patch 2 (v1.0.2) Windows 95 Fixes two bugs and explains the DLL problems.
41196 CREATRNT.ZIP 91,3 kt 15.09.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
Creatures Windows NT 4.0 installer (requires 1.02)
41198 CSTORM11.ZIP 1,4 Mt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
MissionForce: Cyberstorm V1.1 update Sierra
41199 CW203_A.ZIP 512,4 kt 19.08.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
The Civil War / America 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 update
41200 CW203_B.ZIP 274 kt 19.08.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
The Civil War / America 2.0.(1) to 2.0.3 update
41201 CW203_C.ZIP 784,2 kt 19.08.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
The Civil War / America 1.0x to 2.0.3 update
41203 DA_V11.ZIP 451,5 kt 26.12.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Dark Angael version 1.1 update
41204 DB4PATCH.ZIP 324,8 kt 25.05.1997 - 22088/SSERVCD_48B.bin -
Dr.Brain IV: Time Warp of Dr. Brain update
41205 DKEPATCH.ZIP 1,6 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
Dungeon Keeper update by Bullfrog / EOA Windows 95 Improves the AI and improves on other facets such as game balancing.
41206 DSTPCH71.ZIP 1 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Destiny 1.146 update
41207 E2PATCH.ZIP 234 kt 03.10.1997 - MBCD -
Ecstatica II Amazon Clearing Bug update Win95 Psygnosis
41210 EFMANUAL.ZIP 23,8 kt 27.12.1997 - 452/CyberStratege_CD_07.iso -
East Front manual
41212 EURO1013.ZIP 1 Mt 17.01.1997 - - -
Links LS v1.30 Patch European V1.00->V1.30
41213 EX_RUSH.ZIP 596,6 kt 27.12.1997 - 24020/1998-04_Disc_3.13.iso -
Excalibur 2555AD Voodoo Rush update
41216 F1_CYRIX.ZIP 753,7 kt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Formula 1 update for Cyrix & 3dfx
41214 F16W12UK.ZIP 723,5 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.2 for Win95 update. This patch is for UK release only. fixes: - Frame rate increase of approximately 15% to 20%! - Feature-rich "check six" view implemented.
41215 F16W12US.ZIP 723,2 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
F-16 Fighting Falcon version 1.2 for Win95 update. This patch is for US release only. fixes: - Frame rate increase of approximately 15% to 20%! - Feature-rich "check six" view implemented.
41217 F1PATCH3.ZIP 362,9 kt 10.06.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Formula 1 performance patch beta 3
41218 FALLUP1W.ZIP 555,6 kt 24.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Fallout v1.1 update Win95 New version fixes NPC bugs, savegame corruption, and more. Interplay
41220 FATFX.ZIP 585,5 kt 15.12.1997 - MBCD -
Fatal Racing Unoffical 3Dfx Voodoo Patch
41221 FCP96.ZIP 828,9 kt 17.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Full Court Press Basketball patch with 95-96 rosters (US release) - replaces bbpatch.zip
41222 FCP97.ZIP 829,8 kt 17.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Full Court Press Basketball patch with 96-97 rosters.
41223 FEPATCH.ZIP 94,5 kt 27.12.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Flight Simulator for Windows95 Inclusion Filter update
41224 FF12UP.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fire Fight 1.2 update (registered version)
41225 FFSW12UP.ZIP 1,5 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Fire Fight 1.2 update (shareware version)
41226 FS98PAT1.ZIP 755,4 kt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Flight Simulator 98 patch set 1.0 This update contains all of the Flight Simulator fixes that were included with the converter, plus several new fixes that are not included with the converter.
41227 FS98PTCH.ZIP 2,8 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
"Flight Simulator98 installation fix This patch fixes a bug in setup.exe which would tell you that the game requires Also DirectPlay 5.0a is included. For the US release only."
41231 GAL11_DP.ZIP 299,6 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
Galapagos v1.1 DEMO update from Anark The new version adds the option of an "easy mode" where you can save anywhere. It also stablizes Galapagos in certain sound configurations that could cause the game to quit unexpectedly during the beginning.
41232 GBLPATCH.ZIP 763,7 kt 06.02.1997 - MBCD -
"Mechwarrior II: Ghost Bears Legacy for Windows95 1.1 update"
41233 GLQ1114.EXE 393 kt 16.11.1997 - MBCD -
GLQuake v0.97 (14.11.1997) by iD Software. OpenGL version of Quake. You will need a graphics card capable of OpenGL such as Voodoo based boards.
41234 GLQDRV2.ZIP 51,4 kt 10.06.1997 - - -
GLQuake Voodoo/Voodoo Rush driver
41235 GLQNT.ZIP 51,6 kt 25.05.1997 - 22651/cd joystick No84 juillet aout 1997.iso -
GLQuake for Windows NT update
41237 GOLFPT15.ZIP 1,5 Mt 29.08.1997 - 24030/1997-12_Disc_3.9_No._2.bin -
Front Page Sports: Golf v1.5 update from Sierra This update fixes issues with multiplayer games, golfer appearance/performance, statistics, and scoring.
41238 GP301.ZIP 653,5 kt 30.11.1997 - MBCD -
G Police PowerVR update. You will need this patch for the retail version of G Police to work on any PowerVR based cards. Videologic
41239 GPM2.ZIP 574,6 kt 09.07.1997 - 24028/1997-10_Disc_3.7.iso -
Grand Prix Manager 2 V1.02 req. Windows 95 (this version no longer works under Windows 3.x) DirectPlay version 3.0 installed on your system. This version of Grand Prix Manager 2 is completely different to 1.01! Every line of program code has been upgraded to make it a fast, streamlined, 32 bit application. The race section is much faster and smoother and the program in general works much better under Windows 95. Multiplayer games have been particularly improved and are now much more
41240 GPOLCYR.ZIP 635,6 kt 24.11.1997 - - -
G-Police Cyrix update. for people having problems running G Police on Cyrix CPUs. Psygnosis
41241 GPPATCH.ZIP 639 kt 15.12.1997 - MBCD -
"G-Police m3D update. Add m3D support to the retail version of PsygnosisG-Police"
41242 H2W10_13.ZIP 927 kt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Heroes of Might and Magic II version 1.3 for Win95 update
41243 H2WEXP21.ZIP 601,8 kt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Heroes of Might and Magic II expansion pack version 2.1 for Win95 update
41244 H301B1.ZIP 2,9 Mt 26.07.1997 - - -
F/A-18 Hornet v3.0.1 Beta 1 Patch Graphic Simulations Windows DirectX3 support. Numerous networking bugs have been fixed and Direct IP networking is now available for Windows-based machines. Improved views. Numerous minor fixes and changes Made a few flight model and weapon system tweaks.
41245 H301W95.ZIP 2,9 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
F/A-18 Hornet 3.0 v3.0.1 update
41247 HC97_163.ZIP 1,4 Mt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Harpoon Classic 97 v1.63 Download this if you applied the first patch. Interactive Magic
41246 HC97163D.ZIP 2,5 Mt 01.06.1997 - 22088/SSERVCD_48B.bin -
Harpoon Classic 97 1.63d update
41248 HC97UPD2.ZIP 2,8 Mt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
Harpoon Classic 97 v1.63 Download this if you never applied the first patch. Interactive Magic
41251 HIND1_2W.ZIP 587,7 kt 17.02.1997 - MBCD -
Hind V1.2 update for Win95.
41252 HIND9511.ZIP 564,6 kt 17.01.1997 - MBCD -
Hind Win95 V1.1 update from Interactive Magic
41253 HMOGUL02.ZIP 494,4 kt 26.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
Hollywood Mogul V2.02 udpate
41254 HOPATCH.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.10.1997 - 24018/1998-02_Disc_3.11.iso -
Spaceward Ho! 4.0 update
41255 HOSP_PAT.ZIP 2,9 Mt 17.06.1997 - 24027/1997-09_Disc_3.6.iso -
Theme Hospital fix #1
41256 HOTW102.ZIP 728,1 kt 27.12.1997 - 24018/1998-02_Disc_3.11.iso -
History of the World version 1.02 update
41258 I76V106.EXE 1,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
"Interstate76 Patch - To Version 1.06"
41261 I76V108.ZIP 4,9 Mt 09.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
"Interstate76 D3D Beta patch (only works for 3Dfx right now) - Beta patch enabling 3D hardware support"
41259 I76V1081.EXE 4,7 Mt 18.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 patch from v1.0x to v1.081. The latest 3d patch for Activisions I76."
41260 I76V1083.ZIP 4,7 Mt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 v1.083 update - Activision. If you downloaded the Interstate76 v.1.081 Beta Patch you lose all Force Feedback in the joystick. This patch is for all that already purchased Force Feedback Joystick and want to use the Interstate76 v.1.081 Beta Patch with it."
41262 ICR2_V2K.ZIP 592,9 kt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
IndyCar Racing II for Verite 2000 series update. This patch is only for the Rendition Verite 1000 version of IndyCar II and will enable you to use it on newer Rendition boards as well.
41264 IF16W13.ZIP 735,8 kt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
iF-16 v1.3 Win95 update by Imagic
41265 IF22_33.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD -
iF-22 v3.3 update. Interactive Magic. Tons of changes. The original version of iF-22 is incompatible with patched versions (in network games).
41266 IGN_WIN.ZIP 320,6 kt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
Ignition v6.56 Patch This patch makes the game less crash-frequent. From UDS.
41267 IGUPD12E.ZIP 492,3 kt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
Imperium Galactica V1.2 update
41268 IMPISM11.ZIP 435,2 kt 27.12.1997 - MBCD -
Imperialism version 1.1 update
41270 JACK51UP.ZIP 192,4 kt 24.12.1997 - 24020/1998-04_Disc_3.13.iso -
Jack Nicklaus 5 v5.1 update Accolade
41273 JF3EDIT.ZIP 303,4 kt 02.12.1997 - 22398/F1RSDemo.iso -
JetFighter III JF3Edit update This fixes a small problem with the mission editor that most people will not run into. The file replaces several of the files for the mission editor. Download the fix and place it in your JF3 directory. The unzip it with the -d parameter.
41274 KKNDV1_2.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.07.1997 - 24030/1997-12_Disc_3.9_No._2.bin -
KKnD v1.2 Patch Beam Software / EA Multiplayer message function: Allows you to send a message to all the other players in the game. Long telephone numbers: v1.1 now supports telephone numbers up to 13 digits long. Group recall features: When recalling a stored group, you can now centre the screen on the group. Improved UNIVBE support: The file VIDEO.TXT lists the greatly expanded list of supported video cards. v1.2 fixes problems with ATI cards
41275 KKXTPTCH.ZIP 278,3 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
KKnD Xtreme update. Fixes: NT support is now improved, Load/Save problem on Survivors level 3 is fixed, Different languages will play multiplayer and send messages.
41276 L2SGPT23.ZIP 562,6 kt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lords of the Realm II: Siege pack update
41278 LECGL23.ZIP 35,3 kt 17.06.1997 - 22087/SSERVCD_48A.bin -
Outlaws - Glide 2.3 driver for Voodoo based cards
41279 LED_P1.ZIP 244,1 kt 28.12.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
L.E.D. Wars patch #1
41280 LED_P2.ZIP 217,3 kt 29.12.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
L.E.D. Wars patch #2 requires patch #1 fixes the following: - Build multiple units at the same time in the same building - Unit AI is now much more reactive - added help file - You can adjust the growth rate of the Led Plants
41282 LF98V101.ZIP 139,3 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
"Legends Football98 update V1.01 by Accolade Windows 95"
41283 LF98V12.ZIP 293,5 kt 20.10.1997 - 24018/1998-02_Disc_3.11.iso -
"NFL Legends Football98 version 1.2 update - In-play fatigue for ball carriers tied to their END rating. Eliminates big playproblem as it existed previously. Accelerated Play Clock function and CPU play clock AI upgrade reduces # of plays runto a more realistic level when game length is set to 10 & 15 minute quarters - Multi-week injuries are more likely to occur. As are injuries to defensive players. etc."
41285 LH20_20A.ZIP 22,4 kt 25.05.1997 - 24026/1997-08_Disc_3.5.iso -
Lighthouse 2.0 to 2.0a update
41286 LITE2PAT.ZIP 1,6 Mt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Lighthouse 2.0 update Sierra
41287 LL2-130E.ZIP 785 kt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Lands of Lore II: Guardians of Destiny v1.06 to v1.30 update. Adds 3D accelerator support (3Dfx and Direct3D) and other gameplay enhancements.
41293 LNKFK1B.ZIP 627,2 kt 26.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
Links for OS/2 fixkit beta #1 update
41300 MADD9812.A01 3,8 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Madden NFL 98 v1.2 update 2/3
41301 MADD9812.A02 2,7 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Madden NFL 98 v1.2 update 3/3
41302 MADD9812.ARJ 3,8 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Madden NFL 98 v1.2 update ea sports. Now: Direct3D support (Supporting 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics/Rush, ATI 3DRage Pro, and Trident 975 3D Image (AGP)), Added Animations, Frame Interpolation etc. Note: Upgrade requires 24MB of RAM                  1/3
41303 MAGE11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
MageSlayer v1.1 update This patch updates the game and fixes joystick compatability and configuration issues. GTi.
41304 MARB3111.ZIP 80 kt 19.05.1997 - 22088/SSERVCD_48B.bin -
Marble Drop 1.1 update for Windows 3.1
41305 MARB9511.ZIP 99,2 kt 19.05.1997 - 24026/1997-08_Disc_3.5.iso -
Marble Drop 1.1 update for Windows 95
41306 MDK_3DFX.ZIP 299,8 kt 10.06.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
MDK Voodoo/Vood Rush update
41307 MDKD3D_D.ZIP 269 kt 21.04.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
MDK Direct3D BETA Patch for Internet v3.0 demo
41308 MDKD3D_E.ZIP 298 kt 21.04.1997 - 23665/PCGAMER44.bin -
MDK Direct3D BETA Patch These patches are in BETA and are not final! European full version
41309 MDKFF.ZIP 643,7 kt 29.12.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
M.D.K. Force Feedback joystick support update
41310 MDKPVR.ZIP 302,7 kt 05.10.1997 - MBCD -
MDK PowerVR beta update. Requires SGL driver v4.0b6 or better to run. Shiny.
41311 MDKREND.ZIP 289,4 kt 10.06.1997 - 22651/cd joystick No84 juillet aout 1997.iso -
"MDK Rendition update Allows MDKs compatibility with Rendition 3-D accelerators"
41312 MDKW95_E.ZIP 284,6 kt 21.04.1997 - 22536/GAMBLERCD07.BIN -
MDK F2 savegame patch for Windows95 for european release
41313 MGPAT11.ZIP 1,5 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
3D Ultra Minigolf 1.0 to 1.1 update
41314 MMXRALLY.ZIP 2 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Sega Rally Championship MMX v2.1 udpateAdds MMX support to Sega Rally Championship and the "Steering Control" menu
now has settings for the Microsoft Sidewinder and steering wheels.
41316 MNF_UPD.ZIP 1,2 Mt 02.02.1997 - - -
Monday Night Football Patch Version 1.2 From OverTime Sports (win95)
41315 MNF98UPD.ZIP 2,6 Mt 24.09.1997 - 24017/1998-01_Disc_3.10.iso -
"ABC Monday Night Football98 update"
41317 MTGV125A.ZIP 1,2 Mt 26.07.1997 - 24028/1997-10_Disc_3.7.iso -
Magic: The Gathering V1.25 update
41318 MTGV125B.ZIP 1,2 Mt 26.07.1997 - 24028/1997-10_Disc_3.7.iso -
Magic: The Gathering V1.25 update
41319 MTGV125C.ZIP 1,2 Mt 26.07.1997 - 24028/1997-10_Disc_3.7.iso -
Magic: The Gathering V1.25 update
41320 MTMPATCH.ZIP 994,8 kt 02.02.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Monster Truck Madness patch from Microsoft
41321 MW2-9511.ZIP 979,6 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
MechWarrior 2 Windows95 Version 1.1 Update
41324 NAS2PAT0.ZIP 1,3 Mt 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
NASCAR 2 Racing 1.0->1.2 update by Sierra On-Line Windows 95 Fixes a few multiplayer problems and adds some new commands.
41325 NAS2PAT1.ZIP 1,3 Mt 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
NASCAR 2 Racing 1.1->1.2 update by Sierra On-Line Windows 95 Fixes a few multiplayer problems and adds some new commands.
41326 NBA98P11.ZIP 1 Mt 29.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
"NBA Live98 v1.1 update"
41328 NHL98UP.ZIP 936,8 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
NHL 98 update. Fixes 100 shot shotclock crash, Problems with the Intergraph card in 3d mode, Rink speech not working
41330 NOVA1_0.ZIP 26,5 kt 29.12.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Emperor of the Fading Suns NOVA patch 1.0 USERMADE. This patch mainly deals with bugs & quirks in the game database & behaviour. It will not fix any other bugs.
41331 NR11.ZIP 790,4 kt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
"No Respect v1.1 update This patch among minor bugfixeschanges the following things: - TheBlue eyessecondary plasma weapon has been made less powerfull to avoid theVendettavehicle having too much of an advantage with respect to others. - TheFirewallhigh explosive missile now launches much fastergiving the player more control over it. - Teleports are now less sensitive regarding the position of the vehicle."
41333 OL_V20.A01 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Outlaws v2.0 update 2/4
41334 OL_V20.A02 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Outlaws v2.0 update 3/4
41335 OL_V20.A03 1,2 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Outlaws v2.0 update 4/4
41336 OL_V20.ARJ 1,4 Mt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
Outlaws v2.0 update / Handful of Missions You must have v1.1 to upgrade to 2.0. Contains 4 new single player levels and 5 new multiplayer levels. Your saved games from previous version will no longer work once you upgrade. All players in multiplayer game must be running the same version of Outlaws. 1/4r
41337 OTR115.ZIP 107,3 kt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Over The Reich v1.15 update AI proglem fixed, engine power/acceleration modified, reworked flight models and much other more and less major changes. Update requires v1.12 update installed. Big Time / Avalon Hill
41340 OUTP15CD.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Outpost CD V1.5 update from 1.0/1.1 This is the update for Outpost that adds many features including Roads and Monorails. This update REQUIRES 8 megs of RAM. Sierra.
41341 P2FIX.ZIP 210,6 kt 06.03.1997 - 23665/PCGAMER44.bin -
Phantasmagoria 2 (Win95) Fix
41342 PACGEN11.ZIP 346,1 kt 18.09.1997 - 24017/1998-01_Disc_3.10.iso -
Pacific General V1.1 update by SSI Windows 95 Patch fixes numerous bugs as well as adds some new features. Must be applied to FRESH installation - copy your save games elsewhere, uninstall, install game, update, move saves back.
41343 PAN3FIX.ZIP 962 tavua 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Pandemonium Cyrix update - usermade.
41344 PATCH_EN.ZIP 1 Mt 16.10.1997 - - -
Enemy Nations version 1.02.002 update
41346 PCHESS3B.ZIP 614,6 kt 21.05.1997 - - -
Power Chess V1.0.0.6 update by Sierra Windows 95
41347 PDPATCH3.ZIP 429,4 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
Postal demo version patch #1 Fixed joystick support and a DirectX bug, also makes the game playable without sound card.
41348 PH2V111.A01 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
Hexen II v1.11 update
41349 PH2V111.A02 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
Hexen II v1.11 update
41350 PH2V111.A03 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
Hexen II v1.11 update
41351 PH2V111.A04 471,7 kt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
Hexen II v1.11 update
41352 PH2V111.ARJ 1,4 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
Hexen II v1.11 update - This patch supercedes all previous Hexen Activision
41373 POD_M3D.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.12.1997 - MBCD -
"Pod m3D update. Add Matrox m3D support to Ubi Softs Pod"
41355 POD1X2EN.ZIP 35,1 Mt 19.08.1997 - 22407/DEMOSCHAMP.iso -
POD 1.x to 2.1 update  (english release)
41356 POD21DX3.ZIP 2,6 Mt 30.12.1997 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 for DirectX 3
41357 POD21DX5.A01 3,8 Mt 30.12.1997 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 for DIrectX 5 2/6
41358 POD21DX5.A02 3,8 Mt 30.12.1997 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 for DirectX 5 3/6
41359 POD21DX5.A03 3,8 Mt 30.12.1997 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 for DirectX 5 4/6
41360 POD21DX5.A04 3,8 Mt 30.12.1997 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 for DirectX 5 5/6
41361 POD21DX5.A05 3,8 Mt 30.12.1997 - - -
POD udpate 2.0 to 2.1 for DirectX 5 6/6
41362 POD21DX5.ARJ 3,8 Mt 30.12.1997 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 for DirectX 5 1/6
41363 POD21M64.ZIP 2,6 Mt 30.12.1997 - - -
POD update for Maxisound64
41364 POD21NRM.ZIP 5,1 Mt 30.12.1997 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 for 2D cards, ATI Rage, S3 cards
41365 POD21PVR.ZIP 2,5 Mt 30.12.1997 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 for PowerVR
41366 POD21VOD.A01 3,3 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 3Dfx 2/7
41367 POD21VOD.A02 3,3 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 3Dfx 3/7               
41368 POD21VOD.A03 3,3 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
POD udpate 2.0 to 2.1 3Dfx 4/7
41369 POD21VOD.A04 3,3 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 3Dfx 5/7
41370 POD21VOD.A05 3,3 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 3Dfx 6/7
41371 POD21VOD.A06 3,1 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 3Dfx 7/7
41372 POD21VOD.ARJ 3,3 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
POD update 2.0 to 2.1 for Voodoo/Voodoo Rush 3Dfx.                         1/7
41374 PODPVR.ZIP 1,8 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
"POD PowerVR Patch Ubi Soft Add native PowerVR support to the retail version of pod (Or the upgraded OEM version). Doesnt work with the Game Serviceyet."
41375 POSTRET1.ZIP 445,1 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
Postal retail version patch #1 Fixed joystick support and a DirectX bug, also makes the game playable without sound card.
41376 POWCHESS.ZIP 296,3 kt 02.02.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Power Chess Fixes from Sierra This fixes problems with saved games and several other things.
41378 PSANTA.A01 2,9 Mt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
Postal Santa patch 2/5
41379 PSANTA.A02 2,9 Mt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
Postal Santa patch 3/5
41380 PSANTA.A03 2,9 Mt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
Postal Santa patch 4/5
41381 PSANTA.A04 2,6 Mt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
Postal Santa patch 5/5
41382 PSANTA.ARJ 2,9 Mt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
Postal Santa Patch 1/5 from Running With Scissors This will add Santa and his sleigh pullers into the Full retail release of Postal.
41384 REL31PAT.ZIP 325,9 kt 21.04.1997 - 22084/SSERVCD_46.bin -
Robert E. Lee 1.01 for Windows 3.1 update
41385 REL95PAT.ZIP 341,8 kt 21.04.1997 - 24025/1997-07_Disc_3.4.iso -
Robert E. Lee 1.01 for Windows 95 update
41386 RELOADPA.ZIP 1,1 Mt 29.12.1997 - - -
Reloaded update. Fixes some Windows 95 problems Gremlin
41387 RIVEN102.ZIP 980 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Riven: The Sequel to Myst version 1.02 update
41388 RJLANPCH.ZIP 932,5 kt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Rocket Jockey LAN Update This patch will add multiplayer LAN support to Rocket Jockey. Up to 5 of your pals can battle it out across a network now!
41389 S2_3DFX.ZIP 286,1 kt 29.12.1997 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Screamer II 3Dfx Voodoo update
41391 S2_MYST.ZIP 386,1 kt 29.12.1997 - 22661/JOYCD94.iso -
Screamer 2 Matrox Mystique update. adds Matrox Mystique (or Mystique 220) support to the retail version of Screamer 2.
41392 S40_V1_1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 08.10.1997 - 22093/SSERVCD_52A.iso -
S40 Racing v1.1 update
41395 SC3DFX.ZIP 464,3 kt 29.12.1997 - 22656/cd joystick no89 janvier 1998.iso -
Sub Culture Voodoo Rush update
41396 SCPATCH.ZIP 16,3 kt 26.11.1997 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Sub Culture version 1.16 update
41397 SCUD_V11.A01 1,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
SCUD v1.1 2/4 update
41398 SCUD_V11.A02 1,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
SCUD v1.1 3/4 update
41399 SCUD_V11.A03 0 tavua 23.11.1997 - - -
SCUD v1.1 4/4 update
41400 SCUD_V11.ARJ 1,9 Mt 23.11.1997 - - -
SCUD: Industrial Evolution v1.1 update fixes several issues that may arise when playing Single player, LAN, or HEAT.NET games. Sega.
41401 SFA1_15.ZIP 4,1 Mt 23.11.1997 - MBCD -
Starfleet Academy v1.15 update Interplay
41403 SGW10_11.ZIP 342,1 kt 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
Star General Win95 V1.0 to V1.1 update SSI
41402 SGW10111.ZIP 318,9 kt 18.03.1997 - MBCD -
Star General Win95 V1.01 to V1.1 update SSI
41404 SHADOWFF.ZIP 18,9 kt 29.12.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Shadow of the Empire Force Feedback joystick support update
41406 SHGMV202.ZIP 736,6 kt 26.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
Shanghai: Greatest Moments 2.00 to 2.02 update (english release)
41408 SMGART.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.11.1997 - MBCD -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg! Art file update. Replaces current encrypted art with decrypted artsuitable for modification."
41411 SOTAV215.ZIP 1,1 Mt 23.11.1997 - MBCD -
Magic the Gathering: Spells of the Ancient V2.15 update. Microprose.
41414 SS114U.ZIP 1010,7 kt 29.12.1997 - - -
Shattered Steel v1.14 update Required for the mission pack
41415 SSEXP.A01 3,8 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Shattered Steel expansion pack 2/4
41416 SSEXP.A02 3,8 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Shattered Steel expansion pack 3/4
41417 SSEXP.A03 3,5 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Shattered Steel expansion pack 4/4
41418 SSEXP.ARJ 3,8 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Shattered Steel expansion pack. Mission pack has new missions, mission editors, and the v1.14 update patch.               1/4
41419 SSN_FIX.ZIP 3,8 Mt 28.06.1997 - 22091/SSERVCD_50A.bin -
Tom Clancy SSN installation fix update
41420 STARS27B.ZIP 380 kt 18.04.1997 - 22536/GAMBLERCD07.BIN -
Stars! 2.7 to 2.7b update
41421 SU27_12.ZIP 398,4 kt 21.03.1997 - 23016/cdactioncoverdisc -
SU-27 Flanker 1.1 to 1.2 update for Win95
41423 SU27V12A.ZIP 231,2 kt 08.04.1997 - 24025/1997-07_Disc_3.4.iso -
SU-27 Flanker For Windows 95 1.2->1.2a update
41425 SWIV_D3D.ZIP 848,8 kt 24.11.1997 - MBCD -
"Swiv 3D Direct 3D (Beta 2) Patch SCi. Add Direct3D support to SCis Swiv 3D (or Swiv 3D Assault in the U.S.)."
41424 SWIV3DFX.ZIP 649 kt 28.06.1997 - 22586/Hrac_13_1997-09_cd.bin -
SWIV 3D (Win95 only, european release) update for Voodoo based cards
41427 TAO.ZIP 122,1 kt 26.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
The Ardennes Offensive update
41428 THPATCH.ZIP 3 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
"Theme Hospital multiplayer update Multiplayer patch for Bullfrogs hospital administration sim."
41429 TIME3DFX.ZIP 301,7 kt 13.05.1997 - 12572/3D Zone - PC Zone Issue 55 October 1997 (UK).zip -
Time Warriors demo 3Dfx Patch Silmarils / ReadySoft - Add 3Dfx Voodoo graphics support to the Time Warriors demo.
41432 TOMB_MYS.ZIP 429,3 kt 23.09.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider update for Matrox Mystique 1.03
41431 TOMB3DFX.ZIP 450,7 kt 29.12.1997 - 22585/Hrac_12_1997-08_cd.bin -
Tomb Raider 3dfx patch. Copy this TOMB.EXE over the old one in your TOMBRAID directory
41433 TOMBPVR2.ZIP 1 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider PowerVR Patch This PowerVR version of Tomb Raider supports both the PCX1 and PCX2 chips. It allows you to run at 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768. Even if your 2D graphics board has only 2MB, you will still be able to run at 1024x768 in Single Buffered mode. Linear MIP mapping is supported and on the PCX2 Bilinear filtering is also used.
41438 TR_M3D.ZIP 1 Mt 16.12.1997 - MBCD -
"Tomb Raider Matrox m3D update Add Matrox m3D support to Eidos Interactives Tomb Raider"
41435 TR2P2ENG.ZIP 339,6 kt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider II patch 2 - english version
41436 TR2P2USA.ZIP 339,6 kt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
Tomb Raider II patch 2 - usa version
41437 TRIVER12.ZIP 469,8 kt 24.12.1997 - - -
Trophy Rivers v1.0.0.2 update from Sierra Add support for Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro joystick- Fixes a bug where players without web browsers or valid URL associations would click on the Main Menu "Homepage" button and see an obsolete dialog box. (Win95 and Win 3.1) Updates the sierra.inf file for smoother WON.NET software downloads, as they become available.
41439 TS131UPD.ZIP 672 kt 03.10.1997 - 24017/1998-01_Disc_3.10.iso -
TigerShark v1.3 update GTi. This patch adds the following features: Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Pro Support, Diamond Monster Sound Support, DirectX 5 Compatability, 3Dfx Glide 2.4 Compatability (Voodoo Rush now supported)
41441 UEFA3DFX.ZIP 621,1 kt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
UEFA Champions League 3DFX update
41442 UEFAMYST.ZIP 618 kt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
UEFA Champions League Matrox Mystique update
41443 UEFAVESA.ZIP 943,2 kt 08.10.1997 - MBCD -
UEFA Champions League new VESA drivers
41444 VH2B5.ZIP 337 kt 22.11.1997 - MBCD -
Hexen II Rendition Verite Beta 5 Release 2 update. Req. Full retail release of Hexen II (patched to v1.09).
41445 VQ108B1.ZIP 259,1 kt 23.11.1997 - MBCD -
VQuake 1.08 beta 1. Rendition Verite accelerated Quake, supports also Mission Packs 1 and 2!
41446 W3UKV101.ZIP 1,2 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Warlords III version 1.0.1 update of UK release
41448 WAR11.ZIP 535,8 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
WAR, Inc. v1.1A update IMagic.
41452 WOODPAT.ZIP 129,9 kt 01.06.1997 - 22088/SSERVCD_48B.bin -
Woodruff & the Schnibble of the Azimut general udpate
41453 WOXLNBET.ZIP 446,2 kt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Wipeout XL/2097 Multiplayer Patch (Beta) Psygnosis This patch is for both Wipeout XL and 2097 versions. It will add multiplayer support for IPX networks, TCP/IP, Direct Connection, and Modem. Multiplayer modes support up to 15 players in IPX and TCP/IP games. Unlimited access to tracks, weapons, and race vehicles. Three types of race modes: Timed, Death Match, and Tournament.
41454 WRE_INS.ZIP 30,3 kt 08.10.1997 - - -
Worms Reinforcements installation update
41456 XVT_3DFX.ZIP 1,5 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
"X-Wing versus TIE-Fighter v1.1.4 update This patch speeds up the gamemost noticeably on Voodoo Rush. Its for 3D cards onlyand most likely will properly work only on Voodoo/Voodoo Rush based cards."
41457 YOPATCH6.ZIP 1,1 Mt 01.12.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Yoda Stories update #6
41458 ZNPATCH.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.07.1997 - 22090/SSERVCD_49B.bin -
Zork: Nemesis by Activision subtitles update Adds text subtitles to all parts of the game for speech, sound effects, etc. Live Media
40744 ABB099B.EXE 2,4 Mt 03.11.1997 - - -
"Andys BlockBreaker v.0.99 Public Beta A really DIFFERENT blockbreaking- game for Windows 3.1x/95. -Wave-Samples -MIDI-Music Designed with Klik & Play v1.2o FREEWARE!"
40745 AJLV11.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Ajl - Aja ja liiskaa! Aja ja liiskaa on hieno peli, jossa ajat autoa ja sinun tehtäväsi on liiskata ukkoja ja päästä tausta läpi. Upea loppudemo. Lisää taustoja tulossa. Vaatii: Windows 3.1 +
40746 AMAZE511.ZIP 448,8 kt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
AMAZEING 5.11 - UTIMATE Windows maze game  with awesome 256 colour graphics,  four great pieces of music, cool sound effects, totally configurable     game play, and MUCH more!!   Copyright 1996 by Stuart Swain. - Soveltuu erityisesti lapsille -
40748 ANBJ1612.ZIP 508,6 kt 16.02.1998 - MBCD -
Animated Blackjack v1.2 (16-bit) lets you play Blackjack with up to six players against the dealer. Animated characters make the game interesting, and sounds punctuate the action. Includes strategy lessons and card-counting instruction as well as the ability to tailor the play strategies of all players. Windows 3.1+
40751 AXIUMA10.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
AXIUM ADVENTURES v1.0 Soleau  Axium10.zip Axium for Windows is an exciting pure strategy, logic and problem solving game. The year is 2143 and you have been sent to the Axium galaxy to discover and solve the 50 puzzles which were created by another race hundreds of years earlier. Use balls, crates, transport holes and other objects, while avoiding the force fields to reach the control box in each puzzle. 486 66Mhz or 586
40752 BCUBES11.ZIP 80,2 kt 11.03.1997 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
BrainCubes v1.1 - FREEWARE! Logical game by MidStream, Inc. - authors of highly acclaimed BusinessCards and 007 for Win32 software titles. "BrainCubes is one of those games... which you end up playing much longer that you should" (John Ribar, BYTE Programmer\'s Cookbook, 1994). Visit our web site at http://www.midstream.com for even more fun today!
40753 BDSKI11.ZIP 982,9 kt 09.09.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
"How good of a skier do you think you really are?  Test your skills in this fast paced downhill skiing game for Windows. This addicting game is fun and easy for anyone to use. Just be sure you dont run into any bears while youre maneuvering your way down the slalom course! If you have a sound card you will hear some great sound effects!"
40754 BEETLE12.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
BEETLE RUN FOR WINDOWS  v1.2   BEETLE11.ZIP Req.SVGA Mouse Windows 3.1x 4 Meg Ram 33+Mhz Race against the clock as you rotate paths for the beetle to run across. Quick thinking and fast reflexes are required to keep the beetle scurrying across the leaf board. Gain extra points for bonus grids and other items as you try for the Top Ten High Scores. Beetle Run has sound card support, animations and is filled with educational beetle facts.
40755 BFTD16.ZIP 2,1 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Bridge for the Dummy v1.0 (16-bit) Tries to emulate the way a person really plays bridge. It will make a plan, but always look at the current situation. It understands Blackwood, Gerber, weak 2 opens, Stayman and preempts. It will also allow you to have the computer suggest bids and plays, arrange your hand etc. Demo is full featured but limits you to 50 hands. Windows 3.1x
40757 BJ_POK44.ZIP 238,7 kt 11.03.1997 - MBCD -
NOISY VIDEO POKER and BLACKJACK v4.4 Poker and Blackjack Games for Windows. Great sounds, real cards, and a beautiful user interface make this the best video poker and video blackjack simulation available. The included sounds make even losing fun. Requires: VBRUN300.DLL
40756 BJP11.ZIP 67,4 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
Blackjack Plus V1.1 by Ronald L. Mueller - play computer Blackjack with total control over casino rules and with instant readout of the probabilities associated with each playing choice. You select the number of decks, rules for splits and double down, payoffs, and more, then get a total picture of recommended player strategy for every card situation. Watching the probabilities and the real-time card count will make you an expert in no time. Req. VBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.x
40764 BRICKL25.ZIP 1,9 Mt 22.05.1997 - - -
Bricklayer for Windows is fast-paced falling blocks game.  It features beautiful 256-color artwork, an original music soundtrack, terrific sound effects, and more. Version 2.5 adds: - user-interface enhancements - ability to maximize game window - support for smooth animation of   animated piece files
40766 BRNBST02.ZIP 136,4 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
"Brain Buster V0.2 by Peter Carr freeware logic puzzle game that you play against your computer by making informed code guesses. The game resembles baseballwithinningswhere opponents take turns playing infield and outfield. The outfielder supplies amarkevery time the infielder tries to guess the outfielders code. Based on these marksthe infielder makes successively more-informed guessesultimately guessing correctly. Windows 3.1x"
40767 BUGS.ZIP 173,6 kt 18.09.1997 - MBCD -
Bugs on Tetris/Zoop-tyylinen peli Windowsille. Tehnyt Jani Virtanen.
40768 BULLSY31.ZIP 114,6 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Bullsy is a small Mastermind game for Win. You can play against your computer, or alone. Win3.1/95 version.
40771 CANASTA.ZIP 745 kt 10.02.1997 - 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso -
Canasta for Windows - lets you play Canasta against the computer. The included help file provides an introduction to this classic card game, as well as detailed rules. Features include selectable skill levels for the computer. Req. WIN31+ and VGA. Description Copyright 1996 PsL
40774 CDOW32.ZIP 926 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Crossdown for Windows v2.40 Solve and construct professional crosswords on your Windows computer! New features include SCROLLABLE clue list, sound card support with SPEAKING messages, dictionary "hot-link" access and extensive on-line help. Includes 7 professionally constructed puzzles by some of the top names in the industry. Easy to install and UN-install. Improved for Windows 95!
40778 CIVIL130.ZIP 967,7 kt 22.04.1997 - 1867/10tonsofgamesmegacollection1internationalsoftwarevalues1997.iso -
Battles displayed in full color, from Civil War battlefield re-enactments. Windows zzle game. Extremely flexible -- choose any numbers of pieces from 4 to 2000! Hall of fame for your best scores. Save puzzles, lution hints, music, sound effects, simple mouse interface, and much more! Supports any windows graphics mode, adapting as you switch displays from 640x480 to 800x600.
40780 COLM32.ZIP 1,8 Mt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Columns Max32 for Windows is a fast-paced falling blocks game where the object is to form groups of at least three colored squares vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.  It features beautiful 256-color artwork, an original music soundtrack, terrific sound effects, and more.  Systems which are not 256-color or sound-capable are also supported.
40781 COMET!.ZIP 677,9 kt 03.02.1997 - - -
COMET BUSTERS! is a high-speed arcade game for Windows 3.1. It features ray-traced sprite graphics, digitized sound, keyboard and joystick control, and a multiple-player option. This is easily one of the best Windows arcade games to come out this year.
40784 CPRO.ZIP 583,1 kt 22.09.1997 renamed archive.org -
Cribbage Pro v1.42  - A Comprehensive Card Game for Windows - CP provides all the features and challenge you expect from a traditional cribbage game. Multiple playing and scoring levels, from beginner to expert and automatic to muggins. Easy interface for effortless play. Screen components result in great visual appeal. Whether beginner to expert, Cribbage Pro has something for you.
40791 CWM103.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.04.1997 - 21818/Pegasus_Vol_5_CD1.iso -
Crossword Mania! - allows you to solve, build, and edit crossword or diagramless puzzles in Windows. Features include an 85,000 word dictionary, several printing options, the ability to preview puzzles before printing, and more. Many ready-to-solve puzzles are included. This version does not save.  Description Copyright 1996 PsL
40797 DOMSIN.ZIP 190 kt 18.04.1997 - - -
Dominoes for Windows by Brian Colton. Three different games to choose from: Classic, Big Six, and End to End. It includes two difficulty levels and the ability to select the number of dominoes you want to start the game with. Req. VBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.1x
40799 DWLDSL11.ZIP 314,9 kt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
Double Wild Slots V1.1 by Ultisoft, Inc. a fun 3-wheel slot game. Try to hit the big jackpot by hitting 3 shamrocks on the payline. Enjoy the fast action with nice graphics and sound. Windows 3.1x
40800 DYNGIN.ZIP 985,3 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
Dynamic Gin 1.17 (16-bit). Classic Gin Rummy card game for Windows. Play against computer opponent that adapts and learns as it plays. Select from 3 Gin variations, 8 cardbacks 4 skill levels. Drag/drop cards for flexible hand layout. Load bitmap images to the background for stunning user interfaces. Resume previous games. Save configurations of different users. Play & evaluate free for 36 days or 30 sessions. $12. 
40807 FATHOMIT.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.06.1998 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
FATHOM IT! v1.1  - Windows version of GAMES Magazine\'s puzzle column "Solitaire Battleship". Unlike classic Battleship, Fathom It! boards are solved using logical deduction only. Registered version has 32000 boards, divided into easy, intermediate, hard and expert categories. Has automatic board solver. Windows 3.x and up, with color/gray scale/monochrome display modes. Ideal for visual-impaired users.
40808 FGWTET11.ARJ 150,2 kt 25.01.1997 repacked archive.org tupla
Fastgraph Tetris for Windows INCLUDES DELPHI SOURCE CODE
40809 FLAPS.ZIP 986,1 kt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
FLAPS for Windows v1.2 Flaps12.zip Flaps is a challenging marble arcade game in which the objective is to guide the falling marbles with flaps to have them end into their proper slots at the bottom game board.  With only a limited set of marbles to complete the task, your quest to complete each level becomes one of strategy and quick reflexes. Flaps is great fun for the whole family! Req.486 4meg Ram
40810 FOMORE20.ZIP 166 kt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
"5-Or-More! v2.0 for Win 3.1/95/NT: one of the MOST ADDICTIVE Windows games ever - GUARANTEED! Dont take our word for itdownload the game now! Guess how many hours you will spend fighting this logical challenge. Both 16 and 32-bit versions are included. From the authors of award winning BusinessCards and PrivateEXE software. Please visit our Web site for even more fun today - http://www.midstream.com"
40814 FUNC9513.ZIP 173,7 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
Funcrd (tm) Card Games. 256 color Windows  card games. Save and restore game, scoring,  choice of player types, billions of deals,  card counter, cheat mode. Multiple decks and  Backgrounds. Full rules. Sound effects. SWREG ID# 10273.
40815 FUNPOK21.ZIP 80,6 kt 22.05.1997 - 16966/SUNNY1000.iso -
Funpok V2.1 (tm) video poker simulator. 192 Machines (six games) each with its own  database. Double-up, progressive jackpot,  eight denominations, pay tables, casino mode, get new cash game, sound. Logging of wins,  losses, types of wins, streaks and more.  Windows 3.1
40816 FUNS32.ZIP 225,5 kt 22.05.1997 - - -
Funsol 97 (TM) solitaire game160+ solitaire games plus editor. Tournaments, favorite games, random game, individual players. Snapshot, save and restore game, unlimited undo/redo, logging, graphing, scoring, money, billions of deals, card counter, cheat mode and autoplay. Multiple decks, sizes and backgrounds. Rules for every game! Sound effects. SWREG ID# 13223. Req. Windows 95. From The Softgame Company of Vermont.
40817 FUNSL22.ZIP 222,5 kt 22.05.1997 - - -
Funsol v2.2 (tm) solitaire game113 Solitair plus editor. Now in 256 colors! New improved  rules! Many additions and improvements. Save  and restore game, unlimited undo, logging,  graphing, scoring, money, billions of deals,  card counter, cheat mode and autoplay.  Multiple decks, sizes and backgrounds. There  are built in rules AND new full comprehensive on-line rules for every game! Sound effects. Windows 3.1x
40818 GAMEZ96.ZIP 2,9 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
"Note: Please do not install in Windows for Workgroups (Win 3.11)  Games 96 is a collection of games for windows. (Win 95 or Win 3.1). It contains 2 variations on poker. 1 game of Gin. 1 game of Crazy 8s. 1 Lotto selector. 1 Sliding Puzzle game.  You may unzip all files to a temporary directory and then run Setup.exe  This version of Games 96 is Shareware. Please direct any comments to: Alexander Smoljanovic  Alex1@Express.ca"
40820 GEMS14.ZIP 43,9 kt 23.04.1997 - - -
Gems - is a "columns" type game for Windows where stacks of three gems drop from the top of the board. You can move them left or right as they fall and rotate the individual gems in the stack in an attempt to get three of the same color in a line. "Magic" gems will erase all gems of the color that they touch. Description Copyright 1996 PsL
40823 GRVBLL13.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.06.1997 - MBCD -
Gravityball V1.3 by  William Hause Player uses cleverness and creativity to devise an "arena" which delivers the ball from the start tile to the finish tile in the most creative and entertaining way. Points are awarded for completing various tasks along the way. Requirements: Windows 3.1x +
40825 GTHC16.ZIP 2,1 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Green Thumb Cards 16-Bit V1.1 Your object in Green Thumb Cards is to grow more plant sets than your computerized neighbors. Sets vary in size from two to four with the larger sets having a higher point value. Windows 3.1x
40831 HSTCLK13.ZIP 15,4 kt 22.11.1997 - MBCD -
HastyClick 1.3. Pelisää painellaan vilk- kuvia valoja niiden syttymisjärjestyksessä. Vaatii VBRUN300.DLL. Toimii myös Win95:lla. Tehnyt: HarleSoft.
40839 JIGBAB.ZIP 1,1 Mt 27.03.1997 - - -
Jigsaw Babes, v1.0 Jigsaw Babes is a powerful jigsaw puzzle game with some of the best looking models around, beautifully photographed by a professional glamour photographer. Shareware version comes with 5 puzzles, full version on CD-ROM available with 136 puzzles. Req. Windows.  Great gift for partner!
40850 LOGGME40.ZIP 1,2 Mt 12.04.1998 - MBCD -
"Logic Games for Kids v4.0 from KIDware In Logic Games for Kidschildren in grades K-8 match wits with the computer or other players. Ten thought-provoking games are provided. Youll find memory games in which you match cards or reproduce pattern sequences and other memory and thinking games. Windows 3.1"
40851 LOGO10A.ZIP 194,9 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
Logic 1.0a              1996 J.Behling ABC-WARE: Software for Kids! Logic is a very special of the well known mastermind game for children (5-99). Hints, sound support. Needs VBRUN300.DLL
40852 LRALLY.ZIP 2,1 Mt 18.03.1998 - 9309/Windows 6-Pak (InfoMagic) (Disc 1) (1999).ISO -
Letter Rally 1.0 for Windows By Gilles BerA collection of 30 word & logic puzzles. To complete the rally, you must find the 
names of 30 world capitals by playing around with letters. Figuring how to play 
each puzzle is part of the challenge. Windows 3.1/95, 386, 8 MB.
40857 MAGICSQ.ZIP 227,1 kt 22.04.1997 - 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso -
Magic squares is a game for one player against the computer. The aim of the game is to collect more points than the computer. Points are marked are those displayed in the clicked square. WIN 3.x
40864 MJBB112S.ZIP 688 kt 20.04.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
"Mah Jongg for Windows v1.12This is the original and REAL Mah Jongg. Shareware Industry Awards Nominee 1996.
Its a game based on strategy and symbolism and for beginners and advanced players alike. 
Includes an extensive help which explains the rulestactics and the history of this Eastern Marvel. 
A great Shareware game for only UKœ20 or US$29.95!"
40868 MUDBW16.ZIP 1,1 Mt 12.03.1997 - MBCD -
Mudball Wall - Windows 3.1 shoot balls of coloured mud at a wall to find pattern. It starts pretty easily but soon gets more difficult. Nice, tasty game of puzzle.
40870 MVPHRT.ZIP 1,6 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
MVP Hearts for Windows by MVP Software Six virtual opponents are eager to challenge you to the hottest game of Hearts ever.  MVP Hearts plays the best game and offers the most features of any computer Hearts game available.  You can even challenge your friends to a multiplayer Hearts death match over the internet, LAN, modem, or direct connection.  Req 486 or better. v1.3.
40871 MVPSPA14.ZIP 1,3 Mt 02.04.1998 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
MVP Spades v1.4 for Windows by MVP Software. The leader in shareware computer card games is proud to present the latest and greatest! Six computer opponents challenge you to a hot game of Spades. Wonderful graphics and music provide the atmosphere. Are your card-playing skills up to snuff? Live internet, modem and network multiplayer support included so you can play against your friends.
40882 OOG_V11.ZIP 466,2 kt 23.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
OOG, The Object Orientation Game v1.1 is a MS Windows program for playing tiling puzzle  games. Tangrams, Pentominoes, Hexagons,  Polyominoes all in a single app. Create your  own puzzles, get hints, auto detection of  solved puzzles, auto snapping of game pieces, save/restore your progress. From MCM  Productions! Author Member of the ASP.
40884 ORIGIN.ZIP 91,2 kt 23.04.1997 - 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso -
Original Soul - is an artificial life interactive game for Windows where you assume the role of a cyber-bug trying to hunt for food, reproduce, and battle deadly cannibalistic enemies. Description Copyright 1996 PsL
40887 PAT110S.ZIP 162 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
Patriot v1.10S Copyright 1996,1997:Lampron Software Patriot is a one arm bandit style slot machine. Requires: 386 or higher; Mouse or trackball; Windows 3.1 or higher REGISTRATION FEE: $12.95 U.S. DEVELOPER: Lampron Software
40891 PEGGED15.ZIP 256,7 kt 25.03.1997 - - -
PEGGED FOR WIN 3.x/Win95 v1.5 a classic board game. Eat all but one peg by jumping over them. Features: multiple tables, table editor, bombs etc... Full source code for Delphi1.0
40894 PINGIS11.ZIP 80,1 kt 27.08.1997 - - -
Pingis - kahden pelaajan pingis simulaattori" Vaatii Win 3.x, 4 megaa ramia, 140 kilotavua kiintolevyä (suurinpiirtein) ja NÄPPIKSEN.
40896 POKERCHL.ZIP 417,5 kt 23.04.1997 - 19732/04 SWP 049 - 06-1997.iso -
Poker Challenge 1.4 for Windows. This addicti new solitaire game from award winning designe John Cutter, combines the excitement of high  Poker with the strategy of Tetris, Shanghai a Yahtzee. GameNet\'s 1996 "Puzzle Game of the Y Shareware ($15.00). Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
40898 POKRSQ.ZIP 210,8 kt 16.02.1998 - MBCD -
Poker Squares v2.05, solitaire card game for Windows. Slick implementation of the classic solitaire, where you try to form the best poker hands on the rows, columns, and diagonals of a 5 x 5 grid. Features sound, music, full game statistics, and 3-level undo.  Shareware by Randy Rasa ($10). Requires VBRUN300.DLL.  SWREG #15285.
40901 PSLOTS21.ZIP 421 kt 12.03.1997 - - -
PARADISE SLOTS v1.2 Windows Slot Machine Game Three slot machine games in one (TROPICAL PARADISE, OCEAN BLUE and JUNGLE DRUMS SLOTS).  256 color graphics and funny sounds. Beautiful spinning animation.  Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
40904 PVPOKW25.ZIP 985,9 kt 11.01.1998 - - -
PROFESSIONAL VIDEO POKER FOR WINDOWS V2.5. More than just a another video poker game! Choose from 20 different games like Dueces Wild, single & double Jokers Wild, Regular & Progressive Jackpots, & Double-or-Nothing games. Complete control over 50 impressive card dealing special effects. Includes card animation, customize payoffs, complete stats, digital sound, set cards, & more... Requires 6Mg RAM, 5Mg HD, Win 3.1+, 25Mhz 486+, VGA+.
40905 PYRAMID.ZIP 938,5 kt 30.05.1997 - - eritupla
Pyramid patience v2.1 for Windows Requires 386+, 4+ MB, Win 3.1x, VGA, SB supported. SHAREWARE VERSION --> 35 Mk FIM full ver. Made by JoreSoft Productions.
40906 QSETUP.ZIP 248,8 kt 23.04.1997 - 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO -
Quizzy - is a fun multiple-choice trivia quiz game for Windows. Correct  answers take you directly to the next  question, while incorrect choices incur  a one-and-one-half second penalty. 250  questions are included in this version.   Description Copyright 1996 PsL 
40912 ROLLEM20.ZIP 930,5 kt 23.04.1997 - 22087/SSERVCD_48A.bin -
ROLLEM for Windows v2.0   ROLLEM20.zip Rollem is an exciting new strategy marble game from Soleau Software. The objective is to roll your marbles into a random maze and try to get them as far down as possible. Strategy is required as the arrow ramps are rotated with each marble. Try to block your opponent by strategically placing your marbles into just the right spots. Animated graphics and packed with features! FUN!!!!
40914 RUSBIG.ZIP 327,4 kt 25.06.1997 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
RusCell Malachite v.1B (BIG) Windows 16M colors Klondike solitaire in style of Russian tales
40915 RVP44.ZIP 72,8 kt 20.04.1997 - 19733/01 SWP 046 - 03-1997.iso -
REAL VIDEO POKER v4.4 A Video Poker Game for Windows Probably the most realistic video poker game available.  Digitized sounds, beautiful card designs (they look REAL), and ease of play make this game a REAL winner! Now with really BIG cards! Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
40916 SAGEBJ35.ZIP 683,5 kt 24.12.1998 - - -
Casino Blackjack Simulator 3.5 - Sage Software. with great sound effects and animated graphics. Learn how to beat the casinos at their own game! Practically all house rules can be simulated. Windows 3.1+
40917 SCITY102.ZIP 2,7 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
"** SOLITAIRE CITY V1.02s ** By Pete Wiseman The only Windows solitaire game youll ever play ! Every feature imaginable including stunning 24-bit card graphicswacky sounds and timed scoring saved to disk. Fast and furious gameplay. This shareware version includes eight of the most popular one and two pack solitaire games. Download SOLITAIRE SETTY too and turn your JPEG collection into a photo-realistic Solitaire City cardset."
40919 SEPKR19.ZIP 1,3 Mt 21.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
"Smokeem Poker v1.9. A freeware game of five-card\xa0draw poker. Play against up to 5 opponents simulated by the computer. Requires Windows 3.1 w/386 or better. This version adds saveable gamesmore optionsand several bug fixes. BeerWare by Dave OBrien."
40921 SHIDAO37.ZIP 864,2 kt 21.04.1997 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Shih Dao v3.7 from Digital Empires (256 colors). Now with added Boards and tilesets. More free available. Based on a game played in ancient China, Shih Dao is the ultimate in strategy. Test your will and skill and see if you can become a Master.  Multi boards and tilesets. Works with Windows 95. Featuring fantastic 256 color graphics and digitized sound effects. REQ: Win 3.1, 256 color driver.
40922 SHOOTER2.ZIP 463 kt 27.08.1997 - MBCD -
Shooter 2 Windowsille tehty ammuskelupeli , jossa testaat hiirikätesi nopeuden ja liipasinsormesi varmuuden. Taattua AndySoft laatua. Nyt uudet hienot 256 - väriset grafiikat. Vaatii Win 3.x. Ilmainen. Tehnyt ANtti Kangas. *NYT TYSIN ILMAINEN*
40926 SOLITI.ZIP 438,4 kt 21.04.1997 - - -
SOLITILE FOR WINDOWS A game of removing matched tiles, similar to Shanghai, Taipei, and Mahjongg (but much better :-).  Licensed version includes over 40 tilesets and and over 50 layouts, along with a tile set editor and a lyaout editor. Shareware: $24  EVERETT KASER SOFTWARE
40927 SPAD1651.ZIP 3,9 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Championship Spades 5.1b Polished Spades card game w/rich sound & extensive options, good layout, fast play, a MIDI jukebox of songs, autoresume, and help with tutorials. Play your favorite variations such as Jokers, 2S, Swap, Blind, and Cut. Polished interface. Dynamic Visual Solutions - Windows 16-bit
40930 SPIRIT1.ZIP 707,4 kt 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg tupla
Spirit Riders, vol.1  "The Quest for the Crystal", Fantasy Role Playing/Adventure for Windows 3.0 and above, The first volume in a multi-part RPG. Players are sent on quest in an underground mine to retrive a crystal that can destroy the world. Surprise ending, intricate maze, and lots of battles.
40933 SSTARS.ZIP 90,3 kt 20.10.1997 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
Stars - a simple brain teaser game.
40934 STARMERC.ZIP 482 kt 28.06.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Star Merc (TM) - A fast paced stellar shootout for Windows. 3D rendered interface, 30 FPS animation.   Requires VBRUN300.DLL
40937 TACDEMO.ZIP 1,2 Mt 31.03.1996 - 10806/CD_ASCQ_29_040596.iso tupla
"TAC OPS/////Modern Tactical Combat 1994-2000 Welcome to 1994s strategy/wargame of the year ... now for Windows and WIN95.  Simply   PKUNZIP TACDEMO.ZIP then from within Windows File Managerhit the tacops.exe button to run the program! THIS IS A WINDOWS ONLY GAME.... Brought to you by Arsenal PublishingInc. and Software Creations BBS"
40938 TAROTW27.ZIP 1,3 Mt 03.04.1998 - - -
CyberTarot(R) version 2.7 is a complete Tarot reading system for Microsoft Windows, including Windows 3.1 or later, Windows 95 or later, and Windows NT. You can choose from any of three spreads or card layouts, shuffle and select your own cards, and view individual cards on a large screen. Comprehensive on-line help system includes interpretations of individual cards and information about spreads and card positions. Minimum configuration requires 256 color VGA,
40941 TONK.ZIP 359,3 kt 18.01.1998 - 1867/10tonsofgamesmegacollection1internationalsoftwarevalues1997.iso -
TONK. Classic card game with a computer opponent and dazzling graphics. For the beginning and advanced player. Learn Tonk for the first time or brush up on your existing game. Requires Windows 3.1, or Windows 95. Developed by AGCrump.
40943 TRICH106.ZIP 6,7 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
Trichi v1.06 Turning Triangles into Triumph! Mystery & elegance combine with strategy in this board game as players visualize and complete geometric shapes. Fast & funny or slow and serious. Any way you play it, expect hours of tantalizing fun! With a virtually infinite number of possible game endings, you will enjoy a lifetime of Trichi games. Imagination Industries Inc. Win3.1
40946 UR10.ZIP 724,9 kt 28.06.1997 - MBCD -
"The Royal Game of Urv1.0s Windows shareware version of the most ancient board game known - 5 examples of which were found by Woolley at Ur.  Played from at least 2500 BC and probably centuries beforethe game spread to all the civilizations of the Near East and was the most popular game for at least 3000 years!  This version offers excellent graphicsgreat game playoriginal MIDI background musicand good game sounds.  Easy to play and learnvery funand very"
40952 WALLUP10.ZIP 1,2 Mt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
"WALL-UP v1.0 Soleau Windows WALL-UP is an arcade strategy game where you try to guide four marbles at once into the  proper slots on the sides of the game board. As more marbles keep enteringyoure in a  race against the clock as the walls start to explode making it harder to direct them.  Gain extra points for bonus grids and other objects in your quest for the top ten score. Wall-Up is pure arcade strategy fun for all."
40954 WCHSS25C.ZIP 649,2 kt 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip tupla
WinChess 2.50c is an easy to use chess game for Windows with awesome graphics. Req: 386, 4MB RAM, Windows, 32k colors. Release Date: 02/20/96
40955 WEGYPT20.ZIP 179,6 kt 25.03.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Egyptian Tarot for Windows. Esoteric fortune telling card game with VGA graphics & mouse support. Completely menu driven. Prints reports for future reference. Twenty-one spreads supported. Was ancient Egypt the source of the modern Tarot? Alexander the Great beleived in the Oracle of Amon located at Oasis Siwa. 2,300 years later, the key to the oracle is yours to explore. V2.0 1997.
40961 WINCRA61.ZIP 1 Mt 12.01.1998 - - -
WinCraps v6.1 by Cloud City Software Craps game with a wealth of features. Ideal for players who want to learn the game, or improve their game without losing real money. Windows 3.1x
40965 WINPOKER.ZIP 956,2 kt 30.05.1997 - MBCD -
Poker cardgame v2.1 for Win Requires 486DX2+, 8+ MB, Win 3.1x, VGA, Mouse, SB supported. SHAREWARE VERSION --> 50 Mk FIM full ver. Made by JoreSoft Productions.
40972 WORMY111.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.07.1997 - MBCD -
-Wormy v1.11- A great worm game featuring cool music and great graphics. Work yourself through all the nasty levels of Wormy. Including marvelous modes like: NORMAL MODE, 2 PLAYER NORMAL MODE, POINT PLAY and 1-4 VS. MODE + a cool VS. COMPUTER MODE. V1.1 BUGS FIXED!!! -Req. 486, Win/Win95-
40977 YATZY.ZIP 1,4 Mt 30.05.1997 - MBCD -
YATZY For Windows. Version 2.02!! Dice game with graphics, animations, sounds, and two language support FIN/ENG. Requires 486/66 (P100), Win 3.1 (Win95) 8MB RAM, 3MB HDD space. AdLib/SB supported. Sometimes SW version play registered version!! Shareware version --> 50Mk FIM full ver. Nearly two years to make by JoreSoft Prod.
40978 YTSE16.ZIP 357,3 kt 12.01.1998 - - -
Yahtsee v1.16 (16 bit) by Cary Stone computerized version of the popular dice game. Can be played by up to six players. Players can be human or computer-controlled. The winner is the player who scores the most point in a series of up to six games. Windows 3.1+
40982 3DDOM11.ZIP 549 kt 17.09.1997 - MBCD -
3dDominoes V1.1 by Bud Baker Ready for a not-so-fast-action 3D game? 3dDom is the classic draw dominoes game played against the computer. It offers sound, five different color backgrounds, and six different domino sets (registered version only). Windows 95, DirectyX, 640x480
40985 95CHRY46.ZIP 878,5 kt 05.06.1998 - MBCD -
"CHERRY DELIGHT Video Slots V4.6 A Slot Machine Game for Windows 95  This isnt your grandmothers slot machine!  This is a nine wheel video slot machine with 8 pay lines. Also has bonus spins and a progressive bonus pool.  See the beautiful graphics and animation!  Requires VB40032.DLL (not in .ZIP file). UltiSoftInc. Win95."
40986 95DYNA46.ZIP 873,8 kt 05.06.1998 - - -
DOUBLE DYNAMITE VIDEO SLOTS v4.6 A Slot Machine Game for Windows 95  This isn\'t your grandmother\'s slot machine!  This is a nine wheel video slot machine with 8 pay lines. Also has bonus spins, "wild card" symbol, and a pro- gressive bonus pool.  See the beautiful graphics and animation for yourself! Requires VB40032.DLL (not in .ZIP file) UltiSoft, Inc. Win95.
40987 95ESCA20.ZIP 2,4 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
"Moraffs Escapade V2.0 is a super-high- quality animated arcade/logic game. You run around picking up pieces of the 30 different screens and rearranging them to your own advantage! This game is very easy to get intothe rules are simplebut playing it well and solving the screens is an extraordinary challenge! Escapade has fantastic graphicscool sound effectsand runs full-screen. Windows95!"
40988 95EXTR14.ZIP 914 kt 16.02.1998 - MBCD -
Extreme Slots 95 v1.4 Windows 95 Slow Machine Game. Three slot machine games in one (EXTREME, BREAK the BANK and STARS and STRIPES slots). 256 color graphics and funny sounds. Beautiful spinning animation. Requires vb40032.dll
40999 ACEYDUCY.ZIP 1,3 Mt 02.06.1998 - MBCD -
Acey Ducey Backgammon   Win95/NT/Win98 New! Play Backgammon or Acey Ducey. Remote, and Computer match play. 3 time "Product of the Year" winner WinGames.Inc            ShareWare
41000 ALLAMGIN.ZIP 1 Mt 22.09.1997 - 1867/10tonsofgamesmegacollection1internationalsoftwarevalues1997.iso -
"All American Gin Rummy by WinGames Inc. features three great Gin Rummy games in one: Standard Gin RummyHollywood Ginand Oklahoma Gin Rummy. You can choose from three levels of game playplay remotely via the Internettoggle the music and soundand save matches for later play. Use the table designer to customize your own table with rendered graphics or solid colors. With All American Gin Rummyyoull feel like youre really playing cards. Windows 95"
41001 ANBJ3211.ZIP 519,4 kt 16.02.1998 - MBCD -
Animated Blackjack v1.1 (32-bit) lets you play Blackjack with up to six players against the dealer. Animated characters make the game interesting, and sounds punctuate the action. Includes strategy lessons and card-counting instruction as well as the ability to tailor the play strategies of all players. Windows 95
41005 BALERT09.ZIP 1,6 Mt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Block ALERT v0.9 Äly/puzzlepeli. Liiku palikkalaudalla siirtäen identtiset palikat vierekkäin jotta ne saataisiin "lukittua" pois pelistä. Win95/NT
41006 BBLPZL.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.10.1998 - 15668/PCM_9902.iso -
"Conmegs Bubble Puzzle97 Arcade Game v1.3a: A Bust-a-move Clone for Windows95 or WindowsNT 4.0requires DirectX 3.0.  In this game the player has to shoot colouredballs to the top of the screen by the angle of the ball canon. Three balls of the same color which touch each other will be removed from the playing field. Your goal is to remove all balls from the level."
41007 BFTD32.ZIP 1,8 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Bridge for the Dummy v1.0 (32-bit) Tries to emulate the way a person really plays bridge. It will make a plan, but always look at the current situation. It understands Blackwood, Gerber, weak 2 opens, Stayman and preempts. It will also allow you to have the computer suggest bids and plays, arrange your hand etc. Demo is full featured but limits you to 50 hands. Windows 95
41010 BOOM!.ZIP 869,1 kt 12.03.1997 - - -
aSc Boom! v1.0e for Windows95 & WindowsNT. Simple maze-bombing game.
41011 BOTZ30.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
"Botz V3.0 from WinGames Win95 game that requires skill and knowledge. Although some game elements remain constanteach game is different. The overall game objective is to clear the various gardens of Botz. You score points by hitting botz with paint ballscausing them to disappear. You can use the terrain to your advantage; some plants can help youwhereas others are not so helpful. Once you clear a gardenyoure rewarded with a promotion. This trial version allows you to"
41012 BOYS15.ZIP 585,6 kt 03.02.1998 - - -
Space Boys v1.5 fantastic two player platformer game if you want to beat each other. Cool weapons, multiple levels with cool features and lots of weird things. Itïs the ULTIMATE challenge for you and your "friend". A fast 486 or higher needed. Windows 95 CT productions
41013 BRE.ZIP 784,7 kt 25.06.1997 - - -
"MunaSofts BREAKOUT Breakout-kloonitehty KliknPlaylla. Windows 95."
41015 BULLSY95.ZIP 138,2 kt 30.06.1997 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
Bullsy is a small Mastermind game for Win. You can play against your computer, or alone. Win95 version.
41017 CBIGO.ZIP 2 Mt 31.03.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
CapeSoft Bingo V1.0 By Charles Holmes This program contains both standard 640x280 resolution and high 1024x768 resolution versions. Windows 95.
41018 CF_SOL.ZIP 541,8 kt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
Wyvern Studios Solitaire v1.6New standard in shareware Solitaire games with this commercial-quality, 
32-bit edition of Klondike. SVGA and Windows 95, 98, or NT.
41019 CF_SPIDR.ZIP 539,5 kt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
"Spiderette v1.6 by Wyvern Studios Inc. Heres your next card-playing adventure. SureSpiderette looks easy - but after a few minutes with this fun single-player card gameyoull be caught in its web. Youll enjoy playing with the largeattractive cards. drag-and-drop or point-and-click play; cleancrisp sound effects; and a MIDI soundtrack. Windows 9598or NT"
41020 CHOMP10.ZIP 682,1 kt 03.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
Chomper v1.0 CHOMPER is the ultimate of its genre.  Avoid the ghosts while chomping as many dots as  possible, in a large, scrolling virtual maze approximately 30 times the size of the actual screen.  This shareware version features 5 levels, each suspended over a planet and stars in the background.  Features 256 color graphics, parallax scrolling and 10 original musical compositions. Win 95 compatible.    
41021 CM98-154.A01 2,9 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
Casino Madness 98 v1.5.4 2/3
41022 CM98-154.A02 1,7 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
Casino Madness 98 v1.5.4 3/3
41023 CM98-154.ARJ 2,9 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
"Casino Madness 98 v1.5.4 1/3 Leiter SoftwareLtd. includes eight of the most popular electronic casino games complete with realistic sound effects. The games include Deuces WildHi/Lo PokerPoker SlotsWorld KenoBlackjack 21Jacks or BetterLucky Sevensand Wild Jokers. The graphics are clear and crispand youll enjoy the shuffle of the cards. Win9516MB1MB VRAMP60"
41025 CRAZYGRA.ZIP 661,7 kt 23.04.1997 - MBCD -
Crazy Gravity * V2.0 * English * for Win95 The ultimate game for Win95 with animated 256 color graphics and parallax scrolling! Experience the wonderful world of gravity and fly through a system of caverns with a spaceship. Along the way you must get past many obstacles. Fans blow your ship against rocks, magnets attract you, rods move into your way, cannons bombard you
41026 CRYPQTS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 05.06.1998 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
"CrypticQuotes v1.0 by Tom Brickhouse free 32-bit word game. Youre given a famous quote in encrypted form that you need to decipher. You begin each game with 100 pointsand lose five points for each wrong choice. You can also use a Hint featurebut it costs you five points even if the letter isnt used in the puzzle. This freeware version contains 20 quotes; a version with 200 quotes is available for $10. Win95."
41027 D32GIN.ZIP 919,8 kt 21.04.1997 - 22088/SSERVCD_48B.bin -
Dynamic Gin 1.17 (32-bit). Classic Gin Rummy card game for Win 95. Play against computer opponent that adapts and learns as it plays. Select from 3 Gin variations, 8 cardbacks, 4 skill levels. Drag/drop cards for flexible hand layout. Load bitmap images to the background for stunning user interfaces. Resume previous games. Save configurations of different users. Play & evaluate free for 36 days or 30 sessions. $12. 
41028 DDCARDS.ZIP 1,5 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Double Decker Solitaire 1.0Includes eight games of solitaire, all of which use two decks of cards.  Games include Cotillion, Frog, Imaginary 13, Interregnum, Odd and Even, Precedence, Sultan and Twenty-One. For Windows 95 only. Shareware. Registration price is $10. From Tracker Software.
41029 DEFEND1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 21.05.1997 - 22650/cd joystick No83 juin 1997.iso -
Defend-3D, a freeware game created by Numerical Design Ltd.(NDL), makers of the NetImmerse Game Engine. This remake of the classic Defender coin-op demo features morphing terrain, a proprietary software renderer and full hardware Direct3D support. The Game Engine can be purchased through NDL directly. Full source code is available with no royalties. Requires Win95 with DirectX 1/3
41030 DEFEND2.ZIP 1,3 Mt 21.05.1997 - 22650/cd joystick No83 juin 1997.iso -
Defend-3D 2/3
41031 DEFEND3.ZIP 520,6 kt 21.05.1997 - 22650/cd joystick No83 juin 1997.iso -
Defend-3D 3/3
41032 DELPOK14.ZIP 326,8 kt 18.04.1997 - - -
DeLuxe Poker (32-bit) V1.4 by Marzio De Biasi Simple, yet nice little Windows 95 video Poker game. Good graphics and a solid video Poker game. Windows 95
41034 DELROU13.ZIP 270,6 kt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
DeLuxe Roulette V1.3 (32-bit) by Marzio De Biasi video-style Roulette game. You get 10 credits to start, and you can bet up to 10 credits per spin. Quickly bet one to five credits with a left or middle mouse click then spin the wheel. Standard roulette payoffs for odd/even, red/black, pairs, fours, halfs, thirds and more. Windows 95
41035 DEUCES10.ZIP 300,5 kt 21.05.1997 - 22088/SSERVCD_48B.bin -
"Diana Grubers Deuces Wild Video Poker. This is one of several shareware games from Diana Grubers 3D Casino Las Vegas. Play video poker just like in a real Las Vegas Casino! Windows 95 required. Get more shareware at http://www.3d-casino.com"
41036 DIGIT.ZIP 5,4 Mt 25.09.1998 - 22902/pcwjul97.zip -
"Dig It! from Springsoft Platform game - 2D side viewed. Equipped with a gun to fight off the Draggos and a drill to help mine your way through this massive worldyoull have to swim through the Great Waterstraverse the frozen north and escape unscathed from the fiery underworld. Great platform game with brilliant graphics. Blast enemiesdig holesfind treasures and extra lives and try not to fall off the ledges!!!. DOS 4.0"
41037 DOM95-15.ZIP 528,1 kt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Dom95 v1.5 by Bud Baker classic draw dominos played against the computer. Offers sound, five different background colors, and six different domino sets (when you register). The dominos are mixed, face down, and each player draws seven pieces. Windows 95
41038 DOMI32.ZIP 1,9 Mt 21.04.1997 - - -
Dominoes for Windows 95 Play 32-bit dominoes with this shareware program. There are three different games to choose from; Classic, Big Six, and End to End; and two difficulty levels, Beginner or Expert. Windows 95
41039 DPYOGI32.ZIP 206,6 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
Desktop Pink Yogi -  Windows NT Card Game
41040 EP-PUZZL.ZIP 26,8 kt 12.03.1997 - MBCD -
EP-Puzzle is a very simple and easy WINDOWS or WINDOWS 95 game. It generates 15 random words and places them in a 15x15 block of random letters. Object is to find all of the words listed down the right side of the puzzle in the block letters.
41041 FLIPOV.ZIP 171,3 kt 18.04.1997 - - -
Flip Over V2.0 from Barefoot Productions Memory matching game featuring colorful icons. Flip over pairs of tiles to reveal pictures and try for a match. Windows 95
41042 FLYNN14.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.01.1997 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
FLYNN SPRINT v 1.4 1-15-95 smooth- scrolling, maze puzzle, fast-action, game. Climb ladders, race through mazes, and dig holes to collect all the jewels at each level.  Avoid "instant death" squares, monsters, and other killer creatures! Requires 386, VGA. Most sound cards supported. Thoroughly tested on Windows 95.  Includes Windows Setup. ImagiSOFT, Inc. 
41044 GAMCHE30.ZIP 814,4 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
"Game Chest Win95 V3.0 by WinGames a collection of popular board games. Included are BackgammonYahtzeRummyQueens Audienceand Fortunes Favor. You can play against the computer in applicable games with 256-color support. Set game options from a toolbar or pull-down windows. There is on-line help available for each game along with the ability to change background colors. This is a colorfulgraphical offering. You can play Fortunes Favor as often as desired."
41046 GLD32117.ZIP 4,1 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Gold Club Casino v1.17 from Boss Casinos Ltd. Gold Club Casino lets you play six casino games for fun or for real through an offshore betting system. The software offers roulette, blackjack, video poker, Pai Gow poker, Caribbean poker, and slot machines with incredible graphics and sounds. Play for free with the software or set up an account and actually win or lose real money. Internet connection and Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
41047 GTHC32.ZIP 2,3 Mt 18.04.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
Green Thumb Cards 32-Bit V1.1 Your object in Green Thumb Cards is to grow more plant sets than your computerized neighbors. Sets vary in size from two to four with the larger sets having a higher point value. Windows 95
41048 HALATF.ZIP 735,6 kt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
Halatafl - The Fox Game V1.0 shareware version of the ancient Viking game of Fox and Geese, played from before 1000 AD. by the Icelandic Vikings. Stunning images, great game-play, excellent MIDI background music, and fun game sounds -- all very authentic. Learn about the Vikings as you play!  Fun and educational at the same time! Windows 95 + VBRUN300.DLL
41050 HWSIIR1.ZIP 2,2 Mt 25.01.1997 - MBCD -
Harwood Solitaire for Windows 95 V1.0 Beautiful, well done Solitaire -cardgame.
41052 INCOGNTO.ZIP 1 Mt 17.02.1999 - - -
InCogNeeto v1.0 BigMeg Software question and answer game that allows you to create your own themes (10 Questions & Disguised Answers) and distribute them to your friends via DCC, FTP, ICQ, or  E-Mail. A themes file size is about 2K, so they can be sent rather quick. One Great Feature to the game is that if the person playing your theme answers all 10 questions you created correctly, the game will automatically send them to a web site address. Windows 95
41053 JACKS10.ZIP 310,1 kt 21.05.1997 - 22088/SSERVCD_48B.bin -
"Diana Grubers Jacks or Better Video Poker. This is one of several shareware games from Diana Grubers 3D Casino Las Vegas. Play video poker just like in a real Las Vegas Casino! Windows 95 required. Get more shareware at http://www.3d-casino.com"
41054 JAVATETR.ZIP 15,1 kt 03.04.1998 - - -
JAVA-Tetris 1.0b ////////////////// Req. Netscape 4.03 or above with Java 1.1 support!! (or ie 4.0) ////////////////// copyright 1998 Petteri Muilu
41055 JTET100.ZIP 189 kt 23.11.1997 - MBCD -
JustTetris v1.0, Jere Sanisalo, nice Tetris game for Windows 95. Single player. Requires at least Direct X 5.0. Hi-Color or True-Color display mode recommended. FREEWARE.
41056 JUMBLE.ZIP 3,3 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Jumble by Steve Munro. Free word game in which words are displayed with the letters jumbled out of order.The object of the game is to unscramble the letters and find the correct word. Windows 95
41057 KEEPCOOL.ZIP 765,1 kt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
"Keep Your Cool by Grey Olltwit Klicknplay creation. Assume the role of Doris the Downtrodden Employeemanipulate chickens in an office setting in an attempt to reduce office stress. Poor Doris needs to clean up after her sloppy coworkers and get her tyrannical boss some coffee. Pretty original gamebut takes little time to figure it out. Windows 95"
41058 KIVIPAPE.ZIP 1,4 Mt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
Kivi paperi ja sakset - Windows 95 käännös vanhasta kisailupelistä. Tehnyt Kurko Tomi Antero
41060 LASKU17.ZIP 186,2 kt 18.10.1997 - MBCD -
LASKUPIÄ 1.51 (Windows95/NT): Suomenkielinen matematiikkapeli. Useita tehtävätasoja ja mahdollisuus muokata tehtäviä. Parhaiden tulosten tallennus.
41061 LEXCON12.ZIP 4,7 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Lexicon v1.2c is a unique & original game where you form words from lettered tiles. It features three separate games, each with its own set of rules and tile layouts. Lush graphics and a fresh, intriguing interface. Features a large dictionary, computer and multi-player opponents, high-scores, online help, demonstration mode, soundtrack, environmental sounds and effects. Requirements: Windows 95/98, Pentium,
41062 LRACK.ZIP 1,1 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
Letter Rack Demonstration V1.01 - educational word game written for Windows 95 SoftSpot Software 1996/Soleau
41063 LUCKY46.ZIP 864,4 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
LUCKY STARS Video Slots V4.6 A Slot Machine Game for Windows 95  This isn\'t your grandmother\'s slot machine! This is a nine wheel video slot machine with 8 pay lines. Also has bonus spins, "wild card" symbol, and a progressive bonus pool.  See the beautiful graphics and animation for yourself! Requires VB40032.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
41064 LUFFAR15.ZIP 1,8 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
"Luffarnv1.5 by NME Board game. Computer version of Tic Tac Toe / five-in-line. The idea was to create a game that could be played by two people even if they are on opposite sides of the globe. Can automatically send and retrieve each move between your opponent and yourselfvia e-mail. Also normal single machine two pl. fun. Windows 95 or Windows 98"
41065 LYKKEHJU.ZIP 1 Mt 23.01.1999 - - -
"Nimmers LykkeHjul v2.5 by Nimmersoft Wheel of Fortune like word-game where you have to guess words from Categories by selecting Consonants and Vowelsand spinning a wheel to see how much each letter gives. Bonus rounds and prizes. With three languages and NOW 10 Categories. Edit your own word lists with the built-in editor. Ideal for teachers and schools. Windows 95"
41066 MAHJNGPR.ZIP 2,6 Mt 04.06.1998 - - -
Mah Jongg 3000 Pro v6.1.142 by Detlev Schmidtke Board game. Six tile sets and eight different layouts to challenge you. The tile sets range from traditional Mah Jongg tiles, to American or German street signs, to Christmas tiles. Difficulty levels, tile sets, layouts etc. Fun rendition of a classic game. Windows 95
41068 MLOGIC.ZIP 129 kt 22.05.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
My So-Called Logic Game MasterMind-style logic game with both shapes and colors. It lets you play against another person and see who is better. Windows 95
41069 MOOLAH10.ZIP 373,6 kt 21.05.1997 - 21820/Pegasus_Vol_7.iso -
"Mooo Lah! is a 3-reel animated slot machine with wild cards and symbols that move up to the payline. This is one of several shareware games from Diana Grubers 3D Casino Las Vegas. Play authentic slots just like in a real Las Vegas Casino! Windows 95 required. See us on the web at http://www.3d-casino.com"
41070 MOUSMAZE.ZIP 2 Mt 22.10.1997 - - -
MouseMaze - Arcade, Maze Move the mouse character through the maze without getting eaten by the cat.  Challenging and fun worth every second of download. For younger players. Windows 95
41071 MSUN101.ZIP 1 Mt 04.06.1998 - - -
Midnight Sunitaire v1.01 by John Roger Taraldsen. Free 32-bit Solitaire game. Game begins with all cards being dealt to the tableau, arranged in eight stacks. Your mission is to arrange the cards into the four foundation suits, running from ace to king. It seems similar to Klondike and is as easy to play, but frustratingly difficult to win. Friendly interface, attractive cards. Win95/NT4
41072 MTCHPICT.ZIP 790,9 kt 23.01.1999 - - -
Match the Pictures v1.5 by R. Jacob Concentration-style game. It has the advantage of allowing the user to specify a list of graphics to be displayed. It will display any pictures that have been saved in the BMP, RLE, ICO or other bitmap formats. These may be photographs scanned in to your computer with a scanner, or drawings made in a program such as Paint. Young children may enjoy playing it using picutures of themselves. Windows 95, 98, or NT
41073 MUDBW32.ZIP 1 Mt 12.03.1997 - MBCD -
Mudball Wall - Windows 95 shoot balls of coloured mud at a wall to find pattern. It starts pretty easily but soon gets more difficult. Nice, tasty game of puzzle.
41074 MULTRS10.ZIP 1,1 Mt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
****** Multris v1.0 for Windows 95 ***** Tetris like game for windows 95. Up to 20 players in a networked TCP/IP (internet) game. Nice configurable sounds. Changeable backdrops. Fully configurable keys. Shared unlimited high score files. Multi-langage (English French). Extensive help.
41075 MZWRK2.ZIP 754,9 kt 26.07.1997 - - -
MazeWorks version 2.0 Te Exciting Maze Game and Maze Generation Tool! Create an almost unlimited number of mazes that you can solve directly on your computer screen. You navigate through a maze by using the mouse or keyboard. Allows the printing of any maze that it generates. MazeWorks can generate mazes for the Doom 3D maze game! Windows 95 or greater and Windows NT 3.51 or greater.
41076 NEWLINES.ZIP 153,4 kt 06.05.1998 - 18113/WF0698_2.ISO -
NewLines by Lena Pankratova Puzzle/Logic small and attractive tile-based logical game. The purpose is to remove tiles of one color from the desk by arranging them in a straight line. Windows 95
41077 NOPEUS.ZIP 228,7 kt 03.02.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Nopeustesti v1.0 Tekijä: Olli Oikarinen (Panic I.C.) Testaa nopeutesi tavallisten nappien lisäksi poliitikoilla tai Panic IC:n soittajapojilla.
41078 PAIRIT.ZIP 503,4 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
PairIt for Windows 95 v3.0  - Challenging fast paced puzzle picture game for young and old alike. Match pictures from moving and overlapping boxes. To move to the next level, you must match all 75 pictures before time runs out. The faster you finish each level, the more bonus points you earn. PairIt will challenge both your memory and reflexes. PairIt has a simple concept, but can be addictive as you move from level to level.
41079 PARCAD30.ZIP 1 Mt 22.10.1997 - - -
"Pennys Arcade v3.0 WinGames Fun shooting gallery just like those at the carnival. Using a 3D gunyou shoot corkspelletsor BBs at floating balloonsducksor moving objects. Five skill levels are availableand each level has a number of tasks for you to complete. Windows 95"
41080 PATIEN21.ZIP 622,4 kt 23.01.1999 - - -
"Patience v2.1 (32-bit) by Shaun Flisakowski collection of 30 Windows solitaire card games. Theres enough variety in this package that even card game fanatics may find something fresh. Included are several Klondike variantsplus GolfSpiderForty ThievesPyramidCalculationBakers DozenIdiotScroogeSultanand more. Select your card back from a dozen attractive designs. Windows 95"
41082 PICKPACK.A01 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Pick A Pack 2/8
41083 PICKPACK.A02 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Pick A Pack 3/8
41084 PICKPACK.A03 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Pick A Pack 4/8
41085 PICKPACK.A04 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Pick A Pack 5/8
41086 PICKPACK.A05 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Pick A Pack 6/8
41087 PICKPACK.A06 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Pick A Pack 7/8
41088 PICKPACK.A07 2,6 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Pick A Pack 8/8
41089 PICKPACK.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Pick A Pack - Keltainen Kuljetus / Posti mainospeli. Nätti, yksinkertainen arcadepeli jossa lajittelet erilaisia paketteja kuljetuskärryihin varoen särkemästä niitä. Vaatii Windows 95 & DirectX3.   1/8
41090 PINOCH97.ZIP 2,3 Mt 30.05.1997 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
PINOCHLE97: Double-Deck Auction Pinochle for Win95. In REGULAR PLAY, you and your computer partner match play against another computer  partnership.  Learn how to Bid, Meld, and Win tricks. With advanced Play and Bid Algorithms and through "INFORMATIONAL BIDDING", play in concert with your partner. In TOURNAMENT PLAY create a set of hands to demonstrate your  playing skills against your friends. WIN95,  800x600 or 1024x768(pref.), Sound Card pref.
41091 POCO-W95.ZIP 1 Mt 06.03.1997 renamed - -
PocoMan by Sleepless Software Freeware logic and strategy game featuring the clever and funny character PocoMan. A 21st century super-hero of microscopic proportions! Your job is to assist PocoMan in moving all of the treasures to the marked floor positions allowing him to escape to the next level. Req. Windows 95.
41093 PULSEPCK.ZIP 3,7 Mt 04.06.1998 - - -
Pulse Pack v1.0 by Pulse Ventures Ltd includes 9 nice, small puzzle games for your PC. Games include Tiger Hunt, Temple Raider and Make a Maze. Windows 95
41094 PUZL9530.ZIP 1,1 Mt 31.03.1997 - - -
Puzzled 95 Version 2.0 for Windows 95. A graet puzzle solving game. Turn your favorite bitmap into a puzzle. Four levels of difficulty. Works with Windows 95/NT. To Install run SETUP.EXE from Windows 95/NT and follow the on screen directions. Shareware by ABSTRACT media!
41096 QP15DEMO.ZIP 1,3 Mt 31.01.1998 - MBCD -
"QUIVER ShareWare V1.5 Pentium version 3D 1st-Person Arcade Action Shooter from ESD This fully playable demo provides the first 3 levels from Episode 1all cheat codesand the ability to record/playback user demos. With VESA 2.0 LFB supportvia a utility such SciTechs SDDresolutions up to 800x600 are supported on non-accelerated Pentium hardware. Requires P608 MbVGADOS5"
41099 REND3221.ZIP 134,6 kt 27.11.1997 - MBCD -
Rendzy. Japanese national game.
41100 REVERSI.ZIP 124,6 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
Reversi by Aros Magic Board game. Test your concentration skills with Reversi. Play against a friend or against the computer. Windows 95
41103 ROAR.ZIP 1,1 Mt 15.12.1997 - MBCD -
"ROAR Published by 5212 Entertainment Become a captain of a fast flyingfire spitting planetary defense plane. Its up to you to destroy the bad guys and the radar installations that await in each area. By using lasers and bombsthe player can destroy anything in their path. 2 player split screen option. Top viewed shootemup. Windows 95 P60 8 Mb"
41104 RUPUZZ20.ZIP 163,9 kt 24.12.1998 - - -
RuPuzz v2.0 for Windows 95/98/NT by Antony Pranata Test your skill and patience. Fun and quirky Rubik-style puzzle game. It challenges you to organize rows of colored tiles on a five-sided game board so that all tiles on each side of the board match a certain pattern. Windows 95, 98, or NT
41105 RVBJ3245.ZIP 86,9 kt 22.05.1997 - - -
REAL VIDEO BLACKJACK 95 v4.5 A Blackjack Game for Windows 95 The most realistic video blackjack game available.  Digitized sounds, beautiful card designs (they look REAL), and ease of play make this game a REAL winner! Now with really BIG cards! Requires VB40032.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
41106 RVP95-45.ZIP 100,1 kt 22.05.1997 - - -
REAL VIDEO POKER 95 v4.5 A Video Poker Game for Windows 95 Probably the most realistic video poker game available.  Digitized sounds, beautiful card designs (they look REAL), and ease of play make this game a REAL winner! Now with really BIG cards! Requires VB40032.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
41108 SEVENS10.ZIP 530,3 kt 21.05.1997 - 21820/Pegasus_Vol_7.iso -
"Diana Grubers Lucky Sevens Slot Machine This is one of several shareware games from Diana Grubers 3D Casino Las Vegas. Play video poker just like in a real Las Vegas Casino! Windows 95 required. See us on the web at http://www.3d-casino.com"
41109 SHANG97.ZIP 1,6 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Shanghai 97 v1.05 by Minder Technology Ltd. Play Mah Jongg on your PC with Shanghai 97. Very nicely produced boardgame. Windows 95
41110 SLIDERGM.ZIP 159 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
Slider Game v1.0 by David Appledore Fun sliding number puzzle game. The object, if you dont already know, is to arrange the numbers in an acsending order from left to right starting from the top left hand corner, the bottom right hand corner should be left empty. Windows 95
41111 SNAKN107.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.06.1998 - MBCD -
"Snakin1.0 v1.07 How long can your sssSlithering sssSnake sssSurvive between hunger pangs and growing pains ??? Maneuver your snake as moves around trying to find something to eat. If it doesnt eatit weakens and self-destructs. If your snake does eatit gets longer and longer and harder to manageespecially with all these wallsstonespoison-bottles etc. Win95/NT4.0 486/33 8 MBN"
41112 SOLACE10.ZIP 1,7 Mt 12.01.1998 - MBCD -
SOLace v1.0 by FLE Design Games A collection of six 32bit state of the art solitaire games.  Nine different card backs, six backgrounds, animations, highscores, random play and many more features. Shareware. Supports 256 or more colours, Windows 95 and Windows NT.
41113 SOLCON30.ZIP 720,1 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Solitairy Confinement v3.0 by WinGames a suite of eight Solitaire games for Windows 95.
41114 SOMATH.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.04.1997 - - -
Soma3D V1.1 by Michael J. Belczynski Realistic 3D simulation of the Soma cube invented by the Danish writer Piet Hein. The seven pieces that make up the cube are realistically rendered, and the pieces can be rotated and moved in an attempt to solve the puzzle. You can plan, tilt, and rotate your camera view and change the color selections for the table, the pieces, and their shadows. Req. Pentium and Windows 95
41115 SP113.ZIP 162,3 kt 23.04.1997 - 2460/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 6).iso -
Simple Pleasures Solitaire, Version 1.13. Eight new and traditional solitaire card  games. Slick mouse-driven GUI interface,  full-featured with lots of customizable  options. Requires EGA or VGA and a mouse.  Shareware by Randy Rasa. Now includes Windows setup program.  Win95 Tested!
41116 SPAD3251.ZIP 3,3 Mt 25.05.1998 - - -
Championship Spades 5.1b Polished Spades card game w/rich sound & extensive options, good layout, fast play, a MIDI jukebox of songs, autoresume, and help with tutorials. Play your favorite variations such as Jokers, 2S, Swap, Blind, and Cut. Polished interface. Dynamic Visual Solutions - Windows 95/32bit
41118 SPTMA211.ZIP 2,8 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Spite & Malice v2.1.1 by Mari J. Perez Söderberg fast moving and addictive card game. It is similar to solitaire except you are playing against the computer. Spite & Malice is a very old card game. It is also known as "Cat & Mouse" and it\'s a form of competitive solitaire (patience). Windows 95, 98, or NT
41119 SQUEEZ11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Squeeze 1.1 evaluation. The demo version will operate for 10 games only. New addictive dice/board game for two players. The Players activate and then try to "squeeze" all of their thirteen pieces onto the SqueezeBoard. The play is multi-directional even within a turn. Squeeze is the perfect 10 minute diversion. Win95 486/100 16 MB
41120 STRCHECR.ZIP 330,2 kt 25.09.1997 - MBCD -
STRATEGIST CHECKERS! Classic board game with a computer opponent and dazzling graphics. For the beginning and advanced player. Learn checkers for the first time or brush up on your existing game. Requires Windows 3.1, or Windows 95. Developed by AGCrump.
41122 TAQUIN11.ZIP 138,9 kt 02.05.1997 - MBCD -
Jeu de Taquin v1.1 / Microsoft Windows 95 Klassisen numeropelin Windows-toteutus, käsitelty yksityiskohtaisesti MikroBitin numeroissa 4-5/1997. Uutuutena siirtojen laskenta ja ikkunan sijainnin tallennus. Mukana Object Pascal -kielinen lähdekoodi. Copyright (C) 1997 Jere Käpyaho
41123 TAROTP4.ZIP 760,5 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Tarot Pro 4 is a curious french tarot card game for Win95
41124 TASHOW.ZIP 1,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - MBCD -
Tasholiiwe v1.0s by Steve Neeley Game created by the ancient Anasazi Indian tribe. This program is an attempt to combine features of the game as played by many tribes. Race game. You win by completing a circuit of the board before the other players. Definite mythological and religious undertones that are interesting and make the game fun and unique. Windows 95
41125 TENTHO.ZIP 919,2 kt 18.01.1998 - MBCD -
10000 by EBus popular dice game, the goal of which is to reach 10000 points through scoring different combinations of dice rolls. This game is configurable for up to 6 players and it has 3 different modes of computer play. Windows 95
41127 TRATIN50.ZIP 1,9 Mt 25.06.1997 - - -
Tration V5.0 - a multimedia variation on the old favorite card game Concentration. Instead of cards, it uses digital sounds and animation. Try to match two sound effects to remove game pieces and uncover one of four graphics provided. Sound card and Windows 95
41128 TRIANGLE.ZIP 514,6 kt 06.05.1998 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
Triangles by Christopher Jay Craft logic game where the object is to switch all of the triangles from red to blue. The player finished in the least amount of moves in the least time wins. Windows 95
41129 UFOSOTA.ZIP 778,1 kt 24.02.1998 - - -
   Ufosota Ufosodassa sinun pitää tuhota toinen pelaaja avaruudessa ufoaluksilla.
41130 UHKA11.ZIP 1,5 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
Uhkapeli v1.1 - yksinkertainen, hieman yksikätistä rosvoa muistuttava sattumarahapeli. Windows 95.
41131 ULTRGMMN.ZIP 1 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
UltraGammon Plus by Intermart Software futuristic strategy game that Backgammon fans will love. Match wits against an Internet player or the computer opponent as you play around the circular game board. Excellent graphics sparkling markers. Windows 95
41132 VIRCUBE.ZIP 174,8 kt 17.03.1998 - MBCD -
"VirCube demo - 3D puzzle that stimulates your brain and enhances your 3D visualization skills. Despite its apparent simplicityit is an intellectually challenging and fun game. It is similar to the well-known gameRubiks Cubebut has features that are only possible with the help of the computer. Windows 95/NT."
41133 VIRTLSCR.ZIP 1 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Virtual Scratch v1.5 - Binary Software Inc. virtual lottery type game. You can scratch off lottery tickets to match winning numbers, and adjust the odds of winning. Windows 95
41134 W95_HUNT.ZIP 3 Mt 02.12.1997 - MBCD -
The Hunting Game demo. Shooting gallery like game where you shoot at targets appearing at the screen. Windows 95 DirectX
41135 WAH32.ZIP 1,2 Mt 12.01.1998 - MBCD -
"What a Hell v1.0 (32-bit) by Esa Myllyla good Space Invaders clone. The animation is sharp and colorfuland the sound effectsthough limitedare convincing. Gameplay is fast because the game doesnt try to do a lot more than the original. If you miss the old classic arcade gameyoull really enjoy this. Windows 95"
41136 WARPC2.ZIP 689,2 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
WarpCycle II by Bjoern Ischo game for 2 or 1 (in that order) that was inspired by the infamous \'Light Cycle\' game known from the early 80ties Walt Disney movie \'Tron\'. Tech-spirited "worm" game. Windows 95
41137 WIDOWP10.ZIP 547,5 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
"Widow Pitch v1.0 - card game played against the computer. Similar to Spades in that you bidtake tricksmust follow suit if you canand can trump if you cant follow suit. Unlike Spadeshoweverthe number of tricks you take doesnt decide your score. Windows 95"
41138 WINBRK.ZIP 781,3 kt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
"WinBrick V2.06b by Stefan Kuhne reflex action game similar to the arcade game Pong. You move a paddle across the bottom of the screen and bounce a ball into a wall of bricks above you. The goal is to clear out all of the bricks and move to the next level. The balls multiplyand if youre luckyprizes will expand the size of your paddle. Windows 95"
41140 WINDROPS.ZIP 706,7 kt 12.01.1998 - - -
WinDrops v1.0 by Gene Rockey game in which icons fall from the top of the window to the bottom. Your goal is to remove icons from the playing area by matching like ones either horizontally or vertically. Tetris variation. Windows 95
41141 WORDMA15.ZIP 1 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
WordMania 1.5 Fun and challenging, Web enabled word game for all ages. Guess what the word is by guessing the letters. Allows you to play with words that are taken from any web site in the world or from his own PC. Includes Quizlets from numerous categories like: animal names, country names, movies and others. You can create your own categories too. Windows 95.
41142 WORDPLAY.ZIP 834,3 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
WordPlay v4.0 by Steve Munro Play word games on your PC. Contains two games and includes various levels of difficulty for all ages. Windows 95
41144 YTSE32.ZIP 329 kt 12.01.1998 - - -
Yahtsee v1.16 (32 bit) by Cary Stone computerized version of the popular dice game. Can be played by up to six players. Players can be human or computer-controlled. The winner is the player who scores the most point in a series of up to six games. Windows 32-bit
41459 ADDCORED.A01 3999089 15.12.1996 - - -
AD&D Core demo 2/6
41460 ADDCORED.A02 3999098 15.12.1996 - - -
AD&D Core demo 3/6
41461 ADDCORED.A03 3999432 15.12.1996 - - -
AD&D Core demo 4/6
41462 ADDCORED.A04 3999419 15.12.1996 - - -
AD&D Core demo 5/6
41463 ADDCORED.A05 1237669 15.12.1996 - - -
AD&D Core demo 6/6
41464 ADDCORED.ARJ 3999431 15.12.1996 - - -
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules demo
Gameplayer's & masters' guide program
containing monster manuals, map and character
creators and everything you ned on
running/playing ADD. Req. Windows. 1/6
41465 ADNDMGIT.ZIP 111218 12.04.1995 - - -
Extensive magic items list with random tables
41466 ADNDMNST.ZIP 46676 12.04.1995 - - -
Goth's Index of 2nd Edition AD&D Creatures
41467 ADNDMODS.ZIP 36368 12.04.1995 - - -
Module list for D&D and AD&D, version 1.3
41468 ADNDNAME.ZIP 33413 12.04.1995 - - -
Big list of names
41469 ADVENTU2.ZIP 927591 04.07.1996 - - -
The Adventurers - a great series of
adventuring stories from fantasy world of
Greyhawk, AD&D. Written by Thomas Miller.
Archive 2, including Episodes 251-375.
41470 ADVENTU3.ZIP 353202 24.08.1996 - - -
The Adventurers - a great series of
adventuring stories from fantasy world of
Greyhawk, AD&D. Written by Thomas Miller.
Archive 3, episodes 376-425.
41471 ADVENTU4.ZIP 193146 13.10.1996 - - -
The Adventurers 4, adventuring stories by
Thomas Miller. Episodes 426-460.
41472 ADVENTU5.ZIP 260,6 kt 05.02.1997 - - -
Adventurers by Thomas Miller luvut 460-500 The last adventures. End of an era.
41473 ADVENTUR.ZIP 1690558 17.09.1995 - - -
The Adventurers - great adventuring stories
from world of Greyhawk, AD&D. Written by
Thomas Miller. Archive 1, episodes 1-250.
41474 AHNIR01.ARJ 4445 26.03.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 1. (C) Merten.
41475 AHNIR02.ARJ 4056 26.03.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 2. (C) Merten.
41476 AHNIR03.ARJ 3817 26.03.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 3. (C) Merten.
41477 AHNIR04.ARJ 3719 25.04.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 4. (C) Merten.
41478 AHNIR05.ARJ 4118 25.04.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 5. (C) Merten.
41479 AHNIR06.ARJ 3661 26.04.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 6. (C) Merten.
41480 AHNIR07.ARJ 3805 26.04.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 7. (C) Merten.
41481 AHNIR08.ARJ 3971 28.04.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 8. (C) Merten.
41482 AHNIR09.ARJ 4563 28.04.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 8. (C) Merten.
41483 AHNIR10.ARJ 3856 02.05.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 10. (C) Merten.
41484 AHNIR11.ARJ 3811 18.05.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 11. (C) Merten.
41485 AHNIR12.ARJ 4007 18.05.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 12. (C) Merten.
41486 AHNIR13.ARJ 4114 18.05.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 13. (C) Merten.
41487 AHNIR14.ARJ 3556 18.05.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 14. (C) Merten.
60583 ALCHEMY.ARJ 16973 27.03.1995 - - -
Harnin alkemiasta.
41488 ARMY091.ZIP 35,2 kt 22.12.1997 - - -
Army Maker v0.91                       Program for making armies to Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Warhammer 40,000. Does not include the army files so you will need the Codex or Armybook to use this.
41489 BAB5SS-1.ZIP 729112 10.04.1995 - - -
Babylon 5 screenshots [1/7]
41490 BAB5SS-2.ZIP 727909 10.04.1995 - - -
Babylon 5 screenshots [2/7]
41491 BAB5SS-3.ZIP 728782 10.04.1995 - - -
Babylon 5 screenshots [3/7]
41492 BAB5SS-4.ZIP 728174 10.04.1995 - - -
Babylon 5 screenshots [4/7]
41493 BAB5SS-5.ZIP 729939 10.04.1995 - - -
Babylon 5 screenshots [5/7]
41494 BAB5SS-6.ZIP 730211 10.04.1995 - - -
Babylon 5 screenshots [6/7]
41495 BAB5SS-7.ZIP 488228 10.04.1995 - - -
Babylon 5 screenshots [7/7]
41496 BALGANO2.ZIP 46,1 kt 22.12.1998 - - -
Balganor - paranneltu versio. Yksinkertainen roolipeli. Tarvitset vain läjän miniatyyrejä ja tulostimen. Kaikki tekstit ovat yhdessä tiedostossa, eli ne on helpompi tulostaa. Kartat ovat erikseen. Balga.bmp on kansikuva. Peliin on lisätty myös nuijat By: Janus
41497 BALGANOR.ZIP 46,4 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
Balganor Tämä on maailman yksin kertaisin roolipeli. Et tarvitse muuta kuin läjän miniatyyrejä.
41498 BLADES4.ZIP 180,6 kt 26.10.1997 - 19554/Internet CD.iso -
AD&D net.book Gallery of Magical blades versio 4.00 formaatti: DOS Word
41499 BOFFERI.ZIP 6188 09.02.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Ohjeet kuika tehdään BOFFERI miekka Versio
41500 BYAKHE30.ZIP 409,1 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Byakhee v3.0 from Chaosium Inc. RPG utility. Free Investigator generator/sheet editor for the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game. This easy-to-use program prints out Investigator sheets that are fairly similar to those in version 5 of the Call of Cthulhu rulebook. Print blank Investigator 1890s, 1920s, and 1990s sheets, or use one of six wizards to create customized forms. Call of Cthulhu game and Win95, 98, or NT
41501 CHRONOL.ARJ 10200 26.03.1995 - - -
Harnin kronologia, varsin tarkka sellainen.
41502 CPSETTI1.ZIP 144,9 kt 25.06.1999 - - -
Cyberpunk Setti 1 Jokaisen Cyberpunk-pelinjohtajan (ja miksei pelaajankin) pakkohankinta. Paketti sisältää uusitut hahmolomakkeet sekä .gif että .xls muodossa, .xls muodossa olevat hahmolomakkeet vaativat toimiakseen Excel97 tai paremman version. Lisäksi paketti sisältää 30 Cyberpunk-maailmasta tutun yrityksen logot, jotka ovat käytännöllisiä esim. itse tulostettuihin käyntikortteihin. Lue Readme.txt tarkempia tietoja varten.
41503 DDDEMONS.ZIP 27,2 kt 27.10.1997 - - -
AD&D tekstejä netistä: Ideoita demoneista formaatti: ASCII
41504 DISEASE.ARJ 4017 26.03.1995 - - -
Harniin asiaa taudeista.
41505 DMA09B.ZIP 35362 07.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
│    DM ASSISTANT .9beta   │
│ Tool for the game master │
│ that will roll up NPC's, │
│ Magical Item's, Treasure │
│ Hoards and a few other   │
│ things.  First public    │
│ release.                 │
│        FREEWARE          │
41506 EARTHDCC.ZIP 419,6 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
Earthdawn Character Editor by Brian Ogan Tis FREEWARE program will allow you to quickly create characters for Earthdawn, a role playing game by FASA Corporation from 1993 to 1999. Each time you run the program, you will work with five forms, each doing a different part(s) of the character creation process, shown on page 46 in the core rule book. Req. Earthdawn game, Visual Basic 6.0 runtime files + Windows 95/98 
41507 ELF_JOKE.ZIP 5140 12.04.1995 - - -
Elf jokes
41508 EPH100.ZIP 159180 24.06.1995 - - -
Kuuluisa  EPH-arkisto,  yksi  PJ:n paras
tavara ja vanhuuden turva. Läjäpäin
hyvinkuvailtuja, persoonallisia hahmoja
valmiina käytettäväksi  kaikkiin yleisimpiin
roolipeleihin. PC-koneille    kätevä
arkisto-ohjelma, muille ASCII-versiot. Versio
1.0,  kesäkuu 1995   90k hahmoja.
41510 EPH11.ZIP 160254 01.11.1995 - - -
| Kuuluisa  EPH-arkisto,  yksi  PJ:n paras |
tavara ja vanhuuden turva.   versio 1.1. |
täysi versio,  sisältää  selailuohjelman | ja
kaikki hahmonkuvaukset. | Läjäpäin
hyvinkuvailtuja, persoonallisia | hahmoja
valmiina käytettäväksi  kaikkiin |
yleisimpiin roolipeleihin. | Versio 1.1,
lokakuu 1995   180k tekstiä
41509 EPH11ASC.ZIP 104097 01.11.1995 - - -
| Kuuluisa  EPH-arkisto,  yksi  PJ:n paras |
tavara ja vanhuuden turva.   versio 1.1. |
ASCII-versio,  sisältää  pelkät  hahmon- |
kuvaukset ascii-tekstinä. | Läjäpäin
hyvinkuvailtuja, persoonallisia | hahmoja
valmiina käytettäväksi  kaikkiin |
yleisimpiin roolipeleihin. | Versio 1.1,
lokakuu 1995   180k tekstiä
41511 EPH12ASC.ZIP 147773 16.09.1996 - ratsnest1.iso -
Kuuluisa  EPH-arkisto,  yksi  PJ:n paras
tavara ja vanhuuden turva, versio 1.2.
ASCII-versio,  sisältää  pelkät  hahmon-
kuvaukset ascii-tekstinä. Läjäpäin
hyvinkuvailtuja, persoonallisia hahmoja
valmiina käytettäväksi  kaikkiin yleisimpiin
roolipeleihin. Versio 1.2   heinäkuu 1996
300k tekstiä
41512 EPH12QWK.ZIP 139189 16.09.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Kuuluisa  EPH-arkisto,  yksi  PJ:n paras
tavara ja vanhuuden turva, versio 1.2.
QWK-versio, lataa  tämä  offlineriisi ja
selaa. Läjäpäin hyvinkuvailtuja,
persoonallisia hahmoja valmiina käytettäväksi
kaikkiin yleisimpiin roolipeleihin. Versio
1.2   heinäkuu 1996  300k tekstiä
41513 EXPLRTIO.ZIP 733,9 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
"Explorations Role Playing Game Development System v3.00.0a by Esteem Corporation FULL featured RPG creation tool. The system exists in two applicationsa RPGdriverand a RPGworld builder. The game driver allows users to create characters and play adventure modules created with theworld builderinterface. Mimic existing role playing games. (AD&DShadowRunand StarFrontiers). Windows 95"
41514 FALNOR.ZIP 14,7 kt 28.10.1997 - - -
             -= F A L N O R =- The ultimate roleplaying experience.... Pelit-lehti: 99   Mikrobitti: 100 Magus: Täydellinen  Dragon: Excellent
41515 FAMILIAR.ZIP 1,4 Mt 11.04.1999 - - -
"Familiar by RED When Excited Ltd feature-packed character creation and role-playing tool for the AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) gaming system by TSR Inc. It can generate both player characters (PCs) and non-player characters (NPCs). Using an enormouseditable library called the Cyclopaediait gives you quick and easy access to all items in a characters profileincluding weaponsarmourcharacter classesracesproficienciesspells etcetcetc. Win95"
41516 GMEZGEN.ZIP 1,2 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Game MastersEZ Generator ver 2.0 User friendly Village generator program for table top roleplayers includes several useful generation routines  for detailing out campaign settings req.w95 w98 directX 800x600 display high color or better, MP3 supported Web: http://www.perfectresponse.com/GMEZ E-mail  : perfect@mwweb.com Shareware, US$ 10.00 (February 2000)
41517 GODSTONE.ARJ 12855 27.03.1995 - - -
Artikkeli Harnin Godstoneista.
41518 GURPSLIT.ZIP 694,3 kt 30.05.1998 - - -
GURPS Lite on "karsittu" versio kaupallisesta GURPS roolipelistä. GURPS Lite on vapaasti levitettävissä kunhan et tee siihen muutoksia. Tutustu ja ihastu. Tarvitset Adobe Acrobat Readerin pystyäksesi lukemaan tiedoston.
41519 HAHMO13.ZIP 39,6 kt 03.04.1998 - - -
HAHMO V1.3 Hahmonluonti järjestelmä RuneQuestiin. Mahdottoman kätevä RuneQuest pelinjoh- tajalle, ja miksei myös pelaajalle. BY: Jonimatti Joutsijärvi
41520 HARNINFO.ZIP 9670 16.02.1995 - - -
Tietoa Harn-pelistä
41521 HARNMISC.ZIP 1,8 Mt 22.07.1997 - - tupla
Kokoelma Harn-kamaa netistä.
41522 HIISI2.ZIP 68172 26.04.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Infoa LARPista Nastolassa 29.4.1995. Sisältää
myös E.L.F. Vesalan Live-roolipelisäännöt
41523 HQNEW.ZIP 1,6 kt 03.05.1998 - - -
"New characters and monsters data for MBs Hero Quest."
41524 KRONIK1.ZIP 4,3 kt 09.01.1998 - - -
Keski-Maa Kronikat, osa 1 Kirjoittanut Gumrin
41525 KRONIK2.ZIP 10,9 kt 28.02.1998 - - -
Keski-Maa Kronikat, osa 2 Kirjoittanut Gumrin
41526 KRONIK3.ZIP 7,2 kt 28.02.1998 - - -
Keski-Maa Kronikat, osa 3 Kirjoittanut Gumrin
41527 KRONIK4.ZIP 6,9 kt 22.03.1998 - - -
Keski-Maa Kronikat, osa 4 Kirjoittanut Gumrin
41528 LARPJOH.TXT 13147 30.01.1996 - MBCD -
Mitä ovat liveroolipelit? Kirjoittanut Topi
41529 LARPKAL.TXT 5074 29.01.1996 versio 1.11.96 1513/ratsnest1.iso -
LARP-kalenteri, päivitetty 250196
41530 LASTWORD.ZIP 6802 12.04.1995 - 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso -
Famous last words
41531 LMERP.ZIP 56148 14.06.1995 - - -
Ala-Keski-Maa Roolipeli, jokaisen Tolkienin
ystävän ja vihollisen pakkohankinta.
Täydellinen parodia KERPistä, TSH:sta ja
kaikista muistakin keski-maahan sijoittuvista
ropeista. Pohjana käytetty kirjaa Loru
Sorbusten Herrasta.
Jos olet aina halunnut olla säälittävä
höpötti tai Vaterlandin
merinolammasratsastaja, imuuta tämä!
41532 MAPGEN.ZIP 135206 11.05.1995 - - -
Karttaeditori suunnittelee kartat puolestasi.
Itse voit vaikuttaa maaston
korkeuteen, tyyppiin (esim.sademetsä) sekä
41533 MAPMAGE.ZIP 586,7 kt 09.06.2000 - - -
MapMage v1.0 Random dungeon generator for role-playing games such as Dungeons and Dragons or AD&D. MapMage will instantly generate re-creatable and expandable dungeons for your players, complete with Room Descriptions, Items, Sounds and Smells. You can produce partial maps to give to players, add your own favorite "Dungeon Dressings", print and save maps and descriptions and much more! Windows 95/98. Shareware. 
41534 MELEE_02.ZIP 35625 27.06.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
___/ Warhammer Melee Simulator /__ _  _    _
UnOfficial Hand-to-Hand combat simulator
to  Warhammer Fantasy Battle. Bug fixed
version.    Freeware .. Freeware .. Freeware
.. Freeware
41535 MING1.ZIP 7,2 kt 30.10.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
The Wizard of Ming! A Potion Quest Set for Leviathan\'s Reef. Can you make your way past the enchanted beasts of the Wizard of Ming to gain these powerful elixers & potions? 12 Menu Items! FREEWARE! Rated "G" for Great Family Fun! UNZIP in  its own UNIQUE directory. Load into REEF  with: reef quest -- then do #2! Simple! SHINING STAR SOFTWARE & Nannette Thacker 
41536 MOKAT.ARJ 5086 02.05.1995 - - -
Taatusti suomalaisia rpg-mokia. (C) Merten,
41537 NAMEBOOK.ZIP 13473 12.04.1995 - - -
The Net Book of Names
41538 NAMELIST.ZIP 23,9 kt 22.07.1997 - - -
Tässä vastaus kaikkien ropettajien avunhuutoihin. Enää ei nimen keksiminen hahmolle tuota vaikeutta. File sisältää lähinnä jenkkinimiä, mutta muutakin löytyy. Nimim. "No More John Smiths"
41539 NET_MONS.ZIP 72938 12.04.1995 - - -
Net Monster Manual ascii-preview for AD&D
41540 NETPLOT3.ZIP 62737 12.04.1995 - - -
41541 NETPLOT4.ZIP 44052 12.04.1995 - - -
41542 NLWM2.ZIP 63,4 kt 20.11.1997 - - -
AD&D net.book The Net.Libram of Wild Magic versio 2 formaatti: ASCII
41543 NOPPA.ZIP 16,7 kt 19.12.1997 - - eritupla
Noppa v1.0 Tässä sinulle nopat, roolipelaaja. Tietokone arpoo haluamasi määrän lukuja haluamasi kokoisella nopalla.
41544 NWH3.ZIP 154036 12.04.1995 renamed 10564/Giga Games.iso -
The Net Wizard's Handbook, third edition (in
Word for Windows 2.0 format)
41545 OUTFIT.ZIP 18,9 kt 22.07.1997 - - -
Cyberpunk 2020-pelin pohjalta tehty tarina. By Ville Halonen.
41546 OWHIST.ZIP 19,7 kt 15.05.1998 - - -
Warhammer: Chronology of the Old World.
41547 PENULTIM.ZIP 13568 12.04.1995 - - -
Penultimate AD&D Magic User Spell List
41548 PSIONIC.ZIP 1,5 Mt 30.10.1997 - - -
AD&D net.book The Net Book of Psionics Charonin versio formaatti: Word 6.0
41549 PULSAR10.ARJ 140,5 kt 30.10.1997 - - -
Starfire 2501: PULSAR v1.00Realismihakuinen scifiroolipeli, kotimaista harrastelijavalmistetta.
67533 PULSARB4.ZIP 84900 31.07.1996 - - -
Starfire 2501: Pulsar beta4
--------------------------- Realismihakuinen
scifiroolipeli, "final beta".
41550 RIDDLES.ZIP 16091 12.04.1995 - - -
41551 RLPLASST.ZIP 9,6 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
Role Playing Assistant v5.1 by Sybil. Use a set of dungeon master tools. Set of Dungeon master tools available for your roleplaying game sessions. The games currently supported are Advanced dungeons and Dragons, Cyberpunk, Star wars, Rolemaster(second edition) and Alternity RPGs. Windows 95, 98, or NT
41552 RN120.ZIP 16,7 kt 12.01.1998 - - -
RopeNoppa v. 1.20á - Tässä sinulle ropettaja. Sisältää nopat: D4,D6,D8,D10,D12,D20 ja D100. Räveltänyt: DiskRodents
41553 RNDMZERS.ZIP 4,9 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
Randomizer V1.0 By Sybil. Add more fun to a variety of games. Freeware tool that is compatible with AD&D, Star Wars, Cyberpunk, Rolemaster and Alternity. It can generate random NPCs, city events, inn menu, fantasy names, etc. Over 30 different subject that you can choose from. Windows 95, 98, or NT
41554 ROLEPL51.ZIP 9,6 Mt 16.12.1999 - - -
Roleplaying Assistant v5.1a by Steven Boudreault can create characters for three RPG games: CyberPunk 2020, AD&D, and Star Wars. It also includes separate "generator" modules for names, spellbooks, and gear and even has a dice roller. The interface is simple to understand, with good placement of characteristics and scores. Windows 95, 98, or NT
67993 ROPEL#1.ZIP 45848 11.06.1996 - MBCD -
Ropeltaja #1 (kesäspesiaali 
67994 ROPEL#2L.ZIP 139025 05.12.1996 - - -
Ropeltaja - sähköinen roolipelilehti
Jouluspesiaali 1996 ;)
41555 ROPEL1.ZIP 44,8 kt 11.06.1996 - - -
Ropeltaja #1 (kesäspesiaali ;) 1996
41556 ROPEL2L.ZIP 135,8 kt 05.12.1996 - - -
Ropeltaja - sähköinen roolipelilehti Jouluspesiaali 1996 ;)
41557 ROPEL3.ZIP 48,9 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
Ropeltaja 3 Peliluolan sähköinen rope-lehti nro. 3
41558 ROPEL4.ZIP 85,4 kt 21.09.1998 - - -
Ropeltaja-lehden neljäs numero.
41559 RPGDICE.ZIP 666,5 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
RPG Dice v1.25 by GRiM Software Designed for role-playing gamers as a gaming aid. It can also be used by anyone to facilitate dice-rolling or random number generation for any game. It features an easy-to-use, Windows-standard interface and a wealth of options, enabling the user to quickly generate any type of die roll needed for RPG gaming. Windows 95, 98, or NT
41560 RPGSET12.ZIP 439,3 kt 10.05.2001 - - -
RPG-Set 1.2
41561 RQ093.ZIP 33,2 kt 05.12.1998 - - -
RuneQuest Vihollisohjelma v0.93 Tehty RuneQuest-roolipeliä varten Voit helposti luoda hahmoja/vihollisia peleihisi. Ja voit muokata niitä niin paljon kuin haluat. DOS/Windows. Yhä kehittelyn alla.   By M.Kasurinen (mikasu@jytol.fi)
41562 RUNER.ZIP 21,3 kt 19.06.1998 - - -
RUNER helppo apuohjelma RuneQuestin hahmonluontiin. Se laskee puolestasi melkein kaiken tarvitsemasi. by: Lauri Isoaho
41563 SALAD026.ZIP 155,5 kt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
The Legend of Saladir V0.26 (28.01.1998) A finnish nethack/rogue like CRPG game under development. No fancy graphics, ASCII is the name of the game...  Suomalainen nethack/rogue-tyylinen kehitteillä oleva tietokoneroolipeli. Ei grafiikkaa, ainoastaan ASCII-merkkejä.  Comments to: ernomat@evitech.fi  Read the docs.
41564 SHADOWRU.ZIP 824057 08.12.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Shadowrun Game master program(tms).
Shadowrun-roolipelin saksankielinen
41565 SQ5P.ZIP 12516 18.06.1995 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Space Quest - Avaruusroolipeli 5. painos  (C)
1995 Moonbird Software   Tiedostomuoto:
Microsoft Publisher 2.0 (PUB)
41566 SR_JAY.ZIP 194,3 kt 09.08.1999 - - -
Paremmanpuoleista Shadowrun-stooria englanniksi. Puhdasta ASCII:ta.
41567 STALES1.ZIP 4359 02.05.1995 - - -
Sword Tales osa 1.
41568 STALES2.ZIP 7854 02.05.1995 - - -
Sword Tales osa 2.
41569 STALES3.ZIP 3691 02.05.1995 - - -
Sword Tales osa 3.
41570 STALES4.ZIP 3688 07.06.1995 - - -
Sword Tales osa 4.
41571 STALES5.ZIP 4778 16.05.1995 - - -
Sword Tales osa 5.
41572 STALES6.ZIP 5250 17.05.1995 - - -
Sword Tales osa 6.
41573 STQTS.ZIP 22204 30.03.1995 - 6216/BlackPhiles_CD02.zip -
Startrek quotes: Live long and prosper. --
Spock, "Amok Time," stardate 3372.7.
41574 SYS12.ZIP 8 kt 22.04.1998 - - -
SYSTEEMI v1.2 BY:Jonimatti Joutsijärvi -1998 Yleiskäyttöinen roolipeli joka sopii kaikenlaisiin maailmoihin fantasiasta scifiin. KEHITTEILLÄ! Tekijä kaipaa ideoita ja kommentteja.
41575 TALON.TXT 138,8 kt 22.07.1997 - - -
Talon 1/96 Suomenkielinen file-lehti. Tehty TET -jaksolla. Aiheena tietenkin roolipelit yms.
41576 TESLA-01.ARJ 5359 14.06.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 1. (C) Merten.
41577 TESLA-02.ARJ 5843 14.06.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 2. (C) Merten.
41578 TESLA-03.ARJ 5602 16.06.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 3. (C) Merten.
41579 TESLA-04.ARJ 5863 16.06.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 4. (C) Merten.
41580 TF104.ZIP 1006,1 kt 10.05.2000 - - -
TerraFuga v1.04The E-mailware AD&D character editor. 
Features: - Dice simulator - To Hit simulator -> fixed miss
throw - Character editor, inventory handling - Stat 
rolling, cool stuff - Cool interface, Backdrop image 
fix - Save as text/print - ETC. minor fixes. 
Made by: CycloTron 2000.
41581 THEMAP11.ZIP 4,5 Mt 29.12.1999 - - -
"The Mapper  v1.1by Sybil Software. Create maps for role-playing games. Simplefreewarerole-playing-game (RPG) aid that generates maps for RPGs. The programwhich consists of a single dialog box with two buttons - Generate Map and View Map - creates graphical displays of dungeons in HTML format.  Because theyre in HTML formatthey can be viewed and printed with any browser. You can set size of mapsand determine the number of entries. Windows 95/98."
41582 THERAND.ZIP 3,8 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
The Randomizer v1.0 bySteven Boudreault Freeware program the can generate book descriptions, castles, character appearance, coats-of-arms, creatures, fantasy names, formal names, inn and tavern names, insanities, jewelry, noble household, religion, ruins ,sites of interest, temples, and many other items which can be used in Dungeons and Dragons, Rolemaster, Gurp, Star Wars, Cyberpunk, and many more role playing games. 32 MB RAM and Windows 95
41583 THIEVES.ZIP 10,9 kt 20.11.1997 - - -
AD&D net.book Guide to the Thieves Cant for AD&D 1st edition format: ASCII
41584 THMAPPER.ZIP 4,7 Mt 30.11.1999 - - -
"The Mapper v1.1 By Steven Boudreault Create maps for role-playing games. Simplefreewarerole-playing-game (RPG) aid that generates maps for RPGs. The programwhich consists of a single dialog box with two buttons - Generate Map and View Map - creates graphical displays of dungeons in HTML format. They can be viewed and printed with any browser. Windows 9598or NT"
41585 THOGS_12.ZIP 66083 14.07.1996 - - -
Apuohjelma THOGS (The Hunters Of Golden
Sibul) roolipeliin. Ohjelmalla voi tehdä
kaikkia pelin 25 hahmorodusta. Versio 1.20.
Bugeja korjattu sitten 1.10 version. Korvaa
v. 1.10 heti 1.20:llä. DOS.
41586 THORGOS.ZIP 3 kt 30.10.1997 - - -
Hahmonluonti v0.004alpha Masters of Thorgos - roolipeliin nimi tulee muuttumaan, mutta tästä kuulette vielä!!!!
41587 TNGSTORY.ZIP 2263556 30.03.1995 - - -
Star Trek: The Next Generation Stories from
41588 VARDEL01.ARJ 3875 08.06.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 1. (C) Merten.
41589 VARDEL02.ARJ 3948 08.06.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 2. (C) Merten.
41590 VARDEL03.ARJ 3852 08.06.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 3. (C) Merten.
41591 VARDEL04.ARJ 3870 08.06.1995 - - -
Harn-tarinaa, osa 4. (C) Merten.
41592 VAST113A.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.11.1997 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Tome of Vast Knowledgeversio 1.13Valtaisa arkisto tavaraa AD&D:iin.Loitsuarkistoja, esineitä, hirviöitä,hahmoluokkia, kittejä, apuohjelmia, ym.käyttöjärjestelmä: DOSosa 1/2
41593 VAST113B.ZIP 900,4 kt 20.11.1997 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Tome of Vast Knowledgeversio 1.13osa 2/2
41594 WELLY.ZIP 8,8 kt 30.01.1998 - - -
Ropetarinaa Earthdawnin maailmasta osa I
41595 WZRDFMLR.ZIP 4 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
"WIZARDS FAMILIAR v1.0 Wizards  Familiar is a helpful program for  players of the game Magic The Gathering  (MTG). It is designed to allow you to  record your decks and browse  information about all the cards from  MTG. Wizards Familiar is a Win32  program that will run on Windows 95  and 98 as well as Windows NT."
41599 AHKCITY.ZIP 57582 23.02.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
|02Children of Galaexy presents
|14The City of The Sun GOD 1.1
|02IGM for L.O.R.D
|02Travel to an ancient Egyptian City
|02have fun and improve your game.
41600 APV115.ZIP 133769 26.12.1995 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
│ * Blazing Fire Software Presents To All * │
│ * * * Aladdin's Palace Version 1.15 * * * │
│ Visit Aladdin's Palace in this incredible │
│ IGM! New features in Version 1.15 include:│
│ * The Gypsies of Wisdom - Rank Players! * │
│  o Players can now see the Top 10 Players │
│    in Eight different categories!         │
│ ** All known bugs in the Caverns fixed ** │
│ * Hear jokes from Dapo The Court Jester * │
│ * SysOps can now view the documentation * │
41601 BAC200.ZIP 54080 19.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
for LORD v3.26+
Now your players can force marriage,
reincarnate players burn incense, confess
sins, and much more!
41602 BANDIT2.ZIP 6,2 kt 05.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
"Bandits Hideout IGM v2.0An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer. Raid Hawkmoons hideout. 
The rewards are high but the penalties are stiff. Includes 2 new 
maps and a .ref file. Uses Seths install program for easy installation."
41603 BARAK100.ZIP 54789 24.08.1995 koko³ ratsnest1.iso -
Barak's House v1.00: LORD IGM
In Game Module for the door LORD. Your users
can meet Barak and his crazy mother!
By Seth Able
41604 BRADYREF.ZIP 9,3 kt 23.05.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
þ Brady Bunch Adventure .REF 1.00  þ Create havoc by running around the Brady house!  But watch out for Mike!  Requires LORD2 beta 5+ to run. Created by Seth Able.
41605 BREANNA2.ZIP 7,8 kt 31.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
"Breannas Cove IGM v2.0An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer. Do you accept Breannas challange? Includes 2 new maps and a .ref file. Compliments of Chet Rhodes (Hawkmoon)"
41606 CAMELO13.ZIP 10,2 kt 05.08.1997 - - -
-= Camelot V1.1  for Lord2 =- Camelot for lord2. This city sized castle is great for any lord2 game. Easy setup! Distribute freely.
41607 CASTLEC.ZIP 215,5 kt 10.02.1997 - - -
"CASTLE COLDDRAKE v1.0c IGM for Lord.  Ask the Alchemist to change your gems into gold! Dice with the  Bored Guard!  See how long  you can bear the Jesters dumb jokes!  Orbeg a boon of King Morphea! All these odd folks and more await you in the Great Hall! Or wander out to the Courtyardwhere you can try  your skill at archery  or hawking!  See if you can  best Prince  Poutanwine  and  his  cronies  on the jousting field!  Feeling weary  after killing forest monsters  all day?  Go for  a relaxing"
41608 CAVE13.ZIP 111,4 kt 10.02.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
The L.O.R.D. Cavern v1.3  LORD IGM.  For LORD 3.25+.  13 different random actions, plus the ability for you to make your own!  Knows LORD color codes, so those of you that use them in your names,  they look right!  SETUP installs and uninstalls  in seconds!  Does not need  a BBS dropfile and  uses nonstandard Com ports!
41609 CCIGM11B.ZIP 217458 18.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
* * * CASTLE COLDDRAKE  v/1.1b * * *
The ultimate IGM for LORD!

Ask the Alchemist  to change your gems
into gold!  Dice with the Bored Guard!
See how long you can bear the Jester's
dumb jokes!   Or,  beg a boon of  King
Morphea!  All these odd folks and more
await you in the Great Hall!
41610 CHURCH15.ZIP 4,5 kt 18.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
STONEBROOK CHURCH v1.5  - An IGM for LORD II that allows users to seek wisdom from the Church Elder.  Registration is FREE!! From Mamoosoft Programming.
41611 COL210.ZIP 65229 07.01.1996 - 12425/pain_cave_bbs.zip -
The long awaited update of the great
IGM! All known bugs were fixed, comm
drivers were updated, etc.
Archonware BBS : (540)341-1865
41612 DRAGON22.ZIP 298805 23.02.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
________> The Dragon's Claw v.2.2 <________
Full featured on-line adventure game with
topographical ANSI maps of terrain and
multi-level dugeons.  ANSI monsters, magic
items, towns, ruins, over 200 monsters, and
real time user to user battles.  Uses fossil,
or interrupt driven COM routines for best
41613 ELFLORD.ZIP 24451 31.12.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Elves in the Land of the Red Dragon!
Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon
This program gives your LORD game
the elves of Underhill. An adaptation
ot the Serrated Edge Series.
Free Ware!!!! Enjoy the Game!
Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
41614 EROS60B.ZIP 52492 07.01.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
City of Eros v.60b an IGM for LORD
Add a new city to LORD with many
things to do and experience.
written by: Daniel Owens
41615 EVENLORD.ZIP 23926 19.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Evening in The Realm of LORD
Add-On for Legend Of The Red Dragon This
program gives your LORD game all the
trappings of falling night. Free Ware!!!!
Enjoy the Game! Programmed by Jonathan R
41616 FAIR404.ZIP 197937 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Unzip in its OWN UNIQUE directory! WIDE BETA.
Spend a Day at the Fair & visit the Balloon
Pop & Medicine Man. Can you be a Pie Eating
Champ? Plant a wet one on your favorite
sweetie at the Kissing Booth. Join the Spear
Toss & Javelin Throw Tournaments. Check out
the Haunted & Enchanted Forests & Fairy
Catch. Slosh enemies in the Dunk Tank!
41617 FARM1_0.ZIP 22,8 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
"-=- Ye Olde Farm ver 1.0 -=- Visit this old farm in the forest. Solve the mysteryand youll be able to farm for gold! -=FREEWARE=- TechN Software - Lloyd Hannesson"
41618 FGLAD100.ZIP 3,6 kt 05.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
The Faerie Glade IGM for LORD 2 Beta 7+ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Visit the Faerie Glade and talk to some Faeries! Talk to the Faerie Queen, who says 9 different things! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Freeware from ShroomTrip Software. Written by Jay Weber
64216 FMM103A.ZIP 96913 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
║ Fat Man's Misery ver 1.03a - IGM for LORD.║
║ Seth Robinson says, "Wow! I like it!!     ║
║ I approve of it. It actually has some new ║
║ and interesting things! Nice new formats."║
║ The game is based on the premise that a   ║
║ player who is too fat with gold and gems, ║
║ must drop some before exiting through a   ║
║ small slit in the mountain.  Game editor, ║
║ Multiple heathens in a fight, ability to  ║
41619 FMM104A.ZIP 98506 30.06.1996 - 11970/ -
Fat Man's Misery! ver 1.04a - IGM for LORD
Written in Turbo Pascal 7.0 using DDPLUS. (c)
1996 by John A. Tucker
41620 FT1_0.ZIP 12,7 kt 20.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
"Felicitys Temple ver 1.0 for Lord2 A new IGM for Lord 2. Talk to Felicityfind the Janitorpurchase a new home! FREEWARE - TechN Software - Lloyd Hannesson."
41621 FWORLD57.ZIP 277191 01.04.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
41622 GORILLA.ZIP 6,4 kt 21.01.1998 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Gorilla Villa Lord 2 IGM. A whole additional town for LORD II with some twists. Try it. Challenge the chief for the money! Set house prices!
41623 GRAVE222.ZIP 64294 15.10.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
The GraveYard v2.22 L.O.R.D. IGM
Written By Tommy Baker, Dig up
peoples graves and steal their treasures or
travel to a shop, collect items on the way
there, and trade for rewards.
41624 GRIZ15.ZIP 44783 13.07.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Grizelda's House v1.5 -- a LORD IGM.
Visit with LORD's backup barmaid -- Grizelda!
Also appearing are her mom and(if you're fema
brother.  Companion IGM to The Apothecary by
Stanbridge.  *FREEWARE*
NODE 0 finall works!  Thanks seth :)
41625 HITS100.ZIP 89843 14.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Hiding in the Shadows v1.0 LORD IGM
One of the best IGM's to date! From
the mind of Kenneth Padgett. Take a
trip to the underground lair,  meet
Alec McCour and LieLani,  his beau-
tiful sister!  Options never before
seen in other IGM's and THE easiest
IGM config program ever! GET IT NOW
Only $7!  No-Name BBS (703)323-6838
41626 HOLDHO16.ZIP 38,1 kt 20.03.1997 - - -
Holding House:  Lord IGM Multi-BBS, Multi-Node, MultiTasking aware. Lives in it own directory, not in the Lord directory. 1 minute installation progam.  Store Gold, gems, Fairies, horses. If registered store KIDS, get interest, breed fairies & horses. by Allyn Cross
41627 HOTEL100.ZIP 59276 31.12.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
The newest IGM from Trevor Herndon, the
author of Violet's Cottage and many others,
this IGM has LOTS of new stuff! A Post
Office, Gift Shop, Pool, etc. Worth the
download to check out!
41628 KEEP132.ZIP 17,4 kt 05.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
-= IceLord Keep (tm) v1.32 =- A simple IGM for LORD2 v1.00 or newer.  Includes 9 new maps and 2 .ref files.  EASY TO INSTALL!
41629 L2101A.ZIP 477,9 kt 05.08.1997 - 12808/aol-file-protocol-4400-2401-to-2500.zip -
-= LORD2: New World V1.01a =-
41630 L2NFAQ11.ZIP 13,5 kt 21.10.1997 - archives.thebbs.org -
Legend of the Red Dragon 2: New World FAQ! Version 1.1. Written by Veloran of Omega BBS.
41631 L2SP1A.ZIP 143,2 kt 05.08.1997 - 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso -
-= LORD2 Service Pack 1 =- Upgrades LORD2 V1.00 to V1.01a.
41632 L2STUF3.ZIP 23,2 kt 05.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
LORD Stuff Pack 3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This pack will add many new features for LORD2: New World, also this is FREEWARE! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Author: Jay Weber
41633 LATR30B1.ZIP 102531 14.07.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
The Latrine v3.0 WIDE BETA for LORD. It's
FREE! The Latrine gets bigger and better.
Added RIP! Put in a hidden Inn. No more major
bugs! Be sure to run V26_V30.EXE if you're
upgrading from v2.6!
41634 LDEVEN16.ZIP 31118 16.07.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
LordEvent v1.6! For L.O.R.D. v3.25+
Create 100% configurable random daily events.
Add anything, write anything, powerful
editor, FREEWARE!  By SOS!
41635 LE100A.ZIP 49283 22.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
LoRD eXPLoReR! v1.00a: LORD IGM
The Ultimate Lord IGM! This IGM is a..... IGM
Expander (up to 90),  IGM Randomizer, Horse
Stables (buy, sell, or win), hidden keys, and
much more!!   **All for FREE!** This IGM has
been in development,  & beta testing for over
2 months!  Bugless!   From Mullins
Software,  (1-918-457-3453).
41636 LLL100.ZIP 27472 15.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Larissa's Lair: Great IGM (In Game Module)
for LORD 3.26+. Meet the beautiful Larissa.
With her help, you just may be able to kill
that nasty dragon! From OT-SOFT
41637 LNET0205.ZIP 228596 01.04.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
What is LordNet?
LordNet is an LORD IGM thats allows you
to "interlink" your LORD game with other
BBS'S or leagues - ANYWHERE!!
65799 LORD350.ZIP 524892 24.08.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Legend Of The Red Dragon 3.50
The hit door becomes better. Real- time
multi-node battles, marriage, IGM feature.
For DOS based BBS's.
65800 LORD353.ZIP 537984 02.01.1996 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso tupla
-= Legend Of The Red Dragon 3.53 =- The hit
door is now bigger.  Meet Olivia the severed
head, and other new adventures.
65802 LORD355.ZIP 528556 31.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla¹
-= Legend Of The Red Dragon 3.55 =-
The coolest multinode interactive
door around!  PCBoard Add-On of the
year, 1995. Supports ANSI/ASCII/RIP.
41638 LORD400A.ZIP 318,2 kt 15.09.1997 - 11970/ -
-= Legend Of The Red Dragon 4.00a =- Marry and bury real people in the fantasy world of LORD.  Multinode interactive BBS door from RTsoft
41639 LORDCARN.ZIP 24156 19.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
LORD what Carnage, Bodies of the Realm Add-On
for Legend Of The Red Dragon This program
gives your LORD game The bodies that result
when the Dragon attacks each night! By
Jonathan R Holman
41640 LORDED10.ZIP 20852 01.11.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Monster Editor for Legend of the Red Dragon A
robust, flexible monster editor for Legend of
the Red Dragon by Seth Able. Add that fresh
spark to your LORD game! Turbo C source code
included. This program is FREEWARE. By Life
41641 LORDGC17.ZIP 51626 01.11.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
Legend Of the Red Dragon Gambling Casino
v1.7.14 Yes, now all of you LORD players can
gamble away your Gold at BlackJack, Slots,
and Roulette! Now a LORD 3.26 I.G.M.
41642 LORDLASK.ZIP 6,5 kt 18.08.1997 - - -
*** LORD RahaLaskuri  *** versio 0.001 Laske kuinka paljon RAHAA Sinulle kertyy esim. 10 päivässä jos sinulla on esim 10mmk kultaa pankissa,jos et nosta etkä laita sinne yhtää.
65836 LRD352PT.ZIP 178344 01.11.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Upgrade your 3.50 or 3.51 to 3.52 wide beta
2. Released 9-13-95.
41643 LRDCL190.ZIP 113807 01.11.1995 - - -
Dragon's Claw Tavern v1.90 - LORD IGM
Dragon's Claw Tavern, (DCLord), adds another
Tavern to LORD, and underground realm,
Wendy(!), new weapons and armour to buy.  And
a whole lot more! Crazy Boy Production  ($5)
41644 LRDFAQ11.ZIP 34980 24.08.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Legend Of The Red Dragon *OFFICIAL* FAQ v1.1
The Official Frequently Asked Questions list
and info file for Seth Robinson's L.O.R.D.
Online Door Game.
41645 LRDHLP12.ZIP 50,3 kt 27.06.1997 - - -
The best FAQ for Legend Of the Red Dragon! Hot tips and the latest info! John A Elson
41646 MINE13.ZIP 3,3 kt 05.08.1997 - - -
"DAHLONEGA DAVES DO-IT-YOURSELF MINING v1.3 An IGM for LORD II that allows users to pay a fee to enter a mine and keep any gold or gems that they may find. Registration is FREE!! From Mamoosoft Programming."
66216 MMV20.ZIP 42106 20.10.1995 - 8180/Night Owl Best of Shareware (NOPV-18)(1995).ISO tupla
Maldorf's Mountain v2.0
A FreeWare Lord IGM For Red Dragon
The Legendary Wizard named Maldorf
who lives high atop a mountain is
here now to help Warriors of Lord
in their quest, if they are deemed
worthy.  New features include:
o TOTAL SysOp Configuration
o Fixed bug in the Installation
41647 MMV250.ZIP 55837 17.12.1995 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
│   Maldorf's Mountain Version 2.5   │
│ A FreeWare IGM for Lord Ver 3.26a+ │
│ The Legendary Wizard named Maldorf │
│ who lives high atop a mountain is  │
│ here now to help Warriors of Lord  │
│ in their quest, if they are deemed │
│ worthy.  New features include:     │
│  o As per MANY people's requests,  │
41648 MYS_22.ZIP 108650 23.02.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
·∙■ MYSTiC TOWER 0.2.2 ■∙·
Despair Software Productions
In game Inn, pull some pranks,
humiliate, get laid, talk with
people and get weapons or
41649 MYSTLORD.ZIP 24235 19.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Mystical happenings in the Realm Add-On for
Legend Of The Red Dragon This program gives
your LORD game An eerie background, and a
feeling of other things going on around you.
Programmed by Jonathan R Holman
41650 NPCLOR28.ZIP 84672 07.06.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
NPCLord v2.8! For L.O.R.D. v3.20+
NPCs can now do EVERYTHING that Humans can
do! EVERYTHING! AI Mail, up to 150 NPCs,
NPCLord is 100% configurable!  By SOS!
41651 ODINKEEP.ZIP 9,2 kt 21.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
"-= Odins Keep for LORD2 =- A Fun IGM for LORD2 1.00 or newer. EASY INSTALL! Own the legendary Keep ! Comes fully stocked with your own pet dragonhealerSwimming Pool and much more."
41652 OMC10.ZIP 82113 31.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
│ The Old Man's Cave            v1.0  │
│ An IGM for LORD, gives warriors tips│
│ secrets and all of types of stuff.  │
│ Running conversation was well.      │
│                                     │
│ Written at The Roman Empire BBS     │
│  501-648-0944                       │
│    by: William Turner               │
41653 ORPHAN11.ZIP 3,5 kt 18.08.1997 - 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso -
GREENTREE ORPHANAGE v1.1 - An IGM for LORD2 Are you willing to help the children who have been orphaned by the Red Dragon? Registration is FREE!! From Mamoosoft Programming.
67203 PHAN1ZZ.ZIP 208985 17.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso tupla
Make your way past the Skeletons to capture
the Key from the Phantom in the Cemetery.
Enter the Mausoleum and see if you can
survive the plunge through the Deep Abyss.
Find the Treasure or Rescue the Victim if
you can survive the Creatures that await
you in the Catacombs. Earn Bonus Quests!
Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory.
41654 PHAN211.ZIP 205694 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Make your way past the Skeletons to capture
the Key from the Phantom in the Cemetery.
Enter the Mausoleum and see if you can
survive the plunge through the Deep Abyss.
Find the Treasure or Rescue the Victim if
you can survive the Creatures that await
you in the Catacombs. Earn Bonus Quests!
Unzip in its own UNIQUE directory.
41655 PLANEREF.ZIP 14,8 kt 05.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
"ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Nogits Airport A small IGM for lord2. Adds a airport with many places to go. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ"
41656 Q105.ARJ 3,5 kt 30.08.1998 - - -
Lord2: The new worldiin hyvän läpipeluu ohje. V1.05 txt by: jani koponen
41657 QFORT12.ZIP 11,9 kt 21.01.1998 - - -
"Lord 2 IGM: Qs Fortress version 1.2 Qs Fortress is an ownable IGM that has many featuresincluding a barstablessea travelsupplies and weapon/armor stores."
41658 REV100.ZIP 21,6 kt 21.01.1998 - archives.thebbs.org -
Revenge Castle v1.0 for LORD 2. A simple IGM for I made for LORD 2. Includes 7 new maps. Revenge Castle is located North of Sosen Village. It is a nice place to visit, you can get another chance on things, and travel, there is an inn, and much more.
41659 SCV250.ZIP 17543 17.12.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
│   Show Conversations Version 2.5   │
│ Lord Utility for SysOps who try to │
│ keep track of conversation areas in│
│ Lord and some In Game Modules.  It │
│ offers a range of features, with a │
│ lot of possibilities for your game!│
│ New features in Version 2.5 are:   │
│                                    │
41660 SFAIRY20.ZIP 49907 15.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
SunShines' Fairy Land v2.0 IGM for Seth
Ables' game, Legend Of The Red Dragon "LORD".
Visit SunShines' Fairy Land and try to catch
a Fairy. Checkout Sunshines' General Store or
try to win one of 8 different prizes, by
guessing the number SunShine is thinking of.
Now limits fairy tries to 5, has tons of
error checking to prevent any negative
values, also has higher default prices in
SunShines General Store, which are sysop
configurable, with registration of only $5.
41661 SHARK121.ZIP 6,5 kt 05.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
"SharksTooth Island v1.21 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A new village for Lord 2where you can do many things. FREEWARE! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Author : Jay Weber"
41662 SHIPWK10.ZIP 8,5 kt 21.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
-=The Shipwreck IGM v1.00=- An IGM for LORD II v1.00 or newer. Explore the merchant ship PRIDE OF ARRIS. Trade with her captain.  Fire the cannon. By Chet Rhodes.
41663 SKC_1S.ZIP 70916 23.02.1996 - scene.org -
version 1.0 - Joust with the Knights of
the castle!  Post anonymous messages in
the Daily Happenings!  Visit the the
Dungeon! and MUCH MORE!!!  Features
level-based awards, clean mode, install
and uninstall programs that really work,
and a few secret options.  Well-tested
and well-written - your LORD fanatics
WILL love it!
68431 SKULL015.ZIP 67690 15.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso tupla
Old Skull Inn 0.15 -- LORD IGM IGM for LORD
that allows: * players to Arm Wrestle * play
654 * sneak a peak at other player stats in a
form of top player lists! * Bank * Crystal
Shard Lotto! * COMPLETELY configurable! You
can make this IGM have big or little impack
on the game! * Full multi-node support!
SHAREWARE -- $5.00 -- Fully functionally when
41664 SKULL021.ZIP 83344 26.12.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Old Skull Inn 0.21 IGM for LORD that allows:
Players to Arm Wrestle, Play 654, Sneak a
peak at other player stats in a form of top
player lists, Bank, Crystal Shard Lotto,
Visit the Wine Cellar! Find the Wine and gain
a nice reward! But, BEWARE! You will
encounter other monsters on your quest, up to
FOUR at one time! COMPLETELY configurable!
41665 SNDBAR20.ZIP 65927 18.07.1996 - 12422/1999-cave-bbs-filesection.zip -
Sandtiger's Bar v2.0  --  LORD IGM
Sandtiger's Bar v2.0 from Gerald Yuvallos --
41666 SSWLRD12.ZIP 39378 23.02.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
All new ANSI's for LORD.  Change the
same old Legend of the Red Dragon into
Super Star Wars LORD.
41667 TLORD17.ARJ 71971 02.08.1996 - - -
TeamLord v1.7  LORD IGM
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- At
last!  Runs teams through Lord! Rivalry never
had it so good! Make Lord a BloodBath like no
41668 TLS1.ZIP 29,9 kt 18.08.1997 - - -
The Loose Screw Resort, an IGM for LORD2 v.700b.
41669 TOK100.ZIP 11,9 kt 05.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
*--=* Tower of Krystal 1.00*=--* A Quest IGM for LORD ! Meet the Lady  of the Tower, Visit the Healer or Item Store! Can you solve it?
41670 TORIN131.ZIP 5,1 kt 18.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
Torin Castle V1.3 for Lord2, New Castle for Lord2. Written by the creator of the Death Knights Gang House. Easy to setup.
41671 TSLORD.ZIP 22,7 kt 04.05.1997 - - -
"BORED TO THOSE BORING LORD MENUS? You Want More COLOR and everything neat? Here Is The Coolest MENUs on Earth! Easy to Install and Uninstall if you dont like it!;( Unzip to your LORD directory Tested only in LORD 3.55"
41672 VIOLET52.ZIP 54232 07.01.1996 - ratsnest1.iso -
Romp through the forest with Violet's
family! This update contains improved
file i/o, updated comm drivers, and
color code support! Unreg bug fixed!
by Trevor Herndon; BBS:(703)341-1865
41673 VISN10.ZIP 91386 30.12.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Lord IGM Visions 1.0 Are you worn out after a
day of fighting? Have you ever had visions of
the past?
41674 WGRA1_0.ZIP 31,1 kt 31.08.1997 - - -
"-=- The Warriors Graveyard 1.0 -=- Visit this mysterious Graveyardand interact with its inhabitants. Find the secret ghostsor buy some Lemon-Aid!  -=FREEWARE=- TechN Software - Lloyd Hannesson"
41675 WHORE20.ZIP 3,5 kt 18.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
"*-* Greetree Whore House 2.00 *-* A small IGM whore house for Lord2 Adds female support! Replaces an empty house and wont Throw your game out of balance Written By Jared McQuade"
41676 WIZCAS13.ZIP 11,7 kt 05.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
"-= The Wizards Castle for LORD2 =- A simple IGM for LORD2.  Includes 3 new maps and two REF files.  EASY INSTALL!  The Wizards Castle v1.3 An IGM for LORD II that allows users to sleep overnight in the unregistered portion of Lord II and even has a Maze upstairs where you can search for a hidden treasure.  Totally FREEWARE!!!  From Bobby Queen and Mamoosoft Programming."
41677 WW200.ZIP 43,8 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
Werewolf v2.00 - IGM for LORD v3.52. Transform into a werewolf to kill other players and desecrate their dead bodies, eat kids and kill horses.
41678 YQW104F.ZIP 9,9 kt 20.08.1997 - 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip -
"Yangs Place Final Version. Lord 2 IGM Version 1.04 Final Created On 1/6/97 LORD2 Registered Version Needed"
41839 !TXDS121.ZIP 590485 16.04.1996 renamed 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media Inc.).ISO -
enter the medieval world of ashrella |
| fly on a dragon : get  drunk : joust : :
long, ongoing story : spells : items |
add-ons for your bbs! So easy that = =ANYONE
CAN DO IT! TXDS by Allen Ussher= =NOW WORKS
41679 2002V2B3.ZIP 584613 27.07.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Trade Wars Beta version 3. Online Space Door
41680 2100A104.ZIP 230648 16.04.1996 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
RPG-2100*THE AWAKENING v1.04 [door 4/20/95]
Single-Multiline DView-WIN-OS/2 aware door
supports FOSSIL and non-standard settings...
57 years after preventing the awakening of
Khalal its evil wraith has finally recovered
the body and has the evil semi-god, semi-
dragon awaken. You have been summoned to the
land once more by the sacred fire to kill
Khalal once and for all. A fully interactive
game, the best adaptation of a  role-play
game (RPG) for BBSs ever!
41681 2100W202.ZIP 195051 16.04.1996 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
RPG-2100*THE WRAITH OF KHALAL v2.02 [4/20/95]
Maintenance release.  Corrects time-slicings
under OS/2, Windows, DV; RIP bug; and others.
As a fighter, rogue, or wizard,  get clues,
blessings,  money,  and hints from the old
men of the land.  Will you escape the Land Of
Eternal Confusion?   See the king for
commissions,  hunt other human players, and
ultimately, prevent the awakening of Khalal
41682 2TF-V101.ZIP 293084 16.04.1996 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso -
The Forest ][ V1.01 First Public Release THE
ULTIMATE BBS DOOR! Released Nov 13/95 ***
41683 AB106.ZIP 316129 21.01.1996 - 16777/softwarevault:gamesvolume2digitalimpact1995.iso -
Arrowbridge Online Game is a D&D style door.
It has active combat routines, 160000
locations and supports multinode systems.
Players must earn experience, explore the
land, raid burial chambers, build armies,
gather magic weapons, complete special
missions and much much more!  The game can
also operate on an Inter-BBS basis with
features including Inter-BBS assassins,
destructors and top 100 player lists.
60352 AB2MP092.ZIP 555999 02.08.1996 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso tupla
Arrowbridge II Map Editor 0.92, Windows. From
MBnet !!
41684 AB2MP095.ZIP 552,6 kt 20.03.1997 - - -
ARROWBRIDGE II Map Editor 0.95 (WIN/95) Arrowbridge II  Map  Editor  is  a Windows application to allow users to customize their  Arrowbridge II games.  The editor permits editing of   dungeons,  lairs,  hints  and special missions.  This is a  very powerful utility  for  those  that are serious about Arrowbridge II. Arrowbridge  II  -   bringing  the users back!
41685 AB2V0401.ZIP 328922 02.08.1996 koko³ ratsnest1.iso -
ARROWBRIDGE II WB 0.401 Arrowbridge II - The
Guardians  of Darkness, is a D&D style door.
It has active combat routines, built- in com
routines up to 115,000bps & supports
multinode systems. Players  must   earn
experience, explore the land,  raid
dungeons, joust   players,   build   armies,
gather magic weapons, build teams, complete
special missions and much much  more!  MBnet.
Arrowbridge  II also features the  capability
of  game coordinators  creating  their  own
60363 ABR114.ZIP 402978 19.10.1995 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso tupla
ARROWBRIDGE I  Quest for the Orb v1.14
Arrowbridge Online Game is a D&D style door.
It has active combat routines, over
240000 locations and supports multinode
systems. Players must earn experience,
explore the land, raid burial chambers
build armies, gather magic weapons,
complete special missions and much more!
The game can operate on an Inter-BBS basis
with features including Inter-BBS assasins
destructors etc.
41686 ABR120.ZIP 415525 24.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
>>---> ARROWBRIDGE I <---<< Quest for the Orb
(v1.20) Arrowbridge Online Game is an Ultima
style  door.   It  has active combat
routines, over 240000 locations  and supports
multinode systems.  Players must  earn
experience,  explore the land,  raid burial
chambers,  build armies,   gather    magic
weapons, complete  special  missions and much
much  more!   The  game  can operate on  an
Inter-BBS basis with features including
Inter-BBS    assassins, destructors  and  a
41687 AS100.ZIP 143443 31.05.1995 - - -
Accordion Solitaire  (Door) v1.00
A game of solitaire with a twist.  No
deck to play cards from, just shift cards
from one pile to the other.  Sounds easy,
but it is quite challanging!   Keeps
daily winners as well as a total winner
for that month.  Uses DOORFRAME library
for Non-Standard Comport and IRQ's.
Programmer: William Rountree
41688 ASNPC110.ZIP 229028 23.12.1995 - The Wildcat Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Assassin v1.10 On-Line Door Game
Medieval Adventure, where you must persue and
victims.  Multi-Player, Multi-Node Aware, Mul
Full support for Fossil, DigiBoard and Serial
Voted BEST game on 8 of 10 BBS's polled.
41689 ATRIV110.ZIP 62985 14.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Fully customizable trivia door! Up
to 10 different question files with
no question limit! Easy to use editor,
and simple user-interface!
Archonware by Trevor Herndon
41690 BATTLE31.ZIP 73122 16.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This door is based
on the popular board game STRATEGO.  It pits
two players against each other in a battle of
wits and strategy.
41691 BBSCR56.ZIP 109822 16.04.1996 - 17040/The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO -
BBS Crash v5.60
41692 BBSMSTR1.ZIP 47,3 kt 13.03.1997 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Board Maker v1.0 (c) 1995 Heavenware Software Fun BBS simulation door game, designed to let your users try their hand at being a sysop.
41693 BBSVP102.ZIP 50339 07.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
BBS Video Poker v1.02 Jan. 1996
(Jacks-or-better). DOOR.SYS,
compatible. (Optional) Fossil
and multinode support. 1200 to
115,200 BPS. Non-standard com
port addrs and IRQs support...
41694 BDUWCD10.ZIP 190327 07.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Underworld the Crime Doorgame !!!
For use with many BBS software systems.
Choose 1 of 6 dishonest professions kill
your neighbor, buy a house or rent an pad,
buy a car or steal one to make a living.
A real election for mayor is held and the
lucky player gets to alter certain aspects
of the city!  Registration is only $20.00
with a trial period of 60 days.
SysOps will love the flexabilty and the
41596 BJ318.ZIP 40697 16.08.1994 - 16981/Super CD 4 (Groupware).iso -
BBS BlackJack/21 card game door.
Version 3.18 - October 6, 1993.
PCBoard 14/15., DOOR.SYS
compatible. Fully functional.
Supports fossil driver(s).
ANSI.SYS required. Com 1-4.
BPS to 115,200. Multinode BBS
support. Registration $10.00.
Free 30 day trial period.
41695 BKBOX15.ZIP 169329 16.04.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
THE BLACK BOX is both a BBS Door game and a
stand alone game. It's a game of wit and
concentration. You will find this game
challenging and fun. With all the epic
adventure games out there that go on and on,
I wanted to produce something that could be
played in one sitting. But, with an elaborate
scoring system and a different game each time
it is run, the challenges continue.
61544 BMSTR14.ZIP 98155 16.04.1996 - ratsnest1.iso tupla
────────[ Board Master v1.4 ]──────── ■
(c)1995,1996 Heavenware Software ■ Fun filled
BBS simulation door game ■ designed to let
your users try their ■ hand at being a sysop.
■ Supports most door drop formats ■ Game
Rating: PG
41696 BMSTR23.ZIP 137896 04.12.1996 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
Board Master v2.3 Truly fun & addictive BBS
simulation door game. Inter-BBS,
Multi-node/tasking, Supports most drop file
formats, & Non-standard IRQ's
41697 BOTAV220.ZIP 374976 16.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
-=[ Battle of The Arts v2.20 ]=- An RPG Based
Door Game Dealing With the Martial Arts.  «
Gang feature- Allows more interaction » « 48
NPC players to compete against » «
Conversation, Babes, and More » « Register
for only 15 US bucks » « Very Powerful Game
Editor » « Supports almost any BBS »
61637 BRE0904.ZIP 266835 06.05.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Newest Barren Realms v.900
61638 BRE0980.ZIP 331073 07.04.1996 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso tupla
Barren Realms Elite (BRE) v0.980 Interactive
InterBBS Wargame. A world-wide leader in
InterBBS Gaming!
41698 BRE0981.ZIP 331107 07.04.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Barren Realms Elite (BRE) v0.981 Interactive
InterBBS Wargame A world-wide leader in
InterBBS Gaming!
61639 BRE971.ZIP 322817 07.06.1995 - 8169/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-16)(Night Owl Publishing)(1995).ISO tupla
Barren Realms Elite (BRE) v0.971 InterBBS
Strategic Wargame Supports most BBS Software
and special setups
41699 BRECON94.ZIP 22983 07.04.1996 - 11970/ -
BRECon v0.094 Barren Realms Elite IP bulletin
generator. Features: configurable FAST sortin
by Regions/Networth/Score/Planet#, optional
BULLETIN.LST-style output. For BRE v0.960ß-up
** Bug Fixes **   -FREE-   From HighWayWare!
41700 BTRIP22.ZIP 172724 13.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Battle Trip v2.2 - Based on the French Card
game Mille Borne. **InterBBS Now!!!** Race
against the computer to see who can get to
1000 miles first.  Watch out for accidents,
out of gas, flat tires, etc.  Supports all
the usual, non standard COM ports,
Now supports Multinode configurations!
Reg only $15 for Single Node/$20 Multinode
Author:Rob Williams, WCS Software 1/10/96
41701 CQIGMK10.ZIP 88,4 kt 26.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
"CQIGM v1.0 Driver Kit To make IGMSs For The Great BBS RPG Door Game Called CRIME QUEST! Turbo Pascal v6.0 or greater."
41702 CST65.ZIP 93096 03.10.1995 - flisterz.throwbackbbs.com -
CyberSpace Transporter v6.5
A door that allows your users
to call out to other systems on a second
modem and phone line. It will SCAN for an
OPEN port!!! It can also be used to provide
access to an INTERNET provider via your BBS!!
41703 CTOSS1A.ZIP 73,9 kt 25.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
"Ol3-Legs CoinToss! - CoinToss v1.0a IGM In-Game-Module for DogWorld RPG doorgame. Easy install and setup! Give it a try! **Freeware** No registration required! This version fixes a small error in the install program."
41704 DEATH130.ZIP 175398 16.04.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
DEATH MASTERS v1.30  [ BBS-DOOR 10-15-95 ]
New: Sabotage, Antidemotion, Yesterday log,
Spectacular new ansis, etc.  SET IN HELL,
this is a game with intense gruesome action.
Popup boxes and scrollable menus provide an
easy to use interface: players concentrate on
escaping hell, not on learning the game.
Fully MULTINODE aware! 50-Node public chat,
telegrams, live-battles, etc. Supports non-
standard settings, FOSSIL, and most BBSs.
41705 DMV10.EXE 857,4 kt 15.05.1997 - 11970/ -
"John Daileys Dungeon Master v1.0 On-Line RPG breaks the high-speed  barrier with SOLID 3-D ANSI polygon dungeonsawesome ANSI graphicsand sound.  Visually face opponents with this power-packed online game environment complete with three pre-built  adventures.  Build your own COMPLETE RPGs with the  Construction Setalso  included."
41706 DRACE102.ZIP 274544 30.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Drag Race 1.02 The game challenges players to
achieve the highest monthly score possible
through a series of races. Players race
against computer opponents such as Leadfoot
Larry, Bo Nose, Harry Scarey and others.
63152 DRAGON20.ZIP 293153 22.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
The Dragon's Claw v.2.0
Full featured on-line adventure game with
topographical ANSI maps of terrain and
multi-level dugeons.  ANSI monsters, magic
items, towns, ruins, over 200 monsters, and
real time user to user battles.  Uses fossil,
or interrupt driven COM routines for best
41707 DRAGON25.ZIP 306383 30.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
The Dragon's Claw v2.5 Full featured on-line
adventure game with topographical ANSI maps
of terrain and multi-level dugeons. ANSI
monsters, magic items, towns, ruins, over 200
monsters, and real time user to user battles.
Uses fossil, or interrupt driven COM routines
for best compatability.
63156 DRAKE2_1.ZIP 136626 16.04.1996 - scene.org tupla
┌───────* Drakeville v2.1 *────────┐
│ An exiting RPG multi-node door   │
│game. "4" characters to control at│
│the same time. Superb combat! IGM │
│support ,ansi bulletins and much  │
│more. Who will be the first to    │
│kill MALAKY!                      │
└───────* Drakeville v2.1 *────────┘
41708 DRAKE2_2.ZIP 142860 18.07.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
┌───────* Drakeville v2.2 *────────┐
│ An exiting RPG multi-node door   │
│game. "4" characters to control at│
│the same time. Superb combat! IGM │
│support ,ansi bulletins and much  │
│more. Who will be the first to    │
│kill MALAKY!                      │
└───────* Drakeville v2.2 *────────┘
41709 DRMHNG11.ZIP 307477 16.04.1996 - 16777/softwarevault:gamesvolume2digitalimpact1995.iso -
╔───────────■ DreamHANG v1.1 ■───────────╗
│Θ   The ULTIMATE Online HangMan game!  Θ│
│           100% ANSi Grafix.            │
│  Over 31,000!! words in the database!  │
│    Your callers will LOVE this door    │
│     version of the classic game!!!     │
│   Supports all the most popular BBS'   │
│         Multi-node Compatable!         │
│   NOT CRIPPLED!!!   $10 Registration   │
│Θ             A MUST SEE !!            Θ│
╚──────■ DreamWARE Communications ■──────╝
41710 DSDBJ102.ZIP 43,9 kt 19.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
DSD BlackJack is a BBS door for IBM, Remote Access compatible BBS systems. With DSD Black Jack, users will be able to wager their online time on games of Black Jack and compete with the other users for top scores. Multinode, req. a FOSSIL-driver.
41711 EXREALM.ZIP 2976147 20.06.1996 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Realm od Exitilus. Excellent LORD/Usurper
type Online BBS door game.
41712 FBB123.ZIP 313459 30.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Franchise Basketball v1.23 Basketball
Door/LAN Simulator. Best Basketball game
available. Users guide their team through a
pro basketball season, as general manager and
coach. May be played on BBS, LAN, or even
stand alone PC. Earn money from ticket sales
and other sources to upgrade the franchise.
Trade, train, bench, release and many other
player options. Full playoffs for registered
users. Full support for non-standard PORTS
41713 FE104.ZIP 276,5 kt 27.09.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"-=Falcons Eye (FE) v1.04=- InterBBS Capable Fantasy War Game From the Makers Of BRE Redesigned from previous versions"
41714 FERR_101.ZIP 40828 30.12.1995 - 12422/1999-cave-bbs-filesection.zip -
██  FERRENGI v1.01  ████████████████████
█▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀                 █
█   A Trade Wars 2002 v2.0 extension   ║
║   by F.Wiesen, gives new abilities   ║
║   and more independence to the       ║
║   Ferrengi. Trade Wars 2002 v2.0     ║
║   Beta 6 or higher required!         ║
║   ········ PUBLIC DOMAIN ·········   █
█                 ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█
████████████████████  FERRENGI v1.01  ██
41715 FOD201.ZIP 456350 16.04.1996 - 8180/Night Owl Best of Shareware (NOPV-18)(1995).ISO -
Forces of Darkness 2.01 - Greatest space role
playing adventure ever created!  Very fun!
This is not a space trading game, but a role
playing game set in space.  The monsters you
fight are space monsters.  You travel from
planet to planet as your character advances
up the ranks of the galactic street fighters.
This door features support for fossil
drivers, non-standard IRQ's, locked baud
rates and more.  Setup is a snap. This door
will NOT expire, has no nag delay screens,
41716 FOD250B.ZIP 248822 05.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Forces of Darkness 2.50 beta - The greatest
space role playing adventure ever created!
And now it's a true multinode door with
internode combat and internode messaging!
Forces of Darkness is NOT another space
trading door.  Instead it is true role
playing, D&D style, set in outer space.
Players travel from planet to planet engaging
in street fights with computer controlled
monsters in their quest to reach the Fortress
64368 G5103B.ZIP 406674 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Galaxy 5, Like LORD? Try something
similiar in another galaxy, in the future!
Supports external 3rd party doors, there are
5 planets in Galaxy 5 that players can visit,
internal mail writing routines with word
wrap & quote on reply, online battles between
two players, multi node compatible, many
SysOp configurable options, and much much
41717 G5105B.ZIP 436524 30.06.1996 - - -
Galaxy 5 - Like LORD? Try something similiar
in another galaxy, in the future! Supports
external 3rd party doors, there are 5 planets
in Galaxy 5 that players can visit, internal
mail writing routines with word wrap & quote
on reply, online battles between two players,
multi node compatible, many SysOp
configurable options, and much more! DOES NOT
41718 GACBJ220.ZIP 360,2 kt 17.06.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
Tournament Blackjack TM (TBJ) V2.20 NEW! Includes both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions! This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS blackjack game with NEW! ANSI CARDS for the user and dealer. TBJ will allow users on a BBS to participate in a blackjack game as if they were sitting at a real table, chatting is even available! Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages, and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation.
41719 GACFC120.ZIP 292,2 kt 17.06.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
Tournament FreeCell (TFC) V1.20 NEW! Includes both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions! This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS FreeCell game that will work on all BBS systems. FreeCell is an addictive solitare card game. Users will compete for the best score (based on percent of wins and total games played). Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages, and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation.
41720 GACWH120.ZIP 295,6 kt 23.06.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
Tournament WaHoo (TWH) V1.20 NEW! Includes both DOS 16 and WIN95/NT versions! This is a MULTINODE, INTER-BBS WaHoo Board game that will work on all BBS systems. Wa-Hoo is a simple game that mixes skill and chance. Attempt to move your marbles home before the other opponents win or catch you. Inter-BBS play allows users to send messages, and view all scores. Easy IBBS operation.
41721 GANGWV12.ZIP 176287 16.04.1996 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
GANGLAND WARS  v1.2  BBS Door Game for ANY
Door.sys BBS!  Do battle with Street Punks,
Recruit Gang Members, visit the Gangland
Boss, Rob Local Stores, play Blackjack and
much more!  Registered Version automatically
creates a High Score Bulletin and is Sysop
configurable for users total fights,
robberies, blackjack hands and visits. Over 9
months of writing and beta testing assures
that this game will be a hit on your BBS!
Automatically reads your BBS's Door.sys file,
41722 GBKG14.ZIP 67434 29.03.1996 - 8180/Night Owl Best of Shareware (NOPV-18)(1995).ISO -
Global Backgammon Doorgame version 1.4 A
real-time multi-node Backgammon and
Acey-Deucy door game by the author of the
popular doorgame Global War.  Players wager
points using the doubling cube to win a place
on the Hall of Fame. Works with any BBS.
Supports any number of nodes.  Fossil,
Non-Fossil or Digiboard. By the author of
Global War Joel Bergen
41723 GOC201.ZIP 282635 16.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
GODFATHER OF CRIME Door Game - Vers 2.01 Now
supports multi-node AND on-line multiple
players!  A rip-roaring, knock- em-dead ANSI
role playing door game of the 1930s New York
organized Crime Scene! Carefully researched,
the game provides authentic flavor as well as
a fun to play game of the period. Using
treachery, bribery, corruption, illegal
businesses and, of course, some criminal
acts, you attempt to work your way up from a
young family Lieutenant to become the
41724 GRUNT026.ZIP 194147 19.10.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
GRUNT! v1.0.026 Multi-Interactive RPG!
Multi-Node RPG DOOR. PCB15.2+. Vast areas to
fight, highly verbose, tons of rings, wands,
potions, scrolls, shops, objects and more.
Similar to the Internet's BATMUD. Users can
see, hear & do just about anything AT ONCE in
to use/set up, self-cleaning DOOR. WWIV, PCB,
41725 GTERM501.ZIP 3599517 16.04.1996 - - -
GTERM for LOD Ver 5.00 [Optional] By Scott M.
Baker GTERM is a graphical terminal program
intended to allow remote users to see
graphics when playing LOD. Music is also
supported, although you must also unzip
LOD500F.ZIP into the gterm directory (on the
remote player's side) for music to play. The
supported graphics resolutions are
800x600x256 and 640x480x256. A SVGA adapter
with at least 512k memory is required.
41726 GURUIBM1.ZIP 261055 03.01.1996 - 11970/ -
The TradeWars Guru v1

This archive consists of a database and scrip
assist people
playing the BBS Door game Tradewars 1.03 & 2.
ls Date 8/18/95.
41727 GWAR259.ZIP 119485 02.01.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Global War Doorgame version 2.59 An
adaptation of the hit board game RISK. 3-6
players compete for world domination alone or
in teams. Works with any BBS system, any
number of nodes.  Uart, Fossil and Digiboard
support provided.  Multitasker aware.
Beautiful ANSI screens and mouse support. By
Joel Bergen, ProVision BBS 206-353-6966
Fidonet 1:343/65
41728 GWTERM27.ZIP 41080 29.03.1996 - 16767/Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO -
Global Warin pääteohjelma GWTerm DOSille.
Versio 2.7.
41729 GWTW101.ZIP 49440 29.03.1996 - 17040/The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO -
Global Warin pääteohjelma GWTerm Windowsille.
Versio 1.01.
41730 HIRSI104.ZIP 23501 25.06.1996 - scene.org -
* On-Line HirsiPuu versio 1.04 * tAAt-pelit
1996. Suositellaan kaikille yksilinjaisille
purkeille. Kokeile!
41731 HSA40.ZIP 123951 16.04.1996 - 11970/ -
High Seas Armada v4.0
41732 HVAN100.ZIP 61,9 kt 23.05.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Hippy Van V1.00 Planets: TEOS IGM Add an exciting way for your players move around the universe and get stuff Freeware by the creators of TEOS. Requires TEOS V2.00 Beta 3 or newer.
41733 IE200.ZIP 545751 16.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Island Empires On-Line Door Game for most BBS
programs. Island Empires is an exciting
sequel to our Rebel Kingdom Door Game. In
Island Empires you start with one Island out
of a 100 on the map. Once you have developed
your Empire on that Island you will build you
sailing fleet and set out to develope other
Islands while searching and conquoring your
opponents islands. You must have developed 5
Islands and destroy 3 opponents Islands in
order to win. While on the open seas there
65086 IMP362.ZIP 829584 16.04.1996 - archives.thebbs.org tupla
Imperium v3.62b - Strategic Wargame Door --
Beta Release Version --
│ Ansi Graphics based game of world    │
│ conquest with support for up to 31   │
│ players, custom or random maps sized │
│ as large as disk space will allow,   │
│ 16 different terrain types and 30    │
│ different & completely editable unit │
│ types. Has support for both internal │
65087 IMP363.ZIP 731914 03.05.1996 - - tupla
Imperium v3.63b - Strategic Wargame Door --
Beta Release Version --  Ansi Graphics based
game of world conquest with support for up to
31 players, custom or random maps sized as
large as disk space will allow, 16 different
terrain types and 30 different & completely
editable unit types. Has support for both
internal and fossil comport support.
41734 IMP363X.ZIP 701461 30.03.1996 - - -
Imperium v3.63x - Strategic Wargame Door --
Official Release Version --
│ Protected Mode Version for 386+ only!│
│ Ansi Graphics based game of world    │
│ conquest with support for up to 31   │
│ players, custom or random maps sized │
│ as large as disk space will allow,   │
│ 16 different terrain types and 30    │
│ different & completely editable unit │
41735 IMPVEW21.ZIP 82742 30.03.1996 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
VGA map viewer for Imperium players.
41736 IMPWWIII.ZIP 15349 30.03.1996 - - -
This is the ultimate configuration for
Imperium.  Loaded with all types of units,
this archive contains unit and terrain
information files along with my .CFG and
batch files to make installation easier than
you could imagine.
41737 INDY11.ZIP 168209 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ALL NEW From UltraSoft! INDY CAR Racing with
wrecks, spin-outs, engine sounds & HI-Speed!
Supports COM1-COM4 NON-STD IRQs, NONStandard
PORTS to 115Kbps. ONLINE MUSIC/Sound Effects.
UltraSoft Animated Action! DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1
for Almost all BBS types. A thrill a minute!
Recommended for hi-speed Systems:DX/50 plus.
41738 INUSE100.ZIP 75403 14.07.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
---- IN_USE v1.00  FREEWARE ----
Do you run a multi-node BBS?
This program will let users
know if your non-multinode
door is busy on another node.
41739 ISW110.ZIP 225528 20.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Interstellar War Onliner v1.1 A new version
of the Interstellar War Onliner, featuring
enhanced configurability, multi-node support,
and a nicer interface. Up to ten players
compete in a head to head struggle to control
the galaxy. Internal comm routines, most
dropfile formats, flexible .CFG file,
logging, and more. Up to 100 games supported
with one copy of the registered version.
41740 JEWEL25.ZIP 149,8 kt 25.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Jewel Thief v2.5 - InterBBS Door Game by Mike Jordan. Jewel Thief is a multi-level, action game, that requires concentration,  courage, fast reflects and good hand eye  coordination to be able to steal all the  Jewels in each room...Without getting Zapped by the very protective guards. No expiration  date or Demo Key required. Supports RIP and  DigiFossil, locked DTE, & most Drop Files. Now InterBBS playable.
41741 KAWSOL14.ZIP 147939 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
KINGS ARE WILD v1.4 - Multi-BBS Door Program
Challenging and quick paced game where users
score points by matching the total of the
card displayed from the playing grid.
Features make-up days option plus 12 month
annual hall of fame scoreboard. Supports
most BBS's, COM0-15 up to 115,200 plus
fossil driver, non-standard IRQ's and more.
41742 KNIGHTV1.ZIP 304609 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Knights v1.00, AE Productions
One of the most awesome online
games out today.  This game is
jam packed with fun.   Journey
through the kings castle,  and
fight  your  way to become the
next King.     Take On The PIT
Search For Dragons.  Rob Other
Knights.    Come's with 2 FREE
41743 KNK.ZIP 85912 17.09.1995 - 38/devilsdoorknobbbscapture1996-2003.iso -
Olet kuningas/kuningatar keskiajalla, ja
omistat oman linnan, jota sinun täytyy
puolustaa, ja hyökätä vastustajan linnaan.
Voit ostaa katapultteja, miehiä, yms... ansi
41744 KON4.ZIP 90,1 kt 19.09.1997 - - -
Konnect Four!  Colorful ANSI graphics & animation. Online game, Drop pieces down to create four in a row! Multiple games at once, player vs. player or computer, challenge players, view rankings, Nifty!
41745 KUMITE11.ZIP 424227 30.12.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
Kumite v1.1 - If you like LORD, you
will LOVE Kumite. This is a TRUE
MULTI-NODE Door game that takes place
in China Town. Choose a Dojo to train
under, earn your belts, fight online
fights, computer opponents, and other
players. Play Wacky Taipo, send mail
to other players, Today's and
Yesterday's news keeps everyone up to
date. Many features are packed in this
41746 KYLON242.ZIP 213448 16.04.1996 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
Kylon's World 2.42 (JULY 4, 1995) (upAllnite
Software; $30) A multi-node, multi-user real
time door game with a dungeons & dragons role
playing theme. Users may battle the monsters,
team up against the monsters, or kill each
other. Features online user help and
multi-node chat. Works with any DOOR.SYS BBS
software and runs up to 200 concurrent nodes.
RIP graphics capable. Supports DigiBoard
through fossil support.
41747 KZWORD12.ZIP 104822 03.01.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Krozword! - 1.20 beta
A competitive crossword puzzle
bbs door game. Even allows
users to create and upload their
own puzzles!
41748 LAK133.ZIP 223,4 kt 29.09.1998 - - -
- Liisan Aurinkokunta v. 1.33 - Vaihtoehtoinen  asetelma  TEOS-purkkipeliin. Sisältää 36 uutta planeettaa, kokonaan uudet alukset,  uudet kauppatavarat,  uudet NPC:t, asetukset, neljä  peliin  mainiosti  istuvaa IGM:ää sekä monipuolisen ja helppokäyttöisen asentajan. Vaaatii TEOS 2.0+
41749 LANDF100.ZIP 54,5 kt 23.05.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Landfill V1.00 Planets: TEOS IGM Add an exciting way for your players to earn money - work at the landfill! Freeware by the creators of TEOS. Requires TEOS V2.00 Beta 3 or newer.
41750 LINKS40.ZIP 192276 16.04.1996 - 8183/nightowlsharewarenopv10.iso -
▓▒░ Links Golf v4.0 - BBS Door Program ░▒▓
Links Country Club Golf. Play a round of 9 or
18 holes. Includes course architect so that
you may customize your course to your board.
Now includes ANSI display for each hole.
Supports baud rates to 115,200, COM0-15,
non-standard IRQ's and fossil based
multi-port digiboards.              08/31/93
Author:Robert Neal             NOT CRIPPLED!
41751 LOD501A.ZIP 123908 16.04.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
LOD Ver 5.00 - Docs & text [Required] By
Scott M. Baker This file is required for all
installations of LOD.
41752 LOD501B.ZIP 705902 16.04.1996 - 11970/ -
LOD Ver 5.00 - Executables [Required] By
Scott M. Baker This file contains the
executables for LOD and some associated
utilities. It is required for all
installations of LOD.
41753 LOD501C.ZIP 234433 16.04.1996 - 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso -
LOD Ver 5.00 - SVGA 1 of 2 [Optional] By
Scott M. Baker This file contains graphics
for use in the SVGA (and OS/2 Graphical PM)
versions of LOD. It is not required if you
wish to use the text-only version of LOD.
41754 LOD501D.ZIP 3280783 16.04.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
LOD Ver 5.00 - SVGA 2 of 2 [Optional] By
Scott M. Baker This file contains graphics
for use in the SVGA (and OS/2 Graphical PM)
versions of LOD. The graphics are mostly
large "bigpics" of monsters and specific
locations. It is not required if you wish to
use the text- only version of LOD.
41755 LOD501E.ZIP 747211 16.04.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
LOD Ver 5.00 - Dataset Design [Optional] By
Scott M. Baker This file contains tools for
designing your own custom datasets for LOD.
Included is the source data for the default
dataset as well as map editors, dataset
compilers, brief documentation, etc.
41756 LOD501F.ZIP 807402 16.04.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
LOD Ver 5.00 - Audio Support [Optional] By
Scott M. Baker This file contains songs and
music drivers to play LOD's music. Music is
only available under the DOS versions and
does require a lot of memory.
41757 LOD501G.ZIP 32616 16.04.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
LOD Ver 5.00 - SVGA Kit [Optional] By Scott
M. Baker This file contains tools for adding
your own graphics to LOD and instructions on
the required formats and resolutions for
LOD's graphics.
41758 LOD501L.ZIP 185124 16.04.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
LOD Ver 5.00 - "Lite" exes [Optional] By
Scott M. Baker The "lite" exes are DOS
executalbes that have graphics and sound
support REMOVED from the code. This means
they require a bit less memory than the
standard version. If you have trouble running
LOD under desqview, then you may wish to try
these executables.
41759 LOID200P.ZIP 127362 18.06.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Lords of Irongate v2.00 - Quest for the Orb!
Now FULLY supports: TriBBS, GAP (DOOR.SYS),
RBBS, PCBoard, WildCat!, WWIV, and can be run
locally. Freely distributable version.
An Enchanted Software Production!
41760 LORE_200.ZIP 1238332 18.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
- - - - -* LORE  Version 2.00 *- - - - - An
on-line game of fantasy role-playing!
Features  a  full-screen  ANSI  graphics
interface, with a detailed and colourful
moving  map  system.    Over  1  million
locations to move to! Visit 50+ cities & talk
with the inhabitants interactively, or go
underground in search of treasure! Hundreds
of  monsters to fight!  Hook up with other
BBS's and play with & against up to 999 other
boards (Full Inter-BBS!) Build and defend
65852 LUNAT41A.ZIP 400660 18.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Lunatix 4.1a- A Door Game by Mike Snyder
■   Shareware (c) 1995-96 by N-E-Ware    ■
│  RIP & ANSI, Multi-Node, IGMs & More!  │
│ One of the hottest door games, EVER!   │
│ DOS, Win/Win95, OS2, DV, Lots of fun.  │
│ Also has "In-Game Story" (IGS) support │
│ Lunatix is an RPG/Adventure doorgame.  │
■ For info on upgrading read UPGRADE.DOC ■
41761 LUNAT42A.ZIP 406254 16.04.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Lunatix 4.2a -- a Door Game by Mike Snyder
Shareware (c) 1995-96 by N-E-Ware   │
RIP & ANSI, Multi-Node, IGMs & More!  │
│ One of the hottest door games, EVER!   │
Use LUNPROMO.ANS to announce 4.2a!  │
DOS, Win/Win95, OS2, DV, Lots of fun.  │
│ Also has "In-Game Story" (IGS) support │
│ Lunatix is an RPG/Adventure doorgame.  │ ■
For info on upgrading read UPGRADE.DOC ■
41762 MCOLO110.ZIP 26332 17.09.1995 - - -
Väritetris... yritä saada neljä samanväristä
palikkaa suoraan linjaan.
41763 MCRACE20.ZIP 94870 16.04.1996 - 17040/The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO -
McRace 2.0 Motor City Dragstrip
41764 MJTKENO.ZIP 11506 06.10.1995 - - -
MJTEKNO v1.0 by Mika Tanninen
41765 MJTPOKER.ZIP 7859 06.10.1995 - - -
41766 MOG100.ZIP 562068 06.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Mines of Gorr v1.00 BBS Door Game MOG is the
most advanced medieval role playing door game
available today. It has full 3D dungeon
exploration, 2D auto- mapping, 250 monsters,
and over 170 weapons and armor items. It is
also FULLY multi-node capable with internode
combat. Also supports the FOSSIL and most BBS
41767 MOMUD14.ZIP 201628 16.04.1996 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
▒░ Mo's MUD v1.4 - MultiUser Dungeons ░▒▓
Multi Node Chat/Action Adventure door.
Written for PCBoard, WildCat, QBBS, Gap,
SpitFire, WWIV, RBBS, UtraBBS, Telegard,
Remote Access and more! 115,200 baud support.
Also NON-BBS local (Single/Network) Play. NOT
CRIPPLED!!! Author: Maurice Boers
41768 MUSQ252.ZIP 51645 28.02.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Musical Terms Quizzer v2.52
41769 MW19G.ZIP 361870 16.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MechWars v1.9G
41770 NAPOLEON.ZIP 1457 18.04.1996 - - -
Napoleonic (18th century) unit/terrain setup
for Imperium 3.52 and later.
41771 NEWLAND1.ZIP 64087 16.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
NEWLAND, civilization building BBS door game
where players actually put together their own
cities with building blocks in a two-
dimensional world.  The goal is to maximize
industrial strength by constructing
production centers for building cities, and
defending them from other players.  With
industrial strength, a player can attack and
capture cities from other players, but good
tactics are required to be successful.
41772 NW750.ZIP 519682 16.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Nuclear War On-Line Door Game for most BBS
Programs. Modeled in part after the Desert
Storm Crisis, Nuclear War is a strategic War
Simulation game with a complete arsenal of
offensive weapons including Missiles, Smart
Bombs, Scuds and Viper Warheads. Reliable
Patriots are used for defense while you are
not playing. Includes a complete On-Line
Maintenace Section that can be accessed
anytime you are in the game. No need to run
stand alone editors. For a complete look at
41773 NWO951B.ZIP 156562 16.04.1996 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part I) (Terry Blount).iso -
New World Order beta
41774 NY_003C.ZIP 270776 31.12.1995 - - -
╓────── New York 2008 v0.03c ───────╖
║RPG game  for almost any BBS system║
║Fully multinode capable with online║
║fights and messages.  User friendly║
║and colorful,  and straight forward║
║fun  door  game.   Has  many  other║
║features.  Regular  IGMs  and Fight║
║Event   IGMs!    Look    for  them!║
║GET IT, PLAY IT!          $15 reg. ║
41775 OLGACHES.ZIP 188339 14.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Play interactive chess with fellow BBS
users by allowing OLGA to automatically
extract the moves made from your .QWK
mail.  Just like Postal Chess except
the pieces do not fall off the board
when you put it through the letterbox.
Contact : simonc@innotts.co.uk
66856 OS2PL110.ZIP 774956 06.05.1996 - ratsnest1.iso tupla
OS/2-Planets v1.1 - a complex galactic
strategy-game like VGA-Planets, which can be
played by up to ten players
66857 OS2PL121.ZIP 1608554 30.05.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
OS/2-Planets v1.21 - a complex galactic
strategy-game like VGA-Planets, which can be
played by up to ten players !!! not
compatible to version 1.1 !!!
41776 OS2PL122.ZIP 1658638 13.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
OS/2-Planets v1.22 - a complex galactic strat
VGA-Planets, which can be played by up to ten
ot compatible to version 1.1 !!!
41777 OTH301.ZIP 81,2 kt 19.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
"Othello for BBSs as a door game."
41778 OXV3WB3.ZIP 588303 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Iron Ox 3.00wb3 -- A New Universe!
A major new release of the Iron Ox
strategy door, now featuring full
support for interBBS league play!  This
door also features full RIP graphics
support (optional local graphics),
REAL-TIME multinode combat, beautiful
RIP art by RogueMoonRips, land
developments like forts and refineries,
and much more.  Don't miss this game!
41779 PAL2_2.ZIP 165255 16.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Paladin - CRIPPLE BUGS FIXED! version 2.2
Online role-playing game, similar to LORD and
Usurper. New additions - custom menus,
shelter system, more! Supports all major drop
files (DORINFO, DOOR.SYS, and many more), and
has an Armour, Class, Bar Conversation,
Weapon, Monster, and Player editor program
for reg'ed sysops $15 dollar reg, great!!!
41780 PDRAGS16.ZIP 177910 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ALL NEW From UltraSoft! PRO DRAG Racing with
wrecks/spins/engine sounds. Even ambulances!
Supports COM1-COM4 NON-STD IRQs, NONStandard
PORTS to 115Kbps. ONLINE MUSIC/Sound Effects.
DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1 for Almost all BBS types.
Recommended for Hi-Speed Systems:DX/33 plus.
41781 PIKE21.ZIP 311861 03.01.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
-=  Pike Place  ver 2.10  =-
Awesome new adventure/roll
playing door game!  This
game is designed to allow
SysOp's to customize the
entire look and feel of the
game.  The program text is
read from a text file that
is easily edited to change
colors, the actual text
41782 PIT416.ARJ 927774 07.04.1996 - - -
PIT v4.16 Fantasy Arena Combat Door In THE
PIT players enter an arena and combat all
sorts of fantasy beasts as well as other
players. Supports Multiline Interactive
Combat Sound Blaster Mouse Graphics
41783 PLAN112.ZIP 150984 24.08.1995 - The Wildcat Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Planets: The Exploration Of Space, a door
game by the maker of LORD.
41785 PLANUPG.ZIP 37 kt 02.05.1997 - - -
-= Planets:TEOS upgrade package =- It adds 5 new ships, 14 new planets, new planet pictures, many new items, and new NPCs.  Look for more upgrade packages here.
41784 PLANUPG2.ZIP 37 kt 02.05.1997 - 11970/ -
-= Planets:TEOS upgrade package =- It adds 5 new ships, 14 new planets, new planet pictures, many new items, and new NPCs.  Look for more upgrade packages here.
41786 POP_V104.ZIP 517758 16.04.1996 - - -
POPULOUS Inter-BBS Door Game of Trading,
Espionage and Conquest!
41787 PTEOS200.ZIP 289791 20.10.1996 - ratsnest1.iso -
Planets: TEOS V2.00 FULL RELEASE True
interactive multinode node play for any dos
based BBS.  Hundreds of new features -
Cartels, IGM Support, smart NPC's! 98%
new/rewritten code.
41788 PVI201E.ZIP 137 kt 15.10.1998 - - -
Pavunvarsi 2.01e on tehty Seth Ablen Planets: TEOS -peliin. Sis. uudet säännöt TEOS:iin. Mukana myös asentaja-ohjelma asennuksen helpottamiseksi. Katso myös Read.me jossa on lisätietoa.
41789 RAW250.ZIP 296253 18.01.1996 - scene.org -
ROMANS AT WAR Door Game V2.50 From the
Pillars of Hercules to the Indus river the
empires in the era of Rome battle for world
domination. Inter-BBS capable. Geographical
and political maps. Six players per game
Rome, Carthage, Macedonia, Parthia, Eqypt and
Persia. Economics,politics, weather, army and
navy building and training, morale, leaders,
events like rebellions or disasters. Supports
most popular BBS Software packages, including
PCBoard Vers 15 & WildCat 3.9. With Rip
41790 ROKV100.ZIP 363,2 kt 02.05.1997 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
Realm of Kisom V1.00 The Long Awaited Door Game From Blazing Fire Software: Has Now Been Released! The results of eight months of coding & testing, BFS is proud to present ROK! Intricate Gangs/Teams Playability! TRUE Player-To-Player Interaction! Player,Monster, Level, Conversation, Atma, Inn, And Kingdom/Rebel Editor! Rich, In-Depth Storyline And History! Ten Different Possible Game Endings!
41791 RTP200B.ZIP 281047 01.04.1996 - 11970/ -
RISE TO POWER Door Game - Vers 2.00B
Now Multi-Node!  Game of intrigue in
15th Century Germany. Using treachery,
diplomacy, marriage, assassins,
combat and other strategies common to
the middle ages can you become king and
unite Germany in this Machiavellian
game? With Ansi art provided by ANSI
Artist Violet Stymacks. Supports most
BBS Software packages, including PC Board
41792 SARA35.ZIP 160169 03.01.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
NEW VERSION! A BBS MUST! Highly Registered,
WorldWide. Supports COM1-COM4, NON-Standard
IRQs NON-STD locked BPS/NON-Standard PORTS,
TO 115KBPS. Max ONLINE MUSIC/Sound Effects.
An UltraSoft Animated Action Series Game for
DOOR.SYS/DORINFO1.DEF & almost all BBS types.
Win the BIG Bucks! But Watch those BAD GUYS!
41793 SDLOCO14.ZIP 682,4 kt 15.04.1996 - - tupla
-=Stardock Loco Version 1.47c DOOR Game=- The release of the sci-fi role playing game of 1996.  Easy install, multi-node, IGM expandable!  Nearly all BBS systems!
68264 SDLOCO14.ZIP 698787 16.04.1996 - - tupla
-=Stardock Loco Version 1.47c DOOR Game=- The
release of the sci-fi role playing game of
1996.  Easy install, multi-node, IGM
expandable!  Nearly all BBS systems!
41794 SHARX201.ZIP 54,3 kt 21.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
Card Sharkx v.2.01 - A card game to your BBS as a door game.
41795 SHL12.ZIP 67600 17.09.1995 - - -
Lätkä doorigame kaikille lätkäfriikeille...
Nhl jengit.
41796 SKYCOP10.ZIP 96,4 kt 02.05.1997 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
SKY COP V1.0 Air Traffic Control Simulator Game. Are your users getting tired of the same old word and role playing games? Give them something real challenging! Sky Cop is a game in which your users play as an Air Traffic Controller. 4 levels of play makes it easy for the beginner, but yet challenging for the real controller. Written by an Air Traffic Controller. Supports fossil, non-standard IRQ, and most drop files.
41797 SORC075.ZIP 119,1 kt 01.05.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
SORCERY v.75a - Imagine yourself a wise sorcerer, with many spells at your fing ertips. What would you do? Be nice? Nah. Edit ENEMIES AND MONSTERS! Create your own game!
41798 SRE0990B.ARJ 283210 02.04.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Solar Realms 0.99 Beta
41799 ST25026B.ZIP 907674 05.11.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Stars! 2.5 to 2.6b
41800 ST25A26B.ZIP 906543 05.11.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Stars! 2.5a to 2.6b
41801 ST26026B.ZIP 474106 05.11.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Stars! 2.6 to 2.6b
41802 ST26A26B.ZIP 176874 05.11.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Stars! 2.6a to 2.6b
41803 ST26B26F.EXE 406 kt 01.09.1997 - - -
Stars! 2.6b SW-version päivitys versioon 2.6f
41804 ST26C26D.EXE 104,8 kt 07.04.1997 - starsfaq.com -
Stars! 2.6c -> 2.6d päivitys rekisteröityyn versioon
41805 ST26D26F.EXE 376,2 kt 01.09.1997 - starsfaq.com -
Stars! 2.6d SW-version päivitys versioon 2.6f
41806 ST27027F.EXE 408,8 kt 14.09.1997 - - -
Stars 2.7 -> 2.7f
41807 ST27B27F.EXE 375,5 kt 14.09.1997 - starsfaq.com -
Stars! 2.7f patch.
41808 STAR26AU.ZIP 463 kt 17.01.1997 - - tupla
Stars! päivitys 2.6 -> 2.6a rekisteröityyn versioon.
41809 STAR26CU.EXE 391 kt 07.04.1997 - starsfaq.com -
Stars! 2.6b -> 2.6c päivitys rekisteröityyn versioon
41810 STAR425B.ZIP 47,4 kt 21.09.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
StarClash v.4.25. A door game to your BBS. Conquer the galaxy by controlling planets, bases and empty space. Contribute yor income, etc.
41811 STARHLP2.ZIP 537084 13.03.1996 - - -
Stars!: Enchanced Players Guide
================================== This
version of the Stars! 2.0 help file contains
a Find+, a fast full text search engine, and
HyperViewer, a help viewer that can print any
number of topics from the Stars! Player's
Guide. It also includes several minor bug
fixes made after the original 2.0 help file
68687 STARS!2A.ZIP 1362638 07.02.1996 - - tupla
Stars! V2.0a Shareware Version  Stars! is the
only full-blown interstellar strategy game
for Microsoft Windows that's fast-paced and
simple to play while allowing you to carry
out complex and clever strategies. You'll
build starships, discover and colonize new
planets, research new technologies, manage
the essential elements of world economies,
defend your empire and (no guarantees here)
destroy all your enemies. One or more people
can play, on a single machine, across a
68688 STARS!2B.ZIP 1364124 13.03.1996 renamed starsfaq.com tupla
Stars! V2.0b Shareware Version  Stars! is the
only full-blown interstellar strategy game
for Microsoft Windows that's fast-paced and
simple to play while allowing you to carry
out complex and clever strategies. You'll
build starships, discover and colonize new
planets, research new technologies, manage
the essential elements of world economies,
defend our empire and (no guarantees here)
destroy all your enemies. One or more people
can play, on a single machine, across a
68690 STARS25.ZIP 1442911 16.05.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso tupla
Stars! Multiplayer Offline Doorgame. V 2.5
41812 STARS25U.ZIP 1435580 16.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Stars! Multiplayer Offline Doorgame. Update
version from Registered V 2.0b to V 2.5
41813 STARS26B.ZIP 1559320 20.10.1996 - 21819/Pegasus_Vol_6_CD1.iso -
Stars versio 2.6b
41814 STARS26U.ZIP 803,2 kt 17.01.1997 - 2458/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 4).iso tupla
Stars päivitys 2.5a -> 2.6. Vaatii rekisteröidyn Starsin.
41815 STARS2AU.ZIP 775951 21.02.1996 - starsfaq.com -
Stars! 2.0->2.0a REGISTERED update
41816 STARWORD.ZIP 289277 18.07.1996 - - -
Stars! documents in Windows Word format
41817 STARYEAR.ZIP 9191 13.03.1996 - - -
Stars!: StarYear v1.1 Staryear is a small
utility to read the data from any of the
Stars! files, and return the current game
year to you.  I use it extensively in my
automatic hosting system - and it's perfectly
41818 SUBATK12.ZIP 176,2 kt 21.09.1997 - The Wildcat Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Sub Attack. This game will attempt to simulate the complex world of submarine warfare in a fun and entertaining for your BBS or as a personal arcade game for your IBM compatible computer.
41819 SUPRIG61.ZIP 117620 07.01.1996 - 11970/ -
┌─[ Super Rig! v6.1 BBS Door game  ]─┐
│ANSI graphics, Multinode, DTE speeds│
│to 115kbps w/non-std IRQ. Includes a│
│CB.Radio simulator and realistic    │
│highway action.  Fun for all ages.  │
│  (c)1988-95 Late-Nite Software.    │
41820 TEOS201B.ZIP 283,8 kt 08.05.1997 - 10567/HPAVC CD-ROM.iso -
"þ Planets: TEOS V2.01 - Doorgame   þ True interactive multinode node play for any dos based BBS.  Hundreds of new features - CartelsIGM Supportsmart NPCs! 98% new/rewritten code."
41821 TEOSXT11.ZIP 43,1 kt 13.06.1997 - 11970/ -
TEOS 2.X  - Planetary Extension 1.10 = 100 new  planets for TEOS 2.X along with many new and cool things  you can trade on them! A  *MUST*  get for any TEOS 2.X game!  FREEWARE                  1/14/97
41822 TERRA820.ZIP 572682 18.01.1996 - 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin -
Terra Firma 8.20 - a TradeWars clone
41823 THEQ_111.EXE 92645 20.10.1996 - - -
The Q - Computer player for VGA Planets
41824 TMG100.ZIP 176814 16.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
/=-    The Magic Gate   1.00  -=\ A new door
set in a medieval town plagued  by problems
and strange sightings of unusual creatures  &
a large mysterious glowing gate..
41825 TRBOXG20.ZIP 178050 07.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
From UltraSoft. Animated Boxing Matches! Game
includes exciting, attractive graphics w/lots
of Online Sound Effects. Very addictive! This
is a MUST for any BBS featuring Sports Doors.
EZ-INSTALL Utility and [/L ] LOCAL operation.
41597 TRIV111.ZIP 134322 05.06.1994 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BBS Trivia! Door v1.11 by BRL-Cowan City Soft
Excellent trivia game.  Comes with a 100
question database with more available from
the support boards.  Supports up to 115k baud
rate, COM1-4, non-standard IRQ's, DESQview
aware, fossil driver support, and much
more! A fun game for all your users!
41826 TSHIP.ZIP 2 kt 18.08.1997 - - -
A ship.dat for Planets: The Exploration of Space. 37 different ships.
41827 TT13.ARJ 62,2 kt 14.02.1999 - - -
Tähtitaivas 1.3   Tämä on vaihtoehtoinen asetelma TEOS-peliin. tässä on 45 uutta planeettaa, 40 uutta alusta ja uusia trade kamoja. Tämä vaatii toimiakseen teoksen (mieluiten rekisteröity versio) version 2.0?.
41828 TW2002.FAQ 5796 27.07.1995 - - -
Trade Wars 2002 Frequently Asked Questions
41829 TWBULL12.ZIP 48091 27.07.1995 - The Wildcat Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
TradeWars Bulletin Generator v1.2; Generates
an easy to read bulletin of your current
TW2002 game.  If you are a sysop, Get It!
41830 TWE2BA2A.ZIP 231222 07.01.1996 - 12422/1999-cave-bbs-filesection.zip -
THE BAJORANS v2.0a for TW2002 v2b6/7/8
This  module  adds  an  entire  race  of
BAJORANS to TradeWars2002, complete with
an entire quadrant of the  universe with
planets with citadels  and  fighters and
mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
and  track  limpets,  Attack and destroy
other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
many  features to describe!  An entirely
41831 TWE2BO2A.ZIP 231192 07.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
THE BORG 2.0a for TradeWars 2002 v2 b8
This module adds an  entire race of BORG
players to  TW2002, complete  with their
own quadrant of the universe  containing
planets with citadels  and  fighters and
mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
and  track  limpets,  Assimilate/destroy
other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
many  features to describe!  A  complete
41832 TWE2CA0B.ZIP 227,6 kt 02.05.1997 - 2455/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1).iso -
THE CARDASSIANS v2.0B for TW2002 v2 b678 Add an entire race of CARDASSIANS to TW2002, complete with an entire quadrant of the universe with planets with citadels and fighters and mines to defend them. Ability to drop and track limpets, Attack and destroy other ships/fighters/mines/planets.
69475 TWE2CA2A.ZIP 231122 07.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso tupla
THE CARDASSIANS v2.0a for TW2002 v2 b678
This  module  adds  an  entire  race  of
CARDASSIANS to TW2002, complete with an
entire  quadrant  of  the  universe with
planets with citadels  and  fighters and
mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
and  track  limpets,  Attack and destroy
other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
many  features to describe!  An entirely
41833 TWE2KL2A.ZIP 230904 07.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
THE KLINGONS v2.0a for TW2002 v2 b678
This  module  adds  an  entire  race  of
KLINGONS to TradeWars2002, complete with
an entire quadrant of the  universe with
planets with citadels  and  fighters and
mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
and  track  limpets,  Attack and destroy
other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
many  features to describe!  An entirely
41834 TWE2RO2A.ZIP 231932 07.01.1996 - - -
THE ROMULANS v2.0a for TW 2002 v2 beta678
This  module  adds  an  entire  race  of
ROMULANS to TW2002, complete  with their
own quadrant of the universe  containing
planets with citadels  and  fighters and
mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
and  track  limpets,  Attack and destroy
other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
many  features to describe!  An entirely
41835 TWE2VU2A.ZIP 231128 07.01.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
THE VULCANS v2.0a for TW2002 v2 b678
This  module  adds  an  entire  race  of
VULCANS to TradeWars 2002, complete with
an entire quadrant of the  universe with
planets with citadels  and  fighters and
mines to  defend them. Ability  to  drop
and  track  limpets,  Attack and destroy
other ships/fighters/mines/planets.  Too
many  features to describe!  An entirely
41836 TWHELP70.ZIP 268541 27.07.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Trade Wars Helper release 7.0 is a terminal
program used ONLINE with the BBS door game
"Trade Wars 2002".  It maintains a database
of sectors with the known port and warp to
information.  Several commands are available
to utilize this data in addition to commands
that automate repetitive processes and map
the TW universe GRAPHICALLY.  Don't leave
FedSpace without it!
41837 TWHGUI88.ZIP 408980 17.09.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Trade Wars Helper w/GUI (8.8) is a terminal
program with an optional Graphical User
Interface used ONLINE with the BBS door game
"Trade Wars 2002".  It maintains a database
of sectors with the known port and warp to
information.  Several commands are available
to utilize this data in addition to commands
that automate repetitive processes and map
the TW universe GRAPHICALLY.  Don't leave
FedSpace without it!
41838 TWINSTR.ZIP 24795 15.07.1995 - 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar -
Trade Wars 2002 version 2.00 instructions
41598 TYAHTZ60.ZIP 224129 16.08.1994 - 8175/Night Owl (NOPV-11)(Night Owl Publishing)(1994).ISO -
TRIPLE YAHTZEE  -  Door Game v6.0
Part of the Sunrise Door Collection
Great Dice game. Plays like the popular board
game and is VERY ADDICTIVE! One of the top 5
Door games in the world. Supports Fossil-
based Multi-Port cards, including PCBoard /M
Automatic game reset and Hall of Fame
bulletin generation, at end of month.
INTERBBS capable
41840 USLOTS20.ZIP 191133 07.01.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Reviewed as The "MERCEDES" of Slot DoorGames.
BRAND NEW RELEASE updates all older versions.
Fast RIP-Like Ansi Graphics & Music set this
one well apart from all others. 8 Machines to
choose from-all different. EZ-INSTALL Utility
and LOCAL operation make it simple. COM1-COM4
69601 USURP015.ZIP 760043 16.04.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO tupla
Usurper v0.15  [1996-03-17] BBS Doorgame.
*kicking fantasy* Gangwars and partying. Sex,
drugs and steriods. Fight monsters and other
players in this fascinating game. Be prepared
for violent and bizarre nonstop action.
69602 USURP016.ZIP 844832 02.08.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Usurper v0.16  [1996-07-20] BBS Doorgame.
*kicking fantasy* Gangwars and partying. Sex,
drugs and steriods. Fight monsters and other
players in this fascinating game. Be prepared
for violent and bizarre nonstop action.
Become king!
41841 USURP017.ZIP 889,9 kt 08.03.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Usurper v0.17  1996-09-15 BBS Doorgame.  *kicking fantasy* Gangwars and partying. Sex, drugs and steriod Fight monsters and other players in this fasc Be prepared for violent and bizarre nonstop a Become king!
41843 UU204.ZIP 685379 16.04.1996 - 10949/expandingyourbbsbydavidwolfe19.iso -
Ultimate Universe Version 2.04 Space Warfare
Door Game
41842 UU204UP3.ZIP 114598 16.04.1996 - archives.thebbs.org -
Ultimate Universe update 2.04 -> Pre-2.05
69642 VAMPV16.ZIP 304931 16.04.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso tupla
Vampires:  Children of Darkness v.16 Amazing
new release!!!  A MUST Get! Bug Update
version! Supports MOST BBS formats!  All
speeds! Now MultiNode!
41844 VAMPV20.ZIP 751,9 kt 27.04.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
"Vampires 2 - The Children of Darkness ar back! Amazing new door release. Works great on all BBSs. The most and best graphics. A major upgradeloaded with new features. Completely Multinode."
69763 VK22.ZIP 230253 13.02.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
~~~~~~~~~~~ Vampire Knights v.2.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~
Full featured on-line adventure game with
topographical ANSI maps of terrain and
multi-level dugeons.  ANSI monsters, magic
items, towns, ruins, over 100 monsters, and
real time user to user battles.  Uses fossil,
or interrupt driven COM routines for best
41845 VK25.ZIP 224,1 kt 27.04.1997 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Vampire Knights v2.5 is a Full features on-line adventure game with topographical ANSI maps of terrain and multi-level dungeons. ANSI monsters, magic items, towns, ruins, over 100 monsters and real time user to user battles. Uses fossil, or interrupt drivn COM routines for the best compatability.
41846 WCSUNO22.ZIP 171087 13.02.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
WCS Uno v2.2- Similar to the card game UNO
But much more FUN!!! **INTERBBS NOW!!! ***
Visually exciting screens, plus watch out for
the computer.  He (or she) is a tough
competitor.  Registered version comes with
Make up days enabled.
From Rob Williams, WCS Software 1/1/96
41847 WHODUN55.ZIP 278407 07.01.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Who-Dunit is a mystery door that
plays just like the board game clue.
Multinode, Real time interactive.
Players can send messages in real
time and team mates can share info
from their detective notebooks.
Easiest setup program in the world.
WEB http://www.bcn.net/~dwendlg
70126 WOLF-061.ZIP 866569 20.10.1996 - - -
War of Loyal Forces         0.61
-------------------------------- This version
is not ready yet, it's here because some of
you wanted it for beta-testing. WOLF is VGA
Planets style game in the fantasy world. This
version does not contain Host program, it'll
be published later. Test this if you're
interested in getting to my beta-testing
group. Further instructions in the game.
41848 WOLF110.ZIP 2,8 Mt 24.11.1998 - - -
WOLF - War of Last Forces 1.10       WOLF is  VGA Planets style multiplayer war game set in fantasy world. Windows.
70129 WOLFSCR1.GIF 44403 20.10.1996 - - -
Screenshot 1 from WOLF
70130 WOLFSCR2.GIF 47138 20.10.1996 - - -
Screenshot 2 from WOLF
41849 WOTW062B.ZIP 176,9 kt 27.04.1997 - archives.thebbs.org -
War of the Wyrms 0.62B. Users become dragons in a fight to gain the crown of Graherne. Kill knights, kidnap fair maidens, hunt down pre, hundreds of monsters. Supports external files, with one included (The Faerie Forest).
70154 WOTW11.ZIP 297903 07.10.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso tupla
WAR OF THE WORDS v1.1-Multi-BBS Door Program
An entertaining, yet mind stimulating word
game. Luck alone won't cut it in this game as
players are challenged to try and fill their
scorecard before time runs out. Features 12
month hall of fame, make up days option,
large dictionary and more. Supports most
BBS's, non-standard IRQ's and digiboards. If
you've looked at other word games, take a
look at this one - it's FUN!
41850 WOTW14.ZIP 297,4 kt 27.04.1997 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
"War of the Words v1.4Multi-BBS Door Program An entertainingyet mind stimulating word game. Luck alone wont cut it in this game as players are challenged to try and fill their scorecard before time runs out. Features 12 month hall of famemake up days optionlarge dictionary and more. Support mons BBSsnon-standard IRQs and digiboards. If you have looked at other word gamestake a look at this one - its Fun!"
70158 WP351E.ZIP 374976 13.03.1996 - - -
Winplanin päivitys versioon 3.51e
(Vain rekisteröineille)
41851 WPPOKE27.ZIP 127745 07.06.1995 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WPPOKER v2.7  --  Excellent Video Poker
Machine On-line Game. Has multiple styles of
poker including Straight, Double Down, Second
Chance, Jokers Wild, Deuces Wild, and Deuces
& Jokers Wild. A MUST SEE for any BBS/Sysop.
41852 YANK107A.ZIP 314902 16.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
-=-=- Yankees & Red Necks 1.07a -=-=- Public
release.  Lockup  BUG finally fixed! New
options!  HOT new action! "Bad to the Bone"
D&D  style HACK & SLASH game.  More New
features added at  YOUR  request.  EASY
setup! Completely re-written! Read the docs
before  attempting  to  install. COMPILED
2-1-96  -=-=- L&K Software BBS: 210-341-7297
FIDO Net: 1:387/341 InterNet:
41853 YT31.ZIP 199692 27.07.1995 - 6948/TheCaliforniaCollection.cdr -
Yankee Trader 3.1
41854 ZAT1-02C.ZIP 106995 06.03.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest1.iso -
Zatij Inc v1.02... CyberPunk Door
Where Users Like Kick Butt on Bad
Guys and have to save the world..
--- TBRGames (C) 1995 ---
41855 ZCHSS17A.ZIP 358649 05.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DOOR.SYS, fossils and non-standard com
ports supported.  ANSI, RIP and EGA
pieces.  Mouse or cursor keys for
remote and local play.  TOURNAMENTS
easy to create and maintain.  NETWORK
with other BBSes.  DV, OS/2, Win 3.x
and Win95 (DOS window) time slices.
Easy to SETUP. Editor for graphical
pieces available.  Annotations and
41856 ZWORDZ33.ZIP 156823 30.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Z-WORDZ v3.3 - Multi-BBS Door Program
A word game with an attitude! Z-Wordz is like
none you've played before. The challenge,
complete the Z-Wordz, three 3 letter words,
all joined together to form the "Z-Wordz"!
Includes a 950+ word dictionary. Support for
fossil based multi-port boards, baud rates
to 115,200, COM 0-15, non-standard IRQ's and
fossil drivers supported.
41857 ACP41.ZIP 103447 03.05.1996 - - -
ACP/OMEGA Public-ßeta PackageRelease
4.1Cplayeria kehittyneempi tekoälypelaaja.
41858 ADMRL102.ZIP 69144 10.08.1996 - - -
ADMIRAL v1.02 Beta Admiral is a flexible
computer player program for VGA Planets v3.0
and v3.5.
41859 AFSIM.ZIP 41757 31.12.1995 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
AFSIM is a menu-driven front-end to the VGA
Planets program. You can use AFSIM to
simulate any battle scenario that would take
place in the game itself.
41860 ALIENS13.ZIP 46625 18.07.1996 - - -
ALIENS! for VGA Planets 3.5, V1.3 New Version
featuring logfile of the important ALIEN
activities and (much) smarter beasts... It
has become even more difficult to stop them!
41861 ALTLIST2.ARJ 20643 26.04.1995 - - -
Alternate ship lists & universe
41862 ALTLIST3.ARJ 24609 26.04.1995 - - -
Altlist 3
Altlist 3 is the third alternative shiplist
for VGAPlanets. - all races are now on par
with each other, especially the top ships of
all races are pretty equal etc.
41863 ALTLIST4.ARJ 21827 26.04.1995 - - -
Alternate ship lists
41864 ALTLIST5.ARJ 13139 26.04.1995 - - -
New, alternate ship and equipment list
designed for 4 against 4 team games, but can
also be used for individual games.
41865 ALTLIST6.ARJ 7700 26.04.1995 - - -
ALT - SHIPLIST  v1.2 By L. Schoonhoven
This list is meant to be used with VGA
Planets 3.1 and some specified settings of
the host. The idea was to make a list as
diverse as possible, without giving one of
the teams exclusive use of some of the less
balanced game options. This list can be used
for either a 11 - player individual game, or
a 2-team game.
41867 ALTLST!!.ZIP 4251 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Supplement to ALTLIST2
41866 ALTLST2!.ZIP 2079 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
ALTLIST2, a GREAT ship/weapon/engine
alteration list!
41868 ALTSHIPS.ARJ 4646 26.04.1995 - - -
Alternate Ship List
41869 ANAL27.ZIP 14231 30.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Planetary Analysis Program
41870 AST2MG12.ZIP 5304 15.10.1996 - - -
VGA Planets: Astr2Msg version 1.2 This little
utility allow the Host to send Asteroids
status (X,Y,H,W) taken from Asteroid.log to
the VGAP 3.0 Dos players (Windows player will
have them on starchars as Ufo). This allow
your Dos player using some utility like VPA
3.50a to see exact location of Asteroids on
starchars. y
41871 ASTRD200.ZIP 283622 02.01.1996 - 12771/10000.zip -
VGA Planets: Asteroids 2.00 SW
41872 AUTO301.ZIP 43298 26.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Auto Builder for VGA-Planets 3,
manages player's planets automatically
41873 AUXHOST.ZIP 924546 18.06.1995 - - -
RacePlus For VGA Planets 3.0 / 3.5
Using Host 3.2  Copyright 1995  Dave
Killingsworth - All Rights Reserved
SHAREWARE v1.0 (regular release)  Overview
The RacePlus is an add-on utility for VGA
Planets 3.0 / 3.5 that takes advantage of
the AUXHOST features found in HOST 3.20.
This add-on  provides all eleven races with
new racial and ship abilities. This add-on
allows for abilities ranging from a modest
native government modification ability to
the ability for a ship to generate
41874 BANZAI!.ZIP 10302 18.07.1996 - - -
BANZAI! for VGA Planets Host 3.2 V1.0   Ever
wondered what the Red Wind Carrier is good
for? Here's the answer: for KAMIKAZE fighter
41875 BEYE22.ZIP 25435 26.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Bull's-Eye v2.2, Vga-Planets add-on. Plans
hyperwarp jumps accurately.
41876 BORDER11.ZIP 43228 18.07.1996 - - -
VGA Planets: Border Line Version 1.1
This program is a host addon which allows
players to place a limited number of border
lines between their planets. The border
line's only purpose is to detect the movement
of a cloaked ship in and out of the player's
space. Movement is detected by Gravametric
Sensor technology.
61682 BSCORE30.ZIP 49012 26.03.1995 - - -
BoarderScore 3.0 ShareWare - Make ANSi and
ASCII Score Bulletins for VGA Planets Version
61688 BSIM22.ZIP 187333 19.02.1996 - - -
BattleSimulator 2.2
Parhaan taistelusimulaattorin uusin versio
61880 CBALL24.ZIP 409149 18.02.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Crystal Ball 2.4 Windows apuohjelma
62043 CHKSTAMP.ZIP 20451 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
CHKSTAMP.EXE v1.0, This program provides a
simple tool to check if a turn file is stall
or is not stall for VGA Planets 3.00.
62353 CRACK.ZIP 31041 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Allows HOST to get player passwords.
62800 DESGN210.ZIP 52206 11.05.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Ohjelma,joka laskee aluksen
kestävyydet,jne Runkojen ja varusteiden
63068 DOC314.ZIP 83972 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
ASCII documents for VGA Planets V3.14
63084 DOMINATE.ZIP 118593 07.10.1995 - - -
Konepelaaja. Dociensa mukaan paras sellainen.
63587 ECHOV11.ZIP 329947 07.04.1996 - 12771/10000.zip -
EchoView 1.1 VGA-Planets apuohjelma
63899 EXP303.ZIP 162582 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
New MASTER.EXE for VGA Planets (Allows for
Scenerios). Also includes RCONFIG.EXE
(Referee function to automatically declair
64019 FAIRMAP.ZIP 137066 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Fair Map 1.0
A map utility for VGA-PLANETS Produces maps
with fair planet distribution. Additionally
you can specify a minimum distance between
planets.  Use with NEW MAP 2.0!
64116 FHOST112.EXE 470975 02.01.1996 - - tupla
_Fortress_ _Host_ v1.12
64117 FHOST113.ZIP 149794 23.02.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Fortress Host v1.13 Sophisticated enhanced
host for VGA Planets. Boosts game play with
many new features. Advanced Fighter Missions,
Advanced Torpedo Missions, Stargates, Core
Torpedos, Sunbuster, Supernova, Plasma
Sunscoops, Ramscoops, Deathstar Destruction
Beam, Maintenance Ships and many new friendly
codes. Includes FHost32, FHost/2
FHostNT/95/32s, FHUtil, DOS4GW and FHConfig.
64129 FILE-FAQ.ZIP 9818 26.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
File-FAQ, explanations of different VGA
Planets related files
64143 FINLAND2.ZIP 344452 None - - -
Patch for WINPLAN beta 2H with finnish
64160 FIXEDLST.ZIP 4706 18.07.1996 - - -
Alternative list VGA Planetsille. Mitään
muuta ei ole muutettu, kuin pikku korjauksia.
mm. Klingonit ovat paljon vahvempia, kuin
ennen. Made by Golan Lampi: MBNet
64161 FIXMAPS.ZIP 8570 30.03.1995 - - -
FIXMAPS, required with MAKEMAP. Makes
possible to play with alternative maps.
64196 FLT2_DAT.ZIP 6132 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Fleet 2 is an alternate set of fleets for use
with VGA Planets.
64195 FLT2DOC.ZIP 43682 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Documentation of Fleets2.
64494 GIVEPL16.ZIP 34004 15.10.1996 - - -
VGAP Planet Transfer Protocol v.1.6 (C) Ryo
Nakamura 1996  VGAP Planet Transfer Protocol
(GivePlan)allows players to automatically
transfer planets and starbase in orbit to
another player. I have made this program very
simple to use and only 1 new friendly code is
64623 GTRAK211.ZIP 66576 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Karl Eric Beisel presents: Galactic Tracker
2.11 for VGA Planets 3.0
Helps  you  plan  your  strategy  for  VGA
Planets 3.0!   This Windows program stores
information  on  every enemy  ship you en-
counter and never forgets!   You can view the
hull  specs on  any  ship within  your
viewing range with the click of the mouse,
Includes  supplimental  scoring  system,
visual  map  viewer,  map  printer,  etc.
64730 HCON0200.ZIP 1928297 03.05.1996 - - -
HOSTCON v.0.20.0 Host Control
(c)1996 Dave Killingsworth and Dan Gale
HOSTCON is a new hosting utility designed and
released by Dan Gale and Dave Killingsworth.
This utility is designed to help HOST to
create and host their game in a much speedier
fashion.  This is a windows based application
and so you need Windows 3.1 or higher to use
this program.
64755 HEDIT02.ZIP 111430 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
HOSTEDIT is a script interpreter with
extensions to read and write VGA Planets host
files. Allows creating, deleting, or
modifying ships, and enabling or disabling
any or all of the players. The intended use
of HOSTEDIT is for scenario editing, host bug
compensating, and custom "refereeing".
64899 HST32209.ZIP 153167 18.12.1996 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso tupla
Host 3.22.09 VGA-Planetsille DOS-ympäristöön.
64900 HSTSUP32.ZIP 378271 31.12.1996 - 12422/1999-cave-bbs-filesection.zip -
HSTSUP32.ZIP   All the HOST support files and
programs needed to support any of the
3.2xx.xxx HOST programs. This file includes
all files that came with host 3.22b. HOST.EXE
is ***NOT*** included with this support pack.
65106 INCEPT1D.ZIP 42118 26.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Interceptor v1.0D for VGA Planets, analyzes
enemy ship routes to give ETA, destination
and planet of origin.
65126 INF24.ZIP 107038 11.05.1995 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Informer 2.4 New features include: Notes for
Planets, "free space" and ships, including
automated waypoints. Export multiple AFSIM
battles (7 slots) Improved handling of
Minefield info. Starbase info (including
ships on order) Search for planet or ship
with partial string. Automated fuel saving
using warp wells. Context sensitive "GoTo" in
message reader. Support for Ion Storms, many
small bug fixes, and updated docs. Colour
mixer to define custom palette. Backward
65133 INFOL31.ZIP 11237 15.10.1996 - - -
Infolist V3.1 - misc. formulas and info.
65378 JGATE200.ZIP 289823 02.01.1996 - - -
VGA Planets: Jumpgate 2.00 SW
65445 JUMP21.ZIP 80551 26.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Jump v2.0, a Hyperjump Waypoint Calculator
for VGA-Planets 3.0
65551 KILLRACE.ZIP 36558 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Delete players planets, ships and bases
65840 LSFSW101.ZIP 266903 13.11.1996 - - -
Lurkers & StormFront, kaksi add-onia
65936 MAKEMAP.ZIP 12838 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
MAKEMAP.EXE is a "script language" for making
VGA Planets maps (XYPLAN.DAT). Simply supply
a list of commands, in a text file, for the
map builder, and the map is created!
Automatically "Fixes" the X-Coordinates to
make the new map work with Planets. Needs
"FIXMAPS.EXE" to incorporate maps into new
games...  Written by "Weird Al" Walker.
65991 MASTER2.ZIP 49908 16.05.1996 - - -
Tekstipohjainen MASTER-ohjelma VGA Planetsiin
66056 MDEATH-1.ZIP 75715 15.08.1995 - - -
Gold Rush Scenario, version 2 for VGA Planets
In this scenario, it's the Privateers against
the other 10 races. It's a race to get the
jackpot first!
66102 MESS14.ZIP 47862 07.02.1996 - - -
VGA Planets: Mess v1.4 with source code  MESS
is a program that is able to reduce the
number of messages in a result. This is
useful to save bandwidth if you play net
games, reduces the overall size of the rst
file, and it will help the player to get rid
of unwanted messages.
66107 METEOR3.ZIP 38624 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Meteor3 allows the host to set the size and
number of meteors that hit the planets in a
66341 MSGED131.ZIP 15957 07.10.1995 - - -
Message Edit v1.31
A Sub-Space message editor for those who
like more flexibility in VGA-PLANETS.
by Highway / img
66482 NAMEPLAN.ZIP 39533 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Change planet's names in VGA Planets 3.xx
66483 NAMES32B.ZIP 31423 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Planet Renamer
66565 NEW_M22.ZIP 91735 30.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
New Map V2.20, utility to create new
66603 NOMADBMP.ZIP 815032 15.10.1996 - - -
Nomad's new BMP's for VGA Planets (Win)
Version 1.0 Beta Allmost all ship, all player
race, and all native pictures have been
changed to better. Plus some other BMP's too.
Just unzip the NOMADBMP.ZIP to your
\PLAN!\BMP directory and run NOMADBMP.EXE
66787 ONEPLA15.ZIP 186532 26.03.1995 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip -
ONEPLAY v1.5   This allows a single player
option for VGA Planets.  Choose your player
and computer players and even configure the
type of scenario for the game. "Fog of war"
opption has been added. VGA Planets Version
3.0 is required for this program.  Freeware!!
67217 PHOST212.ZIP 663009 07.04.1996 - - -
Phost Vaihtoehto Host.exe:lle.
Uusia ominaisuuksia mm. sw-WinPlanin tuki
ja M.I.T-tuki.
67262 PLANINFO.ZIP 34630 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
This VGA Planets utility will allow printing
of all information for Planets, Starbases and
Ships.  Its major benefit is seeing mining
rates, growth rates, forecasting of mining,
and other helpful items in a very concise 132
column report.  From Wayne Ware
67280 PLIST.ZIP 52241 07.02.1996 - - -
Phostin alternative-combatille suunniteltu
alusdata joka tukee yli 10
67281 PLMAP211.ZIP 372954 30.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Welcome to PlanMap II (v2.11) PlanMap adds
some features to the multi-player game VGA
Planets 3.0. Windows 3.1 - FREEWARE.
Features: Design of new planet maps, ship-,
beam-, torpedoes- and engine- specifications,
inclusive the ship bitmaps. Creating,
removing and editing ships, planets and
starbases halfway a game. ETC.
67282 PLNMAP.ZIP 3526 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
VGA Planets 1 page map of the universe in
67283 PLNSTAT.ZIP 940 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
VGA Planets Planet stats sheet in PS
67284 PLNT-NAM.ZIP 32946 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
For VGA Planets. Easy and FAST planet namer
for hosts.
67347 PORTAL07.ZIP 83141 10.08.1996 - - tupla
VGA PLANETS: Portal 0.7 Beta Portal is an
Addon for VGA-Planets. It provides Alliance
functions and ship jumps, similar to D&D's
67525 PTSC11.ZIP 16237 26.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
PTScore v1.1, comprehensive VGA Planets
scoring program
67550 PUTILS27.ZIP 235597 10.08.1996 - - -
Portable Host Utils v. 2.7
67713 RAGNA200.ZIP 44021 30.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
RAGNAROK, a program for VGA Planets to
generate a final battle in order to end a
67774 RAWSHARE.ZIP 3095056 13.10.1996 - - -
VGAPlanets RAW! client.
67775 RAWTEXT.ZIP 13822 02.10.1996 - - -
Rapid Action Warfaren documentaatiota ajalta
ennen sen julkaisua.
68012 RPLUS200.ZIP 297202 02.01.1996 - - -
VGA Planets: RacePlus 2.00 SW
68172 SAVVCR20.ZIP 43714 26.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
SaveVCR v2.0 for viewing and saving the VCRs
of VGA-Planets combats
68216 SCEN_101.ZIP 96528 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Huge Scenario of the Federation and Fascists
battling over the galaxy, with Fascists
launching surprise attack.
68235 SCORE4A.ZIP 14673 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Alternate Score Table program V0.4b
68353 SHIPPOS.ZIP 13191 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
shippos is a program to alter the starting
positions in a wandering tribes game. (a)
enter the starting position of each race (b)
start on a circle (c) randomize position
68354 SHIPS.ZIP 25021 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
VGA Planets ships in PostScript format
68355 SHIPSTAT.ZIP 5251 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
VGA Planets Ship Stats in PostScript format.
68367 SHPLST23.ZIP 37097 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
A utility for Tim Wisseman's VGA Planets.
Simply it enables any races to build any
ship, eg. Privateers building Gorbies, or
Feds building Meteors.  Written by David
Hearn and is used at the risk of the user.
68589 SPIRALS.ZIP 12083 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
SPIRALS, contain XYPLAN files of spiral
68633 SRACE04.ZIP 354828 20.01.1996 - - -
Race Switcher Add-On for VGA-Planets
68689 STARS101.ZIP 32462 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
This VGA Planets utility will create star
maps on a HP LaserJet II compatible printer,
showing currently owned planets, starbases,
ships and mine fields.  Also printed are
enemy ships and mine fields.  It also places
meteor strike data and mine field data into
files.  From Wayne Ware
68731 STRBS200.ZIP 288567 02.01.1996 - - -
VGA Planets: Starbase+ 2.00 SW
68940 TEAMGN11.ZIP 32567 29.03.1995 - 21826/Plex1.mdf -
TEAMGN11, Set up Teams. Just input the number
of teams and number of races per team.
Randomly(?) sets it all up.
69135 TIM.ZIP 24918 15.08.1995 - - -
Viestejä Internetistä. Tim mm selittää miksei
vastaa vieteihin joissa on C tai C++.
Phostin tekijät selittävät tavoitteitaan.
69176 TLKHL102.ZIP 20260 26.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Ship Building info utility
69413 TRNCK315.ZIP 15209 29.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
TRNCHK v3.15       (c) 1994 NightStar Designs
4/10/94 A .trn checker that uses a time limit
or waits until all races to wait for has u/l
their .trn to run the host.exe Add-on for VGA
69678 VCRSHOW.ZIP 100709 26.04.1995 - 18223/WOC.BIN -
VCRSHOW displays .SVR files that are made by
the SPLITVH and SPLITVP programs. It works in
the same way as the VCR Program only it is a
stand alone program. VCRSHOW looks for and
will show all battles in all .SVR files.
69702 VGA-DOC.ZIP 269627 26.04.1995 - - -
Docs in WP5.1 and PostScript formats.
69703 VGA-FAQ.ZIP 23008 26.03.1995 - - tupla
VGA Planets FAQ version 14 NOV 94
69704 VGA-HINT.ZIP 47586 26.03.1995 - - -
VGA Planets HINTS version 9 NOV 94
69706 VGAC.ZIP 75239 20.01.1996 - - -
░░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░░ VGA Calculator 2.00
░░░░▒▒▒▓▓▓███▓▓▓▒▒▒░░░░  A program for
players of VGA-Planets 3.x. You can calculate
ship costs (also minerals), with different
engines, beams and torpedo tubes.
Fighters/torpedoes also calculated. Many
functions. 16 color. Very efficient and fast
to use. Made by Markus Bergman 1995.
69708 VGAFAQ.ZIP 32250 07.04.1996 - - -
VGA Planets FAQ version 15, Dec 30 1995.
69711 VGAPBMAN.TXT 158206 07.12.1995 - - -
Vga-planets Battle manual.Hyvä opus
alottelijoille (ja veteraaneille?)
Sisältää erillisen oppaan joillekkin roduille
(ainakin lizko ja colony).
69712 VGAPHELP.ZIP 34436 26.03.1995 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
VGA Planets reference guide, FAQ and hints
69713 VGAPLAN3.ZIP 830514 26.03.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
VGA Planets v3.0 full package (host and
player files)
69714 VGAPMESS.ZIP 36760 29.03.1995 - - -
VGAPMESS is a small "add-on" tool for Tim
Wisseman's VGA-Planets (Version 3.0 or
higher). Its purpose is to simplify sending
messages to other players. For Windows.
69715 VGASCORE.ZIP 31726 29.03.1995 - 9327/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_5_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1994).iso -
VGA Score v1.0  - An enhanced scoring system
for VGA Planets 3.0.  Nearly every asset of
an empire is included. A must for hosts.
69819 VP_CRED.ZIP 962 01.05.1995 - - -
VGA-Planetsin luottokorttirekisteröinti
69820 VP_IN235.ZIP 116081 29.03.1995 - - tupla
Informer 2.3 (DOS)
Vga Planets utility.  Records minerals hull
type, weapons, minefield, starbases
ownership, bangs and most other aspects of
the game.  Displays this data in an
interactive graphical views.
69789 VP1101.ZIP 403466 26.04.1995 - - -
VGA Planets BBS DOOR Interface.  New Version
1.50, now supports over 15 games instead of
only 5 previously. Many added features
including support for maintenance processing
controlled by days of the week.  Plus other
new features to numerous to list here.
PCBOARD.SYS.  Desqview aware. Includes HOST
3.12D and CPLAYER utils.  DL VP300.ZIP
69790 VP320.ZIP 1058291 27.10.1996 - - -
VGA Planets v3.20 full package
69791 VP35BUGS.TXT 1734 07.07.1995 - - -
VGA Planets 3.5 betan virheiden
ilmoituslomake. MBnetissä rekisteröineet
pelaajat voivat käyttää tätä ilmoituksiin.
69792 VP35INFO.ZIP 3985 29.03.1995 - - -
Info on VGA Planets 3.5
69793 VP35WIN1.ZIP 1280661 07.10.1995 - MBCD -
VGA Planets 3.5 for Windows, virallinen
versio. Vain MBnetin kautta
rekisteröityneille. Osa 1/3
69794 VP35WIN2.ZIP 1233608 07.10.1995 - MBCD -
VGA Planets 3.5 for Windows, virallinen
versio. Vain MBnetin kautta
rekisteröityneille. Osa 2/3
69795 VP35WIN3.ZIP 1050495 07.10.1995 - MBCD -
VGA Planets 3.5 for Windows, virallinen
versio. Vain MBnetin kautta
rekisteröityneille. Osa 3/3
69796 VP3CB214.ZIP 202633 26.03.1995 - ratsnest1.iso -
Crystal Ball, a Windows replacement and
enhancement for VGA Planets PLAYER.EXE
69800 VPC_PLAY.ZIP 60890 07.10.1995 - - -
VPC9_1.ZIP:n uusi versio. Pitäisi toimia
vuoteen 2001 asti. Eli siis kysessä on VGA
planetsiin tietokonepelaaja. Tässä filessä ei
doceja. VPC9_1.ZIP:ssä docit.
69798 VPCE3W.ZIP 1564686 07.02.1996 - 11970/ -
VGA Planets Campaign Editor 3.0 Working
Model. (C) 1995 Dan Gale. Needs Windows.
69799 VPCEW200.ZIP 358456 26.03.1995 - SysOps Arsenal 1 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Campaign Editor for Vga-Planets v3.x
69801 VPED010.ARJ 85641 26.04.1995 - - -
Version 0.10 alpha of a host data editing
program for VGA Planets 3.x It is capable of
editing host planetary data, and the ship
hull specs.
69802 VPED040.ARJ 276496 18.07.1996 - - -
VPEdit VGA Planetsin aluseditori DOS:lle
Voit itse tehdä omat alukset, beamit,
torpedot ja enginet VGA Planetsiin.
69803 VPEXP303.ZIP 162274 26.03.1995 - - -
Referee expansion files for VGA Planets 3.0
69804 VPHSTPCK.ZIP 235616 26.03.1995 - - -
VGA Planets Host Utilities
69805 VPHT315.ZIP 504242 30.03.1995 - - -
VPHOST - VGA Planets host support utility.
Designed to support and enhance the host part
of the game VGA Planets versions 3.0 only.
Fix certain flaws in the HOST.EXE program,
and to enhance the functionality of the HOST
program of VGA Planets 3.0
69807 VPLHELP.HLP 257830 18.02.1996 - - -
WinPlan 3.51 help
69808 VPLHELP.ZIP 203724 17.09.1995 - - -
WinPlan Helpfile Update for Version 3.5 2K
69809 VPLR250.ZIP 173293 26.04.1995 - PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
VPLRead 2.50 for VGA Planets 3.0
Great tool for VGA Planets players, includes
databases for messages, planets, starbases,
ships, meteors, scores and mines. Stores
information from dark-sense, super-spy,
mine-sweep, sensor-sweep, meteor-messages,
and exploration. The contents of the
databases are shown visually on a starchart.
Built-in message- editor. Shell-function, all
69810 VPMK315.ZIP 249112 26.03.1995 - - -
VPMKTRN - a fast replacement for Vga-Planets
69811 VPPDOR11.ZIP 242617 26.04.1995 - - -
VGA-Planets PowerDoor 1.0 (shareware)  Door
program for VGA-planets. Runs on most BBSes.
Features include: User creatable /
configurable games, upload-check and
verification, support for alternative scoring
69813 VPRTM.ZIP 157711 26.03.1995 - - -
RTM loader version 1.5 - this loader is
invoked and required by Borland tools
69814 VPT38DOS.ZIP 132439 26.03.1995 - - -
VPtools for VGA Planets: ETAs, mine sweeps,
planet capacities, etc.
69815 VPT39.ZIP 390626 28.03.1995 - - -
Utilities for mine cals/ship build/ dist/pop.
For Windows.
69816 VPUN315.ZIP 234258 26.03.1995 - - -
VPUNPACK - a fast replacement for Vga-Planets
UNPACK utility
69817 VPUT315.ZIP 508828 01.04.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Tämmöistä doccien mukaan, ja NN kehuu tätä:
1. The report generator. This part provides
the players with different reports covering
all data available to the player. 2. Check
and correct facilities. 3. An interactive,
menu driven user interface, enabling easier
access to the most important commands also
available within PLANETS. The keywords here
are consistancy in operation, full undo
facility, extra viewers and convenient
shortcut keys.  Korvaa doccien mukaan osaksi
69843 VT46.ZIP 88962 26.04.1995 - - -
VGA Planets Target Coordinator Version 4.2 VT
now displays full color maps of your game. In
addition, from within VT, you can now execute
planets, read your messages, view statistical
data on the various ships and planets, etc.
VT reads and scans the information that the
host program sends to you.
69905 WARPCALC.ZIP 10540 26.04.1995 - - -
warpcal is a program to calculate hyperjumps.
70070 WINFOR21.ZIP 230951 02.01.1996 - - -
VGA PLANETS: INFORMER 2.1 for Windows (Not
the same as DOS-informer) The new tool vor
VGA Planets. Besides the standards it has
loads of new functions (prognosis of
planet's development, optimizing-tool for
starship-flights, completely  mousedriven,
graphical display and printing of ALL
information, ...) Shareware, zipped, requires
VBRUN300.DLL, uploaded by the author
70081 WINP35.ZIP 3584285 12.02.1996 - 12771/10000.zip -
VGA Planets Version 3.5 The World Famous 11
player play by Email space conquest game.
This is the Shareware Version for MS Windows
3.1, 95 or NT. This file contains ALL the
files you need to play a shareware game of
VGA Planets 3.5
70140 WORM034.ZIP 37755 26.03.1995 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
The Wormhole Add-On for VGA Planets
70143 WORMGEN.ZIP 13596 26.03.1995 - - -
Random Wormhole generator for The Wormhole
Add-On for VGA Planets
70159 WP352005.ZIP 374317 31.12.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso tupla
WINPLAN 3.52.005 patch file
70160 WP35SW-1.ZIP 1284993 18.02.1996 - - tupla
VGA Planets Version 3.5 The World Famous 11
player play by Email space conquest game.
This is the Shareware Version for MS Windows
3.1, 95 or NT. This file contains ALL the
files you need to play a shareware game of
VGA Planets 3.5
70161 WP35SW-2.ZIP 1271770 18.02.1996 - - tupla
VGA Planets Version 3.5 The World Famous 11
player play by Email space conquest game.
This is the Shareware Version for MS Windows
3.1, 95 or NT. This file contains ALL the
files you need to play a shareware game of
VGA Planets 3.5
70162 WP35SW-3.ZIP 1028160 18.02.1996 - - tupla
VGA Planets Version 3.5 The World Famous 11
player play by Email space conquest game.
This is the Shareware Version for MS Windows
3.1, 95 or NT. This file contains ALL the
files you need to play a shareware game of
VGA Planets 3.5
70163 WP35SW01.ZIP 1284993 31.12.1996 - MBCD -
VGA Planets Version 3.5 The World Famous 11
player play by Email space conquest game.
This is the Shareware Version for MS Windows
3.1, 95 or NT. This file contains ALL the
files you need to play a shareware game of
VGA Planets 3.5
70164 WP35SW02.ZIP 1271770 31.12.1996 - MBCD -
VGA Planets Version 3.5 The World Famous 11
player play by Email space conquest game.
This is the Shareware Version for MS Windows
3.1, 95 or NT. This file contains ALL the
files you need to play a shareware game of
VGA Planets 3.5
70165 WP35SW03.ZIP 1028160 31.12.1996 - MBCD -
VGA Planets Version 3.5 The World Famous 11
player play by Email space conquest game.
This is the Shareware Version for MS Windows
3.1, 95 or NT. This file contains ALL the
files you need to play a shareware game of
VGA Planets 3.5
70186 WRMKR_13.ZIP 61193 26.03.1995 - - -
Wormway addition for The Wormhole Add-On for
VGA Planets
41878 OPTMZ100.EXE 111,7 kt 23.03.2000 - - tupla
Bet Optimizer v1.00Kotimainen (tosin englanninkielinen) vedonlyönnin
apuväline. Laskee optimaaliset panokset eri vedoille ja 
kokoaa myös optimaalisen pitkävetorivikokonaisuuden 
käyttäjän syöttämistä kohteista. 
Tämä Freeware-ohjelma toimii kaikissa Windowsin versioissa 
3.1:stä alkaen.
67783 RAY_ACE.ZIP 11939 20.04.1996 - - -
RAY_ACE.TXT - Raha-automaattien ja pelaamisen
asiantuntijakurssi, kertoo RAY-pelien
41879 RAYACE11.ZIP 12153 08.05.1995 repacked YP -
Uusi parannettu versio!
RAY-ACE: Raha-automaattien pelaamisen
asiantuntijakurssi. Paljastaa parhaat
pelitaktiikat, automaattien toiminnan ja
antaa erittäin hyviä vinkkejä RAY:n
peleihin. Strategisia neuvoja ja
psykologisia näkökohtia. Lue tämä niin
tiedät miten RAY:n peleissä jäädään
41880 VEIK101.ZIP 1 Mt 24.03.2000 - - tupla
Veikkaaja v1.01Jokaisen pitkänvedon pelaajan toiveohjelma. Laskee helposti
kertoimen. Ilmainen. Vaatii: Visual Basic 4 16-bit runtime libraries.
41881 VF2FAQ.LZH 41295 01.03.1995 - - -
Virtua Fighter 2 FAQ v2.00
(kaikki mahdolliset liikkeet sun muut)
41882 VINKKI.TXT 12 kt 20.11.1997 - - -
Vinkki.txt avustaa Veikkauksen pelien palautusprosentin korottamisessa.... Sisältää ohjeita Lottoon,Vakioon ,Pitkävetoon sekä Tulos ja Voittajavetoon.
41883 WAKIO100.ZIP 38,8 kt 26.11.1998 - - -
Wakio w1.00 1998 Copyright (c) Jarkko Tuomala Apuohjelma, joka luo vakioveikkaussarakkeita ja vakiojärjestelmiä antamiesi joukkueitten mahisten perusteella sekä pitkävetorivejä OY VEIKKAUS AB:n kertoimien pohjalta (DOS, Shareware, SW).
61704 BT3D191.ZIP 1885231 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
BAD TOYS 3D Shareware v1.91 by Tibo Software
A 3D perspective graphics adventure. 3 levels
are shareware. Full version costs $25 only
and includes 25 levels and a original T-shirt
"BAD TOYS". Requires 386 or higher, 4MB RAM,
Windows 3.1 or higher, 256 colors. Supports
any Windows- compatible sound card, mouse and
joystick. The factory for toys have been
bought the company DELTA MILITARY SYSTEMS
recently, and now it is out of any control.
What is going on ?
41884 BT3D195.ZIP 1,7 Mt 24.03.1999 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
BAD TOYS 3D Shareware v1.95 by Tibo Software A 3D perspective graphics action game for Windows. Shareware version includes 3 levels. Full version costs $18 only and includes 25 levels. You can order the original Bad Toys T-shirt too. Requires 386 or higher, 4MB RAM, Windows 3.1 or higher, 256 colors. Supports any Windows-compatible sound card, mouse and joystick. The factory for toys have been bought the company DELTA MILITARY SYSTEMS recently, and now it is out of any control.
69987 WDOOM.ZIP 342472 27.01.1995 - 20917/1001NightsOfDoom1995wickedSensations.iso -
WinDoom beta, requires version 1.666 or 1.2
WAD (Doom 1), Win32s and WinG. Also works
with Win95.
40737 1X2R095.ZIP 217032 09.01.1995 - - -
1X2 Rich v0.95
Bettings/pools program for Windows 3.
Play games, e.g. Veikkaus, Lotto
41905 AWORLDTG.ZIP 573,6 kt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
AWORLD TABLE GAME METROPOLIS V2.0 -Board game Another conception of a classic board game, adapted for aspiring stockbrokers and those with the quick business sense. You begin with $100,000 and strategically buy, build and speculate with the terrain. Requires WIN 3.1 or WIN95. Distribuited as shareware the registration fee is $25 USD
41906 GAZ.ZIP 3425298 22.02.1996 - 21037/CT_SW_97.ISO -
Shareware-versio. Spectrum Holobyte/Lavamind.
Windows 3.x.
64896 HS32.ZIP 195556 27.05.1996 - MBCD -
Game for Windows This is the most realistic
(and fun) horse racing and wagering
simulation available!  Read the past
performances of all the horses in a race to
make wise betting decisions.  Realistics
odds, bets (win, place, show, quinella,
exacta), horse graphics, and track sounds.
GREAT! Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP
65580 KOMOSHAR.ZIP 284461 04.01.1997 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
WIN 3.x: - Complete stock market
simulation. Includes options
40881 OIL.ZIP 98419 10.12.1995 - MBCD -
OILBARON v1.2: Oil Baron Game For Windows
Oil Baron is a board-type strategy game for W
Build companies on a grid, trade shares, caus
Play with up to six players, inc. the compute
V1.2 adds right button functionality, new
statistics windows, more.
REQ: Windows 3.1, 200k free memory.
Author: Al Funk  CIS ID 71505,1277
41907 RAHAMS05.ZIP 451 kt 12.01.1998 - - -
Rahamies 0.5 : Korjauksia ja tuotekehittelyä paranneltu.Pelin nimi vaihtuu seuraavaan versioon, joka on jo työn alla. Pelin tarkoitus:Nouse Bisnes maailman huipulle. Pahasti keskeneräinen versio.
68691 STARS26A.ZIP 1516556 04.01.1997 - - -
Stars! 2.6a shareware versio.
Stars! on hieno VGA-Planetsin tappaja, joka
on tosin Windows pohjaisena suunniteltu
Windows-pohjaisissa purkeissa offlinenä
40975 WVAKIO48.ZIP 819802 16.11.1995 - - -
WinVakio v4.8, vakioveikkaus windowsiin.
Painotettu arvonta & tarkastus.
Kiinteiden järjest. tarkastus.
Haravien tarkastus.
Tulostus OnLine kupongeille.
Tietokannat, tilastot. jne.
Win 3.1x, Freeware
61344 BEST.ZIP 5006548 20.04.1996 - 23647/PCGAMER17.bin -
Take Your Best Shot -demo, Game based on Bill
Plympton character, gives you the chance to
get own back on your boss in fashion few of
us get the chance to. Windows 3.1/95
61784 C64-123.ZIP 3267048 26.04.1996 - - -
Activision C-64 Action Pack 1+2+3
Preview-paketti, sisältää pelattavan
Pitfall-pelin. Vaatii Windows.
62431 CRYSCALB.ZIP 1252467 18.12.1996 - - -
Solid State PINBALL Crystal Caliburn playable
demo for Windows.
63080 DOGZ-DMO.ZIP 2550638 22.04.1996 - - -
Dogz, Your Computer Pet* Adopt a pet dog to
live free on your desktop. Demo version. Req.
Windows 3.1/+ * 486. By PF. Magic.
63097 DOONESDE.ZIP 1437855 18.05.1996 - - -
Doonesbury - kwik kwiz trivia game demo
version for Windows. Mindscape.
63215 DSKTOPT.ZIP 947061 22.04.1996 - - -
Desktop Toys -limited demo version. Do all
kind of tricks to your desktop - doodle your
documents with bright colors, shoot your
screen with destructive weapons etc. For
31897 ENDORFUN.ZIP 3743600 03.12.1995 - 21528/DEMO80.bin -
Endorfun-demo (windows). Purkaa -d
32437 FT231.ZIP 4082128 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball playable demo. contains
one table (Mad Scientist) from the full game.
You are limited to one ball each game. Maxis.
42038 HCCGDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Hoyle Classic Card Games demo 2/4
42039 HCCGDEMO.A02 3,8 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Hoyle Classic Card Games demo 3/4
42040 HCCGDEMO.A03 3,2 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Hoyle Classic Card Games demo 4/4
42041 HCCGDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
Hoyle Classic Card Games Standalone Demo1/4 Contains playable versions of Hearts and Pyramid Solitaire, and descriptions of the ten other card games that come with the full CD product. Windows 3.1/95
32595 HOYLE.ZIP 4017036 18.01.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
Hoyle-Classic Games korttipelikokoelman
slideshow. Windows.
42042 HOYLEBG.A01 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Board Games demo 2/6
42043 HOYLEBG.A02 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Board Games demo 3/6
42044 HOYLEBG.A03 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Board Games demo 4/6
42045 HOYLEBG.A04 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Board Games demo 5/6
42046 HOYLEBG.A05 1 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Board Games demo 6/6
42047 HOYLEBG.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Board Games demo from Sierra. Board games. Play some rousing games of Backgammon, Placer Racer, and Zen Bones. Full version will include 14 games in all as well as one bonus game, including Chess, Checkers, Mancalla, and Pachisi. Windows 3.1/Windows 95, 486/66, 8 MB RAM            1/6
42048 HOYLECG.A01 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Card Games demo 2/6
42049 HOYLECG.A02 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Card Games demo 3/6
42050 HOYLECG.A03 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Card Games demo 4/6
42051 HOYLECG.A04 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Card Games demo 5/6
42052 HOYLECG.A05 1,4 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Card Games demo 6/6
42053 HOYLECG.ARJ 3,8 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
Hoyle Card Games demo from Sierra Card games. Play a game of either Cribbage, Gin Rummy, or Solitaire. The full version will include 14 games in all as well as one bonus game, including Hearts, Poker, Go Fish, and Euchre with multiplayer options. Windows 3.1; Windows 95 486/66, 8 MB RAM       1/6
42054 JACKMOV.A01 4,3 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
YDKJ Movies demo 2/4
42055 JACKMOV.A02 4,3 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
YDKJ Movies demo 3/4
42056 JACKMOV.A03 3 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
YDKJ Movies demo 4/4
42057 JACKMOV.ARJ 4,3 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
"YOU DONT KNOW Jack Movies pl. demo  1/4 Test your movie trivia knowledge with this FREE five question playable demo of YDKJ Movies. Questions about the silver screencovering everything from Fred Astaire to Freddy Krugerand famous quotes to movie sequels. Free your brain and enter the brainless quiz show! Windows 3.1/95486/338 MB"
31973 JODEMO.ZIP 1486498 24.02.1995 - - -
Jewels of the Oracle - Playable Demo Vaatii
32714 KMAST10.ZIP 2645793 11.03.1996 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Kite Master-Leijapelin Pelattava demo.
32758 LEM4WIND.ARJ 2429777 19.01.1996 - - -
Lemmings for Windows - pelattava demo
32877 MERLAPPR.A01 3999378 11.06.1996 - - -
Merlin's Apprentice. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/4.
32878 MERLAPPR.A02 3999343 11.06.1996 - - -
Merlin's Apprentice. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/4.
32879 MERLAPPR.A03 2900519 11.06.1996 - - -
Merlin's Apprentice. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/4.
32880 MERLAPPR.ARJ 3999358 11.06.1996 - - -
Merlin's Apprentice-puzzlepelin pelattava
demo. Vain Windows 16-bit. Osa 1/4.
33187 PR-TIMD.ARJ 3999452 02.07.1996 - - -
Professor Tim's Incredible Machines Playable
demo - kid's edutainment, puzzles. European
TIM Demo for Windows Localized
English/French/German From Sierra On-Line.
33409 SGC1DEMO.EXE 1935423 30.07.1996 - 24113/PCGAMER Disc 2.10 NOV 1996.iso -
Smart game collection 1. Sisältää useita
älypelejä. Windows. Pelattava demo.
33616 TB2WIN31.A01 1999200 11.11.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 pl. demo 2/4
33617 TB2WIN31.A02 1999200 11.11.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 pl. demo 3/4
33618 TB2WIN31.A03 1890667 11.11.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 pl. demo 4/4
33619 TB2WIN31.ARJ 1999200 11.11.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 playable demo
The sequel to the successful Trophy Bass,
part 2 now supports modem/network/Internet
play in Win95 full version
Win3.1X * Requires WinG & Win32s.
Sierra On-Line. 174
33916 YDKJ-D.A01 2999281 31.01.1996 - - -
You Don't Know Jack 2/3
33917 YDKJ-D.A02 2446270 31.01.1996 - - -
You Don't Know Jack 3/3
33918 YDKJ-D.ARJ 2999374 31.01.1996 - - -
You Don't Know Jack 1/3 - pelattava demo.
Windows-triviapeli, joka kiusaa pelaajaa
poikkeuksellisen kieroilla ja hauskoilla
60388 ACEVEN-D.A01 3999424 20.10.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura ECTS96 demo 2/7
60389 ACEVEN-D.A02 3999366 20.10.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura ECTS demo 3/7
60390 ACEVEN-D.A03 3999261 20.10.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura ECTS demo 4/7
60391 ACEVEN-D.A04 3999335 20.10.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura ECTS96 demo 5/7
60392 ACEVEN-D.A05 3999520 20.10.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura ECTS96 demo 6/7
60393 ACEVEN-D.A06 3858199 20.10.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura ECTS96 demo 7/7
60394 ACEVEN-D.ARJ 3999321 20.10.1996 - - -
Ace Venture playable ECTS96 demo. Adventure,
by 7th Level. Requires Windows 3.1/95.
60395 ACEVEN-D.TXT 743 20.10.1996 - - -
Ace Venture demo readme/notes. GET IT.
61178 BADEMO.ZIP 2517095 02.04.1996 - - -
"BLOWN AWAY" DEMO, from Imagination Pilots,
playable demo of a CD-ROM multimediagame. One
puzzle of the 24 in whole game.
63204 DS2DEMO.A01 3999264 19.05.1996 - - -
Dark Seed II demo 2/5
63205 DS2DEMO.A02 3999176 19.05.1996 - - -
Dark Seed II demo 3/5
63206 DS2DEMO.A03 3999460 19.05.1996 - - -
Dark Seed II demo 4/5
63207 DS2DEMO.A04 3639634 19.05.1996 - - -
Dark Seed II demo 5/5
63208 DS2DEMO.ARJ 3999166 19.05.1996 - - -
Dark Seed II -kauhuseikkailun pelattava demo.
Valm. Cyberdreams.  1/5
63389 E96-DNDD.A01 3999440 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the dumps ECTS96 2/14
63390 E96-DNDD.A02 3999344 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 3/14
63391 E96-DNDD.A03 3999432 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the dumps ECTS96 4/14
63392 E96-DNDD.A04 3999471 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the dumps ECTS96 5/14
63393 E96-DNDD.A05 3999376 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 6/14
63394 E96-DNDD.A06 3999434 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 7/14
63395 E96-DNDD.A07 3999217 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 8/14
63396 E96-DNDD.A08 3999142 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 9/14
63397 E96-DNDD.A09 3999459 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 10/14
63398 E96-DNDD.A10 3999432 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 11/14
63399 E96-DNDD.A11 3999430 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 12/14
63400 E96-DNDD.A12 3999435 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 13/14
63401 E96-DNDD.A13 642024 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps ECTS96 14/14
63402 E96-DNDD.ARJ 3999148 04.10.1996 - - -
Down in the Dumps * ECTS96 showpackage with
In Making -footage, producers' interviews,
game video footage and all. "A classic, adult
cartoon adventure set on a stinking rubbish
dump." As in all classic cartoons, the
progression of events and interaction between
characters is what makes it all so
compelling. Any action taken by player will
set off animated sequence, which number
around 2400. From Philips. Req. Windows.
32510 GRAILD.A01 1456591 28.08.1996 - - -
Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail
demo 2/3
32511 GRAILD.A02 1309167 28.08.1996 - - -
Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail
demo 3/3
32512 GRAILD.ARJ 1456200 28.08.1996 - - -
Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail
Playable teaser demo from 7th Level.
Requires Windows and bunch of jolly good
screwed sense of humour. 1/3
40834 INDYPREV.ZIP 1097970 24.04.1996 - 23665/PCGAMER44.bin -
Indy's Desktop Adventures -playable preview.
New kind of game from LucasArts! Play and
replay a single game (out of billions of
possibilities) to find out what desktop
adventuring is all about. Req. 486/33 * 8 Mt
* Win 3.1x/w95,
32692 JTTCOFD.A01 2091618 19.05.1996 - - -
Journey to the Centre of the Earth demo 2/2
32693 JTTCOFD.ARJ 2499288 19.05.1996 - - -
Journey to the Centre of the Earth,
kirjaklassikon mukaan tehdyn seikkailupelin
pelattava demo. Valm. EuroPress Software.1/2
32718 KOFUNDL.A01 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Sacred Mirror of Kofun playable demo 2/5
32719 KOFUNDL.A02 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Sacred Mirror of Kofun playable demo 3/5
32720 KOFUNDL.A03 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Sacred Mirror of Kofun playable demo 4/5
32721 KOFUNDL.A04 2212612 21.12.1996 - - -
Sacred Mirror of Kofun playable demo 5/5
32722 KOFUNDL.ARJ 2999623 21.12.1996 - - -
Sacred Mirror of Korun, playable demo.
Underwater adventure with real underwater
footage, 360 degree rendered surroundings,
high-tech puzzles and clues.
Enteractive. For Windows 3.1 & 95. 1/5
31999 LODEDM12.ZIP 1357597 08.01.1995 - - -
Lode Runner for Windows, demoversio 1.20
Presage Software Development Inc.
32821 MAE-NPD.ZIP 4765154 24.07.1996 - - -
Majestic Alien Encounter - non-playable
preview of Windows adventure
40858 MARTYDEM.ZIP 2074974 09.02.1996 - 20352/Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!.iso -
Marty and Trouble with Cheese. Animaatio-peli
hieman pienemmille pelaajille. Sisältää
paljon animaatiota ja puhetta. Windows 3.x
32899 MOJODE01.ZIP 2913842 25.03.1996 - - -
Bad Mojo seikkailupelin pelattava demo ja
Trailer. Osa 1/7.
32900 MOJODE02.ZIP 2913226 25.03.1996 - - -
Bad Mojo-seikkailupelin pelattava demo ja
Trailer. Osa 2/7.
32901 MOJODE03.ZIP 2914399 25.03.1996 - - -
Bad Mojo-seikkailupelin pelattava demo ja
Trailer. Osa 3/7.
32902 MOJODE04.ZIP 2914376 25.03.1996 - - -
Bad Mojo-seikkailupelin pelattava demo ja
Trailer. Osa 4/7
32903 MOJODE05.ZIP 2914438 25.03.1996 - - -
Bad Mojo-seikkailupelin pelattava demo ja
Trailer. Osa 5/7.
32904 MOJODE06.ZIP 2914281 25.03.1996 - - -
Bad Mojo-seikkailupelin pelattava demo ja
Trailer. Osa 6/7.
32905 MOJODE07.ZIP 387716 25.03.1996 - - -
Bad Mojo-seikkailupelin pelattava demo ja
Trailer. Osa 7/7.
66413 MUPTRED.A01 3999316 20.10.1996 - - tupla
Muppet Treasure Island demo 2/9
66414 MUPTRED.A02 3999404 20.10.1996 - - tupla
Muppet Treasure Island demo 3/9
32940 MUPTRED.A03 3999326 20.10.1996 - - -
Muppet Treasure Island demo 4/9
32941 MUPTRED.A04 3999370 20.10.1996 - - -
Muppet Treasure Island demo 5/9
32942 MUPTRED.A05 3999325 20.10.1996 - - -
Muppet Treasure Island demo 6/9
32943 MUPTRED.A06 3999344 20.10.1996 - - -
Muppet Treasure Island demo 7/9
32944 MUPTRED.A07 3999329 20.10.1996 - - -
Muppet Treasure Island demo 8/9
32945 MUPTRED.A08 3255808 20.10.1996 - - -
Muppet Treasure Island demo 9/9
32946 MUPTRED.ARJ 3999375 20.10.1996 - - -
Muppet Treasure Island -playable demo 1/9
Windows 3.1/95, minimum 486/66, 8 MB.
33029 NOIR-NPD.A01 2999090 30.07.1996 - - -
Noir -ei pel. demo 2/3
33030 NOIR-NPD.A02 2527947 30.07.1996 - - -
Noir - ei pel. demo 3/3
33031 NOIR-NPD.ARJ 2999111 30.07.1996 - - -
Noir - non playable demonstration of
1930s stylish adventure game from
Cyberdreams. Req. Windows, 1/3
33699 TIMEGATE.ZIP 2512067 11.03.1996 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
TimeGate 1.0 16 bit Windows beta 3D game
Written by Orlando & David Rivera. This game
is a true Windows 3.1 16 bit game using WinG.
It runs under Win 3.1, Win95 and WinNT 3.51.
This existing 16 bit version is a
Demoware/Shareware 3D game. The current game
is made up two levels that are connected
together creating a large world (so far just
under a quarter? of a square mile -scale).
This world is much like an ancient city in a
jungle area but with Dinosaurs. When you
33791 URBRUNID.A01 3999166 28.04.1996 - - -
Urban Runner demo 2/3
33792 URBRUNID.A02 3155942 28.04.1996 - - -
Urban Runner demo 3/3
33793 URBRUNID.ARJ 3999356 28.04.1996 - - -
Urban Runner -ei pelattava demo.
"First truly interactive 100% full-screen
video detective film - intuitive ergonomy
-special cinematographics effects -32,000-
colour svga video -scenario that would make
Hitchcock proud -kinematic scenes.
Windows 3.1/95. Sierra.
60436 ACW31.ZIP 3020900 28.08.1996 - - -
American Civil War from Interactive Magic.
Non-Playable demo for Win3.1. Famed strategy
game, requires 8 Mb RAM.
60438 ACWDEMO.A01 1456136 05.09.1996 - - -
American Civil War demo 2/5
60439 ACWDEMO.A02 1456165 05.09.1996 - - -
American Civil War demo 3/5
60440 ACWDEMO.A03 1456029 05.09.1996 - - -
American Civil War demo 4/5
60441 ACWDEMO.A04 11830 05.09.1996 - - -
American Civil War demo 5/5
60442 ACWDEMO.ARJ 1456140 05.09.1996 - - -
American Civil War from Interactive Magic
Playable demo for Win31 and Win95.
Famed strategy game, requires 8 Mb RAM. 1/5
60506 AGDEMO.A01 3999200 11.09.1996 - - -
Allied General demo
60507 AGDEMO.A02 3999200 11.09.1996 - - -
Allied General demo
60508 AGDEMO.A03 3999200 11.09.1996 - - -
Allied General demo
60509 AGDEMO.A04 2011932 11.09.1996 - - -
Allied General demo
60510 AGDEMO.ARJ 3999501 11.09.1996 - - -
Allied General -pelattava demo.
Jatko-osa Panzer Generalille,
kontrolloi Brittien, Amerikkalaisten
tai Venäläisten joukkoja toisessa
60717 ANCDEM31.ZIP 4979167 08.04.1996 - 17111/TEKNO 4-1996.iso -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Windows 3.1-versio.
41928 BCTDEMO.ZIP 2,7 Mt 19.10.1999 - MBHH2000 tupla
BCT: Brigade Combat Team v1.20 Windows 3.1+ or later. From ProSIM Company. Strategy. The most realistic tactical simulation today. Based on the battalion/ brigade level tactical simulator designed for and used by the army to train its senior commanders. This simulation retains all of realism of its mainframe-based predecessor. Simulation of combined arms warfare. The game pits two opposing units of up to brigade/ regimental size against each other.
61365 BG-DEMO.A01 2999340 02.09.1996 - - -
Battleground: Ardennes demo 2/3
61366 BG-DEMO.A02 996170 02.09.1996 - - -
Battleground: Ardennes demo 3/3
61367 BG-DEMO.ARJ 2999335 02.09.1996 - - -
Battleground: Ardennes demo 1/3
Talonsoftin toiseen maailmansotaan
Ardennien talvihyökkäykseen 1944 joulukuussa
sijoittuva strategiapeli (Battle of the
Bulge). Windows.
62011 CHESSM.ZIP 1441425 07.01.1996 - - -
Chess Mentor v1.0 demo
40819 GAZDEX.ZIP 4771937 22.09.1996 - - -
to the award winning business strategy game.
Space strategy/business, from Lavamind. Req.
Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 33Mhz 486 or faster
* 8 MB RAM
32536 H97DEMO.ZIP 4287349 16.10.1996 - - -
Harpoon Classic 97 from Interactive Magic
Playable three scenario demo - excellent
modernized naval/air strategy game. Windows
31951 HODEMO.ZIP 1914236 16.02.1995 - - -
SpaceWard Ho! pelattava demo. Strategia.
Monipuolinen avaruudenvalloituspeli. Vaatii
Windowsin. New World Computing.
32646 INTMAGDE.A01 2475372 30.08.1996 - - -
Interactive Magic showreel 2/2
32647 INTMAGDE.ARJ 2999242 30.08.1996 - - -
Interactive Magic showreel:
American Civil War & Destiny,
interactive non-playable previews.
32839 MATCHESS.A01 3107446 18.02.1996 - - -
Maurice Ashley Teaches Chess demo 2/2
32840 MATCHESS.ARJ 3999313 18.02.1996 - - -
Maurice Ashley Teaches Chess -interactive
demo. Chess learning program for beginner
and intermediate players. For Windows. 1/2
66241 MONOPCDD.A01 3999297 16.02.1996 - - -
Monopoly CD-ROM demo 2/4
66242 MONOPCDD.A02 3999225 16.02.1996 - - -
Monopoly CD-ROM demo 3/4
66243 MONOPCDD.A03 2216380 16.02.1996 - - -
Monopoly CD_ROM demo 4/4
66244 MONOPCDD.ARJ 3999323 16.02.1996 - - -
Monopoly CD-ROM non-playable demo, from
Westwood Studios. A great monopoly game with
great animations, Internet play, network
play, killer soundtrack and cool computer AI
to challenge the player. Req. WINDOWS: 1/4
33086 OTRDEMO.A01 2999421 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Over the Reich big demo 2/9
33087 OTRDEMO.A02 2999131 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Over the Reich big demo 3/9
33088 OTRDEMO.A03 2999092 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Over the Reich big demo 4/9
33089 OTRDEMO.A04 2999136 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Over the Reich big demo 5/9
33090 OTRDEMO.A05 2999201 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Over the Reich big demo 6/9
33091 OTRDEMO.A06 2999386 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Over the Reich big demo 7/9
33092 OTRDEMO.A07 2999172 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Over the Reich big demo 8/9
33093 OTRDEMO.A08 900465 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Over the Reich big demo 9/9
33094 OTRDEMO.ARJ 2999376 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Over The Reich - playable LARGE demo with
multimedia-bits. Strategic/tactical game of
WW2 air combat - US/British/German air forces
fighting over Europe. Windows 3.1/95, from
Big Time Software/ Avalon Hill.
32050 OUTP-DEM.ZIP 1071192 13.01.1995 renamed 16997/SuperOZ Shareware -
Outpost - sneak preview - Windows
Avaruusstrategia Sierra On-Line
33185 PROFITS.ZIP 1533884 19.01.1996 - - -
PROFITS WARNING DEMO, playable share trading
game which uses values of real shares.
Win3/workgroups/ 95/NT. Team 17.
33392 SETUPNET.A01 3999200 17.10.1996 - - -
Enemy Nations demo 2/6
33393 SETUPNET.A02 3999200 17.10.1996 - - -
Enemy Nations demo 3/6
33394 SETUPNET.A03 3999200 17.10.1996 - - -
Enemy Nations demo 4/6
33395 SETUPNET.A04 3999200 17.10.1996 - - -
Enemy Nations demo 5/6
33396 SETUPNET.A05 1646081 17.10.1996 - - -
Enemy Nations demo 6/6
33397 SETUPNET.ARJ 3999481 17.10.1996 - - -
Enemy Nations official demo - space-strategy
game, top viewed in SimCity-style with
combat and Internet/LAN-multiplayer-options.
Demo requires some extensions, but works on
Windows with DirectX/WinG. Windward Studios/
Viacom New Media.
33483 SOTRDEMO.A01 2999199 05.11.1996 - - -
Over the Reich small demo 2/4
33484 SOTRDEMO.A02 2999347 05.11.1996 - - -
Over the Reich small demo 3/4
33485 SOTRDEMO.A03 1641874 05.11.1996 - - -
Over the Reich small demo 4/4
33486 SOTRDEMO.ARJ 2999267 05.11.1996 - - -
Over The Reich - playable SMALL demo without
multimedia-bits. Strategic/tactical game of
WW2 air combat - US/British/German air forces
fighting over Europe. Windows 3.1/95, from
Big Time Software/ Avalon Hill.
68866 TACDEMO.ZIP 1305559 01.04.1996 - 10806/CD_ASCQ_29_040596.iso tupla
TAC OPS/////Modern Tactical Combat
1994-2000 Welcome to 1994's
strategy/wargame of the year ... now for
Windows and WIN '95.  Simply   PKUNZIP
TACDEMO.ZIP then from within Windows
File Manager, hit the tacops.exe button
to run the program!
Brought to you by Arsenal Publishing,
Inc. and Software Creations BBS
33343 SAIL95-1.ZIP 3499935 25.03.1996 - - -
Sail 95-purjehduspelin pelattava demo.
Osa 1/2.
33344 SAIL95-2.ZIP 3111920 25.03.1996 - - -
Sail 95-purjehduspelin pelattava demo.
Osa 2/2.
33381 SEALANCE.ZIP 2421276 15.10.1996 - - -
Sealance Shareware version. Taktisen
sukellusvenepelin pelattava demo. Windows.
60195 3DULTRA.ZIP 2137421 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Sierra: 3D Ultra Pinball demo.
60877 ARCADE.ZIP 5030302 06.06.1996 - - -
Arcade America-pelin intro.
60880 ARCDEMO1.ZIP 5496642 08.01.1996 - - -
Arcade America. 7th Levelin uusimman pelin
pelattava demo. Hauskat animaatiot. Windows.
Osa 1/2.
60881 ARCDEMO2.ZIP 1564736 08.01.1996 - - -
Arcade America. 7th Levelin uusimamn pelin
pelattava demo. Hauskat animaatiot. Windows.
Osa 2/2.
31774 BBATTLE1.ZIP 1361649 30.11.1995 - - -
BikeBattle, for Windows, demo of "FightBikes"
driving through a fighting arena. Main target
is to blast hell out of the other player.
Demo with 640x480/800x600 resolutions,
DEMO1: "WATCH AND WONDER" This tests your
graphics and sound.
your joysticks also.
31775 BBATTLE2.ZIP 1257605 30.11.1995 - 10258/CICA Ultimate Collection of Shareware For Windows (Disc 2) (March 1996).iso -
BikeBattle, for Windows, demo of "FightBikes"
driving through a fighting arena. Main target
is to blast hell out of the other player.
Demo with 640x480/800x600 resolutions,
DEMO1: "WATCH AND WONDER" This tests your
graphics and sound.
your joysticks also.
31776 BBATTLE3.ZIP 1127558 30.11.1995 - 10258/CICA Ultimate Collection of Shareware For Windows (Disc 2) (March 1996).iso -
BikeBattle, for Windows, demo of "FightBikes"
driving through a fighting arena. Main target
is to blast hell out of the other player.
Demo with 640x480/800x600 resolutions,
DEMO1: "WATCH AND WONDER" This tests your
graphics and sound.
your joysticks also.
62260 COMXZN31.EXE 2551839 18.02.1996 - 22622/cd3.iso -
Segan Comix Zone-pelin pelattava demo.
Windows 3.1.
31873 DGR-DEM2.A01 4499186 20.12.1995 - - -
Dagger's Rage demo
31874 DGR-DEM2.A02 4363977 20.12.1995 - - -
Dagger's Rage demo
31875 DGR-DEM2.ARJ 4499340 20.12.1995 - - -
Dagger's Rage, a playable demo of a cool
shoot'em'up game for Windows, where you play
part of a mercenary seeking job and
fulfilling tasks. Classical top view with 360
rotating ships, smooth animations and huge
playability on fast PCs (fast 486+). One of
the best arcade games seen on
Windows-platform. This package does NOT
include Video For Windows or WinG - if you
don't have those, please the package WITH
62849 DGR-DEMO.A01 4499325 20.12.1995 - - -
Dagger's Rage demo
62850 DGR-DEMO.A02 4499200 20.12.1995 - - -
Dagger's Rage demo
62851 DGR-DEMO.A03 3042035 20.12.1995 - - -
Dagger's Rage demo
62852 DGR-DEMO.ARJ 4499286 20.12.1995 - - -
Dagger's Rage, a playable demo of a cool
shoot'em'up game for Windows, where you play
part of a mercenary seeking job and
fulfilling tasks. Classical top view with 360
rotating ships, smooth animations and huge
playability on fast PCs (fast 486+). One of
the best arcade games seen on
Windows-platform. This package includes
WinG+Video For Windows.
31909 F3DEMO.A01 4999398 20.12.1995 - - -
Fury3 preview
31910 F3DEMO.A02 4999124 20.12.1995 - - -
Fury3 preview
31911 F3DEMO.A03 2953091 20.12.1995 - - -
Fury3 preview
31912 F3DEMO.ARJ 4999385 20.12.1995 - - -
Fury3 (f3), ei-pelattava preview MicroSoftin
Windows3/95 räiskintäpelistä.
32684 JOSELITE.A01 4328831 05.05.1996 - - -
Josephine: Portrait of Assassin -pelin
kevyempi pelattava demo. Osa 2/2.
32685 JOSELITE.ARJ 4999400 05.05.1996 - - -
Josephine: Portrait of Assassin -pelin
kevyempi pelattava demo. Osa 1/2.
32686 JOSEPHD.A01 4499425 18.02.1996 - - -
Josephine demo 2/5
32687 JOSEPHD.A02 4499374 18.02.1996 - - -
Josephine demo 3/5
32688 JOSEPHD.A03 4499369 18.02.1996 - - -
Josephine demo 4/5
32689 JOSEPHD.A04 2790556 18.02.1996 - - -
Josephine demo 5/5
32690 JOSEPHD.ARJ 4499364 18.02.1996 - - -
Josephine - Portrait of an Assassin,
pelattava demo. 3D-tyylisesti etenevä
salamurhaaja-simulaattori. Valmiissa pelissä
11 kenttää, 7 asetta, kenttäeditori. Windows
3 / Windows 95 -toimiva.
33132 PBDEMO.ZIP 2155875 22.01.1996 - 15641/PCM_9609.iso -
Sierran 3-d Pinballin pelattava demo. Vaatii
33262 RETURNOF.ZIP 2161396 09.05.1996 - - -
Microsoft Return Of Arcade - demo -
klassisten arcadepelien paluu Microsoftin
voimalla. Demo sisältää Pac Man
-trialversion. Vaatii Windows95.
32122 SKYBRGD.A01 4499187 20.12.1995 - - -
SkyBorg demo
32123 SKYBRGD.A02 4499279 20.12.1995 - - -
SkyBord demo
32124 SKYBRGD.A03 2500508 20.12.1995 - - -
SkyBorg demo
32125 SKYBRGD.ARJ 4499257 20.12.1995 - - -
SkyBorg, Into The Vortex - pelattava demo.
From SKyBox International. You are SkyBorg,
the half-machine half-human creation of Dr.
Barton. Using VirtualSpot techniquest,
Myst-like adventure with Doom-style action.
Features first-person point of view, move and
rotate, mixes modeless interaction along with
model interactions, 3D opponents allow
integration of interactive elements such as
fighting robots, with the static worlds. For
Windows 3.1/+
32238 ZOOP-DE.ZIP 1269439 20.12.1995 - - -
ZOOP PC Demo V1.0 for Windows from Viacom New
Media Inc.
63231 DTD-E3.A01 3999394 02.07.1996 - - -
Daley Thompson's World Class Decathlon
Interactive presentation 2/9
63232 DTD-E3.A02 3999286 02.07.1996 - - -
Daley Thompson's World Class Decathlon
Interactive presentation 3/9
63233 DTD-E3.A03 3999360 02.07.1996 - - -
Daley Thompson's World Class Decathlon
Inteactive presentation 4/9
63234 DTD-E3.A04 3999312 02.07.1996 - - -
Daley Thompson's World Class Decathlon
Interactive presentation 5/9
63235 DTD-E3.A05 3999471 02.07.1996 - - -
Daley Thompson's World Class Decathlon
Interactive presentation 6/9
63236 DTD-E3.A06 3999373 02.07.1996 - - -
Daley Thompson's World Class Decathlon
Interactive presentation 7/9
63237 DTD-E3.A07 3999427 02.07.1996 - - -
Daley Thompson's World Class Decathlon
Interactive presentation 8/9
63238 DTD-E3.A08 2761924 02.07.1996 - - -
Daley Thompson's World Class Decathlon
Interactive presentation 9/9
63239 DTD-E3.ARJ 3999342 02.07.1996 - - -
Daley Thompson's World Class Decathlon
Interactive presentation with game video
footage, screenshots, press material, making
of, and interview of Daley Thompson.
NON-PLAYABLE. Requires Windows. From
Interactive Magic.
32881 METALMD.ZIP 1356943 09.02.1996 - - -
Metal Marines for Windows
Playable Demo Version.
33624 TBASSD.A01 1457059 18.01.1996 - - -
Sierran Trophy Bass-kalastuspelin pelattava
demo. Windows. Osa 2/4.
33625 TBASSD.A02 1457072 18.01.1996 - - -
Sierran Trophy bass-kalastuspelin pelattava
demo. Windows. Osa 3/4.
33626 TBASSD.A03 1190180 18.01.1996 - - -
Sierran Trophy Bass-kalastuspelin pelattava
demo. Windows. Osa 4/4.
33627 TBASSD.ARJ 1457060 18.01.1996 - - -
Sierran Trophy Bass-kalastuspelin pelattava
demo. Windows. Osa 1/4.
41929 CHESST10.ZIP 798,1 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Chess Timer Plus V1.0 from Advanced Ventures For anyone who enjoys playing chess and doesnt have the money to buy a real chess timer. This simple program has many useful features. It displays each players name, allows the players to chose whether they want to time each turn or the entire game, and allows the players to choose what sound they hear at the end of the game. If you are a true chess fam, Dont play chess without Chess Timer Plus! Windows 3.11
41930 EASYJAM.ZIP 16783 03.12.1996 - 22395/XENIATGM33.iso -
GP2 Easy JAM version 1.0 GP2 Easy JAM is a
Windows Shell for GP2JAM, utility by Trevor
Kellaway to convert JAM files to BMP files
and back again from MicroProse Formula One
Grand Prix2.
41931 EFUTIL.ZIP 61451 30.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
EF 2000 change planes utility. Requires
41932 FRANKENC.ZIP 1128877 19.05.1996 - - -
Frankencard for Windows, Magic The Gathering
inventory program.
64549 GP2ED211.ZIP 184183 03.12.1996 - 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO -
GP2 Editor for Windows v2.11
64550 GP2ED212.ZIP 245159 08.12.1996 - MBCD -
Gp2 Edit 2.12 for windows.
Changes everything from
gp2. Must have.
64551 GP2EDW10.ZIP 269245 08.11.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Grand Prix 2 Edit for Win 1.0
Pystyy muuttamaan mm.
-Auton painon
-Kuuluisan 0 numeron... ;)
-Ohjaamon värit
-Poistamaan talleja
64552 GP2EDW11.ZIP 272116 03.12.1996 - 22395/XENIATGM33.iso -
Another GP2 Editor for Windows 3.1/95 v1.1
40890 PDICE11.ZIP 5836 16.08.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
POLY DICE v1.1 - a dice roller program
for Windows that's easy to use! Includes
a custom dice roll that lets you roll any
number of sides from 1 to 1000 and up to
1000 times! Requires VBRUN300.DLL to run.
41933 RCSE2-1D.ZIP 2198576 19.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Race Car Setting Editor 2.10 Must have
Windows 3.1, 3.11, or Win 95, VGA video, 4M
RAM. Must have either/or NASCAR or IndyCar
Racing II by Papyrus.Fully functional program
for displaying and comparing the contents of
setting files for NASCAR Racing and/or
IndyCar Racing by Papyrus.
41934 VENT11.ZIP 1328773 20.12.1995 - 21829/Plex4.mdf -
VENTURE 1.1, Shareware version The VENTURE
system provides a complete environment for
designing, building and playing
point-of-view, graphic adventure games for
61689 BSP.ZIP 174267 25.09.1996 - - -
BSP Alpha 0.30: A Quake editor for windows
41935 MECHENG2.ZIP 2,5 Mt 29.06.1998 - - -
MechEngineer Professional - a program to design and build Battlemechs.
41936 QCCWIN32.ZIP 40319 01.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
A recompiled version of QuakeC, very fast for
Win32 & pentiums
41937 QPN.ZIP 84851 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Quake Pack Navigator V0.9beta * Windows
41938 QSWIN085.ZIP 48652 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake Studio Beta 0.85 * This is the tenth
beta release of my Quake MAP editor, Quake
Studio. 16-bit Windows program.
41939 TIEFIGHW.ZIP 336,6 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
"TIE Fighter Workshop by Evan Sabatelli Editor. Lets you create or edit missionsbattlesand pilots for the LucasArtsgameTIE Fighter. It makes direct changes to game filesand warns you to back up your game files before making any changes. Edit flight groupsradio messagesbriefingsIFF codesglobal mission goalsship waypointsand much more. Free. Windows 3.1"
41940 WDFUS166.ZIP 753394 27.06.1996 - 10806/CD_ASCQ_29_040596.iso -
WDFUSE V1.666, WDFUSE (Windows Dark Forces
UtilitieS and Editor) is a collection of
tools to design levels for LucasArts
Entertainment Company hit game : DARK FORCES.
41941 WINPAK10.ZIP 109893 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake utility: Selectively unpacks .pak
files. For windows
41942 WINPAK12.ZIP 122,2 kt 01.06.1997 - 23047/cdactioncoverdisc50b.iso -
Winpack v1.2 - PAK file unpacker for Quake (either registered or test version) which runs under Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows NT.
41943 WINTEX43.ZIP 287197 23.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Doom/Doom II/Heretic/Hexen: WinTex 4.3 The
ultimate WAD file editor for Windows 3.1 and
95  Compatible with DOOM, DOOM2, Ultimate
DOOM, HERETIC, HEXEN. Can also browse GRP
files from Duke Nukem 3D. Very limited
support for Quake.
41944 ACW-ED.ZIP 174,8 kt 30.07.1996 - - tupla
American Civil War editor, change almost every aspect of the game. From Interactive Magic.
60434 ACW-ED.ZIP 179030 31.07.1996 - - tupla
American Civil War editor, change almost
every aspect of the game. From Interactive
41945 AGED115.ZIP 44894 02.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Allied General saved game editor for Windows,
version 1.1, Edit strength, entrenchment,
experience, fuel and other unit data, Edit
Prestige, Bring dead units back to life,
Replace existing units with new ones, Change
transportation,allowing you to create strange
multifunction units, Edit the Unit stats. ie
change Armor ,soft and hard attack,cost and
so on.
41946 BRASS30.ZIP 186870 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
(Win). Skookum Software's saved-game editor
and equipment browser for SSI's ALLIED
GENERAL and PANZER GENERAL. Change prestige,
weather, transport points, and all unit
variables. Sort equipment list by attack
values, cost, etc. Registered version ($12 -
GO SWREG and search for ID 7839) has full
equipment database browser, shows unit icons,
and will print unit and equipment tables.
Version 3 supports Win95 version of Panzer
41947 CCHACKW.ZIP 1231885 19.09.1996 - - -
C&C Hack v1.00 BETA Freeware by Christopher
Brown Requires Windows 3.1x or Windows
95(Prefered) and Command&Conquer 1.7 or
better. C&C Hack is a Command&Conquer Saved
Game Editor.
41948 DBSC19.ZIP 440,5 kt 31.07.1999 - - -
DBSCHESS version 1.9e(16 bit) / 2.0e(32 bit) Records the moves & *all* your analysis of a correspondence chess game.  Requires Windows 3.1 & 386 processor minimum.  Algebraic and International notation.  4 language options. PGN compatible, reads *.PGN collection files. E-mail & other input/output.  ECO identified. Unzip with -D -N in a new subdirectory. 1.9e free.  See http://www.dbsugden.clara.net David B Sugden
41949 DBSCHESS.ZIP 527,4 kt 27.03.2000 - - -
DBSCHESS version 1.9e(16bit) / 2.0f(32bit) Records the moves & *all* your analysis of a correspondence chess game.  Requires Windows  3.1 & 386 processor minimum.  Algebraic and  International notation.  4 language options.  PGN compatible, reads *.PGN collection files. E-mail & other input/output.  ECO identified. Unzip with -D -N in a new subdirectory. 1.9e free.  See http://www.dbsugden.clara.net David B Sugden : dbsugden@clara.co.uk
62673 DBSZIP.EXE 349904 20.04.1996 - 22910/pcwi_april_96.zip -
DBSCHESS is a program to record both game
and variation moves.  It can be used both
to record correspondence or OTB games, and
also the analysis you have carried out at
each move. The program display allows you
to carry out this analysis on your computer.
DBSCHESS requires a minimum of Windows 3.1
running on a 386 computer.
41950 FC2MB_PC.ZIP 1,4 Mt 08.06.1999 - - -
Flight Commander II Mission Builder. Commercial MB now released as freeware. Windows. Big Time Software.
41951 MFW101.ZIP 310,4 kt 14.06.1998 - - -
Steel Panthers II utility: MOBHACK for Windows 1.01
41952 WEBCHD.ZIP 767,4 kt 05.11.1998 - - -
WebChess Designer from Dale E. Lehman fascinating graphical editing tool for creating HTML-based Chess diagrams and game sheets. Entering moves into the game record window lets you easily create annotated game sheets, print the results, or save the project as a Web document. The second, diagram window lets you drag and drop pieces to position them and create a graphical HTML page to mirror your board. Samples, tutorial, graphics, freeware. Windows 3.1
41953 FFA99.ZIP 1,4 Mt 31.07.1999 - - -
Fantasy Football Assistant V99b12 BY Daryl Muellenberg lets you organize and run a fantasy football league. You can manage up to 16 teams of 30 players each, in as many as 300 leagues - drafting, organizing, and setting divisions for your league. You can enter stats manually or download them from a stats service, and can generate reports for every imaginable option. VBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.0
41954 GP2ED181.ZIP 406,6 kt 13.04.1998 - MBCD -
GP2edit v1.81  (22/2/98) By Steven Young Editori GP2:een, jolla voit muuttaa autojen grafiikoita, suorituskykyä jne. jne.
41955 NHL96EDW.ZIP 433167 28.02.1996 - - -
NHL96 editor, 1st version. Edit and create
seasons. Windows.
41956 DEMONH20.ZIP 395706 19.09.1996 - - -
DemonHacker V2.0 for Windows * generic hacker
which runs on Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and
Windows NT.  DemonHacker operates with
Modules which can be easily created and/or
modified. Items can automatically perform
powerful functions such as file hex-editing,
ini-file manipulation and registry editing or
just simply display information.
41958 HW16V22.ZIP 581,2 kt 29.08.1999 - MBCD -
Hex Workshop v2.20 16 bit version the Professional Hex Editor, is a file and disk editor which allows you to edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste hex.  Additional features include goto, find, replace, file compare, and checksum calculation.  You also get a Base Converter, for converting hex, decimal, and binary, and a Hex Calculator (supporting +,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>,~).
41959 PTCHSVGM.ZIP 812,8 kt 13.01.1999 - - -
Patch Savegame Editor v3.03 by Matthew Inman. Dedicated savegame editing program. Patch is specifically aimed at the troubled gamer who seeks to give him or herself an unfair advantage over the computer by altering the contents of savegame files. Unlike conventional hex-editors, which display files as a confusing jumble of alphanumeric garbage, Patch displays and accepts input in decimal (Base10) format. Windows 3.1
42058 AW4W31EX.A01 3999459 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior for Windows 3.1x-client. version
date 13.8.1996. Part 2/4.
42059 AW4W31EX.A02 3999464 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior for Windows 3.1x-client. Version
date 13.8.1996. Part 3/4.
42060 AW4W31EX.A03 462281 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior for Windows 3.1x-client. Version
date 13.8.1996. Part 4/4.
42061 AW4W31EX.ARJ 3999441 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior-yhteysohjelma. Windows
3.1x-versio. pvm. 13.8.1996. Osa 1/4.
42062 AWUP204B.ZIP 1550312 15.05.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior V2.04b for Windows 3.1+/95.
"minimum download version", Req. 486/66 * 8
42063 BC31.ZIP 563,4 kt 16.07.1998 - MBCD -
Battlecity for Windows 3.1. Internet playable strategy/action game, top viewed. Build a city or join a city which in you make things that defend your city and things that help you attack other cities. You attack other cities to try and orb them(destroy them) and get points to get higher ranks. Multiple weapons, action & strategy, building and fighting. Free!
42064 BZLT16.ZIP 279,8 kt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Blitzln V1.5 (Win 3.1) BlitzIn is a graphical interface that works with your local Internet provider to connect you with the Internet Chess Club (ICC). On ICC you can play chess against a variety of opponents, observe games in progress, participate in special events and tournaments, get a rating, and interact with other chess aficionados from around the world.
42065 CASINO31.ARJ 5139372 26.08.1996 - - -
InterCasino Beta 1.10. Internetissä pelattava
monen pelaajan kasino. Windows 3.1x-versio.
42066 FIBSW121.ZIP 187,1 kt 25.01.1997 - monster94.zip/monster2.zip tupla
FIBS/W v1.21 -- Now providing support for  TCP/IP, SLIP and PPP Connections. FIBS/W is a Microsoft Windows(TM) based client for the  First International Backgammon Server (FIBS)  -- an Internet server which allows users to  play against human opponents all over the  world. FIBS/W provides a graphical game board and mouse-driven interface to the FIBS server
64476 GGBETA2.EXE 2584964 23.09.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
Games Grid Backgammon-internetpelin
yhteysohjelman Versio 1.0 Beta 2. Windows
42067 HSEMGV3.ZIP 139,8 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
HSEMG Hansen Software\'s E-Mail Games, V3.1. Moves are transmitted between two players by E-mail. Includes three games: 3D Tic Tac Toe, Four in a Row ("Connect 4" (TM)), and Mid- Switch ("Othello"(TM)). Requires Windows 3.1 (or compatible), VBRUN300.DLL (available through most all on-line services), and "Wing Dings" font (comes standard with Windows). By Hansen Software 
42068 HSEMIL.ZIP 125,5 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
E-Mail 3D Tic Tac Toe v1.3 . A new concept in game-play. Designed for two players to play by E-mail, moves are automated through the cutting and pasting of ordinary E-mail text to the Windows clipboard. This particular game is 3D Tic Tac Toe. Req. Win 3.1 and VBRUN300.DLL. By Hansen Software
65027 IGZ-W31.ZIP 2515648 08.12.1996 - - -
Internet Gaming Zone client software for
Windows 3.1x. Seven classic, FREE to play
multi-player Internet games in slick,
beatiful system. www.zone.com
65047 IKW059.A01 2999481 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 Win3.1x 2/7
65048 IKW059.A02 2999595 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 Win3.1x 3/7
65049 IKW059.A03 2999585 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 Win3.1x 4/7
65050 IKW059.A04 2999586 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 Win3.1x 5/7
65051 IKW059.A05 2999504 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 Win3.1x 6/7
65052 IKW059.A06 458143 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 Win3.1x 7/7
65053 IKW059.ARJ 2999472 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends - Internet pelattavan
roolipelin ilmaisen betaversion V0.59 Windows
3.X -pääteohjelma. Kesmai/Aires,
42069 INETRIS2.ZIP 173,4 kt 12.04.1997 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Software Forge          iNETRiS 2.0 Multi-player Tetris over Internet or on a single machine. (Windows) Competitive play  or  Auto-handicap option to even out game. Can have 8 players. Full chat mode. Sound, gfx and music support. Best Win Tetris, even one player!
42070 NETMGC10.ZIP 380632 28.02.1996 - - -
NetMagic V1.0 for Windows, created to make
playing Magic The Gathering over Internet
easier. Input your deck into NetMagic, and
connect to your opponent thru
SLIP/PPP-account and start playing MTG. *NOT
a stand-alone game, just a tool*
42071 NTV13116.ZIP 3,6 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
NetTrivia Version 1.31 multi-player Internet game by Internet Direct While it may be played alone in home, it also connects you to other players who may be playing anywhere in the world. Trivia addicts can find other trivia players here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Combines a trivia game with real-time chat. All kinds of cool subjects. Windows 16-bit version - Win3.1x
42072 SPLINK.ZIP 1 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Spirit Link v1.4 - program that lets you play Magic: The Gathering via the internet. It uses your winsock-connection under Windows 3.1 (Win95, WinNT) to connect you to another computer in the internet. It keeps track of your library and shows which cards are in play or in the graveyard. There is no artificial intelligence.
41975 SW2.ZIP 1,8 Mt 14.02.1998 - - -
Screaming Wheels 2FREEWARE! Uskomattoman rallipelin Screaming Wheelsin jatko-osa Screaming Wheels 2 
on nyt täällä! Jos tykkäät rallista, tämä on pakko kopioida! 1-2 pelaajaa. 
Minimivaatimukset: PC 486, Windows 3.x, 2 Mt kovalevyä, 8 Mt Ram, 
äänikortti, SVGA. Lähetä palautetta osoitteeseen screaming.wheels@gnwmail.com. 
Tekijä Teemu Koskinen (tavoitettavissa myös MBnetistä teemu.a.koskinen@mbnet.fi).
41979 DLSETUP.ZIP 505,5 kt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
Tamagotchi simulator 1.0 win31/win95 1/4
41976 DLSETUP1.ZIP 633,4 kt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
Tamagotchi simulator 1.0 win31/wni95 2/4
41977 DLSETUP2.ZIP 595,1 kt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
Tamagotchi simulator 1.0 win31/win95 3/4
41978 DLSETUP3.ZIP 596,6 kt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
Tamagotchi simulator 1.0 win31/win95 4/4
41980 GFUPD31.ZIP 1066476 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Games Factory 1.01/Win3.1x update
41981 GFUPD95.ZIP 2400812 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
The Games Factory 1.01/Win95 update
41982 GOTCH13.ZIP 1 Mt 27.09.1997 - - -
"aha... GOTCHA!! v1.3 Windows version a fun card trick. The program walks you through an elaborate card trick that is really a sophisticated mathematical formula. Youll have to use an actual deck of cards to play this trick. System Requirements VBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.1x"
41983 JOHNCAST.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.03.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Johnny Castaway screensaver for Windows from Sierra - now FREE!
41984 KENT31.ZIP 1400456 15.12.1996 - - -
Normality Screen Saver Win3.x from Gremlin
Requires WinG
41985 KPEUP12O.ZIP 804400 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Klik & Play version 1.2o updater - UK version
41986 KPUUP12O.ZIP 801850 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Klik & Play version 1.2o updater - US version
41987 LARPO3-6.ZIP 4,2 Mt 18.03.1997 - - -
Leisure Suit Larry Pops Up! Screen saver add-on lisä-äänipaketit 3,4,5 ja 6. Sierra.
41988 SCUD256.ZIP 363,7 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
Scud Shockwave game Scud: The Disposable Assassin for the SegaSaturn is based on characters from one of  the hottest underground comic book series. Featuring a whacked-out, fast-paced, irreverent storyline that meets a wild array of non-stop shooting action for a deliriously explosive action. The multiple gameplay combinations allow players the option to use a gun peripheral, D-pads or a combination of both simultaneously. This is a Windows 3.x and a
41989 WIN-DIVI.ZIP 997668 20.12.1996 - - -
real-time 3D simulation of an undersea
environment that allows you to swim with the
fishes. It is a prototype for a product being
considered for development at Sierra.
42073 1SEA13.ZIP 1079839 07.01.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
Sea School v1.3 by MVP Software.  Your kids
(ages 3-8) will love this new learning game
series.  Bright, colorful graphics, cute
animation, delightful music, digitized sound
effects and speech will keep your young
learner playing for hours.  Shareware
edutainment at its best!  Requires 386 and
up, VGA, mouse.  Sound Blaster or compatible
sound card recommended.  Registered version
now available on CD-ROM!
42074 COLRBK22.ZIP 97540 13.06.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
The Popular Coloring Book V2.2 For Windows!!
A classic kid's toy is now here for your PC.
Includes 10 pictures (34 pictures are in the
registered version.) The program supports 50
colors, printing, a 3-D button bar, 30-level
undo, & more. Kids can use without any help.
42075 COMPLING.ZIP 576,1 kt 18.10.1999 - - -
Computer Linguist is an entertaining and challenging word game for all ages. The game dares you to guess a word within a specific amount of turns. You will receive part of the word at first. Letters in the right position will be marked and those that are not in the right position will be marked with a different color. The game has many options to give you a greater challenge. Win3.x/95/ 98, 486+, 8Mb RAM, VGA 256.
42076 CRAYN412.ZIP 281436 07.01.1996 - 10806/CD_ASCQ_29_040596.iso tupla
CRAYON BOX 4.1 Coloring book & kid games
Keeps the kids entertained for hours!
A sketch/paint/coloring book, math
quizzer, counting & color identification,
USA states game, spirals, Concentration
memory game, music, piano. Fun and
educational.  Requires EGA/VGA, mouse,
hard disk and 1 child   :-)
42077 DCARDS10.ZIP 217940 04.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dino Cards v1.0  from DynoTech Software.
Windows card game for ages 5-9. Play new card
games with Derik the Dinosaur, Mrs. Rex, and
Rex the Tyrannosaurus. Registered edition has
five easy-to-learn card games. Change the
card backs to show different pictures. Req:
386+; Win 3.1, Win 95, or OS/2 Warp; 4MB RAM;
Sound Card (opt, but recommended).  [$20]
40796 DMATCH32.ZIP 793984 29.11.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dino Match v3.2 (ASP) from DynoTech Software.
(Optimized for Windows 95)  Exciting
memory-building windows game for ages 5-9.
Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue books from Rex
the Tyrannosaurus by solving various memory
tasks. Game includes animation, music, and
sound effects.  Requires:  386 or better;
Windows 3.1; 4MB RAM; 6MB hard drive; Sound
Card (optional).  Registered version contains
30 total levels.  [See VENDINFO.DIZ for more
42078 DNUMBR40.ZIP 1120793 04.03.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Dino Numbers v4.0  - DynoTech Software.
Exciting windows arithmetic game for 7-12.
Help Derik the Dinosaur rescue cows from Rex
the Tyrannosaurus by solving various math
tasks (add, subtract, multiply, or divide).
Includes animation, music, and sound effects.
Also has a "no loose" feature to help make
learning more fun. Req: 386+; Win 3.1, Win95,
or OS/2; 4MB RAM; Sound Card (optional, but
recommended).  [$20]
40798 DSPELL32.ZIP 1040919 30.11.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dino Spell v3.2 (ASP) from DynoTech Software.
(Optimized for Windows 95)  Exciting windows
spelling game for ages 7-12. Help Derik the
Dinosaur rescue fruit from Rex the
Tyrannosaurus by solving various spelling
challenges. Includes animation, music, and
sound effects.  Requires:  386 or better;
Windows 3.1; 4MB RAM; 6MB hard drive; Sound
Card (optional).  Registered version contains
30 total levels and a separate word list
manager to add your own custom spelling
42079 EOANUMBR.ARJ 3853626 29.10.1996 - - -
EOA ABC: Numbers, children educational game
for learning numbers, Interactive demo.
Electronic Arts, Windows.
40804 ERCODE11.ZIP 868581 01.06.1995 - MBCD -
ERCode! v1.1 ensiapusimulaattori [Win]
Peli joka jäljittelee jenkkityylistä
ensiapuhuonetta ja lääkärin toimia.
TV-sarjan Teho-osasto seuraajille.
40805 EUROPE!.ZIP 159956 03.04.1995 renamed / versio 2.2 discmaster.textfiles.com -
"Europe!" Geography Game Version 2.0 for Win
The "Europe!" software package is a fun and
colorful way to become fluent in basic
European geography.  It is effective for both
children and adults.
42080 FFFKIDS.ZIP 1325006 19.05.1996 - - -
Farnworth Ferret's Funpack For Kids V1.30s
Hauskoja leikki- ja opetuspelejä lapsille.
Vaatii Windowsin.
42081 HANGEM12.ZIP 273818 14.07.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Galt Hang-Em v1.2 shareware for Win/Win95.
Hangman game with over 1000 built-in words,
digital sound effects and color graphics.
3 levels of difficulty, play against computer
or against a friend.
42082 KDKY9512.ZIP 1,7 Mt 05.02.1998 - MBCD -
Kid Keys v1.2 for Windows Typing game to teach children keyboard skills Kid Keys is a graphical Windows game to intro computer keyboard to young children while tea keyboard skills.  It has multiple play levels difficulty to challenge even adults at the hi - Soveltuu rakenteensa ansiosta myös suomalaislasten harjoitteluvälineeksi -
42083 LIPUT.ARJ 17,2 kt 01.12.1997 - - -
Oletko aina halunnut tuntea eri maiden lippuj Onko jäänyt pari maantiedontuntia väliin? Tämä on juuri oikea ohjelma sinulle... LIPUT v1.3  - Opetuspeli Windowsiin (3.x)  - Tehty Visual Basic 1.0:lla  - Vaatii koneen, joka jaksaa pyörittää Windo  - Ei turhia SB-tukia tms. Vaatii VBRUN100.DLL-tiedoston, jonka löydät MBnetin 
perusohjelmista, osoitteesta
42084 LITFR16.ZIP 324536 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Literati Lite for Windows: French Dictionary
Edition by MVP Software. Do you like
Scrabble(tm)? If so, you'll LOVE Literati
Lite, the crossword board game for 1-4
players. Rack up extra points with double and
triple letter and word scores. Two skill
levels, built-in French dictionary, cool
background music, and neat graphics. Requires
VGA, Windows, and a mouse. Version 1.16.
40849 LLLETNUM.ZIP 1536957 03.01.1996 - 19273/ftp.winsite.com-win95-games.tar -
Larry's Learning Letters and Numbers for Wind
With graphics and sounds you'll learn the
letters of the alphabet & the numbers 0 throu
10. Plus you'll be able to play with lots of
sounds, such as the piano. Real human voice
speaks everything. User friendly interface.
Animated animals and objects. Also you can ha
fun by just pressing all the letters and numb
to play different musical sounds and speech.
the maker of Larry's Learning Math Machine.
42085 LTADD10.ZIP 97485 14.07.1996 - 2460/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 6).iso -
Learning to Add 1.0 for kids age 4-7
for Windows. Simple controls.
Encourage your youngster to see how
adding and counting are closely
related. See readme.doc file.
42086 LTOYS.ZIP 1798529 01.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Larry's Toys is a collection of 16
electronic versions of children's toys.
Almost all are totally mouse driven.
There are cars, planes, boats, bikes,
etc. . Some are even games. Very easy
to use. Lots of fun to play with.
Colorful graphics and music. Windows.
42087 MAGIC3D3.ZIP 2,4 Mt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Magic 3D Coloring Book - IBM Platform: WINDOWS - Demo Details: Edutainment Required: 486DX/75 - 8MB Ram The Magic 3D Coloring Book brings the fun and creativity of Crayola crayons to your computer! Color an image and watch it come to life as a brilliant 3D picture. With 70 fun images in seven themed books, plus a wide selection of colors and textures, every child can create dazzling drawings.
42088 MBINGA24.ZIP 425948 14.07.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Penny Penguin's Math Bingo  is a
multimedia game designed to teach your child
addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division. With cute animation and excellent
sound effects, Penny will play "Bingo" with
your child, gently helping him or her to
choose the correct block. Used in schools.
42089 MBINGB23.ZIP 380231 23.02.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
Penny Penguin's Math Bingo is a multimedia
game designed to teach your child addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
With cute animation and excellent sound
effects, Penny will play "Bingo" with your
child, gently helping him or her to choose
the correct block. Used in schools. This
version requires Windows 95.
42090 MMATH21.ZIP 353315 08.12.1996 - 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO -
Monster Math - is a multiplication math
game for grades 1 - 4. You must shoot
the bubble containing the correct
answer to the displayed problem.
Digitized sound effects are provided.
Requires WIN31+.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
42091 MOUSMA.ZIP 1289632 18.03.1996 - 10802/CD_ASCQ_25_1095.iso -
Mouse Math  is a verbal mathematics
drill program for Windows that gradually
uncovers whimsical photographs as answers to
spoken basic math problems are clicked with a
mouse. Setup options allow you to select
problem ranges appropriate for young
children, teens and adults.
Mouse Math performs best on systems with a
sound card and at least 256 color video.
40875 NEURALN.ZIP 303501 15.12.1995 - MBCD -
Neural Ned in NED'S WORLD - Shareware Version
1.0. Educational game for Windows 3.X, using
neural network to train a little critter to
run about in this world. Better you train
him, longer he lives.
40878 NUMBER10.ZIP 1213239 20.11.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
NUMBERS is a real talking educational game
for kids 1-8 years old. This package will
teach your child how to count numbers,
addition and subtraction. You can also record
your voice into this package. Sound Blaster
or compatible req. Education - Mathematics
67404 PR-TIMD.A01 1696255 02.07.1996 - - tupla
Professor Tim's Incredible Machines demo 2/2
42092 RMATFA12.ZIP 545346 03.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Kids love to play "Go Fish," and now can play
"Roxie's Math Fish" with Roxie, a
charismatic, animated, talking cat. A
friendly companion for your child, Roxie will
aid your child in learning math. Two levels
each of addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division are available. The program is
very intuitive and progresses at the child's
own pace. Online help included.
67960 ROADUSER.ZIP 647000 03.04.1995 - 16624/Shareware Universe The Gold Collection.iso -
Roaduser v3.0
Roaduser is designed to assist in the speedy
and accurate recognition of roadsigns used
in the UK. While highly beneficial to those
taking driving lessons or a driving test, it
is also recommended for any driver to test
their current roadsign knowledge. For Win.
68499 SNOWM10A.ZIP 177699 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Snowman v1.0a is a funny game for 1 to for
kids. Guess words without melting the
snowman. Tip option, sound support. Needs
VBRUN300.DLL. Online-Registration via
CompuServe NOTE: Also available in German.
40939 TCHWIN10.ZIP 1404869 20.11.1995 - 9340/So Much Shareware 6 (Power User Software)(1996).ISO -
educational package with REAL HUMAN SPEECH
that teaches children (1-17) how to talk, the
alphabet, read, write, spell and use a
computer. You can record your own voice and
use it in this package. You can also change
the spelling words to match your child's
weekly spelling words. Supports SOUND
BLASTER, PRO AUDIO 16 and compatibles. SVGA
required - ASP - RECOMMENDED
69599 USPUZL11.ZIP 139927 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
USAPuzzle! V1.1 for Windows, by Torpedo
Software. Take a spin across the USA! This
software includes colorful map puzzles for
the states and capitals of the US. The puzzle
pieces consist of states and star icons,
which are dragged and rotated by the user to
their correct position on the map. The timed
game format holds interest and makes learning
US geography fun. Several different levels of
difficulty make the software useful to almost
32200 WALDOWAD.ZIP 1442868 31.12.1995 - 12791/9800.zip -
Where's Waldo - Opetuspelin demo, 1-9
70069 WINFIGHT.ZIP 75377 04.01.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
WinFight Version 0.8 "Nopeinta vetäjää" eri
vaikeus- asteilla. Äänikortti suositeltava.
70135 WORDSEEK.ZIP 110488 01.09.1996 - MBCD -
WordSeek v1.A0
A word search puzzle game for Windows. It
provides five levels of play, timed or
un-timed, plus custom generation of new
puzzles using any set of words, phrases,
and/or clues. Excellent entertainment as well
as being educational. Puzzles may be
configured using historical or geographic
clues to identify the search strings. Strings
of numbers may also be used to assemble
puzzles of mathematically derived values.
Several educators are using word seek puzzles
to make learning fun. Foreign language and
history courses are extremely well-suited
for the clue/find operation of WordSeek.
70198 WSPELL10.ZIP 1075831 01.04.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Use this multimedia spelling tutor package to
teach your child not just to spell but also
to read. You can add your own words and along
with them their definitions, pictures, and
voice files. It's easy to use, just use the
mouse to drag the correct letter of the
alphabet to the missing letter in the word.
You choose how many missing letters there
are. You can also choose to have the words
spelled for you verbally.
42093 BUSTER.ZIP 1,2 Mt 13.02.1998 - - -
Busteroids - Asteroids-klooni, jossa sinun täytyy pelastaa galaksi inhalta kemikaalilta,joka ryöppysi avaruuteen Marsin räjähtäessä palasiksi vuonna 2998... 1 pelaaja, vaatii 486/VGA/WIN/huumorintajun. *FREEWARE*            By Jozzu/WiljoSoft
42094 LADA79.ZIP 346 kt 17.01.2000 renamed archive.org -
LADA -79 Petroskoi  Copyright 1999 Jukka Turunen. "Surullisen kuuluisaa Neuvostoliiton maalla vuosina 1979-83 ajettua LADA -79 -rallisarjaa" simuloiva peli. Vaatii: Windows=>3.xx, 800x600 näyttö, hiiri, paljon muistia + muut.
42095 REISKVSA.ZIP 376,2 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Reiska vs Arska 2 pelaajan "pingis" peli Reiska vs Arska 2 pelaajan "pingis" peli
42096 TAMSKU.ARJ 2,4 Mt 22.10.1997 - MBCD -
Mahtava peli : The Amazing Virtual Pet ruoki porsasta , leiki , kurita , ym vaat. win95/3.11 , hiiri Made By : Atte Aalto
42097 ZESTURBO.ZIP 803 kt 13.02.1998 - MBCD -
Zombie Extinction Super Turbo - Präiskintäpeli från UffeSoft! Räiski pahat ZombieGubbet kilon paloiksi erilaisilla konetykeillä ja kranaateilla, komean grafiika keralla!  Suositus Pentium 16mt, 16 bittiset värit. Windows 95 / 3.1 pakollinen.
42015 VPI.ZIP 1261297 10.07.1996 - 22301/VPR9905B.BIN -
Thrustmaster's new Windows based programming
42016 WINLDR.ZIP 49499 10.07.1996 - - -
Thrustmaster utilities: New B50 and MarkII
load which allows you to download through
Windows and Win95.
42017 WINSTK2.ZIP 557843 10.07.1996 - - -
Thrustmaster utilities: Winstick v2.0, a
Windows based B50 and/or M50 file editor.
60443 ACWPAT20.ZIP 3053451 28.10.1996 - MBCD -
American Civil War Update V2.0 10/17/1996.
Requires the updated map. Addresses speed
problems on 8 MB machines, problems with AI,
new features, is faster, fixes bugs, better
battle history etc. Interactive Magic.
41160 AGWIN11.ZIP 587100 14.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Allied General (Windows) update V1.1,
lisää mm. kartan auto-scrollin, poistaa
värirajoitukset, parantaa taistelutulostusta
poistaa bugeja yms. SSI
41161 ALIENS03.ZIP 1231081 22.07.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
ALIENS 1.0.3 UPDATE Mindscape
61372 BGA1_3.ZIP 4576742 05.11.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso -
Battleground: Ardennes 1.3
61379 BGG_123.ZIP 4267905 09.12.1996 - 22646/cd no21 joystick no79.iso -
Battleground: Gettysburg V1.23 update
61384 BGS_103.ZIP 343293 16.10.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso -
Battleground IV: Shiloh 1.03 (US-release)
61386 BGW_106.ZIP 683083 09.12.1996 - 22646/cd no21 joystick no79.iso -
Battleground: Waterloo v1.06 update Talonsoft
41178 BIT31UPD.ZIP 553073 30.11.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Buried in Time - The Epic Time Travel
Adventure Update Edition for Windows 3.1
Version 1.04.
41190 CIV242.ZIP 747130 28.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Civilization 2 V2.42 update. Microprose.
41192 CIVWINV2.ZIP 352742 29.11.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Civilization for Windows update V1.2
41194 COL95.ZIP 493075 25.04.1996 - 13094/Game_Patches_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1996.iso -
Colonization for Windows (win95-fix)
41197 CRICKP09.ZIP 329447 02.04.1996 - 13090/Game Head March 96.iso -
EA Cricket '96 Patch version 0.9, Windows,
windows 95 or dos, Inlcudes proper players
for Australia, West Indies, South Africa,
England and Pakistan.
41209 EDWUP11B.ZIP 69225 12.12.1994 - 96/EPISODE_14_JUN_1995.iso -
Empire Deluxe (for Windows) v3.11b
64097 FF11RUP.ZIP 1336248 16.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Fire Fight - update V1.0 to V1.1, commercial,
now works properly with dirextx2 and has
several other hug fixes. Epic MegaGames.
41229 FSTUPD.ZIP 184208 16.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Flight Sim Toolkit update from Domark
41230 FULLPTCH.ZIP 692159 01.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Fulltilt! Pinball Windows 95 upgrade patch
04/96 version.
41257 HW9511.ZIP 121594 23.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
1.0 to Version 1.1
41263 ICR2WIN.ZIP 4637707 16.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
IndyCar Racing II 1.0.2 (DOS) to 1.0.1
41269 INDYDESK.ZIP 36883 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Indy's Desktop Adventures Installation
update, for troubled installations.
41272 JEOPARDY.ZIP 78644 22.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Jeopardy! Platinium Edition fix (Win)
41277 LDJOY.ZIP 513449 24.02.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Last Dynasty Joystick Patch for Windows 95,
41281 LEGIONS.ZIP 52963 22.07.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Legions for Windows Update, allows game to
run under Windows NT etc. Mindscape.
41299 LUNI95.ZIP 163469 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Lunicus Windows 3.1/95/NT update.
41332 NSWPATCH.ZIP 335907 11.09.1996 - Pelit CD 1997 -
Necrodome shareware version patch Win95,
fixes some of the multi-player crashes.
66808 OP11.ZIP 794444 23.11.1994 - - -
Outpost v1.0, 1.0a, 1.0b update to 1.1
For the Outpost CD game.
41338 OTR31101.ZIP 104366 14.01.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Over The Reich update V1.01 Win3.1. Big
Time/Avalon Hill
66902 OUTPCD11.ZIP 795050 08.01.1995 - - -
Outpost CD päivitys versioon V1.1 Sierra
67098 PBA111.ZIP 291406 19.01.1996 - - -
PBA Bowling for Windows V1.11 update Bethesda
41353 PHANT11.ZIP 790109 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Update for Phantasmagoria to version 1.1
10-24-95 - Sierra.
41377 POWER11.ZIP 841379 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
POWERHOUSE V1.1 update. Windows. Sierra.
41393 SBUCK102.ZIP 465983 05.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Space Bucks V1.02 update, Sierra.
41394 SC2W12.ZIP 556168 24.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
SimCity 2000 for Windows V1.2 update
41405 SHGM1_1.ZIP 186986 30.11.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Shanghai: Great Moments for Windows 3.1 V1.1
update. Activision.
41407 SIMPATCH.ZIP 556114 01.04.1996 - - -
SimCity for Windows patch to v1.2
41409 SOC21.ZIP 551494 25.08.1995 - 24068/1995-06_Disc_7.iso -
Shadows of Cairn DOS/Windows 1.0.021 - Adds
joystick calibration profile, sound effects
and dungeon art, and fixes CD Audio playback
problems, installer bugs, and Sound Blaster
compatibility problems.
41410 SOLWIN11.ZIP 225152 20.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Solitair for Windows v1.1 update
41426 TAC104.ZIP 1347736 23.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Tac Ops (TacOps) V1.0.4 update.
70041 WHOPATCH.ZIP 47200 10.07.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Spaceward Ho! Windows 2.x Patch New World
Computing, Inc.
70043 WHRP158.ZIP 873427 14.04.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Harpoon Classic for Windows V1.58 update
26924 ENTHINT1.ZIP 239374 17.10.1994 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip -
ENTOMBED 1.6 HINTS by Impulse
This is a graphical Windows walkthrough for
the incredible new game Entombed!  Includes
diagrams and hints for all puzzles in level
1.  WARNING:  Only get this if you are stuck!
Requires: WIN 31, SVGA
42168 SOL-1_0.ZIP 2942196 19.08.1996 - - -
Over 480 Game solutions and maps. From the
Newest to the Oldest Games. Uses a mock
windows enviroment for ease of use. Requires:
DOS 3.1+, 550k, mouse.
42169 SOL-1_4.ZIP 3017488 19.09.1996 - - -
Almost 500 Game solutions and maps. From the
Oldest to the Newest Games. Uses a mock
windows enviroment for ease of use. Requires:
DOS 3.1+, 550k, mouse.
42171 BLA-HLPM.ZIP 21 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
Blades of Exile RPG scenario: High Level Party Maker. The HLPM is a tiny, one dungeon (three rooms and one hallway) scenario with a whole lot of special encounters that give the characters gold, experience points, weapons, and spells.
42170 BLADES10.ZIP 3,2 Mt 18.03.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Blades of Exile Windows 3.1 and 95 Blades of Exile is an exciting role-playing system for Windows 3.1/95. Featuring the award-winning terface of Exile III, it includes not only 3 full-length adventures, but the ability to design your own adventures and play the adventures of others. Many hours of role- playing fun!
42172 BOE-SCEN.ZIP 436,7 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
Blades of Exile scenarios - RPG. Includes: The Riddle of the Spheres, Bandit Busywork, Compositus,Island of Giants, Island Visitors, Triad, Sword of Kings, Castle Perilous, Descent, Broken Lands.
42173 EXIL3V10.EXE 3,2 Mt 21.04.1997 - MBCD -
Exile III: R Fantasy Role-Playing Game v2.0.1 "Shareware Standout" - Computer Player A  HUGE, highly-detailed fantasy rpg - explore  over 100 dungeons and towns, while solving  puzzles, meeting many characters, and  completing three game-winning quests. Great  graphics and sound. Much like Ultima. Runs on Windows 3.1 or 95.
63891 EXILE111.ZIP 1793888 30.03.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Exile Fantasy Role-Playing Game v1.11 A HUGE,
highly-detailed fantasy rpg - explore almost
80 dungeons and towns, while solving puzzles,
meeting many characters, and completing three
game-winning quests. Compatible with Windows
42174 EXL2V201.ZIP 2,3 Mt 18.03.1998 - 1867/10tonsofgamesmegacollection1internationalsoftwarevalues1997.iso -
Exile II: Crystal Souls Fantasy Role-Playing Game v2.01 "Shareware Standout" - Computer Player A HUGE, highly-detailed fantasy rpg - explore over 100 dungeons and towns, while solvineg puzzles, meeting many characters, and completing three game-winning quests. Great graphics and sound. Much like Ultima. Runs on Windows 3.1 or 95.
40838 INWORLD.ZIP 454728 14.10.1995 - - -
The Inside World (tm) Version 1.2 Completed:
Autumn 1995 A graphical windows role playing
game. Ten levels in the Professional version.
Three levels in the shareware version,
otherwise both versions are identical. Save
and restore game. Hundreds of items, many
monsters, spells and much more! Top view AND
first person view. From The Softgame Company
of Vermont.
42175 LEGACY.ZIP 3017722 18.06.1996 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
Tower of Legacy. Windows-roolipeli.
42176 MAGEBANE.ZIP 1 Mt 20.01.1999 - MBCD -
Magebane v1.0 Freeware Huima fantasiamaailmaan sijoittuva roolipeliseikkailu, jossa kolme soturia etsii muinaista Yendorin amulettia miekan ja magian voimin. Mahtava grafiikka. 1-2 pelaajaa. Vaatii Windows 3.1 / 95 ja vbrun300.dll
42177 MORDOR11.ZIP 2555537 18.03.1996 - MBCD -
Mordor 1.1 PUBLIC files. Mordor is a
large-scale Windows Fantasy Role-Playing game
that is hitting the market with a bang!
Features include 256 colors, action sound FX,
Music Score, hundreds of items & monsters,
and a gaming system so large, one can play
for thousands of hours!
42178 POD124.EXE 3257347 15.10.1996 - 2227/aztechhalloffamegamecubedisc7.iso -
Prince of Destruction. Roolipelin pelattava
demo Windowsille.
68591 SPIRIT1.ZIP 724415 16.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg tupla
Spirit Riders, vol.1  "The Quest for the
Crystal", Fantasy Role Playing/Adventure for
Windows 3.0 and above, The first volume in a
multi-part RPG. Players are sent on quest in
an underground mine to retrive a crystal that
can destroy the world. Surprise ending,
intricate maze, and lots of battles.
70020 WEXIL102.EXE 1860112 15.05.1996 - MBCD -
Exile II: Crystal Souls Fantasy Role-Playing
Game v1.02 A HUGE, highly-detailed fantasy
rpg - explore over 100 dungeons and towns,
while solving puzzles, meeting many
characters, and completing three game-winning
quests. Great graphics and sound. Runs on
Windows 3.1 or 95.
42179 WEXILE.ZIP 1,7 Mt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
Exile Fantasy Role-Playing Game v2.0 Hit, Ultima-like highly-detailed fantasy role- playing game - explore almost 80 dungeons and towns, while solving puzzles, meeting many characters, and completing three game-winning quests. Beautiful, professionally done graphics. Windows 3.x/95.
42156 BSR071.ZIP 940,7 kt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Beyond Sensor Range V.71 search and destroy game reminiscent of Battleshipwhere the player deploys his fleet of several different ship classesmost of them rather bizarre lookingminesand other weaponsand takes blind shots at the enemys forces. Supports Internet gaming between 2-players. Windows 3.1x"
42157 CATFIGHT.ZIP 190,9 kt 29.05.1997 - - -
Catfight 1.0 Kaksintaistelua WW2 lenzikoilla kaveria vastaan. Vaatii: 486 win3.1x / win95
42158 CHRIFL16.ZIP 822 kt 08.07.1999 - - -
Clayhunter (Rifle version)16 bit The purpose of the game is to practice your marksmanship 
skills with clay pucks, birds and aeroplanes. Great graphics! 
High scores. Nice sounds. Registering costs only 7 marks! 
Support finnish gamemakers! Bxr/CT 1999.
42159 CRITMASS.ZIP 815,6 kt 12.03.1997 - MBCD -
Critical Mass for Windows Great turn-based, but very arcadelike space combat game where you control a squadron of space-fighters. SW-version includes only 1 mission.
40794 DEFWIN.ZIP 485053 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Defender (1.10) conversion of the classic old
arcade game to Windows.
42160 KOHDE3.ZIP 813 kt 19.06.1998 - MBCD -
Kohde 0,3 Lopomo Perinteinen räiskintäpeli, jossa ammutaan viholliskoneita IT-tykillä. Suositus 486, win3.1 tai uudempi 256 väriä.
40889 PDHPR101.ZIP 544851 15.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Prairie Dog Hunt PRO (TM) - The 3rd and best
in the award winning Prairie Dog series from
Diversions Software. 360 degrees of freedom,
fully animated Prairie Dogs, zoomable weapon
sight, authentic sound effects, high scores,
multiple skill levels.  Hours of mindless
destruction! Req VBRUN300.DLL. Version 1.01.
42161 PEDROTNK.ZIP 199,3 kt 23.01.1999 - - -
Pedro the Tank Game Sammyspace Software Pedro is, for all intents and purposes, a tank game. Like one of those old tank games on the old Ataries, ZX Spectrums, BBC Micros any old computer or console. Two tanks shell each other in real time artillery shootout, like Scorched Earth. Windows 3.1
40907 QUAT.ZIP 1369279 19.01.1996 - MBCD -
Quatra Command (tm) 3.02
by Doe Entertainment (R)
Total Action,   Shoot-everything-that-moves
Space adventure. 1,2,3 Levels  Full Screen!
Full  Digital STEREO!  FX & Music Supported
Supports   Joystick,  Mouse,   or  Keyboard
Min:386-33+ ,  6 Megs  Ram, Fast Video Card &
Video Driver, SB Compatible card. WIN 3.1 256
42162 SKYRDR.ZIP 545,5 kt 18.01.1998 - MBCD -
Sky Raider by Alligator Software throwback to the days when PC games were little more than shooting galleries. You sit in one spot and shoot anything that passes in front of you. You control a ground-mounted anti aircraft gun. Windows 3.1+ï
42163 SPACEBAS.ZIP 870,4 kt 12.05.1999 - MBCD -
"Space Bastards - Galaga/Space Invaders clone Shootemup. Stands out among the dozens of Space Invaders/Galaga clones that litter the Web. This program has attitude. The graphicssoundand music all hit you in the faceand the speed will give you a good jolt. Shooting the mothership will snare you some really big cannonswith which you can blast the invaders to smithereens. Two-player option. Windows 3.1"
33513 SPECTRVD.A01 2999200 23.02.1996 - - -
Spectre VR demo 2/3
33514 SPECTRVD.A02 909259 23.02.1996 - - -
Spectre VR demo 3/3
33515 SPECTRVD.ARJ 2999247 23.02.1996 - - -
Spectre VR/CD, playable demo of a
multiplayer-capable shoot'em'up with a bit of
strategic mix. From Velocity,Inc. For
Windows, required 486/+
42164 TANKTAP.ARJ 1,8 Mt 11.01.1998 - - -
Tankkitappelu (betaversion demoversio)  2-3 Pelaajalle tarkoitettu windows peli. Tapa toiset pelaajat ja selviä itse. Toimii 486/66 8 mb. Pentium on kuitenkin suositeltava.
42165 TCR152_1.ZIP 793390 08.12.1996 - - -
T h e   C r u s h    V. 1.52
Very  nice  and fun  2-4  player tank
game for Windows. Shoot computers and
your  friends  with   many  different
weapons, tanks  and fields.  Now much
faster,  needs  only 1/2 SysRes  than
v. 1.4.  Really  better  graphics and
much better computer  players. Now TC
is really  fun  to play.  Needs mouse
42166 TCR152_2.ZIP 1152717 08.12.1996 - - -
T h e   C r u s h    V. 1.52     │
Very  nice  and fun  2-4  player tank
game for Windows. Shoot computers and
your  friends  with   many  different
weapons, tanks  and fields.  Now much
faster,  needs  only 1/2 SysRes  than
v. 1.4.  Really  better  graphics and
much better computer  players. Now TC
is really  fun  to play.  Needs mouse
42167 WAH16.ZIP 1,2 Mt 12.01.1998 - MBCD -
"What a Hell v1.0 (16-bit) by Esa Myllyla good Space Invaders clone. The animation is sharp and colorfuland the sound effectsthough limitedare convincing. Gameplay is fast because the game doesnt try to do a lot more than the original. If you miss the old classic arcade gameyoull really enjoy this. Windows 3.1"
40735 007.ZIP 726057 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Seikkailupeli, jossa seikkaillaan James
42180 ACA10.ZIP 954,1 kt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"AGAPITOS CRAZY ADVENTURE V1.0 - Adventure game with an user interface based in the classic action + object. Agapito found a voucher for a trip inside a corn flakes packet and from here starts his adventure in a havenly island. Requires WIN 3.1 or above. Distribuited as shareware the registration fee is $29 USD"
40747 AMNESWIN.ZIP 194733 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Amnesia. Tekstiseikkailupeli Windowsille.
42181 ANYWHE15.ZIP 5,6 Mt 20.10.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"Uncle Julius and the Anywhere Machine" v1.50 light-hearted, appealing graphical adventure with a science theme - entertaining AND enlightening. Trapped in another dimension, Uncle Julius is counting on you to rescue him - preferably before he finishes his book! Non-violent fun with brain-teasing puzzles and gorgeous illustrations. Curious people, perplexing situations, strange new worlds to explore! Children love it; adults do too! Windows 3.1/95
42182 ANYWHEMA.ZIP 5,3 Mt 28.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Uncle Julius and the Anywhere Machine" is a light-hearted, appealing graphical adventure with a science theme - entertaining AND enlightening. Trapped in another dimension, Uncle Julius is counting on you to rescue him - preferably before he finishes his book! Non-violent fun with brain-teasing puzzles and gorgeous illustrations. Curious people, perplexing situations, strange new worlds to explore! Children love it; adults do too! Windows 3.1/95
42183 CHLDMD.ZIP 9,4 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
"Child Murderer v2.0 Solve a murder mystery Text and graphics adventure game set in Victorian England. You are blamed for a murder you did not commit and must both evade your captors and find the real killer. The game is designed for a beginning-level player and uses a simpleeasy-to-use parser system. It will accept simple sentencessuch asTalk to the womanorUse the candle.A menu of common commands and keystroke shortcuts is also available. Windows. "
40789 CSTLWIND.ZIP 390510 31.10.1996 renamed nic.funet.fi -
Castle Of The Winds
Windows Rolegame by Epic MegaGames
42184 DARE2DRM.ZIP 542733 31.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
DARE to DREAM adventure game for Windows
A Sierra-style graphical adventure game
for Windows 3.0 or later.  Guide TYLER
through beautifully-designed scenes and
puzzles in search of a way to escape the
dream...  Brilliant,  addictive,  highly
sophisticated,  with an incredible sound
track.  A 1993 shareware EPIC release!
42185 DAVEDUDE.ZIP 779949 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DAVE DUDE in The Holiday Story 95 - adventure
game for Windows. Completely animated, A MUST
for fans of the LucasArts-Adventures...
40803 ENTMB17.ZIP 1742629 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Play the role of an archaeologist trapped in
an ancient tomb in the ultimate 3-D puzzle
adventure!  Breathtaking ray-traced 640x480
SVGA graphics in the Windows environment take
this a step beyond games like 7th Guest and
Myst.  Navigate your way through deadly traps
and intricate puzzles as you try to escape
your captor.  Excellent digital sound.
Requires: WIN 31, SVGA, 2MB RAM
42186 ESCDNI.ZIP 220 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
 Escape From Dinosaur Island! Adventure. Window 3.1 and above adventure game. The game finds you shipwrecked on a mysterious deserted island which is inhabited with prehistoric nasties. Your mission is to find a way off the island without becoming dino chow! Easy, mouse driven. Windows 3.1+
40824 GTG.ZIP 852874 31.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
┌───────┤GET THE GIRL├───────┐
│        JAB SOFTWARE        │
│        Rel 7/13/93         │
│The ultimate adventure! Get │
│the Girl! The art of romance│
│Test your manly skills by   │
│trying to pick up the girl, │
│in this graphical adventure │
│with 256 color images, sound│
│track and special effects.  │
│Req: Win 3.1, SoundCard     │
40826 GWADEMO.EXE 3427996 20.04.1996 - - -
Lil' Howie's Fun House: The Great
Adventure-peli lapsille.
42187 HUGOW14.ZIP 691611 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Hugo for Windows, v1.4 -
Windows adventure trilogy for whole family!
First game in a series of three cartoon-
style puzzle-solving graphics adventures
set in a haunted house, a whodunit mystery
and a menacing jungle.  Includes a point &
click interface (+ optional command line),
online help with hints, MIDI music and
sound effects.  Req. Win3.1 or Win95.
v1.4 speeds up graphics.
40848 LLHORE.ZIP 2518920 05.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Llhore, adventure/rpg-game for Windows.
42188 MONADVEN.ZIP 1,3 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
The MONDAY Adventure by Mikel F. Rice Novice-level game of exploration and simple problem solving.  It is a mix between the traditional text adventure and the graphical adventure.  The game uses both text and graphics to detail the various exotic locations of the game. Windows 3.1
40873 MYLK.ZIP 2237973 31.10.1996 - - -
Mylk, Windows based simple adventure game.
40908 QUNZR15B.EXE 259549 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Quenzar's Caverns v1.5b puoligraafinen
seikkailupeli Windowsille
42189 SUPERHER.ZIP 2234886 31.10.1996 - - -
SuperHer for Windows by HomeBrew Software is
an adventure game where you play SuperHer and
have combat, gain abilities and objects to
assist you in finding your lost sister.
Requires: Windows, mouse, VGA. Sound card
optional. (v1.1)  
42190 TIME1PC.ZIP 1125490 31.10.1996 - - -
In Matter of Time-teksiseikkailun
Shareware-versio. Sisältää SVGA-grafiikkaa
yms. Windows.
42191 WINADV21.ZIP 120505 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
WinAdv V2.1, a Windows version of the
classical Colossal Cave text adventure game.
64156 FISHDW10.ZIP 2295653 30.06.1996 - MBCD -
simulation offers trout, bass, sunfish,
catfish, and salmon fishing in lakes, rivers,
and oceans. Fisherman selects rod, reel,
line, bait, and the techniques for using
them. He casts, reels, hooks, nets, and lands
his fish, all while enjoying the sights and
sounds of the great outdoors. Windows 3.1+
29391 1CRU116.ZIP 557218 15.12.1995 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso -
Stardate 2140.2: Crusade in Space by MVP
Software.  You are the Commander in this new
interstellar conflict game for Windows. Build
up your fleets, plan your strategy, invade
planets, and conquer the galaxy! Unless of
course your enemies do so first. Requires
Windows, VGA.  Updated version 1.16.
42192 AIRCMD12.ZIP 2560525 11.03.1996 - MBCD -
Air Command-Lennonjohtopelin
42193 ARASAN32.ZIP 992030 18.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Arasan V3.0, freely distributable chess
playing program for Windows.
42194 ARE2V112.ZIP 342,7 kt 22.06.2000 - pelisivut.org -
Arena 2 v1.12 FREEWARE Fantasia-aiheinen gladiaattorijoukkueiden managerointipeli. Vaatii Windowsin. 
42195 ARE3101.ZIP 372963 30.06.1996 - MBCD -
Areena III v.1.01 SW Fantasia-aiheinen
gladiaattorijoukkueiden managerointipeli.
Luotsaa maksimissaan viisihenkinen joukkueesi
miekan ja magian voimalla läpi neljän
divisioonan kohti tavoiteltua
sarjamestaruutta. 1-4 pelaajaa. Vaatii
42196 ARE3V101.ZIP 364 kt 22.06.2000 - pelisivut.org -
Areena III v.1.01 FREEWARE Fantasia-aiheinen gladiaattorijoukkueiden managerointipeli. Luotsaa maksimissaan viisihenkinen joukkueesi miekan ja magian voimalla lõpi neljõn divisioonan kohti tavoiteltua sarjamestaruutta. 1-4 pelaajaa. Vaatii Windowsin. 
42197 ARE4V1.ZIP 378,4 kt 22.06.2000 - pelisivut.org -
Areena 4 v1.0 Freeware Fantasia-aiheinen gladiaattorijoukkueiden managerointipeli. Luotsaa maksimissaan kuusihenkinen joukkueesi miekan ja magian voimalla kilvoittelemaan sarjamestaruudesta. 1-4 pelaajaa. Peli toimii seuraavissa käyttöjärjestelmissä: Windows 3.x, Windows 95 (tai uudempi) ja Windows NT. 
42198 ARE5V1.ZIP 1,7 Mt 22.06.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Areena 5 v1.0 Yhdistetty jalkapallomanageripeli ja fantasia-aiheinen roolipeli. Pelissä luotsataan jalkapallojoukkueen sijasta joukkueellista gladiaattoreita. Joukkueiden väliset yhteenotot ratkotaan vuoropohjaisella ylhäältä kuvatulla taistelulla. Pelin uusin ja kaiketikin myös paras versio. Uutta edelliseen versioon nähden on mm. kunnollinen  help-tiedosto, lisää rotuja ja loitsuja, sekä maksimissaan 12 gladiaattorin taistelut (6 per joukkue). Seppo Suorsa ssuorsa@mail.student.oulu.fi 
42199 AREENA4.ZIP 378,2 kt 09.04.1997 - MBCD -
Areena 4 v1.0 SW Fantasia-aiheinen gladiaattorijoukkueiden manageriontipeli. Luotsaa maksimissaan kuusi- henkinen joukkueesi miekan ja magian voimalla kilvoittelemaan sarjamestaruudesta. 1-4 pelaajaa. Peli toimii seuraavissa käyttöjärjestelmissä: Windows 3.x, Windows 95 ja Windows NT.
40749 ARENA112.ZIP 347723 15.05.1995 - - -
Arena II - The Final Fight for Freedom v1.12
Gladiaattorijoukkueen managerointipeli
Windowsille, tekijänä MikroBitin lukija Seppo
40750 AWALE.ZIP 496295 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Ancient African strategy game
42200 BCUBES.ZIP 17181 04.01.1997 - 26755/1000-Plus-Hot-Games-1999.zip -
Speden speleistäkin tuttu "muistitesti"
42201 BOXWORLD.ZIP 34303 04.01.1997 - pelisivut.org -
Boxworld : laatikkojen tökkimis puzzlea
42202 CAMPWI20.ZIP 1,7 Mt 24.03.1999 - - -
"Campaign for Windows V2.0 Milestone Software Turn-based battlefield strategy board game for one or two players. It features a built-in design tool that lets you customize the game board with shrubberytreesfencesbuildingsand roads. Using unique movement and combat attributes of the military-style game tokensyou must capture your opponents Captain to win. Lacks sound effectsand game token animation is modestbut it features clever dialog and a good computer AI. Win 3.1"
40773 CDDNA.ZIP 289182 13.12.1995 - 13089/Game Head January 1996.iso -
Cloak, Dagger and DNA, multiplayer strategy
game combined with a genetic algorithm engine
putting genes against each other while
fighting over a playing board, trying to
conquer new areas and putting their resources
into use. For Windows.
42203 CONQ105S.ZIP 1378230 14.04.1996 - MBCD -
Conqueror for Windows V. 1.05S.
Sotastrategiapeli Elpin Systemsiltä.
40792 CZONE.ZIP 255270 25.08.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla¹
Combat Zone Arena v1.0 - Robottitaistelu
Windowsille. Ohjelmoi omat robottisi BASICia
ja PASCALia muistuttavalla kielellä.
Robottien ovat hyvin animoituja ja niiden
ominaisuuksia voi säätää. Tekijä Mat Peck
63079 DOGWAR10.ZIP 884373 30.06.1996 - MBCD tupla
DOGS OF WAR - It is the spring of 1942. The
world is at war. Five world powers struggle
for supremacy. The Axis powers are Germany
and Japan. Challenging their expansionism are
the Allied powers of the United Kingdom, the
U.S.S.R. and the United States. Dogs Of War
is a multi-player war game. Up to five people
can connect over the internet to battle it
out in the classic scenario: World War II.
Software Engineering, Inc. SHAREWARE - $29.95
42204 DOGWAR22.ZIP 2,1 Mt 22.09.1997 - 23667/PCGAMER46.bin -
DOGS OF WAR - It is the spring of 1942. The world is at war. Five world powers struggle for supremacy. The Axis powers are Germany and Japan. Challenging their expansionism are the Allied powers of the United Kingdom, the U.S.S.R. and the United States. Dogs Of War is a multi-player war game. Up to five people can connect over the internet to battle it out in the classic scenario: World War II. Software Engineering, Inc. SHAREWARE - $29.95
40801 ECON104A.ZIP 380555 23.02.1996 - MBCD -
Econ's Arena  is an exciting fantasy
chess-like strategy game. The elements have
declared war on one another and only the
begin called Econ can prevent them from
destroying their world. Play as Earth, Air,
Fire, or Water on the changing terrain of
Econ's Arena. Control Ogres, Griffons,
Dragons, Tritons, and other mythological
pieces. Cast spells imprisoning your foes or
protecting your troops.
42205 FIRERNG.ZIP 1787248 23.05.1996 - - -
Firing range-Sotastrategiapelin
42206 FLEET.ZIP 1099782 27.05.1996 - MBCD -
Fleet Tactical Combat Simulator, simulation
of starship combat in the 22nd century. A
hexagonal wargame Fleet is a detailed
representation of the tactical elements of
starship combat.
42207 FTBL1611.ZIP 317,3 kt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
"Micromatt Football Fury 1.1 - is a strategy game in which you pick your opponentteamsand plays to run. Navigate your team to the endzone using over a dozen different plays. Completely update to97 rules and teams. See the readme.txt and help files for information on runtime file requirements. US$12.00 8-8-97  Micromatt P.O. Box 754 ArlingtonMN  55307-0754 USA Micromatt@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/micromatt"
42208 FUTRCHES.ZIP 421,9 kt 25.02.1999 - - -
FutureChess v1.0 by Innovast interesting, 3D Chess variation played on three levels of five-by-four boards. Futuristic Chess pieces move in the same basic pattern as those in traditional Chess but can also move up and down levels. Windows 3.1
42209 GLAMAN10.ZIP 545,7 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Gladiator Manager Shareware v1.0Author: Seppo Suorsa ssuorsa@paju.oulu.fi Welcome to the world of gladiators. You will get a team of gladiators to your command.Your mission is to lead your team from the muds of the lowly fourth division to the Championship. Mix of strategy, role-playing and manager games. 1-4 players. Teams compete in league consisting four divisions. Matches are even more brutal than on the football fields. Windows 3.x/95/98/NT, 486.
40829 HJN0992.ZIP 353124 01.04.1995 - MBCD -
Herrat & Narrit v0.992
(C) 1995 Moonbird Software
Keskiaikaan sijoittuva hallintapeli, jossa
pyrit kuninkaaksi. Käännös wanhasta 64:n
pelistä. 386, Win 3.1, VGA
40835 INFOK11.ZIP 303946 01.04.1995 - MBCD -
Infokratia v1.1
(C) 1995 Moonbird Software
Lehdistöpeli, jonka tarkoituksena on saada
hallitus kaatumaan. Voit ostaa ja myydä
lehtiä, tutkia raportteja ja julkaista
uutisia. (1-7 pelaajaa) 386, Win 3.1, VGA
40836 INSPACE.ZIP 1276296 14.12.1995 - 2705/SOFM_Jan1996.bin -
Inner Space is a strategic action game made j
for Windows with super fast action on any 386
or better. Go inside your computer to capture
destroy all the icons on your hard disk.
Terrific sound, female voiceovers, music.
Game also makes great screen saver! Includes
Ship Factory, race tracks, and battle zones.
42210 KCHESW.ZIP 212911 08.12.1996 - 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso -
K-Chess for Windows v2.2 - An instructional
chess program which shows it's own
calculations on screen as it works, helping
you to play better. Includes various types of
hints, one or two player or autoplay modes,
multi level undo and redo, save and restore
games, and print game listings. Full keyboard
and mouse control, and online help. Hard to
beat! Replaces earlier KCHESW.ZIP.
30591 KUNKKU12.ZIP 81549 05.02.1995 - MBCD -
Kunkku v1.2
Loistava suomenkielinen strategiapeli  Win-
dowsiin. Olet valtakunnan johtaja ja päätät
mm. talouden ja sodan. Vihollinen on idästä
Toimintoja riittää. Selkeä grafiikka ja pe-
lattavuus. Animoitu.
42211 LFMARS11.ZIP 576,1 kt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
LIFE ON MARS? V1.1 - Strategy-simulation game for windows Enjoy with this game, establishing your own colony on Mars, for it you must build several structures and to take into account anothers factors as water, food, energy, housing, health...Requires WIN 3.1 or WIN95.
40861 MEDWAR12.ZIP 204059 31.12.1995 - 16772/Software Vault (The Ruby Collection)(ADC).ISO -
>> MEDWAR v1.2 - Medieval War <<
MEDWAR is a Microsoft Windows strategy/war
game set in medieval times. MEDWAR allows
for up to six human or computer players,
play-by-mail games, handicapping with 24
strength levels, and 14 types of pieces.
Documentation: README.TXT and on-line help.
66081 MELEEAS.ZIP 66779 24.01.1996 - - -
Melee at Sea is an easy to play hard to win
Windows strategy game based on the Age of
Fighting Sail with a challenging computer
opponent. Requires Windows 3.1 and a mouse.
66223 MOAB.ZIP 802842 27.08.1996 - MBCD -
Mother of All Battles - simple Empire-like
strategy game for Windows.
66668 NTEEV12N.ZIP 146196 01.04.1996 - MBCD -
NAPOLEON THE EMPEROR v1.2n, Windows Wargame
Waterloo, brigade sized units on 2 map levels
reg. version has Ligny & Quatre Bras Needs
Windows 3.1, 640X480+, 256+ color video v1.2
adds graphical feedback to resolution
67044 PANZER1.ZIP 26153 03.07.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
***** PANZER 1.0 *****
2 players strategic combat
game like Battle Isle.
Can be played via internet
or on local host.
Requires: Windows 3.x, Winsock.dll
(c) Klepp Nikolaus
Ohlsdorferstrasse 51a
A-4810 Gmunden
40893 PENDUL24.ZIP 440700 24.01.1996 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
PENDULOUS Ver 2.4 - A Windows strategy game
for 1-4 players human or computer. Russian
Front and random scenarios or design your own
with the built-in editor.  Other features
include; Natural coast map, computer player
maker, fractal maps, 6 unit sets, hidden land
and units, supply, reinforcements, and more.
Fans of wargames, GO, Risk, or Chess MUST
GET. Kamyan Software.
40902 PUDGE.ZIP 51734 10.06.1995 - 20915/1000GAME.iso -
Pudge-peli [Win]
Vähän kuin Boulder Dash tai Sokoban
40918 SE2.ZIP 563958 17.11.1995 - MBCD -
SPACE EMPIRES II, Windows Strategy Game v1.0
Design ships and conquer the Univ. Design and
build your own starships to conquer a chaotic
Universe. Colonize planets, accumulate
wealth, and develop new technologies. 1-4
human players and scores of computer players
with unique personalities. Your dominion
40923 SLAY.ZIP 630591 27.08.1996 - MBCD -
Slay. Easy hexagonal strategy game for
Windows, capture enemy lands.
40924 SMONKEYS.ZIP 1413543 24.01.1996 - - -
SPACE MONKEYS v1.0 humourful action/strategy
game for Windows.
68707 STELLAR.ZIP 619470 01.04.1996 - 18171/Windows Programs.iso -
Stellar Explorer v1.0
40935 SV9410.ZIP 126123 28.02.1996 - - -
SAVANNA for Windows Ver94.10E  (FREE SOFT)
SAVANNA for Windows is an organism evolution
simulation. Watch the screen to find how a
species spread. Check what organism is the
fittest to survive. Create your own
environment and add your own organism. Req:
69900 WARFR107.ZIP 474604 01.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WARFARE 1.0.7 (1/96)
Warfare is a fast paced War/Strategy game
for Windows. It is simply to learn, hard
to master. Play against multiple Computer
players each with controlling attributes
that are configurable. Strong AI makes game
more challenging at higher difficulties.
Maps are randomly created from user
definable settings. Requires: Windows 3.1
or higher, 386-33+. Shareware. VISA/MC.
69904 WARPATH.ZIP 448203 11.01.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
WARPATH, Real-Time, Multi-Player Windows Game
by Dan Samuel, of Synthetic Reality, Co. Up
to four players try to convince planets to
follow their 'Path.' The universe evolves in
real time, as you mine, colonize, invest, and
attack.  In solo mode, enemies are controlled
by AI routines. In multiplay mode, you
compete against other humans via Modem or IPX
Network. Supports WAV and FM sound, inter-
player radio, and on-line help.
70015 WEMPIR30.ZIP 696427 24.01.1996 - - -
_HEGEMONY for the people!_ World Empire III
For Windows v2.0 NEW VERSION.  Based on the
award winning DOS game, World Empire III
offers 139 real world countries for your
conquering pleasure. If you like RISK you'll
love this game! New graphics, expanded
interface, MIDI soundtrack, and MORE!
Reviewed as a FIVE STAR program by all! Note:
UnZIPs to 2.8 meg (approx.) Needs
VBRUN300.DLL __Viable Software Alternatives__
70084 WINPO233.ZIP 795063 24.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WinPolis board game like Monopoly. You can
play it with four players (humans or
computers), can buy or sell buninesses and
ruin the other players. There are a lot of
funny graphics, many additional rules and an
integrated card-game as casino.
40967 WINRISK.ZIP 37234 30.06.1995 - pelisivut.org -
RISK -lautapeliin perustuva WINDOWS - peli.
1-3 pelaajaa, myös tietokone - Tarvitsee
Windows 3.1 tai uudemman. -
42212 16XCRY11.ZIP 1,6 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
2X Cherries by UltiSoft, Inc. flashy, high-tech update of the traditional slot machine. Three wheels spin and pay off at three horizontal levels as well as three vertical levels and the two diagonals. Bet one to eight coins on each pay line. Windows 3.1
42213 32COL11.ZIP 588,9 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
3D Collidascope V1.1 by Sergei Savchenko and Ultisoft. delightful twist on Tetris-type games. As four differently colored cylinders slowly descend from the top of the playing field, your goal is to have the colors match up vertically, which makes the pair disappear Your arrow keys can change the order of the colors, to hopefully match all or as many as possible before reaching the last row. Windows 3.1x
42214 APOLLOMM.ZIP 900,7 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
APOLLO - mission to the moon, v1.2. Become the commander of an Apollo spacecraft bound for the moon and back. Photo-realistic graphics combined with authentic audio will place you inside the cramped craft as it descends to the lunar surface. The game is divided into three distinct phases: Lunar landing, Orbital Docking, and Earth Re-entry. Each phase will challenge you to prove you have the right stuff.          Cost $10. Req. 486, 8 Mt,
30298 B_A110.ZIP 57902 04.12.1996 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
Bow & Arrow v1.10. Arcade arrow shooter game.
40758 BLAST12.ZIP 103435 31.10.1996 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
Blasteroids v1.2 for Win 3.1 through Win '95
40759 BLOBFACT.ZIP 36032 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Blob Factory (c) Jeremiah Golden, 1996
Blob factory is a simple platform
game for windows. Very small and easy to
play. Its my first attempt at a REAL
42215 BLOBSH.ZIP 528,4 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
" Blobshop 16-bit v1.23 Kidsgame reminiscent of 5-in-a-row. To winyou fire paint blobs at a gridded wall and try to get five in a row before your opponent does. You can configure the wall from 6 x 6 to 15 x 15 squares; you can choose one of four skill levelsfrom Very Easy to Expert. Children can play against  the computer or a friend - complete with customized names. Windows 3.1+"
42216 DAI2-106.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"Daisys Garden 2 v1.06e ThinknRun Game . Help Daisy to pick up all fruits and flowers  in her gardenbut watch out for the greedy  marmot! Perhaps you find the magic mushroomtaht makes Daisy invisible for a while... We  consider it particularly suitable for  children because Daisys Garden 2 excludes  violence. Windows 3.1Super-VGA256 colorssuper soundjoystick support"
42217 DYNJ16.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
"Dynamite Joe 16-bit Windows 3.x from C2V Productions You are Joealias Boom-Boom Joe or The Explosivebetter known as DYNAMITE JOE. Youve been rotting for 3 years in the slammer alreadyand the pressure has been building up. Its time to break loose and escape from this lousy stinking rotten jail. You dig your way through the underground using existing tunnelsor make your own as you go. Collect keysfind treasures and watch out for wardens and police."
42218 FROGHP11.ZIP 1,6 Mt 10.04.2000 - 26755/1000-Plus-Hot-Games-1999.zip -
FROG HOP Windows v1.1c Soleau Froghp11.zip Frog Hop will have you on the edge of your seat as you try to keep your frog jumping  for as long as possible. Rotate the lily pads with your mouse to direct the frog across the pond. Gain extra points for bonus pads, stray  insects that fly onto the board and much more  as you try to reach the Top Ten High Scores! Packed with features and options, Frog Hop is addictive arcade action for all ages. 
42219 GOLDRUN.ZIP 265879 31.10.1996 - - -
Gold Runner, Lode Runner Clone, Highly
addictive, simple to play, fun game. For
42220 GSTORM21.ZIP 1,3 Mt 17.06.1998 - 12571/100SMASH.iso.7z -
"GEMSTORM v2.10 by Malachite Updated DEMO Version. The storm has comeand with it come falling Gems. Your job is to keep the Gems from filling up the land. Gemstorm is the most addicting game of the 90s. Incredible graphicssoundand music make this game unstoppable fun. Requires Windows 3.1 or greater. Enhanced in Windows 95. Looks best in 64k or better colors. Visit Malachite at http://www.malachite-games.com"
42221 GWELL35X.ZIP 138227 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Gravity Well - Interstellar War for Windows.
You must battle for the stars against three
computerized opponents. This is a fast-paced
action/strategy game.
Shareware - US $29.95
Software Engineering, Inc.
64779 HERMAN.ZIP 31128 31.10.1996 - 6180/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (July 1994).iso -
This is a Window's Shareware game. You
control this head and try to eat all the
flowers without having rocks fall on you.
42222 IKOS16.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
Iko San for Windows by C2V Productions Takes the fun and strategy of a Tetris-like game and enhances it with awsome 3D animation and graphics. Iko San is infused with 9 superb sound tracks, 5 difficulty levels, hundreds of various playing pieces and tons of fun! Windows 3.1x.
30567 JOUST109.ZIP 143382 27.12.1995 - 6511/CDA_6.iso -
TC Joust is a 3D game of knights mounted on
giant birds against  one another in a mid-air
joust.  Each level changes to another bout
with a different bird.
40842 KENO0971.ZIP 43064 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Kortti KENO v0.9.71 (16-bit) RAY:n kuuluisan
automaatin Windows-versio. Siistit grafiikat
ja lähes aidon veroinen pelattavuus.
Tuloslista 10 parhaalle pelaajalle. Optimoitu
Windows 95:lle. MIDI-musiikki ja WAV-ΣΣnet.
Tarvitsee VBRUN300.DLL:n. Copyright (C) 1995
Moonbird Software
42223 KRYP16.ZIP 1,4 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
Krypton Egg for Win V1.0 By C2V Productions - Breakout arcade game from France that has many twists and turns. This is not your ordinary breakout game, however. Besides the spectacular graphics and sounds, all sorts of hordes and monsters drop along with the balls. Windows 3.1x
42224 LODELVLS.ZIP 124085 31.10.1996 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Lode Runner & Championship Lode Runner
The Original Levels!
Add-on for the PC/Windows Version
65843 LUCKY32.ZIP 143236 31.10.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO -
LUCKY STARS Video Slots V3.2
A Slot Machine Game for Windows
This isn't your grandmother's slot machine!
This is a nine wheel video slot machine
with 8 pay lines.  Also has bonus spins,
"wild card" symbol, and a progressive bonus
pool.  See the beautiful graphics and
animation for yourself!
Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
42225 MAZE3D10.ZIP 168,5 kt 23.01.1999 - - -
"Maze 3D v1.0 by Bruce Demers Test your perceptual skills with Maze 3D. This maze program places you inside a castle filled with longgray corridors and many twists and turns. A compass is available to guide youand if you get stuck an overhead map displays your position. Howeverthe map cant be displayed at the same time that youre moving. Not heavy on graphicsbut it provides a nice challenge.. Windows 3.1"
40862 MICRO1.ZIP 261474 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
MicroMan - Adventure 1
An arcade action style game for Windows 3.1.
The object is to run, jump, duck, climb
and shoot your way past the enemies
while exploring new areas and collecting
special powerups!
66212 MMDICE10.ZIP 43104 31.10.1996 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
Multimedia Dic 10,000 is a delightfull dice g
It allows upto 4 players at one time and is f
ne too.
Simply copy the mmdice10.zip to its own Direc
nd unzip
program on the file mmdice10.zip file and rea
txt" file.
40867 MSCHOM12.ZIP 94549 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Ms. Chomp for Windows is based on the classic
Ms. Pac Man arcade game. The object of the
game is to clear each maze of dots to advance
to the next one. Of course, you're not alone.
In each maze you'll find four ghosts who
would like nothing better than to have Ms.
Chomp for dinner. They will see to it that
you don't get to the next maze.
42226 MSSNESC.ZIP 1 Mt 04.06.1998 väärä koko 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
Mission ESCAPE by TMJ Productions, Inc. Simple but challenging 16-bit game. Click on multicolored field of different lights, that constantly and randomly change colors. Your mission is to successfully click on all of the green lights in order to lock the lights in. Reaction game. Windows 3.1
40876 NIB095.ZIP 737595 31.10.1996 - - -
NIB v0.95  Loistava Arkanoid Windows
klooni. Tekijät:Raimo Heikura ja Antti
Mäki-Jokela. JÄTÄ MB-Netissä messua jommalle
kummalle. ─═════════════════─
40879 ODASH-SF.ZIP 172257 31.10.1996 - - -
OlderTrash v1.0 SF (Win 3.1+)
Suomalainen Boulder Dash -klooni!
Digitoitua ääntä ja puhetta + MIDI-musiikkia
Näppäimistö-, hiiri- ja ilotikku-ohjaus
40880 ODASH.ZIP 179049 31.10.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
OlderTrash v1.0 (Win 3.1+)
A Boulder Dash look-alike FREEWARE game!
Digitized speech and sound + MIDI music
Keyboard, mouse and joystick control
30673 ORBOTS11.ZIP 1342486 31.10.1996 - 10585/ASP_CD_9605.iso -
ORBOTS THE GAME V1.10  - Heart pounding,
shoot em up extravaganza. 256 color graphics,
digital sound. Adrenaline junkies dream!
Pilot the astro-chopper to defeat an invasion
of half machine, half organo mutants from
another dimension. Plenty of surprises and
some nasty tricks for you to figure out. If
you get through their defenses, you must face
their mother ship! Level 1 of 3. 386+, 640k,
vga req., mouse, sndcrd, jstick optn.
67332 PONG95.ZIP 680586 31.10.1996 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z tupla
Super Pong 95
42227 PP16105.ZIP 983,4 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
Piranha Panic v1.05 16-bit version High quality arcade game featuring cartoonish graphcis and special composed music. Especially targeted for kdis and female players. Control a fun piranha fish where Mrs. Piranha is trying to find her kids among hostile lakes. Unite the family! Windows 3.x/95/98 - 486/33 - 8 Mb.
40900 PPONG105.ZIP 94866 31.10.1996 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
TC Ping Pong: 3D Ping Pong game. Req 486 /
42228 QBIX10.ZIP 2,4 Mt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
Q*Bix V1.0 by Pumpkin Software addictive arcade game for Win 3.1/Win 95 based on a Q*Bert style theme. It was a popular coin-op classic from the mid-eighties. Contains over 30 challenging levels, high score table and lots of unusual sound effects.
40910 RATS!.ZIP 834041 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Rats! Small arcade-puzzlegame for Windows,
clear rats out of your garden with bombs.
42229 RAYMANDE.ZIP 4,9 Mt 18.12.1999 - - -
Rayman Designer by Ubi Soft. Enter the mind-altering world of Rayman. Platform arcade game. Enter the challenging, mind-altering world of Rayman and, suddenly, reality seems far too tame. Free your mind as Rayman takes you on an arduous adventure through a complex realm of psychedelic landscapes, absurd characters, formidable opponents, and uncharted levels of dementia. Windows 3.1+
30750 RELAX11.ZIP 263385 05.02.1996 - - -
ReLaxx 1.1 By Bonus Software
Speden spelien nopeuspelin kaltainen viritys,
jossa tarvitset hyvia reflekseja ja vakaata
hiirikatta. Suomalaista sharewarea Bonus
68427 SKIR102.ZIP 118370 31.10.1996 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
TC Skirmish: 3D capture the flag, paint ball
shooting game. Req: 486 / Windows.
40931 SQUARK11.ZIP 973780 08.12.1996 - MBCD -
SQUARK for Windows v1.1   SQUARK11.zip
Squark is an exciting action arcade marble
game from Soleau Software. The objective is
to guide your marble through a maze
capturing squares by traveling all 4 sides.
Watch out for the dreaded green marbles that
will try to stop you from completing each
action filled level. Squark is packed with
features and is fun for both young and old.
Are you up to the challenge?  ADDICTIVE!!
40932 SSLOTS12.ZIP 285011 10.06.1995 - 11115/The CICA Windows Explosion! - Disc 1.iso -
Super Slots v1.2 [Win]
Las Vegas -tyylinen hedelmäpeli
42230 SSP16201.ZIP 756,9 kt 23.01.1999 - MBCD -
SinkSub Pro V2.01 16-bit. Highly addictive arcade action game ! Take command of a Swedish patrol boat and sink submarines. 50 action stuffed levels, smooth 256 color animation and digitized sound effects. Req. 486/4MB. Windows 3.x/95
69134 TILES95.ZIP 564739 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Klax-klooni. Ylhäältä tulee erivärisiä
palikoita ja sinun tulee järjestää ne.
42231 TZBRK20.ZIP 1 Mt 29.08.1997 - - -
TZ-Breakout V2.0INT Th. Zeh/R.Mundt. This challenging arcade game contains fast as well as flickerfree animation, music samples, action sounds and 25 SVGA-cartoons hidden by stamps to be shot off. In demo-mode 8 of 50 original levels are playable. Registered users can use the comfortabel level-editor to create levels of their own. Needs 4 MB RAM. Registration 25 US $ (see other currencies inside the program).
69493 TZMINI10.ZIP 2613193 31.10.1996 - - -
TZ-Minigolf v1.0 Comfortable miniature golf
simulation for Windows for up to 4 players
with music, sound and 18 nicely designed and
illustrated levels. Six levels playable for
unregistered users. Needs 4 MB RAM and 256
colors under Windows. Sound adapter
69735 VIND.ZIP 240370 31.10.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Vindicator is an intensive space arcade game
You'll have to try and save your home planet
destruction of enemy forces attacking the cit
Beautiful 256 color graphics and animation !
Hours of fun for everyone ! Don't miss this g
from Alligator Software !
Register Online on CompuServe, GO SWREG # 945
Requires VBRUN300.DLL, Not Included.
40971 WORDMAN.ZIP 117292 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Pacman-klooni Windowsille
70518 ZWDEMO1.ZIP 2450409 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
ZOMBIE WARS Demo version A1
Copyright 1996  Gee Whiz! Entertainment
Requirements: 486-DX66, Win95 or Win3.1
Description:  Sequel to best-selling Alien
Carnage. Awesome game, loads of fun! Superb
graphics effects.
42232 CHPOOL51.ZIP 958 kt 27.08.1999 - - -
Challenge Pool V5.1 by Zheng Lee lets you play all of the most popular pool games on your computer. You control the cue with a mouse or the keyboard, selecting angle, force, and cueball hit for English. Computer play will let you see shots the way the expert sees them. This trial copy lets you play 9-ball. Registration brings six more games, including 8-ball, rotation, straight pool, and more. Windows 3.1x
42233 FFEDRT10.ZIP 378721 23.02.1996 - 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso -
Financial Freedom Electronic Darts V1.0 is an
exciting dartboard game for Windows 3.1 or
95. Includes all of the popular dart games,
double in and double out options, multiple
players, maintains top ten scores for all
games and supports sound cards, high scores
and more! Fun for the whole family!
42234 FISHD124.ZIP 1,5 Mt 24.11.1998 - - -
"FISHERMANS DELIGHT-SET 1 (v2.4)  Fishing simulation offers troutbasssun- fishcatfishand salmon fishing in lakesriversand oceans.  Fisherman selects rodreellinebaitand the techniques for using them.  He castsreelshooksnetsand lands his fishall while enjoying the sights and sounds of the great outdoors. Windows 3.1+HOME & HOBBY"
42235 FISHD214.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.11.1998 - MBCD -
"FISHERMANS DELIGHT-SET 2 (v1.4)  Fishing simulation offers over twenty species of fish at six freshwater and three saltwater locations.  Fisherman selects rodreellinebaitand the techniques for using them.  He castsreelshooksnetsand lands his fishall while enjoying the sights and sounds of the great outdoors. Windows 3.1+HOME & HOBBY"
42236 FREESOCC.ZIP 7 Mt 11.05.1999 - MBCD -
Freedom Soccer v1.0.1 by Freedom Software British League soccer-management program that lets you manage teams from the English or Scottish leagues, as well as simulate interleague games. Pick your lub, squad. Detailed player quality ratings. Wealth of statistical information. Make bids to woo hot players from opposing teams. Simulated games are played out in about five minutes. Windows 3.1, 486/66, 8 Mb.
42237 MPLPD.ZIP 54652 30.03.1996 - - -
MPL DeLUXE for Windows  //vaNaSoftin räpellys
(sori, PELI) joka kuvaa reikäpallolätkäjengin
managerina olemista... todella
"mielenkiintoinen". Sisältää jopa
pelattavaa... (enemmän kuin NHL96 ;-). Älä
enää epäröi, vaan imuta koti- koneellesi...
//vaNaSoft [N/S] Vaatii: VBRUN300.DLL
40885 PADDLE.ZIP 237925 19.09.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Paddle Battle is a two player game for
windows, in which you must knock the ball
into your goal. Supports sound and joystick.
Lots of fun!
42238 POOLMST9.ZIP 2 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
"Poolmaster 9-Ball v1.04 for Windows by Micro Amusement Corporation Sports/pool. Get ready to shoot live pool with stunning accuracy and game action. Make bank shotscombination shotsstraight shots and shots with English (cue Spin) with the friendliest shooting architecture on the market. Includesinstant replayundoand interactive multimedia sound effects. Windows 3.11+"
68186 SBET110.ZIP 125933 15.08.1995 - - -
Super Betting v1.10
Loistava apuväline veikkaajille.
Antaa "varmat" vihjeet seuraaviin peleihin:
Vakio-veikkaus, Pitkäveto, Tulosveto.
MCGA / 256 grafiikka, hiiriohjaus
42239 STRAOM30.ZIP 2,7 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Strat-O-Matic Baseball v3.0 from Strat-O-Matic Game CompanyInc. Perhapsthe most statistically accurate and most realistic representation of baseball on the market. The Strat-O-Matic computer game is tied directly to the board game. It uses a dice based system to determine batters averagesetc. Windows 3.1"
42240 TZGOLFIV.ZIP 2,4 Mt 24.10.1998 - MBCD -
TZ-Minigolf IV from ISD sophisticated putt-putt simulation game for up to four players. It has established a reputation for presenting hole layouts that are as visually imaginative as they are difficult. This trial copy allows you to play six of the 18 holes in the full version.. Windows 3.1
42241 WF1.ZIP 708,9 kt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"WinFish 1 - Lake Fishing Sports/fishing. Standing aboard your boat youll be casting and reeling in for fish. With 16 different fish typesyou try to land them with one of the lures from your fully stocked tackle box. Once theyre hooked the fun is just beginning Now try your skills at reeling them in...reel in too fast and youre sure to break the linereel in too slow and most of the fish will spit the hook. Windows 3.1+"
42242 WF2.ZIP 747,8 kt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"WinFish 2 - Deep Sea Fishing v1.01 Sports/fhishing. Looking for some heated fishing action? Well if so you have come to the right place. This is as realistic as they come. With the boat rocking to and fro with the motion of the ocean youll be lucky if you dont chum the water with your breakfast. Windows 3.x+"
42243 WF3.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"WinFish 3 - Fly Fishing v1.2 PLUS Fishing Locations add-on. Sports/fishing Set in some of the most beautiful virtual-placesyoull be casting your virtual-flyrod in hopes of landing a wall-hanger. After selecting the right fly for warm or cool days to find the fishyoull cast out and anticipate the strike. Windows 3.x 1998 Alligator Software."
40966 WINPOOL.ZIP 126215 30.11.1995 - - -
POOL - Shareware pool game for windows V3.1
environment. Play pool against another player
or the computer.
42244 WLDCUP10.ZIP 300111 22.09.1996 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
WORLD CUP '96 v1.0 cricket game for Windows
3.x/95. World Cup '96 allows you to play the
1996 Wills 1-Day World Cup against the
computer. Pick any of the 12 teams, uses
authentic team and player data. Keeps record
scores and stats. Select players and set
options such as aggression, team order, etc.
42245 CHD-JL6.ZIP 104750 19.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
A Spyral production ChLib Patch July '96 by
RaskY & MB Update data for the world biggest
games cheats library * Over *1000* cheats!! *
Updates each month * CARDWARE
42246 CHD-JU6.ZIP 124329 19.09.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
A Spyral production ChLib Patch June '96 by
RaskY & MB Update data for the world biggest
games cheats library * Over 880 cheats!!! *
Updates each month * CARDWARE
42247 CHLIB.ZIP 923445 19.09.1996 - - -
A Spyral production ChLib 1.0 May '96   ║ by
RaskY & MB The world biggest games cheats
library * Over 830 cheats!!! * Updates each
month * CARDWARE
65108 INCMSW-C.ZIP 9404 02.10.1994 - archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz -
Windos Minesweeper Mega Cheat
68676 STAR26AU.ZIP 474103 04.01.1997 - - tupla
Stars! päivitys 2.6 -> 2.6a rekisteröityyn
68692 STARS26U.ZIP 822489 04.01.1997 - 2458/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 4).iso tupla
Stars päivitys 2.5a -> 2.6. Vaatii
rekisteröidyn Starsin.
62064 CHWIN250.ZIP 287835 17.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CHEAT for Windows v2.5 - by Mike
Zier, 1:272/169 - List of cheats
for popular MS-DOS and Windows
computer games - over 351 games
covered in this release. As featured
in Computer Gaming World's Dec. 1995
issue!  Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not
42248 GFCHTS5.ZIP 2 Mt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
"Game Fanatic Cheats Wellare you one of those heavy-dutykick-assplay-every-game-thats-released type of people? Game Fanatic is a collection of cheats for ArcadePlaystationSaturnGenesisSNESPC3D0JAGand nearly every other game platform you can think of. Not only does it let you view cheatsbut you can easily add your own and download new ones from the Internet. Windows 3.x/95"
42249 MAS1395.ZIP 320734 07.08.1996 - - -
MASTER CHEAT LIST v1.3 (Win95)  Here's the
Win95 version of THE MASTER CHEAT LIST v1.3
in a new WinHelp format. It still has an
index and the same color-coding. The new
features include: easy use, faster loading,
point & click interface, hypertext links for
instant movement, better organized, and nicer
looking, too. I even have my own logo! Also,
cheats for 230 games, including all Quake
cheats, plus much more! It also has info on a
special Walkthru offer.
42250 UHSWIN42.ZIP 399 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
Universal Hint System - UHS Reader for Win3.1 v4.20 Universal Hint System gives you only the hints that you need to solve dozens of computer games. Unlike traditional walkthroughs, the UHS lets you select questions from menus and view only as much information -- from subtle nudges to full answers -- as you want, so that you have an opportunity to finish solving the puzzles on your own. Shareware: $20 registration fee.
42251 BLDNWIN.ZIP 304623 16.11.1995 - - -
Bloodnet SVGA Windows wallpapers. From
42252 COUNTDN.ZIP 176409 25.04.1996 - 1978/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 5.iso -
This is a WAV file I constructed from sounds
from Descent extracted by DTX v0.94. Great
simulation of the contdown you get when you
blow up the main reactor in a mine. Great for
when Windows closes down.
42253 GWSAVER.ZIP 312172 29.10.1996 - - -
Gene Wars Desktop Invader Liven up those
Earthbound moments with this screen saver.
42254 JAMMIN.ZIP 54798 03.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
F1GP2 utility: Windows frontend for GP2JAM
42255 LARPOP2.EXE 1152933 25.05.1996 - - -
Lisää äänitiedostoja Larry Pop's Up:iin.
42256 LARRYSPK.EXE 1560479 25.05.1996 - 23651/PCGAMER31.bin -
Larry Pops Out. Jos et tee koneellasi mitään
vähään aikaan, niin tämän ohjelman absiosta
saat Larry Lafferin puhelemaan.
42257 MYST-SS.A01 3999200 08.08.1996 - - -
Myst Screen Saver 2/7
42258 MYST-SS.A02 3999200 08.08.1996 - - -
Myst Screen Saver 3/7
42259 MYST-SS.A03 3999200 08.08.1996 - - -
Myst Screen Saver 4/7
42260 MYST-SS.A04 3999200 08.08.1996 - - -
Myst Screen Saver 5/7
42261 MYST-SS.A05 3999200 08.08.1996 - - -
Myst Screen Saver 6/7
42262 MYST-SS.A06 1266337 08.08.1996 - - -
Myst Screen Saver 7/7
42263 MYST-SS.ARJ 3999200 08.08.1996 - - -
Myst Screen Saver - feed your computer
with the surreal fantasies from the
game Myst. Req. Windows.  1/7
42264 WORMTHEM.ZIP 1817800 25.04.1996 - 22598/Hrac_26_1999-01_cd3.bin -
Worms -ääniä, taustakuvia, yms. Windowsiin.
40742 _9POKWIN.ZIP 182774 31.10.1996 - the-last-tucows-roundup -
_Poke-It Poker! for Windows_ Las Vegas Video
Poker! From the makers of World Empire II,
this immensely addictive game accur- ately
simulates the real thing thing. AND IT'S A
LOT CHEAPER! Take my word for it. I've lost
on both!  Note: UnZIPs to 700k (approx.)
Needs VBRUN200.DLL. Viable Software
computer player, or play alone or with a
40736 12SOLTV1.ZIP 674548 31.10.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
SoLaTor Suite Volume 1&2. Games of five
solitaire games for Windows 3.1, with WAV
sounds, Tool bar and tool tips.  This
contains Suite 1 version 1.4 and Suite 2
version 1.1. All this for only $5.00 each.
VBRUN300.DLL is required for this program.
30242 3DCUBE.ZIP 32147 31.10.1996 - 21895/W_GAMES2.ISO -
3DCUBE v1.0 - The best 3D cube puzzle
available.  Features very smooth 3D animation
in 320x400x256 mode.  Works just like the
real thing!  Requires at least a 286 with
VGA.  Mouse is optional, but highly
recommended.  Works with both DOS and
Windows.  $7.00
40739 3DXWD.ZIP 61623 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Cyberspace Crossword Puzzle - is a 3-D
crossword puzzle game for Windows.
Requires VBRUN300.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
40740 4PLAY13.ZIP 100431 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
4PLAY v1.3 for Windows
A version of the classic game of
Connect Four (tm)
40741 5INLINE.ZIP 11474 18.12.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
-----===  5 in line  ===----- A simple
dots'n'lines game Req. VB40016.DLL
42018 72HOUREC.ZIP 963,4 kt 17.12.1999 - - -
72 Hour Recovery. Puzzle. Restore services after a disaster. Lets you have some fun with disasters. This is a challenging game in which you need to restore power, water and phones to community after a disaster. Windows 3.1
60300 95MJONG4.ZIP 1421769 31.10.1996 - 23871/PC World Interactive 1 - Nisan 1997.iso -
*MoraffWare*Best 3D Mahjongg!*Windows*V4.0!*
░    Moraff's Morejongg is the finest      ░
░ implementation ever made of the ancient  ░
░ Chinese tile game! This great game has   ░
░ the following features:                  ░
░▒Version 4.0: (Updated APR. 1996)        ▒░
░▒ 1) Great 3D graphics, nice backgrounds,▒░
░▒   smoothly bevelled inayed wood tiles! ▒░
░▒ 2) Traditional layout, Big tile layout ▒░
40743 ABALON11.ZIP 1118225 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Abalon-lautapelin tietokoneversio 1.1.
42019 ALPHTREE.ZIP 2,5 Mt 04.10.1999 - - -
THE ALPHABET TREE is a fun, fast and original word game for all ages. The Alphabet tree carries twenty-six apples, each with a letter of the alphabet. Once a year the apples fall. The tree loses all its leaves when the apples rot away for no-good reason. A word game is played to prevent this. The Alphabet Tree needs your help to survive! Win3.x/95/98, Pentium 75, 8Mb RAM.
30275 ANRCHY20.ZIP 393856 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
ANARCHY is a cross between Othello and Life.
The object is make the pattern into a single
color using the fewest number of moves. These
networks consist of icons connected to each
other by colored arrows. Each icon is one of
3 colors and sends its color to neighboring
icons in the network. If only one color comes
into a icon, it takes that color. If two
colors come in, ey cancel and the icon
assumes the third color.
42020 BEDRCKNR.ZIP 178,4 kt 12.05.1999 - - -
"Bedrock nRoll is a dice game which includes both  Single and Triple versions and is playable by 1 or 2 players. It also keeps track of separate top ten scores for both games. Requires video driver set to 256 colors or greater for best graphics and sound card for sound effects. Windows 3.1"
42021 BGAMDEL.ZIP 332,9 kt 25.09.1997 - MBCD -
Backgammon Deluxe by Arthur Crump board game for Windows. Play Backgammon and control the dice with your mouse. The first player to remove all their pieces from the board wins. Windows 3.1x
61462 BJ_POK21.ZIP 251127 31.10.1996 - 16777/softwarevault:gamesvolume2digitalimpact1995.iso tupla
Great sounds, real cards, and a
beautiful user interface make this
the best video poker and video
blackjack simulation available. The
included sounds make even losing
fun. Requires Windows, VBRUN300.DLL
42022 BJI1641.ZIP 891,5 kt 17.03.2000 - - -
 B-Jigsaw 4.1 (16-bit) by Antony Pranata make2 jigsaw puzzles from your favorite .bmp image files. This easy-to-use program has three levels of difficulty. The level determines the number of pieces in the puzzles, which are all similar but have the characteristic puzzle piece shapes. Windows 3.1+
42023 BJIG16.ZIP 891,2 kt 29.05.2000 - - -
B-Jigsaw (16-bit) v4.0B-Jigsaw tekee mistä tahansa BMP- tai JPEG-kuvastasi palapelin.
B-Jigsaw lets you make your own jigsaw puzzles using your favorite 
BMP and JPEG images. http://www.adcsoft.com
42024 BOMBDEMO.ZIP 172,1 kt 18.09.1997 - MBCD -
Bp Bomb Seeker a Puzzle/Logic game for Windows 3.x and Windows 95. Challenging yet easy to play. A quick fun game for your desktop to play when you feel like taking a break.
40761 BOX311.ZIP 3301133 04.12.1996 - MBCD -
BOXES III v1.0  from DynoTech Software.
Fun, challenging, and addictive puzzle game
for windows. Eliminate colored crates by
maneuvering and dropping boxes on them. But,
watch out for falling stones, bombs, and
anti-gravity boxes. Smarts are more important
than speed. It's not as easy as it looks!
Req:386+; 4MB RAM; Win 3.1, Win95, or OS/2;
4MB RAM; 256 color VGA; Joystick (opt);
Sound Card (opt, but recommended)0.  [$30]
40762 BOXES60.ZIP 841930 04.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BOXES v6.0  from DynoTech Software. Fun,
challenging, and addictive puzzle game for
windows. Eliminate colored crates by
maneuvering and dropping boxes on them. But,
watch out for falling stones, bombs, and
anti-gravity boxes. Smarts are more important
than speed. It's not as easy as it looks!
Req: 386+; 4MB RAM; Win 3.1, Win95, or OS/2;
4MB RAM; 256 color VGA; Joystick (opt); Sound
Card (opt, but recommended).  [$20]
40763 BOXTWO11.ZIP 1151313 04.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
BOXES II v1.1  from DynoTech Software.
Fun, challenging, and addictive puzzle game
for windows. Eliminate colored crates by
maneuvering and dropping boxes on them. But,
watch out for falling stones, bombs, and
anti-gravity boxes. Smarts are more important
than speed. It's not as easy as it looks!
Req:386+; 4MB RAM; Win 3.1, Win95, or OS/2;
4MB RAM; 256 color VGA; Joystick (opt); Sound
Card (opt, but recommended).  [$20]
42025 BPUZZL16.ZIP 706,3 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
 B-Puzzle v3.0 (16-bit) by Antony Pranata B-Puzzle (short of BMP-Puzzle) is 2 in 1 game i.e. sliding puzzle and jigsaw puzzle. With this game, you can make your own sliding and jigsaw puzzles with your own BMP files. In the unregistered version, you can only play with 9, 16, and 25 pieces. Windows 3.1+
61657 BRICKV17.ZIP 1386011 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso tupla
Bricklayer for Windows is a licensed port of
Steve Chamberlin's popular fast-paced falling
blocks game for the Macintosh.  The Mac
version was honorably mentioned in the 1993
MacUser Shareware Awards.  Bricklayer for
Windows features beautiful 256-color artwork,
an original music soundtrack, terrific sound
effects, and more. Systems which are not
256-color or sound-capable are also
supported.  Version 1.7 adds the ability to
select alternate music files and add pit
40765 BRIGZEE.ZIP 96274 31.10.1996 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
BRIGZEE FOR WINDOWS (V2.2) Latest Version of
the excellent and original Windows Card Game
based on the popular dice game Yahtzee and
the card game Poker. Soundcard support
(Windows 3.1) VBRUN300.DLL Required
40769 BUTTONS.ZIP 94795 31.10.1996 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
Buttons is a Windows 3.x puzzle game That
challenge the users mental skills. The game
is addicting, and at times it can be
frustrating. A challenge for those who dare.
40770 CAN241.ZIP 418173 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Strategy cardgame played against the
computer, with sound support.
The player can score points by
melding cards and by making canastas.
A canasta is a column of seven cards
(i.e. seven Kings).
Help file with explanation of
all rules is included. Many options
are included to configure the game
42026 CANANMIS.ZIP 181,9 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
Cannibals and Missionaries by Walter Allen No-frills game of logic. There are 3 cannibals and 3 missionaries to get across the river. One cannibal and one missionary know how to row the boat and the boat holds only two persons. You can cross the river as many times as you need, but you must never leave a missionary alone with more than one cannibal or the missionary will be eaten and you lose. Windows 3.1
40772 CARPET.ZIP 209372 31.10.1996 - - -
Carpet - simple Windows flying game.
Written with Klik & Play.
40775 CHERRY10.ZIP 62491 31.10.1996 - 10794/CD_ASCQ_17_101194.iso -
CHERRY DELIGHT Video Slots v1.0 for Windows
This isn't your grandmother's slot machine!
This is a nine wheel video slot machine
with 8 pay lines.  Also has bonus
spins and a progressive bonus pool.
See the beautiful graphics and animation!
Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
40777 CIPHWN11.ZIP 111827 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Cipher for Windows v1.1:  Word puzzle game.
A true Microsoft Windows crypto-quotes type
word game with all Windows features includ-
ing complete help. Many hint options, saved
games, high score hall of fame, etc.  Works
with Cipher (MS-DOS version) puzzles.  Game
written by Nels Anderson. (ASP)
40779 CLKWRX.ZIP 1318187 31.10.1996 - - -
CLOCKWERX: an action puzzle game for Windows.
Beautifully detailed unusual puzzle game. You
guide your clock hand swinging across a
matrix of dots avoiding many dangerous
objects, picking up bonus dots and finally
grabbing the target dot. Takes some practice!
System requirements, installation and loading
This demo of ClockWerx for Windows requires a
33MHz 80386 or faster computer, Windows 3.1,
4MB RAM, a hard drive (with 2MB free), Super
VGA graphics (640 x 480 x 256 colors) and a
40782 CONSTUT3.ZIP 84702 31.10.1996 - 20915/1000GAME.iso -
Windows 3.1 card game Constitution
40783 COR-CAS1.ZIP 1070382 31.10.1996 - - -
Casino Expert For Windows 3.11 or Better
30392 CORRECT.ZIP 66846 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Correct! is a multiple choice quiz program
42027 CRPTGR30.ZIP 441,2 kt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
Cryptographer v3.0 A windows cryptogram game.  Cryptographer is a new way to solve cryptograms. This word game program takes full advantage of the Windows environment and features. It helps solving the cryptogram, it does not solve it, unless you give up, in which case you can ask for hints. System requirements are an IBM compatible computer with Windows 3.x, 95 or NT and .4 MB of available hard drive. Shareware $10 registration fee.
40786 CRYPTIX.ZIP 336386 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Cryptix V1.0 * puzzle game where the player
tries to crack the encrypted message...  like
the "Crypto-Quote" games you see all over the
place. Windows 3.x & 95.
42028 CS120.ZIP 272,1 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Chinese Solitaire for Windows, version 1.2This is an original card game combining the best elements of Klondike and Scorpion, with a distinctly Oriental flair. Feature-packed solitaire, with full statistics, easy mode, autoplay, selectable card backs and colors, great graphics, and excellent sound. This version adds support for multiple-player statistics. Shareware by Randy Rasa ($10). Requires VBRUN300.DLL. http://www.solitairecentral.com
40787 CSBT.ZIP 107843 31.10.1996 - nopv_games.zip -
assumes the user knows nothing about the game
of Bridge and teaches you all you need to
know about bidding and playing to hold your
own in a social game. By Nelson Ford, ASP.
(Requires VBRUN100.DLL, not included)
40788 CSHRT40A.ZIP 151112 31.10.1996 - nopv_games.zip -
CARDSHARK HEARTS 4.02D for Windows 3.
This is the strongest, most feature-
filled Hearts game available. "Game
of the Month" in Windows Sources mag.
WinTech Journal gave it rave reviews
and $3000 in prizes in their Windows
programming contest. Nelson Ford, ASP.
(Requires VBRUN200.DLL, not included)
30401 CSTUD.ZIP 350784 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Turbo Caribbean Stud Poker v1.3 Fastest, most
exciting poker game ever. Major league
features include
* Full statistics for both dealer & Player
* High quality fast graphics.
* Large *Bonus* payouts on any high hands.
* Popup Help on all controls.
* Full featured in the shareware version
* 16 bit sound Shareware $15 
62491 CVBJS.ZIP 2895272 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso tupla
BJ game software by Blackjack Forum Mag.,
Dalton's BJ Review, BJ Confidential Mag. &
Win Mag. Winner '95 ZDI Shareware award for
best card/casino game. Over 300 rule & play
variations, data base with 501 real casino
rule sets, ultra-realistic casino play.
Registered version contains >300 card
counting tables. Requires 4MB RAM & Windows
3.1 or Win95.
30405 CVPGP.ZIP 1212062 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Casino Verite: Pai Gow Poker.
30406 CVVP.ZIP 1256587 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Casino Verite: Video Poker.
40790 CWKIT20A.ZIP 219584 31.10.1996 - 6764/CDA1_96.ISO -
Crossword Construction Kit V2.0a 
features the unique ability to make puzzles
in fun shapes with over 25 predefined puzzle
shapes (diamonds, doughnuts, trains, etc)
with the ability to create unlimited new
shapes. Up to 30 x 30 in size. Print options
include skeleton or filled box, answer key,
font selection, metafiles & more. Teachers,
Students, Publishers and Fans: PUT MORE FLARE
AND PIZZAZZ into your puzzles.
40793 DBM10.ZIP 106572 31.10.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Double Match 1.0 is a FAST and FUN game for
Windows where players take turns matching
pictures to reveal parts of a hidden phrase.
Scores are made for each correct match. The
first player who correctly guesses the phrase
is the winner. Features fun animation, sound
effects, human/computer opponents and top-10
hi-scores. Sound Blaster or Windows sound
card required for sound effects. REQUIRES
VBRUN200.DLL TO RUN (free). Shareware $12.00
42029 DECGB11.ZIP 586754 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Full version of REBEL 6.0, strong chess
program, ELO 2200 (USCF 2340), all database
and analisis options available, 3 good
opening books (600,000 moves), supporting 5
languages (English, German, French, Spanish
and Dutch), and 3 manuals as files (English,
German and Dutch), All possible playing
levels, 5 different playing styles, 1000
(grand)master games included, etc. Sys. Req.
386 or higher, VGA, 2 Mb Ram. Win95 compat.
40795 DESCR10.ZIP 418869 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
DeScrambler v1.0 - Aliens have attacked our
nuclear reactor and it is filling with hot
water. If it overflows, there will be a
catastrophe like no human soul has ever
imagined. You can save the world from
destruction by unscrambling words. Multiple
difficulty and speed levels. Free software if
you reach 1,000 points. Req: VBRUN300.DLL,
sound card; 256-color recommended.
42030 DGAMM253.ZIP 371,1 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
"Davids BackGammon V2.5.3 16-BIT for Win3.1/95/98 a complete Backgammon game for both novices and experts. Play against the computer or a human opponent or start a tournament. A wide variety of options let you customize the games - choose to use automatic doublesbeaversroll-oversautomatic concessionscustomized game board and piecesand more. Windows 3.1+"
42031 DMINE100.ZIP 359796 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dynamite Minesweeper, Windows, Very different
take on the minesweeper setup. Move the
sensor square around the minefield and see
the signal in each pixel vary from light to
dark and noise gradually decrease.  Clear as
much of the field as quickly as you possibly
42032 DRAGO20.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.01.1999 - - -
Dragons v2.0 Tournament style Mahjongg Solitaire game Features high score list and progress meter which tracks how well your doing based on previous game. Excellent graphics with beveled wooden tiles. Object is to remove all 144 tiles by matching pairs. Win3.1+
42033 DRVMSD24.ZIP 1,1 Mt 06.05.1998 - - -
Driving Miss Dicey v2.4 by John Brown Board game / dice original dice game that may remind you of Parcheesi or Chinese Checkers. You roll four dice and select any two to get a number from 2 to 12. The goal is to move pegs across a hexagonal board faster than your opponent. Windows 3.1
40802 ELECTRO.ZIP 109012 31.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Electro-Cute: Windows word-guessing game
63714 EMXWIN.ZIP 262786 14.11.1996 - - -
Enigmacross for Windows v2.40 Solve and
construct professional acrostics on your
Windows computer! New features include
SCROLLABLE clue list, sound card support with
SPEAKING messages, dictionary "hot-
link"access and extensive on-line help.
Includes 5 professionally constructed puzzles
by some of the top names in the industry.
Easy to install and UN-install.
63846 EUCHGA.ZIP 1243410 07.12.1996 - 16065/PC Loisirs - Supplement Interactif No. 33 (France).7z -
MVP Euchre for Windows. Six virtual opponents
are eager to challenge you to a hot game of
Euchre. This is the best Euchre game ever,
with the strongest play and the most options.
You can even play your friends in multiplayer
modem/ network mode. Written by the winner of
CGW's Best Shareware Card Game of 1996. Req 4
meg RAM, Windows, VGA, mouse. By MVP
Software. V1.1.
40806 EXCARDS.ZIP 1277002 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Excellent Card Games Collection for Windows
Contains Yukon, Black Maria, Baroness,
Stonewall, and Frustration.
42034 FAMWP11.ZIP 98,8 kt 22.09.1997 - - -
FIND A MESSAGE Word Puzzles   V 1.1 As letters are being formed by random dots. FIND  A  MESSAGE. Solve the puzzle, total your points. For all age groups. Improves logic. You can create your own puzzles. Kids can practice their spelling words. Registered Version contains over 200 additional puzzles, more user puzzles, and a list of puzzles and selection codes for group settings.
42035 FOURACES.ZIP 1,5 Mt 31.07.1999 - - -
"Four Aces. Simple card game. You can remove cards which are same suit but smaller value. Youre pass the game when you have only four aces left. Start guide-function (Help->Guide) to let game show for you what to do if you lost the plot. petri.marjakangas@wartsila-nsd.com Windows."
40812 FS110A.ZIP 186358 08.12.1996 - MBCD -
Four Seasons Solitaire for Windows, v1.10.
This addictive, feature-rich card game now
includes context-sensitive help and a
resizable main window, in addition to auto
mode, multimedia sound effects and music,
3-level undo, card peeking, and challenge
scoring! Shareware by Randy Rasa ($10).
Win95 tested.  Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
40813 FTL20.ZIP 754973 31.10.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
Follow The Leader 2.0 for WINDOWS AND
WINDOWS 95. Featuring OUTSTANDING Sounds and
Great Graphics. How Long Can you keep up ?
Download This And Try it!
(c) 1996 Wonder-Soft
64333 FUNCRD12.ZIP 174960 08.12.1996 - MBCD -
Funcrd (tm) Card Games. 256 color Windows
card games. Save and restore game, scoring,
choice of player types, billions of deals,
card counter, cheat mode. Multiple decks and
Backgrounds. Full rules. Sound effects. SWREG
ID# 10273.
64338 FUNSL161.ZIP 148448 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Funsol (tm) Ver 1.6.  113 solitaire games!
Completed winter 1996.  A Windows card
solitaire game.  Save and restore game,
unlimited undo, logging, graphing,
scoring, money, billions of deals,
card counter, cheat mode and autoplay.
Multiple decks, sizes and backgrounds.
There are built-in rules too.
64384 GAMCHEST.ZIP 549515 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Game Chest  for Windows 95 Play Backgammon,
Yatze, Rummy, Fortune's Favor, Queen's
Audience, Against the Computer or A Friend...
WinGames.Inc            ShareWare
42036 GINR1680.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Gin Rummy v8.0 (16-bit) by MeggieSoft Games A fully featured Windows 3.x version of Gin Rummy including many variations.  The MeggieSoft Games version includes many customizable options and supports MIDI music, sound effects, card animation, speech output, drag-and-drop operation, and user defined card backs and play area wallpapers. Online services, please note: The preferred title is: "MeggieSoft Gin
40821 GIRLSPOK.ZIP 602718 31.10.1996 - 23871/PC World Interactive 1 - Nisan 1997.iso -
Girls & Poker 2.0 for Windows.
42037 GLD16115.ZIP 5,7 Mt 04.06.1998 - - -
Gold Club Casino v1.15 from Boss Casinos Ltd. Gold Club Casino lets you play six casino games for fun or for real through an offshore betting system. The software offers roulette, blackjack, video poker, Pai Gow poker, Caribbean poker, and slot machines with incredible graphics and sounds. Play for free with the software or set up an account and actually win or lose real money. Internet connection and Windows 3.1
30512 GOFISH.ZIP 98936 31.10.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Go Fish - korttipeli lapsille.
40822 GROOM141.ZIP 731664 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
The Games Room v1.41 [Win]
Kokoelma lautapelejä Windowsille
40828 HANGM.ZIP 91477 31.10.1996 - 13161/Giga Pack CD2.iso -
Hangman 2 is a computerized version of the
well-known game of hangman. '386, '486, or
Pentium computer running Microsoft Windows
4.0, NT, or Win32s
64677 HANOI10.ZIP 49016 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Towers of Hanoi, version 1.0 (MS Windows)
40830 HNGWN130.ZIP 160680 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
HANGWIN v1.30 
HangWin is the traditional hangman word game
in a Windows 3.1 package.  Words are randomly
chosen from a text file which can be user
supplied.  Guess the word before the prisoner
hangs!  For fun, the prisoner has an animated
face and HangWin supports Windows-compatible
sound boards.  HangWin comes with extensive
on-line help and an install program will set
up the Windows program manager.
30549 HW141.ZIP 3630586 31.10.1996 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
Hardwood Solitaire, 256 and True Color
Solitaire Games
40832 ICE.ZIP 2986146 31.10.1996 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
Icebreaker. Puzzlepeli, jossa pyritään
rikkomaan kaikki väriään vaihtavat jääkuutiot
40833 ICICLE20.ZIP 98125 31.10.1996 - 23684/Shareware Game Pak For Windows.iso -
ICICLE20.ZIP, a VBWin Solitaire game. Like
most Card games, esay to play, hard to win.
From matt tagliaferi software. Requires
40837 INVMAZ10.ZIP 78612 31.10.1996 - 23684/Shareware Game Pak For Windows.iso -
Invisible Maze game for Windows 3.x This is
an interesting game testing your ability to
move the maze walker through a maze.  Size
can be from 5x5 to 30x25. The trick, you do
not see the walls of the maze until you bump
into them. Full help facility included. High
scores. Requires VBRUN100.DLL not included.
Auths: R & R Enterprise v1.0 05-11-92
65379 JIGALO11.ZIP 1392445 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Jigsaws Galore, v1.1 - The Ultimate
Windows Jigsaw Puzzle game! Shareware version
comes with 10 puzzles and ability to make
more, up to 4,000 pieces. Sorts pieces by
color and shape, arranging them around the
edge if you wish.  Change piece size on the
fly, no need to scroll, ever!  Select
difficulty level or number of pieces.  Cool
cheats!  CD-ROM version has 130 puzzles + 2
bonus games.
40840 JIXXA12F.ZIP 1084877 31.10.1996 - - -
Jixxa v1.2e  The award winning jigsaw
puzzle game for Windows. Jixxa includes such
outstanding and user-friendly features as
hint and auto-solve for a helping hand, a
challenge timer to compete against the
clock,up to nine organizational boxes for
sorting pieces, and rotating pieces for the
expert gamesmen. With many other features and
options, Jixxa is the most authentic and fun
jigsaw puzzle game available.
40841 JPSLOT11.ZIP 285015 31.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
JACKPOT SLOTS v1.1 Windows Slot Machine Game
Three slot machine games in one (JACKPOT
SLOTS).  256 color graphics and funny sounds.
Beautiful spinning animation.  Requires
VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
40843 KLOKS10.ZIP 107512 31.10.1996 - nopv_games.zip -
Kloks v1.0 Puzzle for MS-Windows v3.1
Windows emulation of a mechanical puzzle:
get both hands of all nine interacting
klok faces pointing to 12 in the shortest
40844 KLOTZ.ZIP 43480 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Klotz v2.11a
KLOTZ is a game of falling pieces similar to
TETRIS, for use under Microsoft Windows 2.x.
and 3.0.
40845 KORO10E.ZIP 103406 31.10.1996 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
Koro v1.0E Windows game brought to you by
Mt.New's. This game probably isn't for people
who get sea sick. it'll get you very dizzy.
40847 LASER.ZIP 146388 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Laserstrike for Windows, puzzle game where
you clear way for shooting a target on each
level by shooting obstacles and planning how
to guide laser beam to home.
65844 LUCKY41.ZIP 123335 31.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
LUCKY STARS Video Slots V4.1 A Slot Machine
Game for Windows  This isn't your
grandmother's slot machine! This is a nine
wheel video slot machine with 8 pay lines.
Also has bonus spins, "wild card" symbol, and
a progressive bonus pool.  See the beautiful
graphics and animation for yourself! Requires
VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
40853 LUDO.ZIP 19049 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Ludo for Windows is a shareware puzzle game
where the player competes against the compute
in a race to finish with all four of their
tokens at the end of the maze.
Requires a 386-25 PC, Windows 3.1 or Windows
95, 4 megs RAM, VGA, 2 megs HD space. Version
1.0 - $5 registration fee.
40854 LUNACY.ZIP 137121 31.10.1996 - 16624/Shareware Universe The Gold Collection.iso -
Lunacy for Win - sokkelopeli
40855 LVSPRO22.ZIP 387153 31.10.1996 - - -
(v2.2) Lvsltp22 - Las Vegas Slots - PRO The
most realistic slot machine simulation.
Includes running jackpot that continues to
update. As much as 8 chances to win on each
spin. Comes with outstanding graphics and
sound effects. If you only use one slot
machine foe Windows, this is it! Shareware
(US $19.95) Tim Hirtle,
40856 LYRIQ_7G.ZIP 312241 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
LYRIQ CROSSWORDS * Congratulations -- you're
about to experience the most advanced
crossword puzzle program ever developed.
30611 MANDS10.ZIP 900153 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Match and Solve Deluxe   is a
matching and puzzle game. Match tiles to
reveal underlying puzzle. Sounds, several
puzzle topics including common phrases,
country names, and Bible phrases.
65970 MARBLE.ZIP 58328 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Marble-älypeli [Win]
Pistä kuula menemään sokkelon
läpi asettelemalla peilejä.
40859 MATCH-UP.ZIP 329379 31.10.1996 - - -
Match-Up - Simple little Windows game.
Find all the matching squares.
This game should run in any machine with
Windows 3.1 or later.
40860 MAZE.ZIP 37575 31.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Sokkelopeli (Win)
Harjoittele menemistä sokkelon
läpi kaksi- tai kolmiulotteisesti
29311 MINEHL1A.ZIP 18232 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Help for Minesweeper - this program will do
all the simple moves for you!
40863 MJBB111.ZIP 821444 08.12.1996 - MBCD -
Mah Jongg for Windows - is a solitaire
game played with colorful tiles. This
is not the same version of Mah Jongg
many Americans may be familiar with,
but is more closely based on the
original ancient Chinese rituals. Many
different playing options are
available, making this game suitable
for both beginners and advanced players.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
40865 MJWIN.ZIP 234064 31.10.1996 - 22907/pcwfeb97.zip -
Mahjongg for Windows
40866 MMATCH.ZIP 1564398 08.12.1996 - MBCD -
Memory Match - is a memory game for
Windows with three separate difficulty
levels, making it suitable for all age
levels. Features include colorful
graphics and fun sound effects.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
40869 MUIST10.ZIP 191983 31.10.1996 - - tupla
Muistipeli v1.0 Hienot kuvat omaava
muistipeli windowsille FREEWAREA!
66420 MVPBKG12.ZIP 1122752 31.10.1996 - 15639/PCM_9606.iso -
MVP Backgammon for Windows by MVP Software.
You're in for a treat when you try this
fantastic implementation of the classic board
game. Simulating the setting of a medieval
pub, the graphics, music and digitized speech
perfectly complement the intermediate skill
level in this shareware version. This is
without a doubt the best computer Backgammon
game ever. Requires Windows, VGA, mouse; a
sound card is recommended. Ver 1.2.
40872 MVPWRD.ZIP 250308 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MVP Word Search for Windows.  You've seen
wordsearch games before, but none like this
one.  Solve any of the many included puzzles,
or let the computer create one using your
word list.  Easy listening original sound
track for your sound card, nice Windows
interface, and lots of fun.  Great for
educational use!  Requires Windows 3.1.
Updated version.
40874 NETRIS11.ZIP 122882 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Netris v1.1 for Windows
A version of Tetris, with sound
effects (netrisfx.zip) and
color backgrounds (netrisgx.zip)
40707 NETRISFX.ZIP 198501 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Sound effects for Netris
40708 NETRISGX.ZIP 68685 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Background art for Netris
40877 NMMW08.ZIP 42913 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Nine Men's Morris for MS Windows v0.8
The 3000-year-old board game, now for
Microsoft Windows 3.1! It plays rather
well and often beats its author (on
a 33MHz 486 with ten seconds thinking
30664 NUMBCHAL.ZIP 121557 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Number Challenge
66730 OILPRO.ZIP 1084175 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
OILCAP PRO for Windows v1.0  OILPRO10.zip
Oilcap has been a classic DOS game for years.
Now Soleau Software has produced an exciting
version for Windows & Windows 95. Race the
clock as you place down pipe links for the
oil to flow. Quick thinking and fast reflexes
are required to stay ahead of the onrushing
oil. Gain extra points for Oilrigs, Oil holes
and much more as you try for the Top Ten
Scores! Packed with features...ADDICTIVE!!!!
40883 OOOC.ZIP 906447 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Order Out Of Chaos - A hypnotic Windows game.
You'll be glued to your computer, clicking
away for hours, imposing order on chaos! The
images of meaning and beauty have been torn
apart, but with sharp eyes and quick wits,
you are able to restore them!  Needs Windows
3.1 and a color monitor.  Sound card and
nimble fingers recommended.  Fully functional
shareware from Pinnacle Software.  Call our
free files BBS at 514-345-8654 (24 hours).
40886 PARAS111.ZIP 428244 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Paradise Solitaire - 30 excellent solitaire
games for Windows 3.1. Contains multiple
decks, 2 card sizes, 6 backgrounds, and lots
of sounds. Support for saved games, undo, and
auto-play. Games include: Beleageured Castle,
Canfield, Clock, Dutchess, Four Seasons,
Golf, Klondike, Montana, Pyramid, Spiderette,
plus 20 more games when you register. You
also get a Windows95 version when you
40888 PATOLLI.ZIP 742528 31.10.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Patolli v1.0s is a Windows shareware version
of the ancient Aztec gambling game Patolli.
40892 PEGSOLIT.ZIP 146707 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Peg Solitaire 2.0 [Win]
Klassinen yksinpeli monipuolisena
40716 PGS-LRP.ZIP 80639 31.10.1996 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
40895 PIXM.ZIP 92829 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
PixM - Tiles of Trouble Author Roger
Robertson (Rob24701@aol.com) Windows 3.1 -
Windows95 - Shareware Memory, Match, Picture
- a new twist on the old memory match game. 3
skill levels, 256 colors, sound and
animation. A great game for young and old
alike. From the author of LandMine!
40897 POKE.ZIP 389541 31.10.1996 - - -
Poke-It Poker! GOLD
For Windows. Las Vegas Video Poker! From the
makers of  World Empire II, this  immensely
addictive game accur- ately simulates  the
real thing thing - AND IT'S A LOT CHEAPER!
VERSION 2. SIX  styles  of  Video  Poker  in
the Registered  version.   Expanded Stat-
istic  capabilities,   the   ultimate Video
Poker Game! Needs VBRUN200.DLL. Viable
40899 PPOKER.ZIP 360381 31.10.1996 - 11115/The CICA Windows Explosion! - Disc 1.iso -
Turbo Picture Poker v1.0 Fastest, most
exciting poker game ever.
* Displays any BMP picture.
* Plays any WAV sound file.
* Full statistics in Scrollable window
* High quality fast graphics. Pie Graph.
* Large *Bonus* payouts on any high hands.
* Popup Help on all controls. 16 bit Sound.
* Full featured in the shareware version
Shareware $19 
67418 PRETTYGS.ZIP 457487 31.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Tom's Pretty Good Solitaire v1.2 contains 15
different solitaire games in one package.
Requires Windows 3.1+ and VBRUN300.DLL.
Released 9/25/95
40903 PUZZ100.ZIP 139821 10.02.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Puzzler v1.00 - makes jigsaw puzzles
Reads in BMP files and creates jigsaws for
you to solve. Includes both Windows 3.1 and
Windows NT 3.5 versions.
67568 QBOB16S1.EXE 2162205 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
QBob-puzzlepelin pelattava demo. V1.0.
Windows 3.1x-versio.
40909 RANGOON.ZIP 98417 31.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
A game of solitaire for Windows
40911 RDTPV10S.ZIP 473696 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
ROAD TRIP Version 1.0  Automobile card game.
Accumulate Points by traveling miles and
avoiding hazard cards played by the computer
opponent.  Whoever has the most points when
all the cards are gone, is the winner.
Windows (3.x or 95), VBRUN300.DLL and VGA
required, Sound card optional.
40913 RULETTI.ZIP 48938 31.10.1996 - - -
Windows-ruletti 1-4 pelaajalle!
68053 RVP12.ZIP 83619 31.10.1996 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
█                                           █
█     REAL VIDEO POKER v1.2 for Windows     █
█                                           █
█ Probably the most realistic video poker   █
█ game available.  Digitized sounds,        █
█ beautiful card designs (they look REAL),  █
█ and ease of play make this game a REAL    █
█ winner! (Sound card optional)             █
█                                           █
█ Requires VBRUN300.DLL (not in .ZIP file)  █
30787 SEAHAV21.ZIP 273846 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Seahaven Towers -pasianssi, versio 2.1
68294 SEPKR17.ZIP 1256962 31.10.1996 - 18133/winsit03962.zip -
Smoke'em Poker v1.7.
A freeware game of five-cardádraw
poker. Play against up to 5 opponents
simulated by the computer.
Requires Windows 3.1 w/386 or better.
This version adds an odds window,
revamped stats window, a quick toggle
for sound, faster card drawing, and
other minor changes and fixes.
BeerWare by Dave O'Brien.
40920 SHERWIN.ZIP 366400 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Computerized version of logic puzzles.
A game of deduction, it is your task to
deduce the location of 36 images using
provided clues.  Many options, thousands
of puzzles.  The word most used to
describe Sherlock is 'addicting!'
68350 SHIDAO36.ZIP 895725 31.10.1996 - 9340/So Much Shareware 6 (Power User Software)(1996).ISO -
Shih Dao v3.6 (256 Colors)
from Digital Empires.
New version, Lighting fast, easy setup. Based
on a game played in ancient China, Shih Doa
is the ultimate in strategy. Test your will
and skill and see if you can become a Master.
Fantastic graphics. Mutli boards and
tilesets. Shareware version distributed by
Software Creations. Works with Windows 95
Featuring 256 color grahics and digitized
sound effects. REQ: Win 3.1, 256 color driver
68406 SIMPOTHE.ARJ 799266 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
The Simpsons (attempt to) Play Othello,
Comedy board game for Windows. Complete with
10 Simpsons characters, many sound samples,
and the most annoying midi Simpsons theme,
with which you can play the most exhilarating
game of Othello ever. One of those must get
Christmas items.
40925 SNW10A.ZIP 151017 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Spin 'n' Win 1.0a is a Windows 3.1 game that
plays like hangman with a Las Vegas twist!
Players take turns spinning spinners and
guessing letters to solve a phrase. Supports
1-3 players, an editable phrase file, top-10
high-scores, and user-customizable sound
effects via .WAV files. Nice animation and
smooth game play. Runs in Windows Standard
or Enhanced modes. Shareware, $10.00.
68507 SOLCON95.ZIP 157229 31.10.1996 - - -
Solitary Confinement, solitaire-card game for
40928 SPADEG.ZIP 274380 31.10.1996 - - -
Spades is a Windows version of the popular
card game. User options include play
partners or solo, with or without jokers,
custom colors and opponents, track wins and
losses, attach WAV files to events, and
more. Requires VBRUN300.DLL and Windows 3.x
or later. Shareware.
40929 SPIDER.ZIP 111068 31.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Spider, big solitaire game for Windows
40936 T4_32_E.ZIP 108094 31.10.1996 - Pegasus_Win95.iso -
T4 is a challenging board game for Windows
3.x, NT or '95
40940 TCW.ZIP 145490 31.10.1996 versio 1.0 monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
TELECARDS for Windows, v. 1.1, is a
combination of three different card games:
Crazy Eights, Cribbage, Gin Rummy for playing
against the computer or a friend via modem,
null modem cable or network.  Requires that
both players have an IBM and be running the
program locally.  Also requires Windows 3.1
or later.  Download TC.ZIP if you want the
DOS version of this popular game.
40942 TRIAL.ZIP 810140 31.10.1996 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
The Trial Game For Windows             [1/1]
40945 ULTPOK10.ZIP 577210 31.10.1996 - - -
Ultimate Poker v1.0
RAY:n pokeri windows 3:een
Tarvitsee VBRUN300.DLL:n.
Rekisteröinti vain 40 mk
40947 VALET10.ZIP 4509 18.12.1996 - 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso -
Valet Parking Game - is a simple logic
game for Windows where you have to move
the larger cars in a parking garage to
remove the smallest one. Requires
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
40948 VEGASPBJ.ZIP 260563 31.10.1996 - 17374/UHOG2000.iso -
Vegas Poker and BlackJack v2.0 (Win/Win95
shareware): The ultimate gambling challenge.
Does everything except spit coins out of your
floppy drive when you win! Play Video Poker
and Blackjack against the house. Includes
double-down and split betting options. Full
digital sound effects and color graphics. All
the fun on the casino without having to keep
going to the ATM machine. Galt Technology.
40949 VIKTRIS.ZIP 1046145 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
VikTRIS for Windows, Animated lively tetris
clone for Win3.1/Win95. Animated 256 color
multimedia ultimate tetris clone.
40950 VIRUS14.ZIP 1028162 31.10.1996 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
VIRUS:The Game v1.4 -DynoTech Software.
Knuckle banging, finger flying puzzle-arcade
game where YOU are the Virus ("the Bad Guy").
Run over the surface of a hard drive & infect
each sector's critical bytes. Collect enough
bytes to venture to the next level. Watch out
for the relentless virus cleaner disk! Req:
386+; 4MB RAM; Win 3.1, Win 95, or OS/2; 256
VGA; Mouse or Joystick; Sound Card (optional,
but recommended).  [$20]
30920 VOMTCH20.ZIP 264107 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Meter Challenge v2.00  (ESC) Helps you
teach or learn the use of ohmmeters and
voltmeters in troubleshooting electronic
circuits. Each program run is a new adventure
requiring your skill to solve a realistic
problem. The program generates thousands of
varied situations which require more than
rote theory. This program sets technical
training on a space opera stage to add
interest and purpose to serious training.
30921 VPOKER.ZIP 347285 31.10.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Turbo Video Poker v1.0 Fastest, most exciting
poker game ever. Major league features
* Full statistics in Scrollable window
* High quality fast graphics. Pie Graph.
* Large *Bonus* payouts on any high hands.
* Popup Help on all controls. 16 bit Sound.
* Full featured in the shareware version
Shareware $15 
40953 WBLOCK.ZIP 148349 31.10.1996 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
Win Block 3D is a very intersting game the
object is to finish with more  pieces than
your opponent. You take pieces by surrounding
an opponents on two  sides in any direction
which includes diagonally. You may only make
a move  when you can take an  opposing piece.
If no moves are available the computer  will
forfeit your turn. The Easy, Hard, and
Difficult Levels puts you   against the
SPEAKER DRIVER. From the  creators of Win
SetTime (WSTIME.ZIP), Win Bar Clock & many
69970 WCHSS25C.ZIP 664798 31.10.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip tupla
WinChess 2.50c is an easy to use chess
game for Windows with awesome graphics.
Req: 386, 4MB RAM, Windows, 32k colors.
Release Date: 02/20/96
40956 WHANG4.ZIP 142477 04.11.1996 - MBCD -
WinHangMan - is a fun word-guessing
game for Windows.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
40957 WHW100_E.ZIP 550680 31.10.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Whist For Windows Card Game!!!
Whist For Windows, based on the old favorite
Whist (also known in some areas as Catch The
Play against three computer opponents.  No bi
required, but does include a bidding option f
livelier game.  Fun and VERY addicting!!!
Includes bonus offer with registration.  See
for details.
40959 WINBGF2.ZIP 327924 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Windows Board Games For 2 VOL 1 WinBGF2
Allows you and a friend to play Chess,
Checkers, Backgammon or Goban either on the
same machine, over any type of network, or
using a modem.
40958 WINBGF22.ZIP 404804 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Windows Board Games For 2 VOL 2 WinBGF2
Allows you and a friend to play Flag Ship,
Pipes, Race Chase, or Fox & Hounds either on
the same machine, over a network, or a modem.
40960 WINBRI.ZIP 333032 14.01.1997 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
Winning Bridge is a card game for MS Windows
3.1+. Paced play gives the feeling of being
at a real table with the player sitting in
the South position and all other hands played
by the computer. Many commonly used bidding
options are included and can be selected. In
the shareware version each session is limited
to 10 hands and some facilities are not
available. A help file describes the full
bidding system.
40962 WINGO1.ZIP 143366 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
Go for Windows is a Microsoft Windows (tm)
program to record and display game records
for the game of go.
40963 WINJONG4.ZIP 1402934 31.10.1996 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
*MoraffWare*Best 3D Mahjongg!*Windows*V4.0!*
░    Moraff's Morejongg is the finest      ░
░ implementation ever made of the ancient  ░
░ Chinese tile game! This great game has   ░
░ the following features:                  ░
░▒Version 4.0: (Updated in April, 1996)   ▒░
░▒ 1) Great 3D graphics, three Dazzling   ▒░
░▒   backgrounds, Smooth Walnut tileset!  ▒░
░▒ 2) Traditional layout, Big tile layout ▒░
40964 WINMMIND.ZIP 349394 31.10.1996 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
Master Mind for Windows Original rules Master
40968 WINROB13.ZIP 486611 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
ROBOT BATTLE v1.3 - Design a robot to best
all challengers. To survive, your robot
must have better tactics, intelligence, and
adaptability than all others. Can you out
think and out gun your opponents? This is the
place to find out! Watch your ANIMATED robots
come to life and battle it out with stunning
sound effects. Supports Windows 95, NT, 3.1.
CONTESTS are planned to find the best robots.
Complete on-line help and docs.
40969 WJ3-0.ZIP 242963 31.10.1996 renamed 6166/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (August 1994).ISO -
WinJack ver 3.0k
40970 WM_USA.ZIP 55411 31.10.1996 - 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin -
A *-mind game for Windows 3.1 and NT
Contains both Windows 3.1 and Windows NT
(Intel) versions. Sports drag and drop,
3 different skill levels, on-line help...
Written in C. English and French versions
40973 WSKIT20A.ZIP 234830 31.10.1996 - MBHH1997 -
Word Search Construction Kit V2.0a 
features the unique ability to make puzzles
in fun shapes with over 25 predefined puzzle
shapes (circles, apples, hearts, etc) with
the ability to create unlimited new shapes.
Up to 30 x 30 in size. Print options include
upper/lower case, grid, answer key, font
selection, metafiles and more! Teachers,
Students, Publishers and Fans: PUT MORE FLARE
AND PIZZAZZ into your puzzles.
70202 WSSWIN.ZIP 201281 31.10.1996 - - -
Learn how to trade and manage a portfolio
without putting your own money at risk.  Uses
data from popular online services to update
the value of your portfolio.  Compare your
investment results to those of other users.
$15 (plus $2 shipping)  Shareware by Larax
Software.  Registration brings printed user's
guide, newsletter, and upgrades.
40974 WTRIV10A.ZIP 41527 31.10.1996 - - -
WinTrivia 1.0 - Hyvä tietovisailuohjelma
40976 WWS201.ZIP 407161 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Windows Word Search Rampage v2.01 Word Search
Lovers Delight! Multi-Media Ready Word Search
Puzzle Game. Play Right on Computer or Print
Puzzles out for parties, activities, friends
or family. Select Colors and Background
Wallpaper. Optional Timer, Hint Mode,
Highlight Mode, Grid, Upper/Lower Case and
Sound. Over 10 congratulary remarks. Over 100
puzzles and the ability to create your own.
Many Print Options. More!
70375 XWDWIN.ZIP 309121 14.11.1996 - - tupla
Crossdown for Windows v2.40 Solve and
construct professional crosswords on your
Windows computer! New features include
SCROLLABLE clue list, sound card support with
SPEAKING messages, dictionary "hot-link"
access and extensive on-line help. Includes 8
professionally constructed puzzles by some of
the top names in the industry. Easy to
install and UN-install.
30965 YTA22.ZIP 246841 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Ancient Yacht is a dice game of luck and
strategy similar to Yahtzee but based on the
original game of Yacht. An ancient scroll and
stone cup sit on a marble table waiting for
your play. Click on the cup and it shakes,
and spills the dice onto the table where they
roll across the tabletop with accompanying
sound effects. Compete with an excellent
computer player, or play alone or with a
40979 ZARATH16.ZIP 445547 07.12.1996 - 2715/Software.of.the.Month.Club.May.1997.Vol.237.7z -
Zarathustra 1.0 for Windows completely
original strategy game for 2-4 players who
attempt to dominate the playing field with
specially-designed tiles marked with swords
and shields. This isn't Mahjongg, folks. It's
war. 16-bit version - requires Windows 3.1+
SVGA * 4 Mb
40981 ZZPUZZ11.ZIP 547263 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Windows combination slider and jigsaw puzzle
for ages 4 and above. Helps to improve
problem solving skills. Contains many options
including the unique twist of having the
pieces colored in only when they are in their
correct locations. Prize is awarded upon
successful completion of each puzzle.
Requires Microsoft Windows 3.x or above, 2
Meg RAM, mouse. Windows compatible sound card
recommended but not required.
42651 3DASTERO.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
3D Asteroid Blast v1.0. Blast 3d asteroids in weightless space. Blast large free-moving asteroids with energy torpedoes. Uses fantastic DirectX graphics to provide a realistic gameplay. Objects are rendered in 3 dimensions with realtime lighting effects. All textures and images are carefully processed images from the Hubble Space Telescope for added realism. Windows 95/98, DirectX 7, P200 
42652 3DMARSMI.ZIP 3,1 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
3D Mars Mission The year is 2009. Martian race is found living under the surface of the planet. Martians declare war on Earth. Total annihilation is imminent. Earth has only three spacecraft capable of competing with the advanced technology of the Martians. It is your mission to save the human race from extinction. There are four playable levels in the unregistered version of the game. By Gamescape Studios. Windows 95/98, Pentium 166, 16 MB. Shareware. 
42653 AVOYD171.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.06.2003 - - -
Avoyd v1.71 Avoyd on moninpelattava FPS omaperäisessä maailmassa, jossa voit luoda ja tuhota ympärist÷ä. Voit esim. tuhota seiniä päästäksesi yllättämään vastustajasi. Lisäksi maailmassa ei ole painovoimaa, joten pelaaja voi kieppua miten tahtoo. P400, 32 Mt.  
42654 AVOYDD15.ZIP 1,4 Mt 02.11.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Avoyd demo 1.5 Avoyd on moninpelattava FPS omaperäisessä maailmassa, jossa voit luoda ja tuhota ympäristöäsi. Voit esim. tuhota seiniä päästäksesi yllättämään vastustajasi. Lisäksi maailmassa ei ole painovoimaa, joten pelaaja voi kieppua miten tahtoo. Tässä demoversiossa on uutta mm. HUD, parannetut kontrollit, enemmän ääniä, paranneltu 3D-äänimaailma, paranneltu tekoäly. P400, 32 MB. 
42655 AVOYDD16.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.07.2002 - - -
Avoyd demo v1.6 Avoyd on moninpelattava FPS omaperäisessä maailmassa, jossa voit luoda ja tuhota ympäristöä. Voit esim. tuhota seiniä päästäksesi yllättämään vastustajasi. Lisäksi maailmassa ei ole painovoimaa, joten pelaaja voi kieppua miten tahtoo. P400, 32 Mt. 
42656 BIKEZ212.ZIP 4,6 Mt 02.11.2001 renamed archive.org -
Bikez II 1.21 The idea of the Bikez II is to complete increasingly more difficult missions while gathering money to upgrade your four fully customizable weapons. Money is gathered both from completing missions, and terminating citizens. The camera located behind the bike and the cool slow motion button make for a movie-like appearance. P300, 64 MB. 
42657 BKTRACK.ZIP 1,5 Mt 12.11.1998 - MBHH2000 -
BackTrack by JV Games 3D first person action. Old Doom style. Take a ride to the dark side of the moon. Action packed, and humorous shoot-em up. This first person game, sports several unique weapons, non-stop action, and a hint of puzzles to keep you on your toes. Windows 95
42658 BLUEEM.ZIP 447,3 kt 12.11.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Blue ThunderBlue Thunder is an air based shoot-em-up, travel the Solar System from Earth to Pluto, and work with the other Blue Thunder team members to reach your ultimate objective. Features advanced computer intelligence and team based gameplay. Can you pilot the Blue Thunder and stop the evil Micron Corporation? P300, 32 Megs RAM. Shareware.  
42659 CHAGA105.ZIP 785,2 kt 25.11.1999 - MBCD -
"Chaga v1.05 by Feral-Prototek 3D flying Shootemup. Fast-moving action game. Combining exciting shootem up action with realistic and challenging flight physics You are the test pilot of VTOL craftpart helicopterpart Harrier Jump-Jetand bristling with weapons to take on the Chaga. Retro-like remake of Virus by David Braben. Entry in Golden Oldie competition. Windows 95Pentium16 MB. REQUIRES 3Dfx Voodoo."
42662 D-FENSD.ZIP 10,2 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
D-Fens demoD-Fens is a Duke Nukem -style game in the year 2078: after the WW III, goverment broke down, crime is higher than it ever was, and big firms are trying to get more and more power. Between the sides, there is one man, Jake D. Fense, a member of Hardcorps, a law-enforcing agency, who decided to end this. Jake D. Fense looks and loads, ready for anything... D-Fens is in Alpha development stages.  P266, Win 9x, 32 MB. 
42660 DEFCOM.ZIP 6 Mt 28.12.2000 repacked archive.org -
Defense CommanderDefense Commander is a game in the spirit of the classic Missile Command, this time in full 3D environment. You must protect your city from ferocious enemies. Use your radar to track the enemies, then shoot down every single one of the enemies with your rotating laser turret and smart bombs, or they will destroy you, and then proceed to devastate your beloved city. P350, Win 9x, 3D accelerator w/ 16 MB, DirectX 7.0. Freeware. 
42661 DEFDRRO1.ZIP 10,6 Mt 25.08.2003 repacked fileplanet.com -
Defeating Dr. Robotica 1.0Suoraviivainen 3d-räiskintä, jossa pelaaja kepittää vastustajiaan sadunomaisessa mutta sharewarepeliksi ihan mukiinmenevän näköisessä kolmiulotteisessa maailmassa. Pea-Guy osaa ammuskelun lisäksi hyppiä, ja ohjaus tapahtuu muista 3d-peleistä tutulla näppäimistö+hiiri –yhdistelmällä.
Demo, 22 USD. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.astralent.com/ASockEllipseNow/
42663 DM95V198.ZIP 4,3 Mt 25.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
"Doom 95 V1.98. 3D-shootem up game. By ID Software."
63040 DM95V198.ZIP 4459054 26.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
Doom 95 V1.98. 3D-shoot'em up game. By ID
63093 DOOM95.ZIP 3687543 20.03.1996 versio 1.9 Pelit CD 1999 -
Doom95 by id Software for Windows 95  Doom95
directory contains the Doom95 program  Redist
directory contains the Microsoft DirectX
drivers  This copy of Doom95 was acquired
from the Doom95 Homepage at
http://www.iit.edu/~pavlada/doom95, the first
site on the net to make it available!
Currently there is no network/modem/serial
software for Doom95. Hence you will only be
able to play 1 player games.  Doom2 for
Windows 95 should be available from GT
42664 EWSOL.ZIP 33,8 Mt 12.04.2003 renamed archive.org -
Eternal War: Shadows of Light Eternal War takes place in the suicidal mind of John Coronado - a desperate teen ready to take desperate measures to escape his personal hell. You are Mike, a friend sent to help John out of his pain and struggles before time runs out. Travelling down the road of malice and destruction, Mike is faced with hundreds of obstacles ahead of him to overcome through the only power that John thought abandoned him.
42665 GSECTOR.ZIP 16,7 Mt 10.11.1999 repacked archive.org -
G-Sector - freeware action game. By Freeform Interactive. 3d action game based around hoverboard combat - hybrid between an "extreme game" and third person shooter.Players control heroine Cyra as she hoverboards thru futuristic cities and arenas. Gameplay is based on using ramps and tricks to build velocity and avoid opponents\' shots. PII266, 32MB, Win95/98,DirectX,3D accelerator
42666 GUNNER2.ZIP 6,2 Mt 03.02.2003 repacked archive.org -
Gunner 2  Gunner 2 is the latest 3D shooter from Warlock Studio. It features three episodes: WWII with old fashioned aircraft and weapons; Episode II with modern craft and weapons; and Futuristic with UFOs and plasma weapons. The game features nine different types of weapons, 19 enemy aircraft and more. 
42667 HE2DEM11.A01 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 2/7
42668 HE2DEM11.A02 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 3/7
42669 HE2DEM11.A03 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 4/7
42670 HE2DEM11.A04 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 5/7
42671 HE2DEM11.A05 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 6/7
42672 HE2DEM11.A06 224,3 kt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 7/7
42673 HE2DEM11.ARJ 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II Demo v1.11 1/7 Activision and Raven Software Long awaited sequel to the 3D-shooter with fantasy theme. Uses advanced version of Quake engine. New demo includes all characters (rather than the original two), all known bug fixes, and the ability for network with registered users playing the shareware levels. P90 16 MB Win95 DirectX. Includes GLHexen for 3Dfx users, req. 24 MB.
42674 HFTRB.ZIP 14,6 Mt 14.06.2000 repacked archive.org -
Hunt for the Red Baron demo. Tekijä Fiendish Games. Vauhdikas lentely ja toimintapeli joka sijoittuu löyhästi ensimmäisen maailmansotaan. Ohjaat ympärysvaltojen lentokonetta täyttäen tehtäviä ilmataistelujen ja pommitusten merkeissä. Ei realistinen vaan vauhdikas räiskepeli. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, PII 233, 32 MB, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin. 
42675 HOVERT3D.ZIP 35,9 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
Hover Tanks 3DNopeaa toimintaa ja tappavia aseita, eli kaikkea mitä toimintapelien ystävä haluaa. Taistele tiesi läpi uskomattomien maisemien, kun taistelet Grobar Knight joukkoja vastaan. Uskomattomat salamat ja muut efektit kuten sade ja sumu tuovat loistavaa tunnelmaa. Astu kaaoksen valtakuntaan ja anna aseiden puhua. Freeware.  
42676 HWEEN11.ZIP 15,9 Mt 15.06.2002 - - -
Halloween v1.1 Halloween sets itself in a medieval context where the player is trapped inside an insane castle and has to fight his way through to survive. Many ridiculous creatures including bats, giant spiders and mummies are there to ensure that the player will not make it through. Speed will be your most reliable ally as you struggle to complete the required objectives to advance to the next level. The demo includes two levels from the full game. 
42677 HWEEN13C.ZIP 45,7 Mt 11.01.2003 - - -
Halloween v1.3c Halloween is a fps shooter set in a medieval context. The player is trapped inside an insane castle and has to fight his way through to survive. Many ridiculous creatures including bats, giant spiders and mummies are there to ensure that the player will not make it through. The gameplay is based on time and speed will be your most reliable ally as you struggle to complete the required objectives to advance to the next level. The demo includes two levels from the full game. 
42678 HWEEN13P.ZIP 50,6 Mt 13.01.2003 - - -
Halloween v1.3p Halloween is a fps shooter set in a medieval context. The player is trapped inside an insane castle and has to fight his way through to survive. Many ridiculous creatures including bats, giant spiders and mummies are there to ensure that the player will not make it through. The gameplay is based on time and speed will be your most reliable ally as you struggle to complete the required objectives to advance to the next level. The demo includes two levels from the full game.  
42679 HWEEN15.ZIP 14,5 Mt 30.07.2003 - - -
Halloween v1.5 Halloween is a fps shooter set in a medieval context. The player is trapped inside an insane castle and has to fight his way through to survive. Many ridiculous creatures including bats, giant spiders and mummies are there to ensure that the player will not make it through. The gameplay is based on time and speed will be your most reliable ally as you struggle to complete the required objectives to advance to the next level. The demo includes two levels from the full game. Shareware, $25.
42680 HYPERIUM.ZIP 8,4 Mt 11.07.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Hyperium demo Buggy Softwaren tekemä Asteroids-klooni 3D-grafiikalla. 
42681 INF_DEMO.ZIP 10,8 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Infiltration demo Infiltration is a first-person shoot-em up in the spirit of 
Wolfenstein 3D. This demo is the first two levels of the game. 
42682 LAMEX10B.ZIP 16,7 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Codename Lame X 1.0bSuomalaistekoinen parodiamainen 3d-räiskintä, jossa pelaaja on joutunut avaruusolentojen kaappaamaksi. Pelaajan hahmo kuitenkin onnistuu saamaan käsiinsä plasmakiväärin, ja näin aukeaa pakomahdollisuus. 
42683 NFKDE11.ZIP 4,2 Mt 04.12.1999 - MBCD -
"Natural Fawn Killers v1.1 from Fiendish Software. Action hunting game with bloody touch. Breath in that cleancrisp woodland air and ask yourself is there anything better than a fun day out in the country? Just youan arsenal of serious firepower and all those cute furry animals. NFK takes noble sport ofcountry pursuitsto an all-newballisticmucknbullets level. Whip out your grenade launcher and really teach the little critters lesson. Windows 95/98Direct3DPentium"
42684 NFKSANTA.ZIP 4,5 Mt 16.12.1999 repacked myabandonware.com -
"NFK: Santas Gone Postal. By Fiendish Games. Action/first person hunting. Join Harry the hunter on a brand new Christmas adventure. Disguised as SantaHarry has a whole host of new enemies to deal with including ReindeerPolar Bears and Santas little helpersamong others... This year the sound of sleigh-bells will be replaced by the sound of heavy artillery! This yearSantas Gone Postal! Windows 95/98P16632Mb RAMDirect3D"
42685 NORMAN.ZIP 5,7 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
"Normans Escape Normans Escape is a 1st person perspective game with only one playable level. Swimjumpkick and throw grenades to escape vicious little spiders and fish. The story: Norman seems to have picked up the wrong hitchiker this time. Bonked on the head and tossed into a strange placeNorman must find his way out before the spiders and fish eat him alive. "
42686 PIRAV03.ZIP 3,1 Mt 30.06.1999 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
"Piranha by Reakktor Media. Action shootemup submarine simulator that features a dense and threatening underwater atmospherethrilling plot and a state-of-the-art 3D engine. The player is a young officer in the UN Navywho does his duty in the war against the pirates. He uses Piranha ASP submarine to protect convoys and coloniesfight against pirate subsgo on patrol etc. Windows 95P16616 MB. Supports 3Dfx Voodoo & Direct3D."
42687 PWHIP248.ZIP 13,1 Mt 01.05.2002 renamed myabandonware.com -
Pencil Whipped 2.48 Oudossa mustavalkoisessa piirrosmaailmassa tapahtuva 3D-räiskyttely.  ---- HUOM! Hollywood Mogulia hakeville tiedoksi: MB:n numerossa 6-7/2002 oli painovirheen vuoksi väärä tiedostonimi. Mogulin oikea tiedostonimi on HMOGUL25.ZIP ----
42688 Q2_TEST.A01 2,9 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2 Test-version. Part 2/4.
42689 Q2_TEST.A02 2,9 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2 Test-version. Part 3/4.
42690 Q2_TEST.A03 2,2 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2 Test-version. Part 4/4.
42691 Q2_TEST.ARJ 2,9 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2. Test-version, 1/4,of Quake 2, long-awaited sequel of Quake, one of the most popular 3D-action games ever! This test-version was not intended to represent the final state of Quake 2. It still lacks lots of features present in Quake 2, and should only be taken as a preview what is coming. Note: This is not an shareware- or even demo-version of Quake 2! Three levels, OpenGL, no multiplayer support. Req. P90, 16 Mt RAM. Windows 95. By ID Software. 
42692 SHOOTR40.ZIP 2,9 Mt 21.03.2002 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 -
Shooter v4.00   Enter a real-time 3D environment, where you  fight to the death with your enemies.  Play alone, against up to 32 bots, and compete  with friends for the most kills in the fastest time; or go online for some multiplayer action against up to 32 of your friends, head-to-head! Freeware. 
42693 SURDEMO2.ZIP 6,4 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Survival demo 2 by Enjoy Entertainment. 3D-Action, which will profit from the 3D(fx)-Cardfeatures. Many graphic features are in the game, but it runs very constand with high performance ! Features outside view high framerates, Lens Flare Effects, virtual Cockpit, Gigantic Explosions,  Many oppoents, Complex missions. Windows 95, P166, 16 MB. Req. Direct3D.
42694 THUNDEMO.ZIP 8,2 Mt 22.06.2000 - - -
Thundra by Spungulas Software. A first person shooter. Supports 2D & 3D acceleration. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 MB. 2D card & Direct3D. 
42695 WIND095A.ZIP 220,9 kt 17.03.1998 - - -
WinDoom V0.95 16 Feb, 1998
42696 WOLFET.ZIP 257,8 Mt 01.06.2003 repacked archive.org -
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Sisältää kuusi moninpelikenttää, viisi pelaajaluokkaa, useita pelitiloja ja kampanjajärjestelmän. Kyseessä on erillinen, ilmainen peli, joka ei vaadi alkuperäisestä Return to Castle Wolfensteinia toimiakseen.  P600, 128 Mt. 
42697 WQ100.ZIP 336 kt 04.04.1997 - 24025/1997-07_Disc_3.4.iso -
WinQuake v1.00 (21.3.1997). WinQuake (WQ) is a native Win32 version of Quake, and will run on either Win95 or Windows NT 4.0 or later. It is designed to take advantage of whatever enhanced video, sound, and input capabilities (such as DirectX or VESA VBE video modes) are present, but has fallback functionality so it can run on any Win95 or NT 4.0 or later system, even if neither DirectX nor VESA VBE is available.
42698 ZODIAX.ZIP 3,1 Mt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"ZODIAX Direct3D -demo- 3D space shootemup in classic Galaxians style but with modern makeup. Blast away as many of the alien starships as you can. There will be many different levels with any type of enemies you can think of. You will fly through spaceover planet surfaces... Windows 95Direct X 5.0 or better16bit-SVGA Requires Direct 3D accelerator DIGITAL Nightmares"
42305 AIRP2K.ZIP 14,8 Mt 26.04.2001 - - -
AIRPRO 2000 The Airline Manager Simulationby Frank Simon Sch÷nstedt. Taloussimulaatio. Perusta lentoyhti÷ toisen maailmansodan jõlkeen, kehitõ lentoreittejõ, osta kalustoa ja rakenna hyvõ bisnesimperiumi. Windows. http://www.cruiseferry.de/airpro/ 
42306 BILLI281.ZIP 3 Mt 10.11.1999 - MBCD -
Billionaire v2.81 by Mikael Mäkelä/Game ON Board game with some similarities to Monopoly. Two players (you and the PC player or a friend) compete to reach a preset fortune or drive the opponent into bankruptcy. You roll dice to move your token around the board, buying properties and building houses and apartments to create rents when someone else lands on that spot. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42307 DBTL102.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.04.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Down By The Laituri 1.02 Rockfestivaalin järjestämispeli. Tarkoituksena on järjestää mahdollisimman suuriyleisöinen ja tuottoisa DBTL-festivaali. Pelaaja sijoittaa esiintyjät haluamiinsa esiintymispaikkoihin haluamaansa aikaan. Hän päättää myös lipunhinnan kaikkiin tapahtumiin ja huolehtii esimerkiksi esiintymislavojen hankkimisesta ja festivaalin mainostamisesta. 
42308 DOPEWA12.ZIP 433,1 kt 01.03.2000 - - -
Dope Wars 1.2 Buy & sell drugs, buy low sell high. But watch out for police & gangs. 
Text & menu based simple business game. Windows 95.
42309 FUTURSGM.A01 2,9 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Futures Game 2/3
42310 FUTURSGM.A02 1,7 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Futures Game 3/3
42311 FUTURSGM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Futures Game beta test 1 by Cavlogix  1/3 Corporation. Strategy / Bisnes / Stock market. Commodities futures trading simulation game. Players executes different commodities transactions in six different types of commodity futures contracts. Combination of historical prices, with varying market scenarios, creates a volatile commoditities market to challenge the Player. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
42312 KOMA198.ZIP 1001,7 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Komodo Market v1.98 by Komodo Software stock market simulation game that lets you speculate without actually losing assets. The fast-moving game market and moving ticker continue as you trade stocks and options, buy stock on cash or margin, buy and sell both calls and puts and more. Windows 95/98/NT. Shareware. 
42313 KORSTOT1.ZIP 64,6 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
Korstot v1.1 PukkiSoftin uusin tuotos!! Parempi versio wanhasta mm. Päivän Pelistä Korstoista! 
42314 KUKKOT99.ZIP 58,1 kt 30.04.2001 renamed jonneweb.net -
Kukkotappelu 99 Pelissä on kaksitoista kukkoa, joista sinun pitää veikata voittaja. Pelissä keräilet pisteitä, joita saat kun veikkaat oikeata kukkoa voittajaksi. Pelissä on vain Suomen liiga ja joka kaudella on yksi ennakkosuosikki, jolla on pieni etu voittaa ottelu. Jokaisen kauden jälkeen saat arvosanan pelaamallesi kaudelle. Jos saat tarpeeksi pisteitä kauden loppuun mennessä pääset salaiseen... Lisätietoja: http://www.sunpoint.net/~reko86/scorpion.htm 
42315 LANSI.ZIP 55,7 kt 30.04.2001 - jonneweb.net -
LänkkäritPukkisoft on taas tehnyt uuden mainion pelin! Osta karjaa ja kouluta inkkareita ja kojootteja! 
42316 MONEYG10.ZIP 1,2 Mt 14.02.2001 - - -
"**       MONEY Grubbing Version 1.0       ** Classic board-game for windows where players target is to beat others by making more money than they do. Nice implementation with clear high color graphics16-bit musics and sounds. Easy to begin including full help-files and instructions. For 2-4 players. Requires Win95/ 98/NT/0016MB. Freeware. Made by MK Games."
42317 NEWSPAPM.ZIP 112 kt 21.05.1999 - 15609/PCM_0007.iso -
Newspaper Manager v1.1 by Daniel Birch Strategy / business / management. The easy days of getting a job are gone. Every British newspaper is now owned by one of the most powerful media barons ever, known only as the Boss. Before you can get a job you must take part in his management game pitting your wits against managers from 9 other newspapers.Stay within your budget, and produce massive profits for his bank account. DirectX version 5 or higher and Windows 95 or Windows 98
42318 OILT506.ZIP 16,7 Mt 18.03.2000 - - -
 Oil Tycoon v5.06 by Rocky Mountain Systems Inc. Test your talents as an oil baron. Become a billionaire within ten years. Your rich Texas uncle passed away, leaving his start-up oil business in your hands. You have 1 oil well, 1 refinery, 1 storage unit, 1,000,000 gallons of crude, and $1,000,000.00. With your business skills you attempt to turn this small company into a booming business. Windows 95, 98, or NT
67443 PROJBR.ZIP 503746 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Project Brasil 2000 (C) by Alex Pato Hoffmann
The Ultimate Brazilian City Simulator now
Faster and Better than Ever! You got to try
to be re-elected the more times you can,
trying to obtain 50% or more of popularity.
Windows 2.x
42319 PURILAIS.ZIP 872 kt 11.11.1999 renamed jonneweb.net -
Purilais Bisnes 1.0   hampurilaispeli, jossa saat suunnitella omat hampurilaisesi ja katsoa kuinka paljon se myy. Perus Bisnespeli. Vaatii Windows, Pentium, 16MB, ja SVGA.
42320 PZZPLC.ZIP 1,8 Mt 09.06.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 -
Pizza Place 1.0You have been asked to be in charge of deliveries for the neighborhood pizza 
parlor for one night. You take phone orders, tell the crew how many pizzas to 
bake, and tell the delivery car where to go.  The program teaches mental math, 
logical thinking skills and good business practices. The better management job 
you do - the more money you make. Windows 3.1/95/98/2000/NT, 
Visual Basic 4.0 Run-Time Files. 
42321 SIMWED12.ZIP 158,1 kt 17.10.2000 - - -
Simutrans Winter Edition v1.2 Tarkoitettu Simutrans 0.75a-versiolle. Paketti põivittõõ pelin grafiikat talvisiksi ja lisõõ uuden junan. Korvaa vanhat Simutrans-tiedostot nõillõ.
42322 SKING50.ZIP 3,5 Mt 06.08.1999 - MBCD -
"SPACE KING Version 5.0 The Futuristic Stock Market Sim SPACE KING is an Economic (Intergalactic) Strategy game complete with musicsoundsanimationand full colour art/graphics!! Needs: WIN9x/NT; SVGA+; a mouse; a soundcrd Another product of ETERNITY ZONE GAMING!! Dont delaydownload this today! "
42323 SMAN20.ZIP 241,9 kt 24.12.1998 - MBCD -
Share Manager 98 v2.0 by Over Hall Highly realistic stockmarket simulation game, in which you buy and sell shares. The aim of the game is to make as much money as possible! Windows 95, 98, or NT
60639 ALUNSD.A01 2467873 19.02.1996 - - -
Al Unser Arcade Racing pel. demo 2/2
60640 ALUNSD.ARJ 2999021 20.02.1996 - - -
Al Unser Arcade Racing -pelattava demo
, vauhdikas, vähemmän realistinen
rallipeli. Windows 95. 1/2
43146 BALLISTD.ZIP 107,2 Mt 08.11.2001 repacked gamepressure.com -
Ballistics demo Tajuttoman nopeaa ja kaunista kilpa-ajoa tarjoavan Ballistics-pelin demossa pääset tutustumaan SkyTown-kentän aika-ajoihin. P400, 128 Mt. 
62547 CYBRDSPD.A01 4999287 18.02.1996 - - -
Cyberspeed demo 2/5
62548 CYBRDSPD.A02 4999269 18.02.1996 - - -
Cyberspeed demo 3/5
62549 CYBRDSPD.A03 4999135 18.02.1996 - - -
Cyberspeed demo 4/5
62550 CYBRDSPD.A04 2699583 18.02.1996 - - -
Cyberspeed demo 5/5
62551 CYBRDSPD.ARJ 4999358 18.02.1996 - - -
Cyberspeed - pelattava demo. Vauhdikas
kilpalentely a La Slipstream 5K, kapealla
radalla vahvasti aseistettuna kisaamista.
Valm. MindScape. Windows 95.
62664 DAYTONA.ZIP 5033117 03.12.1996 repacked Pelit CD 1997 -
Daytona USA Playable Demo From Sega. "Daytona
USA Home Page The hit arcade racer now on
your PC screen.." For Windows 95 with
43147 DDF8D.ZIP 27,3 Mt 08.11.2001 repacked fileplanet.com -
Demolition Derby & Figure 8 Race demo Pistä peltiä ryttyyn Demolition Derby -pelin pelattavassa demossa. Mukana on perinteisen romutuksen lisäksi myös mielenkiintoinen Figure 8 -pelitila. 
43148 DWRCDEMO.ZIP 11,3 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Ducati World Racing Challenge demo Featuring the entire range of Ducati bikes - past and present - Ducati Racing includes arcade yet realistic physics, and the utmost attention to the rich Ducati lifestyle. PII 266, 32MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
43149 ERACERD.ZIP 69,5 Mt 31.05.2001 - - -
eRacer demo eRacer is a high octane racing game that can be played as a single or multi-player, Internet-based title. Played offline, the user can enter races and refine their skills racing a range of highly tuned vehicles on challenging race tracks. Then go online and join other players to enter competitions, join teams, download new tracks or cars and view championship standings, best lap times and other statistics. 
43150 F1RCDEMO.ZIP 119,1 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
F1 Racing Championship demoTake part in the most prestigious championship the world! Officially licensed by Formula One Administration Ltd., F1 Racing Championship is the most challenging and exciting simulation on the PC. 
43151 GMDEMO.ZIP 68,4 Mt 19.05.2001 - - -
GorkaMorka demo Grab some Ork mob buddies, scrape together some money  and buy yourself a piece of junk you can afford. Win  a few races and you may find yourself racing your new  sleek and sexy warbuggy against the most  black hearted, trigger happy savage Orks in Mektown.  Survive long enough and you might get the ultimate  invitation to compete in "the Pit" against the  Warboss of Mektown. Lay it all on the line and see if  you can beat the best to be crowned the new Warboss of  Mektown.
42326 GMRDEMO.ZIP 68,4 Mt 26.01.2001 - - -
GorkaMorka Racing Grab some Ork mob buddies, scrape together  some money and buy yourself a piece of junk you can afford. Win a few races and you may find yourself racing your new sleek and sexy warbuggy against the most black hearted, trigger happy savage Orks in Mektown. Survive long enough and you might get the ultimate invitation to compete in "the Pit" against the Warboss of Mektown. Lay it all on the line and see if you can beat the best to be crowned the new Warboss of Mektown. 
43152 HRACEUD.ZIP 123,1 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
HoveRace demo (päivitetty) Jos Wipeout ja/tai Extreme-G -pelit kuuluvat suosikkeihisi, niin kannattaa tutustua GSC:n kehittämään HoveRace-peliin. Futuristissa ympäristöissä kisataan jälleen, eikä vauhdista tosiaankaan ole puutetta. Kaikilla ajoneuvoilla on omat vahvuutensa, ja kaikkia voi varustaa aseilla, panssareilla ja muilla laitteilla. P500, 128 Mt. 
43153 LEDFOOTD.ZIP 8,6 Mt 10.06.2001 - - -
Leadfoot demo Lava-autoilla hurjastelua Ratbag Gamesin kehittämässä Leadfoot -pelin demossa.  
43154 LEGOSRD.ZIP 66,4 Mt 22.03.2001 - - -
"Lego Stunt Rally demo Speed round the four different worldsincreasing the level of difficulty as you hone your skills experimenting with daredevil loopsdangerous ramps and fan-assisted jumps. Take on theboss racerof each worldskidding round pyramidssliding past igloos and avoiding volcanoes under the guidance of Mr Xself-proclaimedGreatest Stunt Track Designer EVER.This demo is in Japanese. P23332MBWin953D accelerator. "
43155 MRACE3D.ZIP 53,9 Mt 07.12.2001 - - -
Mega Race 3 demo Futuristista kilpa-ajoa ja räiskintää Extreme G3:n ja Wipeoutin tyyliin. P300, 32 Mt. 
43156 MRALLYUD.ZIP 71,1 Mt 07.12.2001 - - -
Master Rallye demo (päivitetty)  Microidsin rallipelin päivitetyssä demossa voi kisailla Ranskaan sijoittuvalla etapilla kolmessa pelitilassa, kahdella erilaisella autolla. P450, 64 Mt. 
32931 MTMTRIAL.A01 3999400 26.08.1996 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness. Pelattava demo. Osa
32932 MTMTRIAL.A02 3999400 26.08.1996 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness. Pelattava demo. Osa
32933 MTMTRIAL.A03 176050 26.08.1996 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness. Pelattava demo. Osa
32934 MTMTRIAL.ARJ 3999476 26.08.1996 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness. Microsoftin uuden
Windows 95-autoilupelin pelattava demo. Osa
43157 NSCR02D.ZIP 56 Mt 12.01.2002 - - -
NASCAR Racing 2002 Season demo Papyrus tunnetaan parhaiten realistisista Nascar-peleistä, eikä firman viimeisintä peliä, Nascar Racing 2002 Seasonia, esittelevä demo poikkea kovinkaan paljoa tutusta ja turvallisesta meiningistä. P266, 64 Mt. 
43158 OFFROADD.ZIP 104,3 Mt 26.05.2001 - - -
Offroad  updated demoOffroad places you firmly in the driving  seat in the cutthroat world of Offroad  racing. Breathtaking graphics and  sophisticated car handling coupled with a real  physics engine guarantee an unrivaled racing  experience. Are your driving skills good  enough to progress through each league towards  the ultimate goal of winning the Drivers World  Championship? 
43159 OPENKART.ZIP 38,4 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Open Kart demo Aja kilpaa mikroautoilla. Olet kansainvälisen tason mikroautokilpailija, ja tavoitteesi on ajaa kolmen erilaisen mestaruussarjan läpi. Tekijä: Microids. P350, 32 MB. Rajapinnat: Direct3D. 
43160 ORRRDEMO.ZIP 103,4 Mt 19.05.2001 - - -
"Off-Road Redneck Racing demo Yeehaw! Stop yer grinninand drop yer linencause the slam-banginestmud-flappinest off-road driving simulation ever created is cominto your PC! Motor trucks nBuggies over the most brutal Southern terrain ever seen in a racing game. Whether youre just a good olboy out for a Sunday driveor want to compete head to head against those other Bubbas in Championship modeyouve never seen anything that compares to Off-Road Redneck Racing! P26648MBWin9x. "
43161 PR2001D.ZIP 30,6 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Pro Rally 2001 demoEi kuvausta.
43162 RALLYXTD.ZIP 44,9 Mt 28.09.2001 - - -
Rally Championship Extreme demo Rally Championship Extreme on jo kuudes osa Rally Championship -pelisarjassa. Realistisesti vahingoittuvat autot ja näyttävät grafiikat. P233, 32 Mt. 
43163 RCSDEMO.ZIP 6,7 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
"The Real Car Simulator R Nissan EditionDemo features one car (99 Silvia) and one track. The installer is in Japanese (shows up as underlines on non-Japanese systems) but most of the game is in English. P40064MBWin9x3D accelerator. "
43164 RTROPHYD.ZIP 69,6 Mt 31.10.2001 renamed archive.org -
Rally Trophy demo  Kotimaisen Bugbear-pelitalon kehittämän autopelin demo. Mukana ovat muun muassa Mini Cooper 1275S sekä Venäjän maastoon sijoittuva pelirata. P300, 64 Mt. 
43165 SAFARIBD.ZIP 85,4 Mt 31.05.2001 - - -
Safari-Biathlon demo Safari-Biathlon is a wild race between powerful turbocars of the future that not only race each other but shoot each other as well. The event takes place on the racetracks of three different planets. You are representing the planet Earth, while among your opponents are the best professionals from all over the Universe. Your chances to win are very slim. PII 266, 64MB, Win 9x, 3D accelerator. 
42331 SDXTRDMO.ZIP 12,8 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Ski-Doo X-Team Racing  Get ready for the intense, high-flying racing experience of this extreme sport with spectacular indoor tracks and the changing terrain of outdoor racing where racing conditions can vary as you drive wherever you like. Send your machine flying through the air and do cool stunts for extra points. Challenge up to 7 other players at once in multiplayer Internet mode. PII 400, 64MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
33383 SEGARAL.A01 1456439 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95 [2/6]
33384 SEGARAL.A02 1456380 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95 [3/6]
33385 SEGARAL.A03 1456360 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95 [4/6]
33386 SEGARAL.A04 1456425 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95 [5/6]
33387 SEGARAL.A05 389982 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95 [6/6]
33388 SEGARAL.ARJ 1456395 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95. 1/6
Car racing from Sega.
68634 SRALNODX.ZIP 7644711 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally Championships-ralliautoilupelin
pelattava demo. Sisältää Forest-radan
42332 STUNTGPD.ZIP 15,4 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
"Stunt GP demoStunt GP is an exhilarating single or multi- player racing game set in the world of high speedradio-controlled stunt cars. Accelerateskidjumpand burn your way around loopsrampscorkscrewsspiralsand other obstacles while battling with opponents for victory. By collectingAeromilerewards for daring stuntsplayers can increase their cash-flow and upgrade their car on the way to radio-controlled car heaven. P23364MBWin953D accelerator. "
33864 WICR2DEM.A01 2499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing II for Win95 demo 273
33865 WICR2DEM.A02 1759539 21.12.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing II for Win95 demo 3/3
33866 WICR2DEM.ARJ 2499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing II for Win95 playable demo
from Papyrus / Sierra 1/3
32368 FHDEMO.A01 2361511 07.12.1996 - - -
Fallen Haven demo V1.0 2/2
32369 FHDEMO.ARJ 2499494 07.12.1996 - - -
Fallen Haven playable demo V1.0
Win95 * Interactive Magic 1/2
32438 FT295.A01 2999497 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball demo 2/4
32439 FT295.A02 2999200 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball demo 3/4
32440 FT295.A03 1362867 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball demo 4/4
32441 FT295.ARJ 2999200 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball playable demo.
Contains one table (Mad Scientist) from the
full game. You are limited to one ball each
game. Maxis.
Win95 - DirectX3 included. 1/4
32442 FT295NDX.ZIP 4024616 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball playable demo. contains
one table (Mad Scientist) from the full game.
You are limited to one ball each game. Maxis.
Win95 - DirectX3 not included.
32538 HAVOC-1.ZIP 3999986 21.02.1996 - - -
Havoc-pelin pelattava demo. Win95. Osa 1/2.
32539 HAVOC-2.ZIP 3047361 21.02.1996 - - -
Havoc-pelin pelattava demo. Win95. Osa 2/2.
64930 HUYDML.A01 2999367 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/7.
64931 HUYDML.A02 2999378 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/7.
64932 HUYDML.A03 2999379 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/7.
64933 HUYDML.A04 2999354 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/7.
64934 HUYDML.A05 2999305 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/7.
64935 HUYDML.ARJ 2999417 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 1/7.
32643 IMO_S00.ZIP 2032431 11.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Interactive multi action game. playable demo
- IMO - for Windows 95 Share Ware Version
Presented by Golden Weeds Project Japan.
32715 KMDEMO-1.ZIP 2999962 29.01.1996 - - -
Knight Moves-Puzzlepelin pelattava demo. Osa
1/3. Win 95.
32716 KMDEMO-2.ZIP 2999954 29.01.1996 - - -
Knight Moves-Puzzlepelin pelattava demo. Osa
2/3. Win 95.
32717 KMDEMO-3.ZIP 2092168 29.01.1996 - - -
Knight Moves-Puzzlepelin pelattava demo. osa
3/3. Win 95.
32761 LEMPAW95.ZIP 3330197 31.07.1996 - - -
Lemmings Paintball playable demo for Win95
from Psygnosis
32794 LLW95.ZIP 2631840 19.08.1996 - 22082/SSERVCD_44B.bin -
Loony Labyrinth for Windows95.
Windows-flipperin pelattava demo.
32793 LLW95DEM.ZIP 2631954 15.12.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
LOONEY LABYRINTH flipper playable demo Insert
coins, shoot, and attempt to keep three balls
going at once in this pinball game with a
greek mythological theme. The game has
realistic ball movement, three ramps and
three flippers. Players can even "nudge" the
table to try to direct the ball while trying
not to tilt the table. Req. 386/33 *
Win3.1/95/NT * 8 Mt * SVGA
42333 LTBPV152.ZIP 159,4 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Lineage: The Bloodpledge v1.52Lineage: The Bloodpledge is an online role  playing game which can support thousands of  players in the same game world. The vast  world of Lineage offers many different  places to explore with other players  playing by your side. There are many character types to choose from, hundreds of items and monsters to keep you busy and wondering. 
32836 MARBNODX.ZIP 2918633 07.12.1996 - 6198/BILA_VRANA.iso -
Lose Your Marbles Playable Demo From SegaSoft
"Lose Your Marbles is an addictive puzzle
game in the same vein as Tetris, Columns, or
Baku Baku. If you like those kinds of game,
check this one out!" Windows 95 w/ DirectX.
32886 MINDGRND.A01 3999380 14.01.1997 - - -
Mind Grind. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/5. Windows
32887 MINDGRND.A02 3999221 14.01.1997 - - -
Mind Grind. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/5. Windows
32888 MINDGRND.A03 3999315 14.01.1997 - - -
Mind Grind. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/5. Windows
32889 MINDGRND.A04 3445467 14.01.1997 - - -
Mind Grind. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/5. Windows
32890 MINDGRND.ARJ 3999399 14.01.1997 - - -
Mind Grind-puzzlepelin pelattava demo. osa
1/5. Windows 95. Microforum.
33046 NTBMDEMO.A01 1730352 14.01.1997 - - -
Newbeat Transmission demo 2/2
33047 NTBMDEMO.ARJ 2999474 14.01.1997 - - -
Newbeat Transmission demo
Become the dj you were meant to be, the
ultimate do-it-yourself sound revolution.
From Microforum, Windows 95 w/ DirectX2 1/2
33231 RAYMAN95.ARJ 2882048 30.07.1996 - - -
Rayman * Windows 95 one level playable demo
of beautiful platform game. Ubi-soft.
33391 SETUPE1.ZIP 3843073 14.11.1996 - - -
Ashes to Ashes Playable Demo Deep River
Multimedia Studio | Corel Win95 w/ DirectX
33479 SONIC_CD.A01 1456200 05.12.1996 - - -
Sonic CD demo 2/4
33480 SONIC_CD.A02 1456516 05.12.1996 - - -
Sonic Cd demo 3/4
33481 SONIC_CD.A03 759940 05.12.1996 - - -
Sonic CD demo 4/4
33482 SONIC_CD.ARJ 1456635 05.12.1996 - - -
Sonic CD playable demo.
From Sega. The famour blue hedgehod now on
your PC to PLATFORM THEM ALL! Contains levels
from the Sega CD version of Sonic cd. For
Win95 w/ DirectX. 1/4
33523 SQDEMO.ZIP 2375267 14.11.1996 - - -
Squeezils Playable Demo From Inscape. A
Jumping Flash (PlayStation) type of game..
Needs P90 16 Mb, Win95 w/ DirectX
33620 TB2WIN95.A01 1999200 11.11.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 pl. demo 2/4
33621 TB2WIN95.A02 1999200 11.11.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 pl. demo 3/4
33622 TB2WIN95.A03 1827934 11.11.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 pl. demo 4/4
68891 TB2WIN95.ARJ 1999200 11.11.1996 - - tupla
Trophy Bass 2 playable demo
The Sequel to the successful Trophy Bass
fishing game, part 2 now supports
modem/network/Internet play in Win95 full
version. Win95 * req. DirectX.
Sierra On-Line. 1/4
33914 YDKJ9501.ZIP 4371513 08.04.1996 - - -
You Don't Know Jack-Tietovisailupelin
pelattava demo. Windows 95-versio. Osa 1/2.
33915 YDKJ9502.ZIP 3114710 08.04.1996 - - -
You Don't Know Jack-Tietovosailupelin
pelattava demo. Windows 95-versio. Osa 2/2.
33944 ZPC_DEMO.A01 2999200 14.11.1996 - - -
ZPC demo 2/3
33945 ZPC_DEMO.A02 2310934 14.11.1996 - - -
ZPC demo 3/3
33946 ZPC_DEMO.ARJ 2999200 14.11.1996 - - -
ZPC playable demo
Zombie/GT Interactive
ZPC places the player as Arman, a fourth
generation Psionic War Messiah recently
released from cryogenic imprisonment. With no
memory of his illustrious heritage, Arman has
few clues to his true mission: save his
people, vanquish the evil occult group known
as the Black Brthren and utterly destroy the
Dark Being the worship. Only then can he
reclaim his Psionic crown and unite his
followers. Win95 w/ DirectX 1/3
60396 ACEVENTU.A01 2999383 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 2/9.
60397 ACEVENTU.A02 2999339 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 3/9.
60398 ACEVENTU.A03 2999366 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 4/9.
60399 ACEVENTU.A04 2999347 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 5/9.
60400 ACEVENTU.A05 2999259 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 6/9.
60401 ACEVENTU.A06 2999399 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 7/9.
60402 ACEVENTU.A07 2999421 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 8/9.
60403 ACEVENTU.A08 1456182 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 9/9.
60404 ACEVENTU.ARJ 2999410 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. The Adventure
game-seikkailupelin pelattava demo. Windows
95. Osa 1/9.
43166 AHDOD.ZIP 45,3 Mt 28.08.2002 - - -
"Aaron Halls Dungeon Odyssey demo Aaron Halls Dungeon Odyssey demo Dungeon Odyssey is an RPG where the fun is not over once you complete the game. Dungeon Odyssey creates a random world for you each time you playso no two games are ever the same. The game is completely customizable (moddable) so that players can create their own modules for others to play.  "
43167 AITD4D.ZIP 191,6 Mt 28.06.2001 - - -
Alone in the Dark 4 demo (large) From the moment Edward Carnby and Aline Cedrac set foot on Shadow Island, they confronted by mysterious, evil creatures intent on thwarting their progress to recover 3 ancient tablets believed to hold the secret key to some incredible menacing phenomena. Fears threaten from every corner. The slightest shadow could be hiding deep secrets, or concealing worse nightmares... PII 266, 32MB, Win9x. 
43168 AITD4SD.ZIP 82,7 Mt 28.06.2001 - - -
Alone in the Dark 4 demo (small) From the moment Edward Carnby and Aline Cedrac set foot on Shadow Island, they confronted by mysterious, evil creatures intent on thwarting their progress to recover 3 ancient tablets believed to hold the secret key to some incredible menacing phenomena. Fears threaten from every corner. The slightest shadow could be hiding deep secrets, or concealing worse nightmares... This smaller demo does not include OpenGL- or DirectX -drivers. PII 266, 32MB, Win9x. 
60548 AJBINTER.A01 2499400 12.12.1996 - - -
Amber: Journeys Beyond demo 2/5
60549 AJBINTER.A02 2499400 12.12.1996 - - -
Amber: Journeys Beyond demo 3/5
60550 AJBINTER.A03 2499400 12.12.1996 - - -
Amber: Journeys Beyond demo 4/5
60551 AJBINTER.A04 2394886 12.12.1996 - - -
Amber: Journeys Beyond demo 5/5
60552 AJBINTER.ARJ 2499400 12.12.1996 - - -
AMBER: Journeys Beyond playable demo
Developer/Publisher: Hue Forest
Entertainment / Graphic Simulations
This demo lets you explore the office of
Doctor Roxanne Westbridge, founder and CEO
of Bio-PSI technologies.
Adventure, req. Win95. 1/5
43169 AKTOCD.ZIP 32,7 Mt 01.03.2002 - - -
"Arthurs Knights: Tales of Chivalry demo Travel to an age of kings and queensmonstersmagic and men. Visit the kingdom of Camelot and the legendary place called Avalonplus many more. "
43170 ANOXDEMO.ZIP 92,3 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Anachronox demo Join Sylvester "Sly" Boots, Stiletto and five other characters as they trek across the galaxy and the  three dimensions, looking for the secrets of a  long-dead alien race, and the mysterious forces  bent on crushing our universe out of existence!  Search through an amazing number of levels and  fight tons of unique monsters in your quest to  find the truth... P266, 64 MB, DirectX 8, Win 9x/ME.  
43171 ARXFATAD.ZIP 149,9 Mt 08.03.2002 - - -
Arx Fatalis demo Arkane Studiosin pitkään odotetusta Arx Fataliksesta viimein ilmestynyt demo. Kyseessä on roolipeliä ja toimintaa fantasiaympäristössä yhdistävä peli. P300, 64 Mt. 
42337 ARXFD113.ZIP 153,1 Mt 13.10.2002 - - -
Arx Fatalis demo v1.13 Arkane Studiosin pitkään odotetusta Arx Fataliksesta viimein ilmestynyt demo. Kyseessä on roolipeliä ja toimintaa fantasiaympäristössä yhdistävä peli. Demo sisältää noin tunnin verran pelattavaa. P300, 64 Mt. 
43172 AURYNQD.ZIP 99,1 Mt 24.07.2002 - - -
Auryn Quest demo Since the magic Auryn has disappeared, Fantasia  threatens to be consumed by The Nothing - a force so  powerful, it levels and destroys all in its path.  Assume the role of Atreyu, a hero on a quest to save  Fantasia from destruction. Start your quest at the  Temple of a Thousand Doors, and enter into six  beautiful and detailed surrealistic worlds with  various puzzles and thrilling arcade sequences. P450, 128 Mt. 
43173 BADMILKD.ZIP 27,2 Mt 31.03.2002 - - -
Bad Milk demo Bad Milk on erikoinen interaktiivinen peli, jossa pelaaja joutuu surrealistiseen ja harhojen täyttämään maailmaan juotuaan pilaantunutta maitoa. 
61296 BEAVISDE.A01 4099359 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 2/7
61297 BEAVISDE.A02 4099276 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 3/7
61298 BEAVISDE.A03 4099405 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 4/7
61299 BEAVISDE.A04 4099392 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 5/7
61300 BEAVISDE.A05 4099407 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 6/7
61301 BEAVISDE.A06 3777633 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 7/7
61302 BEAVISDE.ARJ 4099376 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead In Virtual Stupidity,
seikkailupelin pelattava demo. Sis. Intro,
varsinaista adventureosuutta ja yksi
alipeli. Viacom Newmedia. Windowsille.
61303 BEAVISLG.ZIP 1254280 09.02.1996 - 18278/wcd-0497.iso -
Beavis & Butthead, Virtual Stupidity-pelin
pelattava demo. Windows 95.
42340 BLACKMD.ZIP 29,2 Mt 13.01.2003 - - -
The Black Mirror demo\t Kauhuseikkailupeli The Black Mirrorin demo, jossa Samuel Gordonin roolin ottava pelaaja tutkii Black Mirror -kartanon kauhistuttavia salaisuuksia. P200, 64 Mt. 
42341 BMCOB.R00 248 Mt 03.12.2002 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles - Winds of War pt. 2Peliä kehittänyt yhtiö ajautui rahavaikeuksiin
ja lopetti pelin kehittämisen. Samalla yhtiö
päätti kuitenkin jättää sarjakuvamaisella
grafiikalla varustetun massivisen
verkkoroolipelin pyörimään nettiin ja tarjota
jokaiselle mahdollisuuden tutustua peliin.
P333, 64 Mt.
42342 BMCOB.R01 248 Mt 03.12.2002 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles - Winds of War pt. 3Peliä kehittänyt yhtiö ajautui rahavaikeuksiin
ja lopetti pelin kehittämisen. Samalla yhtiö
päätti kuitenkin jättää sarjakuvamaisella
grafiikalla varustetun massivisen
verkkoroolipelin pyörimään nettiin ja tarjota
jokaiselle mahdollisuuden tutustua peliin.
P333, 64 Mt.
42343 BMCOB.R02 178,9 Mt 03.12.2002 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles - Winds of War pt. 4Peliä kehittänyt yhtiö ajautui rahavaikeuksiin
ja lopetti pelin kehittämisen. Samalla yhtiö
päätti kuitenkin jättää sarjakuvamaisella
grafiikalla varustetun massivisen
verkkoroolipelin pyörimään nettiin ja tarjota
jokaiselle mahdollisuuden tutustua peliin.
P333, 64 Mt.
42344 BMCOB.RAR 248 Mt 03.12.2002 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles - Winds of War pt. 1Peliä kehittänyt yhtiö ajautui rahavaikeuksiin
ja lopetti pelin kehittämisen. Samalla yhtiö
päätti kuitenkin jättää sarjakuvamaisella
grafiikalla varustetun massivisen
verkkoroolipelin pyörimään nettiin ja tarjota
jokaiselle mahdollisuuden tutustua peliin.
P333, 64 Mt.
62879 DIABLOSW.A01 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 2/18.
62880 DIABLOSW.A02 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 3/18.
62881 DIABLOSW.A03 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 4/18.
62882 DIABLOSW.A04 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware, Windows 95. Osa 5/18.
62883 DIABLOSW.A05 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 6/18.
62884 DIABLOSW.A06 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 7/18.
62885 DIABLOSW.A07 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 8/18.
62886 DIABLOSW.A08 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 9/18.
62887 DIABLOSW.A09 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 10/18.
62888 DIABLOSW.A10 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 11/18.
62889 DIABLOSW.A11 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 12/18.
62890 DIABLOSW.A12 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 13/18.
62891 DIABLOSW.A13 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 14/18.
62892 DIABLOSW.A14 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 15/18.
62893 DIABLOSW.A15 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 16/18.
62894 DIABLOSW.A16 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 17/18.
62895 DIABLOSW.A17 1157615 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 18/18.
62896 DIABLOSW.ARJ 2999470 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Blizzardin kauan odotetun
rooliseikkailun Shareware-versio. Windows 95.
Osa 1/18.
43174 DIGGLESD.ZIP 113,1 Mt 17.02.2002 - - -
Diggles: The Myth of Fenris demo The Diggles are an intelligent dwarf dynasty that passes on its characteristics, good and bad from one generation to another. A mission given to the Diggles by Godfather Odin: to travel to the center of the earth where the hound of hell, Fenris is spreading terror. Accomplishing this mission will take players through 4 different worlds and more than 100 different quests need to be solved. 
43175 DRUIDKD.ZIP 85,7 Mt 22.01.2002 - - -
The Druid King demo Haemimont Gamesin tuleva peli yhdistelee reaaliaikastrategiaa, seikkailua ja roolipeliä. P300, 64 Mt. 
42347 DSD102.ZIP 192,7 Mt 11.12.2002 - - -
Dungeon Siege demo v1.02d Dungeon Siege on toimintapainotteinen roolipeli, joka heittää pelaajan upeaan fantasiamaailmaan. Laajassa 3D-maailmassa pahuuden voimia vastaan käytävät taistelut ovat upeaa katseltavaa ja koettavaa, joten jokaisen vähänkin roolipeleistä kiinnostuneen kannattaa ehdottomasti tutustua peliin, tai ainakin tähän pelin demoon. Päivitetyn demon kautta pääset tutustumaan pelin ensimmäiseen 10 prosenttiin, joko yksin- tai moninpelitilassa. P333, 128 Mt. 
43176 DSIEGED.ZIP 183,1 Mt 04.06.2002 - - -
Dungeon Siege demo Toimintapainotteinen roolipeli, joka heittää pelaajan upeaan fantasiamaailmaan. Laajassa 3D-maailmassa pahuuden voimia vastaan käytävät taistelut ovat upeaa katseltavaa ja koettavaa. Demon kautta pääset tutustumaan pelin ensimmäiseen 10 prosenttiin, joko yksin- tai moninpelitilassa. P333, 128 Mt. 
43177 EICOTLSD.ZIP 91,4 Mt 22.03.2001 - - -
"Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul demo The game puts players in command of a smaller battle partyits members truly individualin a dynamic environment. Evil Islands offers players a wide variety of strategies to achieve quest objectives and defeat their enemies depending on charactersskillsgear and equipment. Evil Islands is balanced between action and strategic planning. The course of events unrolls to carry player away to adventure full of treacheries and snares. PII 23364MBWin95  "
43178 EOTDEMO.ZIP 93,1 Mt 28.06.2001 - - -
End of Twilight demo Kolmen kentän demo 3D -toimintaroolipelistä, End of Twilightistä. Pelaaja on viikinkisoturi, joka seikkailee vaihtelevissa 3D -maisemissa ja taistelee tiukkoja vuoropohjaisia taisteluja erilaisia hirviöitä vastaan. 
43179 EXCALIBD.ZIP 89,5 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
ExcaliBug demo Excalibug on espanjalaisen pelitalon Enigman ja Dinamicin julkaisema strategiaroolipeli. Kuningas Arthurin vetäistessä miekan kivestä irtosi miekasta palanen, josta tuli miniatyyriversio alkuperäisestä Excaliburista. Pelissä liikutaan hyönteisten maailmassa tarinassa, joka mukailee Kuningas Arthurin tarinaa.  
43180 FAIRYTD.ZIP 54,6 Mt 12.01.2002 - - -
Fairy Tale demo Operation Flashpointin kehittäjien viimeisin projekti Fairy Tale on venäläisien kansantarinoiden inspiroima seikkailupeli. P166, 32 Mt.  
43181 FHDUNED.ZIP 59,8 Mt 24.01.2002 - - -
"Frank Herberts Dune demo 3D real-time action-adventure game where you take the role of Paul Atreides. During the two years you will spend among the Fremenyou must earn their trust and demonstrate your strength and courage in order to become their long-prophesied messiahMuadDib. As their saviorfree the Fremen from the hardships of the desolate conditions on the planet they call home.  "
42351 FOTRD.ZIP 130 Mt 31.10.2002 - - -
LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring demo\t LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring demo\t The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring -kirjaan perustuvan pelin demossa seikkaillaan Gandalfin, Frodon ja Aragornin seurassa. P600, 128 Mt. 
43182 GGMATED.ZIP 41,5 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Gilbert Goodmate demo  Neljä vuotta työn alla ollut 2D-seikkailupeli. Luvassa paljon hauskaa huumoria fantasia-asetelman kera. 
43183 GORASLDS.ZIP 42 Mt 24.01.2002 - - -
"Gorasul demo small Roszondas was a hero raised by a magical dragon. He used the magic and essence of his adoptive father in a war against a demon from another dimension. He was succesful in defending the good from evilbut he himself died. The game begins with Roszondasreincarnationthe playerwhose life in a world consisting of mayhem and chaos will determine the fate of men. "
43184 GSULD.ZIP 145,9 Mt 24.04.2002 - - -
Gorasul: The Legacy of the Dragon demo Gorasul on eeppinen roolipeliseikkailu, joka kertoo ikuisesta taistelusta hyvyyden ja pahuuden välillä. Demo sisältää hahmonluonnin lisäksi pelin avausosion. P350, 64 Mt. 
43185 HITCHD.ZIP 80,9 Mt 28.11.2001 - - -
Alfred Hitchcock - The Final Cut demo Loistavaan Alfred Hitchcock -tyyliin toteutetun seikkailupelin demossa pelaaja pääsee selvittämään elokuvaa kuvanneen ryhmän mystistä katoamista. P330, 64 Mt. 
32765 LHOUSDEM.A01 2999400 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/6.
32766 LHOUSDEM.A02 2999400 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/6.
32767 LHOUSDEM.A03 2999400 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/6.
32768 LHOUSDEM.A04 2999400 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/6.
32769 LHOUSDEM.A05 1045819 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/6.
32770 LHOUSDEM.ARJ 2999400 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Sierran Myst-tyylisen
seikkailu/puzzlepelin pelattava demo. Osa
32980 NEVDEMOL.A01 2499200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo 2/5
32981 NEVDEMOL.A02 2499200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo 3/5
32982 NEVDEMOL.A03 2499200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo 4/5
32983 NEVDEMOL.A04 1853505 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo 5/5
32984 NEVDEMOL.ARJ 2499475 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo 1/5
Immerse yourself in the strange clay-animated
world of the neverhood, challenging adventure
chock-full of mind-wrenching mysteries and on
onslaught of odd-ball humour with the amazing
hightech, in-depth, hyper-virtual Neverhood
experience simulator. Prepare for total
immersion...an experience so real you'll
swear your mom and dad were made out of clay.
For Windows 95 with DirectX.
Dreamworkd Interactive.
Lite-demo with 1 playable puzzle.
32985 NEVDFULL.A01 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood demo 2/6
32986 NEVDFULL.A02 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood demo 3/6
32987 NEVDFULL.A03 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood demo 4/6
32988 NEVDFULL.A04 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood demo 5/6
32989 NEVDFULL.A05 2420134 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood demo 6/6
32990 NEVDFULL.ARJ 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo.
Immerse yourself in the strange clay-animated
world of the Neverhood, challenging adventure
chock-full of mind-wrenching mysteries and an
onslaught of odd-ball humour with the amazing
high-tech, in-depth, hyper-virtual Neverhood
experience simulator. Prepare for total
immersion...an experience so real you'll
swear your mom and dad were made out of clay.
For Windows95 with DirectX
Dreamworks Interactive
Large-demo with 2 playable puzzles.
33048 OBSDEMO.A01 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 2/7
33049 OBSDEMO.A02 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 3/8
33050 OBSDEMO.A03 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 4/8
33051 OBSDEMO.A04 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 5/8
33052 OBSDEMO.A05 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 6/8
33053 OBSDEMO.A06 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 7/8
33054 OBSDEMO.A07 1229555 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 8/8
33055 OBSDEMO.ARJ 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian playable demo 1/8
From Segasoft. Places you in a strange,
surreal, almost mystical world where things
can be pleasant one minute only to turn
nightmarish the net. You play the part of
Lilah, a scientist who was vacationing only
to have something very strange happen, you
discovery of a small, black crystal. Nothing
to worry about until the crystal grows into a
monolith several hundred feet tall in a
matter of days! Naming it Obsidian, you
somehow end up inside of it, where the
mystery begins...
For windows 95
60316 A-10DE01.ZIP 4345383 14.04.1996 - - -
A-10 II-Silent Thunder-lentosimulaattorin
pelattava demo, joka sisältää enemmän ääniä
, digitoitua puhetta yms. kuin silent2.zip.
Osa 1/3.
60317 A-10DE02.ZIP 4371495 14.04.1996 - - -
A-10 II-Silent Thunder-lentosimulaattorin
pelattava demo, joka sisältää enemmän ääniä,
digitoitua puhetta yms. kuin silent2.zip. Osa
60318 A-10DE03.ZIP 3966446 14.04.1996 - - -
A-10 II-Silent Thunder-lentosimulaattorin
pelattava demo, joka sisältää enemmän ääniä,
digitoitua puhetta yms. kuin silent2.zip. Osa
60321 A10CUBA.A01 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10: Cuba!-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Windows 95. Osa 2/3.
60322 A10CUBA.A02 1931820 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10: Cuba!-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Windows 95. Osa 3/3.
60323 A10CUBA.ARJ 2999476 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10: Cuba!-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Windows 95. Osa 1/3.
60324 A10DEMO.A01 2999200 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10 Cuba! playable demo 2/3
60325 A10DEMO.A02 1936226 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10 Cuba! playable demo 3/3
60326 A10DEMO.ARJ 2999560 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10 Cuba! playable demo
Defend Guantanamo Bay in this intense flight
simulation experience r8ipped from tomorrow's
headlines! Windows 95 w/ DirectX.
Parsoft Interactive/Activision 1/3
43186 AEROFDMO.ZIP 32,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Aero Dancing F demo  Soar through stunning, realistic landscapes with one of 11 jets ranging from the F-86F Sabre to the F-15DJ. Feel the force of every snaproll, inverted pass and echelon landing. Execute aerial stunts and formation flying in five challenging modes of gameplay. Flight recorder saves the highlights from 12 perspectives. Over 20 training missions help perfect aerial stunts and formation flying.  PII 266, 32MB, Win9x. 
60719 ANCIDEM1.ZIP 4371513 16.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. Alkudemon. Osa 1/5.
60720 ANCIDEM2.ZIP 4371513 16.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. alkudemon. Osa 2/5.
60721 ANCIDEM3.ZIP 4371513 16.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. alkudemon. Osa 3/5.
60722 ANCIDEM4.ZIP 4371513 16.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. alkudemon. Osa 4/5.
60723 ANCIDEM5.ZIP 2253865 16.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. alkudemon. Osa 5/5.
43187 BCMD2.ZIP 120,3 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Battlecruiser Millennium: Episode Two demoAvaruussimulaatio Battlecruiser Millenniumin toinen demo kolmesta. P500, 128 MT, DX8-yhteensopiva T&L-näytönohjain. 
43188 DKORE11B.ZIP 15,2 Mt 09.06.2002 - - -
Dark Ore v1.1 beta  Avaruussimulaattorin ja 3D-räiskinnän ominaisuuksia yhdistelevän Dark Ore -pelin beta-demo tarjoaa mahdollisuuden pelin yksinpelipuoleen tutustumiseen. P450, 64 Mt.
43189 F18KGDMO.ZIP 15,9 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
F/A-18 Korea Gold demo  Tuhoa vihollisen ilmapuolustus, ylläpidä ilmatilan herruutta ja tue maajoukkoja suomalaisillekin tutulla hävittäjällä. Vaatimukset: P233 MHz, 32 MB RAM. Tukee: D3D. 
43190 FTDEMO.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.02.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
FurtherTime demoFurtherTime is a space combat simulator with three game modes: single player, LAN and online game. Two coalitions wage war against each other. Player starts as a light space fighter pilot and grows in skill gradually up to the formation commander rank. FurtherTime Battle Server allows players to join and play online game at any time. Online game never stops - when no one player presents, server simulates battle operations.  
43191 IFORCESD.ZIP 85 Mt 27.02.2002 - - -
Incoming Forces demo Incoming-pelin jatko-osassa pelaaja astuu alieneiden puolelle ja puolustaa ihmisten hyökkäyksen kohteena olevaa kotiplaneettaa. Demo sisältää kaksi tutorial-tehtävää ja yhden kokonaisen tehtävän. P500, 128 Mt. 
43192 IL2D2.ZIP 146,5 Mt 31.01.2002 renamed Pelit CD 2002 -
IL-2 Sturmovik demo v2.0 Suositun Toisen Maailmansodan lentosimulaattorin päivitetty demo sisältää uusia lentokoneita ja maayksiköitä, uuden yksinpelikartan ja muita pieniä uudistuksia. P600, 256 Mt, 32 Mt 3D-näytönohjain, DirectX 8.  
43193 IL2DEMO2.ZIP 102,1 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
IL-2 Sturmovik demo Tässä Toisen Maailmansodan lentosimulaattorissa lennetään 31 erilaisella koneella, joko yksin- tai moninpelinä. Demo-versiosta löytyy kolme  erilaista lentokonetta, sekä yksin- ja  moninpelituki. P600, 256 Mt, 32 Mt 3D-näytönohjain, DirectX 8.    
65069 IM1A2DEM.EXE 6053874 30.08.1996 - 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin tupla
M1A2 Abrams-tankkisimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Vaatii DirectX 2.0-ajurit. Interactive
Magic/ Charybris Enterprises.
43194 IW2EOCD.ZIP 197,7 Mt 06.06.2001 - - -
Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos demo Infogramesin realistisella lentofysiikalla kuorrutetun avaruussimulaattorin pelattava demo.  
32871 MERCDEMO.A01 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries demo 2/6
32872 MERCDEMO.A02 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries demo 3/6
32873 MERCDEMO.A03 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries demo 4/6
32874 MERCDEMO.A04 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries demo 5/6
32875 MERCDEMO.A05 473251 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries demo 6/6
32876 MERCDEMO.ARJ 2999469 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries playable demo 1/6
Win95 w/ DirectX. Activision.
43195 MFDEMO.ZIP 3,6 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
"Micro-Flight demoMicro-Flight simulates flight and land vehicle navigation in 3D photorealistic terrain. Its main features are realistic flight model built to simulate low speed flightunique atmospheric modelrealistic thermals and ridge effectstow simulationcontrollable weather conditionshuge land environmentland vehicle navigationunrestricted roads and junctionsfully functional 3D cockpitvirtual 3D cockpitmultiplayer capability. P16632MBWin953D accelerator. "
43196 MW4BKMPD.ZIP 98,7 Mt 12.01.2002 - - -
Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight demo (mp)Microsoftin mech-taisteluita entisestään parantavan Black Knight -laajennuksen moninpelattava demo sisältää kolme pelityyppiä: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch ja Siege Assault. P300, 64 Mt. 
43197 RCDDDEMO.ZIP 11,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
RC Daredevil demo  Kaiken ikäisille sopivaa lentelyä. Valittavana viisi erilaista lennokkia ja hauskoja tehtäviä. Vaatimukset: P300 MHz, 64MB RAM. Tukee: D3D. 
43198 RCSIMD.ZIP 15 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
RC Simulator demoRC Simulator is an advanced RC plane program for the PC. Choose from any one of ten flying fields, each one fully texture mapped and 3-D. You can also control the weather at the field. Every aircraft has been modeled using true physics simulation software. This limited version has all the features visible, but only a handful are accessible in the demo. Flights are limited to 5 minutes each while the program will expire 15 days after installation. P2 300, Win 9x, 32 MB, 3D accelerator. 
43199 SAR3DEMO.ZIP 60,5 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Search and Rescue 3 demo Realistisen Search and Rescue 3 -pelin demossa pääset pelastushelikoptereiden puikkoihin. Joudut suorittamaan erilaisia tehtäviä, joissa pitää mm. pelastaa pulaan joutuneita ihmisiä. P200, 32 Mt. 
33451 SILENT2.ZIP 3737356 20.03.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Silent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer
2-Lentosimulaattorin pelattava demo. Windows
95. Sierra.
43200 STBCD.ZIP 97,3 Mt 17.02.2002 - - -
Star Trek: Bridge Commander demo While on duty in a remote area of space, a nearby sun suddenly erupts releasing a deadly blast that damages your ship, kills your Captain and threatens nearby colonists. Now you must take control of your ship and lead your crew to solve the mystery. Your mission is clear -- discover the cause of the devastating explosion and prevent it from happening again. P300, 64 MB. 
32149 SU2795DE.ZIP 1438667 15.12.1995 - - -
SU-27 Flanker -lentosimulaattorin Windows 95
Win95 pelattava demo. SSI/MindScape.
43201 SWSFD.ZIP 44,3 Mt 20.02.2002 - - -
Star Wars: Starfighter demo Demosta löytyvässä tehtävässä pelaaja pääsee saattamaan neuvotteluihin matkalla olevaa kuningatarta. P350, 64 Mt. 
43202 VDSFDEMO.ZIP 42,5 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Virtual Deep Sea Fishing demo  Norean Interactiven Virtual Deep Sea Fishing vie pelaajan aavalle merelle havittelemaan toinen toistaan isompia saaliita. Onko kalamiehen virvelistä vastusta tonnikaloille ja haille? Vaatimukset: P200MHz, 32MB RAM. Tukee: D3D. 
43203 XPLN566F.ZIP 66,5 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
X-Plane v5.66 demo Erittäin realistinen ja muuntuva lentosimulaattori. Suunnaton määrä erilaisia toimintoja ja ominaisuuksia. Tekijöiden mukaan maailman realistisin simulaattori. P300, 96 Mt. 
42361 A1503D.ZIP 169 Mt 12.02.2003 - - -
Anno 1503 demo\t Myös nimellä 1503 A.D. - The New World tunnettu peli heittää pelaajan vuoteen 1503, jossa tarjolla on mm. tutkimusmatkailua, asuttamista, kaupankäyntiä, diplomatiaa ja taisteluita. Demo sisältää tutorial-tehtävät Discovering & Settlings sekä Trade & Diplomacy ja Continous Play -pelitilan ja taistelun esittelyt. P500, 128 Mt. 
42362 ABASSD.ZIP 15,2 Mt 29.05.2002 - - -
Airborne Assault demo Jos 40 000 miehen johtaminen kaikkien aikojen suurimmassa ilmasotaoperaatiossa kiinnostaa, niin kannattaa tutustua Airborne Assaultin demoon. Demosta puuttuu moninpeli ja yksinpeliskenaarioita voi pelata vain ensimmäiset 12 tuntia. P366, 64 Mt. 
42363 ABASSUD.ZIP 17,3 Mt 29.11.2002 - - -
Airborne Assault demo päivitetty Jos 40 000 miehen johtaminen kaikkien aikojen suurimmassa ilmasotaoperaatiossa kiinnostaa, niin kannattaa tutustua Airborne Assaultin päivitettyyn demoon. Demosta puuttuu moninpeli ja yksinpeliskenaarioita voi pelata vain ensimmäiset 12 tuntia. P366, 64 Mt. 
42364 ACDU.ZIP 176,7 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
American Conquest demo päivitetty Eeppiseksi RTS-peliksi itseään kutsuvan American Conquestin -pelin päivitetty demo, jossa tutustutaan Amerikan historian merkittävimpiin taisteluihin. Demo sisältää yhden yksinpelattavan tehtävän sekä moninpelin, johon voi osallistua kahdella valtiolla. P450, 64 Mt. 
42365 ACONQD.ZIP 219,2 Mt 19.10.2002 - - -
American Conquest demo Eeppiseksi RTS-peliksi itseään kutsuvan American Conquest tutustuttaa Amerikan historian merkittävimpiin taisteluihin. Demo sisältää yhden yksinpelattavan tehtävän sekä moninpelin, johon voi osallistua kahdella valtiolla. P400, 64 Mt. 
60437 ACW95.ZIP 3020894 28.08.1996 - - -
American Civil War from Interactive Magic.
Non-Playable demo for Win95. Famed strategy
game, requires 8 Mb RAM.
60591 ALEXDEMO.A01 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 2/7.
60592 ALEXDEMO.A02 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 3/7.
60593 ALEXDEMO.A03 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 4/7.
60594 ALEXDEMO.A04 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 5/7.
60595 ALEXDEMO.A05 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 6/7.
60596 ALEXDEMO.A06 1276512 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 7/7.
60597 ALEXDEMO.ARJ 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the
Great-strategiapelin pelattava demo. Osa 1/7.
60599 ALFDEMO.A01 3999256 20.04.1996 - - -
Afterlife Win95 demo 2/3
60600 ALFDEMO.A02 3033937 20.04.1996 - - -
Afterlife Win95 demo 3/3
60601 ALFDEMO.ARJ 3999311 20.04.1996 - - -
Afterlife - playable cheesy demo version, a
SIM-type game where you get to build Heaven
and Hell. Do rewarding, do punishing, do
reincarnation. Small demo with tutorial.
DEMO for ONLY WINDOWS 95 W95, game will be
for DOS too. Req. 486/66*8Mb*Win95. Lucasarts
42366 AMENRTSD.ZIP 39,4 Mt 05.04.2002 - - -
Army Men RTS demo Army Men -pelisarja vihdoin kysytyssä reaaliaikastrategiamuodossa. Helposti opittavassa pelissä rakennetaan rakennuksia, kerätään resursseja ja tietenkin käydään kiivaita taisteluita. 
60718 ANCDEM95.ZIP 5525095 08.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95-versio.
43204 ANGVDEMO.ZIP 36,4 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
"Austrelitz: Napoleons Greatest VictoryAustrelitzin demo heittää pelaajan vuoteen 1805keskelle Austerlitzin taistelua. Pelaaja voi joko astua Napoleonin housuihin ja uudistaa miehen mahtavimman voitontai pistää historian uusiksi Venäjän ja Itävallan joukkojen avustuksella. P26664 Mt. "
42368 AOW2WTD.ZIP 96,3 Mt 24.04.2002 - - -
Age of Wonders II: the Wizards Throne demoAwakened to join an immortal group of Wizards in the Circle of Evermore, you must restore balance to a world on the brink of collapse. This is a beta demo that features one scenario, playable from two sides with one additional AI opponent. The demo offers select features, spells and units from the full game. The demo supports multiplayer via Hot Seat in Classic Turns mode. P300, 64MB. 
42367 AOW2WTDU.ZIP 104,1 Mt 28.06.2002 - - -
"Age of Wonders II: Wizards Throne demo 2 Odotetun fantasiastrategian päivitetty demo sisältää Iniochs Legacy -skenaarionjota pystyy pelaamaan joko yksinpelillä kahta tekoälyn ohjastamaan vihollista vastaan tai moninpelillä yhtä ihmispelaajan ja yhtä tekoälyn ohjastamaa vihollista vastaan. P30064 Mt. "
42369 APTYC2D.ZIP 59,8 Mt 02.04.2003 - - -
Airport Tycoon 2 demo\t Rakenna ja ylläpidä omaa lentokenttää Airport Tycoon 2 -pelin demossa. Demossa voi rakentaa ja ylläpitää lentokenttää yhden vuoden ajan Tokiossa. P600, 64 Mt. 
43205 ARMADA2D.ZIP 61,2 Mt 04.12.2001 - - -
Star Trek: Armada II demo Star Trek -maailmaan sijoittuva reaaliaikainen 3D-strategiapeli. Kolmeen skenaarioon (Federation, Klingons, Borg) jakautuvan yksinpelin lisäksi pelin kokonaisesta versiosta löytyy moninpelattavia kenttiä. P300, 64 Mt. 
42371 ATF102.ZIP 16,2 Mt 19.06.2003 - - -
Armored Task Force v1.02 BCT: Brigade Combat Team -pelin päälle rakennettu uudenlainen sotapeli, jossa koko taistelukentän pienemmätkin tapahtumat simuloidaan. Päivitetty demo sisältää kaksi kokonaista skenaariota.  
42372 ATFD.ZIP 7,5 Mt 13.09.2002 - - -
Armored Task Force demo BCT: Brigade Combat Team -pelin päälle rakennettu uudenlainen sotapeli, jossa koko taistelukentän pienemmätkin tapahtumat simuloidaan. Demo sisältää kaksi kokonaista skenaariota. P300, 32 Mt. 
43207 BATTLERD.ZIP 98,1 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
Battle Realms demo Reaaliaikaista strategiaa japanilaisella mytologialla höystettynä. 
42373 BBURGD.ZIP 84,7 Mt 17.12.2002 - - -
Ballerburg demo\t Keskiaikaista toimintastrategiaa Ballerburg-pelin demon muodossa. Demossa on kolme tutorial-karttaa ja yksi yksin- ja moninpelikartta. P350, 64 Mt. 
43208 BCMDL.ZIP 168,2 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Battlecruiser Millennium demo (large) Complete with over nine new or enhanced engines, including AI, graphics, soundfx etc, BCM steps into the new millennium flaunting the most advanced and visually splendid title ever seen in the series. PII 300, 64MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
43209 BCMDS.ZIP 90,7 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Battlecruiser Millennium demo (small)Complete with over nine new or enhanced engines, including AI, graphics, soundfx etc, BCM steps into the new millennium flaunting the most advanced and visually splendid title ever seen in the series. PII 300, 64MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
61380 BGG_DE-1.ZIP 4999915 28.04.1996 - - -
Battleground: Gettysburg-sotastrategiapelin
pelattava demo. Osa 1/3
61381 BGG_DE-2.ZIP 4999969 28.04.1996 - - -
Battleground: Gettysburg-sotastrategiapelin
pelattava demo. Osa 2/3
61382 BGG_DE-3.ZIP 4018699 28.04.1996 - - -
Battleground: Gettysburg-sotastrategiapelin
pelattava demo. Osa 3/3
61392 BI2200W9.ZIP 5015044 08.05.1996 - - -
Battle Isle 2200 for Windows 95-pelatatva
43210 BITAWUD.ZIP 74,2 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Battle Isle: The Andosia War updated demo Battle Isle: The Andosia War is a turn-based strategy game. The demo scenario takes place on an island called Lohoc. Players must set up a base before moving their forces over to the Battle Isle to engage the enemy, carving a path along a guarded roadway. The surviving forces need to knock out a radar installation, and then use stealth to mass their forces before destroying the main arsenal of the enemy. PII 300, 64MB, Win95, 3D accelerator.  
42374 BLITZKD.ZIP 96,5 Mt 20.02.2003 - - -
Blitzkrieg demo\t Blitzkriegissä todistetaan taistelutaidot osallistumalla toisen maailmasodan kiivaisiin taisteluihin sodan eri osapuolten puolella. P366, 64 Mt. 
42375 C2GOAD.ZIP 68,9 Mt 04.05.2002 - - -
Cultures 2: The Gates of Asgard demo Cultures-pelin jatko-osa tarjoaa sitä tuttua ja turvallista reaaliaikastrategiaa. Pelaaja komentaa tälläkin kertaa viikinkejä, ja demossa pääsee tutustumaan kahteen varta vasten demoa varten väsättyyn kenttään. P500, 128 Mt.  
42376 CAP2D.ZIP 50,9 Mt 30.01.2002 - - -
Capitalism II demo Luo ja kontrolloi unelmiesi yritysmaailmaa Capitalism II -pelin demossa, joka sisältää kolme tutorial-skenaariota ja yhden kokonaisen skenaarion. P233, 64 Mt. 
42377 CASINOD.ZIP 114,6 Mt 09.03.2003 - - -
Casino, Inc. demo\t Casino, Inc. kertoo uhkapelien vaarallisesta maailmasta, jossa pelaaja pääsee rakentamaan ja ylläpitämään omaa kasinoa. Demo sisältää kaksi kasino-teemaa, joita pääsee testaamaan yhdessä pikkukaupungissa. P450, 64 Mt. 
42378 CASINOED.ZIP 74,8 Mt 08.10.2002 - - -
Casino Empire demoKasinorakentelupelin demo tutustuttaa pelaajan yhteen pelin kahdeksasta kasinosta.
61875 CAVEWARS.A01 2999440 14.01.1997 - - -
Cavewars. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/5.
61876 CAVEWARS.A02 2999438 14.01.1997 - - -
Cavewars. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/5.
61877 CAVEWARS.A03 2999373 14.01.1997 - - -
Cavewars. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/5.
61878 CAVEWARS.A04 22630 14.01.1997 - - -
Cavewars. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/5.
61879 CAVEWARS.ARJ 2999473 14.01.1997 - - -
Cavewars-strategiapelin pelattava demo. Osa
43211 CC2DRD.ZIP 6,6 Mt 17.10.2001 - - -
Combat Command 2: Desert Rats demo Shrapnel Gamesin julkaiseman Combat Command 2 -strategiapelin pelattava demo. 
43212 CC2DRUD.ZIP 6,6 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
Combat Command 2: Desert Rats! demo Desert Rats! covers the full spectrum of grand tactical desert warfare, from wild armored clashes ranging across the burning sands of Libya, to gritty, bare knuckles infantry combat in the rugged hills of Tunisia. Desert Rats! allows you to fight the battles that made the Afrika Korps famous and provided the Allies their trial by fire. This updated demo includes all the recent code fixes that have been added to the full game. P166, 32 MB. 
43213 CEWUPDD.ZIP 120,8 Mt 31.05.2001 - - -
"Cossacks: European Wars updated demo  Cossacks - European War is a historical real-time strategy based on events of 1600- 1800 centuries in Europe when nations and states were created and demolishedgold was turned to numerous armiesand neverending wars shed seas of blood. It was the time when new regulations were developed in armiesand commandersmastery was polished to perfection. This new demo allows you to play with the British and the French armies. "
43214 CFWDEMO.ZIP 39,8 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Conquest: Frontier Wars demo In this futuristic real-time strategy game, it is about 200 years in the future and we have just discovered wormholes, and are learning how to navigate them. Wormholes connect galaxies and solar systems and allow you to fly across the entire breadth of the universe. Your goal as a commander in the Frontier Wars will be to explore and secure sector after sector of the galaxy. Play as one of three unique races and battle for supremacy against a maximum of six Internet and AI opponents. PII 350, 64 MB. 
61976 CHAOS16.A01 3025889 10.07.1996 - - -
Chaos Overlords Windows 95 16-bit demo 2/2
61977 CHAOS16.ARJ 3999478 10.07.1996 - - -
Chaos Overlords Windows 95 16-bit playable
demo. Requires 486/33 * 8 Mb RAM. From New
World Computing. 1/2
61981 CHAOS8.A01 2621365 10.07.1996 - - -
Chaos Overlords - Windows 95 8-bit
playable demo from New World Computing. 2/2
61982 CHAOS8.ARJ 3499506 10.07.1996 - - -
Chaos Overlords - Windows 95 8-bit
playable demo from New World Computing. 1/2
62044 CHM-E3.A01 3499160 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 preview 2/6
62045 CHM-E3.A02 3499152 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 preview 3/6
62046 CHM-E3.A03 3499212 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 preview 4/6
62047 CHM-E3.A04 3499383 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 preview 5/6
62048 CHM-E3.A05 3084310 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 preview 6/6
62049 CHM-E3.ARJ 3499481 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 * E3 interactive
preview. A chess tutorial, learning program
as well as Chess game itself. Interplay.
42379 CKROWD.ZIP 90,3 Mt 27.08.2002 - - -
Celtic Kings: Rage of War demo Celtic Kings yhdistelee strategia- ja seikkailupeleistä tuttuja elementtejä roolipelaamisen kanssa. Demo sisältää tutorialin, seikkailupelitilan ensimmäisen tehtävän sekä kaksi peruskarttaa, joita voi pelata joko tietokonetta vastaan tai verkossa. P400, 64 Mt. 
62157 CLOSEC95.A01 4431513 10.07.1996 - - -
Close Combat Windows 95 -demo 2/2
62158 CLOSEC95.ARJ 4999486 10.07.1996 - - -
Close Combat - tactical level WW2 strategy
game based on Avalon Hill Games'
legendary "Squad Leader" boardgame.
Playable Windows 95 -demo. Requires 8 Mb RAM.
By Avalon Hill, published by Microsoft.
42380 CM2BBDU.ZIP 58,5 Mt 30.12.2002 - - -
Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin demo21-2 pelaajan vuoropohjainen/reaaliaikainen 3D-sotasimulaatio sijoittuu aikaan 1941-1945 ja antaa pelaajille mahdollisuuden tutustua toiseen maailmansotaan oikein kunnolla. Päivitetty demo sisältää pelattavan tutoriaalin, kaksi kokonaista skenaariota, ja tukee myös moninpeliä verkon tai sähköpostin välityksellä. P500, 64 Mt. 
43215 COLOBOTD.ZIP 15,3 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Colobot demo Colobot combines both real time strategy and an initiation to programming. You are at the head of a space expedition and you are assisted only by some robots. Your mission consists in exploration and colonization of various planets, searching raw materials and programming the robots, and sometimes fighting to survive. 
43216 COSSAOWD.ZIP 68,8 Mt 17.10.2001 - - -
Cossacks: The Art of War demo Cossacksin laajennuksen pelattava demo tarjoaa mielenkiintoista strategista sodankäyntiä. 
62459 CSR2DEMO.A01 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Caesar II for Win95 demo 2/5
62460 CSR2DEMO.A02 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Caesar II for Win95 demo 3/5
62461 CSR2DEMO.A03 2999443 21.12.1996 - - -
Caesar II for Win95 demo 4/5
62462 CSR2DEMO.A04 2189249 21.12.1996 - - -
Caesar II for Win95 demo 5/5
62463 CSR2DEMO.ARJ 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Caesar II for Windows 95 playable demo
Version 1.0 requires win95 486/66 8 Mb SVGA
Best performance Pentium
This Caesar II demo allows you to build a
Roman city of your own design. Build housing,
water supplies, markets, forums, and other
structures to increase your population and
standing in the emperor's eyes.
Sim-City like game with strategy elements
dating to Roman Empire from
Impressions/Sierra 1/5
43217 CZONED.ZIP 119,3 Mt 17.05.2001 - - -
Conflict Zone demoConflict Zone on nykypäivään sijoittuva,  reaaliaikainen 3D-strategiapeli. Demossa on  
kolme yksinpelitehtävää, joissa pelaaja ohjailee kansainvälisiä rauhanturvajoukkoja ja 
taistelee GHOST -nimistä terroristijärjestöä vastaan.  
P300, Windows 95/98, 64 MB, 200 Mt levytilaa. 
43218 CZONEUD.ZIP 86,7 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Conflict Zone demo (päivitetty)Ubi Softin futuristisen reaaliaikastrategian demo. 
Conflict Zone on nykypäivään sijoittuva, reaaliaikainen 3D-strategiapeli. Demossa on kolme yksinpelitehtävää, joissa pelaaja ohjailee kansainvälisiä rauhanturvajoukkoja ja 
taistelee GHOST -nimistä terroristijärjestöä vastaan.  
P300, 128 Mt. 
43219 DESPERAD.ZIP 59 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Desperados - Wanted Dead or Alive demo  Desperados - Wanted Dead or Alive is the first strategy game ever to combine a movie-like, story-driven atmosphere of an adventure game with the intellectual challenge of a real time strategy tactic & infiltration game. P233, 64MB, Win9x.  
31331 DESTTUTO.ZIP 1557602 07.12.1996 - - -
Destiny Tutorial interactive tutorial
designed to help familiarize new players with
the game's interface, and to show those who
don't yet have Destiny just how may cool
features there are in the game. Win95.
Interactive Magic.
43220 DSLDEMO.ZIP 36,5 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
Disciples: Sacred Lands demo Demo Heroes of Might & Magicia muistuttavasta Disciples: Sacred Lands -strategiapelistä. P166, 32 Mt. 
43221 DWDOAD.ZIP 92 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Desperados - Wanted Dead or Alive demo Desperados - Wanted Dead or Alive is the first strategy game ever to combine a movie like, story-driven atmosphere of an adventure game with the intellectual challenge of a real time strategy tactic & infiltration game. P233, 64MB, Win9x. 
43222 EEARTHD.ZIP 93,2 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Empire Earth demo The Empire Earth Demo includes four of Empire Earth\'s Training Scenarios, which introduce a few of the many special features available in the full game. Also included are two scenarios from Empire Earth\'s four epic Campaigns. In one scenario, you command British troops during the Napoleonic Wars. In the other, you guide Manfred von Richthofen, the famous "Red Baron," at the start of World War I. 
43223 ELORDSD.ZIP 98 Mt 14.11.2001 - - -
Etherlords demo Etherlordsin demossa Chaotsit ja Vitalsit ottavat mittaa toisistaan taikojen ja sankareiden välityksellä. Demosta löytyvää duel-moninpelimoodia voi pelata lähiverkossa tai internetissä. P300, 64 Mt. 
43224 ELORDSUD.ZIP 146 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Etherlords demo (päivitetty)  Etherlordsin demossa Chaotsit ja Vitalsit ottavat mittaa toisistaan taikojen ja sankareiden välityksellä. Päivitetystä demosta löytyy lähiverkossa tai internetissä pelattavan duel-moninpelitilan lisäksi myös strategiapelitila. P300, 64 Mt. 
43225 FATEDMO.ZIP 64,5 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Fate of the Dragon updated demo 2nd Century China. In the confusion following  the collapse of the Eastern Han Dynasty, rival  warlords take control of their respective  territories and set up their own kingdoms,  splitting China into three parts. As one of these  three warlords, build your own regime, develop  new technologies, and create a mighty army in  an attempt to control the Three Kingdoms and  reunify China.  
32360 FEDEMO.ZIP 3042298 11.09.1996 - - -
Free Enterprise Demo * Win95. Tsunami/Ocean.
43226 FTMPDEMO.ZIP 125,3 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Fallout: Tactics multiplayer demo Fallout: Tactics is a turn-based tactical combat game with RPG character development and depth of story line. Join the Brotherhood of Steel, and take part in a quest to find long-dormant technology in order to defeat a powerful enemy. The player controls up to six characters in the single player mission-based campaign or they may use their squad online in multiplayer battles. Squad-members improve with experience, increasing their skills and earning perks.  
41045 GCHESS.ZIP 535900 23.01.1996 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z tupla
Gnu Chess Version 3.21 Game for Windows NT
43227 GUNLOKD3.ZIP 89,1 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
"Gunlok updated demo Gunlok is a 3D team based action strategy game from Rebellion. The machines have wonbut humans continue to strive against themand now is the time to take the fight to The Corporation. Along the way Gunlok solves puzzles and battles robots  as he strives to free mankind. During the game Gunlok picks up companions and through team co-  operation and using each others unique abilitiesthey battle their way to a confront the evil at the heart of The Corporation. This demo contains three playable levels. "
32528 H2DEMO.A01 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 2/8
32529 H2DEMO.A02 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 3/8
32530 H2DEMO.A03 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 4/8
32531 H2DEMO.A04 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 5/8
32532 H2DEMO.A05 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 6/8
32533 H2DEMO.A06 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 7/8
32534 H2DEMO.A07 2789113 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 8/8
32535 H2DEMO.ARJ 3499492 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II:
The Succession War playable demo
from New World Computing "having crushed his
enemies , sonsolidated his power base and
eliminated dissent at the end of HOMM, Lord
Ironfist settled down to rule the land of
Enroth. After 25 years of peace, the land is
again thrust into turmoil. Players must
choose sides and gather their armies as they
use all of their strategic wit and tactics to
join in the battle for domination of the
lands." For Windows 95. 1/8
32580 HOL_DEMO.A01 3947338 14.01.1997 - - -
Harpoon Online nonplayable demo 2/2
32581 HOL_DEMO.ARJ 3999454 14.01.1997 - - -
Harpoon Online nonplayable demo of the
Internet playable modern naval strategy
game/simulation. For Windows. www.kesmai.com
32582 HOL_DEMO.DIZ 127 14.01.1997 - - -
Harpoon Online nonplayable demo of the
internet playable modern naval strategy
game/simulation. For Windows. www.kesmai.com
43228 HWATERSD.ZIP 111,2 Mt 03.04.2001 - - -
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising demo The year is 2032. Now the people of this new age must relearn war to secure a future of peace. Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising combines real-time strategy with action elements in which players take command of a super-powerful aircraft carrier/manufacturing platform, create military units and command their army against the forces of the Old World Cabal and enter their units for some third-person mayhem! P233, 32MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
43230 KOHAND.ZIP 35,5 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
"Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns demoKohan: Immortal Sovereigns is a real-time strategy game set in the fantasy worldKhaldunin which you are one of an immortal race known as the Kohan. A series of massive cataclysms lead to your races demise and it is up to you to restore their reign. You are reawakened to a new world very much unlike the one you once knew and you must solve the mystery of your races destruction in order to return the Kohan to their rightful glory. This demo has no voices. P23364MBWin9x. "
43229 KOHANDWV.ZIP 102,9 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
"Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns demoKohan: Immortal Sovereigns is a real-time strategy game set in the fantasy worldKhaldunin which you are one of an immortal race known as the Kohan. A series of massive cataclysms lead to your races demise and it is up to you to restore their reign. You are reawakened to a new world very much unlike the one you once knew and you must solve the mystery of your races destruction in order to return the Kohan to their rightful glory. This demo has voices. P23364MBWin9x. "
32801 LOR2PDEM.A01 3522938 08.10.1996 - - -
Lords of the Realm 2. Pelattava demo. Windows
95. Osa 2/2.
32802 LOR2PDEM.ARJ 3999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Lords of the Realm 2. Pelattava demo. Windows
95. Osa 1/2.
43231 LUNAV13.ZIP 32,5 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Luna - Moon Colony Simulator 1.3 betaRakenna siirtokunta kuuhun. SimCity-tyyppistä rakentelua 3D:nä. Tekniikan kehitystä, kaupankäyntiä ynnä muuta futuristista toimintaa Kuun pinnalla. Konevaatimus: P200, 32 Mt. 
43232 MAJESTD.ZIP 43,5 Mt 16.02.2001 - - tupla
Majesty demo.                                Julkaisija Microprose/Hasbro.  Reaaliaikainen fantasiastrategia.  Tavallista erikoisempi valtakunnan  rakentamis- ja huolehtimispeli. Sijoittuen  fantasiamaailmaan pelaajan on  laajennuttava, värvättävä sotilaita,  rakentajia ja asukkaita, koottava veroja ja  puolustettava aluettaan. Mukana on myös  tekninen tutkimus ja kokemusjärjestelmä.  Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt,  DirectX.
32884 MFCSDEMO.EXE 3858748 19.08.1996 - 24014/1996-10_Disc_2.9.iso -
MissionForce: Cyberstorm-strategiapelin
pelattava demo. Windows 95. Sierra.
43233 MOONPDMO.ZIP 84,2 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Moon Project demo Ubi Soft on julkaissut demon tulevasta Moon Project pelistään. Moon Project on reaaliaikainen strategiapeli ja on jatkoa menestyneelle Earth 2150 pelille. Moon Project hyödyntää Earth 2150:n pelimoottoria ja tarjoaa suurempia zoomausvaihtoehtoja. Moon Projectissa on ihka uusia yksikköjä, aseita ja teknologioita, esim. sukellusveneet, maanjäristyksentekijät sekä tykistö.  
43234 NIR_DEMO.ZIP 17,3 Mt 16.02.2001 - - tupla
"Napoleon in Russia Demo By Talonsoft. Turn  based strategy. Napoleons army advances  into Russia. Can you conquer the vast  expanses or slaughter the French intruders?  Easy-to-use front-end interface.  http://www.talonsoft.com."
43235 OPFLASHD.ZIP 64 Mt 26.03.2001 renamed Pelit CD 2002 -
Operation Flashpoint demo Operation Flashpoint brings the player the most complex war game experience ever, it offers unprecedented freedom of action integrating command of larger squads and use of any available vehicles with total immersion. Experience the best cold war military equipment - infantry, mobile, armored and aircraft. This demo has one level available, in which you play as a part of an infantry squad. PII 350, 64MB, Win9x. 
43236 SETT4D.ZIP 103,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
The Settlers IV demo  Ohjaa Settlers-pikkuihmisheimoasi elämän taipaleella. Rakenna, kehitä ja kasvata valtakuntaasi, huolehdi kansasi hyvinvoinnista, ravinnon riittävyydestä jne. Demossa on kaksi tutoriaalia pelistä, yksi yksinpelikartta ja kaksi moninpelikarttaa. Moninpeli luonnistuu sekä lähiverkossa että Internetissä Blue Byte Game Channelin kautta. Konevaatimus: P200, 64 Mt, 4 Mt näytönohjain. 
33390 SETUP2KN.ZIP 3484359 11.09.1996 - - -
Sim City 2000 Network Edition Demo Maxis *
33454 SIMTDEMO.ZIP 1215952 27.02.1996 - - -
SimTower for Windows -interaktiivinen demo.
"Talonrakennussimulaattori", valm. Maxis.
Purettava partition juureen tehtyyn
68679 STARCOM.A01 2499200 21.12.1996 - - eritupla
Star Command demo 2/3
68680 STARCOM.A02 1292478 21.12.1996 - - -
Star Command demo 3/3
68681 STARCOM.ARJ 2499200 21.12.1996 - - eritupla
Star Command Battle demo from GTI. Hot new
multiplayer real-time strategy game that is
geared towards multiplayer, allows up to four
simultaneous players (over LAN and Internet),
has over 60 different unit types and has lots
of other little surprises. Req. 486/66 16 Mb
43238 STATDEMO.ZIP 69,9 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Star Trek: Away Team demo Star Trek: Away Team on ensimmäinen reaaliaikainen strategiapeli Star Trek: Next Generation universumissa. Peli on kuvattu isometrisesti ylhäältä ja siinä yhdistellään joukkuetoimintaa reaaliaikaiseen strategiaan. Jokaisella hahmolla on omat ominaisuutensa ja kykynsä, joita tulee hyödyntää ratkaistakseen tehtävät. Demossa on kaksi yksinpelitehtävää. 
43239 STWDEMO.ZIP 95,1 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Shogun: Total War demoFeudal Japan: a time of immense bravery, loyalty and courage, and a time of deception, betrayal and murder. Enter the world of Shogun: Total War, the most ambitious, epic, and visually spectacular real-time strategy game ever created. Battle to the death for the ultimate honour: become Shogun, supreme dictator of all Japan. 
43240 WATERLOD.ZIP 37,4 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Waterloo demo  Napoleonin armeijat vastassaan Wellingtonin joukot. Historiallinen taistelu, joka on toteutettu Sid Meierin Gettysburgin moottorilla. 
70228 WW_DEMO.A01 2999454 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 2/12
70229 WW_DEMO.A02 2999473 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 3/12
70230 WW_DEMO.A03 2999468 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 4/12
70231 WW_DEMO.A04 2999542 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 5/12
70232 WW_DEMO.A05 2999463 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 6/12
70233 WW_DEMO.A06 2999498 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 7/12
70234 WW_DEMO.A07 2999474 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 8/12
70235 WW_DEMO.A08 2999626 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 9/12
70236 WW_DEMO.A09 2999480 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 10/12
70237 WW_DEMO.A10 2999200 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 11/12
70238 WW_DEMO.A11 463558 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 12/12
70239 WW_DEMO.ARJ 2999612 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind - playable demo!
Requires DirectX, suggested system P60
with 16 MB RAM.
An epic strategy game, real time,  network
and modem play, great story, four races
battling when civilization is blowing
asunder around them. SSI, 1/12
70218 WWUPDATE.EXE 2531345 25.09.1996 - 863/boot-disc-1997-03.iso -
War Wind -demo update from SSI.
43241 3DWWII25.ZIP 25,6 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
World War II Online demo v2.5Toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuvan 3D World War II -pelin demo. Kokonaisen pelin ominaisuuksista löytyy mm. 12 tehtävää ja laaja moninpelituki.  
42381 3DWWIID2.ZIP 11,2 Mt 19.06.2001 - - -
3D World War II demo v2.0  Toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuvan 3D World War II -pelin demo. Kokonaisen pelin ominaisuuksista löytyy mm. 12 tehtävää ja laaja moninpelituki. 
43242 4THCOMD.ZIP 1021,1 kt 22.09.2001 - - -
The 4th Coming demo The 4th Coming is an action-oriented, third-person  isometric online-RPG with quests, monsters and  interacting with other players. Immerse yourself  in a world able to handle over 200 simultaneous  players on each server. The 4th Coming features a  huge non-linear story-based universe with a  continually evolving environment and unlimited  scenario possibilities.  
43243 AKIMBOD.ZIP 59,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Akimbo: Kung-Fu Hero demo Akimbo: Kung-Fu Hero features a Manga-style lead character that can perform a variety of kung-fu moves including punches, sidekicks, back flips, and roundhouse kicks that will help you battle and puzzle your way through a wealth of colourful levels. This demo contains playable levels from both the Caribbean Capers and Spooky Caverns areas in the game. PII 233, 32MB, Win9x. 
43244 APFIDEMO.ZIP 16,8 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Adventure Pinball: Forgotten Island demo Utilizing the Unreal Tournament engine, Adventure Pinball will feature classic arcade pinball action, a ongoing plot and a series of 3D realms fused together with fast-paced action. The game will feature a number of pinball tables people must complete in order to rescue the denizens of Forgotten Island - a prehistoric island filled with dinosaurs and other creatures. 
43245 AQUANOXD.ZIP 60,5 Mt 14.11.2001 - - -
AquaNox demo Merenalaista 3d-toimintaa Massive Developmentiltä. SIsältää yhden pelin alkupään tehtävistä. P400, 128 Mt. 
61013 ASTROW95.A01 2999510 19.09.1996 - - -
Astrorock demo 2/4
61014 ASTROW95.A02 2999292 19.09.1996 - - -
Astrorock demo 3/4
61015 ASTROW95.A03 1932009 19.09.1996 - - -
Astrorock demo 4/4
61016 ASTROW95.ARJ 2999470 19.09.1996 - - -
Astrorock for Windows 95 * playable demo 1/4
Asteroids clone with rendered graphics,
minimum 486/66 * 8 Mb, from Logicware
43246 AVP2MD.ZIP 52,8 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
Alien Vs. Predator 2 demo Marine Tulevan AVP2-pelin demossa pääset kokeilemaan avaruusmerijalkaväen sotilaan roolia. Tehtävänäsi on selvittää kuka on sotilastukikohdassa tapahtuvien outojen kuolemien takana. P450 MHz, 128 Mt, DirectX8. 
43248 AVP2MPD.ZIP 64 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Aliens Vs. Predator 2 moninpelidemo  Odotetun 3D-räiskinnän jatko-osan päivitetyssä moninpelidemossa pääset taistelemaan kavereitasi vastaan neljällä hahmolla. Demosta löytyy vain yksi kenttä ja rajoittunut asevalikoima, mutta se antaa kuitenkin pientä esimakua tulevasta. Kuuttatoista pelaajaa tukevissa lähiverkko- ja verkkopeleissä voit ottaa mittaa deathmatch- ja team deatmatch - pelitiloissa. P450, 128 Mt. 
43247 AVP2MPDU.ZIP 4,2 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator 2 demo päivitys Päivitys Aliens vs. Predator 2:n moninpelidemolle. v1.0.9.1 -> v1.0.9.2. 
43249 AVSP2SPD.ZIP 158,1 Mt 11.12.2001 repacked gamepressure.com -
Aliens vs. Predator 2 demo Odotetun 3D-räiskinnän yksinpelattavassa demossa pääset räiskimään yhdessä tehtävässä. Demosta löytyy kaikki kokonaisen version hahmot sekä aseet - vain tallennus ja vaikeustason muuttaminen on mahdotonta. P450, 128 Mt. 
43250 AVSPPD.ZIP 22 Mt 27.09.2001 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator demo Predator Rebellionin scifi-3d-räiskinnän demo, jossa pääsee ohjastamaan predatoria. 
61128 AX-VFR.ZIP 4588448 19.09.1996 - - -
Virtua Fighter Remix PC playable demo for
Windows 95, requires P90 and 8 Mb.
43251 AXIS30LT.ZIP 17,2 Mt 10.06.2001 - - -
Axis updated demo v3.0 without music Experience high speed robot action in Axis. You play ARM, a mech that can improve his ability to fight by changing parts and weapons. Multiplayer support via IPX, TCP/IP and a Ladder service. PII 266, 64 MB, Win 9x, 3d accelerator.  
43252 AXIS30WM.ZIP 24,9 Mt 10.06.2001 - - -
Axis updated demo v3.0 with music Experience high speed robot action in Axis. You play ARM, a mech that can improve his ability to fight by changing parts and weapons. Multiplayer support via IPX, TCP/IP and a Ladder service. PII 266, 64 MB, Win 9x, 3d accelerator.  
43253 AXISDEMO.ZIP 33,7 Mt 04.10.2001 - - -
Axis demo (updated) Experience high speed robot action in Axis. You play ARM, a mech that can improve his ability to fight by changing parts and weapons. Multiplayer support via IPX, TCP/IP and a Ladder service. PII 266, 64 MB, Win 9x, 3d accelerator. 
43254 BACTERD2.ZIP 52,2 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Bacteria demo 2 Bacteria -pelissä pelaaja ohjailee pientä sukellusveneen kaltaista kapselia, joka on kutistettu ja ruiskutettu potilaan verisuonen sisään. Tarkoituksena on löytää potilaan taudin aiheuttava virus ja eliminoida se. Pelissä on noin 50 kenttää ja noin 30 erilaista vastustajaa. Valittavana on kokonainen kampanja tai lyhyempiä skenaarioita. 
61188 BAKUDEMO.ZIP 878987 16.10.1996 - 22381/TGM2.iso -
Baku Baku Playable Demo * puzzle game from
Sega. "The action is fast and the excitement
is intense! Munch or be munched! Finish it!
Baku Baku? That's what you'll hear as
monkeys, rabbits, pandas, and puppies munch
their favorite snacks as you match them up in
this intensely addictive Tetris style puzzle
game. It's fun for the whole family as you
build problem solving skills for kids of all
ages. Match carrots, bones, bamboo and
bananas. Baku Baku." For Windows 95 with
43255 BALLERBD.ZIP 60,8 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Ballerburg demo Demo saksalaisen Ascaronin kolmiulotteisesta genrensekoittajasta Ballerburgista. 3d-toimintaa, seikkailua ja kenraalimeininkiä fantasiakeskiajalla. 
43256 BH2KDEMO.ZIP 16,9 Mt 17.05.2001 - - -
Beach Head 2000 demo As a lone gunner you are the last defense against an overwhelming onslaught of enemy fire. Keep a steady aim and blast away at land, sea, and air forces as they rush you from every conceivable direction. Engage yourself in limitless levels of white-knuckle action, stunning photo-realistic graphics and earth shaking sound effects. Clear the beach, defend your post, and pray that the supply plane comes in time! PII 233, 32MB, Win9x. 
61388 BHELL101.A01 3999400 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender-räiskintäpelin kokeiluversio
V1.01. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Osa 2/4.
61389 BHELL101.A02 3999400 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender-räiskintäpelin kokeiluversio
V1.01. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Osa 3/4.
61390 BHELL101.A03 1825972 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender-räiskintäpelin kokeiluversio
V1.01. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Osa 4/4.
61391 BHELL101.ARJ 3999465 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender-räiskintäpelin kokeiluversio
V1.01. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Osa 1/4.
61713 BT_DEMO.ARJ 4445252 14.01.1997 - - -
Multiplayer Battletech: Solaris nonplayable
demo of the Internet-BattleTech
arcade-battle-shooting game from Kesmai. For
Windows. www.kesmai.com
61728 BUG_DEMO.ZIP 7329733 27.08.1996 - - -
BUG! Playable demo of side viewed cutesy
platform game from Sega Entertainment.
Requires Win95 and Pentium PC with 8 Mb,
SVGA, SB and DirectX. Fully functional.
43257 CBALLUD.ZIP 27,4 Mt 04.10.2001 - - -
"Clusterball demo (updated) Clusterball is an online sportdesigned to invoke the same  adrenaline rush as Quake and Unrealbut replacing the  spatter and gore with pure gameplay. By combining the feel  and gaming experience from ballflight and racing gamesClusterball is totally unlike anything youve ever seen before.  PII 23364MBWin95/98DirectX3D accelerator.  "
43258 CNOBD13.ZIP 97,6 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Codename: Outbreak demo 1.3 In Codename: Outbreak you visit the hottest spots of crisis, collect information about aliens and stop the infestation. You command a 2-man squad, learning the advantages of your weapons, and features and patrol routes of your enemies, which are superior in numbers, strength and abilities. Plan carefully and act collectively. A set of simple commands allows controlling your computer teammate and performing simultaneous actions. P233, 32 MB, 
43259 CNOBDEMO.ZIP 97,6 Mt 20.09.2001 repacked archive.org -
Codename: Outbreak demo Aiemmin nimellä Venom tunnetun 3d- scifiräiskinnän demo. P233, 32 Mt. 
43260 COMAN4D.ZIP 60,4 Mt 29.12.2001 repacked archive.org -
Comanche 4 demo  NovaLogicin helikopteriräiskinnän neljännen osan demo tarjoaa moninpelattavan deathmatch- kentän lisäksi myös mahdollisuuden tutustua pelistä löytyvään yksinpeliin Silver Strike -kentässä. P450, 128 Mt.  
62261 COMXZN95.EXE 1643045 18.02.1996 - - -
Segan Comix Zone-pelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95.
62427 CRYDEM95.ZIP 3042749 12.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
Self-running demo of the upcoming CRY.SYS for
Windows 95.  Also includes an AVI taken right
from the game!
62630 DARKHR.ZIP 1443184 14.01.1997 - 12790/9700.zip -
Dark Hour playable demo. Microforum's new
levels for Quake. The demo includes 4 levels
out of the 23 levels in the full version.
43261 DDOZEND.ZIP 109,1 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Deadly Dozen demo Hieman Operation Flashpointin tyylisen Deadly Dozen -pelin demossa valitset pelaajasi huippukoulutetun tusinan joukusta. Demoversio vie pelaajan Toisen Maailmansodan aikaiseen Saksaan. P300, 64 Mt. 
62689 DDROME.A01 3499590 25.09.1996 - - eritupla
Deathdrome demo 2/4
62691 DDROME.A02 3499302 25.09.1996 - - eritupla
Deathdrome demo 3/4
62693 DDROME.A03 2370686 25.09.1996 - - eritupla
Deathdrome demo 4/4
62695 DDROME.ARJ 3499586 25.09.1996 - - eritupla
Deathdrome demo version 1.55 - Windows 95.
Fast arcade blasting in motorcycles in closed
arenas, not unline tron - fight for your
life! Viacom Newmedia. 1/4
43262 DEERH5D.ZIP 80,4 Mt 05.10.2001 - - -
Deer Hunter 5: Tracking Trophies demo Käsittämättömän suositun virtuaalimetsästyssarja Deer Hunterin viidennen osan pelattava demo. P400, 128 mt. 
43263 DHARDT2D.ZIP 33,1 Mt 12.01.2002 renamed fileplanet.com -
Die Hard Trilogy 2 demo Die Hard Trilogy 2 -pelin demossa pelaaja ottaa Las Vegasissa terroristeja vastaan taistelevan John McClanen roolin.  
43264 DIABLOD.ZIP 49,7 Mt 22.12.2001 - - tupla
Diablo demo Embark, if you dare, on a dark and sinister quest that will pull you into the very depths of hell itself... and beyond. This dark role-playing adventure offers multiplayer support, including Internet play through Battle.net. 
62959 DISKFX.A01 2999260 29.10.1996 - - -
FX Fighter Turbo demo 2/4
62960 DISKFX.A02 2999132 29.10.1996 - - -
FX Fighter Turbo demo 3/4
62961 DISKFX.A03 1318886 29.10.1996 - - -
FX Fighter Turbo demo 4/4
62962 DISKFX.ARJ 2999561 29.10.1996 - - -
FX Fighter Turbo playable demo.
GTE Entertainment, beat'em'up,
Windows 95 w/ DirectX. 1/4
63370 E96-CBLD.ZIP 5520354 19.10.1996 - - -
Cold Blooded ECTS96 -non playable preview.
Requires Windows, by 7th Level.
43265 ECHELOND.ZIP 51,2 Mt 06.06.2001 - - -
Echelon demo Echelon puts the player in white-knuckle combat over lush alien landscapes and towering cities as a member of an elite fighting force facing a revolution on a colonial outpost. Featuring several branching campaigns and a well-wrought storyline, the player will have the ability to advance from Lieutenant to Commander during his/her battles and assume greater control over how each mission plays out. P233, 64MB, Win95, 3D accelerator. 
32272 ES2DEM-1.ZIP 4366279 27.03.1996 - - -
Earthsiege 2-Mechtaistelupelin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/4. Sierra. Vaatii 45 megaa
32273 ES2DEM-2.ZIP 4371470 27.03.1996 - - -
Earthsiege 2-Mechtaistelupelin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/4. Sierra.
32274 ES2DEM-3.ZIP 4333794 27.03.1996 - - -
Earthsiege 2-Mechtaistelupelin pelattava
demo. Osa 3/4. Sierra.
32275 ES2DEM-4.ZIP 1297812 27.03.1996 - - -
Earthsiege 2-Mechtaistelupelin pelattava
demo. Osa 4/4. Sierra.
32276 ES2DEMO.EXE 4115274 05.05.1996 - 17679/CD_2.iso -
Earthsiege 2 -pelin kevyempi pelattava demo.
Sisältää vain kevyemmän grafiikkamoodin.
43266 ETWIND.ZIP 146,3 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
"Evil Twin: Cypriens Chronicles demo Evil Twin -tasohyppelyn demossa otat syntymäpäiväänsä viettävän Cyprien-pojan roolin. Cyprienin syntymäpäivä on ikävä kyllä samana päivänä kun hänen vanhempansa sattuivat kuolemaanjoten poika ei odotetusti ole kovinkaan hyvällä tuulella. Tehtävänä olisi kuitenkin ainoan ystävänkarvaisen nallen pelastus. "
32293 EWJ.ZIP 1554514 26.02.1996 - 23645/PCGAMER15.bin -
Earthworm Jim playable demo for Windows 95,
platform game.
63910 EXPNMCYL.A01 3999332 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 2/8.
63911 EXPNMCYL.A02 3999414 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 3/8.
63912 EXPNMCYL.A03 3999381 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 4/8.
63913 EXPNMCYL.A04 3999420 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 5/8.
63914 EXPNMCYL.A05 3999353 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 6/8.
63915 EXPNMCYL.A06 3999391 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 7/8.
63916 EXPNMCYL.A07 1668273 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan
demon isompi versio. Osa 8/8.
63917 EXPNMCYL.ARJ 3999316 06.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-pelattavan demon isompi
versio. Sisältää mm. Yhden lisähahmon.
Osa 1/8.
32295 EXPNMCYS.A01 3999355 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 2/6.
32296 EXPNMCYS.A02 3999406 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 3/6.
32297 EXPNMCYS.A03 3999369 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Osa 4/6.
32298 EXPNMCYS.A04 3999345 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Osa 5/6.
32299 EXPNMCYS.A05 2340726 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Osa 6/6.
32300 EXPNMCYS.ARJ 3999380 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 1/6.
43267 FDTDD11.ZIP 95,6 Mt 05.10.2001 - - -
From Dusk Till Dawn demo v1.1  From Dusk Till Dawn (Hämärästä aamunkoittoon) -elokuvaan pohjautuvan pelissä pääset taistelemaan zombeja ja vampyyrejä vastaan Seth Geckon roolissa. Gecko on tuomittu kuolemaan, ja ainoa tie vapauteen käy epäkuolleiden sankan joukon läpi. P266, 64 MB, 3D Accel. 
43268 FDTDDEMO.ZIP 68 Mt 14.08.2001 - - -
From Dusk Till Dawn demo From Dusk Till Dawn (Hämärästä aamunkoittoon) -elokuvaan pohjautuvan pelissä pääset taistelemaan zombeja ja vampyyrejä vastaan Seth Geckon roolissa. Gecko on tuomittu kuolemaan, ja ainoa tie vapauteen käy epäkuolleiden sankan joukon läpi. PII 266, 64MB RAM, 3D Accel.  
32443 FURY3X.ZIP 4827947 05.05.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
Fury3-räiskintäpelin pelattavan demon
32444 FURYDE-1.ZIP 3000004 21.02.1996 - - -
Fury3 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo. Windows
95. Osa 1/3.
32445 FURYDE-2.ZIP 2999941 21.02.1996 - - -
Fury3 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 2/3.
32446 FURYDE-3.ZIP 2333013 21.02.1996 - - -
Fury3 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo. Windows
95. Osa 3/3.
43269 GCKSRD.ZIP 100,9 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Giants: Citizen Kabuto Sea Reaper demo This demo lets you play a few missions on the side of Sea Reapers. 
43270 GGEARXD.ZIP 33,8 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
Guilty Gear X demo Perinteistä 2D-mäiskintää tarjoavan Guilty Gear X -pelin japaninkielisillä valikoilla varustettu demo. P450, 64 Mt. 
43271 GIANTSD.ZIP 103,2 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Giants: Citizen Kabuto Mecc demo This demo lets you play the missions of the second story on the side of Meccs. P350, Win 9x, 64 MB, D3D accelerator. 
43272 GORETEST.ZIP 41,9 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Gore multiplayer test demo Gore - The Ultimate Soldier will be an online multi-player game with an Offline ladder system placing the player against Gores advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) system so you can play by yourself if you do not have an Internet connection, or want to practice offline. We have implemented many new things which we feel will have a profound impact on death match plus other new and popular gaming styles. 
43273 GORETST2.ZIP 68,2 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Gore moninpelitesti #2  Tulevaisuuteen sijoittuvan 3D-räiskinnän moninpeliä esittelevän demon toinen versio. Sisältää neljä pelaajaluokkaa, kolme karttaa, 16 asetta ja neljä pelitilaa. P300, 64 Mt. 
43274 GRECOND.ZIP 73,9 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
"Tom Clancys Ghost Recon demo Take command of the Ghosts through a series of missions that range from demolitionsto search and rescueto all-out firefights for survival. The demo contains an exclusive mission that will not be in the final game. This mission acts as a prequel to the storyline of the full version and has limited multiplayer support. P450128 Mt. "
64627 GUB11NOX.ZIP 3985854 28.08.1996 - - tupla
Gubble Playable Demo from Actual
Entertainment Action-strategy game for Win95,
requires DirectX 2.0.
32547 HBDEMO.A01 1456089 15.09.1996 - - -
Hyperblade pl. demo 2/7
32548 HBDEMO.A02 1456092 15.09.1996 - - -
Hyperblade pl. demo 3/7
32549 HBDEMO.A03 1456101 15.09.1996 - - -
Hyperblade pl. demo 4/7
32550 HBDEMO.A04 1456531 15.09.1996 - - -
Hyperblade pl. demo 5/7
32551 HBDEMO.A05 1456452 15.09.1996 - - -
Hypervlade pl. demo 6/7
32552 HBDEMO.A06 381343 15.09.1996 - - -
Hyperblade pl. demo 7/7
32553 HBDEMO.ARJ 1456393 15.09.1996 - - -
HyperBlade Playable Demo * Win95 "HyperBlade
fuses the high-speed thrills of hockey and
extreme skating with the brutality of combat
fighting to bring you pure sporting madness!"
Category: Sports/Action Publisher:
Activision(R) Platforms: Windows(R)
95/MS-DOS(R) hybrid CD-ROM, Sony PlayStation
and Sega Saturn Availability: November 1996
for the PC and Spring 1997 for the Sony
PlayStation and Sega Saturn. Futuristic
sports game, played in large drome with goals
32554 HELIDEMO.A01 2499416 09.11.1996 - - -
Helicops playable demo 2/5
32555 HELIDEMO.A02 2499461 09.11.1996 - - -
Helicops playable demo 3/5
32556 HELIDEMO.A03 2499428 09.11.1996 - - -
Helicops playable demo 4/5
32557 HELIDEMO.A04 757079 09.11.1996 - - -
Helicops playable demo 5/5
32558 HELIDEMO.ARJ 2499062 09.11.1996 - - -
Helicops playable demo 1/5
Helicopter action thriller. Players pair up
in copter and crew and combat in a 3D
modeled city of NeoTokyo and surrounding
areas. For Windows 95 w/ DirectX
7th Level/Paragon Visual Systems
32568 HIVEDEMO.A01 3999400 23.08.1996 - - -
The Hive - demo 2/5
32569 HIVEDEMO.A02 3999400 23.08.1996 - - -
The Hive - demo 3/5
32570 HIVEDEMO.A03 3999400 23.08.1996 - - -
The Hive - demo 4/5
32571 HIVEDEMO.A04 1587880 23.08.1996 - - -
The Hive - demo 5/5
32572 HIVEDEMO.ARJ 3999400 23.08.1996 - - -
The Hive - playable demo of Windows 95
32596 HTRHTD.A01 2799400 25.11.1996 - - -
Hunter/Hunted pl. demo 2/3
32597 HTRHTD.A02 2188508 25.11.1996 - - -
Hunter/Hunted pl. demo 3/3
32598 HTRHTD.ARJ 2799400 25.11.1996 - - -
Hunter/Hunted playable demo from
Sierra-On-Line. "You are the perfect specimen
- the biggest, baddest, the best of the best.
Selected as the representative of your
species, you'll prove your superiority in
bloodposrt. Are you man, or beast? Make the
choice, and hunt your enemy through
flesh-eating tunnels and booby-trapped
sewers." For Windows 95 with DirectX. 1/3
32599 HUNTDEM4.A01 2999496 14.01.1997 - - -
Hunted/Hunted: Beast mission pl. demo 2/3
32600 HUNTDEM4.A02 2186752 14.01.1997 - - -
Hunted/Hunted: Beast mission pl. demo 3/3
32601 HUNTDEM4.ARJ 2999493 14.01.1997 - - -
Hunter/Hunted: Beast mission pl. demo 1/3
Action that casts you as the biggest and
baddest of your species to prove yourself in
from Sierra On-Line, Inc.
Requirements 16 Mb RAM, 486, VGA, Win95
32630 IFDEMO.A01 1457075 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 2/8.
32631 IFDEMO.A02 1457064 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 3/8.
32632 IFDEMO.A03 1457064 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 4/8.
32633 IFDEMO.A04 1457112 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 5/8.
32634 IFDEMO.A05 1457142 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 6/8.
32635 IFDEMO.A06 1457012 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 7/8.
32636 IFDEMO.A07 941870 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 8/8.
32637 IFDEMO.ARJ 1457020 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice & Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 1/8.
43275 K911DEMO.ZIP 72,5 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
"DMXs K-911 Contact demo Biomekaanista koirataisteluajota vauhdittaa DMX:n vihaiset riimit. Paketissa mukana myös demon päivitys. P45096 Mt32 Mt näytönohjain. "
32724 KRZIVAN.A01 3999326 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 2/9
32725 KRZIVAN.A02 3999366 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 3/9
32726 KRZIVAN.A03 3999276 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 4/9
32727 KRZIVAN.A04 2924544 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 5/9
32728 KRZIVAN.A05 3999381 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 6/9
32729 KRZIVAN.A06 3999431 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 7/9
32730 KRZIVAN.A07 3999323 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 8/9
32731 KRZIVAN.A08 3689306 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 9/9
32732 KRZIVAN.ARJ 3999229 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan playable demo. 1 level, some
options disabled. Mech-like shoot'em'up, one
man against a army in heavily armored
battlesuit. Requires Win95, 8 Mb, P75+ &
accelerated graphics. Recommended 16 Mb + 16
bit colour. Requires DirectX.
Psygnosis. 1/9
32733 KTDEMO.A01 2999639 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 2/8
32734 KTDEMO.A02 2999429 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 3/8
32735 KTDEMO.A03 2998917 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 4/8
32736 KTDEMO.A04 2999238 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 5/8
32737 KTDEMO.A05 2999063 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 6/8
32738 KTDEMO.A06 2999114 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 7/8
32739 KTDEMO.A07 1291067 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 8/8
32740 KTDEMO.ARJ 2999400 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time playable demo
Part mysteri, part mayhem. Pure Terror!
Can you find the secret of youth and still
escape alive? You are trapped in a
first-person passage throught unspeakable
evil. Killing Time's gameplay is reminiscent
of the first-person corridor mayhem of
Quake(TM) mixed with the puzzle solving
intricacies of The 11th hour. For Winodws 95
w/ DirectX. From 3DO Company.
42391 LOMMDEMO.ZIP 82,3 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Legends of Might and Magic -demoLegends of Might and Magic -demo
43276 LOMMFLD2.ZIP 82,3 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Legends of Might & Magic demo 2Netissä pelattava, Might and Magicin universumiin sijoittuvan fps-pelin demo. Demossa kaksi tasoa ja team vs team -pelimuoto kuuteentoista pelaajaan asti. Gamespy-tuki. P300 MHz, 64 MB. Tukee: D3D. 
43277 LOONYLD.ZIP 5,2 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Loonyland: Halloween Hill demo Tässä humoristisessa toimintaseikkailupelissä pelaajat suorittavat tehtäviä ja taistelevat hirviöitä vastaan samalla löytäen aarteita, kuten uusia pelimoodeja. Pelaajan täytyy taistella yli 60 eri hirviötyyppiä vastaan yli 50:ssä eri kentässä ratkoessaan muinaisia mysteerejä ja auttaessaan avuttomia kyläläisiä.  Tässä demossa on useita alkupuolen tehtäviä.  
43278 LWNDEMO.ZIP 26,9 Mt 14.08.2001 - - -
"Lightweight Ninja demo Its the perfect situation. You beat up the bad guysrescue the princesssave the world and get praised forever...right?  What if you dont know who the bad guys are? What if the line between friend and enemy has been erasedand a rising tension is about to explode into a war with you in the middle? The first step in becoming a hero is distinguishing friend from foe... This demo contains levels 1-3 of Chapter 1. P20064MB RAMWindows 9x/Me/NT/2000. "
32809 M2PREV.A01 3999443 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Marathon 2: Durandal. Pelattava demo. Osa
2/5. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Win95.
32810 M2PREV.A02 3999469 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Marathon 2: Durandal. Pelattava demo. Osa
3/5. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Win95.
32811 M2PREV.A03 3999400 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Marathon 2: Durandal. Pelattava demo. Osa
4/5. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Win95.
32812 M2PREV.A04 1464916 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Marathon 2: Durandal. Pelattava demo. Osa
5/5. Sisältää DirectX.ajurit. Win95.
32813 M2PREV.ARJ 3999452 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Marathon 2: Durandal-3D-räiskintäpelin
pelattava demo. Osa 1/5. Sisältää
DirectX-ajurit. Windows95.
43279 MAXPAYND.ZIP 130,6 Mt 07.09.2001 repacked Pelit CD 2002 -
Max Payne demo Suomalaisen pelitalo Remedy Entertainmentin tekemän Max Paynen demo. 
43280 MOHAAD.ZIP 150,4 Mt 12.01.2002 - - -
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault demo Odotetun räiskinnän, Medal of Honor: Allied Assaultin, yksinpelidemo. 
43281 MOHAAmpd.ZIP 99,8 Mt 14.12.2001 - - -
Medal of Honour: Allied Assault demoMedal of Honour: Allied Assaultin moninpelattava demo. Sisältää yhden Stalingradiin sijoittuvan deathmatch -moninpelikentän. 
43282 NABOOD.ZIP 50,9 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
"Star Wars: Episode I Battle For Naboo demoThe Trade Federation invasion force has landed in Theed. Fearing for her planetQueen Amidala escapes to plead Naboos case before the Galactic Senate. But while she is awayNaboo is in grave danger and must be protected. As a lieutenant of Naboos Royal Security Forcesyou must navigate the streets of occupied Theed in order to escape and form a resistance movement. PII 23364MBWin953D accelerator. "
32971 NECRSW40.A01 2999460 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Necrodome. V0.40. Osa 2/3.
32972 NECRSW40.A02 1825160 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Necrodome. V0.40. Osa 3/3.
32973 NECRSW40.ARJ 2999487 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Necrodome-räiskintäpelin versio 0.40. Osa
1/3. Gritty, fast paced car-combat
game taking place in enclosed arenas
called Pits. Drive fast, armored car loaded
with latest weapons. Win95, single or duo
network play. Requires P60, 8 Mb, DirectX
2.0. Raven Software/SSI
43283 NOESCD.ZIP 81,9 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
No Escape demo (large)No Escape is the biggest, coolest, most popular live TV-show ever, featuring up to eight contestants battling each other on artificial planets created for the show. Cameras hover above the planets capturing every moment of the contest, which includes weapons and gadgets for the contestants to use to shoot, jump, sneak and bomb their opponents to smithereens - all to get the high score and win the grand prize! 
43284 NOESCLD.ZIP 28,3 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
No Escape demo (small)No Escape is the biggest, coolest, most popular live TV-show ever, featuring up to eight contestants battling each other on artificial planets created for the show. Cameras hover above the planets capturing every moment of the contest, which includes weapons and gadgets for the contestants to use to shoot, jump, sneak and bomb their opponents to smithereens - all to get the high score and win the grand prize! 
43285 NOLFMMIX.ZIP 128,8 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
"No One Lives Forever updated demo This story-drivenfirst person adventure delivers actiontense subterfugeoutrageous villains and wry humor in the tradition of 1960s spy films and TV shows. Armed with conventional and experimental weaponry and gadgetsCate Archer explores exotic localescircumvents trapsand contends with deadly agents. This Mega Mix demo includes 4 single player levels plus 2 multiplayer maps. PII 30064MBWin95/98DirectX. "
43287 OFPmpd.ZIP 48,4 Mt 22.09.2001 - - -
Operation Flashpoint demo (moninpeli) Flashpointin moninpelidemo. Sisältää yhden  tehtävän. Tukee 2-8:n pelaajan LAN- ja  internet-pelejä. P400 MHz, 16Mt 3D-näytönohjain, 64 Mt.
43286 OFPMPD14.ZIP 48,5 Mt 30.12.2001 renamed Pelit CD 2002 -
Operation Flashpoint demo (moninpeli) v1.4Operation Flashpointin uusi moninpelidemo. Tukee 2-8:n pelaajan LAN- ja internet-pelejä. P600, 128 Mt. 
43288 OMINOUSD.ZIP 32,8 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
Ominous Horizons demo Uskonnollisella juonella varustetun Ominous Horizons -pelin demossa pelaajan pitää taistella saatanallisia voimia vastaan. P300, 32 Mt. 
33122 PB2CNDEM.EXE 3337787 02.10.1996 - - -
3-D Pinball: Creep Night. Flipperipelin
pelattava demo. Windows 95.
32064 PITFALLD.ARJ 1697478 15.12.1995 - - -
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure - Windows 95 one
level playble demo of a great remake of a
classical platform game. Req. 486/66 8 Mb
43289 PRIMALPD.ZIP 31,9 Mt 28.09.2001 - - -
Primal Prey demo Ajassa matkustavana metsästäjänä olet valmis elämäsi suurimpaan haasteeseen: dinosaurusjahtiin! Yhdeksän erilaista dinosaurusta, mukana myös T-Rex. P350, 64 Mt. 
33225 RASHDEMO.A01 2272145 27.08.1996 - - -
Road Rash demo 2/2
33226 RASHDEMO.ARJ 2499594 27.08.1996 - - -
Road Rash for Windows 95 Playable demo of the
fast and furious motorcycle racing game from
Electronic Arts.
43290 REDFACTD.ZIP 127,8 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Red Faction demo Mystisen vitsauden vallitessa kaivostyöläiden keskuudessa Ultor Corporation pakottaa kaivostyöläiset tekemään töitä huonoissa oloissa syvällä punaisen Marsin pinnan alla. Pelaa Parkerina ja auta kapinallisia nujertamaan Ultor Corporation. 
43291 REDFMPD.ZIP 44,4 Mt 22.09.2001 - - -
Red Faction demo (moninpeli) Moninpelillä varustettu testivaiheessa oleva  demo Red Factionista. Sisältää kaksi 16 pelaajan  deathmatch-kenttää ja yhden 16 pelaajan  CTF-kentõn. 
43292 REDFUD.ZIP 80,6 Mt 22.09.2001 - - -
Red Faction demo (päivitetty) Pelaa Parkerina ja auta kapinallisia nujertamaan  Ultor Corporation. Mystisen vitsauden vallitessa  kaivostyöläisten keskuudessa ovat työläiset  pakotettu tekemään töitä huonoissa oloissa syvällä punaisen Marsin pinnan alla. Tässä uudessa demossa on lisää yksinpelattavia  kenttiä. P350, 64 Mt. 
43293 RESDEMO.ZIP 63,3 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Resurrection demo Reaaliaikainen, taistelupainoitteinen fantasiaroolipeli. Pelaaja ohjaa Domenicoa, ihmisdemonia, joka kamppailee yllätyksen ja hiiviskelyn voimalla. P266, 32 MB. 
33265 RFIRE.A01 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 2/6.
33266 RFIRE.A02 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 3/6.
33267 RFIRE.A03 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 4/6.
33268 RFIRE.A04 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 5/6.
33269 RFIRE.A05 524824 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 6/6.
33270 RFIRE.ARJ 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 1/6.
30756 RFIRE1NM.ZIP 2892196 02.04.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_3.ISO -
Return Fire. Ylhäältäpäin  kuvattu
räiskintäpeli, jossa voit valita
helikopterin, Jeepin, tai jommankumman
kahdesta tankista.
33278 RISE2W95.A01 3999199 30.07.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Win95 demo 2/4
33279 RISE2W95.A02 3999224 30.07.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Win95 demo 3/4
33280 RISE2W95.A03 2075093 30.07.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Win95 demo 4/4
33281 RISE2W95.ARJ 3999202 30.07.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Resurrection, Windows 95 playable
demo with 4 characters. Beat'em'up,
67943 RJDEMO.A01 3999183 29.10.1996 - - -
Rocket Jockey demo 2/5
67944 RJDEMO.A02 3999354 29.10.1996 - - -
Rocket Jockey demo 3/5
67945 RJDEMO.A03 3999326 29.10.1996 - - -
Rocket Jockey demo 4/5
67946 RJDEMO.A04 3717852 29.10.1996 - - -
Rocket Jockey demo 5/5
67947 RJDEMO.ARJ 3999249 29.10.1996 - - -
Rocket Jockey Playable Demo "Climb aboard one
of the finest new rocket cycles available on
the market, aerodynamically streamlined for
your riding pleasure. Sleek, stylish, and
comfortable, these cycles have been designed
for heart- racing, neck-breaking,
gladiator-style combat where the whole point
of the game is not just to win, but to win by
crushing, maiming, and trampling the
helpless, quivering remains of your fellow
jockeys! For Windows 95 Rocket
43294 RTCWMPD2.ZIP 57,7 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Return to Castle Wolfenstein moninpelidemoYhden moninpelikentän sisältävä Return to Castle Wolfenstein -pelin päivitetty demo. Sisältää paljon pieniä korjauksia ja uudistuksia ensimmäiseen moninpelitestiin verrattuna, mutta on muuten täysin identtinen 1. demon kanssa. P500, 128 Mt. 
43295 RTCWOLFD.ZIP 114,1 Mt 14.12.2001 repacked fileplanet.com -
Return To Castle Wolfenstein demo Activision on julkaissut Gray Matter Studiosin uuden räiskinnän odotetun yksinpelidemon. Demo sisältää kentät Escape1 ja Crypt1 itse pelistä. P500, 128 Mt. 
43296 RTOCWMPD.ZIP 63,4 Mt 29.09.2001 - - -
Return to Castle Wolfenstein moninpelidemoYhden moninpelikentän sisältävä Return to Castle Wolfenstein -pelin demo. P500, 128 Mt, OpenGL-yhteensopiva 16 Mt näytönohjain, 56.6k modeemi.  
43297 SBODDEMO.ZIP 101,4 Mt 14.02.2001 - - -
Blade of Darkness demo Siirry miekan valtaan luottavaan fantasiamaailmaan. Sankareita ja suuria tehtäviä. Graafisesti hyvin vaikuttava ja silmille roiskuva toimintapeli. Voimallisia miekkataisteluita ja irtojäseniä. P350, 64 MB, Direct3D. 
43298 SDNWDEMO.ZIP 75 Mt 29.09.2001 - - -
"SheepDogN Wolf demo Auta nälkäistä Ralph-sutta varastamaan lammas Sam-koiralta. Pelaajan ja Acme-varustuksen avustuksella sen pitäisi olla helppoa. "
43299 SECRETSD.ZIP 85,6 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
"Secret Service: In Harms Way demo Taktiseksi 3D-räiskinnäksi luokiteltavan Secret Service -pelin demo heittää pelaajan nuoren agentin kenkiin. Peliin pääsee tutustumaan yhden kokonaisen yksinpelitehtävän ja yhden moninpelattavan deathmatch-kentän verran. P33364 Mt. "
43300 SHEEPUD.ZIP 53 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
"Sheep updated demo Theyve traveled vast distances through space. Theyve colonized countless star systems. Theyve forgotten why theyre here... Can you guide the lovable - but soooo stupid - Sheep to Mt Mouflon without getting them bashedboiledblown up or blow-dried?   "
33433 SHELL101.A01 3999400 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender-räiskintäpelin kokeiluversio.
V.1.01. Ei sisällä DirectX-ajureita. Osa 2/3.
33434 SHELL101.A02 3093011 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender. Kokeiluversio. V.1.01. Ei sisällä
DirectX-ajureita. Osa 3/3.
33435 SHELL101.ARJ 3999461 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender. Kokeiluversio. V1.01. Ei sisällä
DirectX-ajureita. Osa 1/3.
33458 SKULLNET.A01 2999353 29.10.1996 - - -
SkullCracker demo 2/3
33459 SKULLNET.A02 1798883 29.10.1996 - - -
SkullCracker demo 3/3
33460 SKULLNET.ARJ 2999238 29.10.1996 - - -
SkullCracker playable demo
Side-viewed beat'em'up adventure.
"Prepare to battle the undead, th unearthed,
and the unleashed in supernatural non-stop
fighting game on PC & MAC CD-ROM. 16 levels
of fury as you combat an unholy host of
zombies, werewolves, vampires, mutants,
night-creatures, deranged skatepunks etc.
CyberFlix/GTE Entertainment. Win95. 1/3
43301 SOZORROD.ZIP 57,8 Mt 28.11.2001 - - -
The Shadow of Zorro demo On vuosi 1822, kapteeni Montero siirtyy Los Angelesiin uudeksi poliisipäälliköksi. Samoilla Kalifornian mannuilla majaileva Zorro kuitenkin huomaa, että uusi päällikkö onkin itseasiassa De la Hoya, katala sotarikollinen, jonka uskottiin kuolleen jo aikoja sitten. Sankarimme täytyy tietenkin selvittää miten ilkeä rikollinen on selvinnyt hengissä ja mitä ihmettä hän tekee Kaliforniassa. P400, 64 Mt. 
43302 SPACETD.ZIP 3,6 Mt 26.05.2001 - - -
Space Tripper demo Space Tripper is a frantic Shoot-em-up brought to you from people who remember what shoot-em-up means!! Fly your ship through 14 arenas, with your only mission being to kill everything within a time limit. Only then can you proceed to the next stage. Be warned... this game holds no punches. This is one seriously tough Shooter! P450, 64 MB.  
33507 SPDEALER.A01 3499200 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet 6 level non-playable demo 2/4
33508 SPDEALER.A02 3499463 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet 6 level non-playable demo 3/4
33509 SPDEALER.A03 1029211 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet 6 level non-playable demo 474
33510 SPDEALER.ARJ 3499586 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet 6 level NON-playable demo
from Criterion Studio / Virgin. A 3D
shoot'em'u, first person perspective 360
degree relentless action across various
terrains. Test your reflees, nerves and
tactical awareness.
Win95 w/ DirectX 1/4
33511 SPDIAMON.ZIP 4978758 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet Playable Demo from Criterion
Studios / Virgin. A 3D shoot'em'up, first
person perspective 360 degree relentless
action shoot'em'up game across various
terrains. Test your reflexes, nerves
and tactical awareness.
* Win95 w/ DirectX;
Diamond Monster 3D -version *
43303 SPIDERMD.ZIP 129,1 Mt 04.10.2001 - - -
Spiderman demo Kaikkien tunteman seittiheikin seikkailuista kertovan arcadetoiminnan demo. P266, 64 mt. 
33516 SPORCHID.ZIP 4978752 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet Playable Demo from Criterion
Studios / Virgin. A 3D shoot'em'up, first
person perspective 360 degree relentless
action shoot'em'up game across various
terrains. Test your reflexes, nerves
and tactical awareness.
* Win95 w/ DirectX; Orchid Righteous 3D *
33518 SPWIN.ZIP 4174054 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet Playable Demo from Criterion
Studios / Virgin. A 3D shoot'em'up, first
person perspective 360 degree relentless
action shoot'em'up game across various
terrains. Test your reflexes, nerves
and tactical awareness.
* Win95 w/ DirectX; 4.2 MB *
43304 SR2DEMO.ZIP 53,6 Mt 28.11.2001 - - -
Soul Reaver 2 demo Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver -pelin jatko-osan demossa pelaaja ottaa Razielin roolin, jonka Kain-jahti vie hänet ajassa taaksepäin. Pelkäksi kostomatkaksi seikkailu ei kuitenkaan jää, sillä myös Nosgothin tulevaisuus lepää pelaajan harteilla. P450, 128 Mt. 
43305 SSAMD3.ZIP 78,6 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
"Serious Sam demo 3 Serious Sam is a high-adrenaline arcade-action  shooter heavily focused on frantic single player  action. In a world where advanced technology is  mixed with black magic and psychic powersSam  travels thru ancient Egypt and several planetsconfronting Mentals minions on his way to  their base."
43306 SSAMSED.ZIP 110,7 Mt 20.12.2001 - - -
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter demo After finding the Sirian spacecraft in ancient Egypt, Sam "Serious" Stone hijacked it and headed for his archenemy, Mental himself! But sadly, Sam lost control of the the alien craft and crash landed in the South American mountains. Now, surrounded by an even stronger army of Mental\'s evil forces, Sam is forced to battle his way towards Mental\'s fortress and put a stop once and for all to his plans of world domination. P300, 64 MB. 
33573 SW-DE95.A01 3099069 22.02.1996 - - -
Shockwave Assault demo 2/3
33574 SW-DE95.A02 2812461 21.02.1996 - - -
Shockwave Assault demo 3/3
33575 SW-DE95.ARJ 3099254 21.02.1996 - - -
Shockwave Assault Demo for Windows 95,
shoot'em'up from EOA. Requires 486/66 * 8 Mb
43307 T2BETAD.ZIP 78,4 Mt 01.08.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 demo public beta  Julkinen beta-versio Tribes 2:n pelattavasta demosta. Lopullinen versio ilmestyy kunhan tästä on bugit saatu viilattua. 
33628 TCDEMO95.A01 3999193 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 2/11
33629 TCDEMO95.A02 3999264 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 3/11
33630 TCDEMO95.A03 3999444 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 4/11
33631 TCDEMO95.A04 3999466 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 5/11
33632 TCDEMO95.A05 3999470 16.09.1996 - - -
Time COmmando demo 6/11
33633 TCDEMO95.A06 3999453 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 7/11
33634 TCDEMO95.A07 3999438 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 8/11
33635 TCDEMO95.A08 3999394 16.09.1996 - - -
Time COmmando demo 9/11
33636 TCDEMO95.A09 3999401 16.09.1996 - - -
Time COmmando demo 10/11
33637 TCDEMO95.A10 1159175 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 11/11
33638 TCDEMO95.ARJ 3999358 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando - playable demo for Win95
by Adeline Software. Travel through time and
battle enemies in nine time zones during the
history. A 3D-beat'em'up adventure in race
against time. Requires Pentium & 8 Mb,
recommended 16 Mb. 1/11
33693 TILTDEMO.ZIP 3223848 09.02.1996 - - -
for WIN 95
43308 TM16DEMO.ZIP 40,1 Mt 12.06.2001 - - -
Tread Marks demo v1.6 Kilpa-ajoa tankeilla. Kilpakaverit voi tietysti tykittää tuusan nuuskaksi, samoin kuin maastoa ja muuta rekvisiittaa. 
43309 TOD-DEMO.ZIP 107,2 Mt 29.01.2001 - 23174/Gamestar_27_2001-03_cd1.bin -
"The Typing of the Dead demo In The Typing Of The Dead you run through House of the Dead 2but instead of firing a light-gun you type a word that is displayed onscreen in front of the creature attacking you. The faster and more accurately you type the wordsthe faster youll kill the zombies and the higher youre score will be. This single-player demo includes 2 Drill levelsone Arcade leveland the first Prelude level of the Original game mode. "
43310 TRIBS2UD.ZIP 79,3 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 demo (päivitetty) Demon lopullisesta versiosta löytyy kaksi yksinpelattavaa harjoitustehtävää, yksi CRF-kartta ja yksi Team Hunters -kartta. P400, 64 Mt. 
43311 UNDYING.EXE 96,9 Mt 17.04.2001 - 23866/TRIAL_ENTCDJB4.iso -
"Clive Barkers Undying by Electronic ArtsSet in Ireland of the 1920splayers take on the role of Patrick Gallowaywho has been summoned to an ancestral estate by its lone descendentJeremiah. Death has claimed his four siblingseach of whom have reanimated intent on slaying their living brotherthe last of the familyso as to free the Curse of the Undying King.
Patrick must embark on five perilous quests before he can unearth the final horror of the estate.
This demo lets you play through a sequence in the haunted mansion and includes some of the stronger weapons and spells from the full version. 
33815 VSQUAD.A01 1456613 05.12.1996 - - -
Virtua Squad demo 2/5
33816 VSQUAD.A02 1456439 05.12.1996 - - -
Virtua Squad demo 3/5
33817 VSQUAD.A03 1456605 05.12.1996 - - -
Virtua Squad demo 4/5
33818 VSQUAD.A04 259224 05.12.1996 - - -
Virtua Squad demo 5/5
33819 VSQUAD.ARJ 1456573 05.12.1996 - - -
Virtua Squad playeble demo 1/5
From Sega. Virtua Cop -arcade on PC.
Req. win95 w/ DirectX.
43312 WOODYWPD.ZIP 55,9 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Woody Woodpecker demo Woody Woodpecker: Escape from Buzz Buzzard Parkin demossa kuuluisa piirroslintu Woodyn eli Nakke Nakuttajan on pelastettava kaapattu sukulaisensa ilkeän Buzz Buzzardin kynsistä. 
43313 WW3BGD.ZIP 130,8 Mt 05.08.2001 - - -
World War III: Black Gold demo After Central Geological UN Commission reveals that worldwide oil stocks have plummeted to dangerously low levels and oil reserves will run out within 8-10 years, the leading forces have declared WWIII... 
43314 WWPDEMO.ZIP 36,8 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Worms World Party demo This new installment in the series brings all of your favorite options, and adds a whole bunch more. You have been recruited to command a platoon of worms into battle. Compete in various battles to achieve Worms World Supremacy! Take on the world, dominate, and annihilate the competition, and become the top worm! This turn based, carnage filled battle is sure to leave weaker players writhing in the mud. 
43315 ZAXAHD.ZIP 50,8 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Zax: The Alien Hunter demo Zax is an action adventure that takes place in over 100 maps in 22 missions. You must battle alien cave dwellers, jungle creatures and a number of other menaces created by the evil Om. Zax features a number of weapons and is played from an overhead, isometric view. P233, 32 MB. 
42401 ELITEDRT.ARJ 3,8 Mt 30.09.1999 repacked archive.org tupla
Elite Darts demo by Patch Products, Inc. Beautifully produced darts simulation featuring great graphics, atmospheric sound effects, and highly realistic dart-throwing action. A well-produced tutorial movie teaches you how to throw by guiding a transparent throwing arm with your mouse. This demo lets you play a single-player game of 301. Windows 95   1/3
42402 HH2002UD.ZIP 72,9 Mt 29.03.2001 renamed archive.org -
High Heat Major League Baseball 2002 demo The High Heat Major League Baseball 2002 is  an attempt to create the best baseball game  ever made, combining arcade-action with an  accurate simulation. It features a hi-res  3D-stadium environment with polygonal  players and animation derived from motion  capture. The AI features an accurate  simulation system utilizing statistics from  actual MLBPA players on actual MLB teams.  
42403 NBAL01D.ZIP 52,9 Mt 21.02.2001 repacked archive.org -
"NBA Live 2001 demo Think you can run the rock well enough to hang with the best? Hook up with other virtual hoopsters to find out whos got the most game. High-flying dunkscrossover dribblesblocked shots that land in the fourth row -- if its in the gameits in NBA Live 2001. But remember: if youre going to talk the talkyoud better be able to walk the walkbecause in NBA Live 2001 Showdownyou can run but you cant hide. P20032MBWin953D accelerator. "
42404 SURFDEMO.ZIP 65,2 Mt 16.01.2001 - 23868/HDC50.iso -
"Championship Surfer demoFull 3D surfing experience complete with sprayweather effectsenvironmental effectshuge swells and much more!  Consultation with Australian Surfing Champion Mark Richardsonensures player control system accurately duplicates the movements and tricks performed by the worlds best surfers. Ground breaking proprietary wave generation enginecreates stunningly realistic waves that make for Authentic Real World Surfing. "
42405 TPBDEMO.ZIP 44,7 Mt 22.03.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Triple Play Baseball demoThe Triple Play Baseball demo consists of Single Game Mode, Safeco Field only, All-Star Rosters only, 3 Innings only and No commentary. 
42406 VPOOL3UD.ZIP 19,1 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Virtual Pool 3 updated demo The ultimate pool simulator arrives with enhanced graphics and a brand-new career mode! The only pool game that guarantees to make you a better player is still the best pool game in town. Note: This demo will not run on Windows 95. You will need Windows 98, Windows Me, or Window 2000 to run the demo.  
43316 1W773.ZIP 83,3 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 Cathay Pacific/Oneworld Boeing 777-300 Registration B-HNH. Based in Hong Kong, Cathay Pacific is the launch customer to Boeing\'s 777-300, and B-HNH is the first one on earth. It has since formed an alliance with British, Qantas, American, Finnair and Canadian, naming it "Oneworld". The alliance is real, but the plane is fictitious. Includes landing lights and cabin lighting. By Jeffrey Lung.
43317 4X4ETE.ZIP 2,6 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
4x4 Evolution track editorContains also Patch #1 that will work on all English and Japanese versions, but not with French or German versions. This patch addresses profile reset, a bug in Time Attack, enhancements to DirectX and OpenGL rendering, additional suspension type for custom trucks, and the maximum number of custom trucks has been raised to 25. 
43318 752AY5P1.ZIP 206,4 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS5/FSFS Finnair Boeing 757-200 (Pro Series) 1.01 Features a more realistic texture on the fuselage, more night lighting, including tail light Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. Wings designer: Bill Alderson
43319 752AY8P1.ZIP 157,1 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 Finnair Boeing 757-200 (Pro Series) 1.01 Features a more realistic texture on the fuselage, more night lighting, including tail light Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. Wings designer: Bill Alderson
43320 ADDITP2K.ZIP 5,9 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
"FS2000 Utility - V4.0.2 Addit! Pro  For Flight Simulator 200 0 Addit! Pro gives you the power to fully manage all of your  Flight Simulator 2000 addons. Quickly and easily install ne w addons. Archive addons to Addit! Pros File Cabinet or re create them in folders or zip files. Removing addons is jus t as effortless. Assign new panels and sounds to your fleet  of aircraft.  Conflicts and configuration problems are ide ntified before they cause any grief. Addit! Pro can even au tomatically update Flight Simulators scenery library (Scen ery.cfg). The program handles adventuresaircraftflights"
43321 ADFACD10.ZIP 460,9 kt 07.03.1998 - MBCD -
Air Combat Designer v1.0 for F-22: ADF Want to generate some cool instant action style scenarios for F-22 ADF? Freeware! Windows 95.
43322 ADFDM101.ZIP 414,8 kt 10.06.1998 - MBCD -
Dynamic Mission Designer v1.01 for F-22:Air Dominance Fighter. Win95. Following on the very successful launch of Air Combat Designer, Game Tool Technologies brings dynamic mission creation tool for F-22: ADF. Simple yet easy method for generating dynamic missions for you to fly. Moreover, DMD generates both single player pilot missions and multi-player missions in co-op format or in the strategic AWACS format
43323 ADIT318.ZIP 5,6 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
Addit! Pro For Flight Simulator 98    FS98 Utility - V3.1.8 Addit! Pro is a  full-featured addon manager for Microsoft  Flight Simulator 98. Easily install, manage  and remove adventures, aircraft, panels,  scenery, situations, sounds, textures and  videos. Archive addons you are not using.  Modify aircraft, panels and sounds. Add  scenery to scenery library. Requires FS 98,  FS Converter 98. By Joseph Stearns.
42410 ANACHED.ZIP 6,6 Mt 25.08.2001 - - -
Anachronox Editing Tools and Docs Anachronox-peliin tarkoitetut editointityökalut ja -dokumentit. 
43324 AS_CARDM.ZIP 177,7 kt 25.11.1999 - - tupla
AS Card Maker With this you can easily make your own Card Deck for AS Card Games. The most time consuming part is finding pictures you want and then converting them in Bitmap Format. After that  you can make the very fast. Program automatically resize images to fit in one card. Note if your pictures width is greater than height , pictures will lose their aspects. Windows 95 By AS Games aki.suuronen@pp.phnet.fi Windows 95.
43325 ASEINST.ZIP 10 kt 19.08.2003 - - -
The All Seeing Eye Installer The All Seeing Eye etsii automaattisesti netistä koneelta löytyvien pelien moninpelipalvelimia ja näyttää niiden olennaiset tiedot. Tämä asennusohjelma hakee itse ohjelman uusimman version netistä ja asentaa sen. Shareware, 10-30 USD. http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/
43326 B17OMD.ZIP 171,8 kt 15.02.2001 - - -
B-17 Flying Fortress grafiikkatyökalu Voit luoda/siirtää peliin/pelistä lentokoneiden grafiikoita. 
43327 BFC-PB2F.ZIP 1,9 Mt 15.09.1998 - - tupla
Battlefield Communicator Public Beta 2 Version 0.9 allows real-time voice communication during multiplayer games. Supports for example Quake 2, GLQuake, QuakeWorld, Sin, Diablo, and Fighter Ace. ShadowFactor Software Inc.
43328 CAMOCM10.ZIP 976,5 kt 13.05.1998 - MBCD tupla
Camo Commander - utility for F/A-18 Korea. Lets you select from any of 10 available camouflaged aircraft for both the US Navy and Marine Corps, and a number of world air forces, including Canada, Switzerland and Spain. Game Tool Technologies. Win95.
43329 CARED096.ZIP 552,5 kt 21.07.1998 - - -
GP2: Car Shape Editor. Autoeditori GP2:een.
43330 CARI102.ZIP 15,9 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
"Midtown Madness car installer v1.02. Though its not so hard to install a new caryou can use this program if you have any problems. "
43331 CBADD12.ZIP 1,7 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Castle Builder v1.2 is a freeware program to draw maps of castles. It uses external ray-racing programs to produce photorealistic images of the castles from any viewpoint. To produce the images, you will need the free "povray" package from http://povray.org. For high quality background images, you may also want the free "terragen" package from http://planetside.co.uk/terragen. Windows 95/98 
43332 CFSMEDIT.ZIP 257,1 kt 10.12.1998 - - -
Combat Flight Simulator Mission Editor Build your own CFS missions and campaigns. This is an Excel spreadsheet with fields for all the mission and campaign parameters. You enter the mission data into the spreadsheets, click a macro button, and the mission file is generated, ready to fly for yourself or to send to your friends. You must have Microsoft Excel 97 to use the Mission Editor.
43333 CHIPEDIT.ZIP 144,7 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
"Chips Challenge 2 editor Editori Windowsin mukana tulevaan peliin. "
43334 COE14.ZIP 279,2 kt 04.05.1998 - - -
Creatures Object Editor v1.4 by Alexander Laemmle. This is a fully features object editor for Creatures. With this utility, you can edit the properties of objects, create new objects etc.
43335 CREANOI.ZIP 109,9 kt 04.05.1998 - - -
Creatures Object Injector If you have downloaded the old Christmas pack with the old Object Injector, then you will have problems with later COBs, unless you upgrade to this Object Injector. Needs Creatures v1.0.2
43336 CREAOB12.ZIP 364 kt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures CyberLife Object Pack 1+2
43337 CREAOBSK.ZIP 671,8 kt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures Observation Kit This Applet shows a list of all of your Norns in one list together with their status. Options allow you to set alarms for when Norns become ill, or pregnant, and you can even set the window to remain on top where you can see it. The Observation Kit needs Creatures 1.01 or greater. As recommended by the Creatures Team.
43338 CREAPREK.ZIP 2,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures - The Genetics Preview Kit is a new Creatures Applet for viewing Creature genotypes. It can be used either as stand-alone product, or in conjunction with the Creatures product. Creatures is required in order to see the results of any Genotypes
43340 CUBIXX.ZIP 1,6 Mt 23.12.1998 - - tupla
"Cubixx v2.5.5 by Paul Thomson Are you one of those people out there who has a Rubiks Cube collecting dust because you just cant solve it and you think taking it apart and putting it back together is cheating? Wellthenthis is the program for you. Cubixx lets you create your cubeexactly as it appearson your PC. Simply fill in the colors as they appear and click solve. Windows 9598or NT"
42416 DALEK134.ZIP 208,5 kt 08.11.2001 - - -
Dale Keeper 1.34 Dale Keeper is an application that allows you to edit your Icewind Dale saved game files. How the editor is used is really up to you. Some people use editors like this for beefing up their characters, some use them for recreating actual D&D characters to play in the game and some just to goof around. The point of the editor is to allow you to have fun playing the game however you like it best.  
43341 DCETHRWR.ZIP 14,5 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
Dice Thrower English v1.0  by Andreas Jonsson Program that simulates dices. You can throw up to 32767 dices at one time and it can handle positive and negative modification. I use it when I play role playing games but there are probably other ways to use it too. It is freeware. Windows.
43342 DHC6_KOG.ZIP 90,4 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 DHC-6-300 Twin OtterSTOL fixed-wing, twin engine aircraft (registration sign OH-KOG).This aircraft has been 
used since 1980 for aerogeophysical measurements.The aircraft is owned and 
maintenanced by Finnair Company. The subsidiary of Finnair, Malmilento Oy, 
is the operator. Original by Barry Blaisdell. Aerogeophysical measure-equipment 
and repaint by Mikko Maliniemi.
43343 DIERLLR.ZIP 870,4 kt 05.06.1998 - - tupla
DieRoller v3.2 by Alex C. Cole Utility. Roll the dice with Die Roller. Calculates the results each time you roll the dice, and allows you to modify each roll. Windows 95
43344 DINKDMOD.ZIP 14,5 Mt 25.11.1999 - MBHH2000 tupla
"Dink Smallwood D-MODSnew worlds/adventures for the full version. Includes: The Search For Milli VanilliThe Scar of DavidDinks Doppleganger Full 2.1The Ninth LockThe RozarusElemental PeaceSword of ParanorThe SlaughterhousePointlessDinkopolisMystery IslandDinkanoidDinkZillaProphecy of the AncientsDink ArenaLost In Dink."
43345 DINKED15.ZIP 169,6 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
Dink Smallwood authoring utility Even though everything you need to make a Dink DMOD comes with the game, here is extra stuff that RTSOFT or other people have made to help you out: Dink C Editor version 1.5 by Robert Fogt. Color coded editor specifically built for coding in DINKC..
43346 DINKFE21.ZIP 771,7 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
Dink Smallwood utility: Dink Front End 2.1 The name says it all - perhaps the slickest way to run DMODS ever - EASY TO INSTALL! (uses Install Shield) By Robert Fogt. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
43347 DMDSETUP.ZIP 977,7 kt 10.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Dynamic Mission Designer for Su-27 Flanker V1.0 mission planning utility for use with SSI/Mindscapes excellent flight simulation, Su-27 Flanker. By Game Tool Technologies. Windows 95
43348 DPRESS20.ZIP 2,5 Mt 14.11.2001 - - -
Deck Press 2.0 With the Deck Press you can build your own decks for Hardwood games and future card games from Silver Creek Entertainment. You could for instance take a few pictures of the family, scan them in, and make a family photo album deck. 
43349 DRAKANED.ZIP 1,6 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
Drakan Level Editor - 9:54 PM EST Surreal has just released the Drakan level editor. Windows 95.
43350 DRIVMI.ZIP 745,5 kt 18.10.1999 - - -
Driver missions configurator This program is a utility program that enable you to modify any missions (.dms) from the PC Demo of the Driver Game. You can modify you car, your position, the weather, the objective, timer, and beheavior of the cops.
43351 EAWC2000.ZIP 835,8 kt 18.07.2000 - - -
"European Air War Control 2000 will help those who dont like fiddling with the ini file in EAW. You can select your preferred resolution/multiplayer settings and run the game. The multiplayer sliders should help those with serious lag/internet problems although you will need to experiment. Requirements: European Air War v1.1 "
43352 EAWCTL16.ZIP 793,4 kt 27.09.1999 - - tupla
"European Air War Control v1.6 will help those who dont like fiddling with the ini file in EAW. You can select your preferred resolution/multiplayer settings and run the game. The multiplayer sliders should help those with serious lag/internet problems although you will need to experiment. Requirements: European Air War v1.1"
43353 EAWPIXP.ZIP 4,9 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
European Air War Paint Kit Microprose has made available a European Air War Paint Kit. The Kit allows you to create your own plane textures, cockpits, and even Terrain! Windows 95.
43354 EAWSKINN.ZIP 12,4 kt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
European Air War EAW Skin Utility.
43355 EAWST13.ZIP 246,4 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
"European Air War Stab v1.3  un-official add-on to MicroProses European Air War that provides the feature of Automatic Terrain Loading (and Aircraft Skins if configured) for Campaign Careers based on the current Campaign date.  It also has a Manual mode enabling Terrains and Skins to be loaded at as required. Req. Windows 95/98EAW V1.2"
43356 ECAPNL30.ZIP 453,8 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Enemy Coast Ahead Control Panel v3.0 European Air War add-on. Nearly 200 different models of WWII aircraft are now available, including Russian, Italian, Japanese and U.S. Pacific aircraft. By Charles Gunst.
43357 EGGITOR.ZIP 20,2 kt 13.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"Chuckie Egg LevelEggitorv1.2 Graphical tool for designing levels. You may also need a copy of the Visual Basic runtime files."
43358 F182GTT.ZIP 42,4 kt 10.06.1998 - 22574/GAMBLERCD32B.BIN tupla
F/A-18 Korea Camo Commander utility, FREEBIE: Canadian CF-18 based on 410 Cougars Squadron Commemorative colors.
42422 F1RCAU21.ZIP 7,9 Mt 17.10.2001 - - -
Fullsim Championship Auto-update 2001 v2.1Lähes täydellinen, mutta viimeistelyä kaipaava kausipäivitys Formula 1 Racing Championshipiin. Lähes kaikki on ok, esim. Jaguar-Cosworth on autoa, kypärää ja valikoita myöden mukana, mutta alkuvalikon kuljettajagallerian kuvat on vielä päivittämättä. Vuoden 2001 alkuvalikon saa helposti päivitettyä F1RC Master editorilla, jolla voi ladata f1rc_valikot2001 -pathin. Molemmat saa Mbnetistä. 
43359 F1RCE16C.ZIP 2,5 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
F1RC Edit 1.6cYksi monipuolisimmista editoreista Formula 1 Racing Championshipille. Pakatut kuva- ja  äänitiedostot saa auki F1RC editillä ja niitä voi editoida yleisimmillä kuva- ja  äänenmuokkausohjelmilla. Muokattuihin  tiedostoihin kuuluu esim. kausipäivitykset,  jotka saa pakattua pelin ymmärtämään muotoon  helposti tällä ohjelmalla.
43360 F1RCED11.ZIP 1012,2 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
Formula 1 Racing Championship editor v1.1bTällä pikueditorilla voi ladata esim.  moninpeliä varten omannäköisen auton mukaan Formula 1 Racing Championshipiin.
42425 F1RCM14.ZIP 793 kt 17.10.2001 - - -
F1RC Master v1.4 Tällä editorila on helppoa muuttaa F1 Racing Championshipin ulkonäköä ja ääniä. Useimmat kausipäivitykset tarvitsevat toimiakseen F1RC Master -editoria. 
43361 F1RCVK01.ZIP 2,4 Mt 17.10.2001 - - -
F1 Racing Championship valikkopäivitys -01Tämän saksankielisen ohjelman avulla voit päivittää valikkosi vuoden 2001 mukaisiksi. 
43362 F1RSEDIT.ZIP 1,4 Mt 16.03.1998 - 22663/cd joystick No96 septembre 1998.iso -
Formula 1 Racing Simulator -  a win95 program that lets you extract Insert and view car textures from F1RS. By Arturo Baz.
43363 F1RSIMCA.ZIP 161,7 kt 16.03.1998 - - tupla
"UbiSoftin F1 Racing Simulationiin vuoden98 autojen graffat. Tarvitset Arturo Bazin F1RS Editorinjotta voisit käyttää näitä. Sen saat MBnetistä nimellä F1RSEdit.zip."
43364 F1RSP12.ZIP 32,1 kt 16.03.1998 - - -
F1RSupdate v1.2 - jan 31,1998 Updates the F1RS editor. Added the ability to insert the tyre and other images of the car (car00.bmp). Added support for some of the sound options. Added a thumbnail preview of images when opening a file. Doesnt matter what version you have this will update f1rsedit to version 1.2  By Arturo Baz.
43365 FALC2210.ZIP 152,4 kt 25.01.1999 - MBCD -
"FALCHE2 - Fallout 2 Character Editor 2.10 . Edits your characters statsperkstraitsskills and more. Windows 95/98"
43366 FALCHE12.ZIP 149,4 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
"FALCHE 1.20 - Fallout Character Editor 1.20 Edits your characters statsperkstraitsskills and more. Windows 95."
43367 FALCHE2.ZIP 152 kt 01.01.1999 - Pelit CD 1999 -
Fallout 2 Character Editor 2.02 Windows Version. By:-CH Khor-
43368 FF7CHE.ZIP 169,9 kt 22.01.1999 - 19266/ftp.winsite.com-win95-demo.tar -
"FF7CHE 1.30 - Final Fantasy VII Character Editor 1.30. Edits your characters statslimitsitemsgilgpmateria and chocobos."
43369 FLKCC10.ZIP 3,5 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Camo Commander for Flanker 2.0  Utility. designed for convenience. It allows you to choose a camo scheme, see a sample texture, then apply it. Once a choice is made, you may launch Flanker 2.0 straight from the user interface! Should you decide to change the texture again, or return to the native Flanker Blue livery, simply choose the scheme you wish and use Camo Commander again. By Game Tool Technologies
43370 FLYED105.ZIP 6,3 Mt 12.06.2000 - 22683/cd joystick no116 juin 2000 cd2.iso -
FLY! editor version 1.05 
43371 FS10ALLA.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.12.1997 - MBCD -
Flanker Campaign Shell version 1.0 by Hideo Fukumori - GUI program for overall gameplay enhancement of Su-27 Flanker from SSI/Mindscape. Allows you to create and play branching campaigns and a lot more!
43372 FS2KSDK.ZIP 295,4 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
"Flight Simulator 2000 SDK:  Software Development Kit. The Flight Simulator 2000 Adventure Programming Language (APL) SDK contains documentation (PDF format) and all the necessary components for a sample adventure. This is the information youll need to create your own adventures and lessons. Intended for experienced software developers familiar with a high level programming language such as C++. Windows 95/98."
43373 FS2TERR.ZIP 2,2 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
 FS2000 SDK part IV - terrain Microsoft has released the fourth part of FS2000 SDK. This time the topic is Terrain. The package includes several tools and documents about how to create for example DEM (Digital Elevation Mesh) data into sceneries. 
43374 FS98SDK.ZIP 650,4 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
"Flight Simulator 98 SDK:  Software Development Kit. The release of FS98 ushers in an era of newmore flexibleand easily customizable systems for creating and modifying FS components. With the Flight Simulator 98 Software Development Kit (SDK)were lending support in the form of the tools you need to create and customize components for Flight Simulator 98. Windows 95/98."
43376 FSCONV.EXE 481,9 kt 02.11.1997 - 24023/1997-05_Disc_3.2.iso tupla
Flight Shop converter to Flight Simulator for Windows 95 (Converts FSFS planes compatible with FSW95)
43375 FSCONV98.EXE 1,5 Mt 09.04.1998 - 22298/VPR9902A.BIN tupla
Konekonvertteri Microsoftin Flight Simulator 98:lle. Tällä tiedostolla pystyt helposti muuntamaan Flight Shop -yhteensopivat lentokoneet FS 98:lle. Muuntaa myös adventuret eli "seikkailut".
43377 FSCOURSE.ZIP 2,1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - tupla
"Flight Simulator Course Plot How many times have you launched fs and taken off from Meigs Field and landed in Ohare? Do you see yourself doing a bunch of touch-n-gos? calculate the various NAV radios from any two airports in the United States. If you like European flightshow about a flight from Athens Greece to Heathrow Intl in London all pre-calculated for you? over 3700+ airports6500+ Nav Radiosand 12300+ runways COVERED. Win95."
43378 FSUIPC.ZIP 167,6 kt 18.07.2000 - - -
Flight Simulator 2000 tweak: FSUIPC.DLL Pete Dawson has just released a new version of his FSUIPC.DLL which enables the usage of different third-party add-on products in FS2000, such as SquawkBox and Real Weather. Version number is now 1.92. 
43379 FUZZYDIE.ZIP 2,4 Mt 24.12.1998 - - tupla
"Fuzzy Dice! v2.51 by Grog Inc. Dice-rolling program thats packed with features. In addition to rolling any number of dice with any number of sides (up to 500)it can keep statistics and features well rounded AD&D character generator. Windows 95"
43380 GATEK109.ZIP 181,1 kt 08.11.2001 - - -
"Gate Keeper 1.09.01 Gate Keeper is an application that allows you to edit your Baldurs Gate saved game files. How the editor is used is really up to you. Some people use editors like this for beefing up their characterssome use them for recreating actual D&D characters to play in the game and some just to goof around. The point of the editor is to allow you to have fun playing the game however you like it best.  "
43381 GCTRIAL.ZIP 4,6 Mt 02.10.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
"Game Commander trial version Simpleyet somewhat powerful little voice recognition program for gamers and especially to flight simulation fans. The trial version allows you to evaluate Game Commander for 90 days before plunking down your hard-earned money. Try it on your favorite games and then order the full product. The programs use is quite intuitiveand the instructions are easy. Windows 95microphone"
43382 GLAUNCH.ZIP 941,7 kt 09.06.2000 - - -
Creative Game Launcher Utility The Creative Labs family of graphics cards ship with an extensive set of Display Property controls to allow the user to configure the graphics card to best fit their requirements. With this program you can load your games into the Game Launcher and create a unique set of display properties for each one. When the Game is "Launched" through the utility, it will apply these properties to your graphics card before running the game. Upon completion of the game, the original properties will be restored. version 1.04beta. Windows 95/98 
43383 GTAED01.ZIP 85,4 kt 06.05.1998 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Grand Theft Auto Editor
43384 GUNCAM.ZIP 101,8 kt 30.08.1999 - - tupla
GunCamera Rev 0.50 990217 WarBirds utility. Capture screenshots to animated gif movie as you fly the simulation. This program can run in background and capture screen when fire button(s) are pressed. It may work for other games too. Works on 2D and certain 3D cards, like TNT.
43385 H3KACD10.ZIP 1 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Air Combat Designer for FA-18 Korea v1.0 By Game Tool Technologies. PC based random mission generator designed to work with Graphic Simulations excellent flight sim, FA-18 Korea. ACDH3K instantly creates complex air to air missions. Users can choose any of a number of global and flight level variables to modify the current scenario. Windows 95.
43386 HKP15.ZIP 504,3 kt 11.04.1998 - - tupla
Hornet Korea Paintkit and Landscaper Add on tool for flight simulation Hornet: Korea by Graphic Simulations. Note: THIS PROGRAM ONLY WORKS FOR 3DFX USERS Windows95 menu driven program that allows you to choose between 5 different military paint schemes for the F/A 18 Hornet.
43387 JUN25-16.ZIP 1,4 Mt 21.04.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Theft Auto level editor: Junction25 v1.6 Win95/NT + 16 MB - full or demo version of GTA
43388 KNPDEMO.ZIP 1,1 Mt 16.07.2000 - 21815/Pegasus_Vol_1-95.iso -
"Klik & Play v1.2 An instant game creator. You dont have to know C language. This program can create games in minutes. This is a must get program. Shareware. Windows 95/98/NT. Copyright (c) 1994 F.Lionet / Y.Lamoureux. "
43389 M1_0_9.ZIP 227,8 kt 21.04.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Theft Auto level editor beta - tricky to use.
43390 M2EDI206.ZIP 203,6 kt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
Mordor II Editor v2.06 A Mordor I + II Editor that allows editing of characters, items, monsters, races and guilds. Also transfers Mordor characters between character files. ONLY works with the original Mordor and with Mordor II version 0.989b. Written by Simon Rathbone.
43391 MAPCRE.ZIP 371,1 kt 09.06.2000 - - -
Lior\'s Map Creator From the developer: "A map drawing program enabling to draw terrain, different libraries of objects, roads and rivers, and place a legend on the map. Included object editor to add new terrain and objects." Windows 95/98/NT 
43392 MCRDCNTR.ZIP 896,6 kt 04.06.1998 - - tupla
"Maries Card Counter v1.0 by Marie T. Taillon - card game utility. The main goal of Maries Card Counter is to improve your mental ability to remember the cards in any card game. This little software can make a huge differencewhen you play cards. Now you can remember all the cards that have been playedand its so easy!. Windows 95"
43393 MESHIPWR.ZIP 44,3 kt 02.04.1998 - 22592/Hrac_20_1998-04_cd.bin -
Shipwreckers Midnight Editor
43394 MIDISWIC.ZIP 541,1 kt 23.01.1999 - - tupla
"MIDI-Switch by Mike Cicco If youre disappointed with the background music of your favorite gameuse MIDI-Switch to customize it by switching the gamesoriginal MIDI files with your own. Simply pick any one of the games MIDI filesselect your replacement MIDI fileand click Replace. Windows 95"
43395 MINEDIT.ZIP 160,4 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Winmine Editor Kätevä apuohjelma miinaharavan muuttelemiseen ja miinaharavalla ja sen käyttäjillä leikkimiseen.
43396 MM6CH12.ZIP 221,8 kt 22.01.1999 - - -
"MM6CHE 1.20 - Might & Magic VI Character Editor 1.20. Edits your characters statsskillsspellsinventoryawards and more."
43397 MM6EDIT.ZIP 1,6 Mt 17.07.1998 - 22063/SSERVCD_59A.bin -
Might and Magic VI: Editor v1.0 Edit character names, stats, skill points,experience, and more.
43398 MM6EDT36.ZIP 638,4 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
"Elronds MM6 Editor v3.6 Complete saved game editor for MM6: - Fixed Age Bug (Doh!) - Can now edit Game Name Date Time - Can now edit Character Condition - Full Item Editor and Converter! - All primary stats for characters - Hit and Spell PointsArmor Class - ExperienceLevelFood and Gold - Skill Points and Class - Skill Editor - all customizable - Spell Book Editor - all 99 spells - Element Resistance (Fireetc)"
43399 MMBEETLE.ZIP 265,6 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness Beetle Tuner 0.9 Type : Freeware Author : DarA / dara@npl.pl First tool for MidTown Madness! Now you can tune your small beetle. http://wyscigi.npl.pl/midtown/tuner/ 
43400 MMTWE08.ZIP 668,5 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness Tweaker v0.8. Editoi autojen ominaisuuksia. 
43401 MMVED14.ZIP 3,4 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Midtown Madness Vehicle Editor v1.4. Ajoneuvoeditori. Käyttää 3D Studio MAX -ohjelmalla luotuja automalleja ja tekstuureita.
43402 MORETX22.ZIP 73,3 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
Airline Textures (twin-engine) pack II. A collection of additional texture files for use with JETS2.ZIP. Airlines included: Air Afrique, Air Transat (NC), British Airways (OC), Canadian (NC), Continental, Continental Micronesia, China Eastern, China Southern, Finnair (NC), JAL, KLM, LAM, Lufthansa, Northwest, Shuttle by United, TACV, United, as well as the "Grupo TACA" (Aviateca, LACSA, NICA and TACA). By Sergio Ortega.
43403 MOVSPACE.ZIP 6,8 kt 13.05.1998 - - tupla
"Janes F-15 Install Size Reduction Utility MovSpace is a utility to decrease the full install size of F-15. It reclaims approximately 135 mbytes of HD space by removing the movies from the players Hard Drive. Windows 95."
43404 MS3D152.ZIP 959,7 kt 18.03.2001 - - -
MilkShape 1.5.2MilkShape 3D is a lowcount polygon modeler, which is capable of importing and exporting various (game) file formats. Currently there is support for Half-Life models, Quake2 models, Unreal/UT models and Genesis 3D models. Support for any other game file format are planned, but need some extra researches. Shareware. 30 day trial for Win9x/NT. Author: chUmbaLum sOft. http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/
43405 MSTSTUPD.ZIP 5 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
Microsoft Train Simulator tools update  Päivittää työkaluja ja ohjeita. Uudet versiot MakeAce.exe ja Conv3ds.exe-ohjelmista, joilla voi luoda uusia objekteja ja junia.     
43406 MW4VET.ZIP 19,5 Mt 10.05.2002 - - -
MechWarrior 4: Vengeange editing tools Ei kuvausta. 
31088 MYTHDEMO.ZIP 1938118 18.03.1996 - - -
This is a demonstration package to help in
evaluating the MythOS for Windows 95 game
development libraries by Charybdis
Enterprises, Inc. It includes a real-time
viewer application and a number of example
models to demonstration the image quality of
the 3D rendering portion of MythOS.
29327 NOGAMSW.ZIP 172298 26.04.1996 - - -
===>  NO  GAMES  AT  WORK  <=== Have you ever
considered how many employee working hours
are wasted playing PC games?  What about
network performance degradation and wasted
disk space?  YOU could achieve substantial
NETWORK. UNGAME can search, detect and
optionally delete games from your network
server's disk or from individual disks (C
drives). The shareware version can detect 100
different games under Windows, Windows 95,
43407 NORNFA12.ZIP 634,3 kt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures utility: Nornfamily by Elisabeth Witek. Enables you to track the progress of your Creatures breeding.
43408 PESCENED.ZIP 8,9 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
Panzer Elite scenario editor  Wings Simulations (www.wingssimulations.com)
43409 PZELOBJE.ZIP 923,6 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
Panzer Elite object editor 
43410 QUE214.ZIP 2,8 Mt 15.03.2000 - - -
 Quest v2.14 (Axe Software) Create interactive fiction games. Role playing game (RPG) creator that allows you to use ASL scripting language to make your own text-based adventure games, complete with unique characters, items, places and objectives. Includes sample adventure. You navigate through games by entering commands in a command line or by making choices. Windows 95, 98
43411 ROLEPLAS.ZIP 9,4 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
"Roleplaying Assistant v5.1eA gamemasters toolkit to aid in designing and controlling table-top role-playing games. You can build databases of characters and monstersuse a name generatorand add new classes and races. It also includes a dice roller and spellbook managergenerators for mapsdungeonsencounters and weather patterns. Database and rules support for AD&DCyberpunkStar Wars (1st edition)Rolemaster (2nd edition)and Alternity. Win 9x. Freeware. "
43412 RV3DSXPT.ZIP 15,9 kt 18.10.1999 - 22676/cd joystick no109 novembre 1999.iso -
Re-Volt Car Editor Acclaim has released a mini-application that will enable Re-Volt owners to use the application 3D Studio to edit and create cars in the PC version of the game. Unsupported. Recommended that only experienced users of 3D Studio download the application, as technical support for 3D Studio and the car editing mini-application will not be provided by the company. 3D Studio is required.
43413 S340KF.ZIP 140,3 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 SAAB 340 Air Botnia (3D) Air Botnia is a SAS subsidiary competing with Finnair on domestic Finnish and Scandinavian routes. Air Botnia serves currently 15 cities with five J32s and five SAAB 340s. Five ex-SAS Fokker F28s are scheduled to arrive later this year (1999) and the old J32s are to be sold soon. This plane carry the new SAS look-a-like livery. 3D accelerator needed!
43414 SBODTOOL.ZIP 7,4 Mt 27.03.2001 - - -
Severance: Blade of Darkness level editor Level editor that allows you to design and construct your own maps and levels. 
43415 SDOEC11.ZIP 802 kt 18.12.1999 - - tupla
SDOE Chameleon. Utility for Screaming Demons: Fighter Squadron.
43416 SDOEC130.ZIP 918,8 kt 16.04.2000 - - -
SDOE Control  v1.30A GUI for the ini settings in Fighter Squadron: Screaming Demons Over Europe (SDOE) Version 1.3  
43417 SDOETOOL.ZIP 3,4 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Fighter Squadron:  Screaming Demons Over Europe tools. Parfile Tools, MG tool and source files for the Fokker.
43418 SIMSFACE.ZIP 8,8 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 The Sims: FaceLift Gold. Kasvoeditori The Sims peliin. Windows 95/98
43419 SIMSHC.ZIP 2,4 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
The Sims apuohjelmat: HomeCrafter.  Voit luoda tällä ohjelmalla uusia tapetteja ja lattioita taloihisi. Voit piirtää kuvioita millä tahansa piirto-ohjelmalla ja liittää ne peliin HomeCrafterillä. Windows 95/98
43420 SIMSHOW.ZIP 5,4 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
The Sims apuohjelma: SimShow.  Voit tutkia itse luomiasi "skinejä" hahmoille. Sen jälkeen skinit ovat valmiita itse peliin siirrettäväksi. Windows 95/98.
43421 SIMSSKI.ZIP 567,1 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
The Sims aputeksti: SimShow Tutorial.  Ohjekirja SimShow-ohjelman käyttöön ja omien skinien, eli pää/vartalotekstuurien, luomiseen. Englanninkielinen.
43422 SLMAP11.ZIP 852,2 kt 24.06.1999 - - -
Shattered Light mapmaker version 1.1 beta
31142 TCS-610U.ZIP 82970 19.09.1996 - - -
TIE Fighter Campaign Studio * TIE Fighter
Mission Editor, Version 6.10 Windows 95
43423 TDR2KSDK.ZIP 3,7 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
Carmageddon TDR 2000 SDKSoftware Development Kit.
31143 TIED10.ZIP 228459 19.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
TiED 1.0 * TIE Fighter Mission Editor and
43424 TRBOSLVP.ZIP 3,5 Mt 22.10.1998 - - tupla
"Turbo Solve! Pro v2.0 by Richard Thompson powerfuleasy to use32-bit word puzzle solving program for Windows95/NTcapable of solving a wide variety of word puzzles including crosswordsanagramsin-wordspair-up puzzlesword searches etc. Windows 95"
43425 TTT-ED.ZIP 2,2 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
"ThrustTwist NTurniin rataeditori. Suomalaisen Carts Entertainmentin vauhdikkaaseen autopeliin on jälkikäteen ilmestynyt rataeditorijota MikroBitin arvostelussa kaivattiinkin. Ohjelmalla voi luoda uusia ratoja ja sen mukana tulee kaksi ennennäkemätöntä kilparataa. Editori on ilmainen. Vaatii Windows 95."
43426 UWETEST.ZIP 156,5 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 UWE By Jonathan Rimmer UWE stands for (U)nder(W)orld (E)ditor, it is as the name suggests a level editor for the game "Ultima Underworld" created by Looking Glass software. The editor is currently at a pre-beta state and I releasing this version to get feedback and bug reports. http://skyscraper.fortunecity.com/memphis/670/
43427 VDICE31.ZIP 12,1 kt 20.07.1998 - - tupla
vDice v3.1. utility. by Andrew M. Powell designed to replace the polyhedral dice used in most role-playing games. Just click a number button to roll dies with needed numbers. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
31159 VVGMAD1.ZIP 1125906 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31160 VVGMAD2.ZIP 1167028 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31161 VVGMAD3.ZIP 1169534 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31162 VVGMAD4.ZIP 1111730 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31163 VVGMAD5.ZIP 1141183 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31164 VVGMAD6.ZIP 1148777 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31165 VVGMAD7.ZIP 1144931 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31166 VVGMAD8.ZIP 379373 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
41146 ZLOTTO96.ZIP 2398556 11.03.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ZLotto 96 is the finest & easiest to use
lottery software ever! 30 built in games,
custom setup, constants feature,
Statistic-Tracker & lots more! Requires
Windows 95
60471 ADQUEDIT.ZIP 56690 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
AdQuedit Quake Workstation, easy, flexible,
and useable means to manipulate the many file
formats that Quake has. Win95/NT.
43428 AQ2V35.ZIP 1 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
AutoQuake 2000. Ohjelma jonka avulla voit helposti käynnistää kaikki Quaken enginellö tehdyt pelit ja niiden modit. Eli päääsiassa tämä on Modin käynnistys ohjelma. Tästä on suuresti apua niille jotka pelaavat Quake ykköstä ja Half-Lifeä ja muita pelejä joiden modit pitää käynnistää erikseen vaikeilla parametreillä. www.geocities.com/aq2000 
43429 AQV80.ZIP 4,9 kt 12.02.2002 - - -
AutoQuake 2000 8.0 AutoQuaken avulla koneelle asennettujen Half-lifen ja Quaken pelimoottoria käyttävien pelien ja modien hallitseminen on helppoa. Ohjelma osaa itse tutkia kovalevyn ja etsiä sieltä tukemiaan pelejä, minkä jälkeen halutun modin käynnistäminen on helppoa. AutoQuake tunnistaa 15 peliä ja yhteensS 2040 modia. Ilmainen. Windows 95/97/NT/2000/Me/XP. http://www.planetquake.com/aq2000/
43430 AVP2SDK.ZIP 8,6 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator 2 kehitystyökalut Aliens vs. Predator 2 -modifikaatioiden tekijöille tarkoitettu työkalupakkaus sisältää mm. erilaisia editoreita ja ohjeita modien väsäämiseen.   
43431 BC4210B.ZIP 11,5 Mt 19.06.2003 - - -
"Battlecraft 1942 v1.0 beta  Battlefield 1942:n karttaeditori. Avoin beta-versio; vaatii BF42 v1.4 toimiakseen. "
43432 CSAUTOUP.ZIP 2,3 Mt 21.07.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike auto-updaterFor retail version only. Automaattinen päivitystyökalu, joka kertoo, mikä versio pitää imuroida, sekä antaa listan palvelimista, joista tiedoston voi ladata. Tämä ohjelma tulee myös Counter-Strike Retail v1.0.0.2 päivityksen mukana. 
43433 CSTOOL13.ZIP 3,8 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Counter-Strike Tools v1.3 Uusissa hienouksissa mm. Leadership Config Maker, jonka avulla joukkueenjohtaja voi helposti organisoida joukkonsa otteluissa ilman ylimääräisiä näppäinten bindauksia. 
43434 D2EDT312.ZIP 461,7 kt 29.01.2001 - - -
D2edit v3.1.2 D2edit is a saved game editor for Diablo II. 
43435 D3ED092.ZIP 1,4 Mt 16.12.1999 - - -
Descent 3 Level Editor (Beta .92) A new  version (Beta .92) of the Descent 3 Level  Editor is now available for free download.  This is still a beta version, but is  feature complete with the exception of  terrain support. Terrain support will be  added in a future release. Windows 95.
43436 D3EDIT11.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 D3Edit 1.1 THE level editor for Descent 3. This new version contains the long awaited Terrain Support! Windows 95.
62738 DEEP97.ZIP 1448747 14.01.1997 - - -
NT 4.0 Editor. Awesome built-in line drawing.
Edits ALL the games in 1 program. True ONE-
step linedef/sector drawing. Totally configu-
rable error checker. LIGHTNING fast DeePbsp
nodebuilder! Copy, Cut, Paste, Merge, Undo.
Instant STAIRS, WINDOWS, DOORS + more! View
ALL Things at once on you MAP!
43437 DEUSXSDK.ZIP 4,8 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Deus Ex SDKWith this Software Development Kit you can create new stand alone missions. 
The package includes all of the tools used to create the 
award winning action/role-playing game. 
43438 DEXSDK09.ZIP 5,4 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Deus Ex SDK v1.109f This software development kit allows you to create your own mods to the game. This package includes all the tools used to create Deus Ex. This updated version adds all Deus Ex headers, and better support for multiplayer mods. 
43439 DEXSDK12.ZIP 6,2 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Deus Ex SDK v1.112fm Software Development Kit for Deus Ex. 
43441 DKMAPEDT.ZIP 932,6 kt 21.09.2000 - - -
Daikatana map editing toolsEi kuvausta.
43442 DM98-40.ZIP 3,9 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Duke Manager 98 v4.0  by Charlie Wilson Utility. More than just another launch utility. DM98 was designed to be an all inclusive Duke3D management tool. Features include Saved Game Launching (Atomic only), Single Player Launch, Multi Player Launch, Fully Integrated, Easy to use Con Editor, and much more. DOS 5.0
43443 DROMED.ZIP 3,9 Mt 24.06.1999 - 23238/Gamestar_09_1999-09_cd3.bin -
Thief: The Dark Project Level editor. Create & edit Thief levels & missions. Windows 95.
43444 DS100P2.ZIP 606485 05.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
D2: Descent Studio v1.0.0 Pre-Release 2
With Pre-Release 2, you can work with
Descent's HOG and TXB files. You can edit
existing files and create new files.
43445 FA11-095.ZIP 246,3 kt 18.10.1997 - 22539/GAMBLERCD10.BIN -
Film at 11 is a Windows95/NT based Quake Demo file editor.
43447 FAKKTOOL.ZIP 6,1 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2 editing tools v1.02Ei kuvausta.
43448 GL3D-150.ZIP 4 Mt 14.07.1999 - - tupla
"GameLaunch 3D 1.5 Front-end for configuring 3D action gamesuseful for beginners and hardcore gamers alike. Itll configure your 3D card for speed or beauty with just the press of a button. You can create and manage multiple keyboard configurations with drag-and-drop interface. All your preferences are saved for laterand you can even combine GameLaunch with GameSpy to connect to online games. Supports Quake 3QuakeQWorldQ2Hexen II/HworldUnrea etc"
43449 GM95-136.ZIP 545,4 kt 30.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
GameMenu95 v1.36 - Windows95 Front-end loader for Duke3D, Quake, Doom2, Blood, Strife, Descent, Heteric, Hexen,  Terminal Velocity, Rise of the Triads, PowerSlave, Redneck Ramapge, Shadow Warrior etc. Launch a selected level, episode, or user-define map in single or multi-player mode. Launch game or editor with selected map/wad/bsp/rtl file. ETC.
43450 GNBV111.ZIP 1,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Game Name Builder v1.11 Nimieditori, tukee useimpia Quake-pohjaisia pelejä, kuten Quakeworldia, Hexenworldia ja Q3Testiä.
43451 GOEDIT10.ZIP 4,1 Mt 02.08.2002 - - -
"GOEdit v1.0 GOEdit is an editor for Global Operations. Includes Users Manual and descriptions for sprite effects. "
43452 GRUNTZED.ZIP 467,2 kt 25.04.1999 - 11926/ftp.lith.com.zip -
Gruntz level editor
43453 GWA.ZIP 1,4 Mt 14.12.2000 - 22689/JOYCD122_2.iso -
Gunman Weapons Assistant Gunman Weapons Assistant on Redwolf Softwaren tekemä kätevä pikku ohjelma Gunman Chroniclesiin, jolla saa asekonfiguraatiot tehtyä nopeasti. Kätevää, jos esim. ei ole aikaa selailla asemenua vihollisen hyökätessä. 
43454 H2_UTILS.EXE 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen 2 utilities, contains level processing programs like QBSP, LIGHT and VIS, and HCC (HexenC)
43455 H76_65B.ZIP 142,7 kt 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
HACK76 v.65 Beta (05.05.97) Interstate 76 Car Editor!
43456 HALFSKIN.ZIP 944,9 kt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Half-Life Skin Installer .8 Created to make the installation of skins and models a snap. There are more than 350 custom skins/models for Half-Life and the number grows each day. To install such a large number of skins/models is no trivial task. What would normally take hours to do can now be accomplished in a few minutes with the Skin Installer for Half-Life. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43457 HG2TOOLS.A01 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 2/6
43458 HG2TOOLS.A02 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 3/6
43459 HG2TOOLS.A03 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 4/6
43460 HG2TOOLS.A04 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 5/6
43461 HG2TOOLS.A05 1,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 6/6
43462 HG2TOOLS.ARJ 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 1/6 HG2 Terraformer Tools. Create new maps for Heavy Gear II. Make Multiplayer maps, for Deathmatch, Capture-the-Flag, Strategic, Duelist, and Steal-the-Beacon games. Make "Historical" (Single-player) maps with various numbers of enemies. Make terrain environments. Make zero-gravity space environments. Create AI-scripted sequences for new maps, mission objectives, and more.
43463 HLA30.ZIP 3,7 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
Half-Life Game Launcher v3.0.  by Thundermag Software. Launch Half-Life with parameters. Allows you to launch Half-Life and its mods with many parameters. It allows you to enable cheats, launch in dev.mode, launch to console, skip intros, and more. You can limit sounds to WAV files-only, select the map you want to use, and select the API you want to use. An easy-to-use tabbed interface. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43464 HLAUTOUP.ZIP 2,3 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Half-Life auto-updater Automaattinen päivitystyökalu, joka kertoo, mikä versio pitää imuroida, sekä antaa listan palvelimista, joista tiedoston voi ladata. Tämä ohjelma tulee myös Half-Lifen v1.1.0.7 päivityksen mukana. 
43465 HLCV10.ZIP 62 kt 31.01.2001 - - -
Half-Life Configurator v1.0 Säädä ja muokkaa HL:n asetuksia. Tukee Half-Life, Team Fortress Classic, Counter-Strike 6.5 ja uudemmat. 
43466 HLMV12.ZIP 111,7 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Half-Life Model Viewer Half-lifeen Skini viewer ohjelma. editorina toimii piirustusohjelma (esim psp tai photoshop). Windows 9x 
43467 HLSDK20F.ZIP 72,9 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
Half-Life SDK v2.0 Full. Työkalut Half-Lifen modien luomiseen. Täysasennus. 
43468 HLSDK20S.ZIP 15,7 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
Half-Life SDK v2.0 Standard. Työkalut Half-Lifen modien luomiseen. Perusasennus. 
43470 HLSDK21.ZIP 73 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Half-Life Professional SDK v2.1Ei kuvausta. 
43471 HLSDK22.ZIP 73,4 Mt 17.02.2002 - - -
Half-Life SDK v2.2 Software Development Kit for Half-Life. 
43472 HLTAG012.ZIP 201,2 kt 14.07.2002 - - -
Half-Life TagConverter 0.12  Half-Life TagConverterin avulla voi muuttaa haluamansa bmp, jpg, gif, png tai tiff-muotoisen kuvatiedoston Half-Lifessä ja sen modeissa toimivaksi hahmon logoksi. Ohjelma osaa automaattisesti muuttaa kuvan oikeaan formaattiin ja tarvittaessa myös kokoon, sekä järjestellä väripaletin pelin ymmärtämään muotoon. Ilmainen. http://webplaza.pt.lu/richarme/downloads.html 
43473 JK2OCET.ZIP 4 Mt 29.04.2002 - - -
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast editorit Viralliset editorit Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast -peliin. Sisältää karttaeditorin, ohjelman 3D-mallien katseluun ja kaiken muun omien kenttien tekemiseen tarvittavan. 
43474 KPSDK121.ZIP 1,5 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
KINGPIN: Life of Crime (TM) - SDK  This is a bare-bones compilation of the tools necessary to create user modifications to Kingpin. Kingpin uses the Quake2 engine as a base, and therefore if you are familiar with Quake2 modifications, you will find yourself in very familiar waters with the Kingpin SDK. Windows 95/98
43475 MAXPOTP1.ZIP 40,9 Mt 05.08.2001 - - -
Max Payne tekstuuripaketti 1Remedyn omistama tekstuuripakkaus modien ja kenttien tekemiseen Max-FX -editorilla. 
43476 MLEMAKE3.ZIP 17,1 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Utility to randomize fleets for Supermelee in Star Control II
43477 MOD01F.ZIP 2,1 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
" Mod On Demand. The service consists of a client side program that downloads and installs modsmapsskins and player models automaticallyand while its currently only limited to Quake III Arenasupport for other games is planned as well. Windows 95/98."
43479 MOHAAME.ZIP 2,3 Mt 17.04.2002 - - -
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault map editor Ei kuvausta. 
43480 MOHAASDK.ZIP 7,8 Mt 25.05.2003 - - -
MOHAA: Spearhead SDK  The Software Development Kit for Medal of Honour: Allied Assault - Spearhead is an application and document based toolkit that  allows end users to create new game content.  Creating new levels, scripting AI opponents,  driving vehicles, and making new particle systems  are among the many things possible with this set  of tools. Comprehensive documentation and examples  are included to help get you started.  
43481 MVP13.ZIP 2,7 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 MapViewer Pro v1.3. Kätevä kenttienkatseluohjelma. Tukee: Quake, Quake III: Arena, Unreal Tournament. Windows 95/98.
43482 MW4MEDIT.ZIP 14,1 Mt 27.09.2001 - - -
MechWarrior 4 tehtäväeditori Editorilla voit väsätä omia tehtäviä MechWarrior 4 -peliin. 
43483 NOCLEVED.ZIP 3,2 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Nocturne Editor. Kenttäeditori.
43484 NOLFEDI.EXE 4,7 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
No One Lives Forever - editointityökalutNo One Lives Forever - editointityökalut omien tasojen ja modien suunnitteluun
43486 NOLFTOOL.ZIP 5,7 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
No One Lives Forever editing tools v1.0 Ei kuvausta. 
43487 OBED.ZIP 363 kt 10.05.2000 - - -
"Obed v1.102 Create maps for Marathon 2: Durandal PC map editor for Bungies Marathon 2: Durandal. It is a fully-featured CAD-like scenario editorincluding multilevel editing and terminal editor. This shareware add-on requires the full version of thge game. Windows 95/98 "
43488 PB943.EXE 280,7 kt 07.03.2001 - - -
PunkBuster.Counter Striken lisäohjelma, joka estää huijauksen nettipelissä. http://www.punkbuster.com/
43489 Q2DA96B2.ZIP 66 kt 03.09.1998 - - -
Q2DA - Quake2 Demo Analyzer BETA 0.96b2 purpose of this tool is to create statistics from Quake2-demos (.dm2-files) to see who fragged best, who was the easiest prey etc. It should work with all versions of Quake 2 up to v3.18beta and with the Q2 mission pack #1. Fabian Huester
43490 Q2DLL.ZIP 237,2 kt 22.12.1997 - MBCD -
Quake 2 - DLL-ohjelmointiin tarvittavat tiedostot. Tarvitset myös LCC-Win32-kääntäjän (LCCWIN32.ZIP). Paketti sisältää pitkiä tiedostonnimiä.
43491 Q2FGD100.ZIP 150,8 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
QUAKE2.FGD File for Worldcraft 1.5 Quake Level Editor. Version 1.00. Created by CryptR Consists nearly all Quake2 entities and their fields + usual palette, one texture wad, and instructions how to set up. Gives possibilities to make levels for Q2 before version 1.6 with actual Q2 support comes out!
43492 Q2MDLR83.ZIP 391,6 kt 14.04.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake 2 Modeller 0.83 This is a Quake2 Model Editor. This will only run on Windows 95, or Windows NT 3.51 or above.
43493 Q2SELECT.ZIP 217,7 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
QSelect v1.0 by Andre Lang Quake 2 frontend which will make starting different mods a little bit easier. QSelect executes the appropiate command line when you start a Quake game (also referred to as "mod"). These command lines are stored by QSelect and can be changed anytime. QSelect can manage the different versions of Q2 and automatically change to the one used. Req. Q2 3.05/3.10/newer, Win95/NT
43494 Q2SR1211.ZIP 1,6 Mt 22.12.1997 - MBCD -
Quake 2 GAMEX86.DLL and utils (QE4, QBSP etc) sources. No documentation. Contains long filenames.
43495 Q3AGS117.ZIP 1,2 Mt 27.05.2000 - - -
Quake III Arena Game Source v1.17. Source code for the Quake III Arena game .dll. There is a "How to make a mod" text file included which shows the very basics of building the source for debugging ( Win32, Visual C++ ) and building the vms for distributing mods. It also shows steps to get your mod to run with the engine. This MUST BE INSTALLED in quake3 off of whatever drive you like. 
43496 Q3K251.ZIP 283,8 kt 18.02.2000 - - -
Q3 KillStats: v2.51  Browse Quake 3: Arena kill stats. Reads the log files for the full version of Q3 (not the demo) and allows you to browse through the kill/death stats for each player in the file. Windows 95/98
43497 Q3T1043.ZIP 222 kt 18.08.1999 - - -
Quake 3 Tweak v1.043 This new version adds support for ATi Rage Fury, Intel i740 and Matrox G200. More resolution and description fixes (although some captions may still get cut off) and a few other miscellaneous problems.
43498 Q3TOOLS.ZIP 4,4 Mt 11.01.2000 - - -
Quake 3: Arena Q3A Edit Tools. Game editing & map creation tools.
43499 Q99-097F.ZIP 2 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Qoole 99 v0.97 - Quake Object Oriented Level Editor By Matt Ayres (matt@qoole.com) and Paul Hsu (hsup@qoole.com). There is no included documentation for Qoole 99. Please visit http://www.qoole.com/Qoole99Doc/ This version is freeware. Nothing is disabled. No brush limits. It does not expire. Enjoy. Quake 1/2/3 + Half-Life kenttäeditori freewarena.
43500 QCAPE10.ZIP 2,4 Mt 07.09.1997 - gamers.org -
QcAPE - QuakeC Advanced Programming Environment v1.0 by the FEAR team.
43501 QCCEI.ZIP 27139 02.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake: Qccei.zip (26K) Windows 95 application
that helps compile Quake C-Code
43502 QCEDIT12.ZIP 638,1 kt 07.09.1997 - - -
Quake C Editor v1.2 - For Windows 95 and NT. By Gavin Rouse.
67575 QCHECK.ZIP 73440 27.08.1996 - - -
QuakeCheck 1.0 for Windows 95 Accepts the IP
numbers of Quake servers and returns basic
information about them.
43503 QCSG_25.ZIP 51,9 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Half-Life editing utilities. Compile Tools QCSG v2.5
43504 QMEL0608.EXE 1,5 Mt 24.07.1997 - - -
QuakeMe v3.0 Lite. Modeller, Animator, 3D Painter and 2D Texture editor for Quake. Limited to 20 frames. Includes human.mdl.
43505 QON_10.ZIP 2,1 Mt 20.10.1997 - gamers.org -
QuakeOn v1.00 Windows 95/NT Front End for Quake by Brian Kelly Allows you to create QuakeSets - named groups of settings for launching Quake. Launch Quake from the System Tray. Great Map Support. Patch Explorer. Console Help. Custom Options.
43506 QOOLE250.EXE 1,6 Mt 24.02.1999 - MBCD -
Qoole v2.50 - Quake II Level Editor For Windows 95/98/NT.  Very easy to learn, object-oriented, and powerful. Includes everything  you need to make maps for Quake (TM), Quake II (TM), and Hexen II (TM).   For beginner to expert.  Shareware.  CDROM available, $29.95.  Visit http://www.qoole.com Written by Matthew Ayres and Paul Hsu
43507 QSCRIPT9.ZIP 53724 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake: QScript v.94d Win95/NT. Quake Map
Level Editor.
67598 QSFETCH.ZIP 1289953 02.09.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09963.iso -
QSFetch is a Windows95 application that
retrieves the current list of active Quake
internet servers from
43508 QUADLNCH.ZIP 2,3 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
"Quad Launcher v1.0 by Adam Woolridge If you DO enjoy playing Quake MODSbut DONT enjoy all the effort required to start themQUAD Launcher! is the ideal tool for you! No more trying to remember stupid command line arguments for countless MODSjust simply add them into the program ONCEand from then on just click ONE button to launch and play the MOD!!. Quake I or II or both and Windows 95"
43509 QUAKEIIL.ZIP 283,1 kt 29.06.1999 - - -
QuakeII Launcher v1.0 by David Appledore Lets you launch quakeII servers quickly and Conveniently from your system tray. Passwords can be set for different servers and the player setup is easy to change. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43510 QUAKEMAP.ZIP 177590 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
QUAKEMAP for Windows 95 basic level editor
for Quake provides full 3D edition of .map
files, allowing you to build levels by using
polyhedrons with any number of sides with any
43511 QWALITE.ZIP 874,1 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
qWAL-Lite v1.0.0.37 3D-Matrix - Quake2 based games stuff a huge assortment of resource files, including texture artwork, sounds, and more, into a PAK file. Here is a tool to manipulate these files. qWAL includes a full set of features for PAK file management. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
43512 QWDED103.ZIP 210140 19.08.1996 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
QUAKE "Dedicated Server v1.03" (IBM/Win95)
WINDED runs as a native app on either Win95
or Windows NT (Intel x86 only), so you can
finally run your server on NT. In fact,
WINDED running on NT is pretty much the
smoothest QUAKE server we've seen. Any QUAKE
client should be able to connect to a WINDED
server. To run WINDED, you must first have
the registered version of QUAKE installed.
Then just copy WINDED.EXE into your QUAKE
directory and from the command prompt type
43513 RAL9510G.ZIP 179,7 kt 06.10.1997 - - tupla
Red Alert Launcher 95 v1.0g - 20.7.1997 by Golden Ghost Software.
43514 RNDMELEE.ZIP 10,9 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Fleet randomizer for Supermelee in Star Control II by Dave Merrill. Sourcecode (C) included.
43515 RNKV13.ZIP 4,6 kt 26.01.2001 - - -
RcoN\'in Käyttö v1.3"RcoN\'in käyttö" on tehty helpottamaan rconin käyttöä Counter-Strike servereille, ja vastaamaan niin useasti kysyttyihin kysymyksiin.
43516 SC2GRAPH.ZIP 34,4 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Star Control II ship graphics editorby Colibri
43517 SHOCKED.ZIP 5,1 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
ShockEd: System Shock 2 level editorShockEd: The level editor for System Shock 2 This package contains the level editor for System Shock 2, and allows you to create your own levels. 
43519 SOFSDK.ZIP 3,6 Mt 10.05.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Soldier of Fortune SDK. Raven Software. Contains mapping utilities such as Radiant and BSP, a scripting compiler, ghoul exporter, documentation, and original map and script files for the New York Subway level. 
43518 SOFSDK11.ZIP 5,2 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Soldier of Fortune SDK 1.1Contains mapping utilities such as Radiant and BSP, a scripting compiler, ghoul exporter, documentation, and original map and script files for the New York Subway level. 
43520 SRVSETP.EXE 2,3 Mt 07.06.2000 - - -
Allegiance - Stand Alone ServerAllegiance Stand Alone Server allows you to host an Allegiance game universe on your computer and manage the connection of multiple Allegiance players into that game universe. Additionally, when running the Allegiance Server you will be automatically listed as an Allegiance game host on the MSN Gaming Zone and players can choose to play in your games. Please read the server manual for recommended configuration, connection speeds, and proxy issues. The Allegiance Free Zone will officially open to the public on 3/29. 
Please Note: Windows® 95 is currently not supported by the Allegiance Stand Alone Server. An update is being developed, so please stay tuned. 
43521 SSSDK10.ZIP 3,7 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Serious Sam SDK v1.00a Software Development Kit for Serious Sam. 
43522 STARRA12.ZIP 14,5 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
StarRand 1.2 Star Control 2 Random Melee Team Generator by Riboflavin, Pascal source code included.
43523 STVEFGDK.ZIP 5,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Voyager Elite ForceGame development kit.
43524 STVEFLE.ZIP 352,4 kt 05.10.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force updated level editor. Requires GDK. 
43525 SWAT3DTP.ZIP 24,2 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
SWAT III development tool packFor SWAT III: Elite Edition.
43526 THRED09B.ZIP 1 Mt 01.04.1997 väärä koko 22534/GAMBLERCD05.BIN -
"THRED by Jim Lowell. Thred is a 3D editor that has been designed to create Quake maps. Thred supports many advanced features to make your editing as easy as possible. Includes DLLs you might need and THRED.HLP file."
43527 THUGL111.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.03.1999 - MBCD tupla
ThUGL v1.11 by Lars Filges ThUGL (The Ultimate Game Launcher) is a front end utility that works with any game built on the Unreal or Quake 2 engine - including Sin, Heretic 2, Daikatana, Blood 2, Duke Nukem Forever, and more. It has a simple interface that lets you choose a game type (you can use ThUGL to start up Internet server games), an episode, and a level, as well as frag and time limits and a maximum number of clients. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43528 THUMB117.EXE 2,3 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
"Wheel of Time - editoriThe Terangreal Hand Utility Modifier and Builder gives you a cleanintuitive way to completely remap your keys and terangreal placement. If you dont like Fireball and Seeker being on separate keysthen put them on the same one. If youd rather have freeze on its own key to access it fasterwellnow you can do it. "
43529 TIE2XVT.ZIP 8 kt 22.08.1999 - 22412/NEW.iso tupla
Käännä TIE Fighter - tehtävät XvT-muotoon.
43530 TIEED128.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.08.1999 - - -
TIE Fighter - tehtäväeditori. Aika kätevä, voi käyttää myös 3.11:ssä. Täysin ikkunoitu, ja visuaalinen.
43531 TRLEV110.ZIP 513,6 kt 10.09.1999 - - -
Tractor Rumble LevEd v1.10 The new version of the level editor for Tractor Rumble. New: Turrets and bases!!! CycloTron 1999 http://www.saunalahti.fi/~demoni/ct mika.isomaa@lukio.ylojarvi.fi
43532 UTC.ZIP 1,2 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Unreal Tournament Configurator Säädä UT:n asetuksia ennen pelin käynnistämistä. 
43533 UTP420.EXE 6,1 Mt 24.05.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament  -  editoriUnreal Editor 2.0 is an enhanced version of the editor that was available in the boxed versions of Unreal and Unreal Tournament. The easier-to-use Version 2.0 offers a new interface; more stability; better vertex manipulation and item selection/grouping; three-point clipping; and an improved 2D shaper. The new editor is being further developed by Epic, and serves as the basis for the company’s next generation of products.
43534 VEFGDK11.ZIP 5,7 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force GDK v1.1 Game Developer Kit v1.1 
43535 VIS_13.ZIP 38,2 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Half-Life editing utilities. Compile Tools VIS v1.3
43536 WAD2WAL.ZIP 28,7 kt 14.06.1998 - 22660/cd joystick no93 mai 1998.iso -
Quake2 utility: Wad2Wal v1.4 Utility to extract all the mip textures from a .wad file and convert them into Quake 2 .wal files. Also converts palette from Quake to Q2 palette.
43537 WALLY090.ZIP 258,7 kt 14.06.1998 - - -
Quake2 utility: Wally v0.90 Program to manipulate Quake2 .wal files. Allows for simple editing, viewing/zoom, bitmap import, and setting of texture flags/contents/animation.  Allows for new creation, and loading of existing textures.
43538 WC16SHAR.EXE 1,7 Mt 02.09.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd1.bin -
WorldCraft kenttäeditorin 1.6 shareware-versio. Soveltuu Quake 1:n, Quake 2:n ja Hexen 2:n kenttien tekoon tai muokkaamiseen.
43539 WC21F.ZIP 8 Mt 04.05.2000 - - -
Worldcraft 2.1 Half-Life level editor. The game data files included in the installer are the most current available (version 1.51 for Half-Life and version 1.0 for Team Fortress Classic). 
70010 WEDIT210.ZIP 458357 05.08.1996 - - -
DARK FORCES "Wedit v2.10" (IBM/Win95)  Again
a new and improved version of "Wedit", the
latest WIN95 tool for creation of DARK FORCES
levels. Version 2.10 of "Wedit" contains new
exiting features, like elevator generation as
well as updated features for doors and
staircase generation, plus some bug fixes.
Send feedback to Ole Thomasen at
70011 WEDIT220.ZIP 502966 19.08.1996 - - -
DARK FORCES: "Wedit v2.20 Editor" (Win95)
Another new and improved version of "Wedit",
the latest WIN95 tool for creation of DARK
FORCES levels. Version 2.20 of "Wedit"
contains a few new exiting features, like
import of VUE files, improved Texture Dialog,
Object Selection dialog, and Object Logic
dialog. Also player for .WAX's plus more.
Send feedback to Ole Thomasen at obt AT
43540 WEDIT302.ZIP 547,2 kt 22.07.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
DARK FORCES: "Wedit" v3.02 Editor (Win95) A new version of Wedit with several new features: Usage of DirectX from Microsoft for a brand new 3D Game View, allowing you to traverse your levels as in DARK FORCES. Some interesting new features as well for making custom .WAX objects, Tips-of-the-day, and others. And finally: Quite a few important bug fixes. Note that this version of Wedit 3.02 _requires_ DirectX.
43541 XVTC10D.ZIP 113,1 kt 22.08.1999 - - -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter - tehtäväeditori. Hyvä visuaalimoodi, jolla saa koordinaatit paikoilleen.
43542 XWTME43.ZIP 45,7 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
XWing vs. Tie Fighter Midnight Editor v04.3
43543 AABATSIM.ZIP 1,9 Mt 20.01.1999 - - tupla
Axis & Allies Battle Simulator v1.0 Understand and predict the outcome of battles. One of the most flexible, informative, and easy-to-use battle simulators available. Freeware. By Jeff Carey. Windows 95.
43544 AIEDT102.ZIP 307,7 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Age of Empires II - tekoälyeditoriWith AoE II AI scripts you can create new computer player strategies for AoE II. The format of these scripts is quite complicated. The AI scripting has undergone a major evolution from Age of Empires I. It is now possible to control the computer player in almost every aspect of the gameplay. You can change the default set of AI scripts,
or even completely replace it with your own set of rules. You can include such scripts in scenarios, and this generally makes scenarios a greater challenge and more fun to play.
43545 ALOOBX.ZIP 21,2 kt 18.01.2000 - - -
 Close Combat: Units information file AloobAxoob.zip This zip file contains information on Axoob & Aloob files that are used in Close Combat. The file contains also charts of all units (Allied and Axis) in ASCII text format as well as Excel format
43546 AOWD131.ZIP 45,5 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Age of Wonders playable demo v1.31  Strategy. Triumph/Epic Megagames/GOD/Take2 Turn-based game of strategy and conquest that successfully incorporates adventure, exploration and role playing elements. These elements, together with a rich story line and heavy emphasis on global strategy without repetitive micro-management, make each scenario and game unique and fun to play. Demo has IPX, TCP/IP, PBEM multiplayer. P133, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX
43548 ARMAPED.ZIP 69,2 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Armada Map Editor 
43547 ARMAPEDI.ZIP 69,1 kt 19.05.2000 - - -
Star Trek Armada - karttaeditori
43549 ARSHIPMO.ZIP 475,7 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Armada Ship Modeler. Vaatii SoftImage 3.7/3.8 renderoijan. 
43550 ASSIUPDM.ZIP 6,9 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Assimilation updated demo  The rules of the game are simple. Up to eight players compete on a board made up of hexagonal spaces. Players move their pieces to empty spaces on the board either by "cloning" or "jumping". Move to a space next to an opponent\'s pieces, and you\'ll "assimilate" them - any adjacent pieces get turned to your colour. The winner is the one with most pieces when the board is full. PII 233, 32MB, Win9x. 
43551 BACKTALY.ZIP 2 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
BackgammonTally V1.0 BY PC Guru free database for the serious backgammon player, which lets you maintain a record of every game played. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43552 BIME07W.ZIP 196 kt 21.05.1998 - MBCD -
Battle Isle 3 Mission Editor v0.7 beta Windows 95/NT
43553 BIUE05W.ZIP 160,6 kt 21.05.1998 - MBCD -
Battle Isle 2 / Battle Isle 3 Unit Editor v0.5beta - Windows 95.
43554 BPM2_202.ZIP 466 kt 21.09.2000 - - -
Medieval 2 BattlePlan Editor v2.02The Editor Pack will only work with registered versions of Medieval 2.0.
43557 BZ-EDITU.ZIP 103,7 kt 26.05.1998 - MBCD -
BattleZone Map Editor update 4/10 With a sample single-player mission.
43555 BZ2SCRPT.ZIP 30,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
BattleZone 2 - esimerkkejä omiin tehtäviinThe following zip file contains example files for creating single player mission dlls for Battlezone II. These files were created at Pandemic Studios by BZII Programmer Brad Pickering and are not part of the official BZII code published by Activision. The contents of this download are not supported by Activision Customer Support. The creation of mission DLLs is not documented yet. Brad will try to document and help people as time permits.
43556 BZCP130.ZIP 217,8 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone utility: Bz Command Center v1.3 Battlezone Frontend Map Loader A nifty little utility by Willie Goebel that lets you skip all the drudgery of typing in all that command line stuff everytime you want to play one of those cool (IA) maps.. line correct. One of the most indespensable tools you will ever use..
43558 BZFLAGS1.ZIP 62,7 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone accessory: Multiplayer Flags v1.1 Over 300 multiplayer Flags to chose from, all conviently zipped up and ready for browsing.
43559 BZFRAC04.ZIP 179,4 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone utility: BzFrac vr04a Battlezone Fractal Landscape Generator uses a fractal algorithm to automatically generate .HGT files to be used by the game Battlezone. & even simpler said "it makes maps"
43560 BZWHEEL.ZIP 140 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone utility: BZ Wheel lets you use your scroll wheel mouse with Battlezone.. now you can use the scroll function to act as keyboard commands, its like adding two new buttons to your mouse, instructions are included with the program, and a sample input.map file to get you going quickly.
43561 CAESAR3E.A01 3,9 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Caesar III map editor 2/3
43562 CAESAR3E.A02 3,7 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Caesar III map editor 3/3
43563 CAESAR3E.ARJ 3,9 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
"Caesar III Map editor/assignment editor 1/3 Thats right Caesar enthusiaststhis is what youve been waiting for - a Map Editor is now available! Its completely FREE. Windows 95. Impressions/Sierra"
43573 CC-HD.ZIP 14,4 kt 18.01.2000 - 22093/SSERVCD_52A.iso -
Running Close Combat from HD.  (Win95). This file explains step by step how to run Close Combat from HD.
43564 CC2-GADX.ZIP 681,5 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 user editor. GadgetX - (686k) - (MarkEscobarClouden) - Extractedit and re-insert any of the 1600+ gadget images you see in the game interface."
43567 CC2-MAPM.ZIP 155,8 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user editor. MapMaker.zip - (38k) - (TinTin) - THE tool to code the map### files that really are the maps in the game. The map graphic you see onscreen is just a pretty picture. The map### files in the ABTF/Data/Maps folder tell the game what the various parts of the map represent. Absolutely invaluable for new map making and highly interesting for the average player just to be able to view all the terrain elements.
43568 CC2-SNDE.ZIP 68,9 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user editor. soundedit.zip - (70k) (The Other Dave). This will let you add new sounds and swap around all the sound effects for CC2. Really easy to use and Win95-based. Full instructions in the accompanying text document. Please take note of the comment at the end of the text file: i f you use the editor and like it, drop a line to the author.
43569 CC2-TXTM.ZIP 50,6 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user editor. Texture Maker.zip - (50k) (TinTin) These simple programs convert Close Combat 2 textures to tga files and tga files into CC2 textures. Copy all the textures from the cd into a folder, run the totga batch file to convert all the textures to tga files. Make your changes use your paint program and save the files as tga files. When you want to use them in the game run the fromtga batch file.
43565 CC2LOS.ZIP 42,7 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user editor. cclos.zip - (42k) - (Vincent Viaud) - A must to make new ABTF/Data/Maps/map###.LOS files for that new map you just created.
43566 CC2MAPIN.ZIP 2,9 Mt 20.01.1999 - - tupla
Close Combat 2 utility: MAP-INST 1.0 Map installer. Install user made maps into CC2. Postcard-ware
43570 CC3CMANG.ZIP 486,6 kt 13.03.1999 - - tupla
Close Combat III utility. Configuration Manager. Install and uninstall patches and mods with a single mouse click.
43571 CC3CONFM.ZIP 486,6 kt 19.03.1999 - - tupla
Close Combat III Configuration Manager Install and uninstall patches and mods with a single mouse click.
43572 CCAP200.ZIP 641,1 kt 05.06.1998 - - tupla
Chess Captor v2.0 by Michiel Magnee Utility. Brings the convenience of Windows to the creating of chess diagrams. Features: Fully configurable chess board: Determine how you want the chess board to look: gridlines, borders, squares, colors, coordenates, orientation, backgrounds etc., support for headers and footers in chess diagrams: set up chess positions in no time, move pieces smootly over the board... Windows 95
43574 CCTPMAPB.ZIP 1,5 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Civilization: Call to Power map editor, beta.
43575 CHECKTLY.ZIP 2 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
CheckersTally by PC Guru Free database for the serious checkers player, which lets you maintain a record of every game played. It provides fields for description, location, result, opponent, and game/match date and time. You also have an area to record freeform notes. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43576 CHESSTLY.ZIP 2 Mt 09.07.1999 - - tupla
Chess Tally v1.0.1 by PC Guru Utility. Free program for the serious chess player. Now you can maintain a record of every game played, against who, and what the outcome was. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43577 CWEDIT.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Civil War Battleground Scenario Editor Scenario Editor for Talonsofts Battleground series civil war strategy games. Windows 95."
43578 CWXCED10.ZIP 203,5 kt 15.09.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
ClarkWehyr Enterprises X-COM Editor Suite v1.00 This editor suite handles both XCOM:UFO and XCOM:TFTD and has fully-featured soldier and base editors. Also edit: - Money - XCOM craft including inventory - Diplomacy, funding amounts -Base facilities - Import UFO soldiers into a TFTD game Nice, intuitive user-interface includes mouse support. Freeware by ClarkWehyr Enterprises. Requires DOS v3+, IBM PC/AT or compatible wit
43579 CZECH.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.09.1997 - - -
Czech Chess HTML Generator by DZWare program that automatically generates HTML files that contain the score of a game of chess along with diagrams and optional analysis for that game. Windows 95
43580 DRPACK.ZIP 51,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
BattleZone 2 - pack file toolThe official Battlezone 2 pack file tool can of create new pack files given a collection of data files, extract data files from an existing pack file, and list the contents of an existing pack file. The pack files shipped with the retail version of Battlezone 2 were created with this tool. When creating a pack file, it will attempt to compress source data files using ZLIB compression and store the data file in compressed form if it is reduced to 75% or less of its original size.
43581 FAV098.ZIP 1,9 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Final Alert v0.98 Command & Conquer 2: Red Alert 2 map editor. 
43582 FCDBV32.ZIP 32,6 kt 28.06.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command editor. fcdbv32.zip (32 kb) by Philip Langdale. Database Viewer 1.0.1"
43583 FGUGEMOD.ZIP 41,9 kt 21.05.1998 - - -
Fantasy General module for UGE, Universal Game Editor.
43584 FLIBEDIT.ZIP 267,3 kt 23.07.1998 - MBCD -
"Final Liberation Map/Unit Editors In response to our customers requests for the ability to edit/create maps and units for use with Final Liberationwe are releasing the Editorscomplete with detailed usage documentation. This powerful set of utilities will allow you to edit/create maps and units for use with Final Liberation."
43585 FSTEELED.ZIP 707,6 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Fighting Steel scenario editor
43586 FSTEELS.ZIP 32,1 kt 10.11.1999 - - -
Fighting Steel tweaks & missions. FS Tweak 1.0 - many enhancements equalize German naval power. + The Battle of Vella Lavella by Eric Marlow. + HS 106. The Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. + 8 Scenarios by Michael Emmerich.
43587 GBADD20.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
Galaxy Builder v2.0 is a program which simulates the evolution of a galaxy and its intelligent life over the course of 10 billion years. Stars form, age, and supernova, spreading metals for use in future stars. Planets appear; life starts on some planets; some life develops intelligence. Generate galaxies as background for exploration or roleplaying games. Windows 95/98 Copyright 1998 by David L. Allen 
43588 GO200020.ZIP 1,8 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Go2000 V2.0  for Windows 95 and 98 A full-featured Go database  management system with visual editor and browser. Registration fee $50 USD. By Changmei Hwung  contact: hchangmei@yahoo.com
43589 H2ED16.ZIP 225,5 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
"Heroes of Might & Magic II H2Ed Version 1.6 Save Game Editor Supports also The Price of Loyalty Expansion Pack. Allows you to modify many of your heroesand castlesattributes. It is also free. Windows 95."
43590 H83_RRND.ZIP 35,1 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Red Alert unitrandomizer arpoo kaikkien yksikköjen aseet, kestot, nopeudet, ym. ja laskee yksikön hinnan sen mukaan. Tehnyt Henu Heino (Basement Realm) www.mbnet.fi/~dfields henu83@iobox.com
43591 HICIVGAL.ZIP 164,1 kt 25.02.1999 - - tupla
"HiCiV (Galyavov) by Igor Galyavov Keep track of your civilizations progress (and the other ones too) in your Civilization II game with HiCiV. This is a useful utility that keeps watch over your civilization and writes out your history. Keeps track of populationgoldcitiesand science levels. Req. Civilization II and Windows 9598or NT"
43592 HKSRC120.ZIP 91,2 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
Hexkit v1.20 "Hexagon map construction kit", graphics engine for maps based on hexagons, as in many turn-based wargames. Designed to be flexible enough for any hex-based game without animated unit graphics. By Christoph Nahr. Freeware. Windows 95/98, Pentium. 
43593 HOMM2HAK.ZIP 1 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II HOMMII Editor v4.01 for Windows 95 FREEWARE program release that allows you to edit your armies, primary and secondary stats, and resources (gold, lumber, etc.) in a saved campaign or regular game from the original HOMMII game OR from the Expansion Pack.
43594 INGAME10.ZIP 12,7 kt 26.01.2001 - - -
Ingame Strings Editor versio 1.0 Ohjelma osaa lukea C&C:n ja Red Alertin MIX-tiedostoista löytyviä .ENG tiedostoja. Nämä sisältävät mm. yksiköiden nimet. Saattaa toimia myös Tiberian Sunin kanssa ja tulevan Red Alert 2:n kanssa. Englanninkielinen. Tehnyt Vesa Piittinen, Merrysoft Vaatii Visual Basic 4:n 32-bittisen runtimen
43595 JA2CME.ZIP 1 Mt 23.03.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
"Jagged Alliance 2 Custom Mercenary Editor JA2CME is an editor for JA2. With this editor you can change your custom mercenarys statslooknameitemsweapons... all those and lots more. 
It has been reported that this version of JA2CME wouldnt work with US and German version 1.05r. However it will run fine with all other versions. 
Send comments to webco@knuut.de Visit Jagged Alliance Galaxy at www.tacticalplanet.com/ja-galaxy"
43596 JA2EV21.ZIP 210,1 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 editor v2.1 This trainer/editor is designed to work with US version v1.06, and allows the editing of memory items. 
43597 LCE102L.ZIP 1,7 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
LC_Editor V1.02.12 - Legal Crime map editor
43598 MAKE100.ZIP 275,3 kt 12.09.2000 - - -
Makepak 1.00 for Simutrans 0.74e Ohjelma, jolla voit tehdä Simutransiin omat grafiikat.
43599 MEDI20ED.ZIP 1,7 Mt 14.06.2000 - - -
Medieval 2.0 Editor Pack. The Editor Pack will only work with registered versions of Medieval 2.0. 
43600 MEDITOR.ZIP 133,4 kt 07.06.2000 - - -
"Majesty - äänieditori The Majesty Sound Editor allows you to replace the in-game sounds with your own .wav files. Install it into your majesty directory and run it -- itll allow you to review all of the existing soundsreplace soundspreview themand save them. When you next play Majesty the sounds of your kingdom will be replaced! Your heroes can talk jive and your court advisor can lay down the smack...."
43601 MM_FULL.ZIP 1,5 Mt 10.04.1999 - - tupla
"HOMM III Monster Mash Version 1.3.0 small utility for viewing the CreatureSkillSpelland Artifact descriptions found in New World Computings hit strategy gameHeroes of Might & Magic IIIAKA HOMM III. Windows 95 Copyright © 1998-99 Paul H. SoaresJr."
43602 MOMLOAD.ZIP 17,5 kt 06.05.1998 - - tupla
Master of Magic QuickLoader v1.02 utility by Ben Esacove - uses Wizards.exe to load a Master of Magic savegame quickly. freeware. Win95.
43603 MPC2121.ZIP 619,3 kt 11.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
MultiPlayerCiv2 1.21 Allows you to play multiplayer games of Civilization 2. Works in hotseat, TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, modem and serial connection. Windows 95. Suggested Civ II v2.42.
43604 MPQVIEW.ZIP 152,9 kt 18.05.1998 - 11519/Igromania_07.iso tupla
StarCraft MPQ (install.exe) viewer and extractor.
43605 NBADD131.ZIP 1,7 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Nation Builder v1.31 is a shareware program which creates the history of human civilization on a world. It reads in a world map containing information about climate and the location of resources, simulates earliest inventions, the spread of technology and trade, and the development of civilization. You can use it to invent worlds for roleplaying games or as background for fiction or you can use it to learn history. Windows 95/98 
43606 NWEDIT.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Napoleonic Battleground Scenario Editor Scenario editor for Talonsofts Battleground series Napoleonic era strategy games. Windows 95."
43607 PANEMOO2.ZIP 121,1 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Master of Orion 2 Editor - Edit Planets.
43608 PARTICLE.ZIP 595,4 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Panzer Elite - particle editor
43609 PC2N102H.ZIP 5,5 Mt 27.09.2000 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy44 v1.02  online help "
43610 PC2N102M.ZIP 4,8 Mt 20.09.2000 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy44 v1.02 manual."
43611 RAEDIT51.ZIP 3,1 Mt 14.08.1998 - MBCD -
RAEdit v5.1 by Innovative Tech Having trouble beating Command and Conquer: Red Alert, or do you just need a new way to make the game more fun? With RAEdit 5.1, you can quickly and easily edit almost everything in Red Alert! Windows 95
43612 RAMIX51.ZIP 323,3 kt 08.04.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake tupla
RAmixer 5.1 --- Mix Extracting program for Red Alert and Command & Conquer.
43613 RARE10B.ZIP 2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
RARE v1.0b by Chris Labansoky lets you edit the rule.ini file in Red Alert. It will change just about every weapon, person, building, and vehicle in the game. Red Alert and Windows 95
43614 REDALRM.ZIP 152,4 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
Red Alert Rules Manager v1.9.1 Chris Labanosky lets you edit the rule.ini file in Red Alert. It will change just about every weapon, person, building, and vehicle in the game. Windows 95
43615 REDALRTC.ZIP 478,4 kt 24.03.1999 - MBCD -
"Red Alert Unit Creator by Voyager Entertainment excellent-looking editor for Red Alerta highly customizable game created by Westwood Studios. It creates data files that do not modify Red Alerts original files. You can edit both single-player or multiplayer gamesand play modified versions of Red Alert over LAN or the Internet. Create new unitsbuildings or weapons. Adds a lot of replay value to Red Alert. Req. Win95P100RA game"
43616 S3ED205E.ZIP 181,1 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
Settlers III map editor v2.05English version.
43617 SC3KBAT.A01 4,3 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
SimCity 3000 Building Architect Tool. 2/2
43618 SC3KBAT.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
SimCity 3000 Building Architect Tool. 1/2 By Maxis. Allows you to easily contruct new buildings for SimCity 3000. Windows 95.
43619 SHPPCX10.ZIP 346,9 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
SHP <> PCX Converter 1.0 by Vesa Piittinen(Merry), Merrysoft Easy-to-use editor, converts SHPs to PCXs and vice versa. Use with C&C series games and RA-mixer. Needs VB40032.DLL (Visual Basic 4 runtime) Copyright 1999-2000 Vesa Piittinen, Merrysoft
43620 SLMAP1_4.ZIP 900,5 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Shattered Light advanced mapmaker 1.4
43621 SPWAWSM3.ZIP 1,4 Mt 14.05.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: WaW scenario manager v3Scenario Managing Tools for SP: WaW v5.0.1
43622 STA_EDIT.ZIP 62,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Star Trek Armada editor beta 
43623 STARGRAF.ZIP 753,4 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 StarGraft. The Starcraft Editor. StarCraft-peliin suosittu editointiohjelma.
43624 TACED.ZIP 1,9 Mt 04.01.1998 - Pelit CD 1999 -
TacEdit - map program for X-Com: Apocalypse by Mythos Games. Create your own maps! Win95 & DirectX.
43625 TAEBLITE.ZIP 2,7 Mt 08.04.1998 - MBCD -
Total Annihilation Map and Mission Editor. TAE Beta 1 executable. Windows 95.
43626 TAFBI15.ZIP 1,2 Mt 27.03.2000 - - -
 Total Annihilation FBI Editor v 1.5 Written by Mike Davidson. Helps with the process of custom unit design for the Cavedog game Total Annihilation. It quickly generates the .fbi file, a necessary component of the unit that describes its properties (size, cost, weapons, etc.). The program features a tabbed interface making it easy to "fill in the blanks" to define the unit.
43627 TAGTRAK.ZIP 3,8 Mt 04.01.1998 - - tupla
Total Annihilation utility: T.A.G Trakker 32 by Hybrid. time tracking application designed for Total Annihilation.  It is primarly used to log time, scores, players, maps and other misc. options that are associated with Total Annihilation.  It is a fairly simplistic front-end to a database that will (we hope) make your life a little bit easier.
43628 TAOEDIT.ZIP 2,9 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
The Ardennes Offensive Scenario Editor - TAOEdit. v1.0.03. "After playing all the scenarios that came with the game I wanted much more and that\'s when the idea of scenario editor came to me. It took a while but finally after all the hard work here it is : TAOEdit. Thanks to Roger Keating for his endless help, priceless advice, limitless information , personal reminiscence and encouragement." Windows 95
43629 TAZ092B2.ZIP 277,2 kt 16.04.1998 - MBCD -
"T.A.Z. V0.92b2 Author: Claudio Tagliola T.A.Z. is a fully functioning map editor for Total Annihilation. It started out as a conversion of TATOOL to Win95 but its much more than that now. You can visually edit the tilesheight and attributes of a mapno matter how big the map is. (I can edit 32mb and 64mb maps on my 16mb machine.)"
43630 UFO2MON.ZIP 18,4 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
X-Com2: Terror From the Deep TFTD Money Editor v1.0 A fast and easy 2 billion added to your TFTD account.
43631 UFO2RES.ZIP 19,7 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
X-Com2: Terror From the Deep Research editor. This editor will remove all items the you are currently researching from the waiting list and make all research complete, fill your ufopedia, allow you to build and purchase everything, and make your life a whole lot easier.
43632 VMRSDK10.ZIP 5,3 Mt 20.09.2000 - - -
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption SDKThis Software Development Kit comes complete with editor, Direct3D model viewer and plugins for Maya. 
43633 W2WRM211.ZIP 126,6 kt 24.12.1998 - - tupla
WarMaker 2.11 Warcraft 2 Random Map Generator. Windows 95.
43634 W3TOOLS.ZIP 3,6 Mt 12.11.1998 repacked Pelit CD 1999 tupla
Warlords III new tools set
43635 WARMAKER.ZIP 144,8 kt 23.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
WarMaker 1.0  11-06-97 Warcraft 2 Random Map Generator. Windows 95.
43636 WB20EDIT.ZIP 5,4 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
WarBreeds map editor 1.0. Win95.
43637 WBU17.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
World Builder v1.7  - Windows 95/98. shareware program to draw maps of worlds. It uses continental drift and true meteorological computations to provide realistic maps including mountain ranges, rain shadows and rivers. Use it to invent worlds for roleplaying games or as background for fiction, or you can use it to learn about earth science processes. If you want to draw maps of your own existing worlds, World Builder may not be the right tool for you.
43638 WDK2K210.ZIP 810,3 kt 23.10.2000 - - -
Armies of Armageddon WDK v2.10Wargame Development Kit v2.10 
43639 WDP45.ZIP 172,2 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
Fleet Command Warship Database Project.  Massive overhaul of the original database files that came with Fleet Command. The primary goals of this project are to improve on the realism, accuracy, playability, and balance of the game. Over 1000 hours of research, editing, and playtesting have been put into this project.
43640 WDP77.ZIP 854,1 kt 18.09.2000 - - -
Fleet Comman Warship Database Project v7.7The WDP is a massive ongoing project designed to improve Fleet Command in any way possible. The main areas of improvements are as follows; playability, accuracy, balance, and realism, with a balanced priority in all of these areas. 
43641 WGP20.ZIP 481,9 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
"WarGame Processor v2.0 by Sean Emerson Designed to make it as easy as possible to play popular board wargames by mail or e-mail. Its not necessary for your opponent to have a copy of the WarGame Processoras the program will still make life easier on your end. Program provides the means for users to design their own modulesso the usefulness and utility of the system will always be growing. Contact opponents on the WGP WWW page. Windows 95"
43642 WGP34MO.ZIP 3,3 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
"WarGame Processor modules.  WGP modules are NOT complete games. You must own the board game for them to be useful to youas they are without ruleschartsetc. Support the developersbuy the game. One exception is France44which is not based on a published gameand comes complete with rules and charts. Includes modules for 34 war games."
43643 WH2EDIT.ZIP 189 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Warhammer: Dark Omen Editor v1.6 R3 Edit Units, Heroes, and Magic.
43644 WHDO20.ZIP 1,9 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Warhammer: Dark Omen MAXX Editor (v2.0).
43645 XBAT14.ZIP 1,6 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
XBattle editor v1.4 for Close Combat. Lets you create "scenario" & "deploy" files, step by step documentation included...
43646 XCAM14.ZIP 648,7 kt 18.01.2000 - - -
Campaign utility v1.4  for Close Combat. Lets you view the status of your live soldiers in a campaign that you are currently playing. It is very easy to use, all you have to do is load this application click on "Open Units files..." menu command under "File" menu. Open dialog shows up twice for loading "AlUnits." and "AxUnits." Navigate through your unit list.
43647 XLOS14.ZIP 623,4 kt 18.01.2000 - 22093/SSERVCD_52A.iso -
XLOS generator version 1.4  for Close Combat. After you create your new map in XMapEditor you can now create Line of Sight file *.los. Say you created "Map89." in XMapEditor, now you load this file into XLos generator then you click on "Create LOS" this will create "Map89.los" file in the same directory where you created the "Map89." file. That\'s all you have to do. Now you copy "Map89." and "Map89.los" into the "Maps" directory.
43648 XMAPED14.ZIP 1,5 Mt 18.01.2000 - Pelit CD 1998 -
XMapEditor v1.4 , - create/edit battle maps for Close Combat. These map files "MapXX." are stored in .../Data/Data/Maps/ directory (install directory tree structure), this directory also contains LOS files "MapXX.LOS" - files are used for calculation line of sight.
61604 BOWLSTAT.ZIP 188042 20.12.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Bowlstat for Windows 1.1  The ultimate
program for processing your bowling results.
It features comprehensive statistics,
compares you with your friends, and prints
your bowling rosters in an excellent form. It
stores its data in an DBase III database for
easy processing with other applications.  To
install Bowlstat for Windows unzip the file
winbowl.zip to a disk or a temp directory and
run the install program from windows.  (Since
I'm usally developing German applications the
42467 CART1998.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.09.1999 - - tupla
Cart 1998 Päivitetyt 1998 kauden ajajalistat Cart Presicion Racingiin. Uusia ajajia mm. JJ Lehto ja Arnd Meier.
42468 CMX16.ZIP 304 kt 26.05.1998 - 22551/GAMBLERCD21A.BIN tupla
Championship Manager 97 X-Plorer utility
42469 CPREDIT.ZIP 767,8 kt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
CART Precision Racing track editor. It should be noted that this editor is not supported by Microsoft or Terminal Reality. It is undocumented and some users may find it difficult to use.
42470 FED99-11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Fed99 from FIFA 99 Online. Easy to use Windows based FIFA 99 Editor which allows you to transfer and edit players, teams and more. Windows 95.
29257 FPROP90.ZIP 1988452 27.05.1996 - 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso -
Football Prophecy for Windows 95, utility for
the football fanatic to keep up with the
stats of the football world! It also
incorporates a formula to predict a given
games outcome.
42471 FWMED1_2.ZIP 5,9 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
Football World Manager 2000 editor version 1.2 
42472 GONEBWLN.ZIP 3,7 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
" Gone Bowlin2000! The League Bowler Companion v6.0 The perfect statistician for league bowlers.   This is not a league secretaryits a personal bowling rec ord keeper! Gone Bowlintracks your scoring down to the frame and incl udes printable scoresheets to make recording your frame sco ring during league play simple. *** Stats and graphs galore! *** Ever wonder what your strike or spare percentage was for an"
42473 LNKS01CC.ZIP 34 Mt 14.02.2001 - - -
Links 2001 Course Converter Ilmainen työkalu Links 2001 -golfpeliin. Tällä voi kääntää Links LS ja MS Golf 2001 -golfkenttiä Links 2001 -yhteensopiviksi. 
42474 MCM2TE.ZIP 19,8 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Motocross Madness 2 Terrain Editor
66580 NHL97EDW.ZIP 10136 03.12.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
NHL'97-EDIT (WIN95) Editor to change player
skills in NHL Hockey '97
42475 NHLI524.ZIP 579,5 kt 13.01.1999 - - tupla
"NHL Hockey-9499 editor and statistics viewer. Also features playergoalie and team sorting by namegoalspointsetc plus linerule and schedule editors. Version 5.24. Freeware"
42476 PAINTKIT.ZIP 19,9 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
NASCAR 3 - paintkit
42477 PM97EDV1.ZIP 554,4 kt 06.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Premier Manager 97 Editor
42478 T3ED06.ZIP 127,9 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 T3ED - Version 0.06 - (c) Denis Auroux http://www.math.polytechnique.fr/cmat/auroux/nfs/ Need For Speed 3 + 4 rataeditori.
42479 WNHLI423.ZIP 162,5 kt 03.02.1998 - - tupla
WNHLINFO 4.23 Toni Wilenin NHLINFON Windows-versio. (Tukee myös NHL 98)
42480 BZDMSRC.ZIP 130,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
BattleZone 2 - omien tehtävien esimerkkejäThe following zip file contains example files for creating single player mission dlls for Battlezone II. These files were created at Pandemic Studios by BZII Programmer Brad Pickering and are not part of the official BZII code published by Activision. The contents of this download are not supported by Activision Customer Support. The creation of mission DLLs is not documented yet. Brad will try to document and help people as time permits.
42481 EDOC.RTF 32 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
BattleZone 2 - kartanluontiohjeThe following document is a list of tips and instructions for creating maps for Battlezone II. This document was compiled at Pandemic Studios by BZII Art Director Carey Chico and is not part of the official BZII game documentation published by Activision. The procedures and information contained in this document are not supported by Activision Customer Support.
42482 SEVGUIDE.ZIP 331,5 kt 19.05.2000 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II - strategiaopasEi kuvausta.
42483 SPWAW50M.ZIP 10,8 Mt 14.05.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War v5.0.1 manualIn PDF format.
43649 ARTMONEY.ZIP 392 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
 Game Cheater ArtMoney v6.03 Artyom Mikhailov. Make any game easier. Application that allows you to take any game you are having difficulty with and make it easier. It accomplishes this by finding the memory address in which the desired quantity is located and giving you access to it. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43650 CHKEEP10.ZIP 1,4 Mt 15.03.2000 - - -
" CheatKeep v1.0 by PlatinumMinds. Keep track of your cheat information. With CheatKeepyou will never lose track of your cheats or where you got them from again. Just enter the name of the gamewhere you got it fromand the cheat itselfand thats it! Its saved! No more scraps of paperno more looking for a pen. Windows 95/98"
43651 CHTMACHN.ZIP 1,2 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Cheat Machine For Widows by A Forest Soft99 That game putting you down? Not when you use this baby! Windows 95."
43652 CM-UNGUT.ZIP 3,8 kt 28.09.2000 - - -
"Shadow Company cheat utilityThis utility allows you to extract all packed data fromShadow CompanyorSoldiergames and change any wanted game option as you wish. This tool is also potentially support any game developed bySinister Gamescompany. "
43653 DGFALLHK.ZIP 872,4 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
"Daggerfall Hack v3.0 By Mordor character editor for DaggerFall that allows you to createsaveand edit game characters. It features a tabbed interface in which you can enter the characters basic information plus statsarmorpositionskillsclassitemsreputationsand biography. Drop-down lists make it easy to quickly choose characteristics. Windows 95 or Windows 98"
43654 DOCHT11.ZIP 32,6 kt 26.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Warhammer: Dark Omen Savegame Editor v1.1
43655 FSMEDT.ZIP 151,9 kt 26.05.1998 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
FIFA Soccer Manager Money Editor
43656 GAMECH.ZIP 695,7 kt 10.04.2000 - - -
"GameCheater -  Windows 95/98 Search for the memory-addresses where your favorite game stores its properties (like moneyenergylivestimersextrasinventory items or ammo). Access these found addressesso you can change or lock (make it unlimited) the value of these addresses. This is an easy to userealistic program made for the common gamer who doesnt want to spend time learning to hack but wants to have a little more fun in their games. "
43657 GENTRAIN.ZIP 195,2 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
"Generic Game Trainer v1.41v1.41 Generic Game Trainer is a handy free game-hacking tool that will allow you to cheat in any game -- if you are willing to invest a little time looking for the cheats. The program searches the games memory for values such as the number of livesmoney and energyand then lets you edit them. Be warythoughas editing the wrong value can freeze or crash your game -- or your system. Win 9x. Freeware.  "
43658 GH10END.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
GameHack v1.0 ShareWare from Manuel Alvarez Fernandez Windows 95 - great cheating utility that has ability to cheat/hack any game.
43659 GIC135A.ZIP 7,1 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
GameBlazer Encyclopedia and Tools Self-updating game encyclopedia and tool set. The tools let you swap save-game files and more;Example: double the number of neighborhoods for The Sims;. The site guides describe and launch over 90 games while allowing fast navigation to more than 1350 game, magazine and hardware Web sites. Every link in GameBlazer is checked so only high-quality sites are listed. Player testimonial: \'This tool is fantastic!\'" Note: The registered version costs $20. Windows 95/98 
43660 GTAED03F.ZIP 2 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Grand Theft Auto Mission Editor Win95
43661 GTAHELI.ZIP 294,7 kt 21.04.1998 - - -
Grand Theft Auto This will let you use the helicopter in Liberty City/Gangsta Bang
43662 GTATRA12.ZIP 115,4 kt 21.04.1998 - - -
Grand Theft AutoMagic Trainer v1.2 Unlimited ammo (all the guns, rocket launcher and flamethrower and Police Bribe. only works with GTAWIN.
43663 GW32TRY.ZIP 507,1 kt 25.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"GameWiz32 v1.11 by OneStepAhead software hacking utility of sorts that lets you cheat at your favorite games without destroying .exe files or using cheat codes. The program can attach itself to a games process so you can search and alter its memory area. For exampleif you wanted to give yourself more lives in a gameall you need to do is find out where in memory the number of lives is storedand then enter any number you want. Windows 95"
43664 HMM2HACK.ZIP 10,6 kt 14.04.1998 - 22537/GAMBLERCD08.BIN -
Heroes Of Might And Magic 2 SuperHack v1.0 Cheats for Heroes Of Might And Magic 2, works both for Standard and Campaign game.
43665 HMMALL.ZIP 109,6 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II Saved Game Editor. Windows.
43666 HOMMCHE.ZIP 32,8 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic Complete Heroes Editor v1.1 A menu-driven editor for HOMM. This editor will allow you to edit your castles, heroes, and all your personal stats. It will also alow you to edit all of your enemies stats just the same of yours. Keys to Maximize, or Minimze all stats.
43667 HOYLEED.ZIP 14,3 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Hoyle Casino Editor
43668 HW32V22.ZIP 893,7 kt 31.08.1999 koko? MBCD eritupla¹
Hex Workshop v2.20 32 bit version the Professional Hex Editor, is a file and disk editor which allows you to edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste hex.  Additional features include goto, find, replace, file compare, and checksum calculation.  You also get a Base Converter, for converting hex, decimal, and binary, and a Hex Calculator (supporting +,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>,~). This is old not supported version given out FREE.
43669 HW32V25.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.08.1999 - MBCD -
Hex Workshop, 2.54 32-bit version the Professional Hex Editor, is a file and disk editor which allows you to    edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste     hex.  Additional features include goto, find, replace, file compare, and checksum           calculation.  You also get a Base Converter,  for converting hex, decimal, and binary, and  a Hex Calculator (supporting                  +,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>,~). This is commercial demo version.
43670 JA2UBTRN.ZIP 17,9 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished BusinessThis trainer allows unlimited money, bullets, health and action points. 
43671 LCBDB2K.ZIP 470,7 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
"LX-Cheatbook database 2000 v10.2000A games utility that puts hints and cheats for PC-based games at your fingertips. Covering more than 1960 gamesthe program opens in a simple toolbarwith the games categorized alphabetically. When you select a gamesthe relevant cheat is displayed in a text window with a print button. You can also add your own cheats. While LX CheatBooks interface is rather small in size with plain graphicsthe content is useful and easily accessed. Win 9x. Freeware. "
43672 MCAL05.ZIP 235,5 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
MASTER CHEATER v0.5b alpha. cheat tool from the programmer of the Magic Trainer Creator. This tool is designed to work with 3Dfx games and those games that have Alt+Tab protection. It support only win95,win98 based games!!. You can use mc with an 2d or 3d card.It Support the 3dfx : voodoo cards who use the glide. Free.
43674 MDK-BBTN.ZIP 137,9 kt 28.09.2000 - - -
Ball Breaker 3D v1.4 TrainerGives unllimited ammo and lives.
43673 MDK95TRN.ZIP 114 kt 19.05.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
MDK WIN95 Trainer +7
43675 MM2SGCHT.ZIP 1,3 kt 28.09.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness 2 savegame cheatWith this cheat, you can access all cars and races. 
43676 MM6FRZ2.ZIP 111,4 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Might & Magic VI Freezer v2.0 Freeze Health, Spell Points, Gold, Food, and Skill Points.
43677 MTCE_127.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.11.1999 - MBCD -
43678 MTE.EXE 626,1 kt 24.02.1998 - - -
Diablo Trainer with item editor, character attributes editor and so on...
43679 MYTRFTST.ZIP 92,1 kt 28.09.2000 - 23171/Gamestar_24_2000-11_cd1.bin -
Reach for the Stars trainerWith this trainer you can add 10000 to RP/SP. 
43680 OMATIC.ZIP 164,9 kt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
"CheatO Matic is a FREEWARE and AUTOMATIC cheat program for *ANY* DOS/Windows game. It runs under Windows 95/98/NT along side  your favorite gameand allows you to  EASIALLY (no hex here) modify ANY value in  the game - AS THE GAME RUNS!"
43681 SC-MEDIT.ZIP 108,6 kt 26.05.1998 - 22408/xeniatgm44.iso -
Starcraft Magic Editor (+2)
43682 SHOGOMAD.ZIP 107,9 kt 28.09.2000 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.HotKeysHook-2 FOUND 23171/Gamestar_24_2000-11_cd1.bin -
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division trainerUse this trainer to get unlimited ammo. 
43683 UGCS35.ZIP 395,2 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
"Ultimate Game Cheating System v3.5 If youre butting your head up against your favorite game and need a little more armor or hit points to get you throughUGCS may be able to help you. Step by stepthis program helps you locate a statistic in a saved game file and change that stat to something more favorable. UGCS comes with editors for Lords of the Realm IIWarCraft I and IIand Orion II. You can also train it to locate stats in most other games.  Windows 95."
43684 WH100.ZIP 527,6 kt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
"WinHack v1.00 - cheat utility program that allows you to work with the memory of a program (or game) in memory as its running pretty much the same way youd edit a file. WinHack v1.00 only works with Windows 95 programsnot with DOS programs wunning in a window under Windows95. Save and load tag listsfreeze tagscreate tagsedit memorytype directly into memory and create stand-alone trainers."
43685 WIN32GWZ.ZIP 87 kt 12.10.1999 - MBCD -
Win32 Game Wizard v 0.85 Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Win32 Game Wizard permits you to modify the Win32 games so that they can be much easier finished. It allows you to customize your Win32 games. It removes protection, adds infinite lives, infinite weapons, etc.. 08-29-1999  FREEWARE
43686 10SIX-I.ZIP 27,9 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
 10 Six by Segasoft. Internet multiplayer strategy game. Play on www.heat.net. FREE. Windows 95, P200, 32MB, Direct3D. You are assigned mining rights to one of one million plots of land on a new planet. This claim is yours to fortify, mine for wealth, and protect from the attacks of up to 999,999 of your closest friends. Band together and pillage the land claims of other colonists, or build elaborate defenses and Mutual
43687 2AMGAME.A01 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 2/5
43688 2AMGAME.A02 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 3/5
43689 2AMGAME.A03 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 4/5
43690 2AMGAME.A04 947,8 kt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 5/5
43691 2AMGAME.ARJ 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club client v1.03d by 2AM Inc. 2AM Game Club is an Internet gaming network with a unique approach. Putting the emphasis on the "multiplayer" in "multiplayer gaming", 2AM aims to bring people together for competition and fun on the Internet. Use this client to play all of 2AM\'s multiplayer-tailored games from Checkers and Backgammon to Alliance & Defiance, Invisible Hand and so on. Windows 95.
43692 2HNSPAD2.ZIP 541,2 kt 09.07.1999 - 9308/PSL Volume 7 Number 7 (July 1999).iso tupla
Two Handed Net Spades v2.0 by Greg DeBacker Card game. If you like to play and can never find a partner, Two Handed Net Spades may solve your problems. You can either play against either the computer or compete against another player connected via a modem, a network, or a null-modem cable. Windows 3.1
43693 ABROMEVS.ZIP 6,9 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Ancient Battles: Rome Versus Carthage  Battle human opponents over email. by Play By Email Productions. Strategy game. Email your moves to to a friend, and he or she can continue the game where you left off. You can train military units, occupy territories, research new technologies, and send your opponent diplomatic messages. Each move takes a certain amount of gold pieces. Windows 95/98/NT, Internet connection
43694 ACBETA3.ZIP 52,9 Mt 19.10.1999 - - tupla
"Asherons Call beta - free. Microsoft. Internet multiplayer RPG. Players are called alongside thousands of other adventurers by mystical character Asheron to participate in an epicmassively multiplayer online role-playing adventure in which they must choose to compete or cooperate with thousands of others. You need to activate an account with a free beta subscription in http://www.zone.com Windows 95 P166 32MB DirectX Supports Direct3"
43695 ACES1056.ZIP 13,9 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Aces High v1.056 II maailmansodan nettilentosimulaattori. Sisältää runsaasti sodan potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, voit jopa seilata laivoissa. Sisältää ilmainen muutaman henkilön moninpelin. Pentium II. 
43696 AECOTSCD.ZIP 45,7 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Ancient Evil : The Curse of the Snake CultAncient Evil on netitse pelattava, 3D-isometrinen roolipeli, jonka juoni keskittyy jumalattoman käärmeitä palvovan kultin ympärille. Soluttaudu kulttiin ja etsi kuninkaasi murhannut johtaja tuoden tämä oikeuden eteen. Tämä peruspaketti sisältää ensimmäisen episodin. P200, 32 Mt. 
43697 AH1061F.ZIP 16,2 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Aces High v1.061 demo  Uusi versio toisen maailmansodan nettilentosimulaattorista. Sisältää runsaasti sodan aikaisia potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, voit jopa seilata laivoissa. Sisältää ilmaisen muutaman henkilön moninpelin. Vaatimukset: P200, 32MB, D3D. 
43698 AH107.ZIP 17,9 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Aces High v1.07 demo Uusi versio Toisen Maailmansodan nettilentosimulaattorista. Sisältää runsaasti sodan aikaisia potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, ja voit jopa seilata laivoissa. Sisältää ilmaisen muutaman henkilön moninpelin. P200, 32 MB. 
43699 AH108F.ZIP 21,3 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Aces High 1.08 p4 täysasennus HiTech Creationsin Toiseen Maailmansotaan sijoittuva sotapeli. Sisältää runsaasti sodan aikaisia potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, ja voit jopa seilata laivoissa. Yksin- ja kaksipeli on ilmaista, verkossa pelaaminen maksullista. Lisää tietoa pelin kotisivuilta. P333, DirectX 7, internet-yhteys. 
43700 AHHIRES.ZIP 1 Mt 14.12.1999 - - tupla
Aces High optional hi-res texture patch. Requires an 8 MB video card.
43701 AOA280.ZIP 26,6 Mt 12.01.2002 - - -
Ace of Angels v2.8.0  Avoimessa betassa pyörivään avaruussimulaattoriin pääsee tutustumaan ilmaiseksi uuden asiakasohjelmiston välityksellä. Viimeisin versio tuo tullessaan mm. uusia tehtäviä, aluksia ja paremmat mahdollisuudet oman laivueen ylläpitoon. P300, 64 Mt. 
43702 ART3V1.EXE 732,1 kt 20.02.1997 - 11463/Super Strategy & Simulation - Disc 2.iso -
1024x780 art pack to Planetary Raiders Beta. V1.                                          
43703 ARTIFA90.ZIP 3,2 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
Artifact v1.00.90  Play an online strategy game. Internet-based, multi-player, persistent world, real-time strategy game. Game of exploration, cooperation, conquest and discovery. Free. Windows 95, 98, or NT, Internet connection.
43704 ASAINST.ZIP 9,1 kt 04.01.2002 - - -
The All Seeing Eye InstallerThe All Seeing Eye etsii automaattisesti netistä tietokoneelta löytyvien pelien moninpelipalvelimia ja näyttää niiden olennaiset tiedot. Tämä asennusohjelma hakee itse ohjelman uusimman version netistä ja asentaa sen. Shareware, 19,95 USD. http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/
43705 AVOYDDMO.ZIP 1,1 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
AVOYD demo EnkiSoftwaren ensimmäinen peli AVOYD on  moninpelattava FPS omaperäisessä maailmassa,  jossa voit luoda ja tuhota ympäristöäsi. Voit  esim. tuhota seiniä päästäksesi yllättämään  vastustajasi. Lisäksi maailmassa ei ole  painovoimaa, joten pelaaja voi kieppua miten  tahtoo. Tämä LAN-demo esittelee pelin eri  ominaisuuksia. \t \t 
61095 AW204D95.ZIP 2972317 13.06.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior - update WIN 95. update v2.04b ->
v2.04d WIN95
61096 AW204F95.ZIP 1234782 13.06.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior - update WIN 95 update v2.04e ->
v2.04f WIN95
61098 AW4W95EX.A01 3999434 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior for Windows95-client. Version
date 13.8.1996. Part 2/3.
61099 AW4W95EX.A02 1332331 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior for Windows 95-client. Version
date 13.8.1996. Part 3/3.
61100 AW4W95EX.ARJ 3999461 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior for Windows 95-client. Version
date 13.8.1996. Part 1/3.
61101 AW4WEXPA.A01 3999400 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior-yhteysohjelman laajennuspaketti.
Osa 2/3. Versiopäivämäärä 31.8.
61102 AW4WEXPA.A02 1842092 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior-yhteysohjelman laajennuspaketti.
Osa 3/3. Versiopäivämäärä 31.8.
61103 AW4WEXPA.ARJ 3999400 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior-yhteysohjelman laajennuspaketti.
Sisältää lisägrafiikat yms. Osa 1/3.
Versiopäivämäärä 31.8.
43706 BATCOM.ZIP 2 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
BattleCom 1.31BattleCom lets you talk to your teammates and opponents in real time while you play your favorite multiplayer games! Up to 64 players can join one BattleCom session! 
43707 BBT922.ZIP 8,8 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
Battle of Britain playable beta.  Internet multiplayer flying simulator - world war 2. From Simguild. Features detailed lighting models, texture mapping, gun-flashes,spinning engine propellers, explosions, and ground objects. Beta is currently available for play to SimGuild members. You must have an active account with SimGuild to fly the beta online. Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Megs, Direct3D
43708 BCDX.ZIP 998,7 kt 16.07.1998 - - tupla
Battlecity for Windows 95/DirectX. Internet playable strategy/action game, top viewed. Build a city or join a city which in you make things that defend your city and things that help you attack other cities. You attack other cities to try and orb them(destroy them) and get points to get higher ranks. Multiple weapons, action & strategy, building and fighting. Free!
43709 BFC120.ZIP 2 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
BattleCom Client v1.20 Internet multiplayer utility, multiplayer gaming revolution! Talk to others in real time communications. Like Roger Wilco but with more options, but also more complicated to use. Allows two people to talk to one another. It can also be used to connect to the BattleCom Server which allows up to 64 players to talk to one another. Time limited version. Windows 95.
43710 BJCHMSHP.ZIP 1,4 Mt 04.10.1999 - - tupla
"BlackJack Championship v1.0 by BJChamp Internet game that you can play onlineby yourself or with others. The colorful interface is attractivethough covered with flashingcontinually updated ads to support the service. You must register online and receive a passwordbut its not mandatory to provide your email address. You start with $1000 in funny moneybut the sponsoring Website offers real cash prizes. Windows 9598or NTInternet connection"
43711 BMCBETA2.ZIP 400,1 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles beta 2 Netissä pelattavan, sarjakuvamaisen massiivimoninpelin julkinen beta. 
31203 BTOCMAN.ZIP 1166380 25.10.1996 - - -
Multiplayer Battletech Solaris käsikirja
(Acrobat-muodossa) ja FAQ.
43712 BZFLAG17.ZIP 2 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
Bzflag v1.7d  by Chris Schoeneman. 3D multi-player tank battle game that allows users to play against each other in networked environment. Five teams. Destroying a player on another team scores a win. Two main styles of play: capture-the-flag and free-for-all. This version includes the source. Windows 95, P200, 32 MB, DirectX, OpenGL.
43713 BZL32223.ZIP 1 Mt 10.11.1999 - - tupla
Blitzln V2.23 (Win 95) BlitzIn is a graphical interface that works with your local Internet provider to connect you with the Internet Chess Club (ICC). On ICC you can play chess against a variety of opponents, observe games in progress, participate in special events and tournaments, get a rating, and interact with other chess aficionados from around the world.
31205 CASINO95.ARJ 5640412 26.08.1996 - - -
InterCasino Beta 1.10. Internetissä pelattava
monen pelaajan kasino. Windows 95-versio.
31206 CC-DIALU.ZIP 6365 29.10.1996 - - -
Close Combat - how to setup a dialup
connection with another player.
43714 CHE26WIN.ZIP 102,8 kt 29.09.1999 - - -
Cheapo v2.6 - Quake 2 -apuohjelma. Vaihtoehto Qizmo-proxylle. Windows 95.
43715 CHRONX31.ZIP 8,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
"Chron X v3.1 (Build 99) by Genetic Anomalies Internets first online collectible card game. You battle your opponents with an arsenal of agentsweaponsprograms and resources chosen from your deck of virtual cards. Just like paper-based TCGsChron X features beautiful artworkspecific rulesstatistics and backstory. Cards can be purchasedtraded and used for ante. Compete with players from all over the world. FREE. Win95."
31207 CI_DEMO2.ZIP 3486590 14.01.1997 - - -
Castle Infinity - 2nd demo version. Internet
playable platform game for kids from
Starwave. www.castleinfinity.com
43716 CIRC084B.ZIP 1,3 Mt 03.09.1998 - MBCD -
Flying Circus v0.84b- Internet-pelattava ensimm,isen maailmansodan lentosimulaattori. Vauhdikas, helppo ja nopea. Ilmainen beta! Windows 95. Valm SimGuild http://www.simguild.com
43717 CLC95-11.ZIP 1,6 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
Castleland Cards V1.1 by Castle Network - a deck of virtual cards that you can use over standard IRC channels. If you and another user have the program loaded up, you can play pretty much any card game you want using a standard 52-card deck. Support is also included for less-common games that use 24 and 48 cards. The program sets up easily and has a barebones interface. Included in this archive is a copy of Identd.exe from Loonybin software, which is needed by this program to Requires Internet account & Win95
62142 CLI-096E.A01 2099200 07.12.1996 - - -
2AM client software 2/3
62143 CLI-096E.A02 1901490 07.12.1996 - - -
2AM client software 3/3
62144 CLI-096E.ARJ 2099200 07.12.1996 - - -
2AM - Internet game companyy's client
software for Windows 95 V0.96e.
62192 CMINSTAL.ZIP 1555907 25.11.1996 - - -
Chessmaster Online ShareWare V1.0
Pääteohjelma Internetin kautta pelattavalle
shakkipelille 'Chessmaster 5000 Online.'
Vaatii Windows 95/NT, 486/66, 8 Mt, SVGA.
43718 CNTSTRIK.ZIP 2,6 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
"Counter-Strike Launcher v1.0.  By Thundermag Software. Set uplaunch a Counter-Strike server. Enables you to easily set up and launch a Half-Life server running the Counter-Strike modification. Its a greatfree tool for any Counter-Strike server operator. The installation and interface are extremely easy to useallowing even advanced server administrators the options theyd like."
43719 CTLK11.ZIP 921,7 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Crime Talk 1.1 This is a chat client for Legal Crime. You may join the Legal Crime chat channels but do not need to have the game itself open. This lets you continue your work and join a game when you wish.
43720 CYBERMP.ZIP 482,8 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
Cyberw@r HotMind Mission Pack for Players. CyberW@r Developers Kit by HotMind Software CyberW@r is an interactive Internet game concept that requires players to surf the net for information to solve the problems generated by cyber-terrorists.The development kit offers a platform for developing your own CyberW@r scenarios as well as the basic HTML pages to play the game. Includes instructions to create missions, plus a JavaScript library for mission animation. IE 4.0 or later and
43722 CYBWAR.ZIP 883 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
CYBERW@R. Now FREEWARE. Net game, a game played on Internet but it is game unlike others. Two factions battle in the Internet for control of the computer network. Realtime on-line play, using all the resources of Internet Real sites to visit in order to discover the truth. Designed to attract artists across WWW. Anyone can design missions, anyone can play them. A melting pot of cunning strategy & intelligence! Req PC, net connection, email address, Win95, browser
43721 CYBWARDV.ZIP 1,8 Mt 20.05.1999 - - -
CyberW@r Developers Kit by HotMind Software CyberW@r is an interactive Internet game concept that requires players to surf the net for information to solve the problems generated by cyber-terrorists.The development kit offers a platform for developing your own CyberW@r scenarios as well as the basic HTML pages to play the game. Includes instructions to create missions, plus a JavaScript library for mission animation. IE 4.0 or later and Windows 95, 98, or NT
43723 DARKSOBC.ZIP 32 Mt 27.09.2001 - - -
DarkSpace open beta clientPalestarin ilmaisessa ja kaikille avoimessa betavaiheessa olevan avaruusräiskinnän client-ohjelma. DarkSpace on massiviinen avaruuten sijoittuva moninpeli, jossa pelaaja ohjastaa suurta avaruusalusta reaaliajassa, yhdessä tuhansien muiden pelaajien kanssa. P300, 64 Mt. 
43724 DBLESOLT.ZIP 50 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
"Double Solitaire by http://www.solitaire.com Internet card game. Similar to regular Klondikeexcept that its played over the Internet against another live player.Not only do you play using your four piles of already played cardsbut you get to use those of your opponent as well. Whoever makes a valid move first gets a pointand the one with the most points wins. The exe file is a browser plug-in. Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3+ & Windows 95"
43725 DCPCHESS.ZIP 1,1 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
"dcpChess via EMail v4.04 Copyright (c) 1998  Davy Crockett Productions.  Playing a classic game of Chess via email is simple using dcpChess. This smooth-runningeasy-to-usehead-to-head Chess manager uses your email client to transfer moves to a running game log thats mirrored on your opponents PC. Attractive interface. You get to play real live people via electronic mail. Windows 95."
43726 DEEPFROZ.ZIP 22,8 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
" DeepFrozen by Daniel Karlsson. Free client used to play graphical Chess games via email. Its written 100% in Java and works on virtually any platformwith a simple interface that works particularly well with Microsoft Outlook clients. Start a game with the downloadable interfacethen continue playwith each move being sent back and forth via email. Req. JAVAemail softwareInternet connection"
43727 DFDE103F.ZIP 141 Mt 20.12.2001 - - -
DuelField Disciple Edition v1.03 full Netitse pelattava vuoropohjainen fantasiastrategia, jossa käydään useiden pelaajien yhtäaikaisia taisteluita. Pelaajat taistelevat vastakkain kaverihakupalvelimen kautta ja pistämällä sitten armeijansa tositoimiin. Armeijat koostuvat pelimaailmaa kansoittavista hahmoista, joita on kahta perustyyppiä, sotahulluja deityjä ja tavallisen kaduntallaajan asemassa olevia creatureja. Täydessä versiossa on kaikki videot. 
43728 DFDE103L.ZIP 50,4 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
DuelField Disciple Edition v1.03 kevyt Netitse pelattava vuoropohjainen fantasiastrategia, jossa käydään useiden pelaajien yhtäaikaisia taisteluita. Pelaajat taistelevat vastakkain kaverihakupalvelimen kautta ja pistämällä sitten armeijansa tositoimiin. Armeijat koostuvat pelimaailmaa kansoittavista hahmoista, joita on kahta perustyyppiä, sotahulluja deityjä ja tavallisen kaduntallaajan asemassa olevia creatureja. Kevyessä versiossa on vain hyökkäysvideot. 
43729 DFDE103m.ZIP 4,8 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
DuelField Disciple Edition v1.03 minimiNetitse pelattava vuoropohjainen fantasiastrategia, jossa käydään useiden pelaajien yhtäaikaisia taisteluita. Pelaajat taistelevat vastakkain kaverihakupalvelimen kautta ja pistämällä sitten armeijansa tositoimiin. Armeijat koostuvat pelimaailmaa kansoittavista hahmoista, joita on kahta perustyyppiä, sotahulluja deityjä ja tavallisen kaduntallaajan asemassa olevia creatureja. Minimiversiossa ei ole videoita lainkaan. 
63029 DLTEN.A01 2999475 11.11.1996 - - -
Deadline. TEN-yhteysohjelma. Osa 2/3.
63030 DLTEN.A02 1294347 11.11.1996 - - -
Deadline. TEN-yhteysohjelma. Osa 3/3.
63031 DLTEN.ARJ 2999462 11.11.1996 - - -
Deadline. TEN-yhteysohjelma. Osa 1/3.
43734 DOA-MAN.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.11.1999 - - tupla
Dawn of Aces ManualThe complete, official manual and guide to the megaplayer World War I online flying simulator. How to play, how to fly, how to fight and survive. How to use the commands, what they mean, everything you need to get up and stay there included. PDF-format. You need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, that you can get for free http://www.adobe.com - select Get Acrobat Reader, and then follow the instructions on the screen. http://www.ientertainmentnetwork.com
43732 DOA272.ZIP 10,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
Dawn of Aces v2.72 FULL. Ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva Internet lentosimulaattori. Sisältää offline- harjoittelun, H2H-kaksinpelin (linkki/ modeemi,IPX,TCP/IP) ja Internet moninpeluun areenalla. Täysi asennuspaketti, sisältää 640x480 grafiikat. Win95, P100, 16 Mt, vähintään 9600 modeemin verkkopeliin. Tukee Direct3D. http://www.ieonline.net, Warbirdsin tekijät.
43730 DOA27210.ZIP 4,3 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
Dawn of Aces v2.72 1024x768 grafiikat. Perusversiossa tulee mukana vain 640x480 grafiikat. Lisää nämä jos haluat käyttää 1024x768 resoluutioisia grafiikoita. Ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva Internet lentosimulaattori. http://www.ieonline.net
43731 DOA272U.ZIP 2,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Dawn of Aces v1.30->2.72 update. http://www.ieonline.net
43733 DOACE275.ZIP 17,3 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Dawn of Aces v2.75  Online-lentämistä Ensimmäisen Maailmansodan koneilla. Nettilentäminen maksullista, vaatii luottokortin. Ilmainen kaksinpeli LAN/netissä. Valmistaja iEntertainment. P200, Direct3D. 
31208 DOCS.EXE 6577010 15.09.1996 - - -
Panzer Generalin TEN-yhteysohjelman manuaalit
Adobe Acrobat-formaatissa.
43735 DRAKKAR.ZIP 7,6 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Drakkar v3.07 - http://www.ieonline.net, online RPG. Experience fantasy role-playing at its best in the Kingdom of Drakkar. Choose your character: a paladin, perhaps, a mentalist, or a thief, among many others. As the lands unfold, you must develop your skills and abilities, gain wealth and power.Team up with players from around the world to search unexplored areas using your enchanted weapons and mystical spells. Requires IEN SAS Software. Windows 95.
43736 DSO25.A01 4,8 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
AD&D Dark Sun Online v2.5 2/4
43737 DSO25.A02 4,8 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
AD&D Dark Sun Online v2.5 3/4
43738 DSO25.A03 4 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
AD&D Dark Sun Online v2.5 4/4
43739 DSO25.ARJ 4,8 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
AD&D Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands v2.5 1/4 Internet multiplayer RPG. Thousands of players must struggle to survive together in the harsh desert world of Athas.DSO is filled with adventure and intrigue, some built into the game, others led by a team of GameMasters who take the role of non-player characters (NPCs) and run daily events. Hundreds of people can play at once in this persistent environment world. REQUIRES ACCOUNT ON TEN (http://www.ten.net). Win95 486/66 8 MB SVGA
63216 DSOV1.A01 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 2/7.
63217 DSOV1.A02 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 3/7.
63218 DSOV1.A03 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 4/7.
63219 DSOV1.A04 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 5/7.
63220 DSOV1.A05 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 6/7.
63221 DSOV1.A06 508027 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 7/7.
63222 DSOV1.ARJ 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 1/7.
43740 EBUILDER.ZIP 2,6 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Empire Builder v2.00 - online strategy. In this exciting adaptation from the Mayfair board game, you can capture the spirit of America and discover the strategy behind building a railroad empire.You and up to five other railroad tycoons are locked in a power struggle that spans the continent. Rewrite history over and over, no game ends the same. Be a mogul-in-the-making. Requires IEN SAS Software. http://www.ieonline.net Windows 95.
43741 ECES023B.ZIP 558,9 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
E@CHESS v0.23 BETA: Email Chess Game (WIN 95) @Chess is a new breed of Email games being called E@Games(tm).  They link up via E@Game Server which keeps score and basic user definable info about players. Comes complete with Chat, 5 simultaneously playable games, 3 levels of computer player, and much more.
43742 EGN153A.EXE 1,1 Mt 19.06.1998 - - tupla
EGN ENTERnet global network Preview 153a EGN on pelikaverien etsimiseen tarkoitettu icq klooni joka tukee useampia pelejä kuin icq ja tukee winampista tuttua skinin vaihto tekniikkaa.
43743 ELF95403.ZIP 785,3 kt 12.10.1999 - 22446/XENIATGM82.iso tupla
ELF x WINSOCK  Advanced, programmable, fast and user-friendly client for playing MUDs. MACROs, VARs, ALIASes, TRIGGERs, full mouse support, sounds, logs, scroll-buffer, full ANSI colour support, user definable windows, encryption, wizards, support for multiple instances. Automatic TICK recognition for faster HP/MANA/MOV regain. Fully configurable. Works with winsock and Win 3.1/Win 3.11/WfW/OS/2/Win 95. This program is freely distributable. Cheap registration fee:
43744 ENETRS25.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.03.1999 - MBCD -
enable Netris v2.5 by Enable Software Network/Internet playable Tetris. Adds a few features. A toolbar lets you access various menu functions, including a two-player game that can be played over a TCP/IP network. Nicely constructed, and may be evaluated indefinitely. The authors make the unusual licensing demand that if you wish to register you give them an idea for a program to write. Windows 95, 98, or NT
63743 ENG-C110.ZIP 2923210 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Castles II V1.10 Internet
playable Castles II. Only playable through
Engage Games. www.engagegames.com
63744 ENG-C2AP.ZIP 107051 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Castles II online appendums -
new map, FAQ, manual, strategy guide
63745 ENG-DESO.A01 2898491 07.12.1996 - - -
Engage Games: Descent Online 2/2
63746 ENG-DESO.ARJ 3199534 07.12.1996 - - -
Engage Games: Descent Online installation.
Can be played only over Engage.
63747 ENG-M107.ZIP 2157039 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm update V1.06.03 ->
1.07.00 Internet playable 3D-shoot'em'up with
rpg-elements. Only playable through Engage
Games. www.engagegames.com
63748 ENG-MAG2.A01 2999667 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm v1.06.03 2/4
63749 ENG-MAG2.A02 2999509 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm V1.06.03 3/4
63750 ENG-MAG2.A03 1128785 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm v1.06.03 4/4
63751 ENG-MAG2.ARJ 2999451 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm v1.06.03
Internet playable 3D-shoot'em'up with
rpg-elements. Only playable through
Engage Games www.engagegames.com
63752 ENG-MMAN.ZIP 51166 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm manual
63753 ENG-WC2.ZIP 3137303 07.12.1996 - - -
Engage Games: Warcraft II Online
installation. Internet playable multiplayer
strategy, requires original WC2, only
playable through Engage Games,
63754 ENG-WC2B.ZIP 3295877 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Warcraft II Online installation
Internet playable multiplayer strategy,
requires original WC2, only playable through
Engage Games www.engagegames.com
63758 ENGAGE_I.ZIP 4172313 03.12.1996 - - -
Engage Games - Online-peliyhtiön
perusohjelmisto - Internet Explorerille.
63759 ENGAGE_N.ZIP 4300846 03.12.1996 - - -
Engage Games - Online-peliyhtiön
perusohjelmisto - Netscape Navigatorille.
43745 F1RST303.ZIP 795,1 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
"F1RST v3.03 F1RST is a Race Search Tool for F1 Racing games.  It will allow easy meeting and organisation of  online racingsupporting game integration and  IP management. Currently the supported games are  EAs F1 Championship Season 2000 and UBI Softs  F1 Racing Championsip. "
43746 FA2DEMO.ZIP 18,4 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
Fighter Ace II demo. Julkaisija Microsoft. Internet multiplayer/moninpelattava toisen maailmansodan lentosimulaatio. Onko sinusta lentäjäksi sodan virtuaalisilla taivailla? Astu sodan kuuluisimpien hävittäjien ohjaamoon. Kevyehkö lentosimu ilman kovin realistisia lentomalleja. Maksullinen - http://www.zone.com - tarjoaa ilmaisen kolmen päivän koeajan. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D 3D-näytönohjain.
43747 FA2SETUP.ZIP 16,5 Mt 04.12.1999 - - -
"Fighter Ace II. Internet multiplayer flying simulator. Microsoft. Do you have what it takes?! Killer or cannon fodderBinky? Strap one of WW IIs mightiest fighters to your virtual backside and prepare for battle. Premiumsubscription-only game that hurls YOU into the cockpit in multiplayer aerial melee. Try it now for a free three-day trial. Windows 95/98P16632 MbDirect3D"
43748 FIEFQUES.ZIP 1,4 Mt 23.09.1999 - - -
Fief Quest 2.01 - online strategy game In this intriguing fantasy strategy game, players will pit their wits and armies against each other in a brilliant gaming combination of military force and political diplomacy to win the land. Begin as knights with limited land and income. Build up forces then challenge other players to win and claim for themselves gold, a title - or defeat. Requires IEN SAS Software. http://www.ieonline.net Windows 95.
43749 FLYBYWIR.ZIP 61,9 kt 29.08.1998 - MBCD -
Fly-BY-Wire 2.0 for FSFW95 major step above FS98 multiplayer Runs with Microsoft Flight Simulator for Windows 95. Uses winsock internet connections Shows you the real aircraft other pilots are flying. Up to 100 miles visibility Up to 32 aircraft simultaneously visible.
31221 FUNOTRON.ZIP 17253 14.01.1997 - 16156/PC Format March 1997.iso -
Fun-o-tron version .01 nifty little Proxy
Server that allows networked users to play
SubSpace through a machine that has full
Internet access.
43750 GAMEINST.A01 2,9 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer 2/4
43751 GAMEINST.A02 2,9 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer 3/4
43752 GAMEINST.A03 1,2 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer 4/4
43753 GAMEINST.ARJ 2,9 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer from JC Research, Inc. 1/4 Installs from different multiplayer game packs into your computer: other is a group of three different Internet board games, other is action game called Mission Chameleon, where you infiltrate bug/machine colonies in a disguised war craft to destroy the bugs. Windows 95. Board games work through their own game server.
43754 GAMESITE.ZIP 2,9 Mt 01.03.2000 - - -
 GameSite 2000 By GameSite 2000, Ltd. Play board games online. Online gaming utility that allows you to play games such as Chess, Backgammon, and Reversi with players from around the world. The program is well designed and you can find a game very quickly, but the service comes with a price of $25 for three months once beta testing is finished. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43755 GGRID22.ZIP 2,9 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
GamesGrid Backgammon Internetpelin yhteysohjelman Versio 2.2 Windows 95-versio.
43756 GRREL21.ZIP 6,3 Mt 08.11.1999 - - tupla
"Grand Realm Tools v2.1.9016by Kevin Wilson GRT is helper utility for the Sierra online game called The Realm. GRT is designed and distributed to enhance game play and the gaming experience of those playing The Realm. Features quick-reference Realm Maps; full set of quick-reference Realm Information tables; Address BookIgnore List etc. Sierras The Realm and Windows 95"
43757 GS102W.ZIP 178,5 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
GameStalker 1.02 for Windows. Utility. An alternative way to find Quake II and Quake III Arena games. Makes use of a client server model when searching for games. A zpdb (Zero-ping Database) server keeps a constantly refreshed list of Q2 and Q3A servers. GameStalker queries against this constantly refreshed list of servers to find the games you want to play in.
43759 GSP220.ZIP 1,5 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
GameSpy 3D - versio 2.20 SW. Hyvä ohjelma, joka etsii nopeimmat peliserverit ja pingaa ne nopeusjärjetykseen. Gamespy kertoo my"s mm. mitä kenttää missäkin serverissä pelataan, monta pelaajaa jne. Soveltuu mm. seuraavien pelian servereiden etsiskelyyn: Quake, Quake2, Hexen2, Unreal, Half Life, Shogo, Sin, Blood 2, Heretic II, Starsiege Tribes, Quake 3, NetQuake, Descent 3, Baldur\'s Gate. 
43758 GSP220R.ZIP 1,5 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
GameSpy 3D - versio 2.20 REGISTERED. Hyvä ohjelma, joka etsii nopeimmat peliserverit ja pingaa ne nopeusjärjetykseen. Gamespy kertoo my"s mm. mitä kenttää missäkin serverissä pelataan, monta pelaajaa jne. Soveltuu mm. seuraavien pelian servereiden etsiskelyyn: Quake, Quake2, Hexen2, Unreal, Half Life, Shogo, Sin, Blood 2, Heretic II, Starsiege Tribes, Quake 3, NetQuake, Descent 3, Baldur\'s Gate, Nerf ArenaBlast, Wheel of Time, jne. 
43760 GSPY251.ZIP 1,6 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
"GameSpy 3D v2.51 Suositun serveri-browserin uusimman version asennusohjelma. 
Etsii nopeimmat peliserverit ja pingaa ne nopeusjärjestykseen. Gamespy kertoo myös mm. mitä kenttää missäkin serverissä pelataanmonta pelaajaa jne. Soveltuu mm. seuraavien pelian servereiden etsiskelyyn: QuakeQuake2Hexen2UnrealHalf LifeShogoSinBlood 2Heretic IIStarsiege TribesQuake 3NetQuakeDescent 3Baldurs GateNerf ArenaBlastWheel of Timejne. "
43761 HCBGINET.ZIP 5,9 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Classic Board Games Internet Demo Hoyle Classic Board Games Internet play. Allows you to play six games - ChessCheckersChinese CheckersYachtBackgammon and Battling Ships over the internet against opponents from all over the world. It doesnt have all of the graphics and sound effects available in the full CD productbut you can still have lots of fun playing other gamers online. Windows 95."
43762 HCCGINET.ZIP 3,4 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Classic Card Games Internet Demo Sierra On-Line. Includes free Internet play through Sierras Internet gaming service. Allows you to play three games - Gin RummyHeartsand Spades -- over the internet against opponents from all over the world. It doesnt have all of the graphics and sound effects available in the full CD productbut you can still have lots of fun playing other gamers online. Windows 95."
31222 HIBJBET2.ZIP 2374397 25.11.1996 - - -
Hoyle Internet Blackjack beta V1.1.0.4
Internet playable Blackjack card game, free
betatest. Sierra, req. Win95.
43763 HLDS4106.ZIP 99,9 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life standalone server v4.1.0.6 fullThis package will install Half-Life primary  server v4.1.0.6 for Win32 onto your computer if  you intend to use it as a server for multiplayer  matches.  
43764 HOYPOKER.ZIP 2,2 Mt 16.02.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Internet Poker by Sierra On-LineSierras free SIGS version of Hoyle Poker. Play 24 different poker games on-line. Take your chances against 9 unique animated poker buddies. Once your skills are honedchallenge players from around the world via the internet. Win95 486/66 4 Mb SVGA 32-bit Internet connection with PPP/ TCP/IP"
31223 HPMANUAL.ZIP 3687077 14.05.1996 - - -
Kesmai Corporationsin Harpoon Online-pelin
manuaali Adobe Acrobat-formaatissa.
43765 HR1-01MB.ZIP 2,7 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
HoverRace v1.01 MBinternet-versio. Vauhdikas ja hauska Internet-pelattava rallipeli. Hurista ketterillä ilmatyynyaluksilla seinistä kimpoillen koettaen voittaa jopa kahdeksan muuta pelaajaa. Voi pelata myös paikallisverkossa tai kahdestaan samalla koneella. Helppo oppia vaikea hallita! Tämä versio tukee pelaamista MBinternet HR-palvelimella. Vaatii Windows 95/NT4, 486/66, 1 Mt näytönohjain, 8 Mt, 14.4K modeemi.
43767 HWCL_B1.EXE 3,1 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
Hexen2World Client v0.09 (Beta 1)
43768 HWSV_B1.EXE 1,4 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
Hexen2World Server v0.09 (Beta 1)
43769 ICARUS15.ZIP 1,3 Mt 05.11.1999 - - -
Icarus v1.5Random Software well-designed interface for the Internet Chess Club, where you can always find a game with an opponent who plays at your level. You can designate your skill level and customize your interface with sounds, chat filters, and various Chess sets. Connect to ICC as a guest or a subscriber, then watch the chat, follow a game in progress, step through the newcomer tutorial, or seek a game to match your skill. Win95, DirectX, Internet connection,
43770 ICHESS.ZIP 3,6 Mt 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
Internet Chess - shareware Designed for Windows 95 Chess over the Internet. Supports TCP/IP connection over the Internet or other network. Built in Chat, multiple boards & piece sets, save/load game features, and a scenerio designer make this multiplayer Chess game great for the novice and expert alike! By Beh? Software - Windows 95.
43771 IEN_SAS.ZIP 10,7 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"iEN SAS system software (SAS). For iEN online gaming systemhttp://www.ieonlinet.net Required to play iENs other online multiplayer games online. Windows 95."
65028 IGZ-W95.ZIP 2565440 08.12.1996 - - -
Internet Gaming Zone client software for
Windows 95. Seven classic, FREE to play
multi-player Internet games in slick,
beatiful system. www.zone.com
65038 IKC059.A01 2999601 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 2/7
65039 IKC059.A02 2999468 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 3/7
65040 IKC059.A03 2999460 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 4/7
65041 IKC059.A04 2999483 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 5/7
65042 IKC059.A05 2999503 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 6/7
65043 IKC059.A06 721358 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 7/7
65044 IKC059.ARJ 2999369 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends - Internet pelattavan
roolipelin ilmaisen betaversion V0.59 Windows
95/NT -pääteohjelma. Kesmai/Aries,
www.kesmai.com 1/7
43772 INFANT78.ZIP 12,2 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Infantry Beta. Open beta testi. Internet-pelattava toimintapeli. Tapahtumat esitetään ylhäältä kuvatusti. Jokainen pelaaja ohjaa yhtä sotilasta jotka taistelevat tilavilla pelialueilla eri päämäärien perässä. Taktista toimintaa. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, Pentium 90, 16 Mt, 2 Mt 2D-näytönohjain ja vähintään 28.8 modeemi. www.infantryzone.com 
43773 INTRPO11.ZIP 1,6 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
"Ian McIntoshs Internet Poker v1.1. Sit around the virtual Poker table. Lets you and your friends gather online to play Poker. One of you must run the Poker serverwhich is includedthen supply the IP address to the other players. You get a choice of 11 popular Poker variations in the registered versionincluding the traditional stud and draw games. Theres a small chat window. TCP/IP. Server included. network connection and Windows 9598or NT "
65274 IWBETA.ZIP 779924 25.11.1996 - - -
Iron Wolves Internet-pelattavan
sukellusvenesimulaattorin beta-pääteohjelma.
Ilmainen beta. Vaatii Win95.
43775 JUMPGF.ZIP 81,2 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Jumpgate beta test full install A new multiplayer space sim, that has three sides fighting in their own style for their own agendas. Requires registering as a beta tester. 
43776 JUMPGS.ZIP 47,6 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Jumpgate beta test small install A new multiplayer space sim, that has three sides fighting in their own style for their own agendas. Requires registering as a beta tester. 
65502 K95_10.ZIP 1143381 25.11.1996 - - -
Kali95 - Kali for Windows 95 V1.0 Play
IPX-network supporting games over Internet!
Now with DirectPlay and NetBios support.
43777 KAHN13.ZIP 659 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
Kahn v1.3 for Windows 95. Kali-like software to play ANY IPX network supporting game over the Internet. Very efficient and fast, lag-minimizing programming. Search for Games, Users, and Servers anywhere in the Kahn Network. Play both IPX-based DOS and Windows 95/98 based multiplayer games. over the Internet. Kahn can also be used to enable IPX games to be played over TCP/IP- only networks. Features: network frame optimization and compression, 100% support for any DOS/Windows IPX game, IRC-based chat including full IRC Services (NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ)." Completely free service and client. Windows 9x 
43778 KALI9520.ZIP 2,8 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Kali95 v2.0 Kali on Internetin suurin moninpelijärjestelmä ja sillä on laajempi pelituki kuin millään muulla järjestelmällä. Kali mahdollistaa IPX-lähiverkkopelin Internetin kautta, eikä vastapelaajien löytäminen ole vaikeaa. Sisäänrakennetun TCP/IP-tuen avulla on helppo löytää suosittuja pelejä ajavat palvelimet, esim. Quake 2, QuakeWorld, Jedi Knight, HomeWorld, GPL, Panzer Elite, GTA 2 jne. Vaatimukset: 486/50, 14.4K modeemi, Windows 95/98/NT 
43779 KP-SERB.ZIP 10,2 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
KingPin Dedicated Server for Linux (Beta) KingPin for Linux. Internet/network server for multiplayer. This is a beta, however works pretty well. You might also need the Linux glibc 2.0.7 binaries. Make sure to read the kp_linux_readme.txt for installation and usage notes.
43780 LB19.ZIP 1,7 Mt 16.06.1997 - MBCD -
Lightning Bingo / Internet Bingo V1.9 Fast-paced Multi-player Interactive bingo gambling game. by Interactive Gaming Systems, Inc. (IGS)
65682 LEGNDFNT.ZIP 139869 05.12.1996 - - -
Legends of Kesmai - the new font required
with V0.59 update.
31226 LNKSGD.ZIP 3800 25.11.1996 - - -
The Unofficial Guide to Playing Links LS with
43781 LZFC.ZIP 58,4 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Laissez-Faire Stock Market Strategy trading game with a twist: Instead of guessing at future stock prices, your goal is to manipulate the market. Real time. Internet multiplayer ONLY by IronSoft. Windows 95.
43782 M59PATCH.ZIP 1,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Meridian 59 Patch Dark Auspices Liberation Patch.
43783 MAILCLUE.ZIP 1,3 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
" em@il-Clue by Hasbro Interactive. Play a mystery game over the Internet. Interactive e-mail game that is played by sending turns back-and-forth via email to your opponents. Game started needs to own the full gamethis is free opponents front end. Windows 9598or NT"
43784 MAINXC13.ZIP 7,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
MainXchange Client v1.3 Free Online multiplayer strategy/business by MainXchange, Inc. Online stock trading game. All players will be given 100,000 BuX of virtual currency, gains or losses are of the virtual currency only. Req. Internet connection and Windows 95
43785 MANKIN17.ZIP 16,7 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Mankind v1.7  Cryo Interactiven Internetissä pelattava avaruusstrategia. Pelaajat on ryhmitelty aikavyöhykkeen mukaan, sillä peli ei koskaan jää kesken, vaan jatkaa omaa elämäänsä viimeisten käskyjen mukaan. Ilmainen versio, jossa on rajoitteita teknologiapuun suhteen. Vaatimukset: P166, 32MB, Windows 9x/ME, NT, 2000. 
43786 MECH16.A01 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 2/11
43787 MECH16.A02 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 3/11
43788 MECH16.A03 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 4/11
43789 MECH16.A04 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 5/11
43790 MECH16.A05 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 6/11
43791 MECH16.A06 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 7/11
43792 MECH16.A07 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 8/11
43793 MECH16.A08 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 9/11
43794 MECH16.A09 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 10/11
43795 MECH16.A10 1,4 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 11/11
43796 MECH16.ARJ 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
"Mechwarrior II: Netmech Titanium edition 1/11 Enter the multiplayer world of networked MW2 battle action for free! Note: If you dont have the original MW2 you will only be able to join existing gamesnot host them. Original MW2 not otherwise required. Supports link/modem/IPX+TCP/IP network/ Internet gaming. Works with Kali. Win95 DirectX5 P133 16 MB 2 MB PCI vidcard Supports Rendition3Dfx & Direct3D"
43797 MERC16.A01 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Mercnet Titanium 2/6
43798 MERC16.A02 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Mercnet Titanium 3/6
43799 MERC16.A03 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Mercnet Titanium 4/6
43800 MERC16.A04 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Mercnet Titanium 5/6
43801 MERC16.A05 3,7 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Mercnet Titanium 6/6
43802 MERC16.ARJ 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
"Mechwarrior II: Mercnet Titanium edition 1/6 Enter the multiplayer world of networked MW2: Mercenaries battle action for free! Note: If you dont have the original MW2 you will only be able to join existing gamesnot host them. Original MW2 not otherwise required. Supports link/modem/IPX+TCP/IP network/Internet. Works with Kali. Win95 DirectX5 P133 16 MB 2 MB PCI vidcard Supports Rendition3Dfx & Direct3D"
43803 MHSER15.ZIP 181,9 kt 16.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Motorhead dedicated server 1.5, June 17, 1998 (C)Digital Illusions 1998 Motorhead dedicated server for use with the p1.4 client. Run your own Motorhead servers on LAN or Internet. Max. 12 players.
43804 MIHUNTER.ZIP 4,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Minion Hunter - online game. On a background of decaying USA beyond government control bandit tribes, street gangs, and business cartels parcel out life and death. But, an evil even worse has spawned Minions: blood drinkers, flesh eaters, shape changers and soul stealers stalk the land. Join other players cruising the decaying American countryside while you fight for fortune and fame. Win95 Requires IEN SAS Software. http://www.ieonline.net
43805 MK98-16.ZIP 2,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Metal Knights 98 v1.6 Internet KnightSoft/ Spectrum Pacific Publishing Multi-player strategy game that was designed to be as intuitive and easy to play as possible. Conquer cities and resources, build units and factories in a bit Empire like top viewed turn-based strategy game. Local & Internet multiplayer. NetMetal game server for easy opponent finding. turn based strategy game. Win95 Pentium
43806 MKNIMAPS.ZIP 740,8 kt 24.11.1997 - MBCD -
Metal Knights 95 Map Collection 115 Battlefields
66289 MP-BRRSW.ZIP 4088917 08.12.1996 - - -
Big Red Racing Share Ware Enabler for MPlayer
Internet game company. For more info:
66297 MPLAY12A.A01 2999200 07.12.1996 - - -
MPlayer client software 2/3
66298 MPLAY12A.A02 1388404 07.12.1996 - - -
MPlayer client software 3/3
66299 MPLAY12A.ARJ 2999641 07.12.1996 - - -
Mplayer - Internet game company's
client software with extensions V1.2a.
43808 MUDEQ30.ZIP 375,8 kt 27.05.2000 - - -
MUD Equipment Database v3.0. by Jonathan Almarez. This free program is a database of items with their descriptions that are used in the MUD Duris: Land of Bloodlust game. These items can be searched and listed for description viewing and reference. It is a great tool for MUD players. Windows 95, 98, or NT 
43809 NETBS.ZIP 115,2 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
"Net BattleShip multi-player LAN/Internet version of the classic naval strategy game. Up to 10 players can join in a single game. Each player maintains his own flotilla of shipstaking turns shooting at any of the other playersscreens. Windows 32-bit"
43810 NETCK110.ZIP 139,6 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
NetCheckers v1.1 by Pillar Software, Inc. play checkers with anyone, anywhere, over a TCP/IP connection with your Internet provider. All you have to do is enter the ISP address of your opponent to play 1-on-1. Requires active TCP/IP connection and Windows 95
43811 NETGIN40.ZIP 979,5 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
"Net Gin Rummy v4.0 by NetIntellGames Allows opponents to play Simple Gin and Standard Gin variations of Gin Rummy. Its easy to play with your friends over the InternetLANmodem or direct connectionorif you want to play but have no opponents - you will be able to use NetIntellGames Server on Internet. Windows 9598or NT"
43812 NETPO40.ZIP 979,2 kt 23.09.1999 - MBCD -
Net Poker v4.0 by NetIntellGames presents Draw Poker version of the Poker for two opponents. This program makes it possible to play poker with people over the Internet, LAN, modem or direct connection. Supports central opponent finding server. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43813 NETSPCRD.ZIP 55,4 kt 10.04.2000 - - -
NETWORK SPEEDCARD v1.0 Very simple dual-player card game that is played over TCP/IP over LAN or Internet. Multiplayer. The object is to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible; that is more quickly than your opponent. Declan Software www.ozemail.com/~eungyung/speedcard  
43814 NETSTALK.ZIP 4,9 Mt 20.05.1999 - - -
NET ST@LKER tm for Windows 95-98 by HotMind Software http://www.hotmind.com. Internet multiplayer puzzle/detective game. Browse Internet resources to complete missions. Mind-blowing, challenging adventure for the cybernaut. Real-time on-line play, using all the resources of Internet.Real sites to visit in order to discover the truth. Players then battle it out for control of Net through strategic searchwork and tactical savvy. Req. PC, net connection, Win95, browser, P75,16
43815 NETSW40.ZIP 1 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
"Net Sea War v4.0 by NetIntellGames Battleship -type board game you can play against your computer. Orcompete with a real-life opponent over the Interneta LANa modemor a direct cable connection. Blow up all of your opponents ships. Good sound effectsbut the graphics are just average. You can try out this unregistered edition for only five minutes per session. Opponent finding through publishers server. Windows 9598or NT."
43816 NETTTT.ZIP 1,9 Mt 05.11.1999 - - -
Net Tic Tac Toe v1.0 by David Bagno Play TicTacToe over the Web. Classic TicTacToe game but lets you play over the Internet with people all over the world. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43817 NETWARSW.A01 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 2/7
43818 NETWARSW.A02 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 3/7
43819 NETWARSW.A03 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 4/7
43820 NETWARSW.A04 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 5/7
43821 NETWARSW.A05 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 6/7
43822 NETWARSW.A06 279,7 kt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 7/7
43823 NETWARSW.ARJ 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
"NetWAR shareware - Internet playable   1/7 shootemup frenzy in commandy tryleall-barrels blasting action with soldiers on footair and sea. Shoot others with your standard riflejump into tank when you find onethen take a joyride in heavily armed helicopter. Isometric action. Free multiplayer demo of the full commercial game. Feq. Win95 P90 DirectX3.0a SVGA 16 MB 28.8K"
43824 NROSDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing Online demo 2/3
43825 NROSDEMO.A02 2,1 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing Online demo 3/3
43826 NROSDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing Online Series demo. Sierra. 1/3 Racing. Experience the heart-pounding, adrenaline pumping thrill of head-to-head multiplayer NASCAR competition on the NASCAR fans can now race for FREE on two of tracks used in the NASCAR Racing Online, the officially sanctioned online racing series. Demo includes 2 tracks. You can race with up to 22 players. Windows 95 P100 32 MB DirectX. Requires Internet access. Supports 3Dfx & Rendition
43827 NTV13132.ZIP 3,6 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
NetTrivia Version 1.31 multi-player Internet game by Internet Direct While it may be played alone in home, it also connects you to other players who may be playing anywhere in the world. Trivia addicts can find other trivia players here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Combines a trivia game with real-time chat. All kinds of cool subjects. Windows 32-bit version - Win95/NT
43828 NXUSWIND.ZIP 12 Mt 27.05.2000 - - -
"Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds v4.66 by Nexon USAInc. Internet-only multiplayer adventure game in which you roam and interact in a virtual world. In true MUD fashionyou can socialize as well as adventure. Nexus starts you out just trying to survive. As you progresshoweveryoull gain rank and might even end up a deity. Win95 P90 DirectX5 16MB Internet connection "
31256 PAOW119B.ZIP 774470 25.11.1996 - - -
Classic Card Games/Masque Family Games
Internet-pelattavien korttipelien bridge,
hearts, spades & whist ilmainen openbeta
versio V1.19. Kesmai/Aries.
43829 PBTER180.ZIP 2,5 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
" PBTerm V1.80 DavidRM Software - Windows 95 client for Paintball Net. Paintball Net is a multi-playerInternet-based game. Players deck themselves out with everything from paintball guns to scope-mounts to refracto suits (a la Predator) and run around the countryside taking potshots at other players and computer controlledbots. PBTerm appears to be a funless-bloody alternative to online Deathmatches. Internet connection and"
43830 PI100.ZIP 9,4 Mt 27.05.2000 - - -
Planet Iridium Build #100 by Planet Iridirum. The Internet Flight Simulator. High performance spaceplane simulator.Key features include interplayer messages, aircraft-style heads-up display and a truly spherical, 3-D world. This is preview release which is free to play during their Beta test phase which lasts through Winter. Demo. This new version has a new physics model, New NAV commands and more! Req. Windows 95, P166, 32 MB, OpenGL graphics 
43831 PODGS.ZIP 3,4 Mt 19.08.1997 - - -
POD Game Service by Ubi Soft Final verison of the online matchmaking service for POD. Windows 95.
43832 PTOOL26A.EXE 1,5 Mt 12.04.2000 - - -
PingTool v2.6aGame finder utility. Helps users locate free public game
                                            servers on the Internet and can be used with either a
                                            dial-up or broadband connection. Builds a list of game
                                            servers and collects detailed information on each server to
                                            help select one that will provide the optimal gaming
                                            experience. This information includes real-time game
                                            information. Windows 95/98.
43833 Q2PLUG.ZIP 39,7 kt 28.07.1998 - 22427/XENIATGM63.iso -
Quake 2:Q2Plug, this program allows you to view Quake2 server information right from a webpage.
43834 Q2SRVFRN.ZIP 706,1 kt 28.08.1998 - - -
Quake2 Dedicated Server Free Front End v1.0 by Bill Oatman (Q2FFE) is a program that provides a graphical user interface to the Quake2 dedicated multiplayer game server. Quake2 and Windows 95
43835 Q2SRVINT.ZIP 1,5 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Quake2 Server Interface v1.0 by Nick Nicotero Highly configurable launcher for Q2 servers. In addition to specifying a server name, port, max number of clients, and starting map, you can choose to enable or disable common options such as cheats, logfiles, and passwords simply by clicking checkboxes. Windows 95.
43836 Q3T-S103.A01 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test 2/6
43837 Q3T-S103.A02 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test 3/6
43838 Q3T-S103.A03 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test 4/6
43839 Q3T-S103.A04 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test 5/6
43840 Q3T-S103.A05 1,3 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test 6/6
43841 Q3T-S103.ARJ 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test. iD Software. 1/6 Win32 server v1.03. This is NOT playable, it is only the server software.
43842 QFREESPY.ZIP 356,9 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
"Quake FreeSpy beta 2by Simon Perry Utility. Enables the user to obtain information on the status of players currently participating in a Deathmatch on any QuakeWorld serverwithout the need to launch the QuakeWorld client. In other wordswhen there isnt much action happening on the QuakeWorld server you like to frequentyou can simply have Quake FreeSpy monitor the server. Internet connectionQuakeand Windows 95"
43843 QIZMO290.ZIP 333,4 kt 24.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Qizmo 2.90 QuakeWorld proxy (c) Juha Kujala ja Ilkka Rajala. Qizmo on proxy, joka helpottaa huomattavasti tiimipelaamista. Lisäksi mahdollista saada enemmän fps:iä, pingiä pienemmäksi sekä sisältää mp3-soittimen, demo playerin sun muuta. UUTTA: ei enää 50 minuutin aikarajoitusta ja kaikkia edellisten versioiden ominaisuuksia voi hyödyntää täysin ilman rekisteröintiä. Suomalaista laatua! http://qizmo.sci.fi.
43844 QONTHEWA.ZIP 780,4 kt 24.12.1998 - - -
OnTheWay v1.0 Quake 2 Server Utility by John Baumbach Run your own Quake 2 server from your PC. In addition to the usual Deathmatch manager features, it gives you control over a ton of other game parameters, such as weapon impact force, player handicapping, and more. It runs in a slick, tabbed dialog box interface that gives you quick access to related controls. Quake 2 retail v3.08 or higher, 32 MB RAM, and Windows 95, 98, or NT
43845 QTALK09B.ZIP 693,5 kt 06.01.1999 - - tupla
Qtalk - versio 0.9 beta (Jan 2, 1999). (c) Minidata systems ltd. Qtalk on lisäohjelma suositulle Internetissä käytetävälle huvi- ja hyötyohjelmalle ICQ:lle. Tämä ohjelma mahdollistaa ICQ-listassa olevien tuttujen kanssa juttelun mikrofonin kautta sekä vaikkapa musiikin soittamisen toiselle. Qtalkin ja mikrofonin kautta puhuttu ääni ei  edes liiemmin pätki modeemiyhteyksillä. Toimii Windows 95/98/NT käyttöjärjestelmissä.
43846 QTR23B13.ZIP 1,6 Mt 02.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Qtracker v2.3 beta 13 Ron Mercer Keep an eye on servers easily with Qtracker, a server monitoring utility that can monitor Quake, QuakeWorld, Quake II, Hexen II, Jedi Knight, and Mysteries of the Sith. Limited support for X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter. Displays player names, monitor multiple servers simultaneously. Displays small image of the map being played. Tabulates team scores and player counts. Windows 95.
43848 QW230.ZIP 593,3 kt 02.09.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
QuakeWorld 2.30. Päivittää QuakeWorldin version 2.21 versioksi 2.30.
43847 QW230F.ZIP 731,4 kt 23.03.2000 renamed Pelit CD 1999 -
"QuakeWorld Client v2.30 id Software.  This is the QuakeWorld Client. Youll need this to connect to QuakeWorld servers."
43849 QW23305.ZIP 548,7 kt 06.01.1999 - - -
QuakeWorld 2.33 (build 005) client- ja serveri-ohjelmat QuakeWorldille. Päivittää QuakeWorldin aikaisemman version versioksi 2.33 (build 005). Lukuisia bugeja korjattu. Toimii Windows 95/NT käyttöjärjestelmissä.
43850 QWSV230.ZIP 217,2 kt 15.09.1998 - MBCD -
QuakeWorld Server v2.30 for Win32 Systems.
43851 RB3D_SRV.ZIP 2,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - tupla
Red Baron 3D multiplayer server Set up your own server for multiplayer games with Red Baron 2 or 3D (high bandwidth recommended!).
43852 REALGOLF.ZIP 3,2 Mt 10.03.1998 - MBCD -
RealGolf Shareware by Eric Malafeew Cons. http://www.realgolf.com lets you design your own courses, play other courses over the Internet at your own pace, supports Internet and LAN multiplayer gaming, watch and chat with Internet players, drive and aim with real-time 3D graphics and more. Free and fully functional for 24 hours, then you can only play the first 2 holes of any course. P75, 16MB, Win95, DX5. Supp. NetworkInternet
43853 REALM4.EXE 3,4 Mt 27.05.1997 - 17110/TEKNO 3-1997 (New version).iso -
The Realm - Trial version. Part 4/4.
43854 REDM265E.ZIP 181,3 Mt 18.04.2001 - - -
RedMoon v2.65e RedMoon is Massively Multiplayer Online Game that transports the player into an original anime-style Science Fantasy world that couples both pre- and post-cataclysmic settings, spanning past, present and future. Through a rich mix of technology, magic and martial arts, players can find variety of action and combat. 
43855 ROM2PACK.ZIP 3,2 Mt 18.05.2000 - 23172/Gamestar_25_2000-12_cd1.bin -
Rage of Mages II - multiplayer packThis Rage of Mages II (ROM2) dedicated server pack
significantly enhances ROM2 Internet performance, stability and security while vastly increasing the play variety by introducing new game play types and a large selection of specially designed multiplayer maps. With the dedicated server pack you will be able to create ROM2 multiplayer characters and store them on a master server, called "Hat." Logging on to Hat will give you access to your
characters and the list of currently available dedicated game servers, allowing you to find and join multiplayer games easily.
43858 RW_BASE.ZIP 906,8 kt 02.12.1999 - - tupla
Roger Wilco Base Station v0.27.Internet- palvelin RW ohjelmalle. Base Stationilla pelaajat voivat ylläpitää RW-palvelinta 24h tai tarvittaessa. Siihen voi ottaa yhteyden joko IP-osoitteen tai pikakuvakkeen avulla. Erittäin käytännöllinen RW:n aktiivisille käyttäjille. Ilmainen. Paketissa Linus, FreeBSD ja Windows-versiot. http://www.rogerwilco.com
43859 RW_MK1A.ZIP 341,6 kt 02.12.1999 - - tupla
Roger Wilco Mark Ia. Ehdoton nettipelurin apuohjelma. Mahdollistaa reaaliaikaisen ja vaivattoman äänikommunikoinnin pelaajien välillä. Vaivaton asentaa ja käyttää, toimii kaikkien pelien kanssa. Pelaajat voivat joko ottaa yhteyden yhteiseen RW: IP-osoitteeseen tai ylläpitää RW Internet-palvelinta. Rekisteröimättömänä toimii demo-tilassa. Rekisteröinti ILMAINEN. Vaatii Windows 95/98 Pentium 166 TCP/IP http://www.rogerwilco.com
43856 RW085F.ZIP 4,7 Mt 18.03.1998 - MBCD -
Raider Wars v0.85 - ILMAINEN BETA. Internet pelattava avaruusräiskintä. Kolme eri korporaatiota taistelee avaruuden hallinnasta, paljon aluksia ja teknologiaa. Täysi paketti - sisältää 640x480 ja 1024x768 grafiikat. Win95, Pentium, 16 Mt, 14.4K modeemi. Imagic Online - http://www.imagiconline.com
43857 RW085M.ZIP 3,6 Mt 18.03.1998 - - -
Raider Wars v0.85 - ILMAINEN BETA. Internet pelattava avaruusräiskintä. Kolme eri korporaatiota taistelee avaruuden hallinnasta, paljon aluksia ja teknologiaa. Minimipaketti - sisältää vain 640x480 grafiikat. Win95, Pentium, 16 Mt, 14.4K modeemi. Imagic Online - http://www.imagiconline.com
43860 SANCT121.A01 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Sanctum Oppositions v1.21 2/4
43861 SANCT121.A02 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Sanctum Oppositions v1.21 3/4
43862 SANCT121.A03 4 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Sanctum Oppositions v1.21 4/4
43863 SANCT121.ARJ 4,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
"Sanctum Oppositions v1.21 1/4 Internet multi player collectible card game with strategy flavour. Move your troops battlinguse magic cards to counter your enemiesmoves and magical tricks. Free version with basic the cards. You only pay for extra booster packs. Card / strategy / fantasy. Windows 95/98/NT - DirectX 5 - P90 - 24 MB"
43865 SFBETA.A01 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - MBCD -
ShockForce beta 2/6
43866 SFBETA.A02 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - MBCD -
ShockForce beta 3/6
43867 SFBETA.A03 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - MBCD -
ShockForce beta 4/6
43868 SFBETA.A04 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - MBCD -
ShockForce beta 5/6
43869 SFBETA.A05 210,9 kt 18.03.1999 - MBCD -
ShockForce beta 6/6
43870 SFBETA.ARJ 4,8 Mt 18.03.1999 - MBCD -
"ShockForce FREE BETA. Online MEGAPLAYER multiplayer game. Puts the player in control of a futuristic hovertank against other players from around world in one of iMOLs online arenas. Each arena is presented as battleground on surface planet. 64 players. Choose one of two sides and attempt to destroy the other sides bases to take control of the planet. Windows 95P9016 MB28.8 modemINTERNET CONNECTION Imagic Online http://www.imagiconline.com 1/6"
43871 SGALBD.ZIP 53,5 Mt 14.06.2000 - - -
Shattered Galaxy Full version - open beta. Julkaisija Nexon. Online-pelattava avaruusstrategia. Sodankäyntiä ja diplomatiaa. Yhdistää galaksinmittaisen hallitsemisvaiheen reaaliajassa käytäviin taktisiin taisteluihin. Windows 9x, P2-266 ja 64 Mt 
68323 SGHBAT09.EXE 4708231 23.08.1996 - - -
SGH Internet Battleship Beta 0.9.
Internetissä pelattava monen pelaajan
43872 SGHBAT09.ZIP 3,5 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
"SGHs Navy Battle Game v0.92b1 Internetissä pelattava monen pelaajan laivanupotus. Ilmainen. Vaatii Windows 95. 486+. 8 Mt RAM. TCP/IP Internet-yhteys."
68324 SGHBJ09.EXE 4224315 23.08.1996 - 18135/Wintainment 500.iso -
SGH Internet Blackjack Beta 0.9. Internetissä
pelattava monen pelaajan Blackjack.
43873 SGHBJ09.ZIP 3,6 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
"SGHs Black Jack Game v0.94b1 Internetissä pelattava monen pelaajan mustapekka-korttipeli. Ilmainen. Vaatii Windows 95. 486+. 8 Mt RAM. TCP/IP Internet-yhteys."
43874 SGHHAN09.ZIP 3,8 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
"SGHs Spell Or Hang Game v0.91b1 Internetissä pelattava monen pelaajan hirsipuu-sanapeli. Ilmainen. Vaatii Windows 95. 486+. 8 Mt RAM. TCP/IP Internet-yhteys."
68325 SGHMEM09.EXE 3239103 23.08.1996 - - -
SGH Internet Memory Game 0.9 Beta.
Internetissä pelattava monen pelaajan
muistipeli. Windows 95.
43875 SGHMEM09.ZIP 2,6 Mt 26.11.1997 - - -
"SGHs Memory Game v0.93b1 Internetissä pelattava monen pelaajan muistipeli. Ilmainen. Vaatii Windows 95. 486+. 8 Mt RAM. TCP/IP Internet-yhteys."
43876 SGHTET09.ZIP 1,9 Mt 26.11.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"SGHs Falling Down Game v0.90b1 Internetissä pelattava monen pelaajan Tetris-klooni. Ilmainen. Vaatii Windows 95. 486+. 8 Mt RAM. TCP/IP Internet-yhteys."
43877 SIL_0107.ZIP 8,1 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
Silencer beta Build 1017.  Internet multiplayer action game. Multiplayer through WON.NET, free. Think strategically. Act instantly. The wonderful world of Silencer With its "wonderful" graphics and "cool" story, is a winner that breaks the mold of side-scroller games. Read why it\'s an addictive game. 8-player Action/Strategy game for the Internet that emphasizes team play. Windows 95/98.
68558 SPACE119.ZIP 1979169 15.12.1996 - - -
Subspace V1.19, Virgin's Internet playable
43878 SPACE134.A01 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
SubSpace v1.34 demo 2/4
43879 SPACE134.A02 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
SubSpace v1.34 demo 3/4
43880 SPACE134.A03 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
SubSpace v1.34 demo 4/4
43881 SPACE134.ARJ 1,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
"SubSpace v1.34 Playable Demo Burst/Virgin Internet playble 2D top viewed shootemup. This demo is limited to three ships and your score and name are not recorded. 486/50Internet connection8MBWin95DirectX 1/4"
68763 SUBCHECK.ZIP 13895 14.01.1997 - - -
SubCheck, checks your machine's compability
with SubSpace.
43882 TAN-AR13.A01 2,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo level pack 2/4
43883 TAN-AR13.A02 2,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo level pack 3/4
43884 TAN-AR13.A03 1,1 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo level pack 4/4
43885 TAN-AR13.ARJ 2,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus Playable Demo LEVEL PACK, contains entire Tanarus level set. Get this if you have only the small version of Tanarus demo, and want to play on the other areas too, without downloading them one by one during play session. Internet playable multiplayer tank combat game.       1/4
43886 TAN-AR2.A01 2,7 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo level pack newest arenas 2/4
43887 TAN-AR2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus Playable Demo LEVEL PACK, newest arenas. This archive contains the nine player made arenas that were made available on April 21, 1998. Be sure to unzip these files to your Tanarus directory. Internet playable multiplayer tank combat game. 1/2
43888 TANAR2S.A01 1,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 2/4
43889 TANAR2S.A02 1,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 3/4
43890 TANAR2S.A03 1,4 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 4/4
43891 TANAR2S.ARJ 1,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus Playable Demo from Sony Interactive Studios. INTERNET PLAYABLE TANK GAME. SMALL install - contains only training arena. June 4th 1998 version. Tired of playing against your computer? Prepare for ultimate challenge in futuristic multi-player action/strategy tank game where all all competion are other players like you. P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5, 28.8k connection. Direct3D Supported. 1/4
43892 TANAR3L.A01 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 2/6
43893 TANAR3L.A02 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 3/6
43894 TANAR3L.A03 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 4/6
43895 TANAR3L.A04 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 5/6
43896 TANAR3L.A05 346,9 kt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus demo 6/6
43897 TANAR3L.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD tupla
Tanarus Playable Demo from Sony Interactive Studios. INTERNET PLAYABLE TANK GAME. LARGE install - contains all 13 arenas. July 28th 1998 version. Tired of playing against your computer? Prepare for ultimate challenge in futuristic multi-player action/strategy tank game where all all competion are other players like you. P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX 5, 28.8k connection. Direct3D Supported. 1/6
43898 TEAMST21.ZIP 1,4 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
Team Stream v2.1  - Team 5150:n uusi Internet-pelureille tarkoitettu apuohjelma. Ohjelmalla voit keskustella livenä toisten nettipelaajien kanssa yhtaikaa pelatessasi suosikkipeliäsi. Ilmainen. Windows 95.
43900 TEAMSTR.ZIP 1,7 Mt 15.11.2000 - - -
TeamSound v5.6TeamSound operates as a peer-to-peer voice communication system, geared for use in multiplayer, networked games. The setup is very easy, allowing you to connect to a TeamSound server elsewhere or start your own. You can have multiple channels, enabling you to communicate with certain groups of your team, such as offense and defense. TeamSound also allows you to select the best format for transmitting your voice, and to set hotkeys. Win 9x. Freeware. 
43899 TEAMSTRM.ZIP 1,7 Mt 08.05.2000 - - -
"TeamSound v4.5 Use voice chat in Internet games. Ytility that operates as a dedicated or non-dedicated peer-to-peer voice communication systemgeared for use in multiplayernetworked games. Its a must-have for any kind of organizedteam-oriented matchesespecially first- person shooter games. Windows 95/98network/Internet connectionmicrophone. "
43901 TENZIP.EXE 6,9 Mt 09.04.1998 - 24032/1998-07_-_Disc_4.1_No._2_Imperfect.iso tupla
T.E.N Network Client Välttämätön MtG - Manalinkin käyttämiseksi.
43902 TFCFG14.ZIP 1,7 Mt 23.08.1998 - - -
Quake/QuakeWorld apuohjelma: TFiguration v1.4 by Ryan Haney. Tekee Tea Fortressia varten bindaukset puolestasi (valitset vain mikä näppäin tekee mitäkin ja ohjelma tallentaa asetukset ja sitten vaan pelaamaan) ja on myös helppokäyttöinen. Freeware. Windows.
43903 TFCFG21P.ZIP 63,6 kt 23.08.1998 - - -
TFiguration v1.4->2.1 update. By Ryan Haney. To install this patch just copy the two other files in this zip into directory where you installed Tfiguration 1.4
43904 TNET113.ZIP 385 kt 16.10.1997 - MBCD -
"TetriNET v1.13 PUBLIC By: St0rmCat GeeTetris?  Whats that?  Yeahyeahso its been done 2 billion times before (give or take a few bil)but this is different! Internet tetris!  Now you can play your five best buddies through Internet TCP/IP-connections or Kali95! Windows95/NTNOT Win32S!"
43905 UOPING.ZIP 12,3 kt 17.03.1998 - - tupla
Ultima Online utility - UOPING. tests the latency between your machine and the Ultima Online servers (after the 10th packet has returned, press enter to quit)
43906 UTS436F.ZIP 86,1 Mt 13.11.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament standalone server v436f Ei kuvausta.
43907 VOGCHE11.ZIP 2,3 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
VOG Chess v1.1 by VINCO+ Ltd. Internet online multiplayer chess game that features 2 rooms. Standard games room, for games with 25 and up time limits or no time limit, and Blitz games room for 24 or less time limits. Separate rating is recorded for you in each room. Windows 95 with Internet connection
43908 VOGCHR11.ZIP 2,7 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
VOG Checkers v1.1 VINCO+ Ltd. Internet online multiplayer checkers game. Includes different versions of checkers: International 10x10, Russian, Russian 10x8, Italian Checkers, Brazilian, POOL and Give away draughts variations. Chat with people on the Internet in a very cool graphical environment Windows 95 with Internet connection
43909 VOGOTH22.ZIP 3,5 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
VOG Othello Club v2.2 VINCO+ Ltd Internet online multiplayer Othello board game. This package also includes 2 computer opponents plug-ins, which provide you with 4 opponents of different skills. Windows 95/NT4.0+, Internet connection for multiplayer.
43910 WAR99D.ZIP 1,7 Mt 12.01.1998 - MBCD -
WarHeads Shareware Totalplay / Ionos - turn based artillery game where different space ships try to blow each other up. The action takes place on different planets, each with its own mass and gravity. Each ship is equipped with a massive array of weapons and defenses to aid in the battle. Features include: 60 FPS, 30 different weapons (in shareware); 60 in full version, Real-time lighting, shadows, and smoke effects, Digital MOD music, Free Internet play and more. Req.
43911 WARB-MAN.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
WarBirds Manual. The complete, official manual and guide to the megaplayer World War II online flying simulator. How to play, how to fly, how to fight and survive. How to use the commands, what they mean, everything you need to get up and stay there included. PDF-format. You need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, that you can get for free http://www.adobe.com - select Get Acrobat Reader, and then follow the instructions on the screen. http://www.ientertainmentnetwork.com
43912 WARMNG11.ZIP 4 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Warmonger v1.1 by Mike Ohren PLAY BY E-MAIL wargame, turn based. Move troops around, conquer lands, form alliances, make enemies. The usual stuff. The program centres around the map of the realm. On the left is information on all the units and characters you control as well as general information about your kingdom. Requires Internet connection and Windows 95
43913 WB1024GX.ZIP 1,5 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
WarBirds 1024x768 Hi Res Art This will give you hi res for just the Tower, CV, Chute, Gunner and HQ buildings.
69924 WB110UP.ZIP 1349743 07.12.1996 - - -
Warbirds Win95 update 1.09->1.10
43914 WB25ART1.ZIP 3,1 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Warbirds 2.50 grafiikkapäivitys. Lisää 2.01-versioon grafiikat 2.5:n uusille koneille. 640x480 versio.
43915 WB25ART3.ZIP 6,5 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
Warbirds 2.50 grafiikkapäivitys. Lisää 2.01-versioon grafiikat 2.5:n uusille koneille. 1024x768 versio.
43916 WB275640.ZIP 15,7 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
Warbirds 2.75 lentokonegrafiikat  640x480 grafiikat, sisältää kaikki lentokoneet. http://www.iencentral.com
43917 WB27568.ZIP 32,7 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
Warbirds 2.75 lentokonegrafiikat  1024x678 grafiikat, sisältää kaikki lentokoneet. http://www.iencentral.com
43918 WB276F.ZIP 32,6 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
Warbirds 2.76- Internet-pelattava monen hengen lentosimulaattori. Yli 60 eri lentokonetta/mallia, realistisin simujen lentomalli, offline harjoitustehtäviä. Sis. ilmainen kaksintaistelu modeemin, linkin, paikallisverkon IPX&TCP/IP ja Internetin kautta. Vaatii Win95 P120 16 Mt 2 Mt näytönohjain. Tukee Direct3D. http://www.imagiconline.com FULL-versio, sis. kaikki 640x480 grafiikat. 1024x768 grafiikat erillisessä paketissa. 
43919 WB276MIN.ZIP 18,5 Mt 12.07.2000 - - -
Warbirds 2.76 - Internet-pelattava monen hengen lentosimulaattori. Yli 60 eri lentokonetta/mallia, realistisin simujen lentomalli, offline harjoitustehtäviä. Sis. ilmainen kaksintaistelu modeemin, linkin, paikallisverkon IPX&TCP/IP ja Internetin kautta. Vaatii Win95 P120 16 Mt 2 Mt näytönohjain. Tukee Direct3D. www.iencentral.com BASE-versio, sis. vain F6F-Hellcat grafiikan, vaatii joko 640x480 tai 1024x768 gfx:n 
43920 WB276UPD.ZIP 9,4 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
Warbirds 2.75->2.76 päivitys. 1. The otto code has been rewritten and includes many arena/player configurable options. 2. Head-to-Head now works with the new damage model and is compatible with security protocols. 3. Joystick Mapper Dialog "Sticky Select" 4. Stick Set now will always default to 1 5. Damage model code optimized 6. Display of medal dates corrected for Y2K 7. Med Terrain Field 10 and 6 has been fixed etcetc 
43921 WB277F.ZIP 40,7 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
WarBirds v2.77 full Toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva online- lentosimulaattori. Online-moninpeli maksullista, mukana myös ilmainen offline- harjoittelutila ja kaksinpeli LANissa tai netissä. Täysversio, sisältää kaikki 640x480- ohjaamografiikat. 1024x768 grafiikat erillisessä paketissa. P200, 16 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
43922 WB277M.ZIP 19 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
WarBirds v2.77 minimum Toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva online- lentosimulaattori. Online-moninpeli maksullista, mukana myös ilmainen offline- harjoittelutila ja kaksinpeli LANissa tai netissä. Minimiversio, sisältää vain F6F Hellcat-hävittäjän ohjaamografiikan. 640x480 tai 1024x768 -grafiikat erillisissä paketeissa. P200, 16 Mt, DirectX. Tukee Direct3D. 
69926 WB95B109.A01 1456667 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 base
69927 WB95B109.A02 1456568 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirdsa Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 base 3/5
69928 WB95B109.A03 1456473 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 base 4/5
69929 WB95B109.A04 1192329 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 base 5/5
69930 WB95B109.ARJ 1456497 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 base
install. No graphics, with Dirext-X 2.0 1/5
69931 WB95C109.A01 1456535 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete
69932 WB95C109.A02 1456467 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete
69933 WB95C109.A03 1456483 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete
69934 WB95C109.A04 1456500 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Warbirds Win95 yhteyhohjelma V1.09 complete
69935 WB95C109.A05 1456469 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete
69936 WB95C109.A06 1456553 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Warbirds Win95 yhteyhohjelma V1.09 complete
69937 WB95C109.A07 1456579 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete
69938 WB95C109.A08 569462 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete
69939 WB95C109.ARJ 1456542 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Warbirds Win95 yhteysohjelma V1.09 complete
install. Sisältää 640x480 grafiikat ja
Direct-X 2.0. 1/9
69940 WB95SOL.ZIP 552155 30.08.1996 - - -
Warbirds - Solomons scenario front end for
43923 WBHAW1.ZIP 2,3 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
WarBirds 2.76 päivitys: Pearl Harbor kartta. 
43924 WBMEDRL1.ZIP 1,7 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
WarBirds new mediterranean map, released 03/2000. Fixes broken airfields and changes the map. 
43925 WBTERR.ZIP 2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
WarBirds karttoja. Ylimääräisiä skenaariokarttoja jotka eivät tule WarBirds-pääteohjelman mukana. Sisältävät mm. New Guinean kartan. wbawt3.exe wbeto1.exe wbmed3.exe wbpac2.exe 
43926 WINCOW.ZIP 305,2 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
"WinCow v1.03 b2 - client for Netreka 16-playergraphicalreal-time battle simulation with a Star Trek theme. The game is divided into two teams of 8 (or less)who dogfight each other and attempt to conquer each others planets. Different types of shipsfrom fastfragile scouts up to bigslow battleshipsgreat deal of variance in play styles. Played over the Internet. Req. SLIP or PPP connectionWindows 32-bit"
43927 WINM111.ZIP 221,6 kt 03.11.1999 - - -
WinMUD v1.11 by Thomas Kern Multiplayer online utility. Easy-to-use MUD client for Windows 9x. It supports skins to completely customize its user interface. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43928 8SPIDER.ZIP 165,7 kt 20.09.2000 - - -
Dark Reign 2 multiplayer map "8Spider"Each team starts in a sheltered valley with a field of regenerating Taelon. Outside the valleys are additional Taelon fields to either side of the valleys and a river 
channel that circles the center of the map. Although the water is too deep in some places for ground units to cross, there are many fords where they can snake across. The small islands in the river make good spots for new Refineries, but make sure you defend them from marauding enemy ships!
43929 AIRPORT.ZIP 921,9 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
Hieno assault-kenttä Unreal Tournamentiin. Tässä kartassa tehtäväsi on valloittaa ja puolustaa lentokenttää.
43930 ALLMAPS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.05.2000 - 22683/cd joystick no116 juin 2000 cd2.iso -
Nox - karttapakkaus
43931 AOEUNK.ZIP 34,9 kt 16.01.2001 - - -
Age of Empires II - satunnaiskarttaskriptiAge of Empires II - Unknown-karttaskripti. Luo joka kerta kaikilta osiltaan täysin satunnaisen kartan. 
43932 AOMGG.ZIP 10,1 Mt 12.04.2003 - - -
Age of Mythology: The Golden Gift Ensemble Studiosin ja Microsoftin julkaisema The Golden  Gift on neljän skenaarion ilmainen bonuskampanja.  
43933 AQUANMP1.ZIP 32,1 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
AquaNox karttapaketti #1 Karttapaketti sisältää neljä uutta moninpelikarttaa. Vaatii v1.7 toimiakseen. 
43934 ARENA11.EXE 485 kt 22.05.2000 - - -
Wheel of Time - Kingdom Come -areena
43935 ARENA12.EXE 1,1 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Wheel of Time - The Inquisition -areena
43936 AVPGEPK1.ZIP 3,7 Mt 21.09.2000 - - -
Aliens versus Predator Gold Edition bonus multiplayer map pack #1.
Includes maps Piranesi and Conflict.
43937 AVPGEPK2.ZIP 5,4 Mt 21.09.2000 - - -
Aliens versus Predator Gold Edition bonus multiplayer map pack #2.
Includes maps Bane and Ethereal.
43938 AVPGPAK4.ZIP 5,4 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator bonus map pack #4Aliens vs. Predator Gold Edition bonus multiplayer map pack #4 
43939 AVPGPAK5.ZIP 6 Mt 29.01.2001 - 22692/joy125cd2.iso -
Aliens vs. Predator Gold Edition map pak 5Contains maps "Fleshbox" and "Fossil". 
43940 AVPGPAK6.ZIP 9,8 Mt 29.01.2001 - 22692/joy125cd2.iso -
Aliens vs. Predator Gold Edition map pak 6Contains maps "Storage XL", "Neon" and "Jungle". 
43941 AVPGPAK7.ZIP 5,6 Mt 27.03.2001 - 22693/126cd2.img -
Aliens vs. Predator Gold Edition map pak 7Contains maps "Biosphere" and "Reactor". 
43942 AVPGPK3.ZIP 5,3 Mt 18.10.2000 - - -
Aliens versus Predator Gold Edition bonus multiplayer map pack #3.
43943 BC4210MP.ZIP 51,4 Mt 19.06.2003 - - -
Battlecraft 1942 v1.0 map pack Sample maps created with Battlecraft, the map editor for Battlefield 1942. 
43944 BF42BOB.ZIP 44,2 Mt 14.07.2003 - - -
Battlefield 1942 map "Battle of Britain"Official map. Requires v1.4
43945 BF42OA.ZIP 15,7 Mt 27.03.2003 - - -
Battlefield 1942: Operation Aberdeen Electronic Artsin ja Digital Illusionsin  julkaisema virallinen ilmaiskenttS. 
43946 BG2DD103.ZIP 301,7 Mt 02.08.2002 - - -
"Baldurs Gate II: The Darkest Day v1.03 Ilmainen laajennus Baldurs Gate II:een. Sisältää yli 40 pikkuseikkailuaviisi suurempaa ja yhden megaseikkailunuusia hirviöitäesineitätaikoja sun muuta. Tekijät lupaavat vähintään 30 tunnin verran uutta seikkailtavaa. Täysin ilmainen. "
43947 BG2TDD.ZIP 266 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
"Baldurs Gate II: The Darkest Day   Ilmainen laajennus Baldurs Gate II: Shadows of Amniin. Sisältää yli 40 pikkuseikkailuaviisi suurempaa ja yhden megaseikkailunuusia hirviöitäesineitätaikoja sun muuta. Tekijät lupaavat vähintään 30 tunnin verran uutta seikkailtavaa. Täysin ilmainen. "
43948 BWLEOPRD.ZIP 267,7 kt 27.03.2001 - - -
Black & White extra character "Leopard" 
43949 BWMAPPK.ZIP 3,2 Mt 11.07.2001 - - -
Black & White multiplayer map pack This map pack will add six multiplayer maps: 1: Bombardment (2 players), 2: King of the Hill (3 players), 3: The four corners of Eden (4 players), 4: Building Blocks (2 players), 5: Firestorm (3 players), 6: Island Wars (4 players). 
43950 BZ2FE1.ZIP 101,5 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
Battlezone 2: Forgotten Enemies Part 1  Fanityönä toteutettu laadukas laajennus Battlezone 2:lle. Sisältää uuden kampanjan, uutta grafiikkaa, uusitun moninpelin jne.  
43954 CEOTC.ZIP 13,4 Mt 31.10.2002 - 23201/Gamestar_51_2003-05_cd2.bin -
Cossacks: Enemy of the Crown Cossacks: Enemy of the Crown Ilmainen lisäkampanja Cossacks: The Art of War -peliin. 
43955 CKINGSMP.ZIP 869,9 kt 05.07.2003 - - -
Celtic Kings map pack Includes one new adventure and two single/multiplayer maps.
43956 CONQV.ZIP 814,9 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Age of Empires 2 - skenaarioCortez and the Spanish are poised to explore, invade and conquer the America\'s. 
In their way stand the Aztec, Mayan, Apache and Seminole cultures ... and in this version of history, these cultures will not treat Cortez like any kind of "God". In fact, they will immediately view him as a mortal threat and treat him and those with him accordingly. 
43959 CS_STORA.ZIP 755,3 kt 26.01.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike map "CS_storage"Medium sized hostage rescue mission includes fullmoon background.. Read the readme file for more info. 700kb. Tested in LAN works well and quite fun/good map.
43957 CSCMPAK1.ZIP 12 Mt 19.06.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike karttapaketti #1Counter-Mapin uusia Counter-Strike karttoja sisältävä paketti. Sisältää kartat cs_dune, cs_india, de_celtic, de_rise ja de_village. 
43958 CSCMPAK2.ZIP 19,1 Mt 28.06.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike karttapaketti #2Counter-Mapin uusia Counter-Strike karttoja sisältävä paketti. Sisältää kartat  cs_winternights, de_maresa, de_storm ja de_tombraid. 
43960 CTFGEOTH.ZIP 966,2 kt 28.09.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force CTF map"Geothermal Station". This is a mid-sized CTF map with a pair of bases separated by a couple wide bridges. It\'s based on the \'starfleet training grounds\' look Chris Foster used for ctf_voy1 and ctf_voy2, and was basically built in one long sitting over 12 hours. It should work well for up to 12 players or so. 
43961 DAANZOR.ZIP 1 Mt 25.08.2001 - - -
Decisive Action map "Anzio" 
43962 DAMINDO.ZIP 899,3 kt 25.08.2001 - - -
Decisive Action map "Mindoro" 
43963 DDOZENMP.ZIP 8 Mt 05.04.2002 - - -
Deadly Dozen map pack Virallinen karttapaketti, joka lisää muutaman uuden kentän. 
43964 DKMAPS.EXE 17,8 Mt 15.08.2000 - - -
Daikatana - karttapakkausDaikatana - 11 karttaa, mukana myös suosikit Quakesta ja Doom II:sta.
43965 DMANUBIS.ZIP 499,1 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
Hieno deathmach-kenttä Unreal Tournamentiin.
43966 EBFDMP3.ZIP 5 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
Emperor: Battle for Dune Map Pack #3 Maps Included: "Carthag", 8-player, Geidi Prime. "Claw Rock", 3-player, Arrakis.    
43967 EBFDMP4.ZIP 6,1 Mt 27.09.2001 - - -
Emperor: Battle for Dune karttapaketti #4 Karttapaketti sisältää kartat "Glacier Bridge" ja "Rift Valley". 
43968 EBFDMP5.ZIP 6,4 Mt 05.10.2001 - - -
Emperor: Battle for Dune karttapaketti #5 Karttapaketti sisältää kartat "Argan\'s Point" ja "Abandonded City". 
43969 EBFDMP6.ZIP 5 Mt 04.12.2001 - - -
Emperor: Battle for Dune karttapaketti #6 Karttapaketti sisältää kartat "Guild Complex" ja "Fortified Canyon". 
43970 ECK101AM.ZIP 609,2 kt 10.09.2001 - - -
Campaign Eckmuhl 1.01a map graphics 
43971 ECK101AU.ZIP 1,3 Mt 10.09.2001 - - -
Campaign Eckmuhl 1.01a smaller unit icons
43972 ELBMED.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Etherlords bonuskartta "Evil Dale"  Nival Interactiven virallinen Evil Dale -bonuskartta Etherlordsiin. 
43973 EQUINOX.ZIP 1,6 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
MechWarrior 4: Vengeange Equinox kartta  MechWarrior 4:n uusi virallinen moninpelikartta. Pura MW4\\resource\\missions hakemistoon. 
43974 F25SCENS.ZIP 22,6 kt 02.04.2001 - - -
"Flanker 2.0 v2.5 additional scenarios Scenario #1- Whistlestop: The Crimeas long history of turmoil once again erupted into bloody conflict. Scenario #2 - Clean Sweep: Hoping to help secure its hold on SevastopolRussia invites the United States carrier task force to assert its presence in the Crimea. Scenario #3 - Block Buster: After nearly two months of isolationRussian forces in Sevastopol are in desperate need of either resupply or evacuation. "
43975 GAWDRATA.ZIP 188,5 kt 26.01.2001 - - -
Action SuperCross track GameWorld v 0.001Yksi rata ja sen replay. Tehty versiolla 1.2 (C)Henri Vettenranta, GameWorld 2000
43976 GCMAP1.ZIP 1,6 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Ground Control map pack #1 This pack contains AS1_DeathValley, AS2_Dominate and SK1_DesertStorm. 
43977 GCMAP2.ZIP 1,6 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Ground Control map pack #2 This pack contains SK2_FieldOfDestruction, SZ7_HeavyMetal2 and TN1_DuskConvoy. 
43978 GCMAP3.ZIP 2 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Ground Control map pack #3 This pack contains AS3_Charge,  ES1_RiverBed and TN2_DustyRush. 
43979 GCMAP4.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Ground Control map pack #4 This pack contains AS4_Salamander, DM8_Colosseum and ES2_Mountains. 
43980 GCMAPPK5.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.07.2001 - - -
Ground Control map pack #5 Includes maps SO1_TheAtoll, ES3_NoneShallPass and SK3_HillOfDeath.  
43981 GREENISL.ZIP 119,9 kt 24.08.2001 - - -
Tropico: Green Island scenario Green Island -lisäskenaario Tropicoon. 
43982 HLCSMP1.ZIP 80 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
Counter-Strike Map Pack 1Kuusikymmentä tasoa Counter-Strikeen. Pura \\cstrike\\maps-hakemistoon. 
43983 HLCSRMP.ZIP 17,5 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike v1.1 map pack For retail version. Adds the missing maps. 
43984 HLFLFCMP.ZIP 19,7 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Front Line Force Classic karttapakettiSisältää seuraavat kartat: flf_bridge, flf_deep6, flf_dlord, flf_fox, flf_heatwave. flf_hill, flf_snow. 
43985 HLFLFUCM.ZIP 22,4 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Front Line Force User Created karttapakettVirallinen, modin käyttäjien tekemistä kartoista koottu karttapaketti. 
43986 HLOIMPM.ZIP 4,4 Mt 21.01.2003 - - -
"Hegemonia: Legions of Iron multiplayer mapThis new multiplayer map is Digital Realitys Christmas present for friends of Hegemonia."
43987 ICII.ZIP 81,1 Mt 25.06.2003 - - -
Impossible Creatures: Insect Invasion Relic Entertainmentin kehittämä ilmainen laajennus, joka lisää peliin mm. 15 uutta hyönteistä ja eläintä, 9 uutta kykyä, uusia ympäristöjä sekä moninpelikarttoja.  
43988 IDHOWTOL.ZIP 71,2 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Icewind Dale - Heart of Winter bonus questTrials of the Luremaster on ilmainen laajennus Heart of Winterille. Sisältää uusia vihollisia, esineitä ja alueita seikkailtavaksi. Tekijä: Black Isle. 
43989 IGBSHT.ZIP 121,5 kt 30.01.2002 - - -
Industry Giant bonus scenario "The Harbour Town". Virallinen lisäskenario. 
43990 IGBSIOI.ZIP 102,8 kt 30.01.2002 - - -
Industry Giant bonus scenario "Island of Illusions". Virallinen lisäskenario. 
43991 IGBSLIB.ZIP 111,3 kt 30.01.2002 - - -
Industry Giant bonus scenario "La Isla Bonita". Virallinen lisäskenario. 
43992 IGBSZF.ZIP 119,5 kt 30.01.2002 - - -
Industry Giant bonus scenario "Zimmerman\'s Friend". Virallinen lisäskenario. 
43993 IGI2A27.ZIP 28,8 Mt 27.06.2003 - - -
IGI 2: Covert Strike map "Area27" 
43994 IGI2DS.ZIP 28 Mt 01.06.2003 - - -
IGI 2: Covert Strike map "Dockside" This map is beta v1.1 - may contain bugs.
43995 JA2DL.ZIP 19,8 Mt 24.02.2002 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2: Deidranna Lives Deidranna Lives on JA2:n modifikaatio. Se on pitkä ja itsenäinen kampanja, ja vaatii v1.06:n toimiakseen. 
43996 JK2JOMAB.ZIP 6,3 Mt 15.05.2002 - - -
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast map Lisää peliin demoversiossa olleen "Alzoc Base" -kartan. 
43997 MAJSTYBQ.ZIP 3,8 Mt 21.09.2000 - - -
Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim"The Wrath of Krolm" bonus quest
43998 MASTREE.ZIP 217,8 kt 27.04.1999 - 23221/Gamestar_07_1999-07_cd1.bin -
"Mastree" - kartta Settlers III:n täysversioon.
43999 MNEBQ.ZIP 2 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Majesty: The Northern Expansion questBonus quest "Balance of Twilight". 
44000 MODUS081.ZIP 203 kt 11.01.2001 - - -
Modus Moriendi v0.81 Deus Ex:n ensimmäinen CTF-modi.  
44001 MOHDHUNT.ZIP 5,3 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault "The Hunt" Virallinen lisäkartta Medal of Honor: Allied Assault -moninpelidemoon. 
44002 MOTOR3TP.ZIP 7 Mt 31.01.2002 - - -
Motoracer 3 ratapaketti Ratapaketti sisältää kaksi rataa. Tarvitsee pelin version 1.1 toimiakseen. 
44003 MTSUCIO.ZIP 260,7 kt 24.08.2001 - - -
Tropico: Mt. Sucio scenario Mt. Sucio -lisäskenaario Tropicoon. 
44005 MTYCBP.ZIP 1,4 Mt 20.02.2002 - - -
Monopoly Tycoon bonus pack Ensimmäinen lisäpakkaus lisää peliin mm. kaksi uutta skenaariota. Vaati pelin version 1.3 toimiakseen. 
44004 MTYCBP2.ZIP 1,6 Mt 08.03.2002 - - -
Monopoly Tycoon bonus pack #2 Toinen lisäpakkaus lisää peliin mm. kaksi uutta skenaariota. Vaati v1.3 toimiakseen. 
44006 MW4LAKEF.ZIP 1,3 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
MechWarrior 4: Vengeange multiplayer map "Lakefront". Unzip to MW4\\resource\\missions 
44007 MW4MMM4.ZIP 734,4 kt 20.09.2001 - - -
MechWarrior 4 karttapaketti  Karttapaketti sisältää neljä karttaa: "Highlands", "Polar Tundra", "Snowbound" ja "Wetlands".  
44008 MW4MPMCO.ZIP 8,2 Mt 11.07.2002 - - -
MechWarrior 4 multiplayer map "Coliseum" 
44009 MW4MPMGT.ZIP 20,8 Mt 11.07.2002 - - -
MechWarrior 4 multiplayer map "Gagetown" 
44010 MW4SCRUB.ZIP 1,3 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
MechWarrior 4: Vengeange multiplayer map "Scrub". Unzip to MW4\\resource\\missions 
44011 NATIONBP.ZIP 34,8 Mt 31.01.2002 - - -
The Nations bonus pack Virallinen bonuspaketti, joka sisältää mm. 22 uutta tehtävää. 
44012 NOLF2MP1.ZIP 31,6 Mt 01.12.2002 - - -
"No One Lives Forever 2 map pack #1 Requires v1.2. Includes 7 deathmatch maps: BollywoodJapanVolkovs LairTrailer ParkUnityKhiosSiberian InstallationSiberia ja Woodlands. "
44013 NOLF2MP2.ZIP 42,9 Mt 27.03.2003 - - -
No One Lives Forever 2 map pack #2\tKarttapaketti sisältää kenttiä päivitys v1.3:ssa esiteltyille Doomsday- ja Team Deathmatch -pelitiloille. Huom! Karttapaketti vaatii pelin version 1.3 toimiakseen. 
44014 NOLFBM.ZIP 50 Mt 17.02.2002 - - -
No One Lives Forever bonus maps For the "Game of the Year" edition. 
44015 NOLFMAP1.ZIP 3,3 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
No One Lives Forever map pack #1 Adds three new multiplayer maps. 
44017 NOLFMP.EXE 3,4 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
No One Lives Forever - karttojaNo One Lives Forever - karttapakkaus. Kolme moninpelikarttaa, vaatii päivityksen toimiakseen.
44016 NOLFMP2.ZIP 8,3 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
No One Lives Forever map pack #2 This map pack includes deathmatch maps 007clubdead_dm, 008inc2001_dm and 009serpentclaw_dm. H.A.R.M. vs. Unity maps include Coldcoldground_am, Greatwall_am, Oasis_am, Orbitaldecal_am and Stasi_am. 
44018 NOXQUEST.ZIP 25,5 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
"Nox Quest expansion.For English versions. In Nox Questthe evil sorceress Hecubah has constructed Summoning 
Obelisks throughout the world. These obelisks spew forth an endless 
horde of monstersand itll be up to you and your group to destroy 
the obelisks and their evil hordes."
44019 NR03STP1.ZIP 18,7 Mt 01.06.2003 - - -
NASCAR Racing 2003 Season track pack #1 Sisältää kolme uutta kuvitteellista fantasiarataa: Eight Bowl  Superspeedway, Hillside International Speedway ja  Papyrus Motorsports Park. 
44020 NWNWW1.ZIP 2,6 Mt 11.01.2003 - - -
The Witch\'s Wake I: The Fields of Battle  Virallinen "laajennus" Neverwinter Nightsiin, joka sisSltSS 2-3 tuntia pelattavaa. 
44021 NWOMP1.ZIP 32,9 Mt 27.03.2003 - - -
New World Order map pack #1 Includes the map "Restaurant". 
44022 OPFMU3.ZIP 1,5 Mt 30.01.2002 - - -
Operation Flashpoint mission upgrade #3 This pack contains the following maps: "Hell Train", "HMMWV" and "Chinook". 
44023 OPSRMP.ZIP 3,3 Mt 21.11.2002 - - -
"Americas Army: Operations Recon map pack Adds maps Weapons Cache and JRTC_Farm. "
44024 Q2GLMMP5.ZIP 18,9 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Quake 2: Gloom Mappack 5 Karttoja Quake 2 Gloom modille. Sisältää kartat: "acron-b", "chaos", "crushdepth", "garena-b", "hc1-r", "infestedfortsfv", "lost", "msdni", "ore1", "planetgloom-c", "refine6", "siegese_v3", "sseleman-d" ja "thenestc". Pura Quake2\\gloom hakemistoon. 
44025 Q3ACTF2.ZIP 61,4 Mt 14.12.2001 - - -
Quake III: Alliance CTF-karttapaketti #2  Alliance-modifikaation toinen CTF-karttapaketti, sisältää kartat 28-41. 
44026 Q3ADCMAP.ZIP 49,5 Mt 24.07.2001 - - -
Quake III: Arena Dreamcast kartat  Lisää Quake 3: Arenan Dreamcast-version kartat tietokoneversioon. Asentamalla Quake 3:n version 1.16N voit ottaa mittaa Dreamcastin käyttäjistä verkon välityksellä. 
44027 Q3AUTMP1.ZIP 41,6 Mt 07.12.2002 - - -
Quake III Arena: Urban Terror map pack #1 Includes the popular maps Laneway2, Golgotha, Demolition, Dville and Druglord. 
44028 Q3AUTMP2.ZIP 48,7 Mt 07.12.2002 - - -
Quake III Arena: Urban Terror map pack #2 Includes the following Capture The Flag maps: Subway, Citygardens, Intermodal, Druglord2 and Eagle. 
44029 Q3AUTMP3.ZIP 20 Mt 07.12.2002 - - -
Quake III Arena: Urban Terror map pack #3 Includes the following Team Survivor/Team Deathmatch maps: Pgrounds-nd, Bungalow, Cambridge, Cargo_lite and Office.  
44030 Q3DMMAPS.ZIP 11,4 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Quake III Arena Death Match map pak Contains maps fr3dm1, lun3dm1, lun3dm2, ztn3dm1,ztn3dm2. Unpack the maps to the baseq3/ directory. 
44031 Q3F22MP.ZIP 47,8 Mt 11.09.2002 - - -
Quake III Fortress v2.2 map pack Sis. kartat 2stode3, egypt2, gc2, gcanal3, h4rdcore, homebase2, nevermore2, obliv2, pyramids, shutdown2, tfk2, thealamo2 ja vileb. Pura "Quake3Arena\\q3f2"-hakemistoon. 
44032 Q3TAMP1B.ZIP 15,9 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
Quake III Team Arena map pack 1b Contains maps "Japanese Castles TA",  "Schadenfreude TA", "Crossed Paths v.TA",  "An Iteration of TA Hell". 
44033 Q3TCRP.ZIP 38 Mt 13.02.2002 - - -
Quake III Arena: True Combat map packRevolution Map Pack. Sisältää kartat "Art Museum", "Downtown Theatre", "Drug Assault" ja "Swimming Hall".  
44034 Q3WFA3MP.ZIP 52,7 Mt 31.07.2001 - - -
Quake III: WFA v3.0 karttapaketti  Sisältää 16 karttaa Weapons Factory Arena -modiin. 
44035 Q3WFAMPU.ZIP 40,2 Mt 31.07.2001 - - -
Quake III: WFA v3.0 karttapakettipäivitys Päivittää Weapons Factory Arena -modin karttapaketin v2.9 v3.0:aan. 
44036 RA2MAP1.EXE 261,5 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
Red Alert 2 - karttapakkausRed Alert 2 - kolmen moninpelikartan paketti
44038 RA2MAP2.ZIP 301,7 kt 15.03.2001 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 map pack 2 Ei kuvausta. 
44039 RA2MAP8.ZIP 321,7 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 map pack #8Westwoodilta on saatavilla kolme uutta karttaa Command & Conquest: Red Alertiin. Kartat ovat: Powder Keg (2-8 pelaajaa), kaupunkisodankäynnistä pitäville. Dust Bowl (2 pelaajaa), joka sijoittuu Gold Strike -nimiseen kaivoskylään. Öljyä, kultaa ja lehmiä. Tower of Power (2-4 pelaajaa). Keskellä karttaa on täydellinen paikka tukikohdan perustamiseen. Kuka ehtii ensin? 
44040 RA2YRMP3.ZIP 145,9 kt 09.05.2002 - - -
C&C: RA2 - Yuri\'s Revenge karttapaketti #3Sisältää kartat "Moon Patrol" ja "Unrepentant" käytettäväksi Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Yuri\'s Revenge -lisäosassa.
44041 RA2YRMP4.ZIP 155,9 kt 28.06.2002 - - -
Red Alert 2: Yuri\'s Revenge map pack #4 Sisältää kartat "Circuit Board" ja "High Explosive Round". 
44042 RA2YRMP5.ZIP 1005,1 kt 21.01.2003 - - -
Red Alert 2: Yuri\'s Revenge map pack #5 Includes 13 maps: "Deep Freeze", "Spirit of Mojo One", "Monster Movie", "River Rampage", "Sink or Swim", "Transylvania Trouble", "Irvine, California", "Moon Patrol", "Unrepentant", "Islands on the Land", "Ice Age", "Circuit Board" and "High Explosive Round".
44043 RFSCITY.ZIP 977,5 kt 08.11.2001 - - -
Red Faction deathmatch-kartta Sniper CityVirallinen, moninpelattava deathmatch-kartta Red Faction -peliin. 
44044 RTCWGYMP.ZIP 48,9 Mt 16.06.2002 - - -
Return to Castle Wolfenstein karttapakettiSeitsemän karttaa sisältävä karttapaketti, joka sisältää tulevan Game of the Year -painoksen mukana tulevat uudet kartat. Huom! Karttapaketti tarvitsee v1.33;n toimiakseen. 
44045 RTCWMTT.ZIP 3,9 Mt 22.01.2002 - - -
Return to Castle Wolfenstein map Virallinen lisäkartta "Trenchtoast". 
44046 RUNEBMP.ZIP 498,1 kt 09.11.2000 - - -
Rune bonus map packContains two standard Deathmatch maps: DM-Bothvar and DM-HelElevator. 
44048 RUNEDMDU.ZIP 461,4 kt 16.01.2001 - - -
Rune map "DM-DeepUnder" Ei kuvausta. 
44049 RUNEMAP1.ZIP 952,7 kt 11.01.2001 - - -
Rune map pack Includes two new maps, "DM-Sanctum" and "DM-Rotarena". 
44050 RUNEMAPS.ZIP 1 Mt 04.01.2001 - - -
Rune - kahden kartan pakkausKaksi karttaa Runeen
44051 S3AIRPRT.ZIP 16,9 Mt 23.10.2000 - - -
SWAT 3 add-on mission "Airport"This mission requires you to upgrade to SWAT 3: Elite Edition first, whether through an update or by getting the Elite Edition package. 
44052 S3AUTOSH.ZIP 11,9 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
SWAT 3: Elite Edition extra missionSWAT 3: Elite Edition sanctioned mission "Autoshop". Requires SWAT 3 v1.4.0 or later. 
44053 S3CHANG.ZIP 14,4 Mt 23.10.2000 - - -
SWAT 3 add-on mission "Chang\'s Theater"This mission requires you to upgrade to SWAT 3: Elite Edition first, whether through an update or by getting the Elite Edition package. 
44054 S3EEEMA.ZIP 12,4 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
SWAT 3: Elite Edition "Abandoned" missionUusi kartta nimeltään Abandoned SWAT 3: EE:iin. Toimii myös SWAT 3:ssa, kunhan asentaa multiplayer upgraden ensiksi. 
44055 S3GARAGE.ZIP 8 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
SWAT 3: Elite Edition extra missionSanctioned mission "Garage". Requires SWAT 3 v1.4.0 or later. 
44056 S3HOLLYW.ZIP 17,4 Mt 23.10.2000 - - -
SWAT 3 add-on mission "Hollywood Hills"This mission requires you to upgrade to SWAT 3: Elite Edition first, whether through an update or by getting the Elite Edition package. 
44057 S3HOSPIT.ZIP 19,2 Mt 23.10.2000 - - -
SWAT 3 add-on mission "Hospital" This mission requires you to upgrade to SWAT 3: Elite Edition first, whether through an update or by getting the Elite Edition package. 
44058 S3LASUB.ZIP 14,3 Mt 23.10.2000 - - -
SWAT 3 add-on mission "LA Subway" This mission requires you to upgrade to SWAT 3: Elite Edition first, whether through an update or by getting the Elite Edition package. 
44059 S3LIBRRY.ZIP 8,3 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
SWAT 3: Elite Edition extra missionSWAT 3: Elite Edition sanctioned mission "Library". Requires SWAT 3 v1.4.0 or later. 
44060 S3OFFICE.ZIP 9,4 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
SWAT 3: Elite Edition extra missionSWAT 3: Elite Edition sanctioned mission "Office". Requires SWAT 3 v1.4.0 or later. 
44061 SCNARIO1.ZIP 32,5 kt 24.05.2000 - - -
"Rising Sun - skenaario #129 April1942 - CotabatoMindanaoPhilippines: Best played as Axis While the battle for control of the Philippines was being fought on Luzon through the beginning of 1942the Allied garrison on Mindanao was for the most part ignored by the Japanese 14th Army. The force that had seized Davao in December was very small and could do little more than patrol aggressively. This situation would not last long! With the Bataan Campaign concluded by mid-AprilGeneral Homma turned his attention south and instructed that a larger force be dispatched to secure the remaining islands. With the morning sun beginning to rise over Mindanao on April 29ththe landing craft approaching through Moro Gulf carrying General Kawaguchis Detachment split into two forces and headed toward objectives at Cotabato and Parang. Ashore at Cotabatoelements of the sector garrison commanded by Lt. Col. Nelson from the 101st PA Infantry Division scrambled to man their defenses covering the Mindanao River and extensive mangrove swamp as enemy naval gunfire began to pound the landing zones. The final act in the conquest of the Philippines had begun.
44062 SCNARIO2.ZIP 33,6 kt 24.05.2000 - - -
"Rising Sun - skenaario #224 December1941 - Mauban90km SE of ManilaLuzonPhilippines: Best played as Axis Two weeks after the 7 December 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harborthe Japanese 14th Army began the conquest of Luzon in the Philippines. While the 48th Division consolidated the beachhead north of Manila along the shores of Lingayen Gulfelements of the 16th Division began their own assaults to the southeast of the capitol through Lamon Bay at dawn on the 24th. Lt. Col. Tsunehiros reinforced 2nd/20 Infantry Battalion was assigned the mission of seizing the beaches at Mauban and pushing inland to secure the right flank of the main landings at Atimonan. Despite weeks of warningAmerican and Philippine Army forces were still ill prepared to face the Japanese invasion with most of the forces under General MacArthurs command still struggling to organize and move into defensive positions across the island. At Maubanonly the 2nd/1st PA Infantry Battalion was in position to defend the beaches on the morning of the 24th. With no artillery supportthe Philippine soldiers endured the Japanese naval bombardment in their hastily dug trenches and prepared to meet the enemy with all they had: couragehot lead and cold steel. 
44063 SECRTOPS.ZIP 112,6 Mt 12.10.2000 - - -
Wing Commander: Secret Ops56 pulse-pounding single player missions, divided into several episodes.
Exciting new in-flight cockpit comms will keep the story alive as you fight through each mission.
Annihilate the aliens with never-before-seen weapons, fight to the death with five new fighters 
and bombers, fly alongside with new Confed vessels.
Wing Commander: Prophecy required.
44064 SF175MP2.ZIP 56,6 Mt 28.03.2002 - - -
Strike Force v1.75 karttapaketti #2 Toinen virallinen karttapaketti Quake III Arena: Strike Forcen viimeisimpään versioon. Sisältää 16 uutta karttaa. 
44065 SFC3N.ZIP 10,3 Mt 30.12.2002 - - -
Star Trek: Starfleet Command III - NemesisSFC III -pelin ilmainen Nemesis-lisäosa, joka lisää peliin mm. Star Trek: Nemesis -elokuvasta tutun aluksen, jolla pääsee lentämään uudessa bonustehtävässä. 
44066 SHBPEXCA.ZIP 5,3 Mt 02.08.2002 - - -
Stronghold bonus pack "Excalibur" 
44067 SHBPSCA.ZIP 2,3 Mt 02.08.2002 - - -
Stronghold bonus pack "Super Castle Attack
44068 SMOUNTN.ZIP 10 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
"Sid Meiers Antietam South Mountain add-onThis is *NOT* a patch for Civil War Collection. This is a scenario 
add-on for owners of Antietam only. If you own Civil War Collection
you do not need this file."
44069 SO2GBAL.ZIP 3,7 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
SpecOps II: Green Berets Alpine levelsIn order to use these levels, you need to upgrade to either version 1.2 of SpecOps2 or own the Platinum edition.
44070 SO2GBDL.ZIP 3,4 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
SpecOps II: Green Berets Desert levelsIn order to use these levels, you need to upgrade to either version 1.2 of SpecOps2 or own the Platinum edition.
44071 SO2GBJL.ZIP 3,7 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
SpecOps II: Green Berets Jungle levelsIn order to use these levels, you need to upgrade to either version 1.2 of SpecOps2 or own the Platinum edition.
44072 SO2GBML.ZIP 4,2 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
SpecOps II: Green Berets Mountain levelsIn order to use these levels, you need to upgrade to either version 1.2 of SpecOps2 or own the Platinum edition.
44073 SO2GBUL.ZIP 3,3 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
SpecOps II: Green Berets Urban levelsIn order to use these levels, you need to upgrade to either version 1.2 of SpecOps2 or own the Platinum edition.
44074 SOFPMP.ZIP 3,2 Mt 10.09.2001 - - -
Soldier of Fortune Platinum Map Pack This map pack contains 5 new maps which are included in the Soldier of Fortune Platinum edition, and will allow you to play on servers running these maps. The maps are: "airportdm", "factorydm", "irqdesertdm", "labdm" and "plantdm". 
44075 SPYGLASS.ZIP 422,4 kt 18.10.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force CTF map"Spyglass"
44076 SSMAPS.ZIP 322,6 kt 05.02.2001 - - -
Sudden Strike - karttapakkausSudden Strike - viiden kartan pakkaus. 
44081 ST_DEEPM.ZIP 47 kt 28.09.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans "Deep Maze" Multiplayer map.
44077 STCIRCLE.ZIP 57,5 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans "Third Circle of Hell"Multiplayer map.
44078 STCOMBAT.ZIP 25,3 kt 14.12.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans multiplayer map Submarine Titans multiplayer map "Combat Zone" 
44079 STCORIUM.ZIP 36,4 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans "Corium rush"Multiplayer map.
44080 STDEADLY.ZIP 27,1 kt 14.12.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans multiplayer map Submarine Titans multiplayer map "Deadly Encounters" 
44082 STGRANDF.ZIP 49,6 kt 10.10.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans "Grand Finale"Multiplayer map.
44083 STLAGOON.ZIP 36,1 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans "Quiet Lagoon"Multiplayer map.
44084 STOCEAN.ZIP 31,1 kt 06.11.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans multiplayer mapSubmarine Titans "Ocean Warfare" multiplayer map. 
44085 STOPIATA.ZIP 31,5 kt 30.12.2001 - - -
StarTopia: The Targatelli Affair Muckyfootin virallinen The Targatelli Affair -tehtävä StarTopiaan.    
44086 STVEFMAP.ZIP 4,8 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force map packThis Bonus Holomatch Map Pack includes maps Forge Debris, Canyon Temples and Point Blank. 
44087 STWATERS.ZIP 26,3 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans "Still Waters"Multiplayer map.
44088 T2DFMP.ZIP 9,3 Mt 10.09.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 Dynamix final map pack These final missions are a thank you from the Dynamix Tribes2 DEV team to you, the Tribes Players. There are a few rough edges, poly counts are high in some areas, and we did not have the time to completely test these missions so please be kind in your reviews. 
44089 TARENAMP.ZIP 15,9 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
Quake III: Team Arena - karttapakkausQuake III: Team Arena - karttapakkaus
44090 TGBSLF.ZIP 1 Mt 30.01.2002 - - -
Traffic Giant bonus scenario "Lakefield". Virallinen lisäskenario. 
44091 TGBSLI.ZIP 905,9 kt 30.01.2002 - - -
Traffic Giant bonus scenario "Lucky Island". Virallinen lisäskenario. 
44092 TGBSPW.ZIP 907,6 kt 30.01.2002 - - -
Traffic Giant bonus scenario "Panwood". Virallinen lisäskenario. 
44093 TGBSTT.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.01.2002 - - -
Traffic Giant bonus scenario "Twinkertown". Virallinen lisäskenario. 
44094 THABFACT.ZIP 1,8 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
They Hunger 3: Abandoned Factory Toni Hiltusen virallinen They Hunger 3 deathmatch-kartta. 
44095 TPIBMP.ZIP 1,9 Mt 02.08.2002 - - -
Tropico: Paradise Island bonus map pack This file contains 12 bonus maps for TPI. These maps are the 12 extra maps that were created for "Tropico: Mucho Macho Edition", a.k.a. Tropico Gold. These maps WILL NOT work in the original Tropico. You MUST have TPI installed. 
44096 UFMAP1.ZIP 4,6 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Unreal Fortress v1 build 390 map pack 1 Maps are made by a third party. 
44103 UT_INOXX.ZIP 4,5 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament "Inoxx" bonus map pack
44097 UT03DEBP.ZIP 71,5 Mt 12.02.2003 - - -
Unreal Tournament 2003 bonuspaketti\t Digital Extremesin 6 uutta karttaa sisältävä Unreal Tournament 2003 - bonuspaketti. Paketti sisältää 3 deathmatch, 2 CTF- ja yhden Bombing Run -kartan. Huom! Vaatii Unreal Tournament 2003 v2166:n tai uudemman toimiakseen. 
44098 UT03EBP.ZIP 148,8 Mt 14.03.2003 - - -
Unreal Tournament 2003 Epic-bonuspaketti\t Epic Games virallinen bonuspaketti Unreal Tournament 2003 -peliin. Sisältää mm. 10 uutta karttaa ja 3 uutta pelityyppiä. Huom! Vaatii Unreal Tournament 2003 v2199:n tai uudemman toimiakseen. 
44099 UTBONUS2.ZIP 14,2 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament - bonuspakkausUnreal Tournament - bonuspakkaus. Kaksi hahmoa, kymmenen karttaa. 
44100 UTBP2.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament Bonus Pack #2"The Digital Extremes" 
44101 UTBP4.ZIP 13,2 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament bonus pack #4 Contains 2 new characters, 2 new maps and 2 updated maps. 
44102 UTEAXCTF.ZIP 1,1 Mt 27.05.2001 - - -
Unreal Tournament EAX enhanced CTF levels Requires the EAX patch for Unreal Tournament to be already installed. This enhancement will update the 9 original CTF levels. 
44104 UTSFMP1.ZIP 34,1 Mt 18.03.2002 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Strike Force map pack 1v1.75:ttä varten tehty karttapaketti. Sisältää yhdeksän uutta karttaa. 
44105 WC3ROCMP.ZIP 568,3 kt 21.01.2003 - - -
WarCract III: Reign of Chaos map pack Includes the maps "Rich Man\'s Garden", "Roundabout"  and "Enakro\'s Way".
44106 YURIMP2.ZIP 206,7 kt 08.03.2002 - - -
Yuri\'s Revenge map pack #2 Lisää Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Yuri\'s Revengeen kartat "Islands on the Land" ja "Ice Age". 
44107 3DSRDEMO.ZIP 21,2 Mt 29.03.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
3D Scooter Racing  Jump aboard your extreme racing scooter and speed down the tracks against 4 computer opponents and try to cross the finish line in first place as you avoid obstacles, soar off jumps and perform mid-air spins. then kick back and watch your race in instant replay mode. Huge courses and highly detailed scenery make 3D Scooter Racing an action- packed and visually stunning 3D racing title. P200, 32 MB. 
44108 ASTROR10.ZIP 1,1 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
Astro Rally v1.0Astro Rally is a customizable, retro full-screen above-the-course racing game! Astro Rally is an 8-car racing game, with many car types and courses. Shareware.  
42546 ATRON149.ZIP 806 kt 02.06.2003 - - -
"Armagetron v0.1.4.9 You ride a lightcyclea kind of motorbike that cant be stopped and leaves a wall where it goes. You can make turns of 90 degrees and can accelerate by driving close to walls. Make your enemies hit a wall while avoiding the same fate."
42547 BEERTRUC.ZIP 1 Mt 27.07.2002 - #anonyymi -
Beer Truck 1.0  Alla varastettu kaljarekka joka imee bensaa hullun lailla, edessä maantie ja perässä poliisit - siinä Beer Truck -pelin perusidea. Kyseessä on varsin yksinkertainen ajantappopeli jossa pelaaja koettaa väistellä samaan suuntaan meneviä hitaita autoja ja vastaan tulevaa liikennettä, pitää rekan tankin täynnä poimimalla tiellä olevia kaljatonkkia(?), ja pitää poliisin etäällä. Ilmainen. Windows 3.x/95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.mrgoodbeer.com/ 
42548 BUZZCARS.ZIP 20,8 Mt 15.06.2002 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 -
"BuzzingCars  BuzzingCars is a totally crazy racing game where youll not only need to be fast but also smart. You must carry out various missions such as drive robots aroundchase flying saucerselectrocute aliens and of course race against the clock. P50064 Mt. "
44109 DESRTRUN.ZIP 345,3 kt 18.04.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 -
"3D DesertRun 1.0Race around the desert in search of the golden starslethal hover cars hot on your tail. 3D DesertRun is a race against time. Youll need quick thinkingfast reactions and a nerve of steel to become champion in this 3D racer. P20032 MB. "
44110 DIRT3D15.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.06.1999 - MBCD -
Dirt Bike 3D v1.5 - Action Supercrossin tapainen motocross-peli jossa moottoripyörää ohjataan hiirellä. Monipuolinen fysiikka ja vaihtelevaa maastoa. Voit myös suunnitella itse pyörän. Aja toisia ihmispelaajia tai tietokonetta vastaan. TCP/IP moninpeli. Pelin 3D-versiossa ajetaan isometrisesti kuvatussa maastossa sivusta kuvatun sijaan. Shareware. Windows 95 ,98, or NT. Tukee OpenGL.
44111 DIRTBI44.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.06.1999 - MBCD -
Dirt Bike v4.4 - Action Supercrossin tapainen motocross-peli jossa moottoripyörää ohjataan hiirellä. Monipuolinen fysiikka ja vaihtelevaa maastoa. Voit myös suunnitella itse pyörän. Aja toisia ihmispelaajia tai tietokonetta vastaan. TCP/IP moninpeli. Shareware. Windows 95 ,98, or NT.
44112 EVGRUSH.ZIP 49,1 Mt 18.04.2001 - - -
Everglade Rush Enter today into the Everglade Rush World Circuit, and see how well you can drive your hovercraft! Everglade Rush uses the geForce3 to render over 100,000 polygons per frame. Vertex Shaders are utilized for a shiny, bumpy reflection on the hovercraft, and to create an environment map that is updated in every single frame. Everglade Rush is pure hovercraft racing mayhem. P300, 64 MB.  
44113 FTRASH.ZIP 3,9 Mt 29.01.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 3 -
Freeride Thrash Freeride Thrash is a futuristic 3D racing game where you pilot a hovercraft style vehicle along a 3D racetack. The game allows you to select one of two racecraft and also change the color. You can even select the difficulty of the computer opponents. Windows 9x, 3D card, DirectX 7.0. Freeware. 
42554 GENER102.ZIP 1,1 Mt 31.10.2002 - - -
"GeneRally v1.02 GeneRally v1.02 GeneRally on yläviistosta kuvattu vauhdikas rallipeli hieman klassisen SlicksnSliden tyyliin. Pelaaja ohjastaa rallirassiajolla poltetaan kumia pitkin mutkikkaita kilparatoja. Jäykkä realismi on saanut väistyä vauhdikkuuden tieltä - autot liiraavat kauheastieikä vahingoista juuri tarvitse välittää. Renkaat ja bensa tosin kuluvatjoten varikolla kannattaa aina välillä käydä. Ilmainen. "
44114 HOTWHLS.ZIP 4,3 Mt 09.11.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Hot Wheels III Hot Wheels on todella hauska moninpelattava autopeli. Autot ovat todella nopeasti kiihtyviä formuloita. Jarrua pelissä ei ole laisinkaan, vaan jarruttaminen tapahtuu löysämällä kaasua. Pelistä löytyy riittävästi ratoja ja ne ovat todella vaihtelevia. Vaatii Pentiumin ja DirectX 3.0:n. Freeware.  
44115 HOVERACE.ZIP 41,1 Mt 21.11.2000 - - -
HoveRace demoHoveRace is arcade races with economics management. Races are held at arenas of specially prepared terrain with a track and some buildings, tunnels, bridges, rotational machines, ramps, teleports. There will be 40 arenas in the game. Each of the seven h overcrafts can be equipped with weapons, armor and other attributes of military equipment. Each type has its advantages and drawbacks due to their design differences. 
44116 HOVERDMO.ZIP 4,3 Mt 17.11.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Hover demoIn Hover, you race against computer controlled opponents over a twisting desert race course. You and your opponents pilot futuristic hovercrafts. These vehicles are agile, virtually indestructable, and ideally suited to the terrain of the course.  P200, 32 MB.   
44117 HR1-01.ZIP 2,6 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD -
HoverRace for Windows 95/NT V1.01 by GrokkSof Inc. great Internet playable multiplayer racing game! Jump into hovercraft and pit your racing skills against other players.You zoom around different courses trying win the race. Play over a network or the Internet. Includes map editor. Easy to install and play. Windows 95 486/66 8 MB 14.4K modem for Internet play.
44118 HTWHLS3.ZIP 4,3 Mt 22.12.1998 - MBCD -
"Hot Wheels III v1.05 by Mario Knok arcade racing game for Windows 95. Multi-player gamebut you can play it on one player mode. There are no computer players yetbecause the games idea is to beat up to 4 of your friends. Two players can play with keyboard and two with joysticks. Because its an arcade gameand not simulationits better to play with digital joystickbut its possible to play with analog. Windows 95"
42560 KIIH16B3.ZIP 5,3 Mt 19.10.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Kiihdytys v1.6b3 Rallirassien kiihdytyskisoihin sijoittuva peli, jossa pelaaja kisaa muiden ajokkien kanssa, satsaten voittonsa oman autonsa ominaisuuksien parantamiseen. Ilmainen.
44119 KOMBATKD.ZIP 6,7 Mt 31.07.2001 - - -
KombatKars demo Previously known as "BattleCars", KombatKars is a new racing game built on the "Rocky Racers" engine. It places you in a futuristic car armed with guns racing around a racetrack marked with boulders. You can choose to just outrun your fellow cars or blast them to bits with the various weapons. Shareware, $10. 
44120 LUDORACE.ZIP 834,4 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
LudoRace 3D LudoRace is an ultra fast 3D racing game. This alpha version features 3 levels with increasing difficulty levels to train yourself against computer opponents. This game is freeware, you will only have to pay if you wich to make money from your scores over the LudoRama platform. Full version will add sound support, more vehicles & levels and the so needed multiplayer mode. P200, 32 MB.  
42563 MSRACERD.ZIP 3 Mt 11.01.2003 - - -
Motocross Stunt Racer demo Motocross Stunt Racer is a fast-action motocross game featuring full 3D graphics models, real-time shadow casting and surface removal, a full physics system and 45 levels. There are three types of riding including racing, stunts and free ride; plus rider profiles. 
44121 NYRACED.ZIP 84,1 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
New York Race demo  Futuristinen liitoautopeli Fifth Elementin hengessä. 
44122 PAKOON.EXE 2,7 Mt 23.06.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 8 -
Pakoon 0.03Vauhdikas ilmaispeli, jossa hurjastellaan 
suihkumoottorilla varustetulla hippiautolla.
44123 PCSLOPIC.ZIP 258,3 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
PC Slots  Screenshots. by Toys By Phil. Car racing simulation.
44124 PCSLOTSC.ZIP 14,4 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
PC Slot Cars by Toys By Phil. Car racing simulation. This fast and exciting game allows you to create your own tracks and race on them with your friends! Race your chosen car at maximum speed around the track, but watch out for curves or the car will fly off the track! With the included track editor you can create any track shape you like including banked curves, slopes and overpasses. You can add scenery too. Free! Windows 95. P200, 32 Megs, Direct3D.
44125 ROCKYRCR.ZIP 5 Mt 31.07.2001 - - -
Rocky Racers demo Rocky Racers is a top down racing game set in an asteroid belt. Race against computer opponents or your friends! 3 different difficulty levels, from Easy to Impossible! Fly one of 5 different ships, shoot your fellow racers, grab them with tractor beams, or evade them using the cloaking device. This demo has one track. Shareware, $15. 
44126 S1KARTD.ZIP 11 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
Super 1 Karting demoErittäin lupaava karting-ajelupeli Midas Interactivelta. Peli omaa hienot grafiikat ja ajettavuus on realistinen. 
44127 3DMK01TH.ZIP 11,8 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
3DMark 2001 trailer hi-res MadOnionin traileri .wmv-formaatissa  ja tarkemmalla resoluutiolla. 
44128 3DMK01TL.ZIP 4,4 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
3DMark 2001 trailer lo-res MadOnionin traileri .wmv-formaatissa  ja pienemmällä resoluutiolla. 
44129 A1503TRA.ZIP 14,6 Mt 17.10.2001 - - -
Anno 1503 traileri Kauppastrategiapelin traileri. 
44130 AANDDT.ZIP 12 Mt 18.05.2003 - - -
Armed & Dangerous traileri E3 2003 -messuilla julkaistu traileri.
44131 AARMYT.ZIP 9,4 Mt 11.07.2002 - - -
"Americas Army traileri Ei kuvausta. "
44133 ACALL2V.ZIP 10,8 Mt 01.03.2002 - - -
"Asherons Call 2 video Asherons Call 2 -peliä esittelevä video .wmv-formaatissa. "
44132 ACALL2V1.ZIP 19,6 Mt 09.06.2002 - - -
"Asherons Call 2 video Ei kuvausta."
44134 ACDMTRA.ZIP 10,2 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
"Asherons Call: Dark Majesty trailer Asherons Call -pelin Dark Majesty -lisäosaa esittelevä video. "
44135 ACSEQ01.ZIP 25,1 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
"Asherons Call 2 traileri  Asherons Callin jatko-osan traileri. "
44136 AHFCT.ZIP 32 Mt 05.04.2002 - - -
Alfred Hitchcock: The Final Cut traileri QuickTime-formaatissa. 
44137 AITD4TRA.ZIP 8,7 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Alone in the Dark 4: The New Nightmare Traileri. Infogrames on julkaissut uuden kolmeminuuttisen videon Darkworksin tulevasta kauhu-seikkailupelistä Alone in the Dark 4. Peli on jatkoa klassikkoasemasta nauttiville edeltäjilleen ja luvassa näyttäisi olevan  melkoisen upea tulokas. 
44138 ALIAST.ZIP 16,2 Mt 18.05.2003 - - -
Alias traileri E3 2003 -messuilla julkaistu traileri.
44139 ANACH320.ZIP 16,9 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Anachronox trailer 320 Traileri Eidosin / Ion Stormin tulevasta konsolityylisestä roolipelistä. Uusi video esittelee mm. joitain pelin hyökkäyksiä. Pelistä tulee kolmannesta persoonasta kuvattu sci-fi-roolipeli, jossa liikutellaan pientä hahmojoukkoa.  
44140 ANACH640.ZIP 33,7 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Anachronox trailer 640 Traileri Eidosin / Ion Stormin tulevasta konsolityylisestä roolipelistä. Uusi video esittelee mm. joitain pelin hyökkäyksiä. Pelistä tulee kolmannesta persoonasta kuvattu sci-fi-roolipeli, jossa liikutellaan pientä hahmojoukkoa.  
44141 ANARCHYV.ZIP 26,2 Mt 14.02.2001 - - -
Anarchy Online video Esittelyvideo tulevasta Anarchy Online -nettiroolipelistä .mpeg-formaatissa. 
44142 ANOX2RV.ZIP 54,7 Mt 08.10.2002 - - -
AquaNox 2: Revelation video 2:35 minuuttia pitkä korkearesoluutioinen esittelyvideo. 
44143 ANTTHEME.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.11.1997 - 22535/GAMBLERCD06.BIN tupla
Betrayal at Antara Theme Pack for Win95/Plus Pack Sierra On-Line
44144 AOE2SAVR.ZIP 1 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
Age of Empires II - ruudunsäästäjä
44145 AOMTV.ZIP 5,7 Mt 25.05.2003 - - -
Age of Mythology: The Titans video E3 2003 -messuilla julkaistu video.
44146 AOS2VID.ZIP 7,3 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Age of Sail 2 movie Videonäyte tulevasta purjelaivastrategiasta.
44147 AOTRAILR.ZIP 20,7 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Anarchy Online trailer Post-apokalyptisen online-scifi-roolipelin traileri QuickTime-formaatissa. 
44148 AQUANOXT.ZIP 10 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Aquanox traileri  Videoleikkeessä esitellään GeForce 3:n ominaisuuksia tukevaa Aquanoxia. Vuonna 2666 ihmiset joutuvat asumaan meren syvyyksissä, jossa pelaajan tehtävä on taistella tiensä hirviöiden ja kapinallisten läpi futuristisen taistelusukellusveneensä avustuksella. Peli on Massive Developmentin ja Fishtank Interactiven yhteistyötä. 
44149 ARCANUMT.ZIP 16,8 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Arcanum trailer Videoesittelyä Troika Gamesin tekemästä steampunk-roolipelistä. Esittelyssä välivideoiden pätkiä sekä aitoa pelikuvaa. 
44150 ATLETRA.ZIP 5,3 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Atlantis: The Lost Empire traileri  Videoesittelyä Disney Interactiven tuottamasta pelistä, joka vie pelaajan legendaarisen Atlantiksen nurkille. Milon ja tämän tiimin tehtävänä on pelastaa legendaarinen kaupunki tulivuorenpurkaukselta. Koitoksina matkan varrella on kiperiä pulmatilanteita ja vaarallisia ansoja. MOV-formaatissa. 
44151 AVPORIGI.ZIP 5,8 Mt 27.03.2001 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator original intro Rebellionin julkistama, alkuperäinen Aliens vs. Predatorin intro, joka hyllytettiin myyntiversiosta "liiallisen väkivallan" takia. 
42576 BG2TOBV.ZIP 19,2 Mt 06.06.2001 - - -
"Baldurs Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal video  Videoesittelyä Baldur´s Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal -laajennuksesta. Sisältää aitoa pelikuvaa. "
44152 BIRTHTHM.ZIP 574 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
BIRTHRIGHT Theme Pack V0.9 for Windows 95 w/MS Plus!
44153 BNSSPK1.ZIP 1,5 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
BreakNeck - kuvankaappauksiaBreakNeck - kuvankaappauksia
44154 BNSSPK3.ZIP 2,4 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
BreakNeck - kuvankaappauksia
44155 BRBMANV.ZIP 4 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Battle Realms video "Ballistaman" Tämä reaaliaikastrategia Battle Realmsin video esittelee yhden yksikön, valtavaa ballistaa selässään kantavan sotilaan toimintaa. 
44156 BWHORSE.ZIP 163,5 kt 09.04.2001 - - -
Black & White - Horse-bonushahmoBLack & White - bonushahmo hevonen
44157 BWLPRD.ZIP 163,5 kt 09.04.2001 - - -
BLack & White - Leopard-bonushahmoBlack & White - bonushahmo leopardi
44158 CAATTACK.ZIP 2,1 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Castle Attack -minipeliCastle Attack -minipeli. Strongholdin promopeli, jossa linnaa puolustetaan hyökkääjiltä. 
44159 CBUVIDEO.ZIP 6 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
"Clive Barkers Undying videonäytteitä Sisältää kolme .mov-formaatissa olevaa traileria tulevasta  kauhutoimintapelistä: HowlersMind Shattered 2 ja Tribesman. "
44160 CCTHEMES.ZIP 4 Mt 22.11.1997 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso tupla
Command & Conquer Desktop Themes for Windows 95. Voit vaihtaa Windows 95:sen ikoneita, ääniä yms. tämän paketin avulla. Westwood.
44161 CEWPAP1.ZIP 1,9 Mt 20.10.1997 - - -
Conquest Earth Wallpapers 640x480-800x600
44162 CEWPAP2.ZIP 4,5 Mt 20.10.1997 - - -
Conquest Earth Wallpapers 800x600 ALIENS.
44163 CEWVIDEO.ZIP 15,1 Mt 27.03.2001 - - -
Cossacks: European War video Videokuvaa Cossacks-strategiapelistä. 
44164 CLUSTRBT.ZIP 14,8 Mt 14.02.2001 - - -
Clusterball trailer Tulevan ja vauhdikkaan, online-pelattavan lentourheilun esittelytraileri QuickTime-formaatissa. 
44165 CSMANUAL.ZIP 25,3 kt 08.01.2001 - - -
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen - cutscene -manuaali välivideopätkien tekoon 
44166 CZONEVID.ZIP 11,8 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Conflict Zone trailer Videonäytettä tulevasta, nykyaikaan sijoittuvasta RTS-pelistä. ASF-formaatissa. 
44167 D2LODDV.ZIP 7,8 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction video DruidVideo Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction pelin uudesta hahmosta toiminnassa.  
44168 D2VIDEO.ZIP 50,5 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Diablo II video Pelin videopätkistä tehty musiikkivideo, jota siivittää Coolion Gangsters Paradise. Ohjelma pitää sisällään myös soittimen, jolla video pyöritetään. 
44169 DAHL.MP3 2 Mt 22.05.2000 - 22428/DEMOAMERZON.iso -
Wheel of Time - musiikkia: Dahl
44170 DARKORET.ZIP 24,7 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Dark Ore traileri Traileri RayLogicin tulevasta avaruussimulaatio/FPS-pelistä .mpeg-formaatissa. 
44171 DESPRDOT.ZIP 51,4 Mt 14.02.2001 - - -
Desperados trailer Traileri tulevasta Infogramesin western-pelistä QuickTime-formaatissa. 
44172 DETHEME.A01 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - - -
Dark Earth desktop theme 2/4
44173 DETHEME.A02 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - - -
Dark Earth desktop theme 3/4
44174 DETHEME.A03 772,6 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Dark Earth desktop theme 4/4
44175 DETHEME.ARJ 1,4 Mt 20.10.1997 - - -
Dark Earth desktop theme by Kalisto
44176 DIABLOTH.ZIP 2,3 Mt 31.03.1997 - 23117/chip-cd_1997_03.zip -
Diablo ThemePack
44177 DIABTHEM.ZIP 2,3 Mt 28.06.1997 - 22081/SSERVCD_44A.bin -
Diablo Theme Pack!
44178 DICEROL.ZIP 221,9 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
"Powerdjinns Dice Roller v1.5An easy-to-use alternative to the traditional collection of multisided dice required by many tabletop role-playing and strategy games. The program can generate random numbers based on almost any diewhether its three-sided or 1000-sided. Howeverall the dice must have the same number of sides. You can assign dice to the function keyssave the results of your rolls in a text file and add modifiers to the dice rolls. Win 9x. Freeware. "
62939 DIRECTX3.ZIP 6186424 09.11.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DirectX 3.0 drivers for Windows 95. Driver
libraries for W95 gamers for faster graphics,
DirectSound, DirectDraw, Direct3D (for smooth
3D), DirectInput (digital functionality for
fast responses), DirectPlay and more.
44179 DIRECTXF.ZIP 2,7 kt 17.01.1997 - - -
Microsoft DirectX Frequently Asked Questions Last updated January 12, 1997
62940 DIRECX3.A01 1456560 09.11.1996 - - tupla
DirectX 3.0 2/5
62941 DIRECX3.A02 1456664 09.11.1996 - - tupla
DirectX 3.0 3/5
62942 DIRECX3.A03 1456518 09.11.1996 - - tupla
DirectX 3.0 4/5
62943 DIRECX3.A04 311290 09.11.1996 - - tupla
DirectX 3.0 5/5
62944 DIRECX3.ARJ 1456200 09.11.1996 - - tupla
DirectX 3.0 drivers for Windows 95.
Driver libraries for W95 gamers for faster
graphics, DirectSound, DirectDraw, Direct3D
(for smooth 3D), DirectInput (digital
joystick functionality for fast responses),
DirectPlay (multiplayer networking, also over
Internet) and more.
44180 DK3DSSEP.ZIP 1,4 Mt 22.11.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
"Duke Nukem 3D Screen Saver and Entertainment Pack.   The ultimate slugfest continues even when youre not around!  This product contains an animated screen saver based on the gameplus 10 sound clips and eight Duke Nukem 3D wallpaper images. Watch aliens get blown away by Duke!  Registered version contains 5 animated screen savers plus a boatload of wallpapermusic& sound files! Developed by Rhode Island Soft SystemsInc."
44181 DKSSAV.EXE 1,5 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Daikatana näytönsäästäjä
44182 DOOM3.ZIP 13,3 Mt 15.03.2001 renamed 22071/SSCD_90_2001.BIN -
Doom 3 video MacWorld-messuilla julkaistu esittelyvideo  Doom 3:sta ja GeForce 3:sta. 
44183 DRONEZT.ZIP 65,1 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Dronez GeForce 3 video  Videota Zetha gameZin PC/Dreamcast-pelistä Donez. Hämmästyttävän upeaa 3D-maisemointia ja toimintaa. 
44184 DUKE3DSS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
"Duke Nukem 3D Screen Saver and Entertainment Pack.   The ultimate slugfest continues even when youre not around!  This product contains an animated screen saver based on the gameplus 10 sound clips and eight Duke Nukem 3D wallpaper images. Watch aliens get blown away by Duke!  Registered version contains 5 animated screen savers plus a boatload of wallpapermusic& sound files! Developed by Rhode Island Soft SystemsInc."
44185 E2150SCR.ZIP 573,2 kt 16.07.2000 - - -
Earth 2150 näytönsäästäjä.Topware Interactive / SSI.
44186 E2150THE.ZIP 4,3 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Earth 2150 teemamusiikkiMP3-muotoisena. TopWare Interactive / SSI.
44187 EBFDHI.ZIP 9,6 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Emperor: Battle for Dune Harkonnen intro Intro Westwoodin tulevasta Dune-pelistä QuickTime-formaatissa. 
44188 EDHTTKI.ZIP 13,5 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Evil Dead: Hail to the King intro Intro ensimmäisestä videopelistä, joka perustuu Sam Raimin kuuluisaan Evil Dead -trilogiaan.  
44189 EDHTTKV.ZIP 10,5 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Evil Dead: Hail to the King video Videokuvaa ensimmäisestä videopelistä, joka perustuu Sam Raimin kuuluisaan Evil Dead -trilogiaan. Video on DreamCastin versiosta; itse peli nähdään kyllä myös PC:llä.  
44190 EEARTHV.ZIP 13 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Empire Earth video 50 sekuntia kestävä esittelyvideo Bink-formaatissa. 
44191 EGGHEAD.ZIP 4,4 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
"Planescape: Torment - hupibonusDownload the ultimateEaster Eggfor the game: Your very own Easter Egg Morte that you can put into your Torment game! Yesnow youtoocan have your very own custom Easter Egg Morte in Torment! Not only does he have a New Look and Feelbut he has New Sounds as well! He has some new Voice Over samples that werent in the final version of Torment. Just download this .ZIP fileand follow the instructions in the Readme file (included in this .ZIP)"
44192 EWJ3MOV.ZIP 10,6 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Earthworm Jim 3D - movie 
44193 F22ADFDT.ZIP 571,9 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
F22 Air Dominance Fighter desktop theme
44194 F2THEME.ZIP 1,7 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Fallout 2 Windows Theme Brought to you by Jonny Finite. Note: You must have MicroSoft Plus! (or a utility to use themes) in order for this to work correctly. If you do not have MS Plus!,
44195 FA18SS.EXE 1,1 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
"Janes F/A-18 - screensaver"
44196 FARGATET.ZIP 6,1 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
FarGate trailer  Videokuvaa avaruustaistelusimulaatiosta QuickTime-formaatissa. Lisätietoja: www.far-gate.com. 
44197 FCINTRO.ZIP 21,9 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Star Wars: Force Commander introvideo
44198 FEARETRA.ZIP 8 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
Fear Effect trailerTraileri Eidosin 3D-toimintapelistä  QuickTime-formaatissa . 
44199 FEAREVID.ZIP 6,6 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
Fear Effect video Videonäyte Eidosin 3D-toimintapelistä. 
44200 FF8OPMV.EXE 43,4 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Final Fantasy VIII - opening movie
44201 FFMMINI.ZIP 959,1 kt 07.02.2001 - - -
Final Fantasy The Movie minitrailers Tulevan Final Fantasy -elokuvan kaksi minitraileria QuickTime-formaatissa. 
44202 FFMT240.ZIP 3,4 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Final Fantasy The Movie traileriTulevan Final Fantasy -elokuvan traileri QuickTime-formaatissa, 240x128 -kokoisena. 
44203 FFMT480.ZIP 18,8 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Final Fantasy The Movie traileriTulevan Final Fantasy -elokuvan traileri QuickTime-formaatissa, 480x260 -kokoisena. 
44204 FFRTRAIL.ZIP 39,3 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
Freedom: First Resistance trailer Introvideo Red Stormin scifi-toimintaseikkailusta  .avi-formaatissa. 
44205 FLEGENDT.ZIP 23,7 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
Fighting Legends traileri Traileri nettipelattavasta tappelupelistä. 
44206 GAG-SCRS.ZIP 4,5 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
GAG - screensaver advertising the adventure/ puzzlegame by Auric Vision. Windows 95.
44207 GAMEM32B.ZIP 4,5 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Game Maker v3.2b Game Maker is a program that allows you to make exciting computer games without the need to write a single line of code. Using easy to learn drag-and-drop actions you can make games with backgrounds, animated graphics, music and sound effects in very little time. Comes with a built-in programming language that gives you full flexibility, a collection of freeware images and sounds to get you started, and Image Maker and Background Maker to help you develop your games even further. Freeware. 
44208 GANG2TRA.ZIP 43,8 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
Gangsters 2 trailerTraileri Hothouse/Eidosin gangsteripelistä. Bisnestä, kiristystä, toimintaa. 
44209 GC_THEME.ZIP 4 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Ground Control teemamusiikkiMP3-muotoisena. Massive Entertainment / Sierra.
44210 GETTHEME.ZIP 2,4 Mt 01.02.1998 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg! Theme Pack from Firaxis"
44211 GFSHW32.ZIP 10,3 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
The Games Factory v1.06 Helppo pelinteko-ohjelmisto. Luo yksinkertaisia arcadepelejä ilman ohjelmointitaitoja. Julkaisijan nukaan: offers you fast screen scrolling, fade effects, and can display FLI animations, Video for Windows, and QuickTime movies. Shareware. Windows 95/98. 30 vuorokauden koeversio. 
44212 GODGIRLS.ZIP 6 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
GoD Girls kuvaukset -video Näyttää kuinka kovan työn takana Gathering of Developersin kalenterin teko oikein oli. Tämä video oli aikaisemmin saatavilla ainoastaan Gathering of Goodness -CD:llä, mutta kiitos Club Gatheringin, se on saatu kaiken kansan ihmeteltäväksi. 
44213 GOODEVIL.MP3 3,5 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Ultima IX: Ascension - musiikkia Ultima IX: Ascension - Good vs. Evil 
Written by George Oldziey
Arrangement by George Oldziey 
44214 GWTHEME.ZIP 2210641 21.12.1996 - - -
Gene Wars Win95 Theme Pack from Bullfrog
44215 HALOVID.ZIP 2,3 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Halo video  Uutta esittelyvideota tulevasta Xbox/PC/Mac-pelistä. AVI-formaatissa. 
44216 HLBSTRA.ZIP 18,4 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Blue Shift trailer Videoesittelyä tulevasta laajennusosasta, jonka tuottaa Opposing Forcesta tuttu GearBox Software. Tällä kertaa pelaaja  on sotilaiden ja Gordon Freemanin välissä, juuri sellainen turvallisuusmies, joita  kuoli kasoittain Black Mesan taistelun tiimellyksessä. 
44217 HWARTRA.ZIP 12,3 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising traileri Esittelyvideo Rage Softwaren tulevasta 3D-action/strategiapelistä. Peli sijoittuu vuoteen 2032, jolloin ihmisten on tartuttava aseisiin ja taisteltava rauhansa eteen. Video on .mpeg-formaatissa. 
44218 HWRVIDEO.ZIP 19,7 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Hostile Waters Ransom -video Esittelee joitain välianimaatioita Rage Softwaren tulevasta 3D-toiminta/strategiapelistä. 
44219 IDHOWTRA.ZIP 11,4 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter trailer Traileri tulevasta Icewind Dalen lisäosasta .mpg-formaatissa. 
44220 IMLEV.MP3 5 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Star Wars: Force Commander - musiikkiaMusiikkia Star Wars: Force Commanderista - Imperial March, Leviathan Mix
44221 IMRAGE.MP3 2,8 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Star Wars: Force Commander - musiikkiaMusiikkia Star Wars: Force Commanderista - Imperial March, Rage Mix
44222 INDYTHME.ZIP 8,6 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Indiana Jones - työpöytäteemaTyöpöytäteema Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine - pelin maisemista
44223 IWAR2TRA.ZIP 29,8 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos trailer Video Infogramesin avaruussimulaattorista. 
44224 JOURNEY.MP3 2,3 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Wheel of Time - musiikkia: Journey
44225 JUMPGT.ZIP 9,8 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Jumpgate trailer Traileri Jumpgate -avaruussimulaattorista. 
44226 KENT95.ZIP 1439068 15.12.1996 - 12508/PCMania CD48_1.iso -
Normality Screen Saver Win95 from Gremlin
44227 KLAWDSS.A01 3,5 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Firo & Klawd screensaver 2/2
44228 KLAWDSS.ARJ 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Firo & Klawd screensaver 1/2
44229 LCHESS12.ZIP 113,4 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Laser Chess V1.2 for Java! Application - really fun Atari ST game converted for Java. Written to the 1.1 APIso youll need the JDK or JRE 1.1 or greater to run it. Can run on a single computeror on two computers over a TCP/IP network. Included is full source code."
44230 LEMANST.ZIP 15,4 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Le Mans 24 trailer Video Infogramesin kilpa-ajopelistä QuickTime-formaatissa. 
44231 LEMANWP1.ZIP 439,8 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Le Mans 24 hours - taustakuva
44232 LEMANWP3.ZIP 437,8 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Le Mans 24 Hours - taustakuva
44233 LEMANWP5.ZIP 624,4 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Le Mans 24 Hours - taustakuva
44234 LOKSR2TR.ZIP 26,8 Mt 19.05.2001 - - -
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 video MPEG-videota Crystal Dynamics/Eidosin toimintapelistä. Video on PS2-versiosta. 
44235 MAGICDEM.ZIP 4,8 Mt 22.11.1997 - 22647/cd joystick no80 mars 1997.iso tupla
Magic The Gathering Desktop Themes, MTG-seinäpapereita, paperintekijä, ääniä jne. MicroProse.
44236 MAJSS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 07.06.2000 - - -
Majesty - ruudunsäästäjä 
44237 MDK2MOV.ZIP 11,4 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
MDK 2 traileri.MPG-muotoinen esittelyvideo. Bioware / Interplay.
44238 MMUSIC.ZIP 2,7 Mt 07.06.2000 - - -
Majesty - musiikkia Majesty - musiikkia pelistä.
44239 MPAYNEE3.ZIP 41,6 Mt 19.05.2001 - - -
Max Payne video Upea, vastikään E3-messuilla julkaistu video kauan odotetusta Remedyn toimintapelistä .mpeg-formaatissa. 
44240 MX1000A.MP3 1,5 Mt 24.05.2000 - - -
Icewind Dale - musiikkia The following two MP3 pieces are "sketches" of the music that Soule is creating for the game. Since the music pieces are works in progress, they may not necessarily be the final tracks that make it into the game. This is a rare opportunity for gamers to hear music as it evolves before the final product is completed.
Easthaven is one of the Ten Towns in the Icewind Dale region, in which the player starts his or her party of adventurers. 
44241 MX3501.MP3 1,5 Mt 24.05.2000 - - -
Icewind Dale - musiikkia The following two MP3 pieces are "sketches" of the music that Soule is creating for the game. Since the music pieces are works in progress, they may not necessarily be the final tracks that make it into the game. This is a rare opportunity for gamers to hear music as it evolves before the final product is completed.
First level tomb sketch (1.45MB): The second piece of music gives a feeling for the first level of the tomb of a barbarian warlord who built a small kingdom ruled with a fist of iron and a bloody sword. 
44242 MYTH3VID.ZIP 16 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Myth III: Wolf Age traileri Videonäyte GoD:n tulevasta fantasiastrategiasta. Traileri on .avi-formaatissa. 
44243 NEOCRONV.ZIP 1017,5 kt 15.03.2001 - - -
NEOCRON trailerPitkä video tulevasta, valtavan kokoisesta scifiroolipelistä, jossa kaikki vastaantulevat hahmot ovat toisia pelaajia.
44244 NOESCVID.ZIP 24,4 Mt 14.02.2001 - - -
No Escape video Videonäyte online-pelattavasta deathmatch-urheilupelistä .mpg-formaatissa. 
44245 NWOVIDEO.ZIP 37,8 Mt 27.03.2001 - - -
New World Order movie Esittelyvideota Terminate Gamesin tulevasta tiimipohjaisesta moninpelistä. Esittelyssä engine, joka sisältää per-pixel shading, shadowing and specular highlights -tekniikkaa. Engineä pyörittää 1 GHz Athlon GeForce 2 GTS -näytönohjaimella. 
44246 OFPM60V.ZIP 6,2 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
Operation Flashpoint video M60 Videokuvaa Bohemian Interactiven sotapelistä. Tällä kertaa pääosissa jenkkien M60 -konekivääri. 
44247 OFVIDEO.ZIP 25 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Operation Flashpoint -video Tämä video esittelee peliä ja grafiikkaa Codemastersin tulevasta Operation Flahspoint -pelistä. Video on .avi-formaatissa. 
44248 OMFBGBP.ZIP 8 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
One Must Fall: Battlegrounds video"Bladepit". Lyhyt video tulevasta robottimätkinnästä. 
44249 OMFBGCTY.ZIP 11,2 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
One Must Fall: Battlegrounds video "City" Lyhyt video tulevasta robottimätkinnästä. 
44250 OMFBGVID.ZIP 33,8 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
One Must Fall: Battleground video Videonäyte 3D-mätkintäpelistä. Jatko-osa kuululle OMF-tappelupelille. 
44251 OMIKWPAP.ZIP 914,7 kt 20.10.1997 - - -
Omikron wallpapers from Quantic Dream
44252 OPFLASHV.ZIP 30 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Operation Flashpoint video 14-minuuttinen video sotastrategia Operation Flashpointista. Videossa näkyy hienosti, kuinka pelissä on mahdollista käyttää sekä ajoneuvoja että liikkua jalan. 
44253 OUTLIVEV.ZIP 29,8 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Outlive video Take2 Interactiven työstämän reaaliaikastrategian esittelyvideo .avi-formaatissa. 
44254 PACK01.ZIP 790,2 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Le Mans 24 Hours - kuvankaappauksia
44255 PACK02.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Le Mans 24 Hours - kuvankaappauksia
44256 PACK03.ZIP 802 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Le Mans 24 Hours - kuvankaappauksia
44257 PB2THMHI.ZIP 760,5 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
"3-D Pinball: Creep Night Theme Pack for Microsoft Windows95. High-color. Sierra."
44258 PB2THMLO.ZIP 744,6 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
"3-D Pinball: Creep Night Theme Pack for Microsoft Windows95. Low-color. Sierra."
44259 PCRACKDP.ZIP 31,8 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Paradise Cracked promo  Promovideo venäläisen Bukan taktiikkatoiminnasta. Klassista roolipeliä ja yksittäisten sotilaiden ohjaamista taistelutehtävissä scifimaailmassa. Lisätietoja: www.buka.com. 
44260 POKGUI01.ZIP 198,8 kt 18.09.2000 - - -
Pokemon Gold & Silver: Ultimate Guide v0.1Pokemon Gold and Silver: The Ultimate Guide is a great guide on Pokemon Gold and Silver! For any Pokemon lover. Take it in your laptop. Print it out and read it! 
44261 PP3SS.ZIP 2,2 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Prince of Persia 3D - ruudunsäästäjä
44262 PP3THM.ZIP 3,3 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Prince of Persia 3D - teemapaketti
44263 Q2SCODE.ZIP 1,6 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
"Quake II source code Quake2 Compiling Utilities/Source Code. The  official Quake2 compiling utilities and  source code - released by Id Software.  Includes the source code to QE4Ids Quake  editor. "
44264 Q3RA3ST.ZIP 78,2 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Rocket Arena 3 soundtrack  Musiikkia Quake III: Rocket Arena 3:lle. Sisältää 14 MP3-raitaa. 
44265 QTHEME1.ZIP 812,6 kt 22.11.1997 - 23107/chip-cd_1997_06.zip tupla
Quake Desktop Theme for Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 Version 1.1  7.3.96 by Danny Shaw 
44269 QUAKE_TH.ZIP 995,8 kt 22.11.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Quake Desktop Theme revision 2. by C.N. DiNardo Copyright  id Software, Inc.
44266 QUAKE-Q-.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.11.1997 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso tupla
Quake theme for win 95 with sound and icons by Andylad
44267 QUAKESCR.ZIP 362,5 kt 22.11.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
"Quake Screen Saver For Windows 95  UnZip into a temporary Directory...  Move the Quake___.ttf into the WINDOWS/FONTS directory Move the Remaining Files to the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory (sstext3d.scropengl32.dllglu32.dll)  Thats it!! Your are all installed... Heres How to setup Windows 95 to use the Screen Saver:  1) Right Click on an empty portion of the Screen Select Properties  2) Click on the ScreenSaver Tab  3) Select the Text3D"
44268 QUAKETHE.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.11.1997 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso tupla
Quake desktop theme "The BEST QuakeTheme" by Link! http://www.anet-stl.com/~sword
44270 RALFIN.EXE 220,5 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Rally Championship - Suomen lippu
44271 RAMATHM.ZIP 1,6 Mt 31.03.1997 - - -
Rama -Theme Pack from Sierra. Win95.
44272 REDEMP.MP3 3,3 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Star Wars: Force Commander - musiikkiaMusiikkia Star Wars: Force Commanderista - Redemption at Abridon
44273 REV.ZIP 3,1 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Revenant - press kit
44275 RR_THEME.ZIP 1007,2 kt 19.05.1997 - 22837/PCA0697.ISO -
Redneck Rampage Theme Pack for Windows95 with Microsoft Plus!
44274 RRSAVER.ZIP 920,2 kt 19.05.1997 - - -
Redneck Rampage Screen Saver for Win95
44276 SBANEMOV.ZIP 9,4 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Shadowbane video 640x480 Esittelyä tulevasta MMORPG:sta. Videossa haltiasoturi esittelee tanssitaitojaan. QuickTime-formaatissa. 
44277 SBLMVID.ZIP 4,3 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Shadowbane video "Lizardman" 320x240 Esittelyä tulevasta MMPRPS:sta. Liskomies ja kaksi seikkailijaa taistelussa. 
44278 SC2KTHM.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.11.1997 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
SIMCITY 2000TM THEME PACK ONLINE For Microsoft Plus! Pack owners: will install 3 new themes in desktop: SC2000 residential, sc2000 commercial, sc2000 industrial with own wallpapers,fonts and colors. USABLE also on Windows 95 WITHOUT Plus! pack. http://WWW.Maxis.com/
44279 SERAPHIM.ZIP 7,3 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Seraphim video QuickTime -formaatissa oleva video Valkyrie Studiosin tulevasta Seraphim -enkelipelistä. 
44280 SGSS.ZIP 1,7 Mt 28.06.1997 - - -
Star General Screen Saver for Win95
44281 SHRAK_SS.ZIP 396,3 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
"SHRAK screen saver - the Quake modifier! let SHRAK invade your screen even when youre NOT playing the game. the SHRAK screen saver features all the coolest graphics from the game including monstersweapons and other cool stuff!"
44282 SKYSCR.ZIP 419,4 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Sky Screen Saver - night sky from any point on earth! Win95
44283 SOFBAD.ZIP 798,9 kt 19.05.2000 - - -
Soldier of Fortune - "baddies" -taustakuvaEi kuvausta.
44284 SOFSONG.ZIP 5,9 Mt 19.05.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Soldier of Fortune - songNote: This song is an impromptu recording that spawned from the voice acting session with Todd Susman, the actor who does the voice for John Mullins in Soldier of Fortune. 
DISCLAIMER: This music clip is intended for mature audiences. Parental discretion is advised.

44285 SPWAW50S.ZIP 10 Mt 14.05.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War v5.0.1 musicsIn-game music tracks in mp3 format, composed by Derek Boain.
44286 SPWAWCDC.ZIP 501,7 kt 14.05.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World At War v5.0 cd coverValmis cd-kotelon kansi.
44287 SSAMVID.ZIP 20,7 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Serious Sam video Videoesittelyssä nähdään, kuinka Sam pistää alienit lakoon. Laajat ulkokentät ja reilusti vihollisia. Video on .asf-formaatissa. 
44288 STARTOPV.ZIP 38,7 Mt 19.05.2001 - - -
Startopia video Esittelyvideo Eidoksen tulevasta 3d-hallintopelistä, joka sijoittuu tähtien välisen sodan jälkeiseen aikaan. video on .mov-formaatissa. 
44289 STDS9DWT.ZIP 10,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Star Trek: DS 9 Dominion Wars teaserEi kuvausta. 
44290 STDS9FTR.ZIP 9,9 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
Deep Space Nine: The Fallen traileriStar Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Fallen pelin traileri .avi-formaatissa. 
44291 STONES.MP3 4,2 Mt 22.05.2000 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Ultima IX: Ascension - musiikkiaUltima IX: Ascension - music track Stones (chamber) 
Written by David Watson (Iolo) and Kathleen Jones (Gweno)
Arrangement by George Oldziey
44292 SZWBKIT1.ZIP 2,8 Mt 19.05.2000 - - -
Slave Zero - webkit #1Start building your Slave Zero website with not one but two batches of downloadable goodies! Slave Zero renders, enemies renders, textures, logos, and other elements to make your SZ site roar. 
44293 SZWBKIT2.ZIP 47,5 kt 19.05.2000 - - -
Slave Zero - webkit # 2Start building your Slave Zero website with not one but two batches of downloadable goodies! Slave Zero renders, enemies renders, textures, logos, and other elements to make your SZ site roar. 
44294 T2ACVID.ZIP 11,1 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 - The Anatomy of a Cap video Esimerkkivideo loistavasta lipunryöstöstä. 
44295 T2SMPL.ZIP 318,4 kt 31.03.1997 - 21823/Pegasus_Windows_20.iso -
TERMINATOR 2: Judgement Day Movie PC Game Screen Saver
44296 T2SS.ZIP 318,5 kt 28.06.1997 - - -
Terminator 2: The Screen Saver Sampler Pak Contains an actual screen saver module from "T2: The Screen Saver", as well as some bonus Wallpaper and  Audio Clips from the movie "Terminator 2: Judgement Day".
44297 TAMAGO.ZIP 82,4 kt 30.11.1997 - 12790/9700.zip -
Tamagotchi for Windows by SGA
44298 THEMPARK.EXE 650,9 kt 22.05.2000 - - -
Theme Park World - pikkupeliTheme Park World - Bouncy Castle mini game
44299 TITANGTR.ZIP 23,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Titanium Angels trailer Traileri tulevasta Mobius Entertainmentin third-person action/adventuresta. Esittelee introa ja pelimateriaalia. 
44300 TKMIG15.ZIP 5,9 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Target Korea video (MiG-15) Target Korea video (MiG-15)  Varhainen videoesitys Korean sodan simulaattorista. Videossa pelin MiG-15 hävittäjän esiversio. 
44301 TKOREAV2.ZIP 6,5 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Target Korea video 2 Videonäyte Targetwaren kehittämästä suihkuhävittäjäsimulaattorista. Video näyttää mm. liikkuvia ohjainpintoja, Sabre ja MiG-15 -hävittäjiä. QuickTime-formaatissa. 
44302 TRMS.ZIP 5,7 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Tomb Raider Movie: Survivor trailerSuperbowlissa esitetty lyhyt mainos Tomb Raider -elokuvasta .mov-formaatissa. 
44303 TRMTC.ZIP 6 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Tomb Raider Movie: Ticking Clock trailerSuperbowlissa esitetty lyhyt mainos Tomb Raider -elokuvasta .mov-formaatissa. 
44304 TRMTRAIL.ZIP 21,9 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Tomb Raider Movie traileriTulevan Tomb Raider -elokuvan traileri QuickTime-formaatissa. 
44305 TSGDITP1.EXE 1,3 Mt 22.05.2000 - 12727/2012.11.ftp.westwood.com.tar -
C&C: TIberian Sun - theme packCommand & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Theme Pack
44306 TSTYLE1.ZIP 2,9 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Trickstyle - musiikkia
44307 TSTYLE2.ZIP 3,3 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Trickstyle - musiikkia
44308 TSTYLE3.ZIP 4,3 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Trickstyle - musiikkia
44309 TSTYLE4.ZIP 3 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Trickstyle - musiikkia
44310 TSTYLE5.ZIP 3 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Trickstyle - musiikkia
44311 TSTYLE6.ZIP 2,8 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Trickstyle - musiikkia
44312 TSTYLE7.ZIP 3,2 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Trickstyle - musiikkia
44313 UPRTHEME.ZIP 314,2 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
Uprising Theme Pack by 3DO for use with MS Plus!
44314 VENOM2.ZIP 8,8 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Venom trailer Videonäyte lupaavasta taktisesta toimintapelistä. 
44315 VENOMTR2.ZIP 8,8 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Venom trailer 2 Video venäläisen GSC:n joukkuetoimintapelistä. 
44316 VERIFYPE.EXE 290,5 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Panzer Elite - install checker
44317 WARC3VID.ZIP 13,8 Mt 27.03.2001 - - -
Warcraft III gameplay video Pelin kulkua esittelevä video. 
44318 WARDT320.ZIP 13,1 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
The Ward trailer 320 x 150 Fragile Bits Interactiven/In-housen sci-fi -seikkailupelin traileri. 
44319 WBMOV01.ZIP 27 Mt 02.12.1999 - - -
"Brendos WarBirds movie.01 - Port Hit My first film. MAG-11 takes off from a carrierforms up and attacks an enemy port. The movies are in Quicktime-4 format. Version 3 is out of date and will not work properly. Aproximately one minute thirty seconds in length. By Brendopoges@bigpond.com. Movies from the WW2 flying simulator WarBirds http://www.ientertainmentnetwork.com"
44320 WBMOV02.ZIP 15,3 Mt 02.12.1999 - - -
"Brendos WarBirds movie. 02 - RAF My second film. VMF-323 flies Spitfire MkIs during the first day of the RPS. The movies are in Quicktime-4 format. Version 3 is out of date and will not work properly. Aproximately one minute thirty seconds in length. By Brendopoges@bigpond.com. Movies from the WW2 flying simulator WarBirds http://www.ientertainmentnetwork.com"
44321 WBMOV03.ZIP 8 Mt 02.12.1999 - - -
"Brendos WarBirds movie. 03 - MAG-11 Strik MAG-11 launches a suprise raid on an enemy airfieldby flying at tree-top level. Movies are in Quicktime-4 format. Version 3 is out of date and will not work properly. By Brendopoges@bigpond.com. Movies from the WW2 flying simulator WarBirds http://www.ientertainmentnetwork.com"
44322 WBMOV07.ZIP 15,3 Mt 03.12.1999 - - -
"Brendos WarBirds movie. 07 -I FLY BECAUSE I MUSTThe story of a conscripted Luftwaffe pilot who faces death every day as Germany nears its end in WWII. 02:35 in length. Excellenttouching. Movies are in Quicktime-4 format. Version 3 is out of date and will not work properly. By Brendopoges@bigpond.com. Movies from the WW2 flying simulator WarBirds http://www.ientertainmentnetwork.com"
44323 WBMOV5.ZIP 27,4 Mt 08.12.1999 - - -
"Brendos WarBirds movie. 05 - Turn and Burn VMF-323 was involved in intense fighting in the HA. Some really good Jap fighter pilots attacked us and we spent whole hour fighting them off. This one is 3 minutes in length. The movies are in Quicktime-4 format. Version 3 is out of date and will not work properly. By Brendopoges@bigpond.com. Movies from the WW2 flying simulator WarBirds http://www.ientertainmentnetwork.com"
44324 WC3VIDEO.ZIP 13,8 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
WarCraft 3 -videoSisältää oman videonnäyttöohjelman. Huom! näyttösi värisäädön pitää olla yli 256 väriä. 
44325 WHITOWER.MP3 4,4 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Wheel of Time - musiikkia: The White Tower
44326 WORMSTHE.ZIP 1,7 Mt 22.11.1997 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Worms Desktop Themes. Lisää Windowsiin Worms-ääniä, hiiri-ikoneita tai Taustakuvan.
44328 WWIIOLV.ZIP 37,8 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
World War II Online video Massiivisen moninpelin traileri, jossa esitellään ajoneuvoja sekä first-person -kuvakulmaa. 
44327 WWIIOLVB.ZIP 34 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
World War II Online beta video Videokuvaa massiivisen moninpelin beta-version tapahtumista. 
44329 WWPVIDEO.ZIP 23,2 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Worms World Party video Belgiankielinen esittelyvideo .asf-formaatissa. 
44330 XISLET.ZIP 16 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
X-Isle: Dinosaur Island traileri Video tulevasta Crytekin pelistä. 
44331 YODATHME.ZIP 4,6 Mt 10.06.1997 - - -
Yoda Stories theme pack from Lucasarts
44332 ZSTEELSV.ZIP 25,1 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
Z: Steel Soldier video EON Digital on julkaissut uuden trailerin tulevasta reaaliaikaisesta strategiapelistään Z: Steel Soldiers. Pelaaja on vastuussa robottijoukon ohjailusta vihamielisellä planeetalla useissa erilaisissa ympäristöissä. Resurssien hallinta perustuu enemmänkin alueiden hallintaan kuin raaka-aineiden keräilyihin. Pelin painopiste on siis nopeatempoisissa ja massiivisissa taisteluissa. 
42584 BEATHOUS.ZIP 5,4 Mt 29.04.2003 - - -
Beat the House 1.0.4Opettele laskemaan pelikortteja matemaatikko Thorpen Hi-Low -järjestelmän avulla, joka kertoo sinulle onko etu jakajalla vai pelaajalla.
Kokeiluversio, 7 USD. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP
44333 BLUE106.EXE 1,6 Mt 08.02.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Blues Clues: Instrument Sound MatchingDo you hear a drum or a trumpet? Or what? Help Blue match the instrument to the sound it makes.
44334 BLUE110.EXE 1,6 Mt 31.01.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Blues Clues: Matching SnowflakesThis is a winter matching game that stresses visual perception according to size and shape. Mr.
Salt and Mrs. Pepper are by the kitchen window looking at the snowflakes outside. While in real 
life there are no two snowflakes exactly alikein this gamethere are! Its your job to find those 
two snowflakes and put them together.
44335 BLUE116.EXE 1,7 Mt 31.01.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Blues Clues: Fairy Tale MatchingA game for preschoolersin which you try to match fairy tale characters with their story books. 
The game begins with a fairy tale character and a choice of three books. You must match the 
character to his or her story book. When the correct match is madeyou win and Blue dances 
to the music. The game features characters from the following stories: CinderellaThe Princess 
and the PeaJack and the BeanstalkLittle Red Riding HoodHansel and GretelRapunzeland 
The Three Little Pigs.
44336 BLUE203.EXE 1,5 Mt 31.01.2000 - - -
"Blues Clues: Lights OnLights OffA game for preschoolers to test their recognition and memory skills by trying to figure out which toy 
Blue put away. Toys are scattered all over Blues roomand she wants to clean up. You turn off the 
lightand then when you turn the light on againyou try to figure out which toy Blue put in the toy box. 
The toys vary each time the game is played. 
44337 BLUE204.EXE 1,5 Mt 31.01.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Blues Clues: Sink and FloatA game in which preschoolers experiment with objects to see if they sink or float. The game starts with
a variety of objects on the bathroom sink counter. You choose the items that sink or float depending 
on the audio instructions. When you have tried all three objectsBlue dances to the music and you 
can play again. The objects vary each time you play the game.
44338 BLUE207.EXE 1,6 Mt 31.01.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Blues Clues: Blues ABCsA game in which preschoolers try to match the word on the grocery list with the correct food. 
When the game beginsyoull see a grocery list with three words. One of the words is circled 
and matches one of the foods on the countertop. You must read the word on the grocery list 
and click the matching food. When you do thisthe food jumps into the shopping cart and 
Blue dances to the music. 
44339 BLUE209.EXE 2,1 Mt 08.03.2000 renamed archive.org -
Blue\'s Clues: Blue\'s BirthdayThis visual perception game takes your child into the festive world of Blue\'s Birthday party. There are three scenes to this party, and each one consists of a
different activity. The first scene asks you to assist Blue in setting the birthday table, and find the missing items. The second scene requires you to match
the present to the giver. The third scene asks you to use your motor skills to "pin the flag on the mailbox." 
44340 BLUE214.EXE 1,7 Mt 07.02.2000 renamed archive.org -
Blue\'s Clues: FeelingsA game in which preschoolers try to match the "Feeling Cards" with the expression on the faces of the
characters. When the game begins, you are asked to figure out what Blue is feeling. Then you click on 
a "Feeling Card" that matches the feeling. The choices are happy, sad, mad, and scared. When the 
correct match is made, you win and Blue dances to the music. You can also match the feelings of 
Little Kitten and Purple Kangaroo. 
44341 BLUE216.EXE 1,9 Mt 07.02.2000 renamed myabandonware.com -
"Blues Clues: Kaleidoscope PicturesA game in which preschoolers try to match the picture in the kaleidoscope with the corresponding 
object in the room. The game begins with Blue looking through a kaleidoscope at a distorted image 
of an object in the room. You must click on the matching object. Once you have figured out three 
imagesyou win the game and Blue dances to the music. A variety of pictures appear randomly 
in the kaleidoscope every time the game is played. 
44342 BLUE219.EXE 1,7 Mt 07.02.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Blues Clues: Blowing MatchingA game in which preschoolers help Slippery Soap make his bubbles the right size. When the game 
beginsSlippery begins to blow a bubbleand it gets bigger and bigger. You must click Slippery when
the bubble reaches the same size as the highlighted bubble on the screen. In subsequent rounds
you must click Slippery when his bubble grows to a size larger than one bubble on the screen
but smaller than another bubble. When you answer correctlySlippery dances to the music.
44343 BLUE220.EXE 1,7 Mt 07.02.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Blues Clues: Racing CarsA game in which preschoolers try to determine which toy car will go faster depending on the height 
of the two ramps. You must help either Shovel or Pail win the race by building a ramp height that 
will go faster than the other. To build the ramp higher click the colored block on the ground that 
corresponds to the ramp with the same color. Clicking the red block will make Pails ramp go 
higherwhile clicking the yellow block will make Shovels ramp go higher. Keep in mind that 
sometimes there might be a tie. 
44344 BLUE302.EXE 1,7 Mt 24.02.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Blues Clues: Weight and BalanceA game in which preschoolers use a balance scale to determine whether a food item weighs more 
or less than another food item. The game takes place in the kitchen. When the game beginsyoull 
see a balance scaleBluea brown paper bagand two food items to be weighed. Steve will then 
ask you which food item is heavier. Using the mouse you must place both food items on the balance 
scale. When you have determined which food item is heavieryou can click on it and drag it onto the 
brown paper bag. Rounds one to three will ask you which food item is heavier than the other. 
Rounds four to six will ask you which food item is lighter than the other. After round sixthe 
game will become random. 
44345 BLUE304.EXE 2 Mt 24.02.2000 - 19563/JULEKALENDER.ISO -
Blue\'s Clues: What\'s That Sound?Blue needs your help to figure out what\'s making that sound. Use the green arrow buttons to move
around the landscape and find what you think may be making that sound. When you correctly match 
the sound heard with where it\'s coming from, you win and Blue does her "happy-paw-dance"! Keep 
in mind that the sounds may come from animals as well as the natural environment they live in. This 
game uses sounds from the following: a frog, a bumblebee, a cricket, a bird, a river, a thunderstorm, 
a rain storm, and leaves blowing in the wind. The various sounds will occur at random throughout 
the game. 
44346 BLUE307.EXE 2 Mt 24.02.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Blues Clues: Hide-and-SeekBlues playing hide-and-seek! Can you find her? In this visual perception game for children
youre playing hide-and-seek with the famous dog Blue. In the first sceneBlues at a concert 
listening to Lady Bassett sing the blues. But everyone else in the crowd is blue too! If you look 
closelyyoull see Blue move. When you find herclick on her with your mouse and shell come 
right over. In the second sceneBlues hiding in one of her Halloween costumes. This time
Blue stays stillbut if you roll your cursor over the right costumeshell bark. When you hear 
Blue barkclick on the costume and shell come out to play. Each scene repeats several 
timeswith Blues hiding spot randomly changing. 
44347 BLUE311.EXE 2,4 Mt 06.03.2000 renamed myabandonware.com -
"Blues Clues: Treasure HuntA game in which preschoolers help Blue find the hidden objects and get to the treasure. The game 
contains three different treasure hunt scenes and a treasure map. In each scene you have to find 
a particular object that is hidden somewhere. You can check the treasure map to see which object 
you need to find in that particular scene. Objects can be found by clicking around with your mouse. 
When you click the correct objectit appears on your map and you and Blue will travel to the next
scene. There are many little surprises you may encounter along the wayso you may want to click 
anything you find interesting. Once you complete all three scenes you will find the hidden treasure 
and win. 
44348 BLUE313.EXE 1,7 Mt 06.03.2000 renamed archive.org -
"Blues Clues: Lets DrawThe famous dog Blue wants to draw and color pictures of her friends. Use the crayons to help her. 
This is both a drawing and coloring game. There is both a drawing pad for free drawing and an 
assortment of Blues Clues characters for coloring. The game starts with a blank canvas. Pick 
the crayon color you would like to use and click on the drawing pad with your mouse to start drawing. 
To draw a line hold the mouse button down and slowly move it in the direction you want to draw. 
To erase what you have drawnclick Erase to clear the drawing pad. If you would like to color
simply click on a character you would like to use. To coloruse the mouse as you did when drawing. 
44349 BONEZ.ZIP 1,9 Mt 06.08.1999 - - -
Bonez 1.0 Bonez is a comical puzzle / math / numbers game that can be challenging for all ages. Play against Randy the Dog. Each player take turns removing 1 - 4 bonez until there is only one bone left. Windows 95.
42602 C3DS.ZIP 29,8 Mt 10.06.2001 - - -
Creatures 3 - Docking Station  Creatures Docking Station on itseriittoinen neljän huoneen maailma, jossa voit kokeilla miltä tuntuu nornin, söpön ja älykkään virtuaalilemmikin kasvattaminen. 
44350 CASAMEMO.ZIP 2,4 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
"Casa Memo v1.01.0175Casa Memo is a memory game for one to four players. Play against time or compete against your friends or your family. Your task is to find the twins behind windows or flip cards and find more matches than your opponentsor race against time to get a high score. 7 different boardsvariable card visibility timeselecting whether found pairs should be removed or not and raise the games difficulty by setting wrong tiles to swap places. Win9x. "
44351 MAGIC3D9.ZIP 2,5 Mt 31.03.1997 - MBCD -
Magic 3D Coloring Book - IBM Platform: WINDOWS 95 - Demo Details: Edutainment Required: 486DX/75 - 8MB Ram The Magic 3D Coloring Book brings the fun and creativity of Crayola crayons to your computer! Color an image and watch it come to life as a brilliant 3D picture. With 70 fun images in seven themed books, plus a wide selection of colors and textures, every child can create dazzling drawings.
44352 MPMG20.ZIP 1,4 Mt 21.04.1997 - 2842/Software of the Month Club 1996 November.iso -
A collection of games to teach 3- to 6-year- olds math with fun activities. Problem  solving and analytical thinking skills are  developed in these very hands-on games. The  colorful graphics, voices, sound effects, and background music all add to the highly  interactive, very intuitive play. Incorrect  responses are treated humorously. CompuServe  members:GO SWREG (ID#-12546). Requires a 486, Windows 95, 256-color.
41097 RABCFB12.ZIP 490253 31.12.1995 - 2839/Software of the Month Club 1996 February.iso -
"Roxie's ABC Fish" is a multimedia game
designed to teach your child ABCs and
numbers. With attractive animation and
excellent sound effects, Roxie the cat will
play "Go Fish" with your child, gently
helping him or her to choose the correct
card. The mouse cursor changes in different
areas of the screen, providing for intuitive
play. Used in schools. This version requires
Windows 95.
44353 RMATFB20.ZIP 510,2 kt 27.08.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
"Roxie\'s Math Fish"  is a multimedia game designed to teach your child addition,  subtraction, multiplication and division.  With attractive animation and excellent sound effects, Roxie the cat will play "Go Fish"  with your child, gently helping him or her to choose the correct card. The mouse cursor  changes in different areas of the screen  providing for intuitive play. Used in  schools. Requires Windows 95.
44354 SPLASH3D.ZIP 4,7 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Splash 3DSplash 3D is an interactive 3D coloring book that will bring hours of fun to you and your children. Experience every scene in full 3D through multiple points of view as you color away to the funky tunes. Splash 3D features vibrant graphics, original music, speech and fun sound effects. With seven cute, cartoony scenes to color, Splash 3D is one product that will keep your kids entertained while getting them familiar with computers. P200, 32 MB.  
44355 TWSTTAIL.ZIP 804,4 kt 27.03.1998 renamed archive.org -
Twisted Tails - AHA! Software Inc. educational game based on the classic fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm and Hans Christian Andersen! A great reading and vocabulary work-out for kids or for students of English as a second language - and fun for anyone at all! But there\'s more: now you can give the "tails" a hilarious twist as your computer slots randomly selected names, words and phrases into stories! Windows 95.
44356 01MM.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
MIKÄ MYLLYLÄ - Oletko kyllästynyt katsomaan televisiosta surkeita hiihtäjiä, siis ota sauvat kauniisiin käsiisi - ja hiidä itsesi MM-Cupin voittoon. Hiihtelypeli koko perheelle. Haastetta riittää Piirisarjasta MM-Cupiin. Vaatii Windows95.
44357 BIKEFLYT.EXE 3,8 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
"BikeFlyter 1.0BikeFlyter is a colorful and humorous game in which you are a 
fat fly zooming at breakneck speed down a Route 66-like highway
trying to avoid oncoming traffic. Gameplay consists of jerking your mouse at
just the right time so you dont become a grease spot on a windshield. You
have eight livesand you lose one of them every time you get clipped by a
passing biker. Windows 95/98. Freeware.
44358 BOOGERBG.ZIP 79,3 kt 12.11.1998 - MBHH1999 -
"Booger Bungee v1.0 by Blackeye Software If you have a penchant for the bizarre in PC-based entertainmentlook no further. Olympic competition for aspiring booger athletesfeaturing decent graphics and commentary by (of course) boogers. Youll drop from a bungee cordand your score will be calculated on the basis of the tricks you perform. Definitely has its share of humor. Windows 9598or NT"
44359 BSAND.ZIP 4,9 Mt 23.03.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 -
" Bloody Sand made by: Miika Lipasti You are surrounded by ninjas and you have  only two pistols and a shotgun. It is a  good day to die. Isnt it? Good quality KliknPlay creation. Windows 95"
44360 CF14.ZIP 433,4 kt 05.11.1998 - - -
CAR FIGHT 1.4 - by : PASiS PRODUCTION made with knp
44361 COM10.ZIP 1,2 Mt 23.03.2000 repacked archive.org -
 Cave of Motrax 1.0 Nimestään huolimatta täysin suomenkielisen roolipelin näyte versio. Tekijä Kartsaware Productions, http://come.to/kartsaware Vaatii Win9X, VBRun500
44362 DISCOV16.ZIP 1,4 Mt 10.10.2002 - - -

Discovera 1.6Lohko palasia pelikentästä, paljasta taustalla olevia eläinten kuvia, ja vältä vihollisia.
Shareware, 14,90 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.terminalstudio.com/
44363 DS25.ZIP 128,1 kt 31.07.1999 - - -
Darkside v2.5 by Matti Minkkinen 1999 Darkside is a small and easy to learn game where you are a great warrior who hacks monsters in dungeons (text based). Vbrun300.dll required. Windows.
44364 HHETELMA.ZIP 174,3 kt 12.07.1999 - #anonyymi -
Heten Hetelmät on Win95/98 ympäristöön sovellettu korttipeli, joka taas simuloi hedelmäpeliä. Koreaa borea on siis luvassa! Vaaditaan Win95/98, suositellaan myös highcolor näyttötilaa (ei välttämätön). Freeware. Tehnyt Lost Spaceman of Refinition.
44365 HIRVEE10.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.04.2001 - miscfindos.zip -
Hirvee Veritaistelu 1.0 Yksinkertainen autopeli, jossa ylhäältä päin kuvatuilla kentillä ajetaan ihmisten päältä. 486, DOS. 
44366 HOCKEY2K.ZIP 2,6 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Hockey 2000 1.0A fantastic ice-hockey game for 1-4 players! Many different game-modes and challenging computer opponents. Statistics show you how you played. Simple, easy to start, and lot of fun! Nice graphics, sounds and musics. Freeware. Requires Win95 /Win98/etc. Made by Defog.
44367 JALKKIS.ZIP 828,4 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
Jalkkis - by Aleksisoft. The Games Factoryllä tehty kahden pelaajan välttävä jalkapallopeli. Windows 95.
44368 JOETA10.ZIP 1,3 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Joe the Agent Hauska tasohyppelypeli windows 95:een. Mukavat ja grafiikat ja pelattavuus yhdistettyna loistavaan tunnelmaan takaa sen etta peli on kivaa valipalaviihdetta. 486 windows 95. Freeware!!! Made by Toikkasoft.
44369 JOKERI10.ZIP 990,9 kt 20.04.1999 - - -
JOKERIKONE v1.0 Veikkauksen Jokeri -pelin pohjalta tehty simulaattori. Tarvittava VB kirjasto mukana. FREEWARE.
44370 JUUSTOT.ZIP 1,9 Mt 10.04.2000 - - -
Juustot Hauska pieni pilapeli, jossa pelataan hedelmäpeliä juustolaaduilla. Tekijä Aleksi Aeeben. Windows 95/98 
44371 KHB.ZIP 2,9 Mt 08.01.1998 - - -
KHB - KICK HIS BUTT V1.0B  Fight with 4 opponents on this new widescreen (16:9) format game! No 3D acceleration card required. Works in Windows95 or later. Features real actors. Made in Finland. FREEWARE
44372 KICKBABY.ZIP 1,9 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
Kick The Baby 1.0South Park -aiheinen sairas peli.
44373 LAWMOW16.ZIP 2 Mt 26.06.2002 - - -
LawnMower 1.6 LawnMower on hyvää ajoitusta vaativa yksinkertainen toimintapeli jossa tarkoituksena on ajaa nurmikko jatkuvasti liikkuvalla ruohonleikkurilla ennen kuin bensa loppuu. Kentällä lentelee kokistölkkejä ja muuta roipetta jota pyydystämällä saa lisäpisteitä ja lisää polttoainetta, sekä vihollisia jotka ryystävät bensat tankista. Nurmikon kimppuun voi käydä myös kahden pelaajan voimin.
Shareware. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.terminalstudio.com/lawnmower.shtml
44374 MADNESS.ZIP 4,5 Mt 23.02.2000 - - eritupla
Nonsense Madness The sequel to Nonsense Trilogy is here. Play 20 strange levels in this new arcade/platform game, which stars the man with the oddly spelled name, Mr Nonsens. The game is devided into 6 different acts. Each act consists of 3-4 levels. Of course this game features some great graphics, and CD-quality sound effects! Windows 95.
44375 MATO1.ZIP 6,6 Mt 25.11.1998 - - -
MATO(TM) on tavallisesta poikkeava matopeli: EI ENÄÄ tylsää pallukoiden keräilyä, vaan ihan oikeaa KYNTÄMISTÄ ja ennenkaikkea mato- farmin ylläpitoa, tavoitteena ansaita riittävästi Civilization 1:n ostamiseksi! Vaatii: Win 95/98/NT (>=800*600) Copyright (C) ME 1998. All Rights Reserved.
44376 MUMMO321.ZIP 516,4 kt 10.03.1999 - MBCD -
Mummorulla 32 versio 1.20Hedelmäpeli, jossa upeat grafiikat, hassut musiikit, aidohkot äänet ja mikä parasta - Mummo joka hymyilee, hyppii riemusta ja sen PÄÄ RÄJÄHTÄÄ jos rahat loppuvat. Lisätty uusia kuvia rulliin. Useita uudistuksia. Pitäisi toimia uusilla koneilla. BY: CYCLOTRON 1999
44378 NAMUKIOS.ZIP 80,4 kt 09.09.1999 - - -
Namukioski Datastormin tekemä karkkipeli. Osta karkkeja, mainoksia, tapahtumia ja kioski-rakennuksia saadaksesi mahdollisimman paljon pisteitä kovalla karkki-alalla. 1 pelaaja. Windows 95. Vaatii MSVBM60.DLL-tiedoston, jonka löydät MBnetin perusohjelmista, osoitteesta
44379 NIITTAA.ZIP 2 Mt 04.05.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Niittaa Bandiitit! v1.0 Nyt on aika harjoittaa hiirikättään Niittailemalla poteroistaan nousevia bandiitteja. Pelissä ei ole mitään missä tarvittaisiin tohvelieläintä korkeampaa aivotoimintaa, peli vain on hillittömän hauska. Aluksi sinulla on revolveri jossa on kuusi panosta ja panoksia saat aina osumasta lisää. Jos osut 4 kertaa peräkkäin, saat  haulikon ja 4 panosta. Sillä pyyhkii  jo kummasti... 
44380 NMADNESS.ZIP 4,5 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
Nonsense Madness The sequel to Nonsense Trilogy is here. Play 20 strange levels in this new arcade/platform game, which stars the man with the oddly spelled name, Mr Nonsens. The game is devided into 6 different acts. Each act consists of 3-4 levels. Of course this game features some great graphics, and CD-quality sound effects! Windows 95.
44382 PALLOP10.ZIP 11,6 kt 16.02.2000 - - -
Pallopeli 1.00  Ilmaisohjelma \\ freeware  WIN95\\98 Tekijä: Sami Kortelainen (sami.kortelainen@oyk.pkky.fi) Tehtävänäsi on tuhota taivaalta tippuvat pallot ennen kuin  ne osuvat maahan. Vaatii VB6 runtime-moduulit.
44383 PCHUI106.ZIP 18,5 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
PC-Huikka v1.06bSivistynyt juomapeli pc-ajan piileville juojakyvyille. 
Perustuu klassiseen korttipeliin, Kurkohuikkaan. 
Vaatimuksia: Win95/98 jne, MSVBVM50.DLL-tiedosto. 
(C) JaySoft 2000. 
44384 POKS.ZIP 113,3 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
PoKS 1.0 Erittäin pieni ja nätti Paperi-Kivi-Sakset - variaatio Windows 95/98:lle. Tehnyt T.J. Waris
44385 POMP100.ZIP 344,9 kt 18.02.2000 - #anonyymi -
Pomppuli V1.0  Pelin tarkoituksena on hallita ruudulla pomppivaa palloa ja yrittää tuhota sillä kentillä olevat esineet. Peli sisältää 6 kenttää ja on täysin ilmainen. Tekijä on Ilmari H. Vaatii: Windows 95, 256 väriä.
44386 PORSSI10.ZIP 11,9 kt 10.04.2000 - - -
"Pörssi-peli: Ver 0.5 by Taco Soft Helppoa pörssi keinotteluaraaassa bisnes maailmassa. Peli vaatii Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime kirjastot. Vaatimukset: Win95/Win98/NT ja Pentium (alk. 133 Mhz). "
44387 PP9812.EXE 1,8 Mt 18.05.1998 - MBCD -
"PurkkiPeli98 1.2 Uusin versio tasta purkinpitosimulaattoreiden kunkusta. Tassa pelissa hoidat purkkia. Peli mainittiin huhtikuun MikroBitissa. Uutta tassa versiossa: - bugikorjauksia - uusittu ulkoasu ja kayttis - nyt voi itse valitta taustamusan... - ...tai ottaa musan pois paalta Vaatii Windows 95/98"
44388 PPALLO10.ZIP 482,1 kt 24.04.1999 - #anonyymi -
yKSinkERTaSeSTi PolttOPALlo on nimensÄ mukaisesti polttopallo 1-4 hengelle. Made by JouSoft.
44389 RAKTORI.ZIP 2,5 Mt 10.02.1999 - - -
Raktori-Ralli Hieno Epärealistinen Teksti-Seikkailu kuvilla höystettynä. Pelissä ei tarvitse näppäimistöä,vaan tässä loistavassa pelissä on Hiiri ohjaus. Vaatii: win95, hiiri Target Softwaren tekemä huippu PELI! FreeWare!
44390 RHIMO10.ZIP 27,9 kt 10.05.1999 koko¹ #hyrava -
Rahanhimotesti v1.0Rahanhimotesti testaa kahdellakymmenelläviidellä kysymyksellä himosi rahaan ja mammonaan. Freeware. Win9x, Visual Basic 6 Runtimes.
44391 SNAPPER.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Snapper Game of Race And Bet. Four little bugs run and two players bet which of them win. Very simple. Win95
44392 SPHEART.ZIP 545,3 kt 11.05.2000 - - -
"Talking South Park Hearts Game 1.2Play hearts like never before with the entire gang from South Park. 
Howeveryou had better not make a bad moveor the gang might just 
say something that isnt nice. This game can be played alone or 
against others. Freeware. Wont work with Windows NT!
WARNING: Will change your browser start page! 
44393 ST2.ZIP 1,2 Mt 10.03.1999 - MBCD -
Steel Tigers 2Tässä pelissä heilutaan tankilla ympäri mestoja ja ammutaan kaikkea. 
Pelissa on LOS! Vaatii Windows 3.1 tai uudemman, Pentiumin, 256 väriä.
44394 STIXX.ZIP 14,5 kt 15.02.1999 - - -
Stixx 1.00 Stixx on hieno Visual Basic 6- ohjelmalla tehty peli jossa kaksi pelaajaa ottaa vuorotellen 1-3 tikkua laudalta. Viimeisen tikun poistanut häviää. Vaatii Visual Basic 6:den RunTime- kirjastot Tehnyt Data Storm
44395 T-6000.ZIP 998,9 kt 05.03.2000 - - -
 T-6000 on yksinkertainen ja aneeminen 3-ulotteinen hypi&pompi-tyylinen peli, jonka esikuvana on toiminut C64:n legen- daarinen Snoopy. Vaatii toimiakseen Windowsin ja OpenGL:ää tukevan näytön- ohjaimen. (C)Tuomas Tallinen 2000
44396 TALKRIOT.ZIP 4,6 Mt 31.08.1999 - - -
Talk Show Riot is a action game in which you choose one of several characters to play on a talk show. After being on the receiving end of an insult like, "I may be fat, but you\'re ugly, and I can always diet," your character comes out swinging - chairs, baseball bats, and beer bottles -- at the other "guests" on stage. Windows 95, 98, or NT
44397 TELETAP.ZIP 259 kt 20.06.1999 - #anonyymi -
Teletapit suoraan! Peli jossa pujottelet teletappeja rakosiin ja yrität saada neljän suoran. Mainiota hupia koko perheelle. Windows 95.
44398 TMATO_13.ZIP 947 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Tupakka Mato  v. 1.3 Uusi mielenkiintoisempi versio mahtavasta Tu- pakka Madosta, mukana nyt ääniefektit. By: TK-SOFTWAREz Vaatimukset: PC, Windows ja näppäimistö
44399 TR132CT.ZIP 1,7 Mt 10.09.1999 - MBCD -
Tractor Rumble 1.32 SW By:CT New: LEVELS!, Frag Grenade, Gold bat, Turrets!, Bases, various additions & improvements, bugs fixed, two new levels, the level bug removed, level editor also available (reg. only) trleved.zip. send e-mail: mika.isomaa@lukio.ylojarvi.fi - Registration via post+email Registration only 10 FIM
44400 VHPRO.ZIP 279,8 kt 17.10.2000 - - -
Winesweeper Pro. Copyright BatWare Productions 2000. Loosely based to Minesweeper. Three languages:English,Finnish,Swedish System Req.:Windows 3.0 or above,             VBRUN300.DLL,             A player,             Sense of humor. Play it and love it! 
44402 VRTEINI2.ZIP 62,6 kt 26.07.1999 - - -
Virtuaaliteini 2.0-tamagotchiohjelma Vaatii VB 5.0 Runtime-libraryn.
44403 VV12.ZIP 3,4 Mt 18.07.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Virtuaali Veikkaaja 1.2Veikkauspelisimulaatio. Nyt täysin ilmainen! Pelaa veikkauspelejä omalla koneellasi 
menettämättä oikeasti rahaa penniäkään! Uutta mm. uudet grafiikat ja pitkävedossa 
järjestelmä. Vaatii: 486, Win95 tai parempi, SVGA 800x600.
44404 VV13.ZIP 3,4 Mt 18.07.2001 - - -
Virtuaali Veikkaaja 1.3Ilmainen veikkauspelisimulaatio. Pelaa tuttuja veikkauspelejä omalla koneellasi menettämättä oikeasti penniäkään rahaa! Vaatii: 486, Windows 95 tai parempi, 
SVGA 800x600.
44405 XBILLBIN.ZIP 294,2 kt 18.02.2000 - 23408/Chip_2002-02_cd2.bin -
"xbill v2.16 for Windows.  Ever get the feeling that nothing is going right? Youre a sysadmin and someones trying to destroy your computers. The little people running around the screen are trying to infect your computers with Wingdows TMa virus cleverly designed to resemble a popular operating system. Your objective is to click the mouse on themending their potential threat."
42624 CTFJV320.ZIP 755 kt 10.09.1999 - - -
CTFJ V3.20 Windows joystick utility Get your joystick set for optimum performance. Version 3.20 of the CTFJ Joystick Utility for W95 and W98. CTFJ features improved scaling and deadzone routines and expanded scaling methods over those provided with Windows as well as providing Gain and Range adjustments that allow you tailor your joystick reponse for optimum results with any game or simulation.
63935 EZ95.ZIP 1870139 30.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
EZBuild for Windows95 * utility for
Thrustmaster controllers. True 32-bit program
that eases your ADV creation time 10 fold.
All you do is input the codes you want for
each button and EZBuild for Windows 95
creates the ADV file for you!
42625 FOX2V12A.ZIP 3,5 Mt 26.05.1998 - MBCD -
Fox2 v1.2a - Very powerful utility for programming Thrustmaster flying gear, joysticks and throttle controls. Clear graphical interface with very professional and useful systems. Supports macros, multiple file editing and so on. Fully functional & free. Windows 95.
42626 GC110114.ZIP 190 kt 27.09.1999 - - -
Saitek Game Commander update 110 to 114 patch Joystick utility
42627 GCTO110.ZIP 420,9 kt 27.09.1999 - - -
Saitek Game Commander update 110 patch Joystick utility
42628 GRIP100A.ZIP 1,2 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
Gravis GrIP Multiport joypad These files are the latest disk set for the Gravis GrIP MultiPort. Windows 95 setup.
42629 GRIPVXD.ZIP 14,7 kt 14.06.1998 - - -
Gravis GrIP joypad - New GrIP VXD driver (grip.vxd). Fixes some recognition problems.
69123 THRW95.TXT 885 11.06.1996 - - -
Win 95 Joystick Properties for any of your
ThrustMaster Products
42630 XTERM98.ZIP 31,6 kt 14.06.1998 - - -
"Gravis Xperience Patch xterm98.exe 5/21/98 A minor bug in the initial release (1.0) of the Xperience software prevented full Windows 98 compatibility. The symptom is a miscalibration of Xterminators D-pads. If you experience this problemyou can correct it very easily by running this patch program"
44406 101V123.ZIP 345,9 kt 08.11.1998 repacked Pelit CD 1999 -
101: The 101st Airborne in Normandy v1.2.3 Empire Interactive. * New hot keys * Allow reloading of weapon if the ammo remaining is less than the maximum amount * Limit on ENC (encumbrance) etc.
44407 101V14BT.ZIP 329 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
101: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy version 1.4beta update
44408 101V15BT.ZIP 329,1 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
101: The Airborne Invasion of Normandy version 1.5beta update This patch is only for people who have video problems with the game. If not, get the 1.4 beta as it otherwise fixes the same bugs as 1.5 does.
44409 11011104.ZIP 17,8 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
Half-Life update v1.1.0.1 to v1.1.0.4English release. 
44410 16BQKDRV.ZIP 57,5 kt 12.11.1998 - - -
Quake new 16bit colourdepth driver update Usermade.
44411 1776D101.ZIP 6,6 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
Campaign 1776 printable documentation version 1.01 update 
44412 1776H101.ZIP 7,2 Mt 19.04.2000 - - -
Campaign 1776 on-line documentation version 1.01 update 
44413 1776V101.ZIP 2,3 Mt 19.04.2000 - - -
Campaign 1776 version 1.01 update 
44414 1776V103.ZIP 3,8 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Campaign 1776: American Revolution v1.03Update. Fix for outcomes in full Campaign. Fix for Line-of-Sight Fog-of-War leak. Added new Weak Zone-Of-Control Optional Rule. Changed melee strength for artillery from 12 to 8 men /gun. Fix for victory image in Southern campaign. In Brandywine scenarios, moved Delaware regiment to cover Painters Ford. Updates to Monmouth and Princeton maps. Spelling corrected several scenarios. Added alternative Eutaw Springs scenario. Converted American cavalry in Eutaw Springs scenarios to mounted status from dismounted. 
44415 1813E111.ZIP 1,8 Mt 22.01.2000 - - -
Wargamer: Napoleon 1813  english update 1.0.1 to 1.1.1
44416 2140_171.ZIP 527,5 kt 03.02.1998 - MBCD -
Earth 2140 v1.71 update from Interplay This patch addresses Network and Serial/Modem issues.
44417 25012502.ZIP 9,8 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Team Fortress update v2.5.0.2 Updates v2.5.0.1 to v2.5.0.2 
44418 3DFXGSFF.ZIP 2,6 Mt 07.01.1998 repacked discmaster.textfiles.com -
POD Forcefeedback support for 3Dfx Voodoo version update
44419 3DNOW320.ZIP 712,6 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
Quake II 3Dnow! drivers for version 3.20 update
44420 3DRM16.ZIP 1,8 Mt 30.06.2001 - - -
3D Railroad Master v1.6 This is a minor program upgrade fixing: Map slowdown on systems faster than 500MHz, memory leaks, most cases of layouts crashing during the load process, better stability. 
44421 3DRRMRRF.ZIP 742,5 kt 24.08.2001 - - -
3D Railroad Master rural railroad fixReplacement .rrc files to fix a problem with to Ditchen Horse Farm. 
44423 3M1_2GB.ZIP 503,1 kt 17.03.1998 - MBCD -
The Third Millenium v1.2 update / The 3rd Millennium. Fixes minor bugs that players may have encountered during the game.
44422 3M107GB.ZIP 918,7 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Third Millenium english version 1.07 update
41152 3R_12W.ZIP 382458 05.11.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso -
Third Reich 1.2w95
44424 44EVOGF3.ZIP 1,4 Mt 09.06.2001 - - -
4x4 Evolution GeForce3 patch Ei kuvausta. 
44425 4X4B5657.ZIP 349,3 kt 19.01.2001 - - -
4x4 Evolution update build 56 to build 57 Added Force Feedback support. 
44426 4X4B57.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
4x4 Evolution update build 57 Added Force Feedback support. 
44427 4X4EP1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
4x4 Evolution English patch #1 This patch addresses profile reset, a bug in Time Attack, enhancements to DirectX and OpenGL rendering, additional suspension type for custom trucks, and the maximum number of custom trucks has been raised to 25. 
44428 50155016.ZIP 5,6 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Half Life: Initial Encounter update 5.0.15 to 5.0.16 update
44429 688PATCH.ZIP 1,7 Mt 08.11.1998 - 21963/PowerPlay0199.bin -
"688(I) Hunter/Killer v1.05 Patch update Janes Combat Sims * Turn rate of sub modified * Dive rate of sub modified * Torpedo tube unload time modified * Torpedo tube load time modified * Torpedo cone color fixed - blue for searchred when acquired * Fixes problem in the towed array * Random placement of objects in scenarios fixed * Should now work with nVidia RIVA boards"
44430 7K2E120.ZIP 943,2 kt 21.09.2000 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II: The Fryhtan Wars v1.20 English release.
44431 7K2MANU4.ZIP 944,2 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Seven Kingdoms 2 updated manual
44432 7K2V1_12.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II update 1.10 to 1.12
44434 7KAA_UPD.A01 3,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD -
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries update2/4
44435 7KAA_UPD.A02 3,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD -
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries update3/4
44436 7KAA_UPD.A03 3,7 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD -
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries update4/4
44437 7KAA_UPD.ARJ 3,9 Mt 08.06.1998 - MBCD -
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries update1/4 Enlight Software / Interactive Magic Adds even more depth to the strategy world of Seven Kingdoms. Adds many newer features. Three new nationalities,new Greater Beings whom they worship and summon. A new snow-covered terrain set, several additional scenarios, and a flaming ballista weapon are also included. Install this update onto the original 7K-game for all the 7KAA upgrades.
44433 7KAA212P.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries update v1.2
44438 7KII-112.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II v1.12 update. Enlight Software. Campaign crash fixed. First training save game will be saved in the correct directory. Problems related to Caravan: interface-hang when the original market is deleted, resignation of a caravan group when one of them is inside the market, cloning of caravan goods. Problems related to spy, the success chance is corrected now. Cast button is not created when
44439 7KING116.EXE 1,2 Mt 19.05.2000 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II - päivitysSeven Kingdoms II: The Frythan Wars v1.16 päivitys
44440 7KPATCH2.ZIP 618,5 kt 14.02.1998 - MBCD -
Seven Kingdoms v1.11 update / Patch #2 This patch fixes a multiplayer problem that was reported by some after installing the version 1.10 patch. Additionally, this patch includes the fixes from patch 1.10 which were several Cyrix related crashes and few other non-CPU specific bugs.
44441 A1602SND.ZIP 21,6 kt 18.03.1999 - - -
Anno 1602 international soundfix for Windows98 update
44442 A3GW312.ZIP 19,6 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Air Warrior III version 3.12 update - for boxed version.
44443 AAHPATCH.ZIP 1,5 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Atari Arcade Hits Volume 1 patch #1 update
44444 AB20TO22.ZIP 2,6 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
"Heroes of Might & Magic IIIArmageddons Blade update v2.0 to v2.2"
44445 ABHF_FIX.ZIP 101,6 kt 12.04.2000 - - -
Alex builds his farm game fix update 
44446 ABO270UK.ZIP 1,6 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Abomination 2.7.0 UK UPDATE. Eidos. In campaign mode - the player is no longer able to select un-activated structures on Satellite Map and crash the game. The /quit command in Multiplayer games has been supplemented by shortcut. Logitech wheel support. A fault in the enemy structures called Plague Generators. Multiplayer Capture Flag map DEATH ZONE has been altered to work correctly. The deploy mines secondary objective now always
44447 ABOM270.ZIP 1,6 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
Abomination 2.7.0 US UPDATE.  eIDOS. In campaign mode - the player is no longer able to select un-activated structures on Satellite Map and crash the game. The /quit command in Multiplayer games has been supplemented by shortcut. Logitech wheel support. A fault in the enemy structures called Plague Generators. Multiplayer Capture Flag map DEATH ZONE has been altered to work correctly. The deploy mines secondary objective now always provides
44448 ABYSS109.ZIP 195,8 kt 09.07.1999 - - -
Abyss of Pandemonium 1.09 update.
44450 AC1_11B1.ZIP 497,3 kt 16.04.1998 - MBCD -
Advanced Civilization update 1.01/1.1 to 1.11 beta 1
44449 AC103106.ZIP 1,4 Mt 28.06.1998 - 22065/SServCD_60.bin -
Armor Command update 1.03 to 1.06 Version 1.03 is the first reprint of Armor Command. If you cant find any version number at all, you have 1.0 on your CD.
44451 AC305.ZIP 153,5 kt 24.08.2001 - - -
Air Command 3.0 update v3.05 Fixes several bugs, adds a few new features and new enhancements. 
44452 ACOW103.ZIP 7,7 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
The Operational Art of War Century of Warfare update v1.03 
44453 ACOW104.ZIP 8,5 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
The Operational Art of War updateThe Operational Art of War: A Century of Warfare update v1.04 
44455 ACUP1_06.ZIP 386,3 kt 28.06.1998 - 22065/secret_service_6001.iso -
Armor Command version 1.06 with new sound FX update. - added support for various 3D cards - added support for Heat.net and Mplayer
44454 ACUP106N.ZIP 261,1 kt 28.06.1998 - 22065/SServCD_60.bin -
Armor Command version 1.06 without new sound FX update. - added support for various 3D cards - added support for Heat.net and Mplayer
44456 ACW_23UP.ZIP 4,3 Mt 17.02.1999 - - -
American Civil War version 2.3 update Among one of the longest supported titles (together with BC3K and UMS2), version 2.3 mainly fixed a memory leak introduced with version 2.2. Interactive Magic
44457 AD120.ZIP 550,3 kt 27.03.2001 - - -
Airfix Dogfighter update v1.20 Ei kuvausta. 
44458 ADC212.ZIP 2,4 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Aide De Camp update v2.12 Map editor module had a hexside deletion error, that has been fixed. Play Game module has minor changes to the draw routines, added an option to draw the entire screen, and fixed error with a checkmark. 
44459 AF2KFS2K.ZIP 9 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
 Airport 2000, Volume 1 upgrade for Flight Simulator 2000 update
44460 AF2V103.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Armored Fist 2 v1.03 update NovaLogic
44461 AF3U8K.ZIP 1,6 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Armored Fist III 1.00.20 update. Novalogic. 
44462 AFL99-11.ZIP 4,7 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
AFL 99 v1.1 update. EA Sports.
44463 AFLPATCH.ZIP 7,9 Mt 02.04.1998 - - -
"AFL98 patch #2 update"
44464 AGE2CP.ZIP 162,5 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
Age of Empires II AI update. Ensemble Studios. This update addresses the issue where the computer player resigns after a few minutes of play. It does not effect multiplayer, meaning players with the update can play with players who do not have the update. It is localized into English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian all in the same build. You choose your language at the start of setup.
44465 AGE2XPB.ZIP 2,2 Mt 30.06.2001 - - -
Age of Empires II: The Conquerors updateThis beta update contains numerous bug fixes & play balance changes. Some of the more obscure bug fixes are not listed here. This patch also includes new ES custom maps. 
44466 AGHAR1_1.ZIP 479,7 kt 08.06.2000 - - -
Agharta version 1.1 update 
44471 AH1_1EUK.ZIP 4,1 Mt 30.08.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc UK version 1.1e update
44472 AH1_1EUS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.08.1999 - - -
Apache Havoc US version 1.1e update
44467 AH1061U.ZIP 474 kt 21.03.2001 - - -
Aces High demo update v1.061 Päivittää v1.06:n v1.061:een. Uusi versio toisen maailmansodan nettilentosimulaattorista. Sisältää runsaasti sodan aikaisia potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, voit jopa seilata laivoissa. Sisältää ilmaisen muutaman henkilön moninpelin. Vaatimukset: P200, 32MB, D3D. 
44468 AH1063U.ZIP 16,1 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Aces High update v1.061 to v1.063 Uusi versio Toisen Maailmansodan nettilentosimulaattorista. Sisältää runsaasti sodan aikaisia potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, voit jopa seilata laivoissa. 
44469 AH1064U.ZIP 16,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Aces High update v1.063 to v1.064 Uusi versio Toisen Maailmansodan nettilentosimulaattorista. Sisältää runsaasti sodan aikaisia potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, voit jopa seilata laivoissa. 
44470 AH107U.ZIP 9 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Aces High update v1.07 Updates v1.064 to v1.07 
44473 AHE-11D.ZIP 4,1 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
"Apache Havoc v1.1d update from Razor Works. Fixes kay & language problems3D card problemsflight modelmultiplayer etc. Auto-pilot terrain following bug inDynamic Missionsfixed. SPessing Shift+H will engage hover-hold with a throttle stick override."
44474 AHUK11E.ZIP 4,1 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
Apache Havoc v1.1e patch UK versionEi kuvausta. 
44475 AHUS11E.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
Apache Havoc v1.1e patch US versionEi kuvausta. 
44476 AIR911F.ZIP 1,4 kt 12.08.1999 - - -
911 Air Rescue fix update
44477 AIRP11.ZIP 857,2 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
Airport Inc. v1.1 update. Take 2 Interactive. Fixes / enhances: SPEED. Fixed a problem that was causing a heavy bias towards airlines using Terminal #1 in favour to any other(s). Objects now remember any colour wash given. Flights now land in a staggered manner to minimise the chance of planes coming to a stalemate on routes. Fixed camera bug. Improved passenger routing. Improved financial income code. Improved passenger tracking. etc. 
44478 ALEX13PT.ZIP 997,7 kt 26.09.1998 - MBCD -
Great Battles of Alexander version 1.3 update
44479 ALICMTRX.ZIP 7,8 kt 11.01.2001 - - -
"American McGees Alice Matrox patch Fixes slowdown problems. "
44480 AMASU15.ZIP 3,6 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
 AMA Superbike v1.5 update. This is a patch to bring the box version of the game to v1.5. By Motorsims.
44481 AMER102E.ZIP 2,4 Mt 10.09.2001 - - -
America update v1.02 Updates: Units do not stop and hang. The computer no longer gives up immediately. The fields can be ordered automatically. Food is produced on fields if there\'s wood. WHorses will be killed in battle to improve performance. All units of a marked group or formation attack now. Easier mission on "Very easy". No more spirit units. Revised Multiplayer AI. The computer gives up, as soon as it does not have a main house, no more leader and no workers. 
44482 AMER11E.ZIP 600,5 kt 07.02.2001 - - -
America update v1.01 For UK release. 
44484 AN205.ZIP 825 kt 14.07.2000 - - -
Alien Nations Päivitys v2.05
44483 AN205ENG.ZIP 791,3 kt 09.11.2000 - - -
Alien Nations update v2.05English version. Fixes crashes after loading savegames and during multiplayer games. 
44485 ANDR3DFX.ZIP 457,9 kt 06.03.1998 - - -
Andretti Racing 3Dfx/Glide/H3D Update This will add native "Glide" support for 3Dfx-based hardware accelerators with H3D support.
44486 ARSN1_2.ZIP 169,6 kt 02.04.1998 - 22546/GAMBLERCD17.BIN -
Arsenal version 1.2 update
44487 ASCLUBPT.A01 4,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - MBCD -
Actua Soccer update 2/8
44488 ASCLUBPT.A02 4,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - MBCD -
Actua Soccer update 3/9
44489 ASCLUBPT.A03 4,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - MBCD -
Actua Soccer update 4/9
44490 ASCLUBPT.A04 4,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - MBCD -
Actua Soccer update 5/9
44491 ASCLUBPT.A05 4,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - MBCD -
Actua Soccer update 6/9
44492 ASCLUBPT.A06 4,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - MBCD -
Actua Soccer udpate 7/9
44493 ASCLUBPT.A07 1,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - MBCD -
Actua Soccer update 8/9
44494 ASCLUBPT.ARJ 4,8 Mt 07.03.1998 - MBCD -
Actua Club Soccer PowerVR update 1/9 Converts the game to a Win95 native version. Support for PowerVR
44495 ASGENG.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
Asghan: The Dragon Slayer update for ENGLISH version. Grolier Interactive. This patch will fix certain problems with the game, mainly a memory allocation bug and a problem with fast machines.
44496 ASIM2201.ZIP 761,6 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
Airline Simulator II version 2.01 update
44497 ASNIPAT1.ZIP 66,1 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
"SanitariumLevel 2update. This patch is for those who are experiencing the Level 2 lockout bug. After you install this patch you must restart your game. Your old saves will no longer work. ASC Games"
44498 ASTRO12W.ZIP 163 kt 22.12.1998 - - -
Astrorock 2000 version 1.2 for Windows update
44499 ATFC166E.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
Airline Tycoon FirstClass update v1.66d For English version. 
44500 ATFG_V2.ZIP 1 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
ATF Gold patch #2 update
44501 ATLANT2F.ZIP 612,3 kt 21.09.2000 - - -
Atlantis 2 fixFor French & UK/US release
44502 ATV112.ZIP 3,5 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Kawasaki ATV PowerSports v1.12 update. Monkey Byte. 
44503 ATV12.ZIP 3,8 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Kawasaki ATV PowerSports update v1.2 Changed compile optimizations to make better use of CPU caching, removed DirectX Install message from demo installer, fixed rider switching, fixed crash bug in options when clicking inside of themometer, removed all controls until start of race, new verson of the Encore e-reg program, fixed crash but w/re-entering certain levels multiple times, if program is moved from install folder, a more descriptive error is displayed. 
44504 AVP098.ZIP 4,3 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Aliens vs. Predator update build 098 Fox Interactive. Addresses issues found thus far in the release version (build 90) of ALIENS VERSUS PREDATORit also adds several gameplay anddebugfeatures as well as the long-awaited save game feature."
44505 AVP2MU1.ZIP 11,9 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator 2 update for maps #1 For single player only. For English versions. Changes and modifies several maps to work around problems that happened in certain but unlikely situations. 
44506 AVP2U093.ZIP 4,9 Mt 22.12.2001 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator 2 update 093 Toinen päivitys Aliens Vs. Predator 2 -pelille. Sisältää muutaman bugikorjauksen sekä moninpeliparannuksia. 
44507 AVPEU01.ZIP 1 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Aliens vs. Predator update EUROPEAN version. Fox Interactive. This upgrade patch addresses issues found thus far in the release version (build 90) of ALIENS VERSUS PREDATORit also adds several gameplay anddebugfeatures as well as the long-awaited save game feature."
44508 AVPG400.ZIP 840,8 kt 29.08.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Aliens vs. Predator G400 update. Fox Interactive.
44509 AW1_423.ZIP 500,6 kt 17.03.2000 - - -
Ancient World version 1.4.23 update 
44510 AW1428.ZIP 501,7 kt 24.08.2001 - - -
Ancient World update v1.4.28 Ei kuvausta. 
44511 AWAL23DX.A01 4 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Spec Ops AWAL patch for 3Dfx 2/3
44512 AWAL23DX.A02 3,9 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Spec Ops AWAL patch for 3Dfx 3/3
44513 AWAL23DX.ARJ 4 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Spec Ops AWAL patch for 3Dfx renderer. 1/3 Zombie.
44514 AWAL2SFT.A01 3,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Spec Ops AWAL patch for software 2/3
44515 AWAL2SFT.A02 3,4 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Spec Ops AWAL patch for software 3/3
44516 AWAL2SFT.ARJ 3,8 Mt 03.09.1998 - - -
Spec Ops AWAL patch for software renderer.1/3 Zombie.
44519 AXIS_133.ZIP 1,8 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Axis & Allies v1.33 update. Habro. Upgrade your copy of Axis & Allies to v1.33. The update fixes a number of single-player issues and increases reliability for multiplayer games.
44517 AXIS102A.ZIP 1,7 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Axis update v1.02aEi kuvausta. 
44518 AXIS103.ZIP 1,7 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Axis update v1.03 Ei kuvausta. 
44520 AZPATCH1.ZIP 588,9 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
Aquazone Installer Update SSI This patch is to be used if you have received error when trying to install Aquazone v1.5 on your Windows 95 system. The installer quits after the error is displayed and Aquazone does not get installed.
44521 B17V10.ZIP 15,6 Mt 07.02.2001 repacked Pelit CD 2001 -
"B-17 Flying Fortress 2: The Mighty EightThis updates the game to v1.0 and addresses the major concerns voiced by the B-17 communityand is mostly a stability patch which fixes the ctds and missing crew members. "
44522 B17V20.ZIP 25,5 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
B-17 Flying Fortress 2 update v2.0 Update for B-17 Flying Fortress 2: The Mighty Eighth. Fixes crash when using radio operator action view and then switching to bombardier and compartment view, crash when sending crew down to the nose in Quick Start Mission 1. Mission does not end when player performs a successful forced emergency landing, damaged engines now produce less power. Engine management fixed. Feathering props effect increased, AI of other bombers in Bomber Commander updated. Fixed Squadron Commander mechanical file bug. 
44523 B2D09AP.ZIP 2,7 Mt 20.11.1998 - 22867/PC_Action_CD-ROM_XENIAPCA76_Marzo_1999.iso -
Blood II: The Chosen demo update. If you already have Blood2 Demo v1.0a (Build 109) you do not need to run this patch file. From Monolith.
44524 B2P_021.ZIP 2,6 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Blood II: The Chosen v2.1 update. Monolith. If you have installed Blood II: Nightmares, you do not need this patch. Includes: New Standalone server which is proving to be significantly more stable. The player will now slide down slopes greater than 45 degrees. "connect " console command now specifies the last used .b2c config file. Fixed the lack of alt-fire player animations. Objectives are now allowed in custom levels.
44525 B2P_224B.A01 3,3 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Blood II v2.0 update 2/4
44526 B2P_224B.A02 3,3 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Blood II v2.0 update 3/4
44527 B2P_224B.A03 2,1 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Blood II v2.0 update 4/4
44528 B2P_224B.ARJ 3,3 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Blood II: The Chosen v2.0 update. Monolith. This patch enhances the multiplayer functions and addresses several single player issues. IMPORTANT: ALL SAVE GAME FILES FROM PREVIOUS VERSIONS WILL BE INCOMPATIBLE WITH PATCH VERSION 2.0.    1/4
44529 BA_103.ZIP 783,5 kt 16.04.1998 - - -
Broken Alliance version 1.03 update
44530 BAG1427A.ZIP 499,4 kt 24.05.2001 - - -
Blue & Gray update v1.4.27a Ei kuvausta. 
44531 BAGV1427.ZIP 499,4 kt 15.09.2000 - - -
Blue & Gray version 1.4.27
44532 BARRAP1.ZIP 547,5 kt 28.04.1998 - - -
Barrage update Mango Grits This patch runs with any version of the 2 level shareware released in 1998. Unzip it in the /src directory of Barrage. Includes: general speed improvement. specific speed improvement during heavy confrontations. buoys now provide extra time in the non registered version. fix of a minor memory leak. etc.
44533 BATPAT15.ZIP 1,1 Mt 01.02.1998 - MBCD -
Battlespire v1.5 update from Bethesda Gamma Control new feature - There are now two ways to control your monitor brightness! + Object Memory Crashes especially level 5 crashes Plus other fixes and support for new vidcards and multiplayer updates.
44534 BB2K2417.ZIP 360,6 kt 12.09.2001 - - -
Baseball Mogul 2002 update v4.17 Updates: Rookie contract lengths changed. Bug Fixes: Runner occasionally disappears from basepaths, RBI display in Player Editor, Pitchers show "Five Days of Rest Needed", AAA pitchers get occasional major league playing time. Revenue dries up after 15+ seasons,  Slow free agent retirement updates with improved AI, Improved AI for bullpen usage, More Realistic Minor League Simulation Improved Player Editor, Box Scores and Trading Block. Computer Trade Offers fixed. 
44535 BB2KROST.ZIP 131,3 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 2000 updated rosters update
44536 BB2KU333.ZIP 274 kt 14.12.2000 - - -
Baseball Mogul 2000 update v3.33Ei kuvausta. 
44537 BB2KV332.ZIP 274,8 kt 15.09.2000 - - -
Baseball Mogul 2000 version 3.32
44538 BB99PTC5.ZIP 264,8 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
Baseball Mogul 99 patch #5 update.
44539 BBE2K120.ZIP 4,3 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Baseball Edition 2000 v1.2 update. Interplay Sports. 3D Now! support for AMD K6/2, K6/3, and other 3D Now! processors. Streaming SIMD Extentions support for Intel Pentium III processors. Minor updates to the graphics engine, stadiums, SFX, and in games overlays. Improved overall games speed on lower end machines
44540 BBUG101.ZIP 631,4 kt 03.09.1998 - - -
Banzai Bug version 1.01 update This patch deals with problems for people with S3 Virge, Virge VX or ATI 3D Rage II based cards.
44541 BC3K2078.ZIP 4,6 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000 AD update 2.07 to 2.08
44542 BC3K209U.ZIP 1,4 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
 Battlecruiser 3000 AD update 2.08 to 2.09 update
44543 BC3K209W.ZIP 2,2 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
BattleCruiser 3000 AD  The WIN9x/WIN2K Version update. 100% compatible with the BC3K v2.0x data files. The zip file contains both the windowed and fullscreen versions. It also supports every DirectX compliant graphics card, sound card and controller. It is unsupported.
44544 BCM1001N.ZIP 191,3 kt 28.11.2001 - - -
Battlecruiser Millennium 1.001 navdata Battlecruiser Millennium 1.001 navdata Päivitetty navdata. 
44545 BCM1001U.ZIP 2 Mt 28.11.2001 - - -
Battlecruiser Millennium update 1.001Tuo uusia ominaisuuksia ja joukon korjauksia. Lisäksi parannuksia mm. vasenkätisille pelaajille. 
44546 BCM1004F.ZIP 7 Mt 15.01.2002 - - -
Battlecruiser Millennium update v1.0.0.4 Päivitys korjaa liudan pelissä ilmenneitä ongelmia. Päivityksen jälkeen peli tarvitsee DirectX 8.1:n toimiakseen. 
44547 BCS1_01.ZIP 1,5 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Brigade Combat Team 95 Construction Set version 1.01 Update. 
44548 BCTA2CU.ZIP 801,8 kt 12.06.2000 - - -
Brigade Combat Team expansion pack 2: Light Fighters! colour map upgrade Update. 
44549 BCTCSCU.ZIP 3,3 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Brigade Combat Team 95 Construction Set colour map upgrade Update. 
44550 BCTV1_26.ZIP 3 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Brigade Combat Team 95 version 1.26 Update. 
44551 BDPATCH.ZIP 786,3 kt 06.04.1998 - 24033/1998-07_Disc_4.1.iso -
Black Dahlia update This patch fixes all kinds of bugs. Take 2 Interactive
44553 BFTA142.ZIP 527,7 kt 25.05.2001 - - -
Battles for the Ardennes update v1.4.23a Ei kuvausta. 
44552 BFTA1423.ZIP 527,9 kt 17.03.2000 - - -
Battles for the Ardennes  version 1.4.23 update
44554 BFTA152.ZIP 532 kt 24.08.2001 - - -
Battles for the Ardennes update v1.5.2 Ei kuvausta. 
44555 BG114315.ZIP 4 Mt 25.02.1999 - 24035/1999-05_Disc_4.11.bin -
"Baldurs Gate v1.1.4315 update. Interplay. This patch is being released to fix some bugs and gameplay issues. The fixes made in this version should not have any affect on previous save games. The crash associated with using save games with the Beta Patch has been fixed. Players participating in Multiplayer games must have the save version in order to play."
44556 BG1DX8E.ZIP 1,8 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
"Baldurs Gate DirectX 8.0 fix For English version. "
44557 BG1DX8I.ZIP 1,8 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
"Baldurs Gate DirectX 8.0 fix For international version. "
44559 BGG_134.ZIP 4,4 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
Battleground II: Gettysburg update v1.34 US version only
44558 BGG134UK.ZIP 4,3 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
Battleground II: Gettysburg update v1.34 UK version only
44560 BGHP11.ZIP 798,7 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Big Game Hunter update
44562 BGMAIN2.ZIP 1,9 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Baldurs Gate NPC spawning bugfix (US release) beta update."
44561 BGMAIN2U.ZIP 1,9 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Baldurs Gate NPC spawning bugfix (UK release) beta update."
44564 BGN_112.ZIP 657,6 kt 11.03.1998 - - -
Battleground V: Antietam v1.12 update US version only
44563 BGN112UK.ZIP 1 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
Battleground V: Antietam v1.12 update UK version only
44565 BGR102UK.ZIP 115,5 kt 11.03.1998 - 22057/SSERVCD_56A.bin -
Battleground VII: Bull Run v1.02 update for UK version only
44567 BGS_112.ZIP 1007,8 kt 11.03.1998 - - -
Battleground IV: Shiloh v1.12 update US version only
44566 BGS112UK.ZIP 803,6 kt 11.03.1998 - - -
Battleground IV: Shiloh v1.12 update UK version only
44568 BGSCDX8E.ZIP 1,8 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
"Baldurs Gate: Tales from the Sword Coast DirectX 8.0 fix for English version. "
44569 BGSCDX8I.ZIP 1,8 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
"Baldurs Gate: Tales from the Sword Coast DirectX 8.0 fix for international version. "
44570 BGT5512K.ZIP 5,9 Mt 30.08.1999 - - -
"Baldurs Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast international english version 1.3.5512 update"
44571 BGT5512U.ZIP 5,9 Mt 30.08.1999 - - -
"Baldurs Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast international USA version 1.3.5512 update"
44572 BGTSDX7.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.09.2000 - - -
Baldurs Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast DirectX 7 fix for US release
44574 BGW_114.ZIP 5,3 Mt 11.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battleground III: Waterloo v1.14 update US version only
44573 BGW114UK.ZIP 4,2 Mt 11.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battleground III: Waterloo v1.14 update UK version only
44575 BH2K101.ZIP 783,5 kt 21.09.2000 - - -
Beach Head 2000 v1.01Ei kuvausta.
44576 BH2KV103.ZIP 235,8 kt 29.01.2001 - - -
Beach Head 2000 update v1.03 Fixes problems with levels 28 and 57, and solves a problem with saving games past level 100, added Cheat Mode. 
44577 BH322US.ZIP 4 Mt 29.08.1999 - - -
Braveheart v3.22 update, US versiononly. Eidos. Improves multiplayer game. Improves stability of single player campaigns. Improves AI, building of stockades and keeps along with their 3D world rendering. Fixes minor siege weapon and castle defense issues, time crash advancement issue, use of Prisions, Rage II and Riva 128 texture corruption problems. F4 Camera is now more stable.
44578 BHUP322K.ZIP 4 Mt 30.08.1999 - - -
Braveheart UK version 3.22 update
44579 BI4V208.ZIP 3,1 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Battle Isle 4: The Andosia War update 208 Multilangual update from 144 to 208. 
44580 BIAW154E.ZIP 2 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Battle Isle 4: The Andosia War update 1.54For English version. 
44581 BIAW165U.ZIP 2,2 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Battle Isle: The Andosia War update Updates v154 to v165. For English version. Besides general debugging and gaining much better stability, this update provides you with the possibility to save during multiplayer games. 
44582 BIAW166E.ZIP 5,5 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Battle Isle: Andosia War update v166Updates v144 to v166. For English version. 
44583 BIAW166U.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Battle Isle: Andosia War update v166Updates v165 to v166. For English version. 
44584 BIAW206E.ZIP 7 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Battle Isle: The Andosia War build 206For English release. Updates build 144 to 206. Updates: Single-player turn time can be extended to 30 minutes per turn. Internet multiplayer games can be played with an IP direct connection, and can be saved and loaded in the BBGC-lobby and with IP. In multiplayer games you can activate a unit limit of 40-150 units. AI is improved, and moves units 10 times faster. Multiplayer stability is better now. More small bug fixes. 
44585 BIAW206U.ZIP 1,6 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Battle Isle: The Andosia War build 206For English release. Updates build 166 to 206. Updates: Single-player turn time can be extended to 30 minutes per turn. Internet multiplayer games can be played with an IP direct connection, and can be saved and loaded in the BBGC-lobby and with IP. In multiplayer games you can activate a unit limit of 40-150 units. AI is improved, and moves units 10 times faster. Multiplayer stability is better now. More small bug fixes. 
44586 BIEUMFIX.ZIP 184,5 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Bicycle Euchre - Multiplayer Version fix update
44587 BIPINFIX.ZIP 299,1 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Bicycle Pinochle fix update
44588 BIPOKER.ZIP 5,6 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Bicycle Poker fix update
44589 BIPOKMP1.ZIP 871,9 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Bicycle Poker - Multiplayer Version fix update
44590 BIRUMFIX.ZIP 184,3 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Bicycle Rummy - Multiplayer Version fix update
44591 BLADECD.ZIP 270,8 kt 24.09.1998 repacked Pelit CD 1999 -
Blade Runner new update. For CD version. Westwood Studios.
44592 BLADEDVD.ZIP 270,9 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Blade Runner new update. For DVD version. Westwood Studios.
44593 BLH-TOCA.ZIP 860 tavua 18.01.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
44594 BMC1_3C.ZIP 2,5 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles version 1.3c update
44595 BMCW98SE.ZIP 48,5 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles Windows98 SE fix update
44597 BOB_102.ZIP 644,8 kt 08.06.1999 - - -
Battle of Britain v1.02 update. Talonsoft. UK/US version.
44596 BOB102.ZIP 644,8 kt 22.07.2001 - - -
Battle of Britain update v1.02 Ei kuvausta. 
44598 BUCC1_1.ZIP 209 kt 27.02.1998 - MBCD -
Buccaneer v1.1 update
44600 BUG_PAT1.ZIP 1,1 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
Sega Bug! patch #1 update
44599 BUG98155.ZIP 181,8 kt 24.06.1999 - - -
B.U.G.S. 98 update 1.5 to 1.55
44601 BUGSW156.ZIP 181,4 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
B.U.G.S. version 1.5x to 1.56 for Windows update
44602 BULLI101.ZIP 39 kt 21.09.2000 - - -
Boomerang Breaker/Bullidor v1.01Ei kuvausta.
44603 BW_105.ZIP 480,4 kt 18.03.1999 - - -
Starcraft: Brood War v1.05 update. Blizzard.
44604 BW_106B.ZIP 552,7 kt 15.10.1999 - - -
StarCraft: Brood War v1.06b update. Blizzard.
44605 BW2DUP.ZIP 45,8 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
Blair Witch 2 demo updateTämä päivitys on Blair Witch 2:n demoon. Asennus tapahtuu kopioimalla tiedosto siihen kansioon, minne demo on asennettu. 
44606 BWAREURO.ZIP 958,7 kt 19.05.1998 - 22549/GAMBLERCD20A.BIN -
Beast Wars update. Patch for European version only (US version does not require this). This will improve multi-player play. Hasbro Interactive
44607 BWBANTR.ZIP 2,1 Mt 16.07.2001 - - -
"Black & White Villager Banter Addon After downloading thisyou will be able to hear  the secret thoughts of your villagers. All you  need to do is zoom in to the as close as you canand their innermost hopesdesires and dreams  will become audible. A word of warning - the  villagersbanter may not be as flattering to  youtheir deityas you might like!  "
44608 BWENGLSH.ZIP 89,8 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Black & White update: English audio/textAllows you to convert your non-English copy into a complete English one by exchanging all relevant audio & text. 
44609 BWGORILA.ZIP 163,6 kt 20.04.2001 - - -
Black & White Gorilla creature Adds Gorilla to available creatures. 
44610 BWMANDRI.ZIP 163,7 kt 21.03.2001 - - -
Black & White Mandrill extra character Bonus CD:ltä on lohkaistu hevosen lisäksi mandrilli -niminen otus. Eläimen voi lisätä peliin sitten kun pelin on asentanut.     
44611 BWMP3ADD.EXE 1,2 Mt 11.07.2001 - - -
Black & White MP3 AddonBlack & Whiten musiikkipäivitys, vaatii version 1.1 ja Winampin. Pelatessasi voit soittaa musiikkia Winampilla, olentosi muistaa miten kohtelet sitä tietyn musiikkikappaleen aikaan ja yrittää myös tanssia musiikin tahtiin.
44612 BWPAT11.EXE 8,9 Mt 11.07.2001 - - -
Black & White päivitys v1.100When you install this patch, you will only be able to play multiplayer with those people who have the same patch installed. Fixes a whole lot of bugs and known issues and provides new game improvements. 
44615 BZ_LARGE.ZIP 3,1 Mt 26.09.1998 - Pelit CD 1999 -
Battlezone large textures update. This patch is intended for owners of AGP & Voodoo2 cards, who can handle larger textures with their graphics card. Unzip it into your Battlezone directory after applying version 1.4 upgrade.
44613 BZ2-11.ZIP 3,1 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Battlezone II v1.1 update. Activision. Enables worldwide multiplayer gaming. Other fixes: Hauler vehicle now hauls reliably. Multiplayer connections and stability improved. Joystick should now retain calibration. Players can now reverse the joystick. Other single/multiplayer fixes.
44614 BZ2V12BE.ZIP 6,1 Mt 21.09.2000 - - -
Battlezone II v1.2 beta English versionThe 1.2 patch addresses many problems as well as augments the game 
with two new playing styles: Race, an Indy 5000-style gameplay mode; 
MPI, the much wanted Humans vs AI in multiplayer strategy. 
Ten new multiplayer maps have been included, as well as more tools for map
designers with custom strategic AI. The single player mode has
also been beefed up with more aggressive computer opponents.
44616 BZPAT14.ZIP 3,7 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
Battlezone v1.4 update. Activision. This patch includes all the fixes from previous patches plus the addition of more anti-cheating measures and DirectX 6 compatibility bug fixes.
44659 C_PATCH1.ZIP 118,5 kt 15.12.1998 - 22418/XENIATGM54.iso -
Carnivores 3Dfx beta update This patch fixes errors when setting video modes on Voodoo Rush/Voodoo Banshee and some Voodoo II boards. Action Forms
44617 CCLUB104.ZIP 2,3 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
CueClub CD-ROM version update v1.04 Allows the default language to be changed, supports several languages, allows the cue line to be toggled and the game paused, fixes minor bugs in CD audio, replays, tournaments and game rules, and a bug that made the game hang on some machine configurations. 
44618 CCRA303E.ZIP 2,2 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
"Command & Conquer: Red Alert v3.03 update Westwood Studios. It allows people to play non-tournament 4-player games using Westwood Online. Shows rankings for tournament players within the chat interface. Integrates the Westwood Online Chat program into Red Alert/Aftermath (theres no more switching between these two applications). Improves disconnect statisticsip trackingand other behind-the-scenes tournament features. Other miscellaneous enhancements."
44619 CCTP12US.ZIP 3,3 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Civilization: Call to Power v1.2 update. Activision. Fixed: Play By Email, Hotseat, Scenario Pack Interface, New Scenario Options New suite of build queue messages, Fixed CD-check requirement that each player have a CD in multiplayer saved games, AI stop-trespassing behavior is improved, Boats/Undersea Tunnels pathing problem fixed, Can continue play when someone wins the alien endgame, Autocentering on special attacks now happens correctly etcetc.
41187 CCUPDATE.ZIP 1305563 16.10.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Close Combat update V1.0a, Atomic Games/
Microsoft.                                  N
44620 CE133.ZIP 6,7 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Codename Eagle v1.33 update by Refraction. Voodoo3 2/3000 1024x768 and above video resolutions. Menu crash bug fixes. Mission bug fixes. Multiplayer scoring system improved. Multiplayer internet fixes. Multiplayer chat system added. In game console for game tweaking and multiplayer settings. Multiplayer time/frag/score limit. Better weapon handling. Adds new features such as destroyers, war zeppelins, turrets. 
44621 CENMAY99.ZIP 898,6 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
Centipede Direct3D update. Adds D3D. Hasbro.
44622 CEPATCH.ZIP 4,1 Mt 19.10.1999 - 22442/990713_1238.iso -
Codename Eagle demo update. By Refraction. This patch adds Voodoo 1/2/3 Glide support, Load/Save function, a new scoring system, and sveral tweaks/fixes to the demo.
44623 CEV136B.ZIP 387,7 kt 12.11.2000 - - -
Codename Eagle network test v1.36 This patch improves network stability. 
44624 CEV141.ZIP 10,9 Mt 22.07.2001 - 11953/ftp.take2.de.zip -
Codename Eagle update v1.41 Adds new features, tweaks gameplay balance, and fixes a host of known issues. 
44625 CEW115US.ZIP 809,9 kt 10.09.2001 - - -
Cossacks: European Wars update v1.15 For US version. 
44626 CEW303E.ZIP 993,5 kt 22.07.2001 - - -
Cossacks: European Wars update v3.03 For English version. Fixes incompatibility issues with cd-rom and dvd-drives, which failed to detect the game cd in the drive. 
44627 CEWCOPYF.ZIP 2,3 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Cossacks: European Wars copyprotection fixFor European version. 
44628 CEWD102.ZIP 196,8 kt 25.02.2001 - - -
Cossacks: European War demo update v1.02 This patch lowers the difficulty of the level. 
44629 CEWIN2K.ZIP 379,7 kt 21.09.2000 - - -
Codename Eagle Windows 2000 fixThis is a minor patch that targets problems with Windows 2000 and 
Codename Eagle. Be sure to install v1.33 before you add this patch.
44630 CG3271T.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
PGA Championship Golf 2000 update v3.2.7.1For Titanium version. Fixes several bugs and issues. 
44631 CG3271UK.ZIP 4,6 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
PGA Championship Golf 2000 update v3.2.7.1For English version. Fixes several bugs and issues. 
44632 CGATE12.ZIP 1,2 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Chaos Gate v1.2 update. SSI. Numerous single / multiplayer fixes and additions.
44633 CHIMERA.ZIP 95,1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Myth II: Chimera. Ilmainen laajennussetti Myth II:een. Tekijä Badlands/Bungie. Vaatii alkuperäisen pelin. Sisältää kahdeksan yksinpeli ja kaksi moninpelikenttää. Sisältää myös uusia hahmoja, yksikköjä yms ja tarjoaa kokonaan uuden Myth-maailmaan sijoittuvan tarinan.
44634 CHS2K-14.ZIP 422,3 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Castrol Honda Superbike 2000 v1.4 update. Midas.
44635 CIA212A.ZIP 553,2 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
Carnivores: Ice Age update v2.12a Fixed software audio problem under Win2000, 3D issues on several audio cards, and optimized DirectSound3D and EAX audio drivers. Also fixed rendering problems on ATI Radeon based cards, and heap allocation error, when launched from Win2000. 
44636 CIV2G13.ZIP 1,9 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Civilization II Gold Edition v1.3 update. Microprose. Single & multiplayer fixes. Tweaks, corrections, network/Internet fixes, gameplay balancing.
44637 CIV2GU12.ZIP 2,3 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Civilization II Gold Edition v1.2 update. Microprose. UK/Euro version.
44638 CIV2MGE1.ZIP 1,5 Mt 21.01.1999 - 24034/1999-04_Disc_4.10.bin -
Civilization II Multiplayer Gold Edition version 1.1 update
44639 CIV2UC12.ZIP 2,3 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Civilization II Ultimate Classic Collection version 1.2 update
44640 CIV3116F.ZIP 7,2 Mt 15.01.2002 repacked Pelit CD 2002 -
Civilization III update v1.16f Päivitys korjaa pelissä ilmenneitä ongelmia ja lisää peliin paljon uusia ominaisuuksia sekä parannuksia. 
44641 CIVTOT11.ZIP 3,2 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
Civilization II: Test of Time v1.1 update. MicroProse.
44642 CK0109D.ZIP 1,4 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Confirmed Kill v0.100->v0.109D update. Eidos.
44643 CLAW12.ZIP 577,5 kt 23.07.1998 - 11926/ftp.lith.com.zip -
Captain Claw version 1.2 update
44644 CLAW13B.ZIP 682,8 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
Captain Claw version 1.3beta update
44645 CMERC125.ZIP 11,9 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
Cybermercs version 1.25 update
44646 CMGDI386.ZIP 12,6 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Championship Manager 00/01 update v3.86 GDI version. 
44647 CMR2V105.ZIP 1,3 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Colin McRae Rally 2.0 update v1.05 Fixes a bug in the network mode. 
44648 CMR2V109.ZIP 1,3 Mt 27.03.2001 - - -
Colin McRae Rally 2.0 update v1.09 For European version. The patch fixes graphical  problems during Network Time Trial play and  also during Network Replays. Also fixes black  screen on startup on some Windows 95 systems. Also fixes the following issues: Digital  steering can now be used with digital gamepads. Controller options can now be assigned to the  keyboard. Force Feedback no longer turns itself  off with some wheels. 2-axis controllers can  now be set as analogue devices. Force Feedback  can now be selected with some controllers where  this was previously unavailable.
44649 CMRVOICE.ZIP 473,5 kt 24.05.2001 - - -
Colin McRae Rally 2.0 speech updateFor US version. Changes the speech to that of Nicky Grist. 
44650 COLIN14E.ZIP 1,1 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
Colin McRae Rally european version 1.4 1 update
44651 CONC_INS.ZIP 1 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Concorde SST INS Gauge fix update
44652 CONC_PK2.ZIP 134,2 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
Concorde SST service pack 2 update
44655 CORS_MAN.ZIP 1,5 Mt 16.12.1999 - - -
Corsairs manual update
44656 CORS_P1.ZIP 299,2 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
Corsairs patch #1 update
44653 CORSGFIX.ZIP 293,8 kt 08.06.2000 - - -
Corsairs Gold lock-up fix update. 
44654 CORSIFIX.ZIP 1,1 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Corsairs installation fix update
44657 CP101US.ZIP 169,7 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
3D Ultra Cool Pool v1.01 update. Sierra.
44658 CPAT1.ZIP 780,6 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
Concorde SST service pack 1 update
44660 CPSLOTS.A01 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Caesars Palace Slots update 2/3
44661 CPSLOTS.A02 2,6 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Caesars Palace Slots update 3/3
44662 CPSLOTS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Caesars Palace Slots update from Interplay. Extract the files from the zip file into the directory you have cis.exe in. You should use the files in this archive to overwrite and replace the original files.            1/3
44663 CR2V1038.ZIP 2,2 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Creatures II version 1.0.38 update. Word List is no longer fixed in the program and can be changed manually. Problems with some kits appearing in German have been addressed. New World file allows learning computers to take advantage of the above. Full screen mode now correctly updates the creature list. Norns did not include creatures that had just hatched. Sex of naturally laid eggs is now calculated from Norns only.
44664 CR2V230.ZIP 3,8 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules 2.0Updates to v2.30. Corrects many bugs and issues. 
44665 CR2XP331.ZIP 4,3 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Core Rules 2.0Expansion update to v3.31b1. Corrects many bugs and issues. 
44666 CR2XP3B4.ZIP 3,7 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
AD&D Core Rules 2.0 Expansion  patch #3 beta 4 update
44667 CRADDX7F.ZIP 9,9 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Creatures Adventures DirectX 7 fix update
44668 CREA3UP2.ZIP 3,1 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Creatures 3 update #2 Updated genome. Highlander disease fixed. You can now choose to hatch Norns that show a wider and more obvious range of facial expressions. The rare case where a creature and/or the learning machine could lose the ability to speak has been fixed. Special characters now supported. Creatures can no longer grab things from the inventory. etc.
44669 CREAT104.ZIP 137,7 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
Creatures update for 1.02 & 1.03 to v1.04 This patch will work under both NT & 95, but you need version 1.02 & NT installation fix already installed under NT.
44670 CREAT3U1.ZIP 3,2 Mt 11.01.2000 - - -
Creatures 3 update #1
44672 CRM1_1.ZIP 369,4 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
Championship Rugby Manger update v1.1 For the retail version. Fixed known issues: Updated database according to the start of the Superleague Season March 2000. Improved Captain, Kicker Captain interface. Double Speed now enabled. 3 points for a win enabled. All Player position names improved. 
44671 CRM11.ZIP 369,3 kt 24.05.2001 - - -
Championship Rugby Manger update v1.1 For Retail version. Fixed known issues: Updated database according to the start of the Superleague Season March 2000. Improved Captain, Kicker Captain interface. Double Speed now enabled. 3 points for a win enabled. All Player position names improved. 
44673 CRMSK101.ZIP 2,1 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Crimson Skies update v1.01Single player saved game status can be inadvertently reset to the first mission 
by playing multiplayer or by customizing a plane in Instant Action. Once the reset 
happens, there is no way to recover the lost mission state, short of replaying the 
Campaign. Crimson Skies update v1.01 specifically fixes this problem. 
44674 CRMSK102.ZIP 2,1 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Crimson Skies update v1.02 This update includes the earlier save game fix, and also addresses issues with multiplayer, stability, and performance problems. 
44675 CROC_CMX.ZIP 388,6 kt 12.08.1999 - - -
CROC Cyrix MX fix Allows to play the game on Cyrix MX processors. update
44676 CRSKEY11.ZIP 1,7 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
 Crystal Key version 1.1 update
44677 CS1001.ZIP 19,3 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike update v1.1 Updates Retail version v1.0 to v1.1. Fixes a  host of bugs, and tweaks game balance. The most  notable modifications are: jumping and firing  accuracy is reduced, AWP leg shots no longer  kill instantly, and AWP crosshairs no longer  visible when unzoomed. Some maps are also  updated.  
44678 CS1002F.ZIP 49,8 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike update v1.0.0.2 For retail version only. 
44679 CS1002U.ZIP 18,5 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike update v1.0.0.2 For retail version only. Updates v1.0.0.1 to v1.0.0.2. 
44680 CS10703.ZIP 2,9 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
The Operational Art of War Vol. I Campaign Set v1.0703 update. Talonsoft.
44681 CS2101.ZIP 501,5 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
Cyberstorm II version 1.01 update So far it only seems to fix timing problems on systems with 100MHz bus frequency.
44682 CSB6566.ZIP 2 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike update v6.6Updates v6.5 to v6.6 
44684 CTP2V11.ZIP 3,5 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Call to Power 2 update v1.1 This update primarily addresses multi-player stability issues discovered after the release. 
44683 CTP2V111.ZIP 3,5 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Call to Power 2 update v1.11 This update primarily addresses multi-player stability issues discovered after the release of Call to Power 2. 
44685 CTPATCH7.ZIP 2,3 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Cutthroats - v7.0 päivitysLetters of Introduction now show correct nationality 
Infamy hit is now correct for killing and pressing crew of ships which refused to surrender to your Jolly Roger 
Treasure Map value and frequency has been adjusted 
Titles with annual awards now see the reward paid annually! Please note that you will only be paid for the last title you were given by each town, as it replaces any previous one awarded by that town. 
Prisoners in Land Battles now follow their captors much more closely and are less likely to un-surrender. This helps when crossing bridges with them. 
Guard Ships captured just before capturing their home port no longer disappear after the battle. 
Marines which ‘disappear’ in Land Battle will be automatically put back onto your ship. 
Turrets no longer fire after being destroyed. (Honest, it is fixed this time). 
You can now start the game in 1705, 1710, 1715 or 1720. 
44686 CUTT40US.ZIP 2,4 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
Cutthroats v4.0 update US. Eidos. This patch will upgrade your US retail copy Cutthroats to v4.0.
44687 CUTT50.ZIP 2,5 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Cutthroats v5.0 US update. Eidos. Fixes: Prize Court: Purchased goods are no longer taxed. Letters of Marque are retracted when you attack or threaten ships of the issuing nation. Dutch and Danish flags are now correct. An additional bug causing loss of control of ship is fixed. Letters giving you Freeman status are now displayed in the logbook. Escorts to Europe are no longer included. Men no longer enter one building and leave from another. Etc.
44688 CUTT60.ZIP 1,8 Mt 18.12.1999 - - -
Cutthroats v6.0 US update. Eidos. Fixes: Prize Court: Purchased goods are no longer taxed. Letters of Marque are retracted when you attack or threaten ships of the issuing nation. Dutch and Danish flags are now correct. An additional bug causing loss of control of ship is fixed. Letters giving you Freeman status are now displayed in the logbook. Escorts to Europe are no longer included. Men no longer enter one building and leave from another. Etc.
44689 CWG23114.ZIP 1,3 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
Civil War Generals II version 1.04 update for Windows 3.1
44690 CWG29513.ZIP 1,8 Mt 03.03.1998 - MBCD -
Civil War Generals 2 v1.03 Beta update Windows 95.
44691 CWG29514.ZIP 629,3 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
Civil War Generals II version 1.04 update
44692 CYCLM104.ZIP 1,8 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Cycling Manager update v1.04 Ei kuvausta. 
44693 CYCMAN05.ZIP 1,8 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
"Cycling Manager update v1.005 This patch should correct: computer is more offensivenow your leader will sprint for his main goal in auto modecyclists from the same group dont get time variation anymorethere was a bug in the manager classification relative to the paris-nice race. New : the heart-rate curve now displays a range. "
44694 CYCMG106.ZIP 1,9 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
Cycling Manager update v1.06 Results in season mode are now correct. Wind has less influence in mountain. 
44695 CYDPT111.ZIP 390,4 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
Cydonia v1.11 update DreamCatcher Interactive
44696 CZONE11.ZIP 3 Mt 10.06.2001 - - -
Conflict Zone update v1.1 Ei kuvausta. 
44697 D109BRTL.ZIP 1,5 Mt 03.07.2001 - - -
Diablo update v1.09b For retail version. 
44698 D109BSC.ZIP 1,5 Mt 03.07.2001 - - -
Diablo update v1.09b For spawn copy version. 
41202 D2_WPTCH.ZIP 1896457 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
Descent II 1.2/Win95 Update
44699 D2-102.ZIP 690,7 kt 12.07.2000 - - -
Diablo II v1.02 update. Blizzard. 
44700 D2103.EXE 927,3 kt 11.08.2000 - - -
Diablo II - päivitys v1.03
44701 D2109.ZIP 4,8 Mt 25.08.2001 - - -
Diablo II update v1.09 Corrects a huge amount of bugs, issues and problems, provides modifications and gameplay enhancements. 
44702 D2K106UK.ZIP 4,6 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Dune 2000 UK version 1.06 update
44703 D2K106US.ZIP 4,6 Mt 13.01.1999 - - -
Dune 2000 v1.06 update. Westwood.
44704 D2LOD108.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.07.2001 - 23857/PCW1101.ISO -
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction update 1.08Provides Skill Balance changes for each character class, over 30 modifications, fixes for major and minor bugs. 
44705 D2LOD109.ZIP 1,6 Mt 25.08.2001 - #Jope -
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction update 1.09Corrects a huge amount of bugs, issues and problems, provides modifications and gameplay enhancements. 
44706 D2V104B.ZIP 2,4 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Diablo II update v1.04b Fixes several major and minor bugs, and adds multiple improvements. 
44707 D2V104C.ZIP 2,4 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Diablo II update v1.04c Fixes several major and minor bugs, and adds multiple improvements. If you have problems CD-ROM problems with v1.04b patch, try this patch instead. Usage not recommended otherwise. 
44708 D2V105B.ZIP 2,4 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Diablo 2 update v1.05b Fixes a video driver crash encountered when displaying graphics in the Battle.net chat room. Fixed copy-protection for various CD, DVD and CD-R drives. Fixed a problem where character avatars were left in the list after that character had left a channel. Fixed several visual glitches with the character select screen. 
44709 D2V106B.ZIP 2,4 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Diablo II update v1.06b Fixed a bug that allowed players to crash other players by spamming them. Fixed a bug that was not saving Open Battle.net characters. Fixed issue with Samsung drives and copy-protection. 
44710 D2V108.ZIP 4,7 Mt 03.07.2001 - - -
Diablo II update v1.08 Features Skill Balance Changes for all character classes, over 30 Modifications,  major bug fixes and minor bug fixes. 
44711 D2V12W32.ZIP 1,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Descent II version 1.2 for Windows95/NT update
44712 D2VOOD_A.ZIP 763,8 kt 23.07.1998 - MBCD -
Descent II Voodoo/Voodoo Rush/Voodoo2 update #6
44713 D3D111P.ZIP 1 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Descent 3 v1.1.1 demo update. Interplay. Fixes mouse problems on high frame rate machines, multiplayer crashes with "Buffer Overflow", problems with ATI cards, crashes reading some pilot files from previous versions.
44714 D3D111SL.ZIP 85,9 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Descent 3 v1.1.1 demo slide update Interplay Slide Patch: Changes the behavior of the toggle slide control within the Descent 3 Demo. The behavior of this control was altered between the 1.0 and 1.1 patch and this patch restores the toggle slider to its original 1.0 functionality. You only need to download this if you want this behavior reversed. No other changes have been made.
44715 D3D111U.ZIP 1 Mt 17.02.1999 - - -
Descent 3 demo v1.1.1 update. Interplay. Fixes mouse problems on high frame rate machines, multiplayer crashes with "Buffer Overflow", problems with ATI cards, crashes reading some pilot files from previou versions.
44716 D3D5_FF.ZIP 2,7 Mt 07.01.1998 - 22399/ZGIDEMO.iso -
POD Forcefeedback support for Direct3D version update
44717 D3DPTCH1.ZIP 1,7 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
Carnivores Direct3D beta update. The Direct3D patch is for the retail version only, it works with the following chipsets: Matrox G200, nVidia RIVA 128/TNT, ATI 3D Rage Pro, S3 Savage 3D, 3D Labs Permedia2.
44718 D3US14.ZIP 1,8 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
Descent 3 v1.4 US version update. Interplay. Added the -bumped command-line option to enable hardware bump-mapping on cards that support it, such as the Matrox G400. Added enhancements for Pentium III systems. Improved Aureal 2.0 support. Fixed randomness in ambient sound patterns. Miscellaneous fixes for DMFC. Fixed a couple small bugs for add-on table files. Fixed a byte-ordering problem with PXO, introduced in version 1.2, that caused stats to be lost. Fixed a parsing bug in the dedicated server configuration. Fixed a bug that could cause crashes. Fixed UI bug. Fixed an effects problem that ocurred in low-memory conditions. 
44719 DA101.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.08.2001 - - -
"Decisive Action update v1.01 Fixes: Red movement nodeLog unit receives resupplyscoring problemair strikes vs bridge results. Enhancements: Doubled maximum number of movement nodes and units per side. Added key-activated map scroll and some features. Added message-delay option. Reduced movement rates of wheeled and tracked vehiclesSupply convoys will move through NO-GO terrain at a speed of 2 km/turn. When requesting resupplythe units current and maximum resupply amounts are displayed.                                                                              "
44720 DAIK12UK.ZIP 44,5 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Daikatana UK update v1.2To install this update, you must have a full install of Daikatana in place. 
44721 DAIK12US.ZIP 23,7 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Daikatana US update v1.1 to v1.2Ei kuvausta.
44722 DAMEPAT.ZIP 8,4 kt 16.04.1998 - 22061/secret_service_58a01.iso -
The Dame was loaded general fix update
44723 DARKE-11.ZIP 629,2 kt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
Dark Earth v1.1 update. MicroProse.
44724 DBA106LF.ZIP 7,4 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
DBA Online v1.06 lisäarmeijat Laajentaa kevytasennuksen täydeksi asennukseksi lisäämällä puuttuvat armeijat. 
44725 DBTS104.ZIP 784,8 kt 25.05.1998 - MBCD -
Die By The Sword v1.04 update Interplay. Fixed custom move auto-sheathing bug, Fixed remapping mouse control or using alternate controller with remapped controls, Added "Quit Arena?" box, multiplayer & network fixes etc.
44726 DH41011B.ZIP 1,7 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Deer Hunter IV update v1.1b Updates v1.0 to v1.1b 
44727 DH41111B.ZIP 1,3 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Deer Hunter IV update v1.1b Updates v1.1 to v1.1b 
44728 DH4V11.ZIP 1,8 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Deer Hunter 4 update v1.1 Fixes several bugs and issues. 
44729 DHP10011.ZIP 3,1 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Duck Hunter PRO update 1.00 to 1.10 ,update
44730 DHP10811.ZIP 123,6 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
Duck Hunter PRO update 1.08 to 1.10 update
44731 DHP1T12.ZIP 120,4 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Duck Hunter PRO update 1.10 to 1.20 
44732 DHT2-21.ZIP 1,6 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Die Hard Trilogy 2 v2.1 update US version. Fox Interactive. Timing problem when using Z-bias compatibility mode (with some nVidia hardware). Configuration issues on systems with multiple gaming devices. Intermittent problem displaying Sharpshooting end-of-level statistics. Additionally, a number of minor issues have been fixed. 
44733 DIDSOUND.ZIP 373,5 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
Down in the Dumps version 6.0 update
44734 DIPL110.ZIP 362,1 kt 08.12.1999 - - -
Diplomacy v1.1 update. MicroProse.
44735 DK11UP.ZIP 42,9 Mt 03.09.2000 - - -
Daikatana v1.1 update. Eidos. Your savegames will NOT work after installing this patch. Bug fixes & new features. 
44736 DK213170.EXE 28,9 Mt 20.07.2000 - - -
"Dungeon Keeper 2 päivitys v1.30 -> v1.70.US/UK. Bullfrog. Adds the Maiden and the Jack-In-The-Box Trap. Adds a fix for users of Environment Mapped Bump MappingEMBM. Adds new maps. Plus many other fixes. V1.70 will affect your saved games. Bullfrog strongly advises you not to use saved games from any previous versions."
44737 DK2170SW.EXE 28,3 Mt 20.07.2000 - - -
"Dungeon Keeper 2 ruots. päivitys.Swedish update v1.30 -> v1.70. Bullfrog. Adds the Maiden and the Jack-In-The-Box Trap to Dungeon Keeper 2. Adds a fix for users of Environment Mapped Bump MappingEMBM. Adds new maps. Plus many other fixes. V1.70 will affect your saved games. Bullfrog strongly advises you not to use saved games from any previous versions."
44738 DK98FIX.ZIP 2,7 Mt 14.08.1998 - Pelit CD 1999 -
Dungeon Keeper Windows 98 IPX network fix update. Bullfrog. Download this if you are getting the error "Unable to Initialise" when attempting to host an IPX multiplayer game under Windows 98.
44739 DKPATCH.EXE 44,4 Mt 19.07.2000 - 22455/XENIATGM91.iso -
Daikatana US-version päivitys.ION Storm.
Your savegames will NOT work
after installing this patch.
Bug fixes & new features.   
44741 DKRN_ART.A01 3,8 Mt 23.07.1998 - MBCD -
Dark Reign Expansion Art Pack update 2/3
44742 DKRN_ART.A02 1,1 Mt 23.07.1998 - MBCD -
Dark Reign Expansion Art Pack update 3/3
44743 DKRN_ART.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.07.1998 - MBCD -
Dark Reign Expansion Art Pack update 1/3 requires version 1.2 or later and is not intended for users who already own the expansion pack "The Shadow Hand" Allows you to play against players who own the expansion pack.
44740 DKRN1_4.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Dark Reign 1.2 to 1.4 update
44744 DL2_V111.ZIP 400,2 kt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
Deadlock II: The Shrine Wars version 1.11 update
44745 DL2_V120.ZIP 698,1 kt 12.05.1998 - MBCD -
Deadlock II: Shrine Wars v1.20 update. Accolade
44747 DM_102.ZIP 746,1 kt 16.04.1998 - 22061/secret_service_58a01.iso -
Dragons in the Mist version 1.02 update
44746 DM100R31.ZIP 12,6 Mt 23.10.2000 - - -
"Demise: Rise of the Kutan update 1.00r3.1English release."
44748 DM8A.ZIP 734,4 kt 15.03.2001 - - -
Diamond Mind Baseball update v8A Corrects a large number of bugs and other issues. 
44749 DMB8C.ZIP 823,5 kt 24.05.2001 - - -
Diamond Mind Baseball 8 update v8cEi kuvausta. 
44750 DMBU70D.ZIP 903,1 kt 15.03.2001 - - -
Diamond Mind Baseball update v7 Updates Manager profiles, League injury Rules, Error ratings on game screen, Starting the runner on a 3-2 count, Speed in autoplay mode. 
44751 DNSND15.ZIP 34,2 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition v1.5 PCI Soundcard update. 3D Realms. 
44752 DOD246U.ZIP 247,6 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Dawn Of Darkness DEMO (for v2.46) update. This patch for the demo beefs up the AI of your opponents, and adds a model and sound that were missing from the original release.
44754 DOMI12.ZIP 4,3 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Dominion: Storm Over Gift3 v1.2 update. ION Storm. Fixes: Staggered vehicle collision detection to reduce CPU lag. Utilized UDP messaging which is especially friendly to low-bandwidth connections. 4 players maximum for TCP/IP games. Gracefully handle out-of-sequence build messages and dupes occasionally induced by UDP. v1.0 -> v1.2. RETAIL.
44753 DOMI12U.ZIP 1,7 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
Dominion: Storm Over Gift3 v1.2 update. ION Storm. Fixes: Staggered vehicle collision detection to reduce CPU lag. Utilized UDP messaging which is especially friendly to low-bandwidth connections. 4 players maximum for TCP/IP games. Gracefully handle out-of-sequence build messages and dupes occasionally induced by UDP. v1.1 -> v1.2. RETAIL.
44755 DOMIN11.ZIP 3,4 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Dominion: Storm Over Gift3 v1.1 DEMO update. ION Storm.
44756 DOW102BA.ZIP 20 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Dogs of War update v1.02 For basic European version. 
44757 DOW102BO.ZIP 70,6 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Dogs of War update v1.02 For bonus European version. 
44758 DOW102S.ZIP 33,1 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Dogs of War update v1.02 For standard European version. 
44759 DOW103US.ZIP 2,1 Mt 14.09.2000 - 22458/XENIATGM94.iso -
Dogs of War 1.03 päivitys. U.S. versio.
44760 DR213.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.10.2000 - - -
Dark Reign II update v1.1 or newer to v1.3Fixes problem with 6 or more players trying to startup a multiplayer game and the game disappears from the list, and the problem with 8 or more players being able to start a multiplayer game. 
44761 DR2V1_2.ZIP 650,4 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
Dark Reign 2 patch v1.2This patch requires the v1.1 patch to have already been installed. 
44763 DRAC_PAT.ZIP 158,7 kt 12.11.2000 - - -
Dracula Resurrection CD check fixEi kuvausta. 
44762 DRACERU.ZIP 657,9 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
Demolition Racer update. Infogrames. 
44764 DRAG_WAV.ZIP 184,2 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Dragoons hi-quality soundfiles update
44765 DRAKA445.ZIP 6,5 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
Drakan update (v445)  from Surreal Software Multiplayer Changes / Fixes Gameplay and Design Tweaks General Changes / Fixes DirectPlay-based networking code has been replaced with Winsock (TCP/IP and UDP). Reduction of network bandwidth. Increased radius and damage on Blue Energy Bow explosion. Better joystick/gamepad support. etcetc. This update will invalidate your saved games.
44766 EBFD108E.ZIP 5,3 Mt 10.09.2001 - - -
Emperor: Battle for Dune update v1.08 For English version. Includes support for players behind a firewall, offers 2 new maps plus fixes a lot of minor issues. 
44767 EBFDIFIX.ZIP 287,9 kt 22.07.2001 - - -
Emperor: Battle for Dune install fix Ei kuvausta. 
44768 ECHEL116.ZIP 1010,2 kt 03.07.2001 - - -
"Echelon update v1.16.20r This patch corrects an error in instant action missions that doesnt allow the player to make repairsand allows for installation on computers equipped with Pentium 1 or AMD K6 and automatically corrects the error in instant action missions. "
44769 ECHELONP.ZIP 307,1 kt 22.07.2001 - - -
Echelon Instant Action fix Corrects an error that doesn\'t allow the player to make repairs in the "Clear the Air" instant action mission. 
44770 ECHELPP.ZIP 1010,1 kt 17.08.2001 - - -
Echelon processor patch This patch allows for installation on computers with Pentium 1 and AMD K6, and corrects an error that does not allow the player to repair in the "Clean the Air" instant action mission. 
44771 ECK101A.ZIP 793,8 kt 10.09.2001 - - -
Campaign Eckmuhl update v1.01a Fix to filename problem in Scenario Editor that applies to scenarios started new. 
44772 EDH1_12.ZIP 183,1 kt 29.09.1999 - - -
ED Hunter version 1.12 update
44773 EECH141C.ZIP 3,6 Mt 14.07.2000 - - -
Enemy Engaged:RAH-66 Comanche vs. Ka-52 Hokum päivitys v1.4.1c
44775 EF_108A.ZIP 5,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Eastern Front 1.08a (UK release with mission pack 1) update. Talonsoft.
44774 EF108AUK.ZIP 3,8 Mt 19.04.1999 repacked Pelit CD 1999 -
Eastern Front 1.08a (UK release) update Talonsoft/Empire
44778 EF2_101S.ZIP 882,2 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
Eastern Front II 1.00b to 1.01 (US release) update.
44777 EF2101A.ZIP 2,1 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
East Front II US version 1.01a update
44776 EF2101AS.ZIP 837,5 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
East Front II US version 1.01->1.01a update
44780 EF2U11A.ZIP 1,3 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
East Front II UK version 1.01a update
44779 EF2U11AS.ZIP 820 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
East Front II UK version 1.01->1.01a update
44781 EF2UK102.ZIP 2 Mt 27.09.2000 - - -
East Front II update v1.02UK version.
44782 EF2US102.ZIP 2,8 Mt 20.09.2000 - - -
East Front II v1.02, US version.
44783 EFCD108A.ZIP 2,2 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
Eastern Front 1.08a (US release) update Talonsoft/Empire
44785 EFMIV11.ZIP 1 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Escape from Monkey Island update v1.1For US version. Corrects several bugs and issues. 
44784 EFMIV11I.ZIP 1 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Escape From Monkey Island update v1.1 For English version. Fixes a number of bugs and issues. 
44786 EUROFE11.ZIP 2,5 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Eurofighter Typhoon update v1.1 For English version. Fixes the 1 fps slow down reported on certain hardware. Fixes hangs and crashes related to jumping into the cockpit. Fixes the 3dream material crashes in the cut scenes. 
44787 EVOLVAU.ZIP 4,1 Mt 03.09.2000 - - -
"Evolva v1.2.944 update. Interplay. Addsdiffuse bump mappingon GeForceGeForce2and Radeon cardsplus performance improvements and other tweaks. "
44788 EVOLVBLD.ZIP 860 tavua 18.05.2000 - - -
Evolva blood patch. Lets you choose whether you like green or red alien blood better. Update. 
44789 EVOPCH12.ZIP 1,1 Mt 11.04.1998 - 22547/GAMBLERCD18.BIN -
Evolution v1.2 update
44790 EXPG400B.ZIP 5,3 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Expendable G400 Bump-mapping update. By Rage. Adds Environment Mapped Bump Mapping to the retail version of Expendable. This patch will update the retail version of Expendable with the same features/functionality as the Millennium G400 bundled version. This patch is meant for G400 owners who did not receive Expendable bundled with their card.
44791 EXPOOLG4.ZIP 994,6 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Expert Pool Matrox G400 fix update
44792 EXRETU.ZIP 731,5 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
Expendable update from Rage. There is a problem which can affect the English and German retail versions which causes the game to not recognise some joysticks and joypads. Download and install this patch to resolve the problem.
44793 F105PTCI.ZIP 895 kt 18.05.2000 - nic.funet.fi -
Formula 1 Grand Prix 1.05 update 
44794 F12-109.ZIP 12,9 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
F1 2000 v1.09 update. EA Sports. 
44795 F15D3D17.ZIP 2,3 Mt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
"F-15 f1.17F D3D/JCN update Janes Combat Simulations This patch fixes known crash bugsadds many multiplayer improvementsAI enhancements/ changesand more. NOTE: The 1.17F is not compatible with the 1.02F version of F-15 ( the initial release version) or 1.12F (the initial patch release) when attempting to play multiplayer games."
44797 F16_3DFX.ZIP 4 Mt 01.02.1998 - MBCD -
iF-16 / F-16 Fighting Falcon 3Dfx beta update Digital Integration 3Dfx enhanced version features: Possible 50% speed increase, improved lighting system, re-colorization of the Korea textures, true color alpha blending, true color Bi-linear filtering and fogging effects. The patch does not work with Voodoo Rush cards Addition of the Dynamic Lighting system.
44796 F163DFX2.ZIP 1,8 Mt 24.09.1998 - 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso -
iF-16 Voodoo2 update for F-16 Fighting Falcon and iF-16 from Digital Integration.
44798 F16953DF.ZIP 4 Mt 24.09.1998 - Pelit CD 1998 -
iF-16 3Dfx update from Digital Integration. 3Dfx-enhanced patch for F-16 Fighting Falcon and iF-16. 3Dfx enhanced version features: Possible 50% speed increase, improved lighting system, re-colorization of the Korea textures, true color alpha blending, true color Bi-linear filtering and fogging effects. The patch does not work with Voodoo Rush cards
44799 F16BANSH.ZIP 39,3 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
F-16 Fighting Falcon Voodoo Banshee fix update
44800 F16UPD8.ZIP 12,2 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
F-16 Multirole Fighter IBS update. Novalogic. General maintenance modifications. Support force-feedback joysticks, 16-button joysticks, simultaneously connected joysticks, multiple hat-switch joysticks etc. Modifies the flight model and air-speed information. Provides public and private NovaWorld hosting capabilities. Additional 3-D support. Final modifications have been made to permit integration with the F-22 Raptor.
44801 F16VOOD2.ZIP 652,9 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
F-16 Fighting Falcon Voodoo2 alpha update requires 3DFX version already installed
44803 F18K102.ZIP 4,1 Mt 03.03.1998 - MBCD -
F/A-18 Korea v1.01 to v1.02 update Graphic Simulations
44802 F18K102B.ZIP 4,1 Mt 11.03.1998 - - -
F/A-18 Korea v1.01 to v1.02b2 update Graphic Simulations
44804 F18UPD01.ZIP 3,4 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
"Janes F/A-18 v1.01F update. Janes Combat Simulations. This update resolves many crash bugsand contains improvements/enhancements to: multiplayerwrapper screenAIflight modelavionicsand weapon systems. "
44805 F1RCAIP.ZIP 856,8 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
Formula 1 Racing Championship AI patch Harrastelijoiden tekemä epävirallinen  tekoälypäivitys.
44806 F1RCAU20.ZIP 4 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
Fullsim Championship Auto-update 2001 v2.0Lähes täydellinen, mutta viimeistelyä  kaipaava kausipäivitys Formula 1 Racing Championshipiin. Lähes kaikki on ok, esim Jaguar-Cosworth on valikoitakin myöden mukana, mutta alkuvalikon  kuljettajagallerian kuvat on vielä päivittämättä.
44807 F1RCES.ZIP 142,3 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
Formula 1 Racing Championship engine soundUudet tuhdimmat moottoriäänet. Äänien lataamiseen tarvitset F1RC edit -ohjelman.
44808 F1RCGP3S.ZIP 359,1 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
Formula 1 Racing Championship GP3 sounds Grand Prix 3 -tyyliset äänet. Äänien lataamiseen tarvitset F1RC edit -ohjelman.
44809 F1RCIMOL.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
F1 Racing Championship Imola tracksetImola -radan ulkoasupäivitys kaudelle 2001.  Tekstuurien lataamiseen tarvitset F1RC edit -ohjelman.
44810 F1RCJAGU.ZIP 344,3 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
Formula 1 Racing Championship Jaguar car Lisää peliin Jaguar-auton. Tekstuurien lataamiseen tarvitset F1RC edit -ohjelman.
44811 F1RCKIMI.ZIP 456,5 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
Formula 1 Racing Championship Kimi ja Nic Tällä tiedostolla saat Kimi Räikkösen ja  tallikaveri Nicin mukaan peliin. 3D-tekstuurien  lataamista varten tarvitset F1RC edit -ohjelman.
44812 F1RCWILL.ZIP 328,1 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
Formula 1 Racing Championship Williams carLisää Williamsin auton peliin. Tekstuurien lataamiseen tarvitset F1RC edit -ohjelman.
44813 F1RS109D.ZIP 1,2 Mt 02.05.1998 - MBCD -
F1 Racing Simulation Direct3D update Ubi Soft. Includes: Correction of the "black sky" bug, Improved Forces FeedBack effects, I-Force 2.0 configuration, Force FeedBack wheel configuration
44814 F1RS109V.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.05.1998 - MBCD -
F1 Racing Simulation 3Dfx update Ubi Soft. Includes: Correction of the "black sky" bug, Improved Forces FeedBack effects, I-Force 2.0 configuration, Force FeedBack wheel configuration
44815 F1SND3D2.ZIP 71,5 kt 28.04.1998 - MBCD -
F1 Racing Simulation update Direct Sound 3D addon, version 2
44816 F1VOOD2.ZIP 156 kt 28.06.1998 - 22549/GAMBLERCD20A.BIN -
Formula 1 fix for Voodoo2 update This is an unofficial patch by some Formula 1 fan.
44817 F1WGP101.ZIP 526,4 kt 23.10.2000 - - -
F1 World Grand Prix 1.01 beta 5 Ei kuvausta.
44818 F1WGP99P.ZIP 355,7 kt 14.09.2000 - - -
F1 World Grand Prix corrupt savegame fixThis patch will resolve an occasional problem with corruption of save games. Only install this patch if you are experiencing this problem. 
44819 F2000UD.ZIP 3,8 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
The F.A. Premier league Football manager 2000 päivitys
44820 F20U25NV.ZIP 43,2 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Flanker 2.0 update v2.5 (non-Voodoo cards)Features added: Player-flyable MiG-29K Fulcrum. Warships will engage enemy units. Aerial refuel for Su-33 and MiG-29K. New special effects. Aircraft will attack as a team against a single enemy. Players can land on roads. Missions start in a paused mode. Multiple Ejector Racks and Triple Ejector Racks have been added to several aircraft. The Kh-65 air-to-surface missile. Flight model enhancements. Additional wingman communication options.  
44821 F20U25V1.ZIP 54,2 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Flanker 2.0 update 2.5 for Voodoo 1, 2 & 3Features added: Player-flyable MiG-29K Fulcrum. Warships will engage enemy units. Aerial refuel for Su-33 and MiG-29K. New special effects. Aircraft will attack as a team against a single enemy. Players can land on roads. Missions start in a paused mode. Multiple Ejector Racks and Triple Ejector Racks have been added to several aircraft. The Kh-65 air-to-surface missile. Flight model enhancements. Additional wingman communication options.  
44822 F20U25V4.ZIP 54,3 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Flanker 2.0 update v2.5 for Voodoo 4 & 5 Features added: Player-flyable MiG-29K Fulcrum. Warships will engage enemy units. Aerial refuel for Su-33 and MiG-29K. New special effects. Aircraft will attack as a team against a single enemy. Players can land on roads. Missions start in a paused mode. Multiple Ejector Racks and Triple Ejector Racks have been added to several aircraft. The Kh-65 air-to-surface missile. Flight model enhancements. Additional wingman communication options.  
44823 F21PATCH.ZIP 2,3 Mt 15.10.1999 - - -
Force 21 v1.01 update. Red Storm. Lots of changes, fixes. Tool tips added. Right clicking on commander face will no longer cause the mouse to disappear. Simulation Changes. Dead vehicles no longer generate "enemy seen" radio messages. Weapon accuracy fixed to change with distance. Artillery will no longer fire on the move. Multiplayer overhead reduced. Mission Changes Graphical Changes Crashes/Lockups fix etc
44824 F22AERD1.ZIP 984,5 kt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
F-22 ADF version 1.1, Direct3D version update for english copies only
44825 F22AERG1.ZIP 984,5 kt 02.04.1998 - 22547/GAMBLERCD18.BIN -
F-22 ADF version 1.1, 3Dfx version update for english copies only
44826 F22I3DFX.ZIP 1,4 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
F-22 ADF Intel OEM 3dfx update This patch is for those users who received F-22 Air Dominance Fighter as an OEM deal with the Intel motherboard. Do not try and install the v5.144 patch as it will not work. This patch will fix problems with Voodoo 1 and Voodoo 2 3Dfx graphic cards.
44827 F22IBSDL.A01 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
F-22 Raptor IBS update. Novalogic.    2/7
44828 F22IBSDL.A02 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
F-22 Raptor IBS update. Novalogic.    3/7
44829 F22IBSDL.A03 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
F-22 Raptor IBS update. Novalogic.    4/7
44830 F22IBSDL.A04 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
F-22 Raptor IBS update. Novalogic.    5/7
44831 F22IBSDL.A05 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
F-22 Raptor IBS update. Novalogic.    6/7
44832 F22IBSDL.A06 4,8 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
F-22 Raptor IBS update. Novalogic.    7/7
44833 F22IBSDL.ARJ 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
"F-22 Raptor IBS update. Novalogic.    1/7 This update works with US versions of F-22 Raptor only. DO NOT download and install if you are running a non-US version. This update allows previous F-22 Raptor owners to fly in NovaWorlds Integrated Battle Space alongside the F-16 and MiG-29."
44834 F22MPD3D.ZIP 1,4 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
F-22 Air Dominance Fighter multiplayer update. DID. Requires v1.1 (v5.144). To run this patch unzip the EXE to the directory where you have installed F-22 overwriting the original one. Direct3D version.
44835 F22MPGL.ZIP 1,4 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
F-22 Air Dominance Fighter multiplayer update. OpenGL version.
44836 F22WU11.ZIP 170,1 kt 17.03.1998 - MBCD -
F-22 Air Dominance Fighter v1.1 update Digital Image Design This update REQUIRES INTERNET CONNECTION.
44837 F251B2.ZIP 12,1 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Flanker 2.0 update v2.51 Beta 2 Req. DirectX 8, Flanker 2.51. Joystick features and drivers are updated. Separate Microsoft DirectX 8 Joystick.exe utility has been included with this patch. This patch also addresses a host of bug fixes and game improvements. 
44838 F251B3.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Flanker 2.0 update v2.51 Beta 3 Req. DirectX 8, v2.51 and Beta 2. New in Beta 3 patch: Different game controllers supported via DirectX 8. The Murena to Neustrashimy transformation problem is removed. F-15 drop tanks are now oriented properly. 
44839 F251B4.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Flanker 2.0 update v2.51 Beta 4 Req. DirectX 8, Flanker 2.51 beta 2 and 3. New in Beta 4 patch: Joy2Key configuration works with "slider-oriented" throttles. The air objects padlock in the NAV mode. Ground explosion bug while recording a track file is fixed. 
44840 F251B5.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Flanker 2.0 update v2.51 Beta 5 Req. DirectX 8, Flanker 2.51 beta 2, 3 and 4. New in Beta 5 patch: cannon will fire up to 25 shells. Fuel tanks consumption algorithm is corrected. MiG-29K stability is adjusted. MER dropping bombs transformation is fixed. AI planes will no longer launch A2A missile at contacts that are in the rear quadrants. Static mission objects are now visible on the MFD. Ship direct visibility bug is fixed. Kh-25MP and Kh-25ML missiles behavior has been fixed. 
44841 F251B6.ZIP 2,5 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Flanker 2.0 update v2.51 Beta 6 Req. DirectX 8, Flanker 2.51 beta 2-5. New in Beta 6 patch: Wingmen command selection and transmitting is corrected; replies are displayed in message boxes. Destruction crashes fixed. Incorrect Su-25 front wheel motion has been corrected. Kh-25** missiles launched from flyable aircraft has been corrected. Contrail appearance altitude interval is now set to 8-12 km. Missiles with active radar check "friend/enemy" when changing targets. 
44842 F2BGF.ZIP 8,8 kt 10.09.2001 - - -
Fade to Black graphics fix This patch purpose is to correct flicking during cinematics scenes in Fade to Black for PC on a fast video card like the Matrox Millenium. 
44843 F2PATCH.ZIP 2,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Fallout 2 v1.02D update. ONLY FOR THE US VERSION. Applying the US patch to a non-US version will severely corrupt the game. Old save games NOT compatible. Fixes major bugs from the game.
44844 F2V102EU.ZIP 2,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Fallout II UK version 1.02e update
44845 F4106US.ZIP 6,2 Mt 23.03.1999 - 24036/1999-06_Disc_4.12.bin -
Falcon 4.0 v1.06 update US/UK version.
44853 FF_PATCH.ZIP 422,8 kt 21.09.2000 - - -
Emergency Rescue: Firefighters gameplay fix. 
This patch solves the problems with digging trenches, and allows 
players to advance beyond level eight.
44855 FF_WINME.ZIP 156,2 kt 21.11.2000 - - -
Fur Fighters Win ME installer patch This patch will allow you to install Fur Fighters on your Windows Millennium Edition system. 
44846 FF7102ZX.ZIP 2,3 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy VII version 1.02 for Riva ZX update
44847 FF7RIVA.ZIP 2,3 Mt 14.08.1998 - MBCD -
Final Fantasy 7 v1.01 update. Eidos. This patch is intended to fix the problem users have had with the Riva 128 and Riva 128 ZX video cards. This patch also enables the "ESC" key in the name menus that laptop users have not been able to leave because they have no numeric keypad. If you have already installed the Cyrix patch for Final Fantasy 7, DO NOT APPLY THIS PATCH.
44848 FF7RTNT.ZIP 2,3 Mt 24.11.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy VII (Riva TNT fix) update
44851 FF8_XG.ZIP 2,6 kt 12.04.2000 - - -
Final Fantasy VIII Yamaha XG Soft Synthesizer update. Run this patch, if you are using this card/chipset in combination with DirectX 7. update 
44850 FF8-12.ZIP 9,5 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Final Fantasy VIII v1.2 update. Standard version. Squaresoft. Fixes Video corruption issue with video cards that utilize the NVIDIA GeForce chipset. Addresses issues with players using the Yamaha Software Synthesizer. Crash after player defeats "Balamb Garden Master NORG". Other Miscellaneous items. Other crashes and errors. 
44849 FF8-12GE.ZIP 9,5 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Final Fantasy VIII v1.2 update. For NVIDIA GeForce cards. Squaresoft. Fixes Video corruption issue with video cards that utilize the NVIDIA GeForce chipset. Addresses issues with players using the Yamaha Software Synthesizer. Crash after player defeats "Balamb Garden Master NORG". Other Miscellaneous items. Other crashes and errors. 
44852 FFEVR_UP.ZIP 605,3 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
Fishing Fever update
64103 FFSW11UP.ZIP 1589018 12.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Fire Fight Shareware udpate from V1.0 to 1.1
Epic MegaGames.
44854 FFV12.ZIP 2 Mt 21.11.2000 - - -
Fur Fighters update v1.2 This patch fixes the text being displayed incorrectly in Spanish, French and German. It also corrects an incompatibility when playing against the European version of the game in Fluffmatch. 
44856 FG117129.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
Far Gate update build 117 to build 129 This patch addresses a few memory issues and driver complications. 
44857 FG120129.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
Far Gate update build 120 to build 129 This patch addresses a few memory issues and driver complications. 
44858 FG122129.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
Far Gate update build 122 to build 129 This patch addresses a few memory issues and driver complications. 
44859 FH-110UK.ZIP 2,7 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
"Flying Heroes v1.10 update. UK version. Talonsoft. Fixed: Adjusting joystick sensitivity and joystick force-feedback sensitivity has no effect in game. Fixed: I cant extinguish myself in the waterfalls. Fixed: The game crashes when I try to print my controls settings Fixed: The game slows down when I enter the cave in the Sand Temple level. Added:Option for disabling FMV sequences. Fixed:Missing data for one mission in the golden league. "
44860 FH-110US.ZIP 1,7 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
"Flying Heroes v1.10 update. US version. Talonsoft. Fixed: Adjusting joystick sensitivity and joystick force-feedback sensitivity has no effect in game. Fixed: I cant extinguish myself in the waterfalls. Fixed: The game crashes when I try to print my controls settings Fixed: The game slows down when I enter the cave in the Sand Temple level. Added:Option for disabling FMV sequences. Fixed:Missing data for one mission in the golden league. "
44861 FIFA2K3D.ZIP 327,9 kt 31.10.2000 - - -
"FIFA 2000 3D setup patchThis executable updates the 3DSetup program to include ATIs new cards. "
44862 FIFA2KP1.ZIP 2 Mt 17.01.2000 - 14761/MM63.ISO -
 FIFA 2000 patch 1.0 update
44863 FIFA2KSP.ZIP 88,1 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
 FIFA 2000 UK speech. For those who prefer british speech over american voices. update
44864 FIFA9911.ZIP 1,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
FIFA 99 v1.1 update. EA Sports. This patch adds Voodoo 2 SLI and Banshee support. It also adds support for Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live, PCI 128, PCI 64 audio cards, and EAX.
44865 FIFAV140.ZIP 829,2 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
"FIFA: Road to World Cup98 v1.40 update These updates will improve AI and add Direct3D and Voodoo2 support. EA Sports."
44866 FLANK251.ZIP 13,2 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Flanker 2.0 update v2.51 Updates v2.50 to v2.51. Fixes over 30 known issues and problems. 
44867 FLEUROP1.ZIP 304,5 kt 02.04.1998 - 22059/secret_service_57a01.iso -
Final Liberation version 1.01 update for european release
44868 FLNK25MP.ZIP 112,3 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Flanker 2.0 v2.5 training mission pack Ei kuvausta. 
44869 FLNKR203.ZIP 20,1 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Flanker 2.0 update v2.03a This patch is for the US/UK versions only. 
44870 FLT01-04.ZIP 3,2 Mt 28.04.1998 - MBCD -
Flight Unlimited II v1.04 update Looking Glass - Contains several fixes and updates to Flight Unlimited II. Upgrade v1.01 to v1.04
44871 FLT02-04.ZIP 3,6 Mt 28.04.1998 - MBCD -
Flight Unlimited II v1.04 update Looking Glass - Contains several fixes and updates to Flight Unlimited II. Upgrade v1.02 to v1.04
44872 FLT03-04.ZIP 3,5 Mt 28.04.1998 - MBCD -
Flight Unlimited II v1.04 update Looking Glass - Contains several fixes and updates to Flight Unlimited II. Upgrade v1.03 to v1.04
44874 FLY1_01.ZIP 27,8 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
FLY! 1.01.87 update 
44873 FLY101.ZIP 27,7 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
 Fly v1.0->1.01 update. Terminal Reality. Supports ROGER WILCO. Scenery detail level fixes. DME indications fixed. GeForce & TNT2 fixes. Taxiway.epd always loads last, allowing 3rd party developers to override factory default taxiways with custom taxiways. Dozens big & small fixes.
44875 FLY2210U.ZIP 35,9 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
Fly! II update v210 Updates build 152 to 210. To reduce the size of this patch, this patch does not include the globe update patch which can be found on Fileplanet and Avism. This patch DOES include all of the additional add-on aircraft produced by Terminal Reality. This patch does not include any of the video updates. 
44876 FLY2B177.ZIP 2,6 Mt 30.06.2001 - - -
Fly! II update build 177 This second feature update addresses over 40 known issues and tweaks game play. 
44877 FLY2P1.ZIP 3 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Fly II update build 164 Better frame rates. Steering reversed fixed. Preference for linking ground steering to ailerons now saves. Default weight for aircraft set Hawker Rudder Bias switches fixed. Hawker Engine fire warning system fixed. Malibu landing gear lining up with wheel wells when retracted. Horizon improved. METAR loading fixed. Snow now visually appears. Visibility settings now work correctly.  
44878 FLY2P4.ZIP 8,8 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Fly! II update build 210 Provides over 20 tweaks, bug fixes and gameplay tweaks. 
44879 FLY83T84.ZIP 590,2 kt 25.04.2000 - - -
FLY! 1.01.83 to 1.01.84 (beta!) update 
44880 FLY84T85.ZIP 660,4 kt 25.04.2000 - - -
FLY! 1.01.84 to 1.01.85 (beta!) update 
44881 FLY85T86.ZIP 766,1 kt 25.04.2000 - - -
FLY! 1.01.85 to 1.01.86 (beta!) update 
44882 FLY86TF.ZIP 471,1 kt 25.04.2000 - - -
FLY! 1.01.86 to 1.01.87 update 
44883 FLY87-01.ZIP 474,4 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
 Fly v1.01.86->1.01 update. Terminal Reality. Supports ROGER WILCO. Scenery detail level fixes. DME indications fixed. GeForce & TNT2 fixes. Taxiway.epd always loads last, allowing 3rd party developers to override factory default taxiways with custom taxiways. Dozens big & small fixes.
44884 FLYOP184.ZIP 49,8 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
FLY! optional scenery  version 1.01.84 beta update
44885 FM2001PT.ZIP 13,8 Mt 21.11.2000 - - -
Footballmanager 2001 patch #1 Ei kuvausta. 
44886 FOCOM11.ZIP 4,2 Mt 24.03.2000 - - -
Force Commander v1.1 update. , Lucasarts. Improves stability for Internet play. Improves responsiveness of the interface in high-lag situations. It is required that this patch be installed to play on the MSN Gaming Zone, or against other users with the patch installed. Saved games from the release version will not work if you install the patch. Player files are still compatible, so your campaign progress will not be lost.
44888 FOF1_0C.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.12.1998 - - -
Front Office Football version 1.0c  update
44887 FOF10B.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.08.2001 - - -
Front Office Football update v1.0b Addresses over 25 known issues and bugs, and fine-tunes the game by adjusting 9 features. 
44889 FOF2004.ZIP 3,9 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
Front Office Football II version 2.004 update
44891 FORS_DRV.ZIP 853 tavua 02.12.1999 - - -
Forsaken Voodoo3/TNT2 drivers update
44890 FORSAK11.ZIP 5,8 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
Forsaken 1.01 / 09/29 update from Acclaim. Much bug fixes & new features 
44892 FOT127E.ZIP 16,3 Mt 03.07.2001 - - -
Fallout Tactics update v1.27 The primary purpose of this patch is to support custom missions and campaigns made with version 1.26 of the BOS editor. Additionally there are some high priority bug fixes and support for the most recent Miles Sounds System. 
44893 FOTIU.ZIP 75,7 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Fallout Tactics inventory update  Päivittää Fallout Tactics -peliä. Mikäli käyttäjällä on kadonneita kuvia tavaraluettelossa, niin päivitys korjaa asian. 
44894 FOTS103.ZIP 3,5 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
"Three Kingdoms: Fate of the Dragon v1.03 Fixes for version 1.03: (2-4 players) Internet game has been improved. The freeze bug in Liu Bei mission 10. The Boat bug in the multiplayer game. Korean and Japanese keyboard support. The long name bug in save game titles. Lots of text bugs. A special character in French. Chinese install in all languages. Boats that werent able to exit Yiling in mission 8 of Sun Quan. "
44895 FOTV125.ZIP 12,7 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel v1.2Addressed issues: CD errors, freeze on black startup screen, Mission 03 gate. Also fixes over 100 minor and major bugs in the game. 
44896 FPK105.ZIP 1,4 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
The Operational Art of War, Volume II:  Flashpoint Kosovo version 1.05 update
44897 FROGG-3.ZIP 1,1 Mt 17.03.1998 - - -
Frogger Patch 3 update Hasbro. Improves several areas focusing on multi-player (PC, network, and Zone), controller config and MMX performance.
44899 FS1_06UK.ZIP 4,6 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Descent: Freespace UK version 1.06 update. Added checksum to weapons.tbl. Fixed Standalone bug that would cause debriefing reset. Fixed Mission Simulator crash. Improved framerate on all processors. Significantly improved framerate on 3DNow! processors. Improved lighting code.
44900 FS1_06US.ZIP 5,9 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Descent: Freespace US version 1.06 update. Added checksum to weapons.tbl. Fixed Standalone bug that would cause debriefing reset. Fixed Mission Simulator crash. Improved framerate on all processors. Significantly improved framerate on 3DNow! processors. Improved lighting code.
44898 FS105ROW.ZIP 2,8 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Descent: Freespace "rest of the world" version 1.05 update
44901 FS11.ZIP 2,4 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Fighting Steel v1.1 update. SSI. 3 and 4 pl. Multiplay added. After battle Replay added. Gun crash fixed.Green Projected course arrows will no longer remain on map. Autosave slot isnt removed from its upper box. Ships now perform turns as long as they have forward momentum.Campaign will no longer switch sides in middle of campaign. Secondary Guns can no longer continue to fire when they run out of ammo. Fire damage synced 2D map filters for projected path. & MUCH MORE."
44902 FS150.ZIP 660,5 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
"Fighter Squadron: The ScreaminDemons Over Europe v1.50 update. Activision"
41228 FSIM.ZIP 211695 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
SU-27 Flanker 1.1/Win95 (stutter patch,
44903 GALAUP1.ZIP 85,7 kt 28.08.1998 - - -
The Race to Galamax update 1 - Cyrix Fix.
44904 GANG_UP4.ZIP 1,9 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Gangsters: Organized Crime patch 4 update. Eidos. UK/US versions. This is a modification of patch 3 which removes the problem of sacking hoods from the pool. A further instance of Hoods not being released from jail in certain circumstances has been fixed. Flee order has been tweaked. A crash caused by a problem with over production / non-distribution of booze has been fixed. Other minor fixes
44905 GBCE_P11.ZIP 1,9 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
The Great Battles Collectors Edition v1.1 update. Interactive Magic. A bug that cut off your text in the description box after about two lines of text. Editing the range of missiles now works correctly. A bug in which sometimes leaders would not be assigned correctly to other leaders. A crash in change artwork section of the unit editor. Scenario crash. Also more fixes.
44906 GBCPATCH.ZIP 384,3 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
Jack Nicklaus 6: Golden Bear Challenge update Activision. Long putts will now roll better. The game code has been updated.Wind direction is now changed each time a new hole is loaded. And much, much more.
44907 GC0711EN.ZIP 2,4 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Ground Control update v1.007 to v1.011 For English version. 
44908 GC0811EN.ZIP 2,4 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Ground Control update v1.008 to v1.011 For English version. 
44909 GC1008.ZIP 1,2 Mt 12.07.2000 - - -
Ground Control v1008 update. Sierra. 
44910 GC1010.ZIP 1,5 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Ground Control updateEnglish update v1.007 to v1.010 
44911 GC1011EN.ZIP 2,2 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Ground Control update v1.010 to v1.011 For English version. 
44912 GCDS1033.ZIP 16,5 Mt 15.09.2000 - - -
Ground Control Dedicated Server Network Protocol Version 1.0.3.
44913 GCDS1034.ZIP 16,5 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Ground Control Dedicated Server dedicated server operates as a central place to start actual game sessions. This is achieved by registering its existence with WON directory servers, thereby letting Ground Control game clients communicate with it and start games. The operator of a DS has control over many aspects of this process, either via the config file, or via the DS user interface. 
44914 GCDSUPDT.ZIP 913,6 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
Ground Control Dedicated Server updateUpdates v1.0.3.3 to v1.0.3.4. The dedicated server operates as a central place to start actual game sessions. This is achieved by registering its existence with WON directory servers, thereby letting Ground Control game clients communicate with it and start games. The operator of a DS has control over many aspects of this process, either via the config file, or via the DS user interface. 
44915 GCG295A.ZIP 1,6 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
Galactic Civlizations Gold version 2.95a update
44916 GCGINSTL.ZIP 33,2 kt 15.08.1998 - - -
Galactic Civilizations Gold update new installer for shipyards addon
44918 GCK14.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.07.2001 - - -
Giants: Citizen Kabuto update v1.4 For North American version. 
44917 GCK14B.ZIP 1,6 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Giants: Citizen Kabuto update v1.4 beta Requires DirectX 8.0 or later. Fixes over twenty bugs, and addresses over 40 major and minor issues, and tweaks multiplayer game balance. 
44919 GCKBLOOD.ZIP 184,4 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
Giants - Citizen Kabuto blood patch This patch adds red blood back into the game. 
44920 GEFORCUK.ZIP 4,1 Mt 21.09.2000 - - -
Earth 2150 v1.1Dutch & UK versions.
44921 GENED01.ZIP 365,1 kt 16.07.2000 - - -
Ground ControlGenEd-tehtäväeditorin päivitys 01
44922 GEX23DFX.ZIP 569 kt 13.03.1999 - - -
Gex II: Enter the Gecko US 3dfx fix 5 update
64500 GLFPATCH.ZIP 4473970 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
Microsoft Golf 3.0 Internet Multiplayer
41236 GM1170.ZIP 10719 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Microsoft Golf 1.0 (improved swing control)
44923 GPLD3DR.ZIP 286,1 kt 24.07.2001 - - -
Grand Prix Legends Direct 3D Rasterizer Fixes the incorrect flagger color bug, and improved visual image quality. 
44924 GPLDIFIX.EXE 32 kt 20.07.2000 - - -
Grand Prix Legends disconnect fix
44925 GPLDISCO.ZIP 14,3 kt 08.06.2000 - - -
Grand Prix Legends GPL disconnect fix update. Unsupported beta patch that should significantly reduce disconnects when running multiplayer GPL races. the patch: Install by running the update in GPL folder. 
44926 GPNET3.ZIP 2 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
The Golf Pro linked play version 1.03 update
44927 GPSETUP3.ZIP 361,1 kt 15.08.1998 - - -
The Golf Pro Setup 3.0 update
44928 GPUPGR3.ZIP 598,5 kt 21.10.1998 - - -
The Golf Pro upgrade linked play 1.01/1.01 to 1.03 update
44929 GPVN_102.ZIP 532,2 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
 The Golf Pro v1.02 update
44930 GROUCHCP.ZIP 306,4 kt 25.05.2001 - - -
Grouch Camera patch For English version. Fixes some problems with the camera. 
44931 GRUNT101.ZIP 295,1 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Gruntz english version 1.01 update 
44932 GSUPD.ZIP 472,8 kt 03.09.2000 - - -
Gunship! update.  Hasbro. 
44933 GTA2-103.ZIP 3,8 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
Grand Theft Auto 2 v1.03 update.  Take 2 Interactive. Patch will "get the game running smoother and cleaner than ever before."
44934 GTG10600.ZIP 411,9 kt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Peter Jacobsens Golden Tee Golf version 1.06 update. Adds fixes to prevent desyncing of multiplayer games."
44935 GTPATX1.ZIP 520,4 kt 13.03.1999 - - -
Grand Touring patch 1.0 update - small.
44936 GTPATX2.ZIP 4,8 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Grand Touring patch 1.0 update - large. Note: if you wish the improvements to the "Grand Touring(TM)" software product to include \'plugging of the \'holes\(at the exit to the tunnel) at the Mountain Track\then you should use large \patch\programme.
44937 GUNLOK11.ZIP 16,9 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Gunlok update v1.1 This patch contains enhancements and bug fixes. 
44938 GW2KFIX.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.07.2001 - - -
Gangsters Windows 2000 fix For English version. 
44939 GX2PATCH.ZIP 586,1 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
"Gex: Enter the Gecko update. Fix the problem with Clacker/Final FMAs on certain 3DFX cards (?)adds the Activision interface changesprovides for a limited frame rate so the game is no longer too fast on powerful PCsand some other minor fixes. Crystal Dynamics"
44982 H_PTCH11.ZIP 877,5 kt 11.03.1998 - - -
Great Battles of Hannibal v1.1 update Interactive Magic. Not compatible with v1.0 saved multiplayer games.
44940 H2-106.A01 4,8 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Heretic II Enhancement Pack 1.06 (update) 2/3
44941 H2-106.A02 4,6 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Heretic II Enhancement Pack 1.06 (update) 3/3
44942 H2-106.ARJ 4,8 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Heretic II Enhancement Pack 1.06 (update) 1/3 Raven Software. Adds 8 new deathmatch maps. A3D 2.0 support. EAX support. New defensive weapon: Whirlwind. New shrine: Boots of Speed Custom skin and model support. Additional skins. Network download capability for skins, models, and maps. Team deathmatch games with grouping by models or skins. Staff-only "Bladematch" mode. Advanced swordstaff moves. New blocking capability.Keys can no be easily bound for quick defensive spell usage. etcetc
44943 H2MP112A.ZIP 566,8 kt 06.04.1998 - - -
Hexen II: Portal of Praevus v1.12a update This patch will upgrade the H2MP from v.1.12 to v.1.12a. Not mandatory.
44944 H2TKU104.ZIP 3 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Heretic II tool kit version 1.04 update
64660 H2W9511.ZIP 400377 14.01.1997 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Heroes of Might and Magic II Windows 95 1.0
to 1.1 Update
44945 H310TO13.ZIP 3,9 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might and Magic III v1.0->1.3  update. 3D0. This update addresses for example following issues: Allied Maps, Multi-Player Updates and Enhancements, Map/Campaign Updates, General Updates, Manual Addenda, multiplayer & general updates.
44946 H310TO14.ZIP 6 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III updateEnglish version v1.0 to 1.4 
44947 H311TO13.ZIP 4,7 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might and Magic III v1.1->1.3  update. 3D0. This update addresses for example following issues: Allied Maps, Multi-Player Updates and Enhancements, Map/Campaign Updates, General Updates, Manual Addenda, multiplayer & general updates.
44948 H311TO14.ZIP 4,7 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III updateEnglish version v1.1 to 1.4 
44949 H312TO13.ZIP 3,5 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might and Magic III v1.2->1.3  update. 3D0. This update addresses for example following issues: Allied Maps, Multi-Player Updates and Enhancements, Map/Campaign Updates, General Updates, Manual Addenda, multiplayer & general updates.
44950 H312TO14.ZIP 3,5 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III updateEnglish version v1.2 to 1.4 
44951 H313TO14.ZIP 449,8 kt 28.09.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III updateEnglish version v1.3 to 1.4 
44952 H3ABV21.ZIP 2,5 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
"Heroes of Might & Magic 3:  Armageddons Blade english version 2.1 update"
44953 H3RE1014.ZIP 6 Mt 12.10.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III updateRestoration of Erathia v1.0 to v1.4
44954 H3RE1114.ZIP 4,7 Mt 12.10.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III update Restoration of Erathia v1.1 to v1.4
44955 H3RE1214.ZIP 3,5 Mt 12.10.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III update Restoration of Erathia v1.2 to v1.4
44956 H3RE1314.ZIP 453,7 kt 12.10.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III update Restoration of Erathia v1.3 to v1.4
44957 H3SDV31.ZIP 3,3 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might and Magic III:  The Shadow of Death v3.1 update. 3DO.
44958 HATF101.ZIP 25,5 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
Hatfields & McCoys version 1.01 update. Lupine Games (www.lupinegames.com) 
44959 HB3DFXV2.ZIP 10,5 kt 14.10.1998 - 22415/HCDEMO_UK.iso -
Hyperblade Voodoo2 update.
44960 HB6V6_03.ZIP 3 Mt 30.03.1999 - - -
Hard Ball VI version 6.03 update Updates to both players & teams for the 99 season.
44961 HBLADEV2.ZIP 10,6 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
"Hyperblade Voodoo2 update Dont run the game from autoplay with Voodoo2 or else the patch wont work."
64723 HC97UPD1.ZIP 2635583 21.12.1996 - MBCD -
Harpoon Classic 97 update V1.62 Interactive
44962 HLIE5160.ZIP 51,7 Mt 28.06.2002 - - -
Half-Life: Initial Encounter v5.1.6.0  Päivittää Half-Life: Day One OEM-demon ja Team Fortress Classicin sisältävän Half-Life: Initial Encounterin versioon, tehden siitä yhteensopivan hiljaittain julkaistun Half-Life v1.1.1.0:n kanssa. 
44963 HLMPC.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.04.2000 - 24035/1999-05_Disc_4.11.bin -
Half-Life Multiplayer Content Pack ,Valve Software Contains four new models, dozens of new logos, and a teamplay map. 
44964 HLOF1106.ZIP 18,7 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Opposing Force update 
44965 HLOF1108.ZIP 24,4 Mt 19.03.2002 - - -
Half Life: Opposing Force update v1.1.0.8 Päivittää retail-version. Sisältää mm. lukuisia moninpeliin liittyviä päivityksiä ja kaksi uutta karttaa. 
44966 HLOF6106.ZIP 17,4 Mt 19.03.2002 - - -
Half Life: Opposing Force update v6.1.0.6 Päivittää Blue Shiftin mukana tulleen version. 
44967 HLOFO108.ZIP 52,3 Mt 19.03.2002 - - -
Half Life: Opposing Force Online v1.1.0.8 Päivittää retail-version. Sisältää mm. lukuisia moninpeliin liittyviä päivityksiä ja kaksi uutta karttaa. 
44968 HLOPER1B.ZIP 576,2 kt 22.07.2001 - - -
Half-Life: The Opera update v1b Fixes a number of known issues and bugs. 
44969 HLOS107U.ZIP 17,8 Mt 30.12.2002 - - -
Hegemonia: Legions of Iron update v1.07 For US version only. Fixed bug in the ship renaming.  There is only a few halting left in the game. From now you can  save in multiplayer skirmish mode and load in single player mode.  Fixed a bug in the version number. Improved radar range  presentation in Ati cards. 
44970 HLTFC08U.ZIP 17,8 Mt 17.02.2002 - - -
Half-Life: Team Fortress Classic update Updates TFC v2.5.0.1 to v2.5.0.8 
44971 HLW11.ZIP 6,4 Mt 27.03.2003 - - -
Highland Warriors update 1.1 
44973 HM10_111.EXE 1,3 Mt 14.07.2000 - - -
Horse & Musket päivitys v1.00 -> v1.11
44972 HM100113.ZIP 1,7 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Horse and Musket update 1.00 to 1.13 
44975 HM11_111.EXE 460,5 kt 14.07.2000 - - -
Horse & Musket päivitys v1.10 -> v1.11
44974 HM111113.ZIP 873,2 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
Horse and Musket update 1.11 to 1.13 
44976 HMAH01P1.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Hoyle Solitaire and Mahjong patch 1 There was a bug in the Solitaire portion of the game. Both Terrace and Colorado had a shortage of cards being dealt, making the games unwinnable. This patch fixes these issues. 
44977 HMC174UK.ZIP 2,8 Mt 18.05.2004 - - -
Hitman: Contracts update v174 For UK version only. 
44978 HMFUK102.ZIP 2,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Heavy Metal F.A.K.K.2 update v1.02For UK version. This patch fixes the crash on exit and crash on loading saved game bugs. 
44979 HNM113.ZIP 1,7 Mt 17.01.2002 - - -
Horse & Musket update v1.13 Päivittää Horse & Musket: Great Battles of the Eighteenth Century versioon v1.13. 
44980 HNMUSKMP.ZIP 55,2 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Horse & Musket music "upgrade" This update lets you listen to music during the game. update
44981 HOBBIT12.ZIP 22,7 Mt 21.11.2003 - - -
The Hobbit update v1.2  
44983 I76GPA16.A01 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 2/17"
44984 I76GPA16.A02 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 3/17"
44985 I76GPA16.A03 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 4/17"
44986 I76GPA16.A04 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 5/17"
44987 I76GPA16.A05 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 6/17"
44988 I76GPA16.A06 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 7/17"
44989 I76GPA16.A07 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 8/17"
44990 I76GPA16.A08 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 9/17"
44991 I76GPA16.A09 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 10/17"
44992 I76GPA16.A10 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 11/17"
44993 I76GPA16.A11 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 12/17"
44994 I76GPA16.A12 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 13/17"
44995 I76GPA16.A13 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 14/17"
44996 I76GPA16.A14 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 15/17"
44997 I76GPA16.A15 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 16/17"
44998 I76GPA16.A16 2,3 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 17/17"
44999 I76GPA16.ARJ 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold Edition updateBy Activision. This will upgrade I76 with all of the I76 Gold Edition enhancements 
(16-bit artnew horizon mapsdifficulty levelshack prevention and 3D hardware support). 
Same enhancements are in I76 Arsenal & Nitro Pack. 
HARDWARE VERSION UPDATE - requires a 3D accelerator card.  1/17
45000 I76GPAT8.A01 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 2/15"
45001 I76GPAT8.A02 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 3/15"
45002 I76GPAT8.A03 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 4/15"
45003 I76GPAT8.A04 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 5/15"
45004 I76GPAT8.A05 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 6/15"
45005 I76GPAT8.A06 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 7/15"
45006 I76GPAT8.A07 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 8/15"
45007 I76GPAT8.A08 4,8 Mt 04.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Interstate76 Gold update 9/15"
45008 INSANEPG.ZIP 2,8 Mt 24.07.2001 - - -
Insane Plane & Gnu vehicles New vehicles to be used in the game. 
45009 INSANEU2.ZIP 794,8 kt 24.07.2001 - - -
Insane update #2 Fixes: Ati Radeon sky wobble fix, controller fix, fog on/off toggle option, downloadable cars are enabled in single player, new car skins are easy to implement, default player number is  4, if host changes the game options servers will not be ready, using downloadable cars in single player, and if player selects Class Opponent type, the opponents will use the same cars, multiplayer off-road race does not end after the first lap. 
45010 INSUB200.ZIP 268,2 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
Incoming: Subversion fix for Matrox G200 bundle update. This patch is for people who can\'t get "Subversion" to run with the Matrox G200 bundle OEM version of Incoming.
45011 INTERC12.ZIP 798,7 kt 16.07.1998 - MBCD -
X-COM: Interceptor v1.2 update. The update to version 1.2 of X-COM Interceptor addresses many issues with joysticks and the Internet Gaming Zone. MicroProse
45012 IPANZ110.A01 3,8 Mt 02.06.1998 - MBCD -
"iPanzer44 v1.1 update 2/5"
45013 IPANZ110.A02 3,8 Mt 02.06.1998 - MBCD -
"iPanzer44 v1.1 update 3/5"
45014 IPANZ110.A03 3,8 Mt 02.06.1998 - MBCD -
"iPanzer44 v1.1 update 4/5"
45015 IPANZ110.A04 2,2 Mt 02.06.1998 - MBCD -
"iPanzer44 v1.1 update 5/5"
45016 IPANZ110.ARJ 3,8 Mt 02.06.1998 - MBCD -
"iPanzer44 v1.1 update.Interactive Magic 1/5"
45017 IPAQJOY.ZIP 207,9 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
Incoming Joystick fix for OEM bundle update Another "bundling problem"(?) - here with using a Joystick in Compaq\'s bundle version.
45018 ITNTJSFX.ZIP 308,8 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
Incoming Joystick fix for Creative Labs TNT OEM bundle update. Another bundle, another joystick problem - here with Creative Labs GB Riva TNT cards.
45019 IW2EOCP1.ZIP 3,2 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos update 1For European version. Provides general fixes for Multiplayer and Instant action, and mission fixes for single player campaign. Also provides general improvements. 
45020 IWAR124.ZIP 585,7 kt 25.02.1999 - - -
Independence War/I-War v1.24 update. Particle Systems. This patch gives full compatiblity with Glide 2.54, and also fixes the crashes in the v1.22 Beta patch. It supercedes all previous patches, and contains all the new features of the previous patches. If you own the european release you will need the 3DFX patch as well before applying this one if you want to enjoy it 3D enhanced.
45021 IWAR3DFX.A01 4,8 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
I-War 3Dfx update 2/3
45022 IWAR3DFX.A02 2,8 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
I-War 3Dfx update 3/3
45023 IWAR3DFX.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.10.1998 - - -
I-War 3Dfx update. Particle Systems. 1/3 The 3Dfx patch is for the original European version of I-War. It includes fixes from all previous patches and 3Dfx support.
45024 IWARDUP.ZIP 570,3 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
I-War/Independence War demo update. This patch will fix the problem with the Independence War demo crashing when a joystick is plugged in. Particle Systems
45026 IWD_UK.ZIP 5,9 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
"Icewind Dale fix for Lower Dorns DeepFor UK version."
45025 IWD106.ZIP 3,1 Mt 03.09.2000 - - -
Icewind Dale v1.06 update. Interplay. 
45027 J2-123R.EXE 1,4 Mt 13.09.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 v1.23 update for retail version.
45028 J2-123SW.EXE 857,4 kt 13.09.1998 - - -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 v1.23 update for shareware version.
45029 J2V121SH.ZIP 1 Mt 13.09.1998 - MBCD tupla
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 v1.21 update Epic Megagames
45030 J3D102.ZIP 937,5 kt 10.02.2000 - - -
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine  v1.2 update. LucasArts. Installing this update will solve problems regarding RETURN TO PERU and catching that rascal Volodnikov. ALso many other bugs fixed.
45031 JA2UB101.ZIP 1,5 Mt 19.01.2001 renamed Pelit CD 2001 -
Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished BusinessFor English version. Updates to v1.01 
45032 JA2V106.ZIP 3,3 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 v1.06 update. Sirtech. The game engine has undergone various revisions and corrections. Experience adjusted. Gas attacks now make civilians angry. A new "double-pistol firing in water" animation has been added. A message has been added to notify you that a character\'s ceramic plates have been destroyed. Weapons changed. Crashes & bugs removed. And more.
45033 JANEFC12.ZIP 3,7 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command v1.2 update. Janes Combat Simulations. Fixes/changes: Sonobuoys reload. Auto-engage options. Smart ID option. Version check in multiplayer added. Selectable aircraft loadouts. Adds AIM-54 Phoenix AAAM. Multiplayer chat dialog. Adds ASW (Anti-submarine Weapon) rockets. And more."
45034 JEND110.ZIP 18,8 Mt 14.08.2001 - - -
"Journeys End update v1.10 Provides changes and additions. "
45035 JEND111.ZIP 11,6 Mt 10.09.2001 - - -
"Journeys End update v1.11 Updates v1.10 to v1.11 "
45036 JEOPME.ZIP 1,1 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
Jeopardy! Win ME fix This patch allows Jeopardy! to work with Win ME, Win 95 and Win 98. 
45037 JETSETUP.ZIP 1,4 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
"Jet Moto update Sony Interactive This patch addresses a bug that occurs at the Race WinnersCircle after a race. At the Race WinnersCircle screenif the trophy presenter disappears and option buttons overlapthen you need to apply this patch."
45038 JF2PATCH.ZIP 980,5 kt 26.05.1998 - 22549/GAMBLERCD20A.BIN -
Jetfighter II 1.05 update
45039 JF3UPDT3.ZIP 6 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD -
JetFighter III  Update #3. Mission Studios / Interplay. Support for 3Dfx Voodoo, Voodoo Rush and Voodoo 2. Support for the Interwave sound hardware. Sound board autodetection. Support for more joystick types. Better pre-programmed joystick button functions. Ability to customize and save joystick button functions. Ability to select COM: port for Force/FX joystick. And more.
45040 JF4U3E.ZIP 3,2 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Jetfighter IV: Fortress America update #3 Adds force feedback joystick and USB throttle support, and fixes a number of problems: Win2000 keyboard problem, main menu background garbled and HUD text solid blocks on ATI graphics hardware, stuttering sounds when launched from AutoPlay. 
45041 JF4USP4.ZIP 3,2 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Jetfighter IV: Fortress America update #4 For US version. Fixes: Windows 2000 Keyboard  Problem, Main Menu Background Garbled on ATI  Graphics Hardware, HUD Text Solid Blocks on  ATI Hardware, Force Feedback, USB Throttle  Support, Stuttering Sounds When Launched from  AutoPlay.
45042 JF4WIN2K.ZIP 797,4 kt 16.01.2001 - - -
Jetfighter IV: Fortress America patchFixes the missing keyboard problem in Windows 2000. 
45043 JFA102E.ZIP 458,5 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
"Janes Fighters Anthology english version 1.02 update"
45044 JHFFUSA.ZIP 1 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
"Johnny Herberts Grand Prix World Racing update. Add Force Feedback support. Intense Entertainment"
45045 JKPVR.ZIP 5,1 kt 23.07.1998 - 22553/GAMBLERCD22A.BIN -
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knights PowerVR fix update
45046 JKUPD101.ZIP 572,8 kt 28.06.1998 - MBCD -
Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II v1.01 update. LucasArts
45047 JOULHV11.ZIP 325,6 kt 16.01.1998 - MBCD -
JOULUPUKIN JOULUHIPRAKKA V1.0 -> 1.1 Päivitys mahdollistaa ikkunassa pelaamisen. Toimii myös korteilla jotka _EI_ tue 320x200x16bit resoo.
45049 JSF_1V11.ZIP 471,4 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
Joint Strike Fighter v1.11 Beta update. REQUIRES v1.1 update. Eidos. New in v1.11: Reduced multiplayer latency (Latency is reduced to packet sizes of 0.7-1.5K. This means Modem and Serial Multiplayer games are MUCH smoother.) Plus other multiple fixeslike screen size setting saving, Force Feedback, IR signatures , new keyboard shortcuts and more.
45048 JSF11.ZIP 471 kt 01.02.1998 - MBCD -
Joint Strike  Fighter v1.1 Beta update The screen-size setting is saved now when using 3dfx-cards.MS  Sidewinder Force Feedback. Increased IR-signature on AAA and SAM-sites. They can now be targeted. etc etc etc . Multiplayer fixes.
45050 JSFDEMOU.ZIP 1,9 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Joint Strike Fighter Demo update. Demo timeout is now EIGHT minutes (previously four minutes) Soundcard problem that causes slow frame rate or sound dropout-FIXED Frame rate is globally increased Support for the 3DFX RUSH chipset is now incorporated
45051 JUGPATCH.ZIP 1 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Juggernaut for Quake II patch update
45052 JUMPGP.ZIP 244,2 kt 15.03.2001 - - -
Jumpgate patch Jos peli herjaa "Bad command line",  asenna tämä päivitys.
45053 JW2-2106.ZIP 2,6 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
"Jimmy Whites 2: Cueball v1.02->1.06 update. Awesome Developments. Foul box crash-bug fixex. Crash on ATI Rage Fury cards fixed. SoundBlaster Live! cards not playing music fixed. Some ball engine problems fixed. Improved pool room red buttons. Snooker and pool demos are easier to stop. Revised FrenchSpanishGerman and Italian versions"
45054 JW2-5106.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
"Jimmy Whites 2: Cueball v1.05->1.06 update. Awesome Developments. Foul box crash-bug fixex. Crash on ATI Rage Fury cards fixed. SoundBlaster Live! cards not playing music fixed. Some ball engine problems fixed. Improved pool room red buttons. Snooker and pool demos are easier to stop. Revised FrenchSpanishGerman and Italian versions"
45055 JWC22_6.ZIP 2,5 Mt 21.09.2000 - - -
"Jimmy Whites 2: Cueball saving crash fix for v1.07 "
45056 KA101UK.ZIP 6,1 Mt 16.08.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Klingon Academy v1.0.1 update. Interplay. UK version. 
45057 KA101US.ZIP 6,1 Mt 16.08.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Klingon Academy v1.0.1 update. Interplay. US version. 
45058 KA102UK.ZIP 6,1 Mt 18.10.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Klingon Academy update v1.02UK release.
45059 KA102US.ZIP 6,1 Mt 18.10.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Klingon Academy update v1.02US release.
45060 KAM_P132.ZIP 536 kt 12.11.1998 - - -
Knights and Merchants v1.32 update. Interactive magic.
45061 KFPATCH.ZIP 789,1 kt 29.01.2001 - - -
Kingfisher fishing maps repair update If you received a "This evaluation copy has expired..." or the "View Fishing Maps" button didn\'t work for you, then apply this patch. It will repair any damaged fishing map so you can use it again. Please close the program before applying the patch. 
45062 KHG_V11.ZIP 2,3 Mt 20.11.1998 - 24046/1999-02_-_Disc_4.8.iso -
Klingon Honor Guard v1.1 update. Microprose. This patch adds all engine tweaks and enhancements from the Unreal 219 beta patch and resolves most of the compatability issues.
45064 KIM120.ZIP 5,4 Mt 10.09.2001 - - -
Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns update v1.20 For US version. Summary of additions and changes: Adds features to the lobby chat/ server browser, such as automatic AFK and additional filters, adds an elapsed time display in-game, adds logic to deal with abuse of clumping, adds a significant amount of information to observer mode. 
45063 KIM120U.ZIP 3,5 Mt 10.09.2001 - - -
Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns update v1.20 For US version. Updates v1.10 to v1.20. Summary of additions and changes: Adds features to the lobby chat/server browser, such as automatic AFK and additional filters, adds an elapsed time display in-game, adds logic to deal with abuse of clumping, adds a significant amount of information to observer mode. 
45066 KIS109.ZIP 2,8 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns update v1.09 Updates v1.02 to v1.09. Adds password support and other improvements to multiplayer games. Adds support for Team Deathmatch maps. Fixes some gameplay exploits. Addresses some minor unit balance issues. Optimizes the graphics engine. 
45065 KIS109U.ZIP 2,8 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns update v1.09 Updates v1.07 to v1.09. Adds password support and other improvements to multiplayer games. Adds support for Team Deathmatch maps. Fixes some gameplay exploits. Addresses some minor unit balance issues. Optimizes the graphics engine. 
45067 KIS131.ZIP 6,3 Mt 17.01.2002 - - -
Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns update v1.3.1 Päivitys mm. säätää pelin tasapainoa kohdalleen, parantaa tietokonepelaajan tekoälyä ja lisää ominaisuuksia moninpelin joukkuepelitiloihin. 
45068 KISAU203.ZIP 87,2 kt 25.05.2001 - - -
Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns autopatcher Version 2.03. This autopatcher enables you to automatically download and install any released patches. 
45069 KISS112K.ZIP 11,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare ChildUK version update v1.12 
45070 KKND2ENG.ZIP 417,2 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
KKnd 2 update. Beam Software. enables full Direct Play lobby support, so that KKND2 can be played on online gaming sites like Wireplay.
45071 KO98PENG.ZIP 1,2 Mt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Kick Off 98 version 1.10a update
45072 KODP1_4.ZIP 2,1 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
King of Dragon Pass version 1.4 Update. 
45073 KODP1_5B.ZIP 2,1 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
King of Dragon Pass update v1.5 betaEi kuvausta.
45074 KODP15UP.ZIP 2,1 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
King of Dragon Pass update v1.5 Ei kuvausta.
45075 KODP16.ZIP 2,2 Mt 24.07.2001 - - -
"King of Dragon Pass update v1.6 Fixed in this update: Dont give Sacred Time advice to allocate 0 magic to childrenprevent a negative number of horsesre- exploring Dwarf Valley wont always give the same resultsfixed an inconsistency involving the Sacred Clod treasureprevent integer overflow for food or pigsfixed exploration of Dragonewt Wildlandsfixed problem when Ernalda priestess demand the return of their treasuretrolls wont ransom trollkinfixed possible crash involving the Black Spearand a few other fixes. "
45076 KOHAN110.ZIP 4,8 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns update v1.10 Additions: GameSpy Chat, the ability to ban  players, several climate options, Retreat/Rout  buttons to the regiment interface, new art for  the Dreadlord and Paladin, automatic detection  and downloading of new versions, support for  official expansions and mods, changes pressed  move so that the company reverts to column  move instead of stopping, mproves the SAI  player, fixes some exploits. 
45077 KOHAN710.ZIP 4,7 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns update v1.10 Updates v1.07 to v1.10. Additions: GameSpy Chat, the ability to ban  players, several climate options, Retreat/Rout  buttons to the regiment interface, new art for  the Dreadlord and Paladin, automatic detection  and downloading of new versions, support for  official expansions and mods, changes pressed  move so that the company reverts to column  move instead of stopping, mproves the SAI  player, fixes some exploits. 
45078 KOHAN910.ZIP 4,9 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns update v1.10 Updates v1.09 to v1.10. Additions: GameSpy Chat, the ability to ban  players, several climate options, Retreat/Rout  buttons to the regiment interface, new art for  the Dreadlord and Paladin, automatic detection  and downloading of new versions, support for  official expansions and mods, changes pressed  move so that the company reverts to column  move instead of stopping, mproves the SAI  player, fixes some exploits. 
45079 KOOPATCH.ZIP 278,2 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
My friend Koo savegame fix update
45080 KPCPTCH1.ZIP 616,9 kt 16.08.2000 - - -
KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child beta 1 update. 
45081 KPV121.ZIP 2,2 Mt 15.10.1999 - - -
Kingpin v1.21 update. From Xatrix. 20% Bandwidth reduction. Added more spawn points to team_towers. Fixed spawning inside teammates. Fixed button cheating in team_rival.
45082 KUF108EG.ZIP 9,8 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Kingdom Under Fire update v1.08 For English and German versions. This update fixes several bugs, like: The bug that game crashes when the sight range of Elven Rangers is upgraded in multi-play. The instability of the game result window. The spell mis-casting bug within an assigned group. Additional Sound Effects: Berserk, Fire Arrow, Charge, Rotate Attack, Rage, Bloodlust, Burn Swing, Seduce, Multi shot. Also tweaks game balance. 
45083 KUF109E.ZIP 10,6 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Kingdom Under Fire update v1.09 Updates: Cannot construct a structure on unexplored area. Lich\'s "Animate Dead" spell doesn\'t affect flying units or heroes. New cheat codes. 
45084 KUF1101E.ZIP 10,8 Mt 14.08.2001 - - -
Kingdom Under Fire update v1.101 Provides changes to units. 
45085 KUF1103.ZIP 10,9 Mt 14.11.2001 - - -
Kingdom Under Fire update 1.103 Adjusted Counter-Relationships according to unit size. Fixed the bug that building disappears after upgrading Keep in explored area. Buildings under construction when exploring the area remain visible in pale fog. Fixed few bugs on 13th mission. Fixed abnomal freezes on Minotaur-appearing missions. Also provides balance adjustments. 
45086 L01V121E.ZIP 11,1 Mt 03.07.2001 - - -
Links 2001 update v1.21 Updates and modifications: player list boxes, host or client can remove player, chat enabled at the end of a round, IP history, fast play update, multiplayer verify files, multiplayer game start up. Also adds new cameras, course manager and animation manager menus, new swing gauges, Championship skill mode, new ball tracer, sound scripts, and other fixes and updates. 
45087 L3UPD8.A01 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
F-22 Lightning 3 update. Novalogic. 2/3
45088 L3UPD8.A02 1,4 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
F-22 Lightning 3 update. Novalogic. 3/3
65704 LH1_1.ZIP 61322 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Lighthouse 1.1 update, Sierra.
41288 LNK10T12.ZIP 1023619 14.11.1996 - MBCD -
Links LS 1.00 to 1.20 (US
41289 LNK10T13.ZIP 1020109 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Links LS 1.00 to 1.30 (US release)
41290 LNK11T12.ZIP 298321 14.11.1996 - MBCD -
Links LS 1.10 to 1.20
(US release)
41291 LNK11T13.ZIP 586095 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Links LS 1.10 to 1.30 (US release)
41292 LNK12T13.ZIP 494159 03.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Links LS 1.20 to 1.30 (US release) update
41294 LNKLS110.ZIP 1021927 10.11.1996 - 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso -
Links LS Version 1.10 Patch Access Software
41295 LNKS13EU.ZIP 1049951 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
Links LS 1.30 (Euro release) update
45089 MCGPATCH.ZIP 1,6 Mt 18.10.1999 - 22581/GAMBLERCD36A.BIN -
MechCommander Gold update FASA Interactive This patch has only one fix. Jump Cheat - If a player in a multiplayer game uses the jump cheat, a message will be sent to all players notifying them that the player is using the cheat.
45090 MCMADCAT.ZIP 743,6 kt 23.07.1998 - MBCD -
Mech Commander MadCat addon for Operations 1 mission 3. MicroProse. Customers complaining about the game being too hard and having a hard time salvaging the MadCat in Operations 1 Mission 3 can rejoice now. This patch will give players a MadCat when they start the game.
45091 MCMULTI.ZIP 1,4 Mt 23.07.1998 - MBCD -
Mech Commander Multiplayer addon update
45092 MDK2NA.ZIP 769,4 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
MDK2 North American patch 1000.1Ei kuvausta.
45093 MDK2OEM.ZIP 572,9 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
MDK2 OEM patch 1000.1Ei kuvausta.
45094 MDK2U2EU.ZIP 891,6 kt 24.07.2001 - - -
MDK2 update v2000.2 For European versions. Updates v2000.1 to v2000.2. Adds Force Feedback support, added disabling of sound, better Update ping method added, better method of updating .ini file added. 
45095 MDK2U2US.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.07.2001 - - -
MDK2 update v1000.2 For US versions. Updates v1000.1 to v1000.2. Adds Force Feedback support, added disabling of sound, better Update ping method added, better method of updating .ini file added. 
45096 MDK2U3OE.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.07.2001 - - -
MDK2 update v4000.3 For OEM versions. Updates v4000.2 to v4000.3. Adds Force Feedback support, added disabling of sound, better Update ping method added, better method of updating .ini file added. 
45097 MDKPVR2.ZIP 300,9 kt 05.01.1998 - - -
M.D.K. NEC PowerVR support update
45098 MDNPATCH.ZIP 4,1 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
Madden NFL 99 Roster update. EA Sports. This patch will allow you to download and install updated 
rosters from Internet on a weekly basis without affecting any of your saved data. For Roster Update
Data files, visit this page: http://www.easports.com/99/madden99/updates/updates.html
45099 MECHCO18.ZIP 2,3 Mt 07.07.1998 - MBCD -
MechCommander v1.8 update. This patch enables play on the Internet Gaming Zone and Internet play with foreign language versions. It also addresses a few minor issues that most people have not and will not encounter, relating to low-end machines. MechCommander now recognizes the MechCommander CD when in a CD-ROM drive mapped to the letter Z. MicroProse.
45100 MEDSYM11.ZIP 258 kt 15.08.1998 - - -
Medieval Symbols Editor 1.01 update Adds the ability to copy and automatically scale a symbol from zoom level 3 to zoom level 2 or zoom level 2 to zoom level 1.
45101 MEDVL108.ZIP 526,1 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
Medieval version 1.08 update
45102 MERC1_1.A01 3,8 Mt 04.01.1998 - MBCD -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries v1.1 2/5
45103 MERC1_1.A02 3,8 Mt 04.01.1998 - MBCD -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries v1.1 3/5
45104 MERC1_1.A03 3,8 Mt 04.01.1998 - MBCD -
MechWarrior II: Mercenariss v1.1 4/5
45105 MERC1_1.A04 2,2 Mt 04.01.1998 - MBCD -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries v1.1 5/5
45106 MERC1_1.ARJ 3,8 Mt 04.01.1998 - MBCD -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries v1.1 update Upgrades all retail versions of Mercenaries (v1.0, v1.05 and 3Dfx) to v1.1. This new version has the option to use Direct3D enhancements and adds several other changes: * Dynamic Salvage * Continuing Missions * Shell changes * sim changes * etc
45107 MESSI02.ZIP 3,9 Mt 05.06.2000 - - -
Messiah v0.2 update. Shiny Entertainment. Added polygon strips enable/disable to the video options menu, it was causing compatibility issues with some graphics cards. CD SWAPPING Added. ELSA Compatible mode added to video menu (fixes "partially invisible" chararacter bugs). Mip mapping options added to video menu (fixes voodooIII/Banshee). SAFEMODE batch files added for troubleshooting Fixed. Fixed graphical corruption when high resolution character setting was selected. Added menu option to turn on functionality for FSAA on Voodoo 5 and GeForce 2 video cards. Addressed general stability problems. Various other issues. 
45108 MGOTHP2.ZIP 1,5 Mt 14.09.2000 - - -
Martian Gothic: Unification patch 2
45109 MHEPATCH.ZIP 213,7 kt 28.04.1998 - 22547/GAMBLERCD18.BIN -
Evolution Multiplayer Historic Earth update
45110 MHP30.A01 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Motorhead v3.0 update 2/3
45111 MHP30.A02 3,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Motorhead v3.0 update 3/3
45112 MHP30.ARJ 4,8 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
Motorhead v3.0 update. Digital Illusions 1/3 Included the MPlayer (http://www.mplayer.com ) multiplayer system so that everyone can enjoy the fun on the US MPlayer servers. Included 9 ghost-demos recorded by Drunk_Driver, one of the best Motorhead drivers. Included the two cars in carpack1, the "Python Menace" and the "SuperBee". Include the latest Motorhead dedicated server for Win32. Various minor bug fixes. NOTE: This patch is not supported by Gremlin or Fox Interactive
45113 MIAPATCH.ZIP 3 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
M.I.A.: Missing In Action v1.02 update GT Interactive This patch improves the "Capture the flare" network game and also improves Internet games over slow connections.
45114 MIB01.ZIP 733,1 kt 11.01.1998 - - -
Men In Black: The Game update fixes random errors that may occur in the game.
45115 MIBPATCH.ZIP 187,1 kt 11.03.1998 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
Men In Black: The Game NT update This patch should fix any problems with running Men In Black with Windows NT.
45116 MIBUP3.ZIP 362,7 kt 11.03.1998 - - -
Men In Black: The Game - demo update Southpeak Interactive
45117 MIG123.ZIP 2,1 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
Mig Alley v1.23 update. Rowan Software. Fixed: AWE64 Sound FX missing. Lots of random crashes. Smoke trails. Missing dialogs. Improved font. USB Joysticks cooperating with other USB devices. And much, much more. Graphics, flight, multiplayer, control, general fixes. 
45118 MINDR105.ZIP 2,8 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
MindRover V1.05 UPDATE. Cognitoy. Fixes for startup and configuration problems on various platforms. Rebalanced weapons. Other component fixes. User interface fixes and features. A vehicle recompilation tool. The upgrade will be unable to load some existing user vehicles, but this tool will allow you to repair them so they can be used. Scripting for automating multiple scenario runsj. Memory leak fixes. etc. 
45119 MINGL148.ZIP 98,1 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
Quake (3dfx miniGL driver 1.48) update
45120 MIPATCH.EXE 1,1 Mt 23.11.2000 - - -
Escape From Monkey Island - päivitys v 1.1Escape From Monkey Island - päivitys v 1.1 (jenkkiversio)
45121 MK4PATC3.ZIP 412,3 kt 25.10.1998 - - -
Mortal Kombat 4 update 3. Midway Games. This patch Adds another mode to the game allowing for fullscreen hi-res (640x480x16bit) software rendering. Just press F9. Also, it improves support for Win98 and DirectX 6 and fixes a few bugs with the movies.
45122 MKNISETS.ZIP 448,6 kt 24.11.1997 - MBCD -
Metal Knights 95 Graphic Add-Ons Hostile.Set, Deruvian.Set, Wargame.Set and Old Fashion.Set
45123 MLUS1_11.ZIP 9,5 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Manalink (1/6) Ilmainen moninpelipäivitys Magic the Gatheringiin. Mahdollistaa kaksintaistelut Internetin välityksellä.
45124 MLUS2_11.ZIP 9,8 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Manalink (2/6)
45125 MLUS3_11.ZIP 9,7 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Manalink (3/6)
45126 MLUS4_11.ZIP 9,7 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Manalink (4/6)
45127 MLUS5_11.ZIP 9,7 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Manalink (5/6)
45128 MLUS6_11.ZIP 9 Mt 09.04.1998 - - -
Manalink (6/6)
45133 MM_PAT1.ZIP 2,3 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness patch v1.2Ei kuvausta.
45129 MM2V101.ZIP 2 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness 2 update v1.01 Fixes incompatibilities with the Intel 810 family of graphics chips. 
45130 MM610U12.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Might & Magic VI update 1.0 to 1.2 update
45131 MM611U12.ZIP 387,3 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Might & Magic VI update 1.1 to 1.2 update
45132 MM710-11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor v1.1 update. 3DO. Multiple fixes & new features.
45135 MMPAT.ZIP 2,3 Mt 11.11.1999 - - -
Midtown Madness update by Microsoft. Changes: Vehicle tuning parameters hard-coded to prevent unfair changes. Locked vehicles not available for multiplayer games.
45134 MMPAT73.ZIP 4,6 Mt 11.04.1998 - 21711/JOKER0698B.mdf -
"Mastermind v7.3 update Hasbro Interactive This patch improves multiplayer connectivity (in networkmodemand Internet Gaming Zone)several gameplay/graphics tweaks. Patch ONLY upgrades from v5.7d to 7.3 You can tell if you have version 5.7d by looking in the Mastermind directory. If you dont have a version.txt filethen you have version 5.7d and will need this patch."
45136 MNEP2.ZIP 4,5 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Majesty: The Northern Expansion update #2 Hotkeys function as expected. Fixed the bug that allowed copious casting of Sorceror\'s Abode spells. Saving Freestyle Quests bug fixed. Outposts no longer cost a negative amount after building the fourth Outpost. Selecting "Multiplayer Internet Game" no longer sends you to "The Zone". Music now continues after completing your quest. Two missing portraits added to the Hall of Champions. Added ability to play multiplayer games on GameSpy Arcade. 
45137 MOBI16U.ZIP 4,1 Mt 24.07.2000 - - -
Mobility v1.6 update: Crash with big street network (>256 crossings) fixed. Installation of Update improved. Sorting per ID of lines, parking garages and carsharing stations. Renunciation costs reset at year end. Crash at exit when a bus station was selected. etcetc. 
45138 MOE13FG.ZIP 981,4 kt 19.03.1999 - 24036/1999-06_Disc_4.12.bin -
"Kings Quest: Mask of Eternity v1.0.0.3 udpdte. Sierra. Enable ConnorMonsterCharacterand Object shadows for D3D. Support translucent polygon rendering for D3D. Addressed random crash in shadow code. Addressed problems with incorrect perspective texture rendering in D3D"
45139 MOGUL116.ZIP 613,2 kt 15.02.1998 - - -
Baseball Mogul version 1.16 update Fixes in this patch: - fixes the crash bug in the player editor
45140 MON120.ZIP 1014,1 kt 11.03.1998 - - -
"Montezumas Return v1.20 update Utopia TechnologiesInc. fixes for Voodoo2mouse orientationand more."
45141 MONJR1_1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Monopoly Jr. version 1.1 update
45142 MONOPL11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
"Monopoly (Hasbro)  US version 1.1 update allows playing on MSNs Gaming Zone. fixed video play on 3DFX cards. fixed problem with TNT2 Ultra cards. fixed a few gameplay & network play issues."
45143 MORTCDFX.ZIP 39,4 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Mortyr dutch/english CD updateFixes a problem with the game not finding the original CD when your drive letter is above H. update
45144 MORTPIOF.ZIP 61,5 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Mortyr: 2093-1944 CD/DVD drive fix update This patch fixes a problem with the game not detecting your CD-ROM if its drive letter was above h: and also fixes problems with Pioneer CD/DVD-ROM drives and their OEM-versions.
45145 MOTO320P.ZIP 842,9 kt 18.01.1998 - MBCD -
Moto Racer v3.20 update This update is more compatible with 3D boards which deal with 3D only. It also achieves better performance on some 3D boards.
45146 MOTOG200.ZIP 410,1 kt 25.10.1998 - - -
"Motorhead update for Matrox G200 OEM bundle Use this fix only on the Matrox OEM bundle. Dont apply patch 1.3 & 1.4 to this special bundle version!"
45147 MOTOR_EU.ZIP 425 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
Motorhead GeForce HUD fixRequires the European version of Motorhead and patch 3.0 must be installed first.
45148 MOTOROEM.ZIP 425 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
Motorhead GeForce HUD fixRequires the OEM version of Motorhead and patch 3.0 must be installed first.
45149 MOTORUS.ZIP 425,2 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
Motorhead GeForce HUD fixRequires the US version of Motorhead and patch 3.0 must be installed first.
45150 MOTOX104.ZIP 678,6 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
MotoCross 2000 v1.04 update. Sierra. This file updates Moto X 2000 to version 1.04. It fixes a single player only issue where it exits to the desktop when you start a track. 
45151 MOW2V102.ZIP 1,9 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Man of War 2 version 1.024 update 
45152 MOWSNDFX.ZIP 580,2 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Man of War IBM Aptiva soundfix update
45153 MOWVIDFX.ZIP 503,9 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Man of War videofix update
45154 MP106.ZIP 296,6 kt 25.05.2001 - - -
Maximum Pool update v1.06 Fixed a bug in chat display. Fixed "out of sync" problems with full screen mode. Fixed a crash bug that would occur while loading the table. Fixed multiple "chatbeep" sound. Fixed refresh problem on lobby interface. 
45155 MP2V11.ZIP 467 kt 25.05.2001 - - -
Merchant Prince II update v1.1 Fixes a number of bugs and addresses a host of known issues. 
45156 MR2UP.ZIP 1,8 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Moto Racer  2 v1.34 update. EA. 3D sound support for DirectSound 3D and EAX. Improvement of memory management for textures on 3D video cards. Improved TCP/IP support. Better Frame rate. Improved support for the Logitech Force Feedback. Support for Cyrix. Support for wheels added. Program optimised to run faster.
45157 MRAGEADD.ZIP 1,7 Mt 13.03.1999 - - -
Metal Rage "Steel Apocalypse" addon
45158 MREPV107.ZIP 8,6 Mt 05.10.2000 - - -
MindRover: The Europa Project v1.07 patchUpdates: Compare component now has a "Calc" property. Vehicle slots can now have multiple loaded vehicles. User slots often have tutorial vehicles, and competitor slots often have multiple competitors to choose from. You can now "win" a scenario by beating any of the "official" supplied vehicles. Flyover help shows you the status of the vehicle in the current slot, as well as in the next and previous slots. Gamma slider now on the options screen.    
45159 MRHBMOD.ZIP 1 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
MindRover: Hydro Battles -laajennus Kolme ilmaista laajennustehtävää MindRover -strategia/ohjelmointipeliin. 
45160 MROVR106.ZIP 6,3 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Mindrover: The Europa Project patch v1.06Ei kuvausta.
45161 MRVR107A.ZIP 8,8 Mt 30.10.2000 - - -
"MindRover: The Europa Project v1.07aSupport for D3d w/ DirectX 7.0RangeTest component now worksLaser component less powerfulBoomBoomRoom and QuarryBattle have higher weight limitsVM memory limits doubledvehicle cameras dont get confused any more when vehicles dieThruster and TrackSensors rotate properly in graphicsSonars with LoopTimers should no longer crash the game. Added TimeOut capability. "
45162 MSAOE10C.ZIP 899,6 kt 18.01.2000 - - -
Age of Empires v1.0c  update for English, German, French versions. Ensemble Studios. New: Idle Villager Key. Shang Food Cost. Phoenician Woodcutting Bonus. If you are playing a multiplayer game, all players must be using the same version.
45163 MSBB2KP2.ZIP 206,8 kt 17.11.2000 - - -
Microsoft Baseball 2000 patch #2 Ei kuvausta. 
45164 MSW_103B.ZIP 539,5 kt 16.04.1998 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
Monopoly Star Wars v1.03 update Hasbro Interactive
45165 MTG_13US.ZIP 1,5 Mt 28.04.1998 - Pelit CD 1999 -
Magic: The Gathering ManaLink version 1.3 1 update For US/UK (aka english) release only.
45166 MTM2P242.ZIP 864,1 kt 28.11.1998 - - -
Monstertruck Madness II version 2.42 update
45167 MTM2PAT.ZIP 864,2 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Monster Truck Madness 2 v2.00.42 update Microsoft. Improved force feedback support. Custom changes to transfer gear ratio settings erased. Message is displayed when not all multiplayer participants have installed the patch. Message is displayed when a multiplayer participant is using a modified version of the current track. Ability to initiate a multiplayer session by launching a command line.
45168 MW3V11UK.ZIP 3,2 Mt 31.08.1999 - - -
Mechwarrior III UK version 1.1 update
45169 MXM111EU.ZIP 786,9 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
Motocross Mania update v1.1.1 build 98 For European version. This update provides additions and enhancements to the game. New joystick options, improved networking, problems with GameSpy fixed, minor texturing problems fixed, smoother replay and AI riders, interface pointer and landscape texturing improved, memory optimized, ability to load custom skins, textures and objects, high scores registered over a multiplayer game. 
45170 MXM111US.ZIP 1,3 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Motocross Mania update v1.1.1 build 98 For US-version. This update provides additions and enhancements to the game. New joystick options, improved networking, problems with GameSpy fixed, minor texturing problems fixed, smoother replay and AI riders, interface pointer and landscape texturing improved, memory optimized, ability to load custom skins, textures and objects, high scores registered over a multiplayer game. 
45171 MYST3V11.ZIP 2,6 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Myst III: Exile update v1.1 Fixes: A bug that didn\'t recognize CD-ROM drives. A bug that caused game to crash when the user skips out of the end credits. Added sound effect subtitles. Added "invert mouse Y-axis" option. Fixed some graphical glitches. Clarified lever by Voltaic steam elevator. Changed first location in Tomahna. 
45172 MYST3V12.ZIP 2,6 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Myst 3: Exile update v1.2 Fixes M3.exe bug that prevents the game from running on many PC graphics chipsets. PCs with a Savage 3D video card may experience crashes, but they can be worked around. 
45173 MYTH_13.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.04.1999 - - -
Myth: The Fallen Lords v1.3 update by Bungie v1.3 contains many fixes and tweaks such as a new 3rd party plugin system, a new Bodycount game.
45174 MYTH213N.ZIP 2,2 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Myth II: Soulblighter v1.3 UpdaterFor North-American version.
45175 MYTH213U.ZIP 2,2 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Myth II: Soulblighter v1.3 UpdaterFor English versions other than North-American version.
45176 MYTH3102.ZIP 5,3 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Myth III: The Wolf Age update v1.0.2 Päivittää pelin versioon 1.0.2. Paljon bugikorjauksia ja peliparannuksia. 
45178 N2_3DFX.ZIP 1,4 Mt 02.04.1998 - - -
Nascar Racing II 3DFX update beta
45179 N2-3DFX.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
"NASCAR Racing 2 Beta 3Dfx update Papyrus This beta patch will give you better graphics and faster frame rate in PapyrusNASCAR Racing 2"
45180 N2-98MEG.ZIP 3 Mt 31.03.1998 - - -
1998 UPDATE FOR NASCAR RACING 2 Adds current Winston Cup drivers, tweeks car looks and sounds. Original patches not icluded, install them first.
45177 N2000-01.ZIP 1 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
NASCAR 2000 v1.01 update. EA Sports. 
45181 N3T1217.ZIP 2,6 Mt 12.07.2000 - - -
NASCAR Racing 3 Craftsman Truck Series Expansion Pack v1.2.1.7 update. Sierra. 
45182 N3V1204.ZIP 4,3 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
Nascar Racing 3 version update. ALT-TAB now works in all 3 rasterizers. Fixed crashing bug when creating new driver after t_player.car had been deleted. Improved AI pacing and caution behavior. Fixed a crashing bug in F9 black box display. Added 3D wheels to car model. Fixed LOD of car model in mirror. Added new spark effects. Added cloudy weather option. Added new 3-Wide high and low spotter messages. 16-bit sound driver now allows game to run on machines with no soundcard installed. And dozens other fixes and additions. 
45183 N41110I.ZIP 3,7 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
NASCAR 4 update v1.1.1.0 For International version. Addresses nearly 100 bugs, problems and gameplay issues. 
45184 N41110US.ZIP 4 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
NASCAR 4 update v1.1.1.0 For US version. Addresses nearly 100 bugs, problems and gameplay issues. 
45185 N99R3.ZIP 193,7 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
NHL 99 roster update #3 update.
45186 NAMBO10A.ZIP 2,2 Mt 23.10.2000 - - -
Vietnam: Black Ops v1.0aEi kuvausta. 
45187 NASSL125.ZIP 59,9 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Native Assault version 1.25 update
45188 NATIO102.ZIP 3,2 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
The Nations update v1.02 New Features: A message appears if marketplaces or temples are overcrowded. 
45189 NATUK127.ZIP 775,4 kt 24.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Natuk v1.27 update.
45190 NAW151A.ZIP 450,5 kt 25.08.2001 - - -
Napoleon at War update v1.51a Ei kuvausta. 
45191 NBA_9811.ZIP 1,5 Mt 11.01.1998 - - -
NBA Action 98 v1.1 update fixes the timeout bug with users who have less than 9 buttons on their gamepad/joystick.
45192 NBAL9911.ZIP 6,1 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
NBA Live 99 v1.1 update. EA Sports.
45193 NC1_2.ZIP 633,7 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
Nightmare Creatures version 1.2 update
45194 NCAA99F.ZIP 934,4 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
NCAA Football 99 roster & schedule update For full installation.
45195 NCAA99M.ZIP 151,4 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
NCAA Football 99 roster & schedule update For minimum installation.
45196 NCAA99P.ZIP 1,1 Mt 31.08.1999 - - -
NCAA Football 99 roster & schedule update For partial installation.
45197 NCAA99UP.ZIP 408,3 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 update from EA Sports. Adds: Direct3D Support, Export Statistics feature, Improved CPU Running, Improved CPU Play caling, Bug fixes. Direct3D is supported on these chipsets: 3Dfx Voodoo/Voodoo2, Intel i740, RIVA TNT, Matrix G200. RIVA 128/ZX and ATI Rage Pro are not supported at this time.
45198 NCAA99V1.ZIP 406,1 kt 25.10.1998 - - -
NCAA Football 99 Direct3D update Patch 1.0 adds support for Direct3D for some cards, as well as ability to export statistics, improved AI & bug fixes.
45199 NERF1012.ZIP 11,3 Mt 15.03.2000 - - -
" Nerf Arena Blast v1.0->1.2 update. Hasbro Interactive. Fixes: Problems with International Versions of Windows. New Team Game Improvements. New Options for Setting Up Team Game Servers for Advanced Usersfixes compatability with international serverseliminated game-save issuesstabalizes multiplayer playimproves character AIeliminates theflying-out-of-the-tunnelbugand fixes Direct3D bugs."
45200 NERF1112.ZIP 4,1 Mt 15.03.2000 - - -
" Nerf Arena Blast v1.1->1.2 update. Hasbro Interactive. Fixes: Problems with International Versions of Windows. New Team Game Improvements. New Options for Setting Up Team Game Servers for Advanced Usersfixes compatability with international serverseliminated game-save issuesstabalizes multiplayer playimproves character AIeliminates theflying-out-of-the-tunnelbugand fixes Direct3D bugs."
45201 NEWANGEL.ZIP 928,6 kt 23.07.1998 - - -
Angel Devoid Soundblaster PnP update
41329 NHLWIN.ZIP 737818 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
NHL Hockey '97 1.1/Win95 update
45202 OOTP21.ZIP 1,4 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Out of the Park II update v2.1Ei kuvausta.
45204 OOTP22.ZIP 1,4 Mt 21.11.2000 - - -
Out of the Park 2 update v2.2 Added features include: Players can decline contract extension, career leaders board now include hits, improved trade AI, improved drafting AI. All reported bugs have been fixed, and problems with Win 2000 have also been fixed. 
45203 OOTP22B.ZIP 1,4 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Out of the Park 2 update v2.2b Added features include: Players can decline contract extension, career leaders board now include hits, improved trade AI, improved drafting AI. All reported bugs have been fixed, and problems with Win 2000 have also been fixed. 
45205 OOTP31B.ZIP 6,2 Mt 10.09.2001 - - -
Out of the Park Baseball III update 3.1b  Fixed the bug that caused some ratings to cycle from 10 to 0, Added password protection for contract extensions in internet league mode. Fine-tuned pinch hitting AI. Made the matchups in the pregame-screen more accurate. 
45206 OOTPW20G.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
"Out of the Park II 2.0gThis update allows you to play OOTP 2 in a windownot in fullscreen mode.
Its intended for users who want to do other things while playing/simming
games in OOTP 2."
45207 OPENGLV3.ZIP 573,5 kt 24.11.1998 - - -
SpecOps Ranger Team Bravo (new OpenGL driver) update
45208 OPFLA110.ZIP 4,7 Mt 01.08.2001 - - -
Operation Flashpoint update v1.10 The interim upgrade improves many aspects of the game and patches some of the known bugs. It also offers such enhancements as accurate shadow-casting for weapons and improved aircraft handling. 
45209 OPFV140.ZIP 6,2 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Operation Flashpoint update v1.40 Päivittää v1.30:n versioon 1.40. Sisältää bugikorjauksia ja parannuksia tekoälyn toimintaan. 
45210 OSSYFIX.ZIP 192,2 kt 15.02.1998 - - -
Beyond Time version 1.04 update
45211 OTR112.ZIP 818,3 kt 21.10.1998 - MBCD -
Over the Reich v1.12 update. This update is REQUIRED before updating to 1.15. This update REQUIRES update 1.01. Big Time Software/Avalon Hill
41339 OTR95101.ZIP 120994 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Over The Reich update V1.01 Win95. Big
Time/Avalon Hill
45212 OUTF101K.ZIP 1,6 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
The Outforce update v1.01 For UK/European version only. Fixes several severe performance issues. 
45213 OUTLWD3D.ZIP 105 kt 24.08.2001 - - -
Outlaws Direct3D upgrade beta This unsupported beta patch lets you play the game in Direct3D. 
45214 P144-147.EXE 711,5 kt 26.06.1998 - - tupla
"Kali95 update v1.44 -> v1.47."
45215 P145-147.EXE 341,7 kt 26.06.1998 - - tupla
"Kali95 update v1.45 -> v1.47."
45216 P146-147.EXE 303,2 kt 26.06.1998 - - tupla
"Kali95 update v1.46 -> v1.47."
45217 P2PFIX.ZIP 270,7 kt 05.01.1998 - - -
Phantasmagoria II update for crashs in episode 5
45218 P99UK103.ZIP 629,1 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 1.03 (UK release) update.
45219 P99V1018.ZIP 2,1 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
PGA Championsship Golf 99 version update
45220 PAN10A.ZIP 885,9 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
 Pandora\'s Box v1.0a update. Microsoft. This patch fixes a bug specific to computers with Pentium III processors which produce the error "Unable to create DirectDraw surface.
45221 PAND2V2.ZIP 223,8 kt 14.06.1998 - 22549/GAMBLERCD20A.BIN -
Pandemonium II Voodoo2 fix update - unofficial
45222 PAX0104E.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Pax Corpus english version 1.4e update Software (i.e. non-3Dfx) rendering improvements. Much better frame rate with Direct3D software driver. Palette special effects. Wireframe transparency on objects. Fixed mouse cursor and mission briefing display bugs. Now accepts other-than-3Dfx accelerated boards with a Direct3D HAL. Fixed up animated textures problem. Fixed up installation problem with some Cyrix CPUs. Other minor fixes
45223 PAX103.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain v1.03 update
45224 PAX106E.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
Pax Imperia update v1.06For English version. This patch addresses the Mac to PC network problems as well as several combat related changes. Saved games and custom species will not work after the installation of this patch. 
45225 PAX1072.ZIP 1,2 Mt 07.07.1998 - - -
Pax Imperia: Eminent Domain v1.072 beta 1 update. By THQ. Lots of minor ja major changes.
45226 PB10002.ZIP 577,5 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Pinky and the Brain: World Conquest  version 1.00.02 update
45227 PBA01107.ZIP 2,7 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
PBA Tour Bowling 2001 update v1.007 Ei kuvausta. 
67099 PBA112.ZIP 333472 24.02.1996 - 22636/cd joystick 69 No11.iso -
PBA Bowling for Windows 95 V1.12
41345 PBA113.ZIP 311914 14.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
PBA Bowling for Windows 95 V1.13,
Bethesda Softworks.
45228 PBA2KV06.ZIP 2,5 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
PBA Tour Bowling 2001 update v1.006 The patch fixes the possibility of a crash  in streaming music, occasional crashes in  Tournament Mode, gives the game a smaller  memory footprint, increases performance,  and fixes a few other things.
45229 PBHV11.ZIP 292,1 kt 25.05.2001 - - -
Paintball Heroes update v1.1 Fixes some IPX/LAN issues. 
45230 PBRAWL11.ZIP 1,7 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Extreme Paintbrawl version 1.1 update
45234 PC1V106.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Panzer Campaigns: Smolensk 41 update v1.06Adds many new features and fixes known problems. 
45231 PC1V106D.ZIP 2,2 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Panzer Campaigns: Smolensk 41 v1.06 manualEi kuvausta. 
45232 PC1V106H.ZIP 3,1 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns: Smolensk41 v1.06 help Ei kuvausta. "
45233 PC1V106S.ZIP 9,4 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns: Smolensk41 v1.06 New sounds. "
45235 PC2N102.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.09.2000 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy44 v1.02"
45239 PC2V103.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy 44 update Updates to v1.03. Adds new features and some fixes. 
45236 PC2V103D.ZIP 2 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy 44 manualFor v1.03
45237 PC2V103H.ZIP 2,7 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy 44 helpFor v1.03
45238 PC2V103S.ZIP 4,1 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy 44 soundsNew sounds for v1.03
45242 PC3V101.ZIP 737,2 kt 16.01.2001 - - -
Panzer Campaigns III: Kharkov 42 update Updates to v1.01. Added new 3D counters option, added feature to Order of Battle Editor to fix indexing problems with OB files, fix to German air availability at beginning of campaign, changes to air support in main campaign, some day 1 scenarios based on new information. 
45240 PC3V101D.ZIP 2,1 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns III: Kharkov42 Manual for v1.01. "
45241 PC3V101H.ZIP 2,9 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns III: Kharkov42 Online help for v1.01. "
45243 PC981061.ZIP 314,1 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
Power Chess 98 version update
45244 PCE205H.ZIP 475,5 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
Burnout: Championship Drag Racing Players Choice Edition 2.05 (3DFX version) update.
45245 PCE205S.ZIP 516,5 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
Burnout: Championship Drag Racing Players Choice Edition 2.05 (software version) update.
45246 PCN4404.ZIP 1,6 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy 44 v1.04Update. Provides several bug fixes, updates and additions. 
45247 PCRAZY11.ZIP 1,9 Mt 07.07.1998 - 22065/SServCD_60.bin -
"Plane Crazy v1.1 update. Europress. * Stopped joystick fire button selecting and firing powerup simultaneously. * Fixed sound bugs * Added ambient sound loops * Slicker control of certain sounds * Allowed user to select preferred sound driver. * Added sounds of rival planesengines including ghost race. * More realistic fade in/out for certain sound effects. And more!"
45248 PCS4107.ZIP 1,4 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Panzer Campaigns: Smolensk 41 update v1.07Provides several bug fixes, updates and additions. 
45249 PG1S107A.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns: Smolensk41 update Updates to v1.07a. Provides several bug fixesupdates and additions. "
45250 PG2_102.ZIP 1,8 Mt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
Panzer General II v1.02 update from SSI US version. Fixes in Internet/LAN play, paratroopers and more.
45251 PG2N104A.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy44 updateUpdates to v1.04a. Provides several bug fixesupdates and additions. "
45252 PG2UK102.ZIP 1,4 Mt 08.04.1998 - MBCD -
Panzer General II 1.02 (UK release) update - SSI
45253 PG3D101.ZIP 462,7 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Panzer General 3D v1.01 update. SSI. Fixes: The crash to the desktop when the computer AI was ambushed by a player. Paratroopers can now airmobile to any other friendly controlled airfield regardless of distance. Several firing and shadow graphics have been fixed. The crash to desktop by using CTRL-I or CTRL-J when no unit was selected.
45254 PG3DU101.ZIP 445,3 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Panzer General 3D Assault UK version 1.01 update
45256 PG3K102.ZIP 1003,1 kt 24.07.2001 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns III: Kharkov42 v1.02Update. Provides several additionsfixes and gameplay changes. "
45255 PG3K102A.ZIP 1 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns III: Kharkov42 updateUpdates to v1.02a. Provides several additionsfixes and gameplay changes. "
45257 PG3SEV11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Panzer General III Scorched Earth v1.1This update adds five new scenarios: Showdown at Berlin, Pilsen to Prague, Down the Danube, Wild Ride to Warsaw, and All or Nothing At All. Fixed Guderian campaign where Rostov scenario would drop to desktop, several Zhukov and Konev scenarios, and missing text for some scenarios. 
45258 PGA2K44.ZIP 4,7 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
PGA Championship Golf 2000 update v3.3.4.4Fixes unknown. 
45259 PHA-ENC.ZIP 3 Mt 05.03.2000 - - -
 Pharaoh Enhancement Pack update. Sierra. Adds new features including: The Mission Editor. Create new scenarios. New Custom Missions. Test your city-building skills with new custom missions. Many other new features have been added to provide more feedback and to improve gameplay.
45260 PHAR1112.ZIP 1,8 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Pharaoh enhancement pack update 1.1 to 1.2Features mission editor and new custom missions. Sound in Windows 2000 is now enabled. This patch will only work on version 1.1 
45261 PHAR11SE.ZIP 3,7 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
 Pharaoh swedish enhancement pack version 1.1 update
45262 PHARAO12.ZIP 4,7 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Pharaoh enhancement pack update v1.2Features mission editor and new custom missions. Sound in Windows 2000 is now enabled. This patch will only work on version 1.0.
45263 PHDTFP3.ZIP 794,2 kt 21.08.2001 - - -
Pearl Harbor: Defend the Fleet update #3 This patch is a solution to several game issues, such as a crash on level 23, and also provides improved performance on a wide range of hardware configurations. 
45264 PHOEN11.ZIP 1,7 Mt 12.02.2000 - - -
Phoenix v1.1 update. Team17. 
45265 PM98V1_4.ZIP 4 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
Player Manager 98/99 version 1.40 update
41354 PNUPDATE.ZIP 497451 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
Microsoft Golf 2.0 PlayerNet update
45266 POOL2UK.ZIP 978,7 kt 25.02.1998 - 22405/RISING.iso -
Virtual Pool 2 update UK version Celeris
45267 POOL2US.ZIP 979,5 kt 25.02.1998 - 24021/1998-05_Disc_3.14.bin -
Virtual Pool 2 update US version Celeris
45268 POOL98U.ZIP 75,2 kt 07.07.1998 - - -
Virtual Pool 2 Windows 98 update. Allows Virtual Pool 2 to run in 16-bit color mode on Windows 98.
45269 POP3D101.ZIP 6 Mt 27.09.1999 - - -
Prince of Persia 3D v1.1 update. Red Orb. Improved: load/save, collision and force issues (swimming in currents or being pushed by objects), combat and AI, and a faster look cam. Auto-save.
45270 POPTB101.A01 4,4 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Populous: The Beginning v1.01 update 2/2
45271 POPTB101.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.12.1998 - - -
Populous: The Beginning v1.01 update 1/2 Bullfrog. Fixes: Shaman Autocasting From Balloons. Version Number On Multiplayer Screens. Encyclopaedia and Pop-up Icons. Maximum Buildings Problem. Armageddon Crash. Tutorial Fighting Problem. Level 5 Solar System Problem. Multiplayer Chat. Tutorial Building Problem. Firestorm Out of Sync, D3D->Software
45273 PP1_3.ZIP 581,4 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Sierras Pro Pilot version 1.3a update"
45272 PP12U13A.ZIP 570 kt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Sierras Pro Pilot version 1.2->1.3a update"
45274 PP98_V11.ZIP 697,9 kt 03.01.1998 - 22398/F1RSDemo.iso -
"NHL Powerplay98 version 1.1 update of US release. The european version doesnt require this fix since it has already been upgrade to version 1.1"
45275 PP9913S1.ZIP 9,8 Mt 04.05.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 version 1.03 update with scenery (part 1 of 10)
45276 PP9913S2.ZIP 9,8 Mt 04.05.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 version 1.03 update with scenery (part 2 of 10)
45277 PP9913S3.ZIP 9,8 Mt 04.05.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 version 1.03 update with scenery (part 3 of 10)
45278 PP9913S4.ZIP 9,8 Mt 04.05.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 version 1.03 update with scenery (part 4 of 10)
45279 PP9913S5.ZIP 9,8 Mt 04.05.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 version 1.03 update with scenery (part 5 of 10)
45280 PP9913S6.ZIP 9,8 Mt 04.05.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 version 1.03 update with scenery (part 6 of 10)
45281 PP9913S7.ZIP 9,8 Mt 04.05.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 version 1.03 update with scenery (part 7 of 10)
45282 PP9913S8.ZIP 9,8 Mt 04.05.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 version 1.03 update with scenery (part 8 of 10)
45283 PP9913S9.ZIP 9,8 Mt 04.05.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 version 1.03 update with scenery (part 9 of 10)
45284 PP9913SA.ZIP 3,4 Mt 04.05.1999 - - -
Pro Pilot 99 version 1.03 update with scenery (part 10 of 10)
45285 PPFJ107.ZIP 403,7 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey version 1.07 update
45286 PPOOL3D.ZIP 137,5 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
Brunswick Pro Pool 3D fix update
45287 PR01V11.ZIP 2 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
ProRally 2001 update v1.1 Corrects a host of problems and bugs. 
45288 PROR01P4.ZIP 93,4 kt 21.08.2001 - - -
ProRally 2001 Pentium 4 fix For English versions. 
45289 PS-101I.A01 3,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Powerslide v1.01 update 2/3
45290 PS-101I.A02 3,2 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Powerslide v1.01 update 3/3
45291 PS-101I.ARJ 3,8 Mt 29.01.1999 - - -
Powerslide v1.01 update. GTI. Support for Katmai instructions. Custom cup. New multiplayer interface. Support for Heat, Wireplay and other proprietary networks. Ability to join a multiplayer race while people are racing. Fixes: Direct3D problems, Force feedback problem, Problems with lap-tracking, Problems with EAX sound cards with release drivers, screen corruption on Voodoo Rush etc. Apply ONLY TO US VERSION 1/3
45292 PSLD101E.A01 3,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Powerslide v1.01 update 2/4
45293 PSLD101E.A02 3,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Powerslide v1.01 update 3/4
45294 PSLD101E.A03 1,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Powerslide v1.01 update 4/4
45295 PSLD101E.ARJ 3,8 Mt 11.03.1999 - - -
Powerslide european version 1.01 Support for Katmai instructions. Custom cup. New multiplayer interface. Support for Heat, Wireplay and other proprietary networks. Ability to join a multiplayer race while people are racing. Fixes: Direct3D problems, Force feedback problem, Problems with lap-tracking, Problems with EAX sound cards with release drivers, screen corruption on Voodoo Rush etc. Update. 1/4
45296 PSLID104.ZIP 2,4 Mt 24.06.1999 - 24039/1999-09_Disc_4.15.bin -
Powerslide update 1.01 to 1.04 Supposedly now works for both US & european version 1.01.
45298 PTW_104.ZIP 453,6 kt 10.03.1998 - 22057/secret_service_56a01.iso -
Battleground VIII: Prelude To Waterloo v1.04 update for US version only
45297 PTW104UK.ZIP 509,1 kt 10.03.1998 - MBCD -
Battleground VIII: Prelude To Waterloo v1.04 update for UK version only
45299 PUMA_P1.ZIP 103,2 kt 24.06.1999 - - -
Puma Street Soccer patch #1 update Solves problems when selecting the language and fixes graphics problems with Voodoo2 & Voodoo3 cards.
45300 PWARS172.ZIP 1 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Persian Wars update v1.7.2 Ei kuvausta. 
45301 PWU2EU.ZIP 585,9 kt 10.09.2001 - - -
Pacific Warriors update #2 For European versions. Fixes in this patch: Multiplayer: When client re-joined a game he/she was kicked right away, homing missiles could not hit the host, only the host was able to read all player names, the frag box was only visible to the host, after dying, client would sometimes start with only 20% energy. Start-up: On some machines the game crashed after loading 100% 
45304 PZC1_3.ZIP 3,2 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Panzer Commander v1.2->1.3 update. SSI. Several fixes and issues resolved. Improved: AI. 5 campaigns redesigned. Fixed: Campaign scenario user platoon facing. Modified: Multiplayer Briefings & Decreased chance of driver wounding. New campaigns, tanks, variants, vehicles, weapons etc. And much more.
45302 PZC10_12.ZIP 2,6 Mt 26.09.1998 - MBCD -
Panzer Commander update 1.0 to 1.2 - SSI
45303 PZC11_12.ZIP 1,9 Mt 26.09.1998 - - -
Panzer Commander update 1.1 to 1.2 - SSI
45305 PZELT108.ZIP 2,7 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Panzer Elite update v1.08 Tweaks and corrects over 30 known issues. 
45310 Q2-320.ZIP 5 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Quake II v3.20 final update. Win32 x86 Binaries. For v3.15 or later. id Software
45306 Q2-320F.A01 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Quake II v3.20 final update 2/4
45307 Q2-320F.A02 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Quake II v3.20 final update 3/4
45308 Q2-320F.A03 4 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Quake II v3.20 final update 4/4
45309 Q2-320F.ARJ 4,8 Mt 10.12.1998 - - -
Quake II v3.20 final update. 1/4 Win32 x86 Binaries with DM maps & Capture The Flag for all versions. id Software
45316 Q2-H3D.ZIP 990,9 kt 11.04.1998 - - -
Quake II H3D update H3D Entertainment This will add H3D support to Quake II
45311 Q2CTF09B.ZIP 428,9 kt 15.08.1998 - - -
"Quake II CTF server 1.09beta update This patch is only interesting for people who run CTF serversif you only connect as a clientyou dont need this update."
45312 Q2CTF150.A01 4,3 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Quake II CTF v1.05 full update 2/2
45313 Q2CTF150.ARJ 4,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Quake II CTF v1.50 full update 1/2
45314 Q2CTF15U.ZIP 4,1 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Quake II CTF update 1.x to 1.50
45315 Q2GLM13U.ZIP 10,6 Mt 24.07.2001 - - -
Quake II: Gloom update v1.3 Päivittää v1.2:n v1.3:een. Suositussa Quake 2 -modifikaatiossa ihmiset ottavat mittaa hämähäkeistä. Tämä uusin versio korjaa ongelmia ja lisää paljon uusia ominaisuuksia.  
45317 Q2MINI1.ZIP 90,4 kt 16.04.1998 - - -
Quake II Miniport - updated OpenGL miniport for 3Dfx cards.
45318 Q2V319.ARJ 4,8 Mt 22.09.1998 - MBCD -
Quake II version 3.19 update. Includes CTF addon.     1/4
45319 Q2V319U.ZIP 2,3 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Quake II update 3.17->3.19
45320 Q2V320FA.A01 3,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Quake II v3.20 update 2/4
45321 Q2V320FA.A02 3,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Quake II v3.20 update 3/4
45322 Q2V320FA.A03 1,6 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Quake II v3.20 update 4/4
45323 Q2V320FA.ARJ 3,8 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
Quake II version 3.20 incl. addon fixes 1/4 update
45324 Q3A129FB.ZIP 25,3 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Quake III: Arena update v1.29f beta Provides a great number of tweaks, fixes and changes. Most notable of these are new Pro maps, a new net code, a new auto updater program, new effects for rail, rocket, plasma and lightning weapons, and new counter-cheats. 
45325 Q3A129G.ZIP 25,3 Mt 02.08.2001 - - -
Quake III: Arena update v1.29g beta Notable changes: new id created Pro maps, new network code, auto update system, some new gun effects, new cheat countermeasures, new protocol change, and editing changes for Quake III Arena and Team Arena. 
45326 Q3A129HB.ZIP 25,5 Mt 25.08.2001 - - -
Quake III: Arena update v1.29h beta New id created Pro maps, new network code, autoupdate system, new Railgun, Rocket Launcher, Plasma Gun and Lightning Gun effects, new cheat countermeasures, new protocol change. 
45327 Q3A130U.ZIP 25,5 Mt 17.10.2001 - - -
Quake III: Arena update v1.30 Point Release Final.  
45329 Q3AV125.ZIP 17,3 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Quake III Arena update v1.25 betaRequires v1.17 
45328 Q3AV125B.ZIP 17,6 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
Quake III Arena 1.17 to 1.25y betaEi kuvausta.
45330 Q3AV127G.ZIP 17,7 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Quake III Arena update v127g Ei kuvausta.
45331 Q3AV127H.ZIP 782 kt 16.01.2001 - - -
Quake III Arena update v1.27h beta Updates v1.27g to v1.27h beta. 
45332 Q3PR117.ZIP 8,5 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
Quake III Arena v1.17 Point Release update. id Software. This patch fixes a fairly serious security flaw in Quake 3 Arena. Plus other small and major fixes. 
45333 Q3RA1415.ZIP 49,5 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Quake III: Rocket Arena 3 update v1.5Päivittää v1.4:n v1.5:een. Viisi uutta karttaa, Mac-tuki, MP3-soitin, IRC-clientti, parannuksia ja korjauksia. 
45334 QFG5UP12.ZIP 612,6 kt 26.04.1999 - - -
Quest for Glory V v1.2 udpate. Sierra. Huge list of fixes and changes.
45335 QUAKEGLU.ZIP 56 kt 21.10.1998 - - -
Quake I & II optimized OpenGL driver update Usermade. Since this is a "fanproduct" be careful when using this patch. If this doesn\'t concern you, extract the included 3dfxgl.dll and put it in your Quake 1 or Quake 2 folder.
45336 R6104.A01 2,9 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Rainbow Six v1.04 update 2/3
45337 R6104.A02 2 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Rainbow Six v1.04 update 3/3
45338 R6104.ARJ 2,9 Mt 22.11.1998 - - -
Rainbow Six v1.04 update. 1/3 Red Storm Entertainment
45339 R6104UK.ZIP 9,6 Mt 09.07.1999 repacked Pelit CD 1999 -
Rainbow Six UK version 1.04 update
45340 RA21003E.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 updateUpdates RA2 to v1.003. For English version. 
45341 RA21004E.ZIP 2,2 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 v1.004 Update for English version. Changes and fixes several issues. 
45342 RCT183US.ZIP 577,7 kt 10.02.2000 - - -
RollerCoaster Tycoon  US version 1.08.183 update
45343 RCTA021K.ZIP 330,7 kt 10.02.2000 - - -
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Added Attractions  UK version 1.10.021 update
45344 RCTA021U.ZIP 334,1 kt 10.02.2000 - - -
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Corkscrew Follies  US version 1.10.021 update
45345 RCTA021W.ZIP 330,5 kt 10.02.2000 - - -
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Added Attractions  swedish version 1.10.021 update
45346 RCTLLSW.ZIP 137 kt 23.10.2000 - - -
Roller Coaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapesv1.20.13 Swedish version. Fixes: Guests leaving the park and never coming back. While not officially supported, the program should launch on Windows 2000. A start-up problem on certain AMD-equipped systems (related to the issue with W2K). 
45347 RCTLLUK.ZIP 137 kt 23.10.2000 - - -
Roller Coaster Tycoon: Loopy Landscapesv1.20.13 UK version. Fixes: Guests leaving the park and never coming back. While not officially supported, the program should launch on Windows 2000. A start-up problem on certain AMD-equipped systems (related to the issue with W2K). 
45348 RCTLLUS.ZIP 137,8 kt 23.10.2000 - - -
Roller Coaster Tycoon: Loopy LandscapesUpdate v1.20.13 US version. Fixes: Guests leaving the park and never coming back. While not officially supported, the program should launch on Windows 2000. A start-up problem on certain AMD-equipped systems (related to the issue with W2K). 
45349 RDSLOT15.ZIP 369,8 kt 31.01.2001 - - -
Reel Deal Slots & Video Poker update v1.5 This patch addresses some rounding off  issues that were causing players to lose  money, and also fixes a bug which caused the  balloon blitz bonus game to crash. Low  straights now pay correctly for all video  poker games.
45350 REAPUPD.ZIP 423,5 kt 24.06.1999 - - -
The Reap Cyrix fix update
45351 REAV12.EXE 1,5 Mt 19.05.2000 - - -
Soul Reaver - päivitys v1.2
45352 REDFV120.ZIP 935,7 kt 29.12.2001 - - -
Red Faction update v1.20  Poistaa pienen bugin. 
45353 REDLIUPD.A01 3,5 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Redline update 2/2
45354 REDLIUPD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Redline update from Accolade.  1/2 4 new multiplayer deathmatch arenas: Deathdome, Denizone, Octotron, Toxicorp Outpost. 1 new multiplayer CTF arena: Slaughterhouse CTF. Increased multiplayer Client and Server stability. Fix for compatability issues on newer Gateway machines. Fixes other minor installer and hardware related issues
45355 REFV1KB5.ZIP 156,5 kt 18.01.1998 - MBCD -
Quake II Rendition update beta 5 This is a Rendition native renderer for Quake II that has been optimized for the V1000 family of chips. It will work on the V2x00 family, but because of the nature of the optimizations you may not notice a significant speed increase over the V1000.
45356 RENDFF7B.ZIP 2,3 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
Final Fantasy VII Rendition enabler beta update
45357 REPATCH.ZIP 11,8 kt 02.05.1998 - 22063/SSERVCD_59A.bin -
Resident Evil Voodoo2 update Virgin Interactive Entertainment
45358 REQ_1_2.ZIP 973,3 kt 10.06.1999 - 24039/1999-09_Disc_4.15.bin -
Requiem v1.2 update. 3DO. Enabled dithering in the Direct3D version for greatly improved visual quality. Enables support for joysticks and gamepads using Microsoft Direct Input. Configuring the joystick or gamepad is similar to configuring the keyboard and mouse. Support for Voodoo3. Enhancements have been made to all boss characters. Better AI. Support for 3D sound, Aureal A3D technology. Any sound cards supporting DirectSound 3D supported.
45359 RES2_104.ZIP 1,3 Mt 11.05.1999 - 22672/cd joystick no105 juin 1999.iso -
Resident Evil 2 v1.04 update. Capcom. V1.04 Graphic Support Patch: Download this patch if you have an NVIDIA RIVA TNT-based 3D accelerator card and moving objects appear white.
45360 REVE122.ZIP 2 Mt 27.05.2000 - - -
Revenant v1.22 update US/UK. Cinematix. Fully reprogrammed and tested multiplayer functionality for deathmatch. Characters names float above the characters as they play. Object manipulation work correctly. Characters can join parties and share objects. Host Edit mode. Character LAG is dramatically reduced. Experience and levelling up works correctly in DM games. Enhanced performance for 3D. etc. 
45361 REVO0916.ZIP 645,3 kt 27.09.1999 - - -
"Re-Volt v1.1 update. Acclaim. Command line switch -sli fixes Voodoo SLI problems. Can now select user tracks in multiplayer. Track editor tracks can now be exported double size. Track editor now defaults to 2nd card if available (fixes bug with Voodoo cards). Added command line switch -nomip for graphics cards that cant handle mip map levels. Now remembers filter and mip map settings between front end and main game.  Misc. other minor bugs fixed."
41390 S2KNET11.ZIP 1748155 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
SimCity 2000 Network Edition update 1.1
45362 S3EE166K.ZIP 3,5 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
SWAT 3: Elite Edition update v1.6.6 For UK release. 
45363 S3EE17UK.ZIP 3,6 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
SWAT 3 Elite Edition update v1.7.0.0 For UK version. Addresses a great number of bugs and issues. 
45364 S3EE17US.ZIP 3,6 Mt 08.02.2001 - - -
SWAT 3 Elite Edition update v1.7.0.0 For US version. Addresses a great number of bugs and issues. 
45365 S3GUKFIX.ZIP 923 tavua 16.04.2000 - - -
Settlers III Gold german language fix for UK release. If you happen to see german texts during gameplay and are running the UK "GOLD" edition, install this fix. update 
45366 S3NEW160.ZIP 3 Mt 05.06.2000 - - -
The Settlers III v1.50+ -> 1.60 update. Blue Byte. Entry "Amazons" no longer appears in world ranking lists. Game play errors resulting from this have been eliminated. Message that game has not been saved in last xx minutes has been deactivated Manna display has been corrected. Correction of manna-production. The effect of the magic spell "Samurai Sword" has been reduced. New game mode "Easy" New feature for the economic game. Eliminates the coal bug. 
45367 S3OLD160.ZIP 4,2 Mt 05.06.2000 - - -
The Settlers III v1.38/older -> 1.60 update. Blue Byte. Entry "Amazons" no longer appears in world ranking lists. Game play errors resulting from this have been eliminated. Message that game has not been saved in last xx minutes has been deactivated Manna display has been corrected. Correction of manna-production. The effect of the magic spell "Samurai Sword" has been reduced. New game mode "Easy" New feature for the economic game. Eliminates the coal bug. 
45368 S3TO1004.ZIP 529,4 kt 29.08.1999 - - -
"StarSiege v1.003->v1.004 USA update. Sierra. Addresses several bugs. Improved performance on OpenGLTNT and TNT2. Fixed firing arc blind spot . Fixed drop-down combo boxes in mission editor. New console commands. Team damage now defaults to off. Radiation guns no longer can be used to team kill forfree. Removed the ability of many cheat commands in multiplayer. And much more."
45369 S4908.ZIP 6 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
Settlers IV update v1.10.908 Fixes several known issues, provides gameplay tweaks and enhancements. 
45370 S4P795.ZIP 4,4 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Settlers IV update 1.00.756 to 1.05.795 This update allows multiplayer games on Blue Byte Game Channel. 
45371 S4P815.ZIP 4,5 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Settlers 4 update v1.00.756 to v1.06.815 This update allows multiplayer games on Blue Byte Channel. 
45372 S4U795.ZIP 2,3 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Settlers IV update 1.04.791 to 1.05.795 This update allows multiplayer games on Blue Byte Game Channel. 
45373 S4U815.ZIP 3,3 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Settlers IV update v1.05.795 to v1.06.815 This update allows multiplayer games on Blue Byte Channel. 
45374 S4UK815.ZIP 4,9 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Settlers IV update v1.01.761 to v1.06.815 Adds two multiplayer modes: Economy and Cooperation. User-friendliness tweaked, gameplay more balanced and improved game stability. 
45375 SACRIFP2.ZIP 4,9 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Sacrifice patch #2 Added a disable fogging toggle to Scapex, unit balance: Fallen, removed command line processing from Scapex, added support for TCP/IP games, fixed SacDoctor waiting in line bug. 
45376 SACRIFU3.ZIP 6,5 Mt 21.08.2001 - - -
Sacrifice update #3 Provides numerous bug fixes, updates, tweaks and new features. 
45377 SACRIP3.ZIP 6,5 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Sacrifice update #3 beta For English versions. 
45378 SAM100CE.ZIP 5,4 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Serious Sam: First Encounter update v1.00cFor European version.  
45379 SAM100CU.ZIP 4,8 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Serious Sam: First Encounter update v1.00cFor US version.  
45380 SANC121U.ZIP 985,7 kt 12.08.1999 - - -
Sanctum Oppositions v1.21 update from v1.20
45381 SANUPD.ZIP 142,7 kt 24.06.1999 - - -
Sanitarium fix update Fixes any known problems with the game, except the lock-up in level 2.
45382 SCR12B.ZIP 2,4 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Screamer 4x4 update v1.2 beta Ei kuvausta. 
45383 SCR2V12.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
Scrabble 2.0 version 1.2 update 
45384 SCRUP121.ZIP 2,5 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
Scrabble version 1.21 update 
45385 SCRUPDTE.ZIP 2,5 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Scrabble general fixes update Random Games.
45386 SCULTAMD.ZIP 2,2 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Sub Culture 3DNow! drivers update
45387 SCV131E.ZIP 848,3 kt 13.12.1999 - - -
Shadow Company v1.31 update. Ubi Soft. Patch fixes many control and mobility problems, ATI 3D card problems, and more. Adds "First person mouse control mode" which changes the view manipulation when you hold down the right mouse button. If Intellimouse is enabled, you can use the mouse to raise and lower the view.  
45388 SCV13ENG.ZIP 627,3 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Shadow Company v1.3 update. Ubi Soft. Fatch fixes many control and mobility problems, ATI 3D card problems, and more. Adds "First person mouse control mode" which changes the view manipulation when you hold down the right mouse button. If Intellimouse is enabled, you can use the mouse to raise and lower the view.
45389 SD105E.ZIP 1,3 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
"Sea Dogs update v1.05 Fixes several bugs in resource management systema bug with Maurikio Camentatas dialoguea problem with Letters of Marque and nations. Also adds a great deal of features. "
45390 SD106E.ZIP 1,3 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Sea Dogs update v1.06 Fixes nearly ten known bugs. 
45391 SD2V1_1.ZIP 5,6 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Shanghai: Second Dynasty patch v1.1All Mah-Jongg games saved on previous versions will NOT be useable
once the 1.1 patch has been installed. Saved games on previous
versions will work for all Shanghai tile-matching game modes. If you
have any saved mah-jongg games, delete them.
45392 SD30TO32.ZIP 3,8 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic IIIThe Shadow of Death update v3.0 to v3.2 
45393 SE4P5.ZIP 2,7 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Space Empires IV update v1.35 Map Editor added. New command line options. Various fixes and tweaks. 
45394 SE4V141.ZIP 2,6 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Space Empires IV update v1.41 Ei kuvausta. 
45395 SEV1001E.ZIP 2,2 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Severance: Blade of Darkness update v1.001For European version. Patches a number of  problems, including stability and saving and  loading crashes. Adds new features, like  quadraphonic sound. 
45396 SEWF104A.ZIP 3,8 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Western Front US update 1.03a to 1.04a update
45397 SF00103.ZIP 4,4 Mt 05.03.2000 - - -
 Starfleet Command 1.00->1.03 update. Interplay. The cost of ships now includes all supplies. Hydrans can now select ECCM 4.Cloaking Device costs energy to operate. The enemies in your mission are now directly tied to your location. Hydran fighters are no longer useable in Nebulas. Some mission changes. Weapons and systems should work properly when repaired. An AI crash bug (AI attempts to capture while cloaked) was fixed. Dozens other fixes.
45398 SF021103.ZIP 1,4 Mt 05.03.2000 - - -
 Starfleet Command 1.02->1.03 update. Interplay. The cost of ships now includes all supplies. Hydrans can now select ECCM 4.Cloaking Device costs energy to operate. The enemies in your mission are now directly tied to your location. Hydran fighters are no longer useable in Nebulas. Some mission changes. Weapons and systems should work properly when repaired. An AI crash bug (AI attempts to capture while cloaked) was fixed. Dozens other fixes.
45399 SF6V102.ZIP 333,3 kt 17.11.2000 - - -
Starfight VI: Gatekeepers update v1.02Korjaa yhden pelin läpipeluun mahdollisesti estävän bugin. Korjaa myös balansointiin liittyviä "porsaanreikiä". Huomaa! SF6:n rakenteesta johtuen, osa päivitysten korjauksista ei astu voimaan pelitalletuksissa, jotka on tehty bugisella versiolla. Peli on aloitettava alusta, jos haluaa olla täysin varma, että kaikki patchissä korjatut bugit ovat poissa.  
45400 SF6V106A.ZIP 496,8 kt 16.01.2001 - - -
StarFight VI - Gatekeepers päivitys v1.06aNäppäinten konfigurointi, korjauksia alusten käyttäytymiseen, korjaus pelin kaatavaan ongelmaan joillain koneilla, korjauksia useisiin vakaviin vikoihin sekä balansointiin liittyviä "porsaanreikiä". 
45401 SFA_A3D.ZIP 1,8 Mt 18.01.1998 - - -
Starfleet Academy 3D audio update
68320 SG101W95.ZIP 341816 15.12.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
Star General Win95 patch v1.01
45402 SHIP26H.ZIP 1,1 Mt 15.02.1998 - - -
Stars! registered version 2.6h update
45403 SHKPATCH.ZIP 4 Mt 27.09.1999 - - -
"System Shock 2 update. Looking Glass. The patch implements cooperativemodem/LAN capability for up to four simultaneous System Shock 2 players. In additionthe patch enhances the games single-player mode by implementing user control over weapon degradation and monster re-spawning."
45404 SHO101.ZIP 4,4 Mt 12.07.2000 - - -
Shogun: Total War update. Electronic Arts. This patch fixes a problem with hosting and playing multiplayer games on the America Online ISP. Once you have installed this patch, you should have no problems both hosting and joining a Shogun game via the EA|Play matchmaking service. 
45405 SHO2214F.A01 4,4 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Shogo v2.2 update 2/2
45406 SHO2214F.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division v2.2 update. Full update version from any version. By Monolith.                    1/2
45407 SHO2214U.ZIP 3,7 Mt 20.03.1999 - - -
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division v2.1->v2.2 update. By Monolith.
45408 SHOGN111.ZIP 4,3 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Shogun: Total War patch v1.11The patch fixes the minor bugs we have discovered since launch,  
(also network games performance has been increased at lower 
bandwidths for slower speed connections) and address some balancing 
45409 SICE1_06.ZIP 845 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Solid Ice update 1.04 to 1.06 update
45410 SIED110.ZIP 259 kt 09.01.1998 - - -
Siedler version 1.1 update
45411 SIL109GU.ZIP 709,1 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Silver v1.09g update. Infogrames. Fixes the Harbor Bug and the Swamp Bug. This patch will only work with the US release available in North America.
45412 SIMON195.ZIP 54,7 kt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Simon the Sorcerer new game driver for Windows95 update. Just uncompress and run this patch in your installation directory. It should allow you to run the game flawlessly under Win95.
45413 SIMON295.ZIP 57,2 kt 15.08.1998 - MBCD -
Simon the Sorcerer II new game driver for Windows95 update. Just uncompress and run this patch in your installation directory. It should allow you to run the game flawlessly under Win95.
45414 SIMS11EU.ZIP 2,8 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
The Sims v1.1 update. Maxis. European version. This patch fixes bugs and improves gameplay. 
45415 SIMSLUSW.ZIP 217,3 kt 26.05.2001 - - -
The Sims: Living Large update #1 For Swedish version. 
45416 SIMSLUUK.ZIP 217,1 kt 26.05.2001 - - -
The Sims: Living Large update #1 For UK version. 
45417 SIMSLUUS.ZIP 217,1 kt 26.05.2001 - - -
The Sims: Living Large update #1 For US version. 
45418 SIMSV1_1.ZIP 2,8 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
The Sims v1.1 update. Maxis. North Americaversion. This patch fixes bugs and improves gameplay. 
45419 SIN00T11.ZIP 31,1 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
SiN update v1.00 to v1.11 Updates: added GameSpy internal server browser support, includes additional user CTF levels, fully compatible with Macintosh version, fixed sound compatibility problems. 
45420 SIN01T11.ZIP 14,5 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
SiN update v1.01 to v1.11 Updates: added GameSpy internal server browser support, includes additional user CTF levels, fully compatible with Macintosh version, fixed sound compatibility problems. 
45421 SIN04T11.ZIP 5,2 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
SiN update v1.04 to v1.11 Updates: added GameSpy internal server browser support, includes additional user CTF levels, fully compatible with Macintosh version, fixed sound compatibility problems. 
45422 SMPATCH.ZIP 11,9 kt 01.02.1998 - 22403/xeniatgm40.iso -
Shadow Master demo update. A small number of users have reported problems with the Shadowmaster demo. It has been traced to a problem that can be corrected by downloading and running this patch. Psygnosis
45423 SO2D11.ZIP 637,9 kt 02.11.1999 - - -
Spec Ops 2 demo update. By Zombie. Add mouse invert support to the demo.
45424 SO2PATCH.ZIP 633,6 kt 24.11.1999 - 22440/XENIATGM66.iso -
Spec Ops II update. By Zombie. To install the patch, backup the files: BERET.EXE and LEVELS.MRF in the directory that you installed Spec Ops II. Unzip the patch, copy either D3D.EXE (Direct3D) or VOODOO.EXE (3dfx Voodoo) into your SO2 directory. Rename D3D.EXE or VOODOO.EXE to BERET.EXE. Copy the updated LEVELS.MRF into your Spec Ops II directory.
45425 SO2V111.ZIP 2,1 Mt 08.12.1999 - - -
Spec Ops II v1.1.1 update. By Zombie. Will add several new features and upgrade some existing items. Following intelligent: improvements: Thailand combative missions. Adds Stealth mode. Fine-tunes AI commands. Fixes team friendly fire in group death match games. Inverts mouse - add line to level .mrf in "common" section. InvertMouse. Removes time limit in Antarctica.
45426 SOBGLV4.ZIP 576,1 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
SpecOps Ranger Team Bravo patch #4 update for OpenGL version
45427 SOBSFTV4.ZIP 613,1 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
SpecOps Ranger Team Bravo patch #4 update for Software version
45428 SOBVODV4.ZIP 498,9 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
SpecOps Ranger Team Bravo patch #4 update for Voodoo version
45430 SOF105.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.06.2000 - - -
Soldier of Fortune 1.03->1.05 update. Raven Software. Fixed crash in EAX sound code when playing old sounds. Fixed crashes in DM. Fixed a bug in detection of remote IP address for systems with multiple IPs. Re-organized CD copy protection. Fixed problem where people had difficulty connecting to servers. Fixed an issue with spectator mode. Fixed irqctf1 where players could get in bad spots. EAX performance optimizations. Server fixes. Pure server option. Addressed firewall issue. 
45429 SOF105B.ZIP 918,4 kt 05.10.2000 - - -
Soldier of Fortune 1.05 to 1.05b updateEi kuvausta.
45431 SOF106.ZIP 26,5 Mt 09.10.2000 - - -
Soldier of Fortune update v1.06Features reworked artificial intelligence, new deathmatch modes, new levels, new team models, new bot deatmatch. 
45433 SOF107.ZIP 1,9 Mt 21.08.2001 - - -
Soldier of Fortune update v1.07 Updates v1.06 to v1.07. No longer regenerates configsheet.cpp, removed WON, added GameSpy, fixed a few minor issues with dm_flags. 
45432 SOF107FB.ZIP 1,9 Mt 21.08.2001 - - -
Soldier of Fortune update v1.07f beta Updates v1.07 to v1.07f. 
45434 SOFCTFSU.ZIP 1,2 Mt 26.10.2000 - - -
Soldier of Fortune EAX updateCapture the Flag level EAX sound enhancement. Installs new EAL files that add effects such as dynamically changing reverbs and obstruction and occlusion filtering. For v1.06 or higher, or SoF Gold. 
45435 SOFD57U.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Soldier of Fortune demo update. Raven Software. Run speed for DM in menus. LAN Only option in multiplayer config. No rocket launcher dm flag in menus. Current map name in info list. Remote IP determination. Fixed SOCKS5 support. Added "exit" command to console. Player height raised. Player corpses are shootable after respawning. Added no_won cvar (for LAN only play). A3D bug fixes and upgrade to 3.0. etc.
45436 SOFDMEAX.ZIP 1,1 Mt 05.10.2000 - - -
Soldier of Fortune EAX updateNew Deathmatch EAX sound effects, req. v1.06.
45437 SOFMEAL.ZIP 1,1 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Soldier of Fortune EAX updateSoldier of Fortune missions EAX sound enhancement. For SoF v1.06 or higher and SoF Gold. 
45438 SOFTV3.ZIP 610,7 kt 12.11.1998 - - -
SpecOps Ranger Team Bravo new software renderer update
45439 SOS_RUSH.ZIP 449,1 kt 18.01.1998 - - -
Streets of Sim City Voodoo Rush update
45440 SOTE1_1.ZIP 1,7 Mt 08.04.1998 - 24022/1998-06_Disc_3.15.iso -
Shadows of the Empire v1.1 update Lucasarts
45441 SOTEM3D.ZIP 1,7 Mt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
Shadows of the Empire Matrox m3D/Mystique Beta update. LucasArts. Fixes many of the problems with the retail version of Shadows of the Empire from LucasArts. Simply replace the original shadows.exe with the new shadows.exe that is included in this zip file. Most of the fixes are for resolving m3D issues. For further improvement on Mystique series cards, color keying should be enabled from the options men
45442 SOULTRUP.ZIP 574,1 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
Soultrap graphics update. fixes in this patch: - fixes minor bugs in regard to High Detail p   - adds updated readme   - adds opening & closing screen to game
45443 SP3V1_01.ZIP 234,1 kt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command v1.01 update. SSI. For Windows 95 install.
45446 SPB_MAN.ZIP 801,2 kt 16.12.1999 - - -
Speed Busters manual update
45444 SPBA_AMD.ZIP 4,9 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
Speedboat Attack 3DNow! drivers update
45445 SPBADDON.ZIP 25,1 Mt 19.10.1999 - - -
Speed Busters add-on from Ubi Soft Adds a new 3D cockpit view for all cars and support for Matrox environment bump mapping (G400 cards only).
45447 SPBOATV2.ZIP 4,7 Mt 18.02.1999 - - -
Speedboat Attack Voodoo2 update
45448 SPC2D12B.ZIP 18,2 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
SpecOps 2 patch v1.2 for Direct3Dhis patch will upgrade you to platinum
edition. If you need new improved textures as well, get the
Direct3D textures addon for version 1.2
45449 SPC2D12T.ZIP 16 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
SpecOps II v1.2 Direct3D texturesEi kuvausta.
45450 SPC2V12B.ZIP 18,3 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
SpecOps II patch v1.2 Voodoo baseEi kuvausta.
45451 SPC2V12T.ZIP 4,7 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
SpecOps 2 patch v1.2 Voodoo texturesEi kuvausta.
45452 SPEC13.ZIP 985,9 kt 28.06.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops: Rangers Lead The Way v1.3 update * Stealth mode * Inverted mouse aiming * Mouse sensitivity * Improved enemy AI * and more. from Zombie
45453 SPECOPGL.A01 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops OpenGL update 2/10
45454 SPECOPGL.A02 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops OpenGL update 3/10
45455 SPECOPGL.A03 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops OpenGL update 4/10
45456 SPECOPGL.A04 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops OpenGL update 5/10
45457 SPECOPGL.A05 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops OpenGL update 6/10
45458 SPECOPGL.A06 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops OpenGL update 7/10
45459 SPECOPGL.A07 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops OpenGL update 8/10
45460 SPECOPGL.A08 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops OpenGL update 9/10
45461 SPECOPGL.A09 2 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops OpenGL update 10/10
45462 SPECOPGL.ARJ 4,8 Mt 09.07.1998 - MBCD -
Spec Ops: Rangers Lead The Way OpenGL update. By Zombie.
45463 SPECV2TE.A01 2,9 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Spec Ops Voodoo2 textures update 2/3
45464 SPECV2TE.A02 2,8 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Spec Ops Voodoo2 testures update 3/3
45465 SPECV2TE.ARJ 2,9 Mt 19.05.1998 - - -
Spec Ops: Rangers Lead The Way New textures update for Voodoo2 graphics cards. Installs new graphics textures for Voodoo2 ONLY. Zombie.   1/3
45466 SPEED1A.ZIP 8,9 kt 10.03.1998 - - -
SpeedyZone version 1.0a update
45467 SPLATS1.ZIP 10,1 kt 28.06.1998 - 22065/SServCD_60.bin -
Dark Reign "splatter" fix update adds missing gore back into censored versions.
45468 SPP_UPD.ZIP 2 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Sportsmans Paradise update"
45469 SPRPATCH.ZIP 589,8 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
South Park Rally update. Acclaim. This patch will resolve the problems that have been associated with computer systems returning to the desktop or system freezes after running the South Park Rally executable. 
45470 SPUPDATE.ZIP 369,3 kt 17.06.1998 - 22549/GAMBLERCD20A.BIN -
"You Dont Know Jack: Sports v1.01 update"
45471 SPWAW001.ZIP 1,8 Mt 14.05.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War update v5.0.1Päivittää version 5.0 versioon 5.0.1. Ilmainen
toisen maailmansodan sotastrategia, joka
pohjautuu Gary Grigsbyn Steel Panthersiin.
Todella paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksiköitä,
aseita, maastoja, kampanjoita, skenaarioita ja niin
edelleen. Aiempaa parempi realismi ja pelattavuus
45472 SPWAW44U.ZIP 4,4 Mt 30.10.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War update v4.4Päivittää versiot 4.2 ja 4.3b versioon 4.4. Steel Panthersiin pohjautuva täysin ilmainen Toisen Maailmansodan sotastrategia. Erittäin paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksikköjä, maastoja, aseita, kalustoa, tehtäviä, kampanjoita ja niin edelleen. Nyt myös TCP/IP-moninpeli. CD:lle poltettava ja/tai erikseen asennettava täysversio. Windows 9x, Pentium. 
45473 SPWAW45U.ZIP 8,2 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War update v4.5Päivittää versiot 4.2, 4.3b ja 4.4 versioon 4.5. Steel Panthersiin pohjautuva täysin ilmainen Toisen Maailmansodan sotastrategia. Erittäin paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksikköjä, maastoja, aseita, kalustoa, tehtäviä, kampanjoita ja niin edelleen. Nyt myös TCP/IP-moninpeli. Windows 9x, Pentium.   
45474 SPWAW50U.ZIP 160,2 Mt 14.05.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War update v5.0.1Päivittää version 4.5 versioon 5.0.1. Ilmainen toisen maailmansodan sotastrategia, joka pohjautuu 
Gary Grigsbyn Steel Panthersiin. Todella paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksiköitä, aseita, maastoja, 
kampanjoita, skenaarioita ja niin edelleen. Aiempaa parempi realismi ja pelattavuus. 
45475 SPWAW52U.ZIP 9,2 Mt 21.08.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World At War update v6.1 Päivittää v5.01:n v5.2:een. Ilmainen toisen maailmansodan sotastrategia, joka pohjautuu Gary Grigsbyn Steel Panthersiin. Todella paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksiköitä, aseita, maastoja, kampanjoita, skenaarioita ja niin edelleen. Aiempaa parempi realismi ja pelattavuus. 
45476 SPWAW61U.ZIP 1,4 Mt 21.08.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World At War update v6.1 Päivittää v5.2:n v6.1:een. Ilmainen toisen maailmansodan sotastrategia, joka pohjautuu Gary Grigsbyn Steel Panthersiin. Todella paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksiköitä, aseita, maastoja, kampanjoita, skenaarioita ja niin edelleen. Aiempaa parempi realismi ja pelattavuus. 
45477 SPWAW70U.ZIP 1,9 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War update v7.0 Päivittää Steel Panthers: WaW:n versiosta 6.1 versioon 7.0. 
45478 SPWAWV41.ZIP 29 Mt 09.10.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War upgradev4.0 to v4.1 
45479 SPWAWV42.ZIP 2,4 Mt 09.10.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War upgradev4.1 to v4.2 
45480 SPYPATCH.ZIP 84,1 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
"Arcades Greatest Hits: Midway Collection 2 Spy Hunter update. GT Interactive. This patch corrects the music in Spy Hunter that would restart incorrectly."
45481 SR3DFX2.ZIP 282,9 kt 02.05.1998 - 22874/PC Action Issue 70 (Settembre 1998).iso -
Screamer Rally Voodoo2 update Virgin
45482 STAR_106.ZIP 2,5 Mt 12.10.1999 - - -
StarCraft v1.06 update. Blizzard. Partial list of Changes/Fixes: Reduced costs. Reduced the cooldown. Added a limit so games can only be saved at most once every two minutes during a multiplayer game. Fixed bug that caused save game compatibility problems. etcetcetc.
45483 STAR108B.ZIP 2,7 Mt 02.08.2001 - - -
StarCraft update v1.08b Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when a damaged morphing creep colony changed into a sunken colony, Mac ladder maps are now correct, URLs for KBK corrected, removed URL for replay FAQ. 
45484 STARC108.ZIP 2,7 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
StarCraft update v1.08 Adds a new template "Top vs Bottom" that functions like Melee. Adds support for Game Recording. Adds support for gateway selection. Save Game clarification. Tanks can be crushed by landing buildings on them. Better proxy support, clearer battle.net messages, "Connecting to fastest server" message now clearer, Ladders maps updated, Ladder cheating fixed, fixed various language translation problems, fixed "gliding SCV" and "teleporting drone" bugs. 
45485 STARM12.ZIP 3,7 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Star Trek: Armada update v1.2 Pathing Improved. Rally Point Improved. AI  has better handicaps on Medium and Hard, and  will cloak ships if it can. The Chain Reaction  Pulsar weapon has been modified. In standard  Multiplay each team will begin with a  starbase, 2 construction ships, and a scout.  Implemented Instant Action save  functionality. Improved game stability with  ESC key being depressed. Fixed several  weapons related crashes. Fixed crash related  to Corbromite Reflector and saved games. 
45486 START101.ZIP 5,7 Mt 25.08.2001 - - -
Startopia update v1.01 8 new features, over 20 changes and fixes, and enables user missions. 
45487 STARTELC.ZIP 96,4 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Startopia English language converter This patch will convert any language version of the game into English. 
45488 STARTFIX.ZIP 275,4 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
Start-up update #1 
45489 STARTNET.ZIP 740,5 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
Start-up netplay addon update 
45490 STB12.ZIP 4,1 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
Season Ticket Baseball update v1.2 Provides several bug fixes and three enhancements. 
45491 STCC102.ZIP 445,5 kt 02.05.1998 - - -
"Sega Touring Car Championship v1.02 update Now works with Microsoft Direct3Dallowing for improved graphics. DirectDraw and Direct3D options can now be selected from the Graphics menu. Selecting Direct3D in the Graphics menu results in superior quality graphics renderingadding to the games enjoyment."
45492 STCC132.ZIP 2,5 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
"Swedish Touring Car Championship v1.32 update. Digital Illusions. Multiplayer now works correctly when playing over internettry it out on DICE own server(IP: Minor change to the lobby system to make servers behind firewalls/proxys work. Change in the input system so joysticks/wheels connected to the gameport wont cause this big drop in framerate. Option to remove the server controlled players in multiplayer. "
45493 STCC2V30.ZIP 3,7 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Swedish Touring Car Championship II v3.0 Updates and fixes a host of issues and bugs. 
45494 STCC2V31.ZIP 3,7 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Swedish Touring Car Championship 2 update Updates to v3.1. Fixes: Crash bug when racin Falkenberg in a full length championship, auto tire selection in multiplayer, minor direct message bug in the multiplayer lobby. 
45495 STCC2V32.ZIP 3,7 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Swedish Touring Car Championship 2 updateUpdates to v3.2. Fixes: Microsoft Sidewinder FF (USB) wheel now works with force feedback effects. It was a bug in the Microsoft device driver that we managed to work around.  Minor camera viewmode saving bug fixed. Possible memory thrashing bug removed. 
45496 STCC2V33.ZIP 3,8 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
Swedish Touring Car Championship 2 update Updates to v3.3. Fixes: Network protocol version updated to prevent players from using an older version of the game when racing online. Minor opponent time estimation bug fixed. 
45497 STCYRIX.ZIP 103,7 kt 28.04.1998 - 24033/1998-07_Disc_4.1.iso -
Starship Titanic Cyrix installation fix update. This fix should allow you to install Starship Titanic on a Cyrix 6x86 based system No guarantee is given for its predecessors.
45498 STG400DH.ZIP 554,8 kt 10.10.2000 - - -
Super Taxi Driver G400 patchThis patch provides Matrox G400 dualhead support.
45499 STOP101B.ZIP 2,1 Mt 10.09.2001 - - -
StarTopia update v1.01bProvides numerous updates, changes and fixes. 
45500 STP20.ZIP 5,6 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Sim Theme Park v2.0 update. Bullfrog. European/US versions. 
Single & multiplayer fixes.
Improved 1st person cross-hair. Fixed the
"All Visitors List" problem. CTRL +
left-click mouse to copy an item correctly.
Fixed bug when undoing already placed queue
blocks. Players can no longer vote for their
own park. Only one vote per day allowed.
Save/Load bug fixed. Exits from rides can be
placed \'under\' track rides and the bridges
are built correctly. Dual Voodoo3 cards now
supported. Faster 1st person mode.
Bug in Challenges has been fixed.
45501 STP42A2B.ZIP 260,2 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
Starship Titanic update v1.00.42b. Requires previous patch version (1.00.42a) to the latest version (1.00.42b).
45502 STTAV11.ZIP 897,7 kt 30.11.2000 - - -
Starship Troopers: Terran Ascendancy patchThis patch fixes the common "drop to desktop" problem, as well as USB and input device related crashes. 
45503 STVEFV11.ZIP 7,7 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force update v1.1Fixes a few major bugs and addressess a number of minor fixes. 
45504 STVEFV12.ZIP 19,7 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
"Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force update v1.2Adds Jeri Ryans voice for Seven of Nineand 12 new models for multiplayer games. Upgrades HoloMatch to v1.2. "
45505 STW112SW.ZIP 5 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Shogun: Total War update v1.12 For Swedish version. Online multiplayer performance has been improved. 
45506 STWV112.ZIP 4,6 Mt 09.10.2000 - 23171/Gamestar_24_2000-11_cd1.bin -
Shogun: Total War update v1.12This upgrade is for the English language version only. 
68756 SU2711B4.ZIP 317570 24.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Su-27 Flanker Win 95 Beta 4 info (2-4-96)
Bugs fixes: smaller sun, chaff/flare, clouds,
sounds, link play etc.
68757 SU2711B5.ZIP 1517798 24.04.1996 - - -
Su-27 Flanker Beta 5 update of V1.1 Windows
95, April 10th. Fixed: missile bug, .trk
files, edit/save mission parameters,
multiplayer, fire button.
41422 SU27V11.ZIP 4398909 27.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
SU-27 FLANKER V1.1 update to update SU-27
V1.0 for Win95. SSI/Mindscape.
45507 SUBCC1_3.ZIP 650,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
"Subspace - The Captains Chair version 1.3 Update. "
45508 SUBCM101.ZIP 1,5 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Sub Command update v1.01  Mahdollistaa nettipelin eri maiden versioiden välillä. 
45509 SUBTT11U.ZIP 2,1 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Submarine Titans patch v1.1For North-American version.
45510 SUE12US.ZIP 2,6 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Sudden Strike update v1.2 For US version. 
45511 SUMNR121.ZIP 842,5 kt 27.05.2001 - - -
Summoner update v1.21 Updates: LAN games are no longer visible in THQmultiplay.net. Magical resistances now work properly. 
45512 SVEA3101.ZIP 2,7 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Svea Rike III update v1.01 For Swedish version. 
45513 SVEA3102.ZIP 2,7 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Svea Rike III update v1.02 For Swedish version. 
45514 SWAT312U.ZIP 1,8 Mt 23.02.2000 repacked Pelit CD 2000 -
 SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle v1.2 update. Sierra.  This update includes a HTML-based FAQ, new AI behaviors, and fine-tune gameplay adjustments.
45515 SWAT316U.ZIP 51,7 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
SWAT 3 update v1.6 Cooperative mode added, with improved client code, added client shot prediction code, streamlined network code to reduce lag, bulletproofed WON-Net callback functions. Also issues several general and AI updates and additions. 
45516 SWAT3UK2.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.03.2000 - - -
 SWAT 3 UK version 1.2 update Sierra. This update includes a HTML-based FAQ, new AI behaviors, and fine-tune gameplay adjustments.
45517 SWAT3V16.ZIP 52,5 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
SWAT III update v1.1/1.2 to v1.6 For North American release.
45518 SWCU_PAT.ZIP 361,4 kt 15.09.2000 - - -
Street Wars: Constructor Underworld patch. European release.  
45519 SWINE14.ZIP 6,3 Mt 17.01.2002 - - -
S.W.I.N.E. update v1.4 Ei kuvausta.  
45520 SWT3EE16.ZIP 3,5 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
SWAT III: Elite Edition update v1.6 For North American release.
45521 T2-118.ZIP 31,6 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
Thief II: The Metal Age v1.18 update. Looking Glass. This patch will only work on version 1.07. Includes programming fixes, design fixes and improvements and much more. Assorted tweaks to AI code to improve AI responses. Made several aesthetic improvements. Tweaked some of the puzzles. And much minor and bigger changes. 
45522 T2231152.ZIP 762,2 kt 17.08.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 update v23115 Updates v22755 to v23115. Provides several bug fixes, solves memory leak issues, new improvements and optimizations. 
45523 T223669.ZIP 756,7 kt 21.08.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 update v23669 Updates v23115 to v23669.  
45524 T2UPDATE.ZIP 71,2 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
Towers II, Plight of the Stargazer update
45525 T2V649U.ZIP 724,9 kt 27.05.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 update v22649 Updates v22460 to v22649. Addresses many gameplay tweaks and changes, and corrects a number of issues and bugs. 
45528 T2V755.ZIP 3,2 Mt 27.05.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 update v22755 Updates v21570 (retail version) to v22755. Addresses many gameplay tweaks and changes, and corrects a number of issues and bugs. 
45527 T2V755U.ZIP 2,3 Mt 27.05.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 update v22755 Updates v22460 to v22755. Addresses many gameplay tweaks and changes, and corrects a number of issues and bugs. 
45526 T2V755U2.ZIP 2,2 Mt 27.05.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 update v22755 Updates v22649 to v22755. Addresses many gameplay tweaks and changes, and corrects a number of issues and bugs. 
45532 TA-30CR.ZIP 30,6 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Total Annihilation: Kingdoms 3.0 with Darien Crusades update. Cavedog Entertainment. With this update installed, you should be prepared to make a seamless transition to play in the Darien Crusades or on the Boneyards, and should just need to add the Iron Plague to add the long-awaited forces of Creon to your arsenal.
45529 TA1X-31.A01 2,9 Mt 14.08.1998 - MBCD -
Total Annihilation 3.1 update 2/3Cavedog. The 3.1 Patch adds many new features to Total and will upgrade any previous version.
45530 TA1X-31.A02 2 Mt 14.08.1998 - MBCD -
Total Annihilation 3.1 update 3/3Cavedog. The 3.1 Patch adds many new features to Total and will upgrade any previous version.
45531 TA1X-31.ARJ 2,9 Mt 14.08.1998 - MBCD -
Total Annihilation 3.1 update 1/3Cavedog. The 3.1 Patch adds many new features to Total and will upgrade any previous version.
45533 TACCPAT.ZIP 76,5 kt 02.06.1998 - 22063/secret_service_59a01.iso -
Total Annilation: Core Contigency corrupt files fix for UK release update.
45534 TACOP301.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
TacOps 3.0 version 3.01 update 
45535 TACOP305.ZIP 1,1 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
TacOps patch v3.05Ei kuvausta.
45536 TACOP312.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
TacOps 3.0 update v3.1.2 Corrected an intermittant memory leak and Windows system resources leak that occurred when drawing some special icons such as casualty markers, ATGM launch signatures, entrenchments, mines, and smoke clouds. 
45537 TACOPS30.ZIP 5,2 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
TacOps v3.0This is the first chance to get a look at the new features that have been added to one of the most revered cornerstones of wargaming! Modern Tactical Combat. Command US armed forces in modern day combat situation. Top viewed, extremerely realistic combat strategy simulation, also used by US Army in officer training. Windows 95/98/NT, 486, 6 MB. 
45538 TAINI101.ZIP 356,7 kt 15.09.2000 - - -
The Tainted installer version 1.01
45539 TAINT101.ZIP 356,1 kt 15.09.2000 - - -
The Tainted päivitys 1.01
45540 TAK30BB.ZIP 5,8 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Total Annihilation: Kingdoms update v3.0 Cavedog Entertainment. Fixes a bug with team settings remaining after loading a save skirmish. Fixes a bug with units under transport. Kingdoms should now run at least two times faster in all instances. During intense battles, Kingdoms can now automatically adjust the level of shadow detail and animation. Kingdoms should now run effectively on a P200 with 32MB of RAM. Etc.
45541 TAK31CRU.ZIP 30,6 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Total Annihilation: Kingdoms v3.1BB update with Darien Crusades update. Cavedog Entertainment. With this update installed, you should be prepared to make a seamless transition to play in the Darien Crusades or on the Boneyards, and should just need to add the Iron Plague to add the long-awaited forces of Creon to your arsenal.
45542 TAKED108.ZIP 6,5 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Takeda update v1.08 Provides four mini-campaigns, difficulty settings, Oda clan now suffers casualties when fighting minor clans, Gamespy bug fixed, automatic resolution switching, independant scrolling and game speed settings in options menu, new hotkeys for centering on units in battle mode. 
45543 TAKV31BB.ZIP 5,8 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Total Annihilation: Kingdoms version 3.1BB update Cavedog Entertainment. Fixes a bug with team settings remaining after loading a save skirmish. Fixes a bug with units under transport. Kingdoms should now run at least two times faster in all instances. During intense battles, Kingdoms can now automatically adjust the level of shadow detail and animation. Kingdoms should now run effectively on a P200 with 32MB of RAM. Etc.
45544 TANINTEL.ZIP 148 kt 15.08.1998 - 22553/GAMBLERCD22A.BIN -
Total Annilation non-Intel fix update for version 3.1. Where are certain incompatibilities with non-Intel chips like AMD,Cyrix,etc. when you apply patch 3.1 to Total Annilation. If you run on one of these chips and applied version 3.1 already, download this patch.
45545 TB2NLFF.ZIP 878,1 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
Front Page Sports: Trophy Bass 2 beta update This patch will add Force Feedback support to Trophy Bass 2. You MUST have Northern Lakes to use this patch. Once the game is started, go to Options to enable the joystick. Note: Force Feedback requires DirectX 5, and therefore is not Windows 3.1 compatible. Sierra
45546 TB3DP2.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Trophy Bass 3D patch 2 update. Sierra.
45547 TB41002.ZIP 1,2 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Field & Stream: Trophy Bass 4 v1.0.0.2 update. Sierra. This patch fixes various multiplayer issues, including some team play elimination tournament problems. 
45548 TB4V1003.ZIP 1,1 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Field & Stream Trophy Bass 4 v1.0.0.3Ei kuvausta.
45549 TB4V1004.ZIP 1,2 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
Field & Stream Trophy Bass 4 v1.0.04This update fixes a timeout bug in Multiplayer, where users had a hard time creating games. 
45550 TBUCK107.ZIP 2,1 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Trophy Buck v1.07 update. Sierra Sports.
45551 TCM104.ZIP 302,9 kt 16.01.2001 - - -
The Corporate Machine update v1.04 The Corporate Machine update v1.04 This patch upgrades AI performance, has numerous bug fixes, and allows you to upgrade from Business Tycoon to The Corporate Machine. 
45552 TCM105.ZIP 744 kt 15.03.2001 - - -
The Corporate Machine update v1.05 This patch among better AI and numerous fixes  allows you to upgrade from Business Tycoon to  The Corporate Machine. TCM 1.05 or later is  required to use additional maps/markets (like  the Cola market).
45553 TD42UP.ZIP 959,4 kt 01.02.1998 - MBCD -
Test Drive 4 v1.2 update Voodoo Rush fixed. Graphics fixes. More sounds. Better controllers. New car. Accolade.
45554 TD5PATCH.ZIP 2,2 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Test Drive 5 v1.1 update. Accolade. Fixes Situation where AI cars do not race the same number of laps. Support for MPact 3D cards, Verite 1000L-P, Verite 2100, and Verite 2200. Fogging added for video cards that support fogging. Force feedback improved Optimized for "3D Now!". Environment mapping. Added multiple monitor support.
45555 TDR00NP.ZIP 27,9 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Carmageddon TDR 2000 Nosebleed Pack Enhanced multiplayer model with a server mode, a whole range of updated power-ups including Meteor Storm and Hover mode. 
45556 TDRNBUS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Carmageddon TDR 2000 Nosebleed Pack patchIf you have the US version, you will need both The Nosebleed Pack and this patch; European customers need only the Nosebleed Pack. 
45557 TE10703.ZIP 2,1 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
The Operational Art of War, Elite Edition version 1.0703 update
45558 TE111262.ZIP 1,1 Mt 16.08.2000 - - -
Terminus v1.1->1.62 update. Vicarious Visions. 
45559 TE161162.ZIP 302,5 kt 16.08.2000 - - -
Terminus v1.61->1.62 update. Vicarious Visions. 
45560 TERM181U.ZIP 644,2 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
Terminus update v1.8 to v1.81Ei kuvausta.
45561 TERMN181.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
Terminus v1.81 updateEi kuvausta.
45563 TOAW107.ZIP 7,4 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
The Operational Art of War, Volume I 1.07 update
45562 TOAW107X.ZIP 1 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
The Operational Art of War, Volume I 1.07 to 1.07.03 update
45564 TOAW2105.ZIP 3,4 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
The Operational Art of War, Volume II  version 1.05 update
45565 TOAWE101.ZIP 2,8 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 The Operational Art of War, Volume I - Wargame of the Year Edition version 1.01 update
45566 TOB26464.ZIP 3,8 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Baldur\'s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal v26464 Fixes: the NPC "X appears busy" bug, the problem where registry programs would erase ToB entry, the incorrect calculation of the assassin backstab modifier, the party-splitting bug, and the multiplayer bug where Sarevok keeps repeating his first line of dialogue. 
45567 TOB26499.ZIP 4 Mt 15.01.2002 - - -
"Baldurs Gate II: Throne of Bhaal update Updates to v26499. Fixes the lenghty saving and loading times.  "
45569 TOCA_EFG.ZIP 429,1 kt 18.03.1999 - 22671/cd joystick no104 mai 1999.iso -
TOCA Touring Car Championship version 1.1a update. For english , french and german release of this game.
45568 TOCA2UP.ZIP 2 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
TOCA 2 Touring Cars v4.1 update. Codemasters Updates the European retail version. Bug fixes: identifies CD on fast CD drives, signposts fixed, network mode improved. Enhancements: AI scripting enabled. Replays now record upto 20+ laps. New cheat mode. In-Race chat function added. Latency display added to network mode. & much more.
45570 TOCP1UK.ZIP 6,2 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Times of Conflict update #1 For UK version. 
45571 TONE131E.ZIP 267,3 kt 23.07.1998 - 22065/secret_service_6001.iso -
Tone Rebellion version 1.31 update. Changes: -  Improved network performance. -  Far Obtain spell crashes when not properly targeted. -  Leviathan monsters being born fully aged. -  Player inventory not being fully returned to the world when a player leaves a network game. -  The game would crash back to windows when a large number of Dojos were built.
45572 TONGAR11.ZIP 492,7 kt 30.03.1999 - - -
Tonka Garage version 1.1 update The patch addresses a 3D rendering problem that Tonka Garage exhibited when running with Direct X 6.0.
45573 TOPSHT12.ZIP 93,3 kt 22.12.1998 - - -
Remington Top Shot version 1.2 update
45574 TOTDVP1.ZIP 887,8 kt 24.08.2001 - - -
Typing of the Dead video patch 1 Fixes problems with the ATI Rage Mobility. 
41434 TOWER11.ZIP 294059 21.02.1996 - - -
SimTower for Windows V1.1 update. Maxis.
69255 TOWERW11.ZIP 194720 15.10.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
SimTower for Windows 1995 game by maxis
update to V1.1b.
45575 TP2000UP.ZIP 34,2 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
Triple Play 2000 Voodoo2 update. Add 3dfx Voodoo3 Glide support. Electronic Arts
45576 TP200110.ZIP 2,4 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Triple Play 2001 v1.0 update. EA Sports. Upgrade to v1.0. Installing the patch will result in the inability to load previously saved games-in-progress or replay files. 
45577 TP99PAT1.ZIP 851 kt 28.04.1998 - - -
Triple Play 99 Patch 1 update EA Sports * Addresses the lack of sound in gameplay when 3D acceleration is enabled if you have Voodoo 2 or Voodoo Rush based card. * Includes improved baserunning AI. * Addresses the issue of players changing settings in a Manager Mode game after the user has pressed Start. * Adresses desync issues with multiplayer.
45578 TPATCH2.EXE 5,7 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Theme Park World - v2 päivitys
45579 TPMUPD11.ZIP 712,4 kt 16.10.1999 - 24057/2000-01_Disc_5.4.bin -
"Star War: Episode I The Phantom Menace v1.1 update This patch fixes an error that occurs when selecting Joystick Options and Video Options under Hardware Configuration on the games launcher when using DirectX 7. LucasArts"
45582 TR_102.ZIP 983,7 kt 23.07.1998 - 22065/secret_service_6001.iso -
Tribal Rage version 1.02 update
45581 TR1_01.ZIP 534 kt 10.06.1999 - 22433/WIN98SP1.iso -
Tank Racer v1.01 update. Grolier. CD music/failed to detect CD with Spanish (and other) versions of Windows. Strange drifting problem going up hill in Swamp. Driving difficulty on high spec machines.
45580 TR10111.ZIP 5,8 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
StarSiege: Tribes v1.0 -> v1.11 update. Fixes: Server security bug. multiple players onto single vehicle slot is no longer possible. Problem with inventory stations. NT 4.0 DDHelp crash fixed. A timedemo function added. Fixed a problem with a containment test. Fixed a problem with gun retraction.Players can no longer activate any station if their primary weapon is in fire or reload state. Fixes crashes,client and server bugs, cheats etc 
45583 TR105111.ZIP 533,8 kt 10.05.2000 - - -
StarSiege: Tribes v1.10.05 -> v1.11 updateFixes: Server security bug. multiple players onto single vehicle slot is no longer possible. Problem with inventory stations. NT 4.0 DDHelp crash fixed. A timedemo function added. Fixed a problem with a containment test. Fixed a problem with gun retraction.Players can no longer activate any station if their primary weapon is in fire or reload state. Fixes crashes,client and server bugs, cheats etc 
45584 U2SNOAMD.ZIP 402,5 kt 30.03.1999 - - -
Uprising 2 update from 3DO. These patches contain Microsoft DirectSound 3D optimization. Choose the patch appropriate for your system: Intel CPU w/o 3Dfx card:
45585 U2SOAMD.ZIP 404,7 kt 30.03.1999 - - -
Uprising 2 update from 3DO. These patches contain Microsoft DirectSound 3D optimization. Choose the patch appropriate for your system: AMD K6-2 w/o 3Dfx card:
45586 U7W9XFIX.ZIP 14,5 kt 03.09.2000 - - -
Ultima 7 in Windows fix. Korjaa Ultima 7:n toimimaan Windows 95/98 alla. 
45587 U9-118.ZIP 5,9 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
Ultima IX: Ascension v1.18f update.  Origin. Additional D3D improvements. Driver incompatibility as well as a few other items. If you find you get stuck after casting a spell, hit the ESC key. Further optimization of the Direct3D support. At times, monsters would not be properly hostile to the Avatar. If you jumped in water twice in specific situations would cause the Avatar to lock up. And so on.
45588 UBIK_UK.ZIP 432,6 kt 29.01.1999 - 23177/Gamestar_03_1999-03_cd1.bin -
Ubik update. Fixes here are full compatibility with Cyrix+ processors and manual save is now enabled during a mission.
45589 UEFACL20.ZIP 1,5 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
UEFA Champions League 1999/2000 v1.0.1 update. Eidos. 
45590 UEFACP1.ZIP 760,7 kt 17.08.2001 - - -
UEFA Challenge patch 1.0 Provides corrections to graphics engine, audio, frontend and in-game AI. Also provides a few extras. 
45591 UGH101.ZIP 910,3 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Upland Game Hunter version 1.01 update 
45592 UGHU102.ZIP 168,6 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Upland Game Hunter update 1.01 to 1.02 
45593 UGV226B.ZIP 438,6 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
Unreal Gold v226b updateEi kuvausta.
45594 UNDYIN10.ZIP 3,6 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
"Clive Barkers Undying update v1.0 Provides texture updates. "
45595 UNRL226.ZIP 7,2 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Unreal v226 final update. Epic Megagames. Final patch. Fixes/improves: Direct3D, sound, networking, editor. 
45596 UNSR202B.ZIP 253,6 kt 10.06.1998 - - -
"Unreal Server Update 2.02b  05/23/98 For server administrators: ServerBeta202.zip. If youre running an UnrealServer on the netyou need this. Also the CD is no longer required in the drive when you run a dedicated server (Unreal.exe -server)."
45597 UO251US.ZIP 2,7 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear - Urban Ops v2.51 Beta update. Red Storm. General, Movement / Combat Model, Multiplayer, Single Player, Mod System changes. 
45598 UO252UK.ZIP 2,7 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Rainbow Six Rogue Spear: Urban Operations Update v2.52 for UK version. 
45599 UO252US.ZIP 2,7 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Rogue Spear Urban Operations update v2.52 Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Urban Operations update v2.52 Addresses several general, multiplayer, mod and movement issues. 
45600 UPD134.ZIP 3,9 Mt 14.06.1998 - - -
"Links LS98 version 1.34 update"
45601 UPRU105.ZIP 1,7 Mt 12.01.1998 - MBCD -
Uprising v1.05 update Voodoo Rush 3Dfx fix, multiplayer fix, load/save fixes etc.
45602 UR3TRV17.ZIP 344,6 kt 12.05.1998 - - -
Ultim@te Race: Three Track Edition v1.7 beta update. This has nothing to do with Ultim@te Race Pro. Kalisto
45603 URACE_15.ZIP 356,7 kt 05.01.1998 - 22399/ZGIDEMO.iso -
Ultim@te Race v1.5 update. works with the "3 tracks version" of Ultim@te Race. It can be found in the Apocalypse 3Dx package, the Gateway bundle, and the Matrox m3D card.
45604 URP150.ZIP 2,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Ultim@te Race Pro v1.5 update. Kalisto. v1.5 fixes keyboard problems with nVidia TNT-based boards. Voodoo 2:MIPMAP + Trilinear filtering. 4MB Frame buffer Voodoo 1/2: Additional 800x600 mode. MPact 3D cards Direct3D support. Internet gameplay improvement. Cable modem support. Ability to hack car specs removed. Z-Buffer works on all 3Dfx cards. Texture bug in Voodoo2 with 12MB or memroy fixed. URP now supports MPlayer. Creative Labs EAX support
45605 URPGA-UP.ZIP 1,1 Mt 03.03.1998 - 22057/SSERVCD_56A.bin -
"Ultimate RPG Archives Copy Protection update Interplay. This update will provide you with the missing maps that will allow you to bypass the copy protection in The Bards Tale I and II."
45606 URWPATCH.ZIP 666,7 kt 07.07.1999 - - -
URWPATCH for UrW version 2.30B package for The UnReal World Fantasy RolePlaying Game v2.30B. This patch fixes the graphics bug that comes up with some ATI/PCI graphic cards. You must have original UrW 2.30B (Distribution package URW230B.ZIP) installed to use this patch.
45607 USAF102.ZIP 12 Mt 22.01.2000 - - -
"Janes USAF v1.02 update.  Janes Combat Simulations. Many fixeschanges: Pentium III Optimizations. Voodoo 3 3000 fix. Bobbing effects. AI Pilot Crashes. Autopilot. Joystick controls. AI changes/fixes. User Mission Editor. Added MiG-17."
45608 USM98111.ZIP 745,7 kt 28.11.1998 - - -
Universal Soccer Manager 98 v1.011 update Fixes the "8 stadion crash bug"
45609 USNF14.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.11.1998 - - -
U.S. Navy Fighters 97 v1.4 update. Electronic Arts. Multiple fixes for DDRAW problems for Diamond and Matrox drivers. Win98 fix for mouse. Win98 exception handler fix. Fix for OSR2 and OSR2.1 versions of Win95. Small fix to the way a host connects. Fixed problem with very fast computers (such as Pentium II).
45610 USOL1205.ZIP 455,8 kt 29.12.2000 - - -
"Ultimate Solitaire patch 5.12.2000 Fixes: in double-deck gameshalf the aces wont accept deucesand statistics that stop counting after 100 games. "
45611 USOLUPD.ZIP 451,4 kt 14.12.2000 - - -
"Ultimate Solitaire update Fixes a problem where in double deck games half of your aces wont accept deuces. "
45612 USTER11.ZIP 479,5 kt 27.08.2001 - - -
Ultimate Steroids update v1.1 Patches the sounds system with a new one  written using FMOD, so the audio should  now work in Windows2000 too. Extract over the version 1.0.
45613 UT420U.ZIP 6,1 Mt 05.06.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament v420 update. Epic Games. Improves server CPU utilization, fixes the D3D detection problems, as well as many other improvements. MUch new bug fixes and features. Network compatible with previous versions. Fixed D3D driver. Fixed security holes. New editor! - note that the editor is still called unrealed.exe. Various other under the covers features and fixes merged in by Mark Poesch of Legend. Version 420 is completely network compatible with all previous public releases. 
45614 UT432.ZIP 5,5 Mt 10.10.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament update v432Ei kuvausta.
45615 UT436LVE.ZIP 31,1 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Unreal Tournament update v436 For Soundblaster Live! cards bundle. Includes a host of fixes. 
45616 UTBONUS.ZIP 13,8 Mt 01.03.2000 - - -
 Unreal Tournament Bonus Pack update. Epic Games. Bonus Pack contains 11 new multiplayer levels, 3 new character meshes, and Relics.
45617 UTD338CU.ZIP 9,4 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
Unreal Tournament demo v338c update. Epic Games. Adds Direct3D support. Fixes network issues, fixes gameplay, Graphics/Effects/Text changes, Fixes maps, GUI etc.
45618 UTD348U.ZIP 8,9 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
Unreal Tournament demo v338>v348c update. Epic Games. Adds Direct3D support. Fixes network issues, fixes gameplay, Graphics/Effects/Text changes, Fixes maps, GUI etc.
45619 UTEAXDM.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Unreal Tournament EAX enhancement For Deathmatch levels. Requires EAX patch. 
45620 UTEAXSYS.ZIP 1,9 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Unreal Tournament EAX library patch Ei kuvausta. 
45621 UTSF161U.ZIP 38,7 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Strike Force v1.61Updates v1.60 to v1.61.
45622 UTV428.ZIP 5,8 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament v428Ei kuvausta.
45624 UTV436.ZIP 6,8 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament update v436 Fixes many known problems. 
45623 UTV436ND.ZIP 31 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
"Unreal Tournament update v436 no-delta Fixes many known problems. Use this patchif the regular patch doesnt work for you. "
45625 VAMP11.ZIP 2,5 Mt 24.07.2000 - - -
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption v1.1 update. Activision. Save Anywhere. Ability to name Save games and Custom Maps. Various AI fixes / tweaks. Collision avoidance tweaks. Greatly improved network play. Display of some Euro characters Humans using Discipline scrolls. Save/Restore follow mode for NPCs. 
45626 VAMPIR11.ZIP 2,5 Mt 20.07.2000 - - -
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemptionpäivitys v1.1. Activision / Egmont Entertainment.
45627 VAN13PCH.ZIP 1,5 Mt 21.10.1998 - 21952/PowerPlay1298.bin -
Vangers: One for the Road v1.3 update Interactive Magic. Minor and major bugs fixed, crash fixes, multiplayer fixes.
45628 VG12-14H.ZIP 243,6 kt 18.03.1999 - - -
Vegas Games 2000 v1.4 update. 3D0.
45629 VIG11.ZIP 655,6 kt 19.12.1998 - 22420/XENIATGM56.iso -
Vigilance v1.1 update. Segasoft. This v1.1 patch is for the Retail version of Vigilance, it will improve performance, add the ability to load/save game in mission, improve jumping control, improve multiplayer on LAN or HEAT.NET, add 3Dfx Voodoo Rush/Banshee support, and more.
45630 VIRPATCH.ZIP 352,7 kt 09.01.1998 - - -
Virus - the game multiplayer update This patch should make the game more stable in network games and less crash frequent and also fixes trashed colour palettes on some graphic cards.
45631 VOLK2101.ZIP 3,7 Mt 29.08.2001 - - -
The Nations update v1.01 Fixes a few major and minor bugs, two multiplayer bugs, provides one change and several new features. 
45632 VOODOO2.ZIP 496,4 kt 12.11.1998 - 22667/cd joystick no100 janvier 1999.iso -
SpecOps Ranger Team Bravo new Voodoo2 driver update
45633 VOODOOV3.ZIP 496,3 kt 12.11.1998 - 22667/cd joystick no100 janvier 1999.iso -
SpecOps Ranger Team Bravo new Voodoo driver update
45634 VOXWARE.ZIP 523,4 kt 03.09.1998 - 24044/1998-12_Disc_4.6.bin -
Rainbow Six Voxware sound files. Contains the missing sound files in the game installer. Enables to use voice communications in multiplayer. Red Storm Entertainment
45635 VP33089.ZIP 3 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Virtual Pool 3 update v3.0.8.9 Fixes 16 bugs and adds four enhancements. 
45636 VP3P3099.ZIP 3,4 Mt 21.08.2001 - - -
Virtual Pool 3 update v3.0.9.9 Ei kuvausta. 
45637 VP3V3095.ZIP 3,4 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Virtual Pool 3 update v3.0.9.5 This update corrects many bugs and problems found in previous versions. 
45638 VPH2_592.ZIP 1,9 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
Virtual Pool Hall  version update
45639 VRACE_BT.ZIP 615,6 kt 18.02.1999 - - -
Viper Racing beta patch update
45640 VRBB2KPB.ZIP 4,6 Mt 25.10.1998 - - -
VR Baseball 2000 general update Interplay
45641 VRBBMYST.ZIP 1 Mt 03.01.1998 - - -
VR Baseball Matrox Mystique beta update Allow game run on Matrox Mystique video cards that have 4 megs of memory.
45642 W1812101.ZIP 571,6 kt 27.05.2001 - - -
The War of 1812 update v1.01 Provides: Improvements to AI. Fix for stray yellow lines that appeared in 3D Zoom-In mode with units turned off. Fix for fatigue fire results failing to affect ships. Setting of 3D Bases is now saved and restored when program or editor is run. 
45643 W1813V01.ZIP 1,8 Mt 02.12.1999 - - -
Wargamer: Napoleon 1813 version 1.01 update
45644 W2BNE202.ZIP 454,4 kt 27.05.2001 - - -
Warcraft II: Battle.net Edition v2.02Corrects a number of minor and major bugs, and improves gameplay balance. 
45645 W3D102UK.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Warlords III: Darklords Rising UK version 1.02 update.
45646 W3D102US.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.11.1998 - 24046/1999-02_-_Disc_4.8.iso -
Warlords III: Darklords Rising US version 1.02 update.
45647 W3USV102.ZIP 1,2 Mt 02.04.1998 - 22059/secret_service_57a01.iso -
Warlords III version 1.02 update for US release
41447 W95ICR11.ZIP 208529 08.08.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Game Patches.dmg -
IndyCar Racing II for Windows 95 Version
1.0.1 Patch
45648 WA_ENGL.ZIP 250,7 kt 17.01.2000 - - -
Wet Attack  european english patch #1 update
45656 WA_SCAND.ZIP 81,4 kt 17.01.2000 - - -
Wet Attack  english scandinavian patch #1 update
45649 WAPATCH.ZIP 7 Mt 26.04.1999 - 24039/1999-09_Disc_4.15.bin -
Worms: Armageddon update. Team 17. Completely revised WORMNET connection & IP address resolution. Completely revised ranking/scoring system and \'cheat\' detection. Greatly enhanced WORMNET stability and general operation. Fixed "Black Screen" hangs/crashes on some systems. Added user-editable gravestones! Added option to minimise the game. ESSENTIAL if you want to play on the Internet.
45650 WAR100F2.ZIP 301,3 kt 03.01.1998 - 22094/SSERVCD_53A.iso -
Warheads version 1.00 F2 commercial version
45651 WAR12102.ZIP 657,9 kt 17.08.2001 - - -
The War of 1812 update v1.02 Added Line Disruption indicator. Changed Optional Line Disruption Rule so that it does not affect units in Extended Formation. Fix to missing org file. Removed Ctrl key from Hot Keys. Added number of turns to File Selection Dialog. Fix for 2 map files which had no road exits from forts. OOB changes for various unit designations and names, and all Indian forces are now equipped with "K" type weapons. Update for all pdt files. 
45652 WARD109E.ZIP 691,3 kt 24.08.2001 - - -
The Ward update v1.09 For English version. 
45653 WARGASM2.ZIP 726,4 kt 18.02.1999 - 23175/Gamestar_28_2001-04_cd1.bin -
"Wargasm update. DID. It provides compatibility for the CYRIX chipset. This is also a Control Configuration Patch that allows the user to configure his/her own controls. There is now also support for mouse control. RocknRide support Instant Action Bug fix Union Reality fix Gore. - When killed with Sabot or other missile weapontroops now explode."
45654 WARMUP10.ZIP 3,3 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Warm Up! update v1.0 Bugs fixed: Controllers calibration in 2 players. Wrong results in 2 players modes. Bad name for saved ghosts. Changed mouse control assignements. Bug in the driving aids menu. Bug in the garage after a championship race. Fog intensity badly displayed in T&L. Ghost enhancements ... 
45655 WARMUP11.ZIP 443,5 kt 21.08.2001 - - -
Warm-Up! update v1.1 This patch fixes some sound problems with  Windows 2000 and DirectX 8. 
45657 WASERVUP.ZIP 149,9 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
Worms Armageddon serverlist update Allows you to see US based WA-servers as well. Do not download this, if you own the US version of the game as it is already patched.
45658 WB277UPD.ZIP 2,7 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
WarBirds v2.7.7 update Päivittää online-simulaattorin versioon 2.7.7 Vaaditaan online-peluuseen. Muutoksia/ korjauksia: Betty, B25J, B25H, 109F korjattu, paljon muita muutoksia ja kohennuksia. 
45659 WB3401U.ZIP 7 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
WarBirds III update v111401 Updates your WB III to v111401. 
45660 WC98I740.ZIP 33,3 kt 28.07.1998 - - -
World Cup 98 Intel i740 based cards detection fix update
45661 WCPVOOD.ZIP 53,9 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
Wing Commander: Prophecy Voodoo1 / Voodoo2 update This patch corrects certain problems present when running Wing Commander: Prophecy with a 3Dfx Voodoo and Voodoo 2 based graphics accelerators. These problems include lockups, crashes, and general instability.
45662 WCW1216.ZIP 590,9 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
WCW Nitro update from THQ. Fixes a lot of small bugs.
45663 WDK1TO2K.ZIP 2,9 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
Armies of Armageddon: The Wargamers Development Kit version 2000 upgrade. Update. 
41455 WTCF1_10.ZIP 514884 05.11.1996 - MBCD -
Total Control Football 1.1 (Windows95 patch)
45664 XA_A123.ZIP 216,6 kt 19.07.1998 - MBCD -
Extreme Assault V1.2.3 update. Adds support for 3Dfx Voodoo2 cards You will need v1.2.2 of Extreme Assault to use this patch. Blue Byte
45665 XBIKERP3.ZIP 1,9 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
Edgar Torronterras Extreme Biker patch #3  update. This patch improves memory management, fixes display bugs and a compatibility problem with Netscape & other web brownser where dial-up and modem were activated before the game started.
45666 XBOARDS.ZIP 442 tavua 12.08.1999 - - -
Extreme Board & Blades fix update
45667 XDX6DUP.ZIP 457 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
Egosoft. Experimental DirectX 6 optimized EXE for the English demo. Unzip this file into your installed demo folder and start it instead of x.exe. This executable should fix all bugs related to drivers that have problems with DX5 renderstate overrides (e.g RIVA TNT)
45668 XE19B.EXE 1,5 Mt 24.05.2000 - - -
X - Beyond the Frontier  - v.19 päivitys
45669 XENO_V2.ZIP 4,5 Mt 08.10.1998 - 21952/PowerPlay1298.bin -
Xenocracy version 2.0 update This patch fixes any network / Cyrix processor & multiplayer problems.
45670 XMEN1_11.ZIP 559,2 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse 1.11 update.
45672 XMEN16.ZIP 1,2 Mt 11.01.1998 - 22403/xeniatgm40.iso -
X-MEN: Children of the Atom update For the 16 MB 256 colours installation Acclaim
45671 XMEN16P.ZIP 1,2 Mt 11.01.1998 - - -
X-MEN: Children of the Atom update For the 16 MB 65.000 colours installation Acclaim
45673 XMEN8.ZIP 1,7 Mt 11.01.1998 - 22403/xeniatgm40.iso -
X-MEN: Children of the Atom update For the 8 MB installation Acclaim
45674 XP54X554.ZIP 19,8 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
X-Plane 5.54 update Updates v5.4x to v5.54 
45675 XP553554.ZIP 1,5 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
X-Plane 5.54 update Updates v5.53 to v5.54 
45676 XPLAN431.ZIP 15,9 Mt 21.10.1998 - - -
X-Plane version 4.31  update
45682 XT1_5UK.ZIP 1,1 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
X-Tension patch v1.1 to v1.5For UK version.
45677 XT11UK21.ZIP 2,6 Mt 27.05.2001 - - -
X-Tension update v2.1For UK version. Updates v1.1 to v2.1. 
45678 XT14UK20.ZIP 1,7 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
X-Tension update v2.0 For English version. Updates v1.4 to v2.0 
45679 XT14UK21.ZIP 2,6 Mt 27.05.2001 - - -
X-Tension update v2.1For UK version. Updates v1.4 to v2.1. 
45680 XT15UK20.ZIP 1,7 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
X-Tension update v2.0 For English version. Updates v1.5 to v2.0 
45681 XT15UK21.ZIP 2,6 Mt 27.05.2001 - - -
X-Tension update v2.1For UK version. Updates v1.5 to v2.1. 
45683 XT20UK21.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.05.2001 - - -
X-Tension update v2.1For UK version. Updates v2.0 to v2.1. 
45684 XT2121A.ZIP 250,6 kt 25.08.2001 - - -
X-Tension update v2.1a Updates v2.1 to 2.1a. The following three issues were resolved: Some savegames from earlier versions could not be loaded into 2.1. In some rare circumstances the game could crash when a TL ship tried to dock to a shipyard. One quest had no text in 2.1, all dialogues appeared empty. 
45685 XWA202.ZIP 3 Mt 24.06.1999 - - -
X-Wing Alliance v2.02 update. LucasArts. This update incudes further enhancements to 3D sound support and is compatible with all foreign language versions. New: The Film Room, Aureal A3D Interactive(TM) sound support, Improvements to Direct Sound 3D support, updated missions.
45686 YDKJ101.ZIP 322,9 kt 16.01.2001 - - -
"You Dont Know Jack update v1.0.1 Ei kuvausta. "
45698 Z-WCG.ZIP 139,4 kt 09.07.1997 - - tupla
"GUS Fix for WARCRAFT `Orcs and Humans"
45687 Z2141BUK.ZIP 5,9 Mt 25.08.2001 - - -
"Z: Steel Soldiers update v1.41 beta For UK version. Multiplayer Fixes: Gamespy: Reduction of critical errors. Additions: Tough robots have beentweakedfor multiplayer only. Team play bug fixed. New AntiLag(tm) code to improve preformance over LAN and GameSpy multiplayer games. Known issues: A critical error still exists and we have been un-able to trace this as of yet. When reflections are enabled in AntiLag modefast camera movements can cause the skys reflection to flicker. "
45688 Z2141BUS.ZIP 5,9 Mt 25.08.2001 - - -
"Z: Steel Soldiers update v1.41 beta For US version. Multiplayer Fixes: Gamespy: Reduction of critical errors. Additions: Tough robots have beentweakedfor multiplayer only. Team play bug fixed. New AntiLag(tm) code to improve preformance over LAN and GameSpy multiplayer games. Known issues: A critical error still exists and we have been un-able to trace this as of yet. When reflections are enabled in AntiLag modefast camera movements can cause the skys reflection to flicker. "
45689 Z98P.ZIP 9,2 kt 15.08.1998 - 22553/GAMBLERCD22A.BIN -
Z installation fix for Windows98 update If your game fails to install under Windows98 use this patch. This is only for the Replay edition of the game (re-release with addon CD)
45690 ZEUS101U.ZIP 465,8 kt 19.01.2001 - - -
Zeus: Master of Olympus update v1.01 For UK version. 
45691 ZEUS11UK.ZIP 11,8 Mt 27.05.2001 - - -
Zeus: Master of Olympus update v1.1.0.0 For UK version. Fixes 15 known issues, adds an Adventure Editor, one new adventure, and tweaks gameplay. 
45692 ZEUS11US.ZIP 11,3 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Zeus enhancement pack v1.1 For US version. Fixes several bugs and adds new features, an adventure editor and one full new adventure. 
45694 ZGI1_2.ZIP 2,3 Mt 22.01.2000 - - -
Zork Grand Inquisitor  version 1.2 update
45693 ZGI11.ZIP 2,3 Mt 05.01.1998 - MBCD -
Zork Grand Inquisitor v1.1 update. Adds a second page of saved games (20 additional) + Fixes a few obscure bugs, + Replaces Beta Version of Linked Play with Code Released Version + Substantially speeds up Linked Play etc.
45695 ZPFISH3D.ZIP 2,8 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
Zebco Pro Fishing 3D update This update allows you to download new lakes off http://www.headgames.net and play them. update
45696 ZSS130EU.ZIP 5,9 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Z: Steel Soldiers update v1.30 For European version. Single Player Fixes: Crash bug involving a Weather Centre and Shield Generators, Crash bug involving Spies and/or Technicians. Single Player Additions & Changes: TAB key now brings up menu for selected units, Improved Passive, Neutral & Aggressive states. Multiplayer Fixes: several GameSpy issues. Multiplayer Additions: now uses the same line-of-sight system as the other game modes. 
45697 ZSS130US.ZIP 5,9 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Z: Steel Soldiers update v1.30 For US version. Single Player Fixes: Crash bug involving a Weather Centre and Shield Generators, Crash bug involving Spies and/or Technicians. Single Player Additions & Changes: TAB key now brings up menu for selected units, Improved Passive, Neutral & Aggressive states. Multiplayer Fixes: several GameSpy issues. Multiplayer Additions: now uses the same line-of-sight system as the other game modes. 
47132 DINKSWWT.ZIP 5,7 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
Dink Smallwood walkthrough Written by Kevin Kazimir. 
47133 EFMIWT.ZIP 143,8 kt 31.01.2001 - - -
Escape from Monkey Island walkthrough Contains a complete walkthrough and insults guide.
47134 AADEMO2A.A01 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. Playable demo V1.0. No digitized music-version. Part 2/3.
47135 AADEMO2A.A02 2,4 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. Playable demo V1.0. No digitized music-version. Part 3/3.
47136 AADEMO2A.ARJ 2,9 Mt 20.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. 3D-game, that combines role-playing to a doom-a-like action. Create your character and enter to the castle of evil Exiguus. This smaller version of the playable demo does not contain digitized music. V1.0. By: United Software Artists. Part 1/3. DOS.                       
47137 AADEMO2C.A01 2,9 Mt 21.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. Playable demo. Digitized music-version. Part 2/8.
47138 AADEMO2C.A02 2,9 Mt 21.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. Playable demo. Digitized music-version. Part 3/8.
47139 AADEMO2C.A03 2,9 Mt 21.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. Playable demo. Digitized music-version. Part 4/8.
47140 AADEMO2C.A04 2,9 Mt 21.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. Playable demo. Digitized music-version. Part 5/8.
47141 AADEMO2C.A05 2,9 Mt 21.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. Playable demo. Digitized music-version. Part 6/8.
47142 AADEMO2C.A06 2,9 Mt 21.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. Playable demo. Digitized music-version. Part 7/8.
47143 AADEMO2C.A07 1,2 Mt 21.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. Playable demo. Digitized music-version. Part 8/8.
47144 AADEMO2C.ARJ 2,9 Mt 21.02.1997 - - -
Amulets & Armour. 3D-game, that combines roleplaying to doom-alike action. Enter to the castle of evil Exiguus. This version of the demo contains two tracks of digitized music. Part 1/8. By: United Software Artists. DOS. V1.0.
60701 AN280W32.ZIP 1007722 25.12.1996 - - tupla
Angband v2.8.0 for Win32.
47145 ANGB283W.ZIP 581,1 kt 05.09.1998 - MBCD -
Angband 2.8.3 (Win95): The Pits of Angband. Angband is a "graphical" dungeon adventure game using textual characters to represent the walls and floors of a dungeon and the inhabitants therein, in the vein of "rogue", "hack", "nethack", and "moria".
47146 ARENAPRE.ZIP 175,3 kt 18.07.2000 - - -
Arena: Prelude v1.03 Enter the Arena of Champions. Text-based RPG where you play the part of a warrior entering the Arena of Champions. Windows. 
47147 AVERNUM.ZIP 7,2 Mt 16.09.2000 - - -
Avernum is a classic fantasy role-playing game, designed for anyone who longs for an epic quest, enjoys a fascinating tale, or misses the classic days of Ultima and Wizardry. It features beautiful 3-D, 16-bit graphics, 80 towns and dungeon levels, an enormous outdoors, and a fascinating story line. Avernum is from Spiderweb Software, makers of Nethergate and the award-winning Exile series. 
47148 AVRNM210.ZIP 9 Mt 03.04.2001 - - -
Avernum 2 1.0Avernum on julman keisarikunnan ylläpitämä maanalainen vankila, johon epäsuotuisa aines karkoitetaan. Jokin aika sitten Avernum nousi kapinaan ja surmasi Keisarin, mihin imperiumi vastasi hyökkäämällä Avernumiin. Pikku hiljaa Avernum on kukistumassa, mutta neljän sankarin avulla toivo voitosta elää yhä. Windows. Shareware; rekisteröinti $25. 
47149 BATKROND.ZIP 10 Mt 07.05.2001 - MBHH2003 -
Betrayal at Krondor  Full, absolutely free version of this original  role-playing, based on books of Raymond E. Feist,  originally released in 1993. 
47150 CARPNTER.ZIP 812,3 kt 26.10.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 -
"CarpenterYou are a lumberjack who lives at Northern Canada in 1932 who tries to earn his food by selling logs and fishing and so on. The problem is starvation and bearsso youll have to got shotgun and bullets to shoot the bears. Requirements: P10032 Mb Ram. "
47151 DEMISR2.EXE 105,5 Mt 22.01.2000 - - -
Demise Limited demo version 1.00r2. Tekijä VB Designs/Artifact
Entertainment. Roolipeli. Laajamittainen
fantasia-RPG jota kansoittaa satapäin
hirviöitä, esineitä ja taikaesineitä.
Seikkaileminen tapahtuu reaaliaikaisesti
renderoituihin luolistoihin. Varkaat,
barbaarit, maagikot ja muut hahmot
matkaavat kaivoksissa aarrejahdissa. 3D
kiihdytetyllä grafiikalla ja Internet
moninpelillä Demise on poikkeuksellinen
RPG. Windows 95, P200, 32 Mt, OpenGL
47152 DRAGONST.ZIP 195,9 kt 18.09.2000 - - -
DRAGONSTONESA multi-player text roleplaying game. Explore  a world filled with hundreds of monsters. Watch the world change as you gain levels and wield powerful spells and mighty weapons. This game can be played by one person alone or with up to 19 other players on the same computer! Cooperate with your friends or compete with them in a huge, vividly described world. Player vs player combat is fully supported. 
47153 EL1DEMO2.ZIP 4 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
ETERNAL LEGENDS BETA DEMO by Omega Dreams is a massive japanese -style roleplaying game. It includes lots of sidequests, interesting storyline, cool magic-effects, tons of monsters to kill,  and unique character design. Omega Dreams is a Finnish unofficial game company. Send e-mail to omegadreams@mail.com and visit: http://www.omegadreams.net Omega Dreams 1999 - 2000 
45989 ENCHANTS.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.03.1997 - MBCD tupla
Enchantasy by EGA Computing SW-roleplaying game. Summoned to the Town of Keldar by the great Mage Rudimon, you are offered a quest of great danger and fantastic reward. Requires: 386, DOS, 640K RAM, VGA. Windows 95
45990 GOTFREE.ZIP 1 Mt 29.01.2001 - 23171/Gamestar_24_2000-11_cd1.bin -
God of ThunderGod of Thunder is an arcade-style adventure/ rpg game. The year is 927 A.D. (as mortals reckon time) and the Almighty Odin has summoned you, his faithful and heroic son, to The Great Hall of Asgard. Armed with only your enchanted hammer and considerable wits, you must journey to Midgard and thwart the plans of Loki, god of lies and mischief. Win 9x. Freeware. 
45991 HUR300.ZIP 1,8 Mt 05.03.2000 - - -
 HURVANA 3.0   Suomenkielinen helppo seikkailu/roolipeli. Vanhanmallinen 2D-maailma. Sopii hyvin aloitteleville seikkailijoille. Vaatii: Windows 32-bit, vähintään Pentium 75/16 Mt, hiiri.
45992 IMWAY102.ZIP 2,7 Mt 24.12.1998 - MBCD -
"ImmortalsWay v1.0.2 from Heraclion Productions RPG. intriguing story line with appealing atmosphere if you have the imagination to fuel it. In this new-age RPG you play the role of a character who increases his or her karma through a series of five initiations to finally become immortal. This is a grid-based game with plenty of statistics. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0"
45993 LTSLYR10.ZIP 1,5 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
Lightslayer Action role-playing game played in first point perspective. As a dark elven sorceress, you travel through a vast world, fighting monsters and completing quests in the search for your missing mentor. Wolfenstein 3D style. Windows 95. 
45994 MMD3D.ZIP 1,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
"Malleus Maleficarum by Insidia. Direct3D version. First person 3d game. It is not a shooteradventure/rpg using a traditional 2D adventure pointnclick interface. Windows 95P13332 MB.   1/4"
45995 MMDATA.ZIP 3,8 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
"Malleus Maleficarum by Insidia. DATA FILE. General data needed for playing. First person 3d game. It is not a shooteradventure/rpg using a traditional 2D adventure pointnclick interface. Windows 95P13332 MB.                      2/4"
45996 MMGLIDE.ZIP 2,2 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
"Malleus Maleficarum by Insidia. Glide version. First person 3d game. It is not a shooteradventure/rpg using a traditional 2D adventure pointnclick interface. Windows 95P13332 MB.                                   3/4"
45997 MMMUSIC.ZIP 7 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
"Malleus Maleficarum by Insidia. Full-length musics. First person 3d game. It is not a shooteradventure/rpg using a traditional 2D adventure pointnclick interface. Windows 95P13332 MB.   4/4"
45998 NATUK120.ZIP 8,5 Mt 24.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Natuk v1.20 traditional turn-based RPG that emphasizes tactical combat. You control group of eight orcs in a quest for revenge The shareware version is approximately one-third of the game, and is limited to the first two underground outposts. In the full version, you can roam the outside world, visit the cities of Natuk, and take your revenge on Emperor Molvosh. Windows 95/98, P60, DirectX (c) Tom Proudfoot http://www.proudft.com
45999 NETHGATE.ZIP 5,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"Nethergate v1.01 by SpiderWeb Software Exciting role-playing game set in the wilddangerous days of the Roman Empire. You can play a band of Roman soldiers determined to keep orderor a group of Celtic tribesman striving to win their freedom. Its like two games in oneand you get to experience both sides of the fascinating storyline! Features beautiful 3-D graphicsan easy to  use interfaceand a fascinating story. Many  hours of fantasy role-playing fun. Windows 95"
46000 NH322NTI.ZIP 813,6 kt 13.12.1999 - - -
NETHACK v3.2.2 NT NetHack is a Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the adventurer) descend into the depths of the dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor.  You are accom- panied by a pet that can help you in many ways and can be trained to do all sorts of things.  On the way you will find useful (or useless) items (quite possibly with magic properties), and assorted mons- ters.  Unlike most adventure games, which give you a verbal description of your location, NetHack gives
46001 NH330NTI.ZIP 977,5 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
NETHACK v3.3.0 - Windows 95/98/NTNetHack on fantasiamaailmaan sijoittuva seikkailupeli, jossa sukellat luolastoon hakemaan muinaista amulettia. Matkalla kohtaat kaikenlaista hirviöistä bonustavaroihin.
Eräs maailman suosituimmista seikkailupeleistä. Toteutus merkkigraafinen.
46002 NH331NTI.ZIP 1017,3 kt 06.11.2000 - MBHH2001 -
NetHack v3.3.1 for WindowsNETHACK v3.3.1 NetHack is a Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the adventurer) descend into the depths of the dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor.  You are accom- panied by a pet that can help you in many ways and can be trained to do all sorts of things.  On the way you will find useful (or useless) items (quite possibly with magic properties), and assorted mons- ters.  Unlike most adventure games, which give you a verbal description of your location, NetHack gives you a visual image of the dungeon level you are on. 
46003 NH331PM.ZIP 1,1 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
NetHack v3.3.1 for DOSNetHack is a Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the adventurer) descend into the depths of the dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor.  You are accom- panied by a pet that can help you in many ways and can be trained to do all sorts of things.  On the way you will find useful (or useless) items (quite possibly with magic properties), and assorted mons- ters.  Unlike most adventure games, which give you a verbal description of your location, NetHack gives you a visual image of the dungeon level you are on. 
46004 NIGHTCHL.ZIP 1,9 Mt 06.11.2000 - MBHH2002 -
"Nights Chill v1.1Save the town of Razorton from destructive undead monsters in this classic role-playing adventure in immersive first-person perspective. Its engrossing story with a handful of subquests that complement the main plotmakes it stand out among the classics. You can choose among a fighterthiefmagic-user or cleric to make up your party of four adventurers. The rich storyline certainly delivers an authentic role-playing experience for fans of this genre. Freeware. "
46005 PELIM103.ZIP 363,9 kt 25.02.2001 - miscfindos.zip -
Pelimies v1.03 Pelimies on suomalainen roolipeli, jossa muistinsa menettänyt mies herää keskeltä muurein reunustettua metsää, puettuna kauttaaltaan vihreisiin vaatteisiin. Pian Pelimies huomaa, ettei hän ole yksin, vaan muurien sisäpuolella on myös muita ihmisiä. Pelimiehen on selvitettävä, miten ja miksi he ovat joutuneet tänne, ja miten muurien sisältä pääsee pois. 
46006 REALMZ.ZIP 10,9 Mt 09.02.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 -
Realmz v7.0.4 by Fantasoft.  Explore a fantasy land. Lead group of adventurers who have arrived in The City of Bywater with a small amount of gold and a great desire for adventure. Beautiful graphics and professional game system. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46007 SLAM5E7W.ZIP 973,5 kt 13.12.1999 - - -
Super Lots Of Stuff Added Hack(EM) v5e7. Nethackin rungon päälle rakennettu seikkailupeli, jota on laajennettu niin sisällöllisesti kuin teknisestikin. Windows 95/98/NT-versio.
46009 SOC.ZIP 160,2 kt 29.01.2001 renamed archive.org -
The Secret Of Cooey The original Secret Of Cooey finds Cooey in battle against three evil fiends hell bent on taking control of the world. This lighthearted role playing game was created in a very short 25 hours worth of coding and drawing! 
46008 SOC2.ZIP 234,8 kt 29.01.2001 - - -
"The Secret Of Cooey II - Darkness EtherealThe second game in the Cooey Trilogy finds our hero journeying to the Dark Tower to once again rid the land of evil. Take control of Cooey in thisgothic themedsequel to the original Cooey role playing game. "
46010 THEQUEST.ZIP 583,7 kt 06.11.2000 - - -
"The QuestA turn-based RPG with basic graphics and challenging strategic gameplay. The plot is to rescue your lost loveand it isnt easy. The emphasis is on combatbut there is some limited interaction with nonplayer characters. You can choose your classor you  can answer several ethical questions: your class and skills affect your tactics. An unusual aspect of character creation requires you to select a fault. Includes a comprehensive manual. Win9x. Freeware. "
46011 TME-014.ZIP 1,5 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
"The Midnight Engine: Lords of Midnight scenario. By Chris Wild and Mike Singleton Retro remake of the legendary first person roleplaying game of the 80s. Adventure in the land of Midnightfind allies and enemiesform alliances and fight the forces of Doomdark. My primary goal is to bring the game to the Windowsadd few 90s niceties and give the ability to make new/enhanced games using same engine. Windows 95DirectX "
46012 TOWERS2.ZIP 2,1 Mt 18.01.1998 - MBCD -
Towers II: Plight of the Stargazer by JV Games 05-13-97 3D role-playing game that will exercise your wits as well as your might. Choose the attributes of one of four characters and then battle guards and goblins in the dungeon. Collect weapons, tools, and spells to solve puzzles. Windows 95, DirectX, 8 Mb
46013 U1ATECH.ZIP 3,7 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Ultima 1 alpha-testausversio.Legendaarinen Ultima 1 on alkanut kolistella haudassaan, kun pelaajat ovat alkaneet herättää rakastamaansa peliä uudelleen henkiin. Kokonaan 3D:nä tehdyn pelin juoni on yksinkertainen: rohkea seikkailija lähtee kukistamaan velho Mondainia, jo tuhotuksi luultua uhkaa. Mondain on pysäytettävä, ennen kuin hänen voimansa ja luomansa hirviöt repivät koko rauhaa rakastavan Sosarian valtakunnan palasiksi. Tässä alpha-versiossa on vain yksi kaupunki.
47112 0VEWIN32.ZIP 295,2 kt 16.05.2002 - - -
0verkill v0.150verkill (v0.15) on merkkigrafiikalla toteutettu tasohyppely/räiskintäpeli, jossa monta verkkopelaajaa voi pistää toisiaan lakoon. Peli on open sourcea, joten ohjelmointitaitoiset voivat kehittää sitä edelleen.
Sisältää vain valmiiksi käännetyn windows version.
47113 3DPLAN12.ZIP 4,4 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
" 3D Planet Attack v1.2 by Gamescape Studios Space shootemup in pseudo 3D. Solar system has been overrun by alien spacecraft. Explore the solar systemcheck out planetsgalaxies and authentic star constellations. Navigate through asteroid and mine fieldsdestroy the enemy fleet and save the Earth. Flashy graphicsfun shootingeasy no frills gameplay. 32 MB RAMPentium 200and Windows 9598or NT"
47114 3DSHOOTR.ZIP 233,3 kt 19.10.2002 - MBHH2003 -
"3D Shooter v1.0 You may choose between three game levels in this open air shooting-range. Load your rifle and shoot at the targets. You have one minute to cope with the task. The more targets you shoot the more points you get. Dont forget to reload! Freeware."
30253 95ULTR.ZIP 930401 13.10.1996 - MBCD -
Ultra Blast Version 4.1.
45702 A2K.ZIP 5,2 Mt 06.01.2005 - 16453/Retro Gamer 17.iso -
Area 2048Tuhoa vihollisaallot aluksellasi mahdollisimman nopeasti.
47115 A3D.ZIP 441 kt 30.06.1999 - MBCD -
Azteroidz 3D v1.12 Modern Retro remake. This is the game Asteroids in 3D. Shoot all the rocks, once they are all dead you will proceed to next level. The smart player will make sure they pick up any powerups left lying around before they blast that last fragment. Shows off slew of 3D rendering techniques including colored lighting, particles and translucency effects. Windows 95, Pentium. Requires OpenGL card, uses Q2 minigl driver.
47117 ABA13.ZIP 4,2 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
Alien Battlecraft: Arena v1.31 Build your own spaceship and destroy foes in the fierce battles. There are more than 100 different components for building spaceships. This space shooter features five game modes such as DeathBattle, Team DeathBattle, Fatal Battle etc., 3D sound, two unique races, many powerups and bonuses, realistic space objects such as asteroids, planets and comets, randomly generated pictures of space with real space photos, and more than 40 different weapons. Shareware, $20.
47116 ABA131.ZIP 5,5 Mt 29.03.2003 - - -
Alien Battlecraft: Arena v1.31 Build your own spaceship and destroy foes in the fierce battles. There are more than 100 different components for building spaceships. This space shooter features five game modes such as DeathBattle, Team DeathBattle, Fatal Battle etc., 3D sound, two unique races, many powerups and bonuses, realistic space objects such as asteroids, planets and comets, randomly generated pictures of space with real space photos, and more than 40 different weapons. Shareware, $20.
45706 ABA14.ZIP 5,4 Mt 20.10.2004 - - -
Alien Battlecraft: Arena v1.4
Build your own spaceship and destroy foes in the fierce battles. There are more than 100 different components for building spaceships. This space shooter features five game modes such as DeathBattle, Team DeathBattle, Fatal Battle etc., 3D sound, two unique races, many powerups and bonuses, realistic space objects such as asteroids, planets and comets, randomly generated pictures of space with real space photos, and more than 40 different weapons. Shareware, $20.
47118 ABARENA1.ZIP 5,4 Mt 27.07.2002 - - -
Alien Battlecraft: Arena 1.1 Star Controlin kaltainen ylhäältä kuvattu avaruustaistelupeli, jossa pelaaja voi rakentaa oman aluksensa yli sadasta erilaisesta komponentista ja kilpailla tietokonetta tai ihmistä vastaan. Shareware, 19,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.jaibo.net/abarena/ 
45708 ABATICS.ZIP 5,5 Mt 09.01.2005 - - -
Get ready for non-stop heroic destruction in this excitingly intense space-shooter. You are to turn your ultramodern space-fighter to deadly fighting machine and burst through 15 missions of space war hell. Click "More info" and fasten your seatbelts: there\'s as much breathtaking action in this game as you can ever imagine, and a bit more. Shareware, $20.
47119 ABTERRD.ZIP 7 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
"Absolute Terror demoAbsolute Terror is a manga style action game. Youre a member of an Elite Fighting Force operating on alien worlds. As an ace pilot you take on the enemys best squadrons in ferocious combat. Apart from the obvious methods to dispose of enemies you can also place Laser Turrets at strategic locations in order to lure the enemy forces into an ambush. P200Win 9x32 MB. Shareware. "
45710 ABUSEFW.ZIP 2,8 Mt 14.12.2004 repacked myabandonware.com -
Abuse for Windows
Ilmaislevitykseen aikoinaan päästetty Abuse on saanut arvoisensa kasvojenkohotuksen Jeremy Scottin käsissä. Nykywindowseille päivitetty, sivusta kuvattu Abuse on tauotonta mättöä alusta loppuun. Ilmainen.
45711 ACANNON.ZIP 2,6 Mt 01.08.2003 - - -
Atomic Cannon Atomic Cannon features two types of gameplay including a point based round mode, and a death match mode where you fight to the end. Players take turns shooting at each other, and shot trajectories are calculated using real physics. There are also weather effects such as rain, snow, and dust storms that affect gameplay.  
47120 ACTION10.ZIP 1,3 Mt 31.05.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Action Point v1.0 Extreme intensive action in the sky! Your mission is to control a fighter and shoot as many enemy objects falling down from the top as you can. Unlimited ammo and different kind of weapons guarantee you lot of pure action. 16 million color explosion animation and 16bit stereo sounds & musics create a fantastic feeling. Includes also instructions, lots of statistics and web competition -feature! Windows 95/98/NT/2000, 32Mt
45713 AFLUX13.ZIP 5,5 Mt 01.08.2003 - - -
Alien Flux v1.3 Defend the cutest, fluffiest little creatures in the Galaxy from a horde of evil aliens from the fifth dimension! With only fast reactions, animal cunning and a very big laser cannon to help you, you must rescue the Fluffies as malevolent Bubbles attempt to turn them into lime jelly. 
45714 AFLUX14C.ZIP 11,2 Mt 31.10.2003 - - -
Alien Flux v1.4c Defend the cutest, fluffiest little creatures in the Galaxy from a horde of evil aliens from the fifth dimension! With only fast reactions, animal cunning and a very big laser cannon to help you, you must rescue the Fluffies as malevolent Bubbles attempt to turn them into lime jelly. 
45715 AFLUX15C.ZIP 11,6 Mt 03.09.2004 - - -
Alien Flux v1.5cYlhäältä kuvatulla kentällä on paljon viattomia, vaaleanpunaisia halipallosia, joille inhoittavat, viidennestä ulottuvuudesta valuvat kuplakoplan jäsenet sun muut iiskotit tahtovat pahaa. Ihania pehmoelukoita on suojeltava hinnalla minä hyvänsä! Pelaajan toimena on toimia tuomion langettajana ja viipottaa rakettiskootterillaan sinne tänne liiskaamassa moisten mokomien aikeet.
45716 AFTEREND.ZIP 20,3 Mt 09.01.2005 - - -
After the End
Cut your way through locations filled with mutants in your attempt of getting replacement units for your dropship and discovering the source of the evil raging all over the planet. Get your fighting power to the top with destructive weapons, devices and special abilities. Advance your skills with experience points while monster mutations get more and more terrible. Save the planet and report to your command. Shareware, $20.
45717 AH22002.ZIP 80 Mt 26.07.2004 - - -
Aces High II v2.002• Engage in air, land or sea combat
• Create your own missions
• Form a squadron
• Find action 24 hours a day
• Participate in historical scenarios
47121 AIR2_C2.ZIP 957,6 kt 12.09.2000 - - -
"Air plane attack 2 Made by Green World productions! Wellheres our(!) big thingAPA2.Its pretty simple 2D shootemup in the ww2 with air planes! It aint realistic but cool! Require: DosP2-300Mhz and 64Mb to  work properly i think! "
47122 AIRXONIX.ZIP 1,7 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Airxonix3Dimensional remake of old popular arcade game. Your task is to fly a machine and fill the most part of the game field. For this purpose it is necessary to fly  above the blank site and to cut off a site without bouncing balls. Avoid contacts with mines, which move on the filled sites. The time for current level is limited. Collect bonuses for  updating life, score, time and slow down all   balls and mines. 
47123 ALSNIPER.ZIP 793,7 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
"Alhademic Sniper 1.1A relative of arcade machines where you bop weasels with a mallet. Here you must blast battleships and submarinesbut the principle is the same. When you start a gameyoure faced by enemy craft that rapidly pop out of the water all over the place. You must click on them with your mouse to destroy them. You have one minute to score as many points as possible. When your minute is upyour total number of shots and accuracy percentage are displayed. P100Win 9x. Free. "
47124 ARAIDD06.ZIP 84,9 Mt 09.12.2002 - - -
"Air Raid: This Is No Drill demo Air Raid recreates a fictional battle scenariowith options to engage in either Single Player or Multiplayer (LAN support only) modes. The games objective is to defend your battleship by eliminating all enemy planes in the air raid. In single player modethere are 99 levels of gameplay for you to experience. The Multiplayer option allows up to six gamers to man their own 40mm fixed deck guns to help fend off the encroaching enemy attackers as a team. P26632 MB.  "
47125 ARCADR11.ZIP 3,2 Mt 12.06.2003 - - -
Arcadrome 3D 1.1Arcadrome on puhdasveristä ja erittäin tyylikkäästi toteutettua arcaderäiskintää. Pelikenttä on kuvattu etuviistosta, ja pelaaja ohjailee alustaan hiirellä, tehtävänään kerätä kaikki kentän kristallit ja painua lipettiin ennen kuin viholliset saavat hänet kiinni. Kentälle pomppii lisäaseita ja -varusteita, viholliset käyttävät eri taktiikoita pelaajan nappaamiseen, ja joka kymmenes taso pelaajan eteen paiskataan tavallista pahempi vihollinen.
Kokeiluversio, 17,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.nevosoft.com/arcadrome/arcadrome.html
47126 ARTISDED.ZIP 14,9 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
"Art Is Dead  Good news! Your wealthy uncle has left you his priceless collection of world class artbut youre going to have to earn it. Use your mouse or your lightgun to shoot debris off of some of the worlds finest works of art. Succeed and youll gain access to more levels and more great paintings. Includes art by MonetMondrianVan Goghand Warhol. Art Is Dead combines high artlow humorand great gameplay. P23332 MB. "
47127 AS3D12.ZIP 9,4 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
AirStrike 3D: Operation W.A.T. 1.2 Strap on tight, pilot, because there are 20 levels to complete, with over 100 different enemy units, 5 types of hostile terrain and 3 powerful terrorist bosses to handle. You have 10 different helicopters at your disposal. As you successfully complete missions and meet goals set by commanders, you will be given access to more sophisticated craft and powerful weapons. 
47128 AS3D13.ZIP 9,7 Mt 11.05.2003 - - -
"AirStrike 3D: Operation W.A.T. v1.3Your job is to pilot heavy battle helicoptersand your primary objective is to destroy terroristssecret bases and small arms factories around the world. Strap in for 20 levels of mayhem with more than 100 different enemy unitsfive types of hostile terrainand three powerful terrorist bosses to engage. As you successfully complete missions and meet goals set by commandersyou will be given access to more sophisticated equipment and weapons. This packet also contains a patch file for v1.3 "
47129 ASIM2000.ZIP 1,9 Mt 29.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
3D Asteroid Impact 2000Your mission is to 
protect mother earth from destruction, wave 
after wave of high velocity asteroids 
hurtle towards earth from every corner of 
the universe. Enjoy seemingly endless 
levels of asteroid blasting. The game is 
completely 3D with great rendered graphics, 
brilliant sound and gripping play. Windows 
47130 ASTMIN13.ZIP 1,8 Mt 11.01.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Asteroid Miner v1.3 BY Positech Computing 2D scrolling SPACE shoot em up where you must mine the asteroids around you for precious metals to sell, in order to upgrade your ship with the latest weapons and equipment. But the space is dangerous - pirate ships are zooming around, targeting you. Can you make your living and survive? Includes link/modem/IPX & TCP/IP multiplayer for 8 players. Nice & playable. DirectX 5.2 or
47131 AT_10F.EXE 5,1 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Assault Tank 1.0 Freeware Yksinpelattava, ylhäältäpäin kuvattu tankkipeli, jossa suoritat sinulle annuttuja tehtäviä. Vaatii: Win98/95, 32mb ram, 9mb kiintolevytilaa. Tehty Games Factoryllä. ENGLISH LANGUAGE! by: Freon Productions
45729 AT12.ZIP 5,3 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
Assault Tank v1.2Yksinpelattava, ylhäältäpäin kuvattu tankkipeli, jossa toimitat sinulle 
annettuja tehtäviä. Hieno grafiikka! Freeware. 
Vaatii: P 200 MHz, 32 Mb RAM, Win98/95. ENGLISH language! 
By: Freon Productions 
45730 ATOMA105.ZIP 2,5 Mt 04.02.2003 - - -
Atomaders Demo 1.0.5Eradicate alien invasion of your planet system with a spacefighter equiped with modern weaponry and special abilities. Requires PII 233 Mhz, 32MB RAM, DirectX drivers. Developed by KraiSoft Entertainment.
45731 ATOMA109.ZIP 2,5 Mt 19.04.2003 - - -
Atomaders v1.0.9 This space shooter is based on the classic Invaders/Galaxian idea. You have to liberate your planet system from the alien invasion using your spacefighter. Players can obtain various extra weapons and special abilities by destroying enemy cyborgs, fighters, and motherships. Each planet has its own cyborg types and a unique and powerful boss at the last level. Additional planet systems can be downloaded from the Internet.  Shareware, $20.
45732 ATTACK10.ZIP 270,1 kt 19.04.2003 - - -
Attack-Attack v1.0 Pilot a ship through battlespace as you attack a tenacious enemy.  Take cover, lay mines, protect your teammate, pursue the enemy  with guided weapons, and give your all to complete the mission.  You can set up the battlescape, outfit ships with a mix of human  and AI pilots in a variety of missions. Shareware, $14.
45733 ATTEST1.ZIP 4,6 Mt 04.08.1999 - - -
"Absolute Terror test. By Symbiosys Software. Isometric viewev action shootemup. Sees the player piloting the first prototype Katana class ship. Deploy a range of offensive and defensive equipment to secure key areas of the combat zone and assist in attacking the enemy. Windows 95P20032 MBOpenGL."
45734 ATV13.ZIP 5,2 Mt 26.01.2001 - - -
Assault Tank 1.3Yksinpelattava, ylhäältäpäin kuvattu tankkipeli, jossa toimitat sinulle annettuja tehtäviä. Hieno grafiikka! Vaatii: P200 MHz, 32 MB ram, Windows 98/95. 
English language! by: Freon Productions. Freeware. 
45735 AVOYDD14.ZIP 1,5 Mt 22.09.2001 - - -
Avoyd demo v1.4  3D-räiskintää täysin dynaamisessa  pelimaailmassa. Viimeisin versio lisää pelin  tuen tietokoneohjatuille boteille. P400, 32 Mt.
45736 AXE10.ZIP 2,6 Mt 30.10.2002 - - -
Axe Marks the Spot 1.0Visko kirveillä Ultima Onlinen pahiksia. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. http://www.nstorm.com/
45737 AXELL10.ZIP 1,2 Mt 19.04.2003 - - -
Axellus v1.0 Axellus lets you shoot alien invaders with a slingshot. Click, drag back the ball, and let it go, hurtling up the screen at the implacable foe. Or hit a powerup, and blast the alien scum with shotgun rounds, explosives, freezer shots, and even a nuke! But the 130 different types of aliens keep coming, along with big bosses that take several hits to destroy. 
45738 BADFOLK.ZIP 9,5 Mt 29.08.2001 - the-last-tucows-roundup -
"Bad Folkers Bad Folkers is a bi-plane shootem up.  It features lots of weaponshectic  action and lots of enemies to blow up."
45739 BALLIST.ZIP 13,5 kt 11.11.1999 - jonneweb.net -
Ballistics Retrohenkinen, vuoropohjainen avaruus- räiskintäpeli. Aikoinaan tehty Amigalle ja siitä käännetty PC:lle. Vaatii Windows 95, vb5-tiedostot. Shareware, 20 mk tai 4 euroa. tsalm@nettilinja.fi
61233 BATCYCLE.ZIP 2219304 22.09.1996 - 16966/SUNNY1000.iso -
Battle Cycles * action game that can best be
described as a cross between Tron cycles and
Cyber Sleds. With your choice of four cycles
with different armor, speed, and weapons
capabilities you try to destroy your
opponents. Windows 95, requires Direct X
drivers. Pentium 133 and good video card
45740 BHDWD.ZIP 17,5 Mt 25.05.2003 - - -
"Beach Head: Desert War demo Meeting little resistance in the desertthe main  coalition force presses onward to victory. Your  lonely mission to remain behind as rear-guard  becomes a ferocious clash when the enemys elite  forces regroup to wage a last desperate surprise  attack. The enemy thought it would be easy to roll  over you and chew through the unsuspecting  coalition force. They are dead wrong....  The demo contains four levels.  Shareware$20."
45741 BIKEZ10.ZIP 2,1 Mt 14.12.1999 - Suomipelit.7z -
Bikez 1.0 by Ville Mönkkönen Vauhdikas moottoripyöräsota kahdelle pelaajalle. Täytetty punaisella verellä ja tappavalla toiminnalla. GRR!!! Sisältää komeat 16b grafiikat. Vaatii Pentium-150, direct-x ja Windows95.
45742 BJEEP103.ZIP 1,5 Mt 21.08.2001 - - -
Battlejeep v1.03 Prepare for HARD battle! In this game you can control rocket-armed vehicle and fight against enemy helicopters armada. Simple and VERY addictive arcade. Enjoy! For Win95/98/2000/ME. Home page: http://www.sapphiregames.com 
45743 BLITZ.ZIP 224,2 kt 27.03.2000 - 16443/Retro Gamer 07.iso -
Blitz - Written By Jason Brooks   Classic retro remake. The first time I encountered Blitz was on the Commodore Vic20 almost 18 years ago. The object was simple, your plane was about to crash due to a fuel shortage, therefore you need to clear a runway to land your plane.  And what better way than to bomb the buildings below! www.btinternet.com/~jason.brooks Windows 95, P75, 16 MB, DirectX.
45744 BLOWIT.ZIP 7,5 Mt 23.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Blow It by Chaos Interactive vertical scrolling space shootem up game. You control your ships movement with the cursor keys and fire with the space bar. Although no help is included this game is pretty much straight forward and includes some pretty good background music too. Windows 95DirectX. Supports 3Dfx and Direct 3D."
45745 BMAN12.ZIP 2,3 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
BattleMan 1.2 BattleMan is a clone of the good old Battle City game. You must destroy all the enemy tanks in the city to pass to the next stage. Also you have to protect the staff.  
45746 BOFH14W.ZIP 974,7 kt 27.09.2001 - MBHH2002 -
BOFH: Servers Under Siege 1.4w As the Bastard Operator, you must fight terrorists and defuse bombs in network closets. Overhead-view fighting game. The new version, 1.4w, is not much of an update but more like a demonstration of the features of BME Library, including support for different screen resolutions, fullscreen/windowed mode and Waveout/DirectSound switching. 
45747 BSKIES.ZIP 347,8 kt 29.08.2001 - - -
"Burning Skies 1.2 Burning Skies is a 1-2 player head-to-head biplane shootem up. Shareware."
45748 BSTA3228.ZIP 173,2 kt 12.01.1999 - - -
BattleStar for Windows 95/NT v2.8 by Gregory Braun - simple space battle game Battleship-like game, except you are stationed in a galaxy, with the task of finding and destroying 60 alien ships. With three levels of difficulty, the game is played on a scrolling nine-by-nine-by-nine grid. Select your coordinates via a dialog box or a click of your mouse and fire.
45749 BUGAT115.ZIP 3,5 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
"Bugatron v1.15 Blast through multiple waves of 3D bugs in this Direct3D remake of the classic retro shooters of the 80s. Bugatron features hardware-accelerated 3D graphicsa killer soundtrackunique level designmultiple powerupsand addictive gameplay. This updated version includes a trademark notice for the Amiga Boing Ball and has an improved sound engine for more audio effects and volume control. Note: This trial version is limited to 16 levels. Shareware$19.99. "
45750 BUGAT116.ZIP 3,5 Mt 14.11.2001 - MBHH2002 -
"Bugatron 1.16  Blast through multiple waves of 3D bugs in this Direct3D remake of the classic retro shooters of the 80s. Bugatron features hardware-accelerated 3D graphicsa killer soundtrackunique level designmultiple powerupsand addictive gameplay. This updated version includes a trademark notice for the Amiga Boing Ball and has an improved sound engine for more audio effects and volume control. Note: This trial version is limited to 16 levels. Shareware$19.99. "
45751 BUGATRND.ZIP 3,1 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Bugatron demo v1.1 Blast through level after level of menacing  bugs with Bugatron, a Direct3D remake of the  classic 80\'s shooting games. But Bugatron  isn\'t just another Galaga clone- it redefines  the standards in "retro games" with hardware  accelerated 3D graphics and fast gameplay.  Features include 16 levels, 15 powerups, and  a soundtrack. P300, D3D video card, Win 9x,  DirectX 7.
45752 BUGS98DE.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
"B.U.G.S. 98 demo by Stardock Systems Easyfastcute shootemup. A low costlow system requirements Galaga clone that features boss creaturesa random level generatorand multiple levels of difficulty. Windows 95."
45753 CANOPIA3.ZIP 1,4 Mt 15.03.2000 - - -
 Canopia - updated 3D Shoot-them-up. By GraphitX. Move your ship in a canyon, avoid trees and shoot every monster you see. Life use to be cool for your little human colony. But an Earthquake on the far north has changed many things. Dark toxic clouds come from this point, and new species or mutations of some insects has arrived. Windows 95, P166, 32 MB. Direct3D/3Dfx1
45754 CAPP201.ZIP 2,3 Mt 03.12.1999 - - -
Close Approach v2.01 by Abstract Worlds, Ltd Your mission is to save the earth from destruction by Doomsday extremists who have taken to hurling asteroids our way. You control a spaceship sent to blast the asteroids to smithereens. Sweeper ships move ahead of you, surrounding each asteroid in a containment field. You must enter the containment field and blow the asteroid into smaller and smaller pieces. DirectX, Pentium 100, and Windows 95.
45755 CHAOSPH.ZIP 526,3 kt 11.04.1999 - MBCD -
Spheres Of Chaos 1.06 by Iain McLeod retro style 2D arcade game for Windows 95/98. It is of a psychadelic nature with wild sounds and shapes and somewhat resemble the classic video game "Asteroids". DirectX and Windows 95, 98, or NT
45756 CHASEA2.ZIP 5,1 Mt 23.09.1999 - MBCD -
"Chase Ace 2 DEMO fast paced 2 player action From SPACE TIME FOAM Well-done arcade space shooter. Its fastsmartgraphically richand challenging. Youll face plenty of obstacles as you pilot your ship through a perilous course teeming with speedyfiestyAI-enhanced enemy ships and booby-trapped with myriad high-explosive hazards. Crisplively graphics and fullrich sound. Win95DirectXP20032 MB"
45757 CHASEACE.ZIP 2 Mt 25.09.1998 - MBCD -
Chase Ace v1.1 by Tobias Thorsen Battle it out with an opponent in fast-paced, two-player action game with simple 2D scrolling and shooting. Each player controls small spaceship, which can shoot and move around on the selected level. There are cool things like black holes/gravity wells to contend with. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, DirectX, Pentium
45758 CHIINV13.ZIP 3,1 Mt 29.04.2003 - - -
Chicken Invaders 1.3Chicken Invaders on perinteinen räiskintäpeli, jossa vastustajat ovat avaruuden muukalaisten sijaan kanoja. Pelaaja rätkyttelee hengiltä aalto aallon perään siipikarjaa lasereilla ja ohjuksilla, keräilee ammutuista kanoista lentäviä kanankoipia sekä laserin lisäenergiaa, ja väistelee putoilevia kananmunia. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.interactionstudios.com/chickeninvaders.php
45759 CHOP2K11.ZIP 21 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
"Chopper 2k 1.1cChopper 2k will be a fast action arcade shooter. John J. Rimbo is called out of retirement by his old commanderCpt. Ravioli. As John you must clear up the worlds hottest warzones with your choice of three fully decked out war helicopters. Each helicopters has its own special weapons systems and strengths/weaknesses. The action takes place in a quasi modern Earthin locales consisting of a junglea desertan arctic wasteland and an ocean. P20032 MB. "
45760 CHRIFLE.ZIP 940,2 kt 08.07.1999 - MBCD -
Clayhunter Rifle version 32 bit The purpose of the game is to practice your marksmanship skills with clay pucks, birds and aeroplanes. Great graphics! High scores. Nice sounds Registering costs only 7 marks! Support finnish gamemakers! Bxr/CT 1999
45761 CHUNT10.ZIP 3,6 Mt 27.06.2002 - - -
Crow Hunting 1.0  Crow Hunting -peli antaa pelaajalle viiden patruunan lippaalla varustetun puoliautomaattisen haulikon ja pellon jonka yli lentää variksia. Kentällä on aikaraja, jonka puitteissa pitää ampua tietty määrä lintuja, joista irtoavien pisteiden määrä riippuu niiden etäisyydestä.  Kokeiluversio, 16.95 USD. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.sw-winsoft.de/ 
45762 CNSLVR10.ZIP 8,8 Mt 01.04.2003 - - -
Codename: SILVER v1.0 Codename SILVER on havaitsijan perspektiivistä kuvattu 3d-räiskintä, jossa ARTEMIS-järjestön agentti Defi tunkeutuu TKG:n tiloihin ja pistää lihoiksi TKG:n palkkalistoilta löytyvSt sotilaat, robotit ja mutantit. Kokeiluversio, 19 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.aidemgames.com/  
45763 CODSIL10.ZIP 4,3 kt 04.02.2003 - - -
Codename SILVER 1.0 Codename SILVER on havaitsijan perspektiivistä kuvattu 3d-räiskintä, jossa ARTEMIS-järjestön agentti Defi tunkeutuu TKG:n tiloihin  lihoiksi TKG:n palkkalistoilta löytyvät sotilaat, robotit ja mutantit.
Kokeiluversio, 19 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.aidemgames.com/
45764 CRIMSONL.ZIP 6,8 Mt 20.05.2003 renamed Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 -
Crimsonland  Thousands of aliens, giant spiders, mutant lizards,  and more are on the attack - can you survive the  onslaught? You will consistently unlock new and better  perks that improve your ability to use a devastating  arsenal. Crimsonland features 3 modes of play,  Internet high score posting, and endless hours of  pressure packed fun. Shareware, $20.
45765 CSHOOT.ZIP 52,8 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
Chicken Shoot  Chicken Shoot is a classic fun shooter with adventure elements. In each mission the player can collect a number of things and can receive many extra points for different actions.   
45766 CUNYNGAS.ZIP 12,5 Mt 02.06.2003 - MBHH2005 -
"Cunyngas An upwards scrolling shootem up. "
45767 CX95090.ZIP 353,7 kt 09.06.2000 - 22299/VPR9903A.BIN -
"Carax95 by Bio_100% Shootemup. Carax95 is a game similar to LaserAge or Galaga with one major differencetime. You fight against the clock instead of against the aliens. Finish the board with more than a 70% accuracy and you get additional time added to the clock! Win 9x/NT DirectX 2 or higher 800x600 / 256 colors "
45768 DARCHN10.ZIP 4,5 Mt 19.04.2003 - - -
Dark Archon v1.0 Dark Archon is a very unique 3D shooter style game. Play as one of four races (each having their own set of levels created to challenge their unique strengths and weaknesses) fighting to stay alive in an interstellar battle for survival. Gain experience and power up your ship as you play through various level scenarios from racing to protecting your AI team mates from your enemies to supply collection missions to leading and uniting over 100 AI team mate ships in huge galactic battles against hundreds of enemies. There is also two-player co-operative play mode for taking on the galaxy with a friend! 
45769 DD2CC.ZIP 1 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBCD -
Desktop Destroy 2: Chicken Carnage v1.1 by Gameslab Producions. After a hard day at work or school, take out your aggression on virtual chickens. This mouse-driven game, played with your desktop in the background, gives you an arsenal of weapons to blow away the floating fowl. Add any number of moving chickens to your desktop, then use them for target practice. At your disposal are a shotgun, a flame thrower, a rocket launcher etc. Windows 95
45770 DEB3210.ZIP 3,8 Mt 31.07.1999 - - -
"Debris 32 If you like classic arcade games such as Asteroidsyoull love Debris 32. Clear each wave of space debris by blasting it to bits with your ships weapons. At the same time avoid colliding with asteroids while collecting bonuses and destroying enemy ships. Your mission is a thankless oneand if a pilot cant handle itwellhe dies alone. Do you have the right stuff? Windows 95."
45771 DEBRIS2.ZIP 2,6 Mt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Debris v2 arcade game by MVP Software. If you love classic arcade games such as Asteroidsyoull love Debris. Clear each wave of space debris by blasting it to bits with your ships weapons. At the same time avoid colliding with asteroids while collecting bonuses and destroying enemy ships. Your mission is a thankless oneand if a pilot cant handle ithe dies alone. Do you have the right stuff?"
45772 DEERVENG.A01 4,8 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Deers Revenge 2/5"
45773 DEERVENG.A02 4,8 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Deers Revenge 3/5"
45774 DEERVENG.A03 4,8 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Deers Revenge 4/5"
45775 DEERVENG.A04 4,6 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Deers Revenge 5/5"
45776 DEERVENG.ARJ 4,8 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Deers Revenge 1/5by ValuSoft Sports / hunting. Youre a rampaging deer out to settle the score. Hunters had better watch out. Premier Hick-hunting simulation. Req. DirectXPentium 100and Windows 95.        "
45777 DEMON321.ZIP 4,1 Mt 20.10.1999 - MBCD -
DemonStar v3.21 by Mountain King. Vertical arcade-style shooter by the company that developed Raptor. Plug in a couple of new Microsoft Gamepads, and play just like in the arcade - two players on the screen at a time, fighting for bonuses and power-ups! New vers. has TCP/IP multiplayer support, gamelauch though ICQ, harder bosses etc. and DOom. You must have DirectX 5 for Force-feedback support 486, 8MB, Win95, DirectX3.
45778 DEVAST12.ZIP 5,2 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
Devastator 1.2In Devastator you battle your way through pirate, feudal, and alien stages trying to reach the final decisive level. At your disposal are more then 10 types of weapons, 4 different ships, 10 different bonuses, and tons of other equipment like shields, reactors, satellites, and bombs. There is a shop where you can purchase upgrades to your defense systems, if you have earned the cash. P 200, Win 9x, 32 MB. Shareware, $10. 
45779 DMV11.ZIP 1,4 Mt 23.02.2000 renamed Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 -
Super Duelling Minivans 1.1You and your opponent both have a minivan car. Blow up your opponent by running into them or shooting them. Collect weapons and shoot them or attempt to ram them. Fine game of mindless mayhem. Windows 95/98, 486, 16 MB, DirectX.
Created by Lead Dog Software. Freeware. 
45780 DOVE102.ZIP 5 Mt 18.10.2001 - - -
Dove v1.02 Vihamieliset avaruusolennot uhkaavat räjäyttää koko Maapallon, ja vain Dove pystyy tämän estämään. Teknomusiikilla ryyditettyä,  vaakatasossa vierivää perusräiskintää. 
45781 DRESTA20.ZIP 2,4 Mt 27.08.2002 - - -
Dreamstars 2.0  Laadukas ja pelattava asteroids-klooni, jossa pelaaja saa rakentaa itse oman aluksensa. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://icarusindie.com/Dreamstars/ 
45782 DSSM1.ZIP 3,1 Mt 21.11.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Demonstar: Secret Missions 1 Demonstarissa ei mietitä joutavia, vaan keskitytään olennaiseen: tuhotaan ihan kaikki. Ja sitähän riittää, sillä ylhäältä vierivät kentät ovat väärällään turpaansa kerjäävää vihulaista. Samalla poimitaan talteen tulivoimaa tehostavia vimpaimia, jotta kurmottaminen ja remontoiminen onnistuu paremmin. Jos ei yksin saa kaikkea rikottua, voi kaverin kutsua hätiin; moninpeli onnistuu sekä internetin kautta että samalla tietokoneella. Shareware, $16. 
45783 DW213.ZIP 3,4 Mt 25.05.2003 - - -
Dark War II v1.3 By Blue Skull Entertainment http://blueskull.cjb.net 2D action game for Windows. Made with The Games Factory. 
45784 DZONE.ZIP 1,2 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
"Driftzone by TeamC3. Space 2D shootemup. Asteroids on STEROIDS using 3D Excelleration with multiplayer capabilities! (This game REQUIRES a 3d accelerated video card. If you do not have onethe game will not run correctly for you). Features: Support for Direct3DGlide and OpenGL! Different Game Modes! Internet Play! Customizable Ships! Create Your Own Maps! Requirements: Win 9xDirectX 6.0 or aboveDirect3D compatible 3D accelerator16MB RAM. "
45785 EFORCEAD.ZIP 23,6 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
Earth Force AlphaGL demo v1.0 Pystysuoraan vierivä räiskintäpeli, jossa yhden aluksen voimin rikotaan niin paljon vihollisia kuin ehditään.  
45786 ELVESINC.ZIP 812,4 kt 21.12.2001 - - -
Elves Incorporated Elves Inc. on Stardockin ilmainen ja erittäin pienikokoinen joulupeli. Tarkoituksena pelissä on pelata tonttua ja ampua tippuvia lahjoja käärintäaseella. Yksin- ja kaksinpeli. 
45787 EURSHO10.ZIP 821,9 kt 27.08.2002 - - -
Euroshooter 1.0  Opettele eurojen ulkonäkö räiskimällä niitä alas taivaalta. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. 
45788 FACTORX.ZIP 7,5 Mt 19.10.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Factor X  Factor X is a huge arcade shooter where you work for a company that changes time. Factor X is a massive compilation of a 23 level story mode with 4 bosses and 3 bonus levels, an arcade mode where you compete for highscores and collect "FX" icons, as well as 3 secret modes of gameplay. Freeware. 
45789 FD2DA104.ZIP 6,1 Mt 17.04.2002 - - -
"Final Duel 2: Deathmatch Arena v1.04 The sequel to original Final duel still is top-view space shootem up for multiplayer on single PC. Howeverthis time with stunning 3D hardwarhicshigh quality sound effectsand most important of allplayability better than ever. "
45790 FD2DA105.ZIP 6,5 Mt 29.05.2002 renamed archive.org -
"Final Duel 2: Deathmatch Arena v1.05 The sequel to original Final duel still is top-view space shootem up for multiplayer on single PC. Howeverthis time with stunning 3D hardwarhicshigh quality sound effectsand most important of allplayability better than ever. Shareware10Ç. "
45791 FF061.ZIP 7,6 Mt 29.01.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 3 -
Final Fighter 0.61FinalFighter is 2D action deathmatch game where you control a tank and shoot your enemies with a variety of weapons. Your enemies can be computer controlled players, or players playing with you over the internet or local area network (LAN). Windows 95/98, DirectX 7.0. Freeware.
64099 FFSW11.A01 2999400 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Fire Fight. Shareware. V1.1. Osa 2/4.
64100 FFSW11.A02 2999400 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Fire Fight. Shareware. V1.1. Osa 3/4.
64101 FFSW11.A03 984157 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Fire Fight. Shareware. V1.1. Osa 4/4.
45792 FFSW11.ARJ 2999400 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Fire Fight. Taktisen räiskintäpelin SW-versio
1.1. Osa 1/4.
45793 FFSW11OP.A01 2999400 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Fire Fight. 640x480 grafiikat Shareware
V1.1:een. Osa 2/3.
45794 FFSW11OP.A02 2282610 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Fire Fight. 640x480 grafiikat Shareware
V1.1:een. Osa 3/3.
45795 FFSW11OP.ARJ 2999400 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Fire Fightin Shareware-versioon 1.1 640x480
grafiikat. Eivät välttämättömiä. Osa 1/3.
45796 FORMIDO.ZIP 9,2 Mt 12.04.2003 repacked MBHH2005 -
Formido v1.0 Formido is a nice little 2d-shooting game in  the spirit of the Phobia games. 
45797 FREES140.ZIP 5,2 Mt 24.07.2002 - - -
FreeStrike: Arcade Space Combat v1.4.0 You are Cadet John Blake, assigned to patrol zones  one through seven. Your mission is called Operation "Freestrike" and you will pilot the LRTD-50X, an  experimental long-range tactical defense ship,  equipped with new advanced weaponry and shield  technology as well as an enhanced quantum pulse  engine. Shareware. 
45798 FSTRIKED.ZIP 8,2 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
FreeStrike demo Reports are showing activity in the newly established "free zones" bordering the outer regions of the Earth Alliance Defense Grid. A new resistance group has formed and they are stirring up trouble. You are authorized to neutralize this threat by any means necessary. You will pilot the LRTD-50X, an experimental  long-range tactical defense ship, equipped with new advanced weaponry and shield technology as well as an enhanced quantum pulse engine. P200, 32 MB. 
45799 GALPA166.ZIP 2,7 Mt 01.03.2002 - - -
"Galactic Patrol v1.6.6 Galactic Patrol is a new 3d homage to the classic arcade  hits of the early 80s. The look and spirit of such legendary  games as Space InvadersGalagaPhoenixand  Galaxian pulse through Galactic Patrols 25 levels in  over 300 waves of shootem up fun. Reflex-burning top  view actionfrenzied side scrollingand cominright at yarear  views are all here in this retro-styled alien invasion. Shareware$15. "
45800 GALPAT15.ZIP 2,6 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
"Galactic Patrol 1.5Galactic Patrol is a new 3d homage to the classic arcade hits of the early 80s. The look and spirit of such legendary games as Space InvadersGalagaPhoenixand Galaxian  pulse through Galactic Patrols 25 levels in  over 300 waves of shootem up fun. Reflex-burning top view actionfrenzied side  scrollingand cominright at yarear views are all here in this retro-styled alien invasion. "
45801 GANJASW.EXE 1 Mt 22.10.1998 - MBHH2001 -
"Ganja Farmer v1.0 Shareware Edition Published by Xtreme Games LLC Easy shootemup where you shoot at helicopters and paratroopers. Win95."
45802 GAW201A.ZIP 10,2 Mt 26.04.2001 - - -
Galaxy At War 2.0 is a Star Control like game for to players. It features ships from Star Wars, B5 and BS Galactica. Requires: WIN9X, DX7,Soundcard, 16MB AGP graphics card. Author: Tuomas Karjagin
45803 GAW276A.ZIP 12,8 Mt 14.11.2001 - - -
Galaxy At War 2.76  Galaxy At War is a Star Control like game for to players. It features many ships from Star Wars, Star Trek, B5 and BS Galactica. Requires: WIN9X, DX7,  Soundcard, 16MB AGP graphics card. Author: Tuomas Karjagin.
45804 GAW280.ZIP 12,1 Mt 07.12.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Galaxy At War 2.80 Galaxy At War is a Star Control like game for to players.  It features many ships from Star Wars, Star Trek, B5  and Battlestar Galactica. Requires: Win9x, DirectX 7,  Soundcard, 16MB AGP graphics card. Author:  Tuomas Karjagin. 
45805 GD_DEMO2.ZIP 641,3 kt 07.07.1999 - MBCD -
Global Defender. Retro classic remake. By Reactor Software. A fast paced conversion of the classic shoot\'emï\'up by Atari Games using OpenGL. Also known as Missile Command. Project was started in February of \'98, for Voodoo Extreme\'s "Golden Oldie" contest. Has cool new nighttime scenario, texture cleanups, and a completely new particle system that really looks cool. Windows 95, P133, 16 MB, OpenGL graphics accelerator.
45806 GDEFEND.ZIP 1,8 Mt 06.08.1999 - - -
"Galaxy Defender - classic retro remake. Shootemup. Im a bit of a sucker for the good old retro gamesso I recreated a favorite of mine from the Vic-20. The aim of the game is to stay aliveshooting all advancing aliens and protect the hole that leads from witch space to Earth. Each wave of aliens comes from a nasty mother shipwhich must be destroyed bit by bit.I am quite pleased with the playability. Seen on Vic-20. Req. Windows 95."
45807 GENO101.ZIP 8,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Genocide-Remixed version v1.01 By Kaos Kontrol. Action game. Run and shoot side scroller similar to Crack dot Com\'s Abuse. It features a "Realistic Pyrotechnic engine", hundreds of secret areas, built-in level editor and more. Featuring tough and violent gameplay and stereo sound, Genocide pits you against the most disturbingly realistic range of deadly creatures ever created. P90, 16MB, Win95, DirectX
45808 GF09.ZIP 1,9 Mt 27.03.2000 - - -
 Gravity Force, v0.9b Jens Hassler Pick up cargo and return to homebase. Puts you in the cockpit of a ship and makes you responsible for finding cargo and bringing it back to your homebase. The graphics are a bit outdated and reminiscent of old 8-bit console systems, but the game still provides a great challenge and addictive gameplay. Windows 95/98
45809 GHA06.ZIP 2,9 Mt 18.04.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 3 -
"Ground Hog Assault 0.6 Its your meteor craterand you have six yellow flags. Howeverthere are groundhogs about. Groundhogs equipped with rocket packs and the desire to steal your flags. You have rocks; hit a groundhog with a rockand they pop out of existence. But they keep coming and they dont give up. Your job is protect your flags as long as possible. P13316 MB. "
45810 GIGATN08.ZIP 969,7 kt 01.05.2002 - - -
Gigaton v0.8 Gigaton is an Asteroids-style fast paced spaceblaster. Extreme playability and  awesome sounds speak for themselves. Beware, this game is extremely addictive!  Requires DirectX6 or higher.
45811 GLITCH05.ZIP 1,8 Mt 29.05.2002 - - -
Glitch v0.5Beta-asteella olevaa suomalaista luolalentelyä.
45812 GLUFO32.ZIP 3,9 Mt 02.02.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 3 -
glUFO32  by M. Mcall. Arcade game. Fly the UFO about, orbit and zoom the camera around in third and first person views. Fly, shoot around, fight. Req. Windows 95, OpenGL, P166, 32 MB
45813 GMENACE.ZIP 797,1 kt 19.10.2002 - - -
Galactic Menace Help Vicky Rockit defend the earth from wave after wave of alien attackers. Freeware. 
45814 GPATR13.ZIP 2,9 Mt 30.08.1999 - - -
"Galactic Patrol v1.3b SW from Monkey Byte Developmentllc. classic-style space shooter with todays technology in Galactic Patrol. This game is a new 3D homage to the classic arcade hits of the early 80ssuch as Space InvadersGalagaPhoenixand Galaxian. Features great anglessuch as top-view actionside scrollingand rear views. Retro remake. DirectX 3.0 +SVGA monitorPentium 133and Windows 9598or NT"
45815 GTA.ZIP 328,4 Mt 14.03.2003 renamed myabandonware.com -
Grand Theft Auto\t Kuuluisan GTA -pelisarjan ensimmäinen osa. Täysin ilmainen, kokonainen ja vapaasti ladattava versio, joka on jopa päivitetty toimimaan nykykoneilla. 
45817 HF32.ZIP 3,3 Mt 22.06.2000 - - -
Hell Fighter 32Genre: Action Developer: David Peterson Fast action space combat simulation featuring high quality graphics and sound and joystick support. Requirements: Windows 9x, DirectX, 486/66, 16 MB. 
45816 HF322101.ZIP 2,8 Mt 16.07.2003 - - -
Hell Fighter 32 v21.01 Fast action space combat simulation featuring high quality graphics and sound and joystick support. Freeware.
45818 HOE12.ZIP 722,1 kt 20.09.2000 - - -
Hell on Earth v1.2Hell on Earth is a small game in which the goal is to blast bouncing rocks. 
45819 HORNAD10.ZIP 18,8 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
"Hornado 1.0 This game is a freeware sidescrolling spaceshooter like KatakisXOut or R-Type. Youll be able to upgrade weaponsand fire away at multiple enemies and use your skills to take on huge end-of-level bosses. Battle through 8 heart-pumping levels. "
45820 HOVTANKS.A01 2,4 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Hovertanks: Battlefield Earth 2/3
45821 HOVTANKS.A02 2,2 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Hovertanks: Battlefield Earth 3/3
45822 HOVTANKS.ARJ 2,4 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
"Hovertanks: Battlefield Earth 1/3by Littlebits Multimedia. Action/Shootemup fast paced game of armored warfare of the future. Set against the backdrop of a war torn planetHovertank combines shoot-em-up style action with tactical simulation to create a hard-driving combat adventure. Earn rankpromote crewmembersselect weapons and vehicles. Windows 95    "
45823 HWII.ZIP 3,4 Mt 27.08.2002 - 542/EJV8_CD1.ISO -
HoverWarz II 1.02Taistele ihmis- tai tietokonevastustajan kanssa aseistetuilla ilmatyynyaluksilla.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000/XP. http://hem.passagen.se/andersml/bcc/
45824 IB07BETA.ZIP 1008 kt 26.10.2000 - MBHH2003 -
Iron Birds v0.7 Beta Iron Birds v0.7 Beta Furious dogfight up to 4 CPU/human  players with WW2 era airplanes.  Each player can modify his/hers  plane (eg. weapons, speed, etc..) Req. Pentium, Win 9x + DirectX 7 http://ironbirds.cjb.net
45825 INDEMNT.ZIP 3,3 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
"Indemnity! v1.05 By Responsive Computing. Your own private shooting gallery using your own photos! Import bitmap (.BMP) files from digital camerasscanners and the internet. Load emup and fire away. Great stress relief. Windows 95/98. Shareware. "
45826 INTXS13.ZIP 8,2 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Intensity XS 1.3 Intensity XS, a side-scrolling shoot- em-up, featuring awesome 3D-rendered visuals, great music, and fast and furious gameplay that never lets you down. Battle more than 50 attack waves through 8 different worlds, collecting points and power-ups to increase weaponry -- 15different weapon systems in all. This game is as addictive as they come! P200, 32 MB. 
45827 INVASIO2.ZIP 1 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Invasion 2 Invasion 2 is an Asteroids clone for one or two players, teamplay or deathmatch. The asteroids bounce against each other... and the players, too. Sometimes there are gravitation influences like black holes. With it you can make unusual maneuvers.  P200, 32 MB.  
45828 INXSRC11.ZIP 7,9 Mt 21.03.2002 - - -
Intensity XS: Recharge v1.1  Intensity XS: Recharge is a side-scrolling shoot- em-up, featuring awesome  3D-rendered visuals, great music, and fast and furious gameplay  that never lets you down. Battle more than 50 attack waves  through 8 different worlds, collecting points and power-ups to  increase weaponry - 15 different weapon systems in all. This  game is as addictive as they come! P200, 32 MB.  
45829 IWCTMB12.ZIP 699,5 kt 18.09.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 4 -
"IWCTMB 1.2Invasion of the Weird Chicken Like Thinga Ma Bobbers is a good way to release inner tension. With a fully-automatic shotgunyou have only one thing on your mind. Destroy as many of the weird chicken like thinga ma bobbers as possible! You can submit your high  scores to the authors web page. To get a high scoreyou must nuke their home planet to bits! "
45830 JEDI21.ZIP 2,2 Mt 11.10.2002 - - -
Jedi:Quest 2.1 Jedi: Questissa pelaaja hyppää Padawan-Jedioppilaan kaapuun ja lähtee selvittämään mystisia tapahtumia pitkin galaksia. Käytössä oppilaallaan on valomiekan lisäksi Voimajippoja esineiden siirtämisestä ja tuuppimisesta parantamiseen. Tehtävien suorittaminen parantaa pelihahmon taitoja, ja myöhemmillä tasoilla arsenaaliin kuuluu myös järeämpiä Voimakikkoja. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://home.att.net/~wavefront/#jedi
45831 JETSNG09.ZIP 12,1 Mt 19.10.2002 - - -
"JetsnGuns v0.952b  JetsnGuns is a side-scrolling air combat game that brings back the good old arcade carnage you used to love with plenty of weaponspower-upsand enemies to make up for all the quarters you spent years ago. Guide your fighter jet behind enemy lines avoiding enemy fire from planeszeppelinsground troopsand much more while collecting power-ups for more metal-piercing firepower to reach the infamous level boss. "
45832 JSESTATE.ZIP 253,3 kt 06.11.1997 - - -
Space Estate: The Fracture Wars pl. demo Triosoft. It is the year 2237, mankind has split. The forces of Cosmos oppose the forces of Chaos in a space war, fighting with spaceships among planetary systems. Single or multiplayer action, on a LAN or through Internet, using any player as a server or dedicated Net based servers. http://www.triosoft.com JAVA-VERSION!
45833 JUNON.ZIP 5,1 Mt 15.06.2002 - - -
Juno Nemesis Set inside the cyberspace of a huge and powerful computer called Juno, the player must defend the machine from a virus program designed to destroy the system. Six levels or constructs must be saved by destroying 30 waves of the attacking bugs. 14 power-ups, 3 weapon types, bonus items and extra bolt-on weapons are introduced over the 30 waves until the final showdown with the Nemesis itself. 
45834 KAB054SW.ZIP 1,1 Mt 09.07.1997 - MBCD tupla
KaBoom v0.54 - SW                    Intensive 2-4 player combat game. Fast 486 recommended, VGA required. Please read the README.DOC before playing. ** THIS IS AN PUBLIC BETA VERSION, NOT THE FINAL! **
45835 KRACK105.ZIP 2,6 Mt 27.08.2002 - - -
Krack the Waves 1.05  Räiski perunalastuja ja chilipippureita palasiksi ja pyydystä niitä perunalastupussiin. Taattua hiirikäsijumppaa. Ilmainen. Win95, Win98, WinNT, WinME, Windows2000
45836 LASERG20.ZIP 5,3 Mt 05.06.2000 - - -
"LaserAge Gold v2.0A by Freeform Interactive SpeedyGalaga-style shootemup game with driving musicdetailed graphicsand challenging game play. Move your spacecraft from side to side to avoid being bombarded by the oncoming waves of invadersand shoot to destroy. When you first start playing youll be horrified to find that you have only one life: Lose itand youre done for. The pace is furious and the game play engaging. The gold version features a new interface and a massive list of bug fixes! Windows 9598or NT "
45837 LASRATOR.ZIP 961,8 kt 26.10.2000 - MBHH2002 -
"Laserator \tv1.02Laserator is an entertaining high-energy retro-style space shoot-em-up. Although the action is limited to a single screen and the game concept isnt terribly originalthis shoot-em-up nevertheless has enough frenetic action to keep you coming back for more. At any point in the gameyou can switch between five different weaponsincluding a laser that automatically locks on to enemy shipsand missiles. P II 33332 MbWin 9xDirectX 7.0 "
45838 MACHFORC.ZIP 10,9 Mt 27.09.2001 - - -
MachForce demo v1.002 Aurinkomyrsky tuhosi maan, mutta onneksi avaruudessa olevat tukikohdat säästyivät. Jäljelle jääneet sotivat maan viimeisistä resursseista, ja sinun tehtävänäsi on lentää avaruushävittäjää ja tuhota viholliset. 
45839 MCLONE.ZIP 4,7 Mt 17.05.2000 - pelisivut.org -
"MClone is a Molez- or Liero-style shooting game. Its freeware. Windows 9xDirectX 7.0 required. (c) FireCross International a-labs. http://firecross.cjb.net. "
45840 MECHPFV2.ZIP 1,4 Mt 21.10.1998 - MBCD -
Mech Combat Ylhäältä päin kuvattu Mech taistelu kahdelle. Vaatii Win95.
45841 METB063.ZIP 2,8 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
"Meteor by James Bunting Arcade / shootemup. Look down military shooter. You control the main character in real-time. The concept is to stay alivepot the baddies and complete mission objectives for each mission. The bad guys come in numbersare smart and well equipped. Very addictive and at times can be quite strategic. Very playableextremely user friendlyopen to modifications and its free! Toast the baddies with an awesome array of fire power! Fly around inside helicopters! Includes map editor & network play. DOS. "
45842 METEORM.ZIP 2,4 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
"Meteor Mash  Prepare yourself for a fast paced space shooter with cool stereo sound effects3D animations and gameplay reminiscent of classic hits like AsteroidsMissile Commandand Astrosmash. If you are going to download a classic space shooter this yearmake sure its MeteorMash. P20032 MB. "
45843 MMINUS.ZIP 8 Mt 11.09.2002 - - -
Moral Minus Moral Minus is a classic arcade shooter with 3D graphics and lighting effects using OpenGL. In the demo you will encounter a wide range of enemies and one stage boss. Shareware. 
45844 MNX04.ZIP 2,5 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
MANIAX 0.4 SW by Module Software  | Mindless, bloody and fast-paced  actionshooter-game for 2 players.  Includes 15 different weapons like  Uzi, Grenade, Rocket Launcher  and Super Bomb. Many levels to  play, and if you get bored, make  more yourself with level editor  included!  Requirements:  Windows 95 or better,  Pentium 120,  256 colors
45845 MOORHUHN.ZIP 3,3 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Moorhuhn - free arcade game by Phenomedia AG. Possibly one of the most addictive "hunting" games of recent times. In Moorhuhn, you hunt down birds with a shotgun....reminiscient of Pigeon Hunt..... But with great graphics, sound and mouse support. Includes game (installer in German, game in english) and game tweaks. Windows 95 + VB6 Runtimes. 
45846 MOTSRAD.ZIP 14,9 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Master of the Skies: The Red Ace 1917, the Western Front. High above the trenches, courageous fliers are locked in a duel to the death. Enemies will assault you from all sides, and you must defend yourself in spectacular aerial dogfights. Carry out daring bombing missions behind enemy lines, avoid AA fire and support your wingmen. Every success takes you closer and closer to your destiny - a final showdown with the legendary master of the skies, the Red Baron himself! 
45847 MR2_32.ZIP 2,1 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
Microckets II 32-bittinen versio! Mainio luolaräiskintäpeli 32 bittisenä ja uudistettuna! 1-3 pelaajaa, paljon korjauksia, 6 asetta, nopeampi, ynnä muuta. Vaatii: P100, 16mt, Win95/98. tehnyt: Freon Productios
45848 MR2_SE.ZIP 2 Mt 18.05.1999 - MBCD -
Microckets 2 Special Edition! Mainio luolaräiskintäpeli uudistettuna! Huikea grafiikka, Rata Editori! + 1-3 pelaajaa. Asennettava "Optimized Drivers" valinnalla. Vaatii: P100, 16mt, Win95. hyvä KnP-tuotos. By: Freon Productions Studios
45849 MSTORM11.ZIP 6,8 Mt 11.01.2003 - MBHH2005 -
Mutant Storm v1.1 You are out to slaughter as many mutants as you can. Your shooting direction is separate from you movement, so the controls will take some time to get used to. Survive long enough, and you get rewarded with score multipliers, making the enemies even angrier. Lose a life and watch your multipliers tumble, and the beasties slow down and relax, safe in the knowledge that you are just a big softy. Mutant Storm for gamers who want pure action.  
45850 MTLOIDS.ZIP 2,9 Mt 27.01.2000 - - -
"Metaloids v1.1  Battle aliens in Galaga-style. From Electric Ocean Studios. Pits you against a race of metal space creatures trying to destroy the universe before you can blow them to bits. In a style thats similar to the popular arcade game Galagayou move your ship vertically and horizontally on the screenpicking off the aliens as they swoop over and under your ship. DirectXWindows 9598or NT"
45851 MTRN2K3U.ZIP 7,8 Mt 11.09.2002 - - -
MonsterTron 2K3  MonsterTron 2K3 is an old-school arcade shooter. The shareware version comes with 15 levels; 50 are included in the registered version. The updated demo contains CPU timer fixes, demo level fixes, and enemy sprite touch-ups.  
45852 MTRON2K3.ZIP 7,8 Mt 15.06.2002 - - -
MonsterTron 2K3 MonsterTron 2K3 is an old-school arcade shooter. The shareware version comes with 15 levels; 50 are included in the registered version. 
45853 MURKUT2.ZIP 253,8 kt 13.03.2002 - - -
Murkut 2 v1.0Murkut 2 on uusi Murkut-pelin idean pohjalta ohjelmoitu sharewarepeli. Pelissä pelaaja ohjaa pientä punaista muurahaista, jota pahat ruskeat muurahaiset ahdistelevat. Tavoitteena on pitää oma murkku hengissä ja kerätä mahdollisimman paljon pisteitä. Ominaisuuksiin kuuluu mm. kaksinpeli tietokonetta vastaan ja kyky generoida loputtomasti pelikenttiä. Minimivaatimukset: Windows 95, Pentium 166 MHz.
45854 MUTANTST.ZIP 6,9 Mt 20.05.2003 - - -
Mutant Storm Mutant Storm is the ultimate RoboTron style arcade  game for your PC, Mac or Linux. Features include:  State of the art 3D engine, challenging game play  and a myriad of beasties to shred! Shareware, $20. 
45855 N3D_1_0.ZIP 558,9 kt 08.11.1999 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 5 -
Nukes3D v1.0 1 multiplayer game of 3D tank combat. Quite like the classic "Artilllery Duel" or later "Scorched Earth", this just puts players into first person perspective tanks. Use multiple weapons to nuke the other tanks. DOS
45856 NBRE12.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.07.2002 - - -
Natomi Bottle Rockets Extreme 1.2 Torju hyökkääviä muukalaisaluksia ilotulitusraketeilla tässä Space Invader-kloonissa. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.natomic.com/site/download.asp?id=2
45857 NROID13.ZIP 4,6 Mt 12.09.2000 - - -
NetRoids v1.3 Exciting and action packed space combat game. Four ships armed to the teeth clash in a head-on collision of laser cannons and steel. Manoeuvre your craft between drifting asteroids and gain the upper hand with various ship upgrades. Will you emerge victorious or will you end up as nothing more than space debris. The battle awaits you. 4 player multiplayer support, TCP/IP. Requires Pentium. Includes DOS & Windows versions. Includes source code. 
45858 ODDCRA10.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.12.2002 - - -
OddCraft 1.0OddCraft on perinteistäkin perinteisempi ylhäältä alas vierivä räiskintäpeli, jossa vastaan tulee kaoottisesti liikkuvia parvia vihollisten aluksia. Jokaisessa kentässä on neljä aaltoa, joista kaksi koostuu vihollisista, yksi asteroidikentästä ja viimeinen on laskeutumisalusta jossa voit vaihtaa aluksta. Asteroideja tuhoamalla saa lisää pisteitä, bonuksia ja uusia aseita, ja yllättäen pelin voi myös tallentaa viidennen kentän jälkeen.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.irrationalcode.com/Irrational/Games/OddCraft.asp
45859 OSNIPR12.ZIP 1,1 Mt 19.10.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Orbital Sniper v1.20 Pelaajan on suojeltava VIP-kansalaista kaikin keinoin. Rikolliset aikovat niitata VIP:in. Ei auta kuin asettua  korkealle paikalle, ottaa tuliluikku ja ilmata jokainen rosmo. Siviilien ampumisesta ei saa pisteitä. Ilmainen.
45860 OUTBNDD.ZIP 6,6 Mt 21.11.2000 - - -
"OutboundOutbound is a far-future combat shooter set on 8 different planets. Guide your Armored Mobile Vehicle over varied and treacherous terraindestroying enemy units to achieve each mission objective. Fast paced with plenty of actionexplosions and powerupsfans of shooters cant miss Outbound. Windows 9x. DirectX 7. Freeware.  "
45861 OUTBR182.ZIP 5,7 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
Outbreak v1.82 Outbreak is a space shooter game similar to Galaxian/Galaga clones. There are four unique enemy races with 121 waves of ships, more than 50 different enemy ships and nine super bosses. Outbreak features advanced artificial intelligence, many power-ups and bonuses and 15 levels of weapons with primary and secondary modes of fire. You can save your game at any moment. Ship can be controlled with the mouse. The shareware version allows you to play for 10 days. 
45862 OUTP9V11.ZIP 3,3 Mt 15.02.2001 renamed MBHH2002 -
"Outpost Nyne v1.1The days of Robotron are back in 3d-rendered action! Blast your way through 100 increasingly hard levels as you try and leave your mark on the universe. The humans are being hunted by droidsand its your job to save as many humans as possible. P33332 MBWin 9x. "
45863 P2_WIN.ZIP 976 kt 09.06.2000 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
"Project 2 - Windows 95by Thomas Grip Genre: Action/shootemup. Top Viewed action game with lots of action. Real-time lighting. Particle systems. Event driven maps. 10 different weapons. 8 different enemies. A gripping storyline. Free. Windows 95. Pentium 75. "
45864 PARA3D08.ZIP 7,2 Mt 24.07.2002 - - -
ParaShooter 3D v0.8 ParaShooter 3D is a modern remake of Paratrooper.  You control the antiaircraft gun and defend your  base, and must destroy the enemy aircraft and  paratroopers. The game features 4 types of weapons,  5 types of enemies, 20 levels and 6 bosses; each  with a unique look and behavior pattern.  
45865 PARA3D09.ZIP 8,5 Mt 02.08.2002 - - -
ParaShooter 3D v0.92 ParaShooter 3D is a modern remake of Paratrooper.  You control the antiaircraft gun and defend your  base, and must destroy the enemy aircraft and  paratroopers. The game features 4 types of weapons,  5 types of enemies, 20 levels and 6 bosses; each  with a unique look and behavior pattern.  
45866 PENGDM10.ZIP 1,7 Mt 29.08.2001 - MBHH2002 -
PenG v1.0Incredibly addictive 3D Shooter! Snow-blast those pesky penguins as they continuously get up to mischief. Features: 4 Great themes, infinite levels, thousands of cute penguins,  hi-score save feature. P200, 32 MB. 
45867 PETW10R.ZIP 1,2 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
PetWings v1.0r  by JJSoft Classic arcade style shooting game with cute cartoonish graphics, 53 game levels, 5 huge bosses and 6-level fire power-up. Windows 95, 98, or NT
45868 PETW11.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.11.2002 - MBHH2003 -
PetWings v1.1 PetWings on klassisen Galaxianin tyyliin tehty räiskintäpeli. Pelaajalla on vastassaan laumoittain söpöjä ötököitä, jotka kieppuvat ja tekevät surmansyöksyjä. Öttiäiset pudottavat pulloja, joita riittävästi keräämällä parannetaan tulivoimaa. Shareware, $5. 
45869 PHII102.ZIP 5,4 Mt 22.10.1998 - MBCD -
PHOBIA II v1.02  from WAH-Software Kill more aliens than you have ever seen!! Use many different weapons and play with your  friend! You need win95/98 and DirectX 3.0 or better. For 8,16 & 24 bit displays. Includes setup program
45870 PHOBIA3.ZIP 88,7 Mt 11.07.2002 repacked MBHH2004 -
Phobia III - Edge of Humanity Pelisarjan kolmas osa tarjoaa yhä edelleen armotonta alieneiden räiskintää. Ilmainen. 
45871 PROJAW10.ZIP 2,8 Mt 01.03.2002 - - -
Project AW v1.0  Kaksintaistelupeli, jossa pelaajat ottavat mittaa toisistaan erilaisilla avaruusaluksilla. Kumpikin pelaaja saa valita itselleen laivaston, jolla sitten yrittää niitata vastustajan viimeistä alusta myöten. Pelin mukana tulee aluseditori, jolla voi luoda kokonaan uusia tai muokata valmiita hävittäjiä. 
45872 PROJAW12.ZIP 3,2 Mt 21.11.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Project AW v1.2 Special Edition Kaksintaistelupeli, jossa pelaajat ottavat mittaa toisistaan erilaisilla avaruusaluksilla. Kumpikin pelaaja saa valita itselleen laivaston, jolla sitten yrittää niitata vastustajan viimeistä alusta myöten. Pelin mukana tulee aluseditori, jolla voi luoda kokonaan uusia tai muokata valmiita hävittäjiä. 
45873 PSYCHA10.ZIP 2 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
Psychedelikon by Agressive Game Designs Psychadelic 3D Space Shooter. Yay! Use your mouse to move your space ship from side to side. Fire with the left mouse button. Try to destroy all of the balls in each level without getting hit by the bullets they shoot down at you. Windows 95 P166 16MB Direct3D/3Dfx Glide
45874 PTANKS10.ZIP 2,8 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Pocket Tanks 1.0 Pocket Tanks is designed to be easy to learn, and fun to master. All the excitement of lobbing projectiles over a mound of dirt without all the complicated details found in most artillery games. Select your angle, power, and fire over 30 distinct weapons at your opponent. There is an innovative Weapon Shop to keep the game moving fast and a Target Practice mode for experimenting with all the weapons. P233, 32 MB. 
45875 PULSARSW.ZIP 3 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
"Pulsar demoPulsar is an upward-scrolling space shooter with rendered graphics and gameplay that comes straight from the arcades. Youll find no convoluted plots here -- just pure adrenaline-pumping blasting as you defeat waves of ships to reach the boss at the end of each level. The levels are difficultand the bosses can seem nearly indestructible. This shareware version includes six levels. Shareware. P200Win 9xDirectX32 MB.   "
45876 QUADNET.ZIP 280,3 kt 26.05.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Quadnet Quadnet is a very fast paced action game. You control a vessel wich can fire in four different directions independent of wich direction it is travelling. This gets very useful when hordes of enemy robots move around threatening to collide with you. Score points by blasting the robots to reach the ultimate goal, a place in the hiscore table. Freeware.
45877 RAKLM114.ZIP 3,6 Mt 19.10.2002 - - -
Raklem v1.14 Raklem is a game based on a simple premise, kill as many enemies as you can. While doing that you have the chance to collect points and other bonuses such as, better accuracy, faster reload, increased soldier speed or bullet speed and so on.  Freeware.
45878 RAPTOR20.ZIP 2,1 Mt 25.02.2000 - MBHH2001 -
 Raptor: Call of the Shadows v2.0 By Mountain King Studios. Fight your way through waves of enemy. Waves of targets for you to shoot and dodge. There are sounds and short animation scenes to illustrate the game, but the actual game play is a 2D scrolling scenario where waves of targets descend from the top of the screen, while you move up/down, left/right, hosing away with your weapons. Windows 95, 98, or NT
45879 RCHA100.ZIP 1,4 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
Rocket Chase v1.0** ROCKET CHASE v1.0 * ATTENTION! ** * A very intensive game for 2 to 4 * * players. Smooth parallax scroll, * * digital sound effects, excellent * * gfx. Hi quality SW from Finland! * *(386,VGA,2MB,opt:SB,GUS,2 joys,CD)* 
45880 RDUEL.ZIP 2,7 Mt 19.10.2002 - - -
"Rocket Duel Rocket Duel is a game for two players on one computer. The player get a rocket each. The goal is to shoot down the other players rocket and the player that stays alive wins. There are over twenty different playfieldsincluding some Capture the Flag playfields where the goal is to take the other players flag and bring it home. Freeware."
45881 REDACESD.ZIP 19,6 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
Red Ace Squadron demo Yksin- ja moninpelattavaa taistelua ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikaisilla lentokoneilla tarjoava Red Ace Squadron on jatkoa menestyksekkäälle Master of The Skies: The Red Ace -pelille. P233, 32 Mt. 
45882 REDACEUD.ZIP 19,6 Mt 13.02.2002 - - -
Red Ace Squadron demo updated Yksin- ja moninpelattavaa taistelua ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikaisilla lentokoneilla tarjoava Red Ace Squadron on jatkoa menestyksekkäälle Master of The Skies: The Red Ace -pelille. P233, 32 Mt. 
45883 REIN.EXE 628,4 kt 10.12.2000 - - -
"X-Mas: Santas ReinX-Mas: Santas Rein is a winter-themed shooting game that takes place in 
Christmas Townwhere Santa Claus is preparing for his biggest challenge 
ever: fending off spiteful elves and ferocious penguins! Santas helpers are 
trying to steal this years stack of Christmas giftsand you must stop it by 
shooting snowballs at the rebel troops.
How to play: Use you mouse to aim the Snow-Ball-Zooka at the invaders
and click the left button to fire snowballs. If you manage to hit elves
snowmenor penguinsthey will get covered with snow and wont be able 
to steal any of the gifts. Howeverif an invader manages to make its way 
to the Christmas tree and take a giftyou can still recover the goods: 
simply hit the invader and the gift with a snowball! If too many invaders 
manage to steal gifts without being hityou will lose the game.
45884 ROTON10.ZIP 1,4 Mt 19.10.2002 - - -
Roton v1.0 The game is a bit like asteroids but the targets are weird aliens of all sorts which appear faster and more numerous level upon level.  Freeware.
45885 SANTAS12.ZIP 958,8 kt 14.12.2001 - - -
Santa Strike 1.2 Joulupukki ja tonttujoukot hyökkäävät kasarmille. Tehtäväsi on estää piippalakkien invaasio luotettavalla tykilläsi. 
45886 SAUCER20.ZIP 957 kt 31.07.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Saucer Attack v2.0 Saucer Attack is a frenetic-paced space shooter where you fly a classic 1950s red rocketship against waves of flying saucers that look like wobbly car hubcaps. It features small and easy to play, addictive, excellent graphics, animation & sound effects. Freeware. 
45887 SEABT120.ZIP 2,8 Mt 24.12.1998 - MBCD -
SEA BATTLE v1.2 is a realistic 3D shooting game between modern military ships. It allows you to play against not only PC, but any other player online (Zmodem, localnet, Internet) as well.
45888 SESTATE.ZIP 2 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
Space Estate: The Fracture Wars pl. demo Triosoft. It is the year 2237, mankind has split. The forces of Cosmos oppose the forces of Chaos in a space war, fighting with spaceships among planetary systems. Single or multiplayer action, on a LAN or through Internet, using any player as a server or dedicated Net based servers. http://www.triosoft.com P75 8 MB Win95/NT
45889 SF32-11.ZIP 3,2 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
3d Space Fighter by UltiSoft, Inc. Play this great Galaga-type game with good looking 3D graphics. Windows 95, 98, or NT
45890 SFIRE102.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Space Fire v1.02SpaceFire is a freeware Arcade Style shooting game. Select one of five weapons with different strengths and weaknesses to fight hordes of Alien ships in 50+ levels. Get shield upgrades and fight the Alien mothership. 
45891 SGNATS.ZIP 2,7 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
"Space Gnats demo by Altered Worls. Shootemup. This version only includes the stand-alone game launcher and one levelwith no SaverGame support. Shoot all fighters on each level before you run out of time. Windows 95/98P23332 MegsOpenGL. "
45892 SHOOTIT.ZIP 484,5 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
" Shoot It! Platform:  Win95 Shoot it ! is a little shooting game under Windows 95/98/NT. The goal is really simple: all you have to do is to shoot the pictures which appear on the screen. Its not a reflexion game and Im sure your brain wont explodebut your mouse maybe."
45893 SHUEY3D.ZIP 14 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Super Huey III demo Ensimmäinen PC-helikopterisimulaattori palaa. Yli 35 tehtävää, jotka pitävät sisällään taistelua, etsintää, pelastusta, suojelua ja evakuointitehtäviä. 
45894 SIMFERO2.ZIP 1 Mt 06.08.1999 - 1867/10tonsofgamesmegacollection1internationalsoftwarevalues1997.iso -
"SimFero v2.0.5 by One on One Desktop shootenup. Desktop diversion/game that will test your speed and reflexes. A gunfighter appears at random locations on the screentrying to outdraw you. If you can get the mouse pointer sighted on the bad guy and click to shoot fast enoughthe bad guy takes a tumble. If he shoots firstthoughyou get a red screen and a wise remark. Windows 95 or Windows 98"
68416 SK-111.ZIP 2452356 23.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
SK-111 'Star Killer' for Win95/NT
│ Full 32-bit Windows arcade shooter   │
│ action!  Raytraced sprites, 8 track  │
│ digital audio, and WinG-powered      │
│ graphics!  All original, free game.  │
│ - Requires High or True Color Video  │
45895 SK111-20.ZIP 2,6 Mt 02.06.1998 - - -
"SK-111Star Killerfor Win95/NT 2.0 32-bit Windows arcade shooter action! Raytraced sprites8 track digital audioWinG-powered graphics!  All originalfre game. - Requires High or True Color Video"
45896 SKTSHTNG.ZIP 870,8 kt 27.01.2000 - - -
"Skeet Shooting Version 1.0  Bindweed Productions present... Copyright 2000 by Gerry Quinn Test your target shooting! Distributed asadwareEasysimple desk top game. Windows 95."
45897 SLHTSHTR.ZIP 1,7 Mt 05.11.1998 - - -
SILHOUETTE SHOOTER v1.0 - Challenging Shooting game. Similar to Hangman, the words to solve are related to firearms, hunting and shooting in general. User can select from 3 difficulty levels, switch sound effects on/off and can win prize money if they score a perfect 40 points. Requires Windows 95, 8MB of Memory and 3.5MB of disk space. From Pinsoft for $US9.95
45898 SMAIEP1.ZIP 5,5 Mt 29.01.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 7 -
Secret Mission Abandoned Island Episode 1A new version of the game Secret Mission. An island in Papua New Guinea has befallen under an assault of giant killer bees, an scientific experiment gone horribly wrong. Your task is to clean the island of the bees with your hovercraft, armed with missiles and a machine gun. 
45899 SMINER11.ZIP 2 Mt 31.07.2001 - - -
"Star Miner v1.1Star Miner is a 2D-scrolling shootem up where you mine asteroids for precious metals to sellin order to upgrade your ship with the latest weapons and equipment. To complete a level you need to earn a fixed amount of moneyeither from mining or bounty from destroying rival miners. Working against you is a small fleet of rival mining ships equipped with a variety of weapons. Supports also LAN and Internet multiplayer games. Shareware$15. "
45901 SMONKEY.ZIP 10,6 Mt 29.03.2003 - - -
Star Monkey Star Monkey on räiskinnän riemujuhlaa. Ylhäältä alas vierivät kentät ovat täynnään tankkeja, laivoja ja erilaisia suihkareita, jotka puolustautuvat pelaajan ylivoimaista alusta vastaan tulittamalla tuhoisaa plasmaa. Tuhottujen vihollisten jäänteistä kerätään energiapaketteja, jotka valjastetaan oman aluksen käyttöön lisäaseistuksena, nopeutena tms. Shareware, $15. 
45900 SMONKEYD.ZIP 10,6 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
Star Monkey demo Kokeile miltä pystysuoraan skrollaavaa 2D-avaruusräiskintä maistuu. Tehtäväsi on päästä alieneiden emoaluksen sisälle ja tuhota ilkeät alienit lopullisesti. P200, 32 Mt.  
45902 SOC-15.ZIP 4,7 Mt 02.05.1998 - MBCD -
Sentinels of Ceth v1.5 - intense fast-paced arcade game where you defend your temple with 12 Gems against wave after wave of Doltres ships. Fast-paced and frenetic. You cannot lose concentration or the game will be over. Adrenaline pumping action at 30 FPS, Unlimited levels of play,16-bit rendered graphics with alpha channels. Intense 16-bit 22kHz stereo sound. Req. Win95 P90 6 MB DirectX
45903 SOC206.ZIP 712 kt 01.05.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Spheres of Chaos v2.06A hectic, fast-paced, and psychedelic arcade  game in the old-school style. Fly a ship around,  dodging assorted strange objects that subdivide  when you shoot them. Earn bonus ships for score,  collect tokens for extra-powers. Battle the big  aliens and other wierd things that occasionally appear. Survive as the game gets ever faster  and more manic.
45904 SOLDT105.ZIP 6,5 Mt 08.10.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Soldat v1.05Soldat on sivustakuvattu moninpelattava räiskintä hiukan Wormsin ja Lieron tyyliin.
45905 SOLDT113.ZIP 8,8 Mt 14.03.2003 - - -
Soldat v1.1.3\t Soldat on verkossa muita ihmisiä tai botteja vastaan pelattava 2D-räiskintäpeli, joka sisältää yli 20 kenttää, 6 pelitilaa ja 14 asetta. Ilmainen. 
45906 SOLDT114.ZIP 9,2 Mt 27.06.2003 - - -
Soldat v1.1.4 Soldat on verkossa muita ihmisiä tai botteja vastaan pelattava 2D-räiskintäpeli, joka sisältää yli 20 kenttää, 6 pelitilaa ja 14 asetta. 
45907 SPACEROX.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
"Space RocksSpace Rocks is a remake of the arcade classic Asteroids. Youre in the middle of an asteroid belt armed to the teethbut watch out for the space amoebasaliensand kamikaze nukes! Use all the special weapons you can to get through all 25 levels. Destroy all that comes before you in this chaotic 3d frenzy. "
45908 SPACET16.ZIP 3,6 Mt 11.12.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Space Tripper demo v1.6 Space Tripper is a frantic Shoot-em-up brought to you from people who remember what shoot-em-up means!! Fly your ship through 14 arenas, with your only mission being to kill everything within a time limit. Only then can you proceed to the next stage. Be warned... this game holds no punches. This is one seriously tough Shooter! P450, 64 MB. 
45909 SPAGOO10.ZIP 4,8 Mt 27.08.2002 - - -
Space Goons 1.0  Ylhäältä alas vierivää räiskintää. Vihollisien tappamisesta saa palkkion, jolla alusta voi tehtävien välillä viritellä. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.spacegoons.com/ 
45910 SPCM10.ZIP.ZIP 877,3 kt 14.06.2000 - - -
The Space Masters v. 1.0 - Ylhäältä päin kuvattu Star Wars henkinen  kahden pelaajan gladiaattori taistelu avaruusaluksilla gravitaatio kentässä. Vaikutteita lajin legendoista Thrust, Astetoids ja Gravity Wars. Vaatii Win 9X/2000, DirectX 6.1+, äänikortin ja 300+ MHz. 
45911 SPROCKS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
SpaceRocks Selaimella pelattava Asteroids-tyyppinen räiskintä. Varo asteroidikentän keskellä vaanivia vaaroja kuten avaruusameeboita ja alieneita. Konevaatimus: P166, 32 Mt. Rajapinnat: Direct3D. 
45912 SQUELCH.ZIP 1,7 Mt 04.12.2002 - - -
Squelch 0.95 Squelch iskee samaan saumaan kuin taannoiset Worms-pelit, tosin ilman aseistusta. Pelaajat ottavat hahmokseen sammakon, ja heidän tarkoituksenaan on liiskata kilpailijansa joko hyppimällä heidän päälleen tai tönimällä heitä ansoihin. Kentältä löytyy kaikenlaisia esineitä, kuten chiliä joka pistää sammakon pomppimaan hullun lailla, liimaa joka jumittaa elikon maahan, sekä kypärän joka suojaa pahimmilta kolhuilta.
Shareware, 10 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.do-you-squelch.co.uk/squelch/ 
45913 SSCAPE.ZIP 34,6 Mt 12.05.2003 - - -
StarscapeWith most of its crew missing and its weapons systems  ruined, the space research station Aegis is all but  lost. As the last remaining pilot you must help  rebuild the stationÆs defenses, acquire alien  technology and create your own uniquely configured  set of fighters. 
45914 SSRANGER.ZIP 3,5 Mt 20.05.2003 - - -
"Starship Ranger The Earth is under attack by alien invaders! Equipped with the planets best starship and armed with the most powerful weapons availableyou must save your homeworld. Shareware$15."
45915 STARD10.ZIP 3,4 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
Star Defender 1.0Star Defender is a vertical scrolling space shooter. Your ship can have up to 5 levels of power-ups. Each level gives you both more life and a more powerful weapon. Every time you are hit, you will lose 1 power level. When all power levels are depleted, your game is over. The different types of enemy ships attack in waves. Each type of ship has different weapons, attack style, and AI. Each level consists of several waves. The last wave of each level is the boss. 
45916 STARS10.ZIP 6,2 Mt 26.03.2002 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
Stars v1.0 Stars is a quality freeware single  player space privateering game. It features beautiful 3D-graphics, an ingenious plot, and a lot of space adventure. This game is all about flying in space and winning battles while gathering a fleet of ships to fight bigger foes. Freeware.
45917 STEROV22.ZIP 4,1 Mt 26.04.2001 - - -
Steroids 2.2 Dreamscapen Asteroids-klooni. Tyylikäs renderöity grafiikka, näppärä pelattavuus, tehokkaat aseet, viholliset, bonukset ynnä muuta. Myös kaksinpeli, 
2 pelimoodia, 17 kenttää ja musiikit ! 
Windows 95/98/2000/Me, DirectX.
45918 SUBMAR31.ZIP 4 Mt 03.05.2003 - - -
SubmarineS 3.1Tuhoa sukellusveneitä syvyyspommeilla ja väistele miinoja.
Kokeiluversio, 14,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.terminalstudio.com/submarines.shtml
45919 T2WIN.A01 3,3 Mt 24.02.1999 - MBCD -
Tappo II for Windows (C) v1.0 (C) Sebastian Aaltonen 1999 (OSA 2/2)
45920 T2WIN.ARJ 3,6 Mt 24.02.1999 - MBCD -
Tappo II for Windows v1.0  (OSA 1/2)(C)Sebastian Aaltonen 1999 SVGA luolaräiskintää hienoin efektein. 1-4 pelaajaa yhtäaikaa, sekä myös tietokonepelaajat. Sisältää 7 eri kenttää, yli 20 erilaista avaruusalusta, sekä yli 40 erilaista asetta. Vaatii DX6.0:n sekä Pentium 150Mhz koneen toimiakseen
45921 TANKS10.ZIP 405,7 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
 T.A.N.K.S v1.0. Blowup enemy tanks. Network multiplayer game where each player drives a tank around in a playing field, trying to blow enemy tanks sky high by either shooting at them or ramming them. Somewhat similar to the classical game "Tanks".  No single player. Req. Java Virtual Machine and Windows 9x, NT, or 2000
41121 TANKV2.ZIP 2812161 19.08.1996 - - -
TANKS V2.0. Tankkipeli, jossa pyritään
tuhoamaan 3 muuta kilpailevaa tankkia.
Windows 95.
45922 TANKW115.ZIP 4,7 Mt 05.09.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Tankwar NET v1.15 on suomalainen 3D-tankkirymistely, lintuperspektiivistõ kuvattuna. Pelaajia voi olla samanaikaisesti 2-4 yhdellõ koneella. Netissõ pelaajia voi olla maksimissaan 16. Uutuutena pelaajien võlinen chatti, kenttõeditori ja serveri, joka toimii my÷s Windows NT:ssõ. Pelimoodeina ovat deathmatch ja capture the flag. Vaatii P233Mhz, 16mt muistia, DirectX 7, Windows 95 ja 3D-kortti. 
45923 TB20DEMO.ZIP 2,2 Mt 11.04.1999 - MBCD -
TumbleBugs v2.0 (demo). Fun 1/2 player top viewed arcade combat shooter. Fight in 3D terrain with 
hovercraft, hide behind hills, crash forward with weapons blazing. Viewscreen zooms in and out 
regarding how far players are. Technically good and playable. http://www.tumblebugs.com Windows 95, 
P100, 16 MB, DirectX.
45924 TCPIPV2.ZIP 2,9 Mt 24.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
TCP/IP peli v2. Verkkoversio legendaarisesta rakettipelistä! Laitteistovaatimus : Bendium,Win98/95,Directx 6.1,Verkko (directplay), 640x480x16 tilaan pystyvät näyttökortti & monitori. Lisätietoja vkujala@lut.fi , tai tulevaisuudessa (sivut radikaalisti kesken) http://www.lut.fi/~vkujala
45925 TDNDEMO.ZIP 8,2 Mt 05.09.2001 - - -
The Darkest Night 1.0 Phobia-tyylinen rõiskintõpeli, josta piti tulla tõysipitkõ seikkailu/rõiskintõ/ kauhu-peli, mutta erinõsten ongelmien takia peli jõi tõllaiseksi. Sisõltõõ 7 asetta, Line-Of-Sightin, rajoitetun kantokapasiteetin ja võhõn alkujuonentynkõõkin sekõ muuta kivaa... LAITTEISTOVAATIMUKSET: 300 Mhz tai parempi, 16 MT RAM, SVGA, high color (16-bit) Windows 9x/ME/NT  - Jouni Ahola 
45926 TELMI100.ZIP 10,8 Mt 02.03.2002 - Suomipelit.7z -
Telamiina v1.0A dazzling arcade game, where 2-4 players armed with tanks fight each other on a battlefield filled with other enemies and allies. Many interesting weapons and lots of action. Map editor included. Requires PII300, 64 MB, Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP, DirectX.
45927 THRUS089.ZIP 620,4 kt 20.06.1999 - MBCD -
"Thrust V0.89. Arcade action/shootemup You might recognize from the C64. Rewrite of the old classic retro. The object of the game is to lift Klystron Pod from the bottom of a cave and return it safely to space. The Pod is very heavy (compared to the ship) and this makes it tougher than it may seem. You must be careful not to run out of fuelcrash into the cave wallsor let the enemy artillery outposts shoot you down. Windows 95. Peter Ekberg"
45928 TK2201.ZIP 1,8 Mt 02.06.2003 - - -
Trash Killer 2 v.2.0.1 Your goal is to clean up the galaxy from the asteroids using the laser cannon mounted on your spaceship. Some asteroids give you useful power-ups. Trash Killer 2 is freeware. Requires P100 or higher, 32MB RAM, DirectX. Developed by KraiSoft Entertainment.
45929 TK2v10.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.07.2001 - - -
Total Killing 2: Lunatics Gone Crazy Total Killing 2 on ylhäältä kuvattu räiskintä- ja paukuttelupeli, jossa sinun pitää ampua örkkejä 
niin paljon kuin sielu sietää! 
DOS, 200 MHz, 80 Mt RAM. Tehnyt Futgiz.
45930 TRASH220.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.08.2002 - - -
Trash Killer 2Your goal is to clean up the galaxy from the asteroids using the laser cannon mounted on your spaceship. Some asteroids give you useful power-ups. Trash Killer 2 is freeware. Requires P100 or higher, 32MB RAM, DirectX. Developed by KraiSoft Entertainment.
45931 TRASHKI.ZIP 1,5 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Trash Killer Platform:   Win95 The space garbageship patrols the space. His object is to shoot all the asteroids located in the playing area. After all the asteroids on the current level are shot down, the garbageship warps to the next level. The player gains score for the each destroyed asteroid. On finishing the game the player can achieve the best players list.
45932 TREMGOLD.ZIP 4 Mt 22.06.2000 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
"Tremor Gold by Mark Pay. Arcade/shootemup. 2D Quakeish style game which up to four people can play from the considerable discomfort of 1 keyboard! Whether hunting down your mates with a chaingun in Deathmatchteaming up in Team Matchor fighting back to back against hordes of nasty monsters in the Arenaits a great laugh. 1-4 player. 8 Different weapons. Handy Low/high detail mode for slower computers. Windows 95/98Pentium. "
45933 TUCF10SW.ZIP 1 Mt 30.11.1999 - - -
The Ultimate Cave Flier v1.0SWErittäin  näyttävä ja nopeatempoinen luolalentely  2-4 pelaajalle. Upeat graafiikat, rutkasti ominaisuuksia ja taivaallinen pelattavuus.  Laitevaatimus: Pentium, 16MB ja Win95/98
45934 TWAR1_0U.ZIP 4,4 Mt 14.11.2000 - - -
TankWar 1.0 TankWar on suomalainen kolmiulotteinen tankkirymistely, lintuperspektiivistä kuvattuna. Pelaajia voi olla samanaikaisesti 2-4. Pelimoodeina ovat deathmatch ja capture the flag. Vaatii P233 MHz, 16 Mt muistia, 
DirectX 7, Windows 95 ja 3D-kortti. Tekijä BitSoft. 
45935 TWARD2.ZIP 3 Mt 28.09.2000 - MBHH2001 -
TankWar Demo 2 on suomalainen 3D-tankkirymistely, lintuperspektiivistä kuvattuna. Pelaajia voi olla samanaikaisesti 2-4. Pelityyppejä ovat deathmatch ja capture the flag. Vaatii P233Mhz, 32mt muistia, DirectX 7, Windows 95 ja 3D-kortti. Tekijä Bitsoft/Mika Hirvikorpi. 
45936 TX111.ZIP 1,4 Mt 09.07.1998 - - -
"t/X v1.11 by RmM! Remember all old great tank games? Here comes one.. ON STEROIDS! Nice rendered graphics make this game an eye-candy! (NoREALLY! =) Up to 4 players blasting others with various vehicles and weapons. Accurate 800x600 HiColor graphics! Recd : 486/668MBSVGAWin95. Freeware!"
45937 UASSAULT.ZIP 19,7 Mt 21.01.2003 - - -
"Ultra Assault Step into the shoes of an elite pilotflying the latest CAA (Covert Aerial Assault) aircraft. Take on six levels of carnageeach with a dastardly boss to defeat. Youll fly over South China SeasIndustrial and Urban quartersa Subterranean base and finally an assault on the Moon! Shareware."
45938 URID98.ZIP 134,6 kt 23.02.2000 - - -
" Uridium DX By Graeme Richardson. Classic retro remake. Shootemup. Wellit looks crudeit is crudebut this game was designed 13 years ago for an old computer called the C64 by some guy called Andrew Braybrook. I decided to resurrect the game as it is a classic and write a version for windows. Graeme@groundzero99.freeserve.co.uk"
45939 USTER121.ZIP 4,5 Mt 14.11.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Ultimate Steroids 1.21Asteroids-henkinen ilmainen räiskintäpeli. Paukuttele asteroidivyöhykkeen keskellä koettaen selvitä uhkaavista vaaroista, kuten kohti kiitävistä kivenmurikoista ja muukalaisista. Paketissa mukana päivitykset v1.0:sta v1.21:een. P300, 32 Mt.  
45940 USTEROID.ZIP 3,7 Mt 24.08.2001 - - -
Ultimate Steroids Asteroids-henkinen ilmainen räiskintäpeli. Paukuttele asteroidivyöhykkeen keskellä koettaen selvitä uhkaavista vaaroista, kuten kohti kiitävistä kivenmurikoista ja muukalaisista. P300, 32 Mt.  
45941 VAMPJAGD.ZIP 2,6 Mt 18.06.2000 - - -
Vampirjagd Arcade game. By Stella Musicworld Wooden-staked version of Moorhuhn, you sling wooden stakes at vampires and gain points. The game itself is an advertisement for the theatrical play "Tanz der Vampire (Dance of the Vampires)". In any case, the game is a VERY nice clone of the original shoot\'em up. Amazing Graphics Great Sound Mouse Support High Score List. Windows 95/98 
45942 VBOMBARD.ZIP 482,4 kt 26.03.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Virtual Bombard Tank Wars/Artilledy Duel-tyyppinen tykkipeli. Kuvattu 3D:nä - pelaajat ampuvat toisiaan tykeillä koettaen päätellä tuulesta ja maastosta riippuen sopivan kulman ja lähtönopeuden tykille. Tekijä Binary Brotherz. P200, 32 Mt. Rajapinnat: OpenGL. 
45943 VECTORM.ZIP 17 Mt 02.06.2003 - - -
Vector Mirage It is the year 2351 AD. As an interstellar alien war threatens the Terran Republic, a lone pilot will rise through the ranks and bring hope in the face of overwhelming odds - that pilot is you! 
45944 VIPE131W.ZIP 942,5 kt 30.11.1999 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 7 -
"Viper v1.3.1 (Windows)by  Volcano. This is an  addictive game in which you try to kill  your friend(s) with  small ships  flying around in a cave... Or if you dont  have  enough friends you can race against the clock in crono levels. * 6 levels + 1 chrono level * random level generator12 powerups + 2 Recom: PentiumSVGA and SB."
45945 VISTRK95.ZIP 227,8 kt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Visual Trek for Windows95, Battle against Klingongs in a simple Trek game.
45946 VOLCA2.ZIP 1,6 Mt 03.09.2000 renamed jonneweb.net -
Volcano 2 Sivultapäin kuvattu kaksin- tai kolmin- pelattava vauhdikas toimintapeli, jossa yritetään räiskimisen ohella kerätä laavaa. Suositus: Pentium 2 200 Mhz 32 Mb. SB yhteensopiva tai GUS äänille. (C) Copyright 1999 - 2000 Tero Laitinen 
45947 VYRUZ.ZIP 12,6 Mt 16.04.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 -
"Vyruz v1.0 by C2V Shootemup. Destroy the giant computer. You drive a futuristic tank against the machine. Your goal is to destroy the most powerful computer ever made by human beings. Climb through an incredible Giant Building in the City. Blow up every dangerous vehicle controlled by the main CPU and find your wayfloor by floorto disconnect it! Windows 95/98DirectX "
45949 WARK04.ZIP 1 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
WarKurre 0.4 Sivultapäin kuvatussa WarKurressa kaksi sotaisaa oravaa ottavat mittaa toisistaan kranaatein, pistoolein ynnä muiden joukkotuhoaseiden avulla. Peli on kaksinpelattava; tietokonevastustajaa ei ole. 
45950 WASTEEM.ZIP 12,9 Mt 31.08.1999 - - -
"BlastEM by CG2. Shootemup action. You are the WaistGunner of a MH-60K BlackHawk Helicopter. Your mission is to seek out and destroy all Scud Launchers beneath you. Enemy forces are equipped with artifical intelligence which they utilize to track your position if ever you enter into their sensor volume. Windows 95 P100 16 MB OpenGL accelerator"
45951 WAVE49D.ZIP 2,9 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
"Wave 49Wave 49 is a Space Invaders clone in 3D environment. As the pilot of a lone gun ship positioned far above the Earths atmosphereyou are given the mission of blasting your way through 49 intense waves of alien attackeach with a unique formation and increasing difficulty levelas you struggle to save the Earth from a massive alien invasion. Only the absolute best of the best pilots will survive the onslaught. Are you one of them!?  P23332 MB.  "
45952 WAZZAL12.ZIP 5,4 Mt 19.10.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Wazzal v1.2 Ihmiskunta on ajautunut kaaokseen. Aurinko on pian posahtamassa novaksi, ja ainoa pakotie on haalia  rutkasti mammonaa, jolla voi ostaa turvapaikan ahneiden alieneiden aluksessa. Rahaa on siis saatava, ja ainoa keino on ruveta avaruusrosvoksi, valloittaa voittamansa alukset ja perustaa avaruusarmada isompien saaliiden saamiseksi. Ilmainen.
45953 WESTBANG.ZIP 6,9 Mt 10.09.2001 - MBHH2002 -
"Westbang Westbang is set in a bank in the mean old Wild West. Viewed from a first-person perspectivethe players role is that of a gunslinging cowboy whose job it is to secure the bank from various bandits and robbers that appear at its doors with alarming regularity. You must be careful so you wont shoot civilians. "
45954 WESTBANK.ZIP 1,1 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
"Westbank Fast reaction based shootemup in wild west style. Puts you in the hotseat of a guard at a bank. Three doors open in front of youand you have to pick off the robbers without shooting the honest citizens. WWW.CASCADE.CZ Windows 95/98DirectX 7.032 MBP200. "
45955 WGE103.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.10.1998 - MBCD -
We Got Explosives! v1.03 Game where 2-4 players chase each others with many fun and exciting explosives while avoiding ugly and smelly monsters. Kill your friends with over 20 weapons, collect treasures and buy more weapons. Req. Windows 95/NT, DirectX 5, 2 MB vidcard
45956 WGE2.ZIP 3,2 Mt 17.05.2000 - MBHH2001 -
We Got Explosives 2 WGE is back. Now with even more weapons and monsters! WGE2 has much more features compared to earlier version. Main idea is the same: blow your friends up with MANY weapons and collect all kind of treasures. If you have played WGE1, you should already know why this game is worth trying. WGE1 MikroBitin kuukauden kotimainen 05/1998 Win95/98 DirectX6 änikortti http://www.uusikaupunki.fi/~arsuonp 
45957 WHHELL2K.ZIP 3 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
What A Hell 2000 The sequal to What a hell. Need Windows 95/98 or NT 4.xx DX-100 or faster, 16 bit soundcard, 16 MB memory rec 32 MB SVGA in highcolor, DIRECT X. A action game in Space Invaders style. Steer a new vehicle called WAH 2000 and shoot them down from the sky, collect new lives, autofire¦s and more to defeat the aliens and finally kill the big mother ship to hell. http://w1.113.telia.com/~u11304522/whhell2k/ 
45958 WHSE132.ZIP 3,6 Mt 25.07.2001 - - -
WarHeads Second Edition v1.32 Vuoropohjainen räiskintäpeli, jossa 2-8 alusta ottavat toisistaan mittaa. Valittavana on kymmeniä aseita ja viisi erilaista suojakenttää, joiden avulla vastustajat on tuhottava. Ammuttaessa on valittava laukaisukulma ja teho, eikä osumista helpota painovoimakenttien tekemät muutokset ammusten lentoratoihin. Jokainen laukaus maksaa rahaa, joten budjetistakin on huolehdittava. Pelattavissa sekä hot seatina että internetin välityksellä. Shareware, $18. 
45959 WHSE140D.ZIP 3,6 Mt 23.11.2001 - MBHH2002 -
WarHeads Second Edition 1.40d  Vuoropohjainen räiskintäpeli, jossa 2-8 alusta ottavat  toisistaan mittaa. Valittavana on kymmeniä aseita ja viisi  erilaista suojakenttää, joiden avulla vastustajat on tuhottava.  Ammuttaessa on valittava laukaisukulma ja teho, eikä osumista  helpota painovoimakenttien tekemät muutokset ammusten  lentoratoihin. Jokainen laukaus maksaa rahaa, joten budjetistakin  on huolehdittava. Pelattavissa sekä hot seatina että internetin  välityksellä. Shareware, $18.  
45960 WINAST.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.12.1998 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
WinAsteroids 2.5 for Windows 95/98/NT Nice Asteroids-clone for 32-bit Windows - blast asteroids and flying saucers with several weapons and other specials in photorealistic graphics! Now with a 2-player mode for shooting your best friends ship or pushing him into an asteroid ! Author:Ruediger Schmidt ruediger.schmidt@gmx.net http://www.webset.de/software/rsoft
41139 WINDOG20.ZIP 318895 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Prairie Dog Hunt 2: Judgment Day Simple
shoot'em'up on Win95
45961 WINGSWAR.ZIP 2,6 Mt 04.10.1999 - MBCD -
"Wings of War v2.1 by Guy Berthiaume arcade / shootemup Aerial Dogfighting Game Where The Object Of The Game Is To Shoot Down Your OpponentThe Game Utilizes 3D Aircrafts On A Birds Eye View Of The Battle Zone. 2 players. Windows 9598or NT"
45962 XARLORSH.ZIP 7,3 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
"Xarlor: Infinite Expanse  Copyright(c) 2000 JDS Games/ http://www.mking.com Space shootemup. Your mission is to fly to the Infinite Expanse and grab some sample high energy yield Corbamite ore. Every two-bit thiefpirate and black marketer is in the area too. Tension is high and competition fierce and youre on your Pickup powerups to restore your hulldestroying enemy spaceships and asteroids along the way. Windows 95/98P20032 MB. Supports Direct3D."
45963 XENON2K.ZIP 14,2 Mt 12.05.2003 - MBHH2005 -
"Xenon 2000: Project PCF Xenon 2000 is a vertically scrolling shootem up created by the Bitmap Brothers. It features one full level and one Alien Boss Monster. The Bitmap Brothers will publish more levels in the future on their websitehttp://www.bitmap-brothers.co.uk"
45964 XEVIL202.ZIP 869 kt 22.09.2001 - - -
XEvil 2.02 You sinned in life. And now you must pay. Satan  pits the recently deceased against each other  to fight for rank in Hell. Your skill determines  your fate for all eternity. XEvil is a 3rd  person, side-view, fast-action,  kill-them-before-they-kill-you game. Fight against  either computer-controlled enemies, or another  player.  
45965 XEVIOU95.ZIP 133,8 kt 26.07.1997 - MBCD -
"Xevious Playable Demo Namco. Classic retro remake. Direct port of the classic 80s arcade gameXevious. P100Win95DirectX 3"
45966 XTERDEMO.ZIP 4,5 Mt 15.07.1999 - - -
"Intergalactic Exterminator by eGamesInc. Retro shootemup in Centipede style. Get ready for an out-of-this-world adventure. Battle hostile enemies on 10 alien worlds in his quest to save the universe. Blast away twistingturning creatures as they wind their way through the maze of obstacles. DirectX 5.0 or higher32 MB RAMPentium Pro 200and Windows 95 or Windows 98."
45967 ZPACK.ZIP 3,5 Mt 18.06.2000 - 16067/PCM8.iso -
"Zooom Genre: Arcade Developer: Nonlinear Solutions Extendablefreeware shootemup. It brings back the unique feeling of long-forgotten arcade shooters employing up-to-date graphicssound and interface technology. 2 multilevel campaigns. Extendable to add more campaigns. Open source available. Windows 95/98Pentium32 MBDirectX 7. "
45968 ZULUASLT.ZIP 3,5 Mt 13.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Zulu Assault BY Dallas Nutsch Blast your way across the battlefield. You are a soldier trying to find your way through battlefield to complete your mission. You can find things along the way - tankschoppersVTOL aircrafteven cars - to help you accomplish your mission. While sounds and graphics arent spectacularZulu Assault is still an enjoyable entry in the tactical shootout genre. Windows 95DirectX5P100"
47154 AA2BF11.ZIP 3,2 Mt 11.07.2001 - - -
Ally 2 - Ben Franklin Adventure v1.1 Ally  falls asleep in history class and travels  through time to meet Ben Franklin. Ben has  devised a card game for Ally, based on his 13 virtues. You see the characters through the  eyes of Ally in beautiful 3D computer  generated images. Your choices and knowledge  of the time period of Ben Franklin will earn  virtue points. Entertaining as well as  educational, for ages from 10 to adult.
47155 ADV_A.ZIP 26,7 kt 14.07.1999 - MBCD -
Planet of Death - retro remake. Text adventure. The first text-only adventure game by Artic Computing released in around 1981 for the Sinclair ZX81. It was the first of a series of adventure games which also included Inca Curse, Ship of Doom and Espionage Island. In this adventure, you find yourself stranded on an alien planet. Your aim is to escape from this planet, by finding your (now captured and disabled) space ship. PC Win32 & Spectrum emulator versions included.
47156 ALANNA.ZIP 15,9 Mt 19.01.2001 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
"Lost Island of AlannaDiscover the mysteries of a lost civilization. Explore The Lost Island of Alanna to solve the puzzle of this ancient people. But dont stop there. The pieces needed to solve these puzzles are not only found on the island. Clues await your discovery all around you. The Cherry Coke websitethe Standlake University websitegaming chat roomsmagazines and most of all Cherry Coke bottles all hold valuable pieces to the mystery. Win 9x. Freeware. "
47157 ALLYTG.ZIP 3,9 Mt 17.11.2000 - MBHH2002 -
"Allys Adventure Through the Glass v1.0Allys Adventure Through the Glass is an adventure game based on a classic work of literature. Adults and children alike will enjoy this humorous fantasy adventure. Math and science puzzlesas well as logical and lateral thinking puzzles are included.  Shareware. "
47158 BATPETS.ZIP 3,2 Mt 31.07.1999 - MBCD -
BattlePets v1.0 by T2R Associates Pokemon like easy adventure/combat game. Players explore dark caves and haunted castles, battling wild BattlePets and capturing and training their own. Players can also challenge one of six evil wizards, in an attempt to free the island of Enchantia! Windows 95, 98, or NT
47159 CASTLADV.ZIP 1,3 Mt 10.04.2000 - - -
"Castles of Adventure Windows based maze and adventure game. Explore endless castles and dungeons in search of lost treasure. But youd better watch where youre going or youll be lost before you know it. This release includes Level Designer v1.00and two MAP sets: Forgotten Landsand the Dungeon of Smaug. Windows 95. "
47160 CENDQ99.ZIP 4,2 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Cendrics Quest99 game v1.00  Fantasy  adventure with role-playing elements. Guide  Cendric through IronGates dungeons and tower rooms; help him confront its denizens and  uncover its secrets! Rely on your wits to  assemble the SerpentScepter and defeat the  SorcererSalorann! Windows 95/98 remake of the DOS game Cendrics Quest: new puzzlesmusicgraphics. Windows 95/98."
47161 CHAMAPOC.ZIP 848,1 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Champions of the Apocalypse Demo Version 2.00 Japanese style adventure game in which you move around and enter towns, interacting with the townspeople. Pick up items along the way to help in your journey. Windows 95/98 
47162 CLASSI13.ZIP 8,5 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
" Classic v1.3 by HAND Productions. Discover clues to a mystery. Adventure with the purpose of understanding somethingunderstanding how ironic and unrealistic everything is and isnt... You move your character around with the cursor and pick up things by clicking on them. Windows 95 or Windows 98"
47163 CULT20.ZIP 2,4 Mt 15.10.2000 - MBHH2002 -
Cult v2.0Cult v2 (Multilingual) By Lee Blum. FREEWARE. Infiltrate an evil cult in this adventure game! Infiltrate a strange cult in this overhead-perspective adventure game. You are cast in the role of Zack Bon, a cop on a mission to solve, through negotiation and trade, a crisis involving a barricaded cult. Explore the cult temple, open doors and operate switches, talk to the brainwashed cult members, and avoid getting burned by chemicals and acid. 
47164 DINK106.ZIP 23,2 Mt 02.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Dink Smallwood V1.06 FULLPreviously commercial product now released to PD. RPG meets arcade in this fantastic hybrid adventure. Imagine exploring a giant medieval world filled with creatures and people. Adventure, kill some monster and such. Game supports addon adventures and comes with tools to create them. Isometric real-time fantasy adventuring. Requirements:  486-75, 24 megs ram, Win95 with DX5+ RT Soft/Iridon Interactive
46025 DUDE32.ZIP 2559916 20.03.1996 - 23871/PC World Interactive 1 - Nisan 1997.iso -
Dave Dude  is a completely animated
adventure game for Windows95 and every
resolution. Nearly the whole screen is used
for graphics. You control Dave Dude with the
mouse. Just click around and select actions
and objects  with your mouse.  More than 15
screens guarantee fun and entertainment for
hours... The story: Dave has spent all his
money on tickets for his vacation. Now he
needs to pack... The rest is up to you!
47165 FRIDAYYA.ZIP 423,8 kt 15.12.1999 - - -
"Friday: Death to Arthur Yahtzee by Ben Croshaw. Easy pointnclick adventure. Escape from revengeful mutants. You are the main character in a deperate attempt to escape mutantswho are bent on revenge for your previous annihilation of their kind. In this humoroussimple adventure gameyou point and click your way through some simple puzzles in order to find your way out of mutant territory. Some of the puzzles are downright tricky. Windows 9598or NT"
47166 GRIPWIN.ZIP 559,4 kt 24.05.1999 - MBCD -
Losing your Grip. Text adventure. Undertake a journey through your own mind, facing your past and your fears. Remember the days of Infocom text-adventure games?  Ever wonder, "Does anyone still make those games?" Piece of interactive fiction (aka a text adventure) written using TADS, the Text Adventure Development System. http://www.phy.duke.edu/~sgranade/lyg.html
47167 HERO.ZIP 1,8 Mt 14.02.2001 - 19262/ftp.winsite.com-win3.tar -
"Heros Adventure  Rescue the princess from the evil sorcerer. 6 different lands to explore. Passwords given as you reach each land. Entirely clipart including the animated onscreen characterbut challenging. "
47168 HMANS10.ZIP 12,6 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
"Haunted Mansion v1.0 Take a journey into you deceased uncles mansion. Youre not just here for pleasurethough. Youre trying to receive your rich uncles fortune by following the stipulation in his will that you travel through his decaying edifice and collect nine pumpkins located therein. Unfortunatelythe pumpkins are guarded by skeletonsghosts and other creepy creatures. P20032 MBWin 9xDirectX 6. Freeware. "
47169 JOULHIPR.ZIP 2,1 Mt 11.01.1998 - MBCD -
JOULUPUKIN JOULUHIPRAKKA V1.0 Sairaan hauska suomenkielinen jouluseikkailupeli. Monkey Island 3 looklike käyttöliittymä. Seikkaile joulupukilla ja ratko kiperiä ongelmia. Vaatii: P60, 16MB, Win95, DirX.
47170 KORSTOT2.EXE 68 kt 22.03.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 4 -
KORSTOT2Korstot 0.2 - yksinkertainen mafiamanagerointi - palkkaa korstoja, vaadi suojelurahaa ja tappele koirilla..  taattua PukkiSoft laatua!
46032 KQ1SPCH.ZIP 17,8 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
"Kings Quest remake Speech pack  Provides speech tracks for the remake of the classic adventure game."
46033 KQ1VGA.zip 22,2 Mt 22.09.2001 - - -
"Kings Quest: Quest for the Crown VGAThis is a remake of the classic Kings Quest adventure with brand new graphics and sounds. King Edwarddying King of Daventryhas summoned  Sir Graham to his castle. The Kingdom of Daventryweakened by the absence of three priceless magical  itemsis in a sad state of deterioration. The  elderly king bestows upon Graham a most noble  quest--recover the three items in order to restore  Daventry to its former gloryand Graham will be  made King. "
46034 LADYSTR1.ZIP 11,1 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
LadyStar episode I: The New Girl Selaimella pelattavan animeseikkailun ensimmäinen osa. 
47171 LBA.ZIP 291,2 kt 02.02.2000 - - eritupla
Lunchbreak Adventures  Fantasy adventure game you can finish in less than ten minutes. You are trapped in a dungeon that changes every time you play, and must battle fierce creatures to find the exit in time. The dungeon is filled with interesting rooms and locations, powerful magic, and ancient treasure. Windows 95/98.
47172 LOCKED.ZIP 13,8 Mt 31.08.1999 - - -
Locked by AP Software Simplistic role-playing game (RPG) in which you play Mr. Ball, who is tasked with saving his planet. Along the way, you face a variety of challenging situations, such as helping characters to escape danger. Your ultimate goal is to destroy the evil Ozark. To do this, Mr. Ball has to find four magic stones, which are hidden in four kingdoms in Locked Land. Windows 95, 98, or NT
47173 LOSTINFN.ZIP 4,5 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
"LOST INFINITY Part I: Roquans Farewell v1.0 Adventure game that allows you to control the character of Roquana metallic human-like entityaround a complex universe.  By travellingconversingand using objects you will complete your goal of finding your home. 3D rendered grahicsside viewed. http://members.xoom.com/ariesmid25/lost.html J. Kintz (C) 2000 Windows 95/98  Shareware "
46038 MANMURDE.ZIP 1,4 Mt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
Mansion Murders by Dan Stephens text/graphical adventure game. Explore a creepy mansion and question guests in order to find a murderer. Windows 95
46039 MMANOR.ZIP 4 Mt 09.06.2000 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
Monster Manor by Ambrosine. Adventure You must rid the manor of 7 pesky ghosts who have decided to move in! Features: First person perspective, 3d rendered graphics, Multiple save games. Requirements Windows 9x+ DirectX 
46040 MURK112.ZIP 3,7 Mt 04.10.1999 - MBCD -
Murk v1.12 A standalone/multiplayer dungeon adventure game. Venture below where you will encounter a host of horrible hordes. Play over the internet! Play as a fighter, cleric, mage, or thief, you explore mazes and dungeons in search of treasure, weapons, spells, items, and of course, monsters. Multiplayer supports TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, modem-to-modem, and direct serial connections, and includes utility to let you start your own Murk servers. Windows 95, 32
46041 ND112.ZIP 5,3 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
"Nuclear Deterrence v1.12End a nuclear threat in this adventure game! Ali Hassan is the Minister of Finance in the fictional Islami Arabia. He is also an Israeli spyworking for theMossad. His real name is Dr. Uri Yaniv. Inactive for many yearshe has risen to the top ranks of Islami Arabia politicsbut now he is needed. Islami Arabia is developing a nuclear warhead for missiles that can reach beyond Israel. Ali has been called to duty in Nuclear Deterrence. Using your keyboard and mouse you will move through his worldexploring your surroundings and hopefully acquiring the tools you need to solve the puzzles and end the nuclear threat. Shareware."
46042 NUCDE111.ZIP 5,4 Mt 25.11.1999 - MBCD -
"Nuclear Deterrence v1.11 by Lee Blum Adventure. Ali Hassan is the Minister of Finance in the fictional Islami Arabia. He is also an Israeli spyworking for theMossad. Islami Arabia is developing a nuclear warhead for missiles that can reach beyond Israel.Ali has been called to duty. Using your keyboard and mouse you will move through his worldexploring your surroundings and hopefully finding the tools you need to solve the puzzles and end"
46043 SEYMO01.ZIP 1,2 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seymour Butts in Gayman Islands 1/6 - Larry tyylinen seikkailupeli. Tehtävänäsi on saada eräs nainen voittamaan paikallinen missikisa. Tehnyt: Slayer Software 99 Windows 95, 800x600, VBRUN500.dll
46044 SEYMO02.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seymour Butts in Gayman Islands 2/6
46045 SEYMO03.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seymour Butts in Gayman Islands 3/6
46046 SEYMO04.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seymour Butts in Gayman Islands 4/6
46047 SEYMO05.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seymour Butts in Gayman Islands 5/6
46048 SEYMO06.ZIP 471,5 kt 19.08.1999 - - -
Seymour Butts in Gayman Islands 6/6
46049 SF6V100.ZIP 189,3 Mt 14.11.2000 renamed archive.org -
StarFight VI: Gatekeepers Ilmainen kotimainen science fiction-seikkailu ja toimintapeli. Perinteisen oloinen seikkailuosuus jota tasapainottaa moderni avaruuslentäminen, jossa on mukana myös Elitemäisiä ominaisuuksia. Tutki, seikkaile, käy kauppaa, taistele ja koeta pysytellä hengissä kaoottisessa galaksissa. Uskomaton työnnäyte kotimaiselta pelikehittäjältä JP-Productionsilta. Windows 9x, P2 350 MHz, 32 Mt, 4 Mt PCI/AGP näytönohjain, DirectX. 
46050 SIEGEA_D.ZIP 87,1 Mt 16.08.2000 - - -
Siege of Avalon demo. Tekijä Digital Tome. Seikkailupeli. Episodiseikkailun ensimmäinen osa. Moniosainen roolipeli, jonka ensimmäinen osa on täysin ilmainen. Jos peli ja tarina miellyttää voit ostaa lisäosia erikseen tarinan jatkamiseksi. Laitevaatimus: PII 300, 64 Mt, DirectX. 
46051 SPACE3DF.ZIP 10,6 Mt 14.07.1999 - - -
Station 5 beta demo from Infrasoft. 3Dfx version. Action adventure in 1st person 3D. Takes place on a space station. Secure it from invading alien force. You are the leader of a rescue team. This is not a full featured game but a an engine demonstration Work in progress. Windows 95. P200/Direct3D or P100/3Dfx Glide
46052 SPACED3D.ZIP 11,3 Mt 14.07.1999 - - -
Station 5 beta demo from Infrasoft. Direct3D version. Action adventure in 1st person 3D. Takes place on a space station. Secure it from invading alien force. You are the leader of a rescue team. This is not a full featured game but a an engine demonstration Work in progress. Windows 95. P200/Direct3D or P100/3Dfx Glide
46053 SQ2LC.ZIP 646,1 kt 14.02.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Space Quest - The Lost Chapter Epävirallinen jatko-osa Sierran klassiselle ja ylen antiikkiselle seikkailulle Space Quest II. Rumaa grafiikkaa, parseri ja näppäinohjaus - perinneseikkailua kaukaa vuosien takaa. 
46054 TAP092.ZIP 93,2 kt 23.03.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman  korjaustiedosto. Päivittää Version 0.9.0 Beta versioon 0.9.2 beta. Paketissa oleva Tapsa.exe korvaa nykyisen Tapsa.exe:n Tehnyt: Slayer Software 99 sslayer99@hotmail.com www.mbnet.fi/~etu/ss99
46066 TAPSA.ZIP 13,5 Mt 23.03.2000 - MBHH2001 -
 Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. Seikkailupeli Slayer Software 99:ltä. Olet Tapsa ja yritätä pelastaa maailman korvikemusiikilta. Ilmainen. Suomenkielinen. MUISTA LADATA MYÖS PÄIVITYS!! Patch092 sslayer99@hotmail.com www.mbnet.fi/~etu/ss99
46057 TAPSA1.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 1/11 Seikkailupeli Slayer Software 99:ltä. Olet Tapsa ja yritätä pelastaa maailman korvikemusiikilta. Disketti 1 / 11. Ilmainen. Suomenkielinen. MUISTA LADATA MYÖS PÄIVITYS!! Patch092 sslayer99@hotmail.com www.mbnet.fi/~etu/ss99
46055 TAPSA10.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 10/11
46056 TAPSA11.ZIP 1,1 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 11/11
46058 TAPSA2.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 2/11
46059 TAPSA3.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 3/11
46060 TAPSA4.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 4 /11
46061 TAPSA5.ZIP 1,1 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 6/11
46062 TAPSA6.ZIP 1005,6 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 6/11
46063 TAPSA7.ZIP 1,2 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 7/11
46064 TAPSA8.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 8/11
46065 TAPSA9.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Tapsa Pelastaa Maailman. 9/11
46067 TEENAGNT.ZIP 2,9 Mt 18.04.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Teen Agent Gold has been vanishing into thin air from secure vaults. RGB, a secret problem-solving governmental organization cannot solve this problem, so they  use a fortune teller to pick someone that can help to crack the case. The fortune teller chooses Mark Hopper, a teenager, who agrees to help on account of getting girls: as he well knows, secret agents get all the girls they want. Windows 9x. Freeware.
46068 TERRAPC.ZIP 870,9 kt 30.06.1999 - MBCD -
Terra Incognita. By Team Fatal. 3d action adventure game. Third person Japanese anime style puzzle adventuring. If you want to play in English, push right cursor key and select "English" and push CTRL key. NOT commercial software, but is hobby software. Windows 95, P90, 16 MB. Requires Direct3D.
46069 THEWILL2.ZIP 4,7 Mt 22.06.2000 - MBHH2001 -
"The Will 2: The Castle Adventure. By Ambrosine. First person perspective adventure game with professionally rendered 3d graphics. You search for hidden gems in another dead relatives house to inherit a fortune. First person perspective. Rendered Graphics. Save game function. Windows 9xPentium16 bit graphics card "
46070 TRESMAZE.ZIP 2 Mt 05.11.1998 - - -
Treasure Maze v1.2a by Max Shurgalin This game is an amalgamation of a strategy game with a game of chance. It is played by two players or with computer who compete with each other to collect treasures in a maze. Windows 95, 98, or NT 8 MB
46602 W95-SAPI.ZIP 882580 01.07.1996 - - -
Sapiens, adventure-arcade game that brings
you back 100 000 years ago for discovering
the everyday life of the Homo Sapiens
Neanderthalensis. explore your territory,
keep up friendly contacts with the other
tribes, trade, make assegai heads and fight
for your life... For Windows 95.
46072 WANDABSU.A01 4 Mt 11.04.1999 - MBCD -
Wanderer of Absu v1.8 2/2
46073 WANDABSU.ARJ 4,3 Mt 11.04.1999 - MBCD -
"Wanderer of Absu V1.8 1/2Adventure from Absusoft. Unforgetable first person perspective role playing game where your quest is a journey through the world of Absu. You have to use your brain to the utmost to solve all the puzzles on your way. Youll meet characterous persons and strange stuff in this exciting adventure. Intuitive interface lets you travel fast easy to learn and use. DirectX and Win 95/98/NT.  "
46074 WARDDMO3.ZIP 26 Mt 12.01.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
"The Ward demoYou are David Walkera member of the Apollo XIX crewyour mission to collect information about unexpected seismic events detected upon the Moons surface. It shouldve been a smooth routine assignment. As you near the completition of your tasksomething kills your fellow crewmenwithout warningand apparently without much effort. And now it is coming for you. P13332MBWin 9x.  "
46075 WARDRAGN.ZIP 1022,7 kt 27.03.2000 - 15609/PCM_0007.iso -
 Warrior Dragon by Lumental A freeware RPG ð Win95/98 ð DirectX ð 8mb ð 486+ ð       http://www.lumental.com
46076 WINCMP97.ZIP 3,9 Mt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
1997 Interactive Fiction Competition. The 3rd annual text adventure game competition. Free adventures released to public for voting. 35 games in total for your enjoyment. All come with hints or solves in case you get stuck. Windows 95-version. Voting possible till Dec. 31st. More info at http://www.ifcompetition.org.
46077 WRATHDK.ZIP 712,7 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
Wrath of Darkness v2.0 Third person action RPG. By Rainer Deyke. older first person action/role-playing game, similar to Lightslayer but smaller and less developed. Crude graphics and game system. Windows 95/98/NT 
46078 WSTF1275.ZIP 1,1 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Westfront PC: The Trials of Guilder v12.75Westfront PC: The Trials of Guilder is an entertaining,  customizable, old-style text adventure game in a huge  environment. It challenges you to rescue the King  from the evil Sorcerer and in the process complete  36 different quests. A mini text editor lets you edit  your saved games or expand your game world by  up to 1,000 rooms and 312 monsters. Win 9x,  Windows Media Player 6.1. Public Domain.  
47174 AC3DEMO.ZIP 9,8 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Air Command 3.0 demo Lennonjohtosimulaattori. Astu tutkan ääreen kiireisellä kansainvälisellä lentokentällä ja johda sisään- ja uloslentävää liikennettä. Täydessä pelissä on muun muassa digitoidut puheet, lentokenttäeditori ja useita vaikeustasoja. Demoa voi pelata 10 minuutin erissä. Pentium, 32 Mt. 
46080 ANDROM9.ZIP 14,8 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Andromeda 9  Andromeda 9 on moninpelattava avaruussimu, jossa jokainen pelaaja ohjaa aseistettua avaruusalusta taistellen toisiaan vastaan. Pelimodeja deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag, domination ja race. 
47175 AOAHQM.ZIP 27,6 Mt 26.10.2000 - - -
Ace of Angels demo high-quality musicHigh-quality music for Ace of Angels demo. This .wav file replaces the music.wav file of the installed game. 
46082 BC3KFREE.ZIP 133,2 Mt 25.07.2001 - - -
Battlecruiser 3000AD v2.09 full Yli 10 vuoden tuotekehitys ja valmistus, useita miljoonia dollareita, tuloksena Battlecruiser 3000AD. Peli on yksi uraaurtavimmista avaruuslentelyistä ja sen 2.0x versio on nyt saatavana ilmaiseksi. Tukee 3Dfx-kiihdytystä, mutta toimii myös muilla D3D-korteilla. Toimii Windows 9x ja ME käyttöjärjestelmissä. Sis. alkuperäisen myyntiversion, karttapaketin yli 7000 planeetta-alueesta, huijaukset, SDK:n ja tehtävien lähdekoodit. 
47176 DRDEMO12.ZIP 10 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
"Deranged Raid v1.2 by Playspoon. This is a Flight simulation / RTS genre mix using 3Dfxs Glide and OpenGL. Development of this game is far from finishedbut all key parts of the game are included with this demo. Team game. Each team consists of one or more pilots who pilot their own vehicles. The goal is to destroy the enemy Command Centerwhile defending your own FREEWARE and OPENSOURCE. Windows 95/98P16632 MB "
47177 ELMA10.ZIP 1,1 Mt 04.02.2000 - - -
Elasto Mania v1.0Elasto Mania  ASP is a motorbike simulation game, based on a real physical model. 
You must navigate through the various stages on your bike. 18 levels are included. 
From the creator of Action Supercross. Compatible with all ACROSS levels. 
Requires Win95/98/2000, DirectX 5.0. $9.95
47178 FG-072.ZIP 12,9 Mt 12.04.2000 - - -
Flight Gear v0.72 Free flight simulator project. It is being developed through the gracious contributions of source code and spare time by many talented people from around the globe. Civilian flight. www.flightgear.org Windows 95/98, OpenGL accelerator, 64 MB. 
46086 FIXJAB10.ZIP 230,3 kt 15.05.1998 - - -
Fixsoft JABA-SIMULAATTORI 1.0 Todella realistinen simulaatio MBNetin sheriffin tehtävistä. Tavoitteenasi on päästä pääsheriffiksi. Annat jäähyjä, huomauttelet käyttäjiä ja poistat käyttöoikeuksia. Peli on freewarea ja vaatii Windowsin version 3.1 tai uudemman toimiakseen. Copyright (C) 1998, Jari Jokinen
46087 FREEGEND.ZIP 19,8 Mt 21.08.2001 - - -
FreeGen demo v0.10  Dimension Designin 3D-avaruusräiskinnän pelattava demo. Demosta löytyy vain lähiverkkotuki, eikä sitä pysty pelaaman internetissä. 
46088 HIGHROLL.ZIP 4,5 Mt 02.09.2001 - - -
High Roller Slots Pack High Roller on korea hedelmäpeli, jossa on normaalin hedelmäpelin lisäksi lukuisia bonuspelejä.  Shareware, $20. 
47179 HS_DEMO.ZIP 10 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
Halcyon Sun demoHalcyon Sun on ilmainen avaruustaistelupeli. Peli tulee ilmestymään episodeissa, jotka kertovat Dru Avery -nimisen pilotin tarinaa CSS Halcyon Sunin palveluksessa. Hävittäjäjoukkueen johtajana pelaajan vastaan tulee tehtäviä, jotka sisältävät niin rankkaa kaksintaistelua kuin kohteen suojelua armottomilta vihollisilta. P200, Win 9x, 32 Mt RAM, Direct3D.  
47180 LDOG104.ZIP 2,9 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
"Lets Dogfight! v1.04 is a single- or multiplayer arcade flight simulation dogfight/combat game. It is designed to allow a single player to fight computer-controlled planesor many players to join a multiplayer dogfight over a very large landscape. Multiplayer IPXTCP/IP and through central server. Windows 95/98P13332 MBDirect3D/OpenGL "
47181 LUNAV11B.ZIP 21,3 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Luna - Moon Colony Simulator v1.1 beta Rakenna siirtokunta kuuhun. SimCity-tyyppistä rakentelua 3D:nä. Tekniikan kehitystä, kaupankäyntiä ynnä muuta futuristista toimintaa Kuun pinnalla. Konevaatimus: P200, 32 Mt. 
47182 MILL-A40.ZIP 2,1 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
" Millennium 3: Futures End - alpha 4.02. Classic retro remake - the best game everElitecreated again for todays machines. Space trading / shooting game currently under development by Anti-Matter Productions. Windows 95P20032 MBDirectX 6supports Direct3D. http://www.anti-matter.clara.net/millennium"
47183 MRDEMO01.ZIP 1,8 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
Mind Riot by Josiah Pisciotta. Action. Vehicular combat game featuring a dynamic economy, customizable vehicles and fast multiplayer action. There are two modes of play in this demo, one is a simple combat, where the goal is to destroy all of the enemy team. The other is arena ball, where the goal is to push the ball into other teams goal. Actual game will include a dynamic economy, complex team play, 100 miles of streets, tunnels, and skyways to explore, customizable vehicles, and some other stuff. The art and graphics are temporary and will be improved. Windows 95/98, P200, 64 MB, OpenGL. 
46093 OP104.ZIP 2,3 Mt 08.08.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 5 -
Onnenpyörä 1.04 TV:stä tuttu onnenpyörä tarjoillaan nyt kotikoneellesi. Hienot grafiikat ja huippupelattavuus. Käyttöliittymä on selkeä ja mukava käyttää. Pelissä tulee mukana myös tehtäväeditori, jolla voit tehdä omia tehtäviä ja pakata ne yhdeksi tiedostoksi netissä julkaisemista varten. Suositus: Windows 98/Me/NT/2000 (Huom! Ei 95), P200 tai suurempi.  
47184 ORBIT101.ZIP 3,2 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
"Orbit v1.01 by Steve Belczyk. Freeware space combat simulator. Youre the hottest space fighter pilot this side of Andromeda. An evil alien race threatens mankinds freedom. Completely free! Pretty realistic: Newtonian physics and NASA images. Extensible: Easily design and add your own missionscampaignsand object models. Create your own planetsmoons and solar systems. Pretty fast: 30 fps on a Pentium 133/Voodoo 1. Open source. Windows 95P16632 MBOpenGL card."
47185 PROPILKK.ZIP 1,4 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
Pro PilkkiPro Pilkki tuo vaihtelua ideoihin. Pelin pilkkimisen reaalisuus on hyvin toteutettu: joskus kalaa saa vetää hiki hatussa avannosta ja joskus taas tuntuu siltä, että kalat välttelisivät syöttiä. Pilkkipaikkojakin on monia mistä valita ja mukana on näppärästi myös syvyyskartat, sekä tietoja lammesta/järvestä/joesta. Mukaan on laitettu myös vakoilutoiminto nähdäksesi miten homma sujuu kilpailijoilla. Mukava kalastuspeli! Freeware.  
47186 REDBARON.ZIP 952,5 kt 06.11.2000 - MBHH2003 -
Red BaronVanha mutta hauska ja haastava Ensimmäisen Maailmansodan lentosimulaattori Sierralta on nyt freewarea! Ei tue 3D-kortteja mutta kyllä sitä silti pelaa. Klassikkopeli!. Äänet on hyvät ja kuvakin kulkee liukkaasti.  
47187 RTRIP2K.ZIP 11,3 Mt 18.12.1999 - - -
Road Trip 2000 by Wasatchware. Driving simulator. This game offers much longer and realistic tracks than the most popular driving simulator games for the PC. Major features include: GIS generated scenery Photo realistic textures, Two way traffic, Track lengths of 70 miles, Optimizable for your particular hardware platform. Windows 95/98, 3Dfx Voodoo ONLY, P166, 16 MB
47188 SAR02.ZIP 2 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Search and Rescue 0.2Search and Rescue on virkistävän erilainen pelastushelikopterisimulaattori niille, joita kyllästyttää pelkkien toimintapelien pelaaminen. 
47189 SFS304D.ZIP 1,3 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Soaring Flight Simulator v3.04 demo  Purjelentosimulaattori. Puhtaasti tuulten mukana liitämiseen painottuva simulaattori, jossa sään mallinnus on huippuluokkaa. 
47190 STARDMO2.ZIP 10,9 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Starshatter demo v2.0 Starshatter is a military space combat simulation set in the far future. Unlike most space sims, Starshatter allows you to directly command a wide variety of ships, from agile atmospheric and space-based fighters to giant cruisers and fleet carriers. Starshatter will take you through the complete space combat experience with several dynamic campaigns set in a persistent simulated universe. P400, 64 MB. 
47191 SUBSPCCC.ZIP 30,8 Mt 10.11.1999 - - -
Subspace  - V1.1 (Demo) For Windows 95/98/NT Anarchy Enterprises and Unique Entertainment. Hone your Skills and Tactics as a Trader, Explorer, Mercanary or Pirate in this Deep Space Strategy game filled with Action and high Adventure. Requirements: IBM PC & 100% Compatibles, Pentium 133MHz, 16MB RAM, Cd-rom, Direct X 6.0 Sound Card, Video Card, Mouse, Keyboard  Recommended: Pentium 200MHz, 32MB RAM http://www.anarchyent.com
47192 SW.ZIP 6,5 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Star WraithStar Wraith is a light space combat simulator in the spirit of Starlancer and Wing Commander built using Dark Basic. The game and engine make full use of 3D accelerated graphics. Best possible graphics performance from a wide variety of video cards and computer systems. Compatible with most Direct3D capable cards. 
47193 TERMID12.ZIP 40 Mt 12.07.2000 - - -
Terminus demo v1.2. Julkaisija Vicarious Visions. Avaruustaistelusimulaattori. Peli sijoittuu 200 vuotta tulevaisuuteen, kun äkkiä löydetään antiikkista alien-teknologiaa joka mahdollistaa valoa nopeamman matkaamisen. Pelaajat lentävät, käyvät kauppaa, taistelevat ja varastavat tiensä yksin- ja moninpelin läpi. Kohtaa satoja itsenäisiä pelihahmoja ja aluksia. Demo sisältää harjoittelutehtäviä. Laitevaatimus: Windows 9x, PII 300, 64 Mt, DirectX, Glide/Direct3D-kiihdytin. 
46100 VS_DEMOP.ZIP 232,1 kt 30.06.1999 - - -
Virtual Sailor screenshots. By Ilan Papini. Sailing game.
46099 VSDEMO40.ZIP 3,6 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
"Virtual Sailor demo v4.0 By Ilan Papini. Sailing game. Simulates the entire the marine environment from a sailboats perspective and makes a complete sailing experience. Accurate wind and wave dynamics Accurate sailboat dynamics. Accurate and dynamic sailboat sounds. Dynamic weather conditions. Simulates race with other boats including wind shadow effects. P16616MBWin95/98DirectX4MB Direct3D card "
46101 VWPRDEMO.ZIP 8,4 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Virtual Wings Professional by Cat III Systems Versatile general aviation flight training simulator. Modeled flight realm embraces all aspects of aircraft handling and navigation, making it ideally suited for primary training and instrument proficiency.Authentic aircraft panels are fully equipped with OEM aircraft systems and navigation instrumentation. Vivid 3D rendered scenery. Training maneuvers,cross country flight and terminal procedures. Req. Windows 95, PII, 32 Mb, Direct3D card.
46102 XKITE11.ZIP 4,2 Mt 05.06.2000 - - -
X-Kite v1.1 by Responsive Computing. Go fly a kite! Fly a dual-line sport kite on your PC! Perform axels, side-slides and wingtip landings. Includes multiple locations, each with perfect weather conditions. DirectX7.0, Direct3D compatible graphics card, and Windows 95 or Windows 98. 
46103 YMOD140.ZIP 6 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
"Youngs Modulus Imagine a Giant Marching Robot Combat Simulator that uses same physics-modelling for foot interaction with the ground and jump-jet propulsion. A simulator that uses the same friendly menu-driven interface and graphics engine. This is not a game. It is a COMBAT SIMULATOR of what may someday be... Created by the author of X-Plane and more info can be found at http://www.youngsmodulus.com/ Windows 95/98Pentim OpenGL "
46104 ZZDART06.ZIP 385,4 kt 07.05.2001 - - -
ZZ-Darts v0.6 ZZ-Darts is a freeware 3D darts simulator. You can play 501 or 1001 game with your friends, families, or 3 computer players of different skills. P200, 32 MB. 
46105 1939BF15.ZIP 3,9 Mt 22.06.2003 - - -
1939: Battlefleet 1.5Vuoropohjaista meritaistelua toisen maailmansodan ajalta. Sisältää yli 60 tehtävää ja 40 alustyyppiä. Tehtäviin kuuluu muun muassa tavallista deathmatchia, saattueiden suojelua ja satamien valloittamista.
Kokeiluversio, 17,95 USD. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. http://www.battle-fleet.com/
47194 1941TYPH.ZIP 6 Mt 11.05.1999 - MBCD -
1941: Operation Typhoon (V1.0.0) operational level wargame covering the late stage of the German attempt to capture Moscow in winter 1941. Grognards and beginners alike will be challenged by the apparently simple, but well balanced situation. Fine graphics, clean interfaces, PBEM option, TCP/IP to play on-line on a local network or through internet, produce a game that is easy, fast and entertaining. Win95. (C) KWD 1998.
46107 39BF184.ZIP 4,2 Mt 11.09.2004 - - -
1939: BattleFleet v1.84.0.3
This is a version of the classic Battleships, where the pieces are allowed to move. BattleFleet contains more than 60 missions, campaigns, and death-match scenarios, with various types of cruisers, destroyers, aircraft carriers, battleships, torpedo boats, submarines, fighters, bombers, and port artillery units. The battlefield map can be up to 96x96, with islands, land, and ports. Players can purchase new ships and planes during the game. All unit names and officer ranks are historic. Game objectives are various: destroy enemy ships, conquer all enemy major ports, defend friendly ports, secure transport convoy to the allied port and eliminate all enemy units. Shareware, $19.
47195 3D4C21.ZIP 268,2 kt 20.04.1999 - MBCD -
3D 4 Cubed Chess v2.1 by Cubess familiar board game played in three dimensions. Each level of the board is 4x4 squares, but there are four levels as well - to offer the full 64 squares of traditional chess. Moves are similar, but some pieces such as rooks and queens must shift between horizontal and vertical modes. You can play against a human opponent or the computer. Windows 95 or Windows 98
46109 AJEMP40.ZIP 1,9 Mt 01.05.2002 - - -
AJ Empires v4.0 This fun-filled game allows you to create your own empire and puts you in control. You research technology, build buildings, fight wars, attack, and defend. Freeware. 
47196 ALQUEREQ.ZIP 725,9 kt 24.05.1999 - - -
Alquereq. Simple strategy game like checkers. for Windows 95.
47197 ANCIENTC.ZIP 442 kt 03.04.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 -
Ancient Civilizations Ancient Civilizations is a simple strategy game. Your goal is to eliminate all four of the computer controlled opponents; this is done by conquering more land to gain more income, recruiting more soldiers and joining them to a superior fighting force, then raiding the opponents bases. 
46112 ANDROONL.ZIP 66,7 Mt 10.09.2004 - - -
"Andromeda Online v1.0
Andromeda Online is a strategic starship war game. Players design a command crewpick a stock starship or design their ownand go into battle. And while one-on-one battles are a blastthats only the beginning. Command an armada of up to 500 scoutsfighterscruisersbattleshipseven space stations. Play games with as many as 10 players at a timemake teams and allianceseven play with or against the computer. Design your own crew and shipsoffering a micromanagement design for players who are interestedand trade your ship designs online. Shareware$20."
46113 ANTSGAME.ZIP 684,7 kt 13.08.2004 - - -
AntsAnts. Muurahaisten taistelu.
47198 ASREB080.ZIP 833 kt 26.04.2000 - - -
Assault Rebelstar 99 v0.80. Classic retro remake. THe predecessor of Laser Squad and UFOs. Early Beta version. Original version seen on Spectrum. Turn based science fiction combat strategy. By Mathew Smith. Windows 95. 
46115 ASTRAL12.ZIP 5,7 Mt 22.05.2003 - - -
Astral Tournament v1.2 In Astral Tournament duel you fight the other mage (computer or other player) for control of magical plane using creatures and other spells. The creatures and spells are of the following magical elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Death. Each mage starts the duel with 50 life points. The object of the duel is to defeat your opponent by reducing his life number from 50 to 0. Version 1.2 introduces online play. Shareware, $15.
46116 ASTRALT.ZIP 4,4 Mt 09.12.2002 - - -
Astral Tournament  In Astral Tournament duel you fight the other mage (computer or other player) for control of magical plane using creatures and other spells. The creatures and spells are of the following magical elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Death. Each mage starts the duel with 50 life points. The object of the duel is to defeat your opponent by reducing his life number from 50 to 0.  
46117 AT115.ZIP 5,2 Mt 29.03.2003 - - -
Astral Tournament v1.15 In Astral Tournament duel you fight the other mage (computer or other player) for control of magical plane using creatures and other spells. The creatures and spells are of the following magical elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Death. Each mage starts the duel with 50 life points. The object of the duel is to defeat your opponent by reducing his life number from 50 to 0. Shareware, $15.
47199 ATA_P102.ZIP 233,6 kt 19.11.2000 - - -
Ata - Extracts from the American Civil War   v1.00 -> v1.02 PATCH (Ata - EftACW) A patch  that fixes few bugs. By Badgers 
47200 ATA_V100.ZIP 7 Mt 28.09.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Ata - Extracts from the American Civil Warv1.00 FINAL (Ata - EftACW) An extremely great game involving tactics and action. Beautiful artwork, skillful programming, enjoyable playability, everything a good game needs.  Requirements for smooth playability: at least AMD K-6 200 MHz computer or corresponding, enough memory, DOS/Windows  9x, VESA 2.0. By Badgers 
47201 ATFATR.ZIP 7,5 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Armored Task Force Alpha Tech Release demoTestidemo modernille taistelukentälle sijoittuvasta strategiasta. 
41003 ATS100.ZIP 386928 27.05.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Atoms for Windows V1.00 - Strategy game
47202 ATTILA32.ZIP 2,3 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
Attila for Windows 95 v3.1 Risk-like simple strategy game for 1-4 players in which the goal is to rule the world. You can choose a worldwide or European scenario for your game. Blitzkrieg and airborne assault options widen the surprise factor, allowing for attacks from multiple nations or non-adjacent countries. Three levels of difficulty. Windows 95, 98, or NT
47203 BA11.ZIP 987,2 kt 22.12.1998 - - -
Battle Arena 1.1 Great turn-based strategy/action game for 2-3 players. 8 different weapon and 4 levels. Fantastic sounds and musics too. System requirement: Pentium, Windows 95/(maybe 98)
46123 BBOWL7_0.ZIP 3,3 Mt 30.07.2004 - - -
Fumbbl 7.0 ClientFumbbl 7.0 Client. Fantasiajalkapalloa. http://fumbbl.com
47204 BFMOSCOW.ZIP 4,2 Mt 11.05.1999 - MBCD -
Battle For Moscow v1.00. Strategy / WW2 / turn based. Recreates German unsuccessfull attempt to capture Moscow in 1941. Simple rules that can be found in most classical boardgames. This is for 2 players only - no AI associated. Meant for PBEM or computer assistant for the board game Freeware. Windows 95/NT. 1 Mb video card. (C) 1998. Kamikaze Wargames Designers.
41008 BG06B.ZIP 22805 14.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BG06B Famous BG06 backgammon program that
didn't run under Windows 95.....until now!
46125 BLDCI122.ZIP 2 Mt 27.08.2002 - - -
Buildcity 1.22  SimCitymäinen 1700-luvulle sijoittuva kaupunginrakennuspeli. Shareware, 15 USD. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. http://www.geocities.com/buildcitygame/ 
47205 BLOOTH30.ZIP 944,2 kt 19.08.1999 - - -
"Bloch Reversi v3.0 by John Bloch Board game. Single-player version of the classic strategy board game of colored tokens (a.k.a. Othello). It features a fairly clean interface with a toolbar and digital sound effects. Play against another human sitting next to youor compete against the games excellent artificial intelligence engi that can be adjusted to your skill level. Windows 9598or NT"
47206 BOMBS2.ZIP 185094 27.05.1996 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
Bomb Squad 2, defuse a time bomb by correctly
guessing its secret code before it explodes.
Req: Win95.
47207 BOOMIN40.ZIP 3,4 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
Booming v4.0 As president of an international construction company, you manage a very diverse group of subordinates with varying skills. With construction projects around the world, your objective is to grow your company in a competitive marketplace. If your company is profitable, you may invest your profits into your business, other companies, or even in professional sports teams. Win 9x. Shareware. 
47208 BOYLITE.EXE 7,9 Mt 12.04.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Battle of the YoustrassBattle of the Youstrass on konsolityyppinen 
yhden pelaajan kevyt taktiikkapeli, jossa 
pelastetaan Youstrassin fantasiamaailma 
taistelemalla jättirobotein pahaa 
valloittajaa vastaan. 
46130 CASANV10.ZIP 3,3 Mt 31.07.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 -
Casanova 1.0 Casanova on erikoinen strategiapeli: perinteisen sotanäyttämön sijaan pelaaja yrittää valloittaa tyttöjen sydämiä, eikä se ole mikään helppo homma. Varsinkaan kun tarkoitus on vietellä viehkot tyttöset mahdollisimman nopealla ja kukkarolle ystävällisellä tavalla. Pelaajan on oltava sulava liikkeissään, ennen kuin on mitään saumaa yhtään mihinkään. Tämä pitää sisällään treffejä ja tarkasti valittuja lahjoja - eikä silloinkaan voi olla varma valloituksen onnistumisesta. 
46131 CASDAN13.ZIP 2 Mt 27.08.2002 - - -
Castle Danger 1.3  Shakin ja vuoropohjaisen fantasiastrategian väliltä oleva kaksinpeli, jossa pelaajien pitää suojata omaa kuningastaan vihollisen tykistöä vastaan. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.mwgames.com/ 
47209 CASTLEM.ZIP 4,6 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Castle Mania. Play a King and manage your kingdom! Simple, one screen management game. Distribute food, money. Taxes, wars, soldiers. Win95.
47210 CATTACK.ZIP 2,1 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Castle Attack -minipeliCastle Attack - Strongholdin promopeli, jossa puolustetaan linnaa hyökkääjiltä. 
47211 CELLOIN.ZIP 350,5 kt 08.06.1998 - MBCD -
"Cello v1.0 by James P. Ivers. strategy board game much like the Asian favoriteGo. You play against the computer at your choice of four levels of difficulty. The object is to capture the most squares on the board by surrounding your opponents game pieces. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0"
47212 CHESMA12.ZIP 1,1 Mt 14.06.2000 - - -
Chess Marvel v1.2 by Arthur Crump basic game of Chess, against a computer opponent. Attractive game board, with well rendered artwork and selectable sound effects. Fast and fluid with challending opponent. Not good documentation though. Shareware. Windows 9x 
47213 CHESP430.ZIP 4,1 Mt 27.03.2000 - - -
ChessPartner v4.30 by Lokasoft Chess. features cool 3D  graphics. Offers the possibility to play  against people anywhere on the globe via  the Internet. A feature rich program.  Windows 95, 98, or NT
46137 CHESSP.ZIP 193,2 kt 18.04.1997 - - -
"FANTASY CHESS for Windows V1.0 Chess is a war strategy game that is played with two armies of sixteen pieces each. You play Fantasy Chess using standard chess rules and piece movement. Your objective is to trap your opponents king. But a level of fun has been added when you play Fantasy Chess.  You choose from ten different character sets for your army pieces. Select from dinosaurswild animalsinsectsand many more. Windows 3.x"
46138 CHEST121.ZIP 2,9 Mt 24.09.1998 - - -
CHESSTREE (tm) V1.2.1  - An exciting,  new concept in chess study. Select any node  along a play tree, and instantly see the  board position. Study standard openings,  great chess matches, and more! Import any SAN or PGN formatted text file to create your own libraries. Setup a board position and search  for a match anywhere in the library. Windows  95 or Windows NT 4.0.
46139 CHMPC132.ZIP 318,5 kt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
Championship Chinese Checkers v1.32
Championship Chinese Checkers is a 32-bit implementation of the fascinating Chinese Checkers board game for players of all ages. Game features include easy user-interface, cute graphics, helpful referee for easy learning, challenging computer AI players with various styles, voice WAV files, undo/ redo, save/load game, automatic board re-position, show valid moves, background
46140 CHS4LUNC.ZIP 462 kt 19.08.1999 - - -
"Chess4Lunch v1.0 by CamART Chess game designed for play over a TCP/IP LAN. Intended for lunch-time play in the officeit features an attractive graphical interface and system-tray support. Once you have chosen a colorthe game begins. During the game you can offer a drawresignor reset the game. You can also take back your last move as long as your opponent hasnt moved subsequently. TCP/IP LAN and Windows 9598or NT"
46141 CHSNPRO.ZIP 846,6 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
ChessN Pro v2.1.1 by Computer Vision Research Attention Chess clubs all over the world: ChessN Pro is a powerful Chess game editor th deserves your attention. It lets you view and archive Chess games in the standard .pgn (Portable Game Notation) format. It also supports Recursive Annotation Variations (RAV) to aid in the analysis of Chess games, as well as FEN notation for capturing a board position for computer analysis. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46142 CHSVISIO.ZIP 6,2 Mt 18.05.1999 - 15609/PCM_0007.iso -
Chessvision v1.2 Free version by MicroVision Chess. Total solution package for every chess player, whether you are a beginner, or a professional.You get one of the most powerful chess database systems available today. You can also play against several engines or use them for analysis, even simultaneously.On top of that, its full featured support for all Internet Chess Servers makes it a great tool to play chess on the Internet. Windows 95, 98, or NT

46143 CL425.ZIP 3,9 Mt 27.03.2000 - - -
" Clonk 4.25 Entertaining action-packed game of strategytacticsand skill. It can be played by a single player or with up to four players. Control your clonks in realtime in order to either mine resources and build up a base or eliminate the opponents crew. Build new structures using materials you have created in complex production chains.Extend your base and prepare for battle by developing new weapons and tactics. Win95/98P200."
46144 CLERUCHY.ZIP 777,8 kt 04.04.2000 - - -
Cleruchy v0.94 by Hatthew Wells. Colonize the board to win. Game of colonization and battle between you and a friend or your PC. The game is easy to learn and play, but it offers few variations to maintain your interest over the long run. The setting is ancient Greece, and each player represents a different city-state competing for territory on a vacant patch of land. Players purchase warriors and colonists and conquer land. Windows 95/98. 
46145 CONFS101.ZIP 2,2 Mt 30.08.1999 - - -
"Conflict At Sea v1.01. Based on BattleShip. The object of the game is to try and sink all of the computers ships before the computer sinks your ships. We have created a combat system with more realistic fighting tactics where one side doesnt wait for the enemies missiles to land before launching a counter measure. Youand the computerare given one shot for each remaining ship that you control per turn. Windows 95."
46146 CONQUE12.ZIP 74,3 kt 04.12.2002 - - -
Conquest 1.2 DOS-pohjainen avaruudenvalloituspeli, jossa on luvassa tutkimusmatkailua, avaruuslaivaston kasaamista, sotimista ja uusien planeettojen asuttamista. Pelin karun ulkoasun ei kannata antaa säikäyttää, sillä sen alla piilee tuntitolkulla kelpo viihdettä. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://users.bigpond.net.au/walkert/
46148 CP-K461.ZIP 1,8 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Clonk Planet: Knights Pack 4.61 Castle construction kit, knight, horse and more. 
46147 CP461US.ZIP 5,5 Mt 18.07.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 -
"Clonk Planet 4.61 the sequel to Clonk 4. Entertaining action-packed game of strategytacticsand skill. It can be played by a single playerwith up to four players on one computeror even more players in local area networks or by internet. Players control his clonks in real time in order to either mine resources and build up a base or eliminate the opponents crew. Rn-time generated or predefined two-dimensional landscapes. Windows 95/98DirectX 3P200 "
46149 CREATORP.ZIP 5,3 Mt 20.09.2000 - - -
"Star Trek Starship Creator v1.01Software that will finally allow you to build and launch your own ultimate Star Fleet vessel! Star Trek: Starship Creator gives you the tools to design your own starshipchoose a crewand send your ship out on missions -- then youthe newest admiral in Starfleet can test the performance of your own fleet of specialized Federation 
vessels on automated missions to see if your ship designs measure up to Starfleets exacting standards."
46150 CYBERTO.A01 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Cyber Takeover by D.E.H. Software      2/4
46151 CYBERTO.A02 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Cyber Takeover by D.E.H. Software      3/4
46152 CYBERTO.A03 5,1 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Cyber Takeover by D.E.H. Software      4/4
46153 CYBERTO.ARJ 9,5 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Cyber Takeover by D.E.H. Software      1/4 Space war strategy game. Use your land ship to take over other tribes in order to win. Two tribes fight over a sector of land each using one landship.  The object of the game is to destroy your opponent using lasers and missiles. Windows 95, 98, or NT. 32 MB, supports 3D hardware.
46154 DBA106F.ZIP 22,3 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
DBA Online v1.06 full Online-pelattava historiallinen miniatyyristrategia. Kaunista joukkojen siirtelyä 1500 eKr. - 1500 jKr. Myös hotseat- tuki. Täysasennus, sisältää 52 armeijaa. PII, 32 MB. 
46155 DBA106LT.ZIP 15,2 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
DBA Online v1.06 minimiasennusOnline-pelattava historiallinen miniatyyristrategia. Kaunista joukkojen siirtelyä 1500 eKr. - 1500 jKr. Myös hotseat- tuki. Kevytasennus, sisältää 10 armeijaa. PII, 32 MB. 
46156 DBAO103F.ZIP 24,3 Mt 14.06.2000 - - -
DBA Online v1.03 Full versionWorldwide wargaming Project, which includes a computerized version of famous De Bellis Antiquitatis ruleset and DBA Online Internet Club, a worldwide Wargaming community. Now you may play ancient & medieval battles with hundreds of live opponents all over the world. You will be able to find an opponent of almost any level of skills and frequency of play. Includes 50 Painted historical armies from New Kingdom Egyptian (1500 BC) to Burgundian Ordonnance (15century AD). You may choose from 26 color gameboards, each presenting different climate / region / type of landscape. Unlimited range of tactical schemes and methods which can be employed to get the victory. Top viewed turn based wargaming. Supports online multiplayer & hotseat 2 player games. Windows 9x, Pentium II/III, 32 MB, DirectX. 
46157 DBAO103L.ZIP 15,7 Mt 14.06.2000 - - -
DBA Online v1.03 - light version. Worldwide wargaming Project, which includes a computerized version of famous De Bellis Antiquitatis ruleset and DBA Online Internet Club, a worldwide Wargaming community. Now you may play ancient & medieval battles with hundreds of live opponents all over the world. You will be able to find an opponent of almost any level of skills and frequency of play. Includes 50 Painted historical armies from New Kingdom Egyptian (1500 BC) to Burgundian Ordonnance (15century AD). You may choose from 26 color gameboards, each presenting different climate / region / type of landscape. Unlimited range of tactical schemes and methods which can be employed to get the victory. Top viewed turn based wargaming. Supports online multiplayer & hotseat 2 player games. Light version has less units and terrains. Windows 9x, Pentium II/III, 32 MB, DirectX. 
46158 DOIDEMO.ZIP 1,1 Mt 10.06.1998 - MBCD -
Descent on Italy beta Demo - turn-based tactical strategy game based in World War II Italy, Germans vs US forces. Win95 16bit graphics card mouse
46159 DRAGOOND.ZIP 2,5 Mt 30.06.1999 - MBCD -
Dragoon, the complete battles of Frederick the Great Sharewave demo. Turn based hex strategy. "It was classic era of warfare, an age of rigid linear formations of massed volleys, of close-range musket fire and of heroic cavalry charges. Age of splendid uniforms and snapping battle flags. Authentic action of the 18th-century battlefield. Lead your infantry lines. Art of War Publishing/ Boku strategy. Windows 9x or Windows NT 4.0, 486/66+, 16M of RAM,
46160 EAST1914.ZIP 415,9 kt 15.03.2000 - 16966/SUNNY1000.iso -
" East Front1914 demo. Turn based strategy. Command the Russian Imperial Army at the outbreak of World War I. Can you drive the Russian steamroller over the German and Austro-Hungarian forces? Note that in this demo you can only play the Russian side against computer. DOS2 Mb. By Forgotten Fronts Simulations Boardgame stylecomputer wargames for adults. We bring you the campaigns that the major computer gaming companies cant afford to cover."
46161 ECHESS10.ZIP 1,3 Mt 10.06.1998 - MBCD -
eChess v1.0 by E Corp. Play chess over the Internet against a human opponent, or against a computer opponent. Win95 486/DX2 8 MB Internet connection
46162 EMP32.EXE 2945555 19.08.1996 - MBCD -
World EmpiresIV-sotastrategiapelin pelattava
demo. Windows 95.
46163 EMPIR23.ZIP 5,8 Mt 25.09.1998 - MBCD -
Empires v2.30 from White Mask Productions Card / strategy. Each player owns four territories. Four territories that belong to other players. Lay sieges to other lands, defend your own. Bloodshed goes on and on until someone throws down a time stop card, or runs out of cards in their deck. Windows 95
46164 FANFT101.ZIP 641,8 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
1st&Goal Fantasy Football v1.01. Runs a  fantasy football league for up to 15 teams.  League standings based on any or all of 31  stats with user defined values. Play head-to- head or total points. Update stats using  QuickStats download files or manually.
46165 FIREFI11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.11.1999 - MBCD -
"Firefight v1.1 by Sean OConnor Real time strategy. WW2. Neat infantry battle game.You start with an objectivethen select your troops picking a mix of artilleryarmor and infantry to get the job done. Scroll around the map to see where your units arethen give them orders with a mouse click. You can direct the fire of any unit or they will engage automatically when they spot an enemy. Registration gets you more battles and units. Great game in a small package. Win95."
46166 FLGFRT.ZIP 318556 14.01.1997 - - -
Flags & Fortresses (c) 1996
Sumware Software 2 to 4 player Strategy game
designed to be played using the hot seat
method or a common shared directory. Advance
against your enemies and try to capture their
flags to defeat them. Author: John A. Reder.
46168 GAMEWORK.ZIP 1,9 Mt 27.03.2000 - - -
 Game of Work v1.1 by Hotpot Software. Work/scheme up the corporate ladder. Board game, slightly like Monopoly, for 2 to 6 players (computer or human) that takes a fun, irreverent look at the back-stabbing world of office politics. The game is simple to play, with some truly funny situations. Object is to work your way up the company ladder - using hard work, sound management judgment, and a little bit of deviousness. Windows 95/98/NT
46169 GEBLO10.ZIP 24,6 kt 12.04.2000 - - -
Geblo v1.0 Geblo on JavaScript-muunnos tutusta tammipelistä. Pelaaminen onnistuu kaikilla JavaScriptin versiota 1.1 tukevilla Internet- selaimilla. 
46170 GEN44E.ZIP 1,1 Mt 29.01.2001 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
The General  v4.4eIn The General you lead your country to a better tomorrow by agriculture, scientific research and warfare. While having primitive graphics, The General is still up to the mark, due to the relative simplicity of game controls, outstanding balance, strong computer AI and excellent multiplayer capacity. Win 9x, DirectX 3. Freeware. 
46171 GEN45B.ZIP 1,1 Mt 23.11.2001 - MBHH2002 -
The General 4.5b In The General you lead your country to a better tomorrow  by agriculture, scientific research and warfare. While having  primitive graphics, The General is still up to the mark, due  to the relative simplicity of game controls, outstanding  balance, strong computer AI and excellent multiplayer  capacity. Windows 95/98, DirectX 3. Freeware.   
46172 GENERALE.ZIP 1,6 Mt 10.04.2000 - - -
The General by Dmitri Gusarov. turn-by-turn military economic strategy. You will have to solve issues of economy, science and military politics. You are going to hire scientists, recruit soldiers and purchase generals. You can put most of your resources into science, or, alternatively, build a militarized state. Outstanding balance, strong computer AI and excellent multiplayer capacity, link/modem/network/ Internet. Windows 95/98, 800x600, DirectX. 
46173 GN150.ZIP 1010,8 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
Great Nations 1.5. - PC versio Civilization-tyyppinen moninpeliin suunniteltu strategiapeli. Suomalaisvalmisteinen. Muutoksia: parempi animointi, sarjaporttituki, taistelulaskenta, lisää grafiikkaa, tooltippejä, korjattuja ihmeitä, ynnä muuta. Windows 95.
46174 GO200016.ZIP 294,7 kt 10.04.2000 - - -
"Gomoku 2000 v1.6 by Flava PC version of the classic Japanese board/ strategy game. Its graphics are rather flat and it doesnt include honor roll or score keepingbut its free and plays very strongaggressive game. You alternate with your opponent PC in placing stones on a board. The objective is to create a line horizontallyverticallyor diagonally. Windows 95/98/NT "
46175 GOMOK11.ZIP 910,5 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
"Gomoku Pro 1.1!  Fun Strategy/Board game. Players place stones on the board one atfer another.The goal of the game is to place five stones in a row before the opponent. Sounds easy? I can tell you that it is harder than you might think. Gomoku is on the Olympic List of games. Its a cool game for all ages. Everybody enjoys this game! Shareware $20. Creator: AtomaxLtd."
46176 GRAVC100.ZIP 1,8 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
Gravitational Combat Genre: Strategy (Multiplayer Only) By. Oblivion. Fight against human players in the depths of space, calculating optimum angles and tweaking the velocity of your shots, always taking the gravitational forces of planetary constellations into consideration. High resolution graphics, True color, fully rendered graphics, multiplayer party action on a single compute, Fully customizable playing conditions. Windows 95/98. Free of charge. 
46177 GRAWEL52.ZIP 9,5 Mt 30.10.2002 - - -
Gravity Well 5.2Tutki lähiavaruutta, valloita planeettoja ja sodi vastustajiesi kanssa tässä avaruuten sijoittuvassa reaaliaikastrategiapelissä.
Shareware, 29,95. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.softwareengineering.com/
46178 GWELL40.ZIP 2,2 Mt 28.08.1997 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
Gravity Well v4.0 Shareware by SEI action/strategy game for Windows. Your goal is to expand your empire across a series of stars and planets. Three computer opponents with varying personalities aggressively compete with you for the same regions of space. Pentium, Win95, DirectX
46179 GWNE.ZIP 2,6 Mt 02.02.2000 - 9307/PSL Volume 7 Number 6.iso -
Gravity Wars Network Edition  Your task is to destroy your opponent by firing missiles in a turn based system. Once a missile is fired, its course is influenced by planets and blackholes that are on the map. In order to destroy your opponent, you will have to learn how to use planets and even black holes to your advantage. LAN and Internet multiplayer, TCP/IP. Windows 95/98.
46180 HOPLITES.ZIP 2,7 Mt 05.06.2000 - - -
"Hoplites v1.3.2 Totally free (and unofficial) computer card game based on the GMTs boardgame SPQR. Two armiesrepresented by different unit cardsface each other in battlefield. You as the commander must lead the unitsdecide what units enter the battle and lead them to victory. Excellent graphicsprofessional game. Windows 95/98800x600 resolutionVisual Basic 6 runtime files. "
46181 HORSMUSK.ZIP 2,1 Mt 29.12.1999 - - -
"Horse and Musket share ware demo. By Boku Strategy Games and Shrapnel Games. Fight an 18th century battle. Play against the computer in re-creating famous cavalry and infantry battles. This demo version depicts the opening moments of the Battle of Gross-Jagersdorfthe first meeting of the Prussian and Russian armies during the Seven YearsWar. Traditional computer hex game in which you identify units and move them with mouse clicks. Windows 95/98/NT."
46182 HW2-230.ZIP 5,6 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Hexx Wars II v2.30 by Mace Software board strategy game. fascinating and frustrating. play against the computer or another person. Play locally on one machine, play friends on a LAN, or play Internet games on ICQ. Networked games are supported with chat window to talk to your opponents during play. The objective of the game is to occupy more spots than your opponent. You move to adjacent spots, and any opponent spots that touch your location are captured. Windows 95 
46183 ICONQ2.ZIP 465,1 kt 26.11.1997 - MBCD -
Imperial Conquest 2 - war/strategy game based in the ancient Mediterranean , between 1 and 16 players can take part (on one computer). For Windows 95
46184 IRONSQ.ZIP 14,8 Mt 15.06.2002 - - -
IronSquad Joukkuepohjaista tai puhdasta yksi yhtä vastaan -reaaliaikastrategiaa verkon välityksellä. Huom! Pelaamista varten täytyy rekisteröityä pelin verkkosivuilla. 
46185 JAMZU101.ZIP 667,7 kt 21.05.1998 - MBCD -
Jamzu v1.01 brand-new and entirely original game of skill and chance, full of quick changes and fast-moving strategy. It is a game with a few simple rules, and with endless opportunities for tactical thinking, clever moves, and just plain great game play! With slight similarities with chess and checkers. Windows 95, High Color graphics, 486. Now totally FREE!
46186 JGONA3DB.ZIP 50,6 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
JAVA Gomoku (3d) v1.6 by Vladimir Shashin Extended version of Tic-Tac-Toe, played on an infinite board (use the keys "-" and "+" on your keyboard to change its size). The winner is the first player to get 5 spheres in a row, orthogonally or diagonally. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46187 JOUST95.ZIP 3 Mt 23.01.1999 - - -
JOUST 1.00 - Unique Win95 Strategy Game Joust is a head to head strategy game for Win95 presented with stunning graphics sound and animations. Move your knight around the board causing squares to fall to their doom while also trying to catch your nemesis. Players can play against each other, or against the computer in this fun and unique game of duleing knights.
46188 JS98.ZIP 29,2 kt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
Jätkän Shakki -98 !!!FREEWARE!!! Perinteinen Jätkänshakki. Kolme vaikeustasoa. Pelaa yksin tai kaverin kanssa. Minimi: Windows 95
46189 KCHESE35.ZIP 2,5 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
K-Chess Elite v3.5.0.3.  Loads of features for learners and experts alike. Lots of help and hints, on screen calculations, set time limits and playing strength, undo and redo moves, save and restore games in PGN and other formats, add comments to games, print games, set board to any layout, and more. Dozens of options to customise the appearance and operation of the game. Includes commented sample games. 16 and 32 bit versions.
46190 KONRAD10.ZIP 8,3 Mt 11.05.1999 - MBCD -
1945: Operation Konrad (V1.0) operational level wargame covering the German attempt to break the Soviet siege around Budapest in january 1945. Grognards and beginners alike will be challenged by the apparently simple, but well balanced situation. Fine graphics, clean interfaces, PBEM option, TCP/IP to play on-line on local network or through internet, produce a game that is easy, fast and entertaining. Win95 (C)KWD 1998
46191 LC123.A01 1,5 Mt 16.03.1999 - MBCD -
Legal Crime v1.2.3 2/7
46192 LC123.A02 1,5 Mt 16.03.1999 - MBCD -
Legal Crime v1.2.3 3/7
46193 LC123.A03 1,5 Mt 16.03.1999 - MBCD -
Legal Crime v1.2.3 4/7
46194 LC123.A04 1,5 Mt 16.03.1999 - MBCD -
Legal Crime v1.2.3 5/7
46195 LC123.A05 1,5 Mt 16.03.1999 - MBCD -
Legal Crime v1.2.3 6/7
46196 LC123.A06 1,4 Mt 16.03.1999 - MBCD -
Legal Crime v1.2.3 7/7
46197 LC123.ARJ 1,5 Mt 16.03.1999 - MBCD -
Legal Crime v1.2.3 1/7
46198 LC123.EXE 10,2 Mt 16.03.1999 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
Legal Crime v1.2.3 - Internet-pelattava reaaliaikainen strategiapeli. Kamppaile 1930-luvun Chigacon tyyppisessä kaupungissa vallasta ja rahasta Syndicate-tyyliin. SUOMALAISVALMISTEINEN! Vaatii: Windows 95/NT4.0, P100, 16 Mt, 14.4K modeemi. Shareware-versio, sisältää mm. aikarajoituksia. http://www.byteenchanters.com
46199 LCIT111A.ZIP 746,7 kt 24.05.1999 - MBCD -
LinCity v1.11 city/country simulation game. Freeware. Build and maintain a city in SimCity style.You must feed, house,provide jobs and goods for your residents.Build sustainable economy with help of renewable energy and recycling, or you can go for broke and build rockets to escape from pollution ridden starved planet. Windows 95
46200 LEADSOLD.ZIP 3,9 Mt 16.07.1998 - MBCD -
Lead Soldier - new, free, real-time computer game based on World War II strategy. Command your squad of soldiers in series of missions against the German occupation of mainland. Very nice, tactical oriented war game. IN DEVELOPMENT. Only computer opponent so far. Win95/NT 8 MB 1 MB gfx card 486/Pentium DirectX5
46201 LEGALC12.ZIP 10,1 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Legal Crime v1.2.3  Suomalaisvalmisteinen, Internetin kautta moninpelattava reaaliaikainen strategiapeli. Kamppaile 1930-luvun Chigacon tyyppisessä kaupungissa vallasta ja rahasta Syndicate-tyyliin. Vaatii: Windows 95/NT4.0, P100, 16 Mt, 14.4K modeemi. Shareware-versio, sisältää mm. aikarajoituksia. http://www.byteenchanters.com  
46202 LOMDEMO.ZIP 30,4 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Legend of Millennium demoLegend of Millennium is a strategy game based on the history of Korea around 500 B.C. when 3 kingdoms engage in a 600-year war. Only elite soldiers and leadership of brilliant general can conclude this miserable war. As a master general you must succeed tough battles. Pay much attention to controlling and managing soldiers and other generals. NOTE: The demo is in Korean, an English version should follow shortly. P200, 32MB, DirectX 7.0 
46203 LSN119.ZIP 10,3 Mt 08.10.2002 - - -
Laser Squad Nemesis v1.19  Laser Squadin ja X-Comin tekijöiden käsistä lähtöisin oleva strategiatoiminta, jonka pelaaminen tapahtuu sähköpostin välityksellä. Peliä voi pelata ilmaiseksi, mutta jos mielii haastaa vastustajia, se maksaa vähäiset $15/ puolen vuoden ajanjakso. 
46204 LSN201.ZIP 10,8 Mt 31.10.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Laser Squad Nemesis v2.01  Laser Squadin ja X-Comin tekijöiden käsistä lähtöisin oleva strategiatoiminta, jonka pelaaminen tapahtuu sähköpostin välityksellä. Peliä voi pelata ilmaiseksi, mutta jos mielii haastaa vastustajia, se maksaa vähäiset $15/ puolen vuoden ajanjakso. 
46205 MADGTW.ZIP 9,9 Mt 31.01.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 4 -
MAD - Global Thermonuclear Warfare demoSpace stations ring the earth. Nuclear arsenals are being amassed. Diplomacy has failed. Only one superpower can be victorious.... MAD is an arcade strategy game of apocalyptic proportions. Build up your bases, arm your satellites and research more and more powerful nukes as you attempt to outmaneuver a wily opponent. There are no prizes for second place - only total destruction of your enemy will guarantee success. P233, 32 MB. 
46206 MALAYA.ZIP 5,8 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
1942: Campaign For Malaya (Version 1.0) Operational level wargame covering the Japanese conquest of the Malaccan peninsula concluded by the capture of Singapore. Grognards and beginners alike will be challenged by the apparently simple, but well balanced situation; as the Japanse, will you be able to quickly capture Singapore ? Fine graphics, clean interfaces, PBEM, TCP/IP for LAN or Internet play. Win95/NT KWD 1999, http://www.imaginet.fr/~bbmagic/wp/index.htm
46207 MBRIT10.ZIP 2,7 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Medieval Britain 1.0Reaaliaikainen taktinen seikkailustrategia 1700-luvun Britanniassa yhdelle tai useammalle pelaajalle. Kahdeksan feudaalista sotaherraa yrittää vallata maan. Valmistaudu taisteluun laajentamalla talouttasi, ansaitsemalla rahaa, kouluttamalla sotilaita ja lähde lopulta sotaretkelle yhdistämään Britanniaa. P266, 48 Mt. 
46208 MILOCHES.ZIP 1,6 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Milos Chinese Chess v1.0 by Yip King Fung Free OpenGL edition of the Chinese version of the board game classic. It involves two playerseither of which can be human or computer-based. Features include a possible moves displaygame info with history of all movesback/forward buttonsand ability to change the camera view. Windows 9532 MB RAMPentium 100. OpenGL accelerator suggested."
46209 MJ97.ZIP 2,1 Mt 24.10.1998 renamed / versio 1.0 - -
MJ97 v1.0.6 by Minder Technology Ltd. full featured Mahjong implementation on Windows 95/NT. This implementation is based on the Hong Kong style. You can play with the computer players or with other real players on the network. The game is highly realistic with great features built-in. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
46210 MK98V161.ZIP 4,6 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Metal Knights 98 v1.61  Moninpelattava, vuoropohjainen online- strategiapeli. Peleissä aloitetaan pienestä valtakunnasta ja lähdetään laajentumaan ensin neutraalille alueelle, ja kun laajenemistila loppuu, on aika tarttua aseisiin. Vallattujen kaupunkien veroprosenttien avulla voi kaupunkeihin rakentaa tehtaita ja yliopistoja, joiden avulla voi kouluttaa parempia sotilaita. 
46212 MOBI173.ZIP 40,2 Mt 26.04.2002 - - -
"Mobility 1.73i Plan and build your own city and manage the inhabitantsmobility! Design an attractiveeconomically and ecologically sustainable environment for your citizens. Get to know alternative concepts and administer the local public transport network ... and just watch your city grow. Includes English manual in pdf format. "
46211 MOBI173U.ZIP 4,4 Mt 26.04.2002 - - -
Mobility update v1.73i Exchange of new savegames between LINUX<-> Windows possible, rare crash while calculating the pathes for the movements of the inhabitants fixed, building railways is more stable, while playing in MasterMode the game should not terminate if you have no more money, internal error-code "car ist keine Microöpnv" doesnnt terminate the game any more. 
46213 MOBILITY.ZIP 38,1 Mt 22.06.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 5 -
"Mobility v1.5 Genre: Strategy Developer: Mobility Online Plan and buildyour own city and manage its mobility! Design an attractiveeconomically successful and ecologically sound environment for its inhabitants. Just watch while your city grows and prospers. We wish you many hours of fun and success in the process! Sim City like game. Windows 9x48 MBDirectX. "
46214 MOBIMANU.ZIP 436 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
"Mobility PDF format manual. Developer: Mobility Online Plan and buildyour own city and manage it. "
46215 MODWAR15.ZIP 339,9 kt 03.05.2003 - - -
Modern Warfare 1.5Vuoropohjainen strategiapeli, jossa Yhdysvallat ja Kiina taistelevat Etelä-Korean hallinnasta.
Kokeiluversio, 14,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.datawaregames.com/
46216 OTHELLO2.ZIP 23,6 kt 16.02.2000 - - eritupla
OTHELLO v.2.0  Uudistunut versio Othellosta! Yksinkertainen lautapeli, peli on optimoitu uusille selaimille. V.1.0 virheet korjattu. Tekijä: Timo Boeck 2000 Täyttä Javaa!
46217 PIRATEI.ZIP 7,3 Mt 17.04.2002 - - -
Pirate Isles A player takes command over a crew of pirates involved in a treasure hunt. The aim is to capture more gold then your competitors and store it in your galleon. The gameplay is a combination of tactics and luck. The game creates a new island with treasures randomly each time you start a new match. The game will support up to four human players on a single computer in hotseat mode.  
46218 PISLES18.ZIP 6,8 Mt 02.04.2003 - - -
Pirate Isles v1.8 In this game, a player takes command over a crew of bold pirates involved in a treasure hunt. The aim is to capture more gold then your competitors and store it in your galleon. The gameplay is a unique combination of tactics and luck. The game creates a new island with treasures randomly each time you start a new match. You will be able to invite your friends and family to play with you. The game will support up to four human players on a single computer in hotseat mode. 
46219 PLUS600.ZIP 1,2 Mt 21.05.1999 - 9309/Windows 6-Pak (InfoMagic) (Disc 1) (1999).ISO -
Plus600 v6.06b by Serge Startsev Board strategy. Self-teaching game of draughts (similar to checkers) that you can play in English or Russian. You can select the initial level of difficulty and it will gradually learn how to play better and become an increasingly difficult opponent. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46220 PPLI2102.ZIP 2,8 Mt 17.05.2000 renamed archive.org -
Puupeli 2 v1.02 by Digital Dawn (c) 2000 Olet puunhakkaaja ja kaadat metsan puita maksaaksesi velkasi. Mutta riittavatko ruoka ja polttopuut? Enta rahat? Naputtelu/ toimintastrategia. Windows 9x, 800x600 resoluutio, Visual Basic 4 ajonaikaiset kirjastot, (MCI32.OCX) Puupeli 1 by idle productions (c) 1998 
46221 PRES2KD.ZIP 4 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
President 2000 demoPresident 2000 lets you run for the U.S. Presidency. You can run against up to three computer or human opponents. You can choose established contenders, or create your own candidate. Each turn displays newspaper headlines, and a strategy screen where you can meet with advisors, check the map, straighten out finances, or craft speeches. The game ends in the election itself. This demo restricts candidate and platform editing. Win 9x, DirectX. Shareware. 
46222 PROJ231E.ZIP 688,2 kt 25.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Project Brasil 2000 v2.31 (C) by Alex Pato Hoffmann The Ultimate Brazilian City Simulator now Faster and Better than Ever! You got to try to be re-elected the more times you can, trying to obtain 50% or more of popularity. For that you must run the city the best way you can. Houses, buildings, factories, schools and all! Control the zones, population density, pollution, deforestation, etc. Be careful with the floods! Windows 95
46223 PUUPELI.ZIP 887,9 kt 09.07.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Puupeli by idle Productionsj. Olet puunhakkaaja ja kaadat metsän puita elääksesi. Mutta riittävätkö ruoka ja polttopuut? Entä rahat? Naputtelu/ toimintastrategia. Windows 95, 800x600 resoluutio.
46224 PWARTEST.ZIP 1,9 Mt 14.06.1998 - 22662/JOYCD95_1.iso -
Private Wars - testiversio. Private Wars on toimintapainotteinen strategiapeli, joka loistaa suht näyttävällä grafiikalla ja hieman bugisella toteutuksellaan, ei tosin ihmekkään, koska onhan kyseessä vasta testiversio. Vaatii: P233, 32mt ja Win95.
46225 PWME30.ZIP 6,6 Mt 15.06.2002 - - -
Pacific War: Matrix Edition v3.0 Pacific War: Matrix Edition is our make over of Gary Grigsby wargame classic Pacific War. Major changes have been made including the Order of Battle changes, new features and bug fixes. Pacific War is a free release. 
46226 r3d106.ZIP 2,4 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
Rail3D v1.06 demoRail3D is a Railway Simulator. Build tracks, set up points and signals.  Run trains, set routes and timetables.  Make the trains stop, reverse and shunt. All to prototype practices. Rail3D aims to simulate operation of a railway with hundreds of trains moving over hundreds of track miles. Several hundred different types of locomotive and stock are now available including Diesel, Electric and Steam power, Standard and Narrow Gauge, Trains and Trams. 
46227 R3D111.ZIP 2,5 Mt 21.03.2002 - - -
Rail3D v1.11Rail3D is a Railway Simulator. Build tracks, set up points and signals.  Run trains, set routes and timetables.  Make the trains stop, reverse and shunt. All to prototype practices. Rail3D aims to simulate operation of a railway with hundreds of trains moving over hundreds of track miles. Several hundred different types of locomotive and stock are now available including Diesel, Electric and Steam power, Standard and Narrow Gauge, Trains and Trams.
 ----  HUOM! Swarm Rampagea etsiville tiedoksi: MikroBitin numerossa 6-7/2002 oli painovirheen vuoksi väärä tiedostonimi. Rampagen oikea tiedostonimi on SWRMRMPG.ZIP ----
46228 R3D116.ZIP 972,9 kt 17.12.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Rail3D v1.16 Rail3D is a Railway Simulator. Build tracks, set up points and signals. Run trains, set routes and timetables. Make the trains stop, reverse and shunt. All to prototype practices. Rail3D aims to simulate operation of a railway with hundreds of trains moving over hundreds of track miles. Several hundred different types of locomotive and stock are now available including Diesel, Electric and Steam power, Standard and Narrow Gauge, Trains and Trams. 
46229 REBDEC.ZIP 690224 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
REBEL DECADE v1.2 Chess-Playing & Database
program for Windows. Upgraded from Rebel 1.1.
46230 REID0804.ZIP 10,7 Mt 16.08.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Rail Empires: Iron Dragon v0804 Lautapelikäännös suosituista Empire Builder-rautatiepeleistä. Rakenna rataverkostoa fantasiamaailmassa ja koeta luoda vahva taloudellinen imperiumi, samalla kilpaillen toisten bisnesmogulien kanssa. Yksin- ja moninpeli sekä online-moninpeli. Rajoitettu demo. Konevaatimus: P60, 32 Mt. 
46231 REVEMAST.ZIP 436 kt 15.12.1998 - MBCD -
ReverMaster 3000 v3.7 by Mihasoft Company Reversi is an interesting Japanese board game It ages back more than 800 years! If you have ever played checkers or chess then this game would be very pleasant for you. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46232 RTDEMO.ZIP 6,3 Mt 01.03.2000 - - -
 Red Thunder demo by EdenSoft. World War II operational-level strategy game. The historical setup is Operation Bagration, the Soviet offensive which, in the summer of 1944, destroyed the German Army Group Center, liberated Byelorussia and pushed the front line into eastern Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The battle area is enormous and generally well suited for breakthroughs, counterattacks and encirclements. Rapid, blitzkrieg type turn based war. Win95/98
46233 RVRSME.ZIP 885 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
ReverseMe v1.0beta by HasteCK Test your strategic skills with ReverseMe. Reverse boardgame. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46234 SAIIS.ZIP 4,7 Mt 17.02.2002 - - -
Strange Adventures in Infinite Space Over 100 years have passed since the colonists first arrived at Hope. It is a new beginning of deep space exploration. Technology has improved and mankind is no longer dependent on slow cryoships and robot probes. The demo contains eight ship types; 29 different types of weapons, drives, shields, gadgets and artifacts; six alien lifeforms; 17 different planet and star types; and two unique alien races. P350, 32 MB. 
46235 SANCT125.ZIP 17,7 Mt 27.07.2002 - - -
Sanctum 1.25.3  Virtuaalinen keräilykorttipeli kahden velhon taistelusta. Peruspelin mukana tulee 60 kortin pakka, joita voi ostaa lisää tai vaihdella muiden pelaajien kanssa Sanctumin nettisivuilla. Sanctumia voi pelata ainoastaan kahden pelaajan voimin verkon välityksellä. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.playsanctum.com/ 
46236 SCBIN111.ZIP 173,2 kt 10.04.2000 - - -
Star Chess Neat little space strategy game written by Christoph Nahr. While playing a few games of Star Chess may be an enjoyable experience in its own right, the game was not written with the intention to compete with real space strategy games such as Stars! or Master of Orion II. You can conquer space, colonize planets and play against 3 computer players. Windows 3.1/95/98, Pentium, 16 MB. Free. Includes complete source code. 
46237 SCETD.ZIP 26,2 Mt 16.06.2002 - - -
Strategic Command: European Theater A WWII Grand Strategy at its best. As the supreme commander of the Axis or Allied forces, the player shapes the fates of the nations at war during the Second World War in Europe. Political options, research and upgrade of equipment, management of supply and resources and the strategic employment of armed forces are the keys to success. 
46238 SE3V117.ZIP 2,7 Mt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
Space Empires III: Space Strategy Game v1.17 Massive universe with custom ship design and AIs with unique personalities. Engage in Research, Intelligence Ops, Politics, Treaties, and Tactical or Strategic Combat. Special units such as mines, troops and fighters. Draw your own ship pictures! Customizable Game Setup. For Win95.
46239 SEAWAR2.ZIP 3,2 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
"Sea War v2.2 Battleship clone game. You can play against both a computer and a human (at the same computerby local network or Internet). The game has simple and intuitive interface and many options (5 levels of play2 languagessound options etc.). You can develop your ownskinswith a Free Skin Development Kitwhich can be downloaded from the authors site. Windows 95/98 "
46240 SENTR109.ZIP 1,1 Mt 23.02.2000 - 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar -
Sentry v1.09 by Emmanuel Icart The Sentinel clone. A Sentry is a kind of robot fixed on particular cell of the level landscape. It slowly rotates and scans for any abnormal event in the level. Once it has found a target, it attacks it by absorbing its energy. Your mission consists in escaping of this particular world. Complete levels by moving to the top of the level and absorb Sentry itself. Puzzle/action/3D.
46241 SETUPTI.ZIP 4,4 Mt 06.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Treasure Island Shareware From CarrSoft Requires: 8MBWin95800x600 res Turn based strategy game ofcapture the flag idea with treasure hunting.Build and develop your team before each expedition in the new college sport of treasure hunting. The second one is to develop the appropriate strategy and tactics for each of the unique expeditions. Contains elements of real-time and turn-based strategy games."
46242 SF1-144.ZIP 400,9 kt 15.12.1999 - - -
Strike Force One v1.4.4. simple introductory wargame including an AI opponent. Ideal both for the complete beginner who wants to find out more about the hobby, and for experienced gamers who want to try out the user interface that is common across all OTOPIA wargames. The game consists of a single scenario simulating hypothetical attack by Soviet forces on Nato positions in Germany. Small, fast to play. Windows 95
46244 SIEGE.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.10.2002 - MBHH2003 -
"Siege Siege blends the strategy and puzzle game genres to create something exceptionally unique. Using 1 of 6 generals you war with eachother with 20 unit types. These units aresummonedby making patterns in the puzzle grid. Freeware. "
46243 SIEGEV22.ZIP 450,4 kt 21.05.1999 - 18113/WF0698_2.ISO -
Siege & Capture v2.2 Board strategy. High quality 2 player internet game. Based off the classic game Stratego. Players move secialized pieces consisting of Generals, Scouts, Marshals and a slew of other pieces. Aim is to capture enemy flag or destroy his army. NO SINGLE PLAYER MODE. Multiplayer TCP/IP only. Windows 95/NT 486 DirectX 4MB
46245 SIMWI762.ZIP 788,8 kt 18.01.2001 - - -
Simutrans v0.762 - Windows SimCity-tyyppinen rakentelupeli, jossa rakennetaan kuljetusjärjestelmiä, ihmisille ja rahtiliikenteelle. Sisältää myös suomenkielen. Kaukaisesti myös Transport Tycoon-tyyppinen. Pentium 200, 32 Mt. 
46246 SIRBOMB.ZIP 1,7 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
Sir Bombalot v1.0 by Opiate Software Chess/strategy. Clever new interactive Chess game for one or two players. It features original game pieces with unconventional movement rules and cool effects that add to the strategy challenge. Take on an adjustable-difficulty computer AI opponent, go heads-up locally, or play remote matches via Internet or on the Opiate World game server. DirectX 5 or higher and Windows 95 or Windows 98
46247 SMUGGLER.EXE 4,7 Mt 01.04.2001 - - -
Smugglers 1.1Smugglers on strategiapeli, jossa samoat
avaruuden kauppareittejä ja yrität tehdä
mahdollisimman paljon rahaa.
46248 SOLARW10.ZIP 2,1 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
Solar Wars v1.0Solar Wars is a turn-based space strategy game, based in a distant solar system, with up to thirty orbiting planets. Starting with your home world, build up your ships and strategy. Scout out nearby worlds, send fleets of ships to attack or send annihilation bombs. Destroy opponents by setting hidden proximity bombs or pulse bombs. Play in single player mode, with computer opponents, or multiplayer mode, over the Internet. Windows 9x. Shareware. 
46249 SOLARW12.ZIP 2,2 Mt 23.11.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Solar Wars 1.20Solar Wars is a turn-based space strategy game, based in a  distant solar system, with up to thirty orbiting planets.  Starting with your home world, build up your ships and  strategy. Scout out nearby worlds, send fleets of ships to  attack or send annihilation bombs. Destroy opponents by  setting hidden proximity bombs or pulse bombs. Play in  single player mode, with computer opponents, or  multiplayer mode, over the Internet. Windows 95/98. Freeware.   
46250 SOLVEN4.ZIP 1,3 Mt 08.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Solar Vengeance 4.0 Real-time strategy game of galactic conquest. Basic hidden-movement game of interstellar war, pitting you against the computer. You start with a capital star system within a 100-by-100-square grid sector of space. Play is conducted from tactical and strategic representations of the sector.Build starships fortify shields and armaments, and make war. Windows 95/98 NT Dion Kurczek Silicon Commander Games http://www.silicmdr.com
46251 SOWAR124.ZIP 2,1 Mt 27.06.2002 - - -
Solar Wars 1.24 Solar Wars on yhden tai useamman pelaajan avaruustaistelupeli, jossa mitellään yhden aurinkokunnan hallinnasta. Aurinkoa voi kiertää jopa 30 planeettaa, joista pelaajilla on alussa hallussaan yksi. Jokainen planeetta tuottaa tietyn määrän aluksia, joilla valtakuntaansa voi laajentaa. Pelaajilla on rajoitetusti myös pommeja, jotka pistävät suurenkin laivaston litteäksi kertarytinällä.  Kokeiluversio. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://members.bellatlantic.net/~jme69/solarwars.htm 
46252 SPACEM10.ZIP 254,7 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Space Monopoly v1.0 by David Vivash Board game in which you try to collect squares near certain board symbols to create companies. You then can buy and sell stock. If you get the right combinations you can make money, lots of it. You start the game with œ6000, and when companies are created you can buy shares in them. The game can be played with as many people as you want, but two to four is recommended. Windows 95
46253 SPWAW44F.ZIP 332,4 Mt 30.10.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War v4.4Versio 4.4, täysi asennus. Steel Panthersiin pohjautuva täysin ilmainen Toisen Maailmansodan sotastrategia. Erittäin paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksikköjä, maastoja, aseita, kalustoa, tehtäviä, kampanjoita ja niin edelleen. Nyt myös TCP/IP-moninpeli. CD:lle poltettava ja/tai erikseen asennettava täysversio. Windows 9x, Pentium. 
46254 SPWAW45F.ZIP 332,5 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War v4.5 fullTäysi asennus. Steel Panthersiin pohjautuva täysin ilmainen Toisen Maailmansodan sotastrategia. Erittäin paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksikköjä, maastoja, aseita, kalustoa, tehtäviä, kampanjoita ja niin edelleen. CD:lle poltettava ja/tai erikseen asennettava täysversio. Nyt myös TCP/IP-moninpeli. Windows 9x, Pentium.  
46255 SPWAW4M.ZIP 2 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War v4.0ohjekirja. PDF-muodossa.
46256 SPWAW4SF.ZIP 863,9 kt 18.09.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War v4.0suomenkieli.
46257 SPWAW4U.EXE 136,5 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War v4.0päivitys versioista 2.x ja 3.x.
46258 SPWAW61F.ZIP 392,4 Mt 29.09.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World At War v6.1 fullIlmainen toisen maailmansodan sotastrategia, joka pohjautuu Gary Grigsbyn Steel Panthersiin. Todella paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksiköitä, aseita, maastoja, kampanjoita, skenaarioita ja niin edelleen. Aiempaa parempi realismi ja pelattavuus. Sisältää CD:lle poltettavan ja/tai suoraan asennettavan kokoversion v5.01 ja siitä päivitykset versioon 6.1. 
46259 SPWAWCOV.ZIP 1,6 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War v4.0CD-kotelon/levyn kuoret.
46261 SPWW2-V3.ZIP 27,5 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers:World War II v3. Ilmainen strategiapeli. Vaatii SP2 tai SP3. Tekijä By SP Camo Workshop. Sisältää 22 skenariota, pitkiä kampanjoita kuudelle valtiolle ja kaksi erityistä kampanjaa. Lisäksi sisältää tukun uusia karttoja joita voit käyttää uusien skenaarioiden kehittämiseen. 
46260 SPWW25.ZIP 50,7 Mt 14.12.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers World War 2 v5  Toiseen Maailmansotaan sijoittuva sotapeli, joka perustuu Steel Panther 2 - Modern Battlesiin.  
46262 ST11W95.ZIP 3,3 Mt 24.03.1997 - MBCD -
Star Trek for Windows 95 Star Trek for Windows is a strategy game that has a long history. There has been a Star Trek game ever since the show became popular. This particular version has its own history. This has all your favorite parts from the original Star Trek, plus visiting solar systems, talking with alien races, a Klingon Starbase, and more! Windows 95
46263 STALO110.ZIP 6,1 Mt 27.08.2002 - - -
Star Lords Imperial Order 1.10 Monipuolista ja monimutkaista avaruuden valloitusta Master of Orion -pelien hengessä. Shareware, 30 USD. Windows 95/98/Me. http://www.starlords.net/  
46264 STARK041.ZIP 9,4 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
"StarKnights v0.41StarKnights is a space strategy game in which you command a fleet of spacecraft on missions in various computer-generated Universes. There are a number of different races to playalong with numerous systems and planets to inhabitwhere youre able to build shipstrade resourcesand negotiate peace with enemies. The game includes a multiplayer option over the Internet. Pentium 133Windows 9x3D accelerator card30 MB. Beta-version demo. "
46265 STARSC10.ZIP 34,6 Mt 29.04.2003 - - -
Starscape 1.0Korjaa ja aseista vieraaseen ulottuvuuteen haaksirikkoutunut avaruusasema, kerää resursseja ja taistele muukalaisrotua vastaan tässä varsin toiminnallisessa resurssienhallintapelissä.
Kokeiluversio, 24,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.moonpod.com/
46266 SUDETEN.ZIP 403,3 kt 15.03.2000 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
 Sudetenland v1.0 strategy wargame.  Boardgame style, operational level,  DOS game covering a German attack on  Czechoslovakia in 1938.  Needs 286  CPU (386 or faster recommended), 4MB  RAM, VGA, 4MB disk space.  Mouse  optional.  Shareware ($28).   Forgotten Fronts Simulations.
46267 SV3.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - MBCD -
"Solar Vengeance 3 Space strategy. Expand your territory at the expense of your neighboring Lords. The Empire has just been crushedand the nearby independent Worlds are ripe for the picking. You must guard your Capital StarSystem while you expand your territoryand ultimately conquer your enemiesCapitals. Windows 95/NT - 486/66 - 8 Mb"
46268 SWRMASLT.ZIP 5,4 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Swarm Assault v1.01 Control insects fighting for domination. Real time strategy game in which you control huge armies of ants, beetles, spiders, scorpions, and wasps in a desperate attempt to dominate the landscape. With superb graphics and sound, it has all the makings of a great game. You start on easy training levels and move on to harder levels. Windows 95/98, DirectX 6.0, P120
46269 SWRMRMPG.ZIP 4,1 Mt 01.05.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Swarm Rampage Puutarhan pikku itikat ottavat yhteen tässä simppelissä mutta viihdyttävässä reaaliaikastrategiassa. Shareware, $20. 
46270 TABLETUM.ZIP 2,3 Mt 10.11.1999 - - -
Tabula Letum Play a chess-type strategy game. Game of two opposing forces, one dark and one light. The king is bigger than the rest of the pieces and sits on his throne (the shaded square in the middle of the board). The object of the game is to move the king from his throne to one of the four shaded corner squares without having him killed by his attackers. 1/2 player TCP/IP multiplayer. DirectX 5.0 or greater and Windows 95, 98
46271 TACOPS3.ZIP 5,2 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
TacOps 3.0.0am This is the first chance to get a look at the new features that have been added to one of the most revered cornerstones of wargaming! Modern Tactical Combat. Command US armed forces in modern day combat situation. Top viewed, extremerely realistic combat strategy simulation, also used by US Army in officer training. Windows 95/98/NT, 486, 6 MB. 
46272 TAO2-23.ZIP 7,1 Mt 01.03.2000 - - -
 The Ardennes Offensive v2.3.0. FREE DOWNLOAD. FULL GAME. Publisher: SSG. World War II turn based strategy game. Setting: winter 1944/45 when German army launches their last offensive in the west, "Watch am Rhein". Excellent, highly decorated wargame for 1/2 players. This game uses the improvements that were intended for TAO sequel, Korsun Pocket. Unfortunately it looks unlikely to ever appear so the enhancements were used in
46273 TAO240.ZIP 7,7 Mt 31.05.2001 - MBHH2003 -
The Ardennes Offensive v2.40 World War II turn based strategy game. Setting:  winter 1944/45 when German army launches their  last offensive in the west, "Watch am Rhein".  Excellent, highly decorated wargame for 1/2  players. This game uses the improvements that  were intended for TAO sequel, Korsun Pocket. 
46274 TGL.ZIP 5,3 Mt 29.01.2001 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
The Good Life The Good Life takes place in a fantasy setting where you have to lead your people to "The Good Life". Demons and fairies stand in your way by weakening and destroying your buildings. The Good Life is really three related mini-games. As you win each mini-game, you\'re presented with a new one, and the next step in the story. The game autosaves after you complete each game, so you don\'t have to finish it all at once. PIII, Win 9x, 64 MB. Freeware. 
46275 TME-015.ZIP 1,9 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
"The Midnight Engine: Lords of Midnight scenario. By Chris Wild and Mike Singleton Retro remake of the legendary first person roleplaying game of the 80s. Adventure in the land of Midnightfind allies and enemiesform alliances and fight the forces of Doomdark. My primary goal is to bring the game to the Windowsadd few 90s niceties and give the ability to make new/enhanced games using same engine. www.icemark.com/winlom99/ Windows 95DirectX "
46276 TOS14.ZIP 8,4 Mt 08.12.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Titans of Steel 1.4  Taktinen BattleMech-tyylinen strategiapeli. Rakenna omia jopa 200 tonnia painavia Titan-taistelukoneitasi, kokoa  palkkasoturiryhmä ja vie ne taisteluun. Vuoropohjainen  ylhäältä kuvattu heksapeli. Tukee yksin- ja moninpeliä  hotseat/LAN/Internet. Mukana myös suomenkielinen ohjekirja. Ilmainen.  
46277 TURM003.ZIP 493,6 kt 30.12.1999 - - -
Turmoil - Battle of the Wizards v 0.0003. Classic retro remake of game Chaos, by BDan Condon-Jones. Original game by Julian Gollop. This is an early peep at my attempt at converting The Spectrum classic. Turn based fantasy war/magic combat game. Windows 95/98, Highcolour or Truecolour screen setting with 800×600 pixels. http://www.retrospec.co.uk
46278 TZCOLONY.ZIP 1,4 Mt 11.03.1998 - MBCD -
TZ-Colony v1.01 INT - M.U.L.E. clone! Colonize the planet Irata with up to four players at the same time! Quick reactions and complex strategies lead to victory in this highly elaborated simulation of a self-supporting group of planeteers. Joystick strongly recommended! Registration: 25 US $.
46279 UPOTUS12.ZIP 67,2 kt 11.03.2003 - zak.fi -
Upotus v1.2Freeware (8.7.2002) Laivanupotuspeli lisäherkuilla: parhaiden tulosten lista ja näppärästi strategiaansa vaihteleva tietokonevastustaja. Haastetta ja vastusta riittää takuuvarmasti! Vaatimukset: Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP, Pentium tai tehokkaampi, 16 Mt keskusmuistia, 1 Mt levytilaa, näytön resoluutio 640 x 480 ja 16-bittiset värit. Vaatii myös tiedoston MSVBVM60.DLL. Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Webdesign Mika Salonen, www.mikasalonen.com
46280 VALTIO10.ZIP 440,2 kt 24.02.1998 - - -
Valtio Sodat v1.0 -Pelin tarkoitus on tuhota toisen valtio linnake.Peli vaatii toimiakseen Win95:n tai vastaavan ja VB40032.DLL:n.ILMAINEN.
46283 WAR_V20.ZIP 143,3 kt 25.02.2001 - #anonyymi -
Wargame v2.0 Strategiapeli, jossa yrität valloittaa naapurimaita. Karttaeditorilla voi tehdä omia skenaarioita. Freeware.     
46281 WAR99C.ZIP 1,7 Mt 19.08.1997 - MBCD -
WarHeads Shareware Totalplay / Ionos - turn based artillery game where different space ships try to blow each other up. The action takes place on different planets, each with its own mass and gravity. Each ship is equipped with a massive array of weapons and defenses to aid in the battle. Features include: 60 FPS, 30 different weapons (in shareware); 60 in full version, Real-time lighting, shadows, and smoke effects, Digital MOD music, Free Internet play and more. Req. Pentium 8 MB SVGA Win95 Direct-X
46282 WARGAME2.ZIP 143,3 kt 25.02.2001 - - -
Wargame 2.0Strategiapeli, jossa yrität valloittaa naapurimaita. Karttaeditorilla voi tehdä omia skenaarioita. Freeware.     
46284 WDK2KDE.ZIP 7,8 Mt 12.04.2000 - - -
Armies of Armageddon: WDK 2K demo Miniatures-based, strategy game with the emphasis on strategy. Through deceivingly simple game play, players must coordinate individual troops, machines and vehicles into formidable assault while being wary of falling ceilings, lethal terrain, leaving trails, surprise attacks and a barrage of fire from the enemy. Science fiction futuristic combat. LAN/INternet multiplayer. Windows 95/98, DirectX, 
46285 WDKDEMO.ZIP 7,9 Mt 10.11.1999 - - -
Armies of Armageddon - WDK Series 1 demo By Battlefront.com. Heavily strategic, turn based war game. Each side has squad to small army-sized force of individual troops, mechanized walkers, vehicles and skimmers doing battle on large, detailed fields filled with rivers, swamps, forests and cityscapes. Strategies and tactics required to handle varied landscapes are endless. 1/2 players & PBEM multiplayer. Windows 95.
46287 WINWR240.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
WinWar II v4.0 WinWar on Toiseen Maailmansotaan sijoittuva strategiapeli, jossa voidaan pelata millä tahansa sodan osapuolella. Pelkällä taistelemisella ei pitkälle pötkitä, vaan resurssien hallinta on oleellisessa osassa. Pelissä ei ole erillisiä vuoroja, vaan se pyörii jatkuvasti eteenpäin. 
46288 WIRMP32.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.12.2002 - - -
War in Russia: The Matrix Project v3.2 Alunperin 1993 SSI:n julkaisema klassinen sotastrategia uusitussa kuosissa. Matrix Games on ohjelmoinut pelin sisukset uusiksi, korjaten bugeja, lisSten uusia ominaisuuksia jne. 
46289 WMAJ226.ZIP 224,3 kt 05.11.1998 - - -
Touzai-Mahjong v2.26 by Junichi Saitoh Japanese Mahjong. It is diferent the more common game. It is more complex, difficult but very exciting. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46290 WORLDEV.ZIP 5,8 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
World Empire V  World Empire is similar to strategy board games like Risk. Each player is given countries that strongly support his/her "ideology." A player must occupy each unfriendly country that is conquered with a sufficient amount of armies or there could be a revolution! The demo contains one computer general and the CyberWar client.  
46291 YWANKOPE.ZIP 2,3 Mt 04.10.1999 - - -
ywang OPEKI by Wang Yin Chung Version of Othello that you can play against an Internet opponent. Find a friend who also has the software, then connect to the Internet and determine your DNS address and port. Send an instant message to your opponent and exchange port/address information. Then play your game. A chat window appears next to the game board for comments as you play. Internet connection, VB 5.0 runtime modules, Windows 95.
46292 ZNAV10.EXE 2,1 Mt 21.01.2002 - #hyrava -
Navy 1.0Laivanupotuspeli. Tämä ilmainen peli on luotu 
vanhan laivanupotus-lautapelin pohjalta. Voit 
pelata sitä ystäväsi kanssa tai yksin 
tietokonetta vastaan.
Pelissä tarkoituksena on saada upotettua 
vastustajan laivasto, joka koostuu torpedoveneistä, tuhoajista, taistelulaivoista ja lentotukialuksista.
Ohjelman asetuksista voit muuttaa pelin nopeutta sekä valita käytetäänkö pelissä animaatioita ja ääniä.
47214 FORGE11.ZIP 2,3 Mt 14.11.2000 - 23172/Gamestar_25_2000-12_cd1.bin -
The Forge version 1.1 freeware by Ville Mönkkönen A 3d gladiator fight filled with shiny armours and sharp swords. High quality graphics & very fast code provides tons of bloody and memorable moments. One player. Improved: Bugs fixed, T&L. At least celeron 300. Windows 9x, direct3d, directx7. 
47215 RAGE056.ZIP 16,6 Mt 07.05.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 -
The Rage 0.56  The Rage on kunnollista 3D-arcade action -mätkintää vanhan kunnon Double Dragonin tyyliin. Mahdollisuus nelinpeliin. P200, 32 MB. Tukee D3D. 
47216 ROBOFGED.ZIP 30,4 Mt 03.07.2001 - - -
Roboforge  Roboforgessa voit rakentaa pajassasi jättiläismäisiä robottigladiaattoreita ja kouluttaa niitä ajattelemaan ja taistelemaan massiivisissa kansainvälisissä turnajaisissa. 
46293 1GOW2289.ZIP 6,1 Mt 20.05.2003 - - -
1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLife v.2.8.9Warkanoid II features the perfect combination of classical Arkanoid/Breakout principles and up-to-date computer technologies that will become your enjoyment source for a long time.  Warkanoid II is shareware, reg. fee is $19.95 Requires P166MMX or higher, 32MB RAM, DirectX. Developed by KraiSoft Entertainment.
46294 1GOW3SB.ZIP 3,6 Mt 20.05.2003 - - -
1st Go Warkanoid III: Story-book The game is based on the classical Arkanoid/Breakout idea: There is a mosaic picture made of colorful bricks at the top of the gamefield, and your object is to destroy all the bricks by hitting them with a bouncing ball. Shareware, $20.
47217 1GOWAR2.ZIP 5,8 Mt 30.04.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
1st Go Warkanoid II: WildLifeWarkanoid II features the perfect combination of classical Arkanoid/Breakout principles and up-to-date computer technologies that will become your enjoyment source for a long time.  Warkanoid II is shareware, reg. fee is $19.95 Requires P166MMX or higher, 32MB RAM, DirectX. Developed by KraiSoft Entertainment.
47218 32SB12.ZIP 1,1 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
 3D Spinball v1.2 by UltiSoft. action-arcade game similar to Pong, but with four paddles instead of two - one on each edge of the screen. Move the top and bottom paddles by moving your mouse left and right; the left and right paddles move when you push the mouse up or down. Juggle the ball among your four paddles and destroy any obstacles in the play area: blocks, floating balls, walls, and others. Windows 95, 98, or NT
47219 3DBL2000.ZIP 670,3 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
"3D Blocks 2000 for Windows 9598 and NT Ultimate among the Tetris-like 3D games. Amazing construction kit with preinstalled 10 fully functional semi-classic true 3D game with fresh variations. You can satisfy your need for training of spacial imaginationquick reaction and color sense. Strategic planning is necessary for your successbut dont too difficult to be tiresome. You can construct new fully 3D games from the scratch. "
47220 3DBLO12.ZIP 682,3 kt 03.12.1999 - - -
"3D Blocks 1.2 for Windows 9598 and NT Ultimate among the Tetris-like 3D games. Amazing construction kit with preinstalled 10 fully functional semi-classic true 3D game with fresh variations. You can satisfy your need for training of spacial imaginationquick reaction and color sense. Strategic planning is necessary for your successbut dont too difficult to be tiresome. You can construct new fully 3D games from the scratch. Support for 3D"
47221 3DFRG111.ZIP 3,6 Mt 23.09.1999 ClamAV: Win.Adware.Timesink-1 FOUND MBCD -
3D Frog Man v1.11 by eGames, Inc. / Webfoot Snappy arcade game that contains echoes of those two arcade stalwarts, Frogger and Pacman. Guide Frog Man around a series of paths through a lake, gobbling worms and insects while avoiding ghosts. Like all good frogs, Frog Man can leap to avoid head-on collisions. He can also chomp down power-ups that will allow him to turn tables - temporarily - on the ghosts. Lively 3D graphics. Win95, P200, 32MB, DX5.
47222 3DMRBALL.ZIP 843,7 kt 19.04.2000 - 23452/Computerworld_2000-05_cd.bin -
3D Mr. Ball by Lomax Productions. Arcade/puzzle game. Remove all fields/stones in the level with the help of Mr. Ball. Some fields are removed when Mr. Ball is running over them. Other ones can hold Mr. Ball more often ... But if Mr. Ball makes a step into the void he is lost! There are fields with many different Functions. Windows 95/98, P166, 32 MB & Direct3D card. 
47223 3DSPRYJN.ZIP 847,7 kt 15.10.2000 - - -
"3D Spryjinx v0.97You must hop between blocks to change their
color before they fall into a sea of lava in
nine levelsall strewn with powerups. You
score points for each block sunk that was
your color. If youre caught on a block as
its engulfedyoull lose a life. You win by
having the highest score at the end of the
levelor if your enemy loses all lives.
P 200Win 9x. Freeware."
47224 3DTRIX.ZIP 4,7 Mt 24.01.2000 - - -
TRIX, version 2.0  Copyright(c) Broglio Productions 1999 http://www.broglioprod.com It is a nice Tetris like game that runs under Windows 95/98 and needs the DirectX 5+.
47225 3RDBLO.ZIP 486,3 kt 06.08.1999 - - -
3rd block II Shareware version 2.0 3rd block is an exciting action and logic game. Throughout the game, one, two, three or more (up to 7, depended on skin you have chosen) blocks line and angles of various colors fall from the top to the bottom of the playing area. When the blocks form a solid row of three or more blocks across the playing area, that row vanishes. System requirements : Windows 95/98/NT4.0 Author : Alexander V. Gashkov snus@xdsoft.com
46304 4DPOP.ZIP 606,6 kt 25.03.2004 - - -
4D Prince of Persia An unofficial reworking of the original Prince of Persia game by Jordan Mechner. The levels have been rebuilt and made tougher. You have to save the princess from the clutches of the evil Jaffar who has given her 60 minutes to marry him or die.
60293 95CHRY41.ZIP 364843 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
CHERRY DELIGHT Video Slots V4.1 A Slot
Machine Game for Windows 95  This isn't your
grandmother's slot machine!  This is a nine
wheel video slot machine with 8 pay lines.
Also has bonus spins and a progressive bonus
pool.  See the beautiful graphics and
animation!  Requires VB40032.DLL (not in .ZIP
60294 95DYNA41.ZIP 374327 27.05.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_3.ISO -
Machine Game for Windows 95  This isn't your
grandmother's slot machine!  This is a nine
wheel video slot machine with 8 pay lines.
Also has bonus spins, "wild card" symbol, and
a pro- gressive bonus pool.  See the
beautiful graphics and animation for
yourself! Requires VB40032.DLL (not in .ZIP
60295 95ESCAPE.ZIP 1481956 24.11.1996 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
Moraff's Escapade is a super-high-quality
animated arcade/logic game for Windows! You
run around picking up pieces of the 30
screens and rearranging them!
60296 95EXTR12.ZIP 700515 21.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
EXTREME SLOTS 95 v1.2 Windows 95 Slot Machine
Game. Three slot machine games in one
STRIPES slots). 256 color graphics and funny
sounds. Beautiful spinning animation.
Requires VB40032.DLL
40989 95JACK11.ZIP 548585 27.05.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
JACKPOT SLOTS v1.1 (Windows 95) Windows 95
Slot Machine Game  Three slot machine games
TREASURE CHEST SLOTS).  256 color graphics
and funny sounds.  Beautiful spinning
animation.  Requires VB40032.DLL (not in .ZIP
60299 95LUCK41.ZIP 357893 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
LUCKY STARS Video Slots V4.1 A Slot Machine
Game for Windows 95  This isn't your
grandmother's slot machine! This is a nine
wheel video slot machine with 8 pay lines.
Also has bonus spins, "wild card" symbol, and
a progressive bonus pool.  See the beautiful
graphics and animation for yourself! Requires
VB40032.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
40993 95STGN11.ZIP 528854 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
SLOTS of TRIVIA v1.1 (General Version) Slot
Machine and Trivia Game for Win95  It's both
a slot machine game and a trivia game.
Answer questions to collect your winning
spins.  Also has a slot-only mode.  Great
graphics and sounds.  Requires VB40032.DLL
(not in .ZIP file)
40995 95UBLAS4.ZIP 1240120 24.11.1996 - 1867/10tonsofgamesmegacollection1internationalsoftwarevalues1997.iso -
*WIN95*MoraffWare-BestBreakout! CoolSound4.4
16 MILLION COLOR GAME!!! Moraff's Ultra Blast
is a super-high-quality animated arcade game
for Win 95! Beautiful backgrounds, spinning
swirls, and blinking eyes for balls, cool
sound! 32 bit version for Windows '95
47226 ABOMBERS.ZIP 1,3 Mt 13.03.1999 - MBCD -
Atomic Bombers - arcade action. Tired to play with classical Bombers games? Dynablaster style 2-4 player fun bomb action. Includes level editor. Windows 95 DirectX5 Pentium
46306 ABRACA.ZIP 10,7 Mt 07.01.2005 - - -
AbracadabraCreate or destroy your destiny with the “Whack!” of a magic wand. That wand, by the way, is of key importance and could save your life. With it, you and your wizard friend can make or break walls. Your mission is to find a key without having your journey thwarted. You’ll use your supernatural powers wisely to protect you from the crazy creatures trying to foil your task. Don’t worry, there isn’t just evil lurking, you’ll also discover mystical fairies that will take you shopping! Yup, grab some gold and fill your life with ka-ching, to buy extra power and other magical things…
46307 ACKYXPBO.ZIP 2,4 Mt 07.01.2005 - MBHH2005 -
"Ackys XP Breakout 
Blast your way through 150 powerful levels in the ultimate arkanoid game.  Discover unique power itemsbrick typesand fun in Ackys XP Breakout.  The gameplay is always changing with a dynamic mesh of particle effectspoint bonusesand object morphing to keep you mesmerized.  Enjoy enhanced gameplay with XP Mode and customize the game to your own personal liking with many options.
47227 ACLUB.ZIP 1,7 Mt 19.04.1999 - MBCD -
Activision Game Club - Atari 2600 console games. Retro / emulation.Includes following classics from the early 80s: Fishing Derby, Stampede, River Raid, River Raid 2. For Windows 95.
47228 ADVNT32.ZIP 590,9 kt 09.02.2000 - - -
Advanced Tetric v3.2 for Windows 9x/NT  Advanced Tetric is a little more than just Tetris. It also includes Pentix, Color Tetris and two additional variations of Tetris (Advanced Tetris and Advanced Pentix). There are also eight different block sets to play with: blocks, numerals, kinetics, dice, wild, planes, plasma and misc. Outstanding graphic is one more advantage, which will bring you
46310 ADVNTUR.ZIP 5,1 Mt 26.10.2004 - - -
Lapsille ja lapsenmielisille sopiva arcadepeli, jossa mukava mehiläinen pölyttää joenvarren kukkia, saaden ne kukoistamaan kaikessa kauneudessaan. Viheriäisessä maastossa piilee kuitenkin vaaroja, kuten hyönteisiä syövät hämäkäkit, talitintit, sorsaparvet ja liiskaamiseen mieltyneet ihmiset. Shareware, $18.50
46311 AERANT.ZIP 6,7 Mt 09.01.2005 - MBHH2005 -
"Aerial Antics
You have always dreamed of flying high! Now is your chance! The Aerial Antics Circus is holding tryouts to find the best rocket pack pilots for its new attraction! Can you learn to fly with the best? You must pass 50 challenging tests. If you succeed you will be the next Aerial Antics superstar performer! Shareware$20."
46312 AIRH3D17.ZIP 2,3 Mt 08.11.2004 - - -
Air Hockey 3D v1.7
Air Hockey 3D:ssä idea on sama kuin pöytämallin ilmakiekossa, mutta vähän tehostettuna -- pelialueelle putoilee välillä vänkiä tehostepaketteja, kuten kiekon monistava powerup tai lasertähtäin. Pelipöytää saa kieputeltua ja sen ulkonäköä voi muuttaa. Kolme erilaista pelityyppiä antavat valinnanvaraa kamppailun säännöille, efektejä voi lisätä ja vaikeustasoa säätää. Shareware, $20
47229 ALZEY.ZIP 1 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
AlzeyAlzey  In this Pac-Man style 3D arcade game, you have to accomplish different missions in each from the 21 levels (collect all diamonds, kill all enemies...). Win 9x, 3D accelerator. Freeware. 
46314 AMAZMZ14.ZIP 1,4 Mt 22.09.1997 - - -
Amazing Mazez to Amaze (32-bit) V1.4 Esa Myllyla If you know how to play Pac Man, you know how to play Amazing Mazez to Amaze. This munch-around-a-maze game is as fun to play as the old Pac Man, complete with nice graphics and digital sound. However, it takes up only a fraction of your monitor and play is a little pokey. Challenging and will bring back fond memories of those 80s days in the arcade. SVGA and Windows 95
47230 AMAZSP20.ZIP 1,9 Mt 25.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"AmazinSPISPOPD v2.0 An arcade-style maze-runningdot chomping game with cooperative and competitive multiplayer modes. Collect power-ups to walk through wallsgo super fastand even give your foes the Evil Eye. Includes randomly generated mazes and a Time Attack mode to compete for record times. Requires Win95/98/NT and directX. Registration fee: $11.00 Hamumu Software"
46316 AOTSB13.ZIP 31 Mt 09.12.2002 - - -
Attack of the Silver Ball v1.3\t Itseään maailman parhaaksi flipperipeliksi tituleeraavan Attack of the Silver Ball -pelin demo. Täysin kolmiulotteisein demon päivitetty versio sisältää rajoitetun version Mafia Madness -pelikentästä. P233, 64 Mt. 
46317 AOTSBALL.ZIP 18,6 Mt 14.11.2001 - - -
Attack of the Silver Ball  Näyttävä flipperipeli. P200, 64 Mt. 
41002 APOLLO13.ZIP 43107 24.11.1996 - 12772/11000.zip -
Apollo 13 Lunar Lander - challenges you
to guide your Lunar Excursion Module
over and through increasingly
challenging lunar terrain to reach the
moonbase. There are seven levels of
increasingly difficult surface and
subterranean landscapes, and you may
customize the difficulty. Requires
VBRUN300 and Windows.
47231 APOMPPI.ZIP 721,5 kt 03.04.2001 - #anonyymi -
Avaruus Pomppi Games Factorylla tehty yksinkertainen tasohyppely/räiskintä. Hermanni on löytänyt nalle Kallen jalanjäljet, jotka johtavat Kuuhun. Kuuhun päästessään Hermanni törmää avaruusolentojen salaliittoon, joka on tietysti estettävä. 
46319 ARCNTOYS.ZIP 4 Mt 12.04.2003 - - -
"Arcon Toys  Arcon Toys is a new Arkanoid-style game featuring teleporterspinball bumperscreatures that glide across the screen and colorful backgrounds. The shareware version offers four levels and a taste of some of the games powerupsincluding fast ballmulti-ballrocketsbullets and protective barrier. Arcon Toys also has a bumper that rains power-ups when its hit and a third-person follow mode. The unique board designs tilt and bobble depending on where the paddle is. "
47232 ARKAN3D.ZIP 2,6 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
Arkanoid 3D v1.5  Send the ball flying through 3D space to knock out the wall of bricks at the other end of the playing field. Nasty flying monsters will get in your way, but strong powerups and bonuses will help you to advance to the next level. This is a 30-day trial version. 32 MB RAM, P200, Win 9x, 3D video card, DirectX 5.0. Shareware, $12. 
47233 ARKAVI20.ZIP 2,4 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
"Arkanoid - The Virtual Isles v2.0Arkanoid - The Virtual Isles is a Breakout- style game with a challenging twist. Instead of just breaking blocks on a single screenyoure confronted by a longvertically scrolling play area. You dont have to break all the blocks on the level; insteadyou must get the ball all the way to the end of it. Broken bricks shower bonuses that you can exchange for power-upsincluding vital extra balls. P166Win 9xDirectX 7.0. "
47234 ARKAVI25.ZIP 3 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
"Arkanoid - The Virtual Isles v2.5 Arkanoid - The Virtual Isles is a Breakout-  style game with a challenging twist. Instead  of just breaking blocks on a single screenyoure confronted by a longvertically  scrolling play area. You dont have to break  all the blocks on the level; insteadyou  must get the ball all the way to the end of  it. Broken bricks shower bonuses that you  can exchange for power-upsincluding vital  extra balls. P166Win 9xDirectX 7.0.  "
47235 ARKNOD2K.ZIP 551,6 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Arkanoid2000 v1.3 for Windows 95/98/NT Break-out restyle of an old goody game  with many brand-new features Shareware $10 http://www.TerminalStudio.com/ 
47236 ARMAG013.ZIP 1004,7 kt 05.06.2000 - - -
"Armagetron v0.13 by Manuel Moos. Arcade. You ride a lightcyclea kind of motorbike that cant be stopped and leaves a wall where it goes. You can make turns of 90 degrees. There are two of you in an arena. If you run into a wallyou are deleted. You can accelerate by driving close to walls. Based on the movie Tron. Windows 95/98P20032 MBOpenGL. "
46325 ATBZZ206.ZIP 499,7 kt 24.11.1998 - MBCD -
Astrasoft Bzzz! v2.06 by Atrasoft You are a frog in a pond. The object of the game is to eat as many flies as possible by catching them with your tounge. Windows 95 + VB5 runtime libraries
46326 ATR2.ZIP 236201 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
ATR2 - fast paced arcade wormgame. Requires
Windows 95 MORE than 256 colour display(more
than 8-bit) At least a 33Mhz PC
46327 AVPOKER.ZIP 1,4 Mt 19.05.1999 - MBCD -
"Advanced Video Poker v1.01 by Alhademic Group Attractively presented video Poker game. You can alter the look of the table and the deck and choose from a limited selection of background music (which you can also switch off). You cant alter betting limitsbut the betting is smoothly donemaking it easy to race through your roll of dough. Windows 9598or NT"
46328 BALLS101.EXE 2,4 Mt 03.09.1999 - MBCD -
"Ive got some BALLS v1.01 FINAL (C)Sebastian Aaltonen 1999 3D-palloilua yhdelle pelaajalle. Pelissä selvitat kenttia erivaristen pallojen avustuksella. Hieno ja sulava yli 100fps 3d-grafiikka. Vaatii DX6.0:n ja DX-yhteensopivan 3d-kortin. Tukee Dsound-yhteensopivia äänikortteja. Uusi v1.01 sisältää nyt 12 erilaista kenttää. Nyt myös antialiasointi ja 24-bittiset textuurit."
46329 BALLS102.ZIP 2,4 Mt 15.10.2000 - MBHH2001 -
"Ive Got Some Balls v1.02Your mission is to guide a small ball thru
labyrinths and corridorsand to collect all
diamonds from every level. You are helped by
to get through the levels by different
colored balls which youll get on your use by
moving through different colored gates.
Win 9xDirectX."
46330 BATLP.EXE 918,5 kt 14.11.2000 - - -
Battle Painters 1.0Battle Painters is a simple multiplayer action game in which the person who paints the most percentage of the playing field in their color wins the game. You will play against three other players controlled by either the computer or human opponents. Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000. Requires DirectX 3.0 or higher. Shareware.
46331 BBQ11.ZIP 3,3 Mt 29.03.2003 - - -
Bubble Bobble Quest  v1.1Bubble Bobble Quest is a remake of a popular classic game Bubble Bobble. You get to play as one of the two little dragons named Bub and Bob. The action takes place in a totally new world filled with cunning and insidious monsters, but the dragons have a magic ability to blow bubbles which can entangle their enemies inside of them. Once the enemy is trapped, the bubbles can be easily popped. Shareware.
46332 BC-DEMO.ZIP 380,3 kt 20.01.1999 - 23167/Gamestar_20_2000-07_cd1.bin -
"Black Crypt by Raven Software. Free PC Windows port of Ravens first ever game for the Amiga. By Rick Johnson. Role playing. Player is one of a party of four. Using your witsspells and the weapons youll find scattered aboutyou must fight your way through increasingly powerful enemies. Windows 95DirectX."
46333 BGODEMO.ZIP 3,7 Mt 15.07.1999 - - -
"Bingo V.11 BY eGamesInc. Heres realistic Bingo play on your PC. You get to play one to three cards and compete against your Bingo Buddies to build bankroll and go to higher prizes and more-challenging competition. The caller speed is adjustableand you both see and hear the numbers being drawn. A full number board is in viewjust like at a real Bingo hall. Pentium 133 and Windows 9598or NT"
46334 BLASTTHR.ZIP 3,7 Mt 15.07.1999 - - -
Blast Thru v1.11 by eGames, Inc. Arcade. Breakout close. Keep your ball on the screen by hitting it with your paddle and try to destroy all the bricks too. Some bricks give you powerups, such as the blue. But be careful of the red ones!!! Find out what the powerups do by catching them with your paddle. Design your own levels for even greater challenges as you paddle your way to victory. This game is fast-paced, colorful and action-packed! Windows 95, DirectX
46335 BLAZTRA.ZIP 1 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
Blazing Trails V0.2 Arcade retro remake. Ny attempt to remake old 8-bit classic Trailblazer. The rules are simple: you must guide the ball along the trail from the start zone to the end zone inside the qualifying time. But avoid the holes and traps. Use speedups and other helping things on your journey. Windows 95, Pentium 166, D3D card with at least 4mb
46336 BLO95205.ZIP 1,9 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
Bloobs 95 v2.05  UltiSoft, Inc. single-player arcade game that challenges you to shoot at a grid of multicolored shapes. Object is to fire at a moving collection of these sticky objects, trying to connect groups of three to clear the screen, before the pile collapses on you. Each time three or more bloobs are connected, the entire chain disappears. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46337 BLOBSH95.ZIP 343,7 kt 15.03.2000 versio 1.20 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
" Blobshop32 v1.23 Kidsgame reminiscent of 5-in-a-row. To winyou fire paint blobs at a gridded wall and try to get five in a row before your opponent does. You can configure the wall from 6 x 6 to 15 x 15 squares; you can choose one of four skill levelsfrom Very Easy to Expert. Children can play against  the computer or a friend - complete with customized names. Windows 95VB5 runtime"
46338 BLSDIST.ZIP 5,1 Mt 12.05.1999 - MBCD -
"Blaster Disaster by 3.14 Software Platform arcade game for 1 to 6 players on one computer. Three players play on the keyboardone uses the mouse and two players can play with joystick.Youre down in sinking ship and jumping up for their lives. You can use various weapons to hit your opponentonce all your armor is goneyou will get stunned (each time longer). When you hit the bottom you drown. Windows 9598or NT


46339 BM98.ZIP 14,5 Mt 30.12.1999 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
BM98 (version 3.9G7) Genre: Puzzle/Music. Developer: yaneurao works. Cool game that uses music and timing. You are the disc jockey in a dance place and you must time sound and light effects to the background music to make people happy. Features Many music tracks / levels Configurable difficulty Requires Windows 95/98/NT, Pentium.
46340 BMBRMAN.ZIP 802,6 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
Bomberman V1.81 By Christian P\x81hringer Play an arcade-style game of explosions. Blow things up with gusto. freeware, multi-player, arcade-style game. Select the number of players and then use keyboard(s) and joysticks to move your players around maze. Plant bombs to create a pathway to your enemy and grab power-ups along the way. The graphics are rather simplistic and the sounds are basic, but the game is good fun. Level editor included. Windows 95/98/NT, DirectX
46341 BOA100SW.ZIP 6,5 Mt 03.12.1999 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 -
BoaBite3D by WAH-Software. 3D wormgame. The 2D worm games were very addictive. We decided to make a game like that with 3D graphics! Let that poor 2D worm be free and release it to free movements and third dimension! You can play single boa game, or double boa multiplayer game with split screen display. Controls are very simple to learn. We have programmed two guide modes too. Windows 95/98, P120, 16 MB. Supports Direct3D/3Dfx. http://www.wah-software.net
46342 BOABTE3D.ZIP 6,5 Mt 15.10.2000 - MBHH2001 -
BoaBite 3Dklassinen matopeli kolmiulotteisessa ympäristössä. Tarkoitus on
syödä omenoita ja olla törmäämättä itseensä tai seiniin. Jokainen 
kirsikka lisää madon pituutta, joten peli vaikeutuu jatkuvasti. Tason 
vaihtuessa myös madon nopeus kasvaa. Tässä shareware-versiossa
on kaksi kenttää. Win 9x.
46343 BOMBPA11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Bomb Patrol v1.1 by Mark Roth Simple arcade strategy game in which you try to collect a certain number of coins within a given time. You maneuver a tank with the keyboard arrow keys or a joystick to run over coins on the game board. There are bombs around the board with clues in the form of numbers on adjacent squares-like Minesweeper. The game offers eight levels, with different sized playing boards, more coins to be collected, and a time limit. Win95, DirectX
46344 BONGOB.ZIP 20,5 Mt 13.09.2002 - - -
Bongo Boogie  Bongo Boogie is one of the latest takes on the "wallbreaker" style game.  
46345 BONZA059.ZIP 795,2 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
Bonzala v0.59Bonzala is a blend of action and puzzle solving game with 3D-rendered graphics. Your goal is to collect the heart-shaped objects on the level in the shortest time possible. The colorful tracks of each level twist and turn and bend on themselves much like a complicated roller coaster, and it becomes difficult to find the remaining hearts to complete the level.   
46346 BOOGA-12.ZIP 2,4 Mt 21.05.1998 - MBCD -
boogaloopers Arcade Game v1.20 by Stick Man Games, Inc. The constant shifting of the Void produces balls of energy called Boogas. If too many Boogas collect in a sector, they will create a rift in the Void and collapse it. You have been chosen to become the "boogalooper", a cross between protector of the universe and a cosmic janitor.
46347 BORUSH10.ZIP 773,3 kt 06.08.1999 - - -
"Boulder Rush v1.0 -  arcade retro remake. Arcade game. PC clone of your favorite BoulderDash game. Dig around in caves collecting diamonds! Contains 19 different games from C-64 Boulder version. Supports Boulderoid cave map loading. You can also use additional caves from Amigas BoulderDäsh Based on: BoulderDash by First Star Software - 1984. Seen on: Atari 400/800C64SpectrumAmstradSTBBCMSXAmiga. (Also: GameBoyNESSNES) Platform: Win95"
46348 BOSSW12.A01 3,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Balls of Steel Shareware v1.2 2/4
46349 BOSSW12.A02 3,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Balls of Steel Shareware v1.2 3/4
46350 BOSSW12.A03 1,9 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
Balls of Steel Shareware v1.2 4/4
46351 BOSSW12.ARJ 3,8 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
"Balls of Steel Shareware v1.2- pinball game. By Pinball Wizards/Apogee - features five tables with edge and attitude. No lame circuszooor cutesy themes here! Were talking blood and gorewith animated creatures getting splattered by your ball and laser cannons dishing out hardcore destruction. New version adds lots of new stuff & fixes bugs. P10016MBWin95DirectX1MB VESA Video card     1/4"
46352 BPETAVAL.ZIP 4,1 Mt 18.05.2000 - 15609/PCM_0007.iso -
BattlePets: Avalar V1.0 DEMO sequel to the smash hit BattlePets! 50 all new BattlePets created by Bob Cooksey, 49 magic powers, and a interesting story. Players start out with just one BattlePet, but can catch as many as five at a time. The players explore dark caves and haunted castles, battling wild BattlePets and training their own When the players feel ready, WINDOWS 95/98, DirectX 
46353 BRICKS15.ZIP 998,8 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
BrickShooter v1.5 for Windows 95/98/NT BrickShooter is a combinatoric geometric computer game based on an original idea. The game has 6 levels of difficulty, so it can give a lot of pleasure to both beginners (including kids) and experienced players who like difficult puzzles. Shareware $10 http://www.brickshooter.cjb.net 
46354 BRIKBR12.ZIP 2,3 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
Brick Break v1.2 by The Foundation Company Arcade Breakout game. Takes the favorite game format from the \'70s and stretches it with fun new features. Different patterns of bricks are used for each level, and brick colors determine how many hits it takes to eliminate them. Even more fun are the five "pills" that seem to randomly descend from broken bricks, each with different effects. Attractive, colorful, and fun. Windows 95, 98, or NT 
41014 BSTOUT95.ZIP 205349 18.12.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
BustOut! - is a breakout-style game for
Win95. This version allows you to play
the first four of ten levels.
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
46355 BUBBL12.ZIP 1,3 Mt 20.07.1998 - - -
Bubbles v1.2 (ASP) from DynoTech Software. Puzzle game plays upside down! Maneuver the rising bubbles so they float into matching bubble pods. Watch out for nasty soap scum! See awesome digital graphics, listen to your favorite classical music, save games, pause play when you need a break, and much more. Req: 486+; 8MB RAM; Win 3.x or Windows 9x; High color SVGA; Sound Card (optional, but recommended). http://www.dynotecch.com - $19.95
46356 BUBBOB10.ZIP 2,3 Mt 27.03.2000 - - -
"Bubble Bobble Nostalgie v1.0 for Win 95/98Bubble Bobble Nostalgie is a Windows  remake of popular classic arcade gameBubble Bobble.  Game runs in HiColor mode 640x480x16.  Shareware $10 http://www.alawar.com/bubble"
46357 BUSTM111.ZIP 4,5 Mt 06.08.2002 - - -
"Bustem v1.11 Bustem is an addictive fast-action game featuring  great graphics and soundtons of levels and  power-upsand the Penny Arcade Fighters. "
46358 BXMAS103.ZIP 2,6 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
"Bomberic - Christmas Edition v1.03  In a wintry labyrinththe hero (which looks like Santa Claus) has to find a given number of keys to open the gates to exit the current level and rise to the next one. The keys lie hidden in the labyrinth walls. To get at the keysthe hero has to blast the walls using mines and bombs. The heros mission is under threat from the monsters who can impair him with collisions or by shooting. P166Win 9xDirectX 7.0. Shareware$18.75. "
46359 CAKEWORM.ZIP 671,4 kt 11.04.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
CakeWorma 360 degs turning wormgame by Johan Lindqvist. A truly mindblowing experience, and for FREE! Whaddya waiting for? jockil@dlc.fi - www.mbnet.fi/~jockil Requires Win32, DirectX. 
46360 CAPMAN10.ZIP 2,8 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
Capman v1.01 A mix between Pacman & Dynablaster. Second release in the Capsule serie of games, by Jani Immonen. Collect capsules to advance to next level. Best playing against other people. Two different game modes, Deathmatch and Eatmatch,which can include up to four players, locally (max. two on one machine), via IPX/SPX, TCP/IP, modem or null modem cable. P100, 16 MB, Win95/98, DirectX http://batman.jytol.fi/~janimm/capman
46361 CAPSU120.ZIP 598 kt 21.05.1999 - MBCD -
"Capsule v1.20Arcade game for Windows 95/98 Tetris-lookalike with different pills that dont always fall where you would like them to go... 1998 Jani Immonen Req. P100 DirectX5. Myös suomenkielinen versio. http://batman.jytol.fi/~janimm/kapseli/"
46362 capsule.zip 598 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
"Capsule v1.20Arcade game for Windows 95/98 Tetris-lookalike with different pills that dont always fall where you would like them to go... 1998 Jani Immonen Req. P100 DirectX5. My�s suomenkielinen versio. http://batman.jytol.fi/~janimm/kapseli/"
46363 CAPTSCAR.ZIP 704,3 kt 04.02.2003 - - -
Captain Scarlet Doomsday Deadline 1.0Captain Sacrlet Doomsday Deadline on erittäin suoraviivainen ja yksinkertainen tasohyppelypeli, joka on toteutettu Flash-muodossa. Pelaaja ohjailee hahmoaan läpi useiden kenttien, väistellen teollisuusprässejä, tulipalloja ja muita epämiellyttäviä tuttavuuksia. 
Kokeiluversio. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.digitalworkshop.com/dw_shop/products/opus/game/#
46364 CARPILLR.ZIP 209,2 kt 15.10.2000 - - -
Caterpillar v1.6Caterpillar on klassinen matopeli. Tarkoitus on
syödä kirsikoita ja olla törmäämättä itseensä tai
seiniin. Jokainen kirsikka lisää madon pituutta,
joten peli vaikeutuu jatkuvasti. Win 9x.
46365 CARTMAN.ZIP 1,3 Mt 07.01.2001 - #anonyymi -
"Cartmans Authoritah 1.3Play as South Parks Eric Cartman in this Super Mario style platform game. Runjump and shoot your way through 8 levels (plus many secret levels) of enemies to finally 
face off against Mr Garrison. To make your job easier collect a variety of special weapons and ammunition 
along the way. Features a mixture of cartoon style 
and 3D rendered graphicsplus cool special effects. Requires DirectX 7 or newer. Windows 95/98. Free.
46366 CASTLEAT.ZIP 2,1 Mt 26.05.2001 - - -
Castle Attack  In this small game you command three archers  on your castle walls, and you must protect your castle from barbarians, knights and archers. Shoot the assaillants before they reach the walls. The game also shows stills from the upcoming castle building & strategy game, Stronghold. 
46367 CENB11.ZIP 1,6 Mt 21.11.2002 - - -
Chuckie Egg: The Next Batch v1.1b 20 vuotta vanhan arcadeklassikon uudelleenlämmityksessä pelaaja on edelleenkin kananmunia keräävä farmari. Kotieläimet, kana ennen kaikkea, eivät juurikaan innostu maajussimme touhuista, vaan yrittävät yksissä tuumin pistää pisteen poloisen puuhille. Ilmainen. 
46368 CHOM3D18.ZIP 2,1 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
Chomper3D 3D v1.8  interactive Maza-acle experience. See Pac Man 3D accelerated! Features include: 10 levels, containing over 40 mazes! Create and play your own mazes! Smart ghosts that hunt you! New mazes and colors for each level! Bigger mazes on higher levels! New music and fruit for each level! Free mazes from the web repository Windows 95, DirectX 6.1. Recommended 3D accelerator.
46369 CHUCKIE.ZIP 216,3 kt 06.08.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Chuckie Egg - classic retro remake. Here is my version of the classic 8-bit game Chuckie Egg from A&F Software and this conversion is based on the BBC Micro game. Windows 95/95/NT with DirectX 3+, P75. Platform game. Author:  Mike Elson http://www.gershwin.force9.co.uk/chuckie/
46370 CLEART11.ZIP 452,6 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Clear It! Version 1.1 Copyright 1998 by Gerry Quinn The object is to form a predefined shape such as a four by four square by assembling random shapes of the same color. You play on a grid board and shapes are presented one by one for you to place on the playing surface. You can see the upcoming shapes so it is possible to plan ahead. Windows 95, 98 and NT. It is shareware, price $20.
46371 CMAN101.ZIP 2,8 Mt 09.07.1999 - MBCD -
Capman v1.01 A mix between Pacman & Dynablaster. Second release in the Capsule serie of games, by Jani Immonen. Collect capsules to advance to next level. Best playing against other people. Two different game modes, Deathmatch and Eatmatch,which can include up to four players, locally (max. two on one machine), via IPX/SPX, TCP/IP, modem or null modem cable. P100, 16 MB, Win95/98, DirectX http://batman.jytol.fi/~janimm/capman
46372 COLUM95.ZIP 1,7 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
Columns95 Shareware  Windows-versio tutusta Tetris-pelistä. Windows 95/98/2000/NT, 8 Mt, 486/100. Olavi Ikonen olavi.ikonen@cyberdude.com
46373 CRAZYBLL.ZIP 823,6 kt 10.11.1999 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
Crazy Balls Capture the balls and paint the box. In Crazy Balls the game board is a square which is empty at the beginning of the game. Inside of the board one or several balls fly, and bump off against the walls. With the help of the little yellow arrow you must paint the parts of the board to catch the balls. The bugs run inside the painted parts of the board. Avoid balls and bugs. DirectX and Windows 95, 98, or NT
46374 CROCKS10.ZIP 6,9 Mt 19.04.2003 - - -
Cradle Rocks v1.0 Agent Duncan Su needs your help! You must find and recover mysterious, powerful black diamonds that were stolen and scattered throughout the city. But, time is of the essence and lives are at stake. Navigate the streets of Los Angeles on your ATV, dodge barriers, avoid apprehension from the police to find thirty diamonds and return them to Agent Su. Run out of time, incur major damage to your vehicle, or run out of gas and your quest is over.
46375 CROP1100.A01 1,4 Mt 03.09.1998 - MBCD -
Crop Circles 2/5
46376 CROP1100.A02 1,4 Mt 03.09.1998 - MBCD -
Crop Circles 3/5
46377 CROP1100.A03 1,4 Mt 03.09.1998 - MBCD -
Crop Circles 4/5
46378 CROP1100.A04 1,2 Mt 03.09.1998 - MBCD -
Crop Circles 5/5
46379 CROP1100.ARJ 1,4 Mt 03.09.1998 - MBCD -
Crop Circles 1/5from Zero Entertainment sci-fi arcade game. At controls of flying saucer, you must evade farmers, government agents and photographers while blazing mysterious markings onto the surface of the Earth. Along the way, you must steal cows to power your spacecraft. Humorous and easy arcade game. Windows 95/NT   1/5
46380 CRSHBALL.ZIP 860 kt 26.10.2000 - MBHH2003 -
Crashball 1.0Crashball is an Arkanoid-style game, where your goal is to destroy all the bricks in each level by bouncing a ball or shooting them. Some levels also launch multi-ball volley, and you can keep all the balls you can handle. Crashball is fiendishly addictive, involving a large dose of frustration. You can also continue from the level you died on. Win 9x, DirectX 6.0. 
46381 CTRIS11.ZIP 463,1 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
 CTris 2000 v1.1 by Antony Pranata Another Tetris falling blocks game that looks similar to Tetris but has a different concept for play and victory. Your challenge is to place three or more blocks of the same color in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal row in order for them to vanish. You can preview blocks before they appear and fall; choose one, two, three, or four block rows, or at random, arranging their fall to be vertical
46382 CYBRTR40.ZIP 5,4 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
"Moraffs CyberTris v4.0 Best tetris-Like Game! * Head-to-Head! BombsMusicdazzling graphicsand variety make this a very simplecleanenjoyable implementation of the tetris-style game. Dont miss this oneit is one of the best! Boards can be 6x12 up to 50x70. Highscoreshead-to-headbombssound effectsmusicThis one has it all. Can you make it past the 3rd screen? Good luck! WIN95 Pentium 8 MB"
46383 CYCLES3D.ZIP 965,7 kt 09.06.2000 - - -
Cycles3D By Chris Haag. Arcade/racing game. Based on a sequence from movie "Tron," and uses sounds and images inspired by or appearing in the movie. Tron light cycle clone like Tron3D, but with these new features: 6-player internet and LAN support, Game-finding server (when available), Internet Computer players, Ability to join internet games in progress, IRC Chat capabilities and much more. Windows 95/98, P166, 32 MB, OpenGL. 
46384 CYCLND50.ZIP 569,3 kt 17.11.2000 - - -
"Cyclanoid v5.0Cyclanoid is a tile-based logic game with a built-in visual puzzle builder. You can play base games and create your own. The full version offers more than 23 different built-in puzzleswith various board sizes and controls to allow for easymediumor high skill levels. The objective is to arrange the tiles in rows to match the icons displayed along the game-area border. Much like Rubiks Cube in two dimensionsCyclanoid is harder than it looks because you must get the icons aligned without disrupting your previous work. The interface is attractiveand a help file explains the details. Windows 9x. "
46385 DA101B.ZIP 251,7 kt 17.03.2000 - - -
" Dungeon Adventure v1.0b retro-tribuuttitoimintaseikkailu. The idea for this game was conceived by the 3D-accelerated-hype-shootem up-games whichrulethe gaming industry at the moment. We felt that the modern gaming-scene is missing somethingthat the C64-scene had. C64 games were simpleyet addictive and provided entertainment for weeks. Dungeon Adventure is a tribute to all those games. Exile Studios. Windows 95P16616 MB."
46386 DBATT14.ZIP 2,2 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
Double Battle v1.4   Completely new breakout-clone. Two players  can play at the same time, or one player  against the PC. The game has 85 level and  in the registered version you found a  construction-set. Many extra weapons  avaible, supports DirectX, two joystick and  stereosound. Includes a highscorelist (Top  50) and many other. Check it out and have  fun. Windows 95, DirectX
46387 DCASTLE.ZIP 3,4 Mt 11.04.1999 - MBCD -
"Dragon Castle by Mistkeep Have you ever wanted to fly a dragon? Well heres your chance! You are a Dragon Knight. Together with your dragon fly through 20 levels of battles and adventure. Fully 3D. You have an army on your side. Runs on slower computers yet can utilize accelerator cards. 3d positional sound including doppler effects. Freeware! Characters include also catapultsknightsarchers and footsoldiers. Req. Win95 P16616 MB. SUPPORTS Direct3D card."
46388 DCAV2-12.ZIP 907,2 kt 13.01.1999 - MBCD -
Diamond Caves II  v1.2  (12.12.98) Peter Elzner  http://www.diamond-pro.com/games/dc2.html Requirements: Pentium90, 16MB, DirectX and Win95/98/NT4  A game in the tradition of Boulder Dash (C64) and Emerald Mine (Amiga), you have to collect Diamonds in a cave and reach the exit in time. 50 levels and Leveleditor included, more Levels available. Peter Elzner Grudene 6a 58644 Iserlohn Germany
46389 DESIRE11.ZIP 560,4 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
"DESiRE v1.1  by Dennis Vink. Play some slots. Slot machine which features lots of different exciting modes of play. Best of allits free. Windows 9598or NT"
46390 DIGJIM.ZIP 4,3 Mt 12.05.1999 - MBCD -
Digging Jim v1.01 by Persei Entertainment Arcade/retro, Boulder Dask copy.Well-designed arcade game that combines puzzle-solving with speed and quick reflexes. You use the keyboard or joystick to guide Jim through caves, searching for diamonds and avoiding numerous obstacles and monsters. 20 levels in shareware. Combines enjoyable graphics and sound with great gameplay. It includes a level builder. DirectX 3.0 or later, Pentium 133, and Windows 95, 98, or NT
46391 DINGY.ZIP 527,7 kt 20.11.1998 - 18113/WF0698_2.ISO -
Dingy! v1.0 James McCue Action arcade. In Dingy! there are 4 poles on the playfield. An Object rotates around one of these poles. You THROW it, or you DROP it. The intent is to make vertical stacks of 4 identical pieces. Each time you do that - the stack disappears. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46392 DISOBEYT.ZIP 568 kt 25.02.2001 - - -
Disobey roof test Early stage test platform for skateboard arcade game Disobey. 
46393 DLDEMO.ZIP 15,6 Mt 25.02.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Darkland demo Darkland is an arcade adventure in the spirit of the classic Marble Madness. A strange sphere-like creature has had a powerful dream that changed the world. Now he sees that his dream had errors that are destroying the world, so he must go to the end of his dream to stop it. 
46394 DLXSNAKE.EXE 1,5 Mt 25.01.2001 - - -
"Deluxe Snake 2.9.8 for WindowsDeluxe Snake is a clone of the classic arcade games Nibbles and Snake
with improved gameplayincluding power-upsmushroomswallstail-bite
and other fun stuff. Play on multiple arena sizeswith borders on/offin 4
different gamemodes. Theres a top 20 high-scores list for each unique
settingwhich also stores gamelengths and datesand can be merged with
friendslists. Freeware.
46395 DNSDMO20.ZIP 2,2 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Dragon Ninja Saga demo v2.0 Dragon Ninja Saga brings back the old school flavor of a great story and thumb blistering action. Anyone who remembers playing games like Mario Brothers or Ninja Gaiden for the NES is in for a treat. DNS packs tons of secrets, challenges, huge bosses and very colorful artwork. P200, 64MB RAM.  
46396 DOULBER.ZIP 32,2 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
Doulber - Escape from the 80s v1.02. By Phelios, Inc. Boulder Dash clone, arcade game, help Doulber find the gems from each level. Fun, graphically impressive, strategy-oriented arcade game for children. It stars a purple ant who digs for his favorite "dessert," diamonds Your objective is to dig around and find them all. Levels are unique and well laid out, a continue option makes the gameplay challenging but not frustrating, and the explosions will make you jump the first time Doulber gets knocked on the head by falling boulders. This demo version lets you try the Jungleland, Civilization Island, and Ice Screen levels. Windows 95/98, DirectX 5.2, 32 MB, P200. 
46397 DRG2-110.ZIP 5,2 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
"Dr Goo 2: the plague v1.10 by Europress Software humorous platform-style game. YouDr. Gooare a blob of gelatinoussticky green stuff. You also happen to be a doctor. Your goal is to save your patients life by finding medicine boxes - five on each level. But look out for the rolling barrelssharksand firing cannons! Because youre stickyyou can hang from ceilings and attach yourself to walls. Windows 9598or NT"
46398 DROPBALL.ZIP 336,5 kt 11.04.1999 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
"DropBall by Green Works The object in dropball is to not let the hole fill up with balls! The game endsif all the columns are filled upand the machine cant drop in more balls on the top. You can eliminate the ballsif you collect 7 balls of the same colour verticalhorizontal or diagonal. You can change the position of the balls by moving the rows or the columns of balls that have dropped. Windows 95"
46399 DUCKS04.ZIP 1,3 Mt 25.11.1999 - MBCD -
Ducks 0.4 by Hungry Software Fun arcade & puzzle game in Lemmings style. Guide ducks into rockets by blowing stuff up, building bridges, teleporting hem around, walking them into bubbles, blocking dangerous routes with bricks and no entry signs, and... Squish them under the killer hands, drop them onto spikes or fry them with the duck zappers 20 levels from full game. 256 colours, 64-way parallax scrolling, SB SFX and a lethal injection of humour. DOS. http://www.hungrysoftware.com
46401 DXB2-12.ZIP 2,1 Mt 10.09.1999 - - -
DX-Ball 2 v1.2 by Longbow Digital Arts and Michael P. Welch A great Arkanoid-style brick smashing arcade game with good playability, modern graphics and attitude. Windows 95.
46400 DXB2125.ZIP 2,1 Mt 07.02.2001 - MBHH2003 -
DX-Ball 2 v1.25 Use the mouse to move a paddle back and forth along the bottom of the screen, while bouncing a ball to break through a pattern of bricks above. DX-Ball 2 adds explosive bricks and random power-ups, including laser weapons, multiple balls, explosive Fire Balls, through-balls, large sized balls, tiny balls, big and small paddles, slow balls, two-way and eight-way split balls, ball catch, and more. Win 9x, DirectX. Freeware. 
46402 DXTRIS15.ZIP 3,7 Mt 01.03.2000 - 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso -
 DXtris v1.5 by Blue Thunder Software Very nicely done freeware version of Tetris. It takes advantage of DirectX to deliver squeaky clean graphics and bold audio music and sound effects. An interesting visual background and your choice of different types of "tech" and "remix" music enhance the experience. Well executed and has thorough documentation, but don\'t expect much beyond the basic core game of Tetris.
46403 DYNAMITE.ZIP 5,1 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Dynamite spectacular game based on a legendary arcade classic Bomberman! One of the most exciting multi-player events. Up to 4 players battle on as seen from a top-down map. Players strategically lay down bombs and destroy walls in order to get to their opponents. Windows 95, P60, 8 MB
46404 DYNJ32.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
"Dynamite Joe 32-bit Windows 95 from C2V Productions You are Joealias Boom-Boom Joe or The Explosivebetter known as DYNAMITE JOE. Youve been rotting for 3 years in the slammer alreadyand the pressure has been building up. Its time to break loose and escape from this lousy stinking rotten jail. You dig your way through the underground using existing tunnelsor make your own as you go. Collect keysfind treasures and watch out for wardens and police."
46408 E-GON.ZIP 311,4 kt 09.06.2000 - - -
e-gon Adventures by e-game. Genre: Arcade Cute little arcade game where you must burst bubbles in order to score points. When you burst a bubble, it splits, then again....and so on. Very addictive and very fun, a nice Pang clone. You can register your scores online and compete against others to win prizes! Windows 95/98 
46405 EBRIUM2.ZIP 343,3 kt 14.11.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Equilibrium v2.0 by Digital Dawn Nice Tetris-style Windows game. 3D. DirectX 7 required. Made in Finland.
46406 EGOBOO21.ZIP 24,4 Mt 18.04.2001 - - -
Egoboo 2.1 demo  3D-luolastoseikkailua NetHackin jäljillä. Pikkusöpöt hahmot komppaavat pimeitä luolia läpi ja suorittavat erilaisia tehtäviä ja keräävät siinä sivussa kokemusta. Alpha-versio. Vaatimukset: P200, 32MB, D3D. 
46407 EGOBOOD.ZIP 22,1 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Egoboo 2.0 demo  3D-luolastoseikkailua NetHackin jäljillä. Pikkusöpöt hahmot komppaavat pimeitä luolia läpi ja suorittavat erilaisia tehtäviä ja keräävät siinä sivussa kokemusta. Alpha-versio. Vaatimukset: P200, 32MB, D3D. 
46409 EHSQURES.ZIP 2,3 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
"Squares (Empty House)  by Empty House Entertainment. Color the most squares to win. You and your opponent only have one goal in this classic and addictive game: Coloring all the squares your color! You only have 60 seconds and when time is upthe winner will be the one whos colored most squares. Pentium 133 and Windows 95 or Windows 98"
46410 ELECTBAL.ZIP 1,3 Mt 27.03.2000 - - -
 electrObalz! Arkanoid/Breakout style arcade game. The goal is simple, destroy all of the bricks in each level to proceed to the next level.  Along the way you will recieve many different power items to help you. Windows 95/98, DirectX 7, 486, 16 MB
46411 EMANIA11.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
Elasto Mania v1.11 Elasto Mania v1.11 ASP is a motorbike simulation game, based on a real physical model. You must navigate through the various stages on your bike. 18 levels are included. Requires Win95/98/2000, DirectX 5.0.   Shareware. $9.95.
46412 ENERBALL.ZIP 3,5 Mt 27.05.2000 renamed kliktopia.org -
"Energy Ball v1.3 Zap your enemies to escape. By Drunken Missile. Stylish graphicscharged soundand intriguing gameplay come together. Fast-paced action game. Move your energy ball around the screen and lay a trail of energy to explode your enemiesgrabbing powerups as you go. Youll need excellent timing to snare your enemies and lots of speed to avoid being counted out of the game. Windows 95/98/NTPentium II 23332 MB. "
46413 FENCEOUT.ZIP 622,5 kt 26.10.2000 - MBHH2003 -
"FenceOutFenceOut is a version of the classic Xonix with a farmyard theme. You control a farmerand your objective is to fence off a required percentage of your field while avoiding your psychopathic livestock. If one of your animals touches you or the fence youre draggingyoull lose a life. As you reach higher levelsyou have to capture larger areas of the fieldand youll confront even more malevolent farmyard friends. FenceOut is easy to learnbut hard to master. Freeware. "
46414 FFOREST.ZIP 11,2 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Forbidden Forest  Armed with a simple bow and arrow, gather  treasure to score big through 100 play levels as you battle gruesome monsters along the way. Beware of ghastly ghouls, gigantic killer bees, insidious spiders and the dreaded Demogorgon who will try to stop you dead in your tracks! Superior 3D graphics and original music bring this remake of a classic adventure to life and will provide hours of non-stop entertainment. P400, 32 MB.  
46415 FILBERT.ZIP 32,9 Mt 13.01.2003 - - -
Filbert Fledgling Traverse your way through countless paths of scenery and labyrinths of terrain to get Filbert back to his family to be properly cared for. 
46416 FILEF351.ZIP 1,1 Mt 29.06.1999 - MBCD -
File Fighter v3.51 by John Ohrn little freeware game (similar to the old hand-held Barcode Battler) that brings back those heady, early days when it was still a novelty to play any kind of game at all on a computer. Start a new game by picking any file on your computer and game will get data from that file and use it to create a character, or, warrior that fights against other characters. Fun in a simple and unique way. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46417 FIRE9520.ZIP 353,6 kt 24.11.1998 - - -
Astrasoft Fire95 v2.0 by Atrasoft Very simple video game in which you move a trampoline back and forth to save people jumping out of a burning building. Windows 95
46418 FLAP01.ZIP 659,3 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Flap 0.1 by J.A-Productions BreakOut-like game, but much better. You can move your paddle wherever you want, and you can turn it too. There is no blocks you have to break, but you must get ball in the gray hole but not in the red hole. You get points from every ball which falls in the hole. There are bonuses and other in the playfield too. Requires: Windows 95/98, mouse
46419 FLUXLE.ZIP 10,1 Mt 04.12.1999 - - -
Flux LE v1.0 by MasterWorks Software Eliminate all the balls to win. exciting new DirectX puzzle game for Windows. Flux features ray-traced graphics, explosive sound effects, extraordinary backgrounds, energetic music, and worldwide competition. Combine this with the intense fun and addictive gameplay. DirectX 6.0 or better, Pentium 133, and Windows 95, 98, or NT.
46420 GEETR14.ZIP 1,3 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
"Geetris v1.4  by Dmagic Exciting multi-player action-puzzle game! Tetris like action. This is one of those addictive games rarely seenand its tons of fun! Resembling the well-known Tetris gameGeetris is pure gameplay at its best. It is not just some imitation of Tetrisits a new game with unique gameplay. The game is more challenging than Tetris and it even has an extra dimension in the gameplay in"
46421 GEMQUAKE.ZIP 298,1 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
 GemQuake 1.0 Beta Tetris-like game. Try it in the One to One mode! English version Freeware http://ampsoft.freeservers.com
46422 GFAMI13.ZIP 3,2 Mt 29.09.1999 - MBCD -
Giana Family v1.3 Classic retro remake. Do you remeber the great old game on C64\'s times called "Giana-Sisters" ? Now it\'s time to change everything about it ! This version brings to you a new feeling of network gaming. Single or multiplayer platform arcade action. Link/modem/ipx/Internet-support. Windows 95, Pentium, DirectX
46423 GLADTRON.ZIP 103,4 kt 12.11.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Gladiatron 3DGladiatron 3D is a 2-player light cycle game familiar from the movie Tron. Each bike leaves a trail of light behind it, and the objective is to box the other bike so it will collide. The game features textures, quadratics, lighting, specular reflectance, multiple camera angles, and quaternations for smooth camera rotation. P233, 32 MB. Freeware.   
46424 GLBLK151.ZIP 1,5 Mt 26.06.2000 - - -
"GLBlocks v1.51 by Andreas Gustafsson. Simple puzzle/tetris-style gamewhere the object is to make the blocks disappear by placing the blocks so that four or more of the same color is next to each other. Uses OpenGL to draw all graphicsso you will need a rather fast system to play itespecially if you dont have a 3D accelerator with FULL OpenGL support. P13316 Megs RAMOpenGL graphics card "
46425 GLP002.ZIP 72,2 kt 18.10.1999 - - -
"GLpong made for thegame of pongcoding contest. This is a rough alpha beta gamma of our pong. We havent implemented all our ideasfeaturesetc yetbut we working on it. Stay tuned for versions 003+. Windows 95P20032 MBGLUT-Dll files"
46426 GLT059.ZIP 1,4 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
GLTron v0.59. Port of the arcade classic. You steer a futuristic bike, called lightcycle. Combat takes place in a rectangular arena. Your bike leaves a trail behind, which is like a wall. The goal is to force the other players to drive into a wall. The winner is the last player alive. By Andreas Umbach http://www.ards.net/Andreas/gltron.html Windows 95, P166, 32 Megs, OpenGL. 
46427 GORCH11.ZIP 848,8 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
"Gorchs Quest v1.1  You are Gorchand you must save your planet from the attack of a really nasty alien empire that indulges in galactic domination. To do soyou must navigate the catacombs of the Planetary Defense System that has been previously sabotaged. Find and return the five crystals to the main control room so that the defense system can be reactivated. P33364 MBWin 9x. Shareware$15. "
46428 GRIDSOFF.ZIP 7,1 Mt 17.02.2002 - - -
Grids of Fury Grids of Fury is a stylish 3D arcade game that places you in a future gladiatorial arena. Each level you will have to dodge and weave your way through the Grids to catch the power cubes while avoiding relentless enemy ships. Weapon upgrades scattered along the way will be your only aid for clearing a path towards your goal. 
46429 GROB041.ZIP 2,9 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
Gamelon Robin Hood v0.41 This is a arcade like game where Robin Hood alias MacGyver and his allies fight for the justice in the world of Anfara. This version contains 4 levels and 2 different game modes. Made with K&P and Corel Click & Create. This is the best CNC game in the world. System requirements: 133MHz, SVGA, Win9x
46430 GSXSNOWB.ZIP 358,7 kt 18.04.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 3 -
"Guava Snowboarding XtremeGSX Snowboard is a simpletop-scrollingsnowboard racing game where you try to get down the mountain with the fastest time. During the raceyou will need to avoid obstacles such as snow-covered treesstein-holding barmaidsand reindeer throwing snowballs at you. The cool thing about this game is that you can submit your time to the developers Web site.  "
46431 GUIMO30.ZIP 7,1 Mt 30.08.1999 - MBCD -
Guimo 3.0 demo from SGN/Starline Control guide in traditional 2D platform game, helping him to restore order to BitLand and drive Nectarion and his army back to the Nether World. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
46432 GUNNER3.ZIP 1,9 Mt 29.01.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Gunner 3 Gunner 3 is an action-oriented platform game, where you control Gunner, a one-man army. Your Commander gives you the jobs no-one else can handle, jobs that threaten the whole world. This time you must stop the plot of evil masterminds who want to enslave the world by using their mutated grasshoppers. Collect different weapons, shoot the bosses along with their mutants and minions, and liberate the world from this threat. 
46433 GWOR081.ZIP 4,6 Mt 02.11.1999 - MBCD -
Giana Worlds Beta 0.82 Classic retro remake. Platform action. Based on Great Giana Sisters. Freeware. DirectX compatible, 32ch CD-quality music, Highcolor gfx (with transparency effects), Lots of levels, Runs in 85fps on P200MMX+. Windows 95.
46434 HAPPYDOG.ZIP 1 Mt 18.04.2001 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
"Happyland Adventures 1.1 Happyland Adventures is a classic jumpnrun combined with original adventure elements. Your mission is to save the Happylanders in order to rid the world of evilness. Explore the big levelsincluding hidden stages and collect various fruits for bonus point. Howeverwatch out for all the evil creatures whose only mission in life is to kill you. "
46435 HCHRISD.ZIP 33,5 Mt 31.07.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 3 -
Hateful Chris demo Hateful Chris on väkivaltainen, mauton ja sarjakuvamainen, sivusuunnassa scrollaava peli, joka tekee pilkkaa valtavirran kulttuurista. Yli 30 vihollista ja asetta ovat käytössäsi, kun räjäytät ostoskeskuksia, nöyryytät poikabändiä ja teet hallaa pikaruokateollisuudelle. Tämä demo on vain pieni näyte siitä, mitä täydessä versiossa on luvassa. Huom! Paketti on purettava C-aseman juureen, ja hakemistorakenne on säilytettävä. 
46436 HEBI.ZIP 320,1 kt 08.11.1999 - - -
Hebi v2.0 for Windows 32 bit. Fun strategy/action game. Guide a worm in maze eating more apples. Shareware.
46437 HELIX.ZIP 18,3 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
Helix Fly Helix, a trusty helicopter and save the dolls from evil headless ghouls, multiplying eyeballs and other ghastly obstacles by beaming them up to safety. It will take great concentration and handling control on the part of the player to complete the mission, but will provide hours of entertainment. Helix takes players through flights of four worlds and 100 levels. 
46438 HEMOHES.ZIP 912,5 kt 18.04.2001 - - -
Hemohes World Championshit 2001 Yksinkertainen hiihtopeli Lahden dopingkäryn kunniaksi. Pistä hiihtäjääsi ylimääräistä puhtia kunnon steroidipaukulla. 
46439 HEXAGEM.ZIP 5 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
HEXaGEM v1.0 by Xdyne Inc. Puzzle/brain. Gather all the jewels you ever wanted, no lottery involved, just your quick mind and finger tapping skills. Designed as a jewelry box with six sides, HEXaGEM can be referred to as a Tetris-type game, but just a bit more complex. Cntrol flying jewels by turning and attaching as many as you can so they form hexagons. Windows 95
46440 HHWCS13.ZIP 944,5 kt 02.11.2001 - - -
Hemohes World Championshit 2001 1.3Yksinkertainen hiihtopeli Lahden dopingkäryn kunniaksi. Pistä hiihtäjääsi ylimääräistä puhtia kunnon steroidipaukulla.
46441 HLXMAS.ZIP 988,1 kt 18.04.2001 - MBHH2002 -
"Happyland Adventures Xmas Edition Happyland Adventures - Xmas Edition is the full featured sequel of the classic jumpnrun Happyland Adventures. Loads of puzzle elementsa game full of surprises. Explore the big levels and collect various fruits for bonus. Santas helpers has all disappeared and its up to you to find them or else Christmas will forever perish!  "
46442 HM-DISCO.ZIP 720,7 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
Discover - Discover-diskettikoteloyritykselle Housemarque-pelifirman tekemä mainospeli. Windows95/NT, ei vaati DirectX:ää. Freeware. http://www.housemorque.com / http://www.discover.com
46443 HOPMON.ZIP 972,5 kt 11.07.2001 - - -
Hopmon Hopmon on toiminnallinen 3D-arcadepeli, jossa Pikachun on kerättävä 45 sokkelotasolta kaikki jalokivet. 
46444 HUNT-E.ZIP 851,6 kt 11.04.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Hunt for the StarsHunt for the Stars on pieni yhden pelaajan 
ajanvietepeli, jossa tavoitteena on metsästää 
taivaalle ilmestyvät tähdet pelaajan säkkiin 
ennen aikarajan umpeutumista.
46445 ICYTOW11.ZIP 1,8 Mt 10.03.2003 - - -
Icy Tower 1.1Auta Homeboy Harold kiipeämään torniin ja tekemään näyttäviä temppuja matkan varrella.
46446 IKOS32.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
Iko San 95 by C2V Productions Takes the fun and strategy of a Tetris-like game and enhances it with awsome 3D animation and graphics. Iko San is infused with 9 superb sound tracks, 5 difficulty levels, hundreds of various playing pieces and tons of fun! Windows 95.
46447 INNERWDS.ZIP 9,7 Mt 07.05.2001 - - -
"Inner Worlds  In this side-scrolling fantasy action adventure  you play the role of a strong and beautiful  womanNikita. Nikita has the astonishing  ability to turn into a ferocious she-wolf!  Nikitas quest is to track down The Clawsthe evil creation of a misguided genius.  The Claws has plagued the world for  generations. Freeware."
46448 JAWCB20.ZIP 571,7 kt 26.04.2001 - - -
JAWC (Just Another Worms Clone) Versio: beta 2.0 JAWC on nimensä mukaisesti Worms-klooni, mutta 3d-ympäristössä, eli eräänlainen Worms 3D. Ohjelmoinut Markus Ilmola. markus.ilmola@pp.inet.fi 
46449 JAZZ2SWF.A01 1,4 Mt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 2/8
46450 JAZZ2SWF.A02 1,4 Mt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 3/8
46451 JAZZ2SWF.A03 1,4 Mt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 4/8
46452 JAZZ2SWF.A04 1,4 Mt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 5/8
46453 JAZZ2SWF.A05 1,4 Mt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 6/8
46454 JAZZ2SWF.A06 1,4 Mt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 7/8
46455 JAZZ2SWF.A07 762,5 kt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 8/8
46456 JAZZ2SWF.ARJ 1,4 Mt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 1/8pl. demo from Epic/G.O.D. Games Follow-up to one of the most loved PC platform games! Join up the Jazz experience of fast and fluid 2D jumping action. Windows 95 P90 16MB DirectX
46457 JGOTRIS.ZIP 4,8 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
JGOtris From JGOware!  An enhanced variation of an old classic! Now you can play your favorite falling blocks game right from your desktop! Stunning graphics, multiple background music tracks and arcade style sound effects. Seven modes of play are available plus JGOtris keeps track of the top 10 players for each game mode and their scores. http://jgoware.com Windows 95
46458 JOUST40.ZIP 3,6 Mt 16.12.1997 - MBCD -
JOUST 4 Published by Polarized Software Arcade game from the past! This is the world of Joust! Where you must defend your honor by defeating all the other jousters sent to destroy you. Fly a giant bird and flap your wings flipping others down from the their birds. Req. Windows 95 DirectX Joystick
46459 KRYPEW.ZIP 1,4 Mt 18.04.1997 - MBCD -
Krypton Egg for Win95 V1.0 By C2V Productions - Breakout arcade game from France that has many twists and turns. This is not your ordinary breakout game, however. Besides the spectacular graphics and sounds, all sorts of hordes and monsters drop along with the balls. Windows 95
46460 LAPTIME.ZIP 1,2 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Laptime v1.0 By Walter Allen. Race around the track. Quirky little race game where you move your car around the track with your mouse. Click go and you are on your way. You must move the car round the track as fast as possible to break into the top 10 list. Simple, easy, fun. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46461 LASB2-12.ZIP 164,6 kt 02.11.1999 - - -
Laser Blocks 2 v1.2 by NiceTime Entertainment Arcade puzzle/Tetris clone. Nicely executed game in which you try to place individual falling blocks. Each block has a pattern of one or more pipe sections, and your task is to line up three or more pipes in a row, which clears them. Once the block is devoid of pipes, it disappears, and other blocks may then fall into new locations. Other variations include laser bombs and concrete walls. Req. VB5 Runtime & Windows 95.
46462 LASB23.ZIP 400,5 kt 17.02.1999 - MBCD -
LASER BLOCKS FOR WIN 95 v2.3 A cool twist on the Tetris theme; features an endless supply of blocks with pipes embedded in them that fall from the sky. Line up three or more pipe sections and a laser removes them, remove all the sections of pipe from a given block and it disappears. This shareware version offers the first five levels; register for more levels and more options.
46463 LC3DDEMO.ZIP 2,8 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
LIGHT CYCLES 3D Copyright (C) 1999 by Robert D. Howells For all of you who haven\'t seen the movie "Tron", what the hell is wrong with you?!?!?! Go rent it, NOW! The game is simple. There are two teams (and for this demo, only one bike per team.)  One is gold, the other is blue. Bikes travel in orthoganal directions, Each bike leaves a wall or "light trace" as it moves. When a bike runs into a light trace or an outside wall, it is destroyed. Win95.
46464 LCDNIB.ZIP 64,5 kt 12.09.2000 - - -
LCD Nibbles ver 1.3 (FREEWARE) (c) 2000 Miikka Laakso  LCD Nibbles is highly addictive worm game. Minimum requirements: Win95, DX5 Check out www.miikkalaakso.com! 
46465 LEAPFROG.ZIP 1,5 Mt 12.04.2000 - 23452/Computerworld_2000-05_cd.bin -
"Leap Frog Cute arcade platform game. This old Eggit clone was my first k&p community gamesits quite fun with 25+ plus stages and 5 worlds. For each world something is added like moving platformscages and more. Very good KliknPlay game. Windows 95. "
46466 LEMPAK.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Lunar Lander simulator. Vreative Computing. Land the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) as near as possible to the flashing red beacon located at the base of the far mountain range. For successful landing to occur, "air" speed (horizontal velocity) must be less than 4 meters/sec and the rate of descent must less than 2 meters/sec. Windows 95/98/NT, Display adapter with OpenGL acceleration, P166, 16 Megs RAM
46467 LFROG12.ZIP 1,5 Mt 02.11.2001 - MBHH2003 -
Leap Frog 1.2 In Leap Frog, an evil French chef has come up with a good recipe: boiled frogs. Use the arrow keys to make your cute little frog hop around and collect yummy bugs. Along the way, you can also pick up glowing yellow coins. Collect 10 coins to go to a bonus stage. Your goal is to continue enjoying those tasty bugs, but you have to avoid the evil chef and his nets. 
46468 LIGHTCY.ZIP 62,6 kt 02.11.1999 - - -
"LightCycles PC (c)1999 Kev Ellis. Version 1.0. Freeware. Classic retro remake. Based on old Spectrum game called LightCyclesby PSS. The game is simple enough. You move around the screen leaving a trail behind you. The object of is to force your opponent to crashwithout crashing yourself! If youve seen the film Tronthen youll know where  the original idea probably came from. 1/2 player. WindowsDirectX. http://www.ellis-online.co.uk"
46469 LILPS10.ZIP 5,3 Mt 19.04.2003 - - -
"Littlepeter Save v1.0 This game combines action and strategy. You can guide the civilians by putting arrows on the ground. You must plan the paths so that the civilians wont hit on an obstaclesuch as a mine or a bomb. You are not limited to walking away from the obstaclesyou can destroy them using items. Dont forget to guide the civilians to pick up the items also."
46470 LMOWER20.ZIP 3,4 Mt 21.01.2003 - - -
LawnMower v2.0 You are the homeowner operating the 2-speed lawn mower. Cut grass as clean as possible and collect numerous bonuses. Keep your lawn green and even! You have limited amount of gas cans, so beware of angry enemies, for they will steal your fuel.The Two Player mode is also available. Shareware.
46471 LODEDOOM.ZIP 1,9 Mt 29.04.2003 - - -
Lode Doomer 1.0Lode Doomer on uusintaversio legendaarisesta Lode Runner pelistä. Pelaajan tehtävänä on kerätä jokaisesta kentästä kaikki pommit ennen kuin niiden ajastin menee nollaan, minkä jälkeen kentästä pitäisi päästä vielä hengissä uloskin. Pelin sankari osaa kaivaa reikiä tietyntyyppiseen maastoon, ja tätä kykyä voi käyttää sekä vastustajien hidastamiseen että kentissä etenemiseen. 
Kokeiluversio, 15 USD. Windows 95/98/2000/ME/NT/XP. http://www.sapphiregames.com/lode/
46472 LOSTIDOL.ZIP 3,7 Mt 02.04.2003 - - -
Lost Idols The Golden Idols have been stolen from the sacred monastery. You must travel to the high Himalayan mountains and deep caverns to retrieve them. However, your task will not be simple because the thief has hidden these treasures within treacherous levels. Encounter obstacles such as collapsing floors, slippery ice panels and guardian creatures which block your way, as well as switches and elevators which can help you on your quest for the stolen idols. 
46473 LURIDLND.ZIP 2,4 Mt 09.04.1998 - MBCD -
"Lurid Land by Illusion Softworks Collect 4 different keys. Release prisoners and get out of the level. Platform/action/ puzzle. Dont let the knight get too close to you. You may kill himjumping onto his head. If you do soanother comes out. Windows 95"
46474 M32SET.ZIP 381,1 kt 17.01.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 4 -
"Manic Miner for Windows 95 By Barak Ori. Classic retro remake. Manic Miner (the original or my version) is no match for Quakeyou cannot meet Lara Croft thereand it doesnt have Napalm Strikesas Worms 2 has. But if you played ityou probably miss it. I think youd love the old gamewith better graphics and soundbut with all the well known features of the original game. Arcade platform game. http://www.xmixdrix.com/manicminer Req. Windows 95"
46475 MAGBALLS.ARJ 471,5 kt 17.05.1998 - - -
"MAGBALLS Version 1.00 A great pad game which has 3 different computer opponents and a two player game. The game has also weapons and it is different from other pad games because: The pad pushes the ball away even if it doesnt hit the ball! It is a good way to humiliate your friends by showing them who is the boss of the players!"
46476 MAGICB11.ZIP 302 kt 17.11.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Magic Beads v1.1Magic Beads is a variation of Tetris theme with intuitive rules and skins. Rotate colors of falling blocks to line up three or more of the same color. Removing more than 5 blocks at one drop you receive some bonuses. High scores are recorded, and an honor roll keeps track of the family experts giving them nice icons. MagicBeads is easy-to-play fun and you will like it if you prefer a rather unhurried real time games. 
46477 MAGICD2.ZIP 10,6 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Magic Dust 2Magic Dust 2 on Worms-klooni, jossa siniset ja punaiset käyvät lipunryöstöä asein. P350, 64 MB. Shareware. 
46478 MAGNOBAL.ZIP 2,6 Mt 26.10.2000 - - -
MagnoBall v1.0Mango Ball tries to capture the spirit of pinball without the usual flapping paddles, switches, and scrolling tables. Instead, you must bounce a ball into the exit at the top of the single-screen levels, while preventing it from hitting deadly magnetic floors and platforms. The graphics are adequate, but not particularly remarkable. Win 9x. Freeware. 
46479 MARBCRAZ.ZIP 1,2 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
Marble Crazy v1.02a by Supanova Software. Match like colored marbles to win. Challenge even the fastest game players. You play against a friend or an computer. Object is to slide rows of marbles up and down to create rows of three or more of the same color marble. Make a row of three and they disappear. Keep moving, though, because more marbles are being added from the top and bottom. Excellent, challenging, fun. Windows 95/98, DirectX 5 or better, P133
46480 MARBL11.ZIP 1,4 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
Crazy Marbles v1.1  - you try to guide your marble though a number of obsticles to safety You will have 45 seconds for each level. maps consist of holes and hills. You should try to avoid the holes. The hills may help or hinder you. A bit like the old classic Marble Madness. Now Voodoo3 & Banshee support. 3Dfx and OpenGL versions. Requires PC P90 16MB 3Dfx Glide 2.23+. http://www.gotm.org/marble/
46481 MARBLE2.ZIP 5,2 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
"Marbleous 2Marbleous2 far exceeds its predecessor in every respect. Gameplay is extremely simple: Move your mouse to tilt the board. Thats it! The marble will roll accordingly. Its very simple to start playing right awaybut its also very difficult to master. P16632 MB.  "
46482 MBALL104.ZIP 2,2 Mt 02.04.2003 - - -
Magic Ball v1.04 Magic Ball is an Arkanoid remake. Destroy all the bricks to advance to the next level. 
46483 MEMIX10.ZIP 2,2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"Memix v1.0 from Soft.Solutions Like to play the memory game Simon? If soyoull feel right at home with Memixwhich behaves much the same way. There are four colored squareswhich are lit by the computer in a certain order. You observe the sequence and try to duplicate it. Windows 9598or NT"
46484 MERRYHP.ZIP 420,6 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Merrysoft Hedelmäpeli Hedelmäpeli, johon voit vaihtaa uuden ulkoasun, ohjata hiirellä, näppäimistollä ja peliohjaimella sekä jossa on TOP 10 -lista! Uusin versio n. kaksi vuotta sitten alkunsa saanesta suositusta Hedelmäpelistä. 1998-2000 Vesa Piittinen, Merrysoft Windows 95, vaatii VB40032.DLL:n Skinit: Perus, Pokemon, Final Fantasy ja Garbage.
46485 MHDEMO.ZIP 19,5 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
"Monster Hunter demoYou are a Monster Hunter! Your job: enter monster infested castles and clear them out. As you work your way from level to levelyoull find trapsweapons and new monsters. Youll have to avoid floor spikesfalling rocksdarkened roomsand fire pits as you make your way to the top of the towerand destroy it to rid the tower of monsters for good. P20032 MBWin 9x. "
46486 MJ2K-B1.ZIP 3 Mt 17.12.1999 - - -
MarbleJongg 2000. Photography based graphics plus OpenGL make this game cutting edge fun. Marbles that spin, or spin in opposing direction add depth and challenge to the Jongg solitaire tile matching game. Non-violent and fun for all ages, MarbleJongg is full featured with varied textures and backgrounds to select from and hours of background music. Windows 95/98, OpenGL required.
46487 MONMAYHE.ZIP 3,1 Mt 19.03.1999 - MBCD -
"MONSTERS & MAYHEM v1.2:WIN95 Action/Adventure pits you against a mind boggeling dungeon of GoblinsMancersDark HerosEvil Goblin Chiefsand the Evil Goblin Gods. Navigate their twisted dungeons venturing ever deeper picking up magic itemstreasureand keys in Gauntlet style. SVGA. New Dungeons can be added. Dozens of monstersmagic itemspotionsand treasures."
46488 MOONBU98.ZIP 2,5 Mt 24.10.1998 - MBCD -
"Moon Buggy 98 - arcade. The objective is to maneuver your moon buggy across the surface of six moonsdodging all obstacles and shooting down all the enemy ships. Once at the end of each moon you destroy its power generator. Retro conversion. Win95 DirectX"
46489 MOONSHOT.ZIP 1,2 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Moonshot Version 2.0 Try to land your Lunar Module on the moon safely.  Landing sites that are more difficult are worth more points. Dodging optional meteors gives you even more points. This is a challenging game with "attitude". Pentium 90, 16 MB ram, Windows 95/98, 6 MB free hard drive space, DirectX 7.0a
46490 MOZP107E.ZIP 1,8 Mt 01.03.2000 - - -
 MozPong DX v1.0.7e by Akira Nagamatsu Breakout style arcade game. Easy to play, hard to quit! A guy keeps bouncing the balls using only his head. Are you fast enough to both bounce the balls back into the bricks - and to collect all the bonuses bricks drop? Windows 95, 98, or NT
46491 MP25.ZIP 1,1 Mt 07.02.2000 - - -
Minitris Penta v2.5  by Ursiny Communications Tetris style game. Game featuring a playing field with five columns and blocks of eight different colors. Blocks of one of eight different colors fall into the five column play area and can be moved left and right or quickly dropped down. Creating a set of three, four or more blocks of the same color, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, will make the blocks disappear. Windows 95
46492 MRBALL.ZIP 841,5 kt 23.01.1999 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
Mr. Ball Platform / arcade. Jump with Mr. Ball through the level to the exit. Every stone can only be crossed limited times so you have to plan your moves carefully. There is no time-limit but think twice before every move ... Shareware demo with 7 levels. Windows 95, Direct X 5.0, 16bit-SVGA. Enhanced version for Direct 3D-compatible 3D-accelerators included but running without 3D-hardware, too! DIGITAL Nightmares
46493 MRBLOUS.ZIP 8,5 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
Marbleous Venkura taitopeli jossa vierität kuulaa kaltevalla pinnalla. Ohjaat pintaa hiirellä koettaen ohjata pallon reikään. Mutta varo ettei pallo tipahda pelialueelta. Tekijä Webresponsive. Windows 95/98 
46494 MURKUT.ZIP 331,8 kt 08.07.1998 - MBCD -
Murkut - WINDOWS-95 peli, jossa ideana on auttaa yksinäinen punainen muurahainen pakenemaan vihamielisten ruskeiden muurahaisten hyökkäystä. Pelaaja ohjaa muurahaisen pakenemista nuolinäppäimillä. Jokaisella tasolla on esteitä, jotka on kierrettävä. Takaa-ajavat muurahaiset purevat pakenijaa aina kun saavat siihen kontaktin. Tehnyt  Juho Pärssinen
46495 NEIKA.ZIP 5 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
"Neophyte: The Spirit Master demoNeika Mantru is a young warrior with some unusual abilities. Saruher mother and the clans healerhas seen in a vision that a great evil has returned to the world. She believes that Neika is key in stopping this Evil. Thus Neika must seek out those who can help her accomplish this great task. Neophyte: The Spirit Master is the third shareware episode of the Neophyte saga with gorgeousUltima-style graphics.  Shareware. Pentium w/ Win 9xDirectX 2.0 "
46496 NEOPH11.ZIP 4,5 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
Neophyte: The Journey begins v1.1An action-oriented role-playing game, where you play Thael, a young man whose parents were killed by the menacing Horde, led by Vacmatio. Your Uncle Aliqus has begun to train you to fight, but you are still young, without even a sword. Last night, the ruins north of town started to glow a sickly green. This can only herald the return of Horde. You awaken in your bedroom and listen, your Uncle is calling. Hurry, neophyte, yours may be the only hands which can save us all. 
46498 NETRIS32.ZIP 1 Mt 06.11.2000 versio 3.0 - -
"Enable Netris v3.2enable Netris adds a wealth of new features to Tetris type gamesincluding two-player networking. its well written and includes a nice variety of features. Win 9x. Freeware. "
46499 NETT2FB.ZIP 778,5 kt 04.12.1999 - - -
NetTETRIS v2.0 final beta. By Wei Gao New Tetris clone that can be played over a network. You can play it by yourself, with you friends on same machine, or multiplayer even with a total stranger over the Internet. Does not include any servers. Internet connection for Internet game and Windows 95
46500 NOPEV10.ZIP 16 kt 26.01.2001 - - -
Nopeuspeli v1.0 Nopeuspeli on reaktio nopeuden testaamista varten tehty peli. Mukana TOP5-lista ja taulukko, josta näet heti nopeusasteesi. Tehnyt: Mika Hynnä. Vaatii: Win9x ja Visual Basic 6:n runtime-tiedostot.
46501 NW-F1.ZIP 314,5 kt 13.03.2002 - - -
F-1F-1 on uudistettu käännös C-64:n samannimisestä pelistä, jossa ajellaan Formula-radalla väärään suuntaan, ja väistellään vastaan tulevia ajokkeja. Myös tässä PC-versiossa on loistava pelattavuus. Uutuutena hienot ääniefektit ja grafiikat! Vaatii: 486/66MHz, MCGA, SB, 500kB XMS Tukee: Joystick/gamepad  Nacki/NasuWare
46502 PACBOM12.ZIP 1,8 Mt 22.12.2002 - - -
PacBomber 1.2PacBomberissa viipotetaan suutaan aukovalla pallerolla pitkin labyrinttiä, väistellään tai syödään kummituksia ja kerätään bonuksia jotka auttavat pääsemään pelissä eteenpäin.
Shareware, 14,95. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.gamerange.com/
46503 PACMA18.ZIP 1,3 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
"PacMania 3D v1.8  by Alawar Entertainment PacMan spin-off with a turn-of-the-millenium feel. The graphics and sound are stylish and your out-to-munch character is as voracious as evertrying to eat goodies while avoiding some very creepy monsters. You can consume powerups to give you extra lives and to turn the tables on the chomping monsters. Each level features different musicand the monstersbehavior also alters."
46504 PACMAN2.ZIP 4,8 Mt 20.05.2003 - - -
PacMania II In PacMania you run through the intimidating labyrinth together with Pac-Man, eating the dots and hunting the evil monsters. The gameplay is a 3D-style modern remake of the original 1980 Pac-Man adventures with a number of exciting novelties. Shareware, $15.
46505 PBLUPI18.A01 1,4 Mt 25.05.1998 - MBCD -
Planet Blupi v1.8 2/4
46506 PBLUPI18.A02 1,4 Mt 25.05.1998 - MBCD -
Planet Blupi v1.8 3/4
46507 PBLUPI18.A03 1,3 Mt 25.05.1998 - MBCD -
Planet Blupi v1.8 4/4
46508 PBLUPI18.ARJ 1,4 Mt 25.05.1998 - MBCD -
"Planet Blupi v1.8  1/4Playable Demo Epsitec. New adventure game for PC compatibles. It subtly blends action with thought-provoking challenges. Behind the quiet and gentle facadeyoull enjoy a fascinating diversion full of surprises. Planet Blupi is ideal for ages 12 to 99. P608MbWin95DirectX 3"
46509 PCBERT12.ZIP 690 kt 19.10.2002 - MBHH2003 -
PC*Bert v1.2 Move PC*Bert around the pyramid of cubes. Each time PC*Bert lands on a new cube, it changes color. Change all the cubes to the same color to clear the level. Of course, there is also the added problem of moving obstacles that knock you off of the pyramid if they hit you. Freeware. 
46510 PENGOWIN.ZIP 53,9 kt 16.01.2001 - 16318/Registration Key and Serials Pro Professional Edition.iso -
PengoWith sixty seconds on the clock Pengo the penguin must push around and align the ice cubes while watching out for the other penguins out to stop him. To help Pengo on his mission use the arrow keys to move him and the space bar to push the ice cubes. You only have three lives to work with and sixty seconds to accomplish the mission. Work fast and watch out for the other penguins and the new penguins about to hatch from the eggs. Win 9x. Shareware. 
46511 PHARAOH.ZIP 2,2 Mt 05.01.1998 - MBCD -
"PHARAOHS ASCENT by Ambertec Action platformer. - Struggle to ascend to the Kingdom of Osiris. Find your way out of the tomb that is laden with traps and pitfalls that were supposed to keep bandits out. Test the first 7 roomsfull version has 91 rooms. Climb out of the depths of your tomb and take your place by Osiris. Windows 95/NT486/668 MBPCI gfx card"
46512 PIGPEN.ZIP 1020,4 kt 18.09.2000 - - -
Pig PenPig Pen on Pacman-klooni, jossa vipelletään sialla sokkelossa, tarkoituksena noukkia kaikki vehnäpallerot samalla väistellen muita maatilan elikoita. 
46513 PINSETUP.ZIP 3,9 Mt 09.06.2000 - MBHH2001 -
"Rollm Up by Lost Boys Interactive. Free one table pinball game. By Lost Boys Interactive. Windows 95/98P20032 MBDirect3D. "
46514 PLOIN215.ZIP 6,8 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
"Ploing 2 v1.5 Peter Pilot is lost in space and he must travel through seven galaxies to reach his home galaxy. Unfortunatly his rocket is not prepared for such a long journey. His rocket can only fly from planet to planet where Peter has to fill up the tanks with fuel. Each of those planets contains different challenges that Peter has to master...  v1.5 contains all new demo levels. Two free bonus levels are also available from the games homepage. Shareware."
46515 PLOING2D.ZIP 7,9 Mt 01.05.2002 - - -
Ploing 2 demo A unique mix of pinball and tile smashing in a fantastic 3D environment. Peter Pilot is lost in space and he must travel through seven galaxies to reach his home galaxy. Unfortunatly his rocket is not prepared for such a long journey. His rocket can only fly from planet to planet where Peter has to fill up the tanks with fuel. Each of those planets contains different challenges that Peter has to master. 
46516 PMSTK11.ZIP 4,3 Mt 02.08.2002 - - -
Pickman Saves the Kingdom v1.1Pickman is akin to 3D version of Pac-Man. The game features a story line, multiple bosses, 100 levels, and coop and competition multiplayer modes. 
46517 POKEWO.ZIP 5,8 Mt 27.05.2000 - - -
Pokémon World demo by Garbiele. 3D third person adventure. The player personifies the boy Ash that, becoming Pokémon Master must fight with various characters and trainers, scattered in the different cities of the world. In this demo you can find Caterpie only, penetrating you in the zones of high grass that are been between the two cities included in the scenery. Windows 95/98, P90, 16 MB, Direct3D. 
46518 POLYPUS2.ZIP 2,1 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
POLYPUS v2.0  is an arcade/strategy game run under windows 95 + directx3 or win 98 programmed by MORINI Fred oct1998 Shareware version. Board game in which the objective is to take over all the cells in your color. Windows 95/98, DirectX 3.
41092 PONG95.ZIP 680586 05.12.1995 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z tupla
Super Pong '95 - Windows 95 -versio
vanhasta klassisesta videopelistä
46519 POPDEMO.ZIP 2,1 Mt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
Pop! The Twisted Balloon Dog Adventure Guide POP! past porcupines, thumbtacks, cats, bees, firecrackers, car batteries and more. Yikes! This deviously demented puzzle game features 87 levels of cartoon mayhem. Windows 95/NT P133 DirectX3 8 MB
46520 POPITTT.ZIP 3,5 Mt 27.01.2000 - - -
"Popit v1.00  Pop as many characters as you can in sixty seconds. A number of characters to choose from. High score is recorded. use your mouse to move the spiked ball to hit the falling balloons. Funeasy. This game is freeware. Windows 95486/66."
46521 PP32105.ZIP 1006,8 kt 25.11.1999 - MBCD -
Piranha Panic v1.05 32-bit High quality arcade game featuring cartoonish graphcis and special composed music. Especially targeted for kdis and female players. Control a fun piranha fish where Mrs. Piranha is trying to find her kids among hostile lakes. Unite the family! Windows 95/98/NT - 486/33 - 8 Mb.
46522 PRETPE12.ZIP 1004,9 kt 24.11.1998 - MBCD -
"Pretzel Pete demo v1.2 by Stealth ProductionsInc. Driving/arcade. Drive around the 3D city in your pretzel vanand catch the pretzels with your netwhile trying to avoid the innocent passersby. Youll collect powerups like hamburgers and mustard jars too. Also supports multiplayer with link/ modem/network/Internet. Req. Windows 95 & DirectX5"
46523 PSYWLD10.ZIP 3,3 Mt 02.11.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Psyworld 1.0 Traverse 50 huge levels in this amazing 3D adventure! Take on various enemies from giant bees to crazed robots as you explore Psyworld. Features Full 3D Experience, 5 Episodes (50 levels in total), supports downloadable add-on episodes, excellent gameplay and 3D Sound. P200, 32 MB. 
46524 PTE.ZIP 5,1 Mt 08.06.2000 - - -
"Pterrotrooper. Classic retro remake. Similar to the classic arcade game where you must unseat your rivals from atop their avian steeds. Its complete with many modern features as well as the classic features including the Lava Hand and the Pterodactyl. 3D rendered graphics and several levels. Includes 2 player game. This Demo version allows game play of any 3 consecutive levels and you start each game with 1 life. Win 95/98/2000/NT + DirectX 7 or higher "
46525 PUDJUMP.ZIP 977,8 kt 31.07.1999 - - -
Puddle Jumper 2000 v2.0 by Robin C. Ashmore Classic-style arcade game that offers action and puzzles all in one.  The game entails the rather unlikely premise of a flying bulldozer on a mission to retrieve valuable glass blocks from the lairs of evil robot monsters. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46526 PWORM10.ZIP 1,4 Mt 01.05.2002 - - -
Plasmaworm v1.0 Plasmaworm on riemunkirjava matopeli, jossa pelaaja ohjastaa plasmavuossa asustavaa plasmatoa ja syö sinne kuulumattomat esineet suihinsa. Shareware, $10.  
67569 QBOB32S1.EXE 1981112 31.10.1996 - MBCD -
QBob-puzzlepelin pelattava demo. V1.0.
Windows 95-versio.
46527 QLAT221.ZIP 3,4 Mt 07.12.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Q-Lat 2  2.1 By Piste Gamez. Clear stages full of balls by turning them  to the same color. Collect bonuses and  break hiscores. 1 or 2 players. Top  quality gameplay, graphics and musics.  Freeware.  System requirements:  P200 or better, 
Windows 95, Windows 98 or Windows 2000,  DirectX 7.0. http://pistegamez.cjb.net  
46528 RC10.ZIP 796,2 kt 13.03.2002 - MBHH2003 -
"Rapid Clickinv1.0 Rapid Clickinis a little game which tests your clicking reflects in funny way. There is 9 balls on screen and the idea is to click balls every time they light up. If you arent fast enoughballs will blow and you lose points. Download now and take part in the web competition at mkgamez.cjb.net!"
46529 RCKNROLL.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
" RockNRoll by Canopus. Get all the gems while evading monsters. Arcade-style game in which the objective is to collect gems while avoiding monsters and hazards. Youll need to combine speeddexterityand logic to complete all the levels successfully. Thumping sound effects and appealing graphics will boost you in your quest. DirectX 6 or laterPentium 100and Windows 95 or Windows 98."
46531 RDDEMO.ZIP 4,9 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
Rich Diamond demo. Strategy/Puzzle. Intellectually stimulating action/puzzle. Isometric viewed. Make your way through elaborate system of mazes, monsters and masterfully challenging puzzles in order to collect the ever precious diamonds. You have accepted the challenge and are now beyond the point of no return. Only successful completion of the 80 progressively more difficult levels will free you with your priceless bounty. Windows95/98 P150 16 MB
46530 RDDEMOP.ZIP 110,7 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
Rich Diamond screenshot. Strategy/Puzzle.
46532 REAC201F.ZIP 479,5 kt 12.04.1998 - MBCD -
Reaction v2.01 Speden Spelit tapainen reaktio/naputtelupeli jossa on itse asiassa jo kolme peliä. Suomenkielinen / freeware. Lassi Hietala 
46533 REBND.ZIP 10,8 Mt 11.05.2003 - - -
Rebound The soundtrack pulses as you break the bricks with your ion sphere and try to advance. Power-ups keep every level fresh, and four difficulty levels let you customize your challenge. ThereÆs a huge number of levels to get through - 170 in all.  Shareware, $20.
46534 RHOTSHOT.ZIP 638,4 kt 19.04.2003 - - -
Rigelian Hot Shots Pelaaja pujahtaa hehkuvan tulipallon puikkoihin ja tippuu lähes vapaassa pudotuksessa alas mutkittelevaa kuilua. Kallioon törmäämistä on syytä välttää, kuten myös kiinni iskeytyviä sulkuportteja sekä seinistä sinkoilevia plasmapalloja. Matkan varrella kärvennetään kuilussa liihottavia Ilonpilaajia: pisteet lasketaan poltetuista öttiäisistä sekä jäljelle jääneestä energiasta. Hyvin suoritetusta tasosta saa bonuskertoimia seuraavaan kenttään. 
46535 RICOCH13.ZIP 6,8 Mt 29.05.2002 - - -
Ricochet 1.3 Ricochet on tutusta ja turvallisesta Breakoutista kehitetty klooni, jossa palloa pompottamalla rikotaan tiiliä. Pelin nostaa harmaasta massasta kuitenkin sen hyvä toteutus: ohjailtavuus on hiirellä nopeaa ja yksinkertaista, rikotuista tiilistä alas satavat erikoisominaisuudet antavat kliseisyydestään huolimatta mukavaa tunnelmaa, ja sekä grafiikka että äänet tukevat kokonaisuutta mainiosti. 
46536 RICOCHT.ZIP 6,7 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Ricochet The basic gameplay is similar to Breakout and Arkanoid, but Ricochet adds more character and a lot more gameplay and visual effects. Also, each of the four different and unique environments in Ricochet are truly something to see. P233, 32 MB. 
46537 RM-10.ZIP 451,3 kt 01.03.2000 - - -
" Roulette Mania Roulette game. Its slightly based on a real slot machine but I added some extra features such as two kind of Statistics and HighScores. Not perfect Roulette but I think it has the most important features. Windows 95/98/NT. Lassi Hietala lahietal@st.jyu.fi http://www.jyu.fi/~lahietal/roulettemania/"
46538 RNRDEMO.ZIP 963,3 kt 15.07.1999 - - -
"RocknRoll All-action puzzler featuring 60 screens of MonstersDeadly Fungus and plenty of surprises. The demo version allows you to try five full levels before you buy. Andyou can view all the other levels as well. You can design your own screens with the Level Editor which comes as an optional extra with the full game. Platform: Win95"
46539 ROBOCR20.ZIP 4,2 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
RoboCrush v 2.0  by Freeform Interactive Colorful game that has some Tetris overtones. In this game, you use RoboCrush to send little robot men (Bleeps) up to the top of the screen in an attempt to match three of the same color. When you do, they slide back down to the bottom of the screen and disappear. Gray robots appear and complicate your mission, eventually turning a color that may or may not fit into your plan. Windows 95, 98/NT
46540 ROHD.ZIP 25,6 Mt 07.12.2002 - - -
"Realm of Hepumia demo Menacing ogres and goblins have overtaken the magical realm of Hepumia. One of only a handful of sorceress elvesyour fate is to retrieve the gold theyve stolen from your town in order to rebuild elsewhere. Hop across the ancient elfin docks casting powerful spells to blow away your foes while taking back your gold and escaping your own demise. The demo contains two levelsthe arcade modeand a sound track sample. P16632 MB.  "
46541 SAVEKEN.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
"South Park Save Kenny Game 1.0There are two games in this download: Kenny Hit and Run and Its a Blast. 
Both games involve saving Kenny. Kenny Hit and Run is similar to Frogger
but much harder; you have five huge streets with smaller lanes and faster 
cars. In the second gamea cannon shoots Kenny and you try to catch him.
46542 SCARLETG.ZIP 2,1 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
Scarlet GrainGather coins as you explore a labyrinth. Challenging labyrinth game from Alexander Militsin in which your goal is to pick up a fixed number of coins, get to an exit, and move on to the next level. The game looks great, with stylish graphics. During your journey, you have to avoid rock falls and evade foes. Boulder Dash clone. Windows 95 or Windows 98
46543 SHEEPDMO.ZIP 53 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
"Sheep demoTheyve traveled vast distances through space. Theyve colonized countless star systems. Theyve forgotten why theyre here... Can you guide the lovable - but soooo stupid - Sheep to Mt Mouflon without getting them bashedboiledblown up or blow-dried?  "
46544 SIEGE110.ZIP 413,6 kt 29.01.2001 - - -
Siege 1 v1.0  Destroy the world from your PC. Siege 1 is an arcade war game for your PC, where you lay waste to a fortress with your catapult. Win 9x. Freeware. 
46545 SIH95S14.ZIP 3 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
Super Ice Cube Hopper v1.4. Arcade-Puzzle peli, jossa pyritään hyppimään pingviinillä jääkuutioiden päällä määrätylle paikalle. Windows 95.
46546 SINAPP12.ZIP 21,3 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
SiNapp (Siirränpäsnappulan) Versio: 1.02.0000    (freeware) Vaatii Windows 95 ja MSVBVM50.DLL (ei sisälly pakettiin) Tekijä: Sergei Jauhonen. Pelin tarkoituksena on saada mahdollisimman monta nappia pois pelilaudalta.
46547 SKATEP10.ZIP 114,4 kt 20.09.2000 - - -
Skate Park v1.0Skate Park on yksinkertainen platform- tyylinen rullalautailupeli. 
46548 SKINTRIS.ZIP 1003 kt 08.05.2000 - - -
SkinTris v1.0 by Power Team. Play a vamped up Tetris clone. Classical Tetris clone which features tons of options. The most impressive one is the Skins option which will allow anyone to change every graphic of the game, in a very easy way. This game features a challenging solo mode with ten difficulty levels: compete with your friends to stay at the top of the hall of fame! Windows 95/98 
46549 SLAVEZD.ZIP 59,8 Mt 19.10.2002 - - -
"Slave Zero demo Slave Zero puts you at the controls of a giant killing machine. As you rampage through a fully interactive cityyoull be able to use your deadly weapons to wreak havoc. In additionbuildings can be knocked downfreeways destroyedand fleeing humans trampled. The 3D environment and high-quality animation enhance the experience. This demo contains one mission and a limited number of weapons. "
46550 SMACKAT.ZIP 3,5 Mt 17.11.2000 - MBHH2001 -
"The Settlers: Smack a Thief!The Settlers: Smack a Thief! is Blue Bytes new mini-game where you and your Roman soldiers try to keep Vikings from pilfering your gold. Your soldiers are tired from their tavern-hopping eveningsso they will need a little push to get them going. The Vikings are nimble and quick as weaselsthey scurry in from all sides and can only be put out of commission with a proper whacking! Luckilythere are some goodies that help you deal with the Viking low-life. Win 9x. Shareware. "
46551 SMBSOUND.EXE 736,6 kt 31.03.2001 - - -
Super Methane BrosHauska ja väkivallaton tasohyppelypeli, 
jossa kaasutetaan mörköjä.
46552 SNAKE310.EXE 155,4 kt 25.09.2000 - - -
Snake 3.10The classic Snake / Worm / Nibbles game with a new face and new features. 
Includes e.g. level-play, growth-play and highscoretables for all game types. 
You can also create your own levels, which may be included in later versions. 
If you achieve some great highscores, you can go online and upload your scores 
at http://snakeplayers.cjb.net to be compared with other players.
46553 SNKTRNBS.ZIP 2 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Snakes, Trains and Bees v1.0  ESC - Enjoy playing Snakes, Trains and Bees or switch in the Spelling Bee option to make it a great learning aid. Includes four Snakes and Ladders and two car variations plus train, horse, snow sleigh and miner games. Use your own word lists or the built in spelling dictionary to test yourself. Up to four people can play and you can also play against the computer. Sound effects. On line help. $20 Windows 95/98
46555 SNOK.ZIP 10,8 Mt 24.07.2001 - - -
Snok Snok on 3D-versio ikivanhasta matopelistä. Pelin tarkoituksena on siis kerätä talteen kaikki objektit jatkuvasti kasvavalla käärmeellä ilman, että törmätään omaan häntään. 
46554 SNOKDEMO.ZIP 6,5 Mt 22.06.2000 - 23167/Gamestar_20_2000-07_cd1.bin -
"Snok is a first person multiplayer 3D-snake game. Youre supposted to grab all the objects without crossing your own path. It will end up with a long long tail and it will get hard and harder. Supports high res and 32bit. Windows 95/98P20032 MBOpenGL. "
46556 SNOWCRAF.ZIP 993,7 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
"Snowcraft Simple snow-ball fighting game. Your objective to survive each round and pummel the green team with ....snowballs. On the most simpliest termsthis game is a rapid click-fest using your mouse and doesnt require much skill other than dodging and throwing. Requires: Macromedia Shockwave. "
46557 SONIC105.ZIP 4 Mt 19.04.2003 - - -
Sonic Speedsters v1.05 Sonic Speedsters is an intense PC action video game, with a mix of arena-style combat, motorcycle racing, and reflex strategy. With more than 20 levels, 6 speedsters and multiple AI opponents, Sonic Speedsters provides hours and hours of single player game play, as well as free online multi-player Internet play. Compete in multiple lightning fast combat rounds to win the tournament. Battle to the end in final death tiebreaker rounds to settle the score on tie games. Win tournaments to unlock more speedsters and claim victory over the planet.
46558 SPCMIS14.ZIP 3,5 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
Space Mission-The Rescue v1.4  by Nexuz Computing Save an astronaut stranded on the moon. Modest desktop diversion that challenges you to rescue a stranded astronaut by piloting a lunar landing module. This straightforward side-scroller features realistic radio chatter and atmospheric music. To win, you must finesse your lander through an asteroid belt, plant it safely on the surface of the moon, then return to orbit. Windows 95.
46559 SPEEDY08.A01 2 Mt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Speedy Blupi v0-8 demo 2/2
46560 SPEEDY08.ARJ 2,9 Mt 17.07.1998 - MBCD -
Speedy Blupi v0.8 demo 1/2 New easy action platform game. Ideal for ages 12 to 99. Built-in Mission designer. The DEMO version contains 1 training mission, 1 complete single player mission, 1 multiplayer mission. Windows 95/98, P100, 16 MB, DirectX Multiplayer link/modem/IPX or TCP/IP.
46561 SPHOCKEY.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.04.2000 - - -
"South Park Ultra Air Hockey 1.0South Park Ultra Air Hockey is a fast-paced air hockey game. Pick your 
player (CartmanKyleKennyor Pip)then start playing against your 
opponent. Each opponents difficulty level will go up after each level
and the score that you play to will go up. If you make it through all 
the rounds you become the king of air hockey. If you win youll also 
receive a couple of special levels. 
46562 SPMARIO.ZIP 1,2 Mt 12.05.2000 - MBHH2001 -
South Park Super Mario BrothersFeaturing Kenny and other pals from South Park has a 
mission to save the Princess while kicking a lot of butt! 
Think this game is a piece of cake? Think again, download 
now to see if you have what it takes to save the princess.
46563 SPONGBOB.ZIP 44,2 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBob SquarePants: Operation Krabby Patty tarjoaa tasohyppelyä lapsille ja lapsenmielisille. P233, 32 Mt. 
46564 SPRINGYM.ZIP 7,3 Mt 08.05.2000 - 15609/PCM_0007.iso -
"SPRINGY MADNESSv1.10SHAREWARE VERSION COPYRIGHT by Creative Adept2000   SPRINGY MADNESS is a wickedly difficult 3D puzzle game that plays like a console platform game.  As you move your spring through each colorful and abstract levelyou must avoid a plethora of meanies while trying to figure out a path to complete each level.  Itll take good reflexes and a clever mind to make it through this one.  "
46565 SPTETR20.ZIP 145,8 kt 10.11.1999 - - -
Super Tetris v2.0 by Atheer El-din Mustafa Play a more advanced version of Tetris. A Tetris like game with many more features. You can play either single or multiplayer games. There are also new variations in addition to the classic Tetris style game. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46566 SSELEVEN.ZIP 614,3 kt 01.04.2003 - - -
Starship Eleven Starship Elevenissä rohkea pilotti lentää aluksensa turma-ansoja täynnään olevan teknotunnelin uumeniin ja pistää vakivarusteena olevan torpedotykin avulla tiellä olevia seiniä päreiksi. Etenemistä hankaloittavat ufot, paineprässit, ydinporat, lasersäteet, terävät kivet, sun muut vaarat, polttoainepulasta puhumattakaan. Pelin voi onneksi tallentaa käväisemällä erityisissä tallennuspisteissä. 
46567 SSOLDIER.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.01.2001 - 23172/Gamestar_25_2000-12_cd1.bin -
"Shaolin Soldier Shaolin Soldier is a side scrolling platform action game in the spirit of NESs Super Mario Bros. In SSyou will have to face soldiersapessnakes and a host of other creatures while colelcting a fortune of coins and jewels. Theres also a wide range of power-ups to collect to help you though the levels. SS is fully expandableand new levelsbaddies and power-ups will be posted on the developers site. Win 9xDirectX 7Virtual Basic 5. Freeware. "
46568 SSP32201.ZIP 764,3 kt 23.01.1999 - MBCD -
SinkSub Pro V2.01 32-bit. Highly addictive arcade action game ! Take command of a Swedish patrol boat and sink submarines. 50 action stuffed levels, smooth 256 color animation and digitized sound effects. Req. 486/4MB. Windows 95
46569 STARTRON.ZIP 5,1 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
StarTron StarTron combines several classic gaming concepts (Tron, Pacman, Tetris) using a modern OpenGL 3D engine. Manouver your ship and collect crystals to advance to the next level. If your ship hits its exhaust or runs into a wall, it is destroyed. StarTron has 24 single player levels and also includes a multiplayer mode that can be played over the FSGS online platform. Freeware. 
46570 STETRIS9.ZIP 297,1 kt 12.08.1999 - - -
"S-Tetris99 v1.11 by Ehrenberg Andrej Includes a Tetris variation in addition to the traditional game. This nicely presented game includes six different block formats and lets you substitute your own .bmp file for the background. The variationPentixis essentially the same as Tetrisbut introduces larger and more complex block formationswhich can be quite a challenge to place. Windows 9598or NT"
46571 STYX10.ZIP 190,4 kt 20.06.1999 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
"STYX-PC - By Kev Ellis. Arcade retro remake. What is Styx? Styx is an old (very old!) ZX Spectrum 
gamewritten in 1983 by Matthew Smithof Manic Miner & Jet Set Willy fame. The PC version isnt 
an exact copy of the speccy versionits more of a PC version inspired by the Spectrum game. 
Having said Windows 95DirectX3. styx@ellis-online.co.uk http://www.ellis-online.co.uk/sinclair"
46572 SUNPAK18.ZIP 2,8 Mt 03.05.2003 - - -
Sunny Pakman 1.8Sunny Pakman is a featured version of a classic arcade PacMan game. Control Sunny the Pakman, avoid bugs and collect items in the maze. More than 120 levels!  Game for one or two players! Lots of pickups! Level Browser! Different tilesets! Music! Support for keyboard, mouse, gamepad and joystick controllers. Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.arcadex.net 
46573 SUPAPL63.ZIP 287 kt 29.01.2001 - - -
"Supaplex v6.3 Supaplex is a Boulder Dash -style gamewhere you guide Murphy thru complex tunnels and collect enough infotrons to open an exit from the level. There are hazardstooas falling boulders and snipping scissors can end Murphys quest very suddenly. You must also plan your travel route carefullyso you wont trap the last needed infotrons (or yourself) behind a heap of boulders. "
46574 TAKAM117.ZIP 1,9 Mt 05.06.2000 - - -
Takamaru v1.1.7 by Taka Entertainment. Take a crack at this Breakout-style game. Inventive Breakout-style game that has enough twists and turns to keep you playing. The basic gameplay involves using a ball and paddle to break through a wall of bricks. Some bricks contain powerups or powerdowns that transform your paddle in a variety of useful and not-so-useful ways. Add to these elements self-regenerating bricks and a 
46575 TALM105.ZIP 13,8 Mt 21.01.2003 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 7 -
"Teenage Lawnmower 1.05 Youre seventeen and your life is a living hell. Between your alcoholic mother and her abusive boyfriend youve got nowhere to go until one day the glistening metal exterior of the family lawn mower catches your eye and changes your destiny forever. Can you make money mowing lawns while helping your mom kick her alchohol (and possible drug) abuse? A twisted mix of simulationinteractive story and arcade action. The demo contains 4 lawn maps. Shareware."
46576 TENNISSS.ZIP 137,8 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Tennis v0.99 by Michael Thornberg Arcade. version of the old "pong" resleased in the early days of the gaming industry. It is, however, not pong although the name is used in the background. The screen is different and the computer behaviour also differs from the original. Retro. 1player. DirectX and Windows 95
46577 TETR99.ZIP 227,6 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
"Tetris99 v1.2 by Richard Fellner basicbut compact and well-writtenTetris clone. The usual rules applyand no variations are provided. Features include skill levelspiece previewhigh score recordsa good help fileand a choice of background color. Windows 95"
46578 TETRIX99.ZIP 987,5 kt 02.11.1999 - - -
Tetrix 2000 v1.2 A freeware arcade puzzle game with Internet highscore list. Also includes two shareware games: Laser Blocks 2 and Mixline. Category: Games; Puzzles, mix & match Keywords: Tetris clone arcade puzzle non-violent game strategy. Windows 95, 486/66
46579 TETROBOM.ZIP 554,9 kt 05.06.2000 - - -
TetroBOOM! v1.2 Small tetris-like game. You can place figures into game field. Each figure consists of 4 bricks of different colors. When 4 or more bricks are placed together, they dissapear and give you 4 or more points. You must get as many points as you can. Windows 95/98. Shareware. 
46580 TFIRE202.ZIP 2,1 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
TerraFire v2.02TerraFire is a challenging Gravitron-style arcade game in which you fly missions through heavily defended caverns to retrieve nuclear pods and bring them back to the surface. You will encounter enemy fire, crushers, fire walls and wind tunnels. Once the nuclear pod is picked up, a self-destruct sequence begins so you must race to return topside before the timer reaches zero. This shareware version has several missions and Asteroids-style bonus hyperspace levels. Win 9x. Shareware. 
46581 TIMEJMPR.ZIP 2 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
"Time Jumper v1.0 by Xdyne Inc. Arcade / platform game. The events take place in various periods in both past and future (1000000 years ago1000 years in the pastnowand 1000 years in the future). The games hero moves to each period in order to collect all the items that have been left behind by time travelers. Windows 95"
46582 TINCAN10.ZIP 3,9 kt 10.03.2003 - - -
Tincan Sam 1.0Perustavanlaatuista tasohyppelyä, jossa Tincan Sam etsii aarretta, kerää luolastoista kierrätysroinaa ja koettaa väistellä rottia, robotteja ja sotilaita.
Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. http://trevorrobinson.tripod.com/
46583 TLODE.ZIP 1,5 Mt 24.01.2000 - - -
Turbo Lode. Classic retro remake.  Freeware derivation of old classic game Lode Runner from Broderbrund. This new version is an evolution of the classic version. It is 3D enhanced. The game is divided in several levels. In each level, you must pick-up several ingots in order to open the door and exit to the next level. By Momor Prods. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 MB. Includes 3Dfx & OpenGL versions.
46584 TORLEIF2.ZIP 3,5 Mt 19.04.2003 - - -
"Torleif 2: Freedom of Competition v1.0   A two-player action game. Each player controls a bomb who are going to light each others fuses with several weapons. Choosing from a number of levels in different locations the two bombs are going to beat the powder out of each other. You can customize the time or frag-limit of each gameand also which weapons you wish to use. Freeware."
46585 TRINID.ZIP 1,6 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Trininoid - v1.0 / HR Productions Fast action packed, a bit strategy containing breakout game. Lots of new features: three skill levels, three different balls, six completely different blocks and much more. Truecolor SVGA with full raytrayced graphics. System requirements: Pentium 120/ 16meg/ VESA2 compatible displaycard.           -FREEWARE 
46586 TRIPLIX.ZIP 228,6 kt 18.10.1999 - - -
Triplix ,by Johannes Kestler Falling block puzzle game. Tetris clone. Challenge your hand eye coordination while clearing the death heads from the board. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46587 TRIXOID.ZIP 4,8 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
TrixoidTrixoid is a Breakout-style high-action block-breaking game in full 3D! Bounce a ball in a corridor to smash all the blocks in each levels, and collect power-ups and extra score to enhance your destructiveness. P166, Win 9x, 32 MB. Freeware.  
46588 TRON3D.ZIP 887,4 kt 03.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"Tron 3D by Chris Haag Arcadeclassic retro remake. Tron 3D is the authors second Glide project. DirectSound is required for sound :(. If youve seen the movieyoull know the score. My goal is to make this as alike to the movie as possible. Windows 95P16632 MB. OpenGL/3Dfx Glide"
46589 TROPS.ZIP 807 kt 31.07.1999 - - -
Trops by INFORUM Sistemas de Informação Remove as many tiles as possible in the shortest time. Tiles can be removed only when at least two or more tiles of the same color are adjacent to one another. When you eliminate tiles, the ones above slide down and new combinations are made. A player can remove adjacent tiles by clicking on them with mouse. The faster you play, the higher your score. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46590 TROY2000.ZIP 909,7 kt 07.02.2000 versio 1.06 22314/VPR0007A.BIN -
Troy 2000 v1.05  by JJSoft. Collect the gold nuggets. Platform arcade action game. Your goal is to collect all the gold nuggets on each level and find a ladder to proceed to the next level in the tower. The tower has 55 levels and you will encounter 3 big bosses on the way to the top floor. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46591 TUNNLBLS.ZIP 3,1 Mt 12.08.1999 - - -
"Tunnel Blaster v1.11 by eGamesInc. Arcade retro remake. Your Mission is to save Earth. Digster X is your hero. Using quick reflexesDigster X must destroy the undesirable characters in the underground world. Every new levels poses new challenges for Digster X as he tries to save Earth. If you love Dig-Dugyoull love Tunnel Blaster! 30 awesome levels of difficultyhigh resolution graphicsvoice and digital soundand cool graphics. Win95P100"
46592 TURKEY.EXE 625,2 kt 29.11.2000 - - -
Run Turkey Run Tässä ilmaisessa pelissä olet pieni kalkkuna, jonka pitää välttää ilkeitä 
myyriä, syödä matoja ja kasvaa isoksi! Varo myrkyllisiä matoja!
46593 UBALL41.ZIP 873,9 kt 18.07.2000 - - -
Uniball Arcade/sport. Highly addictive multi-player internet game. The game involves piloting a doughnut shaped ship around while trying to intercept and shoot a ball at a target. The targets are either glowing nets like a soccer game, or round bounce targets which ping the ball off at high speed after a goal is scored. The action is fast and furious and you need to have quick reflexes and skills to help out your team. http://ubcentral.starshadow.com  
46594 ULTRAN3D.ZIP 6,5 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Ultranium3DUltranium3D is an Arkanoid-style game, where you smash bricks with a ball, while collecting powerups. Ultranium3D features awesome sound tracks, multiplayer LAN & Internet game. P166, 32 MB, 3D card with OpenGL.  
46595 UNDERSW.ZIP 1,8 Mt 10.06.1998 - MBCD -
Underworld Shareware (C) 1998 Xtreme Games LLC Dig-Dug retro remake. Wander underground, trying to stay alive as long as possible while mining your own tunnels and pumping the monsters off this world. Nice, easy and fun arcade action. Requires Win95, DirectX
46596 VALVO151.ZIP 417,5 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Valvo v1.5.1 by AHA! Software Inc. Easy brain/puzzle game. Race through the lanes and valves to win. Your aim is to race up and down the "lanes" on the board until you arrive at your opponent\'s starting square. The first player to do this wins the round. You play against a friend or your computer. Windows 95, 98, or NT.
46597 VAMPIRJ2.ZIP 2,5 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Vampirjagd 2: NightRace Vampirjagd 2: NightRace is the sequel to the well known shooting game with the similar name. Although the theme is similar, the game is actually totally different than the first. In Vampirjagd 2, you drive down the road picking up blood IV bags and young hitchhikers while trying to avoid the obvious dangers to a vamp. Great fun and easy to play! Win 9x. Freeware. 
46598 VIPERS12.ZIP 910,6 kt 08.05.2000 - - -
VIPERS 1.2 - Multi-player arcade game. Quite simple but extremely playable: cross gaps to earn points!  You can play against the computer, but it is especially nice to play against  your friends or relatives. The more players,  the more fun! Up to 4 human players in registered version, plus many extra  effects. Many players make the game  REALLY HOT!!!  $10 or $20 to register. 
46599 VOIDRUB.ZIP 246,9 kt 10.11.1999 - - -
Void Runner full beta by Jordan Touzsouzov. Arcade game. This is the second test-version. If you still remember the old Apple// or Oric computers, and the great game-play of Moon patrol and Super jeep, this game is for you ... Cool OpenGL graphics, fast and addictive gameplay. Windows 95, P166, OpenGL.
46600 VOLCA10.ZIP 2,6 Mt 11.04.1999 - MBCD -
"Volcano v1.0from 3 Squared Studios Arcade. The main character in the game is a volcano. He offers insults; generally is very mean. He throws fireballs & tantrums. If his pressure gets high hell leak lava; if it gets to the top hell blow his lid. You play part of a fireman. Your task is to soak the volcano with waterput out forest fires;make sure the villagers huts dont burn down.First person view. 3Dfx cardDirect X 5 or laterPentium 200and Windows 95 or Windows 98"
46601 VOLCANO.EXE 7 Mt 30.03.2001 - - -
Panic! VolcanoPanic! Volcano on shareware-peli, jossa yritetään vesitykin avulla pelastaa pienen trooppisen saaren asukkaat
uhkaavalta tuholta.
46603 WALL3D.ZIP 1,3 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Wall 3D by Ben Woodhouse. Fun arcade game, clone of Pong. It uses the openGL auxillary library and some shadowing and reflection techniques. Req. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 MB, OpenGL. 
46604 WHACK.ZIP 174,3 kt 08.01.2001 - - -
"Whack a CrocWhack a Croc is based on the old arcade game where you use a rubber hammer to 
whack creatures as they come out of holes. Use the mouse to control your virtual 
hammer and whack as many crocs as you can. You get a few more points if you whack 
a croc thats coming out of its holerather than when its going back in. There 
is also the odd bonus item floating down river for you to whack. 
46605 WHKACRC.ZIP 174,6 kt 02.11.1999 - MBHH2001 -
Whack a croc: Whack a crocodile v1.2 by Kev Ellis. Arcade style game. The object is to whack moving crocodiles with a hammer before they return to their home. Fun, small and easy game. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46606 WILCRE10.ZIP 2 Mt 14.02.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Gunner 3 Gunner 3 is an action-oriented platform game, where you control Gunner, a one-man army. Your Commander gives you the jobs no-one else can handle, jobs that threaten the whole world. This time you must stop the plot of evil masterminds who want to enslave the world by using their mutated grasshoppers. Collect different weapons, shoot the bosses along with their mutants and minions, and liberate the world from this threat. 
46607 WILDSNAK.A01 3,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - MBCD -
Wildsnake 2/3
46608 WILDSNAK.A02 2,9 Mt 26.04.1999 - MBCD -
Wildsnake 3/3
46609 WILDSNAK.ARJ 3,8 Mt 26.04.1999 - MBCD -
WildSnake  1/3by Arsenal Company Action puzzle Tetris.Wiggles the Tetris world with this entertaining and colorful serpentine variation. Instead of blocks, snakes in various colors and sizes descend from the top of the playing field to fall on top of other snakes. When a snake of touches another of the same color, it disappears as the new snake falls into place. It is quite a challenge to place the new snakes. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46610 WILKA142.ZIP 2,7 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
"Wilkanoid v1.42 Wilkanoid is a fun and addictive Breakout- style game. This aint no ordinary clonethoughbut rather a combination of tile smasher and a modern flipper. Wilkanoid has a ton of cool features like the super cool curveballwall powerscombosdifferent worlds and more! Windows 9x. "
46611 WILKA152.ZIP 3,5 Mt 07.02.2001 - MBHH2002 -
"Wilkanoid v1.52 Wilkanoid is a fun and addictive Breakout- style game. This aint no ordinary clonethoughbut rather a combination of tile smasher and a modern flipper. Wilkanoid has a ton of cool features like the super cool curveballwall powerscombosdifferent worlds and more! Windows 9x. Freeware."
46612 WILKANOI.ZIP 2,2 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 wiLkANoiD v1.21 by Wilhelm van Post. Go wild with a frenzied Breakout clone. Breakout fans rejoice! One of the best versions of the old standard to come along in many moons. wiLkANoiD spices up gameplay with funky music, neat sound effects, great graphics, and really wild powerups and action. The basic gameplay consists of using your ball and paddle to try to break through walls of bricks. Windows 95 or Windows 98
46614 WINHOOPS.ZIP 327,9 kt 18.06.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 8 -
WinHoops v1.06 by Rob Huala. Sports/desktop arcade game. Desktop Basketball hoop shooting game with slick graphics. Windows 95/98/NT. Shareware. 
46616 WITCH11.ZIP 2,5 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
"Witches v1.1 Platform adventure. You are a young witchon a quest to find out why your nine sisters have suddenly become very wicked. To achieve this youll have to visit each of them in their castlesguarded by strange landscapes and strange monsters. The genre is Strategy/Arcadewith sophisticated movement and plenty of monsters. Not much violence. Windows 95/98. "
46617 WLAND108.ZIP 3,9 Mt 21.01.2003 - - -
"Wonderland 1.08 You guide two heroes through numerous levels as they engage adversaries and solve a wide array of puzzles - many of which require the use of both heroes to solve. The demo contains several training levels that will school you in the basics before sending you into the games first world. Shareware. "
46618 WLAND109.ZIP 4 Mt 19.04.2003 - - -
Wonderland v1.09 Wonderland is a delightful 3D action/puzzle game for both casual and experienced gamers, combining creative puzzles and clever action challenges. Guide the heroes through 85 diverse levels as they discover hidden secrets, engage quirky adversaries, and solve a wide array of cleverly designed puzzles.  Shareware, $20.
46619 WOHOLE20.ZIP 310,5 kt 27.06.2002 - - -
The Wormhole 2.0  The Wormhole on yksinkertainen retropeli, jossa pelaaja ohjaa luolassa lentävää matoa. Käytännössä ohjailu tapahtuu hiiren nappulalla, joka nostaa matoa ylöspäin, samalla kun painovoima yrittää vetää elukan luolan pohjalle. Törmäys luolan seiniin tai siellä oleviin esteisiin tietää hengenmenoa, ja pisteitä saa kuljetun matkan perusteella. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://chompster0.tripod.com/ 
46620 WORMWA54.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.03.2000 - - -
Worm Wars v5.4  by James R. Jacobs. Negotitate a maze for victory. Arcade game for 0-3 players. It combines the playability of the basic concept with 25 interesting object types, 6 species of creature, and other enhancements, for more diverse and strategic gameplay. One to four worms travel around a rectangular maze leaving a deadly trail behind them, competing and sometimes cooperating with other creatures.
46621 WPAC2101.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
"WinPac 2 v1.01 by Tyler Dauwalder arcade-style game for Windows much akin to the arcade classic Pac-Man. All graphics were rendered using POV-Ray 3.0 for Windowsand all sounds were created using Sean OConners Sound Effects Generator. Windows 95"
46622 XONIX32.ZIP 138,9 kt 18.03.1998 - MBCD -
Xonix32 v1.0.1 by SA VanNess The object is to fill in 75% of the area with blueness by cutting off pieces of the black area. For each level completed, you earn an extra Xonii and at least 100 points. The amount of the bonus depends on how quickly you clear the level, and how fast the game is running. Retro remake of a C-64 classic "Stix". Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
46623 XSHOOT.ZIP 145,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Xteq X-Shooter 1.0 for Windows 95/98 and NT 4 FREE! X-Shooter is a little gag program that allows to punch holes in any windows you click. They really look funny after this! Xteq X-Shooter is freeware! 
46624 ZEEK1-11.ZIP 463 kt 12.04.2000 - - -
"Zeek the Geek Childrens arcade maze game. Introduction to Zeek and the puzzling situations that he finds himself in. Zeek needs to collect mushrooms for his familyand the game player helps Zeek figure out how to get to the mushrooms. Zeek needs to be guided through fifteen levels of playand must overcome a number of obstacles along the way. Windows 95 "
46625 ZELDA.EXE 2 Mt 24.12.2000 - - -
Zelda Classic 1.84Zelda Classic is a tribute to one of the greatest video games of all time: 
Nintendo\'s "The Legend of Zelda". It is an almost exact replica of the 
beloved NES version. Beyond that, Zelda Classic allows the development 
of new quests that can use either the traditional graphics or enhanced 
graphics, as well as new enemies, items, and challenges.
46626 ZELIARD.ZIP 564,9 kt 22.03.2001 - - -
Zeliard Zeliard is an arcade-style rpg. Jashiin, an age-old demon is awakening from its 2000-year sleep, and has turned most of Zeliard into desert. Princess Felicia saw the transformation and was turned to stone. The king sends a complete stranger, Duke Garland, off to the dark labyrinths and retrieve nine crystals in order to restore beauty to Zeliard once again and return Felicia back to normal. 
46627 ZIGGLE10.ZIP 741,7 kt 03.05.2003 - #anonyymi -
Ziggle 1.0Koeta pitää pelikentällä mahdollisimman monta toisistaan kimpoilevaa palloa ohjailemalla eri väristen pallojen ryhmiä.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.redgames.biz/ziggle.html
46628 ABOUNCE.ZIP 1,2 Mt 02.08.2002 - zak.fi -
Animated bounce v1.0 Animated bounce is a clone of the legendary  volleyball game Arcade Volleyball. The game  offers hilarious game play against the computer  or a friend. It contains jolly graphics, fairly  advanced artificial intelligence and extremely  realistic physics. The spin of the ball really  affects how the ball flies and bounces.  Requires DX8. Freeware. 
46629 ACOACH21.ZIP 3,7 Mt 21.11.2002 - - -
ActualCoach v2.12 A football management game where you have an opportunity to try yourself as a coach in English Leagues. Real players, real teams, real championships. You can control all aspects of clubs life, from starting line-up to transfers, stadium management and other details. 
46630 ACOACH22.ZIP 4,4 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
"ActualCoach: English Leagues v2.2 ActualCoach is a soccer management game where you have an opportunity to try yourself as a coach in English Leagues. Real playersreal teamsreal championships. You can control all aspects of clubs lifefrom starting line-up to transfersstadium management and other details. v2.2 adds the Intertoto Cup; adds SuperCups; adds Squad auto-correction; top goal scorers list; new tactical features; the ability to view the opposite teams squad; weather; you can now view the match referee. "
46631 ACTCO211.ZIP 3,7 Mt 02.08.2002 - - -
ActualCoach v2.11 A football management game where you have an opportunity to try yourself as a coach in English Leagues. Real players, real teams, real championships. You can control all aspects of clubs life, from starting line-up to transfers, stadium management and other details. 
47237 AIRHCKY.ZIP 6,6 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
"Play ThisPlay That: Air Hockey by Patch ProductsInc. Sports / table. The object is to slide the puck into your opponents goal while blocking your own goal. Response is just like the air hockey table game with a frictionless surface Play against the computer at the beginner level for a ten-point game. Crowd sounds add excitement. Windows 9598or NT"
47238 ALHOCKEY.ZIP 1,7 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
"Als Hockey Manager v2.0 by Albin Meyer Fantasy hockey manager. Text-based game with two partsthe league editor and the manager game. With the league editor you can create any league you want with any number of teams and any players. You can download existing league files (e.g. NHLSwissDELWorldEuroSpengler) free from from the authors Website. With your league chosenyou then traintradeand set your game strategy. Windows 9598or NT"
47239 ALLE2-13.ZIP 982,4 kt 08.05.2000 - - -
Allenatore - Italian Football Manager IIv1.3 - By Charl Phillip Gerbe. Sports / football / management. Simulation game which allows you to take control of a soccer/football team and control everything about the club and team. You can decide playing tactics, team selection, transfers, financial issues and much more. You play as manager of a team in the tough Italian leagues (where the press is quick to crucify you, fans are difficult and directors quick). Windows 95 
47240 ARCHORSE.ZIP 5 Mt 02.10.1998 - MBCD -
Arcade Horse Racing v1.0 by ZoroX Software Arcade style horse racing game. Features arcade graphics, soundFX, music, betting consoles, and much more... 32 MB RAM, Pentium 100, and Windows 95
47241 AREN5101.ZIP 1,9 Mt 29.01.2001 - MBHH2003 -
Areena 5 v1.01  Pelissä luotsataan tavallisen urheilujoukkueen sijasta  gladiaattoreita. Joukkueiden väliset yhteenotot ratkotaan vuoropohjaisella ylhäältä kuvatulla taistelulla. Uutta on mm. kunnollinen help-tiedosto, lisää rotuja ja loitsuja, sekä maksimissaan 12 gladiaattorin taistelut (6 per joukkue). Tekijä: Seppo Suorsa. 
46637 BASEGOLF.ZIP 4,7 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
BaseGolf  BaseGolf is a hybrid of Baseball, Golf and its own unique rules. The goal is to hit the ball as close to the hole as possible to score bases and runs. Your timing and accuracy are tested through 36 holes from the Links to the Moon! 
47242 BASSTP14.ZIP 1 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
BassTour Professional 1.4 ASP 32 bit Win95  version of the original BassTour fishing  game. Great new graphics, huge lakes, 15  rods, thousands of lure/color combinations,  LCD graph, GPS and lots more. Requires  Windows 95, 8mb, mouse, VGA or better.  Soundcards are supported but not required. 
46639 BLOBBY18.ZIP 794 kt 05.02.2002 - MBHH2003 -
Blobby Volley 1.8 Blobby Volley is a simple volleyball game for 2 players, either computer or human. The ball is bounced by two blobs on a beach. The controls are simple, only left, right and jump. 
61690 BSP96D.A01 3999618 25.10.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro demo
61691 BSP96D.A02 3999503 25.10.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro'96 demo 3/9∙
61692 BSP96D.A03 3999455 25.10.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro'96 demo 4/9
61693 BSP96D.A04 3999445 25.10.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro'96 demo 5/9
61694 BSP96D.A05 3999506 25.10.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro'96 demo 6/9
61695 BSP96D.A06 3999260 25.10.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro'96 demo 7/9
61696 BSP96D.A07 3999246 25.10.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro'96 demo 8/9
61697 BSP96D.A08 1635846 25.10.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro'96 demo 9/9
61698 BSP96D.ARJ 3999656 25.10.1996 - - -
Front Page Sports: Baseball Pro '96 playable
demo for Win95. Sports, Sierra.
47243 CANSMASH.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
CannonSmash 0.4.3CannonSmash is a 3D tabletennis game. The goal of this project is to represent various strategy of tabletennis on computer game. 
47244 CHNGPONG.ZIP 243,3 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
 Ching - Pong 1.0 by LV Sports This is a simple, single-player, mouse-controlled ping-pong game. Have you ever wanted to play ping-pong against one of those fast asian players? Now you can! You play one set against Ching, using your mouse as racket. The first player who scores 21 points wins the game. Windows 95/98/NT
46642 CMQUIZD.ZIP 6,2 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
Championship Manager Quiz demo Jalkapallomanagervisailun pelattavan demon avulla pystyt testaamaan jalkapallotietämyksesi. P200, 32 Mt. 
47245 CPF.ZIP 2,1 Mt 18.04.2001 - - -
Championship 3D Paper Football  Championship 3D Paper Football  Play a classic game of Paper Football against your computer in 3D. P200, 32 MB. 
47246 CSMASH03.ZIP 1,1 Mt 14.06.2000 - - -
CannonSmash updated version. 3D tabletennis game. The goal of this project is to represent various strategy of tabletennis on computer game. This game may contain some bugs. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Megs, OpenGL. 
47247 CYBRPONY.ZIP 655 kt 31.07.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
CyberPony v1.2 by SoftGun. Horse racing simulation that has a realistic wagering system and an easy to use interface. Win, Place, and Show bets are complimented with Exacta, and Triacta wagering. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46646 DART9510.ZIP 182 kt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Darts 95 v1.0 by Djogo Nebojsa just like the game you dream about playing in an English pub. Try to manuver your hand in such a way that you will throw a high score. Windows 95
47248 DARTMUP.ZIP 3,7 Mt 05.06.2000 - MBHH2001 -
"Dartm Up. By Lost Boys. A simple Dart game. Bit tricky to masterbut still simple fun. High scores can be uploaded and more. Windows 95/98P20032 MBDirect3D. "
62729 DECATHLN.EXE 4478218 02.04.1996 - 22823/PCA_0696.ISO -
The Decathlon-Yleisurheilupelin pelattava
demo. Interactive Magic.
47249 DSJ200.ZIP 293,1 kt 12.09.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Deluxe Ski Jump 2.0 (demo)(C) Jussi Koskela 2000 DSJ is a captivating 3D ski jumping game with high realism and superb playability. Compete with up to 16 players in 32 cool world cup or team cup hills. New features: 32 hills, replay, save game, multilanguage support, web hill records, etc. Pentium 166+ required
47250 EHOCKEY.ZIP 1,4 Mt 19.01.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Extreme Hockey v1.0Fantastic ice hockey-game for 1-4 players! Many different game-modes; tournament, exhibition match, hockey school, practise, multi-player etc. Lots of varying and challenging computer-opponents. Simple, easy to start and lot of FUN! Nice graphics, sounds and musics. Shareware. Requires Win95/98/NT/00/etc. Made by MK Sports.
47251 ELFBOWLN.ZIP 823,9 kt 17.12.1999 - - -
Elf Bowling by Nvision Design. Play a fun seasonal bowling game. Strap on your best pair of bowling skates and polish up your shiny Christmas ball, it\'s time to save Christmas from those greedy little union elves. Help Santa show those elves what the true meaning of "strike" is! 32 MB RAM, Pentium 133, and Windows 95 or Windows 98
47252 ELVES2.EXE 1,5 Mt 10.12.2000 - 21257/Greatest Computer Games GOLD.iso -
Elf Bowling 2: Elves in ParadiseThe snickering elves are back with Santa, but there is a new twist, as Santa\'s ne\'er-do-well brother, Dingle Kringle, joins Santa and
the elves on a cruise ship headed for an island adventure. Players compete in a crazy shuffleboard tournament, with the elves
serving as "pucks," providing their own special, colorful commentary. There are plenty of hilarious surprises to continue the irreverent
escapades of the elves, and players can register their scores to compete with other participants from around the world. 
47253 FB_DEMOA.ZIP 3,8 Mt 24.05.1999 - MBCD -
4th Street Sports Football by 4th Street Software. Windows 95/98 computer American football game which allows you to call plays, move your defensive players around the field, and recreate pro football games. Challenging and tests the strategic abilities and coaching minds. Organization portion is not included in free download. The game itself is the full-blown deal!
32351 FCPTRIAL.A01 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
NBA Full Court Press trial version 2/6
32352 FCPTRIAL.A02 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
NBA Full Court Press trial version 3/6
32353 FCPTRIAL.A03 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
NBA  Full Court Press trial version 4/6
32354 FCPTRIAL.A04 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
NBA Full Court Press trial version 5/6
32355 FCPTRIAL.A05 1840179 09.11.1996 - - -
NBA Full Court Press trial version 6/6
32356 FCPTRIAL.ARJ 3999497 09.11.1996 - - -
NBA Full Court Press trial version 1/6
Basketball/Sports. Windows 95/DirectX2
47254 FFISHING.ZIP 494,1 kt 19.08.1999 - - -
"Future Fishing Game Jos olet kyllästynyt alastamaan kaloja ongell niin tässä pelissä niitä saa ampua myös aseella. Tulevaisuuden kalastuspeli. KliknPlay. Windows 95. Miika Lipasti 1999"
32374 FIFA97SM.ZIP 3939770 03.12.1996 - - -
Fifa Soccer 97. Pienempi pelattava demo.
47255 FISHSALT.ZIP 2,1 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
"Fishermans Saltwater Challenge v1.0  ASP -  Multimedia fishing game for Windows. One to  four players compete by scoring points for  the fish they catch and the bonuses they earn as they travel around Katchem Island and by  avoiding certain penalties along the way.  Managing their limited supplies of timeenergyand equipment is a crucial part of  the game. When the fishing is donethe  player with the most points wins. $19.00"
47256 FISHWC20.ZIP 2 Mt 12.08.1999 - MBCD -
"Fishermans Warmwater Challenge 2.0 Multimedia fishing game allows one to four players to compete by scoring points for 
the fish they catch and the bonuses they earn as they travel around Lake Katchem 
and by avoiding certain penalties along the way. Managing their limited supplies of 
timeenergyand equipment is a crucial part of the game.  Twelve species of 
warmwater fish. Windows 95 and higherHOME & HOBBY.
46656 FLOWGAME.ZIP 2 Mt 14.06.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 3 -
"Flow.game by Bongfish. Sports/simulation/snowboarding. Picture a perfect snowboard day - blue skylots of powder and a great mountain. Youre relaxing in front of your computer and take on a radicalfreeride obstacle course. Hit the space bar and flavor your ride with some tweaked jumpscollect Flow logos to extend you riding timeand maybejust maybe you can top the rumored high score. Windows 9xP23364 MegsDirect3D. "
46657 FOMA2000.ZIP 4,8 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Football Manager 2000 Soccer Management Game. Windows 95
46658 FOOTMA99.ZIP 4,5 Mt 21.05.1999 - MBCD -
"FootManager99. Its a soccer management game. Many countries. Win95"
46659 FREERID2.ZIP 700,4 kt 02.12.1999 - MBHH2001 -
Freeride Earth updated. A 3D SnowBoard Simulator. By GraphitX. Windows 95, Direct3D, P166, 32MB. Be an pure freerider lost in the mountains. Go everywhere you like (infinite generated map) just turn, or brake, depend on how long you keep the key down. Charge your Jump-Power to make trick (one and only) Use your reactor to pass mountains.
46660 FREERID3.ZIP 1,5 Mt 25.04.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 3 -
Freeride Earth 3rd version. A 3D SnowBoard Simulator. By GraphitX. Windows 95, Direct3D, P166, 32MB. Be an pure freerider lost in the mountains. Go everywhere you like (infinite generated map) just turn, or brake, depend on how long you keep the key down. Charge your Jump-Power to make trick (one and only) Use your reactor to pass mountains. 
46661 FREES99.ZIP 7 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
"Freedom Soccer99 Shareware version. Soccer management game. The full version provides unlimited seasons for both the English and Scottish Leagueseuropean and domestic cup competitionsover 700 club badges and stripsthe ability to create your own competitionsmore photographic backdrops and statistical information on all the European leagues. Shareware is limited to the first 10 weeks of the season. Requires: Windows 3.1/95/98/NT486/668 MB. "
46662 FRNTOFFB.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.02.1999 - 15673/PCM_9907.iso -
Front Office Football v1.0 demo by Solecismic Software lets you try to be more successful in running an NFL franchise than the actual owner. Pick your team from the NFL cities in whatever division and conference you prefer. The team names are changed, but you can edit them. You get the 1998 rosters, along with performance ratings and years of experience for each. Your job is to manage the franchise, not to play football Windows 95, 98, or NT
46663 FTBL3211.ZIP 317,3 kt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
"Micromatt Football Fury 1.1 - is a strategy game in which you pick your opponentteamsand plays to run. Navigate your team to the endzone using over a dozen different plays. Completely update to97 rules and teams. See the readme.txt and help files for information on runtime file requirements. US$12.00 8-8-97  Micromatt P.O. Box 754 ArlingtonMN  55307-0754 USA Micromatt@kagi.com http://www.kagi.com/micromatt"
46664 GAPSK8ER.ZIP 2,1 Mt 23.02.2000 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
Gap Sk8er 2 Sports skating game.  This game has seven tricks that you can link together for combos of up to four tricks in one jump. there are more than 840 combos possible. In the game there is a contest mode where it gives you a trick to do and you must land it to advance, and after you land 28 tricks or run out of health, you get a grade from poser to thrasher. Windows 95
46665 GGOLF121.ZIP 403,9 kt 24.05.1999 - MBCD -
"GopherGolf v1.21 Miniature golf game. Its great fun for all ages. Now you and your family can enjoy the fun of putting through castleswindmillspipes and water in the comfort of your own home. Watch out for that pesky gopherYou never know where he will pop up next. Copyright Bob Mancarella   Windows 95 B&B Software http://www.pobox.com/~bandb/"
32491 GLFTRIAL.A01 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
Microsoft Golf 3.0 trial 2/3
32492 GLFTRIAL.A02 2035801 25.11.1996 - - -
Microsoft Golf 3.0 trial 3/3
32493 GLFTRIAL.ARJ 2999474 25.11.1996 - - -
Microsoft Golf 3.0 Trial version 1/3
"Adjust your grip on reality - Microsoft Golf
is now better than ever with a lightning-fast
Windows 95 game engine, superior graphics,
and a realitic feel from start to finish."
46666 GOKMG.ZIP 3,9 Mt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
"Knuddels Minigolf is a miniature-golf-game for the whole family. Up to 127 players can play 36 interestingnice completely raytraced hicolor-minigolf-courses with Knuddel. Supports multiplayer with link modem network Internet. Not a simulation but an exiting game... Windows 95 DirectX3"
46667 GOLFCHAL.ZIP 2,8 Mt 23.11.2001 - MBHH2003 -
Golf Challenge Got the yips? Test your mental and physical composure  (or lack thereof) as you compete in event or tournament play in  3 skill areas: bunker, trouble shots, and putting. Visit the greens  of Seattle, the sands of Tucson and the tropics of Maui from  all 9 camera angles. Now just be the ball... 
46668 GSEC112.ZIP 17 Mt 29.11.1999 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 3 -
G-Sector v1.12 - freeware action game By Freeform Interactive. 3d action game based around hoverboard combat - hybrid between an "extreme game" and third person shooter.Players control heroine Cyra as she hoverboards thru futuristic cities and arenas. Gameplay is based on using ramps and tricks to build velocity and avoid opponents\' shots. PII266, 32MB, Win95/98,DirectX,3D accelerator
46669 HHWCS14.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.12.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Hemohes World Championshit 2001 1.4 Yksinkertainen hiihtopeli Lahden dopingkäryn kunniaksi. Pistä hiihtäjääsi ylimääräistä puhtia kunnon steroidipaukulla. 
46670 HOCKEY21.ZIP 2,8 Mt 19.01.2001 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
"Hockey 2001 1.0An extremely cool ice hockey -game for 1-4 players with challenging computer opponents and the most intensive multi player-modes. Tournamentsexhibition gameshockey-schoolstatistics and rankings - lets rocknroll! Simpleeasy to start and much FUN! Nice graphicssamples and musics. Freeware. Requires Win95/98/etc. Made by Defog."
46671 HORSEY50.ZIP 1,3 Mt 01.03.2000 - - -
 Horsey v5.0 by Michael Lewis Bet on horses to win the game. The aim is to win as much money as you can from betting on horses and to beat your opponents. Features: Full 4 player support on the same computer. Odds increase or decrease the chance of the horse winning. Very, very simple and minimalistic game but kind of enjoyable. Windows 95 or Windows 98
46672 HOWZATON.ZIP 603,4 kt 17.02.1999 - - -
Howzat! One Day International Cricket v1.2 by Geoff Willetts. Sports / cricket. Text-based game that lets you play against a friend or your PC. Pick your team from an array of position players. The software sets the weather and condition of the pitch. Choose heads or tails for the coin toss, then play. Windows 95
46673 HS35.ZIP 566,9 kt 17.02.1999 - MBCD -
HOME STRETCH HORSE RACING v3.5 Horse Racing Game for Windows. This is the most realistic (and fun) horse racing and wagering simulation available! Read the past performances of all the horses in a race to make wise betting decisions. Realistics odds, bets (win, place, show, quinella, exacta), horse graphics, and track sounds. GREAT! Requires VBRUN300.DLL
46674 INDOORSC.ZIP 269,6 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
" Indoor Soccer 1.1 by LV Sports http://www.lvsports.uni.cc This is a fast soccer game for one player.  Your team is Human Utd.PCs team is PC Raiders. You play a 3 minutes matchand you have to score as many goals as posible. You control the two field players of your team at the same timeso you just have to go for the ball with the one nearest to it. This is a really fast game. Windows 95/9848616 MB."
46675 JUMPSH30.ZIP 1,4 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Jump Shot Basketball v3.0  BY Shot Sports Software. Sports. chance for you to coach your favorite NBA team, manage a league, or build your own league from current players. The games are statistics-based, with Monte Carlo random actions to determine a play-by-play sequence. You can watch the game develop through a sequence of actions or you can choose autoplay and allow the full game to cycle through. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46676 KICKFLIP.ZIP 16,8 Mt 12.04.2000 - - -
KickFlip v1.0 Urheilu/skeittipeli. Ilmainen hieno skeittipeli jossa voit valita suuresta määrästä erilaisia lautoja ja varusteita sekä seitsemästä skeittaajasta. Tekijät uhoavat Kickflipin olevan aito skeittauspeli, jossa ei liikuta kuin rullat saaneella lumilaudalla. Tarvitset pelataksesi ilmaisen tunnuksen ja tunnussanan osoitteesta www.kickflip.net Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, Pentium, OpenGL tai Direct3D. 
46677 LB112ED.ZIP 8,9 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Live Billiards 1.12e demo   Pelaa erä biljardia kavereiden kanssa tai vaikka katsele muiden pelejä verkossa tällä hienolla biljardisimulaattorilla. Shareware, $10 + $15/3kk tai $45/vuosi. 
46678 LNRBLL20.ZIP 710,9 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
LunarBBall v1.2 by P. S. Neeley Simulation of a small basketball court. Move this court to the Moon, Jupiter, or Mars and the ball will act as if it were under the influence of gravity at that location. Play free-throw contests, shoot a few for fun, or play Around the World. Windows 95
46679 LT_070.A01 1,4 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
LawnTennis 2/8
46680 LT_070.A02 1,4 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
LawnTennis 3/8
46681 LT_070.A03 1,4 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
LawnTennis 4/8
46682 LT_070.A04 1,4 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
LawnTennis 5/8
46683 LT_070.A05 1,4 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
LawnTennis 6/8
46684 LT_070.A06 1,4 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
LawnTennis 7/8
46685 LT_070.A07 549 kt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
LawnTennis 8/8
46686 LT_070.ARJ 1,4 Mt 24.09.1998 - MBCD -
LawnTennis v0.70a from DayDream Software 1/8 3d tennis game . "It was my first attempt at a game and it is only really a prototype, not a fully commercial product. I wrote it in the hopes of being hired as a game programmer. Alas, since no company has wanted to hire me, I am giving away the demo for free. Windows 95, P166 or P100, DirectX5. Supports  acceleration.
46687 MG4WIN.ZIP 2,2 Mt 02.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
MINIGOLF FOREVER v1.1 Digital Dawn presents The only minigolf game you will ever need. Windows 9x, DirectX 3 or above required.
46688 MGR681.ZIP 297,9 kt 07.12.2001 - - -
"Manager 6.8.1 Manager is a menu-driventext-based professional baseball coaching simulation. As a coachyou will be put in charge of a pro baseball teamcontrolling the teams roster and game play preferences. You begin the game with a set amount of moneyand can earn more as your team earns money and increases in value. The game features detailed player development. Note: This shareware version is limited to 5 seasons; registration is $20. "
46689 MICPUTT2.ZIP 3 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
Micro Putt Miniature Golf v2.0 Sports/Golf. By David Foster. Golf designed just like in real life so you have the feel and look of a real putt putt course. The best feature of Micro Putt is each hole is never the same. The course regenerates each time you play. Windows 95
46690 OFF99.ZIP 9,9 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
Offshore 2000 demoOffshore 2000 is described as "The Ultimate Surfing Simulation". Features include 8 real world locations, 8 surfers to choose from,  special bonus surf locations, rocking original soundtrack and multiplayer possibility. This is a tech demo and does not necessarily reflect the final game.  
33123 PBA_DEMO.ZIP 2197641 05.02.1996 - 21788/SPIELE2.ISO -
PBA Bowling-Keilapelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95/Windows NT.
33124 PBA_DMOX.ZIP 382896 05.02.1996 - - -
PBA Bowling Keilapelin pelattavaan demoon
lisää animaatioita ja ääniä.
46691 PLAYFOOT.ZIP 2,6 Mt 21.05.1999 - MBCD -
"Play Action Football v1.0 by Mike Ohren NFL football simulation game that puts your gridiron strategy skills to the test.Although it doesnt use animationit does a nice job of displaying the action on the fieldusing a full-length football field on the left and an Xs and Os scrimmage diagram on the right. On offenseyou can select such set plays as run insiderun outsideshort passlong passquarterback sneakand reverse. Multiplayer TCP/IP. Windows 9598or NT"
46692 PLAYMAKF.ZIP 2,2 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
PlayMaker Football v2.3  by PlayMaker, Inc. Create and play your dream football team. In Playmaker Football, the coach, (that\'s you son!) makes all the decisions - from "who to draft" on down to "who will be the holder on extra point tries?" Unites three distinct modules into one seamless game program. Make sure that you have the personnel you need. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46694 POOL2K20.ZIP 1004,5 kt 17.11.2000 - #anonyymi -
Poolmaster 2000 v2.0Get ready to shoot live pool in Poolmaster 2000 with stunning accuracy and game action. Make bank shots, combination shots, straight shots and shots with English (cue Spin) with the friendliest shooting architecture on the market. Games: 8ball, 9ball, Rotation, Straight Pool, & Billiards. Features: Instant Replay, Undo, Sound. Sharpen your skills. Challenge a friend, or play against the computer. For all ages! Shareware. 
46695 POOLEUP.ZIP 2,7 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
"Poolm Up by Lost Boys Interactive. A pool (billiards) simulation game. The game is free and boast a lot of features for a small download including uploading of high scores. Windows 95/98P20032 MBDirect3D. "
46696 POOLPKG3.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Cool Pool v3OpenGL billiards simulation. Sports. By Vreative Computing. Windows 95/98/NT, P166, 16 MB, Display adapter with OpenGL acceleration
46697 POOLST10.ZIP 1 Mt 20.10.1997 - - -
Poolster Version 1.0 by J.H.C. SoftWare Nice, simple billiard game. Requires Windows95/NT.
46698 PRZEG103.ZIP 1,3 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Prize Golf v1.03 by Net Tour New Zealand Sports / gold. Realistic golf game which also allows you to participate in Internet tournaments with thousands of other players from all over the world. Windows 95 or Windows 98
46699 SCARY30.ZIP 2,6 Mt 13.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
ScaryFish III v3.01 Evaluation Version. Fishing simulation game for 1-4 players. Realistic simulation of all aspects of fishing including exploring diverse areas filled with fishing holes, tackle selection, casting, fighting fish, humorous mishaps, and more. Dozens of fish (and a few non-fish!) species. Over 250 bait/lure rigs, many rods, reels, line strengths, and miscellaneous items. Relaxing & tournament modes. Windows 95+
46700 SHIO12A.ZIP 3,4 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Super Hole-In-One Miniature Golf Traditional Fun little minigolf game, with 3 holes in share ware version. Allows up to 8 players and keeps the best scores for competition play. The easy to use interface is designed for all ages. Windows 95.
46701 SHOCKEY.EXE 1,8 Mt 28.03.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 8 -
"Super Spacys Space HockeyFuturistinenavaruuteen sijoittuva hilpeähenkinen pallonlätkintäpeli.
46702 SKDUDE10.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.06.1997 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 7 -
SkaterDude! (v1.0) - Win95 RollerBlade Game SkaterDude! is a Windows95/NT arcade game. In this game you must skate your way through city streets, avoiding cars and other dangers.  Shareware version includes two complete levels.  The registered version($20) includes two more.
33470 SLRDEMO.A01 1456200 21.12.1996 - - -
Picture Perfect Golf playable demo 2/4
33471 SLRDEMO.A02 1456200 21.12.1996 - - -
Picture Perfect Golf playable demo 3/4
33472 SLRDEMO.A03 439895 21.12.1996 - - -
Picture Perfect Golf playable demo 4/4
33473 SLRDEMO.ARJ 1456200 21.12.1996 - - -
Picture Perfect Golf playable demo from
Enteractive. Win95 & NT. 1/4
46703 SMS3-101.ZIP 684 kt 27.01.2000 - - -
Soccer Management Simulator 3 v1.01  by Serious Games. Manage a British soccer club. British Football strategy game for one to four players. You pick a team to manage from one of the four British divisions, choose your players, develop a game strategy, trade players, and see if you can build a winning season and a profitable team. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46704 SNOOK10S.ZIP 1,4 Mt 10.06.1998 - MBCD -
Snooker147 v1.0 ShareWare New snooker/billiardgame. Nice top viewed action with multiple gaming options. Windows 95.
33477 SOCDEMO.ZIP 5070245 09.11.1996 - - -
Microsoft Soccer Trial Version "Lace up your
cleats and pull on your shinguards. Microsoft
Soccer delivers action so real, it hurts."
Win95. Microsoft
46705 STOKE207.ZIP 3,8 Mt 07.12.2001 - - -
Stokedrider 2.07 Tämä ilmainen fantasia-lumilautailupeli tarjoaa vapaamuotoista snoukkaamista vuorilla. P350, 32 Mt. Freeware. 
46706 STOKE209.ZIP 3,6 Mt 14.12.2001 - - -
Stokedrider v2.09  Tämä ilmainen ja mukavan yksinkertainen fantasialumilautailupeli tarjoaa vapaamuotoista snoukkaamista vuorilla. P350, 32 Mt. Freeware. 
46707 STRATTON.ZIP 7,4 Mt 12.04.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Virtual StrattonNäyttävä lumilautailupeli, jonka maisemat on mallinnettu oikean hiihtokeskuksen mukaan. Pelaaja pääsee lautailemaan Strattonin hiihtokeskuksen maisemiin joko ennalta määrätyillä reiteillä tai täysin omin nokkinensa.
46708 SWOOSH.A01 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - MBCD -
Swooshball Challenge 2/6
46709 SWOOSH.A02 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - MBCD -
Swooshball Challenge 3/6
46710 SWOOSH.A03 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - MBCD -
Swooshball Challenge 4/6
46711 SWOOSH.A04 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - MBCD -
Swooshball Challenge 5/6
46712 SWOOSH.A05 1,3 Mt 03.03.1998 - MBCD -
Swooshball Challenge 6/6
46713 SWOOSH.ARJ 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - MBCD -
The Patrick Polly Swooshball Challenge Full Game - Candelia AB/UDS - brand new 3D sports game, mixing the simple charm of the classic game of Pong and the action of tennis. The game concept is based on a major commercial campaign by Candelia, one of the leading candy manufacturers in Scandinavia. 486/66, 8MB, Win95, DirectX  - Sisältää suomenkieliset peliohjeet. Tenniksen tapaista urheilua.   1/6
46714 TABLEH10.ZIP 1,6 Mt 21.08.2001 - - -
Table Hockey 1.0Table Hockey sopii niin jääkiekon ystäville kuin muillekin arcade pelien ystäville. Pelissä on valittavissa kaksi täysin erilaista ohjaustyyliä. Sitä voi pelata joko yksin tietokonetta vastaan tai joukolla kavereiden kanssa. 
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000, Pentium 200 tai suurempi.
46715 TH10.ZIP 4,1 Mt 31.05.2001 - zak.fi -
Tikanheitto 1.0Perinteinen suomalainen tikanheittopeli, jossa useita pelimuotoja. Pääset heittämään upeissa maisemissa mm. Florencen ja Arkangelin heittopaikkakunnilla. 1-4 pelaajalle mainiota hupia, sisältäen myös haastavat ja helposti muokattavat tietokonepelaajat. Heittojen tilastoista selviää, kuka on tikka-kuningas. Windows 95/98/NT/2000, 32Mt.
33744 TPWIN.A01 1456451 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 Windows 95 demo 2/7
33745 TPWIN.A02 1456472 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 Windows 95 demo 3/7
33746 TPWIN.A03 1456495 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 Windows 95 demo 4/7
33747 TPWIN.A04 1456114 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 Windows 95 demo 5/7
33748 TPWIN.A05 1456421 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 Windows 95 demo 6/7
33749 TPWIN.A06 128935 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 Windows 95 demo 7/7
33750 TPWIN.ARJ 1456327 09.09.1996 - - -
Triple Play 97 * Windows 95 playable demo
Electronic Arts
46717 TRCKMEET.ZIP 1,8 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Track MeetTrack Meet is a sports game in the spirit of classic Decathlon that is played via your internet connection. Try your skill at 6 events and compare your scores to the athletes on TV. There are a total of six events: 100-meter dash, long jump, 100-meter hurdles, javelin, hammer throw, and high jump. Ready to go the distance? See you at the finish line.  
46718 TS2002.ZIP 1,1 Mt 19.04.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Tactical Soccer 2002EM-jalkapallosimulaatio. Vähittäislaitevaatimukset: 
150MHz, Windows 95 & DOS, DirectX 5.0, 2.5 Mt kiintolevytilaa.
46719 TSDE136A.ZIP 1,8 Mt 12.07.1999 - MBCD -
Total Soccer v1.36a demo. Tekijä Live Media. Arcade jalkapallopeli. Suunniteltu alunalkaen mahdollisimman pelattavaksi. Askel takaisin 16-bittisten jalispelien hyviin päiviin mutta askel eteenpäin PC-jalkapallopeleissä. Ylhäältä kuvattua helppoa, reipasta pallottelua. Tässä demossa voit pelata yksin tai kaksinpelin. Vaatii Windows 95, 486/100, 16 Mt, DirectX. Toimii 640x480 / 800x600 / 1024x768 resoluutioissa. Demo lakkaa toimimasta 01.07.2000.
46720 TSOCCER.ZIP 701,3 kt 17.05.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Tactical Soccer 1.0freeware Suomalainen yhden hengen MM jalkapallopeli. Hyvä pelattavuus, grafiikka ja äänet. Pelin teossa on panostettu hyvään, yksinkertaistettuun pelattavuuteen ja se mahdollistaa taktikoinnin ja vastustajan pelin häiritsemisen 6 eritasoista joukkuetta. Jari Saari jarisaaren@hotmail.com P150, Windows 95, DirectX 5.0, 1.4Mt levytilaa   
46721 TZGOLF3.ZIP 2,5 Mt 24.10.1998 - MBCD -
TZ-Minigolf III from ISD sophisticated putt-putt simulation game for up to four players. It has established a reputation for presenting hole layouts that are as visually imaginative as they are difficult. The exotic layouts - extreme diamond, star, and polygonal shapes with dangerous, pointy angles - are further enhanced by dazzling backdrops, including fractals. Windows 95, 98, or NT
46722 VRCAROM.ZIP 10,3 Mt 29.12.1999 - - -
"VRCarom - virtual reality carom billiard simulation made by a carom billiard professional player. Its amazing for videogame-maniacs and a valuable tool for the professional&amateur carom player. A complete physics system will allow the expert player to apply the knowledge that it has or to acquire them to the become fond of player. It will allow him to experiment as if it was in front of a billiards table. Windows 95/98P20032 MBDirect3D"
46723 WBOWL30.ZIP 625,7 kt 02.12.1997 - MBCD -
WinBowl V3.0 - A 3D bowling game for Windows 3.1. Up to four players can play at one time with any combination of human or computer players. Each player can play at one of three different skill levels. Scoring is based on the traditional 10-pin scoring system. A practice mode is also included to practice specific pin setups. -256 color graphics -User-defined event sound support -Throwing tutorial -Registration good for ALL versions
33845 WCDECATH.ZIP 2942898 28.08.1996 - - -
World Class Decathlon - playable demo for
Win95, requires DirectX. From Interactive
46724 WILDRI12.ZIP 5,7 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Wild Ride! Shareware v1.2 from RunAndGun! Inc. The ULTIMATE Surfing Game! An extreme REALTIME 3D experience destined to make videogame history! Get ready to BLOW YOUR MIND on one furious ride after another, perfect powerful wave after wave! P90, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX3 http://www.runandgun.com
70053 WILDRIDE.ZIP 3174888 23.08.1996 - - -
Wild Ride! (Beta 1.0. 6.4) Playable Beta
Surfing Game! An extreme REALTIME 3D
experience destined to make videogame
history! Get ready to BLOW YOUR MIND on one
furious ride after another, perfect powerful
wave after wave!" This is a Windows95 game
and it requires DirectX v2.0 drivers!
46725 WINBBLRD.ZIP 1,5 Mt 24.12.1998 - MBCD -
WinBilliards v1.5 by Cyper pool simulation game with a realistic look and some interesting sound effects. The table looks particularly good, complete with shadows cast by the railings. In addition to regular play mode, there are Simulation, Team, and Practice modes. Soundblaster or compatible, Microsoft DirectX Drivers, and Windows 95, 98, or NT
70176 WRIDE100.A01 2999471 02.10.1996 - MBCD -
Wildride 1.00 Final. Surffauspelin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/4.
70177 WRIDE100.A02 2999400 02.10.1996 - MBCD -
Wildride 1.00 Final. Surffauspelin pelattava
demo. Osa 3/4.
70178 WRIDE100.A03 1566732 02.10.1996 - MBCD -
Wildride 1.00 Final. Surffauspelin pelattava
demo. Osa 4/4.
70179 WRIDE100.ARJ 2999400 02.10.1996 - MBCD -
Wildride 1.00 Final. Surffauspelin pelattava
demo. osa 1/4.
46726 WSPORTS.ZIP 1,5 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
WinSports  Great Windows sports game from InterLyn. No fancy graphics, no super sound effects but great gameplay and fantastic fun! There are four games included: WinFoot, a football game, WinTennis, a tennis game, WinDart, a darts game and WinRace, a motor racing game. All the games are Windows based, easy to use. Three of them have multiplayer options. Windows 95.
47257 BOULDERS.ZIP 471,9 kt 07.02.2001 - 1867/10tonsofgamesmegacollection1internationalsoftwarevalues1997.iso -
BouldersBoulders is a Boulder Dash -style game, in which you collect gems to open the exit to the next level. At the same time you must avoid trapping yourself or the precious gems behind falling boulders, or coming to contact with deadly monsters. DOS. Shareware. 
47258 3DFXCHT.ZIP 176,7 kt 19.05.1999 - MBCD -
"3Dfx98 Cheater v1.0 by Marius Bjørge database of cheat codes for hundreds of games - and not just games that are optimized for the 3Dfx Voodoo graphics chipset. Using a split-screen displayit shows you a long list of games on the left side. Click on a titleand the known cheats for that game are displayed on the right. You can save the cheats in a text filecopy them to the Clipboardor print them for reference. Windows 95"
47259 ABSCHEAT.ZIP 235,7 kt 17.08.1999 - MBCD -
Absolute Cheat by Zip-Hard, Inc. Help file containing cheats to several games. Absolute Cheat will be updated every single month with cheats to new games. It is very simple to use.Just choose the letter the game you want cheats to and scroll until you find it.Its much easier to use Page Down/Up buttons to scroll. Windows 95, 98, or NT
47260 CHEATINF.ZIP 282,1 kt 19.08.1999 - MBCD -
"Cheat Informant v1.2 by Alex Toews Database of cheat codes for over 400 PC games. Select a game from the list boxand all the known cheat codes for that game will be displayed. You can copy the cheat codes to the Clipboard or print them. New cheat codes are available weekly from the authors Website. Its compactcomprehensivequickand best of allfree. Windows 95"
47261 CHTSLA30.ZIP 2,5 Mt 24.03.1999 - MBCD -
"Cheaters Lair v3.0 - Imperial Creations Software searchable database of cheat codes for almost 700 games. You select a game from a list boxand cheat codes for that game are displayed. Attractive interface and nice graphicsand has some features not ordinarily found. Windows 95"
47262 CHTSRCH.ZIP 6,4 Mt 25.09.1998 - - -
"Cheat Search from XehQteR Internet based cheats database. To save you time downloading database was stripped of all content so you MUST press DB Update when you run this program for the 1st time. Updating the database is just going to 5 of the authors favorite cheat sites and adding their Index of Cheat Codes to the database so you always have an up to date reference. Internet connection and Windows 95"
47263 DFCH16.ZIP 317,3 kt 26.04.2001 - - -
DoubleFormat Cheat Help v1.6 by XRay Huijauksia PC ja PlayStation-peleihin yht. 675 kpl HTML Help-muodossa. Vaatii Windows. Freeware. 
47264 DLH_0298.ZIP 2 Mt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
DLH . Dirty Little Helper The Ultimate Cheats Database - February-Update 1998. Only datafiles included.
47266 DLHBASE.ZIP 6 Mt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
DLH . Dirty Little Helper The Ultimate Cheats Database - Base-module (BASE.DLM).
47265 DLHBASE2.ZIP 5,8 Mt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
DLH . Dirty Little Helper The Ultimate Cheats Database - Base-module (BASE2.DLM)
47267 DLHCOM32.ZIP 255,7 kt 02.04.1998 - MBCD -
DLH . Dirty Little Helper The Ultimate Cheats Database - COMCTL32.DLL Update:
47268 DLHM15.ZIP 6,3 Mt 27.08.1999 - - -
DLH (Dirty Little Helper) cheat modules. These require at least DLH98 v1.3 to display properly. August #1 PC9915.ZIP / 1599.DLM 1,9 MB July #2PC9914.ZIP / 1499.DLM 2,1 MB July #1PC9913.ZIP / 1399.DLM 1,2 MB June #2PC9912.ZIP / 1299.DLM 1,1 MB
47269 DLHV13A1.ZIP 434,4 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
Dirty Little Helper v1.3a1 Windows 32-bit The Ultimate cheats database program. This is the frond end program required to read DLH-cheatfiles.
47270 FALL2WT.ZIP 58,5 kt 31.01.2001 - - -
Fallout 2 walkthrough Contains a step-by-step walkthrough, strategy guidelines, special encounter descriptions and weapons and armor tables.
47271 KM.ZIP 493,5 kt 03.11.1999 - - -
Koodimuistio 1.0 Säilö koodit tähän ohjelmaan!! Petteri Mustonen petteri.mustonen@pp.inet.fi
47272 LXCBDB2K.ZIP 1,3 Mt 04.12.1999 - archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 -
LX-CHEATBOOK DATABASE 2ooo - FREEWARE - World Wide Web-Cheat Informant CheatCodes for PC-Games version 4.o The LX-Legende CheatBook DataBase (2000)  is a cheat-code tracker  with hints for several  popular PC action and adventure games. Over  1600 games are represented in this version,   From  strategy games such  as Anno1602,  Age of Empire,  Rival Reamls, Sim City 3000,  Gangsters,  Alpha Centauri,  Caesar III,   Commandos: Behind Enemy lines, to action 
47273 LXCH1199.ZIP 508,3 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"- LX - Legende CheatBook 11.99WORLD WIDE WEB - CHEAT INFORMANT PC - CheatCodes for Games99   Monthly UpDate CheatBook with always the latest brand new CheatCodes for  PC-Games.  FreeWare         "
47274 LXCHEATC.ZIP 595 kt 10.09.1999 - - -
LX-Cheat-Container v2.0 by Lord X Freeware program for storing, viewing, and editing cheat files for your favorite games. It works with text or document files, providing a simple directory navigation tree, file selector, and viewing window. It comes with a selection of recent cheats and hints for a variety of platforms. You can edit these cheats directly. Windows 95, 98, or NT
47275 PCCOOD2.ZIP 387,7 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
PC COODIT 1.7.2k BY VILLE IKKALA Ohjelma sisältää koodeja, vinkkejä ja läpipeluuohjeita niin vanhoihin kuin uusiinkin pc-peleihin. Ohjelma päivittyy joka kuukausi. Päivitys osoitteesta http://pccoodit.cjb.net Nyt 600 koodia! Vaatii Windowsin. Freeware.
47276 UHSW9543.ZIP 381,1 kt 10.11.1999 - MBCD -
UHS Reader for Windows 95/98/NT4 v4.30The Universal Hint System gives you only the hints that you need to solve many computer games. Unlike traditional walkthroughs, the UHS lets you select questions from menus and view only as much information as you want, so that you have an opportunity to finish solving the puzzles on your own. Shareware: $20 registration fee.
47277 747271PN.ZIP 1 Mt 19.12.1998 - - tupla
Cockpit panel for Boeing 747-271.  With working cockpit lights! Probably the first panel with working cockpit light on the net. By Adam & Zeev Kovalsky
47278 98ADS.ZIP 529,3 kt 28.11.1998 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: 98 Adverts 7.0. Vuoden 1998 mainokset GP2:een.
47279 98FAC_WS.ZIP 115,9 kt 28.11.1998 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1998 kuljettajien kuvat "Driver Select"-ruutuun.
47280 98HEL.ZIP 9,5 kt 14.09.1998 - - tupla
Kauden 1998 ajajien kypärät Grand Prix 2:een.
47281 98HLM_WS.ZIP 64,9 kt 28.11.1998 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1998 kypärät.
47282 98MIZU31.ZIP 164,5 kt 16.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
NHL98 final rosters for season 97/98 by: Mizu
47283 98S76V10.ZIP 603,2 kt 10.03.1999 - - tupla
Sikorsky S-76-10 Paneeli FS98:lle.
47284 98TP_25.ZIP 1,6 Mt 14.09.1998 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: 1998 Track Pack v2.5 Vuoden 1998 radat GP2:een.
47285 99ROSTER.ZIP 140,7 kt 22.12.1998 - - tupla
NHL99 Rosters Viimeisimmät pelaajasiirrot NHL99 peliin Rosterit on päivitetty 18.11 asti http://www.edu.kauhajoki.fi/~markokm/ e-mail: markokm@edu.kauhajoki.fi
47286 99TP14_1.ZIP 1 Mt 12.10.1999 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1999 ratapaketti v1.45. Sisaltaa kaikki 99 radat GP2:een. Osa (1/2).
47287 99TP14_2.ZIP 981,1 kt 12.10.1999 - - tupla
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1999 ratapaketti v1.45. Sisaltaa kaikki 99 radat GP2:een. Osa (2/2).
47288 A320FIN2.ZIP 40,6 kt 12.10.1998 - - tupla
Finnair Airbus A320-200 for MS Flight Simulator 98. Finnair has ordered total of 12 Airbus A320 family aircraft and first ones will be delivered in early 1999. This aircraft has illuminated cabin windows at night, landing lights and also A320 checklists. Version 2.0 by Sami Puro.
47289 A32A_01.ZIP 40,2 kt 29.03.1999 - - tupla
FS98 SAAB A32A Lansen. The A32 Lansen (Javelin) was the first Swedish aircraft design to pass the sound barrier. The "Lansen" replaced the SAAB B18, and the first aircraft were delivered in 1955. A total of 447 units were built and served the Swedish Air Force until 1976.  By Bertil Nilsson. /bertil.nilsson@mbox3.swipnet.se  More Swedish military aircraft at http://www.home1.swipnet.se/~w-17835/fltsim.htm
47290 ABS3402.ZIP 42 kt 12.10.1998 - - tupla
"Air Botnia Saab 340A for MS Flight Simulator 98. Finnish domestic airlineAir Botniaoperates currently 3 S340s and 5 BAe J32s. This aircraft features landing lightsilluminated cabin windows at night and transparent propellers. FS98 Aircraft & Adventure converted needed. Version 2.0 by Sami Puro."
47291 ALGERIA.ZIP 576 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Algerian maisema Flight Simulator 98:aan.
47292 AN124PNL.ZIP 570,2 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
FS98 Heavy Freighter Panel This panel is designed with photos of an Antonov AN124 and a Lockheed C-5 Galaxy. Use it with any heavy 4-engine freighter. By Matthias Lieberecht.
47293 AN70PNL2.ZIP 1003,3 kt 12.10.1999 - - -
PANEL FOR ANTONOV AN-70 FOR FS98 V1.0 by Johan Crous. Pane fully fuctional with ACSGPS1.2 and HGHB gauges, radar, weather radar and VOR2 navigational radar. Panel designed with large window. Panel very suitable for virtual airline and can be used on any four engine prop or jet. Not tested in 3D.
60773 ANTTHEME.ZIP 1315115 11.09.1996 - 22535/GAMBLERCD06.BIN tupla
Betrayal at Antara Theme Pack for Win95/Plus
Pack Sierra On-Line
47294 ASW-27.ZIP 49,1 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
ASW-27 -purjelentokone Flight Simulator 98:lle.
47295 ATR72FIN.ZIP 33,3 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
ATR-72 Finnairin väreissä. Vaatii Flight Simulator 98.
47296 ATR72KAR.ZIP 86,5 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
KarAir ATR-72 Flight Simulatoriin. Vaatii FS98-version.
46766 B-2.ZIP 69,9 kt 12.10.1999 - - -
B-2 - pommittaja FS98:aan. Ei sisällä paneelia. Erittäin raskas lentää, sen huomaa isoista deltasiivistä.
46767 B300_FIN.ZIP 51,8 kt 27.08.1999 - - -
FS98 - Finnair Beechcraft King Air 300 Finnair use these planes in twin engine and IFR training in their pilot school at Pori, Finland. Finnair pilot school operates also a few BE36 bonanzas. Repainted by Mikko Maliniemi.
46768 B7374BU.ZIP 72,5 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Braathens S.A.F.E:n B737 FS98:lle.
46769 B7572NB1.ZIP 52,3 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Transwedenin B757 FS98:lle.
46770 BALRJ70.ZIP 56 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
Air Baltic Fokker 70 Flight Simulator 98:aan. TIEDOSTO EI MENNYT LÄPI TARKISTUKSESTA
46771 BALS340.ZIP 64,9 kt 16.12.1998 - - -
Saab 340 Flight Simulator 98:aan. Kone on Air Balticin väreissä.
46772 BE36_FIN.ZIP 87,7 kt 27.08.1999 - - -
FS98 - Beechcraft Bonanza BE36 In long standing production, the 36 series of single-engine six-passenger light aircraft is a rare GA success story. The model 36 appeared in 1968. Finnair use these planes in basic training in their pilot school at Pori, Finland. Repainted by Mikko Maliniemi.
46773 BESSIE.ZIP 211,2 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
Fighter Squadron:  Screaming Demons Over Europe add-on: Bessie aircraft.
46774 BLANIKPA.ZIP 673,8 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Jonkun purjekoneen paneeli FS98:aan. Voi käyttää ihan missä tahansa purjekoneessa.
46775 BMWMC_E.ZIP 1,9 Mt 18.12.1999 - - -
New Need For Speed: HS Car. Call it "a no-compromises pledge to sports motoring". With its 3.2-litre 321 horsepower high-tech straight six engine from the BMW M division, the BMW M Coupé might just be the ultimate machinery for transporting two people and their luggage on fast transcontinental grand touring trips.
46776 BRAAAN70.ZIP 89,2 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Flight Simulator98 (FS98) lentokone. Braattens Unseif Antonov AN-70 Braattens Unseif is a parodic and fun VA from Norway.. In our VAsafety is not the most importantthe most important is fun.:) Model: Johan Crous Repaint: Morten Steen Vaatii Flight Shop konvertterin."
46778 BUSEX075.ZIP 166,7 kt 14.11.2000 - - -
Bus Expansion Pack for Simutrans 0.75 Sisõltõõ uusia busseja Simutransiin.
46779 BW239_V3.ZIP 1 Mt 29.09.1999 - - -
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator aircraft: Brewster Model 239. This particular aircraft: BW-364. BW-364 achieved 36 confirmed kills, of which 33 with Fsq 24. and 3 with Fsq 26. Flown by EINO ILMARI JUUTILAINEN Score: 94 and 1/6 kills in 437 sorties. Was known to be an easy and forgiving aircraft. Sustained turn rate was very good, and stall characteristics benign.
46781 C-172.ZIP 56,7 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Cessna 172 for Flight Simulator 98.
46782 C-17ALTU.ZIP 110 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Lockheed C-17 Globemasterin paneeli. Vaatii: FS98
46780 C172CHFI.ZIP 3,8 kt 21.02.1998 - - -
FS98 checklists for CESSNA 172 in Finnish. Usable in all Cessna 150/170/180 models. Easy to use and freeware! By Miika Valtonen.
46783 C182S-~1.ZIP 485,5 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Cessna C182 -paneeli FS98:lle.
46784 C3AG1.ZIP 39 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
"Creatures 3 extrasAgents: Robot Toy - A simple toy that makes use of Cyberlifes leftover robot_toy sprite. Cheese Launcher - A mobile launcher with an infinite amount of cheese. Force Field - A force field that can be used to block your creatures from any part of the world. Deathless Splicer - A slight modification to the gene splicer that prevents the spliced creatures from being killed. Orange Popper Fruit Plant."
46785 C3AG2.ZIP 113,4 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
Creatures 3 extras, Agents: The Peace Grendels: A race of grendels that can safely mix with your norns. The Pyramid of Time: this metal pyramid contains an ancient bonsai tree that is capable of telling both the time of day and the season. Quentin the Peace Grendel: a gengineered grendel who likes norns. Xenophobic Goo: connectable agent that when fired repels creatures back the way they came. Great for making barriers.
46786 C3AG3.ZIP 135,1 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
Creatures 3 extras: Agents: Carrot Launcher, Seed Launcher, Apple Launcher, Tomato Plant, Nut Plant, Health Drink Vendor, Fun Music Ball, Fish Bowl.
46787 CA757PNL.ZIP 2 Mt 02.01.1999 - - -
FS98 panel- B757/767 panel v1.0  ca757pnl.zip . Semi-Photorealistic panel made by using a scan of the B757 prototype B757A AB-CF panel picture. It features more than sixty gauges(most of them lighted)and with sounds. 1024x768, works with 3DFx/Monster3D. By Chris Alevritis.
46788 CAGENTS.ZIP 18,2 kt 24.05.2000 - - -
Creatures 3 - agenttejaThis zip file contains two Creatures 3 agents: 
Biopellets and the Grettin Switch. 
Biopellets agent makes it easier to increase the bioenergy of the ship and so makes it easier to create new agents from the Creator or replicate existing agents using the Replicator. Each pellet will add 100 bioenergy when recycled. \t
Grettin switch agent allows you to control the operation of the Grendel and Ettin egg layers. 
46789 CC2-AMBU.ZIP 16,8 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 user modification. amBUSH.zip - These arent new vehicles. They are the German AT guns (not Flak 88) with foliage camouflage for ambush mode ..."
46790 CC2-BPA2.ZIP 53,6 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user modification. Total conversion: NEW CC2 B PACK V2 This pack changes the following: A. Konigstiger converted to Koeniglichtiger 128 mm main gun 20 mm coax. Improved armour . B. Sherman 105 converted to Sherman 105F Dragon . C. Cromwell converted to Challenger Heavy Tank 90 mm main gun .Improved Armour. D. Daimler 1V converted to Daimler 1V 37mm main gun , coax .30 cal mg E. All A.T. Teams now 3 man. F. All Sniper Teams now 2 man.
46791 CC2-EF.A01 3,8 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
CC2: Eastern Front 2/3
46792 CC2-EF.A02 3,4 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
CC2: Eastern Front 3/3
46793 CC2-EF.ARJ 3,8 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 user modification/campaign: das FuchsEastern Front- Tired of those wimpy Allied tanks and pretty boy paratroopers?Eastern Frontthe biggestbaddest mod ever for CC2! The Russian Front! Massive tweakign changing every aspect from interface to vehicle graphicsteams and even new sound file.   1/3"
46795 CC2-GA10.ZIP 33,4 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user modification. german artillery 1.0.exe - Ever wish CC2 had artillery? Now, the germans do, and it\'s a cute, short, "Kleine Artilleriere Geschutz" that\'s made using the IG "infantry geschutz" gun.  It has 12 realistic (but not too over-powered) HE rounds and 5 cannister rounds for close defense. The gun will fire HE rounds at distances *greater* than 150 meters.
46799 CC2-T34.ZIP 973 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user modification. T34.zip. These are NEW vehicles! You get a T34/76 and a T34/85, and they replace the Sherman and Sherman 76. German commanders beware!  Data by mick.
46794 CC2FREED.ZIP 10,9 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user modification: Free Deploy. Deploy at right map edges? Try Free Deploy, a set of Battle Maker templates for all the CC2 maps without those nagging mandatory German left/Allied right deployment tiles. Do follow the readme and add deployment areas, victory flags and teams in the battle maker edit screens before you play.
46796 CC2OPFUB.ZIP 33,4 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 user modification: Operation FUBAR. Youve seen the movieSaving Private Ryannow play it in CC2. Will Ryan go home to marry Ugly Tree Girl? Will Upham prove his manhood and murder Steamboat Willie?"
46797 CC2QUIBB.ZIP 184,9 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 user modification: Tin Tins super simple CC2 data editting tool. Superior even to Excel for ease of use. Just drag an ABTF/data/Base file on the Quibble iconeditclick save and play. You too can have 7 man flamethrower teams or PzF Allied teams."
46798 CC2REALP.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 user modification: brucers hyper-accurate unit datacampaign tweaks and vehicle mods. Play CC2 like it was really fought. The documentation on the mod is extensive and enlightening. Preview the Real Para document and the notes detailing the changes in v1.1. Or use the nifty self-installing utility Blackhound has created for Real Para."
46809 CC3-SUO2.ZIP 27,5 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
Close Combat 3 Finland mod karttoja 1/3 Close Combat III:een muunnos joka asentaa peliin Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton sodat 1939-1944 ajalta. Karttapaketti 1 Grand Campaignia varten. 
46810 CC3-SUO3.ZIP 26 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
Close Combat 3 Finland mod karttoja 2/3 Close Combat III:een muunnos joka asentaa peliin Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton sodat 1939-1944 ajalta. Karttapaketti 2 Grand Campaignia varten. 
46811 CC3-SUO4.ZIP 26,9 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
Close Combat 3 Finland mod karttoja 3/3 Close Combat III:een muunnos joka asentaa peliin Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton sodat 1939-1944 ajalta. Karttapaketti 3 Grand Campaignia varten. 
46800 CC3ARMO.ZIP 14 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
"Close Combat III modification: Alans CC3 Armor mod by Alan (Recalculation of all armor protection values using the same formula for each vehicle. Effect: Lowers some Soviet vehicles protection (especially JSU/SUs). Other vehicles remain essentially the same. Side shots generally more effective. KV1s now has less armor than KV1a. Fixes PanzerSchreck/Bazooka rate of fire. Lowers rate of fire for JS2/3JSU and SU etcetc"
46801 CC3DATA.ZIP 76,8 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III modification: CC3 Data Upgrade - Revised 12/13/99 by Ron Gretz. This is compilation of modifications to the existing CC3 files as provided by Atomic. This read me will detail specifically what has changed in each of the provided files as well as any special rules of use.
46802 CC3MRARE.ZIP 22,1 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III modification: Medium Rare by Howard Ward This file is designed to reduce the amount of tanks in your campaigns. It should give you a good ratio of tanks and infantry. This is designed to complement the patch "Realrare", which virtually eliminates tanks altogether. Use this when you want a few tanks, but not the tank-heavy battles of the original game.
46803 CC3NARM.ZIP 15,8 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III modification: New Armor by TT Some "new" armor and gun values for tanks and assault guns of CC3, which I think is more realistic than in the original base files (Weapons and Vehicles). Changes are only made to tanks and assault guns, not armored cars and anything else. I do by no means claim this to be the definitive "patch", but the Russian tanks and assault guns especially now are much more realistic
46804 CC3RCHED.ZIP 7,7 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III modification: Real Cheddar by Mad Kraut All values in the four "Cover" column increased by 15%. Values that exceeded 511 were capped off to 511. B) All values in the four "Protection" columns increased by 75%. A) Helmet armor for all soldiers, except crew-members, increased from 3mm std to 15mm. B) Body armor for all soldiers, except crew-members, increased from 0mm std to 10mm.
46805 CC3RRARE.ZIP 56,9 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III modification: RealRare v.2 by mick (xe5) Use these CC3/Data/Base/**teams files in a standard or custom campaign if youre looking for infantry heavy OoBs. Tanks will be extremely rare. A second set of RealRare files is included for use in solo games to give the AI a few more tanks, to better test your skills as an infantry commander. When playing solo, I highly recommend using hero level and NOT re-deploying your teams.
46806 CC3SOLDI.ZIP 5,1 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
"Close Combat III modification: Real Soldiers by mick (xe5) All soldiers not crewmen as theyre already protected in the game will now have body armor and head protection thats a helmet to you Fox.There are three modified soldiers files to choose from offering 3 levels of protection - 20mm25mm and the Krauts fav - 30mm. Rationalize the body armor as simply a means to give troops the kind of survivability theyd actually have."
46807 CC3SPZ3H.ZIP 6,9 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III modification: Super Panzer MkIIIH by matt manucan A slightly modified Vehicles.txt file with an super all-round armoured PzIIIH and lotsa 50mm/L42 ammo. Take those JSIIs head on with this little baby : )
46808 CC3SUO1.ZIP 9,2 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
Close Combat 3 Finland mod Tekijä Luer (luerluett@yahoo.com) Close Combat III:een muunnos joka asentaa peliin Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton sodat 1939-1944 ajalta. Suomalaiset korvaavat Saksalaiset. 150 uutta suomalaisyksikköä, 50 uutta NL-yksikköä. Sisältää myös uuden Grand Campaignin. Tarvitset v3.0b päivityksen. Tarvitset myös uusia karttoja kampanjaa varten, kartat erillisessä paketissa (cc3-suo2.zip->cc3-suo4.zip) 
46812 CC3SVDE.ZIP 46,5 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
"Close Combat III demo modification: Demo Files Upgrade mod by Stefan Vilpula (Almost) all units are Shock/Fight to the deathand (depending on which files you use) the 120mm/12cm mortars are more lethalgot more rounds and a higher rate of fire. I also made some new units availiblelike the Guards/SS/FJ Inf and thesupersoldiersPvt. Ivan and Sgt. Steiner. To install you just have to backup the files in the cc3/data/base/ folder and unzip over."
46813 CC3SWTE.ZIP 22,2 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III modification: Swapteam by Tin Tin/mick (xe5) The ultimate in playbalance! contains the GEteams file renamed as the RUteams file and the RUteams file named as GEteams. By using the GEteams file in the zip, you will actually have 2 RUteams files running and vice versa. Uniform styles have also been swapped, Wehrmact for Red Army, SS for Guards & FJ for Ivan Abn.  Its now player skill that determines the winner.
46814 CC3WEPV.ZIP 12,7 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
"Close Combat III modification: RealRed proto files by Adam DArcy Numerous flaws in the data have been fixed including reload timesarmor valuesammo typesranges and much more."
61906 CCTHEMES.ZIP 4180893 02.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso tupla
Command & Conquer Desktop Themes for Windows
95. Voit vaihtaa Windows 95:sen ikoneita,
ääniä yms. tämän paketin avulla. Westwood.
46820 CFS-P51.ZIP 4,3 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
MS Combat Flight Simulation add-on: Player Aircraft: P-51D
46815 CFSCAMER.ZIP 2,5 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
MS Combat Flight Simulation add on. Native language radio files. American radio chatter
46816 CFSCBRIT.ZIP 1,7 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
MS Combat Flight Simulation add on. Native language radio files. British radio chatter.
46817 CFSCGERM.ZIP 1,6 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
MS Combat Flight Simulation add on. Native language radio files. German radio chatter.
46818 CFSF18VF.ZIP 94,2 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
U.S Navyn F/A-18 Hornet sinisessä Aggressor-maalauksessa. Vaatii: Flight Simulator 98.
46819 CFSMCOBR.ZIP 5,5 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
"MS Combat Flight Simulation add-on: Ground attack mission titleThe Cobras Fangs"
46821 CHIINT.ZIP 143,5 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Upeisiin väreihin maalattu Chile International Airwaysin Lockheed L-1011-500 TriStar. Tämä on must, jos haluat lentää kauniilla koneella. Vaatii: FS98.
46822 CIT2JS30.ZIP 494 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Cessna Citation-liikejetin paneeli FS98:lle.
46823 CM98JARS.ZIP 951,2 kt 11.04.1998 - - -
Championship Manager 97/98 JARS data update. Only available for the patched version (v2.93) of CM 97-98.
46824 CMRAESF.ZIP 545,2 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
Colin McRae Rallyyn suomenkieliset äänet. Suomenkieliset kartanlukijan kommentit. mika.hirvonen@cs.helsinki.fi http://koti.mbnet.fi/~mjkhirvo
46825 CMRFUP10.ZIP 36,5 kt 23.03.1999 - MBCD -
Colin Mcray Rally - suomenkieli-lisäys. Tekijä: Ville Järvinen email: ville.jarvinen@pp2.inet.fi
46826 CMUPDAT2.ZIP 1,2 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
Championship Manager 97-98 Database updates Updated 11.8.99. Check out the latest updates: http://www.jyu.fi/~camneely/cm_index.html
46827 COLINKSU.ZIP 874,1 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
Ksulo 1.0, the real finnish co-driver Tässä aito suomenkielinen kartanlukija Colin McRae Rallyyn! Mukana helpot asennusohjeet. Vaatii alkuperäisen Colin McRaen.
46828 CREANORM.ZIP 3,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - -
Creatures - Norns. A bunch of new Norns, many different packages including: Purple Mountain Norns, Cyberlife Six-Pack, Santa Norn, Diablo, Pammy, Sarry, Sparky, 10 Pack, and many 6-packs.
46829 D2LODBG.ZIP 4,3 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
Diablo II: LoD Baldurns Gate v1.03 Baldurns Gate -modifikaatio Diablo II: Lord of Destructionille. 
46832 DC-6CAY.ZIP 214,2 kt 17.08.1999 - - -
FS98      Douglas DC-6C Cayman Airways Cargo by Harry Follas Cargo version of the Douglas DC-6A/B operated by Cayman Airways circa 1981 Aircraft features all new 12 sided fuselage, 3d-tail and horizontal stabiliser. All moving parts
46830 DC3_FAF.ZIP 84,3 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Flight Simulator98 (FS98) lentokone. FS98 Douglas DC-3 Finnish Air Force Flying a DC-3 reguired a skillful pilot with some muscle to handle the all manual mechanical control. Finnish Air force used DC-3s in transporting and paratrooper dropping between 1960 and 1984. Finnish Air Force bought eight retired DC-3s from Finnair. Before Finnairthe planes had served with USAAF.Original by John Kelley. Repaint and transparency by Mikko Maliniemi."
46831 DC3FIN.ZIP 93,1 kt 24.05.1998 - - -
AEROn (Finnairin) DC-3-lentokone FlightSimulator 5.1:lle. Toimii convertterin kanssa myös uudemmissa.
46834 DD_PATCH.EXE 30,9 kt 19.08.1999 - - -
Driver demo patch/cheat. Unlimited time, more cops, more damage resistance, more fun. By DiGiTAL - digital_re@hotmail.com listen.to/digitalre
46833 DDPATCH1.ZIP 1,1 kt 29.08.1999 - - -
Driver demo patch. unlimited time, more cops, more damage resistance, more fun!! BY DiGiTAL digital_re@hotmail.com listen.to/digitalre
46835 DEESEE3.ZIP 1005,6 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
"5:41 PM 4/13/98 (Use word wrap.) Subject: deesee3 panel for FS98  Panel for heavy aircraft of the 1950s era with two piston engines. Features Collins avionics. All functions are on the main panel and give complete control of all flight parameters. Engine settings are monitored by twin needle gauges.  Compiled by John Kellam."
63015 DK3DSSEP.ZIP 1422372 06.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Duke Nukem 3D Screen Saver and Entertainment
Pack.   The ultimate slugfest continues
even when you're not around!  This product
contains an animated screen saver based on
the game, plus 10 sound clips and eight Duke
Nukem 3D wallpaper images. Watch aliens get
blown away by Duke!  Registered version
contains 5 animated screen savers plus a
boatload of wallpaper, music, & sound files!
Developed by Rhode Island Soft Systems, Inc.
46836 DO228_FI.ZIP 44,9 kt 12.10.1999 - - -
"FS98 - Dornier 228-212 Finnish Frontier Guard have two Dornier 228-212s. This one is registered as OH-MVO. They both are placed in TurkuFinlandand are used to control finnish borderline and sea-areas.Original by Tony Bolton and Marty Baclawski. Repaintradar bowl and transparent props added by Mikko Maliniemi."
46837 DRIVERMI.ZIP 564 kt 23.09.1999 - - -
Driver Demo Hack This lets you have more cars, random weather and more! Nice interface.
46838 DUKESB.ZIP 597 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
Duke Nukem Soundbank for Worms2 and  Worms Armageddon. Extract the files \\speech\\Duke Nukem file NUKEM_FANFARE.wav is only for Worms Armageddon!!! For further information MAIL ME!!! dj.twister@jippii.fi ENJOY!!!!!!
63313 DX-V20.ZIP 2776582 23.08.1996 - - tupla
Windows 95 DirectX v2.0 drivers including
46840 EAW_FSE.ZIP 3,6 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
European Air War Flight School English. It appears that some versions of EAW did not include the excellent Flight School multimedia package. The Flight School is a Web based manual containing lots of useful information and facts regarding combat and the planes featuring in the game. Requirements: European Air War, Web Browser.
46844 EAW-MED.ZIP 919,5 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
European Air War User art Mediterranean Terrain Textures
46851 EAW-WINT.ZIP 3 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
European Air War User art EAW Winter Terrain
46839 EAWEUROT.ZIP 4,3 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
European Air War Enhanced European Textures. Darker and richer shading.
46841 EAWGUNP.ZIP 24,1 kt 08.04.1999 - - -
The European Air War Gun Patch & CDF extractor. Converts the Fw-190A8 in an R1 subvariant with 4 MG151 in outboard gondolas Bf-109G6 to an R6 subvariant with 2 MG151 in outboard gondolas. Me-109K4 to a K6 heavy fighter with 2 MK108 in the wings. Corrects the Bf-110G as it is described in the manual with the addition of 2 belly MG151s.
46842 EAWINS20.ZIP 598,3 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
European Air War Instrument Collection 1. Sharpened instruments for: BF109E BF109G BF109K FW190a FW190D Me262 Bf110G Bf110C
46843 EAWJAP10.ZIP 7,8 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
"Japanese Speech Pack.  European Air War add-on. Replaces German radio transmissions from ground controllersbombers and fighters with authentic sounding Japanese language files featuring the voice of Dr. Yusuke Marikawa. This add-on module is designed to be used  with Charles Gunsts Enemy Coast Ahead Control Panel. By Jamie Richards."
46845 EAWPNM11.ZIP 5,9 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
"European Air War Planes NMore by Charles Gunst allows you access to five new planes plus new additions to gun settings as well as other tweaks. Now you can fly the Me-410A HornisseJu-88CJu-87 B StukaMosquito Mark VI and the B26 B Marauder."
46846 EAWSF109.ZIP 63,9 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
European Air War Suomalaisen Me 109 G-6 hävittäjän skinit, ulkografiikat. Maalaus on tehty taiteilijan vapauksia ottaen Keskisen "Messerschmitt BF 109G" kirjan kuvien pohjalta.
46847 EAWSP201.ZIP 3,3 Mt 08.04.1999 - - -
European Air War SoundPack 2.0 Transform your European Air War game by replacing most of the in-game sounds and German briefings.
46848 EAWSTUKA.ZIP 177,9 kt 08.04.1999 - - -
European Air War Stuka Add-On An add-on that allows you to fly the Stuka JU-87B1 thanks to Erwin von Helton. Most of the work is done for you but you will need to perform a little hex editing to complete the add-on.
46849 EAWTELUF.ZIP 2,5 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
European Air War Aircraft Textures: Luftwaffe Bf 109, Focke Wulf, Me 110, Me 262 - different textures for numerous types and invidual aircraft.
46850 EAWTELUS.ZIP 5,1 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
European Air War Aircraft Textures: USAAF & RAF B-17, B-24, Hurricane, P-47, P-38, P-51, Spitfire, Tempest, Typhoon. Different textures for numerous types and invidual aircraft.
46852 ECA10.A01 4,1 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
European Air War add-on: Enemy Coast Ahead2/2
46853 ECA10.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
European Air War add-on: Enemy Coast Ahead v1.0. by Charles Gunst. Allows you access to seven new planes plus new additions to gun and rocket settings as well as many other enhancements. Now you can fly the Me-410A Hornisse, Ju-88A, Ju-88C, Ju-87 B Stuka, Mosquito Mark VI, B-26 B Marauder and Heinkel He-111H. Requirements: European Air War   1/2
46854 EISHVM99.ZIP 412,6 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
"NHL 99 add-on: Eishockey Package. There are boards for Eishockey VM99. I am still working on the ice surface."
46855 EURBGL.ZIP 260,3 kt 20.04.1998 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Europe scenery for MS Flight Simulator 5.0 or newer.
46856 EXP_GEN1.ZIP 343,2 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Creatures 3 - 1. sukupolven nornejaNew 1st generation Norns for your gene pool. These have had alterations made to their expressions gene and should be more expressive. 
46857 EXTBBIK.ZIP 586,8 kt 04.12.1999 - - -
Extreme Biker Skin: BIKER.
46858 F14TOPGU.ZIP 78,1 kt 09.04.1999 - - -
F-14 VFA-31 "Ghost Rider" FS98:aan. Tuttu elokuvasta "Top Gun - lentäjistä parhaat."
46859 F16A-KD2.ZIP 227,4 kt 08.12.1998 - - -
F-16 Fightning Falcon Microsoft Flight Simulator 98:aan.
46860 F1RWUPD2.ZIP 292 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Please use both panelday and panelnight when posting.  Fs98 panel  2nd update to the F100 panel. Now features a new lighted overhead panel and a lighted center panel identical to the F100, APU switch, air conditioning switch, lighted pitot heat, lighted overhead yaw damper and more realistic light switches. Does not work with all 3D cards.  Requires F100RW.zip and F1RWupd1.zip. By Ron "3M" Woodruffe.
46861 F22AV2_2.ZIP 213,1 kt 08.12.1998 - - -
F-22 for FS98. Paneeli MBnetistä.
46862 F22PAN98.ZIP 531,3 kt 08.12.1998 - - -
F-22 Raptor paneeli Flight Simulator 98:aan,
46863 F27_FAF.ZIP 40,1 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Flight Simulator98 (FS98) lentokone. FS98 Fokker F.27 Mk100 Friendship Finnish Air Force have three Fokker F.27 transport planes. Two of them are Mk.100s and one is Mk.400M Troopship. The F.27s were operated by the Transport Squadron at Utti before moving to new Support Squadron at Luonetjärvi on January 11997. Original by D. Holthausen & Tom Gibson. Repaint and transparency by Mikko Maliniemi."
46864 F4TOEAW.ZIP 3,7 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
European Air War add-on: Falcon 4.0  Terrain. Simply unzip the terrain  files into the appropriate EAW  directory. By Paul Wilson.
46865 FA18PAN.ZIP 358,8 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
F/A-18 Hornet -paneeli Flight Simulator 98:lle.
46866 FCTWEAK.ZIP 4,5 kt 28.06.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command user tweak. fctweak.zip (4 kb) by Ron Hunt File above includes all the doctrine files which improve the gameplay. Like planes sent to ID a target will automatically engage that target if it is hostile. More info in the readme file. File updated May 29 1999."
46867 FHAWK51.ZIP 34,6 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
Hawk-harjoitushävittäjä, suomen ilmavoimien väreissä. Vaatii FS98.
46868 FIFATW11.ZIP 12 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 FIFA 2000 Tweak. Nopeutta, korkeat resoluutiot ja triplebuffering FIFA 2000:een.
46869 FINA300.ZIP 94,3 kt 24.05.1998 - - -
Finnairin Airbus A300-B4. FlightSimulator 5.1:lle. Toimii convertterin kanssa myös uudemmissa.
46870 FINAPI.ZIP 195,2 kt 27.08.1999 - - -
FS98 Static aircraft FINNAIR API.macros. MD11 DC10 B757 MD83 DC9-50 Converted by Mike wallace
46871 FINB7572.ZIP 47,5 kt 24.05.1998 - - -
Finnair Boeing B757-200. MS FlightSimulator 5.1:lle. Toimii convertterin kanssa myös uudemmissa.
46872 FINDC951.ZIP 86,4 kt 24.05.1998 - 15644/PCM_9612.iso -
Finnairin DC-9-51. MS FlightSimulator 5.1:lle. Toimii convertterin kanssa myös uudemmissa.
46873 FINMD-11.ZIP 91,5 kt 24.05.1998 - 818/Monster Media Number 16 (Monster Media)(October 1996).ISO -
Finnair MD-11. MS FlightSimulator 5.1:lle. Toimii convertterin kanssa myös uudemmissa.
46874 FINMD82.ZIP 91,2 kt 24.05.1998 - - -
Finnair MD-82. MS FlightSimulator 5.1:lle. Toimii myös uudemmissa convertterin avulla.
46875 FINMD83.ZIP 89,1 kt 24.05.1998 - - -
Finnair MD-83. MS FlightSimulator 5.1:lle. Toimii uudemmissa convertterin avulla.
46876 FINN777.ZIP 96,9 kt 04.11.1998 - - -
Finnairin B777 Flight Simulatorille. Vaatii Flight Shopin tai convertterin. By: Jorgos Tsambikakis
46877 FINSF340.ZIP 55,5 kt 24.05.1998 - - -
Finnaviation Saab Fairchild SF-340. MS FlightSimulator 5.1:lle. Convertterin avulla myös uudempiin.
46878 FINWCOLY.ZIP 120,2 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
NHL 99 add-on: Team Finland jerseys which they use in WC and Olympics.
46879 FMOB30B7.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.12.1999 - - -
"Steel Panthers 2: Commander Jacqvezs FinMOB v3.0b7 ¸19981999 Jarno Ahola This product adds Finnish Forces to Steel Panthers 2. Please use patched version 1.1 of SP2because otherwise something might not work. This replaces RED forcesbut you can whenever you want to copy old MOB43-file from your original Steel Panthers 2 CD."
46880 FOKKERDR.ZIP 1,5 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Fighter Squadron:  Screaming Demons Over Europe add-on: Fokker Dr1A aircraft
46892 FS-AFRI.ZIP 37,4 kt 16.04.2000 - - -
Fighter Squadron: Screaming Demons Over Europe add-on: African Offensive Campaign. "dynamic" campaign for FS. Each time you play a mission in the campaign, depending on whether you win or lose, you will play a different mission next time to coincide with your loss. If you keep winning, the war will end in your favour. If you lose, the war will end quick. You will need the P47D add-on plane to play this campaign. 
46895 FS-MISS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
Fighter Squadron: Screaming Demons Over Europe custom missions. Over 50 new missions for the flight sim. 
46896 FS-OBJ.ZIP 491,7 kt 16.04.2000 - - -
Fighter Squadron: Screaming Demons Over Europe add-on: projects & objects. Includes: Carriers Akagi & Saratoga, PylonRacing, B-17 propeller fix and more. 
46897 FS-PP53A.ZIP 12,9 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
"Fighter Squadron: Screaming Demons Over Europe add-on: Plane Pack 5.3 + 5.3a patch. This add-on contains updated flight modelsnew aircraft and other goodies for use with SDOE.  Again you must have this to play SDOE online. Even if you dont want to play onlineyou will enjoy this update. Includes: 109E4109F4109G190DP38JSpit Mk IJu88G7FW190A3/A8/D9/Ju88A4Lancaster. "
46884 FS2TBP.ZIP 58,7 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
FreeSpace 2: The Babylon Project  Fanien talkoohengellä tekemä totaalikonversio FreeSpace 2:lle. Tarvitset tämän paketin päästäksesi pelaamaan; musiikit, animaatiot ja tarkemmat tekstuurit ovat erillisissä paketeissa. Peli vaatii alkuperäisen FS2:n toimiakseen. 
46881 FS2TBPAN.ZIP 32,4 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
FreeSpace 2: The Babylon Project animaatioVaatii ydintiedostopaketin toimiakseen. Nämä animaatiot eivät ole välttämättömiä modin toimimiselle, mutta lisäävät pelikokemusta. 
46882 FS2TBPMU.ZIP 38,3 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
FreeSpace 2: The Babylon Project musiikitTässä paketissa on musiikit The Babylon Project -modiin. 
46883 FS2TBPTX.ZIP 5,2 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
FreeSpace 2: The Babylon Project tekstuuriTässä paketissa on korkearesoluutioiset tekstuurit The Babylon Project -modiin.  
46885 FS98ALAS.ZIP 9,2 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Alaska Scenery for Flight Simulator 98 by John Blahm. Written for FS98 default scenery. This scenery places signage at 4 different airports in Alaska. Each sign includes the name of the airport, town, elevation, ID, ATIS, and ILS (as listed in FS98).
46886 FS98ARZS.ZIP 178,5 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
"Arizona Scenery for Flight Simulator 98 by John Blahm. Add scenery to FS98 with this free offering. Signs at 82 different airports in Arizona. Its meant to be used in conjunction with existing game scenery. Flight Simulator 9832 MB RAMPentium 166and Windows 95 or Windows 98"
46887 FS98ILLS.ZIP 241,9 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
"Illinois Scenery for Flight Simulator 98 by John Blahm. Signs at 115 different airports in Illinois for FS98. Its meant to be used in conjunction with existing game scenery."
46888 FS98LOUI.ZIP 176,3 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
Flight Simulator 98: Louisiana scenery. Req. Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 and Windows 95, 98, or NT
46889 FS98NY.ZIP 309,4 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
Flight Simulator 98: New York Scenery Req. Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 and Windows 95, 98, or NT
46890 FS98PASC.ZIP 305,3 kt 24.03.1999 - - -
"Pennsylvania Scenery for Flight Simulator 98 by John Blahm. Places signage at 139 different airports in Pennsylvania. Each sign includes the name of the airporttownelevationIDATISand ILS (as listed in FS98). Simply follow the authors directions for adding this scenery and youre ready to go. Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 and Windows 9598or NT"
46891 FS98TEXA.ZIP 159 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
Flight Simulator 98: Texas Scenery Req. Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 and Windows 95, 98, or NT
46893 FSD_B2.ZIP 1014,8 kt 31.12.1998 - - -
Northrop Grumman B2 "Spirit" for FS98. Almost invisible to radar and with a unit cost of 1.3 Billion Dollars, the Spirit is the most advanced aircraft ever built. Panel with working MFD\'s and sounds included By Graham "Dotcom" Waterfield (FSD)
46894 FSFSPNL1.ZIP 56,6 kt 07.07.1998 - - -
Lentokoneen paneeli Flight Simulator 5:seen. Vaatii Flight Shopin.
46898 FU2-DR1.ZIP 3 Mt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Flight Unlimited II new aircraft: Fokker Dr.1 Requires FU2 & v1.04 update. World War I triplane. Looking Glass.
46900 FU2-FLTA.ZIP 3,6 Mt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Flight Unlimited II Adventures: Adventure 6 Pack by Looking Glass Studios New adventures for the FU2 flight simulation.
46899 FU2FLTAB.ZIP 3,5 Mt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
"Flight Unlimited II: Adventure Builder Tool Kit Requires FU2 & v1.04 update. Will allow you to create new adventures with sounds and construct your own hoops course. Its the actual tool we used to create the original adventures. This tool kit is not remotely user friendly. Windows 95."
46901 FU2TRAV.ZIP 5,1 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Flight Unlimited II Adventures: Travisty.zip - A challenging hoops course. New adventures for the FU2 flight simulation.
46902 FU2TWILI.ZIP 1,9 Mt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Flight Unlimited II Adventures: Twilight.zip - take a trip to the twilight zone ?? After you unzip this file in your /sanfran/adv directory be sure to copy the file "zone.res" to your engpile directory. New adventures for the FU2 flight simulation.
46903 FUFLDEC5.ZIP 2,3 Mt 10.03.1999 - - -
Joukko lentokoneita Flight Simulator 98:aan. Ei sisällä paneeleja, vaatii FS98.
46904 FUNILAND.ZIP 614,8 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
FSFW95/FS98 Atlantic island scenery. This fictional scenery is my first scenery project. It is an imaginary island in the Atlantic. It includes a military airbase and several skyscrapers. Also included are a working lighthouse and a seaport. The airbase has four F-14 Tomcats and two F-4 Phantoms. It also has many helipads. Freeware. By Duncan Johnson, President, CEO, and everything else, Duncan Johnson Developments.
46905 GEN3.ZIP 112,9 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Creatures 3 - 3. sukupolven nornejaNew 3rd generation Norns for your gene pool. These have had alterations made to their expressions gene and should be more expressive. 
46906 GTA2DTH.ZIP 10,4 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Grand Theft Auto 2 Time Demo Crack
46907 HKRO1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.06.1998 - - -
"FS98 adventure Helsinki-Vantaa - Rovaniemi. Finnair flight AY427 from capital of Finland to Northern Finland. Estimated flight time 1h 15 min. Includes random effectscomplete ATC sounds for your plane and also for other planes. Uses also real flightroutes and GPWS. Finnair MD-83 and Finnish scenery needed to fly. Please read README.TXT before starting. Most realistic adventure youve ever seen! By Sami Puro. Part 1/2"
46908 HKRO2.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.06.1998 - - -
"FS98 adventure Helsinki-Vantaa - Rovaniemi. Finnair flight AY427 from capital of Finland to Northern Finland. Estimated flight time 1h 15 min. Includes random effectscomplete ATC sounds for your plane and also for other planes. Uses also real flightroutes and GPWS. Finnair MD-83 and Finnish scenery needed to fly. Please read README.TXT before starting. Most realistic adventure youve ever seen! By Sami Puro. Part 2/2"
46909 HKROADD1.ZIP 856,7 kt 18.06.1998 - - -
Additional Cabin Crew Sound Set for the FS98 adventure Helsinki-Vantaa - Rovaniemi. This package adds more realistic and much longer cabin crew sounds for the flight. Sounds are in Finnish and in English. By Sami Puro.
46910 IL76-AC.ZIP 92,6 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
FS 98 Aircraft  This is an Air service IL76 It works pretty well. Made by Jeroen Westram j.westram@wxs.nl
46911 IL76-PNL.ZIP 2 Mt 10.03.1999 - - -
FS98 Ilyushin IL-76 Panel. These are two very high detailed panels for the Ilyushin IL-76. The first Version is designed to use with the MD and MF aircraft. The second Version is designed for the T and TD aircraft. Both Versions are build with photos of the original cockpit. By Matthias Lieberecht.
46912 J35CS_98.ZIP 126,5 kt 29.03.1999 - - -
J-35 "Caesar" -Draken. Kaksipaikkainen kone FS98:lle.
46913 JAS39SW0.ZIP 45,2 kt 29.03.1999 - - -
JAS 39 Gripen FS98:lle. Erittäin ketterä hävittäjä, jolla pääsee ylimpiin ilmatilan kerroksiin ilman sakkauksia. :-)
46914 JBDB1.ZIP 50 kt 28.06.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command user tweak. jbdb1.zip (50 kb) by Joel Bierling. Equips the F-14 with a loadout of 6 AIM-54 Phoenix missiles and 2 AIM-9 Sidewinders (instead of 6 AIM-120s and 2 Harpoons). It also changes the loadout of the F-18 replacing the 2 AIM-120s with Harpoons."
46915 JBDB2.ZIP 24,6 kt 28.06.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command user tweak. jbdb2.zip (25 kb) by Joel Bierling. Equips the F-14 with a loadout of 6 AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles and 2 AIM-9 Sidewinders (instead of 6 AIM-120s and 2 Harpoons). It also changes the loadout of the F-18 replacing the 2 AIM-120s with Harpoons."
46916 JCM9798U.ZIP 910,5 kt 11.04.1998 - - -
Championship Manager 97-98 data update 29/03/98. Contains all the British and Italian transfers and other changes. Does not require patched CM9798.
46917 JTR98V3.ZIP 26,2 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Bell 206B JetRanger - paneeli FS98:lle.
46918 JU-G1LT.ZIP 40,5 kt 17.08.1999 - - -
Aeroflotin Junkers FS98:lle.
46919 KINGPNL2.ZIP 1,2 Mt 09.04.1999 - - -
Beechraft KingAir-paneeli FS98:aan.
46920 KLUF60.ZIP 65,2 kt 12.10.1999 - - -
Fokker F-60, Hollannin ilmavoimien väreissä. Vaatii FS98.
46921 L-90TP_4.ZIP 38,7 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Flight Simulator98 (FS98) lentokone. FS98 Valmet L-90 TP RediGo Trainera low-wing monoplane with a turboprop engines. The L-90TP was developed from the L-80TP. Finnish Airforce use it as liaison a aircraft. 28 were builtincluding ten for Finlandten for Mexicoand eight for the Eritrean airforce. Fixed a couple of bleeds and added moving parts. Designed by Mikko Maliniemi."
46922 LB2MISS.ZIP 25,8 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
Longbow 2 missions: POW Extraction, Recon Team Insertion, mission 1, JAM!
46923 LEARPC12.ZIP 285,8 kt 12.10.1999 - - -
FS98 Learjet 45 Panel A highly accurate rendition of the Learjet 45.  The panel was based on photos from an article in the August 1998 issue of Flying Magazine.  Works best at 1024x768 screen resolution and also works in 3D mode (including Voodoo based cards). Freeware. By Paul Cairns.
46924 MAERS737.ZIP 88,6 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
B737 Maersk Airin väreissä. Vaatii FS98.
65905 MAGICDEM.ZIP 5054356 25.04.1996 - 22647/cd joystick no80 mars 1997.iso tupla
Magic The Gathering Desktop Themes,
MTG-seinäpapereita, paperintekijä,
ääniä jne. MicroProse.
46925 MECH-FIN.ZIP 824,4 kt 12.07.2000 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War Finnish language download - suomenkielen laajennus WPWaWiin. 
46926 MEDSWE2.ZIP 70,4 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Arlanda-scenery FS98:lle.
46927 MIG21FIN.ZIP 79,2 kt 12.10.1999 - - -
FAF:n (Ilmavoimat) MiG-21 Fishbed FS98:lle. Erinomainen lentomalli, tosin vaikea lennettävä.
46928 MIG21SRP.ZIP 394,6 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Flight Simulator98 (FS98) lentokone. FS98 Slovak Air Force MiG-21MF Visual model by Tom Portokalis. Repaint and panel by Bobby Stilz."
46929 MIG29_C1.ZIP 639,6 kt 08.12.1998 - - -
FS98 Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum Czech Rebublic MiG-29M. For czech pilots is this aircraft "historical machine", becuase all "fulcrums" was changed to polish helicopter W-3 Sokol. Included panel and sound. Designed by Steve Barnes. Repainted by Bobby Stilz.
46930 ML1011PN.ZIP 933,8 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
FS98 Lockheed L-1011 Tristar Panel. This is a panel for a very popular aircraft of the seventies. Nearly all of the analogue Instruments are placed like in the real Tristar. By Matthias Lieberecht.
46931 MODPACK.ZIP 770 kt 06.11.1997 - - tupla
Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far DEMO MODPACK makes all the units available for use in the CC2 Demo. Plus another nice element or two for people who want to experiment with many different set-up options:
46932 MONTREAL.ZIP 140,5 kt 21.02.1998 - - -
Lisää NHL98:n Montrealin maalivahdin maskiksi Andy Moog lookin. Vaatii 3dfx:n. Made by: Mizu
46933 MULTAGNT.ZIP 14,8 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
Creatures 3 agent: Multi-Agent by Hausmouse. Adds a tool with many useful features.
46934 MWEAW25.ZIP 628,2 kt 27.09.1999 - - -
MeatWater European Air War SoundPack v2.5 update. http://www.meatwater.de
46935 NASC1964.ZIP 471 kt 19.08.1999 - - -
"Nascar Racing 2 / Nascar Racing 1999 lisäosa. Tiedosto sisältää vuoden64 NASCAR autoja sekä siihen kuuluvan uuden automallin. jouhi@saunalahti.fi"
46936 NAZIFLAG.ZIP 52,7 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Steel Panthers modification: naziflag contains two .SHP files that will replace the bogus German flag used in Steel Panthers for one that represents the German battle flag.
46937 NBA98001.ZIP 70,5 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
"NBA Live 98 Rosterijoka sisältää joukkueen UFO Labs Tiimijoka ei ole tavallinen joukkuevaan ihan kummajainen. Joukkueen pisin pelaaja on 65m ja lyhyin 25cm yms. jos et uskonii kokeile. Vaatii: NBA98. Pura paketti NBA 98:in hakemistoon ja sieltä saves ja 001 (001:sessä oleva talletus menee yli). UFO Labs Tiimin on tehnyt: Jursa."
46938 NEOCITY.ZIP 75,5 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
Civilization2: Neocity. For a completely new look to your cities and airbases, check this out Author: Dirk Weber
46939 NEWHKG20.ZIP 250 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Chek Lap Kok Version 2.0 for FS98 This is the second version of a detailed scenery for the New Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok.  Detail includes buildings, roads, bridges, VORs, NDBs, jetways, taxiways and signs. Also includes extra buildings on the IGS 13 approach to the closed Kai Tak Airport for last attempts. ALL navaids have been fixed. By Aaron Seymour
46940 NFS4LSTM.ZIP 2,5 Mt 27.09.1999 - - -
"Need for Speed IV: HS car British Lister-Jaguar Back in the 1950sBritish Lister-Jaguar specials were a force to reckon with on the tracks of Europebut the Lister name disappeared for many years until the recent debut of the Lister Storm GTL supercar. Following the trend set by rival supercar manufacturersthe two-plus-two Storm is ano expense sparedexotic sports car."
46941 NFSFMODE.ZIP 2,9 Mt 12.07.1999 - - -
Need For Speed: HS Ferrari 360 Modena car addon.
46942 NFSHSHA.ZIP 6,1 kt 17.06.1999 - - -
Need For Speed: High Stakes Hacks. The first hack adds all tracks and cars to the retail version. The other two are for the demo. The first adds snow and the other lets you switch between the Ferrari and Porsche 91
46943 NH991712.ZIP 138,1 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
"JAVES NHL 99 ROSTER UPDATE 17/10/1998 Pelaajatiedostoja on muuteltu NHLINFO- editorilla. Copyright 1998 JaveSoft"
46944 NHL99011.ZIP 15,8 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
NHL 99 "20 minutes" update 0.11 This patch causes NHL\'99 to always simulate all games with 20 minute periods. This means ou can now play with 10 minute periods and still have realistic scores with simulated computer-versus-computer games.
46945 NHL99R2.ZIP 193,1 kt 18.02.1999 - - -
NHL Hockey 99 roster update #2
46946 NNHL9899.ZIP 187,8 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
"NUKES NHL 99 ROSTER UPDATE Updated jyrk@artic.net Jyrki Nurmi tinpan.fortunecity.com/morrisey/887/ roster.htm"
46947 NVAMPIRE.ZIP 86 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
DeHavilland Vampire Flight Simulator 98:lle.
46948 OA_B737.ZIP 72,2 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Boeing 737 Flight Simulator 98:lle, Orange Airin väreissä.
46949 OA_F100.ZIP 41,2 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Orange Air Fokker 100 Fligh Simulator 98:lle.
46950 OAJETS.ZIP 194,4 kt 07.07.1998 - - -
Paketti sisältää 4 Olympic Airways -lentoyhtiön konetta (B727 2 versiota, B737 ja A300). Vaatii Flight Simulator 5:sen tai uudemman sekä Flight Shopin.
46951 P-3CNOR.ZIP 128,5 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
P-3 Orion. Vaatii Flight Simulator 98.
46952 PA31-FAF.ZIP 41,4 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Flight Simulator98 (FS98) lentokone. FS98 Piper PA-31-350 Chieftain The Chieftain is the only Finnish Air Force liaison aircraft that can be safely flown in almost any weather. In FAF Chieftain is also used for aerial photography and various systems testing. FAF has six Chieftains. The type has been in use since 1983. Original by Eric Johnsson. Repaint and moving parts by Mikko Maliniemi."
46953 PITSBURG.ZIP 140,8 kt 21.02.1998 - - -
Lisää NHL98:n Pittsburgin maalivahdin maskiksi K.Wregget lookin. Vaatii 3dfx:n. Made by: Mizu
46954 QCURSORS.ZIP 5964 30.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Animated Quake Cursors for Win95
67609 QTHEME1.ZIP 832109 30.08.1996 - 23107/chip-cd_1997_06.zip tupla
Quake Desktop Theme for Microsoft Plus! for
Windows 95 Version 1.1  7.3.96 by Danny Shaw
67627 QUAKE_TH.ZIP 1019667 19.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Quake Desktop Theme revision 2. by C.N.
DiNardo Copyright  id Software, Inc.
67619 QUAKE-Q-.ZIP 1166961 30.08.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso tupla
Quake theme for win 95 with sound and icons
by Andylad
67624 QUAKESCR.ZIP 371251 30.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Quake Screen Saver For Windows 95  UnZip into
a temporary Directory...  Move the
Quake___.ttf into the WINDOWS/FONTS directory
Move the Remaining Files to the
WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory (sstext3d.scr,
opengl32.dll, glu32.dll)  That's it!! Your
are all installed... Here's How to setup
Windows 95 to use the Screen Saver:  1) Right
Click on an empty portion of the Screen
Select Properties  2) Click on the
ScreenSaver Tab  3) Select the Text3D
67625 QUAKETHE.ZIP 1347522 30.08.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso tupla
Quake desktop theme "The BEST QuakeTheme" by
Link! www.anet-stl.com/~sword
46955 RA3SNDT.EXE 78,3 Mt 24.07.2000 - - -
Rocket Arena 3 Soundtrack14 MP3-ääniraitaa Quake 3:n Rocket Arena 3:n.
46956 REALMD11.ZIP 624,3 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
Paras tähän asti näkemäni MD-11 paneeli. Paneeli on todennäköisesti otettu MD-11:n oikean ohjaamon valokuvasta. Vaatii MD-11, ja Flight Simulator 98.
46957 REDHAWK.ZIP 496,7 kt 08.12.1998 - - -
Hawk-paneeli Microsoft Flight Simulatoriin.
46958 ROBOTOS.ZIP 26,3 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
"WarBirds enhancement:  Roboto Sounds v1.0 These sounds have been tweaked for the best soundexperience with Warbirds 2.7x over a long period of time. Theyre in facttruly amazing. I feel sorry for those who are still playing Warbirds with the default sounds. The sounds are committed to give you the best possible gameexperiencestill realistic enough."
46959 S98AO24.ZIP 496,4 kt 04.11.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1998 päivityspaketti v2.3 (Shareware). Sisältää kauden 98 autojen väritykset, autojen "muodot", kuljettajat, tallit, voimasuhteet, kahdet renkaat ja ratatoimitsijat. Paketin on tehnyt Matti Laitinen.
46960 S99AO21.ZIP 397,1 kt 12.10.1999 - MBCD -
Grand Prix 2: Kauden 1999 paivityspaketti v2.1. Sisaltaa uudet autot, kuljettajat ja voimasuhteet GP2:een. Paketin on tehnyt Matti Laitinen.
46961 SAS747-2.ZIP 43,7 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
SAS Boeing 747-200 "JumboJet" CARGO-version. Vaatii FS98. VAROITUS: Kone on erittäin raskas, ja kiihtyy hitaasti, kuten myös jarruttaa hitaasti. Koneen hallinta vaatii kokemusta.
68205 SC2KTHM.ZIP 1263383 24.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
Microsoft Plus! Pack owners: will install 3
new themes in desktop: SC2000 residential,
sc2000 commercial, sc2000 industrial with own
wallpapers,fonts and colors. USABLE also on
Windows 95 WITHOUT Plus! pack.
46962 SDOETER2.ZIP 32,1 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Fighter Squadron:  Screaming Demons Over Europe addon: TERRAINS. Includes Tundra and Island terrains.
46963 SHADOWNA.ZIP 3,6 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
Unreal add-on: Crescent Moon Squad: Shadows of Na Pali from Crescent Moon Software Features twelve single-player levels, four deathmatch levels, and new graphics and sound. Your job is to hunt down smugglers. En route to a mission, something goes terribly wrong.
46964 SIMHOUSE.ZIP 1 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
The Sims - lisäosaThe Sims - 20.5.00 mennessä ilmestyneet uudet talot www.thesims.comista
46965 SIMS1234.ZIP 2,9 Mt 24.03.2000 - - -
The Sims lisukkeita: uusia  grafiikoita. More Sims in Career Skins, Download Graphics Pak 4. Graphics Pak 3. Vehicles, Graphics Pak 2. Sims in career Skins, Graphics Pak 1.
46966 SIMSRUGS.ZIP 3,7 Mt 24.03.2000 - - -
The Sims ohje: Rugs & Murals Tutorial.  Ohje neuvoo kuinka voit tehdä seinäkuvioita.
46967 SIMSTUFF.ZIP 7,7 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
The Sims - lisäosaThe Sims - 20.5.00 mennessä ilmestyneet uudet objektit www.thesims.comista
46968 SIMUCOUR.ZIP 1,5 kt 12.09.2000 - - -
Simutrans "Courier" Fontpack for Simutrans 0.74e Vaihtoehtoinen fontti Simutransiin.  Samantyyppinen kuin "Courier". ®2000 Hansj÷rg Malthaner
46969 SK35C_98.ZIP 141,2 kt 29.03.1999 - - -
Taas yksi versio Drakenista. Vaatii FS98.
46970 SM2K21.ZIP 150,9 kt 10.04.2000 - - -
NHL 2000: SM Liiga Pak 2000 Rosterit v2.1 Finnish Legendsiä tukevat rosterit. Mukana myös 4 Suomi-sarjan joukkuetta ym. 
46971 SM2KAANI.ZIP 1,4 Mt 12.04.2000 - - -
NHL 2000: SM Liiga Pak 2000 Äänitiedostoja: SM-Liigan Otteluesittelypuheet v1.5 Maamme-laulu v2.0 
46972 SM2KJOUK.ZIP 6,4 Mt 10.04.2000 - - -
NHL 2000: SM Liiga Pak 2000 Joukkueiden peruspaketit Ässät v1.0, Blues v2.0, HIFK v2.0, HPS 1.3, Ilves 1.51, Jokerit 1.1, JYP 2.5, Lukko 1.0, Pelicans 1.1, SaiPa 1.5, Tappara 2.1, TPS 1.7. 
46973 SMACCOPA.A01 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
SMAC Alternate Color Palette 2/3
46974 SMACCOPA.A02 2,7 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
SMAC Alternate Color Palette 3/3
46975 SMACCOPA.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
"Sim Meiers Alpha Centaury modification: SMAC Alternate Color Palette by Firaxis. This is a collection of alternate art files. It can be used to modify the look of the game to assist easy viewing for those with red/green color blindness. In order to use themcopy the contents of the zip file into the directory you installed the game. To restore the original palettereinstall the game from the CD-ROM.                      1/3"
46988 SP-THUND.ZIP 5,9 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Speedbuster NEW CAR: Thunder. Made by Ubisoft. This new car has a good top speed, but the handling is a little touchy.
46976 SP991001.ZIP 1,9 Mt 06.05.1999 - - -
THE ORIGINAL NHL99 SM-LIIGA PAK v1.0 Suomen odotetuin päivitys NHL99:iin on nyt täällä! Päivitys sisältää kaikki SM-Liigan joukkueet, pelaajineen, paitoineen, areenoineen, varusteineen, kasvoineen ym. **VAATII 3DFX:n** Tarvitset myös osat SP991002.ZIP, ja SP991003.ZIP * Pura paketti NHL99-hakemistoosi * * Ja Lue README.TXT *
46977 SP991002.ZIP 1,3 Mt 06.05.1999 - - -
46978 SP991003.ZIP 1,5 Mt 06.05.1999 - - -
46979 SPAK3001.ZIP 2 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
NHL98: THE ORIGINAL SM-LIIGA PAK v3.0 Skandinavian halutuin päivitys NHL98:iin on nyt täällä! Päivitys sisältää kaikki SM-Liiga & Elitserien joukkueet, pelaajineen, paitoineen, areenoineen, varusteineen, tilastoineen ym. Tarvitset myös osat SPAK3002.ZIP, SPAK3003.ZIP ja SPAK3004.ZIP * Pura paketti NHL98-hakemistoosi * * Ja Lue README.TXT *
46980 SPAK3002.ZIP 2 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
The Original SM-Liiga PAK v3.0   2/4
46981 SPAK3003.ZIP 2 Mt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
The Original SM-Liiga PAK v3.0   3/4
46982 SPAK3004.ZIP 1014,1 kt 20.08.1998 - MBCD -
The Original SM-Liiga PAK v3.0   4/4
46983 SPHPK145.ZIP 197,9 kt 13.05.1998 - - -
NHL98 SM-Liiga PAK: HPK v1.45 Päivitetty HPK:n joukkue SM-Liiga PAKiin. Mukana Mika Pietilän kamat ja maski. Myös pelipaidat on päivitetty.
46984 SPJYP145.ZIP 44,4 kt 13.05.1998 - - -
NHL98 SM-Liiga PAK: JYP v1.45 Päivitetty JYP:n joukkue SM-Liiga PAKiin. JYP:n "kolmas paita" joka on viime kauden kotipaita.
46985 SPP_767.ZIP 99,2 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
Boeing 767 Flight Simulator 98:aan.
46986 SPSAI205.ZIP 209,3 kt 08.06.1998 - - -
NHL98 SM-Liiga PAK: SaiPa v2.05 Päivitetty SaiPan joukkue SM-Liiga PAKiin. Uutta versioon 2.00: Kisapuiston jäälogot, kaukalomainokset ja tulostaulu.
46987 SPTAP205.ZIP 110,1 kt 08.06.1998 - - -
NHL98 SM-Liiga PAK: Tappara v2.05 Päivitetty Tapparan joukkue SM-Liiga PAKiin. Mukana Ilpo Kauhasen varusteet ja maski. Myös pelipaidat on päivitetty.
46989 SUKH27UB.ZIP 26,2 kt 09.04.1999 - - -
Su-27 Flanker FS98:lle.
46990 T45A215.ZIP 84,1 kt 17.08.1999 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
USA:n Merivoimien/Merijalkaväen T-45 Goshawk -harjoitushävittäjä Flight Simulator 5:lle. Toimii myös FS98:ssa, converterin kautta.
46991 T45PAN98.ZIP 514,5 kt 17.08.1999 - - -
FS98 PANEL- T-45 Goshawk Trainer. A FS98 panel for the USN T-45 Goshawk Trainer. Based on T-45 cockpit 21 photos.  Designed in 800x600 mode and tested on a Monster 3D II. Features include new HUD ILS gauge, working HUD, and MFDs, Moving Map Mode, and mouse clickable panel switches to operate the MFDs. By Chuck Dome & Paul Schwerdtfeger
46992 TA-AFLEA.ZIP 48,3 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation unit: Arm Flea scout KBot very small, agile, lightly armored Kbot scout
46993 TAMPA.ZIP 197 kt 21.02.1998 - - -
Lisää NHL98:n Tampabayn maalivahdille Daren Puppa:n maskin ja suojukset. Vaatii 3dfx:n. Made by: Mizu
46994 TAUNITS.ZIP 573 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Total Annihilation units ALL weekly & bonus units to March 6th.
46995 TBOJS20.ZIP 607,9 kt 09.04.1999 - - -
FS98-paneeli Potkuriturbiinikoneille, kuten Antonov An-22:lle.
46996 TU154M.ZIP 33,2 kt 10.03.1999 - 22095/SSERVCD_54A.bin -
"Tupolev-154M repainted into Aeroflot colorFS98mphg97 presentz. Flight and visual model by Shoichiro Homma. 
Repainted by mphg97. e-mail:deadhead@chat.ru
46997 TU154PNL.ZIP 855 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
"FS98 Tupolev Tu-154 Panel This panel is designed with a photo of the original Tupolev Tu-154 cockpit. It has the typical layout of a 70s Panel with a lot of analogue instruments. The Tu-154 is one of the most used aircrafts of Russia. By Matthias Lieberecht."
46998 TUNIS075.ZIP 286,6 kt 28.09.2000 - - -
Tuning pack for Simutrans 0.75 Sisõltõõ monta hy÷dyllistõ vihjettõ ja apuohjelmia joiden avulla voit virittõõ Simutransia.  Mm. uudet grafiikat, kulkuvõlineet ym.
46999 UOX086.ZIP 30,1 kt 17.03.1998 - - -
"Ultima Offline eXperiment v0.86 UOX is Ultima Online Server Emulator. Use this program to play UO offline Play Ultima Online without other playersNPCsand monsters. Good for creating those nifty city screenshot maps. By Jaegermeister. Note that the program will not work with the latest patch (1.23.27)so youll have to reinstall UO if you wish to use it. Windows 95."
47000 VALPACK.ZIP 359,7 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
"Creatures 3 - Valentines -lisäosaNeoDecaturs Creatures 3 St Valentines Day Pack - A lovely surprise package for your love-struck Norns. If all this doesnt get them breedingnothing will! Thanks to NeoDecatur for this wonderful agent pack!"
47001 VHICLE_E.ZIP 2 kt 03.09.2000 - - -
Transport Tycoon Deluxe Muuttaa mielikuvitukselliset kulkuvälineiden nimet realistisiksi. Toimii TTD DOS/Win95-versioissa. Tekijä Burghad Jahren http://jahnen.freepage.de/ttd/vehicles/ e_vehicles_english.html 
47002 VINKA_2.ZIP 35,4 kt 12.10.1999 - - -
FS98 Valmet L-70 Vinka Finnish three place basic training plane. It has 200 hp. Lycoming engine which gives the plane a 200 km/h travelling speed and 3000 m max, altitude. Prototypes, Leko-70, first flight was in 1975 and first serial built Vinka flew in December 29, 1979. Finnish Air Force has used the plane since 1980. Fixed the missing side panel. Designed by Mikko Maliniemi.
47003 VM99SIBB.ZIP 241,5 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
"NHL 99 add-on: The Ultimate VM99 Arena Update with Finnish Uniforms"
47004 VOLGA.ZIP 73,4 kt 10.03.1999 - - -
Ilyushinin tapaan vaikeasti lennettävä raskaan sarjan rahtikone. Vaatii FS98.
47005 W2-KUMME.ZIP 1,6 Mt 15.10.1998 - - -
Worms 2: Kummeli-soundbank By Jussi Leinonen
47006 WASHSIGN.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.03.2000 - - -
Washington Signs for Flight Simulator 2000 by John Blahm. Add airport signage to Flight Simulator. Washington Signs for Flight Simulator 2000 places airport signage at 328 airports in Washington state. It was written for Flight Simulator 2000 and includes the name of the airport, town, elevation, ATIS, and ILS. In additon, many airports have remarks at the bottom of the sign, such as "Coyotes and dogs may dig holes in runway". etc.
47007 WB201GST.ZIP 730 tavua 21.05.1998 - - -
Warbirds 2.01: uudet tähtäimet 640x480 ja 1024x768 grafiikoille. Tehnyt Kruger / Icebreakers "-krug-", yksi suomen parhaimmista Warbirds-lentäjistä. Asenna kopioimalla WB-hakemistoon.
47008 WF640PLN.ZIP 30 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Close Combat III mod:  Western Front v6.4.Muuntaa pelin itärintaman taisteluista länsirintamalle, Saksa vastaan USA ja Britannia. 
47009 WFMAPS.ZIP 32,9 Mt 12.06.2000 - - -
Close Combat III mod: Western Front valinnaisia karttoja. Nämä kartat ovat hyviä CC3:n länsirintamalla peluuseen. Sisältää: AirfieldMAP.zip, bocage1.zip, bocage2.zip, Bocage3.zip, cher2.zip, omaha2.zip, WFbocMAP.zip. 
70151 WORMSTHE.ZIP 1817657 16.04.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Worms Desktop Themes. Lisää Windowsiin
Worms-ääniä, hiiri-ikoneita tai Taustakuvan.
47010 WW2MISS.ZIP 11,4 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
"Janes WW2 Fighters single missions: Train ReckingB-17 InterceptionImpossible Convoy!VULTURE"
47011 YULEPCK.ZIP 1,8 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Creatures 3 - jouluinen lisäosaLots of lovely Yule presents for your Creatures 3 Norns. 
47297 11001101.ZIP 1,6 Mt 20.09.2000 - - -
Half-Life update v1.1.0.0 to v1.1.0.1 English release.
47298 41024104.ZIP 16,8 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
Half-Life standalone server updateThis package will update your Half-Life primary server from to v4.1.0.4. 
47299 AGEINTME.A01 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time 2/5
47300 AGEINTME.A02 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time 3/5
47301 AGEINTME.A03 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time 4/5
47302 AGEINTME.A04 1,3 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In TIme 5/5
47303 AGEINTME.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD -
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time v1.0 by Mystique 35 level total conversion for v1.4/1.5 featuring new art and sound effects, plus all new music, all new weapons, and all new enemies. Req. Duke Nukem 1.4 or 1.5 (registered) and Windows 95     1/5
47019 AHL4F.ZIP 56,5 Mt 19.05.2001 - - -
Action Half-Life beta v4 full Toiminnantäytteisen Half-Life -modin uusimman version täysasennus.  
47305 AHLB3.ZIP 39,4 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Half-Life mod: Action Half Life beta 3. Trying to recover the feel of action movies and to find the middle between game balance and realism. You can perform various action-typical stunts like diving in 4 directions or quickly dodging to the side. The damage model of AHL is unforgiving. The weapons are what you would find in a good action movie. Many game modes. 
47304 AHLB356.ZIP 3,8 Mt 15.09.2000 - - -
Action Half-Life Betan päivitys versiosta 3.0 versioon 3.56
47306 ATFULL.ZIP 16,3 Mt 26.06.2000 - - -
AtTi2dE Tribes Sound Pack. This version breaks taunts into killed or were killed taunts, a second fun stuff section, 456 sounds for the game. Including the MUCH WANTED ability to speak animations to everyone. 
47307 ATTI2DE.ZIP 474 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
"Prestos Tribes ScriptPak v. I think that theres something useful in here for just about anyone who plays - or plays with - Tribes Players will dig the new chatmenuteam trackingand camera features - and coders can use these routines as a start to their own scripts."
47308 BETRAYED.ZIP 3,3 Mt 17.08.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod: BETRAYED by Matthew Armstrong. Number of Teams: 4.  2 allied pairs of 2 teams. Recommended # of Players: 6-32 The Dictator must get to the holy mosque. He must pass through the Outer Village, through the City Gates, through the Main Village, up the Climb, and into the Mosque. The assassins try to stop him.  His bodyguards must help him arrive safely.
47309 CBS6FULL.A03 9,5 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.0 4/5        
47310 CBS6FULL.A04 5,4 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.0 5/5        
47311 CBS6FULL.ARJ 9,5 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.0 1/5          modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will  modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life  to bring to it a more team-oriented  gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team  Fortress2, it will will provide the player  with an experience that a trained  counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit  experiences.
47312 CCTF099.ZIP 20,3 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
Quake 3 Arena: Classic CTF by Eric "Whiplash" The Classic CTF mod incorporates the feel of q1ctf and q2ctf seamlessly. It has brought back most of the things we loved about the older ctf games, namely playability and the grapple! There are four runes now, strength, haste, regeneration and resistance like we had in q1 and q2. Some changes (fixes!) to the sounds and some changes to the cosmetics of some items. Public Beta 0.99 
47313 CHNGLNG1.ZIP 3,3 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Changeling: The Dreaming - Reclamation 1.0v1.0 beta. 
Changeling is a Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption mod.
47316 CS_B52U.ZIP 883,9 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counterstrike  Beta 5.0->5.2 modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life to bring to it a more team-oriented gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team Fortress2, it will will provide the player with an experience that a trained counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit experiences.
47314 CS70FULL.ZIP 67,2 Mt 15.09.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Strike Beta 7.0Täysi installaatio.
47315 CS71TO10.ZIP 22,8 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Counter-Strike update v7.1 beta to v1.0Pähkinänkuoressa Counter-Strike 1.0 tuo mukanaan kolme uutta asetta ja uudet pelaajamodelit. Lisätty myös Valven animointitekniikka ja jätetty beta-vaiheet. 
47033 CSB6061.ZIP 700,5 kt 04.04.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.0->6.1 update. modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life to bring to it a more team-oriented gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team Fortress2, it will will provide the player with an experience that a trained counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit experiences. Windows. 
47034 CSB6165.ZIP 29,5 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.1>6.5 update. Modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life to bring to it a more team-oriented gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team Fortress2, it will will provide the player with an experience that a trained counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit experiences. Windows. 
47035 CSB65.ZIP 55,2 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.5 modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life to bring to it a more team-oriented gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team Fortress2, it will will provide the player with an experience that a trained counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit experiences. Windows. 
47036 CSB6670.ZIP 30,3 Mt 15.09.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Striken päivitys versiosta 6.6 versioon 7.0
47037 CSB6U.ZIP 21,1 Mt 22.03.2000 - - -
 Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 5.2->6.0 update. modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life to bring to it a more team-oriented gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team Fortress2, it will will provide the player with an experience that a trained counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit experiences.
47038 CSB7071.ZIP 3,9 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Strike v7.0 to v7.1Ei kuvausta.
47039 DKDEMOHA.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Daikatana Demo Hack. This 3rd party patch will allow you to play the Daikatana demo on your local lan or internet. The current demo is an MPlayer demo only. A new demo will be out in about 4 weeks for the masses.
47040 DOD13BU.ZIP 4,6 Mt 05.08.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Day of Defeat update 1.3bUpdates v1.3 to v1.3b. DoD is a WW II mod. One team plays the role of  the Allies and the other team plays the role of  the Axis. Each side has different weapons and  equipment, as well as an incredibly unique  appearance. Maps have different goals such as  Capture the Object, Assassination, Escape, and  of course the basic Team Deathmatch. Weapons  include all of the basic infantry combat  equipment used in 1944-1945.  
47041 FLF1011.ZIP 9,8 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Half-Life: Front Line Force update v1.1Päivittää version 1.0 1.1:een. Front Line Force on Half-Life -modi, jossa pelaajat on jaettu 2 joukkueeseen, toiset puolustavat ja toiset hyökkäävät. Hyökkääjien tehtävänä on vallata eri alueita taistelualueelta, joita puolustajat yrittävät puolustaa. Kun alue on kerran vallattu, sitä ei enää voi vallata takaisin. Hyökkääjät voittavat pelin vaaltaamalla kaikki alueet. Jos aika loppuu ennenkuin kaikki alueet on vallattu, puolustajat voittavat. Pelaajien osat vaihtuvat jokaisen kierroksen jälkeen.  
47042 FLF13AU.ZIP 4,2 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Front Line Force v1.3a update Päivittää v1.3:n v1.3a:ksi. Front Line Force on Half-Life -modi, jossa pelaajat on jaettu 2 joukkueeseen, toiset puolustavat ja toiset hyökkäävät. Hyökkääjien tehtävänä on vallata eri alueita taistelualueelta, joita puolustajat yrittävät puolustaa. Kun alue on kerran vallattu, sitä ei enää voi vallata takaisin. Hyökkääjät voittavat pelin valtaamalla kaikki alueet. Jos aika loppuu ennenkuin kaikki alueet on vallattu, puolustajat voittavat. Pelaajien osat vaihtuvat jokaisen kierroksen jälkeen. 
47043 FORTRES1.ZIP 38,4 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Unreal Fortress v1 build 390 fullFull installation. Contains new weapons and maps. 
47044 GE15BETA.ZIP 18,3 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Half-Life: Goldeneye v1.5 beta 
47045 GUNMANDS.ZIP 52,8 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Gunman Chronicles dedicated server Does not require a copy of the game. 
47046 GWARS20.ZIP 15,2 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Half-Life mod: Gangsta Wars beta 2.0 Cash and Tommyguns makes an excellent Gangsta tradition. Mix between past Gangster warfare from the Prohibition days and current day "Gangsta" warfare. The maps all seem to deal with warehouse, storehouse and lab type settings, typical of the stereotypical Gangsta safehouses and shipping docks. Four new models and new weapons. 
47048 H2CTF_20.ZIP 7,3 Mt 10.05.1998 - gamers.org -
Hexen 2 Capture The Flag client package v2.0.
47047 H2CTF20S.ZIP 937,8 kt 10.05.1998 - - -
Hexen 2 Capture The Flag HexenC sources v2.0
47069 HL-USSDA.ZIP 10,6 Mt 05.04.2000 - - -
Half-Life: USS DARKSTAR mod. A New HalfLife Pak w/16 Single Player Levels. HalfLife Registered Ver. is Required! Black Widow Inc. would like to invite you to join our organization. You would be assigned as a member of the multi-disciplinary scientific team on board of the USS DARKSTAR, in a zoological research expedition to seek out, collect and investigate new alien life-forms in unexplored sectors of the universe. 
47049 HLCE.ZIP 66,4 Mt 24.10.2000 - - -
Half-Life: Chemical ExistenceChemical Existence is a total conversion pack for Half-Life, which puts you in the role of Reece Max who simply is in the wrong place at the wrong time. He gets mixed up with fighting gangs, evil corporations and mutated creatures... There will be 10 totally new enemies and 14 unique and detailed levels in the final version. 
47050 HLCS10.ZIP 80,1 Mt 21.11.2000 - - -
Counter-Strike v1.0 full installation Pähkinänkuoressa Counter-Strike 1.0 tuo mukanaan kolme uutta asetta ja uudet pelaajamodelit. Lisätty myös Valven animointitekniikka ja jätetty beta-vaiheet. 
47051 HLCS11F.ZIP 84,9 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike v1.1 full Fixes a host of bugs, and tweaks game balance. The most notable modifications are: jumping and firing accuracy is reduced, AWP leg shots no longer kill instantly, and AWP crosshairs no longer visible when unzoomed. Some maps are also updated. 
47052 HLDOD11F.ZIP 71,4 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Day of Defeat v1.1 full DoD is a WW II mod. One team plays the role of the Allies and the other team plays the role of the Axis. Each side has different weapons and equipment, as well as an incredibly unique appearance. Maps have different goals such as Capture the Object, Assassination, Escape, and of course the basic Team Deathmatch. Weapons include all of the basic infantry combat equipment used in 1944-1945.  
47053 HLDOD12F.ZIP 83,8 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Day of Defeat v1.2 full  DoD is a WW II mod. One team plays the role of the Allies and the other team plays the role of the Axis. Each side has different weapons and equipment, as well as an incredibly unique appearance. Maps have different goals such as Capture the Object, Assassination, Escape, and of course the basic Team Deathmatch. Weapons include all of the basic infantry combat equipment used in 1944-1945. 
47054 HLDOD12U.ZIP 39,5 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Day of Defeat update 1.1 to 1.2DoD is a WW II mod. One team plays the role of the Allies and the other team plays the role of the Axis. Each side has different weapons and equipment, as well as an incredibly unique appearance. Maps have different goals such as Capture the Object, Assassination, Escape, and of course the basic Team Deathmatch. Weapons include all of the basic infantry combat equipment used in 1944-1945. 
47055 HLFA24F.ZIP 50,1 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Firearms v2.4 full An realistic modification of the actual game, that focuses on teamplay with altered Half-Life gameplay, and new rules plus lots of new content. It features multiplay only, and therefore it is only playable online or LAN. You play in teams, or rather armed forces. You choose what weapons and optional items you want. Each force has an certain amount of reinforcements, which stands by and are thrown into action as a game progresses. When there is no reinforcements left, and all active soldiers has the been killed, the standing team wins the battle. 
47056 HLFA25F.ZIP 70,8 Mt 27.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Firearms v2.5 full  An realistic modification of the actual game,  that focuses on teamplay with altered Half-Life  gameplay, and new rules plus lots of new  content. It features multiplay only, and  therefore it is only playable online or LAN.  You play in teams, or rather armed forces. You  choose what weapons and optional items you want.  Each force has an certain amount of  reinforcements, which stands by and are thrown  into action as a game progresses. When there is  no reinforcements left, and all active soldiers  has the been killed, the standing team wins the  battle.  
47057 HLFLF10.ZIP 41,1 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Half-Life: Front Line Force v1.0Front Line Force on Half-Life -modi, jossa pelaajat on jaettu 2 joukkueeseen, toiset puolustavat ja toiset hyökkäävät. Hyökkääjien tehtävänä on vallata eri alueita taistelualueelta, joita puolustajat yrittävät puolustaa. Kun alue on kerran vallattu, sitä ei enää voi vallata takaisin. Hyökkääjät voittavat pelin vaaltaamalla kaikki alueet. Jos aika loppuu ennenkuin kaikki alueet on vallattu, puolustajat voittavat. Pelaajien osat vaihtuvat jokaisen kierroksen jälkeen. 
47058 HLFLF11F.ZIP 45,5 Mt 26.01.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Front Line Force v1.1 fullFront Line Force on Half-Life -modi, jossa pelaajat on jaettu 2 joukkueeseen, toiset puolustavat ja toiset hyökkäävät. Hyökkääjien tehtävänä on vallata eri alueita taistelualueelta, joita puolustajat yrittävät puolustaa. Kun alue on kerran vallattu, sitä ei enää voi vallata takaisin. Hyökkääjät voittavat pelin vaaltaamalla kaikki alueet. Jos aika loppuu ennenkuin kaikki alueet on vallattu, puolustajat voittavat. Pelaajien osat vaihtuvat jokaisen kierroksen jälkeen.  
47059 HLFLF12F.ZIP 68,5 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Front Line Force v1.2 full Front Line Force on Half-Life -modi, jossa pelaajat  on jaettu 2 joukkueeseen, toiset puolustavat ja toiset  hy÷kkõõvõt. Hy÷kkõõjien tehtõvõnõ on vallata eri  alueita taistelualueelta, joita puolustajat yrittõvõt  puolustaa. Kun alue on kerran vallattu, sitõ ei enõõ  voi vallata takaisin. Hy÷kkõõjõt voittavat pelin  vaaltaamalla kaikki alueet. Jos aika loppuu ennenkuin  kaikki alueet on vallattu, puolustajat voittavat.  Pelaajien osat vaihtuvat jokaisen kierroksen jõlkeen.  
47060 HLGE19BF.ZIP 23,1 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: 007 Goldeneye v1.9 beta full Astu James Bondin ja muiden elokuvasta tuttujen hahmojen saappaisiin. 
47061 HLHWB1.ZIP 10,6 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Holy Wars beta 1 Holy Warsissa yksi pelaaja on pyhimys, jonka sädekehää pahojen joukkue koittaa varastaa. Sädekehän avulla pääsee kiirastulesta vapauteen ja voittaa kentän. Pyhimys saa pistää kampoihin syntisille, ja käytössä onkin raskasta kalustoa, jolla niittää synkkää satoa.  
47062 HLJBV10.ZIP 3,2 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Half-Life JailBreak mod. beta. Sisältää client ja serveriohjelmat.
47063 HLJU10B.ZIP 489,8 kt 02.02.2000 - - -
Half-Life: The Jumbot v1.0  This is a DeathMatch, Teamplay, and Cooperative bot for Half-Life.
47064 HLPRO10.ZIP 433,6 kt 27.04.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Half-Life mod: Half-Life Pro If you are tired of regular ole DeathMatch play, then you are in luck! This brings added extensibility to the game and bunch of goodies to the hard core DeathMatcher. Includes: HTML stats logger, reworked HUD, night ops mode, realistic bleeding and and damage indicators, new runes, new points system etc. 
47065 HLS4101.ZIP 81,4 Mt 27.09.2000 - - -
Half-Life server  v4.1.0.1Full standalone Windows server package for  Half-Life and Team Fortress 1.5
47066 HLS4104.ZIP 94,1 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
Half-Life standalone server v4.1.0.4This package will install Half-Life primary server v4.1.0.4 for Win32 onto your computer if you intend to use it as a server for multiplayer matches. 
47067 HLSCI095.ZIP 6,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Half-Life Science & Industry v0.95 Teamplay modification for half-life which puts players in the role of security officers at a high tech research corporation. Each corporation has scientists who conduct research. This research results in new weapons, better armor, and more cash for the corporation. Whichever corporation has the most cash at the end wins. Help research progress better by protecting the lab from intruders and by recruiting new scientists.
47068 HLSW093A.ZIP 4,9 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Snow War v0.93 mod Test platform for a Finnish snow fight mod. 
47070 HLWH09B.ZIP 8,6 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Warhammer 40000 beta 0.9 Team Fortress Classic:iin pohjautuva modi Half-Lifelle. Warhammerista tutut hahmot ja aseet. Kolme eri pelimuotoa ja botteja vastustajiksi. 
47071 HLWLB20.ZIP 43,1 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Half-Life: Wasteland beta 2.0 A new multiplayer mod for Half-Life, including 6 character classes, 12 maps and 28 weapons. 
47072 KPCTOOLS.ZIP 2,3 Mt 26.09.2000 - 23938/CDGAMER42.iso -
KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child editing tools
47073 LL01_LL0.ZIP 223 tavua 23.02.2000 - - -
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear  user modification: MISSIONS FOR ROGUE SPEAR Operations Patriot and Lapdance
47074 LWM3F.ZIP 5,5 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
 Rainbow Six user modification: WEAPONS FOR RAINBOW SIX Lloyds Weapons Mod 3.0 Full Version.
47075 NATO300.ZIP 3,6 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
Rogue Spear weapon mod: NATO v3.0 add-on to the Rogue Spear game. Free. NATO 3 seeks to add more variety to Rogue Spear and maintain the realistic yet fun feel of the game. New weapons, new weapon models with textures, new weapon sounds and photos, a very advanced method for modelling weapons and ammo, new ammo types, and a manual in HTML format with weapon and tactics. 
47076 NOYZ11.ZIP 80,2 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Tribe ITH Communications and   HUD Scripts For Tribes   http://www.3dfiles.com
47077 Q2SW1B.ZIP 23,9 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
Quake II: Star Wars Quake multiplayer testStar Wars Quake: The Call of the Force moninpelimodi. Total Conversion joka tuo peliin monipuolisen Star Wars-henkisen actionin ja hitusen roolipeliä. Vaatii Quake 2. 
47078 Q3AALL20.ZIP 114,6 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Quake III Arena: Alliance mod v2.0Alliance on enemmänkin ilmainen tehtäväpaketti kuin modi. Se sisältää 3 pelityyppiä, 26 CTF karttaa, uusia aseita, erikoisefektejä, radioääniä ja paljon muita "killer" ominaisuuksia. 
47079 Q3ATADMO.ZIP 121,2 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Quake III Arena: Team Arena demoTeam Arena on laajennus Quake III Arenaan. Se sisältää uusia pelimoodeja, aseita, karttoja ym. Pelimoodit painottuvat tiimipelaamiseen. Demo toimii ilman Quake III Arenaa, mutta koko versio vaatii sen.  
47080 Q3FA_B1.ZIP 11,8 Mt 06.09.2000 - - -
Quake 3 Arena: Freakball Arena beta 1. Vauhdikas, urheiluhenkinen modi Q3:een. Kaksi joukkuetta pelaa amerikkalaisen jalkapallon ja koripallon yhdistelmää, asein varustettuna. 
47081 Q3JB127.ZIP 50,6 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Quake 3 Arena: Jailbreak v1.27 JailBreak on tiimipeli-mod Quake 3 Arenalle. Pelissä on kaksi joukkuetta, Sininen ja Punainen. Kun sinut tapetaan, siirryt vihollisjoukkueen vankilaan, josta joukkutovereidesi tulee yrittää vapauttaa sinut, tai voit yrittää paeta itse. Kun joukkueen kaikki jäsenet ovat vankilassa, seuraa teloitus. Tämä modi tukee myös botteja. Tarkoitettu uusimmalle Q3A 1.27 Point Release päivitykselle.  
47082 Q3RA315F.ZIP 89,2 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Quake III: Rocket Arena 3 v1.5 full Viisi uutta karttaa, Mac-tuki, MP3-soitin, IRC-clientti, parannuksia ja korjauksia. 
47083 R6-26M.ZIP 16,4 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
 Rainbow Six: new user missions. 26 new missions created by users.
47084 R6ALLUNI.ZIP 15,4 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
Rainbow 6 Uniforms tweak. allows you to use any Uniform on any Level. This adds a very exciting flavor to playing the levels, as now you really get to customize your teams when your going back through the game for the second time.
47085 R6RADIO.ZIP 519,7 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
Rainbow Six tweak Multiplayer Radio Message Patch. By Snaek1 This patch changes the four go-code radio messages to "Contact", "Threat neutralized", "Takin fire", and "Clear", for use in team multi-player games. Remember, this only works if everyone has it installed. Otherwise you\'ll hear "Contact" and others will hear "Alpha, go!" Works only in multiplayer team games.
47086 R6SKINS.ZIP 949,5 kt 23.02.2000 - - -
Rainbow Six user modification:  CUSTOM SKINS FOR RAINBOW SIX Super Skins Mod & Super Skins Add-On Pack
47087 RA310CW.EXE 56,2 Mt 24.07.2000 - - -
Quake 3 mod: Rocket Arena 3 Quake 3:n modi Rocket Arena 3, Windows-versio. Sisältää 
kaiken mitä Rocket Arena 2 ja lisäksi paljon uudistuksia, 
kuten pelipalvelimia etsivä ArenaSpy ja sisäänrakennettu 
47088 RAT-015.ZIP 3 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
"Half-Life mod: Runaway Train simple yet fun mod where the goal is to jump on the trainget it movingand stay on for as long as possible. Everyone elses goal is to know you off the trainand to attempt to get on themselves. "
47089 RB6FW11.ZIP 614 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
"Rainbow 6: Blakes Finnish Weapons Patch v1.1 (C) by A. Mustonen 1999 http://www.kolumbus.fi/blakes/rainbow6.html This patch contains REALISTIC weapons! 8 realistic & accurately modelled service weapons of the Finnish Army: Sako M95M62 LMGSuomi M1931Sako TGR-21Sako TRG-21 SDSVD DragunovRemington 870 SGFN M80 Pistol. Different purposes for different weapons. Excellent for multiplayer. New weapon graphics and explosive gun sounds"
47090 RED108.ZIP 791,5 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
ReDeMpTiOn v1.08 for SiN computer controlled opponent "bot" for multiplayer SiN deathmatch. It will probably be particularly of use for people who want to practise for online deathmatching, or just don\'t have internet connection and want to experience the absolute mayhem that we all know and love online!
47091 RS-JAP.ZIP 34,3 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Rogue Spear Urban Ops mod: JapanKorvaa pelin modernin asetuksen vanhan Japanin hengellä ja ninjatoiminnalla. 
47093 RS-NIHON.ZIP 3,4 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Rogue Spear mod: Nihon. Ninja-tyyppistä toimintaa Rogue Speariin. 
47092 RSNATO30.ZIP 3,7 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear NATO v3.00 mod Adds new weapons, models, sounds, reticles and more. 
47094 RSR_PACK.ZIP 3,9 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
Rainbow Six: new user missions.  Red Storm Rising Mission Pack. Includes: Operation Maskirovka, Operation Dreamland, Operation Fire & Ice, Operation Piledriver, Operation Nordic Hammer
47095 SF15155.ZIP 11,1 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Strike Force updateUnreal Tournament: Strike Force update v1.5 to v1.55 
47096 SPOON05F.ZIP 276,9 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
Starsiege Tribes: Spoonbot v0.5. Tekoälyvastustajat, botit peliin.
47097 SVENCO13.ZIP 7,4 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
Half-Life: Svencoop v1.3 Modi joka sallii joukkuepelin tietokonetta vastaan joukkuepeleissä.
47098 TETUWIN.ZIP 610,6 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
"TETRIS! FOR UWINDOWS: STANDARD EDITION mod for Unreal Tournament. It works as an extension to the UT GUI. What is it? Its a simple tetris clonewith a few interesting features. I could go on pimping it herebut basicallyits Tetris. "
47099 TF5152.ZIP 39,3 Mt 27.10.2000 - 22688/JOY121CD_2.iso -
Half-Life: Initial Encounter v5.1.5.2 Full installation.
47100 THEYH1&2.ZIP 43,5 Mt 12.10.2000 - - -
They Hunger 1 & 2This single-player level pack contains both the original They Hunger plus its sequel, Rest In Pieces. Radically re-shaped, horror-themed Half-Life universe, not a military action game like original Half-Life. So don\'t expect aliens or soldiers this time. Req. original Half-Life v1.0.0.9 or later. By Neil Manke, creator of "USS Darkstar" add-on.
47101 U4E4UTDE.ZIP 2,6 Mt 18.10.1999 - - -
Unreal4Ever For Unreal Demo The real release of Unreal4Ever for the UT Demo. It will equip the latest version of the UT Demo with 12 new weapons and two new mutators to place the weapons within the game. This will be the last release of U4E for UT until the commercial version is released.
47102 U4EBETA4.ZIP 7,3 Mt 30.06.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
"Unreal4Ever collection of 30 animated and freshly modeled weaponsand five completely new and modeled character classs for Unreal. Complete with new Internet code to help everything run over the internet. Adds a lot of extra stuff to Unreal that it wasnt really designed forso its made with help from Tim Sweeny to get the game do on-line stuff that it was never designed to do."
47103 U4ETV401.ZIP 8,8 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
"Unreal Tournament mod: Unreal4ever Tournament v4.01 U4eT package: new UT weapons and other classes designed for both MP and SP action. Features: 28(*) new UT weapons15 new ammo pickupsand one U4eT mutator completely customizable with a both detailed and easy-to-use Menu system which can be found under UTs Mods section. "
47104 UONATO35.ZIP 7,5 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Rogue Spear Urban Operations: Nato v3.5 Modi, joka lisää uusia aseita, modeleita ja ääniä. Mahdollisuus moninpeliin. Vaatii alkuperäisen Urban Operationsin. 
47105 UTI280.ZIP 39,4 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Infiltration v2.80 fullInfiltration is an Unreal Tournament mod that pulls away from the military style FPS in that your duty is not limited to just covert operations. For you to accomplish these tasks you will choose your equipment prior to the game. Remember, you will be limited in weight to what you can carry. It will be further limited in cost for each item. The idea is to give you the tools to do the job. How you do it is up to you. 
47106 UTIU281.ZIP 11,2 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Infiltration update Unreal Tournament: Infiltration update v2.80 to v2.81 
47107 UTIU282.ZIP 4,8 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Infiltration update Unreal Tournament: Infiltration update v2.81 to v2.82 
47108 UTIV285F.ZIP 53,5 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Infiltration 2.85  fullInfiltration is an Unreal Tournament mod that  pulls away from the military style FPS in  that your duty is not limited to just covert  operations. For you to accomplish these tasks  you will choose your equipment prior to the  game. The idea is to give you the tools to do  the job. How you do it is up to you. This new  version has enhanced net stability, new  character models, new weapons and improved  bots. 
47109 UTSRV428.ZIP 66,6 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament standalone server v4.28Ei kuvausta.
47110 WHLBETA1.ZIP 19,1 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
"Half-Life mod: Wasteland Takes place on a shattered world; after the third world war the planet is dyingand humanity is taking its last stand on the remains of what was once called earth. Elements from both the Mad Max series of movies and the RPG Fallout. Maps and weapon models really give you the feeling of being one of the few survivors on the doomed remnants of earthstruggling to survive. "
47111 ZDOOM122.ZIP 577,4 kt 15.06.2000 - archive.org -
 Zdoom 1.22 - Win 32-versio. Zdoom on laajennus Doomiin, jonka ansiosta pystyt käyttämään suuria resoluutioita, hiirtä, tähtäimiä, Quake-peleistä tuttua konsolia ja nappien bindailua/aliaksia. Lisäksi Zdoom tukee MOD/MIDI musiikkiformaatteja ja mahdollistaa TCP/IP pelin netissä. Toimii missä tahansa Doomissa aina ykkösestä Final Doomiin asti. Windows 95/98/NT. http://zdoom.notgod.com.
42699 1000.ZIP 4,6 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 1000 by Ivolga Inc. Play an addictive points card game. It has to be played by three players, one of whom is you. Your main goal is to collect as many points as possible. The one who collects 1000 points first is the winner. Windows 9x, NT, or 2000
42700 102030.ZIP 133,7 kt 06.11.2000 - - -
"10-20-3010-20-30 is a challenging Solitaire game. Its played with a standard deck of 52 cards in which suit is irrelevant. Your mission is to combine cards in a certain order and make all the piles disappear. Just one option is providedand thats to adjust the value of the kingqueenand jack cards so theyre each worth 10 points. Win 9x. Freeware. "
42701 123FP20.ZIP 1,3 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
123 Free Puzzle v2.0 by TreeCardGames, inc. Freeware spin-off of SolSuite 2000. Here you get five fun-to-play card games: two are editions of Only-One-Left, and three are versions of Put-Them-In-Order. In Only-One-Left, the objective is to eliminate all the cards in the layout except one. The objective of Put-Them-In-Order is to arrange the cards in numerical order using a method similar to "slider" puzzles. Each game is easy to learn. Windows 95.
42702 123FREE.EXE 1,4 Mt 16.04.2001 - 23740/PCWorld_2001-11_cd.bin -
123 Free Solitaire 5.1123 Free Solitaire is a collection of ten solitaire card games. The games included are Diplomat, Easthaven, Fifteens, Four Seasons, Free Cell, Golf, Klondike, Monte Carlo, Precedence, and Pyramid. Enjoy features like animated cards, autoplay, sound, and more. Each game has more than nine trillion possible outcomes, so the collection remains fresh no matter how many times you play. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Freeware. http://www.TreeCardGames.com 
42703 123FREEM.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
123 Free Memory v2.0123 Free Memory contains four fun memory
Solitaire games: Ace-To-King, Concentration,
Forget-Me-Not, and Memory-Up (6x4). 123 Free
Memory utilizes well-done interface and
feature set. You can select card backs and
table backgrounds, mute the audio, use
undo/redo, and choose from several other
options. Note: This free software contains
advertising technology that will
occasionally use your Internet connection to
receive and display ads. Freeware.
42704 123FS42.ZIP 1,4 Mt 04.04.2000 - - -
123 Free Solitaire 4.2from Treesoft well-done versions of Klondike, Pyramid, Golf, FreeCell, and Diplomat. 
The interface is friendly and attractive, complete with sound effects, a customizable 
toolbar, a green gradient background, and an autoplay feature. You can also toggle 
options for confirm on exit, confirm quit game, winning animation, show time, and show 
score. Windows 95, 98. Freeware.
42705 123FS47.EXE 1,4 Mt 26.12.2000 - - -
123 Free Solitaire 4.7123 Free Solitaire is a collection of ten solitaire card games. The games included 
are Diplomat, Easthaven, Fifteens, Four Seasons, Free Cell, Golf, Klondike, 
Monte Carlo, Precedence, and Pyramid. Enjoy features like animated cards, autoplay,
sound, and more. Each game has more than nine trillion possible outcomes, so the 
collection remains fresh no matter how many times you play. Windows 95/98/NT.
Freeware. http://www.TreeCardGames.com
42706 123PUZLE.ZIP 1,4 Mt 15.11.2000 - - -
123 Free Puzzle v2.4123 Free Puzzle is a spin-off from SolSuite 2000. It provides seven fun card games: Four Sums, Tower of Hanoy, two variations of Only-One-Left, and three versions of Put-Them-In-Order. Each game can be learned quickly, and the interface is both intuitive and attractive. Win 9x. Freeware. 
42707 123SOL.ZIP 1,4 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
"123 Free Solitaire 4.6123 Free Solitaire is a scaled-down version of the developers excellent SolSuite 2000 game. 
It offers well-done versions of DiplomatEasthavenFour SeasonsFourteen OutFreeCell
GolfKlondikeMonte CarloPrecedence and Pyramid.. The interface is friendly and attractive
complete with digital sound effectsseveral background and deck choicesand an autoplay 
feature. Windows 95/98. Freeware.
42708 15PACK12.ZIP 362,4 kt 18.02.2000 - - -
15-Pack v1.20 for Win95/98/NT This is a cool award-winning computer version of the classical slide puzzle. Simple interface, changeable skin of  game pieces, a lot of boards, sound effects, background music and more. Address of 15-Pack authors website: http://www.sapphiregames.com
42709 1995PASS.ZIP 1 Mt 31.07.1999 - - -
Passage 1995 Edition v1.2 by Gekko Software Strategy board game with three different game variations. Each variation can be played in three time modes; so altogether you can choose from 9 game variations! Set one stone next to another stone so they correspond (either) in color and/or in motive. The grey stone fits everywhere, so you can put every stone next to a grey stone. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42710 1PUZZLER.ZIP 2,4 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
1Puzzler:The Falling Blocks CollectionCollection of ten tetris like and other style puzzle games. By CGN Software Each game comes with a colorful interface, optional background music, easy-to-learn instructions and a high-score honor roll. You can play all the games with your keyboard arrow keys, so no additional hardware is required. For Windows 95/98.
42711 2CLEAR.ZIP 412,1 kt 17.01.2000 - - -
" 2 Clear v1.1 by Ultisoft. Build colored rectangles. Simple but engaging game that requires you to add patterns of colored blocks to a field of playin order to create rectangles of the same color. The blocks can be rotated for best effectand Undo is also available. Once theyre createdthe blocks disappear to allow you to add more sections and earn more points. Windows 9598or NT"
42712 2HANDSOL.ZIP 2 Mt 08.05.2000 - - -
Two handed Solitaire Variation on Klondike Solitaire, the most popular version of solitaire. There 4 stacks on the table instead of seven and the remaining cards are split between you and your computer opponent. The player to play all of their cards first wins. The game has great graphics and sound effects, win/loss statistics, right-click auto-play, undo, restart deal, and auto save. Fully functional shareware. Windows 95/98 
42713 2POWER11.ZIP 541,7 kt 24.05.1999 väärä koko ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet -
2 Power. Pure logic game from MG Software, simple to play but very challenging and a lot of fun. The playing field is filled with colored blocks. The object of the game is to remove blocks from the playing field in a way that maximizes your score. Selectively remove blocks and set yourself up to remove as large a group as possible.  Windows 95.
42714 31FORW95.ZIP 517 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
31 for Windows 95 v5.0 by Ultisoft. Survive this tough card game. Four-player card game. Played with a standard deck of cards, it can be enjoyed with one human player against three silicon-based ones, or on a network. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42715 32UZ36.ZIP 2,6 Mt 23.01.1999 - - -
"šZ v3.0 painstakingly designed puzzle game for Windowsandquite simplyIT ROCKS.Featuring crisp sound effectscolorful piecesbeautiful backgroundspleasant musicand a whole lot of fun. To clear a levelall youve got to do is destroy all of the pieces by moving identical ones next to each other. Windows 95"
42716 3DBLACK.ZIP 6 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
3D Blackjack Trainer v2.0 by Ultisoft. Play Blackjack. Designed to make the play of the game as natural as possible. Windows 95, 98, or NT.
42717 3DJONG20.ZIP 5 Mt 10.11.1999 - - -
Moraff\'s 3D-Jongg v2.0 Try a new spin on classic Mahjongg. Mahjongg game that offers excellent ray-traced graphics, with game tiles that appear to be made of wood and marble. The 3D aspects are simulated as sculptures rise from the tiles and cast shadows. The "3" even takes on another meaning in this game - you\'re required to remove three tiles at a time, making the game a bit more challenging. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42718 3DLINES.ZIP 869 kt 12.11.2000 - - -
"3D Lines3D Lines is a challenge to your brains! This smashing real three-dimension puzzle game develops your space imagination and logic and can give you hours of pleasure and enjoy. The goal is to arrange colored spheres into lines. With every movethree more spheres will appear until theres no more room on the board. 3D Lines has 10 days free trial period. P16616 MB. Freeware.  "
40983 3DMAZE95.ZIP 1053911 23.12.1995 - MBCD -
3DMAZE V1.2 (11/25/95) generates mazes under
Windows 95. The mazes are displayed in 3D.
Use keys to solve them or have the computer
solve them. Visual Basic 4.0 source code is
42719 3DMORR11.ZIP 2,4 Mt 17.01.2000 - MBHH2001 -
 3D Morris 1.1 Copyright 1999 Adrian Grigore, Lobstersoft The modern version of an ancient Strategy game - one of the best-looking board games on the shareware market. 1-player and 2-player gaming modes as well as a head-to-head gaming mode over the internet. It also adds a completely new, arcade-like game mode. http://www.lobstersoft.com/3dmorris
42720 3DPROS22.ZIP 1,1 Mt 11.01.2000 - - -
"3D Proslots v2.2 by UltiSoftInc. If you love to play the slots but want more than just spinning cherriesyoull enjoy 3D Proslots. This multifeatured 3D slot machine game (which plays in DOS mode but needs Windows to install) offers smooth animation and realistic sound effectsmaking you feel like youre actually in a casino. Windows 95"
42721 3DWLDDIA.ZIP 916,9 kt 17.01.2000 - - -
 3D WILD DIAMONDS v2.1 3D wild diamonds is a multi feature slot machine game with true color rendered graphics, real time animation, and all new classic slots sounds. Windows 95.
42722 3LEAVES.ZIP 1,1 Mt 10.04.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Three Leaves 2.0 lets you play addictive card game against computer opponents or up to 4 friends over Internet. By Sergey Tkachenko and Sapphire Games.
42723 4AFRI3.ZIP 3 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
Fairplay African Casino v1.000.050eFairplay African Casino is an attractively
atmospheric way to play casino games with an
African theme. All games have fast, colorful
graphics and video sound effects. To sample
what this casino has to offer, connect to the
server and register to obtain a logon and
password, then choose a game and play without
having to worry about risking real money.
Win9x. Freeware.
42724 4WINDS.ZIP 2,5 Mt 13.01.1999 - 17118/TEKNO 6-1998.iso -
Four Winds Mah Jongg v1.07 by Armadillo Graphics beautiful version of the traditional Chinese game of tiles, Mah Jongg. Each tile is drawn in detail on a brilliant red board while you listen to soothing Chinese music. The mouse actually turns into a bird or dice, while you wait for moves to occur. You can choose from several rule options, including Japanese, Classical American, and Contemporary European. Windows 95
42725 5SMAHJNG.ZIP 2 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
5 Star Mahjongg time-limited 21-day DEMO for Windows« 95/98/NT v1.00 Wildly popular, contemporary version of the classic Eastern game, suitable for both kids and adults. The attractive and intuitive interface makes the game very simple to learn and  play within a few minutes, but as mahjongg players around the world know, gameplay can be extremely challenging and addictive! Good graphics, very configurable. Windows« 95/98/NT, 486, 16 MB, SVGA. 
42726 5SMJ101.ZIP 2 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
"5 Star Mahjongg v1.01  In 5 Star Mahjongg youll get to choose your tile facespick from a range of challenging tile layoutsmodify the backgroundand choose whether you want guaranteed solvability. Every game is different and the wide range of choices insure that you wont get bored. When you solve the puzzles your time may merit you a place on the top ten list. This is a 21-day trial version. Win 9x. Shareware$14.95. "
42727 5STR11.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.03.2000 - - -
 5star Free Lines 1.1 Free! Fun mind  game. The objective of the game is to  line up five balls of the same color.   At witch time they are removed from the  board and points are scored. Attractive  graphics and colors, nice sound effects  and lovely music to your choice make  this game a real fun. You can conpete  with your partner through network or  internet. Play this attractive free game and have fun!
40984 95CDICE.ZIP 1902514 24.11.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
**MoraffWare! Best Dice Game Ever! WIN'95!**
Moraff's CyberDice is by far the best
implementation of the classic yahtzee!
sweeper! Dazzling graphics and spectacular
backgrounds make this a must have!
40990 95JIGGL4.ZIP 1430962 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
*Moraff! Concentration-Memory-Jiggler!WIN95*
Moraff's Memory-Jiggler is an exciting and
unique combination of Jigsaw puzzles and
Concentration! This is better than Jigsaw,
AND better than Concentration! Version 4.1.
60297 95JIGGLE.ZIP 1292656 23.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
*Moraff! Concentration-Memory-Jiggler!WIN95*
Moraff's Memory-Jiggler is an exciting
and unique combination of Jigsaw puzzles
and Concentration! This is better than
Jigsaw, AND better than Concentration!
Version 4.0: (Updated April 1996)
1) Great graphics, spectacular puzzles!
2) You can use your own images of any
file format as puzzles!
60298 95LASB20.ZIP 1199256 22.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Laser Blocks V2.0 for Windows 95. Arcade
puzzle game. Destroy falling blocks by
connecting pipes.
60301 95RADIAT.ZIP 1419379 15.05.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
*MoraffWare! Best Puzzle Game Ever! WIN'95!*
░    Moraff's Radiation is a vast improve- ░
░ ment over the original concept of mine-  ░
░ sweeper! Cute animations, neat sound and ░
░ spectacular backgrounds make this a must!░
░▒Version 1.0: (Updated April 1996)       ▒░
░▒ 1) Great 3D graphics, photo backdrops  ▒░
░▒   from NASA and the Hubble Telescope!  ▒░
░▒ 2) Multiple board sizes, levels of     ▒░
40991 95RJONG2.ZIP 1423619 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
*MORAFFWARE: Best 3-D WIN-95 Puzzle Game!V2*
░     Ringjongg is a dazzling puzzle game, ░
░ similar to the smash-hit Spherejongg! It ░
░ contains huge rings that are rendered by ░
░ 3D-Studio, the leading 3-D imaging soft- ░
░ ware.     Requies SVGA, 8 megs RAM, 486. ░
░▒Version 2.0:                            ▒░
░▒ 1) Great 3-D 16 million color graphics,▒░
░▒    very easy to see the 3-D donuts!    ▒░
60303 95SJONG2.ZIP 1354526 31.10.1996 - 8180/Night Owl Best of Shareware (NOPV-18)(1995).ISO -
MORAFF: 3D Spherical Mahjongg V2 For Win95
Moraff's Spherejongg is like Mahjongg
with spherical pieces. It is much easier
to play, but just as challenging to win!
The large globe-shaped 3D tiles are very
easy to identify, no more eyestrain!
40992 95SJONG3.ZIP 1385948 18.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
*MORAFF: 3D Spherical Mahjongg V3 For Win95*
░    Moraff's Spherejongg is like Mahjongg ░
░ with spherical pieces. It is much easier ░
░ to play, but just as challenging to win! ░
░ The large globe-shaped 3D tiles are very ░
░ easy to identify, no more eyestrain!     ░
░▒Version 3.0 for Windows `95 (tm):       ▒░
░▒ 1) Great 3D graphics, very easy to     ▒░
░▒    see the 3D spheres! New graphics!   ▒░
40994 95STSP11.ZIP 616704 27.05.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
SLOTS of TRIVIA v1.1 (Sports Version) A
Windows Slot Machine and Trivia Game WINDOWS
95 Version: It's both a slot machine game and
a trivia game.  Answer questions to collect
your winning spins.  Also has a slot-only
mode.  Great graphics and sounds.  Requires
VB40032.DLL (not in .ZIP file)
42728 A1GEOFT.ZIP 3,3 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
A1 Geo-Fit Game Pack v1.0A1 Geo-Fit Game Pack includes a series of
three games, all variations of Tetris with a
triangular twist. The use of triangular
shapes makes the task quite entertaining and
challenging. As the pieces fall, you can
rotate them to best fit into the shape of the
rows of triangles at the base of the playing
field. Once a row is complete, it is removed.
Triangles can become translucent, which in
some cases allows shapes through.
Win 9x. Freeware.
42729 AARGON.ZIP 2,7 Mt 11.04.1999 - MBCD -
"Aargon by Twilight Games addictive puzzle game that uses colored lasersmirrorsand prisms. Your mission is to arrange glass pieces so that lasers hit colored coins. Use prisms and filters to separate colors or mix beams to form new ones. Just make sure you dont hit the TNT or let dangerous mines escape. Fast reflexes will do you no good; Aargon is definitely designed for the serious thinkers. DirectX 6.0P120Win95."
42730 ABALONE.ZIP 1 Mt 25.04.1999 - MBCD -
"Abalone v1.0 board Strategy Game This beautiful version of the classic strategy game will quickly become one of your favorite games. Played on a hexagonal board using colored marblesyour goal is to push your opponents pieces off the board before he does the same to you. Board Strategy Windows 95 98 NT Random Software http://www.randomly.com"
42731 ABC34.ZIP 837,5 kt 29.06.1999 - - -
"AbcPuzzles by Kirill Vasilev Puzzle.Two variations on a tile-based puzzle game. Each uses the same basic enginein which you move the tiles in groups of four or more by spinning them with the control located in the corner where four tiles touch. Much like Rubiks Cube in two dimensionsthe games are harder than they first look since you must get the tiles properly aligned without disrupting your previous work. Windows 9598or NT"
40996 ABSETUP.A01 3999400 22.07.1996 - - -
Abduction from Earth. Osa 2/3.
40997 ABSETUP.A02 1673606 22.07.1996 - - -
Abduction from Earth. Osa 3/3.
40998 ABSETUP.ARJ 3999400 22.07.1996 - - -
Abduction from Earth. Win95-puzzlepeli, jossa
yritetään saada lauma alieneita eri
sokkeloiden läpi. Osa 1/3.
42732 ABSOLMEM.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.12.1999 - - -
Absolute Memory 1.2 for Windows 95,98 and NT Absolute Memory is an exciting puzzle game in which you need to match all the pairs of cards in the time given. Flip over the cards to find matches and try to clear the board in the fastest time possible. The game has many levels with colorful graphics. You can also create new levels yourself and add them to the game.
42733 ACEKINGS.ZIP 3 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
"Aces and Kings Solitaire v1.1A collection of five good solitaires. The
games included are Aces and KingsDemons and
ThievesFours UpDouble FreeCell and Lady
Jane. Youll find many of the nice features
that have made Pretty Good Solitaire a
winner: the ability to select a random game
sound effectsnice-looking cardsan
intuitive interfacecustomizable
backgroundskeeping of statistics and more.
Win9x. Freeware."
42734 ACESGOLD.ZIP 7,2 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
 Aces Gold Casino v1.02b by Acesace.net Play casino games on your PC. Suite of casino games that you can play offline for fun or online for cash. Included are: Slot machine, Roulette, Pai-Gow, Blackjack, Baccaret, and Video Poker. To play for cash you must be 18 or older and local laws apply. Req. Internet connection for online play, Pentium 133, and Windows 95, 98, or NT
42735 ACHESS10.ZIP 117,9 kt 28.12.2000 - - -
AntiChess v1.0AntiChess is the antithesis of a regular chess: you must force the opponent to capture your king, or every piece you have. The pieces move just like in regular chess, making the game easy to learn, but very hard to master. You can load and save games, take hints or back moves, watch an autoplay mode, or select from three difficulty levels. You also have two chess sets and three different boards to choose from. Win 9x. Freeware. 
42736 ACTLCK05.ZIP 874,8 kt 10.11.1999 - - -
Actual checkers v.1.0-R build 10.05-005 Atlant Software. web site: http://here.at/atlantsoft.com e-mail  : atlantsoft@usa.com Match your skill against a computer opponent in Russian Checkers. The Russian version has some rule variations over standard checkers such as the ability to jump both forward and backward or the ability of kings to move several spaces at a time along the diagonal. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42737 ADSAMES.ZIP 267,1 kt 16.09.2000 - - -
AD Sames v1.0AD Sames is a small puzzle game. The object  of the game is to remove all the pieces  from the playing field. You can erase pieces  which are the same only if they are connected  vertically or horisontally. Pieces above  those erased will drop down, and once there  is a fully erased vertical line the pieces on  the left will slide rightward to fill this  line. 
42738 AFRIKKA.ZIP 454,4 kt 22.11.1998 - MBHH2000 -
Afrikan Tähti raha-arpasimulaattori Vaatii Windows 95/98 by the Lost Spaceman of Refinition freeware
42739 AHA!.ZIP 3,7 Mt 30.08.1999 renamed - -
"Aha! by Odessa Corp. Brain puzzle. The objective is to remove similar shaped objects from the playing gridcausing the icons above to drop down and form new groupings. When youve removed all groups of two or more similar iconsthe game is over. You get more points for removing larger groups. This edition offers animated iconsjazzy background musicand a modern player interface.It seems simplebut to really score youll have to plan ahead. Windows 95"
42740 AJIG34.ZIP 830,2 kt 29.06.1999 - - -
AlterJig v3.4 by Kirill Vasilev Tile jigsaw puzzle game. You select one of several graphics supplied with the game or create your own puzzle from any bitmap. When you select "new game", AlterJig scrambles the puzzle and challenges you to restore the picture by rotating groups of four tiles to get the tiles back to their proper position.
42741 ALHABALL.ZIP 933,3 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Alhademic Balls v1.0 By Alhademic Group. Make rows of three to win the game. Familiar puzzle game in which the object is to swap two colored balls in a matrix of colored balls so as to create a row of three or more balls of the same color, either vertically or horizontally. When you create a row, those balls are removed, you get points, and new balls cascade down. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42742 ALHALNS.ZIP 593,3 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
Alhademic Lines v1.4 BY Alhademic Group "Mind game" that\'s quick to learn and fun to play. The object is to score as many points as possible through the process of placing five balls of the same color in a straight line. It sounds easy, but the computer places three new randomly colored balls on the playing field after each turn, adding to the challenge. Sharp-looking graphics, nice music and sound effects. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42743 ALIGN-IT.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.03.1999 - - -
"Align It! v1.0 by Sandra Erb Puzzle. The aim of AlignIt! is to align balls of the same color in a row. Aligning five or more balls verticallyhorizontallyor diagonally makes them disappear. Start with three game pieces on the 9x9 board. Each move adds three more pieces. The preview window lets you see what colors are comingbut you dont know where they will appear. Wild card pieces can help you complete rows. Windows 9598or NT"
42744 ALPHTR23.ZIP 3,8 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Alphatris v2.3 by Mace Software, Inc. combines the challenge of a word game with the arcade excitement of a Tetris-type game. The objective is to create words from the falling letters. These letters can be moved from side to side and dropped into position using the mouse or the numeric keypad. Words can be created horizontally or vertically, with eligibility determined by the included 13,500-word dictionary. Windows 95 
42745 ANIMPUZL.ZIP 12,9 Mt 26.04.2000 - - -
Animated Puzzles v1.1 ASP/ESC - A puzzle game for all ages. The player can choose 12, 24, 48 or 96 pieces. Hints are available to help solve a puzzle. When a puzzle is completed it is animated using 3D graphics. The full program comes on a CD with 55 puzzles with silly animation. $15.00 
42746 ANTPRO10.ZIP 1,8 Mt 29.06.1999 - - -
ANT RUN PRO v1.0 Win.95/98 AntPro10.zip Keep ahead of the ant in this addictive arcade game. You rotate the different shaped  passageways, connect it, to keep one step ahead of the ant so that he never reaches a dead end.  Filled with special bonus grids and other obstacles, gain extra points in your quest to move onto the next level.  Packed with features and educational ant  facts, Ant Run Pro is arcade fun for all.
42747 APOKER11.ZIP 272,2 kt 03.09.2000 renamed jonneweb.net -
ÄssäPokeri v1.1 Peli jäljittelee RAY:n samannimistä automaattipeliä ja mukana on kunnon asennusohjelma Windowsille. Vaatii Windows 95/98, VB6 Runtime-tiedostot. http://koti.mbnet.fi/valtanen/ Jukka Valtanen. 
42748 APOKER12.ZIP 274,3 kt 14.11.2000 - - -
ÄSSÄPOKERI versio 1.2 Freeware RAY:n nimikkopeliä jäljittelevä peli. Kaikki toiminnot kunnossa ja ulkoasukin suoraan pelikoneesta. Jukka Valtanen, jukka.valtanen@mbnet.fi Win 95/98, vaatii VB 6 -kirjastot.  
42749 ARIS396.ZIP 226,1 kt 02.02.2000 - - -
Ariston Backgammon v3.96  by Michael Rosner. Play a high level backgammon that plays on a very high level. Even for the best players it is hard to win most of the games against Ariston in the long term. Ariston-Backgammon-Program is most easy to use. Ariston plays so-called "money games" where each point is equally valuable. It can be used for fun or more important to improve your game skills. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42750 ARSTN409.ZIP 248,2 kt 17.11.2000 - - -
Ariston Backgammon v4.09Ariston Backgammon is an excellent backgammon aimed at experienced players. It will provide you with a challenging opponent thanks to its neural-net technology. Beginners can learn from the hint feature and replay of saved game positions, while experienced players will be challenged by the aggressive play and doubling of the computer opponent. The game lets you undo moves, get hints on plays, and enter rolls manually. The interface is either English or German. Shareware. 
42751 AS_BLA13.ZIP 398,4 kt 25.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
AS Black Majority v1.3  Solitaire Card Game Game Requires at least 1024x768 resolution. English & Finnish By AS Games aki.suuronen@pp.phnet.fi Windows 95.
42752 AS_SPI13.ZIP 395,3 kt 25.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
AS Spider v1.3 - Solitaire Card Game Peli pohjautuu pasianssiin nimeltä Suuri Hämähäkki. Works in Windows 9x and NT Freeware Copyright ¸ Aki Suuronen 1999
42753 AUTOBACK.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
 Autoplay Gammon Version: 1.00.0050 Play backgammon against computer, with 2 players or watch computer play fully automatic game. Requirements:  Win95 or Win98 Don Whitten, dowhitt@netscape.net
42755 AYAC40.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
 Ancient Ivory v4.0. Centuries old Caribbean dice game of strategy and luck. It features an intuitive interface, photographic quality, 256-color images, realist sound effects, a competitive computer player, and background music. Points are given for five of a kind, long straight, small straight, four of a kind, etc. Score in 12 categories. Winner of SIA "Best Entertainment Program" of 1996 and 1997. Windows 95/98/NT
42754 AYAC4095.ZIP 1,2 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Ancient Ivory v4.0. Ancient Ivory is centuries old Caribbean dice game of strategy and luck. It features an intuitive interface, photographic quality, 256-color images, realist sound effects, a competitive computer player, and background music. Points are given for five of a kind, long straight, small straight, four of a kind, etc. Score in 12 categories. Winner of SIA "Best Entertainment Program" of 1996 and 1997.
42756 BAB2INS.ZIP 461,5 kt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Babylon II v2.88 by Roman V. Koshelev Sureyou can solve a jigsaw-like puzzle on one side of a boardbut can you solve a two-sided puzzle when the moves you make on one side impact the other? Thats the trick with Babylon II. Windows 9598or NT"
42757 BACBETTN.ZIP 2,4 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
 Learn Baccarat in Learn Mode and practise  Betting Strategy and Money Management.  Players can refine their betting, trend  analysis, and money management skills by  using our unique marking card and many other  features. This program was designed by  international baccarat player Mr. Wong Phat  Phat who wanted a way to test different  playing styles without risking money at a  casino.
41004 BAKER.ZIP 1203101 31.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
BAKER'S DOZEN is a collection of 13
solitaire card games for Windows 95.
It includes Auld Lang Syne, Black Hole,
Double or Quits, Five Piles,
Fourteen Out, Golf, Nestor, Quadrille,
Robert, Thirteens, Treasure Trove,
Triangle and Vertical.
42758 BALLM114.ZIP 1,1 Mt 05.11.1998 - - -
"Ball Master v1.14 by Sergei Gussev Board game. The aim of game is to play as much as possiblewhile theres empty space on board. When board becomes full of balls the game is over. Windows 95."
42759 BALLS98.ZIP 1,2 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
Balls 98 board game in which the object is to find places in a field filled with colored balls where swapping two balls will create a horizontal or vertical group of three or more balls of the same color. When you create a group, they drop out of the board and all balls in a column drop down. New balls drop down from above so you can continue to create groups. Plan ahead to form groups as the new balls drop into place. Windows 95/98
42760 BARCADES.ZIP 5,3 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
"Barricades by Oort Cloud.  Fascinating 3D board game in which you match strategy against three other players (or your PC) in attempting to move through a maze to the goal. You can enter the board only at the start area and move along only interconnected game squares that arent blocked by a barricade. If you roll the needed number to land on a barricadeyou can move it to a location of your choice -- usually to block an opponent. Win95/98DirectX 6.0"
42761 BARTEND.EXE 2,3 Mt 28.12.2000 renamed - -
Bartender: Bar Room Games A puzzle game where you mix drinks to win! Bartender is a one-of-a-kind puzzle 
game where your goal is to mix drinks and score cash. Bartender is a easy to 
learn, hard to master, mouse controlled game. It comes complete with drink list 
and descriptions. This is a one-day shareware trial. The registration fee is $9.99. 
Windows 95/98/NT/2000.
42762 BB2B.ZIP 1,2 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
Ball Blaster 2 By Chris Haag Inspired by Bust-A-Move by Taito, Inc. Fun arcade game where 1-6 players compete shooting different colored balls to the pile in top of the screen. If you can get 3 or more same color balls together they disappear. Supports TCP/IP LAN multiplayer. Windows 95/98 DirectX 6.0 Pentium 166
42763 BBLBOUND.ZIP 616,2 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
BubbleBoundThe object is to form lines of five or more bubbles of the same color, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Each line of five or more is removed; however, after each move more bubbles are added to the board. This version offers several levels of difficulty, achieved by adding more color options to the game. Note: This free software contains advertising technology that will occasionally use your Internet connection to receive and display ads. Win 9x. Freeware. 
42764 BBRK-240.ZIP 928,2 kt 03.12.1999 - - -
BrainsBreaker v2.4 for Win95 is a jigsaw puzzle game with many new and outstanding features. You can work a puzzle completely with your mouse or use keyboard shortcuts while optional sound effects accompany play. This major update allows you to create puzzles with your own graphics. Windows 95, 98, or NT By Juan Trujillo Tarradas
61248 BBRK32.ZIP 597366 25.12.1996 - MBCD -
BrainsBreaker v1.50 for Win95 is a jigsaw
puzzle game. This version contains five
puzzles, but only one can be fully completed.
42765 BCKGMMN.ZIP 764,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Backgammon 3D v1.0. A 3D visialization of a classcal board game - Backgammon. (c) 2000 Sergey A. Stolbov, TERMINAL Studio. Windows 95/98/NT. 
42766 BGADE12.ZIP 1 Mt 26.06.2000 - - -
Backgammon Deluxe v1.2 By Arthur Crump board game for Windows. Play Backgammon and control the dice with your mouse. The first player to remove all their pieces from the board wins. Windows 9x. Shareware. 
30317 BGF23W95.ZIP 732421 25.12.1996 - MBCD -
Board Games For 2 v3.0a
Play 8 Board Games with a friend,
over any network, or using a modem.
42767 BIBLITZ.ZIP 70,8 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
"Binary Blitz v3.02 by Evangel University Puzzle. Think youre fast with numbers? Trying beating your PC in converting numbers to binary formats. You get a two-second headstart and as you select ones and zeros the number is displayed. If you beat the computer you advance to the next round but the computer handicap is reduced.  If you find yourself challengedyou might consider getting out of the house more often. Windows 9598or NT"
42768 BIG85011.ZIP 1,1 Mt 12.11.1998 - - -
"Big 8 Solitaire v5.0.1.1 by WinGamesIf one version of Solitaire isnt enough for youcheck out Big 8. 
This 32-bit suite includes eight different forms of Solitaire: 
Auld Lang SyneCanfieldFlower GardenKlondikeLittle Spider
Magic CarpetGrannies Clockand Osmosis. It features realistic 
sound effects and card designs and lets you change the background 
color and pick from eight card backs. Until registeredyoure limited 
to playing just 10 games. Windows 95."
42769 BIGJIG.ZIP 1,1 Mt 13.01.1999 repacked / versio 4.04 archive.org -
BigJig v4.0 by Lena Pankratova Jigsaw puzzle game that includes three sample puzzles. Six levels let you choose from three different piece sizes, with or without rotation, and the program is a challenge even at the lowest level. The many small pieces are cut into just a very few shapes, but are reminiscent of a real jigsaw puzzle. Windows 95
42770 BIGPTNCE.ZIP 1,2 Mt 27.05.2000 - - -
BigPatience v2.0 Play solitaire on your PC. By Lena Pankratova Collection of 20 solitaire card games ranging from simple to very hard, from popular to very rare. Additional features: selectable decks and backs of cards, textures for background, sound effects, undo, the detailed help. Windows 95/98/NT. Shareware. 
42771 BJACKCAL.ZIP 285,7 kt 17.01.2000 - - -
 Blackjack Game and Basic Strategy Calculator. See probabilities in blackjack. Two examples of the use of a library of C++ classes that compute probabilities and expected values in blackjack, based on exact probabilistic analysis. This library is stand-alone, and can be included in your own programs to be used as you wish. Windows 95, 98, or NT.
42772 BJI3241.ZIP 873,7 kt 17.03.2000 - - -
 B-Jigsaw 4.1 (32-bit) by Antony Pranata make2 jigsaw puzzles from your favorite .bmp image files. This easy-to-use program has three levels of difficulty. The level determines the number of pieces in the puzzles, which are all similar but have the characteristic puzzle piece shapes. Windows 32-bit
42773 BJIG32.ZIP 873,4 kt 29.05.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
B-Jigsaw (32-bit) v4.0B-Jigsaw tekee mistä tahansa BMP- tai JPEG-kuvastasi palapelin.
B-Jigsaw lets you make your own jigsaw puzzles using your favorite 
BMP and JPEG images. http://www.adcsoft.com
41009 BJW32.ZIP 322356 25.12.1996 - MBCD -
Perfect BlackJack v7.1 for Win95
A realistic 32-bit casino game that
teaches winning strategies for both
playing and betting at casino
42774 BLCK20.ZIP 903,7 kt 17.03.2000 - - -
 Blackjack 2021 Real-Time Analyzer Demo Version#: 2.0 Description: Blackjack Real-Time analyzer. Tells you the be st move for any combination of the cards and recommends how much to bet. Requirements: Windows 95/98/NT Developer: AC&G Software LTD. Registration Fee: The demo is free. The full version is $34 .95 Homepage: http://www.beejack.com
42775 BLINKIN.ZIP 1,1 Mt 26.10.2000 - - -
Blinkin\x92 v1.06You must turn off all the lights on the game board. Click on a lit or unlit spot and the spot will reverse, along with the adjacent spots. Sounds simple, but it will have you scratching your head in frustration in short order. Four skill levels and 10 layouts per level. Note: This free software contains advertising technology that will occasionally use your Internet connection to receive and display ads. Win 9x. Freeware. 
42776 BLITZ_IN.EXE 1,1 Mt 24.01.2000 - - -
"BlitzIn 2.26A graphical interface to the Internet Chess Club (ICC)the worlds most active chess club. BlitzIn offers multiple resizable chessboardscolored texteasy ways to find appropriate opponentslag compensationand more. You can play chess on the ICC as a guest for freebut to get a ratingparticipate in tournamentsobserve Grandmastersand use some other features requires a $49 per year membership (half price for studentsfree to Grandmasters and International Masters). Freeware."
42777 BLOCKGM.ZIP 147,7 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
BlockGame - englanninkielinen peli, jossa kuuluu liikutella kuvan osia niin, että kuva muodostuu oikeanlaiseksi. Peli vaatii 32 -bittisen Windowsin. Tehty Microsoft Visual Basic v 4.0 Enterprice Editionilla. Täysin ilmainen.
42778 BLOMB03.ZIP 622,8 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
Blomb 0.3 by J.A-Productions A game for 2 players. Both players try to get blocks as much as he can. Only obstacle is other players bomb, which is somewhere under the block...  Requires: Windows 95 or better, mouse
42779 BLOXDM10.ZIP 1,3 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Blox v1.0Unique 3D puzzler that will have you hooked for hours! Packed with tons of options, many game-types and multi-player capability. Features 3 Game styles (Original, Blitz & Quattro), Multi-player support and Puzzle mode. Loads of game settings. P200, 32 MB. 
42780 BOULDPAN.ZIP 71,5 kt 20.10.1999 - - -
"Boulder Panic! by Davis Ray SickmonJr. Puzzle game with three types of gems: RubiesEmeraldsand Diamonds. Gems are fragile: if you drop something heavy on a gemit breakscosting you points. There are two types of metalssilver and gold. Both are heavy. When you drop one on a gemthe gem breakscosting you points. Howevermetals score lower than the gems do.Boulders are heavy and dont score points. To collect an itemsimply click on it. Windows 95."
42781 BPU32-30.ZIP 690,7 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
 B-Puzzle v3.0 (32-bit) by Antony Pranata B-Puzzle (short of BMP-Puzzle) is 2 in 1 game i.e. sliding puzzle and jigsaw puzzle. With this game, you can make your own sliding and jigsaw puzzles with your own BMP files. In the unregistered version, you can only play with 9, 16, and 25 pieces. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42782 BRIDGEB.ZIP 81,9 kt 15.02.2001 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 -
Bridge Builder Pieni, mutta ihmeen haastava ja kiinnostava sillanrakennuspeli. Pelaajan on rakennettava siltoja jokien yli ja koeteltava päätellä millaisella rakenteella silta kestää junan. Nerokkaan vetoava pikkupeli. 
42783 BTILE10.ZIP 405,2 kt 12.11.1998 - - -
Bowling Tile v1.0 by Lena Pankratova logic game where the object is to remove all the tiles by pushing them with your bowling tile. Windows 95
42784 BTTLEW11.ZIP 2,4 Mt 12.01.1999 - - -
Battle of Words v1.1 from Xdyne, Inc. you and your opponent hide different size words on ships. Then you and your opponent must then find the ships and guess the words. Whoever finds and guesses the words first wins. Windows 95
42785 BUBBLET.ZIP 2,1 Mt 20.10.1999 - - -
Bubblet! v1.0 by oopdreams software Puzzle. Four play options for the familiar stack and remove computer game. The objective is to score points by selecting adjacent bubbles of the same color and removing them. When bubbles are removed, the ones above drop down to replace them, creating new combinations. Plan ahead to maximize your score by creating larger groupings.Variations allow for additional rows to be added to the screen. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42786 BUL10S.ZIP 1,1 Mt 11.04.1999 - MBCD -
Bul v1.0s by Steve Neeley Board game. War game based on Mayan culture and history. The rules are easy to learn, using a quick animated tutorial that displays when the program starts. The object is to capture your opponent\'s pieces with your warriors. Turn-taking involves rolling the "dice," which are corn kernels that show black or yellow to determine the number of moves. Fast and simple playing. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42787 BULLYFRG.ZIP 613 kt 26.10.2000 - MBHH2001 -
"BullyFrogLeap your frogs over other frogs onto an open lily pad. When you jump over a frogthat frog falls into the swamp. Keep it up until only one frog remains. Three levels of difficultyharder levels have more frogs. You get points when you complete a level and you lose points if you dont get down to just one frog. Note: This free software contains advertising technology that will occasionally use your Internet connection to receive and display ads. Win 9x. Freeware. "
42788 BURA.ZIP 164,4 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Bura by YeS software free card game of Russian origin, played against your computer with a standard deck of cards. Your mission is to win in a set of rounds called the "main game." You can do this by making sure your opponent gets six or more "windows" -- and there are several methods to achieve this. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42789 BVSOLT25.ZIP 1 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
" BVS Solitaire Collection v2.5 - A collection of 130 solitaire games  from Russia. It includes a lot of solitaire  variations you wont find elsewhere.  Shareware $15."
42790 BVSOLTIR.ZIP 1,1 Mt 17.11.2000 versio 2.4 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
"BVS Solitaire Collection v2.6BVS Solitaire Collection v2.6 is a collection of 160 multi-featuredvery different solitaire card games to play. Youll be able to learn solitaires not found elsewhere. BVS Solitaire Collection gives you the plethora of statistical and scoring screens. And you can publish your personal statistics on the BVS Solitaire Collection web site to appear in the top scores list. "
42791 BWAR204.ZIP 1,8 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
Button War strategy game v2.0.4  Button War is a strategy game in which you play against a friend or your computer to score the most points by clicking on strategicly choosen squares. Logic & brain game. Windows 3.1+ http://www.fantastica.com/digilex
42792 CAMEL98.ZIP 471,4 kt 29.05.1998 - MBHH1999 -
"Cameleon98 for Win95 v1.1.1 Freeware Disccover competition98 FINALIST Distribute freely while unmodified. (c)1998 Jari Komppa aka Sol/Trauma Solitary puzzle/brain game. Conquer the game board by selecting optimal colour patterns."
42793 CAN32413.ZIP 1,3 Mt 08.06.1998 - - -
Canasta for Windows 95 and NT V4.13 by Mark-Jan Harte entertaining card game played against the computer or a network opponent. It offers three skill levels and the ability to change the aggressiveness level. Various options are included for customizing the game, such as setting the number of canastas needed to go out, the number of cards drawn with each turn, etc. This evaluation version allows 30 days of play. Canasta for Windows 95 is a fun way to pass the time.
42794 CANASIS.ZIP 8,6 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
"Canasis v2.7Canasis is a nicely done game of Canasta with tweakable Canasta rules. Play against one to three PC-based opponentsor play in the Internet against live competitors. Youll also find scoring chartsgame stats with high-score tracking and tutorials. Note: This free software contains advertising technology that will occasionally use your Internet connection to receive and display ads. Win 9x. Freeware. "
41016 CARDS.ZIP 1310321 25.12.1996 - MBCD -
Little Card game package v1.02  A
collection of three little card games for
Windows 95.
42795 CASCA10.ZIP 173,1 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
"Cascades v1.0 by YES Software game of dice strategy in which you try to place dice on a board to create groups of four-of-a-kind or four-number straights. Any dice grouped horizontally or vertically (but not diagonally) can create a cascade. The board is formed of five columns. You enter dice in the column of your choicebut you cant stack dice of the same number. Plan ahead so that when you add dice they will form the proper cascade groups. Windows 95"
42796 CASINOPR.ZIP 550,9 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Casino Pro v1.0 by TestedOK Software Casino Pro is a group of Casion-style card games. Windows 95
42797 CASONNET.ZIP 47,4 kt 15.10.2000 - - -
"Casino on Net v6.62An online gambling suite that allows you to
play for real money or just for fun in demo
mode with $1000 worth of chips. This file
will download and install the full casino
software in 10 minutes. It includes Baccarat
BlackjackCrapsRouletteSlot Machines and
Video Poker. Gameplay is impressiveboth
fast and reliable. Whether youre up for some
online gambling or just want to play for fun
Casino on Net is a great way to go. Help is
included. Win9x. Freeware."
42798 CATGUESS.ZIP 458 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
Catch and Guess v1.3 by EK Software. Puzzle. Guess Numbers. Mind training game, based on original idea. The aim of playing is to guess a number, which was generated randomly. You try to guess it and computer give you some hints. There are some cool features, which make the playing more interesting and exciting. Windows 95/98 
42799 CF_PYRMD.ZIP 540,1 kt 13.01.1999 - - -
"Cardfun:Pyramid v1.6 by Wyvern Studios Inc. Searching for a fun Solitaire game that wont make your brain hurt? Take a look at Pyramid. If you make the right choicesyou can win nearly every game. This fun edition of the classic game features largeattractive cards two sizes of pips; the choice of drag-and-drop or point-and-click play; cleancrisp sound effects; and a MIDI soundtrack. Windows 9598or NT"
42800 CHAMHART.ZIP 5,1 Mt 09.06.2000 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
Championship Hearts For avid players, is an  exciting Hearts card game for Windows 95, 98, NT, and 2000 that features good layout, fast  play, rich sounds, a MIDI jukebox of songs,  auto-save, undo, hint, auto-play, and help  with tutorials. Play your favorite variation  such as Jack of Diamonds, Shooting Moon, Sun, Spot, Gates, and Queen of Spades. Choose from eight players that adapt and learn. Shareware 30-day free trial. ASP 
42801 CHEARTS2.EXE 5,6 Mt 12.12.2000 - - -
Championship Hearts 2.0Discover Championship Hearts, a versatile card game with playful characters who 
will captivate your family while mastering your skills. Now you can challenge the 
computer, engage your friends over a local network, or compete and chat in our free 
Internet lobby. Beginners will enjoy hint, undo, replay, skins, and tutorials while 
advanced players will be amazed at how the opponents adapt and use advanced strategy 
and conventions. 
42802 CHESKIDS.ZIP 5,5 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
"ChessKids ChessKids is a great way to learn the game of Chess. Its well executed and lots of fun while teaching Chess principles to the youngest computer users. It offers a funinteractive cartoon game board with neat animations and conversation from the chessmen as the game progresseswith selectable skill levelssoundsboard backgroundand hints. This is a 10-day trial version. Shareware$14.99. "
42803 CIPHER50.ZIP 326,3 kt 30.08.1999 - - -
Cipher v5.0 by Copperflow Solutions Brain puzzle. Interesting game for those who enjoy cryptogram letter substitution games like those found in most newspapers. It includes 1400 puzzles and a cheat mode to display a correct letter. You can also display correct substitutions. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42804 CLASSP11.ZIP 586,1 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
"Classic Peg Solitaire v1.1 by Don Turner Electronic version of a simple diversion thats been around for years. You try to move the pegs (tees) to empty cells (holes)removing pegs that are jumped until no more moves are possible. You can move pegs horizontallyverticallyand diagonally to empty cells - provided you jump over a peg. Windows 95"
42805 CLEVERPC.ZIP 290,3 kt 05.11.1998 - - -
"The Clever PC V1.1 - Can machines think? Find out by playing this game of Logic and Deduction against your own PC. You and the PC play detective and engage in a war-of-minds to break each others secret code using the clues of bulls and cows. The Clever PC is a fun way to improve your logic! 32-bit software for Win95/98/NT."
42806 CLKMAN41.ZIP 422,2 kt 09.02.2000 - - -
Clickomania 4.1!  An Arcade/puzzle game. Try to remove as many stones as possible! Clickomania! is a cool game for young and old. Your goal is to remove as many stones aspossible by clicking on groupes of stones with the same color. Sounds easy? I can tell you that it is harder than you might think... German, English and French. Windows 95/98
42807 CLKOFF32.ZIP 373,1 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
ClickOff32 by Computer Nerd Software logic-based board game. The object is to change tile colors in a 5x5 board to match a sample pattern provided by the game. Each time you click on a tile, the tile above and below it also change color. You are trying to beat the clock to generate the best score. The graphics are excellent, and there is a high-score honor roll if you do well. The shareware version works for 30 launches. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42808 CMT102B.ZIP 187,7 kt 13.06.2000 - - -
CMT Solitaire versio 1.02b Charles Tysonilta. CMT Solitaire on uudenlainen  korttipeliyhdistelmä, josta löytyy 22 pasianssipeliä. Peli on suomenkielinen, pienikokoinen ja kaiken lisäksi freeware. Vaatii 386 ja Win95. 
42809 CMT13ENG.ZIP 203,1 kt 27.05.2000 - - -
CMT Solitaire versio 1.3 Charles Tysonilta. CMT Solitaire on uudenlainen  korttipeliyhdistelmä, josta löytyy 40 pasianssipeliS. Peli on englanninkielinen, pienikokoinen ja kaiken lisäksi freeware. Vaatii 386 ja Win95. 
42810 COLON1B0.ZIP 5,7 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Colony v1B.0  by Mountain King Studios Inc. Puzzle. A game that is easy to learn and hard to master, Colony pitches you against challenge after challenge on your quest to conquer a series of strange worlds.Match wits with friends or your computer as you struggle to expand your colony putting marbles to the playing board trying to conquer as much of it as possible.. Beautifully rendered 3D isometric graphics and a haunting atmosphere. Strategic
42811 COLONYY.ZIP 5,7 Mt 15.10.1999 - MBCD -
Colony by Mountain King Studios Inc. Puzzle. A game that is easy to learn and hard to master, Colony pitches you against challenge after challenge on your quest to conquer a series of strange worlds.Match wits with friends or your computer as you struggle to expand your colony putting marbles to the playing board trying to conquer as much of it as possible.. Beautifully rendered 3D isometric graphics and a haunting atmosphere. Strategic puzzle. Win95 P133
42812 CONENTAL.ZIP 419,6 kt 15.10.2000 - - -
Continental v2.0Continental 2.0 BrainTeaser/Puzzle/Strategy Game. In the classic Continental game there is a board with 33 positions and 32 tokens. The goal of the game is to eliminate all the tokens but one, which must be situated in the central position. This version add 9 new different levels (with different difficulty), and allows undoing the last movement, saving the current position and rotating the board. Freeware. English/Spanish version. http://ampsoft.freeservers.com
41024 CONRED.ZIP 798481 14.01.1997 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
Conundrum Red V1.0 Conundrum Red for Windows
95 is a simple yet addictive game of logic.
Each puzzle piece is represented by a large
square the is divided into quarters. Each
quarter is either red or yellow. The object
of the game is to place pieces next to each
other so the color of their sides match.
42813 COOLMAZE.ZIP 1,9 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
"Cool Maze v1.0 by PC Guru. Windows 95. Challenging maze that will have you turning back and forth for hours. Choose from square or hexagonal rooms and use your arrow keys to trek your way from entrance to exit. A green line indicates your pathwith a yellow line indicating any backtracking youve had to do. The mazes have a 3D lookalthough the graphicson the wholeare rather unenlivening. Stillthis free game will be enjoyed with relish by dedicated maze-solvers"
42814 CRAZYFIT.ZIP 808,2 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
CrazyFits by INFORUM Sistemas de Informação Game of speed and visual recognition. It presents a field of 48 colorful squares, with each square made up of four colored triangles using different combinations of colors. Your task is to identify the duplicates in the field and remove them as quickly as you can. Sound effects accompany choices, and incorrect matches count against you.  Great fun and will give your eyes a good workout. Windows 95 or Windows 98
42815 CRIBSOL.ZIP 1,7 Mt 17.01.2000 - 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso -
 Cribbage Solitare v1.01 by Dano Software Play single player cribbage. Nice graphics and easy-to-read help file, but no options or sound effects. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42816 CROSSCRZ.ZIP 2,7 Mt 02.12.1999 - 13659/Interactive_Companion_to_Windows_95_and_98_PC_Magazine_2000.iso -
CROSSCRAZE DEMO v1.02d by ORT Software. Crossword game for 1-4 players. Compete with friends or against the computer by placing letters on a board to form interlocking words. Includes stunning raytraced graphics, 50 board layouts, 4 levels of Artificial Intelligence, 180,000 word vocabulary and support for both US and UK spelling. Requires 486 or faster PC and Windows 95 or 98.
42817 CRSSC108.ZIP 2,7 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
"CrossCraze v1.08CrossCraze is a Scrabble-style board game. The object is to make wordscrossword stylefrom a selection of letters. Letters have pointsand certain board positions can gain you extra letter or word scores. You can play against the computer or up to three friends. Features include 50 board layouts4 levels of AIa 180000 word vocabularychoice of spellingand hints. The demo has only one board layout and you cant play with the best AI.  Win 9xDirectX 6.0. Shareware. "
42818 CRYPGR16.ZIP 3,3 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
CryptaGram v1.6  by B Jenkins Like challenging word games? You\'re given a not-so-familiar quote in scrambled form. Your mission is to decode the scrambled letters as quickly as possible. The idea of the game is that the letter "a" could really be the letter "g" and the letter "m" just might actually be the letter "t." Several appearance and sound options. Helper feature. Windows 95
42819 CSISETUP.ZIP 1,8 Mt 23.03.1999 - - -
"Cross Image v1.0 by Xdyne Inc. Puzzle. Game of deduction. Your task is to re-create a bitmap image from clues along the border. Youre given horizontal and vertical numbers of sequentially filled cells and must determine where on the grid each group starts. Includes levels of difficulty and sounds to accompany your moves. This trial version offers three puzzles. Windows 9598or NT"
42820 CSTLM10B.ZIP 4 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
CastleMouse 2000 v1.0b  by Jig Interactive. Puzzle. Scare the mouse out of the castle. Arrange animals on the game board to scare mouse into his hole. Cat scares the mouse, the dog scares the cat and the bear, and the lion and elephant each scare the other in sequence until the mouse scares the elephant. Puzzles start with an array of animals and one or more additional animals to add to the board. Solve sequence of increasingly difficult
42821 CUBE2K.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Cubemaster 2000 Puzzle / action / Tetris game with great feeling. It has superb handling that makes you in total control of the game, and graphics that will make you gasp for air. You can control it with either keyboard, mouse or joystick, and it comes with 6 tunes, 25 backgrounds and 4 different cube graphics to choose from and a lot of other features. Windows 95. 
42822 CUBED11.ZIP 2 Mt 04.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Cubed v1.1 by Random Software Great 3D puzzle game that will have you screaming with frustration as you try to move quickly to beat the tumbling cubes. Object is to stop the giant cubes before they roll off the stage. You plant mines with mouse click, then detonate the mine under a cube to destroy it. Green cubes become mine fields to help you destroy multiples and blue cubes will nudge other cubes over a square to increase the effective of your
42823 CUBICS3D.ZIP 5,7 Mt 18.09.2000 versio 1.4.24 23168/Gamestar_21_2000-08_cd1.bin -
"CUBICS3D v1.2.82 Cubics3D is a puzzle arcade game which you solve logical problems with help of Cubics. The DirectX 3D graphics are great and the puzzles will leave you scratching your head as you try to assemble the available pieces to build a path for the tumbling cubes thru the maze. There are corners to turn and stone  walls to bounce off in the earliest levels.  As your skill builds youll add catapults  and reversing fields and lots more to create  complex Rube Goldberg solutions. "
42824 CUBITUS.ZIP 6,9 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Cubitus by Hugues St-Pierre Arcade puzzle. Mah Jongg-style game in 3D blocks. Clear all of the smaller cubes, two by two, that make up the large cube before the time limit expires. To clear a cube, select two cubes with the same picture. To get more time, select two cubes with identical time pictures (in seconds) on them. Windows 95, P133, 16 MB. Supports OpenGL cards.
42825 CURRA12.ZIP 951,6 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
Curse of Ra v1.2 by Philippe Mussler Board game. Brings the classic Mahjongg game to new levels. Featuring outstanding graphics and sound effects, it adds adventure, challenge, speed, and thrill to a favorite game. In sixteen levels of puzzles you race against the clock and build up points as you try to remove paired tiles placed in a variety of configurations. Highly addictive. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42826 CWC-50.ZIP 1,3 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
Crossword Compiler v 5.0  for 32bit Windows. Copyright Antony Lewis 1999 http://www.x-word.com Create educational and professional crosswords, desk-top and web publish. This is an evaluation copy that can only save and export puzzles up to  10x10 squares, and has some features  disabled. Crossword Compiler is distributed as 
42827 CWORD11.ZIP 385,2 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Crossword puzzle v1.1 for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 The entertaining program for fans of crossword puzzles. Very comfortable program for solving crossword puzzles on  the display - Simple editor for creation of crossword puzzles - Saving of intermediate and final results in files - Export of crossword puzzles to graphic files
42828 CYCLNO40.ZIP 550,2 kt 29.09.1999 - - -
"Cyclanoid v4.0 by Kirill Vasilev tile-based puzzle game. The full version offers more than 23 different puzzleswith various board sizes and controls to allow for easymediumor high skill levels. The objective is to arrange the tiles in rows to match the icons displayed along the game-area border. You move the tiles in groups of four or more by spinning them with the control located in the corner where four tiles touch. Like Rubiks Cube in two dimensions. Win95"
42829 DANDELIO.ZIP 876,1 kt 07.07.1999 - - -
Dandelions by CEE Network Services Dandelions are everywhere and your job is to eliminate them. Click on a dandelion and you eliminate the ones above, below, to the left, and to the right. Have no fear - if there is no dandelion, one will soon crop up in the open space. Try to keep ahead of the dandelions and score dollars for eliminating them faster than they grow. Action puzzle. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42830 DANZIG.ZIP 593,8 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
Danzig Pref Engine v1.2Danzig Pref Engine lets you play Preference, Preference is a trick-taking game, using a deck of 32 cards. Whoever puts the strongest card wins the trick and gains the right to lead the next card. Danzig Pref Engine has the Sochi and Leningrad variations. Play against your PC or with other humans over the network. Note: This software contains advertising technology that will occasionally use your Internet connection to receive and display ads. Win 9x. Freeware. 
42831 DEADEND.ZIP 226 kt 10.11.1999 - - -
DeadEnd Version 3.00 The simple card game is offered to your attention. This game was popular in the south of Russia. The aim of the game is to collect maximum number of cards, therefore each player tries to collect as many bribes as possible. Language: English, Russian, German. Windows 95, DirectX.
42832 DEEPG431.ZIP 1,1 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
" Deep Green Reversi v4.31 by John Bloch Excellent rendition of the classic Reversi or Othello. Moves are made by placing black or white game stones to bracket a row of your opponents stonescausing them to change to your color. Whoever has the most stones when the board is filledwins. In this versionyou can play against a friendyour PCor an opponent on a network. Windows 9598or NT"
41033 DELPOK.ZIP 296361 14.01.1997 - - -
DeLuxe Poker v1.1 copyright 1996 Marzio De
Biasi For Windows 95.
42833 DESCAENI.ZIP 390,9 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
DESCARTES ENIGMA-Hidden picture puzzles. Use row/column clues to deduce which pixels are black and which are white, to uncover the hidden picture.  Includes over 200 picture puzzles, over 49,000 computer generated random puzzles, and an editor for creating your own puzzles. Shareware: $19.95 EVERETT KASER SOFTWARE
42834 DGAMM30.ZIP 606,8 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
"Davids BackGammon V3.0 32-bit a complete Backgammon game for both novices and experts. Play against the computer or a human opponent or start a tournament. A wide variety of options let you customize the games - choose to use automatic doublesbeaversroll-oversautomatic concessionscustomized game board and piecesand more. Windows 95/98"
42835 DGAMM31.ZIP 520,5 kt 30.12.1999 - - -
"Davids BackGammon V3.1 32-bit a complete Backgammon game for both novices and experts. Play against the computer or a human opponent or start a tournament. A wide variety of options let you customize the games - choose to use automatic doublesbeaversroll-oversautomatic concessionscustomized game board and piecesand more. Windows 95/98"
42836 DICEBLST.ZIP 437,6 kt 01.03.2000 - - -
"DiceBlaster v1.0 by BitScience LLC. Plan ahead to eliminate the last dice. DiceBlaster is a challenging puzzle in which you try to clear the game board of dice. Choose from 5x5 to 15x15 puzzle sizebut dont bite off more than you can solve! The rules are simple: Touch a die and the pips move out and destroy any die they encounter. Windows 9598or NT"
42837 DICEY10.ZIP 569,4 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
" Dicey v1.0 - A Dice Game of Skill and Luck Windows95 and98 Author: David Grund Sr  www.grundsoftware.com This is a neat little diversion. It is a dice game that requires a little luck and a little strategy. Try to get the best scores in all of the boxes by maximizing the rolls of the dice. As a bonusthe program keeps track of all of the scoresand provides feedback after every game."
42838 DIGIPUZZ.ZIP 9,8 Mt 18.12.1999 - - -
DigiFun Puzzles v2.0 by ScanWare. Create your own puzzle games, use your own pictures. Just scan a photo, use your digital camera, open an image or video file, and the software will turn it into a popular puzzle: Jigsaw Puzzle, Balls, Switch, or Mosaic. Windows 95 or Windows 98
42839 DMORRIS.ZIP 2,5 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
"3D Morris 3D Morris is a modern 3D version of an ancient strategy gamealso known as Mill. The objective is to arrange three stones in a row; if you manage to do soyou can remove one of your opponents stones. You win when your opponent has only two stones left. 3D Morris also adds a completely newarcade- like game mode. Win9xshareware. "
42840 DOMINODX.ZIP 1,1 Mt 10.09.1999 - MBCD -
Dominoes Deluxe v1.0.0.1 by WinGames Inc. Impressive, feature-laden version of a classic American pastime. Every popular domino rules style is supported, including draw, block, and muggins, with boneyards of double sixes, nines, twelves, and fifteens. You can play against the computer or set up match play over the Internet, a LAN, or a direct modem connection. This is a well designed, smooth-running game. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42841 DOTSBOXS.ZIP 849,3 kt 26.04.2000 - - -
DOTS AND BOXES v1.0 - A fantastic colourful computerised version of the classic  dots and boxes. You and the computer take it in turns to join dots on a square grid Take an extra turn whenever you complete a   square. The winner is the one with the most boxes at the end. This is freeware/public  domain.  Needs VB5 run time files Ossie at VBMail.net Programmed with   visual basic 5 by Ossie Manners. 
42842 DSYREV26.ZIP 453,1 kt 02.11.1999 - - -
Daisy Reversi 2.6Board game. Copyright (c) Pavel Matlash, 1998, 1999 More comprehensive electronic variant of the ancient board game Reversi (also known as Othello). 1/2 player. Windows 95/98/NT
42843 DUO.ZIP 2,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Duo by Alain Massoumipour Logic game in which you manuever two spheres so that one can eat all the special pieces spread about the board. To pick the sphere to move press space and move with the arrow keys. Use the two pieces to stop each other in the correct spots. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42844 DWEEP105.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Dweep v1.05  ASP  A very original NEW real-time puzzle game rated 5 stars by ZDNet. Immerse yourself in a beautiful full-screen world of 65,000+ colors, pre-rendered 3D art, comical sound effects, and whimsical music. A game of Dweep will often attract a crowd as you smile, groan, and laugh out loud.  "More fun than a barrel of Dweeps!" -- download.com * 30 levels of original, stimulating puzzles. * Non-violent, addictive fun.  Play it NOW!
42845 EALCHEMS.ZIP 5,3 Mt 22.06.2000 - - -
Alchemist by eGames. Group items together to win. You must group as many like items together before the board is full by changing places with a couple of left clicks. After creating a group of 5 or more, the group is transformed to a "magic eye" by right clicking. The eyes should also be grouped and removed from the board, giving more points than the other grouped items. Good graphics, good interface. Shareware. Windows 9x, P133. 
42846 EBRIDG14.ZIP 3,6 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
E-Bridge client 1.4E-Bridge is a program that will let you play bridge on-line. 
42847 ELEKTROP.ZIP 3,5 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
Elektro Puzzle v1.1 by Loonatic Entertainment Match icons to eliminate them. Move icons by swapping them to create rows of three or more of the same icon either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. When you create a row, it disappears and the icons above fall, often creating bonus rows. Two play options are available. The game is colorful, and the sound effects add to playing pressure. DirectX 5.0 or later, Pentium 200, and Windows 95 or Windows 98
42848 EMASTERM.ZIP 979,7 kt 02.02.2000 - - -
e-Mastermind  by Keris EMAS Software. Guess the hidden code. Are you a fan of mastermind? e-Mastermind works like real mastermind, but with cool graphics and effects In this game, you must guess the correct 4 symbols with as few steps as possible. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42849 ENIGMX.ZIP 1,4 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
 Enigmacross v5.5 ASP/ESC - Solve and  construct professional acrostics on your  Windows computer! New features include  SCROLLABLE clue list, sound card support with SPEAKING messages, dictionary "hot-link"  access and extensive on-line help. Acrostic  puzzle numbering is done for you by the  computer, eliminating time-wasting mistakes.  $39.95
42850 EUCHRE13.ZIP 1,3 Mt 27.08.1999 - - -
MVP Euchre v1.3 for Windows by MVP Software Attractive card game played with a deck of 32, 28, or 24 standard cards and four players. The objective is to take at least three "tricks" (a round of cards, one card being contributed by each active hand/party at a time) and score points. Lots of options are available, including two levels of difficulty, automouse, animation speed, background, text color, and many rule variations. Windows 3.1
42851 EURO9510.ZIP 368,9 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
Euroball 95 v1.0 by FGH-SOFTWARE Arcade puzzle. Miss the speed and delightful, "1D" simplicity of the arcade puzzle game? This brings back that uncomplicated, arrow-key-driven fun in a game in which you must direct colored balls into wheels in order to clear them all from the baskets.When you collect four balls with the same color in one wheel, the balls explode and you\'ll get Simple and diverting homage to that timeless classic, the arcade puzzle game. Windows 95.
42852 EUROPE98.ZIP 887,2 kt 24.05.1999 - - -
"Europe98. European Geography Games. Contains an organized collection of challenging and colorful games which make it fun to learn basic world geography. It is not intended to compete with reference or trivia books or software. Insteadit provides a systematic methodology for gaining a comprehensive knowledge of basic world geography. Torpedo Software."
42853 EXTREME.EXE 894 kt 23.01.2001 - - -
"Extreme Slots 2.0Extreme Slots is a collection of three slot machine games: 
ExtremeBreak the Bankand Stars and Stripes. Each of the games will keep 
you entertained for hours. All three games are played from a standard three-wheel 
slot machinebut each has a different twist. Extremes Magic Move feature is a wild 
symbol that will move to the payline if it lands just above or below the payline. Break 
the Banks Three Spin symbol gets you three free spins. When the SpinTil Win 
symbol lands on the payline in Stars and Stripesthe slot machine will continue to 
spin until you get a winning payline. Let your casino fantasies run wild with these 
bonus tricks. 30-day trial shareware. Windows 95/98/NT/Me.
42854 FBALL12.ZIP 1,1 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Funny Ball 2000 v1.2(c) 1998-2000 by Sergey Pozhilov http://www.go.to/fb2000 
Your goal is to transfer the ball from level to level. 
You can move horizontal blocks to the left or to the right and you 
can move vertical blocks up or down by clicking on the suitable side 
of a block. In that way you will help the ball to roll down to the point 
of transfering. Windows 95/98/NT.
42855 FELLO.ZIP 381 kt 18.02.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 3 -
Fello v1.0.  is a Othello like board game. game. Copyright (c) 2000, Florian Berger. http://cs.joensuu.fi/~fberger Windows 95 and DirectX.
42856 FG20B-1.ZIP 865,2 kt 28.08.1998 - - -
FROOD GRID v2 - game which provided a unique experience, a perception of higher dimensional movement. It was also a memory game in its own right. Game arranges a number of *places* (nodes). It then trains you to move between them, and encourages you to develop a memory of them. Gradually, the nodes begin to be arranged in higher dimensions. requires patience, concentration, and attention to memory. Windows95/NT
42857 FG20B-2.ZIP 889,9 kt 28.08.1998 - - -
FROOD GRID v2 - game which provided a unique experience, a perception of higher dimensional movement. It was also a memory game in its own right. Game arranges a number of *places* (nodes). It then trains you to move between them, and encourages you to develop a memory of them. Gradually, the nodes begin to be arranged in higher dimensions. requires patience, concentration, and attention to memory. Windows95/NT
42858 FG20B-3.ZIP 882,6 kt 28.08.1998 - - -
FROOD GRID v2 - game which provided a unique experience, a perception of higher dimensional movement. It was also a memory game in its own right. Game arranges a number of *places* (nodes). It then trains you to move between them, and encourages you to develop a memory of them. Gradually, the nodes begin to be arranged in higher dimensions. requires patience, concentration, and attention to memory. Windows95/NT
42859 FIFTEEN.ZIP 193,4 kt 12.11.1998 - - -
Fifteen v1.0 by Alexander Vasilevskiy put the numbers in the correct sequence. You are given a board with one open space on a 4x4 grid. You must put the numbered square tiles in their proper 1-15 order from top left to bottom right by dragging and dropping to win. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42860 FIVEP272.ZIP 1,2 Mt 11.01.2000 - - -
Five+ v2.72 by Grigore Computers Board game. Single player high score-oriented board game for Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0 or higher. You play offline but can compete with other players from all over the world by posting your highscores to the Five+ website with a single mouseclick. A bit five-in-the-line type brain game.
42861 FJIGSW20.ZIP 8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
"Moraffs Fancy Jiggler v2.0 by MoraffWare Jigsaw puzzle game with several variations and multimedia accompaniment. You can choose from the three files provided or use your own imagesthen select from five different puzzle-piece variations. Drag and drop the traditional jigsaw and other shaped pieces to build the puzzle. Windows 9598or NT"
42862 FLIPFLOP.ZIP 4,3 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Flip-Flop v1.0 SW demo by Arsenal Company Arcade puzzle. Your goal is to open all of 16 windows placed in a four-by-four square. As soon as you open or close a window, all other windows in the same row and column also invert their states. Open windows close; closed windows open. Windows 95, 98, or NT
40811 FOUR.ZIP 53864 27.05.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
WinFour, vertical board game in which purpose
is to defeat the adversary by creating as
fast as possible a row of 4 cells of your own
42863 FPOK2-11.ZIP 1,4 Mt 12.09.2000 renamed jonneweb.net -
FreePoker 2000 (v1.1) on täysin ilmainen pokeri peli, jota on helppo pelata. Peli vaatii 32bit Windowsin ja vb40032.dll tiedoston joka on myös mukana. juha_pellikainen@hotmail.com 
42864 FRAZZLE.ZIP 639,4 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
"Frazzle Version 1.0  Bindweed Productions present... Copyright 2000 by Gerry Quinn A challenging puzzle game Infinitely configurable! Distributed asadware"
42865 FRCLW111.ZIP 2,5 Mt 11.04.1999 - MBCD -
FreeCell Wizard v1.1.1 by Thomas Warfield Attention FreeCell fanatics: From the creator of longtime shareware favorite Pretty Good Solitaire. Not only can you play a dozen FreeCell-type games but a wizard feature lets you create your own games. All games have full undo/redo, autoplay, win/loss stats, and several options. Windows 95, 98, or NT

42866 FREESOL.ZIP 2,2 Mt 26.10.2000 - 13659/Interactive_Companion_to_Windows_95_and_98_PC_Magazine_2000.iso -
"123 Free Solitaire 4.6This suite of 10 card games features gorgeous graphics that look great in high- or true-color modes. Pick from Forty ThievesFree CellIndian PatienceKlondikeDouble KlondikeGolfMontanaSeaHaven TowersPyramid and Spider. Rules for each game are included. Options let you choose from three card back designs or use your own. If youre a card-playing addictyoull love having Free Solitaire on your system. Win 9x. Freeware. "
41043 FRUSTR96.ZIP 80311 10.02.1996 - MBCD -
Frustration 96 - brainteaser game for Win95
64334 FUNCRD95.ZIP 168275 25.12.1996 - 19733/01 SWP 046 - 03-1997.iso -
Funcrd95 (tm) Card Games. 256 color card
games for Windows 95.
42867 FUNP32.ZIP 2,1 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Funpok Video Poker 99 v6.0 by Softgame. Play video poker. Looks just like a casino video poker machine. Options let you play different deck designs, different games such as Deuces or Jokers Wild, different bet denominations, and with or without sounds. Payoffs are similar to real casino machines, so you can watch your totals build or your cash dwindle. Simple to play and just like the real thing. Windows 95/98 
42868 FUNS2000.ZIP 3,8 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
Funsol Solitaire 2000 v6.0 Play hundreds of card games. By Softgame. Well-done suite of hundreds of Solitaire games. You can play with one, two, or four decks and choose from several attractive high-color backgrounds and card backs and fronts. Crisp sound effects add to the fun. Friendly interface. Plenty of options, such as animation speed adjustment, unlimited re-deal, and deal three; and built-in rules for every game. Windows 95/98 
42869 FVEHDRD.ZIP 1,3 Mt 11.04.1999 - - -
"Five Hundred by Peter Georgeson card game for four players thats similar to Euchre and Bridge. Players form two teams of two and try to reach 500 before the opposing team doeswithout going out backwards by scoring -500. Play by yourself using three silicon-based compadresor take advantage of network support; people on different omputers can join the one game and play with a mixture of human and computer players. Windows 9598or NT"
42870 GAGA.ZIP 334,5 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
"Gardner\x92s Game v1.0Gardners Game is a deceptively simple challenge that will have many folks giving up in frustration. The board consists of three rows of five tiles that display a symbol. There may be two or three different symbols in a gamebut your objective is to turn over rows of tiles either horizontallyverticallyor diagonally until all tiles display the same red circle symbol. Win 9x. Freeware. "
42871 GAMENUMB.ZIP 179,7 kt 18.09.2000 - - -
Game of Numbers 3.1Numeronarvauspeli, jossa tietokoneella ja pelaajalla on 4-6-numeroinen koodi, jonka toinen osapuoli yrittää arvata vihjeiden perusteella. 
42872 GCHESS.ZIP 523,3 kt 27.03.1997 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z tupla
Gnu Chess Version 3.21 (Windows NT)
42873 GEERB276.ZIP 143,1 kt 10.04.2000 - - -
"Geerts Backgammon v2.7.6for Windows 3.1/9X/NT Play backgammon against your computer with this smallfast but strong playing program. Different skill levels. Adjustable colorschemes. Game statistics.  Save and restore games. Many other options "
42874 GEMS3D.ZIP 955,3 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
 Gems 3D is a shareware 3D puzzle / board game. By Max I. Fomitchev. Game of order, chance and organization. The game is played in turns. With each turn three new gems fall on the 9x9 playing board, and a player has a chance to move one gem to another empty location. The goal is to play as long as possible and to earn the highest score by forming vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines of five or more gems of the same type. Win95/98/2000, P266, DirectX 6.1
42875 GERMNATI.ZIP 535,5 kt 12.04.2000 - - -
GermNation Unique, challenging and addictive puzzle game, and my second completed puzzle game (after the well-recieved AttraX) Dangerous Germs are multiplying in a biological lab, and the only way to destroy them is to make them more deadly. What this means to you, the player, is a colour-matching puzzle game like never before, with Dr Mario overtones and an interesting "bend" in the play structure. Windows 95/98 
42876 GINR3280.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Gin Rummy v8.0 (32-bit) by MeggieSoft Games A fully featured Windows 95/98//NT version of Gin Rummy including many variations.  The MeggieSoft Games version includes many customizable options and supports MIDI music, sound effects, card animation, speech output, drag-and-drop operation, and user defined card backs and play area wallpapers. Online services, please note: The preferred title is: "MeggieSoft Gin
42877 GLCINST.ZIP 553,9 kt 10.05.2000 - - -
GL Cards v1.0 by Martin Cietwierkowski This is a simple game that resembles the old Memory game in which you had to find pairs of matching cards. It uses basic OpenGL concepts so I thought it might serve as an inspiration for those who are just starting OpenGL programming. Windows 95/98, OpenGL 
42878 GLGOMO11.ZIP 73,5 kt 17.03.2000 - - -
 GLGomoku v1.1 Ristinolla kohtalaista tietokonevastustajaa vastaan. Windows 95/98/NT + OpenGL
42879 GOOOROO.ZIP 2,7 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
GooRoo v1.0.2 Pyramid puzzle game with dazzling 3D graphics and exceptional sound effects. The object is to cover the pyramid with game pieces of varying shapes before the clock runs out. As you spot pieces on the pyramid you gain points and time, but if you hesitate the clock keeps moving and very quickly the game is over. By Eon Quest. Windows 95/98, DirectX 6.1 
42880 GRUMPD.ZIP 1,4 Mt 10.04.2000 - - -
"Grump Card game. Like no other Solitaire game. With three 3-D computer players all playing against you. The competition is fierce. Featuring 32 bit graphics and CD quality sound theres nothing like this around. Great new multi-player solitaire game. The tension swells as the three 3D animated computer players race you to the draw. Windows 95. "
30520 GSWPRO1.ZIP 244892 27.05.1996 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
Grammar Slammer v1.00  Grammar Help that
answers the questions the grammar checker
can't. Get Answers, not Questions, & real
grammar help for Windows. Handy & Easy. Use
ready-made Word Pro script commands and
Grammar Answers appear in the file format you
already know how to use--the Windows Help
File. Easier than online books. Useful for
anyone who writes English with Word Pro for
Windows. Shareware. From James Bair.
41049 HANGMAN.ZIP 209944 27.05.1996 - 18135/Wintainment 500.iso -
Hangman32 for Windows 95 A classical
42881 HCBSETUP.ZIP 5,3 Mt 15.07.1999 - - -
"HoneyComb v1.0 by Xdyne Inc. As a true Gameryouve played Minesweeper at least once! But do you have enough courage to challenge your intellect in this absolutely newlive environment where the mines dont sit in one place?! Behind each closed cell lies either sweet fragrant honey or a hidden stinging bee. But honey is so sweet!Moreoverif you do not freeze the hidden beesthey will walk all around the honeycomb confusing you. Windows 9598or NT"
42882 HEARTSF.ZIP 5,1 Mt 26.10.2000 - - -
100% Free Hearts v1.8100% Free Hearts is a version of the Championship Hearts game. Choose your favorite Hearts variations, such as Jack of Diamonds, Spot, Gates, Shooting Moon, Shooting Sun, and Queen of Spades/Black Lady. Play with eight virtual personalities that learn and adapt. Note: This free software contains advertising technology that will occasionally use your Internet connection to receive and display ads. Win 9x. Freeware. 
42883 HELLRIDR.ZIP 5,9 Mt 18.04.2001 - - -
"Hellrider beta 4 If you like Boulder Dash youll love this game. This is very new 3D game from Chaos  Interactive. If you have a Direct3D accelerated graphics cardsound cardDirectX 6.1 and PII 266MHz this game will show what shareware could do with your computer. The shareware version has a limited number of levelsbut never expires.  P26632 MB. "
42884 HEXAFUN.ZIP 454,8 kt 02.10.1999 - MBCD -
Bindweed Productions present... HexaFun Version 1.0 Copyright 1999 by Gerry Quinn This challenging puzzle game runs on Windows 95, 98 and NT.
42885 HEXM3231.ZIP 394,9 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
" Hex Mines v3.1 (32-bit) by Antony Pranata If youre a fan of Microsofts Minesweeper gameyoull probably enjoy Hex Mines as well Just like the MS gameHex Mines is a contest of luck and strategy. By defaultit uses hexagons instead of squares. Windows 95"
42886 HIRSI11.ZIP 1,7 Mt 06.05.1999 - MBCD -
Hirsipuu v1.1/1999 Visual Basic 5.0:lla tehty hirsipuu- sanapeli. 100% freeware. Ilmainen. raine.pyotsia@pp.inet.fi http://personal.inet.fi/cool/raissu Windows 95
64825 HIRSI95.ZIP 2262311 08.12.1996 - MBCD -
Hirsipuu 95 - Suomenkielinen hirsipuu peli
Windows 95:lle. Mukana iso sanasto (n. 18000
sanaa) ja sisäänrakennettu sanastoeditori,
jolla pystyy helposti luomaan  omia
ammatti-,  murre-, ym. sanastoja.  Ja mitä
parasta - tämä peli on ILMAINEN!
42887 HKMJDEMO.ZIP 4,8 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
Hong Kong Mahjong demoHong Kong Mahjong utilizes authentic Hong Kong-style rules and scoring. You compete against three computer opponents. You all try to stack 144 tiles into a square wall. Each player receives 13 tiles, then takes turns picking up a tile from the wall and throwing it to the middle of the table. If you assemble a hand of "complete" tiles, you win. This demo is 1024x768 only, and restricted in several areas, but is very playable. Win 9x. Shareware. 
42888 HNGMAN3D.ZIP 5,1 Mt 17.02.1999 - MBCD -
Hangman 3D v2.0 by SpyCatcher Corporation Play an old favorite with a new twist. Hangman. But this time you are the victim, in a 3D world with your executioners. Watch as the scaffold builds with each wrong answer, until ultimately, the Hangman comes for you. If hanging is not your style, try the Firing Squad or the Guillotine. Windows 95, DirectX
42889 HONEYHTL.ZIP 462,7 kt 08.11.1999 - - -
HONEYCOMB HOTEL - Logic puzzles Sequel to Sherlock and Dinner With Moriarty, this game of deduction and logic requires that you locate 37 images in a honeycomb and determine a path that runs through each cell of the honeycomb. Shareware $19.95 EVERETT KASER SOFTWARE
42890 HONGMAHJ.ZIP 4,7 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
"Hong Kong Mahjong  by Nine Dragons Software. Play an authentic Mah Jongg game. Unlike the solitaire style of Mah Jongg youre probably used to playingHong Kong Mahjong utilizes authentic Hong Kong style rules and scoring. In this versionyou compete against three computer opponents. You all try to stack 144 tiles into a square wall. Windows 3.1 +"
42891 HRD10B38.ZIP 5,4 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
Hardwood Hearts v1.0b38  - This hearts game is a treat for the eyes and one you do not want to miss! Filled with wonderful fantasy characters and enchanting artwork, Hardwood Hearts deals out much more than your ordinary card game. Far from the plain looking card games we see too often. You can play as one of 17 unique characters, each are customizable for thousands of combinations. Play alone or multiplayer over the internet. $24.95
42892 HRSI9521.ZIP 2,3 Mt 24.11.1998 - MBCD -
Hirsipuu 95 v2.1Suomenkielinen hirsipuupeli Windows 95/98:lle. Mukana iso sanasto (n. 18000 sanaa) 
ja sisäänrakennettu sanastoeditori. Uutuutena kakkosversiossa täysin uusittu ulkonäkö, 
Top10, eri vaikeustasoja ja paljon muuta. Ja mitä parasta - tämä peli on ILMAINEN!
42893 HRSIIR2.ZIP 1,9 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Harwood Solitaire II - great solitaire card game for Win95
42894 HVEX20.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.10.1999 - - -
HyperVex v2.0 by BassetSoft Denmark Logic puzzle that presents squares with different values or characters on each side. Your objective is to place these tiles so that adjacent tile values match. The game offers a huge number of variations, letting you choose different size fields, add hints by pre-placing different patterns of tiles in their proper positions, and use 10 different types and many numbers of characters. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42896 I-JP10.ZIP 259,5 kt 18.12.2000 repacked pelikulma.net -
ICEWOOD JOKERIPOKERI 1.0 Icewood JokeriPokeri on ilmainen ja  suomenkielinen pokeri-peli. JokeriPokerissa on mahdollisuus valita korttien takapuoli (pakka) joko valmiista vaihtoehdoista tai omista kuvista. Pelissõ on toteutettu  korttien liikkeet/animaatiot. WINDOWS 95/98/NT ja Windows 2000  + Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime Libraries.
42895 IBSPI11.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.03.2000 - - -
 i.b.Spider version by eddyware Freeware maze game. Avoid the water droplets. One of the simplest and oldest breeds of video game. The object is to maneuver i.b. the Spider through a maze to reach his destination while avoiding nasty water droplets intent on washing him out. requires: Windows 95/98/NT, DirextX 3+, 640x480x16 eddyware@yahoo.com
42897 INERTIA.ZIP 62,5 kt 18.05.2000 - scene.org -
Inertia is Copyright 2000 Ben Olmstead. Your mission is to collect all the gems on each level, while avoiding mines.  The problem is that once you start going in a particular direction, you keep going until you hit a wall or land on a stop. www.mines.edu/students/b/bolmstea/games/ inertia Windows 95/98/NT, P120. Free. 
42898 INTRICAC.ZIP 1,7 Mt 11.01.2000 - - -
"Intricacy v2.0 by Pyrames Software. Play an interesting twist on the maze. The game comes with two dozen pre-designed mazes that you can load and play. The challenge in Intricacy is that you dont get to see the whole maze - all you see is your current location and the squares immediately surrounding you. You need memorymappingand determination to solve many of them. Includes a maze editor so you can create your own mazes. Windows 9598or"
42899 IQPUZZLE.ZIP 453,7 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
"IQ Puzzle v1.5 by Ho Ching Tao Puzzle. Get the key to open the door of the maze. Fascinating logic game in which you must reach the key and return with it to open the door. Along the way youll be faced with lasersdoorswallsand one-way grids that wont let you return. Includes map editor. Windows 95/98/NT. "
42900 ISOLITAI.ZIP 1,4 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
"iSolitaire v1.0.0.1 By Crescent Vision. Play 35 free Solitaire games. Thanks to banner ads retrieved through your Internet connectionits free. Youll enjoy old favorites like Auld Lang SyneForty ThievesGolfKlondikeFree CellLa Belle LuciePyramidand Yukonas well as some not-so-common varieties. Cards are attractiveand you may choose from several colored background textures. Windows 95/98 "
42901 ISPOKERI.ZIP 453,1 kt 26.01.2001 - - -
IS-PokeriIlta-Sanomien online- pokerin jäljitelmä. Windows 9x. Freeware.  
42902 JACKPOTP.ZIP 10 Mt 26.10.2000 - - -
Jackpot Palace casino v2.2A classy-looking online casino gambling experience, combining a bit of Monte Carlo with a lot of Vegas. It even has multiplayer support, so you can compete against your friends or participate in tournaments. This casino includes all of the standard games, such as Blackjack, Roulette, Caribbean Poker, Craps, Baccarat, Pai Gow Poker, Video Poker, Slots, Keno and even Gold Pirates Slots, a fine progressive slots variation. Win 9x. Freeware. 
42903 JAMAT14.ZIP 815,6 kt 05.02.1998 - MBCD -
Jämät v1.4 - peli joka opettaa helposti armeijassa tarvittavat arvomerkit. Win95
42904 JAVERI11.ZIP 873,4 kt 15.12.1999 - - -
JigSaw Maverick v1.1 by Arthur Crump Puzzle / Jigsaw. Lets you create a jigsaw puzzle from your own .bmp image files. Select from the two images provided, or choose your own, and scramble it into a 9-, 25-, or 49-piece puzzle. Uses conventional jigsaw shapes, is easy to play, and offers a good range of possibilites. Windows 95
42905 JFSH301.ZIP 532 kt 12.04.1998 - MBCD -
"JellyFish Player v3.01 by Effect Software Neural net-based Backgammon program that can play at expert levels. The author claims that on the highest playing levelthe program matches the best humans in the world. Plays matches of any lengthormoney gameswhere each point is equally valuable. 7 levels and the ability to log games or matches to a file. Windows 32-bit"
42906 JIGALO32.ZIP 1,5 Mt 05.04.2000 - - -
Jigsaws Galore, v3.2 ASP - Powerful Jigsaw Player/Creator for Windows. Play and create jigsaws from 4 to 4,000 pieces. Sorts pieces by color and shape, arranging them around the edge if you wish. Alter piece size on the fly - no need to scroll, ever! Select difficulty level or number of pieces. Cool cheats! Send self-contained "gift" jigsaws to your friends v3.2 fixes "gift" jigsaw/zip file bug and Windows 2000 install problem. $25.00 
42907 JIGALO40.ZIP 2 Mt 15.04.2001 - - -
Jigsaws Galore 4.04  (ASP)A powerful Jigsaw Player/Creator for Windows. Play and create jigsaws from 4 to 4,000 pieces. Sorts pieces by color and shape, arranging them around the edge if you wish. Alter piece size on the fly - no need to scroll, ever! Select difficulty level or number of pieces. Cool cheats! Send self-contained "gift" jigsaws to your friends v4.04 is major release with 3D pieces and many new features. Shareware. $25.00 
42908 JKMIND.ZIP 490 kt 08.04.1998 - MBCD -
"JKMind v1.0 -  multilevel mastermind game and best of all its totally FREE ! multiple levelssoundstop 20 listtotally free registrationetc. etc..."
42909 JSOLITAR.ZIP 132 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
JSolitaire 1.08 (3/17/00) Solitaire collection for Java (14 applets) Requirements: JSolitaire must be played in a browser supporting Java. (Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later) Games Included: Klondike, FreeCell, Canfield, Golf, Pyramid, Spider, Clock, Calculation, Shamrocks, Scorpion, King Albert, Yukon, Beleaguered Castle, Flower Garden. Home Page: http://www.idiotsdelight.net/ Email: apipkin@pagesz.net 
42910 JUGG2.ZIP 1,7 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
"Juggler 2.  Windows 95. Very enjoyable logical game. It can set somebodys mind at rest and help to turn aside for a moment. You must move different colored balls on the playfield to lines of 4 or more balls."
42911 JUMPOVER.ZIP 1,8 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
JumpOver 1.0.192 Copyright 2000  Jutta Behling, ABC-Ware JumpOver is a varied PC version of the  classic peg game (Solitaire). The aim of the game is easy to understand but hard to fullfill: Try to leave one marble  remaining on the board by jumping over  the marbles nearby. The marbles are moved  with the mouse by drag and drop. Eight different board layout options, four board designs etc. Windows 95/98. Shareware. 
42912 KASPRDMO.EXE 3,1 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
"Pandoras Box - puzzlePandoras Box: Kasperov Vs. The World Puzzle 
42913 KBUBBLET.ZIP 2,1 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Bubblet (Kline) v1.0  by House of Bytes Software. Burst bubbles to win the game. Bubblet is an easy but fascinating logic-game. Match as many adjacent bubbles of one color in order to burst them! The more that are aligned together, the more points you get! When you pick a number of bubbles click on them. The djacent bubbles of the same color will be outlined. Click again and they burst. DirectX required and Windows 95, 98, or NT
42914 KENOREEV.ZIP 4,5 Mt 17.02.1999 - - -
Keno Reeves v3.0 by Cyrens Solutions lets you play casino-style Keno. Click to mark the game card with 2 to 10 spots. Odds are displayed immediately for your game. Bet from 1 to 4 coins per game and set the coin value in the registered version. Windows 95, 98, NT
42915 KINGS121.ZIP 767,8 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
Kings Corners v1.21 by Jason Powell Card game. Test your skills by trying to place all the Kings, Queens, and Jacks in their proper places in certain points at the board. Windows 95
42916 KK13.ZIP 541,9 kt 28.06.1999 - MBCD -
Kirjainketju v1.3 - Pelin ideana on yrittää muodostaa 6*6 ruudun kokoisesta pelikentästä sanoja yhdistelemällä peräkkäisiä kirjaimia.  Mukana sanastot suomen, englannin ja ruotsin kielistä, ja voit itse lisätä uusia kieliä. (c) 1999 Harri Väisänen. Windows 95/98.
42917 KKKIELET.ZIP 66,7 kt 29.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Kirjainketju sanastopaketti. Sisältää snastot saksan, ranskan, italian ja latinan kielistä. (3000-8000 sanaa) Pura tiedosto sanasto -hakemiston alle.
42918 KKOMOG19.ZIP 650,7 kt 27.05.2000 - - -
Komodo Go Replay v1.98 (32-bit) by Komodo Software Tool to help users learn the game of Go. It allows you to record and play back entire games. This tool also allows for two people to compete against one another. Windows 95 
41059 KLOTZ4.ZIP 137868 27.05.1996 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
Klotz 3.05 for Windows NT (final release) A
multi-window Tetris-clone.
42919 KNAAPP10.ZIP 210,4 kt 20.01.1999 - MBCD -
SyvänSininen VoimaKnaappi -peli 1.0 Yksinkertainen, mutta mielenkiintoinen älypeli, josta pitävät mine sweeperin kaltaisten pelien ystävät. Waatii Win95/98 by the Lost Spaceman of Refinition freeware
42920 KPS201.ZIP 10,1 kt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
*=- KPS II V2.01 Se on taalla taas! Se aito & oikea KPS jatkaa voittokulkuaan! Talla kertaa mukana kiva kuva ja aito ABOUT-ikkuna. Seuraavassa versiossa upeita kuvia ja ehka animaatioita... Tekija: Tuomas Tauriala   Windows 95
42921 KSN2K24.ZIP 1,6 Mt 26.04.2001 - - -
Kasino 2000  2.4 - Kokoelma Suomessa pelattavia rahapelejä. Mukana 23 erilaista pokeria, Korttikeno, Keno 40, KenoFever, Ventti ja Blackjack. Kasino 2000:n avulla opit pelaamaan paremmin; Pokerissa näet, mitkä kortit kannattaa valita, ja Black- jackissa peli neuvoo mitä on järkevintä tehdä kussakin tilanteessa. Nyt mukana myös äänet! Windows 95/98/ME. 
42922 KURKKU15.ZIP 2,1 Mt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
TESI software Kurkku v1.5 Tutulla käyttöliittymällä varustettu korttipeli. Hiukan katkon/tikin tyylinen peli, tarkoitus on vaan päinvastainen. 3-tietokone vastustajaa. Windows 95
42923 KYODAI15.EXE 4,3 Mt 09.12.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Kyodai Mahjongg 15.21Erittäin laadukas Mahjongg-lautapeli (tunnetaan myös nimellä Shanghai),
jossa hyvä grafiikka. Kielivaihtoehtona myös suomi. Windows 95/98/NT. --
The goal of Kyodai Mahjongg is to remove all of the tiles from the game board. Tiles can be 
removed only in pairs (two identical tiles, two seasons, or two flowers) and must be free on 
their left or right side. Kyodai includes a MIDI playlist and a two-player option, as well as 
support for MOD files and tile-removal animation. This new version has 2D tile-removal animations 
added to 3D mode, additional enhancements and minor bug fixes. Registration is $20. 
42924 L98-31.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
"Lines98 Version 3.1  Copyright (c) Kivilyov Make balls of a certain color form different shapes. Youre trying to form linessquaresor blocks with the colored ballsbut each time you move a ball three new balls pop up at different places and in different colors - and they may not be where you would want them The game has sounds and a timer to add some excitementplus loads of options to configure it the way you desire."
42925 LAATAT10.ZIP 471 kt 18.02.2000 - - -
LAATAT 1.0  Copyright 2000 Jari Harju Windows 9x ilmaisohjelma. Järjestetään numerolaatat oikeaan järjestykseen. 4 vaikeustasoa. Ajan otto. Taustakuvan voi valita.
42926 LINES95.ZIP 202,6 kt 22.09.1997 - MBCD -
Lines95.exe logical game for Windows 95 Installation simple, need no special installation program only unpack it into any directory and add link in menu. Status: program is free for non commercial use, but any sponsor help will be appreciated. Anatoly Podgoretsky Vahe 4-31, Johvi, Estonia, EE2045 kvk@estpak.ee
42927 LOCHSOLI.ZIP 194,8 kt 19.08.1999 - - -
The quick-thinking, high-scoring Solitaire! Lochness is a fast and easy Solitaire game  whose challenge is to score the most points for each given hand.  You must empty the 7  stacks by building runs of cards going up  or down in rank, regardless of suit. Jokers  and free cards make the going easier. Score  extra points whenever you build a complete "Lochness Monster".  Includes background  music, sound effects, and high scores. Windows 95.
42928 LOGIC30.ZIP 3,2 Mt 11.01.2000 - - -
Logication V3.0 BY Brain Block Interactive fascinating turn-based strategy board game for one or two players. Action takes place on a game grid, with each side protecting a command base icon called a "Logicator." Play is simple: Game tokens are marked with a symbol that clearly indicates that piece\'s legal moves. You capture enemy pieces by moving onto an occupied square and win the game by capturing your opponent\'s Logicator.
42929 LTCBJ.ZIP 2,5 Mt 04.12.1999 - - -
Learn-To-Count BlackJack v1.9.1 By BlackJack Counter. Learn to count cards and bet to win. It can help you to get an edge over a casino by learning how to count cards. Using a fairly realistic representation of Blackjack table and a comprehensive help file, the program teaches you how to assign values to cards, count those values as the cards are dealt, and bet accordingly. Plenty of options are provided to customize the software.
42930 LUXHANG.ZIP 2 Mt 26.10.2000 - - -
"Academic Hangman LuxSoft Academic Hangman is a free version of the classic word guessing game. Unlike most hangman gamesthis version doesnt have any graphics. Youre presented with a clue and a word to guess. Click on a letter or press its corresponding key to enter it. You only get three incorrect guesses before youre hungwhich makes it quite challenging. LuxSoft Academic Hangman comes with a dictionary of 165 words. Windows 9x. Freeware. "
42931 MAGCBALL.ZIP 310,6 kt 10.11.1999 - - -
MagicBalls v2.4 Make lines by swapping balls. The object of Magic Balls is to swap two neighboring balls to explode three or more in a line (horizontal or vertical). Windows 95, 98, or NT
42932 MAGLINES.ZIP 299,8 kt 29.12.1999 - - -
MagicLines v2.4 by Scibox Group. Line up balls and score points. The objective is to move the balls to explode five or more in line to score as many points as possible building up horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines consisting of five or more balls of the same type. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42933 MAHJFOUR.ZIP 2,7 Mt 15.07.1999 - - -
MahJongg Game of Four Winds by eGames, Inc. Four-player version (you and three computer opponents) of the classic tile game. The objective is to make a complete hand of 14 tiles, which is called "going MahJongg." The game offers a multitude of behavior and appearance options, comprehensive documentation, and crystal-clear sound effects. DirectX 5.0 or later and Windows 95, 98, or NT
42934 MAIZEQ10.ZIP 1,5 Mt 17.11.2000 - MBHH2002 -
Maize Quest v1.0Maize Quest is an incredibly complex maze. Try to get from start to finish, maximizing your score on the way by navigating through letters and kernels of corn. You navigate with the four arrow controls and the absolutely essential "reverse" button. The program auto-advances you when you select a direction, until you reach the next decision point. You have a view of the entire maze, along with a zoomed window to show your precise position. Windows 95. Freeware.  
42935 MALOS-B.ZIP 697,7 kt 01.03.2000 - - -
" Malos Demo. Strategy/puzzle game. Gameplay is simple but addictive. Each mind-bending level contains a set of red tags on a grid. As the playeryou control a sphere on the grid. To beat a level you must move your sphere over each of the red tags and change the tag color to green. Each time you change a tags coloran enemy sphere appears on the board and chases you. Windows 95/98 P233 3Dfx or OpenGL 3D card 8 MB"
42936 MAMI10.ZIP.ZIP 35,3 kt 14.06.2000 - - -
Mastermind 1.0 Kaunis ja hyvin toteutettu Windows-versio klassisessa älypelistä. Win 9x/NT/2000 
42937 MANCAA.ZIP 1 Mt 09.06.2000 väärä koko 15651/PCM_9707.iso -
Mancala 2000 by Arthur Crump. One of the oldest two-player strategy games in the world. It has many variations, and this version known as Kalaha, is just one variation. Kalaha has been played for more than 7,000 years throughout Asia and Africa. The goal of the game is to capture as many "stones" or playing pieces as possible. Windows 95/98, 486, 4 MB. 
42938 MARBLX11.ZIP 220,9 kt 12.04.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Marblex v1.1 Marblex on mukava ja ilmainen älypeli. Tarkoituksena on saada tuhottua pelialueella olevat kivet. Windows 95. 
42939 MARBZONE.ZIP 3,9 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
MarbleZone v1.13 by Dejobaan Studios. Rebuild the path for marbles. Challenging puzzle game with great graphics that will have you scratching your head trying to plan the best route for the marbles. Someone has broken the paths for the marbles from their generator to their destination and you must restore it. All you need to do is click on the track to rotate a section 90 degrees. Windows 9x. Shareware. 
41067 MASTERMI.ZIP 75466 31.10.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Mastermind Game for Win95 created using
Visual C++ 4.0
42940 MASTM251.ZIP 1,6 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
Mastermind v2.51  by Adam Day. Free game of logic that will test your intelligence. A code of color markers is randomly generated by the computer and hidden from the player, who has 10 opportunities to try to duplicate the code without seeing it. Choose a four- or six-color code sequence, with or without duplicates. Play against the timer for fastest solution. Online help and some tips on how to beat the machine. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42941 MATCHBLX.ZIP 2,2 Mt 26.10.2000 - - -
Matchblox v1.0A fascinating and challenging solitaire board game. The objective is to slide rows of colored blocks to create groups of matching color, which are then removed. When you clear the board, you receive your score. Higher points are gained by planning ahead to create larger groupings of colors. You get 100 levels of play, along with a level editor to build your own challenges. Note: The software contains advertising technology that will occasionally display ads. Win9x. Freeware. 
42942 MATEMICO.ZIP 1,1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
MATHEMATICo v1.0 from Creative Team "Sequoia" logic game. The purpose of the game to fill a game field with random numbers (from 1 up to 13). You have to try to collect a maximum quantity of points rewarded for forming combinations, which are listed in a table. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42943 MB-CUBE.ZIP 1 Mt 21.04.1997 renamed 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
42944 MBJONG10.ZIP 3,6 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
"Moraffs MarbleJongg. Arcade/puzzle. So you thought playing jongg style solitaire was too easyno action huh?. This is cutting edge 3D OpenGL MahJongg of the new millenium. Terrific colorsgreat backgroundscool 3D animationand it updates itself over an internet connection. This freeware version has no time limit and is fully functional. Match the marbles to remove them from the board. Windows 95/98P33332 MBOpenGL. "
42945 MC2K.ZIP 627,2 kt 25.04.2000 - - -
Mr Clown 2000 Mr. Clown lovers around the world will know that he is a spunky little critter with a heart of gold and a bag full of tricks. Look after a house a job as well as Mr. Clown, then communicate with others who have Mr. Clown! Windows 95 
42946 MEHEN10.ZIP 1 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
"Mehen v1.0 by Steve Neeley Board game. Computer version of the ancient EgyptianGame of the Snake.Played on spiral game board with two teams of up to three players trying to move one to six marbles along the curved path to the center of the spiral and back out. Watch where you land because you can be forced back or thrust forward along the coil of the snake. Windows95"
42947 MEMGAME2.ZIP 2 Mt 31.07.1999 - - -
"Memory Game Gold v2.5 by Rodrigo Rique Concentration-type memory game in which you match pairs of hidden images on a 9x6 playing grid. Click on a coin to turn it and reveal a picture. Thenchoose another coin and turn it to show another picture. If the two coins matchyou score points and the coins will disappear. When all the coins are gonethe game is over. Youll need to be fast and turn as few pairs as possible to enter your name in the high-score list. Windows 9598."
42948 MEMTIL10.ZIP 2,1 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
"Memory Tiles v1.0 (Ramey) by Michael Ramey Concentration-style memory game in which the objective is turn over matching pairs of tiles. When you uncover identical tile pairstheyre removed from the playing area. If they dont matchtheyre flipped back to picture-side down. Clean-looking interface with several options. You can play in one- or two-player mode. Windows 9598or NT"
42949 MESHHERO.ZIP 604,8 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
"MESH:HEROS HEARTS Puzzle game. Over 1000 levels. No quick reflexes required. Figure out how to move the Hero through each levelto collect all of the Heartsand reach the Exit. Create new levels/new objects. For Windows 3.1Windows 95and NT. Price: $19.95  EVERETT KASER SOFTWARE"
42950 MGAMES23.ZIP 1,5 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
"MagicGames Collection v2.3 by Scibox Group Set of funchallenging logic gamesincluding the famous LinesBalls and many others. Its very simple! Just run itselect the game in list and click Play button. Each game has its own help file and is enjoyable. Windows 95 or Windows 98 "
42951 MGC28.ZIP 1,6 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
The Magic Games Collection v2.8The Magic Games Collection is a set of six logic games. In Lines you form a line of five balls, which then is removed. Three new balls appear after every move. In Balls, you swap balls to create a row of three, which is then removed. In Tetcolor you rotate falling blocks to line up three or more of the same color. In Beads three beads drop into place while you rearrange them to make groups of three or more. In Combat Engineer, you must reach the four corners of the game board without being blown up by a mine. In Logic Trainer you attempt to break a four-color code in six tries. Windows 9x. Shareware. 
42952 MIDNIG.ZIP 1 Mt 15.12.1999 - - -
Midnight Oil Solitaire v3.11AKA "La Belle Lucie" and "Three Shuffles and a  Draw" is a free version of the classic solitaire card game.  This game is one of the very best solitaires, offering both challenging play and a reasonable chance to win.  It is also highly  addictive -- once you get into it,  you\'ll be "burning the midnight oil"  more often than not. Requires Windows 95/98/NT and 800x600x256 video.
42953 MILEST12.ZIP 1,4 Mt 04.06.1998 - - -
Mile Stones 98 v1.2 by Marc Peters free 32-bit card game based on the French card game Mille Bornes, which simulates a car race of 700 kilometers. You play against your computer, trying to be the first to collect more than 5,000 points (kilometers). Played in a series of rounds, with the objective of scoring exactly 700 points in a round before your opponent. Windows 95
42954 MILJOO10.ZIP 129,2 kt 26.01.2001 - - -
Haluatko Luulomiljonääriksi? v1.0TV:stä tutun Haluatko Miljonääriksi?-kilpailun tietokoneversio, jossa pyritään voittamaan miljoona markkaa vastaamalla oikein viiteentoista kysymykseen, apuna kolme oljenkortta. Vaatimukset: MS-DOS, Pentium, 16 Mt.
42955 MINDIT.ZIP 1,5 Mt 15.07.1999 - - -
Mind It v1.0 by The Foundation Company Test your short-term memory with Mind It. Your mission in this Concentration-style game is to uncover cards two at a time and try to match them up. The faster you remove matched pairs from the 8x4 grid, the higher your score will be. Mind It keeps a list of the top scores. The game offers high-quality graphics, animation, and sound effects. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42956 MINEFELD.ZIP 1,6 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
"Minefield by P.D.Blake To negotiate the Minefieldyou have to: avoid the mud that will cause your tank to spin out of control; go around the rocks; navigate to the control panels and destroy thembut dont roll over a mine. And who knows what you can do to avoid the continual artillery bombardment. The game is funbut the graphics are primitiveand challenges are fairly simple. This is one level beyond Pong. Windows 9598or NT"
42957 MJ99-50.ZIP 2,4 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
MJ99 v5.01 by Minder Technology Ltd. Hong Kong-style Mahjongg game played against three opponents, computer or human, over a network or the Internet. Four table styles are available, along with several options to configure the game to suit your preferences. You can change scoring options; enable chat messages; and reconfigure payment options, skill levels, animation speed, and more. Windows 95, 98, or NT 
42958 MJACK110.ZIP 609,4 kt 18.09.2000 renamed jonneweb.net -
Merrysoft Jackpot version 1.10 A slot machine game by Merry, Merrysoft http://merrysoft.cjb.net Features: Three skins..you can make new skins..change fonts and font colors.. supports mouse, keyboard and gamepad.. TOP 10 list Requires VB40032.DLL 1998-2000 Vesa Piittinen (Merry)
42959 MJM2DEMO.ZIP 2,3 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
MahJongg Master v2.11 by eGames, Inc. Older version of Kyodai (one of the most popular mah-jongg games in our library) with a slightly lower registration fee. The pieces, background, and optional MIDI music have an oriental flavor. As in similar games, the objective is to empty a board by removing pairs of matching tiles. Choose from one- or two-player modes. Several appearance and behavior options are offered, including different layouts. Win95, DirectX 5.0
42960 MJONG401.ZIP 2,6 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Mindjongg Version 4.0 (C) 2000 Minder Technology Ltd. Attractive Mah Jongg game that offers 18 layouts. (Only the Classic Layout can be played here - the remaining layouts may be run in demo mode.) Game options let you use any of four tile sets, take advantage of several backgrounds, show construction progress, display available pairs, and show the solution in case you get stuck. Windows 95/98 
42961 MJWR21.ZIP 4,3 Mt 22.09.1998 - MBCD -
Mah Jongg Wall 2.1 (Windows 95) A Mah Jongg Tile Game by Russell Wilson  Build the Mah Jongg Wall as you remove pairs of those ancient Mah Jongg tiles. More mystery, strategy, and challenge than any of the other tile removing games. Special moves allow changing directions of removing tiles and moving a tile to an adjacent stack to keep your hopes alive.
42962 MMIND10.ZIP 208,9 kt 20.01.1999 - MBCD -
Master Mind 1.0 - Klassikkopelin monipuolinen reinkarnaatio tietokonevastustajilla, laajoilla asetuksilla ja monen pelaajan turnauksella. Vaatii Windows 95/98 sekä mielellään paljon värejä, jotta näkyy värejä, ja 486 sais olla. by the Lost Spaceman of Refinition freeware
42963 MNOTHELO.ZIP 1,7 Mt 27.05.2000 - - -
"Midnight Othello v2.1.1 Practise to master Othello by Andreas Hüttenrauch Full-featured version of Othello or Reversi. To playyou place your black or white stone on the game board so as to bracket an opponents game pieces. Stones within the bracket then change to your color. This edition offers all the options: game soundschoice of board backgroundseveral opponent skill levels etc. Windows 95/98. Shareware. "
42964 MOLLI10.ZIP 32,5 kt 15.09.1998 - MBCD -
Molli v1.0  Tekijä: Olli Oikarinen (Panic IC), tavoitettavissa MBnetissä. PUZZLE-peli, jossa kerätään timantteja, käännellään nuolia ja työnnellään laatikoita exitiin pääsemiseksi. Mukana 50 leveliä ja level-editori! Vaatii Win95 ja Vbrun400.dll.
42965 MORJ70.ZIP 6,2 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
Morejongg for Windows 95 v7.0 from MoraffWare stunning 3D version of the popular Chinese tile game. It features a beautiful, graphical display of tiles placed on a dazzling background. The objective is to eliminate all the tiles by selecting exact matches. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42966 MPELI11.ZIP 847,9 kt 18.03.2000 - MBHH2001 -
 Muistipeli v1.1 Perinteinen muistia testaava peli jossa kääntelet kortteja koettaen löytää parit. Yhdelle tai kahdelle pelaajalle. Windows 95/98/NT Aleksi Eeben aeeben@mail.student.oulu.fi http://www.student.oulu.fi/~aeeben/
42967 MTCHGME.ZIP 957,2 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
"MatchGame Version 1.30  Require: Windows 95/98/NT This is a fun game for anyone.  You try  to score the more points by selecting  patterns of blocks.  The more you select in one try - the higher the score for  that move.  Try it - youll like it! Author: G. Bradley MacDonald Email: Bradley_MacDonald@bc.sympatico.ca Fee:  Freeware - No Fee"
42968 MUGSGA23.ZIP 755,8 kt 27.05.2000 - - -
"Mugs Game v2.3 by Creative Solutions and Technologies Inc. Find the hidden Mugs. Will remind you a bit of Minesweeperbut the play is different. There are a number of Mugs hidden on the board. Your goal is to find the Mugs in the minimum time and minimum moves. When you select a square youll uncover a Mug or a number. Using process of eliminationa bit of concentrationand maybe a smidgen of luckyou can find the Mugs. Windows 95/98/NT "
42969 MUISEU12.ZIP 105,2 kt 19.04.1999 - MBCD -
Muistipeli EuroFlag v1.1 on perinteinen muistipeli, jossa kuvina toimivat Euroopan maiden liput. Kun pari on löytynyt, peli kertoo maan nimen ja pääkaupungin, eli tietoa imeytyy aivoihin huomaamatta. 1 - 3 pelaajaa. Vaatii Win95/98/NT ja vb5 runtime-tiedostot. Timo Salmenoja tsalm@mail.nettilinja.fi
42970 MULPOKER.ZIP 442,8 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Multi-Poker by Yoavoosh. Create poker hands to get most points. Cards game, for one player. Its like solitare but for poker lovers. There are 25 cards in the deck (random cards). You have to place each card in one of the cards place-holderd until the board is completely filled. The goal: You should try to create as many poker "hands" as you can vertically and diagnolly. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42971 MVPCHECK.ZIP 2,3 Mt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
MVP Checkers for Windows95 by MVP Software. The leader in shareware classic games is proud to present the latest and greatest! Six computer opponents challenge you to a hot game of Checkers. Wonderful graphics and music provide the atmosphere as you take on a virtual opponent or challenge your friends to a Checkers "death match" over the net, LAN, or by modem.
42972 MVPCRB22.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.08.1999 - - -
MVP Cribbage for Windows v2.2 by MVP Software Six virtual opponents are eager to challenge you to the hottest game of Cribbage ever. MVP Cribbage plays the strongest game and offers the most features of any computer Cribbage game available.  You can even challenge your friends to a multiplayer Cribbage death match over the internet, LAN, modem, or direct connection. Now supports Kali.
42973 MVPMNCLA.ZIP 2,6 Mt 31.07.1999 - - -
MVP Mancala by MVP Software Board game. Game of skill and luck. Play against the computer or another player. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42974 MYMAHJ32.ZIP 1,2 Mt 11.11.1999 - - -
MyMahj - v3.2 by Olivier PLAYEZ Solitaire mahjongg game This 3D version allows to rotate the board in all directions (rotation on X, Y and Z axes; zoom and move). There is no more tile hidden by another one ! Features: 10 layouts, randomly generated layout, save / load game, hall of fame, hint, undo, sound effects, music, choice of language (English/French). License : 15 US dollars. Windows 95. Shareware.
42975 NDLSETUP.ZIP 4,8 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Noodle Brain/puzzle. Pick a letter from the alphabet. Add it on the top, the bottom, or either side of an existing word and try to make the longest word possible. That\'s Noodle! Defy the brain of your computer by using all of your "Noodle" word skills to win the game. Hours of challenging and creative word fun that will give your brain a real workout! Windows 95/98 
42976 NETCHESS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
Net Chess v4.0Net Chess lets you play against a real-life opponent over the Internet or against your computer. To keep the game moving along, you can set time limits. Other features include four sets of pieces and board graphics, 10 animation speeds, configurable sound events, and a built-in chat routine. Windows 9x. Shareware. 
42977 NETCR40.ZIP 975,4 kt 27.08.1999 - - -
"Net Cribbage v4.0 by NetIntellGames Card game where experience counts for a great deal - though luckof coursehas a large part; widely played in English speaking parts of the world. You can play with the computer opponent or with your friend over the InternetLANmodem or direct connection. Or play using the companys Internet server. Windows 9598or NT"
42978 NETTO101.ZIP 440,6 kt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
Netto 1.01Netto sisältää kolme RAY:n peliautomaateista tuttua pokeripeliä: 
Pokeri 200, Jokeripokeri ja Ässäpokeri. Mukana äänet ja musiikit, 
top-listat ja oikea tunnelma. Win 95/98 ja NT4. Freeware.
42979 NETWALK.ZIP 4,5 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
"NetWalk v1.0 by Arsenal Company Puzzle. Your task is easy - connect each computer on the grid field to the central server by adjusting and turning the network pieces scattered around. It will look very familiar to those whove played Pipe Dreamsbut there are differences. The graphics are top notch and there are optional game sounds and jazzy background music. State-of-the-art board game for puzzle solvers. Windows 95."
42980 NEXUS2K.ZIP 426,4 kt 20.09.2000 - - -
Nexus 2000 v1.0Nexus 2000 on haastava älypeli, jonka tavoitteena on pitää pelilauta tyhjänä erivärisistä nappuloista. Nappuloita voi poistaa järjestämällä ne riviin, jossa on vähintään viisi nappulaa. Jos siirtosi ei poista laudalta yhtään riviä, lisätään laudalle kolme nappulaa lisää. 
42981 NGUYMOKU.ZIP 877,2 kt 23.01.1999 - MBCD -
"Nguyens Moku v1.0 by Paul Nguyen The object of the game is to get 5 in a row. This game features 1 - 10 levels of play against either the computer or another player. Windows 95"
42982 NOPPA09.ZIP 186,7 kt 04.05.2000 - - -
Noppa-Ventti For Windows 0.9 Kiva pikku työpöytäpeli, jossa pelataan venttiä nopilla. Beta-varoitus! Vaatii 32.bit. Windowsin. Pienin testattu laitteisto P120,  48mt muistia, pitäisi pyöriä rutkasti pienimmilläkin laitteilla. Tekijä: Harmageddon Productions
42983 NOWHEART.ZIP 5,6 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
"Now Hear This!For those of you who want to match sounds instead of picturesNow Hear This! is the game for you! Just like Mix & Matchyou can customize this game to your hearts content! Win 9x. Shareware. "
42984 NUMERO10.ZIP 1,5 Mt 10.11.1999 - - -
Numero v1.0 - Play crosswords with numbers. Numero is a crossword game that uses numbers instead of letters. You get the grid with some blackout squares and a list of numbers that will fit. Click to select a number based on the number of digits and click to enter it in the puzzle.There are five skill levels but only one puzzle size (10x10). You receive points for your solution based on time taken, hints used, and undos. Windows 95/98/NT.
42985 NUMSHK10.ZIP 22,5 kt 18.01.2000 renamed jonneweb.net -
Numero Shakki v1.0  ShareWare By Mic-Byte.  Peli on verrattavissa pasianssiin eli siihen jää koukkuun. Win95/98/2000/NT(???) vaatii VB kirjastot(Msvbvm60.dll)  http://www.kolumbus.fi/mikko.nuotio
42986 OKTAGON.ZIP 506,7 kt 10.11.1999 - - -
Oktagon v1.5.1 Play puzzles on your PC. Take different shaped pieces and make them fill the play area. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42987 ONFREESP.ZIP 4,9 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
100% Free Spades v1.8100% Free Spades v1.8 ASP - Discover 100% Free Spades, a versatile card game with playful characters who captivate your family while mastering your skills! Beginners will enjoy hint, undo, replay, and other practice features along with the introductory Spades tutorial.  Expert players will be amazed at how the eight different opponents will adapt and use advanced strategy. Upgradable Bannerware ASP $0 
42988 OP200014.ZIP 4,7 Mt 10.05.2000 - MBHH2001 -
"Onnenpyörä 2000 v1.4TV:stä tutun pelin monipuolisempi versio jouhevalla käyttöliittymällä. 
Voidaan pelata pisteillä ja  todellisen osaamisen näyttävillä pelitavoilla. 
1-3 pelaajaa4 pelimuotoa joissa voi käyttää myös pelinjohtajaa. 
Mukana  tehtäväeditorijota voidaan  käyttää suoraan ohjelmasta 
tai erikseen. Rekisteröimättömässä versiossa joka pelikerralla 
on vain yksi pelimuoto aktiivinen. Uutta versiossa 1.4: 
* Lisättyonnenpotkumuistuttaa lähinnä yllätyssektoria. 
Tehtävän oikein arvannut saa bonuksensa kerrottuna 
kertoimella 23 tai 4. * Käyttöliittymää parannettu: Ääniä 
muutettu rauhallisemmiksi ja voimakkuus säädettävissä 
Asetukset-valikosta.  Valittaessa hiirellä konsonantteja 
tai vokaaleita aktiivinen kirjain on korostettu keltaisella 
hiiren liikkuessa sen päällä. Kun ikkuna on maksimoitu
F11-näppäimellä saadaan otsikkorivi pois näkyvistä ja 
näkyviin. Pelaajien ja taustan väri muutettavissa hiiren
kakkosnäppäimellä. * Tehty uusi ohjetiedosto.  
* Rekisteröinti tehty helpommaksi. 
* Rekisteröitymättömätkin käyttäjät voivat käyttää  
tehtäväeditoria suoraan pelistä. 
* Pelin virheitä poistettu 
* Tehtäväeditorin virheitä poistettu. 
* Nettiyhteys suoraan CIS:n sivullejosta voit hakea esim. tehtävätiedostoja. 
42989 OPTEHT4.ZIP 3,5 kt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
Tesi Software Onnenpyörä tehtäväpaketti 4 Sisältää asennusohjeet.
42990 OPV14MUP.ZIP 1,7 Mt 10.05.2000 - #hyrava -
Onnenpyörä 2000 v1.4 päivitys.
42991 OPYOR14.ZIP 2,8 Mt 31.07.1999 - MBCD -
TESI software Onnenpyörä freeware 1.4 TV:stä tuttu sanapeli. Sisältää tehtävän teko ohjelman, tehtäviä voi kopioida myös internetistä. Windows 95/98/NT Freeware.
42992 OTHELOFX.ZIP 1,2 Mt 23.01.1999 - - -
OTHELLO F/X v1.1-Fantastic WIN95 Game Othello F/X is the classic game of othello for Win95 and presented with stunning graphics and sound effects.  Players can choose between playing each other, challenging the computer players, or even watching two computer players go at it.
42993 P3E.ZIP 5,1 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
"Passage3 v1.5 by Gekko Software GmbH Puzzle. Easy-to-learnhard-to-master tile game in which you must place tiles that match in color or icon. You get a choice of animalantiquearchitectureor astronomy-themed icons in six colors. Wild cards get you out of a jamand a helpful voice tells you when youve made a mistake. You get points for completing horizontal or vertical linesbut youre playing against the clock and you lose points if you misplay. Win95DX6.1"
42994 PAIRSV15.ZIP 281,3 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
Pairs v1.53 (Dunton) by I C Dunton 32-bit Concentration-type game where the object is to collect pairs of matching cards. Cards can contain your choice of numbers, shapes, pictures, words, or a mixture. All cards are face down; you try to find matches using memory skills and perseverance. 1 and 2 player. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42995 PARAB20.ZIP 3,3 Mt 11.01.2000 - - -
"Parabens Mah-jong v2.0 Play a game of mah-jong. User-friendly test of your tile solitaire skills. Parabens mah-jong is available in both a 2D and 3D versions. All game windows can be resized to your preference from game to game. Each tile was designed to simulate playing with true tiles making the game more realistic. Windows 9598or NT"
42996 PASSTIME.ZIP 2,2 Mt 29.11.1999 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
PassTimePuzzler A terrific jigsaw that will challenge your sense of depth perception. The game uses pieces of different sizes and shapes. Some are concentric rectangles. The images distort and rotate. You may use any pictures you may have for the puzzle image. There are many board layouts to choose from, As well as game options such as Color Inversion, Bogus.. a tricky variation, and Chase. Great Click and Drag interface. Windows 95/98/NT 486
42997 PATCHL2.ZIP 2,7 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
"Patricks Challenge II by Reldni Productions The object is to remove all 28 squares. From the menu bar click on the Randomizer button. In seconds a new game will be generated. Up to six different coloured balls may be placed on the squares. You can also build your own game by clicking the Code button. Windows 95 or Windows 98"
42998 PATHGAME.ZIP 87,8 kt 23.01.1999 - - -
PathFind Game. puzzle game in which the objective is to move from cell to cell until you reach the target cell. You can choose from four skill levels, each with a greater number of cells and varying number of available moves. You can also choose whether the cells are triangles, squares, or hexagons. Click a cell to see which adjoining cells have a path available. Attractive, fun game from the author\'s "time waster" series. Windows 95
41081 PATRICK.ZIP 5794761 18.06.1996 - 17374/UHOG2000.iso -
Patrick Challenge. Windows 95-puzzlepeli,
jossa yritetään saada kaikki pallot katoamaan
42999 PBDEMO.EXE 3,1 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
"Pandoras Box -  trial version"
43000 PEGD41.ZIP 1,7 Mt 31.08.1999 - - -
"Pegd v4.1 by Steve Boschi Computer version of the classic peg game. The object is simple: try to leave one peg remaining on the board by jumping pieces. This iteration comes with five different board layout optionsfour color schemes and optional sound effectsand background music. Read the online help to find out how many perfect solutions there are for each board shapethen note the graphic hint to tell you where the final peg will end up. Windows 95."
43001 PEGGD.ZIP 2,2 Mt 22.10.1998 - - -
"Peggd v3.0 by Soft.Solutions computer version of the classic peg-jumping game. You start with one blank space and must remove all the pegs but one by jumping into blanks. This trial copy will load 20 times before it disables.. Windows 9598or NT"
43002 PEHPAI.ZIP 591,2 kt 06.11.2000 - MBHH2002 -
"Peh PaiPeh Pai is a Solitaire game played with a standard deck of cards. It wont take you long to learn this oneas the rules are simple. Your objective is to clear all cards by removing them in ascending or descending order. Peh Pai is similar to popular games like SpeedSpitand Tri-Peaks. Card graphics are just averageand there are no options. HoweverPeh Pai maintains stats and supports multiple players. Win 9x. Freeware. "
43003 PGS2K60.ZIP 3 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Pretty Good Solitaire 2000 v6.0  ASP/ESC - Pretty Good Solitaire 2k is a collection of 320 solitaire games for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. It features lush graphics, large easy-to-read cards, sound, in-depth statistics, and a wizard that allows you to create your own solitaire games. $24
43004 PIILOS10.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.12.1998 - MBCD -
PIILOSANA 1.0 Sanapeli Windows 95:lle Freeware Tekijä: Jari Harju OHJELMAKOODI (DELPHI 3) 40 MK E-MAIL: JARIHARJU@HOTMAIL.COM
43005 PINC3280.ZIP 1,3 Mt 29.09.1999 - - -
Pinochle v8.0 (32-bit) by MeggieSoft Games A fully featured Windows 95/98/NT version of the two-handed version of Pinochle.  The MeggieSoft Games version includes many customizable options and supports MIDI music, sound effects, card animation, speech output, drag-and-drop operation, and user defined card backs and play area wallpapers. Online services, please note: The preferred title is: "MeggieSoft Pinochle
43006 PIRPLU14.ZIP 448,5 kt 16.10.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"Pirates Plunder v1.4 ASP - Original Strategy game from DEXTERITY SOFTWARE. You are Captain Nevarro of the Pirate Ship Odyssey on a quest to find sunken treasure. Battle dangerous sea creatures while dodging  whirlpools and icebergs.  Use special items such as sextants and spyglasses to give you an edge over the dreaded dangers of the deep. Features digitized sound FX and MIDI music. Great fun to play for all ages.  "
43007 PKR2K101.ZIP 917,9 kt 03.09.2000 - - -
Pokeri 2000 v1.01 Mukana seuraavat pelit: Pokeri, Jokeripokeri, Kakkospokeri, Tuplapokeri ja Ässäpokeri. Erinomaiset tilastot. Mahdollisuus tutkia, mitkä kortit kannattaa valita. Windows 95/98. 
43008 PLUS700.ZIP 1,1 Mt 25.04.1999 - MBCD -
Plus 700 by Serge Startsev self teaching checkers game that gets increasingly more difficult as you play. Windows 3.1
43009 PMANIA10.ZIP 527,6 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
Poker Mania Versio 1.0 Pokeri peli kaikkien pokeri pelien ystäville!!! Poker Mania sisältää 4 pokeria! Sharewaressa : Jokeri Poker ja Rekisteröidyssä versiossa : Ässä Pokeri, Poker 200 ja Kakkos Pokeri. Laite vaatimukset Windows 9X ( Nt:stä ei tietoa ). 
43010 PNGS040W.ZIP 5,8 Mt 19.03.2001 - - -
Pingus v0.4.0Lemmings-klooni pingviineillä. Näpsäkän näköinen, saatavana Windowsin lisäksi myös Linuxille. 
43011 POKESNAP.ZIP 2,7 Mt 07.10.2000 - - -
PokesnapPokemon-aiheinen muistipeli.
This is great memory game for younger pokemon fans. All the pokemon
characters are included and the player has to find matching pokemons. 
There is a high score table included. Windows 95/98/NT. Freeware by ClaySoft.
43012 POKESOL.ZIP 721,3 kt 21.01.2001 - - -
Pokemon Solitaire 3D GamePlay solitaire with the entire gang from Pokemon. Pokemon Solitaire has 12 unique 
Pokemon decks to choose from, and allows you to play the game in either Standard 
or Enhanced Vegas mode. Think you have what it takes to win at solitaire? Pokemons 
from all over the universe might just have a surprise waiting for you.
43013 PP101.ZIP 577,3 kt 13.06.2000 - - -
Puzzle Pack 1.00 Shareware by Adventura Productions Nice little puzzle game that makes you think!!! Requirements: Win 9x or NT http://adventura.tsx.org 
43014 PRBNRVRM.ZIP 912,9 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
" Parabens Reversum By Paraben Corporation. Try to master full-featured Othello. Classic board game Reversi or Othello. The objective is to capture the most board squares by bracketing your opponents stones with yours. Each time you create a bracketthe stones within the section are reversed to your color. Its a deceptively simple game thats frustratingly hard to master. Windows 9598or NT"
43015 PROFMINE.ZIP 172 kt 16.02.1998 - MBCD -
Professional Minesweeper v1.1 Shareware version Copyright (c) Bojan Urosevic, 1998 A mine sweeping game with 16 different boards ! Windows 95
43016 PSIHANGM.ZIP 4,3 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
PSI Hangman v1.0.0.1 by PetSound Industries. Play hangman on your PC. Entertaining PC version of the classic game. You guess the letters to form a word or "die" trying. Letter selection is with the click of a mouse and this game features decent sound effects to make it more enjoyable. Windows 95/98/NT 
67494 PSOL95.ZIP 484819 17.12.1995 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Paradise Solitaire - 30 excellent solitaire
games for Windows95. Contains multiple decks,
2 card sizes, 6 backgrounds, and lots of
sounds. Support for saved games, undo, and
auto-play. Games include: Beleageured Castle,
Canfield, Clock, Dutchess, Four Seasons,
Golf, Klondike, Montana, Pyramid, Spiderette,
plus 20 more games when you register. You
also get a Windows 3.1 version when you
43017 PUSOY11.ZIP 1,9 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
"Pusoy Dos v1.1Pusoy Dos is a four-player card game thats also known as BIG2. You play against three computer-based opponents or compete with three human players on a networkusing a standard deck of cards. The objective of the game is to be the first player to get rid of all the cards in your hand while attempting to maximize the number of cards remaining in the other playershands. Win 9xVisual Basic 5.0 Runtime. Freeware. "
43018 PUZZLR14.ZIP 387,5 kt 07.03.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 -
 Puzzle Rally v1.4  for Windows 9x/NT/2000 Move tiles to keep the car on the road! Welcome to the brand new arcade concept. The purpose of the game is to pick up all the flags from the gaming field while  avoiding getting your car off the road (if it does it is gone). At the beginning of each level, your car starts from the left bottom corner of the screen. 
43019 PUZZLR51.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.09.1999 - - -
Puzzelator v5.1 by E.W. Hans Jigsaw puzzle game with rectangular pieces and many levels of difficulty. You can use any .gif, .bmp, or .jpg image file and specify any of six preset or one user-defined size. The system then scrambles the pieces, optionally rotating them for increased difficulty. You drag and drop or highlight pieces to exchange them and solve the puzzle. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43020 PYSOL42.ZIP 3,5 Mt 08.05.2000 - - -
PySol v4.2 http://pysol.tsx.org An exicting collection of 160 solitaire card games. The games have full undo/redo, autoplay, hints and demo games, win/loss statistics, selectable card backs and background color, sound and background music, and mouse shortcuts make the games very easy to play. A full-featured solitaire collection for both the beginner and the serious player. Free OpenSource software distributed under 
41095 PZL82.ZIP 61373 15.10.1995 - Pegasus_Win95.iso -
Puzzle8 version 2 for Windows 95
43021 QUIPTC.ZIP 969,3 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
Quiptics v1.0 Real cryptograms on your Windows computer. All the challenge and enjoyment of solving cryptograms exactly like the ones found in newspapers or magazines. Make your own cryptograms instantly. Just type in a favorite quotation and click a button. Quiptics encodes the text automatically. You can print out Quiptics cryptograms to give to others to solve. Windows 95
43022 QUIRKAT.ZIP 1,8 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
"Quirkat by P. S. Neeley Board game. Ancient Moorish game that spawned our modern versions of Checkers and Draughts. It dates to before 700 AD and may ultimately be of ancient Egyptian origin. The objective is to move along the grid in any direction and capture the opponents game pieces by jumping. Theres only one empty space on the board to startso a war of attrition is inevitable. Theres a dual board option in which you play two games at once. Windows 3.x"
43023 R5003280.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Rummy 500 v8.0 (32-bit) by MeggieSoft Games A fully featured Windows 95/98/NT version of the game of "Five Hundred Rum".  The MeggieSoft Games version includes many customizable options and supports MIDI music, sound effects, card animation, speech output, drag-and-drop operation, and user defined card backs and play area wallpapers. Online services, please note: The preferred title is: "MeggieSoft Rummy
43024 RADIAT30.ZIP 5,3 Mt 19.08.1999 - - -
"Moraffs Radiation v3.0 is a vast improvement over the original minesweeper! Cute little animationsneat sounds and spectacular backgrounds make this a must! FEATURES: 1) Great 3D ray-traced image pieces! 2) Photo backdrops from NASA and the Hubble Telescopeor import your own! 3) Multiple board sizes and levels! 4) Almost an hour of excellent music! 5) Real 32 bit code for Windows95 and NT!"
43025 RAHJONGG.ZIP 3 Mt 31.07.1999 - - -
"RahJongg: The Curse of Ra v2.11 by eGames Puzzle/boardgame. Puts an Egyptian twist on the familiar Chinese matching tile game of mah-jongg. Solve seven holy puzzles. In other wordsmatch the hieroglyphics on the tiles. Each puzzle is more challenging than the previous oneand every dynasty is more perplexing. If you dont feel like dealing with the puzzlesyou can play a more conventional Solitaire version. DirectX 5.0 or later and Windows 9598"
43026 RAIDER14.ZIP 613,1 kt 16.10.1999 - - -
Fortune Raiders v1.4 ASP - Original Puzzle/Strategy game from DEXTERITY SOFTWARE. You are Arizona Smith, world-famous spelunker and archaeologist, on a quest to find lost treasures from an ancient civilization.   Enter caves and move obstacles to uncover  hidden valuables, special items, and traps. Features digitized sound FX and MIDI music. Fun to play for all ages.  Enjoy this game whenever you take a break for fun.
41098 REAL-DEA.ZIP 920204 09.05.1996 - - -
The Real Deal multimedia card games by MVP
Software and Mindscape.  Tired of beating
your computer at solitaire?  With The Real
Deal, hours of entertainment are in the
cards.  Choose from your favorite card game,
including Euchre, Hearts, Spades, Pinochle,
Cribbage, and five more.  This fully-playable
demo includes three games and four computer
opponents.  Req Windows95.
43027 RECALLBO.ZIP 2 Mt 29.12.1999 - - -
Recall Booster v1.02 by Francisco Ogalde B. Test your memory. Flip cards and try to remember what picture lies on the other side of each card. Nice graphics, computer opponent. DirectX V5.0 or later, Pentium 166, and Windows 95, 98, or NT
43028 RIKKAAKS.ZIP 329,4 kt 03.04.2001 - - -
Tahdotko Rikkaaksi? Tietokilpailu-peli, jossa palkinnot ovat hyvät. Muistuttaa ohjelmaa nimeltä Haluatko Miljonääriksi. Kotisivut: http://miljonaariksi.cjb.net Tekijä: MS Ball Productions 
43029 RINO_01.ZIP 6,6 kt 12.10.1998 renamed jonneweb.net -
Ristinolla V1.0 made by Codemania Tiedat kai ristinolla pelin? Nyt sinulla on mahdollisuus pelata sita tietokoneellasi. Freeware. Tosi kiva kaksinpeli! Vaatii Win9 ja Visual basic5 Runtime kirjasto.
43030 RMP151.ZIP 484,8 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
Rampart v1.51. Board-game which allows you to feel yourself as a Timur Tamerlan. Conquer lands during your coffee-break. Players must occupy areas on the battle-field by means of building ramparts. These virtual battles will give a lot of enjoyment to you and some practice to your logic. Windows 95.
43031 RMRBL102.ZIP 2,6 Mt 10.11.1999 - MBCD -
Rolling Marbles v1.02 by Tibo Software Action logic game of immense style. In each level, you must rotate a series of marbles to form groups of four or six of the same color. Such groups will burst, creating more room on game board. It sounds a little like Tetris, but Rolling Marbles has much more varied game play and is much more of a mental test. Each level provides different logical or physical challenge. Windows 95, DirectX
41102 RNBBALLS.ZIP 875127 27.05.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
Rainbow Ballsfor Windows 95! This game is a
kind of logical game and is enough
interesting for people in age 5 and up.
43032 ROTA07.ZIP 69,1 kt 17.10.2000 renamed jonneweb.net -
Rotaion v.0.7 FREEWARE Copyright 2000 by Mika Kemppainen Email: mika.kemp@iobox.fi Pelissä pitää yrittää saada luvut oikeaan järjestykseen mahdollisimman nopeasti. Numeroita py÷rittelemõllõ. Laitevaatimukset: Pentium 90Mhz, 8mb ram, n.50kb kiintolevy, Win95/98/ME Vbrun500.dll 
43033 ROTAK210.ZIP 2,1 Mt 10.04.2000 - - -
Rotaktix v2.10 by Digital Playthings. Play a 3 or more matching game. Row matching game with elements of gravity, random chance and tactical planning. Its played on a 9 x 7 grid. Game pieces appear at a dropping point above the grid ready to be dropped into play. Your may rotate the pieces left or right before releasing them to attempt making as many matches as possible. Windows 95, 98, or NT 
43034 ROTAT160.ZIP 61,4 kt 18.01.2001 - - -
Rotation v. 1.60 (Freeware) Tehnyt: Ville Saalo - Nokian kännyköistä tuttu pieni mutta haastava älypeli nyt myös tietokoneella! Ideana on saada alussa 3x3 laudalla epäjärjestyksessä olevat numerot järjestykseen liikuttamalla 2x2 neliötä ja sen sisältöä pyörittämällä. Mukana asetukset, top10-listat ja uutena esim. animaatiot! Vaatii Win95 tai parempi sekä VBRUN500.EXE:n.
43035 ROTRHEDZ.ZIP 939,3 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
RotatorHeadz v1.0  by Futurebit.com. Play a logic/matrix game. Your task is to "catch" more than a half of the fields (one square of the matrix) in the 9 x 9 matrix. Put a horizontal or vertical red line (called rotator, use right-click to rotate, left-click to set) on the matrix, but do not allow your opponent to surround the field with the "fourth" line. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43036 RWDEMO12.A01 1,4 Mt 15.12.1997 - - tupla
The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War v1.2 2/4
43037 RWDEMO12.A02 1,4 Mt 15.12.1997 - - tupla
The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War v1.2 3/4
43038 RWDEMO12.A03 1,3 Mt 15.12.1997 - - tupla
The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War v1.2 4/4
43039 RWDEMO12.ARJ 1,4 Mt 15.12.1997 - - tupla
The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War Version 1.2 Demo Developer: Arcanium Productions An inventive mix of traditional 13-tile MahJong, spell casting, and strategic land combat. Choose from 9 wizards (only 3 in the demo), and try to outduel your opponents over LAN, the Internet Modem or Serial Link with the help of fantastic creatures and honorable mercenaries in this deep, engaging stategy title.  Two modes of Play; pure Japanese MJ or full Rune War. 1/4
43040 SANAP.ZIP 124,9 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
Sanapelissä muodostetaan koneen arpomista kirjaimista sanoja ruudukolle. Sanat voivat olla pystyssä ylhäältä alas tai vaakaan vasemmalta oikealle. Kirjaimet on pisteytetty harvinaisuuden mukaan. Vihreisiin ruutuihin sijoitetuista kirjaimista saa pisteet kaksinkertaisina, punaisiin sijoitetuista kolminkertaisina. 1 - 5 pelaajaa, tietokone voi olla yksi pelaajista. Vaatii Win95/98/NT ja vb5-tiedostot. tsalm@nettilinja.fi
43041 SCITY150.ZIP 3,4 Mt 29.12.1999 - - -
"SOLITAIRE CITY V1.50s By Pete Wiseman The only Windows solitaire game youll ever play ! Every feature imaginable including stunning 24-bit card graphicswacky sounds and timed scoring saved to disk. Fast and furious gameplay. This shareware version includes eight of the most popular one and two pack solitaire games. Download SOLITAIRE SETTY too and turn your JPEG collection into a photo-realistic Solitaire City cardset."
41107 SCRAMB95.ZIP 1101639 24.11.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO -
Scramble for Win95 - is a 32-bit
version of the classic "sliding tile"
Description Copyright 1996 PsL
43042 SCRAMBL.ZIP 242,1 kt 09.11.2000 - - -
"Scramble v1.0Scrambles challenge is easy to understand: All you need to do is move the squares left or rightup or down to place the colors back in their original corners -- green in the upper leftred in the upper rightetc. The catch is that you move the whole row at onceso youve got to plan a strategy that gets things properly aligned. Win 9x. Freeware. "
43043 SEGASWRL.ZIP 2,6 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Sega Swirl by Sega Entertainment.  Make the swirls disappear. Free game for single PC or networked play - including PC to Sega Dreamcast. You face board of colored swirls and click on adjacent swirls of the same color to remove them. When you click on the matching swirl, all adjacent swirls are removed and new swirls cascade down from above - creating new combinations. 1-4 players. Windows 95, 98, or NT.
43044 SGA-FRT1.ZIP 1,8 Mt 14.11.2000 - - -
Fruity Special v1.0.0.8 Hedelmäpeli. Tekijä Saga Entertainment. Windows 9x. Made in Finland. 
43046 SHAPEZ.ZIP 703,3 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
Shapez! v1.0 By Dmitri V. Kivilev  Make balls into shapes to win. The objective is to score as many points as possible by making appearing balls of one color into various shapes. Use the mouse to move the balls. First select the ball to be moved with a mouse click, then an empty destination square with another click. You can select three different game modes. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43045 SHAPEZ20.ZIP 2,2 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
Shapez! v2.0Shapez! is a challenging board game in which you try to move colored balls into groups to remove them from the board. With each move, three new balls are added to the board.  When the board fills up, the game ends. The next three ball locations are shown as hints for each move. Note: This software contains advertising technology that will occasionally use your Internet connection to receive and display ads. Win 9x. Freeware. 
43047 SHAPLUK.ZIP 1,4 Mt 23.01.1999 - 15662/PCM_9807.iso -
Shap Luk Kon Tseung Kwan (Sixteen Pursue the General) an ancient Chinese game of strategy It was popular among Chinese laborers in China in the 1870s, but it is much older than this - as old as 1000 AD. or before. requires VBRUN300.DLL, Windows 95. By Steve Neeley
43048 SHEEPSHE.ZIP 254,4 kt 24.03.1999 - MBCD -
Sheepshead v2.0 by Scott Wegner. Card game. Free, three-handed card game of German origin that combines luck and skill. You play it against two computer opponents using a deck of 32 standard playing cards. (Jokers and cards below 7 aren\'t used.) The objective is to get as many points as possible. Above average graphics, selectable background colors and card backs, and, according to the developer, is "cheat-proof." Windows 95, 98, or NT
68384 SIH95SW.ZIP 1855375 24.03.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Super Ice Cube Hopper. Puzzle-peli, jossa
pyritään hyppimään jääkuutioiden päällä
määrätylle paikalle. Windows 95.
43049 SIRAR103.ZIP 904 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 SirArthur Version 1.0.3 by BAC Computer Software Limited A completely new and unique board game based on the knight chess peace. Game of skill, you can play against the computer with various skill levels available or against a friend. Windows 95/98/NT, 486, 16 MB.
43050 SIXTRIX.ZIP 1,9 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Six-Trix v1.0 Six-Trix is a combination of two original tetris-style games based on 35 pieces consisting of 6 blocks. Six-Trix is very addictive, so be prepared to spend long hours playing it! Win95/98/2000/NT. Shareware.
43051 SLOGI20.ZIP 554,3 kt 27.01.2000 - - -
Super Logic Game v2.0  Challenge your logic to guess a code. Great Mastermind clone. The computer chooses a number code. You guess the code, entering numbers with a keypad. After your guess, the game tells you how many of your selections exist in the code number and how many of your guesses are the right number in the right place in the sequence. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43052 SMTP30.ZIP 3,5 Mt 11.04.2000 renamed jonneweb.net -
Suuri ja mahtava tietopeli v3.0 Tietokilpailu. PelissS on tSllS hetkellS yli 1300 kysymystS hyvin monelta aihealueelta. PeliS voi pelata jopa 3 pelaajaa kerrallaan. Windows 95/98/2000/NT:n. 
43053 SMTRVS20.ZIP 766,1 kt 17.11.2000 - - -
Smart Reversi v2.0Smart Reversi is a computer version of the classic strategy game  "Othello", that involves quick score changes and long-range thinking.  The rules are simple. Place your discs on the board so that opponent\'s  discs are between two of yours, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Then the discs change to your color. The objective is to have more discs  than your opponent when the board is filled.  There are many levels and  options to make the game more interesting. Sounds and editable interface  skins are available to change the look and feel of the game. Win 9x.  Freeware.
43054 SMTRVS21.ZIP 766,2 kt 11.01.2001 - - -
Smart Reversi v2.1Smart Reversi is a computer version of the classic strategy game "Othello", that involves quick score changes and long-range thinking. The rules are simple. Place your discs on the board so that opponent\'s discs are between two of yours, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally. Then the discs change to your color. The objective is to have more discs than your opponent when the board is filled. There are many levels and options to make the game more interesting. Sounds and editable interface skins are available to change the look and feel of the game. Win 9x. Freeware. 
43055 SNGWRDSH.ZIP 1,6 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
"Single Word Search v1.0 by Scott Leseman basic word search game that comes loaded with a list of 20 computer terms. Youll also find several appearance and behavior options. Four skill levels are provided. When you register youll be able to create and edit listsas well as keep high scores. Windows 9598or NT"
43056 SOKMAN20.ZIP 593,8 kt 18.09.2000 - - -
"SokoMan 2.0The objective is to move the crates through the maze of the warehouse to the designated spots by pushing them. Youll learn quickly that it isnt good to place more than two crates side-by-sideand you can never put a crate in a corner. When youve tired of the authors puzzlesyou can create and edit your own mazes"
43057 SOKODX.ZIP 1 Mt 29.09.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Soko DX v1.0 by Frank Hollwitz Puzzle. Free clone of the famous game Sokoban. The objective is simple: You start with numerous boxes in a maze and must push the boxes into the finish area, denoted by squares marked with an "x." The game includes multiple levels of play, sound effects and music, and multiple move undo if you get caught in a corner. DirectX 3.0 or later and Windows 95, 98,
43058 SOL301.ZIP 2,1 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Free Solitaire v3.01 ASP/ESC - Free Solitaire is a completely free collection of 10 of the most popular solitaire games. Play Double Klondike, Forty Thieves, FreeCell, Golf, Indian Patience, Klondike, Montana, Pyramid, Sea Towers, and Spider! Get unlimited undo of moves, autoplay, and sound effects. Set the background to any color you wish. Choose from 2 different card sizes. $0
43059 SOLOBEAN.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
SoloBeanies v1.0 from Mikroware peg-solitaire game. The object is to leave only one peg on the board by jumping pegs and removing them. Plan ahead to keep from leaving pegs in the corners with no jump available. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43060 SOLONE20.ZIP 1,4 Mt 28.08.1998 - - -
Solone v2.0 by Eurosoft Software Development attractive desktop mastermind game. The large wooden game board has a number of colored marbles resting in carved slots. There are a few empty slots available, allowing you to make horizontal and vertical jumps of adjacent marbles. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43061 SOLPL11.ZIP 2 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
" Solitaire Plus v1.1 by Goodsol Development Enhanced shareware version of the five-star rated freeware Free Solitaire. This great looking (and sounding) game runs exclusively on 16-bit 800x600 systems and higher. Adds four more gamesfor a total of 12; a smart-dragging feature that requires that cards only be nudged to move to a target pile; If youre a Solitaire loveryoull want to check out Solitaire Plus. Windows 9598or NT"
43062 SOLS2K50.ZIP 3,1 Mt 15.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"SolSuite 2000 v5.0 by Treesoft Collection of 180 Solitaire card games. It offers a nice layoutfast gameplayfun sound effectsand extensive options. Youll find well-done editions of DiplomatEasthavenEquinoxFifteensFour SeasonsFourteen OutFreeCellGolfKlondikePyramidand 170 more. Animated cardsa selection of cards and decksdozens of backgroundsan autoplay option etc. Windows 9598or NT"
43063 SOLS9836.ZIP 2,4 Mt 24.03.1999 - - -
SolSuite 98 v3.6 by Treesoft collection of 90 Solitaire card games. It offers a nice layout, fast gameplay, fun sound effects, and extensive options. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43064 SOLTRE.ZIP 2,5 Mt 24.11.1998 ClamAV: Win.Worm.Sdbot-1558 FOUND MBCD -
PRETTY GOOD SOLITAIRE 98 V4.98.2 Collection of 230 Windows solitaire games. The games have full undo/redo, autoplay, win/loss statistics, selectable card backs and background color, games are saved automatically upon exit, and mouse shortcuts make the games very easy to play. A full-featured solitaire collection for the serious player. Shareware, $24.
43065 SPARKSOL.ZIP 522,9 kt 08.03.2000 - - -
"South Park Solitaire 1.2Play solitaire like you never have before: with the entire gang from South Park. 
This baby has 12 unique South Park decks to choose from and even allows you 
to play the game in Standard mode or Enhanced Vegas mode. Think youve got 
what it takes to win at solitaire? The kids of South Park might just have a surprise 
waiting for you.
43066 SPHERE2.ZIP 1,4 Mt 08.05.2000 - - -
Spheres 2000 v1.1 Word-guessing game with attractive graphics and average sound effects. The objective is to locate the hidden word before the computer does. The faster you find it, the higher your score. The game is started by entering any five-letter word. A correct letter in the correct position is shown in a cyan sphere, a correct letter in the incorrect position is displayed in a yellow sphere, Windows 95/98/NT, Pentium 
43067 SPLLMLL.ZIP 2,4 Mt 18.10.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Spell-Mell v1.5.0 by AHA! Software Inc. Fast-paced, multimodule game that should be fun for all ages. It features trivia quizzes and word puzzles for nearly every skill level. Teachers could also use it to encourage the memorization of spellings, vocabulary, and facts in an entertaining format. Over 15 games are included. It can also be used to study foreign languages; the supplied vocabulary module starts with 20 tongues. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43068 SPLOTCH.ZIP 209,9 kt 15.12.1999 - - -
"Splotch v1.6 by Dmitry Sushkov. Enclose opponents dots. Challenge you play against your computer. You alternate with the computer in placing dots on the game grid: you place red dots and the computer spots places blue dots. Objective is to encircle your opponents dots. The winner has the most opponent dots encircled. Windows 9598or NT"
43069 SPPYOUR.ZIP 1,1 Mt 11.01.2000 - - -
Sapphire Yours v2.0 Collect the sapphires and avoid boulders. Boulder Dash like game that consists of several levels (over 220 by now) where each one represents a different and unique logical puzzle. The levels are sorted by difficulty, so unexperienced players can start with the simple ones until they get skilled enough to try the more tricky. With the level editor it is also quite easy to create totally new levels. Windows 95, 98, or
41117 SPRSOL11.ZIP 501402 17.12.1995 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z -
Super Marble Solitaire v1.10 
Challenging puzzle for Windows 95. This game
not only allows you to play on different
style boards with animated pieces, you can
even design you own board! Name your board
design and enter your name as the designer!
There is extensive online documentation that
tells you how to play well by using "move
patterns". From Wrenware (TM).
43070 SPTNET50.ZIP 3,7 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
SpiteNET: Spite & Malice v5.0 by Mari J. Perez Söderberg quick-moving, addictive card game. It\'s actually a type of competitive solitaire,with your opponent being "Spite." It\'s played with two decks of cards. Suits aren\'t important here, so the cards are simply numbered 1 through 13, with eight cards of each number. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43071 SQIT31.ZIP 433,7 kt 19.08.1999 - - -
Square-It! v3.1 by Resilere Corporation Two-player game of logic on a field of numbered squares. It includes three colors of squares, and the roll of three-sided dice determines which of the separating bars between squares can be removed. When the final of the four sides is taken, the player scores. The game reveals when a correct or point-winning move is available and you choose the wrong play. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43072 SRPOKER.EXE 7,3 Mt 01.05.2001 - - -
Small Rockets PokerSmall Rockets Poker tarjoaa neljä pokerimuunnelmaa.
Pelaa yksin tai verkkopelinä.
43073 STONESTH.ZIP 1,3 Mt 07.02.2000 - - -
"Stones Throw v1.20  by  Latticework Software. Play three challenging dice games. Collection of three challenging dice games with 3D rendered graphicsan intuitive interfacerealistic sound effectsand your choice of music. You can play these compelling board gamesset in a medieval castleagainst three levels of computer player. Windows 9598or NT"
43074 STRAYLI.ZIP 2 Mt 23.03.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"StrayLight by Footcandle Software. Action/puzzle. In the game StrayLightthe lights have gone out and its your job to restore the power. The game board shows a scrambled circuit with colored power lines going from positive to negative nodes on the playing board edges. There are several circuits on the boardeach with a single light. By turning and swapping the game squaresyou have to repair all the circuits. Windows 9598or NT"
43075 SUPBL456.ZIP 6,2 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
"Robs Super BlackJack v4.5.6  by Robert Frenette Realistic-looking Blackjack table with animated cards to make the game as natural as possible. A long list of game options lets you tailor the house rules to your liking. Windows 95 or Windows 98"
43076 SUPCIR11.ZIP 1,2 Mt 20.11.1998 - MBCD -
Super Circuitry v1.1 by CRL Software Easy to learn, hard to stop playing! Action puzzle game for all ages.  Match the tiles and clear the board before time runs ou Progress through several worlds, each with its own twist: gravity, flipped tiles, teleporting tiles and much more! Requires Pentium with at least 640x480 resolution and 256 color monitor Win95
43077 SUPER5.ZIP 26,1 kt 16.02.1998 - MBCD -
Super5 - pieni ilmainen Yatzy-klooni. Win95/NT ja VB5-runtime tiedostot. Ominaisuuksia, joita ei ole muissa Yatzy-klooneissa kuten 3 pelaajaa, merkkauskelpoisten tulosten näyttö koko ajan. Tehnyt Timo Salmenoja tsalm@nettilinja.fi
43078 SWAP10.ZIP 38,5 kt 20.11.1998 - - -
Swap v1.0 by Brian Smith Puzzle/board. Swap is a game where the goal is to remove all the red squares from the playing grid. A level is completed when only blue squares remain. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43079 SYMCALHA.ZIP 446,2 kt 13.01.1999 - - -
Symcal by Future Trend Enterprise mathmatical game that stumps you with abstract problems. Windows 95
43080 TAITOPOK.ZIP 773,9 kt 16.12.1998 - - -
TAITOPOKERI win 95 ilmaisohjelma (C) 1998 Jari Harju jariharju@hotmail.com Lähdekoodi (Delphi 3) saatavilla: 40,- Taitopokeri-nimi tulee siitä että toisin kuin monissa vastaavissa tässä pelissä voi korttimuistilla ja päättelykyvyllä vaikuttaa lopputulokseen. Taitopokerissa jaetaan samasta pakasta viisi kättä peräkkäin, jolloin muistamalla menneet kortit menestyy todennäköisesti paremmin. Windows 95.
43081 TAROTP99.ZIP 493,3 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Tarot Pro 99 by Recreasoft. Check out a 4-player French card game. French Tarot card game to your PC. Four-player card game (in this case, you play against three computer-based foes) in which you try to accumulate enough points to win the hand by taking tricks. Despite a few rough edges, you might find this a pleasant alternative to traditional Solitaire. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43082 THELABY.ZIP 5,1 Mt 05.06.2000 - - -
The Labyrinth shareware by Real Networks. Brings the classic maze game into the new millenium in style. Exciting 3D visuals and cleverly designed maze levels, keep you coming back for more! Easy to play, yet challenging to master. Tilt a maze in two axis guiding a ball to the end, avoiding nasty holes. Windows 95/98, P166, 32 MB, Direct3D. 
43083 THING103.ZIP 1,7 Mt 11.04.1999 - - -
Thingk v1.03a by Pinnacle Software Puzzle. delightfully simple yet maddeningly complex maze game. The game board is filled with green squares, each of which has from zero to four interfaces with the adjacent squares. Your "thingk" starts at the upper-left-hand corner and must navigate through the maze, turning the squares red until you get to the lower-right-hand corner. The goal is to visit every square once. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43084 TICTAC20.ZIP 1,5 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Tic Tac Toe v2.0 (Schurr) by Schurr Programs. Try a PC version of an old favorite. Tic Tac Toe is the classic game often called "Naughts and Crosses." This PC adaptation livens up the simple activity with a choice of board color, text color for controls, and six color/style options for the X\'s and O\'s. You can play against a friend or your computer. One of the more attractive PC versions of an old pencil-and-paper favorite. Free. Windows 95, 98, or NT.
43086 TIKKI_AR.ZIP 3,5 kt 18.03.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
 Tikin korttitausta, aihe: armeija 1.3.2000 Korvaa tämän paketin tausta.jpg-tiedostolla Tikki-korttipelin alkuperäinen korttitausta (tausta.jpg). Varmistathan ennen taustakuvan korvaamista, että Tikki-ohjelma on asennettu tietokoneellesi. Jollei ole, voit ladata sen koneellesi kätevästi Internet-osoitteesta http://msprograms.8m.com/suomi/lataa.html. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen.
43087 TIKKI_BI.ZIP 4 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
 Tikin korttitausta, aihe: biljardi 1.3.2000 Korvaa tämän paketin tausta.jpg-tiedostolla Tikki-korttipelin alkuperäinen korttitausta (tausta.jpg). Varmistathan ennen taustakuvan korvaamista, että Tikki-ohjelma on asennettu tietokoneellesi. Jollei ole, voit ladata sen koneellesi kätevästi Internet-osoitteesta http://msprograms.8m.com/suomi/lataa.html. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen.
43088 TIKKI_KU.ZIP 5 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
 Tikin korttitausta, aihe: kukat 1.3.2000 Korvaa tämän paketin tausta.jpg-tiedostolla Tikki-korttipelin alkuperäinen korttitausta (tausta.jpg). Varmistathan ennen taustakuvan korvaamista, että Tikki-ohjelma on asennettu tietokoneellesi. Jollei ole, voit ladata sen koneellesi kätevästi Internet-osoitteesta http://msprograms.8m.com/suomi/lataa.html. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen.
43089 TIKKI_LA.ZIP 4,4 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
 Tikin korttitausta, aihe: laiva 1.3.2000 Korvaa tämän paketin tausta.jpg-tiedostolla Tikki-korttipelin alkuperäinen korttitausta (tausta.jpg). Varmistathan ennen taustakuvan korvaamista, että Tikki-ohjelma on asennettu tietokoneellesi. Jollei ole, voit ladata sen koneellesi kätevästi Internet-osoitteesta http://msprograms.8m.com/suomi/lataa.html. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen.
43090 TIKKI_LE.ZIP 4,3 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
 Tikin korttitausta, aihe: lelu 1.3.2000 Korvaa tämän paketin tausta.jpg-tiedostolla Tikki-korttipelin alkuperäinen korttitausta (tausta.jpg). Varmistathan ennen taustakuvan korvaamista, että Tikki-ohjelma on asennettu tietokoneellesi. Jollei ole, voit ladata sen koneellesi kätevästi Internet-osoitteesta http://msprograms.8m.com/suomi/lataa.html. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen.
43091 TIKKI_LM.ZIP 3,5 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
 Tikin korttitausta, aihe: lamppu 1.3.2000 Korvaa tämän paketin tausta.jpg-tiedostolla Tikki-korttipelin alkuperäinen korttitausta (tausta.jpg). Varmistathan ennen taustakuvan korvaamista, että Tikki-ohjelma on asennettu tietokoneellesi. Jollei ole, voit ladata sen koneellesi kätevästi Internet-osoitteesta http://msprograms.8m.com/suomi/lataa.html. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen.
43092 TIKKI_MA.ZIP 3,6 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
 Tikin korttitausta, aihe: maisema 1.3.2000 Korvaa tämän paketin tausta.jpg-tiedostolla Tikki-korttipelin alkuperäinen korttitausta (tausta.jpg). Varmistathan ennen taustakuvan korvaamista, että Tikki-ohjelma on asennettu tietokoneellesi. Jollei ole, voit ladata sen koneellesi kätevästi Internet-osoitteesta http://msprograms.8m.com/suomi/lataa.html. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen.
43093 TIKKI_PU.ZIP 4,3 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
Tikin korttitausta, aihe: puut  1.3.2000 Korvaa tämän paketin tausta.jpg-tiedostolla Tikki-korttipelin alkuperäinen korttitausta (tausta.jpg). Varmistathan ennen taustakuvan korvaamista, että Tikki-ohjelma on asennettu tietokoneellesi. Jollei ole, voit ladata sen koneellesi kätevästi Internet-osoitteesta http://msprograms.8m.com/suomi/lataa.html. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen.
43085 TIKKI122.ZIP 406 kt 18.03.2000 - jonneweb.net -
 Tikki, versio 1.22 Freeware 15.11.1999 Suomenkielinen korttipeli parhaiden tulosten listalla ja monipuolisilla asetuksilla. Vaatimukset: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT, Pentium tai tehokkaampi, 16 Mt keskusmuistia, 1 Mt levytilaa, näytön resoluutio 800 x 600 ja 16-bittiset värit. Vaatii myös tiedostot MSVBVM50.DLL (versio SP2) ja VB5STKIT.DLL. Copyright (c) 1999 Mika Salonen.
43094 TINYOTHL.ZIP 58,6 kt 08.05.2000 - - -
"Tiny Othello v1.0 by Stephen Hassell. Bracket your opponents stones. Call it Reversi or Othelloyouve probably seen this strategy game in which you bracket your opponents stones to change them to yours. Tiny program that lets you play this classic game on your computer without sacrificing a lot of disk space. You wont have whiz-bang features but youll be just as challenged trying to master the game. Windows 95/98/NT "
43096 TOKKO09.ZIP 449,5 kt 25.02.2001 - miscfindos.zip -
Tokkobot 0.9Tokkobot is a puzzle game that is a mix of  Tetris and Lemmings. The main idea is to guide one stupid robot from left side of the screen to the right side of the screen. This is done by moving various blocks down and placing them in correct positions. After all the blocks have been used, the robot starts walking, and if you have used your blocks correctly, it will get to the other side. 
43095 TOKKO09C.ZIP 426 kt 21.03.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Tokkobot 0.9c Tokkobot is a puzzle game that is a mix of Tetris and  Lemmings. The main idea is to guide one stupid robot from  left side of the screen to the right side of the screen.  This is done by moving various blocks down and placing  them in correct positions. After all the blocks have been  used, the robot starts walking, and if you have used your  blocks correctly, it will get to the other side.  Official  Tokkobot Site: www.saunalahti.fi/j4tsun1/ 
41126 TOTRECAL.ZIP 494455 31.10.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Total Recall ~ For Windows 95 Try and beat
the computer at it's own game.  Complete with
sound and other '95 features. Award Winner...
WinGames.Inc            ShareWare
43097 TOWERSPC.ZIP 515,6 kt 03.12.1999 - - -
Towers of PC Solve an ancient puzzle Modern version of an ancient puzzle. Unlike Solitaire, this is a game you can always win--but can you do it in the fewest moves? To solve the puzzle, use the mouse to move all the disks to the right-hand base, subject to two rules: (1) move only one disk at a time, and (2) do not place a disk on top of a smaller disk. The game features wood-toned disks, a textured background. Win95/98/NT
43098 TRACKWOR.ZIP 322,5 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
TrackWords v1.21 by David Bernazzani formerly WBOG) is a free Windows version of word-grid game. You form words by clicking on the letters in the grid. What makes the game especially challenging is that grid letters can be used only once per word and letters must be adjacent to each other. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
43099 TRIADS15.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.11.1999 - - -
Triad Strategy Game v1.5 by Random Software Tile matching game that will frustrate and fascinate you for hours. The object is to quickly identify triads on the board. Twelve tiles are displayed with each tile showing one of three shapes, in one of three colors, in solid, pattern or outline and with one to three shapes per tile. You must identify the three tiles that show all characteristics the same or all different. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43100 TRIMOK.ZIP 98,3 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
"Trimok  Trimok (c) A.OllikainenJ.OllikainenT.Saarinen Trimok is a new board game for twodeveloped from  the old Japanese game jan-ken-pon (scissors paper rock). It is a chess/checker -like strategy game. The games board is 6x6 squares and it has 12+12 pieces. http://www.sci.fi/~juol/trimok.html  e-mail:\t\tjo23931@uta.fi"
43101 TRIPO95.ZIP 1,6 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
TriPoker95 Shareware  Korttipeli. Windows 95/98/2000/NT, 8 Mt, 386. Olavi Ikonen olavi.ikonen@cyberdude.com
43102 TT10.ZIP 107,5 kt 15.10.1999 - - -
Potti-tyylinen peli, jossa hedelmien tilalla on numerot. Tuplauksen lisäksi löytyy myös triplaus.
Mahdollisuus tuplata 20.000 ja triplata 30.000 mk asti! Vaatii Windows 95/98, 486, VB5-kirjastot.
43103 ULEUCH2.ZIP 818,4 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Ultimate Euchre V2.0 Freeware Windows version of a card game that has found fame in the eastern
and central US. Euchre is trick-based, played by four people in two teams of two teammates who face 
one another. You can play with any combination of human and computer opponents. Now also 
Internet play! Windows 95 http://www.sixstring.com
69537 ULOGIC13.ZIP 925553 27.11.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Ultra  Logic  v1.3  - the best Windows
'95  implementation of the famous Master
Mind   board   game.
43104 ULOGIC20.ZIP 1,1 Mt 31.01.1998 - MBCD -
Ultra Logic 2.0 - A popular digital version of the classical Master Mind board game. The game is based on simple rules, but playing it well requires sophisticated strategy. Features include: four pre-set game levels - from Beginner to Expert, statistics charts, background music and sound effects, customizable peg and board styles, blind mode and much, much more. A graphical tutorial will help new users get familiar with the game in just a few minutes. Registration
43105 ULTM151.ZIP 2,6 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Ultra Mind v1.51 by Steve Boschi Computer version of the classic deduction game. The computer generates a color code, and you have a limited number of tries to deduce the right sequence. You select colors to place in the boxes -- the basic game level is four colors out of six with no repeats. After you fill a trial row, you get clues. This version offers 36 levels of play with more colors, more boxes for the code, more tries. Windows 95, 98, or NT 
43106 USACAS13.A01 2,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
USA Casino v1.3 2/2
43107 USACAS13.ARJ 3,8 Mt 22.12.1998 - - -
USA Casino v1.3 1/2 lets you play nine casino games locally for fun or online for real money. Choose from games like Blackjack, Slot Machine, Roulette, Craps, PaiGow Poker, Caribbean Poker, and Keno. Attractive animations show your bets as well as the table action. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43108 UZ352.ZIP 2,7 Mt 18.05.1999 - - -
"šz: Morgoths Castle 3.52u Puzzle Action for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95! This is the release youve been waiting for! Featuring 16-million color graphicsacidbombslockskeysteleportspipesprogress savingand an all-new interfaceUz is sure to blow you away! Race the clock in an attempt to clear all the pieces in many challenging levels of play. Crisp sound effects and pleasant music complement the action."
43109 VENABLES.ZIP 412,8 kt 13.12.1999 - - -
Venables v1.5.1 Make your move to capture the enemy. Board game in which two teams, with eight pieces each, face off on a board of 64 colored squares. You win by eliminating all the pieces on the opposing team. The pieces start randomly dispersed around the board. Your moves must be selected from a highlighted choice board that offers options of moves from a color to a color. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43110 VETRIX.ZIP 118,8 kt 13.11.2000 - - -
VetrixVetrix is a strategy/puzzle game based on a board of colored marbles. The object is to clear the board, getting as many points as possible on each turn. The larger the number of balls removed, the more points you get. P200, 32 MB.  
43111 VGRGMS97.ZIP 791,4 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
" Viger Games for Word 97/2000 v2.0 by Viger Informatica. Add six fun games to MS Word 97/2000. Take a break from your word processing chores with Viger Games for Word 97/2000. Its a free collection of simple games built into a Word 97/2000 .dot (template) file. None of the games will win awards for interface designbut theyre all fun to play. Word 97 or 2000 and Windows 9598or NT"
43112 VLSLEXIS.ZIP 72 kt 06.11.2000 - - -
"Lexis v2.0In Lexisyou try to form the longest possible word from the random letters presented. You can select from 15--20and 25-letter options. Thenpress the OK button to see if the computer can come up with one thats longer. If your word is bigger than the PCsyou can add it to the games vocabularywhich will make future games even more difficult to win. The game keeps statistics. Win 9x and Visual Basic 5.0 Runtime. Freeware. "
43113 VRFRU10.ZIP 3 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Virtual Fruit Machine v1.0 By Legion Productions. Play a virtual fruit slot machine. Computer simulation based on many of the fruit machines active in pubs and arcades today. It features a 15 jackpot and has several sub features which all lead to the jackpot prize. 32 MB RAM, Pentium II 233, and Windows 9x, NT, or 2000
43114 VSOKO132.ZIP 370 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
"Visual Sokoban v1.32 by Sylvain Gravejat Fascinating maze puzzle in which the goal is to move objects through a maze into a storage area. You can only pushand you dont want to get caught in a corner. Movement is via the cursor keysand theres no time limit. This version comes with 14 puzzle packswith multiple levels in each pack. Working your way through the many options will give you ideas for creating your own mazes with the included"
43115 W42D-327.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
Win42 and Dominoes v3.27 Board/strategy. By Curtis Cameron two popular Dominoes games, Win42 and traditional Dominoes. Win42 is a bidding game played like Spades or Pinochle, using dominoes instead of cards. Other is traditional dominoes. Both support local and Internet multiplayer for up to four players. Windows 95.
43116 WAIKIKI.EXE 3,1 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
"Pandoras Box - puzzlePandoras Box - Waikiki Puzzle"
43117 WAR!.ZIP 4,1 Mt 29.12.1999 - - -
War! by Brainy Kid Software. Play a few hands of War. Computer version of the casino version of the card game War. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43118 WDHEART.ZIP 760,2 kt 08.05.2000 - - -
"Wildtangent Hearts by WildTangentInc. Play free game of Hearts in your browser. Card game classic thats played against three PC-based opponents in your Web browser. It lacks some features but its still fun to play. Attractive graphics and crisp sound effects. Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator 4xDirectXPentium 133and Windows 9598or NT. "
43119 WDINRUM.ZIP 751,4 kt 08.05.2000 - - -
"WildTangent Gin by WildTangentInc. Play a free game of Gin in your browser. Free version of the card game classic thats played against your PC in your Web browser. Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator 4xDirectXPentium 133and Windows 9598or NT. "
43120 WILDREVR.ZIP 725,7 kt 26.04.2000 - - -
"WildTangent Reversi. Trap opponents pieces to capture them. Takes the classic board game of Reversi or Othello to the Internet. Your fortunes hinge on the turn of a stone in this board game with deceptively simple rules. Place a stone to trap your opponents game piece between two of yours. You then capture his pieces and they turn to your color. Will you dominate the boardor will the computer turn tide? Req. Netscape or Explorer browser. "
43121 WINBR610.ZIP 2,3 Mt 04.10.1999 - - -
"winBridge V6.1.0 Do you love to play Bridge but have a hard time coming up with a foursome? While you could always play three computer-based opponents with most Bridge software packagesits a lot more fun with real players. winBridgealong with your Internet connection and IE 3.0 or latermakes this possible -- and its free. Internet Explorer 3.x and Windows 9598"
43122 WINJACK.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
"WinJack v1.04 from Stefan Kuhne Suite of games that is sure to please the discriminating card-game connoisseur. Outstanding 3D graphics and sound effects make it seem as if youre dealing the cards yourself. Windows 9598or NT"
43123 WINLI21.ZIP 413,1 kt 22.11.1998 - MBCD -
WinLines v2.1 by Bristol Finance Inc. 32-bit puzzle game with smooth animation and fun digital sound effects. Your mission is to align five balls of the same color in horizontal, vertical, or diagonal lines on a gridded board. With each turn on the standard 9x9 board, three new balls of random colors appear in various places. The game lasts until all squares are filled. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43124 WINLIFE.ZIP 1 Mt 19.03.1999 - MBCD -
"WinLiFe Professional 1.03 for Win95/98 Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Kingarts A powerful and easy to use LIFE style demonstration for Windows 95/98/NT. Introduce the insight of evolution and give visual entertainment to every kind of users. Support the classic evolving mode of Life; multicell evolving; fast evolving engine; mutation control; profession UI; zoom in & zoom out... Whats moreit charges no penny for registration!"
43125 WINSHF.ZIP 622,3 kt 31.07.1999 - - -
WinShuffle v2.0 by Peter Richards Two styles of puzzle games: shuffle and block jigsaw. The shuffle game is a rendition of a classic hand-held puzzle. Faced with one open spot, you must shuffle the tiles to get them into proper alignment. This version offers a variety of sizes to adjust levels of difficulty. The three variations of tiles are properly sized with 3D effects and click as you move them around the board. Windows 95 or Windows 98
43126 WINSO216.ZIP 232,6 kt 03.12.1999 - - -
"WinSoko v2.165 - Sokoban for Windowsby R. Vasicek Play a maze puzzle game with WinSoko. As the warehouse keeperits your job to stack the boxes in their proper places. Push the boxes around the warehouse maze in such a way that they wont get stuck. If a box gets pushed up against a wallor against another boxyoull have to start over. 378 different puzzles. Windows 9598or NT"
43127 WNBGAME.ZIP 365,5 kt 17.01.2000 - - -
Whole New Ball Game  by Dan Derham. Original game by Pete Cooke. Classic retro remake. Guide a ball in maze setting mirrors and other things to guide it to right direction. Windows 95.
43128 WORDHNTT.ZIP 1,5 Mt 29.12.1999 - - -
Word Hunt v1.0 (c) Tollside Ltd 1999 Puzzle which works on the word search principal. It has a 15x15 grid of letters and up to 16 words can be hidden in random positions. There is a practice mode and the word list can also be hidden. There are 50 stock games included, and users can also enter their own or edit or delete the existing ones. Windows 95/98
41143 WORDS10.ZIP 2277739 05.05.1996 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
WORDS v1.0  from DynoTech Software.
32-bit Windows 95 puzzle game. Spell selected
words by maneuvering falling letters, but
watch out for various hazards throughout the
game. Easy at first, but more challenging as
you continue. Awesome graphics, digitized
sounds, and background music. Relax and
enjoy. Req: 486+; 8MB RAM; Windows 95; 256
color VGA; sound card (opt.). [$20]
43129 WRDZP437.ZIP 604,6 kt 29.06.1999 - - -
WordZap - Windows 32-bit Version 4.37 fast-paced addictive word game you can play over the Net -- or against the computer. If you like playing word games like Scrabble or Boggle you will love WordZap. Windows 95/NT.
43130 WRINGO.ZIP 316 kt 03.11.1999 - - -
Wringo: Guess the secret word to win. by Sawbones Software Inc. Word game that unites various elements from Hangman, Mastermind, and Bingo to offer a challenging game experience for one or two players. The objective is to find the secret word as quickly as you can with as few guesses as possible. With each guess for a 5-, 6- or 7-letter word, clues are given about the specific letters and their location in the word. Windows 95 or Windows 98
43131 WRLDBACK.ZIP 1,1 Mt 20.05.1999 - - -
World Backgammon v1.0 by WinGames Inc. Board game. Internet support. Will have you competing on a complete peer to peer lobby based Backgammon server on the Internet. No longer will you have to put up with server delays or crashes. With this client software you can play Backgammon the way it was supposed to be played, with dice flying, stones slapping, fast and furious, on the edge! Windows 95, 98, or NT
43132 WSOKOBAN.ZIP 378 kt 24.03.1999 - - -
WSokoban! Freeware game for Windows9x/NT Version 2.0 (july 1998) The object is simple. You must push all boxes to storage areas, but only one box at a time. If you push a box next to a wall or another box you may be stuck, and will have to undo your last push or restart the level. 100 levels, but in your icon editor you can create more; and as something new, you can also create your own themes.
43133 XSUMS98.ZIP 1 Mt 05.11.1998 - - -
X-Sums 98 v1.0.06 from Thomas B. Westbom Like a crossword puzzle, but it requires numbers instead of words. Sums adjacent to each area provide clues for the single-digit numerals for across and down, which must be calculated so their totals are correct both ways, just like the words in a crossword puzzle. Windows 95 or Windows 98
43134 YAT32102.ZIP 99,8 kt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
Yatzy32. Siisti, helppokäyt- töinen SUOMALAINEN Yatzy- noppapeli Win95/NT:lle. Versio 1.02 05.04.1998
43135 YATZSF12.ZIP 179,5 kt 18.10.1997 - MBCD -
YATZYSF 1.21 (Windows95/NT): Suomenkielinen yhden pelaajan yatzypeli. Parhaiden tulosten tallennus.
43136 YOUBLWIT.ZIP 1,6 Mt 22.09.1998 - - -
U Blew It v1.0 by Scott Berres dice game in which two to six players attempt to roll six dice to score points. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43137 YZ2KV10.ZIP 1,7 Mt 18.07.2000 renamed jonneweb.net -
Yatzy! 2000 v 1.0 maailman ehkä suosituimman noppapelin  suomenkielinen versio. Peliä voi pelata monilla eri  Yatzyn muodoilla joten pelin tasoa ja vaatimuksia  voidaan vaihdella pelaajien makujen, mieltymysten ja kykyjen mukaan. Perusmuodossaan peliä  pelataan  yleisillä säännöillä. Perusmuotoa voidaan varioida  suuressa määrin laajennuksilla jolloin peli vasta  alkaa elämään. Voit pelata myös tietokonevastustajia  vastaan tai laittaa ne vaikka pelaamaan toisiaan vastaan.  Ohjelmassa voi myös käyttää erilaisia käyttöliittymiä  jotka muistuttavat ns."skinejä" eli käyttöliittymä ei  ole se tavallinen standardilaatikko.  http://personal.inet.fi/peli/creativeinnovations Windows 9x, 16 Mt, 486. Tekijä Tapani Ikonen. 
41145 ZARATH32.ZIP 1163440 07.12.1996 - 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso -
Zarathustra 1.0 for Windows completely
original strategy game for 2-4 players who
attempt to dominate the playing field with
specially-designed tiles marked with swords
and shields. This isn't Mahjongg, folks. It's
war. 32-bit version - requires Windows 95/NT
SVGA * 8 Mb
43138 ZENLIFE.ZIP 379,3 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
"Zen V1.0 Copyright 2000 Gerry Quinn A unique new 2-player game based on Conways Game of Life. Runs on Windows 9598 NT2000. "
43140 ZETRIX.EXE 1,5 Mt 26.04.2001 - 23727/PCWorld_2000-10_cd1.bin -
Zetrixis a 3D (Direct 3D) Tetris-like game. There are four difficulty levels and two game modes (classic, enhanced). If you have a Voodoo2 or Voodoo3 board set modulate to 2X without this lighting will not work. 
Windows 95, Direct3D. Copyright 1999 by 
Vesa Halonen vesa.halonen@pp.inet.fi 
43139 ZETRIXD8.EXE 1,6 Mt 26.04.2001 - - -
Zetrix 3D DirectX8 versionis a 3D (Direct 3D) Tetris-like game. There are four difficulty levels and two game modes (classic, enhanced). If you have a Voodoo2 or Voodoo3 board set modulate to 2X without this lighting will not work. 
Windows 95, Direct3D. 
Copyright 1999 by Vesa Halonen vesa.halonen@pp.inet.fi http://www.gx3d.com/
43141 ZIGMOND.ZIP 959,8 kt 17.11.2000 - 19273/ftp.winsite.com-win95-games.tar -
ZigmondZigmond is a game in which you push balls to clear a path to the exit while avoiding getting stuck in corners or leaving two balls together to block your way. There are also lasers that must be deflected with a mirror ball or blocked with one of the regular balls. Zigmond has an undo command and complete help. The game has sound effects, background music, and a scene editor to create your own levels. You can automatically update levels from the Internet. Shareware.  
43142 ZIGSTORM.ZIP 670,2 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
"Zigmond Brainstorm by Yoavoosh.  Block or deflect the lasers to win. Puzzle in which you push balls to clear a path to the exit. It has a few rough edgesbut the puzzles are fascinating. If youve played Sokobanthis game will look familiar as you try to move balls to clear a path while avoiding getting stuck in corners or leaving two balls together to block your way. Windows 95/98/NT"
43143 ZLLN111P.ZIP 8,1 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
 Zillions of Games v1.1.1p by Zillions Development. Play a multitude of games. Brings you an endless number of games to play and create! It allows you to play against the computer, whose strength you can vary to your liking. Zillions reads simple text files to learn new games. You can even modify the zrf files and create entirely new games. Huge variety of games and puzzles with Zillions to test your skill and challenge your mind. Windows 95
41147 ZLOTTO.ZIP 2933451 05.11.1996 - - -
ZLotto Ultra! is the finest & easiest to use
lottery software ever! 30 built in games,
custom setup, constants feature,
Statistic-Tracker, wheeling & lots more!
Requires Windows 95 or higher.
43144 ZONDUL10.ZIP 211,4 kt 04.10.1999 - - -
"Zondulux v1.0 by 111 SoftwareInc. Puzzle. The simplest game to understand and the hardest game to win! The playing field is randomly filled withXandOsigns. Your objective is to fill the entire field withXsigns. You can change signspositions by clicking on them. Howevereach time you clickthe entire line you click on inverts: Xs become Os and Os become Xs. Windows 9598or NT"
43145 ZVP2K12.ZIP 1 Mt 19.09.2000 - - -
Zibax Video Poker 2000 v1.2 A visually appealing video-poker simulation that lets you select from five poker variants and load different skins, including those of your own design. Shareware version has only Jacks or Better variant, and skin changes and other options are disabled.