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BLAKE3/b3sum otettu palvelimella olevasta tiedostosta.
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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | ApajaIndex? | Tupla? | BLAKE3/b3sum |
30322 | BIPROLEX.A02 | 2,3 Mt | 21.04.1997 | - | None | - | - | - |
"1996" osasto | Osasto |
- | Pelit / PC-Arkisto / DOS-pelit |
Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta | Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta |
- | Biprolex+ FREEWARE 3/3 |
Kommenttiosio. Tähän voit laittaa julkisen viestin. IP-osoite talletetaan.
Viestin ID | Pvm ja aika | Nimimerkki | Viesti |
- | - | - | - |
Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:
ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Osasto | Kommentit | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
30323 | BIPROLEX.ARJ | 2,9 Mt | 21.04.1997 | Pelit / PC-Arkisto / DOS-pelit | - | - | Biprolex+ FREEWARE 1/3 Dynamic Battle Field For Your Brain. By K-D Lab. Combine Tetris and Break-Out. One player plays a Tetris side of the field while the other player battles back with Break-Out. 386+ VGA DOS5+ |
30322 | BIPROLEX.A02 | 2,3 Mt | 21.04.1997 | Pelit / PC-Arkisto / DOS-pelit | - | - | Biprolex+ FREEWARE 3/3 |
30321 | BIPROLEX.A01 | 2,9 Mt | 21.04.1997 | Pelit / PC-Arkisto / DOS-pelit | - | - | Briprolex+ FREEWARE 2/3 |
20619 | BMPRO3.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 24.04.2001 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Grafiikka ja kuvankäsittely | - | - | Banner Maker Pro 3.02Banner Maker Pro allows you to quickly create web-based graphics such as banner ads and buttons. By using a wizard like interface, Banner Maker Pro allows you to create professional looking banners, buttons, and other small web graphics in just minutes. Many options are available for text manipulation such as angling text, wrapping text around a circle, gradients, and 3D. Features now in V3 include better looking text, more backgrounds, more images, more shapes, and resizable images. In addton banners and animation can now be saved and worked on at a later time.effects." This is a 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. |
22831 | PPATROL.EXE | 741,9 kt | 04.02.2002 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Virustentorjunta | - | - | PestPatrol IVCPestPatrol is a powerful anti-hacker utility that finds and eliminates hacker tools, spyware and trojans from your personal computer or corporate network. These hidden pests can create "backdoors" which bypass established security measures, compromise the integrity of your network, and threaten your personal privacy. Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP |
21620 | HAIRPRO.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 29.05.2000 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Muut | - | - | Hair Pro 5.05A hair imaging application which allows you to capture a picture of a face using a scanner, Webcam, or digital camera, and then display it with a new hairstyle. The program includes 267 hairstyles (14 in trial version) for men and women, including short, medium, and long, as well as virtual hair and photo coloring and retouching capabilities. You can cut out hair tips, and adjust the hair in terms of contrast, lightness, saturation, sharpness, and hue. Hair Pro lets you resize any hairstyle, zoom in and out, and save it in the following image formats: AVI, BMP, CUR, EMF, GIF, ICO, JPG, PCX, PNG, TIF, and WMF. In addition, you can flip the hair image, create your own hairstyles, and print in three sizes. Limitations in downloadable version: You are limited to 14 hair styles. |
17934 | AVIPRO2.EXE | 491467 | 16.08.1995 | PC / Windows 3.x / Näytönsäästäjät, kuvakkeet yms. | - | - | AVI-PRO 2.01 for Windows |
67342 | POPL.EXE | 26936 | 16.05.1995 | Mikroilu / Demoscene / Amiga-demot | - | - | The Party 3 demo: POPL |
66163 | MIRO.EXE | 87158 | 14.05.1996 | PC / Ajurit / Windows 95 / Näytönohjaimet | - | - | S15938 MIRO.EXE Win95 Display: Miro Computer Display Drivers |
22313 | XWINPRO5.EXE | 6,3 Mt | 26.04.2000 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Tietoliikenne | - | - | X-WinPro 5.2 (32-bit)X-WinPro is a simple but powerful 32-bit software package designed to provide a cost-effective way to transform your PC into an X Windows workstation. The X Windows System, NFS Server and Client, TCP/IP, FTP, TFTP, and Telnet software are provided, giving you all that you need to run remote Unix and X applications. This demo version allows an unlimited number of 30-minute runs. The full version costs $99. Version 5.2 adds "GLX" X-Extension as an evaluation limited feature. The XServer/Multiple has a new TrPW2 mode, in which the local window manager determines general behavior. |