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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
42712 2HANDSOL.ZIP 2 Mt 08.05.2000 - None - - -

"1996" osasto Osasto
- Pelit / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 -pelit / Älypelit

Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta
Two handed Solitaire Variation on Klondike Solitaire, the most popular version of solitaire. There 4 stacks on the table instead of seven and the remaining cards are split between you and your computer opponent. The player to play all of their cards first wins. The game has great graphics and sound effects, win/loss statistics, right-click auto-play, undo, restart deal, and auto save. Fully functional shareware. Windows 95/98 

Kommenttiosio. Tähän voit laittaa julkisen viestin. IP-osoite talletetaan.

Viestin ID Pvm ja aika Nimimerkki Viesti

Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
42712 2HANDSOL.ZIP 2 Mt 08.05.2000 Pelit / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 -pelit / Älypelit - -
Two handed Solitaire Variation on Klondike Solitaire, the most popular version of solitaire. There 4 stacks on the table instead of seven and the remaining cards are split between you and your computer opponent. The player to play all of their cards first wins. The game has great graphics and sound effects, win/loss statistics, right-click auto-play, undo, restart deal, and auto save. Fully functional shareware. Windows 95/98 
3188 HANDMS.LHA 59111 31.01.1996 Amiga / Ohjelmat / Pakkausohjelmat - -
HandyDMS V1.3 - simply the most powerful GUI
for newest versions of DMS (V2.04)
recognizes all possible drives now
64678 HANSOLO.ZIP 46329 30.08.1996 Pelit / DOS-pelit / Viritykset - Räiskintä - -
Quake - replace the graphics for the player
or the grunt  with graphics of Han Solo from
Star Wars.
27101 SHADWGSO.LZH 9694 03.03.1996 Pelit / DOS-pelit / Ratkaisut - -
Shadowgate ratkaisu
64675 HANDSKOR.ZIP 37491 12.03.1996 Mikroilu / Tietokonemusiikki / MOD:t yms. tiedostot modit/ -
MOD: Handskor by Bruno
4226 HANDSHAK.LHA 98089 31.01.1996 Mikroilu / Tietoliikenne / Amiga-ohjelmat - -
HandShake - Terminaaliohjelma.