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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
5933 | ABOOT200.ZIP | 24 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | garbo.uwasa.fi | tupla | AutoBoot on DOS TSR 2.00Se tarkkailee fossiilin aktiivisuutta ja prosessorin aktiivisuutta, jos purkkisi kaatuu AutoBoot boottaa koneen ja mahdollistaa purkin uudelleen käynnistä- misen autoexec.bat:in kautta. |
5936 | AFX_441.ZIP | 856,6 kt | 31.03.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | ALLFIX v4.41 fileecho utility ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility available. No other program offers the large number of features that are part of the ALLFIX package. Features: * Full support for RemoteAccess, SuperBBS, QuickBBS, Ezycom, Maximus, ProBoard, Renegade, Telegard, SpitFire, TriBBS, TAG, SearchLight, SynchroNet, PCBoard, and any conventional FILES.BBS style BBS. ALLFIX supports the RA 2.5x and PCBoard file databases * Fully functional request |
5938 | ALLFIL62.ZIP | 40,9 kt | 05.08.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Allfiles v6.2 for Waffle v1.65 Scan a Waffle 1.65 dirs file and associated directory information files, creating a set of directory /info files and summary listings. Produce extra information on some special file types (gif, jpg, bin). |
5943 | AUCTION1.ZIP | 97,3 kt | 02.10.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | "Auction It! 1.0 Online Auction DoorMultinod Multinode. Bid while viewing items. Self Maintainance provides for hassle free functioning.BETAversion Multitasking Time Slice Give Back is featured this door. ManyMany options for both the s and the buyer. " |
5945 | AUR134A.ZIP | 184,1 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Aurora BBS-system v.1.34b Swedish version. |
5944 | AUR134AS.ZIP | 122,9 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Aurora BBS-system v.1.34b sources in C. |
5946 | AUR134AZ.ZIP | 183,4 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Aurora BBS-system v.1.34b English version. |
5949 | 08-1412.ZIP | 5,2 kt | 22.12.1997 | - | - | - | 08-alueen purkkilista 14.12.97 |
5950 | BIRTH103.ZIP | 13245 | 14.02.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Force a User to enter their Date of Birth every x no. of calls or % of calls. Now with definable Security level for failed attempts. DOING compatible. V1.03 |
5951 | CD2DESC.EXE | 9,3 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | - | - | Tällä ohjelmalla muutat CD kuvaukset BBBS:lle sopiviksi.. |
5952 | CTCMBBS.EXE | 702910 | 29.08.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Creative Configuration Manager for BBS's CTCM-31BBS-1-US (Revision 1) Creative Configuration Manager for BBS Installation Disk Stand-alone Installation Disk for Creative Configuration Manager software package with SB drivers and program files for release to BBS. |
5953 | DRWYV231.ZIP | 236357 | 13.02.1996 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | DOORWAY revision 2.31 REMOTE ACCESS PROGRAM. This program allows both BBS's to add normal programs to BBS's as DOORS, and provides an inexpensive alternative to expensive commercial programs like PCAnywhere and Carbon Copy for remote accessing of a home or office computer. This version contains both a HOST and COM program for full functionality without any 3rd party software, yet is still compatible with most |
5954 | EVALKEY.ZIP | 3 kt | 08.04.1997 | - | - | - | Concordin uusin SW avaintiedosto. |
5955 | FI000906.ZIP | 19,7 kt | 11.09.2000 | - | - | - | " List of FINNISH 24h BBSs 06.09.00" |
64118 | FI961218.ZIP | 40457 | 23.12.1996 | - | - | - | List of FINNISH 24h BBS's 18.12.96 |
5956 | FINNISH5.ZIP | 18,6 kt | 07.05.1997 | - | - | - | Concord v0.01 Gamma-5: Suomenkieliset kielitiedostot, sekä joitakin ohjeita. |
5957 | MODEMV16.ZIP | 58,4 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Info about modem protocols and BBS etique. |
5958 | NEWU.ZIP | 13,5 kt | 23.11.1997 | - | - | - | WANNABE-SysOp- O H J E !!! Ajatteletko perustaa purkin? Etkö tiedä mitä tehdä? Imuuta tämä ja L U E ! Mukana ohjeet mm. BBBS:n conffaamiseen ja paljon muuta! Kiitos! |
5959 | NXBBS11.ZIP | 277303 | 06.03.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | NetXpress Internet Access BBS Door v1.1 Everything you need to allow your users to surf the net. Includes Web browser, IRC, FTP, POP3 email, Gopher, Telnet, Rexec, Ping, WhoIs, Finger and a CSLIP server door! |
5960 | PREYELL.ZIP | 11,9 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | FutureSoftÄPresentÄ1996 PRE YELL for VBoard Informoi kätevästi käyttäjälle Missä olet. Kopio ohjelma Menus Hakemistoon ja ohjelma on valmis Käyttöön. |
5961 | Q&A4RA11.ZIP | 229,7 kt | 14.05.1997 | renamed | discmaster | - | Q&A4RA11.ZIP - Questions & Answers for RA! How to setup programs such as: FrontDoor, FastEcho, xMail, AllFix, IceEdit, IceChat, GEdit, FRAME, Online Archive Master, RAUA, THDPro, JC-QWK, OLMS, BlueWave, INSTAbank, CYBSTAT, FileStat, FDRPR, FMail, IceBank, IceUser, RATS, IceCBV, RATick, and more..! Tips and Overview of RemoteAccess 2.50.g1! Setups for Protocols, Doors, OS2, DV, etc. Included now is QAV102.ZIP, Q&A4RA Viewer! Written by: Eric Staufer (1:374/6568) |
5962 | RPG-0498.ZIP | 4,2 kt | 29.04.1998 | - | - | - | Suomen RPG-purkkilista - 04/98 |
5963 | SMM_201.ZIP | 318835 | 07.01.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Synchronet Match Maker (BBS door) v2.01 supports any DOOR.SYS or Synchronet BBS. Internationally networked profiles, telegrams, wall, photographs, and more! Developed by Digital Dynamics, makers of Synchronet BBS Software. Perhaps the most comprehensive match maker available. |
5964 | SUA_970.RAR | 79,2 kt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | SUA v97.0 - (c) TSF 1992-1997 Most powerful Upload Checker for SuperBBS and Concord. Direct support for Concord G4. |
5965 | SUOMI.ARJ | 9,1 kt | 04.04.1997 | - | - | - | RemoteAccess-purkkisoftan suomenkieli. By: H0ffeR / CPP. |
5966 | TBBS9903.ZIP | 114 kt | 24.03.1999 | - | - | - | "tOrnaks Telnet BBS List - March of 1999! All BBSes free and verified. Telnet client included! http://powerrage.net/bbslist" |
5967 | TELNETD.LZH | 11,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | BBBS Telnet for Linux sorsat |
5968 | TGFING10.ZIP | 17,5 kt | 07.06.1997 | - | archives.thebbs.org | - | "Telegard Finger v1.0 TGFinger is an onlinefingerutility which allows users to view some simple information on their fellow users." |
69177 | TLNTBBS.ZIP | 169493 | 01.04.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | How to Make your BBS Telnet-able! All Utilities & Programs Included. Easy to Setup/Use. All you need is a PPP Internet Account! Written by enigma of [toz] 810-651-6472 [Read Tlntbbs.Doc FIRST!!] |
70446 | ZC0120D.ZIP | 360754 | 14.12.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | ZChat Advanced Teleconference System. THE most full-featured multinode chat package. USED ON THE LARGEST SYSTEMS IN THE WORLD. *ZChat can link your BBS into Internet IRC!* *ZChat can link your BBS with other ZChats!* ZChat offers full featured chat, a full screen mouseable config program, and easy install. ZChat has everything you have ever wanted in a "chat" package. As seen in "SysOp News". Demo version. |
5970 | ADF111.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 03.08.1997 | - | 21504/SPEZIAL2_97.zip | tupla | AdeptXBBS Version 1.11 (VAC) Full. The 32-bit, Multi-Threaded, NNTP, SMTP, POP3, Telnet, Sockets, Integrated Mailer, REXX, Utils, multiple language, localized date/time display and a lot more! Very customizable for almost any BBSing needs. GUI (PM) BBS for OS/2. FREEWare/2. 24 Node Version, Just create a directory \\Adept and unpack the files in this archive into the \\Adept dir. E-Mail bugs to: nitin@poboxes.com |
5971 | AF2_111.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 31.03.1997 | - | 21535/02-BBS.zip | tupla | ALLFIX/2 for OS/2 Warp, v1.11 ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility available. No other program offers the large number of features that are part of the ALLFIX package. Features: * Full support for more than 22 BBS different BBS programs! * Fully functional request processor. * Full support for Zones, and 4D points. * Support for domains (5D addressing). * Ability to disable sending a TIC file. * Ability to put all of the TIC files with or without the |
5972 | AFINSTW.ZIP | 12,5 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 20189/2015-02-12.fidonet.org.ua.tar | tupla | Icon Install Program for ALLFIXWC v1.21 AFINST! Creates an OS/2 Work Place Shell Folder for those running ALLFIX! for WildCat! under OS/2 and Attaches Icons to ALLFIX.EXE, ASETUP.EXE, HATCH.EXE, FCOMP.EXE, FIXUTIL.EXE UPDATE.EXE, BAKE.EXE, COOKIE.TXT and WHATSNEW.DOC. |
5973 | BBBSR2.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 28.01.2000 | - | archives.thebbs.org | tupla | BBBS v4.00 MP for OS2/Intel.Complete BBS package with WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes. Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news, email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline, Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice, multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA, multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more This packet: OS2/Intel, with RSA. http://www.bbbs.net |
5977 | CONO005C.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 19.05.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | Concord BBS software vO.O1 Gamma-5 OS/2. |
5979 | FD2MAX2.ZIP | 16,4 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | FD2MAX2 version 1.00 - a small program that acts as a bridge between a DOS mailer and an OS/2 BBS program. It was written with Frontdoor and Maximus/2 in mind, but may work with other combinations. Emailware |
5987 | MD102E2.ZIP | 552,1 kt | 05.04.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | "MainDoor 1.02 OS/2 version. Bugfix from 1.00 or 1.01. Complete package. Powerful dynamic mailer.Made in SpainIncludes: ZChat (You can chat while getting your mail!)autoinstallmultiline supportwindowed setupsecurity systemsmodem managerfile requestinbound and outboundhistoric viewersworks without fossil or nodelistsupports DOS and OS/2 BBSsfile request processor supportopen hours nodelist flag supportincludes a terminal emulator." |
6404 | !XLS_B11.ZIP | 8118 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | PPE: X-Bulletins 1.1 |
6405 | !XLS_CM1.ZIP | 6805 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | PPE: Comment to Sysop v1.o |
5989 | 10LTRANS.ZIP | 4623 | 23.01.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | 10LTRANS Creates a bulletin of 10 most recent modem transfers. Coded by PiZZA |
5909 | 150INFO.ZIP | 39561 | 01.09.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | This packet contains documents covering the file formats used by PCBoard v15.0 |
5990 | 1521_UPD.ARJ | 1359527 | 06.10.1995 | - | - | - | Update to PCBoard 15.2 -> 15.21 * Include NEW PCBOARD.SER * Patch include * All files in RTP formats.. |
5991 | 662_PPE.ZIP | 1,8 kt | 19.06.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | 662.PPE by Alif Ambler will change the default answer at the PCBoard mail waiting prompt #662 (Read your personal mail now) from NO to YES. For PCBOARD version 15.0 and later. Source code included. Freeware. |
5992 | 7CL-WEEK.ZIP | 6812 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | WEEKTOP vO.1ß OR PCBOARD v15.1+ BY AL BUNDY |
60343 | AADD112.ZIP | 36059 | 10.06.1996 | - | 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | tupla | AUTOADD V1.12 for PCBoard Automatically updates PCBoard with file areas auto-added by Allfix. No more having to run FCOMP and FIXUTIL after a new file area comes in. Minor bug fix. Added code for 30 day evaluation key. Requires Allfix 4.32 (Registered). Shareware (US)$5.00. |
5993 | AADD118B.ZIP | 60,1 kt | 10.02.1998 | - | 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO | - | "AUTOADD V1.18b Automatically updates your BBS with file areas auto-added by Allfix. No more editing your file data base for new file areas or running FCOMP and FIXUTIL after a new file area comes in. Its all done for you! Supports PCboard 15.xRenegade > 4.17Maximus 3.0Telegard 3.0TAG 2.7lorabbs 2.40SpitfireProBoardand RemoteAccess 2.0x and 2.50. Requires (Registered) Allfix 4.32 or Allfix/2 1.xx (or later). Shareware (US)$5.00." |
5994 | ABRCOM11.ZIP | 73,2 kt | 04.04.1997 | - | - | - | ABRASION - Command Prompt & Rumor Builder PPE v1.1 Animated command prompt replacement. Users choose their own prompt to use! Very good configuration. |
5995 | ACCOM100.ZIP | 7193 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | PCB 15.1+ Command PPE v1.1 Spinning/moving command prompt replacement. Allows you to add own 'command prompt' designs. |
5997 | ACD-CUI1.ZIP | 9325 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Acidic Presents - CUIE v1.0 - A [PCB] PPE By Far The BEST And MOST Configurable 'W' Command Replacement In The Scene To Date. Physical Solution. |
5998 | ACD-LOG1.ZIP | 20067 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | ACiDic Presents - ACiDic Logon v1.0 (PCB) |
5999 | ACD-NUKE.ZIP | 16156 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | NUKEiT v1.00 - CHRONiC FATiGUE (PCB) By ACiDiC |
6000 | ACD-PWRD.ZIP | 14037 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | ACiDic Presents - Password PPE v1.00 (PCB) PPE to Ask User for Password. Has a Popup Windows that Toggles On/Off to Show Input. By Underweller. |
6001 | ACD-SM10.ZIP | 18844 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Acidic Presents - Stat Master v1.00 - [REN] Generates 'on the fly' ansi stat screens No more cheezy ansimation for MCIs. |
5996 | ACD1LNE.ZIP | 18602 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Acidic Presents - Oneliners v1.0 - [PCB] PPE |
5910 | ADDPCB20.ZIP | 32946 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | ADDPCB Ver. 2.0 - For PCBoard Sysops... Aids the PCBoard Sysop by importing files and their descriptions to the BBS automatically. Optionally test the files using your favorite upload tester. Can be used in the nightly event or after a download session. Full user interface. Many New Features: FILE_ID.DIZ support, Description Modification Options, Duplicate file/desc. checking, and more! |
6002 | ADRS101.ZIP | 2571 | 06.06.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | E-Mail Address PPE v1.01 |
5911 | ADUPD.ZIP | 5134 | 05.06.1994 | - | scene.org | - | This PPL Code will check the Users file for the callers Address Info, If there is none it will display a menu where they place there address Info. You can use this in your Logon Script or use the !FILESPEC command on the first line of your NEWS file(s). (Source Code Included) |
6003 | AFL-JP32.ZIP | 9372 | 23.01.1996 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | Join Conference PPE v3.2 for PCBoard 15.x RANDOMLY displayed (J)oin-Menues, internal security-check for each conf., direct-join |
6004 | AG-RLA10.ZIP | 8704 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Random LoginAnsi PPE |
6005 | AGSAM10.ZIP | 25367 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis Answering Machine. When someone writes to another it shows the user's answer message, then lets write, cancel or choose someone else. |
6006 | AGSBF10.ZIP | 51622 | 23.01.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Egis Corp Battle Field Cool game for PCBoard! |
6007 | AGSCD11.ZIP | 13737 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. prog: Cleandiz v1.1 will remove advertisings for various BBS from FILE_ID.DIZ |
6008 | AGSCNF10.ZIP | 3170 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis Configure. This PPE replaces the "W" -command in PCB. Lightbars. |
6009 | AGSDIR.ZIP | 17949 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | AGSDIR v1.0 coded by Gandalf/AEgis AGSDIR allows you to add a header to all your description files. It is scanning the desc files put in the dlpath.lst of each conf and create a header according to a file you draw. A lot of macros are allowed. |
6010 | AGSDOS0!.ZIP | 19458 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis DOS - DOS simulator to find lamers on your board :) |
6011 | AGSENTR0.ZIP | 2242 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: AegisEnter will replace that ugly "Press Enter" prompt with colorful animated cool prompts. |
6012 | AGSJN10.ZIP | 3322 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: "J" Replacement for PCB. |
6013 | AGSLC11.ZIP | 15197 | 23.01.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Last Callers v1.1 by AEGiS "Simply the BEST LastCallerz PPE!!" Very Powerful and Configurable Features: Today's and Top # of Calls Cool Display, Very Fast, and more. Two little bugs Fixed. |
6014 | AGSLC20.ZIP | 4944 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis LastCallers v2.0. Featuring Today Stats, Top calls/uploads/ downloads, will work with any login ppe.. |
60526 | AGSLOG22.ZIP | 29001 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | tupla | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis Login v2.2. IEMSI support included! |
6015 | AGSLOG23.ZIP | 23519 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis Login v2.30. IEMSI support included! Kewl graphics! |
6016 | AGSMC10.ZIP | 48173 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Multichat v1.0. Multinode fullscreen chatter PPE, up to 10 nodes may talk at a time! |
6017 | AGSNIB10.ZIP | 35678 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Nibbles v1.00. Users can play alone or against the sysop! |
6018 | AGSNMAI0.ZIP | 3034 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: AegisMail v1.0 replaces the "Waiting mail"-prompt with a fancy one. |
6019 | AGSOMUK.ZIP | 3925 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: One More User Kicker! |
6020 | AGSONE.ZIP | 3356 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Animated Oneliner. |
6021 | AGSPGP01.ZIP | 32849 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: PGP Server v0.1b. |
6022 | AGSPP221.ZIP | 279818 | 09.08.1996 | versio 2.22 | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Aegis Corp. Prog: Lone Runner's PowerPPL 2.21 PCBoard Programming Language IDE! |
6023 | AGSPPS10.ZIP | 17810 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: PPE Scanner v1.0. Scan your PPEs against backdoors. PPLX required! |
6024 | AGSPPX16.ZIP | 62292 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. Prog: Lone Runner's PPLX v1.60. PPE Decompiler for PPE 1.0 to 3.20. |
6025 | AGSPST10.ZIP | 32979 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | AEGIS Automatic Post v1.0 |
6026 | AGSQWK10.ZIP | 3201 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: QWK. The ultimate ppe to replace the QWK PCBoard command. |
6027 | AGSRD11.ZIP | 3640 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: AegisRead v1.1a. Great PPE to replace the Read PCB Command. |
6028 | AGSSC10.ZIP | 3398 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis Sysop Menu v1.0. |
6029 | AGSSKW13.ZIP | 7637 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: SkullWho v1.32. |
6030 | AGSST10.ZIP | 10948 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis Stats v1.0. Cool "V"- replacement for PCB 15.2 or higher. |
6031 | AGSTOP10.ZIP | 14455 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis Tops v1.0. |
6032 | AGSUDB10.ZIP | 23330 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis Userdatabase v1.0. |
6033 | AGSUOL20.ZIP | 19993 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: Aegis Unreal Oneliner v2.0. |
6034 | AGSWAK!!.ZIP | 64831 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: WAK!! Pager for PCB. Can play 43 tunes to page, randomly or choosen. |
6035 | AGSWHO20.ZIP | 9356 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Aegis Corp. PPE: AegisWho v2.00. |
6043 | ALF_NUP.ZIP | 4283 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | NUP v1.0 New User Password For PCB |
6038 | ALF-CHAT.ZIP | 30539 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Anti Lamers PPE: Hotchat v3.1b. |
6040 | ALF-LOG.ZIP | 5458 | 09.08.1996 | renamed | 13237/groovybytes.iso | - | Anti Lamers PPE: ALF Logoff PPE Version 1.0b. |
6039 | ALF-LOGN.ZIP | 5504 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Anti Lamers PPE: Neato Login v1.0. |
6041 | ALF-MAIL.ZIP | 2064 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Anti Lamers PPE: New Mail v1.0. Lightbars. |
6042 | ALF-NSV1.ZIP | 7337 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | ALF PPE TEAM! This PPE Lets The User Check Out What Files Have Been Uploaded To The BBS Since He Last Checked... May Be Placed With Logon Procedure. |
6045 | ALF-PHT2.ZIP | 2942 | 09.08.1996 | - | 9336/somuchmodemmadness2powerusersoftwareapril1995.iso | - | Anti Lamers PPE: Phat Logon v2.0 for PCB! |
6046 | ALF-PLEN.ZIP | 9543 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | ALF-PLEN.PPE An AMi-X Style PPE that replaces the (P)age Length Command. Displays a series of numbers and asks which one is on the top of their screen. |
6048 | ALF-READ.ZIP | 3625 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Anti Lamers PPE: Best replacement for the (R)ead Mail command in PCBoard. |
6049 | ALF-TL20.ZIP | 3818 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Anti Lamers PPE: Turbo Login v2.0. |
6050 | ALF-UP30.ZIP | 14005 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | UPLOAD SELECT v3.0 - PPE for PCB! Allow users to select batch or single uploads through PCB. New version will allow private uploads. PPE will enter a file name and description. Coder PS Bug fix from 2.0 -> 3.0! Added "P"... |
6051 | ALF-VIR.ZIP | 1835 | 09.08.1996 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | Anti Lamers PPE: Virgin PPE for PCB 15.1. |
6036 | ALF1LINE.ZIP | 5296 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Anti Lamers PPE: Onliner v1.00. |
6037 | ALFBBS3.ZIP | 4711 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Anti Lamers PPE: BBS Lister v3.0. |
6044 | ALFPCBM.ZIP | 103079 | 09.08.1996 | - | archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz | - | Anti Lamers: PCBMODEM W/ over 100 more modem configs! |
6047 | ALFPPEDI.ZIP | 175175 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Anti Lamers: Power PPL Editor and Compiler 1.80. The ultimate environment to write or edit PPL source code & compile! |
6052 | AM_IC_12.ZIP | 63,2 kt | 24.02.1998 | - | - | - | "Interactive Chat v1.2 A complete pcboard Multiline chat PPE. This is a simple multiline chat replacement for pcboards CHAT command with many features coming. This is a must see for any multiline BBS where they want to get there users chatting in a good clean enviroment. Very SysOp definable. Extensive action commands! Only $25.00 and isnt crippled except for a small 5-6 second delay." |
5912 | ANOTE100.ZIP | 5795 | 16.08.1994 | - | 9302/Cream of the Crop 3.iso | - | Auto-Note v1.00 - Compiled Oct 24/1993 PCBoard 15.0 [PPE] program that replaces the (G)ood-Bye command. Allows callers to leave a note for the next user and also to leave a comment to the SysOp. Has a complete message editor built in! |
6053 | ANSR.ZIP | 10 kt | 19.06.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | User Disclaimer or Answer PPE - PCBoard 15 Presents user with question to answer and then performs upgrade or downgrade in response, can even hangup on user for no or negative responses. Creates logs of all events. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. Extremely configurable. By Al Segura |
6054 | APOST262.ZIP | 29449 | 17.12.1995 | - | 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso | - | AutoPost v2.62 PPE VBBS-Style Autopost Feature! Shows 4 AutoPosts at a time. PPS Source Code is included, 100% Freeware!!! ;-) |
6055 | AR-CFG1.ZIP | 3538 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Ares PPE: Lightning Config v1.0. Vision/2 style user account editor. Made to replace the 'w' command. |
6056 | AREAS022.ZIP | 20,2 kt | 19.06.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | The Ultimate File Area Lister PPE v0.22B Major upadte release. Now With Group Area Support! For PCBoard v15.2+ An UltiWares(c)1995 Release. |
6057 | ARPAPELI.ZIP | 4,8 kt | 22.05.1998 | - | - | - | Arpapeli - (C) 1998 Joonas Saarinen PCBoardin PPE jossa käyttäjät voivat ansaita/menettää minuutteja ostamalla arpoja ajallaan. MBnetin aika-arvonnan tapainen. E-mail: joonas.saarinen@mbnet.fi |
5913 | ASK01-B5.ZIP | 11922 | 05.06.1994 | - | scene.org | - | PCBASK v0.1/B5 PPE Finally! A solution to the limited feat- ures of PCBoard's internal Script Quest- ionnaire formats and PCBoard's NEWASK! PCBASK is made for TOTAL flexibility and configurability - Not to mention ease of use! All commands and functions are NOT crippled in any way! The best questionnaire formatter around!! (c) 1994 - Whitewater Technologies, Inc. |
5914 | ASPCB312.ZIP | 282295 | 16.08.1994 | - | 805/mbest932.zip | - | AutoScribe PCB v3.12 AutoScribe PCB is a Subscription credit card door for PCB. ASPCB is Faster!, and uses ACTUAL dbases to track data.(Subscription and User info!). Can use Online Verification (Using TelePC!), Allows TOTAL config for EACH Sec Levels! Chg Sec Lvl, Exp Sec Lvl, Dates, Up/Dn lds! Create your own Invoices/Reciepts with @Code This Version Works with PCBoard Only. |
5915 | AT-OFF11.ZIP | 2075 | 25.08.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Auto-Logoff Prompt Replacement v1.1 (6.14.93) Replaces the "Goodbye in 10 seconds..." with a PPE that counts down from 10 to 0 and is cosmetically and functionally better. Bug fixed: was only accepting input from the local keyboard. ■ Source Included. By: Shawn Reimerdes |
6058 | AUCT104U.ZIP | 18773 | 30.12.1995 | - | 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso | - | Silent Auction v1.04u GO/4 Software, PCBoard PPE. Allows your users to buy and sell just· about anything you can imagine, set bid amounts, auction time and bid increment Quick 1 minute setup, Zero Maintenance! Unlimited Database size! People are··· using this around the country to buy··· and sell, why aren't your users? *UNIVERSAL KEY ROUTINES ADDED!* |
6059 | AUTSGPWA.ZIP | 19200 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AutoSig v1.1 by Dark Creation PCBOARD 15.1 PPE That provides the users to maintain a SIGNATURE and have it put at end of message automatically. |
6060 | AVG-BBSL.ZIP | 4984 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | PPE: BBS List v1.0 by Avengers |
6061 | AVG-CALL.ZIP | 2802 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Avengers PPE: Call PPE for PCBoard 15.1+ |
6062 | AVG-CHEC.ZIP | 4784 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Security Checker PPE for PCB 15.1 By aVENGERS |
6063 | AVG-CMNT.ZIP | 7043 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Comment to SysOp PPE for PCB 15.1 by aVENGERS |
6064 | AVG-ENTR.ZIP | 3382 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Avengers PPE: Enter v1.0 for PCBoard 15.1. |
6065 | AVG-GB10.ZIP | 5148 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Avengers PPE: Goodbye v1.0 for PCBoard 15.1. |
6066 | AVG-LC20.ZIP | 3868 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Avengers PPE: Last Callers v2.0 for PCB 15.1+ |
6067 | AVG-MATR.ZIP | 13663 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Avengers PPE: Logon Matrix v1.0 for PCB 15.1+ |
6068 | AVG-MORE.ZIP | 5457 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | LightBar-More v1.0 PPE for PCB 15.1 Coded by MAGe / aVENGERs |
6069 | AVG-ONE1.ZIP | 6209 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Oneliners v1.0 PPE for PCB 15.1+ By aVENGERS |
6070 | AVG-PAGE.ZIP | 3926 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Avengers PPE: Operator Page v1.0 for PCB 15.1 |
6071 | AVG-REQ1.ZIP | 4392 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | Avengers PPE: File-Requester for PCB 15.1+ |
6072 | AVG-REQ2.ZIP | 5832 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Requester v2.0 PPE for PCB 15.1+ |
5916 | BCBK110.ZIP | 10236 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB 15.1+ TimeBank PPE v1.10 Lightbar menu driven time bank, uses TPAs. Security definable maximum deposit time and maximum daily deposit/withdraw time. Now has a new look and better lightbar configuration. (Blackcat) FREEWARE |
5917 | BCCM100.ZIP | 43602 | 16.08.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PCB 15.0+ ConfMenu v1.00 Conference menu creator. Uses 'replacement codes' for full column configurability. Multi paged, sort orders, descriptions, definable number of columns and lines per conference page. (Blackcat) |
5918 | BCCOM100.ZIP | 6095 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB 15.1+ Command PPE v1.1 Spinning/moving command prompt replacement. Allows you to add own 'command prompt' designs. (Blackcat) FREEWARE |
5919 | BCDM100B.ZIP | 17755 | 16.08.1994 | - | - | - | PCB 15.0+ DirMenu v1.00 DIR menus creator. Uses 'replacement codes' for full configurability. (Blackcat) |
5920 | BCEN11.ZIP | 5233 | 16.08.1994 | koko¹ | ratsnest1.iso | - | PCB 15.1+ Enter PPE v1.1 Press Enter replacement that allows YOU to add your own moving Enter prompts. (Blackcat) FREEWARE |
6073 | BCLB102.ZIP | 63592 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | [FREEWARE] PCB 15.1+ Lightbar Kit PPE v1.02 Features: multiple windows, help options, pulldown menus and much more. The best yet. FIXED: PGUP/PGDN bug, and other minor fixes. BlackCat |
5921 | BCLB110.ZIP | 66124 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB 15.1+ Lightbar Kit PPE v1.10 Features: multiple windows, help options, pulldown menus and much more. The best yet. ADDED: Hotkey support, makes using the lightbar much faster. (Blackcat) FREEWARE |
5922 | BCLC110.ZIP | 17466 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB 15.1+ LastCallers PPE v1.10 Configurable, multiple color setups. Added: Daily, Y'days and Top calls/upload/ download/pages/time registration. (Blackcat) |
6074 | BCMNU11.ZIP | 54809 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | PCB 15.1+ Menus/Prompts PPE v1.1 Replacement for your pcboard main menu and command prompt. Users can select from multiple menus and moving/nonmoving prompt styles. Contains a message and filebase .MNU submenu and allows for the definition of other submenus which adhere to the menu and prompt style chosen by the user. BlackCat. |
5923 | BCMX110.ZIP | 106868 | 16.08.1994 | - | scene.org | - | PCB 15.1+ Matrix PPE v1.10 Configurable, lightbar or dos mode, full logging features, external feedback/nuv/ infoform/page/sysop PPEs, multinode aware and more. CHANGES: Major NUV changes, external command configuration, bugfixes, full ansi configuration for all prompts. (Blackcat) FREEWARE |
6075 | BCNSA11.ZIP | 6804 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB 15.1+ NewScan PPE v1.1 Multiple conference new files scan. Ideal for use by your traders. This version adds a yes/no lighbar among other things.. BlackCat |
5924 | BCON110.ZIP | 55248 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB 15.1+ Logon PPE v1.10 Configurable logon/logoff enhancer. Includes lastcallers, oneliners, broadcast, last caller message and more. (Blackcat) |
6076 | BCPR100.ZIP | 20718 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB 15.1+ Message/Comment/reply PPE v1.00 Replacement for your 'e' and 'c' commands which replaces a number of message entry prompts to turn your message entry command into a configurable ansi menu. BlackCat |
6077 | BCQT03.ZIP | 14082 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB 15.2+ Quoter PPE v0.2ß Pcboard quoter, uses pplc 3.0 for easier and seamless integration. |
5925 | BCTB110.ZIP | 10385 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB 15.1+ ByteBank PPE v1.10 Lightbar menu driven byte bank, uses TPAs. Security definable maximum deposit KB and maximum daily deposit/withdraw KB. (Blackcat) FREEWARE |
6078 | BCTOP110.ZIP | 18306 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | PCB 15.1+ Top PPE v1.10 Creates top uploaders (files/bytes), top downloaders (files/bytes) and top callers bulletins. Extremely configurable through replacement codes. No user limit. BlackCat |
6079 | BCWM051.ZIP | 33766 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB 15.2+ WMTop PPE v0.51ß Weekly and Montly top uploaders/downloaders bulletin creator (bytes and files). Uses a a database instead of reading logfiles or adding a TPA. The bulletins are constantly updated quickly at logoff!! BlackCat |
61466 | BLAB_068.ZIP | 216252 | 03.10.1995 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | BOOMLAB v0.68 COMPLETE Upload Processor for PcBoard. Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER) 09/12/95 Age test archive 6 different ways. ZAP all BBS ads even random ads using filelist, CRC value, or text keywords. Supports 9 different virus scanners. Can use 1, multiple, or all scanners! 35+ macros to add file stats to desc, customize ZIP comment, PCBPASS, etc... Strip unwanted text from FILE_ID.DIZ's Pack uncompressed etc. |
6080 | BLAB_070.ZIP | 219892 | 28.11.1995 | - | scene.org | - | BOOMLAB v0.70 COMPLETE Upload Processor for PcBoard. Coded by Gene Layton (BOOMER) 11/28/95 Age test archive 6 different ways. ZAP all BBS ads even random ads using filelist, CRC value, or text keywords. Supports 10 different virus scanners. Can use 1, multiple, or all scanners! 35+ macros to add file stats to desc, customize ZIP comment, PCBPASS, etc... Strip unwanted text from FILE_ID.DIZ's |
6081 | BLASPAG.ZIP | 70,3 kt | 07.09.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Blaster Page PPE.For PCBoard 15.X Dox,MOD, and player included. |
6082 | BLOTSPN2.ZIP | 32859 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Spinning Enter Prompt v2.0 Make Yar Own Spinners |
6083 | BMS120.ZIP | 168547 | 04.03.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | BULLETIN MENU SYSTEM v1.20 / PCBoard 15.2 The professional choice! Now enhance your PCBoard bulletin area with BMS! Recursive bulletin categorization; Compression/archiv- ing of bulletins; Bulletin/File attachments; Multi-lingual abilities; Install program; Quick/Easy configuration that looks and feels like PCBSETUP.EXE; Enhanced ANSI "lightbar"; completely configurable colors/displays; and MORE! Req: 200k HD |
6084 | BNCTYPO.ZIP | 4245 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | AntiTypo PPE Selects random errormessage. |
6085 | BOTH_203.ZIP | 12 kt | 19.06.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | All Caller Bulletin Generator PPE PPLCv2- Generates two caller bulletins, all-calls and all-stats. Completely revised format, all colors now SysOp customizable. FREEWARE Source available-New Support BBS #-ver 2.03 adds node # display and yesterday calls |
6086 | BPC-AF.ZIP | 10368 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Ansi Force v2.0. This will detect user's ansi support, connection speed. You can set system password, low speed pass- word, set up hours for logon to low speed.. |
6087 | BPC-AL.ZIP | 14529 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Alternative Logon system v.2.0 PPE The best PPE loader with many features Configurable by user! & etc ... |
6088 | BPC-APP.ZIP | 14216 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Brutal PPE Coders: User Application. |
6089 | BPC-DP32.ZIP | 79354 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Brutal PPE Coders: PCB File Base Manager 3.2c |
6090 | BPC-ENT3.ZIP | 26322 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Random 'Press ENTER' PPE So this's 'Press ENTER' replacement which got 'bout 20 animated ~presses~ which will be shown randomly. |
6091 | BPC-FAS.ZIP | 15015 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | File Areas Selector PPE Now you can select your file areas using light bar + you can lock any area on passcode ... |
6092 | BPC-FL.ZIP | 19773 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | File Lister v.1.0 PPE The best & only one replacement for PCBOARD's standard file lister ... Now everything is done with light bar .. U can also select file areas, lock them on password & much more ... |
6093 | BPC-FRSH.ZIP | 23634 | 23.01.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | FRESH WAREZ SCAN PPE Wow! It will search for new files in your system & display 'em in the cool screen where you can tag/select them with the light bar!!! |
6094 | BPC-FUL2.ZIP | 11468 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Fast Upload. |
6095 | BPC-GO1.ZIP | 9549 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Ansi Only Switcher switches ANSI mode for all users. |
6096 | BPC-GTL2.ZIP | 10646 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Guest Left Time v2.1. |
6097 | BPC-KICK.ZIP | 7777 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Brutal PPE Coders: User kick-ass! If you're tired of some user, now you can flood garbage characters on his screen, pretend that his modem does not have error correction and hang up. |
6098 | BPC-LAF2.ZIP | 7721 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Locate A Filename v2.0. |
6099 | BPC-LBP1.ZIP | 10529 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Low Baud Password v1.0. |
6100 | BPC-LC.ZIP | 12643 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Last Callers v1.0 PPE Another fine Last Callers for your board ... It show up to 13 last system callers. Pretty & nice ... GRAB IT! |
6101 | BPC-LOCK.ZIP | 12659 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Damn Lockout! Now user can enter message to the sysop when locked out! |
6102 | BPC-LXFR.ZIP | 15286 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Brutal PPE Coders: 8 Last transfers. |
6103 | BPC-MENU.ZIP | 8761 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Menu v1.0. Here's a chance to replace your old menu with simultaneously working light bar & command line menu! |
6104 | BPC-MV.ZIP | 6243 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Move v.1.0 PPE Now U can replace all PCB string like [YES/NO] [MORE/STOP/NONSTOP] ... Fully 100% configurable .. DL & njoy life =) |
6105 | BPC-ONL.ZIP | 15699 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Cruel On-liners PPE Replace that old sick & tired your onliners with a new one! Easy to use, light bar selection methods ... |
6106 | BPC-PRT.ZIP | 12185 | 09.08.1996 | - | archives.thebbs.org | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Protocol Alternation. |
6107 | BPC-QCHT.ZIP | 17288 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Quick Chat v1.0. Awesome small chatter. Nice interface. |
6108 | BPC-REG3.ZIP | 11011 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Brutal PPE Coders: User Registration. |
6109 | BPC-RI1.ZIP | 17325 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Request It ! PPE Yep... This PPE helps ur user in finding soft/games/etc. Try it! As usual it'll blow ur head up! =) |
6110 | BPC-SET.ZIP | 7664 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | SET-SECURITY v.1.0 PPE Well, it's for your lovely cosysop ... Now he/she can set any security level! & then return it back w/o any problems |
6111 | BPC-UT.ZIP | 10134 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Unlimited Time. |
6112 | BPC-ZTS2.ZIP | 7726 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Brutal PPE Coders: Zippy Text Scan v2.0. |
6113 | BRD-CJ01.ZIP | 4703 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Conference Join v0.1 PPE A *must* for every PCBoard SysOp. Fastens i.e. conference joining/new file scanning and so on. Easy to install - no configs needed. (c) 1994 Braindead |
6114 | BRD-FNV1.ZIP | 5993 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | FAKE NODESTATUS VIEWER v1.0b PPE Great utility for sysop's with only one node. Shock your lame users with this and they will be soon begging for the 2nd nodes number! |
6115 | BRD-LC21.ZIP | 4581 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Last Ten Callers v2.1 PPE Displays last 10 callers! Easy to install,looks great and it's filled with nifty features Freeware * Author : Braindead |
6116 | BRV1B4.ZIP | 731527 | 30.12.1995 | - | 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | - | Base Runner v1.0 Complete TIC/Files & Request system for PCBoard & Files.BBS systems. Unlimited databases, file requesting, hatching, auto unlink,auto uplink,adoptions, deletions,areamgr,2 way file ids, automated file movement,virus scan, crc,2 level duplicate checking, full traffic control and stat. reports etc. |
6117 | BSA-FLG1.ZIP | 7320 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Business Software Alliance B.S.A Presents FFLAG v1.0 FOR PCBOARD 15.21+ By: Doc Ansi / BSA |
6118 | BTG_CJ01.ZIP | 7,9 kt | 25.09.1995 | - | - | - | PPE - COMBINED BOARD JOINER Have your users problems finding a file in hundreds of conferences, and you have a conference which contains all file directories in the same. This helps to find it. midiman^btg |
61708 | BTG#CJ01.ZIP | 8080 | 25.09.1995 | - | - | - | PPE - COMBINED BOARD JOINER Have your users problems finding a file in hundreds of conferences, and you have a conference which contains all file directories in the same. This helps to find it. midiman^btg |
6119 | BW401PCB.ZIP | 641,3 kt | 19.06.1997 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/PCBoard Version 4.01 of the offline mail door known the world over for its power and ease of use! Features include: * Flexible message packing options. * Internal file transfer protocols. * SysOp-controlled limits and restrictions. * New files list generator. * FidoNet and Internet compatibility. * Integration with BBS security features. * DOS and OS/2 support in one package. * QWK packet support (requires registration). * Requires PCBoard |
6120 | BYELL30.ZIP | 8203 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Yell 3.0 PPE by BubbleS0FT 100% SysOp Conf. PCBoard 15.2+ Req! Many new Things totally new! FREEWARE!!! |
6121 | C7-ANSI.ZIP | 4,9 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | - | - | Ansi Viewer (ppe) By tmf / C7 This PPE displays a one (1) ansi, which is determined in the configuration file. Simple but useful. Released on the December Code Pack `96 20.11.96 |
6122 | C7-ATA.ZIP | 6,8 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | - | - | "Auto Time Adjuster (ppe) By tmf / C7 This PPE can be used to multiply users time with the factor you insert to the config fileif the starting time is greater than the time in .cfg and ending time is less than the time in .cfg... a 99% SysOp Configurable Released on the December Code Pack `96 21.11.96" |
6123 | C7-NOCA.ZIP | 5,5 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | - | - | NO CARRIER (ppe) By tmf / C7 This PPE fakes the NO CARRIER text and similar stuff, as if the line snapped, or actually DOES snap the line, depending upon your choice in the .cfg file. (Hangup=1/0 ) Released on the December Code Pack `96 20.11.96 |
6124 | C7-OANSI.ZIP | 7,6 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | - | - | Online Ansi Viewer (ppe) By tmf / C7 This PPE displays any file, that is typed in to the field online (this prompts for path+filename, no nasty .cfg edit for a quick peep.) - Try This, very handy! Released on the December Code Pack `96 25.11.96 |
6125 | C7-RANSI.ZIP | 5,4 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | - | - | "Random Ansi Viewer (ppe) By tmf / C7 This ppe shows about n+1 ansis randomized by reading the ansis path + name from .cfg fileand the displaying it. Released on the December Code Pack `96 20.11.96" |
6126 | C7-STIME.ZIP | 5,7 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | - | - | System Time Viewer (ppe) By tmf / C7 This PPE shows a simple flashing clock either on random positions, or at a set position, via .cfg file. You can also edit the delay rates for refreshments via .cfg file. Released on the December Code Pack `96 20.11.96 |
53552 | CALGUIDE.ZIP | 43885 | 16.08.1994 | - | 22287/VPR9803B.ISO | tupla | An ASCII version of the Caller's Guide for PCBoard. Intended to guide your callers through PCBoard for the first time, or to help the more knowledgeable caller refine his skills. Formatted ASCII format may be imported into a word processor or printed directly as-is. Copyright (C) 1993 Clark Development Company, Inc. |
5927 | CALLB-23.ZIP | 12903 | 05.06.1994 | renamed | 6628/Super Shareware Collection.iso | - | CALLBLOC [PPE] v2.3 Unwanted Caller Blocker - Uses Caller-ID info to Lock-Out abusive users. In PPLC v1 to work with all PCBoard 15.x. THE FIRST, the BEST, the MOST CONFIGURABLE, OPTIONS galore. Works with any CallerID capable modem that supports PCBoard 15. IMPROVE Your BBS SECURITY! Supported by VULGARID. By Al Segura FREEWARE Source Available. |
61809 | CAM-B100.ZIP | 544782 | 13.07.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | Cam-Mail BLUE v1.00 A BlueWave Compatible Mail Door for PCBoard 15.x From Cam DeBuck Software. Supports Filters/Keywords/Twitlist/Numeric Pkts FidoNet style mail, Accounting, etc.. |
5928 | CAM-M130.ZIP | 639494 | 16.08.1994 | - | 17040/The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO | - | Cam-Mail v1.30 Multi-Lingual, Multi-Node. The best ShareWare .QWK Door for PCBoard 14.5. Supports Duplicate CRC checking, NetWorking, Internal Protocols, Updating of Mail Waiting Flags,command line stacking in the Door and via PCBoard, Forcing of Scanning Conferences and NetWorks Config. Supports non standard comports and more. Truly the BEST!! Registration is $25.00 US Order using our 800 Number! |
6127 | CAMBL122.ZIP | 612915 | 23.12.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Cam-Mail BLUE v1.22 A BlueWave Compatible Mail Door for PCBoard). For PCBoard 15.x From Cam DeBuck Software. Supports Filters/Keywords/Twitlist/Numeric Pkts FidoNet style mail, Accounting, etc.. |
6128 | CB_TBB1.ZIP | 9479 | 23.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | CALLBACK v1.00, a callback utility for PCBoard 15.22. Gives pre-authorized users fast, simple callback capability, without all those lengthy instruction screens. Free registration via a one minute online phone call. By TBB Utilities. |
61883 | CBV104.ZIP | 17430 | 16.08.1994 | - | - | - | CBV.PPE 1.04 4/20/94 - A PCBoard 15.1 PPE that allows you to callback verify your new users. Installation is simple and painless. Get rid of all those users that like to create duplicate accounts on your system! $10.00 registration fee. Trial version is fully functional; but is limited to 24 sucessfull callback validations. Has many customizable features and allows you to use PCBedit to customize the way it looks! |
6129 | CCML_100.ZIP | 32778 | 23.01.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | [MS]CCML v1.00:Custom Conference Menu Lister [CCML.PPE]: Interactive CNFN Menu List written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A .PPE to replace the Conference Menu. Dynamically create & allow interactive conference scrolling. CONF *grouping* SELecting, remove MWFs and MORE! [MS] |
61952 | CEOM_140.ZIP | 7799 | 16.08.1994 | - | scene.org | - | [MS] CEOM v1.40: A Custom End Of Message PPE [CEOM.PPE] : Custom End Of Message PPE written in PPL for PCBoard v15.0+ BBSs FREEWARE! Color & Display Configurable end of message prompt replacement. An easy to use prompt adding a scroll bar and hot keys but keeps PCB Cmds! [MS] |
61953 | CEOM_150.ZIP | 8483 | 16.08.1994 | - | scene.org | - | [MS] CEOM v1.50: A Custom End Of Message PPE [CEOM.PPE] : Custom End Of Message PPE written in PPL for PCBoard v15.0+ BBSs FREEWARE! Color & Display Configurable end of message prompt replacement. An easy to use prompt adding a scroll bar & hotkeys but keeps PCB Commands! [MS] |
61954 | CEOM_200.ZIP | 9442 | 16.08.1994 | - | scene.org | - | [MS] CEOM v2.00: A Custom End Of Message PPE Written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs FREEWARE! *Color/Display* Configurable end of message prompt replacement. An easy to use prompt adding a scroll bar & hotkeys but keeps PCB Commands! [MS] |
6130 | CEOM_301.ZIP | 22885 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | [MS] CEOM v3.01: A Custom End Of Message PPE Written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs Color and Display Configurable end of message prompt replacement. An easy to use prompt which adds a scroll bar and hotkeys, but honors PCB Commands! [MS] |
6131 | CFDL_102.ZIP | 32220 | 23.01.1996 | - | 9329/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_7_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1995).iso | - | [MS] CFDL v1.02:Custom File Directory Lister Written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A PPE to replace the "F" command. Will dynamically create & allow interactive scrolling of the file directories. Can group file directories & MORE! -- [MS] |
6132 | CFDS_200.ZIP | 47331 | 23.01.1996 | - | SysOps Arsenal 1 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | [MS] CFDS v2.00: Custom F_Directory Scanners Written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs Color/Display Configurable N and/or L and/or Z command replacements. Multi- Conference scanning,User Save options, # of Days Back Scans & MUCH MORE! [MS] |
61961 | CFLIST20.ZIP | 251213 | 05.06.1994 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Custom File List Builder PPE v2.0 (CL) for PCBoard v15.1 is an add on command to allow your callers to construct custom Allfiles listings and download them. Options include: - Selected file directories - New files (since last scan date) - Keyword search (like Zippy scan) - Cross conference scanning - Any combination of these This is a MAJOR upgrade release. |
61974 | CHANGE.ZIP | 16496 | 02.10.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | CHANGE is a program, written for PCBoard, that lets you globally modify any or all of the following files: PCBOARD.DAT, CNAMES.@@@, CNAMES.ADD, DOORS.LST, BLT.LST, SCRIPT.LST, DIR.LST and DLPATH.LST. |
6133 | CHAT!100.ZIP | 7,6 kt | 24.02.1998 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | CHAT.PPE by Mukunda Modell Version 1.00 THE BEST SysOp/User Split Screen Chat PPE for pcboard 15.21... |
6134 | CHAT21-U.ZIP | 4731 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Split screen chat v2.1 PPE Now CHAT.LOG option available |
6135 | CHLOG11.ZIP | 6205 | 09.08.1996 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | International PPL Creators: Chesy PCBoard Login PPE v1.1. |
6136 | CIA-FTR4.ZIP | 8278 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Footer v1.03 PPE A PCBoard PPE that will make your mail reading more enjoyable. PCBoard 15.1+ REQUIERED OPTIMIZED FOR SPEED! Code by Al Bundy '94 |
62125 | CL15S1B.ZIP | 90796 | 16.08.1994 | - | 8196/Night Owl The Best of BBS (NOP-BBS) (Night Owl Publisher) (1994).iso | - | CALLS 15S1B Statistic Bulletin generator. Preliminary release with support of the new PCBoard 15.0 changes and features, adds several new features & reports. Skips CALLER files not present in multinode operation & handles larger files. This includes only new CALLS.EXE, CALLS.CNF & CALLS.MOD & DOC files. (for changes made by Gary Meeker) (10-24-93) |
6137 | CL15S1G.ZIP | 105912 | 15.08.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | CALLS Ver 15s1g Statistic Bulletin generator Supports pcboard 15.1 changes and features.. Changed to allow for spaces in conference names. Recognition of some of the common PPE entries in the CALLERS file. New report for PPE's. Reduced memory overhead on filename collection. Added 28800 to Baud Rate report. Added EDSBACK PPE report, changed batch file reporting. No source files included. (Changes made by Gary Meeker) (06-12-94) |
62137 | CLCB_120.ZIP | 14010 | 16.08.1994 | - | scene.org | - | [MS] CLCB v1.20: Custom Last Caller Bulletin [CLCB.PPE] Custom Last Caller Bulletin Generator PPE for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs! FREEWARE! Totally Color and *DISPLAY!* configurable last caller bulletin PPE: (uses replacement codes). Also creates running totals of board activity! [MS] |
6138 | CLCB_151.ZIP | 50075 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | [MS] CLCB v1.51: Custom Last Caller Bulletin Generator PPE for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs! Colour and *DISPLAY* configurable last caller bulletin .PPE (Uses replacement codes). Supports configurable running totals of board activity & MORE! [MS] |
62153 | CLNP_100.ZIP | 8979 | 16.08.1994 | - | scene.org | - | [MS] CLNP v1.00: A Custom Login Note Pad PPE [CLNP.PPE]: A User-To-User NotePad PPE written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs FREEWARE Color & Display Configurable. Allows users to write a private 2 line note which is displayed *only* to the recipient when they next login. - [MS] |
6139 | CLNP_110.ZIP | 23801 | 23.01.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | [MS] CLNP v1.10: A Custom Login Note Pad PPE Written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs Color/Display Configurable. Lets users write a private two line login note, displayed *only* to the recipient when they next login. Receipts & MORE! [MS] |
62188 | CMFL_120.ZIP | 10318 | 16.08.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | [MS] CMFL v1.20: Custom Master File List PPE [CMFL.PPE]: A Master File List Creator written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs FREEWARE! A program to create/archive an *up-to-the-minute* master file list on demand. The user selects the DIRs, conf specific configs and MORE! - [MS] |
6140 | CMFL_200.ZIP | 28776 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | [MS] CMFL v2.00: Custom Master File List PPE Written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs An advanced program that will create & archive an *up-to-the-minute* master file list on demand. Select and Save DIRs, conf configs and MORE! ---- [MS] |
6141 | CMPSTATS.ZIP | 11,8 kt | 04.04.1997 | - | - | - | Compressos Stats - PCBoard 15.3 PPE 30 lines of data, lightbars. Shows all what user needs. |
6142 | CMS107.ZIP | 37072 | 14.12.1995 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | Custom Message System v1.07 PPE Replacement for the Read Mail Command and Enter a Message Command in PCBoard. PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x Now with Configurable Headers Copyright (C)1995 Equinox Software |
62196 | CNAV_300.ZIP | 22766 | 05.06.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | [MS] CNAV v3.00: Custom Node Activity Viewer [CNAV.PPE]: A Node Activity Viewer PPE written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs FREEWARE Color/Option Configurable WHO replacement. Tiny, Brief, Verbose and RealTime Active Modes. Shows activity, XFerring Files, User Stats & MORE [MS] |
6143 | CNAV_406.ZIP | 60122 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | [MS] CNAV v4.06: Custom Node Activity Viewer PPE written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs Color/Option Configurable WHO command replacement. Terse, Brief, Verbose and Interactive RealTime Modes! Supporting XFerring Files, User Stats & MORE [MS] |
62197 | CNFPCB20.ZIP | 11236 | 16.08.1994 | - | scene.org | - | CONFPCB v2.00 Small utility to test where the file file uploaded came from. For ALL PCBoard vers- ions. Written by: Edward E. BRaiter. |
62198 | CNFS_110.ZIP | 7175 | 16.08.1994 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | [MS] CNFS v1.10: Custom New File Scanner PPE [CNFS.PPE]: --- A New File Scanner PPE written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs FREEWARE! Color & Option Configurable 'N'ew Scan replacement. Allows input of a # of days to scan, flag files, or screen capturing scans and MORE! [MS] |
62199 | CNFUV109.ZIP | 17902 | 16.08.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | CNFUSERS 1.09 - Will read PCBoard 14.5 & 15.0 user file and output a report listing the number of people registered in each conferenc through most mail doors installed as TPAs |
6144 | COBS_110.ZIP | 38787 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | [MS] COBS v1.10:Custom Online Banking System [COBS.PPE]: A Time and/or K-Byte Bank written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A powerful & easy to use Time and / or KByte bank. VERY *configurable* setup & display interface. Deposit, Withdraw and Gamble options & MUCH MORE! - [MS] |
6145 | CORK10B1.ZIP | 11,5 kt | 19.06.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | CORKBOARD v1.0 - An Online Advertisement PPE utility for PCBoard v15.1 or later. Easy to install and use! CorkBoard displays as many or as few files specified by the SysOp, with an expiration date for each after which they are skipped. Ideal for those SysOps looking for a unique way to bring in extra money for their systems, Charity drives and lots more! |
6146 | CRZ_LAM.ZIP | 2,9 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "CRaZY WoRLD95 LAME LIST PPE. Let users view a lame listand add names and comments to it 100% configurable." |
6147 | CSSC_301.ZIP | 28984 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | [MS] CSSC v3.01 Custom Split Screen Chat PPE [CSSC.PPE]: -- A Split Screen Chat PPE written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A feature packed, colour configurable SysOp/User split-screen chat interface to replace the F10 PCB Chat. Supports a User Editor PPE (CUFE) & MORE! [MS] |
6148 | CTUB_150.ZIP | 27706 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | CTUB v1.50 PPE A Top Users BLTN Generator written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs A Top [1-25] Users Bulletin Generator. Top Callers, ULers (KB and/or Files), and DLers (KB and/or Files). Up to *9* Display Configurable Bulletins! [MS] |
62484 | CUFE_120.ZIP | 15626 | 16.08.1994 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | [MS] CUFE v1.20: - A Custom User File Editor [CUFE.PPE]: A Full Screen User Editor written in PPL for PCBoard v15.1+ BBSs FREEWARE Color Config! An easy to use online Full Screen User File Editor. PSA Support. Conference Flag Updates. Powerful, versatile and MORE! --- [MS] |
6149 | CUFE_200.ZIP | 49,3 kt | 31.03.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | MS CUFE v2.00: Custom User File Editor PPE CUFE.PPE: A Full Screen User Editor written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs Color configurable Full Screen Online User Editor.Normal & SysOp Only modes. Full PSA Support. Conf Flag Updating. *Powerful*, versatile and MORE! - MS |
6150 | CW_MM_38.ZIP | 21,8 kt | 19.06.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | MainMenu v3.8 A PCBoard 15.2 PPE v3.0. Great PPE replacement for PCBoard BRDM main menus. Shows available/unavailable commands as well as "all on the fly", never draw another BRDM again!! Nice little PPE! Visa/MC for instant registrations!! Support is available via the Intelec Network in PPL or CW_Support forums! |
6152 | CW_UN_35.ZIP | 14,1 kt | 19.06.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | "UserNews v3.5 Let users enter their own news items! Shareware PPE for PCBoard v15.2! Its a breeze to installand needs littleor no maintenance!! Visa/MC accepted for *instant* online registration codes! Support available on the Intelec Network PPL/CW_Support forums" |
62492 | CW-PV-10.ZIP | 11268 | 16.08.1994 | - | scene.org | - | Pro-Vote v1.0 A PCBoard 15.0 "PPE" shareware utility giving up to *32* voting booths! The menu driven operation allows users to choose either A)nswer or V)iew Results. *32* booths in the registered version only, but Pro-Vote is only $10 to register! |
6151 | CWTU_100.ZIP | 35057 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | [MS] CWTU v1.00 PPE [CWTU.PPE]: Weekly Top Users BLT Maker written in PPL for PCBoard v15.2+ BBSs Color Configurable Top 1-25 Users BLTN Generator. Weekly Top Uploaders and/or Downloaders(calculated in bytes).Fast, running totals, Day7 Post & MORE! [MS] |
6153 | DATABOX.ZIP | 129883 | 23.12.1995 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | DATAßOX v2.00ß A complete PPE file system that allows you to send files to the users on your BBS while your online or offline. Send to an individual user, a certain security level or all your users. COMPLETE RE_WRITE! PCBoard 15.2x PPE (C)1995 Equinox Software |
6154 | DCLAIM10.ZIP | 3,6 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "DCLAIM v1.00: DISCLAIMER Display PPE compiled with PPLC 2.0 for PCBoard v15.1+ FREEWARE! An expansion on other PPEs that will display a disclaimer to a user. DCLAIM will also adjust user security to a definable level if answer is NO. Prompt is configurable and will also allow you to display a definable file to users who answer NO. Allows you to weed out the losers. Will also log the response typedmaybe helping with that" |
6155 | DEC-ST.ZIP | 5,4 kt | 14.02.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | View Stat\'s v0.9. Lightbared replacement to PCB\'s "V" command. |
62791 | DEPOS104.ZIP | 67821 | 03.12.1994 | - | 8196/Night Owl The Best of BBS (NOP-BBS) (Night Owl Publisher) (1994).iso | - | The Depository Bank v1.04 This PPE is written exclusively for PCBoard version 15.x. The purpose of this PPE is to allow your users to bank TIME or BYTES and to recover them when needed. It will also allow the user to exchange the saved time for bytes or bytes for time. No maintenance is required by the Sysop once the PPE is installed. Registration: $15.00 |
6156 | DEPOS111.ZIP | 77247 | 13.06.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | The Depository Bank v1.11 [PPE] : Winner of the 1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-On : Contest as Best Shareware PPE! : This PPE is written exclusively for PCBoard : version 15.2x. The purpose of this PPE is to: allow your users to bank TIME or BYTES and : to recover them when needed. It will also : allow the user to exchange the saved time : for bytes or bytes for time. No maintenance : is required by the Sysop once installed. : |
6157 | DETECT02.ZIP | 4561 | 16.03.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Ansi Detect PPE v0.2 This PPE will automatically Answer the graphics question when someone logs on! |
6158 | DEVELOP.ZIP | 67854 | 09.08.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PCBoard Developer Information: Contains file structures and usage guidelines for files used in the PCBoard environment. |
62989 | DIZ2P110.ZIP | 33712 | 16.08.1994 | - | 8183/nightowlsharewarenopv10.iso | - | DIZ/2-PCB v1.10 of 09.03.93 - PCBoard utility to extract FILE_ID.DIZ in ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK files, adds the # of files, newest/oldest file dates and the uncompressed size. Local Uploading. Removes unwanted BBSAds, archive comment generator. The fastest and most powerful processor out! Shareware by Shawn Reimerdes. |
62990 | DIZ2P113.ZIP | 34166 | 16.08.1994 | - | archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz | - | DIZ/2-PCB v1.13 of 09.20.93 - PCBoard utility to extract FILE_ID.DIZ in ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK files, adds the # of files, newest/oldest file dates and the uncompressed size. Local Uploading. Removes unwanted BBSAds, archive comment generator. Search and Destroy unwanted text from entering your upload dir. The fastest and most powerful processor out! Shareware by Shawn Reimerdes. |
62991 | DIZ2P120.ZIP | 37205 | 16.08.1994 | - | scene.org | - | DIZ/2-PCB v1.20ß of 11.21.93 - PCBoard utilit to extract FILE_ID.DIZ in ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK files, adds the # of files, newest/oldest file dates and the uncompressed size. Local Uploading. Removes unwanted BBSAds, archive comment generator. Search and Destroy unwanted text from entering your upload dir. The fastest and most powerful processor out! Shareware by Shawn Reimerdes. |
62993 | DIZIT35.ZIP | 96288 | 16.08.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | DizIt v3.5 -FILE_ID.DIZ Importer Sysops - Stop spending time uploading files into PCBoard with the local upload option, do it via batch processing! Use DizIt to automate the process. DizIt aids the PCBoard sysop by allowing files which contain FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI files to be imported into PCBoard into any directory file you specify. No need to check if FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI exists, DizIt will snoop it out for you. DizIt is fast and easy! Up to 2,500 files imported at once. 06/10/94 Great for nightly event Author: Robert Neal NOT CRIPPLED! |
62994 | DIZPRO10.ZIP | 103706 | 09.11.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | DizIt PRO v1.0 - FILE_ID.DIZ Importer Sysops-Stop spending time uploading files into PCBoard with local upload. Do it with DizIt Pro to automate the process! DizIt Pro snoops through files quickly for either FILE_ID.DIZ or DESC.SDI and imports those descriptions. DizIt Pro can also import descriptions from text files, scan for virus, check for duplicate in .IDX files and much more. Great for nightly event! |
6159 | DJ-PG10.ZIP | 44978 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Prompts Galore! v1.0 by Drew [PWA] Replace those 10 of those boring PCBoard text prompts with these slick looking lightbar prompts! A must have for the complete lightbar maniac. Source is available by request from the author. |
6161 | DL-YELL.ZIP | 4729 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | PPE: Yeller v1.0b. Best sysop pager ever made! Fully configurable! Freeware! |
63019 | DLDCO21A.ZIP | 49645 | 05.06.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | DLDCOUNT v2.1a BUG FIX!!! This release allows you to configure the number of header lines to skip! Download Counter updates you PCB DIRs with: Downloaded xx Time(s) COLORFUL BULLETIN DISPLAY Incredibly fast - Runs in Event SPEED ENHANCED * DISPLAY IMPROVED The PEGASUS PROJECT [813]481-5575 |
6160 | DLINFO10.ZIP | 5153 | 23.01.1996 | - | 9326/The Pier Shareware Number 3 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso | - | DLINFO.PPE v1.00 ■ 09-03-93 ■ Mike Paschen PCBoard v15.0 [PPE] program to replace your prompts 159, 669, 670, 674, 675 to enhance user information when they don't have enough download bytes remaining or would exceed their download limits/ratios. (** Complete Source Code Included **) |
63056 | DMS35A.ZIP | 61782 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | WGM-DMS v.3.5a - PCBoard 14.x Utility This utility does the following: - Create directory headers. - Create conference directory files. - Create up to 99 bulletin files. - Create up to 99 master file listings. Written by Wayne G. Maas This is a bug fix release |
6168 | DOD_LD20.ZIP | 2,8 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | - LOADER v2.0 - This program is designed to load dif- ferent PPEÿor ANSi &ÿPCBÿfiles while user logins to your board. |
6170 | DOD_NUP.ZIP | 5,3 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "NUP v1.o: This is very cool NUPÿPPE... It will give various security levels to callers depending on password theyve entered and many many more stuff... -LU" |
6171 | DOD_RD11.ZIP | 3,3 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Resume Download v1.1 PPE |
6162 | DOD-8PRT.ZIP | 4874 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Drink Or Die PPE: Eight Animated Prompts. |
6163 | DOD-BBSL.ZIP | 24525 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | Drink Or Die PPE: BBSlist v1.0. |
6164 | DOD-BL20.ZIP | 11499 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Drink Or Die PPE: BBS-List v2.0. |
6165 | DOD-BONL.ZIP | 11385 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Drink Or Die PPE: B-Oneliner v1.0. |
6166 | DOD-FQ10.ZIP | 5480 | 09.08.1996 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | Drink Or Die PPE: Fuqfile Faker/Nuker v1.0. |
6167 | DOD-LC10.ZIP | 10719 | 09.08.1996 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | Drink Or Die PPE: Ami/x Last Callers v1.0. |
6172 | DOD-SBNP.ZIP | 7593 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Drink Or Die PPE: Sky-NUP v1.0b. |
6173 | DOD-SBUL.ZIP | 7277 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Drink Or Die PPE: Sky-User v1.1b. Userlist. |
6174 | DOD-SYSG.ZIP | 5419 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Drink Or Die PPE: Multi-Sysop Comment. |
6175 | DOD-US10.ZIP | 3794 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Drink Or Die PPE: Upload System v1.0. |
6169 | DODMMP50.ZIP | 137637 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Drink Or Die PPE: Megamatrix Pro 5.0. |
6176 | DOME-PMT.ZIP | 19982 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Prompts PPE An improved selectable AND configurable prompts PPE for PCBoard 15.1 With multinode support, configurable ANSi screens, lightbar and lots more. It's all that yo! |
6177 | DP-BBSL3.ZIP | 21,5 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | - | - | PPE BBS List PLUS! (c)DeltaProductions (PPLC 3.00) Version 3.01 + Better outlook + Better full list browsing + Optional random BBS display when logging out of system + Screens are now configurable! WWW: http://www.megabaud.fi/~rauli/ Delta/DeltaProductions 03/31/96 |
6178 | DP-NWS10.ZIP | 14,3 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | - | - | DeltaProductions News Viewer PPE v1.0 Great lightbar-driven news display PPE for PCBoard. Supports removing and of course adding new bulletins from our great easy-to-use interface. (PPLC 3.00) By Creep/DP. |
6179 | DP-SEC14.ZIP | 11,6 kt | 06.02.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PPE Security Check (c)DeltaProductions (PPLC 3.00) Version 1.40 + Better outlook + Colour configuration! + Background is now configurable! WWW: http://www.megabaud.fi/~rauli/ By: Delta/DeltaProductions 05/21/96 |
6181 | DP-TOP12.ZIP | 13,5 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | - | - | PPE Top 10 Users (c)DeltaProductions (PPLC 3.00) Version 1.1F + ANYTHING is now fully configurable + Top 10 up/downloaders (sorted by bytes or files) and best message writers. + Lightbar system + Now supports alias systems WWW: http://www.megabaud.fi/~rauli/ Delta/DeltaProductions 05/21/96. |
6180 | DPSTATS.ZIP | 13,7 kt | 24.03.1998 | - | - | - | Dark Productions Presents Tilastojen Näyttäjä v1.0 by $watCat^DP Tämä mahtava PCBoardille tarkoitettu PPE korvaa V komennon purkissa. Täysin suomennettu ja hienon värinen! |
63186 | DRS094B.ZIP | 64124 | 16.08.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | The Duplicate Removal System DRSv0.94B The Duplicate Removal System allows PCBoard sysops to eliminate all duplicate revisions of files from their BBS, thereby conserving disk space. A must for the serious sysop! Written by former Salt Air Sysop, Daniel Chlarson. This release features improved DesqView performance! |
6182 | DSPLT124.ZIP | 140745 | 03.01.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | DSplit 1.24 DSplit is a unique PCBoard utility which allows users to split and download files. Users with limited access time or download bytes may have troubles downloading the newest games and large programs. DSplit allows users to split ANY file and download parts at their leisure. Now includes DOS and OS/2 (for PCBoard/2) executables! |
6183 | DTD!MB.ZIP | 21809 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | DTD!MB.PPE This is a little ppe that will let you keep out those low-speed-callers. |
6184 | DTD!NUP.ZIP | 24335 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | NUP.PPE! This is a prettycool NewUserPassword PPE it has cool ansis and asciis!. |
63312 | DWNLD151.ZIP | 13689 | 05.06.1994 | - | 4560/ShareWare Heaven 3 (Most Significant Bits) (1994).iso | - | DWNLD.PPE & DWNLDCD.PPE v1.51 Dated: 2/1/94 - Two PPE's for PCB 15.1 that give PCB a FULL SCREEN download counter. This version fixes the bugs of removing the WAIT that version 1.5 had. |
6185 | DWNLD303.ZIP | 27,6 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | DWNLD.PPE Version 3.0á3 A PPE for PCB 15.2 that give PCB a FULL SCREEN download counter. Update allows sysop to FULLY use multilingual options and adds ability to View & Remove files, and Change Protocols. MANY fixes and additions. |
6186 | EA_1LIN.ZIP | 7396 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | Error Art PPE: The Error Art Oneliner v1.0. |
6187 | EA_UOGD2.ZIP | 20715 | 09.08.1996 | - | 1980/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 7.iso | - | Error Art PPE: UOGD - Upload Or Get Deleted. |
63599 | EDSB121A.ZIP | 183195 | 05.06.1994 | - | 6180/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (July 1994).iso | - | EDSBack v1.21a [PPE] Call-Back verifier for PCBoard v15.1. Supports multi-lingual prompts, user trashcans, number trashcans, caller-ID searching, automated messages, powerful ONLINE configuration, timetables, file flagging, international support, call back only mode, user upgrading, MUCH MORE! MAINTENANCE RELEASE. |
6188 | EZ_DOOR.ZIP | 11920 | 23.02.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | EZ_DOOR v1.0 DOOR MANAGEMENT UTILITY Great New door management ppe that allows you to configure and run up to 999 games from a single menu. Takes some setting up but once you complete the initial setup maintainence is simple. If the users security does not match that required for the game he/she will not even see the game name or be able to execute it. ANOTHER GREAT NET EQUINOX ASSOCIATES PPE |
6189 | FAREA09.ZIP | 58,5 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | 36/PARADISE.ISO | - | Fatal! area changer v.0.9 Just like some others out there, but this one is freeware! Very easy to install in conjuction with Fatal! menu because no need to fix up the RA area name problem. If used without Fatal! menu, there is an install example included. No coded by message at all! |
64122 | FIDOPCB2.ZIP | 4448 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Text file, explains the programs and batch files needed to run PCBoard in a FidoNet - Technology environment. This version has some subtle changes, including the change from TosScan to Squish as the tosser/scanner. Written by Michael Nelson, sysop of SeaHunt BBS. |
6190 | FILESYS.ZIP | 9656 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | BOOMLAB FILE SYSOP PPE v.03 - 4/24/95 Fully automate the handling of files failing BOOMLAB v.43+. It can E-Mail the Sysop so now you'll know there's files to look at, E-Mail user, Delete file, and NUKE file! All can be used in combination and set for each type of failed test. (CRC/AGE/DUPE/VIRUS) |
6191 | FINLANG.ZIP | 12128 | 16.03.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCBoardin suurimmaksi osaksi suomennettu kielitiedosto (PCBTEXT.) Käy vain rekisteröityyn versioon. |
64166 | FLAG_PPE.ZIP | 6156 | 16.08.1994 | - | 8183/nightowlsharewarenopv10.iso | - | FLAG.PPE, a replacement for PCBoard's internal "more?" prompt, gives PCBoard v15.0 the easiest-to-use system for flagging and viewing files of any BBS around. It gives callers the ability to point and shoot when flagging or viewing files. Includes source code and may be customized to suit your BBS's needs. |
6194 | FLAG.PPE | 2450 | 09.08.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Pieni PPE, jolla merkataan tiedostoja PCBoardin tiedostolistasta. SUOMENKIELINEN!! |
6192 | FLAG31.ZIP | 21658 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | FLAG.PPE, v3.1, a replacement for PCBoard's internal "more?" prompt, gives PCBoard v15.1 the easiest-to-use system for flagging and viewing files of any BBS around. It gives callers the ability to point and shoot when flagging or viewing files. Includes source code and may be customized to suit your BBS's needs. Version 3.0 adds RIPscrip support and changes flagging to go from top to bottom. Version 3.1 contains a fixed PREFILER file. |
64164 | FLAG32.ZIP | 21722 | 02.12.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | FLAG.PPE, v3.2, a replacement for PCBoard's internal "more?" prompt, gives PCBoard v15.1 the easiest-to-use system for flagging and viewing files of any BBS around. It gives callers the ability to point and shoot when flagging or viewing files. Includes source code and may be customized to suit your BBS's needs. Version 3.0 adds RIPscrip support and changes flagging to go from top to bottom. Version 3.2 contains a fixed PREFILER file. |
6193 | FLAGP200.ZIP | 17107 | 03.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | FLAG+ v2.00 for PCBoard from R.E.C. PPE Replacement for PCBoard's internal file directory listing prompt. Quickly browse file listings, while un/flagging files to download, test, or view by using arrow keys or a mouse. MAJOR improvements from v1.2ß. |
6195 | FP14S.ZIP | 215,1 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "FidoPCB ** Version 1.4 ** Date: 08-18-93 Fido interface for PCBoard. Allows multiple NodesAKAsAreaFixNet Mail. Can be run as a Door. Fasteasy setup. Direct tossing into PCBoard message format. Supports IMFrontDoorBinkleyTermDBridge. Supports PCB 15.0 MSGS.IDX. Shareware by Matjaz Koce." |
6196 | FSEARCH1.ZIP | 2770 | 23.02.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | FSEARCH.PPE (L) A (L) File Search Replacement for PCBoard Ver. 15.21 or Greater. Very Professional Look and Feel. Customize your Menu the Way You Want it! List of Options Help your Users Search Their Little Hearts Out. You Spent Time Gathering Files, Now Give Them The Tool to Find Them! ***FREE PPE PCB***FREE PCB PPE*** |
6197 | FSW_AG.ZIP | 130,5 kt | 26.04.1997 | - | 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | AlienView v1.0 By Code Zero The Best Ansi/TXT/ASC/PCB..etc. Viewer PCBoard Has Ever seen! Upload/Download/View/MultiConf Supports Up to 9990 Files! And 999 Conferences w/ 10 Files Per Conference! |
6198 | FTCNCHAT.ZIP | 9479 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | [PPE] AMI-X CHAT FOR PCBOARD 15.2+ [01/01] |
6199 | FTCNRVSC.ZIP | 26483 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | [PPE] AMI-X REVERSE DIRECTORY SCAN [01/01] |
6200 | FTCNWHO.ZIP | 9300 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | [PPE] AMI-X WHO FOR PCBOARD 15.2+ [01/01] |
6201 | FTPCB120.ZIP | 91874 | 01.04.1996 | - | 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | - | File Transfer Test PPE V1.20 --- 02/18/96 FTT is a PCBoard PPE program designed to perform file transfer testing in a controlled, repeatable manner, and provide complete statistic reporting in a uniform format. Works with any modem, with or without USRSTATS. Multi-node aware, requires DSZ. Now compatible with PCBoard-OS/2. |
6202 | FUD_ULT1.ZIP | 5 kt | 10.02.1998 | - | monster94.zip/monster2.zip | - | Upload Thanker 1.0 PPE For PCBoard 15.1+ Allows Display of multiple (up to 999) Ansi or Ascii Screens after user has completed uploading. Coded By: The Prophecy. 3/15/94 |
64486 | GIFT4B10.ZIP | 98996 | 16.08.1994 | - | 18223/WOC.BIN | - | GIFtest 4.0ß10 (01/22/92), Command line GIF util for PCBoard 14.5a and ProDoor sysops to test uploaded GIF files for errors and insert resolution into the file descriptions where the sysop desires. Returns an error level, so works with any BBS software. Now supports com ports up to 19,200 baud! $15 Shareware by Dave Navarro, Jr. |
6203 | GL_TOP01.ZIP | 9,8 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | TOP 10 Ul/Dlers PPE, fully configurable |
6205 | GNS_LOGN.ZIP | 9287 | 09.08.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Genesis PPE: Genesis Logon v1.1. |
6207 | GNS_PROT.ZIP | 3487 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Genesis PPE: Genesis Protocol Selector v1.0. |
6204 | GNS-CHAT.ZIP | 10484 | 09.08.1996 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | Genesis PPE: Genesis Chat v1.0b. |
6206 | GNS-ONEL.ZIP | 6742 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Genesis PPE: Genesis One-Liners v1.0. |
6210 | GNX_QUL3.ZIP | 6,5 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Quick Uploader v3.0 |
6208 | GNX!LG10.ZIP | 11957 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AMi/X Logon v1.0ß Coded By Dr Dre This Is A Copy Of The Same Program Found On AMi/X BBS's Software It's Basically A Logon Stats PPE Check It, Great PPE! |
6209 | GNX!NU10.ZIP | 18486 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AMi/X NeW! v.1.0ß By BitStream/CK |
6211 | GNX!TIME.ZIP | 7949 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | AmiExpress / Tempest Time PPE Ami-Express / Tempest Styled Time PPE |
64629 | GUESTPPE.ZIP | 2384 | 16.08.1994 | - | 16767/Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO | - | GUEST is a simple PPE to allow sysops with guest user accounts to keep track of who's using the guest account. Prompts the user for their name and location, then writes it to the caller log. PPS included. |
6212 | HB_NF21.ZIP | 22168 | 03.01.1996 | - | 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso | - | NEWSFLASH 2.1 by Herbert Bushong NewsFlash is a PPE to enhance your NEWS display file, letting you display news entries for a specific number of days. Simple to set-up and highly configurable. Includes Maintenance functions, file and color configurability, and Editor PPE to add entries on-line. FREE REGISTRATION Compiled with PPLC 3.2/req. PCB 15.22+ |
65011 | IDXUTIL4.ZIP | 95251 | 16.08.1994 | - | 16619/ShareWare OnLine Volume 3 (CMS Software)(1994).ISO | - | IDX-Util v4.0 (10-01-93) PCB 15.0 Utilities List files using wildcards, List Duplicate files, cross-reference two .IDX files and list Dups or create a 3rd Index containing Dups or you can Kill the Dups. Change Drive Letters in .IDX files quickly, Edit Paths & FileNames, delete files from IDX. Merge two IDX Files. Detect which CD-Rom is in drive and change DLPATH.LST files to appropriate .IDX files. FREEWARE by Gary Meeker |
65102 | IN06UP0A.ZIP | 9148 | 16.08.1994 | - | - | - | Intelec Intro Screens for PCB 15.0 Boards. The screens in this packet are an update using the 9310B Intelec listing. Now your users will know exactly who the moderator is and what the conference is about every time they join a conference! Compelete installation instructions are included! |
6213 | INFONODE.ZIP | 18811 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | INFONODE [PPE] by SLUM-DWELLER/PWA! Who PPE like on AmiExpress!!! |
65135 | INFOV202.ZIP | 5666 | 05.06.1994 | - | - | - | INFO v2.00 UPDATE A PPE that will dislay most of the callers statistics. 90% of them! I have also added a utility to it, that will notify the caller if they have had 11+ or more incorrect passwords entered upon logon(since they first registered) and set a password "expiration" date to 10 days. (C)1994, Bill Masuka, FREEWARE! |
6214 | INT_RM.ZIP | 9265 | 23.02.1996 | renamed | 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso | - | Remote Manager V1.0 Allows Sysop or Co-Sysop to use various utils and programs from remote using a ppe. Lightbar support; includes source. |
6216 | IS_TB_14.ZIP | 27,9 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | 223/The Arsenal Files Collection %238 (Arsenal Computer) (1996).ISO | - | Simple Time Bank PPE 1.4 for PCBoard 15.22+ This is a no-frills time bank to allow users to save and withdraw time / bytes. Sysop-configurable, all prompts can have LANG variants and displays can have lang, sec, and graphics variants. Freeware by Herbert Bushong, An Intelec Software Extra! |
6215 | ISERV10.ZIP | 7140 | 23.02.1996 | - | 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso | - | InfoServ - v1.0 - PCBoard PPE utility. This one-of-a-kind PPE will automate your frequent information requests by replying to them for you. Use it to advertise your system and/or product line automatically via e-mail. Works in any type of PCBoard conference. Fully functional shareware. Not crippled in any way. No delays, begs screens, etc. You owe it to yourself to at least try it. You won't be sorry you did. Released 12/26/95.. |
6217 | IZ_FS111.ZIP | 21,2 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | FSCAN.PPE v1.11: User Log-on File scanner! The Best User Log-on File Scanner PPE FScan will allow your users to View or Down- load a List of New Files as they log in to your PCBoard 15.2+ BBS. Includes an ALLFILES List download option. Completely SysOp con- figurable. Multi-Language capable. Too many features to list! No Brag Lines for a Pro- fessional and seamless Look. Download Today! Infinite Zone Software. |
6218 | IZ_QS_13.ZIP | 51026 | 23.12.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | QWKScan v1.30: Complete QWK Mail System! QWKScan is a *complete* QWK Mail System that compiles .QWK Packets that include New Files Listings, New/Updated Bulletins, New/Updated BBS News Files, and Welcome/Logoff Screens! Totally SysOp and User configurable! A must have for every PCBoard v15.21+ BBS. (PPE) #1 * * Free Registration * * |
6219 | JK-BOMB.ZIP | 31136 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | [PCB] BOMB/X PAGER, SYSOP PAGE UTILITY [1/1] Now put a stop to all the loser's that page the mighty sysop, highly configurable and and full ami/x style. sysop page utilty, check me out now, great for every sysop with attitude! |
6220 | JK-XEDIT.ZIP | 7325 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AMI/X EDITOR, FOR PCBOARD 15.2 The name is AMI-EDIT it is the best AM I/X message editor clone out there, ch eck it out now dude's you'll love it! Easy to install. WHITE SANDS, 718 |
6221 | JM_PD_12.ZIP | 25,5 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "PullDown Menu System v1.2á -- This is a complete PullDown Menu System. Colorsprompts are all definable. This should only be used by users above 9600bps for its quite graphic intensive. ANSI must be enabled for this PPE to run. This is another quality PPE in the JM_ PPE series of PPEs. Newly improved! @X codes for a background displaynumeric keypad support and minor bug fix." |
6222 | JOCWALL.ZIP | 14734 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | This is the BEST oneliners for PCBoard ever made!, With c0ol aMi/X look and |
6223 | K_READ40.ZIP | 16184 | 18.03.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | READ.PPE v.40 ßeta The BEST (R)ead Msgs Command replacement. Easiest & most configurable lightbar message reading system. v.40 is a GROSS UPDATE: lower memory requirements, smaller & faster code. K-READ.PPE is the perfect compliment to RPROMPT. Easy to install, looks great and your users will LOVE it; makes message reading a breeze. Freeware. 2/6/96. raw sewage (309)389-4754. |
6224 | LBV12PWA.ZIP | 15711 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Pirate's With Attitude Present LiGHTBAR KiT v1.2 by CALCULUS Productions PCBOARD 15.1 Lightbar PPE |
6225 | LISTR210.ZIP | 7,5 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | 8177/Night Owl (NOPV-14)(Night Owl Publishing)(1994).ISO | - | BBS LISTER V2.10 PPE BBS Lister is a PPE that allows users to add, view, edit, remove and download from the bbs list. Great looking user interface. For PCBoard 15.1+. Compiled 07-13-94 |
65776 | LOCUPL15.ZIP | 83635 | 16.08.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Local Upload for PCBoard - version 1.5 PCBoard utility to locally upload files, import their descriptions, virus scan files before uploading, into any directory of any conference on your system. Can be run in event automatically. Major Upgrade release. Written by James R. Davis - DavisWARE! |
6226 | LOKOT.ZIP | 6 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Lock a user from a single door and / or several doors. Sysop configurable PPE. |
6227 | LOPBK501.ZIP | 279188 | 23.12.1995 | - | 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso | - | LoopBack v5.01 [PPE] Call-Back verifier for PCBoard v15.xx. Supports multi-lingual prompts, user trashcans, number trashcans, caller-ID searching, automated messages, powerful ONLINE configuration, timetables, file flagging, international support, call back only mode, user upgrading, MUCH MORE! UNIVERSAL KEY ROUTINES INCLUDED! |
65801 | LORD355.ZIP | 534297 | 23.01.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | eritupla¹ | Legend Of The Red Dragon 3.55 The coolest multinode interactive door around! PCBoard Add-On of the year, 1995. Supports ANSI/ASCII/RIP. |
6228 | LPOST160.ZIP | 324926 | 23.01.1996 | - | 10847/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1998-CD2.iso | - | LASERPOST 1.6 The Excellent Multi Message AutoPosting Door. Supports Many BBS Self-Maintaining. Fossil Optional. No Config. Shareware Version. Ability to Lock Multiple Users. No Obsolete Output Screens. Includes:Autopost Backlog, Access Block, Anonymous Mode, Custom Colors, ChatMode, Custom Word Filtering, Time |
6229 | LTC-ON1B.ZIP | 4526 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | Lobotomic PPE: Ami-x style oneliner v1.0b. |
65898 | MAFPCB10.ZIP | 38141 | 05.06.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Logon/logoff PPE v1.0ß by BlackCat configurable, great lastcallers, oneliners, broadcast, automessage and more. |
65923 | MAIL2FAX.ZIP | 84988 | 16.08.1994 | - | 7863/6_v_plex.zip | - | Mail2Fax is a program to send out PcBoard messages via Fax. Messages are directly read from the PCB message base and powerful reply and coversheet generation facilities. Supports US and European telephone systems. Requires PcBoard v15. Will work with many modems and Fax software. Very good docs. Highly configurable. Formal release, version 1.00. This copy has a 30 day Demo key, but will run without it. Shareware. Full registration $30- to $45- |
6230 | MC_AT100.ZIP | 3,7 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AllTime Top Uploaders & Downloaders v1.0b Author : Mc Freddy Z / Rel : Dec.28.1994 Simple & Small PPE. Easy Install. It Will ALWAYS Be Up To Date. Read Docs For Info |
6231 | MDY_TOPU.ZIP | 5 kt | 01.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Topuploaders 1.0! PPE |
6232 | MENU110.ZIP | 24041 | 01.04.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCBoard MenuSelect v1.10 Let your callers choose from a number of different main menus, the one they prefer to use on your system. [PPE Program for PCBoard 15.2x] Copyright (c)1996 Equinox Software |
6233 | MJTBANK.ZIP | 5868 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | MJT PPE: MJTBank v1.0 - Timebank. |
6234 | MJTCHAT.ZIP | 5959 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | MJT PPE: Chat Or Die. |
6235 | MJTHATE.ZIP | 9490 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | MJT PPE: MJT Hate v1.0. |
6236 | MJTLGOFF.ZIP | 6199 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | MJT PPE: MJTLogoff v1.0. |
6237 | MJTLINER.ZIP | 3414 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | MJT PPE: MJTLiner v1.1. |
6238 | MJTREQ2.ZIP | 3256 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | MJT PPE: MJTRequester v2.0. |
6239 | MJTVE_11.ZIP | 6484 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | MJT PPE: MJTVentti v1.1. |
6240 | MJTWDOO.ZIP | 5948 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | MJT PPE: Woodoo v1.0. Stick other users! |
6241 | MJTWORM.ZIP | 5608 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | MJT PPE: MJTWorm is action worm game. |
6242 | MOONCH11.ZIP | 3,3 kt | 18.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Moon Chat - A new internode chat system for PCBoard 10 node systems. |
66303 | MPSLC121.ZIP | 8584 | 05.06.1994 | - | 10789/CD_ASCQ_12_0294.iso | - | Last Call v1.21ß PPE for PCB 15.x by MPS o Alias Support o Optional Bulletin o 15 Call Display o "REAL" Time o 99 Node Support o ...and much more! New in this version: Menu Option Support, PPLC 2.0 Version, Many Bug Fixes! |
6246 | MS-TOPUP.ZIP | 6117 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | PPE: Alltime Top Uploaders by Toxic. |
6243 | MSGBAR15.ZIP | 3520 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | Pizza PPE: MSGBar v1.5. Easy to use message lightbar for PCB 15.0. |
6244 | MSGTG102.ZIP | 58554 | 17.12.1995 | - | 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso | - | Message Tagging Suite PPE's V1.02 Update from version 1.0x by Dan Shore. Suite of PPE's that allows TAGGING of message numbers while using PCB's "Q"uick Msg Scan function. You can READ, KILL, or RECOVER TAGGED messages. Released as "ContinueWare" with the hopes of other SysOp's continuing development of this fine suite of products. FREEWARE with source code included. |
6245 | MSHBLT02.ZIP | 3,5 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Bulletin v.02 by Balrog Great lightbars replacement for your bulletin menu! Fully SysOp configurable, supports 255 different bulletins, great looking and easy to install and configure. |
6247 | MTV_PL22.ZIP | 22,1 kt | 01.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Pro-Login v2.2 PPE Login Matrix With ANS,RIP ASC detect. Includes Doom Matrix, /X syspw homeboot system. |
6248 | NDN_1LIN.ZIP | 13,1 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | - | - | Onelinerz v1.0 PPE by Jangler. |
6249 | NEWE.ZIP | 2,9 kt | 01.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PPE replacement for the E Command. Displays a file to the caller and allows them to abort their message if they are not in the correct message base area, etc. Supports stacked names in conjunction with the command. FREE |
6250 | NITRO1.ZIP | 25,3 kt | 06.02.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "NitroChat! v1.0: A cool split screen chat PPE. Features word wrap-around and a VIP list. Nowyou may be wonderingwhat makes NitroChat! so different? Wellif the guy youre chatting with starts to get on your nervesor if you feel just a tad bit mischievousyou can toss bombs on him and blow up his text! Registered version lets you add your own custom screens and gives you five different types of explosives to terrorize your friends with. Its a blast!" |
66638 | NOTIFY10.ZIP | 6255 | 05.06.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | NOTIFY [PPE] v1.0 PPE designed to notify a Sysop or Co-Sysop when a new user calls. This PPE will send a message with all new user information and optionally Caller-ID information and send a welcome message informing them of various rules, etc. Much easier to find new users than reading the callers log. PCB v15.1 and optionally caller-ID service required. Fully Functional Freeware With Source |
6251 | NUFILZ26.ZIP | 8,4 kt | 18.07.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Newfiles.ppe is a PCBoard programming language utility to allow users to scan the file directories for new files after a given date and to make a list of those files with their descriptions. The user then has a choice of flagging the files for download or downloading the list of the files. |
6252 | O-AFL10A.ZIP | 6,2 kt | 20.06.1999 | - | - | - | "Q-SOFT AFL generator 1.0 (20.6.99) This little PPE is really useful if you have multiple file-conferences. This PPE/PPS automatically generates ALLFILES.LST of all files in your BBSbut thats not allit also creates allfiles-conference and updates it with new fileareas you have added every time you execute this PPEfully automatic. No need to reconfigureever." |
6253 | O-CS10B.ZIP | 3,9 kt | 20.06.1999 | - | - | - | Q-SOFT Caller Stats 1.0b (20.6.99) Shows nice bargraph of calls to your system. No configuration required, but 100% configurable (source-code included). Shows last 15 months by default, but can be changed. |
6254 | O-MORE10.ZIP | 2,3 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | - | - | Omega MORE 1.0 (PPE) Yksinkertainen ja kätevä suomenkielinen more?-prompitin korvaaja. Pieni. |
6256 | O-SC11.ZIP | 24,2 kt | 04.03.1998 | - | - | - | Split Chat v1.1 from O-Soft. User-Sysop chatter with many features. |
6257 | O-SEC10B.ZIP | 8,8 kt | 04.03.1998 | - | - | - | "O-Soft Security Adjuster v1.0á. This is designed to replace PCBs ugly normal prompt asking new security level in online registration. Shows a lot of information about the new security level." |
6258 | O-XO25B.ZIP | 30,2 kt | 05.01.1998 | - | - | - | Q-SOFT Ruksi Ruttuun 2.5 Lopultakin - HYVÄ ristinolla PCB:lle! Splitti-chatti, Syssille ledi-palkki, 20x20, EI-epämuodostunut pelialue, Tosi konfiguroitava, Kivan näkönen, Nopea, Ohjeet suomeksi, Tietokone-vastustajat .. soon?, ja paljon, paljon muuta... |
6255 | ONEARM15.ZIP | 16,1 kt | 01.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | * One Armed Bandit * v1.5 * PCBoard .PPE game that simulates the playing of a slot machine. No maintenance required. No configuration files required. Quick & easy install via CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. |
6259 | P2HTM100.ZIP | 19449 | 14.12.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | pcb2html v1.00 - pcboard dirx to HTML |
67092 | PAUSEPPE.ZIP | 3782 | 05.06.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PAUSE.PPE - v1.00 - Displays a windmill like effect using '-\|/-' while waiting for a CR from the user. Can be used during any text file or attached directly to PCBTEXT #418 entry. FREEWARE from Gary Meeker with source |
67100 | PBANK30.ZIP | 27936 | 03.12.1994 | - | scene.org | - | PCBoard Time & Byte Bank v3.0 [PPE] (Requires PCBoard 15.1) Menu and/or command line driven Bank PPE banks time and bytes. Withdraw time and bytes. Logs to Caller Log, allows sysop to limit the time and bytes the user can withdraw, and more. Can use a DOS variable or configuration file. Event aware. Code included. Compiled with PPLC 2.0 |
6271 | PCB_FIN.ZIP | 41,8 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | Suomenkielinen PCBTEXT tiedosto. Sisältää suomenkieliset APU tiedostot, sekä suomenkielinen valikko PCBoard BBS ohjelmalle. |
6273 | PCB_ICE.ZIP | 722 | 06.06.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | Installbatches for IcE_Zmodem in PCBoard15.xx |
6274 | PCB_MENU.ZIP | 7401 | 06.03.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Multi-menu system for PCBoard. This is much easier for those of you who have users that don't like the standard PCBoard single menu approach. |
6279 | PCB_WARP.ZIP | 40962 | 18.03.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | Run a multi-node PCBoard (V 15.x) under OS/2 WARP. I have Included my config.sys file, as well as a text file I wrote along with some other helpful tips. |
6261 | PCB1522.ZIP | 84054 | 06.10.1995 | - | 4397/Cream of the Crop 9 (Terry Blount).iso | - | Kaksi kuvaa sysopin näkökulmasta pcb-os2'sta ja muuta informaatiota. Siis versiosta 15.22. |
6260 | PCB1522D.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 31.03.1997 | - | - | - | "Fully functional DEMO version of PCBoard BBS 15.22 with some limits as it is a DEMO version. Dowload this to check out PCBs amazing features and configurability!" |
6262 | PCBAFFIX.ZIP | 7848 | 01.04.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | This program is an attempt at fixing message bases corrupted by Allfix 4.32. It will create a new *.IDX file based on the actual message base and correct message base header and message header infomation incorrectly written by Allfix. *MUST* be run immediately after Allfix announce. |
6263 | PCBCALL.ZIP | 3756 | 23.01.1996 | - | 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | - | User Paging PPE |
6264 | PCBCD100.ZIP | 39531 | 12.04.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PCBoard CD-ROM Door - PCBCD v1.00 Oriental Royal Presents DOS Shell Interface & commands. A neat [PPE] for PCB 15.21 or later -ULTRA EASY- setup,even a *mess* CD Perfectly works w/ PCB D/L Limit & security. Wildcard search, Multi- Lingual, trashcan support. Detailed Online Help. Support up to 256 CDs High quality, non-cripple Shareware |
6265 | PCBCDR10.ZIP | 42841 | 12.02.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCBCDROM 1.0 Ok, here it is, finally a program that will import an ENTIRE CDROM into PCBoard without any manual input from you! It will scan the CDROM for a FILES.BBS, convert it to PCBoard format, and, yes, it will update PCBoard so you don't have to type all that stuff in! Completely Automatic!! Quality FREEWARE from IBS! |
67110 | PCBCK20B.ZIP | 110037 | 02.10.1994 | - | 6180/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (July 1994).iso | - | PCBCheck v2.0b This EASY to set up PCBoard 15.1 upload processor can perform age checking, GIF testing, convert archive types, recognize non-standard archives, import FILE_ID.DIZ, add oldest/newest dates, number of files, and resolution to description, can send mail to sysop for errors, embedded archive tests. Minor bug fix update of 2.0. |
67111 | PCBCK321.ZIP | 128479 | 01.04.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCBCheck 3.21 Upload processor for PCBoard - easiest to use and set up. Fastest upload processing available! This version talks directly to OS/2 comm drivers, adds RAR support, greatly enhances description file processing, scanner customization abilities, smarter FILE_ID.DIZ processing (removal of ANSI, @-codes) and still includes convert archives, add/remove files, modify comments, etc.. |
6266 | PCBCK323.ZIP | 125,7 kt | 04.04.1997 | - | 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | PCBCheck 3.22 Upload processor for PCBoard - easiest to use and set up. Fastest upload processing available! This version talks directly to OS/2 comm drivers, adds RAR support, greatly enhances description file processing, scanner customization abilities, smarter FILE_ID.DIZ processing (removal of ANSI, @-codes) and still includes convert archives, add/remove files, modify comments, etc.. |
67112 | PCBDEMO.ZIP | 1394699 | 16.08.1994 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | PCBoard v15.0 DEMO -- Fully functional demonstration copy of PCBoard Bulletin Board software. While there are some built in limits, such as in the number of users, messages, conferences and directories, the DEMO is largely functional giving you a pretty good feel for PCBoard v15.0 and how it operates. Full documentation included. |
6267 | PCBDIR14.ZIP | 15447 | 17.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | PCBDir v1.4 This is a DOS-based utility that will take all the files in a directory and generate a PCBoard compatible list for use on you BBS. This will extract FILE_ID.DIZ files from ARJ, LZH and ZIP archives for use as a description. This version allows for usage on a CD-ROM. |
67113 | PCBDM151.ZIP | 1435164 | 01.09.1994 | - | 13849/Kirk's Comm Disc - Version 2.iso | - | PCBoard v15.1 DEMO -- Fully functional demonstration copy of PCBoard Bulletin Board software. While there are some built in limits, such as in the number of users, messages, conferences and directories, the DEMO is largely functional giving you a pretty good feel for PCBoard v15.1 and how it operates. Full documentation included. |
6268 | PCBDOD13.ZIP | 21741 | 23.02.1996 | - | - | - | Sysops: Offer Outbound Telnet! PCB Dial On Demand v1.30 PCB Dial On Demand is a set of programs that will let you offer your callers Internet access VERY cheaply! By dialing your Internet provider only when needed, you can use a cheap PPP account, instead of |
6269 | PCBDOD17.ZIP | 24671 | 20.03.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB Dial On Demand v1.70 For OS/2 Want to offer your callers Full Interne but can't afford a leased line? PCB Dial On Demand dials your provider on demand, letting you offer your callers Internet access VERY cheaply! Avoid the cost of a 56K line, or a dedicated dialup. Requires OS/2 & PCBoard 15.22. |
67114 | PCBEM103.ZIP | 35148 | 16.08.1994 | koko² | #hyrava | - | Event Manager Version 1.03 SUPER FAST, SUPER EASY multiple event manager. Synchronous events! Also, now handles Sliding events. Run events only on certain days, and times. Now you can force events, change other lines in PCBOARD.DAT. Now adds three event variables to the event files. Day rollovers handled. |
6270 | PCBFI017.ZIP | 31,9 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | - | - | " - PCBoard BBSs in Finland - Contains a list of legal PCBoard BBSs ! Contains a EXE file for easy viewing ! A Must for all BBS Callers. All the Best boards in Finland are in this list." |
6272 | PCBFX22.ZIP | 128262 | 29.05.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCBFX 2.2 PCBoard File History/Profile Door. Reports times downloaded, who uploaded, date of upload, last date downloaded, are time or bytes charged, enough time or bytes and more. Number of files in ZIP & oldest/newest dates. Conference block on 'who uploaded'. SEAMLESS. Creates DOWNLOAD.TXT database, INSTANT scans. Compiles a "top 50 downloads" profile report. Ver. 2.2 is a minor update for PCBoard 15.2. A YCS PCBoard Accessory |
6275 | PCBMM13.ZIP | 102468 | 29.05.1995 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PCBMM 1.3 - PCBoard Multi-Menu System. Adds over 100 functions to PCBoard's call-waiting screen. Also may be "popped-up" anywhere in PCBoard by the Sysop with PCBoard's built-in ALT-M local Sysop function. Uses PCBoard's built-in hooks to PCBMoni for installation, with optional installation as a PCBoard PPE. Optional mouse and 43 line EGA/VGA support. A YCS PCBoard Accessory |
67116 | PCBMULT.ZIP | 45050 | 16.08.1994 | - | 2021/The 640 Meg Shareware Studio CD-ROM Volume III (Data Express)(1993).ISO | - | PCBoard And Multiple Nodes -- Text file that describes how to setup PCBoard under multiple nodes. Detailed instructions for multitaskers and networks, answers to common questions, and door/event setup in a multinode environment are just a few of the topics covered. Written by CDC. |
6276 | PCBOX11.ZIP | 66423 | 26.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | PCBOX Ver 1.1 Micro-Comp Software For PCBoard 15.2 (Avail. For 15.x) PCBOX.PPE will force your User's Fidonet/Internet Netmail messages into the correct format for export to Fidonet or Internet.It will also show your users their Fidonet and Internet Address while using your system.Easy to use and set-up. Support thru House Comp BBS |
6277 | PCBPAGE.ZIP | 4,7 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCBPAGE.PPE v.10. Program use to replace Operator page command. þ Control speed of bell. þ Amount of time page last. þ Log of user and reason for page. Complied with PPLC 3.10. FREEWARE |
6278 | PCBSEC44.ZIP | 12507 | 12.04.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PCBSEC v4.03 - Encrypted E-Mail For PCBoard. - Compiled with PPLC 3.0 - Freeware PPE for the use of PCBoard SysOps A few tiny changes to the code, the most important being the ability to ABORT your entry if you change your mind about sending the message. |
67117 | PCBSTAT3.ZIP | 160299 | 16.08.1994 | - | - | - | PCBoard Stats v3.0 |
67118 | PCBSWS-1.ZIP | 418041 | 26.05.1994 | - | 9337/So Much Shareware 3 (Power User Software).ISO | - | PCBoard Shareware Special. Fully functional release of an older, single node version of PCBoard to replace previous PCBoard 10.0 shareware release. Copyright (C) 1989,1992 Clark Development Company, Inc. (1 of 2) |
67119 | PCBSWS-2.ZIP | 602037 | 25.05.1994 | renamed | 13849/Kirk's Comm Disc - Version 2.iso | - | PCBoard Shareware Special. Fully functional release of an older, single node version of PCBoard to replace previous PCBoard 10.0 shareware release. Copyright (C) 1989,1992 Clark Development Company, Inc. (2 of 2) |
67120 | PCBTKINF.ZIP | 2506 | 16.08.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Text File: Information on the PCBoard ToolKit which has now been updated for v15.0 of PCBoard. |
67121 | PCBULT10.ZIP | 69945 | 16.08.1994 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | PCBULT - v1.00 by: FeatherNet Software, Inc. An outstanding PCBoard Upload Tester & Files Converter. Tests passing archive *WHILE ON- LINE*! Moves failing uploads to offline dir Supports FILE_ID.DIZ and DESC.SDI. Optional convertion of archive to ARJ, ZIP, LHA, or ARC format. Deletes niusance BBS ads and inserts archive comment, tests .GIF and .TD0 files. Swaps to XMS, EMS or Disk. Includes easy configuration program. * MUCH MORE * 100% Functional - NOT CRIPPLED or KEYED! |
67122 | PCBURM13.ZIP | 128710 | 16.08.1994 | koko⁴ | #hyrava | - | PCBoard User Ratio Monitor v1.3 SIMPLE to setup. Will monitor the file and/or byte ratios of your callers at each call, selectable by security level. Prevent users who are outside your prescribed ratio limits from downloading. Up to 115,200 baud, COM1-4, now fossil driver supported. 11/11/92 Author: Robert Neal NOT CRIPPLED! |
67148 | PDFM092B.ZIP | 151867 | 16.08.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PDFM 0.92A Beta PCBoard Deluxe File Manager THIS FILE REPLACES PDFM 0.91 BETA VERSIONS If you've ever wanted an alternative to PCBFiler, here it is! PDFM is the solution to your BBS file management problems. Performs more functions than PCBFiler but with a much more intuitive, easy-to-use, and powerful user-interface. Eliminates the need for numerous stand-alone utility programs. Text-based windows, mouse support. Stable Beta-test version! Download for more details.... Author: Eric Deal |
6280 | PHUCHAT2.ZIP | 44206 | 12.02.1996 | - | archives.thebbs.org | - | Phantom CHAT Multinode chat 1.2 Action words (sysop definable). Invite nodes to chat. 999 chanels, PUBLIC & PRIVATE. Private messages. Whos on Whos in chat. |
6281 | PMT-1.ZIP | 1,5 kt | 10.02.1998 | renamed | 8196/Night Owl The Best of BBS (NOP-BBS) (Night Owl Publisher) (1994).iso | - | A (Simple) colorful prompt PPE that will wait until the user hits a key before continuing. Generates random colors to display prompts. |
67307 | PNEWS130.ZIP | 46872 | 05.06.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PCB News Editor v1.30 This program will allow a simple program for a sysop to update news on his BBS. simple setup. Now allows Sysop to create news from a input file, multiple config files, and more! Registration: $5 |
6282 | POBJOINB.ZIP | 31,7 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | POBJOIN PPE3 / PCB 15.2+ - 3.00 POBJOIN.PPE is the best conference join menu available! Full lightbar support, net support (FIDO, INTERNET, Usenet...), show highmsg, actmsg and last read in sel. conf. Supports FIDO comp. net, multi lang. supp. shows FIDO area name if FIDO, and much more code rewritten for multitasking (OS/2 - DV) *FREEWARE* PPE3 by POB(c)1995 German PCBoard Distributor |
6283 | POBMOR14.ZIP | 8,8 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | POBMORE.PPE3 for PCB 15.2 v0.14á 1/1 Extendet PPE Menue for PCB 15.2 only! |
6284 | POBTOP01.ZIP | 25,7 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin | - | POBTOP.PPE3 TOP 50 UL/DL/CALLER BULLETIN PPE |
6285 | POG14.ZIP | 17,5 kt | 01.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | .. Pot Of Gold .. v 1.4 .. PCBoard .PPE game of chance. Try your luck at this fun game. No maintenance required. No configuration files required. Quick & easy install via CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. |
67355 | POST13.ZIP | 32439 | 05.06.1994 | - | - | - | NEWS POST Editor v1.3 A PCBoard utility that allows easy operation in the editing & adding of PCBoard News Bulletins. Features many powerful options including PCBs Macros & configurable colors. FAST, small, and easy to use. This version adds new features & screen displays. Also allows viewing of NEWS TEXT! |
6286 | PPE_MEN.ZIP | 24426 | 12.02.1996 | - | scene.org | - | This is the best PPE menu you may ever find, If you tryed my first copy try this new complete rewrite it now supports up to 45 PPE's. If you don't yet have a copy grab this one today! |
67429 | PRLST50.ZIP | 126111 | 05.06.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Power List 5.0 - A utility allowing a user to create his own personal files list based on interest. Why download complete file list Users can also scan for files by date or text. Supports non-standard comports. Now allows adding dirs by range. Also includes a .PPE version for seamless integration into PCBoard 15.x systems. |
6288 | PRO-YELL.ZIP | 6,2 kt | 12.09.1997 | - | - | - | prodiGy presents: sysop yeller v 1.0. |
6287 | PROMAT.ZIP | 36,8 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | - | - | ProMatrix v1.1 PPE for PCBoard v15.21 The ultimate Light Bar Matrix, extremely configurable, reliable, backdoor-free, bug-free, maintenance free, and feature packed. New features/enhancments/fixes. Coded by: Vigilante of PWA 06/13/95 |
67456 | PROMPTU.ZIP | 7751 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Selectable Prompts PPE for PCBoard This efficient PPE works for all PCBoard BBSes that use the famous Violater Prompts and use the Rumours PPE by Vigilante. THE best Selectable Prompts PPE Available! |
67464 | PROTXT10.ZIP | 15012 | 05.06.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | ProTxt is an alternate editor for PCBoard's PCBTEXT files. It allows you to simul- taneously view and/or edit two different PCBTEXT files. ProTxt works more like a traditional "text editor" - i.e. it allows you to see a whole screenful of prompts at once instead of just one at a time. SourceWare from Samuel H. Smith. |
6289 | PTAPROT.ZIP | 2,7 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Protocol PPE v2.0 Replace the T command from main menu. |
67545 | PURGE21.ZIP | 62471 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCBoard Outdated File Handler v2.1 Purge allows a PCBoard sysop to find old and outdated files on the system. Purge allows sysop's to clean up their DIR's and H/D's easier & faster than ever before. Only PCB 15.0 utility which removes not only the PCBDIRx entry but the file also. 125+ registered users claim it's faster & eaiser than PCBFiler. Tested under DV, Lantastic, Novell & Windows. A MUST for any |
6303 | PWA-BR13.ZIP | 40510 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | AMi/X Batch Resumer v1.3 by Strider[PWA] This Is A Copy Of A Cool Feature Availible On Tempest BBS' In Which If You Lose Carrier Or Just Have To Hangup You Do Not Need To Reflag Your Files! For PCBoard v15.2+ Only... |
6322 | PWA-NSP1.ZIP | 10100 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA New-Scan Pro-PC v1.0 PPE Ami/X styled new file scan PPE for PCB! Scan options features todays, yesterday, weekly, and even user adjustable in real time. Source code included! Written by Mass Murderer. |
6325 | PWA-PW10.ZIP | 14558 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: Password Snooper v1.0 by Copyright. View what user is typing for their password. |
6326 | PWA-R1B3.ZIP | 12617 | 09.08.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: PWA Rumors v1.b3 by Soul Rebel/PWA. |
6330 | PWA-UL20.ZIP | 7434 | 09.08.1996 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | PWA PPE: Full Screen Upload v2.0 by LF. |
6290 | PWAA1L10.ZIP | 12910 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AMI-X ONELINERS v1.00 by Timecop A great looking, AMI-X styled One-liners PPE. Features a filter to remove those trouble causing PCB @-macros, as well as on-the-fly @-color code interpretation. |
6291 | PWAAC200.ZIP | 12321 | 09.08.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: AMI-X Digiclock v2.00 by Timecop. |
6292 | PWAACH30.ZIP | 13114 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AMI-X Chat PPE v3.00 by Timecop /\ PWA A small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled SysOp Chat replacement PPE. Very clean with no nonsense. Updated version now includes source code! :) |
6293 | PWAADA10.ZIP | 15267 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AMI-X Download Activities v1.0 A nice, small & simple PPE that displays downloading information from your node activity. Written by Timecop. Another awesome PWA release! Source included. |
6294 | PWAAFSUE.ZIP | 10067 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AMI-X Full Screen User Editor PPE This is a great looking AMI-X styled PPE to install in your CMD.LST. Written by Cyber Demon. |
6295 | PWAAMXCH.ZIP | 12280 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: AMI-X Chat PPE by Timecop. |
6296 | PWAAP10.ZIP | 8923 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: Any-Password v1.0 by Drew. |
6297 | PWAATB10.ZIP | 9357 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: AMI-X Alltime Top DL/UL v1.00. |
6298 | PWAAW135.ZIP | 14116 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AMI-X Weektop v1.35 by Timecop Generates a bulletin featuring all your top uploaders during a week (x out of 7 days) in an AMI-X style. Features user exclusions and top uploader awarding. A PCBoard 15.1+ PPE. |
6299 | PWAAXCHW.ZIP | 20931 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AMI-X Chat PPE bugfix ver. 2 by Timecop A small, quick, and simple AMI/X styled SysOp Chat replacement PPE. Very clean with no nonsense. Minor bugfix version. │ Wordwrap added in this version. │ |
6300 | PWAAXCHX.ZIP | 5348 | 09.08.1996 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | PWA PPE: AMI-X Chat PPE bugfix ver. 2. |
6301 | PWAAXUVU.ZIP | 5745 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AMI-X User Verification Utility A small and quick PPE that allows you to view information about any other user, all done in an AMI-X style. Written by Cyber Demon. |
6302 | PWABFV21.ZIP | 107125 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: FileView PPE v2.0 by BlackCat/PWA. Fantastic file viewer PPE! Extremely fast, highly configurable, and lightbar & hotkey support. |
6304 | PWABSC10.ZIP | 39564 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: YASSC (Yet Another Split Screen Chatter) v1.0 by BlackCat/PWA. PCB 15.2+ |
6305 | PWABWM10.ZIP | 28807 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: WMTop PPE v1.00 by BlackCat/PWA. Weekly and Monthly Tops. |
6306 | PWACJ12.ZIP | 9078 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: Conference Join v1.2 by Drew/PWA. |
6307 | PWACS11.ZIP | 22934 | 09.08.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: DEF Comment to Sysop v1.1 by Drew. |
6308 | PWACSCAN.ZIP | 10595 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA CatScan v1.0 by Catasaan This is a replacement the normal dull scanning message prompt with a graphical colored box. Simple and Useful |
6309 | PWADTC01.ZIP | 22831 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Download.TXT Cleaner v0.1b by Drew PCBoard 15.x utility (.exe) that cleans, shrinks, and keeps that download.txt bad boy under control. Configurable options include removing entries of non-existent files, .QWK xfers, message captures, and also entries by specific users. |
6310 | PWAEBL10.ZIP | 16019 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: Enhanced Bulletin Lister v1.0 by Drew/PWA. Lightbars & hotkeys. |
6311 | PWAECJ15.ZIP | 17205 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | PWA PPE: Enhanced Conference Join v1.5. |
6312 | PWAEEM13.ZIP | 23783 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: Enhanced End of Message v1.3 by Drew/PWA. Clean looking, highly configurable. |
6313 | PWAEF22.ZIP | 30338 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: Enhanced Flag v2.2 by Drew/PWA. You can use up and down arrows to flag files. Totally cool PPE. |
6314 | PWAEMC12.ZIP | 12954 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: Enhanced Message Edit Commands v1.2. |
6315 | PWAEQU10.ZIP | 14,2 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Enhanced Quick Uploader v1.0 by Drew Do your blind uploads the CORRECT way: no more choking if you already have files flagged for download. Features lightbars, private message to the sysop, and source code. Another PPE written in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2 only, courtesy of PWA. |
6316 | PWAEUS20.ZIP | 23546 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Enhanced User Lister v2.0 by Drew, PWA Liven up your bbs user listing with this great PPE replacement for your default USERS command. Completely configurable. Give it a Forum, Ami/X, or a custom look. Totally rewritten in PPL 3.0 for PCBoard 15.2+ only. |
6317 | PWAFSE15.ZIP | 6705 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: PWA Editor v1.5 by Nemesis/PWA. Change the nasty full screen message header. |
6318 | PWAFV25R.ZIP | 32649 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: PWA File Viewer v2.5 by Defcon 4. |
6319 | PWAJIT10.ZIP | 8195 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: Join-IT v1.00 by Magic Design. |
6320 | PWANFS10.ZIP | 26704 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: DEF New File Scan v1.0 by Drew. User configurable new file scanner! |
6321 | PWANK082.ZIP | 188543 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Nuker PPE v0.82 by BlackCat, PWA A full featured, lightbar driven, *FAST* file nuker for PCB 15.2+. Allows you to Nuke/Award/Comment/Free files. If you're tired of waiting minutes when nuking, grab this! Refer to PWA.NFO and UPGRADE for important upgrading information. |
6323 | PWANWS1R.ZIP | 7418 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: PWA News v1.0 by Defcon 4. |
6324 | PWAPG21.ZIP | 41387 | 09.08.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: Prompts Galore! v2.1 by Drew/PWA. |
6327 | PWASS02.ZIP | 19856 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: DEF System Statistics v0.2 by Drew. |
6328 | PWATL11.ZIP | 9477 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: Turbo Logon v1.1 by Drew/PWA. |
6329 | PWATX10.ZIP | 6194 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: PWA Top/X v1.0 by Mad Wizard. Finally a quick and easy top 10 upload - download bulletin generator. |
6331 | PWAUS12.ZIP | 29870 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PWA PPE: DEF User Lister v1.2 by Drew/PWA. |
6332 | PWAVE110.ZIP | 376039 | 09.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCBWAVE v1.10 [DOS] - BLUE WAVE/QWK offline mail door for PCBoard 15.2+. Features include full support for the Blue Wave (both v2.20+ & v2.12) mail system, incl: keywords, filters, bundling macros, offline configuration, file requests, powerful on-the-fly dynamic bundl- ing command system, multiple languages, file attach downloading, pre-scan/vacation mail, remote server/robot feature. Fido netmail and Internet/Usenet support, seamless Fido<->UUCP e-mail gateway integration. Extremely config- |
67555 | PWRAP103.ZIP | 20128 | 16.08.1994 | - | - | - | PCBWrap v1.03- Free DOS utility: PCBoard filelist reformatter. (c) 1993 [11/01/93] by David Daniel Anderson - Reign Ware. PCBWrap reformats downloaded PCBoard directory list "short" (45 character) description lines into "long" (78 character) lines. Better than COPYDESC v1.02 by Jim Robeson. W/ Pascal source. New: endless loop bug fixed. |
67672 | QWKQWK1.ZIP | 3153 | 05.06.1994 | - | 8179/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-13) (Night Owl Publisher) (1994).ISO | - | QWKQWK.ppe- Ver 1- Basic QWK system. Displays menu, allows user to UL/DL & stay on-line or log-off, select bases. Automatically detects and defaults to users transfer protocol. Easy interface to other PPE's. Next release will incorporate sysop-definable reward system for QWKing. A Banana Republic Simple PPE. By: Francis "gorilla" Amato. |
67673 | QWKSTAT3.ZIP | 9527 | 05.06.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | QWKSTATS v3.1 Last Caller + Stats PPE A unique display shows your last caller info along with the current users stats combined - in one elegant screen! Shows between WELCOME & NEWS. FREE, PPS incl. |
6333 | RANK100.ZIP | 8,2 kt | 01.07.1997 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | USER RANKER v1.00 (PPE 3.10) For PCBoard By Mukunda Modell |
6334 | RAVIT.ZIP | 5,4 kt | 03.08.1998 | - | - | - | * Ravit * PCBoardin PPE-peli jossa veikataan hevoskisan voittajaa! Suomalaista laatutavaraa. :) Tekijä: Joonas Saarinen joonas.saarinen@mbnet.fi |
6335 | REG_LECH.ZIP | 2,6 kt | 01.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Anti-Leech PPE Lockout users by time defined periods |
6336 | RGD_ST2.ZIP | 1,3 kt | 01.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | User Stats v2.0 |
6337 | RGD_ULOG.ZIP | 3,2 kt | 01.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Login PPE (Newuser, handle, pass, etc.) |
6338 | RIPKT120.ZIP | 210719 | 02.10.1995 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | RIPKit v1.20 -- A RIPScrip starter kit for experienced PCBoard SysOps who want to maintain a RIPScrip front-end for their callers. *** Requires v15.21+ *** |
6339 | RLTIM100.ZIP | 11300 | 03.10.1995 | - | archives.thebbs.org | - | RTIME.PPE is an interface for the new Windows compatible communications and viewing program RealTime 2.0 from Imagen, bringing a state-of-the-art graphical, "Web"-like information interface to any PCBoard BBS system. Shareware. |
6340 | RNUKE22.ZIP | 27,8 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | RNuke version 2.2. A PPE file for PCBOARD that simulates international war. Options include spying, thievery, factory build ups, morale of the populations, taxes, missiles, anti missiles, mail. Requires PCBoard BBS software to run. By Ron Kimball |
6341 | RTPLIN10.ZIP | 8,8 kt | 25.06.1998 | - | - | - | Real 2 Phake presents: Oneliner 1.0 PPE. Easy to configure & use, good looking and fast! |
68055 | RWDIR20.ZIP | 248517 | 16.08.1994 | - | 16623/SharewareTiger.cdr | - | PCB 14.5a DIR Menu & Header Utility. Displays Nbr of Files & Bytes in Both Headers & Menus. Fully Automated Install and Testing Prior to implementation. Includes a WYSIWYG Colorizer for Sysop-Defined Colors. Highly Configurable Beautiful, and Informative Output! Safe, Fast Easy and Reliable! THE BEST utility for doing DIRs that you'll ever hope to Find! Try it !! |
68171 | SAU.ZIP | 2234 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | SysOp Alert v2 [PPE] Have you ever wanted to be notified when a user logs on? But PCB's alert tone isn't loud enough? Or isn't long enough? Then this PPE is for you! |
6342 | SAVEIT10.ZIP | 4,6 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | - | - | "SAVEIT 1.0 is a Full Featured TIME BANK which Sysop Defineable: Maximum Time to allow a use to keep in the time bankMaximum Transaction AmountSecurity Levels for access to SAVEIT. All Future upgrades will be FREE! Compiled using WCCODE 4.20 for Wildcat 4.20 a below BBSs." |
6343 | SCHK10.ZIP | 15038 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | Omega Software PPE: Security Checker v1.0. |
6344 | SCROL100.ZIP | 5578 | 01.04.1996 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | Randall Scrolling Menu Prompt v10.0 A PcBoard PPE that displays information you enter, and scrolls it across your screen from right to left. Supports unlimited Lines of Info, Your Color Codes ... |
6345 | SEC.ZIP | 4,1 kt | 11.02.1998 | - | - | - | "presents: Zec-o-Meter PPE v0.7 Shows users security level using nice bar. You can also add comment for all secs 05/02/96" |
6346 | SETLANG.ZIP | 3898 | 26.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | For PCBoard - 2 small PPE's that work together to store and recover the language that a user has set as his own default. Uses a TPA location for storage.With source code -- FREEWARE-- from VideoWaves |
6347 | SGRO-15.ZIP | 13,9 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | - | - | "Sorbus Groub Chat v1.5. PPE for PCBoard 15.2+. Multinode Group Chat by Sorbus / Mewlers96." |
68329 | SGROUP08.ZIP | 14063 | 25.09.1995 | - | - | tupla | Sorbus Group Chat v0.8 PPE for Pcboard 15.2+ MultiNode-GroupChat By Sorbus / Mewlers '95 |
6348 | SKCHAT12.ZIP | 7,1 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Sy Kopath Chat v1.2 - PCBoard PPE. A fun fake chat program. Quick and easy install in CMD.LST and/or DOORS.LST. No configuration file, no maintenance! Shareware $10. Free BBS support. Compiled 06/28/94. Check it out today! |
68462 | SMART217.ZIP | 64829 | 16.08.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | SmartSec (C) v2.17 [PPE] by Murphys Make your PCBoard v15.x get extra security Update: Checks SecViol, PwdErr, ConfViol, DL Limits, UL VerFail, ConnSpeed, HighSec, UserNames, PwdChange, Language Specific, External CFG files, PSA check, Time check, AutoWrite, 50 users Bypass/Force/WhoCall, TimeLog, SecByPass, CarrierDetect, TCanID, ID Number / Character + MinLenght, ExtChr, Lantastic & Novell Broadcasts and more... |
6349 | SNT-FI11.ZIP | 24,8 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Five In A Row PPE v1.1 You know the noughts and crosses game? There you go, this is it. User against Sysop on a 40x19 sized table. Includes built-in chat, strings data file for maximum configurability and a pager. PPL 3.30 for PCBoard 15.3 only! |
68593 | SPLCHT10.ZIP | 2883 | 16.08.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | SPLIT-CHAT PPE v1.0 - Split screen chat - Uncrippled - FREE - Written by: Raymond Cava - Author of the CREDITcard PPE |
68629 | SQLAB22.ZIP | 128577 | 16.08.1994 | - | PCBFiles Version 1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | SQUILAB(tm) Version 2.2 PCB Upload-Checker, CRC-Check, Virus-Scan, Inserts FILE_ID.DIZ, ZIP-Comment and -AV, BBSad insert, Checks all PCB-Dirs for Duplicates, Age check, Deletes unwanted BBS-Ad's, Checks EXE, Trashcan for AV, Checks GIF integrity and inserts resolution into description...and more NEW: detects ZIP version AUTOMATIC!! including: COM1-4, Speed up to 115200 |
6350 | SQWK3.ZIP | 28084 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | SuperQWK 3.0 [PPE] A replacement for the QWK command. This QWK is MUCH better than the built-in one |
6351 | SSPAGE.ZIP | 12,3 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | SPLIT SCREEN PAGE PPE v1.0 The Ultimate Operator Page and split screen chat PPE ever created. The easy to PPE is very advanced and extencive. Some features included: chat capture, adjustible page time, awesome graphics & much more. |
6353 | ST_ULDL.ZIP | 19,8 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Stuff presents One-Line UPLOAD & DOWNLOAD Prompt PCB15.1+ Replacement! Looks GREAT! 100% Robocomm Friendly! Read STUFF.NFO to Install! |
6352 | STPCB306.ZIP | 70453 | 23.02.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | STPCB (USRSTATS) PPE V3.06 --- 12/30/95 PCBoard/USR sysops can now allow callers to view modem diagnostics while on-line! Requires PCB 15.1 or later and USR Courier or Sportster modem. Multi-node compatible, super-easy setup. A truly unique troubleshooting tool. |
6354 | SVOTE410.ZIP | 103,2 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Super Vote v4.10 for PCBoard 15.1 and Above Unlimited Voting Booths. Unlimited voting options. Censor Trashcan File. Unvoted voting booth notifier. Setup program emulating PCBoard setup program. Online help. Multi-Lingual Operation Support. Configurable colors and text displays. Bulletin generating utility. Informative bar graph display and percentages with booth results. Longer voting options. Optional @X-Color code removal. Optional mis-used @-variable replacement. and |
6355 | SYELL02.ZIP | 3002 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | Toxic PPE: Statyell v0.2. |
6356 | SYSCMNT.ZIP | 3787 | 14.12.1995 | - | 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | - | SYSCMNT.PPE! Multiple SysOp Comment 2nd Freeware release from MoonScape Software! 516-431-3271! |
68842 | T-BANK10.ZIP | 5108 | 03.12.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PCBoard V15+ TIMEBANK PPE Total SysOp Configurability: Which UserNote PSA Line to Use Default Maximum Balance Default Maximum WithDraw Per Day Maximum Balance by Security Level Maximum WithDraw Per Day by Security Lvl Features Include: Caller Logging of all activity Users ability to view bank history in a PASSBOOK type format SysOps ability to view any users history |
68865 | TABPPE44.ZIP | 27679 | 05.06.1994 | - | 6180/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (July 1994).iso | - | TABPPE43.ZIP v4.03 PPE written to interface your PCBoard 15.X BBS with the New TABS 900-XXXX Subscription service. (800-755-TABS or BBS 407-722-3406 for more info) TABS-PPE supplies multiple access level upgrades detailed information about the service detailed logging, smooth seemless interface adds to PCB caller notes and much, much more. Really allows this service to work for you !! Your callers contact the TABS 900 service, They receive a code that they enter while in the PPE and their access level is adjusted. Now Completely configurable !!!! |
6357 | TAKEWHO3.ZIP | 6134 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | AMi-X Fake WHO command 3 Nodes |
68893 | TBANK10.ARJ | 9540 | 03.12.1994 | - | - | - | TimeBank v1.0 for PCBoard 15.x [PPE] A simple to configure and use PPE that will allow your caller to store time info in the NOTE PSA. The PPE is event aware (no withdraws if time is shortened) and the limits per day are configurable for any/all security levels via the sysop editable CFG file. Source code included. Compiled on 11/14/93 - PPLC 2.0 |
6358 | TDIH104.ZIP | 20420 | 14.12.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | This Day in History v1.04 Shows a comprehensive list of Births, Deaths, Holidays and events for the day PPE Program for pcboard 15.2x MAJOR UPGRADE and FIX! |
6359 | TIME10B.ZIP | 2,4 kt | 30.10.1998 | - | - | - | Give Time v:1.0b This PPE give user Time as much he want, but he must know the password. sysop can change the password. By: ToPSy. |
6360 | TMEBNK22.ZIP | 3924 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Timebank v2.2 This simple ppe allows users to deposit and withdraw money to/from time bank+ users can gamble etc. [Freeware] Coded by Pizza |
69228 | TOPFLS13.ZIP | 133694 | 16.08.1994 | - | scene.org | - | TOP FILES v1.3 - 02/07/93 TOP FILES for PCBoard 14.x will create a bulletin containing the top files downloaded during the last X,Y,Z days. Yes, up to three different reports in one single bulletin! Try it. IT'S FREE! |
6361 | TPASM142.ZIP | 76624 | 23.02.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | TPASM - TPA System Manager v1.42 (12-31-95) Move/Copy/Swap Conferences for PCBoard 14.5 & 15.x with complete TPA area handling. It can also handle external files for Doors with the addition of a definition file, Sort a range of conferences. Will also Edit TPA areas with the addition of a definiton file. (Files for PCBoard 15.x PSA's are included) .......Added support for PCBFIDO to registered version. ShareWare by Gary Meeker. ($25 registration) |
6362 | TRANS100.ZIP | 6,9 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | scene.org | - | 05/18/96 TRANSTATS PPE v1.00 PCBoard A simple ppe program that will create and or display a bulletin of the last file transfer stats on your system. You specify the number of last Uploads/Downloads to show. Totally configurable. A ppe for PCBoard 15.2 And best of all its FREEWARE! Copyright (c)1996 Equinox Software |
69448 | TTP25A.ZIP | 179020 | 16.08.1994 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | Tic-2-PCB v2.5a * This is a FIDO .TIC file processor for PCBoard BBS systems. This will get the file description from the .TIC file, append it to a directory listing of your choice with full word wrap, move or copy the file to the file directory, call a batch file if specified, and send an announcement message. Bug fix for duplicate descriptions. Another fine FREEWARE utility brought to you by Dataware Software. Compiled 10/31/93 |
6363 | TUL-ASK1.ZIP | 8039 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Asker v1.0. Newuser Infoform System. |
6364 | TUL-BL20.ZIP | 48036 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Ascii BBSlister v2.0 by Conrad/TUL. Remember to pkunzip with option -d !!! |
6366 | TUL-CMT.ZIP | 6707 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Comment to Sysop v1.0 by Conrad. |
6367 | TUL-DCHT.ZIP | 37417 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | TUL PPE: Registered Deepchat by Conrad&Corey. I decided to release this chat again because many sysops had problems to register this chat, because PCB returned wrong node number in some cases. This chat is about 25% smaller than previous release and fully backdoorfree. |
6368 | TUL-JC09.ZIP | 7914 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Join Conference v0.90b by Corey/TUL. |
6370 | TUL-LOG1.ZIP | 7852 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: PCBoard logon system 0.01 by Faucheur/TUL. Very good looking. |
6371 | TUL-MGB.ZIP | 7725 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Good Bye v1.0 - Simple logoff. |
6372 | TUL-NETM.ZIP | 8225 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Enter Netmail v1.00b. |
6373 | TUL-NUS.ZIP | 5913 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: New User Selector 0.01 by Faucheur. |
6374 | TUL-PPER.ZIP | 9054 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: PPE Loader v1.0 by Conrad & Faucheur |
6375 | TUL-REG1.ZIP | 10785 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: TUL-new user questionnaire v1.0. |
6376 | TUL-SC21.ZIP | 6443 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Scare-shit-out-of-user.ppe v2.01. |
6377 | TUL-SLN.ZIP | 6243 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Superlogon 0.01 by Faucheur/TUL. |
6378 | TUL-STAT.ZIP | 11751 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | TUL PPE: TUL-statistics v1.0 by Faucheur/TUL. |
6379 | TUL-UL22.ZIP | 7437 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: PCBoard userlist replacement v2.2. |
6380 | TUL-W02.ZIP | 10126 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Write user info 0.02 by Faucheur/TUL |
69454 | TUL-WF10.ZIP | 11272 | None | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Wait & Flash v1.0 by Conrad. Almost always someone calls after you have turned the monitor off and went to bed. Of course you have to get up and turn the monitor on, that you can be sure the caller isn't someone you are waiting for. |
6381 | TUL-XF10.ZIP | 12098 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | TUL PPE: Last Transfers v1.00. |
6382 | TUL-YELL.ZIP | 13243 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Operator Page v1.0. |
6365 | TUL!CHAT.ZIP | 47552 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Deepchat by Conrad & Corey/TUL |
6369 | TUL!LAST.ZIP | 12011 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | TUL PPE: Last callers v1.2. Includes some options that others don't have. |
6383 | TUL!YELL.ZIP | 17079 | 09.08.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | TUL PPE: Sysop pager v1.9. Ansi & Sound yell, last 10 yeller list. |
69509 | UALPCB10.ZIP | 7922 | 10.12.1995 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | tupla | User Alias Lister 1.0 for PCBoard PPE App that allows the SysOp and/or Users to list the Alias Name, Calling From, and Last Call Date & Time of everyone on the system. Great replacement for the LIST function if your system uses alias names, or just add it as another means of listing all your users via alias name. Easy to install! Not crippled! Shareware. * FREE REGISTRATION * |
6384 | UALPCB11.ZIP | 8246 | 23.02.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | User Alias Lister 1.1 for PCBoard PPE App that allows the SysOp and/or Users to list the Alias Name, Calling From, and Last Call Date & Time of everyone on the system. Great replacement for the USER function if your system uses alias names, or just add it as another means of listing all your users via their alias name. Very easy to install. Not crippled! Shareware * FREE REGISTRATION * |
6385 | UEDIT4.ZIP | 107,8 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | UEDIT v4.0 and v4.22 Release. UEDIT is a User Editor for PCBoard 15.22 which allows you to edit the users file very easily. It allows many options like Mark a User for Deletion, Change User Security Level, Change User Experation Date, Change User Conference Flags in a Conference, Add a User, Plus 4 hooks for other PPE installations. The 4.0 version is for PCBoard 15.21. |
6386 | UINFO11.ZIP | 9684 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | Lightbar driven User Info Viewer v1.1. by BiSeX/NGP. |
6387 | ULP_212.ZIP | 325590 | 13.02.1996 | renamed | 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso | - | UpLoadProcessor v2.12 *** Overall Winner *** of the 1995 PCBoard Favorite Add-on Contest! Detects, processes and converts archives, nested archives and imbedded pathed archives. Also processes selected uncompressed files. Three online modes and three event modes of operation available. Integrated duplication system, ZDCS supported as well. Extremely configurable using a menu-driven system manager. Maintenance release... |
69538 | ULP107A.ZIP | 234506 | 05.06.1994 | - | - | - | UpLoadProcessor 1.07a for PCBoard. Detects all file formats by SIGNATURE. Converts archive formats. Processes uncompressed files, nested archives and imbedded paths. Integrated CRC dual duplication detection system, ZDCS supported. Inserts FILE_ID.DIZ and adds info lines. Supports non-standard ports and FOSSIL drivers. Includes both event and online programs. Menu-driven configuration. Maintenance release... |
6388 | ULPPPE15.ZIP | 12,6 kt | 19.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | ULP_PPE Version 1.5 beta by Michael Chen. Displayos more information on the upload to the user than normal PCBoard upload procedure. |
6389 | USERED.ZIP | 32169 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | USERED.PPE This is the BEST user-editor ever made!! 99% configurable |
69598 | USERV2.ZIP | 4026 | 16.08.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | User [PPE] v1.1 A replacement of the users command in PCBoard. You can configure it to also display the first time they logged into your system, the last time they logged into the system, or the number of uploads and downloads my the caller. The colors are also configurable. <> SMALL BUG FIX <> - Kris Steinwender - SOURCE CODE INCLUDED |
69609 | UUNAME10.ZIP | 4347 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | UUNAME by Joseph Sheppard is a PPE for PCBoard 15.0 that formats your callers name into his or her Internet email address on your system. This PPE can be run from the PCBoard command line, or from inside a bulletin or other text display. A FREE utility! |
6390 | V1_13.ZIP | 29828 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Syspage - Sysop Paging PPE |
6391 | VCOMMAND.ZIP | 3 kt | 18.04.1998 | - | - | - | V komento pcb:hen kertoo kaikki tiedot userista. made by: toni haapaniemi |
69728 | VIEW20.ZIP | 2737 | 16.08.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | VIEW v2.0 Simple little PPLs for PCBoard that will let the sysop define which screens will be view- ed by which user according to name of screen and security level of user. Compatible with PCBoard v15.0 and up. No Source. Written by: Edward E. Braiter. |
6392 | VIG-SL20.ZIP | 69310 | 23.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | SuperLogon & SuperLogoff v2.0 PCBoard v15.1 PPE that does it all in classic "Forum" style. New features, incredible configurability, free reg. |
6394 | VM_DL!V1.ZIP | 4,2 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | - | - | Brutal Prisoner / vM presents "Start Leechin\'" PPE for pcboard. kewl colors. |
6395 | VM_LAMEL.ZIP | 4,4 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | - | - | .PPE brutal prisoner / vm presents good lamer lister for pcboard. lightbars and cool colors freeware at its best. |
6393 | VM-BOM11.ZIP | 4,9 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | - | - | Veronmaksajat PPE: Oneliners v1.1 coded by: Dwarf |
69779 | VOTE101.ZIP | 11508 | 05.06.1994 | - | 4560/ShareWare Heaven 3 (Most Significant Bits) (1994).iso | - | Voter++ v1.1 - User Voting [PPE] A full featured Voting door for your PCB 15.1 (or better) system. Complete sysop control on all questions and answers. Complete statisitics for all questions, two minute setup, no maintenance! Survival Tech Software |
6396 | VOTE40U.ZIP | 56550 | 14.12.1995 | - | 12392/Carstens_PPE_Collection_2007.zip | - | Voter++ v4.0u - User Voting [PPE] *NEW UNIVERSAL KEY SUPPORT!* A full featured Voting door for your PCB 15.1 (or better) system. Complete sysop control on all questions and answers. Unlimited Voting Booths! Great Graphics! Two minute setup, no maintenance! View results in Chart or Text format! GO/4 Software |
6397 | VPI_DISC.ZIP | 3,7 kt | 01.07.1997 | - | 8177/Night Owl (NOPV-14)(Night Owl Publishing)(1994).ISO | - | Disclaimer Viewer and System Password for PCB |
6398 | VSSC100.ZIP | 17,1 kt | 01.04.1997 | - | - | - | Split-Screen Chat PPE v1.00 Over 6 months in development! Emulates *ANY* other chat program, Sysop & USER custom colors, next generation install (no input required!) and best of all... Totally FREEWARE! o Horizontal & VERTICAL chat! o Adjustable scroll-back buffer o Window clearing/Chat logging o and much more... Coded by Vinyl |
6399 | WCBV_111.ZIP | 31653 | 10.06.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | PPE CALLBACK VERIFIER V1.11 Great features and Ease of Setup makes this the Callback Verifier of of choice. Installs in minutes. |
70104 | WL-V100.ZIP | 11338 | 16.08.1994 | renamed | 16771/Software Vault (The Platinum Collection)(American Databankers Corporation).ISO | - | WEEKLOG - for PCBv15 multinode Sysops. Controls and organizes your CALLER logs into weekly/monthly/node in your event. Creates WK?-nnn.MON files, and zips these files to an archive directory you specify. Does not delete files. Requires 3 simple command line arguments, PKZIP in the path. Saves -LOTS- of disk space. |
6400 | WOW130.ZIP | 108580 | 03.10.1995 | - | - | - | Words-Of-Wit v1.30 A PPE for PCBoard 15.x that creates a random saying to display to your users. Graphics screen is @X color code definable. Reads data files as large as 10,000 lines and more. Includes 4,500+ database of sayings. |
70157 | WP100.ZIP | 6335 | 16.08.1994 | - | 7863/6_v_plex.zip | - | WHO Prof. v1.00, 10-25-93, Mike Paschen WHO Professional PPE for PCBoard v15.0 that replaces and enhances your WHO command. Has better look and configurable prompts. If you pass no parameter it behaves like the normal WHO but you may also pass a parameter that indicates after how many seconds it should update the display. It will then loop until the user presses any key. |
6401 | WUI100.ZIP | 35,1 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | (W)rite User Information v1.00 A Ppe replacemend for PCBoards, (W)rite User Information command. It also shows your callers there current online stats (C)1995 Equinox Software. Freeware. |
6402 | WUST_120.ZIP | 7280 | 03.10.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PCB USR STATS PAGE v2.00 (Freeware) Display this screen when your users log on to your system, and present them with detailed statistics on their account on your BBS! |
6403 | XLABSLOG.ZIP | 2898 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | XLabs PPE: Login Ansi Randomizer v1.2. |
6406 | XMAS100.ZIP | 8952 | 14.12.1995 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | Christmas Countdown v1.00 This program will let your callers know how many days are left until Christmas. FREEWARE PPE Program For pcboard v15.21+ Happy Holidays from Equinox Software |
6407 | XTC-SECL.ZIP | 7,5 kt | 16.01.1998 | - | - | - | Mind PPE: Security Meter v2.1. |
70473 | ZLAB_19C.ZIP | 274998 | 16.08.1994 | - | 18223/WOC.BIN | - | ZipLab PLUS v1.9c Archive testing A PCBTest.Bat enhancement for PCBoard/ProDoor SysOps. Tests ZIP,ARJ,LZH,GIF files. CRC value, dates, and (optionally) FILE_ID.DIZ inserted in / replacing description of file. Process includes SCAN, CRC checking, date limits, comment replacement/removal BBS advertising removal and more. $10 Shareware by Jeffrey S. Morley |
6408 | ZSEARCH1.ZIP | 2829 | 05.10.1995 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | ZSEARCH.PPE (Z) A (Z) Zippy Text Search Replacement for PCBoard Ver. 15.21 or Greater. Very Professional Look and Feel. Customize your Menu the Way You Want it! List of Options Help your Users Search Their Little Hearts Out. You Spent Time Gathering Files, Now Give Them The Tool to Find Them! Freeware. |
6410 | FDAPX111.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 10.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | FrontDoor APX/w 1.11 - Fully integrated Windows package for FidoNet compatible point systems. All-in-one, including an EMSI-compatible mailer, a mail reader/editor, an echomail scanner/ tosser and decompression modules. No other software is required. Very well integrated in the Windows environment. Fully compatible with W31x, W95, WNT, and OS/2 (WinOS2). Can optionally transfer mail over a LAN instead of using a modem. Shareware from Definite Solutions! |
6411 | BBBSRNT.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 31.01.2000 | - | filegate.net | eritupla | BBBS v4.00 MP for MSWindows/Intel.Complete BBS package with WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes. Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news, email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline, Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice, multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA, multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more This packet: MS Windows/Intel, with RSA. http://www.bbbs.net |
6412 | BEE0327.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 07.03.1998 | - | - | tupla | Beemail v0.327 for Windows 95/NTTCP/IC and Dial-up mailer for FidoNet connections. |
6413 | PBBS506.ZIP | 3,6 Mt | 05.10.2000 | - | - | tupla | "PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v5.00 (Disk 1/3): The #1 solution for running a full-featured* Multimedia GUI* multi-line BBS with sound and graphics from within Windows! Includes both a 16-bit version and an optimized 32-bit version for Windows 95/NT! Full Internet support. Full 256 node Local and Large Area Network support. Windows 3.13.11WFWGNT & Win95 " |
6414 | WCCHN16.ZIP | 356,6 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | 2455/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1).iso | tupla | CHAIN REACTION for WC5! v1.6Chain Reaction is a challenging new word game by Mace Software based on the TV game show of the same name. Players must guess words based on the relationship with the preceeding and following words. A fun and Edu- cational game. This version is for Wildcat 5! BBS software only and takes full advantage of the 32 bit platform. INTERBBS CAPABLE! |
6663 | 2NDWORLD.LHA | 1732377 | 11.10.1996 | renamed | 3281/Aminet 13 - August 1996.iso | - | Syndrome: Second World |
6664 | 3LE-MUM.LZX | 364464 | 13.05.1996 | - | 22381/TGM2.iso | - | Three little elks: Mumin Released at Frost Party |
6667 | 3LETRIBE.LHA | 847277 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Three little elks: The Tribe, Released at Icing '96 |
6674 | A_A_ARD.LHA | 776193 | 16.09.1996 | - | 3283/Aminet 15 - Nov 1996.iso | - | Ard by Ambrosia. Released at TG96. |
6672 | A1200SD.LHA | 733468 | 12.05.1996 | - | - | - | Shop demo for base A1200 v1.60 - *PAL* |
6415 | A95-PYG.LHA | 1383693 | 16.08.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Assembly '95 - demo by Pygmy "Logic" 3. sija |
6416 | A95-SIL.LHA | 579544 | 16.08.1995 | renamed | scene.org | - | Silents demo from the Assembly '95 "Fruit Kitchen" 4. sija |
6675 | AABOING.LHA | 32009 | 19.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | AGA-Boing, AGA-versio klassisesta 1985-Boing demosta, jolla Amigaa esiteltiin alussa. |
6417 | ABS-WLDL.LZX | 863,8 kt | 13.01.1999 | - | - | - | Abyss: Wildlife (released at TP8) |
6676 | ABSCREAA.LHA | 386860 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | AGA!DEMO *Cream* bY ABS!u:sainthalo ABSolute |
6677 | ABYSS-HA.LHA | 1377886 | 24.01.1996 | - | - | - | Abyss: High Anxiety demopresented at the Assembly '95req. AGA and 2 MB chipmem. |
60420 | ACS-SYMB.LHA | 1058540 | 17.12.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Access UK: | SYMBOLIA *AGA* VECTOR DEMO! || THIS DEMO AINT 4000/40 COMPATIBLE YET || BUT SHOULD BE VERY SOON IF REQUESTED! |
6679 | ADEM-0.LHA | 10829 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | ADemo93 dealer demo by Commodore Germany demo/aga |
6680 | ADEM-1A.LHA | 426516 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Disk 1 of the german demo version |
6681 | ADEM-2.LHA | 625412 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Disk 2 of the demo, only pictures |
6682 | AEROTOON.LHA | 271693 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatiot:-Stealthy Maneuver-Swiss F-16 Fighter CombatAerotoons-sarjaa. |
60488 | AERSPACE.LHA | 941287 | 10.05.1996 | - | - | - | Convention 96 - Paceman |
60511 | AGGRESSR.LHA | 74888 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:AggressorAnimation of anthropomorphed aircraft |
60652 | AMAZED.LZX | 2097016 | 13.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Vanity: Amazed |
60666 | AMB_RIHO.LHA | 1693365 | 16.09.1996 | - | 3283/Aminet 15 - Nov 1996.iso | - | RiverHorse da'demo LSD Mix. Aga Demo by Ambrosia. |
60668 | AMDOESIT.LHA | 202348 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | Amiga Does It Better Hauska "multimediaesitys" jostain 1986-87 tienoilta (Amiga multimediaa 7 vuotta ennenkuin termi keksittiinkään), jossa Amigaa verrataan PC- ja Mac-koneisiin. |
60694 | AMYJOGS.LHA | 170613 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12731/goldfish_vol2_cd2.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:AmyJogsLoop anim of Amy The Squirrel joggingwith THE Amiga balls. |
60695 | AMYSCHWA.LHA | 140537 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Amy_Does_Schwab Parody of Leo's famous Berserk anim.Short looping animation starring Amythe Squirrel which represents my small tribute to that Amiga animation pioneer, Leo "Bols Ewhac" Schwab. Tt is a 'slight'parody of Leo's famous "Dream goes berserk" Videoscape anim. |
60696 | AMYVSWAL.LHA | 474068 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Amy VS WalkerAnim of Amy chasing Star Wars Walker. |
60697 | AMYWLKS2.LHA | 210483 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Amy Walks 2Promo of upcoming Eric Schwartz video. |
6418 | AND-ZOOM.LHA | 1,7 Mt | 11.08.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Anadune: Zoom from Assembly97." |
60746 | ANIMOTIN.LHA | 195805 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Old but legendary demo by Phenomena demo/euro -- Animotion |
60749 | ANIMS.LHA | 388366 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12731/goldfish_vol2_cd2.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatiot:- Batman- Late in the Night- Terminal |
60768 | ANTILEMM.LHA | 509862 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Anti-LemminCute parody of Psygnosis' Lemmings gameLoistava (!) yli 2 minuuttia kestäväparodia Lemmingseistä. Ericin yksiuskomattomimmista töistä. |
60798 | AP-CLICH.LHA | 831280 | 24.08.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Artificial People: Cliches from Asm '96. |
6419 | AP-JUUS.LHA | 717,9 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "Artificial People: Juusto Released at Motorola Inside97." |
60812 | APFETTES.LHA | 1057742 | 15.10.1996 | - | - | - | Accept: Fettes Saumonster |
60993 | ASS_ANA1.DMS | 463232 | 04.09.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly'94 demo Analogy: SUB.L #$7f,d1 AGA, vaatii väh. A1200/2 mt FAST/kiintolevy |
60994 | ASS_ANA2.DMS | 793614 | 04.09.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly'94 demo Analogy: SUB.L #$7f,d1 AGA, vaatii väh. A1200/2 mt FAST/kiintolevy |
60995 | ASS_ANA3.DMS | 772378 | 04.09.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly'94 demo Analogy: SUB.L #$7f,d1 AGA, vaatii väh. A1200/2 mt FAST/kiintolevy |
60996 | ASS_ANA4.DMS | 811287 | 04.09.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly'94 demo Analogy: SUB.L #$7f,d1 AGA, vaatii väh. A1200/2 mt FAST/kiintolevy |
60997 | ASS_CCCP.DMS | 578176 | 04.09.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly'94 demo Juliet & Case: CCCP |
60998 | ASS_DECO.DMS | 326092 | 04.09.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly'94 demo Delon: The Final Condom |
60999 | ASS_RAG1.DMS | 740307 | 04.09.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly'94 demo Rage: Maximum Overdrive 2 AGA! Toimii levyiltä. Huumoripituinen elokuva... :-) |
61000 | ASS_RAG2.DMS | 885719 | 04.09.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly'94 demo Rage: Maximum Overdrive 2 AGA! Toimii levyiltä. Huumoripituinen elokuva... :-) |
61001 | ASS_RAG3.DMS | 787352 | 04.09.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly'94 demo Rage: Maximum Overdrive 2 AGA! Toimii levyiltä. Huumoripituinen elokuva... :-) |
61002 | ASS_STEL.DMS | 771630 | 04.09.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly '94 Demo Stellar: Mindflow 1. sija, vaatii AGAn ja 2 Mt FAST-muistia.n nimea ruudulle, |
60982 | ASS-GFX.LHA | 592532 | 10.01.1995 | renamed | 3288/Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso | - | Top 10 pics from Asm93 gfx compo demo/euro |
60986 | ASSD_MEL.DMS | 884443 | 06.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Assembly'94 demo Melon Design |
61028 | ATFAGILY.LHA | 290708 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:ATF_AgilityAnimation of a jetliner being "buzzed" Aerotoons -sarjaa. |
61051 | ATMOVIES.LHA | 242938 | 20.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:At the MoviesAmy the Squirrel at the moviesAmy the Squirrel goes to a movie witha date. |
61052 | ATOME.LHA | 505317 | 09.05.1996 | - | 6973/Scene_Xplorer_1.iso | - | The winner demo from SATURNE 3-party?1 |
6421 | ATW-G25.LHA | 820,8 kt | 24.11.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Generation Issue 25 by Artwork |
6420 | ATW-G25B.LHA | 793,4 kt | 11.12.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Generation: Showtime Issue #25b |
6422 | AURORA.LHA | 522821 | 15.12.1995 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | S T E L L A R :Aurora - winner at the scenario party!This is -*COMPO*- version (maybe not final) |
61077 | AUTH.LHA | 807004 | 09.03.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Authentik - Nice AGA demo |
61133 | AXIS-PAR.LHA | 269419 | 18.04.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | AXIS: PARAKRISHNA -demo THE PARTY 5 TP5 RELEASE |
61136 | AYS-DOV1.LHA | 780908 | 06.06.1996 | - | 20454/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 09 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-07 & 08][EARSAN CD VIII].iso | - | "Dove - The Demo" by Abyss (1/2) |
61137 | AYS-DOV2.LHA | 808177 | 06.06.1996 | - | 20454/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 09 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-07 & 08][EARSAN CD VIII].iso | - | "Dove - The Demo" by Abyss (2/2) |
61138 | AYS-DS1.DMS | 450024 | 06.05.1995 | - | 1558/Scene Storm - Volume 1.iso | - | Abyss: Drugstore (1/2) |
61139 | AYS-DS2.DMS | 276854 | 06.05.1995 | - | 1558/Scene Storm - Volume 1.iso | - | Abyss: Drugstore (2/2) |
6423 | AYS-XTRL.LHA | 2 Mt | 17.04.1998 | - | - | - | Abyss: Extralife |
61183 | BADZOOM.DMS | 767591 | 10.01.1995 | - | 4689/Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 1 - Demos Are Forever (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso | - | Nice Demo requires AGA-chipset |
61190 | BAL-MEL.EXE | 22104 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | Balance The Party 3 demo: Cutting Edge. AGA. |
61209 | BARNGAN1.DMS | 374268 | 10.01.1995 | - | 4689/Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 1 - Demos Are Forever (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso | - | Demo-Godzilla kills Barney #1of2 demo/mega MUST HAVE "DVPLAYER" DeluxeVideo3 MiniMovie by BRUTAL INSTINCTS MULTIMEDIA |
61210 | BARNGAN2.DMS | 254704 | 10.01.1995 | - | 4689/Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 1 - Demos Are Forever (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso | - | Demo-Godzilla kills Barney #2of2 (demo/mega |
61268 | BCTWSVGT.DMS | 89592 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Demo |
61269 | BCTWSVGT.LHA | 86905 | 09.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Bice Twice : "Sverige - The Demo" |
61363 | BFTBEACH.LHA | 250484 | 19.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Back From The BeachAnimaatio "A Day at the Beach" animaation jälkeisistä tapahtumista kunFlip pääsee takaisin kotiin, EricSchwartzin animaatiota mukaillen.EI ES:n tekemä. |
61522 | BLTTR101.LHA | 72254 | 17.12.1995 | väärä koko | grandis.nu/turran | - | Full screen texuremapping?This demo proves it is possible on a standard A1200with 50 Frames per second and256 colours.Incl. all sources. |
6424 | BOING.LHA | 20,7 kt | 29.09.1997 | - | 3299/Aminet 3 - July 1994.iso | - | Klassinen Boing! -demo. Tässä versiossa pallon nopeutta voi säätää. |
61563 | BOING.LZH | 25077 | 19.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Boing - Klassinen Amiga-demo vuodelta 1985. Tällä myytiin läjäkaupalla Amiga 1000:ia ja venäyteltiin leukapieliä. |
6425 | BOINGORG.LZH | 23,9 kt | 29.09.1997 | - | - | - | Klassinen Boing! -demo vuodelta 1985. |
61565 | BOLD1.LHA | 678940 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Banal Projects Bold asm96 release (1/2) |
61566 | BOLD2.LHA | 694151 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Banal Projects Bold asm96 release (2/2) |
6426 | BOOGNIGH.LHA | 596,7 kt | 29.06.1998 | - | scene.org | - | motorola inside 1998 boogie nights by spedes. 3^ rated demo. |
61583 | BOOMBOOM.LHA | 334629 | 05.07.1995 | - | - | - | Boom Boom Demo Flying Cows Inc. |
61596 | BOSNISKM.LHA | 586926 | 24.01.1996 | - | - | - | Bosnisk Metall / GigatronThe WINNING demo at Hackerence XI in Härnösand. AGA. |
61621 | BRAINSIB.LHA | 679769 | 04.12.1994 | - | - | - | Cryptoburners - demo Brain State In A Box, vaatii AGA-piirit+4 MB Upeaa fraktaali & vokseligrafiikkaa |
61634 | BRDRLNE1.DMS | 445714 | 18.04.1996 | - | 3279/Aminet 11 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1996].iso | - | dA JoRMaS in co-op with Suburban Base: Borrrderline Musicdisk from The Party V! X/3 |
61635 | BRDRLNE2.DMS | 792513 | 18.04.1996 | - | 3279/Aminet 11 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1996].iso | - | dA JoRMaS in co-op with Suburban Base: Borrrderline Musicdisk from The Party V! X/3 |
61636 | BRDRLNE3.DMS | 606447 | 18.04.1996 | - | 3279/Aminet 11 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1996].iso | - | dA JoRMaS in co-op with Suburban Base: Borrrderline Musicdisk from The Party V! X/3 |
6427 | BREATHTA.LZX | 3590908 | 14.05.1996 | - | - | - | Virtual Dreams: Breathtaker ..2nd at Asm94 |
6428 | BW-VAPAU.LZH | 92,1 kt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | BANDWAGON: "Eläköön vapaus" 05.07.98. 3rd in Plutonium\'98 demo comp. - MSX1/VDP1/PSG/DOS1/64k |
61762 | BZR-TV.LZX | 2622512 | 12.05.1996 | - | - | - | Bizarre Arts: Television An audiovisual experiment created in Feb96 Code: Azure - Gfx: Fiver - Sfx: Antibrain |
61781 | C42.LHA | 479081 | 24.01.1996 | - | 552/Euroscene 2.iso | - | Juliet & Case: C42Assembly'95 demo. AGA. |
61813 | CAMOUFLG.LHA | 216789 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Camouflage Aerotoons -sarjaa. |
6429 | CAP-PHS.LHA | 2,9 Mt | 09.06.1998 | - | - | - | "Capsule: PhaseOne (Released at Abduction98)" |
61838 | CAPSASLT.LHA | 673041 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | Capsule: Assault |
61923 | CDDREAMS.LHA | 2035645 | 12.05.1996 | - | - | - | .------------------------------------------.| ╖____+____.____╖_____.________+___╖ . ||+ \__ \\ _ \\ __\\__ \\ // _/ + .||. / / // / // \.»+/ ' // / / // / . . || / / // / // /»_╖/ / // / / / \ \ ╖ ╖ .|| \ /.\/\ \\ »»// /\// /\/\// »» / . + ||. »»CDN .»»╖»»».»». ╖»».╖ + »»»». . ╖ || Packing Class & Kicking Arse! ╖ || + . ╖ . + . ╖ . . ╖ ╖ . . . + ||. An AGA╖Slideshow By╖Cydonia + . . || .Released:.14th╖April+1996 . ╖ . ╖ |
61928 | CDN-MOD.LHA | 243730 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Cynodia demo : Models Inc. AGA |
62080 | CIR_NAT.LHA | 1788211 | 29.11.1996 | - | - | - | Cirion: NaturalReleased at Demolition '96 |
62097 | CITYJUMP.LHA | 225756 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Eric Schwartz animaatio:'City JumperSimple animation of "pogo'ing" in a city |
6430 | CLX-REA.DMS | 445114 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | great AGA demo "Real" by Complex. demo/aga Author: Complex (Gengis) |
6431 | CNCD-KLR.LHA | 2,9 Mt | 06.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | CNCD: Killer (2nc at TP7 Amiga-demo competition). |
62285 | CONTMYST.DMS | 236070 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Demo |
62286 | CONTROL1.DMS | 831173 | 16.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Oxygene: Control [1/2] |
62287 | CONTROL2.DMS | 559862 | 16.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Oxygene: Control [2/2] |
62298 | COPDREAM.LHA | 89600 | 11.10.1995 | - | - | - | Destruction's "Copper Dreams" |
62333 | COWANIMA.LHA | 937234 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | CowAnimAGAA 252 frame animation, 320x200x6 AGA resolution, of "finger cows" doing something that is best described as dancing. |
62334 | COWANIME.LHA | 542741 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | CowAnimECSA 252 frame animation, 320x200x4 ECS resolution, of "finger cows" doing something that is best described as dancing. |
62335 | COYOTE2.LHA | 193231 | 20.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Coyote_2Coyote and Road Runner animation |
6433 | CP-RAFIX.LHA | 584,1 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | Core: Reappearance (bugfix) |
6432 | CPLXDELI.DMS | 505,1 kt | 26.05.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Delirium - Amiga (2) Assembly92" |
62357 | CRAZECOW.LHA | 62936 | 05.07.1995 | - | - | - | CRAZE : CAOS COWS (AGA intro) UL:ZOUNDS |
6434 | CRX-LFR.LHA | 2,3 Mt | 29.05.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Crux: La Fureur (Mekka & Sympsion 1998 Amiga demo) |
6435 | CUBE.LHA | 576,4 kt | 29.06.1998 | - | scene.org | - | motorola inside 1998 cube by sulpu 4^ rated demo. |
6436 | CUBEOM11.LHA | 109450 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Cube-o-Matic version working on A4000 Spreadpoint |
6437 | CYBERIA.LHA | 2882991 | 20.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | scoopex- cyberia released at the asm96. |
62553 | CZMYSTIQ.LHA | 836901 | 14.05.1996 | - | - | - | Contraz: Mystiq 4th at The Gathering 96 democompo |
62659 | DAYATBEA.LHA | 763588 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:A Day At The BeachUpea taidonnäyte, ES:n parhaita. |
62675 | DC-DCS.LHA | 352515 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | Dual CrewDCS -demoAGA demo, yksi ensimmäisista.OBS: moniajaa! :-) |
6438 | DCS-NEB.LHA | 2,7 Mt | 14.04.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Dual Crew Shining: Nebula, 2nd at The Gathering 1998 Amiga-demo competition. |
62788 | DENTWOLF.LHA | 187566 | 10.01.1995 | - | 3325/Aminet 6 - June 1995.iso | - | AGA Wolfenstein Demo for future game demo/aga |
62853 | DHORSE.LZX | 2779418 | 13.05.1996 | - | - | - | Razor 1911: Dala Horse |
62945 | DIRT.DMS | 373169 | 10.01.1995 | - | 6973/Scene_Xplorer_1.iso | - | AGA demo by MysticPL. Author: MysticPL demo/aga contribution for Intel Outside I Party demo compo |
62976 | DIVINE1.LHA | 816297 | 27.11.1996 | - | scene.org | - | DML2: Divine by Mellow Chips *WINNER* 1/5 |
62977 | DIVINE2.LHA | 807006 | 27.11.1996 | - | scene.org | - | DML2: Divine by Mellow Chips *WINNER* 2/5 |
62978 | DIVINE3.LHA | 867317 | 27.11.1996 | - | scene.org | - | DML2: Divine by Mellow Chips *WINNER* 3/5 |
62979 | DIVINE4.LHA | 800534 | 27.11.1996 | - | scene.org | - | DML2: Divine by Mellow Chips *WINNER* 4/5 |
62980 | DIVINE5.LHA | 132182 | 27.11.1996 | - | scene.org | - | DML2: Divine by Mellow Chips *WINNER* 5/5 |
6442 | DKG-ST08.LHA | 2,5 Mt | 06.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Showtime issue #8 |
6439 | DKGST071.LHA | 810 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | Showtime Issue 7 - diskmagazine by DarkAge (1/3) |
6440 | DKGST072.LHA | 857 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | Showtime Issue 7 - diskmagazine by DarkAge (2/3) |
6441 | DKGST073.LHA | 453,8 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | Showtime Issue 7 - diskmagazine by DarkAge (3/3) |
63028 | DLT-XPL.DMS | 760784 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Delights Explorer AGA demo Author: fL!P$TrASh of Delight demo/aga |
6443 | DOSE.LHA | 1,4 Mt | 23.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Mellow Chips: Dose Contribution to Demolition97" |
63160 | DRD-RAG.EXE | 373244 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | Dreamdealers AGA Demo: Raging Fire. Hyvä. |
63170 | DREAMWM.LHA | 815553 | 18.04.1996 | - | - | - | SCANIA presents DREAM WITH ME Released at the The Party 5 TP5 |
63230 | DTCDABGN.LHA | 142369 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | DiGItAl ChAoS Da BeGiNNinG - 1st DTC InTRo. AGA, 68020+ OnlY |
63273 | DW--MAIN.LHA | 219312 | 06.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | DataWorld by WK-Artworks and Infect TP'95 Wildcompon toiseksi tullut demo. Paketti sisältää executablen ja musiikin, muut ovat animaatiota. Vaatii 4MB fastia ja AGA:n sekä xpkmaster.libraryn ja xpkFAST.libraryn. Vie purettuna noin 80 MB. Kaikki animaatiot eivät ole pakollisia. |
63274 | DW-ADMIR.LHA | 3607127 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63275 | DW-ELEME.LHA | 732417 | 06.04.1996 | väärä koko | grandis.nu/turran | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin. |
63276 | DW-ESCAP.LHA | 2729733 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63277 | DW-EXPLO.LHA | 5134727 | 06.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin. |
63278 | DW-FREEB.LHA | 5510107 | 15.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63279 | DW-GREET.LHA | 6429731 | 15.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63280 | DW-LBAL4.LHA | 1032751 | 16.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin. |
63281 | DW-LIGHT.LHA | 418620 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63282 | DW-OUTLA.LHA | 4824540 | 06.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin. |
63283 | DW-PHOEN.LHA | 4262743 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63284 | DW-SUBSP.LHA | 3802047 | 06.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin. |
63285 | DW-T01.LHA | 535256 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63286 | DW-T02.LHA | 724685 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63287 | DW-T03.LHA | 554008 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63288 | DW-T04.LHA | 612870 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63289 | DW-T05.LHA | 484348 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63290 | DW-T06.LHA | 353130 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63291 | DW-T07.LHA | 789790 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63292 | DW-T08.LHA | 701706 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63293 | DW-T09.LHA | 731425 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63294 | DW-T10.LHA | 883871 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63295 | DW-T11.LHA | 639834 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63296 | DW-T12.LHA | 502888 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63297 | DW-T13.LHA | 651913 | 10.04.1996 | renamed | 3279/Aminet 11 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1996].iso | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63298 | DW-T14.LHA | 688052 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63299 | DW-T15.LHA | 302059 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63300 | DW-TUNNE.LHA | 1256157 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63301 | DW-UNDER.LHA | 3021246 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63302 | DW-UNREA.LHA | 3054665 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63303 | DW-WALKE.LHA | 1067263 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63304 | DW-WASTE.LHA | 6742918 | 15.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
63305 | DW-WILD.LHA | 3033887 | 10.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Animaatio Dataworldiin |
6444 | EBY-CAST.LHA | 1,8 Mt | 11.08.1997 | - | - | - | "Embassy: Casting from Assembly97." |
63578 | EC26A.DMS | 658500 | 24.02.1995 | - | 939/LSD and 17bit Compendium Deluxe - Volume II.iso | - | EuroChart 26 - Euroopan AmigaScenen top-listat ja uutiset. Moniajaa, HD- installoitavissa. (1/2) |
63579 | EC26B.DMS | 623497 | 24.02.1995 | - | 939/LSD and 17bit Compendium Deluxe - Volume II.iso | - | EuroChart 26 - Euroopan AmigaScenen top-listat ja uutiset. Moniajaa, HD- installoitavissa. (2/2) |
6445 | EC30.LHA | 1,4 Mt | 14.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | EUROCHARTS Issue #30 |
6447 | EC31.LHA | 821,7 kt | 11.12.1997 | - | - | - | The Official Eurochart #31 (disk 1) |
6446 | EC31B.LHA | 683,6 kt | 12.12.1997 | - | 3292/Aminet 23 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Feb 1998].iso | - | The Official Eurocharts #31, disk 2/2. |
6448 | EC34A.LHA | 537,9 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Eurochart issue #34, 1/3. |
6449 | EC34B.LHA | 838,1 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Eurochart issue #34, 2/3. |
6450 | EC34C.LHA | 846,1 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Eurochart issue #34, 3/3. |
63592 | ECSAGA.LHA | 879449 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | ECSAGA, näyttävä AGA 3D-animaatio.Luotu Imagine 2.0:lla STEVE GELLY. |
63593 | ECSMORPH.LHA | 488068 | 19.12.1994 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | ADEM! Morphy the Magic Man,Eric Schwartzin animaatio. ECS-versio. |
6451 | EMB-BIT.LHA | 1,1 Mt | 18.07.1997 | - | - | - | EMBASSY: Back In Town. Vaatii AGAn ja 030+. |
6452 | EMB-BNCK.LHA | 1022,7 kt | 29.06.1998 | - | - | - | motorola inside 1998 bangcock by embassy. winner demo. |
63683 | EMB-CRNA.LHA | 1304466 | 08.01.1996 | - | - | - | _____ __ __ ___ _____ _____ _____ _____| Y Y Y \/ Yx Y :Y | ||| l__| | |:o. | o. | ___| ___|: | ||. __|| \_/ |. <|___ |___ |___ |_ | _|| l :| | || O. | | !| l |! l || |l_____l__|__l___/l__|__l_____l_____|l___| .:( PRESENTS ):. .oder.- 'CORONA' Demo released at The Party'95 -- 6th in the final results (AGA ONLY) -- cOdE:hUMANOId GfX:Neuresten SfX:Temen -- Requires a1200 + 2mb fast (minumum) - |
6453 | EMB-DLT.LHA | 3,1 Mt | 07.01.1999 | - | - | - | "Embassy: Delta (released at Assembly98)" |
63686 | EMBRYO.LHA | 1303406 | 14.08.1996 | - | 552/Euroscene 2.iso | - | ASSEMBLY '95 - DEMO BY BALANCE |
6454 | EPH-PHO.LHA | 2 Mt | 10.07.1997 | - | - | - | Photons by Ephidrena, 3. at KG7 |
63787 | EPHRECY1.DMS | 721749 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Ephidrena : "Recycled" [1/2] |
63788 | EPHRECY2.DMS | 646874 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Ephidrena : "Recycled" [2/2] |
6455 | EPISODE.LHA | 2,1 Mt | 23.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Nah-kolor contribution to Gravity97." |
63791 | EPMIKUG1.DMS | 335816 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Ephidrena : "kUGALSKAP" [1/2] |
63792 | EPMIKUG2.DMS | 166267 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Ephidrena : "kUGALSKAP" [2/2] |
63811 | ES-AMY.LHA | 260809 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | AmyWalks 2 -animaatio.by Eric W. Schwartz 1992 |
63812 | ES-AVS.LHA | 743296 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | Amy vs. Walker 2 -animaatio 1992 Eric W. Schwartz.Loistava animaatio Amy the Squirrelinja Star Wars Walkerin välisestämielipiteenvaihdosta. ES:n parhaimmistoa |
63813 | ES-BAI.LHA | 318085 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | Bait Maskinganimation by Eric W. Schwartz |
63814 | ES-BIG.LHA | 104962 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | The Big Sneezeanimation by Eric W. Schwartz |
63815 | ES-DAT.LHA | 714297 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | The Dating Game - Starring Flip the Frog Animation By Eric W. SchwartzValtava ES-animaatio, Flip the Froginja hänen armaansa Clarissan treffeistä. ES-parhaimmistoa. |
63816 | ES-HIS.LHA | 451181 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | The History Of AmyAnimation By Eric W. SchwartzES kertoo tähtensä, Amy the Squirrelin,historian hauskan tarinan muodossa. |
63817 | ES-MAR.LHA | 118561 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | Killer Puppies From MarsAnimation By Eric W. Schwartz |
63818 | ES-SKY.LHA | 121346 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | SkydiveAnimation By Eric W. SchwartzAerotoons -sarjaa. |
63819 | ES-STE.LHA | 156084 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | Stealth BomberAnimation By Eric W. SchwartzAerotoons - sarjaa. |
63820 | ES-TOR.LHA | 204693 | 20.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Eric Schwartz animaatio:RoarNot quite the MGM lion, but similar. |
63931 | EXT_KII.LHA | 1330144 | 29.11.1996 | - | - | - | Extend: "Kiitos?"Released at Demolition '96. |
63920 | EXT-QUU1.LHA | 832547 | 06.05.1996 | - | - | - | Demolition '96 Demo - QuU by Extend8th overall 4th Amiga |
63921 | EXT-QUU2.LHA | 152514 | 06.05.1996 | - | - | - | Demolition '96 Demo - QuU by Extend 2/28th overall 4th Amiga |
64059 | FCI_LAME.DMS | 758270 | 25.10.1995 | - | 3299/Aminet 3 - July 1994.iso | - | ________ (__) / __/ \/oo\ i _/\ /\/\''/ FLYING COWS INC. PRESENTS: / \ / \/\/ \ "LAME HQ" DEMO \__/ \___/\__/ |
64071 | FEAR.LZX | 1466587 | 13.05.1996 | - | - | - | Mystic: Fear |
6456 | FLP-NAPA.LHA | 1 Mt | 21.07.1998 | - | - | - | demo by floppy team. (AMIGA) Rush Hours party WINNER :) demo/aga codex: zig, rzyg graphx: fame, def musix: xceed help: azzaro, thorus, xceed, def, zorka19, mruwa |
6457 | FLP-UN1.LHA | 944,9 kt | 01.08.1997 | - | - | - | Untitled- a demo by Floppy Team. 1/2 |
6458 | FLP-UN2.LHA | 595,8 kt | 01.08.1997 | - | - | - | Untitled- a demo by Floppy Team. 2/2 |
64193 | FLT-242.LHA | 591931 | 19.12.1994 | - | #Jope | - | ADEM! :Virtual Dreams of Fairlight demo:" 242 "100% bug fixed HD version... |
64194 | FLT-FMO.EXE | 884872 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | Virtual Dreams/Fairlight AGA Demo: Full Moon. Julkaistu The Party 3:lla. Yksi parhaista AGA-demoista, joskin vanha. |
64225 | FNC-HAT.LHA | 1418750 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Division presents today A SENSATIONAL DEMO CALLED: HATE Requires an AGA machine with 2 MB fast mem |
64239 | FOREVER1.LHA | 702888 | 06.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Cirion: Forever - 3rd in Demolition'96 1/2 |
64240 | FOREVER1.LZX | 645279 | 07.05.1996 | - | - | - | Demolition'96 : Cirion - "Forever" [1/2] |
64241 | FOREVER2.LHA | 714897 | 06.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Cirion: Forever - 3rd in Demolition'96 2/2 |
64242 | FOREVER2.LZX | 715222 | 07.05.1996 | - | - | - | Demolition'96 : Cirion - "Forever" [2/2] |
64256 | FOUNDAT.LZX | 1027717 | 13.05.1996 | - | - | - | FOUNDATION - Anadune contribution to The Party 1995 |
64296 | FREELECH.LHA | 550656 | 20.07.1995 | - | - | - | FREEZERS : LECH demo Ul:ZOUNDS |
64300 | FREEZERS.LHA | 415769 | 06.01.1995 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | Kiva demo |
64306 | FRIDAY.LHA | 345343 | 10.01.1995 | - | 17613/ftp.elysium.pl.tar | - | Friday At Eight (AGA) from Polka Brothers |
64370 | G95_AVL.LHA | 702833 | 14.09.1995 | - | scene.org | - | --------------------------------------------A Avalon - "Response" The Gathering'95 -dEMO fROM tHE dEMO cOMPO |
64371 | G95_EQX.LHA | 479843 | 14.09.1995 | - | scene.org | - | --------------------------------------------E Equinox - "Hydrocephalus II" The Gathering'95 DEMO fROM tHE dEMO cOMPO ----Requires: ECS(not AGA!), 68020 +, 1 mb chip/ 1 mb fast |
64372 | G95_LCS.LHA | 414581 | 14.09.1995 | - | scene.org | - | --------------------------------------------L Lacers - "X" The Gathering'95 -dEMO fROM tHE dEMO cOMPO |
64373 | G95_PCD1.DMS | 615242 | 06.05.1995 | - | scene.org | - | The Gathering 95 Amiga demokilpailun voittajademo. Carillon&Cyberiad ja Parallaxin demo. Vaatii 2mb chip + 2mb fast. (1/2) |
64374 | G95_PCD2.DMS | 473690 | 06.05.1995 | - | scene.org | - | The Gathering 95 Amiga demokilpailun voittajademo. Carillon&Cyberiad ja Parallaxin demo. Vaatii 2mb chip + 2mb fast. (2/2) |
64375 | G95_RES.TXT | 1760 | 14.09.1995 | - | 18377/Zoom (1995)(Active Software, Ground Zero).iso | - | The Gathering'95 partyn tulokset |
6459 | GALREMIX.LHA | 1121361 | 29.05.1996 | - | - | - | Stellar: Galerie Remix |
6460 | GBL-HAZ.LHA | 318,4 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | Global Hazard! demo by GiGA Prod. |
64411 | GBL-MDN.LHA | 409472 | 31.01.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Global Presents our first demo called... - Meltdown - 1st place at Meltdown'95 held by MCS |
64431 | GD1.DMS | 866366 | 19.08.1996 | - | 4583/agavol1.iso | - | Green Day by Artwork (1/2) |
64432 | GD2.DMS | 850295 | 19.08.1996 | - | 4583/agavol1.iso | - | Green Day by Artwork (2/2) |
64446 | GENE17.DMS | 725921 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Generation nro 17, scenelehti |
64473 | GEVALIA.LHA | 389705 | 26.12.1995 | - | 6973/Scene_Xplorer_1.iso | - | Polka Brothers: Gevalia |
6461 | GNS-SYN.LHA | 852,8 kt | 24.11.1997 | - | - | - | Genesis: Syntex (demo released at Saturne V) |
64536 | GODS.LHA | 378069 | 14.08.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Pitstop by Gods, 8th at TG95 |
64542 | GOMJABBA.LZX | 1615564 | 13.05.1996 | - | - | - | Matrix: Gom Jabbar compo version |
64603 | GRV-HAZC.LHA | 329642 | 03.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | demo from GRAViTY'96party by aNADUNe!hazchemix by amnesty |
64604 | GRV-TVOG.LHA | 763264 | 03.12.1996 | - | 2028/Amiga_Dream_44.iso | - | demo from GRAViTY'96party by aNADUNe!tintology-vogue by vnt |
64605 | GRV-ZGRV.LHA | 3646497 | 03.12.1996 | - | 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin | - | demo from GRAViTY'96party by aNADUNe!zero gravity by apx^vad |
64621 | GTPRIMAL.DMS | 248937 | 06.01.1995 | - | - | - | Gigatron.Primal.dms -demo |
6462 | GTS-TAA.LHA | 2,3 Mt | 13.07.1997 | - | - | - | "Giants: TelAranRhiod (Dreamworld 2) Released at Summer Computer Conference97." |
64651 | GYRATE.LHA | 1752666 | 20.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Wrath Designs - Gyrate released at the asm96 (party version) |
64711 | HATE2.LHA | 1153117 | 14.08.1996 | - | 552/Euroscene 2.iso | - | Fanatic: Hate 2 Assembly'95 demo. |
64775 | HENNING.LZX | 665319 | 08.10.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Focus Design: Henning |
6463 | HJB-APHR.LHA | 1,7 Mt | 17.04.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Haujobb: Aphrodisiae |
64835 | HJB-HARM.LHA | 2136813 | 03.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Haujobb [France Division] - Harmony Demo |
64970 | I96-BLC.LHA | 1231791 | 11.10.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Freak by Balance - 3rd at Icing '96 |
64971 | I96CLOUS.LHA | 941934 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | C-LOUS! COMPO-CONTRIBUTION! AT ICING 96! |
64995 | ICL-JMJM.LHA | 724494 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | Incal: JamJam (2nd at Symposium 96) |
6464 | IFT-WS01.LHA | 263,2 kt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (1/11) |
6465 | IFT-WS02.LHA | 2,4 Mt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (2/11) |
6466 | IFT-WS03.LHA | 1,6 Mt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (3/11) |
6467 | IFT-WS04.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (4/11) |
6468 | IFT-WS05.LHA | 1,9 Mt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (5/11) |
6469 | IFT-WS06.LHA | 2,8 Mt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (6/11) |
6470 | IFT-WS07.LHA | 2,6 Mt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (7/11) |
6471 | IFT-WS08.LHA | 2,2 Mt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (8/11) |
6472 | IFT-WS09.LHA | 3,4 Mt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (9/11) |
6473 | IFT-WS10.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (10/11) |
6474 | IFT-WS11.LHA | 6 Mt | 03.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Infect: WiLD Summer final version (11/11) |
65054 | ILEX-A.DMS | 388722 | 10.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Winning demo from Intel Outs. by Mystic Author: MysticPL demo/aga 1st place in Intel Outside I Party demo compo |
65055 | ILEX-B.DMS | 391042 | 10.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Winning demo from Intel Outs. by Mystic. |
65064 | ILYAD1.DMS | 764244 | 10.01.1995 | - | 4689/Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 1 - Demos Are Forever (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso | - | Ilyad demo v1.3 by Alcatraz demo/aga by Alcatraz Configuration required : AGA chipset, 4MB of Fast-Ram, (HD) |
65065 | ILYAD2.DMS | 781506 | 10.01.1995 | - | 4689/Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 1 - Demos Are Forever (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso | - | Ilyad demo v1.3 by Alcatraz |
65066 | ILYAD3.DMS | 781637 | 10.01.1995 | - | 4689/Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 1 - Demos Are Forever (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso | - | Ilyad demo v1.3 by Alcatraz |
65067 | ILYAD4.DMS | 740903 | 10.01.1995 | - | 4689/Amiga CD-Sensation - Ausgabe 1 - Demos Are Forever (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)(DE)[!].iso | - | Ilyad demo v1.3 by Alcatraz |
65068 | ILYADFIX.LHA | 10258 | 25.03.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | patch to Ilyad (versio 1.3 => 1.4) |
65084 | IMP-MEL1.LHA | 657083 | 19.05.1995 | - | 941/LSD Compendium Deluxe 3 (1995).iso | - | Melchior HD & AGA Only (1/2) Demo by ImPACT DK |
65085 | IMP-MEL2.LHA | 842242 | 19.05.1995 | - | 941/LSD Compendium Deluxe 3 (1995).iso | - | Melchior HD & AGA Only (2/2) Demo by ImPACT DK |
65095 | IMPPOS.LHA | 1137920 | 14.08.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Impossible Possibility, Winning demo from Primavera II by Mystic. demo/aga |
65100 | IMS-MUSC.LHA | 3970358 | 15.09.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Imlpuse: Muscles - Winner from Intel Outside '96. |
65219 | INUS.LHA | 145486 | 06.05.1996 | - | - | - | Inu-Soft presents Demolition'96 Compodemo! |
65225 | IPLTAHIT.LHA | 430720 | 15.10.1996 | - | - | - | Interpol: Tahiti |
65296 | JADE.LZX | 990448 | 23.05.1996 | - | - | - | J.A.D.E. (c) 1996 Pixel Studio AGA Slideshow |
65298 | JADE1.LHA | 607633 | 12.05.1996 | - | - | - | Pixel Studio: Jade - slideshow - [1/2] |
65299 | JADE2.LHA | 757138 | 12.05.1996 | - | - | - | Pixel Studio: Jade - slideshow - [2/2] |
65346 | JEES1.LHA | 455446 | 06.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Demolition '96 Demo - Jees! by Mellow Chips4th overall 2nd Amiga 1/2 |
65347 | JEES2.LHA | 295010 | 06.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Demolition '96 Demo - Jees! by Mellow Chips4th overall 2nd Amiga 2/2 |
65348 | JEESNEW.LHA | 1051124 | 25.11.1996 | - | - | - | Contains FILE_ID.DIZ |
65428 | JRM-GRAV.LHA | 209129 | 31.01.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | dA JoRMaS presents: If there was no gravity demo (aga released at Scenario'95 |
65459 | JUSTICE9.LHA | 785612 | 10.01.1995 | - | 3310/Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso | - | AGA demo by Tone Horgan, A1200 only Justice94 is a demo created by Tone Horgan and friends from UK-based CU Amiga magazine. |
65526 | KEFREAGA.DMS | 237728 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | AGA demo by Kefrens demos/aga |
65674 | LECH.LHA | 550812 | 14.08.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Lech by Freezers, Winning demo from Eastern Conference held in Bialystok/Poland from 29th to 30th of April 1995. best polish demo I've ever seen ! demo/aga |
65675 | LED-MA.LHA | 599957 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Led - mind abuse [1/2] released at the asm96. |
65676 | LED-MA2.LHA | 576336 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Led - mind abuse [2/2] released at the asm96. |
65677 | LED-MDTR.LHA | 1288278 | 03.12.1996 | - | - | - | Limited Edition: Mind TravellerReleased at SP4 |
65781 | LOGICPCH.LHA | 37648 | 16.02.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Pygmy Projects: Logic - update patch |
65803 | LORDLOST.LHA | 364114 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | Two demos by Lord&Lost (A4000/40 only !!!)demo/aga |
66034 | MC-DIM1.LHA | 546587 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Mellow Chips: Dim from Assembly '96 (1/4) |
66035 | MC-DIM2.LHA | 827155 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Mellow Chips: Dim (2/4) |
66036 | MC-DIM3.LHA | 671610 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Mellow Chips: Dim (3/4) |
66037 | MC-DIM4.LHA | 724759 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Mellow Chips: Dim (4/4) |
66146 | MINDEXPD.LHA | 252687 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | Melon: MindExpanding |
66148 | MINDWARP.LHA | 347333 | 10.01.1995 | - | 3299/Aminet 3 - July 1994.iso | - | 2nd AGA demo by Team HOIS demos/aga - "Mindwarp" |
66157 | MINOMIS1.DMS | 426926 | 10.01.1995 | - | 3299/Aminet 3 - July 1994.iso | - | Part 1 of Mina Omistan (AGA) from Movement Sairas & mahtava Movementin älyvapaa ja nautittava värinädemo |
66158 | MINOMIS2.DMS | 425962 | 10.01.1995 | - | 3299/Aminet 3 - July 1994.iso | - | Part 2 of Mina Omistan (AGA) from Movement |
66160 | MIRACLES.LHA | 722857 | 17.12.1995 | - | 552/Euroscene 2.iso | - | Stellar: Miracles! - Assembly 95 demo.AGA. Likes 68030/25, runs on plain A1200but slowly. Lots of complex 3D stuff. |
66200 | MLN-PM.DMS | 772619 | 21.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Melon: Planet M. -psykedeliademo. |
66233 | MOMENTS.LHA | 429480 | 14.08.1996 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Moments by TILT, Demo from Eastern Conference 2nd place. demo/aga |
66279 | MOTION1.DMS | 818722 | 16.05.1996 | - | 56/disk_image.bin | - | Bomb: Motion - Origin 2 [1/2] |
66280 | MOTION2.DMS | 2607 | 16.05.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Bomb: Motion - Origin 2 [2/2] |
66363 | MSONGS2.LHA | 1703192 | 18.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Razor 1911: Memorial Songs IIA sequel to Lizardking's music-diskReleased at The Gathering '95! |
66372 | MST-IMP1.DMS | 548370 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | AGA demo - Mystic: Impossible Possibility, requiring AGA capable Amiga. 030 compatible, Hard Disk installable. (C) 1995. |
66373 | MST-IMP2.DMS | 606324 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | AGA demo - Mystic: Impossible Possibility, requiring AGA capable Amiga. 030 compatible, Hard Disk installable. (C) 1995. |
66376 | MST-MH.LHA | 303127 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | 020+/AGA fixed version of Scoopex's"Mental Hangover". Now even exits to CLI. |
66382 | MST-SS.LHA | 181047 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | 020+/AGA fixed version of Scoopex's "Seven Sins". Exits to CLI. |
66402 | MTX-GB.LHA | 1614000 | 01.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | .---------------------------------------. | M A T R I X | | | | G o m J a b b a r | | - The Demo - | | | | First place at the Convention '96 | | Final Version | `-----------------------------[╖mTX!╖]--' |
66415 | MUSCLFIX.LHA | 60377 | 08.10.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Fixed mainfile of Muscles demo by Impulse |
66509 | NAXISAGA.LHA | 98045 | 10.01.1995 | - | 3299/Aminet 3 - July 1994.iso | - | AGA demo by Naxis demos/aga |
66593 | NMLIES.LHA | 612986 | 29.11.1996 | - | - | - | Network: No more liesReleased at Euskal 4 Party held in Spain. |
66613 | NOREIA1.LHA | 744508 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | Lightstorm Inc: Noreia [1/2] |
66614 | NOREIA2.LHA | 712438 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | Lightstorm Inc: Noreia [2/2] |
66681 | NVX_LIA1.DMS | 488188 | 24.02.1996 | - | 1558/Scene Storm - Volume 1.iso | - | LIARS - A Ufo theme slideshow/demo AGA/020/030 only DISK 1/2 |
66682 | NVX_LIA2.DMS | 851400 | 24.02.1996 | - | 1558/Scene Storm - Volume 1.iso | - | LIARS - A Ufo theme slideshow/demo AGA/020/030 only DISK 2/2 |
6475 | ODORLESS.LHA | 594,6 kt | 10.11.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | EMS-Design: Odorless (bugfixed version) |
66721 | OEPRRI4.DMS | 365122 | 06.05.1995 | - | - | - | Oepir Risti #4 scenelehti. |
66759 | OMS-9FHD.LHA | 90636 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | HD-Loader for Spaceballs demo "9 Fingers" |
6476 | OMS-AOHD.LHA | 11,9 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Alpha Omega (PMC) |
6477 | OMS-ARHD.LHA | 25,2 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Artifice (TRSI) |
6478 | OMS-BAHD.LHA | 24,2 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Baygon (Melon) |
66760 | OMS-BBHD.LHA | 37511 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | HD-Loader for Budbrain Products demo called"Budbrain" |
6479 | OMS-BLHD.LHA | 14,6 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Black Box (JetSet) |
66761 | OMS-BMHD.LHA | 9559 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | HD-Loader for Bomb's demo "Motion" |
6480 | OMS-BTHD.LHA | 52,4 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Batman Vuelve (Batman Group) |
66762 | OMS-BUD2.LHA | 658695 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Fileversion of Budbrain Products democalled "Budbrain 2" |
6481 | OMS-BVHD.LHA | 15,2 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Batman Vuelve (Batman group) |
6482 | OMS-CLHD.LHA | 15,1 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Claustrophobia (F.M.) |
6483 | OMS-COHD.LHA | 12,2 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Control (Oxygene) |
6484 | OMS-CTHD.LHA | 14,1 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Crash Test (Cryptoburners) |
6485 | OMS-DFHD.LHA | 25,7 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Desert Dream (Kefrens) |
6486 | OMS-DIHD.LHA | 113,9 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Digital Innovation (Anarchy) |
66763 | OMS-DOHD.LHA | 10665 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | HD-Loader for Digital's demo called"Day of Reckoning" |
6487 | OMS-DYHD.LHA | 26 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Dyspepsia (Analogy) |
6488 | OMS-ENHD.LHA | 12 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Enigma (Phenomena) |
6489 | OMS-EXHD.LHA | 13,6 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Exile (Desire) |
6490 | OMS-GDHD.LHA | 10476 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | HD-Loader for Kefrens demo "Guardian Dragon" |
6491 | OMS-HAHD.LHA | 128,7 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Hardwired (Crionics) |
66764 | OMS-HYHD.LHA | 18837 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | HD-Loader for Analogy's demo "Hysteria" |
6492 | OMS-ILHD.LHA | 12,1 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Ilex (Mystic) |
6493 | OMS-ITHD.LHA | 14,4 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for In The Kitchen (Anarchy) |
6494 | OMS-LDHD.LHA | 39,1 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Lethal Dose 2 (Faculty) |
66765 | OMS-LEHD.LHA | 10178 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | HD-Loader for Digital's demo called"Lethal Exit" |
6495 | OMS-MDHD.LHA | 10,8 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Mobile (Spaceballs) |
6496 | OMS-MFHD.LHA | 32 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Maximum Overdrive 2 (Rage) |
6497 | OMS-MIHD.LHA | 11,6 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | HD installer for Minä Omistan (Movement) |
6498 | OMS-MMHD.LHA | 10559 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | HD-loader for one of the Kefrens Multimegamix-musicdisks. |
66766 | OMS-TDHD.LHA | 8118 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | HD-Loader for Mad Elk's demo called"Technological Death" |
66775 | ONEFINGE.LHA | 1062158 | 12.05.1996 | - | - | - | One Finger |
66806 | OOOPS1.DMS | 783984 | 14.08.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Ooops 1 -music magazine issue #1 by Scalaris. |
66818 | OPS-BIZR.LHA | 401965 | 03.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | "Biz-R" by Oops! |
66924 | OXN_TEMP.LHA | 825655 | 14.08.1996 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Oxyron - Temple of D. (#2 at Symposium) *AGA* demo/aga |
66926 | OXYDEATH.LHA | 1346287 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | Oxyron: Death Sentence (4th at Symposium 96) |
66928 | OXYGENEC.DMS | 427975 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Very nice AGA demo from Oxygene demo/aga |
67061 | PARTY4.NFO | 8192 | 25.03.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Infoa The Party 4 demoista. |
67311 | POESIT1.LHA | 840157 | 18.04.1996 | - | - | - | dFX: Poesitro X/2 released at The Party 5 TP5 |
67312 | POESIT2.LHA | 798023 | 18.04.1996 | - | - | - | dFX: Poesitro X/2 released at The Party 5 TP5 |
67334 | POOM03B.LHA | 281513 | 26.03.1995 | repacked | #Jope | - | 0Poom0.3 beta - hämmästyttävän näyttävä ja nopea Wolfenstein/Doom-rutiini, jonkaympärille ollaan luomassa peliä. Systeemiystävällinen, ruudun koko määriteltävissä. |
67342 | POPL.EXE | 26936 | 16.05.1995 | - | - | - | The Party 3 demo: POPL |
67471 | PRX_DEMO.LHA | 2510813 | 04.09.1994 | renamed | scene.org | - | Assembly '94 demo Parallax: Drool This. 3. sija Vaatii min. A1200 (AGA), 2 mt FAST, kovalevy |
67480 | PSB_WP.LHA | 587806 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | - | Pryjaciele Stefana B: wit Porter Released at Intel Outside 3. |
67478 | PSB-SL.LHA | 1353514 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | - | Polish Division: SkylinedReleased at Gravity '96 |
67479 | PSB-SZ1.LHA | 293925 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | - | Szarzy Zjadzacze Chleba - an wild demo byPSB (power!) |
6499 | PWL-RPG1.LHA | 839,9 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "Powerline: Repugnance (1/3) Released at Icing97" |
6500 | PWL-RPG2.LHA | 779,8 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Powerline: Repugnance (2/3) |
6501 | PWL-RPG3.LHA | 287 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Powerline: Repugnance (3/3) |
6502 | PYGMYEXT.LHA | 375,2 kt | 26.05.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Pygmy: Extension - Amiga (1)Assembly93" |
67564 | PZL-KETO.LHA | 2704527 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | Puzzle: Ketogane (4th at South Sealand 96) |
67655 | QUREA1.LHA | 614635 | 06.05.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | QuReA released at DEMOLITION'96 (1/2) |
67656 | QUREA1.LZX | 610209 | 07.05.1996 | - | 22377/XENIATGM16.iso | - | Demolition'96 : Embassy - "QuReA" [1/2] |
67657 | QUREA2.LHA | 527801 | 06.05.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | QuReA released at DEMOLITION'96 (2/2) |
67658 | QUREA2.LZX | 527825 | 07.05.1996 | - | 22377/XENIATGM16.iso | - | Demolition'96 : Embassy - "QuReA" [2/2] |
67709 | RAGE-RAB.LHA | 1808711 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Rage presents: Rabies, AGA demo |
6503 | RB-LVBT.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 13.01.1999 | - | - | - | Ray Bong: Love Boat (released at TP8) |
6504 | RBS-PND.LHA | 1,7 Mt | 07.07.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Rebels: Paranoid |
67792 | RBS-PRUR.LHA | 299190 | 12.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | First Demo From The Reborn Rebels. |
67793 | RBS-WHAM.LHA | 2039660 | 12.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | 5th Place Demo By Rebels From The Party 4. |
67814 | REAL.LHA | 415241 | 04.12.1994 | - | 6973/Scene_Xplorer_1.iso | - | Complexin Real-demo Vaatii AGA-piirit. Hyvää texturemappingia ym. |
6505 | REFLECSV.DMS | 527,6 kt | 26.05.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Reflect: Sound Vision - Amiga (1)Assembly92" |
6506 | RG-24D75.LHA | 217,3 kt | 16.06.1998 | - | - | - | Rage: 242DL75 |
67948 | RJ_MKC-1.LHA | 770783 | 11.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Ram Jam: 'Massive Killing Capacity' Requires 2MB Fast mem + AGA. (1/2) |
67949 | RJ_MKC-2.LHA | 397542 | 11.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Ram Jam: 'Massive Killing Capacity' Requires 2MB Fast mem + AGA. (2/2) |
67941 | RJ-MKC1.LHA | 771066 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Ram Jam: 'Massive Killing Capasity'. AGA+4MB. |
67942 | RJ-MKC2.LHA | 397566 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Ram Jam: 'Massive Killing Capasity'. [2/2]. REQUIRES 2MB FAST MEM. 020+ AGA CHIPSET! ======================================(2/2)= [..cOMINg..fROm..tHe.hOUSe..rAM..jAM..wHQ..] |
6507 | RRR-MC13.LHA | 1,5 Mt | 12.11.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | RRR\'s Kauhu Division presents: Malevolent Creations XIII "Candybar of the Dark Lord" |
68106 | S-ASM96A.LHA | 742436 | 31.07.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Assembly '96 Invitation demo. Requires AGA and HD. |
68107 | S-ASM96B.LHA | 787038 | 31.07.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Assembly '96 Invitation demo. Requires AGA and HD. [2/3] |
68108 | S-ASM96C.LHA | 313292 | 31.07.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Assembly '96 Invitation demo. Requires AGA and HD. [3/3] |
68139 | S96_GATE.LHA | 2846366 | 20.04.1996 | - | - | - | Symposium 96 - Artwork: "The Gate" |
68162 | SARDFISH.LHA | 493178 | 14.05.1996 | - | - | - | Sardonyx: Fish - Released at The Party 5 |
68173 | SB-DD01.LHA | 792511 | 05.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Dance Diverse #1 |
68174 | SB-DD02.LHA | 812343 | 05.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Dance Diverse #2 |
68175 | SB-DD03.LHA | 811778 | 05.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Dance Diverse #3 |
68176 | SB-DD04.LHA | 808083 | 05.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Dance Diverse #4 |
68181 | SBACK1.DMS | 672850 | 09.09.1996 | - | 4583/agavol1.iso | - | Switchback by Rebels 1/2 |
68182 | SBACK2.DMS | 876315 | 09.09.1996 | - | 4583/agavol1.iso | - | Switchback by Rebels (2/2) |
6508 | SBL-2GET.LHA | 2,2 Mt | 30.06.1998 | - | - | - | "Sensible: Together (released at MI98)" |
68197 | SBS-FUNK.LHA | 660633 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Subspace: Funkybility from Icing 96. |
6509 | SBS-TOL9.LZX | 1,1 Mt | 01.08.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | "SubSpace - Toltek 9 1st place(splitted) at Kindergarden97 demo-compo." |
68199 | SBS-VOID.LHA | 413980 | 08.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Subspace first intro, 3:rd at Compusphere 6. |
68228 | SCNA_DWM.LHA | 814499 | 05.02.1996 | - | 3279/Aminet 11 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1996].iso | - | Scania: Dream with me (12th at TheParty 5) |
68230 | SCOOPALI.LHA | 449018 | 20.07.1995 | - | - | - | SCOOPEX : ALIEN demo Ul:ZOUND$ |
6510 | SCUM-UV.LHA | 1,3 Mt | 12.12.1997 | - | - | - | Scum: Utmost Vacancy (AGA-demo, 4MB FastRAM required, 68030/50MHz recommended) |
6511 | SCX-ALN2.LHA | 6 Mt | 13.01.1999 | - | - | - | Scoopex: Alien 2 (Winner at TP8) |
6512 | SCX-ISO1.DMS | 818101 | 15.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Scoopex: ISO [1/2] |
6513 | SCX-ISO2.DMS | 799184 | 15.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Scoopex: ISO [2/2] |
6515 | SCX-SP7.LHA | 2,2 Mt | 06.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Seenpoint issue #7, an Amiga demoscene magazine by Scoopex. |
6514 | SCXKINGD.LHA | 2,6 Mt | 18.03.1998 | - | - | - | Scoopex & Haujobb: My Kingdom TP7 Amiga-demowinner |
68265 | SDM-2W_1.LZX | 589738 | 06.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | 2nd World -demo |
68281 | SEC_MEM.LHA | 762316 | 14.08.1996 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | M A I N Z E L M A E N N C H E N P R O D U K T I O N SECRET MEMBERS; released on Nexus Party |
68304 | SEVERED.LHA | 1951956 | 19.09.1996 | - | 1103/CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 04 (1996)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 3)[!][issue 1996-11].iso | - | Mellow Chips: Severed (AGA demo) |
68326 | SGII.LZX | 1697027 | 12.05.1996 | - | - | - | World Federation of Mad Hackers: "Silicon Graphics 2" |
68364 | SHOWSTOP.LHA | 1500525 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Cirion - Showstopper released at the asm96. |
68370 | SHT-DD9.DMS | 672181 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Shoot: Doom's Day'94 party slideshow. |
68380 | SIH-DAX1.DMS | 638174 | 20.12.1995 | - | 1558/Scene Storm - Volume 1.iso | - | AGA Demo - Axis: Picturebook. Requires AGA capable Amiga. 030 compatible 1/4 |
68381 | SIH-DAX2.DMS | 860455 | 20.12.1995 | - | 1558/Scene Storm - Volume 1.iso | - | AGA Demo - Axis: Picturebook. Requires AGA capable Amiga. 030 compatible 2/4 |
68382 | SIH-DAX3.DMS | 559405 | 20.12.1995 | - | 1558/Scene Storm - Volume 1.iso | - | AGA Demo - Axis: Picturebook. Requires AGA capable Amiga. 030 compatible 3/4 |
68383 | SIH-DAX4.DMS | 449864 | 20.12.1995 | - | 1558/Scene Storm - Volume 1.iso | - | AGA Demo - Axis: Picturebook. Requires AGA capable Amiga. 030 compatible 4/4 |
6516 | SKY-POW.LHA | 932,9 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | - | - | Skytech: Power (Released at TP7) |
68445 | SLC-LIVE.LHA | 2175320 | 16.09.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Live! - Demo by Silicon. 3rd at the 3S Party II. |
6517 | SLC-MIME.LHA | 2,5 Mt | 30.03.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Scorpion: Mime! |
68545 | SP-WRLDS.LHA | 1202442 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | Gods: Worlds (Demo from Saturne Party 3) |
68549 | SP4-GOLD.LHA | 740021 | 21.11.1996 | - | - | - | SP4: Golden Rate Killer by Intense (7th) |
68550 | SP4-HC.LHA | 4001321 | 21.11.1996 | - | - | - | Hardcore - Syndrome. Winning demo from Saturne '96. |
68551 | SP4-STIC.LHA | 404054 | 21.11.1996 | - | - | - | SP4: Stick With Me by Mongolian Prods. (4th) |
68552 | SP4-TEIN.LHA | 1073544 | 21.11.1996 | - | scene.org | - | SP4: La Teinte by Syndrome (8th) |
68553 | SP96-DEP.LHA | 1913935 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | Smellon: Deppir (Demo from Saturne Party 3) |
68554 | SP96DP.LHA | 1913935 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Smellon: Deppir (Demo from Saturne Party 3) |
68555 | SP96FADE.LHA | 7673321 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | MeltingPot: Fade (Demo from Saturne Party 3) |
68556 | SP96HL.LHA | 900299 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Solaris & Syndrome: Heartlight (Demo from Saturne Party 3) |
68557 | SP96VT.LHA | 843709 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Abyss: Vertigo (Demo from Saturne Party 3) |
68566 | SPBPIN3.LHA | 523566 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | PINCH a demo by Spaceballs in 1996Code - SlummyMusic - VinnieReleased at the Gathering 1996 |
6518 | SPDS-PIM.LHA | 1,4 Mt | 23.10.1997 | - | - | - | "Spedes: SuperPimpero (Released at Scenario97)." |
6519 | SPEED_03.LHA | 739,1 kt | 28.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Speed #03: packmag by NAH-KOLOR. |
6520 | SPEED_06.LHA | 580,3 kt | 28.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Speed #06: packmag by NAH-KOLOR. |
6521 | SPEED_08.LHA | 732,1 kt | 28.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Speed #08: packmag by NAH-KOLOR. |
6522 | SPEED_15.LHA | 665,6 kt | 28.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Speed #15: packmag by NAH-KOLOR. |
6524 | SPEED_19.LHA | 710,4 kt | 28.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Speed #19: packmag by NAH-KOLOR. |
6525 | SPEED_20.LHA | 766,3 kt | 28.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Speed #20: packmag by NAH-KOLOR. |
6526 | SPEED_31.LHA | 820,2 kt | 28.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Speed #31: packmag by NAH-KOLOR. |
6527 | SPEED_34.LHA | 815,4 kt | 28.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Speed #34: packmag by NAH-KOLOR. |
6523 | SPEED17.LHA | 682,8 kt | 12.11.1997 | - | - | - | Speed #17 by Qba/NAh-KoLoR |
6528 | SPEED37.LHA | 783 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | Speed issue #37. |
68638 | SS96-FLR.LHA | 683756 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | Death Row: Flora Borntro Released at South Sealand '96 |
68639 | SS96-PSN.LHA | 698737 | 11.10.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Passion: Chrome Released at South Sealand '96 |
68646 | SSN-PLU1.DMS | 751519 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Demo |
68647 | SSN-PLU2.DMS | 268535 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Demo |
68648 | SSN-PLUM.DMS | 60454 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Demo |
68649 | SSNPLUMB.LZX | 895491 | 14.05.1996 | - | - | - | Session: Plumb 7th at The Gathering 96 democompo |
68698 | STATION.LHA | 705765 | 29.12.1995 | - | - | - | Workstation - winner demo by Frame18 |
68722 | STILLBRN.LHA | 2038332 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | PowerLine: Still Born, Icing'95 demo 2nd plce, AGA/HD |
68726 | STONEART.DMS | 213795 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Stonearts 1st demo from TG93 |
68730 | STR-PH.LHA | 43930 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | Stellar: "Peverly Hills" *AGA* intro.released at the Party IV |
68762 | SUBC4.LHA | 412170 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | Leo of Phuture 303 presents Subculture Issue #004, misictro with mag |
68821 | SYMBOLIA.LHA | 1057784 | 13.05.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Symbolia by Access |
68824 | SYN-DEAD.LHA | 2650009 | 05.12.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Born Dead" by Syndrome - 3rd place at the Saturne Party 96 Aminet name: SP96_BornDead.lha |
68873 | TALENT1.DMS | 545185 | 16.05.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Talent AGA demo |
68874 | TALENT2.DMS | 426212 | 16.05.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Talent AGA demo |
6529 | TAOL-RR.LHA | 671,2 kt | 30.06.1998 | - | - | - | "The Army of Lamers: Restricted Remix Released at MI98" |
68911 | TBL_QUE.LHA | 1115925 | 27.12.1995 | - | 17102/TEKNO 1-1997.iso | - | The Black Lotus presents a demo called "Que?" (AGA, 2MB RAM, HD) |
68900 | TBL-DARK.LHA | 1660660 | 30.06.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | TBL "Darkside" - DemoCompo Winner At Remedy! |
68901 | TBL-GLO1.LHA | 884178 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | "Glow" by TBL.Released at Icing 96. [1/3] *AGA*/020/4mb FAST |
68902 | TBL-GLO2.LHA | 757659 | 06.06.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | "Glow" by TBL. Released at Icing 96. [2/3] |
68903 | TBL-GLO3.LHA | 828033 | 06.06.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | "Glow" by TBL. Released at Icing 96. [3/3] |
68904 | TBL-GOA.LHA | 3181600 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | The Black Lotus - GOA. released at the asm96. aporna hoppar igen. ;) |
68905 | TBL-MSY.LHA | 514753 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | The Black Lotus: MiseryAssembly'95 Demo. AGA. |
6530 | TBL-PANA.LHA | 1,4 Mt | 07.07.1997 | - | scene.org | - | TBL: Panacea |
68906 | TBL-SPE.LHA | 985374 | 09.03.1996 | - | scene.org | - | The Black Lotus: Spectral winning demo at Creutz' 96. AGA HD 2 MB chip required. |
68907 | TBL-SPE1.LHA | 505302 | 24.02.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | THE BLACK LOTUS - SPECTRAL WINNING DEMO AT CREUTZ'96 AGA HD 2MB CHIP REQUIRED 1/2 |
68908 | TBL-SPE2.LHA | 480018 | 24.02.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | THE BLACK LOTUS - SPECTRAL WINNING DEMO AT CREUTZ'96 AGA HD 2MB CHIP REQUIRED 2/2 |
68909 | TBL-TINT.LHA | 4767358 | 09.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | TG96 - The Black Lotus : "Tint" |
68910 | TBL-TINT.LZX | 4758999 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG96 - Demo |
68934 | TDEMO57.LHA | 211138 | 25.03.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | TextDemo version 5.7 AWESOME DOOM-CLONEIt's got floor, stairs and rounded walls!!!! Requires OS 2.0 and 020 Runs on ECS and better.Runs SMOOTH on a 28MHz 020 IN FULLSCREEN!!!! |
68935 | TDTW.LHA | 863892 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Tear Down The Wall. Amazing AGA demo from Union! |
69021 | TG93GFX.LHA | 670855 | 10.01.1995 | - | 3288/Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso | - | ALL graphics from TG93 graphics comp. |
69022 | TG93INTR.LHA | 369961 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | ALL intros from TG93 40k intro comp. |
69023 | TG93MODS.LHA | 1027233 | 10.01.1995 | - | 3288/Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso | - | The 5 best modules from mod comp at TG93 |
6531 | THELAW-1.LHA | 677,5 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Powerline: Enforcing the Law (1/5) Released at TP7. |
6532 | THELAW-2.LHA | 659,3 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Powerline: Enforcing the Law (2/5) |
6533 | THELAW-3.LHA | 686,1 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Powerline: Enforcing the Law (3/5) |
6534 | THELAW-4.LHA | 699,3 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Powerline: Enforcing the Law (4/5) |
6535 | THELAW-5.LHA | 192,7 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Powerline: Enforcing the Law (5/5) |
69102 | THEWALL.LHA | 872676 | 05.05.1996 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | - | an AGA demo by Union, #1 at Intel Outside II Requires 4 MB Fast memory. Excellent music and graphics. |
6536 | THINGUMA.LZX | 220,7 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Subspace et. C-Lous: Thingumabob |
69120 | THRILLED.LHA | 1050138 | 14.08.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | ASSEMBLY '95 - DEMO BY EMBASSY |
6537 | TLT-FIX.LHA | 392555 | 17.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Stellar presents: Toilet, final version.AGA-demo, A1200 minimum required, 030/040support. code: nose & daeron. 3d rendering system: nose & zuikki objects, textures and the music: dune / orange. jsaarinen@kone.fipnet.fi) |
6538 | TLU-MORT.LHA | 1,6 Mt | 06.01.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Tuluo: Mortality (AGA-demo, released at TP7) |
6539 | TLU-MWL.LHA | 399,4 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | Tulou: Moonwalker |
6540 | TLU-PM.LHA | 1 Mt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | Tulou: Pusherman |
6541 | TLU-PUSH.LHA | 1 Mt | 21.07.1998 | - | - | - | "Tulou: Pusherman from Remedy98" |
6542 | TP4-MLN.DMS | 500210 | 23.03.1995 | - | - | - | aga demo melon: ninja erittäin hupaisa the party 4 release |
6543 | TP4-SNT.DMS | 828146 | 23.03.1995 | - | - | - | aga demo sanity: roots the party 4 release |
6550 | TP4-VD1.DMS | 795111 | 31.03.1995 | - | - | - | Virtual Dreams/Fairlight: Psychedelic The Party 4 AGA-demo, vain kiintolevylle, toimii 2 mb CHIP koneissakin. 1/3 |
6551 | TP4-VD2.DMS | 741684 | 31.03.1995 | - | - | - | Virtual Dreams/Fairlight: Psychedelic The Party 4 AGA-demo, vain kiintolevylle, toimii 2 mb CHIP koneissakin. 2/3 |
6552 | TP4-VD3.DMS | 629866 | 31.03.1995 | - | - | - | Virtual Dreams/Fairlight: Psychedelic The Party 4 AGA-demo, vain kiintolevylle, toimii 2 mb CHIP koneissakin. 3/3 |
69263 | TP4KIL1.DMS | 533911 | 26.03.1995 | - | - | - | Oxyron: Killing Time The Party 4 AGA demo 1/4 |
69264 | TP4KIL2.DMS | 631073 | 26.03.1995 | - | - | - | Oxyron: Killing Time 2/4 |
69265 | TP4KIL3.DMS | 737977 | 26.03.1995 | - | - | - | Oxyron: Killing Time 3/4 |
69266 | TP4KIL4.DMS | 372671 | 26.03.1995 | - | - | - | Oxyron: Killing Time 4/4 |
6544 | TP4TPY1.DMS | 576235 | 31.03.1995 | - | - | - | Polka Brothers: Prey The Party 4 AGA Demo, levy/kiintolevy. 1/2 |
6545 | TP4TPY2.DMS | 596370 | 31.03.1995 | - | - | - | Polka Brothers: Prey The Party 4 AGA Demo, levy/kiintolevy. 2/2 |
6546 | TP4TSD1.DMS | 832290 | 23.03.1995 | - | - | - | aga demo Polka Brothers: Twisted The Party 4 release 1/4 |
6547 | TP4TSD2.DMS | 861517 | 23.03.1995 | - | - | - | aga demo Polka Brothers: Twisted The Party 4 release 2/4 |
6548 | TP4TSD3.DMS | 887139 | 23.03.1995 | - | - | - | aga demo Polka Brothers: Twisted The Party 4 release 3/4 |
6549 | TP4TSD4.DMS | 492868 | 23.03.1995 | - | - | - | aga demo Polka Brothers: Twisted The Party 4 release 4/4 |
69285 | TP5_ABYS.LHA | 345415 | 17.02.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Party 5 - Abyss : 'Pulstar' (Amiga) |
69286 | TP5_CLOS.LHA | 2348402 | 17.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Party 5 - CNCD : 'Closer' (Amiga) |
69287 | TP5_CYBE.LHA | 1409943 | 17.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Party 5 - Alcatraz & TRSI : 'CyberLogik' (Amiga) |
69288 | TP5_EMBA.LHA | 1304499 | 17.02.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Party 5 - Embassy : 'Corona' (Amiga) |
69289 | TP5_ESSE.LHA | 771727 | 17.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Party 5 - Essence : 'Pulstar' (Amiga) |
69290 | TP5_EXOR.LHA | 1086870 | 17.02.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Party 5 - Oxyron : 'Exorcism' |
6553 | TP5_GALE.LHA | 729873 | 17.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Party 5 - The Stellar Family : 'Galerie' |
69291 | TP5_IMPA.LHA | 1134514 | 17.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Party 5 - Impact DK : 'Pulstar' (Amiga) |
69292 | TP5_MYST.LHA | 1112051 | 17.02.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Party 5 - Demo from Mystic |
69293 | TP5_PASS.LHA | 1460919 | 17.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Party 5 - Three Little Elks : 'Passenger' (Amiga) |
69294 | TP5_POLK.LHA | 788838 | 17.02.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Party 5 - Polka Brothers : 'Polka Says NO' (Amiga) |
69295 | TP5_RABI.LHA | 1808599 | 17.02.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Party 5 - Rage : 'Rabies' (Amiga) |
6556 | TP5_VD.LHA | 862240 | 17.02.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Party 5 - VIrtual Dreams : 'Faktory' (Amiga) |
69296 | TP5_VISI.LHA | 1413804 | 17.02.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Party 5 - Oxygene : 'Vision' (Amiga) |
69269 | TP5-DLD1.DMS | 112752 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [01/13] |
69270 | TP5-DLD2.DMS | 827561 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [02/13] |
69271 | TP5-DLD3.DMS | 829660 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [03/13] |
69272 | TP5-DLD4.DMS | 829660 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [03/13] |
69273 | TP5-DLD5.DMS | 829997 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [05/13] |
69274 | TP5-DLD6.DMS | 829890 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [06/13] |
69275 | TP5-DLD7.DMS | 830654 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [07/13] |
69276 | TP5-DLD8.DMS | 828665 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [08/13] |
69277 | TP5-DLD9.DMS | 829524 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [09/13] |
69278 | TP5-DLDA.DMS | 808951 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [10/13] |
69279 | TP5-DLDB.DMS | 658807 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [11/13] |
69280 | TP5-DLDC.DMS | 806813 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [12/13] |
69281 | TP5-DLDD.DMS | 632100 | 11.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Underworld by Dreamline Design. 5th place at The Party 5 Wild Compo. [13/13] |
69282 | TP5-ESC.DMS | 784512 | 08.01.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Party V: Crazy Sexy Cool by Essence |
6554 | TP5-STR.LHA | 745956 | 02.01.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Party V: Stellar - Galerie |
6555 | TP5-VD.EXE | 916720 | 22.01.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Tp-5 Demo from VD/FLT (3rd at TP5) : Faktory. Vaatii AGA. |
6557 | TRSI-AT1.LHA | 509402 | 15.01.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Tristal & Red Sector \/WOC `94 TRACKMO: ARTIFICE (AGA) *fINAL* [1/2] |
6558 | TRSI-AT2.LHA | 507433 | 15.01.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | tRIStAR & REDsECTOR mAZ! WOC `94 TRACKMO: ARTIFICE (AGA) *fINAL* [2/2] |
6559 | TRSI-RSE.LHA | 4,2 Mt | 14.04.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | TRSI & Red Sector Incorporated: Rise Released at The Gathering 1998. Requires at least AGA/020/8MB, 68030+ strongly recommended. |
69422 | TRSI-SUN.LHA | 1707627 | 23.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | TRSi `SUN` SLIDESHOW from LAZUR |
69424 | TRUDREA1.DMS | 889959 | 09.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG'96 : DreamScape by Triumph [1/5] |
69425 | TRUDREA2.DMS | 888980 | 09.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG'96 : DreamScape by Triumph [2/5] |
69426 | TRUDREA3.DMS | 889330 | 09.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG'96 : DreamScape by Triumph [3/5] |
69427 | TRUDREA4.DMS | 887357 | 09.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG'96 : DreamScape by Triumph [4/5] |
69428 | TRUDREA5.DMS | 635433 | 09.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG'96 : DreamScape by Triumph [5/5] |
69603 | UTAHSANT.LHA | 216091 | 16.05.1995 | - | - | - | Utah Saints Fan Club Intro AGA |
6561 | VA-EDPPC.LHA | 2,5 Mt | 08.05.1998 | - | - | - | "Venus Art: Everything dies Remisex (PowerPC-demo at Rush Hours98)" |
6563 | VA-GHPPC.LHA | 2 Mt | 08.05.1998 | - | - | - | Venus Art: Ghost in the Machine 1998 PowerPC remix. |
6564 | VA-PPCDF.LHA | 199,4 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | "Bugfixes for Venus Arts PPC-demos." |
6560 | VAD-GHST.LHA | 1,8 Mt | 23.11.1997 | - | - | - | Ghost In The Machine (Zero Gravity - Trilogy part II) by Venus Art. Winner of the Gravity Party II Amiga demo-competition. Supports CyberGFX. |
6562 | VAEDPPCW.LHA | 78,1 kt | 29.06.1998 | - | - | - | Everything Dies by Venus Art - PPC WarpUPversion |
6565 | VD-LOV.LHA | 1640390 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | LOVE demo by Fairlight (aga only) amiga demo aga |
6566 | VD-SUMEA.LHA | 2441236 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Virtual dreams 1996 sumea - faktory 2 the winning asm96 demo. |
69744 | VIRTPAIN.LHA | 420981 | 05.07.1995 | - | - | - | JELLY : VIRTUAL PAIN (Demo) UL:ZOUNDS |
6567 | VIRTUALW.DMS | 512818 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Tobias Richter - Virtual World Megademo |
69760 | VIVAT-A.DMS | 858502 | 14.08.1996 | renamed | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Vivat Slovakia demo for A1200 Disk 1 demo/aga - Demobit'95 democompo. |
69761 | VIVAT-B.DMS | 457626 | 14.08.1996 | renamed | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Vivat Slovakia demo for A1200 Disk 2 |
6568 | VNT-FA.LHA | 2,1 Mt | 01.08.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Fallen Angels by Venture. Released at Intel Outside Party 4. |
69769 | VNT-SD.LHA | 3370395 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Venture - "Strange Days", 3rd at IO3 |
69822 | VRN-SNZ.LHA | 776885 | 16.09.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Snooze! by Vajrayana. |
69844 | VTR-PLZ1.LHA | 356821 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Vector: Plane ZeroThe winner from Creutz 96 II THE WINNING DEMO AT CREUTZ 96 II |
69845 | VTR-PLZ2.LHA | 601448 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Vector: Plane Zero [2/2] The winner at Creutz 96 II |
69975 | WCWC.LHA | 848805 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | Zymosis: !WC goes to WCAssembly'95 demo. |
70066 | WIND.LHA | 565637 | 09.05.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | / W I N D ! by Frame 18 | /.Winner.demo.at.SCEneST#2. | |
70127 | WOLF3D15.LHA | 130985 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | Wolf 3D PreRelease V1.5 - For all A500's and the more advanced ones. Floor, Ceiling and Wall Texture Mapping. Wolf3D demo on EHB / AGA -BitPlane Screen.Depth cueing w/ Realtime Texture Dithering.Wolf3D world runs 7.5 fps on 192x160xEHBSupraTurbo 28M hz 68000 + Fast)Recommended 68020++, Chip/Fast, OCS. |
70173 | WRD-ONCE.LZX | 295931 | 09.04.1996 | - | - | - | TG'96 : "Once Upon a Time" by Ward |
6569 | XIII-OXY.LHA | 960 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | aminet.net | - | Oxyron: XIII (demo released at TP8) |
6570 | ZEN-BEES.LHA | 1,4 Mt | 17.03.1998 | - | - | - | Zenon: Bees |
70458 | ZIF.LHA | 1048366 | 14.05.1996 | - | 6973/Scene_Xplorer_1.iso | - | Parallax: ZiF (Assembly 95 contribution) |
70461 | ZIMBABWE.LHA | 478611 | 13.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Bizarre Arts: Zimbabwe |
6571 | ZINKOFIX.LHA | 190659 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Kefrens-Polka Brothers intro - *FIXED* (AGA) demo/aga |
6572 | ZN-NOSEX.LHA | 1 Mt | 11.06.1998 | - | - | - | "Zenon: No Sex! (2nd at Abduction98)" |
70486 | ZNN-MSRY.LZX | 872895 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | Zenon: Misery Released at Abduction '96 |
6573 | ZOO-PUZ.LHA | 2,2 Mt | 22.08.1997 | - | - | - | "Zoo by Puzzle - Asm97 democompo entry" |
6669 | 4KSPACB.LHA | 4138 | 24.01.1996 | - | - | - | 4K intro by Lone Starr/Spaceball,1st at TG95 |
6670 | 64KJOBBO.LHA | 45667 | 24.01.1996 | - | - | - | 64K intro by Jobbo/SPB,1st at TG95 |
6671 | 64KSPACB.LHA | 54954 | 24.01.1996 | - | - | - | 64K intro by Major Asshole, 2nd at TG95 "TheLastFinger" |
6673 | A96DAFAN.LHA | 50524 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Assembly '96 Amiga introcompetition entry "Hit Da Fan" by Sam & Roy |
6574 | A97-64K.LHA | 386,2 kt | 11.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Assembly 97 Amiga 64k compo entries |
6575 | AB97INTR.LHA | 463,8 kt | 11.06.1997 | - | - | - | "All 64k intros from Abduction97" |
6576 | ABD98AMI.LHA | 495,9 kt | 19.05.1998 | - | - | - | "Abduction98 invitation intro AMIGA" |
6577 | AMB_EXTL.LHA | 9,8 kt | 24.04.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Winner of Symposium 4k-compo by Ambrosia. |
6578 | AND_VERS.LHA | 56,2 kt | 02.03.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | "VERSOR by AnadunE2nd place at RushHours97" |
6579 | AP-MOSAI.LHA | 64,2 kt | 08.11.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "Artificial People: Mosaic from Saturne97!" |
60799 | AP-PROFU.LHA | 80848 | 25.11.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Artificial People: Profusionan 80kb intro from the Demolition II compo1st Amiga, 2nd overall |
60827 | APT-40KB.LHA | 35450 | 18.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Compo: Amiga 40kTitle: DisasterHandle: Strife / ApathyReleased at The Gathering 96 |
6580 | APX_NAV.LHA | 60,6 kt | 02.03.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | "NAVEL by AppendiX1nd place at RushHours97" |
60983 | ASS40K.LHA | 611305 | 16.08.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Assembly'95 - Amiga 40K Intros |
6581 | AYS-CRS2.LHA | 35,8 kt | 13.01.1999 | - | - | - | abyss: cruisin2, 40k intro from the party98 |
6582 | AYS-SPAM.LHA | 66,3 kt | 08.11.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Abyss: Spam (64kb intro) |
6583 | AZR_WAVE.LHA | 6 kt | 13.01.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Azure: Wave (Final release of the winning TP7 Amiga 4k-intro) |
6584 | BSE-40KB.LHA | 102 kt | 04.09.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | All 40kb Amiga-intros from Belgian SceneEvent 97. |
61763 | BZRFRESH.LHA | 41820 | 08.10.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Bizarre Arts: Fresh Released at Summer Party '96 1st place in 40kb-compo |
61764 | C!S-40KB.LHA | 41469 | 18.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Mixed Emotions -intro, Final, from C-Lous, |
62076 | CIRHOPE3.LHA | 41325 | 29.11.1996 | - | - | - | Cirion: Hope3Released at Demolition II '96 Intro Compo |
62081 | CIS-AS96.LHA | 68008 | 20.08.1996 | - | - | - | C-Lous intro for Assembly 96. |
6585 | CR_TP.LHA | 33,3 kt | 02.03.1997 | - | - | - | Craze: ToothpasteA 40kb-intro released at The Party 1996. |
62358 | CRAZESON.LHA | 61854 | 05.07.1995 | - | - | - | Craze: Super Sonic (Intro) |
6586 | CTZ-BR4K.LHA | 5,2 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Brunostalgia/Ctz, 4k #1 TG97 FIXED |
6587 | DCS-MOAN.LHA | 63,9 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Dual Crew Shining: "I Moan" Scenario \'97 64kb-Amiga-intro. |
62770 | DEMO96AM.LHA | 332772 | 28.03.1996 | - | - | - | - Demolition '96 - Invitation intro (Amiga). Includes map and info.txt! 26.4 - 28.4.96 Joensuu |
6588 | DIG_ETIC.ZIP | 9 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Etic" by Digital. 4th in the Assembly \'99 Amiga 4 kB intro compo. |
6589 | DKG-GAL.LHA | 39,8 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Galaxy by Darkage 40k intro released at The Party 7 |
6590 | DKG-SUBL.LHA | 64,9 kt | 08.11.1997 | - | scene.org | - | DarkAge: Sublime (2nd place at Saturne 5) |
63026 | DLS-INTR.LHA | 80078 | 06.05.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | dELUSiON's 1st intro Released 3.5.1995 |
63046 | DML2AINV.LHA | 101362 | 08.11.1996 | - | - | - | Demolition II invitation 22-24.11.96 in Joensuu. |
63065 | DNTDENT2.LHA | 168408 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | DNT Dentro, Assembly'95. Req. A500+ |
6591 | ERDNUSS.LHA | 736,1 kt | 23.10.1997 | - | 2030/Amiga_Dream_46.iso | - | "Erdnuxx_217" - chipintro by t13n. |
63821 | ESC-40KB.LHA | 41244 | 18.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | brainbow a 40k-intro by essencecode:touchstone - gfx:fadeone - music:virgill (released at the gathering'96 2-6 april)ÿ |
63895 | EXM-WEB.LHA | 34774 | 24.01.1996 | - | - | - | Exotic Men demo from scenario 95 party |
6592 | EXT_PUSH.ZIP | 107,6 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Push" by Extereme. 2nd in the Assembly \'99 Amiga 64 kB intro compo. |
63919 | EXT-IFA.RUN | 62780 | 20.08.1996 | - | - | - | Extend: IFA. 64k intro released at Assembly '96. |
6593 | F18-FLAG.LHA | 61,9 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | "40kb intro from FLAG98 by Frame 18 (1st place)" |
64197 | FLTV_CH.EXE | 38316 | 16.05.1995 | - | - | - | Virtual Dreams/Fairlight Intro: Chaosland. Erittäin hieno. |
64305 | FRH-BORN.LHA | 364303 | 24.01.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | First Intro by Fresh! |
64369 | G95_64K.LHA | 433044 | 14.09.1995 | - | - | - | --------------------------------------------a The Gathering'95 AMIGA 64k iNTROS ----aLL 8 64k iNTROS! |
64649 | GYNO.LHA | 233199 | 05.11.1995 | - | - | - | Zenon'95 : "Gyno" intro. Sorry fellas, this may fuck up with your Amiga, if you have better than '020 (I mean music). We'll fix this as soon as possible. ;) |
64969 | I96-64K.LHA | 351417 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | 64k intros from Icing '96 in Lerum |
65101 | IMS-SRI.LHA | 66136 | 29.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Impulse Three. 64kb Intro. |
65218 | INUS-DML.LHA | 68209 | 29.11.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Contains FILE_ID.DIZ |
65316 | JAPANI.LHA | 57551 | 20.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Japani - da intro. Kanisteri's contribution to Amiga 64k intro competition at Assembly '96. |
65427 | JRM-EP62.LHA | 70324 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | dA JoRMaS - ELAStik PitCh #62 ASS'96 64kb introcompo entry which never reached the phonkin' competitition. |
65525 | KEF-GAL.EXE | 236884 | 16.05.1995 | - | - | - | Kefrens AGA intro: GALE |
65724 | LIMBOBOR.EXE | 229320 | 16.05.1995 | - | - | - | Limbo: Born in Savo -demo |
66476 | NA!MURR.LHA | 61799 | 20.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Asm96 64k intro, 6th place: Murr: New Age |
66608 | NOP.EXE | 246204 | 16.05.1995 | - | - | - | Muffbusters AGA intro: NOP |
66640 | NOVA-SOR.EXE | 840152 | 16.05.1995 | - | - | - | Nova AGA intro: Sorry! |
66767 | OMS_O64.LHA | 39669 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | Intro from Scenario '96 Amiga-introcompo:"o'64" |
67791 | RBS-64K.LHA | 60317 | 12.12.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Winning Intro SouthSealand'96 By Rebels |
68109 | S-PURE.LHA | 62196 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | The winning asm96 intro - P U R E. by Sonik Clique |
68138 | S96_DAWN.LHA | 36086 | 20.04.1996 | - | - | - | Symposium 96 - ArtWork : Dawn.Remix 40kb Intro |
68140 | S96_SYND.LHA | 34914 | 20.04.1996 | - | - | - | Symposium 96 - Syndrome : 40kb Intro |
6594 | SAB_LAND.ZIP | 4,4 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "land" by sabaoth. 3rd in the Assembly \'99 Amiga 4 kB intro compo. |
68198 | SBS-GIRL.LHA | 51720 | 20.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Subspace 64k Intro Called "Girl" ASM'96 - ASM'96 - ASM'96 - ASM'96 - ASM'96 |
6595 | SCX-1000.LHA | 44,5 kt | 13.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Scoopex: 1000% (40kb intro from TP8) |
6596 | SCX-EC30.LHA | 255,7 kt | 31.10.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Scoopex: EuroCharts 30 |
6597 | SCX-PHO.LHA | 61,3 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | - | - | "Scoopex: Phorce (Zero-G 2 rmx) 2nd in Abduction97" |
6598 | SCX-SADF.LHA | 38,7 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Scoopex: Superautodrome (40kg AGA-intro) |
6599 | SCX-TORQ.LHA | 39,5 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "Scoopex - Torque (intro from FLAG98)" |
6600 | SM98-SCH.LHA | 34,5 kt | 03.03.1998 | - | - | - | "Haujobb-Scoopex: Haupex - the intro Released at the Scenemeeting98" |
6601 | SPARKLIN.ZIP | 61,6 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Sparkling blue light" by Spaceballs. 3rd in the Assembly \'99 Amiga 64 kB intro compo. |
68579 | SPEED-.LHA | 65546 | 14.08.1996 | renamed | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Speed, The Triumph Software 64k intro from The Gathering 95. demo/aga, REQ 030/882/AGA,includes full-featured raytracer to trace anims and pictures as you watch. |
6602 | SS1-FE.LHA | 61 kt | 12.06.1997 | - | scene.org | - | First Encounter by Mad Virgin. Released at Scene Strike 1. |
6603 | SS1-PROT.LHA | 35,3 kt | 12.06.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Prot by Nevermind. Released at Scene Strike 1. |
68729 | STR-40KB.LHA | 40281 | 18.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Compo: Amiga 40kTitle: LightsHandle: Lemming / StellarReleased at The Gathering 96 |
68936 | TD_TYPE.LHA | 68064 | 29.11.1996 | - | - | - | TerrorDrome: TypeWriterReleased at Demolition II '96 Intro compo. |
69024 | TG95-64K.LHA | 428500 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | TG95 The Gathering'95 party package:aMIGA 8 64k iNTROS |
6604 | TG98-4K.LHA | 31,5 kt | 14.04.1998 | - | - | - | "The Gathering98 Amiga 4k-competition entries." |
6605 | TIMEOUT.LHA | 3 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | - | - | Time Out, a TP 96 4k intro. |
6606 | TITLE16.LHA | 37,4 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Title16, a TP96 intro. |
6607 | TITLE17.LHA | 40,3 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Title17, a TP96 intro. |
69262 | TP4-INT.LHA | 1283995 | 01.06.1995 | - | - | - | All 40k compo intros from the Party 1994 |
69267 | TP5-40K.LHA | 738446 | 01.01.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | The Party '95: 19 Amiga-intros from 40k compo |
69268 | TP5-4K.LHA | 31360 | 03.01.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Party V: All the 4-k intros |
69283 | TP5-INV.LHA | 769174 | 01.12.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | +------------------------------------------+| THE PARTY 1995 OFFICIAL INVITATION |+------------------------------------------+ |
6608 | TP64K.LHA | 4 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | TP64K, a TP96 intro. |
6609 | TRACE4K.LHA | 4,1 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | - | - | TraceTro.4K, a TP96 4k intro. |
6610 | TRAVEL.LHA | 38,8 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Travellers, a TP96 intro. |
69419 | TRON_BBS.EXE | 19428 | 20.07.1995 | - | - | - | Tronix: BBS-Intro |
6611 | WXCO123.ZIP | 38,3 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "wx-co123" by replay. 7th in the Assembly Amiga 64 kB intro compo. |
70430 | Z-MAS.LHA | 145425 | 24.12.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | _________ ______ ____ _____ _____ \____ /______/ _ \ _ \ _ \ / ¼__/____/_/ // / // / // / / // / // / / / // / / / / / / / / / / / / / //______/\_____/___/__/______/___/__/[rC7] BRINGS TO U GO O-GOO X-MAS EDITION |
6612 | ZEROG2.LHA | 79 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Zero-G 2, 2nd TP96 intro. |
6613 | 2028AD.ZIP | 14 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "2028AD" by Data2. 10th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6614 | 3SMITHS.MPG | 40 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | The Three Smiths by djh & nich.3rd in the Assembly 2k animation compo. |
6615 | ABNORMAL.MPG | 48,6 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Abnormal Termination by Bega.10th in the Assembly 2k animation compo. |
6616 | AREA61.ZIP | 33,3 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Area 61" by CGI7th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6617 | BLUE_INF.ZIP | 13 Mt | 09.08.1999 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | "Blue Infection" by Joint Project6th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6618 | BOTTLE2.LHA | 6,8 Mt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | Walking and jumping glass bottleRendered with Cinema 4D (ANIM5-format) |
6619 | BUGSLOVE.ZIP | 13,7 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "A Bugs Love" by Edward14th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6620 | CRAZY.MPG | 171,5 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | - | - | "Crazy" by Maciej Wojciechowski. |
6621 | CREEPY.MPG | 44,6 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Creepy Horror by Data2.7th in the Assembly 2k animation compo. |
6622 | CUBINSON.MPG | 48,1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Cubinson Rosoe by Katastrophik.6th in the Assembly 2k animation compo. |
6623 | DEVMINE.MPG | 491,3 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | - | - | "Devils mine"Rendered with Imagine. |
6624 | DOLPHINS.LHA | 4,9 Mt | 03.09.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Underwater scenery with swimming dolphinsRendered with Cinema 4D (ANIM5-format) |
6626 | ESCAPE_.MPG | 25,4 Mt | 15.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | escape by nOte.8th in the Assembly 2k Animation compo. |
6625 | ESCAPE.MPG | 2,4 Mt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Escape" by Maciej Wojciechowski. |
6627 | EXPRESS.MPG | 990 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Express" by Maciej Wojciechowski. |
6628 | GAAGEL.ZIP | 7,6 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Gaagel" by Mage The Man13th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6629 | GATESOH.MPG | 28,2 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Gates of Hell by Vortex.5th in the Assembly 2k animation compo. |
6630 | GRUMPS.ZIP | 17,9 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Grumps" by jarnoAssembly \'99 animation compo winner. |
6633 | H_JPVSPU.ZIP | 14,3 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Joulupukku vs. Pakkasukko" by HammerI12th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6631 | H1V3.MPG | 24,4 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | the Hive by CEOD.11th in the Assembly 2k Animation compo. |
6632 | HAPPY.MPG | 390 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Happy" by Maciej Wojciechowski. |
6634 | HWC.MPG | 1,1 Mt | 24.04.1997 | - | - | - | "Handling with care" by Timo SavolaA spaceship will be wrecked by a hammer. |
6635 | ITSENISY.ZIP | 11,9 Mt | 09.08.1999 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | "Itsenäisyyspäivä" by muumiperhe. 5th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6636 | KVAKZILL.ZIP | 12,8 Mt | 09.08.1999 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | "Kvakzilla" by frgament 4th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6637 | LEGOJAWS.MPG | 1,1 Mt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Lego Jaws" by Maciej Wojciechowski |
6638 | LEONARDO.MPG | 45,8 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Leonardos briefcase by mass.1st in the Assembly 2k Animation compo. |
6639 | LYIJYNSY.ZIP | 13,9 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Lyijynsyöjät" by marzu9th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6640 | MAGICPEN.MPG | 1,2 Mt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Magic Pen" by Maciej Wojciechowski |
6641 | MR_HAND.MPG | 46,2 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Mr. Hand" by Maciej Wojciechowski |
6642 | MUMMO.MPG | 28,1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Mummo by Miika.2nd in the Assembly 2k Animation compo. |
6643 | NACHSPIE.ZIP | 13,3 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Nachspielzeit" by Vincent Vega8th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6644 | NO37.ZIP | 28,3 Mt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | dental headache of cromatics: "no37". The Party 99 wild demo competition entry, 3rd place. MPEG movie of the animation. |
6645 | PACMAN.MPG | 994,4 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Pacman Drama" by Maciej Wojciechowski |
6646 | PARADIS.ZIP | 15,8 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Paradise" by 720 and the Bluecow2nd in the Assembly \'99 animation compo! |
6647 | PAYBACK.MPG | 20,4 Mt | 15.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Payback by Nybe.4th in the Assembly 2k Animation compo. |
6648 | SAT.MPG | 1,8 Mt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Sat" by Maciej Wojciechowski |
6649 | SPIDERGA.ZIP | 33,1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | spidergate sg-69 by propulsion.9th in the Assembly 2k Animation compo. |
6650 | THESHIP.MPG | 343,3 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "The Ship" by Maciej Wojciechowski |
6651 | THESHIPS.MPG | 892,3 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "The Ships" by Maciej Wojciechowski |
6652 | TOO_REAL.ZIP | 11,9 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Too Real" by MdS11th in the Assembly \'99 animation compo. |
6653 | TS_STMAN.ZIP | 11,9 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "The Suicidal Stickman by Raynet Squirrel15th in the Assembly99 animation compo. " |
6654 | VLAB.MPG | 292,5 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Virtual Lab" by Maciej Wojciechowski |
6655 | WARP-S1.MPG | 1,3 Mt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Animation of the starship EnterpriseRendered with Lightwave3D. Anim design by Pierre Schoberth. |
6656 | YOUNGBOY.MPG | 80,8 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | "Young Boy" by Maciej Wojciechowski |
6657 | A96MMSC.A02 | 1,4 Mt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Assembly96:den multicompoAssembly96:den multichannel music compo Volume 3 of 5" |
6658 | A96MMSC.A03 | 1,4 Mt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Assembly96:den multicompoAssembly96:den multichannel music compo Volume 4 of 5" |
6659 | A96MMSC.A04 | 1,1 Mt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Assembly96:den multicompoAssembly96:den multichannel music compo Volume 5 of 5" |
6660 | A96MMSC.ARJ | 1,4 Mt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Assembly96:den multicompoAssembly96:den multichannel music compon _kaikki_ 15 finalistiasisältää myös sijoituslistan. Volume 1 of 5" |
6712 | FINGERS.ZIP | 31,5 kt | 16.11.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Assembly 97 GFX Compo entry Fingers by Ellyn/Exmortis. |
6725 | INV_UPDA.ZIP | 51,7 kt | 22.04.1997 | - | - | - | Update for Invasion invtro- package. Contains new maps.. Download also INVASION.ZIP!! Ticket price might be lowered to 50 FIM |
6732 | LFLT1VTE.ZIP | 1,7 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | scene.org | - | the votingform for issue one of leaflet - the chartsmag |
6733 | LYNNE10.ZIP | 8,2 kt | 26.07.1997 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #10 - 30 MAY 1997 |
6734 | LYNNE11.ZIP | 13,6 kt | 26.07.1997 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #11 - 11 JULY 1997 |
6735 | LYNNE12.ZIP | 11,1 kt | 28.08.1997 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #12 - 24 JULY 1997 |
6736 | LYNNE13.ZIP | 11 kt | 28.08.1997 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #13 - 12. AUGUST 1997 |
6737 | LYNNE14.ZIP | 6,3 kt | 18.09.1997 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #14 9. SEPTEMBER 1997 |
6738 | LYNNE15.ZIP | 9,4 kt | 16.10.1997 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #15 - 20. OCTOBER 1997 |
6739 | LYNNE16.ZIP | 8,5 kt | 23.11.1997 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER ISSUE #16 - 11. NOVEMBER 1997 |
6740 | LYNNE17.ZIP | 10,2 kt | 29.12.1997 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #17 - 1. DECEMBER 1997 |
6741 | LYNNE18.ZIP | 8,8 kt | 01.02.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER ISSUE #18 - 14 JANUARY 1998 |
6742 | LYNNE19.ZIP | 10 kt | 25.02.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER ISSUE #19 - 3 FEBRUARY 1998 |
6745 | LYNNE7.ZIP | 4,8 kt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #7 - 22. JANUARY 1997 |
6746 | LYNNE8.ZIP | 7,9 kt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #8 - 6. FEBRUARY 1997 |
6747 | LYNNE9.ZIP | 9,3 kt | 10.06.1997 | renamed | scene.org | - | LYNNE / Dr.Awesome Newsletter, issue #9 |
6750 | MERCREDI.ZIP | 33 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Haplo / Live! - Zuul Desing Shad & my sister TP6 GFX (no copy) |
6752 | MUHUII.JPG | 162 kt | 08.11.1997 | - | - | - | My Room - Assembly 97 raytrace competition entry by Peeri. 2nd place. |
7187 | PLS_SUN.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 13.04.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PULSE: SUN - the slideshow - can old be fascinating?. 386,GUS/SB/NOSOUND SVGA (!), mouse/keyboard |
7193 | SCN97I_1.ZIP | 130,7 kt | 10.10.1997 | - | - | - | "Party-invitation to Scenario97 v1.2" |
7194 | SCT-PRJ.ZIP | 631,6 kt | 17.09.1997 | - | - | - | "Scottie contrs to asm96 rtraceprojekti ikuisuus projektiplaced 5th. (didnt deserve it)" |
7195 | SERENEY.ZIP | 652,5 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Sereney" by Saffron / TBL a contribution to the assembly\'97 gfx compo. Not shown |
7196 | SKE96GFX.ZIP | 949,5 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "All graphics from Skenery96" |
7200 | SS1-GFX.LHA | 360,7 kt | 12.06.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Scene Strike 1 pixel art compo entries. |
7201 | SS1-PSHP.LHA | 760,2 kt | 12.06.1997 | - | - | - | Scene Strike 1 Photoshop GFX-compo entries. |
7202 | SS1-RES.LHA | 2,5 kt | 12.06.1997 | - | - | - | Results from Scene Strike 1. |
7203 | SS1-RTRC.LHA | 967,7 kt | 12.06.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Scene Strike 1 Raytrace compo entries. |
7220 | VANISHIN.ZIP | 182,9 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | The winning picture from the Assembly 1997 Vanishing Point by rendall of mystic and astroides. |
7223 | W96_PGFX.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 24.01.1997 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | "All Wired96 gfx contributions." |
7224 | WIR95GFX.ZIP | 686,9 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "All Wired95 gfx contributions" |
7226 | WRAPTIME.ZIP | 2,1 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | scene.org | - | pWp Utility Section : Wraptime Hidastaa lähes jokaisen pWp-demon toimintanopeuden 50%:iin (1/2). |
7227 | ZADDY_FX.ZIP | 234,1 kt | 22.04.1997 | - | - | - | zaddy of logic4Nice artworks: MODULE: BETRAY PICTURE: DIGITRONS MENU |
6665 | 3LE-TLE1.LHA | 782,6 kt | 07.03.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | 3 Little Elks: The Tale of Sir Henry 1/2. |
6666 | 3LE-TLE2.LHA | 103,6 kt | 07.03.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | 3 Little Elks: The Tale of Sir Henry 2/2. |
6668 | 427.LHA | 37,2 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | 427, 3rd TP96 intro. |
6678 | ACIDITY.LHA | 37,8 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Acidity, a TP96 intro. |
6764 | 1997BC!.ZIP | 157,1 kt | 18.02.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "newyear97 - little demonstration (c) brainlez coders! 19961997. leGUS/sb (adnmod 0.96) 386/486/pentium. mathco req. VGA standard 320x200c256 used. conventional/xms(/ems) used. H RTTA v0.27 released 01 /01 /1997 in finland" |
6770 | 3_COSMIC.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 17.02.1995 | - | - | - | The Message From The Cosmic Brothers by COMPLEX A HABIT-FORMING cosmic demo experience with SUPER-SMOOTH, ULTRA-FAST VGA Full Screen Video Motion in FULL COLOR and PROFESSIONAL QUALITY! Equipped with Multichannel Stereo Digital Audio via Gravis Ultrasound, this revolutionary piece of artwork really gives a |
6781 | 5CNIMI.ZIP | 503,3 kt | 18.02.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Five Coders perse96 II Demo Release: ja sauna" |
6794 | ACME_303.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 14.04.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Acme: 303. |
6814 | AI_PS666.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 25.01.1997 | ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Ouse-1 FOUND | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | "ù Prostate 666 ù AntIQ96 #1 demo by AstroideA in full true color 1996" |
6816 | AIRSPACE.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 25.01.1997 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | .demo . .by technomancer . .and moonlighter . .called airspace . .gus sb 386+ hicolor. |
6822 | ANKKA.ZIP | 419,5 kt | 13.03.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Five Coders Juhla Pii Demo Release: RaveDemo Ankka ja muitakin. |
6854 | BN_3.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 05.11.1995 | - | - | - | Substance & Surprise! Prod. & The Grid Ü presents: Bad News Issue #3 issue #3: cameback! þ over 150 articles (950kb txt) þ biggest charts on the scene þ excellent gfx and msx by best artists from |
6864 | BW-XMAS.ZIP | 120,7 kt | 22.04.1997 | - | - | - | "BandWagon: XMAS96 Demo ============ 386/GUS/SB/Nosound" |
6882 | COC-MUNA.ZIP | 465,8 kt | 18.10.1996 | renamed | 14704/modiromppu.iso | tupla | "coc presents an eggy demo eggotrip bugfixed came 2nd at demolition96 ." |
6883 | COCO-NUZ.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 14.04.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | "Coc: coco nuts! (kosahti at dml2)." |
6891 | COMINSCT.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 25.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Coma: Insects (Asm97 demo) |
6895 | CORRSIVE.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 01.04.1997 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | exmortis: corrosive 3 (from io3, poland) |
6902 | DEMOL2.ZIP | 218 kt | 09.11.1996 | koko² | modiromppu.iso | tupla | The Official PC Invitation To DEMOLITION 2The party will be held in Joensuu, 22nd to 24th of November Includes: Invitation texts, PC intro and map to the partyplace. |
6918 | DOWNTOWN.ZIP | 1017,5 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "Downtownabyss: $ downtownbartman/pink/cyclone/jcs. The party96 demo compo. Required: 4864 MB." |
6929 | ELF_DRMF.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 24.01.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | E L F S O N G p r e s e n t s -D-R-E-A-M- -W-A-R- final version! Code: Weazle Music: Omen&Cloud Gfx: Bluebird&Weazle 1st place at CompuSphere VII 96/10/09 |
6940 | EXPLORA.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 24.01.1997 | - | 22647/cd joystick no80 mars 1997.iso | - | B0MB & OXYGENE presents... Explora 2nd at Saturne IV demo compo. |
6952 | FDG_ABFI.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 13.04.1997 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | "Fudge: In Absence Of Minor (Final Version) 1st at the Summer Encounter96 Demo Compo" |
6954 | FDG_SPAM.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Fudge: Jakoob (TG 97 demo) |
6955 | FDG_UCLA.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 24.01.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Hello Jakoob - venus she said: Spis is fudGe demö tp6 (tp6) |
6966 | FLOD.ZIP | 294,4 kt | 20.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Flo (Demolition 2) |
6975 | FRS_TONE.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 24.01.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | tone . the party 96 demo . eufrosyne 1996. |
6976 | FRS_TZ13.ZIP | 690 kt | 07.04.1997 | koko¹ | ratsnest2.iso | - | Eufrosyne time zone +13:00 at Juhla IVb |
7004 | I_BOMB.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 22.04.1997 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Impact: Bomb (Final version #2 at the Saturne Party |
7007 | IGN_DESP.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 24.01.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Iguana: Despair (Winner at Euskal Party 4) 486DX4/100,8Mb, SB,SB16,AWE32 & GUS |
7014 | IMPHOB_8.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 23.02.1995 | - | 13237/groovybytes.iso | - | IMPHOBIA You Thought we were dead? THE PREMIUM PC-DISKMAG is back for a while with a fabulous issue, tons of articles, a new design and the promised GUS Support!! |
7015 | IMPHOB_9.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 24.02.1995 | - | 13237/groovybytes.iso | - | IMPHOBIA iSSUE NiNE Tree months passed... Imphobia strikes back again with another cool issue, tons of Articles, Reviews, Interviews, Party Reports musics and nice arts! |
7023 | MINDTRAP.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 09.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Trauma: MindTrap Assembly97 demo Dee+Dubius+Hysteria Note: PARTY VERSION final coming in 6 months or so.." |
7049 | NIL.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 01.04.1997 | - | scene.org | - | YOE & Extra Violent: nIL - 1st at The Summit96 demo compo - GUS/SB |
7050 | NINJA2.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 13.04.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | "Ninja2 by melondezign and scoop from thegathering96." |
7055 | NOC_PERP.ZIP | 517,1 kt | 11.03.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Noice: Perplexity (2nd at TGTBT96) |
7069 | PLANB.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 09.04.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "Xevius: Plan B (Summer Encounter96) Pentium24/32 bit gfxGUS/SB/PAS/WSS" |
7070 | PLS_BLC.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 24.01.1997 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Abyss: BALANCE, final version 2.5 meg of Scorpik, Unreal, Camel and Lazur req 386, pref p5, 512kGUS, hicolor svga |
7072 | PLS_EST.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Pulse: Eyesight |
7091 | SPSPOT.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 06.12.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | * SPACELESS SPOT - "tilaton paikka" * blah == tAAt 1996 kontribution to TMDC. Go in. |
7095 | STC_SMKY.ZIP | 618,7 kt | 07.04.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Static: Smokey, a demo released at Juhla IVb. Came 11th. |
7104 | TAIVAS.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 24.01.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | TAIVAS by AURINKOVOODOOMANDARIINI From Demolition II Demo Competition |
7114 | TEXTATIC.ZIP | 728,6 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | TEC: textatic, compoversion (TG 97) |
7228 | ASTRAALI.ZIP | 364,1 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Astraalikakka by SE8.ORG10th in the Assembly 2k Flash compo. |
7229 | HAIRIO.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Häiriö by RNO Assembly 2001 flash demo compo winner! |
7230 | JUMALANA.ZIP | 496,1 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Jumalanako mahtavaa? by p.orkkana.8th in the Assembly 2k Flash compo. |
7231 | KATSE_KO.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | katse by kone 4th at Assembly 2001 flash demo compo. |
7232 | LONESTAR.ZIP | 493,6 kt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Lonestar by RedHillDrunks 7th at Assembly 2001 flash demo compo. |
7233 | NO_WAY_B.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 15.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | No Way by Tunneli.com.4th in the Assembly 2k Flash compo. |
7234 | OPERATIO.ZIP | 676,8 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Operation Kala-Kalle -First Adventureby Aropupu. 5th in the Assembly 2k Flash compo. |
7235 | OUTSIDER.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Outsider by Rable 10th at Assembly 2001 flash demo compo. |
7236 | PARTY_PE.ZIP | 160,3 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Party People by Alpha Design.Winner of the Assembly 2k Flash compo. |
7237 | PINGPON_.ZIP | 473,1 kt | 15.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | pingpong by kure+aava.6th in the Assembly 2k Flash compo. |
7238 | PIPEDOPE.ZIP | 736,9 kt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | pipedope by jac 9th at Assembly 2001 flash demo compo. |
7239 | PIXEL_EA.ZIP | 903,7 kt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | pixel:engine by Esko Ahonen 3rd at Assembly 2001 flash demo compo. |
7240 | PRO_BY_J.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | pro by jackal.3rd in the Assembly 2k Flash compo. |
7241 | PURKAMOC.ZIP | 476,7 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | purkamo.com featuring palefaceby purkamo.com. 9th in the Assembly 2k Flash compo. |
7242 | SHIVER_O.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Shiver by Outkazt 5th at Assembly 2001 flash demo compo. |
7243 | SUB7.ZIP | 965,3 kt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | SUB7 by subterfuge 6th at Assembly 2001 flash demo compo. |
7245 | THE_NERD.ZIP | 53,3 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | The Nerd by ChosenOne.7th in the Assembly 2k Flash compo. |
7244 | THEFLEX.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Flex quadri by Lame Illusions Corp11th at Assembly 2001 flash demo compo. |
7246 | TRAFLINT.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Trafintu by Diza 12th at Assembly 2001 flash demo compo. |
7247 | UFOJURPI.ZIP | 3,5 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Ufo vs Jurppi by Yazu / Kellari 2nd at Assembly 2001 flash demo compo. |
7248 | 1980.ZIP | 29,7 kt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | 1980 by Sh^ar/Forsaken Assembly 98 GFX compo entry 8th place |
7249 | 1LO98WWW.ZIP | 440 kt | 17.08.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Wet Wet Wet by yksilö/tAAt for Assembly98 raytrace compo. Didnt deserve to be disqualifiedtoo dark?" |
7250 | 3COWEES.ZIP | 214,6 kt | 30.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Png: 3coweesby unlock. Placed 1st at surprise graphics compo in Buenzli 2k with 80 points. |
7251 | 6YEARS.ZIP | 104,1 kt | 15.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Six years later by Gelmir. Placed 1st at oldskool graphics compo in ltp4 with 161 points. |
7252 | A-BOMB.ZIP | 144 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "A-Bomb" by Pege. 10th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7253 | ABSINTTI.ZIP | 24,4 kt | 16.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Absintti by Electric/Extend.5th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool graphics compo. |
7254 | ADDCTION.RAR | 3,6 Mt | 29.01.2002 | repacked | scene.org | - | Addiction by mDub/ResistanceAddiction by mDub/Resistance. 13th in Assembly 2001 graphics compo. |
7255 | ALPHA_DR.ZIP | 944,8 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Alpha Draconis by T&T.19th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7256 | ANDROIDL.ZIP | 3 Mt | 29.01.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Android by Lassi Warsta Android by Lassi Warsta. 11th at Assembly 2001 raytrace graphics compo. |
7257 | ANETTE.ZIP | 223,7 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | tupla | "Anette by Ward / Astroidea for Assembly98 graphics compo." |
7258 | ANGEL_PA.ZIP | 5,6 Mt | 29.01.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Angel by Pineapple Angel by Pineapple. 15th in Assembly 2001 graphics compo. |
7259 | ANGELS_B.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Angels by Klaivu.14th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7260 | ANGIE_BY.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Angie by Visualice.4th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7261 | ANTIHERO.ZIP | 70,5 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | AntiHeroes by marzu15th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7262 | ANTIPATH.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | ANTipathy by DeCoder & Altiplano.2nd in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7263 | ANTTILA.ZIP | 4,3 Mt | 29.01.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Anttilan kuvasto by PartikleAnttilan kuvasto by Partikle. Assembly 2001 graphic competition winner. |
7264 | ANY_KEY.JPG | 49,3 kt | 09.08.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | any key - tapsah 11th in asm98 raytrace compo |
7265 | ARCHIMED.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Archimedes-2" by Ember. 13th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7266 | ARMAGED.ZIP | 249,7 kt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | Armageddon by Jone / Moottori for Assembly 98 raytrace compo. |
7267 | ASKTHEMA.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 15.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Ask the master of the key by Danube^Mutant inc. Placed 3rd at raytraced graphics compo in ltp4 with 159 points. |
60984 | ASS95GFX.LHA | 2429211 | 16.08.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Assembly'95 - Amiga GFX Compo Entries |
7268 | ASSASSI.ZIP | 90,3 kt | 14.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Assassin by Mazor/Scoopex1st in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7269 | AVOYAGER.ZIP | 639,7 kt | 21.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Astral Voyager by Zoltan/Madwizards. Placed 1st at raytrace compo in horizon00 with 163 points." |
7270 | BAARI_BY.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Baari by Huezo.19th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7271 | BABYLON_.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Babylon system by Partikle.7th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7272 | BALLSBG.ZIP | 835,7 kt | 18.10.2000 | - | - | - | Bmp: I\'ve Got Some Balls taustakuva. Tehnyt: Janne "sonic" Vidgren. |
7273 | BATTLES.ZIP | 50,6 kt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Between battles by Tudor / TBL for Assembly98 raytrace compo." |
61266 | BCSALOON.ZIP | 207500 | 09.09.1996 | - | - | - | saloon by zenith/brainlez coders! picture from assembly 96 raytrace competition - didn't qualify.. :I |
7274 | BEASTMAS.ZIP | 79,8 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "BeastMaster" by marzu. 15th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7275 | BESTPL.ZIP | 286,9 kt | 09.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | The best place on Earth! by Jupiter / Marshals. Placed 1st at raytrace graphics compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7276 | BIODEMON.ZIP | 163,2 kt | 21.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Bio Demons by DarkGremlin. Placed 3rd at graphics compo in horizon00 with 59 points." |
7277 | BIOREALI.ZIP | 414,9 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Bioreality by Kal / Astroidea for Assembly98 graphics compo." |
61431 | BIZARGFX.ZIP | 810139 | 04.07.1995 | - | archive.org / ibm-wgam-wbiz | - | Bizarre GFX-competition pics |
7279 | BL_YASHA.ZIP | 900,6 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Yasha Bukan" by Borderline. 6th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7278 | BLACK__M.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Black Magic Woman by Legba.14th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7280 | BMECHPRA.ZIP | 82 kt | 28.06.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Biomechanical Prayerby Necronomicon. Placed 2nd at raytrace graphics compo in takeover00 with 54 points." |
7281 | BOS_WOB.ZIP | 884,7 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "World of Bubbles" by Boose. 14th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
61600 | BOTTLE.JPG | 172771 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly '96 raytrace compo picture by Tapsah |
7282 | BROOKLYN.ZIP | 87,9 kt | 07.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | " JPG:Aetrax - Brooklyn Cow Elevator2000 graphicscompopicture" |
7283 | CCP-COWE.ZIP | 87 kt | 30.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Cowee by Ccp. Placed 3rd at graphics compo in Buenzli 2k with 46 points. |
7284 | CCP-FUN.ZIP | 34,8 kt | 30.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Fun by Ccp. Placed 4th at surprise graphics compo in Buenzli 2k with 50 points. |
7285 | CCP-WORM.ZIP | 240,6 kt | 30.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Wormhole by Ccp. Placed 4th at graphics compo in Buenzli 2k with 41 points. |
7286 | CCR_TINK.ZIP | 37,1 kt | 07.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Tinkerbell" (LBM format image) For the Elevator 2000 party Drawn by cCr/TNSP^pWp^tAAt (C) Copyright 1999-2000 TNSP |
7287 | CHIMMEY.ZIP | 197,4 kt | 30.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "It\'ll be nice on my chimney" by ak/mandarine. Placed 2nd at graphics compo in Buenzli 2k with 51 points. |
7288 | CHRYSALL.ZIP | 283,4 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Chrysallis by mindseye / rebels for Assembly98 raytrace compo." |
7289 | CIR-AC.LHA | 3,7 Mt | 17.08.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Cirion: AromaColor Released at Assembly98" |
7290 | CLOWN.ZIP | 426 kt | 15.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Clown by Nytrik^Cocoon. Placed 3rd at handdrawn graphics compo in ltp4 with 131 points. |
7291 | COCOON.ZIP | 902,2 kt | 15.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | cocoon by ntsc .cocoon. Placed 2nd at raytraced graphics compo in ltp4 with 174 points. |
7292 | COSMIC_G.ZIP | 253,5 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Cosmic girl by Citadel for Assembly98 graphics compo." |
7293 | COW_PRO.ZIP | 394,4 kt | 30.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Cow Project by pented rage. Placed 2nd at surprise graphics compo in Buenzli 2k with 64 points. |
7294 | COWS_RL.ZIP | 249,7 kt | 30.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Cows Rule by dafix. Placed 3rd at surprise graphics compo in Buenzli 2k with 57 points. |
7295 | CRUISER.ZIP | 309,5 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Vesmirne tackyby Cannibal. Placed 2nd at raytrace graphics compo in demobit00 with 124 points." |
7296 | CRYOBRTH.ZIP | 40,7 kt | 22.07.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Cryobirthby Graffik / FLT. Placed 3rd at drawn graphics compo in remedy00 with 43 points." |
62496 | CWINDOWS.JPG | 224702 | 29.11.1995 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 raytrace picture |
7297 | CYBERCOS.ZIP | 584 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "cybercosmetics" by atom. 12th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7298 | CYBOBIRD.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Cybobird by Lance.3rd in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7299 | DECISION.ZIP | 724,4 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Decision by BitScout for Assembly98 graphics compo." |
7300 | DELIVER_.ZIP | 635,7 kt | 15.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Deliverance by spikey.16th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7301 | DIVINE_L.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | divine light by KOWBOY.10th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7302 | DOLPHINS.ZIP | 111,1 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | dolphins by kure+alan8th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7303 | DONTCRY.ZIP | 244,6 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Tga: Dont cryby sHTif. Placed 5th at pixel graphics compo in demobit00 with 50 points." |
7304 | DRAGONRU.ZIP | 933,7 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "DragonRun" by Hoax. 2nd in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7305 | DREADY_B.ZIP | 28,2 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Dready by Partikle4th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7306 | DREAM_B.ZIP | 76,6 kt | 14.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | dream by lum7th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7307 | DUALISM.ZIP | 176,5 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "Dualism by Marvel / Future Crew for Assembly98 raytrace compo." |
7308 | EI_KIVA_.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | ei kiva by kokki.25th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7309 | ELFIQUE.ZIP | 41,1 kt | 21.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Elfique by Mantra/CSD^ADD^LS. Placed 3rd at 8bit graphics compo in horizon00 with 84 points." |
7310 | ENDOFDAY.ZIP | 524,6 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Png: End of daysby sHTiF/Insomnia. Placed 3rd at raytrace graphics compo in demobit00 with 122 points." |
7311 | EVIL_EYE.ZIP | 895,5 kt | 28.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Bmp: Evil EyeBy Defiance / Rota. Placed 1st at raytrace graphics compo in takeover00 with 56 points." |
7312 | EVNING.ZIP | 650,2 kt | 13.08.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Evening" by Erno Tynkkynen alias Tynkkenekker / Mellow Desing. 12h place in Assembly 98 raytrace competition. |
7313 | FAIRY_TA.ZIP | 3,5 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Fairy tale by Bg.16th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7314 | FIERAS.ZIP | 264,9 kt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Fieras by voomie for Assembly98 raytrace compo." |
6713 | FISH-S!P.ZIP | 245135 | 04.07.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Fish, a picture by J.O.E. / S!P 1st seen at THE PARTY 94! |
7315 | FLAG_BY_.ZIP | 463,4 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | flag by Nitro.7th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
6715 | FLOWER.JPG | 255667 | 21.03.1996 | repacked | scene.org | - | "Flower" - 3rd at Assembly '95 raytrace compo by Tapani Tanskanen |
7316 | FLPOEKIE.ZIP | 262,7 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "poekie" by facet lemon. 12th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7317 | FLYHIGH.ZIP | 130,3 kt | 22.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Flyhighby Eka. Placed 4th at trace graphics compo in remedy00 with 48 points." |
7318 | FOUNTAIN.ZIP | 475,5 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Fountain of Angels" by Rio. 5th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7319 | FRBIGBOY.ZIP | 28,7 kt | 21.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "For Big Boy by Lazur. Placed 2nd at 8bit graphics compo in horizon00 with 139 points." |
7320 | FREDPACK.ZIP | 256,7 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | The First VGA Pack oF FreD Beltran. Three Wonderful pictures in JPG Format. |
6717 | G95GFX.LHA | 1265798 | 14.09.1995 | - | - | - | ============================================ The Gathering '95 GFX Stripped edition. all Grab pictures are removed from this archive. |
7321 | GGIRL2K.ZIP | 923,2 kt | 28.06.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Png: Golden Girl 2000By m4-io / New Order /=\\Tentacle. Placed 3rd at raytrace graphics compo in takeover00 with 46 points." |
7322 | GIRLNXT.ZIP | 189 kt | 22.07.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Jpg: The Girl Next Doorby Mindscope / NeXoR. Placed 5th at drawn graphics compo in remedy00 with 37 points." |
7323 | GITSH_BY.ZIP | 805 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | GitSh by Nightwind.22nd in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7324 | GLADTOR.ZIP | 288,1 kt | 22.07.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Gladiatorby Uma. Placed 6th at trace graphics compo in remedy00 with 31 points." |
7325 | GOD_ATE_.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | God ate my Banana by Oozie.18th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7326 | GODSWHIP.ZIP | 649,7 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Gods Whip by Temny / Osiris. Placed 1st at pixeled graphics compo in Fiasko 2k." |
7327 | GREENEYE.ZIP | 216,6 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Green Eye by Fademan. Placed 1st at raytrace graphics compo in demobit00 with 142 points." |
6718 | GSP_GFX.LHA | 2562477 | 14.09.1995 | renamed | scene.org | - | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% G.A.S.P PARTY 1995 %% ALL GFX %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |
6719 | HALW6.ZIP | 262709 | 09.09.1996 | - | - | - | - Through The Eyes of Hobbit - Contribution to Assembly '96 raytrace compo by Shymolok / Cosmic Division |
7328 | HAMLET.ZIP | 230,5 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Hamlet" by Edward. 8th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
6720 | HAND.GIF | 103705 | 30.12.1995 | - | - | - | GIF-kuva kädestä. |
7329 | HAPPYPLA.ZIP | 237,3 kt | 22.07.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Personal Happyplaceby Uma. Placed 4th at drawn graphics compo in remedy00 with 41 points." |
7330 | HEADSHOT.ZIP | 330,3 kt | 22.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Headshot!by Typec / TMD. Placed 9th at trace graphics compo in remedy00 with 28 points." |
7331 | HEAVEN_B.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | heaven by mush/delirium.13th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7332 | HEAVENLY.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Heavenly by Infernal.5th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
6721 | HIGHLAND.JPG | 41472 | 24.08.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly '96 raytrace picture by Lauri Ruutu. |
7333 | HILLEVI.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Hillevi Hiiri ja Amerikan serkku" by orbiter. Assembly \'99 raytrace compo winner. |
7334 | HIROSHIM.ZIP | 10,3 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Hiroshima Babe by Oxide9th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7335 | HMS_BELF.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | HMS Belfast by Data2.5th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7336 | HMS_VICT.ZIP | 501 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Hms Victory by Frank for Assembly98 raytrace compo." |
7337 | HOWL_BY_.ZIP | 1001 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Howl by Hoax.9th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7338 | HX_MSTIC.ZIP | 973,4 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Mystic" by Hoax. 9th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7339 | IM_BEK_B.ZIP | 35,3 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Im Bek by ion5th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7340 | INF_DRES.ZIP | 890,2 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "dress for sale" by Inferno. 8th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
6729 | J-ORC.JPG | 238516 | 29.11.1995 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 raytrace picture |
6726 | J95_GFX.ZIP | 472952 | 04.07.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Juhla'95 2½ Party Release GFX Compo (16 pictures) |
7341 | JAMIROQU.ZIP | 38,1 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Jamiroquai by scape/mist. Placed 2nd at pixeled graphics compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7342 | JAPANIK.ZIP | 129,7 kt | 22.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Japanikby Force / Dsekt. Placed 8th at trace graphics compo in remedy00 with 29 points." |
7343 | JARNO_HA.ZIP | 94,5 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Jarno haluaa pallon by progress3rd in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7344 | JIFFY_BY.ZIP | 122,7 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | jiffy by monitori / mankeli12th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7345 | JUGI_MWB.ZIP | 290 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "man with the beer" by jugi complex. 7th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7346 | K1K1CREW.ZIP | 893,6 kt | 15.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | K1K1Crew by Boz^Bomb. Placed 1st at raytraced graphics compo in ltp4 with 321 points. |
7347 | KAM_TU_P.ZIP | 4,1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Kam tu Papa by Marvel.2nd in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7348 | KESMIEHE.ZIP | 451,2 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Kesämiehen Zydeemit" by nich. 4th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
6731 | KIDSPOOL.JPG | 216582 | 29.11.1995 | - | 21723/PC MEDIA CD14.iso | - | Assembly'95 raytrace picture |
7349 | KING_HNG.ZIP | 787,2 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Hunger" by Kingi. 11th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7350 | KINKYMAN.ZIP | 42,5 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Kinkyman" by the H. 10th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7351 | KJ_HOMO.ZIP | 39,8 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | o r a n g e homo colour spaceman by kowtow&jate/orange placed second at scenario gfx |
7352 | KRISTUS.ZIP | 1 Mt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Kristus by Ivy for Assembly98 raytrace compo." |
7353 | KRUTO.ZIP | 240,1 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Krutoslava by Koza. Placed 3rd at raytraced graphics compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7354 | LAZARUS_.ZIP | 4,2 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Lazarus by Morbid/Draconus.9th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7355 | LEGOASSE.ZIP | 898,3 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | LegoAssembly by Statik.8th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7356 | LETTHEBL.ZIP | 17,5 kt | 15.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Let there be love by X-Man^Sunset Design. Placed 2nd at oldskool graphics compo in ltp4 with 160 points. |
7357 | LF.ZIP | 55,5 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jpg: LordFlleisshenbergby Levius. Placed 4th at raytrace graphics compo in demobit00 with 67 points." |
7358 | LIBERATI.ZIP | 7,8 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Liberation by Borderline.24th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7359 | LIONHEAD.ZIP | 563,1 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Tga: Lions headby Scape. Placed 3rd at pixel graphics compo in demobit00 with 83 points." |
7360 | LIONS.ZIP | 181,4 kt | 22.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Lionsby Neodruid / Psikorp. Placed 1st at drawn graphics compo in remedy00 with 165 points." |
7362 | LIST_.ZIP | 33,1 kt | 09.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | List by Zuzi. Placed 2nd at wild picture compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7361 | LISTI_BY.ZIP | 58,9 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Listi by Random11th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7363 | LITTLEGI.ZIP | 15,5 kt | 15.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Her little girl by Fred^Calodox. Placed 3rd at oldskool graphics compo in ltp4 with 157 points. |
7364 | LITTLEON.ZIP | 303,9 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | LittleOne by Octobylev.20th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7365 | LOGHOUSE.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Loghouse by isw.15th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7366 | LTALIEN.ZIP | 46,4 kt | 23.07.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Little alienby V. Bezak. Placed 4th at pixel graphics compo in demobit00 with 53 points." |
7367 | LZR-FAIR.ZIP | 247,1 kt | 29.12.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Fairyland by lazur/pulse |
7368 | MADCATS.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "MadCats in the Cradle" by Behemoth. 7th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
6748 | MELLOW03.ZIP | 1258408 | 30.07.1996 | - | - | - | m e l l o w d e s i g n 1 9 9 6 ... 3rd art pack |
6749 | MELLOW04.ZIP | 1412822 | 12.01.1997 | - | - | - | Mellow Design Proudly Present 4th artpack Release date 12.01.1997 |
7369 | MIDNGHT.ZIP | 67,8 kt | 09.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | MIDNIGHT by sHTiF / iNSOMNia. Placed 2nd at raytraced graphics compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7370 | MINDTRP.ZIP | 384,5 kt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Mindtrap by Iron Maze for Assembly98 graphics compo." |
7371 | MJOLK.ZIP | 181,3 kt | 22.07.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Mjolk Smakar Koby Memetic / TMD. Placed 3rd at drawn graphics compo in remedy00 with 43 points." |
6751 | MSQ_PP.ZIP | 2014313 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | The Slide-Show: PLEASURE'N PAIN presented by MASQUE GFX: PEACHY and FADE ONE |
7372 | MVINDEEP.ZIP | 414,1 kt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Indeep by Jole/Milk^Vista for Assembly98 raytrace compo." |
6753 | MXL95ASM.ZIP | 292179 | 18.08.1995 | - | - | - | Maxwell's raytraced picture was too complicated and excellent to ASSEMBLY'95 gfx-jury ! They assumed that skeleton was ripped from an other 3d-mesh/picture and discarded it from competition. ALL OBJECTS ARE 100% MADE BY ME ! Maxwell/Mellow Design See this nice picture ! |
6754 | MXL96REL.JPG | 126002 | 25.08.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly '96 raytrace picture by Maxwell / Mellow Design. 8th place! |
7373 | MXL98CAR.ZIP | 798,8 kt | 13.08.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Raytraced car" by Maxwell / Mellow Design. 2nd place in the Assembly 98 raytrace competition. |
7374 | MYHEADPH.ZIP | 325,9 kt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "My headphones are waterproof" by Shar. Assembly \'99 graphics compo winner. |
7375 | MYRIAPOD.ZIP | 193,5 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Myriapod by Mike for Assembly98 graphics compo." |
7376 | NBODY.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 21.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Nobody by Lazur. Placed 1st at graphics compo in horizon00 with 76 points." |
7377 | NCH!ALN.ZIP | 257,7 kt | 30.08.1998 | - | - | - | "the Mölli ja the Hirviö by: nich / dMb. This piccy was at Assembly98 raytrace compobut it didnt qualify :(. Email me your opinion on this picture to jyri.ilama@mbnet.fi" |
7378 | NEVER_EN.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Never Ending Story by kig.18th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7379 | NEW_ORLE.ZIP | 670,4 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | New Orleansin crack-huora by Marvel.4th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
6755 | NEX95PIX.ZIP | 567268 | 25.08.1995 | - | - | - | Nexus Party `95 Release All Competition Entering Pictures |
7380 | NEXUS_BY.ZIP | 3 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | nexus by mdub futile-X.12th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7381 | NIPPONS.ZIP | 957,2 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Nippon Steel" by Beam. 2nd in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7382 | NOSMOKIN.ZIP | 291,4 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jpg: No Smokingby Mata/Terror Opera. Placed 5th at raytrace graphics compo in demobit00 with 46 points." |
7383 | NTRK-MNT.ZIP | 636,3 kt | 30.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Mont by nytrick. Placed 1st at graphics compo in Buenzli 2k with 174 points. |
7384 | OFF_GUAR.ZIP | 921,8 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | off guard by Shar.15th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
6757 | ON.JPG | 169380 | 29.11.1995 | repacked | scene.org | - | Assembly'95 raytrace picture |
7385 | ONLYFRI.ZIP | 156,9 kt | 15.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Only friend by ak^mandarine. Placed 4th at handdrawn graphics compo in ltp4 with 127 points. |
7386 | OPUS_DEI.ZIP | 7 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Opus Dei by Olmirad.Winner of the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7387 | ORIGIN_B.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Origin by Neurodruid.Winner of the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7388 | OURA.ZIP | 83 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Our Ancestor by sHTiF/iNSOMNia. Placed 3rd at pixeled graphics compo in Fiasko 2k. |
6760 | P-BHLDER.ZIP | 63650 | 04.07.1995 | - | - | - | Beholder from The Party 1994 GFX compo by Pixel / Future Crew |
6759 | PARTYGFX.ZIP | 1768053 | 04.07.1995 | - | - | - | 22 Pictures from The Party IV Compo |
7186 | PEACHY.ZIP | 170352 | 04.07.1995 | renamed | scene.org | - | TP'94 Graphics - Peachy/Masque - the winner |
7389 | PEGASOS.ZIP | 314,3 kt | 04.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Tga: Pegasosby Nemou & Zeroic / wAMMA. Placed 1st at pixel graphics compo in plutonium00 with 153 points." |
7390 | PEREGRIN.ZIP | 579,6 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Peregrinate by lum.10th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7391 | PERIN_P.ZIP | 31,6 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Name: Perinteinen Perse Author: Lemming / Orange & Hirmu ABD97 GXF Competition Position: 10" |
7392 | PERINTEI.ZIP | 213,5 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Perinteisen Miehen Kohtalo by nullgod for Assembly98 raytrace compo." |
7393 | PIRULLIS.ZIP | 791,1 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | pirulliset bailut by derpiipo.11th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7394 | PLANETFA.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Planetfall by uncle-x.13th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7395 | PLS_CLSS.ZIP | 314,8 kt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Class by Visualize / pulse for Assembly98 graphics compo. Sir-Tech Software. sshared memory handles and more. Also able to kill tasksto switch to another taskcheck whether a task is running or notdrive infoand much more..." |
7396 | POINT_OF.ZIP | 679,3 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | point of view by Saffron.8th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7397 | PRPLENC.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 15.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Purple - Eclosion by Splif^Orion^Aegis. Placed 1st at handdrawn graphics compo in ltp4 with 242 points. |
7398 | PRT_GPCE.ZIP | 981,7 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Green Peace" by Partikle. 3rd in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7399 | PYSIA.ZIP | 497,5 kt | 21.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Pysia by Bonzaj. Placed 3rd at raytrace graphics compo in horizon00 with 75 points." |
7400 | REACHIN_.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 15.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Reaching for humility by prst.21st in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7401 | RENEW_TH.ZIP | 4,3 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Renew the King inside you by Oozie.17th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7402 | RESTAURA.ZIP | 166 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Restaurant" by Ghost. 14th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7403 | RESTLSS.ZIP | 156,6 kt | 23.07.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Restless and Wildby Temny/Osiris. Placed 2nd at pixel graphics compo in demobit00 with 122 points." |
7404 | RUNAWAY_.ZIP | 4,9 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | runaway by KTHULU.6th in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7405 | SAATANA_.ZIP | 64 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Saatana saapuu Moskovaan by jraevaar10th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7406 | SCARED.ZIP | 179,9 kt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Scared by Pixel / Future Crew for Assembly98 graphics compo." |
7407 | SEPETEUS.ZIP | 8,2 kt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Juoksee kuin Sepeteus by Avocado for Assembly98 graphics compo." |
7408 | SERIOUS_.ZIP | 370,6 kt | 30.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Serious" by Jylam & ak / mandarine. Placed 5th at graphics compo in Buenzli 2k with 31 points. |
7409 | SILENT_H.ZIP | 3,9 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Silent Honor by marzu.3rd in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7410 | SINKING_.ZIP | 13,2 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Sinking by Oxide.23rd in the Assembly 2k Graphics compo. |
7411 | SKRTNSE.ZIP | 207 kt | 22.07.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Jpg: SkrotnissePlaced 1st at trace graphics compo in remedy00 with 97 points." |
7412 | SMAK.ZIP | 666,3 kt | 21.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Smak i Zapach... by Dzordan/Moons^Anadune. Placed 2nd at graphics compo in horizon00 with 71 points." |
7413 | SMCZYSKO.ZIP | 505,3 kt | 21.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Smoczysko by Dzordan/Moons^Anadune. Placed 2nd at raytrace graphics compo in horizon00 with 114 points." |
7414 | SODANJAL.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Sodan jaloissa" by marzu. 3rd in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7199 | SP_ARTD.ZIP | 468363 | 29.05.1996 | - | 12274/Hornet Underground.iso | - | "Artdisk" Just an polish art. |
7415 | SPACEINV.ZIP | 497,5 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Space Invasion" by Beam. 15th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7204 | STRAWBRY.ZIP | 25313 | 04.07.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Strawbery. PL/Imphobia contribution to The Party III Pc Gfx Competition |
7416 | SUBLIME.ZIP | 682,9 kt | 15.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Sublime by inferno^haujobb. Placed 2nd at handdrawn graphics compo in ltp4 with 139 points. |
7417 | SUMPFSCH.ZIP | 769,2 kt | 24.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Die geile Sumpfschlampe geht... by Der Pfirsischmann / haujobb. Placed 1st at pixeled graphics compo in evoke00 with 125 points." |
7418 | SUNDAY_B.ZIP | 970 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Sunday by Xz17.11th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7419 | SURPRISE.ZIP | 663,9 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "Surprise by YoGa for Assembly98 graphics compo." |
7420 | TALE.ZIP | 143,7 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Taleby The Art Studio. Placed 1st at pixel graphics compo in demobit00 with 151 points." |
7421 | TFRUTTI.ZIP | 1 Mt | 15.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Tutti frutti by toast^Oror. Placed 5th at handdrawn graphics compo in ltp4 with 104 points. |
7422 | THE_PRIS.ZIP | 1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | The Prisoner by Ugli.6th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7423 | THE_ROOM.ZIP | 96,9 kt | 04.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "The Room by Ops for Assembly98 raytrace compo." |
7205 | THEDESK.JPG | 248189 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | "thedesk" - 1st at Assembly '95 raytrace compo |
7424 | TOO_HEAV.ZIP | 74,5 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Too heavy head by Larga/PuavoHard14th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7206 | TP5-GFX.LHA | 3407140 | 18.04.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | ........... - tHE pARTY 5! - ALL THE GRAPHICS FROM THE PARTY 5 IN DK! |
7425 | TWO_ORBS.ZIP | 485,6 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Two Orbs" by Dust. 11th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7426 | UGROUND.ZIP | 184,6 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Underground" by kulve. 16th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7427 | UHVOMIAS.ZIP | 25,1 kt | 04.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Bmp: Uhvomiasby NeoGoon. Placed 2nd at pixel graphics compo in plutonium00 with 82 points." |
7219 | UKKO39.ZIP | 38108 | 04.07.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Ukko / Zuul Desing contribution to the WIRED PARTY' 94 PC Graphics Competition |
7428 | UNIQUE.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 04.09.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Unique by Kidlove / Scoopex for Assembly98 graphics compo." |
7429 | USMIDUSP.ZIP | 168,3 kt | 21.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Usta Milcza... by Dzordan/Moons^Anadune. Placed 1st at 8bit graphics compo in horizon00 with 150 points." |
7430 | UX_MIR2.ZIP | 332,8 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Mir 2" by uncle-x. 5th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7431 | VEEJAYS.ZIP | 597,6 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Veejays" by Pixel. 4th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7432 | VESSA_BY.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Vessa by Nybe.12th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7221 | VOLCAGFX.ZIP | 426510 | 04.07.1995 | - | - | - | All the GFX from the Volcanic Party (France) |
7433 | VOSAJEV.ZIP | 390,9 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Vosajev death by Raist / BvT / MRS. Placed 1st at wild picture compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7434 | VOYAGE.ZIP | 624,7 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Voyage" by Xz17. 9th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7435 | WASPKISS.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Wasp & Kiss" by Marvel / Future Crew. 6th in the Assembly \'99 raytrace compo. |
7436 | WHEN_SKY.ZIP | 22,5 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | When Sky Is Blue by Nico / Byterapers, Inc13th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7437 | WIDESTAD.ZIP | 128,5 kt | 22.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jpg: Staderskaby Wide. Placed 2nd at drawn graphics compo in remedy00 with 50 points." |
7438 | WILD_WES.ZIP | 95 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Wild West by Bg6th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool gfx compo |
7439 | WIZARDS_.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Wizards Room by Ember.20th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7440 | ZEPOID_B.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Zepoid by Kjue.17th in the Assembly 2k Raytrace graphics compo. |
7441 | ZP_ORME.ZIP | 136,4 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Orme" by Zaac & Peskanov. 13th in the Assembly \'99 graphics compo. |
7442 | ABD98INT.ZIP | 1 Mt | 20.05.1998 | - | - | - | ABDUCTION PARTY 1998 INVITAATIO INTROT PC:LLE JA AMIGALLE. |
6661 | ADEMOFAQ.ZIP | 13816 | 10.07.1996 | - | - | - | => alt.sys.amiga.demos frequently asked questions (FAQ) <= => V1.08, July 1996. <= |
6662 | AGGRES2.ZIP | 3567 | 25.10.1995 | - | - | - | Extremely Official Party Invitation To The Aggressive II Party at 28.12.95-30.12.95 in Helsinki, Finland |
7443 | AMNESIA1.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 19.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Amnesia volume 1. Scene Diskmag - A digital magazine. Brand new diskmag produced by Paranoid. Windows 9x & NT. http://amnesia-dist.future.easyspace.com |
6683 | ANDWILD1.DMS | 826403 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | WILD - Slideshow by Lazur |
6684 | ANDWILD2.DMS | 835201 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | WILD - Slideshow by Lazur (2/4) |
6685 | ANDWILD3.DMS | 822561 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | WILD - Slideshow by Lazur (3/4) |
6686 | ANDWILD4.DMS | 733971 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | WILD - Slideshow by Lazur (4/4) |
7444 | ANOTHER1.ZIP | 158,7 kt | 20.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | another one? a brainlez coders! production the year is nineteenninetynine code design gfx by sliver/bC! musical scoring by distance/tpolm adnmod96 engine by beta/a-men for ambience 1999. |
6688 | AS95-32B.LHA | 6508617 | 01.02.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 ASM95 _KAIKKI_ max. 32kanavaiset kilpailumodulet. B-C. |
6690 | AS95-32D.LHA | 4291777 | 01.02.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 ASM95 _KAIKKI_ max. 32kanavaiset kilpailumodulet. D-E. |
6692 | AS95-32F.LHA | 3893589 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 kaikki max.32 kanavaiset kilpailumodulet F-F |
6694 | AS95-32G.LHA | 3999337 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 max.32 kanavaiset modulet G-I |
6696 | AS95-32J.LHA | 4765436 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 max.32 kanavaiset modulet J-L |
6698 | AS95-32M.LHA | 3100975 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 max.32 kanavaiset modulet M-M |
6700 | AS95-32N.LHA | 4883988 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 max.32 kanavaiset modulet N-O |
6702 | AS95-32P.LHA | 4296685 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 max.32 kanavaiset modulet P-R |
6704 | AS95-32S.LHA | 6245221 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 max.32 kanavaiset modulet S-S |
6706 | AS95-32T.LHA | 4640896 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 max.32 kanavaiset modulet T-U |
6707 | AS95-32V.LHA | 6068549 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 max.32 kanavaiset modulet V-Z |
6708 | AS95-4A.LHA | 5943490 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 ASM95 _KAIKKI_ 4 kanavaiset kilpailumodulet A-D |
6709 | AS95-4E.LHA | 6261999 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 4-kanavaiset modulet E-I |
6710 | AS95-4J.LHA | 5634123 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 4-kanavaiset modulet J-O |
60937 | AS95-4P.LHA | 6215905 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 4-kanavaiset modulet P-S |
60938 | AS95-4T.LHA | 4991545 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | Assembly'95 4-kanavaiset modulet T-Z |
60969 | ASM95.ZIP | 14755 | 02.05.1995 | - | 1976/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 3.iso | - | Early info about the biggest ever party Assembly 95 |
60971 | ASM96INV.TXT | 40544 | 05.05.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Assembly 96 invi v.1.00 |
60972 | ASM96RES.ZIP | 3501 | 09.09.1996 | - | 12275/Hornet Underground Volume 2.iso | - | Assembly '96 complete results. |
7445 | ASM98INV.TXT | 32,1 kt | 26.07.1998 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Assembly98 invitation textfile" |
7446 | ASM98INV.ZIP | 812,5 kt | 26.07.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | "Asm98 quick invitation by The Black Lotus Req: Win32sndcardplenty of RAM (3DFX opt.)" |
60974 | ASMPOYTA.GIF | 23452 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Kuva Asm96:sten pöytäjärjestyksestä Paikkojen varaustiedot ovat 11.6 |
60992 | ASSYT96.TXT | 4180 | 19.04.1996 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | Infoa Assemblystä ja siitä, järjestetäänkö se vai ei. |
7447 | B-PLUGIN.ZIP | 146,4 kt | 01.02.2002 | - | scene.org | tupla | B-Plugin by Suckho / Byterapers, Inc B-Plugin by Suckho / Byterapers, Inc. Assembly 2001 Winamp plugin competition winner! |
61590 | BOOZIN95.TXT | 4692 | 01.07.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Boozingle'95 infofile - Assembly'95:n varjoparty. |
7448 | CLANOTES.ZIP | 35,9 kt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Classical Notes by BuG / PuavoHardClassical Notes by BuG / PuavoHard. 2nd at Assembly 2001 Winamp plugin compo. |
62642 | DASK08FI.ZIP | 4705 | 08.01.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | ░ Daskmig #8 Patch - Fixes a ░ |
7449 | DEMO9801.ZIP | 5,1 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Demojournal issue#01 21/august/1998 |
7450 | DEMO9802.ZIP | 9,7 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Demojournal issue#02 29/august/1998 |
7451 | DEMO9803.ZIP | 13,5 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Demojournal issue: #3 date: 4/september/19 |
7452 | DEMO9804.ZIP | 15,5 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#4 11/08/98 |
7453 | DEMO9805.ZIP | 20,7 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#5 18/08/98 |
7454 | DEMO9806.ZIP | 25,5 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#6 25/08/98 |
7455 | DEMO9807.ZIP | 26,6 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#7 6/10/98 |
7456 | DEMO9808.ZIP | 18 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#8 12/10/98 |
7457 | DEMO9809.ZIP | 16,3 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#9 19/10/98 |
7458 | DEMO9810.ZIP | 16,4 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#10 26/10/98 |
7459 | DEMO9811.ZIP | 18,4 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#11 2/11/98 |
7460 | DEMO9812.ZIP | 24,3 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#12 9/11/98 |
7461 | DEMO9813.ZIP | 44 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#13 14/11/98 |
7462 | DEMO9814.ZIP | 33 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#14 21/11/98 |
7463 | DEMO9815.ZIP | 25,5 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#15 30/11/98 |
7464 | DEMO9816.ZIP | 17,4 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#16 4/12/98 |
7465 | DEMO9817.ZIP | 14,3 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#17 12/12/98 |
7466 | DEMO9818.ZIP | 19,8 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#18 19/12/98 |
7467 | DEMO9819.ZIP | 14,7 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#19 27/12/98 |
7468 | DEMOJ020.ZIP | 27,2 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#20 03/01/99 |
7469 | DEMOJ021.ZIP | 14,3 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#21 09/01/99 |
7470 | DEMOJ022.ZIP | 20,5 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#22 15/01/99 |
7471 | DEMOJ023.ZIP | 19,7 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#23 23/01/99 |
7472 | DEMOJ024.ZIP | 11,2 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#24 30/01/99 |
7473 | DEMOJ025.ZIP | 21,2 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#25 06/02/99 |
7474 | DEMOJ026.ZIP | 13,7 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#26 13/02/99 |
7475 | DEMOJ027.ZIP | 14,3 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#27 20/02/99 |
7476 | DEMOJ028.ZIP | 13,7 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#28 28/02/99 |
7477 | DEMOJ029.ZIP | 27,8 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#29 06/03/99 |
7478 | DEMOJ030.ZIP | 22,2 kt | 17.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#30 13/03/99 |
7479 | DEMOJ031.ZIP | 17,7 kt | 23.04.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#31 21/03/99 |
7480 | DEMOJ032.ZIP | 12,5 kt | 13.06.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#32 29/03/99 |
7481 | DEMOJ033.ZIP | 22,8 kt | 13.06.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#33 06/04/99 |
7482 | DEMOJ034.ZIP | 29,8 kt | 23.04.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#34 11/04/99 |
7483 | DEMOJ035.ZIP | 17,5 kt | 27.04.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#35 20/04/99 |
7484 | DEMOJ036.ZIP | 15,6 kt | 27.04.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#35 24/04/99 |
7485 | DEMOJ037.ZIP | 15,6 kt | 25.05.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#37 01/05/99 |
7486 | DEMOJ038.ZIP | 15,2 kt | 16.05.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#38 08/05/99 |
7487 | DEMOJ039.ZIP | 17,6 kt | 25.05.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#39 14/05/99 |
7488 | DEMOJ040.ZIP | 15,2 kt | 04.06.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#40 22/05/99 |
7489 | DEMOJ041.ZIP | 11,1 kt | 04.06.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#41 29/05/99 |
7490 | DEMOJ042.ZIP | 12,3 kt | 15.06.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#42 05/06/99 |
7491 | DEMOJ043.ZIP | 23,2 kt | 15.06.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#43 12/06/99 |
7492 | DEMOJ044.ZIP | 37,9 kt | 24.06.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#44 19/06/99 |
7493 | DEMOJ045.ZIP | 25,9 kt | 27.06.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#45 26/06/99 |
7494 | DEMOJ046.ZIP | 23,3 kt | 03.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#46 02/06/99 |
7495 | DEMOJ047.ZIP | 17,5 kt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#47 10/06/99 |
7496 | DEMOJ048.ZIP | 14,8 kt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#48 17/07/99 |
7497 | DEMOJ049.ZIP | 10,4 kt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#49 25/07/99 |
7498 | DEMOJ050.ZIP | 31,7 kt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#50 31/07/99 |
7499 | DEMOJ051.ZIP | 29,7 kt | 29.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#51 09/08/99 |
7500 | DEMOJ052.ZIP | 12,5 kt | 29.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Demojournal#52 19/08/99 |
7501 | DEMOJ053.ZIP | 10,1 kt | 29.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#53 22/08/99 |
7502 | DEMOJ054.ZIP | 42,5 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#54 05/09/99 |
7503 | DEMOJ055.ZIP | 19,6 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#55 05/09/99 |
7504 | DEMOJ056.ZIP | 22,9 kt | 28.09.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#56 07/09/99 |
7505 | DEMOJ057.ZIP | 28,1 kt | 28.09.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#57 19/09/99 |
7506 | DEMOJ058.ZIP | 20,3 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#58 27/09/99 |
7507 | DEMOJ059.ZIP | 16,6 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#59 02/10/99 |
7508 | DEMOJ060.ZIP | 15,9 kt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#60 08/10/99 |
7509 | DEMOJ061.ZIP | 14,7 kt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#61 15/10/99 |
7510 | DEMOJ062.ZIP | 15 kt | 05.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#62 22/10/99 |
7511 | DEMOJ063.ZIP | 16,7 kt | 05.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#63 30/10/99 |
7512 | DEMOJ064.ZIP | 16,6 kt | 12.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#64 6/11/99 |
7513 | DEMOJ065.ZIP | 14,4 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#65 12/11/99 |
7514 | DEMOJ066.ZIP | 15,4 kt | 29.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#66 20/11/99 |
7515 | DEMOJ067.ZIP | 22,5 kt | 02.12.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#67 28/11/99 |
7516 | DEMOJ068.ZIP | 18,9 kt | 15.12.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#68 05/12/99 |
7517 | DEMOJ069.ZIP | 12,3 kt | 15.12.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#69 12/12/99 |
7518 | DEMOJ070.ZIP | 14,6 kt | 21.12.1999 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#70 19/12/99 |
7519 | DEMOJ071.ZIP | 9,6 kt | 09.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#71 25/12/99 |
7520 | DEMOJ072.ZIP | 16,5 kt | 03.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#72 31/12/99 |
7521 | DEMOJ073.ZIP | 13,1 kt | 09.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#73 08/01/2k |
7522 | DEMOJ074.ZIP | 13,5 kt | 19.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#74 15/01/2k |
7523 | DEMOJ075.ZIP | 13 kt | 24.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#75 22/01/2k |
7524 | DEMOJ076.ZIP | 13,4 kt | 07.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#76 30/01/2k |
7525 | DEMOJ077.ZIP | 12,8 kt | 07.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#77 06/02/2k |
7526 | DEMOJ078.ZIP | 14,7 kt | 13.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#78 12/02/2k |
7527 | DEMOJ079.ZIP | 14,8 kt | 20.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#79 18/02/2k |
7528 | DEMOJ080.ZIP | 12 kt | 10.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#80 28/02/2000 |
7529 | DEMOJ081.ZIP | 14,7 kt | 05.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#81 05/03/2k |
7530 | DEMOJ082.ZIP | 9,9 kt | 13.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | demojournal#82 11/03/2k |
62775 | DEMON080.ZIP | 11259 | 22.02.1995 | repacked | scene.org | - | DemoNews Issue #80 January 22, 1995 - January 28, 1995 |
62776 | DEMON081.ZIP | 21000 | 22.02.1995 | repacked | scene.org | - | Demonews #81 |
62777 | DEMON082.ZIP | 39618 | 22.02.1995 | repacked | scene.org | - | Demonews #82 |
62778 | DEMON083.ZIP | 8900 | 22.02.1995 | repacked | scene.org | - | Demonews #83 |
62783 | DEMOSIRC.LZH | 32643 | 19.01.1996 | - | - | - | #demos - The PC Demo Scene Channel This archive contains information on how to use IRC (Internet Relay Chat) and talk to people from around the world. The #demos channel is a must for all PC demo freaks with Internet access. |
7531 | DN_1994.ZIP | 374,1 kt | 23.07.2000 | renamed | 7814/darkdomain.iso | - | DemoNews 27-76, vuosikerta 1994 |
7532 | DN_1995.ZIP | 629,9 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | - | - | DemoNews 77-111, vuosikerta 1995 |
7533 | DN_92-93.ZIP | 48,8 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | - | - | DemoNews 1-26, vuosikerrat 1992-1993 |
7535 | DN_APEX.ZIP | 4 Mt | 20.01.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | The Party 8 java demo: 1st place "APEX" a javademo by DIGITAL NERDS main code by Tarnow additional coding by Gargoyle & Spacebrain music by Spacebrain gfx by 3D Addict http://www.csoft.net/cz/digitalnerds/ Please use the latest version of Internet Explorer(most recommended) or Netscape Navigator to see this demo. 640x480x16bit 64 MB P2 based machine |
7534 | DN96-98.ZIP | 815,1 kt | 15.09.1998 | - | - | - | DemoNews 112-150, vuosikerrat 1996-1998, erinomainen demoscene-uutislehtinen. |
7536 | DREAM2II.ZIP | 16,4 kt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | Dreams II - The demoscene archive volume 2 Lisätietoja ja tilausohjeet 2 CD kokoelmasta jolla on parhaat demot, grafiikat, musiikit sun muuta kesäkuu 1996-heinäkuu 1998 väliseltä ajalta. The idea behind this collection was to make a real scene archive which would include a selection of the best scene productions, regardless of when or where they have been released. 1.2 GIGs, 150+ demost 100+ intros 4500+ pictures artdisks musics disk mags results reports |
7537 | DREAMS2I.ZIP | 505,2 kt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | Dreams II - The demoscene archive volume 2 Lisätietoja ja tilausohjeet 2 CD kokoelmasta jolla on parhaat demot, grafiikat, musiikit sun muuta kesäkuu 1996-heinäkuu 1998 väliseltä ajalta. The idea behind this collection was to make a real scene archive which would include a selection of the best scene productions, regardless of when or where they have been released. 1.2 GIGs, 150+ demost 100+ intros 4500+ pictures artdisks musics disk mags results reports |
7538 | DSSK3.ZIP | 542,6 kt | 10.06.1998 | - | scene.org | - | DemoScene Starter Kit v.3.0 by Zippy. Includes: Coding tutorial, resource-file, demoscene-history, dictionary, advice on what OS to use, advice on demo-design, interviews with Statix, Snowman, Haplo, CjTrack, and Sanity! Comes with its own interface! New music by Pearl Hunter! *Way* improved over previous versions! http://www.3dfxmania.com |
7539 | ELE99INV.ZIP | 10,7 kt | 12.12.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "ELEVATOR99 the second floor YlivieskaFinland 15-17.1.1999. Invitation v1.0. Includes invitation texts in finnish and in english. Invitation intro coming soon! http://www.elevator.labra.com" |
6714 | FLAG_ENG.ZIP | 7492 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | FLAG COMPUTER SCENE and RPG PARTY ... the NEW pre-invitation! Version 0.2 - Released 13 Mai 1996 |
6716 | FSN_SPL4.ZIP | 515022 | 05.12.1996 | - | scene.org | - | SPLASH 4 #by fascination |
7540 | GETREAL.A01 | 2,9 Mt | 14.08.1998 | - | - | - | "Assembly98 NetCrew: Get Real (2/4)" |
7541 | GETREAL.A02 | 2,9 Mt | 14.08.1998 | - | - | - | "Assembly98 NetCrew: Get Real (3/4)" |
7542 | GETREAL.A03 | 2 Mt | 14.08.1998 | - | - | - | "Assembly98 NetCrew: Get Real (4/4)" |
7543 | GETREAL.ARJ | 2,9 Mt | 14.08.1998 | - | - | - | "Assembly98 NetCrew: Get Real (1/4) Assembly98 Wild competition winner. Real Video G2 320x240x15fps300kbps." |
7544 | GODOG.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 01.09.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "Assembly98 Java demo: Godog by Complex." |
7545 | HIT-COL.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | Playstation: Hitmen, the Ultimate Collection 1 Collection of all Hitmen releases until 06-05-1998. CD-R Win ISO. |
7546 | HIT-DTRO.ZIP | 308,2 kt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | Playstation: Hitman: Grugtro. Groepaz first Playstation release, Music and effects for the brain!!! |
7547 | HIT-GTRO.ZIP | 41,8 kt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | Playstation. Hitman presents: A new little intro by Silpheed Coded in ASSEMBLER |
7548 | HIT-HWLD.ZIP | 330,3 kt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | Hitmen Playstation demo: Hitworld by Zambo/Hitmen |
7549 | HIT-PCEY.ZIP | 96,8 kt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | Hitmen Playstation intro: A Peacey Intro by Peacey/Hitmen |
7550 | HIT-PRO.ZIP | 213,1 kt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | "Hitman Playstation intro: Pactro by Pacman Pacmans Hitmen introduction intro and first Playstation release " |
7551 | HIT-RISO.ZIP | 703,2 kt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | Hitmen Playstation demo: The Roots by Hitmen (CDRwin ISO) 4/4/99. |
7552 | HIT-ROTS.ZIP | 517,8 kt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | Hitmen Playstation demo. The Roots. a mercyful release Mekka-Symposium easter weekend 1999 Second place. |
7553 | HIT-STRO.ZIP | 74,9 kt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | Hitmen Playstation demo: SadTro by BrainWalker/Hitmen |
7554 | HNWZ1-37.ZIP | 153,1 kt | 28.07.2000 | - | - | - | Huginews 001-037 - a scenish newsletter centered around Hugi diskmag/e-zine |
7555 | HOAXMAG2.ZIP | 197,8 kt | 21.06.2000 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Hoax-magazine #2 - autumn 1992 VGA, SB support |
7556 | HTOWNASS.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 01.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Assembly98 Java Demo: Return of the Mack by H-Town/Silents." |
7557 | HUGI11.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 11.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | hugi issue #11 a diskmag released 98/06/28 more english articles than ever featuring 1 mbyte of articles http://home.pages.de/~adok/ |
7558 | HUGI12.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 11.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Hugi issue 12. the scenes disk magazine issue 12 this HUGE diskmag features: . 1200 kbyte of english articles . 600 kbyte of german articles . code by street raider // ddt.ent . gfx by will behellfiremr.seq . music by makke / comic pirates released on september 11th1998 http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ ***** AN EVOKE 1998 RELEASE *******" |
7559 | HUGI13.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 11.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | hugi13 disk magazine - THE HUGI CREW PROUDLY PRESENTS - for educational purposes only dec98 production by and for the whole scene. - http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload - |
7560 | HUGI14.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 11.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Hugi issue 14 - feb 1999. This is a diskmag. A special diskmag. It can upgrade oranges. HUGE DISK MEGA ZINE . HUGI14 . FEB99 http://home.pages.de/~hugidownload/ |
7561 | HUGI15.ZIP | 2 Mt | 20.05.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Hugi issue 15. Italy is known for its Spaghetti. France is known for its Snails. Germany is known for its Kraut. The USA are known for their Burgers. Sceneland is known for its Diskmags. HUGE DISK MEGA ZINE . HUGI15 . MAY99 http://home.pages.de/~hugi/ PC. |
7562 | HUGI16A.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 10.09.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Hugi issue 16. Hugi #16, July 1999, 2.1 MByte of articles. Nore than 1700 kbyte articles in English. |
7563 | HUGI17.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 10.09.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Hugi issue 17 - scene magazine. Hugi #17, August 1999, 1.4 MByte of articles. |
7564 | HUGI19.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 13.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | hugi the 19th disk magazine |
7565 | HUGI20.ZIP | 3,6 Mt | 27.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Hugi diskmag issue #20August 2000. |
7566 | HUGINEWS.027 | 9,3 kt | 25.04.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #027 - 20.2.2000 |
7567 | HUGINEWS.028 | 7,5 kt | 25.04.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #028 - 26.2.2000 |
7568 | HUGINEWS.029 | 6 kt | 25.04.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #029 - 05.3.2000 |
7569 | HUGINEWS.030 | 9,7 kt | 25.04.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #030 - 13.3.2000 |
7570 | HUGINEWS.031 | 11,8 kt | 25.04.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #031 - 19.3.2000 |
7571 | HUGINEWS.032 | 12,7 kt | 25.04.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #032 - 16.4.2000 |
7572 | HUGINEWS.033 | 9,8 kt | 25.04.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #033 - 22.4.2000 |
7573 | HUGINEWS.034 | 8,4 kt | 26.05.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #34 - 07.05.2000 |
7574 | HUGINEWS.035 | 13,2 kt | 04.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #35 - may 21 2000 |
7575 | HUGINEWS.036 | 14,6 kt | 07.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #36 - 03-June-2000 |
7576 | HUGINEWS.037 | 26,3 kt | 19.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Huginews #37 - 18.6.2000 |
7577 | HUGINW13.ZIP | 3,6 kt | 03.01.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.013 Date: Sat, 30 Oct 1999 15:40:02 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7578 | HUGINW14.ZIP | 6,7 kt | 03.01.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.014 Subject: Date: Sun, 07 Nov 1999 14:58:51 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7579 | HUGINW15.ZIP | 4,9 kt | 03.01.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.015 Subject: Date: Sat, 13 Nov 1999 17:59:47 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7580 | HUGINW16.ZIP | 5,6 kt | 03.01.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.Subject: 016 Date: Sat, 20 Nov 1999 18:59:45 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7581 | HUGINW17.ZIP | 6,3 kt | 03.01.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.017 Subject: Date: Sat, 27 Nov 1999 20:35:12 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7582 | HUGINW18.ZIP | 5 kt | 03.01.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.018 Subject: Date: Sun, 05 Dec 1999 17:57:55 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7583 | HUGINW19.ZIP | 4,1 kt | 03.01.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.019 Subject: Date: Sun, 12 Dec 1999 13:56:18 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7584 | HUGINW20.ZIP | 4,3 kt | 03.01.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.020 Subject: Date: Sun, 19 Dec 1999 08:16:22 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7585 | HUGNWS21.ZIP | 9 kt | 06.01.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.021 DateSubject: : Sat, 01 Jan 2000 15:35:40 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7586 | HUGNWS22.ZIP | 4,1 kt | 12.02.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.022 Subject: Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 20:46:00 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7587 | HUGNWS23.ZIP | 3,8 kt | 12.02.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.023 Subject: Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 10:21:23 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7588 | HUGNWS24.ZIP | 2,6 kt | 12.02.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.024 Subject: Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2000 20:23:12 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7589 | HUGNWS25.ZIP | 7 kt | 14.02.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.025 Subject: Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2000 18:22:08 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7590 | HUGNWS26.ZIP | 4,2 kt | 14.02.2000 | - | - | - | hugi huginews.026 Subject: Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2000 12:29:51 +0100 From: Adok/Hugi |
7591 | IAQUO_BY.ZIP | 1,6 kt | 06.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Iaquo by Yodel1st at Assembly2k Playstation compo." |
7592 | ICB.ZIP | 2 Mt | 01.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Assembly98 Java Demo: It cant bidone by Ram Jam." |
6727 | J96A_RES.ZIP | 1730 | 25.01.1996 | - | - | - | JUHLA'96 PII (3.14) The Official Results |
6728 | J96NFO.ZIP | 213328 | 05.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | ┌───────────────────────┐ │ ! ATTENTION ! │ ├───────────────────────┤ │ JUHLA'96 Pii │ │ PARTYPLACE & DATE │ │ has been changed! │ │ to 19. - 21.1 │ │ NEW INFOFILE & MAP │ ├───────────────────────┤ │Spread this like plague│ └───────────────────────┘ |
6730 | JUHLANFO.ZIP | 10671 | 01.07.1995 | - | - | - | Juhla'95 2½ - Updated INFO 1.3 Competitions, voting, prizes |
7593 | LEE.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 01.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Assembly98 Java demo: Lee by Sail." |
7594 | LOOPDOT.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 01.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Loop.2 by Digital Nerds. Released at Assembly98 code by Tarnow and Gargoyle gfx by 3D Addict music by Spacebrain" |
7595 | LYNNE20.ZIP | 2,4 kt | 25.02.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | BJORN LYNNE NEWSLETTER ISSUE #20 - 17 FEBRUARY 1998 http://www.lynnemusic.com. |
7596 | LYNNE21.ZIP | 5,9 kt | 11.04.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | BJORN LYNNE NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #21 - 9 MARCH 1998 http://www.lynnemusic.com. |
7597 | LYNNE22.ZIP | 5,5 kt | 11.04.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | BJORN LYNNE NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #22 - 26 MARCH 1998 http://www.lynnemusic.com. |
7598 | LYNNE23.ZIP | 4,7 kt | 19.05.1998 | - | - | - | NNORN LYNNE NEWSLETTER ISSUE #23 - 15 MAY 1998 http://www.lynnemusic.com. |
7599 | LYNNE24.ZIP | 5,9 kt | 09.07.1998 | - | - | - | BJORN LYNNE NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #24 - 14 JUNE 1998 http://www.lynnemusic.com. |
7600 | LYNNE25.ZIP | 5 kt | 15.08.1998 | - | - | - | BJORN LYNNE NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #25 - 7 AUGUST 1998 * "Dreamstate" album now back in stock * Divinorum "Isms" album coming soon * Jogeir Liljedahl debut-CD to be released on LynneMusic productions * Distribution of more "scene" CDs on http://www.lynnemusic.com. etc. |
7601 | LYNNE26.ZIP | 4,2 kt | 24.09.1998 | - | - | - | BJORN LYNNE NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #26 - 20 SEPTEMBER 1998 http://www.lynnemusic.com. |
7602 | LYNNE27.ZIP | 4,2 kt | 25.10.1998 | - | - | - | BJORN LYNNE NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #27 - 21 OCTOBER 1998 http://www.lynnemusic.com. |
7603 | LYNNE28.ZIP | 5,6 kt | 02.12.1998 | - | - | - | BJORN LYNNE NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #28 - 25 NOVEMBER 1998 Items in this issue: * Internet "Best Band" entry/vote * Christmas gift offer when buying CDs * Competition: Giving away some "X2" CDs * Divinorum on some compilation CDs * Bjorn Lynne on some compilation CDs * Update on Divinorum: "Isms" * Update on Bjorn Lynne: "Wolves of the Gods" * CD-shopping and my christmas holiday |
7604 | LYNNE29.ZIP | 5,5 kt | 22.01.1999 | - | - | - | BJORN LYNNE NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #29 - 13 JANUARY 1999 Items in this issue: * New free music to download * Worms:Armageddon 4-track EP coming * Update on other coming CDs * Opportunity, Vol. 1 - new scene-related CD now available * 4th place in the "Best Band on the \'Net" contest * Winners of the "X2" competition from previous newsletter |
6743 | LYNNE5.ZIP | 8100 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #5 - 18. NOVEMBER 1996 |
6744 | LYNNE6.ZIP | 4004 | 07.12.1996 | - | - | - | LYNNE / DR.AWESOME NEWSLETTER - ISSUE #6 - 4. DECEMBER 1996 |
7605 | LYNNEM99.ZIP | 3,6 kt | 21.05.1999 | - | - | - | Lynne-newsletter 18 May 1999. Kosmic Archives Vol. 3 and other things. Posted some new (old) MIDI files. Jogeir Liljedahl CD update. Writing some new material. Exchange links with Divinorum. |
6756 | NINO32CH.ZIP | 620716 | 24.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Assembly '96 multichannel compo tune by Nino. |
6758 | ONLINE.ZIP | 31461 | 26.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Assembly '95:n tapahtumia suomeksi, ruotsiksi ja englanniksi. |
7606 | PAIN0200.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 23.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | PAiN 02/00 a diskmag - the original since 1994 - http://pain.planet-d.net WINDOWS |
7185 | PCDEQ182.ZIP | 36394 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | PC DEMOS FAQ, Version 1.82 The official FAQ of the Usenet Newsgroup comp.sys.ibm.pc.demos This FAQ was last modified on: 5/11/96 |
7607 | PLT98INV.ZIP | 2,9 kt | 12.04.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "plutonium98 @ loviisafinland 3-5.7.1998 pre-invitation text v1.0 " |
7608 | PROXYINV.LHA | 3,9 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | "The Proxy98 invitation." |
7609 | PRX99INV.TXT | 7,1 kt | 21.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Proxy99 invitation text." |
7610 | PRX99RES.TXT | 4 kt | 12.04.1999 | - | 3303/Aminet 33 - October 1999.iso | - | "Proxy99 results" |
7611 | QUAD-SIQ.ZIP | 902,5 kt | 31.07.1999 | - | scene.org | - | SIQ (Scene IQ) by Quad. The game is some kind of demoscene trivia and has 100+ scene questions in several categories. Windows. http://www.quad.nl |
7612 | RANKKURI.ZIP | 1,6 kt | 06.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Rankkuri by Haujobb2nd at Assembly2k Playstation compo." |
7613 | REM99PRE.ZIP | 1,6 kt | 14.06.1999 | - | - | - | preresults of remedy99 |
7188 | RESULTS.TXT | 10728 | 21.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Official Assembly '96 results. |
7189 | RESULTS.ZIP | 138650 | 26.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Antares: Wired '94 Official Results. |
7190 | RMD-RES.TXT | 13486 | 05.11.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Results from the Party Remedy'95 |
7191 | RRR-MC12.LHA | 1828346 | 11.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | R.R.R: Malevolent Creations XII (Slideshow) |
7192 | SBDD2FIX.LHA | 806484 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | - | Bugfix for Dance Diverse #2. |
7614 | SL-001.ZIP | 10 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #1 |
7615 | SL-002.ZIP | 12,1 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #2 |
7616 | SL-003.ZIP | 11,3 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #3 |
7617 | SL-004.ZIP | 8,8 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #4 |
7618 | SL-005.ZIP | 19,8 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #5 |
7619 | SL-006.ZIP | 13,9 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #6 |
7620 | SL-007.ZIP | 12,5 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #7 |
7621 | SL-008.ZIP | 9,9 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #8 |
7622 | SL-009.ZIP | 11 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #9 |
7623 | SL-010.ZIP | 10,9 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #10 |
7624 | SL-011.ZIP | 18,8 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #11 |
7625 | SL-012.ZIP | 18,9 kt | 07.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #12 |
7626 | SL-013.ZIP | 13,6 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #013 |
7627 | SL-014.ZIP | 10,4 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #014 |
7628 | SL-015.ZIP | 13,5 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #015 |
7629 | SL-016.ZIP | 12,9 kt | 15.12.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Static Line #016 |
7630 | SL-017.ZIP | 15 kt | 12.01.2000 | repacked | scene.org | - | Static Line #017 Jan 2000. |
7631 | SL-018.ZIP | 16 kt | 08.02.2000 | repacked | scene.org | - | Static Line #018 February 2000. |
7632 | SL-019.ZIP | 12,9 kt | 07.03.2000 | repacked | scene.org | - | Static Line #019 March 2000 |
7633 | SL-020.ZIP | 26,1 kt | 05.04.2000 | - | - | - | Static Line #020April 2000. |
7634 | SL-021.ZIP | 25 kt | 10.05.2000 | - | - | - | Static Line #021 - May 2000 |
7635 | SL-022.ZIP | 19,1 kt | 17.06.2000 | - | - | - | Static Line #022 - June 2000 |
7636 | SL-023.ZIP | 16,6 kt | 10.09.2000 | - | - | - | Static Line #23 - July 2000 |
7637 | SL-024.ZIP | 33,8 kt | 10.09.2000 | - | - | - | Static Line #24 - August 2000 |
7638 | SL-025.ZIP | 25,9 kt | 10.09.2000 | - | - | - | Static Line #25 - September 2000 |
7639 | SL-026.ZIP | 24,9 kt | 15.10.2000 | - | - | - | Static Line #26 - October 2000 |
7640 | SL-027.ZIP | 27,9 kt | 23.11.2000 | - | - | - | Static Line #27 - November 2000 |
7641 | SL-028.ZIP | 21,9 kt | 07.12.2000 | - | - | - | Static Line #28 - December 2000 |
7642 | SL-029.ZIP | 27,9 kt | 17.01.2001 | - | - | - | Static Line #29 - January 2001 |
7643 | SL-030.ZIP | 15,6 kt | 12.02.2001 | - | - | - | Static Line #30 - February 2001 |
7644 | SL-031.ZIP | 23 kt | 08.04.2001 | - | - | - | Static Line #31 - March 2001 |
7645 | SL-032.ZIP | 26,9 kt | 08.04.2001 | - | - | - | Static Line #32 - April 2001 |
7197 | SP4-RESU.LHA | 3260 | 21.11.1996 | - | - | - | COMPLETE results file from the SaturneParty 4 |
7198 | SP96BD.LHA | 2650352 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | | >> the official south sealand 96 << | | >> invitation text <<< | |
7646 | SPACEOD.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 01.09.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Assembly98 Java demo: Space Odyssey by NySTuL." |
7647 | SUMPPI.ZIP | 854,4 kt | 09.08.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "Assembly98 Java demo: tAAt - golden kybersumppi" |
7648 | SUNR99F.ZIP | 5,9 Mt | 10.01.2000 | - | - | - | on solstice day, a sunray blinds my sight cutting through the air refracting on the ocean coloring the sky after the waterfall blazing through clouds feeding the tree leaves lightning the darkest shadows spreading across dark valleys climbing high on steep mountains melting the thick snow on solstice day, a sunray blinds my sight --ps sunray 1999 solstice 22nd december edition - final http://sunray.planet-d.net |
7649 | SUNR99PA.ZIP | 123,8 kt | 10.01.2000 | - | - | - | sunray 1999 - new executable and library (bugfixed) |
7650 | SUPERMEG.ZIP | 82,5 kt | 14.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 Java Intro: 1st place Supermegaplus by Prone |
7207 | TP5-MODS.LHA | 1962926 | 18.04.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | ........... - tHE pARTY 5! - 10 4CH MODULES FROM TP5 IN DK! |
69299 | TPD-RL1.LHA | 2764 | 31.12.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Contains FILE_ID.DIZ |
7208 | TUT1NEW.ZIP | 12624 | 22.07.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 1: The Basics | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Updated by Snowman | | Documentation on how | | to code demo like effects | |
7209 | TUT20.ZIP | 19238 | 22.07.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 20: Face Sorting, | | Hidden face removal! | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Documentation on how | | to code demo like effects | |
7210 | TUT21.ZIP | 27278 | 22.07.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 21: Free direction | | Texture mapping! | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Documentation on how | | to code demo like effects | |
7211 | TUT2NEW.ZIP | 37331 | 22.07.1996 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 2: The Evil Pallette | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Updated by Snowman | | Documentation on how | | to code demo like effects | |
7212 | TUT3NEW.ZIP | 26835 | 22.07.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 3: Circle and Line | | Algorithms | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Updated by Snowman | | Documentation on how | |
7213 | TUT4NEW.ZIP | 14208 | 22.07.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 4: Virtual Screens | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Updated by Snowman | | | | Documentation on how | | to code demo like effects | |
7214 | TUT5NEW.ZIP | 19757 | 22.07.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 5: Scrollers! | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Updated by Snowman | | Documentation on how | | to code demo like effects | |
7215 | TUT6NEW.ZIP | 26988 | 22.07.1996 | väärä koko | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 6: Pregenerated | | Arrays! | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Updated by Snowman | |
7216 | TUT7NEW.ZIP | 40542 | 22.07.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 7: Animation! | | (uh oh! inline Assembler!) | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Updated by Snowman | |
7217 | TUT8NEW.ZIP | 35535 | 22.07.1996 | väärä koko | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 8: 3D Basics! | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Updated by Snowman | | Documentation on how | | to code demo like effects | |
7218 | TUT9NEW.ZIP | 35782 | 22.07.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | +----------------------------+ | The ASPHYXIA VGA | | DEMO TRAINER SERIES! | | Part 9: Polygons! | | By Denthor of ASPHYXIA | | Updated by Snowman | | Documentation on how | | to code demo like effects | |
7651 | VRNDNDC.ZIP | 8,9 Mt | 01.10.1999 | - | 15603/PCM_0001.iso | - | VRND: Notre-Dame Cathedral Take a virtual tour of the Notre Dame Cathedral. Walk or fly, with flashlight in hand, and discover the beauty of the Cathedral. |
7222 | W95RES.ZIP | 2169 | 07.11.1995 | - | - | - | Wired'95 Results |
7225 | WIRED94R.ZIP | 4435 | 06.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Wired'94 partyreport by The Orme / Azure Sky |
7652 | XENIUM.TXT | 28,7 kt | 29.06.1999 | - | aminet.net | - | "Invitation to Xenium99 demoparty" |
7653 | YDL_LAVA.ZIP | 955 kt | 30.08.1998 | - | scene.org | - | LAVA by Yodel Java demo for Assembly 98 |
6836 | (B)ANAL.ZIP | 305685 | 06.07.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | bANAL .m@WL@Rs. Juhla'95 2½ -Demo |
6942 | (E).ZIP | 1307772 | 31.12.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Zd3n&M0sh3: (E) (Wired96) |
6761 | 0X90H.ZIP | 1270397 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | "0x90h" released at MEKKA'96 code:Jinx! music:Libertine |
6762 | 14NDREAL.ZIP | 1452067 | 09.08.1996 | koko² | modiromppu.iso | - | Future Screw: 1.141nd REALITY The worst demo of Abduction'96 SB,SBPro and GUS support In DOBLY MONO Where Available |
7654 | 197-OLDS.ZIP | 204 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Oldskool by Contraz.6th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
6765 | 1INFECT.ZIP | 751324 | 06.05.1996 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | N-Factor: 1st Infection (at Wired '94) |
7658 | 2_PR_CEN.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 20.08.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Assembly98 PC Demo: 2 pr. cent by pdg. " |
7655 | 201-OLDS.ZIP | 268,5 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Oldskool Fools by Mandel Bros.9th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
6766 | 255!DISP.ZIP | 754915 | 29.03.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Blank presents Dispepsia! |
7656 | 256COMPO.ZIP | 65,5 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | eritupla | The 1998 Christmas 256 byte Demo Compo. 1-Oct-98 to 20-Dec-98. http://www.geocities.com/baja/dunes/6771/256comp |
7657 | 2DFX.ZIP | 904,5 kt | 07.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | 2DFX by RufUsul & MeoA very short Demo for the Mekka & Symposium Demo compo. |
6769 | 2ND.ZIP | 547244 | 12.09.1995 | renamed | scene.org | - | 2nd Christianity by INF. Christmas demo by INF. Contrib to the demo compo at Odyssey'95 summer party. 1st place! Req: 386 (FAST 486 rec!), VGA, 610kb, |
6767 | 2NDREAL1.ZIP | 1273499 | 17.02.1995 | - | scene.org | - | 2ND REALITY by Future Crew 1/2 The winning demo of Assembly'93 SB, SB Pro and GUS support |
6768 | 2NDREAL2.ZIP | 790389 | 17.02.1995 | - | scene.org | - | 2ND REALITY by Future Crew 2/2 The winning demo of Assembly'93 SB, SB Pro and GUS support |
7659 | 33.ZIP | 8,9 Mt | 21.08.2000 | - | - | - | "33 by Nah-KolorPlaced 3rd at demo compo in Horizon00 with 132 points." |
6771 | 3DB.ZIP | 234769 | 16.06.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | 3DB by Dusan Bezak 9th place (demo compo) |
7660 | 3DFDEMO1.ZIP | 298,6 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | FXDemo 1 from Lancer 199X TeamThis demo uses 3dfx card to create great effects. Requirements: 486 66 and a Voodoo 3dfx graphics card which uses GLIDE. Midas Sound System 0.40 for playing music. |
7661 | 3G_JESUS.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 07.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Jesus "God is dead" A demo by 3G Design. |
7662 | 3LEVELS.ZIP | 70,3 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | eritupla | Three Levels of InsightA Java Demo entry for Assembly 1997. A java demo from the Renaissance Brothers, aka sh0dan & Thorsten/Purple |
7663 | 3S-H3O.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 28.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | H3O breather - 3state designCracked & released by TPOLM. Stevie - code, Sarix - code, Sagacity - music Distance Hint: Use DirectX7 and a proper 3D-card. |
7664 | 3S-NWHRE.ZIP | 6 Mt | 28.06.2000 | - | - | - | "Nowhere by threestate. Placed 2nd at demo compo in takeover00 with 149 points." |
6782 | 5C_TW.ZIP | 702917 | 05.12.1996 | koko² | modiromppu.iso | - | Five Coders: Textmode Windows (6th in TMDC) |
6785 | 6THSENSE.ZIP | 2223917 | 10.02.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | 6thsense by Realtech Demo from the Party 5 |
7665 | 7G_FATE.ZIP | 8,2 Mt | 14.03.2000 | - | 22682/cd joystick no115 mai 2000 cd 2.iso | - | "Fate / 7 Gods (C)2000 Won DB00. Win32 exeOpenGL MMXP350+soundcard. " |
7666 | 7PMORB_R.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 14.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | The Traxmo optically Morbid by 7p For trax#00 democompo release, with documentation. |
6786 | 90210.ZIP | 1167335 | 16.06.1995 | - | scene.org | - | 90210 PC demo by 7 GODS Released on June the 7th 1995 |
6787 | A95INV.ZIP | 742798 | 08.07.1995 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | eritupla | Assembly '95 Invitation Intro Final information about ASM'95 |
7667 | AA_DEMO.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 07.03.1999 | - | 22659/cd joystick no92 avril 1998.iso | - | Axioma ( by AxiomA ) For Flag `98 Demo compo. |
6789 | ABD95INV.ZIP | 118952 | 15.05.1995 | väärä koko | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Final Invitation to Abduction '95 Abduction '95 will be held at 9th - 11th of June In Rovaniemi, northern city of Finland |
6791 | ABD96INV.ZIP | 146218 | 08.04.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Abduction 96 - PC invitation Oh no they're coming again! |
7669 | ABSOLUM.ZIP | 3,6 Mt | 19.09.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Absolum from BlaBla (Party version) A demo presented at the WIRED 98. Code: Cyg, 3D: Darwin, Zik: Lucifer |
7668 | ABSOLUMF.ZIP | 3,6 Mt | 07.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Absolum from BlaBla (Final version) A demo presented at the WIRED 98 Req: P120, 24 MB |
6793 | AC_EXPR.ZIP | 574155 | 06.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Expression by Abstract Concepts A X'95 demo, 386+, VGA, GUS |
7670 | ACD_SWAL.ZIP | 121,8 kt | 07.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Acid: Swallowi64k at SE98. (qoute) jason="be sober, be sober, be sober!" (qoute) flower="piben, piben, piben!" (quote) macaw="bo-dega, bo-dega, bo-dega" (quote) seffren="jeg går lige ud og tisser.." |
7671 | ACIDMIES.ZIP | 209,8 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Proxy99 Demo #5 "Acidmies" - Diverse |
6796 | ACME_BIG.ZIP | 672056 | 05.05.1996 | - | 811/Monster Media No. 11 (Second Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | - | Acme: Big Deal (an x'95 party demo) |
6798 | ACME_BUG.ZIP | 729049 | 06.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Acme: Bugfix (at Party IV) |
7673 | ACME_CMC.ZIP | 61,4 kt | 07.03.1999 | - | 22662/JOYCD95_1.iso | - | .acme .fudge clone meets clone 64kb intro |
7672 | ACME-4E.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 29.11.1999 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | acme - forever dreaming |
6795 | ACME-BIG.ZIP | 671921 | 06.05.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Big Deal An X'95 Party demo |
6797 | ACME-BUG.ZIP | 728174 | 24.04.1995 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Bugfixed ACME A Party IV competition demo |
6805 | ACOLORS.ZIP | 1192075 | 26.11.1995 | - | scene.org | - | A-MEN WEEKEND SECTION presents a demo called C O L O R S Requires: 486 VESA2.0 Supports: GUS SILENCE TRUE/HI/LOW COLORMODES |
6807 | ACT1.ZIP | 772888 | 06.05.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | ACT 1 by Psychic Link A 386/VGA/GUS/SB Demo |
7674 | ADB-FISH.ZIP | 46,4 kt | 07.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Aardbei presents: Fish a 64k intro for Wir |
7675 | ADD_IDLE.ZIP | 473,7 kt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Idle" by Addiction. 8th in the Assembly \'99 PC non-accelerated demo compo. |
7676 | ADREAMS.ZIP | 5,4 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Aardbei Dreamsslc Ambience 99 Tha Watcher/TUHB & Ile/Aardbei 4k Compo! |
6810 | AGAIN.ZIP | 96111 | 24.04.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Orange presents again Requires 386. GUS, 486 recommended. |
7677 | AGENTO.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 16.11.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Agent Orange by Orange7th at Assembly97 democompo." |
6811 | AGN_KAC.ZIP | 279423 | 17.02.1995 | - | 21829/Plex4.mdf | - | An Agony production released at Asm'94 VGA, 386, GUS, SB |
7678 | AHONEN_D.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Ahonen does ASM by the tough guys.Amiga/PC demo. 14th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
6813 | AI_MUTHA.ZIP | 944670 | 31.12.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Astroidea: Mutha (Cache'96 autumn winner) |
7679 | AIROMIR.ZIP | 63,9 kt | 07.03.1999 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Radio. Airomir01mg. Abdu98. |
7680 | ALYVUOTO.ZIP | 795,5 kt | 09.08.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "tAAt - AlyvuotoAssembly98 PC demo." |
7681 | AMANAMAN.ZIP | 2 Mt | 18.02.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Coma: "Amanaman" |
7682 | AMB-DGTL.ZIP | 2,2 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | The digital nightmareCoded by climax/amable. |
60657 | AMBIENCE.ZIP | 361611 | 06.05.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Ambience (Timeless 2) A demo as of November 1994 by Tran. Suggested: 386/40+ with a FAST video card. A GUS, but any soundcard will do. |
60669 | AMENDINO.ZIP | 493731 | 06.05.1996 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | A-MEN CONTRIBUTION TO A S S E M B L Y 9 5 PC D E M O C O M P O Requires: 386 VGA Supports: GUS SB SBPRO SILENCE |
60691 | AMS_EMG.ZIP | 696293 | 01.07.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Electrical Movement A demonstration by Amorphous (GUS version) 2nd at Abduction'95 Party in democompo. |
60778 | AN_MOD0.ZIP | 344452 | 06.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Analogue: Model 0 (386/VGA/GUS) |
7683 | ANATAUS6.ZIP | 6,5 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Anataus 6" by Fit9th in the Assembly \'99 PC non-accelerated demo compo. |
60724 | ANCIENT.ZIP | 509569 | 06.05.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Ancient Routines A demo Released at the X-95 Party Req: 386, Vga, Gus (optional) |
6817 | ANGEL1.ZIP | 1442317 | 10.03.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Project ANGEL by Impact Studios GUS Only [1/3] |
6818 | ANGEL2.ZIP | 1456912 | 09.03.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Project ANGEL by Impact Studios GUS Only [2/3] |
6819 | ANGEL3.ZIP | 970872 | 09.03.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Project ANGEL by Impact Studios GUS Only [3/3] |
6820 | ANGEL95F.ZIP | 772955 | 14.04.1996 | - | 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso | - | FALLEN ANGEL "final release" demonstration for VGA 486 SB/16/GUS 512 |
7684 | ANONYMOU.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 31.08.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Anonymousby Cheat the MachineAssembly98 Windows demo. System requirements: 3Dfx Voodoo chipsetWindows 95Pentium." |
6823 | AQUAPHOB.ZIP | 2491290 | 10.02.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | eritupla | Aquaphobia by Realtech Demo from the Party 5, again... |
7685 | ARSE.ZIP | 463,2 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Proxy99 Demo #2 "Arse" - RTP |
7686 | ART_BY_H.ZIP | 6,1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | 22686/cd joystick no119 octobre 2000 cd 2.iso | - | Art by Haujobb.2nd in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
6824 | AS-94_2.ZIP | 567445 | 17.02.1995 | - | - | - | ASM 1994 Accession - Future Crew The Movement - Sonic PC |
6825 | ASCII95.ZIP | 50522 | 25.10.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Paranoids: ASCII When good is not enough! Our contribution to Scenario'95 demoparty at Lahti, Finland. |
6826 | ASM-93.ZIP | 406110 | 17.02.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Future Crew invites you to Assembly '93 GUS support |
6827 | ASM-94.ZIP | 221384 | 17.02.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Invitation to Assmbly'94 - mh[iCE] Organized by: ACCESSION - FUTURE CREW THE MOVEMENT - SONIC PC |
6828 | ASM95PUR.ZIP | 292090 | 08.06.1995 | - | 1978/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 5.iso | - | PURE Organizes · Plane-Trip to ASM'95 |
7687 | ASMPLWAY.ZIP | 898,9 kt | 30.08.2000 | - | - | - | A simple way by Vantage. Placed 1st at demo compo in Buenzli 2k with 131 points. |
6830 | ASS.ZIP | 1381743 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Jurassic Ass - Demo by A-MEN PC Reqr'd: VGA / 386+ / GUS 512Kb |
6831 | ATLANTIS.ZIP | 742444 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Mooze: Atlantis - Our last hope? Asm96 demo, nonqualified. |
7688 | ATREAT.ZIP | 938,6 kt | 23.10.1997 | - | - | - | "Animal Treatment" by Pontus. Released at Scenario \'97. |
6832 | ATTIC.ZIP | 368743 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | The Attic yet another state-of-the Art demo by Digital House |
61076 | AUSGEBUR.ZIP | 49159 | 06.05.1995 | - | scene.org | tupla | "Ausgeburt" by Xenogenesis |
7689 | AZOL_303.ZIP | 939,8 kt | 18.09.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Azol 3o3 multiple frams Second + second ascendual. |
7706 | B_STATE.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | State Of Mind Live at the Party 8 demodk.26-29 dec.98 by SKAL/MADE/KRAFTON TITAN & SENSER(c) http://bomb.citeweb.net DOS+SB16 / LINUX / WIND0WS versions |
6839 | B-DRILL1.ZIP | 1451296 | 07.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | ╔═──────────────────────────═╗ │ DRILL ME , PLEASE ME │ │ BYTERAPERS INC. DEMO │ ╚─╗ ╔─╝ │lanttu sivu kraku micron│ │ t.o.b yolk & legend │ │ dice mazor jate nico │ ╔─╝ ╚─╗ │ 1ST PLACE AT ABDUCTION '96 │ │ final version │ ╚═──────────────────────────═╝ "ainiin |
6840 | B-DRILL2.ZIP | 666855 | 07.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | ╔═──────────────────────────═╗ │ DRILL ME , PLEASE ME │ │ BYTERAPERS INC. DEMO │ ╚─╗ ╔─╝ │lanttu sivu kraku micron│ │ t.o.b yolk & legend │ │ dice mazor jate nico │ ╔─╝ ╚─╗ │ 1ST PLACE AT ABDUCTION '96 │ │ final version │ ╚═──────────────────────────═╝ |
7695 | B-HYPER.ZIP | 3,7 Mt | 17.06.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "Hyperventilation by ByterapersInc.Remedy98 -party PC democompo 2nd. Code: Mr.Sex & Gurdan Visuals: Mistral & Mike & Jate Musical: Yolk & Legend / CNCD universumin kovin (b)iitti !" |
7700 | B-PANFIN.ZIP | 870,6 kt | 26.08.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "PANDEMIC from Byterapers Inc. Abduction97 demo compo 1st place. final version. Made by: Mr.Sex Sivu Lanttu Jate Mike Mordicus Micron T.o.B Mysdee. Byterapers2nd PC-demo." |
7705 | B-SEX.ZIP | 4,6 Mt | 26.08.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Byterapers, Inc. Sexadelic - FINAL RELEASE VERSION v2.0. Original fron Assembly\'98 party Demoengine: Mr.Sex Effects: Mr.Sex & Gurdan Visuals: Mistral Musical: Legend/CNCD Design: Mistral "a way to achieve the spiritual delighment" DOS/Win95 DosBox - Pentium - 16 MB - VGA - some audio. No.5 in (B) PC demo product line. No.408 in (B) total product line. New design, new parts, new graphics, new code, new effects. Totally new demo compared to party release. |
7709 | B-YADOT.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 26.08.1998 | - | - | - | "ByterapersInc. - YaDot Klimon Demo from The Party 7. The 3rd (B) demo on PC. Code: Mr.Sex Sivu Suckho T.o.B Graphics: Mike 3D scenes: Mike Sivu Suckho T.o.B Music: Carebear/Orange Breeding Micron" |
7690 | BABYBOOM.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 20.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Baby BooM By the New Kidz On The Net Code TASkMan Gfx : TYneO Music: Plym Made in a real *HURRY* for the Demo Compo at TG98 File 2 run : Babyboom.exe |
6835 | BABYLON.ZIP | 789292 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Psychic Monks: Babylon Asm96 demo, disqualified. SB/GUS/66+MHz |
7691 | BALLDEMO.ZIP | 173 kt | 20.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Full title: Balldemo by PuavoHard This entry was not in the compo. Official computing at Assembly 98 by Zepo. |
7692 | BANDDBLW.ZIP | 708,9 kt | 20.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "B and dbl W" By PlayPsy Co. 1998Code: datsua gfx: st.genius released at TG98 for some odd reason. |
7693 | BEATMARK.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | Natural Beat by MadamiThe Party 8: Windows 98 demo. 3rd place. |
7694 | BERNATIO.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 20.08.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | tpolm bobble bulb featuring the bubbles in their teens pengerkatu studios 32bpplfb/8bb (pkunzip -d) |
6843 | BETA1.ZIP | 477366 | 16.08.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | BETA! Digitize Design Group [1/2] Production for Assembly'95 |
6844 | BETA2.ZIP | 987485 | 16.08.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | BETA! Digitize Design Group [2/2] Production for Assembly'95 |
6847 | BILLBORG.ZIP | 219919 | 08.01.1996 | - | 21557/24-DOS.zip | - | Bill Gatesin toinen puoli, onko Microsoftin menestyminen johtunut hyvästä tuurissa vaiko ovatko avaruusoliot auttaneet häntä, ja onko Bill edes maasta kotosin ? Katso ja ihmettele !! PC demo. |
7696 | BLEAM.ZIP | 5,5 Mt | 31.08.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Bleam by static + vic. 3dfx windows demo. Asm98. |
7697 | BLEED.ARJ | 1,3 Mt | 11.06.1998 | - | 21741/PCShareware-2-99.iso | - | "Bleed / Bad Karma. Da Bugfixed version. Abduction98PC-Demo compo. 5th place. Enjoy." |
6850 | BLIZZARD.ZIP | 923744 | 07.11.1995 | - | scene.org | - | The Banner: Blizzard First Shown At Euskal Party III. Req: 386+, VGA, GUS/SB/PAS support. |
6853 | BLYFRITT.ZIP | 757180 | 09.02.1996 | - | scene.org | - | tArzAn tuotanto 1996 blyfritt |
61545 | BN#3.ZIP | 1423032 | 05.11.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Substance & Surprise! Prod. & The Grid ▄ presents: Bad News Issue #3 issue #3: cameback! ■ over 150 articles (950kb txt) ■ biggest charts on the scene ■ excellent gfx and msx by best artists from |
6858 | BOR_THEY.ZIP | 929516 | 09.09.1996 | - | - | - | Borealis: They Will Pay (Asm'96 demo) |
7698 | BOUNSING.ZIP | 175,8 kt | 17.07.1998 | - | - | - | BOUNCING from LANCER 199X TEAM. Requirements: pentium and a Voodoo 3dfx graphics card which uses GLIDE. Midas Sound System 0.40 for playing music. Best experienced with dos, works also in WIN95 dos box, OS/2 dos box. |
7699 | BOUTIQUE.ZIP | 63,5 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Amable Paul`s boutique ms 98 64 k |
7701 | BR_ANGEL.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 20.03.1999 | - | 22659/cd joystick no92 avril 1998.iso | - | Angel DevoidFirst Presented At: Flag 1998 |
7702 | BR_FLOW.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Flow by Black Rainbow Antiq98 Demo contribution" |
7703 | BRONX2.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 20.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Straight from da Bronx 2 -ghetto blaster (Final). Essex Skenery98 Asm98" |
7704 | BROTHER.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 20.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Brother: I can see it all. |
7707 | BURNBURN.ZIP | 631,1 kt | 20.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Maximum demo at Bush Party 5.0 Code: Bugge, Cnut Gfx: Toxicman, Wolfram, Grukk, LEK Music: Riverman. |
7708 | BW-J3.ZIP | 293,1 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | - | - | Bandwagon: Hizbollah 23/12/97 386/VGA/GUS |
6869 | CATCHUP!.ZIP | 1522357 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | 9RiF τ≡αm (HuNgary) Assembly 94: Catchup demo |
6870 | CATWALK.ZIP | 197140 | 24.04.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | SDC Presents Catwalk From HardTrack Contribution from the Polish Proba Generalna Party held in Feb'95 |
6871 | CC_2LITE.ZIP | 1026376 | 20.09.1995 | koko³ | ratsnest2.iso | - | Capacala: Zweilight Zone An Assembly '95 production. GUS/SB/NOSOUND. |
6873 | CC_RTF.ZIP | 400733 | 17.02.1995 | - | - | - | Capacala: Da Real Thing bug fix No-sound support. |
6874 | CC_UREAH.ZIP | 941618 | 06.05.1995 | koko⁴ | ratsnest2.iso | - | The Unreal Thing by Capacala A demo released on 12.4.1995 |
6875 | CD2-TRN.ZIP | 2079793 | 26.01.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Crystal Dreams II by Triton |
6876 | CDW-FW.ZIP | 38340 | 24.04.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | FireWork |
7710 | CDX_ICE.ZIP | 932,7 kt | 01.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | tpolm&calodox present: Vanilla-strawberry hot-chocolate icecream-drink-recipe demo. partyversion fred, dake, feather, distance. dos, gus/sb. |
7711 | CHINADO.ZIP | 7,2 Mt | 16.04.2000 | - | - | - | The Party 1999 demo: Codename Chinadoll, by katastro.fi. PC Accelerated. Direct3D & Glide. www.katastro.fi |
62065 | CHYKKEN.ZIP | 364874 | 24.04.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | CHIKKEN ZUUL DESIGN contribution to the WIRED'94 PC demo Competition. |
62073 | CIRCUIT.ZIP | 1462028 | 10.02.1996 | - | - | - | Circuit by Analogue Demo from the Party 5 |
62126 | CLAIR.ZIP | 182651 | 12.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Acme: Clairvoyance SoundDemo. |
62129 | CLASH.ZIP | 406374 | 12.05.1996 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Grif: Clash (Scenest'95 winner) |
62132 | CLASSIKA.ZIP | 600579 | 12.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Renegade: Classika |
7712 | CLDX-BTB.ZIP | 5,5 Mt | 30.08.2000 | - | - | - | Back to Black by calodoxPlaced 2nd at demo compo in Buenzli 2k with 124 points. |
7713 | CLN_BABY.ZIP | 598,9 kt | 20.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Hello baby! Clownzposseslc Ambience 99 Demo compo. " |
7714 | CLOUDBST.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Cloudburst - demo entry from se97 2nd place min:vesa2.0 soundcard,16mb ram, p133mhz. purple. - FINAL RELEASE - |
62173 | CLX_DOPE.ZIP | 909480 | 14.04.1996 | koko⁴ | ratsnest2.iso | - | Complex: DoPE jmagic/jugi/reward from Gathering 95 democompo |
62174 | CLX_XTAL.ZIP | 1444205 | 19.10.1995 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | XTAL by Complex (scenario'95, final version). |
62170 | CLX-DOPE.ZIP | 912547 | 15.04.1995 | renamed | 20199/2015-02-07.ftp.sten.lv.tar | - | CoMPLEX DoPE jmagic/jugi/reward from The Gathering 95 democompo |
62181 | CMA_DGST.ZIP | 794742 | 14.04.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | camorra presents: DISGUST 1st place at Proba Generalna II req: 486 & GUS/SB |
7715 | CMA_DICE.ZIP | 57,6 kt | 18.02.1997 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | coma : dice |
7716 | CMA_EXPO.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 06.02.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Coma "exposure" Demovirne dune/orange linnut |
62184 | CMA_GUST.ZIP | 727661 | 20.02.1995 | ClamAV: Win.Trojan.1226B-1 FOUND | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | CAMORRA presents GUST The final bugfree version, colorful and dynamic trackmo released on 10th February |
7717 | CNF-STLE.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 22.07.2000 | - | - | - | "CNF Style by ConfinePlaced 2nd at accelerated pc demo compo in remedy00 with 119 points." |
6880 | COC_HALO.ZIP | 1668162 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | coc: h a l o - the illumination an abduction release by coc, 1996 |
6884 | COC_TFER.ZIP | 817359 | 09.02.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | a cobra creations creation'96: TORUS FOREVER nth at the juhla 3.14 democompo |
62221 | COC-MUNA.ZIP | 476932 | 17.10.1996 | renamed | 14704/modiromppu.iso | tupla | coc presents an eggy demo egg'o'trip bugfixed came 2nd at demolition'96 . |
62222 | COCAHOLC.ZIP | 67852 | 12.05.1996 | - | scene.org | tupla | Hazard: Cocaholic (Asm'95) |
6885 | COFFEE.ZIP | 36188 | 12.05.1996 | - | scene.org | eritupla | Cool Prods: Coffee Overdose |
7718 | COIRA_BY.ZIP | 237,1 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Coira by Unique.13th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
6886 | COLORS.ZIP | 1191764 | 14.04.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | A-MEN WEEKEND SECTION presents a demo called C O L O R S Requires: 486 vesa2.0 Supports: GUS SILENCE TRUE/HI/LOW COLORMODES |
7719 | COMA_VRN.ZIP | 1015,8 kt | 16.11.1997 | - | 22655/cd joystick No88 decembre 1997.iso | - | "Coma: Virne2nd at Scenario97 " |
6889 | COMA.ZIP | 514358 | 12.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Fear Factory: Comatose (The Party '94) |
6887 | COMAWASM.A01 | 1237616 | 19.08.1996 | - | 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso | - | Coma: Washing machine 2/2 Assembly'96 PC-demo competition non qualified |
6888 | COMAWASM.ARJ | 1456316 | 19.08.1996 | - | 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso | - | Coma: Washing machine 1/2 Assembly'96 PC-demo competition non qualified |
6890 | COMICD.ZIP | 367974 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | Comic placed second on the Warp democontest by IBM. The effects are unbelievable, and this is made in Finland. |
7720 | COMPOST.ZIP | 925,6 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | TP6 democompo "Compost" by Orange |
6892 | CONTAGIO.ZIP | 1116131 | 27.02.1995 | - | 21831/Plex6.mdf | - | The Coexistence: Contagion Requires: VGA, GUS, 386 |
6893 | CONTRO.ZIP | 145415 | 12.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Purple: Contro (GUS/SB(P)/SILENCE) |
62307 | COSMIC.ZIP | 1260301 | 17.02.1995 | - | scene.org | eritupla | THe Message From The Cosmic Brothers by COMPLEX A HABIT-FORMING cosmic demo experience with SUPER-SMOOTH, ULTRA-FAST VGA Full Screen Video Motion in FULL COLOR and PROFESSIONAL QUALITY! Equipped with Multichannel Stereo Digital Audio via Gravis Ultrasound, this revolutionary piece of artwork really gives a |
6896 | COSMOS!.ZIP | 477847 | 27.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | live!: COSMOS (GUS) |
6897 | COUNTDWN.ZIP | 1046315 | 08.01.1996 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | Countdown Contribution for Wired'95 PC Demo. Super Vga 3DVector Demonstration. |
7721 | CRS-TRVL.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 18.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Cryonics: Travelling (Asm97 PC Demo, 5th) |
62469 | CTH51.ZIP | 377850 | 11.03.1995 | - | - | - | Cthugha 5.1-An Oscilliscope on Acid Connect your SB/GUS to your Line-In or CD-ROM, and watch the hypnotic patterns formed by the music. CD-Player interface, mind-blowing rotating flames. |
62474 | CTSTSTP1.ZIP | 832705 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Cubic Team & $een: Toasted 1/2 Asm96 demo, 2nd place. |
62475 | CTSTSTP2.ZIP | 1441037 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Cubic Team & $een: Toasted 2/2 |
7722 | CYBOMAN2.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | eritupla | "Cyboman 2" by komplex2nd in the Assembly \'99 Java-demo compo. |
7723 | DAM_CLO.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Cod Liver Oil" by Damones2nd in the Assembly \'99 PC non-accelerated demo compo. |
62632 | DARKP.ZIP | 422124 | 15.05.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Dark Purpose Presented at NAID '95 |
62641 | DASK04.ZIP | 181647 | 22.02.1995 | - | scene.org | - | DASKMiG Illusions ISSUE IV It's just so real! Brand new interface! Reliable charts! Lotsa articles! Beautiful graphics! Nice music! Cool intro! And more! Read about why The Party'94 was such a disaster! _HUGE_ Party'94 report! Now with SVGA support too! Great GFX! |
62661 | DAYDREAM.ZIP | 1783133 | 20.08.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Japotek: Daydream Asm96 demo, 6th place, SB/GUS, Pentium & Interwave recommended. |
62674 | DBWEDTRO.ZIP | 508058 | 22.07.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Dubious WedTro" Intro Demo Multimedia Dee Dubius Hysteria sYmptom Aggression Nitro of Dubius got married!! Congrats can be emailed:nitro@venture.fipnet.fi (VESA VBE 1.2 + GUS/SB/SB-PRO/NOSOUND) |
62677 | DCB_TCEF.ZIP | 1349242 | 09.08.1996 | - | 22645/cd joy 78 No20.iso | - | Da Cheez Brigade: Trans Cheddar Express 1st at NAiD'96! (release rersion) 486/80+GUS |
62686 | DDG_MEEP.ZIP | 1215502 | 09.08.1996 | - | 22645/cd joy 78 No20.iso | - | Digitize Design Group 1996: MEEP (Abd'96) |
7730 | DE.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 14.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Different Enginezden / satori distance / lackluster demobit 2000 demo compo 2nd |
62719 | DEAPARCA.ZIP | 1103343 | 12.05.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | The Underworld Corporation: Dea Parca (Asm95) |
7724 | DEEPNES.ZIP | 3,4 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Deepnes - Delphium 2" by Essex5th in the Assembly \'99 PC non-accelerated demo compo. |
7725 | DELIR.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 21.03.1999 | - | 22662/JOYCD95_1.iso | - | Delirious Phase III Vision/Quicksilver Sprocket/Unique .and. G-Day/Quad Refund P150Mhz/SNDcard/16Mb/VESA2.0 TAKEOVER.98 OLDSKOOL 1998 |
62769 | DEMFEVER.ZIP | 499674 | 12.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Dem: Fever fixed (Asm'95) |
6898 | DEMO4.ZIP | 46071 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | DEMO 4 By LANCER 199X TEAM An intro which looks like C64-Intros. Requires a 386 33sx and VGA. You need Gravis UltraSound for playing music. |
6899 | DEMO5.ZIP | 94396 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | DEMO 5 By LANCER 199X TEAM An intro which looks like C64-Intros. Requires a 486 33dx and VGA. Uses Midas Sound System for playing music. |
6900 | DEMO6.ZIP | 87139 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | DEMO 6 By LANCER 199X TEAM An intro which looks like C64-Intros. Requires a 486 33dx and VGA. Uses Midas Sound System for music. |
7726 | DEMO7.ZIP | 124,9 kt | 23.11.1997 | - | - | - | DEMO 7 By LANCER 199X TEAM. An intro which looks like C64-Intros. Some additional PC effects included. Requires a 486 66dx and a FAST VGA card. Uses Midas Sound System for playing music. ÿÿÿÿÿ |
6901 | DEMO96PC.ZIP | 158418 | 08.04.1996 | - | - | - | Demolition '96 - The official PC invitation The party will be held at: Joensuu, 26. - 28. 4. 1996 Includes: Invitation texts, pc-intro and map to partyplace. |
7727 | DEMOJA.ZIP | 49,2 kt | 26.11.1997 | - | - | - | Tony Illman on tehnyt taas hienoja DEMOJA. |
7729 | DEMON.ZIP | 831,6 kt | 21.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Demonstration |
7728 | DEMONIC.ZIP | 2 Mt | 31.08.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Demonic by Refinition & DimercisAssembly98 Windows demo." |
6903 | DENONDEC.ZIP | 1425921 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Purple: Den Onde Corporation (SE'96) |
6904 | DENTAALI.ZIP | 514673 | 05.12.1996 | - | scene.org | - | tArzAn tuotanto: DentaaliSpirantti (TMDC) |
6905 | DERMUUMI.ZIP | 1280704 | 08.01.1996 | - | - | - | Muumidemo. |
6911 | DISORDER.ZIP | 265454 | 12.05.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Halcyon: Disorder (Juhla'95) (GUS/SILENCE) |
6912 | DITCH.ZIP | 1031169 | 05.05.1996 | - | 22645/cd joy 78 No20.iso | - | SPiRiT NEW STYLE: "Ditch" (Demo), X'96 |
6913 | DIVERGE.ZIP | 410371 | 12.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Xtatic: Divergence |
7731 | DLB-BREZ.ZIP | 930,1 kt | 21.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Barbie meets Eazy-E Delabu Alama Code and music by FACGraphics by Manolo Coven98" |
6914 | DM.ZIP | 1167543 | 12.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Legend Design: Digital Matrix |
7732 | DMG_JAZZ.ZIP | 1017,7 kt | 01.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Insect jazz damage lo-fi demo released at elevator 2000 The jukka brothers: therion.vent.db |
7733 | DOLPH.ZIP | 124 kt | 09.06.1999 | - | scene.org | - | (`what do you want to do today) dolph ? 256k dentro for remedy from the replay demo brewery. june sb+gus usmp |
7734 | DREAM_BY.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 20.08.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | " Dream ultrabright Assembly98 demo bca - shrine" |
6921 | DREAM.ZIP | 1381850 | 09.02.1996 | - | scene.org | - | dream. a Jamm *demo* from The Party 1995. |
6923 | DROP_1ST.ZIP | 261542 | 22.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | GRUNT: "drop" (demo). VGA/GUS/SB |
7735 | DRYSTAL_.ZIP | 268,9 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Drystal Cream 2.5 by HeadcrasH.8th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
7736 | DSD_STGM.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 08.06.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Doomsday : Stigma Abduction 98 democompo entry |
7737 | DSD_WISH.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 16.11.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Doomsday: I wish I was a skijumper |
7738 | DSS_ROT.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 21.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | D-O-S-I-S |
6924 | DST_BNW.ZIP | 682003 | 22.05.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Black And White by DiStorSion |
6930 | E_LISA.ZIP | 970632 | 12.09.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | ECLIPSE presents LISA for the GASP Party 11-15 August 1995 386/GUS/SB/VESA |
6925 | EASYPRIN.LHA | 121638 | 31.12.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | EasyPrint. Allows you to print high-qualityimages. |
7739 | EBOBR.ZIP | 207,3 kt | 14.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | ELEVEN BITS OF BIG RESET presented on DEMOBIT 2000 in Nitra |
6926 | EC.ZIP | 370322 | 17.02.1995 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | EYE CATCHER A 1994 S!P Production released at ASM'94 |
6927 | EDEN.ZIP | 1349337 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Psychic Monks: Elastic |
7740 | EDISON.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Edison" by TsT. 6th in the Assembly \'99 PC demo compo. |
7741 | EFK-PLAS.ZIP | 754,9 kt | 21.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | ELEFANTKLUBBEN in cooperation with . . Leuctturm Produktion and D.A.F. H\\E presents 19th of May .. the offical celebration of, the day of plast . p100/8Mb/VESA/SB/GUS/ESS/etc(midas).e.f.k. |
7742 | EG8-2.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 21.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | 2 by eastgate - ss3 PC demo #1 Final version. |
7743 | EG8ANGER.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 21.03.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "anger demo c98 eastgate yalp98 1st prize" |
7744 | ELECPLEA.ZIP | 862,1 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 17th place electronic pleasure by Loop. a demonstration on personal computer system. by loop, toxic varm bajs. (kådnalle och sjö måser mm.) |
7745 | EMF_VRS2.ZIP | 512615 | 19.05.1995 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Verses, rev II An Electromotive Force production Winner of Assembly '94 demo compo |
7746 | EN_HALUA.ZIP | 7,2 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | en haluaisi olla by damage.6th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
7747 | ENLIGHT_.ZIP | 6,9 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Enlight The Surreal by Noice.9th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
6935 | EPSILON.ZIP | 405020 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Infiny productions: Epsilon |
7748 | EROTICS.ZIP | 334,8 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | zak.fi | - | Swedish Erotics-demo fr†n -\x8fkesoft- |
7749 | ERROR.ZIP | 361,4 kt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | eritupla | "Error inside" by fat chili team. 7th in the Assembly \'99 PC demo compo. |
6936 | ESCAPE.ZIP | 863837 | 08.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | ESCAPE Megademo - Released at the Wired'95 by MWB Corporation |
7750 | EUPHORIA.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | eritupla | "Euphoria" by Pyrotech. 3rd in the Assembly \'99 PC non-accelerated demo compo. |
7751 | EVOLUTIO.ZIP | 4,8 Mt | 09.08.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | "Evolution" by Amuq Creations. 5th in the Assembly \'99 PC demo compo. |
7752 | EXC_SPLD.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 18.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Splendid (Asm97 PC demo) |
6938 | EXCUSE.ZIP | 1819827 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Omicron: No-Excuse (Icing'95 winner) |
7753 | EXPIRATI.ZIP | 5,1 Mt | 09.09.2000 | - | 22686/cd joystick no119 octobre 2000 cd 2.iso | - | Expirati by Peon. Placed 1st at demo compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7754 | EXPLICIT.ZIP | 5,4 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Explicit Supremacy by Apocalypse Design.15th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
6941 | EXPRESSN.ZIP | 296296 | 13.05.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | 3Some: Expression (Maid'95) |
6943 | FACES.ZIP | 1198813 | 09.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | FACES by NOSTALGIA. * The Party 5 Demo- Competition * This is the PARTY VERSION |
6945 | FAKEDEMO.ZIP | 335429 | 13.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Pelusa'93: Fakedemo (+ Source) |
6947 | FARTART.ZIP | 512183 | 05.12.1996 | - | scene.org | - | * FARTART - tAAt 3rd kontribution to TMDC. |
6949 | FBOOM.ZIP | 58061 | 20.09.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | SPIRIT presents: FINAL BOOM OR * WHAT YOU CAN DO WITH A TORUS * Released at Bizarre '95 * |
6950 | FC_PAN.ZIP | 906073 | 17.02.1995 | - | - | - | Future Crew presents PANIC VGA/SB/SBPro DEMO |
6951 | FCY-DFRM.ZIP | 1374875 | 31.12.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Faculty: Deform (Flag'96, 486+/Gus/8mb) |
6953 | FDG_REC.ZIP | 394547 | 13.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Fudge: The Recipe (Summer Encounter '95) |
7755 | FIRE!FIX.ZIP | 550,3 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Bizarre99 - Normal DemocompoEntry Name: Fire! Group: SCreW OS: prefered 100% DOS Hardware: Soundblaster 1.0/2.0/16/Pro or GUS " |
6961 | FISTROPI.ZIP | 756232 | 14.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Fistropia by deadline. |
6965 | FL-NAFT.ZIP | 424425 | 05.12.1995 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Fuel presents their first demo: NAFT PLEASE first released at Wired'95 |
6963 | FLIGHT_.ZIP | 1340747 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Sunrice Industry: Flight (DemoBit'95) |
7756 | FLOW_OUT.ZIP | 912,5 kt | 20.08.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "f l o w o u t assembly98demo t d o p" |
6968 | FLOW.ZIP | 1145699 | 09.02.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Flow by Craze Demo from the Party 5 |
6967 | FLOWER.ZIP | 339907 | 22.06.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Recreation: Flower, Abduction'96 demo |
6969 | FNS_NAOM.ZIP | 341350 | 27.06.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Finesse: Naomi (Remedy'96 demo) |
7757 | FR05_P.ZIP | 7,4 Mt | 24.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "FR05: Konsum by Farb-Rausch. Placed 2nd at demo compo in evoke00 with 191 points." |
6978 | FSN_DSY.ZIP | 354413 | 05.11.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Fascination: Daisy |
6979 | FSN_HIVE.ZIP | 881688 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Fascination: Hive (Abduction'95 winner) |
6980 | FSN_SPL1.ZIP | 224667 | 25.10.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Fascination: Splash, Issue #1 |
6981 | FSN_SPL2.ZIP | 520190 | 08.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Fascination: Splash, Issue #2 |
6984 | FTJ_LOVE.ZIP | 3080195 | 06.05.1996 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Plant: Divine Booty |
6985 | FTJ_PIKA.ZIP | 547751 | 02.07.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Cyboman 3 Juhla'95 Partyrelease The Honeynut Loop |
7758 | FUSION_B.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 20.08.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Fusion by Bad KarmaAssembly98 spook.organic.keinonen.jokke" |
6987 | G95INTRO.ZIP | 408923 | 13.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Scoop & Spaceballs: Gathering'95 inv. demo |
7759 | GARFIELD.ZIP | 1004,9 kt | 17.04.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Garfield by BranchThis file is FIRST Demo of bRANCH. - SceNEst Timeplay: 3.39 min No EMS, min 8 MB RAM! Code: Fec Msx: Peszka Gfx: Steven, Rat, Pety Tracer: Laza Design: ErniE, Fec |
7760 | GASOLINE.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | 22675/cd joystick no108 octobre 1999.iso | - | "Gasoline" by recreationAssembly \'99 PC non-accelerated demo compo winner. |
7761 | GATEWAYS.ZIP | 3,5 Mt | 09.08.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "Trauma: GatewaysAssembly98 demo" |
7762 | GBH_LOST.ZIP | 652,8 kt | 17.04.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Lost by GBHDemo for the PC-demo compo held at TG98. Made by GBH on 11.04.98. |
7763 | GIGER_BY.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 20.08.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | asm98 recreation demo |
7764 | GOATOLOG.ZIP | 183,3 kt | 16.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Goatology by Noice.4th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
6991 | GOEASTER.ZIP | 308540 | 23.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | A VERHOT PRODUCTION FOR NAID'95. GO EASTER REQ: A COMPUTER, GUS |
6992 | GOFORTHE.ZIP | 890495 | 18.01.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | koko¹ | eritupla | This pack is Majic 12's musicdisk which was released at The Party III on Amiga and it's out on PC at The Party IV's time Go For The Record II composers: Chorus & Sid |
6993 | GOLDORAK.ZIP | 1104013 | 16.08.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | GOLDORAK - A Demo by REAL-TIME - 1st place At SIH'95 - GUS Support |
6994 | GOO.ZIP | 799470 | 31.12.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Mooze: GOO |
7765 | GRAFDEMO.ZIP | 403,6 kt | 22.04.1998 | - | - | - | GraffaDemo by PuavoHardGraffaDemo PuavoHardin toinen demoscene. Käyttää MIDAS sound systemiä. |
64601 | GROOVE.ZIP | 808688 | 09.02.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Groove by Fudge Demo from the Party 5 |
7766 | GRUDGE.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Grudge by RREThe Party 8 PC demo competition 14th place. |
7767 | GRUNDLAG.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | Grundlagenforschung by Cer The Party 8 PC demo competition 15th place / digital underground brings ya sth calld grundlagenforschung digital underground http://www.dug.home.ml.org |
7768 | GTB_SUPA.ZIP | 64,1 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | ratsnest3.iso | - | Ghetto broz: Super (Asm97 Java demo) |
7769 | GWAYWINF.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 31.10.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Trauma: Gateways, Win32 version. Full TRAUMA GATEWAYS - 1ST AT ASM98 WIN32 VERSION *FULL PACKAGE* http://sauna.net/trauma |
7770 | GWAYWINU.ZIP | 267,6 kt | 31.10.1998 | - | - | - | Trauma: Gateways, Win32 version, update.TRAUMA GATEWAYS - 1ST AT ASM98 WIN32 VERSION *UPDATE* (requires the original DOS version) http://sauna.net/trauma |
7779 | H-LIFE.ZIP | 3,7 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | 22675/cd joystick no108 octobre 1999.iso | - | h-life gravity#4 win32 opengl tetno pmsan@promail.pl spy spy@xox.pl raiden raiden@satkabel.com.pl |
64652 | H!DISORD.ZIP | 276570 | 27.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Halcyon presents: Disorder Released at JUHLA '95 gus & nosound |
64654 | H!INNU.ZIP | 377428 | 25.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | .halcyon [innuendo] - juhla.pii-democompo |
64655 | H!KARMA.ZIP | 489082 | 05.11.1995 | koko⁴ | ratsnest2.iso | - | .karma halcyon. |
64656 | H!KLOONI.ZIP | 164961 | 07.06.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | daclone, :halcyon: 386+gus+sb |
64657 | H!LIFE.ZIP | 297925 | 02.07.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Lifeforms monitor demu computer |
7771 | HALSAINT.ZIP | 962 kt | 16.11.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Saint - Halcyon and da jormas! Presentation for asm1997. coding - blitz, gfx - plc, meshes - ren, music - naks pam vesuri Party version. |
7772 | HANNU_K.ZIP | 3 Mt | 20.08.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Hannu & Kerttu 2000 by m0ppi productions.Assembly98 PC Demo." |
7773 | HAUGYJOB.ZIP | 7,2 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | HAUgyJOBB by Astral.Accelerated PC demo. 8th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
64792 | HEXFILES.ZIP | 806343 | 13.05.1996 | - | 7512/trixter.zip | - | HEXFILES by NOD, From The Gathering'95 |
64824 | HIRRRR.ZIP | 109900 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | da hirmu demo dINo sAURUS dEM0 |
7774 | HJB_FEEL.ZIP | 5,5 Mt | 07.08.2000 | - | 22683/cd joystick no116 juin 2000 cd2.iso | - | "Strange feelings by Haujobb. Placed 4th at pc demo compo in mekka&sympossium00 with 220 points." |
7775 | HJB_HOPE.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 07.08.2000 | - | 14461/CD_Magazyn_EXEC_nr_2.iso | - | "Hope Strange by Inferno / Haujobb. Placed 1st at alternative gfx compo in mekka&sympossium00 with 124 points." |
7776 | HJB_MIST.ZIP | 7 Mt | 07.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Mikro Strange by Acryl & Hellfire of HaujoPlaced 2nd at pc demo compo in mekka&sympossium00 with 248 points." |
7777 | HJB_TEW.ZIP | 543,2 kt | 15.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | True Evil Witch by HaujobbPlaced 2nd at oldskool demo compo in ltp4 with 156 points. |
7778 | HJB_TRIP.ZIP | 1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Oldskool Trippin by Haujobb.Winner of the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
64840 | HOAXMAG6.ZIP | 590486 | 16.08.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | HOAX mag #6 An Epical production 1995, Released 9.8. GUS/PAS/SB/WSS/NOSOUND Suosi Suomalaista! |
64841 | HOAXTRO.ZIP | 227966 | 06.07.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | HOAX information intro An Epical production 1995 Includes information of the forthcoming Hoax-magazine#6! About the features in it and of course the voting form! Released 02.07.1995 |
64850 | HOLISTIC.ZIP | 1089464 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | CASCADA VIRTUAL REALITY SECTION presents HOLISTIC Second place at Asm'94 VGA, 4MB, 386 required GUS,486/66 recommended |
7780 | HOWCAN.ZIP | 295,2 kt | 27.10.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "REALITY BENDERS: HOW CAN YOU GET YOURS? asm97 demo. final version." |
7781 | HUMANISM.ZIP | 360,5 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 20th place My Fellow Human Beings by Skraappa Skruuppi SKR! HUMANISM SkraappaSkruuppi loves everybody @ The Party 1998 Peace, Love and all nice things |
7001 | HURRY.ZIP | 733236 | 09.02.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Hurry by Panic Demo from the party 5 |
7791 | I_YODEL.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "I" by Yodel. Assembly \'99 Java-demo compo winner. |
7790 | I-WANT-T.ZIP | 688,3 kt | 20.08.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | i want to believe primitive - asm98 ** gee whizz ** |
7782 | IDEALEAK.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 09.08.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "Assembly98 PC demo: tAAt - Idealeak" |
7783 | IF.ZIP | 2 Mt | 14.03.2000 | - | - | - | Title: Interpolation forever Made by: Styx - code, 3d Goldmaster - soundtrack Requirements: - x86 with MMX for 24/32bit color detph without MMX for 15/16bit color depth - soundcard for sound Done for DemoBitZeroZero (demo compo). |
7006 | IGLOO_FL.ZIP | 1068924 | 31.12.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Igloo: Flirt (Final version), 4th at Saturne |
7008 | IGN_PUMP.ZIP | 550642 | 05.11.1995 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Pump A Party coding experiment (C) Copyright 1995 by Iguana 1st place at the Euskal Party |
7784 | IHANKIVA.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | 22672/cd joystick no105 juin 1999.iso | - | PROXY99 DEMO #3 "Ihan kiva" - Future Dimensions |
7009 | IMAGES.ZIP | 1387124 | 17.02.1995 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | IMAGES by EPICAL in 1994 This demo came 5th at ASM'94 386+, GUS / No Sound |
7010 | IMG_ANCR.ZIP | 509569 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Image: Ancient Routines |
7785 | IMG_FALL.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Image! VR section presents "Flying - Falling with style" req: 3dfx, windows95/98, enough memory (32?),Glide 2.xx Amb\'99 - Venlo - 26,27,28 feb |
65090 | IMPHOB#8.ZIP | 1130531 | 23.02.1995 | - | - | - | IMPHOBIA You Thought we were dead? THE PREMIUM PC-DISKMAG is back for a while with a fabulous issue, tons of articles, a new design and the promised GUS Support!! |
65091 | IMPHOB#9.ZIP | 1396791 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | IMPHOBIA iSSUE NiNE Tree months passed... Imphobia strikes back again with another cool issue, tons of Articles, Reviews, Interviews, Party Reports musics and nice arts! |
7012 | IMPHOB11.ZIP | 1226569 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | IMPHOBIA ISSUE 1 1 . released at x-mas 95 . support Sb and Gravis Ultrasound . |
7013 | IMPHOB12.ZIP | 1389069 | 04.10.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Imphobia issue 12, diskmag. |
7017 | INCENTIV.ZIP | 204314 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | DID: Incentiv (The Party 94) |
7786 | INFUGODS.ZIP | 5,7 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | "The Party 8: Windows 98 Demo1st place. INCOMING FUTURE by gOds for The Party98 Odin-Liszt-Soni-Bridgeclaw" |
7787 | INFY2000.ZIP | 3,9 Mt | 19.07.1999 | - | scene.org | - | INF yúuúmúeú2000 ( future world mix ) the gathering 1999 demo release version unpack with subdirectories! dos/win95/98/nt.fast cpu.ram INF(c)99 placed 1st 04.29.99 |
7788 | INFYUME2.ZIP | 5,1 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 3rd place. Yume 2 by INF. |
7789 | INQ-REFL.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | " R E F L E C T I O N S A n t I Q9 8 D E M O e n t r y b y I n q u i s i t i o n " |
7019 | INSIGHT1.ZIP | 1082179 | 19.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | iNSIGHT #1 ≡ A Scene DiskMag This is it! Finally, Insight is here, now you check it out! Gfx : Unique & Wolverine Sfx : Diablo, Cygnes & Heretic Invite-tro : The Clan Over 450 pages & SVGA Interface GUS/SB/PAS/WSS/Nosound Mouse Required! |
65154 | INSOMN.ZIP | 253460 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Yeti: The Insomnia (Gathering'95) |
65179 | INTODARK.ZIP | 543240 | 05.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | halcyon - into the dark - 386 gus sb |
65252 | ITP.ZIP | 1251638 | 13.05.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Paradse: Into the Pentagram |
65293 | J95_2IN.ZIP | 242621 | 01.07.1995 | - | - | - | Juhla'95 part 2½, Final Invitation Orange production |
7792 | JATOUCH.ZIP | 9,9 Mt | 15.09.2000 | - | - | - | Just a Touch of Funk by Digital MurderPlaced 1st at demo compo in ltp4 with 679 points. |
7793 | JAVANKKA.ZIP | 70,5 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Five Coders: Java Ankka (Asm97 javademo) |
7794 | JDUCKSRC.ZIP | 75,1 kt | 14.01.1998 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Full source to Jave Demo Ankka. |
7795 | JESUS.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 31.05.1998 | - | 16622/Shareware Supreme Games.iso | - | Jesus "God is dead" a demo by 3G Design Juhla V p100 |
7797 | JITD_3RD.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 16.01.1998 | - | - | - | Journey into the deep! "a demo" by 3rd generation. req: Fast 486, 2 megs of ram, Sb/Gus/Nosound |
7796 | JITD2_3G.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 03.03.1998 | - | - | - | A Demo by 3G Desing: Journey into the deep 2. Req. slow pentium. 1998. |
7798 | JOBSUCHE.ZIP | 382,8 kt | 07.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Jobbsuche by Pap & Skyrunner. Placed 1st at fast intro compo in mekka&sympossium00 with 211 points." |
65416 | JOOP.ZIP | 84550 | 06.05.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Joop! A creation demo released at VC'95 |
65437 | JUHLA2.ZIP | 149816 | 24.04.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | PRE-INVITATION TO JUHLA'95 2½ - THE 2ND GEAR A party in Iisalmi, Finland |
65441 | JUICE.ZIP | 862923 | 16.08.1995 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | Juice, A demo by Psychic Link From Assembly'95 PC DEMO compo (came 2nd) |
65442 | JUICE11.ZIP | 868790 | 17.11.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Juice 1.1 by Psychic Link. |
7799 | K6FEET.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 7th place 6 feet Kolor |
7800 | KAARINA.ZIP | 86,1 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | PROXY99 DEMO #7 "Kaarina" - Ninja Gefilus |
65512 | KAN-JES.ZIP | 39674 | 05.12.1996 | - | - | - | kANiStERi: jYrkI sÄhkÖ sAUnA from Scenario '96 |
7801 | KASPA21.ZIP | 4,2 Mt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | Kasparov Final 2.1 by Elitegroup. The Party 99 - PC accelerated winner. DOS. |
7802 | KDP_PYY.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "pyy" by kooma & doomsday & pyy. 4th in the Assembly \'99 PC non-accelerated demo compo. |
7803 | KESKEYTE.ZIP | 849,1 kt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "keskeytetty yhdyntä damones98 pclle driimhäkmäkeillä. juustoa ja kokista.." |
7804 | KKOWBOY.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 3rd place. kkowboy by purple+blasphemy |
65563 | KLARA2.ZIP | 662352 | 17.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Trance: Klara II +31 (The Party 4) |
7805 | KML_STRB.ZIP | 4,2 Mt | 14.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | " s t a r b u g kamelites contrib for the traxparty 2000 democompo creds: storm.dj yan.int19h " |
7806 | KNKLNKKI.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 09.10.1997 | - | scene.org | - | -GREIPPIHAALARIT- tAAt 1997 "teknorave" demo. |
7807 | KOOMAVIR.ZIP | 617,6 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8: Windows 98 demo. 4th place. Coma. virne under windows. windows 9598NT Dirext X |
7808 | KPXDOZEN.ZIP | 82,5 kt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "do zen" by komplex. 3rd in the Assembly \'99 PC demo compo. |
65593 | KTC_XM95.ZIP | 149993 | 09.02.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Kinetic proudly presents: XMAS'95 demo!! Grab it now! Supports:486+/GUS/SB/PAS |
7809 | KYTTKUKS.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Käyttökuksa" by tAAt.4th in the Assembly \'99 PC demo compo. |
7816 | L&W_3RDF.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | Lights & Waves! An asm97 demo by 3rd Generation. Req: Pentium, 2 megs of ram, SB/Gus/Nosound. || |
7810 | LABEL-SK.ZIP | 815 kt | 18.09.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | demo Skyscape Label wir98 |
7811 | LAIN_OTK.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Lain" by OtakInc. 3rd in the Assembly \'99 Java-demo compo. |
7812 | LAPSUS.ZIP | 9,3 Mt | 15.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | lapsus by maturefurk.3rd in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
65670 | LD-WAR.ZIP | 2489622 | 17.02.1995 | - | - | - | Legend Design 1994 presents WARP BUGFIX ASSEMBLY 1994 CD ROM Version |
65680 | LEFT_SYN.ZIP | 34888 | 24.04.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | LEFT - by Syndicate A Cache '95 Release Req: 386Dx (486Dx2 recomm.) Gus (optional) |
65691 | LEROY.ZIP | 2767547 | 02.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Xtacy: LEROY - Released at the SE96 - SB/GUS Support - 8 MB (SB: 9MB) - Pentium prefered |
7813 | LEVEL2.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 14.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | " PEONDEMO LEVELTWO DEMOBIT0 OPENGL Music - Unknown artist (at least we do not know the compose r) Its from the Lord Of The Dance musical l2window - final windowed versionruns windowed (we are so rryour fullscreenstwitching procedure works very weird) l2fullsc - final fullscreen versionruns fullscreen in you" |
65701 | LGM_KOSM.ZIP | 1033565 | 24.10.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Kosmic: Little Green Men An ASM'95 demo. Do YOU have a little green man? |
7814 | LIVEEVIL.ZIP | 6,9 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | live evil by Mandula.11th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
65743 | LIVELOVE.ZIP | 367511 | 25.10.1995 | - | scene.org | - | LOVE by live! - GUS only - 12/10/95 |
65784 | LOGUS-T5.ZIP | 919443 | 31.12.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Camorra: planet LOGUS-T5 (vesa/vga truecolor) From IntelOutside 3 - Req:P5+GUS/SB |
7815 | LOTTO_BY.ZIP | 4,5 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | 22686/cd joystick no119 octobre 2000 cd 2.iso | - | Lotto by Doomsday.4th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
65847 | LUMINATI.ZIP | 505845 | 23.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Luminati: A demo in Jan 1996 by Tran. |
65848 | LUMINOUS.ZIP | 1825155 | 19.05.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Luminous by Scoop The Gathering '95 Demo Contribution |
65881 | MACHIFIX.ZIP | 21571 | 19.09.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Dubius: Machines of Madness * SB Fix & Update - (Winner of the Assembly'96 demo compo) |
65882 | MACHINES.A01 | 1456434 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | eritupla | Dubius: Machines of Madness 2/3 |
65883 | MACHINES.A02 | 955577 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | eritupla | Dubius: Machines of Madness 3/3 |
65884 | MACHINES.ARJ | 1456459 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | eritupla | Dubius: Machines of Madness 1/3 Asm96 demo, 1st place. |
7817 | MADMANIT.ZIP | 278,8 kt | 17.07.1998 | - | - | - | MADMANIT from LANCER 199X TEAM. Requirements: pentium and a Voodoo 3dfx graphics card which uses GLIDE. Midas Sound System 0.40 for playing music. Best experienced with dos, works also in WIN95 dos box, OS/2 dos box. |
7818 | MARKKU.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 16.01.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | High speed dubbing from orange. |
65988 | MASS_ULT.ZIP | 319305 | 17.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Massive: Ultimate Possibilities (X'95) |
65985 | MASS-ULT.ZIP | 319317 | 15.05.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Ultimate Possibilities by Massive X'95 DEMO COMPO |
7819 | MATRICE.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 20.08.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Assembly98 PC Demo: Matrice by Fobia Design." |
7820 | MATTILAN.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 14.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition unranked. MattiLand! -pornoversion. nGFL prod. mattimattimattima ttimattimattimatt imattimattimattim |
66038 | MC2FINAL.ZIP | 783642 | 17.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Music Contest 2 Results. |
66039 | MC3FINAL.ZIP | 17.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Music contest 3 Results. |
7821 | MEGADEMO.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 24.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | TP6 democompo, 2nd "Megablast" by Orange |
66078 | MEGAMIX.ZIP | 2315546 | 17.02.1995 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | REALTECH presents MEGAMIX VGA/DSMI demo for i386,i486 The Ultimate french MegaDEMO for ASM'94 |
66082 | MELLOW01.ZIP | 1228272 | 11.02.1996 | - | - | - | Mellow Design - Vga Premiere Pack |
66083 | MELLOW02.ZIP | 1290076 | 28.04.1996 | - | - | - | Mellow Design: VGA Artpack #02 Release date 27.04.1996 Artists: TH & Maxwell |
7822 | MELORA.ZIP | 3,4 Mt | 02.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | " AMBIENCE99 MELORA by Superstition Compo version" |
66087 | MELTDOWN.ZIP | 675481 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | A Belgian production called MELTDOWN Shown on ASSEMBLY 94 DemoCompo VGA,SBPro,GUS,WSS,PAS,Aria,DAC By Hall9000 & Binary Slave |
7823 | METATAG_.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Metatag by MadWizards.13th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
7824 | MEUK.ZIP | 4,9 kt | 07.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "4k intro: Meukby Ritz/Revolution. Placed 2nd at pc 4k intro compo in mekka&sympossium00 with 177 points." |
7825 | MFEVER.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 24.04.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | Millenium Fever, the whole family serial killer PC-demo. 1st position at Proxy 1999. Bad Karma: Spook, Organic, Keinonen, Jokke. |
7826 | MFX_B2.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | mfx - booth 2 supercompo demo gus / sb / vesa for plutonium 2 |
66117 | MFX_DS.ZIP | 814710 | 05.12.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | DIGITAL SONIC from MFX came XXst place at asm'95 demo compo 486/66+GUS+a fast VGA recommended |
66119 | MFX_RAPE.ZIP | 746141 | 27.06.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | mfx: RAPE - demo. req 486/GUS, Abduction'96. (PARTY version) |
7827 | MFX_SLUX.ZIP | 177,5 kt | 01.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | empowered by mfx the super luxus package of love presented at elevator the 3rd floor demo compo held in ylivieska finland 21.1.- 23.1.0 might have won... |
66120 | MFX_STRM.ZIP | 519582 | 09.09.1996 | - | TOTALUTILS032.iso | - | Mfx: Stream (Asm'96) |
7020 | MFX_VIHR.ZIP | 1188154 | 05.12.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | mfx. vihreät lehmät skenery 96 |
7828 | MICROLCR.ZIP | 364,9 kt | 17.07.1998 | - | - | - | MICROLCR from LANCER 199X TEAM. Requirements: pentium and a Voodoo 3dfx graphics card which uses GLIDE. Midas Sound System 0.40 for playing music. Best experienced with dos, works also in WIN95 dos box, OS/2 dos box. |
7021 | MIGHTY.ZIP | 1061605 | 17.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Xtacy: Mighty |
7830 | MIND_FIX.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 11.03.1999 | - | #hyrava | - | State of Mind demo. 2nd at THE PARTY 98 fixed version! dk.26-29 dec.98 by SKAL/MADE/KRAFTON TITAN & SENSER(c) http://bomb.citeweb.net DOS+SB16 / LINUX (libc2) / WIND0WS versions |
7022 | MINDBODY.ZIP | 1683704 | 09.02.1996 | - | - | - | mind, body and soul by omicron demo from the party 5 |
7829 | MINDCTRL.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 01.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Frankenstein Communist Government Mind Control. Bad Karma at Elevator 2000, Jokke, Keinonen, Organic, Spook, Zale. |
7831 | MINUS2K.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 24.04.1999 | - | scene.org | - | bad karma . minus 2000 jokke & organic Elevator 99 julkaisu |
7832 | MISS.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 24.11.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | miss guided aardbei summer encounter 99 |
7025 | MMDONUTS.ZIP | 394701 | 14.04.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Mmmmmmm Donuts / PoP 3rd Placed at Oz96 Stick it in ya head. |
7026 | MMF_VRS.ZIP | 508791 | 26.01.1995 | - | - | - | VERSES - Winner of the Asm'94 demo compo an EMF production |
7833 | MNR_ONIR.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 01.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Oniric Thing by MONar recordz. Presented on Analogue Party held in Cracow/Poland on 26-27/02/9 asm konop 3d tetno daf wav cedyn smoke some THC and enjoy the ride ... Full drug-abuse version. |
7834 | MOAI.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 1st place. MOAI by Nomad. Code : Ecstasy Win32 version : Ecstasy 3D & Animation : kRafton Design : kRafton & Ecstasy music : Djamm Add. gfx : OFF & Vatin |
7028 | MONEY.ZIP | 979366 | 09.02.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Money by Hyperopia Demo from the Party 5 |
7029 | MOOON_OD.ZIP | 73337 | 16.12.1995 | - | scene.org | - | orange documents presents the fascinating nature of moon |
7030 | MORPHIA.ZIP | 352713 | 17.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Bit Killers: Morphia (Gathering'95) |
7835 | MOVEFINL.ZIP | 777,1 kt | 23.09.1999 | - | scene.org | - | taymaz.dannykid.jerker.iman m o v e m e n t - RESET 3 - 1st place |
7836 | MTRAPFIN.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 03.03.1998 | - | - | - | "Trauma:Mindtrap3rd Asm97 FINAL" |
7837 | MUSHCA.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Mush ca" by tb2. Placed 5th at demo compo in demobit\'00 with 50 points. |
7037 | MVIEW.ZIP | 1192169 | 14.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | DUBIUS: "Magic View", Abduction'96 |
7051 | N!-KUB.ZIP | 229751 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Nybakat: KulturKuben demo, Icing'96 |
7838 | NAH_A801.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 9th place Analog 801 by Nah-Kolor .sleve.ooze.orbital.fame. warpig.daze.magic.beck. |
7046 | NEU-SCRC.ZIP | 1144242 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | Neurotica: "scratch", Icing'96 |
7839 | NEW_CONT.ZIP | 39,1 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | New Control by Depth & Mystic.14th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
7052 | NLIFE.ZIP | 491932 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Apollo Project: The Night Life |
7841 | NO_PANIC.ZIP | 25,5 kt | 16.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | No Panic by dekadence.7th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
7053 | NOC_BRI2.ZIP | 668521 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Noice: Bug Fixed Brilliance (Icing '95) |
7840 | NOE_OVER.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 01.10.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Noe overnaturlig grusomt som flyr! by ANUS. Points: 140, status: clean. This entry was #1 in the compo. |
7056 | NONAME00.ZIP | 561774 | 12.06.1995 | - | scene.org | - | NONAME00 (tm) by Napalm First time presented at Abduction'95 parties held in Rovaniemi, 9.-11.6.1995. |
7058 | NOOON_NO.ZIP | 1339269 | 27.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Nooon NO The final release with GUS,SB & silence support. From THE PARTY 1994 |
66607 | NOOON_ST.ZIP | 1630813 | 16.08.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Nooon STARS tK- NOOON 1995 - First shown at ASM 95 |
66637 | NOTHINON.ZIP | 1343557 | 26.03.1995 | - | scene.org | - | REN ['94] |
66671 | NTR-DIVE.ZIP | 698444 | 05.05.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | NEUTRON - The Dive .. Scenest'96 Winner-Demo |
7842 | NTRSUXX.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 07.08.2000 | - | - | - | "Nature suxx by Federation against nature. Placed 3rd at pc demo compo in mekka&sympossium00 with 230 points." |
66679 | NUTZ.ZIP | 1700876 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Hyperopia BRE! : Nutz Asm96 demo, 11th place |
66701 | OBJ_DEMO.ZIP | 679522 | 08.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Spirit: Objection Presented by Spirit at WIRED '95 |
7843 | OBLIVION.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 24.05.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | OP3DFX DEMO COMPO 2 Oblivion v1.1 By Danie Conradie |
7844 | OBS_AGRO.ZIP | 686,4 kt | 24.05.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Agroo. A quite terrible win32 demo Obscure 1998. |
7845 | OBS_HAET.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Haettenschweiler Obscure on Icing 99 |
66727 | OHNO.ZIP | 311901 | 11.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Oh No by Zool |
66747 | OLYMP31.ZIP | 1414026 | 08.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | Olympus: A 2nd demo named Olympus 31 |
7846 | OMC_LIKA.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 24.05.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Liquida omnicolour quast98, poland, democompo winner. |
66770 | ONCE_LSD.ZIP | 54848 | 11.06.1996 | renamed | scene.org | eritupla | Laserdance: Once (Wired'94) |
66769 | ONCEDEMO.ZIP | 289796 | 28.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | A demo released at Wired '94 |
66819 | OPTICA.ZIP | 311445 | 26.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Craw Productions: Optica. |
7847 | OPTICNRV.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 22.05.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Optic Nerve by Silents PC |
66820 | OPTICRON.ZIP | 574137 | 06.05.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Opticron - Tome of the Impossible by Craw Productions The 1st place winner of NAID! Demo with GUS/SB/SBpro/SB16 support |
66822 | OPTIMAL.ZIP | 981061 | 12.09.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Dubius: Optimal Torque Released at Assembly'95- Spell it Right |
7848 | ORBITAL.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 24.05.1999 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "orbital essex ja damage abd98 demo compoon luulisin" |
7849 | ORCDLIFE.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 19.11.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "Orchid & RaveUnity: Life. Our contribution to the Assembly97 PC Demo compo. Made by dNAhfl & x-ray in August 1997." |
66845 | ORG_X14.ZIP | 688348 | 02.07.1995 | - | - | - | X14 - Orange The winning demo from Juhla 2 Never failing demotaste optional. req. 386/gus |
7850 | ORIONTIS.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 28.06.2000 | - | - | - | "This Is by NiakoolJayleeDanubeKacySplifWillbe / Orion. Placed 3rd at demo compo in takeover00 with 124 points." |
66861 | OS2_COMI.ZIP | 365325 | 26.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | OS/2 Warp demo by Comic DEMO COMPO 2nd place in the IBM OS/2 Warp compo. |
66853 | OS2COMIC.ZIP | 369310 | 25.05.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | OS/2 Warp demo by Comic DEMO COMPO 2nd place in the IBM OS/2 Warp compo |
7851 | OTB-OBLI.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 24.05.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Oblivion Outbreak 1998 P100++++16MbRAM 1MbGFX, SB16 GUS, NOSOUND PC-SPEAKER. FINAL? |
66866 | OTE.ZIP | 647395 | 06.05.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Over the Edge by Sorrox The Gathering '95 Demo Contribution |
66872 | OTHERD.ZIP | 213183 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | OTHER DIMENSION by MidNight Moon A Demo from Assembly '94 SB and GUS support |
7852 | OUR_SPEE.ZIP | 284 kt | 16.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Our Speedway by Hujowa.12th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
7856 | P-DENOND.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | den onde corporation purple demonstration at smr. encountation got third place 1996 very final version gus/interwave/nosnd. og hip hurra. |
7866 | P-SKUFIN.ZIP | 614 kt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "PURPLEs SKUMLE PLANERFINAL VERSION... the singinguldfisk NAKED! Skumle Planer FINAL by Purple - Released on 27/8-95 -" |
7853 | P3M_MSOD.ZIP | 4,2 Mt | 04.07.2000 | - | - | - | "Mouse Overdose by Grunstein Studios. Placed 2nd at demo compo in plutonium00 with 95 points. (PC Accelerated)" |
7854 | PAIN0000.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 22.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | PAiN 00/00 a diskmag - the original since 1994 - http://pain.planet-d.net WINDOWS |
67026 | PAKISTAN.ZIP | 210507 | 08.01.1996 | - | - | - | Traktor: Pakistan Pakistan (might be a demo) For the Aggressive party II |
7855 | PARTY.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 12.08.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "* This is how we Party * by m.A.d Software for Assembly98" |
67162 | PENGUIN.ZIP | 1409711 | 17.02.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Zwilight Tone presents Da Pengvin Eksperiense 1st place at TCC'94! |
67176 | PERF-FIN.ZIP | 929902 | 08.01.1996 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | PERFORMANCE (final version) by LOGIC DESIGN winner of Bizarre '95 demo compo. |
67177 | PERFECT.ZIP | 1193643 | 26.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Perfect Balance by Wild Style |
7060 | PERLZ.ZIP | 1493946 | 26.05.1996 | - | 56/disk_image.bin | - | Who's That Bert: Trippin' on Megaperlz (The Party 4) |
7063 | PHANTOM.ZIP | 2056006 | 17.02.1995 | - | 5612/ASMROM94.mdf | - | The Final Option PHANTOM |
7857 | PHP_MESS.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "The Message" by Php. 11th in the PC non-accelerated demo compo. |
7068 | PITIFUL.ZIP | 111561 | 05.12.1994 | - | scene.org | - | PITIFUL d(entro/emo/istro) from sYmptom in December 1994. REQ;386&VGA&GUS/SB(PRO) |
7859 | PLASTIK.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 25.09.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | demo:plastik group:purple blah:won a great prize at se98 video:supervga hicolor 16:9 sound:sound |
7858 | PLASTIKX.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | p:l:a:s:t:i:k by purple bugfixed Win32 & DOS versions included. |
7860 | PLATIPUS.ZIP | 5,7 Mt | 02.02.2000 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Platipus by Incognita. Assembly 99, FINAL VERSION for Windows. HardCore theme in MP3 format Cool Ray tracing with Volumetric effects Real Time LOD 3d Volumetric Fog Win32, Direct3d. |
7071 | PLS_CNTC.ZIP | 3009046 | 31.12.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Pulse: Contact (winner from IntelOutside3) |
7074 | PLS_REVE.ZIP | 1014424 | 14.04.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | REVE by PULSE released at The Party V VGA - GUS/SB No description. Just watch it. |
7861 | PLUTO2.ZIP | 526,4 kt | 04.07.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Plutonium 2 by Alpha Design with Decadence. Placed 6th at demo compo in plutonium00 with 26 points. Req: 386/VGA Rec: 486/VGA/GUS. " |
7862 | PLYSFORM.ZIP | 58,5 kt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | purple lightforms 61232 bytes soundGus video15bit fin-al |
7863 | POLE.ZIP | 266,8 kt | 24.11.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | aardbei.pole.takeover.99.64k |
7864 | POROOSI.ZIP | 359,9 kt | 17.01.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | tAAt 1997: joroisissa osteopaatilla unstable The Party 1997 demo. |
7865 | PORTAAT.ZIP | 571,3 kt | 16.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | hitAAt liukuportAAt tArzAn tuotanto 1998 demo from the innerloop 98 meeting |
7078 | PRO-NUT.ZIP | 627374 | 01.07.1995 | - | 1978/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 5.iso | - | Professor nutbutter on his journey to juhla kaks et puli. mindprobe release 7 certain compo loser |
67474 | PRX_HYPE.ZIP | 849791 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Proxima: Static Hype (Gathering '95) |
67470 | PRX-HYPE.ZIP | 849817 | 06.05.1995 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Static hype by Proxima. (from The Gathering '95) |
67486 | PSD94-AD.ZIP | 718548 | 24.04.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | PSYCHOSQUAD SB, SBPRO, GUS, PAS16 ALL IN HIRES |
7867 | PSYGAZER.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 25.08.1997 | - | 22653/cd joystick No86 octobre 1997.iso | - | Xevius productions: PsyGazer |
7868 | PSYKO_KI.ZIP | 302 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Psyko Killer by Spaceballs.5th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
67526 | PUAJJJ.ZIP | 1028730 | 30.03.1995 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | PUAJJJ!!! by Ispania Toxic demo, 486DX recommended |
7869 | PUBLIC.ZIP | 63,4 kt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Public demand Purple intro for TG99 PII gus vesa |
67531 | PUKER.ZIP | 823869 | 20.09.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Success presents: "PUKER" Get this demo. Competed Bizarre. required: a good PC. |
67544 | PURENESS.ZIP | 1433215 | 26.05.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | WaterLogic: Pureness (The Scene 95 winner). |
7870 | PUSSY4U.ZIP | 68,9 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "Mooze - dmc97 intro yoho666 - final." |
67551 | PVDEMO.ZIP | 716840 | 23.05.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | PC Demo by Pretteri Productions "pertteri slideshow II" SUOMENKIELINEN!, VGA, GUS/SB/PAS/WSS/NOSND (MIDAS) WITH COOL HIDDENPART-ANIMATION |
7871 | QDCURSE.ZIP | 3,5 Mt | 14.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 8th place Curse by Quad Final Version |
67726 | RAISER.ZIP | 1179703 | 26.05.1996 | - | 21815/Pegasus_Vol_1-95.iso | - | Megabusters: Hellraiser (The Party 4). |
7872 | RAPSODY.ZIP | 6,6 Mt | 15.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Rapsody by CocoonPlaced 3rd at demo compo in ltp4 with 130 points. |
7873 | RCN-ALEX.ZIP | 1 Mt | 18.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | recreation: Alexandrei Pjortoviz (asm97 demo) |
67799 | RCN-ORZO.ZIP | 787776 | 05.12.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | recreation: D'orzo (1st in TMDC) |
67800 | RCNSERGE.ZIP | 861334 | 09.09.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | .recreation.asm'96.demo.sergei. 486 dx uses Midas |
7874 | REACHING.ZIP | 6,9 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Reaching by Unique.10th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
67826 | REALTHNG.ZIP | 1354312 | 17.02.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Capacala: The Real Thing VGA |
67828 | REBELMND.ZIP | 782271 | 12.09.1995 | - | 1980/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 7.iso | - | E P I C A L production: requires: 386, supports: GUS, SB ,SBpro, PAS, wss |
7875 | RECYCLED.ZIP | 9,1 Mt | 29.01.2002 | - | scene.org | - | Recycled by Byterapers inc. & Doomsday3rd at Assembly 2001 demo compo. |
67863 | RELIGION.ZIP | 219864 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Xtacy: Religion. |
67871 | REMIX.ZIP | 2514842 | 21.03.1995 | - | - | - | Remix by: MFX |
7876 | RESNOW.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 25.11.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "Jamm: Resurrection now12th at Assembly97" |
67894 | RESPECT.ZIP | 424625 | 07.11.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Aurora proudly release our first demo called "Respect" released at Digital Symposium '95 (2nd place PC demo) |
7877 | RETURN_B.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | RETURN by A-Men PC12th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
7878 | RINIITTR.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 11.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | "tArzAn tuotanto 1997: VASOMOTORISTA RINIITTIÄ (gus/sb/nosound etc).. Assembly97 PC Demo." |
7879 | RJ-RUSNA.ZIP | 267 kt | 25.09.1997 | - | - | - | --RUSINAJENGI PRODUCTION-- Rusna Forever Demo Rusinajengin eka demo,joka on melkein kuin intro tai ainakin lyhyt. Manko single release elikä tämän demon grafiikat, coodin ja musan on tehnyt Manko / Rusinajengi Ongelmia pyörimisen kanssa saattaa tullaa nopeammilla koneilla mutta toimii ainakin keskinopeilla 486:silla. |
67998 | ROTALIA.ZIP | 2635555 | 18.10.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Dubius: Rotaliator (5th/Skenery96 democompo) |
7880 | RPL_APE.ZIP | 4,2 Mt | 22.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Two watermelons and one indoor ape by Replay. Placed 3rd at non-accelerated pc demo compo in remedy00 with 93 points. " |
7881 | RPL_PZ.ZIP | 681,2 kt | 20.10.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | . - R E P L A Y - . PZ demo remedy 98 .airheadbalobalrogwhisker. |
7882 | RPL_SEKS.ZIP | 403,8 kt | 28.06.1999 | - | scene.org | - | after seks replay 524288 bytes dentro for bushparty seks |
7883 | RPL_STAR.ZIP | 932,6 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | roger superstar no xrated. replay pcdemo at icing 1999 |
7884 | RR2.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Realtime Radiosity 2 by Broncs. Placed 3rd at demo compo in Fiasko 2k. |
68030 | RT_6SENS.ZIP | 2356688 | 09.02.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Realtech . The 6th Sense * Super Vga 3DVector Demonstration * in HiColor - Contribution at the TP5 |
7885 | RTPAINOA.ZIP | 764,3 kt | 04.07.2000 | - | - | - | "Ainoa mahdollisuutemme by Ruotsin työväen puolue. Placed 3rd at demo compo in plutonium00 with 55 points." |
68104 | S!COCOON.ZIP | 2193582 | 14.04.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | COCOON by Surprise! Productions THE PARTY 1995 release |
7886 | SAINT.ZIP | 956,5 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Halcyon & da jormas: saint (Asm97) |
7887 | SAMBA.ZIP | 262,5 kt | 09.04.1999 | - | scene.org | - | replay 1998 "samba" kilobytes promotiondemo (c)(b)-(g)(p) midas used |
7888 | SATISFIE.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 14.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 13th place are you satisfied ? by the paranormal demo group |
7889 | SCENEFAB.ZIP | 341,4 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Scenefabu Jurputus by HP-Productions.2nd in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
68215 | SCENIAL2.ZIP | 532547 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Scenial issue #2: The Injection |
7890 | SCICEBRG.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 18.09.1999 | - | scene.org | - | The Iceberg by suburban creations @ evoke 1998. Req: P5, 16M, vbe2, midas. |
7891 | SCOOP.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 25.09.1999 | - | scene.org | eritupla | Diabolic Force presents: "Scoop!" by Shadow Bandit & Magic van Lam. |
7892 | SEALOVE.ZIP | 327,5 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Sealove of HiRMUTrue love from Demoparty99. " |
68276 | SECND_LD.ZIP | 542361 | 05.12.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Silicon Brain: Second Dream (Flag'96 LamerDemo) |
68283 | SEEDS.ZIP | 621364 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Abstract Comcepts & Digital Aurora: Seeds (The Party 4) |
68289 | SEMTEX.ZIP | 406287 | 27.02.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Semtex city by Jeskola! Productions 1st in Juhla'95 |
7893 | SEQUENCE.ZIP | 755,6 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Sequences by The Digital Artists.3rd in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
7894 | SEVEN.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 25.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | immortals: seven (Asm97 PC demo) |
7895 | SHALLOW.ZIP | 3 Mt | 23.07.2000 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | "Shallow by Insomnia. Placed 4th at demo compo in demobit00 with 58 points." |
68338 | SHAMAAN.ZIP | 411236 | 13.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | SHA-BA-LA-LEI-LAH! New demo! (from Abduction '94!) Party held in June... ...demo released in September! |
68340 | SHAPES.ZIP | 646808 | 31.12.1996 | - | scene.org | - | maak: Shapes (fudge'96 demo compo) 386+,vga,gus/sb/pas |
68357 | SHOCK.ZIP | 1328982 | 13.06.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Shock for asm'95 Demo by DCC. 386/GUS or SB. |
68360 | SHOTGUN.ZIP | 1038151 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Mindprobe: Shotgun! (Abduction'95) |
68366 | SHOW_FIX.ZIP | 696520 | 28.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Majic presents Show - GUS,386 req. |
68369 | SHRINE.ZIP | 663260 | 26.05.1996 | - | 16624/Shareware Universe The Gold Collection.iso | - | Guru Magic: Shrine v1.1 (Dexterity 1994) |
7896 | SHROOMS.ZIP | 131 kt | 30.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | shrooms by ramjam. Placed 3rd at demo compo in Buenzli 2k with 37 points. |
7897 | SISTERS.ZIP | 6,6 Mt | 23.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | HiRMU demo: The Great HiRMU Sisters The Party 99: 3D accelerated competition |
7898 | SLEEPLS.ZIP | 7,2 Mt | 07.08.2000 | - | - | - | "Sleepless by Smash Designs. Placed 1st at pc demo compo in mekka&sympossium00 with 349 points." |
7899 | SLIPSHOD.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | s l i p s h o d b y p r o f u s e a n t i q 9 8\td e m o e n t r y |
7900 | SLOOPJB.ZIP | 1006,3 kt | 14.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 16th place Sloop John B by Blocc |
68488 | SNC_WARP.ZIP | 799161 | 25.05.1995 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | OS/2 Warp demo by Sonic DEMO COMPO 3rd place in the IBM OS/2 Warp compo |
7901 | SNS_7GFN.ZIP | 985,1 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Sense: 7g. final. (Asm97 PC Demo) |
7081 | SOLSTICE.ZIP | 1694618 | 16.11.1995 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Valhalla: Solstice! Winner of the Wired 1995 demo compo. Requires 486+ (DX2+ highly recomm). 4Mb memory, 3Mb HD space. GUS/SB/SBPro/PAS/WSS. Released 14. November 1995. |
7902 | SOUNDQ.ZIP | 3,7 Mt | 01.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | SOundQ demo Elevator 2000 slow - buggy by Future Dimensions |
7084 | SP_DRST.ZIP | 1136427 | 12.09.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Dreamsteal by Surprise! Productions winnning demo from Computer Art Festival 95 held in Bydgoszcz, Poland 386+, GUS/COVOX, XMS. |
7087 | SPERM.ZIP | 935657 | 20.08.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Five Coders: Invasion of the Spermatozoa Asm96 demo, 5th place. |
7086 | SPERMAFA.ZIP | 58494 | 22.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | tpolm: Superman fantasies. Remedy'96 demo. |
7089 | SPOONFIN.ZIP | 439707 | 29.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Image: Spoon, bugfixed (SIH'95) |
7903 | SPOT_BY_.ZIP | 8,8 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | 22686/cd joystick no119 octobre 2000 cd 2.iso | - | Spot! Desktop Adventures(parti version) An experimental demonstration. Winner of the Assembly 2k demo compo. |
68605 | SPSPOT.ZIP | 1255164 | 05.12.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | * SPACELESS SPOT - "tilaton paikka" * blah == tAAt 1996 kontribution to TMDC. Go in. |
7093 | STARLITE.ZIP | 493094 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Nordic Vision Presents: STARLITE 386+ required, GUS for soundtrack |
7094 | STATE.ZIP | 1177710 | 22.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Dubius: State of Hate Release at The Party 5 |
7904 | STC_OPAQ.ZIP | 530,6 kt | 11.08.1997 | - | - | - | "OPAQUE (PC demo) by Static COMMENTS: 8th at Abduction97. Code by HyphenGFX by Idiot & FunkyMusic by MazaSupport by Ravage & Jmp. FINAL VERSIONbugs fixed and some effects etc. added." |
7905 | STR0MIKE.ZIP | 5,6 Mt | 28.09.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Immortals - Stereo Mike Winner of the 3rd place at the Wired98 democompo held in Belgium, 1998. |
7096 | STRONKEN.ZIP | 765610 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PoSt MoRtEm, Stronken, 1994 a dEmOnStRaTiOn fOr tHe AsSeMbLy 1994 SB, SBpro, GUS! 386+ |
7906 | STUFF_I_.ZIP | 6,5 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Stuff I whacked together when I was bored.by Sol/Trauma. 7th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
7907 | STV.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Super Television Orange Gus/SB, 8MB |
7908 | SUPER.ZIP | 1247443 | 20.08.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Orange:Super Television Asm96 demo, 4th place. |
7909 | SUPREMN_.ZIP | 472,9 kt | 16.08.2000 | - | - | - | Supremån by Byterapers, Inc.11th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
7098 | SX.ZIP | 184249 | 26.05.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | SX demo by Substance |
7915 | T-HOLIC.ZIP | 154 kt | 28.07.2000 | - | 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-387-Vol-3of3.iso | - | Techno Holicby Extreme - 4.1.1993 386, VGA, SB |
7910 | T3F_SPR.ZIP | 634,1 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Makers: The Third Foundation Naam van demo: Sproei |
7911 | TAATCURT.ZIP | 891,2 kt | 05.11.1997 | - | scene.org | - | tArzAn tuotanto 1997: "Koneestakin verhot" (vga+gus/sb - ja nopea kone) |
7106 | TAP_SG94.ZIP | 378809 | 29.05.1996 | - | 21831/Plex6.mdf | - | The Apollo Project: Season Greetings '94 |
7108 | TC_FLASH.ZIP | 1023111 | 05.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | The Coexistence : FLASH don't take this too serious! (it's a one day prod.) |
7118 | TE.ZIP | 468790 | 29.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Corruption: Twisted Existence |
7111 | TECHNON.ZIP | 427406 | 29.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Core: Technon (NAID '95) |
7110 | TECHNON2.ZIP | 425754 | 06.05.1995 | - | 1976/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 3.iso | - | Technon 2 by Core |
7112 | TEMPESTA.ZIP | 1962525 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Soft-One: TEMPESTA Finalist at Assembly '94 First Italian Megademo Ever! Grab it quickly!!! |
7912 | TESLA.ZIP | 7 Mt | 21.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Tesla by Sunflower. Placed 2nd at demo compo in horizon00 with 167 points." |
7113 | TEWO_FIX.ZIP | 359940 | 29.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Kip Brigade: The Easy Way Out (SIH'95) |
7115 | TEXTD2_A.ZIP | 329021 | 19.08.1996 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | The New Dimension Of Text from MOOTTORI. First shown at Assembly '96. (72Hz / Normal monitors version) |
7116 | TEXTDEM2.ZIP | 328989 | 19.08.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The New Dimension Of Text from MOOTTORI. First shown at Assembly '96. (50Hz/"bigscreen" version) |
68997 | TFA_UITG.ZIP | 371948 | 06.05.1995 | - | scene.org | tupla | Eradicator II - straight from X95 GUS (512kb) REQUIRED |
7913 | THE_FRID.ZIP | 806,9 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | The Friday Night Project by Armo.10th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool demo compo. |
7914 | THE_NONS.ZIP | 5,5 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | the nonstop ibiza experience by Orange.5th in the Assembly 2k Demo compo. |
7121 | THERAPY.ZIP | 628568 | 29.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Trillian: Therapy. |
7125 | TIMELESS.ZIP | 155400 | 23.03.1994 | - | scene.org | eritupla | TIMELESS A demo in 1994 by Tran Requires: 386+ Supports: SB, GUS |
7916 | TMACHINE.ZIP | 8,8 Mt | 21.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Time Machine by Lettique & Friends. Placed 1st at demo compo in horizon00 with 172 points." |
7917 | TMB_LIFE.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Life" by the Moose Brothers. 10th in the Assembly \'99 PC non-accelerated demo compo. |
7918 | TMDC3INV.ZIP | 931,2 kt | 30.10.1998 | - | scene.org | - | TextmodeDemocompo3 INVITATION Deadline 11.11.98 http://sauna.net/tmdc3/ SPREAD THIS! |
7126 | TMDCINV.ZIP | 903005 | 18.10.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | TextMode DemoCompetition Invitation **DEMO** - Deadline 11.11.96 - 486/4MB/GUS+256k/SB+EMS/NoSound/EGA(80x43) (It also includes TMDC infofile version 1.2) |
7919 | TMPP2.ZIP | 5,1 Mt | 15.09.2000 | - | - | - | The Mutant Pouletz Project 2by Mutant inc. Placed 2nd at demo compo in ltp4 with 281 points. |
7127 | TMT_RAW.ZIP | 636436 | 05.12.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | The Mad Team: RAW (Trackmo for Flag'96). 486,GUS |
7128 | TOAST.ZIP | 29608 | 16.08.1995 | - | 20949/AU_CD9.iso | - | Toast by implant gus / no music |
7130 | TORUS.ZIP | 818389 | 09.02.1996 | koko² | modiromppu.iso | - | Torus by COC Demo from the Party 5 |
7920 | TOTAL_PL.ZIP | 667,5 kt | 20.08.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Total Plasmahdus by THP for Asm98. Not shown in the compo." |
7921 | TOURDEMO.ZIP | 4,9 Mt | 30.08.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Assembly \'98 PC Demo: "Tour" by Pulse. |
7924 | TP8-TAO.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 14.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 5th place. Tao by zden & loon |
7922 | TP8DREAM.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 21.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 12th place Dreams by Orchid |
7923 | TP8MANU.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 11th place Manual by Replay "manual materia" the party 8 1998 27-29 december by replay |
7925 | TRANSCEN.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "transcendental" by aurum. 6th in the Assembly \'99 PC non-accelerated demo compo. |
7926 | TRAUMATI.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 09.08.1999 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | "Traumatique" by Trauma. 2nd in the Assembly \'99 PC demo compo. |
7132 | TREKMO.ZIP | 608403 | 26.03.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Trekmo demo. Musat (hyvin vähäiset) GUSille. Siisti Enterprise ja Romulan Warbird. PC:lle. |
7133 | TREMOR.ZIP | 425169 | 05.12.1996 | - | scene.org | - | DEMOlition: Tremor (2nd in TMDC), gus+sb |
7927 | TRIBES.ZIP | 4,8 Mt | 25.02.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Pulse&Melon Tribes TP7 winning PC demo |
7928 | TRUE.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 24.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "True by Haujobb vs. calodox. Placed 1st at demo compo in evoke00 with 210 points." |
7929 | TV_NITRO.ZIP | 14,8 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Dilma Dilma, a 32k Intro with Tv-Nitro effect! Coded by PiiPo, -additional help by- Hopelite. |
7137 | TV.ZIP | 675490 | 16.08.1995 | koko⁴ | ratsnest2.iso | - | Orange demo from asm95 television 386, gus/sb/nosound |
7138 | TXTC1.ZIP | 477002 | 05.12.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Svok/TEC: Textasy (TMDC), ega&486, gus/sb.. |
7142 | UNDERH2O.ZIP | 977882 | 06.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Technomancer: Underware (General Probe) |
7145 | UNKARI.ZIP | 330173 | 22.07.1996 | - | scene.org | - | tpolm demo: "gertrude in red hungary" from bush3 party, gus req (finali) |
7146 | UNREAL11.ZIP | 1343953 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Future Crew proudly presents UNREAL v1.1 GUS support |
7930 | UPUP.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | UPUP by defor, ventor, trixie, snappy / Vectors. Placed 2nd at demo compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7931 | URDEMO.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 22.05.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Future Crew: Unreal - PC demo |
7932 | V2_BOOST.ZIP | 4,6 Mt | 25.08.1997 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | Doomsday: Boost (Asm97 demo) |
7933 | VAGUE-SP.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 30.08.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Assembly \'98 PC Demo: "Vague Space" by cncd. |
7155 | VAL_OS2F.ZIP | 529323 | 25.05.1995 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp Democompetition Winner! By Valhalla, Final Version! Please remove val_os2.zip requires 386, 540k mem (gus) Enjoy! |
7151 | VAL-FM!.ZIP | 124475 | 15.05.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Fluid Motion - Final version by Valhalla Requires 386, 486DX recomended now supports Soundblaster / Pro !! also has the original, non cut-down music! Released 10th May 1995 |
7154 | VALHALLA.ZIP | 526253 | 05.08.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | The winner of the OS/2 Warp demo competition. Demo by Valhalla. |
7156 | VATI.ZIP | 215648 | 14.04.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | ISO: Vati - eli sinne ja takaisin. Juhla 3. |
7158 | VDL_ANX.ZIP | 512213 | 09.09.1996 | - | - | - | Vandalis: Anxious (Asm'96 demo) |
7934 | VELVETDE.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 14.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC demo competition 6th place velvet DELUXE by Prone |
7160 | VERSES.ZIP | 508791 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | VERSES: Winner of the Asm'94 demo compo an EMF production |
7161 | VERTOX.ZIP | 1526045 | 06.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Taurus: Bugfixed Vertox (TP4) |
7935 | VICTORIA.ZIP | 123,8 kt | 26.11.1997 | - | - | - | "Victoria-demo.128k - Baroch presentation Our first release during this millenium. A demo inspired in ASM97. And it looks like that. =)" |
7164 | VICTRIX.ZIP | 383647 | 04.11.1994 | - | scene.org | - | Victrix |
7936 | VIP2.ZIP | 7,1 Mt | 28.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Vip2 by Popsy Team. Placed 1st at demo compo in takeover00 with 204 points." |
7937 | VIPING.ZIP | 3 Mt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Viping" by NoID. 7th in the Assembly \'99 PC non-accelerated demo compo. |
7938 | VIRHE.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 09.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Virhe" by Mature Furk. Assembly \'99 PC demo compo winner. |
7939 | VIRITYS.ZIP | 334,3 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "Viritys - textmode demo by Pontus Plutonium98 democompo winner." |
7167 | VIVIDEXP.ZIP | 2307606 | 20.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Vivid Experiment by Doomsday Asm96 demo, 3rd place. |
7168 | VLC_UNID.ZIP | 201707 | 12.06.1995 | - | 1978/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 5.iso | - | Unidentified by Velocity |
7940 | VORTEX_B.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 20.08.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Vortex by Mewlers from Assembly 98. |
7169 | VOYAGES.ZIP | 398172 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | Hypernova: Voyages (Wired'94) |
7170 | VS_VREAL.ZIP | 671296 | 06.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Vacant Space: Virtually Reality. Multi-Media Demo. |
7178 | W_RE.ZIP | 1578247 | 05.11.1995 | - | 556/Experimental BBS Explossion III.iso | - | Virtual Visions: Reversed Evolution First presented at The Party 1993. Req. VGA, 386+, 4M, GUS for music. |
7944 | W-SUNFGL.ZIP | 5,9 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | - | - | wonder: sunflower. OpenGL demo. Final. premium full taste fat beats. windows. openGL. a xelerated. beautiful. It won the Gravity art festival in Poland. |
7172 | WEDTRO.ZIP | 1019945 | 06.06.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Wedtro (A report on Trixter's wedding!) report on Trixter's Wedding! Supports SB, SBPro, SB16, PAS, PAS+, PAS16, GUS, PC speaker. |
7941 | WERE_BAC.ZIP | 694,6 kt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | " WERE BACK IN DA ZCENE - The Evil Mega Lag by GOSPEL FRAGGAHZ! CODE: W4r3ZMaStAH! ZAK VOCALS: W4r3ZMaStAH! Ph4t GFX: W4r3ZMaStAh! (everything made in just 4 years) THA MEMBAHZ ARE: W4r3ZMaStAH! - Clan Leadah/Megafragger/Code/Muz" |
7174 | WHOCARES.ZIP | 523332 | 20.09.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | ThE ClaN: Who Cares Anyway Contribution to the Bizarre'95 Demo competition. Requires : GUS and 386+ |
7942 | WILBY03.ZIP | 36,9 kt | 17.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Say bye to this face" Wilby #3 by the Wild Bits demogroup A 4kb scene oriented mag |
7943 | WINTERD.ZIP | 647 kt | 22.12.1997 | - | - | - | WINTERD from LANCER 199X TEAM. A winter themed demo which plays some really astonishing music. This demo uses 3dfx card to create some effects. Requirements: 486 66 and a Voodoo 3dfx graphics card which uses GLIDE. Uses Midas Sound System 0.40 for playing music. |
7177 | WOMB.ZIP | 573487 | 06.06.1996 | - | 13237/groovybytes.iso | - | Orange: Womb Womb Womb (GUS optional) |
7945 | WTC_MT.ZIP | 5,4 Mt | 24.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Medievil Times by witchcraft. Placed 3rd at demo compo in evoke00 with 163 points." |
7180 | X-Y-Z.ZIP | 511992 | 27.02.1995 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | PROJECT XYZ, orange demo from JUHLA'95 |
7179 | X3M_SF.ZIP | 191157 | 06.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Extreme: Strange Feelings (TP4) |
70315 | XORGASM.ZIP | 550542 | 06.05.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | PC DEMO: GENUINE: "Xorgasm" From the Party 1994 |
7946 | XXXMASS.ZIP | 685,2 kt | 09.01.1998 | - | - | - | First Pyrotech prod. called: "XXX-Mass Megademo" (c) 1997 |
70376 | XYZ.ZIP | 507884 | 06.06.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Orange: Project XYZ (Juhla'95) |
70415 | Y_BLFIX.ZIP | 315674 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Symptom: bugfixed Blues. |
70417 | Y_ETI.ZIP | 468660 | 01.01.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | The Party '94 Release: "&i" |
70420 | Y_WAKE.ZIP | 767465 | 20.09.1995 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | sYmptom: Wake Up! demo (First presented at asm'95 but didn't work) |
7947 | YADOT.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 16.05.1999 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | ".The Party 7...... ..YaDot Klimon... ...Byterapers Inc." |
7948 | YANKEE.ZIP | 285,7 kt | 16.05.1999 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Prensent: YANKEE GO HOME Relised at TheParty 97 Batteries not included. |
70399 | YDL_MACO.ZIP | 255802 | 05.12.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Yodel's winning at CC95 |
70400 | YDL_REG.ZIP | 294519 | 06.06.1996 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Regression/Yodel: Regression. |
7949 | YEARN.ZIP | 3,4 Mt | 14.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | kooma yearn DX7 P133+ ...and they grow |
7950 | YIE.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 18.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | tpolm: yie ar family (Asm97 PC demo) |
7951 | YOE-JOOK.ZIP | 4,2 Mt | 16.05.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | yoe presents: Jook 2nd at the Ritual 97 demo compo held in Kfar-Saba Israel |
70444 | ZATION.ZIP | 713689 | 16.08.1995 | koko² | modiromppu.iso | - | Syllabization by tArzAn Tuotanto's asm'95 demo. vga/gus/sb/nosnd/midas/etc |
7181 | ZENCORE.ZIP | 193398 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | tpolm: encore 2: the joe mix Asm96 demo, 10th place. Gus/sb. |
7183 | ZERO.ZIP | 557313 | 06.06.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | The Nuclear Threat: Zero Pulse (The Party 4) |
7182 | ZEROAMEN.ZIP | 280842 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Amen: Zero (The Party 4) |
7952 | ZILOGFF.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 01.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Sunflowers bugfixed zilog" |
7184 | ZNTRPHY.ZIP | 2047462 | 06.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Mist: Zoantrophy (Demobit'95) |
6999 | !HOM.ZIP | 36668 | 19.05.1995 | - | - | - | Hall of Mirrors intro (40k) First intro by Deck Blasters YlitornioPC division 1995 |
7080 | !SEASONS.ZIP | 82753 | 05.11.1995 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Deck Blasters presentation for Asm'95 64k introcompo, final version |
6763 | 15MIN.ZIP | 43731 | 12.07.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Juhla'95 introcompo: 15min by mewlers. |
7953 | 200_BYTE.ZIP | 1,8 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 200 Bytes of Party BeersBy Suckho of Byterapers, Inc. 4K Intro - 10th at Assembly 2k |
7954 | 3S-MONEY.ZIP | 63,5 kt | 15.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 64k intro: Antimoney by 3StatePlaced 2nd at 64k intro compo in ltp4 with 338 points. |
6772 | 42.ZIP | 66382 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Halcyon presents an Asm'94 intro called: 42 GUS, VGA, 386, 486vlb recomm. |
6773 | 48HOURS.ZIP | 48915 | 24.04.1995 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | 48 Hours A 64 Kb Intro to Gathering 95 (GUS, VGA) |
6774 | 4GE_FRAC.ZIP | 10729 | 06.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | 4ge presents their XMAS '94 intro. Controllable fractalzoom source, including explanation to make it simple to understand and improve. ASM Code released! CuteElf/4ge, June 95 |
7955 | 4K2_BY_H.ZIP | 7,4 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 4K2 By HeadcrasH4K Intro - 11th at Assembly 2k |
6775 | 4K3D!.ZIP | 4574 | 22.07.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | One-Man-Team: 4K3D! - released at RAGE'96 |
6776 | 4KFLIGHT.ZIP | 3709 | 06.05.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | 4K Flight by Scoop The Gathering '95 4KB Intro Contribution |
6777 | 4KINGS.ZIP | 55972 | 17.02.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | 4 Kings at Assembly '94 |
6778 | 4KINTROS.ZIP | 63857 | 30.08.1996 | ClamAV: Win.Trojan.VGEN-1 FOUND | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Kaikki loppukilpailuun päässeet Assembly '96 4k introt (9 kpl). |
6779 | 4KR.ZIP | 3989 | 06.05.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | ??????????????????? The Gathering '95 4KB Intro Contribution |
6780 | 4KWORLD.ZIP | 4386 | 14.04.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | WORLD - 4K-Intro released at Mekka96 code: Furball / player: Gumball hsx-tune: Big Bear |
6783 | 5DAYZ.ZIP | 60198 | 22.06.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Virtual Crew: 5-Days - 64KB intro, Rage'96 486/SB/VLBSVGA/NOV86M/1MBXMS |
6784 | 65536.ZIP | 45974 | 05.05.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | 65535 - An Intro by DWHURL, released at X96 |
7956 | 6PIKPEOS.ZIP | 216,4 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | slc Ambience 99 soepkip 6 by deadline, inopia, snq intro 64k compo |
7957 | 97TAAT98.ZIP | 414,7 kt | 16.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | tAAt 1998 new year intro |
7969 | A-SROUTE.ZIP | 35,7 kt | 28.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64Kb intro: shortest routeby analog44dipeflow & rieha/array. Placed 2nd at 64kb intro compo in takeover00 with 78 points." |
6788 | AAMBIENT.ZIP | 68764 | 06.05.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Ambient Intro /aNTaReS (Meeting'95) |
6792 | AB_REMIX.ZIP | 64896 | 18.06.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Paragon:"aboriginal remix", Abd96 64k winner |
6790 | ABD96FIN.ZIP | 256268 | 05.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | final invitation to the abduction 96 by mindprobe |
7958 | ABD98PC.ZIP | 531,2 kt | 19.05.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Abduction98 Invitation Intro. Traditional northern summer party from 5th to 7th of June in OuluFinland! Package includes invitation textintro and map to the party place." |
6806 | AC-ROPE.ZIP | 74826 | 01.07.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Abstract Concepts presents a fliptro: ROPE 386+ / VGA / GUS |
6800 | ACME_BYN.ZIP | 50947 | 06.05.1996 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | Acme: Blows your nose (at SIH'95) |
6801 | ACME_SUX.ZIP | 26838 | 06.05.1996 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | Acme: ACME sucks (at SIH'95) |
6804 | ACME_SYW.ZIP | 55015 | 06.05.1996 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | Acme: S y w (at SIH'95) |
6799 | ACME-BYN.ZIP | 50778 | 11.07.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Acme Presents Blows your Nose a Sih'95 Intro compo entry |
6802 | ACME-SUX.ZIP | 27255 | 11.07.1995 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Acme Presents ? Acme Sucs a Sih'95 Intro compo entry |
6803 | ACME-SYW.ZIP | 54758 | 11.07.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Acme Presents Smoke Yellow Weed a Sih'95 Intro compo entry |
7959 | ADDLIB.ZIP | 61 kt | 21.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64k intro: ADDlibby Addict. Placed 1st at 64k intro compo in horizon00 with 175 points." |
6808 | ADR_WHY.ZIP | 102029 | 06.05.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Adrad Design: Why |
7960 | ADSEXY.ZIP | 59,1 kt | 04.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Intro: Sexyby Alpha Design. Placed 3rd at intro compo in plutonium00 with 63 points." |
6809 | AEPPELBO.ZIP | 29850 | 06.05.1995 | - | 811/Monster Media No. 11 (Second Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | - | Äppelbo A Creation intro released at VC '95! |
6812 | AHRUM.ZIP | 4251 | 16.08.1995 | - | 16596/Sezamfile97_1.iso | - | "ahrum" (asm95 4kintro) |
6815 | AIRFRAME.ZIP | 59104 | 17.02.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Airframe, PRiME PRODUCTION INTRO ASM'94 Introcompo |
60553 | AJTABLE.ZIP | 509557 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | tArzAn tuotanto 1996 : AJAN TABLETIT * |
7961 | AKKORD.ZIP | 60,7 kt | 24.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64k intro: akkordarbeitby bypass. Placed 1st at 64k intro compo in evoke00 with 182 points." |
60558 | AKM_ZORL.ZIP | 67956 | 05.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Arkham: Zorlac Intro (at Party IV) |
60563 | ALABTRO.ZIP | 4280 | 06.05.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Ghou/Xenon: Alabatro (at bush party 2) |
60584 | ALCHYMIA.ZIP | 131761 | 12.09.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Alchymia" by MIST. (asm'95 64k intro) |
7962 | ALIVE.ZIP | 68,2 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Alive 64k intro - the party 6 tp6 |
7963 | ALLEY.ZIP | 4,7 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 4k intro: Alley Cutby crs & nula. Placed 2nd at 4k intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
60636 | ALUCIA.ZIP | 61934 | 20.08.1996 | koko³ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Asm96 64k intro, 8th place: Halcyon: Andalucia |
60661 | AMB_DUPL.ZIP | 486291 | 08.01.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | amable: Hip or Arrested |
60662 | AMB_LEGO.ZIP | 142732 | 06.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Amable: Lego (386/GUS) |
60663 | AMB_LOLA.ZIP | 60398 | 22.01.1996 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | amable: - L O L A - introcompo entry at THE PARTY's fifth anniversary |
60664 | AMB_M96!.ZIP | 396452 | 14.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | MEKKA 1996 - an invtro to a colourful event. amable - HiP OR ARR3STED! |
60665 | AMB_MASS.ZIP | 62143 | 03.12.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Amable: Massive (Summer Encounter 96) |
7964 | AMB_NOBL.ZIP | 145,6 kt | 16.11.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Amable: Noblesse. 64k - Asm97. |
60690 | AMR_SYMB.ZIP | 80263 | 30.12.1993 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Admire presents: SYMBOLOGY The Party 1993 Intro SB/SB PRO/GUS SUPPORT |
60692 | AMS_LUX.ZIP | 64668 | 25.01.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | a production of amorphous : "LUXURY" ?th at the juhla pi introcompo |
7966 | AN_BLACK.ZIP | 178 kt | 02.09.1997 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Analogue: Black Silk (Asm97) |
7965 | ANA97INV.ZIP | 446 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "ANARCHY 97 final invitation 11.-13.7.97 inLaukaan ala-asteorganized by cod and coc project name scenembly" |
6821 | ANIM.ZIP | 4170 | 06.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Anim-4k intro |
7967 | ANIMATE.ZIP | 5043 | 12.09.1995 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | "Animate" (1st at Asm95 4k introcompo) |
60970 | ASM95INF.ZIP | 10229 | 06.05.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Assembly Organizing brings you ASM'95 PREINVITATION INFO FILE |
6829 | ASM95V11.ZIP | 13613 | 19.05.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Assembly Organizing brings you ASM'95 PREINVITATION INFO FILE v1.1 |
7968 | ASM98INV.ZIP | 812,5 kt | 28.07.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | "ASSEMBLY98 quick invitation by The Black Lotus. Req: Win32sndcardplenty of RAM. 3DFX optional." |
7970 | ATTRACTI.ZIP | 60,7 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Attraction by TMB/OUTBREAK64k intro - 6th at Assembly 2k |
6833 | AUSGEBUR.ZIP | 49096 | 06.05.1996 | - | scene.org | tupla | Xenogenesis: Ausgeburt |
6834 | B800.ZIP | 4519 | 06.05.1995 | - | 1976/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 3.iso | - | B800 by Proxima The Gathering '95 4KB Intro Contribution |
6837 | BANANSPL.ZIP | 8676 | 24.04.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Bananasplit PC Fast Intro 2nd pos. at The Party 4 |
7971 | BARBADAY.ZIP | 112,9 kt | 29.12.1999 | - | scene.org | - | barbapendence day woorlic joke64k - dreamhack99 3rd place win32/ddraw/gdi/winsound |
6838 | BC64KFIN.ZIP | 52382 | 02.07.1995 | - | 1980/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 7.iso | - | SiXTYFoUR KiLOByTES oF wAStE *FINAL* [1/1] An Brainlez Coders! Contribution to Juhla 2½ PC 64kb Intro Competition. -> Came 4th! <- SB(PRO/16)/GUS(MAX)/PAS(+/16)/WSS/386/VGA! |
7972 | BCN00INV.ZIP | 43,4 kt | 15.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 64k intro: bcn party 00 invitation introby fuzzion. Placed 4th at 64k intro compo in ltp4 with 125 points. |
6841 | BEGINING.ZIP | 34186 | 06.05.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | ∙■∙ BEgiNNiNg ∙■∙ A 64k iNTRo from sceNEst'95 bY DeFECTiVE |
6842 | BELIEVE.ZIP | 63724 | 06.05.1996 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | "Believe" by valhalla (asm95 intro) |
6846 | BH.ZIP | 58079 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "I watched Mindprobe's Bees and Honey and my hair has never looked so good" (C. Crawford) mindprobe's newest: BEES and HONEY came ?th at asm94 |
6845 | BHMORBID.ZIP | 55335 | 05.05.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Bunghole: Morbid (at SIH'95) (486/GUS) |
6848 | BIOLAN.ZIP | 44649 | 06.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | BIOLAN by ABUA |
7973 | BLACK_.ZIP | 4,7 kt | 23.07.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "4k intro: Blackby Patrick0. Placed 3rd at 4k intro compo in demobit00 with 119 points." |
6849 | BLIND.ZIP | 60559 | 24.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | PC 64k intro: Blind by Eufrosyne. 1st place at Assembly '96. |
7974 | BLOOR.ZIP | 38,1 kt | 24.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64k intro: bloorby tum. Placed 3rd at 64k intro compo in evoke00 with 163 points." |
6851 | BLUE2.ZIP | 2722 | 13.06.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | BlAsterSound BBS - Queimada Party '96 DreaMing in Blue (c) Alien 1996 4kB Intro Contribution |
6852 | BLUR_DX2.ZIP | 4428 | 16.03.1995 | - | - | - | Directly from THE SCENEST '95 PARTY BLUR 4k intro from WOLAND |
6855 | BOEM!.ZIP | 50301 | 15.05.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | SPiRiT presents: - BOEM! - A pre-release of a forthcoming BBS-intro Exclusive music by Lizard King! Released at the Success meeting |
6856 | BOOZIN95.ZIP | 330317 | 06.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | BOOZEMBLY '95 - The Ass '95 Shadow Party Invitation Intro (PC version) 386, SB & GUS support |
6857 | BOR_ICON.ZIP | 59283 | 18.06.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | borealis: iCON, abduction96 |
7975 | BR_LOL.ZIP | 59,8 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | - | - | "Living OnLine by BOAR compo version. Released at Assembly98. 64k-intro." |
6859 | BROKEN.ZIP | 66662 | 13.06.1996 | - | 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso | - | brazil&leviathan: Broken, 3rd at Naid'96 |
6860 | BROS.ZIP | 52240 | 18.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | BlueRobotOfSea. SeikkailuPähkinä contributation to ABD96 intro competition. |
6861 | BUNNY.ZIP | 58425 | 08.07.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Bunny intro |
6862 | BURMA.ZIP | 64462 | 06.05.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Proxima Presents: Burma Rel. at: BushParty 2 Porsgrunn, Norway '95 |
6863 | BUSTP95.ZIP | 958346 | 07.11.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Toinen Perinteinen Bussimatka Tanskaan The Party '5:lle by Virtual Visions, Prime ja Future Crew -intro |
7976 | BW_ARRAY.ZIP | 33,2 kt | 22.07.2000 | - | - | - | "Intro: BitwiseBy Array. Placed 5th at pc intro compo in remedy00 with 52 points." |
7977 | BW-CHANT.ZIP | 122 kt | 11.08.1998 | - | - | - | BANDWAGON: "JOIN IN THE CHANT" ASM\'98 64k-intro came 4th. GUS/SB/VGA/XMS/386 |
7978 | BW-DISL.ZIP | 67,7 kt | 25.09.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Exclusive 2 in 1 package: "DISLOCATED" by Bandwagon 1997 3rd at ASM\'97 64k intro competition VGA/GUS/SB/386 + "RETRIBUTE YOUR IDOLS" by nf/bandwagon ??th at ASM\'97 4k-intro competition 386/VGA |
7979 | BW-FIST.ZIP | 5,2 kt | 11.08.1998 | - | - | - | BANDWAGON: "F.I.S.T" ASM\'98 4k-intro, came 3rd. 386/VGA/FPU |
7980 | BW-PROVE.ZIP | 49,3 kt | 07.04.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Prove You Wrong Bandwagon -97 TG97, came ??st at 64k comp. |
6878 | C-NGTIVE.ZIP | 72075 | 18.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Coral: negative, Abduction'96 |
7988 | C-POSI_P.ZIP | 114,5 kt | 06.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Positive. Intro by Coral 386, GUS, VGA. Party version. 1995 |
7981 | C4_ID.ZIP | 56,4 kt | 28.06.1998 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | ".Insane Dreams.by Council 4. ..Released at Abduction98.. .Came second in Pc64k Intro." |
6865 | CAL4KB.ZIP | 3571 | 06.05.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Calvin / Proxima The Gathering '95 4KB Intro Contribution |
6866 | CALEID.ZIP | 8310 | 05.05.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | a "not just vector" 4kintro - CALEIDOSCOPE 386 & vga required, pencium recommended.. |
6867 | CARTOON.ZIP | 62338 | 14.04.1996 | - | 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso | - | Cartoon 64k intro by MiST Released at GATHERING'96 |
6868 | CASS.ZIP | 3658 | 06.05.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Casseopeia The Gathering '95 4KB Intro Contribution |
6872 | CCAMERA.ZIP | 63194 | 16.08.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Camera, compo version, gus/nosnd .sYmptom. |
7982 | CDX_BIBF.ZIP | 118,5 kt | 27.04.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Bring Ii Back - final version 1999 64k intro compu winner dake.leto.fred.distanceTPOLM Arf!Party http://calodox.planet-d.net |
61941 | CDZ_CDZ.ZIP | 46627 | 12.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Condenz (Bush Party 2) |
61980 | CHAOS4K1.ZIP | 14319 | 12.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Codex/Extend: Chaos. Source included |
61991 | CHARF.ZIP | 62025 | 08.01.1996 | koko³ | ratsnest2.iso | - | sYmptom: Charity A 64 k intro, VGA, GUS |
62012 | CHESS_D.ZIP | 3205 | 06.05.1995 | - | 1976/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 3.iso | - | CHESS D+ a 4kb intro from thesceNEst `95party held in Budapest/ HUNGARY |
7983 | CHIPARI.ZIP | 9,1 kt | 22.04.1997 | - | 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso | - | "BIZARRE96 OFFICIAL PARTY DEMO DISTRIBUTION! TITLE: Chiparitus 4kb intro GROUP: The Watcher / Fatal Vision PLACE: #3" |
62059 | CHROME2.ZIP | 6606 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | modiromppu.iso | - | Asm96 4k intro, 5th place: Chrome2 by Tomcat/Abaddon |
62062 | CHS_VESI.ZIP | 49219 | 12.06.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | vesisade. download this. [chs pc] |
62172 | CLX_BGFR.ZIP | 65680 | 16.08.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Bill G Force" by Complex (asm95 intro) |
62182 | CMA_GION.ZIP | 62134 | 12.09.1995 | ClamAV: Win.Trojan.1226B-1 FOUND | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | camorra: GUSTATION 2nd place intro from Computer Art Festival'95 (07/30/95, Poland) requires: 486 and GUS |
62183 | CMA_GSTR.ZIP | 61773 | 13.06.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Camorra: GU-Star, DX2+GUS, 1st at Staszic 3 |
62185 | CMA_STIK.ZIP | 50101 | 16.08.1995 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | Stickman's World, 64kB intro |
7984 | CMA_TOMU.ZIP | 81197 | 05.05.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | coma: demolition release, "tomu" intro sb gus intro |
6877 | CNA-QUAR.ZIP | 52240 | 12.11.1995 | - | scene.org | - | candela: Quartz GUS, VGA, 386+ 1st place at hack 12 |
7985 | CNF-BD.ZIP | 55,7 kt | 22.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Intro: Blurred dreamsby Confine. Placed 2nd at pc intro compo in remedy00 with 100 points." |
6881 | COC_MUNA.ZIP | 476727 | 05.05.1996 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | coc presents an eggy demo: e g g ' o - t r i p came 2nd at demolition'96 |
6879 | COCAHOLC.ZIP | 67985 | 16.08.1995 | - | scene.org | tupla | "Cocaholic" by hazard (asm95 intro) |
7986 | COMA_ASH.ZIP | 60,6 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | "Ashes" by COMA for TP6 64k introcompo |
7987 | COMACLUB.ZIP | 63,7 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Coma: Liity kerhoon - GUS-NOSOUND-VGA-VESA |
6894 | COR_DRGN.ZIP | 63396 | 27.02.1995 | - | 10797/CD_ASCQ_20_020395.iso | - | Core Image presents: Dragon |
62348 | CP_PR.ZIP | 52513 | 30.08.1996 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | PC 64k intro: Power Rangers by Cool Productions. 13th place at Assembly '96. |
7989 | CRKRO6EW.ZIP | 59 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | TPOLM: the party 1998 intro |
62388 | CRN_PCD.ZIP | 62740 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | POLYCHROMATIC DREAMS by CREATION Released at ASM'94 |
62391 | CRSHTEST.ZIP | 5231 | 16.08.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Crashtest by J-P of Rebels 4K Intro from Assembly '95 |
7990 | CSA.ZIP | 67,3 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | this is the return of the cosmic space arabi tpolm. |
62441 | CSALSA.ZIP | 67296 | 14.04.1996 | - | 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso | - | Chunky Salsa! 64KB Intro By Hoaxers from TG96 |
62466 | CTE_JK.ZIP | 37962 | 12.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Cute: Joulukorttiprodu_ |
7991 | CUBERNOI.ZIP | 3,5 kt | 03.09.1998 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Cubernoids voyage by viznut/pwp.ocsa. Asm98 4k intro." |
7992 | CUBES.ZIP | 3,9 kt | 14.08.1997 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Cubes by NySTuL - Asm97 4k intro." |
62486 | CULT.ZIP | 59672 | 12.05.1996 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Isch-crew: Cult (Wired '94 winner) |
62537 | CYBOMAN.ZIP | 77055 | 30.12.1993 | - | scene.org | - | CYBOMAN! |
7993 | CYBOMAN2.ZIP | 63538 | 27.02.1995 | versio 2.0 | Metropoli BBS files.zip | eritupla | Cyboman 2, The Party '94 Intro |
7994 | D98INV1.ZIP | 319,1 kt | 18.09.1999 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | DIALOGOS 98 invitation introp5.vbe2.midas. |
62669 | DA_SLEEP.ZIP | 61817 | 22.07.1996 | - | 22645/cd joy 78 No20.iso | - | tpolm: linda won't sleep with me 64kb intro from thesummerp. |
7995 | DB_YAWN.ZIP | 70,3 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Deck Blasters: Yawn (Juhla IVB) |
7996 | DEAD_FLO.ZIP | 63 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Dead Flowers by haujobb64k intro - 1st at Assembly 2k |
7997 | DEESBAB.ZIP | 62,7 kt | 20.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Orange: Deesbab (TP96) |
7998 | DEFROST.ZIP | 53,9 kt | 24.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64k intro: Defrostby Unik. Placed 2nd at 64k intro compo in evoke00 with 170 points." |
7999 | DEMO10.ZIP | 58,6 kt | 07.04.1997 | - | - | - | DEMO 10 By LANCER 199X TEAM ÿÿÿÿÿ An intro which looks like C64-Intros. Requires a 386 33sx and VGA. Uses ÿÿÿÿÿ Midas Sound System for playing music. ÿÿÿÿÿ |
8000 | DEMO11.ZIP | 101,6 kt | 07.04.1997 | - | - | - | DEMO 11 By LANCER 199X TEAM ÿÿÿÿÿ An intro which looks like C64-Intros. Requires a 386 33sx and VGA. Uses ÿÿÿÿÿ Midas Sound System for playing music. ÿÿÿÿÿ |
8001 | DEMO12.ZIP | 44,6 kt | 07.04.1997 | - | - | - | DEMO 12 By LANCER 199X TEAM ÿÿÿÿÿ An intro which looks like C64-Intros. Requires a 386 33sx and VGA. Uses ÿÿÿÿÿ Midas Sound System for playing music. ÿÿÿÿÿ |
8002 | DEMO13.ZIP | 106,8 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | - | - | DEMO 13 By LANCER 199X TEAM ÿÿÿÿÿ An intro which looks like C64-Intros. Requires a 486 50dx and VGA. Uses ÿÿÿÿÿ Midas Sound System for playing music. ÿÿÿÿÿ |
8003 | DEMO15.ZIP | 63,9 kt | 27.10.1997 | - | - | - | An intro which looks like C64-IntrosDEMO 15By LANCER 199X TEAM Requires a 486 50dx and VGA. Uses Midas Sound System for playing music.ÿÿÿÿÿ |
8004 | DEMO8.ZIP | 232,6 kt | 07.04.1997 | - | - | - | DEMO 8 By LANCER 199X TEAMÿÿÿÿÿ An intro which looks like C64-Intros. Requires a 486 66DX and VGA. Uses ÿÿÿÿÿ Midas Sound System for playing music.ÿÿÿÿÿ |
8005 | DEMO9.ZIP | 71,1 kt | 07.04.1997 | - | - | - | DEMO 9 By LANCER 199X TEAM ÿÿÿÿÿ An intro which looks like C64-Intros. Requires a 386 33sx and VGA. Uses ÿÿÿÿÿ Midas Sound System for playing music. ÿÿÿÿÿ |
62772 | DEMOL2.ZIP | 223251 | 08.11.1996 | koko² | modiromppu.iso | tupla | ---------------------------------------- The Official PC Invitation To - DEMOLITION II - The party will be held in Joensuu, 22nd to 24th of November Includes: Invitation texts, PC intro and map to the partyplace. ---------------------------------------- |
6906 | DESERT.ZIP | 9416 | 03.12.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Exosworm: desert (4k intro for the antiq'96) |
6907 | DETACHED.ZIP | 46743 | 05.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Sector 5 presents 64k intro - Detached |
6908 | DETEUR.ZIP | 61204 | 16.08.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Deteur by halcyon SB, NSND, 386, VGA, GUS ASMtro |
6909 | DIIZEMBL.ZIP | 262297 | 05.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Diizembly '96 pre-invitation * 5.-8.4.1996 at Kuopio! * Organized by Diizembly organizing. |
6910 | DISAPP.ZIP | 5588 | 05.05.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | The Next Generation Team Presents A 4k game by Larsen called: Disappear A contribution for SCEneSt #2 |
8006 | DISK242.ZIP | 4,7 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 15th place Saturae by Nostalgia |
8007 | DISK245.ZIP | 63,8 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 2nd place Hplus by Halcyon |
8008 | DISK342.ZIP | 65 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 3rd place Transformers by Snckho of Enfrosyne |
8009 | DLAMU3.ZIP | 27,1 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | scene.org | - | PWP: Demulam III - introkokemus vailla vertaa |
8010 | DMC_INV!.ZIP | 213 kt | 24.01.1997 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Democracy97 invitation" |
8011 | DNA8AHVI.ZIP | 60,5 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | - Bandwagon: Pestilence - . PC-64k for the Party 8 . . 386/VGA/GUS/SB/XMS . |
6919 | DO.ZIP | 162976 | 11.06.1993 | renamed | archive.org | - | Renaissance Demo: DoWhackaDo; 286+ SB sound by Renaissance 1993 Our First Intro For The New Year... Coded By White Shadow With Music By C.C.Catch. Requires A 286 Or Above And VGA Graphics. SB Optional... |
6915 | DONUT.ZIP | 36830 | 22.05.1995 | - | 7512/trixter.zip | - | Donuts by Strontium 90 40k Intro Supports: GUS Released:20.5.95 |
6916 | DOOM3D.ZIP | 4248 | 05.05.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Syg presents a 4KB intro called DOOM 3D |
6917 | DOTLIFE.ZIP | 44960 | 22.06.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Dotlife. Remedy'96 64k intro contribution |
8012 | DOUBLERT.ZIP | 56,2 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Doublert by: Itchi / THP 4K-intro - 5th at Assembly2k " |
6920 | DRAGON.ZIP | 63396 | 12.05.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Dragon - 4Kb Intro published Assembly'95 |
8013 | DRAIN.ZIP | 61,8 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | "Vista: drain 64kb (Abduction97)" |
8014 | DREAM1.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 03.03.2000 | - | - | - | dreamless by woorlic released at midwinter00 |
6922 | DRIFT.ZIP | 66962 | 16.08.1995 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | DRIFT by Wild Light - The winner at the Assembly'95 64K Intro competition |
8015 | DRKNESS.ZIP | 1,8 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | - | - | 256b intro: Darknessby subz3ro. Placed 3rd at 256b intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
8016 | DUNGHA.ZIP | 57,1 kt | 21.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64k intro: Dunghaby Darkeden. Placed 2nd at 64k intro compo in horizon00 with 142 points." |
6937 | E_TEDDY2.ZIP | 66744 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | eclipse - Teddybear's revenge |
8017 | E330.ZIP | 53 kt | 04.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "s u p e r s t i t i o n E 3 3 0 ambience99 pc intro compo" |
8018 | ECHOCR8F.ZIP | 63,1 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 1st place alien sex clone by echocraftsethsimn of fudGe |
8019 | EFECTICU.ZIP | 13,7 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Efecticus Complicus by BuG4k-intro - 6th at Assembly 2k |
6928 | ELASTIC.ZIP | 42724 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Scoop Design: Elastic |
8020 | ELECTR.ZIP | 1,5 kt | 06.09.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Electricity by Appendix8th at Assembly2k 64k intro competition." |
6931 | EMF_ECL.ZIP | 73846 | 31.07.1993 | - | 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img | - | EMF presents: EclipsE a 100k intro from ASM'93 386 required, SB recommended |
6932 | EMFPORNO.ZIP | 61668 | 25.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | "Porno" a Juhla Pii intro from EMF saracen/beatnik/prism (gus.sbpro.sb.nosound) |
8021 | EMOTION.ZIP | 6,7 kt | 25.09.1997 | - | - | eritupla | "A 4k intro called emotion by Nox Eterna. Third Place in Assembly97 intro compo." |
6933 | ENTER.ZIP | 54337 | 22.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Enter by Merlin. Remedy'96 64k intro |
6934 | ENVY.ZIP | 56430 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Hello everyone, This is a very little intro, coded and design for the X-95 party held in Utrecht in april 1995. Two of the 3-D objects were taken straight fr The other had been used in our previous release, Annual I'se been wanting to do some environment mapp months, but I'm just so lazy that I didn't get to it until th |
6939 | EXILE.ZIP | 48935 | 24.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | Amorphous: Exile intro at Scenario'95 |
6944 | FACE.ZIP | 63960 | 13.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Majic 12: Face |
6946 | FALLAS95.ZIP | 141005 | 13.05.1996 | - | 13237/groovybytes.iso | - | The Lords Of The Bits: Fallas Party '95 Invitation Intro. |
6948 | FATAL.ZIP | 42164 | 01.07.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Fatal / Extreme 3rd at Icing'95 Intro Competition |
8022 | FDG_LION.ZIP | 63 kt | 10.06.1997 | koko¹ | ratsnest2.iso | - | fudge&orange: Holo |
8023 | FDG_LODE.ZIP | 61,9 kt | 25.08.1997 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "fudGe: mother lode (not shown at asm97)" |
6956 | FFVISION.ZIP | 4152 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | 4kb intro by FeFe/Breeze |
6957 | FIDDERLI.ZIP | 80368 | 04.07.1994 | - | scene.org | - | FIDDERLI, Intro by Gollum |
8024 | FILEIDZ.ZIP | 11,2 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Fileid.diz" by the Lost Spaceman of Refinition. 5th in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
6958 | FINALQBC.ZIP | 288727 | 20.06.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | brainlez coders!: final qUasars, abduction'96 |
8025 | FIREBAL2.ZIP | 38,6 kt | 18.02.1997 | - | - | - | "-=Compressor presents Fireball=- Nice 64k intro for Scenario96." |
8026 | FIREFRAC.ZIP | 556 tavua | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 256b intro: FireFracby xb. Placed 5th at 256b intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
6959 | FIRST.ZIP | 40347 | 13.05.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Amour: 1st intro (386/GUS) |
6960 | FISH.ZIP | 56721 | 09.09.1996 | - | scene.org | - | 1st at intro compo │ a 64k intro called │ │ FISH │ │ by Technomancer │ │ and Moonlighter │ |
6962 | FJ!VELVE.ZIP | 94102 | 14.04.1996 | renamed | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Fatal Justice: VELVET - just complex vectors magic environment mapping and art ;)) - 386 - vga - sb - gus - Volcanic 2-release. |
6964 | FLIGHT.ZIP | 64343 | 17.02.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | SPIRIT presents PSYCHIC FLIGHT Code: COUNSELLOR, FRANKIED, TRAX, RICO, MAGIC BOY Gfx : ZEST, MAGIC BOY, FRANKIED |
6970 | FOAM.ZIP | 34311 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Digression: Foam (Abduction'95) |
6971 | FORMOR.ZIP | 37864 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Illuminati: For Morroskyld (Bush Party 2) |
6972 | FR_DEBUT.ZIP | 77956 | 06.05.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Debut A FracTion production At last this intro is released: 30.4.1995 |
8027 | FREKTAAL.ZIP | 87,2 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | FREKTAALI by Armada/Trauma, Grin, tAAt64k intro - 5th at Assembly 2k |
6973 | FRENDIT.ZIP | 65472 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Asm96 64k intro (nonqualified) Gasp inc: Friends. 3GV8UG6SA |
6974 | FRS_BLND.ZIP | 60520 | 09.09.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Eufrosyne: Blind (Asm'96) |
6977 | FRUITYFN.ZIP | 65556 | 13.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Deus: Fruit Cake v1.2 |
6982 | FSN_VAST.ZIP | 179653 | 02.07.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Fascination Vastaaja A juhla'95 2½ demonstration. No sb support. apeli ...... 3d programming |
6983 | FTJ&EROS.ZIP | 63960 | 27.02.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | PROJECT PLANT. ABRAHAM. |
8028 | FUNGI.ZIP | 61,8 kt | 15.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 64k intro: Fungi by FoolPlaced 5th at 64k intro compo in ltp4 with 104 points. |
8029 | FUTUMTR.ZIP | 14,9 kt | 31.05.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "pwp absolute98 intro - fUTURE MOOTTORi -" |
8030 | FYTSEDYF.ZIP | 9,7 kt | 28.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "4Kb intro: fytsedyfby snq / aardbei. Placed 1st at 4kb intro compo in takeover00 with 70 points." |
6986 | FYVUSH.ZIP | 52632 | 17.02.1995 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | FYVUSH a 64kb intro by JAMM ?:st on Assembly'94 intro compo, 386/GUS |
6990 | G_MEAN.ZIP | 60375 | 13.06.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Mean, Abduction 96 |
6995 | G_PRBFIX.ZIP | 138466 | 13.05.1996 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | General-Probe Invitation Intro by Adrar Desig !!! Final bugfree version. Works on AT now !! Requires: 600Kb base memory, Speaker, Covox o |
6998 | G_ROSE.ARJ | 34107 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Asm96 64k intro (nonqualified) gasp inc. : rose |
8031 | G35.ZIP | 3,9 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | g35 erlend nocturnal bush 4k |
8032 | GENETIC.ZIP | 62,6 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 64k intro: Geneticby Hebx2/Velocity & Raist/ BvT/ Marshals. Placed 3rd at 64k intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
6988 | GLITCH.ZIP | 45218 | 01.07.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Adrenalin─intro: Glitch |
6989 | GLM_BP2I.ZIP | 114567 | 15.05.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Bushparty ][ - The Next Generation Invitation Intro code,gfx,txt:twinny,music:$volkraq req:386/vga - sup:gus/sb/pas/wss |
8033 | GRD_RETR.ZIP | 62,7 kt | 25.08.1997 | koko¹ | ratsnest3.iso | - | The grid: Retrospection (io4 64k winner) |
6996 | GRD!AONC.ZIP | 56312 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | The grid: AONC, General Probe'96 64k intro |
6997 | GREETRO.ZIP | 199541 | 13.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Zden & Emzet: Happy new year! |
64597 | GREY.ZIP | 62841 | 13.05.1996 | - | 56/disk_image.bin | - | Grey / Abaddon: Official Party'94 Intro |
8038 | H-CROWD.ZIP | 75,4 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Huge Crowd by NoooN-Orange Barti! - Dune - Zeb at Big-Bang University TP6 Intro |
64653 | H!EMPTY.ZIP | 56344 | 03.12.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Halcyon: Empty |
8034 | H7-FINAL.ZIP | 167,2 kt | 28.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Heaven 7 - The winner 64k intro from the mekka/symposium party 2ooo... - final version! |
64671 | HALO.ZIP | 54339 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | ORCA: HALO-intro, Released at Icing'96 |
8035 | HAPPYDAN.ZIP | 56,6 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | scene.org | - | "SKR!HAPPYDANCEAsm98 64k introCOMPO VERSIONQuiet and AWE with GUS support." |
8036 | HAPPYREL.ZIP | 584,1 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "SKR!HAPPYDANCE Asm98 64k intro RELEASE VERSION SB and GUS support." |
64714 | HAVE_GUN.ZIP | 81609 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Success: Have gun, will travel (X'95) |
8037 | HAVOC.ZIP | 7127 | 16.08.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Havoc" 4Kb Intro by COMA Released: 11/8-1995 at Assembly '95 |
64736 | HEAD.ZIP | 185066 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Fit+TFICM: Head, Abduction'96 |
8039 | HEARTBEA.ZIP | 61,7 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Heartbeat by Static64k intro - 10th at Assembly 2k |
64746 | HEAT.ZIP | 86560 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Pure Resistance: White Heat (Naid'95) |
8040 | HELIUM.ZIP | 4,6 kt | 16.11.1997 | - | scene.org | eritupla | "HELiUM bY ViZNUT^pWp asm97 4k - 386/vga/adlib" |
8041 | HIPHO.ZIP | 4,7 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 4k intro: Hip-Ho-Tizeby vertical sm;)e. Placed 3rd at 4k intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
8042 | HJB_FUNK.ZIP | 127,3 kt | 15.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 64k intro: Funkkin by HaujobbPlaced 1st at 64k intro compo in ltp4 with 391 points. |
64839 | HN_SON.ZIP | 74323 | 13.05.1996 | - | 10797/CD_ASCQ_20_020395.iso | - | Hardnoise: Son of a Gun (The Party 4) |
64842 | HOAXTROK.ZIP | 229147 | 13.05.1996 | - | 7512/trixter.zip | - | Epical: Hoax-information Intro────╖ |
64847 | HOFFMAN.ZIP | 62203 | 03.12.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | paragon: station a.hoffman (scenario 97) 64k intro, gus/nosound |
8046 | HRM-YUMM.ZIP | 151960 | 07.11.1995 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | HirmU-les coders 'YummmmYummmGoodYummmmmBurb' another production from us |
8043 | HRMUENKL.ZIP | 24979 | 07.05.1996 | - | - | - | HiRMU! - "enkl" - INTRO! |
8044 | HRMUHAU.ZIP | 24405 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | MiTÄ HAUVA SANOO? intro Plö / HiRMU demolition '96 |
8045 | HRMUHRMP.ZIP | 64213 | 09.09.1996 | - | 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso | - | HiRMU DESiGN GiVES YOU HRMPH! | | - scenario '95 party riliis - | |
7000 | HRN-NEWM.ZIP | 204859 | 22.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | newmem -- A new old-school intro from Hornet. Requires 386, VGA, 500K free RAM. Supports GUS, SB, PAS, WSS and has many options. |
8047 | HUMUS_BY.ZIP | 4,9 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Humus by Exploder4k-intro - 1st at Assembly 2000 |
7002 | HYYTELO.ZIP | 77395 | 13.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Symptom: Hyytelö |
7003 | I95INV.ZIP | 276872 | 19.05.1995 | - | - | - | Icing'95 (bugfixed) Gothenburg, Sweden, 15-18 June Invitation intro! |
7005 | ICING95I.ZIP | 276872 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Icing'95 invitation intro (bugfixed) |
8048 | ILECQEN2.ZIP | 55,2 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 6th place Alienation by Aardbei sb support will follow (not today) |
8049 | ILOOPR.ZIP | 213,5 kt | 16.01.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Innerloop 98 resultAAtio |
7011 | IMG_BBB.ZIP | 57072 | 05.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | iMAGE: "Big Blond Bitch" - X96 intro |
8050 | IMRTL_42.ZIP | 116,7 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | - | - | "42by Immortals for Assembly98 PC 64k intro compo." |
7016 | INA-ECIR.ZIP | 53838 | 13.06.1996 | - | 22386/XENIATGM24.iso | - | interamnia - e (in the circle) 52kb intro for 80kb competition. demolition96 contribution. |
8051 | INCISION.ZIP | 64,6 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Incision by Exploder64k intro - 2nd at Assembly 2k |
8052 | INDIGO.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 20.10.1999 | - | scene.org | - | A demo by Purple. GUS/INTERWAVE/NOSOUND 25/04/96 |
7018 | INF_LOVE.ZIP | 62150 | 22.07.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | "the ultimate love creation 64kb" from the summer party'96. 386/580kb base/1mb xms/gus/vga |
65189 | INTRO.ZIP | 54850 | 25.01.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Paragon's intro from Juhla Pi |
8053 | INVALID.ZIP | 4,9 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Invalider" by Dodge / Mystic Etanat. 11th in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
8054 | INVASION.ZIP | 364,8 kt | 22.04.1997 | - | scene.org | eritupla | "Invasion97 Official infopacket Includes: * Invtro * Infotext * Map & Animation" |
8055 | INVFUDGE.ZIP | 218,5 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Invitation intro to Fudge96 In kristiansand. By Nocturnal " |
8056 | IRKPARTI.ZIP | 357,8 kt | 13.08.1998 | - | scene.org | - | OFFICIAL INVITATION #suomiscene irc-party Join the fray to discuss how mr.sex/(B) pukes. Saturday 15.08.1998 at 2200 |
65292 | J3PREINV.ZIP | 67770 | 16.12.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | .+ JUHLA'96 PREINVITATION +. .+ featuring ivy as model +. |
65297 | JADE.ZIP | 62537 | 06.05.1995 | - | scene.org | - | JADE by Eclipse A 64ko intro Released at the Party IV |
8057 | JAMMDAWN.ZIP | 64057 | 25.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Jamm: Dawn. - the intro. 1st at Juhla 3 pii (3.14). |
8058 | JC_SAVEW.ZIP | 2,8 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Save World" by Juce. 10th in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
8059 | JEST.ZIP | 69,6 kt | 18.08.1997 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Maf/Mainframe/XTD: jest (Asm97 PC intro) req: p5+gus/sb+vesa |
65376 | JFF_POM.ZIP | 57372 | 13.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | JFF: Pomme (Volcanic) |
8060 | JFF-FOLK.ZIP | 63,7 kt | 15.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 64k intro: Folk by JFFPlaced 3rd at 64k intro compo in ltp4 with 147 points. |
8061 | JLANTANI.ZIP | 62,4 kt | 25.08.1997 | koko¹ | ratsnest3.iso | - | Bug2Fix: Just like antani (Asm97 64k intro) |
65406 | JOINT.ZIP | 51816 | 04.10.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | T·R·Y·B·I·T & T·R·A·N·C·E 'JOINT venture' a 64Kb intro for the compo at BIZARRE'95 |
65439 | JUHLA_95.ZIP | 120590 | 13.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Crypton and Orange invite you to Juhla '95 This final invitation intro requires a 386 to run, but for most pleasure you should have a 486 with GUS. |
65438 | JUHLA3IN.ZIP | 288792 | 27.12.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Juhla'96 Pii 12-14.01.1996 Final Invitation by Paragon |
65464 | JYRKI.ZIP | 44417 | 24.10.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Jyrk:. (from scenario-party) |
65603 | K_OBEZ.ZIP | 59531 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Obez from Kloon Code:Hml &bugfixed by Walken/impact Stds Gfx:Teo & ShoCkeR & Poi²/ribbon |
65605 | K_TAIDI.ZIP | 91257 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | KLooN: Pressure - #3 at the saturne'96 intro compo - Bugfixed final release - New comments, messages and gfx added - Hidden part - Win95 compatible (590kb mem) - Support Eclipse'96 TeddyBear domination - Free of X=160,Y=100 chrmface & ducks - In Paris a real programmers can buy a teddybear at Mc donald's |
65479 | K!ABDUCK.LHA | 55558 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | K!NKY's "AB-DUCK-TION" PARTY INVITATION !! SUCK AND SPREAD (Party date 29.3.1996) Zn$ |
65504 | KABOOM.ZIP | 44410 | 13.05.1996 | - | 6766/CDM5_96.ISO | - | Sentinel: Kaboom (SIH'95) (386/VGA/SB/GUS) |
8062 | KAKSKAKS.ZIP | 44,5 kt | 04.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Intro: Kakskaksby Da Hinurit. Placed 4th at intro compo on plutonium00 with 19 points." |
65511 | KALLOPS.ZIP | 45374 | 13.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Mistery: Kallops (Icing'95) |
65516 | KASVOP.ZIP | 46802 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Proxima: kasvopesu, mini-44kb intro |
65532 | KERTO.ZIP | 160525 | 24.03.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Kertotaulutrikkejä tAAt 1995 VGA 386, MIDAS |
65544 | KIDDO.ZIP | 124273 | 13.05.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | A.P.E.X: Kiddo |
8063 | KINGBOOT.ZIP | 64,7 kt | 25.08.1997 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Paragon: kingboot (asm97 intro) |
8064 | KIRAHVI_.ZIP | 47,9 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | kirahvi by addiction + unique64k intro - 9th at Assembly 2k |
8065 | KISS.ZIP | 35,1 kt | 24.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64k intro: K.i.s.s.by Entropy. Placed 4th at 64k intro compo in evoke00 with 137 points." |
8066 | KLD-HLO.ZIP | 44,4 kt | 28.06.2000 | - | - | - | "64Kb intro: helloby mnemonix and friends / kaleido. Placed 4th at 64kb intro compo in takeover00 with 75 points." |
65564 | KLDA_TOP.ZIP | 155943 | 17.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Kloon: DaSisTop (GUS&486) |
65569 | KLIMA.ZIP | 56035 | 14.04.1996 | - | 22388/XENIATGM26.iso | - | proxima 64k intro, the gathering 96 |
65582 | KORSO.ZIP | 54263 | 17.05.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Who else can upgrade a robot by ORANGE req@386.gus.optional |
65583 | KORSO100.ZIP | 63159 | 14.04.1996 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | you am i you am the robot orange orange ORANGE 64k intro for the gathering'96 final version |
8067 | KUNINGAS.ZIP | 9,1 kt | 03.09.1998 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Kuningas by save / Exxtreme Entertainment 1998. 4k intro for Assembly 98 intro competition. |
65595 | KVITSA.ZIP | 49701 | 20.08.1996 | - | TOTALUTILS032.iso | - | Asm96 64k intro (nonqualified): Mikki: Konevitsa |
65868 | L_BRAINS.ZIP | 20060 | 16.08.1995 | - | - | - | Lost Brains - Intro by Abomination |
65609 | L0VEBC!.ZIP | 44578 | 18.06.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | brainlez coders!: "l0ve", abd'96 64k intro |
65651 | LAS_LIVE.ZIP | 32839 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | i lose my PISTOLASER live! GUS only 13/11/95 |
8068 | LEVEL_TW.ZIP | 60,1 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | level twentyfive by array64k intro - 7th at Assembly 2k |
8069 | LICHT3.ZIP | 63,4 kt | 05.09.1998 | repacked | scene.org | - | "Licht 3 by Haujobb for Assembly98 PC 64k intro compo." |
65714 | LIE.ZIP | 47049 | 22.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Syndrome: LIE, Remedy'96 64k Intro Pentium highly recommended, SB for sound. |
65728 | LION.ZIP | 4063 | 12.11.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | LION - 4kb intro from Wired'95. |
8070 | LITHIUM.ZIP | 59,3 kt | 07.04.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | "Lithium" by Vista 64kb intro winner at Juhla IVB |
8071 | LOL_BOAR.ZIP | 61 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Living OnLine by BOAR final version. 64k-intro @ Assembly98." |
8085 | M_STREAM.ZIP | 61,5 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Mainstream by Moottori. 64k Intro for Assembly97 intro compo." |
8072 | M1ST.ZIP | 45,2 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | tpolm 1st march 6999 intro |
8073 | MABINOGI.ZIP | 63 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 64k intro: Mabinogiby terror opera. Placed 2nd at 64k intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
8074 | MACAW4TQ.ZIP | 73,9 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 11th place Prison by RebelsMacaw)&&(BasB Credits: Macaw and Basb REBELS: WE MAKE ALL DAYS PARTY DAYS! >> RELEASING WITHOUT PERMISSION << |
65901 | MAGIC.ZIP | 62761 | 17.02.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | The MAGIC CIRCLE by The European Technology our contribution to the 64 kb |
65902 | MAGIC64!.ZIP | 76503 | 22.01.1996 | - | 7512/trixter.zip | - | keeN liKe Fr0Gs: * Magic Carpet 64 Final * No.1 Wired '95 Intro * Mouse and Joystick * 8o386dx GUS SB NONE |
65945 | MANDALA.ZIP | 5847 | 05.05.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | M·a·n·d·a·L·a a Scenest'96 4k intro |
8075 | MANDELBR.ZIP | 615 tavua | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 256b intro: Mandelbrot is possibleby Dement / Downtown. Placed 2nd at 256b intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
65966 | MAPLE_DZ.ZIP | 48063 | 17.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | DarkZone: Maple (Gathering'95) |
65978 | MARS.ZIP | 2927 | 27.03.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Mars-intro. Todella pieni, mutta hyvin näyttävä. Osviittaa tulevaisuuden pelien (miksei nykyistenkin osaksi) graffoista. Voxeleita. PC:lle. |
65987 | MASS_JWL.ZIP | 57615 | 17.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Massive: Jewelry (SIH'95) |
65982 | MASS-FLX.ZIP | 65437 | 09.09.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | ┌─────────────────────────┐ │ ··■ M A S S i V E ■· │ │ ····■ presents ■···· │ │ -=> F L E X I B L E <=- │ │ Our intro for the │ │ Wired'95 Intro Compo │ │ 386+ - GUS/NOSOUND │ │ 486 VLB/PCI - GUS Rec. │ |
65984 | MASS-JWL.ZIP | 59590 | 11.07.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Massive Presents On the SIH'95 party Held from 8 until 10 juli1995 'Jewelry' |
8076 | MATRIISI.ZIP | 2,6 kt | 09.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "matriisi" by mooze. Assembly \'99 PC 4kt intro winner. |
65997 | MATTEUS.ZIP | 157499 | 17.05.1996 | - | 56/disk_image.bin | - | Perfect Demotaste: Matteus (Juhla'95) |
66040 | MC3INTRO.ZIP | 876133 | 15.05.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Music Contest III Intro The official MC3 intro, with GUS, SB, and PAS support. 386+ required, 486DX+ recommended. If you are a true MC3 fan, you won't want to miss this! |
8077 | MERCURY_.ZIP | 9,1 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Mercury by Digimind4k intro - 3rd at Assembly 2000 |
8078 | MESHA.ZIP | 10 kt | 03.09.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Mesha - Assembly 98 4k intro - by picard / rhyme. Himem.sys or win98& 8mb (xms or dpmi). |
66108 | METHDONE.ZIP | 3316 | 15.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | halcyon: methadone intro |
66109 | METHSIGN.ZIP | 7247 | 15.05.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | an Extreme production 6k bbs introduction |
66118 | MFX_KEL.ZIP | 37644 | 13.06.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | mfx: keltaiset sivut, 386/vga/gus |
8079 | MFX_T3.ZIP | 258,7 kt | 04.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "Intro: Transgression 3by mfx. Placed 1st at intro compo in plutonium00 with 137 points." |
66121 | MFX_TGR.ZIP | 52958 | 05.12.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | MFX presents: Transgression 2nd place at the aggressive 2 party introcompo 486/66 and GUS |
66122 | MFX_TGR2.ZIP | 56897 | 25.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | MFX : transgression 2 (intro) requires: a fast 486 or a pentium and GUS for sound needed (released at juhla 3.14) |
8080 | MIH.ZIP | 37,6 kt | 18.02.1997 | - | - | - | 40k isänpäivä intro by Wind^Compressor. |
8081 | MIND-CH.ZIP | 19,9 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | - | - | Lord Chuky/MiND presents: Caffeine High -intro. Req. VGA & SB. |
7024 | MIND.ZIP | 62871 | 06.01.1995 | - | 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso | - | PC INTRO: "Mind Crash" by Spirit From THE PARTY 1994 |
8082 | MIXED_BA.ZIP | 62,7 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | mixed bag by jmagic/komplex64k intro - 4th at Assembly 2k |
8083 | MOJO.ZIP | 9,2 kt | 03.09.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Mojo by Kone of Exxtreme Entertainment. Asm98 4k-intro." |
7027 | MONAPYHN.ZIP | 58176 | 05.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | hypnoman -- nam, no hpy. tpolm 80kb. demolitn. |
8084 | MOONOO.ZIP | 60,7 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Monochrome life in the nineties (TG97). |
7031 | MOSCOW.ZIP | 61630 | 17.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Tango Sisters: Night In Moscow (Gathering'95) |
7032 | MRBLK_BZ.ZIP | 58001 | 17.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Bonzai: "Mr. Black Snake will eat you too!" (Icing'95) |
7033 | MRBLK-BZ.ZIP | 61979 | 01.07.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | "Mr. Black Snake will eat you too!" presented by Bonzai A weird and original 64k PC intro (GUS) |
8086 | MTRX.ZIP | 130,2 kt | 07.08.2000 | - | - | - | 64k intro: Matrix / addictby Mx Traymuss Def. Placed 2nd at pc 64k intro compo with 90 points. |
7034 | MUQ_SOAP.ZIP | 58319 | 17.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Proxima: Soap (The Party 4) |
7035 | MUREL.ZIP | 52101 | 01.07.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Murel / Phenomena PC 1st at Icing'95 Intro Competition |
7036 | MUSH.ZIP | 29641 | 05.05.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | mushroomland - Aurinkovoodoomandariini '96 Demolition'96. |
7038 | MYSTICAL.ZIP | 2700 | 20.08.1996 | - | 22390/XENIATGM28.iso | - | Asm96 4k intro: Mystical. |
8093 | N_MOREL.ZIP | 57,2 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Nocturnal: more or less (tg97 intro)" |
7059 | N-SPEED.ZIP | 57359 | 18.06.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | Nostalgia: Speed, X-96 intro |
8087 | N1200.ZIP | 65,8 kt | 20.01.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Interamnia: NOKIA1200 (Demolition 2, Gus/sb) |
7039 | NAID_HP.ZIP | 91350 | 17.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | US: High Pressure Intro (Naid'95) |
7041 | NAIDTRO.ZIP | 143561 | 17.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | North American International Demo Party invitation intro 1. |
7040 | NAIDTRO2.ZIP | 296783 | 17.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Night Vision: North American International Demo Party invitation intro 2. |
7042 | NAPT.ZIP | 48320 | 14.04.1996 | - | 22391/XENIATGM29.iso | - | NAPT From SCOOP, 64 KB INTRO, from TG'96 |
7043 | NARCOSIS.ZIP | 3984 | 22.07.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Exact: Narcosis! - Scenest'96 4k intro |
7044 | NATION0.ZIP | 85715 | 17.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Jamm: Nation Zero (Asm'95) |
7045 | NATION2.ZIP | 74474 | 20.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Asm96 64k intro, 3rd place: Jamm: Nation Zero 2 |
8088 | NATURE.ZIP | 5,7 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Nature" by Itchi / THP. 8th in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
8089 | NCT_X.ZIP | 73,6 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | X by Nocturnal from TP6 intro compo |
8090 | NEED.ZIP | 4,6 kt | 28.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "4Kb: does your 4K need 3D acceleration?by warp / unik. Placed 3rd at 4kb intro compo in takeover00 with 50 points." |
7047 | NEUTRAL.ZIP | 139198 | 24.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | PC 64k intro: Neutral by Coral. 5th place at Assembly '96. |
7048 | NEXUS.ZIP | 181857 | 11.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Maniax: Nexus Party 1995 Invitation Intro |
8091 | NJUFNJUF.ZIP | 847 tavua | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "256b intro: Njufnjufby Silique. Placed 1st at 256b intro compo in demobit00 with 185 points." |
8092 | NK_FLEKK.ZIP | 44,9 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Flekk" by Nah-kolor. 2nd in the Assembly \'99 PC 64 kB intro compo. |
7054 | NOCOMM.ZIP | 61489 | 22.01.1996 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | NO COMMENT - PURE ENJOYMENT in 64kb by Vic "the saboteur" (code) and Emzet/SiN (muzax) supports 386+,GUS,nosnd Featuring: the non-fake ultra-cool 320x200 "21 bit" 100hz mode !!Only for the 100hz+ monitors!! |
7057 | NOOON_A2.ZIP | 5600 | 05.05.1996 | - | 22391/XENIATGM29.iso | - | A.C.E BBS ADDY #2 by KARL / NOOON april 19, 1996 |
66678 | NUTRA.ZIP | 34040 | 26.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Jamm: Nutrasweet |
66994 | O_SOLEX.ZIP | 280681 | 05.12.1996 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Oxygene: Solex - How to draw a line (part 2) |
8094 | OBS-DP.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 03.03.2000 | renamed | 22682/cd joystick no115 mai 2000 cd 2.iso | - | "Du Page by Obscure Released at Midwinter00" |
66732 | OKEAN.ZIP | 63854 | 22.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | The Sea Robot of Love. Orange's tp5 64k-Intro |
8095 | OLIPHAUN.ZIP | 6,1 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Oliphaunt by kilobite4k intro - 12th at Assembly 2k |
66750 | OMC_CHOP.ZIP | 53546 | 22.06.1996 | - | 22393/XENIATGM31.iso | - | Chopsticks - 64kb of vectorfree entertainment - produced and directed by omicron - 1:st place at remedy'96. * |
66771 | ONCE_LSD.ZIP | 86766 | 26.05.1996 | - | scene.org | eritupla | Once LSD - A 64 kB intro for Wired '94. |
66768 | ONCE-LSD.ZIP | 55042 | 28.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | 64kb intro for Wired '94 |
66807 | OOTO4K.ZIP | 4158 | 08.07.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | tupla | 4k intro by out of the ordinary |
66817 | OPPSTSF.ZIP | 85265 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | F-Designs / Fusion presentation Final version of 'Opposites' -intro |
66828 | ORANGE11.ZIP | 40391 | 26.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Orange: When God is having a malfunction. |
66829 | ORANGE12.ZIP | 573013 | 24.04.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Womb Womb Womb Orange scandisk req.386, GUS support |
8096 | ORINOCO.ZIP | 5 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Orinoco" by Digimind. 2nd in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
8097 | OROYAL.ZIP | 63,2 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | ORANGE - THE ROYAL FAMILY presents THE ROYAL FAMILY 64kb |
8098 | OURPL.ZIP | 53 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | scene.org | - | tpolm: our planet of cheese. (juhla ivb) |
66885 | OUTCRY.ZIP | 58374 | 04.10.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Grunt: Outcry, GUS, SB, 386, VGA. Scenario 64KB |
8099 | OXYGEN.ZIP | 232,2 kt | 05.09.1998 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "Coral:Oxygen. 64k intro @ Assembly98." |
67565 | P_DEADL.ZIP | 96610 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Purple: Deadline. |
66995 | P-SECOND.ZIP | 59053 | 18.06.1996 | - | 22393/XENIATGM31.iso | - | Primary in 1996: Another Stunning Intro |
8100 | P98INV.ZIP | 467,6 kt | 09.06.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Plutonium Organizing "Plutonium\'98 Invitation" Plutonium98, 3-5.7 1998, Loviisa, Finland PC Invitation intro by dNA http://www.sci.fi/~flo/plutonium/ |
8101 | PACMAN4K.ZIP | 11,6 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Pacman4k by NEXTEMPIRE4k intro - 8th at Assembly 2k |
67029 | PALIKKA.ZIP | 51497 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Asm96 64k intro, 4th place: Moottori: Palikka |
67067 | PASSION.ZIP | 51063 | 17.02.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | PASSION/D!P ASM94 64KB INTRO Released på ASM94 |
8102 | PASTEL4K.ZIP | 16 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Pastel 4kb" by vdg / Damage. 6th in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
8103 | PBPT.ZIP | 173,4 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64k intro: pb:ptby Shakul&lharp. Placed 2nd at 64k intro compo in demobit00 with 269 points. " |
67150 | PEACE.LHA | 12608 | 26.05.1996 | - | - | - | Love+Police=Peace by Deadbeat/Zenon |
67151 | PEACE.ZIP | 31896 | 26.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Peace (32 kB Intro by Delivery) |
8104 | PENSEYS_.ZIP | 9 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Penseys by Moottori4k intro - 4th at Assembly 2k |
7061 | PERUNA.ZIP | 64268 | 20.09.1995 | - | - | - | Delucion presents their first intro at Assembly'95 called - PERUNA - Supporting US,PAS,SB/PRO VGA,486. ·─═════════════[@TABU]═╛ |
8105 | PETEE3AB.ZIP | 41,8 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 9th place superfluxx |
8106 | PETIUM_B.ZIP | 5,4 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Petium by Dairos4k intro - 9th at Assembly 2k |
7062 | PHA_MURE.ZIP | 53107 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Phenomena: Murel (Icing '95 winner) (GUS only) |
7064 | PHASE2.ZIP | 5868 | 20.09.1995 | - | scene.org | - | NOSTALGIA: PHASE 2 - A 4kb Intro by LaSerDance - Released at BiZARRE!95 |
7065 | PIKKU.ZIP | 1866 | 18.06.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | success denied: 'pikku' 218 byte-intro |
7066 | PINTRO.ZIP | 40735 | 04.10.1996 | - | 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso | - | The Parasites intro NO:1 hex GUS/VGA, SCENARIO '95 |
8107 | PIPKA2.ZIP | 71,3 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 64k intro: pipkasoft 2nd introby axe & sob / pipkasoft. Placed 4th at 64k intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7067 | PISSTRO.ZIP | 64238 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Friar and Daredevil: Pisstro! (NAID '95) |
8108 | PLAYDOH.ZIP | 56926 | 12.06.1995 | - | scene.org | - | COMA, PLAY DOH Abduction '95 intro |
7073 | PLS_ODTF.ZIP | 59233 | 09.02.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Próba Generalna II entry: "One drink too far" Came 2nd, by Pulse (code:camel,music:scorpik) |
7075 | PLUGFIRE.ZIP | 8983 | 14.04.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | INTRO PLUGFIRE by FOAM, from TG'96 |
8109 | PLUXITY.ZIP | 112,1 kt | 28.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64Kb intro: pluxityby distancetomicwarp / tpolmunik. Placed 1st at 64kb intro compo in takeover00 with 104 points." |
8110 | POLEDNE.ZIP | 618 tavua | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 256b intro: poledne - dot - comby cpoc / Broncs + Downtown. Placed 1st at 256b intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7076 | POSSU.ZIP | 64214 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | 64k opossumipossukostaja intro, Abduction'96 |
8111 | PRDTO64K.ZIP | 74,3 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Vandals presents Produktio 64k at TP6 |
8112 | PRESENC.ZIP | 49,7 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | - | - | Presence by .sPOOn.64k intro - 12th at Assembly 2k |
7079 | PRO_NUT.ZIP | 627374 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Mindprobe: Professor Nutbetter. |
7077 | PROBAGAN.ZIP | 60332 | 12.06.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Probaganda -64k intro '95 Deck Blasters contribution to Abduction '95 64k introcompo |
67439 | PRODIGAL.ZIP | 47780 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PROJECT presents an 64kB intro released at ASSEMBLY '94 called ÖRKKITRÖ |
67472 | PRX_GUT.ZIP | 51862 | 01.07.1995 | - | scene.org | - | proxima. brought.you...gut.gut twaddler.tecon.calvin .icing'95..64k.intro. [386.vga.gusoptional] |
67473 | PRX_GUT2.ZIP | 57947 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | proxima: gut gut gut (icing'96 64k,386+gus) |
67475 | PRX_ODIN.ZIP | 59136 | 25.10.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | non-midas version of odins vrede by proxima twaddler,balrog,sunday sup: gus,vga,386+,640k |
67492 | PSILLY.ZIP | 61957 | 25.05.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Pink Silly by dEUS |
67497 | PSREAL.ZIP | 115205 | 22.07.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Darkness 96: Pseudoreality (First attempt) VGA/SB/GUS/PAS |
67501 | PSYCHO.ZIP | 62112 | 26.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Scoop: Psychadelic Mind. |
8113 | PUHEAIKA.ZIP | 68,8 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "Puheaika" by Dazed Productions. 4th in the Assembly \'99 PC 64 kB intro compo. |
67530 | PUISEVA.ZIP | 57276 | 27.02.1996 | - | scene.org | - | "kun silmissä kirvelee" - tAAt 1996 (gus/sb) |
67538 | PUM.ZIP | 55685 | 14.04.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | PUM, 64KB Pc-intro by PROXIMA Released at TG 1996, 2-6 april |
8116 | PWP-ISI.ZIP | 30,5 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | pWp - ISI - 2nd at abd97 pc 64k 8086/textmode/adlib.spkr.nosound |
8114 | PWPAZTX.ZIP | 17,9 kt | 12.11.1997 | koko¹ | ratsnest3.iso | - | DA AZTEX BY PWP 64k intro dml 3 |
8115 | PWPFISI.ZIP | 23,4 kt | 07.06.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "pwp : FiNAL iSi the ultimate 64k 3d benchmark presented at abd98 quake festival" |
8117 | PWPPHYGO.ZIP | 21,4 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Phygo" by Viznut/pwp. 12th in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
67641 | QUEER.ZIP | 56087 | 22.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | mindprobe: QUEER, 486/gus/sb, Abd'96 |
8118 | RADIANT.ZIP | 7,7 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Radiant" by Juippi/Tempo & Dazed prod. 4th in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
67754 | RANGERS!.ZIP | 102300 | 17.12.1995 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | live! presents RESERVOIR RANGERS live! . GUS |
8119 | RASIA.ZIP | 4,6 kt | 10.08.1999 | renamed | scene.org | - | "Rasia" by yobi. 3rd in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
8120 | RAYS_BY_.ZIP | 604 tavua | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Rays by Whelpz64k intro - 11th at Assembly 2k |
8121 | RB_3X3.ZIP | 54,3 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "3x3" by Reality Blenders. 3rd in the Assembly \'99 PC 64 kB intro compo. |
8122 | RB_BLACK.ZIP | 34,5 kt | 23.05.1998 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "reality benders absolute98 64k #4 black magic" |
8123 | RB_LOCK.ZIP | 36,9 kt | 12.08.1998 | - | - | - | "Lockdown by Reality Benders 5th at Assembly98 64k intro compo" |
67797 | RCAMERA.ZIP | 91778 | 16.08.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Camera, release version, gus/sb/- (midas) .sYmptom. |
8124 | RCN-GRBL.ZIP | 203,3 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Greble by Recreation64kb intro - asm97." |
67815 | REALITY.ZIP | 58230 | 22.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | The Party 1995: Reality by Funk (PC Intro) |
67844 | REDRUM.ZIP | 4244 | 16.08.1995 | - | scene.org | - | "redrum" by galvados/jamm. (asm95 4kintro) |
8125 | REKKU.ZIP | 135,1 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | An orange intro from the super brothers hoplite and der piipo req the usual |
67873 | REMIX2.ZIP | 6421 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | REMIX2 by Future Hackers - 1st place at ENLiGHT'95 8k intro compo |
67906 | REX.ZIP | 4470 | 06.05.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Våg Badminton The Gathering '95 4KB Intro Contribution |
67920 | RIKITRO.ZIP | 20707 | 26.05.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Silicon: The Rikikitro (386/GUS) |
68006 | RO_BOT.ZIP | 62311 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Orange: Robot (The Party 4) |
8126 | RO-BOT.ZIP | 60,9 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | robot. 64 kilobytes of data from ORANGE - for party4 intro competition - 386 - (GUS) |
67986 | ROMANTIC.ZIP | 43442 | 19.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | "Romantic" by Miracle 2nd place on Euskal 3 Introcompo |
67996 | ROSETRO.ZIP | 92342 | 26.05.1996 | ClamAV: Win.Trojan.1226B-1 FOUND | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Overlook: Rosetro (Req. SVGA) |
68005 | ROYAL.ZIP | 64671 | 22.01.1996 | renamed | scene.org | - | ORANGE - THE ROYAL FAMILY presents THE ROYAL FAMILY 64kb |
8127 | RPL_BOOK.ZIP | 38,1 kt | 07.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64k: some bookprint and a broken heartby Whisker / Replay. Placed 3rd at pc 64k intro compo in mekka&sympossium00 with 87 points." |
8128 | RPL_C22.ZIP | 159,5 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | scene.org | - | catch 22 (replay) baloo whisker distance intro 64kilobytes for thegathering19999 |
8129 | RPL_CLIN.ZIP | 192,2 kt | 17.05.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Clinique replay64k gus/sb2nd |
68022 | RT-FLI.ZIP | 4145 | 12.11.1995 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | FLI/Realtime A 4Ko Intro For Wired'95 |
68026 | RTNLIMIT.ZIP | 61449 | 04.10.1996 | - | - | - | iNTRO BY LIMIT - real-time, Wired 95 GUS & SB |
8130 | RVENTIL.ZIP | 121,1 kt | 11.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "tArzAn tuotanto 1997: Peräventtiili/Release_V Assembly97 64k intro. MIDAS. (GUSSB etc..)" |
68054 | RWDEMO10.ZIP | 9567 | 04.10.1996 | - | - | tupla | The 6th Byte Presents Red Worm Demo A Little Puzzlegame for all who do not like those 'BIG GAMES' Just A Demo, Distribute |
68840 | S_MIRROR.ZIP | 61739 | 05.05.1996 | - | - | - | mirror intro substance |
68105 | S-ASM96.ZIP | 1714450 | 30.07.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | soniq clique: assembly '96 invitation |
68115 | S2LIVE_F.ZIP | 73197 | 31.07.1994 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Live - 64kb intro for The Party 1994 |
68141 | SADE.ZIP | 240057 | 24.04.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Sademetsään by Marankatti A Dentro From Juhla'95 |
68150 | SAMETECH.ZIP | 66441 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Comsex: Sametech Annihilation. |
8131 | SARIXY3W.ZIP | 270,9 kt | 14.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 4th place pure 64k by quad: delicious code (p200) stomping music (gus) tons of gfx (vesa2.0) :tp8 compoversion: |
68222 | SCK_RAPE.ZIP | 87153 | 26.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Shock: Raped Vision (M.A.S.H. 2) |
68221 | SCK-BSC.ZIP | 5411 | 14.03.1995 | - | 1976/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 3.iso | - | Winner 4k intro of the Scenest'95 Pardey |
68232 | SCOOP_.ZIP | 89023 | 10.07.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Scoop by Reality Productions A quick info-intro to the scene's NEW DISKMAG! |
68231 | SCOOPNFO.ZIP | 103242 | 04.10.1996 | - | scene.org | - | ───REÆLITY PRODUCTIONS──Oct95─── Scoop diskmag info-intro #2 |
68277 | SECOND.ZIP | 378576 | 12.06.1995 | - | 1979/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 6.iso | - | NO GREAT SHAKES core&am0ur present a dentro (386+GUS) Aduction '95 Release |
8132 | SEEKING_.ZIP | 61 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Seeking by No Pants Productions64k intro - 13th at Assembly 2k |
8133 | SEHABLA.ZIP | 64946 | 02.07.1995 | - | scene.org | - | SEHABLAD ROUTINES by JAMM (486DX2/66 VLB+) 1st at Juhla 2½ |
68288 | SEMBLA.ZIP | 58239 | 12.06.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Semiotic Semblance by Fit A 64kB intro for Abduction'95 (GUS) |
68290 | SEMTEX64.ZIP | 62866 | 12.06.1995 | - | 56/disk_image.bin | - | Jeskola! SEMTEX ANNIHILATION 64KB OF SEMTEX POWER RELEASED AT ABDUCTION'95 |
68296 | SERIOUS.ZIP | 149200 | 19.06.1994 | - | scene.org | - | SERIOUS - Serious is an astonishing dentro by Jeskola! Productions. This dentro features a lot of new, origi- nal and amazing effects. A must for every democollector. A VGA compatib- le display and a 386 or better are required to see this dentro. Gravis ultrasound is required for music. This dentro was released on the Abduction Party held on 11th-12th of June'94 in Rovaniemi. |
68339 | SHAMPOO1.ZIP | 4246 | 06.05.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Shampoo #1 by Scoop The Gathering '95 4KB Intro Contribution |
68385 | SIH_REP.ZIP | 42184 | 29.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | SIH'95 official Hornet review by Trance. |
8134 | SKNR96KF.ZIP | 345,5 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | ORANGE, invitation to skenery 96 come -386/gus/nosound/vga- |
68454 | SL_HALOO.ZIP | 57133 | 13.06.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | SUBLOGIC: Haloogen, 64k for Icing 1996 |
68451 | SLN_BTRL.ZIP | 54620 | 29.05.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Silicon: Betrayal. |
68453 | SLX_ARSE.ZIP | 41878 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Asm96 64k intro (nonqualified): [simplex.bill.g's.arse] featuring leevi the ihmemies. |
68487 | SNC_LBD.ZIP | 7706 | 14.04.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | "little big demo" - a 4kb intro for mekka`96 code:pinker, music:nypthon, (c)sanction 1996 (midi-musiikki). |
68500 | SNOWTRO.ZIP | 47247 | 29.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Natas/Lithium: Snowtro (c sources included) |
68501 | SNS_NWLM.ZIP | 91984 | 22.05.1995 | - | - | - | weird like me - the intro :with orchid saffron mirror of y :duke of prg and clodobert rub. |
7082 | SO.ZIP | 61281 | 08.07.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | So? A 64kb intro made for bush party II Xenon development |
8135 | SOEPKIP.ZIP | 37,4 kt | 28.06.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | "64Kb intro: soepkip10by hatschenflatschkotte + mcRookworschtKotte + kudelstaartKotte + okkieKotte / kontvlokken posse. Placed 3rd at 64Kb intro compo in takeover00 with 78 points." |
7083 | SPACEJAM.ZIP | 59882 | 17.02.1995 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | FASCINATION presents SPACE JAM |
7085 | SPEED.ZIP | 5067 | 16.08.1995 | - | scene.org | - | "Speed" by codex (asm95 4kintro) |
8136 | SPIN.ZIP | 2,2 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | "256b intro: Spinby Baze/3SC. Placed 2nd at 256b intro compo in demobit00 with 125 points." |
7088 | SPINTRO.ZIP | 73354 | 06.05.1995 | - | scene.org | - | The Spintro A colorful little intro which should appeal to you if you want to have the latest information concerning X-95 With Graphics by HarleQuiN, Code by Dustin and a wobbly tune by HarleQuiN... · |
8137 | SPMANGO.ZIP | 55,7 kt | 04.03.1999 | - | - | - | ambience 99 pc intro compo s p a c e m a n g o deadline code + dupont music |
7090 | SPRING!.ZIP | 104588 | 26.05.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Spring! by Logic Design Winner of the X'95 Introcompo |
8138 | SPRING.ZIP | 58,8 kt | 16.01.1998 | - | scene.org | eritupla | "I CAN FEEL THE SWWET SPRING true art by Fit in asm97 64k intro" |
68602 | SPRING.ZIP | 105511 | 29.05.1996 | - | scene.org | eritupla | Logic Design: Spring (X'95 winner) |
8139 | SQ.ZIP | 13 kt | 07.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "4k intro: SuperQuadricby KILLER/NEXTEMPIRE. Placed 3rd at pc 4k intro compo in mekka&sympossium00 with 146 points." |
7092 | SQU.ZIP | 74265 | 29.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Dungeon Dwellers Design: Squishtro! (NAID '95) |
8140 | STC_REM.ZIP | 61,3 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | "REMEMBER - an 64k intro by Static. Competed at Scenario97 introcompo. Code Hyphengraphics Idiotmusic Maza." |
7097 | SUMMER95.ZIP | 86903 | 29.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | The Official Invitation to Summer Encounter '95 held in Randers, Denmark in 27-30.7.1995 |
8141 | SUNRSE.ZIP | 4,3 kt | 03.09.1998 | - | - | - | Sunrise by Digimind. 4k-intro for Assembly 98 |
7099 | SYKKEL.ZIP | 56967 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Rectum Cauda: Sykkelkonge, Icing'96 |
7101 | SYN_SKT.ZIP | 64911 | 14.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | SKETCH by Syndicate - For ExE intro compo Freq: 486Dx2 + Fast VGA, Gus (optional) Code : MicroGenius, FanThomas |
7100 | SYNERGIS.ZIP | 63371 | 18.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Synergistic/Mistery [Abd'96 intro] |
8143 | T_ANSWER.ZIP | 8,2 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "The Answer" by hiteck. 7th in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
7102 | T67.ZIP | 241299 | 02.01.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | TAAT 1996 GOT KILLED - BIG NEWS !!! ---- 1997 Take it and see how tAAt 1996 got trapanated. - Goh. tAAt 1997 takes over. |
7103 | TAAT1996.ZIP | 40646 | 01.01.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Tarzan tuotanto 1996: Pikku intro, VGA 486 + GUS |
8142 | TALOS0VM.ZIP | 65 kt | 14.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 17th place too short by Artificial Interrupt req: 486+ GUS/SB 4RAM |
7105 | TANGO_S.ZIP | 61849 | 06.05.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Moscow by Tango Sisters The Gathering '95 64KB Intro Contribution |
8144 | TAT.ZIP | 75,9 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | the Astonishing Tribe by Yodel from TP6 intro compo |
7107 | TC_BABES.ZIP | 150016 | 04.10.1996 | - | scene.org | - | babes - contribution for TP5 fast intro compo from COEXISTENCE |
7109 | TC_PAR.ZIP | 11677 | 08.01.1996 | - | 7512/trixter.zip | - | The Coexistence's 4k intro from TheParty'95 |
8145 | TECHNICO.ZIP | 61,1 kt | 05.09.1998 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Technicolorby Moottori for Assembly98 PC 64k intro compo." |
7117 | TEXTRO.ZIP | 190472 | 06.05.1995 | koko¹ | ratsnest1.iso | - | TEXTRO - First Production Release by OTM 386+, VGA required; SB/SBPRO/SB16/PAS/GUS supported. -THE AUTHORITATIVE TEXTMODE DEMO- |
7120 | TFA_UITG.ZIP | 374641 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | tupla | G · R · O · U · N · D · Z · E · R · O Eradicator ][ - straight from X95 GUS (512kb) REQUIRED |
7119 | TFA-DEI.ZIP | 61885 | 04.10.1996 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | G · R · O · U · N · D · Z · E · R · O from the Bizarre 95 Party (GUS only) |
8146 | TGTRIP.ZIP | 323,8 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | " orange invites you to THE GATHERING97 BUSTRIP Finland-Sweden-Norway organized by radio - tpolm - hirmu" |
8147 | THE_BLUE.ZIP | 9,6 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | The Blue Man by NoID4k intro - 2nd at Assembly 2000 |
8148 | THEBOX.ZIP | 5,2 kt | 03.09.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | " thebox-4kb intro bca in assembly98" |
8149 | THERUNE.ZIP | 77,6 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "64k intro: The Runeby Terror Opera. Placed 1st at 64k intro compo in demobit00 with 440 points." |
7122 | THINGS.ZIP | 78789 | 18.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | THINGS - our little contribution - for NAID 1996 edition - by hybrid SB/GUS/NOSOUND |
7123 | THIRD.ZIP | 141493 | 05.11.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | am*ur ∙soulsearching∙ the complete intro |
7124 | THREE.ZIP | 52954 | 10.06.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Three presented by heretics A 50k intro in june '95 |
8150 | THUND0RS.ZIP | 29,9 kt | 14.01.1999 | - | - | - | "The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 10th place Windans98 by Macrosoft 30Kb/ANSI Gfx/GUS/Protected Mode" |
8151 | TIKA.ZIP | 38,9 kt | 30.05.1998 | - | - | - | 3G Design 64kB intro Juhla V tikapuut taivaasen p120 |
8152 | TOASTY.ZIP | 5 kt | 07.08.2000 | - | 10799/CD_ASCQ_22_0695.iso | - | "4k intro: Toastyby Freestyle. Placed 1st at pc 4k intro compo in mekka&sympossium00 with 325 points." |
7129 | TOETAG.ZIP | 89801 | 06.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Vibrants: Toe Tag (requires SCC-1) |
8153 | TP-BUS4.ZIP | 44,4 kt | 06.01.2000 | - | - | - | THE PARTY 1994 BUSSIMATKA INTRO 26.12. - 31.12.-94 FUTURE CREW THE MOVEMENT ACCESSION |
7131 | TP4_INV.ZIP | 766285 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | The Official Invitation Intro to The Party 1994. Produced by Dust! |
7134 | TRO.ZIP | 58922 | 14.03.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | TRO ≈ 64k intro from Remal 1st place at Scenest'95 |
7135 | TRUTH.ZIP | 701041 | 22.07.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Deck Blasters: Truth #9, Abd'96 (Midas) |
8154 | TUBULAR_.ZIP | 13,6 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Tubular Vectors by hiteck4k intro - 7th at Assembly 2k |
7136 | TUHNU.ZIP | 63348 | 29.06.1995 | - | scene.org | - | PAINE-ERO KORKEUS tArzAn tuotanto 1995 Juhla'95 2½ introcompo ∙vga·gus·486dx33·no trident∙ ∙· made with turbo pascal ·∙ |
8155 | TULEVAI2.ZIP | 18,2 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | "PWP: Tulevaisuus II - DMC97 -. Whats gonna happen in da future? pWp answers this question. intro64." |
8156 | TXTQUAKE.ZIP | 754 tavua | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 256b intro: txtquakeby andril. Placed 4th at 256b intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
7139 | TYLSAE.ZIP | 49774 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Tarzan: Tylsae (The Party 4) |
7140 | U8-CAGE.ZIP | 54779 | 14.04.1996 | - | scene.org | - | .cage. by urinate! - 65536b intro. cache'96. |
8157 | U8-DAZE.ZIP | 61 kt | 20.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Urinate: Daze (TP96) |
7141 | U8-TWSTD.ZIP | 53917 | 27.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | urinate!: totally twisted, rage'96 64k intro |
8158 | U8RETRO.ZIP | 60,3 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 64k intro: Underground 8 - Retro 2 Metroby crs / broncs. Placed 1st at 64k intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
8159 | UFO.ZIP | 89,5 kt | 18.02.1997 | - | - | - | A 128k intro coded by Wind for FuzzBusters birthday. Pascal source code included. :) |
7143 | UNI_PRET.ZIP | 5680 | 27.06.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Unique PC: Pretender, RAGE'96 4kb intro27 |
7144 | UNITS.ZIP | 31084 | 06.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | 6502: Units. |
7147 | UP.ZIP | 56325 | 12.09.1995 | renamed | scene.org | - | Surprise! Productions intro from Art Festival. |
7157 | V&A.ZIP | 83724 | 29.07.1993 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Vanity & Apathy intro by Doomsday Productions |
7148 | V96INTRO.ZIP | 62807 | 13.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | VOiD strikes back with: " just a nice little intro " 486DX2+/GUS required |
7150 | VAL_BES.ZIP | 64715 | 06.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Valhalla: Bibo-ergo-sum! |
7152 | VAL_FM.ZIP | 65420 | 06.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Valhalla: Fluid Motion (Gathering '95) |
7149 | VAL-BES.ZIP | 64709 | 06.05.1995 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | BIBO-ERGO-SUM! 64k-Intro by Valhalla |
7153 | VAL-FM.ZIP | 65542 | 06.05.1995 | - | 12423/equalizer-bbs-collection_2004.zip | - | Fluid Motion by Valhalla |
69633 | VAL-PV.ZIP | 66443 | 31.07.1994 | - | scene.org | - | VALHALLA, PERIPHERAL VISION 386,VGA,GUS req |
7159 | VENUSLUC.ZIP | 165786 | 06.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Subsystem: Venus+Lucas = True |
7162 | VESISADE.ZIP | 49220 | 06.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Chaos: vesisade |
7163 | VEX.ZIP | 67884 | 17.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | pascal & DOJ present VEX InTrO (c) A 65535 Bytes Intro made in July 1994 |
8160 | VIAGRAIN.ZIP | 63,3 kt | 09.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Viagra by MewlersAssembly99 PC 64 kt intro compo winner. " |
8161 | VINKUFNL.ZIP | 174689 | 27.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | HiRMU: Vinkuva sika - Final - by PLÖ. Abduction'96 demo, jaettu 15 sija. 386/GUS/VGA |
8162 | VIRNUM0A.ZIP | 60,1 kt | 14.01.1999 | - | - | - | The Party 8 PC Intro competition: 7th place Tiputipu by Virne of Coma |
7165 | VIRTUAL.ZIP | 29179 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Spinning Bugs: Virtual X-Mas Intro. |
7166 | VISIONS.ZIP | 59158 | 08.07.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | Visions-intro |
8163 | VOIDSPCE.ZIP | 59,3 kt | 22.07.2000 | - | - | - | "Intro: Voidspace by Woorlic. Placed 1st at pc intro compo in remedy00 with 174 points." |
8164 | VOXELRUN.ZIP | 4,3 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 4k intro: Voxelrunnerby subz3ro. Placed 1st at 4k intro compo in Fiasko 2k. |
8165 | VYPNISA.ZIP | 3,4 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "4k intro: Vypni Sa!by Silique. Placed 2nd at 4k intro compo in demobit00 with 201 points." |
7171 | WATER.ZIP | 188173 | 30.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | PC 64k intro: Water by Spirit New Style. 6th place at Assembly '96. |
7173 | WEGO.ZIP | 79496 | 30.08.1996 | renamed | 22644/cd no19 joystick no77.iso | - | PC 64k intro: We Go by Complex. 2nd place at Assembly '96. |
8166 | WHISKEY.ZIP | 4,2 Mt | 03.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "whiskey stained brain" disaster area |
8167 | WHO_NEED.ZIP | 60,9 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Who needs raytrace anyway? by foobug64k intro - 3rd at Assembly 2k |
8168 | WILBY01.ZIP | 6,2 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | scene.org | - | "The smallest diskmag ever" Wilby #1 by the Wild Bits demogroup A 4kb scene oriented mag. |
8169 | WILBY02.ZIP | 7 kt | 29.12.1999 | - | scene.org | - | Wilby #2 by the Wild Bits demogroup A 4kb scene oriented mag |
8170 | WILBY04.ZIP | 7 kt | 12.02.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "The good, the bad and the smaller" Wilby #4 by the Wild Bits demogroup A 4kb scene oriented mag |
8171 | WILBY05.ZIP | 8,1 kt | 14.03.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "The cry of the smallies" Wilby #5 by the Wild Bits demogroup A 4kb scene oriented mag |
7175 | WIREDPLA.ZIP | 3420 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | Hypernova: Wired Plasma (Wired'94 winner) |
7176 | WOFAIOS.ZIP | 4349 | 12.11.1995 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | Weird Object Flying Around in Outerspace by Insomnia for The Wired'95 4Ko Intro Compo |
8172 | WOFWISH.ZIP | 7,4 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Wand of Wishing" by SounDemoN. 9th in the Assembly \'99 PC 4 kB intro compo. |
70279 | XCURSION.ZIP | 50056 | 18.06.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | Vista Software: EXCURSION, a 64 kb intro |
70287 | XES_AIR.ZIP | 63957 | 18.06.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | xes: (AIR), abduction'96 intro |
70301 | XMAS94.ZIP | 116422 | 06.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Superioirity Complex: Christmas'94 |
8173 | XMESS.ZIP | 63,3 kt | 20.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Xmess (TP96) |
70312 | XNN_FIX.ZIP | 254482 | 17.10.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | an oversized intro by XENON DEVELOPMENT FIX Competed at TonstadParty '95 |
70331 | XRAYMAN.ZIP | 59326 | 28.02.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | crypton presents the man with x-ray vision |
70416 | Y_BRAIN.ZIP | 141664 | 13.05.1994 | - | 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img | - | SYmptom is back with a new intro called BRAIN TUMOR Requires 386SX+, GUS sounds only |
70418 | Y_SHOUT.ZIP | 26409 | 06.06.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Symptom: Huutaja. |
70419 | Y_SÄÄTÖ.ZIP | 68238 | 27.02.1995 | - | - | - | Säätäjä-intro by sYmptom Came 8th in Juhla'95-party |
70383 | YAHXMAS.ZIP | 114938 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Yahoo X-Mas Greetings Intro. |
70398 | YDL_ILLU.ZIP | 45727 | 08.01.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | ┘ a 1995 Yodel Production └ ─── i l l u m i n a t i o n ─── [SB/GUS] [VGA] [386] [Realmode] an Intro for the 64kB intro ┐ competition at TheParty 5 ┌ |
8174 | YDL_ONIO.ZIP | 52,7 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Yodel: Onion (the gathering 97 intro) |
70403 | YITCHXXX.ZIP | 104041 | 14.04.1996 | - | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | proxima brings you a late valentinetro named "things change". the story of a nerd who expresses his feelings and makes a fool of himself. req. world peace |
70524 | Z_X-MAS.ZIP | 21194 | 18.12.1995 | renamed | 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip | - | *** Zorlim's X-MAS intro! *** I just wish merry x-mas 4 ya! |
8175 | ZAP!.ZIP | 71,4 kt | 24.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Zap ! by Loop from TP6 intro compo |
8176 | ZETOR.ZIP | 39765 | 06.06.1996 | - | 56/disk_image.bin | - | Hirmu: Zetor. (The Party 4) |
8177 | ZINLOOS1.ZIP | 5,7 kt | 28.06.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "4Kb intro: zinloos1by Inopia / Aardbei. Placed 2nd at 4kb intro compo in takeover00 with 65 points." |
8178 | ASM4DUMM.MPG | 39 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Assembly for Dummies by Amazement 11th at Assembly 2001 wild demo compo. |
8179 | ASMBLR.MPG | 49,7 Mt | 16.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Assembler (k) by Funky Bong.5th in the Assembly 2k Wild demo compo. |
8180 | BITJALOW.MPG | 60,6 Mt | 06.09.2000 | - | - | - | "Bitman & Lowping by Lantrix(4th at Assembly2k wild compo)" |
8181 | DIAPLO.MPG | 68,8 Mt | 16.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Diaplo - Uhka syvältä by Episent.9th in the Assembly 2k Wild demo compo. |
8182 | EISORM.MPG | 34,5 Mt | 06.09.2000 | - | - | - | "Ei Sormia SinnePliis!by ENTR0P1C!Production 14th at Assembly2k wild compo." |
8183 | ERAMIES.MPG | 48,5 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Vuoden erämies tai -nainenby Unreal Voodoo. 8th at Assembly 2001 wild demo compo. |
8184 | EVERYTHI.MPG | 53,2 Mt | 16.08.2000 | - | - | - | Everything Falls (trailer!)by Tontza / Ice CD ISDN. 10th in the Assembly 2k Wild demo compo. |
8185 | GFORCE21.MPG | 87,6 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | G-Force 2001 by Pygmy Projects5th at Assembly 2001 wild demo compo. |
8186 | JACK_TV.MPG | 136,6 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Jack by Trash Video3rd at Assembly 2001 wild demo compo. |
8187 | KAARLO.MPG | 80,3 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Kaarlon Enkelit by WelhoFilmi 14th at Assembly 2001 wild demo compo. |
8188 | KUUMODUL.MPG | 116,6 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | hintti ja kuumoduli by united narsists7th at Assembly 2001 wild demo compo. |
8189 | LACKLUST.MPG | 56,3 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | lackluster: 13/10/99 by sunflower4th at Assembly 2001 wild demo compo. |
8190 | LEGORSIK.MPG | 38,5 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | LeGorSIKA by tAAtAssembly 2001 wild demo competition winner! |
8191 | LEGORSO.MPG | 47,9 Mt | 16.08.2000 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | LeGorso by tAAt.Winner of the Assembly 2k Wild demo compo. |
8192 | MORTAL_F.MPG | 85,6 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Mortal Fighter by Episent Productions 9th at Assembly 2001 wild demo compo. |
8193 | PALARI.MPG | 134,2 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | päläri by Nyhjä Group 6th at Assembly 2001 wild demo compo. |
8194 | PERFECTD.MPG | 41,8 Mt | 16.08.2000 | - | - | - | Perfect Day by BHC.13th in the Assembly 2k Wild demo compo. |
8195 | RATSIAII.MPG | 12,6 Mt | 16.08.2000 | renamed | scene.org | - | Ratsia II - the Soldiers of Asm2k by tAAt.7th in the Assembly 2k Wild demo compo. |
8196 | RETALFMP.MPG | 148,2 Mt | 01.02.2002 | renamed | scene.org | - | Retaliation by Fire Mouse Productions 15th at Assembly 2001 wild demo compo. |
8197 | SHEBAXAN.MPG | 12,9 Mt | 16.08.2000 | - | - | - | Shebaxan - Teaser Trailer by Jussi Castell8th in the Assembly 2k Wild demo compo. |
2131 | 24BITCMX.LHA | 402669 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | 24BitComixA 24-bit raytraced comic strip series staring Dexter and Elmo, the tongue monsters. w.graham@genie.geis.comGraphical comparison & merge utility |
3020 | A1230.LHA | 96247 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | Kuva GVP:n valmistamasta A1230 -turbostaAmiga 1200:lle - varsin samannakoinenkuin myohempi A1230+ -malli. |
3021 | AB3DNIC2.LHA | 1498 | 21.11.1995 | - | - | - | NewIcon-ikoni Alien Breed 3D:lle. |
2133 | ABC-PA1.LHA | 1020158 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | ABC-Patterns V1.1200+ WorkBench backdrop patternsThe patterns are designed for ...- a proportional ScreenMode (640x512, for example) with square pixels- an 8-color WorkbenchGraphical comparison & merge utility |
3023 | AEARTH.LHA | 108754 | 11.07.1996 | renamed | 3281/Aminet 13 - August 1996.iso | - | Bootpic for AmigaStart (640 x 400 x 256). It requires the AGA-Chipset. - Original file name: AEarth_256.lha |
3024 | AESICON9.LHA | 266002 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | 300 NewIcons! Imagefolders, Docks, lots more. Aminet name: AESicons9.lha |
3027 | ALTANAC.LHA | 25182 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | CarModel(AGA) by Altinac, Greece |
3028 | ALTAVANT.LHA | 33621 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | CarModel(AGA) by Altinac, Greece |
3029 | ALTBULLD.LHA | 39820 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | CarModel(AGA) by Altinac, Greece |
3030 | AMBERSEA.ZIP | 1426166 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | Strange spheres, floating above a kind of liquidamber ocean. Rendered with Real 1.4. |
3036 | AMYWB1.LHA | 255516 | 21.11.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | AmyWB Icon Pack Vol 1 - TODELLA upeita 32-varisia ikoneja Workbenchiin - Author: Henrik Jensen |
3037 | AMYWB2.LHA | 502434 | 21.11.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | AmyWB Icon Pack Vol 2 - TODELLA upeita 32-varisia ikoneja Workbenchiin - Author: Henrik Jensen |
3038 | AMYWB3.LHA | 518826 | 27.11.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | AmyWB Icon Pack Vol 3 - TODELLA upeita 32-varisia ikoneja Workbenchiin - Author: Henrik Jensen |
2149 | ARMWALKR.LHA | 1193508 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Armoured_WalkerImagine 2.0 cycleobject of Armoured Walker. Consists two anims and cycleobject. |
61021 | AS_BPICS.LHA | 460126 | 11.07.1996 | - | - | - | 3 Bootpics for AmigaStart 256 colors. Original name: AS_Bootpics256.lha |
61063 | ATSURFER.LHA | 406949 | 08.02.1996 | - | - | - | Amiga Technologies julkaisee helmikuussa uuden Amiga 1200 -paketin: The Surfer. Se sisältää kaiken mitä Internetiin liittymiseen tarvitaan modeemia ja WWW-selainta myöten. Tässä kuvia The Surferin ohjelmista. |
61125 | AWMWB21.LHA | 99845 | 04.10.1996 | - | - | - | Magic WorkBench icons V2.1 (Complete) |
61280 | BDECAY.LHA | 6025 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Decay - Pixel-loss blanker for BServer 1.7 Aminet name: B_Decay.lha |
61327 | BEPOINTR.LHA | 356 | 29.04.1996 | - | - | - | BeBoxin tyylinen sormipointteri Amigan hiiren osoittimeksi. |
61478 | BLANKE11.LHA | 278731 | 13.09.1996 | - | - | - | AgBlankers 1.1 - New, unique blankers for the Garshneblanker package. Bugfix release. Requires: Garshneblanker 3.6 |
61547 | BNS-FNT!.LHA | 5273 | 05.07.1995 | - | - | - | Hiano fontti jota voit käyttää esim. Terminaaliohjelmassasi tahi WB:ssä jne. Koot: 6, 8, 16 |
61587 | BOOTPICS.LHA | 78520 | 20.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | BootPicsPictureSome nice pictures for bootpic/backdropGraphical comparison & merge utility |
61687 | BSERVE17.LHA | 525980 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | BServer 1.7 - Modular screen blanker, with 47 clients. - Aminet name: BServer_v17.lha |
61755 | BWRECKED.LHA | 6875 | 04.11.1996 | - | - | - | Wrecked - Rectangular blanker for BServer 1.7 Aminet name: B_Wrecked.lha |
61815 | CAMPFIRE.LHA | 8310 | 21.05.1995 | - | 22810/3DWorld_01.iso | - | Campfire objekti/scene Lightwaveen |
61862 | CASTLE.LHA | 38948 | 21.05.1995 | - | - | - | Castle -objekti Lightwaveen |
61913 | CD32.ZIP | 5328469 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | HAM8-ray-trace-animaatio CD│▓:sta jaohjaimesta. |
61946 | CEDICONS.LHA | 356502 | 17.05.1996 | - | - | - | A lots of ToolManager Dock-icons for MagicWB. |
61968 | CGFONTS3.LHA | 184341 | 15.01.1995 | väärä koko | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Compugraphic fontteja |
62151 | CLIPART.LHA | 399751 | 25.12.1994 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | Sisältää clipart-kuvia käytettäväksi esimerkiksi tekstinkäsittely- ja julkaisuohjelmien kanssa. |
2151 | CREATV10.LHA | 337478 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | CreaTV-Icons V1.0Workbench IconsIcons for MagicWB-styled WorkbenchesKarsten BöhmGraphical comparison & merge utility |
3040 | CRYPSHIP.LHA | 55339 | 19.05.1995 | - | - | - | IMAGINE objects: a "Crypto Ship" from the story "The Man From Nowhere" |
3042 | CYBERICO.LHA | 113796 | 11.09.1996 | - | - | - | A full replacement for the org. WB Icons. Aminet name: cybericons12a.lha |
3044 | DD94-PIC.LHA | 590634 | 15.01.1995 | - | scene.org | - | Doomsday'94 Party Gfx Compo Pics including#1: Planet E (Winner!)#2: Mugz 63 (2nd place)#3: Guardian (3rd place)#4: Daisy |
2159 | DOOM-MAG.LHA | 157850 | 28.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Kokoelma ikoneja ja taustakuvia MagicWB:hen Tarkempi esittely MikroBitissä 1/95 s. 87 |
3049 | FAN_ANIM.LZX | 1517460 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | HAM6-animaatio viuhkasta, tehty Imaginella. |
3052 | FICONS1.LHA | 88648 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | Pretty MWB Icons for Sound & Misc Apps. |
3053 | FOUNTAIN.LHA | 5591 | 13.09.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Fountain module for Garshneblanker (FIX) Requires: Garshneblanker. - Original file name: fountain_fix.lha |
3054 | FREDSAWB.LHA | 19681 | 13.11.1996 | renamed | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | - | Fred's AWeb2.1 Buttons and Animations Aminet name: FredsAWB_1.lha |
3056 | GALAXY.LZH | 67693 | 13.09.1996 | - | - | - | Galaxy - Ohjelma joka simuloikahden galaksin tormaystamaksimissaan kymmenilla tuhansillatahdilla ja nayttaa tuloksengraafisesti. |
2173 | GASTONFO.LHA | 67262 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | GastonFontsFontThree new fonts, 2 proportional, 1 fixed |
3059 | GIRLTV.LZX | 1195482 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | Raytrace, landscape and digitized anims in one. |
3061 | GSLINGER.LHA | 281784 | 13.01.1995 | - | ACS001.ISO (Arsenal Computer Popular Request 1) | - | Hieno ProTracker-musiikkimoduli AMigalle. |
2178 | GULFCONF.LHA | 420105 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Gulf_ConflictSatirical look at the Gulf Conflict.ES:n mestariteoksia. |
3062 | HANDANIM.LHA | 12253 | 10.08.1996 | - | - | - | IBrowse Transfer animation - Finger tapping. Aminet name: IBHandAnim.lha |
3063 | HOFID166.LHA | 132882 | 15.01.1995 | - | 940/LSD Compendium Deluxe 1.iso | - | 166 MagicWB-Toolmanager-Icons. =H= |
2182 | HOWTORUN.LHA | 135642 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:How To Run Into A WallA short and cute animation ES |
3068 | IBFABIMG.LHA | 5618 | 02.06.1996 | - | - | - | Netscape-like navigation buttons for Ibrowse. |
3070 | IBROANIM.LHA | 4552 | 22.07.1996 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Uusi siirtoanimaatio IBrowseen. |
3071 | IBROW_NS.LHA | 1284 | 11.09.1996 | - | - | - | Netscape navigation-images for IBrowse. Aminet name: Ibrowse_NS.lha |
3072 | IBUTTONS.LHA | 3563 | 27.07.1996 | - | - | - | Some replacement IBrowse button images. |
3073 | ICONPAC1.LHA | 59906 | 31.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | IconPack 1 - Ikonikokoelma. |
3074 | ICONPAC2.LHA | 78915 | 31.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | IconPack 2 - Ikonikokoelma. |
3075 | ICONPAC3.LHA | 22038 | 31.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | IconPack 3 - Ikonikokoelma. |
3077 | IMAGLST.LHA | 5256044 | 27.04.1996 | - | - | - | IMAGINE MAILING LIST Volumes 50-69. |
2186 | INTEL.LHA | 2353 | 28.11.1994 | - | 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso | - | Intel Outside -logo |
3078 | JSNUICON.LHA | 275862 | 16.04.1996 | - | - | - | 162 uutta NewIconia. |
3079 | JTEMWB1.LHA | 91325 | 15.01.1995 | - | 16460/Saar AMOK II - Oktober 1994 (1994)(Kreativ Marketing)(DE)[!][I-7598].iso | - | More MagicWB Icons |
65432 | JTEMWB4.LHA | 64321 | 25.12.1994 | - | 1391/Hottest 6 (1996)(PDSoft)[!].iso | - | MagicWB-tyylisiä ikoneita Amigalle. |
65435 | JUGGETT3.LHA | 296203 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Juggette 3: Balls of Wrath an E.S. Production by Eric W. Schwartz (C)1992 - Animation of a female juggler |
65436 | JUGGETTE.LHA | 364297 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12731/goldfish_vol2_cd2.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatiot:- Juggette- Juggette 2- Juggler Demo 23 Animations of female Juggler |
65540 | KIBTRANS.LHA | 58260 | 22.07.1996 | - | - | - | A New def_TransferAnimation for IBrowse! Original file name: KipsIB-TransAn.lha |
65581 | KOREANCO.LHA | 137326 | 22.12.1994 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio: Korean Conflict, Animation of fighter aircraft. Aerotoons -sarjaa. |
65725 | LINEA.LHA | 1489281 | 21.12.1994 | - | 12731/goldfish_vol2_cd2.bin | - | LineaFontA very thin fontamor@student.uni-tuebingen.de |
65737 | LITEBULB.LZH | 79968 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | Litebulb -objekti Lightwaveen |
65782 | LOGOANIM.LHA | 6205 | 11.10.1996 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | - | Replacement Transfer Animation For IBrowse. AT Amiga Logo. |
65862 | LWSKY.LHA | 8042 | 17.12.1995 | - | 20448/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 03 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-01][Skylink CD II].iso | - | Scenejä ja matskua Lightwavelle. |
65891 | MADHO212.LHA | 362725 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | Madhouse 2.12 - Modular Screen Saver. - New in v2.0: Supports not only Madhouse-, but also Swaz- and Garshne-modules. - Requires: OS2+, MUI 2.2+ - Aminet name: Madhouse212.lha |
3080 | MAGICD6.LHA | 297073 | 25.03.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Another collection of MagicWB icons. |
65951 | MANGABAB.LHA | 685627 | 21.12.1994 | - | 22813/3DWorld_04.iso | - | Manga Babes DemoPictureDemo jpegs of Manga BabesManga Babes are essentially 3D modelsof human female form designed and constructed in style of Japanese comics and animation. Designed for use with Imagine raytracer from Impulse, Inc, and 3D Studio and DXF format for PC users andany program that accepts Imagine, 3DS or DXF formats. |
3087 | MARBLEAM.LHA | 81995 | 26.03.1996 | - | - | - | Cool Amiga bootpicture |
3091 | MIAMIC11.LHA | 25785 | 11.09.1996 | - | - | - | MWB icons and dock for Miami (v1.1) Aminet name: MiamiMWBIcons.lha |
3092 | MICONS15.LHA | 391096 | 15.09.1996 | - | - | - | MiIconZ 1.5 - A kewl set of Icons. Compleate set. MiIconZ requires the NewIcons Patch by Nicola Salmoria. -Aminet name: MiIcons1.5.lha |
2194 | MOTOWB.LHA | 31169 | 28.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Kolme erilaista Motorola-aiheista taustakuvaa MagicWB:hen. |
3095 | MUIGADGE.LHA | 9187 | 28.04.1996 | - | - | - | Few gadgets and other images designed for MUI They are similar to the XEN style, but are only 8 pt, and are much smaller than the standard XEN gadgets. - Original file name: MUIGadgets1_0.lha |
3097 | MUIMWBIC.LHA | 986111 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | Icons with MUI-MWB-NewIcon Style. Aminet name: MUI_MWB_Icons.lha |
3099 | MUIWBICO.LHA | 731716 | 16.04.1996 | - | - | - | Kokoelma MUI-MagicWB-tyylisiä ikoneita. Pakkauksen alkup. nimi: MUI-MWB_Icons.lha |
66408 | MUIXYOIM.LHA | 5944 | 09.04.1996 | - | - | - | MUI gadgets & Buttons FULL XEN - Original file name: MUI_Xyon-IM.lha |
66430 | MWB_UPD.LHA | 68558 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | MagicWB icons by MiKi (Update) |
66425 | MWB-GED.LHA | 434336 | 15.09.1996 | - | - | - | MWB icons and dock-anims for GoldED. Aminet name: MWBGoldED.lha |
66426 | MWBDR516.LHA | 379889 | 22.06.1996 | - | 20448/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 03 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-01][Skylink CD II].iso | - | MWB ImageDrawers Full Collection (515 drws) This is a full MWB image drawers' collection, added 42 new drawers since the first release (MWBDrws_474). Original name: MWBDrws_516.lha |
66427 | MWBMUI.LHA | 451674 | 18.12.1996 | - | - | - | Several presets MUI ready to use. |
66428 | MWBSTUF6.LHA | 433609 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | MagicWB Stuff 6: Icons, Patterns, and other stuff using the RomIcon/RESIcon MWB16 style. Original Aminet Filename: MWB_Stuff_6.lha |
66429 | MWBTC.LHA | 33104 | 11.09.1996 | - | 3283/Aminet 15 - Nov 1996.iso | - | MWB icons and docks-anim for TimeConnect. |
66557 | NEWMUIBU.LHA | 3337 | 26.07.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Replacements for checkmarks and radio buttons in MUI. Looks better. - Origina file name: NewMUIButtons.lha |
66584 | NICONSH2.LHA | 51032 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | 38 Newicons incl. complete set for Hack. |
66680 | NVXCOGS.LHA | 292813 | 04.11.1996 | - | - | - | Replacement TransferAnim for IBROWSE Aminet name: NVX_Cogs.lha |
66854 | OS2ICONS.LHA | 4730 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Lisää ikoneita. |
66904 | OUTSID3D.LHA | 40663 | 14.01.1995 | - | - | - | Intel outside 3D with motorola backdrop. |
67028 | PALETTI.LHA | 11033 | 21.04.1996 | - | - | - | Korjailtu 16-värinen MagicWB-paletti ECS- koneille. |
3100 | POWERAMI.LHA | 409869 | 08.02.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Phase V on tuomassa kesällä markkinoille yhteistyössä Amiga Technologiesin kanssa PowerPC-kortin Amigalle. Tässä ko. kortin prototyypistä kuvia. |
3104 | PROL-NET.LHA | 75937 | 19.09.1996 | - | - | - | ProLite style NewIcons for most NetApps. These icons need the NewIcons v3 patch. Aminet name: ProLite_Net.lha |
3103 | PROLITE.LHA | 463132 | 25.08.1996 | - | 3282/Aminet 14 - Oct 1996.iso | - | Great new NewIcons V3 optimised icon set. ProLite provides a whole new style of newicons. |
2220 | QUALITYT.LHA | 1384391 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Quality TimeFlip the Frog animationValtava - yli 6 minuuttia pitkä ESklassikko. Huom: Vaatii VÄH 5 Mt RAM! |
3107 | RA_FLC.LHA | 1335096 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | Example animation of inverse kinematicsfeature of Real 3D V2. |
3106 | RABBITP5.LHA | 1743927 | 26.07.1996 | - | - | - | -------------------------------------------- Name: MagicRabbit's PATTERN collection 5. Short: MagicWB 2.0style 8 color Patterns & BG's. Also feautering BootPictures. Date: 22-July-1996. -------------------------------------------- |
3108 | RASSAULT.LHA | 165701 | 11.05.1995 | - | - | - | Repel Assault DeluxePaint animaatio. Huisi! |
3109 | RBICON01.LHA | 1698550 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 1 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons and Patterns. Aminet name: RabbitIcons1.lha |
3110 | RBICON02.LHA | 1257901 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 2 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons and Patterns. Aminet name: RabbitIcons2.lha |
3111 | RBICON03.LHA | 1189105 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 3 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons and Patterns. Aminet name: RabbitIcons3.lha |
3112 | RBICON04.LHA | 279296 | 19.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 4 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons and Patterns. Aminet name: RabbitIcons4.lha |
3113 | RBICON05.LHA | 728129 | 19.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 5 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons and Patterns. Aminet name: RabbitIcons5.lha |
3114 | RBICON06.LHA | 253557 | 19.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON/Pattern collection 6 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons and Patterns. Aminet name: RabbitIcons6.lha |
3115 | RBICON07.LHA | 1096598 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON collection 7 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons Aminet name: RabbitIcons7.lha |
3116 | RBICON08.LHA | 50854 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON collection 8 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons Aminet name: RabbitIcons8.lha |
3117 | RBICON09.LHA | 45711 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON collection 9 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons Aminet name: RabbitIcons9.lha |
3118 | RBICON10.LHA | 48963 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON collection 10 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons Aminet name: RabbitIcons10.lha |
3119 | RBICON11.LHA | 38844 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON collection 11 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons Aminet name: RabbitIcons11.lha |
67787 | RBICON12.LHA | 90609 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON collection 12 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons Aminet name: RabbitIcons12.lha |
67788 | RBICON13.LHA | 64475 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON collection 13 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons Aminet name: RabbitIcons13.lha |
67789 | RBICON14.LHA | 69214 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | MagicRabbits ICON collection 14 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors magicWB icons Aminet name: RabbitIcons14.lha |
67790 | RBICON16.LHA | 191655 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | ----------------------------------------- Name: MagicRabbit's ICON collection 16 Short: MagicWB 2.0 style 8 color icons. Date: 16-August-1996. Type: pix/mwb ----------------------------------------- |
67804 | RDMICN3.LHA | 189111 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | 215 uutta ikonia KS 2.1-koneille |
67805 | RDRGLOBE.LHA | 17042 | 02.06.1996 | - | - | - | RadarGlobe TransferAnimation IBrowseen. |
2224 | RMG_WBPI.LHA | 258577 | 28.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Taustakuvia ja -kuvioita WorkBenchiin. Tarkempi esittely MikroBitissä 1/95 s. 87 |
67990 | ROMSHASH.LHA | 20280 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | Roman's MagicWB Icons for ShapeShifter. Aminet name: RomShaShi.lha |
2225 | ROMULAN.LHA | 640653 | 19.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Romulan Warbird - animaatio. |
68008 | RPATTE01.LHA | 1031726 | 19.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MagicRabbits PATTERN collection 1 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors MagicWB Patterns. Aminet name: RabbitPattern1.lha |
68009 | RPATTE02.LHA | 632641 | 19.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MagicRabbits PATTERN collection 2 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors MagicWB Patterns. Aminet name: RabbitPattern2.lha |
68010 | RPATTE03.LHA | 473858 | 19.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MagicRabbits PATTERN collection 3 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors MagicWB Patterns. Aminet name: RabbitPattern3.lha |
68011 | RPATTE04.LHA | 1614581 | 19.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MagicRabbits PATTERN collection 4 MagicWB 2.0 style 8 colors MagicWB Patterns. Aminet name: RabbitPattern4.lha |
68024 | RTBTPICS.LHA | 132228 | 19.07.1996 | - | - | - | AmigaStart bootpics showing AmigaOS 3.1. Aminet name: RT-Bootpics.lha |
68156 | SAMWB4.LHA | 962878 | 08.11.1996 | - | 20458/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 13 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-12][PLANET CD III].iso | - | New MagicWB2.0 Icons/ImageDrawers/... |
68266 | SDOCKANI.LZX | 895912 | 10.02.1996 | - | - | - | Erittäin hieno StarTrek-animaatio. Alkuperäi- nen nimi: SDockAnim.LZX. Voi katsoa esim. Multiviewillä (KS 3.1). |
3120 | SFINTL.LHA | 333076 | 17.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | San Francisco Int'l Airport for Imagine |
2227 | SHUTTLEC.LHA | 88103 | 22.12.1994 | - | 10894/EricSchwartzProductionsArchive.iso | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:ShuttleCockAnimation of Space Shuttles |
3121 | SIPACK1.LHA | 76623 | 11.09.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | The Simpsons - MagicWB IconPack #1 |
3122 | SNOWBLNK.LHA | 45750 | 13.09.1996 | - | 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso | - | Snow-näytönsäästäjät GarshneBlanker-ohjelmaan Sisältää 68000/68020/68030-versiot. - Tarvitset GarshneBlankerin version 3.6 = 38.8 OS2.0 tai uudempi. - Tekijä: Karlheinz Agsteiner - Alkuperäisen pakkauksen nimi: SnowBlank.lha |
2232 | SOVIETSO.LHA | 103100 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Soviet Soft LandingAnimation of a Soviet fighter "landing" |
3123 | SP301.LHA | 116158 | 05.05.1996 | - | - | - | Bonus pictures for SysPic |
2233 | ST-CL0.LHA | 6875 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | - | Clipart for DTP program PageStreamand Professional Page3 Star Trek logo's - Contains a TNG, TOS and the Klingon Logomailware |
2234 | STEALTHY.LHA | 81187 | 22.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio:Stealthy ManeuverAnimation of a Stealth fighterAerotoons - sarjaa. |
3125 | STEVEIUA.LHA | 192585 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Lots of new icons, even up to 256coloured ones. By Steve Somebody. |
2235 | SUICIMAN.LHA | 349708 | 19.12.1994 | - | - | - | Suicice Man - animaatio. |
3126 | SURMANIM.LHA | 140116 | 11.05.1995 | - | - | - | DeluxePaint animaatio Surmastus. Aika hassu, mutta halpa ;) |
3129 | T65XWING.LHA | 67347 | 17.12.1995 | - | 20452/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 07 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-05][EARSAN CD VI].iso | - | Imagine 2.0 model of an X-Wing. |
3134 | TM2ICONS.LHA | 14950 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Ikoneita ToolManageriin'especially made for Toolmanager(any version with docks)' |
2240 | TRASHICN.LHA | 1420 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | - | TrashIntel -Icon "Intel Inside" trashcan icon |
3138 | UBERBNCH.LHA | 1576216 | 29.11.1996 | - | - | - | UberBench 1.5. A great icon collection.Supplied with lots of backdrops, iconsand bootpics. |
3139 | ULPATTE3.LHA | 454144 | 16.04.1996 | - | - | - | Taustakuvia Workbenchiin. |
3141 | VESA.LHA | 6546 | 13.09.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Vesa 1.1 - Energy-saving blankermodule for GBlanker 3.6. 'Vesa' is--just as the name implies--a blanker to enable power-save mode on modern monitors. - Requires: OS 3.x, CyberGraphX, Garshneblanker V3.6 - Author: Mika Kortelainen |
2246 | VIETNAMC.LHA | 103982 | 22.12.1994 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio: Vietnam Conflict animation of 2 fighter jets Aerotoons-sarjaa. |
2252 | VTOLCONT.LHA | 206722 | 22.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Eric Schwartz -animaatio: VTOL Contest Animation of 2 competing VTOL aircraft Aerotoons -sarjaa. |
3142 | WBPICTUR.LHA | 668964 | 01.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | WBPictures - Taustakuvia Workbenchiin. |
3143 | WBSCENES.LHA | 285674 | 01.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | WBScenes - Taustakuvia Workbenchiin. |
3145 | WINBURN.LHA | 531825 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | 24-bit boot picture of Windows 95 going down in flames!! It also has a bold `Amiga OS' title in blue. - Aminet name: WinBURN24.lha |
3146 | WINDOWBL.LHA | 76604 | 01.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | WindowBlender - Piirtää matemaattisten kaavojen pohjalta erilaisia värikkäitä kuvioita. AGA. |
3148 | WINPIX3.LHA | 128924 | 16.04.1996 | - | 3280/Aminet 12 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1996].iso | - | Käynnistyskuvia, teemana Windows. |
3150 | WOBBLE.LHA | 3400 | 31.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Swirls the screen display! (BlitzBlankmodule) |
3151 | WPAT01.LHA | 83812 | 26.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Archive contains 40 MagicWorkbench patterns. Note that they are in GIF format. - Freeware. Original file name: wangi_pat01.lha |
3152 | WPAT02.LHA | 70064 | 26.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Archive contains 40 MagicWorkbench patterns. Note that they are in GIF format. - Freeware. Original file name: wangi_pat02.lha |
3153 | WPAT03.LHA | 147082 | 26.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Archive contains 40 MagicWorkbench patterns. Note that they are in GIF format. - Freeware. Original file name: wangi_pat03.lha |
3154 | XYONUROU.LHA | 40418 | 13.09.1996 | - | - | - | XyonGadges 1.0 - XEN Gadgets for UrouHack Aminet name: XyonUrouBrush.lha |
3239 | ABNCON.LZH | 19543 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | 32 colour IFF 2 ansi converter |
3240 | ADPROR11.LHA | 150025 | 15.01.1995 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | auti! ADProRunner V1.1,Art Department Professionaliin erillinenkateva muistinkayton hallintaohjelma. |
8200 | AF101000.LHA | 287,7 kt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | AmiForge 1.01 - create bump heights forthe PovRay 3. 000-version |
8201 | AF101030.LHA | 272,6 kt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | AmiForge 1.01 - create bump heights forthe PovRay 3. 030+FPU-version |
8202 | AF101040.LHA | 275,8 kt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | AmiForge 1.01 - create bump heights for the PovRay 3. 040-version |
60502 | AGAIFF21.LHA | 38875 | 23.05.1996 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | tupla | AGAiff 2.10 (13.5.96) Converts graphics into several 'low-level' (raw) formats. Supports datatypes and realtime animation loading from disk (for low memory). - Requires OS 3.0 or later and an MC68020. -Author: Michael Krause FreeWare |
8203 | AGAIFF27.LHA | 114 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | AGAIFF 2.7 - a low-level IFF-to-RAW imageconverter. |
8204 | AGAMOR22.LHA | 717,2 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | - | tupla | AGA-Morph v2.2 - a morphing program for AGA- machines. Works with 020-060 with or without FPU. Create morphed pictures and animations with an easy-to-use GUI. Freeware. |
3246 | AGASSM.LHA | 210641 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | AGA Slideshow maker 1.0. Makes AGA-Slideshows. |
3247 | AGASW42.LHA | 344141 | 03.01.1995 | - | - | - | AGA-käyttäjille hyödyllisiä pikkuohjelmia. |
3248 | AIVE15.LHA | 25115 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | AIVE 1.5 - Util for Displaying 256 colorspictures on the Amiga |
3249 | AJPEGV4.LHA | 184916 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Amiga JPEG4, JPEG kompressoija / dekompressoija + konvertoija (mm. IFF24/HAM->JPEF->PPM) |
8209 | AKJFPR10.LHA | 12,2 kt | 15.05.1997 | - | - | tupla | akJFIFPrefs 1.0 - Preferences for akJFIF. |
3251 | AMIFIG23.LHA | 255685 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | AmiFIG 2.3 - Structured drawing tool, Xfig compatible. - Requires: OS3.0+, 68020+ and FPU. |
3252 | AMIFL201.LHA | 40933 | 13.01.1995 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | Displays FLI animations on ALL Amigas. G.O.D |
60680 | AMIPEG06.LHA | 132389 | 27.10.1996 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | tupla | aMiPEG v0.6 - MPEG player with support for CyberGraphX. - Requires: OS2+, AGA chipset is recommended. - Aminet name: aMiPEG_0.6.lha |
8212 | AMIPEG11.LHA | 99,3 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | tupla | aMiPEG v1.1 - MPEG-animation player with AGA/CGFX support. Has many dithering and color options, like Floyd Steinberg, ordered dithering, grayscale in 6/8-bit, truecolor. Pretty fast playback with a fast processor. Works also with 68020 but can be SLOW with bigger animations. |
60688 | AMORPH12.LHA | 659779 | 11.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | AGA-Morph V1.2 - Morphing program (AGA). Requires: OS3+, AGA-chipset or graphicboard with emulation. - Aminet: AGA-Morph-V1.2.lha |
3254 | AMYXV121.LHA | 246974 | 06.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Amiga-käännös unix-ympäristössä suositusta xv-ohjelmasta. Näyttää kuvatiedostoja ja osaa tehdä pikku operaatioita, kuten kuvan skaalaus/pyöritys/värimuunnokset. |
2147 | ANIM3D14.LHA | 65807 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Anim3D V1.4Animation PlayerPlays anims written in special languageVaatii: KS3.0+, ECS+, 68020+ |
8214 | ANMFX222.LHA | 513,4 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | tupla | AnimFX - ANIM-player with soundtrack (even Dolby Surround encoded!) support. |
8215 | ANMTD150.LHA | 293,5 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | tupla | AnimatED v1.50 - an animation-editor which allows you to synchronize animations with sound effects and music. |
3257 | ANSIREND.LHA | 41202 | 03.05.1996 | - | - | - | Muuntaa IFF-kuvia ANSIksi. |
3258 | APA101.LHA | 90431 | 13.01.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AUTI! ADProAnimMaker 1.01, a programto make making anims with ADPro easier. |
3260 | ARTSTU10.LHA | 302390 | 04.11.1996 | - | - | - | ArtStudio V1.0 - Image Database, Full Version Aminet name: ArtStudioV1.0.lha |
3261 | ARTSTUDI.LHA | 899104 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | ArtStudio 2.0 -Image Database/Processing Tool Demo version. Requires: WB2.0+ - Aminet name: ArtStudioDemo1.lha |
3264 | AUTOPEG2.LHA | 60085 | 28.02.1996 | - | 20447/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 02 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-11][Skylink CD].iso | - | AutoPEG 2.0 - decompresses JPEGs in thebackground, allows programs to read JPEGsas 24-bit IFF-files. Does NOT allow towrite JPEGs though. Freeware. |
3265 | AVB1_01B.LHA | 279927 | 25.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | AVB 1.01. Add sounds to your animations. |
61541 | BLUFFT10.LHA | 80808 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | BluffTitler V1.0Video ToolA Realtime 3D Titling Systemrequirements- a 68020 Processor or higher- Amiga DOS 2.0 or higher- a 15 KHz monitor or TV |
3268 | BM2FONT3.LHA | 677092 | 21.05.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | bm2font - utility to convert pictures into TeX fonts |
3269 | BMPEG.LHA | 179527 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | Make MPEGs with ImageFX. |
3270 | BPAINT10.LHA | 309510 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Belle's Paint v1.0 - simppeli Amoksella tehty piirto-ohjelma |
61751 | BVIEW110.LHA | 84359 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Bview 1.10Image ViewingIFF Viewer with extensive GUI (ECS/AGA)IFF ILBM viewer with GUI for all functionsfor kickstart 37.175 and higher ECS & AGA support. |
3273 | BVIEW113.LHA | 85047 | 01.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | IFF-kuvien katseluohjelma. |
3275 | CANONSTU.LHA | 79316 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | CanonStudio - Tulostusohjelma. |
3279 | CHAOSPRO.LHA | 390171 | 25.03.1995 | - | 3325/Aminet 6 - June 1995.iso | - | ChaosPro. A nice fractal generator. (Needs FPU). |
3280 | CIN4D-DE.LHA | 6756746 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | Cinema4D Demo, 3D renderoija. Sisältää tutoriaalin, versiot 68000, 68020 ja 030/FPU-koneille. Valm. HiSoft. |
3282 | CLOUDS30.LHA | 46207 | 08.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Clouds 3.0 - Luo satunnaisia pilviä ruudulle. Ks. MikroBitti 4/94. |
62239 | COLLE21F.LHA | 208738 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | Collector V2.1 - Fixed version! - Picture cataloger Allows to create indexes of reduced pictures. It offers many possibilities and has some features that other programs of this type have not. And it's totally free! -Aminet name: Collector21fix.lha |
3284 | COOLIO14.LHA | 90784 | 11.09.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | CoolIO V1.4 - Commodity that allows datatype loading. Patches a few system functions, and allows some pre-selected tasks that only load IFF-ILBM picture to load virtually any file- format. Can also modify any saving process. Can make DPaint or any other program load/ save JPEG, PNG, etc. |
3285 | CPK_23B.LHA | 547038 | 15.01.1995 | - | 3299/Aminet 3 - July 1994.iso | - | OS3! CPK v2.3b,Renders space-filling representations ofatoms in molecules, "plastic 'CPK' (Corey, Pauling, Koltun) models often used in organic chemistry." CPK is alsocapable of parsing various `annotation' records in the source file. Through inclu ded `pdb2pov' program is possible generate `POV-Ray'scene file and invoke`POV-Ray' from CPK. |
62392 | CRSNAP11.LHA | 10127 | 05.03.1996 | - | aminet.net | tupla | CRSnap 1.1 - CRSnap is a quick and simple screen snapshot commodity that, unlike some OTHER screen snapshot commodities, FUNCTIONS CORRECTLY!! Handles: all standard OCS/ECS and AGA screenmodes, V39-40 interleaved bitmaps. Saves as *compressed* IFF ILBM. - Requires: OS2.0+ - Author: C.R. 'Magius' Hahn |
62453 | CSHOW20.LHA | 66994 | 20.09.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | Cybershow V2.0 - state of the art picture viewer. Supports almost all major formats, efects, truecolor/highcolor, AGA, very fast. |
62454 | CSHOW31.LHA | 69467 | 20.07.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | Picture viewer (incl.PCD) for CybGfx&AGA. |
62455 | CSHOW55.LHA | 96131 | 25.02.1996 | - | - | tupla | CyberShow Professional Version 5.5 - This isan universal shareware picture viewer/slideshow/presentation program (incl.PhotoCD support, transition effects, zooming...) and converter for all Amigas (andDraco!) with OS3.0 and hig her which can display images in windows on the Workbench,on custom screens or public screens or presentate as slideshow incl. transition effects |
62503 | CYANIM11.LHA | 38089 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | tupla | CyberAnim 1.1 (24.10.96) - IFF ANIM3/5/7/8 player, supports CyberGraphX. - Aminet name: CyberAnim11.lha |
62504 | CYBAVI17.LHA | 56162 | 03.12.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | CyberAVI 1.7 (27.11.96) AVI animation player Requires: OS3.0+, MC68020, graphic board or AGA chipset. - Aminet name: CyberAVI17.lha |
3290 | CYBERPIC.LHA | 50588 | 19.05.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Cybergraphics system - independant graphics standard for graphics boards.Based on hardware dependant monitor drivers and hardware independant libraries. ShareWare distribution for picasso ii. |
3296 | DANSMAZE.LZH | 47178 | 13.04.1995 | - | - | - | DansMazes v1.13 - ohjelma joka tekeelabyrintteja, jotka voidaan tallentaamyos IFF-bitmappeina. Mahdollistamyos seikkailla niissa 3d:na.Vaatii Gadtools.libraryn ja OS2.04+.MailWarea. |
2154 | DEPACK17.LHA | 4655 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | - | DepackIFF V 1.7Image ProcessingDepacks file packed by ByteRun algorithm |
3297 | DGRAPH.LHA | 66099 | 14.01.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | DGraph 2.00 Create pretty 3D graph animations |
3298 | DPAINTVD.LHA | 382737 | 27.03.1995 | - | - | - | DPaint V Demo Copyright by Electronic Arts 1985-1994 |
3299 | DRWSTDFP.LHA | 630499 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | Demo of new graphic program for Amiga. This version requires FPU. |
3300 | DT2IFF.LHA | 8025 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | DT2IFF, Converts any picture-datatype to standard IFF-ILBM format. |
63263 | DUST.LHA | 679977 | 20.12.1994 | - | 12731/goldfish_vol2_cd2.bin | tupla | DustAnimsDemo-package of animations.Animation, Dust 3D-Special-EffectsDust is a program which manipules 3d-objects. It reads in one object and creates a sequence of new objects. |
63264 | DUST235.LHA | 744269 | 15.02.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | Dust V2.35, 3D-F/X (Smoothing, Morphs,Particles, etc). F/X-software manipulating3D-objects. Perfect completion for yourmodelling-program and comes with manyfeatures no modelling-program has. SupportsImagine and Lightwave DIRECTLY, use objectconverte r for others. |
3302 | DUST246.LHA | 761119 | 26.04.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | DustV2.46 ! 3D F/X-package. |
3303 | EAPRT225.LHA | 116060 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | Easy Print 2.25 - A Studio Print like Program Easy Print is an utility written to easy the printing of pictures (coloured/black & white) on Amiga with few MB of RAM. |
3305 | EDTVIEW.LHA | 15270 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | os3! EDTView, Datatyyppeihin perustuvakuvankatsoja. V0.5. Hyvin pieni janapsakka. |
3306 | EGSPAL35.LHA | 376555 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | EGSPhotoAlbum Professional V3.5 - The picture management and presentation software for EGS Graphics cards, likeGVP EGS Spectrum. |
63684 | EMBED256.LHA | 136691 | 26.05.1996 | renamed | aminet.net | - | Embed256 V1.1 - Hide data file in 256 colour image. Original file name: Embed256V1.1.lha |
3309 | FANSIV20.LHA | 39161 | 15.01.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Ansi Editor Fansi V2.0 |
3310 | FASTGIF.LHA | 154605 | 01.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | GIF-kuvien katseluohjelma. |
3317 | FIFXMO66.LHA | 37424 | 31.12.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | FastImageFX-loaders, shareware version. |
3318 | FJPEG110.LHA | 44444 | 23.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | FastJPEG v. 1.10, erittäin nopea JPG-kuvien näyttöohjelma sekä ECS- että AGA-Amigoille. |
2170 | FLAMIN15.LHA | 32627 | 20.12.1994 | - | 4692/Graphic Sensations - Volume 1.iso | - | Flaminator V1.5Animation ToolAssists creating/animating flames, etc.FLAMINATOR takes care of the drudgery of creating and animating flames, explosions and similar special effects.The 'look' that can be anywhere from movie-like to cartoonish.Sharew are. CarmenR@cup.portal.com |
3319 | FLICK14.LHA | 73124 | 29.05.1995 | koko¹ | ratsnest2.iso | - | FLICK FLI-format Animation Viewer v1.4 -plays FLI/FLC-format bitmapped animation files on any OCS, ECS, AGA or EGS Amiga running OS2.04 or higher. Includes source. |
3320 | FLIP150.LHA | 16619 | 15.01.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Fastest player for FLI/FLC animations. =H= |
3322 | FREEPA.LHA | 178462 | 01.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Freepaint on DeluxePaintia muistuttava piirto-ohjelma. |
3324 | FRONTRAY.LHA | 26191 | 13.10.1996 | - | 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso | - | MUI-based GUI for PovRay. |
3326 | FVIEW147.LHA | 86272 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | FastView 1.47 - Kuvannäyttäjä (GIF/JPEG/jne). |
3330 | GFX24181.LHA | 633405 | 30.10.1996 | - | - | - | GFX-Lab 24 v1.8.1 - Image Processing program GfxLab24 is a fully featured 24 bits and bitmap image processing program which runs under AmigaOS 3.0 or higher. - Freeware Aminet name: GfxLab24-181.lha |
3334 | GIF-KIT.LHA | 19453 | 17.08.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | A GIF savermodule for UConv V1.5+ |
3333 | GIFANIMK.LHA | 37909 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | GIF-ANIM-KIT - A GIF savermodule for UConv. GIF-ANIM is a format, which is used in the Internet for including anims on web-pages. On Amiga these pages can be shown via IBrowse Requires: Registered version of UConv V1.5+ Aminet name: GIF-ANIMKIT.lha |
3335 | GIFTK153.LHA | 130778 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | GIF-Toolkit 1.5.3 -Create, view and edit GIFs and GIF animations. - Requires MUI 3.x. Shareware -Original name: GIFToolkit1_5_3.lha |
3336 | GIFTRANS.LHA | 25753 | 27.07.1996 | - | 3282/Aminet 14 - Oct 1996.iso | - | Giftrans - Make transparent GIF89A files (bug fix) - Requires: ixemul.library v41.1+ |
3337 | GUIBLOBS.LHA | 88338 | 14.01.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | GUIBlobs 2.00 - program for creating splodge effects, like water dropletts on a plate of glass. |
3338 | HAML208.LHA | 176562 | 06.01.1995 | - | - | - | HAMLabPlus v2.08 -demoversio. Näppärä kuvankäsittelyohjelma lähinnä ECS-Amigoille. |
3340 | HYPERA16.LHA | 64977 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | HyperANSI V1.06, ansi-piirturi. |
3342 | ICONCONV.LHA | 64627 | 18.11.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | IconConv - Vähentää ikonien värimäärää. |
3343 | ICONCOPI.LHA | 81476 | 18.04.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Icon Copier - Kopioi paloja ikonista toiseen. OS 3.0+. |
3344 | ICONDLX2.LHA | 79003 | 27.07.1996 | - | - | - | Icon Deluxe V2.00 - Full-featured icon editor Now works fully with workbench 3.0 and up. Requires: OS2.0+ |
65015 | IFFMAS13.LHA | 71609 | 20.12.1994 | - | - | tupla | IFFMaster V1.3Image ProcessingShow IFF structure & chunk contentsReq. OS 2.0+, MUI 2.1Freewarekay@cip.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.d eGraphical comparison & merge utility |
3346 | IFFMAS15.LHA | 141339 | 18.04.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | IFF Master 1.5 - Näyttää IFF-tiedostojen rakenteen. MUI. |
3347 | IFSFRAC.LZH | 26781 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | Frac 1.0 - IFS-fraktaaleitageneroiva ohjelma. Sharewarea. |
3348 | IFX2DEMO.LHA | 283902 | 01.06.1995 | - | 3282/Aminet 14 - Oct 1996.iso | - | ImageFX 2.0 -kuvankäsittely/morphaus ohjelmiston 2.0-päivitysversion demo - näytekuvia eri efekteistä mitä ohjelmalla voi saada aikaan. Kuvat JPEG-muodossa. Valmistanut Nova Design. |
3349 | IFXALCHE.LHA | 4162 | 23.09.1996 | - | - | - | Alchemy RAW Loader/saver module for ImageFX. Enable you to load and save images in the RAW format produced by the (PC/Unix) conversion tool Image Alchemy. Aminet: ifxalchemy.lha |
3350 | IFXDEMO1.DMS | 540154 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | ImageFX and CineMorph Demo Disk, GVP:n tunnetut grafiikänkäsittely ja morphaus ohjelmistot. |
3351 | IMAGEMAN.LHA | 39371 | 06.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ImageManager - little prog as AdPro for Pics |
65076 | IMEN33P1.LHA | 604559 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | tupla | Image Engineer V3.2 (6.12.96) Part 1/2. Image processing application. - Requires: 68020 or higher processor, OS2.0+, 2Mb of RAM bare minimum and Superview Library. Shareware Aminet name: ImEngV3.3p1.lha |
65077 | IMEN33P2.LHA | 409693 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | tupla | Image Engineer V3.2 (6.12.96) Part 2/2. Aminet name: ImEngV3.3p2.lha |
3356 | IMGS_PNG.LHA | 89699 | 29.07.1996 | - | - | - | ImageStudio PNG image format loader/saver. Aminet name: ImageStudioPNG.lha |
3354 | IMGS23_1.LHA | 640402 | 29.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Image Studio 2.3 Kuvankäsittelyohjelma (1/2) Vaatii: WB2.0+ - Shareware. HUOM! Tarvitset myös paketin IMGS23_2.LHA. |
3355 | IMGS23_2.LHA | 579067 | 29.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Image Studio 2.3 Kuvankäsittelyohjelma (2/2) Vaatii: WB2.0+ - Shareware. HUOM! Tarvitset myös paketin IMGS23_1.LHA. |
65243 | ISTUDIOP.LHA | 54354 | 12.09.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | Image Studio 2.1.1 - Patchi 2.1-versioon. |
3357 | IVIS1D.LHA | 870041 | 27.04.1996 | - | - | - | ImageVision Release 1 Demo, exciting multimedia development platform. will give you the ability to create powerful interactive presentation with ease. |
3358 | JIV127P.LHA | 203714 | 12.11.1995 | - | 20448/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 03 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-01][Skylink CD II].iso | - | JIVE v1.19 - Versatile picture viewer. (OCS, ECS, AGA, Cyber, Picasso, A2024) |
3359 | JPEGAGA.LHA | 334599 | 01.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | JPEG-kuvankatseluohjelma. Toimii vain AGA-Amigoissa. |
3366 | LWALKER.LHA | 600113 | 24.11.1996 | - | 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin | - | LightWalker 1.0 - Creates shining 3D web graphics and anims. Turns a flat 2 colour IFF picture into a shining 3D object. The lightsource can be positioned and animated. Requires: AGA chipset, at least 2MB fast ram. Shareware. |
3368 | MAGLNKD.LHA | 110117 | 27.04.1996 | - | - | - | MagicLink V3.2 demo. 3D-objektien konvertoija. Ymmärtää kaikkien tärkeiden renderoijien kuvaformaatit. |
65926 | MAINA154.LHA | 608123 | 21.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | MainActor V1.54gfx/editA modular animation packageCreate/edit/time/play animations of anysize of the provided animation modules.Modules included: IFF-Anim3/5/7/8/Brush/J, FLI, FLC, DL, AVI. Great number of functions for animation proccessing. Abl e to read and write Picture Modules: IFF, PCX, GIF, WB-ICON. Associate sound effects to every frame of your animations. Support for the Picasso-II, Retina, Merlin and EGS cards integrated. |
3371 | MANPICS.LHA | 167238 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | ManageCDPics v1.303, a program to manage all your pictures. Type: disk/cdrom.Author: m_hillen@informatik.uni-kl.deProgram to create some kind of picturedatabase. You can easily have a look at pictures stored in several databases. The program was wr itten to be mainly used for compact disks. |
3373 | MERLMPEG.LHA | 185512 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | MPEG player for MERLIN V2.3 |
3374 | META175.LHA | 75140 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | AUTI! Metamorphose V1.7, PD morphaaja,tehty Amoksella. |
66105 | METAVIEW.LHA | 112980 | 13.11.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | MetaView 1.4 - MetaFileViewer, to view AmigaMeta(AMF)- and WindowsMeta(WMF)-Files and to save the vectordrawing in AMF, CGM, GEM and EPS. |
3377 | MMORPH11.LHA | 194941 | 18.01.1996 | - | - | - | Minimorph V1.1d, based on VMorph V2beta. Freeware. Create morphs. Grayscale 16-256, 100% assembler, req KS1.3+ + lots of ram. |
66268 | MORPH12.LHA | 659753 | 11.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | AGA Morph 1.2 - Morphausohjelma. |
3378 | MP103.LHA | 60425 | 15.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Mpeg Viewer Newest Update 1.03! |
3379 | MPEGIN23.LHA | 63575 | 17.12.1995 | väärä koko | grandis.nu/turran | - | MPEG Intuition 2.3, Intution frontend for MPEG_Play and AmiPEG. Now with MPEG audio support. |
3380 | MPEGINT.LHA | 13644 | 15.01.1995 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | - | MPEG Interface V1.0, GUI interface for MPEG-Play program. Allows you to control the different dither/colour settings, All options of MPEG-Play V1.03 are supported, including saving theMPEG as a series of IFF's. |
3382 | MXANIM10.LHA | 20420 | 26.05.1996 | - | - | - | MUI XAnim 1.0 is a Graphic User Interface to use with the program XAnim. Requires: OS2.0+ 68020 CPU or higher, MUI 2.3+, XAnim. AGA or GFX Board recommended. - Shareware - Original file name: MUIXAnim10.lha |
3385 | NAV20.LHA | 711296 | 22.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Navigator 2.0Videotitler, Wiper and a great VR-engine! |
3386 | NSPALETT.LHA | 3688 | 14.01.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | Netscape's colourpalette in IFF format. The included amigaguide explains how to use this palette to optimize images for webpages. Aminet name: NSPalette.lha |
67123 | PCDMAN3C.LHA | 89955 | 23.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | PCD Manager 3.0c - PCD2IFF converter with GUI A thumbnail builder with built-in selection for converting to IFF 24 or IFF 8. Shareware Aminet name: PCD_Manager_3c.lha |
3394 | PEGGDEMO.LHA | 436504 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | PEGGER 2.0 Demo - utility to help save Amiga graphic animators and artists hard disk space and to give all your graphic programs the ability to load and save JPEG files automatically. PEGGER supports a number of popular Amiga file formats including: color JPEG, grayscale JPEG,IFF24, HAM8, color IFF8, grayscale IFF8, DCTV 3 and 4 bit, Video Toaster FrameStore and CG Pages, Impulse RGB8, Targa |
3395 | PGDEMO12.LZH | 364729 | 16.08.1995 | - | - | - | Photogenics 1.2 Demo - DemoversioPhotogenics-piirto/kuvankasittely-o hjelman uudesta versiosta.Vaatii KS3.0:n, vah.2 MB muistiaja 68020-prosessorin. |
3396 | PGS-EXTR.LHA | 387781 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | PageStream extras |
3399 | PHANTA10.LHA | 280215 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | auti! Phantasmos V1.0. ShareWare morphaaja!Varsin mainio ohjelma. Hyvin, hyvin suositeltava. |
2214 | PICCON22.LHA | 101968 | 22.10.1994 | - | 4692/Graphic Sensations - Volume 1.iso | - | OS2! PicCon V2.20,Multipurpose gfx-converter, esp.for programmers. Features include:-Uses datatypes. -Compatible with all screenmodes-Correct handling of all screenmodes-Saving in numerous image formats-Saving of palettes in many formats-Manipulat ion of cutted frame-Gridsave -Special autoscan modus-Extensive SNES support-Sega Megadrive supportby Morten Eriksenmortene@stud.unit.no |
2215 | PICMER21.LHA | 46275 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | - | PicMerge 2.1; Image Processing; Merges two same-sized BitMaps; AGA-support, up to 256 colours. |
3407 | PICVI203.LHA | 213913 | 11.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | PicView 2.03 (27.8.96) - Picture cataloger. PicView load pictures and render small images (thumbnails) from it. These thumbnails are displayed in a list. From there you can show the pictures or you can ask for some info such as the path, resolution and so on. Requires: WB3.0+ and MUI V3.3+ - Shareware |
67230 | PICVIEW2.LHA | 214202 | 03.11.1996 | versio 2.02 | aminet.net | tupla | PicView 2.01. Create picture catalogs. Requires OS3.0+ and MUI 3.0+. Supports CyberGraphX. |
67265 | PLASMA.LHA | 14569 | 09.02.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Plasma Cloud Generator - Tuottaa plasmapilvifraktaaleja. AGA. Ks. MikroBitti 4/94. |
67360 | POV3C.LHA | 1213528 | 20.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | PovRay 3.0, main archive. |
67361 | POV3C020.LHA | 313068 | 20.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | PovRay 3.0, 020-version. |
67362 | POV3C040.LHA | 313957 | 20.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | PovRay 3.0, 040-version. |
3417 | POV3CDOC.LHA | 1442893 | 20.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Persistance of Vision 3.0. Documentation. |
67366 | POVRAY_1.LHA | 1045240 | 12.09.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | POV-Ray 2.2 - Ray-traceri Amigalle (1/3). Tässä paketissa kaikki mitä tarvitset alkuun. |
67367 | POVRAY_2.LHA | 2396584 | 12.09.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | POV-Ray 2.2 - (2/3) |
67368 | POVRAY_3.LHA | 420959 | 12.09.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | POV-Ray 2.2 - (3/3) |
67365 | POVRAY40.LHA | 117898 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | tupla | Povray 68040-raytracer with HAM8 support, mukana C-sorsat |
3435 | PPSHOW40.LHA | 81395 | 23.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Kuvannäyttöohjelma, joka osaa lukea IFF-, ANIM-, GIF- ja JPG-kuvia sekä datatyyppeinä löytyviä tiedostoja. |
3436 | PROANSI.LHA | 77459 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | OS 2 - Professional ansimaker |
3438 | PROREN.LHA | 59077 | 08.10.1996 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | - | Renumber animframes,very flexible! (GUI) |
3439 | PV3DEM.LHA | 327193 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | ProVector V3.0 demo, structured drawing program. |
67603 | QT12.LHA | 215654 | 24.11.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | QT 1.2 (18.11.96) - QuickTime player for AGA/ CyberGFX. - Requires: OS3.0+, 68020+, AGA or CyberGFX, lots of memory. |
3446 | R3DEMO1.DMS | 775924 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | REAL 3D V.2.49 demo version, Copyright (C) 1994 Realsoft Oy. Maineikas kotimainen 3D-raytreiceri. Data saving functions and 24 bit file rendering of this demo version are disabled. 1/2 |
3447 | R3DEMO2.DMS | 828629 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | REAL 3D V.2.49 demo version, Copyright (C) 1994 Realsoft Oy. Maineikas kotimainen 3D-raytreiceri. Data saving functions and 24 bit file rendering of this demo version are disabled. 2/2 |
67779 | RAYST020.LHA | 592846 | 31.12.1996 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | tupla | RayStorm 1.7. 020-version. |
67780 | RAYST040.LHA | 564247 | 31.12.1996 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | tupla | RayStorm 1.7. 040-version. |
67781 | RAYST881.LHA | 548872 | 31.12.1996 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | tupla | RayStorm 1.7. 68881-version. |
67782 | RAYSTEX.LHA | 294049 | 31.12.1996 | versio 1.2 | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | RayStorm 1.7. Examples. |
3450 | RDSGEN10.LHA | 15874 | 05.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | This program converts a 320*256 32-color pic into a 640*256 2-color SIRDS. |
67875 | REND105.LHA | 131981 | 09.02.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Rend24 v1.05 - Muuttaa 24-bittisiä IFF-, JPEG- ja GIF-kuvia vähempiin värimääriin. Ks. MikroBitti 4/94. |
2222 | RENU-21.LHA | 18129 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | - | ReNum V2.1; Animation Tool; Changes the names of sequences of files |
3463 | SCHCAD.LHA | 74397 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | SchematiCAD is a CAD-program for designingelectronic circuits. |
3469 | SHOWOBJ.LHA | 22248 | 29.05.1995 | - | 1195/Megahits 5 (1994)(GTI - Rhein-Main-Soft)(DE)(Disc 1 of 2)[!].iso | - | Showobj V2.1 - An Imagine TDDD-object and LightWave LWOB-object displayer. Req.OS2.04+. Takes a file in Imagine's TDDD (3D data description) or in LightWave's LWOB format and displays it's contents in window on a public screen. |
2228 | SIRDS314.LHA | 421931 | 22.12.1994 | - | 4692/Graphic Sensations - Volume 1.iso | - | SIRDS_GEN 3.14Image ProcessingSingle Image Random Dot Stereogram genr.Requires OS3.0+ |
3470 | SJPEG10.LHA | 36012 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | Fast JPEG-viewer for the Picasso-II board. |
3473 | SPECFX1M.LHA | 6100653 | 27.04.1996 | - | - | - | Special FX Vol:1 -efekti CD-ROM -levyn mainos ja näytepalasia sekä SciFi Sensations CD-ROMin mainos, Epic Marketing CD-kustantajalta. |
3474 | SPRITEED.LHA | 23388 | 02.04.1995 | - | 12730/GoldFishApril1994_CD1.img | - | SpriteEd on vanha mutta edelleen käyttökelpoinen ohjelma Amigan sprite-hahmojen luomiseksi |
3475 | SPRITEMK.LHA | 13433 | 02.04.1995 | - | - | - | SpriteMaker on ohjelma, jolla voidaan piirtää sprite-hahmoja ja kääntää ne sitten C-ohjelmiin liitettäviksi struktuureiksi (AMiga) |
68794 | SVIEW571.LHA | 939033 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | tupla | SuperView V5.71 (1.1.97) SuperView display/ convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. - Requires: OS2.04+ - SHAREWARE Aminet name: SView.lha |
2236 | SVOJP23.LHA | 41433 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | - | svoJPEG V2.3 JPEG svobject for superview library V6+FreewareRequires OS2.04+, OS V2.1+ and V3.00+ features are used, when available. |
68884 | TARGADTY.LHA | 20071 | 26.05.1996 | versio 43.1 | 20465/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 20 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-07 & 08][EAR-CD IV].iso | tupla | Targa.datatype V43.0 (18.2.96) |
3487 | TESSELS.LHA | 38073 | 31.12.1996 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | Tessels 1.0 - generating random backdrops or textures. - Freeware. |
3488 | TEXTPRTD.LHA | 5699389 | 27.04.1996 | - | - | - | Texture Portfolio - näytepaketti tekstuuri CD-ROM -levystä renderoijille. Sisältää nipun valmiita tekstuureja. Valm. Ground Zero Multimedia. |
3489 | TIFFV116.LHA | 174958 | 14.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | TIFFView116 osaa lukea ja kirjoittaa TIFF-, JPEG- ja IFF-kuvatiedostoja. |
3490 | TIFV117P.LHA | 10330 | 16.02.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Short: Patch file for TIFFView 1.16 -> 1.17!Type: gfx/show Org.Name: TIFFView117pch.lha |
2241 | TSMORPH.LHA | 237247 | 19.12.1994 | - | 12247/FrozenFish-Apr94.iso | - | TSMorph V2.2Public Domain morphausohjelmisto.mpaddock@cix.compulink.co. uk |
69471 | TV114.LHA | 150861 | 01.06.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | TIFFview 1.14 - read, view and printTIFF, MacPaint, IFF, JPEG or any image you have as DataType. |
3492 | UCONV16R.LHA | 1423924 | 12.08.1996 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | - | Ultraconv 1.6 - Complete archive of pic/anim/ dir-converter. MPEG-Support. Wave-f/x. - Requires: OS2.0+, least 1 MB Ram. - Shareware |
2243 | UPAINT10.LHA | 87733 | 22.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | U_Paint 1.0 Paint Program for A1200 and A4000Req: AGA Amiga OS 3.0+Freely Redistributable |
3493 | VERTEX16.LHA | 161265 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Monipuolinen 3d-objektien teko-ohjelma |
2245 | VIDEOTR2.LHA | 404884 | 22.10.1994 | - | - | - | AUTI! VideoTracker V2.0 - demoTee oma musiikkivideosi!OCS ja AGA-versiot.With VideoTracker you can make videocliparound a module. You can use pictures, brushes, animations, animation-brushes, palettes, colorcycle, routines, texts, objects,vectorobj ects,amigafonts,karafontslandscapes, colorsets. You can make small intro or a big house-demo. You can use VideoTracker with GenLock and, for example, make professional |
69750 | VISA3911.LHA | 182139 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | tupla | Visage 39.11 (8.12.96) - IFF ILBM/GIF/JPeg/ Datatypes viewer for the AmigaOS version 3.0+ Freeware - Aminet name: Visage.lha |
3500 | VT105.LHA | 251406 | 18.01.1996 | - | - | - | TV*TEXT PROFESSIONAL V1.05, video titling, create stunning titles and captions for your videos. |
2249 | VT21378.LHA | 435490 | 22.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Viewtek 2.1.378 Picture ViewerFeature packed picture/animation viewer Shows most ILBM's,most GIFs,most JPEGs,most ANIM Op-5 animations, with support for different palettes for each frame. Supports SHAM, CTBL, and PCHG images,fullsupport of ECS/AGA d isplay modes. Supports viewing contents of clipboard. Iconifies to a Workbench AppIcon. Includes versions for DCTV, EGS, IV-24, Firecracker, OpalVision, Retina, and Picasso |
2251 | VTITL115.LHA | 167785 | 22.10.1994 | - | - | - | AUTI! VIDEOTITLER V1.15: Demo of a tool for generating professional looking TV titles and credits for your own videos. Supports very smooth scrolling, color slides (AGA-support), and colorfonts. Share Ware. Andreas Ackermann |
3501 | W-ANIM.LHA | 37760 | 13.09.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | W-Anim 1.0 - New Intuition IFF-Anim viewer. Can read animatioms into an intuition window, with or without the WB palette. - Freeware. |
3502 | WASP202B.LHA | 129450 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Wasp V2.02b,kuvankonvertoija, GIF->IFF, formaatit:GIF, IFF hires/lores/ham/ehb; slicedhires/lores/ham; dynamic hires/lores/ham;24 bit IFF, SRGR, Sun rasterfiles, PPM, P5,P6, HL2, MTV (ja kilo muita) /JOK |
70039 | WHGIF201.LHA | 31035 | 08.11.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | WhirlGIF 2.01 - Generates GIF animations. Program reads a series of GIF files, and produces a single GIF file composed of those images. Viewing GIF animations is possible with Xanim or any web browsers that supports it (eg. IBrowse). - Aminet: WhirlGIF201.lha |
3514 | WINPLAY.LHA | 42993 | 31.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | WinPlay 1.0 Release 3 - Tämän ohjelman avulla voit katsella IFF/ILBM animaatioita (DPaint 3 yhteensopivia) ikkunassa Workbenchissä. - Ohjelman pitäisi toimia kaikissa Amigoissa! - Tekijä: Maciej Gorny |
70217 | WWSPELL.LHA | 5168 | 29.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | tupla | Multilanguage Spelling Checker for Wordworth |
3516 | XANIM8.LHA | 258821 | 05.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | XAnim: Avi/Quicktime/FLI/FLC/IFF/GIF/MPEG/etc..anim player! at least 68020+WB2.04is needed. Rev |
3518 | XFIG10.LHA | 358595 | 07.05.1996 | - | - | - | XFig 1.10 (1.5.96) - is a menu-driven tool that allows the user to draw and manipulate objects interactively in an X window. The resulting pictures can be saved, printed on postscript printers or converted to a variety of other formats (e.g. to allow inclusion in LaTeX documents). - Requires: OS3.0+, MUI and least 2-3 meg of fast ram. |
70317 | XPDFBETA.LHA | 238779 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | tupla | XPDF 0.4 - is a viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files. (These are also sometimes also called 'Acrobat' files, from the name of Adobe's PDF software.). - Aminet name: xpdf1_BETA.lha |
3522 | XT12.LHA | 63108 | 28.02.1996 | - | - | - | Extract V1.2, a program that enables you to manipulate files, change ILBM anims to bmaps, of various formats/sizes and much more. |
70410 | YP.LHA | 43368 | 13.10.1996 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | tupla | The YAFA anim player v0.85 (26-Sep-96) |
8218 | 13-SOLO1.ZIP | 34,5 kt | 03.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Ville/blend solopack 11/96 (ANSi) |
8219 | CIAPAK33.ZIP | 627,9 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | CIA Conspiracy ANSI-packet #33. |
8220 | CLASM_BY.ZIP | 17,3 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Clasm by Argon.1st in the Assembly 2k ANSI gfx compo. |
8221 | DCART_2.ZIP | 427,7 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | Iplex Circle art pack #2. |
8222 | DEVIL_IN.ZIP | 3 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Devil in disguise by DiamonDie.7th in the Assembly 2k ANSI gfx compo. |
8224 | EGLO-02.ZIP | 133 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | - | - | Everglo artpack #2. |
8223 | EGLO01.ZIP | 84,1 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Everglo artpack #1. |
8225 | HATE_BY_.ZIP | 9,5 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Hate by Outrider.9th in the Assembly 2k ANSI gfx compo. |
8226 | HYPE5A.ZIP | 37,7 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Hype ANSI-packet. |
8227 | JIVE1196.ZIP | 806,3 kt | 15.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Jive Productions 11\\96 Ansi-packet. |
8228 | LAVALAM_.ZIP | 6 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | - | - | Lavalamp by Charon3rd in the Assembly 2k ANSI gfx compo. |
8229 | LEGION01.ZIP | 117,3 kt | 16.03.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Legion ansi pack #1. |
8230 | LEGION02.ZIP | 113 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Legion ansi pack #2. |
8231 | NERP-01.ZIP | 58,7 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | scene.org | - | Nerp artpack #1. |
8232 | NERP-03.ZIP | 93,9 kt | 27.04.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Nerp ansi/ascii/art-pack #3. |
8233 | NERP-04.ZIP | 105,3 kt | 27.04.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Nerp ansi/ascii/art-pack #4. |
8234 | NEXT_GEN.ZIP | 8,7 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | next generation by nultrix.8th in the Assembly 2k ANSI gfx compo. |
8235 | NINJA_BY.ZIP | 8,2 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Ninja by H7.4th in the Assembly 2k ANSI gfx compo. |
8236 | PUNAISEK.ZIP | 2,6 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | punaiseksi muutuin by kokki.5th in the Assembly 2k ANSI gfx compo. |
8237 | RAPERMAN.ZIP | 10,3 kt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Raperman by jraevaar.6th in the Assembly 2k ANSI gfx compo. |
8238 | 00000000.ZIP | 62,4 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | - | - | "S3M: 0000 0000 BY: Jaffa/Static Style: Minimalistic Techno Made For: Innerloop98 music compo" |
8239 | PIXEL3D.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 12.03.1997 | versio 1.07 | 18287/WPCFEB98.ISO | - | Pixel 3D V1.02 demo |
8244 | ANSIC100.ZIP | 23,4 kt | 03.08.1997 | - | - | tupla | AnsiConvert v.1.0 Tuottaa PCX - kuvista rasteroidun ANSI - konversion. Korkeintaan 320x200 tarkkuus & vain 256 - väriset kuvat. |
8248 | BMDRW01D.ZIP | 67,2 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | scene.org | tupla | Bmdrav v0.1For msdos black maiden crew + gilden brueder ansi mal programm for linux & ms-dos http://www.drastic.net |
8251 | CBOOK20.ZIP | 213,7 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | 21831/Plex6.mdf | tupla | "Coloring Book Version 2.0!A classic childs toy is now here for your PC. Coloring Book 2 includes 10 pictures (35 pictures come in the registered version.) The program supports 50 colorssound effects (the registered version adds digital sound support) keyboardmouseand joystick controland printing to both HP and Epson compatible printers. Coloring Book is by far the best program of its type. Kids do not need help learning to use. Needs VGA." |
8260 | CARPICS.ARJ | 5 Mt | 07.11.1997 | - | - | - | Upeita autoja, eri merkkisiä. |
8261 | COOLFING.ZIP | 104 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Bmp: coolfing1152x864/16milj väriä. |
8262 | COS_1.ZIP | 7,9 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | - | - | Children Of Satan -logo(c) Hangover -97. |
8263 | COSF.ZIP | 73,1 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | - | - | Circle of Stoned FireMade using Painter 5 and Paint Shop Pro. (c) Hangover -97- |
8264 | DD_E.JPG | 72,6 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | Digital Drum - enlightmentby Genezis/DD. |
8265 | EVIL.EXE | 43,8 kt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | EvilRendered image from a creature that lives in our brains and gives us evil thoughts... (c) Juha Toivokoski -98- |
8266 | EXPLORE1.ZIP | 181,7 kt | 22.04.1998 | - | - | - | Explorer Ship, Picture #1.A Magna 1998 prod. |
8267 | JM_LAGUN.ZIP | 352,2 kt | 04.02.1998 | - | - | - | Pov-Rayllä renderoitu kuva LaguunistaUpea! |
8268 | JM_NEXTG.ZIP | 86,5 kt | 30.06.1998 | - | - | - | Next GenerationMade by Juho Mäkinen in about 24 hours (in multiply parts, of course ;) Made with PovRay and Moray as modeller. JPG. juhom@mbnet.fi |
8270 | JT_WAR.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 05.04.2000 | - | - | - | BMP: WarDrivingWindows:in taustakuva. Kanjoni, jossa ajaa muutama tankki. Tehty 3D Studio MAX3.1:llä. Suositellaan 24 tai 32 true color:ia. Jaakko Tapio / Freon Productions. |
8269 | JT-MBLGO.ZIP | 123,8 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | - | - | Cool MBnet logoMade by Juha Toivokoski (ex-Hangover) -98- good background image? |
8271 | JV_BASE.ZIP | 35,2 kt | 04.07.2000 | - | - | - | Kuva tukikohdasta aavikolla. Tehty 3D Studio Max 2.5:llä. by:Janne Vidgren/Freon prod. |
8272 | JV_MOKKI.ZIP | 57,7 kt | 16.07.2000 | - | - | - | 3D Studio Max 2.5:llä tehty kuva kesämökistä järven äärellä. Tehnyt: Janne Vidgren / Freon Productions |
8273 | KARIS01.RAR | 3,3 Mt | 24.03.1998 | - | - | - | The Best of Karis PicPackSisältää kymmenisen ihan näppärää itse tehtyä High Color imagea. |
8274 | KARIS02.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 06.10.1998 | - | - | - | Karis II2 kipaletta laadukkaita Photoshop/ PSP imagea. |
8275 | LOGO.ZIP | 376,4 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Bmp: logo800x600/16milj väriä. |
8276 | MANDBMP.ZIP | 54,2 kt | 15.08.1997 | - | - | - | Bmp: MandelBMP-bittikartta koossa 1024x768 256väriä joka esittää MandelBrot kuviota ja sopii hyvin Windowsin taustakuvaksi. |
8277 | MOUNTAIN.ZIP | 214,7 kt | 06.04.1999 | - | - | - | Surrealistin maisemakuva.Tehty POV-rayllä. Tehnyt: Jari Nylander. |
8278 | PAINTERZ.ZIP | 438,9 kt | 14.04.1998 | - | - | - | 3 hienoa graffiti-kuvaaPiirretty ja väritetty tietokoneella. Tiedosto sisältää myös Eazy-Access-tiedoston, jolla pääset helposti www-sivullemme lataamalla INDEX.HTM selaimellasi (http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/9926). HTML-koodiamme voit käyttää myös omissa Java-sovelluksissasi apuna. |
8279 | PARADIS.EXE | 43,3 kt | 22.04.1998 | - | - | - | ParadiseMy vision from a portal dimension that takes us to our own paradise (c) Juha Toivokoski toivari@gnwmail.com |
8280 | TOXIC.ZIP | 27,6 kt | 22.08.1998 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Toxic Beauty Queenby Janne Kivilahti. |
8281 | VOYAGEIC.ZIP | 173 kt | 31.08.1999 | - | - | - | Voyage by Iconemail: icon42@hotmail.com |
8282 | ASCIIART.ZIP | 251,6 kt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | ASCII-art kokoelma. |
8283 | COMSTE-1.ZIP | 709597 | 06.04.1995 | - | - | - | Complete STEREOGRAMS [1/5] A collection of streographic images |
8284 | COMSTE-2.ZIP | 721727 | 06.04.1995 | - | - | - | Complete STEREOGRAMS [2/5] |
8285 | COMSTE-3.ZIP | 728282 | 06.04.1995 | - | - | - | Complete STEREOGRAMS [3/5] |
8286 | COMSTE-4.ZIP | 713089 | 06.04.1995 | - | - | - | Complete STEREOGRAMS [4/5] |
8287 | COMSTE-5.ZIP | 407321 | 06.04.1995 | - | - | - | Complete STEREOGRAMS [5/5] |
8288 | F3D151.ZIP | 316010 | 23.01.1996 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | Tekee Win Truetype fonteista Povray:n objekteja. |
8289 | FLE-PCX1.ZIP | 55921 | 04.10.1996 | - | - | - | 3 graffiti-maalausta. (pcx) Piirretty, skannattu ja piirretty uudelleen päälle. |
8290 | FSTCPUFX.EXE | 215,7 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | 23877/PC World Interactive 5.iso | - | 3D Studio r4 päivitys nopeille prossuille |
8291 | LANDSCP.ZIP | 331538 | 04.07.1995 | - | - | - | Digimationin Landscape Generaattorilla laskettu kuva. |
8292 | RMRS-22.ZIP | 129,5 kt | 16.03.1998 | - | scene.org | - | Remorse ascii pack #22 |
49488 | VMPEG12A.ZIP | 154793 | 12.04.1995 | - | 21831/Plex6.mdf | - | VMPEG V1.2a DOS / Windows MPEG player by Stefan Eckart September 1994 |
8294 | AMPTR101.ZIP | 391,6 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | (v1.01) AMPTR101 - V1.01 - FREEWARE "Animated Mouse Pointer for OS/2". Author: C.Langanke@TeamOS2.de Translator: luvabo@ibm.net |
8309 | MSFRLOGO.ZIP | 82,8 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | tupla | Modified OS/2 Warp 4 logo with a "Microsoft Free" sticker. Run INSTLOGO.CMD, only for Warp 4. |
8310 | NEWWARP.ZIP | 413,3 kt | 02.03.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | New Icons, Window Controls, etc for Warp 3.0. |
8314 | BITDUMP.ZIP | 42,2 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 21572/Graphics.zip | tupla | Bitdump for OS/2. Bitdump is a screen capture working with with hot keys allowing you to sh any window either by selecting it, selecting area or using the default ones. |
8315 | BLPNT03.ZIP | 226,1 kt | 08.06.1998 | - | 21572/Graphics.zip | tupla | BluePaint v.0.3Beta for OS/2 Antimation & painting program. Released on dec.27,1997 Home site: http://www.undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca/~pczar ny/bpaint.html |
8317 | DRAWCAT.ZIP | 692,3 kt | 14.07.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | tupla | Drawcat v1.0 for OS/2. A vector based program for drawing geometric figures. It provides a variety of line styles, predefines figures, fill options, and text features. Also bitmaps can be included. |
8319 | EMBO202H.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | Embellish v2.02. An incredible image viewing/ editing system not unlike photoshop, Embellish is designed specifically for the OS/2 operating system. It handles a most every image format, auto-optimises images before saving, includes a number of filter plugins that work quite well and is designed to work with an 8 bit or higher graphics system. |
8320 | FS042B.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 31.08.1997 | - | 21572/Graphics.zip | tupla | ForeSpace OS/2 v0.42b. A graphical modeller designed to produce scene files for the POV-Ray raytracer. |
8322 | IRIT7.ZIP | 4,7 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | - | tupla | IRIT v7.0b. A solid modeling program developed for educational purposes. Although small, it is now powerful enough to create quite complex scenes. |
8326 | LNPLT14D.ZIP | 366,2 kt | 15.12.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | tupla | LinePlot V1.4 is an X-Y data graphing program for scientific & engineering data, containing major enhancements from prvious releases. Features allow graphs that are difficult with other PC charting & graphing products. Native OS2 Presentation Manager program. Produce OS2 metafiles to be pasted into other native OS2 applications. Full featured, shareware. Ext- ensive on-line, context sensitive Help. From Neighborhood Business Services. Reg: $25 (US) |
8327 | MACTR150.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 02.11.1997 | - | 2037/Amiga_Dream_53.iso | tupla | (v1.5) MainActor/2, a mod. Animation Package MainActor/2 is able to load, edit, play, create and save animations and pictures of any size in a format independent manner. MainActor/2 includes most of the animation and picture formats found in the graphics world. Together with many animation processing functions (timing of animations, sound effects, .. ). Includes DIVE support. Shareware(US$60. - MasterCard/VISA) |
8328 | NDEMO214.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 25.08.1997 | - | - | tupla | NeoN Grafix 3D demo v2.14. A tool for the creative design of complex computer graphics and animated sequences. |
8329 | PIXEL_DE.ZIP | 644,3 kt | 08.06.1998 | - | 21572/Graphics.zip | tupla | Pixelpaint for OS/2 v.2.02 Perinteinen pixelipiirto ohjelma. Muuten täysitoiminen paitsi ei sisällä tallennus tai tulostustoiminteita. Home:http://www.neongrafix.com |
8331 | PMSAN023.ZIP | 146,3 kt | 04.05.1998 | - | - | tupla | "PMSANE v0.23 (beta). A Graphical User Interface for OS2SANE - Jeff Freedmans OS/2 port of the Linux application - SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy). PMSANE uses SCANIMAGE.EXE (from SANE661.ZIP) to scan a documentthen it starts your Viewer application. Scanned images are stored in temporary files which are (optionally) deleted when you exit the program." |
8332 | PMVW101.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | (v1.01) PMView. This is a very fast bitmap viewer for files in JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, Photo CD and 30 other formats. This program also allows conversions between image formats, minor editing adjustments (such as cropping and rotation), screen capture, and simple slideshows. SHAREWARE US$42 registration fee. Contact: pnielsen@abo.fi. |
8339 | AURORA11.ZIP | 64,9 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | tupla | Aurora Screensavers v1.1Delicate arrays of color unfold in this never-ending computer simulated journey through the Aurora Borealis. Advanced Setup Screen with choice of sun, moon and/or stars. Options include choice of 4 different speeds and special randomize feature. Twelve different screensavers to choose from. Specially designed to run on both 16bit and 32bit systems. |
8343 | BACKS.ZIP | 571,6 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | tupla | Kaksi mahtavan upeaa Windowsin taustakuvaa by Terminator. Finished: 08.07.1998 (C)opyright 1998 Magnus Ståhls |
8346 | BMP2ICO.ZIP | 152 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | sac.sk | tupla | Bmp to IcoConverts Windows .bmp files to .ico icon-files and vice-versa, being a damn fine icon tool. Windows 3.1+. |
8348 | CHAPEL.ZIP | 118,9 kt | 03.02.1997 | - | - | tupla | Erittäin hieno Windowsin taustakuva, tekijänä: Terminator. |
8349 | COMICSS2.ZIP | 25,4 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso | tupla | Comedy Screen SaverSimilar to the Windows Marquee Screen Saver, except that it allows you to display multiple messages drawn from a text file. The text file can contain comedy,insults, Win95 tips, or anything you want. It also permits you to display the text with your favorite fonts and colors, set a password, and play MIDI music. Description Copyright 1996 PsL. |
8350 | CREATE15.ZIP | 599,5 kt | 21.04.1997 | - | 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | tupla | Images of Creation v1.5 A Media Album/Screen Saver for WIn 95 & 3.1+ whose theme is the mythic-visionary experience. Explore and contemplate cosmic creation with this exceptional collection of original digital art and thoughtful text taken from mythological classics. Graphics in the registered version are 24 bit, 16 million color and royalty free! |
8351 | CZ-DEMO.ZIP | 174,6 kt | 30.10.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | ChromaZone Screen Saver Demo for Windows. By Steve Gibson / Gibson Research. |
8352 | DAZZL52A.ZIP | 168,6 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 21819/Pegasus_Vol_6_CD1.iso | tupla | Dazzle v5.2EGA/VGA SUPER-KALEIDOSCOPE IMAGE GENERATOR DOS & Windows SCREEN SAVER when registered. The 2D image engine subset from the full retail RAZZLE DAZZLE ultimate DOS & Windows multimedia screen saver. The best- selling retail programs are now available as registration upgrades to this shareware subset, an excellent bargain! |
8353 | ACDSEE31.EXE | 5,7 Mt | 12.12.2000 | - | #hyrava | tupla | ACDSee 3.1ACDSee 3.1 is the complete digital imaging software solution! It is the fastest picture viewer, graphic converter and jpeg viewer available for Windows. ACDSee 3.1 image viewer includes photo enhancement tools that let you crop, rotate and alter your photos and graphics to get a sharper image. It also supports batch file conversions, sharper image enhancement and over 40 image formats. Plus, this award-winning image viewing shareware lets you share images via e-mail, private server and the Web. http://www.acdsystems.com |
8354 | ANIGIF98.ZIP | 433,4 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Animagic GIF v0.98 Animagic GIF v0.98 - An easy to use yet powerful GIF animation too Produces output files that are 10% to 80% sma than non-optimized GIFs. Builds animations f individual frames or from existing animated G User can easily control loopscolor palettes transparent colorcopy/cut/paste framesspe moving sprites and more." |
8355 | AUTOMA22.ZIP | 268,3 kt | 22.05.1997 | - | - | tupla | AUTOMATA for ART V2.2 is a graphical creation software, bilingual (english and french), allowing the creation of various and original bitmap images, using the graphical and esthetical properties of cellular automata. Such images can be used in various fields of art and decoration: patchwork, enamels, stained-glass windows, mosaic, etc. |
8358 | BLUECLUE.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 08.11.1999 | - | - | tupla | "Blues Cues: Art Project Lapsille tarkoitettu yksinkertainen piirusteluohjelma. Erilaisista esineistä ja väreistä voi taiteilla omia tauluja. Windows." |
8361 | CPIC131.ZIP | 545,8 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | tupla | CPIC Graphics Viewer v1.31 - CPIP (Windows) makes viewing easy with its blazing multitasking speed, features, ease of use and phone support! View, Play, Convert, Edit Wallpaper, Cut, Paste, Scan, Print. Supports all common graphic/sound/video file types (22+). Slideshows & Screen Saver! Thumbnails & Cataloging! |
8362 | CPX1611A.ZIP | 507,7 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | CryptaPix 1.1a - Graphics viewer/encryption for Windows. Supports GIF, JPG, PNG, PCX, TIF, and BMP images. Full screen slideshows. Secure 40-bit & 80-bit PC1 (RC4 clone) and 160-bit Blowfish encryption keeps your private image collection away from unauthorized access. Encrypted thumbnail and WAV sound support. Conversion, printing and secure wipe features are also available. |
8364 | DICTEDIT.ZIP | 39,8 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso | tupla | DMS Picture Editor - is a property editor for editing pictures, bitmaps (glyphs), icons, and metafiles from within the Delphi IDE. Both 16- and 32-bit versions are provided. Description Copyright 1996 PsL |
8365 | DMILL230.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 17.04.1997 | - | - | tupla | DocuMill v2.3 DocuMill is a versatile Image Database Management System and Fax Server that combines sophisticated send-and-receive fax, scanning, import, export, file format conversion, document management, and printing functions in a single application. A Windows printer driver is included that allows faxing from any Windows application. |
8366 | DRAWME10.ZIP | 356,4 kt | 22.05.1997 | - | - | tupla | DrawMe version 1.0 is freeware (yes really!) and is designed to provide a simple means for creating diagrams and illustrations to scale. As well as all the usual drawing tools (including Bezier curves), DrawMe provides a range of tools for editing objects. For example objects can be stretched, rotated, sheared, flipped, inverted, grouped or aligned with one |
8368 | EZEART11.ZIP | 94,2 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 12772/11000.zip | tupla | Ezeart(tm) Windows file viewerThis program can view JPG, GIF, BMP, PCX and icons. Files are viewable on the fly, and can be scrolled. One can also delete and rename files from the viewer. Sort by name, size, type, date and extension. File identification. |
8369 | FBRUSH11.ZIP | 636,3 kt | 10.09.1997 | - | 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso | tupla | Free Brush v1.1 |
8370 | FFDLP21G.ZIP | 461,4 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | tupla | Designer Envelopes v2.1g |
8371 | FGX16E57.ZIP | 998,3 kt | 29.07.1997 | - | sac.sk | tupla | Formula Graphics Multimedia System 5.7 Promultimedia-, game- and internet- development system for Windows 3.1, 95, NT. Easy to use graphical interface with bitmaps animations, sound, video and hypertext. 256 colors with dynamic palette management and 24 bit color. Includes a powerful multimedia language. Develop titles that play from floppy disk, CDROM, or through the internet. Includes documentation and examples. |
8372 | FGX16V97.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 09.12.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Formula Graphics 97 for Win 3.1 Rel 97.8.1Develop interactive multimedia applications. Easy-to-use graphical interface. Programmable 2D and 3D graphics. Dynamic palette manager. Capable of 8, 16, 24 or 32 bit color. Supports many bitmap and anim. file formats. Play presentations from floppy, CD-ROM, or the Internet. Create screen savers or inst. utilities. Formula Software Pty Ltd. http:// www.FormulaGraphics.com/. Sydney, Australia |
8373 | 2020S.ZIP | 2 Mt | 14.01.2000 | - | 23345/CHIP_HITWARE6_A.iso | tupla | 20/20 2.1A freeware screen capture, image view and annotation application. Also capable of creating slide shows and generating thumbnails. |
8374 | 3DEM70.ZIP | 511,1 kt | 19.01.2000 | - | MBHH2000 | tupla | 3DEM v7.0.53Dem will produce ray traced landscape scenes and fly-by -animations. Freeware. |
8375 | 3DEXPLOR.ZIP | 1 Mt | 02.10.1999 | - | - | tupla | 3D Exploration 1.1 Easy-to-use viewer for Windows 95, 98 and NT with Explorer-like interface and Open GL hardware accelerator support. It allows you to browse many popular 3D file formats - 3D Studio, LightWave, Caligari, Direct X, AutoCAD and many other, plus common 2D file types. Click-to-zoom and Drag-zoom let you explore 3D objects instantly. |
8376 | 3DRAD243.ZIP | 894,2 kt | 06.10.1999 | - | MBCD | tupla | 3D Rad v2.4.3An easy-to-use, rapid 3D application development system, especially suited to 3D games creation. |
8379 | AAAPG101.ZIP | 214,5 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | 19732/04 SWP 049 - 06-1997.iso | tupla | AAApeg v1.01AAApeg - a JPEG image viewer/slideshow utility for Win95. Easy, fast, & fun to use. Supports JPG TGA PCX BMP & non-LZW TIF. Single keypress or mouse click lets you view images without "file open" dialog. Another excellent $10 utility from the merry elves and sprites at Oh My Goddess! |
8380 | ACDSEE30.EXE | 3,9 Mt | 14.01.2000 | - | 15604/PCM_0002.iso | tupla | ACDSee 3.0 (32.Bit) High-performance image viewer. Supports BMP, GIF, JPG, TGA, TIF, and more. For example, thumbnails for each directory and animated GIFs. |
8381 | ACDSEE31.EXE | 5,7 Mt | 12.12.2000 | - | #hyrava | tupla | ACDSee 3.1ACDSee 3.1 is the complete digital imaging software solution! It is the fastest picture viewer, graphic converter and jpeg viewer available for Windows. ACDSee 3.1 image viewer includes photo enhancement tools that let you crop, rotate and alter your photos and graphics to get a sharper image. It also supports batch file conversions, sharper image enhancement and over 40 image formats. Plus, this award-winning image viewing shareware lets you share images via e-mail, private server and the Web. http://www.acdsystems.com |
8382 | AI2.ZIP | 630 kt | 02.01.2001 | - | - | tupla | ArtIcons 2.31ArtIcons allows you to edit Windows icons in color depths up to 16 million colors, search files and folders for icons, export and import icon images and create and manage icon libraries. Requirements: Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000, 16MB RAM, Pentium-100, True Color. http://www.aha-soft.com |
8383 | ALCYN101.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | tupla | Alcyone v1.01Win95 JPEG Viewer This program is a mulitmedia slide show generator that allows users to construct multimedia slide shows by combining JPEG image files and MIDI music files. Slide shows can be customized and saved as a single file for replay at a later time or distribution among other Alcyone users. Free 30-day trial version. Registered version: (US$ 19.95 Check/Money Order). David C. Irizarry xerxees@ix.netcom.com |
8384 | ALICE99.EXE | 13,6 Mt | 14.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | ALICE 99A free development environment for building interactive 3D worlds, Alice is designed to bring 3D graphics to the masses. This version also includes the Teddy modeller and the Alice paint program. |
8385 | ALIPLUG.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 16.12.1998 | - | - | tupla | Alice Plug-In Install |
8386 | ALLVU211.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 12.04.1998 | - | 22253/CC971203.BIN | tupla | Allvue v.2.11 Allvue allows you to speed up the process of finding or reviewing multiple image files. Allows you to view 15 at a time, and has support for all major formats. Do you have about 1,000+ images on your computer? If you do, then try this out. |
8387 | ALVUP102.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | tupla | Allvue Pro v.1.02 Allvue Pro v.1.02 allows you to speed up the process of finding or reviewing multiple image files. Allows you to view 15 at a time, and has support for all major formats. Do you have about 1,000+ images on your computer? If you do, then try this out. Professional version adds the ability to load more file-types and to save any loaded file as a BMP file-type so you can use many common tools to further edit and modify your images. |
8388 | ANIM110C.ZIP | 538,8 kt | 08.10.1999 | - | - | - | "Animagic GIF v1.10An easy to use yet powerful GIF animation tool. Produces output files that are 10% to 80% smaller than non-optimized GIFs. Builds animations from individual frames or from existing animated GIFs. Supports drag-and-dropreads GIFPCXBMP or AVI files. Users can easily control loopscolor palettesframe ratetransparent colorcopy/cut/paste framesspecial effectsmoving sprites and more." |
8390 | ANS301EV.EXE | 11 Mt | 28.01.2001 | - | - | - | Animation Shop 3.01Erillinen versio Paint Shop Pro:n mukana tulevasta monipuolisesta animaatio-ohjelmasta. Voit lisätä aniaatioon erilaisia efektejä ja tallentaa animaation GIF, FLC, FLI, AVI, ANI tai MNG -muotoon. Kuukauden kokeiluversio. http://www.jasc.com |
8391 | APREM42D.ARJ | 1,9 Mt | 25.09.1997 | - | - | - | Adobe Premiere 4.2 TRYOUT demoWin95/NT3.51 486 10 MB. Comes complete with sample files, so you can experiment with new plug-in filters, motion controls and transitions. Adobe. |
8394 | 310595FI.TXT | 20687 | 15.08.1995 | - | - | - | List of finnish internet servers, 31.05.95 |
8395 | 8LEGS10F.ZIP | 2981948 | 22.06.1996 | - | 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso | - | 8Legs Web Studio. Erinomainen, projektipohjainen HTML-editori/Java-sovelluksien tekijä. |
8398 | A_SLIPP.LHA | 12648 | 24.01.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Amiga Internet-guide for beginners |
8396 | AG2HTML.LHA | 4753 | 06.04.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | AmigaGuide file to HTML directory converter VERSION 2.941126c This perl script will take an amigaguide file, and convert it into a directory of html files so that it can be served as an information source to the world wide web. |
8397 | ARCN16B1.EXE | 971,3 kt | 05.03.2000 | - | - | - | Arachne v1.60 beta 1 A WWW browser, HTML viewer, HTML editor, e-mail client with folders, graphical desktop, and internet/intranet client for DOS. Prints/exports to ASCII or PostScript. Shareware AVI, MOV and MPEG3 player QV can be used as plug-in. Runs on DOS, i80x86, XMS, EMS, VESA, SVGA, VGA, EGA, CGA, mouse, packet driver, modem. |
8399 | AUHTML14.ZIP | 38664 | 04.12.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AUTOHTML creates HTML hypertext documents (WWW pages) from machine readable text files automatically. The created HTML documenst are fully linked multiple pages, a complete text web site! |
8400 | AUTONT31.ZIP | 306801 | 27.12.1995 | - | 13849/Kirk's Comm Disc - Version 2.iso | - | Auto-Net 3.1 THE first automated Internet program. Perform ARCHIE, FTP, MAIL, FINGER, WHO-IS, UPLOADS, FAXing, Yanoff's list, get new files, LEECH, download TERABYTES of great programs from the Internet... without even being home. Works on SHELL service, no PPP/SLIP needed. New colorful menus, enhanced help screens, Over 280 total features - Must see to believe Blazingly fast, reliable. Auto-Backup, QUEST new sites, customized site info, File manager with internal archive |
8401 | BAT4EVER.ZIP | 5083465 | 25.08.1995 | - | - | - | Batman forever movie trailer (.AVI) (original filename trailer.avi) |
8402 | BBSINET.ZIP | 9900 | 06.05.1995 | - | - | - | Telnetable BBSs. |
8403 | BKMKNTRO.ZIP | 30911 | 04.03.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Bookmark2 v1.2 Intro for Netscape Navigator. Whether you are just getting started, or have been cruising the Net for some time, this file will save you the hassle of typing, and give you HUNDREDS of places to go on the Net. Immediately! (Just let Navigator know the file's location!) |
8404 | COMP_FAQ.ZIP | 90495 | 01.05.1995 | - | - | - | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for the groups comp.compression and comp.compression.research. Compression progs, V.42bis, Fractal compression, TAR, LZW, MPEG, JPEG, Vector Quantization etc. Last-modified: 9 December 1994 |
8405 | DOMAINFI.ZIP | 4076 | 06.05.1995 | - | - | - | Lista Suomen Internet-domaineista elo -94 |
8406 | EKUNTA95.ZIP | 1796 | 06.04.1995 | - | - | - | Vuoden 1995 Kansanedustajien E-Mail Osoitteet |
63672 | ELLU0209.ZIP | 11953 | 08.09.1996 | - | - | - | E-MAIL LIST 02/09/1996 Also includes list of e-mail BBSes in Finland. |
63673 | ELLU2007.ZIP | 6118 | 22.07.1996 | - | - | - | ELLU - THE ULTIMATE E-MAIL LIST * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Version 20/07/1996. Includes 45 E-Mail Addresses and... SPECIAL E-MAIL BBS LIST! * Collectors` Version! * |
8407 | EM20B3F.A01 | 3725081 | 22.06.1996 | - | - | - | Emisary V2.00 Beta 3 Osa 2/2 |
8408 | EM20B3F.ARJ | 3999400 | 22.06.1996 | - | - | - | Emissary V2.00 Beta 3. Sisältää integroituna mm. WWW-selaimen, E-Mail-postitusohjelman ja Telnet-yhteysohjelman. Osa 1/2. |
8409 | EMAILNET.ZIP | 20729 | 06.06.1995 | - | - | - | Accessing The Internet By E-Mail Doctor Bob's Guide to Offline Internet Access 4th Edition - March 1995 |
63848 | EUMAL604.ZIP | 119567 | 30.06.1996 | - | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip | - | EUMAIL.EXE (6.04): Eudora mail summarizer. Dumps your Qualcomm Eudora mailbook as well as summarizing the contents of all of your Eudora boxes and folders. Freeware. |
8410 | EUMAL607.ZIP | 130,4 kt | 19.05.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | EUMAIL.EXE (6.07): Eudora mail summarizer. Dumps your Qualcomm Eudora mailbook as well as summarizing the contents of all of your Eudora boxes and folders. Freeware. |
8411 | FININET.ZIP | 7 kt | 01.04.1997 | - | - | - | Suomessa toimivien Internet- palveluntarjoajien hinnat ja muut tiedot HTML-muodossa. Erittäin kätevä Internet-yhteyden hankkimista suunnittelevalle! |
8412 | FTP-LIST.ZIP | 410,1 kt | 26.11.1997 | - | 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip | - | The anonymous FTP - list by Perry Rovers. A list containing anonymous ftp-sites and their addresses with other information as well. |
8413 | HOTJAVA-.EXE | 2577928 | 22.06.1996 | - | - | - | Hotjava Browser V1.00 Beta. |
8414 | HTMLCO20.ZIP | 29621 | 04.07.1995 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | HTMLcon v.2.0. Konventoi HTML -> ASCII. |
8415 | HTMLIB30.ZIP | 356,2 kt | 12.04.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | The HTML Reference Library v3.0 The HTML Reference Library is a Windows HLP file detailing, with numerous screenshots and examples, all currently useable HTML elements. |
8416 | HTMLTUTS.ZIP | 21804 | 13.04.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Instructions for creating HTML documents |
8417 | IEDIT32.ZIP | 2780925 | 22.06.1996 | - | - | - | Internet Edit 32-bit edition. Good HTML-editor. |
8418 | IJS200.ZIP | 6008568 | 22.06.1996 | - | 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_1.ISO | - | Intranet Jazz Suite. Sisältää mm. E-mail-ohjelman, Telnet-terminaaliohjelman yms. |
8419 | INETMAAT.TXT | 4063 | 27.11.1996 | - | - | - | Internet-osoitteiden maatunnukset |
8420 | IWY101.ZIP | 63291 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | Best 1,001 Internet Sites. |
8421 | JARG320.ZIP | 506997 | 18.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | THE JARGON FILE, VERSION 3.2.0, 21 MAR 1995 This is the Jargon File, a comprehensive compendium of hacker slang illuminating many aspects of hackish tradition, folklore, and humor. |
65334 | JDK-1_0_.EXE | 3841189 | 22.06.1996 | renamed | 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso | - | Java Developers Kit. Sisältää runsaasti apuohjelmia Java-ohjelmointikieleen. |
8422 | KALI11G.ZIP | 117635 | 26.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Kali 1.1 Kali is a network driver which allows virtually any application software designed for use with the IPX protocol to be used over a TCP/IP network. Designed primarily for use with network games, Kali has been successfully tested with Descent, DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, Rise of the Triad, VR Pool, Terminal Velocity and SuperKarts. Other software should also work as long as it uses IPX. Download Kali and start putting your Internet connection to good use! |
8423 | KALIDOS.ZIP | 161418 | 31.07.1996 | - | 17469/21003.iso | - | Kali (for DOS) Kali is a network driver which allows virtually any application software designed for use with the IPX protocol to be used over a TCP/IP network. Designed primarily for use with network games, Kali has been successfully tested with Descent, Command & Conquer, Warcraft2, Duke Nukem, Quake, DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, Rise of the Triad, VR Pool, Terminal Velocity and SuperKarts. Other software should also work as long as it uses IPX. Download Kali and |
65510 | KALIW95.EXE | 525478 | 31.07.1996 | - | 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso | - | Kali for Windows 95 beta |
8424 | KCHAT20D.ZIP | 27982 | 31.07.1996 | - | - | - | Kali Chat. IRC-like chat program for IPX-networks and Kali connections. |
8425 | KDOS099.ZIP | 85,5 kt | 28.07.1997 | - | - | - | Kahn for DOS v0.99. Kahn is a network driver that allows people to play games on the Internet that are normally limited to local networks. Kahn sets up a virtual IPX network that emulates local networks and allows nearly any IPX-compatible game to be played over it. |
8426 | KNOTS1_2.ZIP | 95,9 kt | 02.10.1997 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | KNOTS v1.2KNOTS is a DOS based html browser designed for the owners of low powered PC, who wish to create WWW pages (or Knots of a net) at home, either for their personal, one node intranet, or to be displayed later on a WWW-server. KNOTS displays the pages graphically. |
8427 | LEARN-C.ZIP | 19835 | 08.05.1995 | - | - | - | LEARN C/C++ TODAY (A list of resources and tutorials in Internet) |
8428 | MEHTML.ZIP | 6873 | 13.04.1995 | - | - | - | HTML document on WYSIWYG image map editors |
8429 | MFAQ37HP.ZIP | 85,5 kt | 28.07.1998 | - | - | - | The Mirc FAQ version 37. Yleisimpiä kysymyksiä ja vastauksia mIRC-ohjelmasta englanniksi. |
8430 | MODER55.ZIP | 24936 | 23.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | A list of MS-DOS FTP sites, their moderators and other useful information. By Prof. Timo Salmi, University of Vaasa, Finland |
8431 | MOJOINST.EXE | 3547215 | 22.06.1996 | - | 13684/INTERGAL.bin | - | Mojo. Ohjelma, joka sisältää Java-kehitysohjelmat kokeneella ja vähän kokemattomammalle käyttäjälle. |
8432 | N105-386.ZIP | 625,1 kt | 10.04.1997 | renamed | 10844/Simtel-MSDOS-Sep1996-CD1.iso | - | Net-Tamer is a PPP dial up access program, which requires no TSR packet driver. It will web browse, get/send your email, get/send usenet messages, FTP upload/download a file, TELNET to another internet address, or check the time and date. It will get email and usenet groups, then log off so you can use the included offline reader, or you can choose to stay on and look around. The program is speech friendly to users of talking programs for the visually impaired. This version supports graphics and sound. |
8433 | NETM100.ZIP | 36509 | 06.03.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | NetMeter v1.00 Keeps track of network posts going to/through your system. It tracks subs by sub type, which allows you to see how much traffic is coming through on a per sub basis. Also tracks the amount of posts going to each system you connect with, as well as the total size of the posts (in kilobytes). Useful for servers and hubs that would like to see where all the posts are going. Requires WWIV v4.23 or higher. |
8434 | NTSKAND.ZIP | 662 tavua | 02.05.1997 | koko¹ | MBHH2000 | - | Näppäinkartta NettermiinNäppäinkartta MBnetissä käytettäviä skandeja varten Netterm-ohjelmaan. |
8435 | NWRTH203.ZIP | 290874 | 12.02.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | NewsWerthy 2.03 offline mail reader. Released on 12/29/95, NewsWerthy is for usenet news and mail in the SOUP format. It is DOS based, yet has an easy to use interface for keyboard or mouse with context sensitive help for all commands. Contains all the features necessary to read, reply, and save messages. As easy to use as any QWK format reader, yet doesn't truncate the headers or cut short the message. |
8436 | PICS1.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 07.06.1997 | - | - | - | Paljon Giffejä ja Jpeg -kuvia esim. kotisivulla käytettäväksi. Suurin osa animoituja. By: Toni S Mäki-Leppilampi |
8437 | PPPSHARE.ZIP | 225,2 kt | 15.09.1998 | - | - | - | Klos PPP stack for DOS PPP/Internet users. Usable for example with Kahn DOS or Kali DOS game clients. |
8438 | PUBPRO.ZIP | 3224327 | 22.06.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | Web Publisher Pro. Hyvä apuohjelma esimerkiksi Java-sovelluksien ja Internet-sivujen tekemiseen. |
8439 | SATAN.ZIP | 212729 | 04.07.1995 | - | - | - | SATAN (Security Administrators Tool for Analyzing Networks) Code by: Dan Farmer & Wietse Veneman more info from: http://ciac.llnl.gov/ciac/Tools- UnixNetSec.html |
8440 | SITE9302.ZIP | 42674 | 13.04.1995 | - | - | - | Anonymous FTP Listing and FAQ |
8441 | SLIP_IT!.EXE | 329810 | 12.04.1995 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | tupla | SLIP_IT! v1.0b - a set of (dos based) tcp/ip applications for automatic up- and download of mail and news with SLIP, in conjunction with an offlinereader. Freeware. |
8442 | TCPI1194.ZIP | 75458 | 10.04.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | The PC-Internet Connection, TCP/IP comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc FAQ |
8443 | TCPIP.ZIP | 30400 | 23.02.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Tietoa TCP/IP-protokollasta |
8444 | TEL2308B.ZIP | 795696 | 04.04.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | NCSA Telnet 2.3.08 binaries. Includes basic TCP/IP apps (ftp, telnet, ...) to be used on DOS and packet driver. |
8445 | TEL2308S.ZIP | 695935 | 12.04.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | NCSA Telnet 2.3.08 sources. Includes basic TCP/IP apps (ftp, telnet, ...) to be used on DOS and packet driver. |
8446 | THINGVW.ZIP | 452,2 kt | 14.06.1998 | - | - | - | ThingViewer A plug-in for viewing things in Netscape Navigator |
8447 | WEBGFX.ZIP | 965,2 kt | 28.09.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | 224 pääasiassa GIF-kuvaa käytettäväksi esim. kotisivulla. |
8448 | WEBTBL.ZIP | 10104 | 05.11.1996 | - | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip | - | DOS command line HTML/WEB table generator Cool utility that generates HTML tables for Web pages. I wrote it for use generating real time production counts from the factory floor but I've found it to be useful for all sorts of other non-industrial Web applications. Here's how it works. Export some data from a database in a CSV format X,Y,Z <- first row are field headers 1,2,3 <- 2nd thru ... are data records 4,5,6 7,8,9 From the DOS command line, you would run: |
8450 | WWW.WRI | 2,2 kt | 04.04.1997 | - | - | - | Eri lehdistä kerättyjä internet-osoitteita kerättynä yhteen tiedostoon. |
8449 | WWWFAQ.TXT | 79757 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Answers on the World Wide Web. If you want to understand what the WWW is all about, this document is an excellent place to start. |
8451 | ADVW014.ZIP | 313,9 kt | 17.06.1998 | - | - | tupla | Advanced Web Writer Beta v0.14 (no relation to similar named program) an HTML editor - option to assign tags to 432 keys and choose tags from definitions files. With Undo bug workaround, and tools pad. |
8453 | AWE0145.ZIP | 317,5 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | - | tupla | Advanced Web Writer for OS/2 v0.145. |
8454 | BNEWS094.ZIP | 114,9 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso | tupla | Binary News Gatherer v0.94a for OS/2 Warp. Downloads selected articles from binary newsgroups via NNTP. Vio text mode, fast and small. Freeware. |
8455 | BNR125.ZIP | 301,6 kt | 17.06.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | tupla | Binary Newsreader (BNR) v1.25. The Binary Newsreader (BNR) is designed for easy downloading and decoding single- and multipart binary files which are UUE- or BASE-64 (Mime format) encoded from Internet newsgroups. |
8457 | COMM404.EXE | 7,1 Mt | 01.10.1998 | - | MBCD | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.04 for OS/2. |
8458 | CON0897.ZIP | 671,4 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | tupla | "OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for August 1997 in HTML format suitable for use with standard web browsers (e.g.the Netscape NavigatorWebExploreretc.) See included 1README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the namesnumbersand addresses (including Internet and BBS) of key OS/2 contacts in the industryalong with news and a calendar of events." |
8459 | CON0997.ZIP | 628,7 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | tupla | "OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for September 97 in HTML format suitable for use with standard web browsers (e.g.the Netscape NavigatorWebExploreretc.) See included 1README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the namesnumbersand addresses (including Internet and BBS) of key OS/2 contacts in the industryalong with news and a calendar of events." |
8460 | CON1097.ZIP | 494,6 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | tupla | "OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for October 97 in HTML format suitable for use with standard web browsers (e.g.the Netscape NavigatorWebExploreretc.) See included 1README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the namesnumbersand addresses (including Internet and BBS) of key OS/2 contacts in the industryalong with news and a calendar of events." |
8461 | CON1197.ZIP | 481,6 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | tupla | "OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for November 97 in HTML format suitable for use with standard web browsers (e.g.the Netscape NavigatorWebExploreretc.) See included 1README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the namesnumbersand addresses (including Internet and BBS) of key OS/2 contacts in the industryalong with news and a calendar of events." |
8463 | DUMPIT11.ZIP | 123,5 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | (V1.10) DUMPIT FOR OS/2 This is a NNTP compatible, binary retreival p for OS/2. DUMPIT runs in PM mode allowing a binary retreival of various files from multip newsgroups and news servers. Selectable file downloadable include JPEG, GIF, ZIP, MPG, and others. Once downloaded, DUMPIT decodes the using several techniques including UUdecode a SHAREWARE US$25 registration fee. |
8464 | ENS46E.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 19.11.1997 | - | 14479/cd24-www.iso | tupla | EmTec Network Suite v4.6e. This package includes full featured applications to read USENET news, FTP, and Gopher. |
8472 | AMAILE21.ZIP | 1003,5 kt | 10.11.1997 | - | 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 1).iso | tupla | Andamana Mail for Windows ver. 2.00. Andamana Mail for Windows lets you read, write and manage your electronic mail from different Internet accounts or by using mail packets (SOUP and QWK format). Built-in mail archive and message filtering. MIME-64 and UUENCODE file attachments. Support for external encryption / decryption / signing of messages using PGP.EXE for DOS. |
8473 | AMYC10E.ZIP | 50 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | About My Cache 1.0 for Windows A cache analyser for Netscape, extract title of html cached files, show type, url and title of your cached files. English version. |
8475 | APPLET.ZIP | 182,2 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso | tupla | Java applet generator for creating Java scripts |
8476 | AV16_301.EXE | 2,5 Mt | 25.04.1998 | - | 21039/CT_SW9802.ISO | tupla | Aardvark Pro HTML editor v3.01 16-bit. Aardvark Pro is a powerful HTML editor with many features, such as multiple document interface, drag & drop capabilities, file browser, built-in preview and support for HTML 1, 2, 3 and Netscape extensions. |
8480 | BB5V16.ZIP | 341,8 kt | 29.12.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | BBase7 allows you to keep track of the contents of your email and to locate those messages that are hard to find. Currently, it supports email from Netscape, MS Internet Mail and Eudora Lite. Windows 3.1 version. |
8481 | BTEBM.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso | tupla | Braintree v 0.91 eBase / Mailer from Braintree Ltd. BrainTree is a mailing list manager for Internet e-mail. It facilitates the management of multiple e-mail lists and helps streamline the process of keeping them current. Single & multi-user. Very flexible. |
8482 | BZ16V150.EXE | 304 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | - | tupla | BlizIn (Blitz Interface) is a graphical interface to the Internet Chess Club. It runs on all versions of Win 3.1 and later. TCP/IP connection is required. Version 1.50. Freeware. (C) Sleator Games Inc. 1997. |
8483 | CACHET89.ZIP | 282,5 kt | 29.12.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | "Cachet: a floating toolbar accessory for Netscape Navigator. Designed to recover documents stored in Navigators internal disk cache. Text and date searchgroup copy. Windows 3.1 version." |
8484 | CB16-407.A01 | 3,3 Mt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 2/5 |
8485 | CB16-407.A02 | 3,3 Mt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 3/5 |
8486 | CB16-407.A03 | 3,3 Mt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 4/5 |
8487 | CB16-407.A04 | 1,3 Mt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 5/5 |
8488 | CB16-407.ARJ | 3,3 Mt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 1/5, perusversio. |
8489 | CB16E407.EXE | 14,6 Mt | 06.10.1998 | - | MBCD | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.07 16-bit Perusversio. |
8490 | CC16E407.A01 | 3,3 Mt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.07 16 bit 2/6 |
8491 | IN32.EXE | 2,4 Mt | 17.05.2001 | versio 4.01 | 20517/PC Utilities 7 - Disc 2.iso | - | Internet Neighborhood v4.11Internet Neighborhood is a Windows shell extension that lets you browse remote FTP sites as if they were folders on your own hard drive. You no longer need a separate FTP client in order to work with files on remote sites. Simply launch Windows Explorer, browse online, then drag and drop files directly into your file system. This is also compatible with ftpNetDrive. Other features include password-encryption support via S/Key and MD4/MD5 and the ability to do a blind download of files that are hidden on the remote server. This version adds a configuration option to manually enable/disable S/Key auto-detection, fixes a minor bug in the FTP engine that prevented connection to some FTP servers in rare instances, and more. This is a 30-day demo version for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me by KnoWare.com. http://www.knoware.com |
8492 | LF13165S.ZIP | 6,7 kt | 19.01.2000 | - | MBHH2000 | - | LeechFTP:n suomennostiedostoSuomenkielinen käännöstiedosto LeechFTP:lle. Versio 1.3 build 165 (Päivitys 18.3.1999). |
8493 | LFTP207.ZIP | 623,2 kt | 22.04.1999 | - | MBHH2000 | - | LeechFTP v1.3 build 207http://stud.fh-heilbronn.de/~jdebis/leechftp/ |
8494 | SERVU25I.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 01.01.2001 | - | - | - | Serv-U v2.5iTehokas, ja helppokäyttöinen FTP-palvelinohjelma Windowsille (95/98/NT/ME/2000). Hyvä tietoturva, ratiot, quota-tuki, ja paljon muuta. Shareware. http://www.ftpserv-u.com |
8495 | SFSETUP.EXE | 275,3 kt | 29.10.2000 | - | 22689/JOYCD122_2.iso | - | SmartFTP 1.0.948SmartFTP allows you to transfer files across the Internet. It features an Explorer-like interface that is fully customizable and supports drag-and-drop functions. Multiple FTP connections can be opened at the same time, and you can copy files from one remote host to another. Remote host directory information is cached for future viewing, FTP URLs are supported, and you can even view HTML pages within the client. SmartFTP also includes an interface for FTP-specific search engines such as FTPSearch and Filez.com. Other features include a Favorites list similar to that of Internet Explorer; the ability to resume broken downloads; a global history; background transfers; proxy support; a passive transfer mode; and the ability to perform recursive downloads, uploads, and deletes. This version has an improved URL parcer and several bug fixes. Note: SmartFTP features Active Setup, which requires that you maintain your Internet connection after you double-click sfsetup.exe. Setup will automatically check which files are required for SmartFTP, then download and install them on your computer. Update and uninstall features are also included. Freeware. http://www.smartftp.com |
8496 | SP1152.ZIP | 614,6 kt | 30.07.2000 | - | - | - | Site Publisher v1.1.52Ohjelma jonka avulla voit siirtää sivuston omalta PC:ltä www-palvelimelle ftp:n avulla. Site Publisher osaa lähettää muuttuneet tiedostot ja poistaa ylimääräiset tiedostot serveriltä. Shareware, $20. http://www.helexis.com/sp |
8497 | TIMEDFTP.ZIP | 155,7 kt | 30.09.1998 | - | - | - | Timed FTP 1.1SH Software An ftp-program wich can be automated with timed transfers. For example every minute Timed FTP can transfer a webcam picture via ftp. Time interval and everything else is configurable. Ideal also for html-coders. Timed FTP is totally freeware! http://mikrobitti.fi/~jms/shsoftware/timedftp |
8498 | TPINFT23.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 30.07.2000 | - | 23857/PCW1101.ISO | - | "Terrapin FTP Browser v2.3Powerful new FTP browser dripping with features like off-line checking of sites filelist. Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.us.terra-net.com" |
8499 | WARD166X.ZIP | 611,2 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | WAR FTP Daemon v1.66x2 Premier FTP server for Windows 95 and NT. No other FTP server application brings together the UNIX style security features, a BBS like Windows interface for the system operator, the extreme flexibility, Win95 and NT 4 OLE support, the multithreading design and the advanced software technology and performance provided by this package! |
8500 | WARD17B1.ZIP | 3,4 Mt | 30.07.2000 | - | - | - | WAR FTP Daemon v1.70 beta 1 (sub 4)Premier FTP server for Windows 95 and NT. No other FTP server application brings together the UNIX style security features, a BBS like Windows interface for the system operator, the extreme flexibility, Win95 and NT 4 OLE support, the multithreading design and the advanced software technology and performance provided by this package! http://www.jgaa.com/tftpd.htm |
8501 | WINT322.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 30.07.2000 | - | - | - | "WinTel32 v3.2.2Suite of communications programs for Windows 95 and Windows NT. WinTel32 doesnt miss a beat. The package includes an FTP client with crash recovery for a TCP/IP connectionTelnetand a dial-up program. http://members.aol.com/smehr/wintel.html " |
8502 | WSFTP650.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 06.05.2000 | - | - | - | WS-FTP Pro v6.5 Newer beta features of the well-known WS_FTP Pro included enhancements to the Classic and Explorer interfaces, new host types, a new Site Manager, a Quick Connect button, the ability to delete nonempty folders, and full drag-and-drop support. This 6.5 version includes browser integration, queuing, and firewall support. Shareware. http://www.ipswitch.com/products/WS_FTP |
8503 | WSFTP7B2.EXE | 3,9 Mt | 01.01.2001 | - | - | - | WS-FTP Pro v7.0 beta 2A great FTP client for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Shareware. http://www.ipswitch.com/products/WS_FTP |
8504 | WSLE508.EXE | 690,5 kt | 09.06.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | - | WS-FTP LE 5.08Allows remote file edits, chmods on UNIX boxes and file moves. Freeware. |
8505 | 32PAL_30.EXE | 3 Mt | 25.03.1997 | - | 15587/NEXT30.iso | tupla | The Palace chat client v3.0 |
8507 | AWB_FIN.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 02.12.1999 | - | MBCD | tupla | Active Worlds browser software v2.2.0.303Active Worlds browser software v2.2.0.303, Finnish language version / suomenkielinen |
8506 | AWB.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 02.12.1999 | - | MBCD | tupla | Active Worlds 2.0 yhteysohjelma, Build 258 |
8508 | BIRC135.EXE | 1,5 Mt | 15.08.2001 | - | - | - | BersIRC 1.35Vakavasti otettava haastaja perinteiselle mIRC-ohjelmalle. Selkeä käyttöliittymä, riittävästi ominaisuuksia ja sisäänrakennettu Winamp-tuki. |
8510 | CTALK32.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 17.02.1997 | - | 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso | tupla | CoolTalkCoolTalk on ohjelma, jolla pystyt juttelemaan Internetin välityksellä tavallisen puhelimen tavoin ihmisten kanssa ympäri maailmaa. Vaatii Netscape Navigator 3.0:n. 32-bittinen versio. |
8512 | DICHAT.ZIP | 68,4 kt | 30.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | DIS Internet Chat Internet chat allows you to connect to various IRC servers on the internet and participate in real time chats with other users. |
8513 | ECOMM11.EXE | 1,4 Mt | 01.01.2002 | - | - | - | EasyComm 1.1EasyComm on pieni kommunikointiohjelma Microsoft Windows-yhteensopiviin lähiverkkoihin. |
8514 | HOLODESK.EXE | 10,8 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | Holodesk Communicator 1.1a Allows people all over the world to join together in a 3D virtual environment to voice chat, text chat, share documents, view pictures, play games, or do business. The Holodesk Communicator is your key to the Holodesk Telepresence Network. It combines internet phone, virtual reality and document sharing all in one multi-dimensional software package. |
8517 | ICQ_3727.EXE | 3,9 Mt | 29.04.2002 | - | - | - | ICQ 2002a (build #3727)Suositun ICQ-viestintäohjelman versio 2002a (build #3727). |
8515 | ICQ2000A.EXE | 6,1 Mt | 04.05.2000 | - | 26846/PC Zone %23097.7z | tupla | ICQ 2000a Beta v.4.29 build #3140 ICQ on Internetissä toimiva yhteydenpito-ohjelma, jonka ominaisuuksiin kuuluu tiedostojen kopiointi ja viestien lähettäminen. Lisäksi ohjelma ilmoittaa heti, kun kaverisi saapuu Internetiin. |
8516 | ICQ2K1B.EXE | 568 kt | 19.11.2001 | - | - | - | ICQ 2001 build #3642Suositun ICQ-viestintäohjelman versio 2001 build #3642. |
8518 | ICQPLUS2.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 27.04.2000 | - | - | tupla | ICQ Plus 2.04ICQ Plus on apuohjelma, jolla voit muokata ICQ:n ulkoasua mieleiseksesi käyttämällä nahkoja eli skinejä, joita löydät esim. osoitteesta http://skinz.org Ilmainen. Tukee ICQ:n versioita 98, 99 ja 2000a. Vaatii Windows 95/98/NT 4. |
8519 | ICQRSC20.ZIP | 22,9 kt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | tupla | BoySoft ICQ Rescue v2.0FREEWARE small and simple application. Creates a back up of your ICQ Contact List, which means that if you have to reinstall you can easily restore your Contact List. Windows 95/98. |
8520 | ICQTRANS.EXE | 478,1 kt | 26.02.2002 | - | 22498/XENIATGM134.iso | - | ICQ Translator 1.0Nettiyhteyden vaativa käännösohjelma, joka kääntää ICQ-keskustelut muun muassa englannista ranskaksi, saksaksi, venäjäksi ja espanjaksi. Myös muita kielipareja on tarjolla. Ilmainen. http://www.paralink.com/ims/ |
8521 | ICU310TR.EXE | 4,6 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | ICUII 3.10 Video/voice/text chat application. Freeware. |
8522 | ILCHAT10.ZIP | 302,8 kt | 06.06.2002 | - | - | - | IlChat Logger 1.0 IlChat Logger pitää automaattisesti kirjaa ICQ, MSN ja AIM-keskusteluista. Ohjelman avulla vanhoja keskusteluita on helppo selailla, ja ne voi järjestää niin keskusteluohjelmiston, vastaanottajan kuin keskustelukumppanin ja keskusteluajankin perusteella. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://nn101.virtualave.net/chat.html |
8523 | INFOCHAT.ZIP | 252,9 kt | 07.04.1999 | - | - | tupla | InfoChat Server Release v1.1.7Java-pohjainen tehokas ja helposti ylläpidettävä chattiserveri. Vaatii Java Virtual Machinen (tulee mm. JDK v1.1.x:n tai IE4/5:n mukana). |
8525 | IPHONE.EXE | 8,6 Mt | 01.02.2000 | versio 5.0 | 12773/12000.zip | tupla | Internet Phone 5.1 Demo, englanninkielinenVocalTecin kaupallinen nettipuheluohjelmisto, jolla voi soittaa Internet-puheluja kahden tietokoneen välillä, siirtää tiedostoja sekä luoda, muokata ja katsella dokumentteja useiden käyttäjien kesken. Ohjelman uusia ominaisuuksia ovat chat, koputus, soittajan tunnistus ja toimivuus useissa eri käyttöjärjestelmissä Internet Phonea pidetään kenties tehokkaimpana nykyään tarjolla olevista nettipuheluohjelmista, mutta se onkin maksullinen tuote. Demoversiossa puhelut ovat rajoitettuja ja kaupallinen versio maksaa 49,95 USD. |
8524 | IPHONE5.EXE | 8,6 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | 12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar | tupla | Internet Phone 5.01 Beta (build 200)Nettipuhelin. (demo) |
8526 | IPLUS30.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 28.04.2001 | - | - | tupla | ICQ Plus 3.0Tällä ilmaisella ohjelmalla saat vaihdettua ICQ-ikkunasi ulkoasua. Voit uusia taustakuvan, värit ja vaikka hakea netistä valmiita ulkoasukokonaisuuksia. http://www.icqplus.org/ |
8527 | JAVACHAT.ZIP | 14,6 kt | 22.07.1999 | - | - | tupla | Java Chat Server by RixxxA great client/server style telnet chat server. Featuring Wizards, Private Messages, etc. Manual Included. |
8528 | MCHAT130.ZIP | 4,9 Mt | 25.08.2001 | - | - | - | MaxxChat v1.3.0a MaxxChat sitoo yhteen nippuun viisi keskusteluohjelmaa ja kuorruttaa paketin mahdollisuudella hakea netistä uutisia, säätiedotuksia, pörssikursseja ja muuta tietoa, sekä mahdollisuudella järjestää videokonferensseja. Freeware. |
8529 | MIRC591T.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 20.07.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | - | mIRC 5.91Suosittu IRC-yhteysohjelma kaikilla herkuilla. http://www.mirc.com |
8530 | MIRC59T.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 27.04.2001 | - | 23111/chip-cd_2001_06.zip | tupla | mIRC v5.9Suosittu IRC-yhteysohjelma kaikilla herkuilla. http://www.mirc.com |
8531 | MIRST118.ZIP | 452,4 kt | 11.12.2001 | - | - | - | mIRCStats v1.18Easy-to-use IRC channel reporting tool, which analyzes channel log files produced by mIRC and creates a nice looking HTML page with channel activity statistics, user reports, tables about changed channel topics and all kinds of misc. information taken from the log file. Requires mIRC 5.31 or later. http://www.nic.fi/~mauvinen/mircstats |
8532 | MRING99.ZIP | 3 Mt | 08.11.1999 | - | - | tupla | MediaRing Talk 99 v5.90 Internet-puhelin ja puhelinvastaaja. Voit keskustella toisten MediaRing- käyttäjien kanssa Internetin välityksellä ilman kaukopuhelumaksuja. Windows 95, Internet-yhteys. |
8533 | MRST115.ZIP | 393,9 kt | 09.09.2000 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | tupla | mIRCStats v1.15Easy-to-use IRC channel reporting tool, which analyzes channel log files produced by mIRC and creates a nice looking HTML page with channel activity statistics, user reports, tables about changed channel topics and all kinds of misc. information taken from the log file. Requires mIRC 5.31 or later. http://www.nic.fi/~mauvinen/mircstats |
8534 | MXCHT115.EXE | 4,1 Mt | 29.03.2001 | - | - | - | MaxxChat 1.15cMonipuolinen chattiohjelma, jolla saat yhdistettyä kätevästi ICQ:n, IRCin sekä muut yhteydenpitotavat. Sharewarea. http://www.maxxchat.com/ |
8536 | NM30.EXE | 1,6 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | 23956/Cool Shareware PC-World CD-ROM (Digital Concepts)(PA1099R9)(1999).BIN | - | Microsoft NetMeeting 3.01Vaihda dataa & ääntä reaaliaikaisesti kahden tai useamman käyttäjän kesken Internetissä, Freeware. Englanninkielinen. |
8535 | NM301FIN.EXE | 1,6 Mt | 01.02.2000 | - | - | - | Microsoft NetMeeting 3.01, suomenkielinenVaihda dataa & ääntä reaaliaikaisesti kahden tai useamman käyttäjän kesken Internetissä. Ohjelma on ilmainen. |
8537 | NWRTR258.ZIP | 314,5 kt | 29.03.2001 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | NetWriter 2.5.8Ilmainen yhteydenpito-ohjelma kotiverkkoon. http://netwriter.narod.ru/ |
8538 | PCTOPHON.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 01.02.2000 | - | - | - | PC-to-Phone 1.04, englanninkielinen.Internet-puheluohjelma, jota käytetään Deltathree.com-palvelun kanssa. Ohjelma on hyvin yksinkertainen ja helppokäyttöinen, mutta ei sisällä soittamisen lisäksi mitään erikoistoimintoja. Soittajien pikavalinta ja osoitekirja ovat sentään mukana, joten puhelinnumeroja ei tarvitse muistaa ulkoa. Ohjelma on ilmainen, mutta soittaminen vaatii krediittien ostamista http://www.deltathree.com:sta. |
8539 | PHONFREE.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 01.02.2000 | - | - | - | PhoneFree 5.01, englanninkielinen.Ilmainen Internet-puheluohjelmisto, joka asennetaan lisäpalikaksi Netscapen ja Microsoftin www-selaimeen. PhoneFree tarjoaa helpon tavan soittaa Internet-puheluja tietokoneesta toiseen selainta käyttäen. Se on yhteensopiva Netscapen CoolTalk- ja VocalTecin Internet Phone -järjestelmien kanssa. Ohjelmalla voi jättää myös voicemailia eli äänipostia sähköpostiosoitteeseen. Lisätoimintoja ovat esimerkiksi chat, puhelunestot sekä tiedostojen jako ja siirto käyttäjien kesken. |
8540 | QTALK08B.ZIP | 696,9 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | Qtalk - v0.8 betaQtalk on lisäohjelma suositulle Internetissä käytettävälle huvi- ja hyötyohjelmalle ICQ:lle. Tämä ohjelma mahdollistaa ICQ-listassa olevien tuttujen kanssa juttelun mikrofoonin kautta sekä vaikkapa musiikin soittamisen toiselle. Qtalkin ja mikrofoonin kautta puhuttu ääni ei edes liiemmin pätki modeemiyhteyksillä. Toimii Windows 95/98/NT käyttöjärjestelmissä. |
8541 | QTALK09B.ZIP | 693,5 kt | 06.01.1999 | - | - | tupla | Qtalk - versio 0.9 beta (Jan 2, 1999). (c) Minidata systems ltd. Qtalk on lisäohjelma suositulle Internetissä käytetävälle huvi- ja hyötyohjelmalle ICQ:lle. Tämä ohjelma mahdollistaa ICQ-listassa olevien tuttujen kanssa juttelun mikrofonin kautta sekä vaikkapa musiikin soittamisen toiselle. Qtalkin ja mikrofonin kautta puhuttu ääni ei edes liiemmin pätki modeemiyhteyksillä. Toimii Windows 95/98/NT käyttöjärjestelmissä. |
8542 | SPEAKFB.ZIP | 630,3 kt | 24.01.2000 | - | 21041/CT_SW0001.ISO | - | Speakfreely 7.1 Speakfreely has encryption, and answering machine, and selectable compression. You can speak on conference mode without having to use multicasting. Echo mode and ICQ Interoperability is supported. |
8543 | VIRC9711.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 30.07.1999 | - | - | - | VIRC 97 v1.10 DW4This program is totally integrated with the Win95 Shell. You are able to drag files from the Explorer onto a nick to DCC, then send them the file. You are also able to drag IRC servers onto the desktop for rapid connection to IRC. Virc has much more options than mIRC, but is also slower. Freeware beta. Win95/98. http://www.megalith.co.uk/virc/ |
8544 | WCDA11C.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 21.07.1998 | - | - | - | Worlds chat 1.1 client demo (1/4) |
8545 | WCDB11C.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 21.07.1998 | - | - | - | Worlds chat 1.1 client demo (2/4) |
8546 | WCDC11C.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 21.07.1998 | - | - | - | Worlds chat 1.1 client demo (3/4) |
8547 | WCDD11C.EXE | 933,1 kt | 21.07.1998 | - | - | - | Worlds chat 1.1 client demo (4/4) |
8548 | WIRC507S.EXE | 697,4 kt | 17.05.1998 | - | 17662/hot34.iso | - | wIRCSrv v5.07wIRCSrv is a shareware IRC server program for Windows 95/NT. |
8549 | XIRC10B4.EXE | 939,8 kt | 29.07.1999 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Xircon v1.0 Beta 4An IRC-client. Xircon supports connection to many servers at once, without launching a separate copy of the program. Xircon includes advanced features such as minimizing to the tray, time-stamp toggle, and instantly clickable URL hyperlinks. Xircon automatically remembers your favorite servers, channels, and people. Freeware, Win95/98. http://www.xircon.com/ |
8550 | XNWS4013.ZIP | 574 kt | 28.04.2001 | - | - | - | Xnews 4.01.30Ilmainen, mutta monipuolinen ohjelma uutisryhmien lukemiseen. http://xnews.3dnews.net/ |
8552 | 1STPAGE2.ZIP | 4,9 Mt | 02.08.2001 | - | 23857/PCW1101.ISO | - | 1st Page 2000 2.00Ilmainen ja kattava html-editori, jossa on monenlaisia apuneuvoja koodin kehittelyyn. Huomaa, että virustutka saattaa valittaa ohjelmassa olevien JavaScript-mallien takia. Virusta ohjelmassa ei ole. http://www.evrsoft.com/ |
8553 | 1STPG2K.ZIP | 5 Mt | 16.12.1999 | - | - | tupla | 1st Page 2000 v2.0 1st Page 2000 is a free HTML and script authoring tool for both professional and blooming webmasters. This powerful tool comes with an impressive next-generation millenium interface and contains many new features not found in other HTML editors. |
8554 | ACDRAW22.EXE | 3 Mt | 02.08.2001 | - | - | - | Actual Drawing 2.2WYSIWYG-html-editori, eli ohjelma jolla voit tehdä webbisivuja visuaalisesti raahammalla osasia haluamillesi paikoille. Ilmainen, rekisteröimällä lisätoimintoja. http://www.pysoft.com/ActualDrawingMainPage.html |
8555 | AFXFE11.EXE | 3,3 Mt | 27.07.1998 | - | MBCD | tupla | Visual Applet Configurator & AppletFX v1.1A collection of cool Java applets and a configurator program. |
8556 | AHC.ZIP | 475,1 kt | 20.12.2000 | - | - | tupla | Absolute HTML Compressor v1.0Pienennä itse tekemäsi nettisivun kokoa poistamalla seasta kaikki turhat merkinnät. Ilmainen. |
8557 | ALEXHTML.EXE | 2,7 Mt | 06.05.2001 | - | - | tupla | "Abstract Web Studio 4.0Abstract Web Studio is a powerful web editing packageboasting features such as: templatesframes page helperRealAudio stream creatornew page wizardproject functionalitya WYSIWYG editora HTML gradient makerMETA tag generatorand much more. For easy editingthere are 3 internal clipboardsquick color choosing via HEX highlightingsupport for drag and droptext conversionand more. And believe itit is ONLY $8.00. Download it. You wont regret it. In this trial versionthe Find-and-Replace functionRTF-Conversion functionbackground color changing functionand templates are disabled. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by Alexsoft. http://alexhtml.cjb.net/" |
8559 | ARA40FUL.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | - | tupla | Arachnophilia v4.0 HTML-editori täysversioVoit luoda WWW-sivuja ja katsella niitä millä tahansa selaimella sekä muuttaa web-sivun tietoja ja ulkoasua interaktiivisesti. Arachnophilia osaa myös taulukot, korostukset, sisennykset, fontin värin, koon ja ulkoasun muuttamisen. http://www.arachnoid.com/ |
8560 | ARA40SML.ZIP | 1 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | - | tupla | Arachnophilia v4.0 HTML-editori.Voit luoda WWW-sivuja ja katsella niitä millä tahansa selaimella sekä muuttaa web-sivun tietoja ja ulkoasua interaktiivisesti. Arachnophilia osaa myös taulukot, korostukset, sisennykset, fontin värin, koon ja ulkoasun muuttamisen. Pienempi versio. Ei sisällä DLL-kirjastoja, jotka tulevat esim. Microsoft Office 97:n mukana. http://www.arachnoid.com/ |
8561 | ARA52JA.EXE | 1,6 Mt | 03.04.2003 | - | MBHH2005 | - | Arachnophilia 5.2 (Java)Voit luoda WWW-sivuja ja katsella niitä millä tahansa selaimella sekä muuttaa web-sivun tietoja ja ulkoasua interaktiivisesti. Arachnophilia osaa myös taulukot, korostukset, sisennykset, fontin värin, koon ja ulkoasun muuttamisen. Ennen kuin Arachnophilia 5.2:n voi installoida, koneeseen pitää olla asennettuna Javan versio 1.4 tai uudempi. http://www.arachnoid.com/ |
8562 | ARANE452.EXE | 663,1 kt | 06.03.2001 | - | - | tupla | Araneae v4.5.2Araneae is a very simply text editor for HTML files. It features syntax highlighting, a multiple document tabbed interface, a color picker, and drag and drop support. Supports for example GIF, PNG and JPG formats. Freeware. Windows 95/98/NT. http://plaza.v-wave.com/mark/products/araneae.html |
8563 | ASCOPE11.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 27.04.1999 | - | - | tupla | Artistscope v1.1 Suojaa nettisivuillasi käyttämät kuvat, jolloin surfaajat eivät enää voi tallentaa niitä omalle kiintolevylleen hiiren oikean napin painalluksella. Rekisteröidyssä versioissa kuvat voi lukita toimivaksi vain tietyssä domain-osoitteessa. Sharewarea. |
8564 | ASCTAB31.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 30.09.1999 | - | MBCD | tupla | AscToTab v3.1Converts text files into HTML web pages and RTF files (new in this ver.). It recognises the layout of your file, and attempts to replicate it in HTML/RTF. |
8565 | ASPEXP18.ZIP | 6 Mt | 23.03.2000 | - | - | tupla | ASP Express v1.81ASP Express on editori, joka on tarkoitettu erityisesti ASP-sivujen kirjoittamiseen, mutta se soveltuu hyvin myös normaalin HTML-kielen tuottamiseen. Ominaisuuksiin kuuluu mm. sisäänrakennettu FTP-yhteys, tagien puumainen katselu ja monia valmiita helposti lisättäviä elementtäjä. Shareware. http://www.aspexpress.com |
8566 | ATRAX.EXE | 2,2 Mt | 26.06.1997 | - | nic.funet.fi | tupla | Atrax Web Puhlisher v4.02WYSIWYG Puhlishing Environment with the ease of drag and drop, puts the power of desktop publishing in the hands of web developers. Smart objects will resize and plug into a page. All you have to do is add text and assign images. Yes it is that easy! |
8567 | AV32_301.EXE | 2,5 Mt | 25.04.1998 | - | 21039/CT_SW9802.ISO | tupla | AArdvark Pro HTML editor v3.01Aardvark Pro is a powerful HTML editor with many features, such as multiple document interface, drag & drop capabilities, file browser, built-in preview and support for HTML 1, 2, 3 and Netscape extensions. |
8568 | BSZR15.ZIP | 675,7 kt | 25.09.2003 | - | sac.sk | - | BrowserSizer 1.5Size browser to screen resolution. Free Sits unobtrusive in the system tray. BrowserSizer is a low-fat, NOT in-your-face tool to help web developers check to see how their web pages look on screen resolutions of 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768 and WebTV. Controls both Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. Resides un-obtrusive in the Windows system tray. |
8569 | CART11B.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 02.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | RiadaCartel v1.1RiadaCartel allows the easy insertion of a moving LED sign in your Web page. Use the simple Effect Wizard to create effects such as scrolling, revealing, blinking, inverting, and rainbows. Visually drag and drop actions such as audio, font changes, and page jumps, against events such as mouse clicks and timers. Requirements: Windows 95 |
8570 | CBUTTON.ZIP | 15,1 kt | 03.08.1997 | - | - | tupla | CButtonCButton is a demo of a JAVA applet that works as a command button with pictures, scrolling, and multi-line captions. Its on_click parameter allows you open a given URL address when clicking. It also allows you display a message in the status bar when the mouse cursor moves over the applet. |
8571 | CCEXP20.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | tupla | CoffeeCup HTML Editor v2.0 ExpressErittäin helppokäyttöinen ja suoraviivainen WWW sivujen rakennusohjelma. Hallitsee mm. DHTML:n, META-tagit, tms. Sisäänrakennettu FTP-ohejelma sivujen lähettämiseen Internetiin. Sharewarea, 15 päivän demoversio |
8572 | CDROP.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | Korax ColourDrop 1.0.9 HTML color picker program. Displays the hex value for a variety of color sets, including grayscale, browser-safe colors, the "named" colors and more. Displays the color information for any pixel on the screen. Freeware. |
8573 | CMD_20.ZIP | 255 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso | tupla | The Color Manipulation Device 2.0 A Windows 95 utility to help you choose colors for your web pages. |
8574 | CMED21A.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 17.06.1997 | - | 21332/Inter95.iso | tupla | CMed v2.1aHTML editor with zillions of features. Win95. |
8575 | COFFEE.EXE | 6,2 Mt | 29.05.2000 | - | 12773/12000.zip | tupla | CoffeeCup HTML Editor++ 8.1CoffeeCup HTML Editor++ is a full-featured HTML editor that includes Expresso FTP for uploading and downloading; an image gallery with quick-linking images; highlighted tags; style sheet help; automatic image sizing; a line reader; and tips. It comes with 30 background images, more than 175 animated GIFs, upwards of 140 Web icon graphics, 100 JavaScript scripts, a frame designer, and an HTML stripper. You can work on and test multiple pages at once. Other features include an internal browser for testing and surfing, an image-previewing utility, a sound gallery, online help, and a step-by-step Web design guide and references for the latest HTML 4.0 tags. Version 8.1 adds an Image Slicer for cutting up large images and for creating pseudo-image maps; Global Search and Replace, which searches current and all documents for text and HTML; Code Sweeper, which converts HTML documents to XHTML and XML types and finds errors in your HTML Web pages; and the ability to create and use your own templates. Expresso FTP is now included in the shareware version. This download is a 30-day trial; registration costs $49. This software can be free if you host your Web site with CoffeeCup. http://www.coffeecup.com |
8577 | COFFEH81.EXE | 6,2 Mt | 22.02.2000 | - | - | tupla | CoffeeCup HTML Editor++ v8.1The CoffeeCup is a fast, easy, full featured HTML Editor. We have completely re-written the Editor from the ground up to help you make your pages better than ever before. Now you can see your page change as you Edit with our Split-Screen Live Preview! Right Click and Upload pages to your website, Open pages from the Web just by typing the URL and much, much, more. http://www.coffeecup.com/editor/ |
8578 | COFMAP30.ZIP | 661,9 kt | 20.10.1999 | - | ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet | - | CoffeeCup Image Mapper++ v3.0 Hyvä kuvakarttojen teko-ohjelma Windowsille. Tukee GIF- ja JPG-formaatteja. Shareware, Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.coffeecup.com/mapper |
8579 | COLRPICK.ZIP | 107,7 kt | 27.10.1998 | - | - | - | ColrPick HTML Color Picker, v1.10Choose a display color and ColrPick will show you the hex number equivalent of that color. Easy-to-use interface. |
8580 | COOLPAGE.EXE | 2,9 Mt | 23.11.2001 | versio 2.6 | 23397/Chip_2001-03_cd1.bin | - | Cool Page 2.7Cool Page is a WYSIWYG Web page design tool that allows you to create a page simply by dragging and dropping objects into a layout. By pushing a publish button, you can automatically upload your site to the Internet. Pages designed with Cool Page are compatible with Netscape, Internet Explorer, and the AOL browser. You can export your page to HTML for publishing or to a corporate intranet, or import into other Web editors. Cool Page has unlimited undo and redo capabilities that allow you to go back to how your page looked at any point in the design process. This free version is fully functional but will display a splash page at startup that gives you the option to buy paid versions of this program. http://www.coolpage.com/ |
8581 | CORONER.ZIP | 525,1 kt | 26.04.2002 | - | - | - | Coroner 5.0Ohjelmisto, jolla laadit fanifiktiosivustoja. Apuna ovat valmiit, muokattavat sivupohjat ja xml-pohjainen tietokanta. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.driftworldspress.com/ForgesOfCreation/coronr50.html |
8582 | CSE401.EXE | 2,4 Mt | 16.10.1999 | - | - | - | CSE 330 HTML Validator v4.1A very nice and easy to use HTML validator. Shareware. http://www.htmlvalidator.com |
8583 | CSGALLER.ZIP | 943,5 kt | 26.11.2002 | - | - | - | CS Photo Gallery 1.0Digitaalikameran tai skannerin omistajalle helpoin tapa jakaa valokuvia perheen, kaveripiirin tai vaikkapa harrastusseuran kesken on siirtää ne verkkosivulle. Mutta kaikilla ei välttämättä ole kaveria, joka osaa ja jaksaa ylläpitää kuvasivustoa. Jos nettisivut tarjoava palvelin osaa tulkita php-koodia, sivuston ylläpidon voi sälyttää käyttäjille itselleen. CS Photo Gallery on php:llä laadittu sql-tietokantaa käyttävä valokuva-albumi, johon käyttäjät voivat lisätä omia kuviaan ja muokata oman albuminsa ulkonäköä. Ilmainen. http://craftysyntax.com/csgallery/ |
8584 | CSTYLE30.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 13.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "CoffeeCup StyleSheet Maker++ v3.0 Lets you edit your own cascading style sheets. Includes features designed for putting together your own personal Home Page with just a few clicks of the mouse. Everything you need and more for that awesome Home Page you want. Its worth the download and fun on top of that." |
8585 | DIPRO32.ZIP | 476,9 kt | 25.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DiDaPro v2.50Compact & Powerful HTML Editor Runs and loads as smooth/fast as NotePad, even on a 286 Laptop. Portable enough to carry on a floppy. 2 In 1. A powerful HTML editor + A HTML Viewer. Includes user tags support, spreadsheet style table editor, form editor, file history, printing, body editor, right mouse button support, auto tag removal, and more! |
8586 | DIRHTM25.ZIP | 101,9 kt | 03.06.2000 | - | - | - | dirhtml v2.5Tekee hakemiston sisällöstä HTML-sivun. Voit valita, haluatko mukaan esim. tiedostojen koot/päiväykset tai alihakemistojen sisällöt. Kunkin tiedoston nimi on linkki itse tiedostoon. Ilmainen. |
8587 | DML-1.8.ZIP | 46,1 kt | 06.06.2002 | - | - | - | DML 1.8 DML on kehitysympäristö laajojen, staattisten html-sivustojen ylläpitoon. Kyseessä on eräänlainen skriptikieli, jolla kirjoitetut tiedostot voidaan kääntää html-muotoon. Tällöin muutoksia ei tarvitse tehdä erikseen viiteenkymmeneen html-tiedostoon, vaan riittää että käyttäjä muokkaa sivujen DML-pohjaa ja kääntää sen html-muotoon. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me. http://home.attbi.com/~furiousjay/ |
8588 | DSM3214.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 31.12.1998 | - | - | - | Danere StyleMaker v1.4Utility for creating hypertext style sheets (CSS styles) |
8589 | DSSINP10.ZIP | 15,3 kt | 12.07.2002 | - | - | - | DS SinusPath - Script 1.0DS SinusPath on JavaScript –sovelma jonka avulla voi laittaa haluamansa kuvan pomppimaan sinikäyrää seurailevalla radalla pitkin nettisivua. Sovelman käyttö ei vaadi ohjelmointitaitoa, vaan halutun kuvan nimi ja tiedot sen radasta annetaan parametreinä skriptille ohjelman liitteenä olevan selkeän ohjeen mukaisesti. Shareware, 20 USD. DOS, Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.dseffects.com/ |
8590 | DWAY101.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 06.06.2002 | - | - | - | Door Way Page Generator 1.01 Door Way Page Generator luo nettisivuillesi useita yksittäisiä porttisivuja, joita hakukoneet löytävät tehokkaasti avainsanojen avulla. Ohjelmaan naputellaan ne hakusanat ja lauseet jotka sivun sisältöön täsmäävät, ja ohjelma luo itse tarpeelliset html-tiedostot. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.ismy.net/doorwaysoftware.html |
8591 | DWHTML30.ZIP | 639,4 kt | 27.03.1997 | - | 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso | - | DerekWare HTML Author v3.0 betaFeatures: Fully 32-bit Windows 95 application Supports all HTML 2.0 tags and Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 extensions, Intelligent tag formatting, allowing the user to select the text to be formatted and click a button, Tag Wizards |
8592 | EASCSS10.ZIP | 958,1 kt | 23.08.2002 | - | - | - | Easy CSS Scroller 1.0Easy CSS Scroller Copyright 2002, Jari Harju OS: 95,98,ME,NT,xp,2000 Freeware Make colourful CSS scrollbars visually. Quick and easy! |
8593 | EASEDI12.ZIP | 761 kt | 02.04.2000 | - | - | - | Easy Editor v1.2HTML Editor by Ari-Pekka Hujanen. Include many features. Easy to learn and use. With this HTML Editor you can make homepage fast and easy. Requires Windows9x or Windows NT4 and Visual Basic 6 Runtime files. http://www.susi.ysakk.fi/~pepe83/ |
8594 | EFORM.EXE | 5 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | - | - | EForm 4.0 e Send an EForm to any e-mail address and collect responses in your database. Also contains a survey wizard that dynamically publishes web Java graphic reports. The demo limits the number of participants to 50 and includes a promotional message in each form. |
8595 | EHTLIX11.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 28.07.2000 | - | - | - | Fix for eHTML 1.1, joka sisältää oikeat versiot eHTMLn käyttämistä OCX -komponenteista. |
8596 | EHTML10.EXE | 273,6 kt | 28.07.2000 | - | - | - | eHTML 1.1eHTML HTML-editori. Josta löytyy värikoodaus, sisäänrakennettu esikatselu ja "tagikirjasto", jossa on melkein kaikki HTML-tagit toiminnan mukaan järjestettynä ja josta muutamalla hiirenklikkauksella voi poimia tarkoitukseen sopivan tagin. |
8597 | EHTML2_1.EXE | 2,1 Mt | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | EasyHTML v2.1 |
8598 | EHTML2_2.EXE | 2,2 Mt | 02.12.1999 | - | MBCD | - | EasyHtml 2.2 by Toni Helenius, ToniArtsEasyHtml 2.2 by Toni Helenius, ToniArts. Great HTML-editor, makes HTML-programming so easy that even child can do neat web- pages! You can use EasyHtml in English and/or Finnish. EasyHtml is built for Windows 95/98/NT 4.00. Enjoy! |
8599 | EHTML444.ZIP | 7,2 Mt | 06.06.2002 | - | - | - | Enhanced HTML 4.4.40 Enhanced HTML sisältää sekä täysin automaattisen kotisivueditorin että mahdollisuuden viritellä html-koodia käsin. Editoriin kuuluu myös sisäinen ftp-ohjelma, sekä lukuisia velhoja joiden avulla aloittelijakin saa aikaan näyttävän nettisivuston jo parin tunnin pakertamisella. Enhanced HTML on täynnä muitakin käteviä ominaisuuksia, joihin kuuluu oikoluku, html-referenssiopas sekä kirjoitetun tekstin automaattinen täydentäminen. Shareware, 44,95 USD. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.ehtml.com/squigs/index.htm |
8600 | EZJAVA.ZIP | 269,6 kt | 05.11.2002 | versio 1.0 | 19277/ftp.winsite.com-win95-miscutil.tar | - | EZ JavaScript 1.1EZ JavaScript on yli 50 JavaScript-ohjelman paketti, jonka avulla voit lisätä sivuillesi muun muassa kellon ja erilaisia hiiriosoitintehosteita, sekä nappuloita, jotka muuttuvat hiiren osoittimen ollessa niiden päällä. Tarjolla on myös näppäriä valikoita ja navigointipalkkeja. Skriptit valitaan selkeän käyttöliittymän avulla, joka antaa mahdollisuuden muokata parametrejä, ja tuottaa valmiin ohjelmakoodin, jonka voit leikata ja liimata suoraan oman kotisivusi html-koodin kaveriksi. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Tämä korvaa aiemman, rikkinäisen paketin. |
8601 | FASTE201.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 13.03.2002 | - | - | - | FAST!edit light v2.01Suomalainen html-muokkain/velho internet-sivujen nopeaan ja vaivattomaan tuottamiseen. Sharewarea, toimii rajoitetun ajan. Rekisteröinti 10 euroa. http://www.fastedit.org/ |
8602 | FBW.ZIP | 261,1 kt | 20.01.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | Font and Body Tag Wizard 1.0 12/30 ReleaseAllows you to specify multiple font names and alternates, and shows you a real-time preview of both color and font appearance. Supports background images as well as colors. |
8603 | FE32_20.ZIP | 598,4 kt | 22.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | FlexEd v2.0Win95 HTML editor, easy to use, view HTML-documents without web browser. Windows 95. |
8604 | FIXLIN10.ZIP | 350,7 kt | 06.06.2002 | - | - | - | FixLinks 1.0 FixLinks automatisoi linkkien tarkastamisen ja korjaamisen. Ohjelma osaa poistaa toimimattomat linkit, osoittivat ne sitten sivuille, kuviin, ääniin tai tiedostoihin, ja sen avulla on myös helppoa korjata katkenneet linkit osoittamaan oikeisiin paikkoihin. Shareware, 12 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.fixlinks.does.it/ |
8605 | FP98BETA.A01 | 2 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FrontPage 98 beta 2 2/10 |
8606 | FP98BETA.A02 | 2 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FrontPage 98 beta 2 3/10 |
8607 | FP98BETA.A03 | 2 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FrontPage 98 beta 2 4/10 |
8608 | FP98BETA.A04 | 2 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FrontPage 98 beta 2 5/10 |
8609 | FP98BETA.A05 | 2 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FrontPage 98 beta 2 6/10 |
8610 | FP98BETA.A06 | 2 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FrontPage 98 beta 2 7/10 |
8611 | FP98BETA.A07 | 2 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FrontPage 98 beta 2 8/10FrontPage 98 beta 2 (Demo version) - 8/10 |
8612 | FP98BETA.A08 | 2 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FrontPage 98 beta 2 9/10 |
8613 | FP98BETA.A09 | 814,8 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FrontPage 98 beta 2 10/10 |
8614 | FP98BETA.ARJ | 2 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FrontPage 98 beta 2 1/10Microsoftin Frontpage 98 -WWW-editorin betaversio 2, demo. |
8615 | FRAMEX20.ZIP | 42 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | - | - | FrameTool v2.0FrameTool is an easy-to-use WYSIWYG frame design tool for web page authoring. To create plain and complex frames, you simply split the cells horizontally or vertically, size the cells, and specify the special properties FrameTool takes care of the HTML tags and creates the HTML file. Windows 3.1 and Win95. |
8616 | GRAYDAY.ZIP | 282,8 kt | 04.12.1997 | - | - | - | GrayDayThe best FreeWare HTML code editor to be found. |
8617 | HC05FL.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 21.07.1997 | - | 20675/Netsurf Issue 10.iso | - | "HTML Create! v0.5 Beta A simpleeasy to use32-bit HTML Editor for Windows95. One thing to keep in mind about this version is that it is beta software which means essentially that it is a work in progress and is by no means complete or perfect." |
8618 | HC411.ZIP | 837,5 kt | 06.06.2002 | - | sac.sk | - | HTML Compress 4.1.1 HTML Compress poistaa html, css, JavaScript ja VBScript -tiedostoista turhat välilyönnit ja rivinvaihdot sekä tarpeettomat tagit, jättäen kuitenkin tuiki tarpeelliset sulkutagit rauhaan. Ohjelman avulla html-tiedostojen koko voi pudota jopa 30 %, joka myös näkyy niiden latausnopeudessa. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.freesoft.fsnet.co.uk/ |
8619 | HDEXP151.EXE | 4,1 Mt | 28.07.1998 | - | - | - | Hotdog Express v1.51Helppokäyttöinen WWW-sivujen rakennusohjelma. |
8620 | HEKSA100.ZIP | 15,7 kt | 09.10.2001 | - | - | - | Heksa, v1.00Muuntaa RGB-värisävyn heksadesimaalimuotoon ja lähimmäksi mahdolliseksi ns. web safe (webbiturvallinen) väriksi. Heksakoodiksi ja webbiturvalliseksi väriksi muunnettava värisävy voidaan valita säätimistä tai liittää Windowsin leikepöydältä. Ohjelman tuottama koodi voidaan voidaan kopioida ja liittää esim. HTML-koodiin tai johonkin toiseen ohjelmaan. Vaatimukset: Windows 95/98/NT/2000, alle 1 Mt vapaata levytilaa ja tiedosto MSVBVM60.DLL (v. 6.00.8495 tai uud.). Freeware (11.8.2001). Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Mika Salonen, http://www.webdesignsalonen.com/software/ |
8621 | HF2K_109.ZIP | 640,1 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | HTML Force 2000 v1.09.1476aNopea ja pieni HTML-editori, jossa on kuitenkin paljon ominaisuuksia. Osaa näyttää parinkymmenen eri kielen elementit värillisinä (syntax highlight) ja vaikka mitä muuta. Ilmainen. |
8622 | HOTDOG51.EXE | 7,4 Mt | 14.02.1999 | - | - | - | HotDog Professional v5.1 Webmaster SuiteMonipuolinen WWW-sivujen rakennusohjelma. 14 päivän demoversio. |
8623 | HOTDOG55.EXE | 8,1 Mt | 03.03.1999 | - | 14479/cd24-www.iso | - | Hotdog Professional v5.5 Stand-AloneMonipuolinen kotisivujen rakenteluohjelma. 14 päivän demoversio. |
8624 | HOTDOG6I.EXE | 10,6 Mt | 04.05.2000 | - | - | - | HotDog 6.0HotDog Professional is an HTML authoring tool for both professional and budding Webmasters. Features such as the HTML Property Sheet (which provides access to every attribute for the current tag), tag completion, tag error highlighting, and wizards for obscure and otherwise exhaustive tasks make life easier without taking over the operations that require undivided attention and scrutiny. Version 6.0 features improved resource usage, faster document processing, extended editor support, easier document navigation, integrated Cascading Style Sheets, a flexible scripting author, and leading-edge accessibility support. This is a free 30-day evaluation, register for $99.95. |
8627 | HS.EXE | 1,4 Mt | 01.03.2000 | - | 9320/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak Volume 2 (Disc 3 of 3).iso | - | Hydra Script 1.2Hydra Script is a professional freeware easy-to-use developing environment for script writers JAVA, VB, HTML, Hydra Script comes with a built-in-browser, speed buttons for common tags and much more. |
8626 | HS451EV.EXE | 13,1 Mt | 09.08.2000 | - | 19241/COMPTOT.iso | - | HomeSite v4.51Tehokas html-editori Windows 95/98/NT:lle. Shareware. http://www.macromedia.com/software/homesite/ |
8628 | HSHRNK10.ZIP | 39,8 kt | 29.05.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | "HTML Shrinker v1.07A tool for reducing the size of various html file types. As a consequence your web site will load fasterneed less bandwidth and your monthly traffic volume will decrease. HTML Shrinker removes all unnecessary bytes within html files. The look of the html page wont change after it is compressed. http://pico.i-us.com" |
8629 | HTMASC32.ZIP | 672,5 kt | 13.08.1999 | - | 9308/PSL Volume 7 Number 7 (July 1999).iso | - | HTMASC v3.0The fast and easy way to convert pages from the World Wide Web (*.htm) to plain Textfiles (*.txt).All of the HTML tags (e.g. |
8630 | HTML9530.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 10.05.1997 | - | #hyrava | - | The HTML Reference Library v3.0The HTML Reference Library is a Windows HLP file detailing, with numerous screenshots and examples, all currently useable HTML elements. Also in this package is the HTMLib Colour Wizard v3.0 (an application that allows interactive choosing of document colours with the ability to copy the resultant code as HTML |
8631 | HTMLA97D.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 30.06.1997 | - | - | - | "HTML Assistant Pro97 demo Editor for experienced users. Win95." |
8632 | HTMLBUTY.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 28.04.2001 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | "MAXs HTML Beauty 1.5Muista HTML-editoreista tämän ohjelman erottavat ikkunoita piristävät nuorten naisten kuvat sekä toimiva kokonaisuus. Ilmainen. http://www.max.co.yu/htmlbeauty/" |
8633 | HTMLEF11.ZIP | 4,6 kt | 22.05.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | HTML Effects v1.1Luo annetusta tekstistä HTML-koodinpätkän, joka kirjoittaa tekstin vaihtelevalla värillä tai vaihtelevan kokoisena. Syntyneen koodin voi liittää sellaisenaan HTML-tiedoston sekaan. |
8634 | HTMLKIT1.EXE | 2,8 Mt | 30.09.2002 | - | 16086/Practical Internet May 2002.iso | - | HTML-Kit 1.0 (build 290)HTML-Kit is a full-featured editor and an integrated development environment designed to help HTML, XML and script authors to edit, format, lookup help, validate, preview and publish web pages. Newcomers to web page development can benefit from letting it point out errors and provide suggestions on how to create standards compliant pages. Experts can save time spent on common tasks using the highly customizable and extensible editor while maintaining full control over multiple file types including HTML, XHTML, XML, CSS, XSL, JavaScript, VBScript, ASP, PHP, JSP, Perl, Python, Ruby, Java, VB, C/C++, C#, Delphi / Pascal, Lisp, SQL, and more. |
8635 | HTMLO191.ZIP | 757,8 kt | 23.08.2002 | - | - | - | Atrise HTMLock 1.9.1 This award-winning program allows you to create password-protected HTML pages and hide the source of your pages. With our software you can encrypt HTML pages and place them on your web site, local network, intranet, CD, DVD, or hard drive. The program can password-protect HTML and text files. No special browser extension software is required to show the locked files. Key features: * Compact JavaScript technology; * Page source hiding and password protection; * True encryption of HTML and text files; * Easy calling out from logon form; * Set of templates to fit your needs. More info at http://www.atrise.com/htmlock/ |
8636 | HTMLTOOL.ZIP | 366,1 kt | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "Lorenz Grafs Free HTML editing toolThe quickneasy way to create web pages!" |
8637 | HTSHRINK.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | - | "HTML Shrinker 1.05 A tool for reducing the size of html files. As a consequence your web site will load faster. HTML Shrinker removes all unnecessary bytes within html files. The look of the html page wont change after it is compressed. Freeware." |
8638 | IDXTTRL.EXE | 3,9 Mt | 20.01.2000 | versio 1.0 | 9319/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak Volume 2 (Disc 2 of 3).iso | - | IndexSite 1.05 (demo)Create your own portal site on the web. Index site helps you create visual styles, build categories, and then enter the information, either manually or by importing data. Automatically generates all the necessary HTML codes and scripts. |
8639 | INFOCOUR.ZIP | 554,3 kt | 30.06.1997 | - | - | - | InfoCourierConvert HTML into standalone applications. Windows 95. |
8641 | KOALA104.ZIP | 4,9 Mt | 21.04.2002 | - | - | - | Koala HTML 1.0.4 Kotisivueditori, joka sisältää tagien pikavalinnan, 65 taustakuvaa ja animaatiota ja yli 15 DHTML- ja Java-koodinpätkää, joilla sivuaan voi höystää. Koalassa on oma selaimensa jolla esikatselu hoidetaan, ja sen avulla voi kuvien lisäksi upottaa sivulle myös ääniä, taulukoita ja muita enemmän tai vähemmän olennaisia komponentteja. Shareware, 19 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.avantrix.com/koalahtml.htm |
8642 | KOALA105.ZIP | 4,9 Mt | 20.12.2002 | - | - | - | Koala HTML 1.0.5Kotisivueditori, joka sisältää tagien pikavalinnan, 65 taustakuvaa ja animaatiota ja yli 15 DHTML- ja Java-koodinpätkää, joilla sivuaan voi höystää. Koalassa on oma selaimensa jolla esikatselu hoidetaan, ja sen avulla voi kuvien lisäksi upottaa sivulle myös ääniä, taulukoita ja muita enemmän tai vähemmän olennaisia komponentteja. Shareware, 19,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. |
8643 | LIQUIDFX.ZIP | 4,3 Mt | 27.03.1997 | - | 12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar | tupla | Liquid FX Web Page Designer This Web page designer is a fully integrated editor that will help you develop professional quality HTML Web documents in a short time. It is setup for quick script development using highly intuitive requesters and logical sectioning of HTML scripts. With built in functions such image map hotspots, frames designer, forms designer, Java animator and scroller, this package sizzles!! |
8644 | MAGRA221.ZIP | 790,3 kt | 06.06.2002 | - | - | - | MagicH-Gradienter 2.21 MagicH-Gradienter luo todella letkeän näköisiä väriliu-utuksia nettisivujen teksteihin. Tekstin koko aaltoilee samalla kun sen väri hiipuu hiljalleen esimerkiksi punaisesta mustaan. Liu-utuksen värit voi luonnollisestikin valita itse, ja valmiin tuotoksen näkee näppärästi selaimen esikatseluruudulta. Shareware, 15 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.magicseries.de/magichdocument/magichgradient_page.html |
8645 | MAPFIN10.ZIP | 17,2 kt | 13.08.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | Mapper for HTML v1.0HTML-sivujen tekoon tarkoitettu ohjelma, jolla niinsanotusti "mapataan"/rajataan tietty kohta kuvasta ja asetetaan siihen linkki, alt, kehys ja kohde. Rajauksina toimii: ympyrä-, suorakulmio- ja vapaarajaus. Vaatii: Visual Basic 6 Runtime-tiedostot, Win95/98 Copyright ® 2000 Valtteri Huttunen |
8646 | MH2KF51.EXE | 2,6 Mt | 11.03.2000 | - | - | - | MoonHTML 2000 v5.1.06MoonHTML on HTML-sivujen editointiohjelma. Tarkoitettu kokeneille sivunrakentajille, mutta soveltuu myös HTML:ää opetteleville. MoonHTML ei ole WYSIWYG-editori, vaan sen avulla voit helpottaa HTML:n kirjottamista valitsemalla valmiita tageja napeista. Sisältää myös FTP-yhteyden sivujen lähettämistä varten. Freeware. http://www.jtmooney.com/moonhtml/ |
8647 | MODPRE20.ZIP | 7,5 Mt | 18.12.2002 | - | - | - | ModelPress on järjestelmä, jonka avulla on mahdollista liittää 3d-tiedostoja nettisivuille ilman että käyttäjät tarvitsevat erillistä 3d-ohjelmaa niiden katseluun. Tiedostot pakataan tiiviiseen tiedostoon jonka avaaminen takaisin 3d-malliksi on erittäin hankalaa. Omat mallit eivät näin ollen leviä pitkin verkkoa muuten kuin nettisivuilla ihailtavassa, vapaasti pyöritettävässä muodossa. ModelPress ymmärtää muun muassa vrml-, dwg-, stl- ja 3d Studion tiedostomuotoja. Ilmainen. Windows NT/2000/XP. http://www.modelpress.com/ |
8648 | MSHP.ZIP | 4,9 Mt | 03.03.2000 | - | - | - | Mallsurfer Shop 2.04a Mallsurfer Shop is a simpleprogram for setting up a virtual store. Input your shop information, set your categories, set your items. When you hit the "Create" button it will generate all your HTML, JavaScript, Frames, place your images in the right place. Freeware. |
8649 | MSHTM10A.ZIP | 674,8 kt | 12.08.2000 | - | - | - | Merrysoft HTML Editor 1.0 Alpha by Vesa Piittinen (Merry), Merrysoft This is a HTML Editor, the kind I like to use and hopefully somebody else too. Simple. Needs VB40032.DLL to run merry@mbnet.fi http://merrysoft.cjb.net Copyright 1999-2000 Vesa Piittinen |
8651 | NETCAL20.EXE | 3,3 Mt | 30.04.2000 | - | #hyrava | tupla | Grafix NetCalendar v2.0Grafix NetCalendar is an easy to use program that lets you create perfectly formatted HTML calendars for your web site or local Intranet. With NetCalendar you can keep everyone apprised of upcoming events, holidays, meetings or anything else you can think of, with great looking interactive web pages. Just enter event information and NetCalendar generates calendars complete with scrolling monthly and daily pages. Shareware. http://netcalendar.grafix-net.com |
8652 | PHTML.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 01.03.2000 | - | - | - | PowerHTML 2.1 Easy to use HTML text editor that allows you to maintain your website using a file and FTP management system. View your webpages with a built in preview window before you publish them to the internet. Freeware. |
8653 | PIXIA.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 01.03.2001 | - | - | tupla | Pixia 1.9aErittäin monipuolinen kuvankäsittelyohjelma. Mukana niin vektorit kuin kuvan kerroksetkin (layers) ja paljon muuta. Ilmainen. http://www.ab.wakwak.com/~knight/ |
8654 | POPUJAVA.ZIP | 179 kt | 10.05.2002 | - | - | - | Popular Java Applets Collection 2.0 Popular Java Applets Collection 2.0 sisältää neljä yksinkertaista sovelmaa joilla käyttäjä saa sivuilleen ikkunan tai vierivän palkin johon ilmestyy linkkeinä toimivia uutistekstejä, tai valikon jota voi vierittää vaakasuorassa. Jokaisesta sovelmasta löytyy muutamia eri versioita, joiden ulkonäköS ja käyttäytymistä on muokattu. Kokeiluversio. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.scriptocean.com/ |
8655 | PREPRO40.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 26.04.2003 | - | - | - | PrePromote 4.0PrePromote on ohjelma verkkosivujen hakukonesijoitusten parantamiseen meta-tageja muokkaamalla sekä erityisten porttisivujen avulla. Ohjelma näyttää mitä avainsanoja verkkosivuun on liitetty meta-tagien avulla ja tarkastaa että ne ovat järkevissä mitoissa, eikä samoja sanoja ole käytetty useita kertoja. Ohjelman luomat porttisivut sisältävät verkkosivun sisältöä kuvaavia termejä, ja ne ohjaavat vierailijat suoraan mainostamallesi nettisivustolle. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.signposter.com/ |
8656 | PSTYLE20.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 19.01.2000 | - | - | - | Prime Style 2.02 Quick and simple style sheet maker, allowing you to set the options with the click of a mouse and it imports it into your pages. Above basic and very functional. |
8657 | PWIZ.ZIP | 659,4 kt | 20.01.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | Applet Password Wizard 3.0 Add security to weppages. Applet Password Wizard lets you add and remove people who have access to your specified website or page as well as providing a bunch of configurations. Included a handy utility that lets you copy the HTML to insert the password applet into your webpage. |
8658 | RB40.ZIP | 36,5 kt | 27.06.2000 | - | - | - | Rainbow v4.0Pieni ohjelma HTML-sivun tekstien väriliukujen tekemiseen. Erilaisia liukuja väristä toiseen. Careware. |
8659 | REACTOR.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 26.03.2000 | - | - | - | "Reactor 3.0Reactor is a new HTML editorwhich mixes the usual power of the non-visual approach (that isyou work directly on the source) with an unseen ease of use. And you mustnt forget that Reactor is completely freeware. http://reactor.web.com/ " |
8660 | RGBHEX10.ZIP | 104,5 kt | 30.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | RGB to HEX v1.0This software converts RGB to HEX. You can use this when you make Web sites with notepad. |
8661 | RLC.ZIP | 730,2 kt | 29.07.2002 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | REL Link Checker Lite 1.0REL Link Checker Lite is a free easy-to-use link checker tool that assists in the verification of your web site and list of links. The program can check up to 1,000 links during one session and will help you easily locate broken links. This is the free version of a more powerful commercial version: Web Link Validator. Lates releases available at: http://www.relsoftware.com/ |
8662 | S1V101EN.EXE | 1021,6 kt | 31.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Style One v1.01CSS style sheet editor |
8663 | SHTMP112.ZIP | 969,8 kt | 29.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | SuperHTMLPad v1.12 Suomalainen HTML-editori. Vaatii Win95/NT4. Freewarea. |
8664 | SITED20.EXE | 8,2 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | 14520/InternetNews_1999_06.iso | - | SiteDesigner LTE 2.0.7Add interactive elements to your web pages: clocks, calendars, drop down links, lists, news scrollers, and navigators to the page. Use advanced features like master pages, site themes, visual site tree, and one button publishing to make site building easy. Shareware. |
8665 | SITEMAST.ZIP | 344,7 kt | 26.11.2002 | versio 1.1 | 19276/ftp.winsite.com-win95-misc.tar | - | Site Master 1.0Site Master on varsin yksinkertainen html-editori, joka on suunniteltu kokonaisten nettisivustojen muokkaamiseen. Voit määrittää muuttujia, jotka kuvaavat haluamaasi koodinpätkää, minkä jälkeen ohjelma kääntää sivusi tavalliseen html-muotoon. Kun haluat rukata sivustoasi, voit muokata muuttujien sisältämää koodia. Näin muutokset kopioituvat kerralla kaikkiin paikkoihin, joissa samaa koodinpätkää on käytetty. Tällä tavalla säästyt paljolta naputtelulta. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. |
8666 | SITWAT10.ZIP | 5,2 Mt | 14.07.2002 | - | - | - | Site Watch 1.0 SiteWatch tarkkailee haluamaasi nettisivustoa ennalta määritellyin väliajoin, etsien käyttäjän haluamaa tunnistetekstiä joka osoittaa sivujen toimivan. Mikäli kyseistä tekstiä ei löydy, sivut ovat luultavasti nurin, jolloin ohjelma osaa hälyttää käyttäjän paikalle sähköpostilla tai tekstiviestillä. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.pragmatic.nl/ |
8667 | SMPMAP11.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 09.10.2001 | - | - | - | Simple Map v1.1Helppo ja tehokas image map editori. Ohjelmistovaatimukset: Windows 9x/NT 4.0/ME/2000. http://products.frontb.com |
8668 | SMPRO.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 29.10.2000 | - | - | - | "Style Master Pro 1.8Style Master gives you intuitive control over the whole process of creatingeditingapplyingand tweaking your style sheets. Create fully CSS1- and CSSP-compliant style sheets. Open and edit style sheetsno matter what application was used to create them. Edit style sheets in the heads of HTML documentsthen save them back to the document. With Style Master you can specify the browseror browsersthat youre designing a style sheet for. Style Master warns you about any aspects of your style sheet that are not fully supported by the browsers you specify. With Style Masteryou can preview in any number of browserssimultaneouslywith one-touch previewing in all open browsersor even live previewing in open browsersif you prefer. Check out the Style Master home page for an interactive demonstration. The program features a context-sensitive assistant to help you get started with style sheets and Style Mastereven if you dont know a thing about either. Also included is a new interface for editing style sheet properties. This version will let you use the application on any 15 separate daysover any period of timeand includes many bug fixes interface enhancementsand upgraded information. The fully registered version costs $29. Note: Style Master Pro is the professional version of Style Master. The Pro version supports editing of the full CSS2 standardgiving Web developers powerfuluser-friendly control over the complete style sheets standard. This download can be evaluated as either Style Master or Style Master Pro. Registration for Style Master Pro is $49. http://www.westciv.com " |
8669 | SPCEB21D.A01 | 2,9 Mt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | - | Internet 3D Space Builder v2.1 2/4 |
8670 | SPCEB21D.A02 | 2,9 Mt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | - | Internet 3D Space Builder v2.1 3/4 |
8671 | SPCEB21D.A03 | 999,5 kt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | - | Internet 3D Space Builder v2.1 4/4 |
8672 | SPCEB21D.ARJ | 2,9 Mt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | - | "Internet 3D Space Builder V.2.1 1/4Easily create sophisticated VRML 2.0 spaces builds upon Virtual Home Space Builder (VHSB) Paragraphs entry level award-winning VRML authoring toolby adding powerful new features. These new features include advanced Boolean operations for creating complex objects and shapesinteractive texture manipulationsophisticated graphics and file support and complete VRML 2.0 compliance. This means that after you publish your 3D space on the Internet anyone using a standard VRML 2.0 browser can visit and explore your site. Req. 486 with 8 MB Win95" |
8673 | SPIDRW40.ZIP | 5,7 Mt | 20.01.2000 | versio 4.02 | 19248/www-06-2000.iso | - | "Spider Writer 4.01 A WYSIWYG visual web page HTML editor with pixel level layout controlwhich does not use images for placement like other editors. Provides tools for HTML as well as graphics tools likeintegrated graphics editorimage map editortable editorfull forms supportJavascript / VBScript supportconversion of TGA/PCX/BMP/GIF/JPG to GIF/JPGsending option using MAPI as well as SMTPnewsize hinton resizing areas." |
8674 | SPLASH12.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 12.04.1999 | - | 23709/PCWorld_1999-04_cd.bin | - | Splash! v1.2 Splash on erikoisen näköinen ja tuntuinen WYSIWYG-editori, jolla kotisivujen luominen onnistuu vaikkei HTML-kieltä osaisikaan. Ohjelmasta ei varmasti ole hyötyä nettisivujen puuhailuun jo perehtyneille, mutta Splash! voi olla hauska tapa päästä alkuun omaperäisen käyttöliittymänsä ansiosta. |
8675 | SPLITZ.ZIP | 326,2 kt | 28.10.2001 | - | 10768/epc51.zip | - | SplitZ! 1.0Tällä ohjelmalla voit piirtää jakaa kuvan pysty- ja vaakasuuntaisilla viivoilla osiin, minkä jälkeen ohjelma pyöräyttää siitä pilkotut kuvat ja ne kasaavan html-taulukon. |
8676 | STAID210.ZIP | 4,3 Mt | 04.10.2000 | - | - | - | SiteAid v2.10Hyvin monipuolinen HTML-editori: mukana suuret määrät valmiita toimintoja taulukoiden ja lomakkeiden luonnista alkaen, HTML-komennot näkyvät värillisinä (syntax highlight), sisäänrakennettu selain ja FTP-ohjelma, englanninkielisen tekstin tarkistus. Ohjelmaa saa kokeilla 20 kertaa ennen rekisteröitymistä. |
8677 | STATJAVA.ZIP | 804,4 kt | 16.04.2003 | - | - | - | Status Bar Javascript Magic 1.0Jos olet joskus kiinnittänyt netissä surffaillessasi huomiota selainruudun alalaidan tilapalkissa näkyviin teksteihin ja ihmetellyt, miten sellaiset saisi omille sivuille, Status Bar Javascript Magic tarjoaa ratkaisun. Ohjelman avulla voit luoda JavaScript-pätkän, joka liittää nettisivun alalaitaan haluamasi tekstin erilaisilla tehosteilla höystettynä. Voit halutessasi laittaa tekstin vierimään, ilmestymään keskeltä tai tekemään jonkin muun jipon. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.likno.com/sbar_info.html |
8678 | STYLE110.EXE | 2,5 Mt | 06.05.1999 | - | #hyrava | - | Xara WebStyle version 1.20Lets you create top-quality, custom-designed, web-optimized graphics - buttons, bullets, dividers, 2D and 3D headings and backrounds - any color, with any text. http://www.xara.com/webstyle/ |
8679 | SW32-21C.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 20.04.1997 | - | - | tupla | SubMission Wizard v2.1cGet your web-page listed on various web search engines. |
8680 | SWHTAD18.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 07.04.1999 | - | ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet | - | HTML Aide v1.08A full-teatured notepad with many HTML tools. The notepad opens multiple files, drag/drops text, has a 12 entry clipboard, opens large files, undoes and redoes changes, etc. HTML Aide has the following HTML tools: HTML Validator, FTP program, Spell Checker, Quick Code Wizard, etc. http://superwin.com/ |
8681 | TAGGEN.ZIP | 88,7 kt | 30.07.1997 | - | 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO | - | HTML Tag Generator for WindowsGenerates complete syntax for any HTML 3 tags. Using a fill-in-the- form interface, you simply specify specific tag options. The final HTML syntax is generated to the Windows clipboard for easy pasting into an HTML or standard text editor. |
8682 | TAGLOC14.ZIP | 1017,1 kt | 13.06.2002 | - | - | - | AtomPark TagsLock Pron avulla voit tehdä html-tiedostoista lukukelvottomia kuitenkin niin, että selain osaa näyttää ne oikein. Sen avulla voit myös estää kuvien lataamiseen ja koko sivun kahmimisen omalle koneelle, sekä viritellä sivujen meta-tageja haluamaasi suuntaan. Kokeiluversio, 29,85 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.atompark.com/ |
8683 | THUMSHOW.ZIP | 65,7 kt | 26.04.2003 | - | - | - | Thumbnail Slide Show 1.0Thumbnail Slide Show on Java-sovelma, jonka avulla voit liittää verkkosivuillesi näyttävän kuvagallerian. Sovelmasta löytyy kahdeksan erityyppistä galleriaa, joiden esikatselukuvien naksauttaminen suurentaa halutun kuvan täyteen kokoonsa. Thumbnail Slide Show tarjoaa käyttäjälle esimerkkikoodin, jonka liittäminen nettisivulle vaatii perustiedot html-koodauksesta. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.6sense.com/applets/\t |
8684 | TS15EVAL.EXE | 1,5 Mt | 19.01.2000 | - | 22684/cd joystick no117 juillet aout 2000 cd 2.iso | - | TopStyle 1.5 TopStyle is a cascading style sheet. TopStyle contains everything you need to create flexible, cross-browser style sheets. |
8685 | TS25LITE.EXE | 1,4 Mt | 27.01.2003 | - | 23748/PCWorld_2002-07-08_cd.bin | - | TopStyle Lite 2.5Ilmainen versio TopStyle-ohjelmasta, jolla voit tehdä nettisivuja käyttäen css-tyylejä. http://www.bradsoft.com/topstyle/ |
8686 | TUPO118B.ZIP | 28 kt | 03.08.1999 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | TurhatPois v1.18bTehokäyttäjän HTML-siistijä. TuPo ottaa HTML- tiedostoistasi ylimääräiset välit ja rivinvaihdot pois, pienentäen sivun kokoa jopa 5% tai enemmänkin! Sivujesi latausajat lyhenevät. Freeware. (C) 1999 Pasi Matilainen |
8687 | VGC1031.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 06.06.2002 | - | - | - | Videogram Creator 1.0.3 Videogram Creator on ohjelma jolla voi nauhoittaa pieniä videomuotoisia tervehdyksiä ja muuttaa ne html-tiedostoiksi. Ohjelman avulla mihin tahansa nettisivulle voi liittää pienen pätkän liikkuvaa kuvaa, joka pyörii vierailijoiden koneilla Java-sovelman avulla ilman että heidän tarvitsee erikseen ladata mitään videonkatseluohjelmaa. Shareware, 9,99 USD. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.videogram.com/ |
8688 | VVILLE2.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | VeppiVille 2.0Suomenkielinen ohjelma HTML kielen opiskeluun. Windows95, 98, NT versio. Freeware. |
8690 | WBTOOL21.ZIP | 172,3 kt | 16.06.2002 | - | - | - | WebTools 2.1 WebTools näyttää avoimena olevan sivun koodin ihmiselle luettavaksi käsiteltynä, minkä lisäksi sillä saa näkyviin sivuilla käytetyt tyylitiedostot, kuvat ja muita vastaavia tekniikoita. Ohjelma on todella näppärä työkalu niille jotka haluavat opiskella html:ää valmiita sivuja tutkiskelemalla, sekä nettisivujen ylläpiäjille joiden täytyy esimerkiksi ottaa hoitaakseen jonkun toisen aloittama työ. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, Internet Explorer 5.0. http://www.iconico.com/webtool/ |
8691 | WC98114.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 28.01.2000 | - | - | - | WebCompiler 98 V1.12A 32bit HTML Compiler produces .exe files for distribution from groups of HTML pages ("WebSites"). Built-in searching, favorites management, page protection, passwording, kiosk mode, form processing, shopping cart capability, foreign language translation, embedded font support etc. |
8692 | WD_32.ZIP | 903,4 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | 19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg | - | Web DirectorA versatile HTML editor for Win95. |
8693 | WDGCSS10.ZIP | 120,8 kt | 25.04.2000 | - | - | - | "The Web Design Groups CSS Reference v1.0CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) -referenssi Windowsin help-tiedostona." |
8694 | WDGHTML.ZIP | 224,5 kt | 02.05.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | "WDGs HTML 4.0 Reference v1.01The Web Design Groupin HTML 4.0 -referenssi Windowsin help-tiedostona. Perustuu W3C:n HTML-spesifikaatioon. http://www.htmlhelp.com/distribution/" |
8695 | WE2PRO32.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 28.04.1997 | - | MBCD | - | WebEdit 2.0.3 ProfessionalWebEdit is the premier HTML authoring tool for Microsoft Windows. The PRO version has a HTML Tag Checker, colored tag highlighting and several wizards to help you. By Luckman Interactive, http://www.luckman.com. |
8696 | WE2STD32.ZIP | 2 Mt | 28.04.1997 | - | MBCD | - | WebEdit v2.0.3 StandardWebEdit is the premier HTML authoring tool for Microsoft Windows. It has full support for HTML 3.2, Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer extentions, and other useful HTML page features. By Luckman Interactive, http://www.luckman.com |
8697 | WEBEXP32.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 30.03.1998 | - | - | - | WebExpressA true design tool for HTML Documents. WebExpress is a new WYSIWYG publishing tool for creating documents for the World Wide Web. Supports all text and paragraph styles, tables, images, shades, borders, URLs, image maps, and more. Edit pages without the maze of HTML codes, looks just as they do when loaded in your browser. From the award winning team at MicroVision Development. |
8698 | WEBGEN.ZIP | 363,1 kt | 20.12.2000 | - | - | - | Treeview WebGen 1.aTämä ilmainen ohjelma tekee nettisivustolle hakemistopuuta muistuttavan käyttöliittymän. |
8700 | WEBORAMA.ZIP | 3,6 Mt | 01.03.2001 | versio 7.75 | 23479/chip_20018102_hu.iso | - | Web-O-Rama 7.36Ilmainen HTML-editori, jossa on monenmoisia valmiita toimintoja muun muassa kuvien, äänten ja lomakkeiden lisäämiseksi. http://www.kevingunn.com/weborama.htm |
8701 | WEBPNP32.ZIP | 410,5 kt | 10.05.1997 | - | 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | "WebPen v3.2This easy-to-use HTML and web editor simplifies the creation of web home pages. Special functions for colored bulletse-mailcopyright noticeauthors signaturebackground optionssearch and replaceetc. Off-line viewing. OLE link to MS Word speller." |
8702 | WEBTRIM.ZIP | 539,8 kt | 30.03.1998 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | WebTrimmer LiteThe serious HTML optimizer. Uses nearly 200 custom filters to radically reduce the size of HTML documents. Average reductions of 20 percent based on mixed output from various authoring tools. Fully configurable optimization options and built- in multiple-file, multiple-term search-and- replace engine. Shareware version optimizes one file per pass (analysis mode allows unlimited files). Single user license $25. |
8703 | WED28B2.ZIP | 108,2 kt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | - | "WEB-ED 2.8 An editor for writing HTML and script. For HTML theres a toolbar to auto-insert common tags. For scripting it has a toolbar to for common VBScript code and subs as well as line and column numbering for debugging." |
8704 | WGIZ318.EXE | 4,8 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | - | WebGIZMO Merchant Edition 3.1.8 Generates Web Store fronts that include shopping cart and on-line order processing technology. Use it to create your whole web site, or to add a storefront to an existing site. Shareware. |
8705 | WMLEDT32.EXE | 729,2 kt | 25.04.2001 | - | - | - | "WML Editor 3.2Use the WML Editor to create your professional WAP/WML - pages for your Internet appearance with mobile binding. The WML Editor offers everything which is necessary for an efficient program for creating WML/WMLScript documents. By different assistants and wordprocessorswho support youbothprofies as well as beginnerssimply and felxibel come to the Internet appearance with mobile binding. Additionally numerous functions and automation possibilities help with easy and successful creating. New in Version 3.2 includes a Browser for previewing the documentsa WML-Element-Helper and a WMLScript-Helper for easy and fast writing. It also includes R.KortesWML Tutorialwhich is implemented as help- and reference-meterial. Version 3.2 has now complete english language support and a better project-manager. Free for Windows 95/98 by Jan Winkler. http://www.jan-winkler.de/dev/e_wmle.htm" |
8706 | WPOISON.ZIP | 740,8 kt | 23.08.2002 | - | - | - | Wpoison Miinoita nettisivusi niin, että roskapostittajien osoitteidenkeruuohjelmat saavat listan täydeltä satunnaisesti luotuja valeosoitteita. Ilmainen. Vaatii Perl-kielisiä cgi-skriptejä pyörittävän palvelimen. http://www.monkeys.com/wpoison/ |
8707 | XENUS.ZIP | 223,8 kt | 26.04.2002 | - | - | - | "Xenus Link Sleuth 1.2bTämä ohjelma etsii käyttäjän määrittelemältä nettisivulta rikkinäisiä linkkejä ja antaa niistä selkeän raportin. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html " |
8708 | XMLNOTEP.EXE | 335,4 kt | 25.07.2002 | - | - | - | Microsoft XML Notepad 1.5XML Notepad is a simple application that assists in the building rapid prototypes of XML applications. With XML Notepad, you can create and edit XML document prototypes quickly, easily, and in an iterative fashion. XML Notepad offers an intuitive and simple user interface that graphically represents the tree structure of XML data. Working with the standard building blocks of XML (Elements, Attributes and Text), authors are able to create reproducible data structures that can be easily filled. |
8710 | XMLW.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | - | "XMLwriter 1.0 One of the best XML editors. It includes the ability to run other XML tools from within XMLwriterwhich adds to its flexibility. The program also gives you the ability to convert XML files to HTML files using XSL style sheets. For big jobsit includes batch conversion and validation. Another strong point is its project management. Shareware" |
8709 | XMLWR121.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 02.07.2001 | - | - | - | XMLwriter 1.21 Ohjelma xml-tiedostojen laatimiseen, tarkastamiseen ja muokkaamiseen. 30 päivän kokeiluversio, rekisteröinti $45. http://www.xmlwriter.net/ |
8711 | XOOCO24.ZIP | 6,1 Mt | 26.04.2003 | - | - | - | Xoology Coda 2.4Xoology Coda on JavaScript-, html-, xhtml- ja xml-editori, joka mahdollistaa nopean siirtymisen tiedostojen sekä niihin tehtyjen kirjanmerkkien ja muiden merkintöjen välillä. Coda osaa luonnollisesti värittää koodin eri osat havainnollisesti, mutta tämän lisäksi se tarkistaa koodin oikeellisuuden ja varoittaa käyttäjää virheistä ja laiminlyönneistä, sekä pitää kirjaa projektiin kuuluvista tiedostoista ja kansioista. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.xoology.com/concertox/xool/home/products/coda.html |
8712 | 32PSDP.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | #hyrava | tupla | "DB-HTML Converter Pro 1.3 DB-HTML Converter Pro is a HTML database utility that creates Web pages from popular formats such as MS SQLFoxProMS ACCESSDB2InformixOracleSybaseand others. Its a must have for those of you who want to start a database-driven Web site. Shareware." |
8713 | 40TTIME.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 30.09.1999 | - | MBCD | tupla | 40tude Time40tude Time synchronizes your system clock through an Internet time server. It is a replacement for the standard Windows tray clock, enhancing it by showing the current time at locations around the world. Renders a breathtaking photo-realistic image of the current illumination on Earth that can be used as the desktop wallpaper and in the screensaver that comes with the program and gives you information about public holidays in countries around the world. |
8714 | A4PROXY.EXE | 902,5 kt | 28.01.2000 | - | 23347/CHIP_HITWARE_7A.iso | tupla | Anonymity 4 Proxy 1.52 Local proxy server agent, essential for anonymous Internet surfing. Provides you with excellent tools to locate, test and logon to public anonymous proxy servers. Advanced features include modification of any HTTP variables, monitoring client requests, stop lists for clients and remote hosts, and more. |
8715 | AIEL256.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 21.12.2004 | - | - | - | AbsoluteShield Internet Eraser Lite 2.56Monipuolinen tietosuojaohjelma nettiselailun ja muun tietokoneen käytön jättämien jälkien siivoamiseen. Ohjelman kevytversiolla onnistuu selaimen tietojen poistaminen Internet Exploreria käytettäessä. Täysi versio tukee useimpia nykyisin käytössä olevia selaimia, osaa poistaa vähemmän tunnettuja lokitiedostoja sekä haittaohjelmia ja mahdollistaa toimintojen kartuttamisen yli 30 plug-in –lisäosalla. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003. http://www.internet-track-eraser.com/ |
8716 | ALLIN361.ZIP | 784,9 kt | 25.09.2003 | - | - | - | All in One Secretmaker 3.6.1Turvaohjelmapaketti, joka sisältää ponnahdusikkunoiden torjujan, mainosbannerien poiston, roskapostisuotimen, selailuhistorian tuhoajan, evästeidenhallinnan sekä virustutkan. Ilmainen. Windows NT/2000/XP. http://www.secretmaker.com/ |
8717 | ANTISPY.EXE | 65,5 kt | 27.11.2003 | - | - | - | xp-AntiSpy 3.72 English SetupNettiin liitetty Windows XP soittelee vähän väliä kotiin, eikä käyttäjä voi olla varma mitä tietoja hänen koneeltaan lähetetään maailmalle. Useimmet yhteydenotot ovat avuliaita, kuten esimerkiksi koodekkien hakeminen Mediasoittimeen. Yksityisyyttään arvostavat käyttäjät kuitenkin haluavat, että kone huhuilee verkossa vain kun sitä käsketään. Useimmat näistä toiminnoista saa laitettua pois päältä, kun tietäisi mistä se tehdään. Tässä auttaa xp-AntiSpy. Se näyttää mitkä Windowsin nettiä vaativat ominaisuudet ovat päällä ja antaa käyttäjälle mahdollisuuden sulkea ne nopeasti ja näppärästi. Ilmainen. Windows XP. http://www.xp-antispy.org |
8718 | ATOMIC.EXE | 431,4 kt | 20.11.2001 | - | 11534/Igromania_02.iso | - | "Atomic Clock Sync 2.2This freeware Atomic Clock Sync utility can help you keep your local computer up-to-date with the exact current time. This program will reference an atomic clock server to get the current time with the greatest accuracy available and update your PCs information. It can even be set to automatically check the time once a day to keep your PCs time accurate forever. Atomic Clock Sync will connect to one of the time servers operated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United Statesand will compare the time of your computer with the time on the servers operated by the NIST. This program will then display the difference between your system and the servers andif greater than 15 secondsit will offer you the option of adjusting your PC by the displayed amount. The overall uncertainty in this comparison should be no worse than +/- five seconds under all circumstances and will be substantially less than this value in most cases. Version 2.2 adds the ability to have Atomic Clock Sync start automatically when Windows boots up and to have it start minimized to the system tray. http://www.isbister.com/ " |
8719 | ATOMTM14.ZIP | 104,6 kt | 27.04.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | tupla | AtomTime95 V1.4a Sleek and straightforward, AtomTime95 can keep the clock on your Windows 95 system right in step with the public-access atomic clock server of the National Bureau of Standards in Boulder, Colorado. It can be used with any Winsock-compliant Internet link Dial-Up Networking or a LAN), and can be set to automatically update your time whenever you boot the PC or used with a scheduler. Req Modem Internet connection Win95 |
8720 | ATPRO.EXE | 775,7 kt | 28.01.2000 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | tupla | Ativa ProInternet bandwidth monitor will help you maximize your online time and increase your net speed. Ativa contains a powerful multi-functional web monitor designed to accurately gather layer upon layer of valuable web information. |
8721 | BABY31B.EXE | 1,5 Mt | 20.12.2000 | - | - | - | Babylon 3.1bHakee netistä selvityksen haluamillesi vieraille sanoille tai lyhenteille. Osaa myös muuntaa yksiköitä ja valuuttoja, kertoa lausumisohjeita ynnä muuta. http://www.babylon.com/ |
8722 | BABYLON.EXE | 1,8 Mt | 28.05.2001 | - | 22691/124cd1.img | eritupla | Babylon 3.1 Build 40Hakee netistä selvityksen haluamillesi vieraille sanoille tai lyhenteille. Osaa myös muuntaa yksiköitä ja valuuttoja, kertoa lausumisohjeita ynnä muuta. http://www.babylon.com/ |
8723 | BACKUPON.EXE | 1,4 Mt | 22.10.1999 | - | - | tupla | "BackupOnline BackupOnline uses the internet to backup and retrieve software. Features an interface like that of Microsofts Outlook Express. Shareware." |
8724 | BADBL211.ZIP | 292,2 kt | 07.02.2003 | - | - | - | BadBlue Personal Edition 2.11BadBlue on sekä yksityiseen että yrityskäyttöön suunniteltu vertaisverkko-ohjelma, joka antaa käyttäjän jakaa tiedostojaan haluamiensa käyttäjille. Ohjelma sisältää käyttäjänhallinnan, jonka avulla voi helposti rajoittaa pääsyä omiin tiedostoihinsa, ja sen avulla on helppo etsiä tietoa muiden koneilta. BadBlue sisältää esikatselun muun muassa Word-, Access- ja Excel-tiedostoihin, minkä lisäksi sen avulla voi ajaa omalle koneellaan php-skriptejä. Ilmainen kotikäytössä. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.badblue.com/ a |
8725 | BCCPRO30.EXE | 3,2 Mt | 21.07.1998 | - | - | tupla | Blaxxun CCPro 3.06 Client ohjelma |
8726 | BEREM111.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 04.11.2004 | - | - | - | Beyond Remote Client and Server etäkäyttöohjelmisto, jonka avulla onnistuu myös leikepöydän kopiointi, etäkoneella olevan henkilön kanssa rupattelu sekä yhteyksien jaotteleminen kansioihin. Oheinen paketti sisältää sekä palvelin- että asiakasohjelmiston. Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server. http://www.dataapples.com/ |
8727 | BITBOP.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 28.10.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | - | Bitbop TunerInternet-radioviritin, joka etsii netistä mieleistä musaa ja soittelee sitä tarjoilevia radiokanavia määriteltyjen kriteerien mukaan. |
8728 | BITTOR33.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 27.10.2003 | - | - | - | BitTorrent 3.3BitTorrent on tiedostojen jakamiseen tarkoitettu vertaisverkko-ohjelma, joka eroaa hieman muista vastaavista sovelluksista. Ladattavasta tiedostosta haetaan torrent-päätteinen itutiedosto, jonka avulla tiedostojen jäljitykseen tarkoitetut palvelimet osaavat etsiä käyttäjiä, joilla on jaossa kyseinen tiedosto. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/ |
8729 | BLKICE21.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 10.11.2000 | - | - | tupla | BlackICE Defender v2.1BlackICE Defender delivers bulletproof intrusion detection and personal firewall protection to your PC. It scans your DSL, cable, or dial-up Internet connection looking for hacker activity, much like antivirus programs scan your hard disk looking for viruses. BlackICE will not slow down your PC or your Internet experience. BlackICE Defender is also easy to install, requires no knowledge of networking or the Internet, and begins to protect your system right out of the box. This is a 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Registration costs $39.95. |
8730 | BVIEW.EXE | 544 kt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | BareView 1.2 (Demo)BareView allows the packaging of virtually any Internet file (movies, sound, Java, ActiveX , ActiveScript, JavaScript, Flash etc.) into a single ‘compacted’ executable. Users of this compressed file need no special tools or software to view the web site (or presentation) only a standard Web browser. Shareware. |
8731 | CITRIX.ZIP | 205 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | With the WinFrame Web Client you can run Windows programs over the Internet and the intranet. |
8732 | CLEANUP.EXE | 1010 kt | 20.01.2000 | versio 4.13 | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Complete Cleanup 4.17 Complete Cleanup protects Internet privacy and frees up extra disk space by cleaning up a variety of Internet and non-Internet files on your computer. It displays file statistics and removes all Internet cookies, cache files, history files, and location URLs for Internet Explorer, Netscape, or AOL. |
8733 | CYB99T.EXE | 892,5 kt | 20.01.2000 | - | 9317/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 3 of 3).iso | tupla | "CYBERsitter 99 Gives the parent or other concerned individual the ability to limit their childrens access to objectionable material on the Internet. Parents can choose to blockblock and alertor simply alert them when access is attempted to these areas. Shareware." |
8735 | DCPP.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 16.04.2003 | - | - | - | DC++ 0.24DC++ on vertaisverkkopohjainen tiedostojenjakojärjestelmä, joka perustuu käyttäjien perustamiin hubeihin. Hubiin otetaan yhteyttä oheisen asiakasohjelman avulla, minkä jälkeen käyttäjä pääsee selailemaan muiden hubiin kirjautuneiden tiedostoja samaan tapaan kuin lähiverkoissa kansioita ja asemia jaettaessa. DC++ onkin hyvä tapa jakaa haluamiaan tiedostoja suurellekin ihmisjoukolle. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net |
8736 | ELF95402.ZIP | 761,6 kt | 05.08.1997 | - | 21037/CT_SW_97.ISO | tupla | ELF x WINSOCK Advanced, programmable, fast and user-friendl laying MUDs. |
8737 | ERING.EXE | 4,3 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | eRing 3.3 Utility that allows you to talk on the phone while you are logged onto the Internet. Great for those without multiple phone lines. |
8738 | EWPIC165.ZIP | 1 Mt | 10.05.2002 | - | - | - | Express WebPictures 1.65 Express WebPictures antaa käyttäjälle mahdollisuuden hakea kokonaisen sivuston kaikki kuvat kerralla omalle koneelleen. Kuville voi määritellä muun muassa vähimmäiskoon sekä pikseleissä että tavuissa, ettei kovalevy täyty nettisivujen nappulagrafiikoista vaan ainoastaan ns. ehdasta tavarasta. Shareware, 39,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.express-soft.com/ |
8739 | EXURL12.ZIP | 523,7 kt | 06.06.2002 | - | - | - | Extract URL 1.2 Extract URL käy läpi halutun sivuston tai tiedostolistan, etsii siitä kaikki urlit ja antaa käyttäjälle selkeän listan osoitteista, niiden kuvauksista, avainsanoista, tiedostojen koosta ynnä muusta. Ohjelman avulla listan voi tallentaa joko tekstitiedostona, Excel-taulukkona, html-tiedostona tai csv-muotoisena tekstinä. Extract URLin hakuominaisuudet ovat kattavat, ja sillä on helppoa jättää huomiotta pois tarpeettomat osoitteet. Shareware, 49 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.spadixbd.com/ |
8740 | FC5604US.EXE | 3,7 Mt | 15.10.1999 | - | 19799/2015.02.ftp.hypersurf.com.tar | tupla | FirstClass Intranet Client v5.604.FirstClass Client on graafinen yhteysohjelma windows/mac-pohjaiseen FirstClass Serveriin. Englanninkielinen. http://www.softarc.com |
8741 | FNORD.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 22.07.1997 | - | 18036/The_Web_Builder_The_Top_100_Software_Programs_TuCows_1998.iso | tupla | Fnord Server v1.0.0.24 (Feb 10 1997). |
8743 | GENIUS.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 29.10.2000 | versio 3.2 | 22953/PCWFEB05.iso | tupla | "Genius 3.1Genius is a supreme collection of online and offline utilities. Its compact (residing in the system tray)easy to use and full of independent programs ranging from FTP/HTTP to Ping/Port Guardian. It features: A Clipboard Menu-copy IPa hostname and a clear-and-view clipboard. An Internet Clients-Fingeras well as FTPHTTPPing SMTPTelnetTimeTraceRoute and whois. An Internet Tools-FTP Search and IP scanneras well as NewsNS LookupPop Cleaner Port InfoSite CheckerSubnet CalculatorWeatherConnectivity and mail. A PIM-address bookclocknotespasswordsreminders and a to-do list. Services-Stay AlivePort Guardian and e-mail checking. A Utilities-CalculatorTemp Directory and Document CleanerConversionsDirectory ComparisonFile Shredder GREPHTML to TXTPassword GeneratorSystem Information and Encoding/Decoding files. Shareware. http://www.indiesoft.com " |
8744 | GIT.ZIP | 389 kt | 27.09.2002 | repacked | WaybackMachine | - | Yhdistä kaksi lähiverkkoa moninpeliä varten. Valittavana ovat seuraavat tunnelointitavat: ipx, tcp ja udp. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.morpheussoftware.net/git/ |
8745 | GOOMON10.ZIP | 313,1 kt | 22.11.2002 | - | - | - | Google Monitor 1.0 Google Monitor tarkistaa miten korkealle nettisivusi pääsee hakukoneen listoilla määrittelemilläsi hakusanoilla. Voit hakea sijoituksen joko kertaluontoisesti yhdelle hakusanalle, tai antaa ohjelmalle listan sanoista ja pitää kirjaa siitä miten sivusi sijoittuminen muuttuu ajan kuluessa. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.sowsoft.com/ |
8746 | GURUNET.EXE | 755,5 kt | 21.03.2000 | - | - | - | Gurunet v1.0.2.58Gurunet on sanakirjaohjelma, jonka avulla voit helposti ja nopeasti tarkastaa mitä jokin ruudulla näkyvä sana tarkoittaa. Toimii englanninkielisillä sanoilla. Freeware. http://www.gurunet.com |
8747 | HEADLINR.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 25.05.1997 | - | - | - | Headliner - utility designed to provide you with the widest range of news and information available. Select the web sites you want to subscribe and HeadLiner displays the headlines for the relevant sites. Windows 95. |
8748 | HPUE303.EXE | 2,3 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | Homepage Upper 3.03 A unique website utility that helps organize your uploads, updates, and frequent changes to your website. Incorporates a handy "To Do" list to help show what changes will be made during the automatical FTP uploading process. Homepage Upper also has a useful wizard to walk beginners through the whole homepage uploading process. Shareware. |
8749 | HW12.EXE | 964,4 kt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | - | HomeWatcher 1.2 Beta 2 Takes snapshots at regular time intervals, compares the snapshot with the previous one and saves the snapshot when motion is detected. HomeWatcher creates webpage and dials to the internet (if necessary) to upload the snapshots and webpages to your website (using FTP). |
8750 | ICBFREE.ZIP | 1 Mt | 10.01.2000 | - | - | - | ICB is a connection speed analyzer. It can measure actual backbone speed and calculate the averages and display them on a user friendly interface. Demo. Evalution period 30 days. |
8751 | IESECPRO.ZIP | 614,5 kt | 20.04.2001 | - | - | - | Internet Explorer Security Pro (IE Security) (R) ver 3.1 Internet Explorer Security is an utility that customizes many aspects of the Internet Explorer Web browser. It\'s a snap to use and provides the tools you need to retain and manage your Web browser settings. It lets you disable individual menu items and prevent others from editing your Favorites. It also allows you to disable individual tabs in the Internet Options dialog, as well as specific settings from each tab. Still other settings let you change the title caption, toolbar background, and animated icon; change default folders; and replace standard error information pages. It allows you to manage security zones very easy. The powerful "Web Spy" feature enables you control web sites which users may view. Multiuser support and password protection are also offered. |
8752 | IEURLB10.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 25.10.2000 | - | - | - | "IEUrlBar Customisator v1.0A excellent tool for managing Internet Explorers URL Bars URLs. Remove or add URLs from/to IEs Url Barmake your favourite URL list and replace IEs with your URLs! Made by: Niklas Juslin -JuZZe" |
8753 | IMTUNE10.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 16.04.2000 | - | - | - | Sonicbox iM Tuner. Lets users tune into 800 Internet radio stations. Users can customize the Z-Band with their favorite stations or MP3 lists, and push Tell Me More for song information and CD purchase. Make sure you have the latest versions of Microsoft Media Player 6.4 and Real Player 7 Basic. This release is Broadband Optimized for users with at least a 128Kbps connection. Recommended 64 MB, Pentium, Windows 98. |
8754 | INFOSEC.ZIP | 557 kt | 24.11.2002 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | InfoSec Pager 1.0Tietoturva-alalla on pysyttävä koko ajan kehityksen kärjessä. Kun jostain ohjelmasta tai järjestelmästä löydetään turva-aukko, maailmalla on jo aimo liuta hakkereita, jotka ovat valmiita käyttämään sitä hyväkseen. InfoSec Pager on tietoturvauutisia julkaisevan Zone-h-sivuston voimalla toimiva ohjelma, joka hakee sivuille tulevia uusia uutisia suoraan käyttäjän koneelle. Mikäli haluat pikaisesti tietoa uusimmista turva-aukoista, alan uutisista tai vaikkapa viimeisimmistä hakkeroiduista nettisivustoista, kokeile InfoSec Pageria. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.zone-h.org/en/infosec |
8755 | INW2K18.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 12.01.2001 | - | - | - | Internet Watcher 2000 v1.8Accelerating and security system which has been developed to optimize your connection to the web. The use of this technology makes it possible to accelerate the access to the web and the navigation, and to reduce extremely the loading time of any pages. Includes different security mechanisms that make it possible for schools, companies, parents, etc. to be sure that only the pages with the appropriate contents will be displayed. |
8756 | IPAGENT.EXE | 17 kt | 29.03.2001 | - | 23327/CMCD0604.ISO | - | ShieldsUP! 1.0Tämä ohjelma tutkii, kuinka hyvässä kunnossa koneesi tietoturva on. https://grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 |
8757 | IRCD295.ZIP | 275,7 kt | 25.11.2001 | - | - | - | IRCd 2.9.5IRCd 2.9.5.x86 for Windows 95/98, NT, XP, Me, 2000. |
8758 | IRCDSH10.ZIP | 3,5 kt | 25.11.2001 | - | - | - | IRCdshell 1.0IRCdshell Adds auto-rehashing, NT service support, and a tray icon interface to ircd2.9.5. |
8759 | IT2K200.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 15.03.2001 | - | - | - | "Internet Tweak 2000 2.00Internet Tweak 2000 is a utility designed to configure and personalize Internet-related settings in Windows 98/95. It will allow you to optimize Internet connection performance (NDI cacheIPMTURcvWindowtime to livemaximum MTUmodem transfer speed)access Internet Explorers and Outlook Expresss hidden settingsand access general Internet settings. In additionyou can change IE and OEs animation logos and title barscustomize the location of IEs shell folderand receive many Internet tips and tricks. With this releaseInternet Tweak 2000 is now compatible with Internet Explorer 5.0. This is a ten-day evaluation version. After the evaluation period you can register this software for $15. 10-day trial for Windows 95/98 by Magellass Corp. http://www.magellass.com" |
8760 | ITIMER.EXE | 3,2 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | Internet Timer 2.0.062Monitors call lengths, costs, total costs, statistics, user access, ISP usage, and much more. iT also provides control over applications for Internet connection and disconnection, user customisable alarms / timers, call limiters, unique call periods, parental restrictions. iT detects any Dial-up Networking, LAN or RAS Connection and iT also provides summaries, secure log files, graphical statistics, system tray access, full online help files and unlimited users / connections (with optional passwords). |
8761 | JJC1000.ZIP | 192,7 kt | 19.06.2000 | - | - | - | J.J.Colors v1.0.0.0J.J.Colors on ohjelma jolla pystyy selvittämään HTML-värien koodit. Ohjelmalla pystyy mm. nappaamaan värit suoraan taustalta. |
8763 | KAZAA.EXE | 153,3 kt | 06.03.2002 | - | 16083/Practical Internet Issue 78.iso | - | KaZaA Media Desktop 1.5KaZaA Media Desktop on ohjelma, jolla internetin kansalaiset voivat jakaa tiedostoja keskenään. Tämä asennusohjelma noutaa tarvittavat ohjelmatiedostot (noin 1,5 Mt) verkosta. Asennus tarvitsee internet-yhteyden. http://www.kazaa.com |
8762 | KAZAA12.EXE | 1,4 Mt | 03.05.2001 | - | - | - | KaZaA Media Desktop 1.2KaZaA Media Desktop on ohjelma, jolla Internetin kansalaiset voivat jakaa tiedostoja keskenään. http://www.kazaa.com/ |
8764 | LEAKTEST.ZIP | 22,3 kt | 27.05.2002 | - | - | - | LeakTest 1.1LeakTest on pitkän linjan tietoturva-asiantuntija Steve Gibsonin laatima apuohjelma, jolla voit testata palomuurin tehokkuuden. LeakTest yrittää murtautua palomuurin läpi samoilla menetelmillä kuin yksinkertaiset troijalaiset hevoset, ja ilmoittaa käyttäjälle miten hyvin tietomurto onnistui. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP. http://grc.com/lt/leaktest.htm |
8765 | ME10.EXE | 414,8 kt | 03.09.2000 | - | - | - | MetaEureka v1.0Ilmainen ohjelma, joka etsii Internetistä haluamaasi tietoa käyttäen monia eri hakukoneita. Voit etsiä asioita erityisistä kategorioista, kuten uutisryhmät, MP3, kuvat ja uutiset. |
8766 | MIQU10.ZIP | 92,8 kt | 09.10.2001 | - | - | - | MiQu-Pack v1.0MiQu-pack on eräänlainen chatti-ohjelmisto, jota voi hyödyntää vaikka kotiverkossa, työpaikalla ja netissä jutellen ystävien ja työtovereiden kanssa. Ohjelma toimii niin, että joku laittaa serveriohjelman päälle ja muut yhdistävät tämän tietokoneen ip-osoitteeseen. Vaatii Win9x, Visual Basic 6:n runtime-tiedostot, nettiyhteys ja hyvää juttuseuraa. |
8767 | MODEM.ZIP | 278,2 kt | 29.02.2000 | - | - | - | Modem Monitor Graph 3.3Modem Monitor Graph views all data sent and received using the Dial-Up Networking Adapter and Modem. Shows separate sent, received, send rate, received rate and much more. Freeware. |
8768 | MP3S10F.ZIP | 992,4 kt | 08.11.1999 | - | - | - | MP3Spy v1.0 Shareware ReleaseMP3Spy hakee netistä haluamasi tyylistä musiikia ja soittaa ne Winampin kautta. Voit myös jutella muiden samaa musiikkia kuuntelevien ihmisten kanssa. http://mp3spy.gamespy.com/ |
8769 | MPNO1404.ZIP | 225,3 kt | 21.09.2000 | - | - | - | "Mihov Program No 14 v0.4Transform text entries with web addresses to a HTML link file. Addhttp://orhttp://www.to the text. Input is text fileoutput is HTML file with links to the text. Freeware." |
8770 | MPTHS131.EXE | 870,4 kt | 06.08.1997 | - | MBCD | - | MapThis v1.3The FREEWARE Wolrd Wide Web Image Map Editor. |
8771 | NDATE314.EXE | 92,5 kt | 23.04.1998 | - | 12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar | - | Netdate v.3.14 for Windows 95 and NT 4.0.Netdate synchronizes the clock of your PC with the clock of the UNIX-server you are using. |
8773 | NETKST15.ZIP | 14,2 kt | 11.03.2003 | - | - | - | NetKesto, v1.5Freeware 30.7.2001 Näyttää Internet-yhteyden keston minuutteina Windowsin kellon vieressä. Vaatimukset: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000 tai täysin yhteensopiva, alle 1 Mt vapaata levytilaa, hiiri sekä tiedosto MSVBVM60.DLL (versio 6.00.8495 tai uudempi). Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Mika Salonen |
8774 | NETRADIO.ZIP | 482,4 kt | 09.05.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | "NetRadio brings Internet radio from around the world to your PC. While you surf the Internetyou can listen to radio broadcasts from cities across the United States and from around the world. NetRadio makes it easy. Its pre-loaded with great Internet radio stations and you can add as many stations as youd like. Convenient access from the NetRadio window lets you change the stationstop the musicor change the volume." |
8775 | NEUTRONB.A01 | 3,8 Mt | 26.05.1997 | - | - | - | Neutron for Windows 95 beta (2/4) |
8776 | NEUTRONB.A02 | 3,8 Mt | 26.05.1997 | - | - | - | Neutron for Windows 95 beta (3/4) |
8777 | NEUTRONB.A03 | 1,1 Mt | 26.05.1997 | - | - | - | Neutron for Windows 95 beta (4/4) |
8778 | NEUTRONB.ARJ | 3,8 Mt | 26.05.1997 | - | - | - | Neutron for Microsoft Windows 95 (1/4)Neutron is a Beta Application that plays 3D animations in real-time over the Internet. High-quality animations are made possible by using the power of your machine to render the animation instead of sending all the video information over net. Once you have the artwork stored on your machine, it can be used over and over in different animations. Part of the Atomic-3D suite of applications. Nucleus Interactive, 1996 Req. Win95 16 MB SVGA |
8779 | NFS95D.EXE | 968,5 kt | 10.05.1997 | - | - | - | ICE.NFS for Windows 95ICE.NFS provides transparent access for Windows 95 PCs to files on UNIX servers that support the industry standard Network File System (NFS) interface. ICE.NFS is compatible with all standard NFS implementations on a wide range of operating systems. November 14, 1996. |
8780 | NIS40.EXE | 435,6 kt | 03.03.2002 | - | - | - | "Norton Internet Security 4 TrialNorton Internet Security™ 2002 is your essential protection from viruseshackersand privacy threats. It protects you and your PC when you emailbankshopor play online. This powerful suite includes Norton AntiVirus™the worlds most trusted anti-virus solutionNorton™ Personal Firewall to block hackersintrusionsand Norton™ Privacy Control to keep personal information private." |
8781 | NSHARLAN.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 27.01.2000 | - | - | - | NShare (LAN-version) for Windows 95/98Nshare allows multiple computers to use one shared connection to the Internet. Nshare is extremely easy to install (minimal configuration required), and is perfect for families, telecommuters, or anyone who needs to share Internet access between computers. http://www.miralink.com |
8782 | NSLOOK10.ZIP | 35,7 kt | 16.06.2002 | - | - | - | NSLookup 1.0 NSLookup on graafinen käyttöliittymä saman nimiselle komennolle, jolla voi hakea nimipalvelimelta ip-osoitteita ja niitä vastaavia domainnimiä. Ohjelman avulla on helppoa saada selville mistä organisaatiosta esimerkiksi palomuuria takoneet henkilöt tai hittilaskurin mystiset numerosarjat ovat peräisin. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.priasoft.freeserve.co.uk/ |
8783 | NTCOPI23.ZIP | 544,2 kt | 14.07.2002 | - | - | - | NetCopier 2.3 NetCopier lähettää ja vastaanottaa automaattisesti halutut tiedostot joko ftp:n tai sähköpostin kautta. Ohjelma osaa myös käynnistää toisia sovelluksia ja odottaa että niiden työ valmistuu, jolloin tiedostot voidaan esimerkiksi kääntää toiseen muotoon automaattisesti ennen niiden lähettämistä eteenpäin. Shareware, 45 USD. Windows (all). http://netcopier.da.ru/ |
8784 | NTRCE301.EXE | 1,4 Mt | 25.02.2001 | - | - | - | NeoTrace. Shareware.Ohjelma, jolla voit seurata, mitä kautta tieto kulkee maailmalla. Shareware. http://www.neotrace.com |
8787 | PCN16F.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 22.05.1997 | - | - | - | PointCast Network v1.6f PointCast is the Internet news network that appears instantly on your computer screen. Gone are the days of surfing the net for the news and information important on The Internet is brought to you. Windows 95 |
8788 | PING21.ZIP | 292,6 kt | 22.11.2002 | - | - | - | PingIt 2.1PingIt mittaa nettiyhteyden nopeutta käyttäen TCP Socket Connection -menetelmää tai lähettämällä ICMP-ping -komennon käyttäjän määrittelemälle palvelimelle ennalta määritellyin väliajoin. Ohjelma pitää kirjaa siitä miten nopeasti yhteys toimii minäkin vuorokaudenaikana, ja kirjoittaa tuloksistaan kätevän lokitiedoston. Kokeiluversio, 10 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.dswsoft.com/features_pingit.html |
8789 | PINGO104.ZIP | 369,9 kt | 07.10.2002 | - | - | - | Pingo is not a penguin 1.0.4.beta Tämä ohjelma pingaa automaattisesti ennalta määriteltyjä koneita, ilmoittaa yhteyden nopeuden ja kirjoittaa tuloksista lokitiedoston. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.uta.fi/~je70872/pingo/ |
8790 | POPUPKIL.EXE | 2,7 Mt | 15.05.2001 | - | - | - | PopUp Killer 1.9 build 7With PopUp Killer, you will be able to browse the Web without being molested by those annoying ads that pop up when you visit some Web sites. With features such as the Smart engine, PopUp Killer can identify possible popups and close them before you see them. You can also control the number of browser windows you allow to be opened at the same time, a handy feature that protects you from "cascading" popups when leaving some Web sites. Requires Windows 95/98/NT/2000Me, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, or NeoPlanet. Freeware by xFX JumpStart. http://software.xfx.net/ |
8791 | PSTOP24.EXE | 363,4 kt | 17.09.2001 | - | - | - | Pop-Up Stopper v2.4Pop-Up Stopper v2.4 - Estää Pop-Up -ikkunoiden avautumisen ruudulle. |
8792 | PURECAST.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 18.01.2000 | - | - | - | PureCaster 2.0Audio, video, Screen capture and Web server that you can run and stream from your own computer with your own ISP (Internet Service Provider). With the PureCaster you can do live streaming of Web pages, audio, video and the contents of your monitor screen to people all over the Internet without the need of a plug-in to see or play it. |
8793 | QLE3FC.ZIP | 4,3 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | 10646/Capture the Power of the Internet.iso | - | QuikLink Explorer - Freeware 3.0 build 370Replaces your Bookmark, Hotlist, and URL files, taking you where you want to go with the click of a button. You can also use QuikLink Explorer to convert your lists between browser formats or turn them into Web pages. QuikLink Explorer also uses an easy-to-learn Windows Explorer interface which makes managing your favorite sites on the Web simple. freeware. |
8794 | QRAPP104.ZIP | 789,5 kt | 12.03.2001 | - | - | - | Query Application 1.04Tähän ohjelmaan on koottu iso liuta erilaisia Internetissä käytettäviä gurutoimintoja. Mukana on niin ping, trace, palvelimen IP-osoitteen selvitys, tarkan kellonajan tarkistus ynnä muuta. Ilmainen. http://www.leeos.com/ |
8795 | RENC51.EXE | 1,6 Mt | 10.05.1998 | - | 21330/INTERNET53.iso | - | RealEncoder v5.1 32-bitMake your own RealAudio or RealVideo media content. |
8796 | RENCG2B2.EXE | 2,5 Mt | 11.10.1998 | - | - | - | RealEncoder G2 beta 2.Create your own RealMedia content. Now up to 30fps video supported. |
8797 | RMPV8BC.EXE | 9,4 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | RealPlayer Basic Standard 8.0RealMedia-lähetysten katseluun ja kuunteluun tarvittava laajennus. Toistaa myös Flash-animaatiot ja SMIL-multimediaa.Windows 95/98/NT/2000. |
8798 | SAUTOBOT.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 22.10.1997 | - | 9331/The Best of TUCOWS Volume 2.iso | - | Auto-Bot automatically perform scheduled tasks relating to the Internet. Win95. |
8799 | SBIMT11.EXE | 2,3 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | SonicBox IM Tuner v1.1SonicBox tarjoaa yli 800 radioasemaa kuunneltavaksi. Vaatii toimiakseen RealPlayer- tai Windows Media Player -laajennukset. |
8800 | SMILEY15.ZIP | 14,6 kt | 19.06.2000 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | S.M.I.L.E.Y. v1.5Super Mega Internet Language Explanations for Yuppies. Paketti sisältää yli 210 hymiötä ja Internet-lyhennettä. Lisäksi mukana on ohjelma, joka muuttaa normaalin tekstin W4r3ZzZ-tekstiksi ja päinvastoin. |
8801 | SOCKSERV.ZIP | 160,2 kt | 18.01.2000 | - | 9319/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak Volume 2 (Disc 2 of 3).iso | - | Sock Serv 1.13 betaAllows multiple users to access the internet through a single modem. Includes options such as bandwidth limits and connection logging. |
8802 | SPCRM153.ZIP | 828,9 kt | 29.03.2001 | - | - | - | Specrem 1.53Ilmainen ohjelma, jolla pääset säätelemään ja käyttämään kaverisi konetta, kunhan kaverillekin on asennettu Specrem. http://www.sunpoint.net/~akirjavainen/ |
8803 | SRCSI210.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 17.04.2002 | - | - | - | Search Sites 2.1.0 Search Sitesin avulla pystyt tekemään hakuja yli kahdeksalla kymmenellä sivustolla joissa levitetään ilmais- ja sharewareohjelmia. Ohjelma osaa päivittää sivulistansa automaattisesti ajan tasalle, ja se on erittäin näppärä työkalu ohjelmien levinneisyyden tarkasteluun. Ilmainen. Win95,Win98,WinNT 4.x, WinXP, Windows2000. http://www.sharewarepromotions.com/search-sites.html |
8804 | SSITEC.EXE | 794,1 kt | 20.01.2000 | - | 12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar | - | Site/C 1.2Utility to monitor whether a Web site is up and alive. Will automatically and periodically monitor those web sites that you specify and alert you in various ways if there are any problems. |
8805 | SWATCH.EXE | 271,5 kt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | - | StealthWatch 1.2 Security camera program which takes pictures as soon as it notices a change from one frame to the next. It works quickly, taking up to 10 pictures a second. StealthWatch then immediately uploads the images to the offsite server before the intruder can detect the camera. |
8806 | SYGATE50.EXE | 5 Mt | 05.03.2003 | - | - | - | Sygate Personal Firewall 5.0Sygate Personal Firewall suojaa tietokonettasi hakkereilta, troijalaisilta ja muilta hyökkäyksiltä. Uusina ominaisuuksina täysi ICS-tuki, protokolla-ajuri tasosuojaus, tapahtumien lokiin kirjuoitus ym. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://soho.sygate.com/ |
8807 | SYNCIT20.ZIP | 306,9 kt | 16.03.2000 | - | 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 2).iso | - | Sync-It with Atom v2.0Korjaa tietokoneen kellon näyttämään oikeaa aikaa Internetissä olevien atomikellopalvelinten avulla. Vaatii MFC42.dll, MSVCRT.dll. http://www.tolvanen.com/syncit/. Tekijä: Sami Tolvanen. Sharewarea $10. |
8808 | SYNCITFI.ZIP | 128,6 kt | 16.03.2000 | - | - | - | Sync-It with Atom - suomennostiedostoMuuttaa Sync-It with Atom -ohjelman suomenkieliseksi. |
8809 | TARD2011.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 23.06.1999 | - | - | - | Tardis 2000 v1.1The latest and greatest time synchronization program. It can find out what the right time is in a variety of ways including using networked time servers, GPS, and by listening for time broadcasts over the LAN. http://www.kaska.demon.co.uk |
8810 | TARDISV4.EXE | 853,9 kt | 05.03.1999 | - | - | - | "Tardis v4.0 for Windows 95Tardis is a Windows 95 program that synchronizes your PCs clock to a server on the Internet or a LAN. Tardis can access atomic clocks over the Internet and set the time to an accuracy of better than 1 second. Tardis requires TCP/IP to be installed. http://www.kaska.demom.co.uk" |
8811 | TJPING19.ZIP | 257,6 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | TJPing v1.9A ping, lookup and traceroute utility. There are a variety of Ping and Trace options that can be adjusted, such as the number of packets to send, the timeout, packet size, number of hops, etc. Windows 95/NT - FREE. |
8812 | TJPRO10.ZIP | 817,9 kt | 16.12.1997 | - | MBCD | - | TJPingPro v1.0A powerful ping, lookup and traceroute utility. Well-designed interface for performing pings, hostname lookups and traceroutes. Host manager allows you to name your computer addresses so that double-clicking on a profile name in the list will ping that address. It includes ISPinger, autoping feature to keep your ISP from dropping you due to inactivity. Windows 95/NT. |
8813 | TNNSOFT.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 27.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | TEN Network-yhteysohjelma.TEN-verkon kautta voit pelata muita pelaajia vastaan muun muassa Civnettia ja Duke Nukem 3D:tä Internetissä. Windows 95. |
8814 | TOPDOG57.EXE | 2,9 Mt | 22.02.2000 | - | - | - | TopDog v5.7.0.172TopDog on ohjelma, jonka avulla voit analysoida internet-sivujesi näkymisen eri hakukoneissa. Tukee 220 eri hakukonetta. Voit myös lähettää sivujesi tiedot suureen osaan hakukoneista. Shareware, $149. http://www.topdogg.com |
8815 | TPRO176.EXE | 487,2 kt | 20.10.2000 | - | - | - | Tool Pro v1.76 for Windows 9x/NTTool Pro is a handy system tray utility that brings of host of valuable tools to the table. Use it to retrieve your local IP address, resolve host names/IP addresses, browse the Web, monitor one or more email accounts, and much more. Quick access is provided to your email client, Regedit, Explorer, and a list of favorite applications you can add yourself. You can also use Tool Pro to restart and shut down Windows and to clear temp files, recent documents, cookies, Internet cache files, and more. Shareware version by Peter Pearson. |
8816 | URLSTA10.ZIP | 6,3 Mt | 26.08.2002 | - | - | - | URLStarter 1.0 URLStarter on linkkitietokanta johon käyttäjä voi siirtää IE:n ja Netscapen suosikkilinkkinsä ja järjestellä ne hierarkkisesti kansioihin ja alikansioihin. Ohjelman avulla halutun linkin etsiminen joko käsin tai automaattisesti on nopeaa ja vaivatonta, ja se osaa tulostaa ennalta mainittujen selainten ymmärtämiä suosikkilistoja. Kokeiluversio, 15 USD. http://www.urlstarter.com/ |
8817 | VCOM_02B.ZIP | 610,7 kt | 09.04.1997 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | "VCom v0.2bRuns under Windows 95includes a telnet daemon that routes incoming connections to any DOS application that supports a serial port (BBSsGamesetc) Emulates a Hayes compatible modem (e.g. ATxxRINGCONNECT xxxxxNO CARRIERetc). Speed limited only by your computer. Fast full 16550 FIFO UART emulationuser selectable IRQ and Base address." |
8818 | VNC333R9.ZIP | 978,7 kt | 30.05.2001 | - | - | - | WinVNC 3.3.3r9Yksinkertainen ja ilmainen etäkäyttöohjelma, joka on saatavissa Windowsin lisäksi myös mm. Linux-ympäristöön. Mahdollistaa mikron lähes täydellisen etäkäytön sekä erillisellä asiakasohjelmalla että myös WWW-selaimella. http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/ |
8819 | WEBCRYPT.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | - | "Web CryptStop linkbacks that eat up your bandwidth. Guard against spammers who use spiders to get e-mail addresses from your site. Protect your graphics by encrypting your HTML and using WebCrypts built in no-right-click script. This software takes your HTML code and encrypts it. " |
8820 | WEBLOCK.EXE | 2,3 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | We-Blocker 1.03 User friendly Internet filtering software that protects your family from objectionable Internet material. Fully customizable, parents can block sites, monitor activity, and assign user accounts for each family member. Freeware. |
8821 | WEBPEDIA.ZIP | 112 kt | 27.05.2002 | - | - | - | Webpedia 1.0Netistä löytyy kaikenlaisia ilmaispalveluita kotisivujen laatijalle. Mikäli haluat kävijälaskurin, keskustelualueen, vieraskirjan tai vaikkapa näppäriä cgi-skriptejä lomakkeita hoitamaan, kaikkea näitä löytyy verkon syövereistä enemmän tai vähemmän ilmaiseksi. Ongelma onkin löytää tarjolla olevat palvelut. Tässä auttaa Webpedia, ilmainen pdf-muotoinen e-kirja, jossa luetellaan käytetyimpiä ja kätevimpiä netin ilmaispalveluita. |
8822 | WEBSITEW.ZIP | 636 kt | 02.03.2001 | - | - | - | WebSite-Watcher 3.10 WebSite-Watcher checks an unlimited number of websites for updates and changes, saves the last two versions to your harddisk and highlights all textual changes. Supports IE/NS/Opera Browser-Integration, Import and Export. Requirements: Win95/98/ME/NT/2000 Shareware, US$20.00 / US$40.00 Author: Martin Aignesberger. http://www.aignes.com/software/index.htm |
8823 | WEBTALK.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 01.03.2001 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | Web-TalkIt v1.2Äänentunnistusohjelma, jonka avulla voit ohjata nettiselaintasi äänikomennoilla. Ilmainen. |
8824 | WHOIZ10.ZIP | 300,8 kt | 11.07.2002 | - | - | - | WhoIz 1.0 WhoIz on graafinen käyttöliittymä whois-komennolle, joka näyttää numeerista ip-osoitetta vastaavan nettiosoitteen. Tällöin esimerkiksi palomuurin lokimerkinnöistä saa hieman paremman kuvan, kun voi katsoa onko portteja kolkutellut osoite asiallinen vai ei. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.zeasoft.com/ |
8825 | WINLITE.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 28.01.2000 | - | 23867/Pcw_jun00.bin | - | WhoIsNot Lite 4.0 Build 812 WhoIsNot Lite is a domain name / directory search utility with a user friendly web-browser-like navigation window. Users can add new directory servers and even define rules on how to interpret their responses. It supposed multiple servers, log windows, it data cross references, balloon hints and more. |
8826 | WINSER1B.ZIP | 20,9 kt | 09.10.2001 | - | - | - | WinSer v1.0 betaWinSer on pienikokoinen http-palvelin Windowsillle. Ei installointia. WinSer vaatii winsock-kirjaston (WINSOCK.DLL)- Tekijä Timo Vilppu |
8827 | XOLOX.EXE | 639,1 kt | 28.10.2001 | - | - | - | XoloX 1.12Gnutella-tietoverkon hakuohjelma, jolla voit etsiä tiedostoja muiden verkkoon kytkeytyneiden koneilta - ja tietenkin jakaa myös omiasi muiden kopioitavaksi. |
8828 | YACS.EXE | 63 kt | 31.01.2002 | - | - | - | YACS 2.0Kun käyttäjä on yhteydessä nettiin, YACS tarkastaa kellonajan internetin aikapalvelimilta ja säätää järjestelmän kelloa tarvittaessa. Ilmainen. http://www.farmtek-fti.com/DeRamp/ |
8829 | ZEBEDEE.EXE | 367,8 kt | 23.01.2002 | - | - | - | Zebedee 2.2.2 for WindowsZebedee is a simple program to establish an encrypted, compressed "tunnel" for TCP/IP or UDP traffic between two systems. This allows data from, for example, telnet, ftp and X sessions to be protected from snooping. You can also use compression, either with or without data encryption, to gain performance over low-bandwidth networks. Free. http://sourceforge.net/projects/zebedee |
8830 | ZLOG116.EXE | 2,7 Mt | 11.03.2003 | - | - | - | ZoneLog Analyser 1.16ZoneLog Analyser näyttää ZoneAlarm- ja ZonaAlarm Pro -palomuurien (versio 2.1.10 tai uudempi) lokitiedostoja. http://www.zonelog.co.uk/ |
8831 | ZMUD.EXE | 2,7 Mt | 24.01.2000 | versio 5.54 | 9316/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 2 of 3).iso | - | "zMUD 5.55Zuggs MUD-client on yksi parhaista ja monipuolisimmista MUD-yhteysohjelmista. Public Domain (sources freely available). sivuista. Freewarea. Vaatii NetscapenInternet Explorerin tai Operan.Shareware." |
8832 | ZONAL37.EXE | 3,6 Mt | 26.03.2003 | - | - | - | ZoneAlarm 3.7.143ZoneAlarm on palomuuriohjelma, joka tarkkailee internet-liikennettä, ja suojaa konettasi epäilyttäviltä ja asiattomilta tapahtumilta. Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.zonelabs.com/ |
8892 | 3214.EXE | 1,8 Mt | 19.03.1999 | - | - | tupla | Internet explorer 4 update for Win 98 |
8893 | AMAY319X.EXE | 4,4 Mt | 22.09.2000 | - | #hyrava | tupla | Amaya 3.1Amaya on W3C:n kehittämä pieni ja nopea ilmainen WWW-selain, joka toimii HTML 4.0 -standardin mukaan, joskaan CSS1-tuki ei vielä ole täydellinen. Selainpaketti sisältää myös HTML-sivujen tekoon tarkoitetun WYSIWYG- työkalun, jonka tekemä koodi on HTML- standardin mukaista. Amaya osaa tallentaa työn alla olevan sivun myös XML-muodossa. Ohjelman lähdekoodi on vapaasti saatavilla. Windows 95/98 -versio. http://www.w3.org/Amaya |
8894 | AMAY31NT.EXE | 4,4 Mt | 22.09.2000 | - | #hyrava | tupla | Amaya 3.1, NT-versioAmaya on W3C:n kehittämä pieni ja nopea ilmainen WWW-selain, joka toimii HTML 4.0 -standardin mukaan, joskaan CSS1-tuki ei vielä ole täydellinen. Selainpaketti sisältää myös HTML-sivujen tekoon tarkoitetun WYSIWYG- työkalun, jonka tekemä koodi on HTML- standardin mukaista. Amaya osaa tallentaa työn alla olevan sivun myös XML-muodossa. Ohjelman lähdekoodi on vapaasti saatavilla. Windows NT -versio. http://www.w3.org/Amaya |
8895 | B3DBRW11.EXE | 1,5 Mt | 22.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | Buzz 3D Browser v1.1The fastest way to browse the net today. Totally new way of experiencing the World Wide Web, and a highly practical method of viewing the most amount of different web pages, in the least amount of time. By presenting the web to you in a fully immersive 3D environment, our Central Piazza shows 48 different websites simultaneously, and pre-loads multiple instances of all pages. Windows 95. Beta trial. http://www.buzz3d.com |
8896 | CB32D475.EXE | 15,5 Mt | 24.08.2000 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator v4.75 perusversio |
8897 | CC32D477.EXE | 22,4 Mt | 30.09.2002 | - | 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin | - | Netscape Communicator 4.77Netscape Communicator versio 4.77. Englanninkielinen. |
8898 | CC32D479.EXE | 22,5 Mt | 05.02.2002 | - | 23746/PCWorld_2002-05_cd.bin | - | Netscape Communicator 4.79 täysversio |
8899 | CC32E451.A01 | 2,9 Mt | 15.07.1999 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 2/6 |
8900 | CC32E451.A02 | 2,9 Mt | 15.07.1999 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 3/6 |
8901 | CC32E451.A03 | 2,9 Mt | 15.07.1999 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 4/6 |
8902 | CC32E451.A04 | 2,9 Mt | 15.07.1999 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 5/6 |
8903 | CC32E451.A05 | 395 kt | 15.07.1999 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 6/6 |
8904 | CC32E451.ARJ | 2,9 Mt | 15.07.1999 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 1/6Netscape Communicator -paketin suomenkielinen täysversio ARJ-pilkottuna. |
8905 | CC32F451.EXE | 15,2 Mt | 13.09.1999 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomiNetscape Communicator v4.51, suomenkielinen täysversio |
8906 | CP10B302.EXE | 3 Mt | 01.06.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Cybergate 1.0 Beta 3VRML-browser. Contains plugin for Netscape. |
8909 | CP32E47.EXE | 21,6 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | MBHH2000 | tupla | Netscape Communicator v4.7 professionalNetscape Communicator v4.7 32-bit, professional-versio. |
8833 | AMAIL22.EXE | 10,5 Mt | 26.12.2000 | - | - | tupla | AllegroMail v2.2Monipuolinen sähköpostiohjelma sekä aloittelijoille että kokeneille sähköpostin käyttäjille. Tukee käyttäjäprofiileja, jossa jokaiselle käyttäjälle asetetaan täysin erilliset asetukset ja sähköpostiosoitteet. Shareware. http://www.allegromail.com |
8834 | ANW41.EXE | 678,7 kt | 18.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | ActiveNames 4.1.16 ActiveNames provides you an easy way of keeping track of your friends and business contacts by instantly redirecting your messages to the new e-mail address that the user has provided. ActiveNames supports any SMTP e-mail client. Freeware. |
8835 | BBASE32.ZIP | 1017,6 kt | 24.05.1999 | - | - | tupla | BBase7 Allows you to keep track of the contents of yout email and to locate those messages that are hard to find. Currently, it supports email from Netscape, MS Internet Mail and Eudora Lite. Windows 95 version. April-28-1998. |
8836 | BBNPI11.ZIP | 128,5 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | 10260/cicawindowscollection199702-2.iso | tupla | "Blackboard Netscape Privacy Interface v1.1Did you know anyone could find yourdeletedsentandtrashedmailthe previous web sites youve visitedwhat newsgroups youve read? this program enables you to erase these things. you can highlight and delete any or all text in notepad then re-save the file." |
8837 | BECKY120.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 22.05.1997 | - | - | tupla | Becky! Internet Mail v1.20A multi-featured Internet E-mail client. Multiple accounts management. Off line capability. Powerful text editor. MIME. |
8839 | DTSMAIL.EXE | 2,2 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | 9315/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 1 of 3).iso | tupla | DTS Mail 2.52 Build 201 Supports retrieval of messages from up to six POP3 servers at a time. Print messages Save messages and attachments. Easier to set up and use than most e-mail programs and includes great features such as Spelling checker and Thesaurus. |
8840 | E120W32S.EXE | 267 kt | 22.07.1997 | versio 1.20 | 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso | tupla | E-mail Notify v1.23 |
8843 | EMAGIC.EXE | 7,3 Mt | 18.01.2000 | - | 23956/Cool Shareware PC-World CD-ROM (Digital Concepts)(PA1099R9)(1999).BIN | tupla | Animated Email Magic 2.0d Allows combining of pictures and text and graphics and sounds to be sent as multi-scene, hyper-linked and interactive animations. Can be used with any Internet e-mail program. |
8844 | EMAILR32.ZIP | 126,2 kt | 04.12.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | EMailR32A small utility which allows you to check all of your e-mail accounts at one time, without having to change your server name,user name, and password. You can also specify how often you want EMailR32 to check for new mail, and it will alert you when it finds ne messages. EMailR32 is designed to run in the backround and take a vary small amount of system resources. |
8845 | EMEFX16.ZIP | 520,1 kt | 18.01.2000 | - | 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 3).iso | tupla | Email Effects 1.6 Allows the user to send pictures, drawings and tables with simple plain text. Also an ASCII art creator and great for creating vivid comments in source code. |
8846 | EMREM24S.EXE | 458,8 kt | 02.08.1999 | - | - | tupla | Email Remover v2.4Kätevä apuohjelma, joka noutaa sähköpostien otsikkotiedot ja antaa käyttäjän poistaa tarpeettomat roskapostit tms ennen varsinaisen sähköpostiohjelman käynnistämistä. Ilmainen! http://eremover.bizhosting.com |
8847 | ENDORA12.ZIP | 146,3 kt | 11.11.1997 | - | 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso | tupla | Endora v1.2Endora allows you to use multiple addresses in Eudora (Pro or light) by storing the multiple configurations in a special section of EUDORA.INI and rewriting it with the selected setting. |
8848 | EREMOV24.ZIP | 199,8 kt | 06.06.1999 | - | 9319/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak Volume 2 (Disc 2 of 3).iso | tupla | "Email Remover v2.4A small yet efficient Win95 utility that will help you deleted unwanted mails without the hassle of having to download entire messages. It works by retrieving only the mail headers and lets you preview the first few lines of your messages. This program supports multiple accounts and can launch external email program upon exit." |
8849 | ETALK.EXE | 4,9 Mt | 27.03.1999 | - | 9319/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak Volume 2 (Disc 2 of 3).iso | tupla | Talking E-mail v1.31Kertoo saapuneista sähköpostiviesteistä ja lukee ne ääneen englanniksi sekä näyttää ne myös tekstinä. http://www.4developers.com/talkmail/ |
8850 | ETALKUPD.EXE | 752,9 kt | 27.03.1999 | - | - | tupla | Talking E-mail update -> v1.3For existing users. |
8851 | EUDORA50.EXE | 6 Mt | 12.09.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | tupla | Eudora v5.0Eudora on sekä tehokas että helppokäyttöinen sähköpostiohjelma. Tässä versiossa on yhdistetty entiset light- ja pro-versiot ottamalla käyttöön pieni mainosikkuna. Tukee useita sähköpostitunnuksia, hakee viestit taustalla, tukee HTML-muotoisia viestejä, yms. http://www.eudora.com |
8852 | EUDORA51.ZIP | 6,1 Mt | 04.09.2001 | - | - | - | Eudora v5.1 Eudora on sekä tehokas että helppokäyttöinen sähköpostiohjelma. Tässä versiossa on yhdistetty entiset light- ja pro-versiot ottamalla käyttöön pieni mainosikkuna. Tukee useita sähköpostitunnuksia, hakee viestit taustalla, tukee HTML-muotoisia viestejä, yms. Ilmainen. |
8853 | EUL306.EXE | 4,4 Mt | 21.08.1998 | - | MBHH1999 | tupla | Eudora Light v3.0.6Eudora on sekä tehokas että helppokäyttöinen sähköpostiohjelma. |
8854 | EUL3MANL.ZIP | 450,8 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Eudora 3.0 Light manual (PDF) |
8855 | EXCH_F12.ZIP | 34,8 kt | 29.06.1996 | - | 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO | tupla | MS Exchange Auto Forwarding Extension v1.2 |
8856 | EZPOP.ZIP | 878,7 kt | 30.08.2000 | - | 23731/PCWorld_2001-02_cd.bin | - | EzPop 3.10 for Windows 95/98/2000 and NT 4Free skinnable e-mail/news notification tool. Between 2 checks for e-mails, a scrolling text brings news to you. Lots of features and options: a window to read and reply to the messages, filters, IP and time display, tray support, a quick-and-easy notepad, alarm sound, headers retrieve only, etc. Great skins included. Plenty more to choose from http://www.skinz.org http://www.glabouni.com/EzPop |
8858 | FK32V340.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 31.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ForKeeps v3.40 Software tool that puts you in charge (at last!) of that huge pile of Internet and CompuServe mail messages and downloaded CompuServe Forum and Usenet Newsgroup messages that may litter your hard disk and backup media. |
8859 | FTGATE22.EXE | 2,9 Mt | 26.08.1999 | - | 12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar | - | FTGate v2.2FTGate is a quality, feature packed mail server in a cost effective easy to use package running on Windows 95 or Windows NT. FTGate can be setup within 10 minutes making it ideal for home networks, schools and charities. |
8860 | IMAIL.EXE | 4,7 Mt | 28.10.2001 | - | - | - | IncrediMailVisuaalisuuteen panostava monipuolinen Internet-sähköpostiohjelma. Näyttävä paketti, jonka ominaisuuksiin on syytä suhtautua varoen: osa esimerkiksi animaatioin koristelluista sähköpostiviesteistä ei välttämättä näy kaikilla. |
8861 | IMAILXE.ZIP | 5 Mt | 22.01.2002 | - | - | - | IncrediMail XeIncrediMail on sähköpostiohjelma joka sisältää mittavat mahdollisuudet erilaiseen multimediakikkailuun. Ohjelma ilmoittaa saapuvasta sähköpostista kuvaruudulle astelevan hahmon myötä, viesteihin voi sisällyttää animaatioita ja ääniä, taustakuva- ja fonttivaihtoehtoja on useita, minkä lisäksi myös ääniviestien nauhoittaminen ja lähettäminen onnistuu. Ohjelman kotisivuilta on saatavilla uusia efektejä mikäli edellisiin kyllästyy. Ilmainen. 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP. http://www.incredimail.com/ |
8862 | JP3_19.ZIP | 808,6 kt | 29.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | JustPOP3 v1.9POP3 mail checker (Win95/NT) |
8863 | LESSM010.ZIP | 202,1 kt | 31.03.2000 | - | - | - | LessMail 0.1.0LessMail 0.1.0 -ohjelmalla voit poistaa postipalvelimella majailevat roskaviestit ennen niiden siirtämistä kotiin. Näin vältyt turhan postin siirtämiseltä kotiin. Tehty MikroBitin ohjelmointijutussa 4/2000. |
8864 | LINGOSET.EXE | 1,8 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | 23336/CMCD1001.ISO | - | LingoMAIL 1.0.22Multilingual e-mail client that supports more than 30 languages in the same e-mail message. This program runs under any U.S. or non-U.S. versions or Win95/98/NT 4.0. |
8866 | MAILM18.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 18.01.2000 | - | 23129/chip-cd_2000_05.zip | - | Ristra Mail Monitor 1.8.0 Features automatic or on demand mail checking and log in for web-based mail services such as Hotmail, Net@ddress and AmExMail(usa.net), ZDNetMail ,Yahoo! Mail, Excite mail, MailCity, Angelfire Mail, EudoraMail and RocketMail. Multiple accounts of different services are supported. Starts your default browser when you are ready to get your mail. |
8867 | MAILPG12.ZIP | 44,2 kt | 18.04.1997 | - | - | - | "MailPGP v1.2MailPGP is a simple user interface for Philip Zimmermanns Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)." |
8868 | MAILPGP1.ZIP | 37,4 kt | 23.07.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | MailPGP MailPGP is a simple user interface for PGP. It simplifies the most common PGP functions and makes it easy to keep your e-mail secure. Also supports file encryption. Requires properly installed PGP 2.6.x and MFC40.DLL. |
8870 | MAILTX.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 18.01.2000 | - | - | - | MailTalkX v3.0 E-mail monitoring utility and anti-spam tool. Features adio/visual notifications of incoming e-mail, automatic updating and spam filtering. Allows unlimited e-mail accounts. You can customize MailTalkX play a certain .WAV file when you receive mail from a certain person. |
8869 | MAILTX30.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 17.12.1999 | - | - | - | MailTalkX v3.0Internet mail monitoring and filtering utility for Windows 95/98 and NT 4/5. Supports multiple mailboxes. Plays sound when mail arrives. |
8872 | MG2SETUP.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 08.10.1999 | - | 12770/NETCD42.iso | - | @MailGate v2.80@MailGate allows you to accomplish many e-mail tasks: You can use it as a gateway to fax and deliver your internet mail to your workgroup postoffice. It features the capability to limit the maximum size of messages downloaded and SPAM filtering to eliminate unwanted mail. Shareware, version 2.80. |
8873 | MWR3.EXE | 679 kt | 24.01.2000 | - | - | - | "Kaufman Mail Warrior 3.55Very simpleuser-friendly e-mail client designed for the average user but it is also suitable for thepoweruser. Mail Warrior offers an address book and support for multiple signatures. It features multiple accountsattachmentsdrag-and-dropand it has many other options. Freeware." |
8874 | PGP602I.EXE | 6,5 Mt | 14.03.1999 | - | 23735/PCWorld_2001-06_cd.bin | - | PGP v6.0.2iInternational-versio Windows 95/98/NT:lle. Pretty Good Privacy on suosittu ja tehokas salausohjelma, jota voi käyttää helposti mm. Eudoran tai Outlookin kanssa. Taatusti riittävän järeä jokaiselle kotiparanoidille. |
8875 | PGPFW703.ZIP | 7,1 Mt | 23.01.2002 | - | MBHH2002 | - | PGP 7.0.3 for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000Suojaa sähköpostiviestisi, ICQ-liikenteesi ja tiedostosi salakirjoittamalla ne. Pretty Good Privacy on suosittu ja tehokas salausohjelma, jota voit käyttää helposti muun muassa Eudora- tai Outlook- sähköpostiohjelmien kanssa. Kotikäytössä ilmainen. http://www.pgpi.org/ |
8876 | PMAIL312.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 04.09.2001 | - | - | - | Pegasus Mail v3.12c Pegasus Mail on ilmainen sähköpostiohjelma, joka tarjoaa kaikki olennaiset toiminnot myös edistyneemmälle käyttäjälle. Ohjelma tukee SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, LDAP ja PH -protokollia, siihen voi helposti luoda useita käyttäjäprofiileja ja myös postien suodattaminen onnistuu. Pegasus Mailiin on saatavissa myös useita plug-in -laajennuksia, joiden avulla sen saa esim. koodaamaan ja purkaamaan PGP:llä kryptattuja viestejä. Ilmainen. |
8877 | POPCORN.EXE | 148 kt | 01.03.2001 | - | 9349/NextStepPublishing-TotalNetworkTools2002-Win95.iso | - | Ultrafunk Popcorn 1.04Vaikka olisit poissa kotoa, voit lukea POP-sähköpostisi tällä pienellä ilmaisella ohjelmalla. Popcorn jättää halutessasi postit palvelimelle, joten pystyt lukemaan ne myöhemmin kotoakin. http://www.ultrafunk.com/products/popcorn/ |
8879 | PUTTY.EXE | 324 kt | 23.01.2002 | versio 0.54 beta | MBHH2004 | - | PuTTY 0.52PuTTY on pieni ja tehokas ohjelma, jonka avulla saat helposti telnet-yhteyden tai suojatun ssh-yhteyden haluamallesi koneelle. Ohjelmaa ei tarvitse erikseen asentaa Windowsiin, vaan sen voi käynnistää sellaisenaan, joten sen kuljettaminen mukana vaikkapa korpulla on varsin helppoa. http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ |
8878 | PUTTY051.ZIP | 119,9 kt | 04.09.2001 | - | - | - | Putty v0.51 Putty on pieni ja tehokas ohjelma, jonka avulla saa helposti telnet tai SSH-yhteyden haluamalleen koneelle. Ohjelma ei asennu Windowsiin vaan se on itsenäinen ajettava tiedosto, joten sen kuljettaminen mukana vaikkapa korpulla on varsin helppoa. |
8880 | QSEND_L.EXE | 515 kt | 19.04.2001 | - | - | - | Quick-SenderQuick-Sender on e-mailin lähetys ohjelma. Voit lähettää mailia ilman minkäänlaisia kirjautumisia tai kirjoitteluja. Tarvitset vain vastaanottajan serverin nimen. Ohjelman rekisteröintimaksu on pyöreä nolla. |
8881 | RCM98-31.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 09.04.1999 | - | - | - | ReconMail 98 v3.1Käsittelee sähköpostisi tehokkaasti. Ilmoittaa tulleesta sähköpostista, suodattaa SPAM-roskapostin, lähettää postin haluttaessa eteenpäin tai vastaa niihin automaattisesti haluamallasi tavalla. Voit hakea pelkästään otsikot ja hakea vain halutut viesti, tai lähettää ne eteenpäin. Sisältä8 monipuoliset filtterit. Tukee monia postilaatikoita, HTML:ää ja MIME:ä. Sharewarea. |
8882 | SIGZAG.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 03.11.1999 | - | - | - | "SigZagSigZag is the ultimate signature creation program. It can even be used to spice up emails with fancy pieces of textcomplete with pictures. It contains a collection of almost 7000 ASCII ART pictures !!! You can easily use 135 figlet fonts and thousands of taglineas well as paste in ascii pictures to use in your sig. You can save the files as text or in SigZags saved file version to edit later. Create your own libraries to distribute using the program Sled. freeware!" |
8883 | SLM9524.EXE | 2,1 Mt | 31.07.1997 | - | - | - | SuperMail v2.4Mailing list program. |
8884 | SPAMH105.ZIP | 639,7 kt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | - | Spam Hater v1.05Get lots of e-mail offering you get-rich-quick schemes? Want to hit back? Free Windows software that helps you respond effectively and makes it hot for these people. Windows 95. |
8885 | SPAMKIL.EXE | 2,4 Mt | 18.01.2000 | - | - | - | SpamKiller 2.75 Powerful anti-spam tool. Five different filter types including the message text, headers and country codes. Friends list to ensure that all normal e-mail reaches you, and copies are made of all automatically filtered mail. The Filter Wizard allows you to add your own filters. |
8886 | SSCAN97.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | SpamScan97 v1.0.607POP3 MailFiltering for Windows95 Windows 95/NT filtering software allowing you to remove unwanted messages right from the POP3 server based on set criteria. Allows for mulit-mailbox setup. |
8888 | SWITCHIT.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | - | "Switch It! Switch It! enables you to quickly change the default email and news settings for Internet Mail and Internet News from Microsofts Internet Explorerwithout needing a reboot. Set-up easily multiple accounts for different email addresses. Windows 95." |
8889 | TMC325.ZIP | 4,9 Mt | 28.04.1997 | - | - | - | "TransSofts Mail Control v3.25.cThis client has won several awards for its wide range of unique features and usability. Examples of features include: PGP secure messages and signatures; Sorts your incoming/ outgoing mail by your sorting rules; Automati replies; Auto-redirect messages; Works while youre away; dials upretrievessortsreplieshangs up on a specified interval; Multiple address books; Automatically add" |
8890 | W32-312A.EXE | 3,2 Mt | 31.08.1999 | - | 12686/ftp.leeds.ac.uk.tar | - | Pegasus Mail v3.12aFree Internet POP3/SMTP/Netware program with many useful features. |
8891 | WBF3242.ZIP | 883,3 kt | 11.01.1999 | - | 9308/PSL Volume 7 Number 7 (July 1999).iso | - | Winbiff v4.2Windows email notification. WinBiff is an email notification and filtering utility, for use with Pegasus Mail, Eudora, MS Mail, MS Exchan cc:Mail, Lotus Notes, Novell GroupWise, PC-NFS, UUPC/extended, and Waffle, under Windows. Also a POP3 and IMAP4 client using WinSock. Supports MIME headers. Shareware (US $12). Register via CIS/PsL. http://www.stecksoft.com/winbiff.htm. Paul Steckler winbiff@stecksoft.com/CIS:75354 |
8912 | 1CBT41B4.ZIP | 671,6 kt | 06.04.2000 | - | - | tupla | 1 Cool Button Tool v4.1 for Win9x.A JAVA applet wizard that can spice up your web page with cool animated buttons. This creator allows you to provide your visitors with very attractive buttons that make sounds and change color when the mouse pointer is held over them. A definite attention getter. Shareware. Cost $29.95. Copyright (c) Formula Software 1998. http://www.buttontool.com |
8913 | 24LNK244.EXE | 332 kt | 11.02.2001 | - | - | tupla | 24link versio 2.00.0044 BETA. FreewareTee koneestasi Web-serveri tämän ohjelman avulla. Käyttäjät suunnistavat koneeseesi IP-osoitteen perusteella, joten sopii etenkin kiinteän IP:n omaaville. |
8914 | 3DWEBM15.ZIP | 27,9 Mt | 26.09.2001 | - | - | - | 3D Webmaker v1.5 3D Webmaker mahdollistaa ActiveX-tekniikan avulla toimivien kolmeulotteisten nettisivujen suunnittelun ilman ohjelmointitaitoa tai tietämystä HTML-koodauksesta. Ohjelma sisältää kirjaston kolmiulotteisia kappaleita sekä valmiita malleja esimerkiksi pubin tai takkahuoneen luomiseen, joka onnistuu erittäin helposti raahaa ja pudota-menetelmällä. Shareware, $49. |
8915 | ADDABTTN.EXE | 491,1 kt | 01.10.2001 | - | - | - | AddaButtonLisää Internet Explorer -selaimen työkalupalkkiin omia nappuloita, jotka toimivat pikakuvakkeina haluamiisi ohjelmiin. Ilmainen. |
8916 | ADSUB231.EXE | 2,7 Mt | 12.11.2001 | - | - | - | AdSubtract SE 2.31AdSubtract on nettisivujen mainoksia suodattava ohjelma. Poistaa monenlaisia bannereita, ja ilmoittaa halutessa aina äänimerkillä, kun jokin mainos suodatettiin pois. http://www.adsubtract.com/ |
8917 | AIRFORM.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | AI RoboForm v1.25 Windows 95/98/NT/2000Internet Explorer -laajennus, joka automatisoi www-lomakkeiden täyttäminen. Lisää Fill Forms -toiminnon Explorerin painikkeeksi. |
8918 | ALLGON21.EXE | 1 Mt | 19.04.2001 | - | - | tupla | AllGone v2.1.1AllGone! Was developed to help preserve your Windows resources by restricting more than one (1) instance of your current WEB Browser to be activated! With AllGone! Installed, you can visit WEB Sites and not worry about a massive amount of Web Browsers popping up, as AllGone! will close each window (WEB Browser) that tries to open other than the initial one you started. This demo will function fully for about five minutes, then shut down. The cost to register is $9.95. |
8919 | AMDLNK11.ZIP | 362 kt | 29.03.2001 | - | - | tupla | AM-DeadLink 1.1Tämä ilmainen ohjelma käy läpi IE:n, Netscapen ja Operan linkkilistat (favourites, bookmarks) ja kertoo, mitkä osoitteista ovat vanhentuneet tai tallennettu useampaan kertaan. http://aignes.com/software/ |
8920 | ANIMFLEX.EXE | 187,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | AnimaFlex Player Plug-In v1.13Valokuvista koottujen animaatioiden katselun mahdollistava laajennus. Näyttää ALF -tiedostotyyppiä. |
8921 | ARF32.ZIP | 96,5 kt | 11.03.1997 | - | 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip | tupla | ArfA WWW database searcher and retriever Arf searches World Wide Web databases such as Alta Vista, Lycos, and Deja News with a search term that you supply. Arf follows the links that the databases come up with to the web pages they point at. Arf copies those web pages onto your disk. Do batch searches quickly. Great for research. Cut down on connect time. Registered version fetches more than 10 web pages per search. |
8922 | BEATNIK.EXE | 2,3 Mt | 28.06.2000 | - | - | tupla | Beatnik v2.1Äänilaajennus selaimiin. Sopii Netscape Navigator 4.0:aan tai uudempaan, sekä Internet Explorer 4.0:aan tai uudempaan. http://www.beatnik.com/ |
8923 | BKMAG232.ZIP | 838 kt | 24.09.2000 | - | 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 3).iso | tupla | Bookmark Magic v2.32Muuntaa helposti Netscapen kirjanmerkit (bookmarks) Internet Explorerille ja päinvastoin. Poistaa myös mm. kaksoislinkit (duplikaatit) sekä lajittelee linkit kuvauksen perusteella. Sharewarea. http://www.cyber-matrix.com/bkmkmag.htm |
8924 | BLACKW.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | tupla | Black Widow Scans a web site and presents found files in explorer-like window. View various information about the files and save site profiles. Windows 95 |
8925 | BMCNV285.ZIP | 1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | 20517/PC Utilities 7 - Disc 2.iso | tupla | Bookmark Converter v2.85 Muuntaa Netscapen kirjanmerkit IE:n vastaaviksi ja päinvastoin. Sharewarea Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. |
8926 | BMSYNC12.EXE | 360,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | BookmarkSync v1.2 Windows 95/98:lleJakaa bookamarkit verkossa ja tekee käännökset eri selainten välillä. |
8927 | BMWIZ160.ZIP | 407,8 kt | 24.09.2000 | - | sac.sk | tupla | Bookmark Wizard v1.6.0Tekee HTML-sivun Internet Explorerin bookmarkeista. Freeware. http://www.moonsoftware.com/ |
8928 | BNRCTCH.EXE | 3,1 Mt | 28.01.2001 | - | - | tupla | Banner CatcherEstää ikävien pop-up -ikkunoiden ilmestymisen Internet Explorerissa ja Netscape Navigatorissa. Voit määrätä ohjelman poistamaan kaikki pop-up -ikkunat tai vaihtoehtoisesti lisätä tietyt ikkunat poistettavien listaan. Tallentaa poistetut ikkunat tietokantaan josta niitä voi tarkastella. Shareware. http://www.softicasolutions.com/ |
8929 | BOKMRKMA.ZIP | 994,6 kt | 19.02.1999 | - | 17390/Ultimate_Web_Companion_Yahoo_1999.iso | tupla | Bookmark Magic v2.52 Muuntaa helposti Netscapen kirjanmerkit (bookmarks) Internet Explorerille ja päinvastoin. Poistaa myös mm. kaksoislinkit (duplikaatit) sekä lajittelee linkit kuvauksen perusteella. Sharewarea. |
8930 | BOOKEX.EXE | 1,5 Mt | 28.10.2001 | - | - | - | Bookmark Express v1.0Ohjelma tarjoaa kätevän mahdollisuuden katsella Internet Explorerin ja Netscapen kirjanmerkkejä pienten kuvien avulla: ohjelma nappaa kuvan kunkin kirjanmerkin osoittamasta sivusta ja näyttää kirjanmerkkilistan niillä höystettynä. Lisäksi kirjanmerkkejä voi arvostella tähdin. |
8931 | BSYNC111.EXE | 345,7 kt | 24.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | "BookmarkSync 1.1.1 Synchronizes your IENetscape and AOL bookmarks across several computers on the Internet. Bookmarks are in a secure database while you work. You can share bookmarks with the publica select group of people to share withor subscript to other peoples sets of bookmarks. Freeware." |
8932 | C501N9X.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | Crescendo v5.01 NetscapelleActive-X -komponentti streamed-musiikin soittamiseen, esim. MIDIt ja MP3:t. Windows 95/98. |
8933 | C501NNT.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | Crescendo v5.01 NetscapelleActive-X -komponentti streamed-musiikin soittamiseen, esim. MIDIt ja MP3:t. Windows NT/2000. |
8934 | C501XIE.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | Crescendo v5.01 Internet ExplorerilleActive-X -komponentti streamed-musiikin soittamiseen, esim. MIDIt ja MP3:t. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. |
8935 | CACHET05.ZIP | 793,2 kt | 29.12.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | "Cachet v1.05A floating toolbar accessory for Netscape Navigator. Designed to recover documents stored in Navigators internal disk cache. Text and date searchgroup copy. Windows 95 version. http://www.benlo.com/cachet.html" |
8936 | CCLEAR11.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Communicator Clear v1.1Erase your history list, cache files, drop-down memory and cookie file in Netscape Communicator for whichever user is selected. |
8937 | CHK4NW18.ZIP | 907,2 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | - | - | Check4New v1.8Tracks given URLs. You will be notified whenever those URLs have changed. Capable of tracking HTML, GIF, JPG, etc. Can track unlimited number of URLs. Capable of checking URLs at regular intervals. Timeout automatically when a website is down. You can also check for new e-mail on multiple accounts. http://5679soft.virtualave.net/new.html |
8938 | CL402W95.ZIP | 241,6 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet | tupla | ClusterView v4.01aYou have hard time finding again HTML files in your NetScape or Mosaic cache directory. ClusterView will allow you to search them for some specific item. Here is the great file viewer you wanted! Reads long documents fast, extensive search support, keyboard commands compatible with MORE and LESS (Unix utilities). http://perso.magic.fr/roumazeilles/clusterv.htm |
8939 | CMFORIE.EXE | 438,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Custom Menu v4.20 for Internet ExplorerLaajennus asentaa uuden valikon selaimeen, josta löytyy lähes 800 linkkiä aiheittain ryhmiteltynä. |
8940 | CMFORNS.EXE | 438,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Custom Menu v4.20 for NetscapeLaajennus asentaa uuden valikon selaimeen, josta löytyy lähes 800 linkkiä aiheittain ryhmiteltynä. |
8941 | CNGSETUP.EXE | 1,8 Mt | 29.09.2000 | ClamAV: Win.Adware.Timesink-13 FOUND | 22685/cd joystick no118 septembre 2000 cd 2.iso | - | Check&Get v1.5Kätevä apuohjelma, joka käy läpi bookmarkejasi ja ilmoittaa niiden muuttumisesta äänimerkillä, ikkunalla tai emailitse. |
8942 | COMPS273.ZIP | 651,9 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 3).iso | - | Compass v2.73A popular and powerful bookmark manager since 1997 for Netscape, IE, and Opera. New features in v.2.72: Export with Template, Get Meta Info, Logical OR search, Add URL from List, Directory Map, Import Generic HTML, Import Yahoo Companion, Import wizard, and much more. Windows 95/98/NT4/2000. Shareware. http://www.softgauge.com/compass/ |
8943 | COOK26.EXE | 1020,9 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | - | - | Cookie Crusher v2.6Hyvä cookie-puhdistaja Windowsille. Tukee Internet Explorer-ja Netscape-selaimia. Tällä ohjelmalla voit hylätä tai hyväksyä tulevat ocokiet sekä katsoa ja poistaa aiemmin talletettuja. Shareware, Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.thelimitsoft.com |
8944 | COOLIE15.EXE | 2,5 Mt | 04.04.2001 | - | - | - | "Cool IE 1.5CoolIE will help you change or make your favorite Internet Explorer logo and set the skin of your choice. There are two programs within this download: CoolIE and cieEditor. CoolIEs main program makes it easy to set the background and logo image of Internet Explorer. It will let you change IEs face every loginor every other day. Cool IE Editor is an animated bitmap editor. It will help you to create your animated IE logo easily by using many filters. If you have an animated gif fileit will extract the first 10 images and combine them to create the animated IE logo bitmap. This is a fully functionaluncrippled demo. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.cequal2000.com/coolie/index.htm" |
8945 | COPE2000.EXE | 2,4 Mt | 16.12.1999 | - | - | - | Copernic 2000 Copernic is an intelligent agent that carries out your net-searches by consulting the most important search engines of the Internet which are grouped under categories. It features a history of your searches, making sure that the invaluable information found on the Internet is always organized and handy. Free version includes six categories and 57 engines. |
8946 | COPERNIC.EXE | 2,4 Mt | 28.12.2001 | versio ? | 6952/CDExpert-essenciais-01.iso | - | "Copernic 2001 5.02Copernic 2001 is intelligent software that can search the Webnewsgroupsand e-mail simultaneouslyusing almost 80 information sources. The program offers a flexibleuser-friendly interface that displays a history of your searches. Copernic 2001 can also generate search reports in Web page formatallowing you to easily browse resultsremove duplicate matcheseliminate all invalid document linksand more. Special features for Internet Explorer include a replacement for IEs default search window or search bar that can be accessed directly from the browser toolbar. You can search using Copernic from any Web page within Internet Explorer 4.0 or later by highlighting a term and choosing a pop-up menu option. This program also features online shopping search categories for hardware and softwarewith more than 20 engines available. Recent updates have added a cutting-edge ranking method that places the most relevant result at the top of a report generated in seconds and free of duplicates. Other recent improvements include Translate buttons in the toolbars to provide quick access to an online translation service in any of seven languages: EnglishFrenchGermanItalianJapanesePortugueseor Spanish. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000Netscape Communicator 3 or Internet Explorer 4. Free. http://www.agents-tech.com " |
8947 | CORELCMX.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Corel CMX Viewer Plug-In v1.0Laajennus Corel CXM -vektorigrafiikan katselemikseksi selaimella Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. |
8948 | CORTVRML.EXE | 1,6 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | 23395/Chip_2001-01_cd1.bin | - | Cortona VRML Client v2.1 r34 Freeware VRML-laajennus selaimelle. Tukee OpenGL:ää, Direct3D:tä ja Javaa, Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. |
8949 | COSMPLAY.EXE | 3,2 Mt | 28.06.2000 | - | - | - | Cosmo Player v2.1.1Suosittu VRML-clientti. |
8950 | CPAL15E.ZIP | 280 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | 23859/PCWORLD_PLUS.iso | - | Cookie Pal v1.5eLaadukas cookien hallintaohjelma Windowsille. Tällä voit määrittää erikseen palvelimet, joista haluat ottaa vastaan cookieita ja palvelimet, joista et halua. Toimii Internet Explorer- ja Netscape-selaimilla. Shareware, Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.kburra.com |
8951 | CPCV551.EXE | 835,3 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | CPC View v5.51.Erikoisia kuvaformaatteja (esim. CPI ja PMB) näyttävä selainlaajennus. |
8952 | CPURL221.EXE | 206,4 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | 21742/PCShareware-3-99.iso | - | CopyURL v2.2.1A free shell extension to help you copy the address or link from an Internet shortcut. http://www.moonsoftware.com/ |
8953 | CVIEW217.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 25.09.2000 | väärä koko | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Cache View for Netscape v2.1.07Cache View is a viewer for the Netscape Navigator Cache. Now you can open the cached files quickly for viewing, and copy or move them out of the cache. Cache View will even reconstruct the names and directory paths of the Web sites for you to view the HTML files. Shareware. http://www.progsoc.uts.edu.au/~timj/cv/ |
8954 | CXIE301.ZIP | 288,6 kt | 24.09.2000 | - | - | - | CacheX for Internet Explorer v3.01Explore and organize your browser cache. Get easy offline access to all Web pages cached by MSIE. Features include: Hierarchical view of the cache by domains, websites, and even subdirectories; Category assignments; Sorting, deleting, and grouping items; Full text search; Export to and import from archives; Exploring archives. Supports MSIE v3, v4, and v5. Runs on Win95, Win98, WinNT4, Win2000. http://www.mwso.com/eng/cxie1.htm |
8955 | CXNS301.ZIP | 302,7 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | - | - | CacheX for Netscape v3.01Explore and organize your browser cache. Get easy offline access to all Web pages cached by Netscape. Features include: Hierarchical view of the cache by domains, websites, and even subdirectories; Category assignments; Sorting, deleting, and grouping items; Full text search; Export to and import from archives; Exploring archives. Supports Netscape v2, v3, and v4. Runs on Win95, Win98, WinNT4, Win2000. http://www.mwso.com/eng/cxns1.htm |
8956 | DAP3908.EXE | 927,4 kt | 04.05.2000 | - | 23388/Chip_2000-06_cd1.bin | - | Download Accelerator BETA Accelerator is a file download accelerator/manager that can increase download speeds up to 300 percent. It features multiserver connections for best performance. Download Accelerator can also recover from lost connections, computer shutdowns, and other errors. The program even searches for mirror sites to maximize your download performance. It integrates fully into Netscape and Internet Explorer, supports proxy servers, features auto-hang up after download completion, and more. |
8957 | DAP3908.ZIP | 921,5 kt | 18.02.2000 | - | 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 3).iso | - | Download Accelerator Plus ver 3908 Download accelerator Plus is a software that is plugged into the users default browsers (IE4, NETSCAPE 4 and above), on windows 95/98/NT4 platforms. The software will be triggered automatically when the user is trying to download a file from the net. |
8959 | DAP4.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 30.08.2000 | - | 23397/Chip_2001-03_cd1.bin | - | Download Accelerator 4.0 betaDownload Accelerator is a file download accelerator/manager that can increase download speeds by up to 300 percent. It features multiserver connections for best performance. Download Accelerator can also recover from lost connections, computer shutdowns, and other errors. The program even searches for mirror sites to maximize your download performance. It integrates fully into Netscape and Internet Explorer, supports proxy servers, features automatic hang up after download completion, and more. The newest version adds features such as download scheduling, dial-up configuration, and the new AlwaysResume feature that will resume broken downloads even from servers that do not support resume functions. Download Accelerator has improved the download speeds for cable modem and DSL subscribers, as well as for the mirror search. Also new is PASV proxy support for FTP sites located behind firewalls etc. http://www.speedbit.com |
8958 | DAP43B.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 28.04.2001 | - | - | - | Download Accelerator Plus 4.3 betaTämä ohjelma nopeuttaa netistä kopioimista etsimällä useita vaihtoehtoisia palvelimia, joilta tiedoston saa haettua. Voit myös antaa ohjelmalle ohjeita, milloin se hakee tiedostoja ja mitä se tekee niille. Mainosten ansiosta ilmainen. http://www.downloadaccelerator.com/ |
8960 | DGRABB21.ZIP | 1003,5 kt | 22.10.1997 | - | - | - | Data Grabber 2.1 Freeware desktop search tool for the internet. Select a database to target, enter a query, click GO. The results of your search will display on your default browser. |
8961 | DIS26.EXE | 2,3 Mt | 21.01.2000 | ClamAV: Win.Adware.Cydoor-7 FOUND | 23393/Chip_2000-11_cd2.bin | - | Disconnector 2.6 Disconnector allows you to start downloading files from the Internet, and, when all downloads are done, it disconnects from your provider. You no longer have to sit near the computer until the download is finished. Disconnector features sound effects during and after the process. |
8962 | DL-WNDR.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | - | "Download Wonder 1.55 Works with Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator to organize files as they are downloaded from the Internet. When you start downloading Download Wonder immediately springs into actiondownloading the file and prompting you so it can storetrack and organize everything youll want to know about the fileand more." |
8963 | DNA16.ZIP | 464,1 kt | 11.04.2000 | - | - | - | Domain Name Analyzer v1.6Ohjelma käy läpi haluamasi domain-nimet ja kertoo mitkä niistä ovat vapaana. DNA osaa myös luoda uusia nimiä yhdistelemällä sille annettuja sanoja. Ilmainen. |
8964 | DSTIC101.ZIP | 575,4 kt | 27.04.1997 | - | - | - | "Dipstick v1.01Afree utilityanswers the questionwhich site should I download the file from.When presented with multiple Internet site locations to receive files fromyoull want to use the fastest connection. Drag the URL links onto Dipstickand the program will test the speed of multiple connectionsby pinging themand show the fastest link. You can adjust the number and size of pingsplus time-out parameters. Dipstick returns the" |
8965 | DWGDXFNS.ZIP | 700,2 kt | 17.06.1997 | - | - | - | DWG/DXF Netscape Plug-in for viewing DWG/DXF-files. |
8966 | ENTRYP30.EXE | 675,6 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | EntryPoint 3.0 Windows 95/98/NT4/2000:lleReaaliaikainen palvelu, joka hakee koneellesi automaattisesti haluamasi uutiset, pörssikurssit, sääennusteet sekä sisältää myös jopa MP3-soittimen! |
8967 | EZ DOWNLOAD 96 | 216 kt | 22.07.1997 | - | - | - | EZDL.ZIPThis is a plug-in that makes downloading programs a snap. It can be plugged into both Netscape and America Online WWW Browser. For novice and advanced users alike. |
8968 | FGF096A.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 28.10.2001 | - | 23480/chip_20018103_hu.iso | - | "FlashGet v0.96aWhats the biggest problem of downloading---Speedthe second biggest---Management after downloading. FlashGet(JetCar) was written for these two problems. By splitting files into parts and download them(all the parts) simultaneouslythe downloading speed increases from 100% to 500%. FlashGet is capable of creating unlimited number of categorieseach category has a specified hard drive directoryfiles placed in categories will be stored in the specified directorythe powerful and easy-to-use management features help you to organize your files in a way that you had never organized before. Adware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by Amaze Soft. http://www.amazesoft.com/ " |
8969 | FILEFER.ZIP | 674,7 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | FileFerret trial edition v1.11 Search the net for the file you want. Search on filenames, file types, keywords, etc. Windows 95/NT4 |
8970 | FLASHWIE.EXE | 293,6 kt | 01.08.2000 | - | - | - | Flash 4.0 Player for Internet ExplorerMacromedia Flash 4.0 Player for Internet Explorer (ActiveX Controls). Experience the future of Web design today with Macromedia Flash Player, the Web standard for vector graphics and animation. View the best designed Web sites containing Flash-based cartoons, interactive interfaces, and information graphics from many leading-edge companies, such as Comedy Central and Sony. http://www.macromedia.com |
8971 | FLASHWIN.EXE | 269,3 kt | 01.08.2000 | - | - | - | Flash 4.0 Player for Windows 95/98/NTExperience the future of Web design today with Macromedia Flash Player, the Web standard for vector graphics and animation. View the best designed Web sites containing Flash-based cartoons, interactive interfaces, and information graphics from many leading-edge companies, such as Comedy Central and Sony. http://www.macromedia.com |
8972 | FNET99.ZIP | 2 Mt | 01.10.2001 | - | - | - | FastNet99Nopeuta nettisurffailua pitämällä omalla koneellasi listaa käyttämiesi palvelinten IP-numero-osoitteista. Ilmainen. |
8973 | FS32_14.ZIP | 479 kt | 10.09.1998 | - | - | - | F.SEARCH v1.4Taskbar application that gives two click access to 90 internet search engines. For Windows 95 or NT. Fully integrates into Netscape & IE. Freely Distributable Shareware. http://www.meat.com/software/fsearch/ |
8974 | FTB20C.ZIP | 336,3 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | - | - | This add-on for Netscape Navigator lets you put a automatically hiding tool bar to your browser, including all the necessary tools you need for use. |
8975 | FULLSCRE.EXE | 571,3 kt | 28.06.2000 | - | - | - | Full Screen -plugin (Netscape Navigator & Internet Explorer) |
8976 | FVHTML11.ZIP | 17,9 kt | 09.10.2001 | - | - | - | FavHTML, v1.1Listaa Microsoft Internet Explorer -selaimen suosikkisivut HTML-sivuksi, josta sivujen nimet ja osoitteet on helppo tulostaa paperille. Vaatimukset: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Microsoft Internet Explorer -selain, alle 1 Mt vapaata levytilaa ja tiedosto MSVBVM60.DLL (versio 6.00.8495 tai uud.) Freeware (10.8.2001). Copyright (c) 2001 Mika Salonen, http://www.webdesignsalonen.com/software/ |
8977 | FVP16W32.EXE | 965,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 22285/VPR9801A.ISO | - | Fractal Viewer Plug-In v1.6Plugin-laajennus fraktaalikuvien katseluun selaimella. Tukee Windows 95/98/NT/2000:ia. |
8978 | GETRT430.EXE | 3,1 Mt | 27.09.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | - | GetRight 4.3Suosittu apuohjelma, jolla voit jatkaa keskeytyneitä WWW-imurointeja aloittamatta alusta, jos serveri vain tukee jatkamista. Hakee myös automaattisesti nopeimman mahdollisen serverin imurointia varten. Sharewarea. http://www.getright.com |
8979 | GIFDES21.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 12.04.2000 | versio 2.2 | 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 2).iso | - | 3D GIF Designer v2.13D GIF Designer produces high-quality animated 3D pictures, titles, banner ads and buttons for your Web page or presentations. |
8980 | GIFDES22.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 22.05.2000 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | "3D GIF Designer 2.23D GIF Designer produces high-quality animated 3D picturestitlesbanner ads and buttons for your Web page or presentation. You can create animations from your own pictures (JPEGGIFBMPAVI) and easily add 3D text and shapes. The sprites technology enables you to control placementsizemotionappearance soft-edged shadowsand opacity. You can add an unlimited number of 3D text strings with your own colorfontsizeextrusiontexturerotationand lighting. To get started quicklydesign your own animations from more than 30 professional templates (bannersbuttonslogos)and then save them as animated GIF or AVI moviesor as sets of JPEG or BMP files. The files have optimized sizes and are 90 percent smaller than those that havent been optimized. In addition3D GIF Designer allows you to animate sprites with several effects such as swingrotateblinkand animated coloring. This version has added motion and animation presets and bug fixes. http://www.pysoft.com " |
8981 | GIFEXP95.ZIP | 192,2 kt | 17.06.1997 | - | - | - | Gif for Explorer Automatically view Gif files as thumbnails Win95 |
8982 | GOZILLA4.EXE | 2,8 Mt | 18.10.2001 | - | - | - | Go!Zilla 4.0Apuohjelma, jolla kopioidaa tiedostoja internetissä. Ohjelma selviää siirtovirheistä ja hallitsee keskeytyneiden siirtojen jatkamisen sekä tiedostojen luokittelun. |
8983 | HK2000.EXE | 2,1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | 23859/PCWORLD_PLUS.iso | - | History Kill 2000Plugin Netscapelle ja IE:lle. Hävittää selaimen välimuistin sisällön nopeasti ja kätevästi varmistaen näin surffaushetkesi turvallisuuden ja yksityisyyden. |
8984 | HOMESTR.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 17.06.1997 | - | - | - | "HomeStrip v1.1A special bookmarking tool for the Web. It allows you to surf the Web in the normal way but provides an easy method of collecting reference material from sites that are of interest. You can clip images or segments of text and arrange then in your own local space. Using montageyou can cluster material to formgroupsand then manipulate them as a whole. . Win95." |
8985 | HOTBARRR.EXE | 338,9 kt | 08.12.2000 | - | - | - | Hotbar v2.1.1.2Ohjelma, jolla saat Internet Explorerisi työkalupalkin taustalle vaihdettua uusia värillisiä skinejä valmistajan kotisivujen tuhansien vaihtoehtojen joukosta. Ohjelman mukana tulevasta IE:n lisätyökalupalkista löytyy myös paljon linkkejä suosituimmille webbipalveluille. Vaatii IE 4 tai uudemman, Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me:n. Valmistaja "Hotbar.com Inc." http://www.hotbar.com |
8986 | HOTLINGO.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Hot Lingo v1.10Plugin Internet Explorerille. Hot Lingo oikolukee tekstit lomakkeista englanniksi. |
8987 | HSPLUGIN.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | HyperStudio Plugin v3.3HyperStudiolla tehtyjen multimediaohjelmien katsomisen mahdollistava laajennus Windows 95/98/NT:lle. |
8988 | IE4POWER.EXE | 234,9 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Internet Explorer 4.0 Powertools |
8989 | IE5WA.EXE | 136,3 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 23710/PCWorld_1999-05_cd.bin | - | Internet Explorer 5 Web AccessoriesTämä plugin mahdollistaa zoomauksen sivuilla oleviin kuviin sekä antaa myös listauksen sivun kuvista ja lähteistä. |
8990 | IEPERS3.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 19.04.2000 | - | #hyrava | - | Internet Explorer Personalizer v3.00 Freeware-ohjelma, jonka avulla voit kustomoida Internet Explorer-selaimia. Voit mm. vaihtaa nimen, joka näkyy ikkunan ylälaidassa, logon, työkalurivin taustavärin jne. Voit myös rajoittaa käyttäjän pääsyä IE:n asetuksiin käsiksi. Vaatii Visual Basic 6.0 -kirjastotiedostot. http://accesscodes.hypermart.net/product01.html |
8991 | IEWASHER.EXE | 630,8 kt | 05.06.1998 | - | 23881/PC World Interactive 9 - Temmuz 1998.iso | - | Cache and Cookie Washer for IE4 v.1.1This program is very useful for automatically cleaning the tracks of the previous users of a system. This is helpful in protecting the previous users privacy from the next users of that system. It is also helpful in keeping the public systems drive space using usage to minimum. Shareware. |
8992 | ILV16AU.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 04.08.1997 | - | 21327/INF1297.iso | - | InfoLink v1.6 Link Checker. |
8993 | IMARA104.ZIP | 805,6 kt | 27.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | Internet Marauder v1.4"The fastest, most powerful file-retrieving robot on the Internet." Search and capture tool on the Internet. Fully automated, link-following, file-retrieving web spider. It will retrieve all the files you want - and only the files you want from anywhere. |
8994 | IMARKUP1.EXE | 2,9 Mt | 30.04.2000 | - | - | - | iMarkup v1.03Ohjelma, jonka avulla voit lisätä haluamillesi web-sivuille henkilökohtaisia muistilappuja, esimerkiksi käyttäjätunnuksen muistamiseksi. |
8995 | INTELL1.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 18.02.2000 | - | - | - | SkyLam Intelli-Dial-UP v2.5FEATURES: Easy-to-use Program Interface Speed up your Internet connection up to 500% faster! Step-by-Step Internet Booster Wizard Advanced TCP/IP Settings Editor |
8996 | INWEBR1S.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | "InWebstigatorLearn more about a website than you wanted to know. Powerful tool for webmasters and users who want to explore sites links without endless scrolling." |
8997 | JCACT10.ZIP | 752,8 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 3).iso | - | JC_ActiveDoc v1.0.1Netscape-plugin Word-, Excel- ja PowerPoint-dokumenttien selailemiseen. Sharewarea Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. |
8998 | JCF075.ZIP | 811,1 kt | 21.01.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | JetCar 0.75 JetCar splits files into many parts and downloads the parts at the same time, this method gives you high downloading speed. You can also organize the downloaded files into different categories. |
8999 | KLLAD011.ZIP | 41,3 kt | 31.07.2000 | - | - | - | KillAd v0.11A utility to get rid of advertising browser popup windows (c) FSC, 1999-2000 http://www.magictrust.com/fsc/ |
9000 | KOAN703.EXE | 398 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Koan Plugin 7.03 StandardSelainlaajennus Netscape 4+ ja IE v4.0+ -selaimille. Näppärä MIDI-soitin, jonka käyttämät tiedostot ovat kooltaan vain muutaman kilotavun. |
9002 | LINKBT30.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 27.04.1997 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | "Linkbot for Windows v.0 Linkbot is an Internet tool that checks Web pages for broken links and much moreto the level of depth you specify. It offers tabs with parent and child link viewsalong with an expandable site structure tree. The results are displayed in a detailed table and can be exported as delimited text or saved as a series of neatly detailed HTML reports. Linkbot can even automatically create awhats newpage. Toolbar filters include" |
9003 | LINKM502.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 06.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Linkman v5.02Linkman Professional is the only bookmarks management tool you will ever need. Amongst standard features like add, replace and delete, Linkman lets you search for duplicates, validate urls, check for page changes, sort by launch date, password protect your url collection and launch the links in your preferred browser. Full support for Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer and Opera. |
9004 | LKMN5061.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 3).iso | - | Linkman 5.061 Linkman Professional is the only bookmarks management tool you will ever need. Amongst standard features like add, replace and delete, Linkman lets you search for duplicates, validate urls, check for page changes, sort by launch date, password protect your url collection and launch the links in your preferred browser. Full support for Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer and Opera. |
9005 | LPV3_22.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Live Picture Zoom Viewer v3.22Live Picturella voi katsella QuickTime VR:n tapaisia panoraamakuvia. Tukee sekä IE:tä että Netscapea. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. |
9006 | LRIPPER.ZIP | 892,9 kt | 01.03.2001 | - | - | - | Link Ripper 4.23Järjestää Internet Explorerin ja Netscapen tallennetut suosikkilinkit (kirjanmerkit) yhdeksi tyylikkääksi listaksi, jota voi lajitella eri tavoin. Ilmainen. http://members.nbci.com/cwilliso/ |
9007 | MODPLUGN.ZIP | 144,8 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | - | "The MOD plug-in enables Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer to play embedded MOD music filesthereby allowing you to get CD-quality sound through your Web browser. MODs do not require streamingso youll hear no breaks in the music that are related to Net congestion. In addition to MOD filesthis software supports S3MXMMEDIT669FARWOWNSTMTMand ULT sound files. " |
9008 | MP50.EXE | 2,1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Autodesk MapGuide Plug-In Viewer v5.0Laajennus karttojen ja paikkatietojen selailuun. Freewarea, Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. |
9009 | NAVEX20A.ZIP | 866 kt | 30.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | NavEx v2.0Converts browser bookmarks between Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. |
9010 | NETANTS.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 28.12.2001 | ClamAV: Win.Adware.Cydoor-1 FOUND | 23071/chip-cd_2003_04.zip | - | NetAnts 1.25 ASPNetants is a fast download manager. With the ability to split file into chunks and download simultaneously, it dramatically speeds up your download times. NetAnts offers numerous valuable options: batch download, URL snatcher, browser integration, proxy management, corrupted zip fix and multi-language support. $0 |
9011 | NETATPR.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | NetAttache Pro Automates the retrieval of net data with powerful multi-level spider. |
9012 | NETCAL20.EXE | 3,3 Mt | 30.04.2000 | - | #hyrava | tupla | Grafix NetCalendar v2.0Grafix NetCalendar is an easy to use program that lets you create perfectly formatted HTML calendars for your web site or local Intranet. With NetCalendar you can keep everyone apprised of upcoming events, holidays, meetings or anything else you can think of, with great looking interactive web pages. Just enter event information and NetCalendar generates calendars complete with scrolling monthly and daily pages. Shareware. http://netcalendar.grafix-net.com |
9013 | NETINT30.ZIP | 6,5 Mt | 14.06.1998 | - | - | - | NetIntellect 3.0Extract and analyse information from your WWW server logs. Essential tool for the Internet & Intranet management, marketing, sales, customer service and server administration departments. Analysis tool, generates reports that reveal critical statistical, geographic and marketing trends in the usage and performance of your Web site. Windows 95/NT |
9014 | NETQUEST.EXE | 3,1 Mt | 03.03.2000 | versio ? | 19248/www-06-2000.iso | - | NetQuest Powerful search and browser software for your desktop. Includes a search function, smart index, favorites, personalized shopping, webfax, webmail and more. The interface is set up so that everything is at your fingertips. |
9015 | NEURON.EXE | 7,6 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Neuron v7.2Selainlaajennus Netscapelle ja IE:lle, jolla katsotaan ToolBook-esityksiä. |
9016 | NOPOPS11.EXE | 563,4 kt | 16.02.2001 | - | - | - | NoPops v1.1With NoPops you can eleminate those annoying popup windows so that you can surf as first intended. You will never again meet those nasty popups. Freeware. http://www.jpsoft.dk |
9017 | NP32FG5X.EXE | 360,9 kt | 29.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Netscape Formula Graphics plug-in v5.7Netscape Navigator plug-in for Formula Graphics multimedia system v5.7 |
9018 | NPESKP01.ZIP | 185,7 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | sac.sk | - | Esker ActiveX Plug-in v3.0Selainlaajennus Netscape Navigatorille / Communicatorille. Lisää tuen Active-X -komponenttien hallinalle. Freewarea, Windows 95/98/NT/2000. |
9019 | NPMOD191.ZIP | 144,1 kt | 20.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | MOD Plugin 1.91Music MODule player plugin for Netscape Navigator, MS Internet Explorer & Opera |
9020 | NS2WA.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 26.04.1997 | - | 837/Complete Internet Archive.iso | - | NetSearch V2 Search multiple sites from one query. Win32, vb4 Runtime Libraries(Included) EMAILtagraham@alpha.wcoil.com Multiple sites from a single query. Search all sites at the same time. Stores the results of search on one page. View with your favorite browser. Select the sites to search. 22 programed sites. 8 user selected. Plus Email Address Search. NOW a Fully Functional Demo |
9021 | NSCE120.ZIP | 104,7 kt | 23.07.1997 | - | 10260/cicawindowscollection199702-2.iso | - | Netscape Cache Explorer v1.20Easy offline-access to all Web pages that hav been cached by Netscape Navigator. Contains fulltext search and the ability to extract entire document trees. Organizing functions like intelligent domain sorting, hiding and deleting documents, helps you to keep track of important things in the browser cache universe. |
9022 | NSCOP870.EXE | 614,2 kt | 12.11.2001 | - | - | - | Naviscope 8.70Naviscope suodattaa mainoksia nettisivuilta. Toimii sekä bannereiden että popup-ikkunoiden kanssa. Sisältää myös muita surffausta helpottavia ominaisuuksia, kuten nettiyhteyden nopeuden optimoinnin sekä tilastotietoja nettiliikenteesä. |
9024 | NSWASHER.EXE | 605,6 kt | 05.06.1998 | - | - | - | Cache and Cookie Washer for NS 4 v.1.1Cache and Cookie Washer for Netscape versions 4.x. This program is very useful for automatically cleaning the tracks of the previous users of a system. This is helpful in protecting the previous users privacy from the next users of that system. It is also helpful in keeping the public systems drive space using usage to minimum. Shareware. |
9025 | NWATCH.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | - | - | "Netwatch 1.20 Utility that monitors Internet services and displays arolling graphical displayof their overall status. If any of the components that are being monitored fail to respond to the graphical display will not show a green (OK) bar. By clicking on any non-green bar anyfailedservers will be listed. Freeware." |
9026 | OCSETUP.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Oil Change v2.5Kätevä plugin, joka päivittää automaattisesti halumasi ohjelmat uusimpaan versioon ja hakee bugikorjaukset. Sisältää tuen yli 6500 ohjelmalle! |
9027 | OMNHT206.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 25.02.2000 | - | - | - | OmniHTTPd version 2.06 ProfessionalFast and compact HTTP/1.1 industry-compliant Web server supporting CGI, Win CGI, Perl and SSI. http://www.omnicron.ab.ca/httpd/ |
9028 | OP2GR110.EXE | 329,9 kt | 22.04.1999 | - | 22182/SuperCD45.iso | - | GetRight-plugin v1.1 OperalleAsentaa Operaan klikkausten seurannan, jolloin GetRight käynnistyy aina imuroitaessa kuten muillakin yleisillä selaimilla. Vaatii vähintään GetRight v3.x:n ja 32-bittisen Operan. |
9029 | PBT_20.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 3).iso | - | Power Browsing Tools for Netscape 2.0 This is a collection of four browser add-ons that power up your Netscape, adding new useful features. One removes all your menu bars, tool bars, etc, so you have your entire screen open to view web pages, but all get displayed again at the flick of the mouse. Another of these high-octane power boosters is Save With Images which lets you save an entire web page along with all its images, icons and every link still active all in one action. Power Browser Tools has a Download Manager with many handy features including download resume for those long downloads that keep getting interrupted. There is even a handy scroll function for your middle mouse button. Requires Netscape 4.x or above. Launch Setup.exe to install. |
9030 | PINGM.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | - | - | Ping-O-Meter 1.5 Features easy to read analog-style gages with configurable zones, seven quick refresh led style read-outs, optional mouse over hint system and much more. Freeware. |
9031 | POPKI141.EXE | 2,7 Mt | 12.11.2001 | - | - | - | PopUp Killer 1.41Ohjelma ponnahdusikkunoiden, eli popupien poistamiseen nettisivuilta. Monipuolisesti säädettävissä. http://software.xfx.net/utilities/popupkiller/ |
9032 | PUS24.EXE | 363,4 kt | 28.10.2001 | - | - | - | Popup Stopper 2.4Apuohjelma, joka estää ärsyttävien mainosikkunoiden ponnahtamisen esille, peittämään nettiselaimen. |
9033 | PWS10A.EXE | 756,1 kt | 10.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Microsoft Personal Web Server v1.0a |
9034 | PZMOCR32.EXE | 7,7 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Prizm OCR Plug-in v3.0Laajennus yleisimpien kuvatiedostojen katselemiseen. Sisältää myös kuvankäsittelyominaisuuksia. |
9035 | QS30_32.ZIP | 563,3 kt | 06.08.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | QuickSeek v3.0Quickseek adds an Infoseek button and search box to Netscape or MSIE. Now you can search the Net from anywhere, no matter what web site you are viewing! |
9036 | RGL17EN.EXE | 687,8 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | ReGet Free v1.7Ilmainen latauksenturvaaja HTTP- ja FTP-siirroille, joka osaa jatkaa keskeytyneitä latauksia automaattisesti. Tukee välityspalvelimia, useampien tiedostojen yhtäaikaista lataamista ja imurointia salasanasuojatuilta sivustoilta sekä sisältää lokimahdollisuuden. Freewarea, mutta näyttää mainoksia käyttäjälle. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.reget.com |
9037 | ROBOFORM.EXE | 700,6 kt | 28.10.2001 | - | - | - | AI Roboform v3-9-99Internet Explorerin apuohjelma, joka täyttää web-lomakkeita automaattisesti etukäteen antamiesi tietojen mukaan. |
9038 | SBM_INST.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 01.03.2000 | - | - | - | "Search By Media 2.04A search tool which sits on your desktop. Lets you search for imagesaudio and video on the Web. Search for songsnews clipsconcert videosor your favorite stars photo! Freeware." |
9039 | SHOCKWIN.EXE | 3,1 Mt | 01.08.2000 | - | - | - | "Shockwave 8 & Flash 4 Players for WindowsMacromedia Shockwave 8 and Flash 4 Players for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Shockwave Player is the Web standard for entertainingengagingrich-media playback. It lets you view interactive Web content like gamesbusiness presentationsentertainmentand advertisements from your Web browser. Youve probably seen Shockwave Player in action on top business and entertainment sites like Disney.comIntel.comSharperImage.comPalm Computingand thousands of other Web sites. http://www.macromedia.com " |
9040 | SHOWITPL.EXE | 254,4 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Corel Presentations Show It! Selainlaajennus Netscapelle. Mahdollistaa Corel Presentations -ohjelmalla tehtyjen esitysten katsomisen. |
9041 | SITESLCT.ZIP | 940,3 kt | 28.01.2000 | - | 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 3).iso | - | Site Select 2000 1.0 A great tool to find out if a domain you are looking into buying is available or not. Type one domain in to start with and Site Select 2000 will look for that one plus many more with slight alterations in the domain name to see if they are available to buy or not. |
9042 | SLSHW103.ZIP | 188,5 kt | 03.09.2000 | - | - | - | Internet Slideshow v1.06A program to facilitate visiting a list of sites in sequential order. Features: reduces to tray; stays on top; configuration utility; thirty-site capacity; loads in default browser; simple to use. Requirements: VB6 runtime; more than 256 colours. Status: Freeware |
9043 | SS2095T.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 31.07.1997 | - | 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso | - | Web accelerator software. Requires Netscape v1.1+. |
9044 | SSHOW200.ZIP | 185,2 kt | 07.11.2000 | - | - | - | "Internet Slideshow v2.00Internet Slideshow is a freeware URL manager for people who surf the same sites every day. Once your list of sites has been configuredall you have to do is click `Nextto cycle through your daily browsing routine. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Requires also Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime libraries. Author: Dennis Vanderspek." |
9045 | SSSPIDER.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 18.01.2000 | - | 20517/PC Utilities 7 - Disc 2.iso | - | Subject Search Spider v2.11Queries multiple search engines in any of 35 languages, then investigates web pages using a search engine of its own. Eliminates dead and duplicate links and return all results into one report. The reports include links and about a paragraph of text for you to look through. |
9046 | STATBANT.ZIP | 8,9 kt | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | IE4 status bar fix for Windows NT 4.0. Copy the StatBarNT.dll file to \\Windows\\System32 and execute "regsrv32 StatBarNT.dll". To uninstall, add /U switch. |
9047 | SURFSAVE.EXE | 5,6 Mt | 28.12.2001 | - | 15605/PCM_0003.iso | - | "SurfSaver 2.2SurfSaver is a browser add-on that lets you store Web pages directly from your browser into Searchable folders. You can save a single pageselected links on a pageor an entire Web site on your computer. Save important factsfiguresnews reportsand research into your own Knowledgebase. Use SurfSaver to instantly search this information for any word or phrase. Search and browse stored pages (even when youre not connected to the Internet)share folders in a network with SurfSaver Proand add notescommentsand keywords to the pages you save. New features in 2.1 include support for Netscapethe ability to display the most recent pages firsta script filter for full-screen scriptsfaster savingimport capabilitiesand more. Requires: Windows 95/98/NT8 MB disk space Netscape 4.x or IE. http://www.asksam.com " |
9050 | SWITCH.EXE | 182,6 kt | 15.08.2001 | - | - | - | Switch! v1.0Pieni apuohjelma, joka siirtää Internet Explorer -ikkunat pois tehtäväpalkista kokonaan omaan palkkiinsa. Useaa yhtäaikaista selainta käyttävälle henkilölle tämä toiminto tulee tarpeeseen. |
9049 | SWITCH11.ZIP | 172,7 kt | 25.08.2001 | - | - | - | Switch! v1.1 Siirtää Internet Explorerin ikkunat omaan palkkiinsa. Freeware. |
9051 | SWP31.EXE | 1,8 Mt | 21.06.1998 | - | 12835/aol-file-protocol-4400-5001-to-5044.tar | - | Streamworks v3.10A streaming video and audio plugin for Netscape that handles MPEG format video and sound with good quality and little or no "skipping" even over a slower connection. (Win95/NT) |
9052 | TBWLPAPR.EXE | 170,3 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 23710/PCWorld_1999-05_cd.bin | - | Internet Explorer 5 Toolbar WallpaperSelainlaajennus, joka lisää skinnable-ominaisuuden Exploreriin. Mahdolloistaa selaimen ulkoasun muokkaamisen. |
9053 | TELPT128.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 28.04.1997 | - | - | - | Teleport Pro v1.28 Multithreaded file- retrieving, offline-browsing webspider. Scans the Internet for files or sites of interest, downloads them to your hard drive for fast offline access. Advanced file type/size matching, keyword filters, handles proxy servers and password-protected sites, automatic retries, Java applets, multiple dep searches, scheduled retrieval, and more. |
9054 | TH20EVAL.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | Tierra Highlights 2A Windows 95 agent that checks sites that you are interested in on a preset schedule. |
9055 | TPPRO129.ZIP | 871,3 kt | 04.09.2001 | - | - | - | Teleport Pro v1.29 build 1590 Teleport Pro on nettirobotti, joka osaa hakea tietyn sivuston kaikki sivut käyttäjän haluamalta syvyydeltä, etsiä niihin kuuluvat CSS-tiedostot ja muun tarvittavan tavaran, muuttaa absoluuttiset linkit suhteelliseksi ja tulkita oikein image mappeja. Sivustosta voi tehdä omalle koneelleen täydellisen kopion, jota voi selailla rauhassa kotonaan ilman nettiyhteyttä. Shareware, $40. |
9056 | TRNW32B2.ZIP | 110,9 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | TIFF Surfer v1.0Plugin TIFF-kuvien katselemiseen selaimella. |
9057 | TURBOW.EXE | 473,6 kt | 28.07.2000 | - | - | - | "Turbo Start 5.0 for Windows 95/98/NTTurbo Start is a search utility that puts more than 140 of the Webs most popular search engines at your fingertips. These engines are grouped into 20 categories such as PopularNewsgroupsand Local. It loads directly into your browser providing you with fast access to search resources. Powered by Java and JavaScript Turbo Start can be used on any Java-supported 32-bit operating systemas well as on your own Web site or corporate Intranet. It also includes such features as multiple searchintelligent searchand past query records. This is a fully functional version and requires no registration fee. Version 5.0 features 50 new engines and 10 new categories; a new interface; and search results displayed in a single window; furthermoreyou can now add your own search engines. http://www.rashminsanghvi.com/turbo " |
9058 | UNM6032.ZIP | 394,1 kt | 13.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "UnMozify Cache Manager v6.0 Lets you manipulate the files stored in the browsers cache in almost any way you wantoffering a full index of the cache contents. Req. Netscape and Windows 95" |
9059 | UNMOZ_IE.EXE | 459,7 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 23345/CHIP_HITWARE6_A.iso | - | UnMozify for Internet Explorer v6.1b166Työkalu IE:n cache-muistissa olevien www-sivujen selaamiseen. |
9060 | UNMOZ_NS.EXE | 470,2 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 20706/.net January 1999.iso | - | UnMozify for Netscape v6.1 Build 616Työkalu Netscapen cache-muistissa olevien www-sivujen selaamiseen. |
9061 | URL16_15.ZIP | 498,7 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso | - | URL Manager v1.5URL Manager can gather your favorite sites, sites from lists, sites from HTML documents, and organizes them for you, creating custom HTML documents and web pages! Now includes clipboard monitor. |
9062 | URL2HTMK.ZIP | 118,7 kt | 25.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | URL2HTM v2.05Converts the Internet Shortcuts or "Favorites" created by Microsoft Internet Explorer into an HTML file. |
9063 | URLIE202.ZIP | 79,8 kt | 23.03.2000 | - | - | - | URLie v2.02 Freeware 26.2.2000. Ohjelmalla voi poistaa Microsoft Internet Explorer -selaimen versioilla 3.x, 4.x ja 5.x selattujen sivujen osoitteita selaimen Osoite/Address-listasta (ei sivuhistoriasta). Vaatimukset: Microsoft Windows 95/98, alle 1 Mt vapaata kiintolevytilaa sekä tiedostot MSVBVM50.DLL (versio SP2) ja VB5STKIT.DLL. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen. |
9064 | URLMENUS.EXE | 66,6 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | - | - | URLMenuURLMenu is a Windows 95 application for Internet Explorer users. |
9065 | URLMGR95.ZIP | 517,5 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | 12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar | - | URL Manager can gather your favorite sites, sites from lists, sites from HTML documents, and organizes them for you, creating custom HTML documents and web pages! Now includes clipboard monitor. |
9066 | URLNS100.ZIP | 13,6 kt | 30.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | URLns v1.00Ohjelmalla voi poistaa Netscape Navigator -selaimen versioilla 3.x selattujen sivujen osoitteita selaimen Location- eli osoitelistasta. Vaatii Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT:n ja VB5 runtimen. Copyright (c) Mika Salonen. |
9067 | URLORG14.ZIP | 121,9 kt | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | URL Organizer v1.4A small, fast, simple utility for organizing up to 2,000 URLs in a more manageable way than either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator allow. |
9068 | WASH32B3.EXE | 1 Mt | 12.11.2001 | - | - | - | WebWasher 3.2 BetaSiivoaa pop-up-ikkunat ja mainosryönän vierailemiltasi sivuilta. Tämä lyhentää latausaikoja ja säästää hermoja. Huom! Tämä on beeta-versio. http://www.webwasher.com |
9069 | WDR1S.EXE | 791,2 kt | 13.08.1997 | - | 23595/Pcwk5b98.iso | - | WebDisk WebDisk is a light weight yet fulle functional web server for Windows 95/NT. |
9070 | WEBCEL.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 28.05.1999 | - | - | - | WebceleratorThe most popular web accelerator in the world. Sho and Verify, DNS Cache, Prefetching, Favorite Sites, Site Exclusions and mode. |
9071 | WEBCMP20.ZIP | 5 Mt | 25.09.1997 | - | - | - | WebCompass v2.0486 8 MB modem or network connection to Internet. Fully functional trialware version from Quarterdeck. intelligent search tool that allows you to find exactly what you are looking for on the Internet. Working in conjunction with popular search engines makes it easy to sort through the millions of pages of text currently existing on the Web. |
9072 | WEBEXTRA.EXE | 399,4 kt | 20.12.2000 | - | - | - | Website Extractor v6.04Ohjelma, jolla voit kopioida kokonaisia webbisivustoja omalle koneellesi. Voit kopioida kaikki tiedostot tai valikoida niitä esimerkiksi tiedostopäätteen mukaan. Ilmainen. |
9073 | WEBFER.EXE | 591,5 kt | 23.11.2001 | renamed / Versio ? | 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso | - | "WebFerret 4.0WebFerret provides a handy and efficient way to find information on the Web. Its fasteasy to useand available from your desktop and from the Search Web option. Enter your search words and WebFerret will use your Internet connection to query popular search engines and return an unlimited number of hits. Advanced features let you set the closeness of the match and remove duplicates. The results are returned as a sortable list. Just double-click on a link to bring up your browser and launch the page. The latest version adds several new featuresincluding improved speed and performancea new uninstallerbug fixesand a new toolbar that integrates seamlessly with Internet Explorer. This free software contains advertising technology that will occasionally use your Internet connection to receive and display banner ads. http://www.zdnet.com/ferret/ " |
9074 | WEBL0199.ZIP | 363,6 kt | 29.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "WebLauncherThe Internet speed demons own toolbar with news and shortcuts" |
9075 | WEBTI11.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Web TalkIt v1.1Yksinkertainen puheohjauksen mahdollistava ohjelma Internetin selaukseen. Voit nyt käskeä selainta menemään haluamallesi sivulle ilman hiirenheilutusta tai näppäimistöön koskemista! |
9076 | WEWASH30.EXE | 1020,1 kt | 10.10.2001 | - | - | - | WebWasher 3.0Siivoaa ponnahdusikkunat (pop-up) ja mainosryönän nettisivuilta, joilla vierailet. Tämä lyhentää latausaikoja ja säästää hermoja. |
9077 | WMWIN140.ZIP | 318,1 kt | 28.03.1999 | - | 9319/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak Volume 2 (Disc 2 of 3).iso | - | WebMirror 1.40 WebMirror is an advanced off-line browsing tool that allows you to re-create sections of the World Wide Web directly on your hard drive or local network. You can save particular pages, complete with text, links and graphics and refer without an online connection. |
9078 | WS23.EXE | 2,9 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | 14554/K-CD_2001-06.iso | - | Webspector 2.3Internet research and navigation tool that automatically tracks an unlimited number of web pages for content changes. Webspector can also mark specific keywords in each page. Webspector also provides direct access to Netscape and Internet Explorer, the ability to import web browser bookmarks, and a built-in database of popular web sites. Freeware. |
9079 | WSA12INS.EXE | 155,7 kt | 06.10.2000 | - | - | - | WebSurfer Assistance v1.3.04bSelainlaajennus joka mahdollistaa kokonaisten WWW-sivustojen lataamisen kuvineen päivineen. |
9080 | WSEEK95.ZIP | 158,9 kt | 24.05.1999 | - | 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_1.ISO | tupla | WebSeek v1.0 Internet-apuohjelma, joka lähettää käyttäjän syöttämät hakusanat rajoituksineen ja lisäyksineen seitsemälle tunnetuimmalle hakupalvelulle (mm. Alta Vista, Yahoo, Lucos, yms) suoraan työpöydältä. Eipä tarvitse enää odottaa hakulomakkeiden latautumista netistä. |
9081 | AWN95.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 27.04.1997 | - | 22395/XENIATGM33.iso | tupla | "AutoWinNet95Automated Internet! Perform dozens of tasks while youre not home: - Dial and hangup to your provider automatically - FTP downloadupload with wilcardsmake or del remote dirs and files - Email send or check your messages - World Wide Web page and file retrieval - Download over 27 weather maps - Cleanup your mail server - Binary Usenet news article posting with wilcards - Run local programs - Fetch your citys weather forecast - Ping internet servers -" |
9082 | BLKICE29.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 31.01.2002 | - | - | - | BlackICE Defender v2.9Monipuolinen palomuuriohjelma, joka sallii käyttäjänsä muuttaa asetuksia erittäin yksityiskohtaisesti. |
9086 | CPPRO41.ZIP | 2 Mt | 25.04.1998 | - | - | tupla | ConnectPal Professional v.4.1 ConnectPal brings an unmatched convenience to the Windows Dialup Networking. Auto-redial capability to remove the hassle of hitting the connect-button every time when your ISP is busy. The customizable program-launcherallows to run up to 5 different programs. ConnectPal Professional prevents disconnection by simulating network activity smartly. |
9088 | CYBER.ZIP | 904,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 2.2 | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | CyberkitCyberkit is a combination of the following functions: Ping, Traceroute, Finger, Whois, Name Server Lookup, Quote of the Day, Keep Alive, Check for new mail. |
9089 | DIALEROO.ZIP | 582 kt | 04.11.1998 | - | - | tupla | Dialer 2000 v1.30 Dialer 2000 provides a collection of cool tools to simplify and enhance your Internet connection. You can use the program to redial up to 1000 times if a busy signal is detected, automatically dial if your connection is dropped, and keep your connection alive by simulating Internet activity. Dialer 2000 also includes a simple email client that lets you read message headers and automatically check for new messages at regular intervals. Shareware / Evaluation version. |
9091 | DIP32V30.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 06.05.1999 | - | - | tupla | DynIP Client Software v3.0DynIP gives your computer an Internet Name that automatically tracks your current IP address every time you connect to the Internet. If you want to run a server from your desktop you can give your Internet Name to your customers and they can find your server without knowing your current IP address. Works great with multi-player internet games, video conferencing, voice conferencing and remote access. http://www.dynip.com |
9092 | DIPNTV30.EXE | 890,1 kt | 06.05.1999 | - | - | tupla | DynIP Client Software v3.0/NTDynIP gives your computer an Internet Name that automatically tracks your current IP address every time you connect to the Internet. If you want to run a server from your desktop you can give your Internet Name to your customers and they can find your server without knowing your current IP address. Works great with multi-player internet games, video conferencing, voice conferencing and remote access. http://www.dynip.com |
9093 | DMAN11F.ZIP | 800,9 kt | 31.05.1999 | - | - | tupla | DUN Manager v1.1f DUN Manager is designed to simplify and enhance Dial-Up Networking and Remote Access Services. |
9094 | DSCRPT.EXE | 75 kt | 15.01.1998 | - | MBCD | tupla | Puhelinverkkoyhteyksien komentosarjatyökalu (Dial-up networking scripting tool) Windows 95:lle |
9096 | DUCONSTR.EXE | 425,8 kt | 21.11.1998 | - | - | tupla | DialUp Constructor v2.23DialUp Constructor Kit is a software package which allows you to create data files containing Dialup Networking settings and then re-distribute these data files with a small executable program which will automatically create a Dialup Networking Entry on a machine running Win95. |
9097 | DUNMON.ZIP | 174,2 kt | 29.03.1999 | - | MBCD | tupla | Dial-up Networking Monitor v2.1 Shows a graph and statistics of the current DUN connection. |
9098 | DUNSH.ZIP | 199,5 kt | 10.11.1998 | versio 2 | ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet | tupla | Dial-Up-Networking Sharer version 1DUN sharer allows you to create Dial-Up-Networking connections and templates easily and fast. |
9099 | FING031B.ZIP | 471,9 kt | 27.03.1997 | - | nic.funet.fi | tupla | The Fingerer/32 v0.3 BETA Intended OS: Windows 95 and NT (will work with win32s) Finger, Whois, Ph, DNS Lookup, Ping all in one 32-bit application. Many features. Professional interface. |
9100 | FNM260.EXE | 793,8 kt | 26.12.2000 | - | - | tupla | NetMonitor 2.6Ilmainen versio. Ohjelma jolla voit seurata Internet-liikennettäsi ja sen nopeuksia. http://www.freenetmonitor.com/ |
3978 | AI1230IV.LHA | 740 | 31.08.1996 | - | - | - | AIBB 6.5 -moduuli Blizzard 1230-IV:lle (ei FPU:ta). |
2138 | AIBB_65.LHA | 256642 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AUTI! Amiga Intuition Based Benchmark,AIBB, Versio 6.5. Konetesteri. |
3979 | AIBB1260.LHA | 1318 | 18.01.1996 | - | 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso | - | AIBB 6.5 module for the Blizzard 1260 Original file name: AIBB_1260.lha |
3980 | AP124040.LHA | 1532 | 19.09.1996 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | - | Apollo 68040/40 MHz AIBB module. |
3981 | APOL1240.LHA | 1000 | 11.09.1996 | - | - | - | AIBB 6.5 Module for Apollo 1240/40MHz Aminet name: Apollo_1240_40.lha |
9105 | BUSTES19.LHA | 8,5 kt | 23.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | BusSpeedTest 0.19 Update to memory speed tester (OS2.0 required) |
3983 | BUSTEST.LHA | 15271 | 21.04.1996 | - | ACS001.ISO (Arsenal Computer Popular Request 1) | - | Bustest is a small utility to measure data transfer speed to and from memory. It requires AmigaOS2.0 or higher. |
9107 | CPUSPD16.LHA | 5,2 kt | 19.05.1997 | - | - | tupla | "CPUSpeed v1.6 - shows information and tests speed of your machines processor." |
3985 | DOSTRACE.LHA | 25522 | 15.01.1995 | - | 12730/GoldFishApril1994_CD1.img | - | OS2! DOSTrace v2.13DOSTrace is a program that allows you tomonitor what AmigaDOS is doing while youare working with your Amiga. You can watchwhich files your programs use, if they findall the files they require, where they arelooking for them and m uch other activity of that kind. |
3986 | DTA100.LHA | 9617 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | DTA 1.00 - Data Transfer Analysis -Gives a very general and simple analysis of transfer speeds. |
3987 | ECSDIAG.LHA | 7365 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | OS2! ECSDiagnosis, Complete Diagnosticfor the Amiga. Diagnose almost ANYproblem with your Amiga. |
9111 | MEMPPC.LHA | 14,6 kt | 20.07.1998 | - | - | tupla | MemSpeed (PPC) - testaa PPC:n luku- ja kirjoitusnopeuden muistiin. |
3989 | MEMSPEED.LHA | 1967 | 11.02.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | MemSpeed 1.0 -This small OS2.04 CLI utility displays the maximum speed in kBytes per second to read from or write to your RAM. - Author: Frank Wille |
3990 | POME10.LHA | 74021 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | PowerMeter 1.0. Small but efficientbenchmarks-program. |
3991 | PWSINFO.LHA | 11856 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | auti! Piss Weak Softwaren PSWINFO, todellaerinomainen konetesteri. |
3992 | SCSIBNCH.LHA | 153697 | 25.11.1996 | - | 20457/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 12 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-11][PLANET CD II].iso | - | Graphical SCSI-speedtester. |
3993 | SCSILS15.LHA | 127833 | 25.11.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Shows data on SCSI devices (via MUI GUI) |
68412 | SIP-220.LHA | 36113 | 22.12.1994 | - | - | tupla | SIP 2.20OS UtilitySystem Information Program - MonitorOS V2.04+ Freeware |
3994 | SIP32.LHA | 33002 | 08.10.1996 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | - | SIP V3.2 (12.9.96) System Information Program Quick and reliable System Monitor for OS2.04+ Users, which includes a very intuitive GUI. |
3995 | SNOOPD17.LHA | 41347 | 29.02.1996 | - | - | - | SnoopDOS 1.7 - Monitors calls to AmigaDOS functions. Opens a console window and displays details of all calls made by any program on the system to the CurrentDir(), DeleteFile(), Execute(), LoadSeg(), Lock(), and Open() functions in the AmigaDOS library. This can be very useful for trying to figure out what resources a failing program is attempting to find. - Author: Eddy Carroll |
2230 | SNOOPD30.LHA | 366968 | 22.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | SnoopDos 3.0OS UtilitySystem and application monitorAllows you to monitor variety of systemoperations carried out by programs on your Amiga. This includes what files program is trying to open, what fonts, libraries, devices and environment variabl es it is looking for, and so on.Usable for example when trying to findout why a program doesn't work. |
3996 | SPEEDINF.LHA | 11790 | 23.05.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | SpeedInfo 1.0 - Test Your CPU Speed - Requires: OS3.0+ - Author: Sergej Kravcenko Original file name: SpeedInfoDL.lha |
3997 | SPSTRN.LHA | 27188 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Graafinen data transfer ratenanalysoija - kiintolevyt/levyasemat. |
3998 | SSP12MOD.LHA | 2535 | 10.08.1996 | - | - | - | A1200 modules to SysSpeed 1.4 Aminet name: sspeed-1200mod.lha |
68650 | SSPEED21.LHA | 357694 | 14.01.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | SysSpeed 2.1 (3.1.97) - Yli 100 nopeustestiä Vaatii: OS2.0+, vähintään 2MB muistia, MUI 3+ Freeware |
4000 | SSSPEED.LZH | 7152 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | SSSpeed V0.54 Benchmark util. |
4001 | STEST20.LHA | 31072 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | SCSI Tester V2.0, johtojen yms. testaus |
2237 | SYSIN324.LHA | 50673 | 22.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | SysInfo V3.24 OS Utility Gives comprehensive system information |
4004 | TTUTOR.LZH | 39012 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Testaa kirjoitusnopeuden ja harjoitus-mahdollisuus. Muuten hyva mutta huono,kauheat varivalinnat eika anna mitaanluotettavaa nopeustulosta (1 lause eiole kovin hyva testi) |
2254 | WSPEED11.LHA | 30606 | 11.12.1994 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | WSpeed v1.1 (37.28), Benchmark program för Amigagrafik. Fungerar med ALLA grafikkort. Nu med local stöd, ASL, m.m |
9122 | 3DBENCH2.ZIP | 62,7 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | tupla | 3DBench - Video Card Test for Dos v1.1By Pintyo. Corrected version of the popular 3dbench machine speed tester! Now gives correct values: speed value is no longer 1000 div n - displays framerates over 100! |
9123 | 3G_MARK.ZIP | 21,7 kt | 11.06.1998 | - | - | tupla | 3G MarkMeasures PC VGA system performace. Dependant on processor, co-proc. and VGA-board. Created by Yoshi of 3G Design 1998 Requirements: 286+VGA. |
9127 | BF_TEST.ZIP | 7,3 kt | 13.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | Testiohjelma jolla voit itse todeta onko omassa Quantum Bigfoot levyssäsi tiedon siirto bugia. Toki voit testata myös muitakin levyjä kuin Bigfootteja. |
9129 | CACHCHK6.ZIP | 51,5 kt | 13.03.1997 | - | 18287/WPCFEB98.ISO | tupla | "CACHECHK will do memory accesses to check out the L1 and L2 cachetell you the speeds and sizes of eachand check to see if all of your memory is cachedor if some is non-cached. POSTCARD-WAREnot shareware or freeware CACHECTL allows you to turn the L1 cache on or offand tell you if its enabled or disabled." |
9134 | CONF915E.ZIP | 229,5 kt | 02.12.1999 | - | 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip | tupla | PC-CONFIG v9.15english type: sysinfo-benchmark-tool author: Michael Holin, http://holin.com requires: 286, dos 3 works with: DOS, win31, win95 PC-CONFIG V9.15 -Detects all the hardware in your PC and shows them on the screen. One of the best sysinfo-programs ever. With CD-ROM benchmark routine! Finds PCI boards, 6x86, K6-3, NexGen, Athlon and Pentium III CPUs, detects lots of VGA chips, APM functions, Burst Cache, Green boards, Pentium Bug, PCMCIA, |
9142 | ACT_27.ZIP | 45819 | 07.02.1996 | - | Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO | - | Archive Comparison Table This ZIP file contains all the results and any other information about the Archive Comparison Table. This table contains comparisons between 46 different archiving programs. Using 5 different data sets for the testing. |
60425 | ACTEST12.ZIP | 15380 | 23.12.1995 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | tupla | ***** A.C.T. - December 1995 ***** Archive Comparison Test A.C.T. is a monthly report comparing 53 different compression programs (archivers) for speed and ability to compress files. The archivers are tested on TXT, EXE, 669, BMP and multiple files. It also includes a checklist of special features some |
9143 | ACTEST41.ZIP | 35,3 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | 10848/Simtel-MSDOS-Jan1999-CD1.iso | - | A.C.T. - September 1998: Archive Comparison Test. A.C.T. is a monthly report comparing 124 different compression programs (archivers) for speed and ability to compress files. The archivers are tested on TXT, EXE, 669, BMP and multiple files. It also includes a checklist of special features some archivers can perform and the e-mail addresses of the authors. Author: Jeff Gilchrist |
9145 | DISKI111.ZIP | 47,2 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | tupla | DISKIO - Fixed Disk Benchmark (C) 1994-1997 Kai Uwe Rommel This is a simple fixed disk and CD-ROM drive benchmark for OS/2. It measures (approximately) the following numbers: - drive cache/bus transfer rate - data transfer rate - average latency time - average data access time |
9151 | SYSBN093.ZIP | 406,2 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | - | tupla | SysBench v0.9.3. |
9157 | 3DMARK00.EXE | 19,1 Mt | 25.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | 3DMark2000 v1.1 by MadOnion.com.3DMark2000 is the latest installment in the popular 3DMark series. Combining DirectX 7.0 support with completely new graphics, it continues to provide benchmark results designed to empower you to make informed upgrade decisions by delivering the game content of tomorrow--today. 3DMark2000 has been created in cooperation with major 3D accelerator and processor manufacturers to provide you with the best possible and most reliable set of diagnostic tools. Also included is a completely new demo mode, which demonstrates some of the latest innovations and advances that real-time 3D graphics can now offer. 3DMark2000 is a full version download. However, Pro users may wish to purchase the upgrade for $29.99 to receive the Pro version, which offers additional features. Minimum requirements: Pentium-166 MMX, Windows 95/98, 64MB RAM, 3D accelerator, DirectX 7.0.(http://www.madonion.com/performance/3dmark2000/) |
9158 | 3DMARK01.EXE | 38 Mt | 15.03.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | tupla | 3DMark 2001 by MadOnion.Com 1/13DMark2001 is the latest installment in the popular 3DMark series. Combining DirectX 8.0 support with completely new graphics, it continues to provide benchmark results designed to empower you to make informed upgrade decisions by delivering the game content of tomorrow--today. 3DMark2001 has been created in cooperation with major 3D accelerator and processor manufacturers to provide you with the best possible and most reliable set of diagnostic tools. Also included is a completely new demo mode that includes four new game tests and demonstrates some of the latest innovations and advances that real-time 3D graphics can offer. 3DMark2001 is a full version download. However, Pro users may wish to purchase the upgrade for $39.95 to receive the Pro version, which offers additional features. These features include flexible testing automation options, including batch run; command-line support; and a professional result browser tool with full Windows compatibility. http://gamershq.madonion.com/3dmark2001/ |
9159 | 3DMARK99.A01 | 4,8 Mt | 15.12.1998 | - | - | tupla | "3DMark99 2/4" |
9160 | 3DMARK99.A02 | 4,8 Mt | 15.12.1998 | - | - | tupla | "3DMark99 3/4" |
9161 | 3DMARK99.A03 | 1,1 Mt | 15.12.1998 | - | - | tupla | "3DMark99 4/4" |
9162 | 3DMARK99.ARJ | 4,8 Mt | 15.12.1998 | - | - | tupla | "3DMark99 - 1/4The GamersBenchmark is a diagnostic suite that analyzestests and reports Your systems 3D performance.Advanced diagnostics and testing tool based on MAX-FX Technology. DirectX6 compatible. One Click Benchmarking - Get a single 3DMark score in less than 5 minutes. Intuitive Interface. Windows 95 etc. 3DMark Development Team. " |
9163 | ANYSPST.ZIP | 631,2 kt | 02.11.1999 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | tupla | Any Speed version 1.3 Helps you to define the data transfer speed in a network. With this program you can measure the real transfer speed between Internet provider and your computer and define the time when Internet speed is highest. Also Any Speed can measure speed of a local network or a CD ROM driver. |
9164 | BCMDIAG.ARJ | 3,8 Mt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | tupla | BCM Diagnostics Informative and helpful Win95 programs designed to test your system and diagnose problems. Windows 95. |
9166 | BWMTR20.EXE | 1,8 Mt | 28.04.2001 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | tupla | Bandwidth Meter 2001 2.0Testaa nettiyhteytesi nopeus puolueettomalla ohjelmalla. Bandwidth Meter osaa mitata erilaisia nopeuksia ja reagoida näihin haluamallasi tavalla. Ilmainen. |
9167 | CDS99041.ZIP | 172,6 kt | 30.09.1999 | - | MBCD | tupla | CD Speed 99 v0.41Measures the speed of your CD-ROM drive. Windows version. |
9169 | CPUZ.ZIP | 83,2 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | "CPU-Z 1.02CPU-Z is a CPU detection program. In addition to classic CPUID information (CPU featurescache information)it gives some extra info such as the CPU packagethe clock multiplierthe front side bus speedand in some cases its able to detect overclocking. Freeware. " |
9168 | CPUZ107.ZIP | 98,1 kt | 03.01.2001 | - | - | tupla | "CPU-Z 1.07CPU-Z is a CPU detection program. In addition to classic CPUID information (CPU featurescache information)it gives some extra info such as the CPU packagethe clock multiplierthe front side bus speedand in some cases its able to detect overclocking. Freeware. http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.htm " |
9170 | D3DTEST.ZIP | 72 kt | 15.08.1997 | - | - | tupla | Microsoftin Direct3D-nopeustestiOsa DirectX-SDK:ta. |
9171 | DDCTEST.ZIP | 114,5 kt | 17.12.1999 | - | - | tupla | DDCtest v1.4 A free little DDC diagnostic and PnP monitor information utility. Now with expanded list of monitor manufacturers and support for extended EDID data structures. |
9172 | FR101.A01 | 3,8 Mt | 13.05.1998 | - | - | tupla | Final Reality 1.01 2/2 |
9173 | FR101.ARJ | 3,8 Mt | 13.05.1998 | - | - | tupla | "Final Reality 1.01 1/2This is a great benchmarking utility for testing out your computers 3D video capabilities. A new standard in hardware testing and comparison. Made in Finland! Remedy Entertainment. " |
9174 | HMONPRO.ZIP | 575,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | tupla | Hardware sensors monitor Pro most universal hardware monitoring program for Windows 95/98/2000/NT! Professional version has thermo control features (ie Software cooling) This program monitors and displays certain parameters (temperatures, voltages, fans RPM) taken from h/w sensor chips, installed on smart motherboards. Customizable alarms can be displayed. Shareware $20 http://www.hmonitor.com |
9175 | HOTCPUTS.EXE | 522,1 kt | 11.04.2001 | - | - | tupla | Hot CPU Tester Lite 1.1.2.Use Hot CPU Tester Lite to test the performance and stability of your system. This free, easy-to-use utility employs MMX instructions to test your CPU, chip sets, memory modules, and other parts of your motherboard. It conducts four separate tests that you can visually monitor. The tests are meant to be run for several hours and have a severe impact on system performance, so you may want to run them overnight. All errors are faithfully reported. A more comprehensive Pro version is available for $20. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by OpusWare. http://www.opusware.net/hct.htm |
9176 | MLOAD20.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 27.04.1997 | - | - | tupla | MegaLoad 2.0Generates under windows a number of independent loads (programs). The loads mainly allocate, test and free memory (adjustable). The aim is to test the system stability. |
63615 | EGG_FARM.ZIP | 2447184 | 21.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | tupla | █▀▀▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ░ ▓ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▓███▀▀▀▀ ▓███▀▀▀▀ ░ ▒ ▒███▀ ▒███ ▀█ ▒███ ▀█ ▒ ░ ░███▄▄▄ ░███▄▄▄█ ░███▄▄▄█ ▓ ░ exceedingly great grooves █ -=| musicdisk #1 |=-=S3M/MOD- feat. Balrog-Khyron-Nemesis- Necros-Krystall-FireLight- Hadji-Tfinn-Basehead &Maelcum |
63616 | EGG_TRN1.ZIP | 1298729 | 25.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | EXCEEDINGLY GREAT GROOVES along with KFMF (fm. KLF) presents EGG musicdisk 2 TRANCESCRAMBLED - 21 MTM, S3M, and MOD tunes and a graphical player! 1/4 |
63617 | EGG_TRN2.ZIP | 1286202 | 25.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | EGG Musicdisk 2/4 |
63618 | EGG_TRN3.ZIP | 1365978 | 25.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | EGG Musicdisk 3/4 |
63619 | EGG_TRN4.ZIP | 882362 | 25.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | EGG Musicdisk 4/4 |
9177 | GABBAHL1.DMS | 788267 | 20.04.1996 | - | - | - | dA Jormas : Musicdisk GabbAhl [1/3] |
9178 | GABBAHL2.DMS | 806065 | 20.04.1996 | - | - | - | dA Jormas : Musicdisk GabbAhl [2/3] |
9179 | GABBAHL3.DMS | 732469 | 20.04.1996 | - | - | - | Da Jormas : Musicdisk GabbAhl [3/3] |
9180 | MYSTIC_1.DMS | 633,8 kt | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | MYSTIC: INFECTION Music Disk (1/2) |
9181 | MYSTIC_2.DMS | 844,4 kt | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | MYSTIC: INFECTION Music Disk (2/2) |
66439 | MYSTIC#1.DMS | 649009 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | MYSTIC: INFECTION Music Disk (1/2) |
66440 | MYSTIC#2.DMS | 864701 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | MYSTIC: INFECTION Music Disk (2/2) |
9182 | SPX-GOSH.LHA | 1004,6 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | Scoopex: Gosh (Noname 2) - musicdisk |
9183 | TNMUS41.LZH | 589623 | 25.08.1995 | - | - | - | Amigalle Historiallinen ja outo musiikkidisketti 1/2 |
9184 | TNMUS42.LHA | 68842 | 25.08.1995 | - | - | - | Amigalle Historiallinen ja ou- to musiikkidisketti 2/2 Kuuntele ja ihmettele! |
2819 | ACOMP20.LHA | 195405 | 02.05.1995 | - | - | - | AudComp v2.0 - program to compress audio IFF 8SVX files to fraction of their orig. size, and decompress the resulting files back to IFF. |
2820 | AGMSTRA1.LHA | 26098 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Sample Transcriber Soittaa pitkiä sampleja, ei syö muistia, näppärä. |
60603 | ALGOM16.LHA | 669348 | 19.07.1996 | - | - | tupla | AlgoMusic V1.6 - Coolest algorithmic Techno/ House songplayer incl. loads of samples. |
2830 | AMISOX33.LHA | 323675 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | AmiSOX 3.3 - Apuohjelmat samplejen työstämiseen. |
2831 | ANIMAN3.LHA | 91248 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Animan v3. Päivitetty voice-library jaapuproget VoiceCLI:n, eli pistä Amigasitottelemaan puhuttuja komentoja. Tarvitset edelleen aiemman version VCLI:stä. Toteutettu hienon "elävän" pään avulla, joka myös puhuu sinulle. IBM kloonasi tämän omaan demosysteemiinsä. :-) |
60816 | APLAY211.LHA | 603682 | 11.07.1996 | - | - | tupla | APlayer 2.11 (5.7.96) - Amiga music player. Supports 67 different module formats. Requires: OS2.0+ - Shareware |
2833 | ASELECT.LHA | 5016 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Audioselector 1.0 Converts QT -> IFF. |
2834 | AUDCOMP.LZH | 207470 | 13.04.1995 | - | - | - | AudComp v2.0 Ohjelma, joka pakkaa IFF-samplesta tiedoston joka sisaltää vain tiedot sen sisältämistä taajuuksista. Jopa yli 100-kertaisia pakkaussuhteita saavutettu. Vapaasti kopioitava. |
61069 | AUDIOLAB.LHA | 210462 | 07.11.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | AudioLab16 Versio 1.14, harddisk based 16-bit audio recording, editing, processing mixing system. req. 68030+ |
2835 | AUDIOSAV.LHA | 1236 | 13.10.1996 | - | 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso | - | Audiosaver. Save modules as IFF-samples. |
2836 | AUHANDLE.LHA | 16245 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Audio-Handler 1.0 Pipe/copy raw audio samples into a DOS device. Requires: OS2.0+ - Aminet name: Audio-Handler.lha |
2837 | AULAB2JR.LHA | 367705 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | AUDIOLAB16 RELEASE2 JUNIOR 16bit non-linear editing/DSP system An hard-disk based 16bit audio recording, editing, processing, mixing system,originally designed for AAA / 3210DSP equipped machines, now available on standard Amigas.Operations are performed directly from/to hard-disk (DD), in 16bit resolution (or more), mostly with real-time playback (RT). |
2840 | AYS-TX96.LZX | 126803 | 12.05.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | .a.B.Y.S.s. - THX Sound System v0.96 tHE bEST c64-lIKE tRACKER aROUND easy to use, PT compatible usage, smallest tune size ever, etc. Now with DELIPLAYER and BINARY-replay-code for your own productions! Tons of new effects, better edit functions, better design, some more demo-mods by Pink. --- nO rEGISTRATION fEES aT aLL --- Released at The Saturne Party 1996 in April |
2841 | BARSPIPE.LHA | 297847 | 11.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Bars & Pipes. Demo version V1.0. |
2845 | BPDEMO.DMS | 488587 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Bars&Pipes Professional v1.0e Demo, tehokas sequensseri, musiikinteko ohjelma: SEQUENCER AND TRANSPORT CONTROLS, Unlimited number of tracks, Unlimited number of notes, Real-time recording, Multiple MIDI channels in and out, MIDI data filtering, MIDI channel routing, MIDI metronome, Amiga metronome, Read/Write MIDI files, System exclusive data recording. Minimum 1 megabyte RAM required & MIDI interface. Valm. Blue Ribbon |
2851 | CDP0_556.LHA | 33897 | 28.04.1996 | - | - | - | CDP 0.556 - CDP is a simple CD-Player for SCSI-II CD-Rom drives. - Requires: OS2.0+ and MUI 2.3+ - Author: Andreas Harrenberg - Freeware - Original file name: CDP_0_556.lha |
9273 | CDP1.LHA | 63511 | 22.10.1994 | - | 939/LSD and 17bit Compendium Deluxe - Volume II.iso | - | OS2! YetAnotherCdplayer v1.1 Plays Music-CD via : CD-Rom Output Amiga ChannelsCreates Samples out of CD-TracksCan storage all Your CD`s by Name`n TracksRuns with nearly every CD-ROM !!by Frank Würknerwuerkner@informatik.tu-mu enchen.de |
2852 | CHRISP.LHA | 47426 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | CHRISP - an integrated signal/sample processor. An early beta-version. |
2855 | DA20.LHA | 264612 | 15.01.1995 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Digital Aesthetics v2.0 simuloi audio-ympäristöä. Suljet silmäsi, ja kuvittelet loikoilevasi joen äärellä... |
62633 | DARKP490.LHA | 46219 | 19.12.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Darkplay v4.90 Erinomainen vaikkakin vanha moduleplayeri |
62760 | DELIT224.LHA | 754496 | 15.04.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | DeliTracker V2.24 (26.03.96) is a highly flexible soundplayer which supports many sound formats. The replay routines for the common formats ProTracker, NoiseTracker, SoundTracker 15 and 31 instrument version and StarTrekker without AM sounds, are builtin. Requires: OS2.0+ - Authors: Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel - Shareware |
2860 | DELITTHX.LHA | 9218 | 04.11.1996 | - | - | - | External THX player for DeliTracker 2.2x. Fixed version for MC 68000 users. - Aminet name: DeliTrackerTHX.lha |
2862 | DMODP35B.LHA | 460479 | 18.10.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | D.A.S. ModulePlayer v3.5b |
2863 | DSKORG14.LHA | 30567 | 13.10.1996 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | - | Program to use with Korg-synthesizers. |
2866 | EP21.LHA | 33252 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | EdPlayer v2.1 CD-tyyppinen interface, moniajaa jne... |
2867 | EPL153FX.LHA | 808430 | 15.01.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Eagle Player v1.53a S3M/Multitracker/FastTracker support, improved and added utilities/GUI, debugged DOS I/O and CIA handling. |
2869 | EVBGIRL.LHA | 752805 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | Everybody's Girlfriend, Amigan nimissä ja kunniaksi C= UK:n ex-johtaja David Pleasancen tuottaman musiikki CD:n mainos, kommentointia ja yksi kappale. |
2871 | FMSYNT35.LHA | 147700 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | OS2! FMsynth v3.5 Program for generating sounds by FM Synthesis. Sounds can be played on Amiga keyboard and saved in IFF-8SVX or raw format. Supports MIDI. |
2873 | GMPLAGUI.LHA | 16677 | 11.11.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | GeneralMidiPlayer 1.11 - A GUI for GMPlay 1.2 Requires: MUI and GMPlay 1.2 installed. Aminet: GMPlay_GUI.lha |
64515 | GMPLAY12.LHA | 1446202 | 19.07.1996 | - | 20458/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 13 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-12][PLANET CD III].iso | tupla | GMPlay v1.2 - Play MIDI-files with any Amiga |
2876 | GMPSAMPL.LHA | 3632677 | 11.11.1996 | - | - | - | Very good MIDI-sample set for GMPlay. This is a complete collection of General MIDI instruments for use with GMPlay. ToneMap and a DrumMap files are provided. The samples are in IFF format and have been compressed with XPK SQSH. - Aminet name: GMPlay-Samples.lha |
2880 | GTUNER11.LHA | 15030 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Utility to help tune a guitar |
2881 | HDF38092.LHA | 127735 | 17.12.1995 | - | 20452/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 07 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-05][EARSAN CD VI].iso | - | Harddisk-Recording_ System with 4-track seqHDFrequency is a "Harddisk-recording-system" for Amiga, uses standard 8bit audio digitizers in combination with hd-recording system. Req. KS 2.0. |
2882 | HDSAMP11.LHA | 59128 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | HDSampler v1.1 Samplaa suoraan kiintolevylle |
64817 | HIP237UP.LHA | 51080 | 02.01.1997 | - | - | tupla | HippoPlayer 2.37 update - Quick bug fix. Now works on 68000 and old kickstarts. Note! You need the v2.36 release package to fully use this version. |
2883 | HIPAC12A.LHA | 13237 | 17.11.1996 | - | - | - | HipPack 1.2a (16.11.96) Soita HippoPlayerillä pakkauksista (Zip, Lha, Arj, Lzx, Rar) kaikki modit. Voit valita useita pakkauksia ja/tai modeja soitettavaksi samalla kerralla. Ottaa nyt vastaan myös komentoriviltä tiedostoja joten sopii esim. FileMasterista yms. käytet- täväksi. |
64822 | HIPPO236.LHA | 551067 | 31.12.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | HippoPlayer 2.36 - multiformat module player. It works on ANY Amiga model. Supports AHI, which means it supports several sound cards. NOTE! From v2.35 on, HiP requires V6 versions of medplayer.library and octaplayer.library, and V7 version of octamixplayer.library. All the required libraries are now included in the archive! - Shareware |
2885 | IFFTOWAV.LHA | 4457 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Sample Converter Konvertoi IFF samplet Wav-formaatiksi eli Windowsissa käytettäviksi. |
2886 | IFTS1904.LHA | 82308 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | The Scope Package, IFT-Oscilloscopes for PT mods + Sampler. There is one for playing ProTracker modules and three for use with a sampler. A fast (68030+/FastRAM) AGA machine is recommended. |
2888 | JUKEBOX.LHA | 332392 | 01.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | JukeBox 2.83 - is a program to play compact digital audio discs by emulating a graphical user interface similar to common CD players. It provides a command line oriented, fully programmable ARexx user interface as well. It will work on CD-ROM players plugged to a scsi-hostadaptor. - Author: F.J. Reichert - Shareware |
2889 | K4EDITOR.LHA | 134855 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Os2! K4Ed Professional v3.5 Shareware product which was designed to edit and transfer souddatas of the Kawai K4- synthesizer. Includes lot of powerful functions, e.g. grab-and-drag editing of parameters, multipleload etc. |
2890 | KARAMI10.LHA | 116890 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | Make Karaoke-songs easily! |
2891 | KORG05RW.LHA | 29602 | 25.03.1995 | repacked | #Jope | - | Korg05RWHost - editor for the Korg 05R/W Synthesizer which enables editing all!!! program parameters (more than 200). Whole user memory of the 05R/W can be saved/loaded to/from disk. AMIGA may be connected with a Midi interface or the serialhost ada pter. Req: WB 640x255, KS 1.2-3.xGIFTWARE, by ujdv@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de |
66005 | MAXT10A.LHA | 120343 | 29.11.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MaxTracker v1.0A. Tracker. |
66045 | MCDPLAYE.LHA | 161156 | 11.06.1996 | versio 1.21 | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | MultiCDPlayer V1.22 (5.6.96) - Play audio on your CD-ROM drive. Requires: OS2.0+ - PD |
66072 | MED322.LHA | 384493 | 29.11.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MED v3.22. Tracker. |
2898 | MEGPLA14.LHA | 634581 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | MegaPlayer V1.4 - Multiformat module player. Aminet name: MegaPlayerV1.4.lha |
2904 | MLINE114.LHA | 497463 | 07.11.1995 | - | 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso | - | MusicLine Editor V1.14,Powerful musiceditor with realtimeeffects. Author Musicline |
2905 | MLOOP10.LHA | 151519 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | Heatbeat's advanced Perfect Loop Maker 1.0 |
2906 | MODTIME.LHA | 4935 | 29.07.1996 | - | 116/17 Bit - Level 6 (1998)(Epic Marketing)[!].iso | - | ModTime by Logo, great utility for checking PT-module-info -fast -uses XPK-library for reading |
66293 | MPEGAPLA.LHA | 53190 | 03.07.1996 | - | 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso | tupla | MPEGAPlayer 1.2 - 060 MPEG audio player for DeliTracker. It can decode MPEG I, layers I & II. - Requires: 68060, DeliTracker. Freeware. Original name: mpegaplayer060.lha |
2918 | MPLAY132.LHA | 125060 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MultiPlayer 1.32 - Moduulisoitin. |
2919 | MPLAY259.LHA | 118323 | 16.02.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Midiplay v2.59b |
2920 | MPM121.LHA | 384532 | 15.01.1995 | - | ACS001.ISO (Arsenal Computer Popular Request 1) | - | OS2! Demo of MIDI Performance Manager v1.21 MPM is a utility for managing a heterogeneous synthesizer- & Midi equipment. |
66337 | MSAMPL10.LHA | 28741 | 22.10.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | OS2! MULTISAMPLE v1.0 Convert samples between PC, ST and Amiga. Knows Amiga Raw, Amiga 8SVX (IFF standard), Atari ST Raw and PC WAV (wave). |
2923 | MSE.LHA | 87174 | 13.10.1996 | - | 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso | - | MIDI SYStem EXplorer - PatchEditor+MORE |
2926 | MUSICWEB.LHA | 233077 | 15.01.1995 | - | 20968/AUDIOPLUS.ISO | - | OS2! MusicWed, MIDI-ympäristö, MIDI-datan manipulointiin tosiajassa |
66417 | MUSIKE12.LHA | 299410 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | tupla | Musiker V1.2 - is a program that "composes" Protracker modules. - Requires: OS2+, 1MB of memory and MUI 3.3+ - Aminet: musiker_aw.lha |
66561 | NEWT356.LHA | 42198 | 29.11.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | NewTracker v3.56 Beta. Tracker. |
2930 | OCTAMED4.LHA | 305822 | 11.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Octamed V4.0. Amiga-Tracker. |
2932 | OCTMED6D.LHA | 1022945 | 29.05.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | OctaMED Professional version 6 by Teijo Kinnunen 1991-1995 (C) Teijo Kinnunen & Ray Burt-Frost World Distribution Copyright B y RBF Software - Käyttökelpoinen demoversio. |
2933 | OMED6DMO.LHA | 540347 | 16.08.1995 | - | - | - | Octamed 6 Preview Version! by Most Wanted Software |
66826 | OPTYCD19.LHA | 627600 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | tupla | OptyCDPlayer 1.9 - CD Player/Ed/Prog/Sampler. Requires: OS2.0+, MUI 3.6 and 68020. EMailWare - Aminet name: OptyCDPlay.lha |
67272 | PLAY1616.LHA | 93232 | 07.08.1996 | - | 20451/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 06 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-04][Skylink CD V].iso | tupla | Plays WAV, IFF, MAUD, etc, 14 bit output. |
2947 | PLAYSID3.LHA | 69424 | 25.02.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | PLAYSID V3.0 - lets you play all those C64 programs that produce sound. The purpose of this product is to make the best conversion of C64 sound on Amiga ever possible. - Requires: KS2.04+ -Authors: Per Håkan Sundell & Ron Birk - Shareware |
2948 | PMDEMO.LHA | 342665 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | The PatchMeister Demo -(C) The Blue Ribbon SoundWorks, Ltd.Full-featured Universal Librarian designed to simplify the process of retrieving, transmitting and managing SysEx files from your MIDI instruments. You will be able to rearrange banks and re create large MIDI setups easily. And if "The PatchMeister" doesn't automatically come with a driver for your MIDI instrument, you can create one! In addition to being a stand-alone program, "The PatchMeister" can be fully integrated into |
2951 | PRETV16.LHA | 63828 | 29.05.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | PreTracker V1.6 - C-64 -tyyppisten CHIP-musiikkien luontiohjelma, unregistered-versio. |
2952 | PROVECTO.LHA | 326703 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | OS2! ProVector v3.0 + StylysTracker DEMO-versions! |
2953 | PROWIZ17.LHA | 118391 | 14.01.1995 | - | #Jope | - | AUTI! Pro Wizard v1.7 Update Multi-converter for music modules packedwith softs like NoisePacker, Promizer, ProPacker, ProRunner and so on. It converts these formats into PROTRACKER format! |
2954 | PS3MRE20.LHA | 21390 | 18.10.1996 | - | - | - | PS3M recorder v2.0 (2.10.96) - Creates audio samples out of modules. Supports: MOD/FT/XM/ S3M/MTM and DB (NEW) - Freeware |
2955 | PSMP.LHA | 30231 | 29.11.1996 | versio 1.00 | aminet.net | - | IFF-8SVX player by Smack/Infect V0.7 |
2956 | PT1_2E.LHA | 219980 | 15.01.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | AUTI! ProTracker v1.2E KAHDEN koneen versio. Kytketään koneet sarjapiuhalla yhteen, jolloin voi soittaa yhdessä "8-kanavaisia biisejä". |
2957 | PT361.LHA | 382433 | 25.08.1996 | - | - | - | Protracker 3.61a (22.8.96) - Music composing program. - Some interesting new features e.g. PLST/PED/Help/POS/Info/XPK... - Aminet name: Protracker3.61.lha |
67614 | QUADRAC.LHA | 276918 | 29.11.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Quadra composer v2.03. Tracker. |
2965 | SAMPLT2.LHA | 568960 | 14.01.1995 | - | - | - | Demo Version of Samplitude-PRO II |
68193 | SBOX24B2.LHA | 130987 | 09.04.1996 | - | - | tupla | SoundBox V2.4 ß 2 (4.4.96) - The ultimate sample converter. IFF, VOC, WAVE, AIFF, MAUD, Maestro and RAW is supported. And it plays 14 bit. - Requires: OS2.04+ - Author: Richard Körber - Shareware - Name: SoundBox24b2.lha |
2975 | SID2MIDI.LHA | 53548 | 22.07.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Muuttaa C64 SIDit "upeiksi" general midi -tiedostoiksi. |
9276 | SMACH15.LHA | 59060 | 22.10.1994 | - | - | - | AUTI! SoUND MaCHiNe v1.5 Set of two programs that enable you to load and play sound samples commonly found on IBM-type systems. It will alsoenable you to save files in these formats.Simpler version of The Sound Machine called 'SMPLAY' is CLI version allowingyou play sound files. The Sound Machine reads and writes:IFF (Amiga, 8SVX), RAW (RAW audio data, which most sound programs will load),WAV (most commonly used in Windows) ,VOC (The "Voice" format, from Creative |
2979 | SMACHINE.LHA | 46532 | 09.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | SoundMachine - Ääntenkäsittelyohjelma. |
68489 | SNDPLR.LHA | 83744 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | Sound Player By: Mark RitterFull featured sound player.8SVX and DataTypes support. |
2986 | SOUND201.LHA | 157208 | 07.07.1995 | - | - | - | SoundEffect 2.01 - Sample-editori |
2987 | SOUNDPLR.LHA | 83744 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | Sound Player By: Mark RitterFull featured sound player.8SVX and DataTypes support. |
2988 | SOUNDZ23.LHA | 9492 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | SoundZap v2.3, konvertoi sampleja. RAAW/.AU/.VOC/.WAV-formaatit IFF/RAWksi. |
2989 | SOX33.LHA | 324263 | 14.01.1995 | - | - | - | auti! Sound Exchange v3.3 Konvertoi eri tyyppisiä äänitiedostoja IFF/8SVX/AIFF/RIFF-WAVE(.WAV)/VOC/Sun Audio(.AV)/NeXT Audio, Mac Audio, RAW 8/16/32 bits, Turtle Beach .SMP+muita. |
2992 | SP251.LHA | 242806 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | os2! Sam-Pull v2.51 Manipuloi/tallentaa sampleja moduleista. Lisäksi etsii moduleita muistista tai tiedostoista. |
2993 | SPISCOPE.LHA | 6328 | 31.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | SPi-Scope for Hippoplayer. |
2994 | SPLAYE14.LHA | 169106 | 13.11.1996 | - | - | - | SPlayer 1.4 - GUI for Play16. Play16 is a sound utility that lets you play samples of any size off your Hard Drive. - Can now be used with IBrowse and AWeb. - NOTE! Play16 version 1.6 is included in this archive! Aminet name: SPlayer_v1.4.lha |
2995 | SPLR15.LHA | 171431 | 25.11.1996 | - | - | - | Plays WAV, IFF, MAUD, etc, 14 bit output |
68823 | SYMPH12.LHA | 48508 | 22.10.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | OS3! Symphonie v1.2 Demo 256 Sound Channels Music Maker OS3.0+,CPU 020+ |
3000 | SYMPRO1B.LHA | 1619659 | 01.06.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | World Premiere 16 bit Symphonie Performing CD Quality Sound on stock A1200/A4000 NO SOUNDCARD NEEDED !!! Part 2 of 2 (Mods) |
68862 | TABED.LHA | 14342 | 22.10.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | OS2! TabEd, Guitar tablature creater Creates tab in ASCII text file. by Andy Anderson, mcscs4ata@dct.ac.uk |
3002 | TABED110.LHA | 55780 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | TabulaturED 1.10 - Guitar tab editor. Aminet name: TabulaturEd.lha |
68879 | TANDEM.LHA | 43594 | 22.10.1994 | - | ACS001.ISO (Arsenal Computer Popular Request 1) | - | OS2! Tandem Plays compact digital audio disks by emulating GUI similar to common CDplayers. Add-on player module for Tandem CD+IDE host adaptor from BSC/Alfa Data which enables use of Mitsumi IDE-CDROM drives. by Franz-Josef Reichert, fjrei@kbsaar.saar.de |
3004 | TFMX-CON.LHA | 15516 | 25.02.1996 | - | 20447/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 02 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-11][Skylink CD].iso | - | Converter for 'one file' TFMX modules handling |
3005 | TFMX-EPP.LHA | 24789 | 25.02.1996 | - | 20447/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 02 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-11][Skylink CD].iso | - | Latest release of the TFMX players for Eagleplayer |
3009 | VCLI70.LHA | 31733 | 15.01.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | VoiceCLI v7.0 - puheentunnistusohjelma Amiga tottelee puhuttuja komentoja. Hyvä. Vaatii samplerin, toimii myös peruskoneessa. |
3011 | VIRTUALH.LZH | 404814 | 19.05.1995 | - | - | - | Virtual Harmonies KappaleSymphonie-musiikkiohjelmalle.Vaatii PALJON muistia jottakaikki samplet mahtuisivat,koska ohjelma kayttaa Symphonienvirtuaalisamplesysteemia.12 kanavaa. |
69836 | VS121.LHA | 72319 | 22.10.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | OS2! VoiceShell v1.21 Amiga Voice Recognition Software, teach your Amiga to listen spokencommands and start programs. Works with ANY Amiga with KS2+ and normal sound sampler. New version of old VoiceCLI, includes software to convert old datafiles. |
9204 | _K.ZIP | 93 kt | 21.07.1999 | - | scene.org | tupla | (s3m) ~k by dune/orange Asm 97 multichannel tune. |
9185 | 0-03MIX.ZIP | 39,7 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | XM: 0-03 (happy mix) by PulP/Ural13 Style: Happy Acid |
9190 | 0-ZERO.ZIP | 79,2 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: Zero By Juho / Artificial People |
9186 | 00ENJOY.ZIP | 36,8 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: Enjoy by Jogeir Liljedahl |
9187 | 00NONAME.ZIP | 78,9 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: NoName by Jogeir Liljedahl |
9188 | 0E8O0.ZIP | 74,7 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 0E8O0 by BigLupu / Ural 13 Style: Tekno. |
9189 | 0PERATIO.ZIP | 97,4 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: Operation 13 by Blizzard/Epical |
9202 | 1_COSMIC.ZIP | 126,5 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: 1st Cosmic by Ile/Ip. "Uniteknoa" |
9203 | 1-TRANCE.ZIP | 166 kt | 20.07.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: First trance Juho / Artificial People |
9191 | 100YARDD.ZIP | 63,3 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 100yarddash by dr.awesome/crusaders |
9192 | 101.ZIP | 126,3 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 101 Percent proof By: u4ia/megawatts |
9193 | 1081SPEA.ZIP | 53,5 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 1081-Speakerbuster |
9194 | 10KBLUR.ZIP | 4,7 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 10kblur By: DJ (deathjester) |
9195 | 110.ZIP | 58,6 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 110 (7:48) BigLupu / Ural 13 (acid house) |
9196 | 11NOTESO.ZIP | 90,9 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 11 Notes on Sand by Heatbeat |
9197 | 12FEETOF.ZIP | 134,4 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | S3M: Twelve feet of deepness By: Finn/VLA |
9198 | 12THWARR.ZIP | 94,1 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 12th Warrior by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders. |
9199 | 15K.ZIP | 8,1 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 15k boogie By: u4ia from megawatts CHANNELS 4 |
9200 | 15MINUTE.ZIP | 166,3 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | S3M: 15 Minute Shit - Necros/PM CHANNELS 8 |
9201 | 16BEATBO.ZIP | 74,8 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 16 beat bounce CHANNELS 4 |
9228 | _K.ZIP | 93 kt | 21.07.1999 | - | scene.org | tupla | ~k by dune/orange (s3m) Asm 97 multichannel tune. |
9227 | !GIRL.ZIP | 447,7 kt | 28.05.1998 | renamed | scene.org | - | "XM: Girl With No Face Proxy98 contr. Composed by Ile/Ionic" |
9205 | 00320.ZIP | 59,8 kt | 20.07.1999 | - | scene.org | tupla | MOD: 00320 Helsinki by Jaffa Static made for: assembly 4channel compo style: acidtekno |
9207 | 1_ONLY.ZIP | 12,1 kt | 23.07.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "IT: The One and Onlyby GameOver. Placed 1st at chip music compo in demobit00 with 73 points." |
9206 | 106MILES.ZIP | 378,1 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "106 Miles" by goldcrest. 9th in the Assembly \'99 multichannel music compo. |
9208 | 21_GROOV.ZIP | 357,4 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | scene.org | - | 21 Groove Street by ReverantThe Party 8 4 channel music competition: 4th place. |
9209 | 3M.ZIP | 88,4 kt | 11.06.1998 | - | - | - | (xm) 3m by prob. / oxylon gateway tekno compo contrb. |
9210 | 4AMLOUN.ZIP | 965,9 kt | 28.01.2000 | - | scene.org | - | "IT: fouram lounge 409 by Kyllönen. Placed 8th at Elevator2k multichannel music compo with 39 points." |
9211 | 4B.ZIP | 176,6 kt | 24.03.1999 | - | scene.org | - | domino 4b by crúaker / halcyonfor juhla 2,5 musiccompetition |
9212 | 4MK_RNV2.ZIP | 23,1 kt | 10.08.1999 | - | - | - | "4MK REHEAVAE NAINEN v2.0" by skeema. 11th in the Assembly \'99 tiny music compo. |
9224 | A_FACE.ZIP | 335,8 kt | 14.09.1999 | - | - | - | "A face in the crowd" by Will Be / Theralite. Placed 1st at lpt3 4ch-compo with 192pts. |
9226 | A_STRANG.ZIP | 29 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | A Strange Night In the Hen House by kiwi2nd in the Assembly 2k Oldskool music compo. |
9213 | A96MAJOR.LHA | 512,1 kt | 21.07.1999 | repacked | scene.org | tupla | "MOD: Red Man in Space by Major Bombsuqad. Winner of Assembly96 4ch compo." |
9214 | A96MMSC.A01 | 1,4 Mt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | - | "Assembly96:den multicompoAssembly96:den multichannel music compo Volume 2 of 5" |
9215 | A96MMSC.A02 | 1,4 Mt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Assembly96:den multicompoAssembly96:den multichannel music compo Volume 3 of 5" |
9216 | A96MMSC.A03 | 1,4 Mt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Assembly96:den multicompoAssembly96:den multichannel music compo Volume 4 of 5" |
9217 | A96MMSC.A04 | 1,1 Mt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Assembly96:den multicompoAssembly96:den multichannel music compo Volume 5 of 5" |
9218 | A96MMSC.ARJ | 1,4 Mt | 06.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Assembly96:den multicompoAssembly96:den multichannel music compon _kaikki_ 15 finalistiasisältää myös sijoituslistan. Volume 1 of 5" |
9220 | AC-LLIT.ZIP | 53,8 kt | 07.09.2000 | - | - | - | "IT: Lady Lucifer (IT remake) by AcumenLady Lucifers MOD version was my contribution for the oldskool music competition held at Assembly2000. It didnt qualify to the final round. ThisIT remakeversion is featured in Hugi Diskmagazines special 21st issueand in a polish magazine NoNames 8th issue." |
9221 | AC-NC.ZIP | 633,5 kt | 16.03.1999 | - | - | - | IT: Nothing Comes by Acumen MC6 Rookie Entry 8th place |
9222 | AC-PB.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 16.08.1999 | - | - | - | "IT: Pitch-Black by Acumen (For Assembly99 multichannel compo)" |
9223 | AC-QTB.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 05.12.2000 | - | - | - | IT: Quantum Talebearer by Acumen (.it version of my entry to Merragon fantasy music compo at traxinspace.com) |
9219 | ACID_JAZ.ZIP | 16 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Acid Jazzed Evening by tempest/damage1st in the Assembly 2k Oldskool music compo. |
9225 | AFTERBUR.ZIP | 6,4 kt | 14.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Afterburner by Leopold13th in the Assembly 2k Oldskool music compo. |
60117 | 1812.ZIP | 3082 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | 1812 Overture Tsaikovski |
60135 | 1ST-ONE.ZIP | 3868 | 19.05.1995 | - | - | - | 1st One - Part I 'Live' An award-Winning MegaDance Track Now In MIDI Format. In Stereo Where Available. |
60173 | 320M.ZIP | 1609335 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Midejä 320kpl. |
60174 | 320MIDIS.ZIP | 1465316 | 26.11.1995 | - | - | - | 320 .MID -musiikkitiedostoa |
60240 | 4ROMANCE.ZIP | 42994 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Neljä romanttista kappaletta Dvorak |
60451 | ADAGIO.ZIP | 7602 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Adagio Albinoni |
60540 | AHVOUS.ZIP | 24750 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Ah vous dirai-je maman Mozart |
60617 | ALLEGRO.ZIP | 1087 | 22.10.1995 | - | 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img | - | Allegro for a Flute Clock Beethoven |
60670 | AMERICAN.ZIP | 36229 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | American Suite, Op. 98 Dvorak |
60738 | ANGELS.ZIP | 4021 | 22.10.1995 | - | 15085/MultiMedia Explosion Shareware.iso | - | Let All The Angels Händel: Messiah |
60752 | ANITRA.ZIP | 2681 | 22.10.1995 | - | 15961/PowerPak Gold (Fall 1992)(Flordia Lion's Den).iso | - | Anitra Dance, Op. 46 Grieg |
60872 | ARAB.ZIP | 2714 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Arabialainen tanssi Tsaikovski: Pähkinänsärkijä |
60873 | ARABESQ.ZIP | 5047 | 17.10.1995 | - | 19691/ShareWare Extravaganza 1 of 4 (The Ultimate Shareware Company).iso | - | Arabesque No. 1 Debussy |
60897 | ARIA13.ZIP | 3265 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Aria 13, Monostatos Mozart: Taikahuilu |
61112 | AWEBLOWN.ZIP | 464665 | 12.02.1996 | - | 1203/MIDICraft's MIDINET CD-ROM.iso | - | AWElle tehty midibiisi by Bjorn Lynn Mukana oma sound bank Upload JoRe |
61114 | AWEDIGPH.ZIP | 439849 | 12.02.1996 | - | 1203/MIDICraft's MIDINET CD-ROM.iso | - | AWElle optimoitu midibiisi by Bjorn Lynn + soundbank UpLoad JoRe |
61116 | AWEGLOW.ZIP | 457405 | 12.02.1996 | - | 1203/MIDICraft's MIDINET CD-ROM.iso | - | AWElle midibiisi by Born Lynn (Ei ole tango) + soundbank (toimii perus awella) UpLoad JoRe |
61194 | BALLAD2F.ZIP | 25335 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Ballade No. 2 in F major Chopin |
61311 | BEE.ZIP | 8386 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Bee's Wedding, MIDI |
61567 | BOLERO.ZIP | 24083 | 23.10.1995 | - | 1972/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 1.iso | - | Bolero Ravel |
61626 | BRANDEN.ZIP | 147449 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Brandenburg Concerto Bach |
61658 | BRIDAL.ZIP | 1996 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Bridal Chorus Wagner: Lohengren |
61823 | CANON.ZIP | 6809 | 28.10.1995 | - | 1202/MIDI 1997.iso | - | Canon in D+ Pachelbel |
62027 | CHINESE.ZIP | 1274 | 17.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | Kiinalainen tanssi Tsaikovski: Pähkinänsärkijä |
62127 | CLARLUNE.ZIP | 8328 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Claire de Lune Debussy |
62175 | CM-64GM.ZIP | 50119 | 28.08.1994 | - | 18134/WINSITE_2.iso | - | General Midi Patches for Roland CM-64 v1.0 Makes your CM-64 work with games and multimedia software that support General Midi synthesizers. |
62262 | CONCERT1.ZIP | 129556 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Concerto No. 1 in F#m Rachmaninov |
62361 | CRAZY_BK.MID | 66470 | 09.05.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | AWE 32 Demo CD:ltä |
62904 | DIDOLAME.ZIP | 823 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Dido's Lament Purcell |
63086 | DONJUAN.ZIP | 71777 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Don Juan Strauss |
63138 | DOUBLE.ZIP | 25070 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Double Violin Concerto Bach |
63149 | DPURPLE.ZIP | 14913 | 07.12.1995 | - | - | - | Kolme Deep Purplen kappaletta .MID-muodossa. Anya, Smoke on the Water ja Strange Ways. |
63635 | ELECTR1.ZIP | 12119 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Electronic 1, for AWE32 only s_fonts1.zip needed, follow instructions in MID-file By -=Expression=- |
63636 | ELECTR2.ZIP | 14686 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Electronic 2, for AWE32 only s_fonts1.zip needed, follow instructions in MID-file By -=Expression=- |
63637 | ELECTR3.ZIP | 3436 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Electronic 3, for AWE32 only s_fonts1.zip needed, follow instructions in MID-file By -=Expression=- |
63661 | ELISE.ZIP | 2687 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Für Elise Beethoven |
63687 | EMERALD.ZIP | 62080 | 13.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | ┌ Krystall / Astek ┐ - Presents │ │ Emerald Dream (FAR) │ │ For Gravis Ultrasound only │ └ (93/11/14) ┘ |
63808 | EROICA.ZIP | 17142 | 28.10.1995 | - | 22935/pcw-0996.iso | - | Eroica Liszt |
63918 | EXP_BEAT.ZIP | 12040 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | ----Expression's beat---- Great MIDI-file for AWE32 Composed by -=Expression=- MUST be played with AWE from windows! Needed sfonts1.zip and gmidi.zip to play! Works with 512kb AWE. Load drums.sbk to bank 1! Copy synthgm.sbk to your windows\system- directory. (Replaces the old bank with better! |
64043 | FARMDEMO.ZIP | 202935 | 07.11.1995 | - | - | - | .MID-kappale AWE 32:een. Sisältää oman soundbankin. |
64078 | FEEDRAGE.ZIP | 9138 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Danse de la Fee-Dragee Tsaikovski: Pähkinänsärkijä |
64091 | FESTIVE.ZIP | 48528 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Festive Overture Shostakovich |
64094 | FEURZAUB.ZIP | 5819 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Feuerzauber Wagner: Valkyrie |
64142 | FINLAND.ZIP | 16044 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | eritupla | Finlandia Sibelius |
64192 | FLOWERS.ZIP | 8667 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Waltz of the Flowers Tsaikovski: Pähkinänsärkijä |
64198 | FLUTES.ZIP | 2865 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Dance of the Reed-Flutes Tsaikovski: Pähkinänsärkijä |
64235 | FORELLE.ZIP | 8028 | 17.10.1995 | - | 18042/WebDesigner 1.0.iso | - | Die Forelle (The Trout) Schubert |
64463 | GEORG_BK.MID | 25409 | 09.05.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | AWE 32 Demo CD:ltä |
64490 | GIGUE.ZIP | 1296 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Gigue Bach |
64519 | GNOSS.ZIP | 7987 | 28.10.1995 | - | 18042/WebDesigner 1.0.iso | - | Three Gnossiennes Satie |
64540 | GOLDBERG.ZIP | 45264 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Goldberg Variations Bach |
64648 | GYMNO.ZIP | 645 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Gymnopedie No. 3 Satie |
64650 | GYPSY.ZIP | 10823 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Gypsy Songs, Op. 55 Dvorak |
64668 | HALELUJA.ZIP | 10603 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Hallelujah Händel: Messiah |
64922 | HUMORESK.ZIP | 6525 | 22.10.1995 | - | 18042/WebDesigner 1.0.iso | - | Humoreske No. 1, Op. 101 Dvorak |
65097 | IMPROMPT.ZIP | 13918 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Fantaisie Impromptue Chopin |
65433 | JUBILATE.ZIP | 4195 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Jubilate Deo Mozart |
65446 | JUMP_BK.MID | 46566 | 09.05.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | AWE 32 Demo CD:ltä |
65715 | LIFTUP.ZIP | 7833 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Lift Up Your Heads Händel: Messiah |
65876 | MAAMME.ZIP | 1128 | 25.08.1995 | - | - | - | MID: Suomen kansallislaulu |
65921 | MAHLER4.ZIP | 204222 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | 4. sinfonia Mahler |
65971 | MARCH-C.ZIP | 2197 | 22.10.1995 | renamed | 2957/9000 Sounds (Chicago Computer Broker)(CDRM1105170).ISO | - | March in C major Purcell |
65980 | MARS_BK.MID | 54175 | 09.05.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | AWE 32 Demo CD:ltä |
66080 | MEISTER.ZIP | 16522 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (alkusoitto) Wagner |
66097 | MEPHISTO.ZIP | 49012 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Mephisto Waltz No. 1 Bach |
66135 | MIDCOLL.ZIP | 140308 | 19.05.1995 | - | - | - | Kokoelma klassista musiikkia MID-formaatissa |
66156 | MINIOVER.ZIP | 5834 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Miniature Overture Tsaikovski: Pähkinänsärkijä |
66159 | MINUET-G.ZIP | 3657 | 22.10.1995 | renamed | 2957/9000 Sounds (Chicago Computer Broker)(CDRM1105170).ISO | - | Minuet in G Beethoven |
66410 | MULTITUD.ZIP | 4594 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | For I Went with the Multitude Händel |
66477 | NACHTMUS.ZIP | 14650 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Eine kleine Nachtmusik Mozart |
66600 | NOCTURNE.ZIP | 4005 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Nocturne, Op. 24, No. 4 Sibelius |
66712 | ODETOJOY.ZIP | 34875 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Oodi Ilolle (Ode To Joy) Beethoven: 9 sinfonia |
66841 | ORGAN4-4.ZIP | 43919 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Organ Concerto, Op. 4, No. 4 Händel |
66878 | OUBLIEE.ZIP | 32981 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Valse Oubliee Liszt |
67152 | PEARL.ZIP | 20866 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | The Pearl Fishers - Duet Bizet |
67191 | PETEWOLF.ZIP | 8273 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Peter and the Wolf Prokofiev |
67223 | PIANO-A.ZIP | 18488 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Piano Concerto in A, 1st mov Mozart |
67225 | PIANO161.ZIP | 28299 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 16 Grieg |
67291 | PL_MARS.ZIP | 21284 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Mars, the Bringer of War Holst: The Planets |
67287 | PLUM.ZIP | 3122 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Plum Fairies Tsaikovski: Pähkinänsärkijä |
67324 | POLONAIS.ZIP | 6407 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Polonaise Chopin |
67345 | PORGYBES.ZIP | 23181 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Medley from Porgy And Bess Gershwin |
67412 | PRELUDE.ZIP | 45264 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune Debussy |
67414 | PRELUDE5.ZIP | 1375 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Prelude from Suite No. 5 Purcell |
67640 | QUEEN.ZIP | 4986 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Queen of the Night's Aria Mozart: Taikahuilu |
67696 | RACHMA-3.ZIP | 110176 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Concerto No. 3 in Dm, 3rd mov Rachmaninov |
67859 | RELAX_BK.MID | 58381 | 09.05.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | AWE 32 Demo CD:ltä. Perusmuistiversio. |
67860 | RELAX_VX.MID | 55813 | 09.05.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | RELAX_VX.MID AWE 32 Demo CD:ltä. Vaatii 8 megaa muistia (vähintään) AWE 32:een ja RELAX.SBK soundbankin. |
67858 | RELAX.SBK | 6743628 | 06.05.1994 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | AWE 32 Demo CD:ltä. Soundipankki RELAX_VX. MIDiä varten. Vaatii 8 megaa muistia AWE:lle. |
67903 | REVERIE.ZIP | 4602 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Rêverie Debussy |
67910 | RHAPSODY.ZIP | 38904 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Rhapsody in Blue Gershwin |
67936 | RISNGSUN.ZIP | 180337 | 23.05.1996 | - | - | - | Rising to Sun: MID-Song for SBAwe32. Includes Soundbank&Patchnames. Works with 512k Memory. By Mirò |
67985 | ROMANSSI.ZIP | 4005 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Romanssi d-mollissa, Op. 24, No. 4 Sibelius |
68049 | RUSSIAN.ZIP | 14877 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Russian Rhapsody for Two Pianos Rachmaninov |
68305 | SEVILLE.ZIP | 73773 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Sevillen parturi Rossini |
68344 | SHEBA.ZIP | 5532 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Arrival of the Queen of Sheba Händel |
68345 | SHEEP.ZIP | 7548 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | All We Like Sheep Händel: Messiah |
68359 | SHOEMAKE.ZIP | 2674 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | The Shoemaker, Presto Holst |
68374 | SIEGFRID.ZIP | 22975 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Siegfried Idyll Wagner |
68514 | SONATA-C.ZIP | 2766 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Sonata in C - Allegro Mozart |
68515 | SONATA.ZIP | 16148 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Moonlite Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2 Beethoven |
68563 | SPACEMAN.ZIP | 345074 | 06.04.1996 | - | - | - | Spaceman-remix: includes MID-song, soundbank & patch names for SBAwe32 By Mirò |
68737 | STRQRT-G.ZIP | 8986 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | String Quartet in G Mozart |
68738 | STRQRT1.ZIP | 11402 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | String Quartet No. 1 Mozart |
68770 | SUMMER.ZIP | 2807 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Kesä Vivaldi: Neljä vuodenaikaa |
68881 | TANNHAUS.ZIP | 72735 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Tannhauser Overture (Liszt piano arr.) Wagner |
68970 | TELL.ZIP | 11638 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | William Tell Overture Rossini |
69335 | TRANSFIG.ZIP | 51677 | 23.10.1995 | - | - | - | Death and Transfiguration Strauss |
69378 | TREPAK.ZIP | 2787 | 17.10.1995 | - | - | - | Trepak (Venäläinen tanssi) Tsaikovski: Pähkinänsärkijä |
69417 | TROLL.ZIP | 3826 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | March of the Troll, Op. 53, No. 3 Grieg |
69429 | TRUMPVOL.ZIP | 2390 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Trumpet Voluntary Purcell |
69465 | TURQUE.ZIP | 1831 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Marche Turque Mozart |
69587 | UPONAHI.ZIP | 442450 | 06.04.1996 | - | - | - | Up On A Hi: includes MID-song soundbank & patch names for SBAwe32. By Mirò |
69635 | VALKYRIE.ZIP | 24024 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Ride of the Valkyries Wagner: Valkyrie |
69688 | VEDRAI.ZIP | 2744 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Vedrai, carino Mozart: Don Giovanni |
69693 | VENENAP.ZIP | 64224 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Venezia e Napoli Liszt |
69889 | WALTZ122.ZIP | 3184 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Waltz, Op. 12, No. 2 Grieg |
69890 | WALTZ641.ZIP | 6171 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Waltz, Op. 64, No. 1 Chopin |
69891 | WALTZ642.ZIP | 3592 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Waltz, Op. 64, No. 2 Chopin |
69892 | WALTZ702.ZIP | 5150 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Waltz, Op. 70, No. 2 Chopin |
70009 | WEDDING.ZIP | 12875 | 22.10.1995 | - | 21832/POWER_DUKE.bin | - | Wedding Day at Troldhaugen Grieg |
70040 | WHILE.ZIP | 1485 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Music for a While Purcell |
70406 | YOUMAKE.ZIP | 127117 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | - You Make Me Feel - For SbAwe32. Includes MID-Song,Soundbank & Patchnames. By Mirò |
70442 | ZARATUST.ZIP | 7281 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Also Spracht Zaratustra (2001:n teema) Strauss |
70525 | _K.ZIP | 95239 | 12.03.1996 | - | scene.org | tupla | (s3m) ~k by dune/orange |
9243 | _R_FOOL.ARJ | 348,2 kt | 15.06.1999 | - | - | - | "XM: You cant fool love By: Raven / awr Meant to have lyrics but I didnt have time to write any =)" |
9229 | !BCOSMOS.ZIP | 483,9 kt | 28.05.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Beyound The Cosmos Composed by Ile/Ion |
9230 | !C64.ZIP | 483,4 kt | 03.04.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | IT: Sound of the Commodore 64 By Dj.SnuffStyle: C64/Hardcore |
9231 | !DELTREE.ZIP | 422,3 kt | 30.11.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | IT: Deltree By Dj.Snuff |
9232 | !DREAM.ZIP | 339,8 kt | 02.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: I Have a Dream (To Be), by Ile/IP Style: Jungle - Vocals by M.King Jr. |
9233 | !ETERNIT.ZIP | 248,9 kt | 10.02.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Eternity is Past by Ile/KostoStyle: Dance/Club |
9235 | !EXILE.ZIP | 147,9 kt | 02.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Exile of The Dreams, by Ile/IP Style: Melodic hard dance |
9234 | !EXILE98.ZIP | 437,9 kt | 28.05.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | "XM: Exile of The Dreams98 by Ile/Ionic" |
9236 | !FUTURE.ZIP | 265,5 kt | 28.05.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | "XM: Flow To The Future by Ile/Ionic Style: Mellow drumnbass" |
9237 | !GETHIGH.ZIP | 344,6 kt | 02.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Get a High (Move It Up!) By Ile/IP Style: Happy HC/Rave - includes vocals |
9238 | !INRLOOP.ZIP | 309,2 kt | 10.02.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Innerloop by Ile/KostoStyle: Dance |
9239 | !ISLAND.ZIP | 117,6 kt | 02.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Island of Mists, by Ile/IP Style: Jungle |
9240 | !JUMPONF.ZIP | 188,3 kt | 10.02.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Jump on Floor by Ile/KostoStyle: Hardtrance (inc. vocals) |
9241 | !LNGTIME.ZIP | 206 kt | 17.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Long Time Ago, Ile/IP |
9242 | !REJECT.ZIP | 307,6 kt | 02.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Reject (Remix), by Ile/IP Style: Jungle/Electro (?) |
9244 | !SOFTEN.ZIP | 208,2 kt | 02.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Soften My Reality, by Ile/IP Style: Dreamhouse/Trance |
9245 | !SOULKP.ZIP | 219,9 kt | 02.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Soul Keeper, by Ile/IP Style: Heavy/death metal Includes lame vocals |
9246 | !SPHERE.ZIP | 387,6 kt | 28.05.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Inside a Sphere by Ile/Ionic Style: Goa/trance |
9247 | !TERROR.ZIP | 199,4 kt | 28.05.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Ultra-Sonic Terror HC by Ile/Ionic Style: Terror HC |
9248 | !VISION.ZIP | 307,7 kt | 02.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Misty Vision, by Ile/IP Style: Jungle |
60042 | #MN_RTRH.ZIP | 143062 | 17.11.1996 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | S3M: Rave There Rave Here HiiHoo! Rave by MeNtAl/DataKraft Realities |
60043 | #MN_TRIP.ZIP | 268045 | 17.11.1996 | renamed | archive.org, modit/arkisto.zip | - | S3M: Trip Through the Melodyland Melodic techno by MeNtAl/DK Realities |
60046 | 0-03MIX.ZIP | 40627 | 12.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | XM: 0-03 (happy mix) by PulP/Ural13 Style: Happy Acid |
60047 | 0-ZERO.ZIP | 81112 | 12.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: Zero By Juho / Artificial People |
60048 | 00320.ZIP | 61227 | 09.09.1996 | - | scene.org | tupla | MOD: 00320 Helsinki by Jaffa / Static made for: assembly 4channel compo style: acidtekno |
60049 | 00ENJOY.ZIP | 37727 | 09.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: Enjoy by Jogeir Liljedahl |
60050 | 00NONAME.ZIP | 80788 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: NoName by Jogeir Liljedahl |
60069 | 0E8O0.ZIP | 76488 | 12.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 0E8O0 by BigLupu / Ural 13 Style: Tekno. |
60070 | 0PERATIO.ZIP | 99764 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: Operation 13 by Blizzard/Epical |
60072 | 1-TRANCE.ZIP | 170024 | 14.10.1995 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: First trance Juho / Artificial People |
60071 | 1#COSMIC.ZIP | 129542 | 31.08.1996 | - | - | - | XM: 1st Cosmic by Ile/Ip. "Uniteknoa" |
60074 | 100-YARD.ZIP | 64802 | 12.03.1996 | renamed | 7504/freedom.zip | - | (mod) 100-yard dash by Dr.Awesome |
60076 | 100YARDD.ZIP | 64810 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 100yarddash by dr.awesome/crusaders |
60077 | 101.ZIP | 129333 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 101 Percent proof By: u4ia/megawatts |
60078 | 1081SPEA.ZIP | 54785 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 1081-Speakerbuster |
60079 | 10KBLUR.ZIP | 4768 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 10kblur By: DJ (deathjester) |
60081 | 110.ZIP | 60027 | 27.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 110 (7:48) BigLupu / Ural 13 (acid house) |
60083 | 11NOTESD.ZIP | 95318 | 09.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: 11 notes on sand By: Heatbeat/Carillon |
60084 | 11NOTESO.ZIP | 93051 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 11 Notes on Sand by Heatbeat |
60085 | 12FEETOF.ZIP | 137580 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | S3M: Twelve feet of deepness By: Finn/VLA |
60086 | 12TH.ZIP | 97806 | 12.02.1996 | - | 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img | - | MOD: 12th Warrior By dr.awesome |
60087 | 12THWARR.ZIP | 96366 | 12.12.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | tupla | Mod:12th Warrior by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
60100 | 15K.ZIP | 8254 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 15k boogie By: u4ia from megawatts CHANNELS 4 |
60101 | 15MINUTE.ZIP | 170339 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | S3M: 15 Minute Shit - Necros/PM CHANNELS 8 |
60116 | 16BEATBO.ZIP | 76583 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | tupla | MOD: 16 beat bounce CHANNELS 4 |
60119 | 1942.ZIP | 5391 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) 1942 by Lizardking & Some1 |
60121 | 1989.ZIP | 131000 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 1989 Channels: 4 |
60122 | 1992.ZIP | 111353 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 1992 By: u4ia of megawatts |
60123 | 1993.ZIP | 111902 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 1993 By: u4ia by megawatts (4 channels) |
60125 | 1994AYEA.ZIP | 18989 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 1994 a year By: MooG/InFiNy Channels: 4 |
60126 | 1995SONO.ZIP | 710184 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 1995 |
60134 | 1ST-C.ZIP | 148187 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: 1st Christmas By: Lord Jon Ray |
60137 | 1STBOATR.ZIP | 73996 | 12.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The first boating trip Falcon/Artificial People |
60139 | 1STHARDC.ZIP | 100740 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 1st_Hardcore By: terrorizer/partek Channels: 4 |
60140 | 1TENSE.ZIP | 861616 | 24.03.1995 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | tupla | S3M: Tense-kokoelma (9 biisiä) tOOga/tAAt |
60145 | 2010.ZIP | 106727 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: VCC+GIGICAR 1989 !! By: Blackstar and Trixal Channels: 4 |
60146 | 205SOULS.ZIP | 165890 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 205 soul street By: the Weasel Channels: 4 |
60152 | 24.ZIP | 80187 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 24,000 miles By: Hollywood + Jukebox Channels: 4 |
60156 | 264694.ZIP | 180932 | 02.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M 264694 Bytes tune Soft techno by Mallard -96- |
60157 | 2BEFIXED.ZIP | 178869 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: To Be Fixed By: Phoenix[Kosmic] Channels: 12 |
60158 | 2CONTROL.ZIP | 12706 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 2Control by Ec-Rider / Alcatraz |
60159 | 2CUTE4U.ZIP | 3877 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 2cute4u By: Hollywood/je7$e7 Channels: 4 |
60160 | 2DEEP.ZIP | 175383 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: 2deep By: Kosmic/KFMF Channels: 16 |
60161 | 2FAST4U.ZIP | 31444 | 24.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 2fast4u by nutcase/balance |
60162 | 2LIMITED.ZIP | 172487 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: " 2 Limited " By: d-Zire/doodles! Channels: 10 |
60163 | 2ND_PM.ZIP | 430312 | 22.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | S3M: Unreal II Purple Motion/Future Crew |
60164 | 2ND_SKAV.ZIP | 281966 | 22.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | S3M: Unreal II - The 2nd Reality Skaven/Future Crew |
60165 | 2SMART4U.ZIP | 96348 | 16.03.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) 2 Smart 4 U by Betrayer, Heavy Metal |
60166 | 2T2_SADW.ZIP | 295333 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: A sad world we live in |
60167 | 2UNTALEN.ZIP | 166414 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 2 Untalented - Tekijää ei tiedetä. |
60168 | 3-TRANCE.ZIP | 117724 | 14.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Third trance Juho / Artificial People |
60170 | 300_AD.ZIP | 180010 | 05.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: 300AD By Jugger of HelplessCoders |
60176 | 387DEGRE.ZIP | 91152 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 38.7 degrees By: tip / Phenomena Channels: 4 |
60185 | 3DDEMOII.ZIP | 159608 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 3d-demo-ii theme By: Mad Freak Channels: 4 |
60186 | 3DDEMOTU.ZIP | 88878 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 3d demo tune(mf) By: Mad Freak Channels: 4 |
60198 | 3L-APOC.ZIP | 113806 | 18.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Apocalypse Eternal By D-Lusion/3Logic |
60199 | 3L-BASS.ZIP | 80898 | 18.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Iiiiit's Funky Time!!! imj / 3Logic |
60200 | 3L-DARK.ZIP | 272613 | 18.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: DarkCity tk / 3Logic |
60201 | 3L-EXPE.ZIP | 22901 | 18.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The most Xpensive thing... imj / 3Logic |
60202 | 3L-FLIER.ZIP | 66385 | 18.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Flier imj / 3Logic |
60203 | 3L-FLOAT.ZIP | 125940 | 18.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Floating Sky by D-Lusion/3Logic |
60204 | 3L-HASSU.ZIP | 46277 | 18.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Happy Day of A Cloud(???) imj / 3logic |
60205 | 3L-JUNGL.ZIP | 96917 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Deep in the Jungle By D-lusion/3Logic |
60206 | 3L-MADM.ZIP | 99489 | 18.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mad Max - RoadWarrior imj / 3Logic |
60207 | 3L-MIG.ZIP | 244754 | 18.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mighty Techno Strike imj / 3Logic |
60208 | 3L-REACH.ZIP | 245284 | 18.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Reach for the Stars by D-Lusion/3Logic |
60212 | 3RDWORLD.ZIP | 222947 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 3rd world By: Johan Alpmar Channels: 4 |
60220 | 3X.ZIP | 261599 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (s3m) (√3x²)ⁿ by 99/Orange |
60245 | 4_MACHIN.ZIP | 107812 | 07.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Machines (4:36) Free Visions Track 01 |
60221 | 4-MATMAD.ZIP | 74866 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) 4-Mats Madness by 4-Mat |
60222 | 4-MATS1.ZIP | 22385 | 12.03.1996 | - | - | - | (mod) 4-Mats 1 by 4-Mat |
60232 | 4EVER.ZIP | 208343 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Forever by Sojagga. |
60236 | 4MAT_REB.ZIP | 8343 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: REBELS!!! By: 4Mat of Anarchy Channels: 4 |
60234 | 4MAT-XI.ZIP | 14541 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 4-mat xi By: 4-mat of Anarchy Channels: 4 |
60235 | 4MAT.ZIP | 6507 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 4mat By: 4Mat of Anarchy Channels: 4 |
60241 | 4TH.ZIP | 59473 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ULT: 4th Dimension By: Krystall / Astek |
60242 | 4THINC.ZIP | 453818 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: 4th in C By: Cybelius Channels: 10 |
60254 | 5_LOCALT.ZIP | 173907 | 07.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Local Traffic (5:30) Free Visions Track 02 |
60246 | 52.ZIP | 156491 | 20.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 52 DJ Siili |
60251 | 5DOLLARS.ZIP | 66056 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 5 dollars By: Breeze / CC&CI Channels: 8 |
60252 | 5MYRORAR.ZIP | 6878 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 5_myror_ar_fler_an By: Loxley/Equin0x Channels: 4 |
60253 | 5TH-AURO.ZIP | 142250 | 31.08.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | Aurora - A some kind of ambient & jazz fusion song. By 5th Note (.XM) |
60264 | 6_ARRIVE.ZIP | 147695 | 07.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Arrive (5:08) Free Visions Track 03 |
60261 | 69D00D.ZIP | 175215 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 69,d00d! By: Beanius Channels: 4 |
60262 | 6BEAT.ZIP | 50737 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) 6Beat by 4-Mat |
60266 | 70SREPRI.ZIP | 32859 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) 70s Reprise By Audiomonster |
60267 | 70SSHAKE.ZIP | 141708 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 70's shake! By: b.i.t. / eon Channels: 4 |
60268 | 711THEME.LHA | 236496 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (MOD) Deetail/Zenon : 7-eleven-theme.edit |
60269 | 74.ZIP | 194685 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: 74 by Hazard |
60270 | 74EASY.ZIP | 59475 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 74 Easy By: The Pool Room Channels: 4 |
60277 | 7SECONDS.ZIP | 250570 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: 7 Seconds |
60281 | 7X.ZIP | 42509 | 12.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 7X by BigLupu / Ural 13, Style: House |
60292 | 95-RAVES.ZIP | 479820 | 17.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: RaveBusters 95-Raver's MegaMix |
60309 | 96MMIX2.ZIP | 332520 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: MegaMix II by Plug/IRD. |
60310 | 975.ZIP | 79699 | 20.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 975 DJ Siili |
61146 | A_SPC.ZIP | 183524 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: A by Spacey. |
60319 | A-OLDFON.ZIP | 131468 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Some of dat ol' fonk by Griffin/FTS |
60340 | A94FINAL.ZIP | 267891 | 26.04.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Deep in her Eyes by Skaven/FC |
60341 | A95INV.ZIP | 145399 | 26.04.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | eritupla | S3M: He Has No Face by Skaven/FC |
60342 | A96MAJOR.LHA | 524409 | 12.12.1996 | repacked | scene.org | tupla | MOD: Red Man in Space by Major / Bombsuqad. Winner of Assembly '96 4ch compo. |
60349 | AB-ROBOT.ZIP | 522647 | 15.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Robotiko Rejekto by DJ Psyko. |
60350 | AB-TAKE.ZIP | 148226 | 15.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Take A Chance by DJ Psyko. |
60354 | ABC.ZIP | 149031 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | STM: Aye Bee See's by C.C. |
60359 | ABIDJAHN.ZIP | 36407 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Abidjahn Tata-le-na by Heatbeat/Carillon |
60361 | ABOVEGRO.ZIP | 84388 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Above-ground by Maruku Buranu/Megawatts |
60362 | ABOVEMYH.ZIP | 137075 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Above my head |
60364 | ABRAHAM.ZIP | 132663 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Abraham by Edge/EMF |
60369 | ABS_FRVR.ZIP | 96592 | 27.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | some kind of acid(hah!). by fLOPPY/ABS |
60370 | ABS_MLDW.ZIP | 159717 | 27.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | experimental music by fLOPPY/ABS some samples ripped from crusader:no remorse. |
60371 | ABS_SNST.ZIP | 97146 | 27.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | experimental music by fLOPPY/ABS |
60372 | ABS_TRNC.ZIP | 118362 | 27.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | style:trance,of course.by floppy/abs |
60373 | ABUNDANC.ZIP | 143356 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Abundance of Sacrifice by Liam the Lemming |
60374 | ABYSS.ZIP | 46136 | 05.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Abyss (3:47) Manhunter/Oxylon (trance) |
60446 | AC_CHOIR.ZIP | 562375 | 02.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Choirs of Revival by Acidlord/Drone. Style: Hardtrance, length: 6.28. |
60447 | AC_VEXP.ZIP | 447536 | 02.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Voodoo Experience by Acidlord / Drone Style: Acid, length: 6:10. |
60375 | AC.ZIP | 194596 | 20.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The Antichrist (deathmetal) Corpse |
60376 | AC10WN1N.ZIP | 130967 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Clown in the Moon by Scolgraq/Gollum |
60377 | AC1573.ZIP | 148248 | 08.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: AC1573 (5:55) BigLupu / Ural 13 (acid house) Date: 7.10.1995 |
60378 | ACALLTOD.ZIP | 153054 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A call today by Clawz/Complex |
60379 | ACALYPSE.ZIP | 79104 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Apocalypse by Jesper Kyd/Silents |
60382 | ACC.ZIP | 70930 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Accession-theme |
60383 | ACCUTANE.ZIP | 66035 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Accutane by The Finn |
60385 | ACEN!.ZIP | 331376 | 29.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Randall // suburban Acen!.mod |
60386 | ACEONASP.ZIP | 71897 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ace on a spring by Stefan Winterstein. |
60387 | ACESSHIG.ZIP | 173998 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Aces High by Bkh and Nhp/Anarchy |
60406 | ACIDBRK.ZIP | 88313 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dry Acid Break by PsychoTron/PostMortem |
60407 | ACIDICK.ZIP | 147844 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:acidick by naksahtaja/jormas |
60408 | ACIDIOUS.ZIP | 57529 | 23.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Acidious Juho/Artificial People |
60409 | ACIDJA22.ZIP | 144453 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Acid Jazz - Part 22 by Nuke/Anarchy |
60410 | ACIDJAZ1.ZIP | 128239 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Acid Jazz - Part 1 by Nuke/Anarchy |
60411 | ACIDJAZZ.ZIP | 133138 | 26.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Acid Jazz by Nuke/Anarchy |
60412 | ACIIIIID.ZIP | 126523 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Aciiiiid by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
60413 | ACITYATN.ZIP | 114623 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A City at Night by 4-mat/Anarchy |
60415 | ACLOUD.ZIP | 64262 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M<8>: "Analog Cloud" - Krystall / Astek |
60416 | ACN_HERE.ZIP | 132613 | 09.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: I'm Here Acen/Teflon |
60417 | ACOUSTIC.ZIP | 112601 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Acoustic |
60418 | ACPHILUZ.ZIP | 145126 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Acidophiluz (4:10) by Maza/Accession |
60421 | ACT.ZIP | 57597 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Act of Impulse (4:25) by Mantronix and Tip/Phenomena |
60426 | ACTION1.ZIP | 41523 | 12.03.1996 | - | - | - | (mod) Action-1(s1) by Heatbeat |
60427 | ACTION1S.ZIP | 41395 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Action-1 by Heatbeat/Carillion |
60428 | ACTIONFO.ZIP | 94704 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Action for You by Tracker |
60429 | ACTIONON.ZIP | 54910 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Action on the Street |
60430 | ACTIVITY.ZIP | 64535 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | SM: Activity by Lämpö. - Duration: 00:06:12 - Style: Techno |
60433 | ACTOFIMP.ZIP | 57138 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Act of Impulse by Mantroix and Tip / Phenomena |
60479 | AD_THWAR.ZIP | 166616 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The War by Audiomonster/Melon |
60460 | ADDICTIO.ZIP | 56016 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Addiction by Noiseless |
60461 | ADDICTIV.ZIP | 45781 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Addictive by Antta A. Mikkonen / Crystal Notes |
60462 | ADDITION.LHA | 232326 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | 76 new tunes for PLAYSID lisaa C64:n SID-musiikkeja Amigalle |
60472 | ADRENALI.ZIP | 222210 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Adrenalin by Trash/Enigma |
60473 | ADRENOCH.ZIP | 154844 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Adrenochrome |
60474 | ADVANCED.ZIP | 90684 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Advanced Part 2 by Jaywalk/Humane |
60477 | ADVENTTI.LHA | 110749 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 1.Adventtisunnuntai ..... (Yzi&Buzzer/Zenon) |
60485 | AEROBICS.ZIP | 45894 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Aerobics by Slide/Aero |
60486 | AERODROM.ZIP | 139530 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Aerodrome by 16-beat |
60487 | AEROSTAT.ZIP | 43486 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Aerostatic (3:37) |
60489 | AFFAIR.ZIP | 44469 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Affair (1:19) |
60490 | AFINALHY.ZIP | 128428 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Final Hyperbase by Tip and Firefox/PHA |
60493 | AFRIK909.ZIP | 77003 | 12.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Afrika909 by PulP / Ural 13, Style: Tekno House, length: 6.13. |
60496 | AFTERSHO.ZIP | 262537 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Aftershock by Sidewinder/Megawatts |
60498 | AFTRMATH.ZIP | 54208 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Aftermath by Pandemonium. |
60514 | AGL-OUTS.LHA | 110079 | 31.08.1996 | - | - | - | Asm'96 4ch module (non qualified) By: Angel / sensible ^ aP Name: Outstrip |
60515 | AGL-SMRX.ZIP | 176379 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod: (4ch) Sammakko-RemiX By: Angel / Sensible ^ Artificial People Style: Dance pop |
60516 | AGONIZED.ZIP | 130644 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Agonized mind by Ash/Vixen |
60517 | AGONYTEC.ZIP | 123210 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Agony Techno Remix by Psychotron/PTM |
60527 | AGTECHNO.ZIP | 130354 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A.G.Techno by Time Guardian/Paradise |
60530 | AHA.ZIP | 787969 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Asm96 multichannel compo (nonqualified) Anti-Hero Anthology |
60536 | AHASHINE.ZIP | 6711 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Aha.Shines on TV by Bernard Sumner/LSD |
60538 | AHISCORE.ZIP | 30596 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A_Hiscore (0:57) |
60539 | AHOYREMI.ZIP | 30292 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ahoy -remix 94 by Vinyl/Mindprobe |
60541 | AINULIND.ZIP | 121123 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ainulindale by Breeze/Capacala |
60542 | AIOBOETE.ZIP | 92033 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ai Oboeteimasuka by Hikaru |
60543 | AIRDUEL.ZIP | 60760 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Air-duel by Moby |
60544 | AIRLINEM.ZIP | 100501 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Airline.memcut by DENS Desing Norway |
60546 | AIRWOLF.ZIP | 104825 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Airwolf |
60547 | AIRY.ZIP | 102724 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Airy (2:11) |
60554 | AKALAILA.ZIP | 4243 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Akalaila by Moog/Infiny |
60556 | AKINDOFL.ZIP | 177575 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Kind of Love by Zulu&Grey/Rebels |
60560 | AKROBATI.ZIP | 14220 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Akrobatiaa |
60564 | ALACAZAB.ZIP | 283686 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: alacazabra by SideWinder/Megawatts |
60566 | ALAHLA.ZIP | 74373 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Alhala by Nico/Darkness |
60567 | ALAKSAVA.ZIP | 139889 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Al a'ksava! by Groo |
60569 | ALANOISE.ZIP | 197189 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: a'la.noise.tekkno by Weird Science |
60570 | ALANSBEL.ZIP | 249707 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: alan's belief by Alan Parker |
60582 | ALCHASE.ZIP | 183696 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Alchase by Smudger/MC. |
60585 | ALCOHOLI.ZIP | 74116 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Alcoholic score (4:50) by Audiomonster |
60589 | ALEKSIS.ZIP | 130354 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Aleksis kivi by Groo |
60590 | ALERT.ZIP | 77380 | 17.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rave Alert Dr Zach |
60602 | ALGO.ZIP | 59241 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Algorithm crash ntr |
60612 | ALIENS4.ZIP | 410551 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Aliens 4 |
60614 | ALIVEAND.ZIP | 7064 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Alive and kicking by Hollywood/Jetset |
60618 | ALLISLST.ZIP | 176156 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: When All is Lost |
60619 | ALLTIDPU.ZIP | 6701 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Alltid pucko by Somel and Prime |
60620 | ALLWEARE.ZIP | 42230 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: All we are mad! by Mad Max/KTS |
60625 | ALONE.ZIP | 80747 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Alone by Heatbeat/BBB |
60626 | ALONGGOO.ZIP | 25473 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Long Goodbye |
60628 | ALPHAQST.ZIP | 130026 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Alpha Quest I by Akintunde Omitowoju / Akinternal |
60629 | ALPHAVIL.ZIP | 55064 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Alphaville |
60631 | ALSO.ZIP | 149754 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: a.l.s.o. by Sqd of TFA/Ground0 |
60632 | ALTERRAI.ZIP | 271488 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:Alterraid Dune/Orange |
60634 | ALTITUDE.ZIP | 44283 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Altitude 2 (2:33) by Moby |
60635 | ALTSAMBA.ZIP | 113029 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Alternative Samba by Dizzy/CNCD |
60637 | ALUCINEI.ZIP | 149836 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: alucine II by Sace2 |
60641 | ALVAUSAK.ZIP | 84181 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Alca USA Kicknose by Whiplash/TBR |
60647 | AMANANDH.ZIP | 56037 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Man and His Piano by T.U.S.C. |
60648 | AMANTI.ZIP | 14043 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Another man by 99/Orange |
60649 | AMATEUR.ZIP | 232352 | 25.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Amateur tonic/Y |
60650 | AMATZON.ZIP | 319257 | 25.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Soul of Amatzon by Tumi (with nice rythms!) |
60651 | AMAZE.ZIP | 101589 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Shape it down! |
60653 | AMAZEOF.ZIP | 79844 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Amaze of music by LoUdspeak/X-ByTes Gamemusic.. |
60654 | AMAZONAS.ZIP | 108158 | 06.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Amazonas by Skaven/FC |
60658 | AMBIENTP.ZIP | 192423 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ambient Power by Vogue/Triton |
60659 | AMBITION.ZIP | 444080 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Ambition.xm is music for relaxing..20 channels used.Composed by: Fracer |
60675 | AMIGADOS.ZIP | 216422 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Amigados! |
60676 | AMIGATRE.ZIP | 195591 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Amiga Trek - Star Trek TNG Remix |
60687 | AMONGTHE.ZIP | 150351 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Among the Living by Odie |
60689 | AMP.ZIP | 181630 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Amplifier! by DJ Aatu/Hillware |
60702 | ANALOGCL.ZIP | 64124 | 06.05.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Analogy Cloud by Krystall/Astek |
60703 | ANARCHY.ZIP | 4930 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Anarchy menu 1.0 by 4-Mat |
60704 | ANARCHYI.ZIP | 10920 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Anarchy-Intro 2001 by Hydra/Anarchy |
60705 | ANARCHYL.ZIP | 34844 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Anarchy-loader by Jester/Sanity |
60706 | ANARCHYM.ZIP | 132768 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Anarchy-main by Jester/Sanity |
60707 | ANARCHYO.ZIP | 127697 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Anarchy Octaves by Motion/Balance |
60708 | ANARME10.ZIP | 4791 | 06.05.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: A10 by4-mat/Anarchy |
60709 | ANARMEN1.ZIP | 4392 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: AN1 by 4-mat/Anarchy |
60710 | ANARMEN2.ZIP | 3336 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: AN2 by 4-mat/Anarchy |
60711 | ANARMEN3.ZIP | 8618 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: AN3 by 4-mat/Anarchy |
60712 | ANARMEN4.ZIP | 5215 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: AN4 by 4-mat/Anarchy |
60713 | ANARMEN5.ZIP | 8943 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: AN5 by 4-mat/Anarchy |
60714 | ANARMEN6.ZIP | 2954 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: AN6 by 4-mat/Anarchy |
60715 | ANARMEN8.ZIP | 1145 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: AN8 by 4-mat/Anarchy |
60716 | ANARMEN9.ZIP | 2220 | 06.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: AN9 by 4-mat/Anarchy |
60725 | ANCIENTS.ZIP | 16106 | 09.05.1996 | - | MBCD | eritupla | MOD: Ancient Spirits by Svolkraq/Gollum |
60727 | AND-RW45.ZIP | 27246 | 17.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Palle's Theme 2 Jester/Sanity |
60728 | ANDANTE.ZIP | 78616 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Andante by Dr. Awesome |
60729 | ANDROID.ZIP | 150332 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Android Dreams by The REW/Nostalgia |
60730 | ANDROMED.ZIP | 70022 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Andromeda_DOS.Part2 by Lord Interface/ADR |
60731 | ANETTE.ZIP | 229074 | 09.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | tupla | (mod) Anette by Heatbeat |
60732 | ANETTE2.ZIP | 75410 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Anette II Rulez by Heatbeat/Rebels |
60733 | ANETTEII.ZIP | 75530 | 12.03.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | (mod) Anette 2 by Heatbeat |
60734 | ANEWJACK.ZIP | 123183 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A New Jack Thing by Kookai/Liquid |
60736 | ANGEL.ZIP | 274064 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Sudden Impact by Clawz/Impact |
60737 | ANGELDUS.ZIP | 49957 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Angeldust by Zoltar/Advance |
60739 | ANGELSTO.ZIP | 6754 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Angel's touch by Hydra/Anarchy |
60740 | ANGRYBEA.ZIP | 152478 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Angry beat by Miika Kuisma |
60743 | ANIGHTIN.ZIP | 170485 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Night in Tunesia by The Weasel |
60744 | ANIMAL.ZIP | 188851 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Works Like An Animal by Tau |
60747 | ANIMOTIO.ZIP | 84251 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Animotion by Tip/Phenomena and Mantronix/Razor1911 |
60750 | ANINTROT.ZIP | 80683 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: An Intro Tune? by Breeze/Capacala |
60753 | ANNIKA.ZIP | 131923 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Annika by Heatbeat |
60754 | ANNOUNC.ZIP | 116882 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Announce by Julius/Lemon |
60755 | ANNOUNCE.ZIP | 7141 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Announcement by D-Zire/Doodles |
60756 | ANOTHERD.ZIP | 229052 | 09.05.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Another Day by Big Jim/Valhalla/FM |
60757 | ANOTHERS.ZIP | 10688 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Another Ship Toon by Facet/Anarchy |
60759 | ANTARCTI.ZIP | 26698 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ULT: Antarctic Winds by Krystall |
60760 | ANTARES.ZIP | 167056 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Approaching Antares by Svolkraq/Gollum |
60762 | ANTHEMOF.ZIP | 153069 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Anthem of Techno by DTC |
60765 | ANTI-PS.ZIP | 41541 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Anti puppet-show by Emil Hansen |
60766 | ANTI-RAZ.ZIP | 82169 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Anti-Razist by Claas (4 ch, techno) |
60769 | ANTIMATT.ZIP | 224324 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Antimatter by Basehead/KLF |
60770 | ANTMARCH.ZIP | 134040 | 29.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: March of Ants Resolution |
60774 | ANUNREAL.ZIP | 61791 | 29.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: An Unreal Mental Floss |
60776 | ANVILCHO.ZIP | 72166 | 10.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Anvil Chorus by Mantronix/Razor1911 |
60792 | AOR_INNR.ZIP | 131371 | 10.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Groovy Thing by Moby |
60793 | AOR_RW45.ZIP | 27250 | 10.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Palle's Theme2 by Jester/Sanity |
60794 | AOR_SIGN.ZIP | 43944 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Got to be Funky by Dice/Kefrens |
60795 | AOR_STUD.ZIP | 72156 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Wisped by Hollywood/Freestyle |
60784 | AOR#BOR1.ZIP | 1384418 | 12.02.1996 | koko¹ | ratsnest2.iso | - | All music from musicdisk BORDERLINE by THEJORMAS & SUBURBANBASE tunes by: RANDALL & VARIOUS JORMAS MEMBERS |
60811 | APFELSAF.ZIP | 69849 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Apelsaft for the Bong by PsychoTron / Post Mortem |
60815 | APLACEIK.ZIP | 39282 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:A Place I Know Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
60819 | APOCALY.ZIP | 45827 | 17.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Apocalyptic Interference Tense |
60820 | APOCALYP.ZIP | 93645 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Apocalypse By Audiomonster |
60822 | APOLLO95.ZIP | 255494 | 26.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Apollo 95 Abyss |
60823 | APPEAREA.ZIP | 65806 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Appearances |
60824 | APPRCH.ZIP | 51215 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Approaching Composed by Lämpö Style : Electronic |
60825 | APRIKOOS.ZIP | 150527 | 09.09.1996 | - | - | - | Jaffa / Static - A P R I K O O S I - Made for green buddhas palace musicompo #2 type: S3M style: Heavy Metal |
60826 | APROJECT.ZIP | 73769 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Project14 by Noiseless |
60828 | APULSING.ZIP | 216892 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: A Pulsing Sensation by Protest |
60829 | APUV_MEG.ZIP | 332707 | 10.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Apuva-megamix by Captain/Dance Nation |
60830 | AQPEOPLE.ZIP | 172634 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Aquarium People by Heatbeat |
60831 | AQUA.ZIP | 74673 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Aquarius by Hollywood/Axis |
60832 | AQUAPHOB.ZIP | 127327 | 09.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | eritupla | S3M: Aquaphobia by Purple Motion/FC |
60834 | AQUARIOU.ZIP | 75961 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Aquarious by Mystical/Purple |
60835 | AQUARIUM.ZIP | 171572 | 12.12.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | eritupla | MOD: Aquarium People by Heatbeat. |
60874 | ARAKORNI.ZIP | 102244 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Arakornis tune from tAE |
60879 | ARCADIA.ZIP | 215222 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Arcadia by Necros |
60895 | AREALITY.ZIP | 125788 | 10.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Artificial Reality by Remedy / CoD (dance) |
60898 | ARIOS2.ZIP | 38601 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: arios.sys by Arios |
60904 | ARKHAMAS.ZIP | 119541 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Arkham Asylum by Moby |
60905 | ARMAG.ARJ | 386091 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Armageddon by TuomasYK alias Mulder |
60906 | ARMANI.ZIP | 7307 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Armani Showers by Edge/EMF |
60908 | ARMSVED.ZIP | 230858 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Swamp thing by MedaDunk/Armsved Productions |
60909 | ARNESUNE.ZIP | 7673 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Arnesune by D-Zire/Silents |
60918 | ARTE1.ZIP | 87753 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Arte(1) by Moby/Sanity |
60919 | ARTE2.ZIP | 151130 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Arte(2) by Moby/Sanity |
60920 | ARTE3.ZIP | 96029 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Arte(3) by Moby/Sanity |
60921 | ARTIFICI.ZIP | 78212 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Artificial by Moby |
60922 | ARTLINE1.ZIP | 154385 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Artline 1000 by Motion/Balance |
60923 | ARTO.ZIP | 273700 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M - Pohjasakka by Kale/Mg |
60924 | ARTOFCHR.ZIP | 179775 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Art of Chrome by Lizardking/Triton |
60925 | ARVIDS.ZIP | 74050 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Arvids Fredag |
60941 | ASBEREVO.LHA | 69498 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Asbestos Revolution ......... (Buzzer/Zenon) |
60944 | ASCENT.ZIP | 556495 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ascent of the cloud eagle by Necros |
60947 | ASHADEIN.ZIP | 327465 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Shade in Waiting by Fash |
60975 | ASOLIDBR.ZIP | 30534 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Solid Breakfast |
60980 | ASPRINGP.ZIP | 143911 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Spring postcard by Reflex/Movement |
60981 | ASQUAS.ZIP | 14866 | 09.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: As Quick as... by Salomon |
60987 | ASSEMBLY.ZIP | 82142 | 09.05.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Assembly94 Invitation by Purple Motion/FC |
60988 | ASSIDGE1.ZIP | 1208424 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Cybelius presents "ASSIDGE" album - 1/2 |
60989 | ASSIDGE2.ZIP | 1080013 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Cybelius presents "ASSIDGE" album - 2/2 |
61003 | AST-INHM.ZIP | 68075 | 15.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Infarmonious minds by Astral/ Bmo. Style: House. |
61004 | AST-SHDD.ZIP | 144683 | 15.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Shaded by aStral / BMO. |
61005 | AST-SIKE.ZIP | 3098 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: IhanSike 1 chipsong! by Astral (Vade) / BMO. |
61008 | ASTRALCR.ZIP | 98534 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Astral Crusade by Heatbeat/Byterapers |
61009 | ASTRALTR.ZIP | 182647 | 24.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Astral_Trip |
61010 | ASTRANGE.ZIP | 103568 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: A Strange Vision by Mystical/Purple |
61012 | ASTRO2.ZIP | 189606 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Astronauts Requiem |
61025 | ATBRILLE.ZIP | 34105 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: At-Brillere |
61033 | ATHOUGHT.ARJ | 169065 | 27.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (S3M)ZaStar: Another Night Of Thought 16 channels. Hieno slovari. |
61042 | ATLANTIC.ZIP | 339878 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PTM: Atlantic Blue by The REW/Nostalgia |
61049 | ATMOD.ZIP | 316965 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: at.mod |
61050 | ATMOSPHE.ZIP | 102479 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Atmosphere by Lämpö. - Style: Minimal techno - Channels: 10. |
61053 | ATOMHENG.ZIP | 4427 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Atom Henge |
61054 | ATOMIC2.ZIP | 105366 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Atomic 2 Theme by Leinad/Avalanche |
61055 | ATOMICCY.ZIP | 127566 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Atomic Cyber by Bishop/TT |
61056 | ATOUCGR.ZIP | 141440 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Touch of Green by Delorean |
61057 | ATOUCHOF.ZIP | 82455 | 14.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: A Touch of Spring by Purple Motion/FC |
61058 | ATOXICLE.ZIP | 159847 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Toxic Lemming Xmas |
61064 | ATTACK.ZIP | 89454 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Attack of Turban by Tracolta/Spaceballs |
61066 | ATTITUDE.ZIP | 39323 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Attitude by Nuke/Anarchy |
61067 | ATTRIBTH.ZIP | 306517 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Attributed Horror by Noiseless |
61071 | AUDIUS.ZIP | 81830 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | audius sucimus by nutcase\balance |
61072 | AUDREY.ZIP | 81442 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Audrey |
61073 | AUFWIEDE.ZIP | 131739 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Auf Wiedersehen Monty theme by Liam the Lemming |
61083 | AUTUMN.ZIP | 149770 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Autumn Falcon/Artificial People |
61084 | AUTUMNCL.ZIP | 122879 | 05.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Autumn colours by Gspot of Bandwagon&Recretion - 14CHNL |
61085 | AUTUMNWI.ZIP | 110284 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Autumn winds by Heatbeat / CNCD |
61090 | AVOID.ZIP | 27467 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Avoidtune by Dr. Awesome |
61091 | AVOIDTUN.ZIP | 27023 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | - | Mod:Avoidtune by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
61104 | AWAKENIN.ZIP | 22647 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Awakening by Dr. Awesome |
61105 | AWAKETOD.ZIP | 29341 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Awake to Die! by Nuke/Anarchy |
61119 | AWESOME2.ZIP | 36478 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Awesome2 |
61120 | AWESOME3.ZIP | 36700 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Awesome3 |
61121 | AWESOME4.ZIP | 13821 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Awesome4 |
61122 | AWESOMEI.ZIP | 57917 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Awesome I |
61123 | AWESOMEW.ZIP | 112529 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Awesome Worlds by Nuke/Anarchy |
61124 | AWIGGYKI.ZIP | 73241 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Wiggy kinda song by The Finn |
61131 | AXELF.ZIP | 58264 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Axel F |
61134 | AXLFOLEY.ZIP | 72747 | 13.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Axel Foley Hemix Hemoglobine |
61135 | AXLMOD03.ZIP | 452967 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | AXL MOD Collection |
61141 | AZIMUTH.ZIP | 16521 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Azimuth scan by 99/Orange |
61148 | B-INFNTF.ZIP | 112331 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: infinite finiteness by bruno |
61147 | B&H.ZIP | 71497 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: B&H Music Age by Bee Hunters/Jazz |
61160 | BA-ATLAN.ZIP | 287199 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Atlantis by Blue Adonis/Pure |
61161 | BA-CEASR.ZIP | 403000 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Caesar's Victory by Blue Adonis/Pure |
61162 | BA1.ZIP | 78735 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: BA1ion not available |
61164 | BABYUMAK.ZIP | 74979 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Baby, U make me cry |
61165 | BABYWEAR.ZIP | 154845 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Babywear by Delorean |
61166 | BACH.ZIP | 25327 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: J.S.Bach: Toccata et Fuge in D-minor Classical Organ music |
61168 | BACKFROM.ZIP | 80406 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Back from blue by 4-Mat |
61172 | BACKOFF.ZIP | 220925 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Backoff by Blue Adonis |
61173 | BACKREAL.ZIP | 268982 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Back to the Reality by Tonedeaf/Extreme |
61174 | BACKTOBA.ZIP | 6864 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Back to Basics by D-Zire/Silents |
61175 | BACKTODA.ZIP | 166822 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | back to da past by nutcase\balance |
61176 | BACKTOTH.ZIP | 70840 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Back to the Boots by Mac |
61184 | BAD_MOTI.ZIP | 99409 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Bad Motions by SlaVe/LQS Somekinda heavy.. |
61177 | BADANANA.ZIP | 160554 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Badadananana by Telekids |
61179 | BADGUN.ZIP | 413284 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Bad Gun by Bedlamite/Nation |
61181 | BADON.ZIP | 116849 | 19.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | BADON - A very different S3M by Crux / Magic Riddle. Length 3:19. 10 channels. Ancient keys and asymmetrical times with a breath of mystic medieval air guarantee a unique listening experience... |
61185 | BAGRASTA.ZIP | 139035 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bag Rasta by Nuke/Anarchy |
61186 | BAGTRICK.ZIP | 643465 | 31.08.1996 | koko¹ | ratsnest1.iso | - | XM: Bag of Tricks by Crux / DCC. Winner of the Assembly '96 multichannel competition. |
61187 | BAJS.ZIP | 6971 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bajs by Some1/C.U.M.D. |
61203 | BANANA.ZIP | 223763 | 04.03.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bananasplit by Dizzy/CNCD |
61204 | BANANABO.ZIP | 114623 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Banana Boat by Jogeir Liljedahl |
61205 | BANANAS.ZIP | 66134 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bananas |
61206 | BANANASP.ZIP | 221883 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Banana Split by Dizzy/CNCD |
61207 | BANGINCI.ZIP | 544034 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Banginä Cindy by Vinnie/Spaceballs |
61211 | BAROQUE1.ZIP | 54310 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Baroque1 |
61212 | BAROQUEO.ZIP | 190946 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Baroque Oldfielt by Weasel |
61214 | BASEMENT.ZIP | 49313 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Basement-groove by Kon Wilms |
61215 | BASICINS.ZIP | 108174 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Basic Instinct by Volker Tripp |
61216 | BASICJAM.ZIP | 17535 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Basic Jam Rhythm |
61218 | BASKET.ZIP | 158774 | 04.03.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Basketball by Dr.Awesome |
61219 | BASKETBA.ZIP | 158086 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Basketball by Dr. Awesome |
61224 | BASSBINS.ZIP | 136156 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Watch your bass bin by U4ia/Megawatts |
61225 | BASSFORY.ZIP | 64970 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bass for your face by Cubic/Interactive |
61226 | BASSIC.ZIP | 49667 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bass is Blues by U4ia/Megawatts |
61227 | BASSINY2.ZIP | 66300 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bass in your face2 by Pye/Agoa |
61228 | BASSINYO.ZIP | 67544 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bass in your face! by Pye/Agoa |
61229 | BASSODRU.ZIP | 22284 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bass-o-drums by Dr. Awesome |
61230 | BASSOFBA.ZIP | 188623 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bass of Base by Pauze/Alphaflight |
61234 | BATMANME.ZIP | 175121 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Batman Meets Jester by TdWp |
61235 | BATTERY.ZIP | 86772 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Battery by Betrayer/Paranoia |
61236 | BATTLE!.ZIP | 233380 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Battlefield by Probe/Oxylon. Style : Slow - Length: 4:39. |
61237 | BATTLESQ.ZIP | 142641 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Battle-squadron |
61250 | BBSYMPHO.ZIP | 162617 | 25.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Breakbeat Symphony Juho/Artificial People |
61261 | BCKFBLUE.ZIP | 80008 | 17.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Back from Blue by 4-mat/Anarchy |
61262 | BCKID.ZIP | 112367 | 31.08.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: B.C.KiD MiX By: DJ Make! |
61270 | BD-CHOIR.ZIP | 185048 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Choir in Tunnel by Black Dolphins / Pyramid Style: Trance - Lenght: 1:19 |
61271 | BD-CIRCL.ZIP | 167383 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Choir in Tunnel by Black Dolphins / Pyramid Style: Trance - Lenght: 1:19 |
61272 | BD-DANGE.ZIP | 171571 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Choir in Tunnel by Black Dolphins / Pyramid Style: Trance - Lenght: 1:19 |
61273 | BD-GRIFF.ZIP | 83889 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Choir in Tunnel by Black Dolphins / Pyramid Style: Trance - Lenght: 1:19 |
61274 | BD-MAXER.ZIP | 190422 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Choir in Tunnel by Black Dolphins / Pyramid Style: Trance - Lenght: 1:19 |
61275 | BD-MOUNT.ZIP | 138434 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Choir in Tunnel by Black Dolphins / Pyramid Style: Trance - Lenght: 1:19 |
61276 | BD-OUTER.ZIP | 89754 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Choir in Tunnel by Black Dolphins / Pyramid Style: Trance - Lenght: 1:19 |
61277 | BD-QUICK.ZIP | 76273 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Choir in Tunnel by Black Dolphins / Pyramid Style: Trance - Lenght: 1:19 |
61278 | BD-RIM&R.ZIP | 104077 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Choir in Tunnel by Black Dolphins / Pyramid Style: Trance - Lenght: 1:19 |
61279 | BD-THEDA.ZIP | 136735 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Choir in Tunnel by Black Dolphins / Pyramid Style: Trance - Lenght: 1:19 |
61281 | BDOZER.ZIP | 59265 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Bulldozer by Radiance / Bandwagon. - hardcore/gabba bpm>300 |
61283 | BDTDS.ZIP | 180195 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bdtds by Jester/Sanity |
61285 | BEANSAND.ZIP | 47573 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beand and Rusk by Grubi/BRS |
61286 | BEARISLA.ZIP | 243804 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bear Island by Delorean |
61287 | BEARISLD.ZIP | 244773 | 05.02.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Bear Island By delorean !! |
61288 | BEASTAWA.ZIP | 97642 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beast-away by Brainiac |
61289 | BEASTPL2.ZIP | 57791 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beast-Playtune2 by Jogeir Liljedahl |
61290 | BEASTPL3.ZIP | 60393 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beast-Playtune3 by Jogeir Liljedahl |
61291 | BEASTPL4.ZIP | 50596 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beast-Playtune4 by Jogeir Liljedahl |
61292 | BEASTPL5.ZIP | 69213 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beast-Playtune5 by Jogeir Liljedahl |
61293 | BEATBOXM.ZIP | 151369 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beat Box Mix 1 by T.B.T/Danish Elite |
61294 | BEATHOVE.ZIP | 276045 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beat-hoven by Infernal Noise |
61295 | BEATWAVE.ZIP | 262088 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: BeatWave by Sidewinder |
61312 | BEEB.ZIP | 223246 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Beep in, Beep out by Xenon / Gigamess. |
61314 | BEERSATU.ZIP | 106475 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beer Salami Tuna |
61318 | BEGINNIN.ZIP | 110645 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beginning by Whiplash/TBR |
61319 | BEHIDARK.LHA | 69429 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Behind Dark .................. (Broom/Zenon) |
61320 | BEHIND.ZIP | 5051 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Behind the Walls by Mantronix/Razor 1911 |
61321 | BEHINDTH.ZIP | 75120 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Behind the Mirror by Heatbeat/Rebels. |
61322 | BELEWIAN.ZIP | 80955 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Belewian by Dizzy / CNCD ! |
61323 | BELGIANW.ZIP | 56246 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Belgian Waffle by The Finn |
61325 | BENEATH.ZIP | 115281 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beneath Dignity by Mr. Man/Andromeda |
61326 | BENEATHT.ZIP | 150836 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Beneath the Mask by Chorus & Sid/Jewels |
61343 | BERRYCAP.ZIP | 143510 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | up to the berrycape by nutcase\balance |
61345 | BESTIAL.ZIP | 61649 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Bestial Bass Terror by PsychoTron/Post Mortem |
61350 | BETAMIND.ZIP | 32213 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Betamind |
61351 | BETHEN.ZIP | 73257 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Bethen by HavoC (Rave) |
61352 | BETWEENT.ZIP | 43212 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Between the Tits |
61353 | BEUZ2.ZIP | 84783 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Larvaecence by LeChuck/The Sixth Sense |
61355 | BEYOND20.ZIP | 74168 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beyond-2000 |
61356 | BEYONDCH.ZIP | 214316 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Beyond Chaos by Luv Kohli/Empyrean |
61357 | BEYONDCY.ZIP | 88628 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Beyond Cyberspace |
61358 | BEYONDDR.ZIP | 238227 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beyond Dreams by Sidewinder/Megawatts |
61359 | BEYONDIM.ZIP | 91462 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beyond Imagination |
61360 | BEYONDMU.ZIP | 329507 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beyond Music by Captain/Image |
61361 | BEYONDWE.ZIP | 145435 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beyond Weird III by Jayce/Scoopex |
61395 | BICYKL0P.ZIP | 279033 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bicyklopedia by Heatbeat |
61396 | BIERSTUB.ZIP | 141262 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bierstubentanz by T.U.S.C/Vixen |
61397 | BIGFUN.ZIP | 109359 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bif Fun by Juice |
61398 | BIGINTRO.ZIP | 171191 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Big Intro II |
61400 | BIGTHRON.ZIP | 94958 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Big Throng by Dexter/Interactive |
61402 | BIIZINEN.ZIP | 48167 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Biizinen by Heatbeat |
61404 | BILBO.ZIP | 24706 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bilbo's Bath Song by Breeze/Capacala |
61405 | BILLYBEE.ZIP | 45743 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Billy Bee by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
61406 | BINARY.ZIP | 11883 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Binary Sound by Rez/Eclipse |
61410 | BIOMECH.ZIP | 04.03.1996 | - | scene.org | - | MOD: Biomechanoid by Groo |
61411 | BIOMECHA.ZIP | 284530 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Biomechanoid by Groo/The Black Robes |
61422 | BIRDBIS.ZIP | 72305 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bird Bis |
61425 | BISCUIT.ZIP | 258201 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bisquit tin by F8 |
61429 | BIT_BRAS.ZIP | 60194 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brass-connection by Bit Arts |
61430 | BIT_MOUR.ZIP | 81237 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mourning by Bit Arts |
61426 | BITARTS1.ZIP | 80176 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bit Arts 1 by Bit Arts |
61428 | BITOFEON.ZIP | 296531 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: B.I.T. of Eon |
61434 | BIZ_GFOG.ZIP | 5901 | 29.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | BIZZARRE/OXYLON presents - Green Fog - format:XM (use FT2 to play) |
61432 | BIZARRE.ZIP | 175961 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Distractions by The Black Hand/Nostalgia |
61433 | BIZZAREL.ZIP | 76198 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bizzarre Love Trngl |
61455 | BJ_1ST.ZIP | 89859 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: First Escape by Big Jim/Valhalla |
61456 | BJ_4EVER.ZIP | 216283 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Forever by Big Jim/Valhalla |
61457 | BJ_ADAY.ZIP | 229420 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 'Another Day' Big Jim of Valhalla (MOD) |
61458 | BJ_COLD.ZIP | 112856 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Cold Fear by Big Jim/Valhalla |
61459 | BJ_HANG.ZIP | 111672 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hangover by Big Jim/Valhalla |
61460 | BJ_LAND.ZIP | 230800 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Of a Land Beyond Hope by Big Jim/Valhalla |
61463 | BJ_SMELL.ZIP | 92862 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Smells like Bananas by Big Jim/Valhalla |
61464 | BJ_VTE.ZIP | 234948 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Voyage to Eterniyt by Big Jim/Valhalla |
61435 | BJ-AUTMN.ZIP | 196942 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Autumn Dreams |
61436 | BJ-COLD.ZIP | 113138 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Cold Fear by Big jim |
61437 | BJ-HANG.ZIP | 111921 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hangover (Wake to hell) by Big jim |
61438 | BJ-LAND.ZIP | 232695 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Of a land beyond hope by Big jim |
61452 | BJUV.ZIP | 24521 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bjuv by Mantronix |
61467 | BLACJASK.LHA | 57915 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Black-Jaska Jazz ............ (Buzzer/Zenon) |
61468 | BLACK.ZIP | 109345 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tar-sledge dance |
61469 | BLACKADD.ZIP | 7987 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blackadder by Bernard Sumner/LSD |
61470 | BLACKBIR.ZIP | 124830 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blackbird by Gibson/Extreme |
61471 | BLACKDRE.ZIP | 67954 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blackdreams |
61473 | BLACKMOR.ZIP | 100991 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blackmore |
61474 | BLADERAV.ZIP | 94955 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bladeraver by Bionic/Focus Design |
61477 | BLAME.ZIP | 231056 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flashblame |
61482 | BLASTERA.ZIP | 130598 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blaster Agony by Pye/Agoa |
61483 | BLCK1HRS.ZIP | 280012 | 01.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Black Unicorn (5:55) HEAVYROCK |
61488 | BLEEDING.ZIP | 319392 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bleeding Nose by Mr. Frenzy/Squash |
61489 | BLEEPS!.ZIP | 21616 | 25.08.1995 | - | - | - | XM: Gridle - Bleeps! |
61490 | BLINDINT.ZIP | 109598 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blind Intro by Lizardking/Alcatraz |
61494 | BLOB.ZIP | 85274 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blob by Moby |
61496 | BLOEJOB.ZIP | 76361 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bloe-job |
61497 | BLOKMIG.ZIP | 141956 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blok Fast Speed Mix |
61498 | BLOMMER0.ZIP | 106069 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blommer-06 by M.Sigaard |
61499 | BLOOD.ZIP | 254361 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Like the Blood... by Brian Caos |
61500 | BLOODMON.ZIP | 14212 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bloodmoney |
61501 | BLOODMOO.ZIP | 206237 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bloodmoon |
61502 | BLOODONR.ZIP | 26245 | 04.03.1996 | - | 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-386-Vol-2of3.iso | - | MOD: Blood on the r-top by Dr.Awesome |
61503 | BLOODONT.ZIP | 25151 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blood on the R-top by Dr. Awesome |
61505 | BLOODTHI.ZIP | 171293 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blood Thirst by Bhodi |
61508 | BLOWAWAY.ZIP | 182338 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blowaway by Jugi/Complex |
61509 | BLOWNAWA.ZIP | 81849 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blown away by Arios/Delight |
61510 | BLOWUP.ZIP | 179569 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blow Up by Arios and Feyd/Delight |
61511 | BLOWYANO.ZIP | 119377 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blow Ya Nose by Mad Freak/Anarchy |
61513 | BLR-LOVE.ZIP | 700643 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Love Machine by Blaze Runner/PURE |
61514 | BLS-BYKT.ZIP | 66891 | 09.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: But You Knew That?! (6 ch) BlueSun / Emphasis |
61515 | BLS-DESR.ZIP | 304351 | 09.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Desire For Nothing BlueSun / Emphasis |
61516 | BLS-GFI.ZIP | 137280 | 20.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Go For It!! BlueSun / Emphasis |
61517 | BLS-LSFR.ZIP | 185924 | 09.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Living So Free! (4 ch) BlueSun / Emphasis |
61518 | BLS-RWTH.ZIP | 122577 | 19.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Rewrite the History BlueSun / Emphasis |
61519 | BLS-STRM.ZIP | 159099 | 09.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Storm Outside BlueSun / Emphasis |
61520 | BLS-SYS.ZIP | 202306 | 18.11.1995 | - | - | - | S3M: Stone Yard Soul BlueSun Released 18.10.-95 Composed for the GateWay module compo |
61521 | BLS-TVOE.ZIP | 152727 | 12.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Victory of Eden BlueSun / Emphasis Released 4-10-95 |
61540 | BLUE_MOO.ZIP | 52804 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blue-mood by Maso/Accession |
61523 | BLUEBOXI.ZIP | 90811 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blueboxing |
61524 | BLUEHOUS.ZIP | 81282 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blue House 2 Theme by Tip & Mantronix |
61530 | BLUEMAX.ZIP | 60617 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bluemax by Jogeir Liljedahl |
61531 | BLUEMIND.ZIP | 77790 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Blue Mind |
61532 | BLUENANA.ZIP | 51603 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blue 'n Analog by Heatbeat/Carillon |
61533 | BLUEPRIN.ZIP | 73971 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blueprint by Mantronix/Walrfalcons |
61534 | BLUEPROG.LHA | 234769 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Blue Progression..............(BUZZER/ZENON)Placed In Top 10 at Assembly '94 - Party! |
61535 | BLUES.ZIP | 21558 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blues by Firefox & Tip/Pha |
61536 | BLUESBRO.ZIP | 39620 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bluesbros |
61537 | BLUESIN2.ZIP | 27954 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blues in a Boot 2 by Brainiac/Nitro |
61538 | BLUESONG.ZIP | 22351 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bluesong |
61539 | BLUESTAR.ZIP | 115788 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blue Stars |
61606 | BO_CAGED.ZIP | 255468 | 18.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Caged by Black Orchid / Horde Classically Influenced Highly Melodic Metal. |
61607 | BO_DW.ZIP | 152909 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Distant Waters by Black Orchid / Horde. |
61608 | BO_INNER.ZIP | 254719 | 13.06.1996 | mods-various | archive.org | - | XM: The Inner Asylum Winner Of The End Complete Metal Compo! Technical Death/Black Metal With Good Samples By Black Orchid / Horde (ex Corpse) |
61555 | BOB_TILL.ZIP | 153265 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bop till you flop by Dr. Awesome/Crusaders |
61557 | BODBLOW2.ZIP | 17413 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Babyblow2 |
61561 | BOESEN.ZIP | 126614 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Boesendorfer p.s.s. |
61562 | BOGWRAIT.ZIP | 18084 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bog Wraith by Lizardking |
61564 | BOKGOESE.ZIP | 345731 | 18.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Bok goes east by Cybelius/Orange |
61569 | BOMATIC9.ZIP | 52197 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: B-O_Matic 93 remix by Otis/Perseus-IC |
61570 | BOMBASTI.ZIP | 106197 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bombastic Jazz |
61574 | BONDTHEM.ZIP | 60876 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bond Theme |
61575 | BONER.ZIP | 8859 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Boner by Marx Marvelous/TPPI |
61577 | BONKYNUD.ZIP | 39460 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bonkynudge by Nuke/Anarchy |
61578 | BONN1449.ZIP | 22860 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bonn 1449 The Human by Heatbeat/CNCD |
61579 | BONZAISA.ZIP | 116875 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bonzai-sanatorium by SQD |
61580 | BOOM.ZIP | 148296 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 669: sonic Boom! |
61581 | BOOMAGIC.ZIP | 203144 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Magic Pocket by Richard Joseph |
61582 | BOOMANDS.ZIP | 204746 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Boom! And seh cums! by Dens Design |
61588 | BOOTUP.ZIP | 48661 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bootup |
61589 | BOOTYTIM.ZIP | 55826 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bootytime |
61591 | BOPELIBO.ZIP | 92195 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Bopelibop Bop! by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
61592 | BOR.ZIP | 56119 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jodel con Bodel by Tony Fonager |
61593 | BORNTODR.ZIP | 145504 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Born to Drill by Gibson/Extreme |
61598 | BOSVEDJA.ZIP | 100709 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bosvedjan Jam by Lizardking/Alcatraz |
61601 | BOUH.ZIP | 8276 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bouh |
61603 | BOUNGA.ZIP | 73462 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bounga by Jester/Sanity |
61605 | BOX.ZIP | 94739 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Box |
61612 | BQDREAM.ZIP | 101817 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Pseudo-BaroqueDream by Breeze/Capacala |
61613 | BRACER.ZIP | 609480 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The Second Bracer by Fracer. |
61614 | BRAIN.ZIP | 42024 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Leave the brain by Frederik Andersen |
61616 | BRAINDEA.ZIP | 100594 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brain-dead by the Ravebusters |
61617 | BRAINFOR.ZIP | 263464 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brain fo sale by Brainiac |
61618 | BRAINIES.ZIP | 49787 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brainies-intro by Moby |
61619 | BRAINLEV.ZIP | 55449 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brain Level FV by Bjorn A. Lynne |
61620 | BRAINSCA.ZIP | 18730 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brain Scan by Warhawk |
61622 | BRAINST2.ZIP | 114009 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brainstorm #2 by Dick the Briton/TGT |
61623 | BRAINST3.ZIP | 181729 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brainstrom #3 by Dick the Briton/TGT |
61624 | BRAINSTO.ZIP | 126451 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brainstorm by Dick the Briton/TGT |
61625 | BRAINWAV.ZIP | 179309 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brainwave by Technofreak |
61627 | BRASCNCT.ZIP | 60322 | 04.03.1996 | - | - | - | (mod) Brass Connection by Bit Arts |
61628 | BRASSCON.ZIP | 59755 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brass Connection by Bit Arts |
61640 | BREAK.ZIP | 54381 | 19.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Break into ACID! Juho / Artificial People |
61642 | BREAKING.ZIP | 194431 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Breaking Free by Mercure |
61643 | BREAKOUT.ZIP | 89490 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Breakout remix by Virgil & Jester |
61645 | BREATH.ZIP | 45159 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Breaktrough by Hollywood/Lunatics |
61646 | BREATHCO.ZIP | 143559 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Breath control |
61649 | BREATHOF.ZIP | 160352 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Breath of Air by Nuke/Anarchy |
61650 | BREATHOL.ZIP | 85663 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Breath of Life by Jester/Sanity 9ploaded by: Panu Aaltio |
61652 | BREEZEDI.ZIP | 72696 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Breeze |
61659 | BRIDGE.ZIP | 90394 | 19.05.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | eritupla | MOD: Bridge by Dr. Awesome |
61660 | BRIDGE2.ZIP | 91363 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bridge2 by Dr.Awesome |
61662 | BRIDGEII.ZIP | 89657 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | - | Mod:Bridge II by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
61663 | BRILIANT.ZIP | 483661 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Brilliance by The Peric/Image |
61664 | BRINTO.ZIP | 84797 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Break Into Havoc by HavoC (HC) |
61666 | BRO.ZIP | 163282 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Broken dreams By: Captain/Dance Nation |
61669 | BROKEJOY.ZIP | 114847 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Broken Joysticks by Mr. Man/Andromeda |
61670 | BROKENHE.ZIP | 43248 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Broken Heart |
61675 | BRS.ZIP | 29813 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: BRS by Grubi/BRS |
61676 | BRUISER.ZIP | 75554 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bruiser by Nuke/Anarchy |
61677 | BRUNO.ZIP | 77594 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Metamorphosis |
61678 | BRUTALDE.ZIP | 27570 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Brutal Deluxe by Adt/Absolute |
61679 | BRUTALMA.ZIP | 102975 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Brutal Massacre by Balrog |
61680 | BRUU.ZIP | 121467 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bruno5 |
61699 | BST.ZIP | 105258 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: B.S.T. |
61705 | BTAB.ZIP | 24387 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: BTA-B by Matthew Simmonds |
61706 | BTALTITL.ZIP | 41425 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: B.T.AL-Title by Matthew Simmonds |
61710 | BTHDAYDR.ZIP | 16345 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bth.Daydreams by Backthorne/TRSI |
61712 | BTVBRAIN.ZIP | 156008 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: B.T.V. Remix by Brainiac |
61714 | BUBBLEBO.ZIP | 6460 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bubble Bobble by Lizardking & Some1 |
61715 | BUBBLEGM.ZIP | 45392 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bubblegum by Heatbeat/Rebels |
61716 | BUBBLEGU.ZIP | 45388 | 17.12.1996 | - | 12820/aol-file-protocol-4400-3601-to-3700.zip | - | Bubblegum by Heatbeat/Rebels. |
61718 | BUBBLETU.ZIP | 1431 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bubbletune |
61721 | BUBSY.ZIP | 105806 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bubsy's Sousa by U4ia |
61722 | BUDBRAIN.ZIP | 13030 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bubbrain |
61723 | BUDDY.ZIP | 138637 | 06.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Buddy Holly |
61725 | BUDRAP.ZIP | 146552 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bud Rap by Moby & Ra/NoooN |
61726 | BUFFALOS.ZIP | 170883 | 29.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Randall // suburban Buffalos.mod |
61727 | BUGGYBAL.ZIP | 182865 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Buggy Balls by Mindfuck/Mentasm |
61732 | BULLET.ZIP | 44935 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bullet by Adept/Accession |
61733 | BULLETIN.ZIP | 189016 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bullet in an Amiga by Brainiac |
61734 | BUMMTJAT.ZIP | 21587 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bumm-tja-tja by Brainiac |
61737 | BURLESQU.ZIP | 36169 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Burlesque? No! by Morpheus/TT |
61738 | BURNING.ZIP | 57347 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Burning Rainbow by Fading Nimbus |
61739 | BURNIT.ZIP | 44166 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Burn it Up |
61740 | BURNORGN.ZIP | 180003 | 20.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ╓─┤Burn Da Organ├───────────────┤S3M├──╖ Author Tau/HellLogic Tempo 157 BPM Length 5:23 Style Happy Organic Acid |
61741 | BURSTING.ZIP | 176331 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bursting Bailey |
61745 | BUSSI.ZIP | 37901 | 19.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Bussimatkailumusa by Purple Motion/FC |
61746 | BUTCHERS.ZIP | 83845 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Butcher's Madness by Moby |
61747 | BUTCHIT.ZIP | 74274 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Butch It |
61748 | BUTTERFL.ZIP | 172218 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Butterfly Syndrome by Interphace/Andromeda |
61752 | BVOYGER.ZIP | 19453 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blind Voyager by Bill/Bold&Beautiful |
61758 | BYTESHAV.ZIP | 65818 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bytes Having Gun by Mellow-D/Sonic |
61759 | BYTESOFG.ZIP | 48107 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Bytes of Glory by Ache & NGR/Assault |
61760 | BYTHECOA.ZIP | 124718 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: By the Coast by Maestro/Anarchy |
61761 | BYTHESEA.ZIP | 140815 | 28.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: By The Sea (2:45) Bluesun |
61765 | C-O-H-FN.ZIP | 116954 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Course of Histroy by Fading Nimbus |
61769 | C1991NPD.ZIP | 89476 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: NPD V2.3 |
61786 | C64RULES.ZIP | 5233 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: C64 Rules by J.O. / Different |
61789 | C64THEME.ZIP | 5269 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: C64 Theme by Hydra |
61790 | C94THEEX.ZIP | 187973 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: The Expressway by Inspeckhdah Deck KLF |
61798 | CAFEDELM.ZIP | 102331 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cafe-Delmar |
61799 | CAFESOME.ZIP | 172139 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cafe-Somewhere (B) by Brainiac / Nitro |
61800 | CAHCAQLA.ZIP | 211499 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cah-Caqlach by Heatbeat / CNCD (Antti A. Mikkonen) |
61802 | CALGARY.ZIP | 89336 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: '88 Winter Olympics by Clement Poon |
61803 | CALIBRA.ZIP | 196438 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Nuke by Nuke / Lemon |
61804 | CALL911.ZIP | 138255 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Call 911 by TUSC / Vixen |
61805 | CALLER.ZIP | 117556 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Caller by Brainiac / Nitro |
61806 | CALLING.MOD | 238342 | 25.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Calling LouLou Made in America |
61807 | CALLINGA.ZIP | 170652 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Calling all Nations by Doozer |
61810 | CAMEL.ZIP | 115535 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Camel abortion by Tracolta / Spaceballs |
61811 | CAMELDAN.ZIP | 195619 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Camel Dance by Sidewinder / Megawatts |
61817 | CAN-EDIT.ZIP | 222092 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | "Can U feel the beat (short edit)" By: XLR8R / Stonecutters (.S3M) |
61818 | CAN-PEAC.ZIP | 169448 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Peace By COSMiC/Delusion (DMF) |
61819 | CAN-SYST.ZIP | 128430 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | System Destruction (HardCore) By: Daniel Marcial (DMF) |
61820 | CAN-YOUE.ZIP | 302555 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (DMF) You Can Never Stop It (Edit) By: Daniel Marcial |
61821 | CANAL.ZIP | 90036 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Canal Green by Raphael Gesqua |
61824 | CANONIND.ZIP | 29364 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Canon in D by Acsoft |
61827 | CANT.ZIP | 128932 | 12.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Why Cant You Remember Me Marvel/Future Crew |
61828 | CANTFAKE.ZIP | 570809 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Can't fake the funk by Basehead / FM |
61829 | CANTFIGH.ZIP | 46183 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Can't fight this feeling by Christopher JC |
61830 | CANTGETE.ZIP | 86534 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Can't get enough |
61831 | CANTINA.ZIP | 287171 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cantina band. Moduli Star Warsin hengessä |
61832 | CANTSTOP.LHA | 7529 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Can't Stop Bleeping ........... (Gore/Zenon) |
61833 | CANUFEEL.ZIP | 109268 | 07.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Can U Feel The Beat by Maza |
61840 | CAP_BEYO.ZIP | 303710 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Beyond music by Captain / Image |
61836 | CAPELLA.ZIP | 251726 | 17.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: U Got To Let Music X-Es: Capella |
61841 | CAQLACH.ZIP | 212925 | 12.03.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | MOD: Cah-Caqlach by Heatbeat |
61842 | CARBONAT.ZIP | 48854 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Carbonated Subroutines by Beaner & Lambert / W00p music |
61844 | CARDIAC.ZIP | 41953 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cardiac by Moog & Shad / Infiny |
61845 | CARDIAXX.ZIP | 89138 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cardiaxx-Intro(Ms) by M.S. / Sonic Projects |
61846 | CARELESS.ZIP | 105187 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Careless Colors 2 by Mystical / Myth |
61847 | CARESSOF.ZIP | 21130 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | caress of wind by nutcase\balance |
61848 | CARIB.ZIP | 75994 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Caribbean chant by JayJay /MASC |
61849 | CARIBBEA.ZIP | 89330 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Caribbean Black by Bishop |
61850 | CARIBJIV.ZIP | 13277 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Carib-Jive by Mark Knight |
61852 | CARNAQ.ZIP | 259421 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M:Carnaq Dune/Orange |
61854 | CAROLINE.ZIP | 105532 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Caroline |
61855 | CARPEDIE.ZIP | 45032 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Carpe Diem by The Wiesel |
61858 | CARPETMA.ZIP | 43273 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Carpet-Magick by Marx Marvelous / TPPI |
61859 | CARRY.ZIP | 98778 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Carry by M. Sigaard |
61860 | CARZY.ZIP | 20735 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Loader by Dr. Awesome / Crusaders |
61861 | CASCADE.ZIP | 40238 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ST: Cascade |
61863 | CASTLEB.ZIP | 80629 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Castle Blues by Lord Jon Ray |
61864 | CASTRATE.ZIP | 102372 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Castrated Blogies by Amusic |
61866 | CATASTR2.ZIP | 41945 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Catastrophic by Dark Dieter |
61867 | CATASTRO.ZIP | 49551 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Catastrophal Trip |
61868 | CATCHITU.ZIP | 249236 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Catch it up (Burndown) by Sidewinder / Megawatts |
61869 | CATCHMEL.ZIP | 102642 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Catch me later... by Sourcer / Codeblasters |
61870 | CATCHTHA.ZIP | 368755 | 22.04.1996 | - | - | - | PT: Catch that Goblin! by Skaven / Future Crew (Peter Hajba) |
61871 | CATCHTHE.ZIP | 6112 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Catch the Sun (?) by Cumd / Razor |
61873 | CAUSEDBY.ZIP | 90068 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Caused by Boredom by Slide |
61874 | CAVERN.ZIP | 90119 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | PT: Cavern by Melf / Westower (Matt McLellan) |
61902 | CCITY12.ZIP | 182713 | 22.04.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Cool City - Volume 1.2 by Purple Motion / Future Crew |
61903 | CCMODERN.ZIP | 220378 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Modern Society by C.C. Catch (Kenny Chou) |
61943 | CD_MODS.ZIP | 522227 | 22.04.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | PT: Axel Foley, Crystal Orbit, Soft Brilliance, Crystal Starlight |
61911 | CD2PART3.ZIP | 196744 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Desert dawn by Lizardking |
61912 | CD2PART4.ZIP | 218887 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trans Atlantic by Lizardking |
61915 | CD47.ZIP | 39085 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: By Cougar |
61955 | CE_GRIEF.ZIP | 179673 | 02.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The Grief Within Corpse (technical deathmetal) |
61945 | CEBIT90M.ZIP | 82658 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cebit 90 |
61947 | CELEBRAL.ZIP | 171425 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cerebral Beres by Tip / DC & Mantronix / FLT |
61948 | CELESTIA.ZIP | 327680 | 22.04.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | eritupla | S3M: Celestial Lullabye by Basehead / KFMF |
61949 | CEMETER.ZIP | 342845 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | [S3M]-song by Xenon / GigaMess # Cemetery : the Place # |
61950 | CEMETERY.LHA | 4717 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Cemetery .................. (Deadbeat/Zenon) |
61951 | CENTURYR.ZIP | 206204 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Century Raved by Keith 3o3 / DLT PC / RR |
61959 | CFFBLSII.ZIP | 151432 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Coffee Blues ][ by Chorus & Sid |
61969 | CG_HRRMX.ZIP | 319273 | 29.04.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | PT: Cg-Hardrave remix by Slice/Delusion |
61966 | CG-HRRMX.ZIP | 319230 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cg-Hardrave Remix by Slice / Delusion |
61970 | CHAINS.ZIP | 128722 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chains |
61971 | CHAINSOF.ZIP | 185045 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | chains of time by nutcase\balance |
61972 | CHAMIGA.ZIP | 87673 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chamiga by Brainiac |
61973 | CHANCE.ZIP | 75630 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: A Chanche again by Peter/PMC |
61975 | CHANGES.ZIP | 199310 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Changes by Salomon |
61983 | CHAOSINL.ZIP | 133306 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Chaos in Law by Breeze/Capacala |
61986 | CHAOTICC.ZIP | 152967 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chaotic Creation |
61987 | CHAOTICD.ZIP | 123189 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Chaotic Dance by C.C.Catch (Kenny Chou) |
61988 | CHAPTER.ZIP | 125536 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Closing The Chapter An S3S module by Liam the Lemming |
61989 | CHARACTE.ZIP | 86646 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Character by Jogeir Liljedahl |
61990 | CHARELLA.ZIP | 205973 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Charella by M-G/WM |
61992 | CHARIOT.ZIP | 220484 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Chariots of Fire by HMW (Vangelis) |
61993 | CHARIOTS.ZIP | 70485 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chariots of Fire by Jesper Kyd (Vangelis) |
61994 | CHARISMO.ZIP | 112261 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Charism of Darkness |
61997 | CHARTSOV.ZIP | 5285 | 29.04.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Charts Overdrive by Purple Motion |
61999 | CHASE.ZIP | 20318 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chase |
62002 | CHBASS.ZIP | 64339 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: C.h.bass by Brainiac |
62003 | CHEAPTHE.ZIP | 97435 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cheap the Bullet by Brainiac |
62005 | CHECKNO.ZIP | 97638 | 17.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Checknobankh Laxity/Kefrens |
62006 | CHECKNOB.ZIP | 97744 | 29.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Checknobankckh by Laxity/Kefrens |
62007 | CHEESE.ZIP | 21985 | 12.03.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: CheeseBurger by Heatbeat |
62008 | CHEESEB.ZIP | 21834 | 02.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | PT: Cheeseburger by Heatbeat |
62009 | CHEESEBU.ZIP | 21836 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cheeseburger by Heatbeat. |
62010 | CHESS.ZIP | 22067 | 02.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | PT: Chess by Falcon |
62016 | CHILD.ZIP | 121520 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | child... by nutcase\balance |
62017 | CHILDR.ZIP | 274235 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | tupla | Children BY: DJ.Zage CHILDREN.XM eli muoto on .XM Min.512kt muistia äänikortissa |
62018 | CHILDREN.ZIP | 108468 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Children of Science by Jester / Sanity |
62019 | CHILDRN.ZIP | 151433 | 19.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Children Of The War style : Slow, length : 3:19 By Probe/Oxylon/Affection |
62020 | CHILLER.ZIP | 45483 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chiller |
62021 | CHILLIN.ZIP | 156465 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chill-in by Brainiac |
62022 | CHILLROO.ZIP | 2111 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chillroom by Nuke / Lemon |
62023 | CHILLY.ZIP | 140494 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chilly by Amusic / Oct |
62024 | CHIME94.ZIP | 176246 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT8: Chime 94 by Maelcum / KLF |
62025 | CHINAGIR.ZIP | 59237 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chinagirl |
62026 | CHINESE.ZIP | 19265 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | PT: Chinese-Groove by Hollywood / Jetset |
62028 | CHINESED.ZIP | 61637 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chinese Dream |
62042 | CHIP_IM.LHA | 3929 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Chip I'm Sick ............... (Buzzer/Zenon) |
62030 | CHIP.ZIP | 12882 | 18.12.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Hohhoochip 2 by PLASTiK ^ Ural 13 Productions |
62031 | CHIPCHUP.ZIP | 8608 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chip Chup |
62032 | CHIPCOL.ZIP | 1043303 | 02.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: The so far biggest chip tunes collection! Feautering over 100 tunes from well known composers like: D-Zire,TSL - Jester,Sanity Prime,SCX - Nuke & 4-Mat,Anarchy, W.O.T.W.,Essence - MUB,LSD aso. |
62033 | CHIPCONV.ZIP | 7518 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chip.Conversions by Einstein/Ex-betrayal |
62034 | CHIPHURR.ZIP | 4253 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: (C)hiphurraa! |
62035 | CHIPJAZZ.ZIP | 13676 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chipjazz_Ver2 by Some1 & Prime |
62036 | CHIPMUZA.ZIP | 1240327 | 25.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | n. 150 Chippitunea! Joululauluista ambienttiin! Yhteiskesto yli 3 tuntia! |
62037 | CHIPOMAT.ZIP | 8646 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chip'o'matic Nr.1 by David J. Elfstrom |
62038 | CHIPPI_1.LHA | 9091 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Chippi #1 ................. (Deadbeat/Zenon) |
62039 | CHIPPYDI.ZIP | 3032 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chippy-dip by Dolphin/Noxious |
62040 | CHIPSHIT.ZIP | 14838 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | chipshit by nutcase\balance |
62041 | CHIPTUNE.ZIP | 2683 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chiptune by Nuke/Anarchy |
62050 | CHNDREAM.ZIP | 61916 | 13.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Chinese Dream Firefox and tip/pha |
62052 | CHOOSE.ZIP | 28605 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | choose don't loose by nutcase\balance |
62054 | CHORUS.ZIP | 34477 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chorus by Erasure |
62055 | CHOUETTE.ZIP | 32756 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Ah Ke C'est Chouette by Magic Fred / TFL-TDV |
62057 | CHROMAGU.ZIP | 177572 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chromag Unplugged by Polka Bros. |
62058 | CHROME.ZIP | 202349 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chrome by Zodiak/Cascada |
62060 | CHROMITO.ZIP | 88896 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Chormiton by Maso |
62061 | CHROMIUM.ZIP | 403026 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Chromium Quarters |
62066 | CIA.ZIP | 98121 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Theme of C.I.A. |
62067 | CIGSMOKE.ZIP | 171980 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Cigarette smoke by Dreamer/TPD |
62069 | CIRCLEBE.ZIP | 112203 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Circlebeat by Brainiac |
62070 | CIRCLEBF.ZIP | 111776 | 11.05.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | PT: Circlebeat-Flanged by Brainiac |
62071 | CIRCLEIN.ZIP | 40868 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Circle in the Dand by Einstein/Mexx |
62072 | CIRCLEOF.ZIP | 14529 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Circle fo Circle by Lizardking |
62074 | CIRCULUS.ZIP | 236671 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | circulus arcticus by nutcase\balance |
62075 | CIRCUSBR.ZIP | 9397 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Circus Bros by Hydra |
62077 | CIRLEFTO.LHA | 2486 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Circus Left Town .......... (Deadbeat/Zenon) |
62095 | CITRONAT.ZIP | 197753 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Citronative by Dizzy/CNCD |
62098 | CITYLIGH.ZIP | 52855 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: City Lights by Jesper Kyd |
62099 | CITYOFAN.ZIP | 9934 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: City of Angels by Tyrell/Dual Crew |
62116 | CJLCONST.ZIP | 70741 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cjl-Construction 1 by Jaywalk |
62117 | CJLHORRO.ZIP | 107450 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cjl-Horror Theme |
62118 | CJLRAWII.ZIP | 78245 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cjl-Raw II |
62123 | CKYFATYL.ZIP | 11709 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Cky.faty.loremy by Bass/Silents |
62128 | CLAS.ZIP | 120809 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: The Party 1993 by Clas |
62130 | CLASSICA.ZIP | 110060 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Classical Feelings by: Nosferatu/PEN. |
62131 | CLASSIFI.ZIP | 96258 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Classified Crusader. |
62133 | CLASSIXO.ZIP | 211029 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Classix On The Friz by: The Weasel. |
62134 | CLAUSTR2.ZIP | 374212 | 04.03.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | XM: Claustrophobia by Lizardking |
62135 | CLAUSTRO.ZIP | 372716 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Claustrophobia by Lizardking / Triton. |
62136 | CLAWFING.ZIP | 176802 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Clawfinger by: Balrog. |
62140 | CLEAN.ZIP | 31501 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: CLEAN "G". |
62141 | CLEARYAM.ZIP | 95017 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Clear Your Mind by HSS (4 ch, techno) |
62145 | CLICK.ZIP | 207607 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Click by Necros |
62146 | CLICKNEC.ZIP | 205851 | 11.07.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Click - Necros/PM. |
62148 | CLIMBING.ZIP | 169625 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Climbing by Brainiac. |
62149 | CLIMBTHE.ZIP | 71910 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Climb The Walls By: Sidewind/Megawatts. |
62156 | CLOSE.ZIP | 23554 | 12.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Close by BigLupu / Ural 13 Style: Acid House, Length: 5.50. |
62159 | CLOSINGT.ZIP | 125197 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Closing the Chapter by Liam the Lemming. |
62160 | CLOUD.ZIP | 357368 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cloudscape by Zodiak |
62161 | CLOUDJUM.ZIP | 84630 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cloud Jumpin' by: Nuke of Anarchy. |
62162 | CLOUDNIN.ZIP | 220870 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cloud Nine by Basehead/Imphobia. |
62163 | CLOUDS.ZIP | 260853 | 31.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | S3M: Clouds by Maggot/M-Grape (Asm '96). |
62164 | CLOUDSCA.ZIP | 353041 | 11.07.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Cloudscape by Zodiak of Cascada. |
62165 | CLOUDTRA.ZIP | 59044 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cloud Traveller by Supernao/Spaceballs. |
62166 | CLOUNINE.ZIP | 221075 | 13.06.1996 | - | 1977/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 4.iso | - | MOD: Cloud Nine by Basehead / IMPHOBIA From the Imphobia Magazine #9............ Very well down .MOD music file |
62167 | CLSTRZMI.ZIP | 158685 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Can you feel it, by: Terrorizer/Nemesis. |
62200 | CNSPRCY.ZIP | 75836 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Conspiracy-96 from tAE! |
62223 | COCKTAIL.ZIP | 88772 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cocktail by Delta X/Fraxion. |
62224 | COD-RVED.ZIP | 289371 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Revelation (edit) By: Zetec / Cosmic Division - XM, 18 Channels, Trance |
62226 | COFFEE1.ZIP | 108589 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Coffee Blues by Chorus of Majic 12. |
62227 | COFFEE2.ZIP | 150444 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Coffee Blues II by Chorus&Sid /Majic 12. |
62228 | COFFEE3.ZIP | 129978 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Coffee Blues III by Chorus&Sid/Majic 12. |
62233 | COLDFEAR.ZIP | 112657 | 11.07.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | S3M: Cold Fear by Big Jim / Valhalla. |
62234 | COLDHAND.LHA | 64461 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Cold Hands ................... (Broom/Zenon) |
62235 | COLIBRII.ZIP | 196064 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Colibri (Incognito) by Nuke of Lemon. |
62236 | COLLAGE.ZIP | 357735 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Collage by Necros/FM |
62237 | COLLAPSD.ZIP | 201297 | 12.03.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Collapsed by Heatbeat |
62238 | COLLAPSE.ZIP | 200166 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Collapsed by Heatbeat. |
62240 | COLONEL.ZIP | 124069 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Colonel Neb by Phorte. |
62243 | COLORCRI.ZIP | 63594 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Color Crime. |
62244 | COLORIS.ZIP | 69404 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Coloris. |
62246 | COM2OBEY.ZIP | 253070 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Compulsion to obey by Lizardking |
62248 | COMAMOD.ZIP | 110974 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Coma by Static of Rebels. |
62249 | COMESTAR.ZIP | 61399 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Comestarter by Saquedon. |
62250 | COMIC.ZIP | 69635 | 13.04.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | MOD: Comic, author unknown |
62252 | COMINGFR.ZIP | 172949 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Coming from the Sky by Johan Alpmar. |
62253 | COMMON_T.ZIP | 132137 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Common Threat. |
62254 | COMMUNIO.ZIP | 135308 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | [S3M]-song by Xenon / GigaMess # Communion # |
62255 | COMPOROU.ZIP | 70632 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Compo-Rousku by Deetsay. |
62256 | COMPROMI.ZIP | 135507 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Compromise by Hazard |
62259 | COMPULSI.ZIP | 251627 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Compulsion to Obey by Lizardking. |
62263 | CONCERTO.ZIP | 272591 | 24.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Concerto for Ripped Samples Lot's of styles; Trombone playing, sax+hammond+flute playing, synthesizer, oriental & rock'n roll jamming Composed by Mallard -96- |
62264 | CONCRETE.ZIP | 100310 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Concrete by Mad Freak. |
62265 | CONDITIT.ZIP | 84634 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Condition Red by Mr.Bean / Green Motion |
62266 | CONDOMCO.ZIP | 166470 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Condom Corruption by Travolta/Spaceballs |
62269 | CONFESSI.ZIP | 409330 | 17.12.1996 | - | - | - | (XM) 'Confession' by Carebear/Orange Scenario '96 music compo: 1st place |
62270 | CONFUSIO.ZIP | 90862 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | confusion in fusion by nutcase\balance |
62271 | CONGO.ZIP | 73187 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Congo by M. Sigaard. |
62272 | CONICAL1.ZIP | 139933 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Conical Love.extend. |
62280 | CONNECTI.ZIP | 101286 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Connection by Zoonie from Deadlock. |
62283 | CONSTANT.ZIP | 43251 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Constanat by Lämpö - Duration: 00:08:49 - Style: Minimalistic - Channels: 10 |
62284 | CONTACT.ZIP | 100789 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Contact! by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
62288 | CONTROL2.ZIP | 63476 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Control Your Mind by HavoC (hardrave/trance) |
62289 | CONTROLL.ZIP | 183996 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Controlling by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
62292 | COOKINGI.ZIP | 174246 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cooking It Up. |
62293 | COOL1.ZIP | 16443 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Little China. |
62295 | COOLTUNE.ZIP | 12592 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cool Tune by Heatbeat. |
62296 | COOOL.ZIP | 126604 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Cool by Xenon / GigaMess |
62300 | CORALS.ZIP | 342260 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Corals.. This is somekind of jazz or something. Try it. Composed Fracer. |
62302 | CORPSES.ZIP | 3084 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | corpses in rain by nutcase\balance |
62303 | CORTOUCH.ZIP | 130302 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cortouchka! by Moby. |
62313 | COS_BASS.ZIP | 160565 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Drop Da Bass Now! by: cosmic/logic |
62314 | COS_FULL.ZIP | 233831 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Da Full Throttle by: cosmic of logic |
62315 | COS_TAKE.ZIP | 189178 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Take My Music by Cosmic/Logic. |
62304 | COS-6HRS.ZIP | 248649 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DMF: 6 Hours To... Do This... By: COSMiC/Delusion |
62305 | COS-BAAD.ZIP | 412955 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Come Bad Boy By: COSMiC/Delusion (DMF) |
62306 | COSMIC.ZIP | 291576 | 12.07.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | eritupla | MOD: Tractatus Transicus by Jugi/Complex. |
62308 | COSMICV.ZIP | 131088 | 13.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: "Cosmic Vibe", nice and mellow trance tune by: ChildAbuser/DuckSquad |
62309 | COSMIVHS.ZIP | 188817 | 29.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Cosmic Warfield (SVHS mix) Miika Kuisma/DRN |
62310 | COSMOS.ZIP | 105293 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cosmos by dr.Awesome/Crusaders. |
62311 | COSMOSSH.ZIP | 77012 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Cosmos Short by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
62312 | COSSAMOW.ZIP | 77294 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cos samowitego by Dreamer/TPD |
62323 | COTTON.ZIP | 421689 | 17.12.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | (XM) 'Cotton Wool' by Mellow-D/FM Scenario '96 music compo: 2nd place |
62324 | COUGARST.ZIP | 480651 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Cougar Story ][-KLF. |
62325 | COUNTDOW.ZIP | 152211 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Countdown. |
62326 | COUNTERM.ZIP | 34094 | 17.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Counter Measure by DENS Design. |
62327 | COUNTRY.ZIP | 27294 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Twilight at countryside Falcon/Artificial People |
62328 | COURGETT.ZIP | 250433 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Courgette by Nitro. |
62329 | COUSTEAU.ZIP | 46298 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Waiting for Cousteau. |
62354 | CRAVINGF.ZIP | 95611 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Craving for Madness. |
62355 | CRAWLING.ZIP | 287259 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3m: Crawling Despair. |
62356 | CRAYFISH.ZIP | 333304 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Crayfish party by Lizardking |
62359 | CRAZYCAT.ZIP | 102758 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Crazy Cat by $Volkraq of Gollum. |
62362 | CRE-SPRI.ZIP | 164919 | 24.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M:SPRING IS COMING By: Creator |
62363 | CREAM.ZIP | 83239 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cream of the Earth. |
62364 | CREAMXTR.ZIP | 309539 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Creamx-Treme by Sidewinder/Megawatts. |
62366 | CREATION.ZIP | 59301 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Creation of Techno by Bishop of Magic. |
62368 | CREATIVE.ZIP | 35423 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Creative Mind by Mystical/Purple. |
62374 | CREDITS.ZIP | 147001 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Roll The End Credits An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
62376 | CREMONA.ZIP | 62573 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cremona by dr.Awesome. |
62377 | CREMOTIO.ZIP | 120409 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cremotion by Nuke of Anarchy. |
62378 | CREPPOCH.ZIP | 19108 | 18.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Creppo Chipcutmix by Adt/Absolute. Tanssimusaa. |
62379 | CRESCENT.ZIP | 44087 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Crescent Hill by Mystical/Purple. |
62386 | CRIES.ZIP | 75352 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cries by Heatbeat |
62389 | CROMADIV.ZIP | 101427 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Croma Division by Mental Cube. |
62390 | CROSSING.ZIP | 358995 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: the crossing by Necros / FM |
62400 | CRUISE20.ZIP | 235457 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Cruise loose 2.0 by Zodiak |
62426 | CRUSHED.ZIP | 116008 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Crushed. |
62428 | CRYINGOF.ZIP | 62375 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Crying on the Wolf by Brainiac. |
62432 | CRYST2_1.ZIP | 578822 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Act Of Impulse, Denial, Disharmony, Gateway, Hidden Truths, La Vie Est Rose and Liberation By: mantronix + tip of phenomena. |
62433 | CRYSTAL.ZIP | 49383 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Crystalhammer. |
62434 | CRYSTALD.ZIP | 203490 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Crystal Dragon. |
62435 | CRYSTALO.ZIP | 176048 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Crystal Orbit. |
62436 | CRYSTALS.ZIP | 144562 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Crystal Starlight. |
62437 | CRYSTALT.ZIP | 71044 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Crystaltrails. |
62438 | CRZ-CRST.ZIP | 167946 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Crying Stone by Crazer / Haze. |
62439 | CRZ-ROAD.ZIP | 267916 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Road To Unknown By: crazer/aca |
62440 | CRZWALLS.ZIP | 69317 | 22.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Crazy Walls BlueSun |
62450 | CSEWINGM.ZIP | 197243 | 18.12.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Cool sewing machine by Fade / BAD KARMA. |
62468 | CTGOBLIN.ZIP | 369316 | 25.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Catch That Goblin Skaven/Future Crew Assembly '95 Release, multich-compo |
62472 | CTHULHUM.ZIP | 128857 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cthulhu by Mad Freak. |
62487 | CULTOFTE.ZIP | 66299 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cult of Techno. |
62490 | CUT.ZIP | 248849 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cut. |
62499 | CX-RESUR.ZIP | 320769 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Resurrection By: Chromax / CoD |
62502 | CYANIDEZ.ZIP | 72875 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cyanide Zone by Overlord. |
62505 | CYBCIR.ZIP | 220962 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Cybernetic Circuits by sgt.Sinn! |
62521 | CYBER3.ZIP | 310642 | 01.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Demonicator Two dance instrumentals |
62522 | CYBER95.ZIP | 162153 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Cyberspace 1995 rmx by Brian Caos. |
62524 | CYBERCHA.ZIP | 139671 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: CyberCharge by Firelight. |
62525 | CYBERCHR.ZIP | 199991 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: CyberChrist. |
62530 | CYBERJOU.ZIP | 101431 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cyberjourney by $Volkraq of GOLLUM. |
62532 | CYBERNET.ZIP | 95009 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cybernetics by Jaywalk. |
62533 | CYBERQUO.ZIP | 255261 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cyberquote_9 by Destructor/Obscene. |
62534 | CYBERRID.ZIP | 122539 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cyberride by Jester/Sanity. |
62539 | CYBO_MOD.ZIP | 27927 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | HAMMER Presents Music ripped from The CYBOMAN Intro |
62538 | CYBOTAGE.ZIP | 558250 | 18.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dubstagz by Cybotage 95. Tyyli:Dance |
62556 | D-MINOR.ZIP | 541310 | 13.09.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | XM: D-minor compo version by Prototype Assembly '96 multichannel compo second place. |
62559 | D-TRACKS.ZIP | 689958 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | D-Tracks EP ∙ 4 trance tracks (XM) by Futile |
62666 | DA_B.ZIP | 201171 | 18.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Noise by DarkAvengers. |
62667 | DA_GRE.ZIP | 79081 | 18.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Greatest by DarkAvengers. |
62668 | DA_ONE.ZIP | 84981 | 18.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The One by DarkAvengers. |
62670 | DA_TIE.ZIP | 130218 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Da tai!not available |
62588 | DA-HOUSE.ZIP | 219797 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Da House U4ia Built by U4ia/M.D.M.A. |
62591 | DADSHAMM.ZIP | 87712 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dad's Hammonds by Delorean |
62605 | DAHOUSE.ZIP | 103008 | 31.08.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Esuoh ad ni kcaj by Fade / BAD KARMA |
62606 | DAISYCH2.ZIP | 119797 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Daisy Chain 2 |
62607 | DAISYCHA.ZIP | 145516 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Daisy Chain |
62608 | DAMAGE1.ZIP | 271747 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | "Brain-Damage_Part1" by: Calypso/Industricy Style: HardCore |
62612 | DANCE.ZIP | 59046 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | [S3M]-techno by Xenon / GigaMess # Dancing on the floor # |
62613 | DANCEODE.ZIP | 118222 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Dance Ode, By: Ile/IP |
62614 | DANCEOF2.ZIP | 50239 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dance of a warrior 2 |
62615 | DANCEOFT.ZIP | 28439 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ULT: Dance of the Nations by Krystall / Astek |
62616 | DANCEONK.ZIP | 17172 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dance on keeping by Some1 and Prime |
62617 | DANCEXTC.ZIP | 106343 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:Dance XTC Dune/Misery |
62618 | DANEMODS.ZIP | 194258 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MODs from Kefrens demo "D.A.N.E." |
62619 | DANGER.ZIP | 466726 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Danger by Xenon / GigaMess |
62620 | DANGEROU.ZIP | 104765 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dangerous Ground by Liam the Lemming |
62621 | DANM.ZIP | 103768 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD : Space Frontier By Gsp0t of Sin Spreaders |
62622 | DARK.ZIP | 242344 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dark Visions by Xenon / GigaMess |
62623 | DARKANGE.ZIP | 135658 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dark angels rage by Redferne / Devils |
62624 | DARKANGL.ZIP | 138198 | 04.05.1995 | - | 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img | - | MOD: Dark Angels Rage Jörund Teigen |
62625 | DARKCHOC.ZIP | 146663 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dark chocolate by Mellow-D & Nutcase |
62626 | DARKDANC.ZIP | 86733 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Darkdance by Maso/Accession |
62627 | DARKDAYS.ZIP | 44079 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dark days by Zodiac / Cascada |
62628 | DARKENUF.ZIP | 311902 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dark enuff by F8 |
62631 | DARKMOD.ZIP | 23166 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Darkness by Pizza Dude (4 ch, techno/instrumental) |
62634 | DARKS.ZIP | 169236 | 23.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Life on the darkside by Cybelius / Soniqu |
62635 | DARKSHAD.ZIP | 35667 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dark shade by Mystical / Myth |
62636 | DARKSIDE.ZIP | 169374 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Life on the darkside by Cybelius |
62637 | DARKSPHE.ZIP | 63260 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dark sphere by Breeze / Capacala |
62638 | DARKSUNS.ZIP | 76269 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Darksuns-no3 by Emax / Paf |
62643 | DASMODEL.ZIP | 8152 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Das model by Loxley / Equinox |
62648 | DATAJACK.ZIP | 117453 | 23.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Data Jack by Skaven / FC |
62650 | DAW3DDIN.ZIP | 222266 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | AMS: Da wedding track by Daniel Falk |
62651 | DAWA.ZIP | 118812 | 18.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Dawa lights by Busy ` rg |
62652 | DAWN.ZIP | 72953 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dawn by Amnesia composing inc |
62653 | DAWNAGE.ZIP | 84868 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dawning of a New Age by Lord Jon Ray |
62654 | DAWNMOS.ZIP | 147332 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dawn mosaic by Heatbeat |
62655 | DAWNMOSA.ZIP | 146248 | 23.05.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | MOD: Dawn mosaic by Heatbeat |
62656 | DAWNOFFA.ZIP | 65547 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dawn of fastfood by Bishop |
62658 | DAY1.ZIP | 127739 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: First day by Juho / Artificial People |
62660 | DAYBYDAY.ZIP | 81280 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Day by Day by Heatbeat / Rebels |
62662 | DAYOFTHE.ZIP | 260095 | 23.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Day of the lollipop by Purple Motion / FC |
62663 | DAYSGONE.ZIP | 76293 | 08.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Days of Gone by HavoC (Trance) |
62665 | DAZZLER.ZIP | 56406 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dazzler by Jester / Sanity |
62681 | DD27REMI.ZIP | 37557 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: dd27.remix.airbaal by Piece / Noise |
62683 | DD31HURL.ZIP | 99328 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: dd31.hurlement by D.D / Spider |
62684 | DD34ALIE.ZIP | 94016 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: dd34.aliens by D.D / Spider |
62685 | DDDDEATH.ZIP | 68721 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dead yet huh? by Daniel Falk |
62687 | DDLF.ZIP | 199788 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dreams Don't Last Forever by Liam the Lemming |
62701 | DEADEARS.ZIP | 112431 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deaders by DJ Assassin |
62703 | DEADLIFE.ZIP | 139617 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Dead Life by Fade / BAD KARMA |
62704 | DEADLIN2.ZIP | 159274 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deadline by Nutcase / Deadline |
62705 | DEADLINE.ZIP | 88382 | 23.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | MOD: Deadline-fever by Axel / Brainstorm |
62716 | DEADMANS.ZIP | 63614 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deadmans swamp by Sebastian Rice |
62717 | DEALINDO.ZIP | 75002 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dealin Dope by Dr. Awesome / Crusaders |
62718 | DEAN.ZIP | 59236 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dean by Dean |
62720 | DEATH.ZIP | 118442 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Death by Juho Pulakka. |
62721 | DEATHBOX.ZIP | 40503 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deathbox |
62722 | DEATHDES.ZIP | 111896 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Death & Destruction by Snowman |
62723 | DEATHINY.ZIP | 311665 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Death in your... by Rez / Agoa |
62724 | DEATHLY.ZIP | 111166 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deathly Turbulense by Dean |
62725 | DEATHSON.ZIP | 2342 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deathsong by Heatbeat / Byterapers |
62726 | DEATHTON.ZIP | 98891 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deathtongue by Daniel Falk |
62728 | DECA.ZIP | 104639 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Decastance by Dreadnought / Remedy |
62730 | DECEMBER.ZIP | 297754 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: December by Legend Design |
62732 | DEDICATI.ZIP | 159020 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dedication by Ache & N.R.G / Assault |
62739 | DEEPINSI.ZIP | 78791 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deep inside me by Dick The Briton / TGT |
62740 | DEEPLYDE.ZIP | 127039 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deeply depressed by Maestro / Flash Prod. |
62741 | DEEPMARB.ZIP | 106529 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deep Marble by Breeze / Capacala |
62742 | DEEPNESS.ZIP | 153280 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deepness by Funk t ion / Paranoids |
62743 | DEEPSEA.ZIP | 168034 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deep sea mystery by Mellow-D / Sonic |
62744 | DEEPTHEA.ZIP | 163925 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deep The Acid (4 ch, techno/rave) By Burgame / Hell Raiser |
62752 | DEF_8.ZIP | 86740 | 18.06.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M .WaSp. / DeFiAnCe |
62753 | DEF_WILI.ZIP | 83053 | 18.06.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M .WaSp. / DeFiAnCe |
62745 | DEFEATTH.ZIP | 146733 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Defeat the beast |
62746 | DEFENCIN.ZIP | 71683 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Defencing by Brainiac |
62747 | DEFILADY.ZIP | 102446 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Defilady march by Mercury / Obsession |
62748 | DEFINEDA.ZIP | 192704 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Defined as mess by Jason / Lemon |
62750 | DEFLORAT.ZIP | 294745 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Defloration by Emax / Trsi |
62751 | DEFUIRUS.ZIP | 197247 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Defuirus 2 by Brainiac / Nitro |
62754 | DEJAVU.ZIP | 13371 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deja vu by Hollywood / Jetset |
62755 | DEJAVUT1.ZIP | 84354 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dejavu-theme-1 by Nuke |
62756 | DEJAVUT2.ZIP | 76555 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dejavu-theme-2 by Nuke |
62757 | DEKKADAN.ZIP | 96193 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dekkadance by Dolphin / Noxious |
62758 | DELCHISB.ZIP | 107983 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Delchi's Breakfast by Mellow-D/Sonic |
62759 | DELICIOU.ZIP | 47657 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Delicious by Jason/Kefrans |
62761 | DELIVERA.ZIP | 272182 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Deliverance by Jedi/Oxygen |
62763 | DELTA.ZIP | 4365 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Delta |
62764 | DELTA2.ZIP | 43222 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Delta 2 |
62765 | DELTAMX.ZIP | 173368 | 18.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Delta Mx by Sidewind/Megawatts. |
62766 | DELTAREM.ZIP | 78005 | 13.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Delta Remix no1 Author unknown |
62767 | DELUSIVE.ZIP | 121907 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Delusive Dreams by Mystical/Purple |
62768 | DEMENTIC.ZIP | 179007 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dementic Deram Dune/Humane |
62773 | DEMOMFCI.ZIP | 104977 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Demo(mf)(cia) by Mad Freak |
62774 | DEMOMOD4.ZIP | 31102 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Demod 4 |
62780 | DEMONS.ZIP | 77542 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Demons Soundtrack |
62781 | DEMONSTR.ZIP | 124383 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Demonstration by Brainiac |
62782 | DEMOSAUS.ZIP | 166232 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Demosausje by Ramon |
62784 | DEMOSONG.ZIP | 31286 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ohno..a demosong by Matthew Simmonds |
62785 | DENGULEB.ZIP | 79346 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Den gule bil by Rockbiter |
62786 | DENIAL.ZIP | 70027 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Denial by Mantronix + Tip/Phenomena |
62787 | DENTROIN.ZIP | 187395 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dentro Infiny 1993 by Moog/Infiny |
62790 | DEPECHE.ZIP | 47053 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Visions by Mel O'dee |
62792 | DEPOT.ZIP | 208248 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Depot - A new ting by U4ia |
62793 | DEPRESSI.ZIP | 74022 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Depressing Techno by The Finn |
62795 | DERBAUER.ZIP | 307923 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | AMS: Der Bauer by Daniel Falk |
62798 | DESERTDA.ZIP | 194782 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Desert Dawn by Lizardking/Alcatraz |
62799 | DESERTDR.ZIP | 319393 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MODs from the Kefrens demo "Desert Dream" |
62801 | DESIREOF.ZIP | 119280 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Desire of my needs by Aquafresh/Eclipse |
62805 | DESTINY!.ZIP | 156686 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Destiny by Lynx. |
62807 | DESTRUCT.ZIP | 84977 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Destruction 2000 Falcon/Artificial People |
62808 | DETERMIN.ZIP | 162031 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:The Determination Dune/Misery |
62809 | DETSKANO.ZIP | 77932 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Det ska' nok gaa |
62810 | DETVEDJE.ZIP | 24963 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Detvedjegikke by Brainiac |
62811 | DEUCE.ZIP | 68092 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Really fast rave by Treador. Not the final version yet, but you get to enjoy this, while it's being finished. Suck also PULSE.ZIP! |
62812 | DEUCEFOR.ZIP | 105697 | 18.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Deuce - forever? by Treador. Style: Fast rave / techno. |
62813 | DEVA.ZIP | 51922 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deva |
62814 | DEVASTAT.ZIP | 73916 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Devastating cruelty by Morpheus |
62816 | DEVIATOR.ZIP | 191541 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deviator by Anders Hamre |
62818 | DEVIOUSD.ZIP | 83977 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Devious Disaster by Mystical/Purple |
62832 | DF_EMPT.ZIP | 167655 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DMF: Emptiness |
62833 | DF_FOLST.ZIP | 183183 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DMF: Follow the Stars |
62834 | DF_HERON.ZIP | 188483 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DMF: Heroes never die |
62835 | DF_HND2.ZIP | 106093 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DMF: Heroes never die - Part II |
62836 | DF_OPTP.ZIP | 122635 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DMF: Optimistic people |
62837 | DF_OUTSD.ZIP | 167012 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DMF: Outside world |
62838 | DF_TIMES.ZIP | 311992 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DMF: Times change |
62839 | DF_UTTM.ZIP | 112726 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DMF: Up to the moon |
62840 | DF_VCDSP.ZIP | 131485 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DMF: Victory against desperation |
62821 | DF07.ZIP | 37088 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tune 1 |
62822 | DF09.ZIP | 14667 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tune 3 |
62830 | DFB.ZIP | 68585 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dance Floor Boogie by Lord Jon Ray |
62841 | DGAME.ZIP | 163899 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: D-game by Brainiac |
62903 | DICKWIEE.ZIP | 13127 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dick wie ein likoer by Bass/Silents |
62905 | DIE.ZIP | 612473 | 25.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DIE!! Excellent gabber .xm by: ECSTASY/KNE |
62906 | DIEAUSNA.ZIP | 17442 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Die ausnahme |
62907 | DIEINDUS.ZIP | 73570 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Die Industrie (4 ch, techno/industrial) |
62908 | DIEMPERD.ZIP | 154594 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Diem perdidi by Emax/Palace |
62909 | DIFFICUL.ZIP | 103233 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Difficulty by The Finn |
62910 | DIGI1.ZIP | 89800 | 13.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digistudio part 1 Klim |
62911 | DIGIEXPR.ZIP | 117392 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digiexperience by Shorty/Network |
62912 | DIGIGLOB.ZIP | 311887 | 30.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Digital Globe -------- 31.12.1995 Jouni Airaksinen, OVERRiDE / DOZER Voitti X-Ray BBS:n musa kilpailun! Käyttää S3M-pannauksia. |
62913 | DIGINNOV.ZIP | 94118 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digital Innovation by 4-Mat |
62914 | DIGINNV2.ZIP | 67377 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digital innovation2 by Nuke/Anarchy |
62915 | DIGINNV3.ZIP | 88338 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digital innovation3 by Nuke/Anarchy |
62917 | DIGISTRM.ZIP | 103520 | 22.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Digital Storm DD (8 kanavaa) |
62918 | DIGISTUD.ZIP | 90180 | 23.05.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Digistudio part I |
62919 | DIGITAL.ZIP | 159816 | 01.03.1995 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Digital Century Falcon/Artificial People |
62920 | DIGITAL1.ZIP | 93276 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digital Innovation 1 by Nuke/Anarchy |
62921 | DIGITAL5.ZIP | 205235 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digital oxygene by Boomer the Bass |
62922 | DIGITALB.ZIP | 4935 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digital bass-line by Emax/TRSI |
62923 | DIGITALC.ZIP | 44057 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digital christmas by Mystical/Illusion |
62924 | DIGITALD.ZIP | 59377 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digital Dreamer by Infinity/TCB |
62925 | DIGITALL.ZIP | 61220 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digitallies |
62926 | DIGITALO.ZIP | 66680 | 26.05.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Digital Orgasm |
62930 | DIM2012.ZIP | 137116 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dimension 2012 |
62931 | DIMEBP.ZIP | 168849 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dimensions by saruu/bp - lenght 8.00 "This is just a rock-song!" - all 3 parts |
62932 | DIMNESSV.ZIP | 55836 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dimness-verse |
62933 | DINER.ZIP | 146938 | 13.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Diner-mod, suzanne vga/dna |
62934 | DINGDONG.ZIP | 19511 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dingdongmerry by Mub/LSD |
62936 | DIONEIV.ZIP | 87233 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dione IV |
62937 | DIOXIDEW.ZIP | 101744 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dioxide waves by Jason/Kefrens |
62974 | DIS_TECH.ZIP | 80111 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dis-Tech by Lord Jon Ray |
62946 | DISABILI.ZIP | 113695 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Disability Pension by A. Granlund |
62947 | DISACCOR.ZIP | 120336 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Disaccord by Maza / STC. |
62949 | DISCO.ZIP | 139845 | 04.03.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | eritupla | S3M: Disco feva baby! by Necros / FM |
62950 | DISCOFEV.ZIP | 138028 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Disco Feva Baby! by Necros/PM/EGG |
62951 | DISCOV.ZIP | 292718 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Discovery by Wishbone |
62952 | DISCOVER.ZIP | 61351 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Discovery of Sound by Bee Hunter/Jazz |
62953 | DISCOZAX.ZIP | 3808 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Disco Zax by Mel O'dee/Shining |
62954 | DISEASED.ZIP | 135051 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Diseased by Phoen-x/kLf |
62955 | DISHARMO.ZIP | 135816 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Disharmony by Mantronix+Tip/Phenomena |
62963 | DISKWALK.ZIP | 29817 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Disk-walker by Brainiac |
62967 | DISPEPSI.ZIP | 391611 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: X-Files 2 by Front 6/Blank |
62968 | DISPRO.ZIP | 158731 | 30.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Disproportionately Style: 8-chnl of something... by Mallard -96- Guest Star: Jimi Hendrix |
62969 | DISTANCE.ZIP | 72788 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Distances by Jester/Sanity |
62970 | DISTANT.ZIP | 109567 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Distant Call by Mr. Man/Andromeda |
62971 | DISTANTC.ZIP | 4478 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: distand.cmd by Dolphin/Noxious |
62972 | DISTANTV.ZIP | 296453 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Distant Voyage by Markell Moss |
62973 | DISTORTI.ZIP | 54233 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Distortion! by C.C.Catch/Renaissance |
62981 | DIVINEGL.ZIP | 77404 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Divine Glory by D-Zire |
62982 | DIX-HALL.ZIP | 122245 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: HalluCnation - Remix remixed by Dr.Erodix/Green Motion |
62983 | DIX-PRTY.ZIP | 86687 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: It's Party Time Now by Dr.Erodix/Green Motion Style: Dance Techno Playtime: 3:20 10 Channels - Listen with Cubic Player |
62984 | DIX-RAVE.ZIP | 439870 | 27.11.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Raving Time - Anytime by Dr.Erodix/Green Motion style: Tekkno/Rave |
62985 | DIX-THIS.ZIP | 230704 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: This Is The Way by Dr. Erodix / Green Motion. |
62986 | DIX-UAAA.ZIP | 297134 | 25.08.1996 | - | - | - | XM: U.A.A.A.O.E by Dr.Erodix/Green Motion Style: Techno... 18 channels |
62987 | DIX-XMAS.ZIP | 435816 | 18.12.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Xmas Happy Crap by Dr.Erodix/Green motion Style: Xmas-techno |
62988 | DIXIEPUN.ZIP | 4972 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dixiepunk by Daddy Freddy/Spirit |
63016 | DKILLER.ZIP | 85403 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hard Dudekiller by Xenon / GigaMess. |
63018 | DLACZEGO.ZIP | 43930 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dlaczego? by Roberts/Applause |
63023 | DLIRIUM.ZIP | 5534 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Delirium by Organic/Shining |
63032 | DLYPLSRE.ZIP | 69001 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Daily Pleasure By Audiomonster |
63045 | DMIX96.ZIP | 155260 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Dix's Dancemix '96 by Dr.Erodix/GM |
63060 | DNADREAM.ZIP | 58795 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dna-dream by 4-mat |
63062 | DNE_WRO3.ZIP | 37560 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: ? Dune/Sonic |
63063 | DNGEROUS.ZIP | 105091 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dangerous Ground by Liam the Lemming |
63071 | DOCLANDI.ZIP | 183767 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doclandia by Dreamer/TPD |
63072 | DOCTOR.ZIP | 64332 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Doctor by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
63073 | DOCUMENT.ZIP | 320176 | 26.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | S3M: Document B by Mellow-D |
63074 | DOEATIMO.ZIP | 106024 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doeati Moddafocka! by Axel/BRS |
63078 | DOGSHITD.ZIP | 80703 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dogs*it Disco by Fanatic/Decline |
63081 | DOINTHES.ZIP | 80613 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doin' The Sushi by Bjorn A. Lynne |
63082 | DOIT.ZIP | 133971 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Do It Coward by Leinad/TYO |
63083 | DOITNOW.ZIP | 136561 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doitnow by Terrorizer/Nemesis |
63085 | DONHUONO.ZIP | 1471384 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Don Huono by Edge/EMF |
63087 | DONOTHO3.ZIP | 87251 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Do-not-host 3 by Calypso/Swingbeat |
63088 | DONOTHO4.ZIP | 83160 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Do-not-host 4 by Brainiac |
63089 | DONTLOAD.ZIP | 13749 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Don't load this! by Brainiac/Nitro |
63090 | DONTSAYG.ZIP | 41863 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Don't say goodbye by U4ia |
63091 | DONTYOU2.ZIP | 183379 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Don't you want 2 by Zyx/Majic12 |
63092 | DONTYOUW.ZIP | 63155 | 18.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dont You Want me 1 by Beathoven/Infect. Style:Dance |
63095 | DOOMSDAY.ZIP | 8074 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doomsday by Hydra/Anarchy |
63096 | DOOMSEXP.ZIP | 157896 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dooms experience by Vamp/Interactive |
63098 | DOOP.ZIP | 49622 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doop by Strobo/Stellar |
63099 | DOORBELL.ZIP | 146872 | 18.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doorbell by Heatbeat. |
63100 | DOPE!KLF.ZIP | 47073 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dope For Your Mind remix by Basehead |
63101 | DOPE.ZIP | 335808 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Dope by Jugi/Complex |
63102 | DOPEC.ZIP | 189614 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dope - C by Motion/Balance |
63103 | DOPECPAR.ZIP | 155869 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dope-C-(PartII) by Motion/Balance |
63110 | DOSDIR.ZIP | 96413 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M My dos directory by Mallard. Style: Two C-64like tunes by Mallard -96- |
63112 | DOSKPOP.ZIP | 122621 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: L.K's Doskpop by Lizardking/Razord1911/ Triton |
63113 | DOSKPOPI.ZIP | 31360 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doskpop Intro by Lizardking&Some1/ Razor1911 |
63133 | DOSONG.ZIP | 7021 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dosong |
63134 | DOSTUNE3.ZIP | 76419 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: D.O.S Tune-3 by Lotf Interface/ Andromeda |
63136 | DOTF.ZIP | 196192 | 21.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Deity Of The Fallen (deathmetal) Corpse |
63139 | DOUBLETR.ZIP | 231323 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Double Trouble by Whalebone/EMF |
63140 | DOWNFROM.ZIP | 440034 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Down from the sky by Cybelius |
63141 | DOWNTOSI.ZIP | 280480 | 26.05.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Down to Signifigance by Mellow-D |
63142 | DOWNUNDE.ZIP | 38204 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Down Under |
63143 | DOXMO2.ZIP | 102374 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doxmopolitan II |
63151 | DRAGNET.ZIP | 68479 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: DragNet |
63153 | DRAGONJI.ZIP | 135209 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dragon Jive by S.L.L/Kefrens |
63154 | DRAGONSF.ZIP | 122875 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dragonsfunk by Moby |
63157 | DRAWESOM.ZIP | 45411 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Dr Awesome by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
63159 | DRAXSOUL.ZIP | 120757 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Draxsoul-00 by M. Sigaard |
63161 | DREAMAWA.ZIP | 63955 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dream-away by Brainiac |
63162 | DREAMCOV.ZIP | 80507 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dreamcover by Brainiac |
63163 | DREAMING.ZIP | 87354 | 29.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dreaming Tonic/Droidnoise |
63164 | DREAMOFD.ZIP | 53141 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dream of Dance by Moog/Infiny |
63166 | DREAMS.ZIP | 195883 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Megadreams by Trap/Bonzai |
63168 | DREAMSCA.ZIP | 230442 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dreamscape by Jogeir Liljedahl |
63169 | DREAMSDZ.ZIP | 584008 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Dreams of Deez by Vogue/Triton |
63171 | DREAMWOR.ZIP | 39369 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dream World by Smooth Machine |
63172 | DREAMYNI.ZIP | 99425 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dreamy Nights by C.C.Catch/Renaissance |
63175 | DRGNJIVE.ZIP | 135016 | 18.12.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Dragon Jive by S.L.L /Kefrens. Style:Dance |
63177 | DRINKMYP.ZIP | 74650 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Drink my pain away by Moby/DRD |
63178 | DRIVINGU.ZIP | 386720 | 18.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:Driving You Crazy by Bishop/Acerbic. |
63179 | DRMSCAPE.ZIP | 137135 | 13.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dream-Scapes Deathlok |
63180 | DROFFEAR.ZIP | 89111 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dreams of Fear by Luv Kohli/Empyrean |
63183 | DROPPING.ZIP | 85372 | 27.01.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Dropping up Markus Bergman |
63184 | DROPSINT.ZIP | 309054 | 26.05.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Drops in Time by Ryan Cramer/ Renaissance |
63187 | DRUGZ101.ZIP | 153234 | 11.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Drugz (v1.01) Sickman |
63193 | DRUIDS.ZIP | 49741 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Druid's Fanfair by U4ia/Megawatts |
63194 | DRUNKCAT.ZIP | 10427 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Drunk Cat |
63197 | DRWHO.ZIP | 43478 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doctor Who |
63199 | DS-ACIDR.ZIP | 179747 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Acid Rain by DawnStar/Neodune (Hard Acid) |
63200 | DS-ORCLX.ZIP | 105205 | 31.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | [S3M] Organic Climax 16trk, 7:29 min By: Jigid/DeltaSOFT |
63201 | DS-REGGA.ZIP | 189765 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "I don't love reggae" by DawnStar/Neodune (breakbeat) |
63202 | DS-WINTE.ZIP | 806083 | 18.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | "Winter" Music-collection by DawnStar Includes 4 extended modules, various styles. Total time 15'24" |
63223 | DST-SS.ZIP | 209087 | 18.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DUST PRODUCTiON: XM: Silent sorrow Style: deathmetal. |
63224 | DST-TTC.ZIP | 251182 | 18.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DUST PRODUCTiON: XM: Throught the crawling Style: deathmetal. |
63240 | DTDMSOUN.ZIP | 54368 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dt-Dm Soundmachine |
63243 | DTFUNKYS.ZIP | 16009 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dt-funky-sr |
63245 | DTORGASM.ZIP | 67968 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Digital Orgasm by Accord / X-Trade. |
63252 | DUB5_L&S.ZIP | 237333 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M : Ambient/Dub Rel. 5 |
63259 | DUNGEONQ.ZIP | 133197 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dungeonquest |
63260 | DUNGLE.ZIP | 1383866 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Dungle by Bishop |
63262 | DUNNOWHA.ZIP | 200016 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dunno what to say by Heatbeat |
63266 | DUSTOFCA.ZIP | 6244 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dust of caravan 88 by David Fredman |
63267 | DUSTRAID.ZIP | 275620 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: DustRaiders by Sidewinder/Megawatts |
63311 | DWN.ZIP | 319364 | 25.03.1996 | - | - | - | Down by Luck From GBP-music-compo bu Tumi / Cmx / BoEs |
63314 | DX7EXCEP.ZIP | 141640 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dx7 Except Drumz by Brainiac |
63315 | DX7PLAYE.ZIP | 79910 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dx7-player by Brainiac |
63317 | DYINGRAI.ZIP | 179971 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dying rainforest by Mad Freak |
63319 | DZ-TPD-P.ZIP | 249006 | 23.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Jazz/Persuasive Music: The Persuasive Dance |
63937 | E_04045.ZIP | 200526 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_04045. |
63938 | E_06427.ZIP | 227576 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_06427. |
63939 | E_09161.ZIP | 226385 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: E_09161. |
63940 | E_09344.ZIP | 223568 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_09344. |
63941 | E_12242.ZIP | 231879 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_12242. |
63942 | E_12342.ZIP | 317517 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_12342. |
63943 | E_14325.ZIP | 43871 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_14325. |
63944 | E_19024.ZIP | 284803 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_19024. |
63945 | E_19124.ZIP | 233195 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_19124. |
63946 | E_19424.ZIP | 203432 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_19424. |
63947 | E_24755.ZIP | 247401 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_24755. |
63948 | E_29044.ZIP | 214651 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_29044. |
63949 | E_29612.ZIP | 211135 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_29612. |
63950 | E_29812.ZIP | 355191 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_29812. |
63951 | E_29932.ZIP | 156687 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_29932. |
63952 | E_34854.ZIP | 107144 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_34854. |
63953 | E_39342.ZIP | 355620 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_39342. |
63954 | E_39413.ZIP | 160276 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_39413. |
63955 | E_40259.ZIP | 211531 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Water Flows by Bert / Epinicion, Style: Mellow Breakbeat, 14 channels. |
63956 | E_40752.ZIP | 181493 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_40752. |
63957 | E_43053.ZIP | 398955 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_43053. |
63958 | E_43864.ZIP | 274873 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_43864. |
63959 | E_44753.ZIP | 74961 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_44753. |
63960 | E_45153.ZIP | 175177 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_45153. |
63961 | E_45554.ZIP | 267289 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_45554. |
63962 | E_48866.ZIP | 142657 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Steel by Hades / Pure Resistance. |
63963 | E_49812.ZIP | 292794 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_49812. |
63964 | E_54752.ZIP | 345260 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_54752. |
63965 | E_56172.ZIP | 304819 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: E_56172. |
63966 | E_59438.ZIP | 297416 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_59438. |
63967 | E_59874.ZIP | 351131 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_59874. |
63968 | E_62822.ZIP | 55333 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: E_62822. |
63969 | E_67384.ZIP | 145559 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: E_67384. |
63970 | E_69447.ZIP | 281235 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_69447. |
63971 | E_69547.ZIP | 297977 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_69547. |
63972 | E_69962.ZIP | 304568 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Sentinental by Primal. |
63973 | E_74556.ZIP | 352801 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_74556. |
63974 | E_79014.ZIP | 115938 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_79014. |
63975 | E_79362.ZIP | 230324 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_79362. |
63976 | E_79942.ZIP | 333238 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: E_79942. |
63977 | E_84962.ZIP | 183459 | 15.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E_84962. |
63562 | EAGLE.ZIP | 95090 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | NT: Eagle |
63563 | EARTHORB.ZIP | 193690 | 11.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Earth Orbit v1.1 by Johan Alpmar |
63564 | EARTHQUA.ZIP | 70623 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Earthquake |
63565 | EASEDOWN.ZIP | 330824 | 03.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | EaseDown trance by> JOHN COLEMAN (xtc) |
63566 | EASEOUTE.ZIP | 9525 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Easeout Easein by Motion/Balance |
63567 | EASY.ZIP | 74409 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Easter Islands by Hollywood/Jet-Z |
63568 | EASYTRIP.ZIP | 162633 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | easytrip by nutcase\balance |
63570 | EATTHIS.ZIP | 538600 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Eat this! by Amusic/OCT |
63571 | EATYOURH.ZIP | 217375 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Eat you House Out by U4IA |
63580 | EC26INTR.ZIP | 28107 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: EuroCharts #26 - intro by Heatbeat/CNCD |
63581 | EC26MAIN.ZIP | 125288 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: EuroCharts #26 - main by Heatbeat/CNCD |
63583 | ECGROOVE.ZIP | 89995 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Ec Groove by Terrorizer/Nemesis |
63584 | ECHO1.ZIP | 7860 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Echo1 by AQD/TFA |
63585 | ECHOCONF.ZIP | 173802 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Echoes of Conflict by Mantronix/Razor 1911 |
63586 | ECHOING.ZIP | 30575 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ST: Echoing |
63588 | ECLIPSE.ZIP | 25196 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Eclipse by Dominic/EMF |
63589 | ECOLOVE.ZIP | 107800 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Ecolove |
63590 | ECONOMY4.ZIP | 13182 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Econoby4 by XTD/Action Direct |
63591 | ECOSPHER.ZIP | 19093 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Ecosphere by White Lord/Sceptic |
63594 | ECSTACY.ZIP | 104815 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Exstacy by Dr. Awesome/Crusaders |
63596 | EDELWEIS.ZIP | 124306 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Edelweis |
63604 | EENSENVO.ZIP | 7853 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Eend en Voor Altijd by Facet/Lem0n |
63613 | EFTC.ZIP | 350368 | 12.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: E.F.T.C by ORBiTeR Length: 1.40, 14channels. |
63620 | EGYPTIAN.ZIP | 30783 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Egyptian |
63624 | EIGHTWON.ZIP | 7988 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Eight Wonder by Hydra |
63625 | EINST-1.ZIP | 58233 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Einsteinium1 by Einstein |
63626 | EINSTEC7.ZIP | 48088 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Einstein-C7 |
63627 | EINSTEI3.ZIP | 48618 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Einsteinium3 |
63628 | EINSTEI4.ZIP | 63200 | 19.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Einsteinium4 by Einstein |
63682 | EL_DRMS.ZIP | 307986 | 21.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Electric Dreams by Uran / Midnight Coders |
63631 | EL-SUBCO.ZIP | 503729 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Asm96 multichannel compo (nonqualified) Elektro: Subconsciousness 2:54 - 18-o8-96 - XM featuring lots of acid. |
63632 | EL-TANGO.ZIP | 276897 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Asm96 4-channel compo (nonqualified): Elektro: My Tango tango, techno, analoque |
63633 | ELEC.ZIP | 147519 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Electric-Church |
63634 | ELECPHON.ZIP | 32152 | 09.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Un Electrophone by PulP (acid house) lenght 9.02, BPM 131 |
63638 | ELECTRA.ZIP | 13443 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Electra by SQD |
63639 | ELECTRAC.ZIP | 50922 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Electraccess |
63640 | ELECTRI1.ZIP | 33244 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Electrical Repulsion by Wolfman |
63641 | ELECTRI9.ZIP | 105032 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Electric Youth by DGMusic/BTL |
63642 | ELECTRIC.ZIP | 81604 | 25.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | PT: Electric Yuppie by Mystical/Purple |
63643 | ELECTRIF.ZIP | 161195 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Electrification |
63645 | ELECTROB.ZIP | 39693 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Electro Buzz by Bishop |
63646 | ELECTROC.LHA | 118155 | 02.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Electrocuted BigLupu/PTC |
63647 | ELECTROQ.ZIP | 38405 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Electroquest by Nuke/Anarchy |
63648 | ELEKFUNK.ZIP | 151183 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Elekfunk by Moby |
63649 | ELEKTRIK.ZIP | 151263 | 25.05.1996 | - | 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img | - | PT: Elektrik Funk by Moby |
63650 | ELEMENT.ZIP | 197032 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 669: Elemental Warriors Channels: 8 |
63651 | ELEMENTA.ZIP | 269421 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Elemental by Sidewinder/InfoCorne |
63653 | ELENDIR.ZIP | 131275 | 29.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Skull of Elendir by Hazard |
63655 | ELIMINA2.ZIP | 286158 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Elimination Part II by Lizardking |
63656 | ELIMINAT.ZIP | 203832 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Elimination Part I by Lizardking |
63657 | ELIMINIA.ZIP | 197356 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Elimination by Lizardking |
63658 | ELIPSENH.ZIP | 72209 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Elipse(nhp) |
63659 | ELIPTIC1.ZIP | 213445 | 25.05.1996 | - | - | - | PT: Epileptical by NHP & BKH / Anarchy |
63660 | ELIPTICA.ZIP | 160359 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Eliptical by BKH & NHP |
63671 | ELLE.ZIP | 1741 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Elle by Rez. |
63674 | ELMSJOUR.ZIP | 263936 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Elm's Journey by Sidewinder/Megawatts. |
63677 | ELTRAGOK.ZIP | 385808 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: El Trago KLF Remix. |
63678 | ELVISHAS.ZIP | 125607 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Elvis has left the building. |
63679 | ELVIZZ.ZIP | 142999 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Elvizz. |
63681 | ELYSIUM.ZIP | 84342 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Elysium by Jester / Sanity. |
63715 | EM_ATCOR.ZIP | 114546 | 13.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: At the Corner by Evilmind Channels: 10. |
63716 | EM_DF.ZIP | 130519 | 13.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Damned life by Evilmind Style: HeavyMetal, Channels: 8. |
63717 | EM_DWIYT.ZIP | 259721 | 13.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Die, when it's your time to die. Style: Kinda heavy, Channels: 8. |
63718 | EM_MOTD.ZIP | 118808 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Minds of Total Destruction by Evilmind / Cyberlink. |
63719 | EM_NOIMP.ZIP | 224532 | 13.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Nothing Important by Evilmind Style: Kinda heavy, Channels: 11. |
63720 | EM_NPTL.ZIP | 91099 | 21.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: No Place to Live by Evilmind Style: Kinda metal. |
63721 | EM_TEW.ZIP | 199830 | 13.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: This Evil World by Evilmind Channels: 16. |
63685 | EMBRY.ZIP | 115321 | 13.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Embryo by SoftguMm / tAE PS. SofguMm used to be Tentacle! |
63688 | EMERALDD.ZIP | 60241 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | FAR: Emerald. |
63689 | EMERGE.LHA | 116230 | 21.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Emerge by Nexxus 64 / Quarantine. Style: Ambient/trance. |
63690 | EMMA.ZIP | 148633 | 21.07.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Ouh Emma Resonatix^Dimension |
63692 | EMOTIO.ZIP | 113406 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Emotion by Bit Arts |
63693 | EMOTION.ZIP | 105232 | 17.09.1995 | repacked | modarchive.org | eritupla | S3M: Emotional Suffering Liam The Lemming |
63694 | EMOTIONA.ZIP | 159561 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Emotional Suffering by Liam the Lemming. |
63695 | EMOTIONS.ZIP | 91936 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Emotions by Nuke / Anarchy. |
63696 | EMP.ZIP | 35773 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Emphysia. |
63697 | EMPTMIND.ZIP | 679257 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Empty mind by Edge/EMF |
63698 | EMPTY.ZIP | 113003 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Empty Head. |
63699 | EMPTYSPA.ZIP | 20342 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Empty Space. |
63701 | EMULATOR.ZIP | 73728 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Emulator By Juho / Artificial People |
63702 | EMUSORGA.ZIP | 34893 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DescMOD: Emu's Orgasm by Nuke / Anarchy. |
63724 | ENCHANTE.ZIP | 235999 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Enchanted (4 ch, techno/rave/instrum.) |
63726 | ENCOUNTR.ZIP | 105314 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Encounter by Luv Kohli / Empyrean. |
63727 | END.ZIP | 76321 | 23.01.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: New Beginning Purple Motion/Future Crew |
63728 | ENDLESS.ZIP | 50434 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Endless Worry by u4ia. |
63729 | ENDLESSS.ZIP | 3778 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Endless Space by D-zire / Silents. |
63730 | ENDOFSTO.ZIP | 4708 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: End of Story. |
63731 | ENDOFTHE.ZIP | 59259 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Enf of the Misery-1 by Blade Vacum- |
63732 | ENDSOFSA.ZIP | 115229 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ends of Sanity by Ash / Vixen. |
63733 | ENDSPACE.ZIP | 193055 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Endless Space by Insect & Venom / GigaMess. |
63734 | ENDTHEM2.ZIP | 45793 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Endtheme2 - Diablo. |
63735 | ENDTHEME.ZIP | 21692 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Endtheme. |
63736 | ENDTUNE1.ZIP | 45552 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Endtune1 by Jay. |
63737 | ENDTUNE2.ZIP | 107415 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Endtune2 by Jay. |
63738 | ENEMIES.ZIP | 46474 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Sky I'am Back. |
63739 | ENERGY.ZIP | 83454 | 09.09.1996 | - | 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img | - | MOD: Energy Hit. |
63755 | ENG23.ZIP | 43132 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: GNG23. |
63757 | ENGAGE.ZIP | 202973 | 16.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3: Engage (2:01) BlueSun Released: 16.5.-95 |
63760 | ENIGINSP.ZIP | 204617 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Haijjii.. Eller saa nog by Solar Eclipse |
63761 | ENIGMA.ZIP | 128868 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Enigma by Tip & Firefox / Phenomena. |
63762 | ENIGMAFO.ZIP | 78598 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Theme from a C64 game called Enigma Force. |
63763 | ENIGMATI.ZIP | 120808 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Enigmatic. |
63764 | ENJOY.ZIP | 249795 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Enjoy the Silence. |
63765 | ENJOYTS.ZIP | 121877 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Enjoy The Silence by 4-Mat |
63766 | ENLIGHTE.ZIP | 97767 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Enlighten Vector by Laxity / Kefrens. |
63767 | ENN0GENA.ZIP | 101003 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: En nOgen and, der Danser by Mystical / Purple. |
63768 | ENOUGH.ZIP | 83164 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Does this say enogh? by Shark / Synergy Design. |
63769 | ENSILUMI.LHA | 35123 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Ensilumi (Buzzer/Zenon) |
63770 | ENTANGLE.ZIP | 42522 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Entangled. |
63771 | ENTEROUR.ZIP | 158024 | 21.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Enter Our World by Otis / Perseus-ic. |
63772 | ENTITY.ZIP | 69034 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Entity by Deathjester / Anarchy. |
63773 | ENTMIXES.ZIP | 445994 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Several Entropy Remixes. |
63774 | ENTRAILS.ZIP | 125466 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Entrails by Balrog. |
63789 | EPIDEMIC.ZIP | 138513 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Epidemic Introtune. |
63796 | EPSONIC.ZIP | 133862 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Epsonic. |
63797 | EQUINOX1.ZIP | 51299 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Equinoxe I. |
63798 | EQUINOX2.ZIP | 50757 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Equinoxe V. |
63799 | EQUINOXE.ZIP | 56997 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Equinoxe II. |
63805 | ERGTOZH1.ZIP | 1649298 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | by: Erhtozh in April '96 |
63807 | EROFSILV.ZIP | 57034 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Erofsivl by Jester / Sanity. |
63810 | ERUPTION.ZIP | 8544 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Eruption by Dolphin / Noxious. |
63822 | ESCAPADE.ZIP | 111554 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Escapade by Lord Interface. |
63823 | ESCAPE.ZIP | 37287 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | S3M: Escape from Her Hands by Salomon. |
63824 | ESCAPEFR.ZIP | 647551 | 11.09.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Escape from Pori by Purple Motion. |
63825 | ESCAPELE.ZIP | 878566 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Escape by Leviathan / Renessaince. |
63827 | ESKIKOST.LHA | 81368 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Eskimon Kosto (Buzzer/Zenon) |
63828 | ESKOLIKE.ZIP | 7873 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Esko Likes Mutantoe by Mikko Lipiainen. |
63830 | ESSENCE.ZIP | 313072 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Essence by Mellow-D. |
63831 | ESTONIA.ZIP | 5922 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Estonia by Breeze. |
63836 | ETERNAL.ZIP | 113954 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PROBE/OXYLON presents ETERNAL style : Trance length : 4:35 format : XM |
63837 | ETERNALD.ZIP | 106810 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Eternal Dawn by Leinad / Avalanche. |
63838 | ETERNIT2.ZIP | 264183 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Eternity by Daedalus. |
63839 | ETERNITY.ZIP | 261743 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Eternity by Necros / PM. |
63840 | ETHERALV.ZIP | 147220 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Etheral Void by Heatbeat |
63842 | ETHNO.ZIP | 287503 | 04.03.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Ethno Magic by NHP |
63843 | ETHNOMAG.ZIP | 283843 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: EthnoMagic by nhp / Silents. |
63845 | EU.ZIP | 101986 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Existence Unknown by Jaffa/KAN^STC |
63849 | EUPHOR.ZIP | 84079 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Euphoria by B.I.T / Cinefex. |
63850 | EUPHORIA.ZIP | 77044 | 11.09.1996 | renamed | archive.org, modit/arkisto.zip | eritupla | MOD: Euphoria by Boldhi. |
63851 | EURO.ZIP | 271908 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | STM: Eurolight Orchestra by C.C. Catch. |
63865 | EUROBEAT.ZIP | 56081 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Eurobeat by Virgill / Sanity. |
63866 | EUROLIGH.ZIP | 269983 | 21.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | STM: Eurolight Orchestra by C.C.Catch. |
63868 | EVELMOLE.ZIP | 53843 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Evel Molecular by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
63869 | EVENING.ZIP | 84690 | 11.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Evening. |
63870 | EVERC.ZIP | 278211 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Everchanging by Radiance / Bandwagon. Style: Jungle/Acid, length: 7.30. |
63872 | EVIL_1.ZIP | 276674 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Evil part 1 by Jazz / DFN. |
63873 | EVIL_2.ZIP | 260418 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Evil part 2 by Jazz / DFN. |
63875 | EVOLUTIO.ZIP | 382424 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | S3M: Evolutions End by Khyron / Acid. |
63876 | EXALTEDM.ZIP | 85215 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Exalted Movemenet by Morpheus. |
63884 | EXDREAM.ZIP | 118745 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ex-Dream by Dax. |
63886 | EXECUT.ZIP | 129564 | 19.02.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Executive Tune Jam-O,,, |
63890 | EXILE.ZIP | 179493 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Exile by Zoonie / Deadlock. |
63892 | EXISTENS.ZIP | 75236 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Link to existence Radiance/bw |
63893 | EXITNEG1.ZIP | 264539 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Exit-1 by Bedlamite / Nation. |
63894 | EXLO_RVL.ZIP | 142443 | 21.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Exelosignia Rho&Eterna/Reveal |
63898 | EXORCIST.ZIP | 5350 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Exorcist by Hydra. |
63900 | EXPANDER.ZIP | 47132 | 12.09.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Expander by BigLupu / Ural 13 Style: Acid Trance, Length: 6.35 Was 5th in Krakpots trancekompo. |
63901 | EXPERIM1.ZIP | 36306 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Experiment 18. |
63902 | EXPERIM2.ZIP | 262710 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Experiment 40. |
63903 | EXPERIM4.ZIP | 76610 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Experiment 38. |
63904 | EXPERIM5.ZIP | 27385 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Experiment 41. |
63905 | EXPERIM6.ZIP | 15655 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Experiment 47. |
63906 | EXPERIM7.ZIP | 34867 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Experiment 49. |
63907 | EXPERIM8.ZIP | 79080 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Experiment 26. |
63908 | EXPERIME.ZIP | 1039 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Experiment 50. |
63924 | EXTAZY.ZIP | 80541 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Extazy. |
63925 | EXTRA.ZIP | 117829 | 16.03.1996 | - | - | - | Extravaganza From GBP-music-compo by Opa / Cmx / BoEs |
63926 | EXTRACTI.ZIP | 99174 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Extraction. |
63927 | EXTRAVAG.ZIP | 107682 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Extravagance by Mellod-D / Ice. |
63929 | EXTREMIA.ZIP | 240615 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Extremia by Ravebusters. |
63930 | EXTREMIS.ZIP | 169582 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Extremist by Gibson / Extreme. |
63932 | EXUDINGT.ZIP | 99047 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Exuding Titleness. |
63933 | EYEOFTHE.ZIP | 47171 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Eye of the Storm by Mantronix/Razor 1911 |
63934 | EYES.ZIP | 109624 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Beetween. |
63984 | F.ZIP | 5188 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intromusic2 By: dr.Awesome Channels: 4 |
63991 | F2.ZIP | 189955 | 29.05.1996 | - | - | eritupla | MOD: F2 Channels: 4 |
64002 | F4W.ZIP | 100484 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Fight for a while by Mallard -96 Style: Dance. |
64005 | FABIOUS.ZIP | 79027 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: fabious By: Björn A. Lynne Channels: 4 |
64006 | FABJKRES.ZIP | 71631 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: fab j. kresta 5q2 By: Heatbeat/Carillon Channels: 4 |
64007 | FACEADY1.ZIP | 280705 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Face_another_day-jl By: Jogeir Liljedahl Channels: 4 |
64008 | FACEADY2.ZIP | 275660 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: face another day 2 By: Jogeir Liljedahl Channels: 4 |
64009 | FACLITTL.ZIP | 84006 | 26.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Little song Sickman |
64010 | FACTORYT.ZIP | 13431 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Factory-theme By: Jason/Silents Channels: 4 |
64011 | FACVIOLT.ZIP | 109098 | 26.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Violet Sickman |
64012 | FADE.ZIP | 167367 | 23.07.1995 | - | - | - | MOD: Fade zZz |
64014 | FAGORFIG.ZIP | 38034 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Faq Or Fight by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
64017 | FAIRDESI.ZIP | 137015 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: fair desire By: b.i.t/Cinefex Channels: 4 |
64018 | FAIRLIG2.ZIP | 69845 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fairlight_242 By: Papa Smurf Channels: 4 |
64020 | FAIRY.ZIP | 12189 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fairy lights By: u4ia of Megawatts Channels: 4 |
64021 | FAIRYLAN.ZIP | 196006 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fairyland By: NHP & BKH Channels: 4 |
64022 | FAIRYTAL.ZIP | 3145 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fairy tale-hydra By: Hydra/Independant Channels: 4 |
64025 | FALLFIFT.ZIP | 158492 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fall-fifty By: Brainiac Channels: 4 |
64026 | FALLFROM.ZIP | 139330 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Fall From Grace By: Liam the Lemming Channels: 9 |
64028 | FAME.ZIP | 155346 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Man With No Fame by Praedor (style: goa) |
64029 | FANTAMAN.ZIP | 115804 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fanta manna mani by Heatbeat |
64030 | FANTASM.ZIP | 208136 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Fantasm By: Marvel / FC Channels: 16 |
64031 | FANTASYJ.ZIP | 60596 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fantasy Channels: 4 |
64032 | FANTAZYW.ZIP | 160445 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fantazy world By: Nhp Anarchy Channels: 4 |
64040 | FARAWAY.ZIP | 360872 | 18.11.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | (xm) faraway by prob. / oxylon scenario'96 music kompo contribution |
64041 | FAREWELL.ZIP | 35830 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Fare Ye Well..... By: Lord Jon Ray Channels: 16 |
64042 | FARFROMH.ZIP | 227596 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Far from home by Lizardking |
64044 | FASTBLAS.ZIP | 54764 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fastblast By: Infernal noise Channels: 4 |
64046 | FASTCHA2.ZIP | 217495 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fast_charger_2 By: Mellow-d sonic Channels: 4 |
64049 | FASTFOOD.ZIP | 94652 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fast Food By: Jester of RSI Channels: 4 |
64050 | FASTLANE.ZIP | 124487 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fast lane By: Mystical/Purple Channels: 4 |
64051 | FATALDES.ZIP | 133650 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fatal_designs.comp By: Vain/Razor 1911 Channels: 4 |
64052 | FATALVIO.ZIP | 40240 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fatal violation By: Ash/Vixen Channels: 4 |
64072 | FEAR.ZIP | 95928 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Name : Fear Composer : Dr.Vodka / mG Format : ProTracker Style : Ambient/Rave/Trance... Duration : 4.45 min |
64073 | FEARDARK.ZIP | 66330 | 27.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | happycore.By fLOPPY/ABS |
64074 | FEAREXAM.ZIP | 61713 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fear of the exams By: Daniel Falk Channels: 4 |
64076 | FEARSEND.ZIP | 158526 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fear's End By: Breeze/Capacala Channels: 8 |
64077 | FEEDBACK.ZIP | 101157 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Feedback By: Necros/PM Channels: 8 |
64079 | FEELGOOD.ZIP | 232582 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Feelgood Channels: 4 |
64080 | FEELING.ZIP | 35597 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Feeling sad By: Laurence Channels: 4 |
64081 | FEELING2.ZIP | 525426 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Feeling 2 by Ran'e Gasenzer Channels: 10 |
64082 | FEELINGH.ZIP | 88789 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Feeling Her... By: :Game: Channels: 16 |
64083 | FEELIT.ZIP | 184395 | 30.07.1996 | - | - | - | PROBE/OXYLON/AFFECTION presents - Why don't U feel it - Made for GBP's music competition style : Slow guitar length : 2:30 format : XM |
64084 | FEELSBOX.LHA | 98683 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Feels Like A Box ............ (Buzzer/Zenon) |
64085 | FEELTHEO.ZIP | 123109 | 18.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Feeltheoops, Style: Dance. |
64086 | FEELTHES.ZIP | 107028 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Feel the Strings Channels: 4 |
64088 | FELIXDON.ZIP | 188951 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Felix - dont you Channels: 4 |
64089 | FELLOWSH.ZIP | 6259 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fellowship.cr By: Gryzor Channels: 4 |
64090 | FENFIRE.ZIP | 536065 | 29.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | SURPRISE! PRODUCTIONS S!P POLISH CONTRIBUTION TO COMPUTER ART FESTIVAL '95 - winning mod by Scorpik |
64092 | FETTERS.ZIP | 140750 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | fetters of time by nutcase\balance |
64093 | FETTERST.ZIP | 140898 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fetters of Time By: Nutcase Channels: 4 |
64104 | FGBLUES.ZIP | 156869 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fg-blues Channels: 4 |
64120 | FIDDLE.ZIP | 91368 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: NECROFIDDLER By: Fading Nimbus Channels: 16 |
64121 | FIDELITY.ZIP | 89857 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fidelity By: Whiplash/tbr Channels: 4 |
64123 | FIELDGOA.ZIP | 94197 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Field-goal By: Avatar/Zylon/Afl Channels: 4 |
64124 | FIELDGRN.ZIP | 71308 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fields of green By: Jesper Kyd Channels: 4 |
64125 | FIELDS.ZIP | 569474 | 31.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | [S3M]-song by Xenon / GigaMess # Fields Of Fire # Including some speeches... |
64126 | FIERCE.ZIP | 160960 | 13.09.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Fierce by Pumpkin / Plaque! Contribution to the Mine Field BBS music compo. |
64128 | FIL174.ZIP | 62596 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fil174 By: Flip of Delight Channels: 4 |
64135 | FINALDES.ZIP | 246309 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Final-destiny By: SideWinder/InfoCorner Channels: 4 |
64136 | FINALENC.ZIP | 143929 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Final Encounter By: Mystical/Purple Channels: 16 |
64137 | FINALSPI.ZIP | 175806 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Final spinal By: Merge of Polka B. Channels: 4 |
64138 | FINDUS.ZIP | 89689 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Findus och korven By: Leinad Channels: 4 |
64141 | FINITRIB.ZIP | 107905 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Finitribe 2001 Channels: 4 |
64146 | FIREBALL.ZIP | 17188 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fireballs By: Mantronix/Fairlight Channels: 4 |
64147 | FIREBIRD.ZIP | 68457 | 29.05.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | MOD: Firebird By: Aru Channels: 4 |
64148 | FIREOHEL.ZIP | 625288 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: fire of hell here's foe all you DEATHMETAL fans |
64149 | FIRETUNE.ZIP | 18369 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Fire Tune By: Breeze/Capacala Channels: 8 |
64150 | FIREWALK.ZIP | 114004 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fire walk with me! By: Chris Channels: 4 |
64151 | FIREWORK.ZIP | 4728 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fireworks By: Mantronix/Fairlight Channels: 4 |
64153 | FIRSTA.ZIP | 354317 | 27.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: First Attempt MyVoice |
64154 | FIRSTSTR.ZIP | 7659 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: First strike by Lizardking & Some1 |
64155 | FIRSTTRP.ZIP | 55478 | 12.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The First Boating Trip (second version) Falcon/Artificial People |
64158 | FISH_S3M.ZIP | 92942 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: UnderWater Breathin' Ripped From The Fishtro By FC |
64157 | FISHPOWE.ZIP | 275768 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: FISHPOWER! by Mystical Channels: 16 |
64167 | FLAPPY.ZIP | 170439 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Flappy Happiness an s3m module by Liam the Lemming |
64170 | FLASHBA2.ZIP | 26509 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flashback-memoire By: Audiomonster Channels: 4 |
64171 | FLASHBA4.ZIP | 73516 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flashback-introb By: Audiomonster Channels: 4 |
64172 | FLASHBA8.ZIP | 33213 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flashback-options1 By: Audiomonster Channels: 4 |
64173 | FLASHDAN.ZIP | 81304 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flashdance-1 By: Yawron of the Giants Channels: 4 |
64176 | FLIGHT.ZIP | 113489 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Flight Falcon/Artificial People |
64183 | FLIGHTOF.ZIP | 169126 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flight of the Heart By: Erik G. Pro Channels: 4 |
64184 | FLIKFLAK.ZIP | 35115 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flik flak tune 06 By: Pye/Agoa Channels: 4 |
64187 | FLIPPEDI.ZIP | 50060 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flippediflop-fart + By: Djengis Khan / Talent Channels: 4 |
64188 | FLOAT.ZIP | 72356 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Float By: Static of Coneheads Channels: 16 |
64189 | FLOATING.ZIP | 61348 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Floating voting By: Breeze/Capacala Channels: 8 |
64190 | FLOOD.ZIP | 147747 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flood By: Chorus and Sid of Majic 12 Channels: 4 |
64191 | FLORENCE.ZIP | 164767 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Florence by AudioMonster |
64201 | FLYBYE.ZIP | 183784 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flybye By: msk Channels: 4 |
64202 | FLYDELUX.ZIP | 268021 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Flyride Deluxe by CRUX / DCC (Miska Natunen). 5'28", 13 Channels. Flying melodies on a steady techno beat. |
64203 | FLYING.ZIP | 115836 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Flying Indian By: Mystical/Purple Channels: 16 |
64204 | FLYING4.ZIP | 160544 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: FLYING IV By: JayJay/MASC Channels: 4 |
64205 | FLYINGIN.ZIP | 148868 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Flying Indian II By: Mystical/Purple Channels: 16 |
64206 | FLYINGWO.ZIP | 20794 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flying world by Lizardking & Some1 |
64209 | FLYTE.ZIP | 50863 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Flyte by Dr.Awesome |
64222 | FM_AM.ZIP | 262999 | 13.11.1996 | - | - | - | XM: FM/AM by Sojagga. Style: Tekno. |
64223 | FM_SKYS.ZIP | 220290 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Five Musicians utterly proudly present.. FOREIGN SKYS A Guitar Duet Composed by Big Jim |
64210 | FM-NOISE.ZIP | 25545 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: FM-noise Falcon/Artificial People |
64211 | FM-RIFF.ZIP | 357016 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Search for the lost riff by Necros & Basehead |
64230 | FOLIC.ZIP | 73509 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Folic Acid by Pulp / Ural 13. |
64231 | FOLKTRAC.ZIP | 62287 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Folk track By: Sonic/Avantgarde Channels: 4 |
64232 | FOLLOWTH.ZIP | 103024 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Follow the sign2.0 By: CyPhEr Channels: 4 |
64233 | FOLXVAGE.ZIP | 200113 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Folx-vagen by Dreamer/TPD |
64234 | FORD.ZIP | 183936 | 16.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ford's theme Tumi/Boes |
64236 | FORES.ZIP | 222796 | 19.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Spirit of the Forest Style : Slow By Probe/Oxylon/Affection |
64237 | FOREST.ZIP | 317161 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Forest By: Hermanni Yli-Tepsa Channels: 10 |
64238 | FOREVER.ZIP | 220966 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | S3M: Forever |
64243 | FOREVERY.ZIP | 172419 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Forever Young By: NG BEI SIN Channels: 8 |
64244 | FORGIVEN.ZIP | 169349 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Forgiven Souls By: C.C.Catch/REN Channels: 4 |
64245 | FORGOT.ZIP | 101661 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Forgotten Dreams By: The Walker of Priests of Power Channels: 16 |
64246 | FORGOTT2.ZIP | 76188 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Forgotten feelings By: Dizgui Channels: 4 |
64247 | FORGOTTE.ZIP | 71641 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Forgotten kingdom Channels: 4 |
64250 | FORREBEL.ZIP | 165323 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: For rebels(mf) By: Mad Freak Channels: 4 |
64251 | FORS.ZIP | 662412 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: the Forsaken by Lizardking |
64252 | FORTHEPE.ZIP | 150393 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: For the people!!! By: Lizardking/Strange Channels: 4 |
64253 | FORTUNE.ZIP | 70101 | 01.02.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fortune hcraver |
64254 | FOS.ZIP | 140122 | 13.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Phosphor By Rhamadan |
64255 | FOTOGRAF.ZIP | 31664 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Photographic Channels: 4 |
64257 | FOUNDATI.ZIP | 83962 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Foundations By: Subject/Balance Channels: 4 |
64258 | FOV-BLHL.ZIP | 159779 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Black Hole Idaho/ FreedomOfVoice |
64259 | FOV-CBTI.ZIP | 116161 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Celebration time author: BlueSun style : Melodic tune |
64260 | FOV-CGMD.ZIP | 131187 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Changing mind Idaho/ FreedomOfVoice |
64261 | FOV-FTMW.ZIP | 197657 | 18.02.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Fat Man Walk (Juhla Pii compotune) By : BlueSun / FoV (c)1996 |
64262 | FOV-LGHT.ZIP | 139532 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Light in space Qbic/FreedomOfVoice |
64263 | FOV-LTMT.ZIP | 201372 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | iDAHO/FreedomOfVoicen musiikkia |
64264 | FOV-MD#1.ZIP | 942266 | 24.02.1996 | renamed | archive.org, modit/arkisto.zip | - | Freedom of Voice presents it's first music disk. "the mind enchanter" |
64266 | FOV-MSVC.ZIP | 161147 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mysterious Voice iDAHO/FreedomOfVoice |
64267 | FOV-PINF.ZIP | 129506 | 18.02.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: People in fire (Juhla Pii Compotune) By: QBiC/FoV (c)1996 |
64268 | FOV-PROP.ZIP | 109671 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: PROPHYLACTION Qbic/FreedomOfVoice |
64269 | FOV-THND.ZIP | 191843 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The End! BlueSun/FreedomOfVoice iDAHO/FreedomOfVoice |
64270 | FOV-TYPH.ZIP | 102778 | 09.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Typhoon author: iDAHO style : Melodic tune |
64281 | FRACBMIT.ZIP | 161921 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Theme From:Fractured Skull By: Bedlamite Channels: 16 |
64282 | FRACTALS.ZIP | 32177 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Fractals By: Bts Channels: 4 |
64288 | FRAQ.ZIP | 19365 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Fraq by prob. / oxylon. |
64292 | FREAKS.ZIP | 131525 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Freaks are Here By: REW/Nostalgia Channels: 4 |
64293 | FREE.ZIP | 61967 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Feeling Free S3M By -Vade- |
64294 | FREEDOM2.ZIP | 95260 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Freedom By: Otis/Perceus-ic Channels: 4 |
64295 | FREEFROM.ZIP | 18835 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Free From Wires By: Slide Channels: 4 |
64297 | FREEMIND.ZIP | 156270 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | FREEDOM MIND by Raymond & Grim (4 ch) MODULE TYPE: M.K. 192 BPM - PRODiGY STYLE MOD! USE CAPAMOD TO PLAY THIS MOD! |
64298 | FREEOT.ZIP | 116380 | 31.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Free from Torment by Southpaw |
64299 | FREEZE.ZIP | 96176 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Freeze By: Mallard Channels: 16 |
64302 | FREQ1.ZIP | 95136 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Frequency Feed by Dr.Awesome |
64303 | FREQUENC.ZIP | 95252 | 11.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | MOD: Frequency feed By: dr.Awesome/Crusaders Channels: 4 |
64304 | FRESH.ZIP | 201647 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fresh By: Thomas Soliman Channels: 4 |
64308 | FRIENDOR.ZIP | 57418 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Friend or fom by Betrayer, Heavy Metal |
64310 | FRONTAL.ZIP | 64893 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Frontal by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
64311 | FROZEN.ZIP | 37561 | 27.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | nice relacing tune. good one.bY fLOPPY/ABS |
64312 | FRQ-DRME.ZIP | 152406 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: DreamElite by frequency. |
64313 | FRQ-MOIN.ZIP | 55852 | 31.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Modular Interference / frequency |
64314 | FRQ-REAC.ZIP | 50557 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Reactive by frequency. |
64315 | FRSHFRZN.ZIP | 189420 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fresh'n'Freezing by Heatbeat |
64317 | FSHINBED.LHA | 65800 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Fish In Bed....................(BROOM/ZENON) |
64321 | FT2MODS.ZIP | 1722832 | 28.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Viisi XM-modulea, tehnyt J.Mäntylä: ACC#2.XM, INVATAXI.XM, MARYJANE.XM, NO GOOD.XM, VOODOO.XM. Invataxi tehty Invataksi-pelin innoittamana, kaksi viimeistä Prodixy-remiksejä. |
64328 | FTUFFE.ZIP | 31952 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ftuffe by 4-Mat |
64331 | FULRULLE.ZIP | 101818 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Full rulle med klas by Lizardking |
64336 | FUNKY!.ZIP | 270591 | 09.02.1996 | - | - | - | Melwyn/Acid Rain: Funky! (XM) Juhla PI compotune |
64337 | FUNKY.ZIP | 84477 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 4CHN MOD: Funky tune Gspot/BW -96 Style: Jazz |
64341 | FUSE.ZIP | 58071 | 05.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Fuse (3:29) Manhunter/Oxylon (trance) |
64342 | FUTURE.ZIP | 340379 | 30.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Future's Sound Once/FunkadeliC Kuunteluun sopii Cubic Player. |
64343 | FUTUREGE.ZIP | 80135 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Future Generation (4 ch, techno) By BC of Bad Track |
64377 | GAERADIO.ZIP | 121177 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Groovy AND evil By: Fading Nimbus Channels: 16 |
64378 | GAIA-94.ZIP | 77884 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: GAIA-94 By: Fading Nimbus Channels: 16 |
64383 | GALLERY.ZIP | 70241 | 11.06.1996 | renamed | archive.org, modit/arkisto.zip | - | MOD: Gallery By: Moby/drd Channels: 4 |
64387 | GAMESCO2.ZIP | 159924 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Game score II By: Nhp of Anarcy Channels: 4 |
64388 | GAMESCO3.ZIP | 121967 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Game score III By: Nhp of Anarchy Channels: 4 |
64389 | GAMESCOR.ZIP | 71044 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Game score By: Nhp of Anarchy Channels: 4 |
64391 | GARAGE.ZIP | 276887 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Garage of God By: u4ia and DJ sky'e Channels: 4 |
64392 | GARBAGE1.ZIP | 1434662 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Cybelius presents "GARBAGE" album - 1/3 |
64393 | GARBAGE2.ZIP | 1446444 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Cybelius presents "GARBAGE" album - 2/3 |
64394 | GARBAGE3.ZIP | 940575 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Cybelius presents "GARBAGE" album - 3/3 |
64395 | GARDDRAG.ZIP | 105347 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Guardian Dragon By: s.l.l/Hydronic Channels: 4 |
64396 | GAT.ZIP | 77967 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gateway By: Mantronix + Tip of Phenomena Channels: 4 |
64398 | GATESHAD.ZIP | 98755 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gateshades By: Brainiac Channels: 4 |
64400 | GAZEBO.ZIP | 27867 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ga-ze-bo By: Hammer Channels: 4 |
64430 | GCOMP.ZIP | 224864 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gcomp By: Jogeir Liljedahl Channels: 4 |
64440 | GD_IO.ZIP | 153651 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M Return to Io by GD (ambient) 3:50 |
64441 | GD_SIMO.ZIP | 179324 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Simotar Channels: 11 |
64442 | GD_WITHO.ZIP | 163329 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Witho by GD, 4:19 |
64444 | GEDEONET.ZIP | 36204 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gedeon et barnabe By: Monty Channels: 4 |
64445 | GEM.ZIP | 117674 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gem By: Dice/Kefrens Channels: 4 |
64448 | GENGIS.ZIP | 258274 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gengis By: Sidewinder/Megawatts Channels: 4 |
64459 | GENTW.ZIP | 23679 | 11.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Gental Winds By: Lord Jon Ray Channels: 16 |
64462 | GEOMSHAD.ZIP | 191050 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Renaissance'94 Presents -> MTM <- "Geometric Shadows" Composed by Ryan Cramer from our music disk called Nothing On |
64465 | GETCRAZY.ZIP | 139560 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Get Crazy By: Suburban mind Channels: 4 |
64466 | GETDOWNE.ZIP | 186492 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Getdownem.alt Channels: 4 |
64467 | GETIT.ZIP | 173071 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Gotta Get It Out By: Mystical/Purple Channels: 16 |
64468 | GETLEGAL.ZIP | 67984 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Get LEGALIZED! By: PsychoTron of PostMortem Style: Hardcore |
64469 | GETOFFMY.ZIP | 100797 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: GetOffMyCloud please By: TdWp Channels: 4 |
64470 | GETREADY.ZIP | 42993 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Get-ready-4-this By: Brainiac Channels: 4 |
64471 | GETTINGC.ZIP | 110628 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Getting closer By: Mystical/Purple Channels: 4 |
64472 | GETTINGI.ZIP | 87482 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Getting Inspiration By: Accord of X-trade Channels: 4 |
64478 | GHAZA.ZIP | 100461 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ghaza by Dr.Awesome |
64479 | GHOULS.ZIP | 74569 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ghouls By: Jogeir Liljedahl Channels: 4 |
64480 | GIANA.ZIP | 58632 | 12.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Giana Sisters Unknown |
64482 | GIB_BB.ZIP | 125768 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Blackbird By: Gibson/Extreme Channels: 4 |
64488 | GIGA.ZIP | 214527 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: giga BY: icebeat |
64489 | GIGATOPI.ZIP | 193368 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gigatopic By: Bishop Channels: 4 |
64491 | GIMMIEMA.ZIP | 1047542 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Gimmie ma torch By: Leinad of Avalanche Channels: 8 |
64492 | GIPANEMA.ZIP | 85551 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Girl From Ipanema by Dizzy/CNCD |
64493 | GIRLIEMA.ZIP | 64219 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Girlie man revenge By: The Finn Channels: 4 |
64498 | GLACIAL.ZIP | 133551 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Glacial By: Gimle of Sympton Channels: 4 |
64499 | GLASS.ZIP | 90893 | 13.06.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | MOD: Glass A By: Blizzard/Epical Channels: 4 |
64501 | GLOBALMO.ZIP | 167065 | 13.06.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Global Motion vol.1 By: Purple Motion/Future Crew Channels: 9 |
64502 | GLOBALSU.ZIP | 217264 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Global Sun By: Motion of Balance Channels: 4 |
64503 | GLOBALT3.ZIP | 111884 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Global Trash 3 v2 By: Jesper Kyd Channels: 4 |
64504 | GLOBALTR.ZIP | 120019 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Global Trash - tsl By: ftb Channels: 4 |
64505 | GLOBELT1.ZIP | 120063 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Globel Trash Theme Channels: 4 |
64506 | GLUTTARA.ZIP | 93253 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gluttarale by Lizardking |
64507 | GLUTTURA.ZIP | 93276 | 13.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | MOD: Glutturale By: Lizardking/Alcatraz Channels: 4 |
64509 | GM96.ZIP | 133193 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Green Motion '96 /GM Modin tehneet Mr.Bean & Dr.Erodix |
64512 | GMIDI.ZIP | 125480 | 09.05.1996 | - | - | - | New GeneralMIDI bank for 512kb AWE32! To be used from AWE Control Panel! Replace x:\windows\system\synthgm.sbk with this file. (Better drums and some basses. Made by -=Expression=- e-mail: jpatynen@clinet.fi |
64527 | GNZ_2SEC.ARJ | 83859 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: 2 Seconds (fonkybas) by Genezis Length: 3.08, Channels: 10. |
64528 | GNZ_ASB.ARJ | 122915 | 20.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Asbest to your Heart by Genezis |
64529 | GNZ_DAG.ARJ | 178078 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Fool's Dagger by Genezis Length: 3.18, Channels: 10 |
64530 | GNZ_DESP.RAR | 205325 | 20.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Track of Despotism by Genezis |
64531 | GNZ_FLIE.ARJ | 101089 | 20.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Flies in the Sky by Genezis |
64532 | GNZ_INRM.RAR | 161264 | 20.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Inrome TsaDe Studio Drama by Genezis (S3M) |
64538 | GODZILLA.ZIP | 40619 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Godzilla by Dr.Awesome |
64539 | GOINGON.ZIP | 147579 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Nothing Going On An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
64543 | GONE4GUD.ZIP | 80467 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gone 4 good by Dr.Awesome |
64606 | GR_DOUBL.ZIP | 249294 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Double Side by Grave / Fuzzy Logic. Style: Acidic techno |
64573 | GR-ATMOS.ZIP | 68498 | 25.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | [S3M] "Atmosphere" Composed by - Grendy Style - Piano |
64574 | GR-CHIP.ZIP | 4978 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Groochip by Groo |
64575 | GR-FIGHT.ZIP | 57327 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Get ready, FIGHT! by Grendy. Style.....fightmuzak, Length: 1:50. |
64576 | GR-LOSIS.ZIP | 155768 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Lost Island by Grendy / Kuoro. |
64577 | GR-VOS.ZIP | 120492 | 25.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | [S3M] "Violence On Streets" Composed by - Grendy Style - Heavy Metal |
64580 | GRAMARYE.ZIP | 84973 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gramarye by Dizzy/CNCD |
64586 | GRASSHOP.ZIP | 49898 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Grasshopper by Delorean |
64592 | GRD-CHI1.ZIP | 649 | 25.08.1995 | - | - | - | XM: Gridle - Chip 1 |
64593 | GRD-SICK.ZIP | 93768 | 17.02.1996 | - | - | - | XM: 1:05min) gridle/vdc: Flunssavirus iski |
64598 | GREYNOTE.ZIP | 315954 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: the grey note by Necros |
64599 | GREYOCT.ZIP | 131018 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Grey October by Ile/IP Hidas mutta rauhallinen biisi. |
64600 | GROODOES.ZIP | 175681 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Groo does Groo by Groo |
64602 | GROOVYSQ.ZIP | 275970 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Groovysque jammin' by 99/Orange |
64633 | GURUMUZ.ZIP | 43301 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gurumuz by Heatbeat |
64661 | HABBAHAB.ZIP | 73383 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Habbahabbazootzoot by fab of Baobab |
64664 | HACKINGP.ZIP | 46907 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hacking Piano by Blizzard |
64665 | HADRIANS.ZIP | 143317 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hadrians_Wall Done by: NHP & BKH |
64666 | HAIKEAMI.ZIP | 784 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Haikeamies |
64667 | HALASTRA.ZIP | 249493 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Halastra #1 by L8r |
64669 | HALLU.ZIP | 82273 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hallucinations |
64670 | HALLUCIN.ZIP | 104131 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hallucinatory (Party 4 rel) |
64672 | HAMMONDS.ZIP | 88535 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dad's Hammonds by Delorean |
64673 | HANDIWOR.ZIP | 357717 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Handiwork by Cybelius/Orange |
64674 | HANDMASS.ZIP | 188552 | 31.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Handmass by Uran / Midnight Coders |
64675 | HANDSKOR.ZIP | 37491 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Handskor by Bruno |
64676 | HANGOVER.ZIP | 111458 | 14.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | S3M: Hangover (Wake to Hell) by Big Jim / Valhalla |
64679 | HAPINESS.ZIP | 53270 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hapiness by Juice! |
64680 | HAPPY.ZIP | 3926 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Happy End by REZ |
64681 | HAPPYHAP.ZIP | 62445 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Happy Happy, Joy Joy by Titus (4 ch, instrumental/industrial) |
64682 | HAPPYHOU.ZIP | 62287 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Happy Hour by Jogeir Liljedahl |
64683 | HAPPYLEV.ZIP | 14418 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Happy Levels by Jogeir Liljedahl |
64684 | HAPPYNES.ZIP | 7236 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Happyness |
64686 | HARD-ROC.ZIP | 53483 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hard-Rockin by JVM |
64687 | HARDCOR5.ZIP | 41714 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hardcore Technofunk by Kon Wilms |
64688 | HARDCORE.ZIP | 143399 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hardcore Hypno 4 by U4IA/Megawatts |
64689 | HARDDECI.ZIP | 122231 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hard Decisions by Jason/Kefrens |
64690 | HARDFEEL.ZIP | 48314 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hard Feelings by Audiomon |
64691 | HARDFLOO.ZIP | 96400 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hard Floor by Motion/Balance |
64692 | HARDFOLK.ZIP | 299288 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hardfolk by Trap Bonzai |
64693 | HARDKORE.ZIP | 69597 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: HardKore Insanity by Moby |
64694 | HARDROCK.ZIP | 54691 | 13.04.1995 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: 1081-speakerbuster, author unknown |
64695 | HARDTECH.ZIP | 254297 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hardtechno by Brainiac |
64696 | HARDTEGE.ZIP | 178436 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hard Tegen Hard by Otis/Perseus-IC |
64697 | HARKTHEH.ZIP | 4919 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hark! The Herald.. by Bernard Sumner/LSD |
64698 | HARMAGED.ZIP | 208869 | 18.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Harmageddon... imj / 3Logic |
64699 | HARMITUS.ZIP | 6734 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M:Harmitus painaa mieltäni Dune/Orange |
64700 | HARMMEWI.ZIP | 122656 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Harm Me With Harmony by Jester/Sanity |
64701 | HARMONY.ZIP | 76274 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Harmony by Djengis Khan/Talent |
64709 | HARRY.ZIP | 39659 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Harry |
64710 | HATARITF.ZIP | 40229 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: (H)ATARI!-TF by Twin Peaks |
64713 | HAVEN.ZIP | 236164 | 06.04.1996 | kuvaus? | - | - | Flying Tigers by Ticsoft is a fast paced shoot-em up game with multiple weapons, power ups, enemies and bosses. In this episode you will be thrown into the middle of 1942, where the techno bosses are starting a technology transfer to the Japanese Empire. Requires: 386+, 4 Meg RAM as XMS, VGA. Adlib(tm)/ Soundblaster(tm) optional. (v2.0) |
64715 | HAWAIANW.ZIP | 35903 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hawaian Waltz by Heatbeat/Byterapers |
64716 | HAWAIIAN.ZIP | 97381 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hawaiian Girls by Delorean |
64718 | HAZEYWAV.ZIP | 55228 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hazey Waves by Nuke/Anarchy |
64721 | HB_INTMU.ZIP | 1741 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intromuz-2.hb by Heatbeat/Rebels |
64722 | HB_MATKM.ZIP | 3509 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Matkamies by Heatbeat/Carillon |
64719 | HBAUTIOH.ZIP | 320070 | 31.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Autiohalko by Heatbeat |
64725 | HCECTASY.ZIP | 122327 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: H.C Ectasy by Dexter/Interactive |
64726 | HCJORNE2.LHA | 353999 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:HCJourney2 by Calypso (199bpm) |
64727 | HCJORNE3.LHA | 285134 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:HCJourney3 by Calypso (171-225bpm) |
64728 | HCJORNEY.ZIP | 354977 | 17.09.1995 | - | - | - | MOD: Hc Jorney 2 Calypso |
64729 | HCLINE.LHA | 133492 | 10.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hardcore-line Juho/Artificial People |
64731 | HCSENSAT.ZIP | 136636 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: HC Sensations by Dick the Briton/TGT |
64739 | HEADSTRO.ZIP | 259285 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:4 The Headstrong by U4IA/Cryptoburners |
64741 | HEARDB4.ZIP | 97157 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heard-B-4 |
64742 | HEART-4U.ZIP | 114796 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: This Heartbeats 4 U by U4IA/Megawatts |
64743 | HEART2.ZIP | 60025 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heart -Part2 by Alexandre Brilliant |
64744 | HEART3.ZIP | 60578 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heart -Part3 by Alexandre Brilliant |
64745 | HEARTPAR.ZIP | 50062 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heart -Part1 by Alexandre Brilliant |
64747 | HEATBEAT.ZIP | 74740 | 15.05.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Heatbeat_4_Complex |
64748 | HEATSEEK.ZIP | 122252 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heatseeker by FL |
64749 | HEAVEN.ZIP | 108421 | 27.11.1996 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | MOD: Heaven & Hell by Night-sade / crs. |
64750 | HEAVENHE.ZIP | 108425 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heaven & Hell by -Night-Shade- /CRS |
64751 | HEAVY.ZIP | 38674 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heavy by Twin Peaks |
64752 | HEAVYDUT.ZIP | 55115 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: HeavyDuty by The 'Music' Mixer |
64753 | HEAVYLIG.ZIP | 63965 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heavylight by Android/Independent |
64756 | HEDPHONE.ZIP | 81393 | 27.08.1995 | - | scene.org | - | MOD: Headphones Juho/Artificial People For Assembly'95 4ch competition. |
64757 | HEHASNOF.ZIP | 144198 | 15.05.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: He has no Face by Skaven/FC |
64758 | HEHJ.ZIP | 28574 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hehj by Lizardking/Strange |
64759 | HEIGONNA.ZIP | 4522 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hei Gonna Chip!!!! by Laxcial/Scoopex |
64760 | HEIMUUMI.ZIP | 134582 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Muumilaakson mölinät! Must for those, who declare themselves as "the savers of muumilaakso". Anti- muumigroups can listen this too. |
64761 | HELI.ZIP | 2441 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heli |
64762 | HELION.ZIP | 126344 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Helion by Betacarotine/Admire |
64764 | HELIUM.ZIP | 71816 | 15.05.1996 | - | - | eritupla | MOD: Beginnings |
64765 | HELIXATI.ZIP | 181000 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Helixation by Necr s/PM |
64766 | HELL1.ZIP | 179326 | 31.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 669: Hell 1 |
64767 | HELL2.ZIP | 173170 | 31.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 669: Hell 2 |
64769 | HELLDOOM.ZIP | 164231 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Doom - Hell At Home (4ch, techno) |
64770 | HELLOMAN.ZIP | 21834 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hello maniacs of noise By Audiomonster |
64771 | HELLRAVE.ZIP | 284763 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hell Rave by Breeze/Capacala & Core Image |
64773 | HELMETSH.ZIP | 92646 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Helmet Shake by Jogeir Liljedahl |
64774 | HELMUTRA.ZIP | 75982 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Helmut.rap.remixed |
64776 | HEPO.ZIP | 48649 | 27.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | SIIICCKKK!!! tune..HAARDc0re by fLOPPY/ABS |
64777 | HERESY.ZIP | 559536 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: NIN Heresy - Lyrical Mix |
64778 | HERFEELI.ZIP | 203994 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Her Feelings by Breeze/CC & CI |
64780 | HEROESLO.ZIP | 60077 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heroes Long Gone by Breeze/Capacala |
64781 | HERPESZO.ZIP | 102110 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Herpes Zoster by Slide/Aero |
64782 | HERTBEAT.ZIP | 197989 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: HeartBeat by Nhp / IMPHOBIA From the Imphobia Magazine #9............ Another .MOD with a good Rocking type beat |
64785 | HEVENMOD.ZIP | 70493 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heaven by Tony (4 ch, techno/rave) |
64786 | HEVI!!.ZIP | 650788 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | rankkaa heviä mordicukselta sekä grouchin tappomodi |
64787 | HEVI.ZIP | 73514 | 25.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: DJ Hilseen Hevi! |
64796 | HIBERNAT.ZIP | 155025 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hibernation by Daze/Symptom |
64798 | HIDDENRE.ZIP | 43136 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hidden Rebel by Slide |
64799 | HIDDENSC.ZIP | 119089 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hidden Shadows Compo by Blizzard/Epical |
64800 | HIDDENSF.ZIP | 111616 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hidden Shadows Final by Blizzard/Epical |
64801 | HIDDENTR.ZIP | 141984 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hidden Truths by Martin Wall |
64802 | HIDEANDS.ZIP | 46957 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hide-and-Seek by Bandit |
64803 | HIDEAWAY.ZIP | 236026 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hidaaway Blues by chorus and Sid/Razor |
64804 | HIDEBOUN.ZIP | 112550 | 13.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MANHUNTER /OXYLON presents Hidebound (S3M). Style: Trance |
64805 | HIG.ZIP | 64641 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Highly-Strung |
64806 | HIGHBALL.ZIP | 133506 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Highball by Gibson/Extreme |
64807 | HIGHDENS.ZIP | 80879 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: High Density by Virgill |
64809 | HIGHER_A.ZIP | 187052 | 03.04.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | The Party 1995 Higher and Higher by Eracore & Randall 4 Channel Music Competition |
64808 | HIGHER.ZIP | 25489 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | higher and higher by nutcase\balance |
64810 | HIGHFLIG.ZIP | 83231 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: High-Flight by Mel O'Dee |
64812 | HIGHLAND.ZIP | 108777 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Highlands |
64813 | HIGHOUTP.ZIP | 137497 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: High Output by Predator |
64814 | HIGHTOP.ZIP | 56660 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hightop by Dr. Awesome |
64818 | HIPFRHOP.ZIP | 50584 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hip For the Hop by Firefox |
64819 | HIPHOPKI.ZIP | 80710 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: HipHop Killer / DNA-Groove |
64820 | HIPHOUSE.ZIP | 120566 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hip-House2 |
64821 | HIPNOTIX.ZIP | 105409 | 25.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Hipnotix By Remedy / Abomination |
64823 | HIPPOP.ZIP | 195901 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: HipPop by Orpheus |
64826 | HIT.ZIP | 41731 | 15.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Hitsquad by Dr. Awesome/Crusaders |
64827 | HITENSIO.ZIP | 288527 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hi-Tension II by Alf/Virtual-93 |
64828 | HITFIDOR.ZIP | 193906 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hit FISO Ranma-Mix |
64829 | HITRANCE.ZIP | 64736 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hightrance by Juho/Artificial people |
64830 | HITSQUA1.ZIP | 32050 | 12.12.1996 | - | - | - | Mod:Hittsquad by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
64831 | HITSQUAD.ZIP | 41837 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hitsquad by Dr.Awesome |
64832 | HITSQUD2.ZIP | 33946 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hitsqaud II by Dr. Awesome/Crusaders |
64833 | HITTHATP.ZIP | 19952 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hit that perfect beat by MUB/LSD |
64834 | HITULI.ZIP | 17344 | 19.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hituli Jam-O,,, |
64843 | HOBILO.ZIP | 75560 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hobilo by Juho/Artificial People |
64844 | HOCKYLIR.ZIP | 11311 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hockylir by Daniel Falk |
64846 | HOFFIPOL.ZIP | 26256 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hoffipolkka by Heatbeat |
64849 | HOLDON.ZIP | 192187 | 31.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hold on for Nothing (remix) by Crazer from Haze. |
64851 | HOLLOW.ZIP | 112159 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Hollow Tree |
64852 | HOLOGRAM.ZIP | 147202 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Hologram by prob. / oxylon. |
64853 | HOLOTECH.ZIP | 121257 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: HoloTech-V2 by Doktor Jeep |
64854 | HOMECOOK.ZIP | 340868 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Home Cooking by Maelcum |
64856 | HONOURAB.ZIP | 181064 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Honourable company by Dizzy / CNCD |
64857 | HOPESW.ZIP | 181327 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | XM: The Spark of Hope, by: Once/Steel Wheel Rellattu 27.9 -1996. GBP-compossa 14. |
64858 | HOPPIN.ZIP | 258869 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hoppin' Leonard |
64859 | HORIZONS.ZIP | 97542 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Horizons by Manu Kohli / Empyrean |
64860 | HORSEOFT.ZIP | 1083 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Horse of the Year by Bernard Sumner/LSD |
64861 | HOSTILE.ZIP | 117799 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hostile Pleasure! by JayJay/MASC |
64863 | HOT.ZIP | 42165 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hot |
64864 | HOTBITS2.ZIP | 69244 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hot Bits 2 |
64866 | HOTSTUFF.ZIP | 51324 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Hottstuff by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
64879 | HOUSE_OF.ZIP | 69929 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: House of the rising sun |
64867 | HOUSE.ZIP | 56931 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: House |
64868 | HOUSEBEA.ZIP | 73840 | 15.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: HouseBeatles by S.W. |
64870 | HOUSEJOU.ZIP | 125201 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Housejourney |
64871 | HOUSEMAN.ZIP | 56799 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Houseman |
64872 | HOUSEOF1.ZIP | 112997 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: House of Insanity by Mystical/Purple |
64873 | HOUSEOFN.ZIP | 136452 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: House of no living by t.h.u.g/equinox |
64880 | HOW.ZIP | 121333 | 06.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: How've you been feeling BlueSun |
64881 | HOW2SCAN.ZIP | 92287 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: How 2 scan a Kid by Heatbeat |
64882 | HOWDEEPI.ZIP | 21366 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: How Deep is Deep by Godbrain/Northstar |
64894 | HRDVIBES.ZIP | 209667 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Hardcore Vibes by The BoRG |
64909 | HTP.ZIP | 1142967 | 31.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Hook The Planet by HexStatic |
64911 | HTS-FREE.ZIP | 203646 | 31.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Priority to freedom by morpheus & pesticide |
64913 | HTSEEK.ZIP | 39025 | 15.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Heat Seeker by Olli Koskinen. |
64914 | HUBBARDS.ZIP | 37473 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hubbard-Slides by Nemesis1 |
64915 | HUGA.ZIP | 11007 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Huga! by Dolphin/NXS |
64916 | HULLU.ZIP | 46372 | 16.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hullu by Purple Motion/FC |
64919 | HUMANTAR.ZIP | 190142 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Humantarget |
64920 | HUMANTOU.ZIP | 101553 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Humantouch-03 by M.Sigaard |
64921 | HUMANWEA.ZIP | 114342 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Human weakeness by Reflex |
64923 | HUMPPA.ZIP | 16141 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Humppa jumppa by Heatbeat |
64926 | HUNT_ILL.ZIP | 272332 | 22.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Hunt of Illusions by: chanel5/j!p |
64924 | HUNTER.ZIP | 20757 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hunters moon |
64927 | HURIN.ZIP | 85717 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Narn I nin Hurin by Breeze/CC |
64928 | HURJAPII.ZIP | 47798 | 31.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hurjapiiseli by Heatbeat / Carillon |
64929 | HUSTLERC.ZIP | 3969 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hustler.chip by Organic/Shining |
64936 | HVIDECYK.ZIP | 2078 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hvide Cykler by Airwalk/Rednex |
64939 | HW_DIVE.ZIP | 164797 | 31.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "sukellus" by Hardwired / Drone. 114 bpm, Length 4:20 |
64940 | HW_TRUTH.ZIP | 386088 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | What is the Truth? by Hardwired/Drone. |
64941 | HX4INTRO.ZIP | 49674 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hoax4intro by Blizzard/Epical |
64942 | HYMNTOAN.ZIP | 21791 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hymn to Annsofie |
64943 | HYP-ARAB.ZIP | 125916 | 24.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Arabimarssi By Hypno / Kuoro ProductionzZ |
64944 | HYP-JUDG.ZIP | 161891 | 24.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Time of Judgement By Hypno, 1:30, techno |
64945 | HYP-LOVE.ZIP | 63079 | 31.08.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Pianolove by Hypnotic This was my contribution to Assembly'96 multich competition. |
64946 | HYP-PROB.ZIP | 174305 | 24.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Problem (live) By Hypno (2:00) |
64947 | HYP-PWAR.ZIP | 92000 | 31.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Peace In War by Hypnotic Style: Fast hc. |
64948 | HYP-TWO.ZIP | 183635 | 24.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Two Lifes By Hypno / Kuoro ProductionzZ |
64953 | HYPER.ZIP | 157637 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Hyperspeed Chaos by Floppy/Jungle Tribe. |
64954 | HYPER3.ZIP | 322961 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hypercontrol v.3.0 by Necros |
64955 | HYPERCON.ZIP | 321602 | 16.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | S3M: HperControl v3.0 by Necros |
64956 | HYPERDYN.ZIP | 93837 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hyperdyne by Static/Rebels |
64957 | HYPERNAT.ZIP | 120362 | 04.10.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Hypernatural by Fade / BAD KARMA |
64958 | HYPNAUT.ZIP | 30516 | 04.05.1995 | - | 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img | - | MOD: Hypnautic-II |
64959 | HYPNAUT2.ZIP | 30437 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hpnautic-II by ZYX/Extensors |
64960 | HYPNOSIS.ZIP | 346051 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Hypnosis by Kotivalo / LD |
64961 | HYPNOTIC.ZIP | 47552 | 29.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hypnotic Mind Aga |
64962 | HYSTERES.ZIP | 110578 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hysteresis by Dextrous |
64963 | HYSTERIA.ZIP | 53386 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hysteria by Audiomonster |
64964 | HZRDHRNS.ZIP | 430567 | 03.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hazardous Horns By Randal/Suburban |
64965 | I-NEED-U.ZIP | 57701 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: When I need U by U4ia/Megawatts |
64972 | IAMAFAXM.ZIP | 23313 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I am a faxmodem by Kurma |
64973 | IAMOHSOH.ZIP | 94045 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I am oh so happy! by The Finn |
64985 | ICALLUPO.ZIP | 26764 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I call upon by SQD |
64988 | ICE.ZIP | 34450 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Ice |
64990 | ICECLOUD.ZIP | 12316 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | icecloud by nutcase\balance |
64991 | ICECUBES.ZIP | 69655 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ice cubes by Dathak/Seikei |
64992 | ICEFRONT.ZIP | 180310 | 12.10.1995 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ice Frontier Skaven/FC |
64993 | ICERIVER.ZIP | 247091 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ice River v4.0 |
64994 | ICERUNNE.ZIP | 139923 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I.C.E. Runner by TdWp |
65005 | ICYWORLD.ZIP | 277946 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Icy World by Juuzo / Reflex96 Mellow Disco-style beat, Lenght 2:34 |
65006 | ID.ZIP | 195321 | 29.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | eritupla | S3M: ID by Skaven/FC |
65018 | IFRIVERS.ZIP | 84918 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: If rivers were red by Mystical/Purple |
65020 | IFULOVE.ZIP | 178035 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: If U love by Sidewinder/Megawatts |
65024 | IGELKOTT.ZIP | 58239 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kingdom of the hedgehogs by Leinad |
65029 | IHM20.ZIP | 63043 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In his mind v2.0 by Davide Guida |
65031 | IINTRO.ZIP | 28440 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intro by Nuke/Anarchy |
65056 | ILLBEWAI.ZIP | 84184 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I'll be waiting 4 u by U4ia/Megawatts |
65059 | ILLU_LNG.ZIP | 65983 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Illusion-slow by Gryzo/Dreamdealers |
65060 | ILLU_SHR.ZIP | 124827 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Illumination.short by Delorean |
65058 | ILLUSIVE.ZIP | 63432 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Illusive Reality |
65061 | ILLWAITF.ZIP | 148859 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I'll wait for you by Jaywalk/Humane |
65070 | IMAGEOFV.ZIP | 98961 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Image Of Variance by C.C.Catch. |
65071 | IMAGINAT.ZIP | 31317 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: j.Imagination end.st by Lizardking & Some1 |
65073 | IMAT.ZIP | 15164 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: iMAT-kwww? by 99/Orange |
65078 | IMG.ZIP | 114802 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I'm gonna be infectious by Romeo Knight |
65080 | IMINSANE.ZIP | 392495 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: I'm insane by Cybelius |
65081 | IMISSYOU.ZIP | 442129 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: I Miss You by Ecstacy / Kone. Style: Gabber. |
65082 | IMLATE.ZIP | 135532 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: It's Tired and I'm late by Bedlamite/Nation |
65083 | IMMUNETO.ZIP | 409771 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Immune To Me by Mellow-D |
65088 | IMPATIEN.ZIP | 27627 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Impatient ver3 by Some1 and Prime |
65089 | IMPERIUM.ZIP | 126939 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Imperium by Silent Mode/Pentagon |
65092 | IMPHOBIA.ZIP | 121119 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Imphobia-7 by Bkh and nhp/Anarchy |
65093 | IMPHOBIX.ZIP | 222952 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Imphobia X-mas Mix by Gryzor |
65094 | IMPOSSIB.ZIP | 34252 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Impossibility heavy metal remix by Zodiak/Cascada |
65103 | IN1.ZIP | 10801 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: mod.in1 by Heatbeat/Rebels |
65104 | INACOMA.ZIP | 67189 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Inacoma |
65107 | INCINERA.ZIP | 22082 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Incinerator by Motion/Balance |
65109 | INCONVEX.ZIP | 169618 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Inconvex tet IIle |
65110 | INCPNC.ZIP | 221801 | 02.01.1997 | - | scene.org | - | XM: Incipience by spip/cast. |
65111 | INCREDIB.ZIP | 4319 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Incredible Cheese by Mystical Purple |
65113 | INDIABYR.ZIP | 44751 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: India by Ruffian |
65114 | INDIANSU.ZIP | 181001 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | indiansummersky by nutcase\balance |
65115 | INDIANTR.ZIP | 279415 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Indian-trance by M&M |
65123 | INEEDAGU.ZIP | 270623 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I need a gus astro by Astro |
65124 | INEFFECT.ZIP | 211758 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In effect by Randall/Suburban |
65127 | INFANITA.ZIP | 115148 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Infanita by Bjorn A. Lynne |
65128 | INFERNOD.ZIP | 415798 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Inferno Dance by Lizardking/Triton |
65129 | INFINATO.ZIP | 583565 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Infinato |
65130 | INFINITE.ZIP | 110617 | 01.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Infinet finiteness |
65131 | INFINITY.ZIP | 333866 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Infinity by Necros/FM & Kharon/ACID |
65132 | INFLUIDT.ZIP | 114926 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Infuild by Terrorizer/Nemesis |
65134 | INFORTHE.ZIP | 78558 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In for the count |
65136 | INHALER.ZIP | 252283 | 06.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | S3M: Inhaler by Mellow-D |
65137 | INITIALA.ZIP | 50696 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Initial adjustment |
65139 | INJEOPAR.ZIP | 112912 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In jeopardy by Dr. Awesome/Crusaders |
65141 | INMOTION.ZIP | 2413 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In motion by Hollywood/Jetset |
65142 | INMYHOUS.ZIP | 97863 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In my house by Van rij/Van Der Touw |
65143 | INNER.ZIP | 150573 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Inner Visions by Jogeir Liljedahl |
65144 | INNERSPA.ZIP | 84132 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Innerspace |
65146 | INORGANI.ZIP | 6753 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Inorganic by Hellrazor/TRSI |
65147 | INPURSUI.ZIP | 100140 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: In Pursuit by Liam the Lemming |
65148 | INSANEPE.ZIP | 38375 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Insane People by Slide |
65151 | INSIDE.ZIP | 113169 | 04.05.1995 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Insideout Purple Motion/Future Crew |
65152 | INSIDEME.ZIP | 208219 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Inside me by NG PEI SIN |
65153 | INSOFAR.ZIP | 137144 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In So Far by Swampfox |
65155 | INSPIRAT.ZIP | 5134 | 06.06.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Inspiration by Purple Motion/FC |
65157 | INST_REP.ZIP | 207905 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Instant replay by Bert |
65156 | INSTNCT2.ZIP | 146551 | 13.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Instinct II Laserlore |
65158 | INSUR.ZIP | 149491 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Insurmountable Insurrection by Xenon / GigaMess. |
65159 | INTELLI.ZIP | 125182 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Overload of intelligence Style: Psychedelic by Mallard -96- |
65167 | INTERACT.ZIP | 94295 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Interactive force by Psychotron |
65168 | INTERCEP.ZIP | 116482 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Interceptia by Lord Interface |
65169 | INTERNAL.ZIP | 2380 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Internal by D-Zire/Silents |
65170 | INTHECEL.ZIP | 122961 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: In the cell by Bedlamite |
65171 | INTHEEYE.ZIP | 175598 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In the Eyes by Sidewinder / Porphyria |
65172 | INTHEKIT.ZIP | 12943 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In the Kitchen by SQD |
65173 | INTHESHA.ZIP | 68624 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: In the Shadows |
65174 | INTHETOW.ZIP | 182999 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In the tower by Roland Collins |
65175 | INTHMIST.ZIP | 226723 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: In the mist by Edge/EMF |
65176 | INTIME4U.ZIP | 230732 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intime4U by Sindewinder / Megawatts |
65177 | INTO.ZIP | 288870 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Into the Woods by Air / Vitality. |
65178 | INTOANOT.ZIP | 122960 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 669: Into another world |
65180 | INTOETER.ZIP | 31849 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Into eternity by Lizardking/Razor1911 |
65181 | INTOTHEN.ZIP | 51254 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Into the Night by Christian Hvid |
65182 | INTOTHEV.ZIP | 135315 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Into the Void by Doz/Adept |
65183 | INTOWOOD.ZIP | 289253 | 12.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Into the Woods by Air/Vitality 24 Kanavaa RumbaRumba. |
65184 | INTR4_HB.ZIP | 3868 | 12.03.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: intromuz-4 by heatbeat |
65185 | INTRANSI.ZIP | 91305 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: In transit by Krystall/KLF |
65186 | INTREPID.ZIP | 1450412 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Intrepid by Mosaic/Renaissance |
65187 | INTRIGUA.ZIP | 322651 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Intriguance by Mellow-D |
65188 | INTRMIND.ZIP | 156254 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Intrepid Mind by 4go10 |
65190 | INTRO5.ZIP | 33137 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Intro5 |
65191 | INTROBEA.ZIP | 21534 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Introbeat |
65192 | INTROFME.ZIP | 220246 | 07.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Intro of Me By:SWAG/V00d00cult |
65193 | INTROFR2.ZIP | 38323 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Introfronty II by Dezecrator/Classic |
65194 | INTROFUT.ZIP | 17097 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intro (future) |
65195 | INTROGAS.ZIP | 16071 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Introgasm by Dezecrator |
65196 | INTROHUN.ZIP | 22880 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intro (hungry) |
65197 | INTROHUT.ZIP | 22542 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intro (hunting) |
65198 | INTROKO.ZIP | 81181 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: An Intro Tune? by Breeze/Capacala |
65199 | INTROMF.ZIP | 19766 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intro by Mad Freak |
65200 | INTROMIN.ZIP | 183835 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Intro by Mindchild |
65201 | INTROMOD.ZIP | 122268 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intro |
65202 | INTROMU1.ZIP | 1739 | 06.06.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: intromuz-2 by Heatbeat/Rebels |
65203 | INTROMU2.ZIP | 2333 | 06.06.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: Intromuz-3 by Heatbeat/Rebels |
65204 | INTROMU3.ZIP | 3788 | 06.06.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: Intromuz-4 by Heatbeat/Rebels |
65205 | INTROMU4.ZIP | 2926 | 06.06.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: Intromuz-6 by Heatbeat/Rebels |
65206 | INTROMU7.ZIP | 7013 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intromusic7 by Dr. Awesome |
65207 | INTROMUS.ZIP | 64977 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: IntroMusic II by Skaven/FC |
65208 | INTROMUZ.ZIP | 10612 | 06.06.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: Intromuz-1 by Heatbeat/Rebels |
65209 | INTRONUM.ZIP | 3931 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intro number 31 by Wotw/Gothic |
65210 | INTROSP.ZIP | 214363 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Introspection by Necros |
65211 | INTROSP1.ZIP | 214063 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Introspection by Necros/PM |
65212 | INTROTHO.ZIP | 27138 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intro (thomas) |
65213 | INTROTU1.ZIP | 6049 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Introtune 5 by Neon/Deadline |
65214 | INTROTU2.ZIP | 4520 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intro-tune by Morph/Dual-crew |
65215 | INTROTUN.ZIP | 4138 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intro-tune by Djengis Khan/Talent |
65216 | INTRUDER.ZIP | 24008 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intruder by Hattick/Razor1911 |
65220 | INUTEROI.ZIP | 196471 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In utero & in vitro |
65222 | INVTRO94.ZIP | 31457 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: InvTro'94 Music by Skaven/FC |
65229 | IRIDIUM.ZIP | 252228 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Iridium-comp by Misty and Daeron/Bracko |
65230 | IRISH.ZIP | 90161 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Irish |
65232 | IRONTEAR.ZIP | 73412 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: IronTear |
65234 | IRVING.ZIP | 167590 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (s3m) Irvings literatuur by 99/Orange |
65235 | ISAIDNO.ZIP | 362702 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: I Said No! by Breeze/Capacala |
65236 | ISAWHERC.ZIP | 86241 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I saw her crying |
65238 | ISLANDOF.ZIP | 289750 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Island of spice by Sidewinder/IC |
65240 | ISOLATIO.ZIP | 68167 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Isolation by Luv Kohli/Empyrean |
65241 | ISOTOXIN.ZIP | 306073 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Isotoxin by Necros/FM |
65249 | ITCHYSCR.ZIP | 14953 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Itchy&Scratchy-show |
65250 | ITM.ZIP | 190828 | 14.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Into The Mist (deathmetal) Corpse |
65251 | ITMUST.ZIP | 85802 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Itmust |
65255 | ITSBEEN2.ZIP | 24726 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ULT: It's been a long time |
65256 | ITSDARKO.ZIP | 31296 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: It's dark out there |
65257 | ITSGRIMU.ZIP | 4043 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: It's grim up north |
65258 | ITSMOVEM.ZIP | 92280 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Its movement |
65259 | ITSMYFAT.ZIP | 122461 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: It's My Fate by Mystical/Purple |
65260 | ITSNOISE.ZIP | 79419 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: It's Noiseless! by Jogeir Liljedahl |
65261 | ITSPHENO.ZIP | 21504 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: It's phenomenal by 16-beat/Razor1911 |
65262 | ITSRAMHO.ZIP | 4706 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: It's ram hot by Bass/Silents |
65263 | ITSTIMET.ZIP | 207514 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: It's time to dance by Dick the Briton |
65272 | IWANNACU.ZIP | 130756 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: IwannaCUDance by Andremar/Xymox Project |
65273 | IWANTU.ZIP | 340102 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I want u by Superted/Grotesticle |
65275 | IWISHICO.ZIP | 69750 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I wish I could by Cybelius/Sonic |
65287 | IXIAN.ZIP | 52208 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ixian Dreams by The Finn/VLA |
65288 | J-FROZEN.ZIP | 311645 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Frozen soul by William Mahtavaa keskiaikaista heviä. |
65289 | J-FUNK.ZIP | 16871 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: j-funk (preview) |
65290 | J-THYALM.ZIP | 505050 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The Almighty by Juha Vingisaar. Mahtavaa keskiaikaista hewiä. |
65291 | J0LLYG00.ZIP | 4005 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: !j0llyg00d! |
65294 | JAAHIUTA.ZIP | 235295 | 30.05.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: jaahiutaleet mainle |
65295 | JAAHMAIN.ZIP | 237779 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jäähiutaleet main by Heatbeat/Carillon. |
65300 | JAHSPEOP.ZIP | 112925 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | jah's people by nutcase\balance |
65302 | JAM.ZIP | 94339 | 30.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Jam for daily life by Heatbeat/Carillon. |
65303 | JAMESBON.ZIP | 210471 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: james bond's still |
65304 | JAMESBRO.ZIP | 183727 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: James Brown is dead by Guardian of Paradise. |
65305 | JAMFORDA.ZIP | 94349 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: jam for daily life |
65306 | JAMMINCI.ZIP | 273638 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: jammin' cindy |
65307 | JAMMINFO.ZIP | 75196 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: jammin'-for-nothing |
65308 | JAMMINGF.ZIP | 94637 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jamming for daily life by Heatbeat |
65309 | JAMMININ.ZIP | 259349 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jammin' In The Wind |
65310 | JAMPIANO.ZIP | 276934 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: jampiano |
65311 | JAMS.ZIP | 78815 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | FAR: JAWS - Just Another Mystical Sond |
65312 | JAMSEQUE.ZIP | 117737 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: jam-sequence |
65313 | JANDJ.ZIP | 115133 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Jon & James |
65315 | JAPANESE.ZIP | 51976 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Japanese Intensions by u4ia od Megawatts |
65317 | JAPTIQUE.ZIP | 285603 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOS: Japtique by B&H / Stone Arts |
65319 | JARRE.ZIP | 100626 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jarre |
65320 | JARRER.ZIP | 141174 | 19.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jarrer Juho/Artificial People |
65321 | JASMINE.ZIP | 276285 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jasmine by Sidewinder/Megawatts |
65324 | JAYWALKI.ZIP | 102413 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jaywalk is back |
65325 | JAZZ1.ZIP | 37246 | 12.06.1996 | renamed | archive.org, modit/arkisto.zip | eritupla | MOD: Jazz1 |
65326 | JAZZ12.ZIP | 97595 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jazz12 |
65328 | JAZZY.ZIP | 21140 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jazz by Strobo/Vision |
65329 | JAZZYBYL.ZIP | 157717 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jazzy Byld / Splif Productions |
65330 | JAZZYNOR.ZIP | 61053 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jazzynork by Mantronix/pha |
65331 | JBENDER.ZIP | 66908 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jeremy Bender/Sheriff by Lake & Palmer Emerson |
65333 | JCHANNEL.ZIP | 177713 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jungle Channel. |
65335 | JDX-BE.ZIP | 180825 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Be on the Wing * Composed by Jadex * * Style...:Dance Techno * |
65336 | JDX-DARK.ZIP | 166162 | 31.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dark Colours Style: Dance Techno By: Jadex |
65337 | JDX-NEXT.ZIP | 123776 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Next Attack by Jadex Style: Melodic Tune, Made for Abduction '96. |
65338 | JDX-TAKE.ZIP | 234492 | 01.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Take This Feeling Jadex/Imagination (dance, 14 kanavaa) Date: 1.11.1995 |
65339 | JDX-ULTI.ZIP | 152523 | 03.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ultimate Sky Jadex (strange/techno, 12 kanavaa) Date: 25.7.1995 |
65340 | JDX-UNSH.ZIP | 238799 | 16.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Unusual Shade Jadex (14 kanavaa) Date: 15.8.1995 |
65341 | JDX-WAVE.ZIP | 288110 | 09.08.1995 | - | 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso | - | S3M: Waves & Vibes Jadex (13 kanavaa) Date: 9.8.1995, Asm'95 multichannel compo |
65342 | JDX-WAY.ZIP | 310368 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Title...:Way To Nature Style...:Melodic Tune Format..:S3M Channels:13 Date....:29.2.1996 Composer:■ Jadex ■ |
65343 | JDX-XMAS.ZIP | 141202 | 31.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Title...:The Original XMAS Song Style...:Dance Techno Format..:S3M Channels:14 Date....:8.12.1995 Composer:■Jadex/Imagination■ - Includes Nisse-Polkka - |
65344 | JDX-XMIX.ZIP | 175344 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: ReMiXMAS by Jadex Style: Dance Techno |
65345 | JEANCLAU.ZIP | 47638 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jean-Claude |
65349 | JEFF32I.ZIP | 303292 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Life of Chaos by Pulse/PoP |
65350 | JEFF40E.ZIP | 245940 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Porged in Faith by Pulse/PoP |
65351 | JEGERD0D.ZIP | 104215 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jag er dOd. |
65352 | JELAIDEJ.ZIP | 87182 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Je l'ai deja vu! by Nuke of Anarchy |
65353 | JELLYFIS.ZIP | 117833 | 22.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Jellyfish Chanel5/j!p |
65354 | JELLYRED.ZIP | 80063 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Jelly red by Zodiak |
65355 | JENESAIS.ZIP | 75849 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Je ne sais pas! by u4ia of Megawatts |
65356 | JENSPATR.ZIP | 6796 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jens-Patrik by D-zire/Doodles^shock |
65357 | JESTERTE.ZIP | 97886 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: JESTER_Term-FuckUp. |
65373 | JFA-BUSH.ZIP | 217498 | 27.11.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Puuskissa Tuulee by Jaffa/Static Style: Ravepop? Lenght: 2.00min 5th position in paytonplacebbs modcompo #1 |
65374 | JFA-COMP.ZIP | 87697 | 02.01.1997 | - | - | - | S3M: Compact by Jaffa/Static Style: Drum&Bass, 2.52min, 20th position in krakpot junkkacompo #1. Style: Drun&Bass Length: 2.52 min |
65375 | JFA-MURO.ZIP | 299740 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Mushroom Experience by Jaffa/Static Style: Acidhouse Lenght: 4.00min. |
65381 | JINGLE2.ZIP | 26165 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jingle2 |
65382 | JINGLEBE.ZIP | 19637 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jingle bells by Mud/Lsd |
65383 | JJK107.ZIP | 67285 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jjk107 |
65384 | JJK95REM.ZIP | 64931 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: jjk95-remix1989. |
65398 | JNG_AWAY.ZIP | 200070 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Robert Miles Away by Jangler of Neodune. |
65399 | JNG_HAAM.ZIP | 165052 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Haamuraja by Jangler / Vista. Style: Hardtrance. |
65400 | JNG_JAZZ.ZIP | 69635 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: - Jangler Jazz - by Jangler of Neodune. ║ N e o d u n e ║ │ │ . Music release ∙ · ·∙--──────────---∙· · Jangler Jazz by Jangler ·∙--──────────---∙· 8 Channel XM ■▄■▀■▄■▀■▄■▀■▄■▀■▄■▀■▄■▀■▄■ |
65401 | JNG_LOVE.ZIP | 346629 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The Fruit of Love by Jangler / Vista. Channels: [22], date: [29.10.1996]. |
65402 | JOACIM4E.ZIP | 194802 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Joacim 4-ever |
65403 | JOES08.ZIP | 106372 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Joes#08 |
65404 | JOGEIREL.ZIP | 6579 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jogeir-Elmaniactrack |
65405 | JOIKHU.ZIP | 165448 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Joikhu by Heatbeat |
65407 | JOKE.ZIP | 50666 | 04.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 6CHN MOD: Short Tune Gspot/BW Style: Jazz |
65408 | JOKUPUU.ZIP | 143171 | 01.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Alla Jonkun Puun! Remedy / Abomination (pure dance) |
65410 | JOLLYSNG.ZIP | 13024 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Jolly Happy Song by Phorte |
65411 | JONNE1.ZIP | 43570 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | STM: Jonne1 |
65412 | JONNE2.ZIP | 41263 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | STM: Jonne2 |
65413 | JONNE3.ZIP | 77640 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | STM: Jonne3 |
65414 | JONNE4.ZIP | 53103 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | STM: Jonne4 |
65415 | JONNE5.ZIP | 27020 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | STM: Jonne5 |
65417 | JORDJAZZ.ZIP | 102387 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jordan jazz by Nuke of Anarchy |
65418 | JOSHUA.ZIP | 639103 | 02.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | 3 modules by Joshua: Angel, Saint and Timeless. |
65420 | JOULUBUK.LHA | 170379 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PT: Joulubukki |
65421 | JOURNEY.ZIP | 220257 | 12.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Journey by Lord Interface of Andromeda |
65422 | JOURNEYT.ZIP | 581027 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Journey to the Center by Maelcum |
65423 | JOYRIDE.ZIP | 86279 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Joyride. |
65429 | JRMNLAVA.ZIP | 295698 | 21.08.1995 | - | - | - | Jormuan lava (asm95 4chn) Ukulele |
65434 | JUGGERN.ZIP | 114121 | 02.01.1997 | - | - | - | XM: Juggernaut by spip/cast. |
65440 | JUHLIENJ.ZIP | 249420 | 30.06.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Juhlien jälkeen by Jarkko Manninen. |
65444 | JUMHOPOF.ZIP | 90805 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jum-hop of Stranger. |
65447 | JUNGLE-B.ZIP | 431750 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jungle Bells (C)'93. |
65448 | JUNGLE2D.ZIP | 74928 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jungle2-Diablo. |
65449 | JUNGLESO.ZIP | 147723 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jungle-song. |
65450 | JUNGLETO.ZIP | 211317 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jungle to the Core by Sidewinder/Megawatts. |
65451 | JUST-E.ZIP | 356562 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: They were just e's by u4ia of m.d.m.a. |
65452 | JUST.ZIP | 64171 | 07.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Just a Song BlueSun |
65453 | JUSTANOT.ZIP | 611962 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Just Another Story by $Volkrag/Gollum. |
65454 | JUSTASEC.ZIP | 80744 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Just a Second... |
65455 | JUSTBEAT.ZIP | 88131 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Just a Beat. |
65456 | JUSTDANC.ZIP | 144350 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Just a Dance. |
65457 | JUSTFORB.ZIP | 131419 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Just for Blues by Dizzy/CNCD |
65458 | JUSTFREE.ZIP | 86188 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Just Freedom. |
65460 | JUSTICEF.ZIP | 3530 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Justice for All. |
65461 | JUSTMARR.ZIP | 78280 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Just Married by Jogeir Liljedahl. |
65462 | JUSTNNIG.ZIP | 175635 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Just'n'Nightmare! by Patrick Lindsey. |
65463 | JYNX.ZIP | 84060 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jynx by Alar. |
65465 | JZ-4THDI.ZIP | 393041 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The 4th Dimension by Jazz/Diffusion. |
65466 | JZ-BASSI.ZIP | 103485 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Bass in the Face by Jazz/Diffusion. |
65467 | JZ-HAP-C.ZIP | 8195 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Happy tune - Chipver by Jazz/Diffusion and Persuasive Music. |
65468 | JZ-HAPPY.ZIP | 30585 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Happy tune - Samplev by Jazz/Diffusion and Persuasive Music. |
65469 | JZ-LETI2.ZIP | 263780 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Let It Control, vocal version by Jazz/Persuasive Music. |
65470 | JZ-LETIT.ZIP | 115467 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | SM: Let It Control, instrumental version by Jazz/Persuasive Music. |
65471 | JZ-LETSD.ZIP | 174882 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Let's Dance, dance version by Jazz/Diffusion. |
65472 | JZ-LOVE.ZIP | 295469 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: I'll give you love, by Jazz/Diffusion. |
65473 | JZ-MOVE.ZIP | 197739 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Move it, by Jazz/Diffusion. |
65474 | JZ-OFF.ZIP | 586561 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: OffTranceTechno by Jazz/Diffusion. |
65475 | JZ-SCPSM.ZIP | 515780 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Escapism by Jazz/Persuasive Music and Scoopex. |
65476 | JZ-SPACE.ZIP | 92128 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Blue Space by Jazz/Diffusion. |
65477 | JZ-STD.ZIP | 103480 | 11.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Start the Dance by Jazz/Diffusion and Persuasive Music. |
65478 | JZ-TPD-P.ZIP | 248859 | 11.07.1996 | - | - | - | XM: The Persuasive Dance by Jazz/Persuasive Music. |
65598 | K_2DEEP.ZIP | 183778 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: 2deep by LP & Bashead / Kosmic Tyyli: Progressive House Pituus: 7m 02s |
65599 | K_BALLAD.ZIP | 380741 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | "The Last Ballad" by Siren released Jan 28 '96 85 bpm 04m32s 16-channel soft-rock S3M Kosmic Free Music Foundation 1996 |
65600 | K_CELEST.ZIP | 334085 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Celestial Lullabye by BaseHead/Kosmic Tyyli: Ambient Trance Pituus: 14m 20s |
65601 | K_DUST.ZIP | 263214 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dust to Dust by Leviathan/Kosmic Tyyli: Mellow Rock Pituus: 3m 40s |
65602 | K_MERCY.ZIP | 549821 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Merciful Lie by Siren. |
65604 | K_RHYTHM.ZIP | 417492 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Rhythm Seclusion by Siren 16-channel dance-pop S3M |
65606 | K_TRANQ.ZIP | 166837 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Tranquility by Leviathan/Kosmic Tyyli: Mellow Jazz Rock Pituus: 2m 48s |
65607 | K_WUNDER.ZIP | 227886 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Wunderkind by Basehead/Kosmic |
65480 | K-WUNDER.ZIP | 227886 | 29.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Wunderkind Basehead/Kosmic |
65506 | KAKOFONI.ZIP | 13279 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kakofonia by Heatbeat |
65507 | KAL-JOUR.ZIP | 114728 | 15.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Journey to Unknown Kalu/Napalm (16 kanavaa) Released: 15.10.95 |
65513 | KAN_PUUT.ZIP | 102201 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Puutiasen Kosto By Jaffa / Kanisteri |
65514 | KAOSMODU.ZIP | 110875 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kaosmodule |
65517 | KATE.ZIP | 43708 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Katja, beloved... by Breeze/Capacala |
65519 | KAUKASUS.ZIP | 7980 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kaukasus by Travolta/Spaceballs |
65520 | KAWAIK1.ZIP | 72627 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kawai-k1 |
65521 | KAYOTO.ZIP | 114230 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kayoto by Nuke/Anarchy |
65527 | KEFRENSF.ZIP | 66000 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kefrens funky |
65529 | KENMARER.ZIP | 69056 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kenmare-river |
65533 | KERTTU_E.ZIP | 359180 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Trip to Kaalimaa by Zine / Escape. |
65534 | KETONE.ZIP | 98691 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: ketoprofein by dune orange |
65535 | KEWLTUNE.ZIP | 88707 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kewltune! by Bee hunter/Jazz |
65541 | KIC.ZIP | 85318 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: First Strikes by Foul/Willow |
65543 | KICKSTAR.ZIP | 11540 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: KickStart by Merlin of Sonic (4 ch, techno/rage) |
65545 | KIKKA.ZIP | 31947 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kikka-waltz by Heatbeat |
65546 | KILIMANZ.ZIP | 61263 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kilimanzaro by Fleshbrain |
65547 | KILL-ME.ZIP | 145248 | 23.07.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kill-Me zZz |
65548 | KILLERFI.ZIP | 69779 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Killer by Brainiac/Delight |
65549 | KILLING.ZIP | 96586 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Killing Floor by Chorus/Razor 1911 |
65550 | KILLINGF.ZIP | 98070 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: killing floor 2.1 by chorus & sid |
65554 | KIMMIX.ZIP | 150884 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kimmix by T.U.S.C. |
65555 | KINETIK.ZIP | 101292 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kinetik by Heatbeat |
65556 | KINFORCE.ZIP | 158577 | 25.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Kinetic Force a Rave .mod by: ECSTASY/KoNE |
65559 | KIRA.ZIP | 59274 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kira by Chemnitz |
65561 | KITARA.ZIP | 71774 | 28.06.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Kitara soi Placid of Requiem '95 |
65565 | KLF_ANTI.ZIP | 235170 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Antimatter by Basehead/Kosmic Tyyli: IDM/trance Pituus: 12m 26s |
65566 | KLF_ARCA.ZIP | 222742 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Arcadia by Necros/Kosmic Tyyli: Progressive house Pituus: 4m 20s |
65567 | KLF_MIDN.ZIP | 298981 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Midnight by Necros/Kosmic Tyyli: HipHop/Jazz Pituus: 3m 50s |
65568 | KLIM.ZIP | 82731 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Klim's Theme by U4ia/Cryptoburners |
65570 | KLIMAX20.ZIP | 91490 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Klimax 2.0 by Balrog |
65573 | KNASTROL.ZIP | 107552 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Knastrollet by Pain/Mute 101 |
65574 | KNE_GBR1.ZIP | 1322600 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Gabber disk #1 by: kone |
65575 | KNIGHT.ZIP | 160814 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Knight of Rhythm by C.C.Catch |
65576 | KNOW-WOT.ZIP | 123869 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Know what to say... by U4ia/ Cryptoburners |
65577 | KNUDWHAT.ZIP | 64843 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Knud what by Brainiac |
65578 | KNULLAKU.ZIP | 85290 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Knulla Kuk |
65579 | KOAN.ZIP | 51578 | 04.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Koan Aeon |
65585 | KOTI01.ZIP | 349236 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (XM): When twilight comes by kotivalo/Id. |
65586 | KOTI02.ZIP | 285789 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (XM): Breakin' thru by kotivalo/Id. |
65587 | KOTI03.ZIP | 345617 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (XM): Hypnosis by kotivalo/Id. |
65588 | KOTOTRON.ZIP | 275680 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Kototron MyVoice |
65589 | KRAKEN.ZIP | 142915 | 10.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Music. Mod by:Arch-Vile |
65590 | KRAVEN.ZIP | 180610 | 02.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Kraven by Balrog |
65591 | KRESTMAS.ZIP | 38373 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Krestmas Leftovers by 4-Mat |
65608 | L.ZIP | 6320 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: L.=.= |
65666 | LA_MOTTE.ZIP | 134532 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: La motte by 99/Orange |
65613 | LABYNIGH.ZIP | 42277 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: LA by night by dr. awesome |
65615 | LADY.ZIP | 177963 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | lady by nutcase\balance |
65616 | LADY2.ZIP | 122762 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | lady2 by nutcase\balance |
65617 | LADY3.ZIP | 130793 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | lady3 by nutcase\balance |
65618 | LADYROSE.ZIP | 121898 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lady Rose by the Weasel |
65619 | LAIDANDF.ZIP | 68987 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laid and Flushed |
65620 | LAIDBAC1.ZIP | 35624 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laidback2 |
65621 | LAIDBAC2.ZIP | 35088 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laidback3 |
65622 | LAIDBAC3.ZIP | 26421 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laidback4 |
65623 | LAIDBAC4.ZIP | 29098 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laidback5 |
65624 | LAIDBACK.ZIP | 22091 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laidback1 |
65625 | LAIDBCK1.ZIP | 22169 | 12.03.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: Laidback 1 by Dr.Awesome |
65626 | LAIDBCK2.ZIP | 35695 | 12.03.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: Laidback 2 by Dr.Awesome |
65627 | LAIDBCK3.ZIP | 35157 | 12.03.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: Laidback 3 by Dr.Awesome |
65628 | LAIDBCK4.ZIP | 26549 | 12.03.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: Laidback 4 by Dr.Awesome |
65629 | LAIDBCK5.ZIP | 29169 | 12.03.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | MOD: Laidback 5 by Dr.Awesome |
65630 | LAIDTOOL.ZIP | 347276 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laid Too Late-07 by Mr. Sigaard |
65631 | LAINCHIN.ZIP | 181108 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: L.A. in China |
65632 | LAKEURHO.ZIP | 148176 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lakeuksien urho by Groo |
65633 | LANCERSH.ZIP | 106677 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | STM: Lancer-Shines |
65634 | LANDBARB.ZIP | 151277 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Land of Barbarians By Audiomonster |
65635 | LANDINGE.ZIP | 245095 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Landing-Eagle by brainiac |
65637 | LANE.ZIP | 63033 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lane |
65640 | LAPSKONE.ZIP | 171605 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lapsuuteni koneena by Groo |
65641 | LARS.ZIP | 73305 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lars |
65642 | LARYXAC.ZIP | 91026 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laryx by Motion / Balance |
65646 | LASTBETR.ZIP | 6118 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Last betrayal remix by Hydra |
65647 | LASTCALL.ZIP | 87500 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Last Call By Audiomonster |
65648 | LASTEN.ZIP | 4351 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lastenlaulu by Buzzer/Zenon |
65649 | LASTKNIG.ZIP | 96565 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Last-knight by Moby |
65650 | LASTSNOW.ZIP | 147988 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Last-snow-1993 |
65652 | LATELYLA.ZIP | 160891 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lately-late by brainiac |
65653 | LATENIGH.ZIP | 351316 | 06.06.1996 | - | 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img | - | MOD: Late Nights by mr.man/andromeda |
65654 | LATINO.ZIP | 111651 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Latin'o'the'town |
65655 | LATINRHA.ZIP | 152688 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Latin Rhapsody |
65656 | LAUDAMUS.ZIP | 92200 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laudamus te by the weasel |
65657 | LAUGH.ZIP | 84055 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Laugh of the Demon. Style: Weird acid By floppy of absolute suckers. |
65659 | LAUTEIDE.ZIP | 37775 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD+MTM: Lauteiden varjossa 1&2 by Breeze |
65661 | LAVENDER.ZIP | 81037 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Lavender Hill |
65663 | LAWS.ZIP | 2643056 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Laws Of Evilswords by Fencer Of Cult (Dark Sphere). Kappaleet S3M-muodossa. |
65664 | LAXITY.ZIP | 36477 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laxity |
65665 | LAXITYRE.ZIP | 9214 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Laxity remix |
65673 | LEAVING.ZIP | 132135 | 09.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: MiDiMAN / RealPanic Presents : - She Is Leaving Away - STÜLe: Melodic Trance PLAYTiMe: 3:30 |
65681 | LEGALJAM.ZIP | 153570 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Legal Jam by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
65683 | LEGRIND.ZIP | 62226 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Le Grind by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
65688 | LEMNDRPS.ZIP | 111287 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lemondrops by Cube/DEE |
65689 | LEMONHEA.ZIP | 163315 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Lemonheadsin joku biisi, en muista nimeä.. Ei sisällä laulua :), formaatti: XM By: Once/FunkadeliC |
65693 | LETME.ZIP | 175382 | 13.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Let Me hear the bass Style:Dance |
65694 | LETSPLAY.ZIP | 7665 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Let's_play_da_game! by deadbeat\br0nx |
65695 | LEVELBLO.ZIP | 45076 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Level Blood Fv by Dr.Awesome/Crusaders |
65696 | LEVITAT.ZIP | 113832 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Levitation by Hazard |
65700 | LGM.ZIP | 149036 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Little Goa Men by Tau/HellLogic Tempo: 125 BPM, Length: 3:42 Style: Goa Jamming |
65712 | LIBERTIN.ZIP | 137341 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Libertine by Zodiak |
65716 | LIGHINNI.ZIP | 67979 | 18.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Light in the night by broom of zenon. |
65717 | LIGHTSBA.ZIP | 138811 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Lights! Baubles! CHRISTMAS! by Liam the lemming. |
65718 | LIGHTSHA.ZIP | 334051 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: LightShade / DVision |
65719 | LIGHTSOU.ZIP | 115848 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lights-out by Brainiac. |
65722 | LILFUNKM.ZIP | 344736 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Lil' funk machine by A.M.Otsala |
65723 | LILLE.ZIP | 87819 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Lille Peder Edderkop. |
65726 | LINEMAKR.ZIP | 94586 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Linemaker, By: Jaffa / Static |
65730 | LIOTH.ZIP | 36806 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lioth's theme by u4ia of Megawatts. |
65732 | LIQUIDWE.ZIP | 47829 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Liquid weapon by Morpheus. |
65733 | LISBON.ZIP | 84332 | 30.06.1996 | - | scene.org | - | MOD: Lisbon fever by dr.Awesome/Crusaders. |
65735 | LISTEN.ZIP | 85808 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Listen. |
65736 | LISTEN2.ZIP | 136901 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Listen 2 the rhythm by u4ia of Megawatts |
65738 | LITERIUM.ZIP | 59409 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PROBE/OXYLON presents LITERIUM style : Trance length : 4:00 format : S3M |
65739 | LITTLEFU.ZIP | 38703 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Little Funk by Gryzor / Dmacon. |
65740 | LITTLETO.ZIP | 309464 | 30.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Little |
65741 | LITTLUNS.ZIP | 517309 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | The Littl'uns Bundle A collection of short s3m mods by Liam the lemming |
65742 | LIVEFORT.ZIP | 72960 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Live for Tomorrow by 4uia of Megawatts. |
65744 | LIVEPOWE.ZIP | 135776 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Live Power 3, by u4ia of Megawatts. |
65745 | LIVEXPER.ZIP | 117677 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Live x-perience -37 by Dick The Briton. |
65746 | LIVINALI.ZIP | 4293 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Livin' a Life by Ascender/Vanish. |
65747 | LIVING.ZIP | 277724 | 29.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Living (too hard!) BlueSun/Emphasis |
65748 | LIVINGIN.ZIP | 101677 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Living in a Dream by Jogeir/VD-FLT. |
65749 | LIVINGO3.ZIP | 36434 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Living on Video by Trans-x. |
65750 | LIVININS.ZIP | 87903 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Livin' Insanity by Moby. |
65751 | LIZ.ZIP | 99461 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lizardking's theme by Lizardking |
65753 | LK.ZIP | 79963 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: LK by Lizardking/Alcatraz. |
65754 | LKSDOSKP.ZIP | 121862 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: L.K's Doskpop by Lizardking. |
65757 | LLULLABY.ZIP | 180960 | 19.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | LUNATIC LULLABY (WAKE UP AND DANCE), a S3M by Crux (née Pegasos). 6:44 minutes. 14 channels. Style: crazytechnoravedance with variations. Shakes your leg and strokes your ear. |
65759 | LMUSA1.ZIP | 233728 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | L-Dude's Songpack 1 - 3 songs! Including: TechnoTime 2 Holiday in country - and - Unrevealed dreams |
65764 | LOADALOA.ZIP | 28338 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Load-aload by Brainiac of Nitro. |
65765 | LOADER.ZIP | 3909 | 12.07.1996 | renamed | archive.org | - | MOD: Loader. |
65766 | LOADERGU.ZIP | 22525 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Loaderguitie. |
65767 | LOADINGD.ZIP | 33313 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Loading-dia. |
65768 | LOADINGE.ZIP | 24871 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Loadinge by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
65770 | LOANDPE.ZIP | 160473 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Love A N D Peace by Lord Jon Ray. |
65771 | LOCHDETR.ZIP | 34782 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Loch Detros by Pixelman of Confusion. |
65778 | LOGANBER.ZIP | 96294 | 17.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Loganberry Tense |
65780 | LOGICCON.ZIP | 121082 | 12.07.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Logic Concept by bhk/nhp. |
65783 | LOGOSPAR.ZIP | 2998 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Logos - Part I by D-zire/Silents. |
65786 | LONEFUNK.ZIP | 126566 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lonefunk by Dr.Awesome |
65787 | LONELY.ZIP | 257434 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Lonely Heart by Jimmy Superfly. |
65788 | LONGDAWN.ZIP | 270557 | 25.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Long Way To Dawn Juho/Artificial People |
65789 | LONGGONE.ZIP | 60878 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Heroes Long Gone by Breeze/Capacala. |
65790 | LONGINGF.ZIP | 44569 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Longing for Techno2 by Pitty of Dytec. |
65792 | LONGSONG.ZIP | 247174 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Long-Song 1. |
65793 | LONGSTAB.ZIP | 143189 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Longstabben by Lizardking & Vogue. |
65796 | LOOKATME.ZIP | 81339 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Look at me! by Edge/Unexpected. |
65797 | LOOP.ZIP | 4596 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Great Loop by Buzzer/Zenon. |
65798 | LOOTINGB.ZIP | 18942 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Looting Bandits by Breeze/Capacala. |
65811 | LOS.ZIP | 167537 | 12.07.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Los Excrementos by Heatbeat/cncd. |
65818 | LOST_YHT.ZIP | 87328 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Lost Youth by floppy of abs. |
65812 | LOSTATSE.ZIP | 190230 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lost at Sea by The Wessel. |
65813 | LOSTINDO.ZIP | 87039 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lost In Doodles by Sidewinder/InfoCorner |
65814 | LOSTINTH.ZIP | 116661 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lost in the 145. |
65815 | LOSTINYO.ZIP | 98004 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lost in your eyes. |
65816 | LOSTLOVE.ZIP | 105494 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lost Love. |
65817 | LOSTSCRO.ZIP | 3280 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lost Scrotum by Paso/Dynamic. |
65820 | LOVEANDA.ZIP | 93052 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Love and Anarchy by Heatbeat/Carillon. |
65821 | LOVEBIRD.ZIP | 47300 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Love birds. |
65822 | LOVEBOAT.ZIP | 47403 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Love Boat by Bruno. |
65823 | LOVEFUNK.ZIP | 91056 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lovefunk by Nuke of Anarchy. |
65824 | LOVEINTR.ZIP | 7936 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Love Intros by MooG/InFiNy. |
65825 | LOVESONG.ZIP | 300723 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: I will love you |
65826 | LOVESTOR.ZIP | 18135 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Love Story... |
65827 | LOVESUCK.ZIP | 218764 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Love Sucks by Tracker. |
65828 | LOVRBRTH.ZIP | 91188 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lover Breath By Audiomonster |
65829 | LOW.ZIP | 41953 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Low by BigLupu/Ural13 Style:Acid BPM:137 |
65830 | LOWALT.ZIP | 51380 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Low Altitude. |
65832 | LOWLANDS.ZIP | 47797 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lowlands. |
65833 | LOWONOPI.ZIP | 102766 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Low On Opium-04 by MSK. |
65845 | LUKE5.ZIP | 184571 | 07.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: luke5.s3m by Dj-Luke/BMO Alussa hitaanlainen, muuttuen raveksi. Kanavia käytössä kuusitoista. |
65846 | LULLABY.ZIP | 37738 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lullaby. |
65853 | LUNATIC.ZIP | 213020 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Sound o'da Lunatic by $Volkraq/Gollum. |
65854 | LUNIK.ZIP | 96281 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lunik by Papa Smurf. |
65858 | LUSH_KLF.ZIP | 368992 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lush - KLF edit. |
65860 | LV_WISH.ZIP | 273226 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Wish - by Leviathan/Renaissance |
65864 | LYHYTHC.ZIP | 37831 | 20.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lyhyt HC DJ Siili |
65866 | LYSTIGME.ZIP | 18683 | 12.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lystig Melodi. |
65867 | LZ-IMAGE.ZIP | 492820 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "Images of terror" by LioZ / TbK |
65870 | M0M_RIM1.ZIP | 242690 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Rave indicator model by Raul Escuonez |
65871 | M0M_RMIX.ZIP | 244886 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Hard rave indicator by Hard tequila mixer |
65872 | M0M_ROKS.ZIP | 166125 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Revenge of the x by Hard tequila mixer |
65877 | MAAMME2.ZIP | 214597 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Maamme by Heatbeat/Carillon |
65878 | MABUSE.ZIP | 76673 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mabuse |
65880 | MACADAM.ZIP | 172371 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Macadam by Moog/Infiny |
65888 | MAD.ZIP | 44093 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mad maze |
65889 | MADDONKE.ZIP | 7858 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mad donkey by Spirou/Silents |
65890 | MADHATTE.ZIP | 123205 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mad Hatter by Delorean |
65892 | MADHOUSE.ZIP | 103938 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Manhouse jazz by DENS Design Norway |
65893 | MADNES2A.ZIP | 35330 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Madness2-PartA by 4-mat/Anarchy |
65894 | MADNES2B.ZIP | 26594 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Madness2-PartB by 4-mat/Anarchy |
65895 | MADNES2C.ZIP | 28453 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Madness2-PartC by 4-mat/Anarchy |
65896 | MADNESS.ZIP | 129523 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Hardfloor madness by U4ia |
65897 | MADNESSD.ZIP | 74313 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Madness.dif by 4-mat/Anarchy |
65900 | MAGIC.ZIP | 7009 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Magic by Lizardking/Razor1911 |
65903 | MAGICAIR.ZIP | 29893 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Magic in the Air by Breeze/Capacala |
65904 | MAGICBOX.LHA | 94053 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Amiga Protracker Module: "Open that Box", made by qIZnOW 1995 |
65908 | MAGICINT.ZIP | 29557 | 30.07.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Magic in the Air by Breeze/Capacala. |
65909 | MAGICMAT.ZIP | 40318 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Magicmaths |
65910 | MAGICNIG.ZIP | 84615 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Magic Nights by Lizardking |
65911 | MAGICPIA.ZIP | 44444 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Magic-piano by Cubic/Interactive |
65914 | MAGMUSIC.ZIP | 79687 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mag music1 by Nuke/Anarchy |
65915 | MAGNETI4.ZIP | 135732 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Magnetic-dream by Yaz/Digital |
65916 | MAGNETIC.ZIP | 3892 | 07.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Magnetic romance by Rez |
65917 | MAGNIFIC.ZIP | 141874 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Magnificat by Breeze/Capacala. |
65922 | MAIDEN.ZIP | 58011 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | maiden by nutcase\balance |
65925 | MAIN.ZIP | 30812 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mainmag by Nuke/Anarchy. |
65927 | MAINPART.ZIP | 251405 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Main Part by Deansdale. |
65932 | MAKE.ZIP | 337290 | 09.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Name: Make My Day (XM Format) Composed: Crusher!! Listen This Great Techno-Tune |
65935 | MAKEFEEL.ZIP | 24899 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Make you feel by SQD. |
65937 | MAKEMOVE.ZIP | 121708 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Make your move by Dr.Awesome |
65938 | MAKEYOUR.ZIP | 119135 | 30.07.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Make your move by Dr. Awesome. |
65939 | MALFUNCT.ZIP | 138859 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Malfunction by Brainiac/Nitro. |
65940 | MALY.ZIP | 227725 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Maly. |
65941 | MAMA.ZIP | 115345 | 30.07.1996 | - | 21828/Plex3.mdf | - | MOD: Mama(new) by Dr. Awesome. |
65942 | MAMASRAG.ZIP | 117234 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mama's Rage by Vegard. |
65961 | MAN_FIRE.ZIP | 4577 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fireworks by Mantronix/Fairlight. |
65944 | MAN.ZIP | 46159 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Universal Music 1 by Blue Silence. |
65947 | MANDIE.ZIP | 124458 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mandie by U4ia/Megawatts. |
65948 | MANDLFRC.ZIP | 43036 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mandelforce by Maso/Accession. |
65952 | MANGROVE.ZIP | 157246 | 30.07.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mangrove by Skaven/FC. |
65953 | MANIFEST.ZIP | 206892 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Manifest by Firelight. |
65954 | MANNE1.ZIP | 701989 | 12.03.1996 | - | - | - | Legendaariset: -Underware (underwar.xm) -Who's Pertti(Who's_Pe.xm) Tehty Fast Tracker 2.03:lla, joten pääte on *.xm ;) Janne Nygård |
65955 | MANNENBA.ZIP | 39599 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mannen bak skuret by Travolta/SB. |
65956 | MANSMIND.ZIP | 102407 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Man's Mind by Strobo/Stellar. |
65957 | MANTRA.ZIP | 283075 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM:Mantra by:Kinetic-Breakdown/T6B Channels(32) Style:Acid/Trance |
65959 | MANTRAX.ZIP | 336833 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mantra-x by Motion. |
65960 | MANZARO.ZIP | 69019 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Manzaro by Aru. |
65969 | MARAUDER.ZIP | 138721 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: The Marauder by Phoenix/LD50. |
65972 | MARCHING.ZIP | 164142 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Marching South by The Weasel. |
65973 | MARCHOFO.ZIP | 133467 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: March of Orion by PKK. |
65974 | MARDIGRA.ZIP | 205622 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mardi gras by the Weasel. |
65975 | MARIOJAM.ZIP | 42717 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mario jams gy Nalle Nuh. |
65976 | MARKANAL.ZIP | 12053 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mark_anal-seduction by Mark! and 911. |
65977 | MARLBORO.ZIP | 112940 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Green Marlboro by Bruno and Maniac |
65979 | MARSIAND.ZIP | 149662 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Marsian Dreams by Shad&Moog/Infiny. |
65981 | MARTYMAN.ZIP | 6517 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Marty Mania I by Radar/Contrast. |
65986 | MASSAA.LHA | 168052 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Deetail/Zenon : Massaa-v1.2 |
65989 | MASTER.ZIP | 251667 | 27.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM:Master by KRS Metal, Style: Heavy metal. |
65992 | MASTERIN.ZIP | 11129 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Masterintro by Greg. |
65994 | MATKAMIE.ZIP | 3619 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Matkamies by Heatbeat |
65995 | MATTBY.ZIP | 66355 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Night in Mattby Falcon/Artificial People |
65996 | MATTBYNI.ZIP | 66359 | 30.07.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Night in Mattby by Falcon/Artificial People. |
65998 | MATTIS.ZIP | 318106 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Mattis.floor mix by H&B/Gollum. |
65999 | MATURALI.ZIP | 61202 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Maturalise by Amusic/OCT. |
66003 | MAXDREAM.ZIP | 121186 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Max Dream XTC (4 ch, techno) By PsynoMix / Intense |
66004 | MAXHEADR.ZIP | 168384 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Max Headroom. |
66007 | MAYDAY.ZIP | 211978 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Mayday by PsychoTron/Ptm. |
66008 | MAYDAYCI.ZIP | 63054 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mayday CIA by Vamp (4 ch, techno) |
66009 | MAYDAYII.ZIP | 217601 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mayday II by Mr. Mister&Ravage/Hysteric. |
66010 | MAYDAYRE.ZIP | 154011 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mayday Resistance by Radar/Contrast. |
66048 | MCHAMMER.ZIP | 104144 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mchammer Funky Rhytm |
66079 | MEGAPART.ZIP | 93097 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Megaparty by Dr.Awesome |
66084 | MELO.ZIP | 13661 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | NT/ST: mod.melo ╛bill/b&b |
66085 | MELONMAN.ZIP | 111612 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Melonmania by Audiomonster |
66086 | MELT.LHA | 68189 | 22.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Meltdown qiZ |
66088 | MELTED.ZIP | 168681 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Melted surucucu by Chorus & Sid/ Jewels |
66089 | MEMA.ZIP | 107983 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: DJ MAKE: MegaMassive |
66095 | MEN_FLAS.ZIP | 128603 | 20.08.1996 | - | - | - | Asm96 multichannel compo: men_flas.s3m |
66096 | MEN_FLUT.ZIP | 129727 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Asm96 multichannel compo: men_flut.s3m |
66092 | MENTALD.ZIP | 65655 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mental Disorder Radiance/Bw |
66093 | MENTALI1.ZIP | 41510 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mentali1 by Dune |
66094 | MENTALI3.ZIP | 13775 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mentali3 by Dune |
66103 | METAL2.LHA | 121262 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Heavy- MODi by MATU |
66104 | METALNOA.ZIP | 134999 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Count Carnivoren doomahtava näkemys kaikkien aikojen klassikosta, Ukko-Noasta .mod muodossa. Uploader: ekaM x6x |
66110 | METROPLX.ZIP | 282386 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Metroplex by Necros |
66131 | MICKUS.ZIP | 731633 | 13.06.1996 | - | 5612/ASMROM94.mdf | - | Mickus By: Captain/Dance Nation Composed to Assembly'94 32ch combo |
66139 | MID_GOG.ZIP | 203308 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Midnight Goggler by Yakoon. |
66140 | MIELI.ZIP | 538250 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mitäkö tekee mieli by Chanel5 |
66141 | MIKA_RMX.ZIP | 307344 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mika Häkkinen Remix By Mr.Bean /Green Motion (ei General Motors) |
66142 | MILESASM.ZIP | 13.09.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Miles Ahead by Nutcase/cute/kinetic pc assembly 96 multichannel entry. |
66145 | MINDC.ZIP | 70410 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mind Control by Manhunter/Oxylon |
66147 | MINDTRAV.ZIP | 113021 | 04.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mind_4_Travel By Randall/Suburban |
66149 | MINDWAV1.ZIP | 211428 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Space - Sorrow & Pain MindWaVe/Topsyturvydom Summer Encounter '95 Music Competition |
66164 | MISADVNT.ZIP | 338212 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | The Misadventurous Mixes Three versions of a tune in s3m format by Liam the lemming |
66165 | MISSING.ZIP | 16201 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | missing by nutcase\balance |
66167 | MIST_OVD.ZIP | 132875 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mist over darkmoor by 99/Orange |
66176 | MK#WORLD.ZIP | 143238 | 12.02.1996 | renamed | archive.org, modit/arkisto.zip | - | Me & My World, by: Once/FunkadeliC |
66183 | MLD_DOCU.ZIP | 324788 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Document B by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66184 | MLD_DOWN.ZIP | 289708 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Down To Signifigance by Mellow-D / iCE > Fast Tracker II module. |
66185 | MLD_DUTC.ZIP | 283343 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Dutchess of Hearts by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66186 | MLD_ESS2.ZIP | 321706 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Essence II by Mellow-D / iCE > Released in The Epidemic Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66187 | MLD_EXTR.ZIP | 109682 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Extravagance by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66188 | MLD_FLY.ZIP | 346122 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < The Fly by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66189 | MLD_GUID.ZIP | 246232 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < The Guide by Mellow-D / S!P (HDC/KFMF) > Fast Tracker II, Extended Module. |
66190 | MLD_IMMU.ZIP | 424111 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Immune to Me by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66191 | MLD_INHA.ZIP | 259597 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Inhaler by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66192 | MLD_INTG.ZIP | 329644 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Intriguance by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66193 | MLD_JUHL.ZIP | 253490 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Juhlien jalkeen by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66194 | MLD_NICA.ZIP | 141451 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Nude in Crowded Places > by Mellow-D / iCE Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66195 | MLD_PMS2.ZIP | 245581 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Peel My Skin II by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66196 | MLD_RUSK.ZIP | 244169 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Ruskeaa by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66197 | MLD_SOMA.ZIP | 246773 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Soothe My Aching by Mellow-D / iCE > Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66198 | MLD_SOON.ZIP | 273149 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | < Soon I Will End by Mellow-D / iCE > Released in The Epidemic. Scream Tracker 3 module. |
66208 | MLT_TDAY.ZIP | 153166 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | --Five Musicians 1995-- t u e s d a y by m e l l o w - d Fast Tracker II Extended Module |
66228 | MODERN.ZIP | 49023 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Modern by Audiomonster |
66231 | MODWORLD.ZIP | 133812 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Modern world by Groo |
66237 | MONENLN.ZIP | 210156 | 27.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (xm) monenlaisia naisia by prob. / oxylon |
66238 | MONKEY.ZIP | 177240 | 13.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Monkey Hut (C) 1995 Tau / HellLogic |
66262 | MOONGATE.ZIP | 156187 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Moon Gate by Bruno |
66263 | MOONGAZE.ZIP | 79531 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Moongazer by Dr.Awesome |
66275 | MORTMEM2.ZIP | 125863 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mortal memories II by Groo |
66276 | MORTMOOD.ZIP | 313660 | 30.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | - Mortal Mood ----------- 25.02.96 Jouni Airaksinen, OVERRiDE / DOZER Käyttää S3M pannauksia! |
66277 | MOSQUITO.ZIP | 218605 | 06.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM:Mosquito Attack Abyss |
66283 | MOURNING.ZIP | 81363 | 12.03.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | MOD: Mourning by Bit Arts |
66286 | MOVEM77.ZIP | 43912 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Movement77 By Bruno |
66336 | MS2MODS.ZIP | 1157605 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mods by Lizardking From Razor 1911 "Memorial Songs II" |
66365 | MST-BFOL.ZIP | 129336 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: MiSanThropy Presents Battlefield of love |
66366 | MST-BYTS.ZIP | 104149 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Beyond the Sky Misanthropy |
66367 | MST-CPTD.ZIP | 103357 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Captured! Misanthropy |
66368 | MST-ECLP.ZIP | 250278 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Eclipse by Misanthropy |
66369 | MST-FEEL.ZIP | 166411 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Feeling by Misanthropy |
66370 | MST-GNDW.ZIP | 127714 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MiSanThropy Presents Going Down [S3M] |
66371 | MST-HWDF.ZIP | 154793 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: How Does It Feel by Misanthropy |
66374 | MST-ITIL.ZIP | 125158 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | mISANTHROPY pRESENTS : If This is Love rEL dATE: 15/11/95 - mOD tYPE: S3M |
66375 | MST-LFOF.ZIP | 103061 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Lift off! by Misanthropy |
66377 | MST-MOTS.ZIP | 150714 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mistress of the Serpents by Misanthropy |
66378 | MST-NGTF.ZIP | 195942 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Nightfall by Misanthropy |
66379 | MST-PLWT.ZIP | 159280 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Pillow Talk by Misanthropy |
66380 | MST-SCTS.ZIP | 103260 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MiSanThropy Presents Secrets [S3M] |
66381 | MST-SDRE.ZIP | 172932 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MiSanThropy Presents Shattered Dreams [S3M] |
66383 | MSTRPCE1.ZIP | 167994 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Masterpiece #1 by Ile/IP |
66416 | MUSHY.ZIP | 140993 | 20.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | "Mushy" by tonic/sYmptom/Dubius/Coc From 69`msA Multi Channel |
66433 | MXSM.ZIP | 69600 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Merry xmas |
66435 | MYFUNK.ZIP | 207452 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: My Funk Opa/Boes |
66436 | MYHAPPYD.ZIP | 126182 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: My HaPpY DaY by Dr.Erodix/Green Motion |
66438 | MYSTERY.ZIP | 164420 | 16.09.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: ANCIENT MYSTERY by RAZOREDGE / REALITY BENDERS Contribution for Abduction '96 |
66441 | MYSTWIND.ZIP | 156218 | 31.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mysterious Winds by Crazer from Haze. |
66443 | MYWALL.ZIP | 69466 | 23.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TEN FOOT POLE: MY WALL BY: KuMmA file: MTM |
66444 | MZA_BUR.ZIP | 52290 | 16.09.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Burning Technology by Maza / STC STYLE: House COMMENTZ: Made for GBP's muzak compo |
66445 | MZA_BURN.ZIP | 52216 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Burning Technology by Maza / STC STYLE: House |
66446 | MZA_CAN.ZIP | 109540 | 16.09.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Can U Feel The Beat by Maza / STC STYLE: Rave COMMENTZ: Umm, such a old song ;) |
66447 | MZA_DIS.ZIP | 120655 | 16.09.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Disaccord by Maza / STC STYLE: Rave / HappyHardCore / Jungle COMMENTZ: My contribution to GBP's muzak compo #2 |
66448 | MZA_GIZ.ZIP | 61506 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Gizzard by Maza / STC STYLE: House |
66449 | MZA_MAG.ZIP | 77455 | 16.09.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Magic Conjunction by Maza / STC STYLE: House COMMENTZ: ASM '96 release. Made for Assembly multichannel compo. |
66450 | MZA_NAT.ZIP | 94131 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: United Nations by Maza / STC STYLE: Rave COMMENTZ: Stupid name, but an ok song. |
66451 | MZA_PAR.ZIP | 87160 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Parthenogenesis Maza / STC STYLE: Rave / Jungle COMMENTZ: This seems like the Prodigy... |
66452 | MZA_TIM.ZIP | 69868 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Time Is The Limit by Maza / STC STYLE: House COMMENTZ: No commentz! |
66478 | NAIKUN1.ZIP | 899698 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | Naikun musaa. 6 S3M-muodossa olevaa musakipaletta. M-usic D-isk P-layer By : Future Crew. |
66480 | NALLET.ZIP | 41506 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Nallet by Heatbeat |
66481 | NAMELESS.ZIP | 386820 | 24.06.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Nameless Jam-O |
66484 | NARANJA.ZIP | 300639 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Naranja! by Zodiak |
66492 | NATIONS.ZIP | 93873 | 08.01.1997 | - | - | - | XM: United Nations by Maza / STC. |
66493 | NATTYDRE.ZIP | 146720 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | natty dreddy by nutcase\balance |
66494 | NATURAVE.ZIP | 137424 | 30.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Naturalrave Abyss |
66511 | NC-FOOL.ZIP | 642821 | 10.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Fool by nutcase\cute single release, own superb vocals. |
66512 | NC-MILES.ZIP | 459089 | 10.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Miles ahead by nutcase/cute Full version. |
66513 | NC-TIME.ZIP | 613289 | 10.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Time by nutcase/cute single release, own vocals. |
66522 | NEARD.ZIP | 99154 | 09.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Near Dark Purple Motion/Future Crew |
66523 | NEBULAE.ZIP | 52259 | 06.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Hardcore Nebulae by HavoC (HC/trance) |
66524 | NEBULUS.ZIP | 67610 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Nebulus by Audiomonster |
66525 | NECROLOG.ZIP | 118139 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | /-------------------------------------\ | Title : Necrologique | | Author : Orgasmatron / XTD^Bob | | Format : .MOD | | Channels : Four | | Type : Techno | |
66528 | NEMESIS.ZIP | 375422 | 08.01.1997 | - | - | - | XM: Nemesis bu spip/cast. |
66529 | NEODRINK.ZIP | 83642 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Neodrink by FleshBrain |
66551 | NEVER.ZIP | 75589 | 29.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Never too young BlueSun |
66553 | NEWBEGIN.ZIP | 57378 | 27.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | newbegin.zip Good tune.That's all we need.by floppy/abs |
66564 | NEWYEARS.ZIP | 60587 | 12.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: New year's evening -94 Falcon/Artificial People |
66583 | NIAGRA.ZIP | 61638 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Niagra by Dr.Awesome |
66585 | NICOTINE.ZIP | 211639 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Nicotine is 4 channel Elec-technobeat. Composed by Fracer. |
66590 | NIGHT_FR.ZIP | 172422 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | /-------------------------------------\ | Title : Night Fright | | Author : Unknown | | Format : .MOD | | Channels : Four | | Type : Techno | |
66586 | NIGHTFLY.ZIP | 100603 | 17.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Night Flyer Juho/Artificial People |
66587 | NIGHTLIN.ZIP | 92196 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | nightline's colors by nutcase\balance |
66588 | NIGHTUBE.ZIP | 69430 | 17.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Night in a Tube Juho/Artificial People |
66589 | NIGHTWND.ZIP | 174248 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Nightwind Falcon/Artificial People |
66592 | NLIGHT.ZIP | 78881 | 05.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Northern Light By Vade/Loisteputki Kevyt dance |
66597 | NO!INHIB.ZIP | 22611 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | no!inhibitions by nutcase\balance |
66598 | NOBODY.ZIP | 219777 | 06.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:Nobody Dreaming Dune/Sonic |
66599 | NOCTUA.ZIP | 117351 | 05.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Noctua pronuba (2:30) Manhunter/Oxylon (hardcore) |
66602 | NOLIMIT!.ZIP | 206040 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | /--------------------------------------\ | Title : No Limit | | Author : Two Unlimited / Beathoven | | Format : .MOD | | Channels : Four | | Type : Techno/Rave | \--------------------------------------/ |
66604 | NOMORE.ZIP | 119078 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: N0 M0re Happy Hardc0re! By floppy of absolute suckers. |
66605 | NONEW.ZIP | 174705 | 26.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Nothing new Sickman |
66606 | NOONEHOM.ZIP | 54523 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Noone home by Dr.Awesome |
66611 | NOPULSE.ZIP | 251400 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: NoPulSe? by BP feat. Ice-T (5.00) Cool gangsta-rap tune with "REAL" rappin' !! |
66612 | NOREC.ZIP | 147678 | 14.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: No Reciever BlueSun |
66631 | NORTHERN.ZIP | 200170 | 29.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | northern border by nutcase\balance |
66632 | NORTHONE.ZIP | 171057 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) North orion nebulae by Dreamer/TPD |
66635 | NOTFKIDS.ZIP | 130001 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Not For Kids BY: Skaven / FC 4 Channel S3M Music file |
66636 | NOTHING.ZIP | 113854 | 25.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Nothing Else Matters Linked Spirit |
66639 | NOTMAGIC.ZIP | 232169 | 09.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: It's Magic..NOT!!! Bai: Once/FunkadeliC Style: piano/bass/drums/wotever |
66641 | NOWAY.ZIP | 104352 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | No Way To Know An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
66642 | NOWHERE.ZIP | 127910 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Nowhere whenever by Heatbeat |
66643 | NOWWHAT.ZIP | 84549 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Nowwhat by Dr.Awesome |
66644 | NOWWHAT2.ZIP | 68630 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Nowwhat 2 by Dr.Awesome |
66694 | NX95-SMT.ZIP | 272621 | 01.06.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Eternity II - Deep In Your Eyes SMT/Haujobb |
66930 | O_07223.ZIP | 165714 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: o_07223 |
66931 | O_09144.ZIP | 250663 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_09144 |
66932 | O_09524.ZIP | 98633 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_09524 |
66933 | O_09746.ZIP | 161758 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_09746 |
66934 | O_14876.ZIP | 129572 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_14876 |
66935 | O_19646.ZIP | 210480 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_19646 |
66936 | O_29142.ZIP | 98677 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_29142 |
66937 | O_29342.ZIP | 116700 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_29342 |
66938 | O_34052.ZIP | 172577 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_34052 |
66939 | O_34652.ZIP | 110809 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_34652 |
66940 | O_37752.ZIP | 82569 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: o_37752 |
66941 | O_39244.ZIP | 186112 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: oO Tim's Space Guitar Oo |
66942 | O_39544.ZIP | 155572 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_39544 |
66943 | O_39962.ZIP | 109387 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_39962 |
66944 | O_40052.ZIP | 207730 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Respire by Spyder |
66945 | O_40156.ZIP | 160013 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_40156 |
66946 | O_40853.ZIP | 175960 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_40853 |
66947 | O_41152.ZIP | 140588 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_41152 |
66948 | O_41252.ZIP | 303252 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_41252 |
66949 | O_41852.ZIP | 160997 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_41852 |
66950 | O_44159.ZIP | 280635 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_44159 |
66951 | O_47483.ZIP | 79496 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: o_47483 |
66952 | O_48752.ZIP | 189328 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_48752 |
66953 | O_49312.ZIP | 103831 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_49312 |
66954 | O_49516.ZIP | 280379 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_49516 |
66955 | O_59241.ZIP | 162352 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_59241 |
66956 | O_59344.ZIP | 233530 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_59344 |
66957 | O_59642.ZIP | 102942 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_59642 |
66958 | O_64054.ZIP | 240856 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_64054 |
66959 | O_67287.ZIP | 124307 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: o_67287 |
66960 | O_69144.ZIP | 308449 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_69144 |
66961 | O_69647.ZIP | 308319 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_69647 |
66962 | O_70942.ZIP | 221424 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: o_70942 |
66963 | O_71789.ZIP | 24788 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: o_71789 |
66964 | O_74452.ZIP | 153570 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_74452 |
66965 | O_78080.ZIP | 112946 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_78080 |
66966 | O_78489.ZIP | 96702 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_78489 |
66967 | O_79242.ZIP | 172693 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_79242 |
66968 | O_79642.ZIP | 196189 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_79642 |
66969 | O_79742.ZIP | 91293 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_79742 |
66970 | O_79842.ZIP | 251753 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_79842 |
66971 | O_89144.ZIP | 288963 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_89144 |
66972 | O_89442.ZIP | 114962 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_89442 |
66973 | O_89712.ZIP | 135428 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Seeds of Desire [S3M] by Blackwolf 19th Place |
66974 | O_90352.ZIP | 369374 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_90352 |
66975 | O_90651.ZIP | 242968 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M_ o_90651 |
66976 | O_91432.ZIP | 366186 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_91432 |
66977 | O_92042.ZIP | 146576 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_92042 |
66978 | O_92512.ZIP | 247267 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_92512 |
66979 | O_92662.ZIP | 23825 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_92662 |
66980 | O_92712.ZIP | 236634 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_92712 |
66981 | O_93162.ZIP | 380074 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_93162 |
66982 | O_93946.ZIP | 250196 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_93946 |
66983 | O_94151.ZIP | 130610 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_94151 |
66984 | O_94257.ZIP | 228401 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: o_94257 |
66985 | O_95342.ZIP | 170743 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | [S3M] O-95342 (MC3 rookie entry) 7th place by Luv Kohli / Empyrean |
66986 | O_95444.ZIP | 6607 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Bits & Bytes (version 2.0) [1st Place - ROOKIE DIV] Mayhem / MAZURkA |
66987 | O_95760.ZIP | 197160 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_95760 |
66988 | O_97093.ZIP | 261646 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: o_97093 |
66989 | O_98242.ZIP | 348656 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_98242 |
66990 | O_98462.ZIP | 145115 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_98462 |
66991 | O_98642.ZIP | 269682 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_98642 |
66992 | O_99361.ZIP | 129623 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_99361 |
66993 | O_99849.ZIP | 176581 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: o_99849 |
66696 | OASIS.ZIP | 4939 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oasis |
66699 | OBERHEIM.ZIP | 80852 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oberheim |
66700 | OBJECTV.ZIP | 86760 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | Fantti Music presents: Background Objective (XM) |
66702 | OBLITIRT.ZIP | 430035 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oblitirator |
66703 | OBSCENEI.ZIP | 8439 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Obscene illusion |
66705 | OBVIOUS.ZIP | 120104 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Obvious disaster |
66706 | OCC-SAN.ZIP | 128828 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Occ-san-geen |
66707 | OCE_RAVM.ZIP | 192336 | 24.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ■ RAVE MEMoRiES ■ .XM Composed by: OcEAN Style: Rave, I think... 12 chn, 2:46 min, 28 ord |
66708 | OCE_REFR.ZIP | 216122 | 24.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ■ REFRESH .XM by OcEAN ■ ■ 12chn, 3:28min, 22ord ■ |
66709 | OCISTER.ZIP | 35835 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ocister, By: Jaffa / Static |
66710 | ODE.ZIP | 151919 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ode |
66711 | ODETOFAB.ZIP | 199599 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ode to Fabian |
66715 | ODYSSEY1.ZIP | 103224 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Odyssey 1 |
66716 | ODYSSEY2.ZIP | 82477 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Odyssey 2 |
66717 | ODYSSEY3.ZIP | 95673 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Odyssey 3 |
66718 | ODYSSEY4.ZIP | 85245 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Odyssey 4 |
66719 | ODYSSEY5.ZIP | 104566 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Odyssey 5 |
66720 | ODYSSEY6.ZIP | 182757 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Odyssey 6 |
66722 | OFALANDB.ZIP | 230592 | 22.04.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | S3M: Of a Land Beyond Hope |
66723 | OFF.ZIP | 190546 | 29.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Off The Undertaker |
66725 | OHIO.ZIP | 121849 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ohio & Ohio2 /Acidhouse mix |
66726 | OHM.ZIP | 122276 | 15.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ohm Juho / Artificial People |
66728 | OHNOADEM.ZIP | 30403 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ohno a demosong |
66729 | OHYEAH.ZIP | 69165 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oh Yeah |
66735 | OK_FEEL_.ZIP | 179557 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | OKT: OK_feel |
66731 | OKDRE.ZIP | 329698 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | OKT: Okdre |
66733 | OKREA.ZIP | 403302 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | OKT: Okrea |
66734 | OKTRA.ZIP | 179230 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | OKT: Oktra |
66736 | OLDANDNE.ZIP | 61140 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Old and New |
66737 | OLDETCIW.ZIP | 209790 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oldetciwonz |
66738 | OLDLINE2.ZIP | 34487 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oldline 2 |
66739 | OLDMAGIC.ZIP | 127607 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Old magic |
66740 | OLDSMOKE.ZIP | 30406 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: OldSmoke |
66745 | OLUIDENA.ZIP | 5135 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oluiden aatelia |
66748 | OMAMMAMI.ZIP | 176447 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) O mamma mia by Dreamer/TPD |
66749 | OMBRATA9.ZIP | 137205 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ombrata '94 |
66752 | OMEHER.ZIP | 63703 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Omeher by Dizzy/Cncd |
66753 | OMENA!.ZIP | 118352 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Omena rulz tekno! 11 channel. By: Air/Vitality.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
66758 | OMNIPHIL.ZIP | 102319 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Omniphilia (Rama-II) |
66772 | ONE-DAY.ZIP | 88500 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One day |
66773 | ONE.ZIP | 4522 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One |
66776 | ONELOVEM.ZIP | 255978 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One-love-maxi |
66777 | ONEMANSJ.ZIP | 477629 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Onemansjungle (core) |
66778 | ONEMFALL.ZIP | 411111 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Kaikki One must fall! MODit |
66779 | ONEMUST1.ZIP | 44396 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One must Fall! 1 |
66780 | ONEMUST2.ZIP | 49642 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One must fall! 2 |
66781 | ONEMUST3.ZIP | 64672 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One must fall! 3 |
66782 | ONEMUST4.ZIP | 50322 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One must fall! 4 |
66783 | ONEMUST5.ZIP | 62974 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One must fall! 5 |
66784 | ONEMUST6.ZIP | 73738 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One must fall! 6 |
66785 | ONEMUST7.ZIP | 62232 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One must fall! 7 |
66786 | ONENATIO.ZIP | 139382 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One nation |
66789 | ONESIXTW.ZIP | 4424 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: One Six Two |
66790 | ONEWAY.ZIP | 94820 | 22.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oneway |
66791 | ONKELEDW.ZIP | 35291 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Onkel Edwards agurk |
66792 | ONLYFORY.ZIP | 78541 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Onlyforyou |
66793 | ONLYINM2.ZIP | 54959 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Only in my dreams 2 |
66794 | ONLYINMY.ZIP | 93406 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Only in my dreams |
66795 | ONTHAMOV.ZIP | 9757 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: On tha Move |
66796 | ONTHEROA.ZIP | 56720 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: On the Road |
66797 | ONTHERUN.ZIP | 58633 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: on.the.run |
66798 | ONTHESEA.ZIP | 135672 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: On the sea... |
66799 | ONTHEWAY.ZIP | 266413 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: On-the-way.pt |
66800 | ONWARD.ZIP | 306971 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Onward |
66801 | ONYX.ZIP | 460792 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Onyx |
66803 | OOHMYGOO.ZIP | 88928 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ooh my goodness!! |
66804 | OOLAH1.ZIP | 426251 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oolah |
66805 | OOLAH2.ZIP | 386007 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oolah 2 |
66809 | OP13.ZIP | 99619 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 0peration 13 |
66811 | OPEN.ZIP | 249602 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: oPEN mIND |
66812 | OPENAIR.ZIP | 161617 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: In the Open Air |
66813 | OPENMIND.ZIP | 138849 | 04.10.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Open your mind.Melodic pianotune. My assembly '96 contribution. By floppy of absolute suckers. |
66815 | OPOSSUMI.ZIP | 84097 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Opossumi |
66816 | OPPENHEI.ZIP | 86910 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: ...oppenheimer |
66823 | OPTIMUMF.ZIP | 89623 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Optimum fuckup |
66824 | OPTIONTD.ZIP | 75005 | 12.03.1996 | - | - | - | (mod) Option To Die by Delorean |
66825 | OPTIONTO.ZIP | 74338 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: option_to_die |
66827 | ORA.ZIP | 105712 | 30.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Orange City By Jaffa/Kanisteri |
66831 | ORBITAL1.ZIP | 168209 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Orbital delusions |
66832 | ORBITAL2.ZIP | 234042 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Orbital delusions II |
66833 | ORBITALD.ZIP | 517564 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Orbital dreams |
66834 | ORBITING.ZIP | 360217 | 25.08.1996 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Orbiting Assembly 96 contribution multichannel compo by Rage/Fobia Design XM module |
66835 | ORCHEST2.ZIP | 33798 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: orchestral2.fix |
66839 | ORDINARY.ZIP | 3410 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ordinary |
66840 | OREVERVO.ZIP | 279569 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | STM: Forever Voyaging by C.C.Catch. |
66842 | ORGANICW.ZIP | 99190 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Organic winds |
66844 | ORGASMIX.ZIP | 187454 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Orgasmix |
66846 | ORMIS.ZIP | 220073 | 08.01.1997 | - | - | - | S3M: Nopeeta metallia by djmake. |
66847 | OROINCEN.ZIP | 228274 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: oro incenso |
66848 | ORTHANC.ZIP | 132976 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: orthanc |
66849 | ORULES.ZIP | 130541 | 30.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: orules |
66862 | OSAKEMIE.ZIP | 2229 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: osakemies |
66871 | OTHER.ZIP | 47243 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Other |
66873 | OTHERSI.ZIP | 120379 | 16.07.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Other Side Of Us by Oxylon/Affection. └───────────presents───────────┘ ├──────────────────────────────┤ │ - Other Side Of Us - │ │ │ │ Made for GBP's music │ │ competition │ ├──────────────────────────────┤ │style : Trance │ │length : 3:31 format : XM │ ∙ ┌───┐─┬─┐─┬─┐─┐┌───┐───┐ ∙ . │ │ │ ┤─ |
66879 | OUCHDEMO.ZIP | 64228 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: This is a name |
66880 | OURW.ZIP | 149378 | 09.09.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Our World by Jaffa / Static made for assembly multichannel compo Style: Heavy. |
66881 | OURWORLD.ZIP | 109390 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | FAR: Our World by Krystall/Astekyst |
66882 | OUT.ZIP | 27099 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Out |
66883 | OUTBACK.ZIP | 62123 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Outback |
66886 | OUTERFUN.ZIP | 94329 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Outer funk |
66887 | OUTERLIM.ZIP | 12775 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Outer limit |
66888 | OUTFMIND.ZIP | 208822 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Out of Mind |
66895 | OUTOFFAC.ZIP | 10322 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Out of Face by Maelcum/KFL |
66896 | OUTOFFAS.ZIP | 168733 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Out of Fashion |
66897 | OUTOFNAM.ZIP | 34349 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Out-of-name |
66898 | OUTOFSIL.ZIP | 246885 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Out of Silence |
66899 | OUTOFSPA.ZIP | 141763 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Out of Space/Uranium |
66900 | OUTOFTHE.ZIP | 61482 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Out of the Blue |
66901 | OUTONBAI.ZIP | 158696 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Out on Bail |
66903 | OUTRUNHY.ZIP | 8366 | 28.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Outrun by Hydra |
66905 | OVERFIEL.ZIP | 20792 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Over the fields by Lizardking |
66906 | OVERJAZZ.ZIP | 15749 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Overjazz |
66907 | OVERLOA1.ZIP | 82403 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Overload1 |
66908 | OVERLOAD.ZIP | 134733 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Overload |
66909 | OVERLORD.ZIP | 974909 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Overlords |
66911 | OVERNET.ZIP | 50282 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: overthenetmusic1 |
66912 | OVERRIDE.ZIP | 130738 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: -over ride- |
66913 | OVERSTAR.ZIP | 66046 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Think over the star |
66914 | OVERTHEF.ZIP | 20577 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Over the fields |
66915 | OVERTHEN.ZIP | 48835 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: overthenetmusic |
66916 | OVERTURE.ZIP | 106509 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Overture |
66917 | OVERWHEL.ZIP | 159976 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Overwhelming rain RE |
66918 | OVERWHEP.ZIP | 96132 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Overwhelming Possibilities by Luv Kohli / Empyrean |
66919 | OVRDOSED.ZIP | 178731 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | Radiance / Bandwagon presents Overdosed, Style: goa/trance. |
66920 | OVRDRIVE.ZIP | 79780 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Interstellar Overdrive |
66922 | OWE.ZIP | 85080 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Owe |
66923 | OWNSONG.ZIP | 102956 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Own song |
66929 | OZ.ZIP | 111548 | 05.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oz |
66996 | P0LLESDI.ZIP | 76684 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: p0lles disco dans |
67004 | P3.ZIP | 17862 | 06.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:Squash a delic Dune/Mental |
67013 | PACKMUS.ZIP | 10337 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | packmusica by nutcase\balance |
67017 | PAHAJOKE.ZIP | 120376 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Ukko Nooa by PAH / Liquid Dreams. Style: stylemix |
67018 | PAHALBXM.ZIP | 380797 | 26.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: -Alien Beat Extended XM Mix- by PAH Style: Techno/Rave, Lenght: 5'00" |
67019 | PAHAROUN.ZIP | 487482 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Around The Corner by PAH. Style: Techno, time: 3:00 Channels: 28 size: 920k. |
67020 | PAHBETHA.ZIP | 199073 | 12.02.1996 | - | - | - | XM : -Beat the Base- Composer: PAH Style: Techno/Dance 6th position at MSMC IV |
67021 | PAHCONFU.ZIP | 174892 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Confusion by PAH / Liquid Dreams. Channels: 26, Size: 399k, Style: techno/dance |
67022 | PAHDISTB.ZIP | 299735 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: -Disturbance- by PAH of Liquid Dreams Style: Rave, Lenght: 3:30 |
67023 | PAHFEVXM.ZIP | 432868 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MX: Fever [extended mix] by PAH/Liquid Dreams Channels: 26, Size: 677k Style: absolutely weird. |
67024 | PAHRVOTD.ZIP | 197535 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The Rendez-Vous of the Death by PAH / Liquid Dreams. Channels: 16, Time: 3:47. Style: Crazy Jungle. |
67025 | PAHWAITE.ZIP | 90687 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Waiting for the End by PAH/Liquid Dreams. Channels: 8, Time: 5.00, Style: Instrumental rap. |
67027 | PALEDEST.ZIP | 203714 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Pale Dest by Facespace/X-bytes. |
67030 | PALLAD.ZIP | 78133 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Palladium by Pandemonium |
67031 | PALLESTH.ZIP | 27201 | 16.05.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Palle's theme2 |
67034 | PALMITOE.ZIP | 95191 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Palmitoes |
67039 | PANDEMON.ZIP | 119899 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Pandemonium by Maza / STC STYLE: SteelPan - Rave - Symphony COMMENTZ: C00l!!! SteelPan techno! |
67040 | PANIC.S3M | 593106 | 15.05.1993 | - | modiromppu.iso | - | MOD: Demoon Panic Purple Motion |
67041 | PANIC.ZIP | 437240 | 16.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Panic by Purple Motion/FC |
67042 | PANSELEC.ZIP | 31075 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: PanSelect Music |
67045 | PAPAREMI.ZIP | 236122 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Papa...-remix |
67046 | PAPERBOY.ZIP | 4469 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Paperboy |
67047 | PARACID.ZIP | 120277 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | FAR: Gravis Ultrasound Forever |
67048 | PARACIDI.ZIP | 118008 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | FAR: Paracidize |
67049 | PARADIS4.ZIP | 64221 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Paradise-party |
67051 | PARADISE.ZIP | 95849 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Paradixe City by GNR |
67052 | PARADIZE.ZIP | 236067 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | AMF: Paradize by NHP |
67053 | PARADOX1.ZIP | 26495 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Paradox1 |
67054 | PARAGLID.ZIP | 60379 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Paragliding-crash |
67055 | PARAGLOB.ZIP | 208154 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: ParaGlobe |
67056 | PARALYZE.ZIP | 172903 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Paralyze. |
67057 | PARTFLAM.ZIP | 155523 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Dancing Flames |
67058 | PARTHENO.ZIP | 86870 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Parthenogenesis by Maza / STC |
67059 | PARTY-V.ZIP | 175988 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Party Vibrations |
67060 | PARTY199.ZIP | 70170 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Party 1992 Intromusic |
67062 | PARTY91.ZIP | 71017 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Party-Time'91 |
67063 | PARTYTME.ZIP | 117891 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Party Time! |
67065 | PASSAGES.ZIP | 175905 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "Passages" |
67066 | PASSION.ZIP | 24247 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Passion dub |
67068 | PASSIONG.ZIP | 14406 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Passion Garden |
67069 | PASSTIME.ZIP | 350405 | 16.05.1996 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | eritupla | S3M: "The Passage of Time" by Ryan Cramer |
67070 | PASTELBL.ZIP | 144305 | 16.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pastel Blue |
67073 | PAT3.ZIP | 26689 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | from the old days |
67085 | PATEGA.ZIP | 25540 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Patega |
67086 | PATHTOFR.ZIP | 156286 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Path to Freedom by Mystical |
67087 | PATHWAY.ZIP | 97076 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Pathway by Dizzy/CNCD |
67088 | PATRIOT.ZIP | 7358 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Patriot |
67090 | PATSYSCR.ZIP | 96712 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Patsy's credits |
67091 | PAUKKU.ZIP | 108241 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Paukku by Jaffa / STC STYLE: Some kind of HeavyMetal.... INFO: Only 1 (yksi) Pattern used!!!!!! PLAYTIME: 2 (kaksi) Minutes, Couple second |
67102 | PBLISS2.ZIP | 30575 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Peaceful Bliss II |
67105 | PBSNEWME.ZIP | 296477 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: P&B's New Message! |
67109 | PCB.ZIP | 3778 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Intromuz-4.HB |
67137 | PCO.ZIP | 5817 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: PCO |
67138 | PCOFTHSK.ZIP | 27817 | 20.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pieces in the Sky (dance) |
67139 | PCS-AUS.ZIP | 99934 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Absolut Unseen |
67140 | PCS-INDY.ZIP | 221863 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Indiana |
67141 | PCS-WARS.ZIP | 238081 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Wars in heaven |
67153 | PEARLED.ZIP | 8748 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Pearled unicorn by Lizardking |
67154 | PEARLEDU.ZIP | 8707 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pearled Univornlable |
67155 | PEBBLES.ZIP | 71514 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pebbles |
67156 | PECHNO.ZIP | 63703 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pechno |
67157 | PECHOEK.ZIP | 81917 | 08.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Pectoh hoëk by Mirko'crow'oxylon. |
67158 | PECULIAR.ZIP | 17697 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Peculiar Space |
67159 | PEE-WEE.ZIP | 158188 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Song.Fake2 |
67160 | PEELMYSK.ZIP | 241216 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Peel My Skin |
67161 | PELFORTH.ZIP | 103484 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pelforth Blues |
67163 | PENINSUL.ZIP | 54965 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Peninsula |
67164 | PEOPLE.ZIP | 62552 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | UTL: People |
67165 | PEPPER01.ZIP | 165171 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Prepulsion (XM) by kaakao/pepper trance - lenght (apprx.) 4 min. |
67166 | PEPPER02.ZIP | 157158 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Using Rubbers (XM) by Kaakao/Pepper rave - lenght (apprx.) 6 min. |
67167 | PEPPER03.ZIP | 305045 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Green Frog (XM) by Futile/Pepper style: ? - lenght (apprx.) 5 min. |
67168 | PEPPER04.ZIP | 355541 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Kolina (XM) by Kaakao/Pepper + Bonus track trance - lenght (apprx.) 5 min. |
67169 | PEPPER05.ZIP | 259306 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Analogique (XM) by Futile/Pepper acidic trance - lenght 5 min. |
67170 | PEPPER06.ZIP | 275918 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Sharp 24 (XM) by Futile/Pepper trance - lenght (apprx.) 6 min. |
67171 | PEPPER07.ZIP | 314946 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | One Love (Junglistic Edit) by Kaakao/Pepper jungle - lenght (apprx.) 5 min. (XM) |
67172 | PEPPER08.ZIP | 246654 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Twisted Industry (XM) by Futile/Pepper trance - lenght (apprx.) 4:41 |
67173 | PEPPER09.ZIP | 179277 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Gullsten (XM) by Kaakao/Pepper trance - lenght (apprx.) 5 min. |
67174 | PEPPER10.ZIP | 357961 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Suburban Life (XM) by Kaakao/Pepper trance - lenght (apprx.) 6 min. |
67175 | PERCOLAT.ZIP | 11987 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Percolator Brown |
67178 | PERFECTF.ZIP | 237210 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Perfect Fit |
67179 | PERFECTK.ZIP | 50153 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Perfect.Kiss |
67180 | PERFECTS.ZIP | 269228 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Perfect Setup! -LZD |
67181 | PERHAPS2.ZIP | 13034 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Perhaps2-DIA |
67182 | PERIODE.ZIP | 32710 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Periode |
67184 | PERNAAN!.ZIP | 190290 | 22.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Matka pernaan... Sickman / Funkadelic |
67185 | PERPLEXD.ZIP | 38874 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Perplexed |
67187 | PERSONA2.ZIP | 79978 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Personal Problems |
67188 | PESTILEN.ZIP | 8602 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pestilence |
67192 | PET_SHOP.ZIP | 43896 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Untitled Song |
67190 | PETERGUN.ZIP | 72265 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Peter Gun |
67199 | PGUN.ZIP | 101684 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "Peter Gunn" |
67200 | PH.ZIP | 128084 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: PH |
67201 | PHACU2.ZIP | 229010 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Phacu2 |
67202 | PHAN.ZIP | 40308 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Phantasy oriented music Style: Phantastic prelude in d-minor by Mallard -96- (4-Chnl., looping) |
67204 | PHANT.ZIP | 85852 | 29.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Phantasmagoria.ntii |
67205 | PHANTA.ZIP | 89376 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Phantasmagoria by 4-Mat |
67209 | PHANTASM.ZIP | 7668 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Phantasme-v64 |
67210 | PHANTASY.ZIP | 77368 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Phantasy |
67211 | PHANTOMS.ZIP | 166714 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Phantoms |
67212 | PHASETHE.ZIP | 126857 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Phase the musix |
67213 | PHENOXY.ZIP | 43576 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Phenoxyethanol by PulP / Ural 13. Style: Wooshy Acid, length: 5.20. |
67214 | PHILADEL.ZIP | 432217 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Streets of Philadelphia by Dempsey Dempsey Lyrics included! |
67215 | PHOENIX.ZIP | 318179 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Phoenix |
67221 | PHYSICAL.ZIP | 33776 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Physical.compo |
67222 | PHYSIOLO.ZIP | 114960 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Physiology theme |
67224 | PIANO.ZIP | 42658 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Piano |
67226 | PIANOALL.ZIP | 8399 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Piano all the way |
67227 | PIANOISK.ZIP | 104903 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Piano iskelmä |
67228 | PIANOMAN.ZIP | 8744 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pianoman |
67229 | PIANOPLK.ZIP | 30726 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Piano plinker |
67231 | PIECEOFD.ZIP | 102035 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: (piece of dance) |
67232 | PIGGIESH.ZIP | 666372 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Piggie's hut |
67233 | PIGGY.ZIP | 151350 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Piggy's Namesakesday by Breeze/Capacala. |
67234 | PIGGYSNA.ZIP | 150800 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Piggy's namesakesday |
67239 | PINK.ZIP | 7116 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pink |
67240 | PINKTOPU.ZIP | 24328 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pink to puke |
67241 | PIPARCAK.ZIP | 278202 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Piparcake House |
67242 | PIPELINE.ZIP | 2466 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pipeline |
67247 | PIRACY.ZIP | 88091 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Piracy 1994-1995 |
67249 | PISKERIS.ZIP | 16465 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: piskeris |
67251 | PIXEL.ZIP | 162456 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Shiny happy pixel |
67252 | PIZZA.ZIP | 132119 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Pizza musicfile |
67259 | PLACID.ZIP | 98075 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:Placid By:BigLupu/Ural13 Style:Acid House BPM:132 Length:5.35 Date:31.8.1995 |
67260 | PLANETAR.ZIP | 52098 | 31.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Planetarium Style: TRANCE By Manhunter/Oxylon |
67261 | PLANETS.ZIP | 87173 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Planets |
67266 | PLASTICS.ZIP | 4136 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Plastic_Surgery. |
67267 | PLASTIKB.ZIP | 115787 | 16.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:Plastik Buttons By:BigLupu/Ural13 Style:Acid House BPM:128 Length: 2.53 Date: 7.8.1995 |
67269 | PLATEAU.ZIP | 301198 | 06.06.1996 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | S3M: "Plateau of the Past" Composed by Ryan Cramer of Renaissance and Iguana. This song was presented in Legend Design's Party '94 report. Eight channels. |
67274 | PLAYING.ZIP | 96630 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Playing with time |
67275 | PLAYTHEF.ZIP | 111547 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Play the field remix |
67276 | PLAYTIME.ZIP | 27149 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Play-time |
67278 | PLINK.ZIP | 114694 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Plink Plink Plonk Plonk An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
67279 | PLINKPLI.ZIP | 114351 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Plink plink plonk plonk |
67286 | PLOUGHMA.ZIP | 42431 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ploughman |
67288 | PLUNGERH.ZIP | 21014 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Plunger happy! |
67305 | PM_FRACT.ZIP | 106635 | 06.06.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | Fractur In Space by Purple Motion/FC |
67306 | PM_NOVA.ZIP | 100554 | 14.04.1995 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Nova Purple Motion/Future Crew |
67294 | PMCHIP.ZIP | 1813 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: PMChip |
67302 | PMUZAX.ZIP | 19973 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) PartyMuzak by Dean |
67309 | PNXHOUSE.ZIP | 20799 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Oh-so-inspired Haus |
67310 | PO-FREE.ZIP | 87562 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Free Your Mind by Poison (12 ch. MOD). |
67314 | POINT.ZIP | 258501 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (s3m) Point of departure by Necros |
67316 | POINTOFD.ZIP | 257185 | 17.05.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Point of departure |
67317 | POINTSOF.ZIP | 62425 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Points of echo |
67318 | POK.ZIP | 101299 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Power of Knowledge |
67321 | POLAR.ZIP | 76050 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Polar chase by Fleshbrain |
67322 | POLARCHA.ZIP | 75247 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Polarchase |
67323 | POLLETTE.ZIP | 365026 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: J'ai Pllette D'arnu |
67327 | POLYGONE.ZIP | 260850 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Plygonewindow-ext |
67328 | POLYMEDI.ZIP | 48182 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Polymedia |
67330 | POND.ZIP | 95324 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | FAR: Pond in the Palace of Pythagoras |
67335 | POOPPIDO.ZIP | 397021 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Pooppi doo |
67337 | POPCORN.ZIP | 45079 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Popcorn |
67338 | POPCORN2.ZIP | 47155 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Popcorn 2 |
67340 | POPENUFF.ZIP | 115475 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Popenuff |
67341 | POPKORN.ZIP | 7390 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Popkorn |
67343 | POPPYHIP.ZIP | 285030 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Poppy hiphop |
67344 | PORCUPIN.ZIP | 208357 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Porcupine |
67346 | PORI.ZIP | 651861 | 14.05.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Escape from Pori by Purple Motion S3M-file >>> From THE PARTY 1994 <<< |
67348 | PORTDELT.ZIP | 174998 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Port Delta X -sw- #2 |
67349 | PORTFEEL.ZIP | 253468 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Portable feelings |
67350 | POSITION.ZIP | 45633 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Positional switch |
67351 | POSSES.ZIP | 96025 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Posses |
67352 | POSSESED.ZIP | 329885 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Possesed by a Track |
67353 | POSSESSI.ZIP | 785458 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Possession -remix by Necros |
67356 | POSTMORT.ZIP | 132252 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Post mortem (v2.691) |
67357 | POTOROO.ZIP | 38411 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Potoroo |
67358 | POTRM.ZIP | 342102 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Path of the Righteous |
67375 | POWACHOR.ZIP | 173019 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Powa chordi |
67376 | POWER.ZIP | 135770 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Live Power 3 |
67377 | POWERGR3.ZIP | 14896 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Powergrid Theme 3 |
67378 | POWERGR4.ZIP | 26243 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Powergrid Theme 4 |
67379 | POWERKLF.ZIP | 42903 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Power by KLF |
67381 | POWEROFA.ZIP | 438408 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Power of American |
67382 | POWEROFL.ZIP | 246110 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The Power of Life |
67383 | POWERON.ZIP | 58854 | 17.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Power on! |
67385 | POWWIND.ZIP | 148417 | 14.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: The Power of Wind |
67405 | PRA!ASMF.ZIP | 113821 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Fabulous by: lauman/pra |
67406 | PRA!DSTR.ZIP | 66404 | 13.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Demonstration Forceman |
67407 | PRA!XMAS.ZIP | 104926 | 12.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Christmas morning by: forceman/pra |
67408 | PRAYER.ZIP | 84667 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Prayer. |
67413 | PRELUDE1.ZIP | 88084 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Prelude 15: Raindrop Tracked by Simul. |
67415 | PRELUDET.ZIP | 15659 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 669: Perlude to a Fugua in A minor. |
67416 | PRESSPNT.ZIP | 103159 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | *- +-=≡=-+ -* ▌ ∩-Renaissance-∩ ▌ ▌ |
67417 | PRESSURE.ZIP | 296542 | 01.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Pressure - Normal St.Josefina 7:25 She Was Mean 5:30 Free Mountains 3:55 Released: 7/10/1995 |
67422 | PRHT2001.ZIP | 143911 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Prophet 2001 by Dr.Awesome |
67423 | PRINCESS.ZIP | 61575 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Princess of Dawn by Mantronix + Tip of Phenomena. |
67424 | PRINCIPL.ZIP | 215226 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Principles. |
67426 | PRIORITY.ZIP | 66746 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Intro Priority by Audiomonster |
67434 | PROBE1.ZIP | 22144 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Probe 1 by sqd in '92. |
67435 | PROCESSI.ZIP | 49985 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Processing by Static of Rebels. |
67436 | PROCESSO.ZIP | 77888 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Processor Rock. |
67441 | PROGRESS.ZIP | 221097 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Progress of the House by u4ia of Megawatts. |
67444 | PROJECTA.ZIP | 219074 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Project Angel intro. |
67445 | PROJECTO.ZIP | 195678 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Project olavi.jol by Jol005x/Admire. |
67446 | PROJECTX.ZIP | 87362 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Bladswede remix by Dr.Awesome |
67447 | PROLIFIC.ZIP | 193104 | 04.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Prolific Heights By Randall/Suburban |
67448 | PROMISES.ZIP | 30303 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Promises by 4-mat of Anarchy. |
67455 | PROMOTIO.ZIP | 62362 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Promotion. |
67457 | PROP.ZIP | 238010 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Prop and Back-up. |
67458 | PROPHECY.ZIP | 140027 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Prophecy XIV by Kon Wilms of Tonedef Production. |
67459 | PROPHET2.ZIP | 142405 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Prophet 2001 by Bjorn A. Lynne of Dens Design. |
67460 | PROPULSI.ZIP | 77514 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Propulsion-03 by MSK. |
67462 | PROTIKYM.ZIP | 356698 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: by dj make!1 |
67463 | PROTON.ZIP | 74784 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Proton by --Moby--. |
67465 | PROVEYOU.ZIP | 40898 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Prove Your Worth by Snarl. |
67468 | PRPETUAL.ZIP | 114430 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | [S3M]-techno by Xenon / GigaMess # Perpetual Techno # |
67481 | PSCHIT.ZIP | 94759 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: P-schit. |
67489 | PSEUDOBA.ZIP | 101170 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Pseudo-Baroque Dream by Breeze/Capacala. |
67490 | PSEUDOHA.ZIP | 65800 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pseudo-hard Techno. |
67500 | PSYCHIC.ZIP | 93652 | 16.07.1996 | - | 16619/ShareWare OnLine Volume 3 (CMS Software)(1994).ISO | - | MOD: Psychic. |
67503 | PSYCHOCH.ZIP | 4348 | 16.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Psychochip-007 by King/Psycho. |
67532 | PUKKIS.ZIP | 3788 | 29.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pukki(s) by Deadbeat. |
67534 | PULSE!.ZIP | 61393 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Pulse! can you feel it..? composed by Treador. A rock/techno mixing! |
67535 | PULSE819.ZIP | 315971 | 29.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pulse8 da base by Sidewinder/Megawatts. |
67536 | PULSECOM.ZIP | 190459 | 29.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pulse Combinaison by Mindfuck/Mentasm. |
67537 | PULVERLA.ZIP | 6821 | 29.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pulverland by Scanner/Nexus. |
67541 | PURE-CEN.ZIP | 473671 | 29.07.1996 | - | - | - | " Century Travel " (.XM) music by Blue Adonis / PURE. Released at the SiH'95 Party! |
67542 | PURE-M4.ZIP | 1537437 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | ┌──────────────────┬──────────────────┐ │█▀▀▀█ █▀▀▀█ █▀▀▀│ │ │█ █ █ █ █ │ PURE Presents: │ │█ █ █ █ █ │ │ │█ ▄▄█ █ █ █ │ "House Quak" │ │█ ▄ ▄ █ █ │ │ │█ █ █ █▀▀ █ ▀ │ House/Rave/Acid │ │█ █ █ █ █ │ Jungle/Dance! │ │█ █ █ █▄▄ █ │ │ │█ █ █ █ █ │ TOTAL PARTY MODS │ |
67543 | PUREINSP.ZIP | 142262 | 29.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pure Inspiration by Svolkraq/GOLLUM. |
67546 | PURPLESH.ZIP | 4169 | 29.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Purple Shades by Hi-Lite of Surprise! Production. |
67547 | PURPLESK.ZIP | 117792 | 29.07.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Purple Sky II by Purple Motion/FC. |
67548 | PURSUIT.ZIP | 100469 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | In Pursuit An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
67562 | PXBLADSW.ZIP | 86745 | 29.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Px.Bladswese remix. |
67563 | PYRAMIDP.ZIP | 65603 | 29.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pyramidpump. |
67613 | QUADCHAN.ZIP | 86857 | 17.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Quadra Channel Mellow-D |
67615 | QUADRACH.ZIP | 86729 | 29.05.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Quadra channel by Mellow-D/Frazkels |
67633 | QUANTITI.ZIP | 188706 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Quantitize |
67635 | QUARTEXD.ZIP | 85294 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Quartex demotune by Moby |
67643 | QUESTION.ZIP | 73022 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Question of time by Flesbrain |
67649 | QUIT.ZIP | 55461 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Quit by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
67652 | QUODLIBE.ZIP | 5188 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Quodlibet by Groo |
68065 | R_ADRNLN.ZIP | 222981 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Adrenalin by tR/Ösh / ENiGMA |
68066 | R_ASPART.ZIP | 71540 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Aspartame by The Charlatan |
68067 | R_BEDLAM.ZIP | 164444 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Medicrom by Bedlamite |
68068 | R_DELIVR.ZIP | 273436 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Deliverance by JeDi/oXYGeN |
68069 | R_DESFUN.ZIP | 136368 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Desert Funk by Warlock/Funky Monolith |
68070 | R_DREAM.ZIP | 110921 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Third World Dream by Free Space |
68071 | R_ENTITY.ZIP | 182722 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Entity by Maral/KLF |
68072 | R_ESSDIR.ZIP | 232622 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Essential Direction by The Vinyl Nemesis |
68073 | R_ETERNA.ZIP | 90242 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Eternal Dream by öÖöeuron |
68074 | R_FEAR.ZIP | 318356 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Fear Your Fears by Okeanos/Astek |
68075 | R_FUNKIN.ZIP | 270227 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Funkin' Goovin! by Vlad Dracl |
68076 | R_GM4TH.ZIP | 88350 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Feeling Her by Game |
68077 | R_HATE.ZIP | 184415 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Hate Myself, Want to Die by MindChild |
68078 | R_IDE.ZIP | 115461 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: In Dragon's Eyes by Echo Mirage/Anexia |
68079 | R_INFERN.ZIP | 149101 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Inferno by Rush |
68080 | R_INMEM.ZIP | 58244 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: In memoriam by E.V.Y. |
68081 | R_IZAFNK.ZIP | 123336 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Iza Man Druggerd on Funk! by Iza Man |
68082 | R_KTWIND.ZIP | 75570 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Kissing the Wind by Rama |
68083 | R_MAYDAY.ZIP | 153801 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Mayday by Red Jack |
68084 | R_MONDAY.ZIP | 126656 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Monday Mornign by N.L.O.T.S. |
68085 | R_MWASH.ZIP | 60646 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mindwash by Big Jim |
68086 | R_PALDN.ZIP | 181199 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: March of the Paladin by Wÿvern |
68087 | R_REDSTM.ZIP | 112811 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Red Strom Rising by Hadji/Ragnarok |
68088 | R_REVIVE.ZIP | 199396 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Revival by Rafael Lucero |
68089 | R_RNSTMP.ZIP | 236978 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ren and Stimpy RaveMix by Woody |
68090 | R_SEQUEN.ZIP | 133956 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Sequence by Spud |
68091 | R_SHADOW.ZIP | 170141 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Through the Shadows by Ashley Gaines |
68092 | R_SID.ZIP | 94652 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Sinking in Despair By: DNA of Superiority Complex |
68093 | R_SIN.ZIP | 151331 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Undead Sinphony by Wraith Lord |
68094 | R_SPACEO.ZIP | 105509 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Space Odyssey by Solaris |
68095 | R_TECTRY.ZIP | 99058 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Technotry by Wally/The Lords of the Bits |
68096 | R_TIDLY.ZIP | 32271 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tidly Tum by Paul Hardwick |
68097 | R_TOS.ZIP | 48054 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Other Side by Beaner/Sean Cummins |
68098 | R_TRAPD.ZIP | 72139 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Trapped in Reality by Fractal Knight |
68099 | R_TSABOV.ZIP | 36897 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Stars Above by Griffin |
68100 | R_UTOPIA.ZIP | 250394 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Utopian sound by Utopia |
68101 | R_VERT.ZIP | 274542 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Vertigo by Leviathan & Nemesis |
68102 | R_WAR.ZIP | 91967 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: War of my mind By ACCIDENTAL of Superiority Complex |
68103 | R_WIZARD.ZIP | 176579 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Wizard by Matrix & AMc |
67674 | R-GEN.ZIP | 279442 | 27.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Composer:TTK XM: Regeneration Chan: 18 Date: 19.6.1996 |
67675 | R-HOUSE.ZIP | 100098 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: R-House by HavoC (rave/house) |
67676 | R-MNDNCR.ZIP | 91001 | 06.04.1996 | kuvaus? | - | - | Flying Tigers by Ticsoft is a fast paced shoot-em up game with multiple weapons, power ups, enemies and bosses. In this episode you will be thrown into the middle of 1942, where the techno bosses are starting a technology transfer to the Japanese Empire. Requires: 386+, 4 Meg RAM as XMS, VGA. Adlib(tm)/ Soundblaster(tm) optional. (v2.0) |
67677 | R0DNAKKE.ZIP | 23044 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: R0dnakken |
67684 | R3ALJ0RD.ZIP | 108983 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: R3Al.J0rdan.Jazz! |
67685 | RA-50.ZIP | 80603 | 27.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: RA-50 by PulP&BigLupu / Ural 13 Style: Acid House. |
67688 | RAA.ZIP | 53046 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Raa by Dr. Awesome |
67694 | RACCOON.ZIP | 193436 | 20.08.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Asm96 multichannel compo (nonqualified): Mikki/Epical: Racy Raccoon |
67695 | RACEOFTH.ZIP | 194348 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Race of the Giants by Alpha/AXL |
67697 | RACINE2.ZIP | 35390 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD Racine2 |
67701 | RADICALR.ZIP | 175317 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: RAdical Romance by Breeze/Desire |
67702 | RADIOMOS.ZIP | 213238 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: RAdio Moscow by Jesper Kys |
67703 | RADIOP3.ZIP | 161314 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Radio-P3 |
67704 | RADIOREV.ZIP | 160670 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: RadioRevolution by Sidewinder/Java |
67705 | RADIOSHO.ZIP | 60527 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Radioshock by Nuke/Anarchy |
67710 | RAGEHARD.ZIP | 41046 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rage Hard Buzz by Morpeus |
67711 | RAGGA.ZIP | 292608 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ragga Tip by U4ia/Megawatts |
67712 | RAGINGFI.ZIP | 187181 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Raging fire by Moby |
67715 | RAIDERS.ZIP | 20954 | 25.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Monkey raiders 4-chnl chiptune by Mallard(96) |
67716 | RAILAKAS.ZIP | 67461 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Railakasta menoa by Gibson/Extreme |
67717 | RAINBOW.ZIP | 146438 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rainbow by Rogeir Liljedahl |
67718 | RAINDANC.ZIP | 260465 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Raindance by Bodhi |
67719 | RAINDNCE.ZIP | 107034 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) RainDance by Cube/DEE |
67720 | RAINTHEM.ZIP | 176011 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rain Theme by NHP-BKH |
67721 | RAINTHME.ZIP | 177604 | 12.03.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | (mod) RainTheme By BKH & NHP |
67725 | RAINY_NT.ZIP | 134646 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | NST: Rainynight by Moby |
67722 | RAINY.ZIP | 277504 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The rainy road by Cybelius |
67723 | RAINYDEC.ZIP | 186055 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: RainyDecember by Sidewinder/Megawatts |
67724 | RAINYSEP.ZIP | 184135 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: RainySeptember by Sidewinder/Megawatts |
67727 | RAISING.ZIP | 166748 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Raising by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
67728 | RAKKORUL.ZIP | 181938 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rakkorules by Heatbeat/Carillon |
67733 | RAMAGARD.ZIP | 133501 | 24.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Rama Gardens v1.1 by Skaven/FC |
67753 | RANDWAVE.ZIP | 75281 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Random Waveforms by Nuke/Anarvhy |
67758 | RAQUEL.ZIP | 25730 | 14.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Raquel's demand Juho / Artificial People |
67761 | RASTA.ZIP | 66399 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rasta Man-Firefox |
67763 | RAVALLIC.ZIP | 121313 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rav-Allica Trzmix by Terrorizer/Nemesis |
67764 | RAVE.ZIP | 80077 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Freebase Flight by Elektron |
67765 | RAVEHARD.ZIP | 276486 | 25.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ravehard BlueSun |
67766 | RAVEOLYM.ZIP | 88165 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rave_Olympia by The Undertaker |
67767 | RAVEON.ZIP | 116115 | 09.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: RaveOn 1 by DJ Wige |
67768 | RAVEON2.ZIP | 61646 | 09.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: RaveOn 2 by DJ Wige |
67769 | RAVETHEB.ZIP | 143441 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rave-The-Brain by N.O.S. |
67770 | RAVETOTA.ZIP | 110578 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rave-Total by Mr. Root/Union |
67771 | RAVEUNIT.LHA | 135757 | 10.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Raveunity Juho/Artificial People |
67772 | RAVEY.ZIP | 141436 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Raving in Helsinki! by Juho/AP |
67773 | RAWPOWER.ZIP | 71355 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Raw Power by KLF/Sator |
67784 | RAY_BRK.ZIP | 98419 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: BReaK Me by RaYTRaYZa |
67785 | RAY_JRN.ZIP | 199943 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: JouRNeY by RaYTRaYZa |
67776 | RAY-MACN.ZIP | 153791 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: THE MACHiNE by RAYTRAYZA |
67777 | RAY-PSY.ZIP | 172343 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: PSYCHOTRONiC by RAYTRAYZA |
67778 | RAY-WHAT.ZIP | 210279 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: WHAT EVER YOU WANT! by RAYTRAYZA |
67786 | RAZOREAT.ZIP | 208555 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Razore Eater by Bedalmite |
67802 | RC_DROPS.ZIP | 310967 | 24.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | S3M: Drops in Time by Ryan Cramer |
67798 | RCHTCHNO.ZIP | 89298 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Reach tech-no limit by Bit Arts |
67803 | RD-ROYH.ZIP | 108909 | 09.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Röyh by RamiDanger. |
67807 | REACHTEC.ZIP | 88247 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Reach Tech-No Limit by Bit Arts |
67816 | REALITYW.ZIP | 132669 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Reality Within Chaos by Moby |
67817 | REALIZA2.ZIP | 288941 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Realization II by Necros/FM |
67818 | REALIZAT.ZIP | 206759 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Realization by Necros/FM |
67819 | REALIZE.ZIP | 208462 | 12.03.1996 | - | scene.org | - | (s3m) Realization by Necros |
67820 | REALJAZZ.ZIP | 92246 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 8CHN MOD: Real Jazz Gspot/BW -96 Style: Jazz |
67821 | REALLYGO.ZIP | 70432 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Really Got Me by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
67822 | REALMOFC.ZIP | 130924 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Realm of Chaos |
67823 | REALMOTI.ZIP | 201093 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Real Motivation by Jugi/Complex |
67824 | REALRAVE.ZIP | 195219 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The real rave mix 94 by Probotector |
67825 | REALROCK.ZIP | 54490 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Real-Rock-v2.0 by Pharaoh |
67829 | REBELS.ZIP | 8183 | 24.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | MOD: Rebels! by 4-mat/Anarchy |
67830 | REBIGMAC.ZIP | 142592 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Re-Bigmac'ed by Infernal Noise/Emm-head |
67831 | RECALL.ZIP | 28414 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Recall |
67832 | RECHARGE.ZIP | 66738 | 29.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Rechargeable (8:03) PulP / Ural 13 (acid) |
67833 | RECO-CMP.ZIP | 337597 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | - | Recoverance by Erno Helen / midnight - for the compo |
67848 | RED_BARO.ZIP | 125692 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Red Baron by Chorus & Sid |
67834 | REDALERT.ZIP | 207932 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Red Alert by Monotone/Reflectors & Juci/VLSI |
67841 | REDCLOUD.ZIP | 157322 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Red Clouds |
67842 | REDDWARF.ZIP | 69052 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Red Dwarf |
67843 | REDLOBS1.ZIP | 103866 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Red lobster by Mystical/Purple |
67845 | REDS.ZIP | 32117 | 12.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Mod:Reds by Brainiac/Nitro&Xerez |
67846 | REDSECTO.ZIP | 154156 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Red Sector -theme by 4-mat |
67847 | REDTHUND.ZIP | 141881 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Red Thunder by Mad Max |
67849 | REFLECT.ZIP | 85532 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | reflections by nutcase\balance |
67850 | REFLECT1.ZIP | 493504 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Reflected by Zodiak/Cascada |
67851 | REFLECTI.ZIP | 24722 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Reflection of Space by Bishop |
67852 | REGGAH.ZIP | 43724 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Jamaican Beat by Edge/Unexpected |
67854 | REINCAR2.ZIP | 253916 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Reincarnation by Andemar |
67855 | REIPPAAT.ZIP | 197500 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Reippaat veijarit 1 |
67861 | RELAY.ZIP | 40777 | 05.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Relay by BigLupu/Ural 13 Style: Tekno House |
67862 | RELEASEM.ZIP | 288088 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Release me (Rel) |
67864 | RELOAD.ZIP | 348052 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Reload by F8 |
67866 | REM-VIRT.ZIP | 118464 | 10.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Virtual Reality Remedy / CoD (dance) |
67867 | REM-ZOMB.ZIP | 133145 | 13.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | FT : Zombie Dance Mix by Remedy / CoD |
67868 | REMEDY.ZIP | 80492 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Time's the Remedy by Mr. Man/Andromeda |
67869 | REMEMBER.ZIP | 81846 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Remembering... by Gryzor/Dmacon |
67872 | REMIX1.ZIP | 130114 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vivions of Sand |
67876 | RENTOMEI.ZIP | 25037 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rento Meininki |
67879 | REPEAT.ZIP | 109771 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Repeat by:BigLupu/Ural13 |
67880 | REPRESS.ZIP | 362693 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Repression By: Siren/BASS |
67888 | RES-BTVV.ZIP | 77076 | 13.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M : Break to Voodoo Village Resound/The Dazer Crew |
67890 | RESENT.ZIP | 95443 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | resent memories by nutcase\balance |
67891 | RESMEMOR.ZIP | 94834 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Recent Memoreis by Nutcase |
67892 | RESONANC.ZIP | 55157 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Resonance Rips |
67893 | RESP-Z.ZIP | 472165 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (xm) Respirator (fixed) by Zodiak |
67895 | RESPIRAT.ZIP | 469073 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Respiraton by Zodiak/Cascada |
67896 | RESTLESS.ZIP | 121201 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Those who are restless... by FN |
67897 | RESTRICT.ZIP | 91232 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Restricted by Mr. Man/Absence |
67898 | RETURN.ZIP | 89979 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Return of Yeti by Axel/Brainstorm |
67900 | REVEALED.ZIP | 190729 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Revealed truths by NHP & BKH/Anarchy |
67902 | REVENUE.LHA | 78990 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (MOD) Deetail/Zenon : Revenue.. |
67904 | REVERIEO.ZIP | 275395 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Reveria of Truth by Misty & Daeron |
67905 | REVTRTH2.ZIP | 280070 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Reverie Of Truth2 by: misty and daeron |
67909 | RFEEL.ZIP | 101666 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Feeling of Rain - softbeat by M0RiTZ |
67911 | RHELMS.ZIP | 505253 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rhelms by Sidewinder/Megawatts |
67913 | RHINOZON.ZIP | 68691 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rhinozong |
67914 | RIANSKRA.ZIP | 244513 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rian's Kraftwerk mix by Rian |
67915 | RICHT.ZIP | 77907 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Cosmos short by dr.awesome/crusaders |
67917 | RIDETRIP.ZIP | 121501 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ridetrip |
67919 | RIGHTCON.ZIP | 141896 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Right Connections by Mike Brown |
67921 | RINK-A-P.ZIP | 134619 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rink-a-Pink by Nuke/Lemon |
67922 | RIOT6.ZIP | 144327 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Riot-6 |
67923 | RIPARI.ZIP | 243213 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | RIPARI REMIX (s3m). 3:57, 11 Channels. A compilation of the 5 most beloved (=hated) confirmation camp melodies! Featuring: Nousevaan Aamuun, Ee-vaan-keliumi, Kirkossa, Onneni On Olla Herraa Lähellä, and Tänään Häneen Uskon. Each song is arranged in a slightly different style by Crux (née Pegasos). |
67937 | RITUALMU.ZIP | 154058 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ritual Murder of Tek by Alpha/AXL |
67938 | RIVENDEL.ZIP | 210120 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Rivendell by The REW/Nostalgia |
67940 | RIVERSID.ZIP | 42029 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Riversidetwist |
67955 | RNGHTINH.ZIP | 209304 | 25.08.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Rainy Night in Hell BlueSun/Emphasis |
67958 | ROAD.ZIP | 108305 | 19.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | S3M: End Of The Road BlueSun |
67962 | ROBIN.ZIP | 69869 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Robin |
67968 | ROBOTSES.ZIP | 91866 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Robot Session |
67969 | ROBOZAP.ZIP | 8873 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Robozap by Nuke/Anarchy |
67970 | ROCKANDB.ZIP | 3686 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | OD: Rock and Bonk |
67973 | ROCKHOPP.ZIP | 179947 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Rockhopper by Groo |
67974 | ROCKINAB.ZIP | 103516 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rockinabeat by Beanius/Domination |
67975 | ROCKING1.ZIP | 23110 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rocking1 |
67976 | ROCKYFAT.ZIP | 11714 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rocky-Faty-Loremy by Patric Lindsey |
67978 | ROGERBEE.ZIP | 34243 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Roger-Beep |
67979 | ROLLER.ZIP | 177049 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Magic-Roller |
67981 | ROLLINGD.ZIP | 130149 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rolling down |
67982 | ROLLOVER.ZIP | 52750 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rollover by Pain fo Vogua/Desings |
67983 | ROLLTHEE.ZIP | 146655 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Roll the end credits by Liam the Lemming |
67987 | ROMEO.ZIP | 220674 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Cosmic Dog 2 by Romeo Knight/Masque |
67991 | RONKEN.ZIP | 30144 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ronken |
68002 | ROUGHTRA.ZIP | 60025 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rough Trade by Jaywalk/Humane |
68003 | ROWING.ZIP | 61793 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | rowing around the lake by nutcase\balance |
68017 | RSI-HARD.ZIP | 73583 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rsi-Hard |
68018 | RSIRISE.ZIP | 153813 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 7RSI Rise Up |
68031 | RT_PEELO.ZIP | 159254 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Realtime Peelo by Fade / BAD KARMA |
68027 | RTP.ZIP | 150579 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rtp by Strobo/Stellar |
68032 | RUBBERCO.ZIP | 155657 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rubber Computer by Hille/Insanity |
68033 | RUBBERDU.ZIP | 58317 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rubberduxx by Heatbeat/Carillon |
68034 | RUBICON.ZIP | 197315 | 23.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rubicon by stargazer of sonic |
68037 | RUMBA.ZIP | 53425 | 24.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Rumba by Bee Hunter/Jazz |
68038 | RUN2FAST.ZIP | 190704 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Run 2 fast 2 live by Illusion |
68039 | RUNAWAY.ZIP | 72502 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Runaway Scales by U4ia/Megawatts |
68041 | RUNGAME.ZIP | 75081 | 25.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | MOD: Music by Heatbeat/Rebels |
68043 | RUNNING.ZIP | 65098 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Running by Aru |
68044 | RUNOFTHE.ZIP | 161753 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Run of the Mill by The Weasel |
68045 | RUOSKA.ZIP | 377444 | 25.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Principal's Whip By: Vulcan / Ryhmä Pii 3,14 Style: hcTrance [4:16] |
68046 | RUREADYF.ZIP | 175465 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: R U Ready For This? by Bishop |
68047 | RUSH.ZIP | 190507 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Rush by Outzider/Darkzone |
68048 | RUSKEAA.ZIP | 238284 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ruskeaa by Mellow-D |
68050 | RUSSIAND.ZIP | 57961 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Russian Drug by Amusic/OCT |
68051 | RUSSIANS.ZIP | 184701 | 25.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Russian Scup-Herne by Heatbeat/Rebels |
68058 | RX-IMPUL.ZIP | 536793 | 02.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Impulse (Trance Journey I) by Resonatix / Drone, style: acidtrance. |
68059 | RX-SNOW.ZIP | 699124 | 02.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Snowman (remix) by Resonatic/Drone. Style: Demotrance, length: 5.28. |
68060 | RX-THVOS.ZIP | 508825 | 02.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The Voice of Silence by Resonatix/Drone Style: Techno |
68061 | RX-VISIO.ZIP | 578052 | 02.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Vision of Truth by Resonatix / Drone. Style: Trance. |
68839 | S_DREAM.ZIP | 202194 | 06.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (XM): Spacedream MyVoice |
68137 | S9.ZIP | 354537 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (xm) Shelter by Zodiak |
68142 | SADNESS4.ZIP | 97140 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Sadness IV by Dr.Awesome |
68164 | SATELL.ZIP | 16636 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M by PM / FC |
68170 | SATURNIA.ZIP | 209225 | 28.06.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Saturnia pavonia Manhunter |
68237 | SCRAMBLE.ZIP | 98631 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Scrambled mind by Heatbeat |
68238 | SCREAM.ZIP | 284543 | 30.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (XM) Scream of darkness by probe / oxylon |
68245 | SCREENIE.ZIP | 218948 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Screenie Juho/Artificial People |
68272 | SDSTREAM.ZIP | 75127 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Soda Stream Falcon/Artificial People |
68275 | SEA_OF_F.ZIP | 71336 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Sea of Fantasy by Terminal Storm Type : Rave/Instrumental |
68274 | SEAWARD.ZIP | 120540 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Seaward by Mallard -96- Style: Slow... |
68278 | SECONDVO.ZIP | 152876 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Second voyage by Lizardking |
68287 | SELFDEST.ZIP | 253875 | 19.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Self Destruction Jam-O,,, |
68295 | SERENADE.ZIP | 67771 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Serenade By Bruno |
68314 | SFROGRMX.ZIP | 228607 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Space frogs ambient remix by HavoC (ambient) |
68317 | SFX_PARF.ZIP | 78736 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Parfait Amour by SFiNX / AGR 8 channels |
68333 | SH69.ZIP | 645703 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | SH 69 a jungle .xm by: the 1 and only XTC/KNE |
68335 | SHADERUN.ZIP | 157981 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Shaderunner by Cube 2nd at AGGRESSI'93 |
68336 | SHADES.ZIP | 23730 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Shades by Delorean |
68349 | SHESAYS.ZIP | 236111 | 31.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: She Says by Keksi of Almighty cool Productions. |
68351 | SHINEOT.ZIP | 335068 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Shine of tomorrow by Niko Koivisto Disqualified from Mine Field module compo. |
68352 | SHINING.ZIP | 115997 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Shining by Heatbeat |
68356 | SHITAROU.ZIP | 279190 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Shitting Around by Dean & Prime P. |
68372 | SICK.ZIP | 87256 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | sick 2 b sick by nutcase\balance |
68373 | SIE-TARG.ZIP | 55887 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: On target By Sieder by Sieder Disqualified from Mine Field module compo |
68377 | SIGN1ST.ZIP | 12797 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) thesign-1st by bruno |
68378 | SIGN2ND.ZIP | 22364 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) thesign-2nd by bruno |
68379 | SIGNAL.ZIP | 71601 | 13.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MANHUNTER/OXYLON presents: SIGNAL style : Trance length : 3:20 format : XM |
68386 | SIILISEI.ZIP | 27385 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | NT/ST: mod.siili seikkailee... ╛bill/b&b |
68387 | SILICON.ZIP | 103836 | 27.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | SOFT!CORE by fLOPPY/ABS! |
68396 | SILVERWI.ZIP | 211464 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | silverwire breaks by nutcase\balance |
68405 | SIMPHONY.ZIP | 161122 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Peace's Simphony by Ile/IP. |
68408 | SININEN1.ZIP | 218396 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Vaaleansininen huivi I by Heatbeat |
68409 | SININEN2.ZIP | 226412 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Vaaleansininen huivi II by Heatbeat |
68414 | SITRUUNA.ZIP | 566834 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Sitruunahunajaa by Busy / Regeneration. |
68428 | SKMOTION.ZIP | 220980 | 13.06.1996 | koko² | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "The Sky of Motion" by: Ryan Cramer From Iguana's 3rd Place ASM'94 demo "HeartQuake" |
68446 | SLDREAMS.ZIP | 131291 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Solid Dreams by the elemental. |
68452 | SLOWJ.ZIP | 77659 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 6CHN MOD: Slowjam 1 Gspot/BW Style: Jam |
68460 | SMALLC.ZIP | 322861 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Small Circles by Groo |
68474 | SMOKE2.ZIP | 773391 | 17.09.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ei Sätkiä Sälleille Chanel5/Jeskola |
68475 | SMOKINBL.ZIP | 146015 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) smokin' blues by chorus + sid / jewels |
68492 | SNGFAKE2.ZIP | 159086 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) The song fake 2 by Audiomonster |
68497 | SNORING.ZIP | 18264 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | snoring by nutcase\balance |
68498 | SNOWFLAK.ZIP | 14080 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | snowflake by nutcase\balance |
68502 | SNUGGLES.ZIP | 69623 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Dr. Snuggles by Bruno |
68505 | SOFOWILL.ZIP | 77601 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Secrets of Fort Will by Softgumm / Tae. |
68509 | SOM2_BIG.ZIP | 44194 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Secret of Mana II: Nuclear Battle Tyyppi: pelimusiikki (ei varsinaista tyyppiä) Tekijä: Golan Lampi (mbnetissä) Formaatti: XM |
68510 | SOME.ZIP | 192131 | 06.12.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Sometimes by: Sickman |
68511 | SOMER.ZIP | 87065 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Soundproof somersault Style: Bombastic funk by Mallard 96 |
68512 | SOMETNEW.ZIP | 153866 | 31.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: something new BY: ravel |
68513 | SOMUCH.ZIP | 108665 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | so much to give by nutcase\balance |
68516 | SONIC!.ZIP | 71586 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Sonic Terror by Radiance / Bandwagon. Style: Gabba, fast. |
68541 | SOUFRHEA.ZIP | 183452 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Sound from Heart by Facespace / X-bytes. |
68543 | SOURCES.ZIP | 48310 | 22.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Sources of Nothing BlueSun/Emphasis |
68544 | SOUTWIND.ZIP | 111558 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Southern wind by Heatbeat |
68546 | SP.ZIP | 162008 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | eritupla | MOD: Space by Razoredge / Reality Benders Made for Assembly '96 4-chnl compo |
68560 | SPACEDEL.ZIP | 111779 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Spacedel.short by Dr.Awesome |
68561 | SPACEGIR.ZIP | 105254 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | spacegirlie by nutcase\balance |
68562 | SPACELUV.ZIP | 129825 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Space Love by Heatbeat |
68564 | SPACETRK.ZIP | 56215 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Space Track by Crystall Astek / KLF. |
68565 | SPACEX.ZIP | 116154 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Space Possut by Ile/IP and Esko-Mörkö. |
68577 | SPEDETIE.ZIP | 86214 | 23.07.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Sppeedda-Way! zZz |
68587 | SPIID.ZIP | 13731 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | NT/ST: mod.spiid ╛bill/b&b |
68590 | SPIRIT.ZIP | 49192 | 05.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Spirit (3:04) Manhunter/Oxylon (trance) |
68592 | SPIRITDA.ZIP | 111574 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Spiritual Dance by C.C.Catch |
68597 | SPOOKY.ZIP | 109039 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Spooky by Betrayer, Heavy Metal |
68598 | SPORTTIS.ZIP | 96134 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | - Sporttinen juttu - by Paavo Nieminen 1996 Ei mikään tavallinen s3m! Vähän Jatsahtavaa. -S3M- |
68603 | SPRINGCM.ZIP | 118504 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Spring Comes Falcon/Artificial People |
68607 | SPUR.ZIP | 165499 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | The Spur Of The Moment An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
68632 | SQUIRREL.ZIP | 357870 | 13.09.1996 | - | - | - | Square Squirrel by nutcase/cute/kinetic pc from kinetic's asm'96 demo. |
68668 | STAGME.ZIP | 222198 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | XM: Stagnate me by spip/cast. |
68670 | STALINUR.ZIP | 39054 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | NT/ST: mod.stalinin urut ╛bill/b&b |
68702 | STEAM.ZIP | 115307 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Steam by prob. / oxylon. |
68728 | STP.ZIP | 5662 | 27.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Step by prob. / oxylon |
68734 | STREETG.ZIP | 91256 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Street Gang by Audiomonster |
68735 | STREETJG.ZIP | 101187 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Street Jungle by Heatbeat |
68740 | STRYCHN9.ZIP | 79252 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Strychnine 9 by Dean |
68760 | SUB.ZIP | 63627 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Substance by Zyad. |
68769 | SULPHURI.ZIP | 116287 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | sulphuric ash by nutcase\balance |
68771 | SUMMERDR.ZIP | 98072 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Summer Dreams by Heatbeat |
68774 | SUNRISE.ZIP | 51831 | 17.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Sunrise BlueSun |
68775 | SUNSET.ZIP | 123058 | 21.07.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Sunset KaLu/NpM Slow ballad(?)-style, 12-channel XM |
68776 | SUNSETST.ZIP | 78737 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Sunset Steels by Dean |
68777 | SUNSHINE.ZIP | 138264 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Sunshine by Cybelius |
68781 | SUPERMIX.ZIP | 18946 | 27.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: SuperWeed(Hyper Mix) by BigLupu/Ural13 Style:Acid BPM:132 Length:6.50Date:5.11.1995 |
68782 | SUPERNOV.ZIP | 44607 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Supernova by HavoC (hardrave) |
68784 | SUPERWEE.ZIP | 31088 | 29.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Super Weed (8:38) PulP / Ural 13 (acid(house)) |
68786 | SUPPOSIT.ZIP | 120950 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Suppository by SlaVe/LQS. As usually somekinda heavy or something.. |
68787 | SUUNTA.ZIP | 258260 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Suuntaviivat by Dizzy/Cncd |
68795 | SV_DSK#1.ZIP | 471329 | 24.02.1996 | renamed | archive.org, modit/arkisto.zip | - | S T R E A M L I N E V I S I O N - Dimensional Voyages, vol. 1 - 5 songs by Faith & Stinger |
68790 | SVENSVEN.ZIP | 87701 | 14.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Sven Svengaa by Crazy Tonttu. |
68799 | SWAMP.ZIP | 12798 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Swamp walk by Lizardking |
68802 | SWEET.ZIP | 118117 | 09.06.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Sweet Oasis Juho/Artificial People |
68803 | SWEETDRE.ZIP | 133411 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | sweetdreams babe by nutcase\balance |
68805 | SWINGHIG.ZIP | 74760 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Swing high by Dr.Awesome |
68822 | SYMFONIA.ZIP | 388256 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Symfonia by Dreamer/TPD |
68828 | SYNERGY.ZIP | 120908 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Synergy (part i) by Bit Arts |
68829 | SYNNISSA.ZIP | 126231 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Synnissa.kypsyneet By Bruno |
68841 | SÄÄTÖ.ZIP | 33466 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | XM: Säätö by Ecstasy / Kone. |
68847 | T2CASTLE.ZIP | 22008 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Castle by -Moby- |
68848 | T2DESERT.ZIP | 27357 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Desert by -Moby- |
68849 | T2FOREST.ZIP | 24640 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Forest by -Moby- |
68850 | T2LAGON.ZIP | 23922 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Lagon by -Moby- |
68851 | T2MOUNTA.ZIP | 25648 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mountains by -Moby- |
68852 | T2PYRAMI.ZIP | 28017 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Pyramid by -Moby- |
68869 | TAIKA.ZIP | 200913 | 13.09.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Taikasauva (didn't qualifyed) ASM'96 32ch contribution. |
68870 | TAKEMETO.ZIP | 203845 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Take me to the night by Krestall Astek. |
68871 | TAKEOFF.ZIP | 41690 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Takeoff. |
68872 | TAKING.ZIP | 113352 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Takin On The World by u4ia of Megawatts. |
68875 | TALKING.ZIP | 106839 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Talking about God by F8. |
68876 | TALKINGW.ZIP | 165309 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Talking Whales by Bodhi. |
68877 | TALKSHOW.ZIP | 304625 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Talkshow by Cybelius. |
68880 | TANGOLOV.ZIP | 58719 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tango Love Song by Lizardking/Alcatraz. |
68882 | TAPPAJAK.ZIP | 150131 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tappajakotka & Pupu by Yolk/Parallax. |
68883 | TARCONCE.ZIP | 109975 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tar-Concert in Air. |
68885 | TARGETIN.ZIP | 88775 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Targeting Complete by Bee hunter of Jazz |
68888 | TASMANIA.ZIP | 127139 | 19.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Tasmanian Tune Jam-O,,, |
68892 | TB303TST.ZIP | 108422 | 19.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: TB303 analogsynth test Juho/Artificial People |
68942 | TEARS.ZIP | 207412 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Tears Awake by Phorte. |
68944 | TECHEAD4.ZIP | 43101 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Techead4. |
68946 | TECHLEVE.ZIP | 162370 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tech-Level=Low by Brainiac of Nitro. |
68947 | TECHMARU.ZIP | 200027 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Techmaru by Maruku of Megawatts. |
68948 | TECHNIQU.ZIP | 134405 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: TeCHNiQue Unfail by Laxity/Kefrens. |
68949 | TECHNO.ZIP | 93481 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (XM) TechnoLogical by the elemental/synthetic |
68950 | TECHNOFO.ZIP | 51202 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Techno for You by Beathoven. |
68951 | TECHNOGU.ZIP | 53877 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Techno-Gullwing-III by Motion'o'Balance. |
68952 | TECHNOL2.ZIP | 121057 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Technology-Pardyv2 by Maggot/Legacy. |
68953 | TECHNOMA.ZIP | 125942 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Technomania by Trashcan/S8. |
68954 | TECHNOSM.ZIP | 181315 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Technosmurf. |
68955 | TECHNOWO.ZIP | 210710 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Technoworld remix by Noisy Man. |
68957 | TEKKKKNO.ZIP | 89713 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fidelity by Whiplash. |
68958 | TEKKNISC.ZIP | 64684 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tekknisch+ by Cytron/Rave. |
68959 | TEKKNOLO.ZIP | 225423 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Technological. |
68960 | TEKNOBRA.ZIP | 71764 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tek-No-Brain by Wolfman. |
68961 | TEKNOHAR.ZIP | 142943 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tekno-Hardcore Mix. |
68962 | TEKNOHAU.ZIP | 103972 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Teknohaus 1. |
68963 | TEKNOSJO.ZIP | 122916 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Teknosjock by T.U.S.C. of Vixen. |
68966 | TELEPHON.ZIP | 27408 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Telephone. |
68971 | TELLEMEN.ZIP | 150809 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Tellement 8 channel by Zodiak |
68972 | TEMPME2.ZIP | 18098 | 24.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD:Temporary Me Dune/Orange |
68973 | TENDS2CR.ZIP | 216693 | 27.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Power Tends to Corrupt by Gspot / Bandwagon. |
68974 | TENNIS.ZIP | 42011 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tennis. |
68976 | TERMINAL.ZIP | 97953 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Terminal Fuckup. |
68979 | TERRA.ZIP | 223563 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Terraforma by C.C.Catch |
68980 | TERRAFOR.ZIP | 220974 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Terraforma. |
68986 | TERROR.ZIP | 189339 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Terror is timeless, HARDCORE!!!!!! By floppy of absolute suckers. |
68987 | TERRORSU.ZIP | 26378 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Terror Substance by Bishop. |
68989 | TESTLAST.ZIP | 152493 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Testlast by Travolta/Spaceballs. |
68991 | TEXASJAM.ZIP | 272434 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Texas-Jammer. |
69041 | THABRAIN.ZIP | 151902 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Brainkiller by Diablo/SPR. |
69042 | THANATOS.ZIP | 175335 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Thanatos by Ash/Vixen. |
69044 | THE-CORE.ZIP | 317174 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Hard to the core by u4ia of Megawatts. |
69045 | THE-MIND.ZIP | 147145 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: It's All In Your Mind by u4ia/Megawatts. |
69046 | THE-PACE.ZIP | 208772 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Can U Take The Peace by u4ia of M.D.M.A. |
69047 | THE.ZIP | 90510 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Search For Me by: mantronix + tip of phenomena. |
69048 | THEALIBI.ZIP | 73569 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Alibi by MHK. |
69049 | THEAMIGO.ZIP | 45087 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Amigo by Gyu/Muffbusters. |
69050 | THEANVIL.ZIP | 70872 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Anvil Chorus by Martin Wall. |
69051 | THEAWAKE.ZIP | 163996 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Awakening by Balrog/KLF. |
69052 | THEBLACK.ZIP | 69386 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Black Lion by Martin Wall. |
69053 | THECALLO.ZIP | 133483 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Call Of Ktulu. |
69054 | THECHAIR.ZIP | 158320 | 13.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Chair by Leinad. |
69055 | THECLUBM.ZIP | 217315 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Club-M(A)Dley |
69056 | THECONFE.ZIP | 5935 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Confession by Bass / Silents |
69057 | THECRESC.ZIP | 99647 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Crescent Moon by C.C.Catch |
69058 | THECROSS.ZIP | 354755 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Crossing by Necros/FM |
69059 | THEDECAL.ZIP | 145622 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Decalogue |
69060 | THEDEEDI.ZIP | 65063 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Deed Is Done by Zodiak/Cascada |
69061 | THEFEELI.ZIP | 182547 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Feeling |
69062 | THEFINAL.ZIP | 44114 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Final Sword by Bishop/TT |
69063 | THEFLY.ZIP | 196739 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Fly by NHP & BKH |
69064 | THEFLYIS.ZIP | 190208 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Fly is Dead by Sonic |
69065 | THEGREAT.ZIP | 154903 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: The Great Escape by C.C.Catch |
69066 | THEGREYN.ZIP | 313328 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Grey Note by Necros/FM |
69067 | THEHONEY.ZIP | 140423 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Honeymoon |
69068 | THEIMAGE.ZIP | 62101 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Imagenations by Apeman/Damones |
69069 | THEKNIGH.ZIP | 99697 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Knight is Back |
69070 | THELASTT.ZIP | 73349 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The last Time |
69071 | THELOSTP.ZIP | 28556 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The lost Patrol |
69072 | THELYRIC.ZIP | 199233 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Lyrics Clowns |
69073 | THEMAGIC.ZIP | 106420 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Magic of Jungle by MC Hill/Hillware |
69074 | THEMASK.ZIP | 345786 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: The Mask of Emotions by REW/Nostalgia |
69075 | THEMEFR1.ZIP | 102140 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3 |
69076 | THEMEFRO.ZIP | 115194 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Theme from Quazatron by Liam the Lemming |
69079 | THEMINDP.ZIP | 76202 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Mindpool by Mystical/Purple |
69080 | THEMIXN2.ZIP | 271329 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Mix - Number 3 by Van Rij / Van Der Touw |
69081 | THEMIXNU.ZIP | 144741 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Mix - Number 2 by Van Rij / Van Der Touw |
69082 | THENIGHT.ZIP | 205296 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Night of the Cats by Skaven/FC |
69083 | THEONEYO.ZIP | 157976 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The One You Love |
69084 | THEPATH.ZIP | 168102 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Path by Moog/Infinity |
69085 | THEPSYCH.ZIP | 131500 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Psychotrip by Jaywalk/Shades |
69086 | THERATE3.ZIP | 254725 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Rate3 |
69087 | THEREIS.ZIP | 131004 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: There Is... by Liam the Lemming |
69088 | THERENOW.ZIP | 57879 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: There and Now |
69089 | THESEARC.ZIP | 89561 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Search for Me by Mantronix + Tip |
69090 | THESELFI.ZIP | 124394 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Self in Solitude |
69091 | THESIEGE.ZIP | 194511 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Siege by Liam the Lemming |
69092 | THESKYOF.ZIP | 219572 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Sky of Motion by Ryan Cramer |
69093 | THESMOPH.ZIP | 67814 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Thesmorphoria |
69094 | THESOUND.ZIP | 68619 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) The Sound by 4-Mat |
69095 | THESPURO.ZIP | 165146 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Spur of the Moment by Liam the Lemming |
69096 | THESTORY.ZIP | 226701 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Story so far by Prism/Unexpected |
69097 | THESWEAT.ZIP | 111858 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Sweatshop by Mantronix + Tip |
69098 | THETASTE.ZIP | 253144 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Taste of Rave |
69099 | THETECIT.ZIP | 128956 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Tectital by Moog/Infinity |
69100 | THETOESK.ZIP | 122369 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) The toes know by Delorean |
69101 | THEVIBE.ZIP | 114417 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Vibe by Liam the Lemming |
69103 | THEWANDE.ZIP | 197199 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Wanderer by Jogeir Liljedahl |
69104 | THEWAR.ZIP | 166741 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) the War by Audiomonster |
69105 | THEWHITE.ZIP | 136595 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The White Tiger by P.H. |
69106 | THEWUNDE.ZIP | 224979 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Wunderkind by Basehead/Kosmic |
69107 | THEYEAR3.ZIP | 81294 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Year 3000 by Zyx/Majic12 |
69108 | THEZONEO.ZIP | 23412 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Zone of Death by Bishop |
69112 | THISCANT.ZIP | 233460 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: This can't be true... Tumi/Boes |
69118 | THRASHIT.ZIP | 16706 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trahs-it by Kon Wilms |
69119 | THREATEN.ZIP | 178009 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Threatening Behaviour by Liam the Lemming |
69133 | TIGER.ZIP | 66383 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tunturi Tiger Falcon/Artificial People |
69136 | TIME.ZIP | 59375 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Time by Zodiak/Cascada |
69137 | TIMEBOMB.ZIP | 223246 | 06.04.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mtm) Timebomb by C.C.Catch |
69139 | TIMELESS.ZIP | 179419 | 14.08.1996 | - | modarchive.org | eritupla | MOD: Timeless by Yannis Brown |
69144 | TIMESLID.ZIP | 66792 | 24.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Time Slide Phasic/Droidnoise |
69145 | TIMETOPA.ZIP | 296990 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Time to Party |
69146 | TIMEWIND.ZIP | 341155 | 14.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Timewinds by Sidewinder/Megawatts |
69152 | TIP_JOYR.ZIP | 86917 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Joyride |
69153 | TIRQUISE.ZIP | 75901 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tirquise Panther by Amusic/OCT |
69154 | TISNOTRE.ZIP | 86824 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: 'tis not real |
69180 | TM-5.ZIP | 64398 | 08.11.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TM-5 by.PulP/Ural 13 Much of drums and stuf, really weird but stil good. |
69187 | TMENT.ZIP | 99120 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tellement |
69188 | TMISSION.ZIP | 261285 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The Mission by: CONTAGiON/MASSiVE |
69195 | TMOTM-2.ZIP | 276002 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Magic of the Music by Abstract/Anarchy |
69204 | TOBLERON.ZIP | 80909 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Toblerone by Jogeir Liljedahl |
69206 | TOLD.ZIP | 303296 | 30.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | (XM) As i told to you by probe / oxylon asm'96 multichanel compo |
69207 | TOLIFE.ZIP | 143433 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Triumph of Life by Leinad |
69208 | TOLITTLE.ZIP | 18133 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Too little to ignore |
69212 | TOMMOROW.ZIP | 73039 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Life for Tomorrow by U4ia/Megawatts |
69213 | TOMORROW.ZIP | 107107 | 12.02.1996 | - | - | - | S3M:Tomorrow by Markus Bergman |
69215 | TONIGHT.ZIP | 66270 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tonight by Alannon |
69216 | TOOAMIGA.ZIP | 115513 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Too Amiga's |
69217 | TOOBAD.ZIP | 69291 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Too bad! |
69218 | TOOFUNKY.ZIP | 125251 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Too Funky by DeLorean |
69234 | TORCH.ZIP | 162756 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gimmie Ma Torch by Leinad/Avalanche |
69239 | TORTILLA.ZIP | 76145 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tortilla Chips |
69240 | TOSKAA.ZIP | 105545 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Toskaa |
69241 | TOTALBLA.ZIP | 50841 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Total Blackout |
69242 | TOTALBRE.ZIP | 31749 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Total Breakdown by Clawz/Negative |
69243 | TOTALCOM.ZIP | 53362 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Total Comfort by Mystical/Purple |
69244 | TOTALCON.ZIP | 277817 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Total Control by Starmaster |
69245 | TOTALOVE.ZIP | 42548 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Total Overslam |
69247 | TOTHEHAV.ZIP | 283543 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: To the Heanvens by Toni Harkonen |
69248 | TOUCHDWN.ZIP | 72905 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Touchdown |
69249 | TOUCHSTO.ZIP | 140501 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Touchstone shining by Mellow-d |
69250 | TOUCHTHE.ZIP | 172198 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Touch the Sky by Moog/Infiny |
69251 | TOWABACK.ZIP | 128873 | 12.03.1996 | - | - | - | (mod) Towards and back by Dizzy/CNCD |
69252 | TOWARDS.ZIP | 140184 | 12.03.1996 | - | - | - | (mod) Towards immortality by Groo |
69253 | TOWARDSA.ZIP | 127649 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Towards and Back by Di33y/Decept |
69254 | TOWARDSI.ZIP | 139872 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Towards Immortality by Groo/Black Robes |
69256 | TOXICFRI.ZIP | 110277 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Toxic Friend by Bee Hunter/Jazz |
69257 | TOXICMAS.ZIP | 161465 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Toxic Lemming Xmas |
69258 | TOY-ENSE.ZIP | 122383 | 13.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Endless Search by Toy / Vista |
69260 | TOYSHOP.ZIP | 164427 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Toyshop by Cybelius/Orange |
69261 | TOYSOWAR.ZIP | 98197 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | - S3M - The toys of war by: T.I.P.I / PONTUS -style : Heavyrock |
69284 | TP595.ZIP | 215233 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: TP5'95 by Subject&Blue Fox/BLC |
69300 | TPDL.ZIP | 21307 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: TPDL by Turbo/Infect |
69312 | TRABALAS.ZIP | 41094 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trabalash by Nuke/Anarchy |
69314 | TRACKA.ZIP | 66517 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | /--------------------------------------\ | Title : Ex Vi Termini | | Author : Unknown | | Format : .MOD | | Channels : Four | | Type : Techno | \--------------------------------------/ |
69315 | TRACKNFI.ZIP | 43949 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Track n Field by Kon Wilms/Tone-def |
69317 | TRAG-MAG.ZIP | 108537 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Tragic Magic by K.S.R. |
69321 | TRAINER.ZIP | 5023 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trainer.1 by Chromag/Dual Crew |
69323 | TRALALA.ZIP | 56419 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tralala |
69325 | TRANCEAC.ZIP | 47017 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trance-Action by Aru |
69326 | TRANCEAL.ZIP | 32777 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trance Alf by Aru |
69327 | TRANCEBE.ZIP | 215183 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trancebeat2 by Calypso |
69328 | TRANCEFU.ZIP | 237462 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Trance Fusion |
69329 | TRANCEMA.ZIP | 140436 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: TranceMania |
69330 | TRANCENA.ZIP | 168079 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trance Nation 4 by Heatbeat/Carillon |
69331 | TRANCHIP.ZIP | 205767 | 02.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dreamtrip with Tranceship by Riku Hämäläinen, Style: Melodical Pianotrance |
69332 | TRANCING.ZIP | 155955 | 13.09.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trancing '96 By Juho / Artificial People |
69333 | TRANS1.ZIP | 105254 | 29.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DJ TranceMaster Mix I - Hyvä sekalainen tekno-MOD |
69334 | TRANSATL.ZIP | 216565 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trans Atlantic by Lizardking/Alcatraz |
69336 | TRANSFOR.ZIP | 24506 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Transform by Kirk/Mauve |
69337 | TRANSGOA.ZIP | 146652 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trans Goa Remix 1 |
69338 | TRANSIT.ZIP | 92734 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: In Transit by: Krystall |
69339 | TRANSMIN.ZIP | 191659 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trans Mind Remix 1 |
69340 | TRANSONI.ZIP | 139853 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Transonic Theme by B-toven |
69341 | TRANSPAR.ZIP | 189413 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tranparency by Astro |
69342 | TRANSPIL.ZIP | 109124 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MANHUNTER/OXYLON presents TRANSPARENT ILLUSION style : Trance length : 3:31 format : XM |
69343 | TRANZE7.ZIP | 138923 | 25.03.1996 | - | 21828/Plex3.mdf | - | (mod) Tranze 7 by Dr.Awesome |
69344 | TRANZESE.ZIP | 140024 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tranze Seven by: dr.awesome/crusaders |
69345 | TRAP.ZIP | 95964 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trap In My Mind by Juho/Artifial People |
69347 | TRASH2.ZIP | 181415 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trash2 by Mad Freak |
69350 | TRASM.ZIP | 157848 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trasm by T.U.S.C/Vixen |
69351 | TRAXMOON.ZIP | 416864 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: On The Moon by: Blue Adonis / TRAXX |
69352 | TRAXONIC.ZIP | 42081 | 15.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Traxonic by Bee Hunter/Jazz |
69353 | TRAXX1.ZIP | 629373 | 26.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX RAVE & HARDCORE COLLECTION - volume 1 |
69354 | TRAXX13.ZIP | 527391 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX RAVE & HARDCORE COLLECTION - volume 13 |
69355 | TRAXX18.ZIP | 743941 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX RAVE & HARDCORE COLLECTION - volume 18 |
69356 | TRAXX19.ZIP | 816446 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX RAVE-DANCE-TRANCE PACK's - volume 19 |
69357 | TRAXX20.ZIP | 834961 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX RAVE-DANCE-TRANCE PACK's - volume 20 |
69358 | TRAXX21.ZIP | 703779 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX RAVE-DANCE-TRANCE PACK's - volume 21 |
69359 | TRAXX22.ZIP | 605069 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX RAVE-DANCE-TRANCE PACK's - volume 22 |
69360 | TRAXX26.ZIP | 810699 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX Super Core & Wild Funk Pack - volume 26 |
69361 | TRAXX27.ZIP | 565967 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX TECH MUSIC PACK - volume 27 |
69362 | TRAXX28.ZIP | 538023 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX House/Rave/Core/Techz - volume 28 |
69363 | TRAXX29.ZIP | 446433 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX House/Rave/Core/Techz - volume 29 |
69364 | TRAXX30.ZIP | 530538 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX House/Rave/Core/Techz - volume 30 |
69365 | TRAXX31.ZIP | 776701 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX Rave/Core/Tranze - volume 31 |
69366 | TRAXX33.ZIP | 402216 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX Rave/Core/Tranze - volume 33 |
69367 | TRAXX34.ZIP | 1275633 | 19.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX FULL RAVE BASS (.XM) - volume 34 |
69368 | TRAXX35.ZIP | 757811 | 19.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TraxX THE HOTTEST TRAXX RELEASES - volume 35 |
69371 | TRAZIONE.ZIP | 95152 | 12.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trazione Sollevato! by: JayJay/MASC |
69372 | TRBLJRNE.ZIP | 30465 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trouble-Journey by Nuke/Lemon. |
69373 | TRECK.ZIP | 62922 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Treck. |
69374 | TREEDFAC.ZIP | 153104 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Treed Face by Bishop. |
69376 | TRENDS.ZIP | 252177 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trends by D2. |
69377 | TRENZNEE.ZIP | 94203 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trenzneeschen by Aru. |
69379 | TREPIDAT.ZIP | 225680 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trepidation by Dolphin/Noxious. |
69380 | TRI13.ZIP | 191249 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tri 13. |
69382 | TRIAL.ZIP | 68654 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Trial. |
69383 | TRIBALDA.ZIP | 659066 | 28.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Sylvain Marchand: 2Unlimited: Tribal Dance |
69384 | TRIBALJU.ZIP | 306187 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tribal Justice by Sidewinder/Megawatts. |
69385 | TRIBALT2.ZIP | 295305 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tribal To Space by Sidewinder/Megawatts. |
69386 | TRIBALTO.ZIP | 244806 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tribal To Sea by Sidewinder/Megawatts. |
69387 | TRIBEOFM.ZIP | 279185 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tribe of Man by Sidewinder/Porphyria. |
69388 | TRICLORI.ZIP | 91409 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Triclorid by Balrog. |
69395 | TRIORCAL.ZIP | 67400 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Triorcalyptica by Jaywalk. |
69401 | TRIP_ASH.ZIP | 169344 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Ashurian Seance by Prodigy/TRIP |
69402 | TRIP_BC.ZIP | 152536 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Breakbeat cowboy by Prodigy/TRIP. |
69403 | TRIP_DEL.ZIP | 171279 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Delphinus by Prodigy/TRIP 1995 (c). Style: Trance. |
69404 | TRIP_ETR.ZIP | 193005 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Escapin the Reactor by Prodigy-Morphium / TRIP 1995 (c). Style: Trance. |
69405 | TRIP_GOA.ZIP | 267694 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Goa Dreams by Morphium/TRIP 1995 (c). Style: Goa-Trance. |
69396 | TRIP-ALI.ZIP | 199022 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TRIP Presents: Aliens Territory By: Morphium, Hardtrance S3M. |
69397 | TRIP-GAS.ZIP | 136083 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TRIP Presents: The Return to Gas Planet By: Prodigy, Trance S3M |
69398 | TRIP-SUM.ZIP | 179905 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TRIP Presents: Summeravin' Tracked by Prodigy, Rave S3M. |
69399 | TRIPOUT.ZIP | 80738 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Not Just Any Trip 7 by u4ia. |
69400 | TRIPPING.ZIP | 119886 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Tripping Throuh Spacetime by Liam the Lemming. |
69406 | TRITONTH.ZIP | 391310 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Triton Theme by Lizardking/Triton. |
69407 | TRIUMPHL.ZIP | 806036 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Triumph by Leviathan/Renessaince. |
69408 | TRIUMPHO.ZIP | 143225 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Triumph of Life by Leinad. |
69412 | TRNCEMOT.ZIP | 244529 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | MOD:Trance motion By: Dr.Erodix /GM |
69414 | TRNSWRLD.ZIP | 134319 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Translucent World by Cube/Dee |
69415 | TRNTHEM.ZIP | 393420 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Triton theme by Lizardking |
69420 | TROOPER.ZIP | 140102 | 06.04.1996 | kuvaus? | - | - | Flying Tigers by Ticsoft is a fast paced shoot-em up game with multiple weapons, power ups, enemies and bosses. In this episode you will be thrown into the middle of 1942, where the techno bosses are starting a technology transfer to the Japanese Empire. Requires: 386+, 4 Meg RAM as XMS, VGA. Adlib(tm)/ Soundblaster(tm) optional. (v2.0) |
69431 | TRYTECHN.ZIP | 164754 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Try-Techno by Brainiac. |
69432 | TRZECHOR.ZIP | 203406 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trz>Echo-Remix by Terrorizer/Nemesis. |
69433 | TRZHARDC.ZIP | 158884 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trz>Hardcore-Rush by Terrorizer/Nemesis. |
69434 | TRZLONDO.ZIP | 269497 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trz>London-Mix by Terrorizer/Nemesis. |
69435 | TRZNRGIC.ZIP | 103436 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trz>Nrgic-Hardcore by Terrorizer/Nemesis. |
69436 | TRZPARTE.ZIP | 100036 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trz>Partek-Hc-1st by Terrorizer/Nemesis. |
69437 | TRZREIGN.ZIP | 183602 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Trz>Reign_Of_Terror by Terrorizer/Nemesis. |
69442 | TSS2.ZIP | 54035 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: T.S.S. Theme by LeChuck of The Sixth Sense. |
69449 | TTRIP.ZIP | 77346 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | - S3M - the trip: matkalla kouluun by: T.I.P.I / PONTUS -style : Heavyrock |
69453 | TUBULAR.ZIP | 131876 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tubular Vectors. |
69455 | TUMBLING.ZIP | 89221 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tumbling Along by Mystical of Myth. |
69456 | TUNAFISH.ZIP | 111574 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Tunafish by Dr.Awesome |
69457 | TUNE.ZIP | 120851 | 17.08.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tune by Purple Motion. |
69458 | TUNE2.ZIP | 39107 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tune 2. |
69461 | TUNNEH.ZIP | 105950 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Tunnehäiriö by Bruno |
69462 | TUNTEMAT.ZIP | 144537 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Tuntemattoman Tunnar. |
69463 | TURBULEN.ZIP | 121041 | 17.08.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Turbulence by Purple Motion/FC. |
69466 | TURRICAN.ZIP | 23013 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Turrican(intro) by Mel o'dee/Shining. |
69467 | TURRIGOL.ZIP | 8098 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Turrigol by Moby of Sanity. |
69477 | TWILIGHT.ZIP | 82978 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Twilight of the Gods by PsychoTron. |
69478 | TWNDERER.ZIP | 197324 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Wanderer by Jogeir Liljedahl. |
69480 | TWRDBACK.ZIP | 128111 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Towards And Back by Di33y/Decept. |
69489 | TYKROD.ZIP | 8462 | 17.08.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Tykrod! by $Volkraq / Gollum. |
69498 | U4IA.ZIP | 204049 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: U4ia by U4ia |
69499 | U4IASMOK.ZIP | 170858 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: A Joint U4ia Smoked by U4ia |
69512 | UBARBERT.ZIP | 18013 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ubarbert by Jogeir/Spaceballs |
69515 | UBOAT.ZIP | 143270 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: U-Boat by Mike Brown |
69529 | UGLYGLUE.ZIP | 47677 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ugly Glue |
69530 | UGLYMIND.ZIP | 20641 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ugly Minds by Bishop |
69531 | UH-OH.ZIP | 144227 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (s3m) uh-oh by dune/orange |
69544 | ULTRASTO.ZIP | 10653 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ultra Stoned by Memorys / Ivory |
69550 | UNCHANGE.ZIP | 48032 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Unchangeable |
69552 | UNDERATT.ZIP | 98471 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Under Attack by Jjk |
69553 | UNDERGRO.ZIP | 107722 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Underground by Mellow-D |
69554 | UNDERTHE.ZIP | 163760 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Under the sound by Dick The Briton / TGT |
69555 | UNDERWAT.ZIP | 42291 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Underwater by Jogeir Liljedahl |
69556 | UNGDOMSM.ZIP | 109397 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ungdomsmagasinet |
69561 | UNIVERSA.ZIP | 151251 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Universal by Jogi & Turtle / Cplx |
69564 | UNNAMED.ZIP | 400365 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: |
69567 | UNREAL.ZIP | 91700 | 25.08.1995 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Unreal M.A.H.H. |
69568 | UNREAL10.ZIP | 97737 | 29.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "UNREAL10" by Skaven/FC |
69569 | UNREAL3.ZIP | 95083 | 29.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "UNREAL3" by Purple Motion/FC |
69570 | UNREAL4.ZIP | 37993 | 29.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "UNREAL4" by Purple Motion/FC |
69571 | UNREAL6.ZIP | 63163 | 29.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "UNREAL6" by Purple Motion/FC |
69572 | UNREAL7.ZIP | 101271 | 29.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "UNREAL7" by Purple Motion/FC |
69573 | UNREAL8.ZIP | 78107 | 29.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "UNREAL8" by Purple Motion/FC |
69574 | UNREAL9.ZIP | 81143 | 29.05.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "UNREAL9" by Purple Motion/FC |
69576 | UNSNWRLD.ZIP | 112065 | 23.04.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Unseen World BlueSun |
69577 | UNSPOKEN.ZIP | 123300 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | unspoken promises by nutcase\balance |
69586 | UPINYERV.ZIP | 179975 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Up In Yer Vorteks by Nuke of Anarchy |
69588 | UPSTREAM.ZIP | 94348 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Upstream6_Intro by Travolta |
69589 | URALFINE.ZIP | 119110 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Uralvolgafine by Bruno |
69590 | URALVOLG.ZIP | 116709 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Uralvolga Fine |
69591 | URBAN.ARJ | 321994 | 09.09.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Urban Jungle by TuomasYK Contribution to the Asm'96 Multichannelcompo |
69592 | URIDIAS.ZIP | 197854 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Uridias by Bishop |
69596 | USA92.ZIP | 182396 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Usa92 by Pkk |
69604 | UTOPIAIN.ZIP | 99560 | 29.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Utopia Ingame3 |
69606 | UUDENKUU.ZIP | 209390 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Uudenkuun by Heatbeat |
69856 | V_1WRLD.ZIP | 68798 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: One world by Stalker/OTM |
69857 | V_ANTHEM.ZIP | 258569 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Anthem by General Assassin |
69858 | V_ANTI_H.ZIP | 114469 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: March of the Anti-Heroes by Master Bates |
69859 | V_BEYOND.ZIP | 120560 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: The Journey Beyond by Epeius |
69860 | V_CAIL.ZIP | 160933 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Cailleian by Lord Blanka the Black |
69861 | V_DAWN2.ZIP | 244389 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Dawn by Spaman |
69862 | V_ESM.ZIP | 242717 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Eppur Si Muove by Petri LAmmi |
69863 | V_ESTRNG.ZIP | 219594 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Estranged by Khyron |
69864 | V_FUSION.ZIP | 290718 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Fusion Harmony by Dr. D |
69865 | V_GUARD.ZIP | 131791 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Guardian of Souls By: Krystall |
69866 | V_LAGOON.ZIP | 151688 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: The Blue Lagoon by Quarex/ROK |
69618 | V-MWINDS.ZIP | 244949 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MTM: Mindwinds By The REW/Nostalgia |
69619 | V42.ZIP | 32277 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: V42 |
69624 | VADELMAH.ZIP | 116164 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vadelmahessu! by bns\dnt |
69625 | VAGINAEX.ZIP | 151402 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vagina Extremus by paso/u.d.o |
69626 | VAH-COME.ZIP | 84495 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM:Come on, go away By Vade / Loisteputki Style: Rock / Jazz / ? Lenght: 2:10 Bpm: 250 |
69627 | VAH-FSYM.ZIP | 123667 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Fire symbol By Vade / Nimettomat Style: house / dance |
69628 | VAH-GAZE.ZIP | 377621 | 02.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Gazing to Stars by Vade |
69629 | VAH-SIGH.ZIP | 72070 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: First Sight composed by Vade / Nimettömät Style: Slow * Beats per min. 125 or something |
69630 | VAH-UNRL.ZIP | 194986 | 13.09.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Unreal Reality by Vade / BMO contribution to asm96' 4ch, didn't qualify. |
69631 | VAH-WARP.ZIP | 179676 | 25.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Warp By Vade / Loisteputki Style: Dance Lenght: 2:20 |
69632 | VAISUROK.ZIP | 291594 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vaisu rokkizipale by ale / sarvet |
69634 | VALKOINE.ZIP | 68291 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | MOD: Valkoinen by antti a. mikkonen |
69637 | VALLEY.ZIP | 127021 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Valley of the sea by C.C.Catch |
69638 | VALLEYOF.ZIP | 126343 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Valley of the Sea |
69639 | VALTEL2.ZIP | 54960 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Valter by Lechuck of the Sixth Sense |
69641 | VAMPIRES.ZIP | 116413 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vampire's Ball HC by Dick The Briton |
69643 | VANDERVA.ZIP | 8962 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Van Der Valk by bernard sumner/lsd |
69644 | VANISHED.ZIP | 58902 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | vanished dreams by nutcase\balance |
69645 | VARANEN.ZIP | 145502 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Varanen by Lizardking/alcatraz |
69646 | VARANMAS.ZIP | 3293 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Varan_maskot! by dolphin/noxious |
69648 | VARIANCE.ZIP | 138364 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Image Of Variance By: Kenny Chou |
69649 | VARIATIO.ZIP | 108828 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Variations by jogeir liljedahl |
69650 | VARIE2.ZIP | 235984 | 10.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD/S3M: Varie2-kokoelma (15 biisiä) Breeze/Capacala |
69652 | VAULTOFH.ZIP | 172177 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vault of heaven by nhp and bkh/anarchy |
69657 | VCCGIGIC.ZIP | 76172 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: VCC+GIGICAR By watchman and trixal |
69682 | VDC-LQLV.ZIP | 180977 | 02.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Liquid Love by DopeMan of VooDooCult / Hardcore Society. |
69679 | VDC!HERE.ZIP | 132534 | 07.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DopeMan/VDC presents: Here we go again S3M |
69680 | VDC!JGMT.ZIP | 81041 | 07.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DopeMan/VDC presents: Judgement S3M |
69681 | VDC!KVEL.ZIP | 47002 | 07.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | DopeMan/VDC presents: Kuivaa velliä S3M |
69683 | VDDENTRO.ZIP | 106107 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Vd-dentro by Groo |
69684 | VDL.ZIP | 93966 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "VDL" |
69686 | VECTORBO.ZIP | 21326 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Vector Bobs by 4-Mat |
69687 | VECTORDA.ZIP | 93774 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vectordance by Jay |
69689 | VEGAS.ZIP | 183035 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vegas |
69690 | VEGAS2.ZIP | 141929 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vegas2 |
69691 | VEILSOFT.ZIP | 82405 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Veils of Tord by Daniel Falk |
69692 | VELOMTRX.ZIP | 92639 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Velo Matrix by nuke / anarchy |
69697 | VERYOLD1.ZIP | 68446 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Very Old!! by clawz/interface |
69701 | VFLOWERS.ZIP | 109674 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | - | XM: Virtual Flowers by Fade / BAD KARMA |
69720 | VIBRANTS.ZIP | 9521 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vibrants Style by hydra/anarchy |
69723 | VICNOVA.ZIP | 135003 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | victory'nova by nutcase\balance |
69724 | VICTORY.ZIP | 129225 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Victory by Heatbeat |
69725 | VIDAL.ZIP | 113686 | 09.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Vidal Sassoon by Jangler XM |
69730 | VIHARSKU.ZIP | 383052 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Skumle planer by Mystical / Purple |
69731 | VIHTYINI.ZIP | 187451 | 19.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vihtyini Juho/Artificial People |
69732 | VILLAHOU.ZIP | 15157 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Villahousu_Rock!!! |
69733 | VIMANAS.ZIP | 219914 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | vimanas over mu by nutcase\balance |
69737 | VIOLINOR.ZIP | 571 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Violin Orchestra by Hydra/anarchy |
69745 | VIRTUALB.ZIP | 7388 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Virtual Beatbox |
69746 | VIRTUALC.ZIP | 5516 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Virtual-Compo! |
69747 | VIRTUALH.ZIP | 155213 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Virtual HC by Dick the Briton / TGT |
69748 | VIRTUALJ.ZIP | 135491 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Virtual Journey by Slaze/defiance |
69749 | VIRTUALR.ZIP | 303683 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Virtual Reality by Organic/shining |
69752 | VISION.ZIP | 121930 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Visionary by Nemesis/Renaissance |
69753 | VISIONFT.ZIP | 12710 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vision-F.theme by Jason/kefrens |
69754 | VISIONOR.ZIP | 115666 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Visions Of Reality By: Moby of Code X |
69755 | VISIONS.ZIP | 47053 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | MOD: Visions by mel o'dee |
69756 | VIST.ZIP | 21245 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Mega Kool Musik by xxxxxxx/image |
69758 | VITUSATA.ZIP | 13330 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Vitusatana - main by Dean/CNCD |
69759 | VIVAMINE.ZIP | 184904 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vivamine by Dax |
69764 | VLKOINEN.ZIP | 68639 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Valkoinen by Heatbeat |
69770 | VNY01.ZIP | 77600 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | VNY:n S3M. "Be Aware It Is The Hare" (3:56) |
69771 | VNY02.ZIP | 187527 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | VNY:n S3M. "Leipä ei ole veitsi" (10:57) |
69772 | VNY03.ZIP | 149656 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | VNY:n S3M. "Läppäpytyn leviäminen" (2:04) |
69777 | VOODOO-P.ZIP | 270779 | 24.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Voodoo People |
69778 | VORTEX.ZIP | 105605 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vortex by skidz |
69780 | VOTE4ME.ZIP | 625068 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Vote4me by leinad/avalanche |
69781 | VOX.ZIP | 145724 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: V.O.X by gryzor/dmacon |
69783 | VOYAGER.ZIP | 234099 | 19.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Voyager Jam-O,,, |
69784 | VOYAGER7.ZIP | 228514 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Voyager 7 by sqd |
69785 | VOYAGETO.ZIP | 234130 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Voyage to Eternity by Big Jim / Valhalla |
69797 | VPAUKE.ZIP | 114373 | 04.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Vihreä Pauke.. By: Jaffa/Static. |
69838 | VSANDRMX.ZIP | 129038 | 06.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Visions of Sand |
69847 | VUOHI.ZIP | 382850 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Kuolema ja Vuohen Sarvet by: TheboT tyyli: Mustaa kuolemaa |
69886 | WALKAADV.ZIP | 133328 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Walkabout adventure by Lizardking |
69887 | WALKNTIT.ZIP | 124742 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Walk'n titanize by Dizzy/Cncd |
69893 | WANK.ZIP | 88439 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Wank by Heatbeat |
69894 | WAR-REM.ZIP | 216982 | 04.05.1995 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: War in the Middle Earth Skaven/Future Crew |
69898 | WAREGGAE.ZIP | 88624 | 09.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Wareggae by DJ Wige |
69910 | WATCHINT.ZIP | 162649 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Watching the Stars by Heatbeat |
69911 | WATERFAL.ZIP | 32256 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | waterfall by nutcase\balance |
69913 | WATERS.ZIP | 52182 | 19.10.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: The Dancing Waters (instrumental) |
69914 | WATRFALL.ZIP | 21502 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Waterfall by 4-Mat |
69921 | WAYPOINT.ZIP | 206008 | 24.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M:Waypoint Dune/Orange |
69984 | WDFIL.ZIP | 227986 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | We Didn't Fall In Love An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
70014 | WELCOME.ZIP | 33596 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Welcome home by Lizardking |
70017 | WEREWOLF.ZIP | 81671 | 27.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M Werewolf: Nice destiny Cruel piano conserto by Mallard -96- |
70018 | WESTBAM.ZIP | 371693 | 31.07.1996 | - | - | - | S3M: Dj Make.WestBam MiX. |
70021 | WF-DRAGO.ZIP | 409314 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (xm) World of Dragons by Lizardking |
70022 | WF-MAGES.ZIP | 167859 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (xm) World of Mages by Lizardking |
70023 | WF-UNICO.ZIP | 724471 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (xm) World of Unicorns by Lizardking |
70024 | WFAMOUS.ZIP | 867489 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | The World Famous!! A Great H/C .xm by: DJ ECSTASY/KoNE |
70033 | WHAT.ZIP | 111753 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: What do you have to do.. (2:32) BlueSun |
70035 | WHATFUN.ZIP | 93043 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | What Fun I'm Having An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
70037 | WHEN.ZIP | 554843 | 03.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: When by Purple Morion |
70038 | WHERESKE.ZIP | 79999 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) where's my key? by chorus / jewels |
70044 | WHY_DONT.ZIP | 535051 | 29.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Why don't you walk away by: Chanel5 / Jeskola Siirtänyt : Pekka Palmu |
70051 | WILDIMP2.ZIP | 67853 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Wild impressions 2 by Lizardking |
70052 | WILDMACA.ZIP | 430150 | 28.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Wild McArthur Lizardking/Razor1911 & Triton |
70067 | WINDS.ZIP | 28443 | 13.06.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | ┌ Krystall / Astek ┐ Presents Antarctic Winds (ULT) For Gravis Ultrasound only └ (93/08/10) ┘ |
70092 | WINTER.ZIP | 50239 | 24.06.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: MiddleWinter Beaniuz/Domination |
70093 | WINTERPR.ZIP | 160392 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | winterprincess by nutcase\balance |
70094 | WINTERWI.ZIP | 15445 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | winterwind by nutcase\balance |
70131 | WOMENCHE.ZIP | 108040 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Women cheat by Delorean |
70136 | WORLD.ZIP | 119822 | 29.01.1996 | repacked | modarchive.org | - | We are the World - remix Magnificient S3M by Markus Bergman |
70137 | WORLD1.ZIP | 83124 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MANHUNTER/OXYLON presents WORLD 1 style : HardTrance length : 3:12 format : XM |
70138 | WORLDOFS.ZIP | 392458 | 24.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M:World of Saracens Dune/Orange |
70144 | WORMHOLE.ZIP | 19139 | 04.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | wormhole by nutcase\balance |
70153 | WOTS.ZIP | 261192 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | War Of The SuperUsers Two versions of a tune in s3m format by Liam the lemming |
70175 | WRECK_XD.ZIP | 224191 | 23.01.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: "Wreck" by Xtd/Mystic & TRSI Note: Xcellent Guitar Mod |
70245 | X-FILES!.ZIP | 360304 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM:The Truth by KINETIC-BREAKDOWN Style:HardTrance (5:33) |
70246 | X-LIGHT.ZIP | 151709 | 30.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | 16-channel song called Lightning by Extreme of GigaMess |
70253 | X14HP.ZIP | 320974 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M:X14 haista poks Dune/Orange |
70275 | XCESSIVE.ZIP | 71338 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Xcessive by HavoC (Acid) |
70299 | XMAS-PUD.ZIP | 196766 | 10.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Xmas Pudding by U4ia/Megawats |
70300 | XMAS.ZIP | 54104 | 10.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Xmas, hyvä technoversio joululaulusta. Ikävä kyllä tekijää ei tiedetä. |
70302 | XMAS96.ZIP | 72425 | 30.12.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Christmas 1996By Juho / Artificial People |
70303 | XMASMEGA.ZIP | 46694 | 10.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XMASMEGAMIXIE by Zodiak/Cascada,Complex |
70304 | XMASNIGT.ZIP | 218661 | 01.03.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Christmas Night -93 Falcon/Artificial People |
70305 | XMASNT94.LHA | 73512 | 19.05.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Christmas-night-94 Falcon/Artificial People |
70306 | XMASTIME.ZIP | 72884 | 10.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | X Mas Time by Tusc/Crionics,Vixen,Raveforce |
70307 | XMASTOON.ZIP | 139218 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Lights! Baubles!! CHRISTMAS!!! A seasonal little s3m module by Liam the lemming |
70386 | YAMMAH.ZIP | 335654 | 13.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Yammah's Story An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
70387 | YAMMAH1.ZIP | 163533 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Yammah's Theme An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
70388 | YAMMAH2.ZIP | 236902 | 13.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Yammah's Fury An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
70389 | YAMMAH3.ZIP | 153430 | 13.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Yammah's Crisis An s3m module by Liam the lemming |
70390 | YAMMAHSC.ZIP | 154018 | 30.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Yammah's Crisis by Liam the Lemming Channels: 9 |
70391 | YAMMAHSF.ZIP | 237235 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Yammah's Fury by Liam the Lemming Channels: 8 |
70392 | YAMMAHSS.ZIP | 338353 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Yammah's Story by Liam the Lemming Channels: 12 |
70395 | YAREGGAE.ZIP | 100339 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Yareggae by Heatbeat of Rebels Channels: 4 |
70396 | YAUNTLON.ZIP | 181345 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Yaunt, longversion, Channels: 4 |
70401 | YEAAHJUS.ZIP | 66733 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Yeaah just spank it by Tip and Firefos of Phenomena |
70402 | YELLOMAR.ZIP | 94504 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Yello Marillion, channels: 4 |
70404 | YOAFRICA.ZIP | 124383 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Yo Africa-dia Channels: 4 |
70405 | YONHIRVE.ZIP | 86602 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Yön hirvet by Strobo/Stellar |
70407 | YOUNG1.ZIP | 49692 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Young One by Lord Jon Ray Channels: 16 |
70408 | YOURFACE.ZIP | 10393 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: -your-face- by Bass of Silents |
70409 | YOURMAIJ.ZIP | 3983 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Your Maijesti! by Clav/nxs |
70411 | YRA.ZIP | 539760 | 12.03.1996 | - | scene.org | - | (xm) Y'ra at dawn by Cube asm95 32chn |
70413 | YRTTITEE.LHA | 227231 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | (MOD) Deetail : Yrttitee from assembly'95 4-ch module competition |
70414 | YUM.ZIP | 84405 | 22.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Yummy Gap by Mantronix+Tip of Phenomena |
70431 | Z-REPLIC.ZIP | 20.08.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Asm96 multichannel compo 10th place: Zodiak/FM: Replicator |
70434 | ZACKA!.ZIP | 6995 | 23.07.1995 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Zakatakataa zZz |
70435 | ZAK.ZIP | 75931 | 18.07.1996 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Zak-zaka-zak-zak By: Purple Motion / FC Channels: 2 |
70439 | ZAPPED.ZIP | 7014 | 18.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Zapped-out by 4-Mat of Anarchy |
70440 | ZAPPEDOT.ZIP | 6934 | 12.03.1996 | - | - | - | (mod) Zapped Out by 4-Mat |
70450 | ZEBCADAS.ZIP | 326910 | 13.06.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Aila himel adonaij amara Zebaoth cadas yeseraije haralius (S3M) by: Belchior |
70451 | ZEBULAK.ZIP | 31871 | 05.11.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Zebulak by Mazedude. |
70453 | ZEN.ZIP | 307911 | 18.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Zen by Frog Fuzz/Condenz/CYG |
70454 | ZEROMUS.ZIP | 50761 | 18.02.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Tekijä: tuntematon Tyyli: pelimusiikki Nimi: Battle With Zeromus Palaute nimelle Golan Lampi. |
70455 | ZETA.ZIP | 384857 | 02.10.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Point Zeta by Lhz |
70460 | ZIKEND.ZIP | 129851 | 18.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Zikend |
70472 | ZIRIAX.ZIP | 59441 | 18.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Ziriax |
70478 | ZNEHUUME.ZIP | 199668 | 29.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Name: Huumeita... (XM) Composer: Zine/Escape Comments: About ½ hour song... |
70479 | ZNEKAALI.ZIP | 6882 | 29.03.1996 | - | 6766/CDM5_96.ISO | - | Name: Kaalimaa (XM) Composer: Zine/Escape Comments: to Gateway`s 20k. compo Small is beautiful :) |
70480 | ZNELTTLE.ZIP | 78796 | 29.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Name: LIttle song... (XM) Composer: Zine/Escape Comments: No comments... *grin* |
70481 | ZNENAKKI.ZIP | 197252 | 29.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Name: nakki (XM) Composer: Zine/Escape Comments: not too good... Jämäbiisi kovolta :) |
70482 | ZNENOTH.ZIP | 199201 | 29.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Name: Nothing new... (XM) Composer: Zine/Escape Comments: ..zz... I am too tired of this song to make it ready.. |
70483 | ZNESOMET.ZIP | 166716 | 29.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Name: Sometimes.. (XM) Composer: Zine/Escape Comments: Yöh! .. not my style! |
70484 | ZNEVIOLT.ZIP | 119515 | 29.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | Name: Violet odd stuff (XM) Composer: Zine/Escape Comments: My oldest song !... Made somewhere in the beginning of 1995 !.. |
70485 | ZNEYEH.ZIP | 8983 | 29.03.1996 | - | 6766/CDM5_96.ISO | - | Name: Yeh... (XM) Composer: Zine/Escape Comments: To gateway`s 20k. This *MUST* be the Winner... :) |
70503 | ZOOCOLOR.ZIP | 161264 | 18.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Zoocolors by NHP & BKH |
70505 | ZOOPELMN.ZIP | 99649 | 12.03.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | (mod) Zooparti & Pelimans by Heatbeat |
70523 | ZYXTEKKN.ZIP | 52813 | 18.07.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Zyx-Tekknozid by Zyx of Estensors. |
9249 | 11CMBYDG.MP3 | 6,4 Mt | 13.09.2002 | - | - | - | 11cm by Devil Group |
9250 | 2000_AN_.ZIP | 4,1 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | 2000: an aural odyssey by Firestorm.2nd in the Assembly 2k MP3 music compo. |
9251 | 2013AS.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 28.01.2000 | - | - | - | "Mp3: 2013 avaruussekoilu 332 by Dj Otso & Dj Ztane. Placed 4th at Elevator2k mp3 compo with 45 points." |
9253 | AC_QTB.ZIP | 4,1 Mt | 06.12.2000 | - | - | - | Mp3: Quantum Talebearer by Acumen This song is my entry for the Trax in Space: "Merregnon Fantasy Music" compo. I`m not at all satisfied with this song in any way, and it shouldn`t be considered as a "full release". This song ends the Talebearer "serie". http://www.milankolarovic.com |
9252 | AC-MOTM.ZIP | 4,3 Mt | 04.01.2001 | - | - | - | Mp3: Millennium of the Moonbears by AcumenThis song was made for Softtronix.com to serve as background music for their website visitors. I got the idea for the song name after I had read about bears that are been held imprisioned for all their lives in China. You can learn more about this matter at my website. http://www.milankolarovic.com |
9255 | ADAGIO_F.ZIP | 4,9 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Mp3: Adagio for Freedom by Acumen11th in the Assembly 2k MP3 music compo. Adagio for Freedom was my contribution for the MP3 music compo held at Assembly 2k during 3-6th of August. It finished on 11th place at the final round. This song is dedicated to the memory of every sensible creature who was killed, maimed or injured during the war in Kosovo. |
9256 | AIRWALK_.ZIP | 4,5 Mt | 15.08.2000 | - | scene.org | - | Airwalk by Ganja / Nerve Axis.8th in the Assembly 2k MP3 music compo. |
9257 | AISTH4S.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 03.12.1999 | - | - | - | Aisth MP3Four Steps To Emptiness Electronic music for your ears. MP3 demo. Tämä yhtye voitti maailmanlaajuisen Born On The World Wide Web-musiikkikilpailun "electronic" sarjan. http://www.aisth.com |
9258 | AISTHBO.ZIP | 4 Mt | 03.12.1999 | - | - | - | Aisth MP3: Box Electronic music for your ears. MP3 demo. Tämä yhtye voitti maailmanlaajuisen Born On The World Wide Web-musiikkikilpailun "electronic" sarjan. http://www.aisth.com |
9259 | AISTHHO.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 03.12.1999 | - | - | - | Aisth MP3: Hold Electronic music for your ears. MP3 demo. Tämä yhtye voitti maailmanlaajuisen Born On The World Wide Web-musiikkikilpailun "electronic" sarjan. http://www.aisth.com |
9260 | ATSOH.ZIP | 4,6 Mt | 27.06.1999 | - | - | - | At The Shores Of Hell MP3 (C) Toni "Puke" Puronvarsi and Ville Loukonen 1999. This MP3 consist of four DooM / DooM 2 tunes played one after another. Puke is playing guitar in the right channel and Ville Loukonen is playing guitar in the left. Bass and drums are computer generated. The original DooM music was made by Bobby Prince. Feedbacks to: t_puronvarsi@hotmail.com. |
9261 | AWE100Y.ZIP | 4,3 Mt | 02.10.1999 | - | - | - | Dr. Awesome (alias Bjorn Lynne) retro-MP3 Old Amiga tracks available in in mp3 versions "retro and nostalgia" music from old Amiga musical days. Original 4-track Amiga mods convedted to MP3, with added reverb and some EQ and compression on them, so they sound a little bit better. 100 Yard Dash - Made with Noisetracker Amiga music editor, ca. 1991 |
9262 | AWE12THW.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 02.10.1999 | - | - | - | Dr. Awesome (alias Bjorn Lynne) retro-MP3 Old Amiga tracks available in in mp3 versions "retro and nostalgia" music from old Amiga musical days. Original 4-track Amiga mods convedted to MP3, with added reverb and some EQ and compression on them, so they sound a little bit better. 12th Warrior - Made with Noisetracker Amiga music editor, ca. 1991. This is one of the songs that I will be re-arranging and re-recording in full studio for my next CD. |
9263 | AWE3CHBA.ZIP | 3 Mt | 02.10.1999 | - | - | - | Dr. Awesome (alias Bjorn Lynne) retro-MP3 Old Amiga tracks available in in mp3 versions "retro and nostalgia" music from old Amiga musical days. Original 4-track Amiga mods convedted to MP3, with added reverb and some EQ and compression on them, so they sound a little bit better. 3-Channel Background Tune - Made with Noisetracker Amiga music editor, ca. 1991. For this one, I only used 3 sound channels (leaving one available for sound-effects). |
9264 | AWEAIRLI.ZIP | 10,3 Mt | 02.10.1999 | - | - | - | Dr. Awesome (alias Bjorn Lynne) retro-MP3 Old Amiga tracks available in in mp3 versions "retro and nostalgia" music from old Amiga musical days. Original 4-track Amiga mods convedted to MP3, with added reverb and some EQ and compression on them, so they sound a little bit better. Airline game title-track - Airline in-game music 1 - Airline in-game music 2 - Airline in-game music 3. Made with Noisetracker Amiga music editor, ca. 1991, for Amiga game |
9265 | AWEANDAN.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | - | - | Dr. Awesome (aka Bjorn Lynne) MP3: Andante - Made with NoiseTracker music editor, ca. 1990. This song was also re-recorded with real instruments, etc. and released on my CD album "Witchwood" (the song name was then changed to "Homeland Farmland". "Retro and nostalgia" track. Old Amiga module revamped. original "mod" files, recorded to DAT, applied some light reverb, EQ and stereo spatialization, then coded to mp3. They sound a bit better |
9266 | AWEARR~1.ZIP | 3,7 Mt | 02.10.1999 | - | - | - | Dr. Awesome (alias Bjorn Lynne) retro-MP3 Old Amiga tracks available in in mp3 versions "retro and nostalgia" music from old Amiga musical days. Original 4-track Amiga mods convedted to MP3, with added reverb and some EQ and compression on them, so they sound a little bit better. Arrangements - Made with Protracker Amiga music editor, ca. 1993. |
9267 | AWEAWAK.ZIP | 3,5 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | - | - | Dr. Awesome (aka Bjorn Lynne) MP3: Awakenings - Made with SoundTracker music editor, ca. 1989. "Retro and nostalgia" track. Old Amiga module revamped. original "mod" files, recorded to DAT, applied some light reverb, EQ and stereo spatialization, then coded to mp3. They sound a bit better than just playing the .mod files. http://www.lynnemusic.com |
9268 | AWEBACKP.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | - | - | Dr. Awesome (aka Bjorn Lynne) MP3: Backpopped - Made with SoundTracker music editor, ca. 1989. "Retro and nostalgia" track. Old Amiga module revamped. original "mod" files, recorded to DAT, applied some light reverb, EQ and stereo spatialization, then coded to mp3. They sound a bit better than just playing the .mod files. http://www.lynnemusic.com |
9269 | AWEBCUDA.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | - | - | Dr. Awesome (aka Bjorn Lynne) MP3: Barracuda - Made with NoiseTracker music editor, ca. 1991. "Retro and nostalgia" track. Old Amiga module revamped. original "mod" files, recorded to DAT, applied some light reverb, EQ and stereo spatialization, then coded to mp3. They sound a bit better than just playing the .mod files. http://www.lynnemusic.com |
9270 | AWEBOPP.ZIP | 6 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | - | - | Dr. Awesome (aka Bjorn Lynne) MP3: Bop Till U Flop - Made with NoiseTracker music editor, ca. 1991. "Retro and nostalgia" track. Old Amiga module revamped. original "mod" files, recorded to DAT, applied some light reverb, EQ and stereo spatialization, then coded to mp3. They sound a bit better than just playing the .mod files. http://www.lynnemusic.com |
9271 | 3DGL150B.EXE | 328,9 kt | 01.02.2000 | - | - | tupla | Winamp 3DGL v1.50b pluginiThe ultimate OpenGL eye candy collection for Winamp Latest version of Winamp 3DGL. -- For all those hardcore 3D hardware owners out there who know what they want their sound to look like :) (Tunnel and Cube plug-ins shown in picture). Made by Charles J. Cliffe. |
9272 | AUDIO309.ZIP | 42668 | 24.09.1996 | - | - | - | Internet Audio File Formats FAQ v3.09 |
9274 | NEODANCE.EXE | 716,2 kt | 02.02.2000 | - | - | - | Neodancer plugin WinAmpiinFeatures a virtual dancer rendered using OpenGL NeoDancer is a Winamp plug-in that features a virtual dancer who grooves to the beat of your favorite tunes. She is rendered in realtime using OpenGL with a user selectable level of detail control, allowing the image quality to scale with the speed of your CPU. Made by Eric Lum. |
9275 | P5_TRCKR.ZIP | 310,2 kt | 14.10.2001 | - | - | - | Paragon 5 GameBoy Tracker v2.0Scream Tracker 3:sta muistuttava nelikanavainen, Windowsin kautta toimiva tracker-ohjelma GameBoylle, GameBoy Pocketille sekä GameBoy Colorille. Paketin mukana tulee alkuunpääsyä helpottamaan neljä esimerkkisävellystä, joista eräs Purple Motionin käsialaa. Ilmainen. http://www.paragon5.com |
9277 | VACSID.ARJ | 143,6 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | - | - | VacSid v1.58The ultimateC64-sidfile-player for your PC. |
9278 | ADIP.EXE | 1151965 | 01.09.1996 | - | 1203/MIDICraft's MIDINET CD-ROM.iso | - | SB AWE 32 Developer Information Package v3.01 Creative Technology Ltd. |
9279 | AR-TR808.ZIP | 696061 | 24.02.1996 | - | - | - | ===================================== | Roland(TM) TR 808 Drumkit for GUS | ===================================== The complete Roland TR 808 percussion kit sampled at 44.1 KHz, 16 bit, with absolutely no background noise and no ending clicks. |
9280 | AUDPH_CD.ZIP | 69,2 kt | 01.01.1900 | - | - | - | AUDIOPHONIKInformation file & ordering information for Europe, Africa and Middle East. Sisältää myös erityisohjeet suomalaisille tilaajille. |
9281 | AWE32FAQ.ZIP | 20759 | 12.02.1996 | - | 17006/SuperHack CD.bin | - | Tietoa AWE 32 äänikortista |
9282 | AWEFAQ.EXE | 40,3 kt | 01.09.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | SB Awe 32 FAQIncludes information about the SB AWE32 sound card. Please read through this file first before calling technical support. Highly recommended to all Sound Blaster users. |
61115 | AWEFAQ.EXE | 41244 | 02.09.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | Frequently Asked Questions about SB AWE32 Includes information about the SB AWE32 sound card. Please read through this file first before calling technical support. Highly recommended to all Sound Blaster users. |
9283 | AWEMID.ZIP | 4362 | 07.11.1995 | - | - | - | AWE 32 MIDI implementation chart |
9284 | AWERAVE1.ZIP | 211392 | 25.03.1996 | - | - | - | AWERAVE1.Includes song, patchnames & Soundbank for Soundblaster Awe32. Works with 512k memory. |
9285 | AWERAVE3.ZIP | 449456 | 25.03.1996 | - | - | - | AWERave3! Includes song & soundbank for Sound Blaster Awe32! Works with 512k Memory!! |
9286 | AXBANK1.ZIP | 431360 | 12.02.1996 | - | - | - | Soundipankki AWE 32:lle. Mahtuu perusmuistiin. |
9288 | AXBANK2.ZIP | 379897 | 19.02.1996 | - | - | - | Soundipankki AWE32:lle. Mahtuu kortin perusmuistiin. 9 instrumenttia. |
9287 | AXBANK21.ZIP | 1829866 | 12.03.1996 | - | - | - | Soundipankki AWE 32:lle. Vaatii 2 megaa muistia. 14 instrumenttia. |
9289 | BOOK014B.ZIP | 47,3 kt | 14.04.1998 | - | 17107/TEKNO_3_98.iso | - | "The Trackers handbook v0.14bPaljon tietoa trackereista." |
9290 | GUSPATCH.ZIP | 895580 | 04.03.1996 | koko¹ | ratsnest1.iso | - | Collection of patches for the Gravis Ultrasound. - |
9291 | HVSC27.A01 | 4,8 Mt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | High Voltage SID-collection v2.72/6 |
9292 | HVSC27.A02 | 4,8 Mt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | High Viltage SID-collection v2.73/6 |
9293 | HVSC27.A03 | 4,8 Mt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | High Voltage SID-collection v2.74/6 |
9294 | HVSC27.A04 | 4,8 Mt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | High Voltage SID-collection v2.75/6 |
9295 | HVSC27.A05 | 1,7 Mt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | High Voltage SID-collection v2.76/6 |
9296 | HVSC27.ARJ | 4,8 Mt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | High Voltage SID-collection v2.7Includes 8251+ (!) Sids from master C-64 composers like 20CC, Rob Hubbard, Drax, Anthony Crowther, Bjerregaard, Galway, Laxity, Whittaker, Yip, Jeroen Tel, totally from 91+ composers. Does not include software. 1/6 |
9297 | MIDIINFO.ZIP | 50397 | 10.05.1995 | väärä koko | sac.sk | - | MIDI-määritelmän tärkeät osat kommentoituina Ja paljon muuta MIDI-tietoutta (englanniksi) |
66136 | MIDIPRIM.ZIP | 10957 | 28.10.1995 | - | 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso | - | The USENET MIDI Primer by Bob McQueer MIDIn alkeet englanniksi, teksti |
66921 | OVRSAMPL.ZIP | 11144 | 08.11.1995 | - | - | - | Mitä on oversampling? Englanninkielinen teksti |
68801 | SWBANK.TXT | 4120 | 07.11.1995 | - | - | - | A tutorial about bank switching on the AWE 32 |
69925 | WB2FAQ.EXE | 32191 | 07.09.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Wave Blaster FAQ |
70309 | XMIDI.ZIP | 9816 | 08.11.1995 | - | 1203/MIDICraft's MIDINET CD-ROM.iso | - | Extended MIDI - seuraava MIDI-standardi? Englanninkielinen teksti |
9509 | _R_HG.ARJ | 615,7 kt | 19.12.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Musicdisk by RavenHappy Gopher Seven (7) previously unreleased .XMs!" |
9510 | _R_JMP.ARJ | 597,9 kt | 19.12.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Mini-musicdisk by RavenJump Contains three (3) tecno trax: Urban Jungle, Faggah and Rave On! |
9511 | _R_NEW1.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 07.04.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | 3rd Musicdisk by Raven/awr "Rebirth 1999" Ten (9+1) songs in .XM format! |
9512 | _R_NEW21.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 28.08.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | 4th Musicdisk by Raven/awr- " Sacrifice "New music volume 2!! compiled 18.7.1999 _sixteen!_ (12+2+2) songs in .XM format! Includes new logos and info. Please read them. (in dos) ZIP 1/3 |
9513 | _R_NEW22.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 28.08.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | 4th Musicdisk by Raven/awr- " Sacrifice "New music volume 2!! compiled 18.7.1999 _SIXTEEN!_ (12+2+2) songs in .XM format! Includes new logos and info. Please read them. (in dos) ZIP 2/4 |
9514 | _R_NEW23.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 28.08.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | 4th Musicdisk by Raven/awr- " Sacrifice "New music volume 2!! compiled 18.7.1999 _SIXTEEN!_ (12+2+2) songs in .XM format! Includes new logos and info. Please read them. (in dos) ZIP 3/4 |
9515 | _R_NEW24.ZIP | 837,4 kt | 27.08.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | 4th Musicdisk by Raven/awr- " Sacrifice "New music volume 2!! compiled 14.8.1999 _EIGHTTEEN!_ (14+2+2) songs in .XM format! The other three zips had loads of faulty information, read the LUE_NYT.TXT file on this pack! ZIP 4/4 |
9516 | _R_TCNO.ARJ | 389,9 kt | 15.06.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | EP by Raven / awr Tee-Chno Two songs in .XM format |
9517 | _R_VOICE.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 22.02.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | 2nd Musicdisk by Raven- "I HEAR VOICES" EIGHT (6+1+1) songs in .XM format! |
9518 | _R_XMAS.ARJ | 417,4 kt | 19.12.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Musicdisk by Raven Christmas timesContains four unreleased songs in .XM format Merry christmas! |
9311 | !ALONE.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 30.10.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "When I\'m Alone" - Muxidisk by Ile/IP. |
9527 | !STAYBEH.ZIP | 856,7 kt | 02.10.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Musicdisk: Stay behind by ILE/IP. Professional music, professional taste. |
9298 | 1002EP.ZIP | 962,2 kt | 17.04.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | 1002 ep... The Sound of Helsinki 5 techno tracks. |
9299 | 1STDIMEN.ZIP | 1542783 | 23.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Nordic Vision presents:musicdisk 1st Dimension 1st dimension released at The party'94 Supports: Gus,Sb,Pas&Mssoundsys |
9300 | 1TENSE.ZIP | 841,4 kt | 21.07.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | tupla | S3M: Tense-kokoelma (9 biisiä) tOOga/tAAt |
9301 | 2STEPS.ZIP | 1012,8 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Two Steps" by Alexander Brandonof Straylight Productions. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9302 | 2TENSE.ZIP | 1850762 | 23.02.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Tense musicdisk #2 from tAAt 1996 High quality music with fine player program in graphmode featuring realvolumebars etc.. |
9303 | 3RDPUNK1.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 24.11.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Cybelius Release 3rd Punk Bugfix Punk Album with fixed stereo |
9304 | 3RDPUNK2.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 29.11.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Cybelius Release 3rd Punk Bugfix Punk Album with fixed stereo 2/2 |
9305 | 4MATPACK.ZIP | 346,3 kt | 23.04.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Epävirallinen kokoelma 80-luvun lopun ja 90 luvun alun parhaasta mod/chippi taiteilijasta, 4mat:ista. Sisältää kymmenen herran parasta kipaletta MOD-muodossa. (Koonnut aamulla Zealan) |
9308 | A_FEELIN.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 04.09.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Feelings Ansgarosin minimusadiski, joka sisältää kolme metallibiisiä. |
61145 | A_FUTURE.ZIP | 1403607 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | Ambient Future - Muxicdisk by Ile/LP Intro, Inspire, Odyssey'a Real Mind, Bid Farewell, Guitars, Keep The Feel (Up), Mambo Beat, Jungle Language, Outro Bonus Over 30 minutes great music. |
9316 | A_PRAVDA.ZIP | 752077 | 14.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | THE FINAL PRAVDA -DISKMAG GONE WILD- (it's a musicdisk) 386,GUS,MOUSE,VESA |
9306 | ABSOLMD.ZIP | 488117 | 26.04.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Absolute Music Disk. Techno music disk. Works on 386 and 486 and all Sound Cards. |
60366 | ABSOLUTE.ZIP | 488117 | 27.11.1996 | - | 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img | - | Absolute Music Disk. Techno music disk. Works on 386 and 486 and all Sound Cards. |
9307 | ACME_BOO.ZIP | 1414361 | 06.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Acme: Peek-a-b00, a sound'n'slidedisk |
9309 | AG_INDIG.ZIP | 1010,8 kt | 18.05.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Indigro Musicdisk By Agony / TDC Includes songs: #1 Morning Dawn - Ballad / Heavy (AG_INDI1.IT) #2 Blistering - Heavy (AG_INDI2.IT) #3 Nightfall - Heavy (AG_INDI3.IT) Listen with Impulse Tracker thank you! |
9310 | AGONY.ZIP | 1311826 | 29.04.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Agony. A Computer Symphony in 10 parts. |
9312 | ANAKOLD1.ZIP | 11,4 kt | 08.03.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Anaks old chiptunas pack #1 XMs" |
9313 | ANAKOLD2.ZIP | 17,7 kt | 08.03.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Anaks old chiptunas pack #2 XMs" |
9314 | ANTERPE.ZIP | 924,3 kt | 23.08.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Trauma:Anterpe Musicdisk Win95/NT4 Trauma persents .. 32 bit wide darkness .. 44100Hz of bad feeling .. in the form of industrial musicdisk .. Music by Nitro .. Code by Sol .. Audio replay midas 1.1.2 .. |
60813 | APHOBIA.EXE | 271160 | 25.08.1996 | - | - | - | Musicdisk: Astrophobia 3 paranormaalia kappaletta by Ile/IP. Formaatti: XM |
9315 | APO_HAMY.ZIP | 581 kt | 07.04.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "XM: hÄmyTraX disu 1999 (3biisii) ApofiS / The DooM Crew Stidh kbuat siafadiiKuraa Housuissa & its now 2K." |
9317 | ARD-DD01.ZIP | 229,4 kt | 30.08.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: Ardent\'s DoubleDisk #01 including "I Want To Believe" and "Afraid Of The Dark" songs by Ardent \'98 |
9318 | AREA64.ZIP | 3 Mt | 12.07.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Area 64" Musicdisk Kaba / Loop 1999 6 techno / trance tracks in IT format |
9319 | ARTZ3DMS.ZIP | 5,2 Mt | 30.01.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | ArtZ Dance Collection ArtZ/3D Mixman Studios presents: The ultimate Dance/rave/slow/wierd; Music Collection. Format: IT/S3M. Best Played with Impulse Tracker (includes in this zip: ITv115.zip) Guarenteed good quality & music. Download It NOW! Over 10 songs included! They Are eXtreme good and joyable! Myös kuuluisa PERTTI!!! Tekijällä yli 4v. musantekokokemus! |
9320 | AT_MUSAT.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 07.10.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Tässä 10kpl Mad Tracker 2.0:lla tehtyä biisiä Biisejä ei voi kuunnella muulla soittimella/trackerilla kuin Mad Track:llä. Kipin kapin sitten hakemaan monipuolinen Mad Tracker ja kuuntelemaan biisejäni. -Atonal- |
9321 | AUR00021.ZIP | 962,9 kt | 05.04.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | drift ep by preacher/aurinko (3xIT) |
9322 | AUTUMN99.ZIP | 766,7 kt | 24.11.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | TheBest of Autumn99 Collection - Sharkman |
9323 | AV_SMILE.ZIP | 616,6 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "Everlasting Smile" by Andreas Viklund05:41 of Lagoona & KFMF. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9325 | AX-REMIX.ZIP | 278,4 kt | 11.09.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Remixes-musicdisk (IT) by Astrax 1998 songs: Hard Days Night These Boots Rock Around the Clock One Of Us 007 Heavymix" |
9324 | AXL_MD1.ZIP | 757480 | 14.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | AXL Music Disk 1 |
9328 | BAD-NARC.ZIP | 340,1 kt | 18.07.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Bad Narcotiks by Gabriel Acid pack (3 tunes) |
9326 | BADNARC2.ZIP | 450,8 kt | 18.07.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Bad Narcotiks 2 by Gabriel Acid pack (3 tunes) |
9327 | BADNARC3.ZIP | 306,5 kt | 18.07.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Bad Narcotiks 3 by Gabriel Acid pack (3 tunes) |
9329 | BALROG.ZIP | 1096971 | 17.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Musicdisk by Balrog (GUS, SBPro, SB) |
9330 | BASIC.ZIP | 513,8 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "Back to basic" 03:12 by Andromeda of Razor1911, Kosmic, Noice & Mempheria of Superbong. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9331 | BB-RATAS.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 29.12.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Ratas EP by bb/tsh. Monotoniq techno. |
9332 | BEDLAM.ZIP | 567471 | 17.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | The Bedlam Trilogy. Music Disk by Bedlamite |
9333 | BH_OLDON.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 01.06.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Blue Heaven: 5 vanhaa, mutta hyvää(kö) biisiä jotka on kaivettu esiin hiki hatussa.. IT. |
9334 | BINDSM.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Bind Rebind" 04:55 by El Blanco of Chaos Theory. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9335 | BPOWER.ZIP | 3,4 Mt | 08.11.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Bass Power - A Pontus Musicdisk. Includes 12 more or less shaky new tunes by Tipi/Pontus. Player requires 640x480x256 SVGA res. |
9336 | BW-SLOW1.ZIP | 763590 | 17.12.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | SLOWJAM MUSICDISK vol.1 -Graphic interface -100% real music -6 funky tunes by Gspot/Bandwagon -SB/GUS/VGA/286 Bandwagon 1996 |
9337 | BYEMUSIC.ZIP | 1191611 | 19.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | BYE BYE MUSIC - A musicdisk by Snowman |
9338 | BZRMODS1.LHA | 1 Mt | 13.11.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | 5 modules by Buzzer/Zenon |
9341 | C-DISK.ZIP | 503,9 kt | 27.01.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Musicdisk by Chewie / Stage including 3 songs - Backwoods Pygmy - Camshaft - Never Give a Fuck Style: PunkType: IT 2.14" |
9339 | CANNONA2.ZIP | 830,4 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Cannon Angel" by Skaven05:41This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9340 | CANVASM.ZIP | 672 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "World of Canvas" by El Blanco of Chao04:56 This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9342 | CD-MOF.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 13.03.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Motha fu***s - musicdisk by Cyberdrone 6 HC-tunes Total length: 16:21 |
9343 | CFJ_PACK.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 12.03.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Core for da jilted - gabba/speedcore musicdisk, bpm: 240-420 by bantza |
9344 | CHAOTC.ZIP | 185,8 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "Chaotic Moment" 03:08 by Lizardking of Starbreeze Studios, TBL & Fashion-8. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9345 | CHMIND.ZIP | 1421572 | 11.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Chaotic Mind by Skaven/FC |
9348 | CHR-POKS.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 12.04.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | cheddar presents p o k s 1st musicdisk from cheddar starring foze frodo sape |
9346 | CHROMAT1.ZIP | 1443517 | 11.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | CHROMATIKS VOLUME ONE |
9347 | CHROMAT2.ZIP | 1324114 | 11.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Chromatiks volume two |
9350 | CND-0026.ZIP | 7,3 kt | 17.02.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Chippendales - Those Hunky Male Chippers release: #26 Continuum_Sine EP by Curt Cool Date: 01/01/00 // Size: 33484b http://www.sunpoint.net/~cnd |
9351 | COLL_01.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 16.08.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Collection I by Grave/Aurinko5 modules: house-jungle-ambient - (1/1) |
9352 | COS_EP11.ZIP | 1312367 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | [DISK 1/2] LOST AT TRANCENTRAL EP Vol 1 A Radical Rhythms Solo Album by Cosmic. Released 29 O7 95 Mind expanding Ambient Album Tres awesome 16bit songs About 21mins of pure trippin Req: GUS.awe32.SB16.386.4meg |
9353 | COS_EP12.ZIP | 1406063 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | [DISK 2/2] LOST AT TRANCENTRAL EP Vol 1 A Radical Rhythms Solo Album by Cosmic. Released 29 O7 95 Mind expanding Ambient Album Tres awesome 16bit songs About 21mins of pure trippin Req: GUS.awe32.SB16.386.4meg |
9354 | CRAW_JNK.ZIP | 1305291 | 24.11.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Dirty Dish Junkie - A musicdisk by LakEEE of Craw Productions GUS/SB, Six songs, Many musical styles. |
9355 | CRP-EP1.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 20.05.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: tales of bass e p corruptor presents: (3 trax) continous play almost 20 mins. |
9356 | CURRY.ZIP | 424,1 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "dehli dehli tanga" 03:00 by loomie / analogue music. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9357 | CURSOR.ZIP | 1176169 | 31.08.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Deviatiion MusicDisk by Precursor. |
9358 | CZ_10PNG.ZIP | 18,9 kt | 08.03.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | 10 status poäng i sammhället ep this ep contains 4 tunes all written by anak and his co-pilot cemik. enjoy! chipztream.cjb.net |
9359 | CZ_BLBOX.ZIP | 23,7 kt | 08.03.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Baxters lunchbox ep by anak/chipztream" |
9360 | CZ_BRUM.ZIP | 26,8 kt | 08.03.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Brum Brum på Autobahn ep auf cemik chipztream.cjb.net |
9361 | CZ_C64_1.ZIP | 25,8 kt | 08.03.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "some c64 conversions #1" disk by anak/chipztream |
9363 | CZ_TIRI.ZIP | 26,7 kt | 08.03.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Anak/chipztreams tiri_disk XMs" |
9362 | CZ_TIRI2.ZIP | 33 kt | 08.03.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Anak/chipztreams tiri_disk #2 XMs" |
9364 | DAMG0694.ZIP | 1782727 | 23.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Damage Musicdisk Vol. 1 from REM |
9365 | DAMG0794.ZIP | 1317895 | 23.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Damage Musicdisk Vol. 2 from REM |
9366 | DDOWN.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 12.11.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Murders Before Her Eyes" A downcast music disk composed by arch-vile / fata morgana. xm count: 7, total running time: 37:52. |
9367 | DEE1.ZIP | 3987514 | 23.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Dee Musicdemo 'ONE' disk Keywords: SB SoundBlaster GUS CUBE NITRO S3M SBPRO Gravis UltraSound SVGA VESA INTRO MUSIC DEMO GAMEPAD MOUSE |
9368 | DEE2_1_3.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 14.01.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | DEE musicdisk TWO 1/3 Featuring HORS 2.0.0 - The most advanced graphical music interface (for DOS) you will probably ever see! *TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING* Keywords:"mod xm s3m nitro !cube teque VESA vga gus gravis ultrasound SB soundblaster mouse pentium intro demo multimedia nibbles" 486+/VESA640x480x8b/mouse/GUS/SB/nosound:) |
62734 | DEE2_1#3.ZIP | 1445032 | 14.01.1997 | koko¹ | modiromppu.iso | - | DEE musicdisk TWO [1/3] Featuring HORS 2.0.0 - The most advanced graphical music interface (for DOS) you will probably ever see! *TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING* Keywords:"mod xm s3m nitro !cube teque VESA vga gus gravis ultrasound SB soundblaster mouse pentium intro demo multimedia nibbles" [486+/VESA640x480x8b/mouse/GUS/SB/nosound:)] |
9369 | DEE2_2_3.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 14.01.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | DEE musicdisk TWO 2/3 Featuring HORS 2.0.0 - The most advanced graphical music interface (for DOS) you will probably ever see! *TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING* Keywords:"mod xm s3m nitro !cube teque VESA vga gus gravis ultrasound SB soundblaster mouse pentium intro demo multimedia nibbles" 486+/VESA640x480x8b/mouse/GUS/SB/nosound:) |
62735 | DEE2_2#3.ZIP | 1455006 | 14.01.1997 | koko¹ | modiromppu.iso | - | DEE musicdisk TWO [2/3] Featuring HORS 2.0.0 - The most advanced graphical music interface (for DOS) you will probably ever see! *TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING* Keywords:"mod xm s3m nitro !cube teque VESA vga gus gravis ultrasound SB soundblaster mouse pentium intro demo multimedia nibbles" [486+/VESA640x480x8b/mouse/GUS/SB/nosound:)] |
9370 | DEE2_3_3.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 14.01.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | DEE musicdisk TWO 3/3 Featuring HORS 2.0.0 - The most advanced graphical music interface (for DOS) you will probably ever see! *TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING* Keywords:"mod xm s3m nitro !cube teque VESA vga gus gravis ultrasound SB soundblaster mouse pentium intro demo multimedia nibbles" 486+/VESA640x480x8b/mouse/GUS/SB/nosound:) |
62736 | DEE2_3#3.ZIP | 1327772 | 14.01.1997 | koko¹ | modiromppu.iso | - | DEE musicdisk TWO [3/3] Featuring HORS 2.0.0 - The most advanced graphical music interface (for DOS) you will probably ever see! *TWO YEARS IN THE MAKING* Keywords:"mod xm s3m nitro !cube teque VESA vga gus gravis ultrasound SB soundblaster mouse pentium intro demo multimedia nibbles" [486+/VESA640x480x8b/mouse/GUS/SB/nosound:)] |
9371 | DELIGHT.ZIP | 73934 | 26.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Anarchy: The Adlib Delight (286/ADLIB/VGA) |
9372 | DIFF2_1.ZIP | 1265248 | 26.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Orange: 2nd Difference 1/2 |
9373 | DIFF2_2.ZIP | 1100577 | 26.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Orange: 2nd Difference 2/2 |
9374 | DIFFEREN.ZIP | 1017601 | 18.12.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Cybelius / Sonic's first soloalbum called DIFFERENCE |
9375 | DIGITAL.ZIP | 1450620 | 26.05.1996 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | eritupla | The Psychotic Monks Musicdisk |
9376 | DJK-MB2.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 04.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Dj.Kujarin Musa pack # vol 2 Tässä on vähän vanhempia Mun biisejä. Ja on myös uusiakin. |
9377 | DJKMDI.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 30.12.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Dj.Kujari: Come Back -Music Disk. Sisältää 3 Biisii .it -muodossa. |
9378 | DN-DEMO.ZIP | 245,2 kt | 09.12.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Demonstration For The DooM Crew Music diskName Style Burning Demon Heavy Lost Angels Melodic FX Shit Visitors Techno All mods in IT format. Composed by Dark Nova |
9380 | DS.ZIP | 1535319 | 26.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | A Virtual Visions Release: Soundwave Musicdisk. Techno. |
9379 | DSDMZKDK.ZIP | 1062983 | 26.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Distorted Musicdisk by The Zapper |
9381 | DUGDEEP.ZIP | 779,9 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Digg Deep" 07:21 by Aahz. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9382 | DZ_MINI.ZIP | 499 kt | 14.07.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Minimalismus ep. By: Dizmal 3 minimalismi irvailu modia. IT formaatissa. |
9383 | ED_DAWN.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 29.04.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Emeralds 1st Musicdisk: Dawning9 songs in XM format 1 song in IT format" |
9384 | ED_DIRE.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 31.08.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Emeralds 2nd Musicdisk: Die Revanche5 songs in XM format 5 songs in IT format" |
9385 | ED_DTAI.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 19.10.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Emeralds 4th Musicdisk:Desperate Trackers Against Insane Odds. 3 songs in XM format 3 songs in IT format" |
9386 | ED_XMSX.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 19.12.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Emeralds 3rd Musicdisk: Xmssx6 songs in XM format 7 songs in IT format" |
9387 | EGG_FARM.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 13.03.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | tupla | Exceedingly great grooves - musicdisk #1S3M/MOD- feat. Balrog-Khyron-Nemesis- Necros-Krystall-FireLight- Hadji-Tfinn-Basehead &Maelcum |
9388 | EGG-TRNC.ZIP | 4800731 | 18.12.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | EXCEEDINGLY GREAT GROOVES along with KFMF (fm. KLF) presents EGG musicdisk 2 TRANCESCRAMBLED - 21 MTM, S3M, and MOD tunes and a graphical player! |
9389 | EK-DEPTH.ZIP | 229,7 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Depth" 06:38 by Electric Keet. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9391 | EK-NEURO.ZIP | 121,3 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Neuron Core" 04:12 by Electric KeetThis song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9390 | EKG_JNGS.ZIP | 679048 | 25.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | EKG 13 Music Disk. Jungle/BB. |
9392 | ELW-PACK.ZIP | 3,9 Mt | 30.08.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Elwood Pack-9598Kaikki 13 Elwoodin biisiä vuosikertaa 95-98 yhdessä paketissa. Laatukamaa." |
9397 | EPI-OTN.ZIP | 4560807 | 09.09.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Otherness music disk by Epinicion. |
9398 | EPI-TML.ZIP | 3741346 | 09.09.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Timeline Music Disk by Epinicion. |
9393 | EPICSEAS.ZIP | 487 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Epic Seascape" 03:40 by Ryan Cramer. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9394 | EPIDEM_1.ZIP | 1315237 | 09.09.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | EPIDEMIC Music Disk 1/3. |
9395 | EPIDEM_2.ZIP | 1481515 | 09.09.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | EPIDEMIC Music Disk 2/3. |
9396 | EPIDEM_3.ZIP | 1461535 | 09.09.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | EPIDEMIC Music Disk 3/3. |
9399 | EPYX1.ZIP | 4,7 Mt | 22.05.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Musicdisk 1 Epyx 225 Sisältää ihmemusiikkia. Kokeile toki uutta tekijää! |
9400 | EQUALITY.ZIP | 2346320 | 09.09.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Digression presents EQUALITY an album of Cybelius. |
9402 | ESC-E.ZIP | 542 kt | 22.04.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | ESCAPE (musicdisk "Epic") melodic, slow metal (composer; Zine) |
9401 | ESCDISC1.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 17.01.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Musicdisc called #1 All music by Zinee s c a p e . |
9349 | EVILO.ZIP | 33,9 kt | 27.12.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip renamed | archive.org | - | evil osqar ep by cemik / chipztream |
9403 | EWA.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 12.04.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | EWA musicdisk released by faith |
9404 | EXCTMD1.ZIP | 2 Mt | 28.04.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | MusiikkiDiski ExeCution GRoupilta!Tämä musiikkidiski sisältää 10 erityisen hyvää biisiä! Tekijä: Dj.Kujari, Chairman, Isle Ja myös Erityisen hienon Execution groupin Logon. |
9405 | EXPOZE.ZIP | 2568328 | 13.09.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Expoze Music Disk by Heretics. |
63928 | EXTREME.ZIP | 429804 | 13.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | To The Extreme MusicDisk By ET Productions And Future Crew! Awesome MusicDisk with Tons of cool songs for you To hear! A MUST HAVE!! |
9406 | F10_PCK6.ZIP | 1944043 | 29.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Force Ten Music Pack #6 - July 28, 1995 |
9407 | FC-TRIB.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 08.10.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Future Crew Tribute Disk: Remixes and covers by Atlantic, Daedalus, Elemental, Necros, Scirocco, Siren/Sandman, and zinc. 11.08.96 - IT/XM/S3M |
9409 | FDRAGON.ZIP | 1854751 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Eclipse presents: Face Of The Dragon Music Disk by Chromatic Dragon In Stereo Where Available |
64064 | FDRAGON1.ZIP | 1123559 | 13.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Eclipse presents: Face Of The Dragon Music Disk by Chromatic Dragon In Stereo Where Available |
9408 | FDRAGON2.ZIP | 735747 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Eclipse presents: Face Of The Dragon Music Disk by Chromatic Dragon In Stereo Where Available |
9410 | FELIGMA.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 02.11.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Terrorfinger of Emerald: Musicdisk # 3:Feligma Songs in IT-format |
9411 | FIRESTR2.ZIP | 1758328 | 13.09.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Firestorm 2 Music Disk by Firelight. |
9412 | FIRESTRM.ZIP | 1286035 | 13.09.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Firestorm Music Disk by Firelight. |
9413 | FITS121.ZIP | 896605 | 11.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Fire in the Soul v1.21 by Immortal Software Productions Looking for the best music to ever come out of a PC? Well, look no further! This music disk contains four original songs and two re-mixes all done by our very own Sound Specialist MuzikMan! Requires a 386SX or above, VGA and a Gravis Ultrasound, Sound Blaster or 100% compatible audio card. |
9414 | FL-EP2.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 03.09.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Fluent presents The EP II - Mystic Voyage Their second music disk called:This time more progressive tunes from goa to breakbeat.. listen and enjoy.. |
9415 | FL-EP3.ZIP | 3,4 Mt | 17.10.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Flat planet, the third ep!Fluent proudly presents |
64185 | FLIP-OUT.ZIP | 1358413 | 13.09.1996 | - | - | - | - Flip-Out Machine - Musicdisk by Ile / IP. About 40 min. music. |
9416 | FLUENTEP.A01 | 360,1 kt | 01.09.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Fluent Presents: the EP! - * Nice music from Goa to DrumnBase * Good vibes from beginning to end. * Release date: Aug 9 * Disk 2/2" |
9417 | FLUENTEP.ARJ | 1,4 Mt | 01.09.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Fluent Presents: the EP! - * Nice music from Goa to DrumnBase * Nice vibes from beginning to end. * Release date: Aug 9 * Disk 1/2" |
9420 | FM_PROG.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 18.07.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Progression MDAll modules from FM musicdisk called Progression. |
9418 | FM-BLURR.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 09.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Blur Religion by Mellow-D / Five MusicianAn experiemental musicdisk (1996) |
9419 | FM-PROG.ZIP | 1992794 | 11.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | P R O G R E S S I O N A new music disk by Necros FM / LD / Straylight Contact: necros@axs.net All new songs! GUS/SB/WSS/PAS 22 July 95 |
9421 | FM-TOOS.ZIP | 2198632 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Kaktoos fivemusicians present in 1995 Disk 1/2 Musicdisk by Mellow-D Released for his 19th birthday 4 channels, ProTracker MOD Separate files included |
9422 | FOV-MD_2.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Music Disk Called: The Space Freak Freedom of Voice Second. Contains own player dont spread these songs separately" |
64265 | FOV-MD#2.ZIP | 2845749 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Freedom of Voice Second Music Disk Called: The Space Freak Contains own player don't spread these songs separately |
9423 | FZN_EXP.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 18.04.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Experiences" by Fusion My 1st Musicdisk. Style: Dance/Pop Three (3) songs in .IT format. |
9424 | GAS_GBR2.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 01.08.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Gabber Alliance Stoned!official sublabel of kone gabber musicdisk vol.2 -Member of the kone alliance! |
9425 | GEN_OLD2.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 19.07.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Olds II musicdisk by Genezis (songs from 95-96) |
9426 | GEN_OLDS.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 02.05.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | A musicdisk by genezis/tempo Songs from 95-96. Contains a total of 14 songs. |
9427 | GF.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 18.04.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Fanttis Game Music Collection 15 mod tracks and one XM track from games which will be never released..." |
9428 | GLAM.ZIP | 603,5 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "Superglam" 02:29 by radix / analogue music / pulse / tpolm. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9429 | GOFORTHE.ZIP | 884243 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | koko¹ | eritupla | This pack is Majic 12's musicdisk which was released at The Party III on Amiga and it's out on PC at The Party IV's time Go For The Record II composers: Chorus & Sid |
9430 | GOODSTUF.ZIP | 909351 | 04.10.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Psychic Countryside in association with The 6th Byte Presents G O O D S T U F F - the musicdisk! - - 8 Songs of pure Frog Quality - Awesome graphics by Frog - Special screen, Donald Duck - GUS Supported Only! Sorry! - DL It, Leech it, Love it! (c) T6B & PCS Production 1996 |
9431 | GROOV1EG.ZIP | 1169215 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Exceedingly Great Grooves presents: "Feelin' Groovy" (EGG volume 3) a musicdisk featuring Lpegasus, Karl, Basehead, Draygen, GooRoo, Siren, The Hacker, Mental Floss, Phoenix, Epeius, The Finn, Nemesis, Pinion, Primal, Maelcum and Chuck Biscuits [1/6] (Egg3 player) |
9432 | GROOV2EG.ZIP | 1118178 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Exceedingly Great Grooves presents: "Feelin' Groovy" (EGG volume 3) a musicdisk featuring Lpegasus, Karl, Basehead, Draygen, GooRoo, Siren, The Hacker, Mental Floss, Phoenix, Epeius, The Finn, Nemesis, Pinion, Primal, Maelcum and Chuck Biscuits [2/6] (The Songs ) |
9433 | GROOV3EG.ZIP | 1276432 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Exceedingly Great Grooves presents: "Feelin' Groovy" (EGG volume 3) a musicdisk featuring Lpegasus, Karl, Basehead, Draygen, GooRoo, Siren, The Hacker, Mental Floss, Phoenix, Epeius, The Finn, Nemesis, Pinion, Primal, Maelcum and Chuck Biscuits [3/6] (The Songs ) |
9434 | GROOV4EG.ZIP | 1234716 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Exceedingly Great Grooves presents: "Feelin' Groovy" (EGG volume 3) a musicdisk featuring Lpegasus, Karl, Basehead, Draygen, GooRoo, Siren, The Hacker, Mental Floss, Phoenix, Epeius, The Finn, Nemesis, Pinion, Primal, Maelcum and Chuck Biscuits [4/6] (The Songs ) |
9435 | GROOV5EG.ZIP | 1057136 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Exceedingly Great Grooves presents: "Feelin' Groovy" (EGG volume 3) a musicdisk featuring Lpegasus, Karl, Basehead, Draygen, GooRoo, Siren, The Hacker, Mental Floss, Phoenix, Epeius, The Finn, Nemesis, Pinion, Primal, Maelcum and Chuck Biscuits [5/6] (The Songs ) |
9436 | GROOV6EG.ZIP | 855501 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Exceedingly Great Grooves presents: "Feelin' Groovy" (EGG volume 3) a musicdisk featuring Lpegasus, Karl, Basehead, Draygen, GooRoo, Siren, The Hacker, Mental Floss, Phoenix, Epeius, The Finn, Nemesis, Pinion, Primal, Maelcum and Chuck Biscuits [6/6] (The Songs ) |
9437 | HRD_PRF.ZIP | 2344022 | 31.12.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Petrified musicdisk from Horde. 8 songs of death/blackmetal -music |
9438 | HYMNS.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 07.03.2001 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Hymns To The Wintermoon EP Two folk/viking metal songs by Khali |
9439 | IGN-HOTP.ZIP | 164,4 kt | 22.10.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Release #oo2 - technO! Artist: sandra. Title: hotpimps ep. (xms) ignorance(tm)" |
9440 | ILE-CDWN.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 18.07.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Musicdisk: Countdown. Composed by Ile/IP (C) 1997 Over 1/2 hour fine music for euphoria and dancefloor. |
9441 | INFERNO.ZIP | 904787 | 01.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | The Silen Mode musicdisk Inferno |
9442 | ITFUTUR4.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 31.07.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Into The Future Vol.4 by Serum 3 jungle tunes (2 S3M, 1 IT) |
9443 | JANGLE.ZIP | 2156324 | 02.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | JANGLE by O N Y X Contains over 40 minutes of music. 386CPU, Sb(Pro) required |
65314 | JANNE#1.ZIP | 2515854 | 12.06.1996 | koko² | modiromppu.iso | - | Janne Nygård: Who is Pertti? Massiivinen kokoelma-albumi Janne Nygårdin parhaita teoksia. Tehty: Fast Tracker 2:lla (*.XM) Sisältää mm. Underware, Who is Pertti, The Sunrise yms... |
9444 | JOURNEY1.ZIP | 839561 | 09.08.1995 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Journey 1 by FC S3M/MOD player & Music Collection 1/3 |
9445 | JOURNEY2.ZIP | 1048270 | 09.08.1995 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Journey 2 by FC S3M/MOD player & Music Collection 2/3 |
9446 | JOURNEY3.ZIP | 1333530 | 09.08.1995 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Journey 3 by FC S3M/MOD player & Music Collection 3/3 |
9447 | JRNEY.ZIP | 1010,9 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "The Journey" 04:16 by Wayfinder / KFMF. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9448 | KABAFALL.ZIP | 4,7 Mt | 16.12.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Fall - musicdisk Kaba / Loop 1999 |
9449 | KALAPAKI.ZIP | 758,7 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "kalapaki beach" 05:48 by Ryan Cramer. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9450 | KC-EPH8.ZIP | 1 Mt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Ephemenal Wanderer" 05:38 by Kc. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9451 | KH_PUNK.ZIP | 592,5 kt | 19.01.2000 | - | - | - | "Punk NPerkele -E.P. By Khali Sisältää kolme punkkibiisiä IT-muodossa" |
9452 | KINGOFNO.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "King of nowhere" 04:49 by Andromeda of Razor1911, Noise & Kosmic. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9453 | KIWIPORA.ZIP | 975,8 kt | 28.09.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "KiWiPoRa musadisu by KiWi99. 5 kipaletta muodossa XM. Sisältää todellisuuden vääristäviä melodioita. Ei suositella musiikillisesti rajoittuneille." |
9454 | KIWIROCK.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 27.08.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | KiWiRoCK musadizu by KiWi. Sisältö: 3 kertaa XM. Sisältää alkukantaisia ääniä ja kiukkuisia kitaroita. Parasta ennen auringonnousua. |
9455 | KIWISTYS.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 29.05.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Kiwistys by KiWi/ dbKlassista, konemelua, kitarahelinää, kieroja biisejä, utumusiikkia. Yhteensä 7 biisiä. |
9456 | LASARUS1.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 26.05.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Lasarus: Torture Melodies A Metallic disc containing 8 songs in IT format |
9457 | LASARUS2.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 26.05.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Lasarus: Impulse Beats A Technique disc containing 8 songs in IT format |
9458 | LESGALOU.ZIP | 44 kt | 13.07.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XMs: Chipmusicdiskby Medcg / Condense. |
9459 | LIFEFROM.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 04.08.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Life From Worse Side by Ile/IP. |
9460 | LIFESF.ZIP | 1113580 | 22.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Life So Far by Rogue. MOD-muodossa. |
9461 | LIGHTDRK.ZIP | 643966 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Light Darkness - The Musicdisk By: Jaffa / Static |
9462 | LITTLE.ZIP | 319,4 kt | 21.01.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Little & FlameSisältää little.xm ja flame.xm. Flame hidasta musaa, Little osittain Aqua/Daze tyylistä musaa. |
9463 | LUKE!ALL.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 13.03.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Luke -kokoelma!Vihdoinkin LuKelta kuudentoista kappaleen kokoelma, joka sisältää mm. BLUE OYSTER remixin, ja LuKen EKAN biisin. Channels max. 16 |
9465 | MA-VOL1.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 22.07.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Morel Arts musicpack vol. 1includes the tunes: 72 necessary, Calculus, Raze, Smurven Blue and The more powerful way, by Dawn, Ramses, Grouch, Friction and Firestorm. |
9464 | MAEL_OBJ.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "Object 32 (rts9 mix)" 05:38 by Maelcum of KFMF. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9466 | MAZ-DSK3.ZIP | 999090 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Mazurka Disk III A Radical Departure For The TORONTO Based MOD Crew! The Third Disk Contains 5 Brand New Songs As Well As DMP301 And A Easy-To-Use Front End[0m |
9467 | MP8.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "Manipulated (8-bit)" 04:33 by zipp. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9468 | MRB_SORW.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 08.11.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | " S o r r o w " blackmetal musicdisk with 9 tracks in .Xm format. by: Mr. B |
9469 | MT_MAR.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 30.10.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | the denmark ep. by distance/orangefive ".wonderful.tracks.of.ambitechno." .released under monotonik at 25.10.97. |
9470 | MYDREAM.ZIP | 2 Mt | 09.10.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Have My Dreams Music composed by Ile/IP |
9475 | N-VOICE.ZIP | 254,5 kt | 22.07.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | n-voice ep. by dizmal.4 psychedelic noise trax. plastik recordz release |
9471 | NF-ANXI.ZIP | 811,2 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "anxiety" 03:25 by norfar/kosmic/eo/xmp & hunz/fm/analogue. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9472 | NF-DEST.ZIP | 642,4 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "destruction" 06:31 by norfair/kosmic/eo/xmp. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9473 | NINSPACE.ZIP | 2 Mt | 18.01.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Noise in the space. Music by tipi/pontus/tunneli, 11 acid kinda tunes. No player. Cool jpg pics. 5.4Mbytes unzipped. Get it now! |
9474 | NUTHOUSE.ZIP | 132,9 kt | 19.07.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Nuthouse by Fakiiri |
9476 | OFFSET.ZIP | 1529939 | 22.04.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Offset |
9477 | OLDMUSIC.AVI | 33,1 Mt | 29.01.2002 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Assembly 2001 oldskool musicsAssembly 2001 oldskool music competition entries. Includes following tunes: Fading Stars by Britelite for C64 (2nd), Rest in Pieces by Agemixer for C64 (4th), Valtavirtaa by Player One for C64 (9th), Psycho Killer by SounDemoN for C64 (7th), Molecules by !Cube / Armada for C64 (1st), Streaming by Jammic for C64 (3rd), Superfly by Reed / Damage for C64 (5th), suddenly by abaddon / damage for C64 (10th), Soothe as a by Dr. Iceman for C64 (9th), Tea Time Treat by Heatbeat / CNCD for VIC 20 (6th). |
9478 | ORANGEVI.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 16.08.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "ORaNGe ViBRaTioNs - Music disc by KiWi. 4 songs in XM-format. Ztyle: DanZe. Tribute to Oleg Sharonovs Orangator." |
9479 | ORCHIDRK.ZIP | 1404690 | 30.04.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | RuffKutt presents: ORCHID a music disk using FC's MDP 1.1 distributed by jester: jester@rbg.informatik. th-darmstadt.de |
9480 | PASSIVE.ZIP | 922,7 kt | 31.07.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | 5 great songs made by Dna / Passive. |
9481 | PH_0695A.ZIP | 1437413 | 29.05.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Phluid: Acidmusicdisc vol-1 |
9482 | PH_0695B.ZIP | 1345944 | 02.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Phluid: Acidmusicdisk vol-1 2/2 |
9483 | PLC-SUM.ARJ | 1,3 Mt | 01.09.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Summer97 collection by Odex/Plastic(5 .IT songs & 1 .MOD song)" |
9484 | PLK015.ZIP | 102,4 kt | 26.05.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | plk015 - do:loop ep - rik-e marteen IT |
9485 | PN-STIGM.ZIP | 475742 | 16.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Stigma A MDP Musicdisk by Pinion |
9486 | PNX_PYRO.ZIP | 1144628 | 02.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | PHOEN¡X {KLF}: Pyrology Musickdisk #2. A taste of the hardcore! NINE ALL-NEW 3-13 channel .MTM tracks, plus the DMP-Disk music player! |
9487 | POH_MTMS.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 21.10.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Methamorphosis I Pohjolan Murinat Presents! A Music Disc Containing: - Nine Songs xm - Info File - Over 40 minutes of: Trance/Goa/Acid & Jungle.. All songs by CaiN/FoV |
9488 | PRIMAVER.ZIP | 422,4 kt | 18.04.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | La Primavera - remix by Ile/Ionic XM: Original by Sash! |
9489 | PROFECY_.ZIP | 1382014 | 16.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | The Wooper Collection #1 by Profecy. |
9490 | PROPEL.ZIP | 929,2 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "propeller" 03:10 by beek/process5. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9491 | PRT_WE8.ZIP | 600,7 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "your weakness" 04:02 by p-rat/ramjamm-lvd. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9492 | PUQ_ANGB.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 25.07.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Puolikuu / tempo: Angband 6 .XMs 1 .IT ambient.chip.rok.beats.orchestral.proge |
9493 | PUQ_GIVE.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 27.01.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Give Me A Reason". A musicdisk of .XMs from Puolikuu / tempo. |
9502 | PUR-STV2.ZIP | 1198575 | 29.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | The Undertaker / Pure presents: Save the Vinyl - Issue 2 - Underground. |
9494 | PURE-BA1.ZIP | 1157223 | 29.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | - Upside Down - Blue Adonis Solo Album - Bass &/ Trip! A fine selection in trance / rave. |
9495 | PURE-BR1.ZIP | 1067415 | 29.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | - Pure Devotion - PURE Presents: A Blaze Runner Album! A fine selection in trance / ambient. Contains .XM-files and 16 bit music. |
9496 | PURE-GE1.ZIP | 888436 | 29.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | [Best Music Pack O/The Month Award] (G)eorge Solo Album - Demotrnic Wave |
9497 | PURE-IN1.ZIP | 917349 | 29.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | - 9 Inches Solo Album - iNCH Solo Album - BOiNK and FLiP. |
9498 | PURE-M1.ZIP | 2735461 | 29.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | [1/4] " The First Impression " [1/4] Blast it off on Trance, Rave, Holocaust, Core and House... The Packs Continue. |
9499 | PURE-M2.ZIP | 1207609 | 29.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | - The Revalation - The Second PURE Sound Package. Contains only house/rave/trance. |
9500 | PURE-M3.ZIP | 3072149 | 29.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | PURE Presents Third Encounter of the New Kin The rave pack *1*. |
9501 | PURE-M5.ZIP | 673004 | 29.07.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | - The Allround Mechanic - Another Collection of Allground Talent "The Musical Experience grows..." |
9503 | QUEST.ZIP | 187 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | eritupla | XM: "Quest" 03:06 by Lizardking of Starbreeze Studios, TBL & Fashion-8. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9504 | RAINROOM.ZIP | 10,6 Mt | 27.04.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | we are err0r. this is rainroom. mystery - hysteriogram. mp3. kiwi - silenced. xm. seven - out of colors. xm. dizmal - empty. it. terab6 - place my pieces here. it. 1st music disk. http://elsewhere.cjb.net/err0r |
9505 | RANCID.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 02.07.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | The first musicdisc by Reverse. Includes 7 songs in XM format, from technometal to trip hop.. All tunes by grip & Choppa/Reverse |
9506 | RAZORBCK.ZIP | 870,7 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Razorback" 04:01 by Skaven. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9507 | RBD-SUN.ZIP | 655,6 kt | 28.02.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | ITs sunrise ep from emit / rebound rebound lab 9o9 release #016 |
9508 | RCR.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "rcr" 08:03 by Ryan Cramer. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9519 | SC-INVIS.ZIP | 893,7 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: ".mister invisible." 02:49 by screamager. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9520 | SELDOM.ZIP | 703,1 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "seldom seen" 04:37 by radix / analogue music. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9521 | SG-ITFC.ZIP | 706 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "in the force" 04:20 by SoundGod / process5. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9522 | SINGULAR.ZIP | 840,4 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Singularity" 06:04 by catspaw. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9523 | SKTEPUNK.ZIP | 392,6 kt | 01.09.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Sinä skatepunk-jätkä/muija! Jos olet kyllästynyt MBnetin iänikuiseen teknohumppaan, niin tässä sinulle MBnetin ensimmäinen skatepunk-kokoelma! Kuusi biisiä, jotka saavat sinut hyräilemään mukana! Tekijänä Itä-Helsingin lahja maailmalle, Jukka Kaijanlaakso. |
9524 | SLAVE.ZIP | 478,4 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "slave." 03:40 by hunz / fm & rj. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9525 | SNOWF.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Snowfall" 02:37 by siren & sirrus. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9526 | STAGE9.ZIP | 6,6 Mt | 07.06.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Stage Nine Musicdisk Released January 10, 1998 featured artists: Scirocco, Purple Motion, Xerxes, Basehead, Hunz, Nemesis, Mick Rippon, Keith303, Octoque, Laxity, Radix, Tito and Mystical organized by Stein email: stein@night55.com |
68709 | STEREOTY.ZIP | 1189907 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | Stereotyped - Ile's 5th Music Disk. |
9528 | SUPRISE.ZIP | 315 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "Surprise Contact" 03:14 by Lizardking of Starbreeze Studios, TBL & Fashion-8. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9529 | SWORLD.ZIP | 431,8 kt | 07.12.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | DataStorm of Dark Dream presents: Music Collection #1: Synthetic World. |
9530 | TAN-SPIR.ZIP | 823,2 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "Forefathers\' spirit" 05:17 by Tangerine. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9533 | TAUR_MOD.ZIP | 355,6 kt | 15.12.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "`Tauruss Music Disk#1 heavy metal music made in fall 1997 -Changing Seasons -Depressive Feelings -The Unknown Destiny -Tomb of Tutankhamon -Strength of Living" |
9531 | TAURMOD2.ZIP | 340,9 kt | 20.05.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "`Tauruss Music Disk#2 - heavy metal music made in winter97/spring98 -The Mystical Winter -Continuance of Life -Seed of the Death -Enter the Chaos -Bewitched Souls" |
9532 | TAURMOD3.ZIP | 923,9 kt | 29.10.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "`Tauruss Music Disk #3metal music made during spring - fall98: Rising from FlamesFateful IllusionsThe Slaying PowerHopeless StruggleWar against Twilight" |
9534 | TEARS_.ZIP | 826,6 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "Tears never dry" 03:12 by Andromeda of Razor1911, Noise, Kosmic. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9535 | TERRORF.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 16.03.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Terrorfinger" Musicdisk # 1 Style: Heavy Format: S3M Nine metal songs |
9536 | TF_DANCE.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 13.01.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Terrorfinger: Dance MusicDisk 1 with 8 songs in IT-format |
9537 | TIEFSINN.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | XM: "tiefensinn" 04:59 by p-rat. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9538 | TMP_OLSK.ZIP | 930,3 kt | 10.05.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | tempo. 000000 musicdisk by genezis . style: oldstyle . contains: 6 songs |
9539 | TN_MUSA1.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 21.01.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Two songs by Terinova/TUW. |
9540 | TN_MUSA2.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 26.03.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | TerinovA: For The Joy Of It. Musicdisk # 2. All songs in IT format. You get these songs: "Madness in my veins" "Metal sticks in the sky" "Slaughtered humanity" |
9541 | TOKYO-14.ZIP | 626,9 kt | 10.10.1997 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "the almond ep+ . 5 .ITs composed by distance/lackluster/orangereleased under tokyo dawn records. 08/10/97." |
9542 | TQL-OUCH.ZIP | 670,2 kt | 22.10.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Tequila (musicdisk). recycled oldschool. (15/10/00) (avebm)" |
9543 | TRCH-AF.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Afterlife" 05:55 by Tourach / Chaos Theory. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9544 | TRCH-WIL.ZIP | 886,1 kt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "Wilderness" 13:02 by Tourach / Chaos Theory. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9545 | UNTENSE2.ZIP | 6736 | 06.03.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Tense musicdisk #2 unpacker. Ulostaa kaikki S3M-kappaleet TENSE2.MUS:st(a/ä). tAAt 1996. |
9546 | VISIONM.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 03.08.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | Vision Musicdisk By Kaba In 1998 6 Techno Tracks In IT format |
9547 | WAY-TSHL.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 06.01.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | IT: "The Ship Has Landed" 05:10 by Wayfinder. This song is part of the "Return to Stage 9" musicdisk. |
9548 | WM_PH1.ZIP | 343,2 kt | 05.03.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | p.h.e.n.o.m.e.n.a musicdisc by WhiskeyMusic zips WM_PH1-6.ZIP |
9549 | WM_PH2.ZIP | 226,3 kt | 05.03.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | p.h.e.n.o.m.e.n.a by WhiskeyMusic musicdisc zips WM_PH1-6.ZIP |
9550 | WM_PH3.ZIP | 368,8 kt | 05.03.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | p.h.e.n.o.m.e.n.a by WhiskeyMusic musicdisc zips WM_PH1-6.ZIP |
9551 | WM_PH4.ZIP | 303,3 kt | 05.03.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | p.h.e.n.o.m.e.n.a by WhiskeyMusic musicdisc zips WM_PH1-6.ZIP |
9552 | WM_PH5.ZIP | 285,5 kt | 05.03.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | p.h.e.n.o.m.e.n.a by WhiskeyMusic musicdisc zips WM_PH1-6.ZIP |
9553 | WM_PH6.ZIP | 342,4 kt | 05.03.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | p.h.e.n.o.m.e.n.a by WhiskeyMusic musicdisc zips WM_PH1-6.ZIP |
9554 | WORDAR.ZIP | 6,2 Mt | 18.02.2000 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "DISK: The Worlds Darkness Includes 6 new gothic/heavy metal songs. Composed by AssAssIn." |
9555 | XTC_MPK.ZIP | 1103379 | 13.06.1996 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | DARKZoNE XTC-MuSiC PaCK GuS/vGA/286+ |
9556 | YEAR2K.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 18.04.1998 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | "Year 2 kilos by ile/ionic(dnb musicdisk)" |
9557 | 123SMP.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 27.03.1996 | - | - | - | Soittimia trackeriin 190kpl |
9559 | CS01SAMP.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | Samples from Yamaha CS01 anal. synthFat Basses, Leads, Modulations. 22khz Wav. Sampled by Miro. |
9560 | DJKACID.ZIP | 690,4 kt | 30.12.1999 | - | - | - | Acid Pack Vol 1Sisältää 46 Acid Samplea .wav -muodossa. By Dj. Kujari. |
9561 | DN-MTSP.ZIP | 34,7 kt | 18.01.1999 | - | - | - | Mono Tono Sample PackErityisesti monotonisen teknon tekijöille. Aivan outoja sampleja. By Dark Nova. |
9563 | GP_LOOPS.ZIP | 286 kt | 30.06.1998 | - | - | - | Six 8-bit drumloopsIn XI-format. bBy grip^reverse. All loops are original. |
9564 | HIPHOPBT.ZIP | 28,5 kt | 04.11.1997 | - | - | - | 17 Hip Hop drum-beatsFor General Midi. Normal Mid-Format, Tpl Template-format and Cakewalk Wrk-format. By Miro. |
9568 | IBANEZ.ZIP | 4,9 Mt | 20.05.1998 | - | - | - | Ibanez Sample Pack v1.00Ibanez Ergodyne EDB 500:sta samplattuja puhtaita sampleja. FT2- ja IT-säveltäjille instrumentit. By L.j.L.:) |
9565 | IBANEZFT.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 17.08.1998 | - | - | - | Ibanez Ergodyne EDB 500Instrument for Fasttracker 2. Sampled & Uploaded by L.j.L. |
9566 | IBANEZIT.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 17.08.1998 | - | - | - | Ibanez Ergodyne EDB 500 Instrument for Impulse Tracker ( v. < 2.14? ). Sampled & Uploaded by L.j.L. |
9567 | IBANEZSM.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 17.08.1998 | - | - | - | Ibanez Ergodyne EDB 500 -samples.All eight original samples in 16 bit WAV at 22 050 Hz sampled & uploaded by L.j.L. |
9569 | JNGLLPS1.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | Jungle Loops vol.113 jungle loops in 22khz wav-format. By Miro. |
9570 | JP-SMPL.ZIP | 3,9 Mt | 17.10.1997 | - | - | - | Samples from Rolands Jupiter 4, 6 and 8.22khz 16bit Wav. By Miro. |
9571 | MATRIX12.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 04.11.1997 | - | - | - | "Oberheim Matrix-12 samplesSamples in 16bit 22khz Wav-Format. Includes SweepsModulations and Filtered Sounds from Legendary analogue Synthesizer. By Miro97." |
9572 | MAZ-DRUM.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 02.11.1999 | - | - | - | No.1 instruments packageDrums and percussion. Free use for free products. Check http://www.maz-sounds.com. |
9573 | MAZ-SHOT.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 02.11.1999 | - | - | - | No.1 instruments packageShort synthetic melodic instruments. Free use for free products. Check http://www.maz-sounds.com. |
9574 | MOOGSAMP.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | Samples from Analogue Roque Moog.Basses, Leads, Modulations, Cut Offs and Noises. 22khz Wav. By Miro. |
9575 | ODYSSAMP.ZIP | 5,4 Mt | 17.10.1997 | - | - | - | Arp Odyssey samplesIn 16bit 44.1khz Wav Format. Legendary Arp basses, leads filters. By Miro. |
9576 | PERCUSSI.ZIP | 7,7 Mt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | "300 High Quality percussion instruments.Tired of those 8bitlow quality samples? Well heres over 300 HIGH QUALITY percussion instruments (*.xi) for FastTracker II. Mostly sampled in 16bit / 44100 kHz. Includes 75 different bassdrums71 hihats125 snares AND MORE! By H.Rosenberg 1997. henrik.rosenberg@mbnet.fi" |
9579 | AWAVE32.ZIP | 336,2 kt | 12.03.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | Awave v3.2 Fom FMJ Software Audio & Wavetable Instrument File Format Converter, Editor & Player for Windows 95, or, Windows NT v3.51, or, Windows 3.1 w. Win32s v1.3. |
9582 | CDUP216.ZIP | 131,9 kt | 24.08.1997 | - | 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO | tupla | MyCD-player upgrade from version 1.40+. |
9583 | CHDC21B.ZIP | 387,5 kt | 30.01.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Chord Calc v2.1bA reference for learning and using chords on guitar and piano. Has 18 built-in guitar tunings and one user- defined tuning. Locates chords in any tuning, and on any fret. Plays chords, with custom configurations (incl. MIDI). |
9584 | COOL153.ZIP | 821,2 kt | 27.03.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | eritupla | Cool Edit v1.53 A waveform editor with features such as: Echo, Flange, Reverb, Stretch/Pitch Change, Compress, Brainwave Synchronizer, Noise Reducer, Envelope, Filter, Distortion, and more. Supports most every file format. Cue and Play list. View waves as amplitude or frequency plots. Analyze component frequencies. Scripts let you play back complex operations. |
9585 | COOLMP16.ZIP | 96,3 kt | 27.03.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Cool Edit 16-bit MPEG filters |
9587 | CUBSCO3D.ARJ | 2,7 Mt | 12.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | Cubase Score 3.0 Demo for Windows! The sequencer package for PC. Windows 3.1 & 95. |
9588 | DANCEJAY.A01 | 4,8 Mt | 08.06.1998 | - | - | tupla | Dance eJay demo 2/4 |
9589 | DANCEJAY.A02 | 4,8 Mt | 08.06.1998 | - | - | tupla | Dance eJay demo 3/4 |
9590 | DANCEJAY.A03 | 2,4 Mt | 08.06.1998 | - | - | tupla | Dance eJay demo 4/4 |
9591 | DANCEJAY.ARJ | 4,8 Mt | 08.06.1998 | - | - | tupla | "Dance eJay demo - rajoitettu. 1/4 Helppo musiikinteko-ohjelmalähinnä teknon/tanssibiitin tekoon soveltuva. Toimii dragnclick-menetelmälläjossa valmiita sampleja siirretään paikoilleen varsinaiseen biisiinei vaadi musiikin tai nuotiston tuntemista. Windows 3.1/95. PXD Media." |
9592 | DAUDPL.ZIP | 927,6 kt | 16.04.1997 | - | 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso | tupla | "DirectAudio Player ver 2.01 fFor Windows 3.1x. A 16-bit sound program that plays .au.wavand .gsm digital sound files. It also features DirectAudio and real-time playing of the GSM6.10 format. The DirectAudio Players interface provides seek and play features at the touch of a slider bar. Reg Fee: Free." |
9593 | DISCDB16.ZIP | 180,6 kt | 02.03.1996 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | tupla | Compact disc player/databaseFor Windows 3.1/Win95/NT. Plays tunes in single, continuous, shuffle format. Does auto backup of new or edited database records Has directional search feature and can also auto format data text entry. Includes help file and user manual in WRI format. Network aware. |
9595 | DRUMSYN.ZIP | 154,6 kt | 01.10.1999 | - | 21042/CT_SW0002.ISO | tupla | DrumSynth.A synthesizer for producing drum sounds. It uses the basic building blocks (oscillators, noise generators and filters) but you can also produce acoustic drum sounds and special effect. Requires Win95+/NT4+ and "msvbvm50.dll" file in your Windows\\System - folder. Freeware. |
60005 | !DONUT!.ZIP | 45651 | 31.12.1995 | renamed | 1641/Sounds 1996.iso | - | Homer ja Donitsi |
60011 | #123SMP.ZIP | 1541488 | 27.03.1996 | - | - | - | Soittimia Tracker musa- ohjelmaan 190kpl:tta. |
61346 | BEST_SFX.A01 | 1457038 | 31.08.1996 | - | - | - | Ääniefektejä 2/4. |
61347 | BEST_SFX.A02 | 1457043 | 31.08.1996 | - | - | - | Ääniefektejä 3/4. |
61348 | BEST_SFX.A03 | 1411676 | 31.08.1996 | - | - | - | Ääniefektejä 4/4. |
61349 | BEST_SFX.ARJ | 1457004 | 31.08.1996 | - | - | - | Yli 240 erilaista ääniefektiä Wav-muodossa. |
61421 | BIRD4.ZIP | 13694 | 23.12.1995 | - | 1641/Sounds 1996.iso | - | WAV: Sound of a bird |
61507 | BLOOP.ZIP | 1658 | 23.12.1995 | - | 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img | - | WAV: |
9562 | DRMLOOPS.ZIP | 1348861 | 18.12.1996 | - | - | - | 17 Drumloops. Includes Hiphop, Disco, Jungle and R & B.sampled in 22khz Wav. By Miro |
53554 | ESIMSAMP.ZIP | 31636 | 01.06.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | MikroBitin musiikkikurssin harjoituksissa käytetty rumpusample (LOOPPI.WAV) |
64797 | HICCUP.ZIP | 1789 | 23.12.1995 | - | - | - | WAV: Hiccup |
68016 | RRSOUNDS.ZIP | 128346 | 17.12.1995 | - | 6171/PSL_Monthly_Shareware_CD-ROM_Public_Software_Library_January_1995.iso | - | WAV: Railroad Sounds! |
68147 | SAL9000W.ZIP | 245057 | 13.06.1996 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | SAL 9000 WAV Collection from "2010"! Here are 10 high quality WAV samples from the FEMALE computer in "2010: The Year We Make Contact" plus 3 bonus WAVs from Dr. Chandra! Most are perfect for Windows event association. All sampled at 22K in 8-bit mono by Ted Tatman in October, 1995. |
68152 | SAMPLES.A01 | 3000349 | 26.05.1996 | - | - | - | Samplekokoelma, osa 2/4 |
68153 | SAMPLES.A02 | 3000375 | 26.05.1996 | - | - | - | Samplekokoelma, osa 3/4 |
68154 | SAMPLES.A03 | 2987000 | 26.05.1996 | - | - | - | Samplekokoelma, osa 4/4 |
68155 | SAMPLES.ARJ | 3000374 | 26.05.1996 | - | - | - | Samplekokoelma, osa 1/4 |
68812 | SW_441A.ZIP | 7613194 | 12.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | THE SOUNDWAVE MUSIC SAMPLE COLLETION! PACK 1A- 44.1kHz SAMPLES!- Korg X5! |
68813 | SW_BLP.ZIP | 2269884 | 12.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Soundwave sample collection, set 2. Korg X5. Solos, bass and more pads and effects. |
68814 | SW_BRWBL.ZIP | 2294444 | 12.05.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | THE SOUNDWAVE MUSIC SAMPLE COLLETION! SET 5: KORG X5- Brass, woodwinds, pads |
68815 | SW_CUST.ZIP | 2413483 | 12.05.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | THE SOUNDWAVE MUSIC SAMPLE COLLETION! SET 6: KORG X5- The Custom Patches! |
68816 | SW_D50C0.ZIP | 2713966 | 12.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | THE SOUNDWAVE MUSIC SAMPLE COLLETION! SET 7: ROLAND D50- ROM Card 1050-00 |
68817 | SW_D50C1.ZIP | 3356735 | 12.05.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | THE SOUNDWAVE MUSIC SAMPLE COLLETION! SET 8: ROLAND D50- ROM Card 1050-01 |
68818 | SW_DRUMS.ZIP | 1088005 | 12.05.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Soundwave sample collection, set 3. Korg X5. 114 drum patches. |
68819 | SW_PAD1.ZIP | 1698829 | 12.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Soundwave sample collection, set 1. Korg X5. Pads and effects. |
68820 | SW_PIAGT.ZIP | 2060717 | 12.05.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Soundwace sample collection, set 4. Korg X5. Piano, guitar and organ. |
69201 | TN-INSTR.ZIP | 1433990 | 25.08.1995 | - | - | - | 170 kpl soitinsampleja käytettäväksi esim. MODeissa. Formaatti: Amiga IFF-8SVX, 8bit. By Tero Nieminen |
69311 | TR808ALL.ZIP | 7591527 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | tr-808 rumpukoneesta samplattuja patcheja. Wav-muodossa. |
69324 | TRANCE.ZIP | 1700166 | 06.06.1996 | - | 7504/freedom.zip | - | Trance-musiikkiin soveltuvia SND-sampleja. |
69918 | WAVET1.ZIP | 432568 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Kuusi 16-bit, 22050 Khz monoinstrumenttia wav-formaatissa. |
2256 | 1OO-WALL.LHA | 6320 | 20.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | 1oo% WALL version 1.4 by ND/ABYSS/1oo%(new version with added features & fixes) |
2257 | ADDER15.LZH | 19639 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Adder 1.5. Lisää jokaiseen pakettiin tarvittaessa esim. displayme:n. |
2258 | ANCHK11.LHA | 3521 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | ANI-Check 1.1 for CNet. |
2259 | APAGER1.LHA | 3791 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | AnubiPager for CNet. |
2261 | ASC-XIM.LHA | 7604 | 29.04.1995 | - | - | - | XIM Emulator for daydream BBS software AE2DD converters! and other tools! |
2262 | AUMESV23.LHA | 6885 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Auto Message 2.3 for CNet |
2264 | BBS-ADD1.LHA | 1133 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | BBS-Adder. Lisää BBS-mainoksia log-offiin. |
2265 | BBSMON.LHA | 14276 | 19.05.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Alloows users to watch to another user.Better than normal cnet who! |
2266 | BCPSS26.LHA | 9497 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Nopeuden näyttäjä cnetille |
2267 | BDAYS51.LHA | 11538 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Checks users birthdays |
2268 | BDGIFT10.LHA | 3287 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | Birthday gift-door for CNet. |
2269 | CALDOOR.LHA | 11247 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Calendar door for MAX'S BBS. |
2270 | CALLOG33.LHA | 13169 | 19.05.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | A configurable "last 10 callers" for CNet 3+ |
2272 | CFMU111.LHA | 8273 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | CNet BBS FileLister. |
2273 | CHATOP.LHA | 7587 | 19.05.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | 1oo% ChaTop - logs top chatters on your BBSin a nice top1o chart gfx! |
2274 | CHECK.LHA | 3541 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Removes & Ads BBSAds. ZIP/LZX/LHA/LZHsupport. V1.0 |
2277 | CNAR10.LHA | 33499 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | CNet-ARexx -commands. |
2279 | CNETTOT.LHA | 9382 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Shows many different CNet-BBS variables |
2281 | CNSAM20.LHA | 8409 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | LhA archive file |
2282 | CNST.LHA | 4286 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | CNet Status. Another megastatus-utility for CNet. |
2285 | CNUT.LHA | 93885 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Utils for CNet. |
2284 | CNUTFIX.LHA | 11629 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Bugfixes for CNetutils.lha |
2286 | CNWH21.LHA | 22024 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Kolme erlaista WHO-komentoja CNetille... Pitkä,Normaali ja Lyhyt |
2287 | CODXMENU.LHA | 16904 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | CNet/Codex BBS Menu-set v1.02 By Sune Stjerneby (06-Apr-96) - This is a complete replacement menu-set for CNet BBS and others. These menus appear '3D-like' due to a nice bevel-box effect!3D-menus for CNet BBS (Bevel-Box). |
2288 | CTERM207.LHA | 83986 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | CTerm 2.07 |
2289 | CUSTMENU.LHA | 5048 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Menu Editor. |
2290 | CXBAUD01.LHA | 3284 | 20.05.1996 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | - | CXBaud v0.1 by Sune Stjerneby (06-Apr-96) - A ich shows the user's BPS in BIG ANSI text, an elevant stats too. |
2294 | DOUBCHAT.LHA | 18581 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | DoubleChat for CNet. Ei oikein tunnutoimivalta.;( |
2295 | DT110.LHA | 3498 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Näyttää TOP-uppijat, leecherit ja semmoiset. |
2296 | EBBS221.LHA | 771984 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | EazyBBS 2.21, Mailbox/BBS (supp. UUCP) |
2297 | EDITLOG.LHA | 5896 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Allows users to edit their login-sequence. |
2302 | FALCON10.LHA | 229702 | 16.12.1995 | - | - | - | Opus-tyylinen purkkiohjelmisto. Shareware |
2303 | FALCONUT.LHA | 89036 | 18.06.1996 | - | - | - | Joukko apuohjelmia Falcon CBCS -purkkisoftalle. Mukana lähdekoodi. |
2304 | FAMEDEMO.LHA | 1854377 | 20.05.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Demo version of new BBS-software, Fame. |
2305 | FASTST11.LHA | 3098 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | FastStatus 1.1 for CNet. |
2306 | FCDFRONT.LHA | 3394 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Frontend. Welcomes users to your BBS. |
2307 | FL22B.LHA | 9338 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Filelist maker for CNet. |
2308 | FLISTER.LHA | 10585 | 19.05.1996 | - | 20447/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 02 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-11][Skylink CD].iso | - | Filelisteri |
2309 | FPRUN11.LHA | 2093 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Better run-command for CNet. |
2310 | FREESPAC.LHA | 835 | 19.05.1996 | väärä koko | 20452/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 07 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-05][EARSAN CD VI].iso | - | Näyttää graafisesti vapaan kiintolevytilan CNetissä. |
2311 | GETTY-12.LHA | 117218 | 25.11.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | Multitasking Remote-Shell and/orBBS-Frontend |
2312 | GFILER15.LHA | 71227 | 19.05.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | GuideFiler 1.5. Makes Amiga-guide -format filelists. |
2313 | GREED2_0.LHA | 13486 | 15.05.1996 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Greed2.0 Great number game to cnet...Good!! |
2314 | GUSER261.LHA | 17212 | 15.05.1996 | - | - | - | GetUser-utility. |
2315 | GW220.LHA | 87537 | 19.05.1996 | - | 20447/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 02 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-11][Skylink CD].iso | - | Global War 2.20 |
2316 | GWTM12.LHA | 145674 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | GWTerm V1.2, terminaaliohjelma Global Waronlinen pelaamiseen. Kartat yms. tulostuvat hetkessä. Voi myos käyttää purkkia hieman, donatakin hiukkasen. |
2317 | HACK10.LHA | 11244 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Fake shell for CNet. |
2318 | HF-CAL.LHA | 56664 | 12.10.1996 | väärä koko | scene.org | - | Sysop Pager for Tempest BBS. |
2319 | HYDRA315.LHA | 20889 | 19.05.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Hydra-Add on for CNet 3.05 |
2320 | IA-FILFO.LHA | 2378 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | File-Informer V1.0 |
2321 | INC.LHA | 1619 | 15.05.1996 | - | 939/LSD and 17bit Compendium Deluxe - Volume II.iso | - | Displays CNet news-file menu and # of times each file has been read |
65150 | INSDD127.LHA | 714833 | 05.12.1996 | - | - | tupla | Daydream BBS V1.27 - Powerful conferencebased BBS Software, written in 100% assembler. MAJOR:CallersLog & Capture option. Loads of new stuff & fixes |
2322 | JOKEV1_0.LHA | 5636 | 19.05.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Joke DOOR for MaxsBBS. |
2323 | KSMS084B.LHA | 5969 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | MegaStatus |
2324 | LASER12.LHA | 10063 | 20.05.1996 | - | - | - | LaserStatus 1.2 for CNet. |
2325 | LAST10.LHA | 13916 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Last 10 Users-utility. |
65669 | LC103.LHA | 3237 | 29.12.1994 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | Last Callers 1.03 - Viimeisimpien soittajien listaaja. Toimii melkein kaikkien Amigan purkkisoftien kanssa (DOS-doori). Tekijä: Janne Siren. |
2326 | LGC-FE12.LHA | 11841 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Frontend. Toivottaa käyttäjät tervetulleeksi purkkiisi. CNet 2.63+ |
2327 | LOTTERY.LHA | 14940 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Lottery Door for MAX'S BBS. |
2328 | LUCKY.LHA | 2693 | 20.05.1996 | - | - | - | Luckytime |
2329 | MAXIMV10.LHA | 16554 | 19.05.1996 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | MAXiMAIL V1.0 QWK offline mail door for MAX's BBS. |
2330 | MAXSGU.LHA | 72606 | 19.05.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | MAX's bbs docs & update docs in guide format |
2331 | MAXSHELL.LHA | 34084 | 19.05.1996 | - | 20447/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 02 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-11][Skylink CD].iso | - | Allows CLI programs under MAX's BBS |
2332 | MBLISTER.LHA | 11365 | 15.05.1996 | - | - | - | Filelist-maker for CNet. |
2333 | MCLOCK11.LHA | 44738 | 19.05.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | DOS-clock door for almost any BBS. |
2334 | MCTOP10C.LHA | 5073 | 15.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | MCTop v1.0. CNet Multi Bulletin maker. |
2335 | MDPACK.LHA | 18427 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Doorpack for MAX'S BBS. |
2338 | MESSRWRD.LHA | 13912 | 19.05.1996 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | MessRewarder. Palkitsee käyttäjän crediiteillä jokaisesta kirjoitetusta viestistä. |
2339 | MM101.LHA | 3527 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | Main Menu 1.0. Shows main menu in CNet. |
2340 | MSCRIPTS.LHA | 9865 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | CLI Door scripts for use with MaxShell |
2341 | MSTATS10.LHA | 1548 | 15.05.1996 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | Message Stats 1.0 - Näyttää viestialueiden tilan. Doori TechnoBBS:lle. |
2342 | MUSERS.LHA | 12369 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | MegaUsers-utility. |
2343 | MXM-FLM.LHA | 17132 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Another filelist-maker. |
2344 | NC105.LHA | 5352 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Shows a nice message before NO CARRIER. |
2345 | NMAKER10.LHA | 6081 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Newsmaker-utility for CNet. |
66683 | NW-125.LHA | 67816 | 15.12.1994 | - | - | - | 0Nuclear Warfare V1.25Share Ware BBS Door-peli, tai"standalone" CLI -peli.Raaka ydinaseperusteinen strategiapelijopa 15:stapelaajalle. BBS-doorinamille tahansa BBS:lle joka tukeeSTDIO-dooreja (Citadel, DLG, jne) |
2346 | OLDCL11.LHA | 3977 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | Old Callerlog 1.1. Separates caller logs in CNet. |
2348 | ORGZ.LHA | 15483 | 15.05.1996 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | - | Shows a list of all "Orgz-strings". |
2349 | PAGER127.LHA | 70072 | 15.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | E!-PAGER v1.27 - Monipuolinen chat ja pager EXCELSIOR! BBS:lle. Shareware. |
2350 | PDMENU42.LHA | 25878 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | PullDown-Menu for CNet 2.63+ |
2351 | PFU11.LHA | 5371 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Shows PFiles usage |
2352 | POLM.LHA | 4028 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Better OLM-command for CNet. |
2353 | PPRI11.LHA | 8925 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | PortPri v1.1 for CNet/3 - Set/List CNet port priorities! |
2354 | PV12C.LHA | 8097 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Poker 1.2c door for CNet. |
2356 | QWE-RAN.LHA | 9973 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Displays the Top Ten Callers according toyour selection for CNet 3.05 |
2357 | QWE-TOP.LHA | 11953 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Displays the Top Ten Callers for CNet 3.05 |
2355 | QWEACT10.LHA | 11749 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | System Activity Graph for CNet 3.05 |
2358 | RANDCHAT.LHA | 3380 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Displays a random text when entering/exiting |
2359 | REQIT10.LHA | 10067 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Simple request-utility for CNet by RRR. |
2360 | RHLISTER.LHA | 25595 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | RHLister v0.1▀.A Filelist Generator for CNet BBS v4.2x |
2361 | RIPGRAF8.LHA | 155401 | 15.01.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | RipGraf V0.8 - RIP graphics editor |
2362 | RRCHECK.LHA | 11588 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Filechecker |
2363 | RRR-RT12.LHA | 3632 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | RoastTop. Another Top-users-door for CNet. |
2364 | RRR-SM01.LHA | 47812 | 19.05.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | SadoModem v0.01 for CNet/3The Horrifying SModem implementation! |
2366 | RRR-SR15.LHA | 4585 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Another requester for CNet. |
2367 | RTP_UC30.LHA | 11443 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | "User highscore"-program for CNet. |
2368 | SERCHAT.LHA | 73300 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | BBS Chat to MAX's BBS .. (Ja muillakinluulisi toimivan) |
2369 | SHUNT237.LHA | 8018 | 15.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | ShipHunt 2.37 On-Line door for CNet! |
2370 | SINFO101.LHA | 6016 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | System Information 1.01. Shows hardware info etc. to user in CNet. |
2371 | SN_AUL10.LHA | 1383 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | AutoUserLists. Parempi käyttäjälista CNetille. |
2373 | SN_UOM13.LHA | 47221 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | User-o-Meter 1.3. BEST users rankings. |
2372 | SN-NTR22.LHA | 3322 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | New User Track. Näyttää kuluneen päivän uudet käyttäjät jne. |
2374 | SRH-TLP.LHA | 20826 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | T-LiST PRO v2.0 The incredible online /X BBS Lister Door!Supports: Online editing, BBS add/delete,BBS flagging/highlighting of Offline/Busted/Newly edited infoz etc. The BESTof it's kind ANYWHERE! |
68736 | STREK125.LHA | 9380 | 29.12.1994 | - | - | - | Star Trek -doori v1.25 TechnoBBS:lle |
2375 | SUTIL.LHA | 12986 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Makes your CNet SPEAK when someonelogins, wants to chat or logouts. |
2376 | SYSMEN1.LHA | 5893 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Adds a Sysop-menu to CNet..... |
2377 | SYSOLM.LHA | 6723 | 19.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | SysOp Olm-command for Cnet. |
2378 | SYSOPFAV.LHA | 4313 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | Shows "Sysops favourite"-files to user and allows him/her to download them. |
2379 | TA1_22.LHA | 892429 | 29.10.1996 | - | 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso | - | TransAmiga v1.22 - Shareware-purkkiohjelma. |
68898 | TBBS093.LHA | 339177 | 29.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | TechnoBBS - Kotimainen shareware-purkkisofta. Purkki voidaan kustomoida hyvin tarkasti sysopin tahdon ja taitojen mukaan ARexxilla ja monipuolisella menukielellä. Tekijä: Ville-Pertti Keinonen. |
2380 | TCLOCK.LHA | 5106 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | TClock, time-door for CNet. |
2381 | TEMP341.LZX | 402429 | 12.10.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Tempest BBS 3.41. Shareware-purkkiohjelmisto. Päivityspaketti. |
2382 | TEMPD327.LHA | 1411046 | 12.10.1996 | - | - | - | Tempest BBS 3.27. Shareware-purkkiohjelmisto. |
69232 | TOPTE102.LHA | 6010 | 29.12.1994 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | TopTech 1.02 - Listaa parhaita messuilijoita, tiedostojen siirtäjiä ja aktiivisimpia soittajia. Doori TechnoBBS:lle. Tekijä: Janne Siren. |
2383 | TRIVI104.LHA | 3523 | 15.05.1996 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | Trivia 1.04 - Tietovisa online-peli TechnoBBS:lle. |
2384 | UNED62.LHA | 29509 | 15.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | User Editor for CNet |
2385 | UNLIST22.LHA | 19326 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Uni-UserList v2.2 - a configurableuserlister capable of outputting toa file. C-Net Amiga v3.05+ [MetalSoft] |
2386 | USED10.LHA | 5214 | 15.05.1996 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | UsEd 1.0 - Käyttäjäeditorin laajennus TechnoBBS:lle. Tämän avulla editoitavan käyttäjän valinta helpottuu huomattavasti. |
2388 | USERID10.LHA | 2554 | 15.05.1996 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | UserID 1.0 - Kertoo nimen perusteella käyttäjän numeron. TechnoBBS:lle. |
2389 | UUCPCH12.LHA | 20195 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | UUCP-Checker for CNet 3.x-4.x. |
2390 | VB10.LHA | 3285 | 15.05.1996 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | Voting Booth 1.0 - Äänestysdoori TechnoBBS:lle. |
2391 | WHATCH11.LHA | 13175 | 19.05.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Cnet Cursor/Mouse controlled Filehatch v1.1Now with FULL MAILMANAGER & Fhatch support.Major Update... Leech it... Use it... |
2392 | WHOREPL.LHA | 3721 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | CNet-WHO REPLACEMENT! Cool design! |
2393 | WOFT.LHA | 3149 | 15.05.1996 | - | - | - | Wheel of time. Aikapankki CNetille |
2394 | WTC15.LHA | 3202 | 15.05.1996 | - | - | - | -:- World Time Clock v1.5 -:-This Cnet/3 Pfiles shows the time aroundthe world. Bugs fixed and support for:30 time zones added in this version. |
2395 | WWBBSD12.LHA | 89193 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | Install HTTP/FTP/IRC/SMTP/POP3 server onyour BBS |
2396 | ZTYP041F.LHA | 13018 | 20.05.1996 | - | - | - | ZumbaTyper 0.41f |
4054 | ABDIAL.LHA | 47830 | 20.12.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Nice graphical dialer for use with AmiTCP |
60358 | ABGETURL.LHA | 18658 | 20.12.1996 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | tupla | Recursive get WWW documents to local disk |
4055 | ABGTURL.LHA | 18658 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | Recursive get WWW documents to local disk |
4056 | ABSTRTCP.LHA | 2485 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | Multi provider solution for AmiTCP |
9600 | ACSY120A.LHA | 258 kt | 06.09.1998 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | AmiComSys 1.20a - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a TCP/IP-net e.g Internet. - Req: OS2+, 68020+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP-stack like Miami, AMarquee 1.48+ and MCC_NList 0.85. - Aminet: AmiComSysMUI.lha |
9601 | ADDPROCM.LHA | 12,4 kt | 28.08.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | tupla | AddProcmail 1.2 final - Updates and uploads .procmailrc filter. - Requires: Thor 2.3+, ISP with Procmail. - Aminet: AddProcmail.lha |
4059 | AELMV6.LHA | 365018 | 29.04.1995 | - | - | - | Amiga Elm - Mail-Reader (UUCP/Internet), v6 (6.24). In-Built PGP etc. |
9603 | AEMA140.LHA | 465 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | tupla | AEMail v1.40 - an Internet e-mail -program which can send/receive/process your emails. Supports MIME-types and has built-in filters. Requires a TCP/IP-stack such as AmiTCP or Miami. |
9604 | AESWEB.LHA | 6 kt | 11.02.1998 | - | aminet.net | tupla | Professional looking button set for Aweb |
4062 | AFTP1607.LHA | 278012 | 11.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | AmiFTP 1.607 (1.7.96) - AmFTP:n tapainen ftp- client. Vaatii: OS2.0+ ja AmiTCP:n -Shareware Paketin alkuperäinen nimi: AmiFTP-1.607.lha |
9606 | AFTPMAIL.LHA | 39,5 kt | 25.08.1998 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | AminetFTPMail 1.0 - Get recent aminet uploads per mail via YAM. - Req: YAM, triton.library, tritonrexx.library, rexxreqtools.library, rexxtricks.library, rexxapp.library. Aminet name: AminetFTPMail.lha |
9607 | AIMPRO20.LHA | 472,5 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | tupla | AirMailPro v2.0 - a MUI-based Internet-mailer. Three types of interfaces, mail peek, user configurable folders, forms, address book, PGP and APOP fully supported, configurable MIME-types... requires at least MUI 3.6+, TCP/IP-stack, SLIP/PPP-connection and account, recommended at least 2 megabytes of RAM. |
4065 | AIRCD292.LHA | 172186 | 20.12.1996 | - | - | - | AmIRCD 2.92. Amiga-port of this UNIX-IRC-client. |
9609 | AIRMAI41.LHA | 269,7 kt | 17.02.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | AirMail 4.1 - MUI based internet mailer. Requires: MUI 3.3+, Miami or AmiTCP 4.0+, SLIP/PPP connection and account, Provider must support POP3/SMTP/ESMTP, OS2+, 1 Meg minmium, recommended 2 Megs of RAM with TCP/IP loaded. - Orig. name: AirMail41.lha |
9610 | ALIAZER.LHA | 13,6 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | aminet.net | tupla | Aliazer V0.9 beta - Converts various alias- files to YAM-format! Currently supported are elm and pine. Requires: OS2+, ixemul.library V41.1+ |
60644 | ALYNX122.LHA | 249518 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | ALynx - Tekstipohjainen WWW-selain Amigalle. |
4068 | ALYNX129.LHA | 284147 | 18.06.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | ALynx 1.29 - Tekstipohjainen WWW-selain. |
9612 | AMARQ147.LHA | 232 kt | 08.03.1998 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | AMarquee 1.47 - AmiTCP data broadcast library & server. - Requires: OS2+, AmiTCP 3.0b+ (or Miami) - Aminet name: AMarquee1.47.lha |
60655 | AMB-P34A.LHA | 293001 | 24.11.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | PhoneBill 3.4a.Calculates your phonebill. Suitable foruse at least with NComm, Term and Terminus. |
4070 | AMFAX143.LHA | 515337 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | AmigaFax 1.43 - is a software package that, in combination with a FaxModem, allows you to send and receive facsimile information from your Amiga computer. - Requires: OS2.0+ - This is a freely distributable demonstration version of the AmigaFax software package. Original name: AmigaFax1_43.lha |
9614 | AMFING13.LHA | 46,3 kt | 25.06.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | AmFinger 1.3 - MUI GUI Finger Client. Requires: MUI 3.6+ and TCP/IP stack. Aminet name: AmFinger1.3.lha |
60671 | AMFTP165.LHA | 291828 | 04.10.1996 | - | 20458/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 13 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-12][PLANET CD III].iso | tupla | AmFTP 1.65 - FTP/Archie/ADT/ADT-Find Client. Tällä on näppärä hakea vaikkapa Aminetistä tiedostoja. Helppo asentaa. Tukee localea ja mukana on suomenkielinen catalog. -Tarvitsee: OS2.x, MUI 3.x, TCP/IP yhteensopivan ohjelman (esim. Miami, AmiTCP tms.). - Shareware |
9615 | AMFTP191.LHA | 334,8 kt | 20.05.1998 | - | aminet.net | tupla | AmFTP 1.91 - FTP/Archie/ADT/ADT-Find Client. Req: OS2+, MUI 3+, TCP/IP-stack (like Miami). Shareware |
9616 | AMGSM126.LHA | 34,3 kt | 24.09.1998 | renamed | aminet.net | tupla | AmiGSM 1.26 - Send SMS messages to GSM phones via the Internet. - Requires: ClassAct v2+. Shareware. - Aminet name: AmiGSM.lha |
4074 | AMIFSP.LHA | 301885 | 10.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | BETA FSP clients for AmiTCP (2.3 or greater) |
4076 | AMIMUD20.LHA | 191442 | 15.10.1996 | - | 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso | - | AmiMUD 2.0 (5.10.96) - Amiga mud client. Requires: OS2.0+ and a TCP stack (Miami/ AmiTCP/I-Net225) installed. - Shareware. |
4077 | AMINCP19.LHA | 286099 | 02.01.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | AmigaNCP 1.9 - Amiga to Psion-S3 Link Package Features a full NCP implementation including a remote file server to access Amiga files from your Psion and a file system to access Psion files from your Amiga. AmigaNCP also has an API to allow custom applications to access network services at NCP level. Original file name: amigancp19.lha |
4080 | AMIQWK29.LHA | 228171 | 29.04.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | AmiQWK 2.9 QWKMail reader FINAL version AmigaDOS 2.04+, FREEWARE Designed around Workbench 2.0, Works on public screen, Can display text files (hello/goodbye files, new files list,bulletins,etc) |
60681 | AMIRC11.LHA | 835458 | 15.06.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | AmIRC 1.1 (27.3.96) - The AmigaOS IRC Client Requires: OS2.0+ with setpatch 40.16, MUI3.1+ least 2MB of RAM and tcp/ip protocol stack running, such as AmiTCP/IP. - Author: Oliver Wagner |
4084 | AMITCA22.LHA | 158904 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | API for TCP/IP stack as shared librarycomm/net, Version: 2.2 - include files and link libraries for AmiTCP/IP 2.2. |
4085 | AMITCB22.LHA | 586303 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | TCP/IP stack as shared library binariescomm/net - first publicly available TCP/IPprotocol stack for the SANA-II interface. AmiTCP/IP provides an application level socket interface to the Internet protocol suite as an Amiga shared library. |
4086 | AMITCD10.LHA | 10363 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | ARexx script for AmiTCP to dialup SLIPcomm/net - Release 1.0 - designed to automate much of the call in procedure for AmiTCP. It can be used for SLIP, CSLIP and PPP |
4087 | AMITCM18.LHA | 18963 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | AmiTCP mail program, bug fix. |
4088 | AMITCP10.LHA | 70773 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Nice little AmiTCP file transmission programcomm/net |
4089 | AMITCP23.LHA | 146555 | 10.01.1995 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | AmiTCP/IP 2.2->2.3 binary updatecomm/net |
4090 | AMITCP40.LHA | 755549 | 25.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | AmiTCP/IP 4.0:n demo. AmiTCP/IP on yleisin Amigalla käytetty TCP/IP-pino. |
4091 | AMITCP42.LHA | 58061 | 29.04.1995 | - | - | - | AmiTCP 4.1 -> 4.2 Update Patch |
4092 | AMITR141.LHA | 78987 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | AmiTCP on-line Amiga registry system |
4096 | AMPOP118.LHA | 99907 | 02.06.1996 | - | 20452/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 07 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-05][EARSAN CD VI].iso | - | AmiPOP 1.18 - OS20+ POP3 Client for AmigaDOS. AmiPOP requires either the AS225r2 TCP/IP package or the AmiTCP package, and a machine running a POP3 daemon. - Original file name: AmiPOP118.lha |
4098 | AMPPP122.LHA | 154424 | 30.06.1996 | - | 20455/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 10 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-09][EARSAN CD XI].iso | - | AmiPPP 1.22 - A great PPP device with GUI. SANA-II compatible. It has a built in dialer, features PAP, CHAP (MD5 and MS) and is easy to use due to the fact that it is completly GUI driven. - Requires: OS2.04+ - Shareware INTERNATIONAL VERSION |
4099 | AMS12TCP.LHA | 198603 | 25.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | AMosaic 1.2. Graafinen WWW-selailija Amigalle. Vaatii MUI:n (MUI23USR.LHA). |
60693 | AMTALK10.LHA | 187932 | 02.01.1997 | - | - | tupla | AmTALK 1.0 (31.12.96) - AmigaOS Talk client AmTALK is a combined server/client for the Internet TALK protocol for point-to-point online chatting. - Shareware |
4104 | AMTLK105.LHA | 26487 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Unix Talk (^C REALLY fixed) for AmiTCPcomm/net |
4106 | AMYBRD_B.LHA | 189608 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | AmyBoard v322.5, GNU Chess frontend and ICS client. Type game/board. AmyBoard is graphical chessboard, that can serve as a user interface for GNU Chess, for the ICS (Internet Chess Server) and for itself as PGN (Portable Game Notation) file editor. |
4107 | AMYBRD_D.LHA | 155873 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | AmyBoard V322.5,GNU Chess frontend and ICS client |
4109 | ANOS-29I.LHA | 393582 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Amiga networking package |
4112 | ANOS-HV2.LHA | 9479 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | AmigaNOS help for people setting up |
4110 | ANOS29M.LHA | 198484 | 10.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | AmigaNOS, provides TCP/IP for Amigacomm/net |
4111 | ANOSGW6.LZH | 273476 | 10.01.1995 | - | 3310/Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso | - | V6 of Graham Walter's AmigaNOS + Gopher client - comm/net - provides hooks for the Gopher client program, allowing it to work across AmigaNOS Internet connections. |
60801 | AP130996.LHA | 21189 | 13.10.1996 | - | - | - | Suomen Amiga-purkkilista 13.09.96 |
4116 | APHON192.LHA | 144518 | 13.07.1996 | - | - | - | AmiPhone 1.92 (7.8.96) - voice chat program Requires: OS2.0+, AmiTCP3.0b+ and a sampler with a microphone. - DonationWare - Aminet name: AmiPhone1.92.lha |
4122 | ATCP-FIN.LHA | 32459 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Finger command for AmiTCP2 - comm/net |
4123 | ATCP-FSP.LHA | 47100 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | port of fspd 2.7.1 for AmiTCP - comm/netconverting Decimal to Hexadecimal and back- for AmiTCP version 2.3 (and up) |
4124 | ATCP-FTP.LHA | 78507 | 10.01.1995 | renamed | 3299/Aminet 3 - July 1994.iso | - | FTP application for Ami-TCP - comm/net |
4126 | ATCP-P20.LHA | 389275 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | TCP/IP stack as shared library doc(PS,Letter)comm/net - Version: 2.0 - documentation in postscript form, A4 size, to theAmiTCP/IP release 2.x. |
4127 | ATCP-S22.LHA | 796769 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Source for TCP/IP stack as shared library- comm/net - Version: 2.2 - full source for AmiTCP/IP 2.2. |
4128 | ATCP-SES.LHA | 7846 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | AmiTCP_session version 1.0 - comm/net -arexx script which dials up a SLIP server,starts AmiTCP, transfers mail and news, waits for the user to click a requester, logs the time online and then hangs up the modem. |
4129 | ATCP-T20.LHA | 472005 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Doc file for AmiTCP if you don't want .ps |
4130 | ATCP-TEL.LHA | 91881 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | TELNET application for Ami-TCP- comm/net |
4131 | ATCP-TFT.LHA | 174617 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | TELNET and FTP applications for AmiTCP/IP. - comm/net |
4132 | ATCP-TNS.LHA | 14770 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | telnet daemon for AmiTCP - comm/net -forr AmiTCP version 2. It allows remote connections to your computer and allows remote shells, multi-user BBSes, remote text editing, and much more. |
4133 | ATCP-TRR.LHA | 25777 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | AmiTCP/IP port of traceroute - comm/netTrace the route ip packets follow going to a host |
4134 | ATCP-TTC.LHA | 42099 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | AmiTCP speed test for udp/tcp -comm/netMeasure speed on a tcp or a udp connection. |
4125 | ATCPP10B.LHA | 19004 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | POP3 daemon for AmiTCP beta release -comm/net - POPd 1.00BETA is the first release of a POP3 server for AmiTCP 3.0b2 and higher. |
4135 | ATN.LHA | 72736 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Amiga Turbo Net Connect, Local Area Network (LAN) useiden Amigojen valille. DEMOversio, toimii mutta ei taydellisesti |
4136 | ATOB-40.LHA | 18405 | 14.03.1996 | - | - | - | ATOB V4.0,Programs to encode programs into asciiEencode/decode programs for sendingbinary files over Amateur Radio Packet. |
4143 | AVMNF133.LHA | 894924 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Amiga Voice Mail & Fax Package 1.33- comm/misc |
4144 | AVMNS133.LHA | 137982 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Source for part of the Fax part of avmNfax |
61109 | AWEB21DE.LHA | 454201 | 08.11.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | AWeb-II 2.1 DEMO - WWW browser for the Amiga. Requires: OS3.0+, at least 2MB of memory as an absolute minimum, TCP stack if you want to access the Internet. Aminet name: AWeb.lha |
4147 | AWEBDOCP.LHA | 310848 | 28.04.1996 | - | - | - | This archive contains the documentation for the AWeb WWW browser (v 1.1) in PostScript format. - Original name: AWebdoc_ps.lha |
61110 | AWEBFTP.LHA | 2568 | 06.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | tupla | FTP plugin for AWeb. (Needs FTPMount 0.8) |
61111 | AWEBFTPU.LHA | 4683 | 11.04.1996 | - | - | tupla | FTP plugin for AWeb, v1.1 update |
4148 | AWEBHOTL.LHA | 4326 | 11.04.1996 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | AddToHotlist 1.0 for arranging AWeb hotlist |
4150 | AWEBLOGO.LHA | 6049 | 06.04.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Small patch for AWeb. (New aweblogo.iff into AWeb/Docs/ dir. Old one may cause crashes in some systems.) |
4151 | AWEBMA21.LHA | 12492 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | AWEBmailtoYAM 2.1 - Mail plugin for AWeb with YAM. Requires: AWeb and YAM. - Card/Mailware Aminet name: AWEBmailtoYAM.lha |
4153 | AWFTP12.LHA | 11795 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | FTP plugin for AWeb, v1.2 |
4154 | BAS64-13.LHA | 11505 | 05.12.1996 | - | - | - | Base64Decode & Base64Encode 1.3 (29.11.96) - are a fast decoder and encoder for base64 (MIME) encoded binaries that can be sent through electronic mail. - Requires: OS2.0+ The '020 versions require a 68020 or higher. Aminet name: Base64Coders.lha |
4155 | BB14C.LHA | 17249 | 10.01.1995 | - | 3288/Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso | - | BaudBandit v1.4c - vaihtoehto serial.devicelle |
4156 | BIMODM10.LZX | 50338 | 05.07.1995 | - | - | - | Bimodem - XPR-kirjaston Amigan kaksi- suuntaiselle protokollalle |
4158 | BOMB20.LHA | 315978 | 11.10.1996 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | - | Bomb! 2.0 (1.10.96) - MUI Offline reader. Bomb! is an off-line message reader capable of keeping a message base. It can handle many formats thanks to external import and export filters: Internet mail is handled by POP3 and SMTP filters, and the QWK message format for BBS messages is supported. - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ - Shareware. |
4160 | BTRFLY11.LHA | 23674 | 11.09.1996 | - | - | - | Butterfly 1.1 - tiny mailer for www browsers. Butterfly offers an easy way to write and send e-mail from your favourite WWW browser. File attachments are allowed (base64encoding) Requires: OS2.0+, MUI3.3+ and AmiTCP 4.0+ Aminet name: Butterfly11.lha |
4163 | CARETI12.LHA | 58697 | 28.04.1996 | - | - | - | CareTime V1.2 (16.4.96) tell you for how long you are connected. - Requires: OS2.0+ - Author: Delantes Mathias - Freeware - Original file name: CareTime12.lha |
4164 | CHKCAR11.LHA | 8292 | 29.07.1996 | - | - | - | CheckCarrier 1.1 - CarrierDetect binary for scripts. Returns "Yes" for carrier detect or modem in use and "No" otherwise. |
4166 | CLCHAT10.LHA | 34039 | 19.05.1995 | - | - | - | Multiuserchat for AmiTCP with GUI client. Orginal name file: clchat10.lha |
4168 | CLEARCAC.LHA | 5739 | 11.07.1996 | - | - | - | ClearCache programs for IBrowse, Mindwalker and Voyager. Freeware. |
4175 | CPRO20B.LHA | 560584 | 20.09.1995 | - | - | - | Practical AGA-mempeeker, see chip contents as a graphics screen. |
4181 | DIALER.LHA | 22644 | 25.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | V1.0 Easy Dialer for AmiTCP |
4186 | DNET-SRC.LHA | 324758 | 10.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Sources for DNET - amiga sources -complete sources to everything |
4182 | DNET302B.LHA | 119438 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | DNet SAS/C version TNA 3.02 -This is the conversion of DNet from GCC to SAS/C 6.x. It is based on version 2.40GCC (ocf.berkeley.edu). Use the 2.42 Unix sources for now! |
4183 | DNETCGUI.LHA | 27507 | 10.01.1995 | renamed | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | Classic DNet clients with GUI - comm/net- GGet, GPut, DLoad |
4184 | DNETDEVI.LHA | 5833 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Device for DNET sessions |
4185 | DNETIRC.LHA | 90619 | 10.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | IRC intuition DNet client - Amiga IRC -DNET Version 1.0 |
4187 | DNETSUN4.LHA | 9150 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | DNET binary for Sun4 |
4188 | DNETTNA3.LHA | 119357 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | DNet 3.02 SAS/C "Work-In-Progress" AmiBincomm/net |
4190 | DREXXMAI.LHA | 49060 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Script pack for DNET - release 3 - set of Arexx scripts that permit you to use programs like GRn and AmigaElm properly through a DNET connection. |
63241 | DTERM150.LHA | 301955 | 15.05.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | Comm prog (KS3.0/MUI3.3/68000 required) +-------------------------------------+ | o Fast internal ansi emulation | | o XEm/XPr support | | o Configurable graphical toolbar | +-------------------------------------+ |
4193 | EC931024.LHA | 241212 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | El Cheapo Fax - Simple fax sending with faxmodem |
4194 | ECFEH107.LHA | 130589 | 10.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Gui interface to El Cheapo Fax Soft with major enhancemnts - comm/misc - send and receive fax via a Fax/modem class 2 compatible. |
4200 | FASTSER.LHA | 17158 | 13.04.1995 | - | #Jope | - | New serial.device Capable of upto 115200 transfers/connects. Doctor DMA |
4203 | FENSTART.LHA | 890380 | 13.10.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | A tfpd for AmiTCP 3.0b2 or higher. |
2168 | FIDOMO10.LHA | 21787 | 15.12.1994 | - | - | - | FidoMon V1.0,FidoNet In/Outbound viewer for TrapDoor. |
4207 | FTPGET11.LHA | 10791 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | Stand-alone FTP 'get' command. V1.1,forAmiTCP. Orginal name file: FTPGet1_1.lha |
4208 | FTPMNT10.LHA | 115606 | 27.06.1996 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | - | FTPMount 1.0 - Mounts FTP sites as part of a filesystem. Original name: FTPMount-1.0.lha |
4211 | GAGEDRVD.LHA | 97721 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Demo version of driver for Gage CS220Gage_cs220.device is driver for CompuScope 220 ISA Digital Oscilloscopeboard. With this driver and a GoldenGate2 or GG2+ ISA/ZorroII bus bridge, you can use the CS220 on an Amiga. |
64510 | GMAIL07B.LHA | 15389 | 16.04.1996 | - | - | tupla | GhostMail 0.7b, GhostWriter Fido-yhteensopiville verkoille. |
4217 | GMGET18.LHA | 85676 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | GadMget1.8, Aminet RECENT browser -util/misc - Allows user to pick Aminet files from RECENT or INDEX listing via GUI and generates "mget" commands to download them. |
4218 | GOPHER.LHA | 27496 | 10.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Gopher client for amitcp - comm/net -Internet Gopher client/server provides distributed information delivery system around which a world/campus-wide information system (CWIS) can readily be constructed. Gopher facilitates access to other Gopher and information servers throughout the world. |
2175 | GOTHITAG.LHA | 11054 | 15.12.1994 | - | - | - | Gothic_TagAdds taglines to messages |
4219 | GRAPE182.LHA | 278739 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | Grapevine V1.182 - IRC client for TCP/IP or serial - comm/net - Amiga Internet Relay Chat client. Grapevine is a means by which to communicate over this network using an attractive, easy to use GUI. Supports TCP/IP stacks, Commodore's AS225r2, AmiTC P, any serial.device compatible device by means of a simple Unix network connection utility and a smallterminal program to log in and connect to the server, and pass control to Grapevine.REQUIREMENTS AmigaDOS Release 2+, |
4221 | GRN21.LHA | 237245 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | Gadtools-based newsreader for AS225R2/AmiTCP/UUCP/C-News/DNET/AUW- GRn 2.1 |
4222 | GSCID.LZH | 104098 | 25.11.1996 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | - | GS Caller-ID. A versatile Caller-ID programwith lots of functions. |
4224 | GUIATCP2.LHA | 73810 | 30.06.1996 | - | - | - | GuiAmiTCP V2.1 - Amitcp GUI front end. FULL VERSION - Original name: GuiAmiTCP-v2.lha |
4226 | HANDSHAK.LHA | 98089 | 31.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | HandShake - Terminaaliohjelma. |
64837 | HLHAND10.LHA | 48283 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | tupla | HotlistHandler 1.0 - Manage and Share one hotlist among all Amiga browsers. Supports: AWeb, IBrowse, Voyager and Mosaic. Requires: OS3+ - Aminet name: HLHandler10.lha |
4241 | IBNEWDEF.LHA | 4349 | 05.12.1996 | - | - | - | New navigation-images for IBrowse. Aminet name: IBrowseNewDef.lha |
4243 | ICETE121.LZX | 180055 | 22.04.1996 | - | - | - | The custom terminal package for use with IceBBS |
4246 | INET-3.LHA | 306283 | 12.01.1995 | - | - | - | AS225r2 SMTP/NNTP utilities and more,V1.3 - series of programs designed to allow an Amiga running AS-225 beta 2.0 software (i.e., socket.library capable)or AmiTCP 2.2 to interact and operate as fully functioning members of an IP network, including t he global Internet. |
4245 | INET13TC.LHA | 311017 | 12.01.1995 | - | - | - | AmiTCP SMTP/NNTP utilities and more -comm/net - V1.3 - allow an Amiga runningAS-225 beta 2.0 software or AmiTCP 2.2 tointeract and operate as fully functioning members of an IP network, including the global Internet. |
4247 | INFORM2.LHA | 3966 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Replacement for inform(starts commands on other ParNET-Amiga) |
65149 | INSDD113.LHA | 377534 | 17.12.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | Daydream BBS V1.13, conferencebased BBS software. |
4248 | INTDG105.LHA | 75569 | 12.01.1995 | - | - | - | Internet Adress book for use Term - comm/net - large address book of internet sites. When used with the terminal programme Term it permits you to simply press the TELNET or FTP button next to an address and it will be sent through Term to your host, no more address typing. Requires multiview, amigaguide or other compatible reader. could be customised for other terminal packages with good AREXX interface. |
4255 | IU14ATCP.LHA | 401865 | 22.06.1996 | - | - | - | INetUtils 1.4 - AmiTCP SMTP/NNTP utilities Series of programs designed to allow an Amiga running AS225r2 software i.e., socket.library capable) or AmiTCP 2.2 (or above) to interact and operate as fully functioning members of an IP network, including the global Internet. Freeware - Original name: IU-14-amitcp.lha |
4258 | LFS.LHA | 39699 | 27.10.1996 | - | 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso | - | LFS 1.0 - Speedchecks Aminet sites to see which one is fastest. Then it autodetects the Browser you are using and "automagically" tells it to connect there. |
4259 | LOGICPIC.LHA | 127239 | 17.12.1995 | - | 3325/Aminet 6 - June 1995.iso | - | Kuvaruutukaappauksia LogicBBS-purkkiohjelmis- tosta. |
4260 | LPR1P0B.LHA | 7321 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Lpx remote printing with AmiTCP |
4262 | M2YAM18.LHA | 9005 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | Mail2YAM 1.8 - Mailto: script replacement for ANY WWW Browser. - Requires: OS2.1+, YAM 1.3+ RexxMast running, rexxreqtools.library, a WWW browser. - Aminet name: mail2yam18.lha |
4267 | MASSDC11.LHA | 40054 | 10.01.1995 | - | - | - | MassDecode v1.1 - Scans UseNet newsgroups and uudecodes binaries automatically - - comm/news |
4272 | MHYDR111.LHA | 62976 | 28.12.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Hydracom MUI 1.11 The best Hydracom by MaXiM Now a lot of new Options |
66130 | MIAMI11D.LHA | 273563 | 04.11.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Miami 1.1d (1.11.96) integrated TCP/IP system for AmigaDOS, that allows you to access the Internet by modem in a very simple way. Requires: OS2.04+, MUI 3.3+ - Shareware. |
4279 | MIAONOFF.LHA | 12929 | 11.11.1996 | - | - | - | MiamiOnOff -Get MIAMI Online/Offline from CLI Two arexx + two dos scripts to allow you go online or offline from CLI/Shell without having to start Miami first. - Aminet name: MiamiOnOff.lha |
4285 | MINIM14B.LHA | 106035 | 11.07.1996 | - | - | - | MiniMail 1.4b (2.7.96) -An integrated E-mail system w/MIME - Requires: OS2.0+, AmiTCP 3+ or MLink, reqtools.library 38+ - Emailware |
4286 | MIRRRM11.LHA | 347062 | 11.01.1995 | - | - | - | MirrorManager - Manages Aminet downloads, supports MUI - comm/misc |
4287 | MLINK134.LHA | 126036 | 10.02.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Multilink 1.34 - SLIP-emulaattori Amigalle. Shareware. Ks. MikroBitti 9/95. |
4289 | MLTYAM11.LHA | 20124 | 13.11.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | MultiYAM 1.1 - Managing multiple mailboxes with YAM. Aminet name: MultiYAM1_1.lha |
66220 | MNEWS10B.LHA | 58424 | 05.09.1996 | - | 20455/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 10 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-09][EARSAN CD XI].iso | tupla | Kätevä, pieni yksinkertainen News-selain vaatii Mui 3.1+ |
4291 | MOC128.LHA | 7135 | 11.09.1996 | - | 3282/Aminet 14 - Oct 1996.iso | - | MOC 1.28 - is clock to measure the online time of Slip/PPP Session. Requires OS2.0+ and MUI 3.1+. |
4292 | MODDRAW.LHA | 32025 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Modem Draw, pieni termis jonka avulla voit piirtaa ruudulle, kuin termis ja piirto-ohjelma samassa. EI varsinainen termis purkkikayttoon vaan kahden henkilon keskusteluihin. |
2192 | MOSA12DN.LHA | 191454 | 31.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Amiga Mosaic 1.2 (DNet) |
2193 | MOSAIC12.LHA | 192193 | 22.10.1994 | - | 1310/Network CD - Volume 2.iso | - | Amiga Mosaic 1.2 (AmiTCP) - Graafinen WWW- selain Amigalle. |
4297 | MPACK-15.LHA | 52457 | 07.05.1996 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | - | mpack/munpack 1.5 for Amiga - are utilities for encoding and decoding (respectively) binary files in MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) format mail messages. - Requires OS2.0+ -Original name: mpack-1.5.lha |
4299 | MPLIP375.LHA | 69288 | 31.01.1996 | - | - | - | magPLIP 37.5 - SANA II compliant PLIP device driver for AmiTCP/IP, Envoy, AS225 and other networking packages. |
4302 | MSQWIK40.LHA | 94694 | 16.08.1995 | - | - | - | MSQWIK v4.0 - QWK-lukija Amigalle. |
4305 | MTOOL405.LHA | 133355 | 27.04.1996 | - | - | - | MetaTool - The Amiga MIME Mailer (40.5) *FREEWARE* fully fledged Mail program, supporting: Full MIME intergration, Full Multithreaded operation etc. |
4309 | NCOMM30.LHA | 314099 | 19.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Kohtalaisen pienikokoinen terminaaliohjelma Amigalle. |
4311 | NDIAL40.LHA | 20811 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | An updated AREXX Dialer for AmiTCP 4.0. |
4314 | NETSE100.LHA | 42464 | 12.01.1995 | - | - | - | Virtual serial.device for AmiTCP- comm/net |
4315 | NETUTILS.LHA | 19247 | 11.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Par/Sernet chat and command server- require the ParNet or SerNet |
4316 | NEWSAG14.LHA | 51013 | 13.07.1996 | - | - | - | NewsAgent 1.4 - NNTP News header/article browser - Original file name: NewsAgent14.lha |
4322 | ONLYMAIL.LHA | 5018 | 14.01.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | OnlyMail 1.3 - Miami & Voodoo Hand in Hand. Req: Miami, Voodoo, AmiPOP V1.1x, SMTPPost. |
66802 | OO081.LHA | 245423 | 05.05.1996 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | tupla | Offline Orbit 0.81 (C)1993-96 by Janne Siren. Shareware offline message reader for Amigas with operating system version 2.04 or higher. Offline Orbit features a user friendly, font sensitive GUI and support for the Blue Wave, OMEN, QWK, SOUP and WWF message formats. |
66810 | OPAQUE10.LHA | 26952 | 21.12.1994 | - | - | tupla | OpaqueMove 1.0; Workbench Tool; An Opaque Window Movement Commodity; Requirements: 68030 or greater CPU AmigaDos 3.0 or Greater; Freeware |
4326 | OTHSPOT.LHA | 5449 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Othello by mail using reg'd Spot. Othello. Spot is a small arexx script for Spot that lets you play the old two playerboard game favourite of the same name via echo mail. It's a good thinking game and a little more involved than anything else available. Enjoy. The game requires a registered Spot and rexxmast must be running on your system. |
4327 | PARBEN31.LHA | 126485 | 12.01.1995 | - | - | - | ParBENCH is a ParNET installation kitIt uses the CBM Installer and is fullydocumented. - Loistava vapaasti levitettävä PD-paikallisverkko kahdenAmigan välille. |
4328 | PARNET21.LHA | 9147 | 11.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | New parnet.device, 20% faster, OS2.x only and 11k smaller |
4329 | PARNETLS.LHA | 82234 | 12.01.1995 | - | - | - | Parnet mailing list archives- comm/net |
4330 | PARNFS.LHA | 76288 | 11.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Parnet filesystem - comm/net - ParNFS is intended to be a replacement for the well-known Parnet file system. |
4332 | PC2AM202.LHA | 21580 | 18.02.1996 | - | 3325/Aminet 6 - June 1995.iso | - | Ohjelma mahdollistaa loggautumisen koneelta toisella. Amigassa vaaditaan vähintään KS 2.0 ja PC:ssä MS-DOS 3.1. Lisäksi tarvitaan tavallinen linkki- kaapeli. Tekijä: Michal Kara E-Mail: lemming@k332.feld.cvut.cz |
4333 | PDATA352.LHA | 46647 | 25.03.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | PData release v3.52 FiNAL The 64 <-> Amiga data transfer utility by The Sharks |
4334 | PGPA-FIN.LHA | 20796 | 02.04.1996 | - | - | - | PGP:n version 2.6.3i suomenkieliset vasteet Amigalle. - Paketissa on PGP:n tarvitsemat LANGUAGE.TXT ja FI.HLP tiedostot, sekä lyhyt ohje asennuksesta. Asentaminen on helppoa. |
4335 | PGPAMIGA.LHA | 427140 | 23.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | PGPAmiga 2.6.3 international Salausohjelma jolla voit salata esimerkiksi sähköpostisi. Mukana versiot 68000 ja 68020 prosessoreille. Ohjelma on freeware. Tekijä: Philip Zimmermann e-mail: prz@acm.org Paketin alkuperäinen nimi: PGPAmiga-263i.lha |
4336 | PGPMIP.LHA | 137968 | 23.02.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | PGP Mail Integration Project - three useful programs to integrate PGP into e-mail. |
4337 | PGPSENDM.LHA | 56073 | 23.02.1996 | - | - | - | PGPSendMail (for PGP 2.6ui) |
4339 | PHCOST12.LHA | 41869 | 25.11.1996 | - | - | - | Phonecost 1.2. Calculates your phone costs. |
67216 | PHONEMAN.LHA | 18087 | 14.01.1995 | - | - | tupla | AUTI! Phone Man V.3,Auto Sequential Dialer for the Amiga. The purpose is to find other computersvia carrier signal. Phone Man will dial every number within the specified range,and store each number answered with carrier signal to file or printer. |
4341 | PIN393_0.LHA | 566362 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | Pine 3.93 - mail/news lukija Amigalle. - Tässä paketissa on 000-versio executablesta. Tarvitset lisäksi paketin pin393_b.lha. Pine tarvitsee myös ixemul.library 43.x. Pakkauksen alkup. nimi: pine3.93_000.lha |
4342 | PIN393_2.LHA | 542253 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | Pine 3.93 - mail/news lukija Amigalle. - Tässä paketissa on 020-versio executablesta. Tarvitset lisäksi paketin pin393_b.lha. Pine tarvitsee myös ixemul.library 43.x. Pakkauksen alkup. nimi: pine3.93_020.lha |
4343 | PIN393_B.LHA | 380224 | 06.06.1996 | - | - | - | Pine 3.93 - mail/news lukija Amigalle. - Tässä paketissa on perustiedostot. Tarvitset myös paketin jossa on 000- (pin393_0.lha) tai 020-versio (pin393_2.lha) Pinesta. Pine tar- vitsee myös ixemul.library 43.x. - Pakkauksen alkuperäinen nimi: pine3.93_base.lha |
67396 | PPP1_30.LHA | 113735 | 25.08.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | PPP-ajuri (SANA-II yhteensopiva, sopii mm. AmiTCP:n kanssa käytettäväksi). |
4347 | PPP1_45.LHA | 107094 | 27.06.1996 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | PPP V1.45 - PPP-ajuri (SANA-II yhteensopiva, sopii mm. AmiTCP:n kanssa käytettäväksi). Nyt mukana myös PAP. Shareware. |
4346 | PPP130R.LHA | 55269 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | ppp.device V1.30 (Needs KEY File!)for use with AmiTCP 4.0+ |
4349 | PRONET31.LHA | 174924 | 31.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | ProNET Network v3.1. Rajoitettu, mutta toimiva kahden tai useamman koneen verkko-ohjelma. |
67566 | Q-BLUE22.LHA | 382024 | 24.11.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | Q-Blue v2.2 BETA - Amiga offline mail reader that can read both QWK and Blue Wave packets. Still the best. New Internet enhancements! Requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or newer. Four reply limit until registered. $20. |
2223 | RIP_PAC.LHA | 145206 | 22.10.1994 | - | - | - | AMOD! OS2! AmigaRIP communicationsprogram, supporting the RIP graphicsProtocol, The next standard for BBSand Terminal Prgs. Alpha test version. |
4355 | RM20.LHA | 28776 | 15.01.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | os2! ReadMail V2.0, QWK-offline-lukija. |
4356 | RO_1_3.LHA | 103768 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | Rock v1.3. An easy to install fidomailer. |
2226 | SERNET24.LHA | 109802 | 19.12.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | SerialNet V2.4.Mahdollistaa kaksisuuntaisen paikallisverkon luonnin kahden Amigan välille sarjaportin kautta. |
4365 | SMN11F.LHA | 1351 | 27.11.1996 | - | - | - | Uudempi Smodem.script NComm V3.x termikseen. Toimii nyt kokonaan hiirellä. |
68473 | SMODEM13.LHA | 29501 | 07.04.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | SModem/AmigaOS V1.00 rev 3 Bi-directional file transfer protocol with chat. Works on Telnet, Rlogin and screen, as well as on traditional 8 bit clean lines. Includes scripts for Term, Terminus & NComm. >Performance rate 99.5%!< |
4375 | SPOT13A.LHA | 596608 | 29.05.1995 | - | 20452/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 07 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-05][EARSAN CD VI].iso | - | Spot v1.3a, Fidonet Msg editor/tosser |
4376 | SSE.LHA | 19390 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Access Web searchers from your HD |
4383 | SVOO1225.LHA | 459714 | 14.03.1996 | - | - | - | Serious Voodoo 1.225 - NEEDS KEYFILE!! - Voodoo is a multithreaded easy to use E-Mail reader. It provides an attractive and easy to use interface to reading and writing Internet mail, including advanced features such as attaching varying types of documents to plain text messages, with the MIME. - Author: Osma Ahvenlampi - Shareware - Original file name: SeriousVoodoo-1.225.lha |
4385 | T47-030.LHA | 678167 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Term 4.7 - A terminal program for Amiga. MC68020/030/040/060 version. Aminet name: term-030.lha |
4387 | T47-DOC.LHA | 241966 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Term 4.7 - AmigaGuide format and library doc. Aminet name: term-doc.lha |
4388 | T47-DVI.LHA | 271270 | 04.11.1996 | - | - | - | Term 4.7 - Documentation in TeX-DVI format Aminet name: term-dvi.lha |
4389 | T47-EXT.LHA | 246723 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Term 4.7 - HydraCom, ARexx scripts, sound files, translation tables. - Aminet name: term-extras.lha |
4390 | T47-LIBS.LHA | 130285 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Term 4.7 - XPR and XEM libs. Aminet name: term-libs.lha |
4391 | T47-LOCA.LHA | 268706 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Term 4.7 - Locale and blank catalog table file - Aminet name: term-locale.lha |
4392 | T47-MAIN.LHA | 679452 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | Term 4.7 - A terminal program for Amiga. Distribution for all Amigas - Aminet name: term-main.lha |
4393 | T47-ROAD.TXT | 880 | 27.10.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Term 4.7 - Intro to the distribution (what to download) - Aminet name: term-roadmap.readme |
68855 | T47B-PCH.LHA | 738671 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | tupla | Term 4.7b patch - Updates `term' 4.7 to 4.7b Patch files must be applied to the original v4.7 files as found on Aminet. They cannot be applied to recompiled versions or to files which already have the v4.7a patch applied. Aminet name: term_47b_pch.lha |
4394 | TALLA092.LHA | 166341 | 05.12.1996 | - | - | - | Tallahassee 0.92 - Internet Utilities GUI for Miami. - Requires: OS3+, Miami, MUI 3.6+ and Arexx. - Aminet name: Tallahassee.lha |
4399 | TELSER14.LHA | 256873 | 11.07.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | telser 1.40 - Telnet(d)/rlogin(d) device/ handler for TCP/IP. |
4400 | TERMI20E.LHA | 502504 | 06.05.1995 | - | - | - | Terminus V2.0e Pääteohjelma. |
4401 | TERMITE.LHA | 177155 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | A new term program for the Amiga, limited toZMODEM transfers. |
69113 | THOR24AP.LHA | 115875 | 13.11.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | THOR 2.4 - API developer docs for THOR 2.4 Aminet name: thor24_api.lha |
69114 | THOR24AR.LHA | 133247 | 13.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | THOR 2.4 -Optional ARexx scripts for THOR 2.4 Aminet name: thor24_arexx.lha |
69115 | THOR24BB.LHA | 80072 | 13.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | THOR 2.4 - BBS archive for THOR 2.4 (QWK/FIDO/BLUE/ABBS/MBBS/OMEN/HIPPO) Aminet name: thor24_bbs.lha |
69116 | THOR24IN.LHA | 229376 | 13.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | THOR 2.4 - Internet archive for THOR 2.4 (TCP/SOUP/UUCP) - Aminet: thor24_inet.lha |
69117 | THOR24MA.LHA | 837359 | 13.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | THOR 2.4 - Multi-format offline reader, main archive (required). Supporting the QWK, Fido, UUCP, SOUP, Bluewave, Omen, ABBS, MBBS and Hippo (BBBS) message formats.. It will also handle TCP-connections with NNTP, SMTP and POP3, with extensive MIME support. Shareware Aminet name: thor24_bbs.lha |
4409 | TICTTOE.LHA | 3203 | 25.11.1996 | - | - | - | TicTacToe-ARexx-script for AmIRC. |
4410 | TIMEC141.LHA | 177738 | 11.07.1996 | - | - | - | TimeConnect 1.41 - Phone Call coster/logger with MUI. GIFTWARE - Original file name: TimeConnect.lha |
4411 | TOGMI11.LHA | 33340 | 17.08.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | TogMi 1.1 - Miami autoiconify dial up/down Arexx script. - Requires: OS2.0+, RexxMast active, Miami TCP/IP stack. |
4412 | TPORT2.LHA | 99195 | 21.05.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Teleport v2.0 - tällä voit siirtää kahden Amigan välillä dataa jopa 880.000bps nopeudella seriaalikaapelia pitkin! SW. |
69410 | TRMS20E.LHA | 500865 | 02.04.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | Terminus 2.0a |
4413 | TROELS10.LHA | 7544 | 18.04.1996 | - | 3280/Aminet 12 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1996].iso | - | Troels 1.0 - Parantaa Spotin importia. |
4414 | TSEARC21.LHA | 43652 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | TachySearch 2.1 WEB and Aminet searching for IBrowse. Provides ability to search multiple WWW search engines, as well as Aminet file searching. |
4415 | TWC203.LHA | 64930 | 15.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | TWC by Lutz Viewes, utility joka mahdollistaa filejen ja chatin seriaaliportin kautta molempiin suuntiin yhtaikaa |
4416 | TWINEXPR.LHA | 77863 | 15.01.1995 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Twin Express, tiedoston siirto-ohjelmaAmiga-Amiga, PC-PC, Amiga-PC. Nopea jahelppokayttoinen. Sisaltaa SEKA Amiga etta PC-versiot. |
4417 | UI120.LHA | 123804 | 04.02.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | User Info 1.20 on ohjelma joka tekee taglinejä josta selviää vähän kaikkea kirjoittajaa liittyvää. Paketti sisältää sekä Amiga- että PC-version. |
4418 | UNREALAU.LHA | 51818 | 27.10.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Unrealaudio v0.3 - Real time audio from the internet. - Requires: ixemul43+, fifo.library 38.2, Audio-Handler - Aminet: unrealaudio.lha |
69607 | UUENCODE.LHA | 23265 | 24.02.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | UUencode ja UUdecode - Muuttaa binaari- tiedostoja ASCII:ksi ja takaisin. |
4422 | UUXT31.LHA | 111570 | 02.01.1997 | - | 17104/TEKNO 2-1997.iso | - | UUxT 3.1 - full featured UUencode/decoder. |
4423 | V34SERDV.LHA | 3907 | 31.01.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | V.34 Serial device for your 28.8k modem with docs. Very fast serial device. 68020+ |
4424 | VARKNET1.LHA | 748675 | 07.05.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Internet installoija.Sisältää mosaic,MUI 3.1 AmiTCP 4.0 ja muuta tarvittavaa.Installoituu installointi ohjelmalla sys levykkeelle.Osa! Osia on kole ja ne vievät noin 4.5MB. |
4425 | VARKNET2.LHA | 798508 | 07.05.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Internet installoijan osa2. |
4426 | VARKNET3.LHA | 545462 | 07.05.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Internet installoijan osa3. |
69653 | VAXTERM.LHA | 68943 | 09.02.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | VaxTerm - Terminaaliohjelma. |
4428 | VLTJ5867.LHA | 238881 | 19.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Perustermis Amigalle. |
2248 | VOLR26.LHA | 83250 | 22.10.1994 | - | - | - | AMOD! OS2! VOLR-off line readerfor VTERM / VBBS -usage.Can _ONLY_ be used with the AmigaVTERM BBS-software (GUI-basedmultitasking BBS/Terminal programsystem). Remember to get also VTERM. |
69776 | VOOD1244.LHA | 582355 | 02.06.1996 | - | 20454/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 09 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-07 & 08][EARSAN CD VIII].iso | tupla | Voodoo Demo 1.244 Voodoo is a multithreaded easy to use E-Mail reader. It provides an attractive and easy to use interface to reading and writing Internet mail, including advanced features such as attaching varying types of documents to plain text messages, with the MIME. Using the Datatype system introduced in AmigaOS 3.0, it can display many kind of data, such as text, graphics, even animation. - Author: Osma Ahvenlampi - Shareware - Original name: Voodoo-1.244.lha |
69782 | VOYA10.LHA | 282980 | 10.05.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Voyager 1.0 - Freeware WWW-browser. NeedsMUI. Supports HTML-3. Looks like Mindwalker. |
69842 | VT100.LHA | 296443 | 01.02.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Vt100 - Terminaaliohjelma. |
2250 | VTERM108.LHA | 189165 | 22.10.1994 | - | - | - | AMOD! OS2! VTERMinal V1.08,for use with VBBS Amiga bulletin boardsystem. Gives you internallymultitasking telecommunications withpure GUI-interface. You can MULTITASKin the BBS, reading messages, uploadingdownloading and using doors ALL AT SAMETIME !Ensimmainen Suomalainen VBBS-purkki:PIX BBS (918-7304 076), V32b 24H.Erittain suositeltava kokemus! |
69993 | WEATHE14.LHA | 61087 | 13.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | WeatherExperience 1.4 (8.9.96) - Monitor global Internet weatherdata. - Requires: OS2.0+, TCP/IP stack (like Miami), MUI3.3+ Aminet name: WeatherEx14.lha |
69995 | WEBD13E.LHA | 210260 | 13.10.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | Web Design1.3e html authoring software |
70003 | WEBPLU11.LHA | 142435 | 11.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | WebPlug 1.1 - HTML editor for the Amiga. Requires: MUI, OS2.0+ (3.0+ is _strongly_ recommended). On OS3.0+ is recommended to have GIF and JPEG datatypes, as WebPlug uses them to know image sizes. - Aminet name: WebPlugv11.lha |
4443 | WEBVI10.LHA | 101536 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | WebView 1.0. WWW-viewer especially forslow and old Amigas with slow processorand not-so-much memory. |
4447 | WOMEN100.LHA | 6617 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | WOMEN converts WWF message bundles to OMEN and OMEN return packets to WWF. For TBBS |
4448 | WRINEWS.LHA | 2463 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | Writenews V2.05, mosaic utility to followup or write newsitems to browsed newsgruops. req Amiga Mosaic 1.2+ nntppost,rexxreqtools |
4449 | WUFTPD37.LHA | 207872 | 12.01.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Third release of FTP server for AmiTCP 3.0b2 |
4450 | WWFREA04.LHA | 35840 | 05.07.1995 | - | - | - | WWF-Reader v0.4 - Etälukija Amigalle Tukee QWK- ja WWF-formaatteja. AmigaOS v1.3 -yhteensopiva. |
4451 | WWWCACHE.LHA | 12131 | 18.11.1995 | - | 7871/Speccy ClassiX 98.iso | - | WWWCache - Nopeuttaa WWW-sivujen selailua tallentamalla kuvia kiintolevylle jotta niitä ei aina tarvitse siirtää linjoja myöten. (AMosaicille) |
4452 | X-CACHE.LHA | 17277 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Cachebrowser for Amiga WWW-browsers likeAWeb, IBrowse or Voyager. |
70277 | XCOM100A.LHA | 371092 | 07.02.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | X-Comm 1.00a - Laaja, mutta ikääntyvä pääteohjelma. Ks. MikroBitti 2/94. |
70326 | XPRASCII.LHA | 27402 | 01.02.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | xprascii.library |
70327 | XPRJMODE.LHA | 5652 | 01.02.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | xprjmodem.library |
70328 | XPRKERMI.LHA | 67992 | 01.02.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | xprkermit.library |
4458 | XPRQUICK.LHA | 8926 | 04.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | xprquickb.library - CompuServe QuickB -tiedostoprotokollan XPR-kirjasto. |
70329 | XPRSZMOD.LHA | 11312 | 01.02.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | xprszmodem.library |
4460 | XPRZ351.LHA | 166078 | 16.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | xprzmodem and xprzedzap, locale aware, WB2.1+ |
4461 | YAM134.LHA | 524272 | 18.12.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | YAM 1.3.4 - MUI Internet mailer for the Amiga Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+, Miami (or AmiTCP), SLIP or PPP connection and account, Provider must support POP3 and SMTP services. Freeware |
4462 | YAM134UP.LHA | 78338 | 18.12.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | YAM 1.3.4 update - This archive contains an update from YAM 1.3.3a to 1.3.4. - Original YAM 1.3.3a archive required! |
70385 | YAMLIST.LHA | 4444 | 05.01.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | YAMList - Mailing List Server for YAM. These arexx scripts are used to maintain and create a Mailing List using Marcel Beck's excellent YAM mail software. Simple to use and setup unlike other ListServ's. |
4470 | YAMNET.LHA | 134572 | 23.09.1996 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | - | YamNet 2.12 - Receive & Send fido-files with Yam 1.3.x - Requires: YAM 1.3.x, PGP 2.6.3i, rexxtricks.library 38.6. - Freeware |
70393 | YAMSCRI2.LHA | 11938 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | Useful AREXX scripts for YAM (release 2). This archive contains several AREXX-scripts written for Marcel Becks's great mail program YAM. They were written for version 1.3.3 and might not work with older versions. - Author: Kai Nikulainen - Aminet name: YAMscripts.lha |
4472 | YAMSERV.LHA | 3197 | 08.10.1996 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | - | YAMServ 1.1 - YAM ARexx file mail server. |
4476 | YUADMI11.LHA | 56937 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | YUAdmin 1.1 (15.10.96) multiple users in YAM Requires: YAM 1.3.2 - Aminet: YUAdmin.lha |
70474 | ZMIME_13.LHA | 35572 | 27.06.1996 | - | 20456/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 11 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-10][PLANET CD].iso | tupla | zmime 1.3 (23.6.96) is a localized MIME user agent with a MUI interface. It was designed to both parse and create MIME messages. - To run zmime, you need Kickstart 2.1 or better and MUI Release 3.1 or better. - Author: Ralph Seichter |
9618 | 500TER.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 28.10.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Terminate 5 -pääteohjelmaTERMINATE 5 .....The Final Datacomms Terminal!..... Extremely Powerful Terminal Program w. many Features: BBS system with Fidonet- Mailer/Events/IEMSI, Fax System, VT100, VT220, ANSI, Avatar, Cost Calculation, File Manager, Full Fidonet Mailsystem for Points/Nodes, Scripts, CAPI 1.1, ISDN B-Channel Bundling, Doorway NOW! |
9621 | ARCHN161.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 27.04.2000 | - | #hyrava | tupla | Arachne 1.61WWW browser for DOS. Free for non-commercial use. WWW browser, HTML viewer, HTML editor, e-mail client with folders, graphical desktop, internet/intranet client. Supports subset of HTML/4.0 (Netscape extensions - frames, fonts, tables), anim. GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, WAV, HTTP (version 1.0 + cookies), GOPHER, FTP, TELNET, POP3, SMTP, FINGER, PPP, PAP, CHAP, BOOTP, DHCP, CGI, MIME 1.0, BASE64, UUENCODE. Runs on DOS, x86, x386, XMS, EMS, VESA, SVGA, VGA, EGA, CGA. http://www.arachne.com |
9622 | ARCHN162.EXE | 986 kt | 13.06.2000 | - | - | tupla | Arachne 1.62 - WWW browser for DOSArachne 1.62 - WWW browser for DOS *** FREE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE *** WWW browser, HTML viewer, HTML editor, e-mail client with folders, graphical desktop, internet/intranet client. Supports subset of HTML/4.0 (Netscape extensions - frames, fonts, tables), anim. GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, WAV, HTTP (version 1.0 + cookies), GOPHER, FTP, TELNET, POP3, SMTP, FINGER, PPP, PAP, CHAP, BOOTP, DHCP, CGI, MIME 1.0, BASE64, UUENCODE. Runs on DOS, x86, x386, XMS, EMS, VESA, SVGA, VGA, EGA, CGA, mouse, packet driver, modem. Prints/exports to ASCII or PostScript. Optional packages: MPEG, BINHEX, PDF, shareware AVI, MOV and MPEG3 player QV Browser core is (c) Arachne Labs, 2000 |
9623 | ARCHN164.EXE | 971,6 kt | 09.07.2000 | - | - | tupla | Arachne 1.64 - WWW browser for DOS *** FREE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE *** WWW browser, HTML viewer, HTML editor, e-mail client with folders, graphical desktop, internet/intranet client. Supports subset of HTML/4.0 (Netscape extensions - frames, fonts, tables), anim. GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, WAV, HTTP (version 1.0 + cookies), GOPHER, FTP, TELNET, POP3, SMTP, FINGER, PPP, PAP, CHAP, BOOTP, DHCP, CGI, MIME 1.0, BASE64, UUENCODE. Runs on DOS, x86, x386, XMS, EMS, VESA, SVGA, VGA, EGA, CGA, mouse, packet driver, modem. Prints/exports to ASCII or PostScript. Optional packages: MPEG, BINHEX, PDF, shareware AVI, MOV and MPEG3 player QV Browser core is (c) Arachne Labs, 2000 |
9624 | ARCHN166.EXE | 966,5 kt | 07.08.2000 | - | - | tupla | Arachne 1.66 - WWW browser for DOS *** FREE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE *** WWW browser, HTML viewer, HTML editor, e-mail client with folders, graphical desktop, internet/intranet client. Supports subset of HTML/4.0 (Netscape extensions - frames, fonts, tables), anim. GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, WAV, HTTP (version 1.0 + cookies), GOPHER, FTP, TELNET, POP3, SMTP, FINGER, PPP, PAP, CHAP, BOOTP, DHCP, CGI, MIME 1.0, BASE64, UUENCODE. Runs on DOS, x86, x386, XMS, EMS, VESA, SVGA, VGA, EGA, CGA, mouse, packet driver, modem. Prints/exports to ASCII or PostScript. Optional packages: MPEG, BINHEX, PDF, shareware AVI, MOV and MPEG3 player QV Browser core is (c) Arachne Labs, 2000 |
9625 | ARCHN168.EXE | 982,8 kt | 07.12.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | tupla | Arachne 1.68 WWW browser for DOS *** FREE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE *** WWW browser, HTML viewer, HTML editor, e-mail client with folders, graphical desktop, internet/intranet client. Supports subset of HTML/4.0 (Netscape extensions - frames, fonts, tables), anim. GIF, JPEG, PNG, BMP, WAV, HTTP (version 1.0 + cookies), GOPHER, FTP, TELNET, POP3, SMTP, FINGER, PPP, PAP, CHAP, BOOTP, DHCP, CGI, MIME 1.0, BASE64, UUENCODE. Runs on DOS, x86, x386, XMS, EMS, VESA, SVGA, VGA, EGA, CGA, mouse, packet driver, modem. Prints/exports to ASCII or PostScript. Optional packages: MPEG, BINHEX, PDF, shareware AVI, MOV and MPEG3 player QV Browser core is (c) Arachne Labs, 2000 |
9629 | BADTAG21.ZIP | 56,1 kt | 31.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | BAD TAGGER 2.1 Freeware tagline-manageri. Monipuolisesti konfiguroitavissa oleva ohjelma sisältää mm. moniriviset tagit. Siisti & helppokäyttöinen. Tukee uskoakseni kaikkia etälukijoita. C-lähdekoodi mukana! |
9631 | BCOM24.ZIP | 118,3 kt | 22.04.1997 | - | 10845/Simtel-MSDOS-Mar1997-CD1.iso | tupla | BananaCom 2.4 - VERY simple modem/terminal software. Auto ZModem; auto ANSI/VT100; auto modem port and speed scan; hardware diagnostics; supports DOS, Windows and Win95; "BananaCom is widely considered the world\'s easiest-to-use terminal program" - Boardwatch Magazine. "BananaCom has got to be the quickest and simplest way to get online" - Computer Shopper Magazine. "Best of Show" - award won at Cyber.Xpo.95 |
9632 | BCOMFI.ZIP | 164,3 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | - | tupla | BananaCom 3.0 (Finnish) VERY simple modem term software. Auto ZModem; auto ANSI/VT100; auto modem port and speed scan; hardware diagnostics; GIF/JPEG viewer; supports DOS, Windows and Win95; "BananaCom is widely considered the world\'s easiest-to-use terminal program" - Boardwatch Magazine. "BananaCom has got to be the quickest and simplest way to get online" - Computer Shopper Magazine. |
9637 | 0123SDL.ZIP | 298153 | 01.04.1996 | - | 1974/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 11.iso | - | 1/23/96 Flash ROM code for U.S. Robotics Courier V.Everything. This is current production code. Flash program is DOS based. For domestic US/Canada modems only. |
9638 | 14KTAGS.ZIP | 212809 | 17.12.1995 | - | 17040/The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO | - | 14000 Taglines in OLX format |
9639 | 288-1295.ZIP | 46082 | 14.12.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | 28800 modem faq by J.Navas |
9640 | 288ACCOM.TXT | 296780 | 28.07.1995 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | Manuaali/ohjeita/neuvoja Rockwell piireillä varustetuille V.34 motuille. Erittäin hyödyllinen. |
9641 | 288HELP.ZIP | 3449 | 28.07.1995 | - | - | - | Troubleshooting 28,800 Connects - Tips forHigh Speed Connections with V34/vfc. |
9642 | 550DOC.ZIP | 7492 | 12.02.1995 | - | 18304/The X-Philes Number 1 (1995).iso | tupla | "Do I need a fast serial port>?" Technical information on UARTs |
9643 | 980TAGS.ZIP | 22086 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | 980 taglines for your taglining pleasure! |
9644 | ALLTAG.ZIP | 154323 | 17.12.1995 | - | 16984/SUPER_CD III (Groupware).iso | - | A mega whopper list of taglines. Collected from various nets over many months. Includes taglines. Special OS/2 taglines included. |
9645 | ANSICODE.ZIP | 5020 | 15.02.1995 | - | 21813/Pegasus Source (Canyon) (1995).iso | - | Selvitys ANSI-koodeista, eng. teksti |
9646 | APPZERO.LHA | 200320 | 07.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Approaching Zero * The Extraordinary Underworld of Hackers, Phreakers, Virus Writers, And Keyboard Criminals. Book in electronic format by Paul Mungo and Bryan Glough. |
9647 | AT14-28.ZIP | 13900 | 07.06.1996 | - | - | - | Zoltrix Modem Manual |
9648 | BBBASICS.ZIP | 12307 | 07.06.1995 | - | 7026/SHAR194.ISO | tupla | BBS Basics, information for new BBS users! Reprinted Courtesy Pasco BBS Magazine. |
9649 | BGFAX160.ZIP | 266254 | 04.12.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | BGFAX 1.60 [22-Jun-96] - For DOS and OS/2 Send faxes from the command line and get results via errorlevel. Detailed logging! Receive faxes with your BBS software or FidoNet mailer! Works with most modems! |
9650 | BW2HIP1B.ZIP | 52,3 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | - | - | Hippo v2 format for Concord v1.0b. Quite a simple way to let your users get Hippo offline packets. DOS and OS/2 versions included. |
9651 | CHRISTAG.ZIP | 5140 | 26.12.1995 | - | - | - | Jouluaiheisia tageja. |
9652 | FPS_TREK.ZIP | 9220 | 17.12.1995 | - | The Wildcat Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Star Trek-aiheisia tageja |
9653 | HACKERCD.ZIP | 277419 | 25.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | The Hacker Crackdown - a book about |
9654 | HARD-FTP.TXT | 19856 | 27.04.1995 | - | - | - | Hardware- ja softwareyhtiöiden ftp-osoitteita |
9655 | HOT-FTP.LZH | 2211 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | List of weird FTP sites |
9656 | HSMAIL.ZIP | 1373 | 23.02.1996 | - | 17040/The SysOP's Companion (Tropical Publishing) (1993).ISO | - | Run Bi-Directional QWK Mail transfers using R \Link |
9657 | HYMIO21.ZIP | 145,5 kt | 11.06.1998 | - | - | - | Hymi” sanakirja v2.1 |
9658 | JH3A1OF4.ZIP | 194698 | 17.12.1995 | - | 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-386-Vol-2of3.iso | - | John Hancock 3.0A (1/4) The BEST Tagline Manager in the Known Universe! PROGRAM & INSTALLATION FILES You can now fold, spindle, mutilate, sort, manage, and mismanage your taglines! Supported by: DeLuxe²-EZ-Reader-SLMR/OLX Speed-MegaReader-KingQWK-Jabber-& others FANTASTIC BONUSES WHEN YOU REGISTER!! |
9659 | JH3A2OF4.ZIP | 96429 | 17.12.1995 | - | 9325/The Pier Shareware Number 2 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso | - | John Hancock 3.0A (2/4) The BEST Tagline Manager in the Known Universe! DOCUMENTATION FILES Printer-ready DOCs for all JH3 programs. Includes the third of the now World-Famous John Hancock README files. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL OR OPERATE JH3 WITHOUT GETTING THESE FILES FIRST!!! |
9660 | JH3A3OF4.ZIP | 64158 | 17.12.1995 | - | 9325/The Pier Shareware Number 2 (The Pier Exchange) (1993).iso | - | John Hancock 3.0A (3/4) The BEST Tagline Manager in the Known Universe! INCREDIBLE SCREEN SHOWS! Download first!!! Will show you how to install and operate John Hancock 3.0, the JH3 Configuration, and tagfile maintenance programs. Same system used for Qmodem and PCBoard 14.5!!! |
9661 | JH3A4OF4.ZIP | 22836 | 17.12.1995 | - | 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-386-Vol-2of3.iso | - | John Hancock 3.0A (4/4) The BEST Tagline Manager in the Known Universe! Optional text file viewer and DOS PATH extender programs, which may be useful to JH3 users who do not have LIST or whose DOS PATH is fast becoming totally unmanageable. These files are totally FREE! Just for the downloading. |
9662 | MAILFLTR.TXT | 30587 | 27.04.1995 | - | - | - | Postifiltterien käyttö |
9663 | MASTAG.ZIP | 985020 | 17.12.1995 | ClamAV: Win.Trojan.FormatC-90 FOUND | 8180/Night Owl Best of Shareware (NOPV-18)(1995).ISO | - | Here you go people! A HUGE list of taglines! |
9664 | MBTC9601.ZIP | 250393 | 31.12.1995 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | Mark Baum's Tagline Collection: 01/96 Edition The best maintained RANDOMIZED tagline list to be found ANYWHERE! No duplicates or tags containing vulgar language. If you enjoy this list feel free and inculde it into your list! Number of taglines in this collection: 10907 |
9665 | MBTC9602.ZIP | 459119 | 05.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Mark Baum's Tagline Collection: 02/96 Edition The best maintained RANDOMIZED tagline list to be found ANYWHERE! No duplicates or tags containing vulgar language. If you enjoy this list feel free and contribute to this list! 20001 Taglines in this Collection |
9666 | MODEM422.ZIP | 34560 | 18.12.1995 | - | 6094/The Best of Windows 95 Shareware (Wayzata Technology)(1996).ISO | - | Tests your modem's fax capability. |
9667 | MSFTT.ZIP | 136493 | 23.02.1996 | - | - | - | Microsoft File Transfer Tool, for the use of Voice/Send Modems. Sending files while you talk to the person. |
9668 | NHACKTAG.ZIP | 7513 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | Nethack-aiheisia tageja, 333 kappaletta :) |
9669 | OMEN-I.DOC | 18392 | 03.09.1995 | - | - | - | OMEN revision I documentation |
9670 | PCM_4.ZIP | 64033 | 01.10.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | PC-Maailma PC-Maailma on täällä taas! Numero 4 sisältää mm: * Windows 95 * Qbasic-kurssi, osa 3/x * Assembly'95 tulokset * Night Owl 17 & SoundMOD 1 CD-ROM * US Navy Fighters |
9671 | PUH11.ZIP | 41,3 kt | 16.09.1997 | - | - | - | PUHELIN 1.1 Pieni apuohjelma puhelimen suurkuluttajille. Laskee puhelun hinnan sen keston perusteella. |
9672 | PURKKIK.FAQ | 8 kt | 31.03.1997 | - | - | - | Aloittelevan purkinkäyttäjän opas. |
9673 | QWKLAY16.ZIP | 18825 | 17.01.1993 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | QWK File Layout 1.6 [19-Dec-92] - This is one of the most comprehensive file on the QWK- format. It covers everything from the format to implementation notes. See related file QWKP*.ZIP for a list of current QWK-format products & author contact info. |
9674 | QWKP9704.ZIP | 70,3 kt | 10.11.1997 | - | 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso | - | QWKProducts listing - ASCII text info on QWK/BlueWave/SOUP offline mail products such as offline readers, utilities, and packet specs. Listings for DOS, Win, OS/2, Unix and non-IBM platforms. Includes mail FAQ and offline config data for many BBS mail doors. Updated monthly. Free. |
9675 | QWKSPC12.ZIP | 9711 | 28.07.1992 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | QWK etälukuformaatin spesifikaatio |
9676 | ROCKWEL2.ZIP | 85694 | 13.04.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | AT Command Reference Manual for the RC(V)144ACi, RC(V)144ACL Modem Families |
9677 | RS-232D.ZIP | 24597 | 27.11.1990 | - | - | - | Sarjaportin rekisteritason dokumentaatio |
9678 | SBI0495.ZIP | 66678 | 27.04.1995 | - | 10799/CD_ASCQ_22_0695.iso | - | 4/95 Guide to Select BBS's on Internet A comprehensive guide to BBS's accessible via TELNET or RLOGIN on the Internet. 241 BBS's from around the World! The official "SBI List", featured in Boardwatch and West Coast Online Magazines. *SYSOPS - Read SYSOPS.DOC for information on how to become a part of this list - it's FREE! |
9680 | SMILE!.ZIP | 13021 | 28.03.1995 | - | - | - | Smile! Vuosisadan suurin hymiölista. Huomattavasti edesmennyttä "The unofficial |
9679 | SMILEY.TXT | 6838 | 18.05.1992 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Tiedosto joka sisältää hymiöitä :-) |
9681 | V34PLUS.ZIP | 8,9 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | 23464/CHIP 1996 december (CD10).zip | - | ANALOG ASYNCH COMMUNICATION AT 33.6K BPS. New V.34+ extensions to modem protocols, history, performance, issues, technology, limitations. Discussion of phone lines, how bandwidth is used, how symbol rates are determined, adverse effects of bad lines, how to measure them, how to to correct them. By Paul Munoz-Colman, publishers of Personal Calendar. http://ourworld. compuserve.com/homepages/funstuff_software |
9682 | ZFAX3PS.ZIP | 1867290 | 16.01.1995 | - | - | - | ZyXEL ZFAX v3.x manual (Postscript format) |
9683 | ZOCXLATE.ZIP | 607 | 14.01.1997 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Käännöstaulukot SF7- ja Iso Latin1 -merkistöille ZOC-pääteohjelmaan. |
9684 | ZYX-1195.ZIP | 68783 | 14.12.1995 | - | - | - | ZyXEL FAQ Nov/95 |
9686 | ANS199C.ZIP | 412,2 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | - | tupla | Answering Machine for OS/2 v1.99b. This program should work with all Rockwell based voice modems. |
9688 | BTERR2.ZIP | 815,8 kt | 08.06.1998 | väärä koko | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | BTERM v3.42 ToMmIk-5v. This packet is for OS/2, with RSA. BTERM is a small VT320 terminal emulator. It is free for single user non-commercial use. |
9690 | CF2_101.ZIP | 396,4 kt | 29.06.1997 | - | - | tupla | cFos/2 1.01 - COM Port Emulator for ISDN CAPI Serial device driver that interfaces with ISDN CAPI 1.1 and 2.0 PDD. Supports multiple COM ports simultaneously, controlled by a powerful AT command set. Includes virtual FOSSIL driver. Supports fast dynamic channel bundling, V.42bis data compression, BTX, V.120, analogue modem, PPP Internet mode, X.31, time synchronisation, fax command set.. Many options! |
9691 | CROM2_03.ZIP | 60,6 kt | 24.04.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | "Cromtag/2 v0.03 Early release of Crom/2 utilities for timEd/2. This suite includes: Cromtag/2 - tagline utilCromline/2 - custom origin linesMood/2 - insertsmoodkludgeCsteal/2 - tagline thief." |
9692 | CTEL100.ZIP | 96 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO | tupla | CapiTel v1.00 -- an ISDN CAPI 1.1 based 32-Bit answering machine for OS/2 Presentation Manager. See ReadMe for further details. |
9696 | ILOGO43.ZIP | 242,7 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21536/03-Comm.zip | tupla | InfoLog v4.3 for OS/2 PM. Monitor important communications activities with the communication software you already use. Shareware. |
9699 | JMR07121.ZIP | 162,7 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | jmr Ilmainen QWK etalukija. Ominaisuuksia mm. messubase, haku, threadit, ... Mukana myos suomenkieliset dokumentit! |
9705 | ACC.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 18.01.2000 | versio 2.21 | 23526/CHIPCD_04_2000.iso | tupla | "Advanced Call Center 2.20Full-featured answering machine software for your voice modem. All necessary functions are supported: Caller ID lets you see and hear whos calling via screen pop-upsdistinctive rings and callers name announcement with speech synthesis. Advanced features include pager notificationsending call details and voice messages over e-mail." |
9706 | AFD.ZIP | 192,9 kt | 29.08.1999 | - | 9317/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 3 of 3).iso | tupla | Alexf Dialer for Windows 95 |
9707 | ALFA210.ZIP | 70,9 kt | 17.10.1998 | - | - | tupla | Alfa 2.1.0PCBoardin listatiedostojen lukuohjelma. Osaa MBnetin Ja Pelit Onlinen listat. Pieni ja nopea. Vaatii MSVBVM50.DLL:n toimiakseen. |
9708 | AMRC1A.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | PC Remote 1.0a PC Remote lets you access another comptuer across a network, on the Internet, on the computer serial ports, or through a modem connection. Now you have multiple ways to access the data you need. |
9709 | CALLCENT.EXE | 5,4 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | CallCenter Easy sending and receiving of faxes in the foreground or background. And if your modem hardware supports Voice Telephony, the CallCenter will actually assist your computer with answering your telephone with your personalized greeting and then take a message for you. Freeware. |
9712 | CMS12D.ZIP | 3 Mt | 02.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | CMS v1.2Very powerful util for keeping track of your modem usage under win95 (eg.Internet) Includes log-files,which displays who used,when used,for how long and the cost. You can set prices for specific day-times,connections. Very handy! Take it! |
9713 | COM699.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 20.05.1998 | - | 18113/WF0698_3.ISO | tupla | Com v6.9.9.62 Com v6.9.9.62 is a serial / tcpip terminal emulator. Com allows you to communicate with BBS systems, dial in servers, or even telnet over the internet to another computer. Com also allows you to transfer files using many different protocols between computers. Loaded with features, Com will make communicating with other computer a breeze. |
9714 | COMMLINK.ZIP | 115,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg | tupla | CommLinkAllows you to use an internal modem on one computer as an external modem on a second computer. This version terminates after 20 minutes of use. Requires Win95/NT. |
9716 | CONTEL20.ZIP | 275,4 kt | 01.02.2000 | - | - | tupla | Console telnet 2.0 + source.Freeware. |
9717 | CYBER25.ZIP | 943,1 kt | 18.02.2000 | - | 23746/PCWorld_2002-05_cd.bin | tupla | CyberKitCyberKit is a network utility for Windows 95/98/NT. It combines Ping, TraceRoute, WhoIs, Finger, Name Server LookUp, Time Synchronizer, Quote of the Day, NetScanner, DBScanner and more ... |
9718 | DIAL504.ZIP | 980,4 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso | tupla | DiaLog32 v.5.04 Phone Dialer and Logger for Win95 and NT. Upgradeable from 16-bit version. Includes speed dialer and outgoing and incoming call timing and logging. Calling card dialing. Up to 4 address books, 6 phone numbers and 4 other Ids (email) per entry. Tone or pulse dialing - redial busy number. Accepts 1-800-Egg-Head. International dates and times. Up to 3 appointment books, 6-city programmable world clock, alarm clock, stop watch, password protection. |
9719 | DIALWIZ.ZIP | 1006,6 kt | 13.01.1998 | - | 22155/UTILITIES1.bin | tupla | DialWiz v1.0 Enables those people with Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking to automatically dial a list of telephone numbers. |
9720 | DIGW95.ZIP | 461,8 kt | 13.01.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | DigiTerm v1.5 An easy to use, full featured data communications program. * Emulates popular terminals and supports major file transfer protocols including X/Y/Zmodem. * Supports over 445 diffrent modems and speeds of up to 57,600! * Features easy menu interface |
9721 | DUNCE252.ZIP | 149,9 kt | 27.04.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Dunce v2.52 Dial-Up Networking Connection Enhancement. Adds features to your DUN connections such as bypassing Connect To, Auto Reconnect, Automated Connections, and Run Items. |
9722 | EASYDTMF.ZIP | 239 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | EasyDTMF 1.0Software which dials any phonenumber for you using DTMF sounds. Hold the phone receiver near the computers loudspeaker and dial the number. It is possible to save four numbers for quickdialing. Windows 95/98/NT4. Soundcard is required. Freeware. |
9724 | FAX_N516.ZIP | 770,4 kt | 21.03.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | tupla | FaxMail Network for Windows v5.16Complete faxing program for Windows NT/95/Win32s. Allows faxing from any program that can print. FaxMail Network for Windows makes creating high quality faxes as easy as printing. Includes a Fax/Modem-tester. Timed sends, Broadcast queue holds 32,000, Works in DOS and Windows, GOOD help system, All functions very fast, Background FAX printing. |
9723 | FAX-LINK.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | FAXLink 1.4 A tool for converting your documents to fax format. FAXLink acts as a printer driver allowing you to send faxes from virtually every 32-bit Windows application. Once converted, documents will be sent to a VISIONLAB fax server where they will be retried numerous times until the documents are received. |
52966 | !ASCMAP2.ZIP | 48199 | 19.07.1996 | - | - | - | Ascmap v2.2 by Jarkko Vääräniemi BMP file containing map of "High-Ascii" Characters. Very Useful! High Quality. |
52967 | BABEL95C.ZIP | 42351 | 30.12.1995 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | A glossary of computer oriented abbreviations and acronyms. |
52970 | DMAG0196.ZIP | 90040 | 17.08.1996 | - | - | - | DOZ Magazine 1/96 + Windoz NerdDraw Pro Lehti kaikille nörttitaiteen ystäville. Sisältää tietoa mm. nörttitaiteesta, Windozista, Doz-FanClubista, auringonoton vaikutuksesta lämpötilaan ja viimeisimmästä MBmiitistä. Mukana tulee myös Windoz NerdDraw Pro -ohjelma omien nörttipiirosten tekoon. HUOM! Windoz tarvitsee toimiakseen VBRUN300.DLL -tiedoston. BY: //vaNaSoft & Doz-FanClub |
52972 | DMAG0296.ZIP | 206522 | 25.08.1996 | - | - | - | DOZ Magazine 2/96 + Windoz NerdDraw DLX DOZ Magazinen numero 2. Sisältää artikkeleita mm. nörtteyttämisestä ja pelaamisen tarkoituksesta. Sinulle kerrotaan myös että urheilijoilla on löysät narut! Mukana tulee uusin versio Windoz-nörttitaide- ohjelmasta ja doz-fanclubin 3dlogo. Windoz NerdDraw vaatii VBRUN300.dll:n toimiakseen. BY: //vaNaSoft&Doz-Fanclub |