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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
8759 IT2K200.ZIP 1,2 Mt 15.03.2001 - None - - -

"1996" osasto Osasto
- Mikroilu / Internet / Windows 95 - Internet / Muut Internet-ohjelmat

Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta
"Internet Tweak 2000 2.00Internet Tweak 2000 is a utility designed to configure and personalize Internet-related settings in Windows 98/95. It will allow you to optimize Internet connection performance (NDI cacheIPMTURcvWindowtime to livemaximum MTUmodem transfer speed)access Internet Explorers and Outlook Expresss hidden settingsand access general Internet settings. In additionyou can change IE and OEs animation logos and title barscustomize the location of IEs shell folderand receive many Internet tips and tricks. With this releaseInternet Tweak 2000 is now    compatible with Internet Explorer 5.0. This is a ten-day evaluation version. After the evaluation period you can register this software for $15. 10-day trial for Windows 95/98 by Magellass Corp."

Kommenttiosio. Tähän voit laittaa julkisen viestin. IP-osoite talletetaan.

Viestin ID Pvm ja aika Nimimerkki Viesti

Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
8759 IT2K200.ZIP 1,2 Mt 15.03.2001 Mikroilu / Internet / Windows 95 - Internet / Muut Internet-ohjelmat - -
"Internet Tweak 2000 2.00Internet Tweak 2000 is a utility designed to configure and personalize Internet-related settings in Windows 98/95. It will allow you to optimize Internet connection performance (NDI cacheIPMTURcvWindowtime to livemaximum MTUmodem transfer speed)access Internet Explorers and Outlook Expresss hidden settingsand access general Internet settings. In additionyou can change IE and OEs animation logos and title barscustomize the location of IEs shell folderand receive many Internet tips and tricks. With this releaseInternet Tweak 2000 is now    compatible with Internet Explorer 5.0. This is a ten-day evaluation version. After the evaluation period you can register this software for $15. 10-day trial for Windows 95/98 by Magellass Corp."