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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
23253 | 00TINTOY.LHA | 706198 | 12.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Tin Toy Adventure - Tasohyppely AGA-koneille. |
23254 | 00TOMGUN.LHA | 214779 | 31.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Tommy Gun 1Mb (Demo) - Mutation S/W. |
23255 | 6THSENS.LHA | 1,8 Mt | 06.11.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | 6th Sense Investigations - a detective game in the style of LucasArts -adventure games. Demo version. Original Aminet-archives: 6thsense_*.lha. |
23259 | A_A_GESP.LHA | 871893 | 27.09.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | Genetic Species: 1x1 256-color Doom-clone. |
23256 | A10TKD.LZH | 443230 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | A10 Tank Killer 1.5 Demo for the Amiga This demo represents only one mission in Dynamix's flight simulator, A10 Tank Killer 1.5. The actual game contains over 20 additional missions, supports eight user- selectable video modes (including EHB), light-source shaded polygons, a HAM-mode product shell, and more. |
23257 | AAGENE4.LHA | 5,6 Mt | 11.06.1998 | - | 3295/Aminet 26 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Aug 1998].iso | - | Genetic Species Final Demo Version - Genetic Species is a highend-3D-game for Amiga with very atmospheric sounds and music, reflections, smoke trails, dozens of different enemies and weapons... runs perfectly with A1200/030. |
23258 | AAGENESP.LHA | 2,9 Mt | 12.04.1997 | - | 22537/GAMBLERCD08.BIN | - | Genetic Species - Demo Vulcanin uudesta 3D-räiskinnästä. AGA/CGFX. |
23260 | AAHILIDO.LHA | 475,2 kt | 15.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Hillsea Lido - Demo Vulcanin rantabisnessimulaatiosta. |
23261 | AAOWITS.DMS | 656478 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Ancient Art of War in the Skies pelattava demo. MicroProsen hauska ilmasota strategia/arcadepeli, 3 tehtävää. |
23262 | AB2TAD.DMS | 803358 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Alien Breed II Tower Assault (ABTA) yksitasoinen pelattava demo Team 17:lta. Plus Zonked, Psygnosiksen puzzlepelin pelattava demo. |
23267 | AB3D.LHA | 453778 | 13.04.1995 | - | 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar | - | Alien Breed 3D:n pelattava esittelyversio. DOOMin tyylinen peli. Mukana korkeuserot, texture mappaukset ja kaikki. Vaatii AGA-koneen. Ks. MB 12/95. Julkaisija: Team 17 |
23263 | AB3D2DE1.LHA | 291800 | 05.03.1996 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsin esittelyversio. AGA, 6 MT. (1/2) |
23264 | AB3D2DE2.LHA | 519330 | 05.03.1996 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsin esittelyversio. AGA, 6 MT. (2/2) |
23265 | AB3D2DEM.TXT | 3081 | 05.03.1996 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D II:n demoversiosta lisätietoja. |
23266 | AB3DEMO2.DMS | 662398 | 28.10.1995 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D - Uusi pelattava esittelyversio. Mukana päällekkäiset kerrokset, 3D-hirviöt, vesi joka ulottuu pään yläpuolelle, jne. Ks. MB 12/95. |
23268 | ABTADEMO.LHA | 725765 | 04.08.1996 | - | 4761/AmigaPlus_CD-ROM-EXTRA_Nr.3.bin | - | Alien Breed Tower Assault - Team 17:n klassikon esittelyversio. |
23269 | ADDAMSFD.DMS | 689810 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | The Addams Family -pelattava demo. Platform. Valm. Ocean. |
23270 | ALADDIN.DMS | 847833 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Aladdin -pelattava demo. Platform, valm. Disney/Virgin, vaatii AGA. |
23271 | ALFCHDEM.DMS | 412640 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Alfred Chicken -pelattava demo. Hauska platform-peli. Huom: A500/A500 versio - ei takuita muissa koneissa. Vaatii 1 Mt. Valm. Mindscape. Testattu MB 11/93, 5/94 |
23017 | ALIEN3.DMS | 355894 | 12.11.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Alien 3 -pelin ensimmaisen tason pelattava demo toiminta/arcade valm. Probe/Arena |
23272 | ALIENF1.LHA | 138,7 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | AF1 - Alien Formula One v0.9a DEMO. This is a demo of a full texture-mapped, light-sourced, gouraud-shaded F1 car racing simulation game. - Requires: Any AGA Amiga. |
23273 | ALIENFF.LHA | 182181 | 25.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Demo version of Alien fish finger. A flip-screen platform shoot em' up game. |
23274 | AMAZONQD.DMS | 838119 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Flight of the Amazon Queen, pelattava demo Renegaden seikkailupelistä. |
23275 | AMBERMD.LHA | 519534 | 09.01.1995 | - | - | - | Ambermoon slideshow -- roolipeli - Thalion |
23276 | APEXGOLF.LHA | 205385 | 12.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Great new golfing game from Apex. |
23020 | AQUAVENT.LZH | 171733 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Aquaventura pelattava demoarcade/shoot'em'upValm. Psygnosis |
23277 | ASSDEMO.DMS | 633587 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Assassin -ei pelattava demo. Platform/ beat'em'up. Plus esikuvia muista Team 17 peleistä. Valm. Team 17. |
23278 | ATR.DMS | 403818 | 10.12.1995 | - | 4761/AmigaPlus_CD-ROM-EXTRA_Nr.3.bin | - | All Terrain Racing - Rallipelin pelattava esittelyversio. Ks. MikroBitti 5/95. (Team 17) |
23279 | ATROPHY.LHA | 639381 | 18.04.1996 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | - | Atrophy -shoot'em'up pelin preview- paketti. Sisältää kuvia ja lehdistö- tiedotteen. Amiga 1200/4000,. myöhemmin cd32. Intersect/Development/OTM |
23280 | B17DMO.LHA | 306010 | 29.04.1996 | - | - | - | B-17 Flying Fortress playable demo. (c) Microprose. |
23031 | B3_DEM.DMS | 530558 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Shadow of the Beast III preview toiminta/platform Amigalle runsaasti mainetta tuoneen nayttavan pelitrilogian 3. osa valm. Psygnosis |
23281 | BALLMSTR.LHA | 102,6 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | BallMaster - a puzzle game for AGA-Amigas. Demo version. |
23282 | BANSHAGA.DMS | 464414 | 09.01.1995 | - | - | - | Banshee AGA pelattava demo shoot'em'up Core Design |
23283 | BASK-DE.DMS | 539382 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Beneath A Steel Sky -pelattava demo. Graafinen adventure, Lure of the Temptressin tekijäjoukolta. Valm. Revolution Software/Virgin. Testattu MB 1 & 5 /94. |
23284 | BBDE.DMS | 754359 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Body Blows 2-player demo from Team 17. Nick Faldo's Golf demo from Grandslam. Pong, prehistoric bat'n'ball game. |
23035 | BC_KID.LHA | 330367 | 12.11.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | BC Kid pelattava demo, sis. ensimmainen taso. Platform. |
23285 | BEBOPDM.LHA | 409172 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | BeBop 'N Drop playable demo. neat real-time graphical arcade puzzle game, a greatly enhanced version of the popular shareware game ObsessO-Matic. fit falling pieces together in such a way as to form complete horizontal rows, which will then disappear off of the board. |
23286 | BIINGSLI.LHA | 473492 | 22.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | BIING ECS Slideshow from reLINE Software.This is a small slideshow of reLINEs wellknown hospital simulation BIING. Text in german only. |
23287 | BKILLER.LHA | 893,2 kt | 24.04.1997 | - | 21193/Excalibur_61_cd.bin | - | Brainkiller - a new 3D-game for all Amigas with at least 68020, AGA and 4MB FAST-RAM. Demo version. |
23288 | BLADEDEM.LHA | 408,7 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | Awsome RPG Demo by Alive_MediaSoft |
23038 | BLASTAR.LHA | 182616 | 12.11.1994 | - | 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso | - | Blastar demoshoot'em'upHieno mutta hiukkasen outo raiskinta-peli. Komeaa parallaksivierintaa.valm. Core Design |
23289 | BOGRATS.LHA | 641,4 kt | 13.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Bograts - Demo Vulcanin puzzle-seikkailusta. AGA. |
23290 | BOULDERD.LHA | 605742 | 26.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Boulderdash 3D - Yhden tason esittelyversio kolmiulotteisesta tekstuurimapastusta Boulderdash-kloonista. AGA. |
23291 | BOWL.LHA | 179819 | 09.01.1995 | - | 3328/Aminet 9 (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1995].iso | - | Demo of Strikes -N- Spares bowling game9 frame 1 player only demoBeyond Entertainment. |
23292 | BRAINDEM.LHA | 336033 | 24.11.1996 | renamed | aminet.net | - | "Brain Dead" demo version. Aminet name: Brain.lha |
61644 | BREATDEM.LHA | 398720 | 25.10.1995 | - | - | - | Breathless - Uskomattoman upean Amigan DOOM- kloonin pelattava esittelyversio. Mukana 1x1- grafiikka kokoruudulla. AGA. Peliin tulee myös grafiikkakorttituki yms. Et uskokaan kuinka paljon A1200:sta FAST-muistilla irtoaa! |
61647 | BREATHLD.LHA | 581924 | 16.04.1996 | - | - | - | Breathless 1.1:n demoversio, poikkeaa melko paljon aiemmista previkoista. AGA. |
61648 | BREATHLP.LHA | 376323 | 18.12.1995 | - | - | - | NEW playable Preview of Breathless!You can look up/down,use terminals,etc.The BEST-looking Doom-clone for Amiga! |
61651 | BREATPIC.LHA | 129200 | 08.10.1995 | - | - | - | Kuvia tulevasta Breathless-pelistä. Hauko henkeäsi, mutta kuten aina, suhtaudu varauksella... |
61655 | BRIANAG1.DMS | 410725 | 09.01.1995 | - | - | - | Brian The Lion AGA pelattava demo 1/2 Trackit 0-39 platform Psygnosis |
61656 | BRIANAG2.DMS | 393691 | 09.01.1995 | - | - | - | Brian The Lion AGA pelattava demo 2/2 Trackit 40-80 platform Psygnosis |
61719 | BUBB_FIX.LHA | 395505 | 09.01.1995 | - | - | - | Bubble and Squeak three level demo. AGA platform game. - Audiogenic |
61720 | BUBGUN.LHA | 276665 | 22.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Bubble Gun, 3 level fully playable demo,a puzzle/platform game for all Amigas (PAL only). Written by WeatherMine Software, fromwhom the full 40 level game can be obtained. |
61735 | BUMPBRND.DMS | 417926 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Bump'n'Burn -pelattava demo. Kilpa-ajo/ ralli. Söpöä Outrun-ajelua veikeällä mielellä. Käynnistetään kirjoittamalla "bumpburn", A1200/4000:lla "cpu nocache" ja "bumpburn". |
23046 | CAP.DMS | 436961 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Combat Air Patrol pelattava demo lentosimulaattori valm. Psygnosis |
23047 | CAP.TXT | 2435 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Combat Air Patrol readme |
61907 | CD-D.DMS | 805268 | 22.12.1995 | - | - | - | Crystal Dragon, yhden tason mittainen pelattava demo Black Legendin roolipelistä. Vaatii 1 Mt. |
61957 | CF2-D.DMS | 356116 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Cannon Fodder 2 (cf2) pelattava demo, Sensible Software- |
23050 | CHAOS.LHA | 505479 | 12.11.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Chaos engine, pelattava demotoiminta/arcade/shoot'em'upUpea toiminnantayteinen seikkailuyhdessa Bitmap Brothersien parhaistaluomuksista.valm. Bitmap Brothers |
61978 | CHAOS2PP.LHA | 191785 | 11.06.1996 | - | - | - | Demokuvia Chaos Engine 2 -pelistä. (Pelkät kuvat paketista CHAOS2PA.LHA kiintolevyttömille.) |
62063 | CHUCKR2.DMS | 567428 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Chuck Rock 2 - Son of Chuck - playable demo of Core Design's platform game. Plus 2 min playeble demo of F.A. Premier League soccer-game from Ocean. |
62083 | CITADELD.LHA | 360263 | 18.01.1996 | - | - | - | Citadel - Esittelyversio. Vaatii 1 Mt CHIP-muistia. Wolfenstein 3D -tyylinen peli, joka toimii jopa A500:lla. |
62168 | CLUEDEMO.DMS | 532988 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | The Clue, pelattava demo. Upea rikos- simulaattori/adventurepeli. Vaatii 1 Mt. |
62229 | COINMANA.LHA | 184313 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | CoinMania - A five level demo of a puzzle game. game/demo. The AIM of the game, is to collect all of the coins, avoiding the hazards that block your path, whilst you race against the clock. |
62365 | CREATDE.LHA | 130080 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | Creatures playable demo. |
62527 | CYBERFLI.LHA | 58947 | 09.01.1995 | - | - | - | GameSmith example. AGA only. 7 bitplane dual playfield splitscreenscroller. Use joystick or let it autoscroll. |
23293 | CYBERSPH.LHA | 129255 | 09.01.1995 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | Cybersphere Game demo - Psycon Soft.Smooth, playable arcade style game that resembles the older arcade classics Breakout and Arkanoid. Demo runs onboth non-AGA and AGA Amigas. |
23294 | CYBPLUSD.LHA | 167436 | 14.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Cybersphere +PLUS+ Playable Demo -(C)1995 PSYCON SOFTWARE -"Break-the-wall" style game. |
23295 | CYBSPHD2.LHA | 160331 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Cybersphere Playable Demo #2 - (C)1994 PSYCON SOFTWARE. bounce a ball against bricks, destroying them and accumulating points. |
23296 | DAPACHE1.LHA | 900499 | 07.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Desert Apache - Full motion video -peli (1/3) Ks. MB 2/96, s78. |
23297 | DAPACHE2.LHA | 916184 | 07.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Desert Apache - Full motion video -peli (2/3) |
23298 | DAPACHE3.LHA | 831302 | 07.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Desert Apache - Full motion video -peli (3/3) |
23299 | DC_DEMO.LHA | 826 kt | 17.06.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Deconstruction, demo version. AGA-Amiga with HD needed. |
23300 | DMER-1.DMS | 256987 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Darkmere - pelattava preview, yksi taso. Isometrinen seikkailu. Vaatii 1 Mt. Valm. Core Design. Testattu MB 6/94. (1/2) |
23301 | DMER-2.DMS | 677353 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Darkmere - pelattava preview, yksi taso. Isometrinen seikkailu. Vaatii 1 Mt. Valm. Core Design. Testattu MB 6/94. (2/2) |
23302 | DMGPRE.LHA | 363,1 kt | 18.04.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Damage - Esittelyversio kotimaisesta sadistisesta teurastuspelistä jossa lahdataan ihmisiä kasapäittäin pitkin kaupunkia ja nuketetaan loput. Sivusta kuvattua 2D lahtausta, vaatii 1 Mt. |
23303 | DONKDEMO.DMS | 523788 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Donk - The Samurai Duck. Yhden tason pelattava demo. 1/2 pelaajan kaunis platform-peli. Supervision. Ks. MB 5/94. |
23066 | DRAGSTDE.DMS | 834508 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | Dragonstone-pelin demoversio. |
23304 | DS-DEM.DMS | 819042 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Desert Strike - Pelattava demo. Helikopteri, räiskintä, shoot'em'up. Electronic Arts. Testattu MB 6/93. |
23305 | DSDEMO.DMS | 562898 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Dark Seed - Ei pelattava demo. Kauhu- seikkailu, H.R. Gigerin tunnelmien tahtiin. Cyberdreams/Mirage. |
23306 | DUP_PROM.LHA | 314597 | 27.06.1996 | - | - | - | Dark Unicorn Productions - October 1994Promotional Demo/Slideshow of up and coming DUP products including exciting exclusive stills of their full motion video game, space simulator, and more! Cool effects and music. |
23307 | DUPPROMO.LHA | 314597 | 26.04.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Dark Unicorn Productions - October 1994Promotional Demo/Slideshow of up and coming DUP products including exciting exclusive stills of their full motion video game, space simulator, and more! Cool effects and music. Spread it! |
23308 | E96-CE2.LZH | 62357 | 25.09.1996 | - | - | - | Chaos Engine 2 - ECTS96 AMIGA showpackage with screenshots. Shoot'em'up from Time Warner. |
23309 | EFRCDM.LHA | 728,2 kt | 20.05.1998 | - | - | - | Enforce - a demo of Quake-like 3D-engine. It is in very early state but you can test it... |
23310 | EMBRYO.DMS | 830195 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Embryo - Pelattava kahden tason demo. Vauhdikas 3D shoot'em'up/lentosimu. Vaatii 1 Mt. |
23311 | ENFORCER.LHA | 386518 | 04.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Enforcer (from Vulcan) preview. |
23312 | ENIGMA.LHA | 558687 | 28.08.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Enigma screenshots and info - forthcoming shoot'em'up game from OTM |
23313 | ERBNAGA1.DMS | 443213 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin pelattava demo - AGA-versio. Saksankielinen, Erben der Erde -nimellä, mutta näyttää silti "oikean" pelin olemuksen. 256-väriä, levy/kiintolevy, tukee kiihdyttimiä ja lisämuistia, CD-ROM/CD32/CDTV-versio. Kaunis adventure Rif the Foxin seikkailusta eläinten hallitsemassa maailmassa. (1/4) |
23314 | ERBNAGA2.DMS | 767707 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin pelattava demo - AGA-versio. (2/4) |
23315 | ERBNAGA3.DMS | 878631 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin pelattava demo - AGA-versio. (3/4) |
23316 | ERBNAGA4.DMS | 792727 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin pelattava demo - AGA-versio. (4/4) |
23317 | ERBNECS1.DMS | 689244 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin pelattava demo - OCS-versio. Saksankielinen, Erben der Erde -nimellä, mutta näyttää silti "oikean" pelin olemuksen. 32-väriä, levy/kiintolevy, tukee kiihdyttimiä ja lisämuistia, CD-ROM/CD32/CDTV-versio. Kaunis adventure Rif the Foxin seikkailusta eläinten hallitsemassa maailmassa. OCS-versio vaatii 1 Mt + AmigaDOS 1.3 (1/4) |
23318 | ERBNECS2.DMS | 847658 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin pelattava demo - OCS-versio. (2/4) |
23319 | ERBNECS3.DMS | 677004 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin pelattava demo - OCS-versio. (3/4) |
23320 | ERBNECSI.DIZ | 72 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin pelattava demo - OCS-versio. (4/4) |
23321 | ERBNECSI.DMS | 298559 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Inherit The Earth -seikkailupelin pelattava demo - kiintolevyinstalleri. |
23322 | ETW-DEMO.LZX | 531 kt | 17.08.1998 | - | 22413/5TH_DEMOS.iso | - | Eat The Whistle. Uusi jalkapallo-peli amigalle. Pelattava demo. |
23079 | FDPRO2DE.LHA | 519074 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | AGAM! Fighter Duel Pro2 -demo. Lennettävä demoversio Jaeger Softwaren upeasta ilmataistelusimulaattorista. Toimii missä tahansa Amigassa, mutta osaa hyödyntää lisämuistin, prosessorin ja AGA-piirisetin. Tukee digi/analogistaohjainta. HUOM: vaatii 2 Mt CHIP -muistia TAI 2 Mt FAST-muistia. |
23323 | FEARS2.DMS | 229433 | 06.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Yksi parhaista DOOM-klooneista Amigalle. Ks. MB 12/95. |
23324 | FEARSNEW.DMS | 407628 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Fears 3D-räiskinnän uusin versio. Ks. MB 12/95. |
23325 | FEARSPRV.LHA | 253056 | 06.04.1995 | - | - | - | Esittelyversion Fears-pelin kaupallisesta versiosta. DOOMin tyylinen peli. Täydellinen liikkumisen vapaus, erilaisia hirviöitä, teksturemapatut seinät, lattia ja katto, portaita, ovia, heiluminen kävellessä, kokoruudun grafiikka, useita aseita, automaatti kartta ja kaikenlisäksi nopea myös A1200:lla. Vatii AGA-koneen (A1200/A4000). Pelattava demo: yksi taso. |
23326 | FIFA-D.DMS | 796241 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | FIFA International Soccer pelattava demo, EOA. Vaatii 1 Mt. |
23083 | FIREANDI.LHA | 182396 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Fire & Ice pelattava 1-kenttäinen preview. Platform. Valm. Andrew Braybrook/Graftgold. Amigan paras platform-peli. |
23327 | FIREFDEM.DMS | 520828 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Fireforce - Ei-pelattava demo. Räiskintä/ramboilu. I.C.E. |
23090 | FLA_D.DMS | 615541 | 12.11.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Flashback - Pelattava preview. toiminta/seikkailu/platform Delphine Software. |
23328 | FLHI105.LHA | 2,1 Mt | 04.12.1997 | - | - | - | "FlyinHigh v1.05demo version. FlyinHigh is a 3D-racing game with texturemapped graphics." |
23329 | FLHIGH.LHA | 2 Mt | 31.08.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Flying High - a 3D car game with texture mapping, many tracks and options. Multitasks in its own Intuition-screen. Demo version. |
23330 | FLYINHI.LHA | 2,1 Mt | 21.02.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "FLYINHIGH. We bring to you the firstcompletely textured 3D-Racing-Game for your Amiga. Featuring Megabytes of high-quality graphicsraytraced Animationsstunning Music and lots of action. Minimum hardware requirements to run the game is an Amiga 1200 with 4 MBytes FastRAM and HD. It supports processors from the 68020 up to 68060." |
23331 | FOB13D01.LHA | 707362 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (1/10) - Amiga versio - Suurimittakaavainen strate- giapeli 1. maailmansodasta - Valittavissa 1-7 suurvallasta 1-7 pelaajan suursotaan. Erit- täin siisti ja hienosti toteutettu, moniajava Vaatii: KS2+, WB2+, 3 Mt RAM (vähintään 1 Mt CHIP), 15 Mt kiintolevyltä. |
23332 | FOB13D02.LHA | 692244 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (2/10) |
23333 | FOB13D03.LHA | 687116 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (3/10) |
23334 | FOB13D04.LHA | 680220 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (4/10) |
23335 | FOB13D05.LHA | 689300 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (5/10) |
23336 | FOB13D06.LHA | 695865 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (6/10) |
23337 | FOB13D07.LHA | 656987 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (7/10) |
23338 | FOB13D08.LHA | 709413 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (8/10) |
23339 | FOB13D09.LHA | 733566 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (9/10) |
23340 | FOB13D10.LHA | 464099 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fields of Battle 1.31b - Free demo (10/10) |
23093 | FRONTIER.LHA | 179060 | 12.11.1994 | - | 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso | - | Frontier (Elite 2) - Preview, ei-pelattava. Avaruusseikkailu, kaupankäyntipeli, simu. David Brabenin loistava eeppinen avaruus- klassikko. |
23341 | GILBERT.LHA | 764,9 kt | 28.01.1998 | - | 21197/Excalibur_65_cd.bin | - | Gilbert Goodmate And The Mushroom of Phungoria - early demo of new Monkey Island -like adventure game. Requires at least A500/KS 1.3/1MB and utilizes faster processor, AGA and Fast-memory. Final version has digitized speech and all the modern stuff. |
23344 | GLOOM.LHA | 437521 | 19.05.1995 | - | 13174/globalamigaexperience.iso | - | Gloom - Pelattava esittelyversio. Todella nopea 3D-räiskintä Wolfenstein 3D:n ja DOOMin hengessä. AGA. Ks. MB 12/95. |
23342 | GLOOM3DE.LHA | 1,9 Mt | 28.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Gloom 3 Demo v1.3 - 5 Level Playable demo. This demo is BRAND new! forget the old Gloom3 demos! - You will probably need an 020 Amiga with 2Meg chip ram to run this, it should work on most ECS machines too aslong as you have 2 meg chip. - Aminet: Gloom3demo.lha |
23343 | GLOOMDEL.DMS | 589259 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Gloom Deluxe - Pelattava esittelyversio Gloomin jatko-osasta. 1x1-grafiikat kokoruudulla, moniajo, I-Glasses -virtuaali- kypärälle tuki. Tukee AGA:a, muttei vaadi sitä. |
64518 | GNOMESPI.LHA | 267362 | 28.08.1996 | - | - | eritupla | Gnomes - screenshots and information, a forthcoming platform game from OTM |
23098 | GOAL_DEM.DMS | 239373 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Goal - esittelyversio. Jalkpallo. |
23102 | GS2000DE.LHA | 406050 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Gunship 2000 - Pelattava esittelyversio. Monipuolinen taisteluhelikopterisimulaattori. Microprose. |
23103 | GS2000DE.TXT | 1622 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Ohjeita Gunship 2000 -esittelyversioon. |
23345 | GSFORMAT.LHA | 7,3 Mt | 09.01.1998 | - | - | - | Genetic Species v3.0 X-Mas Amiga Format version - demo of an incoming 3D-action game by Vulcan Software. This version includes three demo levels not found from the final version, just introducing the most important features of engine. Includes a VERY atmospheric background music and huge amounts of massive sound effects, stunning graphical effects (such as gas, transparent, reflecting and distorting objects), more than ten different weapons, intelligent enemies... |
23104 | GUYSPY.LHA | 158046 | 09.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Guy Spy - Pelattava demo. Arcade. Readysoft. |
23346 | HEIM2DEM.DMS | 531871 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Heimdall 2 - Ei-pelattava demo. Isometrinen seikkailu viikinkijumalien parissa. Core Design. Testattu MB 8/94. |
23347 | HGR18-1.LHA | 433,3 kt | 11.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Hanger 18: Syndicate/Walker cross Alien Conspiracy Shoot Em Up (1/7) |
23348 | HGR18-2.LHA | 690,6 kt | 11.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Hanger 18 (2/7) |
23349 | HGR18-3.LHA | 683,7 kt | 11.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Hanger 18 (3/7) |
23350 | HGR18-4.LHA | 674,1 kt | 11.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Hanger 18 (4/7) |
23351 | HGR18-5.LHA | 585,1 kt | 11.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Hanger 18 (5/7) |
23352 | HGR18-6.LHA | 611,3 kt | 11.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Hanger 18 (6/7) |
23353 | HGR18-7.LHA | 633,9 kt | 11.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Hanger 18 (7/7) |
23110 | HIREDGUN.DMS | 723180 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Hired Guns - Pelattava demo. Roolipeli/toiminta. Psygnosis. |
23111 | HIREDGUN.TXT | 4437 | 12.11.1994 | - | 23640/PCGAMER10.bin | - | Hired Guns - Ohjeita demoversioon. |
23112 | HOIDEMO.LHA | 125567 | 09.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | "Hoi, Lets Play" - Pelattava demo. Platform. Hollyware. |
23113 | HOOKSLID.LHA | 118688 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Hook - Slideshow adventure. Ocean. |
23354 | HQ2D.DMS | 687691 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Hero Quest 2: Legacy of Sorasil - Pelattava demo. Isometrinen fantasia-seikkailu Gremliniltä. Plus Zombie Apocalypse, PD-räiskintä. |
23114 | HUMANS.LHA | 173855 | 09.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | The Humans - Pelattava esittelyversio. Puzzle/älypeli. Mirage. |
23355 | ISHAR3-D.DMS | 737128 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Ishar 3 -pelattava demo. Roolipeli, 1 Mt. |
23356 | JETPDEMO.LHA | 449473 | 11.10.1996 | - | - | - | Jetpilot - Esittelyversio lentosimulaattorista. Vulcan Software. |
23117 | JETS-PRE.LHA | 835078 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | JET STRIKE CD - Preview A1200/A4000 HD (1/1) |
23118 | JETSTRIK.LHA | 375250 | 12.11.1994 | - | 6401/FFMCD02.bin | - | Jetstrike pelattava kymmenen tason demo. Arcade/shoot'em'up. Hauska toiminnantäyteinen sivulta kuvattu taistelupeli, jossa voi lentaa 40 lentoharvelillä eri aikakausilta (WW1, WW2, nykyaika, lohikäärme, jne), samaten kymmenillä eri aseilla varustettuna. Rasputin Software. |
23357 | JS-D.DMS | 801258 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Jungle Strike -pelattava demo. Oceanin helikopteriräiskintä, Desert Striken jatko-osa. |
23359 | JUSTICE_.LHA | 36394 | 13.02.1996 | - | - | - | Kuvia Justice-pelistä. |
23358 | JUSTICE.LHA | 221382 | 27.11.1996 | - | 3281/Aminet 13 - August 1996.iso | - | Justice 1-level demo of 3D-shoot'em up. Requirements: Any Amiga with OCS and about 1.5 megs of ram. Doesn't work with A4000/040s, and possibly some other systems. |
23360 | KANGFUDE.LHA | 5,8 Mt | 07.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Kang Fu - Small playable demo level of AGA CD-ROM platform game. Aminet: KangFuDEMO.lha |
23361 | KGBDEMO.DMS | 493985 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | KGB-pelattava demo. Seikkailu Venäjän salaisen palvelun koukeroissa. Cryo/Virgin. Testattu MB 5/93. |
23362 | KOE2.LHA | 504069 | 27.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Demo of game Kingdoms of England II, Three-turn demo of the strategy role-playing game, where up to six human or computer players compete for nearly 200 territories of the old British Isles. Features excellent scrolling, 64-color extra halfbrite graphics. Requires 1Mb minimum memory. |
23363 | KQ6D-1.DMS | 103392 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | King's Quest VI -pelattava demo. OCS-versio. Graafinen adventure. Käynnistä boottaamalla levyltä 1 ja kirjoittamalla "kings.am". Valm. Sierra. Testattu MB 9/94. (1/3) |
23364 | KQ6D-2.DMS | 521512 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | King's Quest VI -pelattava demo. OCS-versio. Graafinen adventure. Käynnistä boottaamalla levyltä 1 ja kirjoittamalla "kings.am". Valm. Sierra. Testattu MB 9/94. (2/3) |
23365 | KQ6D-3.DMS | 619628 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | King's Quest VI -pelattava demo. OCS-versio. Graafinen adventure. Käynnistä boottaamalla levyltä 1 ja kirjoittamalla "kings.am". Valm. Sierra. Testattu MB 9/94. (3/3) |
23366 | KRUSTYD.DMS | 428600 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Krusty's Super Fun House -pelattava demo. Simpsons/Platform. Acclaim. |
23367 | L2-SNKSW.DMS | 763531 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Legend 2 - Pelattava demo. Isometrinen adventure. Sink or Swim platform-pelin pelattava 4-tasoinen demo. Super Cauldron yksitasoinen pelattava demo. |
23369 | LEALAP.DMS | 298645 | 18.04.1996 | - | - | - | Leading Lap, playable demo of a car racing game. |
23368 | LEALAPA.DMS | 502321 | 18.04.1996 | - | - | - | Leading Lap, playable demo of a car racing game. AGA version. |
23370 | LEGION.LHA | 1,5 Mt | 29.05.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Legion, demo version. |
23130 | LEMM_D.DMS | 425855 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Lemmings II - 3-kenttäinen pelattava preview. Puzzlepeli. Psygnosis. |
23371 | LOF11.LHA | 411874 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | Legend of Falconia (LOF) V1.1, Fantasy adventure game (Demoversion). Experiencethe adventures of Han S0l0, not Han Solo, Iabba, not Jabba, Lord Titanius and of course the hero of the game. 1 MB Chipmem minimum - also good 1 MB Chipmem + 512 KB other Mem. REQ! Kickstart 2.04+ |
23372 | LORDEMO.LHA | 515,2 kt | 13.04.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Legend of Rome - Playable demo of a new strategy game. It runs on ECS/AGA machines with a minimum of 1MB RAM. - LoR_Demo.lha |
23132 | LORDOFTI.DMS | 469705 | 12.11.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Lords of Time - esittelyversio. Rooli/adventure. Hollyware. |
23135 | LOTU_DEM.LHA | 368869 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Lotus III - demoversio. Ralli-, urheilu-, autopeli. Gremlin. |
23138 | MAGICBOY.LHA | 211168 | 12.11.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Magic Boy - pelattava demo. Platform. Empire. |
23139 | MAGICPOC.LHA | 229636 | 09.12.1994 | - | 15476/Otherware_1_SB_Development.iso | - | Magic Pockets - pelattava demo. Platform/arcadeValm. Bitmap Brothers. |
23373 | MICROLTE.LHA | 281378 | 12.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Contains FILE_ID.DIZ |
23375 | MID-PREV.LHA | 236094 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | Midnight, Preview of an Ultima like AGA RPG.Early preview of an AGA role playing game. - Pure assembler code.- Uses 64 colours, added one bitplane for lightsource-masks- Smooth gameplay and low memory consumption.- Uses inhouse packing routines to l ower the storage usage. - Nice interface. |
23374 | MIDNGHT.LHA | 235338 | 29.04.1996 | - | - | - | Midnight, Preview of an AGA RPG. game/demo * Early preview of an AGA role playing game. - Pure assembler code. - Uses 64 colours, added one bitplane for lightsource-masks, - Smooth gameplay and low memory consumption. - Uses inhouse packing routines to lower the storage usage. - Nice interface. Author: vihelin@freenet.hut.fi (Ville Helin) |
23376 | MOONBSDM.LHA | 710,7 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | MoonBases - Dune II-like strategy game. Demo version. |
23377 | MPSGOLF.DMS | 640351 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Microprose Golf - Kahden reiän pelattava demo. Plus Alien Breed -karttoja, vinkkejä jne. |
23378 | MURDERD1.LHA | 1950243 | 09.12.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Murder Demo - Full motion video -peli. Ks. MB 2/96. (1/2) |
23379 | MURDERD2.LHA | 3148907 | 09.12.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Murder Demo - Full motion video -peli. (2/2) |
23380 | MYSTD1.LHA | 676,8 kt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Playable demo of Myst Amiga-conversion. Myst is a CD-ROM adventure game with high-quality rendered graphics and atmospheric sound effects&music. Requires AGA/CGFX, CD-ROM and some Fast-RAM. |
23381 | MYSTD2.LHA | 759,1 kt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Demo-version of Myst, part 2/7. |
23382 | MYSTD3.LHA | 2,3 Mt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Demo-version of Myst, part 3/7. |
23383 | MYSTD4.LHA | 2,1 Mt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Demo-version of Myst, part 4/7. |
23384 | MYSTD5.LHA | 4,5 Mt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Demo-version of Myst, part 5/7. |
23385 | MYSTD6.LHA | 4,6 Mt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Demo-version of Myst, part 6/7. |
23386 | MYSTD7.LHA | 5,3 Mt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Demo-version of Myst, part 7/7. |
23387 | NE-JMP.LHA | 341530 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | BASE JUMPERS - pelattava demoversio, platform. Rasputin Software/Grandslam. |
23388 | NEMAC4D1.LHA | 451868 | 11.12.1995 | - | 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso | - | Nemac IV - Uusi Doom-klooni Amigoille. Tukee, muttei vaadi AGA-konetta. Tukee myös Picasso, ja Graffiti-näyttökortteja, sekä I-Glasses -virtuaalikypärää. Moniajaa. 1x1 grafiikat parhaimmillaan tarkkuudessa 640x512. Tarjolla on myös 2x2 grafiikat ja melko vapaasti säädettävissä oleva ruudun koko hitaammille koneille. 2x2 320x256 pyörii kivasti A1200/ FAST-ympäristössä. Shareware. (1/3) |
23389 | NEMAC4D2.LHA | 711310 | 11.12.1995 | - | 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso | - | Nemac IV (2/3) Lue ensimmäisen paketin kuvaus. |
23390 | NEMAC4D3.LHA | 715041 | 11.12.1995 | - | 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso | - | Nemac IV (3/3) Lue ensimmäisen paketin kuvaus. |
23391 | NIPPONDE.DMS | 643289 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Nippon Safes Inc -pelattava demo. Mainio, huumoripitoinen adventure. DMI. |
23158 | NMWC_D.DMS | 348510 | 12.11.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Nigel Manseel World Cup - 1-kenttäinen pelattava preview. Arcade/rallipeli. |
23392 | NOTHINGN.LHA | 6,6 Mt | 24.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Nothingness (myst like game) demo version |
23160 | NSP.DMS | 465632 | 12.11.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | No Second Prize -demo. Arcade/moottoripyöräralli. Nopea kilpailupeli. Thalion. |
23393 | ODYSSDEM.LHA | 408192 | 19.09.1995 | - | - | - | Odyssey - Tasoloikka Audiogenicsiltä. Pelattava demo. |
23394 | OLOFIGHT.LHA | 824,3 kt | 17.04.1998 | - | 21292/HACKER06.ISO | - | "OloFight - a new beatem up -game for AGA-Amigas. Final version includes 10 different fighters with tons of moves and animationsover 3000 colours with any AGA-Amiganetwork game via Internet. This demo version has only 2-player mode with 2 different fightersbut it demonstrates the main features of the game." |
23395 | ONESDEMO.LHA | 4,9 Mt | 22.08.1997 | - | MBCD | - | OnEscapee - a new Another World/Flashback-like game with atmospheric sounds and graphics. Demo version. |
23396 | ORYLAND.LHA | 472517 | 27.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Oryland, Demo of Magic System's Adventure game. |
23163 | OVERDRIV.LHA | 240472 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Overdrive - Khaden minuutin pelattava demo. Shoot'em'up. Teknisesti vaikuttava jenkkiläinen räiskintäpeli. EHB-grafiikkaa, dualplaykentat, kayttää levyä virtuaalisena muistina, toimii kaikissa koneissa, OS-ystavallinen jne. Infacto. |
23165 | P3DEMO.DMS | 723976 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | Pinball Illusions -pelin demoversio - Pinball Dreams III - Flipperi Digital Illusions/21st Century Software. |
23397 | PACISLD.DMS | 537797 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Pacific Islands -pelattava demo. Panssarivaunuräiskintä. Empire. |
23168 | PARADR90.DMS | 169555 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Paradroid '90 Single Ship Taster - Yksi-tasoinen demo. Toiminta/seikkailu. Klassisen Paradroid-pelin moderni versio. |
23398 | PARASDE2.DMS | 419592 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Parasol Stars - pelattava demo. Andrew Braybrookin klassinen platform peli. Neljä tasoa/Music World. Indy Heat, Stormin rallipelin pelattava demo. |
23399 | PARASDEM.DMS | 529847 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Parasol Stars -ei pelattava demo. = Rainbow Islands II. Erinomainen platform-peli. Ocean. |
23172 | PARATEAS.LHA | 720575 | 22.10.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | AGAM! Paranoia - Game Preview from a Canadian Software House. |
23400 | PARROTIS.LHA | 778849 | 11.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Lost On Parrot Island DEMO - Adventure like Monkey Island - Shareware - Aminet name: ParrotIsland.lha |
23401 | PF_DEMO.LHA | 561,9 kt | 21.05.1999 | - | aminet.net | - | "Phoenix Fighters demo by Alive MediaSoft. Not the type of ordinary game you see everyday. Games arent all about graphicstheyre about having great gameplay. jenniealive(@)innotts.co.uk" |
23177 | PIN_FAN.LZH | 276683 | 12.11.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Pinball Fantasies pelattava demoflipperi, Ruotsalaisten tekijöiden jatko-osa loistavaan Pinball Dreams -peliin. Digital Illusions/21st Century. |
23402 | PIRDEM.LZH | 491170 | 27.04.1996 | - | 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip | - | Pirates! pelattava demo. MPS. |
23403 | PITF_DEM.LZH | 167347 | 09.01.1995 | - | - | - | Pitfighter - esittelyversio. |
23404 | PNPDEMO.LHA | 265717 | 11.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Demo of Pitch 'N' Putt, a new golf game. Aminet name: pnp.lha |
23405 | POWDER.LHA | 427,5 kt | 05.04.1997 | - | 22537/GAMBLERCD08.BIN | - | "Powder demo - Commercial quality shootemup" |
23406 | PROPDEMO.LHA | 1,5 Mt | 21.05.1999 | - | - | - | The Prophet demo from Alive MediaSoft. Dungeon Master style adventure game. The full has an amazing 200,000 locations with this demo providing a sneak peek on what to expect in the full version, which should be ready in April. jenniealive(@)innotts.co.uk |
23407 | PUNISH41.LHA | 828147 | 12.05.1996 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | - | Capital Punishment for 2 player |
23408 | PUNISH51.LHA | 447978 | 11.06.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Uusi Capital Punishment -mätkintäpelin demo. AGA. (1/3) |
23409 | PUNISH52.LHA | 852667 | 11.06.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Uusi Capital Punishment -mätkintäpelin demo. AGA. (2/3) |
23410 | PUNISH53.LHA | 968442 | 11.06.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Uusi Capital Punishment -mätkintäpelin demo. AGA. (3/3) |
23183 | QWAK.LHA | 212725 | 12.11.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | QWAK, pelattava demo. Platform. Hauska yksin/kaksinpeli klassisen. Bubble Bobblen tyyliin. Erinomaista ajanvietettä. Team 17. |
23411 | RALLYDE1.LHA | 635833 | 04.08.1996 | - | - | - | Rally Championship -esittelyversio. Ylhäältä kuvattu rallipeli. Flair Software. AGA. (1/6) |
23412 | RALLYDE2.LHA | 643988 | 04.08.1996 | - | - | - | Rally Championship -esittelyversio. (2/6) |
67729 | RALLYDE3.LHA | 705471 | 04.08.1996 | - | - | - | Rally Championship -esittelyversio. (3/6) |
67730 | RALLYDE4.LHA | 759840 | 04.08.1996 | - | - | - | Rally Championship -esittelyversio. (4/6) |
67731 | RALLYDE5.LHA | 843214 | 04.08.1996 | - | - | - | Rally Championship -esittelyversio. (5/6) |
67732 | RALLYDE6.LHA | 741177 | 04.08.1996 | - | - | - | Rally Championship -esittelyversio. (6/6) |
67796 | RCAEROCH.LZH | 57752 | 27.04.1996 | - | - | - | RC Aerochopper, Free-running demo Ambrosia. Type: game/demo This is a demo of the commercial program "RC Aerochopper". You can watch some flights and different scenarios, but you won't be able to fly in this demo. It is an RC (radio control) simulator for helicopters, planes, jets, and gliders. The real program comes with a Futaba controller that plugs into your Amiga's serial port. Ambrosia Microcomputer Products, Inc. |
68036 | RUFFTDEM.DMS | 325315 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Ruff'n'Tumble - Pelattava demo. Platform/räiskintä. Renegade. |
23191 | SEEK.DMS | 640033 | 12.11.1994 | - | 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso | - | Seek & Destroy - Pelattava preview Arcade/shoot'em'up. Hyvä helikopteri-taistelupeli. Vision Software/MindCraft. |
23192 | SENSGOLF.DMS | 320199 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | Sensible Golf -pelin demoversio. Sensible Golf on ylhäältä kuvattu golf-peli. Sensible Software. |
23194 | SENSOC11.EXE | 183708 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | SenSoc11.exe Sensible Soccer 1/2-pelaajan demo. Jalkapallo/urheilu. Loistava jalkapallopeli. Sensible Software. |
23196 | SETTLERD.LHA | 369589 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | The Settlers - Pelattava esittelyversio. Strategiaseikkailu, jumalasimu. Yksi vuoden 1994 parhaista peleistä, hallitset valta- kuntaasi toisten puristuksessa, pyrkien murskaamaan kilpailijasi. Loistava grafiikka, äänet ja animointi, perusteellinen ekosysteemi. Blue Byte. |
23197 | SF2_DEM.EXE | 385080 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | sf2_demo.exe Street Fighter II -esittelyversio. Arcade/mätkinta/taistelu. U.S. Gold. |
68313 | SFFDEMO0.DMS | 224705 | 26.07.1996 | - | - | - | Search For Freedom - SFF. By Vesa Konttinen. DEMO |
68337 | SHADOWFD.DMS | 780252 | 06.05.1995 | - | - | - | Shadow Fighter - pelattava demo. Mätkintä. Gremlin Interactive. |
68388 | SILLYPUT.DMS | 759611 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Silly Putty, sneak preview/yhden tason pelattava demo System 3:n kauniista tasohyppelystä. Lotus III -rallipelin pelattava kolmitasoinen demo. Gremlin. |
68423 | SKELETD.DMS | 645508 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | Skeleton Krew AGA pel. demo. Core Design |
23201 | SKIDMARK.LHA | 278279 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Skidmarks. 1-ratainen pelattava demo. Auto, ralli, kilpailu, racing. Huikea ylhäältä kuvattu rallipeli, ehkä hiukan Offroad Racers -tyyppinen.Teknisesti huikea, 1-4 pelaajaa, modeemi/linkkioptiot. Nopea, kaunis, hyvänkuuloinen ja ennenkaikkea HAUSKA. 1994 paras Amigan rallipeli. Vision Software. |
68425 | SKIDMRK2.LHA | 593546 | 01.08.1996 | - | - | - | Skidmarks 2 : Super Skidz - Preview |
68426 | SKIDPREV.LHA | 547733 | 01.08.1996 | - | - | - | Skid Marks - Kahden radan pelattava demo. Hieman Offroad Racersia muistuttava rallipeli. Täydessä pelissä modeemi/linkkipeli. 1-4 pelaajaa. Valmistaja: Acid Software. |
68442 | SLAMDEMO.LHA | 878835 | 18.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Slam Tilt Pinball - esittelyversio. Upea flipperi. 21st Century/Digital Illusions. AGA. |
68447 | SLEEPWDE.DMS | 494254 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Sleepwalker - pelattava demo. Puzzle/ platform. Ocean. Testattu MB 4/93. |
23413 | SLIPSTRE.LHA | 369305 | 27.10.1996 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | - | Demo Slipstream-pelistä. Slipstream on Wipeoutin kaltainen 3D-lentoralli. AGA. |
23414 | SOMRPGDE.LHA | 188,2 kt | 25.03.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | - | An early demo of a Zelda/Secret of mana inspired RPG. Aminet name: som-rpgdemo.lha |
23209 | SP_HU_DO.LZH | 2384 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Ohjeet Space Hulkin demoversioon. |
23206 | SPACHLKD.DMS | 665693 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Space Hulk - esittelyversio. Arcade. Electronic Arts. |
23415 | SPEED.LZH | 217224 | 16.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Speed - Demoversio tekstuurimapatusta 3D- pelista jossa on tarkoituksena juosta mahdollisimman nopeasti portilta toiselle. ERITTÄIN nopea, tuki 3D-laseille, säädettävä ruudun koko. AGA. |
23416 | SPERIS.DMS | 321037 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | The Speris Legacy -pelin pelattava esittelyversio. Ks. MikroBitti 10/95. Team 17. |
23417 | SPERIS.LHA | 614222 | 10.12.1995 | - | 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar | - | The Speris Legacy - Esittelyversio AGA- koneille. Ks. MB 10/95. (Team 17) |
23418 | SSF2D.DMS | 571623 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Super Street Fighter II (ssf2) playable demo. Beat'em'up action. |
23213 | STARDUST.DMS | 853975 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Stardust - demoversio. Shoot'em'up. Upea suomalainen toimintapeli, loistavaa 3D-grafiikkaa ja animaatiota. Bloodhouse |
23419 | STR-DEMO.LHA | 864,5 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "Strangers - a demoversion of AGA-beatem up." |
23216 | SUPERFRO.DMS | 449485 | 12.11.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Superfrog - esittelyversio. Amigan ehkä paras platform-peli. Erittäin nopea ja pelattava, unohtamatta huumoria! Team 17. |
23217 | SUPERSTA.LHA | 304637 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | Super Stardust -näytekuvia. |
23420 | SWORDHD.DMS | 694809 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Sword of Honour playable demo. Ninja combat / beat'em'up from Global Software. |
23421 | SWORLDS.LHA | 713765 | 06.06.1996 | - | 22539/GAMBLERCD10.BIN | - | Sphericalworlds - räiskintää 1MB+ koneille |
23422 | SWOS.DMS | 549523 | 06.05.1995 | - | - | - | Sensible World of Soccer - Pelattava esittelyversio huikeasta jalkapallopelistä. Renegade. |
23219 | SYN2PIC.LHA | 192270 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | FIRST SCREENSHOT OF SYNDICATE II |
23423 | SYNAMMI.DMS | 599254 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Syndicate, new mission from American Missions disk, with playable demo of Calephar shoot'em'up. |
23221 | SYNDICAT.LHA | 316598 | 12.11.1994 | - | - | - | Syndicate - Pelattava esittelyversio. Toiminta, shoot'em'up, väkivalta, strategia. Mainetta ja ruumiskasoja niittänyt tunnettu toiminta/strategiapelin yhdistelmä, jossa kontrolloidaan joukkoa tunteettomia kyborgeja suoritettaessa syndikaatin määräämiä tehtäviä maailmanvalloittamiseksi. Bullfrog. |
23424 | T17DEMOS.DMS | 696410 | 24.02.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Kaksi Team 17 -esittelyversiota. - Alien Breed 3D, ei-pelattava demo. Team 17:sta "Wolfenstein/Doom"-klooni. Vain AGA-Amigat. Ks. MB 12/95. - Kingpin, keilailupeli. |
23425 | T3IDEMO.LHA | 2,1 Mt | 12.03.1998 | - | - | - | The3Islands - Monkey Island-like game with scanned backdrops. Demo version. |
23426 | TBRA.LHA | 838658 | 27.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | The Big Red Adventure Demo Dynabyte's famous "The Big Red Adventure Demo" for AGA Amigas: The first Amiga adventure featuring fast High-resolutuion graphics, System Friendly operations & mode promotion. Remember to install the destracker.library in your LIBS: directory. |
23427 | TESTAM20.LHA | 1 Mt | 21.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | DEMO of full version game "Testament v2.0". "Testament" is for A1200-A4000. Full version is already available. - Testament_v20.lha |
23428 | TG2DEMO.DMS | 769280 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Top Gear II AGA -pelattava yhden kisan demo. Auto/kilpailu/ralli. Valm. Gremlin Graphics. Testattu MB 12/94. |
23429 | THEMEPD.DMS | 469070 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Theme Park -esittelyversio. Rakenna oma huvipuisto! Ks. MB 4/95, s94. |
23430 | THUNDDEM.LHA | 779253 | 08.07.1996 | - | - | - | ThunderDawn - Esittelyversio. 3D-roolipeli. WB2+, 2 Mt. |
23431 | TIMEK-D.DMS | 695153 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Timekeepers playable demo, lead your platoon of men through two levels of Vietnam land action in top viewed environment. Vulcan Software. |
23432 | TINYTRDM.LHA | 722,1 kt | 13.03.1997 | - | - | - | Tiny Troops - Demo Vulcanin lekkimielisestä sotastrategista. Söpö! Kaikki Amigat, 1 Mt. |
23433 | TLVDEMO.DMS | 699181 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | The Lost Vikings -pelattava 4-tasoinen demo. Erinomainen puzzleseikkailu. Interplay. |
23434 | TORNADOD.DMS | 297119 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Tornado -pelattava demo. Lentosimulaattori. Käynnistetään komennolla "tornado". Lue levyn readme. Ei A1200-yhteensopiva. Valm. Digital Integration. |
23435 | TRAP2FIN.LHA | 1,1 Mt | 31.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Trapped II - 3D-game with advanced engine. Lens flares, interpolated textures, polygon monsters... Final preview version. Full version will contain huge amount of samples and levels. |
23438 | TRAPPED.LHA | 555093 | 26.01.1996 | - | - | - | Trapped - Esittelyversio uudesta roolipelimäisestä 3D-pelistä. Enginestä löytyy korkeuserot ja lens flaret. Grafiikan tarkkuutta voi vaihtaa copper- ja c2p- tilojen välillä. Kannattaa valita copper- grafiikat - suurempi värimäärä näyttää tässä pelissä paljon paremmalta paletista huolimatta. AGA. |
23436 | TRAPPED2.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 11.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Playable Preview of TRAPPED II, 3D-texture Game. - Aminet name: Trapped-2.lha |
23437 | TRAPPED8.LHA | 842402 | 17.08.1996 | renamed | aminet.net | - | August preview of Trapped, a 3D-Rpg. Requires: 68020+, 2MB RAM - Aminet name: TrappedAugust.lha |
23439 | TRAUMA_1.LHA | 702,9 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | 20808/Amiga Spiele - Special - Hits.iso | - | TraumaZero Beta V 0.13 Alpha 1 Non-playable perview-version of incoming RType-clone. Many different guns... requires AGA and some Fast RAM. 1/4. |
23441 | TRAUMA_2.LHA | 703,6 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | 20808/Amiga Spiele - Special - Hits.iso | - | TraumaZero Beta V 0.13 Alpha 1 2/4 |
23443 | TRAUMA_3.LHA | 692,8 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | 20808/Amiga Spiele - Special - Hits.iso | - | TraumaZero Beta V 0.13 Alpha 1 3/4 |
23445 | TRAUMA_4.LHA | 557,5 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | 20808/Amiga Spiele - Special - Hits.iso | - | TraumaZero Beta V 0.13 Alpha 1 4/4 |
23440 | TRAUMA1.LHA | 702,9 kt | 06.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Trauma Zero - Demo räiskintäpelistä. (1/4) |
23442 | TRAUMA2.LHA | 703,6 kt | 06.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Trauma Zero - Demo räiskintäpelistä. (2/4) |
23444 | TRAUMA3.LHA | 692,8 kt | 06.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Trauma Zero - Demo räiskintäpelistä. (3/4) |
23446 | TRAUMA4.LHA | 557,5 kt | 06.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Trauma Zero - Demo räiskintäpelistä. (4/4) |
23447 | TRDEM211.LHA | 141696 | 03.09.1995 | - | - | - | TurboRaketti 2.11 demo. Kaksinlentelyä ja -ammuskelua vertikaalisokkelossa. |
23448 | TRODCAL2.DMS | 690393 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Troddlers - Kuusitasoinen pelattava demo - puzzle/platform toimintaa. California Games 2 - Pelattava demo, urheilua kalifornialaisittain. |
23449 | TT-D.DMS | 402504 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Tiny Troops - Viisitasoinen pelattava demo Mindscapen kevyestä strategia- toimintaräiskinnästä. Vaatii AmigaOS 2.0. |
23450 | TURRNEB2.DMS | 605231 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Pelattavat demot: Turrican II (Rainbow Arts) + Nebulus II (ainutlaatuinen mainoskenttä) |
23451 | ULTSOCM.DMS | 840783 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Ultimate Soccer Manager, pelattava demo Impressionsin jalkapallopelistä. Vaatii 1 Mt. |
23452 | UROPA2A.LHA | 831406 | 12.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | Uropa - The Ulterior Colony [1/6] |
23453 | UROPA2B.LHA | 843199 | 12.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | Uropa - The Ulterior Colony [2/6] |
23454 | UROPA2C.LHA | 843199 | 12.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | Uropa - The Ulterior Colony [3/6] |
23455 | UROPA2D.LHA | 843199 | 12.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | Uropa - The Ulterior Colony [4/6] |
23456 | UROPA2E.LHA | 843199 | 12.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | Uropa - The Ulterior Colony [5/6] |
23457 | UROPA2F.LHA | 832247 | 12.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | Uropa - The Ulterior Colony [6/6] |
23458 | UVWAD.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 02.07.1998 | - | - | - | "Ultra Violence Worldsdemo version. UVW is a new shootem up-game for AGA-Amigas with at least 2 megabytes of Fast RAM. Game contains arcade quality graphicscool sound effects & music and animations." |
23459 | VALHAL2D.DMS | 545794 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Valhalla - Before the War. Pelattava yhden tason mittainen demo. Ylhäältä kuvattu täysin puhuttu seikkailu/puzzle peli. |
23241 | VALHDEMO.DMS | 402845 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | Valhalla-pelin demoversio. Vulcan Software. |
23460 | VF1DEMO.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 21.05.1999 | - | - | - | Virtual Grand Prix (AlienF1) demo. Racing game demo with update. e-mail the developer at:- oxenos(@)tin.it |
23461 | VIRTPICS.LHA | 116992 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Virtual Karts - kuvia tulevasta teksture- mapatusta kolmiulotteisesta mikroauto- hurjastelusta. AGA. OTM. |
23462 | VK2DEMO.LHA | 747,2 kt | 08.05.1998 | - | - | - | Virtual Karting 2 Demo version - a texture mapped karting-game. |
23463 | VKDELDEM.LHA | 711172 | 10.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Virtual Karting Deluxe - demo uudesta mikroautoilupelistä. AGA. |
23464 | VKDEMO.LHA | 779351 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Virtual Karting - Pelattava esittelyversio. Huisa mikroautopeli. AGA. |
23465 | VUL-URO2.LHA | 15,4 Mt | 09.12.1997 | - | - | - | Uropa 2 - the Ulterior Colony. Isometric action/strategy game by Vulcan Software. Demo version. |
23244 | WALK_D.DMS | 462466 | 12.11.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Walker - Yhden kentän pelattava demo arcade/toiminta/shoot'em'up. Loistava toiminnantäyteinen shoot'em'up, jossa rynnitään Star Wars -tyyppisellä walker-robotilla aikakaudesta ja kaupungista toiseen. Psygnosis. |
23466 | WATCHT1.DMS | 300904 | 16.02.1996 | - | - | - | Watchtower playable demo (1/2) Finnish made Commando-style shoot'em'up, req. AGA. 1 level. |
23467 | WATCHT2.DMS | 665521 | 16.02.1996 | - | - | - | Watchtower playable demo (2/2) |
23468 | WATCHTOW.LHA | 152324 | 05.02.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Watchtower - Kuvia uudesta Commandon tapaisesta räiskintäpelistä. OTM. |
23469 | WENDETTA.LHA | 1340622 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Demo of a commercial Shoot┤Em-Up forAGA-Amigas |
23470 | WOF1.LHA | 573,8 kt | 11.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Wheels On Fire - 1/3 - Final preview of the 3D racing game. - Aminet: WheelsOnFire1.lha |
23471 | WOF2.LHA | 648,8 kt | 11.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Wheels On Fire - 2/3 - Final preview of the 3D racing game. - Aminet: WheelsOnFire2.lha |
23472 | WOF3.LHA | 482,4 kt | 11.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Wheels On Fire - 3/3 - Final preview of the 3D racing game. - Aminet: WheelsOnFire3.lha |
23473 | WOLSSDEM.DMS | 342075 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Worlds of Legend: Son of the Empire - pelattava demo. Roolipeli. |
23474 | WORMS.DMS | 831219 | 28.10.1995 | - | 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar | - | Worms - Pelattava esittelyversio. Team 17. |
23475 | XFIGHTD.DMS | 412115 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | X-Fighter pelattava demo. 1/2 pelaajan beat'em'up. Thalion. |
23476 | XTRDEM2A.LHA | 493145 | 23.06.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | XTreme Racing Demo2, including new V1.1 features. 1/2. AGA only. |
23477 | XTRDEM2B.LHA | 355055 | 23.06.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | XTreme Racing Demo2, including new V1.1 features. 2/2. AGA only. |
23478 | XTREDNFO.LHA | 490904 | 18.04.1996 | - | - | - | XTreme Racing Track Editor preview pack with pictures and information |
23479 | XTRNDEMO.LHA | 687975 | 23.12.1995 | - | 1194/Megahits 7 (1995)(GTI - Rhein-Main-Soft)(DE)[!].iso | - | XTreme Racing - Pelattava demo vauhdikkaasta Super Mario Kartin tyylisestä hurjastelusta. Ks. MB 2/96, s101. AGA. |
23480 | XTRSHOTS.LHA | 259731 | 22.10.1995 | - | 20448/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 03 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-01][Skylink CD II].iso | - | XTreme Racing - Kuvia tulevasta teksture- mapatusta autopelistä. AGA. |
23481 | ZDPRE04.LHA | 805,8 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | Zonic Dimension - first demo version of this new strategy game. Requires AGA. |
23483 | ZEEWOLF2.DMS | 377800 | 21.12.1995 | - | 22374/XENIATGM12.ISO | - | Zeewolf 2 -pelattava demo. Ks. MB 2/96, s101. |
23484 | ZONKEDDE.DMS | 664393 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Zonked/X-It -pelattava demo. Puzzle- peli, tyyliin Sokoban. Valm. Psygnosis. |
23252 | ZOOL.LHA | 199570 | 09.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Zool - demo. Platform. Gremlin. |
23251 | ZOOL2DMO.LHA | 93979 | 24.12.1994 | - | - | - | Zool 2 - Pelattava esittelyversio. |
60483 | AERA-A.LHA | 415977 | 25.11.1996 | - | - | - | Aerial Racers v0.98 - Demo version. (1/2) |
60484 | AERA-B.LHA | 371921 | 25.11.1996 | - | - | - | Aerial Racers v0.98 - Demo version. (2/2) |
23485 | AERACERA.LHA | 423,7 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Aerial Racers 0.99 - Freeware car racing. 1/2 One to three player viewed from above racing game similar to Skid Marks. - Aerial Racers is now FREEWARE! - Aminet: AerialRacersA.lha |
23486 | AERACERB.LHA | 320,2 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Aerial Racers 0.99 - Freeware car racing. 2/2 One to three player viewed from above racing game similar to Skid Marks. - Aerial Racers is now FREEWARE! - Aminet: AerialRacersB.lha |
23487 | AM15_1.LHA | 231168 | 08.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | A U T O M O B I L E S 1 . 5 ( 1 / 2 ) IMPROVEMENTS; 4 players, 17 tracks, great newmenu system, better car handling, much bettersound, alterable gravity and MUCH more! |
23488 | AM15_2.LHA | 305522 | 08.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | A U T O M O B I L E S 1 . 5 ( 2 / 2 ) |
23489 | ARACERS.LHA | 491855 | 16.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | A great new 2 player racing game. Aminet: game/misc/A great new 2 player racing |
23048 | CAR20.DMS | 90841 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Car V2.0 arcade/auto autorälläyly tyyliin Skidmarks/Slickn'n'Slide. Oikein näyttävä ja mainio. |
23490 | CRACER19.LHA | 510,7 kt | 12.11.1997 | - | - | - | Classic Racer v1.9 - an Amiga-version of old classic driving game. Race against your friend or the clock. |
23491 | DRIVER.LHA | 2,6 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Klassinen autopeli joka ei koreile turhilla grafiikoilla tai äänillä. Toteutettu scripti-kielellä. |
23076 | F1PATCH.LHA | 72838 | 03.12.1994 | - | - | - | Formula 1 Grand Prixin patchi "GrandPrix Patch v2.20" Lisaa peliin 1994-ajajat, nopeuttaaruutujen feidausta, parannuksia,korjauksia, nayttaa edessa ja takanaolevat ajajat kilvan aikana yms yms.Tehnyt Multiplex of Chrome |
23109 | HIGHOCT.DMS | 739809 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | High Octane arcade/auto autorälläily/taistelu |
23108 | HIGHOCTA.DMS | 740636 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | High Octane, mainio autopeli |
23492 | LCYCLES2.LHA | 411150 | 11.11.1996 | - | - | - | Light Cycles 2 - Matopeli. |
23493 | MDDEMB.LHA | 400602 | 27.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MooseDrive, Fun "viewed from the top" car racing game * Type: game/demo * Fun, large scrolling screen driving game where you aim to beat the competition and become the top MooseDriver. Good graphics,music and effects. Written in compiled AMOS and loves AGA and WB2 and 3. PAL only. PD Demo has 1 out of 10 courses and allows maximum of 4 races. Author: Graham Dean and David Cusick |
23494 | MXRC.LHA | 836,6 kt | 20.07.1998 | - | - | - | The Maximal Racing Absolutelygreat car racing for 1 or 2 players. Requires: 1 MB memory, hard drive. |
23495 | RACER.LHA | 1,9 Mt | 02.03.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | RACER V1.0 - is new 3D Racing game for Amiga. Req: OS3+, AGA, 2 Mb CHIP Mem, 4 Mb FAST mem, 3 Mb free on your HD. |
23496 | SCREE251.LHA | 733,6 kt | 02.03.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | - | Screech 2.51 - A racing game with some really good violent fun. NOTE: This is version AGA 2.51! This is not a replacement for 2.41. Aminet name: ScreechAGA2_51.lha |
23497 | WHEELS.LHA | 885584 | 11.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Racing game with FAST 3d-voxelspace-GFX Requires: AGA, 68020+, 4MB fast, 2MB chip and 3MB hd-space. |
22895 | 3DREKO.LHA | 561,7 kt | 04.09.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Raytraced cardset for Klondike AGA. |
22896 | AABURC01.LHA | 254,4 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäauto Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22897 | AABURC02.LHA | 216,8 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäauto Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22898 | AABURC03.LHA | 284 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäauto Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22899 | AABURC04.LHA | 271,1 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäauto Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22900 | AABURN01.LHA | 308,9 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22901 | AABURN02.LHA | 325,6 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22902 | AABURN03.LHA | 204,1 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22903 | AABURN04.LHA | 218,8 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22904 | AABURN05.LHA | 291,6 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22905 | AABURN06.LHA | 200,1 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22906 | AABURN07.LHA | 234,5 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22907 | AABURN08.LHA | 288 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Lisäkenttä Burnoutiin. Vulcan. |
22908 | AB3D2XTR.LHA | 287651 | 30.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Killing Bricks - Lisäkenttä Alien Breed 3D II:n. Asennusvinkki: jos peli valittelee ettei Work-asemaa löydy, muuta Gamelinkerillä Floor Texture -tiedoston osoite oikeaksi. |
22909 | AB3DXTRF.LHA | 7864 | 03.11.1996 | - | - | - | Korjaa bugin paketista AB3D2XTR.LHA. |
22910 | ADDCARD.LHA | 575523 | 15.03.1996 | - | - | - | Advanced Dungeons and Dragons cardset for Deluxe Klondike AGA |
22911 | AIRREKO.LHA | 580,5 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Planes and others KlondikeAGA cards. Req: KlondikeII, KlondikeIII or CardGames Deluxe. |
22912 | AMIPET01.LHA | 4,3 kt | 15.10.1997 | - | 2030/Amiga_Dream_46.iso | - | Replacement Graphics for AmiPet - Blob |
22913 | AMIPET02.LHA | 1,8 kt | 15.10.1997 | - | 2030/Amiga_Dream_46.iso | - | Replacement Graphics for AmiPet - Sheep |
22914 | AMIPET03.LHA | 1,9 kt | 15.10.1997 | - | 2030/Amiga_Dream_46.iso | - | Replacement Graphics for AmiPet - Spider |
60748 | ANIMREKO.LHA | 683762 | 05.08.1996 | renamed | aminet.net | - | AnimalREKO - Klondike Deluxe AGA cardset Aminet name: AnimalREKO.lha |
61017 | ASTROWOR.LHA | 29232 | 15.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Kaksi kuutasoa Wormsiin. |
61403 | BIKICARD.LHA | 604398 | 24.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Bikinicards for Deluxe Klondike AGA. |
61423 | BIRDREKO.LHA | 562280 | 16.03.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | HAM8 deck of animal pictures for Deluxe Klondike AGA Solitaire game. |
61766 | C-SMALLF.LHA | 36011 | 17.03.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Your Home Entertainment Service Small Fry's WORMS maps volume 1 |
61767 | C-WRMLEV.LHA | 193116 | 17.03.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Home Entertainment Service WORMS Level Collection! |
61768 | C-WRMLVS.LHA | 81840 | 17.03.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Home Entertainment Service 3 New cool Worms Levels! |
62342 | CPLANDSC.LHA | 1786153 | 16.04.1996 | - | - | - | Landscape-kortit CyberPatienceen. |
63165 | DREAMS.LHA | 718655 | 15.03.1996 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Dreams cardset for Deluxe Klondike III AGA |
63167 | DREAMS2.LHA | 653150 | 15.03.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Dreams2 cardset for Deluxe Klondike II/III AGA |
63603 | EDZWORMS.LHA | 29714 | 15.03.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Uusi kenttä Wormsiin. |
63680 | ELWORMS.LHA | 150787 | 11.11.1996 | - | - | - | Lisää Worms-kenttiä. |
64283 | FRACTCRD.LHA | 606066 | 15.03.1996 | - | - | - | Total Fractasm Cardset for Deluxe Klondike AGA (III) |
64477 | GHAWKCDS.LHA | 577214 | 15.03.1996 | - | - | - | Grey Hawk cardset for Deluxe Klondike AGA |
65518 | KATHREKO.LHA | 618444 | 15.03.1996 | - | - | - | Kathy Ireland Cardset for Klondike Deluxe AGA (III) |
65522 | KDK-PER.LHA | 482203 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | Klondike AGA Cardset with pictures fromPERIHELION and with ones not included inthe game, DIRECTLY FROM ONE OF THEAUTHORS OF THE GAME! |
65636 | LANDREKO.LHA | 586215 | 27.07.1996 | - | - | - | Ham-8 Card set for Klondike-AGA. It features a variety of landscapes and country sides. Very high quality. |
65687 | LEMMWORM.LHA | 81126 | 11.11.1996 | - | - | - | Lemmings-tyyppisiä tasoja Wormsiin. |
65711 | LIBERATE.LHA | 2353 | 15.03.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Board set for Megaball to celebrate the liberation of the Netherlands |
65943 | MAMMREKO.LHA | 577036 | 15.03.1996 | - | - | - | HAM8 deck of animal pictures for Deluxe Klondike AGA Solitaire game. |
66175 | MJ_TILES.LHA | 37784 | 15.03.1996 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Cool new tile sets for Mahjong Jr |
66250 | MONROE.LHA | 660075 | 24.11.1996 | - | 3328/Aminet 9 (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1995].iso | - | AGAM! Marilyn Monroe - Cardset for KLONDIKE DELUXE AGA II |
66508 | NAVY.LHA | 10928 | 17.03.1996 | - | 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar | - | Kenttä Wormsiin |
66648 | NROSECDS.LHA | 674633 | 15.03.1996 | - | - | - | Newroses cardset for Deluxe Klondike AGA |
66724 | OGWORMMA.LHA | 50199 | 17.03.1996 | - | - | - | 2 kenttää Wormsiin. |
67419 | PRETTYRE.LHA | 608336 | 15.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Pretty Women Cardset for Reko Klondike. |
67461 | PROSWRM1.LHA | 89776 | 17.03.1996 | - | - | - | Four new WORMS levels, enjoy. |
69163 | TKGLEV3.LHA | 38257 | 10.11.1996 | - | - | - | A small test level for Alien Breed 3D II by Peter Duijnstee. |
69164 | TKGLEVEL.LHA | 9031 | 10.11.1996 | - | - | - | Level A by Marek Jablonski for Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds. |
69316 | TRACSET1.LHA | 35663 | 01.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | 2 Lisärataa AutoMobilesiin. |
69440 | TSF-WORM.LHA | 201061 | 23.10.1996 | - | - | - | High quality WORMS levels by FLENDER/TSF |
69441 | TSH.LHA | 44226 | 15.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Kenttä Wormsiin. |
69636 | VALLEJOR.LHA | 567104 | 24.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Boris Vallejo Fantasy cardset to REKO Production's Deluxe Klondike AGA. |
70113 | WMSPACK.LHA | 89287 | 15.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Kolme uutta tasoa Wormsiin. |
70125 | WOINTEL.LHA | 21293 | 15.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Intel Outside -taso Wormsiin. |
70141 | WORMCITY.LHA | 31161 | 15.03.1996 | - | - | - | Lisää kenttiä Wormsiin. |
70145 | WORMKEEP.LHA | 28039 | 15.03.1996 | - | 20451/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 06 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-04][Skylink CD V].iso | - | Hieno leveli Wormsiin! |
70146 | WORMMAPS.LHA | 127262 | 15.03.1996 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Uusia pelikenttiä Wormsiin. |
70149 | WORMS109.LHA | 2261986 | 18.04.1996 | - | - | - | Worms - jättikenttäpaketti. 109 kenttää. |
70150 | WORMSMAP.LHA | 159852 | 19.03.1996 | - | - | - | Hauskoja kenttiä Wormsiin. |
70152 | WORMSUOM.LHA | 484470 | 15.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Suomenkielinen puhe ja uusi taso Wormsiin. |
70181 | WRM-HOUS.LHA | 12302 | 20.04.1996 | - | - | - | Worms Housekit, house construction kit. Brushes for empty house and 30 pieces of furniture for easy building of houses. |
70182 | WRM-WINN.LHA | 33722 | 20.04.1996 | - | - | - | Worms -kenttiä, kuusi kpl, mukaanlukien Winnie The Pooh. Keskinkertaisia. |
70183 | WRMBRICK.LZX | 7667 | 15.03.1996 | - | - | - | Uusi kenttä Wormsiin. |
70184 | WRMCUST.LHA | 28261 | 24.03.1996 | - | - | - | kaksi hienoa kenttää wormssiin |
70185 | WRMJACKT.LHA | 8488 | 15.03.1996 | - | - | - | Uusi kenttä Wormsiin. Kentässä on iso mehiläinen ja viivapiirrostalo. Aika eriskummallinen peliympäristö, mutta... |
70187 | WRMS-MB1.LHA | 555061 | 27.04.1996 | - | - | - | Worms - MBnet hyväksyttyjä ja valikoituja kenttiä suoraan Team 17:sta FTP-sitesta. 28 kpl, sis mm: books, bubble, castles, ddos, elvis, faktory, firewall, flats, internet, invert, keep, lasagna,mac,mario, moby, moon1+2,pencils,pirland,wb |
70188 | WRMS-MB2.LHA | 1537942 | 27.04.1996 | - | - | - | Worms - MBnet hyväksyttyjä ja valikoituja kenttiä suoraan Team 17:sta FTP-sitesta. Sisältää seuraavat kenttäPAKETIT yhteen koottuna ja valikoituna: cemcustom, fruitcon, ice+melt, jamsworms, Junk, milkadebagellvls1, PJDWORMS, pworms, scapes |
70364 | XTR-XTRA.LHA | 717614 | 18.04.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | XTreme Racing Extra Tracks |
70365 | XTRAT1.LHA | 95176 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | Extra tracks for XTreme Racing. |
70368 | XTRPHDM1.LHA | 11325 | 07.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | XTreme Racing -kenttä Death Matchia varten. (Phoenix Death Match.) |
70369 | XTRPHOEN.LHA | 28972 | 29.08.1996 | - | - | - | Phoenix - Rata XTreme Racingiin. |
70370 | XTRSKCP1.LHA | 113747 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | Extra tracks for XTreme Racing (Skull Cap). |
23510 | AB3-LCG.LHA | 81435 | 31.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | Generates levelcodes for AlienBreed 3 |
23498 | AB3D2IFO.LHA | 55639 | 26.01.1996 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds -pelistä kuvia ja muuta tietoa. Luvassa on massiivinen 3D-räiskintä! Team 17. |
23499 | AB3D2INF.TXT | 2510 | 05.01.1996 | - | - | - | Tietoa tulevasta Alien Breed 3D II: The Killign Grounds -pelistä. |
23500 | AB3DE213.LHA | 474,6 kt | 18.02.1998 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D II Level Editor v2.13 - rewritten level editor for TKG. |
23501 | AB3DENDT.LHA | 3102 | 22.05.1996 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D:n lopputekstit niille joilta ne pelin bugin takia jäivät näkemättä. |
23502 | AB3DICON.LHA | 1714 | 12.11.1995 | - | 20448/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 03 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-01][Skylink CD II].iso | - | Alien Breed 3D:stä puuttuu Workbench-ikoni. Tässä yksi ulkopuolisen tekemä MagicWB-ikoni peliä varten. |
23503 | AB3DIIED.LHA | 32516 | 17.08.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Save Game Editor v1.1 for Alien Breed 3D II Requires: WB3.0+, reqtools.library v38+ |
23504 | AB3DIIP2.LHA | 376525 | 23.04.1996 | - | - | - | Lisää kuvia tulevasta Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsista. Team 17. |
23505 | AB3DMFAQ.LHA | 891 | 16.11.1995 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D Mini FAQ. Tietoa pelin tulevasta jatko-osasta! |
23506 | AB3DSE2S.LHA | 71532 | 23.11.1995 | - | - | - | Lisää kuvia Alien Breed 3D Special Editionista (ts. Alien Breed 3D II). |
23507 | AB3DSE3S.LHA | 76749 | 17.11.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Alien Breed 3D Special Edition (ts. Alien Breed 3D II) pelistä kuvia (1x1-grafiikat kokoruudulla yms). |
23508 | AB3DSONG.LHA | 100900 | 17.11.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Alien Breed 3D:n alkumusiikki moduulina. Musiikki ei mahtunut pelin levykkeille, joten Team 17 julkaisi sen vapaaseen levitykseen. |
23509 | AB3DT301.LHA | 19,2 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | AB3DTrainer v3.01 - Patch program for Alien Breed 3D. - Requires: OS2+, Alien Breed 3D. Aminet name: AB3DTrainer.lha |
60405 | ACHE01.LHA | 12589 | 10.05.1996 | - | - | tupla | Ache v0.1 by Kalsu/APUusi engine, jossa nyt my÷s lattia & kattosekΣ vinot seinΣt. Vaatii vain A500! |
23511 | ACHE057.LHA | 97,3 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | - | - | Ache 0.57 - fast and multitasking 3D-engine for AGA-Amigas. Made by Kalsu/Artificial People. |
23512 | ACHE059.LHA | 35,4 kt | 27.04.1997 | - | - | - | Ache v0.59 by Kalsu/AP. A whole new BSP-based engine, currently without texturemapping or lighting. Requires original DOOM I WAD file! |
23513 | ADMGUI12.LHA | 58,8 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | ADoomGUI v1.2 - great GUI for ADoom. |
23514 | ADOGUI10.LHA | 17,6 kt | 24.02.1998 | - | - | - | ADoomGUI v1.0 - GUI for ADoom. Adjust the preferences via a GUI. |
23515 | ADOMUI10.LHA | 58,8 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | ADooMUI v1.0 - GUI for ADoom. An easy way to setup your ADoom. Select WAD, multiplayer options, screenmode and all the other stuff just by clicking your mouse. |
23516 | ADOOMIST.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | New instruments for ADoom. |
23517 | ADVEDS10.LHA | 1066781 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Adventure Design System, Create Multi-Player Fantasy/RPG's. Allows you to create Role Playing games easily, and quickly. Interface is designed to allow the most flexability increating games, while keeping the design process simple and fast. |
23518 | ALFRED.LHA | 28,4 kt | 08.06.1997 | AGA installer | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | HD-installer for Alfred Chicken. |
23519 | AMG043.LHA | 65,3 kt | 10.12.1997 | - | - | - | AmiMasterGear v0.43 - Sega Master Systemand Game Gear -emulator. Major update! Shareware version. |
23520 | AMIPE114.LHA | 109,6 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | AmiPet v1.14 - Tamagotchi at your WB-screen. |
23521 | AN09910A.LHA | 41,8 kt | 02.06.1998 | - | - | - | A/NES v0.99.10a - Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator. |
23522 | ANES099B.LHA | 57,9 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | A/NES v0.99b - Nintendo Entertainment System emulator. |
23523 | ANS0996B.LHA | 38,6 kt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | A/NES v0.99.6b, Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator. |
23524 | ASI130.DMS | 524296 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #130 CHAIN REACTION UGGO BATMAN |
23525 | ASI131.DMS | 570617 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #131 TYKKIPELI TETRON SKEET SHOOT |
23526 | ASI132.DMS | 402982 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #132 FIRE FLY QUANTUM PAC MAC |
23527 | ASI133.DMS | 528406 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #133 ZNYK PROKER SYZYGY |
23528 | ASI134.DMS | 518914 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #134 CROSS CIRCUIT FWUFF CIRCUIT WARS |
23529 | ASI135.DMS | 504062 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #135 GAMMON 1.3 ACK ACK PIPELINE III TETRIX |
23530 | ASI136.DMS | 699989 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #136 HOT BLOX SUPER PONG SNIFBURN |
23531 | ASI137.DMS | 598969 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #137 BLOCKSTER ESCAPADE SQUIGS |
23532 | ASI138.DMS | 485846 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #138 GALACTIODS SCORCHED TANK AIR HOCKEY |
23533 | ASI139.DMS | 602405 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #138 GALACTIODS SCORCHED TANK AIR HOCKEY Assassins -pelikokoelma #139 THE BIG GAME AMIGANOID BAT |
23534 | ASI140.DMS | 707979 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #140 FATAL MISSION II CHRONIC HODGE HEG MEGAWORM |
23535 | ASI141.DMS | 504334 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #141 GOLD RUSHER BLACK DAWN REVERSI II |
23536 | ASI142.DMS | 504620 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #142 GALAXY 93 RUEDA WIZARD WARS |
23537 | ASI143.DMS | 510104 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #143 INTENSE X ATOMS PONTOON |
60948 | ASI144.DMS | 435127 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #144 BRAIN SHAVE REJECTION NIBBY NIBBLE CUBE |
60949 | ASI145.DMS | 543174 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #145 SUPER PONG KUNG FU CHARLIES PUZZWORD |
60950 | ASI146.DMS | 596866 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #146 AMASTERMIND III CLASSIC SOLITAIRE ENTITY BATTLE CARS II |
60951 | ASI147.DMS | 663260 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #147 MANCALA TUT'S TOMB PARATTACK BACK GAMMON DELUXE |
60952 | ASI148.DMS | 616835 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #148 POLLYMORF MEGA MIND NOSTALGIUM |
60953 | ASI149.DMS | 549302 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #149 WEBZ ERIC W.Y.S. GLODRICK |
60954 | ASI150.DMS | 477165 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #150 D-SOLVE DOT 2 DOT TACTIK TANK |
60955 | ASI151.DMS | 648967 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #151 KRILLIAN INCIDENT CAFFIENE FREE DIET ZYRAD |
60956 | ASI152.DMS | 624035 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #152 KLAWZ DICTATOR 2 BIG WILL & THE STICKY TROLL |
60957 | ASI153.DMS | 678139 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #153 EXIT 13 BEETLE (PREV) |
60958 | ASI154.DMS | 485158 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #154 WACKMAN BOBS GARDEN KABOOM |
60959 | ASI155.DMS | 528653 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #155 MEGABLOCK DIGGER CRAZY CLOCK |
60960 | ASI156.DMS | 726819 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #156 WORLD DARTS QUACKERS KARATE CHAMP |
60961 | ASI157.DMS | 682764 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #157 FATAL MISSION 1.1 DR WHO |
60962 | ASI159.DMS | 554332 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #159 DRIVING MANIACS SMIDGE (PREV) COLOUR CHANGE |
60963 | ASI160.DMS | 575117 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #160 PROFESSIONAL BINGO |
60964 | ASI161.DMS | 498278 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #161 GALADRIA SPACE INVADERS II SAFRONDREAM |
60965 | ASI162.DMS | 701124 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #162 SPORTS CHALLENGE MORIA 5.4 USA94 |
60966 | ASI163.DMS | 358418 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #163 EXCELLENT CARDS HARP PLAIT QUEENS |
60967 | ASI164.DMS | 401513 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #164 ATAX DIY 2 |
23538 | ASI165.DMS | 651988 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #165 DEPTH CHARGE TOOBZ INTERFACE ROBOTS |
23539 | ASI166.DMS | 647385 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #166 CONFUZION FLEUCH II HYPER DRIVE |
23540 | ASI167.DMS | 646124 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #167 MEGA SQUAD ZARDOZ RAGS TO RICHES |
23541 | ASI168.DMS | 460843 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #168 MINE RUNNER DRELBS PARCHEESE 1.7 DYNAMITE WARRIORS |
23542 | ASI169.DMS | 559733 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #169 PEE BEE TURBO HOCKEY BRAIN DAMAGE |
23543 | ASI170.DMS | 570522 | 04.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #170 COGNITION COGNITION (LOW MEM) WIPEOUT |
23544 | ASI171.DMS | 532914 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #171 GALAGA DELUXE XMAS TIME AMOSTEROIDS |
23545 | ASI172.DMS | 652372 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #172 SCORCHED TANKS 1.15 DOZER ISOLATION |
23546 | ASI173.DMS | 744415 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #173 ORK ATTACK TASK FORCE POP QUIZ |
23547 | ASI174.DMS | 501506 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #174 METOGRASP STATIX (PREVIEW) KASELAGD |
23548 | ASI175.DMS | 537025 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #175 MATRIX BLASTER ULTIMATE QUIZ DOTZ |
23549 | ASI176.DMS | 607163 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #176 SPORTS CHALLENGE (SPRING EDITION) INCINERATOR SPORTS CHALLENGE (SUMMER EDITION) |
23550 | ASI178.DMS | 561617 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #177 GORF CHECKERS CONQUEST MUCUS |
23551 | ASI179.DMS | 636094 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #179 SUPER OBLITERATION HARRIER RAISE THE TITANIC |
23552 | ASI180.DMS | 565081 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #180 SCORCHED TANKS 1.75 CRYSTAL CAVERNS WARHEADS |
23553 | ASI181.DMS | 468173 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #181 MUTANT PENGUIN INFILTRATOR ROX |
23554 | ASI182.DMS | 553551 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #182 DAMA COLONIAL CONQUEST SOKO BAN |
23555 | ASI183.DMS | 563118 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #183 OPERATION FIRESTORM IMPERIAL (ENG) IMPERIAL (FRENCH) QUASI |
23556 | ASI184.DMS | 529632 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #184 TANX N STUFF PICTURE PUZZLE 15 PUZZLE |
23557 | ASI185.DMS | 662222 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #185 METAL MOTION FATAL MISSION III WOHLE |
23558 | ASI186.DMS | 561987 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #186 JELLY QUEST SEAHAVEN TOWERS QUINZEE |
23559 | ASI187.DMS | 527407 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #187 SNACKMAN THUNDERSTORM SECRET OF ARCTURUS |
23560 | ASI188.DMS | 378922 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #188 TRICKY FORTRESS PING PONG |
23561 | ASI189.DMS | 514141 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #189 ULTRABALL GODZILLA AMIGAWARS |
23562 | ASI190.DMS | 613144 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #190 GRAVITY FORCE II BLASTER DOGFIGHT |
23563 | ASI191.DMS | 523869 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #191 THE TURN STEWARDS ENQUIRY BLACK NEBULA |
23564 | ASI192.DMS | 662519 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #192 LES DENNIS HANGMAN PEG IT PUSH BUTTON SWITCH |
23565 | ASI193.DMS | 485078 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #193 ALIEN NETWORK FLIP OVER SUPER TOMCAT |
23566 | ASI194.DMS | 550398 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #194 AUTOMOBILES COULI ROBOT REBELION |
23567 | ASI196.DMS | 554426 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #196 SHOOT OUT SOLE DEFENDER STREET SPEED |
23568 | ASI197.DMS | 478390 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #197 PIPELINER CUBIK OVERLANDER |
23569 | ASI198.DMS | 434695 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #198 SCOT. FOOTBALL MAN. VIPER PUSH |
23570 | ASI199.DMS | 452023 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #199 POP CORN DEFENDER MASTERMIND |
23571 | ASI200.DMS | 576128 | 05.07.1995 | - | 17426/United Public Domain Gold 3.iso | - | Assassins pelikokoelma #200 PUB DARTS BATTLESHIPS CAVE RUNNER (UPDATE) |
23572 | ASI201.DMS | 569319 | 19.05.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #201 HYDROZONE & DIZZY LIZZY & ORB IT |
23573 | ASI202.DMS | 725440 | 19.05.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #202 ST BASH & TOY BOX & THE RACE |
23574 | ASI210.DMS | 547373 | 23.06.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #210 TOUCH N GO WAGGLE MANIA HOP & HURL |
23575 | ASI211.DMS | 510598 | 23.06.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #211 MINIDASH ADV. & DOMINGO & BERSERKER SHOOTOUT |
23576 | ASI212.DMS | 589209 | 23.06.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #212 GAMMA ZONE & OOZE & TAKE THE MONEY |
23577 | ASI213.DMS | 653563 | 08.07.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #213 |
23578 | ASI214.DMS | 658711 | 08.07.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #214 |
23579 | ASI215.DMS | 673963 | 08.07.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #215 |
23580 | ASI216.DMS | 610038 | 08.07.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #216 |
23581 | ASI217.DMS | 574534 | 08.07.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #217 |
23582 | ASI218.DMS | 447989 | 08.07.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #218 |
23583 | ASI219.DMS | 447426 | 08.07.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #219 |
23584 | ASI220.DMS | 552708 | 08.07.1996 | - | 2209/Assassins 3 - The Ultimate Games CD (1997)(Weird Science)[!][Amiga-CD32-CDTV].iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #220 |
23585 | ASI221.DMS | 588924 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #221 |
23586 | ASI222.DMS | 479518 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #222 |
23587 | ASI223.DMS | 524523 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #223 |
23588 | ASI224.DMS | 374903 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #224 |
23589 | ASI225.DMS | 579626 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #225 |
23590 | ASI226.DMS | 548637 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #226 |
23591 | ASI227.DMS | 621720 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #227 |
23592 | ASI228.DMS | 706864 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #228 |
23593 | ASI229.DMS | 663268 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #229 |
23594 | ASI230.DMS | 646203 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #230 |
23595 | ASI231.DMS | 674764 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #231 |
23596 | ASI232.DMS | 602972 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #232 |
23597 | ASI234.DMS | 629500 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #234 |
23598 | ASI235.DMS | 728470 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #235 |
23599 | ASI236.DMS | 727426 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #236 |
23600 | ASI237.DMS | 479710 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #237 |
23601 | ASI238.DMS | 637341 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #238 |
23602 | ASI239.DMS | 550004 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #239 |
23603 | ASI240.DMS | 333889 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #240 |
23604 | ASI241.DMS | 399156 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #241 |
23605 | ASI242.DMS | 570369 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #242 |
23606 | ASI243.DMS | 472433 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #243 |
23607 | ASI244.DMS | 390135 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #244 |
23608 | ASI245.DMS | 637404 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #245 |
23609 | ASI246.DMS | 539265 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #246 |
23610 | ASI247.DMS | 683293 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #247 |
23611 | ASI248.DMS | 690881 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #248 |
23612 | ASI249.DMS | 645579 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #249 |
23613 | ASI250.DMS | 513479 | 08.07.1996 | - | 10752/Epic Collection, The (Epic Marketing)(1996).iso | - | Assassins -pelikokoelma #250 |
23614 | AVGBP072.LHA | 177,7 kt | 11.02.1998 | - | - | - | AmigaVGBPPC v0.7 revision 2 - a Nintendo Gameboy emulator with PPC+CGFX-support. |
23615 | AWSBKG1.LHA | 382,9 kt | 16.03.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | - | Replacement BKG Files for F1GP. Aminet name: aws_bkg_1.lha |
23616 | AWSBKG2.LHA | 305,2 kt | 01.04.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | - | Replacement Track BKG Files for F1GP. 320 x 200, 32 colour IFF pictures to replace the existing track backdrop files in "Formula One Grand Prix". - Req: F1GP-Ed - aws_bkg_2.lha |
23617 | BBON119.LHA | 690,8 kt | 11.02.1998 | - | - | - | BackBone GUI Game Creation System v1.19 - create (non-)scrolling arcade games without any real coding. |
23618 | BBON119M.LHA | 510,1 kt | 11.02.1998 | - | - | - | BackBone GUI Game Creation System v1.19, minimum istallation. |
23619 | BCHEAT11.LHA | 38,1 kt | 08.06.1997 | - | - | - | Breathless Cheater 1.1 - allows you to play every level of Breathless. |
23620 | BCRAFTE.LHA | 244948 | 05.09.1996 | - | - | - | BattleCraft Editor - Amigalle tulevan WarCraft tyylisen pelin editori. |
23621 | BENG01.LHA | 352 kt | 16.06.1997 | - | - | - | B-Engine 0.1 - 3D engine, capable to load DN3D maps. |
23622 | BGUIDE20.LHA | 51299 | 10.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Breed Guide 2.0 - Ohjeita Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsin tasojen tekemiseen. |
23623 | BIORYTMI.LHA | 42022 | 21.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | A M I G A - B I O R Y T M I v1.03; GiftWare. Ohjelmalla voit katsoa biorytmejä. Ohjelma laskee biorytmin syntymäajan ja kohdepäivän perusteella ja näyttää sini-käyrät kehon, tunteen ja järjen viriiliydestä. |
23624 | BLAC_MC.LHA | 37629 | 09.01.1995 | - | - | - | Mega Characters for Black Crypt- game/hint - Modified BC characters |
23625 | BOGRPICS.LHA | 88,5 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | - | - | Kuvia Vulcanin Bograts-pelistä. Ks. MikroBitti 9/97. |
23626 | BURNPICS.LHA | 793,2 kt | 29.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Kuvia Burnout AGA -pelistä. Vulcan Software. |
23627 | CARNED.LHA | 67796 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Map editor for the game Carnage |
23628 | CFCHEAT.LHA | 35,6 kt | 08.06.1997 | - | - | - | Trainer for Cannon Fodder. |
23629 | CFHD212.LHA | 54,2 kt | 15.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | HD-installer for Cannon Fodder, v2.12. |
23634 | CH_SLTN.LHA | 383,8 kt | 30.10.1997 | - | - | - | CityHunter cardset for Soliton (32col.) |
23635 | CH-SLTN.LHA | 431,7 kt | 13.11.1997 | - | - | - | CityHunter cardset for Soliton (256col.) |
23631 | CHAOS_BI.LHA | 139640 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Chaos - The Chess Happening Organisation System V5.5. Chess tournament manager.Author jochen.wiedmann@zdv.uni-tuebingen.deType game/board. Chaos is a program that manages single-player chess-tournaments.Req: AmigaOS 2.0 or later, MUI, V2.0 or later |
23632 | CHAOS_SR.LHA | 171608 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Chaos - The Chess Happening Organisation System V5.5 SOURCE-codes. |
23630 | CHAOS2PA.LHA | 890762 | 01.06.1996 | - | - | - | Kuvia ja ääninäytteitä pelistä Chaos Engine 2. Ks. MB 6-7/96, s117. |
23633 | CHEATDUN.LHA | 2,3 kt | 12.08.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | - | CheatDuneII 1.2 - Unlimited money in Dune II Will modify some level files in your Dune II directory and give you almost unlimited money on every level. - Aminet: CheatDuneII.lha |
23636 | CIVEDI03.LHA | 34699 | 08.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | CivEdit 0.3 Save file editor for Civilization Aminet name: civedit.lha |
23637 | CMED11.DMS | 446510 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Championship Manager Editor V1.1 |
23638 | CMED240.LHA | 102030 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Championship Manager Editor Version 2.40 Features of the CmEd include:-- Player Editing: Name, Age, Skill Levels, Wages, Country etc...- Player transfers: ie Transfer Alan Shearer from Blackburn to Scarborough- Club Editing: Edit finances and ground capacity- Text Editing: Edit text within the game ie. Injuries, player names, club name,- Player Archive: Move a player from Italia to End of Season etc... - And much more≈ |
23639 | COCKPI97.LHA | 110,3 kt | 01.04.1997 | - | MBCD | - | F1GP Cockpit Designs For Each 1997 Team. Requires: registered F1GP-Ed to use these designs. - Aminet name: AS_Cockpits_97.lha |
23640 | CPPICS.LHA | 281346 | 05.01.1997 | - | - | - | Capital Punishment - Demokuvia. |
23641 | CPTHEME.LHA | 153039 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | Capital Punishmentin musiikki. Julkaistu vapaaseen levitykseen. |
23642 | CPTRNR.LHA | 38,2 kt | 15.05.1997 | - | - | - | Trainer for Capital Punishment. |
23643 | CS005ABI.LHA | 82,4 kt | 11.12.1997 | - | - | - | Crystal Space v0.0.5 - a tehcnically advanced 3D-engine with polygon objects and scenes, soft shadows, static lightning, selectable screenmode and more. Binary archive (needed). Requires at least AGA, some Fast-RAM and lots of CPU-power. |
23644 | CS005ASR.LHA | 553,9 kt | 11.12.1997 | - | - | - | Crystal Space v0.0.5, source files (needed!). |
23645 | CSAGFAQ.LHA | 69063 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | comp.sys.amiga.games FAQ V2.1 - comp.sys. amiga.games on Internetin Amiga-peleihin keskittynyt uutisryhmä. |
23646 | CWVD09.LHA | 28116 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Vehicle design front-end for the board game Carwars. |
23647 | D500_05A.LHA | 14600 | 10.05.1996 | - | - | - | A500 Doom-engine v0.05a by Kalsu/APMemory corruption bug eliminated! |
23648 | DIYREKO2.LHA | 261874 | 21.12.1995 | renamed | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Make your own .REKO using ImageFX2.0, New version of ImageFX script for making .REKO cardsets for Klondike! New options, new colour sets, now compatible with ImageFX2.0 (users of ImageFX1.50 should use the old version instead). |
23649 | DMA038.LHA | 64331 | 14.08.1996 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | Preview of Dungeon Master Aid .38for (ad&d) Advanced Dungeons & Dragonsplayers. |
23650 | DNES022.LHA | 20 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | - | - | DaRKNeSS v0.22 - a Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator, shareware version. |
23651 | DOOMICON.LHA | 6,1 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | Nätti monivärinen kuvake DOOMiin. |
23652 | DUNE2ED.LHA | 28271 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Savegame file-editor for Dune 2. |
23653 | DUNGMAP.LHA | 78034 | 03.12.1994 | - | - | - | DungeonMap V1.1 - AD&D pelinjohtajan apuohjelma karttojen luomiseksi. |
23654 | DUP_APR.LHA | 148727 | 14.06.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Dark Unicorn Newsletter - April Edition-------------------------------------- -Fantastic edition - The HOTTEST news of theC= buyout, new DUP releases, reviews ofthe new FEARS Doom clone, Base Jumpers,Rally Championship, Starwoids, Carnage,Deluxe Gala ga AGA, the CD32 Network CD,and more! CD32 updates and reviews.Part III of AMOS PROGRAMMING Article andmore! The news you CARE about. Get itand spread it. |
23655 | DUP_FEB.LHA | 20873 | 14.06.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Dark Unicorn Newsletter - February edition |
23656 | DUP_JAN.LHA | 101217 | 14.06.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Dark Unicorn Newsletter - January edition |
23657 | DUP_MAR.LHA | 158829 | 14.06.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | DARK UNICORN DISPATCH - MARCH EDITION-------------------------------------T he monthly Amiga newsletter filledwith reviews, articles, CD32, the VERYlatest in C= news (including the deathof AMIGA WORLD); the DEFINATIVE sourcefor the lastest and best i nfo on theAmiga and CD32 console. Get it now!AmigaGuide, ASCII, and ANSI included! |
23658 | DUP_MAY.LHA | 144879 | 14.06.1996 | - | 20452/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 07 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-05][EARSAN CD VI].iso | - | Dark Unicorn Newsletter - May Edition |
23659 | DWOLF3D1.LHA | 81397 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | STL of Damage: 3D WolfPreRelease V1.6.1; For all A500's and the more advanced ones. Note: '040 may be unstabileBugfix version #1; System Crash killed; Floor, Ceiling and Wall Texture Mapping; Wolf3D demo on EHB / AGA; BitPlane Screen; Depth cueing w/ Realtime Texture Dithering;Wolf3D world runs 7.9 fps on 192x160xEHB (SupraTurbo 28Mhz 68000 + Fast); Recommended 68020++, Chip/Fast, OCS. |
23660 | EOB2EDIT.LHA | 72,2 kt | 26.11.1997 | - | - | - | Eye Of The Beholder II editori - muuntele pelin tallenteita |
23661 | ESDM11.LHA | 47,7 kt | 15.05.1998 | - | - | - | EasyDoom v1.1 - easy GUI for Doom-ports. |
23662 | F1-97.LHA | 6,5 kt | 31.10.1997 | - | - | - | Latest season data for F1GP. |
63989 | F1GPE323.LHA | 440540 | 12.12.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | F1GP-Ed 3.23 (3.12.96) - F1GP-Ed / WC Editor An editor for use with the Formula One Grand Prix or World Circuit game. - Requires: Any Amiga and an original copy of Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit by MicroProse. Shareware - Aminet name: F1GP-Ed.lha |
23663 | F1GPE336.LHA | 478,6 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | F1GP-Ed 3.36 (12.10.97) - F1GP-Ed / WC Editor An editor for use with the Formula One Grand Prix or World Circuit game. - Requires: Any Amiga and an original copy of Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit by MicroProse. Shareware - Aminet name: F1GP-Ed.lha |
23664 | F1GPE343.LHA | 547,2 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | - | - | F1GP-Ed v3.43 - modify almost every aspect of F1GP! |
23665 | F1GPSOUN.LHA | 263,5 kt | 16.03.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | - | 23 replacement sound samples for F1GP. Req: F1GP-Ed - Aminet name: F1GP_Sounds.lha |
23666 | FB-NICON.LHA | 1195 | 08.12.1996 | - | - | - | NEWICON for Flashback. |
23667 | FINOPICS.LHA | 201,8 kt | 29.03.1997 | - | - | - | Final Odyssey - Demokuvia Vulcanin tulevasta pelistä. |
23668 | FLAM2HD.LHA | 7,5 kt | 08.06.1997 | - | - | - | Flamingo Tours HD Installer |
23669 | FNDCSND.LHA | 160 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | Official custom sounds for Foundation. |
23670 | FOUNDED.LHA | 372288 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | Map editor for new Settlers/WarCraft game |
23671 | FOUNDPIC.LHA | 1,6 Mt | 01.09.1997 | - | - | - | Kuvia tulevasta Foundation-strategiapelistä. |
64280 | FPOKE10.LHA | 6749 | 20.04.1996 | - | - | tupla | FastPoke 1.0 - ohjelma jolla voit huijata peleihin lisΣΣ elΣmiΣ ym. |
23672 | FPOKE11.LHA | 3 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | - | - | Fastpoke 1.1 - ohjelma jonka avulla voit huijata peleihin lisää elämiä, rahaa ym. |
23673 | GB68K.LHA | 28017 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | GameBoy -emulaattori. Klassinen "vitsi", sisältää Tetris-pelin. |
23674 | GENSPICS.LHA | 463,5 kt | 29.01.1997 | - | - | - | Genetic Species - demokuvia uudesta Doom- tyylisestä pelistä. Vulcan Software. |
23675 | GGL32.LZH | 5343 | 15.12.1995 | - | - | - | Grendel's Game Lists V32: info about serial/modem/network playable games for PC/Amiga/ST, strategy games, Amiga multitasking/CDROM games. |
23676 | GL3REJ.LHA | 984,8 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | Rejected GFX & SFX from Gloom 3 |
23677 | GLNST020.LHA | 28,8 kt | 02.06.1998 | - | - | - | GoldNEST v0.20 - Nintendo Entertainment System editor. |
23678 | GLOOMC2P.LHA | 26965 | 06.01.1996 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | Vaihtoehtoisia c2p-rutiineita Gloom Deluxeen. |
23679 | GLOOMDAT.LHA | 389994 | 11.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Gloom - Tasoeditori (1/3) |
23680 | GLOOMED.LHA | 73723 | 11.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Gloom - Tasoeditori (2/3) |
23681 | GLOOMED.TXT | 10041 | 11.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Gloom - Tasoeditori (3/3) |
23682 | GNOMESPI.LHA | 226984 | 02.09.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | eritupla | Kuvia OTM:n tulevasta Gnomes-pelistä. (Uusi paketti, korvaa aikaisemman.) |
23683 | GOTHTEST.LHA | 19873 | 15.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | GothTest, test to find out how Gothic you are. |
23684 | GRAAL2A.LHA | 358,3 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | 21194/Excalibur_62_cd.bin | - | Graphic Adventure Authoring Language (1/4) |
23685 | GRAAL2B.LHA | 367,6 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | 21194/Excalibur_62_cd.bin | - | Graphic Adventure Authoring Language (2/4) |
23686 | GRAAL2C.LHA | 219,5 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Graphic Adventure Authoring Language (3/4) |
23687 | GRAAL2D.LHA | 229,5 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Graphic Adventure Authoring Language (4/4) |
23688 | GUI4DM10.LHA | 46,3 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | Gui4Doom v1.0 - a MUI-GUI for all Doom-conversions. |
23689 | HELLPIC2.LHA | 323474 | 19.11.1996 | - | - | - | Lisää kuvia Vulcan Softwaren tulevasta seikkailupelistä Hellpigs. |
23690 | HELLPICS.LHA | 293269 | 18.10.1996 | - | - | - | Ennakkokuvia Vulcan Softwaren tulevasta seikkailupelistä Amigalle, Hell Pigs. |
23691 | HILLSPIC.LHA | 86,7 kt | 23.03.1997 | - | - | - | Kuvia Vulcanin Hillsea Lido -pelistä. |
23692 | HIROREKO.LHA | 520,4 kt | 13.11.1997 | - | - | - | Ryoko Hirosue cardset for Klondike AGA |
23693 | HTMCH45.LHA | 1,6 Mt | 04.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Cheat database in Html Format V4.5 |
23694 | HTPICS.LHA | 237,9 kt | 29.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Kuvia Vulcanin tulevasta Hard Target -pelistä. Kyseessä on Virtua Copin tyylinen 3D-räiskintä. Ks. MikroBitti 10/97. |
23695 | INSTBURN.LHA | 1,9 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | - | - | Suomenkielinen asennusohjelma Vulcanin Burnout-peliin. Ks. MikroBitti 5/97. |
23696 | INVATAXI.LHA | 482,3 kt | 13.06.1997 | - | - | - | Invataxi - Omalaatuinen taksipeli, nyt Amigalle. |
23697 | ITF165.LHA | 93191 | 26.03.1995 | - | 3325/Aminet 6 - June 1995.iso | - | Infocom Game Interpreter V4.01 -play any Infocom adventure with onemain program. Includes good utilities. |
65409 | JOLCOL.DMS | 681470 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | J0l 005X's Gamedisk BIP, Klondike, Snowwar, Bleed II, Amigaworm, Pacman, 3D-Breakout, Pickout |
65610 | L2LE102.LHA | 425450 | 29.11.1996 | - | - | - | Patch Lemmings 2 to run from HD |
66011 | MAZEMNA.LHA | 52568 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Maze creator - MazeMania is based around an algorithm for creating random mazes. |
66101 | MERGESCO.LHA | 10102 | 29.10.1995 | - | 941/LSD Compendium Deluxe 3 (1995).iso | - | Merge Scores - Ohjelma jolla liitetään MegaBallin pistetiedostot yhteen. |
66214 | MMM.LHA | 21408 | 21.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | My Many Mechs - 74 Mech files for MechForce74 |
23698 | MYSTS24B.LHA | 6 Mt | 22.12.1997 | - | - | - | 24-bittisiä (IFF) kuvaruutukaappauksia MYST- seikkailupelistä. |
23699 | MYSTSC8B.LHA | 2,4 Mt | 22.12.1997 | - | - | - | 8-bittisiä (IFF) kuvaruutukaappauksia MYST- seikkailupelistä. |
23700 | MYSTSJPG.LHA | 706,7 kt | 22.12.1997 | - | - | - | 24-bittisiä (JPG) kuvaruutukaappauksia MYST- seikkailupelistä. |
23701 | NEWEMER1.DMS | 324902 | 23.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | EMERALD MINE TOOL DISK v5.00 Enjoy and spread your levels... Spread by the EMERALD MINE CLUB HOLLAND |
23702 | NTPARADI.LHA | 435005 | 26.03.1995 | - | - | - | DNET-Trek, Paradise Client V2.3 for DNet/Amiga, Amiga V0.99. |
23703 | OLFIPICS.LHA | 239,6 kt | 09.10.1997 | - | - | - | "Beatem up with 5000 colours and...SNAPSHOTS" |
23704 | OLFSNAPS.LHA | 247,9 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | - | - | "Screenshots from OloFighta beatem up which will be released in August ï97. 3D-perspective floorreflectionsup to 3000 colours..." |
23705 | ONESPICS.LHA | 126,1 kt | 29.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Kuvia tulevasta onEscapee-pelistä. Ks. MikroBitti 10/97. |
23706 | OSCARHD.LHA | 7400 | 31.12.1996 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | HD-Installer for Oscar. |
23707 | PETRO.LHA | 68,7 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | aminet.net | - | Petro - learn how to pronounce Petro Tyschtschenko! |
23708 | PRIMOG12.LHA | 59612 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Analyse and evaluate Jyhad Decks easily.tool to help players of the game Jyhad. |
23709 | QCCAM.LHA | 167,9 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | QuakeC-compiler, Amiga-port. |
23710 | QK1TLS01.LHA | 602,9 kt | 16.06.1998 | - | - | - | Quake 1 Tools v0.1 - toolkit for Quake level editing etc. |
23711 | QMAP10.LHA | 168,7 kt | 04.06.1998 | - | - | - | QuakeMap v1.0 - Quake Level Renderer for PowerUP(tm). |
23712 | QUAKELA.LHA | 2,4 kt | 03.07.1998 | - | - | - | Quake Launcher (script). Requires RequestString. Fixed 30.6.1998 |
23713 | QUAKELR.LHA | 2,4 kt | 29.06.1998 | - | - | - | Quake startscript. Requires RequestFile, -Choice, -String. |
23714 | QUATOOLS.LHA | 531,9 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | Quake 1 Tools, Amiga conversion. |
23715 | RALPATCH.LHA | 19,4 kt | 15.05.1997 | - | - | - | Rally Championship patch, allows you to buy everything for free. |
23716 | RF016.LHA | 206,1 kt | 18.01.1998 | - | - | - | RoboFight - create your own killer robot. easy basic-style programming. |
23717 | ROBOS.LHA | 2631 | 08.10.1995 | - | - | - | Kuinka saada Maxis Softwaren Robosport- peli toimimaan mm. paikallisverkon ja internetin kautta moninpelinä. |
23718 | S8-PAD.LHA | 4171 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | CD32 Joypad emulator for the Keyboard! Emulate the extended buttons on the Keyboard CD-Games like J-Strike an so on .... |
23719 | SKCHEAT.LHA | 41,7 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | Play every level of Soccer Kid |
23720 | SKIDROLL.LHA | 208518 | 11.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Car object for Skidmarks 2 Aminet name: SkidROLLER.lha |
23721 | SNAKE.LZH | 2248 | 24.10.1995 | - | - | - | Käärmepeli A64-nimiselle C64-emulaattorille. Kun olet kirjoittanut RUN, odota hetki ja kirjoita SYS 51700 |
23722 | SNAPMUCH.LHA | 50878 | 05.01.1996 | - | - | - | ---Cirion proudly presents--- Screenshots from game "DeadMuch" Coming soon for AGA Amigas... |
23724 | SORK.LHA | 329,6 kt | 15.05.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Sorksemmelvostek - fast and fully multitasking Voxel-engine. |
23723 | SORK051B.LHA | 317,4 kt | 08.06.1997 | - | - | - | Sorksemmelvostek v0.510á - incredibly fast and smooth voxel-engine. Even multitasks in its own screen. |
23725 | SPACWORM.LHA | 351664 | 17.05.1996 | - | - | - | Spaceballs -äänet Wormsiin. |
23726 | SPLGHDTR.LHA | 42,2 kt | 08.06.1997 | - | - | - | HD-installer and trainer for Speris Legacy. |
23727 | SPLTTIME.LHA | 19103 | 16.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | SplitTime V1.1 for F1GP - displays splittimes at every quarter of a track while youdrive F1GP. Not only the splittimes aredisplayed, but also the best splittimesbefore they show up (like on TV). |
23728 | SSCOLST.LHA | 6711 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | V1.1 Games compatible with Shapeshifter |
23729 | SSS-5OAK.LHA | 713265 | 17.12.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | >5 oF a KiND< a CARDGAME for SHAPESHIFTER Mac-emulator. |
68811 | SWOSED15.LHA | 132358 | 20.12.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | SWOS Ed v1.5 - SWOS Ed is team editor for Sensible World of Soccer. - Features: It uses MUI ∙ RNC depacking (SWOS data files are packed) you don't need use external utilities to depack these files. - Requires: OS2.0+ and MUI 3 - Aminet name: SWOSEd.lha |
23730 | SWOSED17.LHA | 170,8 kt | 15.12.1997 | - | - | - | SWOSED 1.7 - a team editor for Sensible World of Soccer. |
23731 | SWOSEDV2.LHA | 57276 | 06.01.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Sensible World Of Soccer Editor Version 2. Released 23.12.95 - With this little tool, you can edit the data files in SWOS. You may edit the players names, skills, values etc. Author: Rune Keller |
23732 | SWOSFFF.LHA | 106337 | 11.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | SWOSFFF 2.22 - SWOS Data Editor. Easy to use editor for any data file from SWOS (Sensible World Of Soccer) in any of its versions. It recognizes about all sorts of SWOS file formats: Original Club and National team data, both Original and Edited Custom teams, International tournament .TMD files, and even Career saved games! |
23733 | SYNDICON.LHA | 3702 | 14.03.1996 | - | - | - | MagicWB-ikoni Syndicate-pelille. |
23734 | TDCARED1.LZH | 8617 | 13.04.1995 | - | - | - | TdCarEd1.11 - Ohjelma TestDriven ja4D Sports-Driving - pelien autojeneditointiin. Kiihtyvyys ja valitys-suhteet ovat saadettavissa ym.Ohjelma on Diskwarea. OS 2.04+ |
23735 | TEXTED.LHA | 88900 | 11.09.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | Additonal scenario TEXT Editor for AB3DII TKG Use with the editor package supplied with TKG |
23736 | TINYPICS.LHA | 96 kt | 23.03.1997 | - | - | - | Kuvia Vulcan Softwaren Tiny Troops -pelistä. |
23737 | TKGCHEAT.LHA | 2509 | 27.08.1996 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds Cheat Archive, Version 2. Sisältää tallennetut tilanteet kaikkiin tasoihin runsain asein. |
69158 | TKGCIC10.LHA | 3310 | 26.08.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | Apuohjelma Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsiin, joka tarkistaa tasojen editoinnin jälkeen mitkä tiedostot pitää pakata ettet pakkaa tiedostoja kahteen kertaan. |
69159 | TKGEDITO.TXT | 3080 | 09.09.1996 | - | - | - | Ongelmia Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsin tasoeditorin kanssa? Ehkä näistä vinkeistä on apua. |
69160 | TKGFILES.LHA | 137731 | 10.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds -pelin tasoeditorin AMOS-lähdekoodi. Team 17 julkaisi lähdekoodin ilmaislevitykseen jotta kuka tahansa voisi kehittää peliin uuden tasoeditorin tai parantaa alkuperäisiä. |
69161 | TKGGUI10.LHA | 50381 | 22.08.1996 | - | - | - | Breed Guide 1.0 - Kootut ja kommentoidut ohjeet Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsin tasojen tekemiseen AmigaGuide- muodossa. |
69162 | TKGHELPS.LHA | 13147 | 18.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Apua Alien Breed 3D II:n yleisiin ongelmiin. |
69165 | TKGLVASC.LHA | 35610 | 10.11.1996 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D II:n tasoeditorin lähdekoodi ASCII-muodossa. |
69168 | TKGRUNNI.TXT | 3406 | 20.08.1996 | - | - | - | Eikö Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Grounds suostu käynnistymään Workbenchista ja/tai suoraan kiintolevyltä koneellasi? Tässä muutama vihje tilanteen korjaamiseksi. |
69169 | TKGSKY.LHA | 101606 | 18.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Uusia taivaskuvia (sky) Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsiin! Näillä voit elävöittää omia tasojasi entisestään. |
69170 | TKGTXTED.LHA | 88900 | 18.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | TextEd - Ohjelma Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsin tasojen alkutekstien editointiin. Nyt voit luoda oman tasosettisi ja keksiä pelille juonen jota pelaaja voi seurata tasojen välillä tulevista teksteistä! |
69522 | UFO-MWB.LHA | 6796 | 08.12.1996 | - | - | - | Two icons for UFO: Enemy Unknown. |
69524 | UFOCHSA.LHA | 14182 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | Botches UFO-Savefiles (adds money etc), needs MUI |
69525 | UFOED.LHA | 29908 | 17.12.1995 | - | 1391/Hottest 6 (1996)(PDSoft)[!].iso | - | Saved game editor for Ufo The Enemy Unknown Orginal name file: UfoEd.lha |
69532 | UHS-AMI.LZH | 24341 | 24.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Universal Hint System Hintfile Reader for Amiga - The program that gives you the ability, to read the newer expanded Hintfiles, allowing to read all Hintfiles created under revision 91b and lower, including revisions 91a and 88a. * Universaali vinkkijärjestelmä, vinkkejä löytyy PC-pelialueilta UHS-hakusanalla * |
69983 | WDCPICS.LHA | 139748 | 21.12.1996 | - | - | - | Kuvia Worms Director's Cut -pelistä. Team 17. |
70025 | WFRPGEN.LHA | 94881 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | character Generator for the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay system. |
23738 | WZKL0995.LHA | 249,9 kt | 08.05.1998 | - | - | - | Wzonka-Lad v0.99.5 - a Nintendo Gameboy Emulator. |
23739 | WZL099.LHA | 237,9 kt | 10.02.1998 | - | - | - | Wzonka-Lad v0.99 - A Finnish Gameboy emulator |
23740 | WZNK0999.LHA | 252,5 kt | 06.06.1998 | - | - | - | Wzonka-Lad v0.99.9 - A Nintendo Gameboy-emulator. |
23741 | XTRRICON.LHA | 2646 | 26.02.1996 | - | - | - | Käynnistysikoni XTreme Racing -pelille. |
23742 | XTRSERIA.TXT | 2544 | 13.02.1996 | - | - | - | Kertoo ohjekirjaa tarkemmin kuinka linkki- peliä tulee XTreme Racingissa käyttää. Silltunna Software. |
23743 | XTRTILES.LHA | 65081 | 29.08.1996 | - | - | - | Ratagrafiikoita XTreme Racingiin. |
23744 | YMSC-01.LHA | 255458 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 1/11, 1-A, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:3D-Meteor_Storm, 3D-Tank_Due l, Airwolf,Alchemist, Alien8, Ant_Attack, AticAtac |
23745 | YMSC-02.LHA | 242468 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 2/11, A-C, 16 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:Automania, Backpackers, Back ToSkool, Batman, Caterpilla |
23746 | YMSC-03.LHA | 266876 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 3/11, C-C, 16 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:Cauldron, Cauldron2, Chuckie _Egg1+2,Codename_Mat 1+2, Crossfire, Cybertanks |
23747 | YMSC-04.LHA | 279712 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 4/11, D-F, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:Daley_Thompson's_Decathlon,D eathchase,Dr.FrankyAndMonster, Driller_DEMO,DynamiteDan 1+2, Fighter_Pilot,Frogger,FullThrottle |
23748 | YMSC-05.LHA | 230657 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 5/11, G-J, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:Games_Designer, Gauntlet, He llfire,Horace&TheSpiders,HoraceGoesSkiing,Hun gry Horace, IkariWarriors,Jet set Willy 1+2, JetPac |
23749 | YMSC-06.LHA | 277336 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 6/11, K-M, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:Knightlore, Kong, Lander, Lu nar_Jetman,Lunar_Lander, MagicCarpet, Manic_Miner,Max_Headroom, Mean_Streak_DEMO,Monty_Mole, Mugsy |
23750 | YMSC-07.LHA | 232006 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 7/11, N-P, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:Necropolis, Night_Fly, Overl ords, Pacland, Paperboy, Penetrator, Pitfall2Planet_of_Death, Psion, PSSST |
23751 | YMSC-08.LHA | 225780 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 8/11, R-S, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:Raider, Rambo_III, Saboteur, Saboteur_II, Sabre_Wulf, Scuba_Dive |
23752 | YMSC-09.LHA | 287261 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 9/11, S-T, 17 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:Shuttle_Simulator, Space Int ruders,Space Missile Command, Space_Panic,Space_Quest, Spectrum Voice Chess,Splat, Spy_VS_Spy, Star_Raiders_II,Styx, Test Drive 2, The_Hobbit |
23753 | YMSC-10.LHA | 181850 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 10/11, T-U, 16 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:The_Train_Game, Tir_Na_Nog, Tomahawk,Trans_Am, Underwurlde.Plus number of utilities likeZeus Z80-assembler. |
23754 | YMSC-11.LHA | 96333 | 10.11.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Your Megalomanic Spectrum Collection V1.Disk 11/11, W-Z, 7 out of 174 files.All Spectrum software usable with mostSpectrum emulators on Amiga/PC/other.Each archive sized as Amiga DD disk.This archive includes for example:Wheelie, Who Dares Wins 2, Winged Warlords, Wizard's_Warriors,Zaxxan, Zebbedy, ZZoom |
23755 | ZOOLHD14.LHA | 24,2 kt | 08.06.1997 | - | - | - | HD Installer for Zool ECS V1.4. |
23756 | ZRADOINS.LHA | 2,4 Mt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | - | Better instruments for ADoom. |
22935 | ABC.LHA | 247188 | 20.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | A abc's learning program for youngsters features digitized voice and helps a child gain coordinatin with the mouse.Educational Type: game/miscAuthor: dloeser@iglou.com |
22936 | CLOWNAR.LHA | 963628 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | Clown Around - Educational game for the young. Counting, adding, taking awayand just clowning around. |
22937 | MAGSTBO.LHA | 355441 | 23.08.1996 | - | - | - | MAGIC STORYBOOK, truly unique, interactive package for children of all ages! one of the most versatile educational packages currently available for any computer. Children can use this remarkable program: -To effortlessly create illustrated stories, cartoons or animated models -To bring these stories to life with easy animation -To add atmospheric sound effects -To save and print out their work. |
23157 | NIGH_MA.LHA | 123997 | 21.12.1994 | - | - | - | Night Math AttackEducational math gameNight Math Attack is a motivational game for practicing all 4 math operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), created with help from an educational consultant.Shareware |
22938 | AAJETFIX.LHA | 13,6 kt | 17.03.1998 | - | 3294/Aminet 25 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1998].iso | - | Bugfix for JetPilot. |
22939 | AB3DPTCH.LHA | 233287 | 10.02.1996 | - | - | - | Päivitys Alien Breed 3D:hen. Lisää peliin kahdeksankanavaisen surround-äänen ja korjaa paljon muita bugeja. Team 17. Ei valitettavasti toimi kunnolla jos käytät patchia jolla pelin alkuun liitetään musiikki, joten poista se. |
23015 | AGAFIXES.DMS | 235815 | 09.12.1994 | - | 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso | - | Fikseja peleihin joilla on vaikeuksia AGA-koneissa: - Powermonger, Powermonger WW1 data disk, - Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker - R-Type, Shadowlands, Heimdall, Last - Ninja 3, Speedball 2 Fiksit toimivat tietenkin vain alkuperäisissä versioissa. |
22940 | BB108UPD.LHA | 515,3 kt | 12.12.1997 | - | - | - | Update BackBone to version 1.08. |
22941 | BB113UPD.LHA | 214,3 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | - | - | Update BackBone v1.13 -> v1.14. |
22942 | BDUPD161.LHA | 133,9 kt | 05.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Update BattleDuel V1.6.(80|96) -> V1.6.100 Aminet name: BattleDuel_Upd.lha |
61485 | BLDDUPDT.LHA | 170308 | 23.06.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | BoulderDaesh V2.47 -> V2.54. Orginal name: boulderupdate.lha |
22943 | BLDRU423.LHA | 596,4 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | Update Boulderdäsh to version 4.23 |
22944 | BLDS420U.LHA | 607,3 kt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Update Boulderdäsh to 4.20. |
22945 | BLDUP258.LHA | 187866 | 05.08.1996 | - | - | - | Updates BoulderDaesh V2.47 and above to V2.58 |
22946 | BREAT060.LHA | 70830 | 18.06.1996 | - | - | - | 68060-päivitys Breathlessiin. Tavallisesti peli käyttää komentoja joita ei 68060:sta löydy, jolloin softallinen emulaatio hidastaa toimintaa. Tämä päivitys ei näitä komentoja käytä, joten peli pyörii nopeammin. Vaatii alkuperäisen Breathlessin. |
22947 | BREATHLE.LHA | 71323 | 13.02.1996 | - | 17108/TEKNO 3-1996.iso | - | Breathless - Päivitys versioon 1.1. Vaatii alkuperäisen pelin. Lisää peliin mm. hiiri- ohjauksen, nopeuttaa ruudun piirtoa ja korjaa bugeja. Fields of Vision. |
22948 | BSII115F.LHA | 75,9 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | - | - | Bugfix for BattleShips II 1.15 |
23044 | BUBBLEBO.LHA | 128522 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Fix: korjaa alkuperaisen Bubble Bobble -pelin toimimaan uudempien OS-versioiden alla (2.0-3.0) V1.15 |
22949 | BUPD360.LHA | 361,9 kt | 18.04.1997 | - | - | - | Update Boulderdaesh to 3.60. |
22950 | CIVUPA.LHA | 201183 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | Civilization -Amiga version update. MPS. |
22951 | CP11UPDA.LHA | 302,7 kt | 27.02.1997 | - | - | - | Capital Punishment 1.1 - Päivitys. |
22952 | CPSTART.LHA | 7182 | 14.01.1997 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | Käynnistysskripti Capital Punishmentiin. Ajaa pelin RAD-levyn kautta niin, että muistin vähyys ei estä ajamasta peliä WB:stä. |
23063 | DMPATCH.LZH | 10847 | 09.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Patch to install Dungeon Master on hard drive |
23074 | EPICFIX.LZH | 8018 | 09.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Korjaa alkuperaisen EPICin (vanhanversion) toimimaan mm. FAST-muistilla varustetuissa koneissa. |
22953 | F15202.LZH | 117786 | 21.03.1995 | - | 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip | - | F-15 Strike Eagle II - Päivitys versioon 02. Microprose. |
22954 | F1GP1997.LHA | 3908 | 31.12.1996 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | 1997 datafile for use with F1GP-Ed v3 and MicroProse's Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit game. - Aminet name: F1GP_1997.lha |
22955 | F1GPU320.LHA | 94549 | 12.12.1996 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | - | Patch F1GP-Ed 3.20 to 3.23 - Note that you MUST already have v3.20 installed somewhere. Aminet name: F1GP-Ed_Upd320.lha |
22956 | F1GPU331.LHA | 83,2 kt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | - | Patch F1GP-Ed 3.31 to 3.34 |
22957 | F1GPU333.LHA | 61,1 kt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | - | Patch F1GP-Ed 3.33 to 3.34 |
23086 | FIXALIEN.LHA | 12445 | 09.12.1994 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | Patchi Alien Breed Special Editioniin. Korjaa joissain versioissa olleen bugin tasolla 8. |
23087 | FIXARCHO.LZH | 20325 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Patch to run Archon under later OS versions. |
23088 | FIXE_AGA.LHA | 10590 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Korjauksia peleihin AGA-Amigoissatoimimista varten:- Powermonger, Powermonger WWI, R-Type,- JWWS, Mega-Lo-Mania |
23089 | FIXLLAMA.LHA | 5150 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Update to Llamatron |
23091 | FRON2AGA.LHA | 9155 | 03.12.1994 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | Frontier patchi,paikkaa Frontierin (Elite II) toimimaanVGA-tilassa AGA-Amigoissa (ehka muissamyos) |
23092 | FRONPTCH.LHA | 1652 | 03.12.1994 | - | - | - | Elite II: Frontier -patch. Luo Frontieriin Exit-nappulan (palauttaa käyttöjärjestelmään) |
64570 | GPPCH30.LHA | 71811 | 14.09.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Formula One Grand Prix -patch v3.00. Lisää frameja ja siten pehmentää pelielämystä nopeammilla koneilla. |
64663 | HACKAB3D.LHA | 110118 | 17.11.1995 | - | 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar | - | Lisää alkumusiikin Alien Breed 3D:hen. Team 17 on julkistanut pelin alkumusiikin julkiseen levitykseen kun se ei mahtunut pelin levykkeille. Tämä patchi ei muuta alkuperäistä ohjelmaa mitenkään. |
64925 | HUNTERFX.LHA | 52771 | 24.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Hunter fix for AGA & 68020+. v1.00 |
65045 | IKERISUP.LHA | 65016 | 22.01.1996 | - | - | - | Päivitys peliin IKERISX.LHA, korjaa pelissä ilmentyneen bugin sekä antaa mahdollisuuden ladata omia musiikkimoduuleja pelin taustalle. Vaatii asennetun Ikeriksen. |
65266 | IVN-CAFX.LHA | 1749 | 17.12.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | AGA-korjaus Interplayn Castles-peliin. |
65690 | LEMS2HD.LHA | 267743 | 21.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Patch Lemmings 2 to run from HD |
23131 | LINKS153.LZH | 80573 | 09.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Links -golfpelin päivitys versiosta 1.5x versioon V1.53. Access Software. |
23141 | MARBLEPA.LHA | 6830 | 09.12.1994 | - | - | - | Päivittää Marble Maddnessin toimimaan OS 2.X+ ja kiintolevyn kanssa. |
67193 | PF1GP-18.LHA | 14603 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | F1GP/WC patch that increases frame rate! |
68019 | RSR02.LZH | 216762 | 14.06.1996 | - | 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip | - | Amiga Red Storm Rising, Version 2 MicroProse. |
68397 | SIMCITY1.LHA | 175627 | 14.06.1996 | - | - | - | Simcity V1.4 update |
68643 | SSIIHD.LZH | 5701 | 27.04.1996 | - | 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip | - | Silent Service II updated Hard Disk installer. |
69166 | TKGPA345.LHA | 48203 | 04.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | TKGPatch 34.5 - an utility to speed up and enhance AB3D2: The Killing Grounds. - Aminet name: TKGTurboPatch.lha |
69167 | TKGPATCH.LHA | 267136 | 17.08.1996 | - | 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin | - | Päivitys Alien Breed 3D II: The Killing Groundsiin. Korjaa pelin tasoeditoria vaivanneet ongelmat. |
70189 | WRMSHELL.LHA | 24457 | 17.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | WormsShell 0.3 - Epävirallinen päivitys Wormsiin. Korjaa bugeja yms yms. |
70190 | WRMSHL04.LHA | 27605 | 12.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | WormsShell 0.4 - Bug fixes and hacks for Worms. |
70367 | XTRPCH.LHA | 300639 | 23.01.1996 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | Korjaa Xtreme Racingin musiikkiongelmat MBX-kiihdyttimellä varustetuissa koneissa. Sisältää myös Xtreme Racing FAQ:n. |
70380 | YAGG119U.LHA | 77239 | 27.06.1996 | - | 3281/Aminet 13 - August 1996.iso | - | Yagg 1.17 --> 1.19 upgrade / vect. game Required: Yagg117.lha, Fast amiga and KS v39+ |
23947 | AB3DPLSO.LHA | 4472 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D:n ensimmäisen pelattavan esittelyversion kartta ja ratkaisu. |
23948 | BLOODHLP.LHA | 1911 | 19.05.1995 | - | - | - | Bloodnet solve |
23949 | BTSOL.LHA | 45,7 kt | 30.04.1997 | - | - | - | "Solutions for Bards Tale III and III." |
23950 | FBSOLVE.LHA | 5,6 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | - | Flashback solve |
23951 | INDYSOL.LHA | 11,4 kt | 30.04.1997 | - | - | - | Solutions for Indiana Jones III and IV. |
23952 | MISOL.LHA | 12,8 kt | 30.04.1997 | - | - | - | Solutions for Monkey Island I & II. |
23953 | SIMONSOL.LHA | 5,8 kt | 06.04.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | tupla | Simon The Sorcerer solve |
60345 | AADOM094.LHA | 623784 | 08.12.1996 | - | - | tupla | Amiga versio nethack tyylisest ä pelistä.RPG Ancient Domains Of Mystery V0.9.4 Vaatii väh. 2Mb muistia ja mielellään nopean koneen. |
23954 | AD099G80.LHA | 898 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.99G8 A Nethack-like RPG-game |
23955 | AD099G82.LHA | 891,1 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.99G8 (68020) |
23956 | AD099G84.LHA | 890,7 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.99G8 (68040) |
23957 | ANG279V5.LHA | 704436 | 24.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Angband V2.7.9v5 - Todella mahtava Moria/UMoria/Hack/Nethack tyylinen seikkailu peli. Sis. Grafiikat ja äänet Vaatii. OS2+ ja 68020+! |
23958 | ANGB283.LHA | 694,5 kt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Angband v2.8.3 - Nethack-like RPG-game. |
23021 | ARCH.LZH | 81890 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Arch, Amoksella tehty suomalainenPD-roolipeli. Valm. Gargoyle |
23959 | CITADEL.LHA | 508,6 kt | 31.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Dark Citadel - a RPG-game by F1 Software. Requires at least 1MB of RAM. |
23960 | CRYPTOD.LZH | 49846 | 06.04.1995 | - | - | - | Kotimainen NETHACK klooni. Kenties hivenen koominen. Taistele kammottavia pupuja, sokeita kaapioita jne. vastaan kuoleman kryptoissa.. |
23961 | CRYPTSOD.LZH | 49810 | 08.04.1995 | - | - | - | Moria/Nethack tyylinen humoristinen roolipeli. |
62488 | CURSE055.LHA | 395927 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | tupla | CURSED KINGDOMS v0.55 FREEWAREDEMO VERSION of very good looking RPG.requirements:- Any 68k CPU (68020 or better recommended!)- 320kb CHIP and 150kb of any memory- 1.5mb free hd spacefeatures:- Great 3D landscape ;)- System friendly ;) |
23962 | CURSE090.LHA | 643344 | 08.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Cursed Kingdoms 0.90 - Roolipeli. |
23060 | CWMMOR12.LHA | 421636 | 16.12.1994 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | CWMmoria 1.2.0: A "Rogue"-like single-playerdungeon exploration game. |
23963 | CYBSPCHD.LHA | 919785 | 06.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Cyberspace V1.0 - This game discribes the life of a computerfreak in the year >2100. Full installed version. SHAREWARE. Original file name: CyberSpcHD.lha |
23964 | DOTDFIX.LHA | 1,3 Mt | 22.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | New text based zombie RPG with GFX & SFX |
23105 | HACK10.DMS | 221298 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Hack V1.0 Todellista klassista pelaamista. Ökyvanha, historiallinen Hack Amigan V1.0 -versiossaan. |
23128 | LARN.DMS | 259207 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Larn, Hack/Nethack-mallinen roolipeli, mutta yksinkertaisempi, helpompi ja grafiikalla. |
23127 | LARN12.DMS | 259122 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Larn 12.0 Hack/Nethack-mallinen roolipeli, mutta yksinkertaisempi, helpompi ja grafiikalla. |
23129 | LEGENLOT.LHA | 181806 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Legend of Lothian, Ultima I tyyppinen roolipeli |
23143 | MECHFIGH.DMS | 292047 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Mechfight roolipeli |
66266 | MORIA.DMS | 410610 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | tupla | Moria roolipeli, hack-tyyppinen |
66267 | MORIA30.DMS | 456361 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | tupla | Moria 3.0:Demon's Winter roolipeli, hack-tyyppinen |
23150 | MORIA521.DMS | 382979 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Moria 5.21 roolipeli, hack-tyyppinen |
66540 | NETH3PL.DMS | 493052 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Nethack 3++ roolipeli |
66541 | NETHAC32.LHA | 1089870 | 05.05.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Nethack 3.2, binary files. Latest version of NetHack. Includes graphics etc. |
66574 | NH311AM1.LZH | 428528 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Nethack Amiga V3.11 1/2 |
66575 | NH311AM2.LZH | 461748 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Nethack Amiga V3.11 2/2 |
23965 | NH322B7.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 23.02.1998 | - | - | - | NetHack v3.22 beta 7, unofficial port.The most famous RPG just got better. |
23966 | OMEG802B.LHA | 311462 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Omega 0.80.2 bin+lib Merkkigrafiikalla toimiva versio Omega-rooli- pelistä alkuperäisen UNIX-version tapaan. |
23967 | QUESTFP.LZH | 57719 | 08.04.1995 | - | - | - | Roolipeli. Mailmasta löytyy monia tehtäviä ja lukuisia vastustajia. Aina erilainen kartta, mutta juoni ja paikat ovat samoja. |
23968 | SENDA073.LHA | 1,1 Mt | 24.11.1997 | - | - | - | Sendai 0.73 - anime-style RPG-game with nice gfx&sound. |
23969 | SZENA203.LHA | 1511138 | 06.06.1996 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Szenarion V2.03 - Rolegame combat tool, 0-4 Players. - Requires: OS2+, 68020+ (MMU), flickerfixer (NTSCHIGHRESLACED) or AGA- chipset (EURO72), harddisk (5MB), 3MB+ RAM. SHAREWARE -Original name: SzenarionV2.03.lha |
23927 | 5KINVADE.LHA | 8 kt | 17.02.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Good space invaders clone, only 5k! Should work on all Amigas. |
23928 | AANTICS.LHA | 800,3 kt | 11.03.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Albatross Antics - fast and furious 1 or 2 player combat simulation. |
23929 | ABS03013.LHA | 306,7 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | Abuse v1.3, 030-version. |
23930 | ABS04013.LHA | 305,9 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | Abuse v1.3, 040-version. |
23931 | ABS06013.LHA | 304,3 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | Abuse v1.3, 060-version. |
23932 | ABSBS13.LHA | 188,7 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | Abuse v1.3, base archive. |
23933 | ADESC01.LHA | 1,6 Mt | 16.02.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.1 Alpha - early Descent-port for Amiga. At the moment it is slow, has many bugs and requires CGFX/P96, but this is how it begins! |
23934 | ADESC05.LHA | 286,8 kt | 06.04.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.5 - an Amiga-port of Descent. This version has assembly-optimized texturemapping. |
23935 | ADESC05V.LHA | 297,9 kt | 07.04.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.5 Virge - a Virge-version of ADescent v0.5. Requires CV64/3D. |
23936 | ADESC07.LHA | 301,9 kt | 20.05.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.7 - Descent-port for Amiga. Now with 2 player-support! |
23937 | ADESC07V.LHA | 314,6 kt | 20.05.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.7, Virge-version. |
23938 | ADMPPC12.LHA | 327,5 kt | 08.04.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom 1.2 PPC version - PPC-conversion of ADoom. |
23939 | ADOOM12.LHA | 402,6 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom v1.2 - an Amiga-port of Doom. ADoom has a TCP/IP-, IPX-, modem- and serial-support, selectable screenmode between 320x200-1600x1200 and some other features. Version 1.2 includes new sound routines: now up to 16 sounds can be played simultaneously! |
23940 | AHRTC01.LHA | 182,4 kt | 21.01.1999 | - | - | - | "AHeretic v0.1 - Amiga-port of Heretic. Its still in very early beta stageso many functions are missing and it is unstablebut you can test it." |
23941 | AIRWAR.DMS | 95954 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | Hieno SEUCKilla tehty lentokoneräiskintä, ei kovin pitkä, mutta laadukas.. kuin compun (c-46) 1942.. ime.. |
23942 | ALIBASH2.LHA | 555178 | 08.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Alien Bash 2 - Räiskintäpeli. Ks. MikroBitti 9/96. |
23018 | AMEGR081.LHA | 97053 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | AGAM! Amega Race V0.81,Omega Race-klooni, HiResLaced. |
23943 | AMIDO110.LHA | 620,7 kt | 28.01.1998 | - | - | - | AmigaDoom v1.10 - another port of Doom for Amiga. Requires ixemul.library |
23944 | AMIDOOM.LZX | 156,6 kt | 30.12.1997 | - | 20470/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 25 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-03].iso | - | AmiDOOM - Porttaus id Softwaren vapaaseen levitykseen julkaisemasta DOOMin lähdekoodista. Vaatii ixemul V47:n ja FPU:n. Vaatii myös DOOMin WAD-tiedoston. |
23945 | AMPUBETA.LHA | 1635234 | 09.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Hyvä wormsin tapainen artillery peli. vaatii AGA, nopean koneen, 1.7 mb chip ,1 mb fast..... freeware!!!!! TAATTUA SUOMALAISTA LAATUA!!!!!!! |
23022 | ARMAGEDD.LHA | 53968 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Armageddon |
23026 | ASSAULT.DMS | 195713 | 17.12.1994 | - | 14378/Merciful - Disc 1.iso | - | Assault arcade De Bond (1992) Prohibition-klooni ammuskellaan naamoja ikkunoissa |
23027 | ASTR092.LHA | 163556 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Asteriods II V0.92 Mahtava OS2+ Asteroids-klooni1-2 pelaajaa, lisäaseita, bonuksia yms. kaikkea mahdollista. |
23034 | BATTLEC.DMS | 54135 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Battlecars arcade, 1-2 pelaajan autotaistelu linkkioptio |
23946 | BH196.LHA | 449,2 kt | 20.01.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | "Brutal Hom\xadc\xadde v1.96 - A very good shoot- your-friend gamevery nice gfx100% assembler. Many weaponstrapsmazesand alike. - This version is NOT CRIPPLEWARE! Its completly working and Free Ware. Works on all Amigas with 1Mb chipmem." |
61393 | BIACCOAR.LHA | 158425 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | superbiaccoproject, Nibbler arcade clone V0.0 Type: game/misc. Plain conversionof an old coin-op. |
61495 | BLOBCOMB.LHA | 132097 | 18.01.1996 | - | - | - | Blob Combat, simple yet addictive game which requires only 1/2 friends and AMIGA 1200. You are a blob who must fight for your life in an arena against other blobs. |
61506 | BLOODTWR.LZH | 76848 | 08.04.1995 | - | - | - | Doom / DungeonMaster tyylinen shoot`em up. |
61609 | BPLANES1.LZH | 177154 | 17.10.1996 | - | - | - | Biplane Aces - lentsikkapeli amigalle Versio 1.1; uutta mm. instant replayt. Vaatii A500, 1mt muistia (tai paremman:) |
61629 | BRATWRST.LHA | 224849 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Bratwurst, v1.0B, A Roketz-like game for two to four players. Automatic zoom keeps all players in view in the least possiblearea, vector graphics. Very nice, with clever idea. Worth checking for TurboRakettietc fans. |
61701 | BSTS_II.LHA | 370135 | 05.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Tanx meets Worms new game from 5DL |
23045 | BUZZBAR.LHA | 115192 | 16.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! Project Buzz Bar, Asteroids meets Defender! Fast, good looking shoot'em'up |
61851 | CARNAGE.LHA | 634077 | 21.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | CARNAGE - version 1.00 Public. Intense hires seek & kill game. Type: game/2playAddictive two player game in which you must seek out and kill your opponent with the nastiest weapon you can find. 2D splitscreen overhead scroller features high-res grap hics, stereo sound, mazes, teleports, all kinds of weapons ranging from rifles to bazookas, and terrifying killer robots that seem to know your every move. Sserial/modem link support. Supports AGA if available.Requires: 1.5M |
61892 | CCC.LHA | 426034 | 21.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Crunch Crumble & Chomp; Version 0.9Destroy a large city with your monster.You guide a monster on its career of trashing a large city. Your objective; to destroy as much of the city as possible before your monster is destroyed by the military. keyboa rd controlled for one player.Type: game/miscAuthor: Ronald F. PicardiTested: A500, A600, A2000, CD32-SX1, A4000/40Requires:Any Amiga with 1 meg or more memory. |
62789 | DEPCHARG.LHA | 61152 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | DEPTHCHARGE by Neil Strotton - based on an old arcade game. You control a submarine destroyer and must destroy as many enemy submarines as possible |
62796 | DESCEND.LHA | 53295 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | DESCENDER is a game in the tradition of the vector graphic arcade game TEMPEST. |
23061 | DGALAG23.LHA | 362029 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! Deluxe Galaga V2.3Starbattle/Galaga-peleihin perustuvanautittava shoot'em'up. |
63044 | DMG-WLF2.LHA | 298141 | 15.04.1996 | - | - | - | A Walkaround 3D Game the Style of ROTT. Floor, ceiling, sky and wall tmap. Map editor, iff textures - interactivity! REQUIRES: A500, A1200/030 recommended. With 040 and 060 reported to crash. Sequel to DamageWolf3D. - STL / Damage (code) Bartosz Boruta (graphics) Apologizes for some ripped gfx. |
63075 | DOGFIG10.LHA | 112896 | 03.09.1995 | - | - | - | Dogfight v1.0. Pelin alussa kaksi pelaajaa ja kaksi konetta, lopussa kaksi pelaajaa mutta vain yksi kone. AMOS:lla toteutettu ilmataistelupeli. |
63076 | DOGFIGHT.LHA | 64256 | 03.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Dogfight v1.22. Neljän pelattava ilmataistelupeli. |
23078 | FART.DMS | 295268 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | F.A.R.T. arcade Suomalainen mielikuva klassisesta 8-bitisten huippupelistä Nemesis The Warlock :-) |
23081 | FEARS.LHA | 228092 | 24.12.1994 | - | 3328/Aminet 9 (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1995].iso | - | Fears - Wolfenstein 3D tyylinen peli AGA-koneille. Pelattavassa demossa yksi taso hirviöineen, avaimineen ja erilaisine aseineen. Shareware. |
64325 | FTPREVW.LHA | 492564 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | Flying Tigers, Helicopter Arcade Game Playable-Preview * game/shoot* side-scrolling Attack Helicopter Arcade/Sim, fast action, realistic Controls, Enemies, and Weapon Systems. Fly one of 7 different modern Helicopter Gunships. Big Explosions and Digitized Voices. Works on most OS and models. Req. 1 Mb. Extra chip made for good. |
23099 | G-OID.LHA | 81581 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | GALACTOID ShareWareGalactoid is a 1 or 2 player shoot-em-up game that resembles the old classic shoot-em-ups Galaxian and Galaga. There are 30 different progressively harder stages. |
64379 | GALAGA24.LHA | 381686 | 15.01.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | Deluxe Galaga v2.4 |
64380 | GALAGA26.LHA | 875458 | 16.05.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | DELUXE GALAGA v2.6 Shooted by |
64475 | GF2V110.LHA | 258967 | 22.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Gravity Force II v1.10 Sisältää linkki- mahdollisuuden. Tekijä: Jens Andersson. |
64591 | GRAV_F.LHA | 82488 | 03.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Gravity Fight. It's like Worms in space! |
23101 | GRAVWARS.DMS | 368074 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Gravity Wars + Tanx action-strategia, arcade Avaruusaluksilla ammuskelemista raakojen painovoimien ympäröimänä, sekä tankki- taisteluita |
23106 | HARRIER.LHA | 24204 | 16.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | AGAM! Harrier Attack, SpectruminHarrier-shoot'em'up kaannettynaAmigalle. Sarjaa "vanhat hyvat8-bit pelit". |
64724 | HCBOMBER.LHA | 152105 | 02.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Hardcore BOMBERBOY version 1.02-4 plrs, 6 gfx sets, level editor,great playability and a lot more...(C) OverFlow 1996 |
64772 | HELLZONE.LHA | 454284 | 13.01.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Hellzone shoot'em'up |
64793 | HF-SMS2.DMS | 154168 | 21.12.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Sensible Massacre II, hupaisa arcade/ räiskintäpeli jossa ajetaan raivaustraktorilla jalkapallokentällä niistäen kaikki liikkuva. |
23107 | HIGHFLY.EXE | 124600 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Highflyers by Nikki Corruptions KUUDEN (!) pelaaman pieni lentokone- shoot'em'uppi. Nelja joikkaa adapterilla ja kaksi pelaajaa nappikselle (tai 2 joikkaa/4nappiksella) |
65017 | IFO.LHA | 432016 | 16.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | I.F.O. on 2 pelattava peli, jossa on tarkoitus ampua toinen pelaaja. Pelissä liikutaan ylhäältä päin kuvatussa sokkelossa. Toimii kaikissa 1 Mt Amigoissa. |
23116 | INCINERA.LHA | 241888 | 16.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! Incinerator demo version,Share Ware shoot'em'up, klassisenMissile Commandin tyyliin.Erikoisuuksiakaksinpeli toisen ampuessa ohjuksiatoisen puolustautuessa, suojakentat,helikopterit yms. Hieno. Linkkioptio! |
65253 | ITP_DEMO.LHA | 389691 | 29.10.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Playable Demo of Dark Unicorn's latestproduction! Features multiple levels, 3D tunnel screens, hundreds of sprite frames& more. From Psychosoft |
23123 | KNINPEAK.DMS | 714702 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Knin Peaks arcade Näkökulma Balkanin kriisiin, Kroatian taisteluiden ajalta. Kroatialainen peli, jossa ammutaan Serbien johtajia. |
65686 | LEMMINGN.LHA | 509669 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | Lemmingoids - Asteroids with Lemmings! |
23140 | MANGLEDF.LHA | 395002 | 16.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! MANGLED FENDERS demo versionYou can wreck a golf course, drive onthe moon, even park in a handicapped stall, but don't think you're going to get away with it. Mangled Fenders Demo is top view, 6 player demo-derby game, where objective is destr oy all of the other vehicles by crashing into them. Cash awards,different types of vehicles,bonuses and customizable cars.Hectic action and vehicle crashing!by Pete W Storonskij, whose other gamesare Incinerator, Castle |
65968 | MARAT15B.LHA | 407073 | 24.11.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Marathon 1.5b (19.11.96) - Kahden pelattava Cannon Fodderin ja Syndicaten kaltainen toi- mintapeli. - Vaatii: 68020+ ja 1MB chippiä. Aminet nimi: marathon.lha |
66116 | MFTANKS.DMS | 381133 | 06.05.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | M.F.Tanks, klassisen 3D-tankkiräiskinnän uudelleenmuotoilu. |
23145 | MICROBE.LHA | 108386 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Microbes,raivokas PD-shoot'em'up. Yksi parhaista Amigan PD-peleistä. |
23147 | MINIBLAS.LHA | 61679 | 16.12.1994 | - | 21187/Excalibur_52_cd.bin | - | Miniblast,mainio moniajossa toimiva shoot'em'up. EI yhteensopiva uusien koneiden kanssa. |
23148 | MISSLCOM.LHA | 52595 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Missile CommandLoistava versio klassisestaMissile Command-pelistä. Moniajaa, interlace-ruutu, paljon toimintaaja hyvät äänet. |
23152 | MOTI_1.DMS | 129225 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Motorola Invaders II AGA hulpakka ja räväkkä shoot'em'up 1/2 |
23153 | MOTI_2.DMS | 695743 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Motorola Invaders II AGA hulpakka ja räväkkä shoot'em'up 2/2 |
66281 | MOTORDUE.LHA | 333932 | 25.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Motor Duel Version 1.1Updated version of BattleCarsType: game/shoot Org.Name: Motor_Duel.lha3d driving game for 1/2 pl with object todestroy opponent's car. Simple but fun!Weapons available are a machine gun, radarguided missiles, and, in the two p layer game,a set of ram-plates (handy for ramming).Null-modem(serial link) playable. |
23166 | PACWARS.LHA | 126991 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | Pacman Wars v1.03 Released on 10.10.1994 A fast,tactical two player game from Zymosis. |
67380 | POWERO13.LHA | 439010 | 23.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Multitasking Asteroids, raytraced gfx, 1-4 players. ShareWare. |
67410 | PREDATOR.LHA | 98976 | 29.10.1995 | - | 3325/Aminet 6 - June 1995.iso | - | Galactic Predator - Vauhdikas räiskintäpeli. Shareware. |
67714 | RAID2.LHA | 100922 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Raid 2 - Räiskintäpeli. |
23187 | ROKETZ.LHA | 645039 | 03.12.1994 | - | - | - | Roketz,loistava virolainen arcadepeli,Share Warea. TurboRaketti I/II-tyylinenmutta renderoidulla grafiikalla jauusilla ideoillakin. Ehdoton! |
68234 | SCORC185.LHA | 449298 | 29.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Scorched Tanks v1.85 Shareware version -70 weapons total / 10 new -New music by Sidewinder -More graphics -better in-game graphics like Scrolling backdrops and bullet trails -improved between graphics for that closer to commercial feel . -16 and 64 color graphics modesScorched Tanks is a 'tank' artillery gamewhere 2 to 4 human or computer playersselect different weapons and shields fordefending themselves and skillfully attacking their opponents. |
68282 | SED.LHA | 212070 | 29.10.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Super Earth Defense - Ammuskelupeli, jossa ammutaan taivaalta tippuvia vihulaisia. |
68346 | SHEEPSHO.LHA | 163184 | 25.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | SheepShooter. Shoot as many sheeps in60 seconds than you can. |
68508 | SOLOASSA.LHA | 434693 | 22.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Solo Assault - Lievästi Star Wars -henkinen avaruusräsikintä jossa ammuskellaan meteoriitteja, vihollishävittäjiä ja hutkitaan valomiekalla. Kannattaa katsastaa. |
23205 | SPACEWAR.LHA | 91331 | 16.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | SpaceWar V1.11mahtava avaruustaistelupeli,2 alusta vastakkain avaruuden tyhjyydessä. Asteroideja, aurinkoyms. roinaa, ja isot aseet. |
68653 | SSW138.LHA | 181124 | 29.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Solar System Wars V1.38, Two player space war game in 53 systems. Hauska avaruustaistelupeli, tukee moninappisia ohjaimia, paljon erilaisia aseita, hyvä pelattavuus. |
68674 | STANK175.LHA | 498993 | 16.12.1994 | - | #Jope | tupla | Scorched Tanks v1.75 - LATEST UPDATE - COOL! |
68694 | STARW1.DMS | 495578 | 06.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Starwoids - upea Share Ware räiskintäpeli Star Wars tunnelmissa ja ympäristössä. Kamppaile Imperiumia vastaan lentäen X-WING -hävittäjällä, upeassa hiukkasen Turboraketti/Roketz -kaltaisessa lentelyssä. Amiga parhaita pelejä. S/W-versiossa vaikeusaste erittäin korkea. Toimii A500-A4000, kiintolevylle installoitava. Ehdottomasti suositeltava kokemus. 1/2 |
68695 | STARW2.DMS | 497756 | 06.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Starwoids - upea Share Ware räiskintäpeli Star Wars tunnelmissa ja ympäristössä. Kamppaile Imperiumia vastaan lentäen X-WING -hävittäjällä, upeassa hiukkasen Turboraketti/Roketz -kaltaisessa lentelyssä. Amiga parhaita pelejä. S/W-versiossa vaikeusaste erittäin korkea. Toimii A500-A4000, kiintolevylle installoitava. Ehdottomasti suositeltava kokemus. 2/2 |
68765 | SUBSIM.LHA | 64593 | 20.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Subsim - fire torpedos at your mates for free !!!! (in the comfort of your own home)SubSim is a 2-player demo of a three player game. Simple shootingaction. |
23215 | SUPERAD4.DMS | 154038 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Super Raid - Raid IV shoot'em'up |
68867 | TAG.LHA | 281831 | 20.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | TAG is a 2-player shoot em up where you fly around a huge playing field and blast your opponent! Simple, but very addictive! |
23223 | TANK_COM.LHA | 191026 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Tank Combat Tank Combat is based on the excellent "Combat" game for that old At*ri VCS, only tarted up a bit and with different gameplay variations. |
23222 | TANKATTA.DMS | 97320 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Tank Attack arcade loistava 2-4 pelaajan tankkitaistelu |
69486 | TXIIV96.LHA | 443906 | 21.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | ========================================- Thesius XII v0.96 -- Underware Design (c) 1995 - A fast, simple simple vertically scrolling action space Shoot'em Up. Run s on ALL 1 MEG PAL Amigas -======================================== |
69528 | UFOS.LHA | 117274 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | UFOS, simple Shoot'em up for 2 playersType: amiga/game/2play |
69902 | WARLOCK.LHA | 108211 | 12.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Nemesis the Warlock. An absolutely GREATconversion from the C64 original! This isexactly like it with some GOOD improvementslike 2 player simultaneuos game. Even themusic by Rob Hubbard is there! AGA owners,boot as OCS to make this work. |
69922 | WB-FART2.LHA | 399083 | 17.12.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | F.A.R.T. 2 4:44 arcade shooting game. |
23248 | WOUT13.LHA | 172886 | 22.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM Wipeout 1.3 - cool violentshoot'em up game! "The Ultimatenon-commercial shoot'em up :-)"100% assembly. Features *16* colouredparallax-scrolling on standard OCS. by Tero Lehtonenl115130@cc.tut.fi∙ |
70273 | XASTEROS.LHA | 50716 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Xasteroids - asteroids style arcade game 020+ |
70286 | XENOPHOB.LHA | 183261 | 17.03.1996 | - | - | - | Xenophobia - Shoot Em Up - Made By uNdue |
70321 | XPK310DE.LHA | 27549 | 17.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | XPK V3.10 - Compression package, developer's edition. - Aminet name: xpk_Develop.lha |
70379 | YAGG117.LHA | 486320 | 23.06.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | tupla | Yagg 1.17 / The best vectorial gravity game. |
70381 | YAGG125.LHA | 504525 | 11.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | Yet Another Gravity Game 1.25 - Taas yksi painovoimapeli. |
70382 | YAGG126.LHA | 504756 | 25.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | YAGG 1.26. The best Gravity Force-type game. |
23249 | ZERBERK.LHA | 113216 | 16.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Zerberk, Berzerk C64 käännös. Jälleen yksi klassikkopeli uudelle koneelle käännettynä. Hauska kokemus. |
23970 | ADVE660.LHA | 281621 | 24.02.1996 | - | - | - | Amiga executable and C source code of 660points version of Colossal Cave: Adventure4+version 10.06 (26jul95), by Mike Arnautov,ported to the Amiga by David Kinder.This version merges Adventure II byPeter Luckett and Jack Pike with Adventure 3(aka Ad venture 550) by Dave Platt.Requires at least Kickstart 2.04. |
23014 | ADVENT80.LHA | 76872 | 03.12.1994 | - | - | - | Amiga versio klassisesta, maailman ensimmaisestä tekstipelistä: Colossal Cave Adventure Amiga, käännettynä UN*Xilta. Todella historiallinen tapaus. |
23971 | ADVNTR.LHA | 659928 | 25.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | The original textadventure. |
23972 | BITTIPUL.DMS | 147619 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Bitti pulassa -tekstiseikkailu. |
23043 | BSTAR11.LHA | 350662 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Battlestar V1.1Tekstipeli. |
23973 | CANNIADV.LHA | 382133 | 24.02.1996 | - | - | - | Cannibal Adventure, a short graphics/textadventure by John Olsen. A demonstrationof the capabilities of Aegis Visionary, anauthoring system for text or text/graphicsgames for the Amiga. |
23974 | CHM-AGA.LHA | 2381097 | 24.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Child Murderer AGA is a text/graphicsadventure in which player takes role of manaccused of a murder that he did not commit.Takes place in Victorian England and includesHAM8 graphics for locations. Requires AGAmachine with 2 MB Ram and a hard driv e.Due to the violent content in the game it isrecommended for mature players only.text/graphics adventure in horror genre |
23975 | CM1.LHA | 380825 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Child Murderer, Text/graphics adventure in horror genre. games/role. takes place in Victorian England. Requires 1 MB Ram, single drive. violent content in the game.Disk 1/3. |
23976 | CM2.LHA | 729391 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Child Murderer, Text/graphics adventure in horror genre. games/role. takes place in Victorian England. Requires 1 MB Ram, single drive. violent content in the game.Disk 2/3. |
23977 | CM3.LHA | 759329 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Child Murderer, Text/graphics adventure in horror genre. games/role. takes place in Victorian England. Requires 1 MB Ram, single drive. violent content in the game.Disk 3/3. |
23978 | CMHD.LHA | 1872523 | 24.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Child Murderer AGA is a text/graphicsadventure in which player takes role of manaccused of a murder that he did not commit.Takes place in Victorian England and includesHAM graphics for locations. Requires 1 MB andhard drive. Due to the violent co ntent inthe game it is recommended for mature playersonly. text/graphics adventure in horror genreHARD DISK ONLY version |
23979 | DON1.LHA | 432161 | 14.08.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | "In the Dead of Night", a thiller anddetective story / Point'n'Click Graphic Adventure game. game/role. 1/3 |
23980 | DON2.LHA | 756441 | 14.08.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | "In the Dead of Night", a thiller anddetective story / Point'n'Click Graphic Adventure game. game/role. 2/3 |
23981 | DON3.LHA | 623987 | 14.08.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | "In the Dead of Night", a thiller anddetective story / Point'n'Click Graphic Adventure game. game/role. 3/3 |
23982 | DOSADV.LHA | 4445 | 29.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Valley of Mystery - Tekstiseikkailu. Toimintatapa mielenkiintoinen: peli on kokoelma AmigaDOS-skriptejä. |
23068 | DUNGEON.LZH | 183854 | 16.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Portable (More or Less) DungeonSeikkailupeli |
23983 | DUNGN.LHA | 301117 | 24.02.1996 | - | - | - | Dungeon (the more or less public domainversion of the original MIT Zork) version2.7A from games/source/dungn27s.zip portedto the Amiga by David Kinder |
23984 | EDM_GAME.LHA | 2265822 | 23.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Evil's Doom for AGA machines. Adventure / role / dm-style dungeoms... Excellent graphics, moody musics and real atmosphere. Demo version. |
23985 | EP91.DMS | 532424 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Epsilon 9 - Science Fiction aiheinen graafinen seikkailupeli Sierra/LucasArts/ AdventureSoft -tyyliin. Hieno. Tehty G.R.A.C. V2.0:lla. Vaatii 1 Mb RAM, mielellään 2 levyasema/kiintolevy 2 MB 68020. 1/2 |
23986 | EP92.DMS | 492652 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Epsilon 9 - Science Fiction aiheinen graafinen seikkailupeli Sierra/LucasArts/ AdventureSoft -tyyliin. Hieno. Tehty G.R.A.C. V2.0:lla. Vaatii 1 Mb RAM, mielellään 2 levyasema/kiintolevy 2 MB 68020. 2/2 |
23987 | FRUSTRAT.DMS | 348045 | 21.02.1996 | - | - | - | Frustration, a text adventure game by Jim MacBrayne |
23988 | GOLDENFL.DMS | 173695 | 21.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Golden Fleece, a text adventure by Jim MacBrayne |
23989 | HAMTOWN.LHA | 547,5 kt | 31.10.1997 | - | - | - | Escape from Hammy Town! - an adventure game in the style of Monkey Island and other LucasArts-games. Created with GRAAL. |
23777 | HOC_AMI.ZIP | 5,9 Mt | 23.03.2000 | - | - | - | Heart of China - FreewareJulkaisija Dynamix/ Sierra, 1991. Kaupallinen peli julkaistuna vapaaseen levitykseen. Seikkailupeli. Asetu Jake "Lucky" Mastersin saappaisiin. Tehtäväsi on pelattaa rikkaan miehen kidnapattu tytär roistojen käsistä. Hiirellä ohjattava seikkailu joka yhdistää hyvän tarinan näyttävään grafiikkaan. Rise of the Dragonin enginellä tehty. Klassikkomateriaalia. Amiga-versio. |
23778 | HOLYGRAI.DMS | 260782 | 21.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Holy Grail, a text adventure by Jim MacBrayne |
23779 | HUGECAVE.LZH | 243032 | 21.02.1996 | - | - | - | Adventure in Humongous Cave - 1000 pointsversion of Colossal Cave, based on the550 points version written with AGTby David Malmberg |
23780 | IDEMONS1.LHA | 264364 | 21.02.1996 | - | - | - | Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventureby Michael Zerbo. Diskette version;disks 1 through 4, respectively.Text/Graphics Adventure - take role of amadman, trying to deal with thehallucinations that are haunting his life.Includes full Save/Load featur es, backgroundmusic and HAM graphics for nearly everylocation. Requires 1 MB Ram, two drivesrecommended (but not required). Due to theviolent content in the game, it isrecommended for mature players only. |
23781 | IDEMONS2.LHA | 462922 | 21.02.1996 | - | - | - | Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventureby Michael Zerbo. Diskette version;disks 1 through 4, respectively.Text/Graphics Adventure |
23782 | IDEMONS3.LHA | 493251 | 21.02.1996 | - | - | - | Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventureby Michael Zerbo. Diskette version;disks 1 through 4, respectively.Text/Graphics Adventure |
23783 | IDEMONS4.LHA | 401695 | 21.02.1996 | - | - | - | Inner Demons, a text/graphics adventureby Michael Zerbo. Diskette version;disks 1 through 4, respectively.Text/Graphics Adventure |
23122 | KNIGHTS.LHA | 240373 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! KNIGHTSTwo-player game of brave knights who wander deep in dangerous dungeons pursuing their goal.Includes:* Almost 250 dungeon floorplan bases allowing almost infinite number of different dungeons* Excellent sound effects and nice violence * Corpses and gore that does not vanish* Flexible quest customization* Creatures with nice sounds and tacticsRequires 2 players and min. 1 joystickby Reaper 1993-1994( |
23784 | MURDER01.LHA | 1340320 | 11.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (1/11) Ratkaise murha videopätkien ryydittämässä pelissä. Sharewarea. |
23785 | MURDER02.LHA | 2396796 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (2/11) |
23786 | MURDER03.LHA | 4142213 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (3/11) |
23787 | MURDER04.LHA | 4438862 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (4/11) |
23788 | MURDER05.LHA | 2424820 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (5/11) |
23789 | MURDER06.LHA | 4533184 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (6/11) |
23790 | MURDER07.LHA | 2792475 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (7/11) |
23791 | MURDER08.LHA | 3603439 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (8/11) |
23792 | MURDER09.LHA | 4268597 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (9/11) |
23793 | MURDER10.LHA | 3423879 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (10/11) |
23794 | MURDER11.LHA | 2114824 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Murder - Full Motion Video -peli (11/11) |
23174 | PHARAOHS.LHA | 109368 | 16.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Pharaoh's Curce 2pl arcadeadventure pyramideissa |
23795 | PSOCIETY.LHA | 790634 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | PanicSociety - Multilevel graphic puzzle adventure. V1.1 game/role for Any amiga with 1 meg or more ram. Fights againstworld dominated by fanatics, "The game is designed to show the absurdity of New Wave religion, the environmental movement, animal rights and political correctness, by it's use of absurity." |
23796 | ROTD_AM.ZIP | 6 Mt | 23.03.2000 | - | - | - | Rise of the Dragon - FreewareDynamix/ Sierran 1990 julkaisema seikkailu nyt vapaaseen levitykseen julkaistuna. Hiiri/ näppäinohjattava aikuispelaajille suunnattu dekkari/seikkailu. Tapahtumat kuvataan pelaajan silmin. Tapahtumat etenevät reaaliajassa. Vahva tarina, kiintoisia hahmoja ja unenomainen, kiehtovan synkkä pelimaailma. Klassikko. Amiga-versio. |
23797 | SHEADSHD.LHA | 884980 | 24.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Severed Heads V1.1 HARD DISK ONLYFuturistic/Horror Game games/role.The year is 2255. There has beena rash of murders at BioTech Laboratories,a cryogenic research lab accused of using anillegal drug known as Halcodil. The victims,young women, were al l found decapitated andmutilated. Stop this and find responsibleperson as undercover agent.Text/graphics adventure for Amiga with 1 MBRam. Due to the violent content in the gameit is recommended for mature players |
23798 | TADS2210.LHA | 614355 | 03.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | TADS. The Text Adventure Developing Systemv2.20. A text-adventure creator. |
23799 | TIME1.LHA | 401004 | 24.02.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | A Matter of Time *Introductory text/graphics Adventuregame/role * introductory adventure inwhich you must search for a lost scientistaccused of murdering a fellow colleagueThis missing scientist has invented a timemachine, and you must travel throug h timein search of him. Includes full Save/Loadfeatures, digitized graphics & sounds.Requires 1 MB Ram. 1/3 |
23800 | TIME3.LHA | 631186 | 24.02.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | A Matter of Time *Introductory text/graphics Adventure 3/3 |
23233 | TIMELES.LHA | 95665 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | AGAM! THE TIMELESS EMPIRE CHAPTER IA Share Ware interactive novel, orvery versatile text adventure.Made over 2 years! Lots of different solution paths (more than in any other computer adventure game!) and your everydecision will change the course of story.20 DM:Rⁿdiger Hanke,An der Marienlinde 10D-48291 Telgte, GERMANY. |
23801 | URPD2A.LHA | 745090 | 27.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Uropa 2 - ECS/AGA isometric/3d - arcade adventure game demo. Fight against the foul troops of Bill Setag! |
23802 | URPD2B.LHA | 799986 | 27.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Uropa 2 - ECS/AGA isometric/3d - arcade adventure game demo. Fight against the foul troops of Bill Setag! |
23803 | WRLD.LHA | 95530 | 24.02.1996 | - | - | - | World for the Amiga version 1.02J. Doug McDonald's World (ported to the Amiga by Eric KennedyText adventure |
23804 | A8100000.ZIP | 364,6 kt | 16.12.1999 | - | - | - | Elite AmigaElite - pelien maailmanhistorien tunnetuimpia pelejä tekijöiden Ian Bellin ja David Brabenin vapaaseen levitykseen tarjoamina. Astu eeppiseen avaruusseikkailuun! Matkaa Cobra MK III avaruusaluksellasi aurinkokunnasta toiseen tehden kauppaa ja taistellen. Paketissa Amiga Elite, emulaattorimuodossa. Sisältää käsikirjan. |
23805 | ATS-BLP.LHA | 257888 | 15.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | S I M B L I N D - BLIND PEOPLE SIMULATION - FiRst Ever MaDE |
23806 | AW29C.LHA | 1113470 | 03.12.1994 | - | - | - | Amiga Air Warrior V2.9c Monen pelaajan interaktiivisen lentosimulaattorin tuorein versio. Sisaltaa uudet maastot ja tuoreimmat modeloinnit - valttamaton hankinta jos lentaa aikoo. Peli esitelty useammassa MB-numerossa. |
23807 | AWART.LHA | 1175836 | 29.04.1995 | - | - | - | Aircraft art for AirWarrior Client |
23028 | AWLEVY1.DMS | 264638 | 04.09.1994 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | Air Warrior oheislevy 1/2, tekstit, kartat. v1.0 Apupaketti Air Warrior -monen pelaajan lentosimulaattorin pelaamiseen.Auttaa hyvin alkuun, ja antaa neuvoja edistyneellekin. |
23029 | AWLEVY2.DMS | 420494 | 04.09.1994 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | Air Warrior oheislevy 2/2 elokuvat (filmit) v1.0 Apupaketti Air Warrior -monen pelaajan lentosimulaattorin pelaamiseen.Auttaa hyvin alkuun, ja antaa neuvoja edistyneellekin. |
23808 | TDSIM3.LHA | 728,6 kt | 19.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Train Driver Simulator v3.0 - train driving simulation. Requires at least KS2.04 and 2MB RAM (1MB Chip). A1200 or better and HD recommended. |
23809 | TOMCAT.LHA | 2458718 | 13.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | TOMCAT By John B. Graham - FLIGHT SIM,SHOOT MIGS - "Full Motion Video Game",fast action/simulator using lots ofvideo clips as the sim-gfx |
23810 | TRAIND19.LHA | 405283 | 08.07.1996 | - | - | - | Train Driver 1.9 - Aja junaa Englannissa. Pikkutarkka simulaatio aina junan kuljettamisesta unelmoineille... |
69320 | TRAINDRI.LHA | 383216 | 18.04.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Train Driver Simulator 1.8 - Aja junaa Englannissa. |
23811 | WARHEADA.ZIP | 449 kt | 23.03.2000 | - | - | - | WarHead FREEWARE. Julkaisija Activision, 1989 Avaruustaistelusimulaatio. Laatuklassikko! Vuonna 2045 syttyi avaruussota tuntemattomien muukalaisten hyökättyä maapallon kimppuun. Yli kolmannes ihmiskunnasta menehtyi. WarHead vie pelaavat pelihistorian realistisimpaan avaruustaisteluun, erittäin todellisella fysiikkajärjestelmällä ja todella huikealla juonella. Tekijä Glyn Williams. Emulaattorissa toimiva versio, AMIGALLE. |
23990 | ABPORSSI.LHA | 4,5 kt | 25.01.1997 | - | - | - | Pörssi - Yksinkertainen pörssipeli. (AmigaBasic) |
23013 | ACTOFW14.DMS | 393612 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Act of War V1.4 Laser Squad/Rebelstar Raiders -tyyppinen strategiapeli. Erinomainen. |
23991 | AMYPLA.LHA | 48,2 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | AmyPlanets v0.14 is a space strategy game inspired by VGA-Planets. It is not ready yet, but is under development. * Req. AmigaOS 3 (or newer) |
23024 | ARTIL11.LHA | 161136 | 16.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Artillerus V1.1, huima Artillery Duel klooni! |
23025 | ARTIL201.DMS | 245830 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Artillerus V2.01 arcade/strategia Monenpelattava Artillery Duel-klooni. Erittäin hyvä. |
23992 | ARTIWARS.LHA | 80519 | 16.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Messevä tankkipeli. Parempi kuin Scorch. |
23993 | BDU16100.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 05.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "BattleDuel 1.6.100 UltimateArtillerygame Requires: OS2.0+Harddisk1 MB memory (Chip + Fast). Shareware - Aminet: BattleDuel.lha" |
61284 | BDUE1542.LHA | 898506 | 12.08.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | BattleDuel 1.5.42 - Ultimate 'Artillery' game Requires: OS2.0+, Harddisk, 1 MB memory (Chip + Fast). - Shareware |
23037 | BILEVEL.LHA | 105120 | 16.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Same new (home-made) level for Battle Isle Ithe guy how made them has no internet connection and i cant check them. but i hopethey are good :) 3.try because the other vanished somewhere in aminetType: game/misc |
23994 | BREE9613.LHA | 180640 | 08.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Breed96 1.3 - Sekoitus Civilizationia, Dune kakkosta, K240:aa ja Sim Cityä. Strategiapeli. |
23995 | BREED96.LHA | 174704 | 05.05.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Breed 96 - a mixture of Dune II and civilization. Fantasy colonization game. Made by using AMOS. |
23996 | BSII10_1.LHA | 657,3 kt | 28.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | BattleShips II v1.0 (1/3) |
23997 | BSII10_2.LHA | 670,3 kt | 28.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | BattleShips II v1.0 (2/3) |
23998 | BSII10_3.LHA | 452,3 kt | 28.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | BattleShips II v1.0 (3/3) |
23999 | BSII115.LHA | 1,9 Mt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | BattleShips2 v1.1.5 - a classic battleships -board game with great gameplay and FMV-animations. Requires at least HD, AmigaOS 2.0 and couple megabytes of RAM. |
24000 | BTDL17.LHA | 1,8 Mt | 22.04.1998 | - | - | - | BattleDuel v1.7 - an artillery game for almost all the Amigas. Supports ECS/AGA/CGFX, has several different guns, customizable graphics... |
23049 | CCONQST2.LHA | 358598 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | AGAM! COLONiAL CONQUEST II V1.00Space Strategy Game for all Amigaswith more than 1MB of Memory.1/2 players. |
24001 | CHAOS-WB.LZH | 177809 | 09.02.1996 | - | - | - | Chaos - Battle of the Wizards 1 to 8 player strategy game Clone of ZX Spectrum game with the same name but with several minor differences. You control a wizard (or several if you like). Other people or the computer can control other wizards. Each wizard casts a spell in turn then moves their pieces. |
24002 | CHARR10.DMS | 414002 | 06.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Artillerus -tykkipelin tekijän uusin Artillery Duel-klooni. Monen pelaajan tykkitaistelua, lisäaseita, suojia yms. |
23054 | COLCON2.LHA | 358003 | 10.12.1994 | - | - | - | Colonial Conquest II |
23055 | COLCONQ.DMS | 236834 | 17.12.1994 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | Colonial Conquest avaruusstrategia |
23058 | CONQUEST.LZH | 40207 | 16.12.1994 | renamed | 4623/Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 3: CDPD3.iso | - | Conquest V 1.0you control an interstellar empire,decide which star systems to explore, which planets to colonize etc. |
23059 | COSMCONQ.DMS | 154894 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Cosmic Conquest avaruusstrategia |
24003 | CPULTS10.LHA | 217246 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Catapults v1.00: A two player strategy game somewhat similar to the classic "shoot the castle with the cannon"-type games, likeEOA "Castles". Build castles, then destroy 'em. Author lynnjenn@vef.north.net.game/2play. Uses a top down perspective, and calculates missile trajectory in 3d. As in the classic design, wind affects missile flight. Players first build their own castles according to a set of design rules, then take turns blasting at each other with their catapults. Castle |
24004 | CRITHIT.LHA | 326667 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Critical Hit, Tabletop fantasy wargaming.Author sam.redfern@ucg.ie - game/role.highly detailed fantasy combat game, which re-creates tabletop war gaming on the Amiga (requires 1 MB RAM). A strategic war game with excellent graphics, in which individu al soldiers are modelled. |
24005 | CROWN.LHA | 157080 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | Hieno yhden saaren valloituspeli.. kuten Defender of the Crown. Todella hieno taustamusiikki, ja muutenkin hyvä peli, ainoa puute on sen lyhyys.. |
23067 | DROVERS.DMS | 167545 | 17.12.1994 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | The Drovers strategia/bisnes |
23069 | EM10.DMS | 448815 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Amiga Empire V1.0 strategia |
23070 | EM22_1.DMS | 230078 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Empire V2.23 strategia 1/2 |
23071 | EM22_2.DMS | 249043 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Empire V2.23 strategia 2/2 kontrolloi maa/meri/ilmavoimia |
23072 | EMPEROS.DMS | 157115 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Emperos - The Trade strategia/bisnes kaupankäyntiä |
24006 | ERAKKO10.LHA | 57533 | 23.06.1996 | - | - | - | Erakkoshakki V1.0 Pieni nappulapelijohon voi jaada koukkuun. |
23077 | FANWAR40.DMS | 469604 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Fantasy Wars V4.0 fantasia-strategia Warlords-tyyppinen kevyt strategiapeli |
24008 | FCIV10.LHA | 462,7 kt | 03.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | FreeCiv 1.0 - moniajava monen pelaajan Civilization-klooni. Vaatimukset: OS3,AGA, MUI 3.8,ixemul.library V46 ja AmiTCP (tai vastaava, esim. Miami). |
24009 | FRONT247.LHA | 3,5 Mt | 20.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | FrontalAssault 2.47 The Scorched Tanks clone Requires: 6.1Mb hard disk space, 2Mb chip mem and 2Mb fast mem. -Aminet: FrontalAssault.lha |
23832 | FTRADE1.LHA | 384397 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | FutureTrade, Futuristic, MULE-like Trade Simulation * game/demo * Demo version of upcoming commercial trade simulation. Req. OS 1.2+ 1 Mb. Disk X/3. |
23833 | FTRADE2.LHA | 370481 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | FutureTrade, Futuristic, MULE-like Trade Simulation * game/demo * Demo version of upcoming commercial trade simulation. Req. OS 1.2+ 1 Mb. Disk X/3. |
23834 | FTRADE3.LHA | 535358 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | FutureTrade, Futuristic, MULE-like Trade Simulation * game/demo * Demo version of upcoming commercial trade simulation. Req. OS 1.2+ 1 Mb. Disk X/3. |
23835 | GALEM151.LHA | 555334 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | Bug Fix- Space conquest,2-8 playersincluding computer |
23097 | GLOC1293.LHA | 133001 | 16.12.1994 | - | ACS001.ISO (Arsenal Computer Popular Request 1) | - | GridLock, modem/0-modem game... |
23836 | GN150.LZH | 1,2 Mt | 14.12.1999 | - | - | - | Great Nations 1.50Amiga versio Civilization-tyyppinen moninpeliin suunniteltu strategiapeli. Suomalaisvalmisteinen. Amiga AGA 020 6 MB Tukee nettipeliä TCP/IP |
23100 | GRAVITYW.LZH | 31004 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | GravityWars version 1.04 |
23837 | HBMONO12.LHA | 215,3 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | HBMonopoly 1.2 - runs on WB in full colors. Requires: OS3+ - Aminet name: HBMonopoly.lha |
23838 | IMPERIAL.LHA | 152610 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Imperial - Shanghai-peli. |
23134 | LORECONQ.DMS | 238147 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Lore of Conquest avaruusstrategia |
23137 | MADGIC41.LHA | 208135 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Madgic Corewars V4.1, corewars peli |
23839 | MUIEMP.LHA | 87968 | 21.12.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | MUIEmpire V0.85, MUI multiple player strategy game. Type: game/thinkMultiplayer galactic conquest game using MUI. It can support unlimited players, unlimited planets and unlimited ship types (limited by memory). It has a sector by sector approach. Y ou can program flight plans for your fleets. It has space mines, hypergates, fuel, taxation, troops, trade and alot more. Future: Envoy Networking. |
23159 | NOMANL.DMS | 279772 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | No Man's Land strategiapeli |
23840 | PARCHEES.LHA | 104162 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | ParCheese 1.7g - Peli joka perustuu samannimiseen lautapeliin. Moniajaa. |
23841 | PB8016.LHA | 213973 | 27.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | PowerBattle, Light turn by turn MultiPlayer Strategygame Version 0.8016 Type: game/demo This version requires about 2 MB memory, .5 chip should be enough. There is no OS-requirements. Empire like 2-4 player strategy. Author: timo.suoranta@tna.nullnet.fi (Timo |
23842 | PIONEERS.LHA | 1210149 | 26.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Pioneers - A MULE type trading and colonization game! Requires a lot of RAM (=2mb at least).- Asuta planeettaa neljän kilpailijan kanssa, tuota perustarvikkeita, käy kauppaa ja koeta selvitä rikkaimpana. Hienosti toteutettu, alkup.M.U.L.E.n ideoita jäljitellen. |
23843 | SAINTS.LZH | 78454 | 08.04.1995 | - | - | - | Kevyt strategiapeli. Hyvä pelattavuus. Tekoäly. |
23844 | SHEPHERD.LHA | 445082 | 22.06.1996 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | Shepherd 1.1 - Populous-tyylinen hulvaton strategiapeli jossa ohjastetaan eläimiä. Tekijä: O. Vermeij. Shareware. |
23845 | SOLIT.LHA | 47030 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Solit 1.06 - Korttipeli. |
23846 | SPHERE32.LHA | 503972 | 15.09.1996 | - | 3283/Aminet 15 - Nov 1996.iso | - | Spheres of Influence 3.2 - strategy game of galactic colonization for 1 to 8 players. Requires 1 meg of CHIPRAM, OS 3.0+. Hard drive best. In this freely redistributable DEMO version ALL features are fully usable. |
23847 | STARTRKA.LHA | 253533 | 20.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Star Trek Stratagy/Action Game 1/2Author: Tobias RichterType: game/thinkYou take command of the old Enterprise, and have to complete missions. The game does include battle parts as well as the normal stratagy part. |
23848 | STARTRKB.LHA | 424557 | 20.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Star Trek Stratagy/Action Game 2/2Author: Tobias RichterType: game/thinkYou take command of the old Enterprise, and have to complete missions. The game does include battle parts as well as the normal stratagy part. |
23849 | STLFRT30.LHA | 165,9 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | Steel Fortress 3.0 - a strategy game forup to six (human) players. Conquer the Europe of 26th Century. |
23850 | STRGO11.LHA | 1,1 Mt | 16.03.1998 | - | - | - | Stratego v1.1 - authentic version of this board game. |
23225 | TASKFORC.DMS | 165482 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Taskforce strategia, tyyliin Breach/Laser Squad |
23852 | TIW.LHA | 136500 | 26.03.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | The Multi-Player 2-D Tank Game v1.00 Siisti Artillery Duel/Scorched Earth -tyyppinen tykkipeli, mutta vaatii raakaa minimointia toimiakseen AGA-koneissa. |
23851 | TIW103.LHA | 144666 | 29.05.1995 | - | - | - | Tanks In War v1.03 by Marcus AlanenScorched Tanks-clone |
23235 | TOTALWAR.DMS | 363165 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Total War strategia Risk-klooni |
23853 | VCHESS.LHA | 196155 | 21.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | VChess 3.3 - A Chess game for Amiga-Computers (OS 2.0+). Fully multitasking and with strong computer player. |
23854 | WARHOST.LHA | 99933 | 08.07.1996 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | - | Warhost - Sotapeli. |
23245 | WARZONE.LHA | 36015 | 16.12.1994 | - | 3299/Aminet 3 - July 1994.iso | - | AGAM! Warzone - a strategy gamefor 2-4 Players.Destroy your opponent(s)armies and capture their headquarters. |
23855 | WGPV232.LHA | 268,9 kt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | "WarGame Processor Designed to make it as easy as possible to play popular board wargames by mail or e-mail. Its not necessary for your opponent to have a copy of the WarGame Processoras the program will still make life easier on your end. Program provides the means for users to design their own modulesso the usefulness and utility of the system will always be growing. Contact opponents on the WGP WWW page. Windows 95" |
70168 | WPG18ETC.LHA | 586356 | 14.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | THE WARGAME PROCESSOR V1.8 - TGP does for Board War Gamers what the word processor did for secretaries! Your favorite wargame can be played on computer, using user friendly graphic interface. Play on screen, and handle even super-monster boardgames! Includes modules for: -Third Reich -Allied Invasion of France, -Global War -Empire of the Rising Sun (Avalon Hill's Pacific WWII game) -Avalon Hill's Victory in the Pacific. |
24010 | ABH.LHA | 1726811 | 07.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | The Art of Breaking HeadsA fully working beat'em up featuring11 original characters, decentsounds and nice backgrounds. |
24011 | CYBERG12.LHA | 1239225 | 15.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | ----------------------------------------- CYBERGAMES V1.2----------------------------------------- New version of this great Barbarian typebeat'em up. Includes all 35 levels, new 2plr mode and much,much more. Works on ALLAmigas with 1 meg . HD & Disk installationscript included. |
24012 | CYBERGMS.LHA | 694796 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Cybergames - Violent fighting game -new fighting game which works on ALL Amigas ranging from WB 1.2 with at least 1 meg of memory. One of the latest and greatest fighting games.SUPERB AND BRUTAL "BARBARIAN"-STYLE - Great gameplay, graphics, animatio ns, sounds and music.- Different opponents and digitized pictures of opponents.- 1 and 2 player modes.- Buy new and improved weaponry, body armor and things to throw.- Includes head cut, climbing and |
23085 | FI_WAR.LHA | 136625 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Fighting Warriors Mainio Amoksella tehty mätkintäpeli. |
23124 | KOK1.LHA | 647272 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Kings of Karate AGA (1/2) |
23125 | KOK2.LHA | 827049 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Kings of Karate AGA (2/2) |
23243 | VR_DUE.LHA | 107431 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Virtual Reality Duel, "virtuaalitodellisuus mätkintäpeli |
24013 | 3DMAZEDM.LHA | 8745 | 16.08.1995 | - | - | - | 3d Maze - Löydä tiesi sokkeloista! |
24014 | 3GAMES.LHA | 162197 | 25.03.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Kolme pientä simppeliä PD-peliä. Bubble-Trouble, Go-Kart-Mania ja I-Worm. |
24015 | AABUSE10.LHA | 381,1 kt | 26.06.1998 | - | - | - | "Amiga-port of Abuseversion 1.0. Youll need datafiles from PCs Abuse to make things work." |
24016 | AIRTAXI.LHA | 346699 | 29.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | AirTaxi - konversio vanhasta C-64pelistä Space Taxi. Olet tulevaisuuden taksisuhari, kuljetellen asiakkaita lentävällä taksilla.-AirTaxi is a graphics- and formula-intensive game, suggest a fast Amiga, 25MHz+. Demo release, six levels.Boasts some rea lly excellent gameplay!Five players may play SIMULTANEOUSLYwith 4-joystick adapter. Share Ware $15 U.S. may_d@cc.dixie.edu |
23019 | AMIG-Q.LHA | 12947 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Amiga-QVanhan Q-Bert puzzle/hyppelypelin Amiga-versio. Kiipeile pyramidissa ja koeta maalata kaikki pallit. |
24017 | ATOBOMB.DMS | 363,5 kt | 13.03.1999 | - | - | - | Atomic Bombers - DYnablaster like 2-4 player arcade action. A500+ |
23030 | AZTECHAL.LHA | 200834 | 03.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Aztec Challenge Jälleen yksi Bignonian suorittama klassinen C-64 -pelin konversio Amigaan. Jopa parempi kuin originaali - sekä alkup. että modernit grafiikat. |
23033 | BALDEG12.LHA | 129372 | 15.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Balder's Grove Näyttävä Boulder Dash klooni Norjanmytologiaansijoiitettuna. 40 tasoa, tasoeditori. |
24018 | BBBREAK.LHA | 571244 | 29.05.1996 | - | - | - | Breaking the Lawn - Beavis & Butthead sekoilevat nurmella. |
24019 | BDAS370U.LHA | 361,9 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | - | - | Update Boulderdaesh 3.60 -> 3.70 |
23036 | BDASH119.LHA | 266882 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Amiga Boulder Dash V1.19, sisältää ALKUPERÄISET kentät. |
24020 | BEASTIES.LHA | 372841 | 24.11.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Great Worms-type game with nice sound&gfx. |
61487 | BLDSH258.LHA | 1030608 | 05.09.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | BoulderDäsh 2.58 -Best BoulderDaesh 1:1 Clone Requires: OS2.0+, Lowlevel.library - Aminet name: boulderdaesh.lha |
24021 | BLDSH420.LHA | 2 Mt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Boulderdäsh v4.20 - the best 1:1 Boulderdash-clone with customizable graphics, sounds and levels. |
24022 | BLOCKOUT.LHA | 140653 | 24.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Nice and intensive blockout-game for WB. |
24024 | BOB.LHA | 175015 | 21.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | *** Bob The Amazing Lemon V1.8 ***Amazing Pac Man clone which features a level editor, changeable music and many different wall and floor types including appearing walls, ice and water.Type: game/miscAuthor:I.J.Ward@dcs.hull.ac.uk (Ian Ward) |
24023 | BOBLEVLS.LHA | 3425 | 21.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Bob - The Amazing Lemon -Ten new levels |
24025 | BOMB.LHA | 500240 | 08.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Battle of the Master Bombers 1.21 - Dynablasterin tyylinen peli. |
23039 | BOMBPAC.LHA | 302854 | 16.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! BombPac CD32,Modernisoitu versio Pacmanista,tehty CD32:lle mutta toimii myös AGA-koneissa. Sis. myös leveleditorin.(C) 1993-94 Oliver Wagner |
23040 | BONDMIN1.DMS | 243637 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Bondmine 1, arcade Luolien kaivelua. |
24026 | BOONDARD.DMS | 448417 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | <*Boondar. Klassisen Bounder hyppelypelin käännös Amigalle, ohjaa pomppivaa palloa mainiossa arcadepelissä. *Friday Night Pool, biljardi. |
24027 | BOULD414.LHA | 1,7 Mt | 12.12.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Boulderdäsh 4.14 - the best 1:1 Boulderdash- clone with customizable graphics, levels and sound. RTG support. Demo version. |
24028 | CANED101.LHA | 302,1 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | - | - | C.A.N.E. (Cargo And Nothing Else) v1.01 - a freeware Airtaxi-clone. Pick up cargo and people and take them to teleports. Requires AGA. |
24029 | COPPER.LHA | 36733 | 13.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | COPPER by Hai Truong - shareware -Copper is similar to Arkanoid by Discovery. The objective is to destroy all the bricks on the screen. |
24030 | DAWORMY.LHA | 49572 | 19.05.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Dawormy 0.65 WB-ruudulla pyörivä siisti matopeli. |
24031 | DCAVES-2.LHA | 440,1 kt | 03.09.1998 | - | - | - | Diamond Caves II v1.4 Game in the tradition of Boulder Dash (C-64) and Emerald Mines (Amiga) - you have to collect diamonds in a cave. 50 levels in unregistered version, level editor available. Supports screenmodes & CyberGfx. Multitasks. Needs MUI 3.5+ |
24032 | DIACAV18.LHA | 499940 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Diamond Caves V1.8 The ultimate Boulder Dash Clone- programmed 100% using OS-routines- supports different screenmodes & runs on gfx-boards! - comes with ready-to-run installer script - 1 or 2 players (maybe even more in future releases)- playfields from 10x10 to 100x100 squares- loads of new features like conveyor belts, switches, and much more - recording and replay of previously played games- 60 levels in the unregistered version- great Intuition-based |
23876 | DIADIT12.LHA | 80555 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | The Diamond Caves Editor V1.2,Leveleditor for Diamond Caves V1.8requires: Kick2.0 1MB ChipMemMui2.3 Diamond Caves V1.8Commodore's Installer |
23877 | DIAPRE12.LHA | 24522 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Diamond Prefs V1.2 - Preferences for Diamond Caves V1.8 - requires: Kick2.0Mui2.3 Diamond Caves V1.8 Commodore's Installer |
23878 | DIATLS17.LHA | 350946 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Diamond Tools V1.7 -Tools for Diamond Caves V1.7 |
23062 | DISCOVER.DMS | 682777 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Discovery arcade Thrust-klooni |
23879 | DLXPM17A.LHA | 388,3 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Deluxe PacMan 1.7 - Final full AGA version! Requires: AGA - Aminet: DeluxePacman_A.lha |
23880 | DLXPM17E.LHA | 314,5 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Deluxe PacMan 1.7 - Final full ECS version! Aminet name: DeluxePacman_E.lha |
23064 | DONKKONG.DMS | 300144 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Donkey Kong arcade klassikkokäännös, pelasta neito apinan raivolta - hyppele yli tynnyrien, kiipeä tikkaita rakennusten huipulle. |
63144 | DPACMA16.LHA | 285567 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | tupla | Deluxe PacMan v1.6 -PacMan clone with lots of extra features.Author: Edgar M. VigdalType: game/miscErinomainen modernisointi vanhastaklassikosta. PacMan hienolla grafiikalla,musiikilla ja kaksinpelill─. |
63145 | DPACMAGA.LHA | 381876 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | tupla | Deluxe PacMan v1.6 AGA |
23881 | DRIP.LHA | 235905 | 08.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Ohjaa tippaa, värjää putkistot ja varo örkkejä. Mukava pieni peli, muistuttaa Pacmania. |
23882 | DYNAWARR.LHA | 39872 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | Dynamite Warriors - multiplayer game withup to five players. If a four-player-adapter is connected, up to four players are able to play with joysticks. To win the game, a player has to desintegrate all other players using explosions of bombs pla nted. Only a multiplayer game.Nice Bomberman/Dynablaster -clone. |
23075 | ESNAKE11.LHA | 48105 | 15.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | ESnake V1.1, tuore esitys vanhasta "mato syö ruokaa" -pelistä. VaatiiKS 2.0+. |
23095 | GF2_GAME.LHA | 189237 | 03.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Gravity Force II PD, huikea arcadepeli Gravity Forcen ja TurboRakettien tyyliin. Kilpalentelyä ja ammuskelua tunneleissa, jaetulla ruudulla. Paljon eri aseita yms vänkää. Esitelty MB 12/94, MBnet-osiossa |
23883 | HEROED2.LHA | 340191 | 25.02.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Heroed 2 Short: Amiga version of the classic C-64 H.E.R.O. by Activision! Type: game/misc Org.Name: heroed2.lh a- ---------------------------------------- - |
23884 | HITLERBA.DMS | 158343 | 23.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Hitlerball, wierdo ja omituinen Pong-klooni jossa ei ole päätä tai järkeä - mutta hupia sitäkin enemmän. |
23885 | JOUSTER3.LHA | 614684 | 21.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Jouster3, Decent Joust Clone with Extras and improvements such as powerups, etc. You can even have a pterydactyl as a steed. For 1 or 2 players. Very niceold classic action.Author: Matt WestfallType: game/misc |
23886 | JSW97.LHA | 236,8 kt | 19.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "Jet Set Willy97. collect 2000 itmes from 190 different levels. Old C64-classic converted to Amiga." |
23120 | JUMPMAN.EXE | 221852 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Jumpman 64 konvertointi Klassinen hypi-pompi-väistä -peli Amigalla. |
23121 | JUMPMANJ.DMS | 297446 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Jumpman Junior arcade klassikkokäännös |
23887 | KARGON.LHA | 572048 | 14.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Yhdistetty Dynablaster ja Dungeon Master. Erittäin hienon näköinen. Vaatii Amigan ja 1MB muistia. Toimii kovalevyltä tai disketiltä. Ja taitaapi olla saksan kielinen pelinä, mutta löytyy myös ohjeet englanniksi. Saksan kielisyys ei haittaa pelaamista :) |
23888 | KNOCKOU2.LHA | 554670 | 08.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Knock Out 2.02 - Omalaatuinen peli jopa kahdeksalle pelaajalle. |
23136 | LSRBIKES.LHA | 124166 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | AGAM! LASERBiKES V1.3.7Multiplayer Arcade Style Gamelike "Tron", but with 6 (!) players. Also includes demo of "Car". |
23889 | MANBL15.LHA | 448,3 kt | 19.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Maniac Ball V1.5 - Breakout/Arkanoid-clone with multiple paddles and extra features. Requires at least KS2.0, 1MB RAM and HD. |
23890 | MASBLAS.LHA | 125700 | 26.03.1995 | - | - | - | MASTER BLASTER V1.0 -dynablaster -klooni, arcadepeli.2-5 pelaajaa, 4+ pelaajaa vaatii4-pelaajan adapterin. Dynablaster-klooni. Valm. Hawk@blanker.ruhr.de |
23891 | MATO100E.LHA | 77,3 kt | 20.08.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Mato 1.00 - Shareware/englanninkielinen Matopeli 1- 4 pelaajalle. Vastakkain tai tiiminä. Tallentuvat pistelistat. |
23892 | MBLASTR2.LHA | 204078 | 16.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Masterblaster v2.0 |
23893 | MBLST221.LHA | 201584 | 06.12.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | +------------------------------------------+| MasterBlaster Version 2.21 |+------------------------------------------+ |
23144 | MEGABALL.DMS | 557766 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Megaball AGA arcade, pong-klooni Näyttävä ja paljon tavaraa sisältävä kiivas pompottelupeli. |
23894 | MINIARC.LZX | 90970 | 08.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MiniArcanoid. System friendly Arcanoid-clone by PP/Union. |
23149 | MMINER.DMS | 90318 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Manic Miner arcade klassikkokäännös 8-bittisten alkuajoilta. Yksi ensimmäisistä todellisista pelimarkkinoiden hittipeleistä! |
23895 | MONTY11.LHA | 376,2 kt | 12.06.1997 | - | - | - | Monty the Wolf v1.1, demo version. |
23896 | MRUFOV5.LHA | 111,8 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | - | - | Mr. UFO v5 - Thrust/Space Taxi -stylish shareware game. Multitasking, written with AMOS. Should work with every Amiga. |
23897 | MRUNNR17.LHA | 466785 | 25.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Mine Runner 1.7 - lode runner clone: Nearly original play feeling! Nearly original graphics! Nearly original sound effects! Selected original levels! Five different Soundtracks! Up to four player simultanous game! Supports four player joystick adapter! Supports two button joysticks! Doesn't stop multitasking! Saves highscores! |
23154 | MSOFTPEN.LHA | 249678 | 15.12.1994 | - | - | - | MartinSoft Pengo, klassiseen Pengo-peliin perustuva sokkelo/älypeli.64 tasoa hauskaa touhuamista.Share Ware |
23898 | MURDER12.LHA | 166 kt | 15.05.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Murder 1.2 - "Haunted" clone from The Other Realm. |
23156 | NEWBIP.LHA | 23407 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | New Biplanes, vanhan Biplanesin tuoreempi versio. Arcadepeli,pieniä lentokoneita lentelee ruuduntäydeltä toisiaan ampuen. |
23161 | ORCATT.LHA | 312429 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | AGAM! Orc Attack,moderni konversio klassisesta C-64pelista. |
23162 | ORM.LHA | 22642 | 16.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | snake game v1.4 |
67015 | PACMAN11.LHA | 150752 | 13.12.1994 | - | MBCD | tupla | Deluxe Pacman V1.1 Erinomainen modernisointi vanhasta klassikosta. PacMan hienolla grafiikalla, musiikilla ja kaksinpelillä. |
23899 | PAKMAN2K.LHA | 490 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | Pakman 2000 - improved Pacman-clone forAGA-Amigas. |
23167 | PALLUKAT.LHA | 89681 | 16.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Weird Pacman-game (2 players) |
23169 | PARADRO2.DMS | 346767 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Paradroid II arcade Kaksinpelattava oma konversio Paradroidista |
23170 | PARADRO2.LHA | 329578 | 16.12.1994 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Paradroid II, muunnelma Andrew BraybrookinParadroid-pelista. Kaksinpelattava. Äly/toiminta-peli |
23171 | PARAJOUS.DMS | 319905 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Parachute Joust arcade Kaksi miestä hyppää lentokoneesta - mutta vain yksi laskuvarjo! |
23173 | PARTYGA.DMS | 498015 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Party Games arcade Hulvattu klassinen vipuvapu tikunkiusaaja |
23900 | PIEBILL.LHA | 76,3 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Throw pies at Bill Gates -game |
23901 | PINGWYN.LHA | 464134 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | PingWynne - Similar to PENGO but not quite..Cool Action Game |
23902 | PLAYPAC.LHA | 262,5 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | 21192/Excalibur_60_cd.bin | - | PlayPac 1.11 - system friendly pacman game featuring random level generator. - Req: WB3+ |
67313 | POING3.LHA | 78407 | 26.03.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | Poing V3.0 - an amusing systemfriendly bat & ball/pong/arkanoid-game. New:New levels, Old levels also incuded,Levels can optionally be shuffled, More audiotracks, Bugfixed for 68000 machines,Some cosmetical enhancements. Very niceand addictive. |
23903 | POING4.LHA | 108,2 kt | 02.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Poing 4. Hulvaton Arkanoid klooni. |
23904 | POING5.LHA | 129,7 kt | 02.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Poing 5 - a 100% system-friendly and multitasking Breakout-clone, multitasks in its own screen. Simple but nice graphics + music and many levels. |
23180 | POPEYE.EXE | 489636 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Popeye käännös 8-bittisten aikoinaan mahtavasti Popeye (kippari-kalle) pelistä. Väistele brutusta, syö pinaattia. :-) |
23905 | PSSSTAG1.LHA | 412603 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Pssst_AGA - Classic Spectrum Game 100% 68020 AGA. This is a 1990`s version of the old Spectrum Classic PSSST.Main features include : - 256 Colours.- Real Time frame rate.- No C code !!!! ( I Hate C )- Nice end of game sequence.- Three Levels of pl ay ( Slow, Normal, TURBO NUTTER ).- No Spam.Author: garygould@redalert.demon.co.uk (Gary Gould) |
23181 | PUBDARTS.LHA | 178920 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | AGAM! PUB DARTS V1Nice PD darts game with lots of CPUplayers, 2 pl option etc. |
23906 | PUCMAN.LHA | 195906 | 19.08.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | Nearly perfect Pacman clone. |
23186 | ROBOULDX.DMS | 232218 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Robouldix |
23907 | ROKETZ2.LHA | 759297 | 06.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Rokeketz 2.0 - Hurja Turborakettia ja Gravity Force II:tä muistuttava peli on parantunut entisestään. Vanhoja mokia on korjailtu ja tietokonepelaajat toimivat entistä älykkäämminen. |
23188 | ROKETZPD.LHA | 644889 | 10.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Roketz Virolainen arcadepeli, Turboraketti/ Gravity Force II-tyyliin |
23908 | ROTATOR.LHA | 408738 | 23.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | New platform/puzzle with great GFX. |
23909 | RUSHHO14.LHA | 296,7 kt | 15.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | RushHour v1.4. Konversio vanhasta c64-pelistä Freewarea. |
23910 | RVLVR1.LHA | 279,2 kt | 22.04.1998 | - | - | - | Revolver v1 - a TRON-like game. |
23911 | SEPOT1-3.LZX | 426,9 kt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | SePPo-MaRsUn MaaGiSeT sEiKkAiLuT Osat 1,2 & 3 + HTML-dokumentaatio |
23912 | SNA20.LHA | 42910 | 13.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Snakes 'n' Adders v2.0. Updated version ofthis WB wormgame. |
23202 | SNAKEII.LHA | 26240 | 17.12.1994 | - | #Jope | - | AGAM! SnakeII a WB-gAME. Requires >WB2.x |
23913 | SNEECHV1.LHA | 399477 | 01.02.1996 | renamed | 3329/aminetcdnumber101996.iso | - | Sneech fast paced worm game. |
23914 | SOREFIST.LHA | 333629 | 24.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | New Beat 'Em' Up. Renegade clone. |
23915 | SPACEMIS.LHA | 69796 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | SpaceMission - Horizontal scrolling shoot'em up |
23204 | SPACETAX.DMS | 135365 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Space Taxi arcade Konversio klassisesta C-64 pelistä - kuljeta avaruustaksilla asiakkaita paikasta toiseen |
23916 | SPARROW.LHA | 519,8 kt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | Sparrow - an editable game v1.00 Author: mattkane@lappi.plai.fi (Matti Niskanen) Type: game/misc A simple flickscreen game with editors. - any Amiga with at least 512 kilobytes of CHIP RAM |
23207 | SPCPANIC.LHA | 335300 | 17.12.1994 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | Space Panic, konversio vanhasta C64-pelista. Kaiva kuoppia alieneille, tao sittenne lattiaan nuuskaksi. |
23210 | SPUDMIN1.DMS | 324591 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Spud Mines 1 - Boulder Dashaamista |
23211 | SPUDMIN2.DMS | 228775 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Spud Mines 2 - Boulder Dashaamista |
23212 | SPUDMIN3.DMS | 326854 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Spud Mines 3 - Boulder Dashaamista |
23214 | STEELDEV.DMS | 312398 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Steel Devils arcade, 2 pelaajan tankkitaistelu |
23917 | SUPTRAIL.LHA | 57192 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Super Trail - Guide ball through tricky levels (incl. level editor). professional fast action game of skill, Principle of this game is to guide a rolling ball as fast as possible along a long and tricky trail, to avoid the holes or jump over them,an d to get as many points as possible in the end (what else?). Many extra fields with special effects can make this task easier or much more difficult.Author: hhoff@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de Type: |
23918 | SWORM211.LHA | 119365 | 09.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | WB:n ruudulla pyörivä PC:n pizzawormin tyylinen matopeli. Ei 90 asteen rajoitusta. |
23224 | TANX.DMS | 232602 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Tanx - Artillery Duel-klooni, kaksi tankkia ammuskelee toisiaan yli kallioiden kukkuloiden. Hieno. |
23232 | THOMAS.DMS | 285492 | 17.12.1994 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Thomas the Tank Engine arcade, junapeli |
23919 | TITANIC1.LHA | 196,7 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | - | Titanic -The Game. can you avoid the crash? |
23920 | TLC10.LHA | 140105 | 14.08.1996 | - | - | - | Turbo LightCycles, Version 1.0, another 'Tron', 'Lightcycles', or 'Worm'. Features of Turbo Light Cycles (TLC):- Three players at once.- Multitasking 8 level editor- Turbo button, allows you to speed ahead of your opponents and cut- Five speed leve ls.- Five difficulty/obstacle levels.- Teleports, so you can escape from tricky situations.- And lots of fun..... |
23921 | TOPHATWI.LHA | 119753 | 01.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | TopHatWilly V1.2 Jet Set Willyn kaltainen peli; tehtävänäsi on kerätä kaikki roskat suuresta talosta. Peli pitää 100 sijan highscorelistaa. Nostalginen kokemus varsinkin 80-luvun alun pelejä pelanneille. |
23922 | TORQUEDM.LHA | 688862 | 24.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | AGA Uridium clone preview |
23923 | TRSISTAX.DMS | 572812 | 14.08.1996 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Statix - Shareware-Version DEVELOPED BY 7TH SIGN PRODUCTION AND MEMBERS OF TRSi |
23924 | USNTHEM.LHA | 284660 | 22.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Amoksella tehty Archon klooni |
23242 | VIPER12.LHA | 399722 | 24.12.1994 | - | - | - | Viper 1.2 - Erinomainen usean pelattava matopeli AGA-koneille. Hyvätä ääniefektit, tyylikäs grafiikka ja kohdalleen hiottu pelattavuus. Shareware. |
23925 | WIZZYQ.LHA | 138504 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Wizzys Quest - Excellent 50-level puzzle/ platform game. Type game/jump. You have to use your wizard to create and destroy blocks on each screen to create a safe path for your master to walk to the exit. There are various monsters (skeletons, wraiths, beholders and jack o' lanterns) to hinder you, each with different characteristics, as well as locks, keys and transporters. The closest reference point is Lemmings, but Wizzys Quest is quite a unique game. |
23926 | WOLFPC14.LHA | 793 kt | 02.06.1998 | - | - | - | WolfPac v1.4 - 3D-Pacman for AGA & CyberGFX. PPC-version also included. |
24033 | ARCSNOOK.DMS | 396781 | 21.12.1995 | - | 4761/AmigaPlus_CD-ROM-EXTRA_Nr.3.bin | - | Arcade Snooker, freely distributable followup to Team 17's hit Arcade Pool. |
24034 | DOWNHILL.LHA | 369751 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | DOWNHILL CHALLENGE by DAVID ALVES -laskettelupeli. |
24035 | FANTMAN.DMS | 577095 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Fantasy Manager, soccer management game. |
24036 | CHEATC13.LHA | 1,1 Mt | 25.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | CheatCollection 1.3, big collection of cheats Very easy to use list of cheats, solutions, tips and other hints. - CheatCollectio.lha |
24037 | CHEATCOD.LHA | 2418312 | 11.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | 1300 cheatcodes, AGA fixes V1.0 Aminet name: CheatsCodes.lha |
24038 | DG2$_MO.LHA | 103011 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | DELUXE GALAGA MONEY PATCH |
24039 | DG2$_UN.LHA | 103030 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | DELUXE GALAGA 2.4 UNLIMITED LIVES PATCH |
24040 | DGALAHI.LHA | 978 | 14.09.1995 | - | - | - | Deluxe Galagaan vinkkejΣ ja cheatteja |
24041 | DR-HSTT.LHA | 53741 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | HIGH SEAS TRADER (aga) enhanced save diskwith 10 million in port and 16 for trade. |
23073 | EOB2SPOI.LHA | 1626 | 03.12.1994 | - | - | - | Spoileri Eye of the Beholder II:lle ylimaaraisia tehtavia |
24042 | FEARSSOL.LHA | 3288 | 26.11.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Selvitys Fearsin koodeista. |
68404 | SIMONSOL.LHA | 5936 | 09.01.1995 | renamed | aminet.net | tupla | Simon The Sorcerer solve |
23218 | SWEATC25.LHA | 166360 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | SWEET CHEATER V2.5 9-14-94Cheat/Hint/Code ListOver 800 games listed |
23226 | TCC-V14.LHA | 104599 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | The Cheat Compendium v1.45,chetteja 452:een peliin. |
24043 | ULTIMA6T.LHA | 1536 | 01.07.1996 | - | 3282/Aminet 14 - Oct 1996.iso | - | Troubleshooting guide for the Amiga version of Origin's Ultima VI: The False Prophet. |
24044 | WDCCHEAT.TXT | 1,3 kt | 06.04.1997 | - | - | - | "Huijauskoodeja Worms: Directors Cutiin." |
24045 | WORMSFAQ.LHA | 4263 | 29.12.1995 | - | - | - | Kaikki mitä olet aina halunnut tietää Amigan Wormsista, muttet ole uskaltanut kysyä... |
24046 | XITC.LHA | 1109 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | X-IT codes from Psygnosis. |
23011 | 5INTSTRT.DMS | 444777 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | 5 Intelligent Strategy Games Bridge, Go, Draughts 8x8, Draughts 10x10 |
60503 | AGAKLON1.LHA | 393564 | 10.12.1994 | - | MBCD | tupla | Deluxe Klondike AGA Erinomainen AGA-pasianssi 1/3 |
60504 | AGAKLON2.LHA | 340027 | 10.12.1994 | - | MBCD | tupla | Deluxe Klondike AGA Erinomainen AGA-pasianssi 2/2 |
60505 | AGAKLON3.LHA | 460456 | 10.12.1994 | - | MBCD | tupla | Deluxe Klondike AGA Erinomainen AGA-pasianssi 3/3 |
23016 | AHEXTRIS.LHA | 34791 | 16.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | AHextris 1.0 Erinomainen heksakuutoilla toteutettu Tetris-klooni. Erikoinen ja hyvä idea. |
22958 | AMAJONG.LHA | 196527 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | MaJong, Real Chinese MaJong Game |
22959 | ANMAT21.LHA | 31921 | 26.03.1995 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | AntiMatter V2.1, "Find the atoms" logic game. Orginal file name: AntiMatter2_1.lha |
23023 | ARMYMI11.LHA | 69537 | 16.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Armyminer, X-mines tyyppinen miner-peli |
23032 | BABYLON.LHA | 81471 | 16.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Babylon 1.02Computer version based on the board game Abalone. #Players: 0-2Push six of the other player's marbles off the board. |
22960 | BLACKBOX.LHA | 45520 | 22.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | BlackBox V2.2, Find atoms by firing laser-beams into a black box.Type: game/think Requires: Requires OS2.0+ |
22961 | BLACKJ.LHA | 79008 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | Casino BLACKJACK V1.02 by Gary HendersonReq. minimum of 1Mb |
61486 | BLDRDAES.LHA | 962452 | 05.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Best BoulderDash 1:1 clone v2.47. Multitasking interface, loads of levels, user defineable graphics and sounds. Great. |
61492 | BLITZB.DMS | 674394 | 22.12.1995 | - | - | - | Blitz Bombers + Wooglies. Blow up your friends in five levels long playable preview of frantic arcade bombing game. Or enjoy the 40 levels brain teasing puzzles of Wooglies. |
23041 | BOOMFILD.DMS | 417264 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Boomfield strategia minefield/mineclearer klooni vaatii os2 |
22962 | BOTHFMV.LHA | 2,7 Mt | 06.01.1998 | - | - | - | BattleOthello - a really original clone from the Othello-game with some nice graphics and sounds. This version has a little FMV-intro. |
22963 | BOTHNFMV.LHA | 438,4 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | - | - | BattleOthello - a really original clone from the Othello-game with some nice graphics and sounds. This version does not contain the intro. |
22964 | BOULD64.LHA | 294002 | 22.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | BoulderDash - conversion of the C64 classic,complete OS-friendly (multitasking) Boulder-Dash with C64 graphics and sounds. 68020+, AGA only (DblNTSC required), KS V39, asl.library, powerpacker.library. Smooth scrolling 1275(!) original C64 levels+so unds, Cheats, Joystick and keyboard control, User definable games and levels, two player game... and more. |
22965 | BREKBRKS.LHA | 684296 | 22.12.1995 | - | - | - | Breakin' Briks V1.0 of the very cool Breakout type game. For AGA Amigas only.Works with 2Mb CHIP memory! - Improved performance with FAST mem. Great GFX, Tunes and Sounds! Enjoy! in the tradition of Breakout, Arkanoid and MegaballAuthor: rcflipp@dds .nl (Ronald Roemeling)Type: game/misc |
23042 | BRIDGE.LHA | 117155 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Amiga Bridge v 1.04Korttipeli. OS2+ |
23051 | CHECKERS.LHA | 150154 | 16.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! CheckersConquestHieno tammipeli. Tietokonevastustaja,4 vaikeustasoa, erikoistoimintoja jasiisti ulkoasu.by Pete W. Storonskij |
23052 | CHINACHA.LZH | 17281 | 16.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | China Challengepuzzlepeli |
22966 | CLTRS!22.LHA | 35930 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | multitasking tetris-clone v2.2 - eCS/aGA |
23053 | COGNITIO.DMS | 298258 | 17.12.1994 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Cognitio puzzle vaatii os2 |
23056 | COLORS10.LHA | 154988 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | COLORS V1.0 puzzlepeliObject of COLORS is simply to form lines of four blocks or more of the same colors Pieces which consist of three blocks are randomly picked and then fall |
23057 | CONNEX.DMS | 693381 | 17.12.1994 | - | #Jope | - | Connex puzzle värisuorien koostamista |
22967 | COUNTER.LHA | 58188 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Counter, Nice logical game with 100 levels + editor Type: game/think |
62360 | CRAZYCLO.LHA | 58431 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | CrazyClock 1.1 - Älyä vaativa kellopeli. |
22968 | DEFAC141.LHA | 1,7 Mt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | Deface v1.41 - a classic board game. Remove the blocks in correct order. Requires at least AGA-Amiga with 4MB Fast and DBLNTSC-monitor. |
22969 | DPOKR10B.LHA | 35118 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | DeLuxe Poker v1.0b, GREAT WB+MUI poker,Type: game/wb, DeLuxe Poker requires version 2.1 of the Amiga operating systemor higher, and *muimaster.library*. |
23065 | DRAGONTI.LHA | 61385 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | FINALE PRESENTS: DRAGON TILES V3.0 RELEASE 100% AGA / ECS |
23082 | FIL.LZH | 11284 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Five In LinePieni ja hyvä jätkänshakki |
22970 | FLIPOVER.LHA | 56498 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Flipover is a puzzle game consisting of grid of squares, clicking on a square "flips" it over (changing it's colour)but also flips surrounding squares ;)The Idea is to flip all squares to the opposite colour. |
64335 | FUNKLADY.LHA | 55191 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Funkylady, Very good Othello program, C CLI only, highly optimized Othello program C with a simple text user interface. In autumn 1993 it probably ranked among the 10C best Othello programs in the world.C Executables for 68000 and 68020+ included. |
64339 | FUNT101E.LHA | 115757 | 08.12.1996 | - | - | tupla | FunTris 1.01 - Shareware - Amiga 1MB -Funtastic tetris-game for 2-4 playerswith 2 different gametypes. - Author:Pasi Laaksonen |
64340 | FUNT103E.LHA | 127293 | 18.12.1996 | - | - | - | FunTris 1.03 - Shareware - Amiga 1MB -Funtastic tetris-game for 1-4 playerswith 2 game types and 1+7 shape-sets. -Author: Pasi Laaksonen |
22971 | FUNT106E.LHA | 161,1 kt | 09.12.1997 | - | MBCD | - | FunTris 1.06. Shareware. Amiga. Siisti tetris-peli 1-4 pelaajalle, kaksi pelitapaa, 8 palikkasettiä, tarvittaessa sopivantasoista vastusta antavat tietokonepelaaja(t). |
23094 | GAMELIFE.DMS | 180162 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Game of Life strategia/äly Nikki Corruptions |
22972 | GCHESS4B.LHA | 711223 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | GNU Chess VERSION 4.0.pl74GNU chess program |
64428 | GCHESS4D.LHA | 20097 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | GNU Chess VERSION 4.0.pl74 GNU chess program |
22973 | GCHESS4S.LHA | 1493862 | 21.12.1995 | - | 20446/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 01 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-10][Aminet 7].iso | - | GNU Chess VERSION 4.0.pl74GNU chess program. Original sources. |
23096 | GIGERT.DMS | 142989 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Giger Tetris AGA Ensimmäinen AGA PD-peli. |
22974 | GOLF100.LHA | 102,2 kt | 30.04.1997 | - | - | - | Golf 1.00 - Card game (ECS / AGA) |
22975 | GRIDLOCK.LHA | 118,5 kt | 30.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | GridLock - a little multiplayer strategygame. TCP/IP or modem connection supported. |
22976 | HEX2.LHA | 72483 | 25.11.1996 | - | 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso | - | 2 players board game with nice gfx & snd |
22977 | HEXAGONS.LHA | 38221 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | The Ultimative Hexagonal Challenge. V1.0Requirements: Amiga-OS 2.0 or better.very nice hexagonal Tetris clone, that runs on any WorkBench screen. It's a ultimative challenge, because it's verydifficult to play. AGA/ECS. |
23115 | HWTRIVIA.DMS | 166215 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Hollywood Trivia >Mukava trivial-peli |
22978 | HYBRIS_1.LHA | 40700 | 16.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Hybris = A Tetris -clone in workbench screenv1.7 |
65046 | IKERISX.LHA | 432372 | 05.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Messevä huippupeli suoraan PD-ohjelmistojen kärkeen! Tekijänä Iikka Keränen, muista tämä nimi myös tulevaisuudessa! Pura paketti tyhjälle, installoidulle levylle. |
22979 | INTSTATE.LHA | 247705 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Interstate, card-like game where you raceacross the continent. |
23119 | JMINES10.LHA | 13923 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Jmines V1.0, miinanraivausta |
22980 | KLON31.LHA | 729406 | 26.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Deluxe Klondike AGA III - 3rd version ofthe amazing cardgame. New: Cardsets and music selectable from requesters (support for unlimited number of cardsets), Auto turn-over, Internal config-card (available before only in selected cardsets), More card sets on disk! (Real cool new one: AirBrush.reko by Reko-Productions!),docs in .guide format - still no-annoying-requester shareware! |
22981 | KLON32.LHA | 645819 | 26.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Deluxe Klondike AGA III - 3rd version ofthe amazing cardgame. New: Cardsets and music selectable from requesters (support for unlimited number of cardsets), Auto turn-over, Internal config-card (available before only in selected cardsets), More card sets on disk! (Real cool new one: AirBrush.reko by Reko-Productions!),docs in .guide format - still no-annoying-requester shareware! |
22982 | KLON33.LHA | 690745 | 26.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Deluxe Klondike AGA III - 3rd version ofthe amazing cardgame. New: Cardsets and music selectable from requesters (support for unlimited number of cardsets), Auto turn-over, Internal config-card (available before only in selected cardsets), More card sets on disk! (Real cool new one: AirBrush.reko by Reko-Productions!),docs in .guide format - still no-annoying-requester shareware! |
22983 | KLON34.LHA | 593514 | 26.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Deluxe Klondike AGA III - 3rd version ofthe amazing cardgame. New: Cardsets and music selectable from requesters (support for unlimited number of cardsets), Auto turn-over, Internal config-card (available before only in selected cardsets), More card sets on disk! (Real cool new one: AirBrush.reko by Reko-Productions!),docs in .guide format - still no-annoying-requester shareware! |
22984 | KLONDIKE.LHA | 50983 | 22.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Klondike - Pasianssipeli. Ks. MikroBitti 1/94. |
65571 | KLONDIKE.LZH | 51912 | 10.12.1994 | - | 12236/ffcollection-1-5-1992-11.iso | - | Klondike |
22985 | KLONPR10.LHA | 158 kt | 07.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | KlondikePrefs 1.0 - Klondike Preferences Editor. - Req: OS3+, ReqTools 38+, MUI 3.6+, Klondike AGA. - Aminet: klondikeprefs.lha |
22986 | KQUEST.LHA | 127618 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Knight's Quest, a puzzle game where youtry to land on as many squares on playingboard as possible, moving around with a chess-horse. Simple, nicely and professionally done. |
22987 | LIGHTOFF.LHA | 29225 | 04.01.1996 | - | - | - | +----------------------------------------+ | LightsOff V 1.10 | | Ultimate MUI based brain boggling game | | (needs MUI 3.x or better) | +----------------------------------------+ |
66052 | MCT09A.LHA | 4465 | 23.06.1996 | - | - | - | Pienikokoinen peli jossa tehdään palikoista kolmen värisuoria. uutena hiscore ja pommi-palikka. |
66053 | MCT100.LHA | 7876 | 09.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MiniCoTris v1.0 freeware. Todella pienikokoeinen coloristyylinen palikkapeli, jossa vaihdettavat grafiikat ja tallentuvat hiscoret. Moniajaa ja toimii kaikilla amigoilla. |
22988 | MEGABLO2.LHA | 379848 | 26.03.1995 | - | - | - | Megablock2 is a "Tetris" type game for allAmigas (1mb). It has the following features: -1/2 player options-8 levels with different backdrops for each.-Joystick/ Keyboard.-Loads of new shapes.-Bonus blocks-Bombs - destroy areas of the "well~. |
23146 | MINECL11.LHA | 45619 | 15.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Mine Clone V1.1,Minesweeper-klooni. IBM Minesweeperinoloinen, mutta sisältää uusiaominaisuuksia, mm. Palette Sharing.VAATII AmigaDOS 3.0 |
22989 | MINETB14.LHA | 37419 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Minehunter V1.4, hieno minesweeperi |
23151 | MOSAIC.LHA | 20518 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Mosaic, kiva mosaiikin kasaamispeli. Puzzle/älypeli. |
23155 | MSWEE26.LHA | 55188 | 16.12.1994 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | MineSweeper Game, version 2.6. =H= |
22990 | NETRI114.LHA | 139,6 kt | 20.10.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Netris 1.14 - 4-Player Internet Tetris Game. Req: OS2+, AMarquee 1.44+, AmiTCP 3.0b+ (or compatible TCP stack) - Netris1.14.lha |
66554 | NEWEM1.DMS | 321375 | 06.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | New Emerald Mines 1 Boulder Dashausta. |
22991 | NUMBBUMB.LHA | 3114 | 29.05.1995 | repacked | #Jope | - | *numbabumbah* - the new generation ...a short wb-game by yab! Thinking andrelaxation. coded with using AmigaE v3.1a & CEd2. 1oo% pd |
22992 | PESTEN.LHA | 25548 | 21.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Pesten, nice UNO like card game V1.0This is a dutch card game called pesten.It should run on any Amiga with KS 1.2 or higher. |
22993 | PICCROSS.LHA | 14879 | 20.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | PicCross 1.0 Picture/Logic PuzzleType: game/think - This program contains 5 puzzles (ranging from easy to difficult) which are solved using numeric clues to create a picture. The program is not crippled or anything, and will only work on OS 2.x or g reater. The type of puzzles contained have appeared repeatedly in GAMES magazine as well as the London Telegraph (A british newspaper I think). Just download it if you like puzzles! |
23178 | PIPEM2.DMS | 150541 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Pipe Master II puzzle, putkien suunnittelua ja letkutusta |
23179 | POKER10.LHA | 384319 | 17.12.1994 | - | 14596/MicroRD-CD-ROM-Vol1-1994.iso | - | Pokeri, vähän outo mutta monipuolinen. |
22994 | PONDER.LHA | 19130 | 13.10.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | Ponder. Simple WB-game. "rebuilt the left field using the right one" |
67333 | POOKAH.LHA | 72319 | 13.10.1996 | - | 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso | - | Pookah. Gambling game for WB. |
22995 | PROGM221.LHA | 102,2 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | - | ProGammon v2.21 - a backgammon game. Requires at least AmigaOS 2.04 and uses 640x480 AGA-screen if available. |
22996 | PSD_EVAL.LHA | 352327 | 14.06.1996 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PSYCHO SQUARES DELUXE from Dark Unicorn Productions. Puzzle game running on anything with one meg of CHIP ram. |
23182 | QUATRO.DMS | 124620 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Quatro |
23184 | RIGHTWAY.DMS | 207225 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Right Way Mainio puzzle, jossa koetetaan saada pikku- äijä johdatetuksi ruudun toiselle laidalle |
23185 | ROACHFRM.LHA | 92538 | 17.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | AgAM! "Roach Farm" Share Ware Puzzlepeli jossa hoidetaan "ludetilaa".by Lucas A. Swineford,made with Blitz Basic 2 |
22997 | ROCKSLID.LZH | 156114 | 26.03.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Rockslide V1.3 - mukava Coloris/Tetrisklooni jossa muodostetaan värisuoria. |
23189 | RUEDA13.LHA | 193062 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Rueda, onnenpyorapeli, arvaa kirjaimia ja arvaa mika sana/lause niista muodostuu. |
22998 | SB_AG_.LHA | 177110 | 15.01.1995 | - | - | - | Atomz - 1994 Silicon Based Life - turn all your enemies pieces into your own by making one of your atom's to explode converting any atoms horizontaly or verticaly adjacent to your own into your colour. Puzzle. |
23190 | SCHIFF10.LHA | 14182 | 15.12.1994 | - | 12248/frozenfish_august_1995.bin | - | Schiffeversenken 1.0, etsi ja upotavastustajasi laivat, laivanupotus-versioVAATII WB 2.0. Freeware. |
22999 | SCRABB20.LHA | 148,9 kt | 07.01.1998 | - | - | - | Scrabble V2.0 |
23195 | SE_POK.LHA | 137073 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | AGAM! Smoke'em Poker, v1.0 multi-playerpoker game of five-card draw. Play against 5 computer opponents who'd love to "smoke" you out of a pot. Requires KS 2.04+, uses speech if available.Opensoverscan screen, so may require an overscan WB setting of 704x240 or more. |
23199 | SHOOTPON.LHA | 74555 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! Shoot Pontoon,nice Black Jack-card game |
23200 | SIMON.DMS | 192303 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Simon puzzle/muistipeli |
23203 | SNAP.EXE | 69584 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | SNAP - muistipeli |
68585 | SPIDER.LHA | 30851 | 17.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | tupla | spider - play double deck solitaire |
23000 | SPIDER10.LHA | 30733 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Spider, Double-deck solitaire game. requires OS2.0 Another amiga adaption of the `spider` patience game from Sun/OpenWin. Has an undo/redo/buffer and allows to load or save game-sessions.Type: game/board |
23001 | STIME.LHA | 302422 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | Great 3d puzzle game by TRECISION. |
23002 | STOW.LHA | 352,5 kt | 31.10.1997 | - | - | - | Stowers - Small board game (GO or THROMULUS clone), one or two players. |
68753 | STYXM1.DMS | 181594 | 06.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Styx Mines 1 Boulder Dash-kloonausta, puzzletoimintaa timanttien keräämistä kaivoksessa. |
68754 | STYXM2.DMS | 218818 | 06.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Styx Mines 2 Boulder Dash-kloonausta, puzzletoimintaa timanttien keräämistä kaivoksessa. |
23227 | TERTIS.LZH | 12922 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | ErittΣin pieni, moniajoTetris |
23228 | TETRDUEL.LHA | 303391 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | AGAM! Tetris Duel AGA!Great two player Tetris-variationwith interesting twist: two playerWAR action, special hidden pieces,bombs etc. Uses DblPAL-mode onVGA/Multiscan-monitors! Makers:FUNDAMENTAL, nlh1@uk.ac.aber |
23229 | TETRIX.LHA | 14604 | 17.12.1994 | - | 4775/Amiga Plus CD - 2002 - No. 11.iso | - | Erittäin pieni, moniajava Tetris |
23003 | THEGRID.LHA | 55263 | 20.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Mantisoft - The Grid. nice little game by mantisoft, involving lining up several round things (4 of them), before your opponent can/Get four chips in a row in the grid. |
23231 | THINAHED.DMS | 168736 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Think Ahead ERINOMAINEN puzzle/älypeli |
23004 | THINKAMA.LHA | 83578 | 20.12.1995 | - | 20447/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 02 (1995)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1995-11][Skylink CD].iso | - | ThinkAMania V2.99 Full-Release 100%, A CoolConcentration-Like/Memory Game With SuperbGFX And Funny Sound-Effects |
23234 | TOMGAMES.LHA | 41313 | 17.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | TomGames, pieniä moniajaviaWB-pelejä |
23236 | TREKTRI1.DMS | 622887 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Star Trek TNG Trivia Challenge 1/2 puzzle/äly |
23237 | TREKTRI2.DMS | 641779 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Star Trek TNG Trivia Challenge 2/2 (puzzle/äly |
23005 | TSW111.LHA | 247336 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | - | This is a self-teaching "crossword-kind" game. Play against Amiga or Amiga and a human. Needs Kickstart 3.0+, 68020+ and MUI 3.1. Currently supports English and Russian languages (adaptation to any other languages is rather simple). |
69444 | TTA.LHA | 18544 | 29.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | TicTacToe. Toimii Workbenchissä. |
23006 | TTTWB.LHA | 7995 | 15.01.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | The Clasic pencil & paper game. |
23007 | TWIS038B.LHA | 30,3 kt | 28.08.1997 | renamed | aminet.net | - | "Twister 0.38 - Ultimate Rubiks Cube program. Requires: OS2+MUI 3.3+ and 68020+ - Aminet name: Twister038b.lha" |
69517 | UCHES271.LHA | 701951 | 04.12.1994 | - | MBCD | tupla | AGAM! UChess271, upea PD shakkipeli, ECS/AGA-versiot, vaatii KS 2.0, vah.68020 ja 2 Mt ram. Sis. kolme versiota,020+ 2 Mt Ram, 020+ 2+4 Mt Ram, 680402+4 Mt Ram. Pelaa erittäin hyvin, todella loistava kokonaisuus, |
23239 | UCHES289.LHA | 854265 | 15.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | UChess V2.89, kuuluisa Amigan shakki-peli. Erittäin kova pelaamaan, täysin moniajava, tukee 640x480x256 AGA-Amigoissa, paljon toimintoja jne. Paketissa 68020/030/040/WB2.0/4 MtRAM ja 68040/10 Mt RAM-versiot. |
23246 | WBGAME17.LHA | 76145 | 17.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | WBGames V1.7, WB-ruudulla moniajavia pikku-pelejä. |
23008 | WBRAI21A.LHA | 21,3 kt | 09.12.1997 | - | MBCD | - | WBrain 2.1a - Žlypeli Workbenchiin. |
69946 | WBRAIN.LHA | 59707 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | WBrain 1.0 - WB:ssä toimiva älypeli. |
23247 | WORDSEAR.LHA | 27931 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Wordsearch, sanojen etsimistä laatikosta. Englanninkielinen. |
70274 | XBLOX142.DMS | 237729 | 19.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | 'Coloris'-tyylinen palikkapeli jossa kuusi eri pelityylia + musakit. Shareware. |
23009 | YAHZEE23.LHA | 41886 | 26.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Yahzee V2.3 PUBSCREEN bug fixedFeatures:Two different type of games (Maxi andOriginal Yahzee)Two different scoring methods (American andTraditional)1 to 6 players.Font sensitive.Can open its window on any public screen.Ten high scores for each ty pe of game andscoring method.Supports locale.library |
70441 | ZAPT125E.LHA | 174744 | 28.10.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | ZapTris - Version 1.25 - Shareware (Amiga) -Exellent Tetris-clone! - Much of specialthings - Also normal Tetris-mode - Veryflexible (much of settings) - 80 levels -Link- and demogames - Own Top 10 for fastestplayers & much more - Author: Pasi Laakson en |
23010 | ZAPT126E.LHA | 179227 | 08.12.1996 | - | - | - | ZapTris - Version 1.26 - Shareware (Amiga) -Exellent tetris-clone! - Much of specialthings - Also normal Tetris-mode - Veryflexible (much of settings) - 80 levels -Link- and demogames - You can play your ownbackground-musics - Three Top 10-lists &mu ch more - Author: Pasi Laaksonen |
23250 | ZETRIS10.LHA | 17480 | 17.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | Zetris V1.0, tetrisklooni |
60020 | #1BS30-A.ZIP | 399851 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action [1/4] Also requires #1BS30-B,C,D.ZIP. In 1992 came Wolfenstein. NOW there's Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold! A battle against a madman who's hatched an army of doom, with mutants, biodroids, demons--all genetically designed for mass terror! Blake v3.0 has an even more impressive list of features than the original release. Rediscover it today! Requires 386+, DOS 5+. AdLib/SB supported. Nearly two years to make by JAM Productions. |
60021 | #1BS30-B.ZIP | 369977 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action [2/4] Also requires #1BS30-A,C,D.ZIP. |
60022 | #1BS30-C.ZIP | 367059 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action [3/4] Part 3 of 4. Also requires #1BS30-A,B,D.ZIP. |
60023 | #1BS30-D.ZIP | 369291 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Blake Stone v3.0 Apogee 3-D action [4/4] Part 4 of 4. Also requires #1BS30-A,B,C.ZIP. |
60039 | #1WOLF14.ZIP | 743132 | 31.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Wolfenstein 3-D v1.4 - ID/APOGEE! 256 color VGA graphics Fastest 3-D graphics of ANY PC game. Sound Blaster effects and Ad Lib music. Graphics so real they cause dizziness! Rated PC-13 due to intense, realistic visual effects. Needs 286 or better. Fixes some video problems, and adds joystick calibration. |
60118 | 1925TERR.ZIP | 2340656 | 18.03.1996 | - | - | - | Ninja Commandoes-pelin tekijän toinen samamntyyppinen 3D-peli. |
24576 | 1ROTT13.ZIP | 3741582 | 27.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | RISE OF THE TRIAD: THE HUNT BEGINS! v1.3 3D Shareware by Apogee "ROTT will have every DOOM freak in the world lining up just to drool over it!" ─- IE Mag. Requires 386DX+, 4Megs RAM & local bus video. ROTT is a REALISTIC, violent 3D action game. 10+ weapons, HUGE levels, modem/network play. Midi music & digital sounds for all cards. Digitized enemies, INTENSE ACTION, realistic playability. RSAC Rating 4 - Wanton Violence HIGHLY RATED by ALL top game magazines. |
24577 | 3DDN13-A.ZIP | 153808 | 30.04.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware - by 3D Realms Entertainment Part #1 of 5. Also needs 3DDN13-B,C,D,E.ZIP. "It makes every PC game we've seen, DOOM included, look dull. Honestly!" ─ PC Gamer. Duke blows away everything you know about 3D action games. Blow thru walls, jetpack over buildings, fight underwater--all in a truly interactive game like you have *never* seen. Supports SVGA modes, multiplay, most game contollers. Music by Bobby (DOOM) Prince. |
24578 | 3DDN13-B.ZIP | 1444941 | 30.04.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware - Part #2 of 5. Also needs 3DDN13-A,C,D,E.ZIP. |
24579 | 3DDN13-C.ZIP | 1444941 | 30.04.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware - Part #3 of 5. Also needs 3DDN13-A,B,D,E.ZIP. |
24580 | 3DDN13-D.ZIP | 1444539 | 30.04.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware - Part #4 of 5. Also needs 3DDN13-A,B,C,E.ZIP. |
24581 | 3DDN13-E.ZIP | 1426962 | 30.04.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware - Part #5 of 5. Also needs 3DDN13-A,B,C,D.ZIP. |
60187 | 3DDUKE13.ZIP | 5910932 | 14.05.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | DUKE NUKEM 3D v1.3d - Shareware - by 3D Realms Entertainment "It makes every PC game we've seen, DOOM included, look dull. Honestly!" ─ PC Gamer. Duke blows away everything you know about 3D action games. Blow thru walls, jetpack over buildings, fight underwater--all in a truly interactive game like you have *never* seen. Supports SVGA modes, multiplay, most game contollers. Music by Bobby (DOOM) Prince. Now, go kick-butt in futurustic Los Angeles! |
24582 | 3DSW12.A01 | 1,4 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Shadow Warrior 1.2 2/10 |
24583 | 3DSW12.A02 | 1,4 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Shadow Warrior 1.2 3/10 |
24584 | 3DSW12.A03 | 1,4 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Shadow Warrior 1.2 4/10 |
24585 | 3DSW12.A04 | 1,4 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Shadow Warrior 1.2 5/10 |
24586 | 3DSW12.A05 | 1,4 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Shadow Warrior 1.2 6/10 |
24587 | 3DSW12.A06 | 1,4 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Shadow Warrior 1.2 7/10 |
24588 | 3DSW12.A07 | 1,4 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Shadow Warrior 1.2 8/10 |
24589 | 3DSW12.A08 | 1,4 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Shadow Warrior 1.2 9/10 |
24590 | 3DSW12.A09 | 143,9 kt | 17.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Shadow Warrior 1.2 10/10 |
24591 | 3DSW12.ARJ | 1,4 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | SHADOW WARRIOR by 3D Realms (v1.2) From the creators of Duke Nukem 3D! Starring Ninja assissan Lo Wang, "it\'s a slam bang tribute to the chop-socky movies we all grew up with. The game is as hilarious as it is deliciously violent."--Adrenaline Vault "Cremates the competition!"--GameSlice Weekly. All we can say is it you liked Duke, try Shadow Warrior--it\'s bigger & better. Visit http://www.shadowwarrior.com for info/shots. |
24592 | 3DTV12.ZIP | 3954988 | 27.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | TERMINAL VELOCITY v1.2 from 3D Realms! Shareware by Terminal Reality, Inc. "A 3D shooter that's part Star Wars and part Descent!" ─Computer Gaming World. Take flight in this futuristic action game, with huge, realistic levels, modem/net support, insane weapons & multi channel digital music/sound. Requires: 486/8MB RAM (4MB at your own risk) "The 3D worlds are breathtaking, like nothing seen before in games."─Computer Player mag. |
24593 | BLOOD.A01 | 2,9 Mt | 08.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Blood. Shareware version. Part 2/6. |
24594 | BLOOD.A02 | 2,9 Mt | 08.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Blood. Shareware version. Part 3/6. |
24595 | BLOOD.A03 | 2,9 Mt | 08.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Blood. Shareware version. Part 4/6. |
24596 | BLOOD.A04 | 2,9 Mt | 08.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Blood. Shareware version. Part 5/6. |
24597 | BLOOD.A05 | 1,9 Mt | 08.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Blood. Shareware version. Part 6/6. |
24598 | BLOOD.ARJ | 2,9 Mt | 08.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Blood. New, revolutionary 3D-action game from Monolith productions. Fight against evil with such weapons as TNT, Tommy guns and flamers. Superb graphics and great atmosphere. Get it now! Part 1/6. |
24599 | C3D.ZIP | 433,2 kt | 14.06.2000 | - | Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 | - | "Chacal 3D Genre: Action (2 Player Game) Developer: Bendimer Doom clone where you play against a friend on the same computer using a split screen view. Have a fragfest on 9 levels of mulitplayer fun! Kick your little sisters butt or smack your best friend around a bit...its a blast! 9 levels. Split screen view. Player 1 = Keyboard Player 2 = Mouse. DOS. Free. " |
30421 | DCNT14-1.ZIP | 1434621 | 16.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | DESCENT Shareware v1.4 (1/2) DESCENT shareware version 1.4. Added: Support for Virtual I/O headset. Support for 3Dmax shutter glasses. Left/right eye toggle for VR modes (Shift+F7). Low/hi res toggle for VR mode (Shift+F6). Head tracking sensitivity adjustment (Shift+F8). Save game works during briefing screens. Error message if not enough file handles. Enhanced screen modes. Use command lines: -320x100 -320x240 -320x400 -640x400 -640x480. |
30422 | DCNT14-2.ZIP | 1442660 | 16.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | DESCENT Shareware v1.4 (2/2) DESCENT shareware version 1.4. Added: Support for Virtual I/O headset. Support for 3Dmax shutter glasses. Left/right eye toggle for VR modes (Shift+F7). Low/hi res toggle for VR mode (Shift+F6). Head tracking sensitivity adjustment (Shift+F8). Save game works during briefing screens. Error message if not enough file handles. Enhanced screen modes. Use command lines: -320x100 -320x240 -320x400 -640x400 -640x480. |
30423 | DCNTFNT.ZIP | 1700 | 20.10.1995 | - | 1978/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 5.iso | - | Descent DOS font! This is a little DOS font based on the font in the great 3-D game Descent. It is just a little COM file, and the change is temporary. It wears off when graphics modes are changed. Made with FONTEDIT v1.0. |
24600 | DM19SW.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 18.09.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | "DOOM v1.9 01/01 DOOM is a fast-moving virtual reality game in which you are plunged into a brutal 3-D world. To escape aliveyou must outfight legions of grisly fiends and solve DOOMs lethal puzzles. You play a marine equipped with a variety of weapons and technological artifactsbut in the end it comes down to whos tougher: you or them. Note: DOOM portrays graphic violence and may not be suitable for younger children. 386 or better" |
63037 | DM19SW.ZIP | 2418484 | 16.09.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | DOOM v1.9 [01/01] DOOM is a fast-moving virtual reality game in which you are plunged into a brutal 3-D world. To escape alive, you must outfight legions of grisly fiends and solve DOOM's lethal puzzles. You play a marine equipped with a variety of weapons and technological artifacts, but in the end it comes down to who's tougher: you or them. Note: DOOM portrays graphic violence and may not be suitable for younger children. 386 or better, |
24601 | DOM1.EXE | 5,3 Mt | 01.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Domination. 3D-shooter with bit more depth? Domination is what you are asking for. Along with cyborg-blasting, you a re able to use numerous computer terminals around levels, and even make your own small programs with integrated REX++ language. By Xtreme Games. Install through Win95. P75 16 MB DOS |
63254 | DUK13TEN.A01 | 3999400 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Duke Nukem 3D V1.3d. Sisältää TNN-yhteysohjelmat. Osa 2/3. |
63255 | DUK13TEN.A02 | 1274719 | 19.05.1996 | - | - | - | Duke Nukem 3D V1.3d. Sisältää TNN-yhteysohjelmat. Osa 3/3. |
63256 | DUK13TEN.ARJ | 3999400 |