/ Pelit /

Windows 95/98/NT/2000 -pelit /

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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
42651 3DASTERO.ZIP 1,1 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
3D Asteroid Blast v1.0. Blast 3d asteroids in weightless space. Blast large free-moving asteroids with energy torpedoes. Uses fantastic DirectX graphics to provide a realistic gameplay. Objects are rendered in 3 dimensions with realtime lighting effects. All textures and images are carefully processed images from the Hubble Space Telescope for added realism. Windows 95/98, DirectX 7, P200 
42652 3DMARSMI.ZIP 3,1 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
3D Mars Mission The year is 2009. Martian race is found living under the surface of the planet. Martians declare war on Earth. Total annihilation is imminent. Earth has only three spacecraft capable of competing with the advanced technology of the Martians. It is your mission to save the human race from extinction. There are four playable levels in the unregistered version of the game. By Gamescape Studios. Windows 95/98, Pentium 166, 16 MB. Shareware. 
42653 AVOYD171.ZIP 1,4 Mt 27.06.2003 - - -
Avoyd v1.71 Avoyd on moninpelattava FPS omaperäisessä maailmassa, jossa voit luoda ja tuhota ympärist÷ä. Voit esim. tuhota seiniä päästäksesi yllättämään vastustajasi. Lisäksi maailmassa ei ole painovoimaa, joten pelaaja voi kieppua miten tahtoo. P400, 32 Mt.  
42654 AVOYDD15.ZIP 1,4 Mt 02.11.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Avoyd demo 1.5 Avoyd on moninpelattava FPS omaperäisessä maailmassa, jossa voit luoda ja tuhota ympäristöäsi. Voit esim. tuhota seiniä päästäksesi yllättämään vastustajasi. Lisäksi maailmassa ei ole painovoimaa, joten pelaaja voi kieppua miten tahtoo. Tässä demoversiossa on uutta mm. HUD, parannetut kontrollit, enemmän ääniä, paranneltu 3D-äänimaailma, paranneltu tekoäly. P400, 32 MB. 
42655 AVOYDD16.ZIP 1,4 Mt 24.07.2002 - - -
Avoyd demo v1.6 Avoyd on moninpelattava FPS omaperäisessä maailmassa, jossa voit luoda ja tuhota ympäristöä. Voit esim. tuhota seiniä päästäksesi yllättämään vastustajasi. Lisäksi maailmassa ei ole painovoimaa, joten pelaaja voi kieppua miten tahtoo. P400, 32 Mt. 
42656 BIKEZ212.ZIP 4,6 Mt 02.11.2001 renamed archive.org -
Bikez II 1.21 The idea of the Bikez II is to complete increasingly more difficult missions while gathering money to upgrade your four fully customizable weapons. Money is gathered both from completing missions, and terminating citizens. The camera located behind the bike and the cool slow motion button make for a movie-like appearance. P300, 64 MB. 
42657 BKTRACK.ZIP 1,5 Mt 12.11.1998 - MBHH2000 -
BackTrack by JV Games 3D first person action. Old Doom style. Take a ride to the dark side of the moon. Action packed, and humorous shoot-em up. This first person game, sports several unique weapons, non-stop action, and a hint of puzzles to keep you on your toes. Windows 95
42658 BLUEEM.ZIP 447,3 kt 12.11.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Blue ThunderBlue Thunder is an air based shoot-em-up, travel the Solar System from Earth to Pluto, and work with the other Blue Thunder team members to reach your ultimate objective. Features advanced computer intelligence and team based gameplay. Can you pilot the Blue Thunder and stop the evil Micron Corporation? P300, 32 Megs RAM. Shareware.  
42659 CHAGA105.ZIP 785,2 kt 25.11.1999 - MBCD -
"Chaga v1.05 by Feral-Prototek 3D flying Shootemup. Fast-moving action game. Combining exciting shootem up action with realistic and challenging flight physics You are the test pilot of VTOL craftpart helicopterpart Harrier Jump-Jetand bristling with weapons to take on the Chaga. Retro-like remake of Virus by David Braben. Entry in Golden Oldie competition. Windows 95Pentium16 MB. REQUIRES 3Dfx Voodoo."
42662 D-FENSD.ZIP 10,2 Mt 17.11.2000 - - -
D-Fens demoD-Fens is a Duke Nukem -style game in the year 2078: after the WW III, goverment broke down, crime is higher than it ever was, and big firms are trying to get more and more power. Between the sides, there is one man, Jake D. Fense, a member of Hardcorps, a law-enforcing agency, who decided to end this. Jake D. Fense looks and loads, ready for anything... D-Fens is in Alpha development stages.  P266, Win 9x, 32 MB. 
42660 DEFCOM.ZIP 6 Mt 28.12.2000 repacked archive.org -
Defense CommanderDefense Commander is a game in the spirit of the classic Missile Command, this time in full 3D environment. You must protect your city from ferocious enemies. Use your radar to track the enemies, then shoot down every single one of the enemies with your rotating laser turret and smart bombs, or they will destroy you, and then proceed to devastate your beloved city. P350, Win 9x, 3D accelerator w/ 16 MB, DirectX 7.0. Freeware. 
42661 DEFDRRO1.ZIP 10,6 Mt 25.08.2003 repacked fileplanet.com -
Defeating Dr. Robotica 1.0Suoraviivainen 3d-räiskintä, jossa pelaaja kepittää vastustajiaan sadunomaisessa mutta sharewarepeliksi ihan mukiinmenevän näköisessä kolmiulotteisessa maailmassa. Pea-Guy osaa ammuskelun lisäksi hyppiä, ja ohjaus tapahtuu muista 3d-peleistä tutulla näppäimistö+hiiri –yhdistelmällä.
Demo, 22 USD. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.astralent.com/ASockEllipseNow/
42663 DM95V198.ZIP 4,3 Mt 25.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
"Doom 95 V1.98. 3D-shootem up game. By ID Software."
63040 DM95V198.ZIP 4459054 26.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
Doom 95 V1.98. 3D-shoot'em up game. By ID
63093 DOOM95.ZIP 3687543 20.03.1996 versio 1.9 Pelit CD 1999 -
Doom95 by id Software for Windows 95  Doom95
directory contains the Doom95 program  Redist
directory contains the Microsoft DirectX
drivers  This copy of Doom95 was acquired
from the Doom95 Homepage at
http://www.iit.edu/~pavlada/doom95, the first
site on the net to make it available!
Currently there is no network/modem/serial
software for Doom95. Hence you will only be
able to play 1 player games.  Doom2 for
Windows 95 should be available from GT
42664 EWSOL.ZIP 33,8 Mt 12.04.2003 renamed archive.org -
Eternal War: Shadows of Light Eternal War takes place in the suicidal mind of John Coronado - a desperate teen ready to take desperate measures to escape his personal hell. You are Mike, a friend sent to help John out of his pain and struggles before time runs out. Travelling down the road of malice and destruction, Mike is faced with hundreds of obstacles ahead of him to overcome through the only power that John thought abandoned him.
42665 GSECTOR.ZIP 16,7 Mt 10.11.1999 repacked archive.org -
G-Sector - freeware action game. By Freeform Interactive. 3d action game based around hoverboard combat - hybrid between an "extreme game" and third person shooter.Players control heroine Cyra as she hoverboards thru futuristic cities and arenas. Gameplay is based on using ramps and tricks to build velocity and avoid opponents\' shots. PII266, 32MB, Win95/98,DirectX,3D accelerator
42666 GUNNER2.ZIP 6,2 Mt 03.02.2003 repacked archive.org -
Gunner 2  Gunner 2 is the latest 3D shooter from Warlock Studio. It features three episodes: WWII with old fashioned aircraft and weapons; Episode II with modern craft and weapons; and Futuristic with UFOs and plasma weapons. The game features nine different types of weapons, 19 enemy aircraft and more. 
42667 HE2DEM11.A01 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 2/7
42668 HE2DEM11.A02 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 3/7
42669 HE2DEM11.A03 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 4/7
42670 HE2DEM11.A04 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 5/7
42671 HE2DEM11.A05 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 6/7
42672 HE2DEM11.A06 224,3 kt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II demo v1.11 7/7
42673 HE2DEM11.ARJ 2,4 Mt 24.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen II Demo v1.11 1/7 Activision and Raven Software Long awaited sequel to the 3D-shooter with fantasy theme. Uses advanced version of Quake engine. New demo includes all characters (rather than the original two), all known bug fixes, and the ability for network with registered users playing the shareware levels. P90 16 MB Win95 DirectX. Includes GLHexen for 3Dfx users, req. 24 MB.
42674 HFTRB.ZIP 14,6 Mt 14.06.2000 repacked archive.org -
Hunt for the Red Baron demo. Tekijä Fiendish Games. Vauhdikas lentely ja toimintapeli joka sijoittuu löyhästi ensimmäisen maailmansotaan. Ohjaat ympärysvaltojen lentokonetta täyttäen tehtäviä ilmataistelujen ja pommitusten merkeissä. Ei realistinen vaan vauhdikas räiskepeli. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, PII 233, 32 MB, DirectX, 3D-kiihdytin. 
42675 HOVERT3D.ZIP 35,9 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
Hover Tanks 3DNopeaa toimintaa ja tappavia aseita, eli kaikkea mitä toimintapelien ystävä haluaa. Taistele tiesi läpi uskomattomien maisemien, kun taistelet Grobar Knight joukkoja vastaan. Uskomattomat salamat ja muut efektit kuten sade ja sumu tuovat loistavaa tunnelmaa. Astu kaaoksen valtakuntaan ja anna aseiden puhua. Freeware.  
42676 HWEEN11.ZIP 15,9 Mt 15.06.2002 - - -
Halloween v1.1 Halloween sets itself in a medieval context where the player is trapped inside an insane castle and has to fight his way through to survive. Many ridiculous creatures including bats, giant spiders and mummies are there to ensure that the player will not make it through. Speed will be your most reliable ally as you struggle to complete the required objectives to advance to the next level. The demo includes two levels from the full game. 
42677 HWEEN13C.ZIP 45,7 Mt 11.01.2003 - - -
Halloween v1.3c Halloween is a fps shooter set in a medieval context. The player is trapped inside an insane castle and has to fight his way through to survive. Many ridiculous creatures including bats, giant spiders and mummies are there to ensure that the player will not make it through. The gameplay is based on time and speed will be your most reliable ally as you struggle to complete the required objectives to advance to the next level. The demo includes two levels from the full game. 
42678 HWEEN13P.ZIP 50,6 Mt 13.01.2003 - - -
Halloween v1.3p Halloween is a fps shooter set in a medieval context. The player is trapped inside an insane castle and has to fight his way through to survive. Many ridiculous creatures including bats, giant spiders and mummies are there to ensure that the player will not make it through. The gameplay is based on time and speed will be your most reliable ally as you struggle to complete the required objectives to advance to the next level. The demo includes two levels from the full game.  
42679 HWEEN15.ZIP 14,5 Mt 30.07.2003 - - -
Halloween v1.5 Halloween is a fps shooter set in a medieval context. The player is trapped inside an insane castle and has to fight his way through to survive. Many ridiculous creatures including bats, giant spiders and mummies are there to ensure that the player will not make it through. The gameplay is based on time and speed will be your most reliable ally as you struggle to complete the required objectives to advance to the next level. The demo includes two levels from the full game. Shareware, $25.
42680 HYPERIUM.ZIP 8,4 Mt 11.07.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Hyperium demo Buggy Softwaren tekemä Asteroids-klooni 3D-grafiikalla. 
42681 INF_DEMO.ZIP 10,8 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Infiltration demo Infiltration is a first-person shoot-em up in the spirit of 
Wolfenstein 3D. This demo is the first two levels of the game. 
42682 LAMEX10B.ZIP 16,7 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Codename Lame X 1.0bSuomalaistekoinen parodiamainen 3d-räiskintä, jossa pelaaja on joutunut avaruusolentojen kaappaamaksi. Pelaajan hahmo kuitenkin onnistuu saamaan käsiinsä plasmakiväärin, ja näin aukeaa pakomahdollisuus. 
42683 NFKDE11.ZIP 4,2 Mt 04.12.1999 - MBCD -
"Natural Fawn Killers v1.1 from Fiendish Software. Action hunting game with bloody touch. Breath in that cleancrisp woodland air and ask yourself is there anything better than a fun day out in the country? Just youan arsenal of serious firepower and all those cute furry animals. NFK takes noble sport ofcountry pursuitsto an all-newballisticmucknbullets level. Whip out your grenade launcher and really teach the little critters lesson. Windows 95/98Direct3DPentium"
42684 NFKSANTA.ZIP 4,5 Mt 16.12.1999 repacked myabandonware.com -
"NFK: Santas Gone Postal. By Fiendish Games. Action/first person hunting. Join Harry the hunter on a brand new Christmas adventure. Disguised as SantaHarry has a whole host of new enemies to deal with including ReindeerPolar Bears and Santas little helpersamong others... This year the sound of sleigh-bells will be replaced by the sound of heavy artillery! This yearSantas Gone Postal! Windows 95/98P16632Mb RAMDirect3D"
42685 NORMAN.ZIP 5,7 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
"Normans Escape Normans Escape is a 1st person perspective game with only one playable level. Swimjumpkick and throw grenades to escape vicious little spiders and fish. The story: Norman seems to have picked up the wrong hitchiker this time. Bonked on the head and tossed into a strange placeNorman must find his way out before the spiders and fish eat him alive. "
42686 PIRAV03.ZIP 3,1 Mt 30.06.1999 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
"Piranha by Reakktor Media. Action shootemup submarine simulator that features a dense and threatening underwater atmospherethrilling plot and a state-of-the-art 3D engine. The player is a young officer in the UN Navywho does his duty in the war against the pirates. He uses Piranha ASP submarine to protect convoys and coloniesfight against pirate subsgo on patrol etc. Windows 95P16616 MB. Supports 3Dfx Voodoo & Direct3D."
42687 PWHIP248.ZIP 13,1 Mt 01.05.2002 renamed myabandonware.com -
Pencil Whipped 2.48 Oudossa mustavalkoisessa piirrosmaailmassa tapahtuva 3D-räiskyttely.  ---- HUOM! Hollywood Mogulia hakeville tiedoksi: MB:n numerossa 6-7/2002 oli painovirheen vuoksi väärä tiedostonimi. Mogulin oikea tiedostonimi on HMOGUL25.ZIP ----
42688 Q2_TEST.A01 2,9 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2 Test-version. Part 2/4.
42689 Q2_TEST.A02 2,9 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2 Test-version. Part 3/4.
42690 Q2_TEST.A03 2,2 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2 Test-version. Part 4/4.
42691 Q2_TEST.ARJ 2,9 Mt 19.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake 2. Test-version, 1/4,of Quake 2, long-awaited sequel of Quake, one of the most popular 3D-action games ever! This test-version was not intended to represent the final state of Quake 2. It still lacks lots of features present in Quake 2, and should only be taken as a preview what is coming. Note: This is not an shareware- or even demo-version of Quake 2! Three levels, OpenGL, no multiplayer support. Req. P90, 16 Mt RAM. Windows 95. By ID Software. 
42692 SHOOTR40.ZIP 2,9 Mt 21.03.2002 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 -
Shooter v4.00   Enter a real-time 3D environment, where you  fight to the death with your enemies.  Play alone, against up to 32 bots, and compete  with friends for the most kills in the fastest time; or go online for some multiplayer action against up to 32 of your friends, head-to-head! Freeware. 
42693 SURDEMO2.ZIP 6,4 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Survival demo 2 by Enjoy Entertainment. 3D-Action, which will profit from the 3D(fx)-Cardfeatures. Many graphic features are in the game, but it runs very constand with high performance ! Features outside view high framerates, Lens Flare Effects, virtual Cockpit, Gigantic Explosions,  Many oppoents, Complex missions. Windows 95, P166, 16 MB. Req. Direct3D.
42694 THUNDEMO.ZIP 8,2 Mt 22.06.2000 - - -
Thundra by Spungulas Software. A first person shooter. Supports 2D & 3D acceleration. Windows 95/98, P200, 32 MB. 2D card & Direct3D. 
42695 WIND095A.ZIP 220,9 kt 17.03.1998 - - -
WinDoom V0.95 16 Feb, 1998
42696 WOLFET.ZIP 257,8 Mt 01.06.2003 repacked archive.org -
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Sisältää kuusi moninpelikenttää, viisi pelaajaluokkaa, useita pelitiloja ja kampanjajärjestelmän. Kyseessä on erillinen, ilmainen peli, joka ei vaadi alkuperäisestä Return to Castle Wolfensteinia toimiakseen.  P600, 128 Mt. 
42697 WQ100.ZIP 336 kt 04.04.1997 - 24025/1997-07_Disc_3.4.iso -
WinQuake v1.00 (21.3.1997). WinQuake (WQ) is a native Win32 version of Quake, and will run on either Win95 or Windows NT 4.0 or later. It is designed to take advantage of whatever enhanced video, sound, and input capabilities (such as DirectX or VESA VBE video modes) are present, but has fallback functionality so it can run on any Win95 or NT 4.0 or later system, even if neither DirectX nor VESA VBE is available.
42698 ZODIAX.ZIP 3,1 Mt 22.01.1999 - MBCD -
"ZODIAX Direct3D -demo- 3D space shootemup in classic Galaxians style but with modern makeup. Blast away as many of the alien starships as you can. There will be many different levels with any type of enemies you can think of. You will fly through spaceover planet surfaces... Windows 95Direct X 5.0 or better16bit-SVGA Requires Direct 3D accelerator DIGITAL Nightmares"
42305 AIRP2K.ZIP 14,8 Mt 26.04.2001 - - -
AIRPRO 2000 The Airline Manager Simulationby Frank Simon Sch÷nstedt. Taloussimulaatio. Perusta lentoyhti÷ toisen maailmansodan jõlkeen, kehitõ lentoreittejõ, osta kalustoa ja rakenna hyvõ bisnesimperiumi. Windows. http://www.cruiseferry.de/airpro/ 
42306 BILLI281.ZIP 3 Mt 10.11.1999 - MBCD -
Billionaire v2.81 by Mikael Mäkelä/Game ON Board game with some similarities to Monopoly. Two players (you and the PC player or a friend) compete to reach a preset fortune or drive the opponent into bankruptcy. You roll dice to move your token around the board, buying properties and building houses and apartments to create rents when someone else lands on that spot. Windows 95, 98, or NT
42307 DBTL102.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.04.2001 - MBHH2002 -
Down By The Laituri 1.02 Rockfestivaalin järjestämispeli. Tarkoituksena on järjestää mahdollisimman suuriyleisöinen ja tuottoisa DBTL-festivaali. Pelaaja sijoittaa esiintyjät haluamiinsa esiintymispaikkoihin haluamaansa aikaan. Hän päättää myös lipunhinnan kaikkiin tapahtumiin ja huolehtii esimerkiksi esiintymislavojen hankkimisesta ja festivaalin mainostamisesta. 
42308 DOPEWA12.ZIP 433,1 kt 01.03.2000 - - -
Dope Wars 1.2 Buy & sell drugs, buy low sell high. But watch out for police & gangs. 
Text & menu based simple business game. Windows 95.
42309 FUTURSGM.A01 2,9 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Futures Game 2/3
42310 FUTURSGM.A02 1,7 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Futures Game 3/3
42311 FUTURSGM.ARJ 2,9 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Futures Game beta test 1 by Cavlogix  1/3 Corporation. Strategy / Bisnes / Stock market. Commodities futures trading simulation game. Players executes different commodities transactions in six different types of commodity futures contracts. Combination of historical prices, with varying market scenarios, creates a volatile commoditities market to challenge the Player. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
42312 KOMA198.ZIP 1001,7 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Komodo Market v1.98 by Komodo Software stock market simulation game that lets you speculate without actually losing assets. The fast-moving game market and moving ticker continue as you trade stocks and options, buy stock on cash or margin, buy and sell both calls and puts and more. Windows 95/98/NT. Shareware. 
42313 KORSTOT1.ZIP 64,6 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
Korstot v1.1 PukkiSoftin uusin tuotos!! Parempi versio wanhasta mm. Päivän Pelistä Korstoista! 
42314 KUKKOT99.ZIP 58,1 kt 30.04.2001 renamed jonneweb.net -
Kukkotappelu 99 Pelissä on kaksitoista kukkoa, joista sinun pitää veikata voittaja. Pelissä keräilet pisteitä, joita saat kun veikkaat oikeata kukkoa voittajaksi. Pelissä on vain Suomen liiga ja joka kaudella on yksi ennakkosuosikki, jolla on pieni etu voittaa ottelu. Jokaisen kauden jälkeen saat arvosanan pelaamallesi kaudelle. Jos saat tarpeeksi pisteitä kauden loppuun mennessä pääset salaiseen... Lisätietoja: http://www.sunpoint.net/~reko86/scorpion.htm 
42315 LANSI.ZIP 55,7 kt 30.04.2001 - jonneweb.net -
LänkkäritPukkisoft on taas tehnyt uuden mainion pelin! Osta karjaa ja kouluta inkkareita ja kojootteja! 
42316 MONEYG10.ZIP 1,2 Mt 14.02.2001 - - -
"**       MONEY Grubbing Version 1.0       ** Classic board-game for windows where players target is to beat others by making more money than they do. Nice implementation with clear high color graphics16-bit musics and sounds. Easy to begin including full help-files and instructions. For 2-4 players. Requires Win95/ 98/NT/0016MB. Freeware. Made by MK Games."
42317 NEWSPAPM.ZIP 112 kt 21.05.1999 - 15609/PCM_0007.iso -
Newspaper Manager v1.1 by Daniel Birch Strategy / business / management. The easy days of getting a job are gone. Every British newspaper is now owned by one of the most powerful media barons ever, known only as the Boss. Before you can get a job you must take part in his management game pitting your wits against managers from 9 other newspapers.Stay within your budget, and produce massive profits for his bank account. DirectX version 5 or higher and Windows 95 or Windows 98
42318 OILT506.ZIP 16,7 Mt 18.03.2000 - - -
 Oil Tycoon v5.06 by Rocky Mountain Systems Inc. Test your talents as an oil baron. Become a billionaire within ten years. Your rich Texas uncle passed away, leaving his start-up oil business in your hands. You have 1 oil well, 1 refinery, 1 storage unit, 1,000,000 gallons of crude, and $1,000,000.00. With your business skills you attempt to turn this small company into a booming business. Windows 95, 98, or NT
67443 PROJBR.ZIP 503746 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
Project Brasil 2000 (C) by Alex Pato Hoffmann
The Ultimate Brazilian City Simulator now
Faster and Better than Ever! You got to try
to be re-elected the more times you can,
trying to obtain 50% or more of popularity.
Windows 2.x
42319 PURILAIS.ZIP 872 kt 11.11.1999 renamed jonneweb.net -
Purilais Bisnes 1.0   hampurilaispeli, jossa saat suunnitella omat hampurilaisesi ja katsoa kuinka paljon se myy. Perus Bisnespeli. Vaatii Windows, Pentium, 16MB, ja SVGA.
42320 PZZPLC.ZIP 1,8 Mt 09.06.2000 - Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 -
Pizza Place 1.0You have been asked to be in charge of deliveries for the neighborhood pizza 
parlor for one night. You take phone orders, tell the crew how many pizzas to 
bake, and tell the delivery car where to go.  The program teaches mental math, 
logical thinking skills and good business practices. The better management job 
you do - the more money you make. Windows 3.1/95/98/2000/NT, 
Visual Basic 4.0 Run-Time Files. 
42321 SIMWED12.ZIP 158,1 kt 17.10.2000 - - -
Simutrans Winter Edition v1.2 Tarkoitettu Simutrans 0.75a-versiolle. Paketti põivittõõ pelin grafiikat talvisiksi ja lisõõ uuden junan. Korvaa vanhat Simutrans-tiedostot nõillõ.
42322 SKING50.ZIP 3,5 Mt 06.08.1999 - MBCD -
"SPACE KING Version 5.0 The Futuristic Stock Market Sim SPACE KING is an Economic (Intergalactic) Strategy game complete with musicsoundsanimationand full colour art/graphics!! Needs: WIN9x/NT; SVGA+; a mouse; a soundcrd Another product of ETERNITY ZONE GAMING!! Dont delaydownload this today! "
42323 SMAN20.ZIP 241,9 kt 24.12.1998 - MBCD -
Share Manager 98 v2.0 by Over Hall Highly realistic stockmarket simulation game, in which you buy and sell shares. The aim of the game is to make as much money as possible! Windows 95, 98, or NT
60639 ALUNSD.A01 2467873 19.02.1996 - - -
Al Unser Arcade Racing pel. demo 2/2
60640 ALUNSD.ARJ 2999021 20.02.1996 - - -
Al Unser Arcade Racing -pelattava demo
, vauhdikas, vähemmän realistinen
rallipeli. Windows 95. 1/2
43146 BALLISTD.ZIP 107,2 Mt 08.11.2001 repacked gamepressure.com -
Ballistics demo Tajuttoman nopeaa ja kaunista kilpa-ajoa tarjoavan Ballistics-pelin demossa pääset tutustumaan SkyTown-kentän aika-ajoihin. P400, 128 Mt. 
62547 CYBRDSPD.A01 4999287 18.02.1996 - - -
Cyberspeed demo 2/5
62548 CYBRDSPD.A02 4999269 18.02.1996 - - -
Cyberspeed demo 3/5
62549 CYBRDSPD.A03 4999135 18.02.1996 - - -
Cyberspeed demo 4/5
62550 CYBRDSPD.A04 2699583 18.02.1996 - - -
Cyberspeed demo 5/5
62551 CYBRDSPD.ARJ 4999358 18.02.1996 - - -
Cyberspeed - pelattava demo. Vauhdikas
kilpalentely a La Slipstream 5K, kapealla
radalla vahvasti aseistettuna kisaamista.
Valm. MindScape. Windows 95.
62664 DAYTONA.ZIP 5033117 03.12.1996 repacked Pelit CD 1997 -
Daytona USA Playable Demo From Sega. "Daytona
USA Home Page The hit arcade racer now on
your PC screen.." For Windows 95 with
43147 DDF8D.ZIP 27,3 Mt 08.11.2001 repacked fileplanet.com -
Demolition Derby & Figure 8 Race demo Pistä peltiä ryttyyn Demolition Derby -pelin pelattavassa demossa. Mukana on perinteisen romutuksen lisäksi myös mielenkiintoinen Figure 8 -pelitila. 
43148 DWRCDEMO.ZIP 11,3 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Ducati World Racing Challenge demo Featuring the entire range of Ducati bikes - past and present - Ducati Racing includes arcade yet realistic physics, and the utmost attention to the rich Ducati lifestyle. PII 266, 32MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
43149 ERACERD.ZIP 69,5 Mt 31.05.2001 - - -
eRacer demo eRacer is a high octane racing game that can be played as a single or multi-player, Internet-based title. Played offline, the user can enter races and refine their skills racing a range of highly tuned vehicles on challenging race tracks. Then go online and join other players to enter competitions, join teams, download new tracks or cars and view championship standings, best lap times and other statistics. 
43150 F1RCDEMO.ZIP 119,1 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
F1 Racing Championship demoTake part in the most prestigious championship the world! Officially licensed by Formula One Administration Ltd., F1 Racing Championship is the most challenging and exciting simulation on the PC. 
43151 GMDEMO.ZIP 68,4 Mt 19.05.2001 - - -
GorkaMorka demo Grab some Ork mob buddies, scrape together some money  and buy yourself a piece of junk you can afford. Win  a few races and you may find yourself racing your new  sleek and sexy warbuggy against the most  black hearted, trigger happy savage Orks in Mektown.  Survive long enough and you might get the ultimate  invitation to compete in "the Pit" against the  Warboss of Mektown. Lay it all on the line and see if  you can beat the best to be crowned the new Warboss of  Mektown.
42326 GMRDEMO.ZIP 68,4 Mt 26.01.2001 - - -
GorkaMorka Racing Grab some Ork mob buddies, scrape together  some money and buy yourself a piece of junk you can afford. Win a few races and you may find yourself racing your new sleek and sexy warbuggy against the most black hearted, trigger happy savage Orks in Mektown. Survive long enough and you might get the ultimate invitation to compete in "the Pit" against the Warboss of Mektown. Lay it all on the line and see if you can beat the best to be crowned the new Warboss of Mektown. 
43152 HRACEUD.ZIP 123,1 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
HoveRace demo (päivitetty) Jos Wipeout ja/tai Extreme-G -pelit kuuluvat suosikkeihisi, niin kannattaa tutustua GSC:n kehittämään HoveRace-peliin. Futuristissa ympäristöissä kisataan jälleen, eikä vauhdista tosiaankaan ole puutetta. Kaikilla ajoneuvoilla on omat vahvuutensa, ja kaikkia voi varustaa aseilla, panssareilla ja muilla laitteilla. P500, 128 Mt. 
43153 LEDFOOTD.ZIP 8,6 Mt 10.06.2001 - - -
Leadfoot demo Lava-autoilla hurjastelua Ratbag Gamesin kehittämässä Leadfoot -pelin demossa.  
43154 LEGOSRD.ZIP 66,4 Mt 22.03.2001 - - -
"Lego Stunt Rally demo Speed round the four different worldsincreasing the level of difficulty as you hone your skills experimenting with daredevil loopsdangerous ramps and fan-assisted jumps. Take on theboss racerof each worldskidding round pyramidssliding past igloos and avoiding volcanoes under the guidance of Mr Xself-proclaimedGreatest Stunt Track Designer EVER.This demo is in Japanese. P23332MBWin953D accelerator. "
43155 MRACE3D.ZIP 53,9 Mt 07.12.2001 - - -
Mega Race 3 demo Futuristista kilpa-ajoa ja räiskintää Extreme G3:n ja Wipeoutin tyyliin. P300, 32 Mt. 
43156 MRALLYUD.ZIP 71,1 Mt 07.12.2001 - - -
Master Rallye demo (päivitetty)  Microidsin rallipelin päivitetyssä demossa voi kisailla Ranskaan sijoittuvalla etapilla kolmessa pelitilassa, kahdella erilaisella autolla. P450, 64 Mt. 
32931 MTMTRIAL.A01 3999400 26.08.1996 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness. Pelattava demo. Osa
32932 MTMTRIAL.A02 3999400 26.08.1996 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness. Pelattava demo. Osa
32933 MTMTRIAL.A03 176050 26.08.1996 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness. Pelattava demo. Osa
32934 MTMTRIAL.ARJ 3999476 26.08.1996 - MBCD -
Monster Truck Madness. Microsoftin uuden
Windows 95-autoilupelin pelattava demo. Osa
43157 NSCR02D.ZIP 56 Mt 12.01.2002 - - -
NASCAR Racing 2002 Season demo Papyrus tunnetaan parhaiten realistisista Nascar-peleistä, eikä firman viimeisintä peliä, Nascar Racing 2002 Seasonia, esittelevä demo poikkea kovinkaan paljoa tutusta ja turvallisesta meiningistä. P266, 64 Mt. 
43158 OFFROADD.ZIP 104,3 Mt 26.05.2001 - - -
Offroad  updated demoOffroad places you firmly in the driving  seat in the cutthroat world of Offroad  racing. Breathtaking graphics and  sophisticated car handling coupled with a real  physics engine guarantee an unrivaled racing  experience. Are your driving skills good  enough to progress through each league towards  the ultimate goal of winning the Drivers World  Championship? 
43159 OPENKART.ZIP 38,4 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Open Kart demo Aja kilpaa mikroautoilla. Olet kansainvälisen tason mikroautokilpailija, ja tavoitteesi on ajaa kolmen erilaisen mestaruussarjan läpi. Tekijä: Microids. P350, 32 MB. Rajapinnat: Direct3D. 
43160 ORRRDEMO.ZIP 103,4 Mt 19.05.2001 - - -
"Off-Road Redneck Racing demo Yeehaw! Stop yer grinninand drop yer linencause the slam-banginestmud-flappinest off-road driving simulation ever created is cominto your PC! Motor trucks nBuggies over the most brutal Southern terrain ever seen in a racing game. Whether youre just a good olboy out for a Sunday driveor want to compete head to head against those other Bubbas in Championship modeyouve never seen anything that compares to Off-Road Redneck Racing! P26648MBWin9x. "
43161 PR2001D.ZIP 30,6 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Pro Rally 2001 demoEi kuvausta.
43162 RALLYXTD.ZIP 44,9 Mt 28.09.2001 - - -
Rally Championship Extreme demo Rally Championship Extreme on jo kuudes osa Rally Championship -pelisarjassa. Realistisesti vahingoittuvat autot ja näyttävät grafiikat. P233, 32 Mt. 
43163 RCSDEMO.ZIP 6,7 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
"The Real Car Simulator R Nissan EditionDemo features one car (99 Silvia) and one track. The installer is in Japanese (shows up as underlines on non-Japanese systems) but most of the game is in English. P40064MBWin9x3D accelerator. "
43164 RTROPHYD.ZIP 69,6 Mt 31.10.2001 renamed archive.org -
Rally Trophy demo  Kotimaisen Bugbear-pelitalon kehittämän autopelin demo. Mukana ovat muun muassa Mini Cooper 1275S sekä Venäjän maastoon sijoittuva pelirata. P300, 64 Mt. 
43165 SAFARIBD.ZIP 85,4 Mt 31.05.2001 - - -
Safari-Biathlon demo Safari-Biathlon is a wild race between powerful turbocars of the future that not only race each other but shoot each other as well. The event takes place on the racetracks of three different planets. You are representing the planet Earth, while among your opponents are the best professionals from all over the Universe. Your chances to win are very slim. PII 266, 64MB, Win 9x, 3D accelerator. 
42331 SDXTRDMO.ZIP 12,8 Mt 21.02.2001 - - -
Ski-Doo X-Team Racing  Get ready for the intense, high-flying racing experience of this extreme sport with spectacular indoor tracks and the changing terrain of outdoor racing where racing conditions can vary as you drive wherever you like. Send your machine flying through the air and do cool stunts for extra points. Challenge up to 7 other players at once in multiplayer Internet mode. PII 400, 64MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
33383 SEGARAL.A01 1456439 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95 [2/6]
33384 SEGARAL.A02 1456380 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95 [3/6]
33385 SEGARAL.A03 1456360 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95 [4/6]
33386 SEGARAL.A04 1456425 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95 [5/6]
33387 SEGARAL.A05 389982 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95 [6/6]
33388 SEGARAL.ARJ 1456395 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally *DEMO* for win95. 1/6
Car racing from Sega.
68634 SRALNODX.ZIP 7644711 14.01.1997 - - -
Sega Rally Championships-ralliautoilupelin
pelattava demo. Sisältää Forest-radan
42332 STUNTGPD.ZIP 15,4 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
"Stunt GP demoStunt GP is an exhilarating single or multi- player racing game set in the world of high speedradio-controlled stunt cars. Accelerateskidjumpand burn your way around loopsrampscorkscrewsspiralsand other obstacles while battling with opponents for victory. By collectingAeromilerewards for daring stuntsplayers can increase their cash-flow and upgrade their car on the way to radio-controlled car heaven. P23364MBWin953D accelerator. "
33864 WICR2DEM.A01 2499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing II for Win95 demo 273
33865 WICR2DEM.A02 1759539 21.12.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing II for Win95 demo 3/3
33866 WICR2DEM.ARJ 2499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Indycar Racing II for Win95 playable demo
from Papyrus / Sierra 1/3
32368 FHDEMO.A01 2361511 07.12.1996 - - -
Fallen Haven demo V1.0 2/2
32369 FHDEMO.ARJ 2499494 07.12.1996 - - -
Fallen Haven playable demo V1.0
Win95 * Interactive Magic 1/2
32438 FT295.A01 2999497 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball demo 2/4
32439 FT295.A02 2999200 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball demo 3/4
32440 FT295.A03 1362867 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball demo 4/4
32441 FT295.ARJ 2999200 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball playable demo.
Contains one table (Mad Scientist) from the
full game. You are limited to one ball each
game. Maxis.
Win95 - DirectX3 included. 1/4
32442 FT295NDX.ZIP 4024616 07.12.1996 - - -
Full Tilt! 2 Pinball playable demo. contains
one table (Mad Scientist) from the full game.
You are limited to one ball each game. Maxis.
Win95 - DirectX3 not included.
32538 HAVOC-1.ZIP 3999986 21.02.1996 - - -
Havoc-pelin pelattava demo. Win95. Osa 1/2.
32539 HAVOC-2.ZIP 3047361 21.02.1996 - - -
Havoc-pelin pelattava demo. Win95. Osa 2/2.
64930 HUYDML.A01 2999367 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/7.
64931 HUYDML.A02 2999378 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/7.
64932 HUYDML.A03 2999379 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/7.
64933 HUYDML.A04 2999354 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/7.
64934 HUYDML.A05 2999305 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/7.
64935 HUYDML.ARJ 2999417 14.01.1997 - - -
Huygen's Disclosure. Pelattava demo. Osa 1/7.
32643 IMO_S00.ZIP 2032431 11.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Interactive multi action game. playable demo
- IMO - for Windows 95 Share Ware Version
Presented by Golden Weeds Project Japan.
32715 KMDEMO-1.ZIP 2999962 29.01.1996 - - -
Knight Moves-Puzzlepelin pelattava demo. Osa
1/3. Win 95.
32716 KMDEMO-2.ZIP 2999954 29.01.1996 - - -
Knight Moves-Puzzlepelin pelattava demo. Osa
2/3. Win 95.
32717 KMDEMO-3.ZIP 2092168 29.01.1996 - - -
Knight Moves-Puzzlepelin pelattava demo. osa
3/3. Win 95.
32761 LEMPAW95.ZIP 3330197 31.07.1996 - - -
Lemmings Paintball playable demo for Win95
from Psygnosis
32794 LLW95.ZIP 2631840 19.08.1996 - 22082/SSERVCD_44B.bin -
Loony Labyrinth for Windows95.
Windows-flipperin pelattava demo.
32793 LLW95DEM.ZIP 2631954 15.12.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
LOONEY LABYRINTH flipper playable demo Insert
coins, shoot, and attempt to keep three balls
going at once in this pinball game with a
greek mythological theme. The game has
realistic ball movement, three ramps and
three flippers. Players can even "nudge" the
table to try to direct the ball while trying
not to tilt the table. Req. 386/33 *
Win3.1/95/NT * 8 Mt * SVGA
42333 LTBPV152.ZIP 159,4 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Lineage: The Bloodpledge v1.52Lineage: The Bloodpledge is an online role  playing game which can support thousands of  players in the same game world. The vast  world of Lineage offers many different  places to explore with other players  playing by your side. There are many character types to choose from, hundreds of items and monsters to keep you busy and wondering. 
32836 MARBNODX.ZIP 2918633 07.12.1996 - 6198/BILA_VRANA.iso -
Lose Your Marbles Playable Demo From SegaSoft
"Lose Your Marbles is an addictive puzzle
game in the same vein as Tetris, Columns, or
Baku Baku. If you like those kinds of game,
check this one out!" Windows 95 w/ DirectX.
32886 MINDGRND.A01 3999380 14.01.1997 - - -
Mind Grind. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/5. Windows
32887 MINDGRND.A02 3999221 14.01.1997 - - -
Mind Grind. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/5. Windows
32888 MINDGRND.A03 3999315 14.01.1997 - - -
Mind Grind. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/5. Windows
32889 MINDGRND.A04 3445467 14.01.1997 - - -
Mind Grind. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/5. Windows
32890 MINDGRND.ARJ 3999399 14.01.1997 - - -
Mind Grind-puzzlepelin pelattava demo. osa
1/5. Windows 95. Microforum.
33046 NTBMDEMO.A01 1730352 14.01.1997 - - -
Newbeat Transmission demo 2/2
33047 NTBMDEMO.ARJ 2999474 14.01.1997 - - -
Newbeat Transmission demo
Become the dj you were meant to be, the
ultimate do-it-yourself sound revolution.
From Microforum, Windows 95 w/ DirectX2 1/2
33231 RAYMAN95.ARJ 2882048 30.07.1996 - - -
Rayman * Windows 95 one level playable demo
of beautiful platform game. Ubi-soft.
33391 SETUPE1.ZIP 3843073 14.11.1996 - - -
Ashes to Ashes Playable Demo Deep River
Multimedia Studio | Corel Win95 w/ DirectX
33479 SONIC_CD.A01 1456200 05.12.1996 - - -
Sonic CD demo 2/4
33480 SONIC_CD.A02 1456516 05.12.1996 - - -
Sonic Cd demo 3/4
33481 SONIC_CD.A03 759940 05.12.1996 - - -
Sonic CD demo 4/4
33482 SONIC_CD.ARJ 1456635 05.12.1996 - - -
Sonic CD playable demo.
From Sega. The famour blue hedgehod now on
your PC to PLATFORM THEM ALL! Contains levels
from the Sega CD version of Sonic cd. For
Win95 w/ DirectX. 1/4
33523 SQDEMO.ZIP 2375267 14.11.1996 - - -
Squeezils Playable Demo From Inscape. A
Jumping Flash (PlayStation) type of game..
Needs P90 16 Mb, Win95 w/ DirectX
33620 TB2WIN95.A01 1999200 11.11.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 pl. demo 2/4
33621 TB2WIN95.A02 1999200 11.11.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 pl. demo 3/4
33622 TB2WIN95.A03 1827934 11.11.1996 - - -
Trophy Bass 2 pl. demo 4/4
68891 TB2WIN95.ARJ 1999200 11.11.1996 - - tupla
Trophy Bass 2 playable demo
The Sequel to the successful Trophy Bass
fishing game, part 2 now supports
modem/network/Internet play in Win95 full
version. Win95 * req. DirectX.
Sierra On-Line. 1/4
33914 YDKJ9501.ZIP 4371513 08.04.1996 - - -
You Don't Know Jack-Tietovisailupelin
pelattava demo. Windows 95-versio. Osa 1/2.
33915 YDKJ9502.ZIP 3114710 08.04.1996 - - -
You Don't Know Jack-Tietovosailupelin
pelattava demo. Windows 95-versio. Osa 2/2.
33944 ZPC_DEMO.A01 2999200 14.11.1996 - - -
ZPC demo 2/3
33945 ZPC_DEMO.A02 2310934 14.11.1996 - - -
ZPC demo 3/3
33946 ZPC_DEMO.ARJ 2999200 14.11.1996 - - -
ZPC playable demo
Zombie/GT Interactive
ZPC places the player as Arman, a fourth
generation Psionic War Messiah recently
released from cryogenic imprisonment. With no
memory of his illustrious heritage, Arman has
few clues to his true mission: save his
people, vanquish the evil occult group known
as the Black Brthren and utterly destroy the
Dark Being the worship. Only then can he
reclaim his Psionic crown and unite his
followers. Win95 w/ DirectX 1/3
60396 ACEVENTU.A01 2999383 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 2/9.
60397 ACEVENTU.A02 2999339 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 3/9.
60398 ACEVENTU.A03 2999366 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 4/9.
60399 ACEVENTU.A04 2999347 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 5/9.
60400 ACEVENTU.A05 2999259 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 6/9.
60401 ACEVENTU.A06 2999399 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 7/9.
60402 ACEVENTU.A07 2999421 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 8/9.
60403 ACEVENTU.A08 1456182 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Pelattava demo.
Osa 9/9.
60404 ACEVENTU.ARJ 2999410 03.12.1996 - - -
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. The Adventure
game-seikkailupelin pelattava demo. Windows
95. Osa 1/9.
43166 AHDOD.ZIP 45,3 Mt 28.08.2002 - - -
"Aaron Halls Dungeon Odyssey demo Aaron Halls Dungeon Odyssey demo Dungeon Odyssey is an RPG where the fun is not over once you complete the game. Dungeon Odyssey creates a random world for you each time you playso no two games are ever the same. The game is completely customizable (moddable) so that players can create their own modules for others to play.  "
43167 AITD4D.ZIP 191,6 Mt 28.06.2001 - - -
Alone in the Dark 4 demo (large) From the moment Edward Carnby and Aline Cedrac set foot on Shadow Island, they confronted by mysterious, evil creatures intent on thwarting their progress to recover 3 ancient tablets believed to hold the secret key to some incredible menacing phenomena. Fears threaten from every corner. The slightest shadow could be hiding deep secrets, or concealing worse nightmares... PII 266, 32MB, Win9x. 
43168 AITD4SD.ZIP 82,7 Mt 28.06.2001 - - -
Alone in the Dark 4 demo (small) From the moment Edward Carnby and Aline Cedrac set foot on Shadow Island, they confronted by mysterious, evil creatures intent on thwarting their progress to recover 3 ancient tablets believed to hold the secret key to some incredible menacing phenomena. Fears threaten from every corner. The slightest shadow could be hiding deep secrets, or concealing worse nightmares... This smaller demo does not include OpenGL- or DirectX -drivers. PII 266, 32MB, Win9x. 
60548 AJBINTER.A01 2499400 12.12.1996 - - -
Amber: Journeys Beyond demo 2/5
60549 AJBINTER.A02 2499400 12.12.1996 - - -
Amber: Journeys Beyond demo 3/5
60550 AJBINTER.A03 2499400 12.12.1996 - - -
Amber: Journeys Beyond demo 4/5
60551 AJBINTER.A04 2394886 12.12.1996 - - -
Amber: Journeys Beyond demo 5/5
60552 AJBINTER.ARJ 2499400 12.12.1996 - - -
AMBER: Journeys Beyond playable demo
Developer/Publisher: Hue Forest
Entertainment / Graphic Simulations
This demo lets you explore the office of
Doctor Roxanne Westbridge, founder and CEO
of Bio-PSI technologies.
Adventure, req. Win95. 1/5
43169 AKTOCD.ZIP 32,7 Mt 01.03.2002 - - -
"Arthurs Knights: Tales of Chivalry demo Travel to an age of kings and queensmonstersmagic and men. Visit the kingdom of Camelot and the legendary place called Avalonplus many more. "
43170 ANOXDEMO.ZIP 92,3 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Anachronox demo Join Sylvester "Sly" Boots, Stiletto and five other characters as they trek across the galaxy and the  three dimensions, looking for the secrets of a  long-dead alien race, and the mysterious forces  bent on crushing our universe out of existence!  Search through an amazing number of levels and  fight tons of unique monsters in your quest to  find the truth... P266, 64 MB, DirectX 8, Win 9x/ME.  
43171 ARXFATAD.ZIP 149,9 Mt 08.03.2002 - - -
Arx Fatalis demo Arkane Studiosin pitkään odotetusta Arx Fataliksesta viimein ilmestynyt demo. Kyseessä on roolipeliä ja toimintaa fantasiaympäristössä yhdistävä peli. P300, 64 Mt. 
42337 ARXFD113.ZIP 153,1 Mt 13.10.2002 - - -
Arx Fatalis demo v1.13 Arkane Studiosin pitkään odotetusta Arx Fataliksesta viimein ilmestynyt demo. Kyseessä on roolipeliä ja toimintaa fantasiaympäristössä yhdistävä peli. Demo sisältää noin tunnin verran pelattavaa. P300, 64 Mt. 
43172 AURYNQD.ZIP 99,1 Mt 24.07.2002 - - -
Auryn Quest demo Since the magic Auryn has disappeared, Fantasia  threatens to be consumed by The Nothing - a force so  powerful, it levels and destroys all in its path.  Assume the role of Atreyu, a hero on a quest to save  Fantasia from destruction. Start your quest at the  Temple of a Thousand Doors, and enter into six  beautiful and detailed surrealistic worlds with  various puzzles and thrilling arcade sequences. P450, 128 Mt. 
43173 BADMILKD.ZIP 27,2 Mt 31.03.2002 - - -
Bad Milk demo Bad Milk on erikoinen interaktiivinen peli, jossa pelaaja joutuu surrealistiseen ja harhojen täyttämään maailmaan juotuaan pilaantunutta maitoa. 
61296 BEAVISDE.A01 4099359 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 2/7
61297 BEAVISDE.A02 4099276 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 3/7
61298 BEAVISDE.A03 4099405 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 4/7
61299 BEAVISDE.A04 4099392 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 5/7
61300 BEAVISDE.A05 4099407 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 6/7
61301 BEAVISDE.A06 3777633 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead demo 7/7
61302 BEAVISDE.ARJ 4099376 25.04.1996 - - -
Beavis & Butthead In Virtual Stupidity,
seikkailupelin pelattava demo. Sis. Intro,
varsinaista adventureosuutta ja yksi
alipeli. Viacom Newmedia. Windowsille.
61303 BEAVISLG.ZIP 1254280 09.02.1996 - 18278/wcd-0497.iso -
Beavis & Butthead, Virtual Stupidity-pelin
pelattava demo. Windows 95.
42340 BLACKMD.ZIP 29,2 Mt 13.01.2003 - - -
The Black Mirror demo\t Kauhuseikkailupeli The Black Mirrorin demo, jossa Samuel Gordonin roolin ottava pelaaja tutkii Black Mirror -kartanon kauhistuttavia salaisuuksia. P200, 64 Mt. 
42341 BMCOB.R00 248 Mt 03.12.2002 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles - Winds of War pt. 2Peliä kehittänyt yhtiö ajautui rahavaikeuksiin
ja lopetti pelin kehittämisen. Samalla yhtiö
päätti kuitenkin jättää sarjakuvamaisella
grafiikalla varustetun massivisen
verkkoroolipelin pyörimään nettiin ja tarjota
jokaiselle mahdollisuuden tutustua peliin.
P333, 64 Mt.
42342 BMCOB.R01 248 Mt 03.12.2002 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles - Winds of War pt. 3Peliä kehittänyt yhtiö ajautui rahavaikeuksiin
ja lopetti pelin kehittämisen. Samalla yhtiö
päätti kuitenkin jättää sarjakuvamaisella
grafiikalla varustetun massivisen
verkkoroolipelin pyörimään nettiin ja tarjota
jokaiselle mahdollisuuden tutustua peliin.
P333, 64 Mt.
42343 BMCOB.R02 178,9 Mt 03.12.2002 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles - Winds of War pt. 4Peliä kehittänyt yhtiö ajautui rahavaikeuksiin
ja lopetti pelin kehittämisen. Samalla yhtiö
päätti kuitenkin jättää sarjakuvamaisella
grafiikalla varustetun massivisen
verkkoroolipelin pyörimään nettiin ja tarjota
jokaiselle mahdollisuuden tutustua peliin.
P333, 64 Mt.
42344 BMCOB.RAR 248 Mt 03.12.2002 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles - Winds of War pt. 1Peliä kehittänyt yhtiö ajautui rahavaikeuksiin
ja lopetti pelin kehittämisen. Samalla yhtiö
päätti kuitenkin jättää sarjakuvamaisella
grafiikalla varustetun massivisen
verkkoroolipelin pyörimään nettiin ja tarjota
jokaiselle mahdollisuuden tutustua peliin.
P333, 64 Mt.
62879 DIABLOSW.A01 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 2/18.
62880 DIABLOSW.A02 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 3/18.
62881 DIABLOSW.A03 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 4/18.
62882 DIABLOSW.A04 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware, Windows 95. Osa 5/18.
62883 DIABLOSW.A05 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 6/18.
62884 DIABLOSW.A06 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 7/18.
62885 DIABLOSW.A07 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 8/18.
62886 DIABLOSW.A08 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 9/18.
62887 DIABLOSW.A09 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 10/18.
62888 DIABLOSW.A10 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 11/18.
62889 DIABLOSW.A11 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 12/18.
62890 DIABLOSW.A12 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 13/18.
62891 DIABLOSW.A13 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 14/18.
62892 DIABLOSW.A14 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 15/18.
62893 DIABLOSW.A15 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 16/18.
62894 DIABLOSW.A16 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 17/18.
62895 DIABLOSW.A17 1157615 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Windows 95. Osa 18/18.
62896 DIABLOSW.ARJ 2999470 14.01.1997 - - -
Diablo Shareware. Blizzardin kauan odotetun
rooliseikkailun Shareware-versio. Windows 95.
Osa 1/18.
43174 DIGGLESD.ZIP 113,1 Mt 17.02.2002 - - -
Diggles: The Myth of Fenris demo The Diggles are an intelligent dwarf dynasty that passes on its characteristics, good and bad from one generation to another. A mission given to the Diggles by Godfather Odin: to travel to the center of the earth where the hound of hell, Fenris is spreading terror. Accomplishing this mission will take players through 4 different worlds and more than 100 different quests need to be solved. 
43175 DRUIDKD.ZIP 85,7 Mt 22.01.2002 - - -
The Druid King demo Haemimont Gamesin tuleva peli yhdistelee reaaliaikastrategiaa, seikkailua ja roolipeliä. P300, 64 Mt. 
42347 DSD102.ZIP 192,7 Mt 11.12.2002 - - -
Dungeon Siege demo v1.02d Dungeon Siege on toimintapainotteinen roolipeli, joka heittää pelaajan upeaan fantasiamaailmaan. Laajassa 3D-maailmassa pahuuden voimia vastaan käytävät taistelut ovat upeaa katseltavaa ja koettavaa, joten jokaisen vähänkin roolipeleistä kiinnostuneen kannattaa ehdottomasti tutustua peliin, tai ainakin tähän pelin demoon. Päivitetyn demon kautta pääset tutustumaan pelin ensimmäiseen 10 prosenttiin, joko yksin- tai moninpelitilassa. P333, 128 Mt. 
43176 DSIEGED.ZIP 183,1 Mt 04.06.2002 - - -
Dungeon Siege demo Toimintapainotteinen roolipeli, joka heittää pelaajan upeaan fantasiamaailmaan. Laajassa 3D-maailmassa pahuuden voimia vastaan käytävät taistelut ovat upeaa katseltavaa ja koettavaa. Demon kautta pääset tutustumaan pelin ensimmäiseen 10 prosenttiin, joko yksin- tai moninpelitilassa. P333, 128 Mt. 
43177 EICOTLSD.ZIP 91,4 Mt 22.03.2001 - - -
"Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul demo The game puts players in command of a smaller battle partyits members truly individualin a dynamic environment. Evil Islands offers players a wide variety of strategies to achieve quest objectives and defeat their enemies depending on charactersskillsgear and equipment. Evil Islands is balanced between action and strategic planning. The course of events unrolls to carry player away to adventure full of treacheries and snares. PII 23364MBWin95  "
43178 EOTDEMO.ZIP 93,1 Mt 28.06.2001 - - -
End of Twilight demo Kolmen kentän demo 3D -toimintaroolipelistä, End of Twilightistä. Pelaaja on viikinkisoturi, joka seikkailee vaihtelevissa 3D -maisemissa ja taistelee tiukkoja vuoropohjaisia taisteluja erilaisia hirviöitä vastaan. 
43179 EXCALIBD.ZIP 89,5 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
ExcaliBug demo Excalibug on espanjalaisen pelitalon Enigman ja Dinamicin julkaisema strategiaroolipeli. Kuningas Arthurin vetäistessä miekan kivestä irtosi miekasta palanen, josta tuli miniatyyriversio alkuperäisestä Excaliburista. Pelissä liikutaan hyönteisten maailmassa tarinassa, joka mukailee Kuningas Arthurin tarinaa.  
43180 FAIRYTD.ZIP 54,6 Mt 12.01.2002 - - -
Fairy Tale demo Operation Flashpointin kehittäjien viimeisin projekti Fairy Tale on venäläisien kansantarinoiden inspiroima seikkailupeli. P166, 32 Mt.  
43181 FHDUNED.ZIP 59,8 Mt 24.01.2002 - - -
"Frank Herberts Dune demo 3D real-time action-adventure game where you take the role of Paul Atreides. During the two years you will spend among the Fremenyou must earn their trust and demonstrate your strength and courage in order to become their long-prophesied messiahMuadDib. As their saviorfree the Fremen from the hardships of the desolate conditions on the planet they call home.  "
42351 FOTRD.ZIP 130 Mt 31.10.2002 - - -
LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring demo\t LOTR: The Fellowship of the Ring demo\t The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring -kirjaan perustuvan pelin demossa seikkaillaan Gandalfin, Frodon ja Aragornin seurassa. P600, 128 Mt. 
43182 GGMATED.ZIP 41,5 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Gilbert Goodmate demo  Neljä vuotta työn alla ollut 2D-seikkailupeli. Luvassa paljon hauskaa huumoria fantasia-asetelman kera. 
43183 GORASLDS.ZIP 42 Mt 24.01.2002 - - -
"Gorasul demo small Roszondas was a hero raised by a magical dragon. He used the magic and essence of his adoptive father in a war against a demon from another dimension. He was succesful in defending the good from evilbut he himself died. The game begins with Roszondasreincarnationthe playerwhose life in a world consisting of mayhem and chaos will determine the fate of men. "
43184 GSULD.ZIP 145,9 Mt 24.04.2002 - - -
Gorasul: The Legacy of the Dragon demo Gorasul on eeppinen roolipeliseikkailu, joka kertoo ikuisesta taistelusta hyvyyden ja pahuuden välillä. Demo sisältää hahmonluonnin lisäksi pelin avausosion. P350, 64 Mt. 
43185 HITCHD.ZIP 80,9 Mt 28.11.2001 - - -
Alfred Hitchcock - The Final Cut demo Loistavaan Alfred Hitchcock -tyyliin toteutetun seikkailupelin demossa pelaaja pääsee selvittämään elokuvaa kuvanneen ryhmän mystistä katoamista. P330, 64 Mt. 
32765 LHOUSDEM.A01 2999400 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/6.
32766 LHOUSDEM.A02 2999400 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/6.
32767 LHOUSDEM.A03 2999400 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/6.
32768 LHOUSDEM.A04 2999400 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/6.
32769 LHOUSDEM.A05 1045819 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Pelattava demo. Osa 6/6.
32770 LHOUSDEM.ARJ 2999400 03.12.1996 - - -
Lighthouse. Sierran Myst-tyylisen
seikkailu/puzzlepelin pelattava demo. Osa
32980 NEVDEMOL.A01 2499200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo 2/5
32981 NEVDEMOL.A02 2499200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo 3/5
32982 NEVDEMOL.A03 2499200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo 4/5
32983 NEVDEMOL.A04 1853505 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo 5/5
32984 NEVDEMOL.ARJ 2499475 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo 1/5
Immerse yourself in the strange clay-animated
world of the neverhood, challenging adventure
chock-full of mind-wrenching mysteries and on
onslaught of odd-ball humour with the amazing
hightech, in-depth, hyper-virtual Neverhood
experience simulator. Prepare for total
immersion...an experience so real you'll
swear your mom and dad were made out of clay.
For Windows 95 with DirectX.
Dreamworkd Interactive.
Lite-demo with 1 playable puzzle.
32985 NEVDFULL.A01 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood demo 2/6
32986 NEVDFULL.A02 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood demo 3/6
32987 NEVDFULL.A03 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood demo 4/6
32988 NEVDFULL.A04 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood demo 5/6
32989 NEVDFULL.A05 2420134 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood demo 6/6
32990 NEVDFULL.ARJ 3999200 09.11.1996 - - -
The Neverhood playable demo.
Immerse yourself in the strange clay-animated
world of the Neverhood, challenging adventure
chock-full of mind-wrenching mysteries and an
onslaught of odd-ball humour with the amazing
high-tech, in-depth, hyper-virtual Neverhood
experience simulator. Prepare for total
immersion...an experience so real you'll
swear your mom and dad were made out of clay.
For Windows95 with DirectX
Dreamworks Interactive
Large-demo with 2 playable puzzles.
33048 OBSDEMO.A01 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 2/7
33049 OBSDEMO.A02 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 3/8
33050 OBSDEMO.A03 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 4/8
33051 OBSDEMO.A04 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 5/8
33052 OBSDEMO.A05 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 6/8
33053 OBSDEMO.A06 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 7/8
33054 OBSDEMO.A07 1229555 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian demo 8/8
33055 OBSDEMO.ARJ 2499200 09.12.1996 - - -
Obsidian playable demo 1/8
From Segasoft. Places you in a strange,
surreal, almost mystical world where things
can be pleasant one minute only to turn
nightmarish the net. You play the part of
Lilah, a scientist who was vacationing only
to have something very strange happen, you
discovery of a small, black crystal. Nothing
to worry about until the crystal grows into a
monolith several hundred feet tall in a
matter of days! Naming it Obsidian, you
somehow end up inside of it, where the
mystery begins...
For windows 95
60316 A-10DE01.ZIP 4345383 14.04.1996 - - -
A-10 II-Silent Thunder-lentosimulaattorin
pelattava demo, joka sisältää enemmän ääniä
, digitoitua puhetta yms. kuin silent2.zip.
Osa 1/3.
60317 A-10DE02.ZIP 4371495 14.04.1996 - - -
A-10 II-Silent Thunder-lentosimulaattorin
pelattava demo, joka sisältää enemmän ääniä,
digitoitua puhetta yms. kuin silent2.zip. Osa
60318 A-10DE03.ZIP 3966446 14.04.1996 - - -
A-10 II-Silent Thunder-lentosimulaattorin
pelattava demo, joka sisältää enemmän ääniä,
digitoitua puhetta yms. kuin silent2.zip. Osa
60321 A10CUBA.A01 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10: Cuba!-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Windows 95. Osa 2/3.
60322 A10CUBA.A02 1931820 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10: Cuba!-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Windows 95. Osa 3/3.
60323 A10CUBA.ARJ 2999476 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10: Cuba!-lentosimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Windows 95. Osa 1/3.
60324 A10DEMO.A01 2999200 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10 Cuba! playable demo 2/3
60325 A10DEMO.A02 1936226 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10 Cuba! playable demo 3/3
60326 A10DEMO.ARJ 2999560 14.01.1997 - - -
A-10 Cuba! playable demo
Defend Guantanamo Bay in this intense flight
simulation experience r8ipped from tomorrow's
headlines! Windows 95 w/ DirectX.
Parsoft Interactive/Activision 1/3
43186 AEROFDMO.ZIP 32,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Aero Dancing F demo  Soar through stunning, realistic landscapes with one of 11 jets ranging from the F-86F Sabre to the F-15DJ. Feel the force of every snaproll, inverted pass and echelon landing. Execute aerial stunts and formation flying in five challenging modes of gameplay. Flight recorder saves the highlights from 12 perspectives. Over 20 training missions help perfect aerial stunts and formation flying.  PII 266, 32MB, Win9x. 
60719 ANCIDEM1.ZIP 4371513 16.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. Alkudemon. Osa 1/5.
60720 ANCIDEM2.ZIP 4371513 16.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. alkudemon. Osa 2/5.
60721 ANCIDEM3.ZIP 4371513 16.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. alkudemon. Osa 3/5.
60722 ANCIDEM4.ZIP 4371513 16.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. alkudemon. Osa 4/5.
60723 ANCIDEM5.ZIP 2253865 16.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Sisältää mm. alkudemon. Osa 5/5.
43187 BCMD2.ZIP 120,3 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Battlecruiser Millennium: Episode Two demoAvaruussimulaatio Battlecruiser Millenniumin toinen demo kolmesta. P500, 128 MT, DX8-yhteensopiva T&L-näytönohjain. 
43188 DKORE11B.ZIP 15,2 Mt 09.06.2002 - - -
Dark Ore v1.1 beta  Avaruussimulaattorin ja 3D-räiskinnän ominaisuuksia yhdistelevän Dark Ore -pelin beta-demo tarjoaa mahdollisuuden pelin yksinpelipuoleen tutustumiseen. P450, 64 Mt.
43189 F18KGDMO.ZIP 15,9 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
F/A-18 Korea Gold demo  Tuhoa vihollisen ilmapuolustus, ylläpidä ilmatilan herruutta ja tue maajoukkoja suomalaisillekin tutulla hävittäjällä. Vaatimukset: P233 MHz, 32 MB RAM. Tukee: D3D. 
43190 FTDEMO.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.02.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
FurtherTime demoFurtherTime is a space combat simulator with three game modes: single player, LAN and online game. Two coalitions wage war against each other. Player starts as a light space fighter pilot and grows in skill gradually up to the formation commander rank. FurtherTime Battle Server allows players to join and play online game at any time. Online game never stops - when no one player presents, server simulates battle operations.  
43191 IFORCESD.ZIP 85 Mt 27.02.2002 - - -
Incoming Forces demo Incoming-pelin jatko-osassa pelaaja astuu alieneiden puolelle ja puolustaa ihmisten hyökkäyksen kohteena olevaa kotiplaneettaa. Demo sisältää kaksi tutorial-tehtävää ja yhden kokonaisen tehtävän. P500, 128 Mt. 
43192 IL2D2.ZIP 146,5 Mt 31.01.2002 renamed Pelit CD 2002 -
IL-2 Sturmovik demo v2.0 Suositun Toisen Maailmansodan lentosimulaattorin päivitetty demo sisältää uusia lentokoneita ja maayksiköitä, uuden yksinpelikartan ja muita pieniä uudistuksia. P600, 256 Mt, 32 Mt 3D-näytönohjain, DirectX 8.  
43193 IL2DEMO2.ZIP 102,1 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
IL-2 Sturmovik demo Tässä Toisen Maailmansodan lentosimulaattorissa lennetään 31 erilaisella koneella, joko yksin- tai moninpelinä. Demo-versiosta löytyy kolme  erilaista lentokonetta, sekä yksin- ja  moninpelituki. P600, 256 Mt, 32 Mt 3D-näytönohjain, DirectX 8.    
65069 IM1A2DEM.EXE 6053874 30.08.1996 - 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin tupla
M1A2 Abrams-tankkisimulaattorin pelattava
demo. Vaatii DirectX 2.0-ajurit. Interactive
Magic/ Charybris Enterprises.
43194 IW2EOCD.ZIP 197,7 Mt 06.06.2001 - - -
Independence War 2: Edge of Chaos demo Infogramesin realistisella lentofysiikalla kuorrutetun avaruussimulaattorin pelattava demo.  
32871 MERCDEMO.A01 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries demo 2/6
32872 MERCDEMO.A02 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries demo 3/6
32873 MERCDEMO.A03 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries demo 4/6
32874 MERCDEMO.A04 2999400 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries demo 5/6
32875 MERCDEMO.A05 473251 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries demo 6/6
32876 MERCDEMO.ARJ 2999469 25.11.1996 - - -
MechWarrior II: Mercenaries playable demo 1/6
Win95 w/ DirectX. Activision.
43195 MFDEMO.ZIP 3,6 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
"Micro-Flight demoMicro-Flight simulates flight and land vehicle navigation in 3D photorealistic terrain. Its main features are realistic flight model built to simulate low speed flightunique atmospheric modelrealistic thermals and ridge effectstow simulationcontrollable weather conditionshuge land environmentland vehicle navigationunrestricted roads and junctionsfully functional 3D cockpitvirtual 3D cockpitmultiplayer capability. P16632MBWin953D accelerator. "
43196 MW4BKMPD.ZIP 98,7 Mt 12.01.2002 - - -
Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight demo (mp)Microsoftin mech-taisteluita entisestään parantavan Black Knight -laajennuksen moninpelattava demo sisältää kolme pelityyppiä: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch ja Siege Assault. P300, 64 Mt. 
43197 RCDDDEMO.ZIP 11,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
RC Daredevil demo  Kaiken ikäisille sopivaa lentelyä. Valittavana viisi erilaista lennokkia ja hauskoja tehtäviä. Vaatimukset: P300 MHz, 64MB RAM. Tukee: D3D. 
43198 RCSIMD.ZIP 15 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
RC Simulator demoRC Simulator is an advanced RC plane program for the PC. Choose from any one of ten flying fields, each one fully texture mapped and 3-D. You can also control the weather at the field. Every aircraft has been modeled using true physics simulation software. This limited version has all the features visible, but only a handful are accessible in the demo. Flights are limited to 5 minutes each while the program will expire 15 days after installation. P2 300, Win 9x, 32 MB, 3D accelerator. 
43199 SAR3DEMO.ZIP 60,5 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Search and Rescue 3 demo Realistisen Search and Rescue 3 -pelin demossa pääset pelastushelikoptereiden puikkoihin. Joudut suorittamaan erilaisia tehtäviä, joissa pitää mm. pelastaa pulaan joutuneita ihmisiä. P200, 32 Mt. 
33451 SILENT2.ZIP 3737356 20.03.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Silent Thunder: A-10 Tank Killer
2-Lentosimulaattorin pelattava demo. Windows
95. Sierra.
43200 STBCD.ZIP 97,3 Mt 17.02.2002 - - -
Star Trek: Bridge Commander demo While on duty in a remote area of space, a nearby sun suddenly erupts releasing a deadly blast that damages your ship, kills your Captain and threatens nearby colonists. Now you must take control of your ship and lead your crew to solve the mystery. Your mission is clear -- discover the cause of the devastating explosion and prevent it from happening again. P300, 64 MB. 
32149 SU2795DE.ZIP 1438667 15.12.1995 - - -
SU-27 Flanker -lentosimulaattorin Windows 95
Win95 pelattava demo. SSI/MindScape.
43201 SWSFD.ZIP 44,3 Mt 20.02.2002 - - -
Star Wars: Starfighter demo Demosta löytyvässä tehtävässä pelaaja pääsee saattamaan neuvotteluihin matkalla olevaa kuningatarta. P350, 64 Mt. 
43202 VDSFDEMO.ZIP 42,5 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Virtual Deep Sea Fishing demo  Norean Interactiven Virtual Deep Sea Fishing vie pelaajan aavalle merelle havittelemaan toinen toistaan isompia saaliita. Onko kalamiehen virvelistä vastusta tonnikaloille ja haille? Vaatimukset: P200MHz, 32MB RAM. Tukee: D3D. 
43203 XPLN566F.ZIP 66,5 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
X-Plane v5.66 demo Erittäin realistinen ja muuntuva lentosimulaattori. Suunnaton määrä erilaisia toimintoja ja ominaisuuksia. Tekijöiden mukaan maailman realistisin simulaattori. P300, 96 Mt. 
42361 A1503D.ZIP 169 Mt 12.02.2003 - - -
Anno 1503 demo\t Myös nimellä 1503 A.D. - The New World tunnettu peli heittää pelaajan vuoteen 1503, jossa tarjolla on mm. tutkimusmatkailua, asuttamista, kaupankäyntiä, diplomatiaa ja taisteluita. Demo sisältää tutorial-tehtävät Discovering & Settlings sekä Trade & Diplomacy ja Continous Play -pelitilan ja taistelun esittelyt. P500, 128 Mt. 
42362 ABASSD.ZIP 15,2 Mt 29.05.2002 - - -
Airborne Assault demo Jos 40 000 miehen johtaminen kaikkien aikojen suurimmassa ilmasotaoperaatiossa kiinnostaa, niin kannattaa tutustua Airborne Assaultin demoon. Demosta puuttuu moninpeli ja yksinpeliskenaarioita voi pelata vain ensimmäiset 12 tuntia. P366, 64 Mt. 
42363 ABASSUD.ZIP 17,3 Mt 29.11.2002 - - -
Airborne Assault demo päivitetty Jos 40 000 miehen johtaminen kaikkien aikojen suurimmassa ilmasotaoperaatiossa kiinnostaa, niin kannattaa tutustua Airborne Assaultin päivitettyyn demoon. Demosta puuttuu moninpeli ja yksinpeliskenaarioita voi pelata vain ensimmäiset 12 tuntia. P366, 64 Mt. 
42364 ACDU.ZIP 176,7 Mt 03.02.2003 - - -
American Conquest demo päivitetty Eeppiseksi RTS-peliksi itseään kutsuvan American Conquestin -pelin päivitetty demo, jossa tutustutaan Amerikan historian merkittävimpiin taisteluihin. Demo sisältää yhden yksinpelattavan tehtävän sekä moninpelin, johon voi osallistua kahdella valtiolla. P450, 64 Mt. 
42365 ACONQD.ZIP 219,2 Mt 19.10.2002 - - -
American Conquest demo Eeppiseksi RTS-peliksi itseään kutsuvan American Conquest tutustuttaa Amerikan historian merkittävimpiin taisteluihin. Demo sisältää yhden yksinpelattavan tehtävän sekä moninpelin, johon voi osallistua kahdella valtiolla. P400, 64 Mt. 
60437 ACW95.ZIP 3020894 28.08.1996 - - -
American Civil War from Interactive Magic.
Non-Playable demo for Win95. Famed strategy
game, requires 8 Mb RAM.
60591 ALEXDEMO.A01 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 2/7.
60592 ALEXDEMO.A02 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 3/7.
60593 ALEXDEMO.A03 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 4/7.
60594 ALEXDEMO.A04 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 5/7.
60595 ALEXDEMO.A05 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 6/7.
60596 ALEXDEMO.A06 1276512 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the Great. Pelattava
demo. Osa 7/7.
60597 ALEXDEMO.ARJ 2999400 14.01.1997 - - -
The battles of Alexander the
Great-strategiapelin pelattava demo. Osa 1/7.
60599 ALFDEMO.A01 3999256 20.04.1996 - - -
Afterlife Win95 demo 2/3
60600 ALFDEMO.A02 3033937 20.04.1996 - - -
Afterlife Win95 demo 3/3
60601 ALFDEMO.ARJ 3999311 20.04.1996 - - -
Afterlife - playable cheesy demo version, a
SIM-type game where you get to build Heaven
and Hell. Do rewarding, do punishing, do
reincarnation. Small demo with tutorial.
DEMO for ONLY WINDOWS 95 W95, game will be
for DOS too. Req. 486/66*8Mb*Win95. Lucasarts
42366 AMENRTSD.ZIP 39,4 Mt 05.04.2002 - - -
Army Men RTS demo Army Men -pelisarja vihdoin kysytyssä reaaliaikastrategiamuodossa. Helposti opittavassa pelissä rakennetaan rakennuksia, kerätään resursseja ja tietenkin käydään kiivaita taisteluita. 
60718 ANCDEM95.ZIP 5525095 08.04.1996 - - -
The Rise and Rule of Ancient
Empires-strategiapelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95-versio.
43204 ANGVDEMO.ZIP 36,4 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
"Austrelitz: Napoleons Greatest VictoryAustrelitzin demo heittää pelaajan vuoteen 1805keskelle Austerlitzin taistelua. Pelaaja voi joko astua Napoleonin housuihin ja uudistaa miehen mahtavimman voitontai pistää historian uusiksi Venäjän ja Itävallan joukkojen avustuksella. P26664 Mt. "
42368 AOW2WTD.ZIP 96,3 Mt 24.04.2002 - - -
Age of Wonders II: the Wizards Throne demoAwakened to join an immortal group of Wizards in the Circle of Evermore, you must restore balance to a world on the brink of collapse. This is a beta demo that features one scenario, playable from two sides with one additional AI opponent. The demo offers select features, spells and units from the full game. The demo supports multiplayer via Hot Seat in Classic Turns mode. P300, 64MB. 
42367 AOW2WTDU.ZIP 104,1 Mt 28.06.2002 - - -
"Age of Wonders II: Wizards Throne demo 2 Odotetun fantasiastrategian päivitetty demo sisältää Iniochs Legacy -skenaarionjota pystyy pelaamaan joko yksinpelillä kahta tekoälyn ohjastamaan vihollista vastaan tai moninpelillä yhtä ihmispelaajan ja yhtä tekoälyn ohjastamaa vihollista vastaan. P30064 Mt. "
42369 APTYC2D.ZIP 59,8 Mt 02.04.2003 - - -
Airport Tycoon 2 demo\t Rakenna ja ylläpidä omaa lentokenttää Airport Tycoon 2 -pelin demossa. Demossa voi rakentaa ja ylläpitää lentokenttää yhden vuoden ajan Tokiossa. P600, 64 Mt. 
43205 ARMADA2D.ZIP 61,2 Mt 04.12.2001 - - -
Star Trek: Armada II demo Star Trek -maailmaan sijoittuva reaaliaikainen 3D-strategiapeli. Kolmeen skenaarioon (Federation, Klingons, Borg) jakautuvan yksinpelin lisäksi pelin kokonaisesta versiosta löytyy moninpelattavia kenttiä. P300, 64 Mt. 
42371 ATF102.ZIP 16,2 Mt 19.06.2003 - - -
Armored Task Force v1.02 BCT: Brigade Combat Team -pelin päälle rakennettu uudenlainen sotapeli, jossa koko taistelukentän pienemmätkin tapahtumat simuloidaan. Päivitetty demo sisältää kaksi kokonaista skenaariota.  
42372 ATFD.ZIP 7,5 Mt 13.09.2002 - - -
Armored Task Force demo BCT: Brigade Combat Team -pelin päälle rakennettu uudenlainen sotapeli, jossa koko taistelukentän pienemmätkin tapahtumat simuloidaan. Demo sisältää kaksi kokonaista skenaariota. P300, 32 Mt. 
43207 BATTLERD.ZIP 98,1 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
Battle Realms demo Reaaliaikaista strategiaa japanilaisella mytologialla höystettynä. 
42373 BBURGD.ZIP 84,7 Mt 17.12.2002 - - -
Ballerburg demo\t Keskiaikaista toimintastrategiaa Ballerburg-pelin demon muodossa. Demossa on kolme tutorial-karttaa ja yksi yksin- ja moninpelikartta. P350, 64 Mt. 
43208 BCMDL.ZIP 168,2 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Battlecruiser Millennium demo (large) Complete with over nine new or enhanced engines, including AI, graphics, soundfx etc, BCM steps into the new millennium flaunting the most advanced and visually splendid title ever seen in the series. PII 300, 64MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
43209 BCMDS.ZIP 90,7 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Battlecruiser Millennium demo (small)Complete with over nine new or enhanced engines, including AI, graphics, soundfx etc, BCM steps into the new millennium flaunting the most advanced and visually splendid title ever seen in the series. PII 300, 64MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
61380 BGG_DE-1.ZIP 4999915 28.04.1996 - - -
Battleground: Gettysburg-sotastrategiapelin
pelattava demo. Osa 1/3
61381 BGG_DE-2.ZIP 4999969 28.04.1996 - - -
Battleground: Gettysburg-sotastrategiapelin
pelattava demo. Osa 2/3
61382 BGG_DE-3.ZIP 4018699 28.04.1996 - - -
Battleground: Gettysburg-sotastrategiapelin
pelattava demo. Osa 3/3
61392 BI2200W9.ZIP 5015044 08.05.1996 - - -
Battle Isle 2200 for Windows 95-pelatatva
43210 BITAWUD.ZIP 74,2 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Battle Isle: The Andosia War updated demo Battle Isle: The Andosia War is a turn-based strategy game. The demo scenario takes place on an island called Lohoc. Players must set up a base before moving their forces over to the Battle Isle to engage the enemy, carving a path along a guarded roadway. The surviving forces need to knock out a radar installation, and then use stealth to mass their forces before destroying the main arsenal of the enemy. PII 300, 64MB, Win95, 3D accelerator.  
42374 BLITZKD.ZIP 96,5 Mt 20.02.2003 - - -
Blitzkrieg demo\t Blitzkriegissä todistetaan taistelutaidot osallistumalla toisen maailmasodan kiivaisiin taisteluihin sodan eri osapuolten puolella. P366, 64 Mt. 
42375 C2GOAD.ZIP 68,9 Mt 04.05.2002 - - -
Cultures 2: The Gates of Asgard demo Cultures-pelin jatko-osa tarjoaa sitä tuttua ja turvallista reaaliaikastrategiaa. Pelaaja komentaa tälläkin kertaa viikinkejä, ja demossa pääsee tutustumaan kahteen varta vasten demoa varten väsättyyn kenttään. P500, 128 Mt.  
42376 CAP2D.ZIP 50,9 Mt 30.01.2002 - - -
Capitalism II demo Luo ja kontrolloi unelmiesi yritysmaailmaa Capitalism II -pelin demossa, joka sisältää kolme tutorial-skenaariota ja yhden kokonaisen skenaarion. P233, 64 Mt. 
42377 CASINOD.ZIP 114,6 Mt 09.03.2003 - - -
Casino, Inc. demo\t Casino, Inc. kertoo uhkapelien vaarallisesta maailmasta, jossa pelaaja pääsee rakentamaan ja ylläpitämään omaa kasinoa. Demo sisältää kaksi kasino-teemaa, joita pääsee testaamaan yhdessä pikkukaupungissa. P450, 64 Mt. 
42378 CASINOED.ZIP 74,8 Mt 08.10.2002 - - -
Casino Empire demoKasinorakentelupelin demo tutustuttaa pelaajan yhteen pelin kahdeksasta kasinosta.
61875 CAVEWARS.A01 2999440 14.01.1997 - - -
Cavewars. Pelattava demo. Osa 2/5.
61876 CAVEWARS.A02 2999438 14.01.1997 - - -
Cavewars. Pelattava demo. Osa 3/5.
61877 CAVEWARS.A03 2999373 14.01.1997 - - -
Cavewars. Pelattava demo. Osa 4/5.
61878 CAVEWARS.A04 22630 14.01.1997 - - -
Cavewars. Pelattava demo. Osa 5/5.
61879 CAVEWARS.ARJ 2999473 14.01.1997 - - -
Cavewars-strategiapelin pelattava demo. Osa
43211 CC2DRD.ZIP 6,6 Mt 17.10.2001 - - -
Combat Command 2: Desert Rats demo Shrapnel Gamesin julkaiseman Combat Command 2 -strategiapelin pelattava demo. 
43212 CC2DRUD.ZIP 6,6 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
Combat Command 2: Desert Rats! demo Desert Rats! covers the full spectrum of grand tactical desert warfare, from wild armored clashes ranging across the burning sands of Libya, to gritty, bare knuckles infantry combat in the rugged hills of Tunisia. Desert Rats! allows you to fight the battles that made the Afrika Korps famous and provided the Allies their trial by fire. This updated demo includes all the recent code fixes that have been added to the full game. P166, 32 MB. 
43213 CEWUPDD.ZIP 120,8 Mt 31.05.2001 - - -
"Cossacks: European Wars updated demo  Cossacks - European War is a historical real-time strategy based on events of 1600- 1800 centuries in Europe when nations and states were created and demolishedgold was turned to numerous armiesand neverending wars shed seas of blood. It was the time when new regulations were developed in armiesand commandersmastery was polished to perfection. This new demo allows you to play with the British and the French armies. "
43214 CFWDEMO.ZIP 39,8 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Conquest: Frontier Wars demo In this futuristic real-time strategy game, it is about 200 years in the future and we have just discovered wormholes, and are learning how to navigate them. Wormholes connect galaxies and solar systems and allow you to fly across the entire breadth of the universe. Your goal as a commander in the Frontier Wars will be to explore and secure sector after sector of the galaxy. Play as one of three unique races and battle for supremacy against a maximum of six Internet and AI opponents. PII 350, 64 MB. 
61976 CHAOS16.A01 3025889 10.07.1996 - - -
Chaos Overlords Windows 95 16-bit demo 2/2
61977 CHAOS16.ARJ 3999478 10.07.1996 - - -
Chaos Overlords Windows 95 16-bit playable
demo. Requires 486/33 * 8 Mb RAM. From New
World Computing. 1/2
61981 CHAOS8.A01 2621365 10.07.1996 - - -
Chaos Overlords - Windows 95 8-bit
playable demo from New World Computing. 2/2
61982 CHAOS8.ARJ 3499506 10.07.1996 - - -
Chaos Overlords - Windows 95 8-bit
playable demo from New World Computing. 1/2
62044 CHM-E3.A01 3499160 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 preview 2/6
62045 CHM-E3.A02 3499152 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 preview 3/6
62046 CHM-E3.A03 3499212 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 preview 4/6
62047 CHM-E3.A04 3499383 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 preview 5/6
62048 CHM-E3.A05 3084310 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 preview 6/6
62049 CHM-E3.ARJ 3499481 01.07.1996 - - -
Chess Mate for Win95 * E3 interactive
preview. A chess tutorial, learning program
as well as Chess game itself. Interplay.
42379 CKROWD.ZIP 90,3 Mt 27.08.2002 - - -
Celtic Kings: Rage of War demo Celtic Kings yhdistelee strategia- ja seikkailupeleistä tuttuja elementtejä roolipelaamisen kanssa. Demo sisältää tutorialin, seikkailupelitilan ensimmäisen tehtävän sekä kaksi peruskarttaa, joita voi pelata joko tietokonetta vastaan tai verkossa. P400, 64 Mt. 
62157 CLOSEC95.A01 4431513 10.07.1996 - - -
Close Combat Windows 95 -demo 2/2
62158 CLOSEC95.ARJ 4999486 10.07.1996 - - -
Close Combat - tactical level WW2 strategy
game based on Avalon Hill Games'
legendary "Squad Leader" boardgame.
Playable Windows 95 -demo. Requires 8 Mb RAM.
By Avalon Hill, published by Microsoft.
42380 CM2BBDU.ZIP 58,5 Mt 30.12.2002 - - -
Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin demo21-2 pelaajan vuoropohjainen/reaaliaikainen 3D-sotasimulaatio sijoittuu aikaan 1941-1945 ja antaa pelaajille mahdollisuuden tutustua toiseen maailmansotaan oikein kunnolla. Päivitetty demo sisältää pelattavan tutoriaalin, kaksi kokonaista skenaariota, ja tukee myös moninpeliä verkon tai sähköpostin välityksellä. P500, 64 Mt. 
43215 COLOBOTD.ZIP 15,3 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Colobot demo Colobot combines both real time strategy and an initiation to programming. You are at the head of a space expedition and you are assisted only by some robots. Your mission consists in exploration and colonization of various planets, searching raw materials and programming the robots, and sometimes fighting to survive. 
43216 COSSAOWD.ZIP 68,8 Mt 17.10.2001 - - -
Cossacks: The Art of War demo Cossacksin laajennuksen pelattava demo tarjoaa mielenkiintoista strategista sodankäyntiä. 
62459 CSR2DEMO.A01 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Caesar II for Win95 demo 2/5
62460 CSR2DEMO.A02 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Caesar II for Win95 demo 3/5
62461 CSR2DEMO.A03 2999443 21.12.1996 - - -
Caesar II for Win95 demo 4/5
62462 CSR2DEMO.A04 2189249 21.12.1996 - - -
Caesar II for Win95 demo 5/5
62463 CSR2DEMO.ARJ 2999200 21.12.1996 - - -
Caesar II for Windows 95 playable demo
Version 1.0 requires win95 486/66 8 Mb SVGA
Best performance Pentium
This Caesar II demo allows you to build a
Roman city of your own design. Build housing,
water supplies, markets, forums, and other
structures to increase your population and
standing in the emperor's eyes.
Sim-City like game with strategy elements
dating to Roman Empire from
Impressions/Sierra 1/5
43217 CZONED.ZIP 119,3 Mt 17.05.2001 - - -
Conflict Zone demoConflict Zone on nykypäivään sijoittuva,  reaaliaikainen 3D-strategiapeli. Demossa on  
kolme yksinpelitehtävää, joissa pelaaja ohjailee kansainvälisiä rauhanturvajoukkoja ja 
taistelee GHOST -nimistä terroristijärjestöä vastaan.  
P300, Windows 95/98, 64 MB, 200 Mt levytilaa. 
43218 CZONEUD.ZIP 86,7 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Conflict Zone demo (päivitetty)Ubi Softin futuristisen reaaliaikastrategian demo. 
Conflict Zone on nykypäivään sijoittuva, reaaliaikainen 3D-strategiapeli. Demossa on kolme yksinpelitehtävää, joissa pelaaja ohjailee kansainvälisiä rauhanturvajoukkoja ja 
taistelee GHOST -nimistä terroristijärjestöä vastaan.  
P300, 128 Mt. 
43219 DESPERAD.ZIP 59 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Desperados - Wanted Dead or Alive demo  Desperados - Wanted Dead or Alive is the first strategy game ever to combine a movie-like, story-driven atmosphere of an adventure game with the intellectual challenge of a real time strategy tactic & infiltration game. P233, 64MB, Win9x.  
31331 DESTTUTO.ZIP 1557602 07.12.1996 - - -
Destiny Tutorial interactive tutorial
designed to help familiarize new players with
the game's interface, and to show those who
don't yet have Destiny just how may cool
features there are in the game. Win95.
Interactive Magic.
43220 DSLDEMO.ZIP 36,5 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
Disciples: Sacred Lands demo Demo Heroes of Might & Magicia muistuttavasta Disciples: Sacred Lands -strategiapelistä. P166, 32 Mt. 
43221 DWDOAD.ZIP 92 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Desperados - Wanted Dead or Alive demo Desperados - Wanted Dead or Alive is the first strategy game ever to combine a movie like, story-driven atmosphere of an adventure game with the intellectual challenge of a real time strategy tactic & infiltration game. P233, 64MB, Win9x. 
43222 EEARTHD.ZIP 93,2 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Empire Earth demo The Empire Earth Demo includes four of Empire Earth\'s Training Scenarios, which introduce a few of the many special features available in the full game. Also included are two scenarios from Empire Earth\'s four epic Campaigns. In one scenario, you command British troops during the Napoleonic Wars. In the other, you guide Manfred von Richthofen, the famous "Red Baron," at the start of World War I. 
43223 ELORDSD.ZIP 98 Mt 14.11.2001 - - -
Etherlords demo Etherlordsin demossa Chaotsit ja Vitalsit ottavat mittaa toisistaan taikojen ja sankareiden välityksellä. Demosta löytyvää duel-moninpelimoodia voi pelata lähiverkossa tai internetissä. P300, 64 Mt. 
43224 ELORDSUD.ZIP 146 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Etherlords demo (päivitetty)  Etherlordsin demossa Chaotsit ja Vitalsit ottavat mittaa toisistaan taikojen ja sankareiden välityksellä. Päivitetystä demosta löytyy lähiverkossa tai internetissä pelattavan duel-moninpelitilan lisäksi myös strategiapelitila. P300, 64 Mt. 
43225 FATEDMO.ZIP 64,5 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Fate of the Dragon updated demo 2nd Century China. In the confusion following  the collapse of the Eastern Han Dynasty, rival  warlords take control of their respective  territories and set up their own kingdoms,  splitting China into three parts. As one of these  three warlords, build your own regime, develop  new technologies, and create a mighty army in  an attempt to control the Three Kingdoms and  reunify China.  
32360 FEDEMO.ZIP 3042298 11.09.1996 - - -
Free Enterprise Demo * Win95. Tsunami/Ocean.
43226 FTMPDEMO.ZIP 125,3 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Fallout: Tactics multiplayer demo Fallout: Tactics is a turn-based tactical combat game with RPG character development and depth of story line. Join the Brotherhood of Steel, and take part in a quest to find long-dormant technology in order to defeat a powerful enemy. The player controls up to six characters in the single player mission-based campaign or they may use their squad online in multiplayer battles. Squad-members improve with experience, increasing their skills and earning perks.  
41045 GCHESS.ZIP 535900 23.01.1996 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z tupla
Gnu Chess Version 3.21 Game for Windows NT
43227 GUNLOKD3.ZIP 89,1 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
"Gunlok updated demo Gunlok is a 3D team based action strategy game from Rebellion. The machines have wonbut humans continue to strive against themand now is the time to take the fight to The Corporation. Along the way Gunlok solves puzzles and battles robots  as he strives to free mankind. During the game Gunlok picks up companions and through team co-  operation and using each others unique abilitiesthey battle their way to a confront the evil at the heart of The Corporation. This demo contains three playable levels. "
32528 H2DEMO.A01 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 2/8
32529 H2DEMO.A02 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 3/8
32530 H2DEMO.A03 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 4/8
32531 H2DEMO.A04 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 5/8
32532 H2DEMO.A05 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 6/8
32533 H2DEMO.A06 3499200 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 7/8
32534 H2DEMO.A07 2789113 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II demo 8/8
32535 H2DEMO.ARJ 3499492 21.12.1996 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II:
The Succession War playable demo
from New World Computing "having crushed his
enemies , sonsolidated his power base and
eliminated dissent at the end of HOMM, Lord
Ironfist settled down to rule the land of
Enroth. After 25 years of peace, the land is
again thrust into turmoil. Players must
choose sides and gather their armies as they
use all of their strategic wit and tactics to
join in the battle for domination of the
lands." For Windows 95. 1/8
32580 HOL_DEMO.A01 3947338 14.01.1997 - - -
Harpoon Online nonplayable demo 2/2
32581 HOL_DEMO.ARJ 3999454 14.01.1997 - - -
Harpoon Online nonplayable demo of the
Internet playable modern naval strategy
game/simulation. For Windows. www.kesmai.com
32582 HOL_DEMO.DIZ 127 14.01.1997 - - -
Harpoon Online nonplayable demo of the
internet playable modern naval strategy
game/simulation. For Windows. www.kesmai.com
43228 HWATERSD.ZIP 111,2 Mt 03.04.2001 - - -
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising demo The year is 2032. Now the people of this new age must relearn war to secure a future of peace. Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising combines real-time strategy with action elements in which players take command of a super-powerful aircraft carrier/manufacturing platform, create military units and command their army against the forces of the Old World Cabal and enter their units for some third-person mayhem! P233, 32MB, Win9x, 3D accelerator. 
43230 KOHAND.ZIP 35,5 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
"Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns demoKohan: Immortal Sovereigns is a real-time strategy game set in the fantasy worldKhaldunin which you are one of an immortal race known as the Kohan. A series of massive cataclysms lead to your races demise and it is up to you to restore their reign. You are reawakened to a new world very much unlike the one you once knew and you must solve the mystery of your races destruction in order to return the Kohan to their rightful glory. This demo has no voices. P23364MBWin9x. "
43229 KOHANDWV.ZIP 102,9 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
"Kohan: Immortal Sovereigns demoKohan: Immortal Sovereigns is a real-time strategy game set in the fantasy worldKhaldunin which you are one of an immortal race known as the Kohan. A series of massive cataclysms lead to your races demise and it is up to you to restore their reign. You are reawakened to a new world very much unlike the one you once knew and you must solve the mystery of your races destruction in order to return the Kohan to their rightful glory. This demo has voices. P23364MBWin9x. "
32801 LOR2PDEM.A01 3522938 08.10.1996 - - -
Lords of the Realm 2. Pelattava demo. Windows
95. Osa 2/2.
32802 LOR2PDEM.ARJ 3999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Lords of the Realm 2. Pelattava demo. Windows
95. Osa 1/2.
43231 LUNAV13.ZIP 32,5 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Luna - Moon Colony Simulator 1.3 betaRakenna siirtokunta kuuhun. SimCity-tyyppistä rakentelua 3D:nä. Tekniikan kehitystä, kaupankäyntiä ynnä muuta futuristista toimintaa Kuun pinnalla. Konevaatimus: P200, 32 Mt. 
43232 MAJESTD.ZIP 43,5 Mt 16.02.2001 - - tupla
Majesty demo.                                Julkaisija Microprose/Hasbro.  Reaaliaikainen fantasiastrategia.  Tavallista erikoisempi valtakunnan  rakentamis- ja huolehtimispeli. Sijoittuen  fantasiamaailmaan pelaajan on  laajennuttava, värvättävä sotilaita,  rakentajia ja asukkaita, koottava veroja ja  puolustettava aluettaan. Mukana on myös  tekninen tutkimus ja kokemusjärjestelmä.  Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Mt,  DirectX.
32884 MFCSDEMO.EXE 3858748 19.08.1996 - 24014/1996-10_Disc_2.9.iso -
MissionForce: Cyberstorm-strategiapelin
pelattava demo. Windows 95. Sierra.
43233 MOONPDMO.ZIP 84,2 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Moon Project demo Ubi Soft on julkaissut demon tulevasta Moon Project pelistään. Moon Project on reaaliaikainen strategiapeli ja on jatkoa menestyneelle Earth 2150 pelille. Moon Project hyödyntää Earth 2150:n pelimoottoria ja tarjoaa suurempia zoomausvaihtoehtoja. Moon Projectissa on ihka uusia yksikköjä, aseita ja teknologioita, esim. sukellusveneet, maanjäristyksentekijät sekä tykistö.  
43234 NIR_DEMO.ZIP 17,3 Mt 16.02.2001 - - tupla
"Napoleon in Russia Demo By Talonsoft. Turn  based strategy. Napoleons army advances  into Russia. Can you conquer the vast  expanses or slaughter the French intruders?  Easy-to-use front-end interface.  http://www.talonsoft.com."
43235 OPFLASHD.ZIP 64 Mt 26.03.2001 renamed Pelit CD 2002 -
Operation Flashpoint demo Operation Flashpoint brings the player the most complex war game experience ever, it offers unprecedented freedom of action integrating command of larger squads and use of any available vehicles with total immersion. Experience the best cold war military equipment - infantry, mobile, armored and aircraft. This demo has one level available, in which you play as a part of an infantry squad. PII 350, 64MB, Win9x. 
43236 SETT4D.ZIP 103,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
The Settlers IV demo  Ohjaa Settlers-pikkuihmisheimoasi elämän taipaleella. Rakenna, kehitä ja kasvata valtakuntaasi, huolehdi kansasi hyvinvoinnista, ravinnon riittävyydestä jne. Demossa on kaksi tutoriaalia pelistä, yksi yksinpelikartta ja kaksi moninpelikarttaa. Moninpeli luonnistuu sekä lähiverkossa että Internetissä Blue Byte Game Channelin kautta. Konevaatimus: P200, 64 Mt, 4 Mt näytönohjain. 
33390 SETUP2KN.ZIP 3484359 11.09.1996 - - -
Sim City 2000 Network Edition Demo Maxis *
33454 SIMTDEMO.ZIP 1215952 27.02.1996 - - -
SimTower for Windows -interaktiivinen demo.
"Talonrakennussimulaattori", valm. Maxis.
Purettava partition juureen tehtyyn
68679 STARCOM.A01 2499200 21.12.1996 - - eritupla
Star Command demo 2/3
68680 STARCOM.A02 1292478 21.12.1996 - - -
Star Command demo 3/3
68681 STARCOM.ARJ 2499200 21.12.1996 - - eritupla
Star Command Battle demo from GTI. Hot new
multiplayer real-time strategy game that is
geared towards multiplayer, allows up to four
simultaneous players (over LAN and Internet),
has over 60 different unit types and has lots
of other little surprises. Req. 486/66 16 Mb
43238 STATDEMO.ZIP 69,9 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Star Trek: Away Team demo Star Trek: Away Team on ensimmäinen reaaliaikainen strategiapeli Star Trek: Next Generation universumissa. Peli on kuvattu isometrisesti ylhäältä ja siinä yhdistellään joukkuetoimintaa reaaliaikaiseen strategiaan. Jokaisella hahmolla on omat ominaisuutensa ja kykynsä, joita tulee hyödyntää ratkaistakseen tehtävät. Demossa on kaksi yksinpelitehtävää. 
43239 STWDEMO.ZIP 95,1 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Shogun: Total War demoFeudal Japan: a time of immense bravery, loyalty and courage, and a time of deception, betrayal and murder. Enter the world of Shogun: Total War, the most ambitious, epic, and visually spectacular real-time strategy game ever created. Battle to the death for the ultimate honour: become Shogun, supreme dictator of all Japan. 
43240 WATERLOD.ZIP 37,4 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Waterloo demo  Napoleonin armeijat vastassaan Wellingtonin joukot. Historiallinen taistelu, joka on toteutettu Sid Meierin Gettysburgin moottorilla. 
70228 WW_DEMO.A01 2999454 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 2/12
70229 WW_DEMO.A02 2999473 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 3/12
70230 WW_DEMO.A03 2999468 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 4/12
70231 WW_DEMO.A04 2999542 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 5/12
70232 WW_DEMO.A05 2999463 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 6/12
70233 WW_DEMO.A06 2999498 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 7/12
70234 WW_DEMO.A07 2999474 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 8/12
70235 WW_DEMO.A08 2999626 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 9/12
70236 WW_DEMO.A09 2999480 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 10/12
70237 WW_DEMO.A10 2999200 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 11/12
70238 WW_DEMO.A11 463558 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind demo 12/12
70239 WW_DEMO.ARJ 2999612 28.08.1996 - - tupla
War Wind - playable demo!
Requires DirectX, suggested system P60
with 16 MB RAM.
An epic strategy game, real time,  network
and modem play, great story, four races
battling when civilization is blowing
asunder around them. SSI, 1/12
70218 WWUPDATE.EXE 2531345 25.09.1996 - 863/boot-disc-1997-03.iso -
War Wind -demo update from SSI.
43241 3DWWII25.ZIP 25,6 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
World War II Online demo v2.5Toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuvan 3D World War II -pelin demo. Kokonaisen pelin ominaisuuksista löytyy mm. 12 tehtävää ja laaja moninpelituki.  
42381 3DWWIID2.ZIP 11,2 Mt 19.06.2001 - - -
3D World War II demo v2.0  Toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuvan 3D World War II -pelin demo. Kokonaisen pelin ominaisuuksista löytyy mm. 12 tehtävää ja laaja moninpelituki. 
43242 4THCOMD.ZIP 1021,1 kt 22.09.2001 - - -
The 4th Coming demo The 4th Coming is an action-oriented, third-person  isometric online-RPG with quests, monsters and  interacting with other players. Immerse yourself  in a world able to handle over 200 simultaneous  players on each server. The 4th Coming features a  huge non-linear story-based universe with a  continually evolving environment and unlimited  scenario possibilities.  
43243 AKIMBOD.ZIP 59,2 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Akimbo: Kung-Fu Hero demo Akimbo: Kung-Fu Hero features a Manga-style lead character that can perform a variety of kung-fu moves including punches, sidekicks, back flips, and roundhouse kicks that will help you battle and puzzle your way through a wealth of colourful levels. This demo contains playable levels from both the Caribbean Capers and Spooky Caverns areas in the game. PII 233, 32MB, Win9x. 
43244 APFIDEMO.ZIP 16,8 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Adventure Pinball: Forgotten Island demo Utilizing the Unreal Tournament engine, Adventure Pinball will feature classic arcade pinball action, a ongoing plot and a series of 3D realms fused together with fast-paced action. The game will feature a number of pinball tables people must complete in order to rescue the denizens of Forgotten Island - a prehistoric island filled with dinosaurs and other creatures. 
43245 AQUANOXD.ZIP 60,5 Mt 14.11.2001 - - -
AquaNox demo Merenalaista 3d-toimintaa Massive Developmentiltä. SIsältää yhden pelin alkupään tehtävistä. P400, 128 Mt. 
61013 ASTROW95.A01 2999510 19.09.1996 - - -
Astrorock demo 2/4
61014 ASTROW95.A02 2999292 19.09.1996 - - -
Astrorock demo 3/4
61015 ASTROW95.A03 1932009 19.09.1996 - - -
Astrorock demo 4/4
61016 ASTROW95.ARJ 2999470 19.09.1996 - - -
Astrorock for Windows 95 * playable demo 1/4
Asteroids clone with rendered graphics,
minimum 486/66 * 8 Mb, from Logicware
43246 AVP2MD.ZIP 52,8 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
Alien Vs. Predator 2 demo Marine Tulevan AVP2-pelin demossa pääset kokeilemaan avaruusmerijalkaväen sotilaan roolia. Tehtävänäsi on selvittää kuka on sotilastukikohdassa tapahtuvien outojen kuolemien takana. P450 MHz, 128 Mt, DirectX8. 
43248 AVP2MPD.ZIP 64 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Aliens Vs. Predator 2 moninpelidemo  Odotetun 3D-räiskinnän jatko-osan päivitetyssä moninpelidemossa pääset taistelemaan kavereitasi vastaan neljällä hahmolla. Demosta löytyy vain yksi kenttä ja rajoittunut asevalikoima, mutta se antaa kuitenkin pientä esimakua tulevasta. Kuuttatoista pelaajaa tukevissa lähiverkko- ja verkkopeleissä voit ottaa mittaa deathmatch- ja team deatmatch - pelitiloissa. P450, 128 Mt. 
43247 AVP2MPDU.ZIP 4,2 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator 2 demo päivitys Päivitys Aliens vs. Predator 2:n moninpelidemolle. v1.0.9.1 -> v1.0.9.2. 
43249 AVSP2SPD.ZIP 158,1 Mt 11.12.2001 repacked gamepressure.com -
Aliens vs. Predator 2 demo Odotetun 3D-räiskinnän yksinpelattavassa demossa pääset räiskimään yhdessä tehtävässä. Demosta löytyy kaikki kokonaisen version hahmot sekä aseet - vain tallennus ja vaikeustason muuttaminen on mahdotonta. P450, 128 Mt. 
43250 AVSPPD.ZIP 22 Mt 27.09.2001 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator demo Predator Rebellionin scifi-3d-räiskinnän demo, jossa pääsee ohjastamaan predatoria. 
61128 AX-VFR.ZIP 4588448 19.09.1996 - - -
Virtua Fighter Remix PC playable demo for
Windows 95, requires P90 and 8 Mb.
43251 AXIS30LT.ZIP 17,2 Mt 10.06.2001 - - -
Axis updated demo v3.0 without music Experience high speed robot action in Axis. You play ARM, a mech that can improve his ability to fight by changing parts and weapons. Multiplayer support via IPX, TCP/IP and a Ladder service. PII 266, 64 MB, Win 9x, 3d accelerator.  
43252 AXIS30WM.ZIP 24,9 Mt 10.06.2001 - - -
Axis updated demo v3.0 with music Experience high speed robot action in Axis. You play ARM, a mech that can improve his ability to fight by changing parts and weapons. Multiplayer support via IPX, TCP/IP and a Ladder service. PII 266, 64 MB, Win 9x, 3d accelerator.  
43253 AXISDEMO.ZIP 33,7 Mt 04.10.2001 - - -
Axis demo (updated) Experience high speed robot action in Axis. You play ARM, a mech that can improve his ability to fight by changing parts and weapons. Multiplayer support via IPX, TCP/IP and a Ladder service. PII 266, 64 MB, Win 9x, 3d accelerator. 
43254 BACTERD2.ZIP 52,2 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Bacteria demo 2 Bacteria -pelissä pelaaja ohjailee pientä sukellusveneen kaltaista kapselia, joka on kutistettu ja ruiskutettu potilaan verisuonen sisään. Tarkoituksena on löytää potilaan taudin aiheuttava virus ja eliminoida se. Pelissä on noin 50 kenttää ja noin 30 erilaista vastustajaa. Valittavana on kokonainen kampanja tai lyhyempiä skenaarioita. 
61188 BAKUDEMO.ZIP 878987 16.10.1996 - 22381/TGM2.iso -
Baku Baku Playable Demo * puzzle game from
Sega. "The action is fast and the excitement
is intense! Munch or be munched! Finish it!
Baku Baku? That's what you'll hear as
monkeys, rabbits, pandas, and puppies munch
their favorite snacks as you match them up in
this intensely addictive Tetris style puzzle
game. It's fun for the whole family as you
build problem solving skills for kids of all
ages. Match carrots, bones, bamboo and
bananas. Baku Baku." For Windows 95 with
43255 BALLERBD.ZIP 60,8 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Ballerburg demo Demo saksalaisen Ascaronin kolmiulotteisesta genrensekoittajasta Ballerburgista. 3d-toimintaa, seikkailua ja kenraalimeininkiä fantasiakeskiajalla. 
43256 BH2KDEMO.ZIP 16,9 Mt 17.05.2001 - - -
Beach Head 2000 demo As a lone gunner you are the last defense against an overwhelming onslaught of enemy fire. Keep a steady aim and blast away at land, sea, and air forces as they rush you from every conceivable direction. Engage yourself in limitless levels of white-knuckle action, stunning photo-realistic graphics and earth shaking sound effects. Clear the beach, defend your post, and pray that the supply plane comes in time! PII 233, 32MB, Win9x. 
61388 BHELL101.A01 3999400 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender-räiskintäpelin kokeiluversio
V1.01. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Osa 2/4.
61389 BHELL101.A02 3999400 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender-räiskintäpelin kokeiluversio
V1.01. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Osa 3/4.
61390 BHELL101.A03 1825972 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender-räiskintäpelin kokeiluversio
V1.01. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Osa 4/4.
61391 BHELL101.ARJ 3999465 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender-räiskintäpelin kokeiluversio
V1.01. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Osa 1/4.
61713 BT_DEMO.ARJ 4445252 14.01.1997 - - -
Multiplayer Battletech: Solaris nonplayable
demo of the Internet-BattleTech
arcade-battle-shooting game from Kesmai. For
Windows. www.kesmai.com
61728 BUG_DEMO.ZIP 7329733 27.08.1996 - - -
BUG! Playable demo of side viewed cutesy
platform game from Sega Entertainment.
Requires Win95 and Pentium PC with 8 Mb,
SVGA, SB and DirectX. Fully functional.
43257 CBALLUD.ZIP 27,4 Mt 04.10.2001 - - -
"Clusterball demo (updated) Clusterball is an online sportdesigned to invoke the same  adrenaline rush as Quake and Unrealbut replacing the  spatter and gore with pure gameplay. By combining the feel  and gaming experience from ballflight and racing gamesClusterball is totally unlike anything youve ever seen before.  PII 23364MBWin95/98DirectX3D accelerator.  "
43258 CNOBD13.ZIP 97,6 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Codename: Outbreak demo 1.3 In Codename: Outbreak you visit the hottest spots of crisis, collect information about aliens and stop the infestation. You command a 2-man squad, learning the advantages of your weapons, and features and patrol routes of your enemies, which are superior in numbers, strength and abilities. Plan carefully and act collectively. A set of simple commands allows controlling your computer teammate and performing simultaneous actions. P233, 32 MB, 
43259 CNOBDEMO.ZIP 97,6 Mt 20.09.2001 repacked archive.org -
Codename: Outbreak demo Aiemmin nimellä Venom tunnetun 3d- scifiräiskinnän demo. P233, 32 Mt. 
43260 COMAN4D.ZIP 60,4 Mt 29.12.2001 repacked archive.org -
Comanche 4 demo  NovaLogicin helikopteriräiskinnän neljännen osan demo tarjoaa moninpelattavan deathmatch- kentän lisäksi myös mahdollisuuden tutustua pelistä löytyvään yksinpeliin Silver Strike -kentässä. P450, 128 Mt.  
62261 COMXZN95.EXE 1643045 18.02.1996 - - -
Segan Comix Zone-pelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95.
62427 CRYDEM95.ZIP 3042749 12.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
Self-running demo of the upcoming CRY.SYS for
Windows 95.  Also includes an AVI taken right
from the game!
62630 DARKHR.ZIP 1443184 14.01.1997 - 12790/9700.zip -
Dark Hour playable demo. Microforum's new
levels for Quake. The demo includes 4 levels
out of the 23 levels in the full version.
43261 DDOZEND.ZIP 109,1 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Deadly Dozen demo Hieman Operation Flashpointin tyylisen Deadly Dozen -pelin demossa valitset pelaajasi huippukoulutetun tusinan joukusta. Demoversio vie pelaajan Toisen Maailmansodan aikaiseen Saksaan. P300, 64 Mt. 
62689 DDROME.A01 3499590 25.09.1996 - - eritupla
Deathdrome demo 2/4
62691 DDROME.A02 3499302 25.09.1996 - - eritupla
Deathdrome demo 3/4
62693 DDROME.A03 2370686 25.09.1996 - - eritupla
Deathdrome demo 4/4
62695 DDROME.ARJ 3499586 25.09.1996 - - eritupla
Deathdrome demo version 1.55 - Windows 95.
Fast arcade blasting in motorcycles in closed
arenas, not unline tron - fight for your
life! Viacom Newmedia. 1/4
43262 DEERH5D.ZIP 80,4 Mt 05.10.2001 - - -
Deer Hunter 5: Tracking Trophies demo Käsittämättömän suositun virtuaalimetsästyssarja Deer Hunterin viidennen osan pelattava demo. P400, 128 mt. 
43263 DHARDT2D.ZIP 33,1 Mt 12.01.2002 renamed fileplanet.com -
Die Hard Trilogy 2 demo Die Hard Trilogy 2 -pelin demossa pelaaja ottaa Las Vegasissa terroristeja vastaan taistelevan John McClanen roolin.  
43264 DIABLOD.ZIP 49,7 Mt 22.12.2001 - - tupla
Diablo demo Embark, if you dare, on a dark and sinister quest that will pull you into the very depths of hell itself... and beyond. This dark role-playing adventure offers multiplayer support, including Internet play through Battle.net. 
62959 DISKFX.A01 2999260 29.10.1996 - - -
FX Fighter Turbo demo 2/4
62960 DISKFX.A02 2999132 29.10.1996 - - -
FX Fighter Turbo demo 3/4
62961 DISKFX.A03 1318886 29.10.1996 - - -
FX Fighter Turbo demo 4/4
62962 DISKFX.ARJ 2999561 29.10.1996 - - -
FX Fighter Turbo playable demo.
GTE Entertainment, beat'em'up,
Windows 95 w/ DirectX. 1/4
63370 E96-CBLD.ZIP 5520354 19.10.1996 - - -
Cold Blooded ECTS96 -non playable preview.
Requires Windows, by 7th Level.
43265 ECHELOND.ZIP 51,2 Mt 06.06.2001 - - -
Echelon demo Echelon puts the player in white-knuckle combat over lush alien landscapes and towering cities as a member of an elite fighting force facing a revolution on a colonial outpost. Featuring several branching campaigns and a well-wrought storyline, the player will have the ability to advance from Lieutenant to Commander during his/her battles and assume greater control over how each mission plays out. P233, 64MB, Win95, 3D accelerator. 
32272 ES2DEM-1.ZIP 4366279 27.03.1996 - - -
Earthsiege 2-Mechtaistelupelin pelattava
demo. Osa 1/4. Sierra. Vaatii 45 megaa
32273 ES2DEM-2.ZIP 4371470 27.03.1996 - - -
Earthsiege 2-Mechtaistelupelin pelattava
demo. Osa 2/4. Sierra.
32274 ES2DEM-3.ZIP 4333794 27.03.1996 - - -
Earthsiege 2-Mechtaistelupelin pelattava
demo. Osa 3/4. Sierra.
32275 ES2DEM-4.ZIP 1297812 27.03.1996 - - -
Earthsiege 2-Mechtaistelupelin pelattava
demo. Osa 4/4. Sierra.
32276 ES2DEMO.EXE 4115274 05.05.1996 - 17679/CD_2.iso -
Earthsiege 2 -pelin kevyempi pelattava demo.
Sisältää vain kevyemmän grafiikkamoodin.
43266 ETWIND.ZIP 146,3 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
"Evil Twin: Cypriens Chronicles demo Evil Twin -tasohyppelyn demossa otat syntymäpäiväänsä viettävän Cyprien-pojan roolin. Cyprienin syntymäpäivä on ikävä kyllä samana päivänä kun hänen vanhempansa sattuivat kuolemaanjoten poika ei odotetusti ole kovinkaan hyvällä tuulella. Tehtävänä olisi kuitenkin ainoan ystävänkarvaisen nallen pelastus. "
32293 EWJ.ZIP 1554514 26.02.1996 - 23645/PCGAMER15.bin -
Earthworm Jim playable demo for Windows 95,
platform game.
63910 EXPNMCYL.A01 3999332 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 2/8.
63911 EXPNMCYL.A02 3999414 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 3/8.
63912 EXPNMCYL.A03 3999381 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 4/8.
63913 EXPNMCYL.A04 3999420 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 5/8.
63914 EXPNMCYL.A05 3999353 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 6/8.
63915 EXPNMCYL.A06 3999391 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan demon
isompi versio. Osa 7/8.
63916 EXPNMCYL.A07 1668273 06.06.1996 - - -
Expect No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattavan
demon isompi versio. Osa 8/8.
63917 EXPNMCYL.ARJ 3999316 06.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-pelattavan demon isompi
versio. Sisältää mm. Yhden lisähahmon.
Osa 1/8.
32295 EXPNMCYS.A01 3999355 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 2/6.
32296 EXPNMCYS.A02 3999406 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 3/6.
32297 EXPNMCYS.A03 3999369 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Osa 4/6.
32298 EXPNMCYS.A04 3999345 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Osa 5/6.
32299 EXPNMCYS.A05 2340726 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Osa 6/6.
32300 EXPNMCYS.ARJ 3999380 02.06.1996 - - -
Except No Mercy-tappelupelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 1/6.
43267 FDTDD11.ZIP 95,6 Mt 05.10.2001 - - -
From Dusk Till Dawn demo v1.1  From Dusk Till Dawn (Hämärästä aamunkoittoon) -elokuvaan pohjautuvan pelissä pääset taistelemaan zombeja ja vampyyrejä vastaan Seth Geckon roolissa. Gecko on tuomittu kuolemaan, ja ainoa tie vapauteen käy epäkuolleiden sankan joukon läpi. P266, 64 MB, 3D Accel. 
43268 FDTDDEMO.ZIP 68 Mt 14.08.2001 - - -
From Dusk Till Dawn demo From Dusk Till Dawn (Hämärästä aamunkoittoon) -elokuvaan pohjautuvan pelissä pääset taistelemaan zombeja ja vampyyrejä vastaan Seth Geckon roolissa. Gecko on tuomittu kuolemaan, ja ainoa tie vapauteen käy epäkuolleiden sankan joukon läpi. PII 266, 64MB RAM, 3D Accel.  
32443 FURY3X.ZIP 4827947 05.05.1996 - 12790/9700.zip -
Fury3-räiskintäpelin pelattavan demon
32444 FURYDE-1.ZIP 3000004 21.02.1996 - - -
Fury3 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo. Windows
95. Osa 1/3.
32445 FURYDE-2.ZIP 2999941 21.02.1996 - - -
Fury3 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 2/3.
32446 FURYDE-3.ZIP 2333013 21.02.1996 - - -
Fury3 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo. Windows
95. Osa 3/3.
43269 GCKSRD.ZIP 100,9 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Giants: Citizen Kabuto Sea Reaper demo This demo lets you play a few missions on the side of Sea Reapers. 
43270 GGEARXD.ZIP 33,8 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
Guilty Gear X demo Perinteistä 2D-mäiskintää tarjoavan Guilty Gear X -pelin japaninkielisillä valikoilla varustettu demo. P450, 64 Mt. 
43271 GIANTSD.ZIP 103,2 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Giants: Citizen Kabuto Mecc demo This demo lets you play the missions of the second story on the side of Meccs. P350, Win 9x, 64 MB, D3D accelerator. 
43272 GORETEST.ZIP 41,9 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Gore multiplayer test demo Gore - The Ultimate Soldier will be an online multi-player game with an Offline ladder system placing the player against Gores advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) system so you can play by yourself if you do not have an Internet connection, or want to practice offline. We have implemented many new things which we feel will have a profound impact on death match plus other new and popular gaming styles. 
43273 GORETST2.ZIP 68,2 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Gore moninpelitesti #2  Tulevaisuuteen sijoittuvan 3D-räiskinnän moninpeliä esittelevän demon toinen versio. Sisältää neljä pelaajaluokkaa, kolme karttaa, 16 asetta ja neljä pelitilaa. P300, 64 Mt. 
43274 GRECOND.ZIP 73,9 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
"Tom Clancys Ghost Recon demo Take command of the Ghosts through a series of missions that range from demolitionsto search and rescueto all-out firefights for survival. The demo contains an exclusive mission that will not be in the final game. This mission acts as a prequel to the storyline of the full version and has limited multiplayer support. P450128 Mt. "
64627 GUB11NOX.ZIP 3985854 28.08.1996 - - tupla
Gubble Playable Demo from Actual
Entertainment Action-strategy game for Win95,
requires DirectX 2.0.
32547 HBDEMO.A01 1456089 15.09.1996 - - -
Hyperblade pl. demo 2/7
32548 HBDEMO.A02 1456092 15.09.1996 - - -
Hyperblade pl. demo 3/7
32549 HBDEMO.A03 1456101 15.09.1996 - - -
Hyperblade pl. demo 4/7
32550 HBDEMO.A04 1456531 15.09.1996 - - -
Hyperblade pl. demo 5/7
32551 HBDEMO.A05 1456452 15.09.1996 - - -
Hypervlade pl. demo 6/7
32552 HBDEMO.A06 381343 15.09.1996 - - -
Hyperblade pl. demo 7/7
32553 HBDEMO.ARJ 1456393 15.09.1996 - - -
HyperBlade Playable Demo * Win95 "HyperBlade
fuses the high-speed thrills of hockey and
extreme skating with the brutality of combat
fighting to bring you pure sporting madness!"
Category: Sports/Action Publisher:
Activision(R) Platforms: Windows(R)
95/MS-DOS(R) hybrid CD-ROM, Sony PlayStation
and Sega Saturn Availability: November 1996
for the PC and Spring 1997 for the Sony
PlayStation and Sega Saturn. Futuristic
sports game, played in large drome with goals
32554 HELIDEMO.A01 2499416 09.11.1996 - - -
Helicops playable demo 2/5
32555 HELIDEMO.A02 2499461 09.11.1996 - - -
Helicops playable demo 3/5
32556 HELIDEMO.A03 2499428 09.11.1996 - - -
Helicops playable demo 4/5
32557 HELIDEMO.A04 757079 09.11.1996 - - -
Helicops playable demo 5/5
32558 HELIDEMO.ARJ 2499062 09.11.1996 - - -
Helicops playable demo 1/5
Helicopter action thriller. Players pair up
in copter and crew and combat in a 3D
modeled city of NeoTokyo and surrounding
areas. For Windows 95 w/ DirectX
7th Level/Paragon Visual Systems
32568 HIVEDEMO.A01 3999400 23.08.1996 - - -
The Hive - demo 2/5
32569 HIVEDEMO.A02 3999400 23.08.1996 - - -
The Hive - demo 3/5
32570 HIVEDEMO.A03 3999400 23.08.1996 - - -
The Hive - demo 4/5
32571 HIVEDEMO.A04 1587880 23.08.1996 - - -
The Hive - demo 5/5
32572 HIVEDEMO.ARJ 3999400 23.08.1996 - - -
The Hive - playable demo of Windows 95
32596 HTRHTD.A01 2799400 25.11.1996 - - -
Hunter/Hunted pl. demo 2/3
32597 HTRHTD.A02 2188508 25.11.1996 - - -
Hunter/Hunted pl. demo 3/3
32598 HTRHTD.ARJ 2799400 25.11.1996 - - -
Hunter/Hunted playable demo from
Sierra-On-Line. "You are the perfect specimen
- the biggest, baddest, the best of the best.
Selected as the representative of your
species, you'll prove your superiority in
bloodposrt. Are you man, or beast? Make the
choice, and hunt your enemy through
flesh-eating tunnels and booby-trapped
sewers." For Windows 95 with DirectX. 1/3
32599 HUNTDEM4.A01 2999496 14.01.1997 - - -
Hunted/Hunted: Beast mission pl. demo 2/3
32600 HUNTDEM4.A02 2186752 14.01.1997 - - -
Hunted/Hunted: Beast mission pl. demo 3/3
32601 HUNTDEM4.ARJ 2999493 14.01.1997 - - -
Hunter/Hunted: Beast mission pl. demo 1/3
Action that casts you as the biggest and
baddest of your species to prove yourself in
from Sierra On-Line, Inc.
Requirements 16 Mb RAM, 486, VGA, Win95
32630 IFDEMO.A01 1457075 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 2/8.
32631 IFDEMO.A02 1457064 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 3/8.
32632 IFDEMO.A03 1457064 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 4/8.
32633 IFDEMO.A04 1457112 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 5/8.
32634 IFDEMO.A05 1457142 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskintäpelin pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 6/8.
32635 IFDEMO.A06 1457012 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 7/8.
32636 IFDEMO.A07 941870 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice&Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 8/8.
32637 IFDEMO.ARJ 1457020 06.01.1996 - - -
Ice & Fire 3D-räiskinnän pelattava demo.
Windows 95. Osa 1/8.
43275 K911DEMO.ZIP 72,5 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
"DMXs K-911 Contact demo Biomekaanista koirataisteluajota vauhdittaa DMX:n vihaiset riimit. Paketissa mukana myös demon päivitys. P45096 Mt32 Mt näytönohjain. "
32724 KRZIVAN.A01 3999326 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 2/9
32725 KRZIVAN.A02 3999366 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 3/9
32726 KRZIVAN.A03 3999276 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 4/9
32727 KRZIVAN.A04 2924544 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 5/9
32728 KRZIVAN.A05 3999381 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 6/9
32729 KRZIVAN.A06 3999431 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 7/9
32730 KRZIVAN.A07 3999323 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 8/9
32731 KRZIVAN.A08 3689306 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan demo 9/9
32732 KRZIVAN.ARJ 3999229 29.10.1996 - - -
Krazy Ivan playable demo. 1 level, some
options disabled. Mech-like shoot'em'up, one
man against a army in heavily armored
battlesuit. Requires Win95, 8 Mb, P75+ &
accelerated graphics. Recommended 16 Mb + 16
bit colour. Requires DirectX.
Psygnosis. 1/9
32733 KTDEMO.A01 2999639 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 2/8
32734 KTDEMO.A02 2999429 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 3/8
32735 KTDEMO.A03 2998917 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 4/8
32736 KTDEMO.A04 2999238 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 5/8
32737 KTDEMO.A05 2999063 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 6/8
32738 KTDEMO.A06 2999114 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 7/8
32739 KTDEMO.A07 1291067 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time demo 8/8
32740 KTDEMO.ARJ 2999400 18.12.1996 - - -
Killing Time playable demo
Part mysteri, part mayhem. Pure Terror!
Can you find the secret of youth and still
escape alive? You are trapped in a
first-person passage throught unspeakable
evil. Killing Time's gameplay is reminiscent
of the first-person corridor mayhem of
Quake(TM) mixed with the puzzle solving
intricacies of The 11th hour. For Winodws 95
w/ DirectX. From 3DO Company.
42391 LOMMDEMO.ZIP 82,3 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Legends of Might and Magic -demoLegends of Might and Magic -demo
43276 LOMMFLD2.ZIP 82,3 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Legends of Might & Magic demo 2Netissä pelattava, Might and Magicin universumiin sijoittuvan fps-pelin demo. Demossa kaksi tasoa ja team vs team -pelimuoto kuuteentoista pelaajaan asti. Gamespy-tuki. P300 MHz, 64 MB. Tukee: D3D. 
43277 LOONYLD.ZIP 5,2 Mt 02.04.2001 - - -
Loonyland: Halloween Hill demo Tässä humoristisessa toimintaseikkailupelissä pelaajat suorittavat tehtäviä ja taistelevat hirviöitä vastaan samalla löytäen aarteita, kuten uusia pelimoodeja. Pelaajan täytyy taistella yli 60 eri hirviötyyppiä vastaan yli 50:ssä eri kentässä ratkoessaan muinaisia mysteerejä ja auttaessaan avuttomia kyläläisiä.  Tässä demossa on useita alkupuolen tehtäviä.  
43278 LWNDEMO.ZIP 26,9 Mt 14.08.2001 - - -
"Lightweight Ninja demo Its the perfect situation. You beat up the bad guysrescue the princesssave the world and get praised forever...right?  What if you dont know who the bad guys are? What if the line between friend and enemy has been erasedand a rising tension is about to explode into a war with you in the middle? The first step in becoming a hero is distinguishing friend from foe... This demo contains levels 1-3 of Chapter 1. P20064MB RAMWindows 9x/Me/NT/2000. "
32809 M2PREV.A01 3999443 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Marathon 2: Durandal. Pelattava demo. Osa
2/5. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Win95.
32810 M2PREV.A02 3999469 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Marathon 2: Durandal. Pelattava demo. Osa
3/5. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Win95.
32811 M2PREV.A03 3999400 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Marathon 2: Durandal. Pelattava demo. Osa
4/5. Sisältää DirectX-ajurit. Win95.
32812 M2PREV.A04 1464916 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Marathon 2: Durandal. Pelattava demo. Osa
5/5. Sisältää DirectX.ajurit. Win95.
32813 M2PREV.ARJ 3999452 13.08.1996 - MBCD -
Marathon 2: Durandal-3D-räiskintäpelin
pelattava demo. Osa 1/5. Sisältää
DirectX-ajurit. Windows95.
43279 MAXPAYND.ZIP 130,6 Mt 07.09.2001 repacked Pelit CD 2002 -
Max Payne demo Suomalaisen pelitalo Remedy Entertainmentin tekemän Max Paynen demo. 
43280 MOHAAD.ZIP 150,4 Mt 12.01.2002 - - -
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault demo Odotetun räiskinnän, Medal of Honor: Allied Assaultin, yksinpelidemo. 
43281 MOHAAmpd.ZIP 99,8 Mt 14.12.2001 - - -
Medal of Honour: Allied Assault demoMedal of Honour: Allied Assaultin moninpelattava demo. Sisältää yhden Stalingradiin sijoittuvan deathmatch -moninpelikentän. 
43282 NABOOD.ZIP 50,9 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
"Star Wars: Episode I Battle For Naboo demoThe Trade Federation invasion force has landed in Theed. Fearing for her planetQueen Amidala escapes to plead Naboos case before the Galactic Senate. But while she is awayNaboo is in grave danger and must be protected. As a lieutenant of Naboos Royal Security Forcesyou must navigate the streets of occupied Theed in order to escape and form a resistance movement. PII 23364MBWin953D accelerator. "
32971 NECRSW40.A01 2999460 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Necrodome. V0.40. Osa 2/3.
32972 NECRSW40.A02 1825160 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Necrodome. V0.40. Osa 3/3.
32973 NECRSW40.ARJ 2999487 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
Necrodome-räiskintäpelin versio 0.40. Osa
1/3. Gritty, fast paced car-combat
game taking place in enclosed arenas
called Pits. Drive fast, armored car loaded
with latest weapons. Win95, single or duo
network play. Requires P60, 8 Mb, DirectX
2.0. Raven Software/SSI
43283 NOESCD.ZIP 81,9 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
No Escape demo (large)No Escape is the biggest, coolest, most popular live TV-show ever, featuring up to eight contestants battling each other on artificial planets created for the show. Cameras hover above the planets capturing every moment of the contest, which includes weapons and gadgets for the contestants to use to shoot, jump, sneak and bomb their opponents to smithereens - all to get the high score and win the grand prize! 
43284 NOESCLD.ZIP 28,3 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
No Escape demo (small)No Escape is the biggest, coolest, most popular live TV-show ever, featuring up to eight contestants battling each other on artificial planets created for the show. Cameras hover above the planets capturing every moment of the contest, which includes weapons and gadgets for the contestants to use to shoot, jump, sneak and bomb their opponents to smithereens - all to get the high score and win the grand prize! 
43285 NOLFMMIX.ZIP 128,8 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
"No One Lives Forever updated demo This story-drivenfirst person adventure delivers actiontense subterfugeoutrageous villains and wry humor in the tradition of 1960s spy films and TV shows. Armed with conventional and experimental weaponry and gadgetsCate Archer explores exotic localescircumvents trapsand contends with deadly agents. This Mega Mix demo includes 4 single player levels plus 2 multiplayer maps. PII 30064MBWin95/98DirectX. "
43287 OFPmpd.ZIP 48,4 Mt 22.09.2001 - - -
Operation Flashpoint demo (moninpeli) Flashpointin moninpelidemo. Sisältää yhden  tehtävän. Tukee 2-8:n pelaajan LAN- ja  internet-pelejä. P400 MHz, 16Mt 3D-näytönohjain, 64 Mt.
43286 OFPMPD14.ZIP 48,5 Mt 30.12.2001 renamed Pelit CD 2002 -
Operation Flashpoint demo (moninpeli) v1.4Operation Flashpointin uusi moninpelidemo. Tukee 2-8:n pelaajan LAN- ja internet-pelejä. P600, 128 Mt. 
43288 OMINOUSD.ZIP 32,8 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
Ominous Horizons demo Uskonnollisella juonella varustetun Ominous Horizons -pelin demossa pelaajan pitää taistella saatanallisia voimia vastaan. P300, 32 Mt. 
33122 PB2CNDEM.EXE 3337787 02.10.1996 - - -
3-D Pinball: Creep Night. Flipperipelin
pelattava demo. Windows 95.
32064 PITFALLD.ARJ 1697478 15.12.1995 - - -
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure - Windows 95 one
level playble demo of a great remake of a
classical platform game. Req. 486/66 8 Mb
43289 PRIMALPD.ZIP 31,9 Mt 28.09.2001 - - -
Primal Prey demo Ajassa matkustavana metsästäjänä olet valmis elämäsi suurimpaan haasteeseen: dinosaurusjahtiin! Yhdeksän erilaista dinosaurusta, mukana myös T-Rex. P350, 64 Mt. 
33225 RASHDEMO.A01 2272145 27.08.1996 - - -
Road Rash demo 2/2
33226 RASHDEMO.ARJ 2499594 27.08.1996 - - -
Road Rash for Windows 95 Playable demo of the
fast and furious motorcycle racing game from
Electronic Arts.
43290 REDFACTD.ZIP 127,8 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Red Faction demo Mystisen vitsauden vallitessa kaivostyöläiden keskuudessa Ultor Corporation pakottaa kaivostyöläiset tekemään töitä huonoissa oloissa syvällä punaisen Marsin pinnan alla. Pelaa Parkerina ja auta kapinallisia nujertamaan Ultor Corporation. 
43291 REDFMPD.ZIP 44,4 Mt 22.09.2001 - - -
Red Faction demo (moninpeli) Moninpelillä varustettu testivaiheessa oleva  demo Red Factionista. Sisältää kaksi 16 pelaajan  deathmatch-kenttää ja yhden 16 pelaajan  CTF-kentõn. 
43292 REDFUD.ZIP 80,6 Mt 22.09.2001 - - -
Red Faction demo (päivitetty) Pelaa Parkerina ja auta kapinallisia nujertamaan  Ultor Corporation. Mystisen vitsauden vallitessa  kaivostyöläisten keskuudessa ovat työläiset  pakotettu tekemään töitä huonoissa oloissa syvällä punaisen Marsin pinnan alla. Tässä uudessa demossa on lisää yksinpelattavia  kenttiä. P350, 64 Mt. 
43293 RESDEMO.ZIP 63,3 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Resurrection demo Reaaliaikainen, taistelupainoitteinen fantasiaroolipeli. Pelaaja ohjaa Domenicoa, ihmisdemonia, joka kamppailee yllätyksen ja hiiviskelyn voimalla. P266, 32 MB. 
33265 RFIRE.A01 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 2/6.
33266 RFIRE.A02 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 3/6.
33267 RFIRE.A03 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 4/6.
33268 RFIRE.A04 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 5/6.
33269 RFIRE.A05 524824 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 6/6.
33270 RFIRE.ARJ 1457064 22.04.1996 - - -
Return Fire-pelin pelattava demo. Sisältää
musiikit. Osa 1/6.
30756 RFIRE1NM.ZIP 2892196 02.04.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_3.ISO -
Return Fire. Ylhäältäpäin  kuvattu
räiskintäpeli, jossa voit valita
helikopterin, Jeepin, tai jommankumman
kahdesta tankista.
33278 RISE2W95.A01 3999199 30.07.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Win95 demo 2/4
33279 RISE2W95.A02 3999224 30.07.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Win95 demo 3/4
33280 RISE2W95.A03 2075093 30.07.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Win95 demo 4/4
33281 RISE2W95.ARJ 3999202 30.07.1996 - - -
Rise 2: Resurrection, Windows 95 playable
demo with 4 characters. Beat'em'up,
67943 RJDEMO.A01 3999183 29.10.1996 - - -
Rocket Jockey demo 2/5
67944 RJDEMO.A02 3999354 29.10.1996 - - -
Rocket Jockey demo 3/5
67945 RJDEMO.A03 3999326 29.10.1996 - - -
Rocket Jockey demo 4/5
67946 RJDEMO.A04 3717852 29.10.1996 - - -
Rocket Jockey demo 5/5
67947 RJDEMO.ARJ 3999249 29.10.1996 - - -
Rocket Jockey Playable Demo "Climb aboard one
of the finest new rocket cycles available on
the market, aerodynamically streamlined for
your riding pleasure. Sleek, stylish, and
comfortable, these cycles have been designed
for heart- racing, neck-breaking,
gladiator-style combat where the whole point
of the game is not just to win, but to win by
crushing, maiming, and trampling the
helpless, quivering remains of your fellow
jockeys! For Windows 95 Rocket
43294 RTCWMPD2.ZIP 57,7 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Return to Castle Wolfenstein moninpelidemoYhden moninpelikentän sisältävä Return to Castle Wolfenstein -pelin päivitetty demo. Sisältää paljon pieniä korjauksia ja uudistuksia ensimmäiseen moninpelitestiin verrattuna, mutta on muuten täysin identtinen 1. demon kanssa. P500, 128 Mt. 
43295 RTCWOLFD.ZIP 114,1 Mt 14.12.2001 repacked fileplanet.com -
Return To Castle Wolfenstein demo Activision on julkaissut Gray Matter Studiosin uuden räiskinnän odotetun yksinpelidemon. Demo sisältää kentät Escape1 ja Crypt1 itse pelistä. P500, 128 Mt. 
43296 RTOCWMPD.ZIP 63,4 Mt 29.09.2001 - - -
Return to Castle Wolfenstein moninpelidemoYhden moninpelikentän sisältävä Return to Castle Wolfenstein -pelin demo. P500, 128 Mt, OpenGL-yhteensopiva 16 Mt näytönohjain, 56.6k modeemi.  
43297 SBODDEMO.ZIP 101,4 Mt 14.02.2001 - - -
Blade of Darkness demo Siirry miekan valtaan luottavaan fantasiamaailmaan. Sankareita ja suuria tehtäviä. Graafisesti hyvin vaikuttava ja silmille roiskuva toimintapeli. Voimallisia miekkataisteluita ja irtojäseniä. P350, 64 MB, Direct3D. 
43298 SDNWDEMO.ZIP 75 Mt 29.09.2001 - - -
"SheepDogN Wolf demo Auta nälkäistä Ralph-sutta varastamaan lammas Sam-koiralta. Pelaajan ja Acme-varustuksen avustuksella sen pitäisi olla helppoa. "
43299 SECRETSD.ZIP 85,6 Mt 21.12.2001 - - -
"Secret Service: In Harms Way demo Taktiseksi 3D-räiskinnäksi luokiteltavan Secret Service -pelin demo heittää pelaajan nuoren agentin kenkiin. Peliin pääsee tutustumaan yhden kokonaisen yksinpelitehtävän ja yhden moninpelattavan deathmatch-kentän verran. P33364 Mt. "
43300 SHEEPUD.ZIP 53 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
"Sheep updated demo Theyve traveled vast distances through space. Theyve colonized countless star systems. Theyve forgotten why theyre here... Can you guide the lovable - but soooo stupid - Sheep to Mt Mouflon without getting them bashedboiledblown up or blow-dried?   "
33433 SHELL101.A01 3999400 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender-räiskintäpelin kokeiluversio.
V.1.01. Ei sisällä DirectX-ajureita. Osa 2/3.
33434 SHELL101.A02 3093011 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender. Kokeiluversio. V.1.01. Ei sisällä
DirectX-ajureita. Osa 3/3.
33435 SHELL101.ARJ 3999461 15.09.1996 - - -
Hellbender. Kokeiluversio. V1.01. Ei sisällä
DirectX-ajureita. Osa 1/3.
33458 SKULLNET.A01 2999353 29.10.1996 - - -
SkullCracker demo 2/3
33459 SKULLNET.A02 1798883 29.10.1996 - - -
SkullCracker demo 3/3
33460 SKULLNET.ARJ 2999238 29.10.1996 - - -
SkullCracker playable demo
Side-viewed beat'em'up adventure.
"Prepare to battle the undead, th unearthed,
and the unleashed in supernatural non-stop
fighting game on PC & MAC CD-ROM. 16 levels
of fury as you combat an unholy host of
zombies, werewolves, vampires, mutants,
night-creatures, deranged skatepunks etc.
CyberFlix/GTE Entertainment. Win95. 1/3
43301 SOZORROD.ZIP 57,8 Mt 28.11.2001 - - -
The Shadow of Zorro demo On vuosi 1822, kapteeni Montero siirtyy Los Angelesiin uudeksi poliisipäälliköksi. Samoilla Kalifornian mannuilla majaileva Zorro kuitenkin huomaa, että uusi päällikkö onkin itseasiassa De la Hoya, katala sotarikollinen, jonka uskottiin kuolleen jo aikoja sitten. Sankarimme täytyy tietenkin selvittää miten ilkeä rikollinen on selvinnyt hengissä ja mitä ihmettä hän tekee Kaliforniassa. P400, 64 Mt. 
43302 SPACETD.ZIP 3,6 Mt 26.05.2001 - - -
Space Tripper demo Space Tripper is a frantic Shoot-em-up brought to you from people who remember what shoot-em-up means!! Fly your ship through 14 arenas, with your only mission being to kill everything within a time limit. Only then can you proceed to the next stage. Be warned... this game holds no punches. This is one seriously tough Shooter! P450, 64 MB.  
33507 SPDEALER.A01 3499200 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet 6 level non-playable demo 2/4
33508 SPDEALER.A02 3499463 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet 6 level non-playable demo 3/4
33509 SPDEALER.A03 1029211 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet 6 level non-playable demo 474
33510 SPDEALER.ARJ 3499586 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet 6 level NON-playable demo
from Criterion Studio / Virgin. A 3D
shoot'em'u, first person perspective 360
degree relentless action across various
terrains. Test your reflees, nerves and
tactical awareness.
Win95 w/ DirectX 1/4
33511 SPDIAMON.ZIP 4978758 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet Playable Demo from Criterion
Studios / Virgin. A 3D shoot'em'up, first
person perspective 360 degree relentless
action shoot'em'up game across various
terrains. Test your reflexes, nerves
and tactical awareness.
* Win95 w/ DirectX;
Diamond Monster 3D -version *
43303 SPIDERMD.ZIP 129,1 Mt 04.10.2001 - - -
Spiderman demo Kaikkien tunteman seittiheikin seikkailuista kertovan arcadetoiminnan demo. P266, 64 mt. 
33516 SPORCHID.ZIP 4978752 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet Playable Demo from Criterion
Studios / Virgin. A 3D shoot'em'up, first
person perspective 360 degree relentless
action shoot'em'up game across various
terrains. Test your reflexes, nerves
and tactical awareness.
* Win95 w/ DirectX; Orchid Righteous 3D *
33518 SPWIN.ZIP 4174054 17.10.1996 - - -
Scorched Planet Playable Demo from Criterion
Studios / Virgin. A 3D shoot'em'up, first
person perspective 360 degree relentless
action shoot'em'up game across various
terrains. Test your reflexes, nerves
and tactical awareness.
* Win95 w/ DirectX; 4.2 MB *
43304 SR2DEMO.ZIP 53,6 Mt 28.11.2001 - - -
Soul Reaver 2 demo Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver -pelin jatko-osan demossa pelaaja ottaa Razielin roolin, jonka Kain-jahti vie hänet ajassa taaksepäin. Pelkäksi kostomatkaksi seikkailu ei kuitenkaan jää, sillä myös Nosgothin tulevaisuus lepää pelaajan harteilla. P450, 128 Mt. 
43305 SSAMD3.ZIP 78,6 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
"Serious Sam demo 3 Serious Sam is a high-adrenaline arcade-action  shooter heavily focused on frantic single player  action. In a world where advanced technology is  mixed with black magic and psychic powersSam  travels thru ancient Egypt and several planetsconfronting Mentals minions on his way to  their base."
43306 SSAMSED.ZIP 110,7 Mt 20.12.2001 - - -
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter demo After finding the Sirian spacecraft in ancient Egypt, Sam "Serious" Stone hijacked it and headed for his archenemy, Mental himself! But sadly, Sam lost control of the the alien craft and crash landed in the South American mountains. Now, surrounded by an even stronger army of Mental\'s evil forces, Sam is forced to battle his way towards Mental\'s fortress and put a stop once and for all to his plans of world domination. P300, 64 MB. 
33573 SW-DE95.A01 3099069 22.02.1996 - - -
Shockwave Assault demo 2/3
33574 SW-DE95.A02 2812461 21.02.1996 - - -
Shockwave Assault demo 3/3
33575 SW-DE95.ARJ 3099254 21.02.1996 - - -
Shockwave Assault Demo for Windows 95,
shoot'em'up from EOA. Requires 486/66 * 8 Mb
43307 T2BETAD.ZIP 78,4 Mt 01.08.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 demo public beta  Julkinen beta-versio Tribes 2:n pelattavasta demosta. Lopullinen versio ilmestyy kunhan tästä on bugit saatu viilattua. 
33628 TCDEMO95.A01 3999193 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 2/11
33629 TCDEMO95.A02 3999264 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 3/11
33630 TCDEMO95.A03 3999444 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 4/11
33631 TCDEMO95.A04 3999466 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 5/11
33632 TCDEMO95.A05 3999470 16.09.1996 - - -
Time COmmando demo 6/11
33633 TCDEMO95.A06 3999453 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 7/11
33634 TCDEMO95.A07 3999438 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 8/11
33635 TCDEMO95.A08 3999394 16.09.1996 - - -
Time COmmando demo 9/11
33636 TCDEMO95.A09 3999401 16.09.1996 - - -
Time COmmando demo 10/11
33637 TCDEMO95.A10 1159175 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando demo 11/11
33638 TCDEMO95.ARJ 3999358 16.09.1996 - - -
Time Commando - playable demo for Win95
by Adeline Software. Travel through time and
battle enemies in nine time zones during the
history. A 3D-beat'em'up adventure in race
against time. Requires Pentium & 8 Mb,
recommended 16 Mb. 1/11
33693 TILTDEMO.ZIP 3223848 09.02.1996 - - -
for WIN 95
43308 TM16DEMO.ZIP 40,1 Mt 12.06.2001 - - -
Tread Marks demo v1.6 Kilpa-ajoa tankeilla. Kilpakaverit voi tietysti tykittää tuusan nuuskaksi, samoin kuin maastoa ja muuta rekvisiittaa. 
43309 TOD-DEMO.ZIP 107,2 Mt 29.01.2001 - 23174/Gamestar_27_2001-03_cd1.bin -
"The Typing of the Dead demo In The Typing Of The Dead you run through House of the Dead 2but instead of firing a light-gun you type a word that is displayed onscreen in front of the creature attacking you. The faster and more accurately you type the wordsthe faster youll kill the zombies and the higher youre score will be. This single-player demo includes 2 Drill levelsone Arcade leveland the first Prelude level of the Original game mode. "
43310 TRIBS2UD.ZIP 79,3 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Tribes 2 demo (päivitetty) Demon lopullisesta versiosta löytyy kaksi yksinpelattavaa harjoitustehtävää, yksi CRF-kartta ja yksi Team Hunters -kartta. P400, 64 Mt. 
43311 UNDYING.EXE 96,9 Mt 17.04.2001 - 23866/TRIAL_ENTCDJB4.iso -
"Clive Barkers Undying by Electronic ArtsSet in Ireland of the 1920splayers take on the role of Patrick Gallowaywho has been summoned to an ancestral estate by its lone descendentJeremiah. Death has claimed his four siblingseach of whom have reanimated intent on slaying their living brotherthe last of the familyso as to free the Curse of the Undying King.
Patrick must embark on five perilous quests before he can unearth the final horror of the estate.
This demo lets you play through a sequence in the haunted mansion and includes some of the stronger weapons and spells from the full version. 
33815 VSQUAD.A01 1456613 05.12.1996 - - -
Virtua Squad demo 2/5
33816 VSQUAD.A02 1456439 05.12.1996 - - -
Virtua Squad demo 3/5
33817 VSQUAD.A03 1456605 05.12.1996 - - -
Virtua Squad demo 4/5
33818 VSQUAD.A04 259224 05.12.1996 - - -
Virtua Squad demo 5/5
33819 VSQUAD.ARJ 1456573 05.12.1996 - - -
Virtua Squad playeble demo 1/5
From Sega. Virtua Cop -arcade on PC.
Req. win95 w/ DirectX.
43312 WOODYWPD.ZIP 55,9 Mt 08.11.2001 - - -
Woody Woodpecker demo Woody Woodpecker: Escape from Buzz Buzzard Parkin demossa kuuluisa piirroslintu Woodyn eli Nakke Nakuttajan on pelastettava kaapattu sukulaisensa ilkeän Buzz Buzzardin kynsistä. 
43313 WW3BGD.ZIP 130,8 Mt 05.08.2001 - - -
World War III: Black Gold demo After Central Geological UN Commission reveals that worldwide oil stocks have plummeted to dangerously low levels and oil reserves will run out within 8-10 years, the leading forces have declared WWIII... 
43314 WWPDEMO.ZIP 36,8 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Worms World Party demo This new installment in the series brings all of your favorite options, and adds a whole bunch more. You have been recruited to command a platoon of worms into battle. Compete in various battles to achieve Worms World Supremacy! Take on the world, dominate, and annihilate the competition, and become the top worm! This turn based, carnage filled battle is sure to leave weaker players writhing in the mud. 
43315 ZAXAHD.ZIP 50,8 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Zax: The Alien Hunter demo Zax is an action adventure that takes place in over 100 maps in 22 missions. You must battle alien cave dwellers, jungle creatures and a number of other menaces created by the evil Om. Zax features a number of weapons and is played from an overhead, isometric view. P233, 32 MB. 
42401 ELITEDRT.ARJ 3,8 Mt 30.09.1999 repacked archive.org tupla
Elite Darts demo by Patch Products, Inc. Beautifully produced darts simulation featuring great graphics, atmospheric sound effects, and highly realistic dart-throwing action. A well-produced tutorial movie teaches you how to throw by guiding a transparent throwing arm with your mouse. This demo lets you play a single-player game of 301. Windows 95   1/3
42402 HH2002UD.ZIP 72,9 Mt 29.03.2001 renamed archive.org -
High Heat Major League Baseball 2002 demo The High Heat Major League Baseball 2002 is  an attempt to create the best baseball game  ever made, combining arcade-action with an  accurate simulation. It features a hi-res  3D-stadium environment with polygonal  players and animation derived from motion  capture. The AI features an accurate  simulation system utilizing statistics from  actual MLBPA players on actual MLB teams.  
42403 NBAL01D.ZIP 52,9 Mt 21.02.2001 repacked archive.org -
"NBA Live 2001 demo Think you can run the rock well enough to hang with the best? Hook up with other virtual hoopsters to find out whos got the most game. High-flying dunkscrossover dribblesblocked shots that land in the fourth row -- if its in the gameits in NBA Live 2001. But remember: if youre going to talk the talkyoud better be able to walk the walkbecause in NBA Live 2001 Showdownyou can run but you cant hide. P20032MBWin953D accelerator. "
42404 SURFDEMO.ZIP 65,2 Mt 16.01.2001 - 23868/HDC50.iso -
"Championship Surfer demoFull 3D surfing experience complete with sprayweather effectsenvironmental effectshuge swells and much more!  Consultation with Australian Surfing Champion Mark Richardsonensures player control system accurately duplicates the movements and tricks performed by the worlds best surfers. Ground breaking proprietary wave generation enginecreates stunningly realistic waves that make for Authentic Real World Surfing. "
42405 TPBDEMO.ZIP 44,7 Mt 22.03.2001 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain -
Triple Play Baseball demoThe Triple Play Baseball demo consists of Single Game Mode, Safeco Field only, All-Star Rosters only, 3 Innings only and No commentary. 
42406 VPOOL3UD.ZIP 19,1 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Virtual Pool 3 updated demo The ultimate pool simulator arrives with enhanced graphics and a brand-new career mode! The only pool game that guarantees to make you a better player is still the best pool game in town. Note: This demo will not run on Windows 95. You will need Windows 98, Windows Me, or Window 2000 to run the demo.  
43316 1W773.ZIP 83,3 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 Cathay Pacific/Oneworld Boeing 777-300 Registration B-HNH. Based in Hong Kong, Cathay Pacific is the launch customer to Boeing\'s 777-300, and B-HNH is the first one on earth. It has since formed an alliance with British, Qantas, American, Finnair and Canadian, naming it "Oneworld". The alliance is real, but the plane is fictitious. Includes landing lights and cabin lighting. By Jeffrey Lung.
43317 4X4ETE.ZIP 2,6 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
4x4 Evolution track editorContains also Patch #1 that will work on all English and Japanese versions, but not with French or German versions. This patch addresses profile reset, a bug in Time Attack, enhancements to DirectX and OpenGL rendering, additional suspension type for custom trucks, and the maximum number of custom trucks has been raised to 25. 
43318 752AY5P1.ZIP 206,4 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS5/FSFS Finnair Boeing 757-200 (Pro Series) 1.01 Features a more realistic texture on the fuselage, more night lighting, including tail light Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. Wings designer: Bill Alderson
43319 752AY8P1.ZIP 157,1 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 Finnair Boeing 757-200 (Pro Series) 1.01 Features a more realistic texture on the fuselage, more night lighting, including tail light Design and paint by: Camil Valiquette. Wings designer: Bill Alderson
43320 ADDITP2K.ZIP 5,9 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
"FS2000 Utility - V4.0.2 Addit! Pro  For Flight Simulator 200 0 Addit! Pro gives you the power to fully manage all of your  Flight Simulator 2000 addons. Quickly and easily install ne w addons. Archive addons to Addit! Pros File Cabinet or re create them in folders or zip files. Removing addons is jus t as effortless. Assign new panels and sounds to your fleet  of aircraft.  Conflicts and configuration problems are ide ntified before they cause any grief. Addit! Pro can even au tomatically update Flight Simulators scenery library (Scen ery.cfg). The program handles adventuresaircraftflights"
43321 ADFACD10.ZIP 460,9 kt 07.03.1998 - MBCD -
Air Combat Designer v1.0 for F-22: ADF Want to generate some cool instant action style scenarios for F-22 ADF? Freeware! Windows 95.
43322 ADFDM101.ZIP 414,8 kt 10.06.1998 - MBCD -
Dynamic Mission Designer v1.01 for F-22:Air Dominance Fighter. Win95. Following on the very successful launch of Air Combat Designer, Game Tool Technologies brings dynamic mission creation tool for F-22: ADF. Simple yet easy method for generating dynamic missions for you to fly. Moreover, DMD generates both single player pilot missions and multi-player missions in co-op format or in the strategic AWACS format
43323 ADIT318.ZIP 5,6 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
Addit! Pro For Flight Simulator 98    FS98 Utility - V3.1.8 Addit! Pro is a  full-featured addon manager for Microsoft  Flight Simulator 98. Easily install, manage  and remove adventures, aircraft, panels,  scenery, situations, sounds, textures and  videos. Archive addons you are not using.  Modify aircraft, panels and sounds. Add  scenery to scenery library. Requires FS 98,  FS Converter 98. By Joseph Stearns.
42410 ANACHED.ZIP 6,6 Mt 25.08.2001 - - -
Anachronox Editing Tools and Docs Anachronox-peliin tarkoitetut editointityökalut ja -dokumentit. 
43324 AS_CARDM.ZIP 177,7 kt 25.11.1999 - - tupla
AS Card Maker With this you can easily make your own Card Deck for AS Card Games. The most time consuming part is finding pictures you want and then converting them in Bitmap Format. After that  you can make the very fast. Program automatically resize images to fit in one card. Note if your pictures width is greater than height , pictures will lose their aspects. Windows 95 By AS Games aki.suuronen@pp.phnet.fi Windows 95.
43325 ASEINST.ZIP 10 kt 19.08.2003 - - -
The All Seeing Eye Installer The All Seeing Eye etsii automaattisesti netistä koneelta löytyvien pelien moninpelipalvelimia ja näyttää niiden olennaiset tiedot. Tämä asennusohjelma hakee itse ohjelman uusimman version netistä ja asentaa sen. Shareware, 10-30 USD. http://www.udpsoft.com/eye2/
43326 B17OMD.ZIP 171,8 kt 15.02.2001 - - -
B-17 Flying Fortress grafiikkatyökalu Voit luoda/siirtää peliin/pelistä lentokoneiden grafiikoita. 
43327 BFC-PB2F.ZIP 1,9 Mt 15.09.1998 - - tupla
Battlefield Communicator Public Beta 2 Version 0.9 allows real-time voice communication during multiplayer games. Supports for example Quake 2, GLQuake, QuakeWorld, Sin, Diablo, and Fighter Ace. ShadowFactor Software Inc.
43328 CAMOCM10.ZIP 976,5 kt 13.05.1998 - MBCD tupla
Camo Commander - utility for F/A-18 Korea. Lets you select from any of 10 available camouflaged aircraft for both the US Navy and Marine Corps, and a number of world air forces, including Canada, Switzerland and Spain. Game Tool Technologies. Win95.
43329 CARED096.ZIP 552,5 kt 21.07.1998 - - -
GP2: Car Shape Editor. Autoeditori GP2:een.
43330 CARI102.ZIP 15,9 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
"Midtown Madness car installer v1.02. Though its not so hard to install a new caryou can use this program if you have any problems. "
43331 CBADD12.ZIP 1,7 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Castle Builder v1.2 is a freeware program to draw maps of castles. It uses external ray-racing programs to produce photorealistic images of the castles from any viewpoint. To produce the images, you will need the free "povray" package from http://povray.org. For high quality background images, you may also want the free "terragen" package from http://planetside.co.uk/terragen. Windows 95/98 
43332 CFSMEDIT.ZIP 257,1 kt 10.12.1998 - - -
Combat Flight Simulator Mission Editor Build your own CFS missions and campaigns. This is an Excel spreadsheet with fields for all the mission and campaign parameters. You enter the mission data into the spreadsheets, click a macro button, and the mission file is generated, ready to fly for yourself or to send to your friends. You must have Microsoft Excel 97 to use the Mission Editor.
43333 CHIPEDIT.ZIP 144,7 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
"Chips Challenge 2 editor Editori Windowsin mukana tulevaan peliin. "
43334 COE14.ZIP 279,2 kt 04.05.1998 - - -
Creatures Object Editor v1.4 by Alexander Laemmle. This is a fully features object editor for Creatures. With this utility, you can edit the properties of objects, create new objects etc.
43335 CREANOI.ZIP 109,9 kt 04.05.1998 - - -
Creatures Object Injector If you have downloaded the old Christmas pack with the old Object Injector, then you will have problems with later COBs, unless you upgrade to this Object Injector. Needs Creatures v1.0.2
43336 CREAOB12.ZIP 364 kt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures CyberLife Object Pack 1+2
43337 CREAOBSK.ZIP 671,8 kt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures Observation Kit This Applet shows a list of all of your Norns in one list together with their status. Options allow you to set alarms for when Norns become ill, or pregnant, and you can even set the window to remain on top where you can see it. The Observation Kit needs Creatures 1.01 or greater. As recommended by the Creatures Team.
43338 CREAPREK.ZIP 2,8 Mt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures - The Genetics Preview Kit is a new Creatures Applet for viewing Creature genotypes. It can be used either as stand-alone product, or in conjunction with the Creatures product. Creatures is required in order to see the results of any Genotypes
43340 CUBIXX.ZIP 1,6 Mt 23.12.1998 - - tupla
"Cubixx v2.5.5 by Paul Thomson Are you one of those people out there who has a Rubiks Cube collecting dust because you just cant solve it and you think taking it apart and putting it back together is cheating? Wellthenthis is the program for you. Cubixx lets you create your cubeexactly as it appearson your PC. Simply fill in the colors as they appear and click solve. Windows 9598or NT"
42416 DALEK134.ZIP 208,5 kt 08.11.2001 - - -
Dale Keeper 1.34 Dale Keeper is an application that allows you to edit your Icewind Dale saved game files. How the editor is used is really up to you. Some people use editors like this for beefing up their characters, some use them for recreating actual D&D characters to play in the game and some just to goof around. The point of the editor is to allow you to have fun playing the game however you like it best.  
43341 DCETHRWR.ZIP 14,5 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
Dice Thrower English v1.0  by Andreas Jonsson Program that simulates dices. You can throw up to 32767 dices at one time and it can handle positive and negative modification. I use it when I play role playing games but there are probably other ways to use it too. It is freeware. Windows.
43342 DHC6_KOG.ZIP 90,4 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 DHC-6-300 Twin OtterSTOL fixed-wing, twin engine aircraft (registration sign OH-KOG).This aircraft has been 
used since 1980 for aerogeophysical measurements.The aircraft is owned and 
maintenanced by Finnair Company. The subsidiary of Finnair, Malmilento Oy, 
is the operator. Original by Barry Blaisdell. Aerogeophysical measure-equipment 
and repaint by Mikko Maliniemi.
43343 DIERLLR.ZIP 870,4 kt 05.06.1998 - - tupla
DieRoller v3.2 by Alex C. Cole Utility. Roll the dice with Die Roller. Calculates the results each time you roll the dice, and allows you to modify each roll. Windows 95
43344 DINKDMOD.ZIP 14,5 Mt 25.11.1999 - MBHH2000 tupla
"Dink Smallwood D-MODSnew worlds/adventures for the full version. Includes: The Search For Milli VanilliThe Scar of DavidDinks Doppleganger Full 2.1The Ninth LockThe RozarusElemental PeaceSword of ParanorThe SlaughterhousePointlessDinkopolisMystery IslandDinkanoidDinkZillaProphecy of the AncientsDink ArenaLost In Dink."
43345 DINKED15.ZIP 169,6 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
Dink Smallwood authoring utility Even though everything you need to make a Dink DMOD comes with the game, here is extra stuff that RTSOFT or other people have made to help you out: Dink C Editor version 1.5 by Robert Fogt. Color coded editor specifically built for coding in DINKC..
43346 DINKFE21.ZIP 771,7 kt 25.11.1999 - - -
Dink Smallwood utility: Dink Front End 2.1 The name says it all - perhaps the slickest way to run DMODS ever - EASY TO INSTALL! (uses Install Shield) By Robert Fogt. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
43347 DMDSETUP.ZIP 977,7 kt 10.06.1998 - MBCD tupla
Dynamic Mission Designer for Su-27 Flanker V1.0 mission planning utility for use with SSI/Mindscapes excellent flight simulation, Su-27 Flanker. By Game Tool Technologies. Windows 95
43348 DPRESS20.ZIP 2,5 Mt 14.11.2001 - - -
Deck Press 2.0 With the Deck Press you can build your own decks for Hardwood games and future card games from Silver Creek Entertainment. You could for instance take a few pictures of the family, scan them in, and make a family photo album deck. 
43349 DRAKANED.ZIP 1,6 Mt 02.11.1999 - - -
Drakan Level Editor - 9:54 PM EST Surreal has just released the Drakan level editor. Windows 95.
43350 DRIVMI.ZIP 745,5 kt 18.10.1999 - - -
Driver missions configurator This program is a utility program that enable you to modify any missions (.dms) from the PC Demo of the Driver Game. You can modify you car, your position, the weather, the objective, timer, and beheavior of the cops.
43351 EAWC2000.ZIP 835,8 kt 18.07.2000 - - -
"European Air War Control 2000 will help those who dont like fiddling with the ini file in EAW. You can select your preferred resolution/multiplayer settings and run the game. The multiplayer sliders should help those with serious lag/internet problems although you will need to experiment. Requirements: European Air War v1.1 "
43352 EAWCTL16.ZIP 793,4 kt 27.09.1999 - - tupla
"European Air War Control v1.6 will help those who dont like fiddling with the ini file in EAW. You can select your preferred resolution/multiplayer settings and run the game. The multiplayer sliders should help those with serious lag/internet problems although you will need to experiment. Requirements: European Air War v1.1"
43353 EAWPIXP.ZIP 4,9 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
European Air War Paint Kit Microprose has made available a European Air War Paint Kit. The Kit allows you to create your own plane textures, cockpits, and even Terrain! Windows 95.
43354 EAWSKINN.ZIP 12,4 kt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
European Air War EAW Skin Utility.
43355 EAWST13.ZIP 246,4 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
"European Air War Stab v1.3  un-official add-on to MicroProses European Air War that provides the feature of Automatic Terrain Loading (and Aircraft Skins if configured) for Campaign Careers based on the current Campaign date.  It also has a Manual mode enabling Terrains and Skins to be loaded at as required. Req. Windows 95/98EAW V1.2"
43356 ECAPNL30.ZIP 453,8 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Enemy Coast Ahead Control Panel v3.0 European Air War add-on. Nearly 200 different models of WWII aircraft are now available, including Russian, Italian, Japanese and U.S. Pacific aircraft. By Charles Gunst.
43357 EGGITOR.ZIP 20,2 kt 13.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"Chuckie Egg LevelEggitorv1.2 Graphical tool for designing levels. You may also need a copy of the Visual Basic runtime files."
43358 F182GTT.ZIP 42,4 kt 10.06.1998 - 22574/GAMBLERCD32B.BIN tupla
F/A-18 Korea Camo Commander utility, FREEBIE: Canadian CF-18 based on 410 Cougars Squadron Commemorative colors.
42422 F1RCAU21.ZIP 7,9 Mt 17.10.2001 - - -
Fullsim Championship Auto-update 2001 v2.1Lähes täydellinen, mutta viimeistelyä kaipaava kausipäivitys Formula 1 Racing Championshipiin. Lähes kaikki on ok, esim. Jaguar-Cosworth on autoa, kypärää ja valikoita myöden mukana, mutta alkuvalikon kuljettajagallerian kuvat on vielä päivittämättä. Vuoden 2001 alkuvalikon saa helposti päivitettyä F1RC Master editorilla, jolla voi ladata f1rc_valikot2001 -pathin. Molemmat saa Mbnetistä. 
43359 F1RCE16C.ZIP 2,5 Mt 30.04.2001 - - -
F1RC Edit 1.6cYksi monipuolisimmista editoreista Formula 1 Racing Championshipille. Pakatut kuva- ja  äänitiedostot saa auki F1RC editillä ja niitä voi editoida yleisimmillä kuva- ja  äänenmuokkausohjelmilla. Muokattuihin  tiedostoihin kuuluu esim. kausipäivitykset,  jotka saa pakattua pelin ymmärtämään muotoon  helposti tällä ohjelmalla.
43360 F1RCED11.ZIP 1012,2 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
Formula 1 Racing Championship editor v1.1bTällä pikueditorilla voi ladata esim.  moninpeliä varten omannäköisen auton mukaan Formula 1 Racing Championshipiin.
42425 F1RCM14.ZIP 793 kt 17.10.2001 - - -
F1RC Master v1.4 Tällä editorila on helppoa muuttaa F1 Racing Championshipin ulkonäköä ja ääniä. Useimmat kausipäivitykset tarvitsevat toimiakseen F1RC Master -editoria. 
43361 F1RCVK01.ZIP 2,4 Mt 17.10.2001 - - -
F1 Racing Championship valikkopäivitys -01Tämän saksankielisen ohjelman avulla voit päivittää valikkosi vuoden 2001 mukaisiksi. 
43362 F1RSEDIT.ZIP 1,4 Mt 16.03.1998 - 22663/cd joystick No96 septembre 1998.iso -
Formula 1 Racing Simulator -  a win95 program that lets you extract Insert and view car textures from F1RS. By Arturo Baz.
43363 F1RSIMCA.ZIP 161,7 kt 16.03.1998 - - tupla
"UbiSoftin F1 Racing Simulationiin vuoden98 autojen graffat. Tarvitset Arturo Bazin F1RS Editorinjotta voisit käyttää näitä. Sen saat MBnetistä nimellä F1RSEdit.zip."
43364 F1RSP12.ZIP 32,1 kt 16.03.1998 - - -
F1RSupdate v1.2 - jan 31,1998 Updates the F1RS editor. Added the ability to insert the tyre and other images of the car (car00.bmp). Added support for some of the sound options. Added a thumbnail preview of images when opening a file. Doesnt matter what version you have this will update f1rsedit to version 1.2  By Arturo Baz.
43365 FALC2210.ZIP 152,4 kt 25.01.1999 - MBCD -
"FALCHE2 - Fallout 2 Character Editor 2.10 . Edits your characters statsperkstraitsskills and more. Windows 95/98"
43366 FALCHE12.ZIP 149,4 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
"FALCHE 1.20 - Fallout Character Editor 1.20 Edits your characters statsperkstraitsskills and more. Windows 95."
43367 FALCHE2.ZIP 152 kt 01.01.1999 - Pelit CD 1999 -
Fallout 2 Character Editor 2.02 Windows Version. By:-CH Khor-
43368 FF7CHE.ZIP 169,9 kt 22.01.1999 - 19266/ftp.winsite.com-win95-demo.tar -
"FF7CHE 1.30 - Final Fantasy VII Character Editor 1.30. Edits your characters statslimitsitemsgilgpmateria and chocobos."
43369 FLKCC10.ZIP 3,5 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Camo Commander for Flanker 2.0  Utility. designed for convenience. It allows you to choose a camo scheme, see a sample texture, then apply it. Once a choice is made, you may launch Flanker 2.0 straight from the user interface! Should you decide to change the texture again, or return to the native Flanker Blue livery, simply choose the scheme you wish and use Camo Commander again. By Game Tool Technologies
43370 FLYED105.ZIP 6,3 Mt 12.06.2000 - 22683/cd joystick no116 juin 2000 cd2.iso -
FLY! editor version 1.05 
43371 FS10ALLA.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.12.1997 - MBCD -
Flanker Campaign Shell version 1.0 by Hideo Fukumori - GUI program for overall gameplay enhancement of Su-27 Flanker from SSI/Mindscape. Allows you to create and play branching campaigns and a lot more!
43372 FS2KSDK.ZIP 295,4 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
"Flight Simulator 2000 SDK:  Software Development Kit. The Flight Simulator 2000 Adventure Programming Language (APL) SDK contains documentation (PDF format) and all the necessary components for a sample adventure. This is the information youll need to create your own adventures and lessons. Intended for experienced software developers familiar with a high level programming language such as C++. Windows 95/98."
43373 FS2TERR.ZIP 2,2 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
 FS2000 SDK part IV - terrain Microsoft has released the fourth part of FS2000 SDK. This time the topic is Terrain. The package includes several tools and documents about how to create for example DEM (Digital Elevation Mesh) data into sceneries. 
43374 FS98SDK.ZIP 650,4 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
"Flight Simulator 98 SDK:  Software Development Kit. The release of FS98 ushers in an era of newmore flexibleand easily customizable systems for creating and modifying FS components. With the Flight Simulator 98 Software Development Kit (SDK)were lending support in the form of the tools you need to create and customize components for Flight Simulator 98. Windows 95/98."
43376 FSCONV.EXE 481,9 kt 02.11.1997 - 24023/1997-05_Disc_3.2.iso tupla
Flight Shop converter to Flight Simulator for Windows 95 (Converts FSFS planes compatible with FSW95)
43375 FSCONV98.EXE 1,5 Mt 09.04.1998 - 22298/VPR9902A.BIN tupla
Konekonvertteri Microsoftin Flight Simulator 98:lle. Tällä tiedostolla pystyt helposti muuntamaan Flight Shop -yhteensopivat lentokoneet FS 98:lle. Muuntaa myös adventuret eli "seikkailut".
43377 FSCOURSE.ZIP 2,1 Mt 24.10.1998 - - tupla
"Flight Simulator Course Plot How many times have you launched fs and taken off from Meigs Field and landed in Ohare? Do you see yourself doing a bunch of touch-n-gos? calculate the various NAV radios from any two airports in the United States. If you like European flightshow about a flight from Athens Greece to Heathrow Intl in London all pre-calculated for you? over 3700+ airports6500+ Nav Radiosand 12300+ runways COVERED. Win95."
43378 FSUIPC.ZIP 167,6 kt 18.07.2000 - - -
Flight Simulator 2000 tweak: FSUIPC.DLL Pete Dawson has just released a new version of his FSUIPC.DLL which enables the usage of different third-party add-on products in FS2000, such as SquawkBox and Real Weather. Version number is now 1.92. 
43379 FUZZYDIE.ZIP 2,4 Mt 24.12.1998 - - tupla
"Fuzzy Dice! v2.51 by Grog Inc. Dice-rolling program thats packed with features. In addition to rolling any number of dice with any number of sides (up to 500)it can keep statistics and features well rounded AD&D character generator. Windows 95"
43380 GATEK109.ZIP 181,1 kt 08.11.2001 - - -
"Gate Keeper 1.09.01 Gate Keeper is an application that allows you to edit your Baldurs Gate saved game files. How the editor is used is really up to you. Some people use editors like this for beefing up their characterssome use them for recreating actual D&D characters to play in the game and some just to goof around. The point of the editor is to allow you to have fun playing the game however you like it best.  "
43381 GCTRIAL.ZIP 4,6 Mt 02.10.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
"Game Commander trial version Simpleyet somewhat powerful little voice recognition program for gamers and especially to flight simulation fans. The trial version allows you to evaluate Game Commander for 90 days before plunking down your hard-earned money. Try it on your favorite games and then order the full product. The programs use is quite intuitiveand the instructions are easy. Windows 95microphone"
43382 GLAUNCH.ZIP 941,7 kt 09.06.2000 - - -
Creative Game Launcher Utility The Creative Labs family of graphics cards ship with an extensive set of Display Property controls to allow the user to configure the graphics card to best fit their requirements. With this program you can load your games into the Game Launcher and create a unique set of display properties for each one. When the Game is "Launched" through the utility, it will apply these properties to your graphics card before running the game. Upon completion of the game, the original properties will be restored. version 1.04beta. Windows 95/98 
43383 GTAED01.ZIP 85,4 kt 06.05.1998 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Grand Theft Auto Editor
43384 GUNCAM.ZIP 101,8 kt 30.08.1999 - - tupla
GunCamera Rev 0.50 990217 WarBirds utility. Capture screenshots to animated gif movie as you fly the simulation. This program can run in background and capture screen when fire button(s) are pressed. It may work for other games too. Works on 2D and certain 3D cards, like TNT.
43385 H3KACD10.ZIP 1 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Air Combat Designer for FA-18 Korea v1.0 By Game Tool Technologies. PC based random mission generator designed to work with Graphic Simulations excellent flight sim, FA-18 Korea. ACDH3K instantly creates complex air to air missions. Users can choose any of a number of global and flight level variables to modify the current scenario. Windows 95.
43386 HKP15.ZIP 504,3 kt 11.04.1998 - - tupla
Hornet Korea Paintkit and Landscaper Add on tool for flight simulation Hornet: Korea by Graphic Simulations. Note: THIS PROGRAM ONLY WORKS FOR 3DFX USERS Windows95 menu driven program that allows you to choose between 5 different military paint schemes for the F/A 18 Hornet.
43387 JUN25-16.ZIP 1,4 Mt 21.04.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Theft Auto level editor: Junction25 v1.6 Win95/NT + 16 MB - full or demo version of GTA
43388 KNPDEMO.ZIP 1,1 Mt 16.07.2000 - 21815/Pegasus_Vol_1-95.iso -
"Klik & Play v1.2 An instant game creator. You dont have to know C language. This program can create games in minutes. This is a must get program. Shareware. Windows 95/98/NT. Copyright (c) 1994 F.Lionet / Y.Lamoureux. "
43389 M1_0_9.ZIP 227,8 kt 21.04.1998 - MBCD -
Grand Theft Auto level editor beta - tricky to use.
43390 M2EDI206.ZIP 203,6 kt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
Mordor II Editor v2.06 A Mordor I + II Editor that allows editing of characters, items, monsters, races and guilds. Also transfers Mordor characters between character files. ONLY works with the original Mordor and with Mordor II version 0.989b. Written by Simon Rathbone.
43391 MAPCRE.ZIP 371,1 kt 09.06.2000 - - -
Lior\'s Map Creator From the developer: "A map drawing program enabling to draw terrain, different libraries of objects, roads and rivers, and place a legend on the map. Included object editor to add new terrain and objects." Windows 95/98/NT 
43392 MCRDCNTR.ZIP 896,6 kt 04.06.1998 - - tupla
"Maries Card Counter v1.0 by Marie T. Taillon - card game utility. The main goal of Maries Card Counter is to improve your mental ability to remember the cards in any card game. This little software can make a huge differencewhen you play cards. Now you can remember all the cards that have been playedand its so easy!. Windows 95"
43393 MESHIPWR.ZIP 44,3 kt 02.04.1998 - 22592/Hrac_20_1998-04_cd.bin -
Shipwreckers Midnight Editor
43394 MIDISWIC.ZIP 541,1 kt 23.01.1999 - - tupla
"MIDI-Switch by Mike Cicco If youre disappointed with the background music of your favorite gameuse MIDI-Switch to customize it by switching the gamesoriginal MIDI files with your own. Simply pick any one of the games MIDI filesselect your replacement MIDI fileand click Replace. Windows 95"
43395 MINEDIT.ZIP 160,4 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Winmine Editor Kätevä apuohjelma miinaharavan muuttelemiseen ja miinaharavalla ja sen käyttäjillä leikkimiseen.
43396 MM6CH12.ZIP 221,8 kt 22.01.1999 - - -
"MM6CHE 1.20 - Might & Magic VI Character Editor 1.20. Edits your characters statsskillsspellsinventoryawards and more."
43397 MM6EDIT.ZIP 1,6 Mt 17.07.1998 - 22063/SSERVCD_59A.bin -
Might and Magic VI: Editor v1.0 Edit character names, stats, skill points,experience, and more.
43398 MM6EDT36.ZIP 638,4 kt 17.07.1998 - 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin -
"Elronds MM6 Editor v3.6 Complete saved game editor for MM6: - Fixed Age Bug (Doh!) - Can now edit Game Name Date Time - Can now edit Character Condition - Full Item Editor and Converter! - All primary stats for characters - Hit and Spell PointsArmor Class - ExperienceLevelFood and Gold - Skill Points and Class - Skill Editor - all customizable - Spell Book Editor - all 99 spells - Element Resistance (Fireetc)"
43399 MMBEETLE.ZIP 265,6 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness Beetle Tuner 0.9 Type : Freeware Author : DarA / dara@npl.pl First tool for MidTown Madness! Now you can tune your small beetle. http://wyscigi.npl.pl/midtown/tuner/ 
43400 MMTWE08.ZIP 668,5 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness Tweaker v0.8. Editoi autojen ominaisuuksia. 
43401 MMVED14.ZIP 3,4 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Midtown Madness Vehicle Editor v1.4. Ajoneuvoeditori. Käyttää 3D Studio MAX -ohjelmalla luotuja automalleja ja tekstuureita.
43402 MORETX22.ZIP 73,3 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
Airline Textures (twin-engine) pack II. A collection of additional texture files for use with JETS2.ZIP. Airlines included: Air Afrique, Air Transat (NC), British Airways (OC), Canadian (NC), Continental, Continental Micronesia, China Eastern, China Southern, Finnair (NC), JAL, KLM, LAM, Lufthansa, Northwest, Shuttle by United, TACV, United, as well as the "Grupo TACA" (Aviateca, LACSA, NICA and TACA). By Sergio Ortega.
43403 MOVSPACE.ZIP 6,8 kt 13.05.1998 - - tupla
"Janes F-15 Install Size Reduction Utility MovSpace is a utility to decrease the full install size of F-15. It reclaims approximately 135 mbytes of HD space by removing the movies from the players Hard Drive. Windows 95."
43404 MS3D152.ZIP 959,7 kt 18.03.2001 - - -
MilkShape 1.5.2MilkShape 3D is a lowcount polygon modeler, which is capable of importing and exporting various (game) file formats. Currently there is support for Half-Life models, Quake2 models, Unreal/UT models and Genesis 3D models. Support for any other game file format are planned, but need some extra researches. Shareware. 30 day trial for Win9x/NT. Author: chUmbaLum sOft. http://www.swissquake.ch/chumbalum-soft/
43405 MSTSTUPD.ZIP 5 Mt 20.09.2001 - - -
Microsoft Train Simulator tools update  Päivittää työkaluja ja ohjeita. Uudet versiot MakeAce.exe ja Conv3ds.exe-ohjelmista, joilla voi luoda uusia objekteja ja junia.     
43406 MW4VET.ZIP 19,5 Mt 10.05.2002 - - -
MechWarrior 4: Vengeange editing tools Ei kuvausta. 
31088 MYTHDEMO.ZIP 1938118 18.03.1996 - - -
This is a demonstration package to help in
evaluating the MythOS for Windows 95 game
development libraries by Charybdis
Enterprises, Inc. It includes a real-time
viewer application and a number of example
models to demonstration the image quality of
the 3D rendering portion of MythOS.
29327 NOGAMSW.ZIP 172298 26.04.1996 - - -
===>  NO  GAMES  AT  WORK  <=== Have you ever
considered how many employee working hours
are wasted playing PC games?  What about
network performance degradation and wasted
disk space?  YOU could achieve substantial
NETWORK. UNGAME can search, detect and
optionally delete games from your network
server's disk or from individual disks (C
drives). The shareware version can detect 100
different games under Windows, Windows 95,
43407 NORNFA12.ZIP 634,3 kt 04.05.1998 - - tupla
Creatures utility: Nornfamily by Elisabeth Witek. Enables you to track the progress of your Creatures breeding.
43408 PESCENED.ZIP 8,9 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
Panzer Elite scenario editor  Wings Simulations (www.wingssimulations.com)
43409 PZELOBJE.ZIP 923,6 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
Panzer Elite object editor 
43410 QUE214.ZIP 2,8 Mt 15.03.2000 - - -
 Quest v2.14 (Axe Software) Create interactive fiction games. Role playing game (RPG) creator that allows you to use ASL scripting language to make your own text-based adventure games, complete with unique characters, items, places and objectives. Includes sample adventure. You navigate through games by entering commands in a command line or by making choices. Windows 95, 98
43411 ROLEPLAS.ZIP 9,4 Mt 06.11.2000 - - -
"Roleplaying Assistant v5.1eA gamemasters toolkit to aid in designing and controlling table-top role-playing games. You can build databases of characters and monstersuse a name generatorand add new classes and races. It also includes a dice roller and spellbook managergenerators for mapsdungeonsencounters and weather patterns. Database and rules support for AD&DCyberpunkStar Wars (1st edition)Rolemaster (2nd edition)and Alternity. Win 9x. Freeware. "
43412 RV3DSXPT.ZIP 15,9 kt 18.10.1999 - 22676/cd joystick no109 novembre 1999.iso -
Re-Volt Car Editor Acclaim has released a mini-application that will enable Re-Volt owners to use the application 3D Studio to edit and create cars in the PC version of the game. Unsupported. Recommended that only experienced users of 3D Studio download the application, as technical support for 3D Studio and the car editing mini-application will not be provided by the company. 3D Studio is required.
43413 S340KF.ZIP 140,3 kt 13.08.1999 - - tupla
FS98 SAAB 340 Air Botnia (3D) Air Botnia is a SAS subsidiary competing with Finnair on domestic Finnish and Scandinavian routes. Air Botnia serves currently 15 cities with five J32s and five SAAB 340s. Five ex-SAS Fokker F28s are scheduled to arrive later this year (1999) and the old J32s are to be sold soon. This plane carry the new SAS look-a-like livery. 3D accelerator needed!
43414 SBODTOOL.ZIP 7,4 Mt 27.03.2001 - - -
Severance: Blade of Darkness level editor Level editor that allows you to design and construct your own maps and levels. 
43415 SDOEC11.ZIP 802 kt 18.12.1999 - - tupla
SDOE Chameleon. Utility for Screaming Demons: Fighter Squadron.
43416 SDOEC130.ZIP 918,8 kt 16.04.2000 - - -
SDOE Control  v1.30A GUI for the ini settings in Fighter Squadron: Screaming Demons Over Europe (SDOE) Version 1.3  
43417 SDOETOOL.ZIP 3,4 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Fighter Squadron:  Screaming Demons Over Europe tools. Parfile Tools, MG tool and source files for the Fokker.
43418 SIMSFACE.ZIP 8,8 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 The Sims: FaceLift Gold. Kasvoeditori The Sims peliin. Windows 95/98
43419 SIMSHC.ZIP 2,4 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
The Sims apuohjelmat: HomeCrafter.  Voit luoda tällä ohjelmalla uusia tapetteja ja lattioita taloihisi. Voit piirtää kuvioita millä tahansa piirto-ohjelmalla ja liittää ne peliin HomeCrafterillä. Windows 95/98
43420 SIMSHOW.ZIP 5,4 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
The Sims apuohjelma: SimShow.  Voit tutkia itse luomiasi "skinejä" hahmoille. Sen jälkeen skinit ovat valmiita itse peliin siirrettäväksi. Windows 95/98.
43421 SIMSSKI.ZIP 567,1 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
The Sims aputeksti: SimShow Tutorial.  Ohjekirja SimShow-ohjelman käyttöön ja omien skinien, eli pää/vartalotekstuurien, luomiseen. Englanninkielinen.
43422 SLMAP11.ZIP 852,2 kt 24.06.1999 - - -
Shattered Light mapmaker version 1.1 beta
31142 TCS-610U.ZIP 82970 19.09.1996 - - -
TIE Fighter Campaign Studio * TIE Fighter
Mission Editor, Version 6.10 Windows 95
43423 TDR2KSDK.ZIP 3,7 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
Carmageddon TDR 2000 SDKSoftware Development Kit.
31143 TIED10.ZIP 228459 19.09.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
TiED 1.0 * TIE Fighter Mission Editor and
43424 TRBOSLVP.ZIP 3,5 Mt 22.10.1998 - - tupla
"Turbo Solve! Pro v2.0 by Richard Thompson powerfuleasy to use32-bit word puzzle solving program for Windows95/NTcapable of solving a wide variety of word puzzles including crosswordsanagramsin-wordspair-up puzzlesword searches etc. Windows 95"
43425 TTT-ED.ZIP 2,2 Mt 10.06.1999 - - -
"ThrustTwist NTurniin rataeditori. Suomalaisen Carts Entertainmentin vauhdikkaaseen autopeliin on jälkikäteen ilmestynyt rataeditorijota MikroBitin arvostelussa kaivattiinkin. Ohjelmalla voi luoda uusia ratoja ja sen mukana tulee kaksi ennennäkemätöntä kilparataa. Editori on ilmainen. Vaatii Windows 95."
43426 UWETEST.ZIP 156,5 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 UWE By Jonathan Rimmer UWE stands for (U)nder(W)orld (E)ditor, it is as the name suggests a level editor for the game "Ultima Underworld" created by Looking Glass software. The editor is currently at a pre-beta state and I releasing this version to get feedback and bug reports. http://skyscraper.fortunecity.com/memphis/670/
43427 VDICE31.ZIP 12,1 kt 20.07.1998 - - tupla
vDice v3.1. utility. by Andrew M. Powell designed to replace the polyhedral dice used in most role-playing games. Just click a number button to roll dies with needed numbers. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
31159 VVGMAD1.ZIP 1125906 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31160 VVGMAD2.ZIP 1167028 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31161 VVGMAD3.ZIP 1169534 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31162 VVGMAD4.ZIP 1111730 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31163 VVGMAD5.ZIP 1141183 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31164 VVGMAD6.ZIP 1148777 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31165 VVGMAD7.ZIP 1144931 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
31166 VVGMAD8.ZIP 379373 22.09.1996 - - -
The Villains and Vigilantes(c) Game Master
Aid Ver 1.02 For Win 95 * The program is
based on the 2000 edition of the classic
comic book roll-playing game Villains and
Vigilantes(c), written by Jeff Dee and Jack
Herman. File x/8
41146 ZLOTTO96.ZIP 2398556 11.03.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ZLotto 96 is the finest & easiest to use
lottery software ever! 30 built in games,
custom setup, constants feature,
Statistic-Tracker & lots more! Requires
Windows 95
60471 ADQUEDIT.ZIP 56690 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
AdQuedit Quake Workstation, easy, flexible,
and useable means to manipulate the many file
formats that Quake has. Win95/NT.
43428 AQ2V35.ZIP 1 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
AutoQuake 2000. Ohjelma jonka avulla voit helposti käynnistää kaikki Quaken enginellö tehdyt pelit ja niiden modit. Eli päääsiassa tämä on Modin käynnistys ohjelma. Tästä on suuresti apua niille jotka pelaavat Quake ykköstä ja Half-Lifeä ja muita pelejä joiden modit pitää käynnistää erikseen vaikeilla parametreillä. www.geocities.com/aq2000 
43429 AQV80.ZIP 4,9 kt 12.02.2002 - - -
AutoQuake 2000 8.0 AutoQuaken avulla koneelle asennettujen Half-lifen ja Quaken pelimoottoria käyttävien pelien ja modien hallitseminen on helppoa. Ohjelma osaa itse tutkia kovalevyn ja etsiä sieltä tukemiaan pelejä, minkä jälkeen halutun modin käynnistäminen on helppoa. AutoQuake tunnistaa 15 peliä ja yhteensS 2040 modia. Ilmainen. Windows 95/97/NT/2000/Me/XP. http://www.planetquake.com/aq2000/
43430 AVP2SDK.ZIP 8,6 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Aliens vs. Predator 2 kehitystyökalut Aliens vs. Predator 2 -modifikaatioiden tekijöille tarkoitettu työkalupakkaus sisältää mm. erilaisia editoreita ja ohjeita modien väsäämiseen.   
43431 BC4210B.ZIP 11,5 Mt 19.06.2003 - - -
"Battlecraft 1942 v1.0 beta  Battlefield 1942:n karttaeditori. Avoin beta-versio; vaatii BF42 v1.4 toimiakseen. "
43432 CSAUTOUP.ZIP 2,3 Mt 21.07.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike auto-updaterFor retail version only. Automaattinen päivitystyökalu, joka kertoo, mikä versio pitää imuroida, sekä antaa listan palvelimista, joista tiedoston voi ladata. Tämä ohjelma tulee myös Counter-Strike Retail v1.0.0.2 päivityksen mukana. 
43433 CSTOOL13.ZIP 3,8 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Counter-Strike Tools v1.3 Uusissa hienouksissa mm. Leadership Config Maker, jonka avulla joukkueenjohtaja voi helposti organisoida joukkonsa otteluissa ilman ylimääräisiä näppäinten bindauksia. 
43434 D2EDT312.ZIP 461,7 kt 29.01.2001 - - -
D2edit v3.1.2 D2edit is a saved game editor for Diablo II. 
43435 D3ED092.ZIP 1,4 Mt 16.12.1999 - - -
Descent 3 Level Editor (Beta .92) A new  version (Beta .92) of the Descent 3 Level  Editor is now available for free download.  This is still a beta version, but is  feature complete with the exception of  terrain support. Terrain support will be  added in a future release. Windows 95.
43436 D3EDIT11.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 D3Edit 1.1 THE level editor for Descent 3. This new version contains the long awaited Terrain Support! Windows 95.
62738 DEEP97.ZIP 1448747 14.01.1997 - - -
NT 4.0 Editor. Awesome built-in line drawing.
Edits ALL the games in 1 program. True ONE-
step linedef/sector drawing. Totally configu-
rable error checker. LIGHTNING fast DeePbsp
nodebuilder! Copy, Cut, Paste, Merge, Undo.
Instant STAIRS, WINDOWS, DOORS + more! View
ALL Things at once on you MAP!
43437 DEUSXSDK.ZIP 4,8 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Deus Ex SDKWith this Software Development Kit you can create new stand alone missions. 
The package includes all of the tools used to create the 
award winning action/role-playing game. 
43438 DEXSDK09.ZIP 5,4 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Deus Ex SDK v1.109f This software development kit allows you to create your own mods to the game. This package includes all the tools used to create Deus Ex. This updated version adds all Deus Ex headers, and better support for multiplayer mods. 
43439 DEXSDK12.ZIP 6,2 Mt 24.05.2001 - - -
Deus Ex SDK v1.112fm Software Development Kit for Deus Ex. 
43441 DKMAPEDT.ZIP 932,6 kt 21.09.2000 - - -
Daikatana map editing toolsEi kuvausta.
43442 DM98-40.ZIP 3,9 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Duke Manager 98 v4.0  by Charlie Wilson Utility. More than just another launch utility. DM98 was designed to be an all inclusive Duke3D management tool. Features include Saved Game Launching (Atomic only), Single Player Launch, Multi Player Launch, Fully Integrated, Easy to use Con Editor, and much more. DOS 5.0
43443 DROMED.ZIP 3,9 Mt 24.06.1999 - 23238/Gamestar_09_1999-09_cd3.bin -
Thief: The Dark Project Level editor. Create & edit Thief levels & missions. Windows 95.
43444 DS100P2.ZIP 606485 05.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
D2: Descent Studio v1.0.0 Pre-Release 2
With Pre-Release 2, you can work with
Descent's HOG and TXB files. You can edit
existing files and create new files.
43445 FA11-095.ZIP 246,3 kt 18.10.1997 - 22539/GAMBLERCD10.BIN -
Film at 11 is a Windows95/NT based Quake Demo file editor.
43447 FAKKTOOL.ZIP 6,1 Mt 28.09.2000 - - -
Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2 editing tools v1.02Ei kuvausta.
43448 GL3D-150.ZIP 4 Mt 14.07.1999 - - tupla
"GameLaunch 3D 1.5 Front-end for configuring 3D action gamesuseful for beginners and hardcore gamers alike. Itll configure your 3D card for speed or beauty with just the press of a button. You can create and manage multiple keyboard configurations with drag-and-drop interface. All your preferences are saved for laterand you can even combine GameLaunch with GameSpy to connect to online games. Supports Quake 3QuakeQWorldQ2Hexen II/HworldUnrea etc"
43449 GM95-136.ZIP 545,4 kt 30.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
GameMenu95 v1.36 - Windows95 Front-end loader for Duke3D, Quake, Doom2, Blood, Strife, Descent, Heteric, Hexen,  Terminal Velocity, Rise of the Triads, PowerSlave, Redneck Ramapge, Shadow Warrior etc. Launch a selected level, episode, or user-define map in single or multi-player mode. Launch game or editor with selected map/wad/bsp/rtl file. ETC.
43450 GNBV111.ZIP 1,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Game Name Builder v1.11 Nimieditori, tukee useimpia Quake-pohjaisia pelejä, kuten Quakeworldia, Hexenworldia ja Q3Testiä.
43451 GOEDIT10.ZIP 4,1 Mt 02.08.2002 - - -
"GOEdit v1.0 GOEdit is an editor for Global Operations. Includes Users Manual and descriptions for sprite effects. "
43452 GRUNTZED.ZIP 467,2 kt 25.04.1999 - 11926/ftp.lith.com.zip -
Gruntz level editor
43453 GWA.ZIP 1,4 Mt 14.12.2000 - 22689/JOYCD122_2.iso -
Gunman Weapons Assistant Gunman Weapons Assistant on Redwolf Softwaren tekemä kätevä pikku ohjelma Gunman Chroniclesiin, jolla saa asekonfiguraatiot tehtyä nopeasti. Kätevää, jos esim. ei ole aikaa selailla asemenua vihollisen hyökätessä. 
43454 H2_UTILS.EXE 3,8 Mt 23.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Hexen 2 utilities, contains level processing programs like QBSP, LIGHT and VIS, and HCC (HexenC)
43455 H76_65B.ZIP 142,7 kt 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
HACK76 v.65 Beta (05.05.97) Interstate 76 Car Editor!
43456 HALFSKIN.ZIP 944,9 kt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
Half-Life Skin Installer .8 Created to make the installation of skins and models a snap. There are more than 350 custom skins/models for Half-Life and the number grows each day. To install such a large number of skins/models is no trivial task. What would normally take hours to do can now be accomplished in a few minutes with the Skin Installer for Half-Life. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43457 HG2TOOLS.A01 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 2/6
43458 HG2TOOLS.A02 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 3/6
43459 HG2TOOLS.A03 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 4/6
43460 HG2TOOLS.A04 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 5/6
43461 HG2TOOLS.A05 1,8 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 6/6
43462 HG2TOOLS.ARJ 9,5 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 1/6 HG2 Terraformer Tools. Create new maps for Heavy Gear II. Make Multiplayer maps, for Deathmatch, Capture-the-Flag, Strategic, Duelist, and Steal-the-Beacon games. Make "Historical" (Single-player) maps with various numbers of enemies. Make terrain environments. Make zero-gravity space environments. Create AI-scripted sequences for new maps, mission objectives, and more.
43463 HLA30.ZIP 3,7 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
Half-Life Game Launcher v3.0.  by Thundermag Software. Launch Half-Life with parameters. Allows you to launch Half-Life and its mods with many parameters. It allows you to enable cheats, launch in dev.mode, launch to console, skip intros, and more. You can limit sounds to WAV files-only, select the map you want to use, and select the API you want to use. An easy-to-use tabbed interface. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43464 HLAUTOUP.ZIP 2,3 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Half-Life auto-updater Automaattinen päivitystyökalu, joka kertoo, mikä versio pitää imuroida, sekä antaa listan palvelimista, joista tiedoston voi ladata. Tämä ohjelma tulee myös Half-Lifen v1.1.0.7 päivityksen mukana. 
43465 HLCV10.ZIP 62 kt 31.01.2001 - - -
Half-Life Configurator v1.0 Säädä ja muokkaa HL:n asetuksia. Tukee Half-Life, Team Fortress Classic, Counter-Strike 6.5 ja uudemmat. 
43466 HLMV12.ZIP 111,7 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Half-Life Model Viewer Half-lifeen Skini viewer ohjelma. editorina toimii piirustusohjelma (esim psp tai photoshop). Windows 9x 
43467 HLSDK20F.ZIP 72,9 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
Half-Life SDK v2.0 Full. Työkalut Half-Lifen modien luomiseen. Täysasennus. 
43468 HLSDK20S.ZIP 15,7 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
Half-Life SDK v2.0 Standard. Työkalut Half-Lifen modien luomiseen. Perusasennus. 
43470 HLSDK21.ZIP 73 Mt 12.11.2000 - - -
Half-Life Professional SDK v2.1Ei kuvausta. 
43471 HLSDK22.ZIP 73,4 Mt 17.02.2002 - - -
Half-Life SDK v2.2 Software Development Kit for Half-Life. 
43472 HLTAG012.ZIP 201,2 kt 14.07.2002 - - -
Half-Life TagConverter 0.12  Half-Life TagConverterin avulla voi muuttaa haluamansa bmp, jpg, gif, png tai tiff-muotoisen kuvatiedoston Half-Lifessä ja sen modeissa toimivaksi hahmon logoksi. Ohjelma osaa automaattisesti muuttaa kuvan oikeaan formaattiin ja tarvittaessa myös kokoon, sekä järjestellä väripaletin pelin ymmärtämään muotoon. Ilmainen. http://webplaza.pt.lu/richarme/downloads.html 
43473 JK2OCET.ZIP 4 Mt 29.04.2002 - - -
Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast editorit Viralliset editorit Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast -peliin. Sisältää karttaeditorin, ohjelman 3D-mallien katseluun ja kaiken muun omien kenttien tekemiseen tarvittavan. 
43474 KPSDK121.ZIP 1,5 Mt 28.03.2000 - - -
KINGPIN: Life of Crime (TM) - SDK  This is a bare-bones compilation of the tools necessary to create user modifications to Kingpin. Kingpin uses the Quake2 engine as a base, and therefore if you are familiar with Quake2 modifications, you will find yourself in very familiar waters with the Kingpin SDK. Windows 95/98
43475 MAXPOTP1.ZIP 40,9 Mt 05.08.2001 - - -
Max Payne tekstuuripaketti 1Remedyn omistama tekstuuripakkaus modien ja kenttien tekemiseen Max-FX -editorilla. 
43476 MLEMAKE3.ZIP 17,1 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Utility to randomize fleets for Supermelee in Star Control II
43477 MOD01F.ZIP 2,1 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
" Mod On Demand. The service consists of a client side program that downloads and installs modsmapsskins and player models automaticallyand while its currently only limited to Quake III Arenasupport for other games is planned as well. Windows 95/98."
43479 MOHAAME.ZIP 2,3 Mt 17.04.2002 - - -
Medal of Honor: Allied Assault map editor Ei kuvausta. 
43480 MOHAASDK.ZIP 7,8 Mt 25.05.2003 - - -
MOHAA: Spearhead SDK  The Software Development Kit for Medal of Honour: Allied Assault - Spearhead is an application and document based toolkit that  allows end users to create new game content.  Creating new levels, scripting AI opponents,  driving vehicles, and making new particle systems  are among the many things possible with this set  of tools. Comprehensive documentation and examples  are included to help get you started.  
43481 MVP13.ZIP 2,7 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 MapViewer Pro v1.3. Kätevä kenttienkatseluohjelma. Tukee: Quake, Quake III: Arena, Unreal Tournament. Windows 95/98.
43482 MW4MEDIT.ZIP 14,1 Mt 27.09.2001 - - -
MechWarrior 4 tehtäväeditori Editorilla voit väsätä omia tehtäviä MechWarrior 4 -peliin. 
43483 NOCLEVED.ZIP 3,2 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Nocturne Editor. Kenttäeditori.
43484 NOLFEDI.EXE 4,7 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
No One Lives Forever - editointityökalutNo One Lives Forever - editointityökalut omien tasojen ja modien suunnitteluun
43486 NOLFTOOL.ZIP 5,7 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
No One Lives Forever editing tools v1.0 Ei kuvausta. 
43487 OBED.ZIP 363 kt 10.05.2000 - - -
"Obed v1.102 Create maps for Marathon 2: Durandal PC map editor for Bungies Marathon 2: Durandal. It is a fully-featured CAD-like scenario editorincluding multilevel editing and terminal editor. This shareware add-on requires the full version of thge game. Windows 95/98 "
43488 PB943.EXE 280,7 kt 07.03.2001 - - -
PunkBuster.Counter Striken lisäohjelma, joka estää huijauksen nettipelissä. http://www.punkbuster.com/
43489 Q2DA96B2.ZIP 66 kt 03.09.1998 - - -
Q2DA - Quake2 Demo Analyzer BETA 0.96b2 purpose of this tool is to create statistics from Quake2-demos (.dm2-files) to see who fragged best, who was the easiest prey etc. It should work with all versions of Quake 2 up to v3.18beta and with the Q2 mission pack #1. Fabian Huester
43490 Q2DLL.ZIP 237,2 kt 22.12.1997 - MBCD -
Quake 2 - DLL-ohjelmointiin tarvittavat tiedostot. Tarvitset myös LCC-Win32-kääntäjän (LCCWIN32.ZIP). Paketti sisältää pitkiä tiedostonnimiä.
43491 Q2FGD100.ZIP 150,8 kt 04.01.1998 - - -
QUAKE2.FGD File for Worldcraft 1.5 Quake Level Editor. Version 1.00. Created by CryptR Consists nearly all Quake2 entities and their fields + usual palette, one texture wad, and instructions how to set up. Gives possibilities to make levels for Q2 before version 1.6 with actual Q2 support comes out!
43492 Q2MDLR83.ZIP 391,6 kt 14.04.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Quake 2 Modeller 0.83 This is a Quake2 Model Editor. This will only run on Windows 95, or Windows NT 3.51 or above.
43493 Q2SELECT.ZIP 217,7 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
QSelect v1.0 by Andre Lang Quake 2 frontend which will make starting different mods a little bit easier. QSelect executes the appropiate command line when you start a Quake game (also referred to as "mod"). These command lines are stored by QSelect and can be changed anytime. QSelect can manage the different versions of Q2 and automatically change to the one used. Req. Q2 3.05/3.10/newer, Win95/NT
43494 Q2SR1211.ZIP 1,6 Mt 22.12.1997 - MBCD -
Quake 2 GAMEX86.DLL and utils (QE4, QBSP etc) sources. No documentation. Contains long filenames.
43495 Q3AGS117.ZIP 1,2 Mt 27.05.2000 - - -
Quake III Arena Game Source v1.17. Source code for the Quake III Arena game .dll. There is a "How to make a mod" text file included which shows the very basics of building the source for debugging ( Win32, Visual C++ ) and building the vms for distributing mods. It also shows steps to get your mod to run with the engine. This MUST BE INSTALLED in quake3 off of whatever drive you like. 
43496 Q3K251.ZIP 283,8 kt 18.02.2000 - - -
Q3 KillStats: v2.51  Browse Quake 3: Arena kill stats. Reads the log files for the full version of Q3 (not the demo) and allows you to browse through the kill/death stats for each player in the file. Windows 95/98
43497 Q3T1043.ZIP 222 kt 18.08.1999 - - -
Quake 3 Tweak v1.043 This new version adds support for ATi Rage Fury, Intel i740 and Matrox G200. More resolution and description fixes (although some captions may still get cut off) and a few other miscellaneous problems.
43498 Q3TOOLS.ZIP 4,4 Mt 11.01.2000 - - -
Quake 3: Arena Q3A Edit Tools. Game editing & map creation tools.
43499 Q99-097F.ZIP 2 Mt 25.02.2000 - - -
 Qoole 99 v0.97 - Quake Object Oriented Level Editor By Matt Ayres (matt@qoole.com) and Paul Hsu (hsup@qoole.com). There is no included documentation for Qoole 99. Please visit http://www.qoole.com/Qoole99Doc/ This version is freeware. Nothing is disabled. No brush limits. It does not expire. Enjoy. Quake 1/2/3 + Half-Life kenttäeditori freewarena.
43500 QCAPE10.ZIP 2,4 Mt 07.09.1997 - gamers.org -
QcAPE - QuakeC Advanced Programming Environment v1.0 by the FEAR team.
43501 QCCEI.ZIP 27139 02.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake: Qccei.zip (26K) Windows 95 application
that helps compile Quake C-Code
43502 QCEDIT12.ZIP 638,1 kt 07.09.1997 - - -
Quake C Editor v1.2 - For Windows 95 and NT. By Gavin Rouse.
67575 QCHECK.ZIP 73440 27.08.1996 - - -
QuakeCheck 1.0 for Windows 95 Accepts the IP
numbers of Quake servers and returns basic
information about them.
43503 QCSG_25.ZIP 51,9 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Half-Life editing utilities. Compile Tools QCSG v2.5
43504 QMEL0608.EXE 1,5 Mt 24.07.1997 - - -
QuakeMe v3.0 Lite. Modeller, Animator, 3D Painter and 2D Texture editor for Quake. Limited to 20 frames. Includes human.mdl.
43505 QON_10.ZIP 2,1 Mt 20.10.1997 - gamers.org -
QuakeOn v1.00 Windows 95/NT Front End for Quake by Brian Kelly Allows you to create QuakeSets - named groups of settings for launching Quake. Launch Quake from the System Tray. Great Map Support. Patch Explorer. Console Help. Custom Options.
43506 QOOLE250.EXE 1,6 Mt 24.02.1999 - MBCD -
Qoole v2.50 - Quake II Level Editor For Windows 95/98/NT.  Very easy to learn, object-oriented, and powerful. Includes everything  you need to make maps for Quake (TM), Quake II (TM), and Hexen II (TM).   For beginner to expert.  Shareware.  CDROM available, $29.95.  Visit http://www.qoole.com Written by Matthew Ayres and Paul Hsu
43507 QSCRIPT9.ZIP 53724 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake: QScript v.94d Win95/NT. Quake Map
Level Editor.
67598 QSFETCH.ZIP 1289953 02.09.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09963.iso -
QSFetch is a Windows95 application that
retrieves the current list of active Quake
internet servers from
43508 QUADLNCH.ZIP 2,3 Mt 15.12.1998 - - -
"Quad Launcher v1.0 by Adam Woolridge If you DO enjoy playing Quake MODSbut DONT enjoy all the effort required to start themQUAD Launcher! is the ideal tool for you! No more trying to remember stupid command line arguments for countless MODSjust simply add them into the program ONCEand from then on just click ONE button to launch and play the MOD!!. Quake I or II or both and Windows 95"
43509 QUAKEIIL.ZIP 283,1 kt 29.06.1999 - - -
QuakeII Launcher v1.0 by David Appledore Lets you launch quakeII servers quickly and Conveniently from your system tray. Passwords can be set for different servers and the player setup is easy to change. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43510 QUAKEMAP.ZIP 177590 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
QUAKEMAP for Windows 95 basic level editor
for Quake provides full 3D edition of .map
files, allowing you to build levels by using
polyhedrons with any number of sides with any
43511 QWALITE.ZIP 874,1 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
qWAL-Lite v1.0.0.37 3D-Matrix - Quake2 based games stuff a huge assortment of resource files, including texture artwork, sounds, and more, into a PAK file. Here is a tool to manipulate these files. qWAL includes a full set of features for PAK file management. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0
43512 QWDED103.ZIP 210140 19.08.1996 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
QUAKE "Dedicated Server v1.03" (IBM/Win95)
WINDED runs as a native app on either Win95
or Windows NT (Intel x86 only), so you can
finally run your server on NT. In fact,
WINDED running on NT is pretty much the
smoothest QUAKE server we've seen. Any QUAKE
client should be able to connect to a WINDED
server. To run WINDED, you must first have
the registered version of QUAKE installed.
Then just copy WINDED.EXE into your QUAKE
directory and from the command prompt type
43513 RAL9510G.ZIP 179,7 kt 06.10.1997 - - tupla
Red Alert Launcher 95 v1.0g - 20.7.1997 by Golden Ghost Software.
43514 RNDMELEE.ZIP 10,9 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Fleet randomizer for Supermelee in Star Control II by Dave Merrill. Sourcecode (C) included.
43515 RNKV13.ZIP 4,6 kt 26.01.2001 - - -
RcoN\'in Käyttö v1.3"RcoN\'in käyttö" on tehty helpottamaan rconin käyttöä Counter-Strike servereille, ja vastaamaan niin useasti kysyttyihin kysymyksiin.
43516 SC2GRAPH.ZIP 34,4 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Star Control II ship graphics editorby Colibri
43517 SHOCKED.ZIP 5,1 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
ShockEd: System Shock 2 level editorShockEd: The level editor for System Shock 2 This package contains the level editor for System Shock 2, and allows you to create your own levels. 
43519 SOFSDK.ZIP 3,6 Mt 10.05.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
Soldier of Fortune SDK. Raven Software. Contains mapping utilities such as Radiant and BSP, a scripting compiler, ghoul exporter, documentation, and original map and script files for the New York Subway level. 
43518 SOFSDK11.ZIP 5,2 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Soldier of Fortune SDK 1.1Contains mapping utilities such as Radiant and BSP, a scripting compiler, ghoul exporter, documentation, and original map and script files for the New York Subway level. 
43520 SRVSETP.EXE 2,3 Mt 07.06.2000 - - -
Allegiance - Stand Alone ServerAllegiance Stand Alone Server allows you to host an Allegiance game universe on your computer and manage the connection of multiple Allegiance players into that game universe. Additionally, when running the Allegiance Server you will be automatically listed as an Allegiance game host on the MSN Gaming Zone and players can choose to play in your games. Please read the server manual for recommended configuration, connection speeds, and proxy issues. The Allegiance Free Zone will officially open to the public on 3/29. 
Please Note: Windows® 95 is currently not supported by the Allegiance Stand Alone Server. An update is being developed, so please stay tuned. 
43521 SSSDK10.ZIP 3,7 Mt 25.05.2001 - - -
Serious Sam SDK v1.00a Software Development Kit for Serious Sam. 
43522 STARRA12.ZIP 14,5 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
StarRand 1.2 Star Control 2 Random Melee Team Generator by Riboflavin, Pascal source code included.
43523 STVEFGDK.ZIP 5,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Voyager Elite ForceGame development kit.
43524 STVEFLE.ZIP 352,4 kt 05.10.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force updated level editor. Requires GDK. 
43525 SWAT3DTP.ZIP 24,2 Mt 15.10.2000 - - -
SWAT III development tool packFor SWAT III: Elite Edition.
43526 THRED09B.ZIP 1 Mt 01.04.1997 väärä koko 22534/GAMBLERCD05.BIN -
"THRED by Jim Lowell. Thred is a 3D editor that has been designed to create Quake maps. Thred supports many advanced features to make your editing as easy as possible. Includes DLLs you might need and THRED.HLP file."
43527 THUGL111.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.03.1999 - MBCD tupla
ThUGL v1.11 by Lars Filges ThUGL (The Ultimate Game Launcher) is a front end utility that works with any game built on the Unreal or Quake 2 engine - including Sin, Heretic 2, Daikatana, Blood 2, Duke Nukem Forever, and more. It has a simple interface that lets you choose a game type (you can use ThUGL to start up Internet server games), an episode, and a level, as well as frag and time limits and a maximum number of clients. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43528 THUMB117.EXE 2,3 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
"Wheel of Time - editoriThe Terangreal Hand Utility Modifier and Builder gives you a cleanintuitive way to completely remap your keys and terangreal placement. If you dont like Fireball and Seeker being on separate keysthen put them on the same one. If youd rather have freeze on its own key to access it fasterwellnow you can do it. "
43529 TIE2XVT.ZIP 8 kt 22.08.1999 - 22412/NEW.iso tupla
Käännä TIE Fighter - tehtävät XvT-muotoon.
43530 TIEED128.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.08.1999 - - -
TIE Fighter - tehtäväeditori. Aika kätevä, voi käyttää myös 3.11:ssä. Täysin ikkunoitu, ja visuaalinen.
43531 TRLEV110.ZIP 513,6 kt 10.09.1999 - - -
Tractor Rumble LevEd v1.10 The new version of the level editor for Tractor Rumble. New: Turrets and bases!!! CycloTron 1999 http://www.saunalahti.fi/~demoni/ct mika.isomaa@lukio.ylojarvi.fi
43532 UTC.ZIP 1,2 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Unreal Tournament Configurator Säädä UT:n asetuksia ennen pelin käynnistämistä. 
43533 UTP420.EXE 6,1 Mt 24.05.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament  -  editoriUnreal Editor 2.0 is an enhanced version of the editor that was available in the boxed versions of Unreal and Unreal Tournament. The easier-to-use Version 2.0 offers a new interface; more stability; better vertex manipulation and item selection/grouping; three-point clipping; and an improved 2D shaper. The new editor is being further developed by Epic, and serves as the basis for the company’s next generation of products.
43534 VEFGDK11.ZIP 5,7 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force GDK v1.1 Game Developer Kit v1.1 
43535 VIS_13.ZIP 38,2 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Half-Life editing utilities. Compile Tools VIS v1.3
43536 WAD2WAL.ZIP 28,7 kt 14.06.1998 - 22660/cd joystick no93 mai 1998.iso -
Quake2 utility: Wad2Wal v1.4 Utility to extract all the mip textures from a .wad file and convert them into Quake 2 .wal files. Also converts palette from Quake to Q2 palette.
43537 WALLY090.ZIP 258,7 kt 14.06.1998 - - -
Quake2 utility: Wally v0.90 Program to manipulate Quake2 .wal files. Allows for simple editing, viewing/zoom, bitmap import, and setting of texture flags/contents/animation.  Allows for new creation, and loading of existing textures.
43538 WC16SHAR.EXE 1,7 Mt 02.09.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd1.bin -
WorldCraft kenttäeditorin 1.6 shareware-versio. Soveltuu Quake 1:n, Quake 2:n ja Hexen 2:n kenttien tekoon tai muokkaamiseen.
43539 WC21F.ZIP 8 Mt 04.05.2000 - - -
Worldcraft 2.1 Half-Life level editor. The game data files included in the installer are the most current available (version 1.51 for Half-Life and version 1.0 for Team Fortress Classic). 
70010 WEDIT210.ZIP 458357 05.08.1996 - - -
DARK FORCES "Wedit v2.10" (IBM/Win95)  Again
a new and improved version of "Wedit", the
latest WIN95 tool for creation of DARK FORCES
levels. Version 2.10 of "Wedit" contains new
exiting features, like elevator generation as
well as updated features for doors and
staircase generation, plus some bug fixes.
Send feedback to Ole Thomasen at
70011 WEDIT220.ZIP 502966 19.08.1996 - - -
DARK FORCES: "Wedit v2.20 Editor" (Win95)
Another new and improved version of "Wedit",
the latest WIN95 tool for creation of DARK
FORCES levels. Version 2.20 of "Wedit"
contains a few new exiting features, like
import of VUE files, improved Texture Dialog,
Object Selection dialog, and Object Logic
dialog. Also player for .WAX's plus more.
Send feedback to Ole Thomasen at obt AT
43540 WEDIT302.ZIP 547,2 kt 22.07.1997 - Pelit CD 1998 -
DARK FORCES: "Wedit" v3.02 Editor (Win95) A new version of Wedit with several new features: Usage of DirectX from Microsoft for a brand new 3D Game View, allowing you to traverse your levels as in DARK FORCES. Some interesting new features as well for making custom .WAX objects, Tips-of-the-day, and others. And finally: Quite a few important bug fixes. Note that this version of Wedit 3.02 _requires_ DirectX.
43541 XVTC10D.ZIP 113,1 kt 22.08.1999 - - -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter - tehtäväeditori. Hyvä visuaalimoodi, jolla saa koordinaatit paikoilleen.
43542 XWTME43.ZIP 45,7 kt 02.04.1998 - - -
XWing vs. Tie Fighter Midnight Editor v04.3
43543 AABATSIM.ZIP 1,9 Mt 20.01.1999 - - tupla
Axis & Allies Battle Simulator v1.0 Understand and predict the outcome of battles. One of the most flexible, informative, and easy-to-use battle simulators available. Freeware. By Jeff Carey. Windows 95.
43544 AIEDT102.ZIP 307,7 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Age of Empires II - tekoälyeditoriWith AoE II AI scripts you can create new computer player strategies for AoE II. The format of these scripts is quite complicated. The AI scripting has undergone a major evolution from Age of Empires I. It is now possible to control the computer player in almost every aspect of the gameplay. You can change the default set of AI scripts,
or even completely replace it with your own set of rules. You can include such scripts in scenarios, and this generally makes scenarios a greater challenge and more fun to play.
43545 ALOOBX.ZIP 21,2 kt 18.01.2000 - - -
 Close Combat: Units information file AloobAxoob.zip This zip file contains information on Axoob & Aloob files that are used in Close Combat. The file contains also charts of all units (Allied and Axis) in ASCII text format as well as Excel format
43546 AOWD131.ZIP 45,5 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Age of Wonders playable demo v1.31  Strategy. Triumph/Epic Megagames/GOD/Take2 Turn-based game of strategy and conquest that successfully incorporates adventure, exploration and role playing elements. These elements, together with a rich story line and heavy emphasis on global strategy without repetitive micro-management, make each scenario and game unique and fun to play. Demo has IPX, TCP/IP, PBEM multiplayer. P133, 32MB, Win95/98, DirectX
43548 ARMAPED.ZIP 69,2 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Armada Map Editor 
43547 ARMAPEDI.ZIP 69,1 kt 19.05.2000 - - -
Star Trek Armada - karttaeditori
43549 ARSHIPMO.ZIP 475,7 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
Star Trek: Armada Ship Modeler. Vaatii SoftImage 3.7/3.8 renderoijan. 
43550 ASSIUPDM.ZIP 6,9 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Assimilation updated demo  The rules of the game are simple. Up to eight players compete on a board made up of hexagonal spaces. Players move their pieces to empty spaces on the board either by "cloning" or "jumping". Move to a space next to an opponent\'s pieces, and you\'ll "assimilate" them - any adjacent pieces get turned to your colour. The winner is the one with most pieces when the board is full. PII 233, 32MB, Win9x. 
43551 BACKTALY.ZIP 2 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
BackgammonTally V1.0 BY PC Guru free database for the serious backgammon player, which lets you maintain a record of every game played. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43552 BIME07W.ZIP 196 kt 21.05.1998 - MBCD -
Battle Isle 3 Mission Editor v0.7 beta Windows 95/NT
43553 BIUE05W.ZIP 160,6 kt 21.05.1998 - MBCD -
Battle Isle 2 / Battle Isle 3 Unit Editor v0.5beta - Windows 95.
43554 BPM2_202.ZIP 466 kt 21.09.2000 - - -
Medieval 2 BattlePlan Editor v2.02The Editor Pack will only work with registered versions of Medieval 2.0.
43557 BZ-EDITU.ZIP 103,7 kt 26.05.1998 - MBCD -
BattleZone Map Editor update 4/10 With a sample single-player mission.
43555 BZ2SCRPT.ZIP 30,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
BattleZone 2 - esimerkkejä omiin tehtäviinThe following zip file contains example files for creating single player mission dlls for Battlezone II. These files were created at Pandemic Studios by BZII Programmer Brad Pickering and are not part of the official BZII code published by Activision. The contents of this download are not supported by Activision Customer Support. The creation of mission DLLs is not documented yet. Brad will try to document and help people as time permits.
43556 BZCP130.ZIP 217,8 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone utility: Bz Command Center v1.3 Battlezone Frontend Map Loader A nifty little utility by Willie Goebel that lets you skip all the drudgery of typing in all that command line stuff everytime you want to play one of those cool (IA) maps.. line correct. One of the most indespensable tools you will ever use..
43558 BZFLAGS1.ZIP 62,7 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone accessory: Multiplayer Flags v1.1 Over 300 multiplayer Flags to chose from, all conviently zipped up and ready for browsing.
43559 BZFRAC04.ZIP 179,4 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone utility: BzFrac vr04a Battlezone Fractal Landscape Generator uses a fractal algorithm to automatically generate .HGT files to be used by the game Battlezone. & even simpler said "it makes maps"
43560 BZWHEEL.ZIP 140 kt 26.05.1998 - - tupla
BattleZone utility: BZ Wheel lets you use your scroll wheel mouse with Battlezone.. now you can use the scroll function to act as keyboard commands, its like adding two new buttons to your mouse, instructions are included with the program, and a sample input.map file to get you going quickly.
43561 CAESAR3E.A01 3,9 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Caesar III map editor 2/3
43562 CAESAR3E.A02 3,7 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
Caesar III map editor 3/3
43563 CAESAR3E.ARJ 3,9 Mt 20.11.1998 - - -
"Caesar III Map editor/assignment editor 1/3 Thats right Caesar enthusiaststhis is what youve been waiting for - a Map Editor is now available! Its completely FREE. Windows 95. Impressions/Sierra"
43573 CC-HD.ZIP 14,4 kt 18.01.2000 - 22093/SSERVCD_52A.iso -
Running Close Combat from HD.  (Win95). This file explains step by step how to run Close Combat from HD.
43564 CC2-GADX.ZIP 681,5 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 user editor. GadgetX - (686k) - (MarkEscobarClouden) - Extractedit and re-insert any of the 1600+ gadget images you see in the game interface."
43567 CC2-MAPM.ZIP 155,8 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user editor. MapMaker.zip - (38k) - (TinTin) - THE tool to code the map### files that really are the maps in the game. The map graphic you see onscreen is just a pretty picture. The map### files in the ABTF/Data/Maps folder tell the game what the various parts of the map represent. Absolutely invaluable for new map making and highly interesting for the average player just to be able to view all the terrain elements.
43568 CC2-SNDE.ZIP 68,9 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user editor. soundedit.zip - (70k) (The Other Dave). This will let you add new sounds and swap around all the sound effects for CC2. Really easy to use and Win95-based. Full instructions in the accompanying text document. Please take note of the comment at the end of the text file: i f you use the editor and like it, drop a line to the author.
43569 CC2-TXTM.ZIP 50,6 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user editor. Texture Maker.zip - (50k) (TinTin) These simple programs convert Close Combat 2 textures to tga files and tga files into CC2 textures. Copy all the textures from the cd into a folder, run the totga batch file to convert all the textures to tga files. Make your changes use your paint program and save the files as tga files. When you want to use them in the game run the fromtga batch file.
43565 CC2LOS.ZIP 42,7 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user editor. cclos.zip - (42k) - (Vincent Viaud) - A must to make new ABTF/Data/Maps/map###.LOS files for that new map you just created.
43566 CC2MAPIN.ZIP 2,9 Mt 20.01.1999 - - tupla
Close Combat 2 utility: MAP-INST 1.0 Map installer. Install user made maps into CC2. Postcard-ware
43570 CC3CMANG.ZIP 486,6 kt 13.03.1999 - - tupla
Close Combat III utility. Configuration Manager. Install and uninstall patches and mods with a single mouse click.
43571 CC3CONFM.ZIP 486,6 kt 19.03.1999 - - tupla
Close Combat III Configuration Manager Install and uninstall patches and mods with a single mouse click.
43572 CCAP200.ZIP 641,1 kt 05.06.1998 - - tupla
Chess Captor v2.0 by Michiel Magnee Utility. Brings the convenience of Windows to the creating of chess diagrams. Features: Fully configurable chess board: Determine how you want the chess board to look: gridlines, borders, squares, colors, coordenates, orientation, backgrounds etc., support for headers and footers in chess diagrams: set up chess positions in no time, move pieces smootly over the board... Windows 95
43574 CCTPMAPB.ZIP 1,5 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Civilization: Call to Power map editor, beta.
43575 CHECKTLY.ZIP 2 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
CheckersTally by PC Guru Free database for the serious checkers player, which lets you maintain a record of every game played. It provides fields for description, location, result, opponent, and game/match date and time. You also have an area to record freeform notes. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43576 CHESSTLY.ZIP 2 Mt 09.07.1999 - - tupla
Chess Tally v1.0.1 by PC Guru Utility. Free program for the serious chess player. Now you can maintain a record of every game played, against who, and what the outcome was. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43577 CWEDIT.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Civil War Battleground Scenario Editor Scenario Editor for Talonsofts Battleground series civil war strategy games. Windows 95."
43578 CWXCED10.ZIP 203,5 kt 15.09.1998 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
ClarkWehyr Enterprises X-COM Editor Suite v1.00 This editor suite handles both XCOM:UFO and XCOM:TFTD and has fully-featured soldier and base editors. Also edit: - Money - XCOM craft including inventory - Diplomacy, funding amounts -Base facilities - Import UFO soldiers into a TFTD game Nice, intuitive user-interface includes mouse support. Freeware by ClarkWehyr Enterprises. Requires DOS v3+, IBM PC/AT or compatible wit
43579 CZECH.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.09.1997 - - -
Czech Chess HTML Generator by DZWare program that automatically generates HTML files that contain the score of a game of chess along with diagrams and optional analysis for that game. Windows 95
43580 DRPACK.ZIP 51,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
BattleZone 2 - pack file toolThe official Battlezone 2 pack file tool can of create new pack files given a collection of data files, extract data files from an existing pack file, and list the contents of an existing pack file. The pack files shipped with the retail version of Battlezone 2 were created with this tool. When creating a pack file, it will attempt to compress source data files using ZLIB compression and store the data file in compressed form if it is reduced to 75% or less of its original size.
43581 FAV098.ZIP 1,9 Mt 19.01.2001 - - -
Final Alert v0.98 Command & Conquer 2: Red Alert 2 map editor. 
43582 FCDBV32.ZIP 32,6 kt 28.06.1999 - - -
"Janes Fleet Command editor. fcdbv32.zip (32 kb) by Philip Langdale. Database Viewer 1.0.1"
43583 FGUGEMOD.ZIP 41,9 kt 21.05.1998 - - -
Fantasy General module for UGE, Universal Game Editor.
43584 FLIBEDIT.ZIP 267,3 kt 23.07.1998 - MBCD -
"Final Liberation Map/Unit Editors In response to our customers requests for the ability to edit/create maps and units for use with Final Liberationwe are releasing the Editorscomplete with detailed usage documentation. This powerful set of utilities will allow you to edit/create maps and units for use with Final Liberation."
43585 FSTEELED.ZIP 707,6 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Fighting Steel scenario editor
43586 FSTEELS.ZIP 32,1 kt 10.11.1999 - - -
Fighting Steel tweaks & missions. FS Tweak 1.0 - many enhancements equalize German naval power. + The Battle of Vella Lavella by Eric Marlow. + HS 106. The Scharnhorst and Gneisenau. + 8 Scenarios by Michael Emmerich.
43587 GBADD20.ZIP 1,2 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
Galaxy Builder v2.0 is a program which simulates the evolution of a galaxy and its intelligent life over the course of 10 billion years. Stars form, age, and supernova, spreading metals for use in future stars. Planets appear; life starts on some planets; some life develops intelligence. Generate galaxies as background for exploration or roleplaying games. Windows 95/98 Copyright 1998 by David L. Allen 
43588 GO200020.ZIP 1,8 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
Go2000 V2.0  for Windows 95 and 98 A full-featured Go database  management system with visual editor and browser. Registration fee $50 USD. By Changmei Hwung  contact: hchangmei@yahoo.com
43589 H2ED16.ZIP 225,5 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
"Heroes of Might & Magic II H2Ed Version 1.6 Save Game Editor Supports also The Price of Loyalty Expansion Pack. Allows you to modify many of your heroesand castlesattributes. It is also free. Windows 95."
43590 H83_RRND.ZIP 35,1 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Red Alert unitrandomizer arpoo kaikkien yksikköjen aseet, kestot, nopeudet, ym. ja laskee yksikön hinnan sen mukaan. Tehnyt Henu Heino (Basement Realm) www.mbnet.fi/~dfields henu83@iobox.com
43591 HICIVGAL.ZIP 164,1 kt 25.02.1999 - - tupla
"HiCiV (Galyavov) by Igor Galyavov Keep track of your civilizations progress (and the other ones too) in your Civilization II game with HiCiV. This is a useful utility that keeps watch over your civilization and writes out your history. Keeps track of populationgoldcitiesand science levels. Req. Civilization II and Windows 9598or NT"
43592 HKSRC120.ZIP 91,2 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
Hexkit v1.20 "Hexagon map construction kit", graphics engine for maps based on hexagons, as in many turn-based wargames. Designed to be flexible enough for any hex-based game without animated unit graphics. By Christoph Nahr. Freeware. Windows 95/98, Pentium. 
43593 HOMM2HAK.ZIP 1 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II HOMMII Editor v4.01 for Windows 95 FREEWARE program release that allows you to edit your armies, primary and secondary stats, and resources (gold, lumber, etc.) in a saved campaign or regular game from the original HOMMII game OR from the Expansion Pack.
43594 INGAME10.ZIP 12,7 kt 26.01.2001 - - -
Ingame Strings Editor versio 1.0 Ohjelma osaa lukea C&C:n ja Red Alertin MIX-tiedostoista löytyviä .ENG tiedostoja. Nämä sisältävät mm. yksiköiden nimet. Saattaa toimia myös Tiberian Sunin kanssa ja tulevan Red Alert 2:n kanssa. Englanninkielinen. Tehnyt Vesa Piittinen, Merrysoft Vaatii Visual Basic 4:n 32-bittisen runtimen
43595 JA2CME.ZIP 1 Mt 23.03.2000 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake -
"Jagged Alliance 2 Custom Mercenary Editor JA2CME is an editor for JA2. With this editor you can change your custom mercenarys statslooknameitemsweapons... all those and lots more. 
It has been reported that this version of JA2CME wouldnt work with US and German version 1.05r. However it will run fine with all other versions. 
Send comments to webco@knuut.de Visit Jagged Alliance Galaxy at www.tacticalplanet.com/ja-galaxy"
43596 JA2EV21.ZIP 210,1 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2 editor v2.1 This trainer/editor is designed to work with US version v1.06, and allows the editing of memory items. 
43597 LCE102L.ZIP 1,7 Mt 06.11.1997 - MBCD -
LC_Editor V1.02.12 - Legal Crime map editor
43598 MAKE100.ZIP 275,3 kt 12.09.2000 - - -
Makepak 1.00 for Simutrans 0.74e Ohjelma, jolla voit tehdä Simutransiin omat grafiikat.
43599 MEDI20ED.ZIP 1,7 Mt 14.06.2000 - - -
Medieval 2.0 Editor Pack. The Editor Pack will only work with registered versions of Medieval 2.0. 
43600 MEDITOR.ZIP 133,4 kt 07.06.2000 - - -
"Majesty - äänieditori The Majesty Sound Editor allows you to replace the in-game sounds with your own .wav files. Install it into your majesty directory and run it -- itll allow you to review all of the existing soundsreplace soundspreview themand save them. When you next play Majesty the sounds of your kingdom will be replaced! Your heroes can talk jive and your court advisor can lay down the smack...."
43601 MM_FULL.ZIP 1,5 Mt 10.04.1999 - - tupla
"HOMM III Monster Mash Version 1.3.0 small utility for viewing the CreatureSkillSpelland Artifact descriptions found in New World Computings hit strategy gameHeroes of Might & Magic IIIAKA HOMM III. Windows 95 Copyright © 1998-99 Paul H. SoaresJr."
43602 MOMLOAD.ZIP 17,5 kt 06.05.1998 - - tupla
Master of Magic QuickLoader v1.02 utility by Ben Esacove - uses Wizards.exe to load a Master of Magic savegame quickly. freeware. Win95.
43603 MPC2121.ZIP 619,3 kt 11.04.1998 - MBCD tupla
MultiPlayerCiv2 1.21 Allows you to play multiplayer games of Civilization 2. Works in hotseat, TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, modem and serial connection. Windows 95. Suggested Civ II v2.42.
43604 MPQVIEW.ZIP 152,9 kt 18.05.1998 - 11519/Igromania_07.iso tupla
StarCraft MPQ (install.exe) viewer and extractor.
43605 NBADD131.ZIP 1,7 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Nation Builder v1.31 is a shareware program which creates the history of human civilization on a world. It reads in a world map containing information about climate and the location of resources, simulates earliest inventions, the spread of technology and trade, and the development of civilization. You can use it to invent worlds for roleplaying games or as background for fiction or you can use it to learn history. Windows 95/98 
43606 NWEDIT.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.03.1998 - MBCD -
"Napoleonic Battleground Scenario Editor Scenario editor for Talonsofts Battleground series Napoleonic era strategy games. Windows 95."
43607 PANEMOO2.ZIP 121,1 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
Master of Orion 2 Editor - Edit Planets.
43608 PARTICLE.ZIP 595,4 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Panzer Elite - particle editor
43609 PC2N102H.ZIP 5,5 Mt 27.09.2000 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy44 v1.02  online help "
43610 PC2N102M.ZIP 4,8 Mt 20.09.2000 - - -
"Panzer Campaigns II: Normandy44 v1.02 manual."
43611 RAEDIT51.ZIP 3,1 Mt 14.08.1998 - MBCD -
RAEdit v5.1 by Innovative Tech Having trouble beating Command and Conquer: Red Alert, or do you just need a new way to make the game more fun? With RAEdit 5.1, you can quickly and easily edit almost everything in Red Alert! Windows 95
43612 RAMIX51.ZIP 323,3 kt 08.04.1999 - ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake tupla
RAmixer 5.1 --- Mix Extracting program for Red Alert and Command & Conquer.
43613 RARE10B.ZIP 2 Mt 24.10.1998 - - -
RARE v1.0b by Chris Labansoky lets you edit the rule.ini file in Red Alert. It will change just about every weapon, person, building, and vehicle in the game. Red Alert and Windows 95
43614 REDALRM.ZIP 152,4 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
Red Alert Rules Manager v1.9.1 Chris Labanosky lets you edit the rule.ini file in Red Alert. It will change just about every weapon, person, building, and vehicle in the game. Windows 95
43615 REDALRTC.ZIP 478,4 kt 24.03.1999 - MBCD -
"Red Alert Unit Creator by Voyager Entertainment excellent-looking editor for Red Alerta highly customizable game created by Westwood Studios. It creates data files that do not modify Red Alerts original files. You can edit both single-player or multiplayer gamesand play modified versions of Red Alert over LAN or the Internet. Create new unitsbuildings or weapons. Adds a lot of replay value to Red Alert. Req. Win95P100RA game"
43616 S3ED205E.ZIP 181,1 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
Settlers III map editor v2.05English version.
43617 SC3KBAT.A01 4,3 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
SimCity 3000 Building Architect Tool. 2/2
43618 SC3KBAT.ARJ 4,8 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
SimCity 3000 Building Architect Tool. 1/2 By Maxis. Allows you to easily contruct new buildings for SimCity 3000. Windows 95.
43619 SHPPCX10.ZIP 346,9 kt 26.09.2000 - - -
SHP <> PCX Converter 1.0 by Vesa Piittinen(Merry), Merrysoft Easy-to-use editor, converts SHPs to PCXs and vice versa. Use with C&C series games and RA-mixer. Needs VB40032.DLL (Visual Basic 4 runtime) Copyright 1999-2000 Vesa Piittinen, Merrysoft
43620 SLMAP1_4.ZIP 900,5 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Shattered Light advanced mapmaker 1.4
43621 SPWAWSM3.ZIP 1,4 Mt 14.05.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: WaW scenario manager v3Scenario Managing Tools for SP: WaW v5.0.1
43622 STA_EDIT.ZIP 62,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Star Trek Armada editor beta 
43623 STARGRAF.ZIP 753,4 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 StarGraft. The Starcraft Editor. StarCraft-peliin suosittu editointiohjelma.
43624 TACED.ZIP 1,9 Mt 04.01.1998 - Pelit CD 1999 -
TacEdit - map program for X-Com: Apocalypse by Mythos Games. Create your own maps! Win95 & DirectX.
43625 TAEBLITE.ZIP 2,7 Mt 08.04.1998 - MBCD -
Total Annihilation Map and Mission Editor. TAE Beta 1 executable. Windows 95.
43626 TAFBI15.ZIP 1,2 Mt 27.03.2000 - - -
 Total Annihilation FBI Editor v 1.5 Written by Mike Davidson. Helps with the process of custom unit design for the Cavedog game Total Annihilation. It quickly generates the .fbi file, a necessary component of the unit that describes its properties (size, cost, weapons, etc.). The program features a tabbed interface making it easy to "fill in the blanks" to define the unit.
43627 TAGTRAK.ZIP 3,8 Mt 04.01.1998 - - tupla
Total Annihilation utility: T.A.G Trakker 32 by Hybrid. time tracking application designed for Total Annihilation.  It is primarly used to log time, scores, players, maps and other misc. options that are associated with Total Annihilation.  It is a fairly simplistic front-end to a database that will (we hope) make your life a little bit easier.
43628 TAOEDIT.ZIP 2,9 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
The Ardennes Offensive Scenario Editor - TAOEdit. v1.0.03. "After playing all the scenarios that came with the game I wanted much more and that\'s when the idea of scenario editor came to me. It took a while but finally after all the hard work here it is : TAOEdit. Thanks to Roger Keating for his endless help, priceless advice, limitless information , personal reminiscence and encouragement." Windows 95
43629 TAZ092B2.ZIP 277,2 kt 16.04.1998 - MBCD -
"T.A.Z. V0.92b2 Author: Claudio Tagliola T.A.Z. is a fully functioning map editor for Total Annihilation. It started out as a conversion of TATOOL to Win95 but its much more than that now. You can visually edit the tilesheight and attributes of a mapno matter how big the map is. (I can edit 32mb and 64mb maps on my 16mb machine.)"
43630 UFO2MON.ZIP 18,4 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
X-Com2: Terror From the Deep TFTD Money Editor v1.0 A fast and easy 2 billion added to your TFTD account.
43631 UFO2RES.ZIP 19,7 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
X-Com2: Terror From the Deep Research editor. This editor will remove all items the you are currently researching from the waiting list and make all research complete, fill your ufopedia, allow you to build and purchase everything, and make your life a whole lot easier.
43632 VMRSDK10.ZIP 5,3 Mt 20.09.2000 - - -
Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption SDKThis Software Development Kit comes complete with editor, Direct3D model viewer and plugins for Maya. 
43633 W2WRM211.ZIP 126,6 kt 24.12.1998 - - tupla
WarMaker 2.11 Warcraft 2 Random Map Generator. Windows 95.
43634 W3TOOLS.ZIP 3,6 Mt 12.11.1998 repacked Pelit CD 1999 tupla
Warlords III new tools set
43635 WARMAKER.ZIP 144,8 kt 23.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
WarMaker 1.0  11-06-97 Warcraft 2 Random Map Generator. Windows 95.
43636 WB20EDIT.ZIP 5,4 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
WarBreeds map editor 1.0. Win95.
43637 WBU17.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
World Builder v1.7  - Windows 95/98. shareware program to draw maps of worlds. It uses continental drift and true meteorological computations to provide realistic maps including mountain ranges, rain shadows and rivers. Use it to invent worlds for roleplaying games or as background for fiction, or you can use it to learn about earth science processes. If you want to draw maps of your own existing worlds, World Builder may not be the right tool for you.
43638 WDK2K210.ZIP 810,3 kt 23.10.2000 - - -
Armies of Armageddon WDK v2.10Wargame Development Kit v2.10 
43639 WDP45.ZIP 172,2 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
Fleet Command Warship Database Project.  Massive overhaul of the original database files that came with Fleet Command. The primary goals of this project are to improve on the realism, accuracy, playability, and balance of the game. Over 1000 hours of research, editing, and playtesting have been put into this project.
43640 WDP77.ZIP 854,1 kt 18.09.2000 - - -
Fleet Comman Warship Database Project v7.7The WDP is a massive ongoing project designed to improve Fleet Command in any way possible. The main areas of improvements are as follows; playability, accuracy, balance, and realism, with a balanced priority in all of these areas. 
43641 WGP20.ZIP 481,9 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
"WarGame Processor v2.0 by Sean Emerson Designed to make it as easy as possible to play popular board wargames by mail or e-mail. Its not necessary for your opponent to have a copy of the WarGame Processoras the program will still make life easier on your end. Program provides the means for users to design their own modulesso the usefulness and utility of the system will always be growing. Contact opponents on the WGP WWW page. Windows 95"
43642 WGP34MO.ZIP 3,3 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
"WarGame Processor modules.  WGP modules are NOT complete games. You must own the board game for them to be useful to youas they are without ruleschartsetc. Support the developersbuy the game. One exception is France44which is not based on a published gameand comes complete with rules and charts. Includes modules for 34 war games."
43643 WH2EDIT.ZIP 189 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Warhammer: Dark Omen Editor v1.6 R3 Edit Units, Heroes, and Magic.
43644 WHDO20.ZIP 1,9 Mt 17.07.1998 - - -
Warhammer: Dark Omen MAXX Editor (v2.0).
43645 XBAT14.ZIP 1,6 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
XBattle editor v1.4 for Close Combat. Lets you create "scenario" & "deploy" files, step by step documentation included...
43646 XCAM14.ZIP 648,7 kt 18.01.2000 - - -
Campaign utility v1.4  for Close Combat. Lets you view the status of your live soldiers in a campaign that you are currently playing. It is very easy to use, all you have to do is load this application click on "Open Units files..." menu command under "File" menu. Open dialog shows up twice for loading "AlUnits." and "AxUnits." Navigate through your unit list.
43647 XLOS14.ZIP 623,4 kt 18.01.2000 - 22093/SSERVCD_52A.iso -
XLOS generator version 1.4  for Close Combat. After you create your new map in XMapEditor you can now create Line of Sight file *.los. Say you created "Map89." in XMapEditor, now you load this file into XLos generator then you click on "Create LOS" this will create "Map89.los" file in the same directory where you created the "Map89." file. That\'s all you have to do. Now you copy "Map89." and "Map89.los" into the "Maps" directory.
43648 XMAPED14.ZIP 1,5 Mt 18.01.2000 - Pelit CD 1998 -
XMapEditor v1.4 , - create/edit battle maps for Close Combat. These map files "MapXX." are stored in .../Data/Data/Maps/ directory (install directory tree structure), this directory also contains LOS files "MapXX.LOS" - files are used for calculation line of sight.
61604 BOWLSTAT.ZIP 188042 20.12.1995 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Bowlstat for Windows 1.1  The ultimate
program for processing your bowling results.
It features comprehensive statistics,
compares you with your friends, and prints
your bowling rosters in an excellent form. It
stores its data in an DBase III database for
easy processing with other applications.  To
install Bowlstat for Windows unzip the file
winbowl.zip to a disk or a temp directory and
run the install program from windows.  (Since
I'm usally developing German applications the
42467 CART1998.ZIP 1,5 Mt 27.09.1999 - - tupla
Cart 1998 Päivitetyt 1998 kauden ajajalistat Cart Presicion Racingiin. Uusia ajajia mm. JJ Lehto ja Arnd Meier.
42468 CMX16.ZIP 304 kt 26.05.1998 - 22551/GAMBLERCD21A.BIN tupla
Championship Manager 97 X-Plorer utility
42469 CPREDIT.ZIP 767,8 kt 06.03.1998 - MBCD -
CART Precision Racing track editor. It should be noted that this editor is not supported by Microsoft or Terminal Reality. It is undocumented and some users may find it difficult to use.
42470 FED99-11.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Fed99 from FIFA 99 Online. Easy to use Windows based FIFA 99 Editor which allows you to transfer and edit players, teams and more. Windows 95.
29257 FPROP90.ZIP 1988452 27.05.1996 - 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso -
Football Prophecy for Windows 95, utility for
the football fanatic to keep up with the
stats of the football world! It also
incorporates a formula to predict a given
games outcome.
42471 FWMED1_2.ZIP 5,9 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
Football World Manager 2000 editor version 1.2 
42472 GONEBWLN.ZIP 3,7 Mt 17.01.2000 - - -
" Gone Bowlin2000! The League Bowler Companion v6.0 The perfect statistician for league bowlers.   This is not a league secretaryits a personal bowling rec ord keeper! Gone Bowlintracks your scoring down to the frame and incl udes printable scoresheets to make recording your frame sco ring during league play simple. *** Stats and graphs galore! *** Ever wonder what your strike or spare percentage was for an"
42473 LNKS01CC.ZIP 34 Mt 14.02.2001 - - -
Links 2001 Course Converter Ilmainen työkalu Links 2001 -golfpeliin. Tällä voi kääntää Links LS ja MS Golf 2001 -golfkenttiä Links 2001 -yhteensopiviksi. 
42474 MCM2TE.ZIP 19,8 Mt 16.07.2000 - - -
Motocross Madness 2 Terrain Editor
66580 NHL97EDW.ZIP 10136 03.12.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
NHL'97-EDIT (WIN95) Editor to change player
skills in NHL Hockey '97
42475 NHLI524.ZIP 579,5 kt 13.01.1999 - - tupla
"NHL Hockey-9499 editor and statistics viewer. Also features playergoalie and team sorting by namegoalspointsetc plus linerule and schedule editors. Version 5.24. Freeware"
42476 PAINTKIT.ZIP 19,9 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
NASCAR 3 - paintkit
42477 PM97EDV1.ZIP 554,4 kt 06.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Premier Manager 97 Editor
42478 T3ED06.ZIP 127,9 kt 25.02.2000 - - -
 T3ED - Version 0.06 - (c) Denis Auroux http://www.math.polytechnique.fr/cmat/auroux/nfs/ Need For Speed 3 + 4 rataeditori.
42479 WNHLI423.ZIP 162,5 kt 03.02.1998 - - tupla
WNHLINFO 4.23 Toni Wilenin NHLINFON Windows-versio. (Tukee myös NHL 98)
42480 BZDMSRC.ZIP 130,3 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
BattleZone 2 - omien tehtävien esimerkkejäThe following zip file contains example files for creating single player mission dlls for Battlezone II. These files were created at Pandemic Studios by BZII Programmer Brad Pickering and are not part of the official BZII code published by Activision. The contents of this download are not supported by Activision Customer Support. The creation of mission DLLs is not documented yet. Brad will try to document and help people as time permits.
42481 EDOC.RTF 32 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
BattleZone 2 - kartanluontiohjeThe following document is a list of tips and instructions for creating maps for Battlezone II. This document was compiled at Pandemic Studios by BZII Art Director Carey Chico and is not part of the official BZII game documentation published by Activision. The procedures and information contained in this document are not supported by Activision Customer Support.
42482 SEVGUIDE.ZIP 331,5 kt 19.05.2000 - - -
Seven Kingdoms II - strategiaopasEi kuvausta.
42483 SPWAW50M.ZIP 10,8 Mt 14.05.2001 - - -
Steel Panthers: World at War v5.0.1 manualIn PDF format.
43649 ARTMONEY.ZIP 392 kt 15.03.2000 - - -
 Game Cheater ArtMoney v6.03 Artyom Mikhailov. Make any game easier. Application that allows you to take any game you are having difficulty with and make it easier. It accomplishes this by finding the memory address in which the desired quantity is located and giving you access to it. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43650 CHKEEP10.ZIP 1,4 Mt 15.03.2000 - - -
" CheatKeep v1.0 by PlatinumMinds. Keep track of your cheat information. With CheatKeepyou will never lose track of your cheats or where you got them from again. Just enter the name of the gamewhere you got it fromand the cheat itselfand thats it! Its saved! No more scraps of paperno more looking for a pen. Windows 95/98"
43651 CHTMACHN.ZIP 1,2 Mt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Cheat Machine For Widows by A Forest Soft99 That game putting you down? Not when you use this baby! Windows 95."
43652 CM-UNGUT.ZIP 3,8 kt 28.09.2000 - - -
"Shadow Company cheat utilityThis utility allows you to extract all packed data fromShadow CompanyorSoldiergames and change any wanted game option as you wish. This tool is also potentially support any game developed bySinister Gamescompany. "
43653 DGFALLHK.ZIP 872,4 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
"Daggerfall Hack v3.0 By Mordor character editor for DaggerFall that allows you to createsaveand edit game characters. It features a tabbed interface in which you can enter the characters basic information plus statsarmorpositionskillsclassitemsreputationsand biography. Drop-down lists make it easy to quickly choose characteristics. Windows 95 or Windows 98"
43654 DOCHT11.ZIP 32,6 kt 26.05.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Warhammer: Dark Omen Savegame Editor v1.1
43655 FSMEDT.ZIP 151,9 kt 26.05.1998 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
FIFA Soccer Manager Money Editor
43656 GAMECH.ZIP 695,7 kt 10.04.2000 - - -
"GameCheater -  Windows 95/98 Search for the memory-addresses where your favorite game stores its properties (like moneyenergylivestimersextrasinventory items or ammo). Access these found addressesso you can change or lock (make it unlimited) the value of these addresses. This is an easy to userealistic program made for the common gamer who doesnt want to spend time learning to hack but wants to have a little more fun in their games. "
43657 GENTRAIN.ZIP 195,2 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
"Generic Game Trainer v1.41v1.41 Generic Game Trainer is a handy free game-hacking tool that will allow you to cheat in any game -- if you are willing to invest a little time looking for the cheats. The program searches the games memory for values such as the number of livesmoney and energyand then lets you edit them. Be warythoughas editing the wrong value can freeze or crash your game -- or your system. Win 9x. Freeware.  "
43658 GH10END.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.12.1997 - MBCD -
GameHack v1.0 ShareWare from Manuel Alvarez Fernandez Windows 95 - great cheating utility that has ability to cheat/hack any game.
43659 GIC135A.ZIP 7,1 Mt 09.06.2000 - - -
GameBlazer Encyclopedia and Tools Self-updating game encyclopedia and tool set. The tools let you swap save-game files and more;Example: double the number of neighborhoods for The Sims;. The site guides describe and launch over 90 games while allowing fast navigation to more than 1350 game, magazine and hardware Web sites. Every link in GameBlazer is checked so only high-quality sites are listed. Player testimonial: \'This tool is fantastic!\'" Note: The registered version costs $20. Windows 95/98 
43660 GTAED03F.ZIP 2 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
Grand Theft Auto Mission Editor Win95
43661 GTAHELI.ZIP 294,7 kt 21.04.1998 - - -
Grand Theft Auto This will let you use the helicopter in Liberty City/Gangsta Bang
43662 GTATRA12.ZIP 115,4 kt 21.04.1998 - - -
Grand Theft AutoMagic Trainer v1.2 Unlimited ammo (all the guns, rocket launcher and flamethrower and Police Bribe. only works with GTAWIN.
43663 GW32TRY.ZIP 507,1 kt 25.11.1999 - MBHH2000 -
"GameWiz32 v1.11 by OneStepAhead software hacking utility of sorts that lets you cheat at your favorite games without destroying .exe files or using cheat codes. The program can attach itself to a games process so you can search and alter its memory area. For exampleif you wanted to give yourself more lives in a gameall you need to do is find out where in memory the number of lives is storedand then enter any number you want. Windows 95"
43664 HMM2HACK.ZIP 10,6 kt 14.04.1998 - 22537/GAMBLERCD08.BIN -
Heroes Of Might And Magic 2 SuperHack v1.0 Cheats for Heroes Of Might And Magic 2, works both for Standard and Campaign game.
43665 HMMALL.ZIP 109,6 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic II Saved Game Editor. Windows.
43666 HOMMCHE.ZIP 32,8 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic Complete Heroes Editor v1.1 A menu-driven editor for HOMM. This editor will allow you to edit your castles, heroes, and all your personal stats. It will also alow you to edit all of your enemies stats just the same of yours. Keys to Maximize, or Minimze all stats.
43667 HOYLEED.ZIP 14,3 kt 26.05.1998 - - -
Hoyle Casino Editor
43668 HW32V22.ZIP 893,7 kt 31.08.1999 koko? MBCD eritupla¹
Hex Workshop v2.20 32 bit version the Professional Hex Editor, is a file and disk editor which allows you to edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste hex.  Additional features include goto, find, replace, file compare, and checksum calculation.  You also get a Base Converter, for converting hex, decimal, and binary, and a Hex Calculator (supporting +,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>,~). This is old not supported version given out FREE.
43669 HW32V25.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.08.1999 - MBCD -
Hex Workshop, 2.54 32-bit version the Professional Hex Editor, is a file and disk editor which allows you to    edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste     hex.  Additional features include goto, find, replace, file compare, and checksum           calculation.  You also get a Base Converter,  for converting hex, decimal, and binary, and  a Hex Calculator (supporting                  +,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>,~). This is commercial demo version.
43670 JA2UBTRN.ZIP 17,9 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished BusinessThis trainer allows unlimited money, bullets, health and action points. 
43671 LCBDB2K.ZIP 470,7 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
"LX-Cheatbook database 2000 v10.2000A games utility that puts hints and cheats for PC-based games at your fingertips. Covering more than 1960 gamesthe program opens in a simple toolbarwith the games categorized alphabetically. When you select a gamesthe relevant cheat is displayed in a text window with a print button. You can also add your own cheats. While LX CheatBooks interface is rather small in size with plain graphicsthe content is useful and easily accessed. Win 9x. Freeware. "
43672 MCAL05.ZIP 235,5 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
MASTER CHEATER v0.5b alpha. cheat tool from the programmer of the Magic Trainer Creator. This tool is designed to work with 3Dfx games and those games that have Alt+Tab protection. It support only win95,win98 based games!!. You can use mc with an 2d or 3d card.It Support the 3dfx : voodoo cards who use the glide. Free.
43674 MDK-BBTN.ZIP 137,9 kt 28.09.2000 - - -
Ball Breaker 3D v1.4 TrainerGives unllimited ammo and lives.
43673 MDK95TRN.ZIP 114 kt 19.05.1997 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
MDK WIN95 Trainer +7
43675 MM2SGCHT.ZIP 1,3 kt 28.09.2000 - - -
Midtown Madness 2 savegame cheatWith this cheat, you can access all cars and races. 
43676 MM6FRZ2.ZIP 111,4 kt 22.09.1998 - - -
Might & Magic VI Freezer v2.0 Freeze Health, Spell Points, Gold, Food, and Skill Points.
43677 MTCE_127.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.11.1999 - MBCD -
43678 MTE.EXE 626,1 kt 24.02.1998 - - -
Diablo Trainer with item editor, character attributes editor and so on...
43679 MYTRFTST.ZIP 92,1 kt 28.09.2000 - 23171/Gamestar_24_2000-11_cd1.bin -
Reach for the Stars trainerWith this trainer you can add 10000 to RP/SP. 
43680 OMATIC.ZIP 164,9 kt 11.04.1998 - MBCD -
"CheatO Matic is a FREEWARE and AUTOMATIC cheat program for *ANY* DOS/Windows game. It runs under Windows 95/98/NT along side  your favorite gameand allows you to  EASIALLY (no hex here) modify ANY value in  the game - AS THE GAME RUNS!"
43681 SC-MEDIT.ZIP 108,6 kt 26.05.1998 - 22408/xeniatgm44.iso -
Starcraft Magic Editor (+2)
43682 SHOGOMAD.ZIP 107,9 kt 28.09.2000 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.HotKeysHook-2 FOUND 23171/Gamestar_24_2000-11_cd1.bin -
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division trainerUse this trainer to get unlimited ammo. 
43683 UGCS35.ZIP 395,2 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
"Ultimate Game Cheating System v3.5 If youre butting your head up against your favorite game and need a little more armor or hit points to get you throughUGCS may be able to help you. Step by stepthis program helps you locate a statistic in a saved game file and change that stat to something more favorable. UGCS comes with editors for Lords of the Realm IIWarCraft I and IIand Orion II. You can also train it to locate stats in most other games.  Windows 95."
43684 WH100.ZIP 527,6 kt 06.05.1998 - MBCD -
"WinHack v1.00 - cheat utility program that allows you to work with the memory of a program (or game) in memory as its running pretty much the same way youd edit a file. WinHack v1.00 only works with Windows 95 programsnot with DOS programs wunning in a window under Windows95. Save and load tag listsfreeze tagscreate tagsedit memorytype directly into memory and create stand-alone trainers."
43685 WIN32GWZ.ZIP 87 kt 12.10.1999 - MBCD -
Win32 Game Wizard v 0.85 Windows 95/98/NT/2000 Win32 Game Wizard permits you to modify the Win32 games so that they can be much easier finished. It allows you to customize your Win32 games. It removes protection, adds infinite lives, infinite weapons, etc.. 08-29-1999  FREEWARE
43686 10SIX-I.ZIP 27,9 Mt 17.03.2000 - - -
 10 Six by Segasoft. Internet multiplayer strategy game. Play on www.heat.net. FREE. Windows 95, P200, 32MB, Direct3D. You are assigned mining rights to one of one million plots of land on a new planet. This claim is yours to fortify, mine for wealth, and protect from the attacks of up to 999,999 of your closest friends. Band together and pillage the land claims of other colonists, or build elaborate defenses and Mutual
43687 2AMGAME.A01 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 2/5
43688 2AMGAME.A02 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 3/5
43689 2AMGAME.A03 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 4/5
43690 2AMGAME.A04 947,8 kt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club v1.03d 5/5
43691 2AMGAME.ARJ 2,9 Mt 16.02.1998 - - tupla
2AM Game Club client v1.03d by 2AM Inc. 2AM Game Club is an Internet gaming network with a unique approach. Putting the emphasis on the "multiplayer" in "multiplayer gaming", 2AM aims to bring people together for competition and fun on the Internet. Use this client to play all of 2AM\'s multiplayer-tailored games from Checkers and Backgammon to Alliance & Defiance, Invisible Hand and so on. Windows 95.
43692 2HNSPAD2.ZIP 541,2 kt 09.07.1999 - 9308/PSL Volume 7 Number 7 (July 1999).iso tupla
Two Handed Net Spades v2.0 by Greg DeBacker Card game. If you like to play and can never find a partner, Two Handed Net Spades may solve your problems. You can either play against either the computer or compete against another player connected via a modem, a network, or a null-modem cable. Windows 3.1
43693 ABROMEVS.ZIP 6,9 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Ancient Battles: Rome Versus Carthage  Battle human opponents over email. by Play By Email Productions. Strategy game. Email your moves to to a friend, and he or she can continue the game where you left off. You can train military units, occupy territories, research new technologies, and send your opponent diplomatic messages. Each move takes a certain amount of gold pieces. Windows 95/98/NT, Internet connection
43694 ACBETA3.ZIP 52,9 Mt 19.10.1999 - - tupla
"Asherons Call beta - free. Microsoft. Internet multiplayer RPG. Players are called alongside thousands of other adventurers by mystical character Asheron to participate in an epicmassively multiplayer online role-playing adventure in which they must choose to compete or cooperate with thousands of others. You need to activate an account with a free beta subscription in http://www.zone.com Windows 95 P166 32MB DirectX Supports Direct3"
43695 ACES1056.ZIP 13,9 Mt 31.01.2001 - - -
Aces High v1.056 II maailmansodan nettilentosimulaattori. Sisältää runsaasti sodan potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, voit jopa seilata laivoissa. Sisältää ilmainen muutaman henkilön moninpelin. Pentium II. 
43696 AECOTSCD.ZIP 45,7 Mt 17.08.2001 - - -
Ancient Evil : The Curse of the Snake CultAncient Evil on netitse pelattava, 3D-isometrinen roolipeli, jonka juoni keskittyy jumalattoman käärmeitä palvovan kultin ympärille. Soluttaudu kulttiin ja etsi kuninkaasi murhannut johtaja tuoden tämä oikeuden eteen. Tämä peruspaketti sisältää ensimmäisen episodin. P200, 32 Mt. 
43697 AH1061F.ZIP 16,2 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Aces High v1.061 demo  Uusi versio toisen maailmansodan nettilentosimulaattorista. Sisältää runsaasti sodan aikaisia potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, voit jopa seilata laivoissa. Sisältää ilmaisen muutaman henkilön moninpelin. Vaatimukset: P200, 32MB, D3D. 
43698 AH107.ZIP 17,9 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Aces High v1.07 demo Uusi versio Toisen Maailmansodan nettilentosimulaattorista. Sisältää runsaasti sodan aikaisia potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, ja voit jopa seilata laivoissa. Sisältää ilmaisen muutaman henkilön moninpelin. P200, 32 MB. 
43699 AH108F.ZIP 21,3 Mt 02.11.2001 - - -
Aces High 1.08 p4 täysasennus HiTech Creationsin Toiseen Maailmansotaan sijoittuva sotapeli. Sisältää runsaasti sodan aikaisia potkurikoneita ja panssarivaunuja, ja voit jopa seilata laivoissa. Yksin- ja kaksipeli on ilmaista, verkossa pelaaminen maksullista. Lisää tietoa pelin kotisivuilta. P333, DirectX 7, internet-yhteys. 
43700 AHHIRES.ZIP 1 Mt 14.12.1999 - - tupla
Aces High optional hi-res texture patch. Requires an 8 MB video card.
43701 AOA280.ZIP 26,6 Mt 12.01.2002 - - -
Ace of Angels v2.8.0  Avoimessa betassa pyörivään avaruussimulaattoriin pääsee tutustumaan ilmaiseksi uuden asiakasohjelmiston välityksellä. Viimeisin versio tuo tullessaan mm. uusia tehtäviä, aluksia ja paremmat mahdollisuudet oman laivueen ylläpitoon. P300, 64 Mt. 
43702 ART3V1.EXE 732,1 kt 20.02.1997 - 11463/Super Strategy & Simulation - Disc 2.iso -
1024x780 art pack to Planetary Raiders Beta. V1.                                          
43703 ARTIFA90.ZIP 3,2 Mt 02.02.2000 - - -
Artifact v1.00.90  Play an online strategy game. Internet-based, multi-player, persistent world, real-time strategy game. Game of exploration, cooperation, conquest and discovery. Free. Windows 95, 98, or NT, Internet connection.
43704 ASAINST.ZIP 9,1 kt 04.01.2002 - - -
The All Seeing Eye InstallerThe All Seeing Eye etsii automaattisesti netistä tietokoneelta löytyvien pelien moninpelipalvelimia ja näyttää niiden olennaiset tiedot. Tämä asennusohjelma hakee itse ohjelman uusimman version netistä ja asentaa sen. Shareware, 19,95 USD. http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/
43705 AVOYDDMO.ZIP 1,1 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
AVOYD demo EnkiSoftwaren ensimmäinen peli AVOYD on  moninpelattava FPS omaperäisessä maailmassa,  jossa voit luoda ja tuhota ympäristöäsi. Voit  esim. tuhota seiniä päästäksesi yllättämään  vastustajasi. Lisäksi maailmassa ei ole  painovoimaa, joten pelaaja voi kieppua miten  tahtoo. Tämä LAN-demo esittelee pelin eri  ominaisuuksia. \t \t 
61095 AW204D95.ZIP 2972317 13.06.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior - update WIN 95. update v2.04b ->
v2.04d WIN95
61096 AW204F95.ZIP 1234782 13.06.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior - update WIN 95 update v2.04e ->
v2.04f WIN95
61098 AW4W95EX.A01 3999434 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior for Windows95-client. Version
date 13.8.1996. Part 2/3.
61099 AW4W95EX.A02 1332331 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior for Windows 95-client. Version
date 13.8.1996. Part 3/3.
61100 AW4W95EX.ARJ 3999461 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior for Windows 95-client. Version
date 13.8.1996. Part 1/3.
61101 AW4WEXPA.A01 3999400 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior-yhteysohjelman laajennuspaketti.
Osa 2/3. Versiopäivämäärä 31.8.
61102 AW4WEXPA.A02 1842092 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior-yhteysohjelman laajennuspaketti.
Osa 3/3. Versiopäivämäärä 31.8.
61103 AW4WEXPA.ARJ 3999400 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Air Warrior-yhteysohjelman laajennuspaketti.
Sisältää lisägrafiikat yms. Osa 1/3.
Versiopäivämäärä 31.8.
43706 BATCOM.ZIP 2 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
BattleCom 1.31BattleCom lets you talk to your teammates and opponents in real time while you play your favorite multiplayer games! Up to 64 players can join one BattleCom session! 
43707 BBT922.ZIP 8,8 Mt 18.01.2000 - - -
Battle of Britain playable beta.  Internet multiplayer flying simulator - world war 2. From Simguild. Features detailed lighting models, texture mapping, gun-flashes,spinning engine propellers, explosions, and ground objects. Beta is currently available for play to SimGuild members. You must have an active account with SimGuild to fly the beta online. Windows 95/98, P166, 32 Megs, Direct3D
43708 BCDX.ZIP 998,7 kt 16.07.1998 - - tupla
Battlecity for Windows 95/DirectX. Internet playable strategy/action game, top viewed. Build a city or join a city which in you make things that defend your city and things that help you attack other cities. You attack other cities to try and orb them(destroy them) and get points to get higher ranks. Multiple weapons, action & strategy, building and fighting. Free!
43709 BFC120.ZIP 2 Mt 25.11.1999 - - -
BattleCom Client v1.20 Internet multiplayer utility, multiplayer gaming revolution! Talk to others in real time communications. Like Roger Wilco but with more options, but also more complicated to use. Allows two people to talk to one another. It can also be used to connect to the BattleCom Server which allows up to 64 players to talk to one another. Time limited version. Windows 95.
43710 BJCHMSHP.ZIP 1,4 Mt 04.10.1999 - - tupla
"BlackJack Championship v1.0 by BJChamp Internet game that you can play onlineby yourself or with others. The colorful interface is attractivethough covered with flashingcontinually updated ads to support the service. You must register online and receive a passwordbut its not mandatory to provide your email address. You start with $1000 in funny moneybut the sponsoring Website offers real cash prizes. Windows 9598or NTInternet connection"
43711 BMCBETA2.ZIP 400,1 Mt 31.10.2001 - - -
Black Moon Chronicles beta 2 Netissä pelattavan, sarjakuvamaisen massiivimoninpelin julkinen beta. 
31203 BTOCMAN.ZIP 1166380 25.10.1996 - - -
Multiplayer Battletech Solaris käsikirja
(Acrobat-muodossa) ja FAQ.
43712 BZFLAG17.ZIP 2 Mt 10.02.2000 - - -
Bzflag v1.7d  by Chris Schoeneman. 3D multi-player tank battle game that allows users to play against each other in networked environment. Five teams. Destroying a player on another team scores a win. Two main styles of play: capture-the-flag and free-for-all. This version includes the source. Windows 95, P200, 32 MB, DirectX, OpenGL.
43713 BZL32223.ZIP 1 Mt 10.11.1999 - - tupla
Blitzln V2.23 (Win 95) BlitzIn is a graphical interface that works with your local Internet provider to connect you with the Internet Chess Club (ICC). On ICC you can play chess against a variety of opponents, observe games in progress, participate in special events and tournaments, get a rating, and interact with other chess aficionados from around the world.
31205 CASINO95.ARJ 5640412 26.08.1996 - - -
InterCasino Beta 1.10. Internetissä pelattava
monen pelaajan kasino. Windows 95-versio.
31206 CC-DIALU.ZIP 6365 29.10.1996 - - -
Close Combat - how to setup a dialup
connection with another player.
43714 CHE26WIN.ZIP 102,8 kt 29.09.1999 - - -
Cheapo v2.6 - Quake 2 -apuohjelma. Vaihtoehto Qizmo-proxylle. Windows 95.
43715 CHRONX31.ZIP 8,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
"Chron X v3.1 (Build 99) by Genetic Anomalies Internets first online collectible card game. You battle your opponents with an arsenal of agentsweaponsprograms and resources chosen from your deck of virtual cards. Just like paper-based TCGsChron X features beautiful artworkspecific rulesstatistics and backstory. Cards can be purchasedtraded and used for ante. Compete with players from all over the world. FREE. Win95."
31207 CI_DEMO2.ZIP 3486590 14.01.1997 - - -
Castle Infinity - 2nd demo version. Internet
playable platform game for kids from
Starwave. www.castleinfinity.com
43716 CIRC084B.ZIP 1,3 Mt 03.09.1998 - MBCD -
Flying Circus v0.84b- Internet-pelattava ensimm,isen maailmansodan lentosimulaattori. Vauhdikas, helppo ja nopea. Ilmainen beta! Windows 95. Valm SimGuild http://www.simguild.com
43717 CLC95-11.ZIP 1,6 Mt 28.08.1997 - - -
Castleland Cards V1.1 by Castle Network - a deck of virtual cards that you can use over standard IRC channels. If you and another user have the program loaded up, you can play pretty much any card game you want using a standard 52-card deck. Support is also included for less-common games that use 24 and 48 cards. The program sets up easily and has a barebones interface. Included in this archive is a copy of Identd.exe from Loonybin software, which is needed by this program to Requires Internet account & Win95
62142 CLI-096E.A01 2099200 07.12.1996 - - -
2AM client software 2/3
62143 CLI-096E.A02 1901490 07.12.1996 - - -
2AM client software 3/3
62144 CLI-096E.ARJ 2099200 07.12.1996 - - -
2AM - Internet game companyy's client
software for Windows 95 V0.96e.
62192 CMINSTAL.ZIP 1555907 25.11.1996 - - -
Chessmaster Online ShareWare V1.0
Pääteohjelma Internetin kautta pelattavalle
shakkipelille 'Chessmaster 5000 Online.'
Vaatii Windows 95/NT, 486/66, 8 Mt, SVGA.
43718 CNTSTRIK.ZIP 2,6 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
"Counter-Strike Launcher v1.0.  By Thundermag Software. Set uplaunch a Counter-Strike server. Enables you to easily set up and launch a Half-Life server running the Counter-Strike modification. Its a greatfree tool for any Counter-Strike server operator. The installation and interface are extremely easy to useallowing even advanced server administrators the options theyd like."
43719 CTLK11.ZIP 921,7 kt 19.05.1998 - MBCD -
Crime Talk 1.1 This is a chat client for Legal Crime. You may join the Legal Crime chat channels but do not need to have the game itself open. This lets you continue your work and join a game when you wish.
43720 CYBERMP.ZIP 482,8 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
Cyberw@r HotMind Mission Pack for Players. CyberW@r Developers Kit by HotMind Software CyberW@r is an interactive Internet game concept that requires players to surf the net for information to solve the problems generated by cyber-terrorists.The development kit offers a platform for developing your own CyberW@r scenarios as well as the basic HTML pages to play the game. Includes instructions to create missions, plus a JavaScript library for mission animation. IE 4.0 or later and
43722 CYBWAR.ZIP 883 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
CYBERW@R. Now FREEWARE. Net game, a game played on Internet but it is game unlike others. Two factions battle in the Internet for control of the computer network. Realtime on-line play, using all the resources of Internet Real sites to visit in order to discover the truth. Designed to attract artists across WWW. Anyone can design missions, anyone can play them. A melting pot of cunning strategy & intelligence! Req PC, net connection, email address, Win95, browser
43721 CYBWARDV.ZIP 1,8 Mt 20.05.1999 - - -
CyberW@r Developers Kit by HotMind Software CyberW@r is an interactive Internet game concept that requires players to surf the net for information to solve the problems generated by cyber-terrorists.The development kit offers a platform for developing your own CyberW@r scenarios as well as the basic HTML pages to play the game. Includes instructions to create missions, plus a JavaScript library for mission animation. IE 4.0 or later and Windows 95, 98, or NT
43723 DARKSOBC.ZIP 32 Mt 27.09.2001 - - -
DarkSpace open beta clientPalestarin ilmaisessa ja kaikille avoimessa betavaiheessa olevan avaruusräiskinnän client-ohjelma. DarkSpace on massiviinen avaruuten sijoittuva moninpeli, jossa pelaaja ohjastaa suurta avaruusalusta reaaliajassa, yhdessä tuhansien muiden pelaajien kanssa. P300, 64 Mt. 
43724 DBLESOLT.ZIP 50 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
"Double Solitaire by http://www.solitaire.com Internet card game. Similar to regular Klondikeexcept that its played over the Internet against another live player.Not only do you play using your four piles of already played cardsbut you get to use those of your opponent as well. Whoever makes a valid move first gets a pointand the one with the most points wins. The exe file is a browser plug-in. Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3+ & Windows 95"
43725 DCPCHESS.ZIP 1,1 Mt 12.05.1999 - - -
"dcpChess via EMail v4.04 Copyright (c) 1998  Davy Crockett Productions.  Playing a classic game of Chess via email is simple using dcpChess. This smooth-runningeasy-to-usehead-to-head Chess manager uses your email client to transfer moves to a running game log thats mirrored on your opponents PC. Attractive interface. You get to play real live people via electronic mail. Windows 95."
43726 DEEPFROZ.ZIP 22,8 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
" DeepFrozen by Daniel Karlsson. Free client used to play graphical Chess games via email. Its written 100% in Java and works on virtually any platformwith a simple interface that works particularly well with Microsoft Outlook clients. Start a game with the downloadable interfacethen continue playwith each move being sent back and forth via email. Req. JAVAemail softwareInternet connection"
43727 DFDE103F.ZIP 141 Mt 20.12.2001 - - -
DuelField Disciple Edition v1.03 full Netitse pelattava vuoropohjainen fantasiastrategia, jossa käydään useiden pelaajien yhtäaikaisia taisteluita. Pelaajat taistelevat vastakkain kaverihakupalvelimen kautta ja pistämällä sitten armeijansa tositoimiin. Armeijat koostuvat pelimaailmaa kansoittavista hahmoista, joita on kahta perustyyppiä, sotahulluja deityjä ja tavallisen kaduntallaajan asemassa olevia creatureja. Täydessä versiossa on kaikki videot. 
43728 DFDE103L.ZIP 50,4 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
DuelField Disciple Edition v1.03 kevyt Netitse pelattava vuoropohjainen fantasiastrategia, jossa käydään useiden pelaajien yhtäaikaisia taisteluita. Pelaajat taistelevat vastakkain kaverihakupalvelimen kautta ja pistämällä sitten armeijansa tositoimiin. Armeijat koostuvat pelimaailmaa kansoittavista hahmoista, joita on kahta perustyyppiä, sotahulluja deityjä ja tavallisen kaduntallaajan asemassa olevia creatureja. Kevyessä versiossa on vain hyökkäysvideot. 
43729 DFDE103m.ZIP 4,8 Mt 11.12.2001 - - -
DuelField Disciple Edition v1.03 minimiNetitse pelattava vuoropohjainen fantasiastrategia, jossa käydään useiden pelaajien yhtäaikaisia taisteluita. Pelaajat taistelevat vastakkain kaverihakupalvelimen kautta ja pistämällä sitten armeijansa tositoimiin. Armeijat koostuvat pelimaailmaa kansoittavista hahmoista, joita on kahta perustyyppiä, sotahulluja deityjä ja tavallisen kaduntallaajan asemassa olevia creatureja. Minimiversiossa ei ole videoita lainkaan. 
63029 DLTEN.A01 2999475 11.11.1996 - - -
Deadline. TEN-yhteysohjelma. Osa 2/3.
63030 DLTEN.A02 1294347 11.11.1996 - - -
Deadline. TEN-yhteysohjelma. Osa 3/3.
63031 DLTEN.ARJ 2999462 11.11.1996 - - -
Deadline. TEN-yhteysohjelma. Osa 1/3.
43734 DOA-MAN.ZIP 1,4 Mt 29.11.1999 - - tupla
Dawn of Aces ManualThe complete, official manual and guide to the megaplayer World War I online flying simulator. How to play, how to fly, how to fight and survive. How to use the commands, what they mean, everything you need to get up and stay there included. PDF-format. You need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, that you can get for free http://www.adobe.com - select Get Acrobat Reader, and then follow the instructions on the screen. http://www.ientertainmentnetwork.com
43732 DOA272.ZIP 10,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
Dawn of Aces v2.72 FULL. Ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva Internet lentosimulaattori. Sisältää offline- harjoittelun, H2H-kaksinpelin (linkki/ modeemi,IPX,TCP/IP) ja Internet moninpeluun areenalla. Täysi asennuspaketti, sisältää 640x480 grafiikat. Win95, P100, 16 Mt, vähintään 9600 modeemin verkkopeliin. Tukee Direct3D. http://www.ieonline.net, Warbirdsin tekijät.
43730 DOA27210.ZIP 4,3 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
Dawn of Aces v2.72 1024x768 grafiikat. Perusversiossa tulee mukana vain 640x480 grafiikat. Lisää nämä jos haluat käyttää 1024x768 resoluutioisia grafiikoita. Ensimmäiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva Internet lentosimulaattori. http://www.ieonline.net
43731 DOA272U.ZIP 2,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Dawn of Aces v1.30->2.72 update. http://www.ieonline.net
43733 DOACE275.ZIP 17,3 Mt 14.07.2001 - - -
Dawn of Aces v2.75  Online-lentämistä Ensimmäisen Maailmansodan koneilla. Nettilentäminen maksullista, vaatii luottokortin. Ilmainen kaksinpeli LAN/netissä. Valmistaja iEntertainment. P200, Direct3D. 
31208 DOCS.EXE 6577010 15.09.1996 - - -
Panzer Generalin TEN-yhteysohjelman manuaalit
Adobe Acrobat-formaatissa.
43735 DRAKKAR.ZIP 7,6 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Drakkar v3.07 - http://www.ieonline.net, online RPG. Experience fantasy role-playing at its best in the Kingdom of Drakkar. Choose your character: a paladin, perhaps, a mentalist, or a thief, among many others. As the lands unfold, you must develop your skills and abilities, gain wealth and power.Team up with players from around the world to search unexplored areas using your enchanted weapons and mystical spells. Requires IEN SAS Software. Windows 95.
43736 DSO25.A01 4,8 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
AD&D Dark Sun Online v2.5 2/4
43737 DSO25.A02 4,8 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
AD&D Dark Sun Online v2.5 3/4
43738 DSO25.A03 4 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
AD&D Dark Sun Online v2.5 4/4
43739 DSO25.ARJ 4,8 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
AD&D Dark Sun Online: Crimson Sands v2.5 1/4 Internet multiplayer RPG. Thousands of players must struggle to survive together in the harsh desert world of Athas.DSO is filled with adventure and intrigue, some built into the game, others led by a team of GameMasters who take the role of non-player characters (NPCs) and run daily events. Hundreds of people can play at once in this persistent environment world. REQUIRES ACCOUNT ON TEN (http://www.ten.net). Win95 486/66 8 MB SVGA
63216 DSOV1.A01 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 2/7.
63217 DSOV1.A02 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 3/7.
63218 DSOV1.A03 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 4/7.
63219 DSOV1.A04 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 5/7.
63220 DSOV1.A05 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 6/7.
63221 DSOV1.A06 508027 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 7/7.
63222 DSOV1.ARJ 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Dark Sun Online. Client V1.0. Osa 1/7.
43740 EBUILDER.ZIP 2,6 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Empire Builder v2.00 - online strategy. In this exciting adaptation from the Mayfair board game, you can capture the spirit of America and discover the strategy behind building a railroad empire.You and up to five other railroad tycoons are locked in a power struggle that spans the continent. Rewrite history over and over, no game ends the same. Be a mogul-in-the-making. Requires IEN SAS Software. http://www.ieonline.net Windows 95.
43741 ECES023B.ZIP 558,9 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
E@CHESS v0.23 BETA: Email Chess Game (WIN 95) @Chess is a new breed of Email games being called E@Games(tm).  They link up via E@Game Server which keeps score and basic user definable info about players. Comes complete with Chat, 5 simultaneously playable games, 3 levels of computer player, and much more.
43742 EGN153A.EXE 1,1 Mt 19.06.1998 - - tupla
EGN ENTERnet global network Preview 153a EGN on pelikaverien etsimiseen tarkoitettu icq klooni joka tukee useampia pelejä kuin icq ja tukee winampista tuttua skinin vaihto tekniikkaa.
43743 ELF95403.ZIP 785,3 kt 12.10.1999 - 22446/XENIATGM82.iso tupla
ELF x WINSOCK  Advanced, programmable, fast and user-friendly client for playing MUDs. MACROs, VARs, ALIASes, TRIGGERs, full mouse support, sounds, logs, scroll-buffer, full ANSI colour support, user definable windows, encryption, wizards, support for multiple instances. Automatic TICK recognition for faster HP/MANA/MOV regain. Fully configurable. Works with winsock and Win 3.1/Win 3.11/WfW/OS/2/Win 95. This program is freely distributable. Cheap registration fee:
43744 ENETRS25.ZIP 1,3 Mt 24.03.1999 - MBCD -
enable Netris v2.5 by Enable Software Network/Internet playable Tetris. Adds a few features. A toolbar lets you access various menu functions, including a two-player game that can be played over a TCP/IP network. Nicely constructed, and may be evaluated indefinitely. The authors make the unusual licensing demand that if you wish to register you give them an idea for a program to write. Windows 95, 98, or NT
63743 ENG-C110.ZIP 2923210 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Castles II V1.10 Internet
playable Castles II. Only playable through
Engage Games. www.engagegames.com
63744 ENG-C2AP.ZIP 107051 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Castles II online appendums -
new map, FAQ, manual, strategy guide
63745 ENG-DESO.A01 2898491 07.12.1996 - - -
Engage Games: Descent Online 2/2
63746 ENG-DESO.ARJ 3199534 07.12.1996 - - -
Engage Games: Descent Online installation.
Can be played only over Engage.
63747 ENG-M107.ZIP 2157039 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm update V1.06.03 ->
1.07.00 Internet playable 3D-shoot'em'up with
rpg-elements. Only playable through Engage
Games. www.engagegames.com
63748 ENG-MAG2.A01 2999667 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm v1.06.03 2/4
63749 ENG-MAG2.A02 2999509 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm V1.06.03 3/4
63750 ENG-MAG2.A03 1128785 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm v1.06.03 4/4
63751 ENG-MAG2.ARJ 2999451 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm v1.06.03
Internet playable 3D-shoot'em'up with
rpg-elements. Only playable through
Engage Games www.engagegames.com
63752 ENG-MMAN.ZIP 51166 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Magestorm manual
63753 ENG-WC2.ZIP 3137303 07.12.1996 - - -
Engage Games: Warcraft II Online
installation. Internet playable multiplayer
strategy, requires original WC2, only
playable through Engage Games,
63754 ENG-WC2B.ZIP 3295877 14.01.1997 - - -
Engage Games: Warcraft II Online installation
Internet playable multiplayer strategy,
requires original WC2, only playable through
Engage Games www.engagegames.com
63758 ENGAGE_I.ZIP 4172313 03.12.1996 - - -
Engage Games - Online-peliyhtiön
perusohjelmisto - Internet Explorerille.
63759 ENGAGE_N.ZIP 4300846 03.12.1996 - - -
Engage Games - Online-peliyhtiön
perusohjelmisto - Netscape Navigatorille.
43745 F1RST303.ZIP 795,1 kt 30.04.2001 - - -
"F1RST v3.03 F1RST is a Race Search Tool for F1 Racing games.  It will allow easy meeting and organisation of  online racingsupporting game integration and  IP management. Currently the supported games are  EAs F1 Championship Season 2000 and UBI Softs  F1 Racing Championsip. "
43746 FA2DEMO.ZIP 18,4 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
Fighter Ace II demo. Julkaisija Microsoft. Internet multiplayer/moninpelattava toisen maailmansodan lentosimulaatio. Onko sinusta lentäjäksi sodan virtuaalisilla taivailla? Astu sodan kuuluisimpien hävittäjien ohjaamoon. Kevyehkö lentosimu ilman kovin realistisia lentomalleja. Maksullinen - http://www.zone.com - tarjoaa ilmaisen kolmen päivän koeajan. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt, DirectX, Direct3D 3D-näytönohjain.
43747 FA2SETUP.ZIP 16,5 Mt 04.12.1999 - - -
"Fighter Ace II. Internet multiplayer flying simulator. Microsoft. Do you have what it takes?! Killer or cannon fodderBinky? Strap one of WW IIs mightiest fighters to your virtual backside and prepare for battle. Premiumsubscription-only game that hurls YOU into the cockpit in multiplayer aerial melee. Try it now for a free three-day trial. Windows 95/98P16632 MbDirect3D"
43748 FIEFQUES.ZIP 1,4 Mt 23.09.1999 - - -
Fief Quest 2.01 - online strategy game In this intriguing fantasy strategy game, players will pit their wits and armies against each other in a brilliant gaming combination of military force and political diplomacy to win the land. Begin as knights with limited land and income. Build up forces then challenge other players to win and claim for themselves gold, a title - or defeat. Requires IEN SAS Software. http://www.ieonline.net Windows 95.
43749 FLYBYWIR.ZIP 61,9 kt 29.08.1998 - MBCD -
Fly-BY-Wire 2.0 for FSFW95 major step above FS98 multiplayer Runs with Microsoft Flight Simulator for Windows 95. Uses winsock internet connections Shows you the real aircraft other pilots are flying. Up to 100 miles visibility Up to 32 aircraft simultaneously visible.
31221 FUNOTRON.ZIP 17253 14.01.1997 - 16156/PC Format March 1997.iso -
Fun-o-tron version .01 nifty little Proxy
Server that allows networked users to play
SubSpace through a machine that has full
Internet access.
43750 GAMEINST.A01 2,9 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer 2/4
43751 GAMEINST.A02 2,9 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer 3/4
43752 GAMEINST.A03 1,2 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer 4/4
43753 GAMEINST.ARJ 2,9 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Game Installer from JC Research, Inc. 1/4 Installs from different multiplayer game packs into your computer: other is a group of three different Internet board games, other is action game called Mission Chameleon, where you infiltrate bug/machine colonies in a disguised war craft to destroy the bugs. Windows 95. Board games work through their own game server.
43754 GAMESITE.ZIP 2,9 Mt 01.03.2000 - - -
 GameSite 2000 By GameSite 2000, Ltd. Play board games online. Online gaming utility that allows you to play games such as Chess, Backgammon, and Reversi with players from around the world. The program is well designed and you can find a game very quickly, but the service comes with a price of $25 for three months once beta testing is finished. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43755 GGRID22.ZIP 2,9 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
GamesGrid Backgammon Internetpelin yhteysohjelman Versio 2.2 Windows 95-versio.
43756 GRREL21.ZIP 6,3 Mt 08.11.1999 - - tupla
"Grand Realm Tools v2.1.9016by Kevin Wilson GRT is helper utility for the Sierra online game called The Realm. GRT is designed and distributed to enhance game play and the gaming experience of those playing The Realm. Features quick-reference Realm Maps; full set of quick-reference Realm Information tables; Address BookIgnore List etc. Sierras The Realm and Windows 95"
43757 GS102W.ZIP 178,5 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
GameStalker 1.02 for Windows. Utility. An alternative way to find Quake II and Quake III Arena games. Makes use of a client server model when searching for games. A zpdb (Zero-ping Database) server keeps a constantly refreshed list of Q2 and Q3A servers. GameStalker queries against this constantly refreshed list of servers to find the games you want to play in.
43759 GSP220.ZIP 1,5 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
GameSpy 3D - versio 2.20 SW. Hyvä ohjelma, joka etsii nopeimmat peliserverit ja pingaa ne nopeusjärjetykseen. Gamespy kertoo my"s mm. mitä kenttää missäkin serverissä pelataan, monta pelaajaa jne. Soveltuu mm. seuraavien pelian servereiden etsiskelyyn: Quake, Quake2, Hexen2, Unreal, Half Life, Shogo, Sin, Blood 2, Heretic II, Starsiege Tribes, Quake 3, NetQuake, Descent 3, Baldur\'s Gate. 
43758 GSP220R.ZIP 1,5 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
GameSpy 3D - versio 2.20 REGISTERED. Hyvä ohjelma, joka etsii nopeimmat peliserverit ja pingaa ne nopeusjärjetykseen. Gamespy kertoo my"s mm. mitä kenttää missäkin serverissä pelataan, monta pelaajaa jne. Soveltuu mm. seuraavien pelian servereiden etsiskelyyn: Quake, Quake2, Hexen2, Unreal, Half Life, Shogo, Sin, Blood 2, Heretic II, Starsiege Tribes, Quake 3, NetQuake, Descent 3, Baldur\'s Gate, Nerf ArenaBlast, Wheel of Time, jne. 
43760 GSPY251.ZIP 1,6 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
"GameSpy 3D v2.51 Suositun serveri-browserin uusimman version asennusohjelma. 
Etsii nopeimmat peliserverit ja pingaa ne nopeusjärjestykseen. Gamespy kertoo myös mm. mitä kenttää missäkin serverissä pelataanmonta pelaajaa jne. Soveltuu mm. seuraavien pelian servereiden etsiskelyyn: QuakeQuake2Hexen2UnrealHalf LifeShogoSinBlood 2Heretic IIStarsiege TribesQuake 3NetQuakeDescent 3Baldurs GateNerf ArenaBlastWheel of Timejne. "
43761 HCBGINET.ZIP 5,9 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Classic Board Games Internet Demo Hoyle Classic Board Games Internet play. Allows you to play six games - ChessCheckersChinese CheckersYachtBackgammon and Battling Ships over the internet against opponents from all over the world. It doesnt have all of the graphics and sound effects available in the full CD productbut you can still have lots of fun playing other gamers online. Windows 95."
43762 HCCGINET.ZIP 3,4 Mt 16.04.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Classic Card Games Internet Demo Sierra On-Line. Includes free Internet play through Sierras Internet gaming service. Allows you to play three games - Gin RummyHeartsand Spades -- over the internet against opponents from all over the world. It doesnt have all of the graphics and sound effects available in the full CD productbut you can still have lots of fun playing other gamers online. Windows 95."
31222 HIBJBET2.ZIP 2374397 25.11.1996 - - -
Hoyle Internet Blackjack beta V1.1.0.4
Internet playable Blackjack card game, free
betatest. Sierra, req. Win95.
43763 HLDS4106.ZIP 99,9 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life standalone server v4.1.0.6 fullThis package will install Half-Life primary  server v4.1.0.6 for Win32 onto your computer if  you intend to use it as a server for multiplayer  matches.  
43764 HOYPOKER.ZIP 2,2 Mt 16.02.1998 - - -
"Hoyle Internet Poker by Sierra On-LineSierras free SIGS version of Hoyle Poker. Play 24 different poker games on-line. Take your chances against 9 unique animated poker buddies. Once your skills are honedchallenge players from around the world via the internet. Win95 486/66 4 Mb SVGA 32-bit Internet connection with PPP/ TCP/IP"
31223 HPMANUAL.ZIP 3687077 14.05.1996 - - -
Kesmai Corporationsin Harpoon Online-pelin
manuaali Adobe Acrobat-formaatissa.
43765 HR1-01MB.ZIP 2,7 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
HoverRace v1.01 MBinternet-versio. Vauhdikas ja hauska Internet-pelattava rallipeli. Hurista ketterillä ilmatyynyaluksilla seinistä kimpoillen koettaen voittaa jopa kahdeksan muuta pelaajaa. Voi pelata myös paikallisverkossa tai kahdestaan samalla koneella. Helppo oppia vaikea hallita! Tämä versio tukee pelaamista MBinternet HR-palvelimella. Vaatii Windows 95/NT4, 486/66, 1 Mt näytönohjain, 8 Mt, 14.4K modeemi.
43767 HWCL_B1.EXE 3,1 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
Hexen2World Client v0.09 (Beta 1)
43768 HWSV_B1.EXE 1,4 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
Hexen2World Server v0.09 (Beta 1)
43769 ICARUS15.ZIP 1,3 Mt 05.11.1999 - - -
Icarus v1.5Random Software well-designed interface for the Internet Chess Club, where you can always find a game with an opponent who plays at your level. You can designate your skill level and customize your interface with sounds, chat filters, and various Chess sets. Connect to ICC as a guest or a subscriber, then watch the chat, follow a game in progress, step through the newcomer tutorial, or seek a game to match your skill. Win95, DirectX, Internet connection,
43770 ICHESS.ZIP 3,6 Mt 21.05.1997 - MBCD -
Internet Chess - shareware Designed for Windows 95 Chess over the Internet. Supports TCP/IP connection over the Internet or other network. Built in Chat, multiple boards & piece sets, save/load game features, and a scenerio designer make this multiplayer Chess game great for the novice and expert alike! By Beh? Software - Windows 95.
43771 IEN_SAS.ZIP 10,7 Mt 30.09.1999 - - tupla
"iEN SAS system software (SAS). For iEN online gaming systemhttp://www.ieonlinet.net Required to play iENs other online multiplayer games online. Windows 95."
65028 IGZ-W95.ZIP 2565440 08.12.1996 - - -
Internet Gaming Zone client software for
Windows 95. Seven classic, FREE to play
multi-player Internet games in slick,
beatiful system. www.zone.com
65038 IKC059.A01 2999601 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 2/7
65039 IKC059.A02 2999468 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 3/7
65040 IKC059.A03 2999460 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 4/7
65041 IKC059.A04 2999483 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 5/7
65042 IKC059.A05 2999503 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 6/7
65043 IKC059.A06 721358 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends V0.59 7/7
65044 IKC059.ARJ 2999369 03.12.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends - Internet pelattavan
roolipelin ilmaisen betaversion V0.59 Windows
95/NT -pääteohjelma. Kesmai/Aries,
www.kesmai.com 1/7
43772 INFANT78.ZIP 12,2 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Infantry Beta. Open beta testi. Internet-pelattava toimintapeli. Tapahtumat esitetään ylhäältä kuvatusti. Jokainen pelaaja ohjaa yhtä sotilasta jotka taistelevat tilavilla pelialueilla eri päämäärien perässä. Taktista toimintaa. Laitevaatimus: Windows 95/98, Pentium 90, 16 Mt, 2 Mt 2D-näytönohjain ja vähintään 28.8 modeemi. www.infantryzone.com 
43773 INTRPO11.ZIP 1,6 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
"Ian McIntoshs Internet Poker v1.1. Sit around the virtual Poker table. Lets you and your friends gather online to play Poker. One of you must run the Poker serverwhich is includedthen supply the IP address to the other players. You get a choice of 11 popular Poker variations in the registered versionincluding the traditional stud and draw games. Theres a small chat window. TCP/IP. Server included. network connection and Windows 9598or NT "
65274 IWBETA.ZIP 779924 25.11.1996 - - -
Iron Wolves Internet-pelattavan
sukellusvenesimulaattorin beta-pääteohjelma.
Ilmainen beta. Vaatii Win95.
43775 JUMPGF.ZIP 81,2 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Jumpgate beta test full install A new multiplayer space sim, that has three sides fighting in their own style for their own agendas. Requires registering as a beta tester. 
43776 JUMPGS.ZIP 47,6 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Jumpgate beta test small install A new multiplayer space sim, that has three sides fighting in their own style for their own agendas. Requires registering as a beta tester. 
65502 K95_10.ZIP 1143381 25.11.1996 - - -
Kali95 - Kali for Windows 95 V1.0 Play
IPX-network supporting games over Internet!
Now with DirectPlay and NetBios support.
43777 KAHN13.ZIP 659 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
Kahn v1.3 for Windows 95. Kali-like software to play ANY IPX network supporting game over the Internet. Very efficient and fast, lag-minimizing programming. Search for Games, Users, and Servers anywhere in the Kahn Network. Play both IPX-based DOS and Windows 95/98 based multiplayer games. over the Internet. Kahn can also be used to enable IPX games to be played over TCP/IP- only networks. Features: network frame optimization and compression, 100% support for any DOS/Windows IPX game, IRC-based chat including full IRC Services (NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ)." Completely free service and client. Windows 9x 
43778 KALI9520.ZIP 2,8 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Kali95 v2.0 Kali on Internetin suurin moninpelijärjestelmä ja sillä on laajempi pelituki kuin millään muulla järjestelmällä. Kali mahdollistaa IPX-lähiverkkopelin Internetin kautta, eikä vastapelaajien löytäminen ole vaikeaa. Sisäänrakennetun TCP/IP-tuen avulla on helppo löytää suosittuja pelejä ajavat palvelimet, esim. Quake 2, QuakeWorld, Jedi Knight, HomeWorld, GPL, Panzer Elite, GTA 2 jne. Vaatimukset: 486/50, 14.4K modeemi, Windows 95/98/NT 
43779 KP-SERB.ZIP 10,2 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
KingPin Dedicated Server for Linux (Beta) KingPin for Linux. Internet/network server for multiplayer. This is a beta, however works pretty well. You might also need the Linux glibc 2.0.7 binaries. Make sure to read the kp_linux_readme.txt for installation and usage notes.
43780 LB19.ZIP 1,7 Mt 16.06.1997 - MBCD -
Lightning Bingo / Internet Bingo V1.9 Fast-paced Multi-player Interactive bingo gambling game. by Interactive Gaming Systems, Inc. (IGS)
65682 LEGNDFNT.ZIP 139869 05.12.1996 - - -
Legends of Kesmai - the new font required
with V0.59 update.
31226 LNKSGD.ZIP 3800 25.11.1996 - - -
The Unofficial Guide to Playing Links LS with
43781 LZFC.ZIP 58,4 kt 20.10.1997 - MBCD -
Laissez-Faire Stock Market Strategy trading game with a twist: Instead of guessing at future stock prices, your goal is to manipulate the market. Real time. Internet multiplayer ONLY by IronSoft. Windows 95.
43782 M59PATCH.ZIP 1,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Meridian 59 Patch Dark Auspices Liberation Patch.
43783 MAILCLUE.ZIP 1,3 Mt 07.03.2000 - - -
" em@il-Clue by Hasbro Interactive. Play a mystery game over the Internet. Interactive e-mail game that is played by sending turns back-and-forth via email to your opponents. Game started needs to own the full gamethis is free opponents front end. Windows 9598or NT"
43784 MAINXC13.ZIP 7,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
MainXchange Client v1.3 Free Online multiplayer strategy/business by MainXchange, Inc. Online stock trading game. All players will be given 100,000 BuX of virtual currency, gains or losses are of the virtual currency only. Req. Internet connection and Windows 95
43785 MANKIN17.ZIP 16,7 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Mankind v1.7  Cryo Interactiven Internetissä pelattava avaruusstrategia. Pelaajat on ryhmitelty aikavyöhykkeen mukaan, sillä peli ei koskaan jää kesken, vaan jatkaa omaa elämäänsä viimeisten käskyjen mukaan. Ilmainen versio, jossa on rajoitteita teknologiapuun suhteen. Vaatimukset: P166, 32MB, Windows 9x/ME, NT, 2000. 
43786 MECH16.A01 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 2/11
43787 MECH16.A02 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 3/11
43788 MECH16.A03 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 4/11
43789 MECH16.A04 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 5/11
43790 MECH16.A05 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 6/11
43791 MECH16.A06 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 7/11
43792 MECH16.A07 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 8/11
43793 MECH16.A08 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 9/11
43794 MECH16.A09 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 10/11
43795 MECH16.A10 1,4 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Netmech Titanium 11/11
43796 MECH16.ARJ 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
"Mechwarrior II: Netmech Titanium edition 1/11 Enter the multiplayer world of networked MW2 battle action for free! Note: If you dont have the original MW2 you will only be able to join existing gamesnot host them. Original MW2 not otherwise required. Supports link/modem/IPX+TCP/IP network/ Internet gaming. Works with Kali. Win95 DirectX5 P133 16 MB 2 MB PCI vidcard Supports Rendition3Dfx & Direct3D"
43797 MERC16.A01 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Mercnet Titanium 2/6
43798 MERC16.A02 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Mercnet Titanium 3/6
43799 MERC16.A03 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Mercnet Titanium 4/6
43800 MERC16.A04 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Mercnet Titanium 5/6
43801 MERC16.A05 3,7 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
MW2: Mercnet Titanium 6/6
43802 MERC16.ARJ 4,8 Mt 21.04.1998 - - -
"Mechwarrior II: Mercnet Titanium edition 1/6 Enter the multiplayer world of networked MW2: Mercenaries battle action for free! Note: If you dont have the original MW2 you will only be able to join existing gamesnot host them. Original MW2 not otherwise required. Supports link/modem/IPX+TCP/IP network/Internet. Works with Kali. Win95 DirectX5 P133 16 MB 2 MB PCI vidcard Supports Rendition3Dfx & Direct3D"
43803 MHSER15.ZIP 181,9 kt 16.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Motorhead dedicated server 1.5, June 17, 1998 (C)Digital Illusions 1998 Motorhead dedicated server for use with the p1.4 client. Run your own Motorhead servers on LAN or Internet. Max. 12 players.
43804 MIHUNTER.ZIP 4,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Minion Hunter - online game. On a background of decaying USA beyond government control bandit tribes, street gangs, and business cartels parcel out life and death. But, an evil even worse has spawned Minions: blood drinkers, flesh eaters, shape changers and soul stealers stalk the land. Join other players cruising the decaying American countryside while you fight for fortune and fame. Win95 Requires IEN SAS Software. http://www.ieonline.net
43805 MK98-16.ZIP 2,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Metal Knights 98 v1.6 Internet KnightSoft/ Spectrum Pacific Publishing Multi-player strategy game that was designed to be as intuitive and easy to play as possible. Conquer cities and resources, build units and factories in a bit Empire like top viewed turn-based strategy game. Local & Internet multiplayer. NetMetal game server for easy opponent finding. turn based strategy game. Win95 Pentium
43806 MKNIMAPS.ZIP 740,8 kt 24.11.1997 - MBCD -
Metal Knights 95 Map Collection 115 Battlefields
66289 MP-BRRSW.ZIP 4088917 08.12.1996 - - -
Big Red Racing Share Ware Enabler for MPlayer
Internet game company. For more info:
66297 MPLAY12A.A01 2999200 07.12.1996 - - -
MPlayer client software 2/3
66298 MPLAY12A.A02 1388404 07.12.1996 - - -
MPlayer client software 3/3
66299 MPLAY12A.ARJ 2999641 07.12.1996 - - -
Mplayer - Internet game company's
client software with extensions V1.2a.
43808 MUDEQ30.ZIP 375,8 kt 27.05.2000 - - -
MUD Equipment Database v3.0. by Jonathan Almarez. This free program is a database of items with their descriptions that are used in the MUD Duris: Land of Bloodlust game. These items can be searched and listed for description viewing and reference. It is a great tool for MUD players. Windows 95, 98, or NT 
43809 NETBS.ZIP 115,2 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
"Net BattleShip multi-player LAN/Internet version of the classic naval strategy game. Up to 10 players can join in a single game. Each player maintains his own flotilla of shipstaking turns shooting at any of the other playersscreens. Windows 32-bit"
43810 NETCK110.ZIP 139,6 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
NetCheckers v1.1 by Pillar Software, Inc. play checkers with anyone, anywhere, over a TCP/IP connection with your Internet provider. All you have to do is enter the ISP address of your opponent to play 1-on-1. Requires active TCP/IP connection and Windows 95
43811 NETGIN40.ZIP 979,5 kt 21.05.1999 - - -
"Net Gin Rummy v4.0 by NetIntellGames Allows opponents to play Simple Gin and Standard Gin variations of Gin Rummy. Its easy to play with your friends over the InternetLANmodem or direct connectionorif you want to play but have no opponents - you will be able to use NetIntellGames Server on Internet. Windows 9598or NT"
43812 NETPO40.ZIP 979,2 kt 23.09.1999 - MBCD -
Net Poker v4.0 by NetIntellGames presents Draw Poker version of the Poker for two opponents. This program makes it possible to play poker with people over the Internet, LAN, modem or direct connection. Supports central opponent finding server. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43813 NETSPCRD.ZIP 55,4 kt 10.04.2000 - - -
NETWORK SPEEDCARD v1.0 Very simple dual-player card game that is played over TCP/IP over LAN or Internet. Multiplayer. The object is to get rid of your cards as quickly as possible; that is more quickly than your opponent. Declan Software www.ozemail.com/~eungyung/speedcard  
43814 NETSTALK.ZIP 4,9 Mt 20.05.1999 - - -
NET ST@LKER tm for Windows 95-98 by HotMind Software http://www.hotmind.com. Internet multiplayer puzzle/detective game. Browse Internet resources to complete missions. Mind-blowing, challenging adventure for the cybernaut. Real-time on-line play, using all the resources of Internet.Real sites to visit in order to discover the truth. Players then battle it out for control of Net through strategic searchwork and tactical savvy. Req. PC, net connection, Win95, browser, P75,16
43815 NETSW40.ZIP 1 Mt 07.07.1999 - - -
"Net Sea War v4.0 by NetIntellGames Battleship -type board game you can play against your computer. Orcompete with a real-life opponent over the Interneta LANa modemor a direct cable connection. Blow up all of your opponents ships. Good sound effectsbut the graphics are just average. You can try out this unregistered edition for only five minutes per session. Opponent finding through publishers server. Windows 9598or NT."
43816 NETTTT.ZIP 1,9 Mt 05.11.1999 - - -
Net Tic Tac Toe v1.0 by David Bagno Play TicTacToe over the Web. Classic TicTacToe game but lets you play over the Internet with people all over the world. Windows 95, 98, or NT
43817 NETWARSW.A01 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 2/7
43818 NETWARSW.A02 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 3/7
43819 NETWARSW.A03 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 4/7
43820 NETWARSW.A04 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 5/7
43821 NETWARSW.A05 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 6/7
43822 NETWARSW.A06 279,7 kt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
NetWAR shareware 7/7
43823 NETWARSW.ARJ 1,4 Mt 08.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
"NetWAR shareware - Internet playable   1/7 shootemup frenzy in commandy tryleall-barrels blasting action with soldiers on footair and sea. Shoot others with your standard riflejump into tank when you find onethen take a joyride in heavily armed helicopter. Isometric action. Free multiplayer demo of the full commercial game. Feq. Win95 P90 DirectX3.0a SVGA 16 MB 28.8K"
43824 NROSDEMO.A01 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing Online demo 2/3
43825 NROSDEMO.A02 2,1 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing Online demo 3/3
43826 NROSDEMO.ARJ 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
NASCAR Racing Online Series demo. Sierra. 1/3 Racing. Experience the heart-pounding, adrenaline pumping thrill of head-to-head multiplayer NASCAR competition on the NASCAR fans can now race for FREE on two of tracks used in the NASCAR Racing Online, the officially sanctioned online racing series. Demo includes 2 tracks. You can race with up to 22 players. Windows 95 P100 32 MB DirectX. Requires Internet access. Supports 3Dfx & Rendition
43827 NTV13132.ZIP 3,6 Mt 14.04.1998 - - -
NetTrivia Version 1.31 multi-player Internet game by Internet Direct While it may be played alone in home, it also connects you to other players who may be playing anywhere in the world. Trivia addicts can find other trivia players here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Combines a trivia game with real-time chat. All kinds of cool subjects. Windows 32-bit version - Win95/NT
43828 NXUSWIND.ZIP 12 Mt 27.05.2000 - - -
"Nexus: The Kingdom of the Winds v4.66 by Nexon USAInc. Internet-only multiplayer adventure game in which you roam and interact in a virtual world. In true MUD fashionyou can socialize as well as adventure. Nexus starts you out just trying to survive. As you progresshoweveryoull gain rank and might even end up a deity. Win95 P90 DirectX5 16MB Internet connection "
31256 PAOW119B.ZIP 774470 25.11.1996 - - -
Classic Card Games/Masque Family Games
Internet-pelattavien korttipelien bridge,
hearts, spades & whist ilmainen openbeta
versio V1.19. Kesmai/Aries.
43829 PBTER180.ZIP 2,5 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
" PBTerm V1.80 DavidRM Software - Windows 95 client for Paintball Net. Paintball Net is a multi-playerInternet-based game. Players deck themselves out with everything from paintball guns to scope-mounts to refracto suits (a la Predator) and run around the countryside taking potshots at other players and computer controlledbots. PBTerm appears to be a funless-bloody alternative to online Deathmatches. Internet connection and"
43830 PI100.ZIP 9,4 Mt 27.05.2000 - - -
Planet Iridium Build #100 by Planet Iridirum. The Internet Flight Simulator. High performance spaceplane simulator.Key features include interplayer messages, aircraft-style heads-up display and a truly spherical, 3-D world. This is preview release which is free to play during their Beta test phase which lasts through Winter. Demo. This new version has a new physics model, New NAV commands and more! Req. Windows 95, P166, 32 MB, OpenGL graphics 
43831 PODGS.ZIP 3,4 Mt 19.08.1997 - - -
POD Game Service by Ubi Soft Final verison of the online matchmaking service for POD. Windows 95.
43832 PTOOL26A.EXE 1,5 Mt 12.04.2000 - - -
PingTool v2.6aGame finder utility. Helps users locate free public game
                                            servers on the Internet and can be used with either a
                                            dial-up or broadband connection. Builds a list of game
                                            servers and collects detailed information on each server to
                                            help select one that will provide the optimal gaming
                                            experience. This information includes real-time game
                                            information. Windows 95/98.
43833 Q2PLUG.ZIP 39,7 kt 28.07.1998 - 22427/XENIATGM63.iso -
Quake 2:Q2Plug, this program allows you to view Quake2 server information right from a webpage.
43834 Q2SRVFRN.ZIP 706,1 kt 28.08.1998 - - -
Quake2 Dedicated Server Free Front End v1.0 by Bill Oatman (Q2FFE) is a program that provides a graphical user interface to the Quake2 dedicated multiplayer game server. Quake2 and Windows 95
43835 Q2SRVINT.ZIP 1,5 Mt 04.06.1998 - MBCD -
Quake2 Server Interface v1.0 by Nick Nicotero Highly configurable launcher for Q2 servers. In addition to specifying a server name, port, max number of clients, and starting map, you can choose to enable or disable common options such as cheats, logfiles, and passwords simply by clicking checkboxes. Windows 95.
43836 Q3T-S103.A01 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test 2/6
43837 Q3T-S103.A02 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test 3/6
43838 Q3T-S103.A03 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test 4/6
43839 Q3T-S103.A04 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test 5/6
43840 Q3T-S103.A05 1,3 Mt 11.05.1999 - - -
Quake III Arena test 6/6
43841 Q3T-S103.ARJ 3,8 Mt 11.05.1999