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Kokomerkinnöistä selitykset infosivulla

Ohjelma tai sen versio ei aina vastaa kuvausta! Kommentoi jos havaitset virheitä.

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
30978 ACOLOSAV.ZIP 7598 13.12.1994 - scene.org -
A Savegame Editor to Colonization
30979 ACW_EDIT.ZIP 177560 24.11.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
American Civil War editor
24983 AUDWAV11.ZIP 20,9 kt 17.09.1997 - - -
AUD2WAV v.1.1 Muuntaa Command & Conquerin käyttämät AUD-äänitiedostot WAV-muotoon.
29191 BASEIT.ZIP 10968 16.09.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Base IT v1.00 by Barry Kalshoven - used with
ccmap.zip to update .ini file
Command & Conquer utulity
30990 BI2PAR11.ZIP 138996 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
A Map editor for Battle Isle II/2200 Package
that can be used for editing any missXXX.dat
file of the game Battle Isle II /2200 by Blue
24984 BIME154D.ZIP 82 kt 21.05.1998 - MBCD -
Battle Isle 2 / Battle Isle 3 Mission Editor v1.54 beta. DOS 386, Super VGA, 4 MB EMS
30998 CC_EQ.ZIP 376013 30.11.1995 - - -
Command & Conquer Edittor, Features of this
DEFinition include: -Editing power usage of
buildings -Editing power output of buildings
-Changing what weapons are used by each
Troop, building, or vehicle. (Imagine a
minigunner firing a 227mm rocket). -Raise or
lower purchase costs for everything.
-Changing hit points for everything.
31001 CC-SCEN.ZIP 251528 19.01.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Command & Conquer scenario editor
30995 CCEDIT21.ZIP 211944 18.03.1996 - - -
Command and Conquer Editor! V 2.0  Command
and Conquer Editor v2.0 (revision 1) Allows
editing of: * weapon payload for infantry,
vehicles and structures * infantry and
vehicle costs * structure costs * structure
power production and usage * structure and
unit hit points * stealth capabilities of
vehicles and transport! * vehicles firepower
* unit and structure ownership  !!! Make a
BACKUP of your GAME.DAT BEFORE !!! you start
messing around with this! :)  Works up to
30996 CCEDIT4.ZIP 179207 03.12.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
CCEdit v4 beta 0.99 (Command & Conquer
30997 CCEDT151.ZIP 93301 24.12.1995 - - -
Command and Conquer Editor v1.5 (revision 1)
Allows editing of: weapon payload for
infantry, vehicles and structures, infan- try
and vehicle costs, structure costs, structure
power requirements, structure power
production, structure and unit hit points,
stealth capabilities of vehicles, vehicles
firepower, unit and structure ownership, unit
and structure tech. levels, vehicle speed
(**), structure and vehicle invulnerability
(**) (**) available only for the v1.18p
24985 CCGRA.ZIP 292,4 kt 29.04.1997 - - -
With Red Alert Mix Extractor and this MIX-file, you can extract sounds, graphics and animations from Command & Conquer!
40655 CCLITE.ZIP 15028 03.12.1996 - - -
CCLite 1.2 (patcher for CCEdit v4)
30999 CCMAP.ZIP 367334 24.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
C&C Ultimate Map Editor v2.1 Create your own
missions with this graphical C&C map editor.
31000 CCONVERT.ZIP 20925 01.03.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: CONVERT (v1.1)  Scenario
Editor Utility: This program will convert the
data file created with the scenario editor
(cc-scen) into two separate files.
29210 CCT100.ZIP 45705 15.04.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
CCTools. Apuohjelma Command & Conqueriin.
Auttaa omia skenaarioita tehtäessä mm.
Trigger/Teamtype-asetuksissa. V. 1.00
31002 CCUME21.ZIP 366745 01.03.1996 - - -
Command&Conquer:Ultimate Map Editor v2.1 - 21
January 1996 Programming:    Richard Heesbeen
Ripping/Manual: Jeroen Ritmeijer
31003 CE4C_C.ZIP 41579 24.04.1996 - 21761/PCS0596.ISO -
31004 CIVED100.ZIP 28475 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
CIVED v.1.0 Civilization Saved Game Editor by
Arun Bhalla Edit the games of the hit game
Civilization! More money, become any nation,
change the year!
31005 CIVED15.ZIP 114175 24.10.1995 - 21318/Hot Sound & Vision 2.img -
Civilization Editor V1.5
62110 CIVHACK1.ZIP 17908 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
CivHack V1.0 - mahdollistaa Civilizationin
hakkeroimisen, yksikköjen arvojen
muuttelemisen jne jne.
24986 CIVHCK15.ZIP 13,8 kt 14.04.1998 - MBCD -
        -= CIVHACK =-   Civilization Hack Utility          Version 1.5       by Steven Kasenda   Released: 7 February 1997 Copyright (c) 97 KrAcKeR SOft
31006 CIVMAP22.ZIP 24050 28.03.1995 - 21761/PCS0596.ISO -
Civilization Map Editor V2.1
31008 CM2ED199.ZIP 59213 02.04.1996 - - -
The Championship Manager 2 date editor V1.99.
62178 CM2ED215.ZIP 32809 27.05.1996 - - tupla
Championship Manager 2 Data Editor V2.15
31010 CM2ED232.ZIP 26224 03.12.1996 - - -
The Championship Manager 2 Data Editor, v2.32
29215 COLOJB.ZIP 9528 28.03.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Colonization Jukebox, lets owners of
Colonization enjoy listening to the tunes
from the game.
40658 CRORION.ZIP 16710 27.05.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Master of Orion cracker V1.1 for changing
planets and ship designs.
29222 DE1-DB.ZIP 38439 23.11.1994 - - -
Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks
OBREADER-apuohjelma. Database-compiler, jolla
voi lukea ja luoda pelin databaseja.
29223 DGEDIT.ZIP 139075 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
editor DGEDIT 1.0 Michael Pranivong
OutOfMemory@worldnet.att.net This editor will
give your mercs full health, agility, wisdom,
etc... All weapons and items are available.
31035 DUN2EDIT.ZIP 104304 13.12.1994 - - -
Game editor for Dune 2
31036 DUNE2ED2.ZIP 297906 28.03.1995 - 22593/Hrac_21_1998-05_cd.bin -
Dune 2 save game/scenario editor.
24987 E2140CHT.ZIP 312,9 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Earth 2140 Editor
31040 EDMOM.ZIP 149898 28.03.1995 - 24001/1996-01_Disc_14.iso -
Editor for Master of Magic (Mom ver. 1.2)
Edit magic spells, units, cities, heroes,
weapons, maps, etc.
31041 EDMOO.ZIP 89277 28.03.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Master of Orion Save Game Editor
29246 EMLOOK.ZIP 28485 15.12.1995 - - -
Empire Deluxe v. 3.11 (PC) 'look' utility.
Remove obsolute or unwanted players from
history file, and keep track where you are in
terms of game points. Made by Steven Woodcock
29247 ENGL_107.ZIP 111840 16.09.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
Run cc-scen with C&C v1.07 (english)
29248 ENGL_118.ZIP 111826 16.09.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
Run cc-scen with C&C v1.18 (english)
29249 ENGL_119.ZIP 111838 16.09.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Run cc-scen with C&C v1.19 (english)
24988 EXPWP101.ZIP 18,5 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
Experimental Weapons V1.01. Excellent rules.ini for Red Alert. Adds lots of new units, like Special agent Volkov, Nuclear bomber, Dreadnought and more.
31047 FGEDITOR.ZIP 1013177 19.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Fantasy General Army Editor, Version 1.01
Edit your Fantasy General armies in standard
campaign game save game files. Win95/NT.
31054 GEMPOL1.ZIP 58136 27.05.1996 - 24012/1996-07_Disc_2.6.bin -
GEM POLISH, save-game editor and general
utility Fantasy General
24989 GLORY_RD.ZIP 22,1 kt 29.04.1997 - - -
Glory Road for Red Alert. Adds three new sides to C&C: Red Alert, each with new units and abilities.
24990 HEROEDIT.ZIP 359 kt 25.02.1998 - MBCD -
Heroes of Might and Magic II Editori. Tällä ohjelmalla voit muutella save tiedostoja: Sankareiden armeijoita, kykyjä ja taikoja. WIN 95 MegaHörhöt Software.
31063 HSTED.ZIP 5201 10.04.1995 - - -
High Seas Trader - Money & Gargo Editor
24991 INCUBED.ZIP 145,3 kt 27.02.1998 - 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd2.bin -
Incubation Editor
31064 JAEDIT12.ZIP 132488 25.11.1996 - 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso -
Jagged Alliance Editor V1.1
Choose any weapon for your team
and increase the ability of the
soldiers to the maximum.
31065 JAEDIT15.ZIP 132062 24.10.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Jagged Alliance  Editor
by Ulrich Hofmann Version
1.5   ■-■  Choose
any weapon for your team and increase the
ability of the soldiers to the maximum.
31066 JAHACK1.ZIP 20014 24.04.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Jagged Allience Editor version 1.3 for Jagged
Allience v1.12 by Nathan Gall 3/18/96 Do: max
stats, lower costs, healing, maximize items,
give anyone anything.
31067 JAMRCED.ZIP 11143 22.10.1995 - - -
JagMerc v5.0 by MSi Jagged Alliance  Merc
24992 KKDEDT20.ZIP 24,6 kt 25.05.1997 - Pelit CD 1997 -
"KKND-Editor Version 2.0 Unit-Editor forKrushKill and Destroy"
31074 MAKEAMAP.ZIP 56564 30.11.1995 - 13675/InternetAccessToTheInformationHighway1994.disc1of1.iso -
Makeamap, Global Conquest map editor.
24993 MEXCOMAP.ZIP 149 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
X-Com 3: Apocalypse Midnight Editor
66174 MIXMAN20.ZIP 38090 01.03.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: MIXMAN V2.0 The Mix
Manager  It lists you all the files inside
GENERAL.MIX (or any other MIX file), lets you
view them, extract to a file, or replace with
an external file. It also includes a
graphical map viewer with zoom levels. PB.
The names of all the missions are also
displayed, so you don' have to guess which
file belongs to which mission.
29313 MIXMAN31.ZIP 185272 14.11.1996 - - -
Comman& Conquer: Mixman v3.1 utility for
Command & Conquer. It can be used to extract
and replace the mission description files.
This way you can make your own missions.
Additionally it comes with a set of utilities
that let you convert the graphics files used
by C&C. This way you can also customize the
31081 MMOM42S.ZIP 91896 02.04.1996 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Huerta-1 FOUND 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Multiplayer Master of Magic Shell MMoMS
unreg. shareware version 4.0s, a third-party
multiplayer utility, editor and scenario
generator for MPS Masters of Magic V1.31.
Provides for hot-seat play between multiple
human and computer opponents, limited to 2
human and 3 computer opponents in the SW
version, with up to 5 human opponents
supported in the registered version. Full
support for modem-to-modem games is provided
with registration.
24994 MOBHACK.ZIP 63,3 kt 25.01.1997 - - -
MOBHACK - Steel Panthers II Editor Utility v2.01 by Andy Gailey
31082 MOMEDT22.ZIP 42705 03.12.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Momedit 2.2 Released --> 2-21-96
Author --> The Source  Master of Magic saved
game editor For MOM version 1.31
29315 MOMGU1A3.ZIP 55717 02.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
MoM Graphical Utilities v1.0 alpha Revision 3
for Master of Magic - new interface for MoM,
new cities, towers, lairs, fog of war, and so
on new features.
31084 MOOEDI.ZIP 56381 13.12.1994 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Master of Orion: editori (hyvä)
31083 MOOEDITS.ZIP 73462 02.11.1995 - 22376/XENIATGM15.iso -
Master Of Orion: Three Editors This file
should contain 3 programs: PlanetEd, ShipEd
and RaceEd.
31085 MOOMAP10.ZIP 41488 02.11.1995 - - -
MapEd  --  a map editor for Master of Orion
Master of Orion v1.3, MapEd Version 1.0
31086 MOOSED11.ZIP 46713 28.03.1995 - The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Master of Orion Ship Design Editor v1.1 (c)
1995  Hank Lee - All Rights Reserved Are you
frustrated that your ships are weak, and your
technologies are not advancing fast enough?
Have you ever tried to put powerful
improvments on your ship, but the hull does
not have enough space?  WORRY NO MORE!
Master of Orion Ship Design Editor is here to
save the day. Now you can improve your ships
ahead of time. You need not have the
knowledge to build an advanced ship. You
24995 OVRKIL11.ZIP 21,7 kt 23.09.1997 - 22093/SSERVCD_52A.iso -
OverKill v1.1 BETA 2 Weapon & Vehicle Editor For X-COM 3 : APOCALYPSE Ver 1.00 (English version)
31102 PACEDIT.ZIP 137563 28.03.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
PacEdit is an editor for SSI's Pacific War.
It lets you change many of the games values.
31104 PANZED.ZIP 72821 24.02.1995 - MBCD -
Panzer General Save File Editor V2.0
29867 PANZSEDT.ZIP 106362 13.06.1996 - 24001/1996-01_Disc_14.iso -
** Panzer General Map Editor
Allows you to update maps,
startup troops and more.
24996 PCTANKER.ZIP 61,5 kt 28.08.1997 - - -
"Gary Grigsbys Pacific War utility: TANKER Utility to fix the mess computer plays with location of tankers."
24997 PG2EDIT.ZIP 130,5 kt 03.03.1998 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
Panzer General 2 Editor
29885 PGED150.ZIP 208583 28.03.1995 - 21761/PCS0596.ISO -
The PERFECT GENERAL just got more perfect!
TPG Scenario Editor and Map Maker, updatet
and upgraded. -Create/Edit Maps, Create/Edit
Scenarios, Create/Edit New Terrain!
31105 PGEDIT04.ZIP 36318 28.03.1995 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Version 1.03 of Panzer General saved game
editor. -Add/subtract prestige from either
side - -Add/subtract the following from any
unit on either side: -fuel -ammo -moves
-entrenchment -experience -strength etc etc.
31106 PGSE.ZIP 10260 19.01.1996 - 16071/PCPP_GG2.iso -
The Panzer General Save Game Editor Edit
names, types, coordinates, strenghts, fuel,
ammo etc etc.
29331 PRINCED1.ZIP 21870 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
PRINCED v.1.0 by Arun Bhalla Edit the saved
games of Prince of Persia Get more energy,
more time, go to any level!!!.
31109 PTEDIT.ZIP 19374 19.09.1996 - - -
Pizza Tycoon editor, change properties of any
31110 PZGED200.ZIP 84961 27.08.1996 - - -
Panzer General saved game editor V2.00
31111 PZGEDIT.ZIP 156473 23.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Panzer General Map Editor v0.2
Allows you to create or modify scenarios.
31124 RAEDIT.ZIP 275055 18.12.1996 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
C&C Red Alertin rahanmuuttoeditori
24998 RAEDIT40.ZIP 155,9 kt 22.07.1997 - - -
Red Alert: RAEdit 4.0 is the ultimate editor for Command and Conquer: Red Alert! With RAEdit, you can quickly and easily edit almost everything in Red Alert! With RAEdit, the possibilities are endless!
24999 RAMIX30.ZIP 140,9 kt 29.04.1997 - - -
Red Alert Mix Extractor V3.0. Helps you to extract graphics, sounds and animations from several .MIXes of Red Alert.
25000 RAMIX41.ZIP 250,9 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
RA-MIXer 4.1 for Red Alert. New in this version: Over 5100 offsets!!! PCX-viewer (VESA/XMS), Create new MIX-files, Replace- function for MIX-files! Add to MIX-files, Delete from MIX-files, Change IDs, Improved filemanager! AUD-support, The fastest AUD <=> WAV-converter on the NET, supports English, French and German RED ALERT! RA-HD 1.3; (RA-HD 2.0 is soon available)
31127 RED-ED.ZIP 90133 14.01.1997 - MBCD -
C&C : Red Alert - The Editor
Just place this in your Red Alert dir and
you'll be able to edit every single unit
you'll ever see in this great game. Some
29347 RULES104.ZIP 21807 14.01.1997 - - -
Red Alert: RULES.INI extractor. This program
extracts rules.ini from the redalert.mix file
in your redalert directory.
68204 SC2000ED.ZIP 10118 14.12.1994 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso tupla
25001 SCENMANA.ZIP 27 kt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers utility: Scenario Manager vs 1.1
25002 SHPED047.ZIP 250,4 kt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers I/II Panzer General/Panzer General II utility: .SHP file editor 0.47 by Fred Chlanda.
25003 SHPUTL02.ZIP 24,7 kt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers I/II, Panzer General I/II .SHP file utilities by Fred Chlanda
31133 SIMF_EDT.ZIP 11488 01.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Simfarm save game editor
40724 SLUMFI.ZIP 91736 30.11.1995 - 11930/ftp.microprose.com.zip -
Railroad Tycoon slum eliminator.
25004 SP2B_OOB.ZIP 29,3 kt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers II utility: Order of Battle Generator by Sunny Koh
31136 SPHACK16.ZIP 36009 27.08.1996 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Huerta-1 FOUND 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
SPHACK 1.6 editor for Steel Panthers
25005 SPOB2PRV.ZIP 1,7 Mt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers II : SPOBEDIT 2.0 Preview for SPI/II/III by Jim Bello.
25006 SPOBE186.ZIP 1,3 Mt 14.06.1998 - MBCD -
Steel Panthers II : SPOBEDIT 1.86 by Jim Bello
29360 SPOBEDIT.ZIP 225704 30.08.1996 - - -
SpObedit * Steel Panthers utility. Allows you
to edit the Order of Battle files for Steel
Panthers. You have the ability to change
every available aspect relating to Weapons,
Units and Formations. Create new units and
formations, transfer items between nations
and just about anything else you want
31147 UFOCHEAT.ZIP 44148 26.01.1995 - 12425/pain_cave_bbs.zip -
Ufo save game editor
69526 UFOEDI.ZIP 21156 14.12.1994 - monster94.zip/monster1.zip tupla
UFO-Enemy unknown savegame editor
31148 UFOEDIT.ZIP 42149 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
UFO (X-COM) Saved Game Editor
by JL Enterprises
Required: VGA, mouse, 286, and UFO
29374 WAR2SGE.ZIP 21254 20.04.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 golf, tree, oil and map cracker
31171 WARCEDIT.ZIP 161664 02.11.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Warcraft Map Editor A Windows map editor for
Warcraft! This program allows you to create /
edit .SAV file maps. Included are two sample
maps written by the author. A must for all
Warcraft fans!
69897 WARCHEAT.ZIP 7048 14.12.1994 - 23049/cdactioncoverdisc52.iso tupla
War Craft (c) Saved Game Editor
69899 WARFLTTR.ZIP 21218 14.12.1994 - 5699/BBS%231.iso tupla
Warcraft: Humans & Orcs Save Game Editor
Change Gold and Lumber in a Saved Game
31180 WPNEDIT.ZIP 8604 07.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Ase-editori Steel Panthersiin
25007 XC1ALIEN.ZIP 16,7 kt 23.01.1999 - - -
XC1ALIEN - XCOM/UFO Alien Containment Editor v0.1. Edits, adds or deletes aliens in containment in XCOM/UFO.
25008 XC1WEAP.ZIP 15,4 kt 23.01.1999 - - -
XC1WEAP - XCOM/UFO Weapon Editor v0.1 * Edits weapons and ammo in XCOM/UFO (Damage,magazine capacity,time units,accuracy,etc.)
25009 XC2ME2.ZIP 24,2 kt 23.01.1999 - - -
XC2ME2 - XCOM 2 Multi Editor v0.2 Edits weapons,ammo,armor,alien containment,base facilities,subs, sub weapons and aliens!
28494 XCOM-SOL.ZIP 18077 30.11.1995 renamed 21831/Plex6.mdf -
UGE module for X-COM (Soldier data). Must
have Universal Game Editor to use this
module.  Change rank, stats and PSI skills.
Teleport soldiers to other bases.  Give
soldiers any type of armor. Heal wounds.
25010 XCOM1UFP.ZIP 2,2 kt 23.01.1999 - - -
"XCOM1UFP - Full Ufopedia for XCOM/UFO Just copy the files to your savegame directory and youll have full ufopedia entriesresearched everythingand able to manufacture everything!"
31182 XCOM2CP.ZIP 57403 19.05.1995 - - -
X-Com 2 Cheat Pack                     .
XCOM 2 Weapon Editor v0.1 Edits weapons and
ammo in XCOM 2 (Damage,magazine capacity,time
units,accuracy,etc.) XCOM 2 Alien Containment
Editor v0.1 Edits, adds or deletes aliens in
containment in XCOM 2. XCOM 2 Multi Editor
v0.1 Edits weapons,ammo,armor,alien
containment and base facilities! XCOM2UFP -
Full Ufopedia for XCOM 2 Just copy the files
to your save- game directory and you'll have
full ufopedia entries, researched everything,
70278 XCOM2E14.ZIP 62978 30.11.1995 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
║  X-COM II: TFTD Saved Game Editor  ║
╟────────┐   version 1.4!   ┌────────╢
║░░░░░░░░│ by JL Enterprises│░░░░░░░░║
║Required: mouse, 286, and XCOM2:TFTD║
25011 XCOM2E15.ZIP 75,2 kt 16.06.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
X-COM II: TFTD Saved Game Editor version 1.5! by JL Enterprises Required: mouse, 286, and XCOM2:TFTD
29380 XCOMEDIT.ZIP 34409 28.03.1995 - 22376/XENIATGM15.iso -
UFO: edit your troops and bases.
29381 XCOMUT32.ZIP 36302 02.04.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Scott T Jones, stjones@aol.com This program
modifies saved game files or program files
for X-COM: UFO Defense (1.0 and 1.4) and
XCOM: Terror from the Deep (v.1 and 2), all
by MicroProse. It should also work with
UFO: Enemy Unknown.