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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
23927 | 5KINVADE.LHA | 8 kt | 17.02.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Good space invaders clone, only 5k! Should work on all Amigas. |
23928 | AANTICS.LHA | 800,3 kt | 11.03.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Albatross Antics - fast and furious 1 or 2 player combat simulation. |
23929 | ABS03013.LHA | 306,7 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | Abuse v1.3, 030-version. |
23930 | ABS04013.LHA | 305,9 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | Abuse v1.3, 040-version. |
23931 | ABS06013.LHA | 304,3 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | Abuse v1.3, 060-version. |
23932 | ABSBS13.LHA | 188,7 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | Abuse v1.3, base archive. |
23933 | ADESC01.LHA | 1,6 Mt | 16.02.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.1 Alpha - early Descent-port for Amiga. At the moment it is slow, has many bugs and requires CGFX/P96, but this is how it begins! |
23934 | ADESC05.LHA | 286,8 kt | 06.04.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.5 - an Amiga-port of Descent. This version has assembly-optimized texturemapping. |
23935 | ADESC05V.LHA | 297,9 kt | 07.04.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.5 Virge - a Virge-version of ADescent v0.5. Requires CV64/3D. |
23936 | ADESC07.LHA | 301,9 kt | 20.05.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.7 - Descent-port for Amiga. Now with 2 player-support! |
23937 | ADESC07V.LHA | 314,6 kt | 20.05.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.7, Virge-version. |
23938 | ADMPPC12.LHA | 327,5 kt | 08.04.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom 1.2 PPC version - PPC-conversion of ADoom. |
23939 | ADOOM12.LHA | 402,6 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom v1.2 - an Amiga-port of Doom. ADoom has a TCP/IP-, IPX-, modem- and serial-support, selectable screenmode between 320x200-1600x1200 and some other features. Version 1.2 includes new sound routines: now up to 16 sounds can be played simultaneously! |
23940 | AHRTC01.LHA | 182,4 kt | 21.01.1999 | - | - | - | "AHeretic v0.1 - Amiga-port of Heretic. Its still in very early beta stageso many functions are missing and it is unstablebut you can test it." |
23941 | AIRWAR.DMS | 95954 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | Hieno SEUCKilla tehty lentokoneräiskintä, ei kovin pitkä, mutta laadukas.. kuin compun (c-46) 1942.. ime.. |
23942 | ALIBASH2.LHA | 555178 | 08.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Alien Bash 2 - Räiskintäpeli. Ks. MikroBitti 9/96. |
23018 | AMEGR081.LHA | 97053 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | AGAM! Amega Race V0.81,Omega Race-klooni, HiResLaced. |
23943 | AMIDO110.LHA | 620,7 kt | 28.01.1998 | - | - | - | AmigaDoom v1.10 - another port of Doom for Amiga. Requires ixemul.library |
23944 | AMIDOOM.LZX | 156,6 kt | 30.12.1997 | - | 20470/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 25 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-03].iso | - | AmiDOOM - Porttaus id Softwaren vapaaseen levitykseen julkaisemasta DOOMin lähdekoodista. Vaatii ixemul V47:n ja FPU:n. Vaatii myös DOOMin WAD-tiedoston. |
23945 | AMPUBETA.LHA | 1635234 | 09.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Hyvä wormsin tapainen artillery peli. vaatii AGA, nopean koneen, 1.7 mb chip ,1 mb fast..... freeware!!!!! TAATTUA SUOMALAISTA LAATUA!!!!!!! |
23022 | ARMAGEDD.LHA | 53968 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Armageddon |
23026 | ASSAULT.DMS | 195713 | 17.12.1994 | - | 14378/Merciful - Disc 1.iso | - | Assault arcade De Bond (1992) Prohibition-klooni ammuskellaan naamoja ikkunoissa |
23027 | ASTR092.LHA | 163556 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Asteriods II V0.92 Mahtava OS2+ Asteroids-klooni1-2 pelaajaa, lisäaseita, bonuksia yms. kaikkea mahdollista. |
23034 | BATTLEC.DMS | 54135 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Battlecars arcade, 1-2 pelaajan autotaistelu linkkioptio |
23946 | BH196.LHA | 449,2 kt | 20.01.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | "Brutal Hom\xadc\xadde v1.96 - A very good shoot- your-friend gamevery nice gfx100% assembler. Many weaponstrapsmazesand alike. - This version is NOT CRIPPLEWARE! Its completly working and Free Ware. Works on all Amigas with 1Mb chipmem." |
61393 | BIACCOAR.LHA | 158425 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | superbiaccoproject, Nibbler arcade clone V0.0 Type: game/misc. Plain conversionof an old coin-op. |
61495 | BLOBCOMB.LHA | 132097 | 18.01.1996 | - | - | - | Blob Combat, simple yet addictive game which requires only 1/2 friends and AMIGA 1200. You are a blob who must fight for your life in an arena against other blobs. |
61506 | BLOODTWR.LZH | 76848 | 08.04.1995 | - | - | - | Doom / DungeonMaster tyylinen shoot`em up. |
61609 | BPLANES1.LZH | 177154 | 17.10.1996 | - | - | - | Biplane Aces - lentsikkapeli amigalle Versio 1.1; uutta mm. instant replayt. Vaatii A500, 1mt muistia (tai paremman:) |
61629 | BRATWRST.LHA | 224849 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Bratwurst, v1.0B, A Roketz-like game for two to four players. Automatic zoom keeps all players in view in the least possiblearea, vector graphics. Very nice, with clever idea. Worth checking for TurboRakettietc fans. |
61701 | BSTS_II.LHA | 370135 | 05.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Tanx meets Worms new game from 5DL |
23045 | BUZZBAR.LHA | 115192 | 16.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! Project Buzz Bar, Asteroids meets Defender! Fast, good looking shoot'em'up |
61851 | CARNAGE.LHA | 634077 | 21.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | CARNAGE - version 1.00 Public. Intense hires seek & kill game. Type: game/2playAddictive two player game in which you must seek out and kill your opponent with the nastiest weapon you can find. 2D splitscreen overhead scroller features high-res grap hics, stereo sound, mazes, teleports, all kinds of weapons ranging from rifles to bazookas, and terrifying killer robots that seem to know your every move. Sserial/modem link support. Supports AGA if available.Requires: 1.5M |
61892 | CCC.LHA | 426034 | 21.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Crunch Crumble & Chomp; Version 0.9Destroy a large city with your monster.You guide a monster on its career of trashing a large city. Your objective; to destroy as much of the city as possible before your monster is destroyed by the military. keyboa rd controlled for one player.Type: game/miscAuthor: Ronald F. PicardiTested: A500, A600, A2000, CD32-SX1, A4000/40Requires:Any Amiga with 1 meg or more memory. |
62789 | DEPCHARG.LHA | 61152 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | DEPTHCHARGE by Neil Strotton - based on an old arcade game. You control a submarine destroyer and must destroy as many enemy submarines as possible |
62796 | DESCEND.LHA | 53295 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | DESCENDER is a game in the tradition of the vector graphic arcade game TEMPEST. |
23061 | DGALAG23.LHA | 362029 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! Deluxe Galaga V2.3Starbattle/Galaga-peleihin perustuvanautittava shoot'em'up. |
63044 | DMG-WLF2.LHA | 298141 | 15.04.1996 | - | - | - | A Walkaround 3D Game the Style of ROTT. Floor, ceiling, sky and wall tmap. Map editor, iff textures - interactivity! REQUIRES: A500, A1200/030 recommended. With 040 and 060 reported to crash. Sequel to DamageWolf3D. - STL / Damage (code) Bartosz Boruta (graphics) Apologizes for some ripped gfx. |
63075 | DOGFIG10.LHA | 112896 | 03.09.1995 | - | - | - | Dogfight v1.0. Pelin alussa kaksi pelaajaa ja kaksi konetta, lopussa kaksi pelaajaa mutta vain yksi kone. AMOS:lla toteutettu ilmataistelupeli. |
63076 | DOGFIGHT.LHA | 64256 | 03.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Dogfight v1.22. Neljän pelattava ilmataistelupeli. |
23078 | FART.DMS | 295268 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | F.A.R.T. arcade Suomalainen mielikuva klassisesta 8-bitisten huippupelistä Nemesis The Warlock :-) |
23081 | FEARS.LHA | 228092 | 24.12.1994 | - | 3328/Aminet 9 (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1995].iso | - | Fears - Wolfenstein 3D tyylinen peli AGA-koneille. Pelattavassa demossa yksi taso hirviöineen, avaimineen ja erilaisine aseineen. Shareware. |
64325 | FTPREVW.LHA | 492564 | 26.04.1996 | - | - | - | Flying Tigers, Helicopter Arcade Game Playable-Preview * game/shoot* side-scrolling Attack Helicopter Arcade/Sim, fast action, realistic Controls, Enemies, and Weapon Systems. Fly one of 7 different modern Helicopter Gunships. Big Explosions and Digitized Voices. Works on most OS and models. Req. 1 Mb. Extra chip made for good. |
23099 | G-OID.LHA | 81581 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | GALACTOID ShareWareGalactoid is a 1 or 2 player shoot-em-up game that resembles the old classic shoot-em-ups Galaxian and Galaga. There are 30 different progressively harder stages. |
64379 | GALAGA24.LHA | 381686 | 15.01.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | Deluxe Galaga v2.4 |
64380 | GALAGA26.LHA | 875458 | 16.05.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | DELUXE GALAGA v2.6 Shooted by |
64475 | GF2V110.LHA | 258967 | 22.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Gravity Force II v1.10 Sisältää linkki- mahdollisuuden. Tekijä: Jens Andersson. |
64591 | GRAV_F.LHA | 82488 | 03.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Gravity Fight. It's like Worms in space! |
23101 | GRAVWARS.DMS | 368074 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Gravity Wars + Tanx action-strategia, arcade Avaruusaluksilla ammuskelemista raakojen painovoimien ympäröimänä, sekä tankki- taisteluita |
23106 | HARRIER.LHA | 24204 | 16.12.1994 | - | aminet.net | - | AGAM! Harrier Attack, SpectruminHarrier-shoot'em'up kaannettynaAmigalle. Sarjaa "vanhat hyvat8-bit pelit". |
64724 | HCBOMBER.LHA | 152105 | 02.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Hardcore BOMBERBOY version 1.02-4 plrs, 6 gfx sets, level editor,great playability and a lot more...(C) OverFlow 1996 |
64772 | HELLZONE.LHA | 454284 | 13.01.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Hellzone shoot'em'up |
64793 | HF-SMS2.DMS | 154168 | 21.12.1995 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Sensible Massacre II, hupaisa arcade/ räiskintäpeli jossa ajetaan raivaustraktorilla jalkapallokentällä niistäen kaikki liikkuva. |
23107 | HIGHFLY.EXE | 124600 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Highflyers by Nikki Corruptions KUUDEN (!) pelaaman pieni lentokone- shoot'em'uppi. Nelja joikkaa adapterilla ja kaksi pelaajaa nappikselle (tai 2 joikkaa/4nappiksella) |
65017 | IFO.LHA | 432016 | 16.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | I.F.O. on 2 pelattava peli, jossa on tarkoitus ampua toinen pelaaja. Pelissä liikutaan ylhäältä päin kuvatussa sokkelossa. Toimii kaikissa 1 Mt Amigoissa. |
23116 | INCINERA.LHA | 241888 | 16.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! Incinerator demo version,Share Ware shoot'em'up, klassisenMissile Commandin tyyliin.Erikoisuuksiakaksinpeli toisen ampuessa ohjuksiatoisen puolustautuessa, suojakentat,helikopterit yms. Hieno. Linkkioptio! |
65253 | ITP_DEMO.LHA | 389691 | 29.10.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Playable Demo of Dark Unicorn's latestproduction! Features multiple levels, 3D tunnel screens, hundreds of sprite frames& more. From Psychosoft |
23123 | KNINPEAK.DMS | 714702 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Knin Peaks arcade Näkökulma Balkanin kriisiin, Kroatian taisteluiden ajalta. Kroatialainen peli, jossa ammutaan Serbien johtajia. |
65686 | LEMMINGN.LHA | 509669 | 13.01.1995 | - | - | - | Lemmingoids - Asteroids with Lemmings! |
23140 | MANGLEDF.LHA | 395002 | 16.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM! MANGLED FENDERS demo versionYou can wreck a golf course, drive onthe moon, even park in a handicapped stall, but don't think you're going to get away with it. Mangled Fenders Demo is top view, 6 player demo-derby game, where objective is destr oy all of the other vehicles by crashing into them. Cash awards,different types of vehicles,bonuses and customizable cars.Hectic action and vehicle crashing!by Pete W Storonskij, whose other gamesare Incinerator, Castle |
65968 | MARAT15B.LHA | 407073 | 24.11.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Marathon 1.5b (19.11.96) - Kahden pelattava Cannon Fodderin ja Syndicaten kaltainen toi- mintapeli. - Vaatii: 68020+ ja 1MB chippiä. Aminet nimi: marathon.lha |
66116 | MFTANKS.DMS | 381133 | 06.05.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | M.F.Tanks, klassisen 3D-tankkiräiskinnän uudelleenmuotoilu. |
23145 | MICROBE.LHA | 108386 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Microbes,raivokas PD-shoot'em'up. Yksi parhaista Amigan PD-peleistä. |
23147 | MINIBLAS.LHA | 61679 | 16.12.1994 | - | 21187/Excalibur_52_cd.bin | - | Miniblast,mainio moniajossa toimiva shoot'em'up. EI yhteensopiva uusien koneiden kanssa. |
23148 | MISSLCOM.LHA | 52595 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Missile CommandLoistava versio klassisestaMissile Command-pelistä. Moniajaa, interlace-ruutu, paljon toimintaaja hyvät äänet. |
23152 | MOTI_1.DMS | 129225 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Motorola Invaders II AGA hulpakka ja räväkkä shoot'em'up 1/2 |
23153 | MOTI_2.DMS | 695743 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Motorola Invaders II AGA hulpakka ja räväkkä shoot'em'up 2/2 |
66281 | MOTORDUE.LHA | 333932 | 25.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Motor Duel Version 1.1Updated version of BattleCarsType: game/shoot Org.Name: Motor_Duel.lha3d driving game for 1/2 pl with object todestroy opponent's car. Simple but fun!Weapons available are a machine gun, radarguided missiles, and, in the two p layer game,a set of ram-plates (handy for ramming).Null-modem(serial link) playable. |
23166 | PACWARS.LHA | 126991 | 10.11.1994 | - | - | - | Pacman Wars v1.03 Released on 10.10.1994 A fast,tactical two player game from Zymosis. |
67380 | POWERO13.LHA | 439010 | 23.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Multitasking Asteroids, raytraced gfx, 1-4 players. ShareWare. |
67410 | PREDATOR.LHA | 98976 | 29.10.1995 | - | 3325/Aminet 6 - June 1995.iso | - | Galactic Predator - Vauhdikas räiskintäpeli. Shareware. |
67714 | RAID2.LHA | 100922 | 16.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Raid 2 - Räiskintäpeli. |
23187 | ROKETZ.LHA | 645039 | 03.12.1994 | - | - | - | Roketz,loistava virolainen arcadepeli,Share Warea. TurboRaketti I/II-tyylinenmutta renderoidulla grafiikalla jauusilla ideoillakin. Ehdoton! |
68234 | SCORC185.LHA | 449298 | 29.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Scorched Tanks v1.85 Shareware version -70 weapons total / 10 new -New music by Sidewinder -More graphics -better in-game graphics like Scrolling backdrops and bullet trails -improved between graphics for that closer to commercial feel . -16 and 64 color graphics modesScorched Tanks is a 'tank' artillery gamewhere 2 to 4 human or computer playersselect different weapons and shields fordefending themselves and skillfully attacking their opponents. |
68282 | SED.LHA | 212070 | 29.10.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Super Earth Defense - Ammuskelupeli, jossa ammutaan taivaalta tippuvia vihulaisia. |
68346 | SHEEPSHO.LHA | 163184 | 25.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | SheepShooter. Shoot as many sheeps in60 seconds than you can. |
68508 | SOLOASSA.LHA | 434693 | 22.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Solo Assault - Lievästi Star Wars -henkinen avaruusräsikintä jossa ammuskellaan meteoriitteja, vihollishävittäjiä ja hutkitaan valomiekalla. Kannattaa katsastaa. |
23205 | SPACEWAR.LHA | 91331 | 16.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | SpaceWar V1.11mahtava avaruustaistelupeli,2 alusta vastakkain avaruuden tyhjyydessä. Asteroideja, aurinkoyms. roinaa, ja isot aseet. |
68653 | SSW138.LHA | 181124 | 29.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Solar System Wars V1.38, Two player space war game in 53 systems. Hauska avaruustaistelupeli, tukee moninappisia ohjaimia, paljon erilaisia aseita, hyvä pelattavuus. |
68674 | STANK175.LHA | 498993 | 16.12.1994 | - | #Jope | tupla | Scorched Tanks v1.75 - LATEST UPDATE - COOL! |
68694 | STARW1.DMS | 495578 | 06.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Starwoids - upea Share Ware räiskintäpeli Star Wars tunnelmissa ja ympäristössä. Kamppaile Imperiumia vastaan lentäen X-WING -hävittäjällä, upeassa hiukkasen Turboraketti/Roketz -kaltaisessa lentelyssä. Amiga parhaita pelejä. S/W-versiossa vaikeusaste erittäin korkea. Toimii A500-A4000, kiintolevylle installoitava. Ehdottomasti suositeltava kokemus. 1/2 |
68695 | STARW2.DMS | 497756 | 06.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Starwoids - upea Share Ware räiskintäpeli Star Wars tunnelmissa ja ympäristössä. Kamppaile Imperiumia vastaan lentäen X-WING -hävittäjällä, upeassa hiukkasen Turboraketti/Roketz -kaltaisessa lentelyssä. Amiga parhaita pelejä. S/W-versiossa vaikeusaste erittäin korkea. Toimii A500-A4000, kiintolevylle installoitava. Ehdottomasti suositeltava kokemus. 2/2 |
68765 | SUBSIM.LHA | 64593 | 20.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | Subsim - fire torpedos at your mates for free !!!! (in the comfort of your own home)SubSim is a 2-player demo of a three player game. Simple shootingaction. |
23215 | SUPERAD4.DMS | 154038 | 17.12.1994 | - | - | - | Super Raid - Raid IV shoot'em'up |
68867 | TAG.LHA | 281831 | 20.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | TAG is a 2-player shoot em up where you fly around a huge playing field and blast your opponent! Simple, but very addictive! |
23223 | TANK_COM.LHA | 191026 | 16.12.1994 | - | - | - | Tank Combat Tank Combat is based on the excellent "Combat" game for that old At*ri VCS, only tarted up a bit and with different gameplay variations. |
23222 | TANKATTA.DMS | 97320 | 17.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Tank Attack arcade loistava 2-4 pelaajan tankkitaistelu |
69486 | TXIIV96.LHA | 443906 | 21.12.1995 | - | aminet.net | - | ========================================- Thesius XII v0.96 -- Underware Design (c) 1995 - A fast, simple simple vertically scrolling action space Shoot'em Up. Run s on ALL 1 MEG PAL Amigas -======================================== |
69528 | UFOS.LHA | 117274 | 21.12.1995 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | UFOS, simple Shoot'em up for 2 playersType: amiga/game/2play |
69902 | WARLOCK.LHA | 108211 | 12.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Nemesis the Warlock. An absolutely GREATconversion from the C64 original! This isexactly like it with some GOOD improvementslike 2 player simultaneuos game. Even themusic by Rob Hubbard is there! AGA owners,boot as OCS to make this work. |
69922 | WB-FART2.LHA | 399083 | 17.12.1995 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | F.A.R.T. 2 4:44 arcade shooting game. |
23248 | WOUT13.LHA | 172886 | 22.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AGAM Wipeout 1.3 - cool violentshoot'em up game! "The Ultimatenon-commercial shoot'em up :-)"100% assembly. Features *16* colouredparallax-scrolling on standard OCS. by Tero Lehtonenl115130@cc.tut.fi∙ |
70273 | XASTEROS.LHA | 50716 | 21.12.1995 | - | - | - | Xasteroids - asteroids style arcade game 020+ |
70286 | XENOPHOB.LHA | 183261 | 17.03.1996 | - | - | - | Xenophobia - Shoot Em Up - Made By uNdue |
70321 | XPK310DE.LHA | 27549 | 17.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | XPK V3.10 - Compression package, developer's edition. - Aminet name: xpk_Develop.lha |
70379 | YAGG117.LHA | 486320 | 23.06.1996 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | tupla | Yagg 1.17 / The best vectorial gravity game. |
70381 | YAGG125.LHA | 504525 | 11.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | Yet Another Gravity Game 1.25 - Taas yksi painovoimapeli. |
70382 | YAGG126.LHA | 504756 | 25.11.1996 | - | aminet.net | - | YAGG 1.26. The best Gravity Force-type game. |
23249 | ZERBERK.LHA | 113216 | 16.12.1994 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | - | Zerberk, Berzerk C64 käännös. Jälleen yksi klassikkopeli uudelle koneelle käännettynä. Hauska kokemus. |