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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
30496 | !GALAXI.ZIP | 333263 | 24.11.1996 | renamed | 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso | - | Blast Alien Invaders in Space! Excellent Graphics and Sound. |
60037 | #1RAP12.ZIP | 2017304 | 27.09.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Raptor v1.2 from APOGEE! (VGA) 386 (or higher) w/2 Megs REQUIRED! Kill for cash! In the future as a mercenary flying the super-tech Raptor, you'll be sent on interplanetary missions to knock off top competitors of MegaCorp. Upgrade w/ 14 hard core weapons. Jaw-dropping VGA animation & cinematics. Supports all major sound cards, including GUS, PAS16, & AWE32! Developed by Cygnus Studios. Supports mouse & joystick. |
30189 | 02VEGHAT.ZIP | 122659 | 05.02.1996 | - | scene.org | - | Vegetarian Haters 0.2 from tAAt. More info in version 0.1's file_id.diz and docs. Vau. |
30228 | 1OUTER1.ZIP | 969067 | 13.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Outer Ridge Fully Rendered 3D Action! The newest action packed 3D game to hit the scene. Fly your spaceship through asteroid belts,destroy anything in your path. Avoid the Enemy Patrols and try to stay alive. Supports Sound Blaster, Gravis Ultrasound and Gravis Gamepad! Mouse or Joystick. Requires VGA, 386+, and minumum 4 megs RAM. SHAREWARE |
26645 | 1SG11A.ZIP | 958,7 kt | 18.04.1997 | - | MBCD | - | STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.1) Part #1 of 4. Also requires #1SG11B,C,D.ZIP. Never has the PC seen a more graphically explosive shooter. Fully rendered & animated enemies, with non-stop variety, plus complex bosses. Each mission, equip your ship with new engines, weapons & special power-ups. Triple-parallax scrolling, radical music, secrets, hot effects--Stargunner has it all! The new benchmark game for shooters! Get it! For screen shots visit http://www.apogee1.com |
26646 | 1SG11B.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 18.04.1997 | - | MBCD | - | STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.1) Part #2 of 4. Also requires #1SG11A,C,D.ZIP. |
26647 | 1SG11C.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 18.04.1997 | - | MBCD | - | STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.1) Part #3 of 4. Also requires #1SG11A,B,D.ZIP. |
26648 | 1SG11D.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 18.04.1997 | - | MBCD | - | STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.1) Part #4 of 4. Also requires #1SG11A,B,C.ZIP. |
60136 | 1STAR.ZIP | 5340977 | 25.11.1996 | - | 23659/PCGAMER39.bin | tupla | STARGUNNER from Apogee! (v1.0) Amazing shooter blows away Raptor! Never has the PC seen a more graphically explosive shooter. Fully rendered & animated enemies, with non-stop variety, plus complex bosses. Each mission, equip your ship with new engines, weapons & special power-ups. Triple-parallax scrolling, radical music, secrets, hot effects--Stargunner has it all! The new benchmark game for shooters! Get it! For screen shots visit http://www.apogee1.com |
26649 | A2-1_0_2.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 22.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | A2 - The Ultimate Sequel to the AUTS Shareware v. 1.0.2 Homepage: http://www.sci.fi/~mips/a2 |
26650 | A3DSW100.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 20.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Astro3D(TM) v1.00 Copyright (c) 1997 Jarrod Davis Software Fight aliens, space debris and God knows what else to clear major trade routes in 3D space combat. Req. P75, 8 MB, VGA |
26651 | ABDU1226.ZIP | 284,7 kt | 03.11.1999 | - | - | - | AbductorVersion: #1226 Desc: Abductor arcade game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: Kurt W. Dekker Publisher: PLBM Games Email: sales@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list |
26652 | ABUSE200.ZIP | 3129955 | 10.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Abuse-toimintapelin SW-versio 2.00. Crack Dot Com. |
26653 | ABUSEPD.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 27.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Abuse full version. Abuse kokoversio. Sivusta kuvattu 2D räiskintäpeli. Olet yksinäinen soturi vihamielisen planeetan uumenissa taistellen alieneita vastaan. Erikoinen ohjausjärjestelmä jossa pelaajan aseita kontrolloidaan itsenäisesti itse soturista. Tekijä Crack Dot Com. Julkaistu vapaaseen PD-levitykseen. DOS. |
30261 | ACKACK.ZIP | 56025 | 16.09.1995 | koko¹ | ratsnest1.iso | - | Ack-Ack Attack! by Kurt W Dekker. Räiskintäpeli paratrooperin tyyliin. |
60606 | ALIEN1.ZIP | 147968 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | Alien Phobia V1.0 Ylhäältäpäin kuvattu alieninrätkintäpeli.. |
30273 | AM100.ZIP | 310170 | 23.12.1994 | - | 10794/CD_ASCQ_17_101194.iso | - | Asteroid Mayhem v1.00 |
30274 | AM11SW.ZIP | 102400 | 30.06.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | ARMOR MATCH v1.1 Released on 16.6.1995. This version is 21-day evaluation version. This is freely distributable shareware created by Marko Laitinen in Finland. A better version of other same kind games. In this game, you have to shoot all the other players before they blow you up. Features 1-10 players, SB-support, VGA 360x480x256-mode. It costs only $15 or 40FIM to get the registered version ! See ARMOR.ASC for more details of the program. The shareware-version is FREE ! |
26654 | AMC11.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 30.12.1999 | - | - | - | "Attack of the Mutant Camels v1.1 by RetroSpec. Arcade shootemup. Classic retro remake. The Camelsencased in assault armouroverrode their gentle natural behavior with cybernetic implants. These 150 foot tall cybercamels began a reign of terrormarching relentlessly across the landscape squishing everything in their path... except you! Original version seen on C-64Spectrum. DOS." |
26655 | ANTIT11.ZIP | 756,6 kt | 29.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Muta-Antit v1.1 on Isometrinen SVGA räiskintäpeli. Sisältää yksin- ja moninpelin, sisäänrakennetut botvastustajat. Vaatii DOS, Pentium 120, 21mb ram, VESA, hiiri ja ehkä jopa näppäimistönkin. (mielellään Windows 95/98 käyttöjärjestelmä) |
26656 | APHOB11.ZIP | 144,7 kt | 19.08.1997 | - | MBCD | - | ALIEN PHOBIA V1.1 from Wah-Software This minigame is full of action. Fight against 400 aliens with minigun and flamethrower. unzip with WINZIP or use -d option. |
26657 | ARHOT04.ZIP | 422,9 kt | 03.12.1999 | - | - | - | Arho Toikka 0.4 beta. Uuden matoräiskinnän deathmatchin betatest ja teknologiademo yhdellä kentällä. Suositellaan n.P160. Toimii n.P100. Vain kaksinpeli. Tehnyt: The Lost Spaceman of Refinition. |
26658 | ARTYB4B.ARJ | 458,7 kt | 22.11.1998 | - | - | - | Arty Beta 4b by Solid Upea artillerypeli 2-6 pelaajalle. Vaad: 486/66 Suos: Pentium Pura alihakemistot myös. Tehnyt Solid http://www.saunalahti.fi/~dragnet/solid/ |
26659 | ASLTEDIT.ZIP | 51,7 kt | 17.09.1997 | - | - | - | Assault Trooper Mission builder works only with the full version |
26660 | ASTER10.ZIP | 202,4 kt | 20.10.1997 | - | 23668/PCGAMER47.bin | - | CHAMP Asterocksver. 1.0 Copyright 1997 CHAMProgramming Based on CHAMP Asteroids, this version offers superb graphics, Soundblaster support and enhanced gameplay. Truly classic shooting! DOS 386/33 VGA |
61011 | ASTRO.ZIP | 317495 | 30.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | AstroFire AstroFire is a fast-moving arcade game featuring stunning 256-colour raytraced graphics. Blast your way through 25 levels of asteroids and alien ships, collecting power-ups to boost your fire-power and your defences. Version 1.0s (Shareware). Requires 286 or better & colour VGA. Sound Blaster/Joystick Optional. Author: Owen Thomas, ORT Software. |
26661 | ASTRO302.ZIP | 911,6 kt | 11.04.2000 | - | - | - | ASTROFIRE v3.02d arcade game by ORT Software New enhanced version of this critically acclaimed game, featuring new weaponry, increased fire-power, awesome power-ups, improved sound, smoother control, stunning raytraced graphics and many enemy craft and asteroids. This shareware version contains the first 25 action-packed levels. Requires 386 or faster PC + DOS or Win95. |
26662 | ATAB_005.ZIP | 890,4 kt | 21.11.1998 | - | - | - | "ATA v0.05 BETA - First public beta! Cool game with awesome graphics and so on. A little foretaste of this NorthnSouth-style game. Requires probably a Pentium-class machine. By Badgers" |
26663 | ATAB_FIX.ZIP | 55,9 kt | 22.12.1998 | - | - | - | ATA v0.05 BETA FIX - Crash bug fix! Fixes crash bug with VESA 1.2. You will need the original package (ATAB_005.ZIP), this package includes only fixed ATA.EXE By Badgers |
26664 | ATROOP12.ZIP | 455,3 kt | 17.09.1997 | renamed | archive.org | - | "ASSAULT TROOPER v1.2 Copyright (c) 1996-97 Juha Kauppinen. isometric commando-like action game. Your duty is to complete various mission in dangerous places all around the globe. MS-DOS 3.2 or higher486VGA The shareware version includes only the first two places of ten possible. Ordering the full version of the game youll get all those ten places and a great mission builder." |
26665 | ATTAC103.ZIP | 925,3 kt | 06.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ATTACK v.1.03The newest Turboraketti/AUTS/ KOPS-styled game. Many wea- pons, 3d-rendered levels. 3 different game-modes etc. Realistic water and pressurewaves. Lots of new ideas. |
30293 | AUTS116.ZIP | 133347 | 25.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Auts v1.16sw |
61086 | AV092.ZIP | 403543 | 19.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Avenger v0.92 Tosi makee avaruus shoot'em-up, vähän klassisen Space Invadersin tyylin, kuitenkin höystettynä myös omilla ideoilla. VGA 256 renderoidut grafiikat ja äänet SB:lle/SB16:lle. Katso Mikrobitti 9/96 s.77. Tässä versiossa paljon uutta verratuna edelliseen versioon. Kotimaista laatua. Shareware 20mk. |
26666 | AV10SW.ZIP | 925,9 kt | 03.02.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "Avenger v1.0 FINAL by Deadline Space shootem-up for 1-2 players. Fight your way through 20 action filled levels with different weapons. Thrilling story-line with superb rendered animations. VGA 256 rendered whole screen action and 22khz sounds for SB/SB16. Req. 386+about 500k mem. Recommended: Fast 486 and soundcard." |
26667 | AWING12.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 20.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Assault Wing 1.2 - The Ultimate Freeware Shoot Your Friends Up Cave Flight Game. After one year of bugfixing A great game for many players. Supports mouse, joystick, GUS SB, silence. Requires VESA 2.0, fast video card and a 486 too. Pentium recommended. Lots of Weapons, Bonuses & Stuff contains subdirs; unzip with -d |
26668 | AXIA.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 25.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "Axia! by Wildcard DesignIncorporated Blast nasties and asteroids and collect the bountyhigh-speed action space shoot-em-up. Smooth top-view360-degree scrolling space shoot-em-up game thats unique in its egocentric control and display. (The world revolves around you.) Control the ship with your keyboard and watch the fun begin! Good graphicsrealistic gameplayand great sound effects; it distinguishes itself in a crowded genre. DOS / Win95." |
26669 | B5TAC.A01 | 1457064 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | B5:TAC-räiskintäpeli. Osa 2/5. |
26670 | B5TAC.A02 | 1457064 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | B5:TAC-räiskintäpeli. Osa 3/5. |
26671 | B5TAC.A03 | 1457064 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | B5:TAC-räiskintäpeli. Osa 4/5. |
26672 | B5TAC.A04 | 892217 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | B5:TAC-räiskintäpeli. Osa 5/5. |
26673 | B5TAC.ARJ | 1457064 | 14.04.1996 | - | - | - | B5:TAC-räiskintäpeli. Osa 1/5. |
26674 | BACKLASH.ZIP | 4035227 | 30.07.1996 | - | 2847/Software of the Month Club 1997 January.iso | - | Backlash V1.30. Mukava räiskintäpeli, jossa ohjataan avaruusaluksen tykkitornia. |
30301 | BALL23.ZIP | 67910 | 19.01.1996 | - | 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg | - | Ball, v2.3: VGA space-battle game between two players. Spaceship commanders fight each other to earn money that can be used to buy weapons, defenses, etc. Easy to learn, and quite addictive. Best as 2- player game, but one player can battle against computer. Shareware by Shawn Bayern. |
31773 | BARYON.ARJ | 1128597 | 31.05.1995 | - | 3016/ACTION PURE (Art&Play)(1995).iso | - | BARYON (DEMO) Arcade-style game, is scrolling shooting game. The feature of this game is faster scrolling speed and smoother mobility. |
30305 | BATLSTAR.ZIP | 307612 | 16.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | BATTLESTAR v1.0 from Vivvid Technologies...A true arcade type game featuring high resolution (VGA) vector and bitmapped graphics. Full SoundBlaster(TM) sound track and digitized sound effects. Fast action and very intense! |
30306 | BATSDOOM.ZIP | 363472 | 04.11.1995 | - | 6764/CDA1_96.ISO | - | INVASION OF THE MUTANT SPACE BATS OF DOOM Version 2.7: This PC arcade shoot'em-up scroller pits you against wave upon wave of swooping, circling, diving space bats! Fast colorful animation, power-up crystals, bonus rounds, hot music and sound-effects, and superb animation! Can you survive the mutant space bats and save Earth? Find out! A highly-rated, must-have classic! EGA/VGA, mouse/kb/joystck. Shareware by Pop Software. |
30312 | BEER.ARJ | 4269956 | 08.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Beer on peli, jossa lennetään kaljapullolla, ja ammutaan korkilla vastaantulevia toisia pulloja, ja koreja, yms... Pelissä on myös kauppa, josta voi ostaa kaikenlaisia hyödyllisiä lisä-aseita, xenon 2 tyyliin. Hienot Sb-soundit. |
26675 | BEEZ110.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 28.03.2000 | - | miscfindos.zip | - | "Beez 1.10Beez is a good old-fashion shootem up with a few new ideas. In this game you fly a bee with a heavy arsenal. Your mission is to return stolen eggs and - of course - to save the world. System requirements: Pentium recommended. 256 colour VGA. Sound BlasterGUS or Pro Audio Spectrum. M.S.DOS 5.0 or higher. Copyright Janne Kivilahti/Deep Connection. Freeware! " |
26676 | BEEZ112.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 28.03.2000 | - | - | - | "Beez v1.12Beez is a good old-fashion shootem up with a few new ideas. In this game you fly a bee with a heavy arsenal. Your mission is to return stolen eggs and - of course - to save the world. System requirements: Pentium recommended. 256 colour VGA. Sound BlasterGUS or Pro Audio Spectrum. M.S.DOS 5.0 or higher. Copyright Janne Kivilahti/Deep Connection. Freeware! " |
30320 | BIPLANES.ARJ | 80222 | 20.12.1995 | - | - | - | Biplanes, Two armed biplanes face each other in a duel to the death. Only one pilot can survive. Nice small arcade game of aerial combat |
30328 | BL120SW.ZIP | 3319049 | 10.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | BACKLASH - A Turret Gunner Simulation V1.20SW by )|( Sanctuary Software Studio, Inc. A 3D action/arcade game. Defend the mothership from enemy spacecraft, mine fields, asteroid fields and drones over 15 missions. Rewards from missions can be used to buy upgrades. Shareware version contains 1 campaign and 3 dif. levels. Tons of graphics and action !!! REQ:386DX,VGA,2MB(500conv,750ext/exp) 6MB HD REC:486,SB/AdLib,Mouse,Joystick |
30331 | BLAST.ZIP | 392917 | 15.02.1995 | - | - | - | Blasteroids 3-D Blasteroids 3-D is a fast paced 3-D space simulation game in which you must shoot your way through a series of asteroid belts. It requires lightning fast reflexes and a sharpshooter's eye to make your way through. |
30330 | BLAST10.ZIP | 1387499 | 23.12.1994 | - | 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip | - | 3D Ball Blaster distributed by HomeBrew Software. Best described as a soccer derivative, this game is based on an incredibly fast 3D engine, which allows for natural looking grafics - effects. In this man vs. machine battle multiple features help the player maintain control over the magnetic ball and keep the opponent in check. Among these are: portable walls, gravity wells, boosters, landmines etc. The registered version features network mode and many more |
26677 | BMF101SW.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 22.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | BMF v1.0.1 SW from imagination development A fighting game for one to eight players, network game supported. 486DX2/66+ highly recommended, GUS/SB/SBPRO supported |
61542 | BMFPREV.ZIP | 187920 | 17.09.1996 | - | - | - | >> BMF preview version (v0.1) << A multiplayer kill'em'all-game 486dx/66 recommened, a friend to be beaten in game required (c) 1996 imagination |
26679 | BOFH.ZIP | 694 kt | 04.05.2000 | - | - | - | BOFH:Servers Under Siege V1.02 As the Bastard Operator, kill terrorists and defuse bombs in an overhead-view action game. Requires: DOS/Win95/Win98, 386+ machine, VGA display, optionally SB/SBPRO/SB16/GUS for sound. |
26678 | BOFH12.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 18.07.2000 | - | - | - | BOFH: Servers Under Siege V1.2As the Bastard Operator, kill terrorists and defuse bombs in an overhead-view action game. Requires: DOS/Win95/Win98, 386+ machine, VGA display, optionally SB/SBPRO/SB16 or GUS for sound. V1.2 adds a new enemy, new weapons/tools and a level editor! Please unzip with -d option |
30350 | BRKFRE1A.ZIP | 402193 | 15.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | BRKFREE v1.0a - BreakFree 3D action game. Fast paced, first person game of demolition and escape. Launch your fireballs and fire your gun to blow away all the walls on a level. Move to keep your fireballs in play. Multiple levels with different environ- ments. Great graphics and tons of special effects. Requires 528K memory and 256-color VGA graphics. Has digitized sounds. By Software Storm, Inc. $18 to register |
30357 | BUG3D.ZIP | 1587753 | 23.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | FREEDOM SOLDIER 3-D VIRTUAL REALITY THRILLER: Your mission begins on alien world, Crwand, where your race has been taken from your home, Erthron, 100 years ago. Now is the time for your race to attack the aliens who made you all slaves. Your mission is to terminate the Skulls and the Nuls, who have teamed to try to stop your army before it gets a chance to make any headway. 15 levels. Requires 386+ and 2.5 MB of EMS or XMS memory. By Jim Ball. |
61853 | CARNSW10.ZIP | 1820879 | 01.04.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | OPERATION: CARNAGE A brand new arcade style adventure game with plenty of increasingly difficult levels to shoot your way thru. Blow up numerous enemy nasties including tanks, robots, shooting eyeballs, wiggling things and doodads with suprises! Fun sound effects, music, ease of play and 486 happiness will keep you addicted. |
30371 | CC10.ZIP | 1578408 | 30.11.1995 | - | 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg | - | Operation Vulture 3: Cyber Chopper Fly the futuristic helicopter, Vulture, into battle in this awesome action game. Fight a huge array of enemies with multiple weapons across several enormous levels. Features dual player mode, quadruple parallax 4-way scrolling, and a digital soundtrack! Cyber Chopper requires: 386 or higher, 2MB ram, VGA |
26680 | CDOGS106.ZIP | 651,3 kt | 26.01.2001 | - | 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso | - | "C-Dogs v1.06C-Dogs is a 1 or 2 player game for DOS. The player character(s) are elite soldierstaking on mission after mission to defeat evil in any form. That isyou kill it or blow it up. Sounds violent? Yepthats right. Stillthe emphasis is on gameplay rather than gore. But the game will involve a lot of mowing down of enemies - and the occasional unlucky civilian - so now you have been warned." |
26681 | CENTIP10.ZIP | 179,4 kt | 20.10.1997 | - | - | - | "CHAMP Centiped-emver. 1.0 Copyright 1997 CHAMProgramming Based on CHAMP Centipedethis version offers superb graphicsSoundblaster support and enhanced gameplay. Very Retro experince of classic shootemup. 386/33Mhz DOS3.10 VGA" |
26682 | CGALAX10.ZIP | 237,3 kt | 26.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "CHAMP Galaxiav1.0 Shareware version from CHAMProgramming Based on CHAMP Galaxianthis version offers superb graphicsSoundblaster support and enhanced gameplay that truly makes you feel like youre in an arcade!" |
40776 | CHOP.ZIP | 415173 | 05.03.1996 | - | 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso | - | Choppy The Pork Cop. Räiskintäpeli, jossa Choppy ampuu tappajatekohampaita, hampurilaisia jne. Windows. |
26683 | CHOP101.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 21.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | COMBAT CHOPPERS SW V1.0 Melee type Shoot `em up game with modern choppers. 1-4 choppers, which of TWO can be human controlled. Good computer controlled choppers which offer you quite a challenge. TEAMPLAY also optional. Nice EFFECTS and SOUNDS and - most important lots of COOL WEAPONS. Copyrights (C), PsiStorm Entertainment 1999 |
30379 | CHOPDUEL.ZIP | 102692 | 23.12.1994 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | Chopper Duel v1.0 The ultimate air combat game |
26684 | CHOPLIFT.ZIP | 30041 | 19.09.1996 | - | 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO | - | Choplifter clone by abrantisoft. req. 486 * joystick. |
30380 | CHOPPER!.ZIP | 274212 | 15.10.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | Chopper Commando 1 Run the gauntlet in a heavily armed Apache Helicopter. 3D arcade style graphics. Reasonably fast machine with VGA required. Uses mouse or keyboard. Seek and destroy targets before they get you but watch out for the air to ground missles, they're deadly. 256 color flight simulator style game featuring bitmapped 3d graphics. |
30389 | COLOSSO.ZIP | 2808789 | 13.06.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | Escape From Dr. Colosso Action Adventure 3D Game from Campana Productions. Fight your way to Freedom with this multi level game complete with weapons, sounds, music, and stunning 256 color smooth-scrolling 3D action. Don't miss out on the adventure! |
26685 | COMBAT11.ARJ | 1,1 Mt | 25.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Free Combat 1.1Reaaliaikainen ylhäältä päin kuvattu toimintapeli. Realistinen liikkuminen, haavoittuminen, taidot, vihollisten käyttäytyminen ja näkökenttä (FOV). Ohjelmoitavat näppäimet. 38 tehtävää, tehtäväeditori mukana. Vaatimukset: Pentium, VGA, 3MB levytilaa, DOS. Tukee SB-äänikortteja. |
26686 | COMENH15.ZIP | 608,6 kt | 23.09.1999 | - | MBHH2000 | - | "Commando enhanced v1.50 by the lost patrol Eenhancement ofCommando 32kwith many extra features! including sound and effects. 20 action packed levels plus end sequence! Bugfixesetc. Classic retro remake. P90MIDASVGA action guaranteed!" |
26687 | COMM32K.ZIP | 34,1 kt | 06.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "Commando 32k by the lost patrol. Classic retro remake. Shootemup. the supposed-to-be mekka 32k entry with extra soundtrack! 32k action pack! P120 & DOS required." |
30391 | CONTROL.ZIP | 1810742 | 05.12.1995 | - | - | - | Operation: Mind Control is a 3-D doomstyle game. Included in this file is the first 3 levels. The full 15 levels are available in the registered version. After unzipping this file control.exe is a self-extracting file that will automatically install the game to your hard drive. Change to mindcont directory and enter MC to start the game. |
26689 | CYBDUEL.ZIP | 218667 | 18.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Cyber Duel V1.0 demo version. 2 player top viewed fighting game By Jarmo Nikkanen & Ville Heijari |
26688 | CYBDUEL2.ZIP | 1021,9 kt | 22.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Cyber Duel II Copyright (c) J. Nikkanen & V. heijari 1997 New version of already known Cyber Duel I - Two Players Combat Game Where Two Cyborgs Are Shooting each other with standard and imaginary guns. Big playfields, special equipment SVGA 640x480 to 1024x768, 12 MB. Registering 50 MK |
30416 | CYLINDRX.ZIP | 2105849 | 24.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Taistelupeli, jossa lennetään/ajetaan kolmen aluksen joukkueella toista kolmen aluksen joukkuetta vastaan. Hieman Locuksen tyylinen, mutta ilman palloa. |
30419 | DARKWOLF.ZIP | 717732 | 11.01.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | DarkWolf v1.4 D'India Software's latest SHAREWARE masterpiece! DARKWOLF, the action game with awesome 256 color VGA graphics, digital music, digital sound, 32-bit parallax scrolling, and MORE! The "play control" and "fun factor" are impressive! As the king's wizard, you must try and keep the kingdom from being thrown into civil war, but beware, Grondahl Morrison is out to shorten your lifespan. CHECK IT OUT! Requires: VGA, 386+ |
30428 | DEFEND.ZIP | 56786 | 16.09.1995 | - | archive.org | - | Defend by Kurt W Dekker. Klassinen räiskintäpeli. |
30427 | DEFENDER.ZIP | 12125 | 21.03.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Defender ASCII-merkeillä toteutettu räiskintäpeli. |
30433 | DESTINY_.ZIP | 2345551 | 29.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - |
30443 | DPFORT.ZIP | 1140230 | 05.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | You are an elite helicopter pilot chosen by the high command officials to infiltrate an underground fortress, rescue all of captured high command officers, and exterminate the evil terrorist. The fortress contains seven tightly guarded bunkers. Each bunker contains shield generators for the next bunker. You'll have to destroy all shield generators in each of the bunkers and survive the self-destruct explosion. Each bunker is |
30446 | DRUG12.EXE | 2532725 | 15.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Drug Killers 1.2. Ylhäältäpäin kuvattu räiskintäpeli. |
30449 | DSHOT11.ZIP | 77347 | 20.04.1996 | - | - | - | DuckShoot 1.1 By Bonus Software In this game you need fast reflexes and firm mousehand. Shareware. |
26690 | DUCKMRDU.ZIP | 692,1 kt | 22.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Duck mr Duck (disccover version) Worms-like game for 2-3 players. Each player has his own team that consist of 4 ducks. Goal is to kill each others ducks so long that only one team is left. Different elements: LAND, SEA and AIR. DOS 486. Supports SB, GUS. 2-3 players. |
30458 | DZONE10.ZIP | 165832 | 31.05.1995 | renamed | archive.org | - | Destruction Zone |
30461 | EF121.ZIP | 1764988 | 04.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Elite Fighters 1.21 |
30465 | ELECTROM.ZIP | 426179 | 23.12.1994 | renamed | nic.funet.fi | - | Electro Man Your starbase has been infiltrated by alien attackers. In Electro Man, you must journey through dozens of screens filled with exciting puzzles and run-jump-and-shoot action! You'll be addicted to this 256- color game from Epic MegaGames and Xland instantly. Requires 386 or faster processor. Supports Sound Blaster and Adlib music cards. |
26691 | EM101.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 03.03.2000 | - | miscfindos.zip | - | "Emancy - The Revenge of Tamanduas v1.01Excellent action shootem up game with up to 100 intelligent computer players. 1 or 2 human players. Contains team playcampaign modegreat sounds and lots of weapons. Shareware version." |
26692 | ESCAPE12.ZIP | 1262670 | 29.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Escape Velocity-räiskintäpeli. V1.2. |
26693 | F2-10.ZIP | 3 Mt | 05.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Fight 2 (v1.0) (C) Sebastian Aaltonen 1997 Fight 2 on vanhantyylinen räiskintäpeli uuden tyyppisellä grafiikalla ja efekteillä maustettuna. Fightiä voi pelaja maksimissaan 4 pelaajaa, joista osa voi olla tietokoneita. Äänikortti ja Pentium-kone suositeltava... |
30476 | FD.ZIP | 1426183 | 17.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Future Dimension by LIFETIMES, fast arcade-looking shoot'em'up with many different gamestyles. 386 and up. |
26694 | FDUEL040.ZIP | 883,8 kt | 03.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | FiNAL DUEL v0.40. Extremely addictive two player duel in space with best graphics and real-time graphical effects. Supports GUS, SB, PAS for quality sound effects! Requires VGA, 486dx/33, 4Mb mem. |
26695 | FLARE.ZIP | 89,9 kt | 08.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | FLARE - Levitaatiotankit jyllää. Toimintaa ja tehoefektejä. Kahden pelaajan tavallaan luolamätkettä. MS-DOS. |
26697 | FREETRIP.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 05.04.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | - | Triplane Turmoil v1.02 FREEWARE. Laadukas äärettömän hauska lentopeli jossa porhalletaan sivusta kuvatussa maisemassa ensimmäisen maailmansodan lentokoneilla. Tehtäväsi on tuhota mahdollisimman paljon vihollisen joukkoja niin maassa kuin ilmassakin. Sisältää yksin- ja moninpelin jopa neljälle pelaajalle. Digitaaliäänet ja -musiikit. Laitevaatimus. DOS, 486, 4 Mt. Tekijä Dodekaedron Software. |
26699 | FUSE10SW.ARJ | 831,5 kt | 16.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | FUSE 1.00sw Upea suomalainen räiskintäpeli. Rakenna itsellesi tukikohta ja yritä samalla tuhota vihollisesi käyttäen raketteja ym. kivaa. Rekisteröinti ei ole enää mahdollista, mutta kakkososa on tuloillaan. Vaatii: 486/100Mhz/8Mb |
30504 | G_FIRE!.ZIP | 276602 | 04.03.1996 | renamed | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip | - | GroundFire! Updated Demo, (More Sounds & Inhanced play!) Is a challenging,addicting, non-stop action,War shooter game for Dos. Great graphics and good game play. You gotta try this one! (Fully functional demo version.) Min requirements: 386/sx with a Sound Blaster or compatible |
30493 | GALAGA94.ZIP | 59032 | 29.11.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | Galaga 1.1 by Arnold Pichler - a small shoot'em up from the C-64 times. |
26700 | GALAXIP.ZIP | 348940 | 15.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Title: Galaxi Version: #1133 Desc: Galaxi arcade game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email: kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list |
30499 | GARNOTT2.ZIP | 4679878 | 15.12.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Garnott ][ - Dage Vador is back ! Garnott ][ is a powerful, realistic, space traveling, alien carnage, shoot'em up game. Beta version. 386 w/ 4 Megs RAM req. Supports GUS & SB. |
30505 | GFORCE.ZIP | 268469 | 20.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | G-Force, TurboRaketti/Roketz/AUTS styled shoot'em'up, where two players fly little rockets in cavern trying to shoot each other with guns, roketz and mines. |
26701 | GRAVITON.ZIP | 111,6 kt | 21.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Graviton. Thrust/Gravitar-klooni. Viivagrafiikalla toteutettu antiikkisen kolikkopelin retrokäännös. DOS. |
26702 | GUB11IMG.ZIP | 91409 | 20.04.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | Imagination presents... GUB v1.1 386,VGA required (GUS/SB optional) Incredibly fast and addictive shoot'em'up for action freaks! NEW: MUSIC, FIXED SCORES |
26703 | GUNSH132.A01 | 1,4 Mt | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Cobra Gunship 1.32 2/5 |
26704 | GUNSH132.A02 | 1,4 Mt | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Cobra Gunship 1.32 3/5 |
26705 | GUNSH132.A03 | 1,4 Mt | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Cobra Gunship 1.32 4/5 |
26706 | GUNSH132.A04 | 492,2 kt | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Cobra Gunship 1.32 5/5 |
26707 | GUNSH132.ARJ | 1,4 Mt | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Cobra Gunship 1.32 by Elysium Digital 95 Demo of a Choplifter-style game - side-view scroller helicopter arcade game. Fly through a variety of missions. Along the way, you will use an arsenal of weaponry to destroy your opponents.Between missions, you will customize your chopper, adding newer engines, better armor, and improved weapons. 486/33 SVGA 12 MB DOS 6.2/Win95 1/5 |
30528 | HAMMER.ZIP | 626454 | 23.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Star Hammer v1.0 |
26708 | HELIJEEP.ZIP | 457,4 kt | 22.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Title: Heli-Jeep Version: #1211 Desc: Helicopter/Jeep Arcade Game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: Kurt W. Dekker Publisher: PLBM Games Email: plbm@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H Retro flying action. |
30537 | HHUNTER.ZIP | 858732 | 03.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Highway Hunter: From Safari Software A fast, frantic and furious arcade blast fest! Guide your advanced assault vehicle, THE MASTER, through roads of destruction and carnage. 256-color parallax-scrolling graphics, huge boss tanks and hot powerups make Highway Hunter one of the best shooters on the PC! Shareware version 1.0 from Safari Software and Omega Integral Systems. |
26709 | HOK10.ZIP | 44,3 kt | 05.09.2001 | - | miscfindos.zip | - | Hiltusen on KUOLTAVA 1.0 Freeware FPS Copyright (C) ULTRANUS TM 2001 Pahan herra Hiltusen hulluksi tekevä koje muuttaa ihmiset raivopäämurhaajiksi. On aika puhkoa konnilta mahat! Komea ja hektinen uuden sukupolven 3D-ammuskelu, joka on julkisuudessa jäänyt syyttä toisen kotimaisen lippulaivan, kaupallisemman Max Paynen varjoon. DOS / Windows. |
30539 | HOOVER.ZIP | 91425 | 06.12.1995 | - | 24000/1995-12_Disc_13.iso | - | The monsters have taken over one of our most prized national landmarks. The Hoover Dam has been infested with hell-spawn and it's your job to clean house! Battle your way up and down canyon ledges and caves in this very large, very detailed level. You'll want to stop and enjoy the view as you look up at the majestic Hoover Dam. Just don't stand still too long or you'll be |
26710 | HRS.ZIP | 935,5 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | HAUDANRYÖSTÄJÄ SUOMESTA - Räiskintäpeli. Ylhäältä kuvattu juoksenteluräiske. Laitteistovaatimukset: DOS, VESA 2.0, nopea 486 ja 5 Mb muistia. Huom: toimii huonosti sekä Windows- että DOS-ympäristössä tietyissä käynnistyssysteemeissä. |
26711 | HYTANK.ZIP | 570,5 kt | 22.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Title: Hyper Tank Version: #1207 Desc: Hyper Tank Game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, Mouse, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: Kurt W. Dekker Publisher: PLBM Games Email: sales@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H Retro top viewed combat/action. |
30552 | IKILLERS.ZIP | 1911023 | 02.04.1996 | - | ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain | - | IKILLERS Game version 1.00 Full multi-level 3D Action Game ala DOOM, 256 Color graphics, excellent action, great quality sound effects and music, and great animation. Battle bad guys, and creepy monsters. Includes advertising info for the Pie 3D Game Creation System. Req. 386-33 or better CPU, DOS, VGA, SB opt. |
26712 | INSHARE.ZIP | 420,9 kt | 14.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Invaders... Remake of classic Space Invaders game! by Lord Generic Productions and AAIT Retro |
30557 | INV08C.ZIP | 633373 | 14.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Cheesy Invaders - the classic 'shoot aliens descending from above' theme modernized! Req. 386 * VGA. |
26713 | INV78.ZIP | 42373 | 15.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Invaders 1978 * Arcade (retro) DOS * The most faithful version of Taito's original Space Invaders for the PC |
26714 | INVADR11.ZIP | 25,9 kt | 14.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SPACE INVADERS by PAUL S. REID Version 1.1 An Exact Clone of the Arcade Game in 100% Assembler Game, Source Code, and Documentation Included Freely Distributable - No Shareware Fee Released September 17, 1995 - MINOR BUG FIXES |
26715 | IPDEML.A01 | 2999305 | 02.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Interpose: pelattava demo. Osa 2/4. |
26716 | IPDEML.A02 | 2999344 | 02.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Interpose: pelattava demo. Osa 3/4. |
26717 | IPDEML.A03 | 2146516 | 02.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Interpose: pelattava demo. Osa 4/4. |
26718 | IPDEML.ARJ | 2999343 | 02.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | ■ Interpose (TM) ■ A Fully Working Action Game Demo (C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * VGA Graphics - Animated Storyline * Awesome Sound Effects and Music * Major Sound Cards Supported (SB/GUS) * Joystick/Gravis/Keyboard Controls * 486-25 Mhz or Higher Required * Dos 5.0 or Higher Required * 6.2 Megs of Free RAM * 22 Megs of Free Hard Drive Space |
26719 | IPXMAS.ZIP | 3279469 | 21.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Interpose Special Christmas Edition from Webfoot Games System Requirements: 486SX/25 or faster, 6.2MB RAM, VGA video card, MS-DOS 5.0 or greater (or Windows 95) Fulfilling the Twilight Zone and Webfoot promise of incredible graphics and music, Interpose is a stunningly fast scrolling action game. The action - and that DOES mean action! - takes place in space. Shoot 3D enemy ships while conserving energy and fire-power. Choose from an arsenal of weapons, including missiles, |
31969 | IZDEMO.ZIP | 909778 | 29.11.1995 | - | 13089/Game Head January 1996.iso | - | IZMIR arcade shoot'em'up playable demo. Run with your soldier shooting down everything that moves. |
65503 | KAB056SW.ZIP | 1341641 | 20.12.1996 | repacked | MBHH1998 | - | KaBoom V0.56 - SW - Intensive 2-4 player combat game. Fast 486 recommended, VGA required. Please read the README.DOC before playing. ** THIS IS AN PUBLIC BETA VERSION, NOT THE FINAL! ** |
26721 | KAB057SW.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 11.03.1997 | - | 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso | - | KaBoom V0.57 - SW - Intensive 2-4 player combat game. Fast 486 recommended, VGA required. Please read the README.DOC before playing. ** THIS IS AN PUBLIC BETA VERSION, NOT THE FINAL! ** |
30580 | KILLEM10.ZIP | 38271 | 05.12.1995 | - | - | - | KILL'EM ALL v1.0 Erinomainen räiskintäpeli, jossa ammut ruutua alaspäin valuvaa vihollis alusta. |
26723 | KOPS052.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 29.06.1997 | - | - | - | KOPS 0.52 - DISCCOVER COMPETITION version. Game for 2-4 players. Gravitational battles in 640x480x256 mode. Offers you also parallax scrolling with full digital soundtrack and sound fx. Requires 486/66 and 8Mb, fast Pentium recommended. Freeware. |
26722 | KOPS0520.ZIP | 1801913 | 18.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | KOPS 0.52 SHAREWARE peli 2-4 pelaajalle. Taistelupeli Turboraketti/Auts/Wings/Kaboom tyyliin 640x480x256-tilassa. Tarjoaa moni- tasovierityksen digitaalisen ääniraidan sekä ääniefektien kera. Vähintään 486/66 ja 8Mb, Pentium suositeltavaa. KOPSimaan siitä! |
26724 | KOPS10.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 29.07.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | - | KOPS v1.0 KOPS on kaksiulotteinen luolalentelyklassikko, jossa on tarkoitus räjäyttää vastustajat päreiksi. Tarjoaa moni- tasovierityksen digitaalisen ääniraidan sekä ääniefektien kera. Tämä on vapaaseen jakeluun päästetty täysi versio. 2-4 pelaajaa. Freeware. |
30590 | KSI.ZIP | 68921 | 03.09.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Kurt's Spaced Invaders! Klassinen Space Invaders-klooni. |
26725 | KT2V10.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 29.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | KoiraTappelu 2-Taistelumme v1.0 (FREEWARE) 1-6 pelaajan arkaadilentotaistelupeli 16 bittisillä SVGA grafiikoilla, STEREO äänillä, SELOSTUKSELLA, tietokone vastustajilla, uusilla pelimoodeilla ja PELATTAVUUDELLA höystettynä. Vaatii: P150, 16 meg, 16bit SVGA, hiiri, näppäimistö, DOS Tekijä: Parviirus |
26726 | KTS_SHRW.A01 | 1,4 Mt | 21.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 2/6 |
26727 | KTS_SHRW.A02 | 1,4 Mt | 21.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 3/6 |
26728 | KTS_SHRW.A03 | 1,4 Mt | 21.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 4/6 |
26729 | KTS_SHRW.A04 | 1,4 Mt | 21.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 5/6 |
26730 | KTS_SHRW.A05 | 417,1 kt | 21.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 6/6 |
26731 | KTS_SHRW.ARJ | 1,4 Mt | 21.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "Katharsis shrw. min. 1.00 1/6 A next-generation arcade shootem-up with spectacular hi-resolution SVGA graphics3D texture-mapped Phong-shaded shipsrendered and animated backgroundseye-popping fluid scrolling and freedom of movementmultiple real-time light sourcesoriginal game plot and intelligent enemiesincluding giantic megabosses. Requires Pentium and SVGA. http://www.metropolis.com.pl http://www.gamefactory.com" |
40846 | KUUVAARA.ZIP | 457361 | 31.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Klik & Play -peli. 1-kenttäinen räiskintäpeli toimii win3.1 ja win95. ILMAISOHJELMA !!! |
26732 | LIERO133.ZIP | 373 kt | 15.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "Liero 1.33Liero 1.33 by MetsänEläimet! Earthworm simulation game based on a real physical model. Features: 2 worms40 weaponsgreat playabilityfour game modes: Killem AllGame of TagCapture the Flag and Simple CtF! NEW: AI-players without true intelligence! And all this is FREEWARE! Requires 386SX560KB conventional memory. SB supported760KB XMS required for sounds. " |
40697 | LINNA.ZIP | 63930 | 31.05.1995 | - | - | - | Suomalainen vastustaja Scorchille. |
26733 | LINNA103.ZIP | 55,7 kt | 12.05.1999 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Linna v1.03. Freeware. DOS. The Castle is a small and old game like Scorched Earth. This one only has one weapon. Very simple and easy. DOS. Made by Sami Tammilehto. |
30599 | LLAMA.ZIP | 254167 | 14.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Llamatron: 2122 PC V1.0 The 8-bit mind-dazzling arcade-shooting game converted to PC by the man himself, Jeff Minter! |
30602 | LMECHV2.ZIP | 102469 | 12.02.1996 | - | 21858/PFY0496.ISO | - | Lazer Mech made By Joz Ong. * LATEST VERSION!!! * THe MOST aDVaNCe aND aWeSOMe LOOKiNG MeCH GaMe iN HiSTORY! 1 oR 2 PLaYeR COMBaT, WiTH VaRiOuS WeaPONS, SHieLDS eTC... |
30605 | LOTF.ZIP | 378367 | 30.11.1995 | - | 21812/Pegasus_Games_CD1.iso | - | LAST OF THE FREE, remake of an old classic coinop shoot'em'up. |
31073 | LVLINFO.ZIP | 19502 | 20.10.1995 | - | 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO | - | The official specs for Descent from Parallax software. Use this if you are making your own editor, or are just curious. |
65861 | LW2U.ZIP | 526254 | 24.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | tupla | LineWars II INCREDIBLE 3D SPACE ACTION GAME from Safari Software. Play alone or battle your friends in MODEM & NETWORK play -- up to 8 players! Cruise through a true 3D environment in the Deneb star system, toasting pirate ships as you progress through THREE killer missions! Supports regular VGA and 640x480 Super VGA, Sound Blaster, Gravis, Thrustmaster & more. |
26734 | MA150.ZIP | 879,5 kt | 21.07.1998 | - | - | - | Meteor Attack v1.05 the updated version of the first release. New: CD Music, Some new graphics, No more bugs. Ramposoft 1998 http://www.vip.fi/ahlforsp/ |
26735 | MACH106.ZIP | 171,6 kt | 01.02.2000 | - | miscfindos.zip | - | "Machine Wreckers (v. 1.06) is a traditional shootem up (R-TypeSilkworm...). The level map is re-created every time the game starts. You can control a spaceship or a walking tank and play alone or in the two player mode. MW requires a 586-class computer with VGAa mouseDOS557 kB of free base memory and a SoundBlaster." |
26736 | MB311FW.ZIP | 1021,7 kt | 05.02.2002 | - | MBHH2003 | - | Mine Bombers v3.11 Vapaaseen levitykseen päästetty täysversio. Mine Bombers on räiskintäklassikko, jossa ahneet kaivosmiehet räjäyttävät toisiaan ilmaan samalla kun yrittävät haalia aarteita itselleen. |
30621 | MEGAPEDE.ZIP | 868180 | 16.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Megapede Version 1.2e |
26737 | METEORPL.ZIP | 524167 | 15.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Title: Meteor Rescue Version: #1133 Desc: Meteor Rescue arcade game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email: kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list |
26738 | MINEB31.ZIP | 899649 | 15.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Mine Bombers 3.11 is a jolly 2 player game: A mixture of BOULDER DASH and DYNABLASTER with PLENTY of WEAPONS (27 different), that you use to blow up your opponent while collecting treasures and other "stuff" in a mine. Now S3M background music and new graphics. This game is addictive - Beware! |
26739 | MIWS15.ZIP | 567766 | 20.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Imagination presents... Men In War v1.5 SW An excellent kill-your-friends- game for two or three players! 386+ with 2MB RAM and VGA required Supports SB and GUS NOW IMPROVED SB-SUPPORT, SHOTGUNS |
26740 | MOLEZ110.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 18.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "MoleZ v1.10 by FRACTiLE Games! The ultimate multiplayer real-time mole shootem up for 2-4 players! req. PentiumVBE1.28Mb mem. Also supports SB and GUS for sounds." |
26741 | MOLEZFCR.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 05.03.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | - | "MoleZ v1.10 Finalby FRACTiLE Games! The ultimate multiplayer real-time mole shootem up for 2-4 players! req. PentiumVBE1.28Mb mem. Also supports SB and GUS for sounds. FREE CHRISTMAS RELEASE! Full registered version available for free from the authors." |
30633 | MOPOSOTA.ZIP | 72669 | 06.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Deluxe Moposota, taistelua sotamopoilla joita voi varustaa itse mm. singoilla, antimopo-ohjuksilla, plasmajyrällä etc. |
26742 | MRBOOM30.ZIP | 631,3 kt | 15.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "mr.boom 3.0 Action boomemup arcade. Accurate bomberman conversion. 8 players. IPX comp. Dos or Windows. Gus sounds. Featuring: 8 levels11 bonus & rabbit riding !!! only 500KB. freeware." |
26743 | MW125.ZIP | 419,8 kt | 14.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Miniwar 1.25 by Jussi Aittoniemi is a great multiplayer shoot-em-up game, where little troopers kill each other with various weapons, which they get in weapon drops. Includes 22 weapons, and an easy way to make own levels. Supports 2-4 players and SB. Requires 386 with math coprocessor, about 460 kb of conventional and some megs of free XMS. Pentium recommended. Unzip with -d switch. No music version. |
26744 | MWMUS.ZIP | 933,3 kt | 14.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Miniwar music Pack These are the musics for the no-music version of Miniwar. Just unzip them into the DATA subdirectory. |
30646 | NERAK2.ZIP | 366203 | 23.12.1995 | - | Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Nerakian Adventure ($5) Karen Scites Nerakian Adventure was written by Karen Scites using the DCGAMES Graphics Adven- ture Game Builder. Requires a VGA card and supports Sound Blaster/Adlib cards (or compatibles). For the latest release of DCGAMES (4.0 as of October 1995), visit Software Creations BBS via direct dial or the |
66591 | NITE3D20.ZIP | 993715 | 31.10.1995 | - | Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | NITEMARE-3D, A House of Horrors v2.0 |
26745 | NITRO.ZIP | 479,4 kt | 22.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Title: Nitro! Version: #1198 Desc: Nitro Combat Game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: Kurt W. Dekker Publisher: PLBM Games Email: sales@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H Retro. Bomberman/Dynablaster-clone. |
30657 | NJFLUX.ZIP | 379059 | 07.01.1995 | - | - | - | NEJILIAN FLUX Side/overhead view shooter by A-J Games w/Sound Blaster sound effects you won't believe! VGA/SVGA. The ship Nejilian Flux has been destroyed, but its crew have been picked up by an alien `scooter'. Find your way back to Earth. 1994 release, V1.0. |
26746 | NOODLE12.ZIP | 372,2 kt | 29.08.1999 | - | - | - | NoodleZ 1.2 - Kalasta Haulikolla. Tässä kevätpäivänraikkaassa arkaadipelissä (DOS) tarvitset nopeita refleksejä, hieman tuuria ja kalliin rusketuksen! Vaatii 2 pelaajaa, VGA:n ja vähintään 486/66 tasoisen prosessin. Freeware. Tekijä lost Spaceman of Refinition. Nyt myös äänet! |
26747 | OBLIT.ZIP | 618251 | 15.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Obliterator V0.0 Blow things up in 360° of freedom and when you're done that, blow more things up. Tons of stinkin' aliens to obliterate. More carnage than you can shake a stick at. 486, VGA, SB |
30667 | OK123.ZIP | 377099 | 31.12.1995 | - | - | - | OVERKILL Arcade game from EPIC MEGAGAMES SMOOTH 16-color scrolling action, SB/Adlib sound track, and joystick support! You arrive at your home planet after a long space flight, only to find it has been destroyed by a demonic warlike alien race that kills for sheer pleasure. IT'S TIME FOR REVENGE. Shareware, Member ASP. |
30671 | ONTARGET.ZIP | 135688 | 14.07.1996 | - | 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin | - | OnTarget v1.7ß- VGA Artillery Game (c)1987,1995 by RAD Software PO Box 1991, Columbus, GA 31902 The BEST artillery game that others have been trying to emulate! ********************************** This is the shareware version of Villa Crespo Software's best-selling game! Shoot artillery pieces at each other under a beautiful star-filled |
26748 | ORBWAR11.ZIP | 646,2 kt | 21.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | ORB WARS 1.1, a SHAREWARE flying game (DOS) for one/two player(s). Pentium recommended. |
30675 | OUTLAW.ZIP | 385132 | 24.02.1995 | - | - | - | Outlaw 1997 A TWO player battle to the death. Blood, guts, and FATALITY SCENES!!!!! Requires 386+ & VGA. AdLib/SB supported. |
26749 | P2_DOS.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 09.06.2000 | - | Various freeware/shareware/demo games 5 | - | "Project 2 - DOSby Thomas Grip Genre: Action/shootemup. Top Viewed action game with lots of action. Real-time lighting. Particle systems. Event driven maps. 10 different weapons. 8 different enemies. A gripping storyline. Free. DOS. Pentium 75. " |
26750 | PHAS2105.ZIP | 574,2 kt | 22.10.1998 | - | MBHH1999 | - | PHASE2 (3D) v1.05 from WAH-Software Fly over texture mapped landscape and shoot enemies with minigun and photon torpedoes. SHAREWARE version includes 10 levels and 2 planets. unzip with winzip or with -d option. |
30697 | PHYLOX.ZIP | 331872 | 11.05.1995 | - | nopv_games.zip | - | Hauska räiskintäpeli,jossa räiskitään alieneita konekiväärillä ja kranateeilla. |
30698 | PICKLE.ZIP | 944528 | 24.12.1994 | - | Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso | - | Pickle Wars by MVP Software |
30719 | POPTBALL.ZIP | 539452 | 17.12.1995 | - | Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | POPTBALLS SHAREWARE RELEASE. take your laser; elminate ball by ball and clear all levels to rescue the world! SB/VGA/Dig-CD-Audio |
26751 | POTUT11.ZIP | 95,2 kt | 29.07.2001 | - | #anonyymi | - | Potut v1.1 Potut on 1-3 pelaajan tasohyppelyräiskintä, jossa kolme pottua yrittää listiä toisensa eri tuliasein. |
67387 | PP100.ARJ | 571750 | 05.09.1996 | - | - | - | PP V1.0. New and improved version. Includes larger playfields. New sound system (8 voices max). Lots of animations and objects in fields, new weapons, new technology and more optimized code. PP is an AUTS/ROKETZ styled game. |
67388 | PP110.ARJ | 578147 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | PP 1.10. AUTS/ROKETZ/KOPS/JNE. tyylinen räiskintäpeli. Ominaisuuksia: Kentat 1200x1200x256c, texturemapatut koneet/objektit, kentissä tykkitorneja, ansoja jne. Kaikki mitä luolalentelyssä voi olla. Uusia ominaisuuksia: kristallinkirkas 8 kanavainen ääniengine ja bugifiksauksia. |
26752 | PP22.ZIP | 643,5 kt | 22.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | PP v2.2. Luolalentelyn uusin versio. Äänibugi korjattu yms. |
26753 | PRCHD105.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 29.06.1999 | - | MBCD | - | -=Parched Terrain=- Versio 1.05 Freewarea oleva laadukas tankkipeli. Tuo mieleen scorched earthin. 5 erilaista asetta,somat SVGA-grafiikat, muhevat ääni- efektit. Apuna käytetty allegro-kirjastoa. DOS. Tekijä : Ilkka Hela |
30725 | PRISON11.ZIP | 884724 | 28.02.1996 | - | 21858/PFY0496.ISO | - | Eternal Prison Version 1.1, 3-D arcade Doom-type game in which the player attempts to escape from a futuristic prison. Use keyboard, mouse or joystick. Requires 386, 4MB Ram VGA and sound card. |
26754 | RADSW11.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 07.04.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Radix: Beyond The Void - Shareware v1.1 From Epic MegaGames and Neural Storm: Fly the Radix super fighter through massive steel trenches in this gruesome tale of alien invasion. With a huge arsenal of destructive weapons, you must fly strategic missions on the surface of Theta-2, and inside the huge alien vessel. Radix features advanced 3D technology including, texture mapped walls, ceilings, floors, and slopes, allowing for a rich level of detailed |
67708 | RADSW11.ZIP | 4001722 | 08.04.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Radix: Beyond The Void - Shareware v1.1 From Epic MegaGames and Neural Storm: Fly the Radix super fighter through massive steel trenches in this gruesome tale of alien invasion. With a huge arsenal of destructive weapons, you must fly strategic missions on the surface of Theta-2, and inside the huge alien vessel. Radix features advanced 3D technology including, texture mapped walls, ceilings, floors, and slopes, allowing for a rich level of detailed |
26755 | RCHA160.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 09.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Rocket Chase 1.60 - Attention!A polished rocket flying game for 2-4 players . Highly optimized, smooth parallax scroll, digital sound effects, colourful graphics. NEW from v1.50: new levels, bugs fixed. Requires: 386,VGA,4MB opt:SB,GUS,2joys,CD. |
30743 | RDBAB101.ZIP | 1503831 | 19.10.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Red Babe 1.01 is a 3D world shoot 'em up adventure, created by The Dark CaVErN Productions as Freeware!! This is the latest version with all bugs fixed. Future releases in the next few months include a full 30+ level intricate 3D game, and an Adult fantasy type with nudity etc... The DaRK CaVErN BBS (907)356-7606 |
26756 | REIGN122.ZIP | 157,1 kt | 20.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Reign v1.22 - Final? (19/11/98) Hienoilla efekteillä tehostettu, joskin yksinkertainen räiskintä- peli, jossa eivät ainakaan viholliset lopu kesken. Käytännössä vaatii: Pentium 120Mhz, tai nopeampi. (c) 1998 Tero Alatalo |
30751 | RESCUE.ZIP | 266104 | 15.08.1995 | - | 6180/PSL Monthly Shareware CD-ROM (Public Software Library) (July 1994).iso | - | Rescue! v 1.2 Fly your nimble Hovercraft thru forests and perilous mountain passes. Scanning the sky, you swivel your rapid fire cannons in a deadly sweeping swath against the attacking missiles or to clear space for rapid evasive maneuvers while you blast your way thru the missile launcher defenses. Your friends/kids will love being your optional gunner(s). Outstanding Soundblaster songs and sound effects. 640k, VGA, & 286+. |
30754 | REVENGE.ZIP | 444573 | 16.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Revenge of the Mutant Camels - aito Jeff Minter of LLamasoft konversio. Psykedeelistä räiskintää laamoilla, yhdessä historian oudoimmista peleistä. |
41101 | RIVERRUN.ZIP | 2870318 | 16.12.1996 | - | 11026/1,000 Game Levels 2.iso | - | RIVER RUN - Explore four regions of a vast and nearly boundless river system by annihilating choppers, fighter jets, gunboats, carriers, blazing fires, and more, while desperately seeking oil spills for fuel. Features seamless fast-paced action, 16 channel digital surround sound, rich music, 2-player mode, and classic play- ability. Super easy setup. For DOS or works well in Win95 and is smooth on 486/33+ |
30762 | ROCKS486.ZIP | 58368 | 17.02.1995 | - | Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso | - | ROCKS 486 Asteroids-tyylinen peli (VGA/SVGA) |
26757 | ROCRAID.ARJ | 1,2 Mt | 20.10.1997 | repacked | daryldixonretro.111mb.de | - | "Rocket Raid Retro but modified remamake of the coin-op shootemup classic Missile Command. DOS." |
26758 | ROIDS10B.ZIP | 70,9 kt | 18.03.2002 | - | - | - | Vectoroids v1.00b By Minimal Enjoyment Games. A nice asteroids clone with 3d vector graphics, applied physics modelling, free 360 degrees movement. Freeware. |
30767 | ROMU.ZIP | 104837 | 25.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Avaruusromu v1.00 Avaruustaistelu Turboraketin tyyliin Ruutu jaettu 2-4 osaan pelaajien luvun mukaan VGA/SB/Hiiri/Joystick |
30770 | ROX.ZIP | 91698 | 16.09.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | "ROX" by Kurt W Dekker. Asteroids-klooni. |
68015 | RRRET20.ZIP | 362473 | 23.02.1996 | - | Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | RENEGADE ROBOT RETALIATION Action Game Version 2.0 -- In the year 2020, the robots maintaining Earth's life support systems have revolted. Defeat the enemy robots in the tunnels beneath our complex using a remote control tank from the R3 squad. Shareware from Just For Me Software |
30772 | RRV20.ZIP | 141147 | 06.03.1996 | - | 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg | - | Robot Revenge v2.0 and robotmath v2.0 |
30777 | SATANP.ZIP | 950277 | 06.03.1996 | - | - | - | Newest Game by Linoleum soft SATAN'S PALACE 3D/VR. Unzip with -d command. Kicks dooms butt!!!!! |
26759 | SCORCH15.ZIP | 648032 | 05.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Scorched Earth v1.5: 256 color VGA artillery game that allows up to 10 players to blow each other to bits. Tons of configurable options including weapons, defense mechanisms, weather, economics, etc. Can also be played by one person against various computer foes. VGA Required. Shareware by Wendell Hicken. |
30782 | SCUD.ZIP | 48687 | 16.09.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | "Scud Attack" by Kurt W Dekker. Ilmatorjuntapeli. |
26760 | SCUDPLBM.ZIP | 209419 | 15.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Title: Scud Attack Version: #1135 Desc: Scud Attack arcade game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email: kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list |
26761 | SD07.ZIP | 642,8 kt | 03.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Space Dust v0.7 by BitSoft. 3D avaruusräiskintää. Verkkopeli(max 10 pelaaja),SVGA, tietokonepelaajat, moninpeli(jopa kolme pelaaja samalla koneella+ 7 tietokonepelaajaa). Pura -d optiolla. |
32109 | SF_ARCDE.ZIP | 593381 | 24.12.1995 | - | - | - | Starfight Arcade v1.0b by JP-Productions This is demonstration of the full game and may be distributed freely. Full game will be out during spring 95 as PD too. |
26762 | SF-1.ZIP | 1458074 | 20.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Starfight : The beginning of the end (1/7) |
26763 | SF-2.ZIP | 1458067 | 20.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Starfight : The beginning of the end (2/7) |
26764 | SF-3.ZIP | 1458065 | 20.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Starfight : The beginning of the end (3/7) |
26765 | SF-4.ZIP | 1457634 | 20.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Starfight : The beginning of the end (4/7) |
26774 | SF-5.ZIP | 1458065 | 20.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Starfight : The beginning of the end (5/7) |
26775 | SF-6.ZIP | 1458067 | 20.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Starfight : The beginning of the end (6/7) |
26776 | SF-7.ZIP | 567896 | 20.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Starfight : The beginning of the end (7/7) |
26766 | SF5GAME.ZIP | 7 Mt | 29.06.1999 | - | MBCD | - | StarFight V: Hell\'s Gate "First interstellar war ended three years ago. Now mankind stands before a new conflict, for the Hell\'s Gate is opening.." SF5 is the newest addition to twice-awarded StarFight SciFi-game series. Requires: * P120MhZ (200MhZ+ recommended) * 24MB RAM, Windows 95/98 or MS-DOS 6.0 * SBPro or 100% compatible for digital audio This is the basic package. Add-ons: SF5MUSIC.ZIP (9.2MB) Digital music SFMOVIE.ZIP (11.1MB) Additional cutscenes |
26767 | SF5MOV01.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 28.06.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "StarFight V: Hells Gate cutscenes 1/4" |
26768 | SF5MOV02.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 28.06.1999 | - | MBHH2000 | - | "StarFight V: Hells Gate cutscenes 2/4" |
26769 | SF5MOV03.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 28.06.1999 | - | MBHH2000 | - | "StarFight V: Hells Gate cutscenes 3/4" |
26770 | SF5MOV04.ZIP | 3,4 Mt | 28.06.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "StarFight V: Hells Gate cutscenes 4/4" |
26771 | SF5MUS01.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 28.06.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "StarFight V: Hells Gate digital music 1/3" |
26772 | SF5MUS02.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 28.06.1999 | - | MBHH2000 | - | "StarFight V: Hells Gate digital music 2/3" |
26773 | SF5MUS03.ZIP | 3,6 Mt | 28.06.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "StarFight V: Hells Gate digital music 3/3" |
30791 | SFIST007.ZIP | 34474 | 25.01.1996 | - | - | - | StarFist FREEWAREA! 0.07 Hienoa avaruusräiskintää. Edelleen optimoitu joten mikset jo ole imuroimassa? Tarvitsee: Vga, 286. Suositeltavaa olisi väh. 386/33. Tekijä: Gridle/VoodooCult (Santeri Saarimaa) |
68331 | SH155.ZIP | 147799 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Shoot the möhkäleet 1.55 Good graphics & good musics takaavat nautinollisen pelihetken raskaan päivän perään.. MMmmmmMMmmmm.... 100% Jake Software laatua!! |
68332 | SH2-128.ZIP | 949834 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | SHOOT 2 : The StarFighter Järisyttävä peli nautinto (!) 256 colors used (joissain kohdin..) joystick, mouse, keyboard control! Adlib musics, SB Digital effects and much more! 110% JakeSoft! Måste for download!! |
30792 | SHDEMO10.ZIP | 299232 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | SHOOT 3 DEMO VERSIO Mahtava, fantastinen avaruus peli! R-typen tyyppinen =) Nyt uutta JakeSoftilta : erinomainen kaksin pelinä! Fully 256 color used! (Ainakin kokonaisessa versiossa tulee olemaan..) DownLoad now! 200% JakeSOft |
30795 | SHOOTG32.ZIP | 215603 | 13.04.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Shooting Gallery v3.2: Colorful VGA action. Offers seven rounds of shooting action with arcade shooting range, skeet, target and wild west shootout. Runs in 256 color mode requiring VGA or MCGA system and a mouse. Includes SoundBlaster support, multiple players, selectable rounds, practice modes and other options. By Nels Anderson (ASP). |
30806 | SM2V11.ZIP | 157390 | 24.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | StarMines II - The Planets of Mines Smoothly scrolling arcade action in deep space. Fly your ship in the mazes of the Planet of Mines and collect the Bonusoid chrystals. 256 color VGA and 80286 required, SoundBlaster supported. CardWare. |
26777 | SNIPE105.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 22.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Mercenary Sniper version 1.05 You are a mercenary sniper and your mission is to kill all enemies. The game is decidicated to all militarists. a 486 processor, a mouse and 5 MB of memory are required. A fast display card, a Pentium and a SoundBlaster compatible soundcard are recommended for maximum game experience. Includes nice background musics, many sound |
26778 | SOI.ZIP | 336612 | 15.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Title: Spaced-Out Invaders Version: #1133 Desc: classic arcade game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email: kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list |
30818 | SPIN_130.ZIP | 963685 | 23.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Spin, V1.30 beta, single player shoot-em-up game. Your mission is to protect the freighters from the pirates, to clear the freighter lanes of the pirates and to arrest as many pirates as possible. |
30821 | SPRUIT.ZIP | 495327 | 14.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Spruit v1.00. 22.10.96 Shareware Version -Software- Paras luolastolentelypeli 1-4 pelaajalle mitä maa päällään kantaa!! Rulettaa AUTSin ja VWINGin + muut kevyesti pe- lattavuudellaan, lisäideoil- laan ja näyttävyydellään. VGA grafiikat, SB ja GUS äänet. 386+ vaad. Pentiumilla ei tar- vitse tinkiä detaileista. |
30823 | SQ101.ZIP | 1590380 | 22.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Title of Game : Star Quest I in the 27th century Type of Game : Full 3D Space Combat and Race Simulator Operating Sys : MS-DOS Requirements : 386 DX 33 Mhz minimum (486 or faster recommended) VGA 4 MEG RAM 7 MEG Free Hard Disk Space Uploader Email : info@virtuadv.com Short Descrip. : A Full 3D Space Combat and Race Simulator Long Desc : Take command as a high level officer giving orders to a squadron of ultra-fast wing ships with high fire power. Order the |
30826 | SQUIRT.ZIP | 1869889 | 24.03.1996 | - | - | - | SQUIRT The first Australian 3D action game by Innovative Applications. Enter the ultimate water-gun squirmish tournament and try to win the ultimate prize through five action-packed scenarios, solving puzzles and trying to stay dry. Think it's child's play? - No way! Suitable for all age groups. Support Aussie shareware. 486DX, 4Mb RAM and SBlaster recommended for full effect. |
30832 | SSUKKULA.ARJ | 100274 | 07.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Super Sukkula on ihan kiva kaksinpelattava avaruusräiskintä eli ammu toverisi tohjoksi! |
26779 | STARFORT.ZIP | 291 kt | 22.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "Title: Star Fortress Version: #1214 Desc: Star Fortress Arcade Game Needs: IBM PCVGA Optional: JoystickSoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: Kurt W. Dekker Publisher: PLBM Games Email: plbm@plbm.com Website: http://www.plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H Retro shootemup." |
26780 | SUBFURY.ZIP | 558,8 kt | 22.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Title: Sub Fury Version: #1198 Desc: Submarine Combat Game Needs: IBM PC, VGA Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: Kurt W. Dekker Publisher: PLBM Games Email: sales@plbm.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H Retro. Simple arcade action. |
30846 | SUKKULA.ZIP | 100508 | 01.04.1995 | - | - | - | Super Sukkula v3π/r² Kahden pelattava demo! Tuki äänikorteille, vaatii 386 |
30851 | SWAR.ZIP | 38112 | 16.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | "Space War" by Kurt W Dekker. Klooni alkuperäisestä Space Warsista. |
26781 | SWARPLBM.ZIP | 67530 | 15.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Title: SWAR (space combat) Version: #1135 Desc: SWAR arcade game Needs: IBM PC, VGA, Two Players Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email: kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list |
26782 | T2-08.A01 | 4 Mt | 08.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Tappo II v0.8 OSA2/2 |
26783 | T2-08.ARJ | 5,7 Mt | 08.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Tappo II v0.8 (C)Sebastian Aaltonen 1998 Luolalentelyä 1-4:lle pelaajalle. Hieno SVGA-grafiikka ja loistavat efektit. Sisältää myös tietokenepelaajat ja ison läjän erilaisia avaruusaluksia ja aseita. Tarvitsee 120Mhz pentiumin ja 24MB muistia... |
30857 | TANC.ZIP | 1356413 | 22.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Fast scrolling Tank game 640x480x256 on your PC! Needs 1meg SVGA. supports SB. With MODs. |
30860 | TANKKK.ZIP | 329543 | 07.01.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Tankkk Mahtava Tappelu peli vikkelä- sormisille. Voit tapppaa toisen jos kolmannekin kaverisi. Mahtava!! |
26784 | TANKW11.ZIP | 135905 | 05.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | * TANK WARS 1.1 * Uusi versio. Peli vihdoin toimii!! Tämä on räiskintäpeli 1-4 pelaajalle. Sikapaljon optioita!!! Huippulaatua! |
26785 | TAPPO199.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 07.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Tappo v1.99 FINAL Räiskintää 2-8:lle pelaajalle. Sisältää paljon kenttiä, ja 17 erilaista alusta. Vaatii 486 66Mhz koneen ja mielellään äänikortin. |
68889 | TASO110.ZIP | 585265 | 18.12.1996 | - | - | - | Taso V1.10 Mith presentoi: Taso110 2-4 Players SVGA SplitScreen Blow them up! Shoot them down! 2 player flying & shoothing. New features: - bugs fixed - new chopper - VESA support - new (old) S3M |
26786 | TASO130.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 16.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "Amber presents: Taso 130 - rel. 25/08/97 Great multiplayer arcade game from Finland. New SFX and GFX. Works w/ DOS and Windows95 Supports most popular sound cards! Read TASO130.DOC for more information. Lots of new features including base buildingnew helicopters and weapons. DistBy.DP97" |
30864 | TB.ZIP | 70525 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | TrailBurners-klooni Jopa nimi on sama! Tehnyt Insect/GMS |
26787 | TENGENSW.ZIP | 43,5 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Star Wars - originaali ikivanha 3D avaruusräiskintä, alunperin tehnyt Vector Grafix/Broderbund. Uskomattoman antiikkista retromeininkiä. Vaatii käytännössä koneen hidastimen, kuten moslo-ohjelman jotta olisi pelattavan nopeuksinen. DOS. |
26788 | TFIRE20.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 11.04.2000 | - | - | - | TERRAFIRE v2.00d arcade game by ORT Software Awesome arcade action from the award-winning creator of AstroFire, featuring stunning raytraced graphics, super-smooth 360 degree parallax scrolling, gravitational physics, huge bosses and devastating power-ups. Thrust your ship through heavily defended underground caverns, past wind tunnels, fire-walls and subterranean lakes. Requires 486 or faster PC + DOS or Win95. |
30870 | THREA14.ZIP | 869597 | 04.06.1995 | renamed | - | - | Threat 1.40 |
26789 | THREA145.ZIP | 880279 | 19.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | The Game Factory presents A Fragment production Threat V1.41US Threat - an Extremely Fatal Shoot'em up Lead your 1-3 men army to victory - accurate 320*400 VGA graphics |
30871 | THUNDERS.ZIP | 356528 | 25.08.1995 | - | - | - | Mukava pikku räiskintäpeli.Lue lueminut.doc. |
30873 | TIGER20.ARJ | 1112502 | 28.02.1996 | - | - | - | Flying Tigers by Ticsoft is a fast paced shoot-em up game with multiple weapons, power ups, enemies and bosses. In this episode you will be thrown into the middle of 1942, where the techno bosses are starting a technology transfer to the Japanese Empire. Requires: 386+, 4 Meg RAM as XMS, VGA. Adlib(tm)/ Soundblaster(tm) optional. (v2.0) |
69147 | TIMHNT10.ZIP | 1489635 | 02.03.1996 | - | 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg | tupla | Time Hunters distributed by HomeBrew Software is a game where you travel back in time and shoot dinosaurs to rack up points. Requires: 566K RAM, VGA, mouse. Sound card optional. (v1.0) |
26792 | TK.ZIP | 683,9 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Tapan kaikki is a great game. Just kill every one you see. 1 / 2 players. Freeware. |
26790 | TK2.ZIP | 817,3 kt | 15.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "Tapan kaikki 2.0Something you have waited for a long time. Many new features + new weapons & items. Killem all! " |
26791 | TK321.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 09.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "The Ultimate TK (Tapan Kaikki) v1.21 TK is back and better !!! Ultimate killing game including new IPX deathmatch game for 8 players max !!!!! Its payback time !!!! Top viewed 2D shootemup. By ERROR FREE PRODUCTIONS DOS Pentium 8 MB" |
26793 | TRIP101.ZIP | 1283070 | 18.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Triplane Turmoil V1.01 sw quality super-fast flying game, Includes solo and multiplayer options up to 4 players, Digital sound-track&sounds, Six solo-missions and 1 multiplayer level. VERY addictive game play! Download and fly! 486+, 4 megs of RAM |
30897 | TUB.ZIP | 501520 | 13.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Tubular Worlds Riippuvuutta aiheuttava räiskintäpeli, - jossa tuhotaan vihollisaluksia ja väistellään kuulia todella perinteikkääseen henkeen. - Todellinen räiskintäpelien äiti. - Julkaisija: Dongleware Publishing, Inc. |
26794 | TURB128B.ZIP | 5 Mt | 29.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Turbis v1.2.8b. Kotimainen luolalentely, jossa hienot grafiikat ja loistava pelattavuus. Uusina ominaisuuksina bonukset, tekniset viat, uudet räjähdykset, uusi tahdistus ja bugit korjattu. Vaatii 32MT muistia ja nopsan pentiumin. DOS. |
26795 | TYLLI13S.ZIP | 500,2 kt | 05.02.2002 | - | zak.fi | - | Tylli v1.3sKaksi tykkitornia tulittavat toisiaan kukkulaisessa maastossa. Ampujan on otettava huomioon tuulen suunta ja nopeus, käytetyn ruudin määrä sekä ampumiskulma. |
26796 | TYRI2000.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | - | - | "Tyrian 2000 shareware. Vertical scrolling shootemup. By XSIV Games/Eclipse Software. The original game in full with added features! Over 65 Levels that span 5 Episodes (in the registered version)Full GameArcade and Timed Battle Modessupports 1 or 2 players on the same PC3 Difficulty Levelsover one dozen hidden levels and modes and more! DOS (or Windows 95/98)P133VGA." |
30900 | TYRSW20.ZIP | 1824330 | 02.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | TYRIAN - Shareware v2.0 Second release of Tyrian from Epic MegaGames. Featuring 4 new action packed levels in addition to the original 14, plus awesome new special effects and gameplay enhancements. Multiple gameplay options offer you hours of excitement and exploration. TYRIAN brings the most complete overhead arcade shooter to life on your PC! Req: 386 or better IBM PC or compatible, 4 megs RAM, VGA, 7 megs HD space. |
30902 | TZONE.ZIP | 531783 | 20.04.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | THUNDER ZONE v1.0 256 color 8-way scrolling action space game by Thunder of Ingenuity Software. Direct UltraSound support with digital soundtrack and sound effects. Supports modem and network play. |
30906 | ULTIM11.ZIP | 1350055 | 18.05.1996 | - | 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso | - | Ultimate V1.1 3D-räiskintäpeli. |
26797 | VIPER131.ZIP | 983 kt | 30.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "Viper v1.3.1 by Volcano. This is an addictive game in which you try to kill your friend(s) with small ships flying around in a cave... Or if you dont have enough friends you can race against the clock in crono levels. * 6 levels + 1 chrono level * random level generator14 powerups Req: a fast 4864 megVGA. Recom: PentiumVGA/SVGA and SB." |
30922 | VRS.ZIP | 1221939 | 30.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | VR Slingshot NOVICE Version, Buckle up for Virtual Reality! Dodge that venom-spitting vipercraft and hang an outside loop around the Gravitron! VR Slingshot(TM) is the first game to combine: 1. Real-time computational fluid dynamics airflow simulation, 2. Real-time physics- based interaction, 3. Advanced flying and driving simulation, 4. Stereoscopic 3D graphics, 3D sound. |
69849 | VW191SW.ZIP | 249614 | 01.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | ╔════════╣V-WING 1.91 SW╠════════╗ ║ Arcade game, where you fly a ║ ║ small but lethal spaceship, and║ ║ blast everybody else into obli-║ ║ vion. Awesome graphics, and ║ ║ incredible gameplay! ║ ║ Download now! ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════╝ |
69850 | VW191UPD.ARJ | 1119093 | 22.08.1996 | - | - | - | V-WING V1.91 Update for registered version. Adds gun-turrets, weapons, levels etc. |
69851 | VW195SW.ARJ | 335322 | 14.01.1997 | - | Various freeware/shareware/demo games 6 | - | V-WING 1.95 SW Arcade game, where you fly a small but lethal spaceship, and blast everybody else into obli- vion. Awesome graphics, sounds and gameplay! 1-4 players. Download now! |
26798 | VW195SW.ZIP | 329,3 kt | 18.01.2000 | - | - | - | V-WING 1.95 SWArcade game, where you fly small but lethal spaceship, and blast everybody else into oblivion. Awesome graphics, sounds and gameplay! 1-4 players. Download now! |
26799 | VW195UPD.ARJ | 649791 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | V-WING v 1.95 päivitys rekisteröityyn versioon. |
26800 | WAGIO02A.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 24.02.2000 | - | - | - | - Wagio v0.2 - Cave flying, 2-4 players, svga. Pentium recommended. MIDAS Digital Audio System 1.1.2 Freeware. |
26801 | WARBNKR.ZIP | 202117 | 23.02.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Warbunkers - The Final Showdown! v1.01 Great 256 color VGA artillery game featuring stunning Sound Blaster support (fine with GUS SB emulation), exciting new weapons, up to 8 players including very skilled computer players, rainy and windy weather, ALIEN INTRUDERS and much more! |
26802 | WARENCVF.ZIP | 344,9 kt | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "War Encounter version F beta by Ben Crossman and Rodney Ng Fairly simple 1/2 player Space Control like space shootemup with Star Trek universe ships and races. Supports link/modem/ network multiplayer. Req. DOS 386 VGA 3 MB Extended RAM." |
26803 | WGHOPE1.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 17.01.2000 | - | - | - | WINGS OF HOPE v0.0 Some nice 2D flying and some really nice music. Three different airplanes. Bombs and machine guns. Made in Finland. Freeware. Digital Dawn. DOS. http://koti.mbnet.fi/~alt/dd/ |
26804 | WHAM101B.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 14.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WHAM! V1.01B - (C) Avalanche Games * The Best AUTS Clone. Awesome playability. Rendered VGA graphics. Over 60 special weapons. 12 normal guns! Many different playing modes! Registering only 50 FIM/10$ Registered version on CD-ROM! * * 486DX2/66, DOS, 8MB required. * * LOTS of NEW ideas! * * MADE IN FINLAND! DOWNLOAD NOW! * |
26805 | WHAT10.ZIP | 446,3 kt | 15.06.2000 | - | - | - | "WHAT" v. 0.9b final betaChallenge your friends in this new 2D-action game! Run in the battlefield with your enemy, use jetpack to fly, vehicles to (literally) crush your opponent, and/or just plain bullet-method! Random generated battlefields, many options to fiddle with! Req: PC 486/90mHz, 2MB RAM, keyboard. Optional sounds require soundcard. (C) Palikka Technologies 1998-2000 |
70075 | WINGS116.ZIP | 738614 | 24.11.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | WINGS V1.16 AUTS/V-wing/KaBoom style fast and addictive 2-4 player combat game. Requires 486/VGA |
26806 | WINGS136.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 24.11.1998 | - | MBHH1999 | - | Wings v1.36 Fast and addictive 1-8 player combat game. Requires 486/VGA. Supports SoundBlaster, modem/serial game. |
26807 | WINGS140.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 18.07.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | - | Wings v1.40 FREEWAREFast and addictive 1-8 player combat game. Requires DOS/486/VGA. Supports SoundBlaster, modem/serial game. Now FREEWARE. By Miika Virpioja. |
26808 | WKF10.ZIP | 4,6 Mt | 06.11.2000 | - | miscfindos.zip | - | Who Kills First v1.0 Kahden pelaajan räiskintäpeli jaetulla kuvaruudulla. Pelissä on 16 asetta, 8 kenttää, 4 eri peli moodia ja paljon pikku juttuja... Vertakin on riittämiin asti. Suositus: Pentium, 8mt, VGA |
30934 | WORLD108.ZIP | 154763 | 21.03.1995 | - | 10563/Giga Games 3 (October 1995).iso | - | TC's Virtual World v1.08 -ammuskelupeli |
30940 | WRATHEAR.ZIP | 2407768 | 03.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Wrath Of Earth An amazing game with excellent 3D graphics 386+VGA+4Meg Ram Rqd. |
26809 | WT_IPDT.ZIP | 3827228 | 02.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Interpose (TM) A Fully Working Action Game Demo This Is The Tiny Demoversion! (C) 1996 Webfoot Technologies, Inc. * VGA Graphics * Awesome Sound Effects and Music * Major Sound Cards Supprted (SB/GUS) * Joystick/Gravis/Keyboard Controls. |
70244 | WZ_100.ZIP | 69310 | 18.04.1995 | - | - | - | WarZone 1.001ß User Manual two player, head-to-head, real-time war game played on a 40x40 map. Modem/direct cable. |
30952 | XARGON.ZIP | 560371 | 21.03.1995 | - | 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg | - | Xargon 1: Beyond Reality A new release from Epic MegaGames: Intense arcade action meets bold exploration. You play the role of Malvineous on an expedition through gigantic, action-packed levels in the style of the award-winning Jill of the Jungle. Excellent 256-color art, highly animated enemies, Sound Blaster music/sound, and more! Requires 386/486, VGA, and nerves of steel. |
30953 | XBLSTR12.ZIP | 599858 | 24.02.1996 | - | 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso | - | Xenoblaster Attack of the Xorg v1.21 XENOBLASTER: Attack of the Xorg is a new Game - Supports VGA/HD/386+UP/SB/JOY |
30967 | ZART.ZIP | 38352 | 16.09.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | "Zart" by Kurt W Dekker. Kaksinpelattava räiskintäpeli. |
26810 | ZARTPLBM.ZIP | 75688 | 15.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Title: Zee Artillery (ZART) Version: #1135 Desc: ZART arcade game Needs: IBM PC, VGA, Two Players Optional: Joystick, SoundBlaster Registration: $14.95 + $4.95 S&H Author: PLBM Games Email: kwd@netcom.com Special: any 3 for $29.95 + $4.95 S&H See ORDER.TXT file for complete list |
30974 | ZONE66.ZIP | 1019409 | 07.01.1995 | - | 14716/moonshine7moonshinesoftware1996.iso | - | Zone 66 Ultra action 32-bit arcade game of mayhem and destruction from EPIC MEGAGAMES and RENAISSANCE. Full 256-COLOR, 360-degree scrolling. Pilot your fighter jet around a massive playfield, leaving devastated earth in your wake. Includes huge CINEMATIC animated intro & digital soundtrack for the SB. Requires 386 or better, 2 Megs RAM. [Note: For GRAVIS ULTRASOUND support, also get $ZONE66G.ZIP] of intermediate skill level. an unstoppable enemy. Mid-stage animation highlight this game. An excellent action game - Supports VGA/HD/386+UP/SB/JOY |