/ PC /

Windows 95/98/NT/2000 /

Tiedostoja alueella yhteensä: 3508

...joista palvelimella: 1630


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Ohjelma tai sen versio ei aina vastaa kuvausta! Kommentoi jos havaitset virheitä.

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
19712 001ALERT.ZIP 689,4 kt 30.11.1997 - - -
LT Alert v1.00LT Alert 1.00 - System Event Notification Utility. LT Alert notifies you of important events as they happen on your system. If you are away from your PC, all events are logged in sequence and ready for your immediate i nspection upon return.
19714 007W321D.ZIP 129,8 kt 10.03.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
"007 for Win32 v1.0dPASSWORD PROTECT YOUR WIN32 EXECUTABLES! Modifies existing .EXE files to add password protection. EFFECTIVELY locks your MOST SENSITIVE programs like emailtax preparationor financial planning software. From now onYOU AND ONLY YOU will run these programs on your computer! Works with BOTH Win95 and NT. Another great tool from the author of BusinessCards. +++ TRY IT TODAY! +++"
19715 12GH2150.ZIP 454,7 kt 28.06.2001 - - -
12Ghosts ShutDown v21.50d Nopeuttaa Windowsin sammutusta ja uudelleenkäynnistystä, sekä sulkee automaattisesti kaatuneet ohjelmat. Shareware: $14. 
19716 1CBTJ45.ZIP 2,1 Mt 24.11.2001 - - -
1 Cool Button Tool - Java 4.51 Cool Button Tool - Java 4.5 Editori animoitujen nappuloiden ja valikoiden laatimiseen nettisivuille. Tallettaa tuloksen Java-sovelmana tai Flash-muodossa. Shareware, $29.95. http://www.buttontool.com/ 
19717 1IMPR222.EXE 2,4 Mt 02.08.2001 - - -
1st Impression 2.2.2Ohjelma vaihtaa Windowsin käynnistys- ja sammutuskuvat jokaisella
käynnistyskerralla uusiin. Voit koota erilaisia kuvasarjoja omista kuvistasi.
19718 1ST212.ZIP 1,7 Mt 26.12.2000 - - tupla
1st Impression v2.1.2Selkeä ja helpopkäyttöinen ohjelma joka vaihtaa Windows 9x/Me:n käynnistys-, sulkemis- ja sammutuslogoja. Voit itse muokata logojen mukana näytettäviä tekstejä. Tukee useita tiedostomuotoja, mukana 20 logoa ja kattava kokoelma tervehdystekstejä. Freeware. http://www.gromada.com/1stImpression.html
19720 32PG110.ZIP 1810352 21.11.1996 - MBCD -
PowerGraph Graphing Calculator v1.10.
PowerGraph is an aplication that may be
useful to engineers, scientists, college
students, or high school students.
19721 3DCC.ZIP 40,8 kt 13.01.1998 - MBCD -
3D Control CenterKätevä ohjelma, joka mahdollistaa useamman Direct3D-ohjaimen yhtäaikaisen käytön. Toimii ainakin Mystique, Voodoo ja PoverVR -ohjaimien kanssa.
19722 3DME.ZIP 2,2 Mt 03.02.2001 - - tupla
3D Mail Effects 3.0.03D Mail Effects is a mail checker program that notifies you of new e-mail by displaying a large, rotating, 3D graphic. It will also notify you of new mail by flashing the lights on your keyboard, in case your monitor is turned off or is displaying a screen saver. And as a bonus, the main interface for the program is skinnable, as is the rotating 3D graphic. Free trial for Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000 by Fluid Studios. http://www.fluidstudios.com/3dme/
19723 4NT302.ZIP 709,3 kt 25.12.2000 - 21041/CT_SW0001.ISO -
"4NT 3.02BNew release of JP Softwares award-winning command processor for Windows NT.  Offers command enhancementsover 50 new commandsdozens of powerful batch file featuresand many other unique command line tools.  Runs on NT 3.51 and aboveIntel-compatible CPUs only. Shareware$69.95 full registration. 04-16-99 release B (131). "
19724 4REST14.ZIP 245,6 kt 20.03.1998 - MBCD -
4Rest v1.144Rest on pieni apuohjelma, joka asettuu johonkin ruuden reunaan tai itse valittuun paikkaan ja pysyy siinä, näyttäen kellonajan, päiväyksen ja kiintolevyn vapaan tai käytetyn tilan.
19725 5107LNG.EXE 296,1 kt 19.03.2002 - - -
MBM kielipakettiAjamalla tämän tiedoston MBM asennuksen jälkeen, ohjelman (MBM) asetuksiin on ilmestynyt uusia tässä ohjelmassa valitsemiasi kieliä, esim. suomi. 
19726 602PCSUI.ZIP 15,9 Mt 06.04.2004 - - -
602PC SuiteKevyt toimisto-ohjelmapaketti joka sisältää työkalut tekstinkäsittelyyn, taulukkolaskentaan sekä valokuvien muokkaamiseen ja organisointiin.
Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server. http://www.software602.com/products/pcs/
51771 95BOOTR4.ZIP 46366 21.11.1996 - MBCD -
95BOOTER 4.0 - Multiboot for Windows 95
Allows the user to select various methods
of rebooting the computer from Windows 95.
19727 95BOOTR5.ZIP 34,5 kt 30.11.1997 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
95 Booter 5.0The 95 Ultimate Booter by Fred Salerno. This program allows you to select which way to boot up Windows 95.
19728 98LITE30.EXE 369,7 kt 25.12.2000 - 21651/Pce29cd.iso -
98lite III Preview Edition98lite offers selective installation of many Windows "Features" Applets and Sub-Systems. 98lite III is very safe; you can "Remove" every option and "Add" them back as needed if you are unsure whether a particular Option is really needed. http://www.98lite.net
19729 A3CALC10.ZIP 813,3 kt 24.09.2003 - - -
A3Calc 1.0Basic-ohjelmointikieltä tulkkaava tieteislaskin, joka on tarkoitettu korvaamaan Nokia 9210 kännykän laskimen. Ohjelmasta löytyy muun muassa alv-laskuri, annuiteettilainan koron ja kuukausilyhennyksen määrittelijä sekä valuuttamuunnin, minkä lisäksi siihen voi itse ohjelmoida lisälaajennuksia.
Ilmainen. http://personal.inet.fi/business/vstt/
19730 AALANGV1.EXE 457,6 kt 21.10.2004 - MBHH2005 -
Ad-aware SE:n kielipaketti vol. 1Kielipaketti Ad-Aware SE Personal Edition 1.05:lle. Sisältää suomen ohella myös saksan, hollannin, tanskan, ranskan, italian, norjan, portugalin, espanjan ja ruotsin kielet.
19731 AATOOL51.ZIP 1,7 Mt 11.07.2002 - - -
Advanced Administrative Tools 5.1 Advanced Administrative Tools on 11 Windowsin ylläpitotyökalun kokoelma, jonka kuorista löytyy muun muassa ohjelma rekisterin siivoamiseen, tietokoneen prosessien tarkkailuun ja pysäyttämiseen, nettiliikenteen valvomiseen, välityspalvelimen ja oman koneen tietojen keräämiseen, ja muutamaan muuhun puuhaan. Shareware. Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.glocksoft.com/
19732 AAW451.EXE 659,7 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
AD-Aware 4.51Ilmainen ohjelma, joka etsii koneeltasi mainostajien käyttämät ns. spyware-ohjelmat. Tämän jälkeen tietosi eivät enää vuoda nettiin. http://www.lavasoft.de/aaw/
19733 AAW6.EXE 1,5 Mt 10.02.2003 - 23758/PCWorld_2003-05_cd.bin -
Ad-aware 6.0Ad-aware etsii ja poistaa koneelle pesiytyneet spyware-ohjelmat, jotka vakoilevat käyttäjän tekemisiä ja lähettävät tietonsa ulkopuolisille tahoille. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.lavasoft.de 
19734 AAWSUOMI.ZIP 2,7 kt 29.10.2001 - - -
suomennos Ad-awareenTämä tiedosto muuttaa mainosloisia poistavan
Ad-aware-ohjelman suomenkieliseksi.
19735 AAWUPD13.ZIP 392,1 kt 27.05.2002 - - -
Ad-Aware RefUpdate 1.3RefUpdate päivittää automaattisesti vakoiluohjelmia
poistavan Ad-Aware-ohjelman tietokannan. Ilmainen. 
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.lavasoft.de/
19736 ABIX3XX.EXE 4,6 Mt 25.12.2000 versio 3.01 9317/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 3 of 3).iso -
ABIX 3.30A personal organizer that allows you to manage your appointments, anniversaries, events, addresses, e-mail, web sites, collections, inventory and much more.
19737 ACCESO2M.ZIP 142,9 kt 11.03.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
ACCESO 2M Utility for reading 2M formatted disks under Windows95.
19738 ACRASH4X.EXE 1,5 Mt 16.02.2001 - - -
"AntiCrash Pro v4.0AntiCrash has been developed in order to prevent Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Millennium from either Crashing nor gettingIllegal Operationsat all. It starts on your Windows System Tray and provides flawless capability to access and switch between applications (16-bit & 32-bit) running in foreground and background. It provides a true multi-threading environment for multi-tasking OS like Windows. The applications can be openedclosed and switched as many times without the system getting unstable or slow."
19739 ACRSH40.EXE 1,5 Mt 16.02.2001 - - -
AntiCrash Pro 4.0Ohjelma estää Windowsia kaatuilemasta. Freeware. http://www.jibreel.net
19740 ACTIVLOG.ZIP 214150 24.11.1996 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
Activity Log is a simple way of keeping
Activity Logs for projects, and all you need
to do is click a button and type what you
did. Version 1.1.2, requires Windows 95/NT.
20307 ACTSNT.ZIP 84149 08.10.1995 - 9322/The Pier Shareware %238 (The Pier Exchange) (1996).ISO -
(v1.7) Somar ACTS - time clock modem NIST
Windows NT/Windows 95 program that will dial
the NIST or USNO time source using a modem,
obtain the current time, and use this time to
set the time on your PC. Similar programs
designed for DOS will not work under NT
because of security issues. V1.7 fixes timing
bugs with certain high speed modems.
Shareware (US$10).
19741 ADC.ZIP 2,2 Mt 17.07.2000 - 19283/ftp.winsite.com-win95-pim.tar -
Active Desktop Calendar 2.1Active Desktop Calendar is a fully customisable personal
information manager which runs in a system tray and is 
displayed on your desktop wallpaper.
19742 ADD2K.EXE 695,4 kt 22.04.2001 - - -
Address 2000Address 2000- osoitteisto-ohjelma.
19743 ADDRMC23.EXE 365,7 kt 04.04.2000 - - -
Add/Remove Cleaner v2.3Voit poistaa ohjelmien nimiä Windowsin Lisää tai poista sovellus -ikkunasta. Voit myös muokata ohjelman nimeä ja poisto-ohjelman polkua. Sharewarea 15 päivän kokeiluajalla.
19744 ADRMPL11.ZIP 870,1 kt 25.04.2000 - - -
Add/Remove Plus! v1.1Parempi vaihtoehto Ohjauspaneelin Lisää tai poista sovellus -toiminnolle. Voit muokata ohjelmien nimeä/poistokomentoa ja poistaa turhat ohjelmannimet listalta.
19746 AF_SETUP.EXE 245,5 kt 01.04.2001 - - -
Auto Favorites 1.1Auto Favorites is a novel tray-based tool that automatically keeps track of the programs, documents, and Web pages you launch. This makes it easy to find and relaunch recently used apps, docs, and URLs. Unlike the Documents submenu in the Windows Start menu, Auto Favorites weights and rates the items you launch based upon their use. Then it discards seldom-used links over time, based on the parameters you specify. Several other options are available. This is a 30-day trial version. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.nearsoftware.com/af/
19745 AFOLDERS.EXE 505,9 kt 19.04.2001 - - -
"Access Folders 1.3Access Folders is a handy utility that provides fast access to your favorite and most-often used folders. It allows you to make your own menu that consists of your favorite folder paths. Open a Save As/Open dialog and click the right mouse button on the question mark button in the dialogs caption. Select the appropriate menu item to jump to the corresponding path. The newest version added Windows Explorer shell integrationa few cosmetic improvementsand many other new features. This is a 30-day trial version for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by ShellToys Inc. http://www.shelltoys.com
19747 AGENTRAN.ZIP 1007,5 kt 19.11.2000 - - -
Agent Ransack v1.0FREE professional file searching utility. Compelling advantages over similar tools: - Support for regular expressions - Immediate contents results view - Various wizards to help with searching * Requires Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Freeware. (C) David Vest 2000.
19748 AGPWIZ.ZIP 123,9 kt 16.02.2000 - - -
AGP Wizard 1.0  Optimizes AGP performance by allowing you to change/set the AGP data transfer rate (1X, 2X, or 4X), it also allows you to enable Side Band Addressing Mode and Fast Writes. This utility only works on Creative Labs cards.
19749 AIRY30.ZIP 328,8 kt 14.09.2000 - - -
Airy Secrets 3.0 r7It  is a simple (and  free) program  for Windows 95  or better, that helps you to 
manage  your  list  of  access codes and passwords.  These  lists  are  stored  
in  encrypted files (ATECO v3.0) and  the  codes never appear on the screen, 
but  you  can  see their descriptive line  (e.g.  "My FTP", "WebBank", 
"Web Counter", and so on). Remarks: 1) No DLLs  will  be  installed  in 
the Windows folder. 2) The program is provided with its own installer/unistaller. 
(C) 2000 AXAR Team 
19750 ALARM95.ZIP 245410 14.02.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Alarm 95 is a complete alarm program that
lets you schedule one time alarms or
recurring alarms. Recurring alarms can be set
to occur daily, weekly, monthly or yearly.
The intuitive interface lets you view your
scheduled alarms by day, week, month or year.
Alarm 95 is totally integrated into Windows
60621 ALM32.ZIP 464945 04.05.1996 - MBCD -
ALMANAC v3.5d - (Windows 95/Windows NT) A
powerful calendar application for Windows 95
and NT. Separate, configurable windows for
your calendar, daily schedule, to-do list,
phonebook, and/or notes.  Contains search
tool - displays what you need, when you need
it.  Calculates recurring events, sunrise
sunset times, moon phases, Julian Day, and
Calendar Week.  Adjusts calendar and schedule
data to any time zone.
19751 ALM3235E.ZIP 461,1 kt 31.07.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
ALMANAC v3.5e A powerful calendar application for Windows 95 and NT. Separate, configurable windows for your calendar, daily schedule, to-do list, phonebook, and/or notes.  Contains search tool - displays what you need, when you need it.  Calculates recurring events, sunrise sunset times, moon phases, Julian Day, and Calendar Week.  Adjusts calendar and schedule data to any time zone.
19752 ALRM_CRA.ZIP 1,7 Mt 08.07.1997 - - -
Alarm Clock This is a 32-bit application that provides 10 daily repeating alarms, 10 appointment alarms, and a countdown timer. You can easily set the dates, times, and messages for all alarms. 
19753 ALRMS.ZIP 116532 08.10.1996 - - -
Alarm! Versio 1.52.
Muistutukset päivittäin, viikottain,
kuukausittain ja vuosittain.
21473 ALW202.ZIP 486927 22.08.1995 - MBCD -
Astronomy Lab 2 is one of the most
innovative, interesting, and useful shareware
astronomy programs available for Microsoft
Windows 95, Windows NT, and Win32s.
19754 AMGB2000.ZIP 4,9 Mt 30.08.2000 - 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 4).iso -
"Amiglobe 2000Amiglobe is a world atlas and database with information about 200 countries.
You can choose from four map projections including flatPetersMercators or spherical.
You can easily zoom in on any area to display citiesriversand main peaks. You can use the
arrow keys to scroll around the map. You can also quickly locate a city or country on the map
using a drop down list. Amiglobe features a wealth of information about each country. 
The main information screen displays a map of the country and the flagand lets you click a 
button to display the national anthem and hear it play. It also displays general information 
such as areapopulationdensitycapital cityGNPand GNP per capita. You can click tabs 
to learn more about a countrys geographyhistorypeoplegovernmenteconomytransportation
and military. You can print the mapsave it as a BMP or GIF fileor copy it to the Clipboard to use in
another application. http://www.amiglobe.com
19755 APD330.ZIP 545 kt 06.02.1998 - 12771/10000.zip -
"PRINT SCREEN DELUXE 3.0 An all new product from the people who brought you Print Screen for Windows. A powerful and easy to use Screen Capture utility that allows you to capture your screen in many ways.  Capture the Full ScreenCurrent Windowa Roped areaa windows Client Areaand much more. Crop the imageapply visual effects to itconfigure your hot keyset a time delayed captureand even Zoom in on your image!"
19756 APEN.ZIP 1,2 Mt 19.01.2000 - - -
Art Plus Easynoter 2.1 EasyNoter has simple to use diary, notes, address book, and a reminder function with full text search capabilities. Web and e-mail connectivity are implemented as well. Very practical as a daytime planner.
19757 APIMON13.ZIP 319,4 kt 13.01.2001 - - -
API Monitor v1.3Tehokas työväline ohjelmoijille ja aktiiviharrastajille. API Monitor näyttää Windowsin ja suoritettavien ohjelmien tekemät API-kutsut parametreineen ja palautusarvoineen.
19758 APK3DFX5.ZIP 1 Mt 10.06.1998 - - -
APK 3dfx Tuning Engine 95/98/NT 5.0++ 3Dfx tweaking utility to speedup Voodoo and Voodoo2  3dfx / OpenGL gaming based games and video boards.
19759 APLUS28.EXE 2,3 Mt 19.02.2001 - - -
AppPlus 2.8Kätevä apuohjelma tekee uuden pienen tehtäväpalkin josta voi käynnistää ohjelmia, web-sivuja tai vaikka sähköpostiosoitteita. Halutessaan palkin saa automaattisesti piiloutumaan. Shareware. http://www.appplusonline.com
22330 APPBAR97.ZIP 40969 21.11.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
AppBar v0.97.
Simple and fast menuing system for Windows 95
and Windows NT 4.0. Makes user defined menus
for launching applications at the top of
your screen like the Macintosh. Freeware.
19760 APREP103.EXE 836,1 kt 22.10.1999 - - -
AffirmativeAction PrefProf v1.03PrefProf will copy and backup your personal preferences and settings within a wide range of applications. Run before reinstalling Windows on your computer and also once a week. Shareware.
19761 AR405ENG.EXE 5,5 Mt 28.06.2000 - MBHH2001 tupla
Acrobat Reader 4.05BIlmainen PDF-tiedostojen selainohjelma
19762 ARAN_FIN.ZIP 3 kt 02.03.2001 - - -
Aranean suomennos.Aranean suomennos. 
19763 ASA246.ZIP 565,7 kt 25.01.2001 - - -
"Advanced System Agent v2.46 Powerful multifunctional software that does EVERYTHING! You can track the time you spend working with the computer or the Internetcheck for new messages on your mail serveror synchronize your computers clock with the atomic clock servers. Includes full-featured dial-up adapter with Internet connection monitoringflexible Windows shutdown managerpowerful alarms with custom messagessystem resources monitorhot keys manager and much more. $25 "
19764 ASC13.ZIP 55,6 kt 17.06.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Associate v1.3 File Utility This program will allow you to set up file associations in Windows 95 with much greater accuracy and ease than Windows 95 provides. Shareware.
19765 ASHAMPOO.ZIP 1,5 Mt 18.02.2000 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
ASHAMPOO 99 DELUXECleans your windows!
Simple removal of existing applications not monitored by ASHAMPOO
Completely removes all traces of monitored apps from the system
Lightning fast detection and deletion of duplicate files.
New wizards for even more intuitive operation.
For WIN 95, 98 & NT
19766 ASPY.ZIP 253,7 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
"A-Spy 0.09This program knows and shows a good number of ways to start some application during 
Windows startup process and logging. Its possible to add/delete/edit entriesmove 
them from one desposition to another. Access rights are considered at NT/2000 platforms. 
Supports all Windows platforms. 17 ways how to detect stealthily blasting off trojans.
19767 ATTIME.EXE 2,1 Mt 20.01.2000 - - -
@Time 2.0@Time is a desktop clock which shows Internet Time on top of your desktop. Other features include Alarms, A Buddy List, and a customizable interface. Freeware.
22335 ATW1A.ZIP 308362 23.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Add to Win V1.0 Organizes and launches apps
form the Win95 desktop
19768 AURC33B1.EXE 657,9 kt 07.06.2000 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Aurora 32 version 3.3One of the finest editors available. Blazing speed, superb interface, Huge capacity to 4 Gigabytes, 32k line length. Syntax highlighting for over 20 languages. Easy-to-use colorized Macro language with more than 15000 lines of macros, integrated File manager, Directory tree, Live wordwrap, Undo-redo, Hex mode, Win95 long names, Folds, Multi-file search/replace, real tabs, popular Emulation styles, extremely Configurable!
19769 AUTIT251.EXE 261 kt 08.02.2001 - - -
AutoIt 2.51Tämän ohjelman skriptikielellä voit luoda valmiita toimintoketjuja, joissa esimerkiksi
käynnistetään ohjelmia, kirjoitetaan tekstiä tai klikkaillaan hiirellä. Ilmainen.
19770 AUTOEJ11.ZIP 11259 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
AutoEject v1.10
Aukaisee CD-aseman luukun Windows 95:den
19771 AUTORDCD.ZIP 122,2 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
For those of us that archive to CD-R/CD-RW, this utility displays a README.TXT file along with an "Explore" button when the CD is inserted.
19772 AUTOSTRT.EXE 396,6 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
AutoStart CD-R(W) Tämä ohjelma helpottaa CD-R-levyjen tekemistä käyttämällä AutoRun-toimintoa.
19773 BBUTIL20.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.12.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
Blackboard util Blackboard util is a windows utility program. It shows your drive information and has functions for running your main utility programs like windows scandisk, registry editor, and the undocumented make compatable utility. It also will edit your configuration files and show you directory and file info. It has a function to show you your open programs and what priority they are.
19774 BCAPTR14.ZIP 922,8 kt 06.02.1998 - - -
Blackboard Screen Capture This is a handy utility to capture Windows screens and optionally save them on disk for later use.
51805 BCDP32.ZIP 517513 21.11.1996 - MBCD -
Business Card Designer Plus V4.51
New version for Windows 95!
Create stunning business cards easily
on your printer. Use rotated text, boxes,
circles, lines and clip art. Any Font,
Size, Style and Color. Extremely easy to
use. WYSIWYG formating. Card Expert for
quick card creation. Full color support.
Click and drag sizing and moving.
19775 BCRYPT62.EXE 1,4 Mt 25.10.2000 - - -
BestCrypt 6.06.32With BestCrypt you allocate a portion (container) of free space on your drive where you keep all your sensitive data in encrypted form, creating a virtual drive in your system that you work with as you would any other drive. BestCrypt uses strong encryption algorithms, including Blowfish, GOST, and DES. Features include a time-out option, hot keys, a wiping utility, and the ability to add your own encryption algorithm. This version runs smoothly on Windows 2000. This is a 30-day trial version. The cost to register is $89.95. Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.jetico.com 
19776 BINCLOCK.ZIP 90,2 kt 12.05.1997 - MBCD -
Binary Clock Provides a binary clock display for your Win95 desktop.
19777 BLOCK756.ZIP 3,2 Mt 19.02.2001 - - -
BootLocker 7.56Lukitsee tietokoneen salasanalla. Estää luvattomat sisäänkirjautumiset sekä luvattoman käyttöönoton toimiessaan näytönsäästäjänä. Reilusti ominaisuuksia, mm. pakotettu salasanan vaihto, mahdollisuus estää käynnistys DOS:iin ja paljon muuta. 30 päivän kokeiluversio. http://www.bootlocker.com
19778 BMIC10FI.ZIP 120,9 kt 29.07.1999 - MBCD tupla
BMICalc v1.0 Laskee henkilön painoindeksin annetun massan ja pituuden perusteella. Sisältää Delphi 2.0 -lähdekoodin.
19779 BNCLK173.ZIP 569,7 kt 25.07.1998 - MBCD -
The Binary Clock version 1.73 Three binary clock displays for your Windows 95 desktop.
19780 BOOTPA20.ZIP 19,7 kt 13.03.1997 - MBCD -
BOOTPART 2.0Boot Partitition for WinNT. Easy tool to add a partition to the Windows NT multi boot menu (for example, OS/2 boot manager or Linux partition). NEW : Easy addition of Dos6.22 and Win95 in WinNT menu, repair the WinNT boot sector. 
19781 BPUT95S.ZIP 658978 07.02.1996 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z -
Barry Press Utilities for Windows 95 Included
in this version are athly calendar, a
drag-and-drop ASCII file printer (also
capable of spooling Postscript files to a
Postscript printer), an icon for printer
orientation control, a program, a shell
extension to add a command lineon to the
Explorer (like the old File.Run), a digital
19782 BRAIN173.EXE 2,2 Mt 19.01.2000 - - -
The Brain 1.73 Personal information manager that emulates the thought processes of the human brain. Excellent graphic interface which shows in a "spider" or hierarchy format, has fully customizable operation and publishing capabilities.
22342 BRCMD.ZIP 6548 18.10.1996 koko¹ #hyrava -
Bill Reid's Command Line 1.0
Työpöydälle ilmestyy tekstilaatikko, joka
vastaa Start-valikon Run-komentoa. Voit avata
kansioita ja käynnistää ohjelmia
kirjoittamalla kohteen.
19783 BREWCALC.ZIP 902,9 kt 27.03.1997 - - -
"Brewers Calculator Helps you formulate recipesplan new brewsand keep a record of your efforts. It can also track your brewing supplies. When formulating a recipeselect from maltsextractsspecialty grainshopsand yeast and Brewers Calculator will give you running totals of starting gravityestimated finishing gravityalcoholbitternessbeer coloretc."
19784 BSCREAM1.ZIP 377,9 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
Banshee Screamer v1.0Alarm clock for W95. Beeps, plays audio files or CDs, or runs programs.
19785 BTIMER12.ZIP 698 kt 02.12.1997 - - -
"BlackBoard TimerThis program is to keep track of how long a user uses a certain program. Useful examples of this would be online services where youd like to know the accumlated time for the whole month youve been on. The next month you click reset and the programs HOURS goes to 0 again. You can keep several programs and acculated times in this program. It automatically starts the timer when you run the program and ends it when you exit the program."
19786 BTMGR13A.ZIP 46830 19.10.1995 - MBCD -
Boot Manager 95 v1.3a for Windows 95
by Kevin Ferguson.  Utility to allow
you to easily configure your Windows
95 bootup options.  Requires Win95 &
VBRUN300.DLL installed. Freeware!
19787 C9845W.ZIP 223,9 kt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
Calc98Calculator for Windows 95
19788 CACHE40.EXE 618,5 kt 25.02.2001 - - -
"Cacheman 4.0If some of your programs run slowlythe fault could lie with Windows disk cache managementwhich takes up most of the available physical memory. When your system runs out of RAMWindows starts to use hard-disk-based virtual memory instead of flushing the disk caches. You can use Cacheman to adjust this behavior. When you start the programyoull see your free available physical memory (which should increase after you optimize). Select one of the optimizations methods from the pull-down menu. To make the settings permanent use the Save command. Thenexit the program and reboot your system to activate the new disk cache adjustments. Advanced settings let you make more precise adjustments. Many systems should see better system performance because of less frequent use of the swap file. Cacheman is easy to useand features separate recommended settings for Win95 and Win98. Freeware by Outer Technologies. http://www.outertech.com"
19789 CALC95.ZIP 308,5 kt 24.09.1997 - 16596/Sezamfile97_2.iso -
Calc95Ethe capabilities of the Windows 95 calculator. Extra features include scientific functions. 486 8 MB Win95
19790 CALEN-10.ZIP 214,5 kt 15.08.1997 - - -
Calendar 1.0 suom. versioKalenteri joka näyttää nimipäivät ja muita pieniä optioita. Tulevissa versioissa voit printata oma kalenterin.
19791 CAMOU111.ZIP 2,6 Mt 19.02.2001 - - -
Camouflage v1.1.2Salaa ja piilota tiedostoja toisiin tiedostoihin ilman vaaraa paljastumisesta. Camouflage voi piilottaa esim. tekstitiedoston kuvaan, jolloin kuva näkyy normaalisti eikä tekstitiedostoa saa irroitettua kuvasta ilman oikeaa salasanaa. Freeware. http://www.camouflage.freeserve.co.uk
19792 CC29SW.EXE 1,4 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
"ClipCache Plus 2.9If you do any word processinge-mail or web surfingyou cant afford to be without this tool! Never lose another addressphone number or other important bit of data again. ClipCache Plus is a very powerfuleasy to use utility which greatly enhances the functionality of the Windows clipboard. 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/2000."
19793 CC9512.ZIP 834,2 kt 31.03.1998 - MBCD -
Calendar Commander v1.2 -Print calendars in any style imaginable on your Win 95/NT system. Includes over 20 ready made daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly calendars. Use scripts to create your own custom calendars with automatic support for English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages. Multi level preview mode, JPG/GIF/PNG/PCX/TIF/BMP image support, holidays and personal events. Shareware from Briggs Softworks 
19794 CCODES.ZIP 19,9 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
Country Code Lister Vaatii VBRUN400.DLL:n.
19795 CCWC65.EXE 3 Mt 16.02.2001 - 23069/chip-cd_2001_04.zip -
Cache, Cookie & Windows Cleaner 6.5Siisti ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma jolla voit puhdistaa IE:n, Netscapen ja Operan cache-tiedostot, cookiet, sivuhistorian ja kirjoitettujen osoitteiden listan sekä tarkastella niiden sisältöä. Poistaa tarvittaessa myös Windowsin omat historiat. Shareware. http://www.moleculesoft.com/
61910 CD.ZIP 237735 18.10.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_3.ISO -
CD Player for Word: Now you can enjoy audio
CDs while you do your work. Has a Title
database which actually remembers the CD's
title and author,a Random (Shuffle) Play,
Fast Forward, Fast Rewind, Skip Tracks,
Pause, and Eject. Even plays CDs in the
background. Looks and works like a real CD
19796 CDALRM21.ZIP 1,5 Mt 09.07.1997 - - -
CD Alarm v2.1Sounds user-specified alarms by playing tracks from a CD, MIDI sequences, sound files, or any combination of the three. Features include support for multiple CD-ROM drives, a user-defined snooze button, advanced volume settings, and more. Requires Win95/NT.
19797 CDDATA10.EXE 1,1 Mt 14.02.2000 - - -
CD-Database v1.0bCD-Database on kaikille siirrettävien asemien omistajille tarkoitettu levy arkistointi/tietokantaohjelma. Ohjelmalla "skannaat" eli luet hakemiston tai esim CD-R(W) levysi helposti sekä tallennat sen ohjelman tietokantaan. Myöhemmin voit selata levyn sisältöä ilman levyä. Soveltuu mm. MP3 cd:itten kirjanpitoon. Hakutoiminnot ja muokkausmahdollisuudet ym. Win95/98/NT/2000 http://www.raunosoft.com
19798 CDFS.ZIP 38,5 kt 01.02.1999 - 23753/PCWorld_2002-12_Special_cd.bin -
CD-ajuri Win9x:lleMahdollistaa Audio CD:iden käsittelyn normaaleina WAV-tiedostoina
61931 CDQ95V12.ZIP 333205 21.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
CD-QUICK Cache for Win95, v1.2  From the
makers of PC Mag's 1995 Best Shareware of the
Year Award winner! CD-Quick will improve the
performance of any CD-ROM drive by storing
frequently read data in fast RAM or on your
Hard Drive. Uses advanced caching techniques
for top performance. Includes the utility
QUICKMON, to show cache statistics in real
time. SETUP program makes installation easy.
For WIN95. Shareware $29
19799 CDQ95V30.ZIP 473,9 kt 29.01.1998 - MBCD -
CD-QUICK v3.00CD-Quick will dramatically improve the performance of ANY CD-ROM drive by storing frequently read data in fast RAM or on your Hard Drive. Uses advanced caching techniques for top performance. Includes the utility QUICKMON, to show cache statistics in real time. SETUP program makes installation easy. Shareware $29
19800 CDR37C-E.ZIP 476,4 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
CDRWIN v3.7C CDRWIN is a combination of powerful CD recording tools for Windows 95/NT. It contains many usual features for cd copying, recording and backuping CD-R and Cd-RW media. The evaluation version is fully functional, but it has 1x speed limit.
19801 CDR96V21.ZIP 1083043 19.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
CDRunner96 V2.1 was designed to make the
digital life easier for all of us. CDRunner96
makes Windows 95's AutoRun/AutoPlay behave as
it should. While CDRunner96 is active all you
now have to do to run that favorite CD is put
it in the drive! CDRunner96 will take it from
19802 CDRLAB41.ZIP 497,3 kt 19.01.2000 - MBHH2000 -
cdrLabel v4.1Tee itse kannet CD-levyihisi.
19803 CDRTOOL.ZIP 221,9 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
CdromTool (30/01/01)Tällä ohjelmalla voit säätää CD-ROM asemasi nopeutta hitaammaksi. Valitettavasti tuettuja CD-asemia on vain vähän. Tuetut asemat löydät ohjelman kotisivuilta. GNU-lisenssin alainen. http://visitweb.com/cdromtool 
19804 CFGBK.EXE 47508 31.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WIN-95 Registry backup utility from microsoft
19805 CHANGER3.EXE 901,7 kt 30.05.2000 - - -
Changer 3.0The changer on ohjelma, joka muuttaa Windows 95/98:n käynnistys- ja lopetuslogot aina kun käynnistät Windows:n. Ohjelma on helppo käyttää ja poistaa!
19806 CHANGER3.ZIP 462,2 kt 07.11.1997 - - -
Win Changer 3 WC on ohjelma jolla voi muuttaa Windows 95:n asetuksia. Internet Explorer 3.X latauskuvan muuttaminenkin onnistuu.
22347 CHANGEXT.ZIP 4322 07.02.1996 - 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso -
CHANGE EXTENSION 2.0b Windows 95 has made a
lot of things easier, but should you ever
have a file with the wrong extension, it can
be extremely tedious trying to get Windows 95
to let you change its file type. Changext
makes this simple.
61979 CHAOS32X.ZIP 2096805 21.11.1996 - 21818/Pegasus_Vol_5_CD1.iso tupla
Time & Chaos (32-bit) is a powerful
PIM for Win95. Features include an
extensible architecture, tight
integration with Exchange and Word,
TAPI compliance, powerful search and
reporting capabilities, multi-user
support, drag and drop support, and more.
8509 CHAT.EXE 46283 12.09.1995 - 23876/PC World Interactive 4.iso -
Windows 95 Chat Utility
22348 CHGFIL.ZIP 83349 08.10.1996 - - -
Change File Type 96 r2.
Vaihda tiedostonpääte hiiren oikealla
19807 CHIMP101.ZIP 842,9 kt 27.03.1998 - 10273/CICA_NT_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_November_1997.iso -
ChimpA good looking 32-bit post-it-style memo pad, complete with toolbar and customizable tabbed topics. Windows 95, 486, 8 Mb.
19808 CHKDATE.ZIP 14882 21.11.1996 - 9335/So Much Modem Madness (Power User Software) (1993).ISO -
CheckDate - runs the Win95 date/time
Control Panel Applet if the current
date/time is earlier than the last
known date/time.
62056 CHRMAP.EXE 28063 12.09.1995 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Windows 95 Character Map Utility
19809 CLCKR12A.ZIP 151417 21.08.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Clicker lets you assign a number of different
functions to the middle and right buttons of
your mouse or trackball; buttons modified by
the control, alt and shift keys on the
keyboard; and "chords" created by pressing
two mouse buttons simultaneously. You can
assign different settings for different
applications. FREE
19810 CLEANIT.ZIP 219,1 kt 27.12.2000 - - -
Clean It v3.01Ohjelma, jolla saa kätevästi poistettua kovalevylle kertyneitä väliaikaistiedostoja joita kerääntyy muun muassa selaimen käytöstä. 30 päivän kokeiluversio Windows 95/98/NT:lle.
19811 CLENSTAR.ZIP 1,1 Mt 08.03.1998 - - -
CLEAN STAR SP@CE S@VER SYS v1.13 For New and Experienced PC Users. A real PC system management tool that removes Temporary and Internet files from your system for you. Puts files into recycle bin for your review. Shareware. 
22352 CLEO.ZIP 301779 08.10.1996 - - -
Cleo Versio 2.00
Tehtäväpalkki Windows 95:n oman tehtäväpalkin
19812 CLG11L.ZIP 433,3 kt 12.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
"LifeGuard v.1.1 Configuration & main system files backup & restore utility for Windows 95. This lite-version doesnt include the VB5-runtime libraries."
19813 CLINR593.ZIP 742,5 kt 28.10.1998 - - -
CaseLiner v5.93Make and print J-cards for cassette cases. For 32-bit Windows.
19815 CLIPB10.ZIP 432 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
"ClipBag V1.0 A Windows Clipboard extension utility.  You can copy as many text items to the Clipboard as you want. You can then retrieve these items at will and paste them anywhere you want. You can put all your frequently used textsuch as URLsemail addressesnamestelephone numbers or whateverinto a ClipBag for use whenever you want it. This is especially handy when filling out forms on the Internetthey all ask for the same information. You can use"
19814 CLIPB101.ZIP 143,7 kt 02.12.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
SCV ClipBar v1.01Clipboard utility. SCV ClipBar is a handy floating toolbar that monitors and augments the Windows95 clip- board. It saves all text and bitmap clips, and lets you put them back on the clipboard hours later, or store them in a permanent "stash", to be reused at any time.
62152 CLIPBK.EXE 62086 12.09.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Windows 95 Clipbook Viewer Utility
19816 CLIPMA51.EXE 1,2 Mt 24.03.2000 - - -
ClipMate v5.1.11Popular Clipboard Extender Holds Hundreds of Clips, remembers clips for days, months, or even YEARS! 
Powerful new Internet Features allow you to save and revisit web pages, launch URLs embedded 
within text. Even view HTML tags as actual HTML. Powerful editing functions, such as re-formatting, 
editing, combining, change case, drag and drop, etc.. Shareware, $20. http://www.clipmate.com
19818 CLIPOMAT.ZIP 585,3 kt 09.10.1998 - - -
Clip-O-Matic v1.2 Clip-O-Matic on pieni apuohjelma, joka "suurentaa" clipboardisi tekstikapasiteetin kymmenkertaiseksi.
19819 CLIPPLS3.ZIP 172 kt 02.12.1997 - - -
ClipPlus v2.0ClipPlus is an easy to use utility that enhances the Windows95 ClipBoard. Whenever you use the standard windows features to Cut/Copy text in a windows program, windows copies the text to the ClipBoard. Only one "Clip" can be stored in the clipboard at a time and all contents are lost whenever you shutdown windows. ClipPlus watches the clipboard and will add all new clips to a list that it maintains where it can be used again in the future.
19820 CLNMR219.EXE 1,5 Mt 28.04.2001 - - -
Clone Master 2.19Onko koneellasi samoja tiedostoja monessa paikassa? Clone Master etsii tuplat ja vapauttaa näin levytilaa. Shareware. http://www.softbytelabs.com/
19821 CLOX2000.EXE 2,5 Mt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
Clox 2000Maailmankello Windows 95:lle
19822 CLPMAG13.ZIP 817,4 kt 25.07.1998 - MBCD -
Clipboard Magic v1.3A freeware clipboard utility for Windows 95/NT 4.0. Remembers the items copied to the clipboard and allows you to manipulate them.
19823 CLRPCK10.ZIP 178,6 kt 26.02.2001 - - -
ColorPicker. Freeware.Color Picker on pieni ohjelma, joka selvittää värin RGB Hex arvon mistä vain ruudulta. Ohjelma aukaisee pienen ikkunan, jossa näkyy hiiren osoittama väri ja heksa arvo. Freeware.
19824 CLSWEEP.ZIP 7,3 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
CleanSweep 95 DemoCleanSweep 95 saves megabytes of disk space by removing unused or unwanted Windows programs, system components, and unused and duplicate files -- quickly, easily, thoroughly, and above all, safely. This Demonstration Edition is a fully- functional version of CleanSweep 95, with one important exception: it will not delete files from your hard drive. 
19825 CM25.ZIP 2,1 Mt 28.01.2001 - - -
Calendar Maker 2.5Ohjelma omien kalenterien tekemiseen. Voit lisätä kalenteriin päivien kohdalle merkintöjä, kuten syntymäpäiviä, juhlapäiviä, jne. jotka näkyvät omilla väreillään. Kalenterin voi tulostaa tai tallentaa HTML-dokumenttina. Ohjelman saa myös toimimaan System Trayssa jolloin kalenterin saa nopeasti esille. Freeware.
51857 CM32_401.ZIP 533255 29.07.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
ClipMate 32-bit v4.01 - Clipboard Utility for
Windows95/NT. ClipMate remembers all items
that you copy to the Windows Clipboard. Lets
you view, edit, combine, and print clipboard
data. Support for most clipboard formats,
including BMP, Picture, RTF, OLE, and More!
New Features: Flexible Collections, twin 16
and 32-bit versions, bitmap printing.
Shareware $25 by THORNSOFT Development 
19826 CM95-107.ZIP 2,6 Mt 19.06.1998 - - -
ClockMan95 Event Scheduler v1.0.072 Automate nearly any application or internet  task with the most comprehensive task  scheduler for Windows95, NT 3.51 & NT 4.0.  Integrated award-winning WIL windows-based  batch language (over 500 functions) allows  users to automate multi-step and complex  tasks. Automation Assistants automatically  write scripts for popular 3rd party programs. http://www.clockman95.com
62179 CM9510.ZIP 1299131 25.12.1996 - - -
ClockMan95 v1.0 is a powerful automation
utility for Win95. It allows you to perform
automatic downloads, backups, virus scans,
and much more at user-specified times. Other
features include reminder facilities and a
date and time bar.
19827 CMD67B.ZIP 628378 23.01.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
WinOne v6.7b - Super Command Shell for
Win95/NT - WinOne is a Command Language
Interpreter for Windows similar in concept to
CMD.EXE except that it has been designed to
enable you get the most out of Windows.
WinOne provides a variety of capabilities
that CMD.EXE does not and attempts to make
Windows easier to use when there is a need to
work at the command line level. Visit my Web
page at http://www.cia.com.au/luke
19828 CMDUTILS.ZIP 65,2 kt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
CmdUtils 1.2A collection of a few free utilities to make life at the Win95/NT4 command line a bit easier and more flexible
19829 CMPEX141.ZIP 1,6 Mt 02.12.1997 - - -
"ComparEx Version 1.4.1ComparEx detects system changes during installation and starts of a program. It optionally logs changes in the registrywin.inisystem.iniconfig.sysautoexec.batthe windows and windows system directoryin aninternetdirectory collection and in an additional user definable directory collectionoptionally with subdirectories."
19830 CMPTKV10.ZIP 2,2 Mt 12.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
"ComputrackerProgram for parents to control and log their childrens computer activities."
19831 CNOPPA11.ZIP 287,1 kt 10.05.2001 - - -
Cyberpunk-Noppa 1.1  Avustaa pelinjohtajaa Cyberpunk-roolipelissä hahmonluonnin ja satunnaisten noppatulosten kanssa. Freeware By LeftOver Production
19832 CNTDWN11.ZIP 371,6 kt 18.05.1997 - MBCD -
CountDown 97 Freeware utility which will give you the age of something in years,  months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Also displays the total number of elapsed  seconds, minutes, hours, and weekends in a  countdown type of format. Up to 25 items can  be added.   Displays items in the future  and the past.   Use it to track time until birthdates,  anniversaries. Designed for Windows 95.
19833 CNVRT410.ZIP 152,9 kt 21.12.1999 - MBHH2001 -
Convert v4.10Ilmainen yksikkömuunnosohjelma
19834 CON97M.ZIP 81,4 kt 02.12.1997 - - -
Con97M A software that let you choose to run Windows 95, Dos prompt or Windows 3.x while you are booting up your system. It has a menu for you to choose to run Windows 95, Dos prompt, Windows 3.x, and/or other applications.
19835 CONV32.ZIP 1,3 Mt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
"Convert It! SE 3.55 Ultimate unit of measure conversion utility for MS Windows. 15 catagories of conversions with a custom you set up. You can edit the conversion factorsaddchange or delete units. Turn off the conversions you dont need. Catagories include TemperatureMassVolumeTimeAreaAngle and more. Customizable. 32-bit version. In use by many Fortune 500FedGov. and individuals."
19836 CP203.ZIP 742 kt 03.05.2000 - - -
Photocopier v2.03Photocopier turns your scanner and printer into a
user-friendly photocopier. You simply put a document
onto your scanner, start Photocopier, and press the
"Copy" button. After a few moments, your printer
produces a copy of the document. In addition, you can
select the number of copies, the type of copy (black
and white, grey scale, or color), the magnification
(100% or 70%), and the level of contrast.
19837 CP213.EXE 675,1 kt 07.01.2001 - - -
Photocopier 2.13Photocopier turns your scanner and printer into a
user-friendly photocopier. You simply put a document 
onto your scanner, start Photocopier, and press the 
"Copy" button. After a few moments, your printer 
produces a copy of the document. In addition, you can select the number of copies, the type of copy (black 
and white, grey scale, or color), the magnification 
(100% or 70%), and the level of contrast. 
19838 CPUCOOL9.ZIP 1,2 Mt 29.02.2000 - 22682/cd joystick no115 mai 2000 cd 2.iso -
CPUCool v5.1.0 (Windows 9x)CPUCool is capable of monitoring temperature, fan speed, 
voltages for many motherboards. It works with all chipsets 
from Intel, ALI, VIA, and AMD, as well as SIS 5595 
motherboards. You can see the temperature, voltage and fan 
values of your motherboard chipset.
19839 CPUCOOLN.ZIP 1,3 Mt 29.02.2000 - - -
CPUCool v5.10 (Windows NT/2000)CPUCool is capable of monitoring temperature, fan speed, voltages for many motherboards. It works with all chipsets 
from Intel, ALI, VIA, and AMD, as well as SIS 5595 
motherboards. You can see the temperature, voltage and fan 
values of your motherboard chipset.
19840 CPUIDL55.ZIP 960,9 kt 28.05.1999 - - -
"CpuIdle v5.5CpuIdle lowers the CPU temperature by disabling it when not needed. This prolongs the CPU life (a dedcrease by 10C doubles the life span) and cuts power consumption. Unlike normal power management CpuIdle is active all the time and works even then youre actively usin your computer. http://www.bugcomputer.com/cpuidle/"
19841 CPULD200.ZIP 403,6 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
CPU Load v2.00 CPU Load is a 32-bit software for Windows 95 and 98 that monitors the CPU Load (or Usage). Display includes a CPU Indicator, a CPU Usage History and a system tray icon as a CPU meter. FREEWARE. Web site at http://www.idyle.com
62349 CQUARD.ZIP 1587937 05.01.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Norton CrashGuard 1.0 (Freeware Edition)
Copyright 1996 Symantec Corporation.
CrashGuard vartioi konetta ja antaa sinun
korjata tilanteen mikäli se tunnistaa jonkin
ohjelman kaatuneen. Vaatii win95.
19842 CRC.EXE 28122 12.01.1996 - - -
CRC Checksum Utility for Office 95
19843 CROCO.ZIP 223,7 kt 11.09.2000 - - -
Little Crocodile v1.01 for Win95/98/NTThis program is a simple and secure password manager for storing your frequently 
used passwords. Password information can be stored and edited with this easy to use 
program. This information includes your passwords, logins, web site URL and application 
addresses. Passwords can be copied to the Clipboard and pasted into other login 
programs. Web sites and application can be run. Freeware.
1) Account keeper (Logins, Passwords,   URLs and Applications) 
2) Random password generator 
3) Professional encryption algorithm
19844 CROWD13.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.12.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
Crowd Control v1.3Exciting new program to take control of your Windows 95 computer. Manage multiple users by setting up user accounts with password protection. Each user has a separate Desktop, Start Menu, & Win 95 folders; restrictions can be placed on users to minimize the risk that other users will delete important files or configurations. 30-day evaluation copy.  Sahalie Software. Web: http://www.sahalie.com 
19845 CRPLT211.ZIP 990,5 kt 08.02.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 2 of 4).iso -
CurvePlots v2.11CurvePlots helps you to look at the plots of mathematical equations.
19846 CRYPT32.ZIP 578,7 kt 09.07.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Ncrypt Provides facilities for file encryption, compression and archiving in Win95/NT. It also includes features for sending and receiving encrypted email.
19847 CSTMIZ46.ZIP 611,5 kt 20.04.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
Customizer 2000 v4.6.2Customizer 2000 allows you to tweak the registry
settings through a safe, graphical interface.The program
lets you explore the many hidden settings in Windows
95 and 98, and make changes. Modifying a setting
simply involves reading a helpful description, and
clicking a checkbox. Customizer 2000 allows you to
change boot-up options, as well as your registered
name and organization, and the location of the
Windows directory. http://customizer.tripod.com/
19848 CT32_123.ZIP 310,4 kt 03.09.1997 - - -
Crypt-o-text 32-bit v1.23
19849 CTLOAD.EXE 22,7 kt 03.02.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Vastaa config.sysin device -komentoa dosissa.
19850 CUTIL210.ZIP 550782 04.12.1996 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
clySmic Win32 Utilities V2.10 
A collection of 32-bit desktop utilities for
Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51, and NT 4.0 beta
Included are a drag 'n' drop Wallpaper
selector, an Exe File Info utility, a System
Info utility, a user-controlled Random
Wallpaper program, and File Manager
19851 CW_220B.ZIP 377,1 kt 07.04.1999 - - -
ClockWise 2.20b Win95/98 event scheduler that runs any program completely unattended!   Schedule up to 100 alarms and programmed events.  Can set the system clock via NTP (Internet) or to the atomic clock at NIST. Alarms/reminders, timers, stopwatch, more. NEW:  On-line timer with monthly summary! Shareware from RJ Software.
19852 CWIZ20A.ZIP 4,2 Mt 03.04.2001 - - -
Calendar Wizard v2.0aCreate your own personalized, printable calendars with your choice of pictures, design elements, fonts, colours and your special days. Build calendars for any year from 1583 onward. Print double-sided pages like commercial wall calendars. Exchange calendars with other Calendar Wizard users. WIN 95/98/ME/2000/NT - Released Jan 17, 2001 Shareware, Alchemy Mindworks Inc. $25.
19853 CYBR0111.ZIP 5,2 Mt 13.10.2000 - - tupla
Cybercorder 2000 v1.1Cybercorder 2000 provides VCR-like recording for radio shows or any audio input. Recordings are stored on disk with optional audio compression to save disk space. Recordings can easily be played back by selecting the recording from a list of completed recordings. The customizable playback window allows you to easily advance the recording forward and reverse various step sizes. $19.95 
19854 CYGNUS.ZIP 324,7 kt 04.08.1997 - 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso -
CygnusCygnus is a fast hex editor for Win95/NT. Features include an MDI interface, multi-level undo/redo, extensive drag and drop support, fast and flexible search, and more.
19855 DATAIM50.ZIP 945,9 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
DataImport(tm) v5.0 File utility that converts between dozens of different commonly-used file formats such as Excel, Access and Lotus.
19856 DC1038.ZIP 406,7 kt 10.06.1998 - - -
DirectControl 1.0.38DirectX, APG, multi-monitor, ModeX and 3Dfx multi-purpose utility. See what your machine has eaten.
19857 DCC32.ZIP 123,5 kt 08.07.1997 - 819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO -
Day count calculator 1.0 This version of Day Count Calculator will only run on 32-bit versions of Windows. It has been tested on Windows 95 and Windows NT at the time of release.
62680 DCOPY32.ZIP 36404 13.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso tupla
(v3.2) Dcopy32.zip - DiskCopy V3.2
DiskCopy is a simple little 32-Bit program
for creating duplicate disks. Unlike Explorer
which needs to read the source disk for each
disk you wish to create, DiskCopy prompts
you for the number of copies you have in
mind, making for a much quicker operation.
Shareware $10.00 U.S. VB40032.DLL required.
Ron Parker (CT Software) ron2222@aol.com.
20340 DD32_1-1.ZIP 37116 23.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DATUM Directory v1.1 build 27
Program: DD.EXE
Programmer: Nader Sahib Eloshaiker
Release   : 26/6/95
This program was  written  for  the
WIN32 sub-system, that is it will only
22111 DELETE.ZIP 15866 18.10.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_2.ISO -
Poistaa tiedoston ja siirtää sen roskakoriin.
22361 DESKL.ZIP 14568 08.10.1996 koko¹ MBHH2000 -
Imp's Desk List Versio 1.03.
Laittaa ikonin tehtäväpalkkiin, jota
klikkaamalla saat listan kaikista työpöydällä
olevista ikoneista.
62824 DF95_20.ZIP 576210 31.03.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip tupla
Drag And File Win 95/NT File Manager. Copy,
move delete from multiple windows. Lists
files from tagged directories or drives.
Shows duplicate files. Powerful file filters.
Synchronize directories. Creates short cuts.
Context menus. Left and right button drag and
drop. Very tight integration with companion
program Drag And Zip.
19860 DICT_FIN.EXE 238,3 kt 08.03.2000 - - -
Dictionary v2.5 suomiIlmainen sanakirja suomen ja englannin kielen välille
19861 DICT_FRE.EXE 494,1 kt 08.03.2000 - - -
Dictionary v2.5 ranskaIlmainen sanakirja ranskan ja englannin kielen välille
19862 DICT_GER.EXE 1,2 Mt 08.03.2000 - - -
 Dictionary v2.5 saksaIlmainen sanakirja saksan ja englannin kielen välille
19859 DICT2000.ZIP 2,7 Mt 28.01.2000 - - -
Dictionary 2000A multilingual electronic dictionary for Windows. Languages include English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish, Russian, Italian and others.
22366 DINFRM.ZIP 1203673 08.10.1996 - - -
Desktop Informant 1.1
Pitämällä hiirtä hetken ikonin päällä, saat
esille "puhekuplan", jossa on nimi, tyyppi
sekä koko.
19863 DKL1174A.ZIP 1,6 Mt 28.01.2000 - - -
Diskeeper Lite for Windows NT v1.1.174a(x86) Defragmenter for Windows NT (NTFS/FAT), req. Service Pack 3.
19864 DLL32-42.ZIP 286,7 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
DLL Master v4.2 Lists modules in MS Windows 95 or Windows NT memory, with src path and filestats. Load, unload, decrement DLL use count. Multiple lists, compare, print, save, restore. Version and header info.
19865 DLLSHOW.ZIP 68,1 kt 30.06.1997 - 23357/Chip_Hitware_Vol_08.iso -
DLL Show Displays current DLLs and dependencies.
19866 DLME9X11.ZIP 712,6 kt 28.01.2001 - - -
DeviceLock Millennium Edition 1.1Helppokäyttöinen työkalu joka mahdollistaa siirrettävien massamuistilaitteiden (diskettiaseman, CD-ROM -asemien, jne) käytön estämisen tietokoneella. Kun ohjelma on asennettu, järjestelmänhaltija voi määrätä käyttöoikeuksia laitteisiin eri käyttäjille, jopa eri kellonaikoihin ja viikonpäiviin. Myös etäkäyttö on mahdollista. Windows 95/98/Me. Shareware. http://www.ntutility.com/dlme/
19867 DLNKFREE.ZIP 19,4 kt 25.12.1997 koko¹ #hyrava -
"Deadlink Finder v1.1Deadlink finder is a handy utility to get rid of the clutter that is left behind in the startmenu after uninstalling programs by hand or removing programs that dont have a uninstall feature that takes care of removing shortcuts."
19868 DLNT4106.ZIP 871,4 kt 28.01.2001 - - -
DeviceLock v4.1.06Järjestelmänhaltija voi ohjelmalla määrätä käyttäjäryhmille oikeuksia laitteisiin (kuten COM- ja LPT -portteihin, levykeasemiin, CD-ROM -asemiin, jne) paikallisella tietokoneella. Myös etäkäyttö mahdollista. Windows NT/2000. Shareware. http://www.ntutility.com/dlme/
19869 DLT120.ZIP 740,5 kt 10.03.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
DLTypes v.1.20 Easily manage your Win95 file types. DLTypes retrieves all registered file types from the Windows 95 registry and presents them in an easily accessed Window for selection either by file extension or file type. After the selection has been made, modifying the default icon and associated actions as well as adding or removing file extensions can be easily done.
19870 DM131.ZIP 59084 03.11.1995 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
DOS MODE for Windows 95 v1.31
DOS MODE enhances support
for multi configs under Windows 95.  Allowing
you  to  create multi-configs  that control
which operating system, DOS or Windows 95,
you want to use for the session,  as well as
allows you run specified command lines for
the Windows  session, or  for  the  DOS
session.   It does  not alter  your registry
files   to  provide  this service.
20346 DOCMAN21.ZIP 116339 25.03.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
DOCMAN21.ZIP: DocMan 2.1 DocMan is a 32-BIT
Windows95 application that extends the
functionality of the "Documents" folder in
the "Start" menu. DocMan allows you to open
documents, load/save document lists, remove
one, some, or all documents, protect
documents from removal, add documents, and
more. The "save options" bug has been fixed.
New & Improved Interface, More Features
22123 DOSLFN10.ZIP 26671 04.05.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
DOSLFNBK v 1.0 - Backs up/restores Win95
long filenames in DOS
19871 DriveIcon 1.2 408,5 kt 22.03.2001 - - -
Drive icons 1.20 (Autorun.inf editor) Customize your hard drive icons! Needs VB40032.DLL to run merry@mbnet.fi http://merrysoft.cjb.net Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Vesa Piittinen
19872 DRPRNT15.ZIP 425,8 kt 05.04.2000 - - -
DirPrint v1.5Ohjelma, jolla saat tuotettua erilaisia hakemistolistauksia tekstimuodossa. Ilmainen.
22125 DRSIZ.ZIP 1385260 21.08.1996 - MBCD -
DIRSIZ32 2.0
Dirsiz32 is a 32-bit Windows 95 application
that displays drive or directory size
information. FREEWARE
19873 DRVICO11.ZIP 397,3 kt 10.09.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Drive icons 1.10 (Autorun.inf editor) by Vesa Piittinen (Merry), Merrysoft Customize your hard drive icons! Needs VB40032.DLL to run merry@mbnet.fi http://merrysoft.cjb.net Copyright (c) 2000 Vesa Piittinen
20350 DTOP10.ZIP 9546 23.01.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Have you ever tried to get back to the
Windows 95 desktop for a moment after
opening more than one DOS windows?  If
so, you know the frustration.  DTOP
version 1.0 offers the convenience of
using ALT-Tab to return to the Windows
95 desktop, no matter how many DOS
windows you have open.
22132 DUW120.ZIP 272627 21.11.1996 - 12773/12000.zip -
DUW - Disk Usage V1.20 for Windows 95/NT.
DUW shows you where your precious hard disk
space is used. Freeware!
19874 DV95.EXE 2 Mt 08.05.1998 - 23346/CHIP_HITWARE6_B.iso -
Drag And View v4.0cView files manipulates and converts graphic files and does Screen Captures. Edit text files. Views most popular database, word processor, spreadsheet, graphic and multimedia formats, plus also ASCII and HEX. Copy to clipboard, print, search and goto functions. Rotate graphics and save in other bitmap formats. Plays AVI, MRI, MID and WAV files.
63271 DV95122C.ZIP 664692 01.04.1996 - MBCD tupla
Drag And View For Win 95/NT v.1.22c .View
files in Win 95 with right button. Edit
text files. Views most popular database,
word processor, spreadsheet, graphic and
multi media formats, plus also ASCII and
HEX. Copy to clipboard, print, search and
goto functions. Rotate graphics and save
in other bitmap formats. Plays AVI, MRI,
MID and WAV files. ASP Shareware.
19875 DVDPR097.ZIP 2,6 Mt 18.02.2000 - - -
DVD ProfilerDVD Profiler is simply the best way to catalog your DVD addiction! 

19876 DWEBC10.EXE 11,3 Mt 17.04.2001 - - -
Digicam WebcastDiqicam Webcast on internetkameraohjelmisto, jolla voi lähettää liikkuvaa kuvaa internetiin helposti ja nopeasti. Ohjelma toimii web- ja videoserverinä, johon katsojat (maks. 10 yhtäaikaista) ottavat yhteyden omalla webbiselaimellaan. Web-lähetyksen katsomiseen riittää toisessa päässä tavallinen Javaa tukeva internet-selain. Ohjelma tukee kaikkia tavallisimpia webkameroita ja kuvankaappauskortteja, joilla on Video for Windows-ajurit. Asennuspaketissa kaikki tarvittavat tiedostot.
19877 DXL95_11.ZIP 1,9 Mt 22.07.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
DesignExpress Labels v1.1The ultimate  label program and utility desktop publisher.  Professional designs, full Avery support, and more! Label sets, fonts, rotated text,  pictures, graphic tools, OLE/2, WYSIWYG  editing. Powerful and easy. Includes built-in Address Book. Optimized for laser and inkjet  printers. From the award winning team at  MicroVision Development. Member SPA, ASP, and STAR.
19878 Easy Cardfile Professional v.2.0 2,3 Mt 22.03.2001 - - -
Easy Cardfile Professional v.2.0 (Shareware) (c) VPKSoft 2001  Easy Cardfile Professional on erittäin tehokas ja monipuolinen kortisto-ohjelma. Laitteistovaatimus: Windows 98+/Windows 2000. 4 MB muistia.
19879 EBAK250.ZIP 1,2 Mt 20.01.2000 - 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 3).iso -
JVDE EBackup Standard 2.50 Allows you to encrypt and decrypt files, send encrypted e-mails and wipe files from your hard drive. Three strong encryption algorithms. Freeware
19880 EBOT.EXE 1,8 Mt 19.01.2000 - - tupla
"eBot 3.0.3 Electronic robot that sits on a subscribers computer desktopdelivers the latest software releasespatches and bug fixes relevant to the users computer system. eBot 
searches its database for updates and sends the subscriber only the free updates or software offers applicable to his or her system. "
19881 ECD76W95.ZIP 241,6 kt 29.06.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO tupla
ESS-Code v7.632-BIT Windows95/NT Version ESS-Code converts binary data (pictures, sound, applications) to 
plain-text for transmission on networks that cannot handle binary data.  Supports UUE, UUD, MIME, 
UNMIME, SHIP, UNSHIP, BTOA, ATOB, file splitting/joining, filtering, and a comprehensive batch 
language.  100% 32-BIT, FULLY MULTITHREADED, Drag & Drop, There is an optional *WIZARD* 
19882 ECLEA1_5.EXE 1,2 Mt 02.12.1999 - MBCD -
EasyCleaner version 1.5EasyCleaner is a small program which 
searches registry entries pointing nowhere,
duplicate files, unnecessary files etc..
19883 ECLEA1_7.EXE 1,4 Mt 19.06.2000 - MBHH2002 -
EasyCleaner 1.7fEtsii ja poistaa vialliset rekisteritietueet, duplikaattitiedostot, turhat tiedostot ja vialliset 
Käynnistä-valikon kuvakkeet. Näyttää myös kiinnostavaa tietoa levysi käytöstä.
Windows 95/98/2000/NT4
Väh. 486 66MhZ 8Mt RAM
19884 ECM.ZIP 171 kt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
"ExtendedCharacterMap v1.20aSoftware to view typeface characters. Like the standard Windows Character Mapbut displays LARGER sample characters which can be resized. And its absolutely FREE!!"
19885 EGGTIMER.EXE 34 kt 29.09.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
Egg Timer 1.00 for Windows 95/98/NTA simple that counts down from up to 100 hours, showing hours, minutes and seconds. 
Small, and easy to use. Shareware.
19886 EH131.ZIP 272,6 kt 11.11.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Easy Reminder v1.31
19887 EIW302.ZIP 318205 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Encrypt-It v3.02 for Windows 95!
High performance - 32 bit - file
encryption program featuring
three way proprietary and Data
Encryption Standard (registered
version) encryption methods. Up to
2 billion files can be encrypted,
decrypted, or securely wiped at a
time in a batch mode.  Provides
protected key entry, auto key
19888 EMFD9706.ZIP 124,8 kt 02.09.1997 - - -
"Encrypted Magic Folders v97.06Automated & transparent encryption! Select folders whose files you want encrypted and EMF not only makes those folders and files completely invisible to others but decrypts and encrypts the files automatically and transparently as you use them.  You wont even know youre using encrypted files as EMF does all the work behind the scenes.  RSE Shareware $59. Win95"
19889 EMPTEMP.EXE 268,8 kt 01.03.2001 - - -
Empty Temp Folders 2.23Tyhjentää väliaikaishakemistoihin kertyneet turhat tiedostot pois tilaa viemästä. Ilmainen.
19890 ENFRC30.ZIP 369,7 kt 22.07.1997 - MBCD -
Windows Enforcer v3.0WE is a system security package for Win95/NT that allows you to specify that certain tasks either never run or always run. It is easy to configure and requires little to no modifications to your current system configuration.
19891 ENQEC10.ZIP 138 kt 29.03.1999 - MBCD -
Quick Euro Converter v1.0
19892 ENVARS.EXE 28052 12.09.1995 - - -
Tools for utilizing MS-DOS environment
variables in Windows 95
19893 EPWNTP2.EXE 983,8 kt 27.11.1997 - 23117/chip-cd_1997_03.zip -
SuperPrint v4.0 SuperPrint is a set of advanced printing tools for Windows 95 and NT designed to provide you faster, better and smoother printing.
19894 ERS32-44.ZIP 172,6 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
ERS32Pro v4.4 Emergency Recovery System 32 bit. Windows 95 only.  Win95 system files are backed-up and you are able to restore them (including the Windows Registry). ERS32 has proven to be an excellent and reliable backup and restore program.
19895 ERUZIP.EXE 65593 12.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Windows 95 Emergency Recovery Utility
19896 ESAVER.ZIP 188,8 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
EnergySaver 2.11. Provides power management to Energy Star compliant monitors under Windows NT. 
19897 ESBCALC.ZIP 539,2 kt 27.03.2001 - 23400/Chip_2001-06_cd1.bin -
"ESBCalc 2.01ESBCalc is a small keypad-style scientific calculator thats written in Delphi 5 and includes full source code. Its attractiveeasy to useand -- best of all -- free. In addition to the basicsit includes full memory functions and result history support. TangentSineCosineLogPercentExponentand Root buttons are also
available. Other features include custom color choicesClipboard supportand system-tray support. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me by ESB Consultancy. http://www.esbconsult.com.au/esbcalc.html"
19898 EURLAS12.ZIP 13,4 kt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
Eurolaskin v1.2 Kotimaista tuotantoa. Vaatii VB5:n 32-bittiset runtime-kirjastot.
19900 EURO1.ZIP 1,4 Mt 01.02.1999 - - -
Euro v1.0UPEAN graaffisen ja käyttäjä- ystävällisen käyttöliittymänsä ansiosta PARAS saatavilla oleva ILMAINEN, Euro-konversio- ohjelma, jolla käännät helposti ja vaivattomasti Markat Euroiksi ja päinvastoin. Vaatii WIN 95/98/NT. 
19899 EURO12.EXE 160 kt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
Eurolator 1.2Laskin kaikille EMU-valuutoille
19901 EUROMAST.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.02.1999 - - -
Euro Master v 1.00 Beta Euro Masterilla voit muuttaa markat ja dollarit euroiksi! Palautetta : lasse_laaksonen@hotmail.com Lisätietoja: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Bunker /1778/
19902 EUROT01.ZIP 130,7 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
EurolaskuriJälleen yksi Eurolaskuri. Käyttää läpinäkyvää lomaketta. Win95/98/NT Paketissa kaikki tarvittavat. ( 1 tiedosto purettuna 316 kb ) Lue.mut Asennuksesta. Freeware!
19903 EXCELV80.ZIP 3,7 Mt 08.11.1999 - MBHH2001 -
Excel Viewer 97 8.0 is designed to make it easy for you to exchange Microsoft Excel documents with other people and view them on-line. The Excel Viewer allows you to open, view, Auto-Filter, and print Excel for Windows (versions 2.0 or greater) and Excel for the Macintosh (versions 2.2a or greater) files.
19904 EXEDEPE.ZIP 146,5 kt 24.09.1997 - - -
EXEdependThis handy little utility scans any .EXE file and produces a list of the .DLL files it is dependant on. Very useful. 486 8 MB Win95
19905 FA0600AD.EXE 32,5 Mt 22.02.2001 - - -
First Aid 2000As soon as your computer starts up, First Aid begins monitoring for Windows problems. It will examine the entire PC, including your Internet setup (modem, browser, ISP), and fix the parts that are broken. It can even send email to hardware or software manufacturers for help on the most complex problems. 
19906 FASTPAD.ZIP 571,2 kt 06.09.2000 - - -
FastPadon nopea ja helppokäyttöinen tekstieditori useilla toiminnoilla. Tarvitsee: win95/98/2000, vb6 runtime-kirjastot.
19907 FASTRE95.ZIP 425,2 kt 30.06.1997 - - -
Fast Return Recover from serious Win95 crashes.
19908 FASTVIVB.ZIP 2,9 Mt 29.03.2000 - - -
FASTview v2.01FASTview näyttää monia erilaisia tiedostoformaatteja, nopeasti
ja helppokäyttöisesti. Tukee mm. teksti-, html-, kuva-, ääni-
ja videotiedostoja.
22139 FATWST.ZIP 10535 06.09.1996 - - -
Fatwaste v1.0 is a program to determine the
amount of space wasted by FAT on your drive's
filesystem. Fatwaste is a Win32 console
program, which should run under both Windows
95 and NT. It has been tested under Windows
95. It may or may not run under Win32s-
you're welcome to try it, but use under
Win32s is unsupported.
19909 FCALC1-0.ZIP 1,7 Mt 17.04.2001 - - -
Fast Calculator v1.0Laskukone, johon lausekkeet voi kirjoittaa suoraan näppäimistöltä. Ohjelma halitsee myös muuttujat ja
funktiot. Mukana on sekä ohjelma DOSsille ja Windowssille (95/98/Me). Ohjelma on Freewarea.
19910 FCP3.EXE 1,3 Mt 29.08.2000 - MBHH2002 -
The Font Creator Program v3.0 beta 1Monipuolinen ohjelma truetype-fonttien tekoon. Kirjainten pohjana voi käyttää BMP-kuvia tai ne voi luoda alusta asti tällä ohjelmalla. Mukana asennusvelho, jolla fontin saa asennettua muiden Windows-fonttien sekaan. Sharewarea 30 päivän kokeiluajalla.
64075 FEARNOT.ZIP 14827 18.10.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09962.iso tupla
FearNot Windoze 95 System Lock
Kysyy ajettaessa salasanan, jonka jälkeen
lukitsee koneesi. Oikealla salasanalla taas
"avataan" koneesi.
Vaatii VBRUN400.DLL-tiedoston.
19911 FFSETUP.ZIP 110 kt 11.03.2000 versio ? 17121/TEKNO GAMES 3-1999 CD1.iso -
FastFolders v2.42FastFolders is a system extension which increases your
productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents and files. Without opening each and every folder, you can browse the directory structure starting at any point by clicking the right mouse button on a file, folder or drive. The program modifies the context menus of shell objects, adding a menu item which displays the directory structure on demand. If you drag 
and drop an object on a folder or drive using the right mouse button, you can copy or move the object(s) to any folder of your computer by selecting it from the FastFolders menu.
19912 FICONFIX.ZIP 2,1 kt 12.08.2000 - - -
IconfixPikakuvakkeiden rekisteripäivitys suomenkielisiin Windowseihin Lue tietoa.txt purettuasi paketin Päivityksen on tehnyt Vesa Piittinen (Merry), Merrysoft E-mail: merry@mbnet.fi Kotisivu: http://merrysoft.cjb.net
19913 FKEY.ZIP 73941 19.09.1996 - - -
Fastkey is utility program for Microsoft
Windows 95 and NT that allows you to control
and extend the function of any key on your
keyboard. It provides the ability to assign a
command, text string, key script, and sound
to any key. SHAREWARE $20
19914 FLOCKW95.ZIP 249,4 kt 02.03.1997 - MBCD -
Future LockFuture Lock a very good program for restricting and locking Windows 95. The program will let you setup diferent restrictions for difrent user.
19915 FLUT156N.ZIP 751580 04.05.1996 - MBCD -
Flute v1.56 -- scripting language for
Windows 3.1x and Windows 95 (automatically
adapts to suit the operating system).
Flute supports control of programs using:
- Mouse, keyboard, menu and other user
interface manipulations
- DDE Communications
- Windows Acts (functions performed by
windows themselves)
Revision: March 13 1996
22145 FMS311NT.ZIP 166889 23.02.1996 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
File Manager StepUp  v.3.31 for Win NT -
featured in Windows Magazine, Windows User,
Windows World, etc., FM StepUp makes your
File Manager work better: provides history
lists & 3D effects for dialog boxes,
customizable Execute Menu and Quick Menu a'la
Windows 95, useful utilities; means to easily
create, view, and edit arbitrary files, and
*much* more. Works with the New Shell!
19916 FNTLS332.EXE 877,3 kt 10.01.1999 - - -
"FontLister v3.3.2 FontLister is a fast Font Manager for Windows 95/98/NT4. With this program youll never have troubles finding a font for a special task. Now youll be able to browse all your fonts CD without first installing them. If Fontlister is able to print complete samples of all fonts - the dont even have to be installed."
19917 FONTCH21.ZIP 176,6 kt 17.04.1997 - 10610/Infomagic - NT Source Volume 1 (Disc 2 of 2).iso -
FontChart v2.132Bit-Version for WinNT/95 Zoomable charmap which displays installed and *not-installed* Fonts. Makes it easy to install or remove Fonts. Drag & Drop...
19918 FONTF32.ZIP 483 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
FontFinder 32A well-designed font utility that provides a quick and easy way to view all the fonts on your system. Win95
19919 FONTFIND.EXE 727 kt 28.07.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
FontFinder 32 v5.73FontFinder allows you to quickly browse all of your installed system fonts 
simultaneously by displaying each in its own font face. It has a Font Explorer 
tool that browses all fonts, installed and uninstalled, anywhere on your hard 
drive or CD-ROM. It can display hidden TrueType font file information, font 
preview, and character sets with their decimal, hexidecimal, and ASCII equivalents. 
It also has reports you can print. Version 5.5 has new and improved Font Reports, 
including user formatted page layout. It also allows you to preview and print 
sample sheets of both installed and uninstalled fonts, and more. This download 
is a 30-day trial. The registered version costs $25. 
19920 FONTIHME.ZIP 4 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Fontti-IhmeFontti-ihme on pieni ja kätevä fontinesitysohjelma kaikenikäisille. Vaatii: 32-bittinen Windows ja VB4-kirjastot. Tehnyt: Kerrostalo Productions.
19921 FONTO.ZIP 733,7 kt 29.07.1997 - MBCD -
Font-O-Matic A font utility for Windows 95
19922 FONTSHOW.ZIP 17,9 kt 22.10.1997 - - -
FONTSHOW Font Display/Print v1.0Small and Simple Font Display
19923 FORTNA10.ZIP 385101 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
Fortuna v1.0, a simple fortune cookie
display program for Windows 95.
19924 FP2000.EXE 1,6 Mt 17.04.2001 build 35 MBHH2001 -
FinePrint 2000 build 46 for Windows 95/98Save time, money and trees! FinePrint saves paper and printing time since pages can be printed 2, 4 or 8 on a single sheet. FinePrint keeps statistics on how much paper you save. http://www.fineprint.com 
19925 FP2000NT.EXE 1,7 Mt 17.04.2001 build 35 MBHH2001 -
FinePrint 2000 build 46 for Win 2000 & NTSave time, money and trees! FinePrint saves paper and printing time since pages can be printed 2, 4 or 8 on a single sheet. FinePrint keeps statistics on how much paper you save. http://www.fineprint.com
19926 FP2K35.EXE 1,6 Mt 12.12.2000 - - -
FinePrint 2000 build 35 for Windows 95/98Save time, money and trees! FinePrint saves paper and
printing time since pages can be printed 2, 4 or 8 on a
single sheet. FinePrint keeps statistics on how much
paper you save. http://www.fineprint.com
19927 FP2K35NT.EXE 1,7 Mt 12.12.2000 - - -
FinePrint 2000 build 35 for Win 2000 & NTSave time, money and trees! FinePrint saves paper and
printing time since pages can be printed 2, 4 or 8 on a
single sheet. FinePrint keeps statistics on how much
paper you save. http://www.fineprint.com
19928 FREEMEM.ZIP 155,8 kt 31.03.1998 - MBCD -
Free Memory Tool Enables you to gain control over your physical memory. Allocate and free any specified amount of memory, making Windows 95/NT swap out unused programs and DLLs. The effect is that you get more free physical RAM which makes working a lot smoother.
64309 FRITER10.ZIP 1687182 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
//vaNaSoft FakeWriter 1.0
FakeWriter on ohjelma juuri Sinulle, joka
haluat hyödyntää tietokonetta jopa
käsinkirjoittaessasi. Jos juuri Sinun
äidinkielen opettajasi ei hyväksy koneella
kirjoitettua ainetta, niin miksi et siis
kirjoittaisi sitä käsin?
//vaNaSoft FakeWriter kirjoittaa juuri Sinun
tekstauskäsialaasi aivan kuin juuri Sinä
olisit pitänyt kynää kädessäsi.
Vaatii reilusti muistia ja hyvälaatuisen
tulostimen, sekä tietysti Win95:n.
19929 FRITER3.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.03.1998 - MBCD -
//vaNaSoft fakeWriter 3.0 Ohjelma oman käsialan tulostamiseen tietokoneella.
19930 FRWHL20.ZIP 181,7 kt 08.12.1997 - - -
FreeWheel v2.0 Provides mouse wheel support for applications which do not directly support IntelliMouse. Also provides window switching facilities. Run Setup.exe to install. Freeware. Freely distributable. Web page: http://www.thomson.com/yitm/FreeWheel
22391 FULLDRAG.ZIP 6172 13.10.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Full Window Drag 1.00
Tällä ohjelmalla voit siirtää ikkunaa
sisältöineen ilman Plus! pakettia.
19931 GATE42.EXE 1,3 Mt 09.05.2001 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Avirt Gateway v4.2Modeemiyhteyden jako-ohjelma. Ohjelma asennetaan sekä server-koneelle ja client-koneille.
19932 GEAR_42.EXE 2,6 Mt 06.09.1998 - - -
Gear v4.2 demoA professional CD writing program
19933 GERICO20.ZIP 182,4 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
Gerico v2.0Gericon avulla voi määrätä työpöydän kuvakkeiden paikan erikseen jokaiselle käyttäjälle. Voit tallettaa kuvakkeiden sijainnit ja palauttaa ne. Jos resoluutio vaihtuu Gerico laskee automaattisesti uudet kuvakkeiden sijainnit. Käyttäjälistaa voi helposti muokata lisäämällä ja poistamalla käyttäjiä. Voit myös piilottaa kuvakkeita muilta käyttäjiltä. Shareware.
64594 GRDUW.ZIP 244142 05.01.1997 - - tupla
GRDUW Disk Utility for Windows 95 V1.92. Full
Functional Shareware 32-bit (NOT Win/NT).
Support for 1.72MB and MS-DMF (1.68MB)
diskettes. Duplicate and Compare diskettes.
Save and Load Diskette binary images. Boot
sector check and recreate. Optimized disk
Format and Verify. Detailed disk information
display. Hard Disk/Diskette Repair
capability. Fully integrated with the
19934 GREP3211.ZIP 24054 25.08.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
32-bit GREP for Windows NT and Windows 95
Version 1.1.0
19935 GREPRG10.ZIP 14555 18.12.1995 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
* Opalis Grep_Reg v1.0 for Windows NT and
Windows 95 * Freeware utility to search for a
string on the registry
20364 GRUP32.ZIP 234146 21.11.1996 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso -
Grouper v2.0, 32-bit file launcher.
The quick, easy way to organize
and launch files and programs.
Group files together and launch all,
organize all files of a project to
find and launch quickly. Win95
19936 GS403INI.ZIP 677,1 kt 23.02.1997 - MBCD -
Ghostscript 4.03 - common filesRequired common files for all platforms.
19937 GS403W32.ZIP 471 kt 23.02.1997 - MBCD -
Ghostscript 4.03 for Win32
19938 HA98-20.ZIP 148,9 kt 24.08.1998 - - -
Herra Ajastin 98 v2.0  Uusittu Herra Ajastin 98 joka toimii munakellon tai herätyskellon tavoin. Hälyttää joko äänellä tai videolla ihan miten haluat. Myös Komentoriviltä muutettavissa olevat toiminnot yksilöllisiin hälytyksiin - Win98/95/NT- koneille. Voidaan telakoida näytön yläreunaan kuten Tehtäväpalkki tai tehtäväpalkin tarjottimeen. Ym.. (kuten Office97-look ja animoitu piilotus). FREEWARE. Aikaisempien versioiden Bugit korjattu.  Tekijänä Tommi
19939 HACK402.ZIP 3,5 Mt 07.02.2000 - 744/Guide_to_Cracking_2002.iso -
Hackman 4.02Multi module hex editing platform. Full installation. Enlish version. This release includes kernel, 
core components, books online  and DLLs. To obtain the SDK visit 
http://members.tripod.com/techmasters. To obtain plugins & language 
packs visit http://members.xoom.com/TechAdmin/.
19940 HACK404U.ZIP 1 Mt 28.04.2000 - 744/Guide_to_Cracking_2002.iso -
Hackman Kernel Update 4.04Hackman is a hex editor and disassembler that includes a coder, a decoder, 
a disassembler, watches, and five monitors. Hackman 4.03 added 128-bit 
cryptography modules and some cosmetic bug fixes. Version 4.04 fixes 
several bugs, adds new cryptography modules, and features a rewritten fill dialog. 
19941 HACK504.ZIP 3,3 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
"Hackman 5.04 LiteMulti module hex editing platform.  
Interface: Multilingual. This release includes 
kernelcore componentsbooks onlineSDK and 
plugins. You need Visual Basic 6.0 SP5 runtimes 
to run this program. Visit Hackmans Web Site http://www.technologismiki.com/hackman/ the 
latest info about Hackman. ® 1996-2001 
22396 HDEWND.ZIP 21181 03.09.1996 - - -
Hidewindow 1.31 is a simple program that is
able to hide and "unhide" an application's
window. If the window is visible, the program
will hide it, otherwise, it will make it
visible again. FREE
19942 HDLED.ZIP 545599 03.09.1996 - MBCD -
Hard Disk LED v1.0
The main purpose of this program is to
simulate a hard disk light that flashes every
time there's a disk activity. The hard disk
led appears on the Windows 95 task bar and
flashes every time the system accesses
physical, direct access devices (i.e. your
hard drives). SHAREWARE $5
64734 HDSLEEP.ZIP 57606 21.11.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Hard Disk Sleeper for Windows 95 V 1.30
With HDSleep you can control the Power
Management of your IDE- and EIDE harddisk
drives even if your Computer-BIOS does not
support Power Management.
You are able to define suspend times for one
or all drives and you can activate/deactivate
the PM just with a mouse click.
HDSleep works with IDE- and EIDE-compatible
19943 HDSLP150.ZIP 68,1 kt 09.03.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Hard Disk Sleeper v1.50With HDSleep you can control the Power Management of your IDE- and EIDE harddisk drives even if your Computer-BIOS does not support Power Management. You are able to define suspend times for one or all drives and you can activate/deactivate the PM just with a mouse click. HDSleep works with IDE- and EIDE-compatible hard drives.
19944 HE32.ZIP 145,3 kt 27.03.1997 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip tupla
HEdit32 v1.2 Hexadecimal editor for binary files. Unlimited file size, drag-and-drop, binary and text search, selectable fonts, clipboard support, multiple document interface. File Manager extension for file viewing/editing and a simple text editor included. Requires Windows NT (Intel).
19945 HEXA.ZIP 36,7 kt 30.11.1997 - - -
Hexa v1.0Heksaeditori win95:lle.
19946 HF11.ZIP 494 kt 28.04.2001 - - -
Hide Folders 1.1Hide Folders and Hide Folders Pro are security tools which allow to hide folders out from users and applications. You need only to select folder(s) you wish to hide from unwanted eyes and ask software to hide these folders. Hide Folders and Hide Folders Pro work in the stealth mode. Hide Folders Pro allows to set a password for using this software. Free for Windows 95/98/Me. http://www.fspro.net/hf/index.html
22397 HIDEIT11.ZIP 74359 01.04.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
HIDE-IT! v1.1 for Windows 95 Small applet
that allows you to hide windows, taking them
out off the screen, off the taskbar and off
the ALT-TAB chain. This way you can hide
those windows that you want to keep open, but
you don't need to monitor very often, e.g.
(WFTPD, MS-Exchange, etc.).
21988 HLPMKR95.ZIP 1563679 21.11.1996 - 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso -
Help Maker Plus 95 - allows you to
create professional-looking Win95 Help
files using Word 7.0. You can easily
create regular topics, popup topics,
simple jump destinations, hypertext
jumps, fixed regions, and more with the
ease of point-and-click. A Help compiler
is included.
64898 HSNAP265.ZIP 355279 04.12.1996 - - -
HyperSnap 2.65
brings professional quality, convenient
Windows 95 and NT screen captures to your
19947 HVIEW100.ZIP 390,4 kt 06.10.1999 - MBCD -
HView 2000 v1.0.0 Freeware Hex Editor. Copyright (c) 1999 Bartolome Oliver. All Rights Reserved. This program does not load the full file in memory. This will let you edit 2GB files using few memory.
64937 HW32V210.ZIP 384960 01.04.1996 - MBCD -
Hex Workshop, the Professional Hex Editor, is
a file and disk editor which allows you to
edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste
hex.  Additional features include goto, find,
replace, and compare.  New with this version
is the ability to launch Hex Workshop
from the Windows 95 Desktop/Explorer, and
File Manager.  You also get a Base Converter
(for converting hex, decimal, and binary),
and a Hex Calculator (+,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>,~).
19948 HW32V22.ZIP 890,7 kt 11.06.1997 koko? MBCD eritupla¹
Hex Workshop v2.2Hex Workshop, the Professional Hex Editor, is a file and disk editor which allows you to edit, insert, delete, cut, copy and paste hex.  Additional features include goto, find, replace, file compare, and checksum calculation.  You also get a Base Converter, for converting hex, decimal, and binary, and a Hex Calculator (supporting +,-,*,/,|,&,^,<<,>>,~).
19949 HYCAM150.ZIP 339,1 kt 18.10.1999 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 2).iso -
HyperCam 1.50.00 HyperCam captures action from Win95 98 or NT screen in any graphics mode, including cursor movements and sound, and saves it to standard AVI movie files.  Can be controlled from other applications as Automation client. Perfect for demonstrations presentations and tutorials. http://www.hyperionics.com
19950 HYPCAM15.ZIP 328,8 kt 21.03.2000 - - -
HyperCam v1.51HyperCam captures action from Win95 
98 or NT screen in any graphics mode, 
including cursor movements and sound, and 
saves it to standard AVI movie files.  Can be 
controlled from other applications as 
Automation client. Perfect for demonstrations
presentations and tutorials.  
19955 I_M251C.ZIP 371404 22.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
INTEGRITY MASTER(tm) V2.51c Virus scanner and
data Integrity!  Works well under OS/2,
Win95, Win/NT. Easy to use but protects
against much more than just viruses! Hardware
glitches, software bugs, even deliberate
sabotage are detected.  If a virus strikes,
IM identifies it by name and (unlike other
programs) also indentifies any viral damage.
It will even detect new and unknown viruses
and now provides full CMOS protection!
19951 ICLK9540.ZIP 239,6 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
Icon Clock v4.0A digital alarm clock which is high on visibility, and low on desktop space used.
22402 ICONCORL.ZIP 609666 19.08.1996 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
Icon Corral: Hide pesky minimized windows
Windows 95 Taskbar tray utility
22403 ICONSCT.ZIP 672984 04.12.1996 - 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
IconScout - is a powerful icon browser
for Win95. Features include the ability
to change icon metrics and title fonts,
assign individual icons to shortcuts of
the shell, multi-language support, and
much more.
19952 ICQBACK.ZIP 322,3 kt 29.05.2000 - - -
JVDE ICQ Backup 2.20 - ICQ Backup UtilityHave you ever experienced that all of your ICQ data is gone after you formatted 
your drive or a fatal crash destroyed all your files ? JVDE ICQ Backup is the 
program to prevent that your ICQ data will be destroyed. Only a few clicks are 
required to save your ICQ data ! JVDE ICQ Backup supports ICQ 98 and ICQ 99(a/b). 
Freeware. Created by: Jeroen van de Erve. E-mail: jvderve@hotmail.com 
UIN: 8013646 PGP Public Key-ID: 0x4779AC45 http://www.jvde.demon.nl/JVDE_Software
19953 ICQRESQ.ZIP 96,9 kt 29.05.2000 - - -
BoySoft ICQ Rescue v3.5 (32-bit version)BoySoft ICQ Rescue is a simple utility for backing up your ICQ contacts list and bookmarks.
The files can be backed up to any drive and they can be restored quickly at any time if you ever
need to re-install ICQ. This new release offers additional backup options and supports ICQ98 and ICQ99.
65007 IDA.ZIP 144366 27.10.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso tupla
Instant Drive Access v1.06b
Avaa asemia suoraan tehtäväpalkista ikonia
napauttamalla. Näyttää vapaan levytilan ja
voit lisätä valikkoon myös omia ohjelmia.
19954 IDA144.ZIP 299,5 kt 30.10.1997 - MBCD -
Instant Drive Access v1.44: Puts an icon in the Windows 95/NT 4.0 traybar, from which you can access your disk drives without having to open My Computer or Explorer.
20372 IFA302.ZIP 370474 08.10.1995 - - -
INSTANT FILE ACCESS (tm) Version 3.02.8
enhances the Open-File dialogs of Windows
applications by adding file/directory recall,
file manager functions, a toolbar, floating
windows of frequently, accessed files global
file/text search and replace. Also allows
replacing of old style open dialogs with
standard Common File Open Dialog. Now works
with Windows 95
19956 IMESHV2.EXE 1,6 Mt 31.10.2000 - 14496/Internet News 2001-01 - CD-ROM.rar -
iMesh 2.00 beta 119iMesh is a search tool that lets you locate and download audio, image, and video files from the Web. The files you search for are located on the computers of other iMesh users. They have agreed to share their files with other people in the iMesh community. Searches can be conducted either from within the iMesh application, or through the iMesh Web site. iMesh searches only the files located on the computers of other members of the iMesh community. Freeware.
19957 IMGVIE12.ZIP 186,5 kt 19.04.2001 - - -
Image Viewer v1.2Voit katsella kuvia tai etsiä niitä tietystä kansiosta.
22404 IMPVWM22.ZIP 31631 07.11.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
impvwm - The Imp Virtual Window Manager v2.02
This program is a 32-bit virtual window
manager for Windows 95 and Windows NT (with
the New Shell). It has currently only been
tested on Windows 95.
65112 INCTRL3.ZIP 244656 02.10.1996 - 23441/Chip-Shareware-Win95.bin -
InCtrl 3 (VERSION 3.01)Copyright (c)1996 Ziff
Davis Publishing Company InCtrl 3 lets you
track system changes made by Windows 95 and
Windows NT installation programs. Like InCtrl
2 for Windows 3.1, it tracks file additions
and deletions as well as changes made to .INI
files. In addition, it handles long filenames
and tracks changes to the Registry. InCtrl3
is a 32-bit program and requires Windows 95
or Windows NT.
19958 INCTRL4.ZIP 803,8 kt 04.04.2000 - 23378/Chip_1999-08_cd.bin -
InCtrl4 1.1Kertoo, mitä ohjelmien asennuksen aikana tapahtuu: mitä tiedostoja luodaan ja mitä lisäyksiä rekisteriin tehdään.
19959 INFOSYS.ZIP 590,7 kt 25.12.1997 - 4900/anatomia_pc.iso -
InfoSys v1.0 InfoSys is a shareware that displays system information on Windows 95, NT, and Win32s platform.
19960 INSTCLOK.EXE 194137 27.10.1996 koko¹ Metropoli BBS Files.zip -
DigiDay Clock v1.5
"Leijuva" digitaalinen kello. Näyttää
halutessa myös päivämäärän ja vapaan RAM:in.
Tasatunti hälytys.
19961 INWTCH95.ZIP 347501 10.02.1996 - MBCD -
InWatch95 V1.0 -  MUST HAVE for those who try
out numerous applications.  Track changes to
Windows95 directories, win.ini, system.ini,
msdos.sys and Registry (system.dat &
user.dat) from session to session and during
new application installation.  Mechanizes
safe unistallation with relationship checks
and cautions. Extremely useful for
troubleshootings problems resulting from
DLL,VBX, etc replacement. (Shareware $14.95)
19962 IRA210.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.12.1999 - #hyrava -
IRAssistant v2.10Software for controlling your PC remotely. With IRAssistant you can control almost all Windows applications. No separate remote control applications or plug-ins are needed to control DVD, MP3 or CD-player, IRAssistant can control them all
19963 ITIMER.EXE 3,2 Mt 20.01.2000 - - tupla
Internet Timer 2.0.062Monitors call lengths, costs, total costs, statistics, user access, ISP usage, and much more. iT also provides control over applications for Internet connection and disconnection, user customisable alarms / timers, call limiters, unique call periods, parental restrictions. iT detects any Dial-up Networking, LAN or RAS Connection and iT also provides summaries, secure log files, graphical statistics, system tray access, full online help files and unlimited users / connections (with optional passwords).
19964 JOYCC.ZIP 289,8 kt 25.12.1997 koko¹ #hyrava -
The Joystick Control Centre JCC is software that allows you to program the buttons on any joystick in Windows 95. It lets you assign keystrokes to the buttons on your joystick and use these keystroke macros later in your favourite games.
19965 JRE130.EXE 4,9 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.3.0.Päivittää koneen ja selaimen Java-ominaisuudet versioon 1.3.
19966 JWLINR25.ZIP 698,5 kt 13.08.1999 - - -
JewlLinr v2.5A 32-bit Windows 9x application which prints and saves liners for CD Jewel boxes.
19967 KAZST75C.EXE 1 Mt 23.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
KazStamp v7.5cTulostaa siistit tekstit kirjekuoriin.
19968 KEYCLK11.ZIP 12,5 kt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
KeyClick v1.1 Piippaa aina kun painat jotain näppäintä
19969 KEYTEXT.ZIP 362,8 kt 17.06.1998 - - -
KeyText 1.02A keyboard macro program with hotkey, multiple clipboard, random quote, Keypad and Windows automation features.  Runs programs, displays reminders or alarms, even hourly chimes. Completely automate password dialogs etc. Shareware: 25 USD.
19970 KRNLTOYS.EXE 57120 05.01.1997 - MBCD -
The Windows 95 Kernel PowerToys.
19971 KT2K202.EXE 449,2 kt 16.10.1999 - - -
KeyText 2000 v2.02Multi-purpose text and automation utility. KeyText stores pices of text ready to be typed or pasted into any application at the press of a hotkey. http://www.mjmsoft.com/keytext.htm
19972 KYX9521C.ZIP 468 kt 25.12.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Keyboard Express v2.1c Keyboard Express is a Windows Keyboard Macro. Simply enter in text or auto-capture for easy playback. Assign over 500 hot keys with up to 5000 keystrokes each. Maintain multiple sets of macros. Easily add, modify, delete and copy hot keys. Temporarily disable hot keys. Add current date, time, delays, pauses, symbols. Use globally or for specific window. Schedule macros to play anytime and anywhere.
19973 LABELR10.ZIP 696,3 kt 08.11.1999 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 1).iso -
CDLabeler v1.00 CDLabeler creates a custimized label for your Jewel CD Cases. Will support text & BMP.  Free to public by Coockoo Clock End. 
19974 LCINST.ZIP 6211182 02.10.1996 - - -
Lotus Components. 120-day free trial version.
19975 LCROCO10.ZIP 364,5 kt 15.05.2000 - - -
Little Crocodile v1.0Simple Secure Password Manager - Account keeper (Logins, Passwords, URLs and Applications) - Random password generator - Professional encryption algorithm. Freeware.
22159 LFNB.EXE 30923 12.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Windows 95 Long File Name Backup utility
65699 LFNSRT12.ZIP 29583 19.08.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
(v1.2) LFNSORT: Win95 Directory Sorter. This
program sorts Win95 directory entries.  Sort
order may be by name, extension, date/time of
creation, modification or last access, file
size, or custom order.  Runs in DOS or Win95.
Shareware, $10.
19976 LGV152.ZIP 1,8 Mt 21.12.2000 - - -
Logon Vaihtaja 1.5.2Vaihtaa Windowsin käynnistys- ja lopetuslogoja. Mukana 32 logoa. Win9x/ME kotisivu: http://ax.fiiu.org/
19977 LNKLSTCR.ZIP 410,5 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Linklist Creator v. betaLinklist Creator on linkkilistojen tekoon tarkoitettu ohjelma. Ohjelmaa on yksinkertaista käyttää sekä se on monipuolinen toiminnoiltaan.
19978 LOCK505.ZIP 459,1 kt 20.03.1997 - - -
The Lock 5.05 Login system protection program for Windows 95 workstations.
19979 LOCKIT.EXE 279,3 kt 20.01.2000 - 15606/PCM_0004.iso -
Lock-ItA small tool that lets you completely secure your PC while you are away. Multiple options let you control the security.
22415 LOGO95.ZIP 49710 15.10.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Logo changer for Windows 95
65834 LP16_32.ZIP 1092695 04.12.1996 - - -
LaunchPad (32-bit) - is a powerful and
flexible event scheduler for Win95/NT
that can help automate all kinds of
computer tasks as well as keep you
informed of important events. Features
include DDE commands, DOS commands, the
ability to set condition triggers, and
much more.
19981 LTPRO2.EXE 900,5 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
LockTight PRO v2.0Ohjelmalla voi salata tiedostoja helposti raahaamalla ja pudottamalla niitä ohjelmaan ja kirjoittamalla haluamasi avaimen joka voi olla jopa 65 kilotavun pituinen. Mukana 9 eri salausmenetelmää (XOR, Blowfish, CryptAPI, DES, Gost, RC4, Skipjack, TEA ja Twofish) joista voit käyttää yhtä tai vaikka useampaa peräkkäin varmistaaksesi salauksen. Freeware. http://www.welshware.com
19982 LUKKA40F.ZIP 508,3 kt 29.03.2000 - - -
Virtuaali Lukkari 4.0 beta2Lukujärjestyksen teko-ohjelma Tähän uuteen versioon on 
tullut esimerkikisi: - Toolbar - Ennustava teksitys - 
Teeman vali - Englannin kielinen versio (toinen zip-paketti)
Vaatii Visual Basic 6:n runtime tiedostot. Win95/98.
19983 LUKKA45.ZIP 642,2 kt 13.08.2000 - - -
Virtuaali Lukkari v4.5 Lukujärjestyksen teko-ohjelma. Huimasti parannuksia sitten 4.0 beta2:sen jälkeen. Kaikki laitettu uusiksi! Lue lisää: ReadMe.txt Tekijä: Valtteri Huttunen 
19984 MA101.ZIP 144033 03.09.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
MemoryAnalyst 1.01 for Windows 95
has been designed to help understanding how
Windows 95 manages its memory. Once loaded,
the application displays virtual memory and
physical memory as a real-time graph. You can
open and close other applications while
memoryanalyst is running and see how it
affects your system'a memory. SHAREWARE $12
22421 MAGICD.ZIP 10202 19.09.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Magic Desktop 1.1
is a small utility which will enabled you to
hide or show the Windows 95 or NT 4.0 desktop
icons. Note that if you make a double-click
on the desktop when icons are hidden it will
open the Start Menu. FREE
19985 MB23.ZIP 1,5 Mt 01.03.2001 - 16112/pcfcd124-a.iso -
Modem Booster. Shareware.Ohjelma, joka nopeuttaa modeemiyhteyttä.
19986 MBM418.ZIP 1,3 Mt 26.07.2000 - 23728/PCWorld_2000-11_cd.bin -
"Motherboard Monitor 4.18This program will try to access one or more of the following chips: LM78LM78-jLM79LM80WinBond W83781DWinBond W83782DWinBond W83783SGL518SMGL520SMADM9240ADM1021ADM1020MAX1016MAX1016aFMS2701 and LM75 on your motherboard and will try to provide you with information about your motherboards temperaturevoltagesfan speeds and CPU temperature."
19987 MBNCLK10.ZIP 58,7 kt 23.02.1997 - MBCD -
MBnet-kello v1.0 MBnet-logolla varustettu viisarikello Windows 95:lle. Sisältää pitkiä tiedostonimiä. Mukana C-kielinen lähdekoodi. Lue artikkeli MikroBitin numerosta 3/1997. Copyright (C) 1997 Jere Käpyaho.
19989 MBPROBE.ZIP 60,8 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
MBProbe v1.22Tämä ilmainen ohjelma kertoo, kuinka lämmintä koneen sisällä on, kuinka nopeasti tuulettimet pyörivät ja muuta mielenkiintoista. Coppermine-Pentiumin omistajien kannattaa hakea ennemmin mbprobeE.zip-niminen tiedosto. Windows NT:ssä tarvitset lisäksi mbprobNT.zip-paketin.
19988 MBPROBEE.ZIP 63,3 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
MBProbe v1.22eCoppermine-Pentiumille suunnattu versio MBProbe-ohjelmasta. Muut voivat hakea paketin MBprobe.zip.
19990 MBPROBNT.ZIP 14,6 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
MBProbe v1.22Windows NT:ssä tarvittava lisäpalikka MBProbe-nimiseen ohjelmaan. Itse ohjelma on paketissa nimeltä MBProbe.zip.
19991 MC_101B.ZIP 129,1 kt 14.03.1999 - - -
Millenium Counter MCounter is a simple program to count the time until the millenium. 
19992 MCB.ZIP 164,5 kt 07.03.2000 renamed / versio 9.09 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 2).iso -
Multi Clipboard v9.15.01When filling in forms it is nice to have all the 
information on a given subject at your disposal. With 
Multi Clipboard you can just open the project of your 
choice and have access to 33 fields pertaining to a given
subject. At the click of any one of 33 button, you can 
copy up to 10240 characters of text into the Windows 
Clipboard system. Now you can go back to the form or any
Windows application and paste it. Shareware.
19993 MCLIP225.ZIP 162,2 kt 25.12.1997 - - -
"MClip v.2.25 Multiple Text Clipboard. Multiple text clippboard is a utility for everybody who are working with textfor example for programmers or editors. It just does what standard windows clipboard doesnt: remember all your previous Copy to clipboard commands in a Visual Studio like combo box and you can select any previous item to be pasted. You can also directly write your text to clipboard and also edit it"
19994 MCLIPBRD.ZIP 299,9 kt 19.01.2000 - - -
Multiple Clipboards 2.0 Multiple Clipboards is a useful free utility that expands Windows 95/98/NT clipboard up to ten. You simply switch from one to another. There is a little icon in the tray bar that indicates the active clipboard. It also displays the amount of memory used to tore the data, which is useful in systems with little memory. Freeware.
19995 MEMMON95.ZIP 131,2 kt 11.11.1997 - 4556/Programmers Heaven 2.iso -
MemMonitor95 for Windows 95
19996 MEMSTAT.ZIP 136,3 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
"MemStat 1.0 A desktop tray accessory which provides the user with a pop-up screen showing the PCs current memory statistics. Has information for PhysicalVirtualand Page-File sizes. Homepage: http://www.powerup.com.au/~marver"
19997 MEMTURBO.EXE 794,7 kt 23.10.2000 - 23399/Chip_2001-05_cd1.bin -
MemTurbo 2.0Ohjelma, jolla voit valvoa keskusmuistisi käyttöä reaaliaikasesti sekä parhaimpaan suorituskykyyn pyrkien vapauttamaan sitä. 30-päivän kokeiluversio Win9x/NT/2000/Me:lle. Valmistaja: Silicon Prairie Software Co.
19998 METZSTOP.ZIP 150482 11.10.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Metz Stop: adds a STOP button to the
Windows 95 Taskbar tray.
19999 MF41.ZIP 632,9 kt 16.10.1999 - - -
MyFonts Windows Font Manager v4.1 Some features: View and preview, easily install and uninstall fonts, manage fonts with "fontpacks", install only fonts you need, eliminate duplicate fonts, etc. Shareware, http://www.mytools.com
20000 MFD99901.ZIP 219,8 kt 19.02.2000 - - -
Magic Folders v99.09.1Magic Folders v99.09.1 Makes any folder(s) completely 
invisible  to others but instantly available to  you. 
Reviewer comments: "Magic Folders  is a must have utility 
for anyone who  shares a computer.", "Perfect for 
keeping tax files safe from your kids or  your resume 
safe from your boss.", "Best of the Best". 
PC-Magic Shareware $29, For Win 3.x and Win95/98.
20001 MGURU12.ZIP 60,7 kt 08.04.2001 - - -
Matematiikka Guru v1.2Tekijä: Jaakko Nieminen, 2001. Ohjelma on luotu helpottamaan käyttäjää erilaisten matemaattisten laskujen laskemisessa. Ohjelma sisältää tärkeimmät laskentakaavat ja laskee laskut ilman että käyttäjän tarvitsee syöttää kaavoja. Ohjelma on täysin suomenkielinen. Vaatimukset: Pentium-tason tietokone, Windows, hieman kiintolevytilaa, VGA-näytönohjain. http://mateguru.cjb.net
20002 MILAN18.ZIP 470,3 kt 02.02.2000 - - -
Milan Sys+ v.1.8Can shutdown, reboot, logoff or hibernate (Win2000) your computer. Also it can the same at a specified time or time and date. Win9.x/NT4/2000. Freeware.
20003 MINFO001.ZIP 8,1 kt 25.12.1997 koko¹ #hyrava -
FMH-MemInfo v0.01This is a simple memory status viewer. VERY SMALL (only 9k), no unnecessary overhead. Snaps to screen border, saves status, takes no unnecessary screen space. Can even be run in taskbar tray area. No-Nagged Shareware, $8. Freely distributable.  
20004 MINICLIP.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.12.1997 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Mini ClipboardThis little Win95 utility is a small clipboard that sits in the system tray. It has three different cut/paste sections, and a section showing you what currently resides in the clipboard.  Also, it has an internet URL section, an email section and a telnet section that you can paste to.
20005 MIRND061.EXE 347,6 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Miranda ICQ v0.0.6.1Miranda ICQ v.
20006 MK01V10.ZIP 15,1 kt 19.04.2001 - - -
Mestarin Kello 2001 on neljäs ja paras tähän asti ilmestyneistä Mestarin Kelloista. Parannuksia löytyy vaikka kuinka paljon verrattuna vanhaan ja bugiseen Mestarin Kello 2000:n
20007 MK1.ZIP 92,1 kt 06.01.2000 - - -
Mestarin Kello ProMestarin Kello Pro on tavallinen kello, jolla pystyy katsomaan ajan ja päivän.
20008 MM35-5EC.EXE 2,8 Mt 18.02.2000 - 15675/PCM_9910.iso -
MindManager v3.5MindManagerin avulla voit luoda ajatuskarttoja, yhdistelemällä
eri asioita toisiinsa. Voit mm. linkittää ajatuskarttaan 
Windows-dokumentteja ja nettilinkkejä.
Shareware, 21 päivän kokeiluversio.
20009 MOMS3231.ZIP 642,4 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
MomShell 32 v2.1MomShell 32 was chosen "Pick of the Week" of CompuServe\'s Windows 95 Forum. It does what the Start Menu of Windows 95 does, but in a better way. Quickly launch your programs and organize them logically by categories. Intuitive interface, easy import of all your programs, and more! Try it free for 30 days! Requires Windows 95.
20010 MOO4.ZIP 22690 23.12.1995 - 22904/pcwnov96.zip -
MOO 4.0 menu system for Windows 95 quicker
than the START BUTTON! MOO doesn't replace
the Windows 95 menu system, but rather
supplements it by providing quicker access to
its menu items.
20012 MORE.ZIP 70,4 kt 23.05.1997 - - -
More Properties v1.1Allows you to customize features in Win95 that are not accessible from the standard interface.
66274 MORSPC95.ZIP 314653 29.05.1996 - MBCD -
More Space Windows '95 Disk Utility - find
file/dir hogs and file duplications. Allows
deletion of file hogs and duplicates. Scans
for partial and exact file name duplicates.
Can send output to the printer or the
clipboard for further processing. Can search
for only particular type of file based on
file name.
20013 MP20FULL.ZIP 1,7 Mt 01.02.1999 - - -
"More Propertis Build 2.03.0276More Properties allows you to customize features in Windows 95/NT that arent accessible from the standard interface."
20014 MP3LI105.ZIP 395,6 kt 14.04.2000 - - -
Lite MP3 lister v1.05Ultimate MP3 listing program for Windows 95/98/2000/NT.
Does not modify your MP3s. Save MP3 lists as text, HTML and
Winamp playlist. MP3 copying and finding system, playing 
MP3s in Winamp.
20015 MSDZIP.EXE 181010 12.09.1995 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Microsoft Diagnostics Utility (MSD.EXE)
66340 MSFS32.EXE 282437 12.09.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Windows 95 shared folders update is intended
for those users who are running Microsoft
Exchange but need to access their Microsoft
Mail shared folders.
20016 MSPY3210.ZIP 245084 11.10.1996 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
MemorySpy32:  stay-on-top memory gauge for
32-bit Windows monitors memory usage and
availability.  A small tool-type window
dynamically observes memory conditions/
changes.  Displays a percentage
representation of Memory Load, Free Ram and
Swap-File memory.  16-bit MemorySpy also
included.  From RCCO Research.
20017 MSTATS.ZIP 15910 08.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Version 0.3: A small 32 bit memory and 16 bit
resource monitor for Windows 95. The window
may be kept as topmost, all items may be
added and removed from the main display for a
smaller window size and the current 16 bit
resource percentage may be displayed as a
small icon in the system tray, if desired.
New to this version is output precision in
bytes, Kbytes or Mbytes, a tip added to the
tray icon for better visibility, less screen
space used and no program icon appears in the
tray. Free and uploaded by the author.
20018 MSWINERR.ZIP 54,2 kt 01.04.2001 - 23455/CHIP_2004_0102_X.BIN -
MS Windows Error Messages v2.2Selostukset Windowsin virheilmoituksista. Kryptiset numeroyhdistelmät avautuvat vihdoinkin.
20019 MUISTA10.ZIP 726,7 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
Muista! v1.0 Muista! muistuttaa haluamastasi tapahtumista määrittelemänäsi ajankohtana. Monipuoliset muistutusajankohdat. Monta käyttäjää. Pienenee Tehtäväpalkin tarjottimelle. Käynnistyy automaattisesti. Helppo asentaa. Vaatii VB40032.DLL:n.
20020 MUISTIL.ZIP 14,6 kt 04.11.1998 - - -
Muistilehtiö 1.0 Helppokäyttöinen ohjelma, johon voit tallettaa esim. puhelinnumeroita, WWW-osoitteita tai muita pikkutietoja. Vaatii 32-bittisen Windowsin. by Airsoft 1998.
20021 MUISTIO.ZIP 134,4 kt 09.06.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Muistio v1.0  Suomenkielinen muistilappuohjelma 32-bittiselle Windowsille.
20022 MUISTU.ZIP 579578 05.01.1997 - - -
Muistuttaja 1.01 (Win 95/Win NT 3.51+)
Muistuttaa sinua haluamistasi tapahtumista
äänimerkillä ja viesti-ikkunalla. Tarvitsee
myös VB40032.dll-tiedoston.
20023 MUNAKE10.ZIP 155,4 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
Munakello v1.0 Munakello on kello joka laskee sekunteja taaksepäin. Ohjelmassa on 59 minuutin ja 59 sekunnin aikaraja. Voit valita äänen joka soi kun aika on loppu. Mukana yksi ääni. Vaatii Windows 95 ja äänikortin.
20024 MUNAKELO.ZIP 156,8 kt 21.05.1998 - - -
"MunaKello95 v.483 Tämä ohjelma mittaa aikaa esim. 30 minuutista alaspäin. Se antaa äänimerkin PC-speakkerilla tai Äänikortilla kun aika on mennyt umpeen. Kätevä esim. Internet-surffauksessa ettei tulisi liikaa puhelinmaksuja. Shareware."
20025 MUP104.EXE 974 kt 01.01.2001 - - -
Measure Up v1.04Conversion software that converts over 600 different measurements. Linear Measure, Area, Temperature, Weight, Liquid, Volume, Speed and Time measurements can all be converted within their specific category. Shareware.
22431 MURPHY96.ZIP 54132 18.10.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_2.ISO -
Murphy's Laws for Windows (95&NT)
Laita tämä Startup-kansioon, niin saat aina
käynnistyksessä näkyviin yhden Murphyn
laeista. Vaatii VBRUN400.DLL-tiedoston.
20026 MVIEW220.EXE 422,5 kt 11.02.2001 - - -
Mem Viewer 2.20Ilmainen ohjelma, joka näyttää tietokoneen muistin tilan. Pieni palkki
täyttyy sitä mukaa, kun muistia on enemmän varattuna.
22432 MYMNU.ZIP 563288 08.10.1996 - - -
Vaihtoehto Start-valikolle.
20027 NAMEDIT.ZIP 125,4 kt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
NameEditEdits Windows 95 user name in the registry
66515 NCG_FREE.EXE 1626119 30.12.1996 - 26109/dpcb197.iso -
Norton CrashGuard 1.0 (Freeware Edition)
20028 NERO5044.EXE 5,1 Mt 03.03.2001 - - -
Nero Burning ROM for Windows 95/98Nero is a flexible, reliable, and easy-to-use application designed to write both data and CD audio to CD-R and CD-RW discs. It supports ISO 9660 images as well as ISO mode 1 and XA mode 2, and allows for on-the-fly disc recording in addition to overburning (if supported by hardware). Nero also supports multisession and mixed-mode recording, HFS, ISO/HFS hybrid, UDF, PSX, OFAS (optimal file access speed), track-at-once (TAO) and disc-at-once (DAO) writing, digital audio extraction, and more. In addition, Nero can dynamically disable automatic-insert notification, offers support for multiple languages, and works with all major models of CD-R and CD-RW drives. Demo version. Author: Ahead Software http://www.ahead.de
20029 NETMONIT.ZIP 15,3 kt 23.05.1997 - - -
NetMonitorNetmonitor for tracking users.
20030 NETTIM12.ZIP 98,7 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
NetTimer v1.2 Pieni kello, jonka tarkoituksena on helpottaa 30 minuutin sykäyksien mukaan yhteyden pitämistä. Pysyy koko ajan browserin päällä näkyvissä!
20031 NLASKIN.ZIP 100,2 kt 25.02.2001 - - -
NauhalaskinohjelmaNäppärä pikku nauhalaskin ohjelma, tehty Delphillä, lähdekoodi saatavissa kotisivuilla. http://www.mikroviesti.net/delphi/
20032 NOAXS.EXE 425 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
NoaXsOhjelmalla voi suojata vahingoilta jopa 10000 tiedostoa. Voit määritellä suojaustason alkaen siitä ettei tiedostoa voi poistaa tai siirtää, aina siihen asti ettei sitä voi edes avata. 10 päivän kokeiluversio. http://www.welshware.com
20033 NOISENAK.ZIP 421 kt 30.12.1999 versio 2.1.1 17005/Supereva.iso -
NoiseNak v1.1.7For Win9.x/NT4/2000. Allows the master volume to be limited to different limits at different times. It also enables "Soft-Starting". There is also a password option to allow only authorized users to change settings. Shareware.
66601 NOKMONIT.ZIP 121286 14.10.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Nokia Monitor Setup for Windows 95
20034 NOPSA1_2.ZIP 196 kt 19.04.2001 - - -
Nopsa v1.2Ohjelma testaa kirjoitusnopeuttasi erilaisilla testeillä, jonka jälkeen ohjelma arvostelee tekstisi. Ohjelma on laadukasta kotimaista työtä. Ohjelma pitää sisällään yli 1000 sanaa, monipuolisia asetuksia. Ohjelma sopii mainiosti myös opetuskäyttöön. Copyright ® 2000-2001, RaddaX http://www.raddax.cjb.net
20035 NOPSA12.ZIP 196 kt 22.04.2001 - - -
NOPSA 1.2Nopsa v1.2 Ohjelma testaa kirjoitusnopeuttasi erilaisilla testeillä, jonka jälkeen ohjelma arvostelee tekstisi. Ohjelma on laadukasta kotimaista työtä. Ohjelma pitää sisällään yli 1000 sanaa, monipuolisia asetuksia ja ohjelma sopii myös mainiosti opetuskäyttöön.
Copyright ® 2000-2001, RaddaX http://www.raddax.cjb.net
20036 NORTON.EXE 1553803 09.08.1996 - - -
Norton Navigator trial edition for Win 95
Norton zip/unzip, norton fastfind FTP sites
20037 NTCHKMEM.ZIP 20,9 kt 27.03.1997 - Pegasus_Win95.iso tupla
CHKMEM v1.2 CHKMEM is a little memory monitor for Windows NT- monitoring of memory usage and load- warning by red numbers if system is stressed
20038 NTEST.EXE 587,1 kt 02.05.2000 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Nokia DisplayTestNokia DisplayTest
This is a collection of test patterns which can be used to investigate CRT monitor performance.
The guide attached and the test patterns itself do not necessarily give an absolute answer of the performance of your monitor. They are intended to be used for comparison of  monitors.
20039 NTPDEX.EXE 491,8 kt 25.12.2000 - - -
NotepadEx v1.7.4.2Windowsin Notepadin korvaava pieni tekstieditori. Osaa avata yli 32kt tiedostoja, nopea korvaus-toiminto, edellisten avattujen tiedostojen lista, tilarivi jossa mm. kohdistimen sijainti ja tiedoston koko, pikanäppäimet toiminnoille, mahdollisuus luoda omia pikanäppäimiä, avaa ja tallentaa Mac/Unix -tiedostoja ja paljon muuta. Freeware. http://notepadex.cjb.net
20040 NTRC2000.ZIP 1,3 Mt 28.01.2000 - - -
NT Remote Controller 2000 1.2 Final Allows you to control a computer running NT Server from a remote location. Check disk space, memory usage, start and stop services, reboot, run Perl scripts, all over a TCP/IP network. Freeware.
20041 NTTOOLS.ZIP 58,8 kt 27.03.1997 - 18133/winsit03964.zip tupla
Windows NT Tools (24.1.1994)Logoff, shutdown and reboot tools, both console and interactive versions. Also a remote reboot utility.
20042 NUM10.ZIP 216,4 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
"Puhelinluettelo v1.0Ohjelmajolla voit tallentaa puhelinnumerosi tiedostoon ja saat ne esille tehtäväpalkin tarjottimelta. Vaatii Win95. Tehnyt: Tommy Rahkila."
66713 ODOM112.ZIP 263805 05.01.1997 - 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso -
Mouse Odometer v1.12
Hiiren "matkamittari".
66714 ODOMTR15.ZIP 55652 17.10.1996 - - -
Odometer version 1.5.0 is a simple program
designed for Windows 95's task bar. It lets
you see the distance you do with your mouse.
20043 OIC10.ZIP 101,6 kt 24.04.1998 - - -
OEM Information Changer - OIC   v1.0Lets you change the OEM info, "Manufacturer and support" in My Computer->Properties->General system dialog in Win95.  You can eg. put your own image and address to that location...  
20044 OUBLIET.ZIP 784,8 kt 12.09.2000 - - -
Oubliette 1.18Updated 10 August 2000, Requires Windows 95 or higher, 
not tested with Windows NT. Setup: Run "setup.exe" to install 
program. Freeware (with source). Not to be sold. See file "license.txt" 
for details. Copyright: (C) General Frenetics, Discorp., 1999. 
Program may be distributed freely. Author: Marek Jedlinski 
Original release date: 18 October 1999.

Program to securely store a list of commonly used passwords, e.g. 
for various WWW-based accounts. Uses strong cryptography (user\'s 
choice of Blowfish or IDEA encryption algorithms). Crypto algorithms: 
DCPCrypt, Delphi cryptographic component package by David Barton 

Questions, comments, suggestions: email  
No HTML-formatted email please!
20045 OVIVAX10.ZIP 34,1 kt 24.08.1998 - - -
OviVaXi 1.0 MikroBitin numerossa 6-7/98 olevan "Mikrosta murtohälytin" -artikkelin Ovivahti-esimerkkiohjelma hieman muunneltuna. Tarvitsee VB4:n Runtime-kirjastot.
20046 PAPERW40.ZIP 780,9 kt 07.04.1999 - - -
Sticky Paper v4.0 Post-It for Monitor Runs on Windows 95/98/NT Released on March 23, 1999
52150 PASS32.ZIP 83733 01.04.1996 - 17993/W95 Collection - Windows 95 Shareware (LCDCAN).iso -
PassKeeper v1.0 is a Windows utility that
allows you to keep a list of accounts with
usernames, passwords and notes.
20047 PASSKEEP.ZIP 432,8 kt 02.11.1999 - - -
Password Keeper PK allows you to store your frequently used passwords in Win95/NT. Password information can be easily stored, edited and printed , and each password file you create can contain up to 500 account entries. This is extremely handy if you have more than a few passwords and PINs to keep track of. 
20048 PASSMAN.ZIP 40 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
Password Manager 1.0Password Manager is a useful freeware application for Windows 95/98 or NT that 
saves passwords for you. It has an easy to use, straightforward interface that 
will make saving and storing your passwords quick and effortless.
20049 PASSTRAC.ZIP 9,9 kt 11.09.2000 - - -
PassTrac 1.0PassTrac is a simple program to help you keep track of passwords or PINs that 
most of us have. Simply put the executable, passtrac.exe, in a folder (e.g. Windows) 
create a shortcut and run the program. It is self-explanatory. Freeware.
20050 PASTER.EXE 503,1 kt 19.01.2000 - - -
The Paster 2.0 Clipboard management utility that allows you to keep in memory all the collected text, images and internet links that are copied to your clipboard. 
20051 PCSEC43.EXE 589,7 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
PC Security v4.3Ohjelmalla voit lukita salasanalla lähes mitä tahansa, alkaen työpöydän pikakuvakkeista päätyen aina kokonaisiin levyasemiin. Tyylikäs ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma. Eerittäin runsaasti ominaisuuksia. 90 päivän kokeiluversio. http://www.tropsoft.com
20052 PCSPY213.ZIP 207,5 kt 06.10.1999 - MBCD -
PC Spy v2.12Secretly monitor what is being viewed on your computer while you are away. This software allows you to capture and save screen images while you are away from your computer, showing you exactly what was being viewed on your computer at specific times.
20053 PCTNR16.ZIP 725,3 kt 12.01.2001 - - -
pcTuner 1.6 Christmas EditionApuohjelma Windowsin satojen piiloasetusten viilaamiseen. Sisältää paljon käyttäjäkohtaisia asetuksia joilla voi estää käyttäjiltä esim. rekisterin muokkaustyökalut ja paljon muutakin. Freeware. http://flyrl.lgg.ru/
20054 PCXL5000.ZIP 2,1 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
PC Accelerator 5000 from Smartalec Corp Performance enhancement product. By finetuning your PC hardware and software, as well as maximizing Windows performance, PC Accelerator can boost your overall PC/Internet/3DFX performance by up to 35%!!! This product is a must have for game fanatics hoping to squeeze the most out of their 3D games! Windows 95+ 
52155 PDESK.ZIP 731031 21.08.1996 - MBCD -
PowerDesk 1.1: World's coolest Win95 utility
Very smart. Very fast. Very flexible.
PowerDesk combines ExplorerPlus (a super
enhanced version of Windows 95 Explorer) with
a fully customizable Toolbar for organizing
your Windows 95 desktop. It unleashes the
hidden power of Windows 95; you'll have
everything at your fingertips. Imagine that,
immediate access and place for everything.
Try it and see for yourself!
20055 PDEVAL20.EXE 1,3 Mt 20.05.1997 - MBCD -
PowerDesk 2.0A versatile set of desktop utilities for Windows 95. Evaluation version.
67186 PERSCR11.ZIP 204954 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
The Perfect Screens 1.1 is a shareware
program for Win95. It allows user to mave
multiple virtual screens and switch between
20056 PGPMGR1.ZIP 201598 26.07.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
PGP Manager 1.6b for Windows 95/NT Encrypt
messages, files Full support for PGP
functions Read encrypted messages directly
from your mailbox. shareware. Requires
PGP.EXE v2.6 and up.
20057 PH100.ZIP 1,6 Mt 21.10.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
"PowerHunter v1.00PowerHunter performs more advanced full-text searches than you can with Win95s Find feature. Windows 95"
20058 PIANP21.ZIP 26 kt 31.03.1997 - - -
PianPois v2.1Apuohjelma, jolla voit sammuttaa Windows 95:n Tehtäväpalkin tarjottimelta aukeavasta pikavalikosta. Käynnistää myös koko koneen uudelleen. PianPois-tapa on kätevämpi kuin Windows 95:n oma Käynnistä-painikkeen taa haudattu sammutus. PianPois on ilmainen. Copyright (C) 1997 Jere Käpyaho
20059 PKBL460.ZIP 1 Mt 16.02.2001 - - -
Perfect Keyboard LITE v4.60Voit nopeuttaa kirjoittamistasi tekemällä ohjelmalla näppäinoikoteitä usein käyttämiisi teksteihin, esim. email-osoitteisiin, nimiin, osoitetietoihin tai muihin usein toistuvin lauseisiin. Voit määrätä tekstin ilmestymään näppäinyhdistelmällä tai kirjoitettuasi tietyn kirjainyhdistelmän. Tyylikäs ohjelma ja paljon ominaisuuksia. 30 päivän kokeiluversio. http://www.pitrinec.com/
20060 PLISTR23.EXE 726,2 kt 30.03.2001 - 12771/10000.zip -
"PasteLister 2.3Press CTRL-V (or the hot key specified) and a list of items will pop up directly under the area you wish to paste. Select from the listpress Enterand the item(s) will be pasted to virtually any application you are working within. PasteLister captures and records data copied to the clipboardallowing you to paste or retrieve them anywhereeasily. Create multiple category listsset category limitsperformactionsafter pastingcustomize data    propertiesand more; easy to useextremely flexible and powerful. 30-day trial for Windows95/98/NT/2000 by Progency Software. http://www.progency.com/pastelister.html"
20061 PLUS041.ZIP 195,1 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
Pluser v0.41bPieni ja näppärä laskin, jonka saat aina tarvittaessa 
esiin painamalla Num Lock -näppäintä. Freeware.
20062 PMO.ZIP 151,4 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
PuhelinmuistioPuhelinmuistio on kätevä Windows-ohjelma, jolla on helppo pitää kirjaa ystävien yhteystiedoista. Tarvitsee VB40032.DLL:n. Copyright (c) Sami Nieminen
20063 POISTO11.ZIP 345,5 kt 14.09.1999 - - -
"Poista Poisto v1.1 Tällä ohjelmalla poistat nopeastiPoista sovellukseenjääneet ylimääräiset tekstit joiden poistamiseen muuten joutuisi käyttämään Rekisterieditoria. Win 95/98tekijä: Jari Harju."
20064 POISTO12.ZIP 16 kt 19.06.2000 - - -
Poisto v1.2Freeware 3.5.2000, Suomenkielinen ilmaisohjelma, joka poistaa Windowsin 
Ohjauspaneelin (Control Panel) Lisää/poista sovellus -ohjelmalistaan jääneet ohjelmat. 
Vaatii: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT, alle 1 Mt vapaata kiintolevytilaa, 
Microsoft Windows -yhteensopiva hiiri sekõ tiedostot COMCTL32.OCX (v. 6.00.8022 tai uudempi) 
ja MSVBVM60.DLL (v. 6.00.8495 tai uudempi). Copyright (c) 2000 Mika Salonen
20065 POLICY.EXE 86542 12.09.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Windows 95 System Policy Editor
20066 PONTX202.ZIP 2 Mt 13.05.1997 - - -
"Pointix V2.02 Unique way of operating your mouse that increases screen space and cuts down on repetitive movements. Rather than relying on toolbars or buttonsthis program uses mouse movements (glicks) to trigger floating menus for your most frequently used commands. With Pointixyou dont need to move from one screen point to the next to reach the commands you use most -- those commands appear instantly with only slight mouse movements."
67384 POWERTOY.TXT 6247 08.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
PowerToys for Windows 95 documentation
20067 POWERTOY.ZIP 203,7 kt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Microsoft PowerToysFull collection of Microsoft\'s "semi-official" shell add-ons from the Windows 95 Shell Development Team. Windows 95.
20068 PPVIEW97.ZIP 2,7 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer 97 (2000 Release) With this release, the Microsoft PowerPoint« Viewer 97 now also supports PowerPoint 2000 files. This viewer allows people who use PowerPoint to share their presentations with people who do not have PowerPoint installed on their computers. Supports PowerPoint 2000 files as well as those files created with previous versions. This download is for Windows« 95, 98, and 2000 and Windows NT. 
20069 PRGWKSMM.ZIP 455088 20.10.1995 - - -
PRGWKS-MM- Win95 *and* 3.1 style groups
either /or, for 3.1 & Win95 & OS/2 Unzipping
built into program manager, treats ZIP files
like program groups, MULTMEDIA playing built
in, multi-JPEG, GIF, BMP viewing also built
in. INFINITE group in groups possible.
AUTOLOAD to groups by extension. Based on
popular ZR FileWorks and ZR 7. Icon loading
like GeoWorks, OS/2 and Windows 95. 3.1 and 4
20070 PRIMFACT.ZIP 43,2 kt 28.01.2000 - 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 4).iso -
Prime FactorizationTakes a natural number and finds its prime factors.
20071 PROKN98N.ZIP 1,8 Mt 25.12.2000 - 10268/CICA 32 for Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (January 2001) (Disc 1).iso -
ProKon v9.8Windows 9x/NT/2000 Calculation Companion.  400,000+ unit conversions possible.  Features help throughout. Converts  imperial to metric, metric to imperial,  etc. Features printing, calculator,  save to file.  Very easy to use.   Includes over 600 material densities,  periodic table, geometry, constants,  etc. ShareWare. Registration: $21.95
20072 PROPI11.ZIP 35,4 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Profile Picker 1.1 Use multiple configurations for a program by switching between different .INI files! Works with 16-bit or Win32s programs. Shareware - $5 registration Req. 286 or higher PC with Windows 3.1. Runs under Windows 95.
20073 PS171.ZIP 172,2 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
Password Safe 1.71The simple, intuitive interface lets you copy a password by just double-clicking, 
and paste it directly into your application. Password Safe protects your passwords 
with the Blowfish encryption algorithm, a fast, free alternative to DES. Freeware.
20074 PS2PLUS.ZIP 347,6 kt 08.12.1999 koko¹ #hyrava -
PS2Rate Plus Changes the refresh rate of your PS/2 Mouse from the default 40hz up to a whopping 200hz!! Perfect for gamers wanting that extra bit of precision, or just a really slick mouse for your desktop. The plus version comes with an installer and a utility for testing your current mouse rate.
By Juha Kujala. Freeware. Win 95\\98\\NT 
20075 PS2RATE.ZIP 111,9 kt 22.02.2000 - Pelit CD 2000 -
PS/2 mouse sampling rate changerFor Windows 95/98
20076 PSK3212.ZIP 85,2 kt 01.03.2000 - 23408/Chip_2002-02_cd2.bin -
PassKeeper v1.2Ilmainen ohjelma, jossa voit säilyttää kaikkia tunnuksiasi ja salasanojasi turvallisesti.
20077 PUF3220.ZIP 365994 27.12.1996 - MBCD -
PUFFER 2.0 - Data file and e-mail encryption
utility for Win 95/NT.  Uses 40-bit PC1 (RC4
clone) and 160-bit Blowfish algorithms for
secure encryption.  Password hashing with the
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1).  Secure,
multi-pass data wiping.  Built-in text editor
with clipboard support for on-the-fly e-mail
encryption and decryption.  Supports LZ77
data compression.  Create Binary, ASCII and
self-extracting executables.  
20078 PWDSAFE.EXE 216 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
PasswordSafe 3.0PasswordSafe allows you to store all of your passwords and usernames in one, 
secure place. The files can only be accessed by a password and are heavily 
encoded. Also includes a password generator with over 808 million different 
possibilities. Small, clean, easy to use. Freeware.
20079 PWORD23.ZIP 85,5 kt 11.10.2000 - - -
Password Generator v2.3Ilmainen ohjelma turvallisten salasanojen kehittämiseen. Osaa luoda jopa tuhat
1-20 merkkiä sisältävää sanaa kerralla. Voit valita, minkä tyyppisiä merkkejä
salasanassa on.
20080 PWPOCKET.EXE 649,9 kt 15.09.2000 - - -
"Password Pocket v1.00 RC-3This program keeps all your passwords in a very secure and easy-to-manage place. 
You may defineif wanteda master password to avoid keep others eyes away from 
your database. Your many passwords is only a one-password away! You have complete 
control over your entries. You may copy only the password to the clipboardsend 
an e-mailprint a reportand many others things. Freeware.
20081 PWRDR202.ZIP 222,1 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
PowerDREAM v2.02A highly configurable shell productivity menu.
67556 PWRDREAM.ZIP 221362 05.01.1997 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_2.ISO -
Powerdream for Windows 95 v.2.01
A highly configurable shell productivity
20082 QBT150.ZIP 132,2 kt 25.12.1997 - 10273/CICA_NT_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_November_1997.iso -
QBoot v1.50QBoot  is a small utility to  quickly reboot, logoff or shutdown Windows 95 unconditionally.    Use   the   QBoot scheduler to easily  schedule your PC for rebooting, restarting or shutting down. Ideal for system administrators. No  more  nagging "Are you sure  you want to..." messages! QBoot is fully functional Shareware. 
20431 QC32V10.ZIP 82395 18.10.1995 - Pegasus_Win95.iso -
Qwik Convert 32 v1.0: unit conversion
program for Windows 95
20083 QCLEN394.ZIP 2,4 Mt 19.09.1999 - - -
QuickClean v3.94 QuickClean is a self-maintaining hard drive/Network maintenance tool. Increases hard drive space by removing known files safely. Comes with WinAlive to prevent crashing. Shareware.
20084 QCOLOR31.ZIP 306,5 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
QuickColor v3.1 A display control and desktop enhancement utility, supporting on-the-fly color depth, resolution, and refresh rate switching, with user-defined presets, program/shortcut associations, an optional toolbar, graphics system information, screen saving, and extensive monitor support.
20085 QCRYPTER.ZIP 67,4 kt 02.10.2000 - - -
"Quick Crypter v1.0By Ari-Pekka Hujanen. With this program you can encrypt and decrypt text. Its very quick and easy. Requires Windows9x or Windows NT and Visual Basic 6 Runtime files."
20086 QDSW106E.ZIP 25,6 kt 27.11.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
QuickDrive QuickDrive is a program that shows all available drives as mini icons in the notification area of the Taskbar of Windows 95.
22176 QFILEMAN.ZIP 5209 10.11.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso -
Quick FileMan
Siirrä, kopioi ja poista tiedostoja.
20087 QPLR104B.EXE 1,9 Mt 22.03.2001 - - -
QPlayer v.1.04QPlayer v1.04 build 70
20088 QS11A.ZIP 326,3 kt 06.08.1997 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO -
QStart v1.1aQStart is a Menu / Button Bar designed to simplify accessing programs and files under  Windows, Windows95 and Window NT.  QStart has 2 Function Buttons, a Parameter  Entry Field, and multiple Pages with 16 Launc Buttons per page. The number of pages is user definable, as are the page names. Any type file can be loaded into a Launch  Button, and run with a single click.
20089 QSORT10E.ZIP 518,7 kt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
Q-Sort 98 v1.0Q-Sort 98 arranges your Start Menu and Favorites in alphabetical order with a single mouse click. For users of IE4 + Desktop Update
22450 QTB10.ZIP 22019 31.12.1995 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
QTB V1.0 Using the new Shell Extensions to
Windows95, QTB will create an AppBar, that
is, a window like the TaskBar at the bottom
of the Win95 screen, and scroll selected
stock tickers across it.
20090 QU2DOS11.ZIP 34984 27.12.1996 - MBCD -
Quit2DOS 1.1 - When exiting from Windows 95
why can't you return to the C:\ prompt, the
way you used to be able to in Windows 3.x?
Well, you can!  Quit2DOS sets all the flags
and commands to allow you to see and use DOS
7 on exit from Win95.  It's completely
automatic.  And it's free.  Not a limited
demo, not shareware, not trialware, but a
fully functioning free utility from Bardon
Data Systems.
20436 QUICD110.ZIP 26483 10.11.1996 - 22271/VPR9611A.ISO -
Quick Disk v1.10
Näyttää vapaan levytilan.
20091 QUICK.ZIP 256,7 kt 04.03.2001 - - -
Quick linker, Freeware.Quick linker on lähinnä ohjelmoitsijoille, web suunnittelijoille jne. tarkoitettu projektinhallintaohjelma, joka helpottaa ja nopeuttaa kehitystyötä. Ohjelma on suunniteltu kolmen tiedoston yhtäaikaiseen hallintaan. http://scavengerstudios.cjb.net/
20092 RADMIN.ZIP 1,4 Mt 02.01.2001 - - -
Remote Administrator v2.0Enables you to work on the remote  computer, realtime speed. You will see a remote computer screen in the window of your computer or on the whole screen of your computer. Your mouse and a keyboard are  transferred to the remote computer. Shareware. http://www.famatech.com/
20093 RAMBOS16.ZIP 925,1 kt 02.12.1999 - MBCD -
RamBooster 1.6 for Windows 95/98RamBooster 1.6 for Windows 95/98 by Jali
(J.Pajula, borg@sci.fi). Frees more RAM.
20094 RAWPOW11.ZIP 994,3 kt 28.05.1999 - - -
RawPower 1.1 Build 2RawPower is a CPU optimization program for Windows 95/98. Most modern microprocessors contain features that can increase the system performance, sometimes dramatically. Most of the features are especially interesting when memory-intensive applications are being run like in 3D gaming. http://www.bugcomputer.com/cpuidle/
20095 RCLKE200.ZIP 369,7 kt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
RoundClock v2.00 This is a clock that really is round. For Windows 95. Many alarms, many different clock faces to select from.
20096 RCOUNT10.ZIP 30,7 kt 01.01.1998 - - -
RefCount v1.0RefCount simplifies the task of getting the reference count for files stored in the registry. This can be useful for cleaning up the system. It can also display the complete table of references and optionally delete those values that point to files that do not exist. Requires Win95/NT. Full Delphi 2+ source is included, freeware by Magnus Baeck .
20097 RD98V11E.EXE 2,4 Mt 29.02.2000 - - -
"RamDisk98 v1.1RamDisk98 is a Windows port driver that emulates as fully 
as possible the low-level functionality of a hard disk (up 
to 2GB!) or a 1.44MB or 2.88MB floppy drive. RamDisk98 
supports much larger disks than Microsofts ramdrive.sys 
(which is limited to 32MB) and the RamDisk98 drive can be 
compressed using Windows DriveSpace. For RAM disks 
configured to emulate a hard diskRamDisk98 allows 
the user to select the drive letter for the RAM drive. "
20098 READPL10.ZIP 6,8 Mt 29.07.1999 - MBCD -
ReadPlease 2000 1.0a An exciting new text-to-speech application. Internet aware, will read any text file or Rich Text Format file from the Net. Four natural sounding human voices. Will speak any text copied to the Windows Clipboard from any Windows application. Requires: Pentium 166, 16 megs Ram, 20 Meg hard disk, sound card.
20099 REGC.EXE 335,6 kt 19.01.2000 - 17387/Ultimate Utilities (P69C)(PC Magazine)(Ziff-Davis)(1999).BIN -
Registry Crawler 2.0 Enables you to quickly search and edit Registry settings. Results are displayed in a list, allowing you to access any key found with ease.
20100 REGEDITX.ZIP 218903 18.10.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Registry Editor Extensions Version 1.1.
Muuten sama kuin REGEDIT, mutta tässä näet
mitä "avaimia" olet jo selannut.
20101 REGFIND.ZIP 21681 04.04.1995 - Pegasus_Win95.iso -
RegFind - A Win32 Registry Search Utility
20102 REGH101.EXE 633 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
RegHance 1.01Paranneltu versio Windowsin rekisterieditorista (regedit). Rajoituksetonta sharewarea.
20103 REGLITE.ZIP 956 kt 30.12.1999 - - -
Registrar Lite v1.01For Win95/98/2000/NT is a new generation registry editor that comes with a basic set of tools that should make your registry editing life a lot easier. It could be an excellent replacement for RegEdit which come shipped with Windows. Freeware.
20104 REGMON30.ZIP 44,7 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
RegMon v3.0This application monitors all accesses to the Windows 95 registry. Information about each access is presented in a listbox. Windows 95.
20105 REGRUNII.ZIP 847,4 kt 26.10.2000 - - -
RegRun II 2.60 by Greatis SoftwareRegRun II is an integrated suite of utilities that give you the full control under Windows startup and guard you from trojan programs. RegRun homepage: http://www.greatis.com/regrun2.htm How to buy: $19.95 USD http://www.greatis.com/regrun2buy.htm. Shareware for Win9x/NT/2000.
20106 REGSRCH2.ZIP 619 kt 04.12.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Registry Search and Replace
20107 REMIND10.ZIP 144855 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
The Reminder
Muistuttaa pitämään taukoja tietokoneen
käytön ohessa.
20108 REMOVE11.ZIP 16,5 kt 13.04.2000 - - -
Remove 1.1Remove, version 1.1 Freeware 2 April 2000 Remove is a Windows-based Freeware program for removing applications from the Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel. The program will run on Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT. Copyright (c) 2000 Mika Salonen
20109 RESC3097.ZIP 4,9 Mt 12.02.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
VT Rescue 95 v3.0 VT Rescue 95 is an emergency medical system designed to help you prevent problems, recover, control, analyze, repair and tune up your Windows 95 system. Even in a case of a very serious crash, VT Rescue95 should be able to recover your configuration.
20110 RESC418.EXE 607,6 kt 20.02.2000 - - -
"WinRescue 98 v4.18WinRescue 98 is a quick easy way to back up critical Windows 98 system filesmaking it easy to restore them in case of a system crash or other problems. Files backed up include the Registry filesDOS boot filesand your Start menu configuration files. Three different configurations can be restored in the event of problems and much more. Because serious Windows 98 problems often dont require a complete reinstallWinRescue 98 could save you quite a bit of time in the event of a problem. Shareware. http://superwin.com/rescue.htm
20111 RESC918.EXE 608,9 kt 20.02.2000 - - -
"WinRescue 95 v9.18WinRescue 95 is a quick easy way to back up critical Windows 95 system filesmaking it easy to restore them in case of a system crash or other problems. Files backed up include the Registry filesDOS boot filesand your Start menu configuration files. Three different configurations can be restored in the event of problemsand much more. Because serious Windows 95 problems often dont require a complete reinstallWinRescue 95 could save you quite a bit of time in the event of a problem. Shareware. http://superwin.com/rescue.htm
20112 RESMAN10.ZIP 117,6 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
ResMan v1.0Resource monitor, memory "optimizer", and process killer - under a single 124kb roof. Free, Windows 95/98 only.
20113 REST2.ZIP 317,1 kt 11.02.2001 - - -
RESTrick Control Panel v1.1Attractive, easy to use utility for tuning your computer and improvement on your system protection. (C) 1999,2000 Real-Time Security, e-mail: info@rtsecurity.com, Web site: http://www.rtsecurity.com. 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000.
20114 RGCLN41A.EXE 781,4 kt 04.04.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
RegClean 4.1a (build 7364.1)Microsoftin apuohjelma, joka puhdistaa rekisteristä turhia ja virheellisiä tietoja. Ilmainen.
20115 RGCLNR41.EXE 518,7 kt 22.03.2001 - - -
RegCleaner suomalainen ohjelma Windowsin
rekisterin siivoamiseen. Näyttää välilehdillään
erityyppisiä rekisterin tietoja, joita voi siivota
pois. http://www.jv16.org/
20116 RIPB32.ZIP 219,3 kt 27.03.1997 - - tupla
RipBarRipBAR is in some ways, the Swiss Army knife of utilities.  It combines an application toolbar, command line launching, Drag & Drop server, memory and system information display, Post-It style notes, hot key support and more in a package that remains unobtrusive on your screen. Windows NT version.
20117 RIPBAR95.ZIP 313490 03.09.1996 - MBCD -
RipBAR v7.0a
It combines an application toolbar, command
line launching, drag and drop server, memory
and system information display, post-it style
notes, and hot-key support in a compact and
unobtrusive package. Files may be dropped
onto the application icons (wich you set-up)
sitting on the bar.
20118 RIX2KCD.EXE 282,5 kt 27.07.1998 - MBCD -
Rix2k Power Tools demo version
20119 RKTOOLS.EXE 3909296 04.09.1995 - MBCD -
Windows 95 Resource Kit Tools
Also contains the Resource Kit help file
20120 RNC_L.ZIP 30,6 kt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
Roman Number CalculatorRequires MSVBVM50.ZIP
20121 RPSSRV.ZIP 158144 30.10.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Remote Process and Shutdown Service
gives administrators a good way to control
workstations on a network.
20122 RR109.ZIP 1,3 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
Resplendent Registrar v1.09For Win9.x/NT/2k is a new generation registry editor that comes with a set of tools that should fulfill all your registry editing needs. It could be an excellent replacement for RegEdit or RegEdt32 which come shipped with Windows. When running on WinNT/2000 it provides all the security editors for setting of permissions, auditing and ownership information of registry keys.
20123 RSC95V3.ZIP 478,1 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
"Rescue 95 v3 Safeguards and restores Windows 95.  Never reinstall Windows 95 again. Rescue 95 restores the Registry in less than two minutes.  Save up to ten different backups of the Registry.  A DOS program restores even when Windows 95 wont start.  Requires Windows 95. This is the Shareware version."
20124 RUN95V12.ZIP 5 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Run95 v1.2Run95 - Run Dialog Box Replacement for Windows 9x/NT
20125 RUNIT.ZIP 788 kt 01.01.1998 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
RunIt!RunIt! is a versatile program that can open a program or associated document at a time specified by the user. RunIt! can also open a program or associated document on a periodic interval. RunIt! can also display an important reminder in a message box instead of opening an outside file. So RunIt! can function as an alarm clock, a periodic timer, or a personal reminder for important tasks.
20126 SA20D.ZIP 394,6 kt 07.04.1999 - - -
Stay Alive v2.0d Stay Alive yrittää pelastaa kaatuneissa ohjelmissa käsiteltyinä olleet tiedostot sekä pitää kirjaa käynnissä olevista prosesseista. Sulkee myös ohjelmia haluttaessa. Sharewarea.
20127 SANAK10.ZIP 1,8 Mt 15.10.1999 - - -
Sanakoe v1.0Tällä ohjelmalla teet helposti sanakokeita itsellesi mistä vain. Demoversio - ei aikarajoituksia. Rekisteröinti 50 mk.
20128 SB2K250.ZIP 1,1 Mt 28.01.2000 - 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 2).iso -
SmartBoard 2000 V2.50 - a FREE Windows Clipboard Extender with the unique Paste-Anyplace menu. Supports all clipboard formats. Collect items copied to the clipboard and paste back days or weeks later. Create boilerplate text items, add templates, grab graphics, assign system- wide hotkeys for items to autopaste. No icon but access with a single mouseclick or hotkey- looks built in to Windows!
20129 SCLIP400.ZIP 215 kt 08.05.1998 - 12771/10000.zip -
SuperClip v4.00 SuperClip is a screen capture system for MS Windows and DOS. Press the PrtSc key to capture the screen to the Windows clipboard, and SuperClip pops up and displays the capture. Save all or any rectangular portion to BMP GIF JPG PCX PNG or TIF file, or output images to the printer, stretched and/or positioned anywhere on the page. The included utility DosClip can capture graphical DOS screens to the Windows clipboard for processing by Superclip.
20130 SDD653.ZIP 2,8 Mt 16.07.1998 - MBCD -
SciTech Display Doctor 6.53SciTech Display Doctor provides high performance VBE 3.0 device support for playing the latest games. Bugfixes made and few new chipsets are now supported. Windows 3.x/95/NT installation.
20131 SDD70A3.ZIP 4,1 Mt 18.03.2000 - - -
" SciTech Display Doctor v7.0 BETA version. Utility package that can unlock the power of your graphics card. It includes the worlds first and only universal Windows/DirectDraw display driverwhich automatically configures itself for your specific hardware. The whole code for this utility has been rewritten. Also the DOS part has totally new ground to go from. So emulation should be good. As with all BETAs USE AT YOUR OWN RISK."
20132 SDOWN156.ZIP 69802 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
ShutDown Version 1.56 for Win95/NT ShutDown
will shutdown your computer. Quicker than
clicking on Start and then ShutDown or using
NT's Program Manager to shutdown. Shutdown
the computer from a batch file or a shortcut
on the 95 desktop. Also will logoff current
user or restart computer. Supports timed
shutdowns, running of a batch file or program
before shutting down, and 95's MS-DOS mode.
Timed shutdown supports shutting down in N
minutes or at hh:mm of the day. Now supports
20133 SDOWN2.ZIP 111,4 kt 01.01.1998 - 6348/blackhawk-for-windows95-june19 -
Shutdown utility 2.0The Shutdown utility is a small app which replaces the standard Windows 95 shutdown procedure on the start menu. Once it is opened, it automatically shuts down the computer after 5 seconds if no other command is given. The computer may be shut down, restarted, restarted in MS-DOS or all applications may be closed and one may log on as another user.
20446 SDUMP30.ZIP 179847 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
SDUMP v3.0 - Hex dump program for Win32
20447 SEARCH24.ZIP 547797 24.11.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO -
File Search 95 - is a file finding
package for Win95 that includes a
calendar, system information display,
and more. Requires VB40032.DLL.
20448 SEARCH32.ZIP 1976481 24.11.1996 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
Search32 - performs word-based search
queries on large groups of text (ANSI)
files in Win95.
20134 SECEXPL.EXE 4,6 Mt 12.01.2001 versio ? 15613/PCM_0012.iso -
Secure Explorer v1.1.3Windowsin Exploreria muistuttava ohjelma jolla voi salata tiedostoja ja lukita hakemistoja. Voi myös estää Windowsin Find-toiminnon käytön ja paljon muuta. Shareware. http://freespace.virgin.net/cjpsoftware.cjp/
20136 SECM99A.ZIP 1 Mt 02.03.2000 - - -
SecurityManager 99A powerful  application for encrypting individual files  and the contents of entire folders using
the DES method (Data Encryption Standard).  SecurityManager 99 is very secure: When  data 
is encrypted the original files are  automatically overwritten, making it  impossible to restore 
their contents with  file utilities. SecurityManager 99 is also  extremely fast. Programmed 
entirely in  32-bit code and utilizing special processor  instructions that have been available 
since  the 80486 generation it achieves  performance comparable to that of hardware
encryption systems.
20137 SENSIVA.EXE 2 Mt 29.09.2000 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com -
Sensiva 2.5 for Windows 95/98/2000 & NT 4Sensiva simplifies your application interface by allowing you to draw symbols with your mouse or
any other pointing device, such as a graphic tablet or a touchpad! Sensiva runs silently in the
background. Just hold down the right mouse button to draw a symbol. Your command executes as 
soon as you release the button! Sensiva unifies your applications! You no longer need to remember 
and use many hotkeys or menus across different applications. Just draw the same symbols for the 
same actions everywhere. For example, drawing a Z will always perform a zoom in any application. 
Freeware. http://www.sensiva.com
20138 SGLLCK30.ZIP 327540 03.09.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Windows Task-Lock version 3.0
provides a simple and inexpensive, but
effective way to password protect specified
applications no matter how they are executed.
It is easy to configure and reguires little
to no modifications to your current system
configuration. Administrator password is
enabled for site licenses. SHAREWARE $5
20139 SH532.ZIP 816,4 kt 01.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Shorthand 5 for Windows Shorthand is a typing productivity tool that works concurrently with other Windows applications. You represent frequently used words, phrases and keystrokes with a much shorter keyword. Features include AutoReplace, Input Fields, and File Launching. Requires Windows 3.1 or Windows 95. 
20140 SHDN371.ZIP 1023,2 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
ShutDown NOW! v3.71Automation utility for Windows 95+98(+SE) and Windows NT v4.0. This tricky and multi-functional automation utility offers more than 10 ways to shut down Windows. 
20141 SHEXCD.ZIP 10264 18.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MS-DOS Prompt Shell Extension
Lisää oikeaan hiiren nappiin MS-DOS Prompt
-komennon, jolla pääsee suoraan siihen
hakemistoon jota klikkaa.
20142 SHKLITE.ZIP 609 kt 14.01.2000 - - -
ShortKeys Lite v1.7For Win95/98/NT. A FREE Windows Text Replacement Utility. Assign up to 35 Text/Text Replacement combinations. When you type in your text, it is automatically replaced for you! Text Replacements can be up to 3000 characters.
20143 SHLWIZ.ZIP 782970 11.10.1996 - - -
Pieni, mutta hyvä ohjelma Windows 95:n
rekisteriin piilotettujen ominaisuuksien
20144 SHORT319.ZIP 30,1 kt 19.06.2000 - - -
Short v0.78.319FREEWARE. Short is a very simple and easy used program, you just type an shortening 
(ie. FI, RAM, ROFL, MS) to the program and the program gives you the explanation. 
SHORT 0.78.319 contains 319 shortenings with explanations. Works in Win95/98/2000 NT4/5.
20145 SHORT410.ZIP 62,8 kt 12.08.2000 - - -
SHORT v0.96.410Short is a very simple and easy used program, you just type an shortening (ie. FI, RAM, ROFL, MS) to the program and the program gives you the explanation. SHORT 0.96.410 contains 410 shortenings with explanations. Works in Win95/98/2000 NT4/5. Freeware
68361 SHOVEIT2.ZIP 14798 25.04.1996 - MBCD -
ShoveIt v2 fixes a small problem with the
Windows 95 task bar on top.
20146 SHUTD12.ZIP 1,7 Mt 19.06.2000 - - -
Shutdown Manager v1.2With Shutdown Manager you can shutdown, restart and logoff your computer. But you can also 
set the timer to do the mentioned actions. Win9x(/Win2k) VB6 Runtimes (included)
(C) 2000 Hezor.
20147 SHUTD13.ZIP 1,7 Mt 19.06.2000 - - -
 Shutdown Manager version 1.3 (C) 2000 Hezor With Shutdown Manager you can shutdown, restart and logoff your computer. But you can also set the timer to do the mentioned actions. There is also a possibility of running action directly from command-line using parameters. This makes it quick! Win9x(/Win2k)
20149 SHUTDO.ZIP 4,3 kt 24.11.1996 - - -
Shutdown for Win95/NT Allows you to easily shutdown Win95/NT by simply double-clicking an icon.
20148 SHUTDOWN.ZIP 124,9 kt 11.12.2000 - 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 2).iso eritupla
ShutDownSammuttaa tietokoneen. Freeware.
68371 SHUTDOWN.ZIP 5487 24.11.1996 ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Elevir-1 FOUND 17993/W95 Collection - Windows 95 Shareware (LCDCAN).iso eritupla
Shutdown for Win95/NT - allows you to
easily shutdown Win95/NT by simply
double-clicking an icon.
20150 SHUTMN20.ZIP 1,8 Mt 01.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
SHUTDOWN MONITOR (tm) V 2.0.0 Runs programs and/or stored commands when Win95/NT shuts down.  This program can query you when Windows shuts down and you can select which programs and command lines you want to run, what order you want to run them, choose not to run any of them this time, or cancel the shutdown.  Show user-defined messages before or after running programs. Run in systray or in background. Win95/NT 4.0
20151 SKDSB110.ZIP 253 tavua 28.07.2000 - - -
Special Keys Disabler\xa01.10aDisable special keys and key combinations. Freeware. Windows 9x
68422 SKED15.ZIP 188561 25.08.1995 - MBCD -
SKEDEZY 1.5 V. easy scheduler for Windows
which sounds an alarm and pops up reminders.
Registration A$24.95 or US$19.95 (plus $4
shipping/handling). Specify date, time,
recurrence period any way, including plain
English. Very tolerant of punctuation,
abbreviations etc. Use minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months and years. Popular with pro's,
also suits home use. Great value, many
satisfied users. Author is a member of STAR
20462 SKEDE160.ZIP 197609 24.11.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
SKEDEZY 1.60 Easy scheduler for Win 95, Win
3.1 and Win for Work Groups which sounds an
alarm and pops up reminders. Specify date,
time, recurrence period any way, including
plain English. Very tolerant of punctuation,
abbreviations etc. Use minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months and years. Useful at work or
20152 SMECH35G.EXE 1,4 Mt 01.01.2001 - - -
"System Mechanic 3.5gKeep your PC running fastercleanerand error-freeand now even speed-up your internet connection with System Mechanics full suite of 15 powerful tools. This set of easy to usebut non-intrusive tools will allow you to find and fix problems with your systemensure reliability and speedas well as properly maintain your PC so that problems dont occur. http://www.iolo.com/sm/"
20153 SMI95V14.ZIP 192010 24.11.1996 - 21739/PC Shareware 1997-04.iso -
SmilerShell/95 1.4 - Win95/NT control center
and command line takes NO screen space! Like
Dashboard plus 4DOS, without heavy memory
requirements. Launch from favorite-apps list,
switch to running app, cal/clock, real-time
mem/rsrcs report, FindFile. Cmdline runs DOS
or WIN pgms, hist/edit/srch, fast dir change
over multiple drives ... and keeps Explorer
in sync! Command completion, aliases, 4DOS
cmds, more! "Must-have" (Windows Magazine)
20464 SMONEXE.ZIP 21513 15.10.1995 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso -
System Activity Monitor (SMON) for Windows 95
This version of System Activity Monitor is
designed to run only under Windows 95. This
version is not compatible with Windows NT,
Windows 3.x, Windows for OS/2, or Windows
emulators such as SoftWindows. This version
of System Activity Monitor requires that the
Norton Utilities for Windows 95 be installed
on your system and only licensed users of
Norton Utilities are entitled to use System
Activity Monitor. System Activity Monitor is
68478 SMSH32.ZIP 175363 25.01.1996 - - -
SmilerShell/95 1.2 - GREAT Win95/NT control
center & cmdline takes NO screen space! Rt-
click roving titlebar button to launch from
yr fav-apps list, or switch to a running app.
Left-click pops up ultimate Win cmdline: runs
DOS & WIN pgms, hist/edit/srch; aliases; fast
dir change over multiple drives ... and keeps
Explorer in sync! FindFile by name, contents;
cal/clock, curr dir, Win mem/rsrcs, more!
"Must-have, recommended" (Windows Mag)
68479 SMTA32.ZIP 1071821 05.11.1996 versio 3.2 15650/PCM_9706.iso -
SMART ADDRESS for Windows 95/NT (V3.1). A
sophisticated Windows address management
system. Direct Links to any Word Processor,
Mail-Merge Data file Creation for MS-Word,
Modem Support, sophisticated reporting
Mail-Shot capabilities, Reminder systems,
callbacks, tabbed dialogs, dialling, very
user configurable, User defined notes, MDI,
sophisticated searching, Import/Export, Full
Popup Help. Calendar functions. Tooltips.
20154 SMTWHL10.ZIP 357,8 kt 01.01.1998 - 1737/Top 200 Programs.iso -
SmartWheel V1.0 Intellimouse Enhancer. Provides wheel scrolling and move-the- mouse around panning effect to the majority of applications, even if they were not programmed to support the Intellimouse. The panning effect is also available to users of standard 3-button mice, by using the middle mouse button.
20155 SMU335.ZIP 2,3 Mt 06.01.1998 - - -
Set Me Up 97Windows 95 system configuration tool. Evaluation Copy. The aim of the application is to cover all the system set-up/customization features that are either hidden or not directly avaliable to the user. The application also offers several enhancements to the operating system features
20156 SNAGIT32.ZIP 513 kt 30.07.1997 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
SnagIt Twin Pack v3.2Easy to use Windows Screen Capture for Windows 3.x, Windows 95 and  Windows NT. SnagIt captures your screen,  window, scrolling window, or region to the  printer, clipboard, or a variety of file  formats, including PCX, JPG, TIF, GIF and  BMP. Fully supports Dynamic Data Exchange  (DDE) and MAPI for easy integration into your applications. SnagIt supports all Windows  video modes and rastering printers.
20157 SOFTY105.ZIP 135,9 kt 24.06.1998 - MBCD -
Softy v1.05Truetype-fonttieditori.
20158 SPCAL57.ZIP 378,3 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
SuperCal v5.7 Windows scientific/financial calulator. Scrolling tape calculator featuring scientific and financial capabilities. Full 15 digit accuracy with no rounding errors. Integrated help on all funcions. Results of all calculations can be saved to clipboard, file, or printer. 10 memory locations/saved between sessions. Shareware.   Registration: $16.00
20159 SPCL13.ZIP 866,3 kt 02.12.1999 - MBCD -
SPEAKING CLOCK, version 1.3 SPEAKING CLOCK, version 1.3 - released 
1999-09-19. Speaking clock with multiple
language support (available separately).
20160 SPCLFIN.ZIP 202,5 kt 02.12.1999 - MBCD -
Speaking Clock: suomen kieliSuomen kieli Speaking Clock -ohjelmalle
20469 SPDROMEV.ZIP 1497285 17.09.1996 - - -
SpeedyROM 1.0 Trial Edition * Windows 95!
CD-ROM cache using hard drive for permanent
file storage, for older slower CD-drives.
22460 SPEBAR.ZIP 578499 24.11.1996 - 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso -
Speed Bar for Windows gives you fast access
to common Windows 95. It makes Windows 95
easier to use then just using the 'Start'
button. Speed Bar is a button bar that sits
above the "Start" button and has icons for
many common Windows programs! NEED
20471 SPLOK95.ZIP 23058 30.12.1995 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
-SuperLok for Windows 95- SuperLok is an
encryption programme which uses the same
algorithm to encrypt and decrypt files.
68609 SPY321A0.ZIP 343177 24.11.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
Socket Spy/32 Win95 trace/debugging system
designed for developers of WINSOCK version
1.1 communications applications. It provides
tracing capabilities for monitoring API
socket calls between the application and the
communications system. The spy window
displays API calls in real-time and may be
configured with various filters and traps to
isolate design problems.
22200 SR274.ZIP 292378 24.11.1996 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
Search & Replace,Touch for Windows 95/NT 3.1x
Fast and easy to use search(grep) and replace
utility (v2.74) for Windows 95/NT and 3.1x.
Supports regular expressions for search and
replace, searches through multiple files/
subdirectory for a phrase and can replace it
with another. Results are shown color coded,
many options (backup, logging, scripts,
20474 SRTCUT.ZIP 152424 11.10.1996 - 14417/fun_&_games_nr_30.iso -
ShortCutter for Windows 95
checks your hard drive for broken links. When
it finds one, it can check to see if the
target has been moved, then deletes the
shortcut if not. FREE
20161 SS30.EXE 579 kt 20.01.2000 - - -
System Safe 3.0 Protects your system, repairs/replaces corrupt/missing system files. FileScan can scan your system at Windows startup and make corrections if needed. System File Lab can protect hundreds of files.
22466 STARTCLN.ZIP 18764 27.11.1996 versio 1.1 6216/BlackPhiles_CD02.zip -
Start Clean v1.2 for Windows 95
Cleans the Start Menu by removing
unneeded links and directories. A must
have for any power user.
20162 STBRWS13.ZIP 21 kt 05.01.2001 - - -
SetBrowser v1.3Jos koneellesi on asennettu useampi selain, voit tällä ohjelmalla valita, mitä niistä käytetään oletusselaimena. Ilmainen.
22467 STIL19TE.ZIP 247164 27.11.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO -
Stiletto v1.9u.  Tiny 3.1x/95 bar launcher/ut
featuring: small footprint (fits in title bar
any mouse button starts a command; multiple b
direct access to prog mgr/shell commands;
multiple launch menus/submenus; task switch,
close, on top; time/date, resource usage, tim
over 80 built-in commands; alarms; sound,
paper control, Win95 file names, key sending.
V1.9u fixes several small bugs.
20163 STIME100.ZIP 749847 12.02.1996 - MBCD -
============ SmallTime (v1.00) ==============
SmallTime is a handy little utility timer
designed specifically for Windows 95!. It
will remind you of an event occurring up to
99 minutes and 59 seconds later. It features
five unique alarm sounds, four display types,
drap-and-drop custom sounds, and more! All
this in an attractive package that looks nice
on your Windows 95 desktop. Shareware.
Registration fee: $5.00. From GadgetWare.
20164 STUPORG.EXE 556,6 kt 14.05.2001 - - -
StartUp Organizer 1.1.48 SR 2Startup Organizer is a Windows 95/98/NT/2000 32-bit program that was developed to provide quick access to all of the programs that are automatically started when you turn on or logon to your computer. Using Startup Organizer, you can inspect, edit, and/or temporary disable such programs, make backup configurations, and so on. It displays a list of all automatically started program categories , including the Registry, Programs menu and the Win.ini file. 30-day trial by Metaproducts. http://www.metaproducts.com/SO.html
20165 SUPRGRAB.ZIP 43,1 kt 06.11.1997 - 22652/cd joystick no85 septembre 1997.iso -
Suprgrab revision 6 3Dfx screen capture grabs the current contents of the frame buffer (backbuffer) on a 3Dfx card and do proper filtering and gamma correction on it. The images should be duplicate the quality of what is on the screen.
20478 SUPRM21A.ZIP 32481 25.03.1996 - MBCD -
(v2.1) SuperMenu. Popup access to Win95
StartMenu. SuperMenu is a popup-menu which
makes it possible to select the Win95
StartMenu button from wherever the hand is at
the moment when clicking the right
mouse-button (alternate mouse-button).
Shareware (US$ 15.- Visa/AmEx, Transfer)
Jarle Pettersen, jarlep@telepost.no
CompuServe: 100420,474
20166 SVME201.ZIP 1,5 Mt 01.01.1998 - - -
"Saveme97 The Windows 95 configuration saver. This program will save your configuration files and restore them if necessary."
20167 SW0052.ZIP 364959 27.11.1996 - - -
ARCsolo 95 1.0 30-Day Live Trial 5 of 5
Tape Support Disk. ARCsolo for Windows
95 provides two complete
workstation-based backup solutions for
standalone PCs, workgroups, and servers
and is compatible with most network
operating systems.
20168 SW100.ZIP 543,2 kt 30.01.1997 - MBCD -
SizeWise SE v1.0 Disk/resource monitor for Win95. Monitors and warns of low levels of disk, memory & resources. You set the levels. Use an led-style or level meter-style indicator. Gives hints of what to do when low levels are reached. Very small and fast utility. Pass the mouse over the indicator for quick information. Uses system tray to minimize screen use. Complete on-line help.
70526 SW150.ZIP 751835 03.06.1996 - MBCD -
ShellWizard v1.50 Windows 95 config utility
20169 SW20PRO.EXE 1841744 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
ShellWizard PRO 2.0 for Windows 95
20170 SW98I.ZIP 2,5 Mt 19.01.2000 versio 2.0 discmaster.textfiles.com -
Schedule Wizard 98 2.04 The essential tool for automating programs and messages on schedule, with flexibility and ease http://www.schedulewizard.com
20171 SWAPMON.ZIP 6848 10.11.1996 koko¹ #hyrava -
FlipTech SwapMon v1.0 Final.
20172 SWINUUE.ZIP 592,1 kt 30.07.1997 - - -
SUPER WINUUE v1.0 Super WinUUE is a 32-bit UUEncoder/UUDecoder for Windows 95. Simple and easy to use. A must have for every Windows toolkit.
20481 SYNCHRO.ZIP 1300228 03.09.1996 - - -
Synchro version 1.2
is an application to allow you to synchronize
directories between drives or computers.
Files which exist in both the source and
target directories will be replaced if the
source file is newer, or not if the targer is
newer. Files which do not exist in the target
directory but do in the source will be
created in the target directory. SHAREWARE$15
20173 SYRSNAG.ZIP 553,5 kt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
Syrinx SnaggerManages URLs captured with the Windows clipboard
20174 SYSCHECK.EXE 77632 06.12.1995 - 24071/2002-01_-_Disc_7.11.iso -
Windows 95 System Check (BETA VERSION)
W95CHECK.EXE is a free utility that will
perform a basic test of hardware and
software compatibility for customers
considering upgrading their system to
Windows 95.  It is not intended as an all-
inclusive diagnostic check for every known
hardware and software compatibility issue
with Windows 95.  Instead, this utility is
designed to answer the most frequently
asked technical questions you may have
prior to upgrading to Windows 95.
20175 SYSED123.ZIP 171,1 kt 01.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
System Editor Beta v1.2.3A small program for viewing and editing your system information, for example your computer name, enviroment variables, etc. Includes also a registry editor. Freeware.
20176 SYSID14B.ZIP 187,7 kt 28.11.2000 - - -
SysId v1.4bIlmainen ohjelma kertoo koneesi tarkan kellotaajuuden, muistin tilan sekä paljon muuta. Toimii Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT 4.0.
20177 SYSINFOW.ZIP 1,5 Mt 01.01.1998 - - -
System Information Tracker 0.96 intfSIT gives you information on your computer, and tracks memory, and displays drive information.
20178 SYSINTR.ZIP 257,9 kt 09.10.1998 - - -
Joukko ohjelmia Windows 95/98:lle, jotka mm. tarkkailevat ohjelmien avaamia tiedostoja, käytössä olevia DLL-prosesseja ja Windowsin rekisteriä. Mukana myös disk-cachen tyhjentäjä. Erittäin hyödyllisiä varsinkin ongelmatilanteissa.
20179 SYSMN.EXE 56913 12.09.1995 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
Windows 95 System Monitor Utility
20180 SYSMON32.ZIP 35262 01.04.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
System Monitor 32 v3.0 now completely
supports Win95.
20181 SYSNF099.EXE 225,3 kt 03.09.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
System Information v0.99Ilmainen ohjelma, joka näyttää tietoja koneellasi olevista laitteista, käyttöjärjestelmästä sekä BIOSista.
20182 SYSTIP.ZIP 14702 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
System tooltips for Windows 95
20183 SYSTW32.ZIP 655,9 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
System Studio for Win32 by Tweak 3D. Windows tweaking tool by the author of the popular Fast Card.  System information and tweaking tool for Windows 9x/NT and 2000. It provides you with information on a wide range of operating system and hardware items. It will let you selectively choose items to dump to a report in both text and HTML formats and allow you to automatically generate the reports at set intervals. 
20184 T95_111.ZIP 117,6 kt 30.01.1997 - MBCD -
Time95 version 1.11 A world clock distributed as shareware. Includes over 150 cities.
68919 TC32101.ZIP 497525 29.08.1995 - MBCD -
Take Command/32 1.01  - JP Software's
new 32-bit command processor for MS Windows
NT and Windows 95.  A true Windows app, not
character-mode.  Command enhancements, over
50 new commands, 4DOS compatible, dozens of
new Windows NT-related features.  Shareware,
$69 full registration.  08-22-95 release A.
68920 TC32102.ZIP 522381 08.01.1997 - MBCD -
Take Command/32 1.02  - JP Software's
32-bit graphical command processor for MS
Windows 95 and Windows NT.  A true Windows
app, not character- mode.  Command
enhancements, over 50 new commands, 4DOS
compatible, dozens of new Windows NT-related
20185 TC32202.ZIP 789,5 kt 25.12.2000 - 23725/PCWorld_2000-08_cd.bin -
"Take Command/32 v2.02BNew release of JP Softwares 32-bit GUI command processor for MS Windows 95 and NT (for Intel-compatible CPUs).  Command enhancementsover 50 new commandsdozens of powerful batch file featuresmany other unique command line tools.  4DOS/4NT compatibledozens of new Windows-related features as well.  Shareware$69.95 full registration.  04-16-99 release B (131). "
20186 TCLOC2.ZIP 331221 08.10.1995 - MBCD -
Talking Clock 2 v. 2.01 for Windows 95, NT,
and Win32s. Displays the current time and
optionally announces the time every 15
minutes using your sound card. Shareware.
20187 TD28_32.ZIP 634 kt 28.11.1998 - MBCD -
ToDo v2.8Manages all your daily tasks, sorts by priority etc.
20188 TEKFCT95.ZIP 516,6 kt 29.07.1997 - MBCD -
TECHFACTS 95 v1.30 TechFacts 95 is a powerful Windows 95 utility to view all aspects of Windows, DOS, Heap, Memory, Networks and your system. You can search for Files, DLLs, and duplicate files and you have 4 configurable resource monitors and multiple resource\\disk alarms as well as a Windows 95 registry performance monitor. TechFacts 95 allows you to transmit any data by Fax\\Modem.
20189 TEKSMAN5.ZIP 118,3 kt 24.03.2000 - - -
Tekstimanageri v5.0Tekstimanageri on Firezonen taattua suomalaista laatua.
Ohjelmassa on mahdollista tallentaa teksti monelle eri 
päätteelle. Miksi turhaa kirjotella paperille kun on 
Tekstimanageri? Vaatii Windows 95, 32-bit.
20190 TEMPOR10.ZIP 244,4 kt 27.07.1998 - MBCD -
TEMPORA 1.0Tempora on monipuolinen kalenteri, jossa on mukana viikonnumerot, nimipäivät, pyhäpäivät, liputuspäivät ja muokattava väritys. Näyttää vuodet 1-9999. Freeware. Tarvitsee VB40032.DLL:n
20191 TENCL103.ZIP 128 kt 08.01.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Ten Clipboards 1.03 You can use ten independent clipboards  at the same time.  Switching by mouse, keys, hot-keys. Supports all Windows 95 and  Windows NT 4.0  clipboard  formats. Powerfull  copy  and  paste enhancements - text-adding,  MultiPaste,  MultiCopy, copy Undo. Friendly interface, many options.
20192 TFT080.ZIP 482,5 kt 05.02.2000 - MBHH2001 -
The Font Thing v0.80Ilmainen ja monipuolinen ohjelma fonttien selailuun.
20193 TIMAST20.ZIP 223594 15.10.1995 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
PowerStrip v2.0 (Win/Win95 shareware). The
handiest utility you'll ever use. Displays
time, date, and system resources (toggle
on/off) in a tiny, draggable status bar.
Right-click popup menu reveals full Calendar,
Phone Number list and dialer, ToDo List, disk
info panel, and file finder/launcher - all
hidden until needed. Unlike other PIMs, this
one has the basics you actually use.
20194 TIMEEZY.ARJ 220,4 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
"TimeEzy v1.0Intelligent Global Clock for  Win 95 and NT 4.0. An exceptionally easy to  use utility which offers pointnclick access to timezones around the world. Takes Daylight Savings Time into account wherever and  whenever appropriate.  From the author of the highly regarded  SkedEzy and SkedEzy Pro schedulers. The  author is a member of the ASP."
20195 TIMER15.ZIP 14,3 kt 23.04.1999 - - -
"Arskas Super Timer 1.5 Ohjelmajoka ilmoittaa kun kello on tarpeeksi paljon! (Saattaa tarvita Visual Basic-kirjastoja! vbrun500.exe)
20196 TIMERC11.ZIP 139,6 kt 07.12.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
TimeRC 1.1TimeRC is a Windows 95 -specific time client which synchronizes your PC clock with a number of time servers from around the world via Internet.
20197 TIMES10.ZIP 43,7 kt 27.03.1997 - 18133/winsit03964.zip tupla
Time Synchronizer v1.0 for WinNTTime Synchronizer is used to synchronize time on multiple computers running Microsoft Windows NT on the network.
20198 TINYTIMR.ZIP 132,2 kt 01.09.1997 - MBCD -
TinyTimer 1.1a This small desktop tray accessory provides the user with a small, pop-up/ self-hiding timer. Use it to monitor your online time, or for any general purpose activity. Homepage: http://www.powerup. com.au/~marver
20199 TM133.ZIP 162,2 kt 13.08.2000 - - -
Tekstin muokkaaja v1.33Tämä ohjelma muuttaa useamman tekstin kokoa, eli SUURESTA pieneksi ja päinvastoin. Uutta: uusi asetus, bugikorjaus ja valitun asetuksen värjäys. Vaatii: Visual Basic 6 Runtime-tiedostot ® Copyright 2000 Valtteri Huttunen.
20200 TM2003.EXE 666 kt 07.08.1998 - - -
The Trial Magician v2.0 Demoversio Trial Magician on ohjelma, jolla voit asentaa ohjelmia virtuaalisesti koneellesi ja poistaa ne halutessasi ilman rekisteri- tai asetusmuutoksia.
20201 TMOUSE95.ZIP 341 kt 22.05.1997 - MBCD -
ToggleMOUSE utility for Windows 95
20202 TN144.EXE 863,9 kt 25.12.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Turbo Navigator v1.44Norton Commander -tyylinen tiedostonhallintaohjelma. Osaa mm. tiedostojen pilkkomisen ja liittämisen, salaamisen, monipuoliset valinnat ja erittäin paljon muuta. Freeware. http://www.turbonavigator.com/
22480 TOILET.ZIP 57668 15.10.1995 - Pegasus_Win95.iso -
Toilet to replace the Recycle Bin of
Windows 95
22482 TOOLS95.ZIP 409979 15.10.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
This rather simple little program lets you
change the names of 3 of the Desktop Objects,
'My Computer', 'Network Neighborhood', and
'The Recycle Bin'. To run it all you do is
run the "Names95" file from either the
command prompt or the Explorer.  It will then
allow you to change these objects on your
desktop.  The changes will not be visible
until you restart the computer.
22206 TOUCHPRO.ZIP 30826 27.11.1996 - MBCD -
TouchPro - is a Win95 extension that
allows you to modify a file's time and
date values. This appears as an extra
dialog box in addition to a file's
normal property pages.
69297 TPAD132A.ZIP 510449 27.11.1996 - - -
TEXTPAD 1.32a: Ziff-Davis 1995 Award winner.
20203 TPSD3210.ZIP 166213 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
TopSide32:  stay-on-top Calendar, v1.0, for
32-bit Windows provides the needed calendar
applet missing from Windows 95.  Requires:
80386sx or greater and 32-bit Windows
operating system.  Stay-on-top capability and
calendar print feature available in
registered copy.  From RCCO Research.
69369 TRAYDA51.ZIP 30713 19.08.1996 - MBCD -
TrayDay v5.1 for Windows 95 Taskbar tray
TrayDay places an icon showing the date
(day of the month) in the system tray.
You can copy and paste the current date
to other applications, and customize the
date icon's tooltip.
22489 TRAYEX.ZIP 8986 25.01.1996 - 15653/PCM_9710.iso -
TrayExit Hate clicking on Start to close
Windows? Use TrayExit to shut down with an
icon instead.
20491 TRAYQT.ZIP 8039 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
Quick exit for Windows 95 on system tray
69370 TRAYTXT6.ZIP 72625 27.11.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
TrayText 6.0 for Windows 95 or NT 4.0.
Autotext from the system tray! Store
common phrases that are available to any
application with just two mouse clicks or
key presses. Plus, a useful Spike feature
for collecting text from different sources.
22494 TSCUTS.ZIP 10263 24.09.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso -
Tray Shortcuts version 1.0
allows you to add any shortcut to the system
tray. Simply copy the shortcuts that you wish
to appear in the tray to the folder that
contains Tscuts.exe, the tray shortcuts
executable, then launch tray shortcuts. The
shortcut icons will appear in the system tray
. Remember that tray shortcuts will not
display executable or document icons in the
tray; it will, however, display any type of
shortcut. FREE
20204 TSKINF10.ZIP 348,5 kt 31.01.1999 - MBCD -
TaskInfo v.1.00TaskInfo shows information about all running processes and threads including ring0 VxD threads. This information include CPU usage, scheduling, path, command line, environment variables, memory usage, DLLs and other. It can run and force termination of processes. Reboot, Restart, Shutdown System. It shows also System wide info: CPU, Memory and Cache usage. Data rates for Disk, Network, DialUp IO.
20205 TSKMAN.EXE 16,7 Mt 19.01.2000 - - -
"Task Manager 2000 1.00 (demo)This program can be used by a single user or in a team environment to help manage and keep track of all tasksprojects and client jobs and other things you or your team are working on. Features Microsofts Access database technology to provide a multi-user database environment.
20206 TTOOL102.ZIP 243,4 kt 29.05.1998 - MBCD -
TimeTools v1.02 All the functions of a multifunction wristwatch on your PC: timer, easily settable alarm, stopwatch with lap counter and average lap time calculator, tempo counter.
20207 TTOOLS.ZIP 134,9 kt 06.12.2000 - - -
Tray Tools 2000 v2.1Ilmainen ohjelma Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me:lle, jolla saat lisättyä maksimissaan 24 vapaavalintaista ohjelmaa Windowsin tehtävätarjottimeen. 
20208 TVW32.ZIP 94820 27.11.1996 - MBCD -
TaskView v4.2 -  Utility program for
Microsoft Windows 95, and Windows NT that
provides the ability to view and manage the
active tasks currently operating on the
computer. It is particularly useful for
terminating programs that are no longer
cooperative and to set the priorities of
operating tasks. If you have the new Windows
95 shell and miss the old task manager, this
is the utility for you.
20209 TWEA11.ZIP 1,5 Mt 09.07.1999 - #hyrava -
TweakAll v1.1CD Autorun options, Windows Boot up options, items on the Add/Remove control panel, 3dfx Voodoo overclocking and more Windows system options. Installs as a control panel applet. Change those annoying features of windows. Improve your system performance. Backs up your current Windows settings to allow you to reset them easily. Windows 95/98.
20210 TWEAK502.ZIP 819,1 kt 20.10.2000 - 10268/CICA 32 for Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (January 2001) (Disc 2).iso -
Tweaker 5.02Pieni ja ilmainen TweakUI:n kaltainen ohjelma Windowsin asetusten fiksailuun.
20211 TWEAKALL.EXE 2,1 Mt 28.07.2000 - 23045/cdactioncoverdisc492000.iso -
"TweakAll 1.2.3 Full InstallTweakAll is a small program that allows you to take control over your 
Windows 95/98 operating system (doesnt work with Windows NT). 
Set-up Windows the way YOU want itnot how Microsoft think you 
should have it. http://www.abtons-shed.com/TweakAll.html
20212 TWEAKI.EXE 3,4 Mt 21.11.2000 - - -
Tweaki...for Power Users v2.7.5Monipuolinen, yli 200 Windowsin muokkaustoimintoa sisältävä TweakUI:n kaltainen ohjelma. Shareware-versio Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. http://www.jermar.com
20213 TWEAKIT.ZIP 123,4 kt 09.10.2000 - - -
TweakIT v1.0Nopea ja suomenkielinen Tweak-ohjelma, jolla saat muutettua mm. Internet Explorerin asetuksia. Tulevaisuudessa enemmän ominaisuuksia. Vaatii Visual Basic 6.0:n ajonaikaiset tiedostot; VBRUN6.0. Tekijä: Niko Hujanen, http://www.nikohujanen.com
20214 TWEAKUI.EXE 110,4 kt 29.11.2000 - 24080/2001-05_-_Disc_7.2.iso -
Tweak UI 1.33The Windows shell-development team did some extra programming and put together a set of 
tools, called Power Toys. If you\'re a power user, go ahead and try them out, but be 
forewarned that Power Toys aren\'t supported by Microsoft, because they are not part 
of Windows. This group of "toys" lets you adjust your Windows User Interface, including 
menu speed, window animation, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Free.
20215 TWKI2024.ZIP 63,1 kt 10.06.1998 - - -
TweakIt (Voodoo/Voodoo2 v2.0.24b2)Erinomainen - ehkä paras - Voodoon tweekkaus ohjelma. Paljon säätöjä, nyt tuki jopa Voodoo2:lle. Tekee itsestään batit. Säädää 3Dfx DirectX- asetuksia, muistioptioita jne.
20216 TWKUI_98.ZIP 100,8 kt 09.10.1998 - MBCD -
TweakUI 98 Windows 95/98:lle
20217 TXTAL120.EXE 3,9 Mt 22.09.2000 - - -
TextAloud MP3 1.2Turn text from your computer into spoken words. Convert email, online news, or important documents into WAVs or MP3s and listen to them while you exercise, work, or commute.
20218 TYPPAR11.ZIP 389,8 kt 01.11.2000 - - -
Type Parser v1.1Ilmainen ohjelma, joka kertoo, mihin kaikkialle levyllä on tallennettu tietyntyyppisiä tiedostoja.
Näyttää tiedostoista myös erilaista tilastotietoa.
20219 TZ30.ZIP 72636 04.05.1996 - MBCD -
Time Zone v3.0 Windows 95 system extension
Control Panel extension to maintain your
system's time zone.
20220 UAEL37.ZIP 157,2 kt 30.04.1997 - - -
UAE-Launcher  v3.7This is a program which helps starting Ubiquitous Amiga  Emulator, making the command line automatically.
20221 UAERUNNR.ZIP 12,2 kt 08.01.1998 - - -
"UAErunner v1.0 Launch UAE with different configurations. Easy managementfast accessmany options. Youll never start WinUAE from a DOS-Box again! :.)"
20222 UCALC32.ZIP 101,7 kt 28.04.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
ULTIMATE CALCULATOR v3.2 Graphic scientific calculator. Expression evaluator with many built-in functions, operators, numerical notations, and modes. User variables & functions. Solves, plots 2D/3D equations, does integrations and summations. Supports hex & binary notations. Radian & degree modes. Resizable TSR window. 18 significant digits. Mouse support. Online help and more.
20223 UNINMNGR.ZIP 455,2 kt 20.11.2000 versio 3.10 15606/PCM_0004.iso -
Uninstall Manager v3.21 Easy to use, fast and powerful uninstaller. The best way to check all new additions to  your system without installation monitoring. Removing files from your system is a lot harder than installing them. With U.M. you can completely remove unwanted software in a few minutes. 30-day trial. System: Win95/98/Me. (c) 1997-2000 All rights reserved. 
20224 UNIX95.ZIP 669023 27.11.1995 ClamAV: Win.Malware.Pskill-10 FOUND Metropoli BBS files.zip -
UNIXin tapaisia työkaluohjelmia Windows
69563 UNMOZ.ZIP 341283 18.11.1996 renamed 2459/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 5).iso -
UnMozify Cache Manager
lets you manipulate the files stored in the
browser's cache in almost any way you want.
20225 UPTIM152.ZIP 33,5 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Uptime v1.52For Windows 9x/ME/2000. Displays the time since Windows was last  started. Installs an icon to windows  taskbar tray and shows the uptime as  a tooltip. Also shows info of your use  of computer, such as computer startups,  highest and lowest uptime. Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Kimmo Ahola.  Freeware. 
20226 UPTIM200.ZIP 350,2 kt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
UPTIME v2.00Uptime is a 32-bit software for Windows 95,98 and NT 4.0 that displays how long the computer has been running. Uptime features a resizable window and a system tray icon for complete control over its appearance. FREEWARE. W eb site at http://www.idyle.com
20227 UPTIME12.ZIP 138,7 kt 28.10.1998 - MBCD -
Uptime 1.2Displays the time since Windows was last started. Installs an icon to the Taskbar tray, then shows the uptime as a tooltip. Creates and maintains a log file of all startups and shutdowns. Copyright (C) 1997 Jere Käpyaho. Freeware. Delphi 3.0 source included.
20228 V3TWEAKS.ZIP 231,3 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
V3Tweaks Version: 1.22 (Windows 95/98) Author: L.R.A. (18/06/2000) WebSite: http://lra.newmail.ru E-Mail: lra@newmail.ru 
20229 VAIHTAJA.ZIP 24,5 kt 28.07.2000 - - -
Vaihtaja on tietokoneen käyttöä huomattavasti nopeuttava ohjelma, jolla voidaan esim. vaihtaa mp3-playlistit lennossa, sekä arpoa uusi taustakuva tietokoneen käynnistyksen yhteydessä. Ohjelman varsinainen käyttö on erittäin helppoa ja mukana seuraa kätevä muokkausohjelma sen tiedostoille. Vaatii VB5:n ajonaikaistiedostot, Win95 tai uudempi.
20230 VALVOJ10.ZIP 503,4 kt 24.03.2000 - - -
Valvoja 1.0.Win 9x. Freeware. Valvoja tarkkailee heittovaihtotiedoston 
ja prosessorin käyttöastetta sekä käytettävissä olevan 
muistin ja järjestelmäresurssien määrää. Haluttu kohde näkyy 
jatkuvasti päivittyvänä pylväänä tarjottimen kuvakkeessa.
20231 VARO12.ZIP 330,5 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
Varoittaja 1.2 Varoittaja hälyttää kun tietty aika on kulunut umpeen. Ohjelma on kätevä esim. puhelun keston mittaamisessa. (Tarvitsee VB5 ajonaikaiset tiedostot) By: Atomic / MATt
20232 VBSYS340.ZIP 340072 18.10.1996 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
VBSys Windows System Monitor for Win95.
Tarkkailee levytilaa, vapaata muistia,
prosessorin käyttöä yms.
20502 VCALC09B.ZIP 86235 10.11.1996 - 23464/CHIP 1996 december (CD10).zip -
Virtual Calc v0.9 Beta.
20233 VDESK111.ZIP 57,3 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
VDESK32 v1.11Virtual Desktop for Windows 95/NT. Freeware, (C) 1995-1997 Jussi Lahdenniemi
22211 VDIFMRGN.ZIP 149978 24.10.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_2.iso -
VDIFMRG - Visual Diff and Merge
Version 1.0 patch A (first release)
Visual Diff and Merge (VDIFMRG) is a
software developer's tool for finding and
displaying the differences between two
versions of a source file, and for merging
separate changes made to copies of the
same source during concurrent development.
20234 VDP32.ZIP 3466633 09.08.1996 - - -
VISUAL DAY PLANNER 5.0 for 95  This PC
features Workgroup-Enabled Network Version,
Calendar as Wallpaper, Recurring Events, Drag
and Drop text, unique Alarm with multiple
Musical Tunes, WYSIWYG Fonts, Color Printing,
MultiView, MultiColor, MultiFont and
MultiDocument capability. Extremely easy to
use. So, What Do You Want To Do Today?
20235 VEIK101.ZIP 1 Mt 24.03.2000 - - tupla
Veikkaaja v1.01Jokaisen pitkänvedon pelaajan toiveohjelma. Laskee helposti
kertoimen. Ilmainen. Vaatii: Visual Basic 4 16-bit runtime libraries.
20236 VELKURI.ZIP 127,8 kt 17.04.2001 versio 1.1 MBHH2006 -
Velkuri v1.0Suomalainen. Velkuri on ohjelma, jolla voit tallentaa lainoja/velkoja tai mitä tahansa muita asioita. Muistiin mahtuu yhteensä 100 nimeä, ja jokaiselle nimelle saa tallennettua 30 lainaa. Ohjelma sisältää helppokäyttöisen ohjeen ja AutoUpdate-toinnon. Vaatii Win95 tai uudemman, ja msvbvm60.dll:n. Suomalainen. Tekijä: Jani Nuotio
20237 VEN20SP1.EXE 191,7 kt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
Virtual Environment v2.0 Service Pack 1
20238 VENV20.EXE 202,8 kt 16.12.1998 - MBCD -
Virtual Environment v2.0
20239 VERSLIST.ZIP 78070 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
VersList extracts and compares version
information from Win32 executable files.
22500 VFWIN1_0.ZIP 140749 31.12.1995 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
VF Very Fast Access To Any Folder On Any
Drive For Windows 95 ONLY. This small utility
gives you fast and easy access to your
folders and directories. With powerful
filefind utility. Just start VFwin, enter
folder or part of foldername, hit enter or
click 'start' and the folder opens with the
explorer, FAST. Scans your disks at lightning
20240 VISDAR.ZIP 277269 21.08.1996 - - -
VisionDar 4.0
is a calendar combines the art and beauty of
wall calendars, with th limitsless
possibilities of a computer software.
* Beatiful pictures, specially designed for
1996, by art designer Matit.
* Capture new images as you surf!
* A handy scheduler with "cont. sound" alarms
* Resize it to any possible size
* Display all "time-entities" (clock, month,
etc.) in all colors and fonts. SHAREWARE $18
20241 VN95.ZIP 298591 08.01.1997 - 22904/pcwnov96.zip -
Vulcan Notes 95 lets you create up to 100
virtual "sticky notes" on your screen
(reminder application).
20242 VOICENET.EXE 2 Mt 21.01.2000 - - -
"VoiceNet VRS 2000 simple Voice Recognition Utility with Voice Mail Messaging features. You can create different voice commands to run applications and simulate user input. TheVoice Mail Wizardallows you to send and receive voice mail messages with anyone anywhere."
20243 VPAD-SW.A01 3,3 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Voicepad SW 2/4
20244 VPAD-SW.A02 3,3 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Voicepad SW 3/4
20245 VPAD-SW.A03 1,2 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Voicepad SW 4/4
20246 VPAD-SW.ARJ 3,3 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Kurzweil VoicePadTalk To Your Computer - Seriously clever software. It looks just like the word processor that comes with Windows 95 - WordPad. But, forget the typing and chasing the mouse, it just listens to what you say, then does it. All you have to do is talk. VoicePad prioritises 17 000 words you want to use, from its list of 200 000, and then lets you add 3 000 new words. Req. Pentium Win95 16 MB sound card. Shareware.
69821 VRAM106T.ZIP 37487 18.11.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso tupla
VRAM Dir v. 1.06  Dynamic 32-bit virtual RAM
file system driver for Windows 95. Much
faster than Hard Disks, RAM-disks or cache.
20247 VRAM107T.ZIP 37,9 kt 22.12.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
VRAM Dir v1.07VRAM Dir is a dynamic 32-bit virtual RAM file system driver for Windows 95. Much faster than hard disks, RAM-disks or cache.
20248 VSUBST15.ZIP 16,2 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
vSubst v1.5Voit luoda virtuaalisen levyaseman mistä tahansa hakemistosta helposti. Uutta levyasemaa voi käyttää niinkuin se olisi normaali fyysinen asema. Asema häviää automaattisesti Windwsin sammutuksessa, voit myös ohjelman avulla tehdä asemat automaattisesti Windowsin käynnistyksen yhteydessä. Freeware.
20249 VWBMP.ZIP 91547 11.10.1996 - - -
View A Bitmap--View An AVI Utility
It is intented as a previewing program
for quickly looking through a number of
files in the same directory.
20250 VWINMGR2.ZIP 30227 04.11.1995 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO -
Imp Virtual Window Manager. Tällä pystyt
käyttämään jopa yhdeksää virtuaaliruutua yhtä
20251 W95SE11B.ZIP 1,8 Mt 04.11.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Win95 Startup Editor v1.1Win95 Startup Editor allows you to change the boot configuration of Win95 in the simple and safest way.
20504 W95TOOL1.ZIP 26714 18.12.1995 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
Komentoriviohjelmat uudelleenkäynnistykseen
ja Windowsin sammutukseen.
20252 WA260.ZIP 344 kt 08.01.2000 - - -
WAssociate v2.6For Win9.x/NT/2000. Change file associations fast. Freeware.
22213 WASTE95A.ZIP 752898 29.11.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso -
WASTE.EXE 2.5 (a 32 bit app for Win95 &
WinNT) quickly analyzes a specified disk and
reports the total amount of space in use, and
total amount of slack or "wasted" space on
the specified disk. Allows you informed,
intelligent choices for disk partitioning.
Also reports the prospective disk wastage for
various hypothetical disk sizes.
20253 WB2000S.ZIP 1,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
WinBoost 2000 WinBoost 2000 is a special utility to configure and personalize Windows 98/98SE/ 95 looks and feels. Using easy to use GUI you can configure hundreds of Windows 98/95 hidden settings, from the Start Menu, Desktop, Accessories, Windows Explorer, to Internet Explorer.
20255 WCLK23.ZIP 125,7 kt 27.02.1998 - MBCD -
World Clocks v2.3World Clocks can show unlimited number (theoretically) of clocks - each one can be configured for a different city. Choose from a list of over 100 cities. This software is FREEWARE, NO warranty what so ever. - Chirag Dalal, chirag@theoffice.net, http://www.theoffice.net/chirag/
69972 WCMD211.ZIP 697658 18.12.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO tupla
WINDOWS COMMANDER v2.11 - for WinNT/95/3.1.
This is a bugfix to Wincmd 2.10. There is a
bug in the internal ZIP packer of 2.10! If
you have 2.10, get this file! (You don't need
version 2.10 to install this.)
20256 WCPU300.EXE 174,5 kt 02.04.2001 - 22325/VPR0106A.BIN -
WCPUID 3.0Näyttää runsaasti tietoa prosessorista. http://www.h-oda.com/
20257 WDATE301.ZIP 653,5 kt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
"WinDates v3.01 Holiday/birthday/event reminder with alarms & calendar for Windows 95 or NT. WinDates allows you to enter and be reminded of important dates and times. WinDates includes an alarm function and a monthly calendar. WinDates AUTOMATICALLY calculates and reminds you of many holidays such as Mothers Day and Fathers Day which can be hard to remember since they may fall on a different date each year. From RockinSoftware.  Shareware $19.95 US"
20258 WEDORG.EXE 1,5 Mt 16.10.2000 renamed / versio ? 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 1).iso -
My Wedding Organizer v5.2My Wedding Organizer combines the tools you need to make organizing your wedding a less stressful task. This program can create and manage important information, such as invitation lists, RSVP, gifts received, thank-you notes sent, and more. You can also design seating charts for the reception, track menu selection, and manage other details with simple hierarchical databases. In addition, My Wedding Organizer can print invitations, thank-you notes, envelopes, or any other documents you require. This updated version features file import, budget suggestions, better screen formatting, and a choice of large or small fonts. The unregistered version has a trial limit of 30 days. The registration fee is $29.95. Shareware for Win9x/NT by Reliable Source Inc.
20259 WGLOBE12.ZIP 1,7 Mt 28.01.2000 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 4).iso -
WinGlobe v1.2A tiny Earth that sits on your desktop and shows countries and major cities (2792 currently). It knows the population and the current local time of each city. It also shows whether it is day or night.
20260 WGLOBE2.ZIP 2 Mt 09.04.2001 - 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 4).iso -
WinGlobe 2WinGlobe is a tiny earth that sits on your Windows desktop. In addition to just sitting there it knows the local time and population of several thousand major cities around the world. It also shows where it is day or night at the moment. And it shows the current weather. Shareware.
70029 WH95_11S.ZIP 25693 11.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
WinHacker 95 Version 1.1 Shareware [1/1] This
configures all the hidden options and secrets
in Windows 95! A MUST-HAVE!
20261 WH95V202.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.10.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WinHacker 95 v2.02Winhacker 95 is a utility that you can use to configure the hidden Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 settings. WinHacker 95 is THE Windows Shell Management Tool. http://www.winhacker.com
20262 WHISPER.ZIP 422,2 kt 13.09.2000 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
"Whisper 32 v1.12Shaun Ivorys FREE  Password Manager for Window 95 and Windows  NT. 
Store all of your passwords in one file.  Encrypted password file. Built-in 
password  generator. Use the Windows clipboard to copy  passwords. 
Automatically backs up password  files each time they are saved. 
Program is  password protected. Comprehensive online  reference. 
Runs in the system tray.
20263 WHOWKS51.ZIP 115,4 kt 01.07.1997 - 12774/7100.zip -
WHOWORKS V5.07 demoA Windows 95 & 3.1 program which allows the user to create 1 to 10-week work schedules for up to 128 employees. Simplified schedule preparation leaves more time for your main priorities.
70049 WILBUR13.ZIP 1566796 29.11.1996 - - tupla
Wilbur's mission is to help you find things
in alla those files you accumulate on your
hard disk.
20513 WINALARM.ZIP 46422 29.11.1996 - 10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 2).iso -
The WinAlarm sends the sound signal and shows
dialog box at the user defined time.
20264 WINCO20.ZIP 151,8 kt 24.08.1998 - MBCD -
Winco 2.0 Winco is a nice countdown clock for Windows 95. FREEWARE.
20265 WINDUH32.ZIP 37,8 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
WinDuh 1.0 System customization and personalization utility for Windows 95. It allows you to safely and easily change settings that are hidden in the Registry and system files and are not easily accessible otherwise.
20515 WINENF.ZIP 338729 27.10.1996 - - -
Windows Enforcer version 1.1
protects systems that are accessible to many
people and require a consistent configuration
and a consistent, limited selection of
services. This is accomplished by insuring
that specified tasks either never rub or
always run. It is easy to configure and
requires little to no modifications to your
current system configuration. SHAREWARE $5
20517 WINGO14.ZIP 56994 31.12.1995 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
WinGO 1.4 for Windows 95 - adds an icon to th
when clicked, brings up a menu containing sho
folders you use most often.  Selecting a shor
Explorer window on that folder.  Easy to use
displayed in English, French, German and Japa
20266 WINHEX82.ZIP 269,1 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
WinHex 8.21English/German Hex/Disk Editor with a lot of features. Easy to use, minimal system requirements. Registration fee: US$ 22/DM 36. Author: Stefan Fleischmann sf@muenster.de http://www.muenster.de/~sf
22216 WINIMA30.ZIP 188436 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
IMAGER. Win32 english version for Win'95,
Win'NT, Win32s. Create and manager disk
images. Format and duplicate standard and
non-standard disk formats. Supports 1.68mb
DMF format. Pwerful Batch Assistant. Build CD
ISO images under NT. Language support
(English, French, Italian, etc..). Supports
LFN, diskcopy Macintosh disks. NEW: Compress
images! Makes images from floppies.
20268 WINKEY.EXE 1,2 Mt 01.03.2001 - 23776/PCWorld_2004-12_Special_cd.bin -
WinKey 2.8Valjasta Windows-näppäin hyötykäyttöön: liitä sen ja muiden näppäinten yhdistelmiin
erilaisia toimintoja. Ilmainen. http://www.agents-tech.com/winkey/
20267 WINKEY25.ZIP 1 Mt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
WinKey v2.5Start your favorite applications, folders and Web pages instantly by using your own Windows key shortcuts with WinKey! This FREE shell extension allows you to define keyboard shortcuts with the Windows key. You can use almost any key combination and create shortcuts to system folders such as My Computer, Network Neighborhood, Dial-Up Networking, Control Panel and Recycle Bin. WinKey is a must for all Windows keyboard users.
20518 WINLAU.ZIP 229178 24.11.1996 - - -
You can now easily run an almost unlimited
number of programs without cluttering up your
desktop. Let Winlaunch provide quick and easy
access to all your frequently used
20269 WINOPT99.ZIP 2 Mt 10.03.2001 - - -
WindowsOptimizer Deluxe 99Windowsin rekisterin optimointi ja siivous ohjelma. Shareware. 
70087 WINSHADE.ZIP 197838 23.01.1996 - 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso tupla
WinShade V1.5.0 allows you to roll-up windows
into their title bar Win95
20270 WINT2K30.ZIP 1,5 Mt 12.01.2001 - - -
WinTasks 2000 (Free Version) v3.0Tyylikäs ja helppokäyttöinen apuohjelma prosessien hallintaan. Voit nostaa ja laskea prosessien prioriteettejä ja tappaa prosessin tai useammankin yhdellä kertaa. Ohjelman saa halutessaan aktivoitumaan Ctrl-Alt-Del -näppäinyhdistelmällä, tai vaikka Ctrl-Alt-Shift -yhdistelmällä.
22514 WINU202.ZIP 171257 24.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WinU 2.0  Windows 95 menu system with
timeout and security access features. Ideal
for parents who want to limit children's
access to the family PC, or computer stores
that want to let the shopping public try
their featured software without allowing
access to the entire computer.  NEW: much
more robust security, multiple password-
protected desktops, more customizable.
20271 WKKILL17.ZIP 8,7 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
WinKey Killer v1.7Pieni ohjema jolla voi poistaa Windows 95-näppäimistön Windows-näppäimet käytöstä. Voit halutessasi jättää toimintaan Windowsin omat pikanäppäimet (kuten Win-e ja Win-r). Ohjelmalla voi myös poistaa käytöstä kaikki pikanäppäimet, kuten Alt-Tab ja Ctrl-Alt-Del. Freeware. http://home.plutonium.net/~bjackson
20272 WNFO101.ZIP 196,4 kt 19.02.2001 - - -
Winnfo 1.01Winnfo on yksinkertainen mutta toimiva tiedostonkatseluohjelma .DIZ ja .NFO -tiedostoja varten, jotka näkyvät usein väärin tavallisilla tekstieditoreilla. Freeware.
22218 WNTDY202.ZIP 132191 27.10.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
WinTidy - Windows 95/NT program to help
recover disk space.  Finds backup, object,
temporary files that might be candidates for
deletion and allows the user to delete one or
more of these files.  Borland Delphi 2.0 with
70180 WRKLCK.ZIP 163936 27.10.1996 - - -
Workstation Lock version 2.1
provides a simple and inexpensive, but
effective way to password protect your system
without involving a screen saver. It is easy
to configure and requires no modifications to
your current system configuration.
Administrator password is enabled for site
20273 WRTP110.EXE 4,5 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
WinRamTurbo PRO v1.10WinRamTurbo is a Memory Optimizer for Windows 95/98/NT/2000.
The program uses a Memory Optimizer, a File and Disk Cache 
Optimizer, and a Performance Booster to increase the 
performance of Windows applications.
20274 WSF95431.ZIP 515,1 kt 30.03.1998 - - -
WinSafe95 v4.31WinSafe95 offers 7 ways to recover from a crash, 6 utilities, 5 reports, 4 repair utilities, 3 ways to registry backups, and much more. WinSafe 95 it saves all vital information and restores your system back to operating condition when you find yourself in Safe Mode or a crash. It also gives you quick access to all the files and utilities that you need to recover.
20275 WSHNGO.ZIP 2,2 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
"WashAndGo 4.0WashAndGo 4.0a is your scrubbing brush for for the hard disk of your PC. It enables you to clean up your whole systemso giving you back valuable disk space within seconds! WashAndGo gives you the power to remove this space-wasting garbage from your system. For example WashAndGo can remove *.bak*.tmp filesetcalso 0-Byte files and wrong un-install entries. It has the capability to delete
defective linksempty the TEMP- directory of your systemerase old browser cache-files and clean your start folders. This is just a small selection of the pro- grams clean-up-tools. Furthermore it has many many security options: Before making changes or deletions WashAndGo will present   a list of questionable files from which you can choose. It can store all marked files in a special backup directory before deleting them after 14 daysand after this period the files can still be found in the Windows trashcan. -  Its fastsecure and reliable! Dont miss your chance to  reclaim that massive amount of wasted disk space - with  the help of WashAndGo. WashAndGo is 100% compatible to Win9xWin2k and WinMe! http://www.abelssoft.de/engl/"
20276 WSLOCK26.ZIP 876,3 kt 24.06.1998 - - -
WorkStation Lock v2.6WorkStation Lock provides a simple and inexpensive, but effective way to password protect your system at startup or quickly from a desktop shortcut without involving a screen saver.  It is easy to configure and requires no modifications to your current system configuration. 
22084 WT95V10.ZIP 1319185 23.02.1996 - MBCD -
Wintune 95 Release 1.0
20277 WTALK25.EXE 1,8 Mt 16.08.1999 - - -
WillowTALK v2.5 Trial version WillowTALK lets your PC speak. It can read web pages, Word documents, email, and more. It includes a free pronounciation dictionary that lets you tell it how to pronounce unusual words and other languages. http://www.willowpond.com
20278 WTCHM47.ZIP 663,3 kt 25.12.2000 - - -
Watchman 4.7A fast, stylish, easy-to-use and effective SECURITY application. Need to ban access to programs and/or windows (folders, files, docs...)? Fast, easy-to-use, flexible, very powerful. Win95/98/ME/NT/2000. Shareware. http://www.anfibia.net
20531 WTIME95.ZIP 122533 21.08.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Worldtimes for Windows 95 Taskbar
once started, Worldtimes will add an earth
icon to your Windows taskbar. Right clicking
on the earth icon will open the cities and
their local times you configured before. You
can either use this window for displaying
times or you can use the hint label appearing
over the earth icon when the cursor is on it.
22516 WTRAY.ZIP 151706 21.08.1996 - 23355/Chip_Hitware_Vol_06.iso -
Win Tray 96++ - This utility provides a quick
and easy way to to add and run up to 8
programs from the Windows 95 system tray next
to the clock. All fuctions are user
configurable ONLY $10.00 plus $2.50 s.h.
20279 XQXS551.ZIP 2,9 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
"Xteq X-Setup 5.51 for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000 - Free! X-Setup is not yet another Windows Hacker; its the ultimat e tool for black belt system tuning and tweaking. From simple boot options up to server settings and hardware settingsX-Setup allows you to change more than 400 (!!) hidden functions with some simple button clicks. This makes Xteq X-Setup the most complete hacker ever available.Because settings change often and fastX-Setup uses plug-ins."
20280 XSETUP55.ZIP 2,9 Mt 26.03.2000 - - -
"X-Setup 5.5.1 for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000X-Setup is not yet another Windows Hacker; its the ultimate 
tool for black belt system tuning and tweaking. From simple
boot options up to server settings and hardware settings
X-Setup allows you to change more than 400 (!!) hidden  
functions with some simple button clicks. This makes Xteq 
X-Setup the most complete hacker ever available. Because 
this settings change often and fastX-Setup uses plug-ins
that are light and easy to update.
20281 XSETUP60.ZIP 3,5 Mt 16.02.2001 - - -
Xteq Systems X-Setup 6.0Mustan vyön ohjelma Windowsin hienosäätöön. Sisältää yli 750 Windowsin piiloasetusta, alkaen käynnistyksen perusasetuksista aina Officen hienosäätöön asti. Ohjelmalla on mahdollista nauhoittaa tehtävät muutokset .REG tiedostoon ja näin tehdä samat muutokset useissa tietokoneissa erittäin helposti. Valtava valikoima asetuksia ja explorer-tyylinen käyttöliittymä tekevät X-Setupista täydellisen työkalun henkilölle joka tarvitsee enemmän kuin Ohjauspaneeli tarjoaa. Freeware. http://www.xteq.com
20282 Y2K_EN.EXE 539,5 kt 10.11.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Y2K Product AnalyzerLanguage: english. Freeware.
20283 Y2K_FI.EXE 537,5 kt 10.11.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Y2K Product AnalyzerSuomenkielinen. Freewarea.
20284 Y2K_V11.ZIP 120,2 kt 26.02.1999 - MBCD -
Y2K Clock v1.1Digitaalinen y2k-näyttö
20285 YAP.ZIP 40513 21.08.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
Yet Another Process lister 0.9 (beta)
for Windows 95 console mode. YAP displays
currently running Win95 processes and a host
of information about them. There are myriad
of options and if you like, you can save your
favorite options permanently into your own
customized copy of YAP.
20286 YATS3281.EXE 1,5 Mt 12.01.2001 - 23399/Chip_2001-05_cd1.bin -
YATS32 v8.1 Build 15This utility lets you automatically set your system clock to any of a number of time services available via the Internet or your corporate intranet. It supports multiple servers and time service protocols. http://www.dillobits.com
20288 Z_START.ZIP 303,3 kt 01.07.1997 - 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso -
Z-START.EXE v01.00 Launcher Program. Provides total control over auto-startup tasks: Specific startup order - Wait for   completetion - Wait for fixed amount of time - Launch programs only on certain  days - Launch programs only once per day - Multiple Launch configurations. 32bit program for Windows 95. Requires VB4/32 bit runtime files
20552 ZIPSEND.ZIP 173937 07.01.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
ZipSend v1.0 - Shareware program that
allows you to select several files from
Windows 95 Explorer and "SendTo" a mail
compressor that will make a zip file and
start a mail session with the zip file
attached. Really Cool Fee - $15.00
20287 ZSH30B.ZIP 1,7 Mt 30.03.1999 - MBCD -
ZShell v3.0bVersatile shell program for Windows. Supports most UNIX shell features
20289 ZVOLPRO.ZIP 730,4 kt 30.12.1999 - - -
ZVolume Pro 3.02Volume control for Windows 95/98/NT4/2000.
22518 ZWRND.ZIP 51928 27.11.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
This is ultimate tool for windows'95 users
and it's FREE! With this program you can have
up to TEN different startup logos and they
are shown randomly! Get this now! This great
pack includes already two great starting up
pictures. Also got easy install batch file.
20290 1ST212.ZIP 1,7 Mt 26.12.2000 - - tupla
1st Impression v2.1.2Selkeä ja helpopkäyttöinen ohjelma joka vaihtaa Windows 9x/Me:n käynnistys-, sulkemis- ja sammutuslogoja. Voit itse muokata logojen mukana näytettäviä tekstejä. Tukee useita tiedostomuotoja, mukana 20 logoa ja kattava kokoelma tervehdystekstejä. Freeware. http://www.gromada.com/1stImpression.html
20291 3DFXATBT.A01 3 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo: ATB TV 2/3
20292 3DFXATBT.A02 2,7 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo: ATB TV 3/3
20293 3DFXATBT.ARJ 3 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo from 3Dfx Interactive     1/3 ATB TV Req. Win95/NT4.0, Voodoo Graphics or Voodoo Rush, Glide 2.3 RUntime, 16 MB RAM
20294 3DFXDROO.A01 1,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo: Lightning demo 2/4
20295 3DFXDROO.A02 1,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo: Lightning demo 3/4
20296 3DFXDROO.A03 947,9 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo: Lightning demo 4/4
20297 3DFXDROO.ARJ 1,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo from 3Dfx Interactive 1/4 Lightning Demo (Demoroom) Req. Win95/NT4.0, Voodoo Graphics or Voodoo Rush, Glide 2.3 RUntime, 16 MB RAM
20298 3DFXFIGH.ZIP 3,6 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo from 3Dfx Interactive Valley of Ra (FIght) Req. Win95/NT4.0, Voodoo Graphics or Voodoo Rush, Glide 2.3 RUntime, 16 MB RAM
20299 3DFXFLIP.ZIP 3 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo from 3Dfx Interactive Flip Demos Req. Win95/NT4.0, Voodoo Graphics or Voodoo Rush, Glide 2.3 RUntime, 16 MB RAM
20300 3DFXFLPR.A01 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo: Flipper 2/5
20301 3DFXFLPR.A02 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo: Flipper 3/5
20302 3DFXFLPR.A03 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo: Flipper 4/5
20303 3DFXFLPR.A04 2,1 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo: Flipper 5/5
20304 3DFXFLPR.ARJ 2,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
3Dfx demo from 3Dfx Interactive  1/5 Flipper Req. Win95/NT4.0, Voodoo Graphics or Voodoo Rush, Glide 2.3 RUntime, 16 MB RAM
20305 ABW_NT40.ZIP 2,3 Mt 31.07.1997 - 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso -
AutoBackup for Windows NT - allows you to run unattended backups using "NTBackup" that ships with Microsoft Windows NT.
20306 ACOMP10.ZIP 519,6 kt 30.11.1997 - 9306/PSL Volume 5 Number 12.iso -
Accent Composer 1.0 simplifies the process of entering accented characters and other symbols into any Windows 95 or NT program. Instead of typing codes on the numeric keypad or pasting from the Character Map utility, Accent Composer lets you create accented letters with easy-to-remember two character sequences. You can customize the hotkey as well as any of the sequences.
20308 ALMAIL10.ZIP 416,4 kt 19.05.1997 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO tupla
(v1.20) NTMAIL - SMTP, POP for WinNT 32-bit services that provide SMTP and POP3 support for NT allowing NT to act as a mail server. Allows use of NT Database or registry for user accounts and/or passwords on both NT 3.5 and 3.51.  Utility provided to help with script driven dial-up connections.  Full details and documentation on WWW.  Requires key (available from ntmail-sales@net-shopper.co.uk). Internet Shopper Ltd.
20309 AR405ENG.EXE 5,5 Mt 28.06.2000 - MBHH2001 tupla
Acrobat Reader 4.05BIlmainen PDF-tiedostojen selainohjelma
20310 ATRLS16I.ZIP 150,3 kt 27.03.1997 - 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO tupla
Telnet and RLogin programs for Windows NT vers 3.1 or 3.5 by Ataman.
20311 AUTOMATE.EXE 6,1 Mt 14.02.1998 versio ? 21873/Pdr0698.iso -
"AutoMate Professional v3.8c allows you to schedule your computer to perform any task on its own at any time."
20312 AUTOSHPS.EXE 127,3 kt 04.08.1997 - 23753/PCWorld_2002-12_Special_cd.bin -
New OfficeArt AutoShapes (req. MS Office 97)
20313 BARKMOM.ZIP 1,4 Mt 08.02.1998 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
"BARKING CARDS LITE MOTHERS DAY EDITION v1.1. A Windows 95 a nimated greeting card application with a zany Mothers Day greetings.  It features high qualityfull screen animation and sound.  You can add your own textimagesrecordings or sounds to the card. The card is saved as a self executing file that can be sent to any Windows 3.1 or 95 user.  The reg fee is $7.95.  By Blaze TechnologiesInc."
20314 BGYPSY11.ZIP 677,1 kt 27.08.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
Blackboard digital gypsy.
20315 BRYCE2D.A01 3,8 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Bryce 2 2/7
20316 BRYCE2D.A02 3,8 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Bryce 2 3/7
20317 BRYCE2D.A03 3,8 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Bryce 2 4/7
20318 BRYCE2D.A04 3,8 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Bryce 2 5/7
20319 BRYCE2D.A05 3,8 Mt 16.06.1997 - - -
Bryce 2 6/7
20320 BRYCE2D.A06 476,9 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
Bryce 2 7/7
20321 BRYCE2D.ARJ 3,8 Mt 24.06.1997 - - -
Bryce 2 demo - premier 3D landscape and modelling application for Win95.
20325 CBROWSER.ZIP 3,6 Mt 21.10.1997 - - -
"Contact Browser 4.0  Contact Browser 4.0 is the latest innovation in contact management software from Moore Software Solutions. Ideal for business or personal usewhether you just need to keep track of peoples addresses and phone numbersor you want to use advanced features like tracking telephone callsscheduling reminders or associating documents with your contacts."
20326 CHAOS529.ZIP 2,7 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Time and Chaos V5.2.9 (32-bit) by iSBiSTER International, an excellent 32-bit PIM that puts monthly and daily schedules, to-do lists, and a phone book on one screen. It lets you track appointments and set alarms and links to the phone book. You can autodial and add appointment notes and to-do items that correspond to a contact person. Color-coding prioritizes tasks and shows at a glance what needs to be done. Also handles letter and envelope addressing using a text
20327 CHORE202.ZIP 222,5 kt 23.09.1997 - - -
"Chores & Rewards v2.02  Bring peace to  your household with Chores & Rewardsa  system for managing childrenschoresrewardsand penalties using cashpoints and user-defined motivational techniques.  Features chore schedulingchecklist  printingpayday reconciliationpay check  writingbank account managementand more. "
20328 CITY9711.ZIP 306,1 kt 29.05.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
City distance calculator with over 1900  cities worldwide for Win95/NT4. Calculates in Kilometers, Miles and Nautical Miles. Save  results as text or bitmap file or set as  Windows wallpaper. Shareware by VulcanSoft. 
20329 CLIPIT.EXE 410,7 kt 09.07.1997 renamed 18161/Windows 98 Secrets Gold - Disc 3.iso -
ClipIt allows you to quickly access items that you would like to cut and paste.
20330 CLOCKZ.ZIP 540,4 kt 27.08.1997 - 6095/WIN95_09963.iso -
Clockz Version 1.1 - Clockz is a graphical representation of four clocks, showing 4 different time zones.
20331 CLPVEW.ZIP 145 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Clipboard Viewer - simple free utility that enables you to view file contents of your clipboard. Win95
20332 CMOUSE96.ZIP 34,6 kt 31.10.1997 - - -
Cool Mouse 96, apuohjelma kolminappisille hiirille.
20335 CTVIEW.ZIP 12,2 kt 08.02.1998 - 6348/blackhawk-for-windows95-june19.iso -
"CTView is a simple PC-Windows utility to display SciTex CT images. CT images are very-high-end image-exchange files in a format owned by SciTex corp. If you have photoshop on your PCyou dont need this."
20336 CWCM32.ZIP 692,2 kt 21.03.1997 - - -
Crossword Compiler v 4 for Windows 95. Copyright Antony Lewis 1997 Has: Grid editing, Word list searches, Automatic grid filling, Clue editing, DTP and print output + lots more. 486+ PC, 8MB+ RAM, Microsoft Windows 95
20337 DAMON10.ZIP 1,6 Mt 25.12.1997 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
DAMon v1.0 - Default Application Monitor. This program helps monitor and maintain your Windows file association preferences, addressing the nuisance of other applications altering them without your knowledge. keeps a base list of your file Open
20343 DIRSIZE.ZIP 860,6 kt 09.03.1998 - - -
Use DirSize to track space hogs on your file servers, find out how much disk space you are wasting, or find out exactly how much space an application takes up so you can delete it and install another. Output can be redirected to a file or a printer.
20349 DS_STRAT.EXE 272,2 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
A Microsoft Word document concerning Microsoft Directory Services Strategy.
20355 EMF086.ZIP 440,8 kt 31.10.1997 - - -
"EmailFerret - The fastest way to find anyones email address on the Internet."
20356 ESC2EVAL.ZIP 2 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
ESCAPE VIDEOSTUDIO 2.0 (EVALUATION CODEC) Compression codec for multimedia presentations and like. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0.
20357 EZVIEW10.ZIP 490,5 kt 27.04.1997 - - -
EZ-Viewer v1.0: The fast, easy way to view and manipulate all your graphic files. Supports JPG/GIF/BMP/TIF/ICO/WMF/etc. Features: browse all files in a directory, thumbnail view, print, zoom in/out, resize, more. Shareware by Galt Technology. 16-bit. http://www.galttech.com   1996
20359 FONEPR97.ZIP 1,2 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
IDYLE PHONE BOOK PRO 97 (C) 1997 by Damien Ramé A feature packed contacts database. Req. 486, 8 Mb, Windows 95/NT4.0
20360 FSI386.ZIP 18,5 kt 27.03.1997 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Finger-palvelin Windows NT3.5:een
20361 GAUDIO10.EXE 2,3 Mt 06.09.1998 - - -
Gear Audio 1.0 demo by Elektroson.
20362 GLPRO.ZIP 1,1 Mt 22.10.1997 - - -
"GLpro Preview GLpro is the worlds fastestsmallers and most flexible multimedia development system for Windows 3.1Windows 95NT and OS/2in constant development since 1983! Create superb qualitycommercial applications that run great on all types of personal computers from 386s to Pentium Pros! Windows 95"
20363 GRAPV150.ZIP 4,4 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
Graphically!! Internet intelligently TRIAL version. Design charts adn graphics for financial and statistical data. Windows 3.1+
20365 GSI386.ZIP 134,9 kt 27.03.1997 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Gopher-palvelin Windows NT3.5:een
20366 HANDY313.ZIP 2 Mt 21.10.1997 - - -
"Sheila Lowes Handwriting Analyzer V3.13 Handwriting analysis software. RI Software. Windows 95."
20369 HORAS18A.ZIP 106,8 kt 04.12.1997 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
Horas v1.8a. This application keeps track of the time in multiple time zones.
20370 HSI386.ZIP 188,4 kt 27.03.1997 - nic.funet.fi tupla
HTTP(Web)-palvelin Windows NT3.5:een
20371 ICONBAR.ZIP 147,2 kt 27.03.1997 versio 2.11 18134/WINSITE_1.iso tupla
"IconBar for Windows NT  Version 1.01 IconBar is a desktop program launcher for windows NT. It gives you easy access to your applications without going to Program Manager. Create a button style icon to easily launch any app. Unlike other icon programsIconBars buttons can be placed anywhere on the desktop. Just drag the icon anywhere you want it. Create as many icons as will fit on the desktop."
20374 IOMEG_NT.ZIP 1,5 Mt 10.02.1997 - 4392/Cream of the Crop 20 (Terry Blount) (1996).iso -
Iomega Tools ver 1.2 for Windows NT to be used with your Zip or Jazz Drive. This  version has been tested on numerous computers with Windows NT version 3.51. 
20375 IPUBLISH.A01 4,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
I Publish v2.0 2/9
20376 IPUBLISH.A02 4,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
I Publish v2.0 3/9
20377 IPUBLISH.A03 4,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
I Publish v2.0 4/9
20378 IPUBLISH.A04 4,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
I Publish v2.0 5/9
20379 IPUBLISH.A05 4,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
I Publish v2.0 6/9
20380 IPUBLISH.A06 4,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
I Publish v2.0 7/9
20381 IPUBLISH.A07 4,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
I Publish v2.0 8/9
20382 IPUBLISH.A08 2 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
I Publish v2.0 9/9
20383 IPUBLISH.ARJ 4,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
I Publish v2.0 - want to create presentations newsletters or Web pages on your PC? A superb new home publishing tool, 30 day free trial version. Operates using simple templates with drag-and-drop tools. Requires: Windows 95/NT, 16 Mb, 486.    1/9
20384 LANEXP12.ZIP 1,5 Mt 25.12.1997 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
LanExpert is designed to support windows program to display Chinese, Japanese, Korean characters under Windows 3.x & Windows 95.
20385 MASKER50.ZIP 1,8 Mt 29.12.2001 - - -
Masker 5.0Salakirjoitusohjelma, jolla minkä tahansa tiedoston voi kryptata joko 128-bittisellS CAST-algoritmilla tai 256-bittisillä BLOWFISHillä, RIJNDAELilla tai TWOFISHillä. Kryptatut tiedostot voidaan tämän jälkeen piilottaa esimerkiksi kuva-, ääni-, ohjelma-, tai videokuvatiedostoon. Shareware, 25 USD. http://www.softpuls.com/masker/ 
20387 MDF160.ZIP 343 kt 22.07.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Complete  software  to produce and  apply patches to  your programs and data files. For DOS, OS/2, Windows 95 and Windows NT. It also produces self installing patches. Shareware. Author: giunti@kagi.com
20388 MFCINST.ZIP 710,1 kt 13.03.1997 - 23661/PCGAMER41.bin -
QSPyn:n kaipaamat kirjastotiedostot: MFC42.DLL ja MSVCRT.DLL (QSPy - Quake Spy for Windows 95)
20390 MOONRIS3.ZIP 514,6 kt 20.03.1997 - 12827/aol-file-protocol-4400-4201-to-4300.zip -
"Moonrise is a very simple to useyet very accurate program.  It is designed to run on Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 or later. If you put it in your Startup folderit will greet you everyday with the days sunrisesunsetmoonrisemoonsetand twilight times.  You can easily find the next moon phasesand see an icon showing the approximate current phase."
20391 MORIART1.ZIP 108,2 kt 11.11.1997 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO -
Miriarty 1 has 7 modules included: File Stamper, File Sleuth, File Wiper, File Viewer, ASCII Display, System Info and Reristration, NEWSRC Filter.
20392 MS-BOOKS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - tupla
"Microsoft Home: Bookshelf95 demo"
20393 MS-WW95D.ZIP 2,9 Mt 28.04.1997 - - tupla
Microsoft Works for Windows 95 -demo
20395 NT4_SP2I.EXE 14,5 Mt 24.01.1997 - MBCD -
Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2 for Intel.
20396 NT4SYM3I.A01 3,8 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Windows NT SP3 symbols 2/6
20397 NT4SYM3I.A02 3,8 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Windows NT SP3 symbols 3/6
20398 NT4SYM3I.A03 3,8 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Windows NT SP3 symbols 4/6
20399 NT4SYM3I.A04 3,8 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Windows NT SP3 symbols 5/6
20400 NT4SYM3I.A05 2,9 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Windows NT SP3 symbols 6/6
20401 NT4SYM3I.ARJ 3,8 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
Windows NT US Service Pack 3 - Service Pack symbols.
20402 NT4UNIX.EXE 301,2 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
A Microsoft Word document providing technical information about Windows NT for Unix professionals.
20403 NTAPE10.ZIP 10,7 kt 30.11.1997 - 10273/CICA_NT_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_November_1997.iso -
Win32 Tape Manipulator v1.0.
20404 NTENGSCI.EXE 490,1 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
A Microsoft Word document about Windows NT Worksation in Engineering and Science.
20406 NUGRAFSM.EXE 5,9 Mt 25.08.1997 - 21914/LWPRO.iso -
"NuGraf renderöinti-ohjelman demoversio Vaatii Win95WinNT tai Windows 3.x win32s- laajennuksella."
20407 NWIPNTS.EXE 418,5 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
A Microsoft Word document about the integration of Windows NT Server DHCP and WINS into a Novell Netware IP Environment.
20408 OETOUR.ZIP 592,2 kt 24.07.1997 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
OpenExchange for Windows Demo - is an interactive demo of a utility that allows you to convert, update, format, and transfer your database and spreadsheet data. Supported formats include MS-Access, Paradox, Btrieve, dBase III, Excel, FoxPro, and more.
20409 OFCBLOX.ZIP 2,1 Mt 04.11.1997 - - -
AlphaBlox OfficeBlox version 1.0a.
20411 ORANET.ZIP 43,4 kt 29.07.1997 - - -
A Word document showing how to connect 32-bit BDE drivers to Oracle Workgroup Server version 7.1. Works with Windows NT, Windows 95, SPX, TCP/IP, ODBC and any Windows program which uses the BDE.
20412 ORGARTD2.A01 2,4 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
Organic Art demo - create organic 3D scenes 2/3
20413 ORGARTD2.A02 1,5 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
Organic Art demo - create organic 3D scenes 3/3
20414 ORGARTD2.ARJ 2,4 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
Organic Art demo - create organic 3D scenes and graphics, demo works as a screensaver. Requires Windows.
20417 PERSCR30.ZIP 553,7 kt 17.06.1998 - - -
Perfect Screens v3.0 - allows you to have multiple virtual screens and switch among them in Win95. Running applications can easily be moved or copied among screens. Each screen also has its own screen menu and toolbar to launch applications, open files and view directories.
20418 PK204C2G.ZIP 112,2 kt 25.06.1998 - 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-386-Vol-2of3.iso -
PkZip update patch for registered version 2.04c -> 2.04g.
20419 PK204E2G.ZIP 111,6 kt 25.06.1998 - ratsnest1.iso -
PkZip update patch for registered version 2.04e -> 2.04g.
20420 PLANETE.A01 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Planet Earth demo 2/5
20421 PLANETE.A02 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Planet Earth demo 3/5
20422 PLANETE.A03 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Planet Earth demo 4/5
20423 PLANETE.A04 2 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Planet Earth demo 5/5
20424 PLANETE.ARJ 3,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
"Planet Earth - demo of the environmental awareness CD-ROM showing earth history and nowaysdevelopments about many hot topics. Tui Interactive Media. Windows 95."
20425 POLYV300.EXE 1,2 Mt 16.06.1998 - 18113/WF0698_2.ISO -
PolyView v3.00.1 is a shareware graphics viewer, file conversion, image manipulation, and printing utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. PolyView supports the majority of the popular image formats available on Windows and Unix systems.
20426 POV22-NT.ZIP 160,3 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD tupla
Windows NT port of POVray v2.2 raytracer.     pentium/486 executable and source included.  
20427 PRODENH.EXE 110,8 kt 12.01.1996 - - tupla
Microsoft Access for Windows 95 Product Enhancements Guide for Developers
20428 PS3032.ZIP 427,9 kt 06.08.1997 - 19733/01 SWP 046 - 03-1997.iso -
"PeerSync (32-bit) - is designed to synchronize the latest files between folders in Win95/NT. Batch directory synchronization can be set with the option to run automatically from the applications icon properties command line. This version allows 40 uses."
20429 PT04BP15.ZIP 88,5 kt 27.03.1997 - 1189/megashare_3.zip tupla
P T E R M, Paragon Terminal Application for Windows NT, Version 0.4bp15 This is a beta of Paragon Terminal Application for Windows NT. Fully threaded, native Win32 application.
20432 QCKDSK10.ZIP 15,8 kt 27.11.1997 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Quick Disk is a small Windows 95 utility that add an icon (a hard disc icon) in the Windows 95 Tray. This will enabled you to get easily free space information for all your drive.
20433 QCLIP12.ZIP 847,9 kt 25.12.1997 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
Quick-Clip 1.2 is a small utility for Windows 95 that runs in the tray that gives you an unlimited number of "Copies" and "Pastes" to/from the clipboard. Four Quick-Clip slots give you instant access to our \'quick-clips\' and an unlimited number may be saved through an \'Advanced\' section.
20434 QCOLOR25.ZIP 229,9 kt 31.10.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
QuickColor for Windows 95/NT - a display control and desktop enhancement utility, supporting on-the-fly color depth,  resolution, and refresh rate switching,  with user-defined presets, program/shortcut  associations, an optional toolbar, graphics system information, screen saving, and  extensive monitor support.
20437 QUICKST.ZIP 608 kt 27.11.1997 - - -
QuickStart 1.04  QuickStart 1.04 on Windows95:lle tehty apuohjelma nopeaan ohjelmien käynnistykseen. Nopea käyttöliittymä, joka on helppo käyttää.
20439 RAID0&5.ZIP 42,6 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
A Microsoft Word document about Using Stripe Sets to Maximize Server Performance. (Windows NT)
20440 RAS40I.ZIP 133,6 kt 07.12.1997 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
Q161368 RAS Fix Update. Hotfix update for machines with Service Pack 2 for Windows NT 4.0 installed only.
20442 SC97P10.ZIP 1,6 Mt 20.05.1997 - MBCD -
"SMARTCAT97 for Windows 95/NT (V1.0). A sophisticated Windows archiving and cataloging tool. Helps keep track of floppy disksZip disksCDs etc. Fully integrated with Windows Explorerits sophisticated archiving functions make it indespensible for users of Zip drives and similar. Powerful searching functions with wildcards means youll never lose a file again! (Partial BDE version)"
20443 SCENES.ZIP 1,4 Mt 25.08.1997 - 21914/LWPRO.iso -
Esimerkki-scenejä NuGraf:iin
20449 SEP95HCL.EXE 243,7 kt 27.03.1997 - 15497/PIE-WindowsNTSuperTuneUpKit-1997.iso tupla
Microsoft Windows NT Hardware Compatibility List, September 1995 Edition
20450 SERVMAC.EXE 102,6 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.51: Services for the Macintosh. A Microsoft Word document on the subject.
20460 SHOVIT14.ZIP 326,3 kt 13.05.1997 - - -
"ShoveIt V1.4c - handyfreeware Windows 95 add-on. You can move windows so that their control points (system menuminimize and maximize buttonsand exit button) are not hidden behind stay-on-top toolbars and taskbars. Its especially useful if you run the Win95 taskbar at the top of the screen. ShoveIt can also automatically move your applications title bar into full view so that its no longer obscured by the taskbar. Windows 95"
20461 SHREWDEX.ZIP 82,4 kt 17.06.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
HACE ShrewdEX v1.0 - shell context-menu for Win95. It adds a "menu-browser" to the normal shell menu and also to the drag-drop menu.
20465 SMTB3212.ZIP 702,6 kt 01.01.1998 versio 1.28 1737/Top 200 Programs.iso -
SmartBoard32 1.21 - a Windows Clipboard Extender supports all clipboard formats. Collect items copied to the clipboard and paste back days or weeks later with a single mouse-click. Create boilerplate text items, add templates, grab graphics and metafiles. Assign system-wide hotkeys for items to autopaste. Merge text together while capturing or after. No icon but access with a single mouseclick or hotkey- looks built in!
20466 SNPRO64.ZIP 612,1 kt 09.03.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
(v6.4) snpro64.zip - Backup Utility Safety Net is a utility for backing up key  files. It has 1 default setting - to backup  key "windows" & system files - & 5 user  configurable options. Safety Net could easily backup all of your DOC and/or database files, for example. An added function - the files  can be zipped to disk. It can also print your directory tree. VB40032.DLL required. Ron Parker (CT Software) ron2222@aol.com.
20472 SPRT201.ZIP 903,4 kt 01.01.1998 - - -
Support Card v2.01. Keeps track of all your support info.  This little program takes the guess work out of getting support. Just enter your support information when you buy software or a peice of hardware. When you have to call for support, you will have the info you need with just a click or two.
20473 SRCH32_5.ZIP 304,8 kt 22.05.1997 - 7682/PsL Monthly 1996 November.iso -
Search32 - performs word-based search queries on large groups of text (ANSI) files in Win95. Description Copyright 1996 PsL
20475 SS20_32.ZIP 2,1 Mt 29.09.1997 - - -
SportStatistics 2.0 Win95 - veikkaajille ja urheiluhulluille. Tällä ohjelmalla voit tilastoida eri palloilulajien otteluita.
20477 STTSPD.ZIP 1,2 Mt 09.10.1998 - 16595/Sezamfile98_2.iso -
StratusPad A nifty free replacement for WordPad that includes a spell checker, word count, tabs and bullets, and can save files in Microsoft Word-compatible .RTF formats.
20479 SUPTOOLS.ZIP 213,2 kt 01.01.1998 - - -
SuperTools 1.0 has hundreds of tools to make your life with Excel easy. Double the Cut and Paste power in Excel with new and hot control keys. Use hyperlink bookmarks to open files fast. Customize often used text phrases such as you company name. Powerful tools to concatenate text, transpose tables, rotate cells, etc. to move data anyway you like.
20480 SYMBINST.EXE 2,6 Mt 16.02.1997 - MBCD -
SmartDraw 3.0 for Windows: a package of additional symbols and templates. Requires SmartDraw 3.0. Shareware evaluation copy, see http://www.smartdraw.com/ for reg.
20482 SYSCLK.ZIP 77,8 kt 27.03.1997 - 6095/WIN95_09964.iso -
Sys-Click for Windows 95 provides access to Full Windows Dragging (with Plus!), Animated Windows setting, and the clearing of Recent Documents list, all from the system tray.
20483 TAB2DESK.ZIP 16 kt 27.03.1997 - 21037/CT_SW_97.ISO -
Tab2Desk is a small Windows 95/NT 4.0 program that lets you use the Taskbar\'s "Minimize All Windows"/"Undo Minimize All" facilities from the keyboard and get to your desktop icons without having to use the mouse.
20484 TCPIPNT.ZIP 326,7 kt 27.03.1997 - - tupla
This document provides users and network administrators with detailed information on the implementation and functionality of the TCP/IP services offered as part of Windows NT networking.
20485 TEKF32.ZIP 516,6 kt 28.04.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
TECHFACTS 95 v1.30 - Shareware - Dean Software Design. Registration $19.99. Use Compuserve SWREG 14213. TechFacts 95 is a powerful Windows 95 utility to view all aspects of Windows, DOS, Heap, Memory, Networks and your system. You can search for Files, DLLs, and duplicate files and you have 4 configurable resource monitors and multiple resource\\disk alarms as well as
20486 TFTPDS10.ZIP 39,3 kt 27.03.1997 - nic.funet.fi tupla
TFTP Server v1.0: MS-Windows NT multi threaded Trivial File Transfer Protocol daemon that runs as a native Windows NT service and is designed to comply with RFC 1350, the TFTP protocol.             
20487 TIMCLK12.ZIP 331,1 kt 31.07.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
PC-TIMECLOCK v1.2  - Win3/Win95/WinNT: Tracks and reports your computer usage by  project and/or category. PC-TimeClock (TM)  can help you with client billing, and can  also save you money at tax time by reporting  how much of your computer use was for  business purposes. It is inexpensive, easy to use, and provides the information you need to document your business deduction for  depreciation of your computer.
20488 TIPPY134.ZIP 59,3 kt 08.01.1998 - - -
Tippy for Windows 95 V 1.34 Copyright (c) 1996-97 by M. Wolf Tippy introduces ListTips to Windows 95. ListTips are similar to ToolTips, but they appear whenever the mouse is on a list item in Report View and the column is not wide enough to display the full text. ListTips also appear on Tree Views if the item text is not fully visible. After Tippy is installed, this feature is automatically available to all 32-bit-apps that use the Windows 95 common control UI,
20489 TOMICLOC.ZIP 84,4 kt 30.11.1997 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
TomiClock 95 v1.11. Al little program to retrieve the current time from Internet and if wanted, set the system clock to this time.
20490 TRAYHIDE.ZIP 9,5 kt 02.07.1997 - - -
Program to show/hide system tray in Windows 95.
20492 TREESIZE.ZIP 149,4 kt 29.01.1998 - 19732/04 SWP 049 - 06-1997.iso -
TREESIZE v1.1 for Windows 95 - Every harddisk is too small if you just wait long enough. Treesize tells you where your precious Clusters have gone to. From the context menu of a folder or drive, TreeSize shows you the size of this folder, recursively including the subfolders with Win95 graphical user interface. It is easy to find areas on the disk, where a lot of space is wasted.
20493 TTV1B.ZIP 16,5 kt 08.01.1998 - 6348/blackhawk-for-windows95-june19 -
TIFF Tag Viewer (TTV) v1.0b. 16-bit Windows program, Requires VBRUN300.DLL. This program was developed to address a couple of specific needs: how to examine the descriptive header of a TIFF file that fails to load in a viewer, and secondly, to have the ability to capture and compare or examine common header information from one source.
20495 TWIFF101.ZIP 44,9 kt 04.02.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 2 of 4).iso -
(T)WinIFF v.1.01 is a program that has been designed for the purpose of handling Amiga IFF-ILBM graphics on Windows PCs.
20497 UD32_V40.ZIP 2,9 Mt 03.12.1997 - MBCD -
UnixDos for Windows 95/NT/3.11 and MS-DOS All the functionality of 62 UNIX utilities plus 21 new useful utilities. 30 day demo. Windows 95/NT version.
20498 UNIOS15.ZIP 130,4 kt 07.12.1997 - - -
Unios v1.5. This application allows you to convert between different units of mesurement.
20499 UQF10203.EXE 5,4 Mt 17.08.1997 - - -
The unofficial Quake screensaver V1.02
20500 UQP103.EXE 2,5 Mt 18.08.1997 - - -
The unofficial Quake screensaver V1.03 needs uqf10203.exe
20501 VBASND11.ZIP 11,2 kt 30.07.1997 - 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso -
VB Add Sound for Win95 - will add sound events for a specific program that you pick and lists them in Control Panel/Sounds area of Win95. Requires the 32-bit VB4 runtime files.
20505 WARD165.ZIP 1,5 Mt 31.10.1997 - 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso -
WAR FTP Daemon v1.65 Premier FTP server for Windows 95 and NT. No other FTP server application brings together the UNIX style security features, a BBS like Windows interface for the system operator, the extreme flexibility, Win95 and NT 4 OLE support, the multithreading design and the advanced software technology and performance provided by this package!
20506 WD1253.EXE 34,7 kt 12.01.1996 - - tupla
Microsoft Word for Windows 6.x correction Word thesaurus correction for non-U.S. versions of Windows 95 and Windows NT
20507 WFLASH40.ZIP 580,7 kt 28.04.1997 - - -
WinFlash v4.0  - This major upgrade adds "smart" multiple-choice and fill-in-the-blank capabilities to this award-winning flashcard  program. A new WYSIWYG editor makes deck  construction a pleasure - with browsers and  viewers for graphics, sound and video support files. You can also print your cards,  including graphics, for use away from the  computer. Easy and fun for children to use.  Requires Windows 3.1 or higher - Shareware
20508 WH95_11S.ZIP 25,1 kt 31.10.1997 - MBCD tupla
WinHacker 95 Version 1.1 Shareware 1/1 This configures all the hidden options and secrets in Windows 95! A MUST-HAVE!
20509 WH95-V1.ZIP 19,9 kt 31.10.1997 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
WinHacker 95 gives the user an easy way to configure options in Windows 95 that are not in the GUI (Graphical User interface). Access to many of these options was removed from Windows 95 because they would confuse most users. WinHacker 95 gives the user a way to easely configure these hidden options.
20510 WHERE101.ZIP 1,6 Mt 10.03.1998 versio 1.0 15658/PCM_9803.iso -
WhereIsIt? v.01 Final. The Ultimate 32-bit Media Catalog for Windows 95 and NT 4.0 Shareware.
20511 WILBR164.ZIP 984 kt 10.03.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso -
Wilbur 1.64 - Index, search and view files. Wilbur is a fast and efficient way to keep track of all the information on your hard disks. Indexing is fast and indexes are small. Supports wild cards, logicals and indexing files inside Zip archives. File viewer shows results in context. Launch or QuickView the result files. Fully featured 30 day evaluation copy, but with no time limits.
20514 WINBYE3A.ZIP 1,6 Mt 01.07.1997 - 10260/cicawindowscollection199702-2.iso -
WINbye (32-bit) - allows quick shutdown, restart, logoff or reboot of Win95 by clicking a Task Tray icon or executing a Start Menu or desktop icon.
20516 WINEXR10.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.10.1997 - - -
Win-eXpose-Registry, Util.,v1.00,SHAREWARE - Registry Tracer/Debugger/Monitor for Windows 95 Gives REALTIME report on registry activity. a MUST HAVE tool for anyone who tries to find out what data is stored and where in the registry.
20519 WINSHADE.ZIP 193,2 kt 31.10.1997 - 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso tupla
WinShade V1.5.0 allows you to roll-up windows into their title bar Win95
20520 WINSTI97.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.03.1998 - - -
WinSettings (tm) 97 for Windows 95 Manage and Control your Desktop! Version 2.1 for Evaluation Only Pacific Gold Coast Corporation
20521 WIT1202E.ZIP 3,4 Mt 02.03.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Pääteohjelma Win95:lle
20522 WNTS451.ZIP 213,9 kt 17.04.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
Name That State for Windows v4.50 NTS is a geography program intended for middle grade students. However, it is useful for anyone wanting to learn the geography of the US. With NTS you can learn then test your knowledge of the States and Capitals of the US. NTS has six modes of operation including point and click study and test modes.
20523 WORD7.EXE 104,2 kt 12.01.1996 - 12832/aol-file-protocol-4400-4701-to-4800.zip tupla
Word for Windows 95 Knowledge Base HLP
20525 WRIGHTSD.A01 4,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
"Womens Rights demo 2/4"
20526 WRIGHTSD.A02 4,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
"Womens Rights demo 3/4"
20527 WRIGHTSD.A03 1,9 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
"Womens Rights demo 4/4"
20528 WRIGHTSD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
Women\'s Rights... "The story so far" The demonstration version of the CD-ROM telling about the women\'s right history. News Multimedia. Windows 95.
20529 WSI386.ZIP 78,9 kt 27.03.1997 - nic.funet.fi tupla
WAIS-palvelin Windows NT3.5:een
20530 WTI386.ZIP 310,5 kt 27.03.1997 - 21331/Image.iso tupla
WAIS-tools Windows NT3.5:een
20532 WW1191.EXE 15,6 kt 12.01.1996 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso tupla
Upgrading to Windows 95 Setup Questions and Answers (TXT)
20533 WW1SAMP.A01 4,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
World War I demo 2/6
20534 WW1SAMP.A02 4,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
World War I demo 3/6
20535 WW1SAMP.A03 4,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
World War I demo 4/6
20536 WW1SAMP.A04 4,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
World War I demo 5/6
20537 WW1SAMP.A05 1,3 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
World War I demo 6/6
20538 WW1SAMP.ARJ 4,8 Mt 23.09.1997 - - -
World War I - sampler. The demonstration version of the CD-ROM. News Multimedia. Windows 95.
20539 WW2SAMP.A01 4,3 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
World War II sampler 2/6
20540 WW2SAMP.A02 4,3 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
World War II sampler 3/6
20541 WW2SAMP.A03 4,3 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
World War II sampler 4/6
20542 WW2SAMP.A04 4,3 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
World War II sampler 5/6
20543 WW2SAMP.A05 2,7 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
World War II sampler 6/6
20544 WW2SAMP.ARJ 4,3 Mt 24.09.1997 - - -
World War II - sampler. The demonstration version of the CD-ROM. News Multimedia. Windows 95.  1/6
20547 X1NT95A.ZIP 240,3 kt 06.10.1997 - 23097/chip-cd_2000_01.zip -
x1nt95a.zip    X1 archiver *beta* v0.95a for WinNT  This file should replace older versions whereever possible due to a major problem with older versions.
20548 XCLOCK32.ZIP 1,1 Mt 01.07.1997 - 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso -
XClock (32-bit) - is a world clock utility for Win95 that can be set up for any time zone. Features include data for 160 cities, DST setup for every location, 22 clock displays, 250 available alarms, sound support, and more. Requires the 32-bit VB4 runtime files.
20549 XREPLC17.ZIP 431,5 kt 31.10.1997 - MBCD -
X-Replace-32 V1.7 by Daniel Doubrovkine The tool you need for massive search-and-replace operations among all the ASCII files you have stored. A utility with a heritage back to DOS-only days, X-Replace-32 lets you select files by wildcard or gather and then drag and drop them from a built-in Win95 window. Windows 95
20550 ZIPBACK.ZIP 751,2 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
BlackBoard ZipBack improvement over the software that comes with Iomega Zip and Jazz drives. Windows 95/NT4
20553 ZOOMER20.ZIP 37,6 kt 04.02.1998 - 21038/CT_SW9801.ISO -
"K/oS Zoomer 2.0 for Windows 95/NT - FREE! Cant see small print? Have to work with one-pixel precision? Magnify the area around your cursor 2 or 4 times with Zoomer! The movableresizable Zoomer window does not take up unnecessary spacebecause it has no title bar or menu bar. It minimizes processor usage with an option for updating only when the cursor moves and supporting a low refresh rate. It has system tray action for fast access of its functions. It has a system"
20554 BBBSRNT.ZIP 1,8 Mt 31.01.2000 - filegate.net eritupla
BBBS v4.00 MP for MSWindows/Intel.Complete BBS package with WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes. Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news, email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline, Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice, multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA, multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more This packet: MS Windows/Intel, with RSA. http://www.bbbs.net
20555 BEE0327.ZIP 1,5 Mt 07.03.1998 - - tupla
Beemail v0.327 for Windows 95/NTTCP/IC and Dial-up mailer for FidoNet connections.
20556 PBBS506.ZIP 3,6 Mt 05.10.2000 - - tupla
"PowerBBS FOR WINDOWS v5.00  (Disk 1/3):  The #1 solution for running a full-featured* Multimedia GUI* multi-line BBS with     sound and graphics from within Windows!  Includes both a 16-bit version and an  optimized 32-bit version for Windows 95/NT! Full Internet support.  Full 256 node    Local and Large Area Network support.    Windows 3.13.11WFWGNT &  Win95  "
68440 SKYW060B.ZIP 252014 17.12.1996 - - -
Skyreader/Win32 v0.60b - Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN
and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail reader.
Finnish and english language files, PGP
support, message text reformating, etc. nive
features. This is the 32-bit Win32 text mode
version for Windows 95 and Windows NT.
20557 WCCHN16.ZIP 356,6 kt 31.07.1997 - 2455/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1).iso tupla
CHAIN REACTION for WC5! v1.6Chain Reaction is a challenging new word game by Mace Software based on the TV game show of the same name. Players must guess words based on the relationship with the preceeding and following words. A fun and Edu- cational game. This version is for Wildcat 5! BBS software only and takes full advantage of the 32 bit platform. INTERBBS CAPABLE!
20558 15QUEST.ZIP 14071 14.09.1995 - - -
15 Questions & Answers (IBM/Microsoft)
Nyt jo kuuluisat IBM:n esittämät 15 kysymystä
Windows 95:stä sekä Microsoftin vastaukset
20559 95HELP.ZIP 10825 21.11.1996 - - -
Microsoft Windows 95 README for Tips and
Tricks. August 1995.
20560 95TRICKS.ZIP 15,9 kt 06.03.1996 - 12771/10000.zip tupla
Yli 40 Windows 95 -vinkkiäTips & Tricks, More than 40 Tips&Tricks for Win95 and undocumented     features that MicroSoft      
Forgoten to tell Us.. Creted By Eneuman/HanarSoftWare
60304 95TRICKS.ZIP 16326 07.03.1996 - 12771/10000.zip tupla
----==== Tips & Tricks ====----
More than 40 Tips&Tricks
for Win95 and undocumented
features that MicroSoft
Forgoten to tell Us..
Creted By Eneuman/HanarSoftWare
20561 CLUSTRWP.EXE 180,2 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
MicroSoft Windows NT Server Cluster StrateHigh availability and scalability with industry standard hardware.
20341 DDW95L.ZIP 4965 04.04.1995 - - -
How to Adapt an App for Windows 95 -
Requirements for the New Windows Logo
20342 DDW95N.ZIP 11000 04.04.1995 - monster94.zip/monster3.zip -
Next Stop: Chicago - Writing 32-Bit
Applications for All Windows Platforms
20562 DHCPWINS.EXE 977,2 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
Tietoa Windows NT Server 3.5:stäA Microsoft Word document for Windows NT Server 3.5 concerning the following subjects: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol and Windows Internet Naming Service.
20344 DLOGO2.ZIP 12127 04.04.1995 - - -
Windows 95 Application Requirements
20345 DMGT.ZIP 131894 04.04.1995 - - -
Windows '95: System Management Architecture
20563 DMYTH.ZIP 5543 04.04.1995 - - -
MS's response to IBM's comparison of OS/2
Warp and Windows '95
20347 DOMWIN95.ZIP 59454 14.10.1995 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso -
Windows 95 and Domark Games
While many games will play properly in
Windows 95, there are some that will not.
This guide is designed to aid you in playing
our games with Windows 95 as your operating
20348 DPERF4.ZIP 6254 04.04.1995 - 9304/Cream of the Crop 6.iso -
Windows '95, WfW and OS/2 Preformance
Comparison. Raskaasti MS:n korjailema
20564 DW95FS.ZIP 2869 04.04.1995 - - -
Windows 95 Logo Factsheet
20351 DW95NT.ZIP 249170 04.04.1995 - - -
Microsoft WindowsT 95: Adding Value to
Connected Windows-Based PCs
20352 DW95OV.ZIP 78299 04.04.1995 - - -
Microsoft Windows 95 Overview
20353 DW95Q.ZIP 14398 04.04.1995 - - -
Microsoft Windows 95 Questions and Answers
20354 DWAD.ZIP 4518 04.04.1995 - - -
Microsoft Windows at Deadline
20368 HCLNT.EXE 302121 01.11.1996 - - -
Windows NT 3.51 Hardware Compatibility List
Last updated October 17, 1996
20367 HCLNT4.EXE 251463 01.11.1996 - - -
Windows NT 4.0 Hardware Compatibility List
Last updated October 17, 1996
20565 MEMTIP95.ZIP 233135 03.05.1996 - MBCD -
Win95 memory tips and Win95 boot
configuration. Memory managers with Win95.
Lots of examples are included to help you
learn how to get more out of every drop of
ram in your system.
20389 MMEDIA.ZIP 434404 22.08.1994 - - -
A Collection of files on developing multi-
media apps for Windows 3.1 and Chicago.
Includes backgrounders on what multi-media
is, information on writing games using the
new WinG gaming libraries, and screen shots
from ID Software's upcoming version of the
popular DOOM for Windows.
20394 MW95DEMO.ZIP 1372779 15.08.1995 - - -
Windows95 DEMO - kevyt esittely tulevaan
20566 NB-INFO.ZIP 31,4 kt 16.10.1999 - - -
NetBus 1.70 -verkonhallintaohjelman ohjeet
20567 NTCRDHLP.ZIP 262 kt 27.03.1997 - 16778/SoftwareVault.cdr tupla
Windows NT Adapter Help This Help file was compiled by the Product Support Services (PSS) group at Microsoft and will assist you in the setup of your Adapter cards for Windows NT.
20568 NTFAQ.ZIP 26,6 kt 27.03.1997 renamed discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Windows NT and Advanced Server FAQ
20569 NU95FAQ.ZIP 13760 03.01.1996 - 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Norton Utils FAQ for Win95
20410 OLE.ZIP 543043 22.08.1994 - - -
3 files on Microsoft's Object Strategy,
OLE 2, and questions and answers about OLE 2,
especially as it relates SOM and DSOM.
20570 PCWB19.ZIP 2,2 Mt 14.10.2000 - - -
PC Webopaedia Lite 1.9Yli 2000 hakusanaa sisältävä windowsin .hlp-muotoinen sanakirja liittyen yleiseen webbisanastoon. Ilmainen. Win9x. Valmistaja: Sandy Bay Software, Inc.
20571 PNP.ZIP 160012 22.08.1994 - - -
A backgrounder document on plug and play.
67438 PRODENH.EXE 113471 13.01.1996 - - tupla
Microsoft Access for Windows 95
Product Enhancements Guide for Developers
20572 Q126855.TXT 12066 30.12.1995 - - -
Windows 95 Support for Large IDE Hard Disks
Microsoft Windows 95 Knowledge Base document
20430 Q131499.TXT 9402 30.12.1995 - - -
CD-ROM Drives Requiring Real-Mode Drivers
Microsoft Windows 95 Knowledge Base document
20573 RASPAPER.EXE 514,6 kt 11.12.1997 - - -
"Document about MS RAS for Windows NTA Microsoft Word document about Microsofts Remote Access Service (RAS) for Windows NT."
20574 REG95.ZIP 381507 10.11.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
The Windows 95 Registry FAQ v1.5
20575 REGHELP.ZIP 163,3 kt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
Windows Registry Tip Collection
20576 REGWIZ95.ZIP 9851 15.10.1995 - 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso -
Inside the Windows 95 Registration Wizard
September 11, 1995 by Andrew Schulman Senior
Editor, O'Reilly & Associates
20577 RKHELP.EXE 2287498 06.12.1995 - MBCD -
Windows 95 Resource Kit Help File
20444 SCL95.EXE 226120 01.11.1996 - - -
Windows 95 Software Compatibility List
Last updated October 17, 1996
20578 VSCANDOC.ZIP 393,5 kt 30.04.1997 - MBCD -
"McAfee VirusScan - Users GuideMcAfee VirusScan for Windows 3.1x95DOSOS/2. Users Guide in Adobe PDF format."
69880 W95_DISP.RTF 48990 19.12.1995 - - -
Information on using Diamond video & graphics
display cards with Windows 95.
20579 W95-11D.ZIP 207571 11.10.1996 renamed 6348/blackhawk-for-windows95-june19.iso -
Windows 95 Tips and Tricks v1.1d
20581 W95REG.ZIP 373 kt 28.04.1997 - MBCD -
"Windows 95 Registry FAQA WinHelp ebook of tipstricksand how-tos to customizing and tweaking Windows 95 through the Registry. This quick reference book picks up where Microsoft left off by presenting some of the most useful but taboo techniques that Microsoft doesnt want you using. MS Technical support refuses to help you with Registry issuesand even the WinDevelopers packets are light on info about the Registry. The Reg95 FAQ gives you the information and"
20582 WD1216.EXE 39,1 kt 12.01.1996 - 10802/CD_ASCQ_25_1095.iso tupla
Windows 95 - FAQMicrosoft Word for Windows 95 FAQ Frequently Asked Questions in MS Word 95 format - use Word Viewer WD95VIEW.EXE
69976 WD1216.EXE 40055 13.01.1996 - 10802/CD_ASCQ_25_1095.iso tupla
Microsoft Word for Windows 95 FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions in MS Word 95
format - use Word Viewer WD95VIEW.EXE
20583 WEBTUT41.ZIP 1,7 Mt 17.04.2001 - 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 3).iso -
WebTutor 4.1WebTutor is an excellent set of Web page authoring tutorials for both the novice and advanced user. The program contains four main tutorials: So, you want to make a Web Page!(for beginners), Table Tutor, Form Tutor and Frames Tutor. The tutorials are all in HTML format so you can view them easily using your favorite Web browser. This version also contains a recent version of The Barebones HTML Guide. Extract the webtutor.zip file to a new folder and click on the Index.html file to start the tutorial. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.pagetutor.com
70028 WH95-V1.ZIP 20406 22.10.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO tupla
WinHacker 95 gives the user an easy way to
configure options in Windows 95 that are not
in the GUI (Graphical User interface). Access
to many of these options was removed from
Windows 95 because they would confuse most
users. WinHacker 95 gives the user a way to
easely configure these hidden options.
20584 WIN95APP.EXE 192030 24.08.1996 - 12832/aol-file-protocol-4400-4701-to-4800.zip -
Windows 95 Application Compatibility List
20512 WIN95LO.TXT 3970 08.10.1995 - - -
This is a method of installing Windows 95
over DOS only so that all 16-bit and 32-bit
applications run under Windows 95 and
eliminates problems of unnecessary 16-bit
Drivers, DLLs, etc. being on your system.
What It Is Not: This is not an install
procedure for Dual-Boot or for installing
over Win 3.x installations. Nor is it
intended for those who have installed over
existing installations and have no problems.
20586 WIN95TIP.ZIP 47777 10.11.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Windows 95 Tips, Tricks And Secrets v1.4.
20587 WINREG.ZIP 292,7 kt 30.05.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
Windows Registry GuideComplete guide to mysterious windows registry. Explaining each and every part of registry plus 
how to backup and restore the registry, protect the registry and recover from registry failure.
20588 WINTIPS.ZIP 185,7 kt 17.06.1997 - - -
WinTips - Windows 95 tips and tricks In Help format.
70133 WORD7.EXE 106737 13.01.1996 - 12832/aol-file-protocol-4400-4701-to-4800.zip tupla
Word for Windows 95 Knowledge Base HLP
70212 WW1191.EXE 16003 13.01.1996 - 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso tupla
Upgrading to Windows 95
Setup Questions and Answers (TXT)
62150 CLINR51.ZIP 579906 17.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
Case Liner v5.1 - make and print J-cards
for cassette cases. For 32-bit Windows.
64612 GS351W32.ZIP 355516 22.10.1995 - MBCD tupla
Aladdin Ghostscript 3.51
Win95/WinNt/Win32s binaries
65597 KZST32.ZIP 243786 08.10.1996 - 2837/Software of the Month Club 1996 August.iso -
KazStamp 6.0a for Windows 95
Tee ja tulosta kirjekuoria.
21074 ROPS3244.ZIP 382312 29.05.1996 - MBCD -
Roger's Postscript v4.4 for Win32
Level 1 Postscript interpreter that
uses TrueType fonts
20524 WPRINTER.ZIP 143592 29.11.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
WPrinter - allows you to easily change
the default printer in Win95.
20589 2020S.ZIP 2 Mt 14.01.2000 - 23345/CHIP_HITWARE6_A.iso tupla
20/20 2.1A freeware screen capture, image view and annotation application. Also capable of creating slide shows and generating thumbnails.
20590 3DCAN423.ZIP 18 Mt 12.09.2001 - - -
3D Canvas 4.233D Canvas on ilmainen 3d-mallinnusohjelma, jolla kolmiulotteisten kappaleiden rakentaminen onnistuu helposti raahaa ja pudota-menetelmällä. Ohjelmasta löytyy lähes 30 pientä kappaletta, primitiiviä, joista on helppo kasata monimutkaisempia malleja. Ilmainen.
51758 3DEM30.ZIP 325878 21.11.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
3Dem v3.03 will produce ray traced landscape
scenes and fly-by -animations.
20591 3DEM70.ZIP 511,1 kt 19.01.2000 - MBHH2000 tupla
3DEM v7.0.53Dem will produce ray traced landscape scenes and fly-by -animations. Freeware.
20592 3DEXPLOR.ZIP 1 Mt 02.10.1999 - - tupla
3D Exploration 1.1 Easy-to-use viewer for Windows 95, 98 and NT with Explorer-like interface and Open GL hardware accelerator support. It allows you to browse many popular 3D file formats - 3D Studio, LightWave, Caligari, Direct X, AutoCAD and many other, plus common 2D file types. Click-to-zoom and Drag-zoom let you explore 3D objects instantly.
8377 3VIEW12.ZIP 279004 02.01.1996 - MBCD -
ThreeView Version (1.2)
3view is an interactive Viewer for 3D OFF
format. It runs under windows 95 and windows
8378 64MPG208.ZIP 500982 23.01.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
Mach 64 Windows 95 MPG viewer. Requires
64W95208.ZIP or newer.
20595 AAAPG101.ZIP 214,5 kt 02.02.1998 - 19732/04 SWP 049 - 06-1997.iso tupla
AAApeg v1.01AAApeg - a JPEG image viewer/slideshow utility for Win95. Easy, fast, & fun to use. Supports JPG TGA PCX BMP & non-LZW TIF. Single keypress or mouse click lets you view images without "file open" dialog.  Another excellent $10 utility from the merry elves and sprites at Oh My Goddess!
20596 ABCONV34.ZIP 1,2 Mt 24.11.2001 - - -
Advanced Batch Converter 3.4Muunna useita kuvatiedostoja haluamaasi muotoon yhdellä kertaa. Shareware, 30 USD. http://www.gold-software.com/abc.shtml
60384 ACDCN10B.ZIP 764885 13.10.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ACDSee '95 version 1.0 beta 4
Kuvien näyttäjä, tukee BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX,
PHOTO-CD, PNG, TGA sekä TIF-formaatteja.
20599 ACDSEE.EXE 11,4 Mt 20.11.2001 - 23747/PCWorld_2002-06_cd.bin -
ACDSee 4.0ACDSee is a fast image viewer, browser, and multimedia management application. You can rapidly browse through digital images on your computer, and then open and organize them easily. ACDSee allows you to view almost any image and more than 50 multimedia formats, sound, archive, and movie file formats such as JPEG, GIF, TIFF, MP3, WAV, ZIP, and MPEG. ACDSee offers also image manipulation and photo enhancement features such as red eye reduction, sharper image enhancement, brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, negative, emboss, and image rotation. These tools let you fix most digital photos. Version 4.0 comes with many new features including a new interface and the ability to add timing and transition effects, run slide shows, view movies, and play music files. It also comes with a new flexible screen-capture tool and other new features.
This is a 30-day trial. The cost to register is $49.95. 
20597 ACDSEE30.EXE 3,9 Mt 14.01.2000 - 15604/PCM_0002.iso tupla
ACDSee 3.0 (32.Bit) High-performance image viewer. Supports BMP, GIF, JPG, TGA, TIF, and more. 
For example, thumbnails for each directory and animated GIFs.
20598 ACDSEE31.EXE 5,7 Mt 12.12.2000 - #hyrava tupla
ACDSee 3.1ACDSee 3.1 is the complete digital imaging
software solution! It is the fastest picture
viewer, graphic converter and jpeg viewer
available for Windows. 
ACDSee 3.1 image viewer includes photo
enhancement tools that let you crop, rotate
and alter your photos and graphics to get a
sharper image. It also supports batch file
conversions, sharper image enhancement and
over 40 image formats. Plus, this award-winning 
image viewing shareware lets you share images 
via e-mail, private server and the Web. 
20600 AGIFOP31.ZIP 562,8 kt 20.05.2001 - - -
"Advanced GIF Optimizer v3.1Advanced GIF Optimizer is a small utility you can use to easily optimize .gif graphics for your Web site. It performs its magic on all files contained within a folder of your choosing. Just find the folder and select Test to preview the difference in file size. The cumulative total is shown in addition to the difference for each individually. If you want to go aheadjust select Optimize to carry out the task. Many of the files will be significantly smaller with no noticeable difference in quality. Advanced GIF Optimizer includes a small viewer pane to display popular graphic formats and allows you to perform batch conversions of other graphic formats to .gif. Its a snap to use and a great way to make your Web site a bit more user-friendly. You can use this free trial for 15 days. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me. Author: Gold-Software. http://www.gold-software.com/ago.html"
20601 AI2.ZIP 630 kt 02.01.2001 - - tupla
ArtIcons 2.31ArtIcons allows you to edit Windows icons in color depths up to 16 million colors, search files and folders for icons, export and  import icon images and create and manage icon libraries. Requirements: Windows95/98/ME/NT/2000, 16MB RAM, Pentium-100, True Color. http://www.aha-soft.com
20602 AIPU.ZIP 1 Mt 28.06.2001 - - -
AI Picture Utility Monipuolinen grafiikkatiedostojen katselu- ja käsittelyohjelma. Shareware. 
20603 ALCYN101.ZIP 2,1 Mt 02.02.1998 - - tupla
Alcyone v1.01Win95 JPEG Viewer This program is a mulitmedia slide show generator that allows users to construct multimedia slide shows by combining JPEG image files and MIDI music files.  Slide shows can be customized and saved as a single file for replay at a later time or distribution among other Alcyone users. Free 30-day trial version. Registered version: (US$ 19.95 Check/Money Order). David C. Irizarry xerxees@ix.netcom.com
20604 ALICE99.EXE 13,6 Mt 14.01.2000 - - tupla
ALICE 99A free development environment for building interactive 3D worlds, Alice is designed to bring 3D graphics to the masses. This version also includes the Teddy modeller and the Alice paint program.
20605 ALIPLUG.ZIP 1,3 Mt 16.12.1998 - - tupla
Alice Plug-In Install
20606 ALLVU211.ZIP 1,6 Mt 12.04.1998 - 22253/CC971203.BIN tupla
Allvue v.2.11 Allvue allows you to speed up the process of finding or reviewing multiple image files. Allows you to view 15 at a time, and has support for all major formats. Do you have about 1,000+ images on your computer? If you do, then try this out.
20607 ALVUP102.ZIP 2,1 Mt 12.04.1998 - - tupla
Allvue Pro v.1.02 Allvue Pro v.1.02 allows you to speed up the process of finding or reviewing multiple image files. Allows you to view 15 at a time, and has support for all major formats. Do you have about 1,000+ images on your computer? If you do, then try this out. Professional version adds the ability to load more file-types and to save any loaded file as a BMP file-type so you can use many common tools to further edit and modify your images.
8389 ANI.ZIP 114869 06.06.1996 - - -
WIN95 - Create Animated Cursors.
8392 AREN25EV.ARJ 3809753 14.05.1996 - - -
Arena Design 2.5. Evaluation Version. 3D
rendering, modelling and animation tool.
20609 AVIEW.ZIP 2,4 Mt 03.02.1998 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
AVIEWWindows Bitmapped Image Viewer/Printer. AVIEW is a specially designed image viewing program for Windows 95 which allows you to easily and quickly view and print your scanned images just like you were flipping through the family photo album. The fast, elegant, and simple to use adjustable speed AutoRun feature of this software, will enhance your image viewing pleasure by allowing you to enjoy your photos without the hassle of having to close and open image files individually.
20610 AVILXP.ZIP 168523 04.12.1996 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
AVILXP is an AVI Movie Player with several
special features, for example zooming.
20611 AVISYN13.ZIP 53 kt 02.03.2001 - - -
AviSynth v0.3Mahdollistaa "virtuaali-AVI"-tiedostojen valmistamisen.
20612 AXCURS45.EXE 2,3 Mt 01.02.1999 - - -
Axialis AX-Cursors v4.5Create, manage and distribute static and animated cursors! With this new version you will create fabulous cursors libraries, compile them and distribute them as self-executable files.
20613 AXICON45.EXE 2,4 Mt 01.02.1999 - - -
Axialis AX-Icons v4.5 The most powerful utility available to create, manage and distribute icons. With this new version you will create fabulous icon libraries, compile them and distribute them as self-executable files.
20615 BEHE0800.ZIP 2,7 Mt 06.02.1998 - #hyrava -
Behemot Graphics Editor v.0.8.0Behemot Graphics Editor is a full-featured ray-tracing renderer and an editor designed for Win32s, Win95, Win NT and Linux. It allows you to create elaborate 3-D scenes, objects and models with varying light sources, textures and views. This application is not necessarily for beginners, but it does include many ray-traced graphics which can be modified. It can import DXF file from 3D Studio. Behemot prolog interpeter. Freeware.
20616 BISTL142.ZIP 1,7 Mt 06.02.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 2 of 4).iso -
BISTools v1.42Image editor, screen capturer, GIF animator from Bay Image Software. Shareware.
20617 BLNDR211.EXE 1,3 Mt 10.03.2001 - - -
BLENDER 2.11Kokeilemisen arvoinen 3D-ohjelma. Itse purkautuva exe-paketti. Freewarea. http://www.blender.nl
20618 BMORPH30.EXE 1,1 Mt 04.01.2000 - MBHH2000 -
BitMorph v3.0Ilmainen morfausohjelma, jolla onnistuu myös yksittäisen kuvan muunteleminen.
20619 BMPRO3.EXE 1,9 Mt 24.04.2001 - 14494/Internet News 2000-11 - CD-ROM.rar -
Banner Maker Pro 3.02Banner Maker Pro allows you to quickly create web-based graphics such as banner ads and buttons. By using a wizard like interface, Banner Maker Pro allows you to create professional looking banners, buttons, and other small web graphics in just minutes. Many options are available for text manipulation such as angling text, wrapping text around a circle, gradients, and 3D. Features now in V3 include better looking text, more backgrounds, more images, more shapes, and resizable images. In addton banners and animation can now be saved and worked on at a later time.effects." This is a 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.bannermakerpro.com
20620 BMPVIEW.ZIP 84044 08.10.1995 - 23351/Chip_Hitware_Vol_02.iso -
BmpView is a neat little Windows program
which allows you to view BMP files on your HD
in a preview window. Once you have found the
BMP you're looking for, with one click you
can be editing your BMP in your favourite
viewer, such as MS Paint. BmpView is a fast
32-bit Bitmap viewing program. Comes in real
handy when you want to find a BMP on your HD.
Allows you to scroll through a whole
directory of BMP's. Extremely fast. FREEWARE.
20621 C360TRY.EXE 6,8 Mt 14.01.2000 - 23402/Chip_2001-08_cd2.bin -
Ulead COOL 360 (Demo)Panoramic imaging software. COOL 360 allows users to transform a series of photos into interactive 360° or wide-angle panoramic scenes. Advanced warping, blending and alignment tools ensure superior results that users can directly output to e-mail, the Web, Office documents, screen savers or print.
20622 C3D25_T.EXE 9,2 Mt 06.05.1999 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Ulead Cool 3D v2.5 TrialTee vaivatta hienoja 3D-tekstilogoja esimerkiksi kotisivullesi. 15 päivän demoversio vaatii Windows 95/98/NT 4.0:n ja DirectX 5.0:n tai uudemman.
20623 CAD95.A01 3,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
DesignCAD 97 demo 2/4
20624 CAD95.A02 3,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
DesignCAD 97 demo 3/4
20625 CAD95.A03 1,9 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
DesignCAD 97 demo 4/4
20626 CAD95.ARJ 3,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
DesignCAD 97 for Windows 95 demo 1/4Powerful but inexpensive 2-D and 3-D CAD system that puts tremendous drafting power into the hands of both professional and casual users. It has all the features professionals need, yet casual users find it easy to operate. Windows 95/NT4, 486/Pentium, 16 Mb, SVGA.
20627 CCASTFX.ZIP 522,8 kt 29.10.2000 - - -
ColorCastFXUsing digital cameras many people found that the landscape images become simply bad. 
The grass is dark, almost black, the shadows are too heavy, however at that day the 
light condition was great.... Does this sound familiar to you ? ColorCastFX can help 
you to fix that. And not only landscapes. It works great on any picture where fill-in 
flash was not used and the camera underexposed the front objects. Freeware.
20628 CDROP424.EXE 5,9 Mt 28.04.2001 - 14488/Internet Magazine February 2001.iso -
ColourDrop 4.2.4Tällä ohjelmalla voit valita värejä monella eri tavalla. Voit etsiä esimerkiksi kotisivulle sopivaa väriä vaikka taustakuvastasi. Ilmainen. http://www.korax.net/software/cdropr4/
20629 CIMGV3.ZIP 945,7 kt 04.02.1998 - - -
Castillo Image Viewer v3Castillo Image Viewer is a fast, flexible and compact image viewer that supports 7 different file formats (BMP,JPG,GIF,TGA, PCX,EMF,WMF,ICO), zoom in, zoomout, fit to window, printing, and deleting images. Castillo ImageViewer supports file manager and explorer drag&drop to open multiple files at once, it is MDI so you can view multiple images at a time and tile, mosaic and swich between opened images.
20630 CL970225.EXE 64,3 kt 14.04.1997 - - -
CatalistCATALIST is a simple program that creates HTML files that list and catalogue all GIF and JPG files in any directory.
20631 COLORIZE.ZIP 2,1 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
ColorizeIntelligent colour filling-in for your line art. Win95.
20632 COLVOLV.ZIP 3,5 Mt 17.06.1997 - - -
KPT ConvolverState-of-the-art image manipulation for Win95.
20633 COMPAN-E.ARJ 3366033 15.09.1996 - - -
The Complete Animator * evaluation version.
Windows 95 package for making your own
frame-by-frame animations.
20634 CP3SW.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.04.1998 - 26755/1000-Plus-Hot-Games-1999.zip -
"Childs Play 3Childs Play 256 color childrens paint program will keep the younguns busy for hours. Includes incredible paint tool effectsrubber stampssound effectsand various screen erasers. Also loadssavesand prints their masterpieces. Requires Windows 95 or NT. From Alston Software Labs."
20635 CPIC46.EXE 1,4 Mt 09.09.1999 - - -
CompuPIC 4.6 (build 1015) CompuPIC is a very fast image viewer that supports small and large thumbnails, has a built-in image editor, can convert between formats, and much more. Shareware. Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.photodex.com
20636 CPRO20.ZIP 678 kt 19.01.2000 - MBHH2000 -
ChaosPro 2.0Fraktaaliohjelma, joka osaa laskea monia fraktaaleita yhtä aikaa eri ikkunoissa.
20637 CPWIZ111.EXE 731 kt 16.02.2001 - - -
CaptureWiz v1.11Tyylikäs ja helppokäyttöinen kuvankaappausohjelma joka osaa kaapata koko ruudun, edellisen aktiivisen ikkunan tai tietyn alueen ruudusta. Tallennusmahdollisuus JPG, PNG tai BMP muodossa. Paljon säätömahdollisuuksia. 30 päivän kokeiluversio.
20638 CPX32202.ZIP 573,4 kt 27.09.1998 - - -
CryptaPix v2.02Graphics viewer/encryption for Windows 95/98/NT. Supports GIF, JPG, PNG, PCX, TIF, and BMP images. Full screen slide- shows. Secure 40-bit & 80-bit PC1 (RC4 clone) and 160-bit Blowfish encryption keeps your private image collection away from prying eyes. Encrypted thumbnail and WAV sound support. Conversion, printing and secure wipe features are also available.
20639 CSKINFX.ZIP 522,3 kt 29.10.2000 - 23084/chip-cd_2003_12.zip -
ClearSkinFXClearSkinFX allows you to retouch digital photos for portraits. It smoothes the 
skin of the object while preserving all the details and crispness of hair, eyes
and background. The program works best on large images with lots of skin details 
taken with digital cameras. You can drag and drop images from Explorer to the 
ClearSkinFX. http://www.mediachance.com

20640 D3D091B.ZIP 1,3 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
D3Demo Maker v0.91b Create simplified animations using Direct 3D compatible graphics cards as a visualization engine. Once animation is created it can be saved, depending on the purpose of animation, in two different formats: EXE and SCR. Create commercial demos and logos or 3D screensavers. Or create breath-taking demos for your friends or make screensaver or a demo for yourself. D3Digital illusions Software. Windows 95. 
20641 DEFORM_T.ZIP 3,3 Mt 22.01.1998 - - -
DeformerImage manipulation software. Animate, edit, alter. Windows 95 P90 Win95 16MB
20642 DIGICAME.ZIP 524,8 kt 29.09.2000 - - -
"Digital Camera Enhancer 1.1Digital Camera Enhancer does the hard job of noise reducing 
and automatic balance control for you. And it is free!
The program works best if you have bad light condition 
(indoorshadows etc..) and your image is somehow off. 
So if some of your images are already fineyou wont 
see much difference. DCE makes delicate changes.
20643 DOCV52.ZIP 1,6 Mt 08.02.1998 - 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso -
Infotek DocView v5.2Image viewer for document imaging systems, stand-alone use or helper. Easy integration with virtually any database. TIFF and many other graphics formats. DocView features multiple image displays, multipage functions, graphic format conversions, rotation, magnification, page browsing, anti-aliasing, etc.
20644 DOTCOL30.ZIP 38 kt 10.01.2000 - MBHH2000 -
DotColor 3.0Monipuolinen värinpoimintaohjelma. Freewarea.
20645 DRAW97.EXE 894,8 kt 04.08.1997 - 18165/WinExpert9.iso -
Microsoft Draw 97Vaatii Office 97 -paketin.
20646 DRW103.ZIP 195292 12.01.1996 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
DLR Draw v1.03 shareware drawing program
with versions for Windows 95, Windows NT,
Win32s, and the Macintosh. [Win95 ver.]
63229 DTCAD22.ZIP 1445859 04.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
DeltaCad v2.2  - DeltaCad is a powerful,
easy to learn, CAD (Computer Aided Design)
20647 DTCAD23.ZIP 1,4 Mt 11.07.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
DeltaCad v2.3DeltaCad is a powerful, easy to learn, CAD (Computer Aided Design)  program. It can produce accurately scaled  drawings, or just pretty pictures to paste  into your favorite word processor. DeltaCad  can be used for Drafting, House plans, Decks, Business Cards, Forms, Signs, Labels, Maps,  Flow Charts, Home or School Projects, etc.  DeltaCad is a true 32-bit program compatible  with Windows, Windows NT, or Windows 95.
20648 DXGRAB.ZIP 576,4 kt 14.05.1997 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
DX-GrabNew screen capture-program, which allows you take snapshots from games using DirectX, along with other games. Windows 95.
20649 EASY95.ZIP 110575 08.10.1995 - MBCD -
Create Icon Library files. Drag and drop
files between Libraries. Win95 version. Open
many files at once. "Extract or View any
Icon(s) from any file and save them as
separate (*.ICO) or (*.BMP) files. Examine,
Rename, or Delete Icons. Drag and Drop from
File Manager or Explorer. Includes Online
Help. Free Upgrade for version 3.0 Registered
Users. A must if you work with Many Icons.
Requires the file "VBRUN300.DLL". Shareware
20650 EDGEDIAG.EXE 1,4 Mt 31.01.2001 - 7329/PCCREATION3.iso -
Edge Diagrammer v3.0cMutkikkaidenkin kaavioiden piirtely sujuu tällä ohjelmalla mukavasti. Shareware.
20651 EEI10.ZIP 856,7 kt 28.05.1999 - MBCD -
Easy Extract Icon version 1.0 Easy Extract Icon is a utility that easily extracts icons from executable files (*.exe, *.dll) and associated icons from any files. If an executable file has more than one icon, it can extract all icons that are stored in a file. User may save icons as in current directory where a file is located, as in special defined for icons directory.
20652 EMBER392.EXE 1,5 Mt 20.06.1999 - - -
Firehand Ember Pro v3.9.2 Firehand Ember Pro is very simple, easy to use, feature-rich, and highly-rated image viewer, organizer, and touch-up system for Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.firehand.com/Ember/
20653 EMPTYPIC.ZIP 6,7 kt 08.02.1998 - 10858/Simtel for MS-DOS (January 2001).iso -
Empty Picture SystemWith Empty Picture System, you can mask your GIF-images so, that they display a retangle filled with a single color. Then, you could use this picture as a background color on your web page and on the receiving end, selected users know that the back- ground contains a hidden picture and they can restore it with Empty Picture System. Others who do not know about the hidden picture, will not be even aware that a hidden picture exists. Shareware.
20654 ETUMB1_0.EXE 1,1 Mt 16.12.1999 - - -
EasyThumb v1.0Muuntaa kuvia eri muotojen välillä ja tekee miniatyyrikuvia. Tukee formaatteja JPEG, GIF, BMP, WMF, EMF.
20655 EXPRDEMO.ZIP 6,5 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
Fractal Design Expression DemoWindows Expression is the first-ever Natural-Media vector drawing program. Its revolutionary because to create you simply draw a vector path and art is automatically applied to that path. Windows 95 and NT. 486+ 12MB min.
20656 EYEDRP11.ZIP 120,4 kt 27.07.1998 - MBHH1999 -
EyeDropper v1.1 EyeDropper picks a color from the screen and shows its RGB color values.
20657 EZGT3220.ZIP 412,1 kt 12.02.1998 - - -
EZ-Viewer32 v2.0The fast, easy way to view and manipulate all your graphic files. Supports JPG/GIF/BMP/TIF/ICO/WMF/etc.  Features: browse all files in a directory, thumbnail view, print, zoom in/out, resize. Shareware by Galt Technology. 32-bit. http://www.galttech.com   1997
20658 FA331B.ZIP 563,4 kt 27.02.1998 - MBCD -
Fractal Agent Zips v3.31Fractal Agent exes and docs fa331.zip contains fractala.exe, fractala.hlp, title640.zp, title640.bmp, title.pl, distfa1.txt, install.txt and this file.
20659 FAMPHOTO.ZIP 3,5 Mt 12.02.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 2 of 4).iso -
At Home Photo Album v1.00This application allows you to scan photos into  the photo album with any TWAIN compliant  scanner or video capture device. Photos can  be categorized, viewed full screen, or viewed via the slide show. Photos may also be  Emailed directly from the application. Other  features include: stretch, scale, center,  zoom, import pictures from most file formats, and more.
20660 FANFRAC.ZIP 726 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Fantastic Fractals 
20661 FASTPLAN.EXE 2,1 Mt 29.05.2000 - #hyrava -
Fast Plans 6.1Fast Plans is an easy-to-use, highly automated CAD program for designing the floor plan of a house. 
It produces design layouts to professional standards. It features automatic insertion of windows, 
single, double, and sliding doors, and external and internal walls. You can automatically draw 
complete rooms with dimensions and text, up to three stories, and electrical plans. The easy 
layout allows you to move rooms around, change sizes, rotate, and more. Version 6.0 featured 
a new graphic help system, a new site plan function, an increased number of door types, and 
other minor improvements. Version 6.1 features new functions to give maximum flexibility when 
altering finished drawings. The fully functional registered version costs $63. 
20662 FCP2.EXE 1,1 Mt 26.04.2000 - 22448/XENIATGM84.iso -
The Font Creator Program 2.2With this application you can create and modify TrueType font files. You can use the fonts in 
Windows 3.11 and higher. Features include the ability to load and save TFF files and unlimited 
undo and redo options. This version adds the ability to convert bitmaps (BMP files) to TrueType 
outlines, thus enabling you to create your own signature, logo, or handwriting. This version 
has improved the tutorial and the user interface, added support for new fonts from templates, 
and contains other fixes and enhancements. The registered version of this 30-day trial costs $20. 
20663 FDREAM10.ZIP 909 kt 14.02.1998 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 2 of 4).iso -
Fractal Dreams v1.0Fractal Dreams is a high-performance fractal image generator, which can be used to create images from the Mandelbrot set and Julia sets with speed and ease. The program is also capable of rendering smooth fractal- flythrough type animations and morphing Julia-set animations. Shareware.
20664 FFREE103.ZIP 1,8 Mt 26.04.2001 - - -
FlickerFree v.1.03. Shareware.VideoFramer is the sequel to Personal AVI Editor. VideoFramer is a true 32-bit application for use with Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT 4.0 SP3 and later. You can have both Personal AVI Editor and VideoFramer installed at the same time. http://www.flickerfree.com
20665 FFVF.ZIP 47,7 kt 17.01.2000 - - -
FlickerFree VideoFramer 1.0Digital video editing software. With FlickerFree VideoFramer you can produce professional presentations or capture and edit home videos directly on your PC. Add sound and digital effects like fade, wipe, blue-screen, titles, push and slide. Produce movies in AVI, FLI or FLC formats or export movies as picture sequences in JPG and BMP formats.
20666 FGX32V97.ZIP 2,8 Mt 09.12.1997 - MBCD -
Formula Graphics 97 rel 97.10.1Develop interactive multimedia applications. Easy-to-use graphical interface. Programmable 2D and 3D graphics. Dynamic palette manager. Capable of 8, 16, 24 or 32 bit color. Supports many bitmap and anim. file formats. Play presentations from floppy, CD-ROM, or the Internet. Create screen savers or inst. utilities. Formula Software Pty Ltd. http:// www.FormulaGraphics.com/. Sydney, Australia
20358 FI11W32.ZIP 1300534 17.11.1996 - - -
Fractal Imager v1.1. You can convert from &
to fractal image format and view fractal
20667 FLIPALB.ZIP 3,9 Mt 29.10.2000 - - -
"FlipAlbum 3.1FlipAlbum automatically organizes digital images into realistic-looking
page-flipping picture albums. You can organize your digital photosmake 
presentationsor email your pictures. FlipAlbums book-likeanimated 
page turns make using it a natural and intuitive experience. FlipAlbum 
includes an integrated image editor and presentation tools. This demo 
version works for a 30-day trial period. http://www.ebooksys.com
20668 FONTFX.EXE 9,3 Mt 29.05.2000 - #hyrava -
Font F/X (full evaluation) 2.5Font F/X transforms fonts into high-resolution, 3D text images complete with textures. Fast rendering 
speeds combined with precise control over coloring, lighting, and rotation make this an ideal tool 
for professionals and novices alike. Other features include a simple bitmap editor, a preview window 
to display the 3D image exactly as it will be exported, and the ability to export to more than 12 
different formats. Earlier versions added drag-and-drop animation capability, shadow support, motion 
blur effects, control over individual characters within a text string, a new materials palette with 
colors and textures, resizable toolbars, and more. Version 2.5 features an improved interface, Alpha 
Transparency support, bug fixes, and more. The evaluation copy places a watermark on all exported 
images and only includes a limited number of templates. The full commercial version of Font F/X costs $49.
64249 FORMGX41.ZIP 1320515 27.01.1996 - MBCD tupla
Formula Graphics Multimedia System 4.1
Professional authoring software for Windows
95 and NT. Easy to use graphical interface
with bitmaps, animations, sound, video and
hypertext. 256 colors with dynamic palette
management and 24 bit color. Object oriented
multimedia language with animated sprite
based games engine. Ideal for CDROM titles
and action adventure games. Includes online
documentation and demo presentation.
64484 GIFCON.ZIP 510316 02.04.1996 - MBCD -
By Alchemy Mindworks Inc. GIF Construction
Set for Windows is a powerful collection of
tools to work with multiple-block GIF files.
It will allow you to assemble GIF files
containing image blocks, plain text blocks,
comment blocks and control blocks. It
includes facilities to manage palettes and
merge multiple GIF files together. It will
make the extensions of the GIF specification
work for you. Among its other functions, GIF
Construction Set for Windows can: Create
64508 GM20A.ZIP 733942 19.02.1996 - MBCD -
Graphics Master 2.0A(tm) NEW! Win'95,Win for
WorkGroups, and Win3.1 Ready! All platform
Windows Icon Editor/Viewer with .BMP .WMF.ICO
& Now GIF file viewers! Now create and edit
any icon! It's fast and easy! View any
.BMP,.WMF,.ICO and GIF file too! Complete
with icons ready to edit. Receive over 1,000
Icons with your registration! Now create,
edit, and maintain your own Graphics and Icon
64646 GWS3211V.ZIP 1021333 13.07.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO tupla
Graphic Workshop 1.1V for Win95 will view,
print, dither, convert, scale, rotate, colour
adjust, transform, crop, catalog, etc.
WPG XBM graphic and AVI FLC FLI MOV MPG movie
formats. Also supports UUencoded graphics,
text and EXE self-displaying pictures. [self-
installing archive] Alchemy Mindworks
20669 HTMLSS30.EXE 2,5 Mt 14.01.2000 - 12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar -
HtmlSS 3.0An easy to use program that allows you to view, edit, and publish, your images into HTML.
20670 HWAVEV13.ZIP 304,4 kt 06.10.1999 - MBCD -
HarmWave v1.3A graphics application that creates seamless tiles for use as Windows wallpaper or web page backgrounds.  It can also be used for photo re-touching.
20671 HYMPEG.ZIP 45369 01.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Hyper MPEG player v0.1 for windows 95
plays mpeg-1, mepg-2 and other mpeg-system vi
deos, presison search, convert the frame to b
mp files, etc.
20672 ICEVIEW.ZIP 2,6 Mt 21.10.1997 - 14396/Freesoft_1997-04_cd.bin -
Ice View 95 Versatile graphics tool for over 30 image file formats. ALl standard tolls for manipulating puctures etc. Windows 95.
20673 ICNSR210.EXE 682,3 kt 21.01.2001 - - tupla
Icon Sucker 2.10.072Tällä ohjelmalla saat ongittua talteen ohjelmien sisällä olevat kuvakkeet. Ilmainen.
20674 ICOBRW10.ZIP 186,9 kt 19.06.2000 - - -
"Icon Browser v1.0Icon Browserilla voit avata kuvaketiedostoja jotka sisältävät enemmän kuin yhden kuvakkeen 
(esim. .exe tai .dll) ja tallentaa yksittäisiä kuvakkeita .ico-tiedostoonWin95. 
Tehnyt: Tommy Rahkilatommy.rahkila@mbnet.fi."
20675 ICODGR2A.ZIP 226,1 kt 27.08.1999 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Icon Digger 2000 v2.2 Free utility that lets you extract icons from executable (*.exe), icon library (*.icl), and dynamic-link library (*.dll) files. Shows icons in Explorer style.
20676 ICONC16E.EXE 2,3 Mt 12.01.2001 - - -
IconCool v1.65Tyylikäs työkalu ikonien hallintaan. Voit etsiä ja purkaa ikoneja tiedostoista, muuttaa niiden kokoa, tallentaa bittikarttana tai ikonina, levittää omia ikonejasi ja erittäin paljon muuta tällä täydellisellä ikoninhallintaohjelmalla. Shareware. http://www.iconcool.com
20677 IEYE42.ZIP 160,4 kt 14.01.2000 - - -
Image Eye 4.2 Very fast, simple image viewer that handles JPG, GIF, BMP and several other popular image formats without all the features many viewers have.
20678 IF32V42.ZIP 3,5 Mt 02.06.1999 - - -
IconForge v4.2 IconForge makes it easy to create and edit icons, multi-res icons, animated icons, and cursors. Imports from ICO, CUR, ANI, image, EXE and DLL files. Tools include: brush, line, rectangle, circle, zoom, flip, nudge, rotate, text, scissors, and special effects filters. Multiple icons may be edited at the same time for easy cut and paste between images. Features icon library, export to GIF & other image formats, more.
20679 IFA10.EXE 2,4 Mt 25.12.2000 - - -
Insane Flash Animator 1.01Tehokas ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma Flash -animaatioiden tekoon. Täysin ohjelmoitavissa oleva käyttöliittymä, selkeät toiminnot sekä alkuun pääsyä helpottavat tutoriaalit. http://www.insanetools.com
20373 ILLM.ZIP 3149352 14.05.1996 - 7089/CDROM21.bin -
Illuminatus 3. Multimedia authoring system.
Shareware demo.
20680 IMEXP435.EXE 11,6 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
Image Explorer v4.35Monipuolinen kuvan- ja videonkäsittelyohjelma. Tukee yli
70 tiedostotyyppiä, yli 100 kuvankäsittelytoimintoa.
Shareware, $50. http://www.cdhnow.com/ 
20684 IMG_US.ZIP 2084787 05.02.1996 - MBCD -
Imaging for Windows 95 v1.0.
20681 IMG32-22.ZIP 2,2 Mt 12.04.1998 - - -
ImgViewer/32 Graphics Viewer v2.2Win95/NT Viewer-Printer for GIF, JPG, and  other popular formats. Powerful but easy-to- use editing tools, with 9 levels of undo.  Very fast and flexible zoom. True 32-bit  program with fast JPG decoding, long filename support, etc. Win95/NT install/uninstall.  Trial version is the full program. 
20682 IMG32604.ZIP 4,9 Mt 14.01.2000 - - -
Images Control (32 Bit) v6.04Stores photos/images in image depositories (Access 97, password-protectable). Attaches annotation/sounds to individual photos/images. Performs multimedia slide show with 2,000 transitional special effects. Prints hard copy of images to any Windows-supported printer.
20683 IMGSIZE.ZIP 13,6 kt 30.11.1997 - MBCD -
ImageSize ImageSize helper program for Windows 95 gives you the dimensions of an image.
65079 IMGV32.ZIP 1475086 05.01.1997 - 23343/CHIP_HITWARE3.iso -
ImgViewer/32 Graphics Viewer v1.53 
Win95/NT Viewer-Printer for GIF, JPG and PNG.
Powerul features while stressing ease-of-use.
True 32-bit program with fast JPG decoding,
long filename support, etc. Win95
install/uninstall. Complete program,
uncrippled and not time-limited.
20685 IPS25.ZIP 1,1 Mt 14.01.2000 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 2).iso -
InBless PandaShop 2.5Professional screen capture utility which allows user 
to capture full screen, a specific area of a screen or an active screen. Has an impressive set of built-in drawing and editing tools, such as flip and rotate, resize, crop, stretch and airbrush.
20686 ISOPTIK2.ZIP 844,3 kt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
Isoptikon 2.0For precise drawing (both on screen and printer) of figures of Euclidean geometry and the study of the so called "isoptic" cubics.
20687 IVIEW333.EXE 708 kt 26.03.2001 - 26792/PC Answers June 2001.7z -
InfranView 3.33Kätevä kuvankatselu- ja käsittelyohjelma. Freewarea. http://www.infranview.com
20688 IVIEWMP3.ZIP 163,7 kt 04.03.2000 - - -
IrfanView MP-PlugInSaa IrfanView:n soittamaan MP1-, MP2- ja MP3-tiedostoja.
20689 JIC20.ZIP 2 Mt 23.05.1997 - 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO -
Jasc ImageCommander v2.0  Answers the call for a fast and easy to use image viewer. More than 30 file formats are supported. Users have complete control over which file formats are associated with the program. Features include zoom, crop, resize, rotate, conversion to greyscale, negative image, and adjustments of brightness, RGB elements and color depth. Runs under Win95, WinNT, and Windows 3.1 w/Win32s. From JASC, Inc.
20690 JIR10.ZIP 1,9 Mt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
Jasc Image Robot v1.0  Simplifies batch processing/format conversion of image files. Processing can be performed interactively or run from the DOS command line. Scripts of commands can be saved and loaded for easy reuse. Features include optimized palette generation, 20 filters, 11 deformations, and testing of commands on a preview image. Supports over 27 image file formats. Win95 or NT 4. From JASC, Inc.
20691 JJE-VBRC.EXE 39,1 kt 02.03.2001 - - -
JJE-VBRC 1.01Lopullisen MPEG2-videon koon laskeva ohjelma.
20692 KALEIDOS.ZIP 170,4 kt 18.10.2000 - - -
KaleidoscopeOhjelma pyörittää ruudulla kauniita ornamenttikuvioita, jotka vaihtavat väriään asettamasi ajan välein. Ilmainen.
20693 KM175A.EXE 1,4 Mt 16.02.2001 - - -
KoolMoves 1.75aWeb animation authoring software that creates Flash movies and frames for animated gifs and other popular animation formats. It has full-featured drawing tools including text as well as the ability to import clipart, images, and sounds. Demo version. http://www.koolmoves.com/
20694 KVSVR001.ZIP 29,4 kt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
Kuvaseiveri v0.01 Ohjelmalla voi kaapata näytön tai aktiivisen ikkunan halutuin aikavälein. Voit mm. asettaa ohjelman kaappaamaan näytön 5 kertaa sekunnin välein. Sitten sinun tarvitsee kirjoittaa tiedostonimi ja valita kuville kansio. Kuvat tallentuvat napinpainalluksella kuvasarjana (kuva0.bmp, kuva1.bmp jne.). Vaatii Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT:n ja tiedoston MSVBVM50.DLL. Copyright (c) 1999 Mika Salonen.
20695 KVSVR100.ZIP 35,7 kt 24.03.2000 - - -
Kuvaseiveri v1.00Freeware 3.3.2000 Kuvankaappausohjelma, joka kaappaa koko
näytön tai aktiivisen ikkunan halutuin välein ja tallentaa 
jopa 200 kaapattua kuvaa yhdellä napinpainalluksella 
juoksevalla numerolla varustettuna kuvasarjana 
(esim. kuva1.bmp, kuva2.bmp jne.). Vaatii: Microsoft 
Windows 95/98/NT sekä tiedosto MSVBVM50.DLL (versio SP2). 
Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen
20696 LABELLE.EXE 3,7 Mt 29.05.2000 - - -
LaBelle CD ToolboxLaBelle CD Toolbox lets you create humorous, elegant, distinctive, or just plain practical 
CD labels, booklets, and inlay cards in eight languages. Just click together your motifs, 
try out new combinations on your screen, write your own booklets, and give every CD-ROM a
custom-tailored look. 
20697 LSTUDIO7.ZIP 3,2 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Landscape Studio Beta 0.7Direct3D version. interactive editor for heightfield landscapes. It currently does not create fractal heightfields, but rather lets you edit an existing heightfield in realtime 3D. LS allows editing of up to 3 heightfields at once, to create underground and cavern filled worlds. REQUIRES 3D card and DirectX 5 or 6. Source and precompiled versions included.
65859 LVIEWP1D.ZIP 306341 29.05.1996 - MBCD -
LView Pro 1.D/32 image manipulation program
20698 LVIEWP21.ZIP 1,4 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
LView Pro v2.1An image file editor for Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT4. Manage large number of image files; copy, move, rename, delete image files, optionally store thumbnails (miniatures of the original images) and text descriptions.Make slideshows with the original images, with interactive or timed slide advancement. Browse original images in Full Screen mode. Batch convert image files to another format.
20699 MA110W95.ZIP 2,6 Mt 27.03.1998 - 17115/TEKNO 5-1997.iso -
MainActor v1.10MainActor is able to load, edit, play, create and save animations and pictures of any size in a format independent manner. MainActor includes most of the animation and picture formats found in the graphics world. Together with many animation processing functions (timing of animations, sound effects, .. ). Includes support for GIF-Anim, FLC, AVI, Quicktime, MPEG.
20700 MCENTER.EXE 6,6 Mt 29.02.2000 - - -
"MediaCenter 1.2 Handles videosound and image files. You can sort images you see on the webimport pictures from your digital camera or scannerand alter the images brightnesscontrastor color. Very cool interface and very handy!
20701 MIKE5.EXE 2,3 Mt 29.11.2000 - MBHH2002 tupla
"Microangelo 5Microangelo 5.0 introduces a total solution for animated icons on the 
Windows desktopproviding support for the creationinstallationand 
desktop animation of icons in both the standard 32-pixel and large 
48-pixel sizes. Microangelo includes support for True Color (over 
sixteen million colors) throughout all of its tools. Find the icons youre 
looking for with Microangelo Explorer. Organize and view your favorites 
inside icon libraries and program files using Librarian. Create and edit 
icons in ICO filesicon librariesand in all types of program files. 
Microangelos image editors now provide intelligent paint modifiers used 
to apply color gradientsdodge and burn existing colorsand anti-alias 
drawing operations against the graphics below. 
Impact Software includes an added bonus with Microangelo 5.0 - the complete release 
of their On Display icon configuration software. Reconfigure almost any Windows icon - 
including many that cannot be changed using Windows or other software tools - by 
simply right-clicking on the icon and selecting Appearance. 
20702 MM200DMO.EXE 4,2 Mt 29.05.1997 - - -
Scala Multimedia 200 DemoDemoversio multimedianteko-ohjelma Scalasta. Vaatii hyvin toimiakseen MMX-prosessorin, mielellään 32 megatavua muistia, Activemovien ja DirectX 3.0:n. Ei välttämättä toimi Windows NT 4.0:ssa.
20703 MORAYWIN.EXE 2,9 Mt 27.03.1999 - MBHH2000 eritupla
Moray v3.1 (build 4325) Moray is an interactive wire-frame modeller that allows you to model a world for POV-Ray (or Polyray) interactively, allowing you to see the setup of your scene as you build it. No editing of POV-Ray sciprt file (unless you really want to). Moray display a wireframe representation of the scene in 2D views and 3D camera views. Requires POV-Ray. http://www.stmuc.com/moray/
20704 MORAYWUP.EXE 2 Mt 27.03.1999 - - -
Moray v3.1 -> v3.1.4325 patchThis is a mainenance release to patch an existing Moray v3.1 for Windows installation to the current version (v3.1, build 4325).
20705 MORFIT31.EXE 11,7 Mt 29.02.2000 - - -
Morfit WorldBuilder 3.0 One of the best freewaare programs for building 3D worlds. Allows to build amazing 3D worlds with click-and-drag functionalities. Includes rich library of 3D models.
20706 MORPHER.ZIP 328,9 kt 18.01.2000 - - -
Morpher 2.0 (32 bit)Create a video sequence that morphs one image into another.
20707 MRYUP301.EXE 1,1 Mt 27.03.1999 - - -
Moray 3.00 -> 3.01.2483 upgradeThis is a maintenance release to patch an existing Moray v3.0 for Windows installation to the version 3.01, build 2483.
20708 MSTUD25.A01 2999439 27.10.1996 - - -
Media Studio Pro V2.0 demo 2/3
20709 MSTUD25.A02 2374109 27.10.1996 - - -
Media Studio Pro V2.0 demo 3/3
20710 MSTUD25.ARJ 2999435 27.10.1996 - - -
Media Studio Pro V2.0 demo for Win95
Experiment with video capture, editing image
20711 MXPLO130.ZIP 823,2 kt 29.01.1998 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Multimedia Xplorer V1.30 Browse, view, play, manage, and convert the most popular types of multimedia files with Multimedia Xplorer. This 32-bit application uses a slick-looking click-and-view interface to quickly display .jpg, .gif, .png, .tif, .bmp, .wmf, .pcx., and .ico graphics; audition the .wav, .mid, .rmi, .aif, .au, and .snd digital sound formats; and play .avi, .mpg, and .mov videos in its own display area, without opening any additional windows.
20712 MYTHUMBN.EXE 799,1 kt 29.07.1999 - MBCD -
My Thumbnails ProShow thumbnail (or, miniature) images, manage picture files.
20713 NMSTER10.ZIP 56,5 kt 28.02.2000 - - -
NoiseMaster 1.0Kotimainen java-ohjelma jpg- ja gif-kuvien katselua ja suodatusta varten. Ohjelmassa uudentyyppinen suodatin,
joka pehmentää esim. skannauksessa jääneen rakeisuuden/kohinan, mutta ei pehmennä merkittävästi kuvan
rajapintoja eikä yksityiskohtia. Tallennus vain rekisteröitynä jpg-muodossa. Käynnistykseen tiedosto
NoiseMaster.class. Vaatii 32-bit. Windowsin /Macin/Unixin ja java 1.2 tukevan JVM:n.
20714 NPW40.ZIP 3,9 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
NeoPaint for Windows v4.0 32-bit Windows paint/image editor. Supports Animated GIF,JPEG,BMP,ICO,PCX, TIF and more. Includes many paint/photo editing tools, natural media and custom brushes, 2D/3D shapes, excellent output, special effects, masking, textures, stamps, multi-level undo, rulers, grids, gradients, image browser, screen capture and more. $59.95 By NeoSoft Corp.
20715 OCAD6B.ZIP 882686 10.11.1996 - - -
OCAD 6 Beta. Hyvän kartanpiirto-ohjelman
englannin- kielinen Beta
20716 ORGANICA.ZIP 2,5 Mt 29.01.1998 - - -
OrganicaPowerful easy 3D renderer for people not familiar with 3D software. "like modelling with clay". Windows 95/NT, 16 Mb, SVGA. Impulse.
20717 PAGEM65D.A01 3,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 demo 2/4
20718 PAGEM65D.A02 3,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 demo 3/4
20719 PAGEM65D.A03 3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 demo 4/4
20720 PAGEM65D.ARJ 3,3 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Tryout DEMOAdobe PageMaker 6.5 Tryout DEMO version For Win95 and NT 4.0. Requires 486 with 8 MB and 26 MB HD. This is a fully functional evaluation demo with a 30 day time limit. From Adobe. 1/4
20721 PAINT95.EXE 737 kt 06.10.1997 - 23915/PC Gamer IT CD 29 2-2.iso -
Uusi versio Windows 95:n PaintistaKorjaa alkuperäisen paintin bugeja.
20416 PEEPER32.ZIP 1588650 04.12.1996 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
Peeper 32 v2.0.8
is a powerful file viewer for Win95 capable
of displaying over 20 popular file formats.
It also allows you to extract version and
identification information from Windows EXEs
and DLLs. Requires the 32-bit Visual Basic
runtime files.
20722 PHOTS30D.A01 2,9 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Adobe Photoshop 3.0 demo 2/5
20723 PHOTS30D.A02 2,9 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Adobe Photoshop 3.0 demo 3/5
20724 PHOTS30D.A03 2,9 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Adobe Photoshop 3.0 demo 4/5
20725 PHOTS30D.A04 877,9 kt 25.09.1997 - - -
Adobe Photoshop 3.0 demo 5/5
20726 PHOTS30D.ARJ 2,9 Mt 25.09.1997 - - -
Adobe Photoshop 3.0:n demoversioWin95/NT4.0, 486, 8 MB. Adobe. 30 päivän kokeiluversio.
20727 PICMAN3P.ZIP 6,2 Mt 30.06.1997 - - -
Picture Man 3.0 ProNow with Intel MMX technology support. State-of-the-art image manipulation.
20728 PICVIDEO.EXE 743,3 kt 02.03.2001 - - -
PICVideoMJPEG-pakkaaja omien MPEG-elokuvien tekemiseen.
20729 PICVIEW2.EXE 948 kt 29.07.1999 - MBCD -
PicViewer 2.0 (shareware) Image viewer for Windows 95.
20730 PICVW182.ZIP 546,3 kt 29.07.1999 - MBCD -
PicViewer Lite 1.82 A freeware image viewer for Windows 95
20731 PIX3D107.ZIP 1,3 Mt 29.09.1997 - 4556/Programmers Heaven 2.iso -
Pixel 3D 1.07 Pixel 3D -renderöintiohjelman kokeiluversio.
20732 PL654.EXE 2,8 Mt 16.05.2000 - - -
Photo Line v6.54Photo Line is a 32 bit application with professional quality features. Supports plug-in filters, animation, layering, scanner inputs, just about every feature you can think of. Fully functional demo version has 30 trial period, well worth checking out. Shareware. http://www.pl32.com/
20733 PM32V20E.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.08.1997 - - -
Pro Motion v2.0 32-bit demoPixel painting program for Win95, very similar to Deluxe Paint. The full version (which you must buy after 30 days) can save to .flc, .pcx, .bmp, .lbm and .iff.
20734 PMLT31A.EXE 4,3 Mt 21.12.1999 - MBHH2001 -
PhotoModeler Lite 3.1aTee valokuvistasi kolmiulotteisia
67329 POLYV270.ZIP 1401481 05.01.1997 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Polyview v2.70.
This is a shareware graphics viewer, file
conversion, image manipulation, and printing
utility for Windows NT and Windows 95.
Polyview supports the majority of the popular
image formats available on Windows and Unix
20735 POSER1.ZIP 4,2 Mt 29.01.1998 - - -
Poser1 v1.03Enables you to render models of male & female figures. Archive includes the 1.03 update & demo serial number in files. Fractal Design.
67369 POVWIN3.EXE 727040 29.11.1996 - MBCD eritupla
POV-Ray for Windows 95/NT, v3.00e [1/6]
Free ray-tracing program for Windows.
Make sure all six parts are in the same
temporary directory, then run this file.
67370 POVWIN3.W02 727040 29.11.1996 - MBCD eritupla¹
POV-Ray for Windows 95/NT, v3.00e [2/6]
Free ray-tracing program for Windows.
67371 POVWIN3.W03 727040 29.11.1996 - MBCD eritupla¹
POV-Ray for Windows 95/NT, v3.00e [3/6]
Free ray-tracing program for Windows.
67372 POVWIN3.W04 727040 29.11.1996 - MBCD eritupla¹
POV-Ray for Windows 95/NT, v3.00e [4/6]
Free ray-tracing program for Windows.
67373 POVWIN3.W05 727040 29.11.1996 - MBCD eritupla¹
POV-Ray for Windows 95/NT, v3.00e [5/6]
Free ray-tracing program for Windows.
67374 POVWIN3.W06 107530 29.11.1996 - MBCD eritupla¹
POV-Ray for Windows 95/NT, v3.00e [6/6]
Free ray-tracing program for Windows.
20736 POVWIN31.EXE 5 Mt 27.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
POVRay 3.1g (32-bit Windows)Ilmainen ja laadukas raytracing-ohjelma, jolla voi luoda
tietokonetaidetta joka lähtöön.
20737 PR5TRY.EXE 15,4 Mt 14.01.2000 - 23865/001221_1330.iso -
Adobe Premiere 5.0 TryOut Demoversio Adoben videoeditointi ohjelmasta. Vaatii: 
Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, tai uudempi. 32 MB RAM. 60 MB kovalevytilaa.
20738 PREVID15.ZIP 5,3 Mt 21.10.1997 - - -
Presto VideoWork v1.5 rev 3Welcome to the world of multimedia video production! Compact video capture/editing application. Best choice for video capturing and editing to produce your multimedia presentation programs.
20739 PS9570.EXE 2,8 Mt 14.01.2000 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
PrintScreen95   v7.0Screen printing program for Windows 3.1, 95 and NT. Allows you to print the full screen by simply pressing the PRINT SCREEN key on the keyboard, and print the active window using ALT + PRINT SCREEN. A SELECT AREA option allows you to draw a rectangle using the mousepointer and print/save the contents of the rectangle. 
67495 PSP41.ZIP 2823674 01.10.1996 - MBCD -
Paint Shop Pro v4.1   The complete
windows graphics program for image creation,
viewing, and manipulation. Features include
painting with 8 brushes, photo retouching,
image enhancement and editing, color
enhancement, image browser, batch conversion,
and scanner support. Included are 20 standard
filters and 12 deformations. Supports plug-in
filters. Over 34 file formats. Win95 or NT 4
Winner SIA & ZiffNet awards. From JASC, Inc.
67496 PSP412B2.EXE 3271119 18.12.1996 - 18337/AWPJan97.iso -
Paint Shop Pro 4.12 beta 2 32bit
20740 PSP602UP.EXE 7,6 Mt 12.04.2000 - 23859/PCWORLD_PLUS.iso -
Paint Shop Pro 6.0/6.01 -> 6.02 -päivitysSuositun kuvankäsittelyohjelman päivitys. Päivittää myös Animation Shopin versiosta 2.0 tai 2.01 versioon
20748 PSP7.EXE 32,1 Mt 30.09.2000 - - -
Paint Shop Pro 7.0Paint Shop Pro is one of the best graphics editors. Now it includes the JASC Animation Shop 3.0.
There are 11 different categories for image effects, and excellent three-layer support (vector, 
raster, adjustment) to boot. The program also features digital camera support, screen
capture support, and much, much more. Shareware by Jasc Software. http://www.jasc.com
20741 PSP7EV.A01 4,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Paint Shop Pro 7.0 2/7
20742 PSP7EV.A02 4,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Paint Shop Pro 7.0 3/7
20743 PSP7EV.A03 4,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Paint Shop Pro 7.0 4/7
20744 PSP7EV.A04 4,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Paint Shop Pro 7.0 5/7
20745 PSP7EV.A05 4,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Paint Shop Pro 7.0 6/7
20746 PSP7EV.A06 1,4 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Paint Shop Pro 7.0 7/7
20747 PSP7EV.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.10.2000 - - -
Paint Shop Pro 7.0 1/7Paint Shop Pro is one of the best graphics editors. Now it includes the JASC Animation Shop 3.0. There are 11 different categories for image effects, and excellent three-layer support (vector, raster, adjustment) to boot. The program also features digital camera support, screen capture support, and much, much more. Shareware by Jasc Software. http://www.jasc.com 
67668 QV20A2.ZIP 454457 18.10.1995 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
QV v2.0a2: graphic viewer/converter
for Windows 95. Works with JPEG, BMP,
GIF, and TIFF files. Also works as an
OLE server.
68270 SDRAW206.ZIP 1312919 24.11.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
SmartDraw 95 V2.06 Pro Trial Edition is a nat
32 bit version of SmartDraw, designed for Win
68271 SDRAW95.ZIP 633407 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
SmartDraw 95 Draw & Flowchart for Windows 95
Industry Awards. SmartDraw is the Windows
program that lets anyone draw great looking
flowcharts,diagrams and business graphics.
Better value and easier to use than Visio,
SmartDraw provides drag & drop drawing and
lines between shapes that stay connected.
Works with the Microsoft Office and other
programs as a OLE Server, and much more!
20451 SFX95D.A01 1456455 28.10.1996 - - -
SoftF/X demo 2/9
20452 SFX95D.A02 1456718 28.10.1996 - - -
SoftF/X demo 3/9
20453 SFX95D.A03 1456580 28.10.1996 - - -
SoftF/X demo 4/9
20454 SFX95D.A04 1456544 28.10.1996 - - -
SOftF/X demo 5/9
20455 SFX95D.A05 1456491 28.10.1996 - - -
SoftF/X demo 6/9
20456 SFX95D.A06 1456441 28.10.1996 - - -
SoftF/X demo 7/9
20457 SFX95D.A07 1456648 28.10.1996 - - -
SOftF/X demo 8/9
20458 SFX95D.A08 126802 28.10.1996 - - -
SoftF/X demo 9/9
20459 SFX95D.ARJ 1456417 28.10.1996 - - -
SoftF/X 3D animation software demo.
Windows 95/NT version. Byte By
Byte-Corporation. 1/9
68486 SNAPBETA.ZIP 327521 24.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HyperSnap v2.60 Beta 6 by Hyperionics
Previously known as SnapShot/32. CAPTURES
68661 ST95-102.ZIP 464300 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
Screen Thief 95 v1.02 - The ultimate screen
capture system for Windows 95. Features
include: unlimited number of user defined
capture configurations each with hot-key
invocation; Capture from desktop, active
window, active application, defined area,
menu and clipboard; Send image to disk,
printer clipboard or MDI window; Zoom in/out;
Crop images; Auto colour reduction; Page
preview; BMP, RLE, GIF, PCX, PNG, TIFF file
formats. Requires Windows 95 
69474 TWAIN32.EXE 408858 24.11.1996 - 18113/WF0698_4.ISO tupla
This is a self extracting file that contains
the Twain and Twain32 drivers for use with
scanning software and hardware. The Twain32
driver is required by many scanners and
32-Bit applications running under the Windows
95 or Windows NT operating systems.
69729 VIEWER31.ZIP 882968 29.11.1996 - - -
The Viewer Pro! v3.1 - For Win31 & Win95
The Viewer Pro-is a FREE graphic viewer
that supports most graphic formats.
Incl: Kodak PhotoCD, JPG, BMP TGA, PNG,
52266 VUEPRO41.ZIP 279094 13.08.1995 - MBCD -
VuePrint Pro/32 Edition v4.1  VuePrint is the
most-downloaded Windows program on both
CompuServe and America Online. It reads,
writes, and prints JPEG, GIF, BMP, TGA, PCX,
and TIFF files. Includes a screen saver and a
uudecoder. Requires a 386+ and WIN32.
20749 3DFTP40.ZIP 1,4 Mt 04.04.2001 - 23136/chip-cd_2001_11.zip -
3D-FTP v4.03D-FTP is extremely fast FTP client with Multi-threaded transfer engine providing up to 10x faster downloads and allows you to browse and change directories while transferring files. 3D-FTP features fully customizable skins, along with optional standard windows user interface. Other features include transfer queue, persistent downloads, HTTP transfers w/ resume, download scheduling, drag links from browser, transfer speed histograph, remote editing, clipboard monitoring and much more. Extend the 3D-FTP with API architecture and Plug-Ins (free SDK and source code available).
20750 AFTP130.EXE 846 kt 17.11.2000 - - -
AceFTP 1.30AceFTP is a file transfer tool that enables Internet users to transfer files from their systems to any Internet server. AceFTP includes the option to connect simultaneously to more than one server and has an integrated browser that allows you to see all your files. With the integrated viewer, you can view or listen to any file, including graphic images, HTML files, Java applets, ActiveX controls, or sound files, without leaving AceFTP. It also allows the handling of interrupted transfers and multitasking operations and offers a quick-disconnect option. AceFTP also has an option that keeps the contents of the last directories you accessed in your system\'s cache memory, allowing you to quickly navigate an FTP site. You can save and load Manager ListView columns. It also includes a new "transparent" firewall type. The new version adds many new options and fixes bugs in prior versions. Shareware.
20751 AFTPF101.EXE 708,3 kt 26.07.2000 - - -
AtomFTP 1.01Ilmainen ja suomenkielinen FTP-ohjelma. Selkeä käyttöliittymä, palvelinten tallennus, monipuolinen tiedostonhallinta ja paljon muita ominaisuuksia. Windows 95/98/NT. http://cc.joensuu.fi/~ankarttu/atomftp/
20752 BCPRO32.ZIP 995,3 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
"ByteCatcher Pro 3.2 Batch and schedule downloads from HTTP and FTP servers makes this an essential Internet tool. Feel at ease when downloading with Bytecatchers automatic resume of interupted downloads without the loss of any data. Also automatically shutting down your computer after downloads comes in handy late at night. The safe and reliable way to transfer files over the Internet. Windows 95. http://www.save-it.com/productpro.htm"
20753 BREFTP30.EXE 1,6 Mt 21.06.1999 - - -
BreezeFTP v3.0 BreezeFTP is an award winning Windows 95/98/NT file transfer protocol client for use by all users.
20754 CRYTP2K.EXE 897,4 kt 17.11.2000 - - -
Crystal FTP version 2000 build 87With Crystal FTP, you can communicate with almost any FTP server on the Internet. It allows you to send, receive, rename, and delete files and folders on a remote FTP site. You can simultaneously transfer more than 20 files while browsing around your present connection. It also allows you to manipulate entire folder structures with a single click of the mouse. The built-in task manager gives the user a full overview of all active FTP tasks, while the built-in buffer system minimizes the time used to list the FTP site folders. You can send files and folders directly from WinZip, your desktop, or from the File Explorer. The Crystal FTP site manager also supports folders-in-folders and dragging and dropping of sites, for added organizational convenience. Freeware.
20755 CUTE42.EXE 1,6 Mt 08.05.2001 - - -
CuteFTP v4.2CuteFTP on helppokäyttöinen ja tehokas FTP-ohjelma. Osaa mm. drag & dropin, imurointien jatkamisen keskeytyksen jälkeen, makrokielen, aikarajakatkaisun eston (jos et anna komentoja vähään aikaan esim. pidempää tiedostolistaa selatessa), yms. Shareware. http://www.cuteftp.com 
20756 CUTEPR10.EXE 2,3 Mt 08.05.2001 - - -
CuteFTP Pro 1.0Parannettu versio suositusta CuteFTP-ohjelmasta. Alkuperäisen CuteFTP:n toimintojen lisäksi tukee mm. SSL-salausta, SSH2-protokollaa, kansioiden synkronointia sekä ajastettuja FTP-siirtoja. Shareware. http://www.cuteftp.com
20757 ENVOY98C.EXE 1,9 Mt 27.07.1999 - 14395/Freesoft_1999-03_cd.bin -
Voyager 98Voyager 98 is a full featured file management, FTP and archive client. Featuring a unique dual window interface, Voyager 98 allows you to move seamlessly between files, folders, and FTP sites using bookmarks, history and back/forward buttons just like your web browser. Also features a toolbox full of useful utilities and very extensive configuration settings. Shareware. Win95/98.
20758 FDMN41.EXE 1021,9 kt 01.01.2001 - - tupla
Fictional Daemon v4.1Fictional Daemon on ohjelma, jolla voit pitää FTP- ja telnet-palvelinta. Tukee tiedonsiirtoa, palvelimen buuttausta, ajastettuja tehtäviä, yms. http://www.fictional.net
20759 FREEFTP.ZIP 719,7 kt 24.01.2000 - - -
CoffeeCup Free FTP v1.0 Easy-to-use FTP client for file upload/download. Use an unlimited number of FTP accounts. Resume Broken Downloads. Transfer files in Binary, ASCII, or Auto-mode. Optional Auto-refresh on each file upload or download. Optional FTP Log transcription. Simple to understand program interface. Shareware. http://www.coffeecup.com
20760 FTCOM401.EXE 336,6 kt 01.01.2001 - - -
FTP Commander v4.01A simple freeware FTP client. Freeware. http://www.vista.ru/2inter.htm
20761 FTP2000.ZIP 707,1 kt 27.03.1997 - - -
"FTP 2000GraphicalExplorer-like download tool. Features dragndrop and a keep-alive pulse to prevent timeouts. Windows 95."
20762 FTPED18.EXE 1,2 Mt 24.07.2000 - - -
FTPEditor v1.8FTPEditor is an FTP client combined with a multi-document text editor that allows you to edit remote files as if they were on your local hard drive. The latest version allows you to edit files directly on an FTP server. It also offers an enhanced interface, a multi-document editor, HTML Java syntax highlighting, a Site Manager to store FTP accounts and much more. Freeware. http://www.ftpeditor.com
20764 FTPVO72.EXE 2,4 Mt 26.07.2000 - - -
FTP Voyager v7.2.0.0FTP Voyager is the most powerful FTP client program for Windows 9x/NT on the market. With an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, FTP Voyager lets you update a Web site with a single click, transfer files directly between FTP servers, and resume interrupted downloads. A perfect tool for Web developers or anyone that moves files on the Internet. http://www.ftpvoyager.com
20765 FTPX1010.ZIP 661,6 kt 30.07.2000 koko¹ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
FTP Explorer v1.00.10The main objective of FTP Explorer is to provide an FTP client that looks and feels just like the Windows 95 Explorer interface. http://www.ftpx.com
20766 FWFTP2.ZIP 244,2 kt 22.07.1997 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Freeway FTP 2.0
20767 G6FTP2B7.EXE 1,1 Mt 30.07.2000 - - -
G6 FTP Server v2.0 beta 7G6 FTP Server is an easy-to-use and multifeatured freeware program. This software allows users to set up client access, with the ability to specify ratio, directory access, and a maximum number of clients. Additional features include a log file, statistics, setup of a listen port, spy user, a list of connected users, ability to ban and eject users, display of total transfers, and display of each client transfer. (Win95) http://www.gene6.com
20768 G6FTPSRV.ZIP 915,5 kt 04.11.1998 - 14401/Freesoft_1998-06_cd.bin -
G6 FTP ServerG6 FTP Server is an easy-to-use and multifeatured freeware program. This software allows users to set up client access, with the ability to specify ratio, directory access, and a maximum number of clients. Additional features include a log file, statistics, setup of a listen port, spy user, a list of connected users, ability to ban and eject users, display of total transfers, and display of each client transfer. (Win95)
60109 16771318.ZIP 1233067 20.12.1996 - 22646/cd no21 joystick no79.iso tupla
Matrox Millenium. Windows 95-ajurit. V3.18.
Osa 1/2.
60114 16772318.ZIP 887086 20.12.1996 - 22646/cd no21 joystick no79.iso tupla
Matrox Millenium. Windows 95-ajurit. V3.18.
Osa 2/2.
60231 4DTIME40.ZIP 156664 04.03.1996 - 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO tupla
4th Dimension time synchronization software
for Windows 95 (and Windows NT 4.0).
Synchronizes PC's time to within 50ms of
actual time using Internet SNTP or Time
protocol. Once installed, 4th Dimension is
"hands free." PC's time will be updated at
user specified intervals without user action.
60332 A32_99E.ZIP 1252505 24.11.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO tupla
Welcome to the Forte Agent v.99e
Agent .99e is a pre-release version of
Forte's commercial newsreader, Agent.
Agent .99e includes all of the features
and functionality of Free Agent 1.0 plus
a multilingual spelling checker, basic
email functionality, folders, sorting,
address book, and kill/watch lists.
16240 ACTIVEX.EXE 5571971 15.09.1996 - - -
Microsoft ActiveX-kehitystyökalut.
61043 ATLG32M2.EXE 4962816 25.05.1996 - - -
Netscape Atlas Gold Preview 2. Light-version.
For Windows 95/NT.
61044 ATLG32S2.EXE 7530496 25.05.1996 - - -
Netscape Atlas Gold Preview version 2. For
Windows 95/NT.
61045 ATLS16S2.EXE 5566538 25.05.1996 - - -
Netscape Atlas Preview 2. 16-bit version.
61046 ATLS32M1.EXE 3621888 20.04.1996 - - -
Netscape Atlas-selaimen Beta-versio 1.
61047 ATLS32S1.EXE 6048768 20.04.1996 - - -
Netscape Atlas-selaimen Beta versio 1.
Sisältää mm. 3D-chatin. Täysi versio.
61048 ATLS32S2.EXE 6335488 25.05.1996 - 20454/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 09 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-07 & 08][EARSAN CD VIII].iso -
Netscape 3.0 Beta 2 for Windows 96/NT.
49504 ATOMTM.ZIP 88336 08.10.1996 versio 1.0 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso -
AtomTime 95 Version 1.1a.
Tarkista oikea aika Internetin kautta.
61306 BECK110.ZIP 1097492 10.11.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso tupla
Becky Internet Mail 1.10 for Windows 95
A multi-featured E-mail client specialized
for Windows 95. It handles multiple accounts,
has advanced text editing capabilities and
much more.
20876 BNA32.EXE 4531812 11.07.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
Binary News Assistant V1.0. A very good
Internet-News reader. 32-bit version-
9083 CCM303.ZIP 828710 10.11.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
A utility to help keep track of connect time
to various services.  Allows multiple
services, automatic start, and many other
features.  Perhaps the best feature is that
it is FreeWare!
61958 CF3214F7.ZIP 301197 23.02.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso tupla
CuteFTP 1.4 ftp-client for Win95
61962 CFTP17.ZIP 712391 27.12.1996 - - tupla
CuteFTP v1.7 ftp client for Windows
Self-extracting archive/installer containing
both 16- and 32-bit versions of the program.
61964 CFTP1732.ZIP 489855 27.12.1996 - - tupla
CuteFTP v1.7 ftp client for Windows 95
Self-extracting archive/installer. This
32-bit version of CuteFTP will not work under
Windows 3.1.
51843 CL301W95.ZIP 231445 13.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
##########  ClusterView v3.01  ############
You have hard time finding again HTML files
in your NetScape or Mosaic cache directory.
ClusterView will allow you to search them
for some specific item.
Here is the great file viewer you wanted!
Reads long documents fast, extensive search
support, keyboard commands compatible with
MORE and LESS (Unix utilities).
62187 CMED108.ZIP 403051 19.09.1996 - 5721/INTERNET.ISO -
CMed Version 1.08a
A text-based HTML editor, supporting HTML2.0,
HTML3.0 and
Netscape/Microsoft Extensions. CMed will only
work under Intel-based
Microsoft Windows NT 3.5 or later, and
Windows 95.
9084 COMTI111.ZIP 299351 08.10.1996 - - -
ComTimer v 1.11 for Windows 95
Näyttää Internetin käytetyn ajan ja
9085 CONFIN15.ZIP 99701 07.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Finger v0.15 Small console-based finger
client for Windows 95/NT. I often keep a few
command prompts running on my Windows 95 box
since I can type faster than I can
click-and-drag.  While pop up windows are
pretty and all, do you really need one to get
finger information about someone?
62336 CP10B302.EXE 3094008 02.06.1996 - MBCD tupla
Cybergate 1.0 Beta 3. VRML-browser. Contains
plugin for Netscape.
8907 CP11.EXE 5994748 15.09.1996 - MBCD tupla
Caligari Pioneer V1.1-VRML selain.
8908 CP2B2X.EXE 6169265 15.09.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
CyberPassage V2.0 Beta 2. VRML-selain.
8511 CUSEEME.ZIP 371626 08.10.1996 - 5357/NETPOWER.ISO -
Aito videoneuvottelu internetissΣ!
Vaatii video/tv kortin
9087 CWSOCK32.ZIP 51812 13.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
connect-WSOCK32 V1.04 March 1996 for Win95
and WinNT. transfers a 16bit WINSOCK.DLL to
32bit address-space. Use 32bit Internet
Software with your 16bit Winsocks. Even works
with WINSOCK.DLL-Files of AOL, CompuServe,
GNN and T-Online.
8734 D4TIME41.ZIP 158153 13.06.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
Dimension 4 time synchronization
software for Windows 95 (and Windows
NT 4.0). Synchronizes PC's time to
within 50ms of actual time using
Internet SNTP or Time protocol. Once
installed, Dimension 4 is "hands
free." PC's time will be updated at
user specified intervals without
user action.
9090 DIALUP95.ZIP 180454 30.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Scripting tools for Win95 Dial-Up.
63212 DSCRPT.EXE 77413 13.01.1996 - MBCD tupla
Windows 95 SLIP and scripting support
for use with Dial-up Networking
8838 DSM3.ZIP 224706 27.10.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
Sendmail 1.2
Sendmail is a great utility for managing your
own internet e-mail lists in Windows 95 and
automating disbursal of e-mail messages.
63246 DTSM32.ZIP 313721 27.10.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso tupla
DT Mail 09.09.96
DT Mail is a compact but complete e-mail
program for Windows 95. The program supports
MIME attachments,attachment viewing, Reply,
Forward & Redirect, message filtering, runs
Netscape/IExporer simply by clicking on an
URL embedded in a mail message, automatically
adds addresses to the address book. Multiple
copies on one PC for users with more than one
mail accounts. Easy access to the Windows
recorder for voice mail. Now has MS IExplorer
style button bars.
9095 DUCA9505.ZIP 102363 08.10.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
The Dial-Up connection alarm for Win95 v0.5
Soittaa Wav- tai Midi-tiedoston kun yhteys
63310 DWHTML.ZIP 63350 13.10.1996 - - -
DerekWare HTML Author 2.0
HTML-sivujen teko-ohjelma.
63322 E101W32S.ZIP 209884 01.04.1996 - - tupla
e-Mail Notify 1.01 for Win32s
POP3 Mail Notifier, retrieves mail
headers from POP3 Server and
notifies the user of new mails.
With "Quick Delete" and "Quick View".
Ludovic Dubost - 5$ Shareware

63323 E111W95.ZIP 223393 23.02.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso tupla
e-Mail Notify 1.11 for Windows 95
POP3 Mail Notifier, checks for mail
headers and notifies the user of new mails.
With "Quick Delete" and "Quick View"
and Dial-Up Networking control.
8841 EBDDY160.ZIP 513178 23.01.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
Exchange buddy is a set of extensions for
Microsoft exchange, adding internet style
replies. Suppoers NT 3.51 and '95.
63582 ECD76W95.ZIP 247389 30.06.1996 - 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO tupla
ESS-Code 7.6 / 32-BIT Windows95/NT Version
ESS-Code converts binary data (pictures,
sound, applications) to plain-text for
transmission on networks that cannot
handle binary data.  Supports UUE, UUD,
file splitting/joining, filtering, and
a comprehensive batch language.  100%
There is an optional *WIZARD* interface.
8842 ECHECK21.ZIP 554244 27.10.1996 - MBCD -
E-Check 2.1
Software to check your POP3 E-Mail accounts
for new mail.
8910 EM20B4F.A01 3907607 15.09.1996 - - -
Emissary V2.0 Beta 4F. Osa 2/2.
8911 EM20B4F.ARJ 3999400 15.09.1996 - - -
Emissary V.2.0 Beta 4F.
Internet-apuohjelmisto, joka sisältää mm.
WWW-selaimen, E-Mailin yms. Osa 1/2.
63723 ENC20B1.EXE 323436 30.12.1995 - 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso tupla
RealAudio Encoder Beta Version 2.0b1 for
Windows 95 or NT (32-bit Windows)
20868 ENUPDATE.EXE 452160 08.10.1996 - - -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 päivitys.
Korjaa mm. turvallisuusbugeja.
Englanninkieliselle versiolle.
63883 EXCH_F12.ZIP 35599 30.06.1996 - 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO tupla
MS Exchange Auto Forwarding Extension, FW.
64004 FA32-11.ZIP 1008061 27.12.1996 - - tupla
Forte Free Agent v1.1 32-bit version for
Windows 95. Self-extracting installer. Free
Agent is a versatile, free newsreader for
Microsoft Windows.
8857 FAXFWD.ZIP 202003 12.02.1996 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z -
Allows a Win95 machine to serve as a
dedicated fax server. All incoming mail which
comes from a Win95 compatible fax with an
email address attached will be routed to the
intended recipient.
64134 FIMSIE30.EXE 5107784 15.09.1996 - - tupla
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.
Suomenkielinen versio. Sisältää vain
64140 FING031B.ZIP 483540 21.08.1995 - nic.funet.fi tupla
The Fingerer/32 v0.3 BETA (wide) Intended OS:
Windows 95 and NT (will work with win32s)
Finger, Whois, Ph, DNS Lookup, Ping all in
one 32-bit application. Many features.
Professional interface.
64159 FIUPDATE.EXE 483912 08.10.1996 - - -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 päivitys.
Korjaa mm. Turvallisuusbugeja.
Suomenkieliselle versiolle.
64217 FMSIE30M.A01 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.
Suomenkielinen versio. Sisältää selaimen ja
kaikki laajennukset. Osa 2/4.
64218 FMSIE30M.A02 2999400 08.10.1996 - - -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.
Suomenkielinen versio. Sisältää selaimen ja
kaikki laajennukset. Osa 3/4.
64219 FMSIE30M.A03 668962 08.10.1996 - - -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.
Suomenkielinen versio. Sisältää selaimen ja
kaikki laajennukset. Osa 4/4.
64220 FMSIE30M.ARJ 2999477 08.10.1996 - - -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0.
Suomenkielinen versio. Sisältää selaimen ja
kaikki laajennukset. Osa 1/4.
64273 FP11EVAL.A01 3828875 25.05.1996 - - tupla
Microsoft Frontpage 1.1 Beta 3. WWW-selain.
Osa 2/2.
64274 FP11EVAL.ARJ 3999400 25.05.1996 - - tupla
Microsoft Frontpage 1.1 Beta 3. WWW-selain.
Osa 1/2.
64275 FP97BETA.A01 2999400 17.11.1996 - - tupla
Frontpage 96. Beta version. Part 2/4.
64276 FP97BETA.A02 2999400 17.11.1996 - - tupla
Frontpage 97. Beta version. Part 3/4.
64277 FP97BETA.A03 1580586 17.11.1996 - - tupla
Frontpage 97. Beta version. Part 4/4.
64278 FP97BETA.ARJ 2999477 17.11.1996 - - tupla
Microsoft Frontpage 97. beta version of this
excellent HTML-editor. Has lots of helpfull
features. Part 1/4.
8742 FPAR07B1.ZIP 178212 04.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
fpArchie Ver. 0.7 beta1
An excellent Archie Client.
Allows you to search Archie Indexes
for specific files on the Internet.
For Win95
20763 FTPIC95.ZIP 137173 10.02.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
Icon Connection v. 1.2 for Windows 95
49552 FTPX0020.ZIP 244525 19.09.1996 - 15497/PIE-WindowsNTSuperTuneUpKit-1997.iso -
The main objective of FTP Explorer is to
provide an FTP client that looks and feels
just like the Windows 95 Explorer interface.
64355 G1630.EXE 3112104 15.09.1996 - - tupla
Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 Final Sisältää
pelkän selaimen. 16-bit versio.
64356 G1630P.EXE 5617537 15.09.1996 - 23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip tupla
Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 Final. Sisältää
kaikki laajennukset. 16-bit versio.
64359 G3230.EXE 3667968 15.09.1996 - 23013/cdactioncoverdisc -
Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 Final. Sisältää
pelkän selaimen. 32-bit versio.
64360 G3230B4M.EXE 4272640 06.06.1996 - - -
Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 Beta 4.
Minimum-versio. 32-bittinen.
64361 G3230B4S.EXE 6861824 02.06.1996 - - -
Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 Beta 4.
32-bittinen versio.
64363 G3230P.EXE 5955072 15.09.1996 - 23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip -
Netscape Navigator Gold 3.0 Final. Sisältää
kaikki laajennukset. 32-bit versio.
64364 G32E202.EXE 3622400 26.05.1996 - 16744/Soft19.iso -
Netscape Navigator Gold 2.02. Windows 95/NT.
64365 G32E20B1.EXE 3489792 04.02.1996 - 19252/PC_PRESS.ISO -
Netscape Gold 2.0 Beta 1 For Win95/Windows
64367 G32E30P7.EXE 5949440 31.08.1996 - - -
Netscape Navigator 3.0 Beta 7.
64862 HOSTINFO.ZIP 22742 14.09.1995 koko³ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Shows IP address information (host names and
numbers). Winsock.
64901 HS_SETUP.EXE 1005747 13.10.1996 - - -
HomeSite for Win 95 - Final Beta
Erittäin ketterä ja käytännöllinen HTML-
editori. Hallitsee HTML 3.0 koodiston.
Paljon ominaisuuksia. Freeware!
65012 IE20EULA.TXT 7142 08.12.1995 - - -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 for Windows95
End-user License Agreement
65032 IKC052.A01 2999451 15.09.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends. Openbeta-client V0.52.
Osa 2/6. Windows 95-versio.
65033 IKC052.A02 2999458 15.09.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends. Openbeta-client V0.52.
Osa 3/6. Windows 95-versio.
65034 IKC052.A03 2999421 15.09.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends. Openbeta-client V0.52.
Osa 4/6. Windows 95-versio.
65035 IKC052.A04 2999477 15.09.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends. Openbeta-client V0.52.
Osa 5/6. Windows 95-versio.
65036 IKC052.A05 1316309 15.09.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends. Openbeta-client V0.52. Osa
6/6. Windows 95-versio.
65037 IKC052.ARJ 2999485 15.09.1996 - - -
Kesmai Legends. Openbeta-client V0.52.
Osa 1/6. Windows-95 versio.
8393 INETQ&A.ZIP 6311 22.08.1994 - - -
A short Q&A on Microsoft and the internet.
8640 INP1_03D.EXE 5614777 15.09.1996 - - -
Harbinger Trustlinked INP. V1.0.
65223 IPHONE4.EXE 4032725 15.10.1996 - - -
Internet phone for Windows 95 Release 4.
65322 JAVAPAT.ZIP 287231 30.03.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Java Applet Security Manager patch for
Netscape Navigator 2.0 (Windows 95, Windows
NT, and Unix)
65323 JAVEL.ZIP 457022 27.10.1996 - - -
Javelin is a graphical tool for the
development of object oriented in JAVE code.
22266 KMN080.ZIP 127702 08.10.1995 - MBCD -
Kermit for Windows (32 Bit) Version 0.80a
provides full featured Windows Communications
including both Modem and TCP/IP (Telnet)
support and a full implementation of the
Kermit Protocol for MS Windows NT and MS
Windows95. Supports VT-102 Terminal
Emulation, Client/Server Operation, File
Attributes, Long Packets, and Wild Card File
Sends. Version 0.80 adds TCP/IP (Telnet),
color text attributes, and a scrollback
terminal buffer. Freeware.
8865 MAILALRT.ZIP 66999 29.05.1996 - MBCD -
Mail Alert for Windows 95 Taskbar
66002 MAXDEMO.EXE 5081440 13.08.1996 - 19116/Net Power October 96 (USA).bin -
WebMAX. Sisältää monta hyödyllistä
apuohjelmaa Internetin käyttäjälle. Berkeley
8871 MCR95_E.ZIP 446883 30.03.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
MERCUR SMTP/POP3-Server 30 days test version
The server is running as a Systemservice and
can be installed easily and configured with
the assistance of Windows NT controlpanel.
66162 MIRC46T.EXE 614400 05.01.1997 - 23871/PC World Interactive 1 - Nisan 1997.iso tupla
mIRC 4.60  32bit
IRC -ohjelma Windows 95:lle
66300 MPLAYER_.EXE 6522613 15.09.1996 - - -
MPLAYER-client. Yhteysohjelma, jolla pääset
sisään yhteen maailman parhaista
pelipalvelimista. Windows 95.
66343 MSIE10.EXE 1097728 04.09.1995 - 22805/PC Answers December 1995 (disc errors).iso tupla
Microsoft Internet Jumpstart Kit 1.0 / Win95
Contains the Microsoft Internet Explorer
which is also available in the Plus! pack.
Downloaded from the Microsoft WWW server.
66344 MSIE20.EXE 1195008 26.05.1996 - 26148/Computer Buyer October 1996.iso tupla
Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0.
Englanninkielinen versio. Windows 95.
66345 MSIE20B1.EXE 1152000 19.10.1995 - 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part I) (Terry Blount).iso -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0 Beta 1
66346 MSIE2FIN.EXE 1196032 26.05.1996 - - tupla
Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0.
Suomenkielinen versio. Windows 95.
66347 MSIE30.EXE 5415992 19.08.1996 - MBCD tupla
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Final.
Sisältää vain pelkän selaimen. Windows 95.
66348 MSIE301.EXE 5585256 17.11.1996 - 22180/SuperCD_4.iso tupla
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01. Sisältää
pelkän selaimen.
66353 MSIE301R.EXE 6722632 17.11.1996 - 26117/RADEMO.iso tupla
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01. Sisältää
tärkeimmät laajennukset.
66354 MSIE30B2.EXE 4544512 13.08.1996 - 21644/PCDOCT96.ISO -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Beta 2.
Englanninkielinen versio.
66355 MSIE30M.A01 3999400 19.08.1996 - - -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Final. Kaikki
laajennukset. Osa 2/3. Windows 95.
66356 MSIE30M.A02 1280634 19.08.1996 - - -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Final. Kaikki
laajennukset. osa 3/3. Windows 95.
66357 MSIE30M.ARJ 3999460 19.08.1996 - - -
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Final.
Sisältää kaikki laajennukset. Osa 1/2.
Windows 95. Englanninkielinen.
66358 MSIE30R.EXE 6445120 19.08.1996 - 16092/PCF3.iso tupla
Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 Final.
Sisältää tärkeimmät laajennukset. Windows 95.
66390 MTBETAR4.EXE 1012942 27.10.1996 - - -
Map This
is a program to create and edit World Wide
Web image maps. FREEWARE.
66462 N3230B5M.EXE 3765760 31.07.1996 - 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin -
Netscape Navigator 3.0 Beta 5a - Minimum.
32-bittinen (Windows95:lle ja NT:lle).
66463 N3230B5S.EXE 6290432 31.07.1996 - - -
Netscape Navigator 3.0 beta 5 standard
Windows 95 version
66464 N3230B7P.EXE 5959680 13.08.1996 - 16744/Soft19.iso -
Netscape Navigator 3.0 Beta 7. 32-bittinen
versio. Standard-versio.
66465 N32E20.EXE 3269120 None - 21452/MEGAGIFTS.ISO -
Netscape Navigator 2.0 -32bit version
66466 N32E202.EXE 3281408 26.05.1996 - 23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip tupla
Netscape Navigator 2.02. 32-bittinen versio.
66467 N32E30.EXE 3623936 31.08.1996 - 23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip -
Netscape Navigator 3.0 Final. Sisältää pelkän
selaimen. 16-bittinen versio.
66469 N32E301P.EXE 5923328 05.01.1997 - 26149/Computer Buyer October 2000.iso -
Netscape Navigator 3.01
32 bit Standard -versio
66470 N32E30P.EXE 5910528 31.08.1996 koko¹ ratsnest1.iso -
Netscape Navigator 3.0 Final. Sisältää
kaikki lisäohjelmat. 32-bittinen versio.
66471 N32E40B.EXE 5659299 05.01.1997 - 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso -
Netscape Communicator Preview release 1.
66514 NC32105.ZIP 764912 23.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso -
Netscape Chat/32b 1.05
8650 NCLRZ32.ZIP 603408 19.08.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09961.iso -
NetColorz32 v1.0 provides a quick method of
chosing and testing the colors you define in
your HTML web pages and displays their RGB
hexadecimal breakdown. It easily integrates
with your favorite HTML editor. NetColorz32
may also be used any other time you require
an RGB hexadecimal red-green-blue triplet to
specify colors. Color sliders and/or a
palette are used to chose your colors. You
can chose any font on your system to test
with. Installation utility included. Requires
8772 NETCLK95.ZIP 122455 23.02.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
(v4.00) NetClock - Win Winsock/Timer/Net
Keeps track of your internet time and usage.
usage. NetClock is designed to be small,
easy to use, use as few resources as
possible and be internationally usable.
Shareware: US $15 via RegNet:
Author: David W. Yutzy, dyutzy@terminus.com
Internet Site:
66537 NETCON.ZIP 1402538 29.05.1996 - MBCD -
Net Connector v.1.0 Automates Windows 95
Dial-Up Networking.  Net Connector works
invisibly to run your communication program,
open the connection for you (will optionally
reconnect if the connection is lost), then
close the connection when you're done.  Does
NOT need to be running all the time.
66544 NETMON.ZIP 149149 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
NetMon  by Charles Turano & Rajeev Mohammed
66545 NETPOPU2.ZIP 324710 10.11.1996 - MBCD -
NetPopup 2.23
NetPopup is a realtime way to send messages
in Internet or TCP/IP-network. Messages are
sent directly, using multithreading, to other
computer(s)without an e-mail server. Since
most users has dynamic IP-address, NetPopup
has built-in feature, Seeker ,which allows
you easily to search other NetPopups from the
20881 NEWSHUNT.ZIP 25130 14.07.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
News Hunter 1.00 (02/03/96)
Searches for open/public news servers by
reading header information from articles.
Also checks if certain newsgroups exist
in news servers. Usefull for searching
access to missing or censored newsgroups.
Requires Windows 95 and WinSock. Freeware.
9023 NSPVM110.ZIP 44125 14.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Netscape Provider Maintenance V 1.10
Copyright (c) 1996 by M. Wolf
If you try to use Netscape Navigator with
multiple Internet providers it is annoying to
manual adjust the settings according to the
provider currently used.
This tool lets you maintain all provider
settings and easily switch among them.
Netscape 2.0 or later (32bit) is required.
Language: Multi (German/English)
66661 NT32303.ZIP 550999 26.07.1996 - 17506/2014.06.ftp.inode.at.tar -
NetTerm v3.0.3 - a Windows based terminal
emulator with fast zmodem file transfers. It
can also be used as a dialer program for
SLIP/PPP and includes a built in scripting
language. For Internet hosts, the telnet
protocol is enabled with VT100 and full ANSI
graphics. A ftp server is included.
8785 NTSNTP23.ZIP 164631 23.12.1995 - Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO -
WinSNTP Win95 implementation of the Simple
Network Time Protocol and runs as a Windows
application. SNTP is a subset of the Network
Time Protocol described in RFC-1305. NTP is a
set of algorithms and protocol that is
designed to keep a distributed set of
computer clocks synchronized to the correct
time with a very high degree of accuracy.
66674 NTV12032.EXE 3512340 23.09.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
Nettrivia V1.20. Internetissä pelattavan
monen pelaajan tietovisailupelin
yhteysohjelma. Windows 95-versio.
66693 NX20B2.ZIP 205266 08.01.1997 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
News Express 2.0 beta2 is a Windows Sockets
complian USENET newsreader that uses the NNTP
to access newsgroups and articles on a news
8786 OFSPDB02.ZIP 42027 23.12.1995 - 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso -
OmniFSPd for Windows 95 v1.0b2 High
performance 32 bit FSP server designed
specifically for Windows 95 and Windows NT.
66743 OLTRV10.EXE 4579139 02.10.1996 - 22274/VPR9702B.ISO -
Onlive Traveler V1.0 Final. Virtuaalimaailman
66744 OLTRV101.EXE 4481148 17.11.1996 - 17102/TEKNO 1-1997.iso -
Onlive Traveler. Client V1.01.
66830 ORAPB95.EXE 3128753 15.09.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
Oracle PoweBrowser. WWW-selain. Windows
66867 OTHE32-1.ZIP 3999874 14.05.1996 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms-3D-MUDin
Alpha-yhteysohjelma Windows 95/NT:lle. V
0.63. Osa 1/2.
66868 OTHE32-2.ZIP 2515103 14.05.1996 - - -
Meridian 59: Other Realms-3D-MUDin
Alpha-yhteysohjelma Windows 95/NT:lle. V
0.63. Osa 2/2.
66869 OTHE95-1.ZIP 3499984 19.02.1996 - - -
Other Realms: Meridian 59-Graafisen MUD:n
Client-ohjelma. Windows 95-versio. Osa 1/2.
66870 OTHE95-2.ZIP 3014129 19.02.1996 - - -
Other Realms: Meridian 59-Graafisen MUD:in
Client-ohjelma. Windows 95-versio. Osa 2/2.
66884 OUTBOX10.ZIP 171425 27.10.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
FTP OutBox version 1.0
Provides a speedy and hassle-free way to
upload your files to your favourite FTP hosts
67043 PANZER.EXE 2477451 15.09.1996 - - -
Panzer Generalin TEN-yhteysohjelma.
67103 PBLO110.EXE 4038493 11.07.1996 - - -
Pueblo Internet network game system. C1.10.
Windows 95-version.
67104 PBLO201.EXE 4162058 13.08.1996 - 22283/VPR9711A.ISO -
Pueblo 2.01. Ohjelma, joka toimii mm.
Telnet-terminaalina. Windows 32-bit versio.
67248 PIRCH32.ZIP 693570 05.01.1997 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso -
PIRCH IRC client 0.85b for Windows 95/NT.
67336 POOW115C.EXE 2226544 15.09.1996 - - -
Kesmai Online Poker. Openbeta-client V1.15C.
67528 PUBPRO.ZIP 3224327 09.08.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
The Web Media Publisher, 32 Bit HTML Editor
for Windows 95 and Windows NT.
Copyright (C) 1996 Steve Jackson
67529 PUBPRO11.ZIP 3214407 15.09.1996 - 6095/WIN95_09961.iso -
PUBPRO V1.1. HTML-editori.
67588 QLEXPL.ZIP 2174176 30.10.1996 - 12681/ftp.ecsis.net.zip -
QuikLink Explorer Version 2.051
With QLExplorer, you can organize your
favorite web sites in a most familiar
manner.The QLExplorer interface is design to
work just like the Explorer on  your Win95
machine or WinNT 4.0 machine. You can create
and nest folders, and within them store links
to your favorite sites. Just double click on
the site you wish to go to and QLExplorer
sends the necessary information to your web
67687 RA32_201.EXE 506412 03.09.1996 - 21770/PCOnline_08_1996.iso -
RealAudio Player, Version 2.01 (32-bit)
for Windows 95/NT
67801 RCPRSH32.ZIP 263738 21.10.1995 - Pegasus_Win95.iso -
Winsock RCP/RSH for Win32 are Win32/Winsock
versions of the RCP, RSH, and REXEC commands
found on Unix systems.  The will work under
Windows NT or Windows 95.  RCP copies files
over TCP/IP between the PC and a remote host
or between two remote hosts.  It can do
recursive copies and text file conversions on
the fly.  RSH allows you to execute commands
on a remote host and view or capture the
output to a file.  REXEC is similar to RSH,
but requires a password, which is validated
67806 RDUN61.ZIP 46604 16.08.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
RoboDUN: V0.61 Dial-Up Networking Script for
Windows 95.
68052 RVLWW.ZIP 2610575 30.10.1996 - 15641/PCM_9609.iso -
ReVoL Web Worker, features
drag-and-drop editing between multiple
windows. Supports the HTML 3.0 additions and
the tag extensions of Netscape Navigator 2.0
and Microsoft Internet Explorer 2.0.
68056 RWW31V13.ZIP 3763640 15.09.1996 - MBCD -
Revol Webworker V1.3. HTML-editori.
68057 RWWV12A.ZIP 2650478 13.08.1996 - 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso -
ReVol Web Worker V1.2 is a shareware HTML
editor for Windows 95. It includes HTML 3.0,
Netscape 2.0 & IExplore 2.0 support, drag and
drop text editing, HTML Wizards, HTML code
builders, long filename support and WYSIWYG
previewer, among many other features.
68188 SBN32_35.ZIP 473959 24.11.1996 - 837/Complete Internet Archive.iso -
SBNews: automated news robot. (32-bit version
Automatically downloads and UUdecodes
from binary newsgroups.
68254 SD32103S.ZIP 2322415 30.10.1996 - - -
WS-TIMER 95.01.12 is designed to help an
Internet user to keep track of his/hers time
online. WS-TIMER also records three separate
log. One for each sessions, one for daily
usage and another for monthly. A small
stay-on-top window lets you monitor your time
without getting in the way of other running
68301 SERVU20.ZIP 416371 24.11.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
FTP Serv-U - FTP server for MS-Windows
* Multiple simultaneous users.
* Full security on a file/directory
* Support for user ANONYMOUS.
* Supports Netscape & XMosaic.
* Easy to setup and maintain.
* Both in 16- and 32-bit.
68503 SOCSPY32.ZIP 601007 01.09.1996 - - -
SocketSpy/32 v4.A0 for Windows 95/NT
A 32-bit trace/debug utility used for
monitoring WinSock API references between an
application and the Windows Sockets Dynamic
Link Library. Compatible with the WinSock
v1.1 standard, SocketSpy/32 can monitor
and display socket calls and data passed
through each socket. Features also filters
and triggers.
68506 SOFT0209.EXE 6246653 15.09.1996 - - -
Softerm Plus. Internet-apuohjelmisto.
Sisältää mm. TCP/IP:n, newsit ja E-Mailin.
Versiopäivämäärä 2.9.1996.
68741 STST07B4.ZIP 370152 28.08.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
an Internet Mailer Daemon
8887 SVM110.ZIP 256092 18.11.1996 - 837/Complete Internet Archive.iso -
SVMail Auto-Reply Mailer for Windows 95
Internet/SMTP/POP3 mail utility. Simple auto-
reply mailing for software distribution or
internet marketing. Select key text string to
trigger SVMail replys. Set up what file(s)
you wish sent and SVMail will do the rest.
Uses: Distributing shareware/software
upgrades Distributing promotional materials
9048 SW10B132.ZIP 1107473 31.12.1995 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
Shockwave Ver 1.0b1 - 32bit
The Macromedia Plugin for Netscape 2.0
Allows users of Netscape to view Director
multimedia files without loading an
external viewer.
This version is for Win95 and WinNT only.
68798 SWAMIA.EXE 2665965 24.11.1996 - - -
Swami Salami is a snaglet designed to take
a text string and animate it in any one of
twelve different ways.
The fabulous Swami will help you make your
message jump, ripple, expand, slide around
and generally create arresting and unusual
effects on your Web page.
68922 TCD32.ZIP 705819 18.11.1996 - - -
TC-DIRECTOR 32 - Professional HTML Editor
68930 TCPSW31.ZIP 74267 18.03.1996 - 18174/Windows Showcase 95 (1100 Windows 95 Files)(Volume 1)(Starvector).iso -
TCP/IP Switcher V3.1 Utility to allow the
changing of a Windows 95 DialUp networking
connection's hostname, domain name, and
nameserver values. This change can be made
anytime (even after connecting). It is most
useful to those who use more than one
internet service provider which requires
different settings for the above values.
69482 TWSK30C.EXE 570536 24.11.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Trumpet Winsock 3.0c for Windows 95
The Trumpet Winsock is a Windows Sockets 1.1
compatible TCP/IP stack that provides a
standard networking layer for many Windows
networking applications to use, and has
itself been a major vehicle in achieving
widespread use of Windows Sockets 1.1.
69483 TWSK95B4.ZIP 133497 15.12.1995 - 18276/adore.lightlink.com.tar -
Trumpet Winsock beta 4 WIN95:lle
69806 VPLACE~1.EXE 2277037 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Virtual Places 32-bit client
69872 W32-242.EXE 1341350 03.09.1996 - MBCD -
Pegasus Mail v2.42 for Windows 95/NT
Free Internet POP3/SMTP/Netware e-mail
program with many useful features.
69875 W95DIAL2.ZIP 198527 18.12.1995 - 17275/TREASURE.ISO -
Detailed RTF guide: How to setup TCP/IP,
dialup network and Microsoft Exchange...
69909 WATCH95.ZIP 290285 16.09.1995 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z -
Windows Sockets Net Watch - Alpha version 21
- 95.05.28. Displays state of network hosts
and allows remote logins to displayed hosts
by "point and click".
69942 WBF3236.ZIP 147275 24.11.1996 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso tupla
(v.3.6) WinBiff, 32-bit version. - Windows
email notification WinBiff is an mail
notification utility, for use with Pegasus
Mail, Eudora, MS Mail, MS Exchange, cc:Mail,
Lotus Notes, PC-NFS, UUPC/extended, and
Waffle, under Windows. Also a POP3 and IMAP4
client using WinSock. Supports MIME headers.
8689 WBIT3215.ZIP 519366 29.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Web-It!32-The ultimate HTML Editor v1.5 
Create your web pages with ease. Supports
many features such as frames, forms, images,
image maps, tables, lists and more. Two
versions available: Standard & Professional.
The Pro version has the forms and frames
capability but the standard version allows
you to see how they are accomplished.
8699 WEBMAKER.ZIP 172269 29.11.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
WebMaker: HTML Editor for Win95
70000 WEBMED21.ZIP 1672523 25.01.1996 - - -
The Web Media Publisher 2.1
70005 WEBTHG.ZIP 1985974 24.11.1996 - - -
WebThing version 2.54
is a full-featured HTML editor and workshop.
Create Web pages and preview them on all
available browsers.
70006 WEBWIZ32.ZIP 194486 08.10.1995 - MBCD -
Ever think how much fun it would be to create
your own WEB page? With "WEB Wizard: The Duke
of URL" you can create your own homepage in
just a matter of minutes. The wizard-like
interface guides through a series of steps
and then, automatically, assembles a file
containing HTML -- the format used in WEB
pages. The program allows you to include a
picture, text, bullet lists, links -- even a
mailto: reference so people can send you
e-mail. This version is, naturally, 32-bit
and built expressly for Windows 95.
70007 WEBX15.ZIP 77694 29.11.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
WebXpress is an add-on for Netscape
Navigator. It provides a quick and easy way
to access your E-mail, News and favourite Web
sites. Also includes an E-mail notification
70019 WETSOCK1.ZIP 48908 27.10.1996 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
WetSock ver.1.0
WetSock brings current weather conditions and
forecasts to your desktop. Uses Internet on
70026 WG1304.ZIP 203242 19.02.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
WinGate v1.304: MS-Windows 95/NT app that
provides SOCKS V4 server, WWW proxy gateway
(HTTP only - later releases will support FTP,
Gopher, WAIS, and HTTPS), FTP gateway, Telnet
gateway, mapped links, rules-based firewall,
70169 WPM32WB2.ZIP 475463 29.11.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Pegasus Mail for Win32, version 2.31,
wide release beta 2 Pegasus Mail System,
Copyright (c) 1996, David Harris, All
Rights Reserved.This archive contains
the second wide beta release of the
32-bit version of Pegasus Mail for
70205 WS_FTP32.ZIP 192097 22.12.1995 - - eritupla
WS_FTP32 Version v31.10.95 - Windows Sockets
FTP Client Application for Windows NT,
Windows 95 and Win32s.
70192 WSEEK95.ZIP 162707 11.10.1996 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_1.ISO tupla
WebSeek version 1.0 ( 32-bit)
Webseek is an Internet utility that allows
you to perform web searches from the comport
of your own desktop.
70194 WSFTP32A.ZIP 188263 29.11.1996 - - -
WS_FTP32 V96.02.15 Windows Sockets FTP Client
Application. This application is a standard
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client
application for Windows Sockets. The user
interface for this FTP client is designed
with the novice FTP user in mind. Usage
should be obvious. 32 bit WS_FTP new
development beta w/2 windows for Win95
70197 WSOK9512.ZIP 617423 18.03.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Easy Windows 95 Internet Step-up v1.2
A no-bull guide to configuring Windows
95's 32-bit winsock, includes complete
walk-through help with over 60 screen
shots and a cross-referenced trouble-
shooting section, full-text search, tree
view, improved Winsock conflict eraser
utility, extremely small install size,
printable essential information checklist.
A free resource from First Train for the
70211 WV32_998.ZIP 316901 29.07.1996 - - tupla
WinVN 0.99-8 (Beta 2) is a Windows and NT-
based, fully RFC 1036 compliant on-line news
reader that can be used to select, view, and
write Usenet News articles and send mail via
SMTP or MAPI. Built in MIME and UU encoding
and decoding. WinVN uses less memory and
screen space ideal for both small and large
machines. Handles multiple users and
newsfeeds on one PC. Japanese version follows
closely. Public Domain (sources freely
70214 WW20B2.ZIP 130942 30.12.1995 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso -
WebWatch V2.0beta2 for Win95. Utility to tell
you when your favorite web pages have
20769 32PAL_30.EXE 3 Mt 25.03.1997 - 15587/NEXT30.iso tupla
The Palace chat client v3.0
20771 AWB_FIN.EXE 1,7 Mt 02.12.1999 - MBCD tupla
Active Worlds browser software v2.2.0.303Active Worlds browser software v2.2.0.303,
Finnish language version / suomenkielinen
20770 AWB.EXE 1,7 Mt 02.12.1999 - MBCD tupla
Active Worlds 2.0 yhteysohjelma, Build 258
20773 CTALK32.EXE 1,9 Mt 17.02.1997 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso tupla
CoolTalkCoolTalk on ohjelma, jolla pystyt juttelemaan Internetin välityksellä tavallisen puhelimen tavoin ihmisten kanssa ympäri maailmaa. Vaatii Netscape Navigator 3.0:n. 32-bittinen versio.
20775 DICHAT.ZIP 68,4 kt 30.11.1997 - - tupla
DIS Internet Chat Internet chat allows you to connect to various IRC servers on the internet and participate in real time chats with other users.
20776 HOLODESK.EXE 10,8 Mt 21.01.2000 - - tupla
Holodesk Communicator 1.1a Allows people all over the world to join together in a 3D virtual environment to voice chat, text chat, share documents, view pictures, play games, or do business. The Holodesk Communicator is your key to the Holodesk Telepresence Network. It combines internet phone, virtual reality and document sharing all in one multi-dimensional software package.
20777 ICQ2000A.EXE 6,1 Mt 04.05.2000 - 26846/PC Zone %23097.7z tupla
ICQ 2000a Beta v.4.29 build #3140 ICQ on Internetissä toimiva yhteydenpito-ohjelma, jonka ominaisuuksiin kuuluu tiedostojen kopiointi ja viestien lähettäminen. Lisäksi ohjelma ilmoittaa heti, kun kaverisi saapuu Internetiin.
20778 ICQPLUS2.ZIP 1,7 Mt 27.04.2000 - - tupla
ICQ Plus 2.04ICQ Plus on apuohjelma, jolla voit muokata ICQ:n ulkoasua mieleiseksesi 
käyttämällä nahkoja eli skinejä, joita löydät esim. osoitteesta http://skinz.org  
Ilmainen. Tukee ICQ:n versioita 98, 99 ja 2000a. Vaatii Windows 95/98/NT 4.
20779 ICQRSC20.ZIP 22,9 kt 20.11.1998 - - tupla
BoySoft ICQ Rescue v2.0FREEWARE small and simple application. Creates a back up of your ICQ Contact List, which means that if you have to reinstall you can easily restore your Contact List. Windows 95/98.
20780 ICU310TR.EXE 4,6 Mt 21.01.2000 - - tupla
ICUII 3.10 Video/voice/text chat application. Freeware.
20781 INFOCHAT.ZIP 252,9 kt 07.04.1999 - - tupla
InfoChat Server Release v1.1.7Java-pohjainen tehokas ja helposti ylläpidettävä chattiserveri. Vaatii Java Virtual Machinen (tulee mm. JDK v1.1.x:n tai IE4/5:n mukana).
20783 IPHONE.EXE 8,6 Mt 01.02.2000 versio 5.0 12773/12000.zip tupla
Internet Phone 5.1 Demo, englanninkielinenVocalTecin kaupallinen nettipuheluohjelmisto, jolla voi soittaa 
Internet-puheluja kahden tietokoneen välillä, siirtää tiedostoja sekä 
luoda, muokata ja katsella dokumentteja useiden  käyttäjien kesken. 
Ohjelman uusia ominaisuuksia ovat chat, koputus, soittajan tunnistus ja 
toimivuus useissa eri käyttöjärjestelmissä Internet Phonea pidetään kenties 
tehokkaimpana nykyään tarjolla olevista nettipuheluohjelmista, mutta se 
onkin maksullinen tuote. Demoversiossa puhelut ovat rajoitettuja ja 
kaupallinen versio maksaa 49,95 USD.
20782 IPHONE5.EXE 8,6 Mt 24.01.2000 - 12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar tupla
Internet Phone 5.01 Beta (build 200)Nettipuhelin. (demo)
20784 IPLUS30.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.04.2001 - - tupla
ICQ Plus 3.0Tällä ilmaisella ohjelmalla saat vaihdettua ICQ-ikkunasi ulkoasua. Voit uusia taustakuvan, värit ja vaikka hakea netistä valmiita ulkoasukokonaisuuksia. http://www.icqplus.org/
20785 JAVACHAT.ZIP 14,6 kt 22.07.1999 - - tupla
Java Chat Server by RixxxA great client/server style telnet chat server. Featuring Wizards, Private Messages, etc. Manual Included.
20786 MIRC59T.EXE 1,1 Mt 27.04.2001 - 23111/chip-cd_2001_06.zip tupla
mIRC v5.9Suosittu IRC-yhteysohjelma kaikilla herkuilla. http://www.mirc.com 
20787 MRING99.ZIP 3 Mt 08.11.1999 - - tupla
MediaRing Talk 99 v5.90 Internet-puhelin ja puhelinvastaaja. Voit keskustella toisten MediaRing- käyttäjien kanssa Internetin välityksellä ilman kaukopuhelumaksuja. Windows 95, Internet-yhteys.
20788 MRST115.ZIP 393,9 kt 09.09.2000 - - tupla
mIRCStats v1.15Easy-to-use IRC channel reporting tool, which analyzes channel log files produced by mIRC and creates a nice looking HTML page with channel activity statistics, user reports, tables about changed channel topics and all kinds of misc. information taken from the log file. Requires mIRC 5.31 or later. http://www.nic.fi/~mauvinen/mircstats
20789 1STPG2K.ZIP 5 Mt 16.12.1999 - - tupla
1st Page 2000 v2.0 1st Page 2000 is a free HTML and script authoring tool for both professional and blooming webmasters. This powerful tool comes with an impressive next-generation millenium interface and contains many new features not found in other HTML editors.
20790 AFXFE11.EXE 3,3 Mt 27.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Visual Applet Configurator & AppletFX v1.1A collection of cool Java applets and a configurator program.
20791 AHC.ZIP 475,1 kt 20.12.2000 - - tupla
Absolute HTML Compressor v1.0Pienennä itse tekemäsi nettisivun kokoa poistamalla seasta kaikki turhat merkinnät. Ilmainen.
20792 ALEXHTML.EXE 2,7 Mt 06.05.2001 - - tupla
"Abstract Web Studio 4.0Abstract Web Studio is a powerful web editing packageboasting features such as: templatesframes page helperRealAudio stream creatornew page wizardproject functionalitya WYSIWYG editora HTML gradient makerMETA tag generatorand much more. For easy editingthere are 3 internal clipboardsquick color choosing via HEX highlightingsupport for drag and droptext conversionand more. And believe itit is ONLY $8.00. Download it. You wont regret it. In this trial versionthe Find-and-Replace functionRTF-Conversion functionbackground color changing functionand templates are disabled. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by Alexsoft. http://alexhtml.cjb.net/"
20793 ARA40FUL.ZIP 1,6 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
Arachnophilia v4.0 HTML-editori täysversioVoit luoda WWW-sivuja ja katsella niitä millä tahansa selaimella sekä muuttaa web-sivun tietoja ja ulkoasua interaktiivisesti. Arachnophilia osaa myös taulukot, korostukset, sisennykset, fontin värin, koon ja ulkoasun muuttamisen. http://www.arachnoid.com/
20794 ARA40SML.ZIP 1 Mt 24.11.1999 - - tupla
Arachnophilia v4.0 HTML-editori.Voit luoda WWW-sivuja ja katsella niitä millä tahansa selaimella sekä muuttaa web-sivun tietoja ja ulkoasua interaktiivisesti. Arachnophilia osaa myös taulukot, korostukset, sisennykset, fontin värin, koon ja ulkoasun muuttamisen. Pienempi versio. Ei sisällä DLL-kirjastoja, jotka tulevat esim. Microsoft Office 97:n mukana. http://www.arachnoid.com/
20795 ARANE452.EXE 663,1 kt 06.03.2001 - - tupla
Araneae v4.5.2Araneae is a very simply text editor for HTML files. It features syntax highlighting, a multiple document tabbed interface, a color picker, and drag and drop support. Supports for example GIF, PNG and JPG formats. Freeware. Windows 95/98/NT. http://plaza.v-wave.com/mark/products/araneae.html
20796 ASCOPE11.ZIP 2,4 Mt 27.04.1999 - - tupla
Artistscope v1.1 Suojaa nettisivuillasi käyttämät kuvat, jolloin surfaajat eivät enää voi tallentaa niitä omalle kiintolevylleen hiiren oikean napin painalluksella. Rekisteröidyssä versioissa kuvat voi lukita toimivaksi vain tietyssä domain-osoitteessa. Sharewarea.
20797 ASCTAB31.ZIP 1,5 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD tupla
AscToTab v3.1Converts text files into HTML web pages and RTF files (new in this ver.). It recognises the layout of your file, and attempts to replicate it in HTML/RTF.
20798 ASPEXP18.ZIP 6 Mt 23.03.2000 - - tupla
ASP Express v1.81ASP Express on editori, joka on tarkoitettu erityisesti
ASP-sivujen kirjoittamiseen, mutta se soveltuu hyvin myös
normaalin HTML-kielen tuottamiseen. Ominaisuuksiin kuuluu
mm. sisäänrakennettu FTP-yhteys, tagien puumainen katselu ja
monia valmiita helposti lisättäviä elementtäjä.
Shareware. http://www.aspexpress.com
20799 ATRAX.EXE 2,2 Mt 26.06.1997 - nic.funet.fi tupla
Atrax Web Puhlisher v4.02WYSIWYG Puhlishing Environment with the ease of drag and drop, puts the power of desktop publishing in the hands of web developers. Smart objects will resize and plug into a page. All you have to do is add text and assign images. Yes it is that easy!
20800 AV32_301.EXE 2,5 Mt 25.04.1998 - 21039/CT_SW9802.ISO tupla
AArdvark Pro HTML editor v3.01Aardvark Pro is a powerful HTML editor with many features, such as multiple document interface, drag & drop capabilities, file browser, built-in preview and support for HTML 1, 2, 3 and Netscape extensions.
20801 CART11B.ZIP 1,1 Mt 02.03.1997 - - tupla
RiadaCartel v1.1RiadaCartel allows the easy insertion of a moving LED sign in your Web page. Use the simple Effect Wizard to create effects such as scrolling, revealing, blinking, inverting, and rainbows. Visually drag and drop actions such as audio, font changes, and page jumps, against events such as mouse clicks and timers. Requirements: Windows 95
20802 CBUTTON.ZIP 15,1 kt 03.08.1997 - - tupla
CButtonCButton is a demo of a JAVA applet that works as a command button with pictures, scrolling, and multi-line captions. Its on_click parameter allows you open a given URL address when clicking. It also allows you display a message in the status bar when the mouse cursor moves over the applet.
20803 CCEXP20.ZIP 1,2 Mt 06.09.1998 - - tupla
CoffeeCup HTML Editor v2.0 ExpressErittäin helppokäyttöinen ja suoraviivainen WWW sivujen rakennusohjelma. Hallitsee mm. DHTML:n, META-tagit, tms. Sisäänrakennettu FTP-ohejelma sivujen lähettämiseen Internetiin. Sharewarea, 15 päivän demoversio
20804 CDROP.ZIP 1,8 Mt 20.01.2000 - - tupla
Korax ColourDrop 1.0.9 HTML color picker program. Displays the hex value for a variety of color sets, including grayscale, browser-safe colors, the "named" colors and more. Displays the color information for any pixel on the screen. Freeware.
20805 CMD_20.ZIP 255 kt 09.07.1997 - 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso tupla
The Color Manipulation Device 2.0 A Windows 95 utility to help you choose colors for your web pages.
20806 CMED21A.ZIP 1,4 Mt 17.06.1997 - 21332/Inter95.iso tupla
CMed v2.1aHTML editor with zillions of features. Win95.
20807 COFFEE.EXE 6,2 Mt 29.05.2000 - 12773/12000.zip tupla
CoffeeCup HTML Editor++ 8.1CoffeeCup HTML Editor++ is a full-featured HTML editor that includes 
Expresso FTP for uploading and downloading; an image gallery with 
quick-linking images; highlighted tags; style sheet help; automatic 
image sizing; a line reader; and tips. It comes with 30 background 
images, more than 175 animated GIFs, upwards of 140 Web icon graphics, 
100 JavaScript scripts, a frame designer, and an HTML stripper. You 
can work on and test multiple pages at once. Other features include 
an internal browser for testing and surfing, an image-previewing 
utility, a sound gallery, online help, and a step-by-step Web 
design guide and references for the latest HTML 4.0 tags. 
Version 8.1 adds an Image Slicer for cutting up large images 
and for creating pseudo-image maps; Global Search and Replace, 
which searches current and all documents for text and HTML; 
Code Sweeper, which converts HTML documents to XHTML and XML types 
and finds errors in your HTML Web pages; and the ability to create 
and use your own templates. Expresso FTP is now included in
the shareware version. This download is a 30-day trial; 
registration costs $49. This software can be free if 
you host your Web site with CoffeeCup.
20808 COFFEH81.EXE 6,2 Mt 22.02.2000 - - tupla
CoffeeCup HTML Editor++ v8.1The CoffeeCup is a fast, easy, full featured HTML Editor.
We have completely re-written the Editor from the ground 
up to help you make your pages better than ever before. 
Now you can see your page change as you Edit with our 
Split-Screen Live Preview! Right Click and Upload pages
to your website, Open pages from the Web just by typing 
the URL and much, much, more.
20809 32PSDP.ZIP 2,9 Mt 20.01.2000 - #hyrava tupla
"DB-HTML Converter Pro 1.3 DB-HTML Converter Pro is a HTML database utility that creates Web pages from popular formats such as MS SQLFoxProMS ACCESSDB2InformixOracleSybaseand others. Its a must have for those of you who want to start a database-driven Web site. Shareware."
20810 40TTIME.ZIP 2,4 Mt 30.09.1999 - MBCD tupla
40tude Time40tude Time synchronizes your system clock through an Internet time server. It is a replacement for the standard Windows tray clock, enhancing it by showing the current time at locations around the world. Renders a breathtaking photo-realistic image of the current illumination on Earth that can be used as the desktop wallpaper and in the screensaver that comes with the program and gives you information about public holidays in countries around the world.
20811 A4PROXY.EXE 902,5 kt 28.01.2000 - 23347/CHIP_HITWARE_7A.iso tupla
Anonymity 4 Proxy 1.52 Local proxy server agent, essential for anonymous Internet surfing. Provides you with excellent tools to locate, test and logon to public anonymous proxy servers. Advanced features include modification of any HTTP variables, monitoring client requests, stop lists for clients and remote hosts, and more.
20812 ATOMTM14.ZIP 104,6 kt 27.04.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso tupla
AtomTime95 V1.4a Sleek and straightforward, AtomTime95 can keep the clock on your Windows 95 system right in step with the public-access atomic clock server of the National Bureau of Standards in Boulder, Colorado. It can be used with any Winsock-compliant Internet link Dial-Up Networking or a LAN), and can be set to automatically update your time whenever you boot the PC or used with a scheduler. Req Modem Internet connection Win95
20813 ATPRO.EXE 775,7 kt 28.01.2000 - - tupla
Ativa ProInternet bandwidth monitor will help you maximize your online time and increase your net speed. Ativa contains a powerful multi-functional web monitor designed to accurately gather layer upon layer of valuable web information. 
20814 BABYLON.EXE 1,5 Mt 20.12.2000 - 18114/WIN_MAG_29.ISO eritupla
Babylon v3.1bHakee netistä selvityksen haluamillesi vieraille sanoille tai lyhenteille. Osaa myös muuntaa yksiköitä ja valuuttoja, kertoa lausumisohjeita ynnä muuta.
20815 BACKUPON.EXE 1,4 Mt 22.10.1999 - - tupla
"BackupOnline BackupOnline uses the internet to backup and retrieve software. Features an interface like that of Microsofts Outlook Express. Shareware."
20816 BCCPRO30.EXE 3,2 Mt 21.07.1998 - - tupla
Blaxxun CCPro 3.06 Client ohjelma
20817 BLKICE21.ZIP 2,8 Mt 10.11.2000 - - tupla
BlackICE Defender v2.1BlackICE Defender delivers bulletproof intrusion detection and personal firewall protection to your PC. It scans your DSL, cable, or dial-up Internet connection looking for hacker activity, much like antivirus programs scan your hard disk looking for viruses. BlackICE will not slow down your PC or your Internet experience. BlackICE Defender is also easy to install, requires no knowledge of networking or the Internet, and begins to protect your system right out of the box. This is a 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Registration costs $39.95. 
20818 BVIEW.EXE 544 kt 20.01.2000 - - tupla
BareView 1.2 (Demo)BareView allows the packaging of virtually any Internet file (movies, sound, Java, ActiveX , ActiveScript, JavaScript, Flash etc.) into a single ‘compacted’ executable. Users of this compressed file need no special tools or software to view the web site (or presentation) only a standard Web browser. Shareware.
20819 CITRIX.ZIP 205 kt 01.09.1997 - - tupla
With the WinFrame Web Client you can run Windows programs over the Internet and the intranet.
20820 CLEANUP.EXE 1010 kt 20.01.2000 versio 4.13 discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
Complete Cleanup 4.17 Complete Cleanup protects Internet privacy and frees up extra disk space by cleaning up a variety of Internet and non-Internet files on your computer. It displays file statistics and removes all Internet cookies, cache files, history files, and location URLs for Internet Explorer, Netscape, or AOL. 
20821 CYB99T.EXE 892,5 kt 20.01.2000 - - tupla
"CYBERsitter 99 Gives the parent or other concerned individual the ability to limit their childrens access to objectionable material on the Internet. Parents can choose to blockblock and alertor simply alert them when access is attempted to these areas. Shareware."
20823 ELF95402.ZIP 761,6 kt 05.08.1997 - 21037/CT_SW_97.ISO tupla
ELF x WINSOCK Advanced, programmable, fast and user-friendl laying MUDs.
20824 ERING.EXE 4,3 Mt 24.01.2000 - - tupla
eRing 3.3 Utility that allows you to talk on the phone while you are logged onto the Internet. Great for those without multiple phone lines.
20825 FC5604US.EXE 3,7 Mt 15.10.1999 - 19799/2015.02.ftp.hypersurf.com.tar tupla
FirstClass Intranet Client v5.604.FirstClass Client on graafinen yhteysohjelma windows/mac-pohjaiseen FirstClass Serveriin. Englanninkielinen. http://www.softarc.com 
20826 FNORD.ZIP 2,4 Mt 22.07.1997 - 18036/The_Web_Builder_The_Top_100_Software_Programs_TuCows_1998.iso tupla
Fnord Server v1.0.0.24 (Feb 10 1997).
20828 GENIUS.EXE 1,9 Mt 29.10.2000 versio 3.2 22953/PCWFEB05.iso tupla
"Genius 3.1Genius is a supreme collection of online and offline utilities. 
Its compact (residing in the system tray)easy to use and full 
of independent programs ranging from FTP/HTTP to Ping/Port Guardian. 
It features: A Clipboard Menu-copy IPa hostname and a clear-and-view 
clipboard. An Internet Clients-Fingeras well as FTPHTTPPing
SMTPTelnetTimeTraceRoute and whois. An Internet Tools-FTP 
Search and IP scanneras well as NewsNS LookupPop Cleaner
Port InfoSite CheckerSubnet CalculatorWeatherConnectivity 
and mail. A PIM-address bookclocknotespasswordsreminders 
and a to-do list. Services-Stay AlivePort Guardian and e-mail
checking. A Utilities-CalculatorTemp Directory and Document 
CleanerConversionsDirectory ComparisonFile Shredder
GREPHTML to TXTPassword GeneratorSystem Information
and Encoding/Decoding files. Shareware.
20849 3214.EXE 1,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - tupla
Internet explorer 4 update for Win 98
20850 AMAY319X.EXE 4,4 Mt 22.09.2000 - #hyrava tupla
Amaya v3.1Amaya on W3C:n kehittämä pieni ja nopea ilmainen WWW-selain, joka toimii HTML 4.0 -standardin mukaan, joskaan CSS1-tuki ei vielä ole täydellinen. Selainpaketti sisältää myös HTML-sivujen tekoon tarkoitetun WYSIWYG- työkalun, jonka tekemä koodi on HTML- standardin mukaista. Amaya osaa tallentaa työn alla olevan sivun myös XML-muodossa. Ohjelman lähdekoodi on vapaasti saatavilla. Windows 95/98 -versio. http://www.w3.org/Amaya
20851 AMAY31NT.EXE 4,4 Mt 22.09.2000 - #hyrava tupla
Amaya v3.1, NT-versioAmaya on W3C:n kehittämä pieni ja nopea ilmainen WWW-selain, joka toimii HTML 4.0 -standardin mukaan, joskaan CSS1-tuki ei vielä ole täydellinen. Selainpaketti sisältää myös HTML-sivujen tekoon tarkoitetun WYSIWYG- työkalun, jonka tekemä koodi on HTML- standardin mukaista. Amaya osaa tallentaa työn alla olevan sivun myös XML-muodossa. Ohjelman lähdekoodi on vapaasti saatavilla. Windows NT -versio. http://www.w3.org/Amaya
20852 B3DBRW11.EXE 1,5 Mt 22.09.2000 - - tupla
Buzz 3D Browser v1.1The fastest way to browse the net today. Totally new way of experiencing the World Wide Web, and a highly practical method of viewing the most amount of different web pages, in the least amount of time. By presenting the web to you in a fully immersive 3D environment, our Central Piazza shows 48 different websites simultaneously, and pre-loads multiple instances of all pages. Windows 95. Beta trial. http://www.buzz3d.com
20853 CB32D475.EXE 15,5 Mt 24.08.2000 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator v4.75 perusversio
20854 CC32D476.EXE 22,2 Mt 05.01.2001 - MBHH2001 -
Netscape Communicator 4.76 täysversio
20855 CC32E451.A01 2,9 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 2/6
20856 CC32E451.A02 2,9 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 3/6
20857 CC32E451.A03 2,9 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 4/6
20858 CC32E451.A04 2,9 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 5/6
20859 CC32E451.A05 395 kt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 6/6
20860 CC32E451.ARJ 2,9 Mt 15.07.1999 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomi 1/6Netscape Communicator -paketin suomenkielinen täysversio ARJ-pilkottuna.
20861 CC32F451.EXE 15,2 Mt 13.09.1999 - - tupla
Netscape Communicator 4.51 suomiNetscape Communicator v4.51, suomenkielinen täysversio
20862 CP10B302.EXE 3 Mt 01.06.1996 - MBCD tupla
Cybergate 1.0 Beta 3VRML-browser. Contains plugin for Netscape.
20865 CP32E47.EXE 21,6 Mt 03.10.1999 - MBHH2000 tupla
Netscape Communicator v4.7 professionalNetscape Communicator v4.7 32-bit, professional-versio.
20829 AMAIL22.EXE 10,5 Mt 26.12.2000 - - tupla
AllegroMail v2.2Monipuolinen sähköpostiohjelma sekä aloittelijoille että kokeneille sähköpostin käyttäjille. Tukee käyttäjäprofiileja, jossa jokaiselle käyttäjälle asetetaan täysin erilliset asetukset ja sähköpostiosoitteet. Shareware. http://www.allegromail.com
20830 ANW41.EXE 678,7 kt 18.01.2000 - - tupla
ActiveNames 4.1.16 ActiveNames provides you an easy way of keeping track of your friends and business contacts by instantly redirecting your messages to the new e-mail address that the user has provided. ActiveNames supports any SMTP e-mail client. Freeware.
20831 BBASE32.ZIP 1017,6 kt 24.05.1999 - - tupla
BBase7 Allows you to keep track of the contents of yout email and to locate those messages that are hard to find. Currently, it supports email from Netscape, MS Internet Mail and Eudora Lite. Windows 95 version. April-28-1998.
20832 BBNPI11.ZIP 128,5 kt 07.07.1997 - 10260/cicawindowscollection199702-2.iso tupla
"Blackboard Netscape Privacy Interface v1.1Did you know anyone could find yourdeletedsentandtrashedmailthe previous web sites youve visitedwhat newsgroups youve read? this program enables you to erase these things.  you can highlight and delete any or all text in notepad then re-save the file."
20833 BECKY120.ZIP 1,2 Mt 22.05.1997 - - tupla
Becky! Internet Mail v1.20A multi-featured Internet E-mail client. Multiple accounts management. Off line capability. Powerful text editor. MIME.
20835 DTSMAIL.EXE 2,2 Mt 24.01.2000 - 9315/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 1 of 3).iso tupla
DTS Mail 2.52 Build 201  Supports retrieval of messages from up to six POP3 servers at a time. Print messages Save messages and attachments. Easier to set up and use than most e-mail programs and includes great features such as Spelling checker and Thesaurus. 
20836 E120W32S.EXE 267 kt 22.07.1997 versio 1.20 22623/Joystick.Hors serie nov 96.Flight simulator 4.iso tupla
E-mail Notify v1.23
20839 EMAGIC.EXE 7,3 Mt 18.01.2000 - 23956/Cool Shareware PC-World CD-ROM (Digital Concepts)(PA1099R9)(1999).BIN tupla
Animated Email Magic 2.0d Allows combining of pictures and text and graphics and sounds to be sent as multi-scene, hyper-linked and interactive animations. Can be used with any Internet e-mail program. 
20840 EMAILR32.ZIP 126,2 kt 04.12.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
EMailR32A small utility which allows you to check all of your e-mail accounts at one time, without having to change your server name,user name, and password. You can also specify how often you want EMailR32 to check for new mail, and it will alert you when it finds ne messages. EMailR32 is designed to run in the backround and take a vary small amount of system resources.
20841 EMEFX16.ZIP 520,1 kt 18.01.2000 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 3).iso tupla
Email Effects 1.6 Allows the user to send pictures, drawings and tables with simple plain text. Also an ASCII art creator and great for creating vivid comments in source code.
20842 EMREM24S.EXE 458,8 kt 02.08.1999 - - tupla
Email Remover v2.4Kätevä apuohjelma, joka noutaa sähköpostien otsikkotiedot ja antaa käyttäjän poistaa tarpeettomat roskapostit tms ennen varsinaisen sähköpostiohjelman käynnistämistä. Ilmainen! http://eremover.bizhosting.com
20843 ENDORA12.ZIP 146,3 kt 11.11.1997 - 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso tupla
Endora v1.2Endora allows you to use multiple addresses in Eudora (Pro or light) by storing the multiple configurations in a special section of EUDORA.INI and rewriting it with the selected setting.
20844 EREMOV24.ZIP 199,8 kt 06.06.1999 - 9319/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak Volume 2 (Disc 2 of 3).iso tupla
"Email Remover v2.4A small yet efficient Win95 utility that will help you deleted unwanted mails without the hassle of having to download entire messages. It works by retrieving only the mail headers and lets you preview the first few lines of your messages.  This program supports multiple accounts and can launch external email program upon exit."
20845 ETALK.EXE 4,9 Mt 27.03.1999 - 9319/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak Volume 2 (Disc 2 of 3).iso tupla
Talking E-mail v1.31Kertoo saapuneista sähköpostiviesteistä ja lukee ne ääneen englanniksi sekä näyttää ne myös tekstinä. http://www.4developers.com/talkmail/
20846 ETALKUPD.EXE 752,9 kt 27.03.1999 - - tupla
Talking E-mail update -> v1.3For existing users.
20847 EUDORA50.EXE 6 Mt 12.09.2000 - MBHH2001 tupla
Eudora v5.0Eudora on sekä tehokas että helppokäyttöinen sähköpostiohjelma. Tässä versiossa on yhdistetty entiset light- ja pro-versiot ottamalla käyttöön pieni mainosikkuna. Tukee useita sähköpostitunnuksia, hakee viestit taustalla, tukee HTML-muotoisia viestejä, yms. http://www.eudora.com
20848 EUL306.EXE 4,4 Mt 21.08.1998 - MBHH1999 tupla
Eudora Light v3.0.6Eudora on sekä tehokas että helppokäyttöinen sähköpostiohjelma.
20869 FDMN41.EXE 1021,9 kt 01.01.2001 - - tupla
Fictional Daemon v4.1Fictional Daemon on ohjelma, jolla voit pitää FTP- ja telnet-palvelinta. Tukee tiedonsiirtoa, palvelimen buuttausta, ajastettuja tehtäviä, yms. http://www.fictional.net
20870 NT3242CI.EXE 1,3 Mt 09.12.2000 - 12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar -
NetTerm v4.2cInternet Telnet OVID Zmodem SL NetTerm is a Windows based terminal emulator with fast zmodem file transfers. It can also be used as a dialer program for SLIP/PPP and includes a built in scripting language. For Internet hosts, the telnet protocol is enabled with VT100 and full ANSI graphics. A ftp server is included. Transparent printing and local host editing is supported for UNIX. 32-bit version.
20871 NTCRT33.EXE 1,7 Mt 08.05.2001 - 23734/PCWorld_2001-05_cd.bin -
CRT telnet v3.3CRT on pääteohjelma Internet- ja intranet-käyttöön. Tukee sekä telnet- että rlogin-protokollia, sekä Zmodem-tiedonsiirtoa, mukautettuja värejä, scriptejä, yms. 30 päivän demoversio. Lisätietoa http://www.vandyke.com 
20872 TELC20B3.ZIP 57,5 kt 27.11.1997 - 12808/aol-file-protocol-4400-2401-to-2500.zip -
Telnet v2.0b3This is a telnet client with full color ANSI support for Windows NT/95 console. You can use this program from the Win95 command line (MSDos) and tun in full screen text mode.
20873 TERA23.ZIP 921,7 kt 20.07.2000 - MBHH2001 tupla
Tera Term Pro v2.3Tera Term on näppärä pääteohjelma, sekä telnet-clientti Windows-käyttöjärjestelmille. Tukee VT100, sekä VT200/300 -emulaatioita, ja suosituimpia tiedonsiirtoprotokollia (Kermit, XMODEM, ZMODEM, jne.). Freeware. http://ftp.riken.go.jp/
20874 TRM32420.ZIP 1,5 Mt 07.04.1999 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 4).iso -
QVT/Term v4.20Terminal/Telnet program for Windows 95. Supports Zmodem file transfer. Shareware.
20875 ZOC400WE.EXE 1,2 Mt 18.04.2001 - - tupla
Zap-O-Comm (ZOC) v4.00 for Windows32bit Telnet/SSH, Modem and ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, countless options and features including Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). http://www.emtec.com
20877 DNEWS46G.EXE 2,6 Mt 03.05.1998 - 14394/Freesoft_1998-03_cd.bin -
DNews news server v4.6g
20878 FA32-121.EXE 1,1 Mt 05.02.2000 - MBHH2002 -
Forte Free Agent v1.2132-bit version for Windows 95/NT. Free Agent is a
versatile newsreader. Freeware.
20879 GRV1_1B2.ZIP 1,6 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Gravity v1.1 beta 2One of the top-rated Internet newsreaders. It allows a person to view and contribute articles in the form of text and graphics. Designed exclusively for the 32-bit Windows 95/NT environment. This design feature provides excellent multi-tasking capabilities for searching, sorting and completing most newsreading tasks in the background. As a result, you get the information that you want - blazingly fast. Windows 95/NT
20880 NB32164.ZIP 53,6 kt 11.11.1997 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
NewsBin News Robot ver 1.641
20882 NROVER23.ZIP 1,1 Mt 21.10.1997 - - -
News Rover v2.3Scans and downloads files and messages from Usenet newsgroups. News Rover decodes both UU-encoded and MIME base64 file attachments, and it reconstructs multi-message files. Also performs message selection using search expressions that may include AND, OR, NEAR, and NOT operators. Automatically builds picture gallery to review downloaded images. Runs unattended. Requires Windows 95. http://www.NewsRover.com
20883 NX201.ZIP 258,5 kt 05.02.2000 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
News Xpress v2.01Ilmainen uutislukuohjelma.
20884 SBN32_47.ZIP 625,7 kt 21.07.1997 - - -
SBNews v4.7Automated news robot. (32-bit version) Automatically downloads and UUdecodes from binary newsgroups.
20885 TIFNY.ZIP 2 Mt 25.05.1997 - - -
TIFNYConnects to any NNTP new server and automatically downloads and catalogues UU Encoded pictures to your hard disk. Win95.
20886 WV32I999.ZIP 351,5 kt 10.05.1997 - nic.funet.fi -
WinVN 0.99-9 WinVN is a Windows and NT-based, fully RFC 1036 compliant on-line news reader that can be used to select, view, and write Usenet News articles and send mail via SMTP or MAPI. Built in MIME and UU encoding and decoding. WinVN uses less memory and screen space ideal for both small and large machines. Handles multiple users and newsfeeds on one PC. Public Domain (sources freely available).
20887 XNEWS308.ZIP 567,2 kt 12.10.2000 - - -
XNews v03.08.28A free usenet newsreader for Windows 9x/NT. Supports multiple server/identities, subscribed groups can be organized into categories. Handles binaries (MIME, Base64, uuencode), and more. http://xnews.3dnews.net/
20888 1CBT41B4.ZIP 671,6 kt 06.04.2000 - - tupla
1 Cool Button Tool v4.1 for Win9x.A JAVA applet wizard that can spice up your web page with cool animated buttons. This creator allows you to provide your visitors with very attractive buttons that make sounds and change color when the mouse pointer is held over them. A definite attention getter. Shareware. Cost $29.95. Copyright (c) Formula Software 1998. http://www.buttontool.com
20889 24LNK244.EXE 332 kt 11.02.2001 - - tupla
24link versio 2.00.0044 BETA. FreewareTee koneestasi Web-serveri tämän ohjelman avulla. Käyttäjät suunnistavat koneeseesi IP-osoitteen perusteella, joten sopii etenkin kiinteän IP:n omaaville.
20890 AIRFORM.EXE 1,1 Mt 29.09.2000 - - tupla
AI RoboForm v1.25 Windows 95/98/NT/2000Internet Explorer -laajennus, joka automatisoi www-lomakkeiden täyttäminen. Lisää Fill Forms -toiminnon Explorerin painikkeeksi.
20891 ALLGON21.EXE 1 Mt 19.04.2001 - - tupla
AllGone v2.1.1AllGone! Was developed to help preserve your Windows resources by restricting more than one (1) instance of your current WEB Browser to be activated! With AllGone! Installed, you can visit WEB Sites and not worry about a massive amount of Web Browsers popping up, as AllGone! will close each window (WEB Browser) that tries to open other than the initial one you started. This demo will function fully for about five minutes, then shut down. The cost to register is $9.95.
20892 AMDLNK11.ZIP 362 kt 29.03.2001 - - tupla
AM-DeadLink 1.1Tämä ilmainen ohjelma käy läpi IE:n, Netscapen ja Operan linkkilistat (favourites, bookmarks) ja kertoo, mitkä osoitteista ovat vanhentuneet tai tallennettu useampaan kertaan. http://aignes.com/software/
20893 ANIMFLEX.EXE 187,5 kt 29.09.2000 - - tupla
AnimaFlex Player Plug-In v1.13Valokuvista koottujen animaatioiden katselun mahdollistava laajennus. Näyttää ALF -tiedostotyyppiä.
20894 ARF32.ZIP 96,5 kt 11.03.1997 - 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip tupla
ArfA WWW database searcher and retriever Arf searches World Wide Web databases such as Alta Vista, Lycos, and Deja News with a search term that you supply. Arf follows the links that the databases come up with to the web pages they point at. Arf copies those web pages onto your disk. Do batch searches quickly. Great for research. Cut down on connect time. Registered version fetches more than 10 web pages per search.
20895 BEATNIK.EXE 2,3 Mt 28.06.2000 - - tupla
Beatnik v2.1Äänilaajennus selaimiin. Sopii Netscape Navigator 4.0:aan tai uudempaan, sekä Internet Explorer 4.0:aan tai uudempaan. http://www.beatnik.com/
20896 BKMAG232.ZIP 838 kt 24.09.2000 - 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 3).iso tupla
Bookmark Magic v2.32Muuntaa helposti Netscapen kirjanmerkit (bookmarks) Internet Explorerille ja päinvastoin. Poistaa myös mm. kaksoislinkit (duplikaatit) sekä lajittelee linkit kuvauksen perusteella. Sharewarea. 
20897 BLACKW.ZIP 1,6 Mt 21.10.1997 - - tupla
Black Widow Scans a web site and presents found files in explorer-like window. View various information about the files and save site profiles. Windows 95
20898 BMCNV285.ZIP 1 Mt 29.09.2000 - 20517/PC Utilities 7 - Disc 2.iso tupla
Bookmark Converter v2.85 Muuntaa Netscapen kirjanmerkit IE:n vastaaviksi ja päinvastoin. Sharewarea Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle.
20899 BMSYNC12.EXE 360,5 kt 29.09.2000 - - tupla
BookmarkSync v1.2 Windows 95/98:lleJakaa bookamarkit verkossa ja tekee käännökset eri selainten välillä.
20900 BMWIZ160.ZIP 407,8 kt 24.09.2000 - - tupla
Bookmark Wizard v1.6.0Tekee HTML-sivun Internet Explorerin bookmarkeista. Freeware. http://www.moonsoftware.com/
20901 BNRCTCH.EXE 3,1 Mt 28.01.2001 - - tupla
Banner CatcherEstää ikävien pop-up -ikkunoiden ilmestymisen Internet Explorerissa ja Netscape Navigatorissa. Voit määrätä ohjelman poistamaan kaikki pop-up -ikkunat tai vaihtoehtoisesti lisätä tietyt ikkunat poistettavien listaan. Tallentaa poistetut ikkunat tietokantaan josta niitä voi tarkastella. Shareware. http://www.softicasolutions.com/
20902 BOKMRKMA.ZIP 994,6 kt 19.02.1999 - 17390/Ultimate_Web_Companion_Yahoo_1999.iso tupla
Bookmark Magic v2.52 Muuntaa helposti Netscapen kirjanmerkit (bookmarks) Internet Explorerille ja päinvastoin. Poistaa myös mm. kaksoislinkit (duplikaatit) sekä lajittelee linkit kuvauksen perusteella. Sharewarea.
20903 BSYNC111.EXE 345,7 kt 24.01.2000 - - tupla
"BookmarkSync 1.1.1 Synchronizes your IENetscape and AOL bookmarks across several computers on the Internet. Bookmarks are in a secure database while you work. You can share bookmarks with the publica select group of people to share withor subscript to other peoples sets of bookmarks. Freeware."
20904 C501N9X.EXE 1,3 Mt 29.09.2000 - - tupla
Crescendo v5.01 NetscapelleActive-X -komponentti streamed-musiikin soittamiseen, esim. MIDIt ja MP3:t. Windows 95/98.
20905 C501NNT.EXE 1,2 Mt 29.09.2000 - - tupla
Crescendo v5.01 NetscapelleActive-X -komponentti streamed-musiikin soittamiseen, esim. MIDIt ja MP3:t. Windows NT/2000.
20906 C501XIE.EXE 1,3 Mt 29.09.2000 - - tupla
Crescendo v5.01 Internet ExplorerilleActive-X -komponentti streamed-musiikin soittamiseen, esim. MIDIt ja MP3:t. Windows 95/98/NT/2000.
20907 CACHET05.ZIP 793,2 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD tupla
"Cachet v1.05A floating toolbar accessory for Netscape Navigator. Designed to recover documents stored in Navigators internal disk cache. Text and date searchgroup copy. Windows 95 version. http://www.benlo.com/cachet.html"
20908 AWN95.ZIP 1,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - 22395/XENIATGM33.iso tupla
"AutoWinNet95Automated Internet! Perform dozens of tasks while youre not home: - Dial and hangup to your provider automatically - FTP downloadupload with wilcardsmake or del remote dirs and files - Email send or check your messages - World Wide Web page and file retrieval - Download over 27 weather maps - Cleanup your mail server - Binary Usenet news article posting with wilcards - Run local programs - Fetch your citys weather forecast - Ping internet servers -"
20912 CPPRO41.ZIP 2 Mt 25.04.1998 - - tupla
ConnectPal Professional v.4.1 ConnectPal brings an unmatched convenience to the Windows Dialup Networking. Auto-redial capability to remove the hassle of hitting the connect-button every time when your ISP is busy. The customizable program-launcherallows to run up to 5 different programs. ConnectPal Professional prevents disconnection by simulating network activity smartly.
20914 CYBER.ZIP 904,1 kt 09.07.1997 versio 2.2 discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
CyberkitCyberkit is a combination of the following functions: Ping, Traceroute, Finger, Whois, Name Server Lookup, Quote of the Day, Keep Alive, Check for new mail.
20915 DIALEROO.ZIP 582 kt 04.11.1998 - - tupla
Dialer 2000 v1.30 Dialer 2000 provides a collection of cool tools to simplify and enhance your Internet connection. You can use the program to redial up to 1000 times if a busy signal is detected, automatically dial if your connection is dropped, and keep your connection alive by simulating Internet activity. Dialer 2000 also includes a simple email client that lets you read message headers and automatically check for new messages at regular intervals. Shareware / Evaluation version.
20917 DIP32V30.EXE 1,1 Mt 06.05.1999 - - tupla
DynIP Client Software v3.0DynIP gives your computer an Internet Name that automatically tracks your current IP address every time you connect to the Internet. If you want to run a server from your desktop you can give your Internet Name to your customers and they can find your server without knowing your current IP address. Works great with multi-player internet games, video conferencing, voice conferencing and remote access. http://www.dynip.com
20918 DIPNTV30.EXE 890,1 kt 06.05.1999 - - tupla
DynIP Client Software v3.0/NTDynIP gives your computer an Internet Name that automatically tracks your current IP address every time you connect to the Internet. If you want to run a server from your desktop you can give your Internet Name to your customers and they can find your server without knowing your current IP address. Works great with multi-player internet games, video conferencing, voice conferencing and remote access. http://www.dynip.com
20919 DMAN11F.ZIP 800,9 kt 31.05.1999 - - tupla
DUN Manager v1.1f DUN Manager is designed to simplify and enhance Dial-Up Networking and Remote Access Services.
20920 DSCRPT.EXE 75 kt 15.01.1998 - MBCD tupla
Puhelinverkkoyhteyksien komentosarjatyökalu (Dial-up networking scripting tool) Windows 95:lle
20922 DUCONSTR.EXE 425,8 kt 21.11.1998 - - tupla
DialUp Constructor v2.23DialUp Constructor Kit is a software package which allows you to create data files containing Dialup Networking settings and then re-distribute these data files with a small executable program which will automatically create a Dialup Networking Entry on a machine running Win95.
20923 DUNMON.ZIP 174,2 kt 29.03.1999 - MBCD tupla
Dial-up Networking Monitor v2.1 Shows a graph and statistics of the current DUN connection.
20924 DUNSH.ZIP 199,5 kt 10.11.1998 - - tupla
Dial-Up-Networking Sharer version 1DUN sharer allows you to create Dial-Up-Networking connections and templates easily and fast.
20925 FING031B.ZIP 471,9 kt 27.03.1997 - nic.funet.fi tupla
The Fingerer/32 v0.3 BETA Intended OS: Windows 95 and NT (will work with win32s) Finger, Whois, Ph, DNS Lookup, Ping all in one 32-bit application. Many features. Professional interface.
20926 FNM260.EXE 793,8 kt 26.12.2000 - - tupla
NetMonitor 2.6Ilmainen versio. Ohjelma jolla voit seurata Internet-liikennettäsi ja sen nopeuksia. http://www.freenetmonitor.com/
20927 GEOBOY.ZIP 1 Mt 27.11.1997 - MBCD -
GeoBoy v1.4 Shows the travelling of Internet packets on a world map. Demo version.
60189 3DFXUPDT.ZIP 733202 14.07.1996 koko² Metropoli BBS files.zip -
This update will allow Assymetrix 3D FX to
run under Windows 95 with the Matrox MGA
Millennium graphics adapter while using its
3D acceleration capabilities.
20928 401COMUP.EXE 427,3 kt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
Windows Common Control Library Update v4.7Microsoft Windows Common Control Library Update, version 4.70.
20929 800TO801.ZIP 707,7 kt 09.10.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Patch QEMM 8.00 to 8.01
60282 800TO801.ZIP 724708 08.10.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
Patch QEMM 8.00 to 8.01
20931 A-TO-95B.ZIP 2243782 01.04.1996 renamed 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Norton Navigator 95 patch to 95b.
20930 AMDK6UPD.ZIP 240,3 kt 28.10.1998 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
K6-päivitys Windows 95:eenPäivitys Windows 95:een nopeita K6-prosessoreja varten.
20932 BACKUPD2.EXE 438,5 kt 01.10.1998 - MBCD -
Update for Microsoft Windows 95 Backup
20933 CDDA305P.ZIP 568,5 kt 18.05.1999 - - -
Easy CD-DA Extractor 3.05 Patch.
20934 CLNS2PCH.ZIP 707860 23.12.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
CleanSweep for Win95 update patch from
20333 COMPCORE.ZIP 1089218 14.07.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Matrox MGA Millennium Compcore Softpeg 2.0
Upgrade Version 2.0 works under both Windows
3.1 and Windows 95. Version 2.0 improvements
include DirectDraw support, and the new
CD Vision(tm) control interface. It is only
valid for holders of the Matrox Millennium
SuperPack CD-Rom version 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2.
Direct X is required for operation under
Windows 95.
20935 COVER_PG.EXE 147456 24.08.1996 - MBCD -
MS Fax Cover Page Editor Fix for Windows 95
62456 CSPAT202.ZIP 1303232 15.03.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Cleasweep 95 päivitys 2.02:ksi.
20936 CSPAT203.ZIP 1,4 Mt 03.09.1997 - - -
CleanSweep 95 v2.03 patch for Win95/NT
20937 DPLAY61A.ZIP 439,6 kt 20.05.1999 - - -
DirectPlay 6.1a update for Windows 95/98Component of Microsoft DirectX. This release is designed to optimize specific multiplayer communication protocols used by DirectPlay and accommodate certain anti-piracy schemes that are coming into widespread use. If you are having trouble trying to join games hosted on the internet, then this fix may correct it. Additionally, several internet communication techniques are enhanced. RETAIL version. Req. DirectX 6.1 installed.
20938 DSKTSUPD.EXE 116224 24.08.1996 - MBCD -
Disk Type Specific Driver Update / Win95
Resolves a problem in Windows 95 which may,
in certain specific configurations, lead to
corrupted data on extended partitions on
large IDE drives.
Users of computers with large IDE hard
disks (greater than 504mb), partitioned
into multiple logical drives, with a
system BIOS that supports extended INT13h
functions, should obtain this update.
20939 DXDZFIX.ZIP 32,2 kt 13.05.1998 - - -
"DXDZFIXFixes the DirectX 5.0 joystick deadzone default. (c) 1998  Chris Roehrig. The joystick deadzone is the area in the center where joystick doesnt respond. DirectX has its own notion of a deadzone and Microsoft has hardcoded the default to 5% of its full range. Some DirectX games dont provide option to set deadzone and use the default. This programs makes possible to use analog joypad controllers better."
20940 EXCHNG32.ZIP 1207623 19.02.1996 - MBCD -
Microsoft update for Microsoft Exchange for
Windows 95. It corrects the bug when running
the exchange with microsoft access, with
shared folders.
20941 FEB96A.ZIP 407416 01.04.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Encarta 95
Yearbook update
- February 1996 -
USA edition
20942 HHUPD.EXE 464,3 kt 13.12.1998 - 23493/Chip_Extra_1999.iso -
MS TML Help Workshop -päivitysMicrosoft TML Help Workshopiin päivitys joka muuttaa sen suomenkieliseksi.
20943 HOTFIX.ZIP 942,5 kt 17.04.1997 - 15497/PIE-WindowsNTSuperTuneUpKit-1997.iso -
HotFix for Microsoft Windows NT i386
20944 IOSYSFIN.ZIP 218,4 kt 04.12.1997 - MBCD -
Windows 95 OSR 2 HIMEM.SYS- bugipäivitysTämä korjaa OSR 2 -versiossa ilmenneen ongelman, jossa HIMEM.SYS vie 44 kilotavua perusmuistia.
20945 ISDNFIN.EXE 376,5 kt 06.06.1997 - MBCD -
Microsoft ISDN Accelerator Pack v1.1Päivityspaketti 128kbps -nopeudelle suomenkieliseen Windows 95 -versioon.
20946 KRNLFIN.EXE 330752 08.08.1996 - MBCD -
Microsoft Windows 95 Finnish Kernel32 update
20947 KRNLUPD.EXE 290 kt 06.12.1997 - MBCD -
Windows 95 Kernel core component updateWindows 95 Win32 Kernel core component update. Toimii tietyin rajoituksin myös suomenkielisessä versiossa.
19980 LOGIMBDC.ZIP 591 20.02.1996 - - -
Tällä ohjelmalla saat Logitechin kolmannen
napin toimimaan kaksoisnapautuksena (w95)
65967 MAR96Z.ZIP 468345 14.07.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Microsoft Encarta 95
March update - world version -
20386 MC020332.ZIP 1051987 14.07.1996 - - -
Patch to upgrade Jasc Media Center 2.02 to
version 2.03 32 Bit.
66362 MSISDN.ZIP 313201 14.07.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
ISDN accelerator pack for Microsoft Internet
Explorer 2.0.
66364 MSPWLUPD.EXE 276992 13.01.1996 - MBCD -
Enhanced encryption for Windows 95
66389 MSXLPTCH.ZIP 17660 23.02.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso -
Microsoft EXCEL V 7.0 BUG FIX>>>
This patch will fix four bugs: the "15
digit number" error in Microsoft Excel
that was discovered in September 1995,
the "link to the same cell in a
different sheet" bug, the "transposing
ranges" bug, and the single cell
dependency bug discovered in December
66496 NAV95PCH.ZIP 1349315 05.02.1996 - 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-1.iso -
Norton AntiVirus for Windows 95 has been
upgraded to both enhance performance and
resolve some compatibility issues. To help
you maintain current protection against
computer viruses Symantec is distributing
NAVPATCH. This upgrades ver95.0 to 95.0.a
66690 NWSRVUPD.EXE 134583 26.01.1996 - MBCD -
Windows 95 file and printer sharing update
for Netware networks
66742 OLE32UPD.EXE 358400 06.12.1995 - MBCD -
Windows 95 OLE32 Update
This update addresses file management issue
discovered in Microsoft Word, Microsoft
Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows
95, versions 7.0.
20415 PCS2021.ZIP 221582 03.07.1996 - - -
Patch to upgrade Professional Capture System
2.0 to 2.1 32-bit.
67290 PLUSUPD1.EXE 134144 13.01.1996 - MBCD -
Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 Update
New Sage.dll for System Agent corrects
floating-point errors.
67610 QTWFIX.EXE 19824 06.12.1995 - - -
QuickTime fix for Windows 95
This update may help if you are having
performance problems or receiving
"Undefined Dynalink Error" errors with
your QuickTime for Windows applications.
20441 SAVASPP3.ZIP 828142 24.11.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
SAVASPP3.ZIP from Microsoft BBS 5/6/96 [1/1]
Microsoft(R) PowerPoint(R) for Windows(R) 95
Save As PowerPoint 3.0 Feature
This add-in for PowerPoint 95 (version 7.0)
will allow you to add the option to save your
presentation in PowerPoint 3.0 format.
20467 SP3_351I.EXE 7887022 06.03.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Self extracting archive file containing the
U.S. Service Pack 3 for Windows NT 3.51 for
computers using the Intel processor.
20468 SP5_351I.EXE 13016491 13.10.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
MS Windows NT 3.51 - U.S. Service Pack 5
68890 TAWIN95.EXE 113231 01.11.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
Creative TextAssist patch for Windows 95
12093 UNIMFIN.EXE 340388 08.08.1996 - MBCD -
Windows 95 Finnish UniModem Update
69840 VSERVUPD.EXE 146944 26.01.1996 - 22279/VPR9707A.ISO -
Windows 95 file and printer sharing update
for Microsoft Networks
69877 W95SP1FI.EXE 1264128 10.07.1996 - MBCD -
Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Finnish
Suomenkielinen korjauspaketti Windows 95:een.
69977 WD1253.EXE 35501 13.01.1996 - - tupla
Microsoft Word for Windows 6.x correction
Word thesaurus correction for non-U.S.
versions of Windows 95 and Windows NT
70047 WIDEN168.ZIP 86719 24.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WideOpen v1.6 Windows 95 Long File Name
Support for Word 6
70048 WIDXL152.ZIP 59556 24.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WideOpen v1.6 Windows 95 Long File Name
Support for Excel
20585 WIN95FAQ.DOC 15872 14.07.1996 - - -
Frequently asked questions about Windows 95
and Matrox MGA Millennium.
70063 WIN95SP1.EXE 1264640 25.04.1996 - MBCD -
Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 for
English Windows 95.
70134 WORDIA2B.ZIP 743726 11.12.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Microsoft Internet Assistant for MSWord 95.
20948 ABOVE&B.ZIP 1,5 Mt 20.07.2001 - - -
Above & Beyond Kalenteri ja ajanhallintaohjelma, joka pitää aikataulusi ruodussa. Täysin toimiva, 60 päivän kokeiluversio. Shareware, $49.95. 
20949 ACN95506.ZIP 2,3 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
ACCOUNT PRO/WIN95 v5.06Very user-friendly double-entry accounting/fin. planning program for business, association/club and private use. Network capable. Handles up to 2,000 books with 1,000 accounts/16,300 transactions each. Direct correction of all entries anytime. Compreh. reports and funct. like autom. tax/standard transact., AR/AP management, memos, etc. 
20950 ADB100A.ZIP 2,5 Mt 27.11.1997 - MBCD -
AlphaDB v1.00a Kotimainen, suomenkielinen osoitetietokantaohjelma Windows 95:lle "Suosi suomalaista, ota kotimaista!"
20952 ARCHIMAG.ZIP 6,7 Mt 26.04.2002 - - -
Archimage 1.5Archimage on digitaalisessa muodossa olevien kuvien arkistointiin suunniteltu ohjelma, jonka avulla jaat 
kuvat kategorioihin ja määritelet niille etsimistä helpottavat kuvaukset. Ohjelman avulla on myös helppoa luoda kuvista html-sivu sekä siirtää ne sisäänrakennetun ftp-ohjelman avulla nettiin. Ilmainen. 
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.
20953 BILLCEN.A01 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
BillCen demo 2/3
20954 BILLCEN.A02 583,5 kt 03.03.1998 - - -
BillCen demo 3/3
20955 BILLCEN.ARJ 1,4 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
BillCen-taloushallintaohjelman demo 1/3Laskutus - Tilaustenkäsittely - Varastovalvonta - Tarjouslaskenta - Markkinointi - Projektihallinta - Ostoreskontraa - Kirjanpito. Helppokäyttöinen Suomenkielinen Windowsilla toimiva taloushallintaohjelmisto.
20956 BOOKSPRO.EXE 547,5 kt 19.03.2003 - - -
BooksPro 1.2 FIOman kirja- tai sarjakuvakokoelman pitäminen järjestyksessä on vähintään yhtä työläs urakka kuin levyhyllyn pitäminen kasassa. Kotimainen BooksPro autta pitämään kirjallisuuden ruodussa. Kyseessä on kortisto-ohjelma, joka tallentaa teosten tiedot suojaamattomaan tekstimuotoiseen tietokantaan, jota voit lukea myös lähiverkon yli. Tietokantaan voit tallentaa muistiin kenellä mikäkin opus on lainassa, jolloin kirjahyllyn hävikki pysyy siedettävissä mittasuhteissa.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.
20957 CAMAX162.ZIP 904,3 kt 11.07.2002 - - -
Catalog Max 1.62  Catalog Max on ohjelma cd-levyjen, kovalevyjen ja muiden massamuistien sisällön kortistointiin. Ohjelmaan voi luoda useita erillisiä luetteloita, joten esimerkiksi musiikki, grafiikka ym. tiedostot voi jakaa kätevästi omiin ryhmiinsä. Catalog Maxilla ohjelmaluetteloista voi myös tulostaa html-muotoisen raportin vaikkapa nettisivujaan varten. Kokeiluversio, 20 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.lionmax.com/ 
20958 CDFDB10.ZIP 457,5 kt 07.11.2002 - - -
CD File DataBase 1.0CD File Database 1.0 UNREGISTERED. Program that reads all file infos from CD-Rom discs and puts them to atabase. After reading files can be categoried and searched from database.
20959 CDTRE115.EXE 3,5 Mt 27.01.2001 - - -
cdTree 1.1.5Ilmainen ohjelma CD-levyjen sisältöjen kirjaamiseen. Löydät ohjelman avulla helposti,
millä levyllä kaipaamasi tiedostot ovat.
20960 CHEATDB.ZIP 4,5 Mt 26.04.2002 - - -
CheatBook-DataBase 2002 1.0Tämä ohjelma hakee netistä läpipeluuohjeita ja huijauskoodeja yli 4000 peliin. Ilmainen. 
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 
20961 CSPWD551.ZIP 182,9 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
CSPassword 5.51Pidä turvallisesti kirjaa erilaisista salasanoistasi.
20962 CTX32450.ZIP 4,8 Mt 01.11.2000 - - -
CATraxx 2000 v4.50CATraxx is a powerful program for organizing your music collection. It can track a variety of vital information, including artist, title, format, label, condition, value, song titles, producers, musicians and instruments. CATraxx supports CDDB2 - the worlds largest music database. Designed for the Windows  environment, CATraxx is comprehensive, intuitive, and easy to use. $39 
20963 CUECARD.ZIP 1,9 Mt 26.04.2002 - - -
CueCard 1.0Ohjelma kyselee sinulta ennalta määriteltyjä kysymyksiä 
ja näyttää sen jälkeen niiden oikeat vastaukset.
Ohjelma soveltuu opiskelun tueksi. Ilmainen. 
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 
20964 DB32_509.ZIP 588,2 kt 31.03.1998 - MBCD -
DiskBase v5.09Disk cataloging program for Windows 95. Store the names of files and folders from a disk (floppy, CD-ROM, ZIP etc.) to a database with powerful search capabilities. Names in archives like ZIP, RAR, ARJ can be extracted and stored too. A description can be attached to any folder or file in the database. The description can be made either manually, or constructed automatically from the file contents.
20965 DIARY.ZIP 2 Mt 28.07.2000 - - -
Diary HolderThis is a program that enables you to store your special and memorable 
stories every day of your life. It has a a printing feature that will 
let you print a story or even the whole diary. It also includes a 
security feature to guard your privacy. This version has an updated 
user interface and increased performance. Free. http://www.mjoya.com
20966 DSCOMA20.ZIP 414,6 kt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
DiscoMania v2.0A utility to create catalogs of removable, CD-ROM, and local drives. You can create, search, and organize catalogs using various options. Win95/NT.
20967 FDB136.ZIP 1,2 Mt 01.04.2001 - - -
Filmdatabase 1.36Filmdatabase on pieni, mutta monipuolinen ohjelma elokuvien kortistointiin. Ohjelmassa on n.1700 elokuvan tietokanta, joiden avulla ohjelma täydentää elokuvan tiedot syötettyäsi vain elokuvan nimen. Tietokanta voidaan myös päivittää helposti, jos käytössäsi on internet-yhteys. Ohjelma osaa lisäksi tulostaa kasetteihin tarrat. ks. http://batman.jypoly.fi/~markoi/ 
20968 FIXLUK50.ZIP 439,3 kt 22.08.2000 - MBCD -
Fixsoft Lukujärjestys 5.0 Entistä parempi versio suositusta lukujärjestysten teko-ohjelmasta. Kuvat, fontit, värit, jne. Kaikkea voi muutella! 1998 Vesa Piittinen Vaatii VB40016.DLL:n ja Win3.x 
20969 FRDKPR10.ZIP 935,1 kt 16.05.2000 - - -
Friend Keeper v1.0Muistio, jossa voi säilyttää tuttaviesi puhelinnumerot, osoitteet ja sähköpostiosoitteet. Ilmainen.
20970 GREYBOOK.ZIP 558,1 kt 01.03.2001 - - -
GreyBook 1.7bPuhelinmuistio, jossa on mahdollisuus vaihtaa ulkoasua ns. nahoilla (skin).
Ilmainen. http://www.545studios.com/
20971 HBW32.ZIP 1,4 Mt 21.12.1999 - MBHH2001 -
Home Budget v3.21Monipuolinen kirjanpito-ohjelma kodin tulojen ja menojen laskentaan.
20972 HKBOOK12.ZIP 80 kt 18.10.2000 - - -
Housekeeping Book v1.2Ilmainen pieni ohjelma kuukausittaisten tulojen ja menojen arviointiin.
20973 JOTP202.ZIP 655,1 kt 30.04.1998 - MBCD -
Jot+ Notes v2.0.2 A full-featured Cardfile replacement. Lists, notes, quotes, thoughts, addresses, and more. Large notes w/ rich text, hierarchical notes, powerful search/replace, autodial, advanced printing options, autosave, encryption, dockable toolbars, bookmarks, timestamps, word count, OLE Automation, flexible import/export, and much more.
20974 KALA20.ZIP 5,4 Mt 16.06.2000 - - -
Kalastuskirjanpito v2.0Ohjelma on tarkoitettu kalastusreissujen seurantaan ja  reissuista kerätyn tiedon analysoimiseen. 
Ohjelmaan kirjataan tietoja reissusta ja  ottihetkesta, kuten säätila ja vesistö, sekä saadut kalat 
ja ottivieheet. Kirjatuista tiedoista ohjelma laskee erilaisia tilastoja. Tilastovariaatioita löytyy yli 200 kpl. 
Ohjelma on suomenkielinen ja ilmainen käyttää. Vaatii Win95/98/NT.
20975 KORTIS10.ZIP 1,9 Mt 27.12.2000 - - -
Kortisto v.1.0Erinomainen kortisto-ohjelma Windowsiin. Toimintoja esim. näppärä haku, RTF-tekstin muotoilu ja paljon muuta. Shareware.
20976 KORTPRO5.ZIP 3,3 Mt 29.01.1999 - MBCD -
Kortisto Pro v5.0 Uusi versio suositusta TietoVelho kortisto -ohjelmasta. Monipuolinen tietokanta-ohjelma tekstien/kuvien varastointiin ja luettelointiin. Valmiiden mallien avulla kortistojen tekeminen on helppoa ja vaivatonta. Ohjelmassa on myös monipuoliset haku ja asetus ominaisuudet. Windows 95/98/NT.
20977 LEFFA10.ZIP 129,5 kt 07.04.1999 - - -
LeffaVarasto v1.0  Ohjelman avulla on helppo tallentaa tärkeimmät tiedot leffoistasi kuten nimi,aihe, numero,kesto ja näyttelijät sekä muu olennainen. Tiedot on helppo tarkistaa tai muokkaa tarvittaessa. 
20978 MMONEY50.ZIP 4,1 Mt 30.06.1997 - - -
MicroSoft Money V5.0  - Win95
20979 MPD32-61.ZIP 803,5 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
My Personal Diary V6.10 Keep a private diary or journal. Great for keeping a personal diary or business journal or log. Integrated address book, to-do list and reminder system. Sophisticated search engine.  Unlimited users can share MPD on a single computer. Fully ustomizable. OLE support to include pictures, sounds and other documents.
20980 MYC377.EXE 1,9 Mt 29.03.2000 - - -
Manage Your Contacts v3.77Ohjelma, jolla voit tallentaa tuntemiesi henkilöiden yhteystiedot
tietokantaan. Tukee sähköpostiosoitetta ja useita puhelinnumeroita.
20981 NOTEKEEP.EXE 368,6 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
Note Keeper v2.3Ilmainen muistiinpano-ohjelma, jolla voit järjestellä merkintöjäsi aihepiirin mukaisiin hakemistoihin.
20984 PAB40_I.ZIP 1,1 Mt 27.11.2000 - - -
Personal Address Book 4.02Ilmainen ohjelma tuttavien yhteystietojen tallentamiseen. Tilaa kolmelle osoitteelle, kolmelle puhelin/faxi/tms.
-numerolle ja sähköposti- sekä kotisivuosoitteelle. Paljon toimintoja puhelimella soittamisesta alkaen.
20985 PAGEFPRO.ZIP 2,8 Mt 27.03.1998 - - -
PageFocus Pro PageFocus Pro is an innovative package for  creating drawing, form, document, database,  and form application. It is features-rich and versatile. -extensive graphic, field, and  table objects, -powerful, yet easy-to-use  tools, -hyper text, spelling check, - extensive database functions for managing  databases
20986 PKDX326.EXE 5,2 Mt 28.04.2001 - - -
The Pokédex Program 3.26Kattava tietosanakirja Pokemon-maailmasta. Ohjelma tuntee kaikki 251 erilaista hahmoa kuvineen, taitoineen ja äänineen. Ilmainen.
20987 QNTD.ARJ 1,9 Mt 12.03.1997 - - -
Quick Notes Text Database v3.10An easy to use database in which text may be stored and retrieved by topic. Full search capability by topic or for text. Email users may send notes via Microsoft Exchange directly from program. Requires Windows 95 or Windows NT.
20988 REPTINST.EXE 2,4 Mt 29.03.1999 - MBCD -
ReptileTexture generator for Windows 95/NT By Sausage Software. Requires registration by Internet.
20989 ROMPELI2.ZIP 6,2 Mt 19.06.2000 - - -
Rompeli CD-kortisto v2.0 DemoRompeli on kätevä ohjelma romppujen kortistointiin
hyvillä hakutoiminnoilla löytää helposti haluamansa cd:n.
Demoversiossa mahdollisuus 50 kortin tallennukseen.
20990 RUOKA.ZIP 3,4 Mt 02.04.1998 - - -
Ruokalista Ruokalistan nettiwisardilla tehdyt reseptisivut, käytä joko ohjelmassa valmiina olevia ruokalajeja tai lisää itse omia reseptejäsi. Shareware, 50 mk. auvo.rouvinen@pp.inet.fi Windows 95
20991 SC97F10.ZIP 2,3 Mt 20.05.1997 - MBCD -
"SMARTCAT97 v1.0A sophisticated Windows archiving and cataloging tool. Helps keep track of floppy disksZip disksCDs etc. Fully integrated with Windows Explorerits sophisticated archiving functions make it indespensible for users of Zip drives and similar. Powerful searching functions with wildcards means youll never lose a file again!"
20993 SMTA3232.ZIP 1 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Smart Address v3.2A sophisticated Windows address management system. Direct Links to any Word Processor, Mail-Merge Data file Creation for MS-Word, Modem Support, sophisticated reporting Mail-Shot capabilities, Reminder systems, callbacks, tabbed dialogs, dialling, very user configurable, User defined notes, MDI, sophisticated searching, Import/Export, Full Popup Help. Calendar functions. Tooltips.
20994 STKNT35.ZIP 700,8 kt 30.04.1998 - MBCD -
StickyNote v3.50
20995 STUD150.ZIP 3,7 Mt 10.11.1999 - - -
Student Diary 1.50 Copyright 1999 by VanSoft simple and powerful way for students to organize themselves. Replaces the traditional diary to make you fast, efficient and effective. The Trial version of Student Diary has full functionality but it has 60 DAY trial limit.
20996 TIETV162.ZIP 3,3 Mt 02.03.1997 - - -
TietoVelho Plus! v1.62 Uskomattoman hyvä tietokanta-ohjelma kaikenlaiseen tiedon keräämiseen ja varastointiin. Voit tallentaa esim. Osoiteregisterin tai Videoregisterin valmiiden mallien avulla. Monipuoliset haku ja asetus ominaisuudet. Avaa paketti Winzip:llä. Vaatii Windows 95/NT.
20997 TIETVUP2.ZIP 77,1 kt 31.07.1997 - - -
Tietovelho Plus! PÄIVITYS -> v2.00Käy kaikkiin aiempiin versioihin. Tämä tiedosto päivittää Tietovelhon versioon 2.00. Uutta versioon 1.64 nähden 1) Värien ja fonttien muutto mahdollisuus. 2) Korttien tulostus mahdollisuus. 3) Kaikki tiedossa olleet bugit korjattu. 4) Paremmat ohjeet. Paketti sisältää pitkiä tiedostonnimiä.
20998 VAULT14.ZIP 390,2 kt 29.03.2001 - - -
Vault 1.40Järjestelmällinen muistiinpano-ohjelma, jossa voit lajitella muistettavat asiat hakemistopuun muotoon.
20999 VJ20P1.ZIP 1,3 Mt 18.02.1998 - - -
VideoJärkkäri 2.0 1/4 Videokasettien järjestelyyn tarkoitettu ohjelma. Sisältää haku- sekä lista- toiminnot tietojen käsittelyyn sekä automaattiset lainaus- ja palautus- toiminnot ym. VAATII: Päivityksen versioon 2.1 + Visual Basic Service Pack 3 aputiedostot.
21000 VJ20P2.ZIP 1,4 Mt 18.02.1998 - - -
VideoJärkkäri 2.0 2/4
21001 VJ20P3.ZIP 1,4 Mt 18.02.1998 - - -
VideoJärkkäri 2.0 3/4
21002 VJ20P4.ZIP 564,9 kt 18.02.1998 - - -
VideoJärkkäri 2.0 4/4
21003 VJ21UP.ZIP 502 kt 18.02.1998 - - -
Videojärkkäri-päivitys v2.0 -> v2.1
21004 VTY0102.ZIP 5,2 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
VH Työaikaraportti 2000 v1.02   Ohjelma auttaa kirjaamaan ja tallentamaan tiedot tehdyistä asioista. Mitä, missä,  milloin, kenelle? Sopii myös päiväkirjan  pitoon ja harrastusten seurantaan. Vaatii: Windows 32-bit, vähintään Pentium 100/32 Mt, hiiri.
21005 WPB20.ZIP 187,6 kt 10.01.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Windows Phonebook 95 v2.0Ilmainen puhelinmuistio, johon saa tallennettua myös monia muita tietoja.
21006 ZKKR304.EXE 3,2 Mt 12.08.2000 - - -
Kulukirjuri v3.04Kulukirjuri on ohjelma kotitalouden tulojen ja menojen seurantaan. Voit valita vapaasti muokattavalta listalta nimikkeen ja kirjata sille tulon tai menon. Kustakin tapahtumasta taltioituu rekisteriin automaattisesti päivämäärä, mahdollinen kirjaaja, nimike, summa ja mahdollinen selite. Voit myös laskea lainoja ja sijoituksia sekä lisätä ne automaattisesti rekisterin tapahtumiksi. Tapahtumien hakutoiminto avustaa eri kirjausten etsimisessä isosta rekisteristä. Kaikki valitut tietokentät ovat etsinnässä käytettävissä. 
21007 154ANIS.ZIP 138471 08.10.1995 - MBCD -
The file contains 154 ANI files that can be
used as animated cursors/pointers in Win95
and NT. Presently you cannot use them as
animated icons in Win95.
21008 1K_A-F.ZIP 109,4 kt 12.08.2000 - - -
Tuhat ikonia, paketti 1Sisältää 246 ikonia, alkukirjaimilla A-F. Tehnyt/koonnut Jouni Sorvali.
21009 1K_G-M.ZIP 106,3 kt 12.08.2000 - - -
Tuhat ikonia, paketti 2Sisältää 241 ikonia, alkukirjaimilla G-M. Tehnyt/koonnut Jouni Sorvali.
21010 1K_ICONS.ZIP 451,8 kt 05.01.2001 - MBHH2001 -
Tuhat ikoniaSisältää 1000 ikonia. Tehnyt/koonnut Jouni Sorvali.
21011 1K_N-R.ZIP 116,8 kt 12.08.2000 - - -
Tuhat ikonia, paketti 3Sisältää 240 ikonia, alkukirjaimilla N-R. Tehnyt/koonnut Jouni Sorvali.
21012 1K_S-Z.ZIP 135,6 kt 12.08.2000 - - -
Tuhat ikonia, paketti 4Sisältää 273 ikonia, alkukirjaimilla S-Z. Tehnyt/koonnut Jouni Sorvali.
21013 3DICON11.ZIP 63,3 kt 29.07.1997 - MBCD -
Intelligent 3D Icon Collection v1.1
21014 3DSH115.ZIP 412,6 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
3DShellArt v1.15A set of 3D-looking, 256-colors and style uniform icons intended to replace nearly all standard Microsoft Windows95/NT shell and some file types icons. This icons are real 3D new original artwork, while keeping look and feel of Windows. I think if you are using Windows it must look as good as possible, but it also must look like Windows.
60333 A3DOSS.ZIP 805476 13.10.1996 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO -
Via Nova Animated 3D Objects Screen Saver
version 2.1.
22539 A3S1VD21.ZIP 805476 27.12.1996 - MBCD -
Animated 3D Objects Screen Saver I V2.1 95/NT
Cool 3D screen saver shareware draws 68
animated screens in succession with true 3D
objects which can be changed by optional user
configuration. Several predefined objects
include colorful 3D: text,spacecraft, teapot,
geometric objects, and building.
Configuration also includesoptions for color
choice and smooth vs. flat shading, light
position, and others. Can be used as a stand-
alone application to run demo's or experiment
21015 AHOY_CV1.ZIP 10928 21.11.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Ahoy! - A sailor's cursors version 1.0
An animated cursor scheme for Windows '95.
22546 AJ95V110.ZIP 150670 06.03.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
Esm Software's Amazing JPEG Screen Saver for
Windows 95 and Windows NT. The Amazing JPEG
Screen Saver is the perfect product for all
those that love and collect JPEG images.
Point the screen saver at any directory
containing your images and it will have those
images float across the screen.
21016 AKBAR.ZIP 47,2 kt 27.04.2000 koko¹ #hyrava -
Akbar TrueType fontThis font looks like writing from the tv series The Simpsons.
22548 ALIEN4.ZIP 460787 03.05.1996 - 10806/CD_ASCQ_29_040596.iso -
Win95 Desktop Theme - Alien 4. OOO SCARY!
21017 ANDALE32.EXE 193,7 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Andale Mono 2.00 
21018 ANICURS1.ZIP 10,5 kt 27.03.1997 - Pegasus_Win95.iso tupla
A collection of animated cursorsby Dan Goldwater
21019 ARIAL32.EXE 415,6 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Arial 2.50
21020 ARIALB32.EXE 164,2 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Arial Black 2.35
22557 ATLC110.ZIP 1316502 23.12.1995 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
Saver and Background Changer for
Windows(R) 95 - TEST DRIVE - Dry, itchy
screen? Add thirty times the fun with
this hilarious collection of cartoons
about technology and the workplace from
the pen stylus of Ted Goff. Use the
screen saver to show images with special
effects, and set your desktop background
to change each day. With Learning Curve
21022 AUTUMN.EXE 1,3 Mt 16.04.2000 - 23722/PCWorld_2000-05_cd.bin -
Autumn tubes (PSP 5)7 autumn tubes for Paint Shop Pro 5.
Syysaiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 5:lle.
21021 AUTUMN6.EXE 1000 kt 16.04.2000 - - -
Autumn tubes (PSP 6)7 autumn tubes for Paint Shop Pro 6.
Syysaiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 6:lle.
20614 BDROP101.ZIP 21594 18.10.1995 - 18134/WINSITE_1.iso -
Backdrop helps you to create more
interesting wallpapers for Win95,
WinNT, and Win32s. With Backdrop
you can combine your favorite images
into a collage from which you can
then make your wallpaper.
61313 BEECURV1.ZIP 10351 25.03.1996 - MBCD -
"tHe bEEs!," aN aNiMatEd dEsKtOP cURsOr
scHeMe fOr wInDOws '95.  iNClUdEs, hIvE,
eXTrAcToR, HiVe tOol, & mOrE fOr YoUR
dEsKTop. sHArEwARe. $4.95 (US).
21023 BIKCURV1.ZIP 9583 25.03.1996 - MBCD -
"The Bicycle Shop," an animated cursor
scheme for Windows 95. Version 1.0.
17 bicycling-related cursors, 2 of which are
animated. For the cycling enthusiast.
Shareware. $4.95(US).
21024 BILLIARD.ZIP 42,7 kt 31.07.1997 - 22453/XENIATGM89.iso -
Billiard Icon MotifsIncludes library file for Microangelo
22341 BKGRND22.ZIP 21291 07.06.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
DerekWare Backgrounder by Derek Smith
DerekWare Backgrounder is intended to
break up the monotony of having the same
desktop wallpaper all the time.  Supports
.BMP and timed changes.  Freeware.
DerekWare Homepage at:
21025 BME1W981.ZIP 14,2 kt 27.07.1998 - MBCD -
Pulsating "Windows 98" startup screen
21026 BMPFW100.EXE 303,7 kt 01.10.2001 - - -
Bitmap Font WriterLuo tyylikkäitä tekstinpätkiä vaikka kotisivujen komistukseksi. Ilmainen.
21027 BPCURV10.ZIP 9460 25.03.1996 - MBCD -
"A Backpacker's Cursors" animated cursor
scheme for Windows '95.  If you're a hiker,
backpacker or just like the outdoors, take a
look!  Forget arrows! Get a backpack!
Shareware.  $4.95 (US).
22572 BURN95.ZIP 13708 04.12.1996 - 10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 2).iso -
This screen saver (ahem, burner) will display
DOS error messages that we all know and love.
21028 BURP_V_2.ZIP 20291 07.06.1996 - MBCD -
**************** BURP ME! *****************
************* by Lee Francis **************
Burp Me! is a set of icons and sounds which
replace the standard Windows 95 Recycle Bin
with a man's face.  When the Bin gets full,
he will look sick.  When you empty the bin,
he lets out a belch and then smiles at you.
Note: you must have Microsoft Windows95 AND
the Windows95 Plus! pack in to use Burp Me!
21029 CATMOUSE.ZIP 19,2 kt 09.07.1997 - 19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg -
"Catn Mouse 32Displays a cute animated kitten that chases the mouse cursor around the Win95 desktop."
19817 CLIPN20.EXE 190248 21.08.1995 koko¹ Metropoli BBS Files.zip -
Clip'nSave 2.0 for Windows NT/95 - Clip'nSave
is a Windows NT/95 based screen capture
program. Features include freehand capture
and single-key screen printing. Works in
mono, gray and 16 to 16 million colors. Reads
and writes BMP, DIB, TIF, PCX, GIF and EPS.
Also available for OS/2 1.x, 2.x and Windows
3.x. Winner - 1992 Windows Magazine Top 100.
22354 CLOSING.ZIP 50177 07.02.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Change your Win 95 shutdown screens
to say something a little funnier.
21030 COFFEE.ZIP 971 12.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Coffee animated cursor for Windows 95/NT
62230 COKE2.ZIP 965934 05.02.1996 - - -
Win95 Desktop Theme - Coca-cola 2.
21031 COMIC32.EXE 240,2 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Comic Sans 2.10
21032 COURIE32.EXE 483,1 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Courier New 2.50
21033 CUREX075.EXE 508 kt 04.01.2001 - - -
"CursorEX v0.75 betaWindows 2000 only. Lets you add to the system Enhanced pointers functionality. These special cursors are much more advanced than Windowss standard cursors. Features Per-pixel transparencyanimations and more. Shareware. http://www.ricciosoft.com/cursorex/"
21034 CURSORS.ZIP 203373 15.10.1995 - MBCD -
Kokoelma hiiren kursoreita (sekä animoituja
että tavallisia) Windows 95:lle ja Windows
21035 DRVICO10.ZIP 394 kt 04.09.2000 - - -
Drive icons 1.0 by Vesa Piittinen (Merry), Merrysoft Customize your hard drive icons! Needs VB40032.DLL to run. merry@mbnet.fi Copyright (c) 2000 Vesa Piittinen
22601 DRWHO10.ZIP 734854 12.02.1996 - - -
Win95 Desktop Theme - Doctor Who.
21037 EASTER.EXE 1,7 Mt 01.04.2000 - 23722/PCWorld_2000-05_cd.bin -
Easter Tubes (PSP 5)8 Easter tubes for Paint Shop Pro 5.
Pääsiäisaiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 5:lle.
21036 EASTER6.EXE 1,9 Mt 01.04.2000 - - -
Easter Tubes (PSP 6)8 Easter tubes for Paint Shop Pro 6.
Pääsiäisaiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 6:lle.
21038 EPCURS1.ZIP 23043 02.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
10 Animated Mouse Pointers for Win95,
sporting the trendy Excel Progs Shareware
Organization logo.  All are ready to be used
as your standard, busy, or waiting pointers,
and this package includes full instructions
on using these cursors.  Limited-Ware, so
these are *FREE* for private use!
21039 EPCURS2.ZIP 29772 31.12.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
10 *MORE* Animated Mouse Pointers for Win95,
sporting the trendy Excel Progs Shareware
Organization logo.  All are ready to be used
as your standard, busy, or waiting pointers,
and this package includes full instructions
on using these cursors.  Limited-Ware, so
these are *FREE* for private use!
This is cursor/pointer pack #2.
21040 EPCURS3.ZIP 31841 21.11.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Pack3: 10 Animated Mouse Pointers for Win95.
This is a collection of various pointers.
21042 EYEPOP.ZIP 91 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
"EyePoppers Desktop Patterns Decorate your desktop with these amazing patterns and be sure to visit their makers website!"
21041 EYEPOP2.ZIP 503,8 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
EyePoppers Set 2Freeware image patterns by Giles C. Hendrix at webslingerZ, Inc. Beautiful and functional seamlessly tiled 3D patterns for your desktop or web page backgrounds.
21043 FANTCRYS.ZIP 39,4 kt 21.03.2001 - - -
Fantasy Crystal Icons38 fantasia-aiheista kuvaketta, jotka on jaoteltu kolmeen eri aihepiiriin: Adventurers, Monsters ja Shields.
22630 FUNKY11.ZIP 32132 03.06.1996 - MBCD -
Funky World v1.1 32-bit screen saver for
Windows 95. Requires 256 colors.
21044 FUTURE95.ZIP 15,9 kt 28.05.1999 - MBCD -
Uusi Windows 95 -käynnistyslogoA "futuristic" replacement for the original Windows 95 startup logo
21045 GDEVIEW.ZIP 2,3 Mt 27.07.1998 - MBCD -
Graphics Depot Earth View wallpapers
21046 GEORGI32.EXE 383,2 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Georgia 2.05
21047 GS403FN1.ZIP 1,1 Mt 23.02.1997 - MBCD -
Ghostscript 4.03 fonts for all platforms
21049 HALLOW.EXE 2,7 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
Halloween tubes (PSP 5)12 halloween tubes for Paint Shop Pro 5.
Halloween-aiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 5:lle. 
21048 HALLOW6.EXE 2,6 Mt 16.04.2000 - - -
Halloween tubes (PSP 6)12 halloween tubes for Paint Shop Pro 6.
Halloween-aiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 6:lle. 
21050 HOLIDAY6.EXE 2,8 Mt 03.04.2000 - - -
Holiday tubes (PSP 6)8 holiday tubes for Paint Shop Pro 6.
Juhla-aiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 6:lle.
21051 HOLIDAYS.EXE 2,8 Mt 03.04.2000 - 23722/PCWorld_2000-05_cd.bin -
Holiday tubes (PSP 5)8 holiday tubes for Paint Shop Pro 5.
Juhla-aiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 5:lle.
22644 HORROR.ZIP 682579 19.02.1996 - - -
Horror Theme For Win95-ver1.0 Make your
desktop come alive with images, sounds,
animations from famous horror movies.
22399 HOTC12.ZIP 20239 01.04.1996 - MBCD -
Hot Corners v1.2 for Windows 95
Allows you to activate or disable the screen
saver by positioning the cursor in a
user-defined corner of the screen. 32-bit
and enhanced for Windows 95.
22400 HOTSPT18.ZIP 43548 04.05.1996 - 10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 2).iso -
(v1.8) Hotspt18.zip - Screensaver utility The
function of this program is to create
hotspots which will allow the user to turn
his screensaver on and off simply by placing
the cursor in a predefined corner. The VB4
Runtime Module, VB40032.DLL, is required to
run this program. Shareware $10.00 U.S. Ron
Parker (CT Software) ron2222@aol.com.
21052 ICNSR210.EXE 682,3 kt 21.01.2001 - - tupla
Icon Sucker 2.10.072Tällä ohjelmalla saat ongittua talteen ohjelmien sisällä olevat kuvakkeet. Ilmainen.
21053 ICODGR2A.ZIP 226,1 kt 27.08.1999 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 2).iso tupla
Icon Digger 2000 v2.2 Free utility that lets you extract icons from executable (*.exe), icon library (*.icl), and dynamic-link library (*.dll) files. Shows icons in Explorer style.
21054 ICON31.ZIP 561,8 kt 05.08.1997 - - -
Miltei 800 ikonia Windowsiin
21055 ICONFE10.ZIP 403,3 kt 17.04.2001 - - -
Icon FinExt v1.0Icon FinExt on tarkoitettu kuvakkeiden etsimiseksi ja purkaamiseksi. Etsintä suoritetaan taustalla erillisessä säikeessä. Ikonit voidaan tallentaa joko  perinteisenä ikonina tai bittikarttana. Purkaa ikonit mm. ico,dll,exe,bmp,cpl,ocx, cur,ani, scr ja muista tiedostoista. Yksinkertainen vedä ja pudota -käyttöliittymä. Ikonit voidaan vetää suoraan joko työpöydälle tai resurssienhallinnan ikkunaan. Käyttöliittymä kolmella eri kielellä: Suomi, Englanti ja Viro. Hyödyllinen esim. ikonin etsimiseksi omaan ohjelmaan.32-bit.
21056 ICONLAND.ZIP 1,1 Mt 29.11.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Icon LandA huge collection of over 1,700 freeware icons.
Yli 1 700 kuvakkeen kokoelma. Ilmainen.
21057 ICOONS.ZIP 114,3 kt 06.05.1998 - - -
65 mahtavaa ikonia Windows 95:lle
22649 ID4.ZIP 5023833 01.10.1996 - MBCD -
Windows 95 desktop theme: Independence Day!
22648 ID4PCSS.EXE 1381979 01.10.1996 - MBCD -
ID4-Independence Day - Maailmojen sota -
21058 IMPACT32.EXE 169,2 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Impact 2.35
21059 JSICONS.ZIP 38,2 kt 22.03.2000 - - -
JS Icons! v1.0Ikonipaketti.
21060 JT_NEBU.ZIP 504,5 kt 14.03.2000 - - -
BMP: "Nebula" Windowsin taustakuvaPlaneetta, aurinko ja tähtisumua. Tehty 3D Studio 
MAX3.1:llä. Suositellaan 24 tai 32 true color:ia. 
Jaakko Tapio / Freon Productions.
21061 JT_SEA!.ZIP 664,2 kt 14.03.2000 - - -
BMP: "The SEA" Windowsin taustakuvaKuvassa meri, taivas ja aurinko. Tehty 3D Studio 
MAX3.1:llä. Suositellaan 24 tai 32 true color:ia. 
Jaakko Tapio / Freon Productions.
65508 KALEID95.ZIP 84734 18.12.1995 - MBCD -
Generate stunningly beautiful geometric
patterns which can even be controlled by
music if you have a sound card.  Can be used
without a sound card for visually entrancing
kaleidoscopic variations. You will be seeing
kaleidoscopes in every time you close your
eyes! Bursting with color and infinite
variety, this is no ordinary screen saver.
Best in 256-color. Enjoy!
21062 KKCURV10.ZIP 11029 25.03.1996 - MBCD -
"Kris Kringle's Christmas Cursors," an
animated cursor scheme for Windows '95 (TM).
Candy canes, sleighs, and gifts adorn your
desktop for the Holidays. Shareware. US$4.95
21063 KKK.ZIP 345 kt 28.11.1998 - - -
KäynnistysKuvaKokoelma v 1.0 Windows 95:lle. Paketti, jossa monia Windowsin aloituslogoja. Freeware. Made by Jurnu.
9001 LADYBUG3.ZIP 700475 29.05.1996 - 10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 2).iso -
LadyBug: 32-bit MPEG-1 player and Netscape
plug-in for Windows 95 / Windows NT.
Limited demonstration version.
22665 LIONKIN2.ZIP 77186 19.02.1996 - 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO -
Win95 Desktop Theme - Lion King.
21064 LOGOPAK1.ZIP 136994 14.09.1995 - MBCD -
Replacement Windows 95 Logos PACK 1
Sick of the stupid blue-sky, everything's
perfect in Microsoftland Windows 95 boot
screen yet? Well, we were, and we decided
that we weren't going to take it anymore!
This is a collection of replacement logos for
the Windows 95 boot and shutdown screens.
We've made them all ourselves.
65849 LUNABAR.ZIP 345758 10.02.1996 - MBCD eritupla
Lunabar - a Lunar Almanack for Win95's
Taskbar V1.10  Places an icon in Windows
95's taskbar displaying the current moon
phase and age. Click to open a full lunar
almanack displaying phase; rising, southing,
and setting times, the constellation & signe
of the moon, and more. clySmic Software.
Shareware, $9.95.
65875 MA21.ZIP 654588 17.10.1996 - MBCD -
Microangelo v2.1 for Windows 95  [Impact]
Provides access to icons of all sizes and
color formats used by Windows 95.  Browse,
manage, create, and edit icons from 8x8 to
64x64 pixels in size and up to 256 colors.
Explorer-like Browser specializes in locating
icons on your system.  Double-click to open
icons for editing in Studio, libraries for
viewing in Librarian. The Engineer replaces
system icons, removes shortcut arrows, etc...
21065 MAAPAL10.ZIP 2 kt 11.11.1997 - - -
Working In Backround -kursori v1.0Esittää pyörivää maapalloa.
22673 MACTHEME.ZIP 116981 14.05.1996 - MBCD -
Macintosh Windoz 95 Plus! Theme -- Created
by The E (Jason E. Dustin) & Michael Guidry
22674 MANDAL21.ZIP 135266 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
MANDALA (V. 2.1), Screensaver, 32Bit-Version
for Win95 Enjoy the beauty of shape & colour.
Provides 10 Presets.
21066 MGACUR.ZIP 28920 08.10.1995 - 23351/Chip_Hitware_Vol_02.iso -
A collection of animated cursors by yours
truly. Included are yellow, gray, blue and
green sets of 8 cursors and 4 additional
"whatever" cursors for a total of 36 or so.
20011 MOONPHAS.ZIP 13741 28.08.1995 - MBCD -
Näyttää kuunvaiheet Windows 95:n taskbarissa.
66270 MORPH32E.ZIP 263302 04.05.1996 - MBCD -
32-bit morphing program for Windows
21067 MS-LOGOS.ZIP 606,4 kt 24.07.1997 - - -
"Microsoft StartUp Logos for Windows95Check out this cool collection of Microsoft Hate-logos!!! 13 logos + 2 Microsoft original logos... All named for use with Christian Elgs Logo Randomizer!!"
21068 NADIANNB.EXE 48 kt 01.08.2000 - - -
Nadianne (Bold) font for Windows. Extract to Windows\\Fonts -folder. 
21069 NEWFNT32.EXE 956,7 kt 19.05.1997 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web FontsTrueType font package including Verdana, Trebuchet, Comic Sans, and Impact.
22693 NOVA_GNT.ZIP 104912 05.02.1996 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
Gnatts! Screen Saver for Windows and Win95 by
NovaLight Software.
21070 PLASLOGO.ARJ 55297 27.10.1996 - - -
Hieno plasma-animaatio korvaamaan Windows
95:n normaali StartUp-logo. Asennus: Kopioi
plasma.sys boottaavan aseman juureen nimelle
67499 PSYCH30.ZIP 262366 11.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
Windows 95 and Windows NT (0x86 builds)  The
Psychedelic Screen Saver generates an endless
variety of mesmerizing patterns. As the
patterns materialize on your screen, the
colors will shift, undulate, and blow your
mind. Whether you're into abstract art,
mathematics, or just have a history of mental
illness, you'll love this screen saver.
Version 3.0 of The Psychedelic Screen Saver
has been designed to work in conjunction with
21071 QLOGO.ZIP 151415 18.10.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Quake Starup Screen
Vaihda Windowsin 95:n aloitus ja
21072 RAYANIS1.ZIP 4054 08.08.1996 - 18133/winsit03964.zip -
Raytraced Animated Cursor set #1 For Windows
95 and NT. By Laith Renno from the Ion Flux
BBS 770-859-9838 / 770-859-9987
21073 RAYFONTS.ZIP 757,7 kt 12.08.1997 - MBCD -
"Ray Larabies free typefaces43 free true type fonts for Windows."
68225 SCLIP300.ZIP 144623 14.05.1996 - 10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 2).iso -
SuperClip is a screen capture system for
Microsoft Windows. Press the PrtSc key to
capture the screen to the clipboard, and
SuperClip pops up and displays the capture.
Save all or any rectangular portion to a BMP,
GIF, PCX, or TIF file, or output images to
the printer, stretched and/or positioned
anywhere on the page. The included utility
DosClip can capture graphical DOS screens to
the Windows clipboard for processing by
SuperClip.    73140.3340@compuserve.com
21075 SCRIPT10.ZIP 404,8 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
"ESFs script & calligraphy fonts v1.010 kerned TrueType Script style scalable fonts for Windows 3.1 or Win 95. Run SETUP to preview and selectively install. Includes: AristocratBrushESF EliteGrandamHotpressJessicaOld EnglishSaffronTech Bold& Zap Chance. $25 shareware payment. By Elfring Soft Fonts"
22724 SCRNARIO.ZIP 263830 24.11.1996 - 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin -
Screenario v1.1 Screen saver for Windows 95
and Windows NT 3.51. The main purpose of this
screen saver is to display various useful and
interesting information while your computer
is idle. You can use predefined text topics
or create your own topics in a few minutes.
Slide Show mode is also available.  All
messages and pictures are shown using various
graphics effects.
22730 SIMPTHM1.ZIP 2442348 24.11.1996 - - -
Simpsons "Complete" Theme 1
22731 SKYDIV11.ZIP 100815 26.12.1995 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
SkyDive Saver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver.
Animated sky diving, includes chutes that
don't open. Password protection option.
Register for screen saver bonus pack:
8 screen saver + CD-ROM.
Shareware. Galt Technology.
21076 SPARKCUR.ZIP 99,7 kt 22.05.2000 - - -
South Park CursorsKokoelma animoituja South Park -kohdistimia.
Customize your mouse pointers with these 32 animated South Park cursors. 
This cursor download includes Kenny in various forms: jammed in a microwave,
playing football, meeting death, going hunting, and getting mad. It also has 
Cartman eating poofs, drinking beer, and letting it rip.
21078 SPRING.EXE 2,9 Mt 01.04.2000 - 23722/PCWorld_2000-05_cd.bin -
Spring Tubes (PSP 5)9 spring tubes for Paint Shop Pro 5.
Kevätaiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 5:lle.
21077 SPRING6.EXE 2,6 Mt 01.04.2000 - - -
Spring Tubes (PSP 6)9 spring tubes for Paint Shop Pro 6.
Kevätaiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 6:lle.
22462 SSE260.ZIP 70896 07.01.1996 - 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip -
you instantly trigger your screen saver
via mouse or keyboard in Windows 95! Or,
disable the saver for backups and such.
Great enhancement for convenience and
security.  Works with Windows 3.1/95/NT.
22463 SSS.ZIP 5871 03.06.1996 - MBCD -
SSS - Windows 95 screen saver utility
for Taskbar tray area.
20476 START1.ZIP 559072 27.11.1996 - 21818/Pegasus_Vol_5_CD1.iso -
StartHere! v1.0 - For Windoz!
StartHere screen saver is a
spoof on Windoz 95!
Runs in Win31 and Win95.
Special screen for Win31 users!
Requires: Windoz, SVGA-256, & Sound!
Brandyware Software
22746 STTHEME.ZIP 494227 12.02.1996 - 23984/Kit PC World de ampliacion de Windows 95.iso -
Star Trek Theme for Win95.
21080 SUMMER.EXE 1,7 Mt 03.04.2000 - 23722/PCWorld_2000-05_cd.bin -
Summer Tubes (PSP 5)6 summer tubes for Paint Shop Pro 5.
Kesäaiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 5:lle.
21079 SUMMER6.EXE 1,9 Mt 03.04.2000 - - -
Summer Tubes (PSP 6)6 summer tubes for Paint Shop Pro 6.
Kesäaiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 6:lle.
21081 TAUSTAT.ZIP 1,1 Mt 03.03.1998 - - -
Taustakuvia Windowsille
22474 TCHANG10.ZIP 80547 15.10.1995 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z -
(V1.0) Theme Changer - Windows 95 theme
changer. Automatically changes the Windows
desktop to use a different Microsoft Plus!
theme each time it is run. Microsoft Plus! is
required. Freeware. Contact:
GLucero@Novell.com, MHenderson@Novell.com
21082 TEDBW2.ZIP 716 kt 31.07.1997 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
Ted\'s Button WAVs 96 Volume 2! Here\'s 27 names of Windows 3.1 and 95 buttons voiced by a female announcer. Included in this  collection are sounds like "Options" "Yes" "Okay" "Password" "Name" and "Yes to all." All were sampled at 16-bit mono at 22K by Ted Tatman in November of 1996.
21083 THCURV10.ZIP 11552 25.03.1996 - MBCD -
"The Horror!," an animated cursor scheme for
Windows '95.  One of the grizzliest cursor
schemes yet! Severed arms, feet and fingers,
animated guillotine, animated zombie skull
and a whole lot more! Shareware. $4.95 (US).
Rated 5 gasps.
21084 TIMES32.EXE 501,6 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Times New Roman 2.50
21085 TREBUC32.EXE 222,8 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Trebuchet MS 1.15
21086 TWOWORLD.ZIP 75,7 kt 07.03.2001 - - -
Two Worlds49 fantasia-aiheista kuvaketta, jotka on jaoteltu hyvään ja pahaan.
21087 UW_WALL1.ZIP 226,9 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
UniqueWEB Wallpapers I16 wallpapers for Windows
21089 VALENT.EXE 1 Mt 03.04.2000 - - -
Valentine Tubes (PSP 5)7 Valentine tubes for Paint Shop Pro 5. 
Ystävyys- ja rakkausaiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 5:lle.
21088 VALENT6.EXE 1 Mt 03.04.2000 - - -
Valentine Tubes (PSP 6)7 Valentine tubes for Paint Shop Pro 6. 
Ystävyys- ja rakkausaiheisia koristekuvia Paint Shop Pro 6:lle.
21090 VERDAN32.EXE 343,7 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: Verdana 2.35
21091 W96ANIML.ZIP 91,6 kt 30.11.1997 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
"Windows 95:een animoituja kuviaAnimated startup and shutdown pictures for Windows96."
22769 WALTZ.ZIP 508155 02.12.1996 - - -
Cartesian Waltz - is a screen saver for
Win95/NT that displays colorful
graphics based on mathematical
equations including monomials,
polynomials, harmonics, cycloids,
radicals, trochoids, spirals, etc.
Colors, fonts, and speed are all under
under user control.
22770 WALY32.ZIP 308631 30.08.1996 - MBCD -
Weird Wally's revenge Windows 95/NT screen
saver version 1.3 SHAREWARE
21092 WARNLOGO.ZIP 10139 28.08.1995 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
"Warning" startup logo for Windows 95
52325 WEARTH32.ZIP 129005 29.09.1996 - - -
Windows Earth v1.0, generates an image of
Earth to wallpaper with realtime shadings.
21093 WEBDIN32.EXE 180,7 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Microsoft Web Fonts: WebDings 1.03
21094 WIN101.ZIP 5 kt 29.07.1999 - MBCD -
Windows 1.01 -logoWindows 1.01 logo as a Windows 9x startup screen.
21095 WIN97.ZIP 44767 18.10.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
"Windows 97" Startup Screen V1.0.
Vaihda Windows 95:n aloituskuva.
22779 WTRSPT16.ZIP 76227 10.02.1996 - MBCD -
Waterspots v1.6 Screen Saver for Windows 95
21096 XMASCUR.ZIP 20,2 kt 19.12.2000 - - -
Christmas CursorsIlmainen 24 kursorin paketti, josta löytyy erilaisia jouluaiheisia kuvia hiiren koristeeksi.
21097 1STREC25.ZIP 929,7 kt 11.07.2002 - - -
1st Sound Recorder v2.5 Direct to mp3 sound recorder software. Registration: $19.95 Requirements: Win9x/ME/2K/XP. Full-Duplex Sound Card.
21098 3DGL150B.EXE 328,9 kt 01.02.2000 - - tupla
Winamp 3DGL v1.50b pluginiThe ultimate OpenGL eye candy collection for Winamp Latest version of Winamp 3DGL. -- For all those hardcore 3D hardware owners out there who know what they want their sound to look like :) (Tunnel and Cube plug-ins shown in picture). Made by Charles J. Cliffe.
21099 AC10.ZIP 818471 03.06.1996 - MBCD -
Audio Compositor (version 1.0)
Audio Compositor is software for realizing
standard MIDI files as digital audio.
It runs on Windows 95, and on Windows NT
3.51 or above.
21100 AC201TA.EXE 2,8 Mt 13.04.2000 - - -
AudioCatalyst 2.1AudioCatalyst is a CD ripper and audio encoder based on the ever-popular AudioGrabber and XingMP3 Encoder. Features include CDDB support, the option to save as either a WAV or an MP3 file with or without the intermediary WAV file, definable encoding start and stop times for partial encoding of audio tracks, normalization for automatic correction of recording volume, support for multiple data rates, a checksum utility for file verification, sampling up to 20 kHz, and variable bit rate encoding. 
21101 ACD15A.ZIP 7,1 Mt 24.01.2000 - 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 2).iso -
"AudioCD MP3 Studio 1.5aAudioCD MP3 Studio is a tool for creating  and managing your private music archives  using a space-savinghigh-compression  format. Its fast and simple: extract  tracks from audio CDs with standard CD-ROM  drivesthen store them with or without  compression. Combine them in any  arrangementand record the WAV or MP3  audio files to your own audio CDs using a  writable CD-R or CD-RW drive. You can also  use AudioCD MP3 Studio to record any MP3  files directly to an audio CD in just one  easy step without converting them into WAV  files first. Version 1.5a adds new program  features and includes additional CD-R  drivers. The unregistered version of  AudioCD MP3 Studio adds an advertisement  onto all CDs burned by the program.  http://www.ashampoo.com "
21102 ACDAMP18.ZIP 16,8 kt 02.06.1998 - 23616/Pcwk6b98.iso -
Winamp-skini: Acidamp 1.8
21103 ACID2001.ZIP 30,3 kt 02.06.1998 - 23616/Pcwk6b98.iso -
Winamp-skini: Acidamp 2001
21104 ACIDW13.ZIP 2,1 Mt 08.11.1999 - - -
Acid WAV 1.3Advanced sound editor  and synthesizer featuring an intuitive user interface, visual scripting and too many powerful synthesis and editing functions to count! For Windows 9x/NT. Pentium recommended.
21105 ACRUSH10.EXE 281,6 kt 10.05.2001 - - -
AudioCrusher v1.01AudioCrusher is a program which allows you to extract digital audio from audio CDs and save the audio data in various sound formats such as MP3 and WAV for example. The audio is extracted digitally without any loss of quality. AudioCrusher supports a wide range of sound formats such as RAW Audio, WAV, MP3 via LameEnc, BladeEnc or the Frauenhofer Codec and WMA. More formats are available through the Audio Comperession Manager interface.
AudioCrusher can get information on audio CDs through the CDDB database and is able to create SFV-checksum files of the converted files to ensure file validity later on.
AudioCrusher gives the user full control over the ID3 tags which will be appended to the created MP3 files and can create Winamp playlists with extended playlist information.
AudioCrusher is highly configurable while still being very easy to use. And best of all: AudioCrusher is completely free! For Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by SysDesk. http://www.sysdesk.f2s.com/projects/audiocrusher/index.htm
21106 AEROSMIT.ZIP 40,7 kt 06.12.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: Aerosmith
21107 AGRAB182.ZIP 1,3 Mt 10.06.2001 - - -
Audiograbber 1.80 Build 2  Monipuolinen ohjelma musiikin siirtämiseen CD:iltä tietokoneelle. Tämän ohjelman avulla siirtäminen on todella helppoa. Audiograbber osaa muuntaa kappaleet joko WAV-tiedostoiksi tai suoraan MP3-muotoon, ja se osaa hakea internetin CDDB-tietokannasta automaattisesti useimpien levyjen kappaleiden nimet. Ohjelmassa on myös useita työkaluja haetun musiikin käsittelyyn. http://www.audiograbber.com-us.net/  
21108 AGSE1622.EXE 1,3 Mt 24.03.2000 - MBHH2001 -
Audiograbber v1.62CD-ripperi, joka kopioi musiikin digitaalisesti suoraan
CD:ltä, jolloin kopiot eivät eroa alkuperäisestä. Osaa
myös mm. poistaa alku- ja loppuhiljaisuudet kappaleista
ja lähettää ne halutulle MP3-ohjelmalle pakattavaksi.
Vaatii Windows 95/98/NT ja IDE- tai SCSI- romputtimen.
21109 ALBLS136.ZIP 105,4 kt 06.08.2001 - - -
Album List 1.36Winampin lisuke, joka listaa löytämänsä albumit ja soittaa kerrallaan koko albumin sisällön. http://come.to/albumlist/
21110 ALDPIA26.ZIP 261,4 kt 11.07.2002 - - -
"Aldos Pianito 2.6  Aldos Pianito on pianonsoiton opiskelijoille tarkoitettu syntetisaattoriohjelmajosta löytyy nimikkosoittimen lisäksi 128 muuta instrumenttia. Ohjelman mukana tulee kolme esimerkkikappalettaja sillä on helppoa harjoitella yksinkertaisten melodioiden soittamistaja käypä ohjelma vielä rumpukoneestakin. Kokeiluversio895 USD. Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.aldostools.com/piano.html "
21111 ALIENX14.ZIP 186,1 kt 26.03.2000 - - -
Alienxated v1.4Skin for Winamp 2.x
21112 ALL2WAV1.ZIP 314,7 kt 18.03.2004 - - -
All2WAV Recorder 1.0Nauhoittaa wav-muotoisia äänitiedostoja käyttäjän valitsemasta äänilähteestä. Ohjelman avulla voi nauhoittaa ääntä esimerkiksi mediasoittimilta, peleistä sekä tietokoneeseen kiinnitetystä mikrofonista. Käyttäjä voi valita äänitiedoston laadun 8-bittisestä monoäänestä aina 44 KHz 16-bittiseen stereoääneen.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.naturpic.com/all2wav/
21113 AM09B2.EXE 1,4 Mt 04.05.2000 - - -
AudioMulch v0.9b2 AudioMulch is a real-time interactive computer music environment for Windows 95/98/NT. Complete composition and performance environment. It can process audio sources (file or real-time input) or generate sounds. Contains many effects including granulators, spatialiser, equalisation, delays etc. Also includes techno oriented modules such as a drum machine, and bassline synth. Now supports VST Plugins, multichannel soundcard, MIDI sync and parameter control. Requires Pentium 100 or better. Works best on Pentium II machines. Stereo soundcard - full duplex to process sound in real-time. This beta version expire 90 days after release. (May 2 2000) Shareware. Author: Ross Benchina.
21114 AM211.EXE 351,6 kt 18.12.2000 - 6859/Issue %2330.iso -
AudioMagic v2.11Simple and easy to use digital audio capturing software for Windows 95/98/2000/NT 4.0 with loop recording and sound activated recording (VOX) features. All you need is a computer running one of these operating systems and a properly installed sound card. AudioMagic allows recording and playing very large PCM WAV files, directly to/from hard disk. Intuitive graphic user interface lets you use it as friendly as you do on "real-world" recording machines. Shareware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by YoGen Software. http://www.yogen.com/audiomagic.html
21115 AMPDECK2.ZIP 205 kt 06.12.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: Fusion AMPdeck 2
21116 AMZMID17.ZIP 737,8 kt 25.09.2003 - - -
AmazingMIDI 1.70AmazingMIDI kääntää wav-muotoista ääntä midi-tiedostoiksi. Se tukee Windowsin 16-bittistä 22,050kHz/44,100kHz pcm-aaltomuotoa. Tiedoston kääntämiseen tarvitaan alkuperäinen wav-tiedosto ja wav-muotoinen sävytiedosto. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003. http://www.pluto.dti.ne.jp/~araki/amazingmidi/
21117 AOMIXMP3.EXE 3,7 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
AtomixMP3 1.12AtomixMP3 is a software that allows you to mix like a pro DJ with your computer.
Either you are a music lover who wants to burn your own mixed CDs, or a professional DJ who performs in a nightclub, AtomixMP3 will surprise you with its ability to make your life so much easier.
21118 APOLLO27.EXE 1 Mt 11.02.1999 - - -
Apollo v27 Apollo on kotimaista laatutyötä oleva mm. MP3-biisien toisto-ohjelma.
21119 ARMYAMP.ZIP 49,3 kt 06.12.1998 - 22667/cd joystick no100 janvier 1999.iso -
Winamp-skini: ArmyAmp 
21120 ASLID141.EXE 349,6 kt 06.10.1999 - MBCD -
Audio Sliders v1.43A replacement for standard Volume Control in Windows. It lets you easily adjust playback and recording volumes and toggle sound effects. Features include:  * Compact interface, skin support  * System-wide hot keys  * On Screen Display  * Switch to one-slider mode  * Toggle effects (e.g. 3D Sound)  * Peak Meter Indicators   E-Mail: megre@geocities.com      WWW: megre.hypermart.net
21122 ATOMIX.EXE 1,2 Mt 29.11.2000 - - -
AtomixMP3Atomixmp3 is an MP3 mixing tool that lets you mix on a computer like you would with 
DJ turntables. Featuring drag-and-drop functionality, the simulated turntables feature 
pitch control, crossfader, playlist functionality, and visual beat representation. 
Atomixmp3 also features a real-time, BPM-matching algorithm, and can perform automatic 
beat matching in just one click. In addition, this program is completely skinnable and 
supports Winamp DSP plugins. Users can record to WAV files that ready to burn into CDs. 
For a screen shot, click here. The full version of this shareware program costs $59.95. 
Windows 95/98/NT/2000.
21121 ATOMIX20.ZIP 3,3 Mt 21.01.2002 - - -
AtomixMP3 2.0AtomixMP3 on mp3-tiedostoille suunniteltu miksausohjelmisto, joka loihtii ruudulle kahden levyn miksauspöydän nappuloineen. Ohjelmaan voi raahata ja pudottaa mp3-tiedostoja ja virtuaalisesta miksauspöydästä löytyy äänen korkeuden säätö, risti-feidaus, soittolistojen hallinta, visuaalinen esitys biiseistä, biittimittari, sekä bravuuriominaisuutena yhden nappulan painalluksella toimiva kahden kappaleen kohdistaminen.  Shareware, 59,95 USD. http://www.atomixmp3.com/
21123 ATOMXBPM.EXE 86,3 kt 06.08.2001 - - -
AtomixBPM Winampin plugin, joka näyttää musiikin tämänhetkisen nopeuden (iskua minuutissa) ja antaa muokata nopeutta mielen mukaan.
21124 ATOOLS30.EXE 3,1 Mt 22.05.2000 - - -
Audiotools 3.0Audiotools is a noise-reduction and track-dividing utility for recording 
CDs from audio tapes and vinyl records. In order to record audio from analog sources properly, tracks must be created with spaces and noise must be
reduced. Audiotools helps you burn your music onto CD by automating this potentially time-consuming process. Other
functions include a leveler, fade-in and fade-out, and an audition mode. Version 3.0 is a complete rewrite with plug-ins,
wizards, and skins. There are many new features, including support for 8- and 24-bit sound cards, a normalizer, a
compressor, and improved stability and speed. The demo version limits recording sessions to ten minutes; the fully
functional registered version is $20. 
21125 AUDACITY.ZIP 899 kt 04.05.2001 - - -
Audacity 0.95 for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000Audacity is a program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms. In addition to letting you record sounds directly from within the program, it imports many sound file formats, including WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM, MP3, and Ogg Vorbis. It supports all common editing operations such as Cut, Copy, and Paste, plus it will mix tracks and let you apply plug-in effects to any part of a sound. It also has a built-in amplitude envelope editor, a customizable spectrogram mode and a frequency analysis window for audio analysis applications.
21126 AUDCD502.ZIP 3,9 Mt 10.05.2002 - - -
Audio CD Maker 5.0.2  Audio CD Maker on ohjelma sekä tavallisten cd-levyjen polttamiseen, että joissain soittimissa toimivien mp3-levyjen laatimiseen. Ohjelman käyttöliittymä on kiitettävän selkeä ja helppokäyttöinen, ja sen avulla voi polttaa levylle mp3-tiedostojen lisäksi myös waveja tai kokonaisia WinAmpin soittolistoja. Shareware, 19,95 USD. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.avantrix.com/
21127 AUDI110.EXE 8,1 Mt 24.01.2000 - - -
COWON Jet-Audio 4.7An audio suite including Mixer, Audio CD Player, Digital AudioPlayer, MIDI Player, and Digital Video Player.  Also features a searching function of audio CD information from the Internet CD databases. (More than 5000 discs in the Internet CD databases) built-in MP3 engine. Offers many special effects, a 6-band graphic equalizer, and a spectrum analysis screen. The compact digital video player supports AVI, MOV, MPG, DAT. Freeware.
21128 AUDIOCD.EXE 8 Mt 29.05.2000 ClamAV: Win.Adware.Cydoor-2 FOUND 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 2).iso -
"AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000A Windows 95/98/NT/2000 tool for creating and managing your private music archives 
using a space-savinghigh-compression format. Its fast and simple: extract tracks 
from audio CDs with standard CD-ROM drivesthen store them with or without compression. 
Combine them in any arrangement
and record the WAV or MP3 audio files to your own audio CDs using a writable CD-R or CD-RW 
drive. You can also use AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000 to record any MP3 files directly to an audio 
CD in just one easy step without converting them into WAV files first. AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000 
includes many new featuresincluding drag-and-drop file supportan MP3 to WAV conversion utility
a new Shuffle functionand more. It also features numerous interface enhancementsbug fixes
and support for additional CD-R drivers. The unregistered version of AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000 
adds an advertisement onto all CDs burned by the program. 
21129 AUSP213.ZIP 446,8 kt 22.07.2000 - - -
AudioSphere v2.13AudioSphere is a Volume/Balance/Treble/Bass controls program which provides greater functionality and ease-of-use than the Windows-98 "Volume Control", and its\' beautiful interface is so compact that it can be left on the desktop for continuous, real-time control of all your computer\'s audio functions. Shareware for Win9x/NT. Author: Svetlana Software.
61106 AWAVE25.ZIP 218983 14.02.1996 - 21911/The.Greatest.Software.Collection.Of.All.Time.Vol.1.1996.CD.7z tupla
Awave 2.5 Audio & Wavetable Instrument File
Format Converter, Editor & Player for Windows
95 or Windows NT v3.51 or Windows 3.1 with
Win32s v1.3
21130 AXCDPL21.EXE 1,6 Mt 01.02.1999 - - -
Axialis AX-CDPlayer v2.1 If you know how to use a real CD player you will easily use AX-CDPlayer. This version has several new features (HTTP support for CDDB requests, Firewall and proxy support, CSV text export, Always on top option, Tray icon...) and fixes some problems.
21131 AXLCD216.EXE 431,2 kt 09.09.1999 - - -
AxelCD v2.16 AxelCD is a simple CD player with various special effets. Freeware. Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.accelware.com
21132 AZMID160.ZIP 834,6 kt 26.03.2000 - 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 2).iso -
AmazingMIDI 1.60AmazingMIDI transcribes music automatically, converting WAV files into MIDI files.
21136 B_BUBBLE.ZIP 124,8 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
Sonique skini: Bubble BluesA strange smooth blue skin. Recommended Sonique version: 1.05+. Author: Ganon. http://skins.sonique.com
21146 B-PLUGIN.ZIP 146,4 kt 01.02.2002 - scene.org tupla
B-Plugin by Suckho / Byterapers, Inc B-Plugin by Suckho / Byterapers, Inc. Assembly 2001 Winamp plugin competition winner!
21133 B104TO11.EXE 472 kt 04.01.2000 - scene.org -
Buzz päivitys v1.04 -> 1.1.Vaatii 1.04:n toimiakseen.
21134 B12BETA8.EXE 692 kt 18.02.2000 - - -
Buzz update from v1.0/1.1 to 1.2.Hybrid tracker/synthesizer/generator/sequencer with future proof design growing up with new plug-ins. Buzz includes everything needed to produce and record any style of music. Sounds are created through the use of modular Generators and Effects called machines. These machines create/modify sounds which are sequenced through Patterns much like the old Trackers. This update requires v1.0 or v1.1 installed. The installer overwrites any index.txt and *.prs files so backup before installing. Author: Oskari Tammelin.
21135 BASSPU.ZIP 495,9 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
" Bass Players Utilitysimple loop player & tuning tones (Win95/98/NT) Tekijä Aleksi Eeben aeeben@mail.student.oulu.fi http://www.student.oulu.fi/~aeeben/"
21138 BEAR22.EXE 1,1 Mt 20.03.2001 - - -
BearShare 2.2.0BearShare is an exciting new Windows file sharing program from Free Peers, Inc. that lets you, your friends, and everyone in the world share files! Built on Gnutella technology, BearShare provides a simple, easy to use interface combined with a powerful connection and search engine that puts thousands of different files in easy reach! Best of all, BearShare is FREE!

21137 BEAR222.EXE 1,2 Mt 16.04.2001 - - -
BearShare 2.2.2BearShare is an exciting new Windows file sharing program from Free Peers, Inc. that lets you, your friends, and everyone in the world share files! Built on Gnutella technology, BearShare provides a simple, easy to use interface combined with a powerful connection and search engine that puts thousands of different files in easy reach! Best of all, BearShare is FREE! http://bearshare.com/ 
21139 BEATFORG.ZIP 48,2 kt 06.12.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: BeatForge Amp 
21140 BEATJAZZ.ZIP 2,7 Mt 09.12.1998 versio 1.0 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 2 of 4).iso -
BeatJazz v1.03The latest advancement in musical software has arrived. Beat 2000 will help you create and mix rock, techno, classical, jazz, alternative, world beat, and more, right on your PC. No musical experience is necessary. Beat 2000 will provide you with the latest simple tools to create the best music possible at studio quality. This update fixes a bug and has a new download link. The full version contains more than 300 sound effects, a sound editor, and a drum machine
21141 BENC091.ZIP 159,4 kt 21.01.2000 - - -
"Blades MP3 Encoder v0.91BladeEnc is a program to generate mp3 files from WAVAIFF or RAW sound files. It is a true 32-bit Windows application and therefore only works under Windows95 and NT4.0 or better and supports features such as long filenames etc. Freeware.
21142 BERBERIP.ZIP 1,8 Mt 17.04.2001 - - -
BerberiPlayeriTämä ohjelma soittaa MP3-tiedostoja haluamassasi järjestyksessä ja laittaa kappaleiden väliin määrittelemäsi 1-10 sekunnin tauon, jolloin esimerkiksi MiniDisc-tallentimet tajuavat eritellä analogisen piuhan kautta signaalista eri kappaleet ja jaoitella ne eri raitoihin.
21143 BKNOIS16.ZIP 799,1 kt 21.10.1997 - - -
Background Noise v1.60Plays multiple MCI devices in any order. Supports AVI (Microsoft Video), WAV, MIDI (MID and RMI), and audio CDs. Create unlimited lists to play. Hot-keys let you control Background Noise while you are in other applications. Rated 4 of 5 stars by Ziff-Davis Interactive.
21144 BLADE090.ZIP 158,8 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
BladeEnc 0.90BladeEnc on tehokas ja laadukas MP3-pakkaaja, josta löytyy versiot eri käyttöjärjestelmille (Windows, Linux, DOS, MacOS, NetBSD, Solaris, OS/2, NeXT, BEOS ym.) Mene BladeEncin kotisivulle http://bladeenc.mp3.no ja valitse 
sen valikosta Download. BladeEnc on komentorivipohjainen, mutta siihen on saatavilla graafisia käyttöliittymiä, jotka helpottavat ohjelman käyttöä. 
21145 BLADEHLP.ZIP 822,7 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
BladeEnc Helper 3.0BladeEnc Helper puts a friendly interface on BladeEnc, the freeware MP3 encoder. This BladeEnc front end supports batch encoding and drag-and-drop functions. It also offers a search function that scans a directory, including subdirectories, for WAV files, and automatically adds them to a batch. The Helper currently supports the DLL, with support for the Application comming soon. 
21147 BPMDEMO.EXE 5,6 Mt 17.06.2000 - 11539/Igromania_09.iso -
BPM Studio Demo v3.0.5.0The MP3 DJ System BPM Studio is the next generation of audio players, opening up new opportunities for playing, archiving and processing. This software was developed especially for discos and DJs, but its range of functions enables it to be used in many other areas. BPM Studio is the only software currently available which can stable manage and play audio data in various formats. And its 19" remote control is absolutely unique! An experienced team of DJs tested the software in professional use during the development period, and it is continually being checked and improved. Modern design and simple construction of the program surface ensure secure handling in difficult conditions. You need at least a Pentium II CPU with 350 MHz and 128 MB RAM. Win9x. (C) 2000 AlcaTech & SwiftSoft. http://www.bpmstudio.com
21149 BUZZ_A14.ZIP 530,5 kt 14.04.1998 - - -
Buzz alpha 14 Software-syntikka
21148 BUZZ104.EXE 2,6 Mt 04.01.2000 - scene.org -
Buzz v1.04Jeskola Buzz is a self contained FREE musical workstation for any Win32 enabled Pentium (or equivalent) PC by Oskari Tammelin. Buzz Includes everything needed to produce and record any style of music. Sounds are created through the use of modular Generators and Effects called machines. These machines create/modify sounds which are sequenced through Patterns much like the old Trackers you may remember (or still use!) from the days of the Amiga, and DOS. Win95/98 + NT. Freeware.
21150 BUZZPACK.ZIP 9,2 Mt 29.12.2000 - - -
Buzz machine/generator package.This package contains all the machines released till 14 december 2000. http://www.buzzmachines.com
21151 C96SETUP.EXE 2 Mt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
Cool Edit 96Digital Audio Editor for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Record and play files in a wide variety of audio formats, edit files and mix them together, and convert files from one format to another. Cool Edit is shareware. Brought to you by Syntrillium Software Corporation (http://www.syntrillium.com)
21152 CALVSKIN.ZIP 45,2 kt 26.03.2000 - - -
Calvin and Hobbes v1.0Skin for Winamp 2.x
21153 CARLAN2.EXE 1,7 Mt 24.01.2000 renamed / versio 2.1 23377/Chip_1999-07_cd.bin -
Carlanthano 2.6.668 A nicely designed "jukebox" for the Windows. It creates a playlist of multimedia files and can be left to play them in the taskbar. Carlanthano is very customizable and useful for those who have large multimedia collections.
21154 CD2WAV.ZIP 17,9 kt 23.01.2000 - 23470/CHIP_08_99.BIN -
CD -> WAV  version 1.0i(C) 1996 Slava Gostrenko. Direct digital audio copier. Advanced jitter correction! Works with  Win95 protected mode drivers! Go http://www.mesto.ru/gw/
21155 CDBOXP12.ZIP 1,9 Mt 27.08.1999 - MBCD -
CD Box Labeler Pro v1.2CD labeler for Windows 95/98/NT4+SP3. Edit text, insert images, select colors. Reads CD contents. Wizards help with label creation, supports many premade labels.
21156 CDCOP473.EXE 2 Mt 13.08.1999 - - -
CD Copy v4.735 SharewareCD-ripperi, jonka avulla MP3-tiedostojen tekeminen on hyvin helppoa. CD:n polttaminen vaatii rekisteröinnin. 
21157 CDCOP474.ZIP 1,7 Mt 23.01.2000 - - -
CDCOPY v4.744Copy CDDA to disk by M. Barth (mbarth2193@aol.com) http://come.to/cdcopy members.aol.com/mbarth2193 http://www.cdcopy.sk Copy audiotracks from CDROM/CDR to disk using ASPI, WIN32 interface, CDFS driver or generic SCSI interface, full Diamond RIO, MPMan and Pontis MPlayer3 support, Save files in AU, RAW, WAV, AAC Yamaha VQF, Realaudio, RA-Surestream MS-Audio (WMA), MPG, MPA (MPEG 2 Layer 3) or MP3 (MPEG 1 Layer 3) format.
21158 CDDA430E.EXE 2,9 Mt 25.12.2000 - - -
Easy CD-DA Extractor v4.3.0Hyvä ja monipuolinen ohjelma CD- tai DVD-levyllä olevan äänen purkamiseen. Kopioi kappaleet kiintolevylle ja muuntaa ne esimerkiksi MP3:siksi. Osaa hakea kappaleiden tiedot Internetin CDDB:stä. Suomalaista sharewarea, englanninkielinen versio.
21159 CDDAX430.EXE 2,9 Mt 21.12.2000 - - -
Easy CD-DA Extractor v4.3.0Hyvä ja monipuolinen ohjelma CD- tai DVD-levyllä olevan äänen purkamiseen. Kopioi kappaleet kiintolevylle ja muuntaa ne esimerkiksi MP3:siksi. Osaa hakea kappaleiden tiedot Internetin CDDB:stä. Suomalaista sharewarea.
21160 CDEDIT10.ZIP 638,6 kt 06.05.1999 - 9313/Windows 6-Pak (InfoMagic) (Disc 5) (1999).ISO -
CDEdit version 1.0CDEdit is a Windows 9x-Windows NT utility but designed to create CD-Audio, CD-Rom and CD-RW covers. CDEdit has a simple click&drag interface and that will let you create your CD covers quickly and easily. It allows you to insert images and to freely format and place the text.
21161 CDEQ10.ZIP 104454 21.11.1996 - MBCD -
CD Equaliser for Win95 v1.0. Listens to your
audio CD and changes the picture in its own
window accordingly by altering the colour,
image or both. The result is some very
interesting shapes that alter in time with
the music.
21162 CDEX120.ZIP 789,1 kt 28.01.2000 - 23859/PCWORLD_PLUS.iso -
"CDex v1.20For Windows 95/98/NT4+SP3 ripper records audio tracks from CDsstores as WAV or MP3. Uses Adaptecs ASPI manager."
21163 CDFIN10.ZIP 15,3 kt 28.05.1999 - - -
CDEditin suomenkielinen kielitiedosto
21164 CDMAX151.ZIP 272,4 kt 30.04.1998 - MBCD -
CDmax v1.5.132-bit Windows95 AudioCD Player Freeware, supports CDDB.
21165 CDP95V40.ZIP 530,2 kt 13.04.1997 - 23464/CHIP 1996 december (CD10).zip -
CDPlayer v4.0bAudio CD Player for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Provides all the functions associated with a normal CD player together with the ability to catalogue and search your CD collection. Features include Custom, single, shuffle, and repeat program play. Fit tracks to time, track skip, music search, replay track and pause.
21166 CDPLAY12.ZIP 186,5 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
"CDPlay v1.2 CDPlay is a small CD-player. -Theres calendar in it! -Theres clock in it! -Theres timer in it! Nothing better than wake up by the music you like..."
21167 CDPLY.EXE 68251 12.09.1995 renamed 17397/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se-pictures.tar -
Windows 95 Audio CD Player Utility
61935 CDSPRO23.ZIP 162949 17.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
CD/Spectrum Pro Version 2.3  CD/Spectrum Pro
is a CD-Audio Player with Graphical Spectrum
Analyzer for Windows 95. The program has two
independent parts: The CD-Audio player and
the spectrum analyzer. The CD-Audio player is
a full-blown player of audio CDs for your PC.
It has many advanced features and complements
the spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer
graphically depicts the frequency spectra of
the CD music in real time. (Unless you don't
have a Pentium, in which case it is *almost*
21168 CDSPRO30.ZIP 199,7 kt 08.07.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
CD/Spectrum Pro v3.0 CD/Spectrum Pro is a CD-Audio Player for Windows 95.
21169 CDW4.ZIP 344 kt 31.07.1997 - MBCD -
CD Wizzard v4CD Audio Player for Windows It has all the functions of a home CD player plus many, many more!  It saves the disc and tracks names in its database.  CD Wizzard has a full 3D look that is totally customizable. In icon mode, the icon is updated with the disc and track time.  There is a full help file that describes all features of CD Wizzard.  Must try this one!!
61940 CDWA404.ZIP 289751 17.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
CD Wizzard CD Audio Player for Windows It has
all the functions of a home CD player plus
many, many more! It saves the disc and tracks
names in its database. CD Wizzard has a full
3D look that is totally customizable. In icon
mode, the icon is updated with the disc and
track time. There is a full help file that
describes all features of CD Wizzard. Must
try this one!!
21170 CDWORD7.ZIP 237099 04.01.1997 - 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso -
CD Player for Word: Now you can enjoy
audio CDs while you do your work. Has a
Title database which actually remembers
the CD's title and author,a Random (Shuffle)
Play, Fast Forward, Fast Rewind, Skip Tracks,
Pause, and Eject. Even plays CDs in the
background. Looks and works like a real
CD Player-- INSIDE WORD 7!
21171 CE2KMAIN.EXE 8,2 Mt 17.08.2000 - 23861/010307_0816.iso -
Cool Edit 2000 v1.1 demoCool Edit 2000 can turn your Windows computer into a recording studio with all of the features used by professional audio engineers. You can use it to record your own music, voice or other audio, edit it, mix it with other audio or musical parts, add effects like Reverb, Chorus, and Echo to it, equalize it, and master it so that you can burn it to a CD, post it on the World Wide Web, or email it. This demo version is limited to saving only 1minute of the audio file when converting to MP3. Requires: 16 MB RAM; 17MB free Hard Drive space for Install - 20MB free Hard Drive space for Operation, Recommended: sound card; speakers or headphones. Win9x/NT/2k. Author: Syntrillium Software Corporation.
21172 CEP12DMO.EXE 4,2 Mt 17.08.2000 - 23712/PCWorld_1999-07_cd.bin -
"Cool Edit Pro v1.2a demoCool Edit Pro is the digital audio software package youve been waiting for. Its a breeze to learn and usepacks enough top-quality digital effects modules to fill a room full of rack mountsand can mix up to 64 tracks togetherusing just about any sound card. Its like having thousands of dollarsworth of professional audio equipment all in one easy-to-use software package. The demo is fully functional with the following exceptions: There is a time limit of 30 minutes per sessionThe Demo has no Save or Windows clipboard supportThere is no RealAudio supportIntegration with Cakewalk is not implemented. Win9x/NT/2k. Author: Syntrillium Software Corporation. "
21173 CFUSION.ZIP 99,6 kt 06.12.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: Cold Fusion 2.02 
21174 CHARLIE.ZIP 308,2 kt 18.03.2000 - - -
Charlie Packer v1.31  Nollahäviöinen äänenpakkaaja, 16-bit stereo wavejen tai sellaisia sisältävien tiedostojen, esim. cd-mastereiden tai cakewalkin bundle-tiedostojen siirtoon. Jopa 20x nopeampi kuin zip, pakkaa äänen 20-70% alkuperäisestä. esim. 550 mb cakewalk bundle pakkautuu 3-4 minuutissa 60%, 400 mb bundle 1.5 minuutissa 67%.. Aleksi Eeben aeeben@mail.student.oulu.fi http://www.student.oulu.fi/~aeeben/
21175 CHDLORD1.ZIP 814 kt 12.12.2000 - - -
Chord Lord 3000 v1.0Tämä ilmainen ohjelma näyttää, mistä kohdista kitaran kieliä tulee painaa,
jotta oikeat soinnut helähtävät ilmoille.
21176 CLAUDIAB.ZIP 200,9 kt 17.08.2000 - - -
Winamp-skini: Claudia BlackTämä on musiikkiohjelma Winampia varten valmistettu nahka (skin). Sen aiheena on tv-sarja Farscapessa Aeryn Sunia näyttelevä Claudia Black. Tämä skin on tehty aidolla fanin lämmöllä, ja toivon, että tämä skin inspiroi muitakin tutustumaan upeaan sci-fi- sarja Farscapeen. Tehnyt Sephy. 
21177 CM32UV.ZIP 480,2 kt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
Chord Manager 32A utility program for all guitar players. See the chord variations and their finger positions.
21178 COLDAMP.ZIP 117 kt 19.07.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: ColdAmp
21179 COOL2K10.EXE 7,6 Mt 03.01.2000 - - -
Cool edit 2000 v1.0 for Windows 32bit.Cool edit is a waveform editor with features such as: Echo, Flange, Reverb, Stretch/Pitch Change, Compress, Brainwave Synchronizer, Noise Reducer, Envelope, Filter, Distortion, and more. Supports more than 20 file formats, including MP3 encode and decode. Cue and Play list. View waves as amplitude or frequency plots. Analyze component frequencies. Scripts let you play back complex operations.
21180 COOLMAN.ZIP 215,1 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
Cool Edit manual in Microsoft Word format
21181 COOLMP32.ZIP 101 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
Cool Edit 32-bit MPEG filters
21182 COOLPDF.ZIP 364,7 kt 27.03.1997 - MBCD -
Cool Edit manual in PDF Format
21184 CT97A5.ZIP 205,3 kt 03.04.1998 - MBCD -
Cthugha 97 Alpha 5Tekee äänestä psykedeelisiä kuvioita. Tarvitsee DirectX 3.0. 
21183 CT97A53D.ZIP 203 kt 03.04.1998 - MBCD -
Cthugha 97 alpha 5 - 3D-versioCthugha 97 3d-ominaisuuksilla. Tarvitsee 3DFX-yhteensopivan 3d-kortin.
21185 CTHU98B6.ZIP 396 kt 05.11.1998 - - -
"Cthugha98 Alpha 6Sis. normaalin sekä 3dfx-Cthughan. Tarvitsee edellisen version ja Directx:n."
21186 CVST32D5.EXE 11,4 Mt 22.08.2000 - - -
"Cubase VST32 5.0 demoSteinbergs Cubase VST is the complete professional music recording system. It combines high resolution MIDI recording with audio recording in either 16 or 24 bit formats. Cubase VST is the home of the VST plug-in offering the world´s largest range of add-on realtime audio effects. Cubase VST supports ASIO audio cards - accessing the latest low latency audio cards - making Cubase VST the ideal base for the new range of sample accurate synthesizer plug-ins. Licence Information: Fully functional demo with some limitations: No savelimited editing. System Requirements: Pentium 200 MHz64 MB RAMfast E-IDE Hard Driveapproved MME or ASIO compliant Sound Card16 Bit color 800x600 pixels(SVGA)CD-ROM drive. Author: Steinberg.(http://www.steinberg.net)"
62498 CWPA50D.ZIP 2732380 25.10.1996 - - -
Cakewalk Pro Audio 4.5/5.0 DEMO Requires
Windows 95, MPU-401 compatible or other MIDI
interface or sound card with a Windows
Multimedia Extensions MIDI driver, 486SX/33,
8 MB. The demo lets you load and play files,
but is limited in that you may not save or
print files.
21187 CWPA90D.EXE 11,8 Mt 24.07.2000 - - -
Cakewalk Pro 9.0 demoSave-disabled. Windows 95. Requires MPU-401 compatible or other MIDI interface or sound card with a Windows Multimedia Extensions MIDI driver. One of the most popular and powerful sequencers in the world. Create MIDI music from scratch. http://www.cakewalk.com
21188 CYBR0111.ZIP 5,2 Mt 13.10.2000 - - tupla
Cybercorder 2000 v1.1Cybercorder 2000 provides VCR-like recording for radio shows or any audio input. Recordings are stored on disk with optional audio compression to save disk space. Recordings can easily be played back by selecting the recording from a list of completed recordings. The customizable playback window allows you to easily advance the recording forward and reverse various step sizes. $19.95 
21189 DAC23.ZIP 350,2 kt 17.06.1998 - - -
Digital Audio Copy V2.3 Copy Audio Tracks from CD to Hard Disk. Convert them to 11, 22 or 44khz Stereo/ Mono (Mix/Left/Right). Comfortable SAA User Interface. Tools for CD Access. Extended SCSI support and some new this version does not add any new functions. French language support! Please replace all earlier Version of Digital Audio Copy with this version!!!
21190 DAMETR11.ZIP 21,2 kt 16.12.1999 - 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 2).iso -
Da Metronome v1.1A compact metronome for Windows 95. It lets you select between the built-in tick sound, the PC speaker, and your own wave file. It also features a drop-down menu to let you selected the priority of the program (for better timing accuracy). Note: requires file "mfc40.dll".
21191 DAMSTR10.ZIP 112,9 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
"Da Master v1.0 The solution for your mp3 ripping problems. This utility will make a playlist and a batch file out of the contents on an audio CD. Supports CD Extra track name retrieval. Shareware. Visual Basic 4 Runtime DLLs not included in archive. Get them elsewhere."
21192 DANCE200.ZIP 2,5 Mt 19.01.2000 - MBCD -
ScreenDance 2.0.0050SCREENDANCE 98 v2.00  - A CD player and  music animator that comes packed with a  library of sound-activated animations, making multimedia PCs come alive with dazzling light and color. Play a CD or sing in the  microphone - watch as your PC dances to the  music! New version runs native on Windows 95  and NT 4.0. Incl. mixer, disc/track title  database, and configurable playlist. Requires Microsoft DirectX.
21193 DDCLFR.ZIP 1,8 Mt 21.10.1997 - - -
DDClip A professional non-linear non-destructive multitrack real-time audio and video editor for Windows95/NT. It allows to mix up to 16 CD quality audio tracks on your PC with any sound card. DDClip is especially effective for video clips scoring, creating audio commercials, synchronizing voice with music. Windows 95
21194 DDNABASE.ZIP 2,5 Mt 17.12.1999 - - -
Dancer DNA v1.2 demo by Notting Hill. There is a world where life is evolving to music. Dancer DNA is a unique product that lets you generate beautiful, abstract 3D shapes and set them dancing in real time to your favourite music CDs. See shape and colour evolve in perfect synchronisation with each beat, each note of your music. The shapes are composed of electronic DNA. Windows 95 version.
21195 DEMOSET1.ZIP 6,7 Mt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
Rramm Drrumm Demo Set #1
21196 DENOISE.ZIP 282,3 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
D/Noise 1.01dA Digital Audio Denoising Tool Windows 95. This demonstration version is meant to illustrate some of our current work in the area of audio signal processing. It is in no way suited for commercial denoising. This version will only operate on monophonic 16-bit WAV (Audio Interchange File Format) files.
21197 DFX430WP.EXE 214,4 kt 20.12.2000 - - -
Winamp plug-in: DFX 4.3Plug-in Winampiin, jolla voit parantaa äänenlaatua erilaisilla säätötoiminnoilla lisäämällä esimerkiksi tarkkuutta (Fidelity), tunnelmaa (Ambience) tai bassoa. Tämä plug-in sisältää myös asetusten tallennuksen sekä valmiita asetelmia. Vaatii asennetun Winampin lisäksi Windows 95/98/NT/2000:n. 
21198 DFX5_MM.ZIP 322,3 kt 07.05.2001 - - -
DFX 5.0 -plug-in for MusicMatchDFX transforms the sound of an average PC into that of an expensive stereo system placed in a perfectly designed listening environment. DFX enhances your music listening experience by improving the sound quality of MP3s and other music files. Renew stereo depth, boost your audio levels and produce a deep, rich bass sound with DFX plug-in. 
DFX was developed by Power Technology, the recognized leader in PC audio processing. Power Technology\'s award winning engineering team have spent years perfecting this breakthrough patent-pending technology. New DFX Version 5.0: Improved audio responsiveness, 26 additional finely-tuned presets for music you like, "Snap-To" capability,
Sleek new look, New user-customizable skin capability, 
Huge library of incredible skins from around the world. http://www.fxsound.com/dfx-overview.html
21199 DFX5_RP.EXE 337,2 kt 07.05.2001 - - -
DFX 5.0 -plug-in for RealPlayer & -JukeboxDFX transforms the sound of an average PC into that of an expensive stereo system placed in a perfectly designed listening environment. DFX enhances your music listening experience by improving the sound quality of MP3s and other music files. Renew stereo depth, boost your audio levels and produce a deep, rich bass sound with DFX plug-in. 
DFX was developed by Power Technology, the recognized leader in PC audio processing. Power Technology\'s award winning engineering team have spent years perfecting this breakthrough patent-pending technology. New DFX Version 5.0: Improved audio responsiveness, 26 additional finely-tuned presets for music you like, "Snap-To" capability,
Sleek new look, New user-customizable skin capability, 
Huge library of incredible skins from around the world. http://www.fxsound.com/dfx-overview.html
21200 DFX5_WMP.EXE 221,3 kt 07.05.2001 - - -
DFX 5.0 plug-in for WinampDFX transforms the sound of an average PC into that of an expensive stereo system placed in a perfectly designed listening environment. DFX enhances your music listening experience by improving the sound quality of MP3s and other music files. Renew stereo depth, boost your audio levels and produce a deep, rich bass sound with DFX plug-in. 
DFX was developed by Power Technology, the recognized leader in PC audio processing. Power Technology\'s award winning engineering team have spent years perfecting this breakthrough patent-pending technology. New DFX Version 5.0: Improved audio responsiveness, 26 additional finely-tuned presets for music you like, "Snap-To" capability,
Sleek new look, New user-customizable skin capability, 
Huge library of incredible skins from around the world. http://www.fxsound.com/dfx-overview.html
21201 DIGOL10.ZIP 40,3 kt 02.06.1998 - 23616/Pcwk6b98.iso -
Winamp-skini: Digital Golana
21202 DISCP403.ZIP 1,5 Mt 02.09.1997 - - -
"DiscPlay v4.0.3 Havent found an audio CD player youve really liked? Try DiscPlaya good-looking Windows 95/NT CD player that has all the functionality youd expect in such a programplus an integrated collection-management facility. You can create custom playlists for programmed playbackwith virtually any number of custom playlists for each album (including partial tracks). Access the 12000-album XMCD-CDDB database locally or on the Internet to easily"
21203 DJ2DEMO.ZIP 10,2 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
Dance E-Jay 2 demo.  Helppo musiikinteko-ohjelma. Vedät valmiita sampleja hiirellä sopiviin paikkoihin 16-raitaiseen sekvensseriin - ja kuuntelet valmista biisiä. Sinun ei tarvitse osata lainkaan tehdä musiikkia sillä kaikki tapahtuu siirtämällä ääniraitoja hiirellä. Dance-tanssimusiikkiversio. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P100, 16 Mt
21204 DMCR4.EXE 1,1 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
"dBpowerAMP Music Converter (Release 4)Straight out of the box dMC can convert from and to 
Wave and MP3and from CD Audio (CDA) files. Codec downloads bring Windows Media Audio (WMA V7)
Ogg Vorbis and many more types to the table. 
Volume NormalizationID Tag preservation
Explorer Audio Info Pop-ups and the simplest 
way of converting (right click on a file and 
select Convert To)round of a perfect package. 
Whats more dMC is free. Formally known as 
Shuffler Music ConverterdMC continues 
where Shuffler left off.
21205 DP11B713.ZIP 99,5 kt 17.05.1998 - - -
DeltaPlayer Version 1.1, Alpha build 713
21206 DREAMAMP.ZIP 119,1 kt 06.04.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: Dream Amp 
21207 DS32CH21.ZIP 378709 12.01.1996 - MBCD -
dsChordFinder32 v2.1 Guitar chord
recognition from recorded music for Win95.
Record a song with your sound card, load it
in dsChordFinder and see which chords are
being played. "ChordFinder is very fit to aid
in finding out guitar chords in songs, as
long as they are not too complicated",
Computer!Totaal 12/94 on ChordFinder v1.0.
Shareware from Dubbeldam Software, $39.00
21208 DS32TU22.ZIP 280491 25.03.1996 - MBCD -
dsTune32 v2.2The fast and accurate
guitar tuning device for Win95. Connect
guitar or microphone to sound card and see
exact frequency indication needle on tuning
device. Inaccuracy <0.1 Hz. Custom tunings,
automatic string selection. "It is striking
that Tune's indicator is more accurate than
my tuning device's!",Computer!Totaal, 12/94.
version 2.2 is a bugfix. Shareware from
Dubbeldam Software, $39.00
21209 DT108.EXE 3,6 Mt 14.03.2000 - - -
d-lusion DrumStation v1.08 for Win9x/NTDrumStation is d-lusions next product in the software synthesis field. Based on the concept of the legendary drum computers TR-909, TR-808 and TR-606 whose throbbing bassdrums and crashing hihats sent generations of dance-music enthusiasts into extasy, DrumStation combines cool old drummachine features with cutting-edge software-synthesis technology. On 8 seperate channels, it´s a pure pleasure to program funky drum grooves via the step sequencer, rock the clubs with the easy-to-use live-act mode or torture your neighbours with the cool effects available for each track. Last but no least, this baby syncs perfectly with RubberDuck using DAS. Shareware. Requires sound card. US $ 34.95 registration.
21210 DVDSP150.ZIP 792,2 kt 29.12.1997 - MBCD -
Digital Vision DSP-150 rSw Realtime software digital sound processor. Produces echo effects, can set repeats and delays. New effects, pitch and special settings 44kHz support, latency can be set to less than 1 sec, faster engine.Full duplex, 16-bit, stereo sound card required or 2 sound cards + fast 486 or better.
21211 EARPRO4.EXE 1,4 Mt 02.05.2000 - - -
EarMaster Pro v4.0Monipuolinen suomenkielinen ohjelma sävelkorvan harjoittamiseen. Tehtävissä on harjoitellaan muun muassa sointuja, intervalleja, rytmejä, asteikkoja, sointusarjojen tunnistamista sekä melodiasanelua. 21 päivän kokeiluaika.
21212 EARTST10.ZIP 287,2 kt 30.09.1999 - MBCD -
EarTest v1.0EarTest is an ear-training program designed to improve both perfect pitch ability and relative pitch ability. EarTest plays a note and you respond via midi keyboard or mouse clicks.  EarTest gives you aural feedback, so you know immediately whether your answer was right or wrong.  The combination of intuitive response and immediate feedback helps the ear improve very quickly. EarTest is very flexible and gives useful statistics about your responses. Includes an extensive help
21213 EMCD2.ZIP 2,9 Mt 21.07.1997 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
E.M CD-Player A nice looking CD-Player and easy to use.
21214 EPP10.ZIP 213,1 kt 29.05.1998 - MBCD -
Effects Processor Pro v1.0Shareware real-time audio effects processor for Win 95. Phaser, flanger, and chorus. Pentium required.
21215 ESBEEKAY.ZIP 446068 12.02.1996 - - -
AWE 32:n soundipankkien käsittelyohjelma.
21216 FERRARI.ZIP 70,7 kt 11.07.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: Ferrari Amp v1.0
21217 FLOOPS3.EXE 7,1 Mt 12.02.2001 - - -
"FruityLoops 3.0Fruityloops is the number one loop and songcreation tool on the net. Youll create WAVMP3 or MIDI loops only minutes after launching it. It can play any sample file (WAV)generator (Fruityloops soft- synth) or VSTinstrument you feed it). It has multiple ways to produce sound. The most frequently used sound generator is the built-in sampler which allows you to loadplay and tweak just about any WAV sample you can find. Fruityloops also supports internal and external generators that can be controlled by the step sequencer or pianoroll or piano keyboard. Features: External generators16Bit 44KHz stereo (CD quality)External midi controlUnlimited number of channelsFrom 4 to 64 notes per patternIntegrated TS-404 basslineSupport for VST & DX plugin FXExport to WAVMP3 or MIDI
Both MIDI and DirectSound outIntegrated samplebrowser 
Individual panningvolume & pitchIntegrated BeatSlicer
Playlist. Requires Windows 95/98DirectX 5 or 6. This demo has all features but saving. http://www.fruityloops.com"
21218 FLPLUGS2.ZIP 411,8 kt 20.04.2000 - - -
FruityLoops Plugin Pack v2.0Contains the following Fruity plug-ins: Fruity Reeverb,
Fruity 7 band Eq, FruityDelay, FruityFilter, FruityCenter,
FruityMute 2, FruityBalance, Fruity Bass Boost, FruityBloodOverDrive. Unzip in your Plugins\\VST directory. Freeware. Author: Image-Line. 
21219 FRAMP208.EXE 2,2 Mt 17.04.2001 - - -
FreeAmp 2.0.8FreeAmp is an extensible, cross-platform audio player. It features an optimized version of the GPLed Xing MPEG decoder which makes it one of the fastest and best sounding players available. FreeAmp provides a number of the most common features users have come to expect. Plays all MPEG 1, 2, and 2.5 encoded files. http://www.freeamp.org
21220 FRCTMUS2.ZIP 447,5 kt 31.03.1998 - MBCD -
FractMus 2.0 FractMus is a Win32 application that creates Fractal/Algorithmic music using mathematical algorithms from chaotic dynamics, fractals, and number-theory. Its features include: full MIDI file support, 16 independent voices, complete control of MIDI parameters, 8 note-generating algorithms, 14 predefined musical scales, 11 predefined note durations, melody manipulation support (inversion, etc), full online-documentation/help and more.
21221 FTRACKS.EXE 1,7 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
FruityTracks 1.5 (demo)FruityTracks should be the only tool you need to mix your Fruityloops 
material into a song together with voices and other samples.
FruityTracks contains an unlimited number of horizontal Tracks 
where you drag your Fruityloops, string and voicesamples.
21222 FUSION1.ZIP 312 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: Fusion 1
21223 FUSION2.ZIP 65,7 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: Fusion 2
21224 GCB.ZIP 2,1 Mt 21.10.1997 - 15603/PCM_0001.iso -
Guitar Chord Buster A multimedia guitar chord/pick authoring and teaching system for beginners, professionals and teachers. Windows 95.
21225 GFWA20B6.EXE 2 Mt 10.11.2000 - - -
G-Force 2.0b6G-Force is a visualization plugin and can operate as a stand-alone screensaver. G-Force features fast, anti-aliased effects, hundreds of possible effect combinations, savable effects, and excellent expandability. G-Force has been featured in many magazines, online forums, and software CDs and has significantly changed the face of music visualization. The archive downloaded contains the stand-alone version of G-Force in addition to the plugin for the given audio player. New features of b6 include: "sprite" support, Bug fixes, New configs, Selective non-caching for configs you desire to edit "on the fly". Free beta version for Winamp. 
21226 GOLDWAVE.ZIP 691,3 kt 29.11.2000 versio 4.24 15621/PCM_0109.iso -
GoldWave 4.21GoldWave is a digital audio editor with realtime graphs, and numerous effects such as 
echo, flange, dynamics, mechanize, and reverse.  The intuitive user interface makes 
GoldWave easy to learn and use. Author: Chris Craig (chris3@cs.mun.ca) 
21227 GP32V300.EXE 1,9 Mt 01.01.2001 - - -
Guitar Pro v3.0Ohjelma kitaratabulatuurien kirjoittamiseen ja soittamiseen MIDI-soittimin. Monipuolinen paketti, josta on varmasti iloa kotikitaristille. 
21228 GPOWER.EXE 3,2 Mt 29.05.2000 - - -
GuitarPower 1.0.0Unlike ordinary chord and scale books, GuitarPower is a truly interactive 
learning system. Quickly and effectively learn to use scales, chords, arpeggios, notes and 
chord / scale relationships. GuitarPower will teach you: over 3000 chord voicings, over 500 
scales, over 550 arpeggios, triads in any inversion, notes on the fretboard, chord / scale 
relationships and how to name your own chord voicings. The print function is disabled 
in this 30-day trial version. The cost to register is $29.95. 
21229 GRLAB099.ZIP 66,2 kt 22.12.1999 - - -
Granulab v0.99Realtime granular synthetizer for Win32 by Rasmus Ekman.
21230 GTRWN300.ZIP 1372892 11.10.1996 - MBCD -
GUITAR TEACHER 3.0 for Win 95. Chords plus...
Guitar Teacher is a system for studying,
saving and printing guitar-chord diagrams. *
New!!! Print chord charts * Supports Sound
Blaster, MIDI audio boards * 7 chord
formulas, 6 alternatives per chord * 504
chords, formula and voicing displayed *
Right- or left-handed fingering * Includes a
guitar tuner * Instruction on tuning and
chord structure
64642 GWAVE322.ZIP 476548 11.10.1996 - MBCD tupla
(v3.22) GoldWave - Audio editor for Windows
GoldWave is a digital audio editor for
Windows 95.  It has realtime oscilloscopes,
intelligent editing, and numerous effects
such as echo, flange, distortion, mechanize,
and reverse.  The intuitive user interface
makes GoldWave easy to learn and use. Author:
Chris Craig (chris3@cs.mun.ca)
21231 HH10INST.EXE 1,4 Mt 28.01.2000 - - -
HammerHead Rhythm Station 1.0A freeware drum loop maker. Total 35 samples at the same time.
21232 HHE_DEMO.ZIP 25 Mt 09.02.2000 - - -
Hip-Hop E-Jay demo.  Helppo musiikinteko-ohjelma. Vedät valmiita sampleja hiirellä sopiviin paikkoihin 16-raitaiseen sekvensseriin - ja kuuntelet valmista biisiä. Sinun ei tarvitse osata lainkaan tehdä musiikkia sillä kaikki tapahtuu siirtämällä ääniraitoja hiirellä. Hiphop-versio. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P100, 16 Mt
21233 HOLOSCR.ZIP 321,3 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
Sonique skini: Holo ScreenThis one is pretty kewl, kinda like the screen slides out between modes... Recommended Sonique version: 1.05+. Author: Rich "DragonMyst". http://skins.sonique.com
21234 IAMP100.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.01.2000 - - -
IvoryAmp v1.0IvoryAmp Excellent design MP3-Player 1.0 IvoryAmp is a Styled, free and best design MP3 Player ever made. IvoryAmp is made by great design and deep meditation, and it presents it greatest usage to the people who want little bit more than a regular Winamp. Its totally free, no nags or ads, quick and small, and a very good advisary for other MP3 Players for Windows. Platform Windows 95/98/NT supported with colors 256 or more. Easy to use. 
Design by SkullSoft.
64987 ICCD31B.ZIP 183963 19.08.1996 - 20969/Audio_Toolkit_Walnut_Creek_September_1997.iso tupla
ICCD v3.1b, enhanced Windows 95 CD player
21235 ICCD32A.ZIP 233,8 kt 20.03.1997 - 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO tupla
ICCD V3.2aEnhanced Windows 95 CD player
21236 ICEAMP.ARJ 101,5 kt 24.08.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: IceAmp
21237 INDIGLO2.ZIP 96,3 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
Sonique skini: Indiglo Assassin r2.0Similar to Federal Assasin, with a few changes and differant color scheme. Recommended Sonique version: 1.00+. Author: Slumlord -cswat-. http://skins.sonique.com
21238 IQ32B11.EXE 932 kt 15.09.1997 - - -
"iQ v1.1iQ moves Internet Audio into the 3rd Dimension! iQ brings the magic of QSound technology to any streaming audio. Simply install this small application and revisit your favorite audio site to hear the difference QSound can make. Best of allfor 30 days its free! iQ also works with any other Windows sound streaming application."
21239 JAD46TE.EXE 7,3 Mt 23.01.2000 - 23500/JAN2K_CHIP.ISO -
Cowon Jet-Audio 4.6Suosittu MP3-monitoimiohjelma, joka muistuttaa perinteistä stereolaitteistoa. Soittaa ja koodaa MP3-tiedostoja.
Cowon Jet-Audio combines audio and video multimedia playback into one utility. The home-audio system interface 
supports audio CD, MIDI, and digital audio and video formats, and it includes a mixer and a remote control. 
Jet-Audio plays back most of the multimedia files on Windows 95/NT (audio/video CD, WAV, MP3, RealAudio, MIDI, 
AVI, MOV, MPEG, and others). The program offers a 20-band graphic equalizer for MPEG and MIDI, and reverb effects 
for MPEG audio and digital video, as well as a 20-channel spectrum analyzer. With Jet-Audio, you can watch video 
files with adjustable playback speed, and even capture and convert individual frames to BMP format. Jet-Audio 
provides six predefined equalizer sets: pop, rock, jazz, classic, vocal, and flat. It also includes Jet-Radio, 
a program that lets you listen to 1,000 Internet radio stations. In this 30-day trial version, only one audio 
track per session is selectable for MP3 recording. 
21240 JETAUD.ZIP 5,4 Mt 01.02.1999 - - -
Jet-Audio 4.02 Trial VersionJet-Audio features an impressive home audio system interface, including independent A/V components for Digital Signal Processor, Audio CD Player, Digital Audio (WAV, MP3, RA, etc.), MIDI (MID, MOD, XM, S3M, etc.), and Digital Video (AVI, QTW, MPG, RM, etx.), along with a Mixer and a Remote Controller.
21241 JUKBOX23.ZIP 188,7 kt 15.08.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
MP3 Jukebox version 2.3 A 32 bits shell for WinPlay3. Supports LFN,shuffle,collections management,automatic options, WinPlay3 integration,ID3 Tag,etc. Freeware.
21242 JUKEBOX2.ZIP 42900 04.03.1996 - Pegasus_Win95.iso -
JukeBox by Sloutions Software, v2.07
Jukebox will play any mix of *.AVI, *.MID,
*.WAV, or any other multimedia files that
your machine is equipped to play, and will
play them in any combination you wish.
This program is a full Win32 application
and will run only on Win Nt, Win 95 or
Win 3.1x with Win32s installed.
21243 JUNGLEAD.A01 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Jungle Activated demo 2/9
21244 JUNGLEAD.A02 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Jungle Activated demo 3/9
21245 JUNGLEAD.A03 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Jungle Activated demo 4/9
21246 JUNGLEAD.A04 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Jungle Activated demo 5/9
21247 JUNGLEAD.A05 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Jungle Activated demo 6/9
21248 JUNGLEAD.A06 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Jungle Activated demo 7/9
21249 JUNGLEAD.A07 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Jungle Activated demo 8/9
21250 JUNGLEAD.A08 3,7 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Jungle Activated demo 9/9
21251 JUNGLEAD.ARJ 3,8 Mt 27.04.1997 - - -
Jungle Activated demo version 1/9Interactive visit to the world of Jungle music. Look, listen play and mix it! Needs Winodws 95 with Quicktime installed.
21252 KBIIMID3.ZIP 157,6 kt 30.04.1999 - MBCD -
KB II MIDIUse your computer keyboard as a MIDI keyboard (Win95/98)
21253 KN32V17B.ZIP 770385 24.09.1996 - MBCD -
KeyNote Music Drills 32-Bit v1.70 for Windows
95/NT 3.51 is designed to help music students
learn to identify the notes of the bass clef,
treble clef, and grand staff, and to locate
their positions on the keyboard or guitar and
bass guitar fingerboard. There are additional
drills for the alto and tenor clefs, bass
guitar, and key signature. Options include
timed drills, set drill item count, Test Mode
to record score and times, Top 10 Best Scores
for all drills, file support for individual
21254 LAME385.ZIP 275,5 kt 30.07.2000 - - -
"Lame mp3 encoder v3.85LAME is a free open source encoder. It features joint stereo encoding and variable bitrateand its quality is substantially better than ISO psy-model based encoders (such as BladeEnc8Hz-mp3 and all free Windows encoders). Youll find here both the command line release and the DLL release for use with cd rippers. Freeware. Copyright (C) 1991 Free Software FoundationInc.(http://www.sulaco.org/mp3)"
21255 LDRUM102.EXE 743,8 kt 17.12.2000 - - -
leafDrums v1.02LeafDrums is a fully-featured software drum machine. It, for example, Uses standard WAV files for drum samples, so you can easily add your own or download more from the Net, 
supports "loops" that are resampled to fill the entire bar, whatever the tempo. It also provides control over the length, attack, and decay of drum sounds and includes a variety of effects you can apply to the drum sounds - delay, distortion, phaser, and many more. It\'s easy, quick, and pleasant to use. Help file is included. Shareware for Windows 95/97/NT by leafDrums. http://www.leafdigital.com/Software/leafdrums/
21257 LIB1.ZIP 169,2 kt 29.07.1999 - MBCD -
The Lady in Black 1.0Windows CD Player with archive function. Features: - automatic CD recognition - viewable CD archive, sorted by track name, artist name, album name or track time (click on column header!) - colors fully customizable (except the BLACK display background) - low CPU usage - Open Source It does NOT provide access to the CDDB.COM database, i.e. you have to input artist and track names by yourself.
21256 LIB1SRC.ZIP 40,1 kt 29.07.1999 - MBCD -
Lady In Black v1.0 source code (Delphi)
21258 LIQBUR13.ZIP 7,5 Mt 14.04.2000 - - -
MP3 Liquid Burn v1.3MP3 Liquid Burn makes exact original CD recordings from MP3 files. A great utility that has alot 
of great functions. Very fast and very efficient. Other features include DVD, listening room and 
lots of other great features. 
21259 LQMP530.EXE 4,1 Mt 29.09.2000 - - -
Liquid MusicPlayer CD v5.3.0.12Musiikin lataamisen, audiolevyjen polttamisen, grafiikkan katselun ja sanoitusten lukemisen yhdistävä mediaohjelma. Freewarea Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle.
21260 M2KPC.ZIP 25,4 Mt 25.04.2000 - - -
Music 2000 demo. Tekijä Codemasters. Musiikkisimulaatio/sävellysohjelma. Helppokäyttöinen kokonaisuus jolla voi tehdä helposti yksinkertaista musiikkia ja miksata sekaan videoefektejä. Tällä demolla voi kokeilla erilaisilla sampleilla kuten rummuilla ja bassolla + ääniefektejä. Tyyli: house-musiikki. Laitevaatimus Windows 95/98, P200, 32 Mt. Vaatii 3D-kiihdyttimen. 
65874 M95X.ZIP 455020 08.10.1996 - 20969/Audio_Toolkit_Walnut_Creek_September_1997.iso -
MediaSauce v1.2 for Windows 95
Tässä on Wave-, MIDI-, Video-, sekä CD-soitin
samassa ohjelmassa.
21261 M95X13.ZIP 477,8 kt 23.07.1997 - 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso -
"MediaSauce v1.3 Simplifies the playing of WaveMidiVideo for Windows and Quicktime movie files. Its also a Compact Disc player and database."
21262 MAC.EXE 443,1 kt 11.11.2000 - 19286/ftp.winsite.com-win95-sounds.tar -
MPEG Audio Collection v2.25Ilmainen ohjelma koneella olevan mpeg-muotoisen musiikin etsimiseen, järjestämiseen ja muokkaamiseen. Kappaleista voi tehdä myös soittolistoja ja tuloslistoja pystyy tallentamaan tekstitiedostoksi, html-sivuksi tai taulukkolaskentaohjelman ymmärtämään muotoon.
21263 MAX34.EXE 745,1 kt 18.02.2000 - - -
Maximus CD player v3.4.Cd player for Windows 95/98/NT. Features include window for programming, edit names of songs, authors and albums, small and big display, and much more. Freeware. Copyright Unlimited mind co. http://solair.eunet.yu/~muaddib
21264 MBCDP021.ZIP 192,4 kt 13.12.1999 - MBCD -
MBCDPlay v0.2.1MikroBitin CD-soitin Vaatii Windows 95/98/NT4:n sekä levyjä soittavan romppuaseman. Mukana Delphi- lähdekoodi. Ohjelman teosta kertovat jutut ovat MikroBitin numerossa 11/1999 ja 12/1999. Beetaversio, testaajia kaivataan.
21265 MBCDP030.ZIP 233 kt 06.01.2000 - MBHH2000 -
MBCDPlay v0.3.0 BetaMikroBitin CD-soitin Vaatii Windows 95/98/NT4:n sekä levyjä soittavan romppuaseman. Mukana Delphi- lähdekoodi. Ohjelman teosta kertovat jutut ovat MikroBitin numerossa 11/1999 ja 12/1999 sekä Huvi- ja Hyötyromppu 2000:lla. Beetaversio.
21266 MCD32_12.ZIP 128152 29.05.1996 - MBCD -
MiniCD v1.2: Windows 95 audio CD player
with a small float-on-top button bar.
21267 MDLBK251.ZIP 37,4 kt 30.04.1999 - 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 2 of 4).iso -
"Hubis Midi Loopback Device v2.5A virtual MIDI driver for Win3.x/95 + Connect/Sync multiple MIDI programs + add MultiClient I/O for all MIDI drivers + MidiCable: simple MIDI application with Transformations and filterSysEx thru. Up to 4 ports with multi client IN/OUTfull SysEx support. Freeware."
21268 MECVAR1B.ZIP 231 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
Sonique skini: the Mechanism v1.0 var1bAnother take on the ByteAudio skin... Recommended Sonique version: 1.05+. Author: Vendicator. http://skins.sonique.com
21269 MEDIA.EXE 214854 06.12.1995 - 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_4.ISO -
Media sound scheme for Windows 95
Contains the basic WAV and MIDI files
21270 MEDIPLY1.ZIP 177587 04.12.1996 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
MediPlay 1.01 for Win95
fast & funny, plays whole dir's,
sends GM-Reset, 4 free MIDI-files
Software and music by
Rainald Schwenke
21271 MELOCOMP.EXE 3,8 Mt 27.04.2000 - 23724/PCWorld_2000-07_cd.bin -
"Melody Assistant 5.0.1Create and edit music on your PC.
Melody Assistant is a music composition and score editor with audio playback capabilities. 
The programs digital sound-editing features let you record custom sounds from your CD player 
or microphone. The included digital-instrument database can be assigned to play back your 
compositions. Melody Assistant is compatible with MODMIDIKARSGUAIFFWAVBMPand 
other sound files. Previous versions added improved ABC formatthe ability to align staves 
both right and left while printingthe option to save files in a compressed formatand the 
ability to print braces and brackets to group staves. This version adds the ability to add 
digital audio tracks recorded from a CDmicrophoneor imported from an audio file (MP3WAVAIFF) 
to your documents. You can also input MIDI from your MIDI keyboard in real time while playing music
import and export MP3 filesand much more. The unregistered version limits exporting to eight 
seconds and has a watermark on printed documents. The cost to register is $15. 
21272 METALG.ZIP 90,3 kt 02.06.1998 - - -
Winamp-skini: Metal gear
21273 METRON16.ZIP 326 kt 29.07.1999 - MBCD -
Metronome v1.6 for Windows
21274 MI3PLAYE.EXE 330,7 kt 15.09.1997 - - -
"Milandis music module playerPlays MODS3M and XM muxic modules."
21275 MICMIX12.ZIP 98107 20.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
MicroMixer v0.12 for Windows 95
Smaller audio mixer that takes up less
screen space than the Windows 95's own
Sndvol32.exe program. Shareware version.
21276 MID2XM14.ZIP 509,6 kt 08.02.1998 - Metropoli BBS files.zip -
MIDI to XM File Converter v1.4
66134 MIDASW32.ZIP 67088 27.10.1996 - Metropoli BBS files.zip tupla
MIDAS Module Player for Windows NT 0.1.7
A free module player for Windows NT and 95,
supports Protracker (.mod), Scream Tracker 3
(.s3m) and Fasttracker 2 (.xm) modules.
21277 MIDIG101.ZIP 550,7 kt 01.12.1997 - MBCD -
MIDI Genie v1.01 Play mid, rmi, wav and avi files with play list file saving and retrieval. 5 play-modes: auto, loop, repeat, random and shuffle. Manage play list and files with easy drag-and-drop moves and play files at the same time. Rename, delete and move files; create and delete folder without opening explorer.  Support up to four types of MIDI reset now!
21278 MIDIJ2.ZIP 70001 13.10.1996 koko⁴ Metropoli BBS files.zip -
Midi Jukebox 2
Soittaa Wav- tai Midi-tiedostoja peräkkäin.
21279 MIDPLS20.ZIP 584,5 kt 23.12.1998 - - -
MidiPlus v2.0 (beta 1) MidiPlus is a cool media program that can play Midi, Wav, Avi, rmi and MP3 (Requires Windows Media Player 5.2). MidiPlus has many features some of them are: Optional use of play lists, play lists help you to organize your files. Other features are the No Repeat, Repeat Once and Repeat for ever functions. Random play, Drag & Drop Midi Reset function, advanced command line support, ZIP support, etc.
21280 MIDPNT.ZIP 69 kt 13.03.1997 versio 0.1.1 20219/hornet.scene.org FTP 11-25-2012.zip -
MIDAS Module Player v0.2.4A free module player for Windows NT and 95, supports Protracker (.mod), Scream Tracker 3 (.s3m) and Fasttracker 2 (.xm) modules.
21281 MIXVIBES.EXE 363,5 kt 29.11.2000 - - -
MixVibes FREE4 channels mixer, all sound formats supported including mp3 and wav,
controls for equalization, gain, pitch, bpm etc., music database and 
playlist. Windows 95/98/NT. Freeware. 
21282 MKIT10B2.ZIP 290,2 kt 18.03.1998 - - -
MikIT 1.00_beta_2A module player that supports XM, S3M, IT and MOD formats. This version contains some new improvements: resonant filter support, archive support, more channels allowed, bigger samples allowed, several effect bugfixes etc.
21283 ML10.ZIP 989987 01.11.1996 - 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip -
Mellosoftron 1.0 - live sampler and patch
editor. Can be played with a MIDI keyboard,
the computer keyboard or a mouse. Uses
WAVmaker/MIDInight Express patches. Windows
95, 1.6 MB free disk required. FPU
21284 MMAST10.ZIP 616,4 kt 27.10.1998 - MBCD -
Music Master 1.0Music Master is a good program for playing Midi, wave and CD for Windows 95. There are also new ideas, like a possibility to be a DJ, go to disco and relax in the Backstage, by playing different games and sometimes sipping some drinks. Min system is 486 and Windows 95. Fiction Products. Good quality shareware from Finland!!!
21285 MMJBOX.EXE 8,4 Mt 01.02.2001 - - -
MusicMatch Jukebox 6.00.0270Suosittu MP3-monitoimiohjelma, jolla voit mm.
kuunnella MP3-musiikkia (player), poimia
kappaleita CD-levyltä (ripper), muuttaa
WAV-tiedostoja MP3:ksi, tehdä
MP3-soittolistoja ja musiikkikirjastoja yms.
CDDB-tuki. http://www.musicmatch.com 
21286 MMP10.ZIP 370 kt 12.08.2000 - - -
"Merrysoft Module Player 1.0 by Vesa Piittinen (Merry)Merrysoft This is a small module playeryou can change its size quite freely. Plays MODS3MXM and MTM modules. Uses SEAL Audio Library Copyright 2000 Vesa PiittinenMerrysoft"
21287 MN13.ZIP 1099870 01.11.1996 - 23871/PC World Interactive 1 - Nisan 1997.iso -
MIDInight Express 1.3 - real time MID to WAV
renderer. Get wavetable sound without a
wavetable card! Uses WAVmaker patches. Can
run alongside WAVmaker or standalone. Windows
95, 1.7 MB free disk required (2.8 at
installation). FPU recommended.
21288 MODSYN10.ZIP 298,7 kt 28.09.1997 - MBCD -
Modulation Synthesizer v1.0 Modulation Synthesizer is a software synthesizer. With this program you can easy create: - sounds - tunes - noises by playing on the computer or a midi keyboard.
21289 MOOAMP24.ZIP 85,9 kt 26.03.2000 - - -
MooAMP v2.4Skin for Winamp 2.x
21290 MOONFISH.ZIP 1,6 Mt 01.12.2000 - - -
MoonFish 1.2MoonFish is a free, fully featured sequencer. It features three mono-channels, 
64 samples with a maximum size of 16Mb each, and FX (distortion, delay, and 
genuine SL1200 noise-fx). It also streams songs and patterns to WAVs. Choose 
up to 128 patterns per song, a total of 64 different patterns per track,
FT9xx controller implementation to design weird loops, and stretch FX. 
21291 MOZART20.ZIP 1917950 24.09.1996 - MBCD -
MOZART the Windows Music Processor creates,
edits, and prints music scores and individual
parts using the computer keybord only; is
WYSIWYG; saves scores to disk and exports
MIDI files for "aural preview" on multimedia
PC's.  For both serious amateur & novice
21292 MP3000F.EXE 5,4 Mt 02.01.2001 - - -
"MP-3000FMP-3000F is DISCO-NOVAs digital deejay mixer designed by 
professional diskjockeys for everyone who happens to be 
interested in computer aided virtual deejaying.
21293 MP32WAV.ZIP 302 kt 27.06.1999 - #hyrava -
Mp32wav Pro v1.0 Ohjelma jolla saat konvertoitua mp3:n wav-muotoon hyvällä äänenlaadulla. Vaatii P100Mhz+, 16 mt RAM, 2 mt HDD, Win95. Sharewarea. Copyright 1998 rJPA Industries.
21294 MP3DEC14.EXE 1 Mt 23.01.2000 - 23470/CHIP_08_99.BIN -
MP3 Decoder 1.4.3Purkaa MP3-tiedostot takaisin pakkaamattomaan WAV-muotoon.
21295 MP3ENC31.ZIP 218,1 kt 11.12.1998 - - -
MP3Enc v3.1MP3 Layer-3 Encoder Demo http://www.iis.fhg.de
21296 MP3EXE20.ZIP 1,2 Mt 28.03.1999 - - -
MP3 to EXE v2.0 With MP3 to EXE you can create selfplaying MP3 songs. While the song is played you can change the volume (left & right seperately), see a BU meter, change the position in the MP3 song, loon the song, view the tags with information about the song. And you can change this information with MP3 to EXE before creating the file. To distribute songs created with this program, you MUST register it!
21297 MP3EXPL.ZIP 211,8 kt 11.12.1998 - MBCD -
MP3 Explorer v1.5 Ohjelma, jolla voit tutkia, selailla ja soittaa MP3-tiedostojasi.
21298 MP3FIND.EXE 1,9 Mt 23.01.2000 - 12749/Igromania_01.iso -
"Planet.MP3Find allows users to search MP3 servers for MP3 files by a specific artist or song title. The programs simple interfacewhich resembles Windows Explorershows what is available at a particular FTP site before initiating a connection to the site. Version is a maintenance release that fixes bugs and includes a few minor cosmetic improvements. http://www.innovators.com
21299 MP3HS21.EXE 6,1 Mt 01.01.2001 - - -
MP3 Home Studio Deluxe v2.1Ohjelma, jolla voit kuunnella CD:itä ja MP3:ia, tehdä CD:n kappaleista MP3:ia, MP3:ista WAVeja tai WAVeista MP3:ia. Sisältää lisäksi ohjelman, jolla voit polttaa kappaleet CD:lle. Tukee playlistejä ja CDDB:tä. Shareware. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.mp3homestudio.com
21300 MP3INF13.EXE 286 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
"MP3Info 1.3MP3Info lets you display and edit the TAG information which can be stored in a MP3 file. You can start MP3Info using theSend To-Command or by simply starting the program itself. If the file contains an ID3 this will be displayed and you can edit it. If no ID3 is attached to the file you can create one by just entering data and hitting theSavebutton. Another option of MP3Info is the renaming of the opened file using a given pattern. For example you can rename all files to  .mp3. This can also be done using the command line. MP3Info offers full install and uninstall support and is designed for Windows 95 / 98 / NT. Freeware. http://www.buegesoft.de

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21301">21301</a></td>

                    <td>347,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MP3Info Pro 1.0MP3Info Pro is a MP3 Explorer which allows creating, editing and deleting MP3 tags, renaming MP3 files using a
specified pattern, editing M3U playlists and printing out a list of MP3 files and their tag information. 14-day trial. The cost to register is $12.50. http://www.buegesoft.de

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21302">21302</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MP3LC131.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21302&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MP3LC131.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>169,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>mp3-list creator version 1.31Creates great file lists from your mp3 archive! Can read ID3 Tag information and calculate playing times for you mp3s!  (C) Copyright 1999, Solar Software.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21303">21303</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MP3MAKER.EXE&tiedoston_id=21303&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MP3MAKER.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>6,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Magix MP3 Maker 1.06 DemoThe Magix MP3 Maker makes reading and writing MP3 files easy. 
Just download music files from the Internet (or import tracks from your audio CDs), 
create your play list, and burn - now your hit compilation is finished! 
The integrated Music Editor allows you to import and clean old analog recordings. 
Using the encoder you can quickly convert all of your music into MP3 format 
for any purpose. NOTE: This is a limited demo version.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21304">21304</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>.mp3 Producer (professional) v2.1Freeware Edition.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21305">21305</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MP3ROBOT.EXE&tiedoston_id=21305&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MP3ROBOT.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>397,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MP3Robot 1.1MP3Robot is a freeware audio search utility that can help you find and organize MP3 files (see screen shot). The program’s database lists over 60,000 MP3s that can be found on the Web. It also lets you download multiple files simultaneously, play files from within the application, and more. Version 1.1 fixes bugs and makes minor improvements to the interface. http://www.mp3robot.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21307">21307</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MP3TS15.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21307&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MP3TS15.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>965,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mp3/Tag Studio 1.5The ultimate all-in-one Mp3 managing suite.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21306">21306</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MP3TS151.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21306&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MP3TS151.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>968,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MP3/Tag Studio 1.51MP3/Tag Studio is an MP3 manager featuring mass renaming of files based on their ID3 tags. You can create custom lists for easy importing. Mass rename files based on their ID3 tags or mass set ID3 tags based on filenames, all in accordance with your settings. Create custom lists for easy import to database programs. This program also features a fast, advanced manual managing system for files and ID3 tags. http://www.abc.se/~m9761/mp3tag_studio

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21308">21308</a></td>

                    <td>165,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows Media Player 7 Bonus PackDouble Your Music, get new skins, visualizations, and more with the free Windows Media Player 7 Bonus Pack.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21309">21309</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MPEGW32H.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21309&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MPEGW32H.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>626,7 kt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MPEGplay 1.61 for Windows NT 3.51+</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21310">21310</a></td>

                    <td>315,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mpeg Encoder v0.07a Pakkaa WAV-tiedostot MPEG-muotoon (MP3). Selkeä käyttöliittymä. Laadukasta freewarea Windows 95:lle.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21311">21311</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MPFIEND.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21311&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MPFIEND.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"MP3 Fiend 5.3MP3 Fiend allows you to search 11 major MP3 search engines concurrently so that you dont have to submit your search to each one individually. Just specify one or more search terms and watch as the program gathers up links for you (see screen shot). MP3 Fiend allows you to save your search results and supports automatic downloading via GetRight and GoZilla. Version 5.3 fixes bugsimproves stabilityand now retrieves MP3 file sizes during verification. 
Note: Before downloadingread the readme!.txt file that is included inside the ZIP file. The program will not run properly unless those directions are followed. MP3 Fiend will not run behind certain firewalls or with authenticating proxies. http://www.mp3fiend.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21312">21312</a></td>

                    <td>880,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Abes MP3 FinderAbes MP3 Finder helps you to find MP3 files on the Internet. Simply type in a search termsuch as a song title or an artist nameand MP3 Finder will search the Web and produce a list of relevant MP3 files for you to download (see screen shot). In additionthis program features support for GetRight and GoZilla to resume interrupted HTTP downloadsas well as HTTP link checking to verify the status of search results. The program now includes an integrated FTP client. http://www.abes.org

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21313">21313</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MPFREE18.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21313&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MPFREE18.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MPFree 1.8Free MP3 player for Win9x, supports customization of user interface.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21314">21314</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MPlifier v0.52Erittäin nopea MPEG-pakkaaja (WAV->MP3) Windows 95:lle.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21315">21315</a></td>

                    <td>256,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The MODPlug Player v1.40TMP is a high-quality 32-bit music module player. It supports man ysound formats, including MOD, WEV, DBM, DSM, MDL, IT, S3M, and XM. In addition, it offers many methods to enhance sound, including a graphic equalizer and controls for mixing, resampling, reverb, Dolby Surround, extended bass, and gain. The MODPlug Player also supports MMX and DirectSound acceleration, as well as Winamp plug-ins. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21316">21316</a></td>

                    <td>559,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ModPlug Tracker v1.09(Player engine v1.42) MPTRACK.EXE: Main EXE file, MPTRACK.CNT: ModPlug Tracker Help Index, MPTRACK.HLP:  ModPlug Tracker Help, FILE_ID.DIZ:  This file. New features: Much improved HQ resampling filter, Improved surround, Added support for LHA-compressed modules.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66305">66305</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MPW100.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66305&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MPW100.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FREEWARE! MOD/S3M/XM Player for Win95 Uses
The SEAL Audio Library Includes Delphi32
Source Code</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21317">21317</a></td>

                    <td>796,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Maplay 1.2+ for Win32 v1.A486-optimized version. Plays Mpeg 1 Layer 1, 2 and 3 files!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21318">21318</a></td>

                    <td>796,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Maplay 1.2+ for Win32 v1.APentium-optimized version. Plays Mpeg 1 Layer 1, 2 and 3 files!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21319">21319</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Anvil StudioAnvil Studio lets you multi-track record, compose, edit, and mix MIDI and digital audio program. It has delay, pitch change, pan, filter, reverse, and VU meters. It also has cut/copy/paste audio and punch-in tore-record over mistakes. The rhythm tracks include sampled audio percussions. Also included is remote control record/play/stop. With the free version, create an unlimited number of arbitrarily long MIDI tracks, and a one-minute audio track.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21320">21320</a></td>

                    <td>984,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MadTracker v2.0.7MadTracker is a new Windows-based tracker. It is FT2 compatible. MadTracker has new great features:Track effects, Automation, Stereo samples,Drums patterns, Synchronized samples, etc. File formats: MT2, XM, IT, S3M, MOD. New in this version: Re-designed interface (with instruments list), 24-bit WAV output (professional registration), Better XM and MOD compatibility, Sample-mode IT modules support, Unreal music (UMX) import, Hi-pass filter for the instruments, Transpose panel and lots of bugfixes. Requires: Pentium 166 MHz 32 MB RAM. Win9x/NT4/2k. Shareware. Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Yannick Delwiche. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21321">21321</a></td>

                    <td>165,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MultiTag v1.3Ilmainen apuohjelma, jolla voi päivittää monen MP3-tiedoston ID3-tagit kerralla. Helpottaa esimerkiksi kokonaisten albumien digitalisointia.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21322">21322</a></td>

                    <td>377,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Musix v0.3Musix is a small music player. It can play mp3`s,wave,midis and mp2`s. It also has a playlist.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21323">21323</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MULTQ102.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21323&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MULTQ102.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>403,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Multiquence v1.02 Multitrack digital audio processor with unique multimedia extensions. Features include: fast virtual editing with an unlimited number of tracks; 100% "real time" processing; master volume, track volume, Mute and Solo controls; Undo, Copy, Mute, Trim, Split, Delete; editing/playback marker; drag-and-drop editing; multiple levels of Undo; instant effects: Dynamic volume, Flange, Equalizer, Pan; Sequence digital audio, CD audio, MIDI, video; Supports multiple recording sections; Full zooming for accurate positioning; Context menus; Configurable playback rate; Combine all digital audio tracks to a single wave file; Complete help on all commands; Shareware, with no features disabled!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21324">21324</a></td>

                    <td>744,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Multiquence 2.01 (beta 2)Multitrack digital audio processor with unique multimedia extensions. 
Features include: fast virtual editing with an unlimited number of 
tracks; 100% "real time" processing; master volume, track volume, 
Mute and Solo controls; Undo, Copy, Mute, Trim, Split, Delete; 
editing/playback marker; drag-and-drop editing; multiple levels 
of Undo; instant effects: Dynamic volume, Flange, Equalizer, Pan; 
Sequence digital audio, CD audio, MIDI, video; Supports multiple 
recording sections; Full zooming for accurate positioning; Context 
menus; Configurable playback rate; Combine all digital audio tracks 
to a single wave file; Complete help on all commands; 
Shareware, with no features disabled!

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21325">21325</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MUMA10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21325&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MUMA10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1014,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>K/oS MusicManiac 1.0Nice 32bit Player for MOD,S3M & XM modules. Organize your modules with MusicManiac: Copy, Move, Rename... Create your own discs (playlists) to select your favorites modules with a simple click. Of course with Drag&Drop, Helpfile and Install-/deinstallation. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21326">21326</a></td>

                    <td>6,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Magix Music Maker Generation 5 DemoMikroBitissä 5/2000 testatun Magix Music Maker 5 -ohjelman ilmainen kokeiluversio.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21327">21327</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MUSEA44B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21327&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MUSEA44B.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>701,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MuseArc v4.4MuseArc is an audio player designed for Win95/NT. It is capable of playing all MPEG audio layer II and III streams which are conforming to ISO/IEC 11172-3 and/or ISO/IEC 13818-3.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21328">21328</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MUSICALC.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21328&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MUSICALC.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>338,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"MusiCalc v1.0Musicians tempo and delay calculator for Windows 95"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21329">21329</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MUSICBOX.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21329&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">MUSICBOX.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>141,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ericsson GH688/788 MusicboxOhjelma, jolla voit kuunnella ja säveltää omia soittoääniä Ericssonin tiettyihin GSM-puhelimiin. Mukana tulee runsaasti ääniä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21330">21330</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NAD080.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21330&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">NAD080.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>113,2 kt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NAD v0.80 Beta 1New MP3 player for Windows95/NT</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21331">21331</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NAPV2B6.EXE&tiedoston_id=21331&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">NAPV2B6.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Napster v2.0 Beta 6aNapster is a search engine that allows you to find and
download MP3 audio files. It eliminates the problems of
conventional FTP transfers by using cutting-edge technology to
ensure the completion of each MP3 download. When searching
online for songs, you can specify the minimum server ping
(response) times as well as MP3 bit rates and frequency.
Napster essentially provides a virtual community of MP3 fans, in
that each napster user "shares" his or her MP3 collection with
everyone else running napster, ensuring a vast collection of
MP3s for download. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21332">21332</a></td>

                    <td>32,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: NeXT2000</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21333">21333</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NOKIAMP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21333&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">NOKIAMP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>32,8 kt</td>


                    <td>23274/CHIP Temmuz 1998.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: NokiAmp</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21334">21334</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Magix Notation 1.04 DemoHelppokäyttöisen nuotinkirjoitusohjelman kokeiluversio.
With MAGIXs notationyou can start to composearrangeedit and print music scores
today. It is the easiest software to use in the market with its intuitive and elegant
interface along with its support of a computer keyboardmouse and MIDI instrument.
Note: This is a limited demo version. http://www.magix.net

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21335">21335</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NOTEAMP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21335&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">NOTEAMP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>18,7 kt</td>


                    <td>22667/cd joystick no100 janvier 1999.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: NoteAmp</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21336">21336</a></td>

                    <td>426 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"NoteCard 2.0.1A friendly utility that teaches you to recognize musical notes. Its designed as an ideal tool for anyone 
in the first stages of learning to read music. It can shorten the time it takes to learn to recognize the 
notes--a necessary ability for fluent reading. NoteCard lets you practice the bass staff and the treble 
staffor both at once. You can enter notes in any of three input modesincluding piano keyboard style. 
The software also features detailed online help. This version is now a 32-bit version with a redesigned 
user interfaceplus a new guitar-neck input graphic.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21337">21337</a></td>

                    <td>3,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NexENCODE Studio 3.0 by Team NexgenStudio NexEncode is an easy to use and well-designed MPEG-Audio Layer 3 (MP3) encoder, decoder and CD ripper.

NexEncode offers one-step encoding, a customizable interface, support for plug-ins, an ID3 Tag editor, playback support, multiple CD-ROM drive support, and a skin and shape editor. --> NexENCODE Studio is an easy to use and well designed mp3 encoder, cd ripper, decoder, player, effects processor, and comes with the comfortable and easy to use companion, NexMedia. NexENCODE offers encoding with one click, effects editing, an id3 editor, and generally 
anything a fan of music would like. It also includes an MP3 to WAV decoder. http://www.team-nexgen.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=52127">52127</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTFCD110.ZIP&tiedoston_id=52127&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">NTFCD110.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Notify CD Player v1.10 for Win95 taskbar</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21338">21338</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTFCD151.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21338&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">NTFCD151.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>119,6 kt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Notify CD 1.51A freeware CD player for the Windows 95 taskbar tray. Uses CDDB.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21339">21339</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTRCK201.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21339&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">NTRCK201.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>817,4 kt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 2 of 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>n-Track v2.01Digital multitrack recorder This program will turn your computer into a powerful multitrack recorder: all you need is a full duplex sound card, a microphone, Windows 95, and some fre hard disk space.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21340">21340</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NUTCHORD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21340&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">NUTCHORD.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>147,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Nut Chords 32 Saarnio Nut Chords is a chord and scale finder mainly for guitar players. It can detect all chords and chord positions, you can use all tunings, you can search all scales and arpeggios, make chord diagrams, convert chords between fretboard and keyboard... The interface is keyboard/mouse based, mess around, very easy!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21341">21341</a></td>

                    <td>789,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Noteworthy Composer v1.70 (32-bit)Monipuolinen ja kehittynyt ohjelma säveltämiseen ja nuotintamiseen. Musiikkia voi luoda itse,
nauhoittaa MIDI-soittimesta, tulostaa ja kuunnella. Sharewarea. Rekisteröimättömässä versiossa
30 päivän kokeiluaika ja joitain rajoituksia.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21342">21342</a></td>

                    <td>3,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Octamed Sound Studio beta 14 32-bittinen laadukas, kotimaista alkuperää oleva tracker-tyyppinen musiikkiohjelma.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21343">21343</a></td>

                    <td>106,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Omega</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21344">21344</a></td>

                    <td>466 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Orangator 2.0 beta7Orangator is a powerful virtual analogue synthesizer with subtractive, additive and fm method of synthesis! *TONS* of improvements in this version! Beta 7 - use on your own risk!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21345">21345</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=OUT_XF.EXE&tiedoston_id=21345&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">OUT_XF.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>45,7 kt</td>

                        <td style="color:red">ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Agent-365461 FOUND</td>

                    <td>16085/Practical Internet July 2002.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Crossfade plugini WinAmpiinTämä plugini saa WinAmpin feidaamaan biisin sen loppuessa pois samanaikaisesti seuraavan biisin feidautuessa sisään.
Made by: Justin-. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21346">21346</a></td>

                    <td>4,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>George Clinton\'s "P-Funk Remix" DemoThe Mothership has landed and transported your PC into the remix zone. The King of Funk has given you his master tapes and only you can decide the fate of his P-Funk drum beats, vocals and more) in full studio quality sound right from your keyboard. It\'s simple to use, just choose a classics. Play the sixteen elements (i.e. bass, guitar, song, press play and watch out as the Plush Funk starts to groove. Windows</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21347">21347</a></td>

                    <td>22,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Philips</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21348">21348</a></td>

                    <td>189,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Playboyster v1.1Playboyster is a tool for creating playlists (those *.m3u files). Designed especially for those who burn their own MP3-cds and like to have playlists included on the disc. Playboyster recursively scans directories and creates playlists (playlist filenames are taken from the directory names). Handles Winamp 1.x/2.x-style playlists. If you use 2.x style playlists and utilize the ID3-tags, a full CD-R of mp3s loads into Winamp in a flash! Playlists can be painful to create by hand. Solution: use Playboyster. Freeware. By Joonas Hirvonen/Toytools (http://welcome.to/toytools)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21349">21349</a></td>

                    <td>627,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PowerPlay 1.30FREE audio CD player for Windows 95/98. Some of the features include downloading  album  and  track titles  from CDDB,  custom   exporting of  data,  multiple drive support, tray controls,  direct weblinks  to  online shops   and information    databases, logging,   autorun  support,  database explorer,    completely  configurable layout, full uninstallation...</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21350">21350</a></td>

                    <td>934,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Power-SoundOhjelma, joka soittaa yleisimpiä äänitiedostoja, mm. Wav, MP3, MOD, IT, XM3 ja S3M-formaatteja.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21351">21351</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Pristine Sounds99Pristine Sounds99 is an ideal tool for preparing sound & music for restoring to CDor applying effects to all kinds of recordings. With Pristine Sounds you can deal with large files in an easy manner as all data is situated on the harddisk and need not be loaded into RAM. The largest size of an individual file can be up to 2Gb (thats over 3 CDs). The Plugin architecture gives the user the possibility to directly download the latest effects from Pristine Sounds Homepage or from 3rd party vendors. You can add up to 128 plugins to Pristine Sounds. It has a native plugin architecturebut also support DirectX audio plugins. The internal architecture uses 24 bit samples and 24 bit effect-processing. Older DirectX / ActiveMovie plugins only deals with 16 bit processing. Shareware. Requires DirectMediawhen using DirectX plug-ins. Copyright 19981999 Alien Connections. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21352">21352</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PULSE096.EXE&tiedoston_id=21352&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">PULSE096.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Pulse 0.96Module/MP3 player with an intriguing interface and a lot of features. "Component" based system allows for the adding of new features by simply placing the associated dll library in the program directory (such as adding a new format loader). Supports WinAMP skins, and large number of different file formats. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21353">21353</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QCF_09.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21353&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">QCF_09.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>7,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Quick Chord Finder v0.9Ilmainen pieni ohjelma kitaran sointujen opettelemiseen. Katsot vain nuoteista tarvittavan soinnun, niin ohjelma näyttää, miten se soitetaan helpoimmin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21354">21354</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QCKSKIN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21354&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">QCKSKIN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>907,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"quickSkin 1.2QuickSkin is an easy-to-use Winamp skin maker which allows you to create the mainequalizerand playlist windows. You can quickly convert any BMP image into a Winamp skinas well as customize the generated skins colorframesand appearance. Minimun requirements: Windows 95/98/NT/200016 MB of RAMPentium. Freeware. Author: John Gardiner. http://www.greenbaize.demon.co.uk

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21355">21355</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QKSKIN13.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21355&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">QKSKIN13.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>907,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>quickSkin v1.3Ilmainen ohjelma, jolla voit tehdä itse Winampiin nahkoja (skin). Saat tunnetun musiikinsoitto-ohjelman näyttämään miltä tahansa haluamaltasi bittikarttakuvalta.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21356">21356</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QPlayer (v1.04) Kotimainen ja ilmainen Mp3/Video soitto-ohjelma. Vaatii 32-bit Windowsin jossa Mediaplayer 6.4 tai uudempi.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21357">21357</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QPlayer v1.05 ilmainen ja nopea musiikkiohjelma. Hyvä soitto-lista jota pitää  helposti ajan tasalla. WinME toimii parhaiten käyttöjärjestelmistä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21358">21358</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QSound demo 2/9</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21359">21359</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QSound demo 3/9</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21360">21360</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QSound demo 4/9</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21361">21361</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QSound demo 5/9</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21362">21362</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QSound demo 6/9</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21363">21363</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QSound demo 7/9</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21364">21364</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QSound demo 8/9</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21365">21365</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QSound demo 9/9</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21366">21366</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QSound demo - QSound is a patented innovative
process for generating a sound field that is
unrefenrenced to the playback speakers.
Requiring only standard stereo playback
equipment, QSound provides enhanced aurio
imaging capabilities with startling
contrasts. Requires Win95. 1/9</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21367">21367</a></td>

                    <td>602,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QUACK Sound Effects Studio V3.0.1QUACK Sound Effects Studio teams up with your soundcard to enable you to create a wide variety of electonic sound effects.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21368">21368</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RAIDER.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21368&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">RAIDER.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sound Raider v1.0Searches your hard disk for sounds and mixes them in an original way.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21369">21369</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RAZBL120.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21369&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">RAZBL120.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>420,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RazorBlade 1.2.0 Front-end for BladeEnc MP3 Encoder</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21370">21370</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RD12.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21370&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">RD12.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>709,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Rramm Drrumm v1.2A dedicated tool for playing drum samples via MIDI input. For Windows 95/98 + DirectX 5 or later. Made in Finland by SisuSoft.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21371">21371</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RD210.EXE&tiedoston_id=21371&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">RD210.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RubberDuck H30+ v2.1 demoRoughly based on the the well known TB-303, the RD H30+ synthesis model consists of an oscillator wave with a resonant filter sweep applied to it combined with a simple hardware sequencer design which resolves in the typical twisted, screaming, bubbling bass sound that is often used in Acid House, Trance, or Techno productions. Author: d-lusion. Some restrictions on save and recording functions. Registration: $US 34.95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21372">21372</a></td>

                    <td>12,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Reason 1.0 demoReason is a software-synthesizer with Analog synth, sampler, drum machine, ReCycle!-based loop player, mixer, effects, pattern sequencer, and more. As many of each as your computer can handle. Reason is an infinitely expandable MIDI studio on a CD-ROM, complete with its own realtime sequencer. Each unit in Reason’s virtual rack is edited from its own on-screen front panel. All the sliders, knobs, buttons and functions of the equivalent hardware are there. But more importantly, on several counts, Reason is better than hardware. System Requirements: Intel Pentium II or better, 233 MHz or faster, 64 MB of RAM, CD-ROM drive, 16-bit Windows compatible audio card, preferably with a DirectX or ASIO driver. DirectX. A MIDI interface and a MIDI keyboard (or similar). This demo version will work 20 minutes per one use. Author: Propellerhead Software. http://www.propellerheads.se/reason</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21373">21373</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Rebirth RB-338 demo Amazing TR808 & TB 303 music synthetizer emulator, with an 808 and TWO 303s thrown into same package! Create amazing retro music, in professional quality! 486DX2, Win95, 16 MV</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21374">21374</a></td>

                    <td>903,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Music Rhythm Tutor 1.0Opetusohjelma, joka parantaa niin aloittelijan kuin musiikkia harrastaneenkin rytmitajua. Voit harjoitella myös omia rytmejäsi. Sharewarea 14 päivän kokeiluajalla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21375">21375</a></td>

                    <td>44,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Saipa -aiheinen skini WinampiinSaipa skini joka sisältää equalizerin, playlistin sekä minibrowserin. Nätti skini Suomen parhaasta joukkueesta.
Tekijä: OOgE soft.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21376">21376</a></td>

                    <td>517,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sound Control Plus 1.50 betaSound Control Plus is a freeware replacement Windows Sound Mixer applet which together with most of the features of the standard Windows mixer it also allows you to add hot keys to adjust any combination of your sound mixer volumes. Support to control Winamp with a series of hot keys and an On Screen Display is also included. Supports Windows 95 / 98 / NT4 / 2000 and Millennium-Me. See homepage for a full list of features and license. Needs Windows compatible sound card. Expires September 30, 2000. Freeware. Author: Really Effective Software.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21377">21377</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sound Club v2.03Sound Club is a piano roll type digital music editor that you use to create music files, as well as listen to and modify music created with various other editors. It features fully digital sound processing, 16-bit CD quality stereo playback, virtually unlimited number of voices playing simultaneously, intuitive way of representing music, real-time editing and recording, support for MOD and S3M music file formats, export to WAV and Preset instrument bank. Free. Win9x/NT. Copyright(c)1998 Bluemoon Interactive.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21378">21378</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SEEV1B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21378&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">SEEV1B.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SOUND EVENT EDITOR '96 v1.0b for Windows95
Freeware Utility to add Open,Close,Maximize,
Minimize,RestoreUp/Down sound events to
nearly any program in Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21379">21379</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SEQ303.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21379&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">SEQ303.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Seq-303 v1.0 - Sequencer for Windows 95/NT
Analog sequencer emulator inspired by many
of the great analog sequencers of yore.
All it requires is a PC, a sound card or
synthesizer, and a little imagination.
Freeware. Jim Johnson/Metaphoric Software</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21380">21380</a></td>

                    <td>9,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sound Forge 4.5h demoSound Forge 4.5 is professional sound editing software for Windows that includes an extensive set of audio processes, tools, and effects for manipulating audio. Combine Sound Forge 4.5 with any Windows-compatible sound card to create, record, edit, and refine audio files. The clean interface and familiar Windows environment make editing fast and easy.
Demo version Win9x/NT4/2k. Requires x86 Pentium; DirectX Media Runtime 6.0 or later. Copyright Sonic Foundry.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68327">68327</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SGPRO101.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68327&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">SGPRO101.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sound Gadget Pro v1.0
Sound Editor for Windows95/NT
32-Bit sound editor for Windows95 and Windows
NT. Uses the new controls such as tab dialogs
and property sheets. Supports .WAV, .VOC,
.AU, .SND. Format Changing, Fading, Stereo
Panning, Amplifying, Recording, Reversing,
etc all supported.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21381">21381</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SGPRO152.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21381&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">SGPRO152.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>


                    <td>5457/Aplicaciones Windows.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sound Gadget Pro v1.5.2 32-Bit sound editor for Windows95 and Windows NT. Uses the new controls such as tab dialogs and property sheets. Supports .WAV, .VOC, .AU, .SND. Format Changing, Fading, Stereo Panning, Amplifying, Recording, Reversing, etc all supported.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21383">21383</a></td>

                    <td>84,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Shadow Spider</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21382">21382</a></td>

                    <td>52,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Kala</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21384">21384</a></td>

                    <td>373,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Singing Tutor 4.0Singing Tutor has been designed for training vocal skills and tuning 
musical instruments. It allows to measure voice and music pitch with 
high precision in real time by using microphone input of the sound card.
Trial version is fully functional and limited to 6 runs. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21385">21385</a></td>

                    <td>372 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Singing Tutor 4.1Singing Tutor has been designed for training vocal skills and tuning musical instruments. It allows to measure voice and music pitch with high precision in real time by using microphone input of the sound card. Trial version is fully functional and limited to 6 runs. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21386">21386</a></td>

                    <td>53,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Ampesizer Elite </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21387">21387</a></td>

                    <td>49,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Ampesizer Pro </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21388">21388</a></td>

                    <td>54,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Ampesizer Standard</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21389">21389</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Skinner version beta 62 for Win9x/NT/2k"Skinner is a mp3 CD player with skin support, Load skins and make skin default options. You can also make your own skin with the included template and any graphic program."
This version has fixed the volume control and optimized the program for smoother and faster running. Requires at least 16MB Ram. This version is free. Author: GRob. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21390">21390</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SMORPH30.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21390&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">SMORPH30.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>913,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SMoRPhi 3.0The software synthesizer Powerful and highly optimized user interface Many parameters for each of the 32 voices Free editable wave presets and volume env. Wave-, vibrato- and lowpass morphing Effect section with lowpass, EQ, ...</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21391">21391</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SNDMIX13.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21391&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">SNDMIX13.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>


                    <td>23872/PC World Interactive 10.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SoundMix V1.2Sound mixing and editing tool. TRIAL. Win95 486</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21392">21392</a></td>

                    <td>63 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Sonicated </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21393">21393</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SONIQ190.EXE&tiedoston_id=21393&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">SONIQ190.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sonique 1.9Sonique is an audio player capable of handling MP3 files, Microsoft Windows Media files, audio CDs, and more. It features a dynamic, windowless interface, complete with fully animated menu systems. Additional features include a full-featured playlist editor; a variety of unique output visualization modes; plug-ins; a robust control set featuring pitch, jog, and shuttle; support for skins; a balance and amplification adjustment; and a 20-band equalizer with spline-based level adjustment. Sonique supports many audio formats, including WMA, MPEG, MP2, MP3, WAV, MOD, XM, IT, S3M, and CD audio. Freeware. http://www.sonique.com </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21394">21394</a></td>

                    <td>86,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sony deck 1.21Skin for Winamp 2.x

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21395">21395</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SP2SETUP.EXE&tiedoston_id=21395&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">SP2SETUP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Soundprobe 2.0Soundprobe gives everyone the perfect creative tool not only for manipulating and mixing multiple tracks of music but also to make outstanding and diverse sounds for use in multimedia and application development. An astounding number of powerful effects enables musicians and developers to bring their sounds to life. All effects may be customized with presets and advanced parameter variationsincluding powerful vector envelopes which allow control of how any part of an effect changes over time. Soundprobe boasts four fast-rendering visualization graphsincluding spectrogramsa uniquely combined time and frequency graph3D frequency surfaces as well as the usual time display. The full multi-document interface enables multiple views of the same soundeach with its own graph and selectionmaking Soundprobe a joy to use. The advanced effects system also enables users to preview effects in real-timewith the ability to record the outputhear the sound with or without the effect applied and even hear the difference an effect makes. 7-day trial for Windows9x/NT/Me/2000 by Dave OReilly. http://www.soundprobe.com"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21396">21396</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SPYAMP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21396&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">SPYAMP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>74,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: SpyAmp</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21397">21397</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sound Studio Gold v1.10 demoUnique combination of Digital Audio / MIDI recording and Easy Play features, allowing you to make the most of your musical ideas. Evolution Electronics. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21398">21398</a></td>

                    <td>106,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Stepamp </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21399">21399</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Test v0.1Channel test for Surround and Stereo systems. HI-FI Stereo, Dolby Surround encoded, MONO Compatible. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21400">21400</a></td>

                    <td>935,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stomper Hyperion v5.0 beta (build 41)"Stomper" - in a completely rewritten version 5.0 - Stomper Hyperion - is the ultimate software to generate deep, powerful, vibrant, analog-style kickdrum sounds. But although earth-shattering kicks is it\'s forte, Stompers capabilities do not end there. With the new version 5.0 with nasty resonant analog-style filters, and including cross-oscillator modulation, you can do all sorts of whacky effects, analog synth sounds, vintage sqeeks, and a ton of other sounds. Freeware for Win9x/NT. Author: Master Zap (http://www.master-zap.com)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21401">21401</a></td>

                    <td>113 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Strosek </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21402">21402</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mixman Studio Trial 2/3</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21403">21403</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mixman Studio Trial 3/3</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21404">21404</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mixman Studio Trial demo 1/3 Mixman enables anyone to create and play CD quality music for CDs, tapes, videos, multimedia presentations, websites and more. Easy pop down menus, ready sounds, import .wavs or use your the recording studio. Powerful features. Never before has music creation been this fun and easy. Pentium, 16MB, Win95,</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21405">21405</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SUPRCD11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21405&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">SUPRCD11.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SuperCD Player for Win95/NT v1.10 is a smalla
applet that will attach itself in your System
Tray. It allows you to simply click on its
icon to play, stop or skip to next track

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21406">21406</a></td>

                    <td>3,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tactile12000 2.1This MP3 DJ setup allows you to manipulate virtual records with the mouse and all the controls are fully keyboard mapped, so that you can DJ with two hands rather than with one. Includes two turntables and a mixer controllable by keyboard, crossfade, backspin, and speed up and slow down
use on full-length WAV and MP3 songs, autoMix: automatic mixing of your playlist, cueing with headphones, pitch bending and cue points, supports .m3u playlists, WAVE, MP3 and AIFF, and other sound formats supported by QuickTime.
Requires Pentium PC 200 MHz or faster; 16 MB RAM; 5 MB disk space; 640x480 res. display; DirectX 3.0 or later; QuickTime 3.0 or later. Freeware by Tactile Pictures. http://www.tactile12000.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21407">21407</a></td>

                    <td>216,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tag-a-Gotchi 2000 v1.0Tag-A-Gotchi is a tool for trimming filenames and setting ID3 tags to MP3 files. ID3 tag is a short (128 bytes) field where you can save some info of the song (title, artist, album, year, genre and a comment). Most mp3-players can edit the tag fields but when you encode hundreds of songs and then set the tags to them by typing... then you need Tag-A-Gotchi. Freeware. By Joonas Hirvonen/Toytools (http://welcome.to/toytools)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21408">21408</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TAGAG151.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21408&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">TAGAG151.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>247,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tag-A-Gotchi 1.51A tool for setting ID3s to MP3 files.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21409">21409</a></td>

                    <td>46 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tempometer v1.0Tempometer on ohjelma jolla voit manuaalisesti selvittää musiikkikappaleen tai esim. pöydänkulmaan naputtelemasi rytmin temmon. Ohjelma näyttää temmon yleisessä BPM-standardissa. Todella yksinkertainen ja englanninkielinen freeware-ohjelma. Vaatii: Windows  3.1 tai uudempi ja VBRUN300.DLL:n.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21410">21410</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD-Player 3.1 for Windows 9532-bit CD-audio player for Windows 95. Probably works with Win NT (not tested). Easy to install and uninstall. Freeware. By TESI Software.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21411">21411</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TPG1C905.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21411&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">TPG1C905.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>


                    <td>5457/Aplicaciones Windows.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ToolVox Player v2.0 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21412">21412</a></td>

                    <td>456,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Visual Orangator v2.0Lets you create sounds without sampling. Very useful for people who want to make their own samplesbut who dont have an analogue synthesizer or a professional sampler."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21413">21413</a></td>

                    <td>98,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: TSQ</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21414">21414</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TUNEDEMO.EXE&tiedoston_id=21414&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">TUNEDEMO.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>5,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SimTunes demo by MaxisA creative program that lets you paint musical pictures.
Learn to play rhythm and blues - and greens, yellows and purples too. 
Select from a wide color palette - every dot you paint is also a musical note. 
Then you watch, and listen, as a quartet of animated bugs plays their tuneful 
painting. You will discover the building blocks of music and art - and your 
own creative talents.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21415">21415</a></td>

                    <td>3,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UltraPlayer MP3 Audio Software 2.0The UltraPlayer 2.0 media software plays MP3, WAV, CD audio, AVI, MPEG, Windows Media 
content, and Internet radio streams. UltraPlayer features a dual-mode, intuitive interface 
with UltraSkins and visualization modules, allowing users to play, build, and manage playlists, 
tune to and record Internet radio streams, play video files and streams, search for music, 
convert CD tracks to MP3s with the EasyMP3 module, convert MP3s to WAV files, set the
SmartAlarm, and much more. Free. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.ultraplayer.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21416">21416</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=UNCOOK95.EXE&tiedoston_id=21416&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">UNCOOK95.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>104,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Uncook 95Fix damaged MP3-files that doesn\'t sound ok! Uncook 95 is an application that allows Netscape users to fix "cooked" MP3 files that were retrieved from improperly set servers. File "cooking" occurs when the server that you are retrieving data from is improperly configured and does not realize that a particular binary file type is indeed binary. As a result, the file is downloaded as text and contains line breaks that can affect MP3 audio quality. For more information about file "cooking," please refer to the Uncook 95 FAQ. Uncook 95 is postcardware. Note: Uncook 95 should only be run on cooked MP3 files. If Uncook 95 is run on MP3s that are not cooked, you may risk damaging these files. More info at http://free-music.com/gr8

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21417">21417</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Unphuck v0.9betaUnphuck allows you to cut pieces off MP3s (ie. advertisements), make sample sections, combine mp3s, remove ID3v2 tags (a common windows media player problem), reset ID3 tags, and uncook cooked files. More info at 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21418">21418</a></td>

                    <td>6,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Virtuosa Gold 3.20Virtuosa Gold is the worlds first all-in-one user-friendly jukebox. Virtuosa Gold has facility to playdownloadorganizeencode and burn digital musicallowing capacity for up to 300 tracks on a single gigabyte hard-drive! http://www.audiosoft.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21419">21419</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VIB04A_P.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21419&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">VIB04A_P.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>428,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Vibe v0.4 alphapentium-buildVibe is a cool-looking MP3-playerwhich uses the Maplays routines."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21420">21420</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VIS_SH15.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21420&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">VIS_SH15.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>627,4 kt</td>


                    <td>17113/TEKNO 4-1998.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cthugha-4-WinampHyvä plugini Winampille. Pura -d -optiolla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21421">21421</a></td>

                    <td>628 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"vanBascos Karaoke Player 2.04Tässä oiva apuväline karaoke-iltamien järjestämiseen. Soittaa netistä löytyviä .kar-tiedostoja ja näyttää laulun sanojen lisäksi kappaleen kulun pianon koskettimilla ja paljon muuta. Kotikäytössä ilmainen. http://www.vanBasco.com/"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21422">21422</a></td>

                    <td>205,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"CD-Reader 1.11Plugin for Winamp (tm) 2.xx by copah. Highlihts: Exceptional CD playing qualityFast command responseNo CD-ROM audio wire needed :)Works on Windows 95/98/NT32-bit applicationFully multithreaded for smooth workNEW! CDDB support!FreeWare ! Please readreadme.txtcarefully before using."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21423">21423</a></td>

                    <td>889,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Waker 98Waker 98 is an alarm system for Windows 95 and NT 4.0, designed to play a WAV or MP3 file or a CD at a specified time. It uses an external player to play MPEG Layer 3 files and PLS or M3U play lists, and uses Windows Media Player to play WAV files. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/3323

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21424">21424</a></td>

                    <td>203 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MP3 Wakes Me Up 1.0Herätyskello, jonka hälytysääneksi voit valita minkä tahansa MP3-tiedoston. http://come.to/kaboom.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21425">21425</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp 2.75 Full versionSuosittu musiikin soitto-ohjelma Windows 95/98/NT:lle. Tukee lähes kaikkia mahdollisia tiedostomuotoja, 
kuten MP3, XM, MOD. Täysversio.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21426">21426</a></td>

                    <td>486,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp 2.75 Lite versionSuosittu musiikin soitto-ohjelma Windows 95/98/NT:lle. Tukee lähes kaikkia mahdollisia tiedostomuotoja, 
kuten MP3, XM, MOD. Kevytversio.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21427">21427</a></td>

                    <td>908,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp 2.75 Standard versionSuosittu musiikin soitto-ohjelma Windows 95/98/NT:lle. Tukee lähes kaikkia mahdollisia tiedostomuotoja, kuten MP3, XM, MOD. Perusversio. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69920">69920</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WAVSNG20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69920&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WAVSNG20.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WaveSong v2.0 Sagebrush Systems.
Relax to the soothing sounds of nature.
This sound generator plays thunder,
rain, waves, crickets, and more.
Listening parameters are easily changed
to fit your special mood.
Windows 95, sound card.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21428">21428</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WAVSNG21.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21428&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WAVSNG21.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WaveSong v2.1 Sagebrush Systems. Relax to the
soothing sounds of nature. This sound
generator plays thunder, rain, waves,
crickets, and more. Listening parameters are
easily changed to fit your special mood.
Windows 95, sound card.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21429">21429</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WC1SETUP.EXE&tiedoston_id=21429&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WC1SETUP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>251,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wind Chimes Emulates wind chimes by generating different sounds and simulating the wind force.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21430">21430</a></td>

                    <td>3,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WaveConvert Pro v3.1WaveConvert Pro is an audio tool that allows users to retain optimal sound quality while converting files. Users can also reduce file sizes using various data compression formats. Features include batch processing, user ability to enhance speech files using special tools and noise reduction filters, and audio effects such as EQ, reverb, compression, bass enhancement, and more. Additional perks include drag and drop support, cross-platform compatibility, and special preprocessing filters for spiffing up Shockwave and RealAudio files. Supported file types include WAV, ASF, AIFF, RA, and MP3 (requires the Fraunhofer ACM codec). In this demo version, the Convert function is disabled. DEMO version. Requires: Windows 95/NT 4.0, 16MB RAM, sound card, DirectX 5.1. Author: Waves.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21431">21431</a></td>

                    <td>330,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Digital Audio Copy for Win32 v1.47Copy Audio Tracks from CD to Hard Disk. Convert them to 11, 22 or 44khz Stereo/ Mono (Mix/Left/Right). Windows Version for Windows 95 or NT. Supports ATAPI  and SCSI CDROM drives.  - Updated version - New Copy engine, added classic copy dialog, support for Cyberdrive SCSI.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21432">21432</a></td>

                    <td>528,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinDac (32-bit) v1.51WinDAC (Digital Audio Copy) is an audio utility that allows you to copy audio tracks from CDs into WAV format. You can kill zero samples at the beginning and end of the converted file, use all recognized CD-ROM drives simultaneously, copy selected tracks to different WAV files, and display information on all tracks. WinDAC gives you full drive control (such as eject and play), shows main drive states, and copies selected sectors of the CD. You can execute a script after copying a track and then compress audio data directly using the Windows audio compression manager. This software makes it possible to name each file individually and to read the track names from the cdplayer.ini file. It also includes a copy engine that utilizes system RAM to speed up the copying process. New in this version is the Paranoid copy mode and an additional french user interface. Shareware. Requires: Windows 95/98/NT 4.0, 32MB RAM, CD-ROM drive supporting digital audio extraction. 30-day trial, partial track copying is disabled. Author: Christoph Schmelnik.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21433">21433</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WG09E_E.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21433&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WG09E_E.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wingroove version 0.9E (English)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21434">21434</a></td>

                    <td>282,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinGroove version 0.9E update</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21435">21435</a></td>

                    <td>59,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: Whitestar</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21436">21436</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Winamp plugins: Winamp Goes 3DAngel PluginDancing BabyEtienne Danvoyes PluginJRVisualizer."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21437">21437</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINCD16.EXE&tiedoston_id=21437&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WINCD16.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>727,4 kt</td>

                        <td style="color:red">ClamAV: Win.Trojan.203720-1 FOUND</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinCD 1.6Very small and handy CD player from the makers of AudioSphere.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21438">21438</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINJE101.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21438&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WINJE101.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>530,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinJey v1.01 MP3 Player for Windows</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21439">21439</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WJSW32.EXE&tiedoston_id=21439&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WJSW32.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinJammer Shareware 3.0 WinJammer is a MIDI sequencer for Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows NT. It allows you to record, play, edit and create standard MIDI files. A companion program called WinJammer Shareware Player is also included. It will play one or more MIDI, Wave or AVI files.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21440">21440</a></td>

                    <td>5,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"WaveLab 3.0 DemoWaveLab 3.0s unique Audio Montage Window represents a new dimension in file handling. Audio clips can be arranged non-destructively and in real time - on as many tracks as you like. Crossfades are generated simply by sliding two clips together. Up to 10 VST effects can be assigned to each clip.
Includes: 24-Bit Wave EditorMasteringAudio Montage (Multitrack Audio Arranging)CD BurningStereo EditingBatch ProcessorSampler SupportAudio file database. Requires: Intel Pentium PC; min.16 MB of RAM; CD-ROM Drive/MPC compatible 16-bit sound card; min.20 MB free HD; video card supporting 256 colors + For the RealtimeEngine: Intel-Pentium 166 or faster recommended. For CD-Burning: Supported CD-Writer. Fully functional demo with some limitations: No saveno fulll-duplexlimited editingno CD burning... Author: Steinberg (http://www.steinberg.net)"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21441">21441</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WAVmaker 2.5 Digital Audio system featuring CD quality MID -> WAV rendering & WAV recording, DSP (mix, offset/maximize, fade, gate, compress, expand, low-/high-/band-pass & notch filter, ring modulation, vocoder, reverse, echo, reverb, flange, chorus, extend, cut, gated cut) and MIDI analysis/manipulation. 386+, 2.5 MB disk minimum required.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70111">70111</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WM9522A.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70111&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WM9522A.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WAVMaker 2.2 for Windows 96/NT
Digital Audio system featuring CD quality MID
-> WAV rendering, DSP (mix, maximize, fade,
gate, compress, expand, low-/high-/band-
pass & notch filter, ring modulation,
vocoder, reverse, echo, reverb, flange,
chorus, extend, cut, gated cut) and MIDI
analysis/manipulation. 386+, 3.2 MD disk
minimum required.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=52352">52352</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WM9523A.ZIP&tiedoston_id=52352&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WM9523A.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>4567/Win Heaven '95.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WAVmaker 2.3 for Windows 95/NT - Digital
Audio system featuring CD quality MID -> WAV
rendering, DSP (mix, maximize, fade, gate,
compress, expand, low-/high-/band- pass &
notch filter, ring modulation, vocoder,
reverse, echo, reverb, flange, chorus,
extend, cut, gated cut) and MIDI
analysis/manipulation. 386+, 3.3 MB disk
minimum required.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=52353">52353</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WM9523B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=52353&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WM9523B.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WAVmaker 2.3 for Windows 95/NT - Digital
Audio system featuring CD quality MID ->
WAV rendering, DSP (mix, maximize, fade,
gate, compress, expand, low-/high-/band-
pass & notch filter, ring modulation,
vocoder, reverse, echo, reverb, flange,
chorus, extend, cut, gated cut) and MIDI
analysis/manipulation. 386+, 3.2 MB disk
minimum required.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21442">21442</a></td>

                    <td>2,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows Media Player v6.00.02.0902Media Playerin päivitys Windows 95/NT4:lle. Tukee mm. seuraavia audio- ja videoformaatteja: WAV, AU, MID, MP3, MOV, MPEG, AVI ja RealMedia.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21443">21443</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WMP7.EXE&tiedoston_id=21443&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WMP7.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>9,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Windows Media Player 7.0Ääni- ja kuvatiedostojen toisto-ohjelma Windows 98/2000:lle. Tukee lähes kaikkia mahdollisia audioformaatteja MP3:sta, MIDI:in ja MODeista Real Audioon.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21444">21444</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WOODAMP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21444&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">WOODAMP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>202,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winamp-skini: WoodAmp</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21445">21445</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=YAMP32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21445&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">YAMP32.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Yamp v3.2The player for WAVs (all formatsalso compressed ones)MIDsRMIsMODsS3MsXMsITsMPAsMP1sMP2sMP3sAVIsand CDs. ZIP supportpowerful play listscommand line & DragnDrop support for songsplaylists and folders loadable and editable designseven with non-rectangular windows."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21446">21446</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=YAMPTLS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21446&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Musiikkiohjelmat">YAMPTLS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>496,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Yamp toolsThis archive contains 3 Yamp tools: Shape-o-mat, Skin-2-Design converter and Tiny DDE Client</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21447">21447</a></td>

                    <td>4,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>1X2 - Vedonlyöntiohjelma v1.1</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21448">21448</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>2Know 0.72Know esittelee tavan muuttaa pitkiä numerosarjoja sanoiksi, jotka on helppo muistaa. Sanat saa purettua
takaisin numeroiksi yksinkertaisten sääntöjen avulla. Kyseisessä järjestelmässä numerot yhdistetään 
sanojen konsonantteihin.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21449">21449</a></td>

                    <td>4,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>32bit Convert It c9.39.01  32bit Convert It on ohjelma mittajärjestelmämuunnosten tekemiseen pituuden, pinta-alan, tilavuuden, painon, tiheyden sekä nopeuden yksiköiden välillä. Ohjelma suoriutuu sekä metrijärjestelmästä että eksoottisemmista mittayksiköistä, kuten karaateista, solmuista, merimaileista ja unsseista. Shareware, 19 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.electrasoft.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21450">21450</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3Dfx demo From 3Dfx Interactive Racing demo. Req. Win95/NT4.0, Voodoo Graphics or Voodoo Rush, Glide 2.3 RUntime, 16 MB RAM</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21451">21451</a></td>

                    <td>5,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"3Dfx demoFrom 3Dfx Interactive Wizards Tower demo - Req. Win95/NT4.0Voodoo Graphics or Voodoo RushGlide 2.3 RUntime16 MB RAM"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21452">21452</a></td>

                    <td>2,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D World Map3D World Map 1.2
3D World Map on kolmeulotteinen pallokartta, jota voi pyöritellä vapaasti. Maan pinnanmuodot on toteutettu korostetun voimakkaasti ja niiden avulla onkin helppoa sisäistää maankuoren mutkat valtamerien ja vuoristojen kohdalla. Ohjelma sisältää tiedot 269 maasta ja yli 30000 kaupungista ympäri maailmaa.
Shareware, 19,95 USD. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.longgame.com/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21453">21453</a></td>

                    <td>6,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Railroad Concept and Design DemoBuild sceneries and railroads that go through them. This demonstration version of the program is fully functional except that you may not save documents and printing is limited to 2 printouts at once. Additionally, the amount of symbol libraries, track libraries, databases, and other provided content has been reduced so this can be distributed online. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21454">21454</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Solar System 2.0  3D Solar System on kolmeulotteinen malli omasta aurinkokunnastamme, sen planeetoista ja suurimmista kuista. Ohjelma vie käyttäjän kiertoajelulle näiden kappaleiden ympäri ja näyttää niistä joitain olennaisia tietoja erillisessä informaatioikkunassa.  Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://tingan.hogsby.net/html/  </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21455">21455</a></td>

                    <td>11,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DiSQUiCK by 5dawn 2001 Tämä paketti sisältää pienen pilailuohjelman, joka poistaa QuickBarin Windowsin työkaluriviltä. Voit myös käyttää ohjelmaa palauttamaan QuickBarin myöhemmin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22089">22089</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Colorado Backup for Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21456">21456</a></td>

                    <td>5,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AlkuainekantaAlkuainekannalla löydät nopeasti ja helposti unoh- tuneen alkuaineen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21457">21457</a></td>

                    <td>153,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ABC Chaos 2.32 ABC Chaos on ilmainen kryptausohjelma jolla voi salata sekä tiedostoja että hakemistoja. Ohjelma ei rajoitu tiettyjen tiedostotyyppien salakirjoittamiseen, vaan on niiden suhteen varsin kaikkiruokainen. Salaus käy helposti raahaamalla ja pudottamalla halutut tiedostot ABC Chaoksen ikkunaan, ja salauksen tuloksena olevalle paketille voi valita haluamansa salasanan, jota ilman se ei aukea.  Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.safechaos.com/abc.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21458">21458</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ACE.EXE&tiedoston_id=21458&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">ACE.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Agent Character EditorOhjelma, jolla koostetaan Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmoja. Ilmainen.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21459">21459</a></td>

                    <td>9,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ace Talking Jokes & Quotes v1.0Pieni Merlin-ukko piristää päivääsi lukemalla
ääneen englanninkielisiä vitsejä. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21460">21460</a></td>

                    <td>6,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AccuChef v6.11 Tee lempiresepteistäsi web-sivu tai keittokirja. Shareware. http://www.accuchef.com/  </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21461">21461</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Active Chinese 6.0 Active Chinese on kiinalaisten kirjoitusmerkkien opiskeluohjelma, jonka täysi versio sisältää 4000 merkkiä. Ohjelman avulla voi opiskella joko merkkien perinteisiä tai yksinkertaistettuja muotoja, joita tästä kokeiluversiosta löytyy 250. Active Chinese sopii aloittelevalle kiinan opiskelijalle, ja ohjelma alkaa tasokokeella jossa määritellään opiskelijan nykyinen taso. Shareware, 19,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.winvue.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21462">21462</a></td>

                    <td>631,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Amethysts Cookies for Little Bandits 1.3 Amethysts Cookies for Little Bandits on e-kirjajoka sisältää keksireseptejä pahinta makeannälkää hidastamaan. Pikkusisarusten synttäreillemukavaksi yllätykseksi tyttö- tai poikaystävälletai ihan itsekkäästi omaksi naposteltavaksi. Ilmainen. Windows 98/2000/NT. http://www.visions-of-infinedi.com/cookbooks.htm "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21463">21463</a></td>

                    <td>385,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Activity Counter 1.1  Activity Counter mittaa minuutin tarkkuudella miten käyttäjä naputtelee näppäimistöä tai heiluttaa hiirtä, sekä sen miten paljon koneen resursseja käytetään. Mittaustulokset esitellään selkeässä taulukossa, jonka saa ohjelman kautta tulostettua.  Kokeiluversio, 9 USD. http://www.brigsoft.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21465">21465</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ADASTRA.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21465&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">ADASTRA.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Adastra Freestar v3.9Adastra astronomy. Approach the stars with  this accessible 32-bit planetarium and  explore your night sky from any location or  date. Adastra permits quicktoolbar driven  manipulation of its realtime sky displaywith centerzoomdirectionalanimationand panning functions as standard. A single  mouse click will bring a comprehensive report on any object visible in Adastras sky. FREE. "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21466">21466</a></td>

                    <td>653,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Adding-MachineMonipuolinen laskukone, joka näyttää käsiteltävät luvut listana nauhalaskimen tapaan. Tukee myös valuutoilla laskemista. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21467">21467</a></td>

                    <td>114,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Add/Remove 1.00Ilmainen pilailuohjelma, joka vaikuttaa poistavan kaikki koneelle asennetut ohjelmat.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21468">21468</a></td>

                    <td>190 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AutoInsult 3.1Tällä ilmaisella ohjelmalla saat suollettua loukkauksia
joko arabialaiseen, shakespearemaiseen tai nykyaikaiseen tyyliin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21469">21469</a></td>

                    <td>936,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Paper Airplane Factory 1.0Create paper airplanes with your printer and your PC.
Paper Airplane Factory allows you to make patterned flying machines complete with your choice 
of decals and insignia right from your PC. Fast planes, gliders, stunplanes, and dozens of 
possible patterns are available with the fully registerd version. Other features include a 
library of patterns and decals, illustrated instructions for folding your crafts, and a
function that allows you to load your own images and decals (when registered). You can 
even customize your plane with your own name and ID number. The registration price is $14. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21470">21470</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=AL13.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21470&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">AL13.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>12,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Alkoholilaskuri v1.3Laskee: antamasi juoman vahvuuden ja maaran perusteella sen vastaavuuden III-kaljoina, 
palamiseen kuluvan ajan seka veren alkoholipitoisuuden. Suomenkielinen / FREEWARE WIN 95/98 
Artturi Ketonen  (artturik@mbnet.fi).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21471">21471</a></td>

                    <td>23,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Alkoholilaskuri 1.4Laskee antamasi juoman vahvuuden ja määrän perusteella sen vastaavuuden III-kaljoina, palamiseen kuluvan ajan, veren alkoholipitoisuuden, sekä juomien hinnan. Suomenkielinen.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/2000. Artturi Ketonen  (xcuter@hotmail.com).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21472">21472</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Al Morale v2.0.2 Omalle koneelle asennettava jees-mies, joka omasta ikkunastaan käsin kehuu ja ylistää sinua täysin häpeämättömästi. 15 kokeilukerran demoversio, rekisteröinti $18.95 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21474">21474</a></td>

                    <td>80,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Alternate Meta Screensaver v2.02This program changes your screensaver each time you restart your machine. The program chooses the screensavers from a personalized fixed list of your favorites. The last version had new features that include using screensavers from directories other than the Windows Control Panel. This update has a few cosmetic improvements and minor bug corrections. Freeware for Windows 9x/NT/2000. Author: Thierry Paris.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21475">21475</a></td>

                    <td>353,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Anti-EyeStrain 2.7  Anti-EyeStrain on ohjelma silmien rasittumisen ehkäisyyn tietokoneella työskennellessä. Ohjelma muistuttaa käyttäjää pitämään taukoja, antaa vihjeitä siitä millaista silmäjumppaa kannattaa tehdä, sekä tarjoaa silmiä rentouttavia kuvia ja harjoituksia. Anti-EyeStrainin tekijä vakuuttaa myös ohjelman parantavan likinäköisyyttä. Demo, 30 USD. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.optiergo.com/en/aes/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21476">21476</a></td>

                    <td>6,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AnyxLite v1.3.2AnyxLite on monipuolinen kehitystyökalu mobiilipalveluille. Voit rakentaa esimerkiksi omia tekstiviestipalveluita.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21477">21477</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AppsTraka v3.01Kätevä ohjelma, jolla voit esimerkiksi hallita mitä muut käyttäjät pääsevät koneellasi tekemään kuten käynnistämään ohjelmia ynnä muuta. Ohjelma kirjaa lokiinsa myös tarkat tiedot, mitä muut käyttäjät koneellasi ovat tehneet. 30 päivän shareware-versio Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me:lle. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21478">21478</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AstroScan 1.6.0Piirrä oma tähtikarttasi ja anna ohjelman tulkita sen perusteella elämäsi
kulkua. Voit myös tarkastella, mitä julkkiksista kerrotaan.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21480">21480</a></td>

                    <td>56,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Asema v1.00 beta 2Freeware 29.5.2000, Näppärä apuohjelma eri levyasemien sisällön avaamiseen. Ohjelmalla näet 
kätevästi esim. levyke-, CD-ROM- ja ZIP-asemassa olevan levyn tiedot suoraan Windowsin tarjottimelta. 
Vaatimukset: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000, alle 1 Mt levytilaa, hiiri sekõ tiedostot 
COMDLG32.OCX (versio 6.00.8169 tai uudempi) ja MSVBVM60.DLL (6.00.8495 tai uudempi). 
Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21481">21481</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ASK97142.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21481&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">ASK97142.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>580,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"AskWord97 v1.42bThis program helps you to study for vocabulary tests in school. Program asks words for you in random order. Includes english and finnish (Sanakysely97) versions."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21482">21482</a></td>

                    <td>85,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Asp2PhpKonvertteri, jolla ASP-tiedostot käännetään PHP:lle. Windows versio (cygwin).

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21483">21483</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=AST22V5D.EXE&tiedoston_id=21483&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">AST22V5D.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ASTRO22 Pro v5.D.09.05Astrologiaohjelma Windows 3.x/9x/NT:lle. Piirtää tähtikarttasi ja kertoo sekä omista luonteenpiirteistäsi
että yhteensopivuudestasi jonkun toisen kanssa.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21484">21484</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ASTELL47.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21484&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">ASTELL47.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>3,2 Mt</td>


                    <td>10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stella 2000 astronomyA virtual observatory in which to explore realistic skies in real time, with observing log, list, ephemerides, location browser, and sophisticated searches embracing the solar system, DSOs, and over 15500 stars. Effects include scintillation, extinction, refraction, and precession in point-source, photoplate, and spotlight display modes, with the complete Messier catalog in ImageIcons featured as standard.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21485">21485</a></td>

                    <td>510 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Astrolog 5.40 for WindowsAstrolog is a many featured and customizable astrology chart calculation program for DOS, 
Windows, Mac, and Unix, used in 35+ countries on six continents. It is 100% freeware and 
requires no registration fee. The complete source code is available. Astrolog features: 
wheels, aspects, midpoints, relationship charts, transits, progressions, some interpretations, 
astro-graphy, local horizon, constellations, planet orbits, dispositors, various influence charts, 
biorhythms, different zodiacs, central planets, 15 house systems, 8400 year ephemeris, asteroids, 
Uranians, fixed stars, Arabic parts, script files and macros, interactive PC & MS/X11 Windows 
graphics, smooth animation of charts, graphic files in PostScript, Windows metafile, and bitmap 
formats, and more! 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21486">21486</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ATT1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21486&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">ATT1.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>309 kt</td>

                        <td style="color:red">ClamAV: Win.Joke.Jep-1 FOUND</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Virus-3D toimintapelin "demo"Simuloi Windowsin tuhoamista, näppärä käytännön pila.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21487">21487</a></td>

                    <td>6,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Advanced Text To Speech 1.00Ilmaisohjelma, joka lukee minkä tahansa valitsemasi tekstin ääneen. Suomi tosin taipuu hieman nihkeästi. http://www.text-to-speech.net/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21488">21488</a></td>

                    <td>220,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Atom Visualizer 1.0 Atom Visualizer näyttää alkuaineiden sijoittumisen jaksolliseen järjestelmään höystettynä niiden atomimassalla sekä järjestysluvulla. Tämän lisäksi Atom Visualizer osaa näyttää joko kaksi- tai kolmeulotteisen kuvan atomista ja sitä kiertävistä elektroneista. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21489">21489</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=AVOID100.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21489&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">AVOID100.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>103,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Avoid v1.00Tämä pilaohjelma saa Windowsin Start-nappulan pakoilemaan hiirtä.
Ohjelma suljetaan viemällä kursori ruudun vasempaan ylänurkkaan.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21490">21490</a></td>

                    <td>6,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Axialis Screen Saver Producer 3.51Axialis is a powerful tool for creating and compiling redistributable Windows 95/98/NT/2000 screensavers. It has a fully integrated workspace that permits you to create professional screensavers, and it comes with an advanced WYSIWYG screensaver editor with full drag-and-drop support. Axialis can create almost any kind of screensaver based on sprite animation. The program supports sprite collisions at different levels with sounds. It supports MIDI, MP3, or MOD/S3M/XM background music; AVI, MPEG, and QuickTime video sequences; FLI, FLC, and GIF animation; compilation with image compression; and a customizable screensaver About dialog box. Screensavers produced with Axialis are compatible with all video configurations (screen size and color depth). In the updated version, you can compile installable packages. It has a fully integrated workspace that permits you to work efficiently and create professional screensavers in minutes. Axialis has two built-in languages (English and French) that can be switched during use. Version 3.51 has new search engines, the ability to create slide shows, and much more. Shareware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by Axialis Software. http://www.axialis.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21491">21491</a></td>

                    <td>17,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BarEyes v1.2Tehtäväpalkissa asustavat silmät seuraavat hiiresi liikkeitä katseellaan ja lupsahtelevat välillä uneenkin.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21492">21492</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Brainiac Behavior EngineTekoälymoottori, jonka avulla on mahdollista luoda realistisesti reagoivia pelihahmoja ja joka tallettaa koodin C++ muodossa. Ilmainen. http://www.twilightminds.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21493">21493</a></td>

                    <td>572 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Binary Boy 1.8Use Binary Boy Attachment Finder to find and retrieve MP3 filesmoviespicturessoundsand other binary files from Internet newsgroups. Its easy to usewell documentedand offers lots of options. Just enter some keywords and specify a list of newsgroups to begin the process. You can add as many newsgroups to as many separate groups as you like. A number of filters are available for you to narrow your search by file sizeageheader informationand newsgroup type. Other features include a built-in scheduler (for hands-free operation)command-line supportlogging supportsorting optionssystem tray supportand support for MIME and Uuencoded files. Shareware for Win9x/NT/2000 by Binary Boy. http://www.binaryboy.com"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21494">21494</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BCD20004.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21494&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">BCD20004.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>


                    <td>10268/CICA 32 for Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (January 2001) (Disc 1).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Business Card Designer Plus (32-bit) Business Card Designer Plus allows you to create business cards on any Windows-compatible printer. Youll be producing your own business cards in minutes with WYSIWYG ease. Use rotated textboxescircleslinesbar codesarc textclip artand OLE objects in addition to any fontsizestyleand color. This application supports JPEGTIFFPNGBMPPCXEMFand WMF clip art. This update features a new user interfacesupport for printing on both sides of the paper stocka new Design Wizarda personal database to create cards for an entire organization easilyand the ability to save your design as a graphic file for use with other programs or to email. 30-day shareware version for Windows9x/NT. Author: CAM Development (http://www.camdevelopment.com)."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21495">21495</a></td>

                    <td>311,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BusinessCards/32 v4.14 Extremely INTUITIVE and EASY TO USE free form database/organizer. Fully Internet enabled, comes with FREE BusinessDialer! Windows Mag "Superior Shareware", America Online Editor\'s Best Pick, Shareware Monitor\'s "Shareware of the Month", more. From the authors of PrivateEXE and 5-Or-More!, see http://www.midstream.com!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21496">21496</a></td>

                    <td>45 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BeOS 5.0 Personal EditionPreviously known only in small circles as the "Media OS," BeOS 5 Personal Edition is now available as a free download. Thanks to new innovative technology from Be, you can download BeOS 5 Personal Edition via a Web browser and store it as a file within Windows. No repartitioning is necessary, and launching BeOS 5 is as simple as double-clicking an icon on your desktop. This update incorporates the latest changes that will be released in the upcoming BeOS 5.0.1 patch, as well as some important licensing changes. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21497">21497</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BF1760.EXE&tiedoston_id=21497&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">BF1760.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BigFix is a utility that fixes bugs and viruses before they create problems. BigFix is designed for early detection of configuration conflicts, bugs, or viruses in your computer. It then provides quick, automated solutions for dealing with problems before they bother you. Recent updates have included an improved diagnostic engine, a new help system and tutorial, and faster synchronization with sites. The latest version of the BigFix client includes includes unspecified improvements. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP. http://www.bigfix.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21498">21498</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Babel Fish Direct 1.1 Babel Fish Direct on Altavistan Babelfish-käännöspalvelua hyväkseen käyttävä ohjelma, joka hallitsee useita kielipareja. Siihen voi tuoda joko rtf-muotoisia dokumentteja, tai leikata ja liimata tavallista tekstiä. Käännettyä tekstiä voi helposti muokata, ja sen voi tallentaa raakatekstinä, tyylilomakkeella höystettynä html-tiedostona tai rtf-dokumenttina. Shareware, 24,95 USD. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.atelierweb.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21499">21499</a></td>

                    <td>862,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Bharti Numerology Leikkimielinen numerologiaohjelma, joka kertoo millainen olet ja miten hyvin sovit kumppanisi kanssa yhteen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21500">21500</a></td>

                    <td>3,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BidSpyder 1.0 BidSpyder tarkkailee puolestasi eBay-huutokauppasivustoa, hoitaa omia huutojasi ja myynnissä olevia esineitä, ja tiedottaa sinua lähes reaaliajassa huutokaupoissa tapahtuneista muutoksista. Ohjelmasta pääsee kätevästi sivuston hyödyllisimmille sivuille, ja sen avulla kaupankäynnistä on helppo pitää lukua ilman että täytyy vähän väliä kirjautua uudelleen sivustolle. Ilmainen. Windows 3.x/95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.bidspyder.com </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21501">21501</a></td>

                    <td>191,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Big Bear -avustajahahmo (karhu)Big Bear on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. 
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21502">21502</a></td>

                    <td>451,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Binary clock for WindowsCreated by Toaster, tested with win98,95,2000,me.. Features: Shows time in binaries, Adjustable alarm (binaries), Remembers its position, Always on top.
Created with Delphi 3.0.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21503">21503</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BIOCHT21.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21503&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">BIOCHT21.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BioChart v2.1 - Biorytmejä Windows 95:ssä</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21504">21504</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BIOPOPUP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21504&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">BIOPOPUP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>142,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"BioPopup 1.0 This desktop tray accessory provides the user with a pop-up biorythms screen. Graph shows EmotionalPhysical& Intellectual slopes over a 2-week forecast period.  Installation: UnZip the archive BIOPOPUP.ZIP into a directory of your choice. Make a shortcut in your startup folder to make theBioPopup.exeprogram run"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21505">21505</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BIOTRAY4.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21505&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">BIOTRAY4.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Show biorhythms in Windows 95 system tray</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21506">21506</a></td>

                    <td>6,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>My Wild Bird Scrapbook V1.0 For Windows allows you to organize all your bird  information in one location. Enter bird sightings, images,articles and Internet links. Includes a built-in web browser with links to the hottest bird sites. Automatically tracks up to five life lists with totals instantly updated. Powerful search features let you find your information fast.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21507">21507</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BKPLUS.EXE&tiedoston_id=21507&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">BKPLUS.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>4,9 Mt</td>


                    <td>12544/PCMania CD84_1.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BKPlusCreate back-ups based on individual files or folders or even drives. Back your data up on a single archive or span them across any kind of removable storage. Set the built in scheduler to make or update back-ups as you need them to. Shareware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21508">21508</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BOMB101.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21508&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">BOMB101.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>113 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Bomb v1.01Simulates the Windows 95 program crashed dialog box. Cannot detect its a fake. Easy to use and there is no setup/install involved. Just copy the program to someones machine and run it. Windows 95."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21509">21509</a></td>

                    <td>463,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Boss Coming 1.03  Boss Coming on ohjelma jonka avulla voi määritellä pikanäppäimiä tiettyjen ikkunakokonaisuuksien sulkemiseen tai minimointiin. Kokeiluversiossa mahdollisuudet ovat melko rajalliset, mutta rekisteröidyllä ohjelmalla listaa ikkunoista jotka saavat olla kerralla auki voi muokata varsin monipuolisesti. Shareware, 7,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.jarsing.idv.tw/BossComing/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21510">21510</a></td>

                    <td>247,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Bouncing v1.1From LANCER 199X TEAM. Pentium II fixed version This demo uses 3dfx card to create great effects. Requirements: 486 66 and a Voodoo 3dfx graphics card which uses GLIDE.  Midas Digital audio System 1.1.2 for playing music.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21511">21511</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Brain Builder 1.12Ohjelma joka pyrkii stimuloimaan aivotoimintaa kuvien ja trivian avulla, ja joka sisältää matemaattisia työkaluja esimerkiksi mittayksikkömuunnoksiin ja nopeuksien laskemiseen. Shareware, 59,95 USD. Windows 95,98,ME,NT,2000,XP. http://www.another-vision.com/brainbuilder/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21512">21512</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Brainiac v1.6 Opiskelijan avuksi tehty interaktiivinen neuroanatomian oppikirja, joka sisältää yli 50 näkökulmaa aivojen ja muun keskushermoston eri osiin ja niiden välisiin yhteyksiin. Shareware, $49. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21513">21513</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BREAKREM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21513&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">BREAKREM.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Break Reminder Break Reminder on ilmaisohjelma, joka muistuttaa käyttäjää pitämään taukoja tietokoneella naputtelusta. Mikropaussit ovat lyhyitä, alle puolen minuutin lepotuokioita, kun taas kunnon tauot ovat kymmenen minuutin mittaluokkaa, jolloin ehtii vaikka noutamaan kupposen kahvia. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000. http://www.cheqsoft.com/break.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21514">21514</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BRICK11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21514&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">BRICK11.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Brick v1.1Turhautumien poistoon tarkoitettu ohjelma, jossa voi heitellä näyttöä virtuaalisilla tiilillä. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21515">21515</a></td>

                    <td>62 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ButtonShyMousePilaohjelma. Hiiren kursori väistelee nappuloita, joita kohti sitä yritetään liikuttaa. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21516">21516</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Bugtoaster 1.6Bugtoaster is a desktop front-end for an interesting     Internet-based service that can help you to straighten out  some problems with your computer. Its free and easy to use 
and places a brand-new resource at your fingertips. It runs
from your system tray and does absolutely nothing until     something goes wrong. When your operating system or an     application does a crash-and-burnBugtoaster springs into  action by catching the details and forwarding the information to the online Bugtoaster database. The crashes are then correlated and forwarded to appropriate software vendors. You can check the databases for details or fixes and choose to receive email reports about all crashes or just the ones youve reported. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.bugtoaster.com"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21517">21517</a></td>

                    <td>167 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Random Burper 1.00Todellinen ATK-luokan tehohäirikkö, joka saa koneen röyhtäilemään kulmapubin sankarin tapaan.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21518">21518</a></td>

                    <td>13,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Rotate colors in a burstPilaohjelma. Muuttaa aprillipäivänä Windowsin työpöydän värejä 10 minuutin välein. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21519">21519</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BrainWave Generator 3.1.5BrainWave Generator 3.1.5 Tämän ohjelman avulla voi vaikuttaa aivosähkökäyräänsä, joka vaikuttaa esimerkiksi vireystilaan ja oppimiseen. Ohjelma käyttää molempiin korviin tulevia ääniärsykkeitä, joita voi tukea näytöllä olevilla visuaalisilla ärsykkeillä. Ennen kokeilemista kannattaa kuitenkin lukea ohjelmassa olevat varoitukset, sillä se ei sovi mm. epileptikoille.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21520">21520</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BrainWave Generator 3.1.8Tämän ohjelman avulla voi vaikuttaa aivosähkökäyräänsä, joka vaikuttaa esimerkiksi vireystilaan ja oppimiseen. Ohjelma käyttää molempiin korviin tulevia ääniärsykkeitä, joita voi tukea näytöllä olevilla visuaalisilla ärsykkeillä. Ennen kokeilemista kannattaa kuitenkin lukea ohjelmassa olevat varoitukset, sillä se ei sovi mm. epileptikoille.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21521">21521</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CAD126.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21521&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CAD126.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TinyCAD version 1.26 for Windows 95
(c) 1994, 1995 Matt Pyne
TinyCAD is an entry level circuit design
program, which is free to use and

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21522">21522</a></td>

                    <td>101,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Calendar 1.0 Calendar on yksinkertainen pikku ohjelma joka kertoo minkä tahansa päivämäärän viikonpäivän vuosien 1532 ja 9999 välillä.  Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21523">21523</a></td>

                    <td>5,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CallCenter Easy sending and receiving of faxes in the foreground or background. And if your modem hardware supports Voice Telephony, the CallCenter will actually assist your computer with answering your telephone with your personalized greeting and then take a message for you. Freeware.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=61808">61808</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CALVIN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=61808&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CALVIN.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:red">eritupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Calvin is a popup quote program for
Win95 with over 5000 different
quotations from a variety of sources.
C source code is included.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21524">21524</a></td>

                    <td>186,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CalvinCalvin is a popup quote program for Win95 with over 5000 different quotations from a variety of sources.  C source code is included. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21525">21525</a></td>

                    <td>836,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Caos Graph v2.0Monipuolinen ohjelma matemaattisten funktioiden laskeskeluun ja piirtämiseen. Sharewarea kuukauden kokeiluajalla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21526">21526</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CATRAIN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21526&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CATRAIN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>

                        <td>versio 1.0</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CATrain 1.30 Model railroad simulation and  control.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21527">21527</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CATWZ200.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21527&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CATWZ200.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Catalog Wizard 2.0 Catalog Wizard expands directories containing image files to full thumbnailed Web galleries thus enabling fast and adjustable publishing of images. Page layout, the look and the feel of image galleries are fully customizable  allowing integration to any custom Web design or existing  Web sites. Innovative and easy user interface turns Web  page coding and publishing into a simple procedure without  loss in areas of quality or compatibility. Shareware.  Windows 95/98/NT. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21528">21528</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CCS64_32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21528&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CCS64_32.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>202,1 kt</td>


                    <td>22878/PC Action Issue 74 (Gennaio 1999).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CCS64 v2.0 betaCommodore 64 -emulaattori Windows 95:lle (DirectX 3.0+), Windows 98:lle, Windows NT 4.0:lle (Service Pack 3) ja Windows NT 5.0:lle. Vaatii Pentiumin, 16 Mt RAMia sekä SVGA:n Tukee myös Windows- yhteensopivia äänikortteja, hiirtä ja peliohjaimia. Sharewarea. Win32-versio.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21529">21529</a></td>

                    <td>11,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Celestia 1.2.1Tämän erittäin kauniilla grafiikalla toteutetun ohjelman avulla pääset lentelemään vapaasti sekä oman aurinkokuntamme sisä- että ulkopuolella. Ohjelman sivuilta löydät lisäosia, joilla voit entisestään monipuolistaa Celestian ominaisuuksia. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 
http://ennui.shatters.net/celestia/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21530">21530</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CHEM11B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21530&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CHEM11B.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ChemLab v1.1b for Windows 95
2-D chemistry lab simulation</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21531">21531</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cheops Transformer 1.0Chaops Transformer muuttaa ohjelmalle kirjoitettuja sanoja äänteellisiksi hieroglyfeiksi. Ilmainen. http://www.tourism.egnet.net/download_from_tourismnet/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21532">21532</a></td>

                    <td>152,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EniG. Chemistry Assistant v2.0.5Chemistry Assistant is an expression calculator for fast calculation of molecular weight of compounds by simple entry of chemical formula. The program translates the texts with chemical element symbols or without them into a mathematical expression and calculates them.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21533">21533</a></td>

                    <td>104,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Circulator 1.1  Circulator siirtää avoimia ikkunoita päällimmäiseksi käyttäjän haluamassa jSrjestyksessS. Ohjelmalle voi määritellä kymmenen ikkunaa ja niistä jokaiselle sekuntimäärän jonka se viettää pinon pSäällimmäisenä. Avoimien ohjelmien listan voi päivittää kesken diashown ja ohjelma majailee käyttäjäystävällisesti järjestelmän tilapalkissa. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.kraftig.com/circulator/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21534">21534</a></td>

                    <td>223,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CoolAide v3.02Pilaohjelma, joka vaikeuttaa kirjoittamista kummasti: a:ta painamalla tulee b jne. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21535">21535</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CLAUDE.EXE&tiedoston_id=21535&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CLAUDE.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Claude-avustajahahmo (karhu)Claude on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. 
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21536">21536</a></td>

                    <td>142 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Calculux v1.0Calculux on monipuolinen ja helppokäyttöinen laskin Windowsille. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21537">21537</a></td>

                    <td>209,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Leikepöytä-Katselija v0.1Ohjelma joka on tehty Delphillä. Näyttää leikepöydän 
sisällön. Piiloutuu tehtäväpalkkiin tarvittaessa. 
Suomenkielinen versio.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21538">21538</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CoffeeCup WebCam 3.5CoffeeCup WebCam tekee nettikameran perustamisesta todella helppoa. Käyttäjä voi laittaa kameransa päivittämään automaattisesti live-kuvaa verkkosivuilleen tai vaikkapa toimimaan liikkeenpaljastimena, jolloin se voi haluttaessa muuttaa tietokoneen hälyytyssireeniksi ja tiedottaa koneen omistajaa sähköpostilla koneen lähellä olevista hiippareista. Ohjelmalla voi myös muun muassa luoda avi-muotoisia videopätkiä. Shareware, 30 USD. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://coffeecup.com/webcam/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21539">21539</a></td>

                    <td>5,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CollegeBAR 7.0CollegeBAR on drinkkitietokanta joka sisältää yli 7000 drinkin valmistusohjeet menetelmineen ja ainesosineen. Ohjelmaan voi naputella oman baarikaappinsa sisällön, ja se osaa automaattisesti laatia listan cocktaileista joita aineksista saa loihdittua. Shareware, 19,95 USD. 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.pracx.com/collegebar.asp</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21540">21540</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=COLORTST.EXE&tiedoston_id=21540&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">COLORTST.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>41 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Color TestLaita kahdeksan väriä järjestykseen omien mieltymyksiesi mukaan valitsemalla kulloinkin 
jäljelläolevista väreistä se, josta pidät eniten. Lopulta Color Test kertoo mitä värimakusi 
paljastaa sinusta ja luonteestasi.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21541">21541</a></td>

                    <td>429,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Consultant Communicator 2.2  Consultant Communicator on Javalla toteutettu käyttöjärjestelmästä riippumaton ohjelma, jolla voi helposti laskea miten paljon aikaa on tullut vietettyä minkäkin projektin parissa. Consultant Communicatoriin voi ohjelmoida useita laskureita, joita voi käynnistää ja pysäyttää parilla hiirennapsautuksella. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Java 1.4. http://www.ise-indy.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21542">21542</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=COUNT2K.EXE&tiedoston_id=21542&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">COUNT2K.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>308,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Count 2000 version 1.0 This program shows you how many years, days, months, hours and minutes it will be until the year 2000 or any other end time.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21543">21543</a></td>

                    <td>118,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Crazy Num Caps Scroll 1.04Ilmainen pilaohjelma, joka saa Caps Lock, Num Lock ja Scroll Lock -toiminnot vaihtumaan päälle ja pois satunnaisesti. Ilmainen. http://www.rjlsoftware.com/software/entertainment/crazy_ncs</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21544">21544</a></td>

                    <td>936,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Currency Converter 2.02Ilmainen ohjelma rahayksiköiden muunnoksiin. Mukana 220 valuuttaa. Osaa päivittää kurssit Internetin kautta.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21545">21545</a></td>

                    <td>134 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cursor FunIlmainen pilaohjelma, jolla saat muutettua haluamasi ajan välein hiiren kursorin milloin minkäkin näköiseksi.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21546">21546</a></td>

                    <td>98,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Crazy MousePilaohjelma. Hiiri liikkuu ruudulla eri suuntaan kuin koetat siirtää sitä. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21547">21547</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CRZYIC32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21547&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CRZYIC32.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>27,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CrazyIcons v10.7.97 LizardWorks Inc. freeware "prank" program that causes the desktop icons in Windows 95/NT 4.0 systems to shoot across the desktop at random intervals. The settings can be adjusted from 10 to 32765 milliseconds. Does no harm, and makes everything like they were in a mouse click.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21548">21548</a></td>

                    <td>69,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CrazyIconsPilaohjelma, joka saa työpöydän kuvakkeet siirtyilemään itsekseen paikasta toiseen. Ilmainen. http://www.lizardworks.com/pranks.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21549">21549</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CSKY3220.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21549&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CSKY3220.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>718,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CYBERSKY v2.0Colorful, educational astronomy program. Displays the sky from any location on the earth. Allows users to learn about astronomy and explore the sky by using animation. Shows stars, constellations, deep sky objects, sun, moon, planets. Shows detailed information about objects in the sky. Prints sky charts. Help file contains educational exercises, diagrams, tables, and a glossary.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21550">21550</a></td>

                    <td>297,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CT Comics v1.0 Tämä ohjelma näyttää kätevästi noin sadan suositun nettisarjakuvan uusimmat stripit. Ikävä kyllä sarjakuvien listaa ei ilmeisesti pysty itse päivittämään, vaan käyttäjän on tyytyminen siihen mistä ohjelman suunnittelijat itse pitivät. Win 9x, NT, ME, 2000. http://camtech2000.net/Pages/CTComics.html </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21551">21551</a></td>

                    <td>487,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Citrus Alarm Clock 1.0.0Ilmainen herätyskello-ohjelma, johon saat tallennettua haluamasi määrän hälytyksiä. Äänen saa
tarvittaessa alkamaan hiljaa ja voimistumaan vähitellen. Hälytysääneksi käy mikä tahansa
äänitiedosto. http://plaza.v-wave.com/mark/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21552">21552</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CTSTPRO.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21552&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CTSTPRO.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Career Test Pro v1.0Ohjelma auttaa ammatinvalinnassa kyselemällä kuuteen aihepiiriin liittyviä kysymyksiä.
Perustuu kirjaan nimeltä "Discover What You\'re Best At". Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21553">21553</a></td>

                    <td>928,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Crossword Express v5.2Crossword Express is an advanced demo that shows how the program can help you to create crossword and vocabulary puzzles for a wide variety of applications. The very flexible system offers a number of options for creating standardclassroompreset wordand special-interest puzzles; it also lets you specify dictionaries so puzzles can be tailored precisely for your needs. You choose the grid sizeand use established or custom lattice templates for various styles of puzzles. Easy to follow menus provide access to Crossword Expressvarious modules for specific dictionarieslattice modelsexportingand more. The program is thoroughly documented and includes a tutorial. Registered users can access a number of free dictionariesand create live Java-based Web puzzlesusing the growing library of Freeware Java applets. Note: The demo version limits the size of the puzzle that can be printed. Puzzles that are printed will display a watermark. Demo for Windows 3.x/95/98/NT/2000/Me by Aus-PC-Soft Shareware. http://www.crauswords.com/"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21554">21554</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CWKIT20B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21554&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CWKIT20B.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Crossword Construction Kit V2.0b <WIN> [ASP]
features the unique ability to make puzzles
in fun shapes with over 25 predefined puzzle
shapes (diamonds, doughnuts, trains, etc)
with the ability to create unlimited new
shapes. Up to 30 x 30 in size. Print options
include skeleton or filled box, answer key,
font selection, metafiles & more. Teachers,
Students, Publishers and Fans: PUT MORE FLARE
AND PIZZAZZ into your puzzles.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21555">21555</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Crossword Construction Kit 3.1aCrossword Construction Kit is the ultimate crossword maker for Windows. Drop, place, and size graphic and text
components; select fonts, colors, columns, borders, alignment; and more. Make puzzles in fun shapes (diamonds,
doughnuts, and trains, for example) or in grids. Puzzles can have up to 200 words with 150 characters per clue. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21556">21556</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CWKMAN.EXE&tiedoston_id=21556&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">CWKMAN.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>485,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Crossword Construction Kit 3.1a ManualCrossword Construction Kit is the ultimate crossword maker 
for Windows. This is the software manual.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21557">21557</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CrosswordPlus 2.1CrosswordPlus is an aid to compiling and solving crosswords. Design grids using two 
way or four way symmetry. Search for words, phrases and anagrams from a comprehensive 
word list. Type directly to the grid or enter words automatically by selecting from 
the list. Save grids as data for further editing or as bmp, jpeg or emf files. Added 
support for clues. Added save as AcrossLite text. http://home.clara.net/lnd/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21558">21558</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cyber-avustajahahmoCyber on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen 
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21559">21559</a></td>

                    <td>48,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>d2J MovieDatabase 1.0b d2J MovieDatabase on pienikokoinen kotimaista tekoa oleva tietokantaohjelma, johon voi vaivattomasti näpytellä sekä omistamansa elokuvalistan että elokuvien kriittiset tiedot. Tämän lisäksi ohjelma osaa hakea lisätietoja Internet Movie Databasesta. Ilmainen. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21560">21560</a></td>

                    <td>4,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Diabetesvihko 1.1Diabetesvihko v.1.1 (c) VPKSoft 2002 Erittäin kattava ja helppokäyttöinen diabeteksen hallintaohjelma. Mukana mm. hiilihydraattilaskuri, tilastot, omien leivonnaisten hiilihydraatien laskenta, muistutukset pistoksista, hoitovälineiden määrän seuranta, HbA1c:n laskenta. Tukee glukoosiarvojen hakua EuroFlash® mittarista. Tyypin 1 diabeetikoille. Ilmainen! Lisätty mm. tuki sekoiteinsuliinille. http://netti.nic.fi/~vpksoft1/diabetesvihko/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21561">21561</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DCFWIN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21561&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">DCFWIN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>570,6 kt</td>


                    <td>2847/Software of the Month Club 1997 January.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DRAFT Choice for Windows Best Shareware CAD package. Multiple Attach Points; Multiple Layers; Multiple Views; Bezier, Complex & Spline curves; Warp/Tween, Multilevel Undos; Parallel & Perpendicular modes; PCX, WPG and DXF file support; PSP & Plotter output; External Line, Fill, and Hatch pattern files,... Windows 3.1+</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21562">21562</a></td>

                    <td>273,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Speed Tester 1.5Tällä ohjelmalla testaat kirjoitusnopeutesi. Uutuudet: -Oma 10 minuutin lista -Tulokset voi nollata -Välkkyminen poistettu -Lauseita lisätty -Bugeja korjailtu.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21563">21563</a></td>

                    <td>662,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Derivator 2.2  Derivator ottaa funktion ja derivoi sen, minkä jälkeen tuloksen voi kopioida tekstitiedostoksi tai printata. Ohjelma näyttää myös laskun välivaiheet, joten käyttäjän ei tarvitse ihmetellä minkä askelien kautta tulos putkahti.  Kokeiluversio, 9,90 USD. Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000/XP. http://intelangel.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=19858">19858</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DIALWORD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=19858&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">DIALWORD.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Dial-a-Word matches words and phone numbers</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21564">21564</a></td>

                    <td>4,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DM Genie - Software for d20 System RPG 1.0DM Genie on d20-roolipelijSrjestelmS varten suunniteltu apuohjelma, jonka avulla kirjanpito pelaajahahmojen, ei-pelaajahahmojen ja hirviöiden eri ominaisuuksista helpottuu huomattavasti. Ohjelma pitää kirjaa tylsästä sääntömekaniikasta bonuksineen, pelastusheittoineen ja muine ynnäämisineen, vapauttaen näin aikaa varsinaiseen roolipelaamisen. Vaikka ohjelma on suunniteltu erityisesti Dungeons & Dragonsin kolmatta painosta silmällä pitäen, sen voi muokata minkä tahansa d20-systeemiin perustuvan pelin tarpeisiin.  Kokeiluversio, 29,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.dmgenie.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21565">21565</a></td>

                    <td>3,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Design Master Lite 1.0 Design Master Lite on insinööriopiskelijoille tarkoitettu ohjelma jolla voi ratkoa erilaisia suunnitteluyhtälöitä. Ohjelma antaa tulosteenaan todennäköisyydet siihen että projekti onnistuu, tähän liittyvät toleranssirajat, arviot epäonnistumisen seurauksista pahimmillaan ja parhaimmillaan, ja paljon muuta tietoa.  Shareware, 24,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.daci-wca.com/products_003.htm </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21566">21566</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DMPEGPIE.EXE&tiedoston_id=21566&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">DMPEGPIE.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Panasonic MPEG1 EncoderPanasonic MPEG1 Encoder is an application software that runs under Windows environments and covers the full specifications of MPEG1 encoding capability. This product features our original encoding engine developed by Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. It can produce superb-quality MPEG video and audio streams using only your PC, and it supports high resolution and a data rate surpassing the MPEG1 Standard. Included are many useful functions to enhance MPEG1 image quality, such as three selectable kinds of Quantizer Matrix, Noise Reduction Filter, Smoothing Filter and Forced Intra-Frame setting.

We offer you the following two types of MPEG1 Encoder.
*The Plug-in for Adobe Premiere Version 5.x for Windows 
*The Standalone Application Software for Windows
Both support Intel MMX technology and detect the CPU in your PC automatically.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21568">21568</a></td>

                    <td>165,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Virtual Drugs 3.0A collection of trippy applications designed to tingle the senses and numb the brain. 
Features the ever-popular acid simulator Pinwheel, the psychedelic pattern morpher 
Acid Warp, Puddle Tripper, an application that turns your desktop into a virtual 
puddle, and two stare-at-the-flashing-lights brainwave stimulators, Flasher and 
Sassy. Ugh... I feel dizzy. Version 3.0 adds Particle Toy, a program that 
generates patterns of flaming, fire-trailing particles.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21569">21569</a></td>

                    <td>6,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Drunk MousePilaohjelma saa hiiren vaeltelemaan ruudulla humalaisen holtittomasti. Hiiri tottelee edelleen käyttäjää, mutta sen lisäksi se heiluu puolelta toiselle vaikeuttaen kohdistamista. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21570">21570</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DScaler 4.01Monet käyttävät tietokonettaan televisiona, dvd-soittimena tai kotielokuvateatterinsa osana. Erityisesti elokuvien kohdalla kuvan laadulla alkaa jo olla väliä. Videot, dvd-soittimet, pelikonsolit ja muut vastaavat laitteet lähettävät lomitettua (interlaced) kuvasignaalia, jota täytyy muokata ennen kuin se voidaan näyttää. Dscaler purkaa kuvasignaalin tosiajassa, ja sen kehittyneet algoritmit takaavat loistavan kuvanlaadun. Ohjelma on erinomainen apuväline tv-kortin ja tehokkaan koneen omistajille. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21571">21571</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DVDGN350.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21571&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">DVDGN350.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>233,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DVD Genie v3.50 Modify the region code for popular software based DVD players such as Software Cinemaster, PowerDVD and WinDVD, and others. It also allows you to tweak these programs with undocumented features to better fit your system. DVD Genie also allows you to select which program runs when a DVD disc is inserted into the drive and contains support for full screen zooming on wide screen movies. http://www.inmatrix.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21572">21572</a></td>

                    <td>290,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DirectX 9a webasennusDirectX-ajureiden versio 9. Sopii Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP. HUOM: tämä on asennusohjelma, joka hakee tiedostot internetistä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21576">21576</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=E-MAN.EXE&tiedoston_id=21576&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">E-MAN.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>4,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>E-man-avustajahahmo (kybermies)E-man on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.msagentring.org/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21587">21587</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=E-WOMAN.EXE&tiedoston_id=21587&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">E-WOMAN.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>E-woman-avustajahahmo (kybernainen)E-woman on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.msagentring.org/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21573">21573</a></td>

                    <td>6,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Eagle 4.09EAGLE (Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor) on saksalaisen CadSoftin tekemä apuohjelma elektroniikan suunnitteluun. Tämä versio on ilmainen, ja tarkoitettu vain ei-kaupalliseen käyttöön. Versiossa on joitain rajoituksia. Katso tarkemmat tiedot Rakentelunurkasta http://www.mbnet.fi/rakentelunurkka/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21574">21574</a></td>

                    <td>33,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EarthquakePilaohjelma, joka saa ruudun sisällön tärisemään ja heilumaan kuin pahemmassakin maanjäristyksessä. Ilmainen. http://www.lizardworks.com/pranks.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21575">21575</a></td>

                    <td>82,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Egg Timer Plus 1.1Egg Timer Plus on yksinkertainen ajastinohjelma, josta löytyy kaksi sekuntikelloa sekä ajastin, joka antaa halutun ajan kuluttua äänimerkin. Sekuntikellot voi pysäyttää toisistaan riippumatta väliaikaisesti tai pysyvästi, joten monimutkaisempikin ajastus onnistuu, ja itse hälytys estää näppärästi vaikkapa uunissa olevia ranskiksia muuttumasta piirrustushiiliksi.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.sardinesoftware.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21577">21577</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Embird 7.0Embird is an embroidery industry utility. Read/write designs stored on floppy disks in various embroidery formats. Format and copy them on floppy disks, resample designs, convert designs in different file formats, view designs in 1-to-1 scale, and create various design documentation types. Detail, simple, or thumbnail documentation may be printed or exported into BMP or JPEG formats. A photo-realistic preview lets you assign proper colors to needles and check the design without actually embroidering. Version 7.0 is a 32-bit version with long-names support, resizing with automatic stitch density adjustment, and added Janome JEF format support. It offers Sort Colors, Reverse Stitches in the Editor, and much more. This is a 30-day or 100-trial fully functional demo for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by Balarad. http://www.balarad.sk</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21578">21578</a></td>

                    <td>4,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EmotiPad II 1.5 EmotiPad II on ohjelma graafisten hymiöiden kortistoimiseen ja liittämiseen niin sähköpostiviesteihin, keskustelualueille kuin html-dokumentteihinkin. Ohjelman avulla löydät nopeasti juuri omaa tunnetilaasi vastaavan hymiön, ja sen liittäminen haluamaasi paikkaan onnistuu helposti hiirellä raahaamalla.  Shareware, 9,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.emotipad.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21579">21579</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ENFRC10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21579&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">ENFRC10.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows Enforcer v1.0. Enforcer protects
systems that are accessible to many people.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21580">21580</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ergonomix 3.1  ergonomix on ohjelma joka on tehty tietotyöläisten vammojen ehkäisyyn ja niistä toipumiseen. Ohjelma tarkkailee käyttäjän näppäimistön ja hiiren käyttöä, ja huomauttaa hänelle milloin on aika pitää alle minuutin pikkupaussi tai kunnon venyttelytauko. Kokeiluversio, 24,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.publicspace.net/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21581">21581</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ERW091B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21581&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">ERW091B.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>


                    <td>10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Easy Recipe for Windows v091bEasy Recipe on reseptienhallintaohjelma. Sharewarea.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21582">21582</a></td>

                    <td>441 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ESB Unit Conversion Utility v1.4.2User friendly Win32 FREE Utility to easily convert between units of measurement. Includes Units
for Temperature, Distance, Mass, Area, Volume, Pressure, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Energy,
Power, Fuel Consumption, Flow and Torque.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21583">21583</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Electronics Software Pack 1 1.0.4  Electronics Software Pack 1 sisältää kaksi yksinkertaista työkaluohjelmaa elektroniikkaharrastajille. Ohjelmista ensimmäinen kertoo vastuksen värimerkintöjen perusteella sen resistanssin, ja toinen laskee dipoliantennin koon halutulle taajuudelle. Paketin kolmas ohjelma on yksinkertainen numeronarvauspeli, jota voi napsutella odottaessaan kolvin lämpenevän. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.minderworld.com/software/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21584">21584</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ETCOUNT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21584&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">ETCOUNT.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>33 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>E.T. Counter 0.9 This program roughly calculates, among others, the number of inhabited planets and advanced civilizations that currently exist in our galaxy, based on your own specifications and assumptions.  The algorithm is inspired by Isaac Asimov and the Green Bank formula.  You are invited to provide your settings for future versions of the program. Freely distributable. Does not expire. No installation required. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21585">21585</a></td>

                    <td>5,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EuroCalculator v1.7EuroCalculator on Microwares Software Club:in tekemä Euron 
muuntolaskin. http://www.microwares.cjb.net - 
euro@microwares.cjb.net. Vaatii vb-kirjaston! </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21586">21586</a></td>

                    <td>3,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EarthWatch 4.0EarthWatch tuo työpöydälle maailmankartan jolla voi tarkastella auringon ja kuun liikkeitä sekä valon ja pimeän rajan hidasta liikettä yli valtioiden. Karttaa voi tarkastella joko sellaisenaan, tai höystettynä kaupungeilla, maiden rajoilla sekä suurimmilla kaupungeilla. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.elanware.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21588">21588</a></td>

                    <td>565 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EzyTuner 1.21EzyTuner on ensisijaisesti kitaran ja basson virittämiseen tarkoitettu ohjelma, mutta se on käyttökelpoinen myös muiden kielisoittimien kanssa. Käyttäjä voi liittää instrumenttinsa suoraan tietokoneen äänikorttiin tai käyttää apunaan mikrofonia. Viritinohjelma tunnistaa soitettua säveltä lähinnä olevan nuotin ja kertoo, miten paljon instrumentin vire on metsässä. Metronomille voi valita useita eri rytmejä, ja ohjelmaa voi käyttää myös haluttujen nuottien soittamiseen, mikäli haluaa virittää soittimensa korvakuulolta.
Shareware, 19 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/NT/XP. http://www.ezytuner.com/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21589">21589</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FAKEDELT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21589&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">FAKEDELT.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>117,5 kt</td>

                        <td style="color:red">ClamAV: Win.Joke.FakeDel-7 FOUND</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fake Delete v2.0Truly scary prank program. When executed, it displays a standard Windows 95 Confirm Folder Delete dialog box that says, "Are you sure you want to remove the folder \'Windows\' and move all its contents to the Recycle Bin?" Whether the user clicks on "Yes" or "No," the prank will simulate deletion of all the files. Nothing actually happens though. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21590">21590</a></td>

                    <td>897,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fit @ Work 3DA new technology makes it possible: Your personal realtime 3D animated instructor 
now shows you the correct exercises to keep you fit@work ! Realtime 3D animation 
based on Microsoft Direct3D technology. Realistic simulation of human motion. 
Realtime changeable viewing perspective. 36 basic exercises. Windows 95, 3D accelerator.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21591">21591</a></td>

                    <td>167,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fatal Error Chronology Counter v. 1.10FChronolla voi tehdä oman ajanlaskun, joka alkaa esim. omasta syntymäpäivästäsi ja ohjelma voi kääntää sitten minkä tahansa päivämäärän tähän uuteen aikaan. Käyttää gregoriaanisen ajanlaskun sääntöjä. 32-bittinen Windows tarvitaan.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21592">21592</a></td>

                    <td>139 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fatal Error Bot v1.052Febot is a (non)intelligent chatterbot, which you can 
teach to talk! The program lists the words you use, and 
what words you use with them. Don`t be scared if Febot 
isn`t quite smart at first, the more you chat, the more 
intelligent Febot gets (to a certain point)! Windows and 
VBrun300.dll are needed.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21593">21593</a></td>

                    <td>4,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Felix-avustajahahmo (velho)Felix on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.e-clips.com.au/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21594">21594</a></td>

                    <td>136,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Finger v1.0Mitä, käykö tietokone osoittelemaan keskisormella? Hämmennä kavereitasi tällä ilmaisella pilaohjelmalla. Toimii Windows 9x:ssä ja ME:ssä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21595">21595</a></td>

                    <td>59,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FinPuhe v0.9Ilmainen suomalainen puheohjelma. Laita tietokoneesi  puhumaan! Laitteistovaatimukset: 386, Sound Blaster-yhteensopiva äänikortti. Copyright Mikko Karonen 2001 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21596">21596</a></td>

                    <td>601,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fit @ Work 3D v1.33 A new technology makes it possible: Your personal realtime 3D animated instructor now shows you the correct exercises to keep you fit@work ! Realtime 3D animation. Realistic simulation of human motion.Instantly changing arrangegment of exercises. Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21597">21597</a></td>

                    <td>113,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fake Format 1.05Perinteinen pilaohjelma, jossa käyttäjältä kysytään haluaako tämä formatoida kiintolevynsä. Vastaa kysymykseen mitä tahansa, kaikki tieto näyttää tuhoutuvan. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21598">21598</a></td>

                    <td>691,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fysiikkalaskuri v1.0Talla ohjelmalla voit laskea esim. auton nopeuden jarrutusjälkien perusteella, oman painosi eri planeetoilla ja kaikkea muuta fysiikkaan ja matematiikkaan liittyvää. Vaatii Windows 95/98/NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21599">21599</a></td>

                    <td>69,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FallingIconsPilaohjelma, joka saa työpöydän kuvakkeet valumaan pois ruudulta. Ilmainen. http://www.lizardworks.com/pranks.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21600">21600</a></td>

                    <td>103,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Follow Me 1.0Tämän pilaohjelman ansiosta Windowsin Käynnistä-nappula lähtee liukumaan paikaltaan samaan suuntaan kuin liikutat hiirtä. Ilmainen. http://www.rjlsoftware.com/software/entertainment/followme/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21601">21601</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FP Kalenteri 2000 Normaali seinäkalenteri, mutta hienommat maisemakuvat! tehnyt: FREON PRODUCTIONS FreeWare!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21602">21602</a></td>

                    <td>274,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fractalus 2.51Kotimainen Fractalus on ilmaisohjelma jonka avulla voi piirtää Mandelbrotin ja Julian joukkojen kuvaajia useilla eri tyyleillä. Joukkoja voi tarkastella eri syvyyksiltä, kauneimmat kuvat voi tallettaa jpeg tai bmp-muodossa, minkä lisäksi väripaletin säätämiseen löytyy runsaasti mahdollisuuksia. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21603">21603</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FRAPS12B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21603&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">FRAPS12B.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>22,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Fraps  1.2BThe program is designed as a generic tool to monitor framerates in DirectX games.  The name itself is derived from the term Frames Per Second (FPS) which is what the program displays in the corner of the games screen.  It measures the framerate by monitoring calls to the Flip procedure in DirectDraw.  The game calls the Flip function when it is using double buffering and needs to switch between the two surfaces.  As an entire screenful of data is transferred from the bufferthe Flip function waits for the vertical retrace of your monitor before writing the new data to the screen.  By waiting for the retrace (when there is no activity on the monitor)the game avoids writing data as it is being shown which causes flickering.  This also gives us the opportunity to keep track of the number of frames actually drawn over any time period. 


                    <td><a href="/id?id=21604">21604</a></td>

                    <td>515,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FreeCard 2.0FreeCardin avulla voi laatia elektronisia postikortteja, joihon voi tekstin ja staattisen tai liikkuvan kuvan ohella lisäksi myös musiikkia ja puhetta. Ilmainen. http://www.pcww.com/web_mat/freecard.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21605">21605</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FREEDVD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21605&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">FREEDVD.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FreeDVD v2.0Asiansa osaava DVD-player, ja vieläpä Freewarea.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21606">21606</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FSTART.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21606&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">FSTART.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>129,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fake Start MenuWill make your existing start menu not respond to anything. Uses the existing Start Menu logic and replaces it with a non responsive one. Able to close via secret keypress of "RJ" Windows 95/98/NT4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21607">21607</a></td>

                    <td>210,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fuzzy ScreenPilaohjelma möheltää ruudun sisällön lukukelvottomaan muotoon ja valittaa näytönohjaimessa olevan vikaa. Kun käyttäjä painaa OK-nappulaa ohjelman ehdottaessa uudelleenkäynnistystä, kaikki alkaakin toimia taas normaalisti. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21608">21608</a></td>

                    <td>385,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Frodo v4.1A C64 emulator. Unzip with Winzip or Unzip/NT, contains long filenames.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21609">21609</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Falling Words v1.1The program is designed to motivate and increase the typing speed of people who know how to type but lack typing speed. Bricks, containing one of thousands of words, fall from the top of the screen. They settle at either the bottom of the screen or onto another brick. The session ends when the wall of bricks reaches the top of the screen. The user can prolong the session by entering a word, which will delete the relevant brick, and let any supported bricks fall. Some vocabulary in the unregistered version is restricted. Registration give you the full version has over 5,000 words. Demo version for Win9x/NT/2000 by Parsley Education Software. http://www.prides.com.au/parsley/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21610">21610</a></td>

                    <td>379,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FXDEMO1 V1.1 from LANCER 199X TEAM. Pentium II fixed version This demo uses 3dfx card to create great effects. Requirements: 486 66 and a Voodoo 3dfx graphics card which uses GLIDE.  Midas Digital audio System 1.1.2 for playing music.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21611">21611</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GAC180.EXE&tiedoston_id=21611&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">GAC180.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>726,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Global Audio Control 1.8.0This application gives you the freedom to adjust your audio settings and Winamp player from any program using globally recognized keyboard shortcuts. It is designed to be especially useful for those who play games, work with sound in full-screen environments, or are everyday power users. Benefit from using an optional on-screen display (OSD), a system tray menu, and command-line options. It includes OSD skinning support, the ability to control commonly used audio mixer devices, multiple soundcard support, the ability to quickly view your audio levels, and many more features. Freeware for Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.globalaudiocontrol.cjb.net/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21612">21612</a></td>

                    <td>4,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Garden With Insight 1.2Äkkinäisen kaupunkilaispojan ja tytön mieleen juolahtaa helposti ihmetys siitä, mikä siinä maanviljelyssä tai puutarhanpidossa nyt niin vaikeaa on. Kunhan tökkää siemenet maahan ja kastelee välillä, eivätkö ne kasvit muka osaa omin neuvoin puskea maasta ylös? Tästä on ollut seurauksena useita karuiksi jääneitä kesämökkien ryytimaita, ja parempi onkin tutustua etukäteen puutarhan pitämisen jaloon taitoon esimerkiksi Garden With Insight –puutarhasimulaation avulla. Saat hoidettavaksesi puutarhan, johon voit istuttaa haluamiasi kasveja. Hoitaessasi bittiporkkanoita ohjelma opettaa sinulle samalla puutarhanpidon kannalta olennaisia tietoja maaperästä, kasvitieteestä ja kemiasta. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21613">21613</a></td>

                    <td>504,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Global DivX Player 1.9.0.The Global DivX Player is a Windows Media Player (WMP) replacement program designed for watching DivX movies, but capable of playing most windows video formats, including normal AVI, nAVI, MPEG, VCD (DAT), and ASF. Features include a slicker interface, less CPU and memory usage, subtitle file support, and incomplete DivX playback. The program supports windowed, always on top, and full-screen playback modes. New additions to version 1.8.5 include major code optimization and rewriting, increased speed, and new Registry functions for filetyping. This version now works on all Windows operating systems. Additional new features include volume control; interface changes; panels that are now in one window; a brand-new, completly rewritten full-screen system; support for many new features; better seeking control; additional WMV support; new half-second forward/backward keys; and many more bug fixes and tweaks. Ad-aware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me. Requires also Visual Basic Runtime Libraries. Author: The Wolfs Lair Productions. http://www.gdivx.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21614">21614</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GENIE.EXE&tiedoston_id=21614&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">GENIE.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Genie-avustajahahmo (henki)Genie on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. 
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21615">21615</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Geography Trainer v3.0Geography Trainer is an intense way to drill and learn world geography. Youll quickly find out if you are conversant in statescapitalscountriesand more in this highly educational program. Load maps and fill-in potential answers in an attempt to label states and capitals. Certain tests afford a one-letter lead-in to help jump-start answers. Tests may be timed and gradedwith incorrect answers repeated later. Additionallyyou can print tests to administer to an entire class. No help is currently available in English. Shareware for Win95/98/NT/Me/2000 by Ralf Ebert Software. http://www.geotrainer.de"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21616">21616</a></td>

                    <td>867,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>GreatFamily 1.1 GreatFamily on erinomainen ilmaisohjelma sukututkimuksesta kiinnostuneille. Ohjelmalla voi erittäin helposti tallentaa tiedot sukulaisista ja piirtää näppärän sukupuun, jonka voi tallentaa myös html-muotoiseksi ja laittaa nettiin muidenkin ihailtavaksi. GreatFamily on selkeä ja helppokäyttöinen, ja todella hyvä työkalu kokemattomallekin tietokoneen käyttäjälle. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.greatprogs.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21617">21617</a></td>

                    <td>205,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>GLSetup v1.0.0.121 for Windows9x GLSetup detects your 3D graphics card and installs the matching OpenGL drivers. Games supporting OpenGL will include GLSetup to ensure your system has drivers available to accelerate OpenGL 3D rendering.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21618">21618</a></td>

                    <td>4,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D GameStudio trial v4.213D GameStudion mukana tulevilla hahmo- ja kenttäeditoreilla voit tehdä omat 3D-pelisi! Monimutkaisemmat tapahtumat liitetään peleihin omalla skriptikielellään. Ohjelma tulee rekisteröidä 30 päivän koeajan jälkeen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21619">21619</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Happy Calendar 1.5.1Monipuolinen kalenteriohjelma jonka avulla niin kuukausi- kuin päiväohjelmankin sekä niihin liittyvien muistutusten ja hälytysten laatiminen on helppoa. Shareware, 19,95 USD. Win95-98/NT4.0-2000. http://www.jimjams.com/xhaca.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21620">21620</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HAIRPRO.EXE&tiedoston_id=21620&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">HAIRPRO.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hair Pro 5.05A hair imaging application which allows you to capture a picture of a face using a scanner, 
Webcam, or digital camera, and then display it with a new hairstyle.
The program includes 267 hairstyles (14 in trial version) for men and women, including short, 
medium, and long, as well as virtual hair and photo coloring and retouching capabilities. 
You can cut out hair tips, and adjust the hair in terms of contrast, lightness, saturation,
sharpness, and hue. Hair Pro lets you resize any hairstyle, zoom in and out, and save it in 
the following image formats: AVI, BMP, CUR, EMF, GIF, ICO, JPG, PCX, PNG, TIF, and WMF. 
In addition, you can flip the hair image, create your own hairstyles, and print in three sizes.
Limitations in downloadable version: You are limited to 14 hair styles. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21621">21621</a></td>

                    <td>162,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Handy v0.40An Atari lynx emulator by K. Wilkins. Requires 16MB RAM & Fast Pentium.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21622">21622</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HAPPY.EXE&tiedoston_id=21622&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">HAPPY.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>769,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Happy HouseThis is a very mellow cyberpet. Your hamster is in a wicker cage, and
it sleeps, yawns, cleans itself, walks around, and eats. Very cute
graphics, great animation. Much like a real hamster, the interaction is
limited. If you want an active pet that will chase balls or yarn and play
with you, a dogz or catz will more fit the bill. If you want some quiet
cute company, this hamster is perfect.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21623">21623</a></td>

                    <td>346,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hazard v2.01Laskee, kuinka riskialttiita puuhia olet tekemässä. Suunniteltu erityisesti yrityksille.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21624">21624</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HEART1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21624&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">HEART1.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>5,5 kt</td>

                        <td style="color:red">ClamAV: Win.Joke.Lancheck-1 FOUND</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Heart1 Mukamas konetesteri mutta näyttääkin tuhoavan kaikki tietokoneen tiedostot vielä käyttäjää ilkkuen. Ei todellista vahinkoa. Win95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21625">21625</a></td>

                    <td>2,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Best Hex Edit v.1.2.1 Build 43 (c) VPKSoft 2000 (Sahreware) Features: * great search * file compare * data structure viewer * data types supported: * integers 8/16/32/64 bit * floats 32/64/80 bit * strings and characters * structures * data structure viewer * checksums (crc-32, ...) * base converter * boolean calculator * threaded file operations Requirements: Win9x/NT4+/Windows 2000 3-14 MB of memory at least 800x600 screen mode Contact: Email:</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21626">21626</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Best Hex Edit v.2.0 (c) VPKSoft 2000 (Shareware) Features: great search,file compare, data structure viewer,checksums, base converter,boolean calculator, threaded file operations. Data types supported: integers 8/16/32/64 bit, floats 32/64/80 bit, strings and characters,structures. MDI Interface. Requirements: Win98+/NT4+/Windows 2000, 3-15 MB of memory, at least 800x600 screen mode. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21627">21627</a></td>

                    <td>103,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Vedä henkeä 1.3Vedä henkeä on kuvilla ja suomenkielisellä selostuksella höystetty tietotyöläisen ohjattu taukojumppa, joka pitää veren kiertämässä ja lihakset vetreinä pitkienkin työpäivien läpi.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21628">21628</a></td>

                    <td>932,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hieroglyph Library v0.3This program gives beginners a head-start with the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics language. It offers users access to some of the most common symbols. Each symbol can be selected in a number of different ways. Once selected, a transliteration and translation is given, enabling the user to grasp the Egyptian language quickly and efficiently. 
Installation bugs have been fixed in this update. Also, the hieroglyph database has been increased and refined to the newest standards. Registration codes have been added, and the database reading/writing bugs have been fixed to run on most computer systems. Freeware for Windows 95/98 by Ancients UK. http://www.geocities.com/hieroglyph_library/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21629">21629</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hilda-avustajahahmo (uimari)Hilda on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.e-clips.com.au/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21630">21630</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HelpMaker 2.1 DemoTällä ohjelmalla on helppoa tehdä Windows Help -tiedostoja. Järjestelmävaatimukset: Vähintään 386SX, 4MB RAM, 4MB kovalevytilaa. http://www.objectsoft.fi/old_pages/hm21finn.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21631">21631</a></td>

                    <td>6,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Home Planet 3.1 FullErittäin monipuolinen ohjelmapaketti tähtitaivaan salaisuuksista kiinnostuneille. Ohjelma näyttää niin tähtitaivaan halutun havaintopaikan yläpuolella, auringonvalon liikkeen maan pinnalla kuin paljon muutakin. Ilmainen. http://www.fourmilab.ch/homeplanet/homeplanet.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21632">21632</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Home Planet 3.1 LiteErittäin monipuolinen ohjelmapaketti tähtitaivaan salaisuuksista kiinnostuneille. Ohjelma näyttää niin tähtitaivaan halutun havaintopaikan yläpuolella, auringonvalon liikkeen maan pinnalla kuin paljon muutakin. Ohjelman kevytversio, jossa on pienemmät tietokannat. Päivitettävissä täysversioon. Ilmainen. http://www.fourmilab.ch/homeplanet/homeplanet.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21633">21633</a></td>

                    <td>5,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Home Planet 3.1 UpgradeTämä paketti päivittää Home Planet 3.1:n kevytversion täydeksi versioksi. Ilmainen. http://www.fourmilab.ch/homeplanet/homeplanet.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21634">21634</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HP3FULL.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21634&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">HP3FULL.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>6,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Home Planet 3 FullComprehensive astronomy/space/satellite- tracking package. Public domain software by John Walker. Released Feb 28th, 1997.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21635">21635</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HP3LITE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21635&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">HP3LITE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Home Planet 3 Light versionComprehensive astronomy/space/satellite- tracking package. Public domain software by John Walker. Released Feb 28th, 1997. This is a Lite version with less star data for getting to know the program. Upgrade to the full version with HP3UPG.ZIP.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21636">21636</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HP3UPG.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21636&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">HP3UPG.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Home Planet 3 upgrade Lite->FullUpgrade from Lite to Full version. Unpack the files in the Lite version directory, over the old files.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21637">21637</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTMLHELP.EXE&tiedoston_id=21637&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">HTMLHELP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>4 Mt</td>

                        <td>versio ?</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft HTML Help Workshop 1.2 HTML -> HELP -kääntäjä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21638">21638</a></td>

                    <td>503,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hymiötaikuri 1.00Lista hymiöistä sekä niiden selitykset</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=41051">41051</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HWSOL11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=41051&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">HWSOL11.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>-<< Hardwood Solitaire >>-
256 and TRUE COLOR WINDOWS 95 Solitaire
Hardwood Solitaire is a beautiful rendition
of three popular solitaire games; Klondike,
Pyramid & Golf.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21639">21639</a></td>

                    <td>6,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ikoneita ja kursoreita, paketti ISisältää ikoneita ja kursoreita, siis ennennäkemättömän 
hienoja. Kannattaa kokeilla jos olet kyllästynyt Windowsin 
ikoneihin ja kursoreihin. Tehnyt: Team Koistinen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21640">21640</a></td>

                    <td>4,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Inno Setupin luomat asennusohjelmat suomenkielisiksi - tehnyt Vesa Piittinen, Merrysoft - http://merrysoft.cjb.net - merry@mbnet.fi</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21641">21641</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=INSECTA.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21641&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">INSECTA.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Insecta is a delightful program that allows
you to choose and drag wings and legs onto
one of eight insects to bring them to life.
265 color support highly recommended to
display stunning graphics. Used in schools
and museums. Limited sound and animation in
shareware version. WIN3.1, 95 and NT

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21642">21642</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ISOVEL10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21642&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">ISOVEL10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>542,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ISO-VELI v1.0 Isoveli on kulunvalvonta ohjelma jolla seuraat 4-anturia kerrallaan MB (9/98, s.60) esitellystä valoanturi-laitteesta. Vaatii: Win9x/(NT)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21643">21643</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=JAMES.EXE&tiedoston_id=21643&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">JAMES.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>James-avustajahahmo (palvelija)James on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.msagentring.org/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21645">21645</a></td>

                    <td>337,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Juoma-apuri v1.0Helppokäyttöinen ja monipuolinen laskin alkoholia vastaan.
Vaatii Windows-käyttöjärjestelmän.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21644">21644</a></td>

                    <td>367,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Juoma-apuri 1.01 -päivitysSisältää 59 uutta juomaa ja juomalistan järjestysohjelman. Suomenkielinen. Vaatii Windowsin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21646">21646</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>JEDPlus v2.0Ilmainen apuväline java-ohjelmointiin. Voit kytkeä ohjelmaan muun muassa kääntäjän ja käynnistää sen yhdellä napin painalluksella. Koodin varatut sanat näkyvät värillisenä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21647">21647</a></td>

                    <td>817,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Jingle v1.1From LANCER 199X TEAM. Pentium II fixed version This demo uses 3dfx card to create great effects. Requirements: 486 66 and a Voodoo 3dfx graphics card which uses GLIDE.  Midas Digital audio System 1.1.2 for playing music.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21648">21648</a></td>

                    <td>5,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Joke4U 1.1  Joke4U 1.1 tarjoilee vitsejä suoraan näytölle käyttäjän määrittelemällä aikataululla joko tiettyyn aikaan päivästä tai halutun ajan välein. Ohjelmasta löytyy mittava vitsitietokanta, johon voi hakea päivityksiä sen kotisivuilta, minkä lisäksi sitä voi käyttää myös herätyskellona. Vitsit on jaoteltu kategorioihin, joten omaan makuun sopimattomat voi sensuroida pois häiritsemästä. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.anggogo.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21649">21649</a></td>

                    <td>5,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>JoulukalenteriSeuraa joulupukin ja tonttujen häkellyttävää tarinaa luukku kerrallaan. Ilmainen. http://www.angelfire.com/games4/moonlight/i_xmas.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21650">21650</a></td>

                    <td>43,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Jumaluustesti v1.0Tämä on lyhyt ja leikkimielinen testi, jolla voit mitata jumaluutesi. Tekijä JS Productions. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21651">21651</a></td>

                    <td>28,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kalenteri v3.6Kuukausikalenteri istuu ruudun oikeassa alanurkassa, 
näyttää kuluvan päivän lihavoituna. Muistikirja-ominaisuus.
Kertoo myös Auringon nousu- ja laskuajan numeroina, 
graafisesti Auringon korkeuden ja Kuun vaiheen. Sijoita 
pikakuvake Käynnistä- valikon Käynnistys-kansioon. 
Vaatii Win98 tai Win95/NT ja VB5-runtime- tiedostot. 
tsalm@nettilinja.fi </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21652">21652</a></td>

                    <td>28,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kalenteri v3.7Kuukausikalenteri istuu ruudun oikeassa alanurkassa, näyttää kuluvan päivän lihavoituna. Muistikirja-ominaisuus. Kertoo myös auringon nousu- ja laskuajan numeroina, graafisesti auringon korkeuden ja kuun vaiheen. Sijoita pikakuvake Käynnistä-valikon Käynnistys-kansioon. Ilmainen. Vaatii Win98 tai Win95/NT ja VB5-runtime- tiedostot. tsalm@nettilinja.fi

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21653">21653</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=KALUA11.EXE&tiedoston_id=21653&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">KALUA11.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>4,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Kalua Cocktails v1.1Kalua Cocktails is a program that aims to help you plan out your next cocktail party perfectly: theres a picture to go with every one of the over 1100 cocktailsso your guests can even pick a cocktail according to color. To make sure the program only lists cocktails for which you have the ingredientssimply activate the House Bar function. So that you may offer your guests the greatest possible variety of cocktailsthe Shopping Assistant will tell you how to stock your bar most effectively. When the partys overthe Blood Alcohol Level Assistant helps you talk your guests into taking a taxi instead of driving. This version only has 100 of more than 1100 cocktails available and is print-disabled. Registration for this software costs $16.99. Shareware for Win95/98/NT by Gekko Software. http://www.gekkosoft.com"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21654">21654</a></td>

                    <td>2,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>KataChess 2.8g KataChess on shakin opetusohjelma, joka esittää pelaajalle sarjan pelitilanteita, joista pitäisi selvitä läpi voittoisasti. KataChess opettaa näin pelaajan hahmottamaan shakkipeleissä eteen tulevia tilanteita, ja se on oiva opiskeluväline shakkiharrastajille jotka haluavat parantaa peliään. Shareware, 14,95. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.katachess.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21657">21657</a></td>

                    <td>5,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kello Tämä kello kyselee kellon tuntemista. Ehkä suunnattu vähän pienemmille henkilöille, miksei myöskin teini-ikäisille, tai heidän vanhemmilleen. Ilmainen. Vaatii VB5-runtime-tiedostot ja WIN95/98/NT. tsalm@nettilinja.fi</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21655">21655</a></td>

                    <td>25,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Jukkas Kellovakooja v0.01Oikein asennettuna ohjelma tallentaa kellonajan ja päivämäärän kello.dat -tiedostoonmistä sitten näet että onko kukaan käynyt koneellaasi sillä aikaa kun olit poissa."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21658">21658</a></td>

                    <td>15,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>KidPad 1.0 KidPad on useissa kouluissakin käytetty piirrosohjelma, jonka avulla monta kSyttSjSS voi yhtä aikaa käsitellä samaa suurta virtuaalista kangasta. Kynät näyttävät väriliiduilta ja työkalut ovat muutenkin lapsenomaisen selkeitä. Käyttäjä voi linkittää piirtämiään kuvia tarinaksi, joka mahdollistaa eräänlaisen virtuaalisen kuvakirjan kasaamisen. Näppärämmät nappulat voivat myös kirjoittaa tekstiä kuvien oheen. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.kidpad.org/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21659">21659</a></td>

                    <td>484,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sivistyssana/ristikkosanakirjastoViskipullonetiketti-warea.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21660">21660</a></td>

                    <td>698,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Klick-N-View Business Cards v2.0Klick-N-View Business Cards lets you design and print business cards. Enhance your cards with rectangles, lines, ellipses, and your favorite fonts. Color is selectable for all text and drawings, and color printers are supported. The program now lets you import pictures directly or with OLE graphics applications. Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21661">21661</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=KULKURI.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21661&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">KULKURI.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kulkuri-kulunvalvontaohjelmaOhjelma on tarkoitettu kulunvalvontaan, ja se hälyttää käyttäjän haluamien määritelmien täytyttyä. Tarvitset esimerkiksi oveen asennetun LDR- vastuksen, ja Kulkuri näyttää vastuksen arvoja numeraalisesti ja graafisesti. Liittyy Mikrobitin numeroon 9/98.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21662">21662</a></td>

                    <td>9,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kurso de Esperanto 2.3Tämän kurssin avulla voit opetella esperanton
alkeita: sanastoa, kielioppia ja lausumista. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21663">21663</a></td>

                    <td>19,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kursoreita WindowsiinYli 30 win9x-kursoria, normaaleja ja animoituja. 
Tehnyt Olli Välkki.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21664">21664</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LABLPLUS.EXE&tiedoston_id=21664&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">LABLPLUS.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Label + Envelope Designer Plus v2000.4Monipuolinen ja kätevä korttien sekä muiden erilaisten kansilehtien suunnitteluohjelma Windows 9x/NT/2000:lle. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21665">21665</a></td>

                    <td>117,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LAGUUNI 0.5 betaTämän hienon kieliohjelman avulla opit sanat helposti!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21666">21666</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LAHNA110.EXE&tiedoston_id=21666&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">LAHNA110.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Anagrammilahna v1.10Anagrammilahna on Windows-ohjelma, joka muodostaa annetun sanan kirjaimista uusia sanoja automaattisesti. Shareware, rekisteröinti 20mk. http://cow.chicoweb.com/lahna</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21667">21667</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Language Identifier 1.5Language Identifier pyrkii määrittelemään millä kielellä sille annettu tekstinpätkä on kirjoitettu. Ohjelma tarvitsee ainakin 200 merkin mittaisen otoksen, ja se osaa tunnistaa kohtuullisen luotettavasti yli 260 kieltä.  Ilmainen. Win 9x/NT/ME/2K/XP. http://www.languageidentifier.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21668">21668</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Language Identifier 2.0Language Identifier pyrkii määrittelemään millä kielellä sille annettu tekstinpätkä on kirjoitettu. Ohjelma tarvitsee ainakin 200 merkin mittaisen otoksen, ja se osaa tunnistaa kohtuullisen luotettavasti yli 260 kieltä. Ilmainen. Win 9x/NT/ME/2K/XP. http://www.languageidentifier.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21670">21670</a></td>

                    <td>571,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Lava Lamp versio suositusta laavalampusta. Lamppu on nyt isompi ja värivaihtoehtoja
on seitsemän! Ja sama englanniksi: This program is a Mathmos like lava lamp 
sitting on top of your desktop and bubbling in seven different colours. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21669">21669</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LAVA2006.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21669&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">LAVA2006.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>558,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tyylikäs laavalamppu istuu työpöydälläsi ja kuplii seitsemän eri värisiä kuplia. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21671">21671</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LAVALAMP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21671&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">LAVALAMP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>223,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Lava Lamp program is a Mathmos like lava lamp. Sitting on top of your desktop and...

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21672">21672</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LM10INST.EXE&tiedoston_id=21672&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">LM10INST.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Lotto Machine 1.0Arpoo lottonumeroita</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21673">21673</a></td>

                    <td>532,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LogoManager 1.2.6Nokia Logo Managerilla voi suunnitella grafiikkaa ja soittoääniä Nokian 5100, 6100, 3210, 3310, 3330, 8210, 8850, 6210 ja 7110 -malleille. Valmiit tuotokset voi siirtää puhelimeen joko infrapunalinkin tai kaapelin kautta, josta niitä voi edelleen lähettää kavereilleen tekstiviesteinS. Shareware, 30,86€. http://www.logomanager.co.uk/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21674">21674</a></td>

                    <td>11,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Log-a-jog v3.4The Runners Logbook. Ohjelmajoka on tarkoitettu juoksemisen
tai muun kuntoilun päiväkirjaksi. Voit tallentaa paljon tietoa
harjoittelemisestasi. Log-a-jog laskee nopeudenkulutettujen
kalorien määrän yms. Voit analysoida kehittymistäsi erilaisten
yhteenvetojen ja kaavioiden avulla. Soveltuu harrastelijoista

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21675">21675</a></td>

                    <td>892,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Lotto 1.5Numerot voidaan arpoa aikaisempien voittorivien numeroesiintymien suhteessa. Tilastot vuodesta 1986 alkaen. Ohjelma tehty alun alkaen M-kielisenä vuonna 1986. Vaikka arvonnat noudattaisivat tiettyä kaavaa, jolloin oikeaan osumisen todennäköisyys kasvaa, on lotossa voittomahdollisuudet niin pienet, ettei mitään voittoja voida taata.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21676">21676</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Lotto Magic v5.0Ilmainen apuohjelma, joka osaa arpoa minkä tahansa valtion lottojärjestelmän mukaiset numerot.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21677">21677</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LPP32SW.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21677&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">LPP32SW.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Le Paint Petite 32 bit painting and coloring book program lets kids build their art skills. LPP includes over 30 professionally drawn colorbook pictures and scores of unique drawing and effect tools. Low cost shareware from Alston Software Labs, member STAR. Requires Windows 95 or NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21678">21678</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LightSpeed JPG 1.5LightSpeed JPG antaa mahdollisuuden tarkastella miltä haluttu kohde näyttää kuljettaessa lShes valonnopeudella. Ohjelmalle voi antaa omia jpg-muotoisia kuviaan ja sille voi määritellä nopeuden jolla kuljetaan sekä sen, mihin suuntaan esineeseen nähden ollaan liikkumassa. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.fearofphysics.com/Lsjpg/lsjpg.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65850">65850</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LUNABAR.ZIP&tiedoston_id=65850&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">LUNABAR.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:red">eritupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Lunabar - a Lunar Almanack for Win95's Taskba
Places an icon in Windows 95's taskbar displa
current moon phase and age. Click to open a f
almanack disolaying phase; rising, southing,
setting times, the constellation & signe of t
and more. clySmic Software. Shareware, $9.95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21679">21679</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LUNBAR99.EXE&tiedoston_id=21679&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">LUNBAR99.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Lunabar 99 v4.00 Lunabar näyttää kuun aseman Windowsin työkalupalkissa sekä kertoo kaikkea astrologista informatiota horoskoopeista ennustuksiin, mutta tarjoaa myös mm. auringon lasku- ja nousuajat. Sharewarea.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21680">21680</a></td>

                    <td>768,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Lyricmaker 1.2  Lyricmaker etsii rimmaavia sanoja englannin- ja espanjankielisille sanoille. Ohjelma vertailee haluttua määrää kirjaimia sanan lopusta, ja etsii sanastostaan niihin sopivia vaihtoehtoja. Oikeinkirjoitukseltaan häkellyttävässä englannissa tämä toimii hieman rajoittuneesti, mutta antaa kuitenkin värssyistä köyhälle sananvääntäjälle arvokkaita ideoita. Ilmainen. DOS. http://www.gastonporte.com/lyricmaker.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21681">21681</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>M.A.M.E. v0.34b1Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator binary for Windows 32bit. by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Now emulating 628 arcade games and Neo Geo too!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21683">21683</a></td>

                    <td>3,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MaggiThis is a personal computer program for selection of hairstyles, eye color and make-up. It needs operation system Windows 95, 98 or NT, computer with processor 486 or higher, 8 MB RAM, 6 MB free disk space, videocard supporting 64000 or more colors, color printer optionaly.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21682">21682</a></td>

                    <td>33,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MaggieSimpsonien Maggie-vauva alkaa kontata ruudulla tavoitellen hiiren kursoria. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21684">21684</a></td>

                    <td>6,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MASH 6.0 (full version)MASH (The Microsoft Agent Scripting Helper) on työkalu, jolla teet agenttiskriptejä. MASHin avulla saat Microsoft
Agent Technology -hahmot toimimaan nettisivuilla.
Windows 95/98/Me/XP/2000/NT. 30 päivän ilmainen 
kokeiluversio. http://www.bellcraft.com/mash/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21685">21685</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mathematics Worksheet Lite 2.0With this program you can create customized worksheets for practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Features include vertical or horizontal question layout, the ability to create between 1 and 100 questions, a WYSIWYG interface, a riddle generator, and the ability to change the picture, title, comments, and font. This version includes minor bug fixes. 
This version adds mixed operations, color printing, and the ability to save worksheets. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21686">21686</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MaterialWorlds Simulations 1.1Historian kuuluisimpia fysikaalisia kokeita on Galileon todistus siitä, ettei kappaleen massa vaikuta sen putoamisnopeuteen. Galileo pudotteli eri painoisia metallikuulia Pisan kaltevasta tornista. Mikäli fysiikan tehtäviä tehdessä tulee tarve havainnollistaa jotain fysikaalista ilmiötä ja taloyhtiössä katsotaan kieroon keilapallojen pudottelua parvekkeilta, on parempi turvautua MaterialWorlds Simulations –ohjelmaan, joka tarjoaa katseltavaksi ja viriteltäväksi esittelyjä heilurikellon toiminnasta planeettojen ratoihin. Jos opiskelu alkaa tuntua ikävältä, voit välillä vaikka pelata opettavaisen biljardimatsin ohjelman mukana tulevalla snooker-simulaatiolla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21688">21688</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MAX.EXE&tiedoston_id=21688&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">MAX.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>650,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Max-avustajahahmo (koira)Max on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.msagentring.org/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21687">21687</a></td>

                    <td>4,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Maximus DVD 1.2MaXimus DVD is a free software player for viewing DVD media on a home PC. Features include image capturing, a DVD catalog system, and fullscreen mode. MaXimus DVD also allows you to choose from a multiple selection of skins and display colors." </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21689">21689</a></td>

                    <td>247 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Magic ButtonTool Personal Edition 2000Magic ButtonTool 2000 Personal Edition enables you to create professional buttons and text for your website, software or any other program that supports BMPs, JPGs or GIFs. It produces three styles of button, and a 3D text style. This demo only produces only Windows-style buttons. Author: NeutralAbyss Software. http://get.to/neuralabyss.software/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21690">21690</a></td>

                    <td>143,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Multiple Choice v1.5Ohjelma tietovisojen tekemiseen ja ratkomiseen.
Kysymyksissä kolme tai neljä vastausvaihtoehtoa,
joista yksi oikein. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21691">21691</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Memorizer v1.12The Memorizer on ohjelma, jolla pystyt helposti ja nopeasti opettelemaan kaikki vieraskieliset sanat. Pystyt itse syöttämään omat sanasi tietokantaan ja opettelemaan ne sitten ohjelman yksinkertaisella ja helpolla opettelumenetelmällä. Tämä versio ohjelmasta on 32-bittinen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21692">21692</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Memler 2.2 Learn foreign languages fast and effective! Memler is a powerful training  system and dictionary. Just add any words you  want to learn in your words libraryand in several days youll know them well. Skins  supportdictionary modefree words  librarieslibraries managerreminder mode and a lot of other features. Download free  libraries from our website or create new. Learn languages with ease! www.ariolic.com "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21693">21693</a></td>

                    <td>475,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MemMAX 1.1 ( MemMAX is an easy to use memory  optimization and memory monitoring tool for any Win9x/WinME/WinNT or Win2000 system. Features include efficient memory optimization,  VCache settings and optional command line invoked optimization to name a few. Author: Thomas Bladh. e-mail: tiberius@swipnet.se. URL: http://t-rod.rsn.bth.se/tiberius</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21694">21694</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MERLIN.EXE&tiedoston_id=21694&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">MERLIN.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Merlin-avustajahahmo (taikuri)Merlin on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. 
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21695">21695</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MATEMATIIKKA GURU v. 2.3Tekijä: Jaakko Nieminen, 2002 Ohjelma helpottaa erilaisten matemaattisten laskujen ratkaisemista. Ohjelma sisältää lukuisia laskentakaavoja ja laskee laskut vaikkei käyttäjä tuntisikaan kaikkia kaavoja. Vaatimukset: Pentium 90 MHz, 32 MB, VGA-näytönohjain, Windows-käyttöjärjestelmä, Msvbvm60.dll-tiedosto. http://mateguru.cjb.net</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21696">21696</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MILTON.EXE&tiedoston_id=21696&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">MILTON.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Milton-avustajahahmo (karhu)Milton on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.msagentring.org/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21697">21697</a></td>

                    <td>214,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mestarin Kello 2000Mestarin Kello 2000:lla voit katsoa ajan ja päivämäärän. Ohjelma näyttää myös kuukauden ja viikonpäivän.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21698">21698</a></td>

                    <td>298,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hullun Lehmän TestausTestaa onko lehmäsi normaali vai hullu. (c) 1998 Pilusoft.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21699">21699</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MOPYFISH.EXE&tiedoston_id=21699&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">MOPYFISH.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>


                    <td>23270/CHIP Turkiye Ocak 1998.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hewlett Packard MopyFish Virtuaalilemmikki, joka elää mopytulostamiesi sivujen voimalla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21700">21700</a></td>

                    <td>3,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MosMap Lite 3.0  MosMap Lite on interaktiivinen Moskovan kartta, jossa korttelit esitellään talojen tarkkuudella. Ohjelmalla voi mitata etäisyyksiä kohteesta toiseen, etsiä lähimpiä metroasemia, haluamiaan osoitteita ja tunnettuja rakennuksia, jättää karttaan eräänlaisia kirjanmerkkejä ja printata osia kartasta haluamassaan koossa.  Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.welmos.com/data/main.htm </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21701">21701</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MP3Dancer 1.09 MP3Dancer pudottaa työpöydän tehtäväpalkin päälle ihmishahmoja, jotka tanssivat cd:n tai mp3-biisin tahtiin. Hahmot eivät ole piirrettyjä, vaan videolta digitoituja oikeita tanssijoita. Jotkut hahmot tanssivat yksin, toiset paritanssia, ja tyylejä löytyy hip-hopista teknon kautta tangoon. Siluettiversiot ilmaisia, täysi käyttöoikeus digitoituihin tanssijoihin $10. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66291">66291</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MPD55.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66291&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">MPD55.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>My Personal Diary for V5.5
New version for WIndows 95!
Keep a PRIVATE diary or journal.
Designed with privacy in mind to keep
your diary or journal private. Multiple
user feature allows an unlimited number
of people to keep diaries and/or
journals independent of one another.
Treasure Chest, Spell Checker, Auto dial,
Multi-search, To-Do list, Contact Manager.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21702">21702</a></td>

                    <td>9,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Media Player 7Microsoft® Windows Media™ Player 7 offers you the first complete all-in-one player that is so easy to use. It also offers the best experience for the discovery, download, personalization, and playback of high-quality Windows Media audio and video, and the popular MP3 format. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21703">21703</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MSCOMCTL.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21703&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">MSCOMCTL.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>497,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MSCOMCTL.DLLAinakin Remove 3.0:n (REMOVE30.ZIP) tarvitsema dll-kirjasto.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21704">21704</a></td>

                    <td>132,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Message Manager Lite 1.05Voit tehdä tällä ohjelmalla aivan omia virheilmoituksia, jotka saavat taatusti läheisesti hämmentymään. Ilmainen.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21705">21705</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MSIGNS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21705&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">MSIGNS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Magic Signs for LoversMagic Signs is a free horoscope program that generates personalized reports. 
Find out about your qualities, planets, relationships, and more while listening 
to MIDI tunes. This program will analyze your relationships and give some helpful 
guidance and analysis.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21706">21706</a></td>

                    <td>615,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Merrysoft Lukujärjestys 1.0 Lähes täydellinen koululukujärjestyksen hallintaohjelma. Taustakuvat, fontit, värit, jne. Kaikkea voi muutella! 1998-2000 Vesa Piittinen Vaatii VB40032.DLL-tiedoston, jonka löydät MBnetin perusohjelmista, osoitteesta
Windows 95/98/NT/2000.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21707">21707</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MTH9903.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21707&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">MTH9903.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MATHEMANIA 99Mathemania is a virtual mathematics worksurface. Features: symbolic mathematical manipulations using drag and drop (algebra, calculus, matrix algebra, etc.). Steps in calculation stored in history list.  Ability to store manipulation sequences as interactive tutorials.  Always work in WYSIWYG mathematical notation.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21708">21708</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Muistio v1.500Tyyppi : Apuohjelma Tekijä : Janne Silvo - janne@jannesilvo.net Laitteistovaatimus: Win 95/98/ME/NT. Ohjelmalla voit hallita tiedostoja, ystäviesi osoitetietoja ja puhelinnumroita. Ohjelmasta löytyy myös tulostus ja lokitiedosto. Ohjelman käytön seurannasta.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21709">21709</a></td>

                    <td>320,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Movie Watchlist 1.0  Movie Watchlist on ohjelma sekä elokuvien teatteri-ensi-iltojen että dvd- ja video-julkaisujen päivämäärien muistiin merkitsemiseen. Listalla oleville elokuville voi valita haluamansa kuvakkeen sekä merkistön, minkä lisäksi elokuvia voi helposti siirtää katsottavien listalta ostettavien listalle. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.sardinesoftware.com/moviewatchlist.php </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21710">21710</a></td>

                    <td>752,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Moyager 1.2.2Moyager is a multimedia player mainly developed to support
our HAV file format, but it can do much more. Moyager has a
unique capability to play image sequences (sequentially
numbered images) like it plays video files. Image sequences 
are frequently the output of video rendering software, digital cameras and other video hardware/software. Moyager can be used to preview such sequences in real-time before converting them to other more efficient video formats like MPEG, AVI or HAV. Freeware for Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000 or compatible. By Gromada. http://gromada.com/Moyager.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21712">21712</a></td>

                    <td>100,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NET Clock 1.0NET Clock on New Earth Time -käsitteelle perustuva nettisivuille upotettava kello, joka näyttää kellonajan koko Maapallolle tarkoitetulla yhdellä aikajärjestelmällä. New Earth Timessä vuorokausi jaetaan 360 asteeseen ja aste kuuteenkymmeneen minuuttiin. Kotimanen NET Clock näyttää uuden maailmanajan tyylikkään kellon avulla sekä graafisesti että digitaalinäytöllä.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, JRE 1.4. http://koti.mbnet.fi/utri/muut/NETClock/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21713">21713</a></td>

                    <td>214,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Noisy Keyboard v2.0Tämän ohjelman asentamisen jälkeen näppäimistösi pitää vanhan kirjoituskonen ääntä. Voit asettaa ohjelman käyttämään myös omia ääniäsi. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21714">21714</a></td>

                    <td>131,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Nok2Phone 3.35Nok2Phone muuntaa midi-äänitiedostoja tai Nokringin tekstimuotoisia soittoääniä (RTTTL) muiden puhelinten ymmärtämään muotoon, jossa ne voi näppäillä luurille. Ohjelma osaa kääntää ääniä ainakin seuraaville kännykkämerkeille: Alcatel, Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, Sanyo, Sendo, Siemens ja Sony.
Oheinen tiedosto on nettiasennus, joka hakee tarvittavat komponentit ohjelman kotisivuilta. Shareware, 9 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.ringtonecity.com/ 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21716">21716</a></td>

                    <td>22,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Noppa 2.3Kätevä nopanheitto-ohjelma roolipelaajille. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21715">21715</a></td>

                    <td>189,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SuniSoftin Noppa v2Noppa kertoo sinulle oikean vastauksen mihin tahansa kysymykseen. Kakkosversiossa voit jopa valita BMP-muotoisen taustakuvan ja sovittaa sen oikean kokoiseksi Nopan ikkunaan. Vaatii Windowsin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21717">21717</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Notec WakeUp 1.60 Notec WakeUp on herätyskello-ohjelma jonka voi määritellä soittamaan halutun mp3-tiedoston tiettyyn kellonaikaan. Ohjelman saa myös huomauttamaan tapaamisista tai muista aikataulun kiemuroista. Notec WakeUp vaatii Winamp-ohjelman toimiakseen, ja tarjoutuu lataamaan sen netistä asennuksen yhteydessä. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP, Winamp. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21718">21718</a></td>

                    <td>202,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Num2Wrd v1.0Ilmainen ohjelma, jolla voit muuttaa puhelinnumerot sanoiksi. Ohjelma korvaa kunkin numeron jollain
puhelimen näppäimessä näkyvällä kirjaimella.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21719">21719</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NUM320US.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21719&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">NUM320US.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>901 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Numeyoga v3.2Tämä numerologiaohjelma laskee nimesi ja syntymäaikasi perusteella erilaisia lukuja ja analysoi niiden perusteella luonnettasi.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21720">21720</a></td>

                    <td>214 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Numbw 2.0This program is intended to help users learn numbers
in various languages: English, German, Spanish, French,
Italian, Swedish, Dutch and Portugese. Windows 95/98. Freeware.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21721">21721</a></td>

                    <td>94,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Open/Close CD 1.20Avaa CD-aseman luukun. Ilmainen. http://www.rjlsoftware.com/software/entertainment/open_cd</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21722">21722</a></td>

                    <td>524,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Opari v1.11Freeware ke 8.8.2001 Opetusohjelma lapsille, sisältää englanti-, matematiikka-, kuvio- ja peliosioita. Vaatii: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000, alle 2 Mt vapaata levytilaa ja tiedosto MSVBVM60.DLL (versio 6.00.8495 tai uudempi). Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Mika Salonen http://www.webdesignsalonen.com/software/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21723">21723</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=OPENCD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21723&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">OPENCD.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>97,7 kt</td>

                        <td style="color:red">ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Agent-115138 FOUND</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Open CD v1.0 A command-line prank program that does just one thing -- it opens the CD-ROM drive- Just to confuse things a bit, it can also take a command-line argument to launch another application. Make their CD-ROM open when they launch a normal application! </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21724">21724</a></td>

                    <td>111,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Bet Optimizer v1.00Kotimainen (tosin englanninkielinen) vedonlyönnin
apuväline. Laskee optimaaliset panokset eri vedoille ja 
kokoaa myös optimaalisen pitkävetorivikokonaisuuden 
käyttäjän syöttämistä kohteista. 
Tämä Freeware-ohjelma toimii kaikissa Windowsin versioissa 
3.1:stä alkaen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21725">21725</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=OSCAR.EXE&tiedoston_id=21725&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">OSCAR.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Oscar-avustajahahmo (kissa)Oscar on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.msagentring.org/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21726">21726</a></td>

                    <td>8,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Palindromi! Onko palindromien keksiminen tuskaista? Eipä ole enää, kun imuroit tämän. Pieni ja hyvin yksinkertainen apuohjelma palindromien kehittämiseen, mutta julmetun kätevä. Versio 0.1 beta, win95/98.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21727">21727</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PARDON.EXE&tiedoston_id=21727&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">PARDON.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pardon v1.6Ilmainen sanakirjaohjelma, johon on saatavilla useiden kielten paketteja. Ohjelmassa on valmiina tietotekniikan, ruotsin, saksan sekä espanjan sanastot, jotka se kääntää englantiin ja takaisin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21728">21728</a></td>

                    <td>470 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pardon v1.6 - lisäsanastoNorja-englanti-norja-sanasto Pardon-ohjelmaan.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21729">21729</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pardon v1.6 - lisäsanastoRanska-norja-ranska-sanasto Pardon-ohjelmaan.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21730">21730</a></td>

                    <td>163,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pardon v1.6 - lisäsanastoTanska-englanti-tanska-sanasto Pardon-ohjelmaan.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21731">21731</a></td>

                    <td>3,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Parhaat - v1.1 - Suomi versio - FREEWARE (hyvä laatu) (c) 2000 Manu Järvinen Tämä on .html-dokumenteista koottu 60 -sivui- nen "nettisarjakuvalehti", jossa helppo html -kielellä toteutettu käyttöliittymä, ja joka on pääasiassa tehty viihdyttämään ihmisiä ja kasvattamaan mainettani piirtäjänä. Laitevaatimukset: 32-bit. Windows, selain (mieluusti IE4+, NS4+). Näitä on neljää eri laatuversio- ta. Saatavissa sivuiltani, kuten paljon muutakin: www.maxon.rules.it    </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21732">21732</a></td>

                    <td>27,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microwares Pass Master v1.0Excellent password maker, for your email, FTP Server, 
WWW e tc. Simple and usful. Along with source code.  
MS-DOS, Windows 9x, Windows NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21733">21733</a></td>

                    <td>1006,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Personality Analysis System 4.0.1Personality Analysis System is a surprisingly accurate assessment tool for character analysis. You complete a 30-question profile, choosing from a five-level range of applicability. Items such as aggressiveness, caring, and communication are self-graded from one to five as not at all applicable or very applicable. A report is then generated, describing the individual and their leadership, stamina, compatibility, and other factors. The report is quite detailed and accurate. Use it to predict project or job success for a pool of applicants or as an aid in counseling individuals through greater understanding of strengths and weaknesses. Shareware for Win95/98/NT by Drew Software.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21734">21734</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PEEDY.EXE&tiedoston_id=21734&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">PEEDY.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Peedy-avustajahahmo (papukaija)Peedy on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. 
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21735">21735</a></td>

                    <td>207,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Powerstrip performance tuner (Build 13)The PowerStrip / GX Performance Tuner is an advanced performance enhancement utility, designed to help you squeeze the most from your graphics subsystem. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21736">21736</a></td>

                    <td>4,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PEST - Personal Exam Self-Tester 2.64Ohjelma erilaisten pienten kokeiden tekemiseen halutusta aihepiiristä. Ohjelman esittämät kysymykset voivat olla esimerkiksi monivalintoja tai vaatia sanallista vastausta. Omien kokeiden tekeminen on erittäin helppoa joko tekstitiedostoa muokkaamalla tai ohjelman omalla editorilla. PESTin mukana tulee myös mittava nippu valmiita tenttejä useista aihepiireistä. Kokeiluversio, 15 USD. Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000/XP. http://www.vellosoft.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21737">21737</a></td>

                    <td>157,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Project Fake 1.00 BetaIlmainen ohjelma, joka testaa luonteenpiirteitäsi erilaisilla pienillä kysymyssarjoilla. Testejä voi hakea lisää osoitteesta http://www.mpthrill.com/snr.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21738">21738</a></td>

                    <td>4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Homing Pigeon (Lite 2.0)Homing Pigeon takes a novel approach to securing PCs that are likely targets for theft. 
It starts when the system is booted and then waits for a valid TCP/IP connection to the Net. 
Once a connection exists, it attempts to locate an SMTP server. When it does, it emails a 
prespecified recipient, reporting its IP address and, if possible, the reverse lookup for that
address. This information can then be used by law enforcement to recover the PC. Version 1.0c 
fixes some reported difficulties and includes improved online help. Shareware.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21739">21739</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PIKKUPI.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21739&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">PIKKUPI.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1010,7 kt</td>

                        <td style="color:red">ClamAV: Win.Joke.Mona-1 FOUND</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PikkupilojaKokoelma erilaisia pila- ja ajanvieteohjelmia. Heittele Bill Gatesia piirakoilla, perusta kuvaruudulle lammastarha, mieti henkeviä jne. Win95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21740">21740</a></td>

                    <td>7,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PowerJournal 1.0PowerJournal on ilmainen ohjelma erilaisten päiväkirjojen pitämiseen. Ohjelman avulla voi ylläpitää useaa päiväkirjaa samaan aikaan, ja ne kaikki voi suojata salasanalla. Jotkut merkinnät voi myös määritellä julkisiksi, jolloin kuka tahansa ohjelman käyttäjä pystyy lukemaan niitä. PowerJournalin ulkonäköä saa muutettua nahoilla, se osaa tuottaa html-tiedostoja, ja ohjelmasta saa myös Mac ja Linux-versiot valmistajan kotisivuilta. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP. http://powerjournal.sourceforge.net/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21741">21741</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>//vaNaSoft Plärää! 1.0bOhjelma gif-animaatioiden tulostamiseen. Ohjelma tulostaa leikattavan arkin, josta kuvat voi helposti poimia pinoksi - ja pläräys! voi alkaa. //vaNaSoft (c) 1999 Krääsälinja.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21742">21742</a></td>

                    <td>70,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Adobe Premiere 6.0Adobe® Premiere® 6.0a stunningly simple and powerful professional video editing toolcomfortably closes the DV to Web gap while extending the award-winning softwares position as the most accessible application on the market today. With new support for DV on the Windows platform and cross-platform support for all of the leading Web video formatsPremiere aggressively integrates a variety of features and functions into its long-held marketplace position as simply the best video editing tool around."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21743">21743</a></td>

                    <td>177,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Print MePilaohjelma. Ruudulle aukenee aito tulostusdialogi, jossa on kuitenkin omat erikoisuutensa: vaikka käyttäjä kuinka painaisi Peruuta-nappia, näyttää kuin ohjelma alkaisi tulostaa epäilyttävää seksuaalista materiaalia.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21744">21744</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PROGLNCH.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21744&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">PROGLNCH.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>164,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Program Launcher v1.02 Here\'s one for the Prankster\'s Hall of Fame. Will secretly start a user-specified program every "x" minutes. Options let you specify the window style and adjust timer settings. Program Launcher can be configured with a GUI or from the command line. Joke/Prank. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21745">21745</a></td>

                    <td>210 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EniG. Periodic Table of Elements 2.4 Contains the basic data about the element in five languages. It shows visually the change of physical condition with the change of temperature. The language, the speed of temperature change, the exchange of elements or the scrolling of characteristics can be adjusted by configuration file. The calculating module from the programme "Chemistry Assistant" for fast calculating the mole mass compounds has also been integrated in the Periodic Table. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21746">21746</a></td>

                    <td>7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Print Studio 1.0Create professional-quality business cards, labels, bar codes, envelopes, and letterhead using the Print Studio office suite. Features include advanced imaging tools, including multiple layer support, two editing modes (vector and raster), full database support, multiple undo/redo, templates, image and clip art insertion tools, shape tools, image processing, text and image alignment, multiple levels of resolution while in design mode, custom document support, gradient tool, user-selectable print resolution, cross-document content exchange, transparency and blending effects, and a multitude of page and printer settings able to support any and all of your printing needs. This is 
a 15-day trial. The full version costs $10. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21747">21747</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PTEST101.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21747&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">PTEST101.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Persoonallisuustesti v1.01Testaa, kuinka ulos- tai sisäänpäinsuuntautunut olet.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21748">21748</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PUB97TR1.EXE&tiedoston_id=21748&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">PUB97TR1.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>4,5 Mt</td>


                    <td>19564/Komputer for alle 1997-11.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Publisher 97 Trial 1/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21749">21749</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PUB97TR2.EXE&tiedoston_id=21749&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">PUB97TR2.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,4 Mt</td>


                    <td>19564/Komputer for alle 1997-11.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Publisher 97 Trial 2/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21750">21750</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PUB97TR3.EXE&tiedoston_id=21750&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">PUB97TR3.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,4 Mt</td>


                    <td>19564/Komputer for alle 1997-11.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Publisher 97 Trial 3/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21751">21751</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PUB97TR4.EXE&tiedoston_id=21751&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">PUB97TR4.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,9 Mt</td>


                    <td>19564/Komputer for alle 1997-11.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Publisher 97 Trial 4/4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21752">21752</a></td>

                    <td>845,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PicaView v1.32PicaView, a Windows Explorer add-on for viewing images, seamlessly embeds itself in the Explorer context menu and gives you the ability to view many image formats with the click of your right mouse button. A thumbnail of the image is loaded in the context menu, and all the information concerning the image (width, height, colors) is printed directly beneath the thumbnail image. To view the image in full-screen format, just click the thumbnail--the image fills the screen immediately and can be viewed by scrolling in any direction. You can also rotate JPEGs to show one after the other. This update features a Play WAV Files option. In addition, several bugs have been fixed. Among other fixes, the problem reading Alias PIX images has been corrected, and the missing menu items on the German and French systems have been inserted. This is a 60-day trial version. The registered version costs $26. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21753">21753</a></td>

                    <td>5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Quantum Atomica 1.01  Quantum Atomica on ohjelma orbitaalien havainnollistamiseen kolmiulotteisessa muodossa. Käyttäjä saa joko valita pudotusvalikosta mitä orbitaaleja hSn haluaa tarkastella, tai viritellä näkymää komponentti kerrallaan määrittämällä esimerkiksi elektronin energiatason.  http://www.quantumatomica.co.uk/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21754">21754</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QPlayer version 1.05Musiikki/Videosoittimen uusin versio jossa uusi soittolista ja mixeri. Toimii WinME/NT. Päivityksiä http:\\\\koti.mbnet.fi\\henri77</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21755">21755</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Quest 3.03Quest on ohjelmapaketti, jolla on helppo laatia omia perinteisiä tekstipelejä, joko helppokäyttöisen 
graafisen kehitysympäristön avulla tai ohjelmiston 
omalla skriptikielellä. Peliin voi halutessaan lisätä 
myös kuvia ja ääntä. Kyseessä on ohjelman täysin toimiva kokeiluversio, jolla tosin ei voi kääntää peliä sellaiseksi, etteivät muut pääsisi tarkastelemaan 
sen toimintaa.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21756">21756</a></td>

                    <td>270,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Reading Acceleration Machine v3.5Ilmainen ohjelma lukunopeuden parantamiseen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21757">21757</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Recipe Calc 98Recipe Calc 98 helps you analyze the nutritional value of your recipes, meals, and daily food intake. 
It calculates total calories, calories from fat, percentage of calories from fat, fat grams, cholesterol, 
carbohydrates, sodium, and protein, and it displays the information in the standard "Nutrition Facts" 
label format. A large database of common food ingredients is included in the program, and users can 
add ingredients to the database. In this version the ingredient database has been enlarged and the 
trial period has been doubled to 20 days. There are also Help file and interface improvements, 
and several bugs have been fixed. The registration fee is $15. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21758">21758</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=REAPER.EXE&tiedoston_id=21758&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">REAPER.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>430,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Reaper-avustajahahmo (viikatemies)Reaper on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.msagentring.org/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21759">21759</a></td>

                    <td>6,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RecipeCenter 2000 v2.0 Selaile netissä olevaa yli 100000 reseptin kokoelmaa. Käyttäjä voi lisätä ohjelmaan omia reseptejään. 30 päivän kokeiluversio, rek. $19.95 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21760">21760</a></td>

                    <td>468,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Reloj Cucu 1.0 Reloj Cucu on työpöydällä majaileva autenttisen kitschahtava käkikello, jonka asukki kiekaisee sinulle tervehdyksensä joka viidestoista minuutti. Kello synkronoituu automaattisesti Windowsin kellonaikaan, ja aiheuttaa taatusti jos nyt ei iloa niin ainakin hämmennystä työtovereissa. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.peteco.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21761">21761</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RH231.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21761&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">RH231.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>507,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"RegHealer 2.3.1Registry Healer scans registry for orphan file/folder referencesfinds these files or folders on your drives (if theyre moved  from initial places) and corrects registry  entries with found objects. Alsoif your  regitry still keeps links to file(s) of erased applicationRegistry Healer will find these invalid entries and you might delete them. So your Windows registry will be always clean and correct. Shareware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me. http://www.jetutils.com/regheal.htm"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21762">21762</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RnRSpelling 1.3  RnRSpelling on englanninkielisille lapsille suunniteltu ohjelma, johon voi ohjelmoida sanoja, joita ohjelma sitten käyttäjältä tenttii Näytä-Peitä-Kirjoita-Tarkasta -menetelmän mukaan. Mikään ei estä käyttämästä ohjelmaa muillekin kielille kuin englannille, tai vanhempaakaan käyttäjää turvautumasta ohjelmaan ennen sanakokeita. Ilmainen. Windows 98/NT/Me/2000/XP. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21763">21763</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ROBBY.EXE&tiedoston_id=21763&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">ROBBY.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Robby-avustajahahmo (robotti)Robby on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. 
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21764">21764</a></td>

                    <td>508 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Room Arranger 3.0Room Arrangerilla mallinnat asunnon ja sen huonekalut, ja pääset hikoilematta kokeilemaan miten kalusteet voisi järjestää uudelleen. Perusohjelma näyttää vain huoneen pohjapiirroksen, mutta mikäli satut omistamaan vrml-selaimen, voit tarkastella huonetta myös kolmiulotteisena.  
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21765">21765</a></td>

                    <td>104 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Rotate v1.00Pilaohjelma, joka kiepauttaa näytön sisällön nurin päin. http://www.rjlsoftware.com/software/entertainment/rotate/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21766">21766</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RP7SETUP.EXE&tiedoston_id=21766&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">RP7SETUP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,6 Mt</td>

                        <td>väärä koko</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Real Player 7The worlds most popular streaming media player. Plays over 90% of the audio and video content on the Web."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21767">21767</a></td>

                    <td>9,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Real Player 8 BETAThe worlds most popular streaming media player. Plays over 90% of the audio and video content on the Web."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21768">21768</a></td>

                    <td>4,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RPG Toolkit Development System 2.20b RPG Toolkit Developement System on kehitysympäristö konsolityylisten roolipelien suunnittelemiseen ja pelimoottori niiden pyörittämiseen. Lopputuloksena on yläviistosta kuvattua yksinkertaista seikkailua, joka koostuu tutusta keskustelusta, taistelusta ja esineiden etsimisestä ja raahaamisesta paikasta toiseen.  Ilmainen. Windows 98/ME/2000/NT. http://www.rpgtoolkit.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21769">21769</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RPN Laskin 1.3Laskin käyttää RPN notaatiota (Reverse Polish Notation) eli se on ns. pinolaskin.Pinolaskimella laskettaessa annetaan ensin laskettavat luvut ja sitten vasta laskutoimitus. 

Sinänsä RPN ei ole mitään uutta, vaan se on ollut jo iät ja ajat käytössä mm. HP:n laskimissa. Itse asiassa koko tämän laskimen ohjelmointi lähti tarpeesta saada Windowsin työpöydälle omaa HP laskinta vastaava laskin, jossa on edes peruslaskutoimitukset. Toisaalta verkko on pullollaan RPN laskimia, mutta en löytänyt ensimmäistäkään joka olisi tullut toimeen suomalaisen desimaalipilkun kanssa, joten tässä lopputulos. Suomalainen RPN Laskin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21770">21770</a></td>

                    <td>4,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RSI-Shield 3.6RSI-Shield on ohjelma, joka määrittelee sinulle työoloihisi sopivan taukorytmin ja ajaa sinut pois koneelta sopivin väliajoin lukitsemalla hiiren ja näppäimistön sekä näyttämällä halutessasi ruudulla jumppavinkkejä. Ohjelman avulla voi välttää tietotyöläisen rasitusvammoja. Shareware, 39 USD. http://www.rsishield.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21771">21771</a></td>

                    <td>54 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RudeCDTrayIlmainen pilaohjelma, joka availee silloin tällöin CD-aseman luukun ja päästää samalla epämiellyttävän äänen. http://www.lizardworks.com/pranks.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21772">21772</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Steganos II Security Suite 2.1 Complete security solution for desktop PCs and laptops - at the office and at home. Steganos offers perfect Windows integration: You can hide and encrypt your files by simply using the context menu. The program also contains a password management tool, a file shredder, and a program to lock the computer. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21773">21773</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=S9XW024.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21773&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">S9XW024.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>449,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Snes9X Win32 v0.24 FinalThis is the last version of the famous Snes9X Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator, which has also sound.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21774">21774</a></td>

                    <td>354,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"SoundAlarmer 0.4 BETAIt is a Sound AlarmClock. Set this program to alarm when you want! It will wake you up! If it doesntget better music!  This program supports WAVMIDMP3AU... And CD-Tracks!! Maded for an AlarmClock on Assembly 2K. Made by: Niklas Juslin "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21777">21777</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SAMU.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21777&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SAMU.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>231,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SananMuunnos ohjelma muuttaa sanat. Esim: Kusti Polkee = Posti Kulkee. Tallennus ja tulostus. Win95/98 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21776">21776</a></td>

                    <td>232,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sananmuunnosohjelma II v 1.2Muuttaa sanat Esim: Kusti Polkee/Posti Kulkee. Toimii nyt myös vokaalilla alkavilla sanoilla. Tallennus ja tulostus. Win95/98.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21775">21775</a></td>

                    <td>232,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sananmuunnosohjelma II 1.21Muuttaa sanoja, esim: Kusti Polkee/Posti Kulkee. Toimii nyt myös vokaalilla alkavilla sanoilla, ja jos sanoissa on pitkiä äänteitä. Windows 95/98.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21778">21778</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sanakone v1.1Copyright (C) 2000 Olli Yliaho Sanakone etsii 2-25 
kirjaimiset sanat laajasta sanastosta antamiesi ohjeiden 
mukaan. Kätevä apu esimerkiksi sanaristikoissa ja 
hirsipuussa. Freeware = Ilmainen. Win95/98/NT, 4Mt 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21779">21779</a></td>

                    <td>42,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SanisTämä ohjelma on todella hyödyllinen esim. koulunkäyntiin. Tämä ohjelma kysyy sinulta sattuman varaisessa järjestyksessä niitä sanoja, joita olet kirjoittanut. Lisäksi voit tallentaa kirjoittamasi sanat, jotta sinun ei seuraavalla kerralla ei tarvitse kirjoittaa uudelleen. Ohjelma talletta sanat .ser päätteellä, eli jos et muista millä nimellä tallensit viime sanat voit katsoa kaikki .ser päätteiset tiedostot ja kokeilla niitä. Neuvoja voin antaa sen verran, että kaikki kirjaimet kannattaa kirjoittaa pienellä, koska silloin ei ainakaan voi mennä sana väärin sen takia, että kirjoitat isolla joitakin kirjaimia. Jos olet kiinnostunut tämän ohjelman lähdekoodista niin lähetä mailia osoitteeseen: mastersusingdator@hotmail.com. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21780">21780</a></td>

                    <td>3,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Santa Claus -avustajahahmo (joulupukki)Santa Claus 2001 on ilmainen Microsoft Agent 
Technology -hahmo, jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.e-clips.com.au/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21781">21781</a></td>

                    <td>3,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Parhaat - 1.001Tämä on .html-dokumenteista koottu "nettisarjakuvalehti", joka on oma keinonsa välittää sarjakuvia henkilöltä henkilölle vaikkapa sähköpostin välityksellä liitteenä. Nämä on tehty lähinnä vain viihdyttämään ihmisiä ja kasvattamaan mainettani piirtäjänä. Laitevaatimukset: 32-bit. Windows, selain (mieluusti IE4+, NS4+). Suomi-versio, FREEWARE, (hyvä laatu). </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21782">21782</a></td>

                    <td>6,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stagecast Creator 1.0.5Stagecast Software has developed a platform for quick and intuitive creation of deeply interactive simulations, models, games, stories, and lessons, collectively called worlds. The platform comprises Stagecast Creator, an application authoring tool, Stagecast Player, a free run-time player, and Stagecast Extender, standards that facilitate extensibility and ease of use. Simple enough for kids and powerful enough for professional software    developers, the Java-based Stagecast Creator has uses in education, forecasting, engineering, and entertainment. Applications can be played on a World Wide Web page, downloaded for local play on Windows and Macintosh computers, or distributed on CD-ROM. They can be delivered in a form that allows customers to make changes and additions. 90-day trial for Windows 9x/NT/2000 by Stagecast. http://www.stagecast.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21783">21783</a></td>

                    <td>113,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Week Scheduler v1.23Muistutusohjelma, johon saa tallennettua koko viikon menot - 16 tapahtumaa kullekin päivälle.
Ohjelma hälyttää tapahtumista vilkkuvalla pikkuikkunalla ja haluttaessa myös äänimerkillä. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21784">21784</a></td>

                    <td>489,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Smart Evaluator v1.0Ilmainen ohjelma matemaattisten lausekkeiden ratkomiseen. Mukana mm. trigonometriset ja hyperboliset sekä logaritmi- ja eksponentiaalifunktiot.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21785">21785</a></td>

                    <td>212,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Setup Generator 2000 v2.4This is the installer for you if you need to quickly create simple yet high quality installation setup files for your applications. With Setup Generator, you can: Create self-extracting archives, display license information, run your .exe files, write to the Registry, create INI files, include an Uninstall file, place files in different directories and create a menu group and icons. Setup Generator is very useful for quickly making SFX archives. The size of the extractor module is 32-35 KB, and multiple languages are supported. Freeware for Windows 95/98 by Gentee, Inc. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21786">21786</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SES Type 1.20 SES Type on ohjelma kymmensormijärjestelmän opetteluun. Ohjelma sisältää noin 1200 kirjoitusharjoitusta, jotka alkavat yksittäisten näppäimien löytämisestä ja päätyvät lauseiden kirjoittamiseen. SES Type ei painota niinkään kirjoitusnopeutta kuin tarkkuutta, joten vääristä lyönneistä sakotetaan. Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000. http://www.ee.ed.ac.uk/~pmh/Type/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21787">21787</a></td>

                    <td>213,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Setup Generator 2000 2.4This is the installer for you if you need  to quickly create simple yet high quality  installation setup files for your  applications. With Setup Generator, you  can: Create self-extracting archives,  display license information, run your .exe  files, write to the Registry, create INI  files, include an Uninstall file, place  files in different directories and create a  menu group and icons. Setup Generator is  very useful for quickly making SFX  archives. The size of the extractor module  is 32-35 KB, and multiple languages are  supported. Freeware for Windows 95/98 by  Gentee, Inc. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21788">21788</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Shadows 1.6.4  Shadows on ohjelma joka automatisoi aurinkokellon rakentamiseen liittyvät osittain kinkkiset laskelmat ja jättää kellon rakentajalle väsäämisen ilon. Kun ohjelmalle syötetään tiedot aurinkokellon mallista ja siitä paikasta ja asennosta johon se asennetaan, se antaa käyttäjälle valmiit piirustukset tarvittaessa 1:1-koossa. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://web.fc-net.fr/frb/sundials/gb/defaut.htm </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21789">21789</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SHAKDOWN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21789&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SHAKDOWN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>103,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Shakedown v1.0Ilmainen pilaohjelma, joka saa ruudun tärisemään vaakasuunnassa. Sammuu hiiren tai minkä tahansa näppäimen painalluksesta.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21790">21790</a></td>

                    <td>674,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SharpTimer 1.0SharpTimer on pieni ja elegantti ajastinohjelma, jota voi käyttää normaalina ajastimena aina 99 tuntiin saakka, tai laskurina joka hälyttää tietyn ajan kuluttua. Käyttäjä voi vapaasti valita ruudulle ilmestyvän digitaalinäytön värin sekä wav-tiedoston joka toimii hälytysäänenä. Ajastusta voi jatkaa haluamastaan kohdasta vaikka koneen sammuttaisi välillä, ja ruudulle voi avata useita kelloja.
Shareware, 10 USD. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.programming.de/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21791">21791</a></td>

                    <td>4,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sherlock Holmes - A Library v1.0Whodunit? A comprehensive collection of the Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Read and print the Sherlock Holmes stories using your personal computer and printer. Has information on the author and the London sleuth, Sherlock Holmes. These are the complete stories, novels, and books about the pipe-smoking, tweed-clad detective and his sidekick, Dr. Watson. $15.75 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21792">21792</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SILEX.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21792&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SILEX.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>3,3 Mt</td>


                    <td>22676/cd joystick no109 novembre 1999.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Silex Demo "Silex" stands for vulcano or firestone. This is an interactive demo where the user can modify the particle elements (fire for example) in predefined scenes. You can run with either your Voodoo1/2/3 card or your Direct3D accelerator. About 32Mb of memory and a resonably fast processor is required.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21793">21793</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SimpleCopier 1.21 SimpleCopier yhdistää tulostimen ja kuvanlukijan kopiokoneeksi, ja säästää käyttäjältä erillisen skannaamisen ja tulostamisen vaivan. Ohjelma lukee yhdellä näppäimenpainalluksella alkuperäisen kuvan ja tulostaa sen, ja käyttäjä voi luonnollisesti vaikuttaa sen kontrastiin, käytettyihin väreihin ynnä muihin ominaisuuksiin kuten tavallisella kopiokoneella ikään. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://tigrane.nerim.net/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68403">68403</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SIMON4.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68403&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SIMON4.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Win Simon is a game of memory and skill you
must match the images and notes with those
played by Win Simon. This is a very addictive
game with over 200 levels of play.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21794">21794</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SKYCAL.EXE&tiedoston_id=21794&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SKYCAL.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Stigs Sky Calendar 1.11Tämä tähtikalenteri tarjoaa muun muassa auringonkuun ja planeettojen nousu- ja laskuajatplaneettojen sijainnin taivaalla horisonttia kohti katsottaessasekä perinteisen tähtikartan. Tämän lisäksi ohjelma vihjaa erityisistä tähtitaivaan tapahtumistakuten meteorikuuroista ja komeetoistajoista se hakee tiedot valmistajan verkkosivuilta. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.skycalendar.com/skycal

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20463">20463</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SKYMAP30.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20463&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SKYMAP30.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SKYMAP v3.0 <ASP> Windows Planetarium. Draws
accurate maps of the sky, showing stars,
planets, deep sky objects, comets etc.
Detailed information can be shown for any
object. Can print maps to any printer.
Pictures can be displayed, in many formats.
For both serious amateur & novice users. The
SkyMap 3 package contains both v2.2 for
Windows 3.1 and v3.0 for Windows 95 and
Windows NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21795">21795</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SLIPPING.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21795&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SLIPPING.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>14,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Slipping WindowsCauses windows to slide down the screen until only the title bar is visible. Joke/prank.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21796">21796</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SM186.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21796&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SM186.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VERSION Smartass for DOS/Win95/WinNT (i386
32-bit) v1.8.6  DESCRIPTION A  fortune cookie
program for your pleasure. Smartass con-
tains more than 65000 different cookies.
Everything  from Murphy's  laws, Devil's
Dictionary, myths, jokes, computer mimics to
stories, hackers dictionary,  Deep Thoughts
and not to forget - quotes from  famous
people.  Two versions -- one for Windows
(Smartass.exe) and one for DOS
(SmartDos.exe). Have fun.  RELEASED 7th of</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21797">21797</a></td>

                    <td>268 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Smiley Face 1.3.0An application with a searchable database of smileys. =)
Selityksillä varustettu hymiötietokanta, johon voi kohdistaa hakuja.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21798">21798</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Big Smily v1.0Big Smily on hymiönteko-ohjelma. Sen käyttö on helppoa, ja käyttöliittymä on englanniksi.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21799">21799</a></td>

                    <td>25,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SmartAppStart 1.0 SmartAppStart on yksinkertainen sovellus joka odottaa että kovalevylle ilmestyy määritellyt tiedostot halutun kokoisina, minkä jälkeen se käynnistää uuden sovelluksen. Ohjelma tarkistaa määriteltyjen tiedostojen tilan sekunnin välein, ja käyttäjä voi huoletta määritellä ohjelmaketjun ja jättää sen pyörittämisen koneen vastuulle.  Kokeiluversio, 9 USD. Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000/XP. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21800">21800</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Oxygen SMS Manager 1.0Oxygen SMS Manager allows you to handle SMS messages with your Nokia 8810, 8210, 8250, 8290, 8850, 8890, 5110, 5130, 5190, 6110, 6130, 6150, 6190, 3210 or 3310 GSM phone using your PC. The connection is established via IrDA or DAU-9P cable. This allows you to read short messages from the phone, delete or move them to disk, or restore them. The program has ability to shrink your messages to make them fit into one packet. This program is very easy to use and could make your wireless communications more efficiently. 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by Oxygen Software. http://www.oxygensoftware.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21801">21801</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SNEAKY32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21801&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SNEAKY32.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>27,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SneakyIcons v10.12.97 Freeware "prank" program that causes the desktop icons in Windows 95/NT 4.0 systems to move around the desktop methodically, one pixel at a time. The settings can be adjusted from 10 to 32765 milliseconds.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21802">21802</a></td>

                    <td>516,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Snoring MouseKun hiirtä ei vähään aikaan liikuteta, koneesta alkaa kuulua harrasta kuorsaamisen ääntä. Hiiri herää, kun sen taas heilauttaa liikkeelle. Ilmainen. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21803">21803</a></td>

                    <td>75,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>StarOffice Ilmainen ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelmapaketti, jossa on olennaisesti samat ominaisuudet kuin Microsoft Officessa. StarOffice-paketti sisältää tekstinkäsittelyohjelman, taulukkolaskennan, ohjelman kalvoesitysten laatimiseen, piirtotyökalun, kalenterin, sähköpostiohjelman ja paljon muuta. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21804">21804</a></td>

                    <td>2,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Solar Geometry Demo 1.0  Solar Geometry on yksinkertainen ohjelma jonka avulla voi laskea aurinkokunnan eri planeettojen magnitudit, (kirkkaudet) Maasta tarkasteltuna, sen kuinka monta tuntia valolla menee eri planeetoille matkustettaessa, ja mikä on etäisyys Maan ja planeettojen välillä. Ohjelmassa on myös havainnollinen diagrammi aurinkokunnasta, sekä kuvat auringosta ja planeetoista. Shareware, 10 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000. http://www.mollensoft.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21805">21805</a></td>

                    <td>866,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SpeedReader 1.0 SpeedReader on ohjelma jolla voi kehittää lukunopeuttaan, ja sen avulla voit lukea läpi minkä tahansa tekstitiedoston sana kerrallaan. Käyttäjä voi määritellä kuinka nopeasti sanat ilmestyvät näytölle, ja optimoida tahdin sellaiseksi että kaikki sanat ehtii lukea mukavasti. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://peltonweb.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20470">20470</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SPIND95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20470&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SPIND95.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>22640/cd joy 73 No15.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Spin Control Demo for Windows95  This is a
fully functioning Mixman track from Imix
Records debut CD-ROM "Spin Control:
interactive dance collective".</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21806">21806</a></td>

                    <td>35,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hypnotron Hypnotron luo ruudulle pyöriviä sisäkkäisiä spiraaleja, joiden liikkeen nopeuteen käyttäjä voi vaikuttaa. Kun pyörteitä tuijottaa puolisen minuuttia ja katsoo sen jälkeen vaikkapa omaa kättään tai jotain tietokoneen lähellä olevaa esinettä, pyörteiden näennäiseen liikkeeseen tottunut silmä tekee jännät tepposet. Ilmainen. http://hem.bredband.net/b100922/Hypnotron1Eng.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21807">21807</a></td>

                    <td>3,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Squidge-avustajahahmoSquidge on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.e-clips.com.au/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21808">21808</a></td>

                    <td>2,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sentence Read-Back 2.0Sentence Read-Back on yksinkertainen puhesyntetisaattori joka osaa lukea englanninkielistS tekstiä.  Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.understealth.com/download_center/srb.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21809">21809</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SS201.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21809&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SS201.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SportStatistics 2.0 Veikkaajille ja urheiluhulluille. SportStatisticsilla voit tilastoida eri palloilulajien otteluita. Näet sarjataulukot (myös koti-, vieras- sekä kuntopuntari) ja voit tutkia tilastoja. Voit etsiä aikaisemmin tietokantaan lisättyjä otteluita erilaisten suotimien läpi. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21810">21810</a></td>

                    <td>834,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SekaSofta PLUS v1.1 betaSekaSofta PLUS on monitoimiohjelma, johon kuuluu 
tekstieditori, CD-soitin, laskimia, kalenteri, 
Gif-animaattori, analoginen ja digitaalinenkello ja 
Tekijä Juho Grundström/Softa Maakarit, juhog@mbnet.fi.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21811">21811</a></td>

                    <td>688 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>StarCalc  v5.6Nopea ja näppärä planetaario- ja tähtikarttaohjelma. StarCalc sisältää tähtikartan, jota voi pyörittää, zoomata ja rajata haluamallaan tavalla. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21812">21812</a></td>

                    <td>384,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>StarCrypt v0.1Tiedostojen salakirjoitusohjelma.
StarCryptin avulla voit salakirjoitta mitä tahansa tiedostoja vahvalla 64-bittisellä kryptauksella.
Laitevaatimukset: Win95/NT4 tai uudempi.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21813">21813</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>StarStrider 1.5A 3D planetarium program StarStrider  is a fully  three-dimensional  star map  using  the  Hipparcos  catalogue compiled by the European Space Agency. With StarStrider you  can navigate in this  space using the mouse and the keyboard.  Relativistic  space-time  effects  such as aberration and Doppler shift optional! If you also  have  ordinary  red/blue  3D- glasses you can see the stellar parallaxes  directly with your own eyes.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21814">21814</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=STARTSPY.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21814&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">STARTSPY.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>191 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Start Spy v2.0.0108.2000Kuinka kauan tietokoneesi on ollut päällä pisimmillään? Tämä ilmainen ohjelma kerää automaattisesti
tilastoja koneen käynnistyksistä ja sammutuksista, käyttäjistä jne..

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21815">21815</a></td>

                    <td>3,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>StartTV 1.0 StarTV on ohjelma joka muistuttaa sinua suosikkiohjelmiesi alkamisesta. Ohjelmaan voi syöttää sarjojen tai elokuvien alkamisajat sekä sen, toistetaanko hälytyksiä esimerkiksi joka viikko samaan aikaan. Jos koneesta löytyy tv-kortti, ohjelman saa myös automaattisesti avaamaan asiaankuuluvan sovelluksen, jolloin ohjelma ei ainakaan mene ohi. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.yaeda.org/gp/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21816">21816</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=STELLA40.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21816&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">STELLA40.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stella 2000 v4.0Stella 2000 astronomy, a virtual observatory in which to explore realistic skies in real time, with observing log, list, ephemerides, location browser, and sophisticated searches embracing the solar system, DSOs, and over 15500 stars. Effects include scintillation, extinction, refraction, and precession in point-source, photoplate, and spotlight display modes, with the complete Messier catalog in ImageIcons featured as standard.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21817">21817</a></td>

                    <td>3,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stella 2000 v4.8Stella 2000 astronomy, a virtual observatory in which to explore realistic skies in real time, with observing log, list, ephemerides, location browser, and sophisticated searches embracing the solar system, DSOs, and over 15500 stars. Effects include scintillation, extinction, refraction, and precession in point-source, photoplate, and spotlight display modes, with the complete Messier catalog in ImageIcons featured as standard. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21818">21818</a></td>

                    <td>4,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stella 2000 5.0Stella 2000 astronomy, a virtual observatory in which to explore realistic skies 
in real time, with observing log, list, ephemerides, location browser, and 
sophisticated searches embracing the solar system, DSOs, and over 
15500 stars. Effects include scintillation, extinction, refraction, and precession 
in point-source, photoplate, and spotlight display modes, with the complete 
Messier catalog in ImageIcons featured as standard. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21819">21819</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stars and Galaxies in 3D 2.1 Stars and Galaxies 3D tuo koneelle kolmeulotteisen esityksen, josta löytyy 9000 tähteä ja 2400 galaksia. Käyttäjä voi liikkua vapaasti tähtien seassa, hyppiä aurinkokunnasta toiseen ja tarkastella ympäristöään eri pisteistä lähiavaruudessamme.  Shareware, $5. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www2.netdoor.com/~jeffrgrs/shareware.html </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68768">68768</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SUF40.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68768&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">SUF40.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Setup Factory 4.0 - The professional point
and click setup builder for Win95/NT/3.1.
Extremely flexible project design, uses a
visual approach for creating a setup program
and disk set for your software. Features
single file setup.exe, selective install,
full featured uninstall, builds both 16 and
32 bit setups, CD-ROM and network installs,
serial numbers, create shortcut icons and
groups, multilingual support and much more!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21820">21820</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sukuohjelmisto 2000Sukuohjelmisto 2000 on tarkoitettu sukututkijan henkilökohtaiseksi työvälineeksi. Sen avulla voidaan ylläpitää tietokantaa tutkituista suvuista ja henkilöistä sekä tulostaa erilaisia esi- ja jälkipolvitauluja, ja niihin liittyviä hakemistoja. Tietojen vaihto tietokonetta käyttävien sukututkijoiden kesken käy vaivatta ohjelmistossa olevien henkilötietojen siirtorutiinien ansiosta. Sukuseurojen hajautettu tutkimustoiminta ei myöskään tuota hankaluuksia, koska Sukuohjelmiston avulla suvun eri haarojen yhdistäminen on helppoa. http://www.genealogia.fi/sukuo/suku2000/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21821">21821</a></td>

                    <td>68,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SwappingIconsPilaohjelma, joka saa työpöydän kuvakkeet vaihtamaan keskenään paikkaansa. Ilmainen. http://www.lizardworks.com/pranks.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21822">21822</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Legendary Tales 1.2Kehitysympäristö tekstipohjaisille fantasiaroolipeleille. Sisältää sekä pelieditorin että moottorin, jolla valmiita tuotoksia voi ajaa. Shareware. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.legendarytales.com/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21823">21823</a></td>

                    <td>8,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Temperature Converter 2.0 Ohjelma joka muuntaa lämpötiloja Fahrenheit, Celsius ja Kelvin-asteiden välillä.
Ilmainen, Win 95/98/ME/2000/XP, http://www.jtsoft2001.com/tempconverter_win.htm

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21824">21824</a></td>

                    <td>41,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TCPKillNT 1.1TCPKillNT is a TCP connection "Reset" utility for Microsoft Windows NT platforms. It has the ability to send RST packets to already established TCP connections. Quite deadly on a LAN. It is very useful for IDS kind of products which need to terminate a TCP session. Requires Winpcap and LibnetNT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21825">21825</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VIRALLINEN Team Ahma-työpöytäteemaPaketti purkautuu automaattisesti hakemistoon c:\\program files\\plus!\\themes\\ ja omaan hakemistoonsa. Tehty oikeuksien omistajan luvalla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21826">21826</a></td>

                    <td>7,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Psychic Development Studio 8.1.0The Psychic Development Studio on multimediaohjelma, jonka avulla voit koettaa kehittää omia yliluonnollisen aistimisen kykyjäsi. Ohjelma sisältää harjoituksia sopivan mielentilan saavuttamiseen, sekä testejä joilla omia ennustajan lahjojaan voi mitata. Testit ovat käytännössä satunnaisia monivalintoja, joissa käyttäjän pitää arvata esimerkiksi minkä värin tai kortin tietokone valitsee seuraavaksi.
Kokeiluversio, 24,95. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.cssolutions.biz/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21827">21827</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Timaeus 3.1 Timaeus laskee tuntipohjaiseen horoskooppijärjestelmään perustuvat planetaariset tunnit, ja antaa eräänlaisen astrologisen sääennustuksen joka kertoo suoraan mitä kyseisen tunnin aikana kannattaa puuhailla. Ohjelman saa myös hälyttämään haluttujen tähtitaivaan muutosten tapahtuessa, ja sen avulla saa muutenkin varsin monipuoliset tiedot astrologisen tähtitaivaan kulloisestakin tilasta.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21828">21828</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TIMER124.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21828&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">TIMER124.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>119,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Multi Timer 1.24Ilmainen ajastinohjelma, johon saat talteen kymmenen erillistä tapahtumaa. Kussakin näistä voidaan laskea aikaa eteenpäin tai kohti nollaa.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21829">21829</a></td>

                    <td>61,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CoolTimeZone - Time/Date Ticker 1.2CoolTimeZone tuo kuvaruudun ylälaitaan vierivän nauhan, jossa käyttäjä näkee haluamiensa maiden ja kaupunkien kellonajat. Aikavyöhykkeet määritellään suhteessa nollapaikkaan, jonka voi vapaasti valita. Ilmainen. 
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.cooltick.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21830">21830</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Toikkari 2.0Ohjelma, jolla voi tallentaa oppilaitoksen todistuksen koneelle ja ohjelma laskee eri aineiden keskiarvot ja muut tarvittavat tiedot. Myös todistuksen tulos- tusmahdollisuus. Helppo seurata opiskelun edistymistä. Windows versio. (c) VPKSoft 2000.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21831">21831</a></td>

                    <td>43,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tonemaker for Nokia 3210 v0.1Tonemaker for Nokia 3210 on kännykän soittoäänen 
sävellysohjelma edellämainittuun puhelintyyppiin. Se 
käyttää ST:stä ja IT:sä tuttua logiikkaa,eli sävellyksen 
pitäisi olla helppoa. Ohjelmassa on myös ns. Keypress 
Generator joka näyttää yksinkertaisesti mitä näppäimiä 
sinun on painettava saadaksesi soittoääni puhelimeesi. 
Yksinkertainen pikku ohjelma. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21832">21832</a></td>

                    <td>9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tietopankki Internetiä vartenSisältää 90 osoitetta. tekijä:joko.soft.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21833">21833</a></td>

                    <td>42,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tracedet 1.0TraceDet is a Traceroute Detector for Windows NT. Basically, it detects and logs if somebody trace routes to your host. The idea is that when somebody traces to your host, you receive IP packets with TTL value equal to 1. So, TraceDet looks out for such packets. Requires WinPCAP Drivers. So, TraceDet looks out for such packets. 

System Requirement: An Ethernet network card supporting the NDIS 3.0 driver standard, Pentium 60 or faster, Windows NT (Service Pack 3 or above), WinPcap Drivers v 2.02.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21834">21834</a></td>

                    <td>107,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Time TravelerPilaohjelma vaihtaa koneen kellonaikaa satunnaisesti puolen minuutin välein. Ilmainen. http://www.rjlsoftware.com/software/entertainment/traveler/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21835">21835</a></td>

                    <td>539 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tasty Treats for the Busy CookTasty Treats for the Busy Cooks is a collection of quick and easy recipes to 
satisfy your sweet tooth, with a nice design and easy layout. This e-book also 
contains some handy resources, such as conversions, measurements, and substitutions. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21836">21836</a></td>

                    <td>133,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tek Unit Converter v3.01.1017Monipuolinen ohjelma yksikkömuunnoksiin. Mukana myös tietokoneisiin liittyviä yksiköitä. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21837">21837</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TVTOOL65.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21837&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">TVTOOL65.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>228,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TvTool 6.5 TvTool on nVidian näytönohjaimille tarkoitettu ohjelma, jonka avulla käyttäjä voi määritellä kortin tv-ulostulon ominaisuudet paljon perusajureita paremmin. Ohjelman avulla on mahdollista siirtää kuva kokonaan televisioon tai käyttää monitoria ja televisiota yhtä aikaa, minkä lisäksi kontrastin, värikyllSisyyden ja muiden kuvan ominaisuuksien säätSminen käy helposti ja mukavasti. Shareware, 10€. Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP. http://tvtool.info/index_e.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20494">20494</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TW_DEMO.EXE&tiedoston_id=20494&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">TW_DEMO.EXE</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Toonworks for Kids: Interactive demo version.
The first drawing program made just for kids!

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20496">20496</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TWWN95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20496&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">TWWN95.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Test Writer for Windows (32-bit) -
allows you to create, edit, and output
printed tests in Win95. Test banks can
be created from accumulated questions
for a given class over several
iterations of the class. Six question
types are supported: essay, multiple-
choice, matching, true/false,
identification, and group answer.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21838">21838</a></td>

                    <td>3,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TweakXP 1.29Tällä virittelyohjelmalla voit säätää Windows XP:n ominaisuuksia muistinkäsittelystä Internet Explorerin asetuksiin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21839">21839</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TXTAL130.EXE&tiedoston_id=21839&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">TXTAL130.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>4,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TextAloud MP3 1.3TextAloud MP3 converts any text into spoken words and MP3 files. It resides in your Windows tray, always ready to read aloud your text from email, Web pages, and documents. You can listen immediately, or save to WAV or MP3 files to hear later at your convenience. Listen to email, online news, or important documents while you exercise, work or commute. http://www.nextuptech.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21840">21840</a></td>

                    <td>3,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TextAloud MP3 1.0TextAloud MP3 converts any text into spoken words and MP3 files. It resides in your Windows 
tray, always ready to read aloud your text from email, Web pages, and documents. You can 
listen immediately, or save to WAV or MP3 files to hear later at your convenience. Listen 
to email, online news, or important documents while you exercise, work or commute.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21842">21842</a></td>

                    <td>225,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TypeFast v1.0Ilmainen kirjoitusnopeuden testaukseen tarkoitettu ohjelma, joka laskee minuutin aikana kirjoitetut sanat.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21843">21843</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TypingMaster Typing Test 6.2Kirjoitusnopeutta mittaava ohjelma, joka sisältää useita nopeustestejä sekä lämmittelyyn ja harjoitteluun sopivia pelejä. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.typingmaster.com/index.asp?go=typetestwin

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21844">21844</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Typing Test v6.11Ilmainen ohjelma oman kirjoitusnopeuden testaamiseen. Voit kirjoittaa myös omia tekstejäsi.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21845">21845</a></td>

                    <td>100,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UATA66.EXE v2.02Utility to Enable and Disable Ultra ATA/66 Support</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21846">21846</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=UHSJAVA.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21846&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">UHSJAVA.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>24,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Universal Hint System, Java 1.1 versionUniversal Hint System, Java 1.1 version</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21847">21847</a></td>

                    <td>428,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>USA Geography Tutor v1.0Tunnetko USAn osavaltiot kuin omat taskusi? Tämä ohjelma testaa tietosi. Kartta painuu mieleesi mukavan testailun yhteydessä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21848">21848</a></td>

                    <td>30,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>V3 2k/3k/3,5k overclocker version 2.4Voodoo3 2000/3000/3500 overclocker version 2.4</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21849">21849</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VB 5 Runtime Required FilesNäitä tiedostoja tarvitaan useimpien Visual Basic 5:lla tehtyjen ohjelmien ja pelien suorittamiseen.           </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=16758">16758</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VBQSTART.ZIP&tiedoston_id=16758&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">VBQSTART.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Visual Basic Auto Launcher for Win95 -
allows you to quickly start VB from an
icon in the Win95 system tray.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21850">21850</a></td>

                    <td>2,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Vocabuhancer v1.0Englannin kielen testeihin valmistava opetusohjelma. Kertoo myös sanojen osien alkuperästä. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21851">21851</a></td>

                    <td>111,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VCool 1.7 Jäähdyttää AMD:n suorittimia ohjelmallisesti. Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://vcool.occludo.net/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21852">21852</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VoiceCrypt 2.0VoiceCrypt 2.0:n esittelyversio salakirjoittaa tärkeät tiedostot siten, että niiden avaaminen onnistu vain
oikealle ääninäytteellä. Ohjelma vaatii siis lisäksi mikrofonin. Lue lisää MikroBitti 1/2000:stä.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21853">21853</a></td>

                    <td>917,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>My Voice Diary 1.5My Voice Diary on ohjelma puhuttujen päiväkirjamerkintöjen nauhoittamiseen. Merkinnät voi myös siirtää kätevästi mp3-muotoon ja levittSää vaikka kavereille. Shareware, 15 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://freehost25.websamba.com/ybsoft/vdiary/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21854">21854</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VeikkausohjelmaSuomalainen ohjelma jalkapalloveikkauksen sarjajärjestelmien laadintaan. WIN95 versio, sisältää VB5 ajonaikaiset tiedostot.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21855">21855</a></td>

                    <td>12,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Verbix 4.24Verbix is designed for students of foreign languages who are tired of browsing grammar booksdictionariesincomplete conjugation tables and other sources to find correct verb conjugations and spelling. Conjugates verbs in 100+ languages. Shareware. * 72 languages available after installation. * Tens of languages available through Verbix language extensions. * Translationssynonymsantonyms. * Verbose descriptions of common verbs linguistic mapsverbose explanations of languagesetc. * Its free for evaluation! *After evaluationyou can buy a registration key to unlock evaluation version limitations."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21856">21856</a></td>

                    <td>145,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"v-GO Universal Password 1.5Remembers your usernames and passwords so you dont have to and logs you on to all of your password-protected websites and applications. Animated interface allows you to choose different password windows with several themes.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21857">21857</a></td>

                    <td>9,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VisualStat 4.2.0Ammattitasoinen, mutta helppokäyttöinen, ohjelma 
tiedon tilastolliseen analysointiin. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.visualstat.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21858">21858</a></td>

                    <td>11,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Virtuaalilintu. Freewarea.Virtuualilintu lentää ruudun halki ja ajattelee omituisia ajatuksiaan. Vaatii Windows95 tai uudempi ja VB40032.dll:n.
Matti Mantila, 2001  http://koti.mbnet.fi/pingu</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21859">21859</a></td>

                    <td>5,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Vocabulary System 1.6Sanakirjaohjelma kielten sanastojen opiskeluun. Vocabulary System sisältää valmiiksi seitsemän kielen (englanti, ruotsi, norja, tanska, espanja, saksa ja ruotsi) sanasto.
Soveltuu myös sanakirjaksi. Ilmainen. 
Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000/XP. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21860">21860</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VPC41B.EXE&tiedoston_id=21860&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">VPC41B.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Virtual Pet Creature v4.1 betaVirtual Pet Creature on työpöydällesi tuleva pieni kaveri,
joka pitää sinulle seuraa, mm. kävelemällä ympäriinsä.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21861">21861</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VPSHAR20.EXE&tiedoston_id=21861&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">VPSHAR20.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,2 Mt</td>


                    <td>16515/Scientific American  - Science Software Library (Tinker's Guild)(2000).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Visual Planets 2.0Takes you on a tour of our solar system, with info and images from all the planets, Sun, and the other objects around us.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21862">21862</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Verbix 4.24 (Freeware)Verbix is designed for students of foreign languages who are tired of browsing grammar books, dictionaries, incomplete conjugation tables and other sources to find correct verb conjugations and spelling. Freeware. http://www.verbix.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21863">21863</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Vuokrankanto Mini 1.0 Vuokrankanto Mini on kotimainen ohjelma vuokrakuittien automaattiseen tulostamiseen. Ohjelman avulla viitteiden laatiminen ja vuokran loppusumman laskeminen onnistuu helposti, minkä jälkeen laskut voi tulostaa valmiille tilisiirtolomakkeille.  Demo, 41€. http://www.nic.fi/~phsoft/ohjelmat.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20580">20580</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=W95C1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20580&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">W95C1.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Explore Win95 And Survive - is an
electronic book that presents unbiased
information on what Win95 will and will
not do. It also provides details on
installing, using, tuning, and
tweaking, and includes an extensive

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21864">21864</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WABBIT.EXE&tiedoston_id=21864&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">WABBIT.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>847,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wabbit-avustajahahmo (pupu)Wabbit on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://home.tampabay.rr.com/doellmations/gallery.htm
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21865">21865</a></td>

                    <td>138,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WakeMeUP 1.5Oiva herätyskello-ohjelma jonka saa haluttuna hetkenä soittamaan ennalta valitun kappaleen joko cd-levyltä tai mp3 tai wav-tiedostosta. Ohjelma tarvitsee toimiakseen ulkoisen mp3-soittimen, esimerkiksi WinAmpin tai Musicmatch Jukeboxin.  Ilmainen. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69885">69885</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WALK32_1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69885&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">WALK32_1.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SBS WALK32, Win32 Assembly Language Kit.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21866">21866</a></td>

                    <td>416 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Zthings Life Skills: WalkingOpettele kävelemään tämän ilmaisen hupiohjelman avulla."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21867">21867</a></td>

                    <td>9,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Warp - V 1.00 Ensimmäinen versio kotimaisesta tietokoneen nopeusmittarista.  Pyörittää 3-ulotteista M-kirjainta ruudulla. Tekijä: Jibby IV </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21868">21868</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WARTNOSE.EXE&tiedoston_id=21868&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">WARTNOSE.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wartnose-avustajahahmo (örkki)Wartnose on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. http://www.e-clips.com.au/
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20254">20254</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WB32_96A.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20254&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">WB32_96A.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinBatch 96A (ASP) Windows System Utility
Language. Structures, floating point, file
manipulation, OLE2.0 Automation, DDE and over
350 functions allow you to program this
tradional, procedural basic-like language. A
must for the power user. Includes dialog
editor and handy utilities. Only $99.95+s&h</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21869">21869</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebCam-Control-Center 6.0 HelppokSytt÷inen nettikameran hallintaohjelma, josta löytyy myös mittavat mahdollisuudet kameran muuttamiseen liikkeentunnistimeksi. Kokeiluversio, 30 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.webcam-control-center.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21870">21870</a></td>

                    <td>1001,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebCam Watcher v2.1Ohjelma, jolla voi seurata webbikameralla varustettuja kohteita ympäri maailmaa. Ohjelma pystyy myös itse lataamaan uusia kohteita netistä. Ilmainen. Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21871">21871</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Weather1 v3.01.7Ohjelma, jonka avulla voit seurata monipuolisesti säähän
                                              liittyvää tietoa. Sisältää maailmanlaajuisesti 3400 eri paikan
                                              tiedot, myös paikkakuntia Suomesta. Näyttää mm.
                                              tämänhetkisen sään, ennustuksia, varoituksia ja lukuisia
                                              satelliittikuvia. Shareware, $18.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21872">21872</a></td>

                    <td>3,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Weather1 Weather1:n avulla on mahdollista tarkastella säätä ympäri maailmaa. Ohjelmalla voi tarkkailla reaaliaikaisia säätietoja, jotka rekisteröimättömässä versiossa päivittyvät muutaman tunnin välein. Tarjolla on myös satelliittikuvia, sääennusteita, nettikameroita sekä yleistä tietoa halutusta maasta, sen väestöstä sekä ilmastosta, erilaisia kuva-arkistoja ja säätutkien tietoja. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21873">21873</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEATHWIN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21873&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">WEATHWIN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>4,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Weather Exploration Program (LabView)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21874">21874</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebCams Tourist 2.0WebCams Tourist is a new software for Windows 95/98/Me that allows you to make a virtual trip around the world without leaving your home or office. It is a specialized web browser that presents just the WebCams from web sites that offer a WebCam without the surrounding web page. WebCams Tourist allows you to open several WebCam windows at once on your desktop so that you can view what\'s happening all over the world while you are working. More than 700 WebCams pre-installed. It also allows you to record WebCams as AVI movies and to use up to 4 WebCams at once as a live desktop background. Note: Live desktop pictures and movies will be marked with a "Demo" text. http://www.webcamstourist.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21875">21875</a></td>

                    <td>175 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Weird SignsHämäävän todellisen näköisiä virheilmoituksia lateleva Weird Signs -pilaohjelma kysyy käyttäjältä, haluaako tämä varmasti formatoida kiintolevyn. Vastaapa tähän mitä tahansa, luvassa on odottamattomia asioita.


                    <td><a href="/id?id=21876">21876</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINAST15.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21876&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">WINAST15.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>389,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinAstronomica v1.5Shareware astronomy program for Windows 95 from Canada.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21877">21877</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINERR.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21877&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">WINERR.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>27,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Win-Error v1.0A joke/prank program that simulates Windows 95 error messages. From the infamous blue-screen of death to the standard registry or illegal operation errors. Configure your own error messages, choose error style and buttons. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21878">21878</a></td>

                    <td>834 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinISD v0.43 WinISD on suomalainen apuohjelma kaiuttimien rakentamisesta kiinnostuneille. WinISD:n mukana tulevat ohjeet ovat käytännössä opas kaiuttimien suunnitteluun ja varsin hyödyllistä luettavaa niin aloittelijalle kuin edistyneemmällekin harrastajalle. Ohjelman avulla pystyy laskemaan sopivat ratkaisut niin suljetuille, refleksi- kuin kaistanpäästökoteloillekin, minkä lisäksi sillä pystyy mallintamaan myös muutamaa suodintyyppiä. Ilmainen. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21879">21879</a></td>

                    <td>723,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winterdemo v1.1From LANCER 199X TEAM. Pentium II fixed version This demo uses 3dfx card to create great effects. Requirements: 486 66 and a Voodoo 3dfx graphics card which uses GLIDE.  Midas Digital audio System 1.1.2 for playing music.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21880">21880</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Nero 5.5 WMA PluginWMA-tuki Neroon.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21882">21882</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WOOD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21882&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">WOOD.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Touch Wood 1.0Whenever you feel the need to celebrate good news or pray for some luck by
knocking or touching wood, just click on its icon in system tray and you will be able to
do it right on the screen. Adding more images of different wooden objects or trees
and more knocking sounds is as easy as copying files to appropriate folders. And one
can check some interesting usage statistics anytime. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21881">21881</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Touch Wood v1.0Kun on todennut jonkin asian olevan hyvin, olisi turvallisempaa koputtaa puuta.
Tässä siihen ilmainen apuväline. Ohjelma tuo ruudulle erilaisia puuesineitä ja
pitää kirjaa  niiden kolkuttelusta.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21883">21883</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Word Dragon 1.0  Word Dragon on ala-asteelta tutun hirsipuu-pelin kaltainen ohjelma sanaston opiskeluun. Käyttäjä voi määritellä ohjelmalle omia sanastojaan, ja sen mukana tulee englannin kielen sanakirja, joka kirvoittaa hien sivistyneemmänkin äidinkielisen puhujan otsalle. Word Dragonin kotisivuilta voi hakea englanninkielisiä sanastoja esimerkiksi maantieteen tai kirjallisuuden aloilta. Ilmainen. Windows 95+. http://www.miguelfra.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21884">21884</a></td>

                    <td>5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>World Flags Demo 1.0  World Flags ohjelma kattaa mittavan määrän maiden lippuja Afganistanista Zimbabween, ja niitä voi tarkastella näppärässä selainliittymässä myös suurennetussa koossa. Shareware, 30 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://cbsmicrosolutions.virtualave.net/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21885">21885</a></td>

                    <td>145,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>World Time Clock v2.31Ilmainen ohjelma, joka näyttää tämänhetkisen kellonajan viidessä halutussa kaupungissa. Mukana myös hälytys.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21886">21886</a></td>

                    <td>322,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinUAE 0.7.2 DirectX. Release 2. Win32-port of the great UAE Amiga Emulator. Picasso96 support and more!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21887">21887</a></td>

                    <td>68,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinUAE docs & readmes</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21888">21888</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WVPRO10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21888&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">WVPRO10.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinVakio PRO v1.0, Windows 95 Vakioveikkaus
apuohjelma. Painotettu hajarivien arvonta ja
tarkastus. Järjestelmien arvonta ja
tarkastus. Kaikkien haravien tarkastus. Omien
systeemien luonti ja muokkaus. Tulostus
OnLine kupongeille. Tietokannat, tilastot,
WWW-linkit jne. Freeware, maksuton

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21889">21889</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Päivitys Winvakiopro 1.0:lle.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21890">21890</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WXP2000F.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21890&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">WXP2000F.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>4,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WeatherXpress 2000 full version 2.1.6WeatherXpress 2000 lets you continually monitor current
weather locations from up to 20 monitoring stations from
around the world. http://www.weatherxpress.com/ 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22780">22780</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=XFILES.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22780&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">XFILES.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>X-Files teema Windows 95:en!!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21891">21891</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>XP Idea NeuroVCL 1.1  XP Idea NeuroVCL on kokoelma Delphi-kirjastoja neuroverkkojen laatimiseen. Kirjastojen avulla pystyy mallintamaan muun muassa kaksisuuntaisia assosiatiivisia muisteja sekä itseorganisoituvia karttoja. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Delphi 5, Delphi 6, Kylix. http://xpidea.com/products/neurovcl/neurovcl.htm </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21892">21892</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=XREM320R.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21892&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">XREM320R.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>xReminder Pro 3.2xReminder Pro is an elegant-looking event-based personal
information manager that can help you remember
birthdays, holidays and other special events. It starts
automatically with Windows and minimizes to the system
tray from which you can create new reminders in a few
mouse clicks. All reminders are listed in the main window.
You can view them simultaneously, or choose between
daily, weekly or monthly screens. http://www.pimplus.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21893">21893</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=XTEQ62.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21893&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">XTEQ62.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>4,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Xteq Systems X-Setup 6.2Xteq X-Setup allows you to change settings that are normally hidden deeply in some configuration files such as the Registry, quickly and easily. Using this utility, you can hide and show Start Menu items, system icons, and individual drives; tweak the behavior and appearance of Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, Internet Information Server, and Netscape; change the Active Desktop Tool Tips; add folder and context menu commands; and more. There are hundreds of tweaks for the Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000 operating systems. This tool is recommended for power users, gamers, system administrators, and anyone looking to maximize their performance and speed. Version 6.2 features the new layout of Windows XP and has the final help file included. All bugs that were found in beta 1 are now fixed. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT4/2K/ME/XP. http://www.xteq.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21894">21894</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=Y2KJOKE2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21894&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Muut">Y2KJOKE2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>181,5 kt</td>

                        <td style="color:red">ClamAV: Win.Joke.Y2K-1 FOUND</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Y2K Joke v2.00A hilarious mock-up of a Year 2000 compliance test. For Windows 95/98</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21895">21895</a></td>

                    <td>341,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Zthings YesmanKaipaatko itsetunnon kohotusta? Tämä pikku-ukko mieltyy kaikkeenmitä ehdotat ja pitää sinua maailman parhaana tyyppinä. Ilmainen."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21896">21896</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Yvette-avustajahahmo (tarjoilijatar)Yvette on ilmainen Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmo, 
jolla voit korvata Office-ohjelmista tutun kuluneen Klemmarin. 
Agenttiteknologiasta enemmän MikroBitissä 5/2003, 
sivuilla 74-77. Katso myös nettijatko:

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21897">21897</a></td>

                    <td>2,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Dive Master 1.0Sukelluspäiväkirja - Harrastelijasukeltajille 
tarkoitettu helppokäyttöinen ja visuaalisesti 
selkeä sukelluspäiväkirja.
Käyttöliittymältään kirjan muotoon tehtyyn päiväkirjaan voit taltioida sukellusajan ja paikan, sukelluksen keston, syvyyden, näkyvyyden, veden lämpötilan sekä paljon muita sukellukseen liittyviä oleellisia tietoja. Voit yhdellä napin painalluksella nähdä numeerisen ja graafisen tilaston sukelluksistasi. Ohjelman hakutoiminnolla voit nopeasti etsiä pisimmän, syvimmän tai vaikka kylmimmän sukelluksesi. Päiväkirjan voit tulostaa myös paperille tilastoineen ja kansikuvineen, jolloin voit ottaa paperivedoksin mukaasi myös eksoottisempiin sukelluskohteisiin.
Ohjelma on englanninkielinen, mutta sen selkeitä 
komentoja on helppo käyttää myös heikolla englannin 
kielen taidolla. Shareware.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21898">21898</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QuickWind 1.0Ilmailijoille suunniteltu ilmainen tuulilaskuri, jolla lentäjä näkee sekä kuvina että numeroina eri tuulikomponentit ja raja-arvojen ylitykset.
Tietoina voidaan antaa käytettävä rata, tuulen suunta ja voimakkuus sekä ratatiedot, kuten vesi, lumi, jää tai kitkakertoimet. Ohjelma laskee annetuista tiedoista 
maksimit sivutuulelle ja myötätuulikomponenteille ja varoittaa raja-arvojen ylityksestä. Ohjelma on englanninkielinen.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=60237">60237</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=4N25B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=60237&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">4N25B.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>4DOS/NT 2.5 patch file, updates 4DOS/NT 2.5
rev A to 4DOS/NT 2.5 rev B.  ONLY USEFUL if
you already have 4DOS/NT 2.5 rev A, not
needed by new users.  To check your current
4DOS/NT version use VER /R.  Also requires
patch program (see 4DPATCH.ZIP).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=60238">60238</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=4NT252.ZIP&tiedoston_id=60238&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">4NT252.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>4DOS/NT 2.52 <ASP> - JP Software's award-
winning command processor for Windows NT.
Command enhancements, over 50 new commands,
many other unique command-line tools.
Optional reference manual in JP4REF.ZIP.
Shareware, $69 full registration.
04-17-95 release A (62).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=60257">60257</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=64NT3520.ZIP&tiedoston_id=60257&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">64NT3520.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:red">eritupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mach 64 Windows NT drivers</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=60742">60742</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ANICURS1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=60742&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">ANICURS1.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>a collection of .ANI animated cursors for
Windows NT.  by Dan Goldwater</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=61062">61062</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ATRLS16I.ZIP&tiedoston_id=61062&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">ATRLS16I.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Telnet and RLogin programs for Windows NT
vers 3.1 or 3.5 by Ataman.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20334">20334</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CP32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20334&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">CP32.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CodePrint v3 is a Windows NT 3.51 program
for printing ASCII text files.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20339">20339</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DBWIN32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20339&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">DBWIN32.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DWIN32 - is a debug message catching
utility for the Windows NT operating
system. It can capture output generated
by NT programs using the
OutputDebugString() function (TRACE
under MFC), and provides an MDI
interface where each process displays
its output in its own window.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=62958">62958</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Diskeeper for Windows NT.
Defragmentointiohjelma NTFS-kiintolevyille.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=64319">64319</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FSI386.ZIP&tiedoston_id=64319&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">FSI386.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Finger-palvelin Windows NT3.5:een</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=64427">64427</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GCHESS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=64427&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">GCHESS.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Gnu Chess Version 3.21 Game for Windows NT</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=64616">64616</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GSI386.ZIP&tiedoston_id=64616&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">GSI386.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Gopher-palvelin Windows NT3.5:een</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=64735">64735</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HE32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=64735&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">HE32.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HEdit32 v1.2
Hexadecimal editor for binary files.
Unlimited file size, drag-and-drop,
binary and text search, selectable fonts,
clipboard support, multiple
document interface. File Manager extension
for file viewing/editing and
a simple text editor included. Requires
Windows NT (Intel).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=64897">64897</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HSI386.ZIP&tiedoston_id=64897&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">HSI386.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HTTP(Web)-palvelin Windows NT3.5:een</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65001">65001</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ICONBAR.ZIP&tiedoston_id=65001&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">ICONBAR.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td>versio 2.11</td>


                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>IconBar for Windows NT  Version 1.01
IconBar is a desktop program launcher for
windows NT. It gives you easy
access to your applications without going to
Program Manager. Create a
button style icon to easily launch any app.
Unlike other icon programs,
IconBar's buttons can be placed anywhere on
the desktop. Just drag the
icon anywhere you want it. Create as many
icon's as will fit on the desktop.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65499">65499</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=K542X-D5.ZIP&tiedoston_id=65499&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">K542X-D5.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cirrus Logic CL-GD542x display drivers
for Windows NT 3.5x. Driver release 1.50</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65841">65841</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Unix LS-command for Windows NT</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66170">66170</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MITNT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66170&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">MITNT.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mitsumi CDROM driver for Windows NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66295">66295</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MPEGW32H.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66295&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">MPEGW32H.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MPEGplay 1.61 for Windows NT 3.5+</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21711">21711</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NBD20I1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21711&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">NBD20I1.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Nbody3D Gravitational Simulator 2.0.001.
This software requires Windows NT 3.51 and it
also runs with Windows 95 with OpenGL DLL's.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66676">66676</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NT_SNAKE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66676&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">NT_SNAKE.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Snakes Screen Saver For Windows Nt.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66662">66662</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Number Nine 32-bit Microsoft(R) Windows
NT(TM) Display Driver Version 1.12</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66664">66664</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTCHKMEM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66664&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">NTCHKMEM.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CHKMEM 1.2 is a little memory monitor for
Windows NT- monitoring of memory usage and
load- warning by red numbers if system is

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66665">66665</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTCRDHLP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66665&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">NTCRDHLP.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows NT Adapter Help
This Help file was compiled by the Product
Support Services (PSS) group at Microsoft and
will assist you in the setup of your Adapter
cards for Windows NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20405">20405</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTF100G7.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20405&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">NTF100G7.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NTFOSS V1.0
NTFOSS is a virtual FOSSIL driver for Windows
NT. All baudrates which are supported by your
Windows NT configuration and by the FOSSIL
specification can be configured.
Locked baudrates are also supported.
With VFOSSIL support, key system. NTFOSS is
dynamically configurable,
install/uninstallable for each virtual DOS

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66669">66669</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTFAQ.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66669&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">NTFAQ.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows NT and Advanced Server FAQ</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66670">66670</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTLS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66670&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">NTLS.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LS: Version 1.7
LS is an NT console application for
performing file and directory
listings (similar to Unix utitlities of the
same name).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66673">66673</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTTOOLS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66673&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">NTTOOLS.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows NT Tools (last update 24.1.1994)
LOGOFF.EXE   32-bit Console Application to
WLOGOFF.EXE  Win32 logoff (interactive)
REBOOT.EXE   32-bit Console Application to
reboot the system
WREBOOT.EXE  Win32 reboot (interactive)
SHUTDOWN.EXE 32-bit Console Application to
shutdown the system
WSHTDOWN.EXE Win32 shutdown (interactive)
REMBOOT.EXE  32-bit Console Applucation to
shutdown/reboot a remote system</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67359">67359</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=POV22-NT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=67359&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">POV22-NT.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows NT port of POVray v2.2 raytracer.
pentium/486 executable and source included.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67505">67505</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PT04BP15.ZIP&tiedoston_id=67505&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">PT04BP15.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>P T E R M, Paragon Terminal Application for
Windows NT, Version 0.4bp15
This is a beta of Paragon Terminal
Application for Windows NT. Fully threaded,
native Win32 application.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67669">67669</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QVTN3989.ZIP&tiedoston_id=67669&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">QVTN3989.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TCP/IP Services for Windows NT</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67924">67924</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RipBAR is in some ways, the Swiss Army knife
of utilities.  It combines an application
toolbar, command line launching, Drag & Drop
server, memory and system information
display, Post-It style notes, hot key support
and more in a package that remains
unobtrusive on your screen.
Windows NT version.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68292">68292</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SEP95HCL.EXE&tiedoston_id=68292&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">SEP95HCL.EXE</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Windows NT Hardware Compatibility
List, September 1995 Edition</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68927">68927</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TCMD3210.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68927&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">TCMD3210.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Take Command/32 1.0 <ASP> - JP Software's new
32-bit command processor for MS Windows NT.
A true Windows NT app, not character- mode.
Command enhancements, over 50 new commands,
4DOS compatible, dozens of new Windows
NT-related features.  Shareware, $49 full
registration.  1-26-94 release A.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68929">68929</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>This document provides users and network
administrators with detailed information on
the implementation and functionality of the
TCP/IP services offered as part of Windows NT

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68999">68999</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TFTPDS10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68999&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">TFTPDS10.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TFTP Server v1.0: MS-Windows NT multi
threaded Trivial File Transfer Protocol
daemon that runs as a native Windows NT
service and is designed to comply with RFC
1350, the TFTP protocol.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69143">69143</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TIMES10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69143&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">TIMES10.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Time Synchronizer v1.0 for Windows NT
Time Synchronizer is used to synchronize time
on multiple computers running Microsoft
Windows NT on the network.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69520">69520</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=UEDIT32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69520&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">UEDIT32.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UltraEdit-32 Text/Binary Editor 2.11a
Text/Hex editor, unlimited file size. Column
edit with column fill,cut,delete, insert
squential number. HEX edit with
cut/copy/paste. Macros, bookmarks,
find/replace, word-wrap, fixup CR/LF. Auto
indentation, backup file, context sensitive
help, line/column display, multiple windows
on same file, font selection, print preview,
goto, drag and drop, find in files, and</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69998">69998</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBER10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69998&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">WEBER10.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>It's a program running on Windows NT systems
to support a WEB internet server.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70195">70195</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WSI386.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70195&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">WSI386.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WAIS-palvelin Windows NT3.5:een</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70208">70208</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WTI386.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70208&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+NT">WTI386.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WAIS-tools Windows NT3.5:een</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21899">21899</a></td>

                    <td>462,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>7-Zip 2.23Ilmainen ohjelma, joka purkaa ZIP-, CAB-, RAR-, GZIP-, BZIP2- ja TAR-paketit. Upotettu
Windowsin käyttöliittymään. Mahdollisuus käyttää myös komentoriviltä. http://www.7-zip.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21900">21900</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=7ZIP224.EXE&tiedoston_id=21900&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">7ZIP224.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>462,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>7-ZIP v2.24Ilmainen ohjelma, joka purkaa ZIP-, CAB-, RAR-, GZIP-, BZIP2- ja TAR-paketit. Upotettu Windowsin käyttöliittymään. Mahdollisuus käyttää myös komentoriviltä. http://www.7-zip.com/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21901">21901</a></td>

                    <td>3,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Acronis TrueImage Deluxe  Acronis TrueImage Deluxe on ohjelma kuvien ottamiseen kovalevyn partitioista, niiden selailemiseen sekä palauttamiseen takaisin kovalevylle. Kuvien ottaminen ei vaadi koneen uudelleenkäynnistystä, ja ohjelma osaa tallettaa levykuvat cd:lle, dvd:lle, Zip-asemille ja muille massamuisteille. Levykuvat voi myös suojata salasanalla, jolloin kovalevyn sisältö ei vuoda sivullisten käsiin. Shareware, 44,99 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.acronis.com/products/ti/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21903">21903</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ARJ.EXE&tiedoston_id=21903&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">ARJ.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>198,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ARJTunnettu ARJ-pakkausohjelma.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21902">21902</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ARJ32V3I.EXE&tiedoston_id=21902&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">ARJ32V3I.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>466,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ARJ32 v3.03The official full release of the Windows 32 bit version of ARJ.  ARJ32 provides the same functionality as previous versions of ARJ. In addition, ARJ32 provides support for long filenames within Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95/98 as a Win32 program. This is a Win32 command line driven program.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21904">21904</a></td>

                    <td>451,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ArjFolder 3.10bAllows you to make, read and uncompress ARJ files. Supports long filenames, file protection and multi-volumes for ARJ, RAR and ACE files. ArjFolder also uncompresses Zip, GZip, TAR, CAB, and RAR files. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21905">21905</a></td>

                    <td>340,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Blowfish Advanced 97The secure file encryption and wipe utility for Windows 95/NT. Offers Blowfish, PC1 Cobra128, 
GOST and triple-DES as standard algorithms. IDEA can be upgraded easily. Open UCDI driver 
system for better trust and own driver creations. Key setup with SHA-1. Secure, configurable 
data wiping. Additional data compression. Easy-to-use file browser with favorites and drap+drop 
support. Job files for comfortable working.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21906">21906</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CABPCK14.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21906&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">CABPCK14.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>466,6 kt</td>


                    <td>23979/Hard Drive Utilities 2001.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CabPack v1.4CabPack is a compression program with which you can create cabinet (.CAB) files. Freeware.
For Win9.x/NT/2000.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21907">21907</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Double decompress v.1.0Purkaa tiedostot (Ace, Zip, Rar) jotka on pakattu useamman 
kuin yhden kerran. Voi myös purkaa kasan paketteja kerralla. 
Tekijä Toni Mattila. Vaatii windows 95/98.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=63320">63320</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DZ95.EXE&tiedoston_id=63320&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">DZ95.EXE</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Drag And Zip For Windows 95/NT v.1.0
Zip File Manager. Zip and unzip file
with a right button click.  Built-in
zipping and unzipping.  Built-in
extraction of GZ and TAR. Links to
Netscape and Mosaic. Makes Windows
hosted self extracting Zips. Creates
backup sets to automate zipping
Interfaces to LHA. ASP Shareware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21908">21908</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Drag And Zip For Windows 95/NT v.2.22cZip File Manager. Zip and unzip file with a right button click.  Built-in zipping and unzipping.  
Built-in extraction of GZ and TAR. Links to Netscape and Mosaic. 
Makes Windows hosted self extracting Zips. Creates backup sets to automate zipping Interfaces 
to LHA. ASP Shareware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21909">21909</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ES20832.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21909&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">ES20832.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>624,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EZ-Split v2 EZ-Split is an easy to use file splitter for Microsoft Windows 95/NT.  The purpose of EZ-Split is to 
take a large file and split it across multiple diskettes or into smaller pieces on a hard drive.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21910">21910</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=EZIP30.EXE&tiedoston_id=21910&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">EZIP30.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EasyZip 2000 v3.0Ilmainen pakkausohjelma Windows 95/98/NT:lle. Paljon tehokkaita arkistointitoimintoja, itsepurkautuvat 
paketit, toimiva drag&drop yms, moniosaiset paketit, monipuoliset paketin sisäiset toiminnot, 
virustarkastus, paketin testaus, suojaus salasanalla, yms. Täydellinen tuki ZIP-paketeille ja 
rajoitettu tuki RAR-paketeille.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21911">21911</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=EZSEP105.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21911&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">EZSEP105.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EasyZIP Self-Extractor Pro 1.05 <ASP> -
A 32-bit program that uses a wizard
interface to convert ZIP files into
self-extracting EXE files.  Several
optional settings allow the EXE to be
configured to suit a range of
installation parameters.  Requires
Windows 95 or NT or 3.1 with Win32s

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21912">21912</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FASTUZ95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21912&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">FASTUZ95.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fast UnZip 95 - is a ZIP archive
management package for Win95. It allows
you to easily unzip or delete unwanted
downloaded files. Long filenames are

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21913">21913</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FCODE325.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21913&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">FCODE325.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>53,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fastcode32 v3.5Win95 32-bit multipurpose MIME/UU/XX/BinHex/AtoB/BtoA decoder and encoder. UU/XX & Mime Base64 
are the three most popular encoding method for converting raw binary data into ASCII text for file 
transfer such as through the internet, e-mail, newsgroup and others. Fastcode32 provides a 
fast & easy way to decode or encode your files. It automatically detects encoded format and 
decodes the file. It is so simple to use, even beginners will know how to use it.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21914">21914</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FlaskMPEG 0.6Tätä ohjelmaa tarvitaan kun pakataan elokuvia DivX-muotoon. Ohjeet tähän löytyy Mikrobitin numerosta 6-7/2001 sivuilla 44-46.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21915">21915</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FREEZIP.EXE&tiedoston_id=21915&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">FREEZIP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>291,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FreeZip 1.4.8  Freeware utility for compression and decompression of files and directories in Windows 95/NT4. FreeZip integrates with Windows Explorer and uses file associations and context menus to zip or unzip files, including long file names and subdirectories. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21917">21917</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GODZIP79.EXE&tiedoston_id=21917&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">GODZIP79.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>


                    <td>10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 1).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>GodeZIP 2000 v7.9GodeZIP on työkalupaketti 32-bittiselle Windowsille, jonka
avulla vois pakata, salakirjoittaa ja tuhota turvallisesti
tiedostoja. Tuettuja pakkausformaatteja: GZ, Z, BZ2, ZIP,
TAR, TGZ, CAB ja ARJ. Helppokäyttöinen.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=51983">51983</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GZP124XN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=51983&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">GZP124XN.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NT/95 gzip 1.2.4 executable (Intel)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21918">21918</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IAVAZ203.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21918&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">IAVAZ203.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>iavaZIP v2.03The world\'s first commercial 100% pure Java ZIP utility. The only ZIP utility which is able to run 
on Windows, Unix, Linux, OS/2 and many other operating systems. iavaZIP is certified as 
"100% Pure Java" and offers new ways of collecting files for a compression session or extracting 
files from archives.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21919">21919</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=JAR102X.EXE&tiedoston_id=21919&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">JAR102X.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>495,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>JAR v1.02A release of the new file archiver JAR from the makers of ARJ. JAR beats the leading archivers in 
both compression and features. JAR comes in DOS and Win95/WinNT versions and provides 
powerful features like multiple volumes, data recovery, file version management, and support 
for handling over 50,000 filenames.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21920">21920</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=JCSETUP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21920&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">JCSETUP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>JustClick 1.1:n korjattu Setup.exe</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21921">21921</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=JSTCLK11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21921&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">JSTCLK11.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>46,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"JustClick 1.1 for Win95Need to unzip/rar/arj frequentlymake you life much more easier with JustClick. Its a single 
double-click and you files are extracted to unique directory. Supports LongFileNames. 
JustClick is the fastest and easiest way."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21922">21922</a></td>

                    <td>465,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PKZip for Windows patch v2.60 -> 2.60.02Update for the registered version only!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21923">21923</a></td>

                    <td>961,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PACKAGER MK1 v2Special edition arclab software GdbR Utility which makes it easy to split one or more large files 
into packages. This enables you to transport large files on disk (floppy disk, hard disk, Iomega Zip-Drive). 
You can also restore archives, repair archives and create selfextracting archives. 
The program supports disk formats like 2.88 MB, 1.44 MB, 1.2 MB, Iomega Zip 100 or user defined 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21924">21924</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Power Archiver 2001 7.02Monipuolinen ohjelma tiedostojen pakkaamiseen. Shareware, $19.95. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21925">21925</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Power Archiver 2001 7.02 Monipuolinen ohjelma tiedostojen pakkaamiseen. Shareware, $19.95. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21926">21926</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PK250C32.EXE&tiedoston_id=21926&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">PK250C32.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>300,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PkZip v2.50Command Line Version for Windows 95 / NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21927">21927</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PK270WSP.EXE&tiedoston_id=21927&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">PK270WSP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>

                        <td style="color:red">ClamAV: Win.Adware.Timesink-1 FOUND</td>

                    <td>23956/Cool Shareware PC-World CD-ROM (Digital Concepts)(PA1099R9)(1999).BIN</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PKZip v2.70For Windows 95, 32-bit version. Shareware, http://www.pkware.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21928">21928</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pack It Up! v4.0
Works with PKzip, ARJ, LHA and PAK v2.51 to
give you the widest variety of any file
compression shell utility.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21929">21929</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PWARC611.EXE&tiedoston_id=21929&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">PWARC611.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Power Archiver 6.11 FreewareErittäin hyvä, WinZipin kaltainen pakkausohjelma. PowerArchiver on monipuolisempi ja ilmainen.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21930">21930</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PowerZip 4.52Erittäin helppokäyttöinen ja tehokas pakkaus-/purkuohjelma, johon on sisäänrakennettu
ZIP-, RAR-, TAR-, GZIP- ja CAP-tuki. ARJ, LZH ja monelle disketille pakattaessa myös ZIP 
tarvitsee ulkoisen ohjelman. 30 päivän kokeiluaika, ilmainen rekisteröinti mm. opiskelijoille.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21931">21931</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=STUFFIT5.EXE&tiedoston_id=21931&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">STUFFIT5.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>StuffIT 5.5StuffIt is flexible, all-purpose, cross platform compression software. StuffIt lets you choose how you want to compress your files: Zip Compression, StuffIt files, which average 20% smaller size than Zip, and more. A right mouse click lets you compress and email any file in one step. ith DropStuff, DropZip or Expander, just right-click or drag-and-drop your files to desktop shortcuts and let StuffIt do the rest. The StuffIt Browser has a Windows Explorer-type interface for advanced archive creation and management. StuffIt supports SIT, ZIP, RAR, ACE, ARJ, TAR, GZ, TGZ, LZH, and CAB archive formats plus MIME/B64, Uuencode, BinHex, and MacBinary encoding and decoding.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21932">21932</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"SuperZip 1.0SuperZip is a FREE File Compression Utility. SuperZips integration with the Win 95 interface 
make it a necessary requirement for anyone that uploads/downloads files from the internet or 
other online  service. Its drag and drop capabilities and built-in Archive Browser make it easy to  
learn and simple to use. Supports long file namesmulti-disk archivesviewing of files in a ZIP file
and much more."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21933">21933</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TurboSFX 3.11TurboSFX is a file compression and distribution application that uses an expanding wizard system to create 
compressed, self-extracting executables (file type SFX), which can easily be distributed via the Internet, 
an intranet, email, CD-ROMs, or removable disks. TurboSFX provides password protection and allows you to 
create Silent Packages, which do not display a dialog box during self-extraction. TurboSFX supports selecting 
components or running multiple programs before, during, and after extraction. TurboSFX automatically saves 
selected options and steps in the creation of each SFX file as a script file (file type ADX). These script 
files are designed not only to save the user repetitive tasks in creating other similar self-extractors and 
in updating existing ones, but also to support command-line batch processing in unattended operations. The 
latest release of TurboSFX is Windows 2000-compatible, supports 14 foreign languages, and more. In this 
download, the HTML-based component download is disabled. The cost to register this product is $99.95. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69584">69584</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=UNZ520XN.EXE&tiedoston_id=69584&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">UNZ520XN.EXE</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NT/95 UnZip 5.2 self-extract exes (Intel)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21934">21934</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=UNZIP95S.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21934&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">UNZIP95S.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UnZIP95 (tm) for Win95 [FlashPoint]
The Completely Simple (tm) solution
for managing zipped archive files
under Windows95.  Integrates with the
Windows95 Explorer to provide custom
icons, property sheets and context
menu controls for unzipping, testing
and opening ZIP files.  No painful
nag/delay msgs. Support for ZIP 1-2.0</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21935">21935</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UltimateZip 2.0.2 Ohjelma useiden eri pakettityyppien käsittelyyn. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21936">21936</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UltimateZipIlmainen WinZipin haastaja, joka osaa avata myös arj-, rar-, jar- ja zoo-paketit ilman erillisiä apuohjelmia.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20503">20503</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VZIP150.EXE&tiedoston_id=20503&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">VZIP150.EXE</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VisualZIP is an extension to your Windows
Shell which allows you to interact with
compressed ZIP archives as if they were
normal folders on your hard disk. You can
open ZIP archives as you would any normal
folder and inside you will find the files and
directories that were added to the archive by
whomever originally created it.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21937">21937</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WACE204.EXE&tiedoston_id=21937&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WACE204.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinACE 2.04WinACE-purkuohjelman versio 2.04</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21938">21938</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINARJ98.EXE&tiedoston_id=21938&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WINARJ98.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinARJ98Packs and unpacks ARJ files in Windows.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70086">70086</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINRAR20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70086&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WINRAR20.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinRAR - the RAR archiver v2.00 for Windows
integrated archive manager.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70097">70097</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINZIP62.EXE&tiedoston_id=70097&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WINZIP62.EXE</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winzip 6.2.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21939">21939</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINZIP70.EXE&tiedoston_id=21939&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WINZIP70.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>921,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinZip 7.0 SR-1Suosittu ja monipuolinen pakkausohjelma Windows 95/98/NT:lle. http://www.winzip.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21940">21940</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINZIP81.EXE&tiedoston_id=21940&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WINZIP81.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinZip 8.1Suosittu ja monipuolinen pakkausohjelma Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP:lle. http://www.winzip.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70098">70098</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINZIP95.EXE&tiedoston_id=70098&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WINZIP95.EXE</a></td>




                        <td style="color:red">eritupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinZip 6.2 for Windows 95 and NT  <ASP>
Features built-in ZIP & UNZIP.  Handles MIME,
UUencode, XXencode, BinHex, TAR, gzip, etc.
Now w/WinZip Self-Extractor Personal Edition
Includes tight integration w/the Windows 95
shell:  drag and drop TO or FROM the Explorer
or ZIP and UNZIP without leaving the Explorer
1996*Win100 Award Winner, Windows Magazine
1996*Best Utility PC Magazine Shareware Award
1996*Best of the Internet Award, PC Computing</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21941">21941</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WIZ30DN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21941&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WIZ30DN.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NT/95 UnZip 5.2/WizUnZip 3.0 DLL (Intel)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21942">21942</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WIZ30XN.EXE&tiedoston_id=21942&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WIZ30XN.EXE</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NT/95 WizUnZip 3.0 GUI app (Intel sfx)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21943">21943</a></td>

                    <td>945,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinPack32 Deluxe version 2.0b4Osaa pakata, purkaa ja konvertoida mm. ARJ-, LHARC-, TAR-, ZIP-, ZOO-, GZIP-, BINHEX-, 
UUENCODE- ja DECODE-paketteja. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70117">70117</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinZip for Win95 v6.1 Beta3b 32bit.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70166">70166</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WPACK32D.EXE&tiedoston_id=70166&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WPACK32D.EXE</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinPack32 Deluxe version 1.0b5.
Osaa pakata ja purkaa mm. ARG-, LHARC-, TAR-,
ZIP- ja ZOO-paketteja.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21944">21944</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WRAR290.EXE&tiedoston_id=21944&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WRAR290.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>695,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinRAR 2.90WinRAR 2.90 The RAR archiver 2.90 for Windows Integrated archive manager, complete RAR and ZIP support, partial CAB, ARJ, LZH support, GUI and console 32-bit versions, tight general and multimedia compression, data recovery record option, WinRAR easily supports over 65536 files, encryption, ANSI color comments, Windows, DOS and OS/2 SFX, RCVT archive conversion tool, FREE 32-bit unRAR utility</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21945">21945</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WZINET95.EXE&tiedoston_id=21945&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WZINET95.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>76,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winzip 6.3 Internet HelperFor Windows 95/NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21946">21946</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WZIPSE21.EXE&tiedoston_id=21946&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WZIPSE21.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>586,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinZip Self-Extractor v2.1SFX ZIP Do you need to send files to end users who may 
not have an unzip utility?  WinZip Self-Extractor, 
an optional add-on for WinZip, creates native Windows 
SFX files that are as little as 12kb larger than the 
original ZIP.  Version 2.0 creates 16-bit or 32-bit
Windows self-extractors, Windows+MS-DOS SFX files, 
and includes a Wizard to simplify the process of building 
self-extracting files.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21947">21947</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WZSPNB32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21947&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">WZSPNB32.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>119 kt</td>


                    <td>Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"WinZip add-on for built-in disk spanningBETA version. This file REQUIRES WinZip 6.0a for Windows 95 After installing these files
WinZip 6.0a will no longer require PKZIP and PKUNZIP when working with archives that span 
multiple floppy disks.  WinZips built-in ZIP and UNZIP handle normal ZIP files - these files are 
used only for ZIP files that span disks."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21948">21948</a></td>

                    <td>748,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZipFolders for Win95 V2.03A Windows 95 utility that offers a simplified approach to handling archived files. Once installed, 
the program displays all .zip files on a particular local or network drive as separate .zif directories 
with the contents displayed. To save disk space, these .zip files are not actually opened, 
nevertheless, you can run, view, or modify the archived files right in the .zip file.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70459">70459</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZIF95-10.EXE&tiedoston_id=70459&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">ZIF95-10.EXE</a></td>



                    <td>22806/PC Answers December 1996.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZipFolders 1.02.
Näyttää ZIP-paketit tavallisina kansioina.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70466">70466</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZIP21XN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70466&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">ZIP21XN.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NT/95 Zip 2.1 (no encryption) (Intel)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21949">21949</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZIP22XN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21949&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">ZIP22XN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>132,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NT/95 Zip 2.2 (no encryption) (Intel)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21950">21950</a></td>

                    <td>298,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Zippilii-99Almost everythink by Eric W.Engler -Something by Petteri Ristola -It create ZIPs, it extract ZIPs...</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21951">21951</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZipCentral 2.06Create, open, extract and add zip files. Supports creation of self-extracting archives, drag-and-drop, quick view, shell execution, and more. ZipCentral has an easy and familiar user interface. Great compression utility for beginners. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20551">20551</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZIPEXP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20551&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">ZIPEXP.ZIP</a></td>


                        <td>versio 1.06</td>

                    <td>23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Aeco Zip Explorer v1.07 brings the ease of
Windows Explorer to archives (compression

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21952">21952</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZipItFast 2.0ZipItFast on helppokäyttöinen apuohjelma tiedostojen pakkaamiseen ja valmiiden pakettien purkamiseen.
ZipItFast hallitsee yleisimmät pakkausmuodot, 
Ohjelman ulkoasu on muutettavissa nahoilla (eng. skins).

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21953">21953</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZIPMAN99.EXE&tiedoston_id=21953&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">ZIPMAN99.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>634,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZipMan 99 DELUXEA system extension for Windows® 95/98 that gives you direct access to the files stored in compressed files, which are generally known as "archives".


                    <td><a href="/id?id=21954">21954</a></td>

                    <td>425,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"ZipProThe only ZIP/TAR/TGZ/GZ/Z/LZH file manager youll need for Windows 95. Installs seamlessly into Win95 Explorer; and explore ZIP file from *within* Windows Explorer!"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21955">21955</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZIPRO107.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21955&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">ZIPRO107.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZIP/TAR/TGZ/Z/LZH file manager for Windows
95. Installs seamlessly into Win95 Explorer;
with extensive drag n' drop and context
menus. No need to decompress files first to
view, simply select file on left pane and
ZIPPRO's innovative InstantView displays
contents in ASCII or HEX on right pane

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21956">21956</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZMW95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21956&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Pakkausohjelmat">ZMW95.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>319 kt</td>


                    <td>12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZipMaster 1.1Full- featured ZIP file manager. Full long directory/file name support. Zip, un-zip, view ZIP files.  
Move, copy, delete, rename files. Make, rename, remove directories. Drag/drop from Explorer. 
Native zip/unzip operations, no shells, no DLLs.  Works with Windows 95 & NT only.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20324">20324</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CALCV115.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20324&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Taulukkolaskenta">CALCV115.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CALC v1.15: Infinite precision floating
point calculator. DOS 16-bit and Win32
console mode versions included.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=63881">63881</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Excel viewer for Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=64720">64720</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HBW22.ZIP&tiedoston_id=64720&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Taulukkolaskenta">HBW22.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Home Budget v2.2 Finance Manager
Designed in the traditional envelope system
where you set aside a portion of your
income for various expenses.
Includes versions for both Windows 95 and
Windows 3.1.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20992">20992</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SMITH95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20992&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Taulukkolaskenta">SMITH95.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Money Smith (TM) '95 <ASP> - Award winning
Double Entry Accounting for Windows 95!
Winner of 1995 Shareware Industry Award and
1994 Ziff-Davis PC Magazine Shareware Award.
Double entry accounting, financial calculator
and investment tracking excellent for
personal and small business use. Outstanding
updated interface - fast and painless to use.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21957">21957</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ASCIINM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21957&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">ASCIINM.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>440,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ASCII Name MakerJust put a word into the program and it spits out the word in special characters.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21958">21958</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AscToRTF v1.0Ohjelma, joka tekee puhtaasta ASCII-tekstistä muotoiltua
tekstiä. AscToHTM-ohjelmaan perustuva systeemi tunnistaa
tekstistä otsikot, listat, taulukot, jne. Käyttäjä voi 
valita mm. käytetyn fontin ja avainsanat.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21959">21959</a></td>

                    <td>6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ASP Express v1.81ASP Express on editori, joka on tarkoitettu erityisesti
ASP-sivujen kirjoittamiseen, mutta se soveltuu hyvin myös
normaalin HTML-kielen tuottamiseen. Ominaisuuksiin kuuluu
mm. sisäänrakennettu FTP-yhteys, tagien puumainen katselu ja
monia valmiita helposti lisättäviä elementtäjä.
Shareware. http://www.aspexpress.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21960">21960</a></td>

                    <td>76,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Bifocal Notepad v1.0Tässä ilmaisessa teksturissa on tavallista suurempikokoiset tekstit ja nappulat, joten sen käyttö ei ole samanlaista tihrustamista kuin monien muiden ohjelmien kanssa. Ohjelma sopii hyvin esimerkiksi niille, joilla on käytössä suuri resoluutio.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21961">21961</a></td>

                    <td>622,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BigEdit Text Editor v1.0Program allows you to to create or edit text files, size limited only by available system memory.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21962">21962</a></td>

                    <td>879,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BrainStorm v1.0.1 Tekstieditori, joka auttaa ajatusten jäsentämisessä. Shareware, $40. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20322">20322</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Calamus for Windows 95.
Saksalainen DTP-ohjelma.Huippulaatua
oleva taitto-ohjelma.
Moduulirakenteinen. DEMO-versio ei
sisällä kaikkia ominaisuuksia.
Ohjelma on englanninkielinen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20323">20323</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Calamus for Windown 95 DPT-ohjelman
online helpit.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21963">21963</a></td>

                    <td>241,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ClusterView v4.01aYou have hard time finding again HTML files in your NetScape or Mosaic cache directory. ClusterView will allow you to search them for some specific item. Here is the great file viewer you wanted! Reads long documents fast, extensive search support, keyboard commands compatible with MORE and LESS (Unix utilities). http://perso.magic.fr/roumazeilles/clusterv.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21964">21964</a></td>

                    <td>253,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Code Edit v1.2 Code Edit is a Windows text editor primarily designed for writing code. It organizes the files it has open, making it easy to work on projects involving many files. It can run over eighty external programs, allowing you to do anything from compiling a program (and running the program after it has been compiled) to displaying a file in a Web browser. It is also fully persistent, even preserving the caret position and highlighting. Shareware. Windows</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21965">21965</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ConTEXT Näppärä tekstieditori ohjelmoijille, joka näkyy muun muassa siinä että se tukee yli tusinan ohjelmointikielen ja merkintäjärjestelmän syntaksia. ConTEXTin muista ominaisuuksista voi mainita kahden kymmenen eri kielen tuen, mahdollisuuden muuntaa tekstitiedostoja ms-dosin, Unixin ja Macin formaattien välillä, koodin tehokkaan kommentoinnin ja mahdollisuuden tallentaa tiedostoja sekä html että rtf- formaateissa. Freeware. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21966">21966</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CWordPad Word Processor v1.00A Freeware enhanced replacement for Windows 95 WordPad, includes a spell checking function and a more complete Help file.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20338">20338</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DoublePage for Microsoft Word for Windows 95
and other versions. Freeware macro prints
documents in a 2-column landscape format on
the default printer. Cut down on paper costs
and help save a tree! Easy to install & use.
Read enclosed readme.txt for details.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21969">21969</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DICTFI.EXE&tiedoston_id=21969&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">DICTFI.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>673,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto UltraEditiin</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21967">21967</a></td>

                    <td>673,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Suomenkielinen kielitiedosto UltraEditiinTämä kielitiedosto on UltraEditin versioon 8.10.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21968">21968</a></td>

                    <td>676,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Suomennostiedosto UltraEdit 9:äänKielitiedosto UltraEditin versioon 9.0</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21970">21970</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DUDEN32I.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21970&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">DUDEN32I.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Duden Spelling Dictionary 1.0 Spelling
dictionary for popular word processors. Win95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21979">21979</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=E-TYPE42.EXE&tiedoston_id=21979&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">E-TYPE42.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>10,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EliteTyping 2001Elite Typing is touch-typing tutor software that teaches you touch-typing in an easy, effective, and amusing way. Elite Typing includes a full graphical user interface that is designed to be intuitive and easy to operate. Elite Typing is suitable for both adults and children. It enables you to advance, step by step, according to your own personal pace, and offers you a variety of exercises in different categories with the opportunity to create your own drills. You can create reports that show the drills, scores, and typing errors. Three-dimensional graphs show your typing progress. Features include support for multiple users, 30 comprehensive keyboard lessons for typists and computer users, comprehensive keypad lessons for numeric pad users, lesson practices include single letters, and word and full sentence drills. Version 4.2 adds support for Windows Me, new practices, new lessons, a full graphical user interface, and more multimedia effects.This download is limited to a 30-day trial. The full version costs $19. Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000. http://www.clasys.com/elitetyping.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21971">21971</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ECPD3235.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21971&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">ECPD3235.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ecopad32 V3.50 <ASP> Text Editor for Win95
Print up to 8 pages of condensed text on one
sheet of paper. Supports any printer that is
compatible with Windows95/NT * Shareware
version is fully functional. * Ecopad can now
load/print files up to 32MB * Two sided
printing. Requires Windows95 or WindowsNT

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21972">21972</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ED23.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21972&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">ED23.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>23871/PC World Interactive 1 - Nisan 1997.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Editeur V2.3 text editor for Windows 95. A
full featured, all-users text editor. Handles
Windows, Dos, and Unix files. Multitext, no
size limit. Font choice. Tool and status
bars. Editing options incude word wrap and
viewing of tabs/paragraphs/spaces. Unlimited
undo/redo, multitext search/replace ,
bookmarks, macros, sortings, help, ... $
29.95. Registration includes access to the
future versions.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21973">21973</a></td>

                    <td>292,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EditPad. PostCardWareVaihtoehto Windowsin Notepadille. Tukee drag and drop
toimintaa ja useita koodaamisessa tarvittavia tiedostomuotoja.  Ohjelmassa voi
pitää useita tiedostoja auki ja vaihtaa dokumenttia napin painalluksella.Saatavana myös suomenkieliset tekstit kotisivuilta. http://www.jgsoft.com </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21974">21974</a></td>

                    <td>6,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EditorPro Suite v1.01 EditorPro Suite combines EditorPro (a full featured text editor with syntax highlighting and multiple file types) and Tray Suite (a tray application). Use one text editor for all your editing needs, no longer open different applications to view and edit your code and plain text files. Shareware. Windows 95/98/NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21975">21975</a></td>

                    <td>185,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EasyEditKevyt hyvä ja monipuolinen tekstieditori. Mm. korvaus ja etsintä. RTF ja HTML -tiedostot. Päivämäärä ja ylä/ala-tunnisteet. Rekisteröinti 50mk. Rekisteröimällä seur. versio ilmaiseksi.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21976">21976</a></td>

                    <td>166,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EasyEdit 32 v1.2Monipuolinen tekstieditori. Katso päivityksiä http://www.sci.fi/~laurit.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21977">21977</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=EP2SETUP.EXE&tiedoston_id=21977&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">EP2SETUP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>970 kt</td>


                    <td>14497/Internet News 2001-02 - CD-ROM.rar</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"EditPlus 2.10cEditPlus is an Internet-ready 32-bit Text editorHTML editor and Programmers editor for Windows. While it can serve as a good replacement for Notepadit also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers. Syntax highlighting for HTMLCSSPHPASPPerlC/C++JavaJavaScript and VBScript. Seamless Web browser for previewing HTML pagesand FTP commands for uploading local files to FTP server. Other features include HTML toolbaruser toolsline numberrulerURL highlightingauto-completioncliptextcolumn selectionpowerful search and replacemultiple undo/redospell checkercustomizable keyboard shortcutsand more. 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by ES-Computing. http://www.editplus.com"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21978">21978</a></td>

                    <td>291 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Editpad v4.3.0 Pieni ja ilmainen Windowsin Notepadin (Muistion) korvaava monipuolinen tekstieditori. Tukee useiden tiedostojen samanaikaista käsittelyä, drag&dropia, yms. Postcardwarea, eli rekisteröintiin riittää postikortin lähetys tekijälle.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21980">21980</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=EWRITE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21980&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">EWRITE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>3,3 Mt</td>


                    <td>19733/01 SWP 046 - 03-1997.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Easy Write (32-bit) EW is an easy to use word processor complete with print preview and spell checker. This version brings up a nag screen every five minutes. Requires Win95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21981">21981</a></td>

                    <td>4,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Easy PDF v1.1.0Siisti ja tehokas WYSIWYG-editori PDF-tiedostojen tekoon. Ominaisuuksia kuvankaappaus, RTF-tiedostojen tuonti, PDF 1.2 -tuki ja paljon muuta. 20 päivän kokeiluversio. http://www.visagesoft.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21982">21982</a></td>

                    <td>503,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fastpad v2.4.35Fastpad on nopea ja helppokäyttöinen tekstieditori, jolla voit muokata ja luoda omia kirjoituksia. Fastpad on myös turvallinen, koska siinä on mahdollisuus salata (Encrypt/Decrypt) omat tekstisi niin että kukaan muu ei voi niitä lukea. Ohjelma on vapaasti levitettävissä mutta sitä ei saa muuttaa millään tavalla ja sitä suojaa tekijäinoikeuslaki.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21983">21983</a></td>

                    <td>4,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Fiction Magician 3.0Make computer writing and creativity assistance more accessible to a broader audience of people. The system serves two primary purposes: 1. Provides on-demand creativity enhancing toolscharacter developersand story helpers 24 hours per dayseven days per week. 2.Assists the writer in overcoming the always haunting writers block. Use the FM to break down those creative walls that build up from time to time. Microsoft Windows 95"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=64214">64214</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FMANJ70.ZIP&tiedoston_id=64214&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">FMANJ70.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>File Manager Jr. for Word 95 v7.0. The
program allows you to delete, undelete, move,
copy and rename files--all without leaving
Word. You can also open existing files,
delete backup files in one or more folders
and print files without having to bring them
onscreen. Additional features are available
to registered users.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21984">21984</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Final Writer - demo versionA PC release of famed Amiga-word processor from Softwood to challenge Microsoft Word/ Office. For Windows 95 only.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21985">21985</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HEDIT2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21985&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">HEDIT2.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>22664/cd joystick no97 octobre 1998.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HEdit (32-bit) - is a hexadecimal editor for
binary files. Features include unlimited file
size, drag-and-drop support, binary and text
search, selectable fonts, clipboard support,
and a multiple document interface.
Requires Win95/NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21986">21986</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>helpMATIC Pro V1.0 Windows 95 help authoring tool that allows you to create Windows help files without all the low level programming required by conventional methods. Multiple colors, font, formatting, WYSIWYG,</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21987">21987</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HLP2RTF.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21987&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">HLP2RTF.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinHelp to RTF conversion tool (Win16/32)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21989">21989</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>jEdit v2.5.1 Monipuolinen tekstieditori, joka sopii myös ohjelmointiin ja HTML:n tekemiseen yms. Runsaasti lisäpalikoita (plugins) saatavissa. Ilmainen (GPL-lisenssi). Tehty Javalla, vaatii Java 1.1 & Swing tai Java 2.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21991">21991</a></td>

                    <td>468 tavua</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MiniEditMiniEdit - maailman pienin tekstieditori. Vaatii: PC. Poistu minieditistä painamalla CTRL + Z ja enter. Tehnyt: POWERONION. Käyttö omalla vastuulla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21990">21990</a></td>

                    <td>312,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MiniEdit v1.0 A powerful text editor for Win95 by Tuukka Smolander, 1998</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21992">21992</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MHELP10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21992&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">MHELP10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MaseHelp v. 1.0Suomenkielinen editori Win95/98/NT4:n ohjetiedostojen tekoa varten. Vaatii toimiakseen Microsoft Help Workshopin ohjekääntäjän (HCRTF.EXE). HW:n löydät mm. Internetistä osoitteesta http://helpmaster.com/zip/hcw403.exe Tekijä Matti Erkama <maerkama@pelu.jns.fi>.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21993">21993</a></td>

                    <td>399,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mini NoteTab 2.01Freeware multi-page text file editor. Provides a convenient way to display and edit one or more text files. Drag-and-drop files from File Manager or Explorer; easily reopen favourite files; shortcut menu to access commonly used commands; and lots of other useful features.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21994">21994</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NOTEBK37.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21994&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">NOTEBK37.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>(v3.7) Notebk37.zip - W95 Large File Editor
Notebook is a Notepad replacement which:
(1).Will open VERY large files; (2).Has a
toolbar; (3).Supports DRAG and DROP editing;
(4).Features full font control; (5). Supports
overtype mode; (6). Will allow print/saving
to file SELECTED text. VB40032.DLL Required.
Shareware (U.S. $15.00 + $2.00 ship). Ron
Parker (CT Software) ron2222@aol.com.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21995">21995</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NPPLUS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21995&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">NPPLUS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>203,4 kt</td>


                    <td>Pelit CD 1998</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RogSoft NotePad+ 1.11 NotePad+ is a free drop-in replacement for Win95/NT 4.0 Notepad, that eats standard Notepad for lunch!  - No more file size barrier under Win95 - Opens multiple files - MAPI enabled to send files through e-mail - Drag-and-drop of selected text within open file and between open files - Fonts & colors user-definable - Open/Save Dialog filters user-definable - Numerous other improvements.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21996">21996</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NoteTab Light v4.84Ilmainen ja erittäin monipuolinen teksturi, joka korvaa esimerkiksi Windowsin Muistion (Notepad) mennen tullen. Ohjelmassa on muun muassa käteviä HTML-toimintoja, ohjelmoitava leikepöytä ja paljon muuta. Avoinna olevat tiedostot näkyvät ohjelman ylälaidassa välilehtinä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21997">21997</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NoteTab Pro v4.84A leading-edge text and HTML editor. Handle a stack of huge files with ease, format text, and perform system- wide searches and multi-line replacements. Build document templates, convert text to HTML on the fly, and take charge of your code with helpful HTML tools. Use a power-packed scripting language to create anything from a text macro to a mini-application. Winner of top industry awards in 1998 and 1999. $19.95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67195">67195</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PFE0602I.ZIP&tiedoston_id=67195&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">PFE0602I.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Programmer's File Editor 0.06.002i (32bit for
Win95 & winnt 3.51). Released 17 Oct 1995.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21998">21998</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PFE101I.ZIP&tiedoston_id=21998&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">PFE101I.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>607,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Programmers File Editor v1.01 A large capacityfreeware editor for both programming and general use. Win9x/NT"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21999">21999</a></td>

                    <td>920,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QuickPhrase v1.70Voit tallentaa tähän ohjelmaan jopa sata tekstinpätkää, jotka saat myöhemmin käyttöön joko näppäinyhdistelmällä tai tehtäväpalkissa olevan kuvakkeen kautta. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20435">20435</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QRED32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20435&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">QRED32.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QRead v95-2.0 <ASP> Text File Viewer for
Windows 95 makes it easy to read files of any
size in any font on your screen. QRead will
automatically adjust the font size or line
breaks to fit the window. Provides tools for
reading and organizing: reading lists,
timers, clipboard view, drag and drop
compatibility, printing, multifile search,
bookmark, and file delete. Can be customized
on a file by file basis.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20438">20438</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Steve Dossick's RabbitHelp (R)
***Windows 95 Native 32-bit Edition***
World's best-selling "Plug-In" Help System
For Microsoft Word for Windows
For Microsoft Excel for Windows
For Novell WordPerfect for Windows
For Lotus 1-2-3 for Windows</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22000">22000</a></td>

                    <td>345,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ReadMe Builder v0.1RMB on ReadMe-tekstien generointiin tarkoitettu ohjelma
Vaatii: 32bit. Windows.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20445">20445</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SCRPAD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20445&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">SCRPAD.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Scratch Pad Version 2.0, Notepad replacement.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68458">68458</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SMALED13.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68458&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">SMALED13.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Smalled 1.30 Is a high powered 32 bit multi
threaded PM editor with a lot of extra's.
Features Full DRAG-N-DROP interface (for:
open, save, print, copy, move, shred and
PP), DragText compatible, ATM fonts, WYSIWYG
printing, extended EA usage, configurable
Toolbar, statusbar, configurable context
popup, Bubble help, DBCS support,file-
search, File-history, extended help, etc.
TRY IT for a 40 day trial period!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68482">68482</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SMTDOC20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68482&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">SMTDOC20.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SmartDoc 95 - Extract/Print Windows Help!
This simple utility allows you take a Windows
Help File and either extract all the text
from it into a plain-text file, or print the
whole thing including graphics. Either way,
armed with a binding strip you can make
yourself some nice manuals! This version
supports both W3.x and W95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22001">22001</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SMTDOC95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22001&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">SMTDOC95.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SmartDoc 95 - Extract/Print Windows Help!
This simple utility allows you take a Windows
Help File and either extract all the text
from it into a plain-text file, or print the
whole thing including graphics. Either way,
armed with a binding strip you can make
yourself some nice manuals! This version
supports both W3.x and W95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22002">22002</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SNOTTB24.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22002&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">SNOTTB24.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>364,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Super NoteTab 2.4Freeware multi-page text file editor. Provides a convenient way to display and edit one or more text files. Powerful search and replace commands; web enabled; Clipbook with templates for HTML tags; easily reopen favorite files; word and character statistics; shortcut menu to access commonly used commands; context sensitive help file; and lots of other useful features.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22003">22003</a></td>

                    <td>422,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Search & Replace 98 v3.12Ilmainen ohjelma tavallisen ASCII-tekstin korvaamiseen. Voit muuttaa saman tekstin monesta eri tiedostosta kerralla. Halutessa ohjelma näyttää ja varmistaa jokaisen korvaustoimenpiteen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22004">22004</a></td>

                    <td>669,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TextExtract 2.2.0Tämä ilmainen ohjelma pelastaa vaurioituneen
dokumentin sisällä olevat tekstit talteen. http://www.ultima-thule.co.uk/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22005">22005</a></td>

                    <td>101,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tekstin muokkaaja v1.0Tämä ohjelma muuttaa useamman tekstin kokoa, eli SUURESTA pieneksi ja päinvastoin. Copyright 2000 Valtteri Huttunen</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22006">22006</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TextPad v3.25</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22007">22007</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TREKP02.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22007&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">TREKP02.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>130,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TrekPAD v0.2"Notepad" with graphics like in "Star Trek: The Next Generation" computer screens for Windows95. (Win32) Made by Tommi Hares (tommi.hares@netsonic.fi) TrekPAD v0.2 is FREEWARE Features include SLEEP mode. New features like commandline support added.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22008">22008</a></td>

                    <td>196,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"TrekPAD 1.0B A Star Trek look-alike notepad! Totally re-designed program with almost 100% look-alike from the Star Trek: TNG screens! Trekkers absolute must have! FREEWARE! Many new features! (eg. window can be moved/minimized and FULL SCREEN mode) Made in Finland by tommi.hares@netsonic.fi"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22009">22009</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TSE32C28.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22009&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">TSE32C28.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"The SemWare Editor Professional v2.8Text mode programmers editor. Offers long filename support; online help; syntax highlighting; regular expression search/replace; hex/binary editing; spelling checker; interactive configuration; macro language with debugger; configurable menus/ keyboard; multi-language compiler support."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22010">22010</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TxE v8TxE8 on helppokäyttöinen ja kevyt
suomenkielinen tekstinkäsittelyohjelma,
jolla teet kirjoituksesi helposti ja nopeasti.
Ohjelma vaatii 486 ja Windows 95.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69488">69488</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TXP3220.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69488&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">TXP3220.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TEXTPAD 2.0: Ziff-Davis 1995 Award winner.
"TextPad is the BEST 32-bit text editor I've
seen! It's fast, loaded with features, and
beautifully done. Get it!" - Dr File Finder.
"Setting new standards... 10/10" - PC Plus.
"Best editor for Windows that we've ever
seen" - Windows User. Available for Windows
95/NT & Windows 3.1. Writing Applications.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22011">22011</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TXPRNT10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22011&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">TXPRNT10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>74,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TxtPrint v1.0Oiva apu esimerkiksi lähdekoodin tulostamiseen. Mahdollisuus tulostaa monta sivua
samalle paperille, säätää tabulaattorin pituutta ym. ym. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22012">22012</a></td>

                    <td>3,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TypingMaster 2002Kotimaisen kaupallisen kymmensormiharjoittimen ilmainen englanninkielinen kokeiluversio. Runsaasti ominaisuuksia, joista vain osa on näkyvillä ilmaisversiossa.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22013">22013</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TYPM99SF.EXE&tiedoston_id=22013&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">TYPM99SF.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TypingMaster 99Suomenkielinen versio kotimaisesta 10-sormijärjestelmän opetusohjelmasta. Rekisteröimättömänä toimivat kolme ensimmäistä harjoitustasoa. http://www.TypingMaster.com/fin</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22014">22014</a></td>

                    <td>992,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UltraEdit v7.00b 32-bitErittäin monipuolinen koodi-, html-, teksti ja heksaeditori. Sharewarea 45 päivän kokeiluajalla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22015">22015</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UltraEdit 8.10aErittäin monipuolinen ohjelmakoodi-, HTML-, teksti ja heksaeditori. Sharewarea 45 päivän kokeiluajalla.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69979">69979</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WD95VIEW.EXE&tiedoston_id=69979&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WD95VIEW.EXE</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Word Viewer 95 (v7.0)
New 32-bit DOC file viewer for Win95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22016">22016</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WD95VIEW.TXT&tiedoston_id=22016&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WD95VIEW.TXT</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Word Viewer 95 (v7.0) docs</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22017">22017</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WD97VW32.EXE&tiedoston_id=22017&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WD97VW32.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"MS Word Viewer97Näyttää MS-Word tiedostot ilman MS Wordia."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22018">22018</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WDIA203Z.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22018&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WDIA203Z.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>


                    <td>4567/Win Heaven '95.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet Assistant for Word v2.03Microsoft Internet Assistant for Word allows you to create HTML documents from Microsoft Word, or convert existing Microsoft Word Documents into HTML pages.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22019">22019</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"WordExpress v2.0 for Win95Award Winning Word Processor. Full Windows 95 feature set including long filenamesemailfaxOLE/2uninstall and more. Top of the line features include WYSIWYG editingfontscolumnspicturestablesand lots more!  Voted Best New Product and Best Word Processing Application for 1995 by SIAF. Member SPAASPSTAR"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22020">22020</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WE32-95G.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22020&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WE32-95G.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinEdit 95G (ASP) - Programmable  Editor for
Windows Environment. Fast, full featured
editor, or simple file browser.  High speed,
super powerful. Edits large files. Color-
coding.  Macro language. 16 & 32 bit exe's
WinEdit for Windows 3.1/95/NT $99.95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69991">69991</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WE95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69991&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WE95.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WordExpress v2.0 for Win95 - Award Winning
Word Processor. Full Windows 95 feature set
including long filenames, email, fax, OLE/2,
uninstall and more. Top of the line features
include WYSIWYG editing, fonts, columns,
pictures, tables, and lot's more!  Voted Best
New Product and Best Word Processing
Application for 1995 by SIAF. Member SPA,
ASP, STAR</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22021">22021</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINDPAD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22021&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WINDPAD.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>


                    <td>19733/01 SWP 046 - 03-1997.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WindPad WindPad is a 32bit editor for Windows 95 which supports RTF and ASCII Text files of  unlimited size. There are also web page  wizards for creating WWW pages. WinPad has  support for email and zip files along with  many other useful features. Requires  VB40032.DLL. Shareware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22022">22022</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINEDT95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22022&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WINEDT95.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WINEDT release 1.d - Winedt 95 is a
state-of-art-text editor and project manager.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22023">22023</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WPLUS10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22023&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WPLUS10.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>4567/Win Heaven '95.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Win95 Wordpad Plus v4.1 <ASP> Wordpad plus is
an enhancement of Win95 Wordpad. It adds a
spell checker item to Wordpad's tool menu.
All feature of Wordpad is supported. Requires
Win 95 or Win NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22024">22024</a></td>

                    <td>617,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Writer Plus 2000 v1.0Pienikokoinen ja äärimmäisen ILMAINEN tekstieditori.
Monipuolisempi vaihtoehto Windowsin Wordpadille.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20545">20545</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WWEB95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20545&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WWEB95.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WordWeb V1.51 FreeWare Windows 95 and Windows
3.1 Edition. Powerful thesaurus/dictionary
can be used from many word processors or on
its own.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20546">20546</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WWEBDAT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20546&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WWEBDAT.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WordWeb v1.51 Windos 95 and 3.1 Data Files

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70240">70240</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WXPR32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70240&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">WXPR32.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WordExpress v2.0 for Win95 - Award winning
Word Processor. Full Windows 95 feature set
including long filenames, email, fax, OLE/2,
uninstall and more. Top of the line features
include WYSIWYF editing, fonts, columns,
pictures, tables, and lot's more!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22025">22025</a></td>

                    <td>513,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>X-Replace-32 V1.76 The tool you need for massive search-and-replace operations among all the ASCII files you have stored. A utility with a heritage back to DOS-only days, X-Replace-32 lets you select files by wildcard or gather and then drag and drop them from a built-in Win95 window. Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22026">22026</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=YW11_32.EXE&tiedoston_id=22026&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tekstink%C3%A4sittely">YW11_32.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>996,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Yeah Write v1.1 A word processor with just the essential</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22027">22027</a></td>

                    <td>39,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3DMark2001 SE build 330  MadOnionin maineikas 3DMark2001 SE testaa käyttäjänsä tietokoneen ja kertoo yleisarvosanan, jota voi vertailla muiden käyttäjien kanssa vaikka internetissä. Build 330 lisää ohjelmaan tuen tuleville DirectX:n versiolle, AGP 3.0:lle (AGP 8x), tuen ja tunnistuksen uusille laitteille ja korjaa kaikki ohjelmassa ilmenneet ongelmat. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22028">22028</a></td>

                    <td>19,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3DMark2000 v1.1 by MadOnion.com.3DMark2000 is the latest installment in the popular 3DMark series. Combining DirectX 7.0 support with completely new graphics, it continues to provide benchmark results designed to empower you to make informed upgrade decisions by delivering the game content of tomorrow--today. 3DMark2000 has been created in cooperation with major 3D accelerator and processor manufacturers to provide you with the best possible and most reliable set of diagnostic tools. Also included is a completely new demo mode, which demonstrates some of the latest innovations and advances that real-time 3D graphics can now offer. 3DMark2000 is a full version download. However, Pro users may wish to purchase the upgrade for $29.99 to receive the Pro version, which offers additional features. Minimum requirements: Pentium-166 MMX, Windows 95/98, 64MB RAM, 3D accelerator, DirectX 7.0.(http://www.madonion.com/performance/3dmark2000/)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22029">22029</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=3DMARK01.EXE&tiedoston_id=22029&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">3DMARK01.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>38 Mt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3DMark 2001 by MadOnion.Com 1/13DMark2001 is the latest installment in the popular 3DMark series. Combining DirectX 8.0 support with completely new graphics, it continues to provide benchmark results designed to empower you to make informed upgrade decisions by delivering the game content of tomorrow--today.    3DMark2001 has been created in cooperation with major 3D accelerator and processor manufacturers to provide you with the best possible and most reliable set of diagnostic tools. Also included is a completely new demo mode that includes four new game tests and demonstrates some of the latest innovations and advances that real-time 3D graphics can offer. 3DMark2001 is a full version download. However, Pro users may wish to purchase the upgrade for $39.95 to receive the Pro version, which offers additional    features. These features include flexible testing automation options, including batch run; command-line support; and a professional result browser tool with full Windows compatibility. http://gamershq.madonion.com/3dmark2001/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22030">22030</a></td>

                    <td>4,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"3DMark99 2/4"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22031">22031</a></td>

                    <td>4,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"3DMark99 3/4"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22032">22032</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"3DMark99 4/4"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22033">22033</a></td>

                    <td>4,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"3DMark99 - 1/4The GamersBenchmark is a diagnostic suite that analyzestests and reports Your systems 3D performance.Advanced diagnostics and testing tool based on MAX-FX Technology. DirectX6 compatible. One Click Benchmarking - Get a single 3DMark score in less than 5 minutes. Intuitive Interface. Windows 95 etc. 3DMark Development Team.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22034">22034</a></td>

                    <td>40 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3DMark 2001 Second Edition3DMark®2001 SE is the latest installment in the popular 3DMark series. By combining DirectX®8.1 support with completely new graphics, it continues to provide benchmark results that empower you to make informed hardware assessments.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22035">22035</a></td>

                    <td>631,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Any Speed version 1.3 Helps you to define the data transfer speed in a network. With this program you can measure the real transfer speed between Internet provider and your computer and define the time when Internet speed is highest. Also Any Speed can measure speed of a local network or a CD ROM driver.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22036">22036</a></td>

                    <td>3,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BCM Diagnostics Informative and helpful Win95 programs designed to test your system and diagnose problems. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22037">22037</a></td>

                    <td>41 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Be Fast v2.2Ohjelma laskee yksinkertaisesti tietokoneen nopeuden.
Se pyörittää itseään ympäri ja kertoo paljonko se looppaa sekunnissa.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=9165">9165</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BENCH32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=9165&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">BENCH32.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>A benchmark program that
attempts to test the total system
performance on machines that have 486 DX-33
processors and higher.  This program was not
intended to run on any CPU without a math
coprocessor.  The benchmarks attempt to use
all of the relevant functionality that is
present in Win32 applications like
multithreading, 2-D, 3-D graphics, cached,
uncached disk performance, etc.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22039">22039</a></td>

                    <td>546,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BurnInTest 2.3BurnInTest on testipaketti joka tutkii koneen prosessorin, 2d ja 3d-grafiikan, muistin, cd- ja levyasemat, äänikortin, kovalevyt, nettiyhteyden ja printterit, etsien eri operaatiossa tapahtuvia virheitä. Shareware, 22 USD. http://www.passmark.com/products/bit.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22040">22040</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Bandwidth Meter 2001 2.0Testaa nettiyhteytesi nopeus puolueettomalla ohjelmalla. Bandwidth Meter osaa mitata erilaisia nopeuksia ja reagoida näihin haluamallasi tavalla. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22041">22041</a></td>

                    <td>293,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CDCheck on näppärä pieni sovellus cd-levyjen eheyden tarkastamiseen. Se käy läpi kaikki rompulla olevat tiedostot, minkä lisäksi sillä voi verrata kahden cd-levyn sisältöS toisiinsa. Ilmainen. http://Fusion.zejn.si</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22042">22042</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CDS99041.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22042&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">CDS99041.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>172,6 kt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CD Speed 99 v0.41Measures the speed of your CD-ROM drive. Windows version.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22043">22043</a></td>

                    <td>6,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cool Info 99 2.7i Antaa syvällisen luettelon koneesi teknisistä ominaisuuksista, alkaen suorittimesta ja päätyen koneelle asennettuihin fontteihin. 30 päivän kokeiluversio, 
rekisteröintimaksu $19.95 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22044">22044</a></td>

                    <td>36,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Codecreatures 3D benchmark 1.0 Ohjelma tehokkaan grafiikkakortin nopeuden määrittelyyn. Se sopii esimerkiksi GeForce 3, GeForce4 Ti sekä ATI Radeon 8500 -korteille, ja se on kirjoitettu DirectX 8.1 rajapinnalle. Codecreatures 3D Benchmark puskee näyttökortin todella äärirajoille, ja ohjelman käyttöohjeet onkin syytä lukea ennen sen kokeilemista. Ilmainen. Windows Me/2000/XP. http://www.codecult.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22046">22046</a></td>

                    <td>83,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"CPU-Z 1.02CPU-Z is a CPU detection program. In addition to classic CPUID information 
(CPU featurescache information)it gives some extra info such as the CPU
packagethe clock multiplierthe front side bus speedand in some cases
its able to detect overclocking. Freeware.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22045">22045</a></td>

                    <td>98,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"CPU-Z 1.07CPU-Z is a CPU detection program. In addition to classic
CPUID information (CPU featurescache information)it gives
some extra info such as the CPU packagethe clock
multiplierthe front side bus speedand in some cases its
able to detect overclocking. Freeware. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22047">22047</a></td>

                    <td>72 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoftin Direct3D-nopeustestiOsa DirectX-SDK:ta.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22048">22048</a></td>

                    <td>114,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DDCtest v1.4 A free little DDC diagnostic and PnP monitor information utility. Now with expanded list of monitor manufacturers and support for extended EDID data structures.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22049">22049</a></td>

                    <td>956,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fresh Diagnose 3.75 Fresh Diagnose on ilmaisohjelma koneen laitteiston ja asetusten tarkasteluun. Käyttäjä saa selkeän ja kattavan kuvauksen koneen eri komponenttien ominaisuuksista, minkä lisäksi oman koneen suorittimen, kovalevyn, multimediaominaisuuksien ja muistin suorituskyvyn saa kätevästi mitattua.  Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.freshdevices.com/freshdiag.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22050">22050</a></td>

                    <td>3,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Final Reality 1.01 2/2</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22051">22051</a></td>

                    <td>3,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Final Reality 1.01 1/2This is a great benchmarking utility for testing out your computers 3D video capabilities. A new standard in hardware testing and comparison. Made in Finland! Remedy Entertainment. "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22052">22052</a></td>

                    <td>48,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fraps 1.8A Mittaa ruudunpäivityksen nopeus (FPS) DirectX ja OpenGL -rajapintaa käyttävissä peleissä, laske keskimääräinen suorituskyky halutulla aika välillä ja ota ruudunkaappauksia. Ilmainen. http://www.fraps.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22053">22053</a></td>

                    <td>956 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Fresh Diagnose 1.5Scans your system and gives you a complete report 
about your computers hardware and softwarefor 
example information about: mainboardvideo system
busesperipheral (keyboardmouseprinteretc.)
network. The program also tests system performance
such as processorhard diskmultimediamemory 
and compare it with other systems.
Freeware. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22054">22054</a></td>

                    <td>677,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hardware sensors monitor sensors monitor (Dec 2001) The most universal hardware monitoring program for Windows 9X/ME/NT/2000/XP! This program monitors and displays certain parameters (temperatures, voltages, fans RPM) taken from h/w sensor chips, installed on smart motherboards. Customizable alarms can be displayed. Professional license includes thermo control features (so-called "Software cooling") and ASUS VGA cards h/w monitoring support. ----------------------------------------- Shareware $24 ($29 for Pro license) http://www.hmonitor.com </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22055">22055</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HMONPRO.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22055&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">HMONPRO.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>575,5 kt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hardware sensors monitor Pro most universal hardware monitoring program for Windows 95/98/2000/NT! 
Professional version has thermo control features (ie Software cooling) This program 
monitors and displays certain parameters (temperatures, voltages, fans RPM) taken 
from h/w sensor chips, installed on smart motherboards. Customizable alarms can 
be displayed. Shareware $20 http://www.hmonitor.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22056">22056</a></td>

                    <td>933,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hot CPU Tester Pro 3.3 Hot CPU tester Pro tutkii sekä emolevyn, suorittimen että muistin ja etsii niistä vikoja. Ohjelma antaa komponenteille kyytiä useita tunteja kestävässä testissä, ja antaa tuloksista selkeän yhteenvedon. Hot CPU Tester Prolla voi myös ottaa vertailukelpoisen mittauksen koneensa nopeudesta. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.opusware.net/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22057">22057</a></td>

                    <td>522,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hot CPU Tester Lite 1.1.2.Use Hot CPU Tester Lite to test the performance and stability of your system. This free, easy-to-use utility employs MMX instructions to test your CPU, chip sets, memory modules, and other parts of your motherboard. It conducts four separate tests that you can visually monitor. The tests are meant to be run for several hours and have a severe impact on system performance, so you may want to run them overnight. All errors are faithfully reported. A more comprehensive Pro version is available for $20. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by OpusWare. http://www.opusware.net/hct.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22058">22058</a></td>

                    <td>117,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Inhotus 0.1.5 Inhotus on kotimaista tekoa oleva järjestelmän tilan tarkkailuohjelma, jolla saa näkyviin sekä koneen host-nimen, kellonajan, suorittimen käyttöasteen sekä tietoja muistin ja kovalevyn täyttöasteesta.  Ilmainen. http://yartz.daug.net/inhotus/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22059">22059</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MegaLoad 2.0Generates under windows a number of independent loads (programs). The loads mainly allocate, test and free memory (adjustable). The aim is to test the system stability.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22060">22060</a></td>

                    <td>237 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MP3TESTMP3TEST testaa ja ilmoittaa vioittuneet MP3-tiedostot, jotka voidaan asetuksilla määrätä siirrettäviksi johonkin kansioon, tai poistettaviksi.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22061">22061</a></td>

                    <td>39,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"MyCPU 1.11MyCPU is a small utility that identifies your installed CPU. It looks for the vendor string 
(such as AuthenticAMD or GenuineIntel)obtains model information (such as typefamily
modeland stepping)reads the CPUs speed (MHz)and checks for features such as MMX 
and 3DNow. This update features a variety of bug fixes and adds detection of SIMD (ISSE) 
and L2 cache size. Freeware.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22062">22062</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NBENCH.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22062&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">NBENCH.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Nbench 2.0 for Windows NT and Windows 95.
Reports the following components of
performance: CPU speed: integer and floating
operations/sec, L1 & L2 cache speeds: MB/sec.
Main memory speed: MB/sec - disk read/write.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22063">22063</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The WinNT Compatibility Tool v1.0Examines the hardware of your computer and tells you if your computer support Windows NT Workstation 4.0. It also provides you with a summary of detected hardware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22064">22064</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTEST.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22064&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">NTEST.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Nokia Monitor Test v1.0a for Windows</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22065">22065</a></td>

                    <td>135,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PCIList 2.0  Little AGP diagnostic utility. Generates a mini-report in English that can be easily cut and pasted into letters of complaint destined for the mailboxes of various motherboard and graphics card manufacturers. Free. Windows 95/98.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22066">22066</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PCISNIF.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22066&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">PCISNIF.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>56,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PCI Bus Sniffer v0.64bThis is a very easy to use program that allows you to inspect the PCI configuration of your computer.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22067">22067</a></td>

                    <td>546,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PerformanceTest 3.0Performance Test allows you to objectively benchmark a PC using a variety of different 
speed tests, then compare the results to other computers. Twenty-two individual benchmark 
tests are available in six test suites.Features include the following: 
Integer and floating point mathematical operations 
Tests of standard two dimensional graphical functions 
Reading, writing, and seeking within disk files 
Memory allocation and access 
Tests of the MMX (multimedia extensions) within newer CPUs 
A test of the DirectX 3D graphics system.
In addition, there are six summary results plus the overall PassMark Rating result. 
The benchmark results are presented as bar charts. Shareware. This is a 30-day trial. 
The cost to register is $18.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22068">22068</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PIFAST.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22068&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">PIFAST.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>118 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PiFastPIFast on kellottajien suosima ohjelmallinen nopeusmittari. Testi rasittaa ainoastaan suoritinta, mutta yleensä niin tehokkaasti, että järjestelmän mahdollinen epävakaus käy ilmi jo parilla testiajolla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22069">22069</a></td>

                    <td>564,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PerformanceTest 3.4Performance Test allows you to objectively benchmark a PC using a variety of different speed tests. 22 individual benchmark tests are available in six test suites. Features include the following: Integer and floating-point; mathematical operations; Tests of standard 2D graphical functions; Reading, writing, and seeking within disk files;
Memory allocation and access; Tests of the MMX (multimedia extensions) within newer CPUs; A test of the DirectX 3D graphics system. In addition, there are six summary results, plus an overall PassMark Rating result. The benchmark results are presented as bar charts. This version adds Pentium 4 support, AMD Duron support, disk speed graphing, and improved hard drive testing. 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me by PassMark Software. http://www.passmark.com/products/pt.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22070">22070</a></td>

                    <td>989,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Samurize 0.63b Resurssimittari, jonka valttikortti on erittäin laaja muokattavuus. Käyttäjä voi määritellä mittari-ikkunan sisällön ja ulkonäön käytännössä juuri sellaiseksi kuin hän haluaa. Tarjolla on useita valmiita mittareita, minkä lisäksi Samurizer tukee JavaScriptiä ja VBScriptiä, joten omien mittarien koodaaminen onnistuu ohjelmointitaitoisilta. Ilmainen. Windows 2000/XP. http://www.samurize.tk/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22071">22071</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SiSoft SANDRA 2000.3.6.4System Analyzer Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant is a set of system diagnostic and 
benchmarking tools designed to help you keep your computer running at peak performance. 
It provides diagnostic, benchmarking, and performance tune-ups for different hardware devices 
and subsystems, including CPUs, modems, BIOS, drives, graphics cards, and DOS and Windows 
memory. This update adds several modules, including CPU multimedia benchmarking and network 
and memory bandwidth benchmarking. Additional types of hardware can now be detected. 
The shareware version includes 49 modules, and 19 additional modules are included in 
the registered version. The cost to register is $29. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22072">22072</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SANDR710.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22072&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">SANDR710.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"SiSoft SANDRA 2001.0.7.10SiSoft Sandra is a Windows 95/98/Me system analyser 
which includes benchmarking and testing modules. 
It works along the lines of Norton SI/32Discover
CheckItetc. However it tries to go beyond them and 
show you more of whats really going on. You can get 
information about the CPUchipsetvideo adapterports
printerssound cardmemorynetworkWindows internalsetc. 
You can save/print/fax/e-mail system reports in textHTML
XMLSMS/DMI or hierarchical format. Built-in report 
compression (Windows CAB). Multi-processor benchmarks 
for up to 32 CPUs. Automatic install/uninstall - run setup.exe. 
Uninstall any previous version before installing. 
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000. Sharewarebut free 
for private/educational use. Professional version 
includes more modules. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22074">22074</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SANDRA.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22074&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">SANDRA.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SiSoft SANDRA 2000.3.6.4System Analyzer Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant is a set of system diagnostic and 
benchmarking tools designed to help you keep your computer running at peak performance. 
It provides diagnostic, benchmarking, and performance tune-ups for different hardware devices 
and subsystems, including CPUs, modems, BIOS, drives, graphics cards, and DOS and Windows 
memory. This update adds several modules, including CPU multimedia benchmarking and network 
and memory bandwidth benchmarking. Additional types of hardware can now be detected. 
The shareware version includes 49 modules, and 19 additional modules are included in 
the registered version. The cost to register is $29. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22073">22073</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SiSoft SANDRA 98Windows 95/98 diagnostic utility along the lines of Norton/PCTOOLS SI, Q/A Win, etc. 
However, it goes beyond them. Shows undocumented system information. Help file 
explains most of the terms used. Creates, e-mails, faxes or prints system reports. 
Shareware. No nag screens, no time/run limit.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22075">22075</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SigJenny 0.8.0 SigJenny on signaaligeneraattori, jolla tietokoneesta saa helposti eri aaltomuotoja siniaallosta kanttiaallon kautta muihin muotoihin. Signaalin eri ominaisuuksiin pääsee vaikuttamaan varsin monipuolisesti, joten myös saha-aaltoa sekä pulsseja saa generoitua vaivattomasti. Useimmilla äänikorteilla signaalin taajuus on 20 hertsistä 20 kilohertsiin, ja paremmilla laudoilla päästään 40 kilohertsiin.  Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000. http://www.natch.co.uk/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22076">22076</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"SiSoft Sandra 2002SiSoftware SANDRA 2002 - The Diagnostic Tool Standard/Shareware Version - System analyserdiagnostic and benchmarking. SiSoftware Sandra is a Windows 32 system analyser which includes benchmarking and testing modules. It works along the lines of Norton UtilitiesCA UtilitiesCheckItetc. However it tries to go beyond them and show you more of whats really going on. You can get information about the CPUchipsetvideo adapterportsprinterssound cardmemorynetworkWindows internalsetc. You can save/print/fax/e-mail/post/upload or insert into ADO/ODBC databases system reports in textHTMLXMLSMS/DMI or RPT format. Automatic install/uninstall - run setup.exe. Uninstall any previous version before installing. Windows 98/Me/NT4/200X. Sharewarebut free for private/educational use. Professional version includes more modules. E-Mail: Sandra@sisoftware.co.uk WWW: http://www.sisoftware.co.uk/sandra - Windows 98 Suggested Folder: /win98/sysutil Windows NT Suggested Folder: /winNT/sysutil Windows 2000 Suggested Folder: /win2000/sysutil Windows XP Suggested Folder: /winXP/sysutil "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22077">22077</a></td>

                    <td>727,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SysId 2.0aSysId näyttää tietokoneen suorittimen olennaiset tiedot, lähtien nopeudesta ja suorittimen kannasta, ja päätyen jännitteisiin sekä välimuistiasetuksiin. SysId tukee mittavaa määrää suorittimia, ja sen avulla voi tarkastella myös tietokoneessa olevan muistin tietoja sekä mitata oman koneensa nopeuden. Ilmainen. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22078">22078</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SYSMECHN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22078&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">SYSMECHN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>

                        <td>versio ?</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>System Mechanic v3.2dKeep your PC running faster, cleaner, and error-free with this
excellent suite of 12 powerful tools. System Mechanic allows 
you to find and fix problems with your system, properly 
maintain your PC, and even speed up your internet connection!

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22079">22079</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TexBench by Michael T. Free OpenGL synthetic texture download and texture fillrate benchmark with source code. Features: benchmark different texture resolution from 16x16 to 4096x4096, create from 1 to 200 (12GB) textures, benchmark under different OpenGL modes, uses http://www.fltk.org FLTK GUI. Windows 95/98 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22080">22080</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TIRTB190.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22080&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">TIRTB190.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>17,8 Mt</td>


                    <td>20517/PC Utilities 7 - Disc 2.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tirtanium v1.90  OPENGL/DIRECT 3D GRAPHICS DEMO/BENCHMARK Features: Direct 3D and OpenGL in one program Single OpenGL version (for WinNT), DEMO, fully configurable: antialiasing,resolutions, colordeep, .... 3DEngine: dynamic fog simulation, multiple lightning, reflection mapping, 3DInfo button: memory info, refreshrate, Vsync detection DESKTOP 3D RENDERING :)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22081">22081</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Trouble shooting tools - toolboxCollection of 12 best troubleshooting tools. Check your BIOS and CMOS for faults, re-format disks, debug modem connections, back up data, take advantage of undocumented Windows files, diagnose 2D video cards etc. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22082">22082</a></td>

                    <td>21,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre> Video 2000 is a completely new type of benchmarking tool designed for evaluating the video quality, performance and features available in modern graphics adapters. Comprehensive quality tests allow for the accurate measurement of image quality, while Performance and Feature Tests indicate how well your system will perform in a real-world environment. Developed by Mad Onion. Windows 95/98/2000</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=9121">9121</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ziff-Davis WinBench 95 version 1.0.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22083">22083</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wizmark v3.03Dfx Benchmark Req. Win95, Voodoo/Voodoo Rush/16 MB Copyright 1997 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70206">70206</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WT95APP1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70206&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">WT95APP1.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wintune 95-testiohjelman Word- ja

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22085">22085</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wintune 98 v1.0.42WinTune is a low-level benchmark test suite that tests the performance of the major systems of a PC running Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22086">22086</a></td>

                    <td>78,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Windows 95 System CheckTests your hardware to ensure compatibility with Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70213">70213</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Windows 95 System Check
Tests your hardware to ensure compatibility
with Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22087">22087</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=XL-R8R.EXE&tiedoston_id=22087&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Testiohjelmat">XL-R8R.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>14,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"XL-R8R 1.0XL-R8R brings you the worlds first Intelligent PC Hardware Upgrade Recommendations Service
developed by MadOnion.com and delivered by their vast PC Performance Database. 
XL-R8R has a built-in computer system profilerwhich inspects your PCs hardware 
configuration and connects you to our Database for detailed performance analysis 
and upgrade recommendations. The recommendations that you are provided with 
are specific to your system and your requirementsguaranteeing you a better 
PC experience. XL-R8R is a full version download. Minimun requirements: 
Pentium-300Windows 95/98/ME/200064MB RAM50MB disk space
DirectX Drivers 7.0ATI Rage128NVIDIA TNTor 3dfx Voodoo3. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22088">22088</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Y2K-TEST v1.16 Vuosi 2000 -testaukseenIlmainen Windows-ohjelma, joka testaa tietokoneen BIOSin ja reaaliaikakellon (RTC, Real-Time Clock) Y2K-yhteensopivuuden. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22090">22090</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ABC-View Manager 1.35  ABC-View Manager on ohjelma tiedostojen käsittelyyn ja kuvatiedostojen katseluun. ABC-View Manager luo kuvista ns. thumbnailit, pienet esikatselukuvat, joiden avulla niiden selaaminen on nopeaa. Tämän lisäksi ohjelmalla onnistuu diashown laatiminen, kuvien lähettäminen sähköpostitse ja nettisivujen laatiminen. Kokeiluversio, 29 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.abc-view.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22091">22091</a></td>

                    <td>863,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Absolute Security Standard 3.9Absolute Security Standard protects sensitive data that you want to send over unsecured channels such as the Internet. You can encrypt multiple files in a single operationas well as zip them into a self-extracting archive. This very attractive all-in-one package includes a high-quality email interface to accept your encrypted packages as file attachments. The recipient of these files will be able to access them without this programprovided he or she has the proper password information. You can add passwords to a protected listenabling automatic decryption of any files sent your way. Absolute Security Standard also has a roll-up feature and can perform secure file wipes. It could be all you need to secure your sensitive email. 30-day shareware for Windows 95/98/NT by Pepsoft Intl Ltd."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22092">22092</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Active Backup Expert 1.30Backup utility Makes backup copies of your files. Stores multiple backup versions in standard .ZIP-format. Synchronizes files on two (or more) PCs. System Requirements: -Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT; -Mouse or other Windows pointing device; $19.95. Copyright (c) OrionSoftLab, 2000. http://www.orionsoftlab.com/abe/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22093">22093</a></td>

                    <td>4,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Asema-Info 2.13 Näyttää sekä paikallisten että verkko- asemien vapaan ja käytetyn tilan sekä nimiön siistissä listassa yhteenveto- tietoineen haluttujen asetusten mukaan. Erittäin käytännöllinen vapaan tilan tarkistamiseen, jos omistaa useamman kovon/osion. Vaatii 4NT/4DOS:n.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22094">22094</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Apocalypso 1.31Salausohjelma, joka tukee des, Blowfish, idea, Gost, Misty 1, Twofish, Cast 256, Rinjindael ja HNC Single ja Multi-algoritmeja. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.hack-net.com/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22095">22095</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ASH044.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22095&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">ASH044.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Advanced Space HunterThe perfect companion to analyze your disks and save space. Graphical disks space analysis. Duplicatetemporarysame namezero-sizecluster space waste."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22096">22096</a></td>

                    <td>707 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Advanced Space Hunter  2.53Etsii kovalevyiltäsi turhat tiedostot ja näyttää levyn käyttöasteen selkeässä piirakkadiagrammissa. Shareware, 20 USD. Win9x-ME/NT4/W2000. http://www.jimjams.com/xash.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22097">22097</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"BackupOnline 3.5BackupOnline uses the internet to backup and retrieve software. Features an interface like that of Microsofts Outlook Express.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22098">22098</a></td>

                    <td>246,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Backup 1.2  Backup on nimensä mukaisesti ohjelma kansioiden ja kansiopuiden varmuuskopiointiin. Ohjelmalle voi määritellä minkä tyyppiset tiedostot se kopioi, joten se ei turhaan liikuttele esimerkiksi väliaikaisia tiedostoja. Backup sopii myös tietojen synkronointiin pöytäkoneen ja kannettavan välillS. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://home.iprimus.com.au/applied/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22099">22099</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BUSTER25.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22099&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">BUSTER25.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Buster 95 v2.5 Buster is a multi-functional drive space management tool. It was created because the author became tired of having his drive space help hostage by software vendors. Using Buster, it is possible to keep track of which programs are doing what to your hard drive.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22100">22100</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BX_SETUP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22100&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">BX_SETUP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>

                        <td>versio 2.05.21</td>

                    <td>9316/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 2 of 3).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BackupXpress 2.05.038 An easy to use program that allows you to backup information and restore it in the event of a system crash or loss of important information on your drive, zip, or floppy drives.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22101">22101</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BZIPBK41.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22101&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">BZIPBK41.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>764,5 kt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZipBak v.4.1Improved over the software that comes with Iomega Zip and Jazz drives. This will work from any to any drive letter. Option for compression or use no compression for fast archiving and backups. Uses super high LZH compression. Password protect option. Multiple backup sets. Visual bar graph of compression progress. Easy to use. Backups up all files into 1 archive file. Option to backup or archive files that have changed since last time.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22102">22102</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CacheInf v1.1.10Ilmainen ohjelma, joka näyttää selainten välimuistiinsa tallentamat tiedot: sivut, kuvat, keksit ynnä muut. Mukana on CacheInf.ocx-komponentti ohjelmoijien käyttöön. Lähdekoodin saa tekijältä ilmaiseksi.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22103">22103</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CALCLU20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22103&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">CALCLU20.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>28,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Calclus v2.0Laskee FATin aiheuttaman hukkatilan määrän ja näyttää mitä hukka olisi jollakin muulla clusterikoolla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22104">22104</a></td>

                    <td>3,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Calypso v1.0 Advanced file manager for Windows 95/NT  4.0.  If you liked XTree Gold® you will love Calypso. It has many features including support for huge hard disk  partitions  of  over  2 Gb in size (NTFS  and FAT32), ZIP and UNZIP support built-in  (WinZip® like), superfast file handling, security options (several file removal  methods and operation logging), multimedia  "quickview"  and "quickplay"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22105">22105</a></td>

                    <td>3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CDSpace 1.95Make virtual CD-ROMs on your hard drive.
This program is for reading and running CD programs without a CD. 
CDSpace makes a virtual CD-ROM drive on the hard disk by using software 
methods. From the moment you use CDSpace, there is no need to search or 
load CD-ROMs. There is also no need to wait for the CD-ROM drive to run 
or to change the CD-ROM to run another application. This is a 21-day 
trial and the Save Configuration function is disabled until you register. 
The cost to register this program is $25.  

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22106">22106</a></td>

                    <td>23,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Columbus 2.4aColumbus on täysin ilmainen dokumenttien hallintajärjestelmä, joka soveltuu sekä kokonaisen toimiston dokumenttien hallitsemiseen että myös pienempiin projekteihin. Ohjelman avulla on mahdollista kerätä yksiin kansiin tiedostoja jotka ovat jopa eri koneilla ftp-yhteyden päässä tai eri käyttöjärjestelmän alla.  Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://columbus.arup.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22107">22107</a></td>

                    <td>479,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CuteShield File Shredder 1.3  CuteShield File Shredder tuhoaa tiedoston tehokkaasti kirjoittamalla sen päälle satunnaista tietoa kahdesta seitsemään kertaa, jolloin tiedostot on niin tehokkaasti tuhottu kuin kovalevyä räjäyttämättä on mahdollista. Ohjelmaa kannattaa käyttää sellaisten arkaluontoisten materiaalien tuhoamiseen, joiden saamiseksi joku olisi valmis näkemään huomattavasti vaivaa. Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.sys-shield.com/fileshredder.htm </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22108">22108</a></td>

                    <td>60,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fat16 -> Fat32 -kääntäjäVaatii Windows 95 OSR 2 tai Windows 98:n</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22109">22109</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DCOPY42.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22109&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">DCOPY42.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>527 kt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DiskCopy v4.2 DiskCopy is a simple little 32-Bit program for creating duplicate disks. Unlike Explorer which needs to read the source disk for each disk you wish to create, DiskCopy prompts you for the number of copies you have in mind, making for a much quicker operation. Shareware $17.95 U.S. VB40032.DLL required.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22110">22110</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DEL9720.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22110&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">DEL9720.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>21,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Delete97 v2.0Delete97 is for deleting files from the DOS boxin Win95 and NT 4.0. It simply deletes the files and sends them to the recycle bin. In popular opinionthis is what DEL command in MSDOS box of Win95 and WinNT should have been."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22112">22112</a></td>

                    <td>140,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Diskfree 2.27 Näyttää vapaan tilan määrän valitsemillasi kovalevyillä. WIN95 / WIN98 (Taskbar / Refresh, etc..) </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22113">22113</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Drag And File 95 v4.17o Copy, move delete from multiple windows.Lists files from tagged directories or drives. Shows duplicate files. Powerful file filters. Synchronize directories. Creates short cuts. Context menus. Left and right button drag and drop. Comes with two launch bars. One sits on the Taskbar and the other docks on the edge of the screen like the Win 95 Taskbar.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22114">22114</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Drag And File Gold v4.17o Copy, move delete from multiple windows.Lists files from tagged directories or drives. Shows duplicate files. Powerful file filters. Synchronize directories. Creates short cuts. Context menus. Left and right button drag and drop. Comes with two launch bars. One sits on the Taskbar and the other docks on the edge of the screen like the Win 95 Taskbar. Now features all Drag And File 95 features plus integrates Drag And Zip. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22115">22115</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DIR3D.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22115&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">DIR3D.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>


                    <td>17114/TEKNO 5-1996.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Dir3DDisplays the contests of your hard drive in graphical form, proving to be interesting way in navigating through your files. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22116">22116</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DIRPRN22.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22116&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">DIRPRN22.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>388,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Directory Printer v2.2Directory Printer enables you to print directory listings from Windows 95 or NT, a capability which is not provided by Windows itself. Can print single directories or entire trees. Allows choice of fields to print and sort by any fiels. Prints also to ASCII text files.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22117">22117</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DIRSORT2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22117&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">DIRSORT2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>680,4 kt</td>


                    <td>19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Directory Sorter Physically sorts all your files and directories into alphabetic order.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22118">22118</a></td>

                    <td>182,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Directory Statistics v2.1.2 Shows disk usage in tree format. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22119">22119</a></td>

                    <td>591,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Directory Toolkit Adds many useful features missing from Windows, including multiple file renaming and directory contents comparison. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22120">22120</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DISKDATA.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22120&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">DISKDATA.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>208,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DiskData v2.0Compact Explorer-like disk space analyzer for Windows 95/NT</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22121">22121</a></td>

                    <td>175,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Diskeeper for Windows NTDefragmentointiohjelma NTFS-kiintolevyille.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22122">22122</a></td>

                    <td>29 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DIZER v1.80Windows 95 -ohjelma FILE_ID.DIZ tiedostojen käsittelyyn. Hyvä oletuskatseluohjelma .DIZ -päätteisille tiedostoille. Suomalaista freewarea. Vaatii VB40032.DLL:n ja OLEPRO32.DLL:n.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22124">22124</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Directory Compare v2.23Ilmainen ohjelma, joka vertaa kahden hakemiston tai ZIP-paketin sisältöä. Päivittää hakemistot samanlaisiksi ja auttaa näin esimerkiksi varmuuskopioiden yläpitämisessä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22126">22126</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DRVALM1A.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22126&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">DRVALM1A.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>115,1 kt</td>


                    <td>817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DriveAlarm DriveAlarm monitors the drivers connected to your system, keeping track of the available free space on each drive. This can include floppy drives, CD-Rom drives and network drives. DriveAlarm can be configured to warn you when the space on a drive drops below a user defined level.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22127">22127</a></td>

                    <td>184,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DriveInfo v1.0 This program shows where all that disk space goes by directories and by filetypes.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22128">22128</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DS204ES.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22128&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">DS204ES.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>760 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DiskState v2.04Disk Space Analysis and Management Utility. Get a very detailed overview of your hard disk space. Eliminate wasted disk space by safely removing old and temporary files and duplicate files. Capture disk states and compare, generate reports, schedule cleanup, extract, boot blocks for multiboot, cover you tracks after surfing the web. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22129">22129</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DSKPIE21.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22129&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">DSKPIE21.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>84,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Disk Piecharter v2.1Graphical Disk Explorer shows piecharts of disk usage. Full 32 bits implementation. Supports long filenames, multi-threading and a lot more.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22130">22130</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DSKSPEXP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22130&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">DSKSPEXP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>929,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>diskSpace Explorer v1.2 Helps you manage the disk space and make intelligent allocation decisions for its limited capacity. Shows the used/wasted space for files/folders using a very intuitive interactive pie chart and reports how much space is wasted on drive due to the cluster size. You may also see how your drive would look like and how much space would be wasted with another cluster size or file system (on CD-ROMs, FAT32 drives, etc.).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22131">22131</a></td>

                    <td>316,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Directory Snoop v2.0 View raw dir entries. Displays erased file names from your Windows 95 system. Purge the file names left behind after deleting files. View and "unerase" raw file clusters.  Verify file wiping programs work as advertised.  Works on uncompressed Win95 (not NT) systems with FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 formatted hard drives and floppy disks. Freeware from Briggs Softworks <ASP>.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22133">22133</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Easy-Attribute v1.0aFreeware. Easy-Attribute is
a program where you can view
and change file attributes
easily and quickly.
Win9x/NT4, (C) Hezor 2000.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22134">22134</a></td>

                    <td>319,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Commander Lite V1.02d One of the finest Norton Commander clones, for Windows or OS/2 PM (32-bit).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22135">22135</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=EMF.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22135&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">EMF.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>274,6 kt</td>

                        <td>versio 00.01.1</td>

                    <td>23863/PC World Plus! D.bin</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Encrypted Magic Folders v00.07.1Automated & transparent encryption! Select folders whose files you want encrypted 
and EMF not only makes those  folders and files completely invisible to others but 
decrypts and encrypts the files automatically and transparently as you use them.
You wont even know  youre using encrypted files as EMF does all the work behind 
the scenes.  PC-Magic Shareware $59. Windows 95/98.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22136">22136</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ERASER35.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22136&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">ERASER35.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>408,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ERASER v3.5 Erase data permanently. Free. An advanced security tool allows overwriting of sensitive data with carefully selected patterns. Drag and drop files and folders to the on-demand eraser, use the convenient Explorer shell extension or use the integrated scheduler to program overwriting of unused disk space or, for example, browser cache files to happen regularly. Freeware for Win9x/NT4. http://www.iki.fi/st/eraser/.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22137">22137</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EZ Backup Backup and restore utility, simply select the drive and directory containing the files you want to archive. Win95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22138">22138</a></td>

                    <td>786,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FastOpen Easily navigate your Win95 folder sturcture, regardless of the size or complexity of your system.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22140">22140</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>File Genie 2000 v2.01If you are using
your computer, your backups are always
up-to-date...with File Genie 2000. Free
yourself from the chore of daily backups. File
Genie 2000 detects when you save the changes
to your documents, or copy files to your
computer and makes backup copies automatically.
With File Genie 2000 behind the scenes you
need never be concerned about data loss again.
Shareware, $29.95

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22141">22141</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FGUARD.EXE&tiedoston_id=22141&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">FGUARD.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>574,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Folder Guard v4.14Folder Guard allows the user to selectively hide folders and restrict user access to system resources. It makes folders invisible or read-only in applications, including Explorer, MS Office, and MS-DOS, as well as in common dialogs. It also provides password protection, user-dependent configurations, and user validation at login. Protect individual files within folders. Separate passwords may be set up for each file or folder, letting you unlock only the password-protected items, leaving the rest of the system protected. Folder Guard also lets you restrict access to whole classes of files according to the file names, folders they are located in, and modules by which they are accessed. This version improves support for Windows 2000, removes a bug showing nag screens in fully registered versions, and features improved documentation.
30-day trial shareware version for Win 95/98/Me by WinAbility. http://www.winability.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22142">22142</a></td>

                    <td>290,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Filemania 1.0Paljon tiedostoja siirtelevän (teho)käyttäjän tarpeisiin suunniteltu yksinkertainen tiedostonhallintaohjelma. Kotimaista freeware-laatutuotantoa! Vaatii: Win95 tai WinNT 4.0</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22143">22143</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FMANJ70.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22143&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">FMANJ70.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>73,1 kt</td>


                    <td>8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>File Manager Jr. for Word 95 v7The program allows you to delete, undelete, move, copy and rename files--all without leaving Word. You can also open existing files, delete backup files in one or more folders and print files without having to bring them onscreen. Additional features are available to registered users.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22144">22144</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FMEDIT95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22144&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">FMEDIT95.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FmEdit98 v3.0fWindowsin Explorerin korvaaja. Hallitsee normaalit 
tiedostonkäsittelyrutiinit (kopiointi, siirto, poisto, jne.)
Voit käsitellä kahta hakemistoa jaetulla ruudulla samanaikaisesti.
Muita ominaisuuksia mm. tekstieditori, kuvienkatselu, tuki 
zip-paketeille, hexaeditori ja kalenteri. Shareware.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22146">22146</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FNDUP122.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22146&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">FNDUP122.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>185,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FindDupl v1.22Windows 95/NT program to help recover disk space.  Shows files which are duplicated across one or more disk drives, and allows you to delete the duplicate files. Borland Delphi 3.01 with most source. david.taylor@gecm.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22147">22147</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FS95V13.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22147&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">FS95V13.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>555,3 kt</td>


                    <td>19733/01 SWP 046 - 03-1997.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>File Splitter 95 Helps split large files so they can fit on a floppy disk. You can easily split files into sizes of 500, 1200, and 1400 KB. Requires Win95/NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22148">22148</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FSDEXT2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22148&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">FSDEXT2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>82,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FSDEXT2 0.17 FSDEXT2 on pieni apuohjelma, jonka avulla Windows95:stä voidaan lukea Linuxin EXT2FS-osioita. GNU-lisenssin alainen, lähdekoodi saatavilla internetistä, http://www.yipton.demon.co.uk/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22149">22149</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FSPLT101.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22149&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">FSPLT101.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>125,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>File Split 1.01A Windows 95/NT utility to split and join large files.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22150">22150</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FTIGR111.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22150&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">FTIGR111.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FileTiger 1.11 Dual-Window Synchronizer and backup tool for 32-bit Win(98,95,NT4). FileTiger emphasizes speed, by providing two folders side by side, for moving, copying, backing up, and getting organized. Novice, Standard, and Pro Modes allow users to choose how much confirmation they need. Upgrade: Now with network support, enhanced backup and tree copying. From Science Translations Software. Shareware $29.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22151">22151</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GRBACK20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22151&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">GRBACK20.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>374,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>GRBack v2.0This Full Functional Shareware 32-bit program can help you maintaining your important data. It recreate your source directory tree into  the destination drive and for every directory it create a PKZIP compatible (with long file  name support) archive. Fully customizable:  include, exclude files, skip directories.  Fully Microsoft System Agent aware. Quick.  Support network and removable drives.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22152">22152</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GRDUW31.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22152&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">GRDUW31.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>378,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>GRDUW Disk Utility v3.1Support for 720Kb, 1.2Mb, 1.44Mb, 1.72Mb and  MS-DMF (1.68Mb) diskettes and removable HD.  Duplicate and Compare diskettes. Save and  Load Diskette binary images. Boot sector  check and recreate. Optimized disk Format and Verify. Detailed disk information. Hard  Disk/Diskette Repair capability. Completely  integrated with the explorer. 29US$. Not to be run on WinNT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22153">22153</a></td>

                    <td>135,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hake v0.171 Kätevä apuohjelma kovalevyjen hakemistoissa hyppelyyn. (Ilmainen) Windows 95 / 98.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22154">22154</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HarleSecureTiedostojen kryptaus- ja purkuohjelma.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22155">22155</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HDSECURE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22155&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">HDSECURE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>687,7 kt</td>


                    <td>4567/Win Heaven '95.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HDSecureEliminates the possibility of file recovery by over-writing every character of the file with binary zeroes prior to deletion. This is an excellent way to secure sensitive information. Requires Win95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22156">22156</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HUKKA20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22156&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">HUKKA20.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>153,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hukka v2.0 Hukka laskee hukatun levytilan määrän joka kuluu FAT-osioihin. Ohjelma on päivitetty versio MikroBitissä vuonna 1995 julkaistusta C-kielisestä DOS- ohjelmasta. Hukka v2.0 on Windows-ohjelma ja tehty Borland Delphillä. Vuoden 1999 MikroBitin Huvi- ja hyötyrompulta löytyy Delphi-opas joka käyttää tätä 2.0-versiota pohjana. Copyright (C) 1999 Jere Käpyaho (jere@mikrobitti.fi).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22157">22157</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=KFK11.EXE&tiedoston_id=22157&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">KFK11.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>


                    <td>23979/Hard Drive Utilities 2001.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>KFK 1.1KFK is a file splitter/rebuilder. You can split the file into a specific number of parts, into floppy size parts, or into notepad readable parts. Easy to use and fast. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22158">22158</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LCPY10B2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22158&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">LCPY10B2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>15,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LowCopy v1.0 Beta 2 This program makes perfect logical copies of hard disks. You can backup a drive, restore it or make hard disk copies istantly. Written by Enver Sartoni. This program is freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22160">22160</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LFNSRT15.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22160&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">LFNSRT15.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>33,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LFNSort v1.5This program sorts Win95 directory entries.  Sort order may be by name, extension, date/time of creation, modification or last access, file size, or custom order.  Runs in DOS or Win95. Shareware, $10.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22161">22161</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Log Monitor v1.3.4Vot vahtia, milloin tietyt tiedostot ja hakemistot muuttuvat (tai eivät muutu) ja tehdä tämän pohjalta vaikka mitä: ajaa ohjelmia, luoda tekstitiedostoja, kopioida tiedostoja jne. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22162">22162</a></td>

                    <td>581 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Locate v1.4This program saves names of all files in your hard drives to file database. 
After that you can locate files. Very fast. This program works like updatedb 
and locate in unix systems. Win32 based locating program alse included.  
Requires 1000 kb free harddisk space for full installation.
Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Janne Huttunen.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22163">22163</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LONGSAVE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22163&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">LONGSAVE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>79 kt</td>


                    <td>19731/03 SWP 048 - 05-1997.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LongsaveLongsave is used to save the list of long file names and short names to a comma delimited ASCI text file. The short names can then be backed up or zipped or copied with utilities that are not long file name aware. After the files are transfered, it uses the ASCII file to restore the original long file names. Requires Win95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22164">22164</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MAGEXP2.EXE&tiedoston_id=22164&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">MAGEXP2.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Magellan Explorer v2.1Magellan Explorer is the fastest, easiest way to manage your files, whether on your local harddrive or across the
Internet. You can publish web pages, download and open Zip files, and view pictures. All within a single, easy-to-use,
attractive package. The interface is completely customizable, with over 100 options to adapt it to your own personal
taste, and can quickly be set to emulate Norton Commander or Windows Explorer. Navigation between local folders,
FTP sites and compressed archives is simple using Bookmarks, History and Back/Forwards buttons just like in your
web browser.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22165">22165</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MORS9931.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22165&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">MORS9931.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>


                    <td>10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 1).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>More Space 99 v3.1Scans your hard disk looking for file duplicates, file hogs, directory hogs and files based on a range of dates.  Files can be (1) deleted immediately or (2) sent to the recycle bin or (3) zipped up in a compressed zip file.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22166">22166</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MSPT9517.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22166&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">MSPT9517.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>635,7 kt</td>

                        <td>versio 1.7</td>

                    <td>10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MasterSplitter v1.9The purpose of MasterSplitter is to split large files in order to move them via floppies or for transmission via E-mail. The file can either be a binary or a text file. The porgram features an intuitive graphical user interface that makes splitting files easy.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22167">22167</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NC531.EXE&tiedoston_id=22167&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">NC531.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>802,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Nicos Commander v5.31Nicos Commander korvaa Windowsin Explorerin. Näyttää
päivämäärän ja ajan aktiivisen ikkunan yläkulmassavoit
tehdä pikanäppäimiä lempiohjelmillesi ja vilkaista
ZIP-pakettien sisään helposti sekä purkaa ja pakata niitä.
Tehoka tiedoston etsintä ja vertailu. Sisäänrakennettu
tekstieditori ilman Notepadin (Muistion) rajoituksia sekä
yleisimpien grafiikkatiedostojen näyttöohjelma."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22168">22168</a></td>

                    <td>8,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"NetAXs Personal 1.1.7 Secures any individual filea group of files a whole directory. There are different levels of security such as read only and undeleteable. You also get to regulate who gets to use what programs. For instanceif you dont want you child playing with your internet chat program you can disable that program for him/her."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22169">22169</a></td>

                    <td>37,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NTFSDOSNTFSDOS on apuohjelma, jolla pystyt lukemaan ntfs-partitioita dossista. Erittäin hyödyllinen Windows NT käyttäjille.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22170">22170</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTLS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22170&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">NTLS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>23,2 kt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LS v1.7LS is an NT console application for performing file and directory listings (similar to Unix utitlities of the same name).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22171">22171</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PATHC300.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22171&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">PATHC300.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>40,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Path Copy v3.0Ilmainen pieni ohjelma tiedostojen nimien ja polkujen kopiointiin. Klikkaat vain Windowsin resurssienhallinnassa haluamiasi tiedostoja hiiren oikealla napilla ja valitset kohdan Copy Path. Erilaisia kopiointitapoja on useita, minkä lisäksi on mahdollista luoda omia vaihtoehtoja.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22172">22172</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PD4FREE.EXE&tiedoston_id=22172&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">PD4FREE.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>


                    <td>26793/PC Answers September 2001.7z</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PowerDesk Utilities 4This new, free version of PowerDesk includes the full-featured PowerDesk File Manager. 
You get single- or dual-pane file management windows, a file finder, zip and unzip 
capabilities, plus many new enhancements. If you have QuickView or QuickView Plus, 
you can view many types of files, too (QuickView comes free with Windows 95, 98, 
and NT). The viewer pane can be positioned at the right, bottom, or floating. 
If, after trying PowerDesk, you want even more utilities, you can buy 
PowerDesk 4 Pro for $19.95 from http://www.ontrack.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22173">22173</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PD4FREE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22173&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">PD4FREE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>


                    <td>10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PowerDesk 4PowerDesk 4 is a Windows Explorer-type file manager for Win9.x/NT/2000. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22174">22174</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PEEK10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22174&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">PEEK10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>9,8 kt</td>


                    <td>8196/Night Owl The Best of BBS (NOP-BBS) (Night Owl Publisher) (1994).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Peek v1.0PEEK is an Shell contextmenu extension which allows you to extract only the text portion of files.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22175">22175</a></td>

                    <td>327,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PicaViewPicaView - file manager menu option enabling you to instantly view thumbnails or full views of images. Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22177">22177</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=R4A.EXE&tiedoston_id=22177&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">R4A.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>239,7 kt</td>


                    <td>23979/Hard Drive Utilities 2001.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Recover4all 1.03 Undeletes files that were removed from the recycle bin. The deleted files can be recoverd with a few mouseclicks. To prevent files from becoming overwritten, Recover4all does not require intstallation and can run directly from a floppy disk.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22178">22178</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Recover98 v3.1  Recover lost files. Undelete and file-recovery program that can restore files that were not just sent to the Recycle Binbut were actually deleted. It allows extraction of files from drives with damaged file systemsor where important information has been deleted. Its compatible with all FAT file systemsincluding FAT32FAT16and NTFS file systems. You can even use it across network drives. Win95/98/NT"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22179">22179</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=REPL114.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22179&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">REPL114.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>369,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ReplaceReplace a mass of filenames with another. Great for manipulating many files at once.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22180">22180</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RF9610A.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22180&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">RF9610A.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>493,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"RADFind 96 v1.0 The worlds fastest file finder for Windows 95. You no longer have to remember where your files are stored on your hard drives. RADFind 96 lets you quickly find the file that you want. RADFind 96 puts the results of that search where you need it the most: in the filename field of any file dialog box in Windows 95! From Naleco Research Inc."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22181">22181</a></td>

                    <td>657,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>rjhExtensions 1.3Lisää uusia toimintoja valikkoon, joka aukeaa kun tiedostoa klikataan hiiren oikealla nappulalla.
Voit salata tiedoston, kopioida sen polun, nimetä useita tiedostoja kerralla tai vaikka avata
DOS-ikkunan samalta kohtaa hakemistopuuta. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22182">22182</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RNAME-IT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22182&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">RNAME-IT.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>86,2 kt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Rname-it v3.0Rname-it is a Win95/NT file renaming utility. It allows the user to select multiple files and batch rename them. Files can easily be organized and grouped by renaming to a new common prefix and / or padded with a unique numerical or alpha- betical value for sorting purposes. Great for webmasters.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22183">22183</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Steganos II Security Suite 2.1 Complete security solution for desktop PCs and laptops - at the office and at home. Steganos offers perfect Windows integration: You can hide and encrypt your files by simply using the context menu. The program also contains a password management tool, a file shredder, and a program to lock the computer. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22184">22184</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=S97521.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22184&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">S97521.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>604,3 kt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Second Copy 97 v5.21 Copies files and folders one location to another on the same drive,  another drive or across the network. You  cansetup "profiles" that describe the source  location, the destination location, and the  frequency at which you want to copy the  files. Monitors the source files for  changesor additions and then automatically  copies the new or changed files to their  designated destination.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22185">22185</a></td>

                    <td>332,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SafetyScanSearch your hard disk for various error-producing files and clean them from your system. Tracks down errors caused by files including lost network and Internet connections, application lock-ups and so on. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22186">22186</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SCN1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22186&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SCN1.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>156,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Scanner v1.5Visualizes hard disk usage. Windows 95/98, high color display recomm.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22187">22187</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SD32202.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22187&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SD32202.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SumDir32 v2.0.2This is a recursive directory summary. Find out where all your space went! Totals ALL directory statistics. Displayed in a grid permitting drill-down summaries, clipboard copy and explorer launch to cleanup.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22188">22188</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SECMAN99.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22188&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SECMAN99.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>


                    <td>10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 1).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SecurityManager 99SecurityManager 99 is an application for encrypting individual files and the contents
of entire folders using the DES (Data Encryption Standard) method. SecurityManager 99
is designed to be very secure: when data is encrypted the original files are automatically 
overwritten, making it impossible to restore their contents with file utilities. 
SecurityManager 99 is also designed to be fast. Programmed entirely in 32-bit code 
and using special processor instructions available since the 80486 generation, it is 
designed to achieve performance comparable to that of hardware encryption systems. 
Free. Windows 98/NT. http://www.ashampoo.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22189">22189</a></td>

                    <td>499,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>seNTry 2020/NT 2.04seNTry 2020/NT delivers transparent, on-the-fly encryption to your notebook or 
desktop PC. It lets you reserve portions of your existing hard drives for encrypted 
data. Once encrypted, a volume will appear on your PC as another DOS drive letter.
You can do anything with a seNTry 2020 virtual drive that you can do with a normal 
hard drive, except that the encrypted volumes require password authentication before 
files become accessible. This shareware version is a 30-day trial and costs $50 to 
register. Windows NT/2000. http://www.crystalport.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22190">22190</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SFDL100E.EXE&tiedoston_id=22190&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SFDL100E.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>418,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SafeDEL v1.00 beta 6 A deletion tracking program for Windows 95. Completely replaces your Trashcan, can also undelete dos-deleted files.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22191">22191</a></td>

                    <td>443,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Shortcut Doctor 2.7Shortcut Doctor lets you quickly check your Windows 95/NT links and shortcuts. You can view all shortcuts (across drives and on CD or network drives) or just those that are no longer valid. Once invalid links are found you can delete or edit them so theyll work properly. You can also use Shortcut Doctor to add a new shortcut or delete the items contained in the Recent Documents folder. Not an everyday toolbut handy as you add and remove software to Windows and have stray shortcuts that arent properly removed. 30-day trial for Windows 98/NT/2000 by Funduc Software. http://www.funduc.com/shortcut_doctor.htm"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22192">22192</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SHDATE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22192&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SHDATE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>65,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows 95 shell extension to "touch" the file\'s last modification date</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22193">22193</a></td>

                    <td>940,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"SHIVADestroyer of FilesShiva completely obliterates all traces of any files you drag to its window. It overwrites files with fixed and random patternsincluding any clusteroverhand.Then  it truncates and renames the fileremoving all evidence of that file.  Attractivesimple interfaceuses  drag & drop from Windows 95 Explorer. Available only in 32 bitWindows 95"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22194">22194</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SHRED95.EXE&tiedoston_id=22194&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SHRED95.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>

                        <td>versio 1.17</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Shredder 95 1.23File destroyer. Every bit of a file is overwritten numerous times and then randomized. Shredder 95 also overwrites the name, date, time and size so that nothing remains. Whatever files(pictures, letters, e-mail, etc.) that you may have, Shredder 95 will remove, forever.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22195">22195</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SHRTCTR2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22195&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SHRTCTR2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>192,4 kt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ShortCutter ShortCutter checks your hard drive for broken links. When it finds one, it can check to see if the target has been moved, then deletes the shortcut if not.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22196">22196</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SP3211US.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22196&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SP3211US.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>172,4 kt</td>


                    <td>9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Split32 v1.1Split32 is for splitting and composing again files. Its useful to examine and edit large files or to copy a large file on several floppy disks. You can modify the splitted files and compose them again. 32-Bit only"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22197">22197</a></td>

                    <td>4,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Space Hound 32 v2.0.370 Space Hound 32 includes several utility tools for managing files. These include a duplicate file finder, an extensions report, and printable directory map which highlihts in-use storage within each directory level, and other features including zipping/unzipping capabilities.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22198">22198</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SPLIT21.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22198&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SPLIT21.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>178,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Split File Shell Extension v2.1</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22199">22199</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SPLTW310.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22199&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SPLTW310.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>515,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SplitWin v3.10Split large file into smaller chunks or merge chunks back to original file in windows 95 & NT env. This can be useful, when coping big files to floppy diskettes, or transferring files via e-mail or modem.  Each of the chunks has header information. This allows to eliminate errors which are difficult to eliminate in the existing programs used to divide big files. Shareware 10 US$ or A$ 15 or equiv.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22201">22201</a></td>

                    <td>422,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Search & Replace 98 v3.10Ilmainen korvausohjelma, joka osaa korvata tekstinpätkiä kokonaisista hakemistorakenteista kerralla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22202">22202</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SSCAN20A.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22202&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">SSCAN20A.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>233 kt</td>


                    <td>10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SafetyScan v2.0SafetyScan fixes and prevents errors in Windows 95 and NT4.0 by finding and cleaning error producing and space wasting garbage files.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22203">22203</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TEMPGUI.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22203&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">TEMPGUI.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>26 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TempGuiDelete files in the \\Windows\\TEMP folder</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22204">22204</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TMAC.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22204&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">TMAC.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>337,6 kt</td>


                    <td>22681/cd joystick no114 avril 2000.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TransMac 4.0 TransMac allows Window PCs to read, write and format Macintosh high density diskettes, CDROMs, and SCSI drives. This program gives you the "Best of BOTH Worlds".</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22205">22205</a></td>

                    <td>238,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Top Split 1.27 Small file splitting utility for Windows 95/98/NT. Includes large disk support and file splitting so that files will fit onto floppy disks. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22207">22207</a></td>

                    <td>863,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Turbo Navigator v1.44Ilmainen tiedostonkäsittelyohjelma, jossa on jos jonkinlaisia toimintoja - muun muassa heksaeditori,
tiedostojen pilkkominen ja yhdistäminen, sisäänrakennettu mediasoitin, kyky avata teksti- ja RTF-tiedostot yms.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22208">22208</a></td>

                    <td>293,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UltraCommand Pro päivitys V1.30 > V1.31</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22209">22209</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UltraCommand Pro v1.30UltraCommand on Resurssienhallinnan tapainen tiedostonhallintaohjelma Windows 95/98:lle. Siinä on toiminnot mm. ARJ ja Zip-pakettien käsittelyyn ja sillä voi käyttää kahta selainikkunaa. Pro versio on Sharewarea ja toimii vain 20 käyttökertaa. Vaatii VBRUN600:n

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22210">22210</a></td>

                    <td>3,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UltraCommand Pro Version 1.41 (2.8.2000) UltraCommand is a file managing program for Windows 95/98/2000. It can use 2 browsing windows and it has many advanced abilities. Pro version is shareware. Unregistered Pro version will work only 20 times, before registering. Needs VBRUN600.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22212">22212</a></td>

                    <td>491,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Waste Whacker v2.1Remove wasted space! Tired of temp files not being deleted when an application is finished with them? Tired of broken shortcuts due to removed programs? Tired of zero size files? Just tired of all the wasted space by these and other useless files?  Get Waste Whacker! SW $15.00 (US) WWW: http://www.dbytes.com/ E-Mail: dbytes@dbytes.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22214">22214</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WC32V353.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22214&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">WC32V353.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows Commander v3.53Wincmd is a file manager replacement for Windows. This is the  32-bit  version for Windows 95/98 and NT 3.51/4.0. Wincmd supports ZIP/ARJ/LHA/RAR/UC2/TAR/GZ/CAB/ACE, int. ZIP packer, enhanced search, quick view, drag&drop from&to explorer/desktop. NEW: FTP client etc.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22215">22215</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"WingDir v4.3Directory Match Utility for Windows 95 Display directories side by side with file names aligned. DELETECOPYMOVEor RENAME Files.  MASK File Names with*.*wildcards.  Display ALLSAMEDIFFERENTUNIQUEor IDENTICAL Files. Change Source and Target Directories.  Version 4.3 adds color to grid and has been converted to VB5.0 with native compiler for faster execution."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22217">22217</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"WinBrowser v3.0The WinBrowser file manager is not just  another Explorer copy. Its an intuitive way  to manage files 
made popular on high-end NeXT workstations. File navigation is easy without relying on clumsy 
directory trees. It also allows bookmarking favorite files and  folderschanging associations 
between files  and the applications that run themmapping  network drivesimage viewingand full  
drag/drop support."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22219">22219</a></td>

                    <td>718,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>X-File 3.7Tämä ohjelma korvaa Windowsin resurssienhallinnan ja tuo touhuun uusia mahdollisuuksia, kuten kattavat näppäinoikotiet ja ZIP-pakettien automaattisen avaamisen. Ilmainen. http://xiles.kucc.net/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22220">22220</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZDU207.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22220&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">ZDU207.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>27,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Zdu v2.07Scan one path or more, report the content therein, how many directories, how many files and how much a specific dir. allocates on the harddisk. Console app for Windows 9x/NT</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22221">22221</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZTW111.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22221&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tiedostonk%C3%A4sittely">ZTW111.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>175,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZTree Win v1.11Win32 File Manager. "ZTreeWin" is a text-mode file/directory manager for Windows 95 and NT.It has been developed as a native Win32 alternative to the DOS product XTreeGold (tm), now that its makers have abandoned further development. While I am sure you are well aware of the virtues of XTreeGold, you know the disadvantages of it being a 16-bit DOS program.  I wrote ZTreeWin to provide all the functionality I am so accustomed to, while</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20951">20951</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ADDR15.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20951&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietokanta">ADDR15.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>10264/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (July 1996) (German) (Disc 2).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>the Address Book v1.5 is an address book /
contact manager for Windows 95/NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=21567">21567</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Double It! Personal - is a life
analyzer, a life planner, and a
personal information manager for Win95.
It is supposed to help you "double"
your happiness, money, success, energy,
or wisdom. Microsoft Access 95 is

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65419">65419</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=JOT120N.ZIP&tiedoston_id=65419&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietokanta">JOT120N.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>JOT v1.2 Cardfile replacement for Windows95
Notes with 64 kB text, 8000 notes per file</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66073">66073</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MediaBlaze 2.01 * the first Windows95
"Media-Suite" with a slick Windows 95
interface. It is the ideal solution to
working with data on the internet and many
other sources! With all of the information
passing through the web every day, don't you
want to be able to get at is quickly and
easily?  This is on of the many things
MediaBlaze 2.01 is all about.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20982">20982</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=OJ10P1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20982&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietokanta">OJ10P1.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>OsoiteJärkkäri Versio 1.0 [1/2]
Pidä kirjaa koti-, työosoitteista, puh-,
matkapuhelin-, fax-, ym. numeroista,
syntymäpäivistä sekä sähköpostiosoitteista.
Sisältää lista- sekä hakutoiminnot.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=20983">20983</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=OJ10P2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=20983&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietokanta">OJ10P2.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>OsoiteJärkkäri Versio 1.0 [2/2]
Pidä kirjaa koti-, työosoitteista, puh-,
matkapuhelin-, fax-, ym. numeroista,
syntymäpäivistä sekä sähköpostiosoitteista.
Sisältää lista- sekä hakutoiminnot.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69762">69762</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VJ32B11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69762&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietokanta">VJ32B11.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VideoJärkkäri Versio 1.1</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22222">22222</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Mail Effects  Ilmoittaa saapuneesta sähköpostista 3d-grafiikalla ja tarjoaa työkaluja viestien lukemiseen. Ohjelman kokeiluversio ei talleta sähköpostitiliesi tietoja ja pyörii kerrallaan vain kahdeksan tuntia. Shareware, $19,90. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22223">22223</a></td>

                    <td>3,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Azureus BitTorrent Client 2.1Java-pohjainen BitTorrent-vertaisverkon yhteysohjelma, joka tukee 27 eri kieltä.
Ilmainen. http://azureus.sourceforge.net/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22224">22224</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ACC.EXE&tiedoston_id=22224&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">ACC.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>

                        <td>versio 2.21</td>


                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Advanced Call Center 2.20Full-featured answering machine software for your voice modem. All necessary functions are supported: Caller ID lets you see and hear whos calling via screen pop-upsdistinctive rings and callers name announcement with speech synthesis. Advanced features include pager notificationsending call details and voice messages over e-mail."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22225">22225</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=AFD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22225&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">AFD.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>192,9 kt</td>


                    <td>9317/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 3 of 3).iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Alexf Dialer for Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22227">22227</a></td>

                    <td>70,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Alfa 2.1.0PCBoardin listatiedostojen lukuohjelma. Osaa MBnetin Ja Pelit Onlinen listat. Pieni ja nopea. Vaatii MSVBVM50.DLL-tiedoston, jonka löydät MBnetin perusohjelmista, osoitteesta

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22228">22228</a></td>

                    <td>843,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AloeCam Kerää useita nettikameroita saman ohjelman alle. AloeCam osaa tarkkailla haluamiasi nettikameroita ja ilmoittaa muun muassa kuinka vanha niiden tämänhetkinen kuva on. Shareware, $22. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22229">22229</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PC Remote 1.0a PC Remote lets you access another comptuer across a network, on the Internet,  on  the computer serial ports, or through a modem connection. Now  you have multiple ways to access the data you need.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=61022">61022</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ATALKW95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=61022&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">ATALKW95.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>A-Talk for the Windows 95 Operating System
Version Beta</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22230">22230</a></td>

                    <td>4,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Azureus BitTorrent Client on kätevä asiakasohjelma esimerkiksi shareware-ohjelmien ja testattavaksi tarkoitettujen tietokonepelien betaversioiden jakeluun BitTorrent-vertaisverkossa. Ohjelman selkeä graafinen ulkoasu tekee sen käytöstä helppoa. Kopioidakseen haluamansa tiedoston käyttäjä tarvitsee .torrent-päätteisen itutiedoston, joita voi etsiä levitettäväksi tarkoitettujen ohjelmien nettisivuilta. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22231">22231</a></td>

                    <td>5,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CallCenter Easy sending and receiving of faxes in the foreground or background. And if your modem hardware supports Voice Telephony, the CallCenter will actually assist your computer with answering your telephone with your personalized greeting and then take a message for you. Freeware.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=9710">9710</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CIS4EXCH.EXE&tiedoston_id=9710&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">CIS4EXCH.EXE</a></td>



                    <td>6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CompuServe Mail for Microsoft Exchange
allows CompuServe members using Microsoft
Exchange to send and receive messages
through CompuServe Mail. You can use
CompuServe Mail for Microsoft Exchange to
exchange messages with other CompuServe
members and with users of the Internet,
X.400, and LAN-based e-mail systems. You
can also send faxes and telexes.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=9711">9711</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CMNET21D.ZIP&tiedoston_id=9711&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">CMNET21D.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CommNet v2.1.  Full-featured Windows/ Windows
95 based data communications software package
which seamlessly integrates modem dial-up and
Internet Telnet capabilities into a single,
fast, full-featured, and easy-to-use
application. CommNet supports Zmodem file
transfers and TTY, VT100, and full-color PC
ANSI with dial-up and Telnet sessions.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22234">22234</a></td>

                    <td>3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CMS v1.2Very powerful util for keeping track of your modem usage under win95 (eg.Internet) Includes log-files,which displays  who used,when used,for how long and the cost. You can set prices for specific day-times,connections. Very handy! Take it!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22235">22235</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=COM699.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22235&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">COM699.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Com v6.9.9.62 Com v6.9.9.62 is a serial / tcpip terminal emulator. Com allows you to communicate with BBS systems, dial in servers, or even telnet over the internet to another computer. Com also allows you to transfer files using many different protocols between computers. Loaded with features, Com will make communicating with other computer a breeze.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22236">22236</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=COMMLINK.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22236&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">COMMLINK.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>115,6 kt</td>


                    <td>19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CommLinkAllows you to use an internal modem on one computer as an external modem on a second computer. This version terminates after 20 minutes of use. Requires Win95/NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=9715">9715</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=COMSPY95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=9715&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">COMSPY95.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>23464/CHIP 1996 december (CD10).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ComSpy95 for Windows 95 reports activities on
your modem by hooking the COM port APIs
and Windows Socket API's.
You can use ComSpy95 to determine if yout
credit card number or other personal
information gets sent out (is the data
encoded as claimed), or to capture data to
file and you can do anything to it.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22238">22238</a></td>

                    <td>275,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Console telnet 2.0 + source.Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22239">22239</a></td>

                    <td>747,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CostAware 1.1CostAware on yksinkertainen nettiliikennelaskuri, joka näyttää kuinka paljon tietoa koneeltasi on siirretty kotimaisten ja ulkomaisten yhteyksien välillä. Voit määritellä yhteyksille tiedonsiirtorajan, ja CostAware näyttää selkeällä palkilla kuinka paljon rajasta on käytetty. Laskurin voi nollata halutessaan ja sen voi laittaa tarkkailemaan gateway-koneen liikennettä.
Ilmainen. Windows 2000/XP. http://www.netinternals.com/products.html

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22240">22240</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>COPSSH 1.1.3COPSSH on Windowsille laadittu ssh-palvelinohjelmisto, joka mahdollistaa turvalliset yhteydet kotikoneeseen netin yli. 
Ilmainen. Windows NT/2000/XP. http://www.itefix.no/copssh/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22241">22241</a></td>

                    <td>150,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CT Cookie Spy 2.0 CT Cookie Spy on yksinkertainen pieni ohjelma, joka näyttää kovalevyltä löytyneet evästeet sekä tiedon siitä, miltä sivuilta ne ovat peräisin ja kuinka kauan ne ovat voimassa. Käyttäjä voi halutessaan vierailla kyseisellä sivulla tai poistaa valitsemansa evästeet koneeltaan. Win9x, NT, 2000, Me. http://camtech2000.net/Pages/CookieSpy.html </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22242">22242</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CYBER25.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22242&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">CYBER25.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>943,1 kt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CyberKitCyberKit is a network utility for Windows 95/98/NT. It combines Ping,
TraceRoute, WhoIs, Finger, Name Server LookUp, Time Synchronizer, Quote of
the Day, NetScanner, DBScanner and more ...

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22243">22243</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DIAL504.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22243&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">DIAL504.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>980,4 kt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DiaLog32 v.5.04 Phone Dialer and Logger for Win95 and NT. Upgradeable from 16-bit version. Includes speed dialer and outgoing and incoming call timing and logging. Calling card dialing. Up to 4 address books, 6 phone numbers and 4 other Ids (email) per entry. Tone or pulse dialing - redial busy number. Accepts 1-800-Egg-Head. International dates and times. Up to 3 appointment books, 6-city programmable world clock, alarm clock, stop watch, password protection.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22244">22244</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DIALWIZ.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22244&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">DIALWIZ.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1006,6 kt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DialWiz v1.0 Enables those people with Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking to automatically dial a list of telephone numbers.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22245">22245</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DIGW95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22245&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">DIGW95.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>461,8 kt</td>


                    <td>The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DigiTerm v1.5 An easy to use, full featured data communications program. * Emulates popular terminals and   supports major file transfer   protocols including X/Y/Zmodem. * Supports over 445 diffrent modems   and speeds of up to 57,600! * Features easy menu interface</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=62929">62929</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DIGW95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=62929&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">DIGW95.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DigiTerm v1.5 for Win95
An easy to use, full featured
data communications program.
* Emulates popular terminals and
supports major file transfer
protocols including X/Y/Zmodem.
* Supports over 445 diffrent modems
and speeds of up to 57,600!
* Features easy menu interface</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22246">22246</a></td>

                    <td>898 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DU Meter 3.0DU Meter antaa käyttäjälle jatkuvasti päivittyvän graafisen tai numeerisen esityksen koneen nettiyhteyden käyttöasteesta. Shareware, 19.95 USD. http://www.dumeter.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22247">22247</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DUNCE252.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22247&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">DUNCE252.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>149,9 kt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Dunce v2.52 Dial-Up Networking Connection Enhancement. Adds features to your DUN connections such as bypassing Connect To, Auto Reconnect, Automated Connections, and Run Items.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22248">22248</a></td>

                    <td>239 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EasyDTMF 1.0Software which dials any phonenumber for you using DTMF sounds. 
Hold the phone receiver near the computers loudspeaker and dial 
the number. It is possible to save four numbers for quickdialing. 
Windows 95/98/NT4. Soundcard is required. Freeware.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22249">22249</a></td>

                    <td>553 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>eDonkey 2000 Ohjelma tiedostojen jakamiseen muiden internetin käyttäjien kanssa. Ilmainen. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22251">22251</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FAX_N516.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22251&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">FAX_N516.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>770,4 kt</td>


                    <td>9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FaxMail Network for Windows v5.16Complete faxing program for Windows NT/95/Win32s. Allows faxing from any program that can print. FaxMail Network for Windows makes creating high quality faxes as easy as printing. Includes a Fax/Modem-tester. Timed sends, Broadcast queue holds 32,000, Works in DOS and Windows, GOOD help system, All functions very fast, Background FAX printing.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=64056">64056</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FAX_V506.ZIP&tiedoston_id=64056&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">FAX_V506.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FaxMail for Windows v5.06, fax-ohjelma.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22250">22250</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FAXLink 1.4 A tool for converting your documents to  fax format. FAXLink acts as a printer driver allowing you to send faxes from virtually every 32-bit Windows application. Once converted, documents will be sent to a VISIONLAB fax server where they will be retried numerous times until the documents are received. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22252">22252</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FN32V201.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22252&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">FN32V201.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>441,5 kt</td>


                    <td>9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>File Navigator For Windows v2.01File Navigator For Windows provides for easy management of such standard file types as the Fidonet QWK/REP mail packets, archive files (ZIP, ARJ, LHA, and EXE), TXT files, as well as GIF and JPG graphics files. In addition, it provides for up to 9 user-defined file extensions.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22253">22253</a></td>

                    <td>5,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"F-Secure SSH Client96/98/NT F-Secure SSH Client authenticates server and encrypts traffic between the client and server. F-Secure SSH Client consists of three integrated components: F-Secure SSH Terminal (provides secure login connections over unknown or untrusted networks) F-Secure SSH Tunnel (enables secure tunneling of Internet protocol services like email and web browsing)F-Secure SSH File Transfer (with a graphical user interface provides a simple and secure file transfers over insecure networks). F-Secure SSH Client 4.2 can connect to both version 1.x and 2.x SSH servers and detect automatically which server version is in use. Note: This product contains encryption algorithms that is regulated by United States and/or European Union export control restrictions. The download link on the left will take you to a secure formthat youll need to complete and submit to declare your eligibility. "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22254">22254</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Gnotella  Jaa omia tiedostojasi muille netinkäyttäjille. Freeware. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22255">22255</a></td>

                    <td>136 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TekstiviestiohjelmaLähetä 160 merkin pituisia tekstiviestejä kännyköihin käyttäen Soneran palvelua. Tämä ohjelma on vielä betatestaus vaiheessa.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22256">22256</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hack Tracer 1.2Hack Tracer on henkilökohtainen palomuuriohjelma, joka sekä suojelee tietokonetta asiattomilta tunkeutujilta, että osaa jäljittää hakkerin maantieteellisen sijainnin. Shareware, 39,95 USD. http://www.sharptechnology.com/bh-cons.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22257">22257</a></td>

                    <td>9,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HPY30Min v3.0 HPY30Min v3.0 on ohjelma Internet-yhteyden keston sekä hinnan seuraamiseen. HPY- alueen hinnat. W9x/NT/2k - Freewarea!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=64910">64910</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTPE2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=64910&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">HTPE2.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hyperterminal Private Edition version 2.0
is a more powerful version of Hilgraeve's
Hyperterminal communications program, which
Microsoft includes in every copy of Windows
95. We provide Hyperterminal PE to you for
your free personal use in the hope that you
will enjoy it and someday buy our
award-winning, full-featured program,
HyperACCESS. FREE</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22258">22258</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HTPE3.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22258&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">HTPE3.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>512,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>HyperTerminal 3.0 Update of Win95 HyperTerminal. Supports also TCP/IP (Winsock API), so it can be used as a telnet client as well.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22259">22259</a></td>

                    <td>613,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Numetrics ID v.2.0 A Windows(R) Telephony monitoring utility.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22260">22260</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IDENT10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22260&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">IDENT10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>651,1 kt</td>


                    <td>9312/Windows 6-Pak (InfoMagic) (Disc 4) (1999).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>IDentify! v1.0 Identify callers before you answer. Features include screen pops, call logging, pager notification, auto- hang up and many sound features. Requirements: Windows 95/98.  Caller ID capable TAPI compliant modem. Registration fee: $14.95 Developer: Impulse Technology</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22261">22261</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IO32BIT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22261&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">IO32BIT.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>901,2 kt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>In or Out Master v2.00Computerized in or out board that maintains a single data file  residing on a networked file server or workstation. Includes messaging, dialing, and email support. The perfect way to keep up  with co-workers and phone messages. Requires  Windows 3.1x, Windows 95 or Windows NT.  Registration Fee US$69.95. For more information please visit http://www.bytemasters.com.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22262">22262</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IPGP703.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22262&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">IPGP703.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>7,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>International PGP v7.0.3 Kryptaa näppärästi sähköpostiviestisi, ICQ-liikenteesi ja tiedostosi. Kotikäytössä ilmainen. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22263">22263</a></td>

                    <td>3,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Internet Timer v2.2.195 Auttaa pitämään puhelinlaskut kurissa netissä surffaillessa. Ohjelma osaa seurata niin modeemi-, lähiverkko- kuin ISDN-yhteyksiäkin. 21 päivän kokeiluversio, rek. $35 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22264">22264</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=IVOX102.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22264&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">IVOX102.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Indalo VoiceBox v1.0.1ISDN answering machine for win95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22265">22265</a></td>

                    <td>4,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>JFax Integrate VoiceMail v2.0E-mail and fax with this one application. Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22267">22267</a></td>

                    <td>216,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LANChat v1.17LANChat on LAN(Paikallisverkko) keskusteluohjelma.
Helppokäyttöinen Windows-sovellus. Laitteistovaatimus: DirextX7 tai parempi ja IPX-protokolla. http://www.futgiz.cjb.net</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22268">22268</a></td>

                    <td>3,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Moonbird Mailbox 32 v2.0 Etälukua 32 bitin voimalla ja selvällä suomen kielellä. Halpa shareware-ratkaisu kaikkiin etälukuongelmiisi. Helppokäyttöinen sisältäen myös vaativaa käyttäjää kiehtovia toimintoja. Uutta: ohjelma on nopeutunut huomattavasti, uusi Office97-look, toimivat postisuotimet, viestien luku lajitellussa järjestyksessä, uudet postikansiot ym. Korjattu istuntoa luodessa ohjelman kaatava bugi. Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Moonbird Software</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22269">22269</a></td>

                    <td>545,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Moonbird Mailbox 32 päivitys -> v2.1 Moonbird Mailbox 32 v2.1 EXE-päivitys EXE-päivitys mistä tahansa ohjelman aiemmasta versiosta versioon 2.1. Huom: lue LueMinut.NYT ennen asennusta! Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Moonbird Software</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22270">22270</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MF32.EXE&tiedoston_id=22270&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">MF32.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>


                    <td>10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 1).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MightyFax for Windows 95/98MightyFAX installs a printer driver so that you can fax directly from Windows software, 
including Microsoft Word and most other Windows programs. If you can print it, you can 
fax it with MightyFAX. Shareware. http://www.rks-software.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22271">22271</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MFNT.EXE&tiedoston_id=22271&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">MFNT.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MightyFax for Windows 2000 and Windows NTMightyFAX installs a printer driver so that you can fax directly from Windows software, 
including Microsoft Word and most other Windows programs. If you can print it, you can 
fax it with MightyFAX. Shareware. http://www.rks-software.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66209">66209</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MM1032B4.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66209&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">MM1032B4.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MailMaker 1.0 beta 4 32bit
QWK compatible offline reader for
Windows 95 and Windows NT.
Fast database to organize your mail
Includes features like text search,
internal unpacker, ANSI-viewer, text
justification, optional spellchecker,
file attachments, picklists, easy
install and uninstall and much more.
Imports Robomail 1.3 data / folder</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22272">22272</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MMAKER10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22272&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">MMAKER10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MailMaker 1.0 (16 and 32bit) QWK compatible offline reader for Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT. Fast database to organize your mail Includes features like text search, folders, internal unpacker, ANSI-viewer, text justification, optional spellchecker, file attachments, picklists, easy install and uninstall and much more. Imports Robomail 1.3 data / folder</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22273">22273</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MODSTA18.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22273&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">MODSTA18.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ModemSta 1.8: Animated icon replica or larger
indicator displays of modem's front panel.
Several great 3D looks. For use with
internal, external and PCMCIA modems. Modem
initialization, logging of incoming calls and
DATA TRANSFER RATE, additional status info,
show communications settings, generation of
sounds at comm events. Also parallel ports.
Updated for Win95. Shareware US$15.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22274">22274</a></td>

                    <td>652,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Moony ISDN Monitor v1.05Moony ISDN Monitor is a full featured program that monitors incoming calls via ISDN boards and shows them on screen when they come in (including names of known callers) and logs them. It can show calls to different numbers in different colors, map sounds to incoming and destination numbers and much more. Moony is shareware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22275">22275</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MR95_11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22275&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">MR95_11.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mail Reader 95 v1.1. Win95-etälukija.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22276">22276</a></td>

                    <td>737,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kaufman Mail Warrior  Erittäin pienikokoinen, mutta monipuolinen sähköpostinlukuohjelma. Tämä ohjelma on täydellinen valinta henkilölle, joka joutuu siirtymään usein tietokoneelta toiselle. Sen avulla sähköpostin saa kulkemaan mukana yhdellä korpulla, eikä ohjelman käyttö jätä jälkiä koneeseen missä se ajetaan. Freeware. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22277">22277</a></td>

                    <td>593,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Network LED 2.0Network LED creates a small indicator or usage meter icon in the 
tray notification area that represents the traffic on any network 
interface (dial-up modem, ISDN, cable modem, DSL modem, Ethernet 
card). This is a 30-day trial. Registration costs $14.95. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22278">22278</a></td>

                    <td>352,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>NPCOMM v.1.04 Network Pseudo Communication port is a software which offers the function to share COM ports on the LAN and the function to connect to telnetd through COM port. You can use this software for sharing modem(s) on your LAN or connecting BBS via Internet with a terminal software which has no TELNET ability.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66666">66666</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTCRT10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66666&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">NTCRT10.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CRT is a 32-bit winsock terminal emulator
that supports the rlogin and telnet protocol
as well as telnet via a SOCKS firewall.  CRT
supports ZModem file transfer over telnet
(download only).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22279">22279</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Offline Commander 1.5Offline Commander hakee halutun nettisivuston omalle koneelle säilyttäen sen tiedostorakenteen ja muotoilutiedostot. Ohjelman avulla sivuilta voi hakea haluttuja avainsanoja sekä tarkastella sivuston hakemistorakennetta. Offline Commander toimii myös selailua nopeuttavana nettiselaimena. Shareware, 39,95 USD. http://www.zylox.com/home.php</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22280">22280</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ONLM31EN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22280&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">ONLM31EN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>521,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Online Meter v3.1Online Meter is a utility monitoring your Dial-Up Networking or modem connections. Based on individual tariff definitions, it calculates the phone costs caused by these connections and offers several counters. Online Meter creates a detailed log of all your connections, including starting time, length, costs and descriptive information about the connection.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22281">22281</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PCDIS152.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22281&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">PCDIS152.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>645,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PhoneDisplay v1.52 PhoneDisplay v1.52 on ilmainen ja helppokäyttöinen numerontunnistusohjelma (Caller-ID) ISDN-liittymiin. Vaatii sisäisen CAPI 2.0 -yhteensopivan sovitinkortin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22282">22282</a></td>

                    <td>3,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sygate Personal Firewall 4.0Softapohjainen palomuuri, joka tarjoaa Internetiin liitetylle mikrolle turvaa verkkovandaaleilta. Erittäin mukautettava, mutta
myös hieman monimutkainen. http://www.sygate.com/free/spf_download.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22283">22283</a></td>

                    <td>318,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PassMaster Ohjelma, jonne huonomuistinen web-surffari voi tallentaa salasanojaan. Kun käyttäjä valitsee haluamansa palvelun, ohjelma kopioi salasanan leikepöydälle, josta sen voi liimata palveluun. 30 päivän kokeiluversio, rek. $9.90 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22284">22284</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QCONNECT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22284&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">QCONNECT.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>93,3 kt</td>


                    <td>13522/In-to-the-net (1996)(Weird Science)(Disc 1 of 2)[Amiga-PC].iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QConnect QConnect is a program that dials up your connection and then closes itself.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22285">22285</a></td>

                    <td>3,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QmodemPro v2.10 The right tool for connecting to BBSes and on-line services Supports many emulations, transfer protocols ,a complete scripting language, variable screen fonts, built in telnet, drag and drop capabilities. By far one of the best, most versatile and feature packed communication programs.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=67597">67597</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QWKread 32 (Beta3) Vain betatestaajille. Pura
WinZip 95:llä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22286">22286</a></td>

                    <td>251,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Remote-Anything 2.0.11 Allows you to use or supervise any distant PC over a LAN or the Internet. You can transfer files with drag&drop without shared drives (or being logged) and can use remotely any DOS or Windows software. You see the distant screen in real-time and move the mouse, type keys, run programs, edit the Registry, reboot or shut-down the distant PC.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22287">22287</a></td>

                    <td>788,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Fast PC Linker v3.61 trialTehokas ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma tiedonsiirtoon esim. kahden linkitetyn koneen välillä. Windows 3.1/9x/NT4. Copyright (C) 1987-1999 Rainy City Computer Products.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22288">22288</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SIMVELHO.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22288&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">SIMVELHO.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SIMVELHO 1.0Helppokäyttöinen kännykän SIM-koritin puhelinluettelon muokkaus- ja hallintaohjelma. Ohjelman mukana ohjeet oman koritinlukulaitteen valmistamiseen. Toimii useiden sarjaporttiin liitettävien kortinlukulaitteiden kanssa. WIN9X/NT4/2000 Tarvitsee VBRUN600-kirjastot.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22289">22289</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SKYW-101.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22289&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">SKYW-101.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>344,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SkyReader/W32 1.01a-6 Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail reader. Finnish and english language files, PGP support, message text reformatting, etc. nice features. This is the 32-bit Win32 text mode version for Windows 95 and NT.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22290">22290</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SMRTDIAL.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22290&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">SMRTDIAL.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>147 kt</td>


                    <td>4567/Win Heaven '95.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"SmartDial95Allows you to dial telephone numbers from any Windows application with the click of a button. Requires Win95 or WIN31 with Microsoft TAPI extensions."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22291">22291</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SpamEater Pro v3.21.283 Pyyhkii pois saamasi roskapostin ennen kuin ehdit ladata sen koneellesi. 30 päivän kokeiluversio, rek. $24.95 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22292">22292</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SSFAXER8.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22292&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">SSFAXER8.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>193,3 kt</td>


                    <td>17948/Visual Basic 4 - Programmer's Power Pack.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Simple Simons SSFaxer This supports all Class 1Class 2 and Class 2.0 fax/modems. Allows you to integrate faxing into VB3 or VB4."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22293">22293</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Silly Sigz 1.0Silly Sigz! is a free, e-mail signature file and tagline manager. Effortlessly add your favorite tagline collections with the import wizard. Silly Sigz! runs in the system tray, and automatically re-generates the signature file (with a different tagline) with a frequency you specify. http://www.sturec.com/sillysigz.shtml</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22294">22294</a></td>

                    <td>2,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sygate Personal Firewall 2.1Sygate® Personal Firewall protects your data from would-be intruders. Great for "always on" DSL and cable Internet connections! </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22295">22295</a></td>

                    <td>2,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TheCall 32 v1.5Feature rich Windows Terminal written by SysOps who listened to users. Drag and Drop file transfers, Script Language, Auto Zmodem Simple Installation, Toolbar, Direct access to Mail Readers, Configurable Sounds, Host. ANSI-BBS, VT-100, VT-52, TTY Emulation. Port to 115200, over 400 modem configurations. Background Communications, Help. VISA and CIS SWREG 8223.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22296">22296</a></td>

                    <td>73,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"TCP/IP Switcher v3.3TCPSW is an utility to allow the changing of Windows 95 DialUp networking connections hostnamedomain name and nameserver values."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22297">22297</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TERA23.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22297&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">TERA23.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>921,7 kt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tera Term Pro v2.3Tera Term on näppärä pääteohjelma, sekä telnet-clientti Windows-käyttöjärjestelmille. Tukee VT100, sekä VT200/300 -emulaatioita, ja suosituimpia tiedonsiirtoprotokollia (Kermit, XMODEM, ZMODEM, jne.). Freeware. http://ftp.riken.go.jp/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22298">22298</a></td>

                    <td>3,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TopDog Search Engine Analyzer v5.8Katso, kuinka korkealle oma sivusi on päässyt suosituimmissa hakukoneissa. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22299">22299</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Trillian v0.635 Trillian on kontaktiohjelma, joka pystyy samaan aikaan näyttämään ICQ, AIM, MSN ja Yahoo Messenger -kontaktisi sekä tarkkailemaan myös IRC:iä. Voit laittaa ohjelman hälyttämään ystäviesi tullessa linjoille, suunnitella omia skinejä ja säädellä näkyvyyttäsi nettiin. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Ilmainen. http://www.ceruleanstudios.com </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22300">22300</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>32-bit FOSSIL driver for Windows 95.
Dramatically improves transfer speeds
FOSSIL-aware software written running
under Windows 95.  Includes support for
FOSSIL-aware 32-bit applications such as
Binkleyterm-32! SHAREWARE</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22301">22301</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TTSSH151.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22301&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">TTSSH151.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>267,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SSH plugin for Tera Term Pro 2.3 SSH plugin for Tera Term Pro 2.3 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22302">22302</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TWNSCK20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22302&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">TWNSCK20.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>350,9 kt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TwinSock 2.0 TwinSock is a free implementation of proxy sockets for Windows. TwinSock makes use of the IP address of the host to provide socket services to the client. When an application running under Windows requests socket services of TwinSock, TwinSock will transparently pass these requests on to the TwinSock Host program running on the remote machine for processing. The result is that you have all the same networking capabilities as you would if your Windows machine were physically connected to the network in place of the host machine.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69479">69479</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TWNSCK20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69479&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">TWNSCK20.ZIP</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TwinSock 2.0 for Windows 95
TwinSock is a free implementation of proxy
sockets for Windows. TwinSock makes use of
the IP address of the host to provide socket
services to the client. When an application
running under Windows requests socket
services of TwinSock, TwinSock will
transparently pass these requests on to the
TwinSock Host program running on the remote
machine for processing. The result is that
you have all the same networking capabilities
as you would if your Windows machine were
physically connected to the network in place
of the host machine.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22303">22303</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=UNIPC101.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22303&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">UNIPC101.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>264,4 kt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UNIPC v1.01Universal Phone Counter allows everybody in every country to know his phone bill at each instant. Easy to use and powerful (phone rules entered as parameters). Runs under Windows 95. Shareware: US$10. http://www.griviere.com/unipc/unipc01.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22304">22304</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VOCOM117.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22304&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">VOCOM117.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Vocomv1.17 Vocom is a complete programming package (editor, debugger, compiler, extra utilities etc..) to develop Voice Mail like systems with any standard DIALOGIC or compatible computer telephony cards. Completely developed by indipendent programmers VOCOM offers tons of useful features, great documentation and the lowest priece around. WORKING SHAREWARE VERSION.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22305">22305</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VR42A.EXE&tiedoston_id=22305&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">VR42A.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VisualRoute 4.2aVisualRoute is a speedy Traceroute program that can automatically analyze connectivity problems. 
The program offers a map of the world, which you can use to view the routes that your IP packets 
take as you compute over the Internet. VisualRoute also lets you track all IP hops in parallel 
(instead of consecutively), and can thereby provide results much faster than conventional Traceroute 
programs. VisualRoute also supports pop-up Whois and Loose Source Route (LSRR) information. It 
includes AutoWeb, a feature in the VisualRoute Server package (a separately priced option) that allows 
you to install VisualRoute on a central server and then have users access VisualRoute through a 
Java-enabled Web browser. This release contains an updated geographical database, minor bug 
fixes, and improvements to the graphical interface. Registration costs $29.95 after the 30-day trial. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22306">22306</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VVSETUP.EXE&tiedoston_id=22306&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">VVSETUP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>192,5 kt</td>



                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft File Transfer v1.0Microsoft File Transfer (data over voice) for VoiceView modems. For MS Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69848">69848</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VVSETUP.EXE&tiedoston_id=69848&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">VVSETUP.EXE</a></td>




                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft File Transfer (data over voice)
for VoiceView modems. For MS Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22307">22307</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebCelerator v2.0  Nopeuttaa netin selailua hakemalla sivuja etukäteen. WebCeleratorilla voi myös optimoida koneen verkkoasetuksia ja sen saa automaattisesti poistamaan sivuilla olevat mainosbannerit. Freeware.  </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22308">22308</a></td>

                    <td>667,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WebFerret 3.5001 Tee nettihakuja useasta hakukoneesta samaan aikaan. WebFerret käyttää 21 hakukonetta, mm. AltaVista, AskJeeves ja Lycos, ja sille voi määritellä, etsiikö se kaikkia hakusanoja vaiko vain jotain hakutermeistä. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22309">22309</a></td>

                    <td>2,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Webspector Lite Ohjelma, joka tiedottaa sinulle milloin suosikkisivustojasi on päivitetty. Kevytversio on ilmainen. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70091">70091</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINTEL32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70091&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">WINTEL32.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinTel32 - is a communication program
for Win95/NT. It features file transfer
using ASCII, XModem, YModem, ZModem,
and Kermit; VT100, ANSI Color, VT52,
and TTY terminal emulation; viewing GIF
and JPEG images offline or while
downloading; Telnet client for TCP/IP
connection; uuencoding and decoding
Internet files; and more.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22310">22310</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WNFOS112.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22310&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">WNFOS112.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>[ winfossil v1.12 ] 32-bit FOSSIL driver for
Windows 95. Dramatically improves transfer
speeds FOSSIL-aware software written running
under Windows 95. Includes support for
FOSSIL-aware 32-bit applications such as
Binkleyterm-32! SHAREWARE $15.00

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22311">22311</a></td>

                    <td>3,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WorMS v.602WorMS, kotimainen 32-bittinen Omen & QWK-yhteensopiva etälukija, Windows 95/NT. Viestien luku ja kirjoitus linja-ajan ulkopuolella. Alueiden etävalinta, viestien arkistointi (1000 viesti- pakettia), käyttäjäluettelo valo- kuvineen, aiheiden ja kirjoittajien valinta, SysOp-toiminnot, MIME-skandit, ROT13-salakielitulkki ym. ym.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22312">22312</a></td>

                    <td>5,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>X-WinPro 4.2 (16-bit)X-WinPro is a simple but powerful software package designed to provide a cost-effective 
way to transform your PC into an X Windows workstation. http://www.LabF.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22313">22313</a></td>

                    <td>6,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>X-WinPro 5.2 (32-bit)X-WinPro is a simple but powerful 32-bit software package designed to provide a cost-effective 
way to transform your PC into an X Windows workstation. The X Windows System, NFS Server and 
Client, TCP/IP, FTP, TFTP, and Telnet software are provided, giving you all that you need to 
run remote Unix and X applications. This demo version allows an unlimited number of 30-minute 
runs. The full version costs $99. Version 5.2 adds "GLX" X-Extension as an evaluation limited
feature. The XServer/Multiple has a new TrPW2 mode, in which the local window manager determines 
general behavior. http://www.LabF.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22315">22315</a></td>

                    <td>427,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Yet Another Etälukija v1.0.0002 Etälukua 32 bitin voimalla ja selvällä suomen kielellä. Halpa shareware-ratkaisu kaikkiin etälukuongelmiisi. Helppokäyttöinen sisältäen myös vaativaa käyttäjää kiehtovia toimintoja. OMEN- ja laajennettu QWK-tuki. Osoitteisto. Epätoivottujen viestien ohitus. Alueiden etävalinta. UU-koodaus/-purku ym. VUOSI 2000- yhteensopiva, mukana testipaketti! Vaatii VB6 kirjastot. Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Moonbird Software</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22316">22316</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZoneAlarm 2.6ZoneAlarm on ilmainen palomuuriohjelma, joka tarkkailee koneesi tietoliikennettä, ja reagoi epäilyttäviin tai asiattomiin tapahtumiin. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22317">22317</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Zap-O-Comm (ZOC) v4.00 for Windows32bit Telnet/SSH, Modem and ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, countless options and features including Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). http://www.emtec.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22318">22318</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZONALARM.EXE&tiedoston_id=22318&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">ZONALARM.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZoneAlarm Pro lets you realize true peace of mind knowing your network-connected PC is secure. ZoneAlarm is compatible with Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000

                    <td><a href="/id?id=70511">70511</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ZOW304.ZIP&tiedoston_id=70511&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Tietoliikenne">ZOW304.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ZOC 3.04 - 32bit Modem, Telnet and ISDN comm.
application for OS/2 and Windows NT/95.
Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem,
count- less options and features including
CIS-B, Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX
scripting. Not crippled (just a registration
reminder after file transfer).  Filenames:
ZOC*.ZIP=OS/2 Version,

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22320">22320</a></td>

                    <td>89,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Top updated. Does your Desktop make you Claustrophobic? Have you ever thought it would be good to break away from your conventional "square" desktop? Maybe you feel that a single screen just isn\'t enough for all applications? What you need is a new innovative way of viewing your programs, that doesn\'t sponge away all of your system resources, even though it does use all of todays new hardware. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22319">22319</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=3DTOPUP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22319&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">3DTOPUP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>76,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D TopDoes your Desktop make you Claustrophobic? Have you ever thought it would be good to break away from your conventional "square" desktop? Maybe you feel that a single screen just isn\'t enough for all applications? What you need is a new innovative way of viewing your programs, that doesn\'t sponge away all of your system resources, even though it does use all of todays new hardware. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22321">22321</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=95LOGO2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22321&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">95LOGO2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>26,2 kt</td>


                    <td>8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Win95 Logo Organizer 2.0 Win95 Logo Organizer is a friendly utility for changing Win95 logo that appear when your start and close Windows 95.  </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22322">22322</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=A1XMASPL.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22322&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">A1XMASPL.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>993,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Christmas Music Player Christmas Music Player is a program which brings all the joy of Christmas Music to your desktop! Christmas Music Player plays 40 different holiday musical favorites in the background while you do other tasks on your computer. This Holiday season let Christmas Music Player play all your favorite holiday Christmas Songs!  (c) 1997 CMB Software http://cmbsoftware.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22323">22323</a></td>

                    <td>8,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ace Talking Reminders 2.0.5Ace uses Text-to-Speech Technology to make small animated cartoon characters read the 
reminders you type in--at the time you specify. These characters read whatever you 
type and will countdown the time remaining until the event. Talking Reminders also 
functions like a grandfather clock by announcing the time the way you type it. Freeware. 
Homepage: http://www.goace.com  
More characters: http://msdn.microsoft.com/msagent/agentdl.asp

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22324">22324</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"ActivIcons v2.2ActivIcons is a freeware utility which lets you easily change default Windows iconscursors and other icon-related desktop parameters (such as making text labels transparentrestoring icon positions and coloring individual folders). Quickly change default mouse cursorsrebuild Windowsicon cacheincrease cache sizechange various drive/folder iconsrestore default iconsmore. Win95/98/NT4."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22325">22325</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ActivIcons 3.24 ASP FreewareActivIconsin avulla onnistuu muun muassa kuvakkeiden vaihtaminen ja hallinta, työpöydän ulkonäön muokkaaminen, Windowsin lataus- ja lopetuskuvan vaihtaminen, vioittuneiden kuvaketiedostojen korjaaminen, sekä työpöydän asettelun tallentaminen ja palauttaminen. Voit myös muuttaa kuvakkeiden välimuistitiedoston kokoa, Käynnistä-painikkeen tekstiä ja kuvaa, sekä muita työpöytäsi ominaisuuksia.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22326">22326</a></td>

                    <td>402,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Advent program is a virtual Advent wreath for your Desktop. His candles flash automatic. 
After Christmas the candles stop to burn and you can put the Advent wreath away 
till next year. Windows 95/98/NT. Free.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22327">22327</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Alt Launch Bands 2.0Kun tietokoneella tekee töitä, Windowsin työpöytä täyttyy helposti kuvakkeilla ja ikkunoilla, ja halutun ohjelman tai kansion löytäminen voi kiireessä käydä hankalaksi. Ohjelmien pikakuvakkeita voi tietysti työpöydän lisäksi ripotella ruudun alalaitaan, mutta ne vievät ikävästi tilaa. Alt Launch Band luo kuvaruudun ylälaitaan uuden pikakuvakepalkin, jonka ulkonäköä voi muokata. Ohjelmasta löytyy myös puhelinmuistio, työkalu kovalevyn sisällön tarkasteluun, sekä mahdollisuus laittaa kuvaruudulle pieniä muistilappuja. Shareware. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22328">22328</a></td>

                    <td>424,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Alibaba 2.0 skin for WindowBlindsA skin for Stardock WindowBlinds 1.1+

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22329">22329</a></td>

                    <td>688 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EZ Macros 4.0cEasy to use keyboard and mouse macro recorder designed to work with Windows 95/98/NT/2000. EZ Macros is good for performing repetitive keystrokes and mouse actions with one keystroke. You can also have EZ Macros launch a program by hitting a hot key. http://www.americansys.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22331">22331</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=APUP97.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22331&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">APUP97.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>386,3 kt</td>


                    <td>4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AppUp97 v1.2 A Windows95/NT Program, Folder and Group Launch Palette. Fast and very easy to use with 10 buttons, assign upto 7 Folders to a Popup menu. Have multiple programs launched at the same time (assign upto 3 different application Groups). Rolls up and down and puts an icon on the Task bar so it is always available. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22332">22332</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ASCRS310.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22332&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">ASCRS310.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Animated Screen v3.10This program allows you to create standalone animations and export them to a Windows screensaver file, or to a self-running EXE file. You can also create transition effects, animations from AVI movie files, export your animations to AVI files and much more! Version 3.10 adds an undo command and visual sprite control. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22333">22333</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Auto Start Manager v1.2 Auto Start Manager extends the functionality of the Windows StartUp folder by giving the ability to conditionally start programs at startup time or after a specified time delay.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22334">22334</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ATBSETUP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22334&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">ATBSETUP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1003,9 kt</td>

                        <td>versio 1.2</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Actual Title Buttons (R) v.1.1Actual Title Buttons (R) v.1.1 for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me/XP -  Add new buttons such as Stay On Top  and Mininize To Tray to any window  title bar near Min/Max/Close. - Copyright (c) 2002, Actual Tools, Inc.  http://www.ActualTools.com actualtools@actualtools.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22336">22336</a></td>

                    <td>7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Automate 5.4fApuohjelma windowsin toimintojen automaattiseen suorittamiseen. Mahdollista tehdä lukemattomia toimintoja sekä määrätä ne käynnistymään monilla eri tavoilla kuten pikanäppäimillä, tietyn hakemiston sisällön muuttumisella tai vaikka windowsin käynnistymisellä. Toimiva käyttöliittymä ja helppokäyttöinen Wizard tekemisen helpottamiseksi. Shareware. http://www.unisyn.com/automate/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22337">22337</a></td>

                    <td>717,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>@YourFingertips 1.0@YourFingertips installs easily,  uses minimal resources, and can be  customized in minutes to make your  shortcuts accessible, while keeping  your screen clear of icon-litter. Windows 9x/NT. Shareware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22338">22338</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BABYMASH.EXE&tiedoston_id=22338&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">BABYMASH.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BabyMashDoes your baby try to "Help" when your using the computer? BabyMash is a game designed to let 
infants pound on the keyboard without affecting the rest of your computer programs. Colorful 
shapes appear each time baby hits a key accompanied by sound. Helps develop hand to eye 
coordination and gives baby a real boost in confidence as they do what Mommy or Daddy does.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22339">22339</a></td>

                    <td>3,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Bali Tools 7.48 Adds a lot of functions that you can access using an icon in the tray area. You may: quit or restart windowsinhibit the screen saveruse a calculatormanage your phone numbers andto dolistmodify automatically your wallpaperlaunch applications or documents directly from the tray areacount how much time you spend using Internetannounce the time every half an hourquery your mailboxesannounce and display any new mailsimplify connection process and more. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22340">22340</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BGSCROLL.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22340&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">BGSCROLL.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>780,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Background scroller Replaces your desktop background image from time to time.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22343">22343</a></td>

                    <td>42,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CapTime 1.42Ilmainen ohjelma, jolla voit vaikuttaa siihen, mitä kulloinkin aktiivisen ikkunan otsikkopalkissa lukee. Voit lisätä sekaan esimerkiksi kellonajan tai päivämäärän. http://members.nbci.com/imkobi/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22344">22344</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CARZ10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22344&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">CARZ10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Carz v1.0Road and traffic on your desktop</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22345">22345</a></td>

                    <td>3,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Catz II Virtual Petz Adoption Desktop pet to keep you company. Windows 95, P75, 16 MB </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22346">22346</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CD99SET.EXE&tiedoston_id=22346&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">CD99SET.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>889,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cool DeskOhjelma, joka tekee 3 työpöytää, joihin voit siirtyä näytöllä näkyvällä ohjelmalla, tai AltGr+1, toiseen työpöytään AltGr+2, ja kolmanteen AltGr+3. Työpöydillä voi siis olla eri ikkunoita avoinna. Sharewarea.  http://www.shelltoys.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22349">22349</a></td>

                    <td>3,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CITADEL SAFSTOR V1.0 Shell Extension for file encryption, designed to be easy to use and secure enough for the most demanding needs. Fully integrated into the Windows 95 user interface. Offers the strongest encryption available today, and includes such ciphers as IDEA, DES, Triple DES, GOST, Blowfish, Safer SK-128, RC2 and RC5, as well as cryptographically strong random numbers.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22350">22350</a></td>

                    <td>285 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Clickie 1.0Tekee Windowsin Resurssienhallintaan oikealla hiiren napilla aukeavaan valikkoon kaksi uutta valintaa: "Copy Path Name" kopioi leikepöydälle tiedoston/hakemiston polun ja "Open MS-DOS Prompt" avaa DOS-ikkunan kyseisen hakemiston kohdalla. Ilmainen. http://defoort.free.fr/clickie/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22351">22351</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CLEAN151.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22351&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">CLEAN151.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>37,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Start Menu Cleaner v1.51Ilmainen ohjelma Käynnistä-napin takaa avautuvan valikon siivoamiseen. Start Menu Cleaner tarkistaa, onko valikossa tyhjiä hakemistoja tai olemattomaan paikkaan osoittavia pikakuvakkeita.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22353">22353</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CLIPFL11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22353&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">CLIPFL11.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>120,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ClipFile v1.1 Windows 95 & NT4 shell extension that copies the paths of selected files to the clipboard. Allows selection of long or short names, with or without quotes, and will optionally recurse folder contents and list full file details. Can save a lot of time browsing round file-open dialogs (if you can see the object in a folder or explorer, just copy and paste the path), or overcome Explorer\'s lack of a "print" option (paste a folder listing into your text editor and print it).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22355">22355</a></td>

                    <td>87,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ClipboardEx v1.0Pieni mutta käytännöllinen leikepöydän korvike. Normaalin käytön lisäksi ClipboardEx osaa tarvittaessa liittää kopioitavan tekstin jo leikepöydällä olevaan sisältöön. Mahdollistaa 10 eri leikepöydän käytön yhtäaikaa, ja käytettävän leikepöydän valinta tapahtuu nopeasti pikanäppäimillä. Shareware. http://www.geocities.com/milandav/ClipboardEx</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22356">22356</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CM98V30.EXE&tiedoston_id=22356&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">CM98V30.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>376,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cool Mouse 98, v3.0Ohjelma, jonka avulla voit hiiren kolmannella napilla mm. vierittää ikkunoita, hoitaa tuplaklikkauksen, näyttää ikkunan ominaisuudet yms.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22357">22357</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=COPYTO.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22357&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">COPYTO.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>234,4 kt</td>


                    <td>16318/Registration Key and Serials Pro Professional Edition.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CopyTo Installs handy COpyTo menu option on the right-click context menu within Explorer enabling easy file transfer. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22358">22358</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CV_RULE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22358&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">CV_RULE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>147,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Freeware screen ruler Measures in pixels, millimeters and inches. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22359">22359</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DARTH.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22359&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">DARTH.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>29,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Darth Skin for WindowBlindsThis skin for WindowBlinds will give your desktop a dark look 
that is inspired by the famous Star Wars character Darth Vader.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22360">22360</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DESKFIND.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22360&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">DESKFIND.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>7,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Desktop Finder This is a simple program for quickly minimizing all open windows on your Windows 95 desktop.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22362">22362</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DESKMAST.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22362&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">DESKMAST.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>20,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DeskmasterVirtual screen for Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22363">22363</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DESKTOPA.EXE&tiedoston_id=22363&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">DESKTOPA.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Desktop ArchitectAn excellent alternative to Microsoft Plus! Desktop Architect lets you easily install, customize, 
and create Windows desktop themes. It also has powerful features for creating your own themes.
It lets you preview themes and customize them by selecting the settings you wish to apply,
selecting a screen saver, selecting a scheme, customizing the appearance of different desktop
items (such as title bars, icons, scroll bars, menus, and windows), selecting and previewing
logos (startup, shutdown, and wait), selecting cursors, selecting icons (for My Computer,
Network Neighborhood, Full Recycle Bin, Empty Recycle Bin, and My Documents), and
choosing sounds for different sound events. 
You can open and save themes, randomly switch your themes, create a BMP screen shot of a
theme, and generate a self-extracting EXE file for distributing your theme.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22364">22364</a></td>

                    <td>104 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DeskWipe 1.2 Find icons under windows easily!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22365">22365</a></td>

                    <td>7,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Dicons v1.0Ilmainen pieni ohjelma, jolla saat muutettua työpöydällä olevien ikoneiden tekstien värin
ja poistettua taustalaatikot. Toimii Windows 9x/NT/2000/ME, vaikka Active Desktop olisi päällä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22367">22367</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DISAPPR.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22367&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">DISAPPR.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>384,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DisappearVaihtaa työpöydän ikonien tekstin taustan läpinäkyväksi.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22368">22368</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DKNOTES.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22368&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">DKNOTES.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>883,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DK Notes v2.12Monipuolinen ohjelma muistilappujen liimaamiseen työpöydälle. 30 päivää kokeiltava shareware-versio Windows 95/98/NT:lle. Copyright 1999 Moazon, Inc.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22369">22369</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DMEX310.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22369&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">DMEX310.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>369,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DMEX v3.10Explorer Menu Extension (Win95)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22370">22370</a></td>

                    <td>3,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Dogz II Virtual Petz Adoption KitA desktop pet to keep you company. Windows 95, P75, 16 MB </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22371">22371</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DPSETUP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22371&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">DPSETUP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>153,1 kt</td>

                        <td>versio 1.4</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DesktopPlant v1.52DesktopPlant tuo työpöydällesi virtuaalisen kasvin. Se
tarvitsee hoitoa, kastelua ja lannoitusta, aivan kuten oikea
kasvikin. Hyvin hoitamalla voit saada saada kasvin kukkimaan
kauniisti muutamassa päivässä.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22372">22372</a></td>

                    <td>186,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DragonDROP Multi purpose utility that is useful for accomplishing any repetive tasks, enables you to keep all those bits of data close at hand. Win95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22373">22373</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DRIFTWD.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22373&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">DRIFTWD.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>290,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Driftwood Skin for WindowBlindsDriftwood is a skin for WindowBlinds that looks like it is 
carved from ocean-weathered wood and sand.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22374">22374</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DSKSLN15.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22374&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">DSKSLN15.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>284,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DesqTop Solutions V1.5Screen Saver, Wallpaper and  System Sounds sequential and random auto-changer. Main Toolbar can launch selected applications. Desktop Utility. (Formerly called DeskTop Solutions)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22375">22375</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Desktop Goodies Add an icon to your system tray that accesses a calendar, a timer, a conversion program, a reminder and sticky-notes utility. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22376">22376</a></td>

                    <td>189,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DeskView32 v1.1Win95 desktop viewer. Icon sits in system tray, click to show pop-up menu with all files and shortcuts on your desktop, without having to minimize all your apps to see the desktop. Galt Technology 1996 http://www.galttech.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22377">22377</a></td>

                    <td>423,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"DeskTool 2.4DeskTool is a toolbar that you can use to quickly launch frequently used applications. The toolbar consists of a row of buttons that you click on to start programsand a box where you can type in commands similar to the Run feature on the Windows Start menu. Adding buttons to the DeskTool toolbar is as easy as dragging and dropping a programs shortcut on the toolbar. In addition to buttons that will launch programsyou can also add buttons that will bring up a menu of programs for you to chose from. The toolbar is also dockable with the sides of the screenand has an auto-hide feature to hide the toolbar when you are using other applications. 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT/Me/2000 by MetaProducts. http://www.metaproducts.com"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22378">22378</a></td>

                    <td>4,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"DesktopX 0.65Powerful object framework for Windows. It allows users to create completely customized user environments. With itdesktops can be broken into individual parts that are called DesktopX objects that can be exchanged with other DesktopX users. As a resultvirtually anything that doesnt require user input can be created quickly and easily. http://www.desktopx.net"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22379">22379</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"eBot 3.0.3 Electronic robot that sits on a subscribers computer desktopdelivers the latest software releasespatches and bug fixes relevant to the users computer system. eBot 
searches its database for updates and sends the subscriber only the free updates or software offers applicable to his or her system. "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22380">22380</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=EI98.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22380&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">EI98.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,5 Mt</td>

                        <td>versio ?</td>

                    <td>22675/cd joystick no108 octobre 1999.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>E-Icons 98 2.23 Allows you to change the icons for nearly anything, customizing your Desktop, Start Menu and others such as any folder icon, any drive icon, and any other file type! Includes several icon sets, however it allows you to design your own icon themes. Freeware!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22381">22381</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ENTRAY12.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22381&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">ENTRAY12.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>608,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EnTRAY v1.2 Lets you dynamically add and remove programs, documents, folders and shortcuts to your system tray (Windows taskbar). These programs and documents can then be run from the tray through a single mouse click. In addition, EnTRAY also lets you minimize or maximize all windows through a single mouse click on the EnTRAY icon.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22382">22382</a></td>

                    <td>793 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ExConExCon is a shell extension that can add up to four context menu items, depending upon the way you configure ExCon and upon the type of object for which a context menu is retrieved. ExCon makes Windows Explorer easier and more efficient to use, by adding useful features to the context menu.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22383">22383</a></td>

                    <td>353,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Exploder v1.0Freeware - vaatii WIN98x/NT - kehitysvaiheessa vielä... 
Exploder on windows explorerin kaltainen tiedostojen 
käsittely ohjelma jossa on lisäksi mm:filtteripikanappi 
5 ensimmäiselle asemalleoma kopiointipaneeli ja

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22384">22384</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FEARN202.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22384&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">FEARN202.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>27,9 kt</td>


                    <td>819/Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FearNot v2.0.2This program attempts to look your system from unwanted intruders allowing you to select a password each time you run it, so it is not written anywhere. The program disables the CTRL-ALT-DEL and ALT-TAB and CTRL-ESC keys from reaching Win95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22385">22385</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FELIX.EXE&tiedoston_id=22385&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">FELIX.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>313,7 kt</td>



                        <td style="color:red">eritupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FelixWindows-työpöydälläsi elävä, sisäsiisti virtuaalikissa.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22386">22386</a></td>

                    <td>340,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"File-Ex v2.0Make Win95 file dialogs what they should be! Adds file FindCopyDeleteRenameMove and MakeDir functions to all applicationsOpen and Save dialogsplus easily access the last 25 files and directories usedand 100 favorites used in any application. Adds long filename support to 16-bit applications. Fully functional shareware evaluation copy. By Cottonwood Software  "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22387">22387</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FOLDERS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22387&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">FOLDERS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>109,8 kt</td>


                    <td>The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FoldersTällä ohjelmalla saat tehtäväpalkkiin pikakuvakkeita kansioille ja erityyppisille tiedostoille.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22388">22388</a></td>

                    <td>392,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Free Desktops 1.20.12 A virtual Desktop manager that subdivides the windows you have open on the screen in different "screens" called Desktops. Freeware</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22389">22389</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FreeShade v1.003Helpottaa Windows-ikkunoiden käsittelyä: esim. otsikkopalkkia kaksoisklikkaamalla
ikkuna kutistuu pelkän otsikkopalkin kokoiseksi. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22390">22390</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FTHEME.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22390&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">FTHEME.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Free Theme Allows you to install desktop themes without the Plus! pack.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22392">22392</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GMOUSE20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22392&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">GMOUSE20.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>682,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>GhostMouse 2.0 GM records system-level mouse events which can then be played back so that the computer can execute and operate applications on its own. GhostMouse can be placed in the Windows startup group so that preprogrammed tasks are carried out when Windows starts up. v2.0 offers improved performance, two new features, and smaller program size.  Running Setup.exe will use InstallShield to install GhostMouse. GhostMouse is free. Please distribute it</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22393">22393</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>GTI Desktop+ v2.0 Desktop Utils A set of integrated desktop utilities for MS Windows 95/NT. Includes a screen saver randomomizer, random wallpaper changer, themes randomizer and a random startup/exit sound changer. Plus it can turn any Windoes 95/NT screen saver into an animated wallpaper and it lets you use jpeg images as wallpapers.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22394">22394</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GUN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22394&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">GUN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>36,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>GunBlow your Windows 95 screen full of holes with this virtual gun.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22395">22395</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HAPPFRED.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22395&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">HAPPFRED.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>272 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Happy Fred v1.00Desktop Buddy. This clumsy superman/cartoon character will entertain you while you work or play. Watch Fred fly, play, whistle, run, fall, talk, etc. Fred may be used as a screen-saver, instead of screen-saver ot with your screen-saver. http://prog-net.com/fred/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22398">22398</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HOOK9911.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22398&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">HOOK9911.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>28,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hook99 v1.1.0.41Ilmainen ohjelma, jolla saa muutettua Windowsin Start-nappulan ulkonäköä tai
poistettua koko nappulan näkyvistä. Voit muutenkin muokata Windowsin tehtäväpalkkia.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22401">22401</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>IC3 v1.41Monipuolinen ilmaisohjelma, joka hoitaa sekä muistion, kalenterin että suosikkilistan tehtävät. Runsaasti säätöjä ja vipuja.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22405">22405</a></td>

                    <td>476,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Invisible 2000 v2.0Ilmainen Invisible poistaa työpöydältäsi ikonien tekstien taustalla olevat värilaatikot ja tarvittaessa vaikka kaikki ikonit tai Käynnistä-nappulan.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22406">22406</a></td>

                    <td>2,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>IconPackager 1.5Erittäin monipuolinen ohjelma Windowsin vakiofonttien muuttamiseen erilaisten teemojen tai omien mieltymysten mukaan. Ohjelman mukana tulee valmiita teemoja, mutta voit myös hakea niitä lisää valmistajan kotisivuilta nappia painamalla. 30 päivän shareware-versio Windows 98/NT/2000/Me:lle. http://www.stardock.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22407">22407</a></td>

                    <td>819,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ize 2.21Tästä saat työpöydällesi tyylikkäät silmät, jotka seuraavat touhujasi välillä lupsahdellen. Voit valita
silmien värin ja muutenkin säätää seuralaisesi ominaisuuksia. Ilmainen rekisteröinti.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22408">22408</a></td>

                    <td>774,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Jerboa v.0.7.0 beta  Jerboa is an innovative tool which recognizes mouse movements and executes scripts binded to them. You can send keyboard macros, change window focus and much more. See more information at http://www.sci.fi/~mips/jerboa</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22409">22409</a></td>

                    <td>676,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>JS Pager Virtual Desktop 2.3 Virtual desktop program which has a skinable interface giving the user total control over its size and appearance. The interface contains a map over all desktops. The user can move windows to any desktop with a single mouse operation.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22410">22410</a></td>

                    <td>13,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kill Docs v1.5Voit tyhjentää Windowsin viimeksi käytettyjen tiedostojen listan hiiren klikkauksella tai automaattisesti tietyn ajan välein.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22411">22411</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LEMMESEE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22411&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">LEMMESEE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>72,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Let Me See! Mahdollistaa dialogien muokkaamisen Windows 95:ssä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22412">22412</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LIBERA10.EXE&tiedoston_id=22412&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">LIBERA10.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>675 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Liberator v1.0Having problems with your system performance? Dont worry! Libarator replaces Windows Explorerfrees up megabytes of memory and speeds up your computer. Liberator is ideal program for gamers and tweakers. Or just use for your pleasureits a handy program even you dont use it as shell. SHAREWARE US$3/3Euros/15FIM"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22414">22414</a></td>

                    <td>10,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Logo Randomizer v1.1 Logo Randomizer is a program that is a must for those who have many fine startup logos for Win95 See a new logo everytime you boot your system! Now also supported shutdownlogos!"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22413">22413</a></td>

                    <td>270 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Startup Logo Randomizer v1.12Arpoo Windows 95:n latauskuvan, taustakuvan ja molemmat lopetuskuvat. Tarvitsee VB5:n ajokirjastot. Jos sinulla ei ole niitä, imuroi ne MBnetistä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22416">22416</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LOUPEX.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22416&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">LOUPEX.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>49,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Screen Loupe v2.2Loupe displays a magnified view of whatever is beneath the mouse cursormuch like a printers or jewelers loupe."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22417">22417</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LP32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22417&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">LP32.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>872,5 kt</td>


                    <td>19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LaunchPad v3.2LaunchPad is an event scheduler that can be used to run programs, display messages, run DOS commands, send DDE commands and perform various other system tasks. Events can be scheduled based on dates, times, intervals and conditions.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22420">22420</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LS024.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22420&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">LS024.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LiteStep 0.24.0Alternative Win95 shell modeled after AfterStep/NeXTStep. This package includes themes.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22418">22418</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LS024NOT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22418&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">LS024NOT.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>198,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LiteStep 0.24.0Alternative Win95 shell modeled after AfterStep/NeXTStep. This package does not include themes.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22419">22419</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LS024SRC.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22419&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">LS024SRC.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>157,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LiteStep 0.24.0 source code distribution</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22422">22422</a></td>

                    <td>810,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Macro Magic v4.1a MM helpottaa ja nopeuttaa toistuvien toimintojen suoritusta Windows 95/98/NT:llä. Voit koostaa makrot näppäin painallusten lisäksi hiiren liikkeistä ja painalluksista. Makroja voit tehdä helppo käyttöisellä makroeditorilla tai antaa ohjelman "nauhoittaa" tarvittavat toiminnot. Shareware, 30 päivän demoversio.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22423">22423</a></td>

                    <td>588,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ManyFolders v1.00Ohjelma, jolla voit tehdä iconeita. Freewarea.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22424">22424</a></td>

                    <td>82,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MultiDesktop Manager This program is a desktop manager which allows you to create multiple desktops and switch between them. MultiDesktop Manager will run only on Windows NT 4.0 or above. MultiDesktop Manager is freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22425">22425</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microangelo 98 v4.77Monipuolinen työkalu ikonien ja kursorien tekemiseen ja hallintaan. Voit piirrellä myös animoituja kursoreita.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22426">22426</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MacroMagic MM enables you to automate many of your repetitive tasks. Launch web sites, documents or applications with hotkeys. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22427">22427</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MOONRISE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22427&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">MOONRISE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Moonrise If you put it in your Startup folderit will greet you everyday with the days sunrisesunsetmoonrisemoonsetand twilight times. You can easily find the next moon phasesand see an icon showing the approximate current phase."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22428">22428</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MP3DANCE.EXE&tiedoston_id=22428&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">MP3DANCE.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MP3 Dancer 1.03MP3 Dancers are tiny video figures of real dancers who dance along the bottom of your computer screen.
Whatever your music, wherever it comes from, you can have these little people dance to the rhythm. They can
even dance in silence if you want them to. You can also personalize them with easy options, including color
change, true-color appearance, or body transparency. Extra plug-ins are available for special effects. New
dancers are added and available for free on a regular basis.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22429">22429</a></td>

                    <td>187,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MultiRun v1.1aAllows up to 10 programs to be started with a single desktop icon. Ideal for multitasking nuts.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22430">22430</a></td>

                    <td>39,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MultiRes 1.24 Small, free, 32-bit alternative to QuickRes, with refresh rate and multi-monitor support for up to nine display devices under Windows 98 and Windows 2000. The utility is backwardly compatible with the original retail release of Windows 95 as well as NT 4.0, and features optional timed confirmation prompts that can be enabled or disabled for each device, as well as support for command-line parameters. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22433">22433</a></td>

                    <td>24,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Nap \'n CoffeeNeed a break from your computer at the office? Nap \'n Coffee is a fun way to let others know you\'re 
away from your computer. It displays a progress bar which you can dictate the speed it travels and 
text you can customize. For example, you could place "Gone to lunch." and have the time set for an 
hour, or "Gone fishing." with the time set to 4 hours. ;-)

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22434">22434</a></td>

                    <td>62,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Neko 3.1Ilmainen pieni työpöytälemmikki: kissa seuraa hiiresi liikkeitä tai välttelee niitä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22435">22435</a></td>

                    <td>832,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Noisy Shortcuts for Win95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22436">22436</a></td>

                    <td>146,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kivat tapetit v1.0 (FI) Nice Wallpaper eli Kivat tapetit vaihtaa Windowsin taustakuvaa ajoittain. Kuvien lista tallennetaan järjestelmärekisteriin. Liittyy MikroBitin numerossa 4/1999 julkaistuun artikkeliin. Mukana Delphi 2.0 -lähdekoodi. Copyright (C) 1999 Jere Käpyaho (jere@mikrobitti.fi).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22437">22437</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ODOM31.EXE&tiedoston_id=22437&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">ODOM31.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mouse Odometer v3.1Monipuolinen hiiren matkamittari Windows 95/98:lle. 30 päivän shareware-versio.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22438">22438</a></td>

                    <td>383,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>OuttaSight Desktop Utility 1.0Windows desktop utility that hides application windows in variety of convenient ways. Unobtrusive and can be run from the system tray. Windows can be automatically hidden as soon as there run. A "Hide" menu item can be added to all applicaton windows to easily hide the window. Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22439">22439</a></td>

                    <td>487,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Panorama 32v1.30Shaun Ivorys FREE  Wallpaper Manager for Windows 95 and Windows  NT. Support for JPEGGIF and PNG files.  Change wallpaper at user-defined intervals.  Change in random or sequential order.  Automatically search your hard disk for image files. Automatically tile or scale small  bitmaps. Keep main window on top. Supports  drag-and-drop from the Windows Explorer."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22440">22440</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PBSW180.EXE&tiedoston_id=22440&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">PBSW180.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>460,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Powerbar 1.81 An excellent toolbar featuring enhanced virtual desktops, quick paster, e-mail support, scheduler, quick connect to dial-up network, clipboard enhancer, multi-user aware, hotkeys, screen capture, tray support,shutdown/restart, quick resolution change, real-time memory monitor, multimedia built-in (plays wave/midi/CD-ROMs), analog clock, digital clock (with or without date), instant-drive access, tasklist, IE look, auto-hide, auto-zoom.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22441">22441</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ProgramLaunch  v1.5This application is a launchbar made for Windows 95 in order to avoid using the slow and uncomfortable Start Menu.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22442">22442</a></td>

                    <td>348,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"PaneKiller 1.44PaneKiller gives you access to all of your documentsfoldersand programs via a convenientcascading menu. Running as a taskbar iconit provides an alternative to filling up your desktop with Windows Explorer windows. In addition to opening filesPaneKiller also let you right-click any menu item to bring up that items context menu. The last update added more keyboard functionality and the ability to customize the visual interface of the program. Version 1.44 features multiple monitor supporttooltipscustom captions for menus and the Start buttonsupport for right-clicking files in Explorerbug fixesand user interface enhancements. Windows 9x/NT/2000 by MadDog Software. http://www.maddogsw.com"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22443">22443</a></td>

                    <td>2,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pointx V2.0Revolutionisee your desktop! Win95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22444">22444</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PPLUS165.EXE&tiedoston_id=22444&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">PPLUS165.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>225,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PropertiesPlus 1.65Tällä ilmaisella ohjelmalla voit muokata kerralla isoa määrää tiedostoja: vaihtaa päätteitä, kirjoitusasua, päiväyksiä sekä attribuutteja. Ohjelma tulee esiin, kun klikkaat tiedostoa oikealla napilla Windowsin resurssienhallinnassa.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22445">22445</a></td>

                    <td>638,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PowerStrip v2.71 Windows 95/98/2000/NT. Näytönohjainten säätöohjelma, joka tukee suurinta osaa eri näytönohjaimista. Luo omia resoluutioita, säädä asetuksia, viritä ja niin edelleen. http://www.entechtaiwan.com/ps.htm </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22446">22446</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PUSHPIN.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22446&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">PUSHPIN.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>21,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PushPin v1.0Windows Desktop Utility for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0. Adds a menu item to all window system menus to allow users to easily keep a window on top of all other windows.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22447">22447</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows PowerPro v2.5Lets you take control of how you use Windows
                                              95/98/NT. Run command and configure your system
                                              any way you want. PowerPro includes menus, hot
                                              keys, alarms, task scheduling, sounds, screen savers,
                                              and wallpaper control. It handles alla your desktop
                                              needs using a single consistent but unobtrusive

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22448">22448</a></td>

                    <td>36 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Quote of the Day! 1.0Pieni ohjelma avaa ruudulle aina koneen käynnistyksen yhteydessä päivän lausahduksen. Postcardware. http://lbrisar.1coolpage.com/e_qday.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22449">22449</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QRES1082.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22449&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">QRES1082.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>836 kt</td>


                    <td>10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QRes version 1.082QRes can automatically switch color mode or screen resolution when you start a Windows application. For example, when you start a game that uses 640 x 480 pixels screen area and requires 256 color mode, you can make QRes automatically switch to this screen mode as long as you run the game and switch back to your regular screen mode when the game is over. QRes is freeware and works on Windows 95 and NT 4.0.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22451">22451</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RNDWAL1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22451&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">RNDWAL1.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>RandomWall 1.0 Arpoo Windowsin taustakuvan ja halutessasi myös siihen liittyvän käynnistysäänen. Esim. monitoriin pläjähtää Bart Simpson kiljuen Eat my shorts! Mukana muutama esimerkki. FREEWARE. (c) Petri Tyni 1998. Windows 95/98/NT + VB5 Runtime library msvbvm50.dll. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22452">22452</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SCREENON.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22452&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">SCREENON.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>53,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ScreenOn 1.0Screen saver activation program for Microsoft Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22453">22453</a></td>

                    <td>264,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Smart Capture v1.0SmartCapture on kuvaruutukaappausohjelma Windows 95/98:lle,
NT 4.0:lle ja Windows 2000:lle. Osaa napata leikepöydälle
mm. ympyränmuotoisen osan, ikkunan, koko ruudun tai skannerin
tuottaman kuvan. Tukee tärkeimpiä tiedostoformaatteja ja 
pystyy käsittelemään kuvia monin tavoin. Shareware.
http://www.el-procommunications.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22454">22454</a></td>

                    <td>618,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Super Desk 2.1 Virtual Desktop for Windows 95. You can have more than enough space for your desktop by using Super Desk. Accessing all your shortcuts is just a click away. Finding a clean desktop to start a new task is also  just a click away. You can arrange all your windows the way you want it in a much larger space than your physical screen allow you to. It is like you have a lot of screens (up to 2,500).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22455">22455</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SEEV1C.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22455&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">SEEV1C.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"SOUND EVENT EDITOR96 v1.0c Freeware Utility to add OpenCloseMaximizeMinimizeRestoreUp/Down sound events to nearly any program in Windows 95."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22456">22456</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SKINPACK.EXE&tiedoston_id=22456&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">SKINPACK.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>OS Skinpack 2000The OS Skinpack is a collection of WindowBlinds skins that can change Windows 95, 98, NT, or
2000 to look like many of the most popular OSs. The OSs include Macintosh, Amiga, OS/2 2.0,
OS/2 Warp 3, OpenStep, Linux KDE, Windows 3.1, and more. It also includes OSWars 2000,
which is an article describing the pros and cons of the various operating systems.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22457">22457</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Snow for Windows v0.1.5.6When this tray-based app is active, snowflakes fall right on your desktop, in-between and on top of open windows as you work. Santa and his reindeer occasionally fly through. Options let you set the number of snowflakes; specify snowflake movement properties; toggle Santa, wind, and tree settings; and much more. For the best effect, try running Snow for Windows with a nice wallpaper image of snowy mountains or a forest, or a Christmas scene. A screen-saver version of the program is also included. Registration promises more snowflakes and the ability to give Rudolph a red nose. Shareware for Windows 9x/NT/2000/Me by Rick Jansen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22458">22458</a></td>

                    <td>820 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Multilingual Speaking Clock v2.01 Speaking alarm clock which announces the time in over 25 different languages (American English is included, additional languages are available on the website) . Includes alarm that can announce the time and play any WAV-file. Full graphical display in two sizes, resembling a liquid crystal display. Online help and full install/uninstall support. Runs in the system tray, occupies no space in the task bar. Freeware for Windows 9x/NT/2000 by Lux Aeterna. http://www.lux-aeterna.com/freeclock/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22459">22459</a></td>

                    <td>202,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Suomenkieliset asetukset ohjelmaan "Multilingual Speaking Clock" (speakclc.zip), jolla saa kyseisen ohjelman ääntämään kellonajan suomenkielellä. Lisää muita kieliä ohjelmaan saatavilla osoitteessa http://www.lux-aeterna.com/freeclock/languages.html.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22461">22461</a></td>

                    <td>231 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>South Park Lava Lamp 1.0Add a free virtual lava lamp to your desk top and watch the South Park characters 
gently rise and fall. You can choose from three different settings, selecting 
the color of the lava and the characters included. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22464">22464</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SSWEEP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22464&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">SSWEEP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>234,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>StartSweepCleans up your Windows 95 Start Menu and removes orphaned menu items.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22465">22465</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=START12.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22465&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">START12.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>218 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Startti 1.0 Apuohjelma, jonka avulla käynnistät ohjelmia sekä suljet windowsin nopeasti. Paketti sisältää pitkiä tiedostonimiä. Tekijä: Antti Okkonen</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22468">22468</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=STLIT13.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22468&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">STLIT13.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>172,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Star Trek Lights v1.3Creates USS Enterprise scanner lights on your desktop.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22469">22469</a></td>

                    <td>33,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"SysAniTämän ohjelman avulla voit lisätä itse tekemääsi Windowsin aloituskuvaan animaation. PuavoHard98"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22470">22470</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TAEDIT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22470&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TAEDIT.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>252,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tray Animations EditorWith this editor you can create your own animations for 
use in Tray Animations (trayani.exe).

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22471">22471</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TASKMENU.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22471&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TASKMENU.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>591,4 kt</td>

                        <td>versio 3.5 ?</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Taskmenu 3.6 Launch programs faster and easier by adding up to two additional icons in your system tray. Taskmenu also allows you to open your favorite websites from its icons. Freeware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22472">22472</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TBA21.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22472&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TBA21.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>24,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TaskBar Activate v2.1 Manage the taskbar. Allow the activation of the taskbar with use of full screen windows. the taskbar is always accessible. Many options for smooth activation and deactivation of the taskbar (delay, hilight, over always on top windows, ...)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22473">22473</a></td>

                    <td>814,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Twinkle Bulbs v2.95A desktop decoration program for Windows 95. This shareware program places colourful bulbs on your desktop and includes also a screen saver.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22475">22475</a></td>

                    <td>456,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TClockEx 1.4.2 Taskbar Clock EnhancementIlmainen lisuke Windowsin kelloon: näyttää ajan vieressä myös päivämäärän ja viikonpäivän. http://users.iafrica.com/d/da/dalen/tclockex.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22476">22476</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TDESK30B.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22476&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TDESK30B.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>110,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TopDesk 3.0bAllows you to minimize or restore all your desktop windows.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22477">22477</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FreeTheme v1.0 FreeWare Theme loader for Windows95. With this program installed you can load and delete Themes WITHOUT the MS Plus! package.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22478">22478</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=THEMEINS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22478&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">THEMEINS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>25 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Theme InstallerAutomates the installing of Plus! desktop themes. It reads the .theme file for the theme and works out where everything needs to go, and copies it there automatically. It also adds an Uninstall entry to the Registry. This allows you to uninstall the theme from the Add & Remove Software control panel.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22479">22479</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ThemeFreak 1.4Ever wished you could create your own desktop themes? ThemeFreak makes it easy. Using an intuitive, tabbed interface, complete with previews, you can put together Windows 95 and/or Windows 98 compatible themes, ready for sharing with friends and fellow Internet users. Each theme can include wallpaper, a screen saver, icons, sounds, cursors, logo screens, and a color scheme. You can run this fully functional trial version up to 10 times. Windows 95/98 by Cwhere Software. http://www.come2mum.com/~cwhere</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22481">22481</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TOLB3231.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22481&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TOLB3231.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>140,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ToolBar for Windows 95/NT V3.1Great freeware menu system for Windows 95 or NT. It places a row of menu buttons (each with an icon and program title) along the side of your screen. Organize your programs using the eight sets of available buttons. ToolBar can stay on top or minimize itself when a program is launched. It also comes with Run and System Information windows, plus the ability to instantly activate your screen saver. Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22483">22483</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TOPDESK.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22483&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TOPDESK.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>84,9 kt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TopDeskEasy access to your desktop folders and system resources from Win95 Tray.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22484">22484</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TopFolder v1.0Näytön yläreunaan ilmestyvä eräänlainen Start-menun korvike, jonne voi lisätä ohjelmia vapaasti nopeaa käynnistystä varten.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22485">22485</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TRANSP42.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22485&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TRANSP42.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>54,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Transparent v4.2Make your Windows 95 icon captions transparent to allow the background image to show through.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22486">22486</a></td>

                    <td>541,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Tray Animations v3.01Is there a cow munching grass in your task tray? If there isnt
you can add one with Tray Animations! Tray Animations lets you 
display entertaining animations in your task tray. If the several 
included animations aren’t enoughyou can create some using the 
Tray Animations editor (taedit.zip). If editing isn’t your cup of 
teayou can download download animations others have made (trayani.zip)
or use some of the thousands of Windows animated cursor files available 
for download elsewhere. Of courseTray Animations is 100% free of 
chargeso you can enjoy it as much as you like. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22487">22487</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TRAYANIM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22487&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TRAYANIM.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>136,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>A Collection of Tray AnimationsA collections of animations (.ani-files) to use with 
the Tray Animations program (trayanim.exe).

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22488">22488</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TRAYD61B.EXE&tiedoston_id=22488&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TRAYD61B.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>177,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TrayDay 6.1b Date, time and counter utility for the tray - displays the date (day of the month) next to the clock. Can display useful monthly calendar. Left-click to give a menu showing the date in various formats ready to be auto- matically inserted in any application. Define your own format with date, time and counters. Shareware $15.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22490">22490</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TRAYIT21.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22490&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TRAYIT21.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>28 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TrayIt! TrayIt! saves precious Taskbar space for minimized windows. For each application which applies TrayIt! it creates a small icon in the System Tray.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22491">22491</a></td>

                    <td>448,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"TrayIcon Menu v1.0.33TrayIcon Menu lets you add icons for your favourite applications to a menu system thats based in the system tray. This enables you to launch your favourite apps with just a couple of clicks.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22492">22492</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TRAYMENU.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22492&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TRAYMENU.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>109,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TrayMenu v2.0.1Luo tehtäväpalkkiin kaksi pikkukuvaketta: toisesta pääsee käsiksi työpöydän sisältöön ja toisesta avoinna oleviin ikkunoihin. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22493">22493</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TRAYTX6C.EXE&tiedoston_id=22493&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TRAYTX6C.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>187,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TrayText 6.0cAutotext from the system tray! Store common phrases that are available to any application with just two mouse clicks or key presses. Plus, a useful Spike feature for collecting text from different sources. Shareware $15</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22495">22495</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TT140.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22495&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TT140.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>505,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Thunder Tools v1.40Thunder Tools is a set of Win95 Shell Extensions that adds a new item to the popup menu appearing when right clicking folders or drives and adds a new page in the Property boxes for drives and folders.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22496">22496</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TTASK20.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22496&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">TTASK20.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>190,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ToggleTASK v2.0A better way to switch programs using Esc instead of the Alt+Tab combination.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22497">22497</a></td>

                    <td>313,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ToggleTRAYTOOLS v2.0 Provides point and click access to your favorite apps. Stop hunting around in the Start Menu! Stop searching the desktop for the app that you need at the moment.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22498">22498</a></td>

                    <td>300,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>TurboTop 2.3Ilmainen ohjelma, jolla saat minkä tahansa ohjelman pysymään muiden ikkunoiden päällä.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22499">22499</a></td>

                    <td>163,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Vern V1.5dIf your desktop frequently gets cluttered with open programs, let Vern (Virtual Environment Resource Navigator) reduce the confusion by adding several virtual desktops to your system. Virtual desktops let you run programs in different screens, avoiding clutter and irritating screen redrawing when you switch between applications. Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22501">22501</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VISUACT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22501&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">VISUACT.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>245,9 kt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Visuactive for Windows 95INNOVATIVE! Fantastic utility allowing you to DRAW commands in order to execute them! Anywhere on the screendraw aCto cut some textanSto save itaWto launch your word processor... A shape recognition engine provides these features. Visuactive works like a resident. Fully configurableworks with all the applications on the market."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22502">22502</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WallMaster v2.0bMonipuolinen ohjelma Windowsin taustakuvien vaihtelemiseen. WallMasterissa voi luoda
erilaisia kuvalistoja ja säätää joko kaikkien tai vain yksittäisten kuvien ominaisuuksia: kuvan koko,
sijainti, taustaväri ynnä muuta. Osaa vaihtaa kuvaa määräajan välein tai esimerkiksi käynnistettäessä.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22503">22503</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WB212PUB.EXE&tiedoston_id=22503&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">WB212PUB.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>


                    <td>26791/PC Answers January 2002.7z</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"WindowBlinds 2.12WindowBlinds is a utility designed to change the way you look at Windows. It allows you to customize your desktop completely by changing the style of title barsbuttonsand toolbars. You can change the look of buttons and check boxesand you can assign buttons that will launch programs to toolbars. You can create your own skinschoose from the four that are included in the programor download additional ones. You can also choose to exclude certain programs from WindowBlinds if you dont want to change their appearances. Version 2.12 is much faster. It has skins status bars and now explicitly supports Windows XP. Shareware for Windows and Windows XP by Stardock Systems Inc. http://www.stardock.com"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22504">22504</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WBLINDS.EXE&tiedoston_id=22504&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">WBLINDS.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"WindowBlinds 2.0WindowBlinds is a utility designed to change the way you look at Windows. 
It allows you to completely customize your desktop by changing the style 
of title barsbuttonsand toolbars. You can change the look of buttons 
and check boxes by assigning them skinsor personalitiesand you can 
assign buttons that will launch programs to toolbars. You can create your 
own skinschoose from the four that are included in the programor download 
additional ones. You can also choose to exclude certain programs from 
WindowBlinds if you dont want to change their appearances. Version 2.0 
adds a host of new features such as rebara combo boxa MDI child
and header skinning. Multiple versions of the same skin can be included 
into a singlecompound skin. Version 2.0 is also about twice as fast 
as 1.xand includes a newhigh-performance skinning format. The cost 
to register this program is $19.95. http://www.stardock.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22505">22505</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WBSKINS.EXE&tiedoston_id=22505&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">WBSKINS.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>780,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Dangeruss Skins for WindowBlindsAvailable in this download is a skin pack for Stardock WindowBlinds. This collection of 
skins has been created by Russ Schwenkler, who is one of the best known skin authors 
on the Net. WindowBlinds changes the look and feel of Windows by applying skins. 
Included in this pack is a never-before-seen skin called Acrylic. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22506">22506</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEARTH11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22506&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">WEARTH11.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>130,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Xearth for Win32 v1.1Xearth for Win32 ( also know as wearth, wearth32 ) sets your Windows wallpaper to an image of the Earth, as seen from your favorite vantage point in space, correctly shaded for the current position of the Sun. By default, xearth updates the displayed image every two minutes; the time between updates can be changed using a command line option. Xearth can also render directly into BMP and GIF files instead of drawing in the wallpaper; see the help file for details.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22507">22507</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEYE30E.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22507&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">WEYE30E.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>326,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WINEYE v3.0Fun little program that places two eyes on your desktop that are always looking at the mouse cursor, wherever it is on your screen. And sometimes the eyes blink - just like real eyes do ... The eyes are hidden automatically if you want to have access to the area on the screen behind them.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22508">22508</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Win3D by ClockWise innovative 3 Dimensional interface for the Windows 95/98 OS. With Win3D, your desktop is brought to life with engaging, continuously updated Internet content displayed in 3D. Win3D enables three-dimensional access to your applications and settings, while greatly expanding the sphere of personalization. Combines vivid 3D graphics with seamless navigation to transform and enhance your PC experience. Pentium II. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22509">22509</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WIN911.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22509&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">WIN911.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>118,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows 9-1-1 v1.0 Windows 9-1-1 helps you to be more efficient in many ways: (a) keep one window shown (always on top) while working in another one; (b) hide some windows to focus on others; (c) resize windows when impossible; (d) move windows back on screen when they are beyond reach. And all it takes is one mouse click!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22510">22510</a></td>

                    <td>493,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"WindowFX 1.01WindowFX is one of the coolest Windows User Interface utilities availableand a must-have for the power user. It lets you tweak your display settings in ways that you never thought possible. You can customize the Windows settings to create transparent icon backgroundschange the icon foreground colorand make windows slide or fade into view as they open. Most interesting is the programs ability to make windows and menus semi-transparent. Configure it to make windowspop-up menusand even entire applications translucent or transparent so that you can see what is behind them. All this is available in an incredibly small program using minimal resources. WindowFX works well on Windows 98but its full capabilities emerge on Windows 2000. 30-day demo for Windows 9x/2000 by Stardock.netInc. http://www.stardock.com"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22511">22511</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINRSQ10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22511&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">WINRSQ10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>136,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinResQue v1.0Rescues lost windows.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22512">22512</a></td>

                    <td>644,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinShade 2.1 A desktop utility that gives you control over your windows. Assign various commands to mouse button clicks that occur on window title bars. These commands include minimize, maximize, "Rollup/Unroll", "Send to bottom", and "Keep on top".</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22513">22513</a></td>

                    <td>28 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winsnow 98 v1.5An excellent cute program that adds a little flurry to your desktop. 
Non-obtrusive and customizable.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22515">22515</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WindowsMakeUp v1.10 Ohjelma, jolla pystyt muokkaamaan Windowsin ulkonäköä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22517">22517</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=XTM22.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22517&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4ohjelmat">XTM22.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>XTheme Manager v2.2The ultimate desktop theme installer/editor/manager. Perfect preview of everything, Windows 98 support, deployment wizard, builtin hundreds of web links, apply theme at its own directory, fully customized installation, support auto searching logos and custom fonts, new logo entries in theme files. Editing theme, auto change theme at interval time and explorer enhancement and much more !!  Register Fee: USD15 or NT500.  Kuan-Ta Chen (aka. Xshadow)</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22519">22519</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=0XMAS23.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22519&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">0XMAS23.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Christmas Scenes v2.3Christmas Scenes will display 16 beautiful christmas pictures and play 9 different Christmas songs.  Pictures are displayed using 112 different special effects.  Password protection is provided. CMB Software http://cmbsoft.pd.mcs.net cmbsoft@mcs.net</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22520">22520</a></td>

                    <td>558 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>1940s Christmas Screen SaverPalaa vanhoihin hyviin aikoihin, jopa isoäitisi nuoruuteen asti näytönsäästäjällä, joka tuo ruudullesi ihanan epäteollisia joulukortteja 1940-luvulta. Ilmainen.
Windows 95/98/NT/Me.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22521">22521</a></td>

                    <td>358,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>1 Nutty Santa 2.0Ilmainen näytönsäästäjä, joka saa joulupukin poroineen lentelemään ruudullasi tähtikuvioiden seassa.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22522">22522</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>1st Impression 2.3 Vaihda Windowsin käynnistys- ja sammutuskuvat jokaisella käynnistyskerralla. Ohjelman mukana tulee valmiina muutamia kuvia, mutta tätä albumia voi luonnollisesti täydentää omilla kuvatiedostoilla sekä netistä löytyvillä kuvakokoelmilla. 1st Impression osaa automaattisesti muokata useita kuvaformaatteja Windowsin vaatimaan muotoon, ja ohjelma osaa näyttää kuvien lisäksi myös tekstimuotoisia viestejä. Shareware. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22523">22523</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>21 Flying Images 2.0Näytönsäästäjä, joka lennättää ruudulla valitsemiasi kuvia. Voit pistää kuvat esimerkiksi
lentämään kohti katsojaa Windows-lippujen tyyliin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22524">22524</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=2PAC2.EXE&tiedoston_id=22524&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">2PAC2.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>647 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tupac Shakur -screensaveriTämä screensaveri näyttää kuvia edesmenneestä 2pacin räppikuninkaasta. Windows9x. Freewarea.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22535">22535</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=3D_THEME.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22535&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">3D_THEME.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>411,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Desktop Theme</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22526">22526</a></td>

                    <td>924,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Blue Water Dolphins 2.03D Blue Water Dolphins -näytönsäästäjä tuo koneen kuvaruudulle sinisessä vedessä uiskentelevia delfiinejä. Näytönsäästäjän rekisteröimättömässä versiossa delfiinit ovat pienempiä, mutta rekisteröinnin jälkeen näkökulma siirtyy lähemmäs ja eläinten käyttäytyminen monipuolistuu. Shareware, 10 USD. http://www.sandiegoscreensavers.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22525">22525</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3DCubeNäytönsäästäjä, joka pyörittelee ruudullasi itse valitsemillasi kuvilla päällystettyä kolmiulotteista kuutiota.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22527">22527</a></td>

                    <td>519,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Flying Easter Eggs Screen Saver v1.0Ilmainen pääsiäisaiheinen näytönsäästäjä, joka lennättää kolmiulotteisia pääsiäismunia pitkin ruutua.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22528">22528</a></td>

                    <td>760,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Fish School 1.53D Fish School on näytönsäästäjä joka tuo ruudulle vedenalaisen maiseman, jossa ui suorastaan häkellyttävän realistisen näköisiä kaloja. Shareware-versiossa saatavilla on vain yksi taustamaisema, joita kuitenkin saa rekisteröimällä lisää. Shareware, 14,95 USD. http://www.geliosoft.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22529">22529</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Fish School 2.0 3D Fish School on näytönsäästäjä joka tuo ruudulle vedenalaisen maiseman, jossa ui suorastaan häkellyttävän realistisen näköisiä kaloja. Shareware-versiossa saatavilla on vain yksi taustamaisema, joita kuitenkin saa rekisteröimällä lisää. Shareware, 16,53 EUR. http://www.geliosoft.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22530">22530</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=3DFORZ11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22530&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">3DFORZ11.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>531,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Forever Screen Saver v1.1 </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22531">22531</a></td>

                    <td>997,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Dancing Frogs Screen Saver v2.0The 3D Dancing Frogs screensaver displays 3D dancing frogs kicking up their legs to the tune of "Under the Sea." Fish and bubbles navigate among sea foliage. The music can be muted if desired. Demo version for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me by San Diego Screen Savers. http://www.sandiegowebworks.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22532">22532</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Mountain Waterfall 2.0 Näytönsäästäjä joka tuo näytölle trooppisen vesiputouksen, jonka edessä lentelee niin lintuja kuin perhosiakin. Näytönsäästäjään kuuluu myös äänimaisema sekä vapaavalintainen salasanasuojaus, jolloin koneensa voi lukita satunnaisilta vierailijoilta. Shareware, 10 USD. http://www.sandiegoscreensavers.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22533">22533</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Neon Raptors 1.0 Hämmentävä näytönsäästäjä, joka tuo ruudulle neonvärisiä dramaattisen musiikin tahtiin tepastelevia velociraptor-dinosauruksia. Shareware, 10 USD. http://www.sandiegoscreensavers.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22534">22534</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3D Santa ScreenSaverWatch Santa do Karate, dance, and a whole lot more. Get into the Christmas spirit with this delightful screensaver. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22536">22536</a></td>

                    <td>4,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Watermill 3D Screensaver 1.2Watermill 3D Screensaver has been called "digital masterpiece", "heaven on your screen", and "one of the most beautiful screensavers ever created." But really - it\'s just a dream. A dream come true. 
Shareware $12.95. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. DirectX 8. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22537">22537</a></td>

                    <td>508,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Five Arnolds Screensaver By MK Games 2001 Five balls fighting for time and space in this funny screensaver with install and uninstall programs. Mkgamez.cjb.net.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22538">22538</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=A1XMAS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22538&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">A1XMAS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Screen Scenes Screen Saver - Xmas ScenesChristmas Scenes Screen Saver displays stunning holiday photos in millions of colors using a variety of multimedia effects and wipes. A special selection of Christmas Holiday Music plays in the background as each photo is displayed. Sit back and let Christmas Scenes entertain you with music and photos this holiday season!  Screen Scenes is a next generation screen saver for use on</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22540">22540</a></td>

                    <td>3,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AbszOrb 2.1AbszOrb is a program, it\'s a screensaver - it\'s two mints in one. Seriously though, it is both, and it will allow you to be "master of your own domain" by creating universes consisting of spinning Orbs that collide and interact in spectacular fashions. With AbszOrb you can spend hours just futzing with it, building massive molecular structures in 3D and then destroying them in the blink of an eye. AbszOrb is a fully interactive real-time application with hit detection, which means the Orbs do know when the come into contact with one another - what they do when that happens is mostly predictable, but never exactly. Freeware.
Requires Windows 95/98/Me/2000 and DirectX 8.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22541">22541</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ABUGSLSS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22541&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">ABUGSLSS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"A Bug\'s Life" Screen Saver</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22542">22542</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ACTSAVER.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22542&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">ACTSAVER.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>39,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ActiveSaver v.1.02Näytönsäästäjä joka käynnistää käyttäjän määrittelemän 
ohjelman, sammuttaa Windowsin tai käynnistää sen uudelleen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22543">22543</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ADINO.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22543&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">ADINO.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>989,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Age of Dinosaurs 3D screen saverThe camera is moving around the highly realistic 3D world and allows you to look at the life stages of dinosaurs. Options let you choose from the hardware or software render style and to change the screen resolution. Also you can select the time of the day which the camera shows.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22544">22544</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Age of Dinosaurs 3D 6.6Age of Dinosaurs 3D is a cool full 3D screen saver.
A camera is moving around a high realistic 3D World 
showing life stages of Dinosaurs. Requires DirectX 5.0.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22545">22545</a></td>

                    <td>259 tavua</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Age of Dinosaurs 3DTämän ohjelman uusi tiedostonimi on agedino.exe

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22547">22547</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=AKIRA.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22547&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">AKIRA.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>391,3 kt</td>


                    <td>22646/cd no21 joystick no79.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Akira-työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22549">22549</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ALLY.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22549&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">ALLY.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ally McBeal ThemeAlly McBeal -aiheinen Windows-työpöytäteema.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22550">22550</a></td>

                    <td>9,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Altered Worlds OpenGL screensaverNow suppports 3Dfx and ATI cards in addition to NVIDIA-based cards. The saver now works correctly on an ATI Rage Pro (and Pro LT) as well as the Rage 128. A cool new scene has been added, so this package includes FOUR screensavers. The original scenes have been updated and now look MUCH better. Windows 95+, OpenGL</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22551">22551</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>A+ Web Screen Saver A+ Web Screen Saver (For Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, NT) This screen saver will display your favorite web pages on your screen while your computer is inactive.  You can display an unlimited number of Internet web pages!  Great for moitoring stocks and other important information! (c) 2001 CMB Software http://cmbsoftware.com support@cmbsoftware.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22552">22552</a></td>

                    <td>390,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Apocalyptia Screensaver.Apocalyptica-aiheinen näytönsäästäjä, jossa 
APOCALYPTICA RULEZ!!!! -teksti ja 400 000 eriväristä viivaa... Miika Ojamon tekele. Vaatii 32-bittisen Windowsin. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22553">22553</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=AQUA98.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22553&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">AQUA98.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AQUASCAPE v0.98 Enjoy the sights, sounds, and enchantments of an aquarium right from your desktop with this animated aquarium screensaver package.  Features lots of options with over 30 creatures and fish plus choices of gravel, water, plants, and decor. Views include panning and zooming. Also includes 15 hi-res aquatic photos, and a bonus guide to starting a real aquarium. Major Update now also supports DirectX!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22554">22554</a></td>

                    <td>474,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Virtual Aquarium 6.1.0Ohjelma tuo työpöydällesi virtuaalisen akvaarion kaikkine
elämänmuotoineen. http://www.journeypages.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22555">22555</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Arsty Santas Screen SaverTämä näytönsäästäjä esittelee taiteilijoiden näkemyksiä arvotuksellisen monimuotoisesta joulupukista ja hänen
ulkonäöstään. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22556">22556</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ASSB.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22556&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">ASSB.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Active ScreenSaver Builder v2.1Ilmainen ohjelma omien näytönsäästäjien tekoon. Tässä tutustumisversiossa voi tehdä vain lyhyitä näytönsäästäjiä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22558">22558</a></td>

                    <td>261,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Attack of Windows -screensaverTätä Windowsin näytönsäästäjää pääset itse toteuttamaankun vastassa on Space Invaders tyylinen mäiskintäjossa kohteena ovat Gatesin naamataulut. Taustamusiikkikin on tietysti aiheeseen sopiva. ;) Copyright (c)99 Daniel Sandler. "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22559">22559</a></td>

                    <td>114,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AVI Screen Saver 4.22Kokoa videonpätkistä näyttävä näytönsäästäjä ja lisää joukkoon ääntä. Ilmainen. http://www.geocities.com/bfcarter/aviss/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22560">22560</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=B5THEME.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22560&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">B5THEME.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>444,6 kt</td>


                    <td>9309/Windows 6-Pak (InfoMagic) (Disc 1) (1999).ISO</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Babylon 5 ThemeBabylon 5 -työpöytäteema.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22561">22561</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BABYLON5.EXE&tiedoston_id=22561&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">BABYLON5.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>496,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Babylon 5 -työpöytäteemaTämä Windowsin työpöytäteema keskittyy Babylon 5 -TVsarjaan. Mukana asianmukaiset äänet, ikonit ja kuvat. Made by Original Look. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22562">22562</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BEANTHEM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22562&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">BEANTHEM.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>774,5 kt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Bean Theme 2.0Customizes your desktop to the funniest man.  Includes startup/shutdown screens, icons,  sounds, cursors, colour combos.  All needed  items to make your computer a Bean Mania!!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22563">22563</a></td>

                    <td>420 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BioMolecula 3D ScreenSaver 1.1 BioMolecula 3D ScreenSaveria tuo ruudulle kieppuvia malleja bioproteiineista, tarkemmin neljä versiota DNA-ketjusta, hemoglobiinin I monomeerin tai sytokromin c550. KSyttSjS voi määritellä minkä akseleiden ympäri molekyyli pyörii ja millä nopeudella. Shareware, 9,9 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.terminalstudio.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22564">22564</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BlobGL Screensaver version 1.0Vaatii OpenGL-näytönohjaimen ja tehokkaan prosessorin. http:/ctp.di.fct.unl.pt/~fpb/blobgl</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22565">22565</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Blue Mountains PhotosNäytönsäästäjä, joka tuo ruudullesi 16 kuvaa Australian Blue Mountains -vuoristosta
monin efektein sävytettynä. http://www4.tpg.com.au/users/shudson/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22566">22566</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BNBTHEME.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22566&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">BNBTHEME.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>925,3 kt</td>


                    <td>17114/TEKNO 5-1996.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Beavis&Butthead-työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22567">22567</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BootXP 2.1 BootXP on ohjelma Windows 2000:n ja XP:n käynnistyskuvan vaihtamiseen. Ohjelma tekee kopion boot.ini -tiedostosta ja kernelistä joten sen asentaminen ja poistaminen onnistuu turvallisesti. Aloituskuvien kanssa ei tarvitse tyytyä normaaliin palettiin, vaan siihen voi käyttää mitä tahansa 640x480x16 kuvatiedostoa. BootXP ymmärtää useimpia kuvaformaatteja ja osaa avata ainakin zip-paketit.  Shareware, 7,95 USD. Windows 2000/XP. http://www.bootxp.net/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22568">22568</a></td>

                    <td>749,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Star Trek: Borg desktop theme</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22569">22569</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Britney Spears Screen SaverBritney Spears -näytönsäästäjä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22570">22570</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BUGSDTT.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22570&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">BUGSDTT.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>209,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"A Bug\'s Life" Desktop Theme </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22571">22571</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=BUGSTHEM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22571&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">BUGSTHEM.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>841,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Bugs Desktop Theme</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22573">22573</a></td>

                    <td>427,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Butterfly Screen SaverDisplays a peaceful mountain scene with animated butterflies fluttering amongst the flowers.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22574">22574</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CAGE3D23.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22574&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">CAGE3D23.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>694,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cage3D ScreenSaver 2.30</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22575">22575</a></td>

                    <td>267 tavua</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MikroBitin numerossa 10/2000 esitelty CALVIN.ZIP-tiedosto on jouduttu poistamaan Apajalta, koska tekijät ovat kieltäneet sen levittämisen. Pahoittelemme tapahtunutta.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22576">22576</a></td>

                    <td>3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Candle Lovers ScreensaverTämä näytönsäästäjä on tulvillaan kynttilöitä, jotka hehkuvat lämpöä ja rakkautta. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22577">22577</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Captured Storm ThemeMikäli työpöytäsi näyttää liian seesteiseltä, lisää sille särmää Captured Storm työpöytäteemalla ja näytönsäästäjällä. Jylhää kuvaa säestävät myrskyiset äänitehosteet, esoteeriset hiirenosoittimet ja sateisen tumma paletti. Teema on ilmainen, mutta näytönsäästäjä on sharewarea.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22578">22578</a></td>

                    <td>920,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Continuous Christmas Carols v. 1.5.0Continuous Christmas Carols on jouluohjelma, joka soittaa
yli 30 joululaulun kokoelmasta valitsemasi kappaleet

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22579">22579</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CBALLET.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22579&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">CBALLET.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>806,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Chess Ballet screen saver v1.0</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22580">22580</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cool Captions v3.0Tukeva työkalupakki oman taukotaiteen tekoon. CC:llä voit yhdistellä animaatiota, tekstiä ja ääntä yhdeksi
näytönsäästäjäksi. Sharewarea, 30 päivää. http://www.by-art.com/coolcaptions.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22581">22581</a></td>

                    <td>914,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Chess Ballet Screen Saver 1.6Shakkinappulat ovat kantavana aiheena tässä värikkäässä ja ammattimaisen tyylikkäässä näytönsäästäjässä. sharewarea 30 päivän kokeiluajalla. http://www.by-art.com/cballet.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22582">22582</a></td>

                    <td>935,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Chess desktop theme</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22584">22584</a></td>

                    <td>888,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Clusters Paranormal Desktop Theme"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22583">22583</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CLOUD24A.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22583&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">CLOUD24A.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>198,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fractal Clouds screen saverEndless explosion of forms and colors</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22585">22585</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=COCACOLA.EXE&tiedoston_id=22585&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">COCACOLA.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Coca-Cola Screen SaversA collection of 6 Coca-Cola Screen Savers.
Kuuden Coca-Cola-näytönsäästäjän kokoelma.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22586">22586</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Corkboard 1.00Personalize your PC with the award-winning MyCorkboard
screen saver! Pick from hundreds of drag-and-drop items to
create your own personal design. Add clocksphotos
calendarssticky notesto do listsname platesphone
dialersanimated pets and dozens of amazing gizmos. We
guarantee youll love it. Best of allits FREE!

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22587">22587</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"CosmoSaver-Solar System v1.31 Windows 95 3D screen savers of sunplanetsand moons. Ability to configure animations for every planet individually.  See satellites orbit rotating planetor touch down on any planets surface and see the night sky.  Blue and orange daytime skies for Earth and Mars."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22588">22588</a></td>

                    <td>619,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Country Christmas Screen SaverTässä rauhaa toivottavassa näytönsäästäjässä kolmiulotteiset lumihiutaleet kieppuvat kauniisti talvisessa maisemassa. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22589">22589</a></td>

                    <td>307,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"CPU Indicator Screen Saver v2.2The screen enables you to watch a graphical representation of your CPUs activity.
CPU Indicator SS draws two diagrams. The first shows you the CPUs usage history;
the second shows you the CPUs current state. Freeware."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22590">22590</a></td>

                    <td>417,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Creatures screen saver</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22591">22591</a></td>

                    <td>4,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Counter Strike -työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22592">22592</a></td>

                    <td>45,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cyclone Screensaver  Cyclone on näytönsäästäjä, joka koostuu villisti kieppuvasta neonsävyillä tehdystä pyörremyrskystä. Ohjelma vaatii kohtuullisen tehokkaan grafiikkakortin ja se käyttää OpenGL -rajapintaa. Shareware, 5 USD. Win 95/NT. http://reallyslick.demonews.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22593">22593</a></td>

                    <td>214,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Duke3D -työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22594">22594</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DESKNITE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22594&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">DESKNITE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>


                    <td>9318/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak Volume 2 (Disc 1 of 3).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>DeskniteChange your Windows 95/98 desktop into a live night sky. Now Windows itself is a window on the stars with this FREE system tray app. Dynamic astronomy with infinitely configurable display of over 3000 stars, 9 planets, Sun, Moon, Messier and NGC objects in point-source and photoplate display styles, with 4 different projection models, flexible Alt/Az viewpoints, and much more.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22595">22595</a></td>

                    <td>272,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Desk Projection 1.0Tämä ohjelman avulla voit laittaa työpöytäsi päälle läpikuultavan kuvan. Ilmainen. Windows 2000/XP. http://vazagi.homepage.dk/ 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22596">22596</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Disco PartyTytöt tanssahtelevat ruudullasi musiikin tahtiin.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22597">22597</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Dragons and SourcerersIlmainen näytönsäästäjä, joka näyttää fantasia-aiheisia kuvia ja soittaa musiikkia.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22598">22598</a></td>

                    <td>5,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Collection of Drawing Hand ArtA collection of art for the Drawing Hand Screen Saver (drawhand.exe).
Look for more art at http://www.drawinghand.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22599">22599</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Drawing Hand Screen Saver 3.1Watch as the artists hand draws works of art. There are over 80 drawings that can
be downloaded and added to this screen saver. Some of the drawings are: Cars
(CorvetteDodge Viper...)Fine Art (Monetvan Gogh...)AnimalsNature
ScenesHoliday Themes (4th of JulyHalloweenChristmasThanksgiving...) and
more. New features in this release: improved hand controlimproved energy saver
supportdisplay drawings in random orderand more...

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22600">22600</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DREMPELS.EXE&tiedoston_id=22600&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">DREMPELS.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>523,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Drempels Screensaver 1.4Drempels makes colorful, swirling, hallucinogenic patterns that resemble a hurricane or tornado. It normally runs in your Windows background or desktop, replacing your old still-image wallpaper with beautiful animated visuals. Meanwhile, you can use your computer just like you normally would. It uses very little CPU overhead - so little that it even runs smoothly on a 233 MHz system. Drempels can also be used as a screensaver; in this mode, it goes full-screen (like a normal screensaver) instead of rendering to the desktop or background. It was created by the author of the Geiss screensaver and Winamp plug-in.
Requires: Pentium MMX, Windows, DirectX 5.0 Drivers, 
video card w/ overlay support.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22602">22602</a></td>

                    <td>141,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Desktop Themes 1.88Windows 95/NT 4.0:lle. Tämän ohjelman avulla voit asentaa työpöytäteemoja ilman Plus!-pakettia.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22603">22603</a></td>

                    <td>145,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Desktop Themes 1.89Desktop Themes Windows 95/NT 4.0:lle. 
Tämän ohjelman avulla voit asentaa työpöytäteemoja 
ilman Microsoftin Plus!-pakettia. http://www.lss.com.au/lss/lss_main.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22604">22604</a></td>

                    <td>908,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Dont Touch My Computer Episode 2 1.1Dont Touch My Computer Episode 2 is the hilarious sequel to our initial DTMC screen saver and this timeweve kicked things up a notch. If crazy Joe wasnt enough to keep people awayour cyber guard dog is sure to get the job done. In addition to a stream of fun animations that play outthe lovable dog does a whole mess of little tricksand when folks sit down at that computerwatch outits time for that cute pup to go to work. 
Freeware. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22605">22605</a></td>

                    <td>234 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Duck mr. Duck työpöytäteema v1.0Duck mr. Duck työpöytäteema v1.0</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22606">22606</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Easter Babes -työpöytäteemaThis theme is tranquility with bunnies.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22607">22607</a></td>

                    <td>497 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Easter Blessing -työpöytäteemaEaster is right around corner, celebrate in style. By Wanda\'s "Themes and Things". http://taterbugsplace.homestead.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22608">22608</a></td>

                    <td>4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Egypt Dings 1.0  Egypt Dings on nimensä mukaisesti Egypti-aiheinen näytönsäästäjä, joka tuo tietokoneen ruudulle tyyliteltyjä kuvia muinaisista egyptiläisistä sekä Niilin suiston maisemista. Näytönsäästäjään kuuluu sekä hienovarainen äänimaisema, että rauhoittava vesirummuilla, tiibetiläisillä gongeilla ynnä muilla eksoottisilla soittimilla toteutettu musiikki.  Shareware, 12 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.electricempires.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22609">22609</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ELECTR12.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22609&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">ELECTR12.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>41,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Electric! v1.2 -näytönsäästäjä</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22610">22610</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Eye of the Storm OpenGL-accelerated screen saver uses the Internet to retrieve active storm information and in real-time, plots the name and symbol for a Hurricane, Tropical Storm, or Tropical Depression on a 3D globe. This is beta software and the author is looking for people to test it across different OpenGL accelerators. Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22611">22611</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=ESSAVER.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22611&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">ESSAVER.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Earth 3D Screen Saver 1.1  Earth 3D Screen Saver on näytönsäästäjä, joka tuo näytölle kolmeulotteisen hitaasti pyörivän kuvan Maapallosta. Näytönsäästäjä näyttää minne aurinko milloinkin paistaa, päivämäärän ja kellonajan, sekä yöpuolella suurten kaupunkien valot. Kokeiluversio huomauttelee välillä rekisteröintitarpeesta, mutta onneksi ei liian usein. Kokeiluversio, 10 USD. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22612">22612</a></td>

                    <td>186,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Euphoria Screensaver  Euphoria on psykedeelisen letkeä näytönsäästäjä, joka tuo ruudulle erikoisia repeytyneestä hunnusta tehdyn kaltaisia pyörteitä. Näytönsäästäjä vaatii kohtuullisen tehokkaan koneen ja OpenGL-rajapintaa tukevan grafiikkakortin, joiden kanssa se sitten pääseekin kunnolla oikeuksiinsa. Ilmainen. http://reallyslick.demonews.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22613">22613</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>EarthView 1.02EarthView is a dynamic desktop wallpaper and screen saver, which displays beautiful views of the earth with daylight and night shadows. It produces high quality images for every screen resolution - even beyond 1600x1200! The program supports map and globe views, urban areas, city lights, geopolitical boundaries and much more. Many options allow total customization of all view parameters.
Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 or XP.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22614">22614</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FC.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22614&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">FC.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Star Trek First Contact -työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22615">22615</a></td>

                    <td>854,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Xmas Feeling Screen SaverJoulunäytönsäästäjä, jossa nalle istuu loimuavan
takan äärellä. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22616">22616</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Final Fantasy 8 -screensaveriScreensaver for Windows9x. Displays characters from latest Final Fantasy -fantasy game. Shareware. Author: Steven T. Conner. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22617">22617</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FFLY103.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22617&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">FFLY103.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>22,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fireflies Screen Saver </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22618">22618</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Absolute Finland Screen Saver 1.0Screen saver with beautiful landscapes of various areas in Finland. 
This sample version includes 7 high-resolution pictures. The full 
version has 15 photographs and does not contain advertising;
cost: $9.95 Available from www.fookes.com/screensavers</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22619">22619</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Suomi-työpöytäteemaPaketti purkautuu automaattisesti hakemistoon c:\\program files\\plus!\\themes\\ ja omaan hakemistoonsa.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22620">22620</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FIRESAVE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22620&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">FIRESAVE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>19,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fire Screen Saver for Windows </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22621">22621</a></td>

                    <td>2,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>1st Screen Saver Maker 2.01Rakenna itse omia näytönsäästäjiä, joihin voit 
liittää sekä bmp-, gif- ja jpg-muotoisia kuvia 
että mp3-, wav- ja mid-muotoisia ääniä. Valmiit näytönsäästäjät voit tallentaa itse asentuviksi 
exe-paketeiksi. Shareware, 24,95 USD. 
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22622">22622</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FISHING.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22622&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">FISHING.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>700,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kalastusaiheinen työpöytäteema </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22623">22623</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FLASHWIZ.EXE&tiedoston_id=22623&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">FLASHWIZ.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,4 Mt</td>


                    <td>14488/Internet Magazine February 2001.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FlashWiz v1.4This Flash screensaver creator is jam-packed with features and goodies to let you build your own royalty-free screensavers for unlimited distribution. Version 1.4 has many new features and is now freeware. Windows 9x/NT/2000. http://www.flashwiz.co.uk</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22624">22624</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FLUX.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22624&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">FLUX.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>33,6 kt</td>


                    <td>22678/cd joystick no111 janvier 2000.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Flux Screensaver Flux Screensaver tuo näytölle lepattavia värikkäitä muotoja, jotka näyttävät hieman ylhäältä päin tarkastelluilta kyteviltä liekeiltä. Näytönsäästäjä käyttää OpenGL-rajapintaa, ja se kuuluu niiden näytönsäästäjien sarjaan, joita unohtuu helposti tuijottamaan toviksi jos toiseksikin. Shareware, 5 USD. http://reallyslick.demonews.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22625">22625</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FOYD11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22625&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">FOYD11.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>35,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Fog on Your Desktop v1.1 screen saverCreates a fog effect on your desktop.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22626">22626</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=FRACTALS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22626&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">FRACTALS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>



                        <td style="color:red">eritupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Fractals" desktop theme</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22627">22627</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Real Snowglobes 3D by Real Networks. Direct3D screensaver. The latest in real-time 3D rendering technology. Choose from three themes: PhotoCubeSeattleand Santas House."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22628">22628</a></td>

                    <td>570,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Frosty Goes Skiing Screen Saver 2.0Looking for a good laugh during the holidays? Check out Frosty Goes Skiing Screen Saver. Watch Frosty ski down the mountain while you peg him with snowballs or squirt him with hot water. Freeware. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22629">22629</a></td>

                    <td>240,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Frosty the Snowman Game ScreensaverKlassinen Space Invaders -peli herää henkiin näytönsäästäjässä, jossa olet lumiukko, jota koirat pommittavat keltaisilla lorautuksilla. Suojaudu kuusien taakse ja pistä takaisin samalla mitalla ennen kuin vähitellen yhä alemmas hivuttautuvat koirat saavat sinut kiinni ja pistelevät poskeensa. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22631">22631</a></td>

                    <td>7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Futurama Fun PackKokoelma Futurama-aiheisia näytönsäästäjiä, teemoja, kirjasimia yms.
A collection of Futurama screen savers, themes, fonts etc.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22632">22632</a></td>

                    <td>2,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Gandalf-työpöytäteemaTaru Sormusten Herrasta -aiheinen Gandalf-teema.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22633">22633</a></td>

                    <td>844,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Garbage-työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22634">22634</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Gauntlet -fantasiatyöpöytäteemaPerustuu Gauntlet -nimiseen fiktiiviseen fantasia rooliin. Teema sisältää HiColor -tuen, äänet, sekä taustakuvan. Ei sisällä näytönsäästäjää. Freewarea. By Sandy Watkins.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22635">22635</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=GIFSV32.EXE&tiedoston_id=22635&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">GIFSV32.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>615,6 kt</td>


                    <td>9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>GIF SaverGIF Saver is a Windows screen saver that will display animated GIF files when your screen blanks. From simple flashing bars to animated cartoon characters to the blueprints for the universe written by a left-handed Benedictine monk with a nose ring, you can decide what will apear on your monitor after a period of inactivity. GIF Saver allows multiple GIF files to be queued up, such that the pictures can change when your attention span does.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22636">22636</a></td>

                    <td>486,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>gPhotoShow 1.4.0A screen saver for Windows 95/98/2000/Me/NT that 
shows images as a slide show. You can use it to 
show your own images or photos you have download 
from a picture gallery. Freeware. No nags. No ads. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22637">22637</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Harry Potter Screen SaverNäytönsäästäjä, jossa on kuvia ja triviaa 
Harry Potter -kirjoista. Ilmainen. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22638">22638</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HELIOS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22638&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">HELIOS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>142,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Helios Screensaver Helios Screensaver tuo näytölle OpenGL-rajapinnalla toteutetun näytönsäästäjän, joka koostuu kieppuvista sumuisen vanan jättävistä renkaista ja hitaasti liikkuvista kipinöistä. Tämä on jälleen niitä näytönsäästäjiä, joita tuijottaessa kuluu vahingossa puolet kahvitauosta. Shareware, 5 USD. Windows (all), OpenGL. http://reallyslick.demonews.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22639">22639</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HIGHTECH.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22639&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">HIGHTECH.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>467,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>High Tech desktop theme</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22640">22640</a></td>

                    <td>63 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hitman - Codename 47 -työpöytäteemaHitman pelistä tehty työpöytä teema joka sisältää seuraavat osat: kursorit, kuvakkeet, taustakuva ja ulkoasu.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22641">22641</a></td>

                    <td>964,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Holiday Lights 5.1Jouluaiheinen ohjelma, jolla saa näytön yläreunaan jouluvalot vilkkumaan ja 
taustalle soimaan jouluaiheisen musiikin. Valot ja musiikin saa itse valita. 
Myös näytönsäästäjä kuuluu pakettiin. Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22642">22642</a></td>

                    <td>251,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Four Houses Of Hogwarts ScreensaverThis is a small, simple Harry Potter screensaver with bouncing images that feature the standards of Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin of Hogarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Windows 95/98/Me/NT. Freeware. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22643">22643</a></td>

                    <td>487,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Holiday Scenes Screen SaverHiljainen kylätie, rauhallinen lumisade, herkuista notkuva pöytä ja lämpöä säteilevät kynttilät luovat kilpaa joulutunnelmaa. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22645">22645</a></td>

                    <td>258,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Home Planet Screen SaverHome Planet-ohjelmiston avaruusaiheinen näytönsäästäjä. Ilmainen. http://www.fourmilab.ch/homeplanet/homeplanet.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22646">22646</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=HP3SSAVE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22646&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">HP3SSAVE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>260 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Home Planet 3 screen saver </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22647">22647</a></td>

                    <td>718 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Good Will Hunting -screensaveriNäytönsäästäjä Win95/98:lle. Sisältää taustoja Good Will Hunting -elokuvasta. Copyright (c) TMP Inc. Freewarea.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22650">22650</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Impressionist Paintings Screen Saver 2.1The Impressionist Paintings Screen Saver displays a collection of 40 images from some of the worlds greatest painters. You can customize default display settings such as transition effectwaiting time between imagesimage order and sizeand the font and size of the image captions. An uninstaller is included in case you want to remove the screensaver from your computer. This is a free screensaver that was built with the Stardust Screen Saver Toolkit. http://www.stardustsoftware.com/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22651">22651</a></td>

                    <td>119,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Interference Saver 1.1Ilmainen näytönsäästäjä, joka täyttää ruudun erivärisillä lomittain ja päällekkäin kulkevilla rengaskuvioilla.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22652">22652</a></td>

                    <td>286,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>A Bit of Irish Screen Saver 1.0Ilmainen irlantilaistyylinen näytönsäästäjä, joka tuo ruudulle vihreitä leijailevia lehtiä ja pienen hauskan ukkelin.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22653">22653</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=K95SS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22653&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">K95SS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>275,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kaleidoscope 95.1 ScreensaverEnjoy the shower of coloured plastic shapes and triangular mirrors.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22654">22654</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Crazy Kamasutra Screen SaverFunny cartoons of making love.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22655">22655</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=KIDPLUSD.EXE&tiedoston_id=22655&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">KIDPLUSD.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Microsoft Plus! for Kids Demo Contains "Underwater" desktop theme from the full Plus! for Kids package.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22656">22656</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The kinemorphic 3D Screen saver v4.0For Windows 95 and Windows NT (0x86 builds). The Kinemorphic 3D Screen Saver will animate an endless variety of spectacular 3D patterns and images. As the 3D patterns animate on your screen, the objects, images, lighting, and colors will move through, around, and on top of each other. Kinemorphics has been designed to give you an unprecedented amount of control over the effects used. You can use your own graphical images as object textures</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22657">22657</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Kinemorphic 3D Screen Saver v4.0 / OGLTHE KINEMORPHIC 3D SCREEN SAVER - Ver 4.0 For Windows 95 and Windows NT (0x86 builds), OpenGL. The Kinemorphic 3D Screen Saver will animate an endless variety of spectacular 3D patterns and images. As the 3D patterns animate on your screen, the objects, images, lighting, and colors will move through, around, and on top of each other. Kinemorphics has been designed to give you an unprecedented amount of control over the effects used. You can use your own graphical images as object textures</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22658">22658</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=KINETC10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22658&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">KINETC10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>230,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kinetic v1.0Welcome to the wonderful world of Kinetic! Kinetic is a stunning interactive 3D toy and screensaver. Fully explore worlds of 3D virtual fireworks. Watch as the computer launches a fantastic show for you, or step in and control the action yourself! Written with an advanced 3D engine, for excellent realism and depth.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22659">22659</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=KUVASV10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22659&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">KUVASV10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>412,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>KUVASEIVERI 1.0Näytönsäästäjä Win 95:lle. Tekijä: jariharju@hotmail.com. Kuvaseiveri näyttää valittuja kuvia joko yksi kerrallaan tai kierrättäen niin että kuva käy aina joka kulmassa. Taustalla voi soittaa WAV-tiedostoa. Taustavärin voi valita. Kuvavirran voi pysäyttää ja käynnistää pause- näppäimellä. Vaihtovälin voi säätää. Resoluution voi valita. Tukee useita tiedostomuotoja.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22660">22660</a></td>

                    <td>564 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>40s Christmas Labels Screen SaverNäytönsäästäjä, joka esittelee jouluisia
kortteja ja etikettejä 1940-luvulta.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22661">22661</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LACE11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22661&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">LACE11.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>503,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Gold Lace 1.1Ilmainen ja hyvännäköinen näytönsäästäjä,
joka luo ruudulle rauhallisesti liikehtiviä sulaa
materiaalia muistuttavia kuvioita.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22662">22662</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LASVEGAS.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22662&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">LASVEGAS.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>584,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Las Vegas desktop theme </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22663">22663</a></td>

                    <td>104,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>La Fonta 1.1.5Tällä ilmaisella ohjelmalla voit virittää näytöllesi kulkemaan erilaisia
kolmiulotteisia tekstejä, jotka esimerkiksi pelottavat kutsumattomat vieraat pois.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22664">22664</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LIGHTS95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22664&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">LIGHTS95.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>167,2 kt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Lights 95Jouluaiheinen ohjelma, jolla saa näytön yläreunaan jouluvalot vilkkumaan ja 
taustalle soimaan jouluaiheisen musiikin. Valot ja musiikin saa itse valita. 
Myös näytönsäästäjä kuuluu pakettiin.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22666">22666</a></td>

                    <td>288,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Liquid Desktop 3D Screensaver 2.0Awesome 3D liquid melting takes over a screen shot of your desktop. This screen saver liquefies your desktop by running waves through it while simultaneously tweaking the color intensity of each ripple, resulting in a mesmerizing and soothing feeling. Chrome effects are also available which will dazzle your eyes! Functionality limitations: Shareware version has some features disabled, and comes up with a nag message every few minutes. Shareware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me by Isotope244 Graphics LLC. http://www.isotope244.com/ss.html</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22667">22667</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=LIVER10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22667&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">LIVER10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Liverdance v1.0This wacky screen saver opens with a shower of livers landing with a squish. Suddenly, they sprout into liver-people and perform precision Irish step dancing to the magic of Celtic Music. This version is longer than the original release, drops the ads screens, plus includes wallpaper images.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22668">22668</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Living Waterfalls 1.0 -screensaverThis screensaver displays realistic animation in beautiful tropical photographic scenes. Watch as water rushes over the falls and bubbles at the bottom, fish swim in the water, ripples appear on the surface of the water, and tropical birds (parrots and flamingoes) fly past, all accompanied by realistic nature sounds and a beautiful musical score in the background. This version is free to use forever. However, it does periodically display ads for the company that made it, including promos for an entirely optional, enhanced pay-for version. The full version costs $14.95 to register. It includes two more breath-taking scenes and some different animations, such as fish jumping out of the water. Requires 200Mhz processor and Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.risoftsystems.com/store/waterfalls.asp</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22669">22669</a></td>

                    <td>811 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Lord of the Rings 3D Screen Saver 1.5Taru sormusten herrasta -näytönsäästäjä. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22670">22670</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>LYRICS Screen Saver v1.5For Win95/98/2000/NT
LYRICS Screen Saver is a screen saver which displays smooth
moving verses (anecdotes, stories, any other texts) on your
screen. The Setup Window allows you to tune a lot of 
parameters like speed, position and direction of moving, 
fonts, colors, ornaments. Count of Verses is unlimited. 
Also You can edit, add, erase text.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22671">22671</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MAC95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22671&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">MAC95.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>113,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mac95 desktop themeMakes your Windows 95 look and sound like a MacOS desktop</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22672">22672</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MACARONI.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22672&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">MACARONI.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Hey, Macaroni! Screen Saver This hilarious screen saver includes sound and a music track spoofing the popular Macarena song and associated dance. Instead, watch elbow macaroni dance and sing!  This high quality screen saver has beautiful artwork, 3D rendered macaroni and more. Check the hidden Easter Egg in the About box. Also, look for the longer version plus a whole new screen saver!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22675">22675</a></td>

                    <td>1,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mission To Mars Screen SaverMission To Mars -näytönsäästäjä.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22676">22676</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Water On Mars?Mars-aiheinen näytönsäästäjä, joka näyttää kuvia kysymyksiä herättävän
naapuriplaneettamme pinnalta. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22677">22677</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MATRIX2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22677&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">MATRIX2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Extra-Cool Matrix ScreensaverIf you loved Matrix the movie, you will love The Extra-Cool Matrix Screensaver. 
Pictures, sounds, explosions and the world of the Matrix all floating around your screen.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22678">22678</a></td>

                    <td>533,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Matrix Screen Saver 1.0A nice Matrix style screen saver with the added ability to drizzle a user-defined text string down a random row. It also creates a separate, autonomous display for each active monitor, so you multiple monitor guys can watch the matrix on all of your monitors. Free. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22679">22679</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MBNTPT10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22679&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">MBNTPT10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>465,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MBnet-työpöytäteema v1.0Lue artikkeli MikroBitin numerosta 8/1997. Paketti sisältää MBnet-kansion, pura kansioon \\Ohjelmatiedostot\\Plus!\\Themes.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22680">22680</a></td>

                    <td>59,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Matrix Code Emulator Screensaver v1.30This screensaver emulates the green code you see on Dozers screens in the movieThe Matrix. Watch the green glyphs fall down your screen in a randomized patterncreating your very own Matrix. This program now runs under NT4 with Sp3 or laterand has more customization options. Updates in this version: Problem with glyph2.ani and WinZIP solved. The screensaver no longer uses a separate file for the glyphs. Author: Chaossoft. (http://www.chaossoft.com/matrix.shtml)"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22681">22681</a></td>

                    <td>45,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mandelbrot Explorer 1.2Ilmainen suomalainen näytönsäästäjä, joka sukeltaa yhä syvemmälle Mandelbrot-fraktaalin sisään.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22682">22682</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MECH2THM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22682&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">MECH2THM.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>951,7 kt</td>


                    <td>22647/cd joystick no80 mars 1997.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mech Warrior 2 desktop theme</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22683">22683</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MI2.EXE&tiedoston_id=22683&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">MI2.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mission: Impossible 2 Screen SaverVaarallinen tehtävä 2 -näytönsäästäjä.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22684">22684</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MI2THEME.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22684&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">MI2THEME.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>191,8 kt</td>


                    <td>22646/cd no21 joystick no79.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Monkey Island 2 -työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22685">22685</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MILSCRSV.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22685&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">MILSCRSV.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>836,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Millennium Screen Saver</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22686">22686</a></td>

                    <td>3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mission Impossible 2 screensaverChanging pictures from the movie Mission Impossible 2. Freeware for Win9x/NT. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22687">22687</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MISSION2.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22687&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">MISSION2.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1023,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mission: Impossible 2 Screen SaverMission: Impossible 2 Screen Saver by Kevin Karstens.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22688">22688</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=MKYLTH26.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22688&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">MKYLTH26.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kyllösteema v2.6Kyllösteema on Matti Kyllösen selostuksilla varustettu Formula 1 -aiheinen Win95-työpöytäteema kaikilla herkuilla. Suositellaan kaikille F1-faneille. Copyright 1998 Mika Takala Kyllösteeman Kotisivut: http://personal.inet.fi/cool/mika_t/mkyll</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22689">22689</a></td>

                    <td>54,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Murphys Law Screensaver 1.1If you love witty aphorisms and enjoy quotationsyou may enjoy the Murphys Law Screensaver.
You can add additional quoations from http://rrocket.hypermart.net/m_l_main.html
Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Free.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22690">22690</a></td>

                    <td>52,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Napn Coffee v2.0.2 Tilanneilmaisinjoka kertoo esim. miten pitkään olet lounaalla. Sharewarerek. $1. "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22691">22691</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NDTHM101.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22691&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">NDTHM101.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>


                    <td>22648/cd joystick no81 avril 1997.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>No Doubt -työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22692">22692</a></td>

                    <td>159,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Nebula-näytönsäästäjä v1.2Pienikokoinen, mutta hieno näytönsäästäjä uudehkon PC:n omistajille.
Liukuvia värejä ja kuvaefektejä 32 -bittisissä väreissä.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22694">22694</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NT_SNAKE.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22694&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">NT_SNAKE.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>13 kt</td>


                    <td>Metropoli BBS files.zip</td>

                        <td style="color:tomato">tupla</td>

                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Snakes Screen Saver For Windows NT</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22695">22695</a></td>

                    <td>349 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>1 Nutty Santa Screen Saver 2.1Watch Santa dangle helplessly from his sleigh while Rudolph steers the sleigh around the screen. 
Freeware. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22696">22696</a></td>

                    <td>2,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stardock Objectbar 1.21 Stardock Objectbarin avulla Windowsin Käynnistä-valikon sekä ohjelmapalkin saa muokattua lähes minkä näköiseksi tahansa. Ohjelman mukana tulee vaihtoehtoina muun muassa perus-Macin sekä Windows XP:n työkalupalkit, sekä muita eksoottisempia vaihtoehtoja. Kokeiluversio, 19,95 USD. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.stardock.com/products/objectbar/media/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22697">22697</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=OBLIVV11.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22697&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">OBLIVV11.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>376,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Oblivion v1.1 -näytönsäästäjäVaatii:
-Windows 95/98
-DirectX 6
-DirectX-yhteensopiva näytönohjain
- >233MHz Pentium tai vastaava

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22698">22698</a></td>

                    <td>376,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Oblivion Screensaver v1.2on DirectX:ää käyttävä näytönsäästäjä, joka luo ruudulle erilaisia värikkäitä ja pehmeitä grafiikoita ja efektejä. Valikoimaan kuuluvat mm. motion blur, soften ja wave-efektit. Sisältää useita parannuksia edellisestä versiosta 1.1.
Vaatimukset: Win 95/98, DirectX 6, Pentium 200 MHz MMX, DirectX yhteensopiva näytönohjain.
(edellinen version 1.1 uploadattu mbnettiin)

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22699">22699</a></td>

                    <td>448,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Paintball 1.0Ilmainen näytönsäästäjä, joka pomputtelee pieniä maalipalloja ympäri ruutua. Pallojen jättämistä läiskistä muodostuu vähitellen yhä tarkempi kuva. Pohjana voi käyttää myös omia kuvia.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22700">22700</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Penguin Party Screen SaverThis cute screensaver shows us what REALLY goes on at the South Pole! 3D-rendered graphics
animate cute and cuddly penguins as they slide, bump, roll, and flitter down your screen. They
squeal and scream with playful delight as they plunge into the frigid water with a splash, then
dance across your screen to music. http://www.risoftsystems.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22701">22701</a></td>

                    <td>4,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pepsi Screen SaversA collection of 5 Pepsi Screen Savers.
Viiden Pepsi-näytönsäästäjän kokoelma.
(Joy of Cola Screen Saver, Jeff Gordon Screen Saver, Killer Robots Screen Saver,
Spotlight Screen Saver, Pepsi Stuff Screen Saver)

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22702">22702</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PHANTAST.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22702&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">PHANTAST.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>249,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Phantastic screen saver v1.53Seven screen savers in one: Moving Pictures and Logos, Screen Fader, Fractal Painter, Falling Rain, Color Blend, Bouncing Balls, Funky Clock. Save space by installing one powerful unit instead of many small ones. Highly configurable, nice-looking modes! Supports English & German! Easy to install!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22703">22703</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PHOTOOP.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22703&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">PHOTOOP.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>

                        <td>versio ?</td>

                    <td>19732/04 SWP 049 - 06-1997.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PhotoOp Multimedia Screen Saver v1.75PhotoOp is a Win95/NT 4.0 program that allows you to construct a screen saver from your own photographs or image files (JPEG/GIF/BMP).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22704">22704</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PICSHO32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22704&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">PICSHO32.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>149,2 kt</td>


                    <td>9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>MyPictureShow32This is a Win95 screen saver in which the visual content is supplied by your own collection of computer images. There is no limit to the number of pictures you can use, and nine different display modes are available. The slideshow mode allows a choice of 17 transition styles. This demo version will run 20 times. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22705">22705</a></td>

                    <td>2,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Piñatas Screensaver 1.0 (build 1037)Pinatas - Mexican Art Screen Saver by Maria Elena.
Windows 95/98/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22706">22706</a></td>

                    <td>375,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Primordial Life v3.16 Primordial Life is an experiment in computer based evolution. Watch biots (artificial life forms) evolve as they struggle against each other in a battle of survival. Biots assume many shapes and sizes and are both predators and prey. Experience life and death in a window or as a screen saver!</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22707">22707</a></td>

                    <td>5,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Planets3D v2.0 3DFX screen saver  compatible with Voodoo 12&3. Virtual tour of the solar system in a true 3D environment. All planets are rendered using realistic 3D models and lighting effects. Youll feel like youre orbiting the sunor floating through Saturns rings. Planets3D has Windows passwor protectionand custom options available through the control panel. The resolutions supported are 640x480800x600"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22708">22708</a></td>

                    <td>340,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PlanestateElectropaint inspired 3d screensaver for Win9x and WinNT that shows a lot of planes moving around in strange and hypnotic motion patterns.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22709">22709</a></td>

                    <td>25,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Pokemon Pack 1.1A collection of free Pokemon stuff: themes, screen savers, games, browser, ICQ skin etc.
Windows 95/98/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22710">22710</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Harry Potter Screen SaverYou are invited to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with Harry Potter. Watch him fly across the screen!

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22712">22712</a></td>

                    <td>410 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Prodigy -screensaverBackground Prodigy logos are highlighted by moving spotlights. Author: Paul Reynolds. Freeware. Windows 9x/NT/3.x.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22711">22711</a></td>

                    <td>556,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Prodigy-työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22713">22713</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=PSYC2000.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22713&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">PSYC2000.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>812,6 kt</td>


                    <td>10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 2).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"The Psychedelic Screen Saver 2000  4.5The Psychedelic Screen Saver generates an  endless variety of mesmerizing patterns. As the  patterns materialize on your screenthe colors  will shiftundulateand blow your mind. Whether  youre into abstract artmathematicsor just  have a history of mental illnessyoull love  this screen saver. This version of The Psychedelic Screen Saver  has been designed to work in conjunction with  CD/Spectrum Pro 2000 in order to provide stunning  visual effects that synchronize with the sounds  from an audio device (like the CD player in your  computer). With many of the module controls you  can now associate a sound frequencya range of  effectand a sensitivity.  Fluctuations in the  amplitude of the frequency will oscillate the  control values within the range of effect.  Included here are: The Psychedelic Screen Saver 2000   CD/Spectrum Pro 2000 SS Runner 3.0 (a quick launch utility) Installation: To setup the software on your systemjust    run Install.EXE and follow the directions. New/Updated in this version: Completely redesigned interfaceMore New ModulesMore New ControlsImproved Sound SynchronizationSaved Displays SequencerSupport For 3rd Party Plug-In ModulesIncreased PerformanceMore Displays. A detailed list of all the new features  and enhancements is available on our WWW site at http://www.synthesoft.com. More Info: Updatessupportother Win32 platform versionsand a Windows 3.1 version of the software are available from: WWW Home Page: http://www.synthesoft.com. This is for Windows 95/98/NT4.0/2000."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22714">22714</a></td>

                    <td>4,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Puppies! Screen Saver 1.0Koiranpentuaiheinen näytönsäästäjä. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.highlandmedia.com/downloads/ss/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22715">22715</a></td>

                    <td>80 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PyroTechnics 1.4 Freely distributable OpenGL-based firework simulator that runs under Linux and other *nix platforms, win32, os/2, and Amiga. Features a bunch of nifty kinds of fireworks, the ability to choreograph firework displays, a texture-mapped water surface, reflections in the water, fogging, a moving camera and the ability to save screenshots.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22716">22716</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=QSAVE13.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22716&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">QSAVE13.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>200,8 kt</td>


                    <td>23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>QuoteSaver v1.3 screen saverDisplays your favorite BMP/JPG/GIF/TIF images and .WAV audio files in a screen saver  format, while showing inspirational quotes. selected picture interval. Password protect. Audio on/off. Shareware. Galt Technology.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22717">22717</a></td>

                    <td>236,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Rain Deer Screen SaverTässä jouluisessa näytönsäästäjässä sataa poroja ja
jääpuikkoja. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22718">22718</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=REEFINST.EXE&tiedoston_id=22718&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">REEFINST.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Life on the Undersea ReefKauniita näkymiä merenpintojen alla kimaltelevilta koralliriutoilta.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22719">22719</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=RJSS95.EXE&tiedoston_id=22719&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">RJSS95.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1019 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Romeo+Juliet screensaver</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22720">22720</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stars 3D 2 Vorten v2.4 3DFX screen saver.I eight different space themed scenes. 2.0 adds many new features, such as track support, 3D ANIMATED backgroun background selection, and many speed optimizations. The stars are rendere realistic lighting and flaring effec Requires at least a Voodoo1 3dfx car fully compatible with Voodoo2 cards.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22721">22721</a></td>

                    <td>68,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SaverNow 2.3  SaverNow on pienikokoinen järjestelmän tilapalkissa majaileva ohjelma, jonka avulla näytönsäästäjän vaihtaminen, satunnainen arpominen ja muiden asetusten määritteleminen onnistuu parilla hiiren napsautuksella. Näytönsäästäjät saa myös pois päältä halutuksi ajaksi, ja ne voi laittaa käynnistymään pikanäppäimellä tai liikuttamalla hiiren kuvaruudun nurkkaan. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://goodutils.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22722">22722</a></td>

                    <td>790,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Spare A Thought For Santa Screen SaverA free saver featuring Santa and his reindeer in 
nine seperate comical animations, set to a variety 
of Christmas Carols. Windows 95/98/2000/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22723">22723</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SANTAS.EXE&tiedoston_id=22723&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">SANTAS.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Santas Workshop Screen SaverThis animated screensaver shows Santas workshop and has a beautiful Old World look and feel. "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22725">22725</a></td>

                    <td>201 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Starflight Screen SaverTwo seperate configuratable star sets for better 3d effect * Stars are streched depending on flight speed * Alternate views * Spectral colering of stars  * Optional ignoring of mousemoves and clicks</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22726">22726</a></td>

                    <td>14,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Shagadelic Delivery 1.0Kokoelma Austin Powers -aiheisia näytönsäästäjiä,
teemoja, taustakuvia ym. Ilmainen.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22727">22727</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SHLTZ12.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22727&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">SHLTZ12.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>175,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ShooltzSaver v1.2ShooltzSaver is a high performance, multi- threaded, shareware screen saver for Win95 and NT 4.0. My design goal was to provide smooth animation and high frame rate without special system extensions like WinG or DirectX. ShooltzSaver is interactive - you can fine-tune the animation parameters when the saver works: just press the right mouse button. Another nice feature is extensibility; ShooltzSaver can read new animated objects (sprites) from bmp and avi files. Detailed info about creating your own sprites is available from my www page (http://shooltz.home.ml.org).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22728">22728</a></td>

                    <td>2,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Silicon Mirror and Kaleidoscope 2.02Create kaleidoscopic graphics from your image files.
The Silicon Mirror is a gadget that operates like the mirrors inside a kaleidoscope. 
You can use it to create symmetric tiles from your own images. The Silicon Kaleidoscope 
is a Windows screensaver that uses the Silicon Mirror to create kaleidoscopic images 
that flow in real time. This is a 30-day trial version. The shareware registration fee is $12. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22729">22729</a></td>

                    <td>673,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Simpsons Screen SaverSimpsons-näytönsäästäjä.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22732">22732</a></td>

                    <td>393,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Skyrocket screensaverThis is the product of a whole lot of requests for a spectacular fireworks saver. Once I had received enough requests I figured Id just try to write the mother of all fireworks savers. The theme is as unoriginal as can bebut I think youll agree its never been done like this. Requires OpenGL"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22733">22733</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SKYSCR32.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22733&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">SKYSCR32.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>190,2 kt</td>

                        <td>versio 2.0</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Sky Screen Saver v2.1For Windows (32-bit).</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22735">22735</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>South Park Screensavers 2.0This is a collection of South Park screensavers with 2D and 3D images and music. 
Each image can be set as Desktop wallpaper, and the utility will cycle your 
wallpaper every day or every hour. The South Park screensaver is powered by 
an engine that lets you set the duration between images, or see images 
full-screen or at original size. You can use up to 21 transitional effects, 
password protect your screensaver set, and more. This download is fully 
functional for 10 days. The full version retail price is $12.95. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22734">22734</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SPARK3D.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22734&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">SPARK3D.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>616,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>South Park 3D Spectacular Screensaver 1.2This screensaver is the follow-up to the popular Eric Cartman 3D Extravaganza Screensaver and 
features OpenGL 3D acceleration. It features Cartman, Kenny, Kyle, and Stan floating around your 
screen in 3D, while making a lot of noise. You can also see blood spurt when Kenny dies. 
This version comes with its own install shell. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22736">22736</a></td>

                    <td>311,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>South Park Movie Official Screensaver 1.0This official screensaver for the movie South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut 
features a scene with the infamous Satan and Saddam Hussein.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22737">22737</a></td>

                    <td>12,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Spiderman Video Screensaver 3.7Spiderman-elokuvan trailerista tehty näytönsäästäjä.
Ilmainen. http://www.screendragon.com/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22738">22738</a></td>

                    <td>222,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Amazing Spider-Man 3D Screen Saver 1.1Päästä hämähäkkimies koneellesi kiipeilemään ja 
hyppimään. Ilmainen näytönsäästäjä. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22739">22739</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=SPSW10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22739&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">SPSW10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>386,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Graffiti-näytönsäästäjäThis screen saver is a hoot to watch and a lot of fun to 
customize. Key in some phrases and watch as your words are 
spray painted onto the screen the style of a true graffiti 
artist. From Rhode Island Soft Systems, Inc.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22740">22740</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Duke Nukem 3D Screen Saver PackThis product contains an animated screen saver based on the game, plus 10 sound clips and eight Duke Nukem 3D wallpaper images.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22741">22741</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ScreensaverShot 2.0Ohjelma omien näytönsäästäjien rakentamiseen. Shareware.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22742">22742</a></td>

                    <td>8,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Star Trek PackKokoelma Star Trek -aiheista kamaa: näytönsäästäjiä, työpöytäteemoja, LCARS-teksturi.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22743">22743</a></td>

                    <td>6,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Star Wars Episode II Screen Saver SetKolmen Star Wars Episode II -aiheisen 
näytönsäästäjän kokoelma. Ilmainen.
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22744">22744</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=STATIC95.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22744&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">STATIC95.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>statiC 1.0 - Electronica/Techno themeA very nice theme designed for 1024x768 @ 16bit with custom blue color scheme, wallpaper, mouse pointers, and high-color desktop icons. MS-PLUS is required. Other 3rd party Theme Managers may work as well. SelfExtracting archive within the ZIP file, for easy installation. Includes some</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22745">22745</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stickies v1.1Stickies asettaan keltaisille lapuille uuden standardin; 
helppokäyttöisyys yhdistettynä hienoon ja automaattisesti 
työpöydällä pienene vään ja tilaa säästävään ulkonäköön. 
Lisäksi Stickies tarjoaa ActiveX-raj apinnan, joten 
Stickie-moottori voidaan ottaa mukaan omiin ohjelmiin. 
Muka na myös VB60-demo.
ActiveX from EMS-Project. http://koti.mbnet.fi/~ee</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22747">22747</a></td>

                    <td>235,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Star Wars 3D Screen Saver 1.1This free 3D screensaver features the Millenium Falcon and other ships from the "Star Wars" universe battling it out in deep space, all in mind-blowing real 3D graphics and one tiny download. It features OpenGL 3D acceleration. 3D Accelerator is recommended. Version 1.1 adds bug fixes, some movement changes to the ships, and a new hyperspace effect. http://www.uselesscreations.com/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22748">22748</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TEETHSON.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22748&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">TEETHSON.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>565,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Holyear vs. Teethson Screen Saver</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22749">22749</a></td>

                    <td>65,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Terranova Screen SaverCreates a new Earth- like planet in just seconds using fractal technology.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22750">22750</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Theme Maker 5.0Tällä ilmaisella ohjelmalla voit tehdä omia työpöytäteemoja. Mukaan saat
liitettyä niin kuvakkeet, kursorit, värit kuin äänetkin. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22751">22751</a></td>

                    <td>626,7 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Thinkpiece themesIncludes a custom set of iconsoriginal desktop wallpaperand a color scheme. Ive used some of the sounds from the Utopia sound scheme distributed with Win95/ NT4. The screen saver and mouse pointers are up to you."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22752">22752</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=THREEDLA.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22752&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">THREEDLA.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>3-D Lavarium screensaverIt displays animated 3-D objects as they morph between their natural state and an amorphous state resembling globs of lava in a lamp, alternately rising and falling.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22753">22753</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TIDALF10.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22753&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">TIDALF10.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VR Tidal Forces Screensaver v1.0/Direct3D</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22754">22754</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Titan A.E. CollectionTaustakuvia ja näytönsäästäjiä Titan A. E. -tieteiselokuvasta.
Titan A. E. images and screen savers. Freeware.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22755">22755</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Toy Story 2 ThemesToy Story 2 is the exciting, all-new sequel to the landmark 1995 computer-animated 
blockbuster from Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios. This download 
features four desktop themes starring Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Mr. Potato Head, 
Slinky Dog, Rex, and Hamm. It also comes with unique icons, start-up and 
shutdown screen, and wallpaper backgrounds.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22756">22756</a></td>

                    <td>312 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Santas Train Animated Screen SaverMikäli tähän näytönsäästäjään on uskomistajoulupukki on vaihtanut perinteisen porokyytinsä junaksijoka puksuttaa täydessä lahjalastissa todella pitkän matkan läpi talvisten kylien. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/Me.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22757">22757</a></td>

                    <td>2,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Star Trek 30 years -työpöytäteema </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22758">22758</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TRTHM1.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22758&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">TRTHM1.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>3,6 Mt</td>


                    <td>22647/cd joystick no80 mars 1997.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Tomb Raider -työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22759">22759</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TWIST151.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22759&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">TWIST151.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>785,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Twister Screen Saver 1.51A 32 bit screen saver that transform your desktop in a windy land. One or more twisters running on your Windows Desktop moving everything, deforming your desktop, making everything a mess. Then just move your mouse or press a key to restore your screen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22760">22760</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>UD Agent Valjasta koneesi etsimään parannuskeinoa syöpään. Tämä ohjelma käyttää joutilaana olevan koneesi resursseja syövän kukistamisen edistämiseksi. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22761">22761</a></td>

                    <td>272,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ultra Fireworks Ultra Fireworks is a new screensaver that renders photorealistic fireworks on any Direct3D-compatible accelerator. Shareware version. It showcases the effects found in the full version. The full version allows you to control the fireworks, as well as benchmark your system. A Pentium 133, 16 megs of ram and DirectX 6+ required.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22762">22762</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VGIRL.EXE&tiedoston_id=22762&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">VGIRL.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VirtuaGirlVirtuaGirl is a lovely girl living on your desktop.
She plays, exercises, tans, takes showers and does
stripteases in the bottom corners of your screen. 
She turns up either unexpectedly or when you ask, 
to give you everything you could wish for. 
VirtuaGirl is FREE. VirtuaGirl is provided with 
more than 30 different animations and never expires.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22763">22763</a></td>

                    <td>483,4 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>A Village Christmas Screen SaverÖinen kirkkokylä, jonka ylle sataa uutta lunta.
Ilmainen joulunäytönsäästäjä. Windows 3.x/95/98/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22764">22764</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Voodoo Lights v1.25  Screensaver that uses Direct3D, OpenGL or Glide. Geared at the best visuals with black backgrounds to truly save your screen. Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22765">22765</a></td>

                    <td>2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Vorlons Screen SaverBabylon 5 -aiheinen näytönsäästäjä.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22766">22766</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wallearn 1.2.7 Hurricanes CourseHirmumyrskyjä käsitelevä kurssi Wallearn-ohjelmaan
(WALLEARN.ZIP) ilmaiseksi MikroBitin Apajalta. 
Windows 98/NT/2000. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22767">22767</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wallearn 1.2.7Wallearn tuo työpöytäsi taustalle valitsemiasi opiskelumateriaaleja, jotka väkisin osuvat silmiisi tietokoneenkäytön luppoaikoina. Kuvat vaihtuvat 
tietyin väliajoin. Ohjelma on ilmainen, mutta 
sille tehdyt valmiit kurssit maksavat. Käyttäjä 
voi tosin tehdä itse vapaavalintaisia kursseja. 
MikroBitin Apajalta saat ilmaiseksi hirmumyrskyjä käsittelevän kurssin (WALHUR.ZIP). 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.coffis.sk/wallearn/eng/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22768">22768</a></td>

                    <td>430,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wallpaper Changer v1.90 Wallpaper Changer vaihtaa työpöydän taustakuvan aina kun käynnistät tietokoneen, kerran päivässä tai valitsemasi ajan välein. Freeware. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22771">22771</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Webshots v1.3.0Ohjelma valikoi omista valokuvavarastoistaan uuden taustakuvan joka päivälle. Kotisivuilta löytyy tuhansia kuvia aiheen mukaan lajiteltuina. http://www.webshots.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22772">22772</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WEBSHOTS.EXE&tiedoston_id=22772&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">WEBSHOTS.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Webshots DesktopWebshots Desktop includes more than 2,000 full-screen color images in categories such as sports, 
scenics, wildlife, travel, 3D, and more. These photos are used as your desktop wallpaper and 
screensaver via the Webshots Desktop software. The software includes an automatic Web 
connection that downloads new photos each day. You can also add your own images into 
the software and share photos with friends and family  through the Webshots Community.  
Freeware. http://www.webshots.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22773">22773</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wallace & Gromit Screen SaverOscareitakin voittaneen Nick Parkin animaatioiden vahasankarit, Wallace ja Gromit, 
seikkailevat näytönsäästäjässä, joka palauttaa mieliin parhaat palat elokuvista. 
Väärät housut, kanaksi naamioitunut pingviini, junarata, kyborgikoira...

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22774">22774</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WGTHEME.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22774&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">WGTHEME.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>


                    <td>17114/TEKNO 5-1996.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Wallace & Gromit ThemeOscareitakin voittaneen Nick Parkin animaatioiden vahasankarit, Wallace ja Gromit, 
seikkailevat työpöytäteemassa, joka palauttaa mieliin parhaat palat elokuvista. 
Väärät housut, kanaksi naamioitunut pingviini, junarata, kyborgikoira...

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22775">22775</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WIN97THM.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22775&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">WIN97THM.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Windows 97 -työpöytäteema</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22776">22776</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINPOOH.EXE&tiedoston_id=22776&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">WINPOOH.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>2,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winnie The Pooh FriendsNalle Puh -näytönsäästäjä ja taustakuvia.
Winnie The Pooh Friends screen saver wallpaper utility.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22777">22777</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=WINTERSW.EXE&tiedoston_id=22777&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Ty%C3%B6p%C3%B6yt%C3%A4teemat+ja+n%C3%A4yt%C3%B6ns%C3%A4%C3%A4st%C3%A4j%C3%A4t">WINTERSW.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>871,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Winter Wonderland Screen Saver</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22778">22778</a></td>

                    <td>563,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WinXP Theme v1.0Työpöytäteema, joka saa Windowsin näyttäämään vielä
julkaisemattomalta Windows XP (2001):ltä. Kuvakkeet tms. on otettu suoraan siitä.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22784">22784</a></td>

                    <td>1,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>XMas Screen SaverTämä näytönsäästäjä tuo ruudullesi muun muassa laulavia lapsia, parrakkaan joulupukin, sekä joulukuusen, koristeita, lumisadetta ja lämpimiä tervehdyksiä.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22788">22788</a></td>

                    <td>296,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Christmas Screen SaverJouluinen näytönsäästäjä, jossa kahden kauniisti koristellun joulukuusen päälle
putoilee lumihiutaleita. Ilmainen.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22785">22785</a></td>

                    <td>415,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Christmas Screen SaverTässä jouluisessa näytönsäästäjässä jaetaan lahjoja kevyessä lumisateessa. Pukin ja porojen päälle vähitellen kertyvän lumikerroksen paksuudesta voi epäsuorasti päätellä kuinka kauan käyttäjä on ollut poissa koneensa ääreltä.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/Me.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22781">22781</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Animated Christmas&Songs Screensaver 1.13This is a free Christmas screensaver with music. It includes animated pictures and three Cristmas songs, the music can be muted in settings. Takes only a few minutes to install, simply run setup.exe and the program will prompt you through the process. Freeware. 
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22782">22782</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Christmas Art Scenes Screen SaverVirittäydy joulutunnelmaan tällä näytönsäästäjällä, joka kelluttaa työpöydälläsi muun muassa kauniita talvisia maisemia, lumiukkoja, enkeleitä, joulukuusia, nalleja, lintuja, poroja ja muita suloisia eläimiä.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22783">22783</a></td>

                    <td>289,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Christmastime - City Screen SaverTämä näytönsäästäjä kieputtaa isoja lumihiutaleita todella luonnottomasti, mutta hauskasti kaupunkimaisemassa.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22786">22786</a></td>

                    <td>1,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Christmas In The PastPalauta koneesi näyttömuistiin wanhojen hywien aikojen joulu. Tämän näytönsäästäjän kuvat ovat 1900-luvun alusta, jolloin infoähkystä ei ollut tietoakaan. Ilmainen.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22787">22787</a></td>

                    <td>3,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Christmas Screen SaverJouluaiheinen näytönsäästäjä. Ilmainen. http://www.christmassavers.com/ </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22789">22789</a></td>

                    <td>12,3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>X-Men SaversNeljä erilaista Ryhmä-X-näytönsäästäjää!
A collection of X-Men Screen Savers!

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22790">22790</a></td>

                    <td>638 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Yellow Rose Screen Saver 1.0Tämä näytönsäästäjä esittelee jouluisia koristeseppeleitä.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22791">22791</a></td>

                    <td>3,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Christmas of YesteryearKuvankauniit talvimaisemat luovat joulutunnelmaa näytönsäästäjässä, joka vie ajatukset aikaan, jolloin liikuttiin aidoilla ja alkuperäisillä, kauraa kuluttavilla hevosvoimilla. Ilmainen.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22792">22792</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=0102I32.EXE&tiedoston_id=22792&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">0102I32.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Norton Antivirus update (Win95/98/Me)This is the latest update file for all Norton Antivirus (Windows 95/98/Me) users. It protects your system now against Matrix Worm/Virus hybrid. Date: January 4th, 2002.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22793">22793</a></td>

                    <td>3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Norton Antivirus update (Win NT/2000/XP)This is the latest update file for all Norton Antivirus (Windows NT/2000/XP) users. It protects your system now against Matrix Worm/Virus hybrid. Date: January 4th, 2002.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22794">22794</a></td>

                    <td>3,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Norton Antivirus päivitys 1220i32Tämä tiedosto päivittää Norton Antivirus -virustorjuntaohjelmasi (kaikki Windows-versiot) ajan tasalle niin, että ohjelma osaa tunnistaa ja putsata koneesi saastuneet tiedostot myös uusimmilta viruksilta. Päiväys: 20.12.2002.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22795">22795</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>McAfee VirusScan -update (4.x & 5.x & 6.x)These are the latest DAT files for McAfee VirusScan 4.x, 5.x and 6.x & Dr. Solomon 8.5 (Retail) users. Date: January 4th, 2002.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22796">22796</a></td>

                    <td>1,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>McAfee VirusScan päivitys 4238Tämä tiedosto päivittää McAfee VirusScan -virustorjuntaohjelmasi (versiot 4.x, 5.x, 6.x ja Dr. Solomon 8.5) ajan tasalle niin, että ohjelma osaa tunnistaa ja putsata koneesi saastuneet tiedostot myös uusimmilta viruksilta. Päiväys: 18.12.2002.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22797">22797</a></td>

                    <td>435,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Norton AntiVirus 2001 (Win9x/Me)One of the most well-known virus scanners on the market today, this comes with an enormous number of options to keep your system virus free. Norton AntiVirus offers: 
Auto-Protect to automatically scans files, Quarantine, 
LiveUpdate that updates your DAT files over the Internet,
LiveAdvisor personal e-mail support (requires registration).
Schedule scans and LiveUpdates to help keep Norton AntiVirus ahead in the war against computer viruses. 30-day trial for Windows 95/98/NT by Symantec. http://www.symantec.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22798">22798</a></td>

                    <td>3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>a² Free 1.0a² Free on ilmainen versio haittaohjelmatutkasta, joka tunnistaa yli 19 000 virusta, troijalaista, vahingollista skriptiä, näppäimistönlukijaa ja muuta tietokoneiden syöpäläistä. Ohjelman ilmainen versio osaa päivittää tietokantansa netin kautta ja tutkia läpi tietokoneen muistin ja kiintolevyn. a² Free vaatii toimiakseen ilmaisen rekisteröitymisen valmistajan kotisivuilla.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server 


                    <td><a href="/id?id=22799">22799</a></td>

                    <td>1,6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Ad-Aware 6.0 build 181Poista koneeltasi spyware ja mainosohjelmat.
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.lavasoft.de/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22800">22800</a></td>

                    <td>6,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Antiy Ghostbusters Professional Edition 3.Antiy Ghostbusters on ohjelmapaketti joka sisältää työkalut troijalaisten poistamiseen, pienen palomuuriohjelmiston, sekä turvaohjelmapaketin jolla voi vaikuttaa useisiin Windowsin asetuksiin. Käyttäjä pääsee tarkastelemaan mitä ohjelmia Windowsin yhteydessä ajetaan, sekä mitä prosesseja ja palveluita käyttöjärjestelmä kulloinkin pyörittää. Kokeiluversio, 35 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.antiy.net/ghostbusters/agb.htm </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22801">22801</a></td>

                    <td>911,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>All-in-One Secretmaker työkalupaketti Windowsin siivoamiseen, koneen tietoturvan parantamiseen sekä roskapostin torjuntaan. Ohjelman sisältää nettisivujen mainosbannerien poistajan ja ponnahdusikkunoiden eston, väliaikaistiedostojen, evästeiden ja ohjelmahistorian siivoustyökalut sekä sähköpostiliikennettä tarkkailevan virussuojan.
Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.secretmaker.com/


                    <td><a href="/id?id=22802">22802</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Omniquad AntiSpy 4.0Omniquad AntiSpy on työkalu vakoilu- ja mainosohjelmien etsimiseen ja poistamiseen omalta koneelta. Ohjelma päivittää haittaohjelmien tietokantansa valmistajan palvelimilta ja sen voi määrätä tutkimaan koneen läpi esimerkiksi tunnin välein. Oheinen AntiSpyn kokeiluversio näyttää löytämänsä vakoiluohjelmat, mutta niiden poistamiseen vaaditaan ohjelman rekisteröiminen.
Kokeiluversio, 39,99 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.omniquad.com/antispy.htm</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22803">22803</a></td>

                    <td>4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AntiVir Personal Edition virustutka AntiVir Personal Edition kaikille Windowsin versioille (95/98/Me & NT/2000/XP). http://www.free-av.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22804">22804</a></td>

                    <td>3,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AntiVir Personal Edition virustutka AntiVir Personal Edition kaikille Windowsin versioille (95/98/Me & NT/2000/XP). http://www.free-av.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22805">22805</a></td>

                    <td>4,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AntiVir Personal Edition Ilmainen virustutka AntiVir Personal Edition kaikille Windowsin versioille (95/98/Me & NT/2000/XP). http://www.free-av.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22806">22806</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=AVWIN9XP.EXE&tiedoston_id=22806&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">AVWIN9XP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AntiVir (Windows 95/98/Me)AntiVirin ilmainen virustutka.
AntiVir/9x Personal Edition. 
Tämä versio on Windows 95, Windows 98 
ja Windows Me -käyttöjärjestelmille. 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22807">22807</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=AVWINNTP.EXE&tiedoston_id=22807&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">AVWINNTP.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>3,7 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>AntiVir (Windows NT/2000/XP)AntiVirin ilmainen virustutka AntiVir/NT Personal Edition. Tämä versio on Windows NT Workstation, Windows 2000 ja Windows XP -käyttöjärjestelmille. http://www.free-av.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22808">22808</a></td>

                    <td>197,3 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>BODetect 1.5Jos koneellesi on asennettu Back Orifice -ohjelma (boserve), voit poistaa sen käynnistämällä tämän 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22809">22809</a></td>

                    <td>106,1 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>CheckYourPC 2.0Kokoelma pienitä tietokoneen turva-asetusten tarkastamiseen tarkoitettuja sovelluksia sekä linkkejä sivuistoille jotka tarjoavat tietoturvapalveluita. Ohjelman avulla koneelle voi esimerkiksi tallentaa harmittoman testiviruksen, josta virustutkan pitäisi älähtää, tai tilata koneelleen simuloidun palvelunestohyökkäyksen ja porttiskannauksen.
Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22810">22810</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=CLEANER3.EXE&tiedoston_id=22810&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">CLEANER3.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Cleaner3Jos epäilet koneellasi olevan troijalaisia, turvaudu tähän ohjelmaan ja tarkista tilanne. http://www.moosoft.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22811">22811</a></td>

                    <td>759 tavua</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"McAfee virus extra definition Tämän extra.datin avulla McAfeen virusskanneri tunnistaa myös sähköpostin mukana leviävänILOVEYOU-viruksen. May 11th2000. Win9x.

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22812">22812</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Digital Patrol 5.0 RC-1Virus- ja troijalaistutka joka koluaa läpi kiintolevyn tiedostot ja tietokoneen muistin etsien haitallisia sovelluksia. Ohjelma havaitsee yli 30 000 netissä yleisimmin tavattua haittaohjelmaa ja osaa koluta läpi pakatut tiedostot, ActiveX-komponentit ja Java-sovelmat. 
Kokeiluversio, 24,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.antiviraldp.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=63069">63069</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=DOC9509.ZIP&tiedoston_id=63069&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">DOC9509.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>2458/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 4).iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>The Doctor AntiVirus for Windows 95
Unregistered Version 95.09c September 25,
1995. The Doctor AntiVirus is a 32-bit
anti-virus program designed for the Windows
95 environment. The Doctor will detect and
eliminate all common viruses, including
viruses found in the wild. Using a VxD
(virtual device driver), The Doctor for
Windows 95 is able to scan diskettes and
files automatically for viruses.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22813">22813</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=F-CIH.EXE&tiedoston_id=22813&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">F-CIH.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>50 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>F-CIHData Fellowsin kehittämä ohjelma, joka etsii CIH-virusta tietokoneen muistista ja käyttäjän halutessa
poistaa sen. Tämän jälkeen voi ajaa virustorjuntaohjelman ja poistaa virustartunnan saastuneista

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22814">22814</a></td>

                    <td>3,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>F-Control 1.7F-Control on ohjelma, jolla ohjataan F-Secure Corporationin (www.F-Secure.com) kehittämää F-Prot DOSia. F-Prot DOS on tehokas ja kotikäytössä ilmainen virusskanneri. Ainoana miinuksena on se, että ohjelma on englanninkielinen ja joillekin ehkä hieman hankalakäyttöinen. HUOM! F-Control on täysin laillinen ja se on saanut F-Securen hyväksynnän, mutta F-Controlia saa käyttää vain kotona ja F-Prot DOSin lisenssin mukaisesti. Shareware, 50 mk. http://come.to/karhusoftware

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22815">22815</a></td>

                    <td>22,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>FindEXE 1.1Etsii ohjelmatiedostoja jotka ovat naamioituneet toisen tiedostopäätteen taakse. Ilmainen. http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/freeware/console/  </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22816">22816</a></td>

                    <td>1,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>F-Prot 3.11bF-Prot virustutkan versio 3.11b. http://www.f-prot.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22817">22817</a></td>

                    <td>5,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>F-Prot for Windows 3.11b kokeiluversioSuositun virustutkan Windows-version kokeiluversio. http://www.f-prot.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22818">22818</a></td>

                    <td>7,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>F-Prot 3.12b for WindowsF-Protin Windows-version uusin versio. Ilmestynyt 7. lokakuuta 2002.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22820">22820</a></td>

                    <td>5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>F-Secure Anti-Virus -päivitys 122002Tämä tiedosto päivittää F-Secure Anti-Virus -virustorjuntaohjelmasi (versiot 4.0x ja 5.0x) ajan tasalle niin, että ohjelma osaa tunnistaa ja putsata koneesi saastuneet tiedostot myös uusimmilta viruksilta. Päiväys: 20.12.2002.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22821">22821</a></td>

                    <td>14,2 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>F-Secure Anti-Virus for WorkStations 5.30F-Secure Anti-Virus is a comprehensive real-time and on-demand virus scanning and protection system for all Windows platforms. This is the first line of anti-virus software to combine multiple-virus scanning engines into a single framework. What one virus scanner misses, another will almost certainly find. Demo version for Windows 95/98/NT4.0/Me/2000 by F-Secure. http://www.f-secure.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22822">22822</a></td>

                    <td>23,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>F-Secure Anti-Virus 5.40  F-Secure Anti-Virus 5.40 introduces new techniques for fighting against complex network worms with smaller memory consumption. For instance, the software automatically disinfects even the most complex viruses without the need for you to download additional virus removal utilities. F-Secure Anti-Virus now introduces F-Secure BackWeb! F-Secure Anti-Virus v5.40 downloads antivirus database updates automatically in the background. Requires Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP and 32MB RAM. Free to try; $80.00 to buy. http://www.f-secure.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22823">22823</a></td>

                    <td>6 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"F-Secure BackWeb client 6.13F-Secure BackWeb is a free add-on module that you can download and install on your computer. This is the most convenient way to keep the databases updated as it connects to F-Secures server automatically whenever you are on-line. F-Secure BackWeb uses incremental technology and network traffic detection to make sure that it works without disturbing other Internet usage even over a slow line. Requirements: Licenced F-Secure Anti-Virus Release 5.00 build 5271 or newer and Windows 95/98/NT 4.0/Me/2000/XP. http://www.f-secure.com/products/backweb/"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=65145">65145</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>InoculLAN v1.0 / Cheyenne Antivirus v1.0
Virus signature update for Windows 95. This
set of files will update your system to
version 3.18.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22824">22824</a></td>

                    <td>10,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal Anti-Virus provides complete prevention, detection, and elimination of thousands of computer viruses and Trojan horse programs. It virus-scans recursively within virtually every archive and runtime compression type. It scans within FX-LOCK, CPAV and FILESHIELD immunized programs, decrypts and searches within CRYPTCOM, CRYPTCOM-B, DROPPER-A, DROPPER-B, DROPPER-C, DROPPER-D, ENCRCOM/EXE and PROTECT 4.0 encrypted programs and detects and removes MACRO VIRUSES. The heuristic virus scanning engine can even detect 801f new "unknown" viruses. 45-day trial for DOS/Windows 95/98/ME by Kaspersky Lab. http://www.kaspersky.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22825">22825</a></td>

                    <td>498 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Local Port Scanner v1.1How wide open is your computer? With LPS youre able to check your computer for open or listening ports. LPS is preprogrammed with most common used hacker and trojan ports. 5 different scan modes and usefull information on used ports. Customizeable files for future security. http://www.jpsoft.dk"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66495">66495</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NAV32SCN.EXE&tiedoston_id=66495&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">NAV32SCN.EXE</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Norton AntiVirus Scanner for Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22826">22826</a></td>

                    <td>435,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Norton AntiVirus 2002 8.0One of the most well-known virus scanners on the market todaythis comes with an enormous number of options to keep your system virus free. Norton AntiVirus offers: Auto-Protect to automatically scan filesQuarantine LiveUpdate that updates your DAT files over the Internet and LiveAdvisor personal e-mail support (requires registration). New for 2002s version: Unobtrusively alerts you to automated functionssuch as virus repairs and definition updatesIntegration with Windows Explorer lets you use many common Norton AntiVirus functions from the Explorer menus for easy accessBuilt-in links take you directly to the Symantec Security Response Web site for additional information on specific viruses. Schedule scans and LiveUpdates to help keep Norton AntiVirus ahead in the war against computer viruses. 30-day trial for Windows 98/NT/2000/Me. Note: This download is not compatible with Windows XP or Windows 95. http://www.symantec.com/"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22827">22827</a></td>

                    <td>435,6 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Norton AntiVirus 2001 (WinNT/2k)One of the most well-known virus scanners on the market today, this comes with an enormous number of options to keep your system virus free. Norton AntiVirus offers: 
Auto-Protect to automatically scans files, Quarantine,  
LiveUpdate that updates your DAT files over the Internet, 
LiveAdvisor personal e-mail support (requires registration).
Schedule scans and LiveUpdates to help keep Norton AntiVirus ahead in the war against computer viruses. 30-day trial for Windows NT/2000 by Symantec. http://www.symantec.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22828">22828</a></td>

                    <td>37 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Norton Internet Security 2001 (Win 9x/Me)Norton Internet Security 2001 provides Internet protection for your personal computer. This suite contains Norton AntiVirus 2001, Norton Personal Firewall 2001, and additional software to assure private information is not transmitted to unsecured Web sites or accessed on your local computer, and block unwanted online advertisements such as banner ads and pop-up windows. Norton Internet Security 2001 stops viruses, malicious Java applets, ActiveX controls, and hackers before they can access your data. You can protect credit card numbers, bank account information, and other personal data. Shareware for Windows 95/98/Me by Symantec Corp. http://www.symantec.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22829">22829</a></td>

                    <td>29,4 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Norton Internet Security 2001 (WinNT/2k)Norton Internet Security 2001 provides Internet protection for your personal computer. This suite contains Norton AntiVirus 2001, Norton Personal Firewall 2001, and additional software to assure private information is not transmitted to unsecured Web sites or accessed on your local computer, and block unwanted online advertisements such as banner ads and pop-up windows. Norton Internet Security 2001 stops viruses, malicious Java applets, ActiveX controls, and hackers before they can access your data. You can protect credit card numbers, bank account information, and other personal data. Shareware for Windows NT/2000 by Symantec Corp. http://www.symantec.com</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=66672">66672</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=NTS-250E.ZIP&tiedoston_id=66672&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">NTS-250E.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>VirusScan for Windows NT DOS box by McAfee,
Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known
and new viruses. Requires Windows NT 3.5+.
Version 2.50 (9606) 06-11-96</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22830">22830</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Outpost Firewall Free 1.0Ilmainen palomuuriohjelma joka suojaa konetta hakkereiden kiusanteolta sekä joiltain viruksilta ja haittaohjelmilta. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. http://www.agnitum.com/products/outpost/


                    <td><a href="/id?id=22831">22831</a></td>

                    <td>741,9 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>PestPatrol IVCPestPatrol is a powerful anti-hacker utility that finds and eliminates hacker tools, spyware and trojans from your personal computer or corporate network. These hidden pests can create "backdoors" which bypass established security measures, compromise the integrity of your network, and threaten your personal privacy. Win 98/ME/NT/2000/XP http://www.safersite.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22832">22832</a></td>

                    <td>69,8 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Qwik-Fix 0.57 betaQwik-Fix on turvaohjelma joka pyrkii tukkimaan Windowsin ja Internet Explorerin turva-aukkoja. 
Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server. http://www.pivx.com/qwikfix/


                    <td><a href="/id?id=22833">22833</a></td>

                    <td>1,5 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>SpywareStopper 2.8SpywareStopper estää haitallisia ohjelmia asentumasta tietokoneelle käyttäjän surffaillessa netissä. Ohjelma estää epämääräisiä ActiveX-komponentteja tyrkyttävien sivustojen toiminnan, minkä lisäksi se antaa huutia käyttäjän surffailua tarkkaileville evästeille. 
Shareware, 19,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.spyware-stopper.com/</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22834">22834</a></td>

                    <td>692,2 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Stinger 1.9.9Stinger on pieni työkalu noin 30 tunnetun viruksen havaitsemiseen ja poistamiseen. Kannattaa huomioida että kyseessä ei ole täysimittainen virustutka vaan työkalu jo löydetyn viruksen tuhoamiseen. 
Ilmainen. http://www.g-i.ch/viren/stinger/stinger.exe 

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68915">68915</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TBW95700.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68915&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">TBW95700.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ThunderByte Anti-Virus v7.00 for Windows 95</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68916">68916</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TBW95701.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68916&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">TBW95701.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus for Win 95 ver 7.01
This distribution of ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus
(TBAV) for Windows 95 comprises the final
edition of TBAV for Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=68917">68917</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TBW95706.ZIP&tiedoston_id=68917&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">TBW95706.ZIP</a></td>



                    <td>23464/CHIP 1996 december (CD10).zip</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>This distribution of ThunderBYTE Anti-virus
(TBAV) for Windows 95 comprises the latest
release of TBAV for Windows 95.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22835">22835</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=TDS2-98.ZIP&tiedoston_id=22835&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">TDS2-98.ZIP</a></td>

                    <td>3,4 Mt</td>


                    <td>22678/cd joystick no111 janvier 2000.iso</td>


                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"TDS-2: Trojan Defence Suite 2.7.5The worlds most comprehensive anti-trojan packagespeech synthesised and detecting over 360 trojans and wormspeace of mind with a state-of-the-art defence system is just a short download away. Also detects port-scanningtrojan hacking attempts and has over 150 configurable items. Automatic updatesa jam-packed featuresetdozens of utilitiesand 3rd party plugins extends the use of TDS beyond your imagination."</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22836">22836</a></td>

                    <td>1,9 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"Trojan First Aid Kit v2.0This is the first Trojan Scannerwhich uses heuristicsto find newunknown Trojans. It also contains several tools to help the advanced user to find trojans on its own. 
Win9x. Freeware. http://www.kryptocrew.de/"</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22837">22837</a></td>

                    <td>827,5 kt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Trojan Guarder 2.53Trojan Guarder etsii ja poistaa koneelle pesiytyneitä troijalaisia ajamalla taustalla Guard Ghost -nimistä järjestelmän tarkkailuohjelmaa. Ohjelma tuhoaa itse troijalaisen sekä sen tiedostolinkit ja Rekisterimerkinnät, ja ilmoittaa käyttäjälle löytyneistä tunkeilijoista. Tämän lisäksi Trojan Guarder sisältää apuohjelmat Internet Explorerin turva-asetusten virittelyyn sekä järjestelmän turva-aukkojen tukkimiseen.
Kokeiluversio, 29,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.your-soft.com/

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69622">69622</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=V95I205E.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69622&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">V95I205E.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>Mcafee For win95 V.205</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=69623">69623</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=V95I206E.ZIP&tiedoston_id=69623&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">V95I206E.ZIP</a></td>





                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>McAfee VirusScan For Windows 95 v2.0.6.</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22838">22838</a></td>

                    <td>3 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>McAfee VirusScan Patch 5.xx -> 5.21This patch upgrades VirusScan v5.10, v5.11, v5.12, v5.13, v5.14, v5.15, v5.16 and v5.20 to the current v5.21. This patch fixes also the Updater for Windows NT/2000 platform. Date: 31st May, 2001. http://www.mcafee-at-home.com

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22839">22839</a></td>
                        <td><a href="/tiedostot/?tiedoston_nimi=VSC601AD.EXE&tiedoston_id=22839&tiedoston_osasto=PC+/+Windows+95/98/NT/2000+/+Virustentorjunta">VSC601AD.EXE</a></td>

                    <td>32,5 Mt</td>

                        <td style="color:red">ClamAV: Win.Malware.Emotet-6830579-0 FOUND</td>



                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>"McAfee VirusScan 6.01An excellent virus protection systemMcAfees Virus Scan includes a command-lineDOS protection systema background scanneran on-demand scanner and a scanner that activates whenever your screen saver does. Be sure to keep up with the virus definition updates for real protection. 30-day trial for Windows Win95/98/NT4/2000/XP by McAfee Inc. Date: October 5th2001. Cost:$29.95. http://www.mcafee-at-home.com "</pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22840">22840</a></td>

                    <td>2,8 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>McAfee VirusScan Patch 6.00 -> 6.01This patch upgrades McAfee VirusScan v6.00 to v6.01
Issues fixed: Fixed error on shutdown with VirusScan running, Enhanced Security Status information on VirusScan Home page, Fixed Quarantine crash when multiple files are restored, Added Instant Updater task, Fixed right-click exiting VShield in system tray, Added Quick Jump link for Secure Data Shredding, Added support for 4 letter extension scanning and Fixed multiple instance issue of Alogserv.exe. Date: 4th October, 2001. Note: For US Windows operating systems only. http://www.mcafee-at-home.com </pre></td>

                    <td><a href="/id?id=22841">22841</a></td>

                    <td>1,1 Mt</td>




                    <td class="Kuvaus"><pre>WormCatcher 2.02Tämä ohjelma lähettää tilastoitavia tartuntatietoja 
www.wormwatch.org-sivustolle, jossa pidetään kirjaa aktiivisimmista viruksista ja troijalaisista. Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. 

