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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | ApajaIndex? | Tupla? | BLAKE3/b3sum |
20066 | PONTX202.ZIP | 2 Mt | 13.05.1997 | - | None | - | - | - |
"1996" osasto | Osasto |
- | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Apuohjelmat |
Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta | Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta |
- | "Pointix V2.02 Unique way of operating your mouse that increases screen space and cuts down on repetitive movements. Rather than relying on toolbars or buttonsthis program uses mouse movements (glicks) to trigger floating menus for your most frequently used commands. With Pointixyou dont need to move from one screen point to the next to reach the commands you use most -- those commands appear instantly with only slight mouse movements." |
Kommenttiosio. Tähän voit laittaa julkisen viestin. IP-osoite talletetaan.
Viestin ID | Pvm ja aika | Nimimerkki | Viesti |
Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:
ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Osasto | Kommentit | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
20066 | PONTX202.ZIP | 2 Mt | 13.05.1997 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Apuohjelmat | - | - | "Pointix V2.02 Unique way of operating your mouse that increases screen space and cuts down on repetitive movements. Rather than relying on toolbars or buttonsthis program uses mouse movements (glicks) to trigger floating menus for your most frequently used commands. With Pointixyou dont need to move from one screen point to the next to reach the commands you use most -- those commands appear instantly with only slight mouse movements." |
22443 | POINTX20.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 30.06.1997 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Työpöytäohjelmat | - | - | Pointx V2.0Revolutionisee your desktop! Win95 |
67207 | PHANTAS2.A02 | 1392971 | 05.12.1996 | Pelit / DOS-pelit / Demoversiot - Animaatiot/vide | - | - | Phantasmagoria 2. AVI-näyteanimaatio. Osa 3/3. |
3376 | MIPNT202.LHA | 423,7 kt | 25.08.1998 | Amiga / Ohjelmat / Piirtäminen ja kuvankäsittely | renamed | - | MicroPaint 2.0.2 - Paint program w. effects / BMP support. MicroPaint supports OCS, ECS and AGA machines. Datatypes are also supported. Req: OS2+, cxb.library (included) - Shareware Aminet name: MicroPaint202.lha |
63795 | EPSON202.ZIP | 840678 | 18.10.1995 | PC / Ajurit / Windows 3.x / Ajurit | - | tupla | Epson ESC/P2 printer drivers for Win3.1 Epson Stylus drivers, version 2.02. |
49997 | EPSON202.ZIP | 821 kt | 28.10.1998 | Ullakko / Vanhat laiteajurit yms. | - | tupla | Epson ESC/P2 printer drivers for Win3.1 Epson Stylus drivers, version 2.02. |