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Windows 95/98/NT/2000 -pelit / Viritykset - Räiskintä

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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
47297 11001101.ZIP 1,6 Mt 20.09.2000 - - -
Half-Life update v1.1.0.0 to v1.1.0.1 English release.
47298 41024104.ZIP 16,8 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
Half-Life standalone server updateThis package will update your Half-Life primary server from to v4.1.0.4. 
47299 AGEINTME.A01 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time 2/5
47300 AGEINTME.A02 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time 3/5
47301 AGEINTME.A03 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time 4/5
47302 AGEINTME.A04 1,3 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD tupla
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In TIme 5/5
47303 AGEINTME.ARJ 4,8 Mt 19.07.1998 - MBCD -
Duke Nukem 3D: Ages In Time v1.0 by Mystique 35 level total conversion for v1.4/1.5 featuring new art and sound effects, plus all new music, all new weapons, and all new enemies. Req. Duke Nukem 1.4 or 1.5 (registered) and Windows 95     1/5
47019 AHL4F.ZIP 56,5 Mt 19.05.2001 - - -
Action Half-Life beta v4 full Toiminnantäytteisen Half-Life -modin uusimman version täysasennus.  
47305 AHLB3.ZIP 39,4 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Half-Life mod: Action Half Life beta 3. Trying to recover the feel of action movies and to find the middle between game balance and realism. You can perform various action-typical stunts like diving in 4 directions or quickly dodging to the side. The damage model of AHL is unforgiving. The weapons are what you would find in a good action movie. Many game modes. 
47304 AHLB356.ZIP 3,8 Mt 15.09.2000 - - -
Action Half-Life Betan päivitys versiosta 3.0 versioon 3.56
47306 ATFULL.ZIP 16,3 Mt 26.06.2000 - - -
AtTi2dE Tribes Sound Pack. This version breaks taunts into killed or were killed taunts, a second fun stuff section, 456 sounds for the game. Including the MUCH WANTED ability to speak animations to everyone. 
47307 ATTI2DE.ZIP 474 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
"Prestos Tribes ScriptPak v. I think that theres something useful in here for just about anyone who plays - or plays with - Tribes Players will dig the new chatmenuteam trackingand camera features - and coders can use these routines as a start to their own scripts."
47308 BETRAYED.ZIP 3,3 Mt 17.08.1999 - - -
TeamFortress Classic Half-Life mod: BETRAYED by Matthew Armstrong. Number of Teams: 4.  2 allied pairs of 2 teams. Recommended # of Players: 6-32 The Dictator must get to the holy mosque. He must pass through the Outer Village, through the City Gates, through the Main Village, up the Climb, and into the Mosque. The assassins try to stop him.  His bodyguards must help him arrive safely.
47309 CBS6FULL.A03 9,5 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.0 4/5        
47310 CBS6FULL.A04 5,4 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.0 5/5        
47311 CBS6FULL.ARJ 9,5 Mt 23.03.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.0 1/5          modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will  modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life  to bring to it a more team-oriented  gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team  Fortress2, it will will provide the player  with an experience that a trained  counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit  experiences.
47312 CCTF099.ZIP 20,3 Mt 10.05.2000 - - -
Quake 3 Arena: Classic CTF by Eric "Whiplash" The Classic CTF mod incorporates the feel of q1ctf and q2ctf seamlessly. It has brought back most of the things we loved about the older ctf games, namely playability and the grapple! There are four runes now, strength, haste, regeneration and resistance like we had in q1 and q2. Some changes (fixes!) to the sounds and some changes to the cosmetics of some items. Public Beta 0.99 
47313 CHNGLNG1.ZIP 3,3 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Changeling: The Dreaming - Reclamation 1.0v1.0 beta. 
Changeling is a Vampire: The Masquerade: Redemption mod.
47316 CS_B52U.ZIP 883,9 kt 23.01.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counterstrike  Beta 5.0->5.2 modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life to bring to it a more team-oriented gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team Fortress2, it will will provide the player with an experience that a trained counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit experiences.
47314 CS70FULL.ZIP 67,2 Mt 15.09.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Strike Beta 7.0Täysi installaatio.
47315 CS71TO10.ZIP 22,8 Mt 09.11.2000 - - -
Counter-Strike update v7.1 beta to v1.0Pähkinänkuoressa Counter-Strike 1.0 tuo mukanaan kolme uutta asetta ja uudet pelaajamodelit. Lisätty myös Valven animointitekniikka ja jätetty beta-vaiheet. 
47033 CSB6061.ZIP 700,5 kt 04.04.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.0->6.1 update. modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life to bring to it a more team-oriented gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team Fortress2, it will will provide the player with an experience that a trained counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit experiences. Windows. 
47034 CSB6165.ZIP 29,5 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.1>6.5 update. Modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life to bring to it a more team-oriented gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team Fortress2, it will will provide the player with an experience that a trained counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit experiences. Windows. 
47035 CSB65.ZIP 55,2 Mt 13.06.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 6.5 modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life to bring to it a more team-oriented gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team Fortress2, it will will provide the player with an experience that a trained counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit experiences. Windows. 
47036 CSB6670.ZIP 30,3 Mt 15.09.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Striken päivitys versiosta 6.6 versioon 7.0
47037 CSB6U.ZIP 21,1 Mt 22.03.2000 - - -
 Half-Life Counter-Srike Beta 5.2->6.0 update. modification (MOD) to Half-Life. It will modify the multiplayer aspects of Half-Life to bring to it a more team-oriented gameplay. Not terribly unlike Team Fortress2, it will will provide the player with an experience that a trained counter-terrorist unit or terrorist unit experiences.
47038 CSB7071.ZIP 3,9 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Half-Life Counter-Strike v7.0 to v7.1Ei kuvausta.
47039 DKDEMOHA.ZIP 1,3 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
Daikatana Demo Hack. This 3rd party patch will allow you to play the Daikatana demo on your local lan or internet. The current demo is an MPlayer demo only. A new demo will be out in about 4 weeks for the masses.
47040 DOD13BU.ZIP 4,6 Mt 05.08.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Day of Defeat update 1.3bUpdates v1.3 to v1.3b. DoD is a WW II mod. One team plays the role of  the Allies and the other team plays the role of  the Axis. Each side has different weapons and  equipment, as well as an incredibly unique  appearance. Maps have different goals such as  Capture the Object, Assassination, Escape, and  of course the basic Team Deathmatch. Weapons  include all of the basic infantry combat  equipment used in 1944-1945.  
47041 FLF1011.ZIP 9,8 Mt 14.12.2000 - - -
Half-Life: Front Line Force update v1.1Päivittää version 1.0 1.1:een. Front Line Force on Half-Life -modi, jossa pelaajat on jaettu 2 joukkueeseen, toiset puolustavat ja toiset hyökkäävät. Hyökkääjien tehtävänä on vallata eri alueita taistelualueelta, joita puolustajat yrittävät puolustaa. Kun alue on kerran vallattu, sitä ei enää voi vallata takaisin. Hyökkääjät voittavat pelin vaaltaamalla kaikki alueet. Jos aika loppuu ennenkuin kaikki alueet on vallattu, puolustajat voittavat. Pelaajien osat vaihtuvat jokaisen kierroksen jälkeen.  
47042 FLF13AU.ZIP 4,2 Mt 22.07.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Front Line Force v1.3a update Päivittää v1.3:n v1.3a:ksi. Front Line Force on Half-Life -modi, jossa pelaajat on jaettu 2 joukkueeseen, toiset puolustavat ja toiset hyökkäävät. Hyökkääjien tehtävänä on vallata eri alueita taistelualueelta, joita puolustajat yrittävät puolustaa. Kun alue on kerran vallattu, sitä ei enää voi vallata takaisin. Hyökkääjät voittavat pelin valtaamalla kaikki alueet. Jos aika loppuu ennenkuin kaikki alueet on vallattu, puolustajat voittavat. Pelaajien osat vaihtuvat jokaisen kierroksen jälkeen. 
47043 FORTRES1.ZIP 38,4 Mt 29.01.2001 - - -
Unreal Fortress v1 build 390 fullFull installation. Contains new weapons and maps. 
47044 GE15BETA.ZIP 18,3 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Half-Life: Goldeneye v1.5 beta 
47045 GUNMANDS.ZIP 52,8 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Gunman Chronicles dedicated server Does not require a copy of the game. 
47046 GWARS20.ZIP 15,2 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
Half-Life mod: Gangsta Wars beta 2.0 Cash and Tommyguns makes an excellent Gangsta tradition. Mix between past Gangster warfare from the Prohibition days and current day "Gangsta" warfare. The maps all seem to deal with warehouse, storehouse and lab type settings, typical of the stereotypical Gangsta safehouses and shipping docks. Four new models and new weapons. 
47048 H2CTF_20.ZIP 7,3 Mt 10.05.1998 - - -
Hexen 2 Capture The Flag client package v2.0.
47047 H2CTF20S.ZIP 937,8 kt 10.05.1998 - - -
Hexen 2 Capture The Flag HexenC sources v2.0
47069 HL-USSDA.ZIP 10,6 Mt 05.04.2000 - - -
Half-Life: USS DARKSTAR mod. A New HalfLife Pak w/16 Single Player Levels. HalfLife Registered Ver. is Required! Black Widow Inc. would like to invite you to join our organization. You would be assigned as a member of the multi-disciplinary scientific team on board of the USS DARKSTAR, in a zoological research expedition to seek out, collect and investigate new alien life-forms in unexplored sectors of the universe. 
47049 HLCE.ZIP 66,4 Mt 24.10.2000 - - -
Half-Life: Chemical ExistenceChemical Existence is a total conversion pack for Half-Life, which puts you in the role of Reece Max who simply is in the wrong place at the wrong time. He gets mixed up with fighting gangs, evil corporations and mutated creatures... There will be 10 totally new enemies and 14 unique and detailed levels in the final version. 
47050 HLCS10.ZIP 80,1 Mt 21.11.2000 - - -
Counter-Strike v1.0 full installation Pähkinänkuoressa Counter-Strike 1.0 tuo mukanaan kolme uutta asetta ja uudet pelaajamodelit. Lisätty myös Valven animointitekniikka ja jätetty beta-vaiheet. 
47051 HLCS11F.ZIP 84,9 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Counter-Strike v1.1 full Fixes a host of bugs, and tweaks game balance. The most notable modifications are: jumping and firing accuracy is reduced, AWP leg shots no longer kill instantly, and AWP crosshairs no longer visible when unzoomed. Some maps are also updated. 
47052 HLDOD11F.ZIP 71,4 Mt 15.02.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Day of Defeat v1.1 full DoD is a WW II mod. One team plays the role of the Allies and the other team plays the role of the Axis. Each side has different weapons and equipment, as well as an incredibly unique appearance. Maps have different goals such as Capture the Object, Assassination, Escape, and of course the basic Team Deathmatch. Weapons include all of the basic infantry combat equipment used in 1944-1945.  
47053 HLDOD12F.ZIP 83,8 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Day of Defeat v1.2 full  DoD is a WW II mod. One team plays the role of the Allies and the other team plays the role of the Axis. Each side has different weapons and equipment, as well as an incredibly unique appearance. Maps have different goals such as Capture the Object, Assassination, Escape, and of course the basic Team Deathmatch. Weapons include all of the basic infantry combat equipment used in 1944-1945. 
47054 HLDOD12U.ZIP 39,5 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Day of Defeat update 1.1 to 1.2DoD is a WW II mod. One team plays the role of the Allies and the other team plays the role of the Axis. Each side has different weapons and equipment, as well as an incredibly unique appearance. Maps have different goals such as Capture the Object, Assassination, Escape, and of course the basic Team Deathmatch. Weapons include all of the basic infantry combat equipment used in 1944-1945. 
47055 HLFA24F.ZIP 50,1 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Firearms v2.4 full An realistic modification of the actual game, that focuses on teamplay with altered Half-Life gameplay, and new rules plus lots of new content. It features multiplay only, and therefore it is only playable online or LAN. You play in teams, or rather armed forces. You choose what weapons and optional items you want. Each force has an certain amount of reinforcements, which stands by and are thrown into action as a game progresses. When there is no reinforcements left, and all active soldiers has the been killed, the standing team wins the battle. 
47056 HLFA25F.ZIP 70,8 Mt 27.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Firearms v2.5 full  An realistic modification of the actual game,  that focuses on teamplay with altered Half-Life  gameplay, and new rules plus lots of new  content. It features multiplay only, and  therefore it is only playable online or LAN.  You play in teams, or rather armed forces. You  choose what weapons and optional items you want.  Each force has an certain amount of  reinforcements, which stands by and are thrown  into action as a game progresses. When there is  no reinforcements left, and all active soldiers  has the been killed, the standing team wins the  battle.  
47057 HLFLF10.ZIP 41,1 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Half-Life: Front Line Force v1.0Front Line Force on Half-Life -modi, jossa pelaajat on jaettu 2 joukkueeseen, toiset puolustavat ja toiset hyökkäävät. Hyökkääjien tehtävänä on vallata eri alueita taistelualueelta, joita puolustajat yrittävät puolustaa. Kun alue on kerran vallattu, sitä ei enää voi vallata takaisin. Hyökkääjät voittavat pelin vaaltaamalla kaikki alueet. Jos aika loppuu ennenkuin kaikki alueet on vallattu, puolustajat voittavat. Pelaajien osat vaihtuvat jokaisen kierroksen jälkeen. 
47058 HLFLF11F.ZIP 45,5 Mt 26.01.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Front Line Force v1.1 fullFront Line Force on Half-Life -modi, jossa pelaajat on jaettu 2 joukkueeseen, toiset puolustavat ja toiset hyökkäävät. Hyökkääjien tehtävänä on vallata eri alueita taistelualueelta, joita puolustajat yrittävät puolustaa. Kun alue on kerran vallattu, sitä ei enää voi vallata takaisin. Hyökkääjät voittavat pelin vaaltaamalla kaikki alueet. Jos aika loppuu ennenkuin kaikki alueet on vallattu, puolustajat voittavat. Pelaajien osat vaihtuvat jokaisen kierroksen jälkeen.  
47059 HLFLF12F.ZIP 68,5 Mt 15.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Front Line Force v1.2 full Front Line Force on Half-Life -modi, jossa pelaajat  on jaettu 2 joukkueeseen, toiset puolustavat ja toiset  hy÷kkõõvõt. Hy÷kkõõjien tehtõvõnõ on vallata eri  alueita taistelualueelta, joita puolustajat yrittõvõt  puolustaa. Kun alue on kerran vallattu, sitõ ei enõõ  voi vallata takaisin. Hy÷kkõõjõt voittavat pelin  vaaltaamalla kaikki alueet. Jos aika loppuu ennenkuin  kaikki alueet on vallattu, puolustajat voittavat.  Pelaajien osat vaihtuvat jokaisen kierroksen jõlkeen.  
47060 HLGE19BF.ZIP 23,1 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: 007 Goldeneye v1.9 beta full Astu James Bondin ja muiden elokuvasta tuttujen hahmojen saappaisiin. 
47061 HLHWB1.ZIP 10,6 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Holy Wars beta 1 Holy Warsissa yksi pelaaja on pyhimys, jonka sädekehää pahojen joukkue koittaa varastaa. Sädekehän avulla pääsee kiirastulesta vapauteen ja voittaa kentän. Pyhimys saa pistää kampoihin syntisille, ja käytössä onkin raskasta kalustoa, jolla niittää synkkää satoa.  
47062 HLJBV10.ZIP 3,2 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Half-Life JailBreak mod. beta. Sisältää client ja serveriohjelmat.
47063 HLJU10B.ZIP 489,8 kt 02.02.2000 - - -
Half-Life: The Jumbot v1.0  This is a DeathMatch, Teamplay, and Cooperative bot for Half-Life.
47064 HLPRO10.ZIP 433,6 kt 27.04.2000 - - -
Half-Life mod: Half-Life Pro If you are tired of regular ole DeathMatch play, then you are in luck! This brings added extensibility to the game and bunch of goodies to the hard core DeathMatcher. Includes: HTML stats logger, reworked HUD, night ops mode, realistic bleeding and and damage indicators, new runes, new points system etc. 
47065 HLS4101.ZIP 81,4 Mt 27.09.2000 - - -
Half-Life server  v4.1.0.1Full standalone Windows server package for  Half-Life and Team Fortress 1.5
47066 HLS4104.ZIP 94,1 Mt 27.10.2000 - - -
Half-Life standalone server v4.1.0.4This package will install Half-Life primary server v4.1.0.4 for Win32 onto your computer if you intend to use it as a server for multiplayer matches. 
47067 HLSCI095.ZIP 6,2 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Half-Life Science & Industry v0.95 Teamplay modification for half-life which puts players in the role of security officers at a high tech research corporation. Each corporation has scientists who conduct research. This research results in new weapons, better armor, and more cash for the corporation. Whichever corporation has the most cash at the end wins. Help research progress better by protecting the lab from intruders and by recruiting new scientists.
47068 HLSW093A.ZIP 4,9 Mt 07.02.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Snow War v0.93 mod Test platform for a Finnish snow fight mod. 
47070 HLWH09B.ZIP 8,6 Mt 20.04.2001 - - -
Half-Life: Warhammer 40000 beta 0.9 Team Fortress Classic:iin pohjautuva modi Half-Lifelle. Warhammerista tutut hahmot ja aseet. Kolme eri pelimuotoa ja botteja vastustajiksi. 
47071 HLWLB20.ZIP 43,1 Mt 20.12.2000 - - -
Half-Life: Wasteland beta 2.0 A new multiplayer mod for Half-Life, including 6 character classes, 12 maps and 28 weapons. 
47072 KPCTOOLS.ZIP 2,3 Mt 26.09.2000 - 23938/CDGAMER42.iso -
KISS Psycho Circus: The Nightmare Child editing tools
47073 LL01_LL0.ZIP 223 tavua 23.02.2000 - - -
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear  user modification: MISSIONS FOR ROGUE SPEAR Operations Patriot and Lapdance
47074 LWM3F.ZIP 5,5 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
 Rainbow Six user modification: WEAPONS FOR RAINBOW SIX Lloyds Weapons Mod 3.0 Full Version.
47075 NATO300.ZIP 3,6 Mt 17.05.2000 - - -
Rogue Spear weapon mod: NATO v3.0 add-on to the Rogue Spear game. Free. NATO 3 seeks to add more variety to Rogue Spear and maintain the realistic yet fun feel of the game. New weapons, new weapon models with textures, new weapon sounds and photos, a very advanced method for modelling weapons and ammo, new ammo types, and a manual in HTML format with weapon and tactics. 
47076 NOYZ11.ZIP 80,2 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Tribe ITH Communications and   HUD Scripts For Tribes   http://www.3dfiles.com
47077 Q2SW1B.ZIP 23,9 Mt 25.02.2001 - - -
Quake II: Star Wars Quake multiplayer testStar Wars Quake: The Call of the Force moninpelimodi. Total Conversion joka tuo peliin monipuolisen Star Wars-henkisen actionin ja hitusen roolipeliä. Vaatii Quake 2. 
47078 Q3AALL20.ZIP 114,6 Mt 11.01.2001 - - -
Quake III Arena: Alliance mod v2.0Alliance on enemmänkin ilmainen tehtäväpaketti kuin modi. Se sisältää 3 pelityyppiä, 26 CTF karttaa, uusia aseita, erikoisefektejä, radioääniä ja paljon muita "killer" ominaisuuksia. 
47079 Q3ATADMO.ZIP 121,2 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Quake III Arena: Team Arena demoTeam Arena on laajennus Quake III Arenaan. Se sisältää uusia pelimoodeja, aseita, karttoja ym. Pelimoodit painottuvat tiimipelaamiseen. Demo toimii ilman Quake III Arenaa, mutta koko versio vaatii sen.  
47080 Q3FA_B1.ZIP 11,8 Mt 06.09.2000 - - -
Quake 3 Arena: Freakball Arena beta 1. Vauhdikas, urheiluhenkinen modi Q3:een. Kaksi joukkuetta pelaa amerikkalaisen jalkapallon ja koripallon yhdistelmää, asein varustettuna. 
47081 Q3JB127.ZIP 50,6 Mt 16.01.2001 - - -
Quake 3 Arena: Jailbreak v1.27 JailBreak on tiimipeli-mod Quake 3 Arenalle. Pelissä on kaksi joukkuetta, Sininen ja Punainen. Kun sinut tapetaan, siirryt vihollisjoukkueen vankilaan, josta joukkutovereidesi tulee yrittää vapauttaa sinut, tai voit yrittää paeta itse. Kun joukkueen kaikki jäsenet ovat vankilassa, seuraa teloitus. Tämä modi tukee myös botteja. Tarkoitettu uusimmalle Q3A 1.27 Point Release päivitykselle.  
47082 Q3RA315F.ZIP 89,2 Mt 29.03.2001 - - -
Quake III: Rocket Arena 3 v1.5 full Viisi uutta karttaa, Mac-tuki, MP3-soitin, IRC-clientti, parannuksia ja korjauksia. 
47083 R6-26M.ZIP 16,4 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
 Rainbow Six: new user missions. 26 new missions created by users.
47084 R6ALLUNI.ZIP 15,4 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
Rainbow 6 Uniforms tweak. allows you to use any Uniform on any Level. This adds a very exciting flavor to playing the levels, as now you really get to customize your teams when your going back through the game for the second time.
47085 R6RADIO.ZIP 519,7 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
Rainbow Six tweak Multiplayer Radio Message Patch. By Snaek1 This patch changes the four go-code radio messages to "Contact", "Threat neutralized", "Takin fire", and "Clear", for use in team multi-player games. Remember, this only works if everyone has it installed. Otherwise you\'ll hear "Contact" and others will hear "Alpha, go!" Works only in multiplayer team games.
47086 R6SKINS.ZIP 949,5 kt 23.02.2000 - - -
Rainbow Six user modification:  CUSTOM SKINS FOR RAINBOW SIX Super Skins Mod & Super Skins Add-On Pack
47087 RA310CW.EXE 56,2 Mt 24.07.2000 - - -
Quake 3 mod: Rocket Arena 3 Quake 3:n modi Rocket Arena 3, Windows-versio. Sisältää 
kaiken mitä Rocket Arena 2 ja lisäksi paljon uudistuksia, 
kuten pelipalvelimia etsivä ArenaSpy ja sisäänrakennettu 
47088 RAT-015.ZIP 3 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
"Half-Life mod: Runaway Train simple yet fun mod where the goal is to jump on the trainget it movingand stay on for as long as possible. Everyone elses goal is to know you off the trainand to attempt to get on themselves. "
47089 RB6FW11.ZIP 614 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
"Rainbow 6: Blakes Finnish Weapons Patch v1.1 (C) by A. Mustonen 1999 http://www.kolumbus.fi/blakes/rainbow6.html This patch contains REALISTIC weapons! 8 realistic & accurately modelled service weapons of the Finnish Army: Sako M95M62 LMGSuomi M1931Sako TGR-21Sako TRG-21 SDSVD DragunovRemington 870 SGFN M80 Pistol. Different purposes for different weapons. Excellent for multiplayer. New weapon graphics and explosive gun sounds"
47090 RED108.ZIP 791,5 kt 12.07.1999 - - -
ReDeMpTiOn v1.08 for SiN computer controlled opponent "bot" for multiplayer SiN deathmatch. It will probably be particularly of use for people who want to practise for online deathmatching, or just don\'t have internet connection and want to experience the absolute mayhem that we all know and love online!
47091 RS-JAP.ZIP 34,3 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Rogue Spear Urban Ops mod: JapanKorvaa pelin modernin asetuksen vanhan Japanin hengellä ja ninjatoiminnalla. 
47093 RS-NIHON.ZIP 3,4 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
Rogue Spear mod: Nihon. Ninja-tyyppistä toimintaa Rogue Speariin. 
47092 RSNATO30.ZIP 3,7 Mt 28.12.2000 - - -
Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear NATO v3.00 mod Adds new weapons, models, sounds, reticles and more. 
47094 RSR_PACK.ZIP 3,9 Mt 23.02.2000 - - -
Rainbow Six: new user missions.  Red Storm Rising Mission Pack. Includes: Operation Maskirovka, Operation Dreamland, Operation Fire & Ice, Operation Piledriver, Operation Nordic Hammer
47095 SF15155.ZIP 11,1 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Strike Force updateUnreal Tournament: Strike Force update v1.5 to v1.55 
47096 SPOON05F.ZIP 276,9 kt 14.12.1999 - - -
Starsiege Tribes: Spoonbot v0.5. Tekoälyvastustajat, botit peliin.
47097 SVENCO13.ZIP 7,4 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
Half-Life: Svencoop v1.3 Modi joka sallii joukkuepelin tietokonetta vastaan joukkuepeleissä.
47098 TETUWIN.ZIP 610,6 kt 22.06.2000 - - -
"TETRIS! FOR UWINDOWS: STANDARD EDITION mod for Unreal Tournament. It works as an extension to the UT GUI. What is it? Its a simple tetris clonewith a few interesting features. I could go on pimping it herebut basicallyits Tetris. "
47099 TF5152.ZIP 39,3 Mt 27.10.2000 - 22688/JOY121CD_2.iso -
Half-Life: Initial Encounter v5.1.5.2 Full installation.
47100 THEYH1&2.ZIP 43,5 Mt 12.10.2000 - - -
They Hunger 1 & 2This single-player level pack contains both the original They Hunger plus its sequel, Rest In Pieces. Radically re-shaped, horror-themed Half-Life universe, not a military action game like original Half-Life. So don\'t expect aliens or soldiers this time. Req. original Half-Life v1.0.0.9 or later. By Neil Manke, creator of "USS Darkstar" add-on.
47101 U4E4UTDE.ZIP 2,6 Mt 18.10.1999 - - -
Unreal4Ever For Unreal Demo The real release of Unreal4Ever for the UT Demo. It will equip the latest version of the UT Demo with 12 new weapons and two new mutators to place the weapons within the game. This will be the last release of U4E for UT until the commercial version is released.
47102 U4EBETA4.ZIP 7,3 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
"Unreal4Ever collection of 30 animated and freshly modeled weaponsand five completely new and modeled character classs for Unreal. Complete with new Internet code to help everything run over the internet. Adds a lot of extra stuff to Unreal that it wasnt really designed forso its made with help from Tim Sweeny to get the game do on-line stuff that it was never designed to do."
47103 U4ETV401.ZIP 8,8 Mt 11.06.2000 - - -
"Unreal Tournament mod: Unreal4ever Tournament v4.01 U4eT package: new UT weapons and other classes designed for both MP and SP action. Features: 28(*) new UT weapons15 new ammo pickupsand one U4eT mutator completely customizable with a both detailed and easy-to-use Menu system which can be found under UTs Mods section. "
47104 UONATO35.ZIP 7,5 Mt 26.03.2001 - - -
Rogue Spear Urban Operations: Nato v3.5 Modi, joka lisää uusia aseita, modeleita ja ääniä. Mahdollisuus moninpeliin. Vaatii alkuperäisen Urban Operationsin. 
47105 UTI280.ZIP 39,4 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Infiltration v2.80 fullInfiltration is an Unreal Tournament mod that pulls away from the military style FPS in that your duty is not limited to just covert operations. For you to accomplish these tasks you will choose your equipment prior to the game. Remember, you will be limited in weight to what you can carry. It will be further limited in cost for each item. The idea is to give you the tools to do the job. How you do it is up to you. 
47106 UTIU281.ZIP 11,2 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Infiltration update Unreal Tournament: Infiltration update v2.80 to v2.81 
47107 UTIU282.ZIP 4,8 Mt 30.11.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Infiltration update Unreal Tournament: Infiltration update v2.81 to v2.82 
47108 UTIV285F.ZIP 53,5 Mt 21.03.2001 - - -
Unreal Tournament: Infiltration 2.85  fullInfiltration is an Unreal Tournament mod that  pulls away from the military style FPS in  that your duty is not limited to just covert  operations. For you to accomplish these tasks  you will choose your equipment prior to the  game. The idea is to give you the tools to do  the job. How you do it is up to you. This new  version has enhanced net stability, new  character models, new weapons and improved  bots. 
47109 UTSRV428.ZIP 66,6 Mt 26.09.2000 - - -
Unreal Tournament standalone server v4.28Ei kuvausta.
47110 WHLBETA1.ZIP 19,1 Mt 27.04.2000 - - -
"Half-Life mod: Wasteland Takes place on a shattered world; after the third world war the planet is dyingand humanity is taking its last stand on the remains of what was once called earth. Elements from both the Mad Max series of movies and the RPG Fallout. Maps and weapon models really give you the feeling of being one of the few survivors on the doomed remnants of earthstruggling to survive. "
47111 ZDOOM122.ZIP 577,4 kt 15.06.2000 - - -
 Zdoom 1.22 - Win 32-versio. Zdoom on laajennus Doomiin, jonka ansiosta pystyt käyttämään suuria resoluutioita, hiirtä, tähtäimiä, Quake-peleistä tuttua konsolia ja nappien bindailua/aliaksia. Lisäksi Zdoom tukee MOD/MIDI musiikkiformaatteja ja mahdollistaa TCP/IP pelin netissä. Toimii missä tahansa Doomissa aina ykkösestä Final Doomiin asti. Windows 95/98/NT. http://zdoom.notgod.com.