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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
46105 | 1939BF15.ZIP | 3,9 Mt | 22.06.2003 | - | - | - | 1939: Battlefleet 1.5Vuoropohjaista meritaistelua toisen maailmansodan ajalta. Sisältää yli 60 tehtävää ja 40 alustyyppiä. Tehtäviin kuuluu muun muassa tavallista deathmatchia, saattueiden suojelua ja satamien valloittamista. Kokeiluversio, 17,95 USD. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. http://www.battle-fleet.com/ |
47194 | 1941TYPH.ZIP | 6 Mt | 11.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | 1941: Operation Typhoon (V1.0.0) operational level wargame covering the late stage of the German attempt to capture Moscow in winter 1941. Grognards and beginners alike will be challenged by the apparently simple, but well balanced situation. Fine graphics, clean interfaces, PBEM option, TCP/IP to play on-line on a local network or through internet, produce a game that is easy, fast and entertaining. Win95. (C) KWD 1998. |
46107 | 39BF184.ZIP | 4,2 Mt | 11.09.2004 | - | - | - | 1939: BattleFleet v1.84.0.3 This is a version of the classic Battleships, where the pieces are allowed to move. BattleFleet contains more than 60 missions, campaigns, and death-match scenarios, with various types of cruisers, destroyers, aircraft carriers, battleships, torpedo boats, submarines, fighters, bombers, and port artillery units. The battlefield map can be up to 96x96, with islands, land, and ports. Players can purchase new ships and planes during the game. All unit names and officer ranks are historic. Game objectives are various: destroy enemy ships, conquer all enemy major ports, defend friendly ports, secure transport convoy to the allied port and eliminate all enemy units. Shareware, $19. |
47195 | 3D4C21.ZIP | 268,2 kt | 20.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | 3D 4 Cubed Chess v2.1 by Cubess familiar board game played in three dimensions. Each level of the board is 4x4 squares, but there are four levels as well - to offer the full 64 squares of traditional chess. Moves are similar, but some pieces such as rooks and queens must shift between horizontal and vertical modes. You can play against a human opponent or the computer. Windows 95 or Windows 98 |
46109 | AJEMP40.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 01.05.2002 | - | - | - | AJ Empires v4.0 This fun-filled game allows you to create your own empire and puts you in control. You research technology, build buildings, fight wars, attack, and defend. Freeware. |
47196 | ALQUEREQ.ZIP | 725,9 kt | 24.05.1999 | - | - | - | Alquereq. Simple strategy game like checkers. for Windows 95. |
47197 | ANCIENTC.ZIP | 442 kt | 03.04.2001 | - | Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 | - | Ancient Civilizations Ancient Civilizations is a simple strategy game. Your goal is to eliminate all four of the computer controlled opponents; this is done by conquering more land to gain more income, recruiting more soldiers and joining them to a superior fighting force, then raiding the opponents bases. |
46112 | ANDROONL.ZIP | 66,7 Mt | 10.09.2004 | - | - | - | "Andromeda Online v1.0 Andromeda Online is a strategic starship war game. Players design a command crewpick a stock starship or design their ownand go into battle. And while one-on-one battles are a blastthats only the beginning. Command an armada of up to 500 scoutsfighterscruisersbattleshipseven space stations. Play games with as many as 10 players at a timemake teams and allianceseven play with or against the computer. Design your own crew and shipsoffering a micromanagement design for players who are interestedand trade your ship designs online. Shareware$20." |
46113 | ANTSGAME.ZIP | 684,7 kt | 13.08.2004 | - | - | - | AntsAnts. Muurahaisten taistelu. |
47198 | ASREB080.ZIP | 833 kt | 26.04.2000 | - | - | - | Assault Rebelstar 99 v0.80. Classic retro remake. THe predecessor of Laser Squad and UFOs. Early Beta version. Original version seen on Spectrum. Turn based science fiction combat strategy. By Mathew Smith. Windows 95. |
46115 | ASTRAL12.ZIP | 5,7 Mt | 22.05.2003 | - | - | - | Astral Tournament v1.2 In Astral Tournament duel you fight the other mage (computer or other player) for control of magical plane using creatures and other spells. The creatures and spells are of the following magical elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Death. Each mage starts the duel with 50 life points. The object of the duel is to defeat your opponent by reducing his life number from 50 to 0. Version 1.2 introduces online play. Shareware, $15. |
46116 | ASTRALT.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 09.12.2002 | - | - | - | Astral Tournament In Astral Tournament duel you fight the other mage (computer or other player) for control of magical plane using creatures and other spells. The creatures and spells are of the following magical elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Death. Each mage starts the duel with 50 life points. The object of the duel is to defeat your opponent by reducing his life number from 50 to 0. |
46117 | AT115.ZIP | 5,2 Mt | 29.03.2003 | - | - | - | Astral Tournament v1.15 In Astral Tournament duel you fight the other mage (computer or other player) for control of magical plane using creatures and other spells. The creatures and spells are of the following magical elements: Air, Fire, Water, Earth and Death. Each mage starts the duel with 50 life points. The object of the duel is to defeat your opponent by reducing his life number from 50 to 0. Shareware, $15. |
47199 | ATA_P102.ZIP | 233,6 kt | 19.11.2000 | - | - | - | Ata - Extracts from the American Civil War v1.00 -> v1.02 PATCH (Ata - EftACW) A patch that fixes few bugs. By Badgers |
47200 | ATA_V100.ZIP | 7 Mt | 28.09.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | - | Ata - Extracts from the American Civil Warv1.00 FINAL (Ata - EftACW) An extremely great game involving tactics and action. Beautiful artwork, skillful programming, enjoyable playability, everything a good game needs. Requirements for smooth playability: at least AMD K-6 200 MHz computer or corresponding, enough memory, DOS/Windows 9x, VESA 2.0. By Badgers |
47201 | ATFATR.ZIP | 7,5 Mt | 21.03.2001 | - | - | - | Armored Task Force Alpha Tech Release demoTestidemo modernille taistelukentälle sijoittuvasta strategiasta. |
41003 | ATS100.ZIP | 386928 | 27.05.1996 | - | 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg | - | Atoms for Windows V1.00 - Strategy game |
47202 | ATTILA32.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 25.11.1999 | - | - | - | Attila for Windows 95 v3.1 Risk-like simple strategy game for 1-4 players in which the goal is to rule the world. You can choose a worldwide or European scenario for your game. Blitzkrieg and airborne assault options widen the surprise factor, allowing for attacks from multiple nations or non-adjacent countries. Three levels of difficulty. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
47203 | BA11.ZIP | 987,2 kt | 22.12.1998 | - | - | - | Battle Arena 1.1 Great turn-based strategy/action game for 2-3 players. 8 different weapon and 4 levels. Fantastic sounds and musics too. System requirement: Pentium, Windows 95/(maybe 98) |
46123 | BBOWL7_0.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 30.07.2004 | - | - | - | Fumbbl 7.0 ClientFumbbl 7.0 Client. Fantasiajalkapalloa. http://fumbbl.com |
47204 | BFMOSCOW.ZIP | 4,2 Mt | 11.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Battle For Moscow v1.00. Strategy / WW2 / turn based. Recreates German unsuccessfull attempt to capture Moscow in 1941. Simple rules that can be found in most classical boardgames. This is for 2 players only - no AI associated. Meant for PBEM or computer assistant for the board game Freeware. Windows 95/NT. 1 Mb video card. (C) 1998. Kamikaze Wargames Designers. |
41008 | BG06B.ZIP | 22805 | 14.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | BG06B Famous BG06 backgammon program that didn't run under Windows 95.....until now! |
46125 | BLDCI122.ZIP | 2 Mt | 27.08.2002 | - | - | - | Buildcity 1.22 SimCitymäinen 1700-luvulle sijoittuva kaupunginrakennuspeli. Shareware, 15 USD. Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP. http://www.geocities.com/buildcitygame/ |
47205 | BLOOTH30.ZIP | 944,2 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Bloch Reversi v3.0 by John Bloch Board game. Single-player version of the classic strategy board game of colored tokens (a.k.a. Othello). It features a fairly clean interface with a toolbar and digital sound effects. Play against another human sitting next to youor compete against the games excellent artificial intelligence engi that can be adjusted to your skill level. Windows 9598or NT" |
47206 | BOMBS2.ZIP | 185094 | 27.05.1996 | - | 26754/1000BestGamesForWindows.iso | - | Bomb Squad 2, defuse a time bomb by correctly guessing its secret code before it explodes. Req: Win95. |
47207 | BOOMIN40.ZIP | 3,4 Mt | 28.12.2000 | - | - | - | Booming v4.0 As president of an international construction company, you manage a very diverse group of subordinates with varying skills. With construction projects around the world, your objective is to grow your company in a competitive marketplace. If your company is profitable, you may invest your profits into your business, other companies, or even in professional sports teams. Win 9x. Shareware. |
47208 | BOYLITE.EXE | 7,9 Mt | 12.04.2001 | - | ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/gamesdomain | - | Battle of the YoustrassBattle of the Youstrass on konsolityyppinen yhden pelaajan kevyt taktiikkapeli, jossa pelastetaan Youstrassin fantasiamaailma taistelemalla jättirobotein pahaa valloittajaa vastaan. |
46130 | CASANV10.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 31.07.2001 | - | Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 | - | Casanova 1.0 Casanova on erikoinen strategiapeli: perinteisen sotanäyttämön sijaan pelaaja yrittää valloittaa tyttöjen sydämiä, eikä se ole mikään helppo homma. Varsinkaan kun tarkoitus on vietellä viehkot tyttöset mahdollisimman nopealla ja kukkarolle ystävällisellä tavalla. Pelaajan on oltava sulava liikkeissään, ennen kuin on mitään saumaa yhtään mihinkään. Tämä pitää sisällään treffejä ja tarkasti valittuja lahjoja - eikä silloinkaan voi olla varma valloituksen onnistumisesta. |
46131 | CASDAN13.ZIP | 2 Mt | 27.08.2002 | - | - | - | Castle Danger 1.3 Shakin ja vuoropohjaisen fantasiastrategian väliltä oleva kaksinpeli, jossa pelaajien pitää suojata omaa kuningastaan vihollisen tykistöä vastaan. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://www.mwgames.com/ |
47209 | CASTLEM.ZIP | 4,6 Mt | 21.05.1999 | - | - | - | Castle Mania. Play a King and manage your kingdom! Simple, one screen management game. Distribute food, money. Taxes, wars, soldiers. Win95. |
47210 | CATTACK.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 20.04.2001 | - | - | - | Castle Attack -minipeliCastle Attack - Strongholdin promopeli, jossa puolustetaan linnaa hyökkääjiltä. |
47211 | CELLOIN.ZIP | 350,5 kt | 08.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "Cello v1.0 by James P. Ivers. strategy board game much like the Asian favoriteGo. You play against the computer at your choice of four levels of difficulty. The object is to capture the most squares on the board by surrounding your opponents game pieces. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0" |
47212 | CHESMA12.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 14.06.2000 | - | - | - | Chess Marvel v1.2 by Arthur Crump basic game of Chess, against a computer opponent. Attractive game board, with well rendered artwork and selectable sound effects. Fast and fluid with challending opponent. Not good documentation though. Shareware. Windows 9x |
47213 | CHESP430.ZIP | 4,1 Mt | 27.03.2000 | - | - | - | ChessPartner v4.30 by Lokasoft Chess. features cool 3D graphics. Offers the possibility to play against people anywhere on the globe via the Internet. A feature rich program. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
46137 | CHESSP.ZIP | 193,2 kt | 18.04.1997 | - | - | - | "FANTASY CHESS for Windows V1.0 Chess is a war strategy game that is played with two armies of sixteen pieces each. You play Fantasy Chess using standard chess rules and piece movement. Your objective is to trap your opponents king. But a level of fun has been added when you play Fantasy Chess. You choose from ten different character sets for your army pieces. Select from dinosaurswild animalsinsectsand many more. Windows 3.x" |
46138 | CHEST121.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 24.09.1998 | - | - | - | CHESSTREE (tm) V1.2.1 |
46139 | CHMPC132.ZIP | 318,5 kt | 24.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Championship Chinese Checkers v1.32 Championship Chinese Checkers is a 32-bit implementation of the fascinating Chinese Checkers board game for players of all ages. Game features include easy user-interface, cute graphics, helpful referee for easy learning, challenging computer AI players with various styles, voice WAV files, undo/ redo, save/load game, automatic board re-position, show valid moves, background |
46140 | CHS4LUNC.ZIP | 462 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Chess4Lunch v1.0 by CamART Chess game designed for play over a TCP/IP LAN. Intended for lunch-time play in the officeit features an attractive graphical interface and system-tray support. Once you have chosen a colorthe game begins. During the game you can offer a drawresignor reset the game. You can also take back your last move as long as your opponent hasnt moved subsequently. TCP/IP LAN and Windows 9598or NT" |
46141 | CHSNPRO.ZIP | 846,6 kt | 30.09.1999 | - | - | - | ChessN Pro v2.1.1 by Computer Vision Research Attention Chess clubs all over the world: ChessN Pro is a powerful Chess game editor th deserves your attention. It lets you view and archive Chess games in the standard .pgn (Portable Game Notation) format. It also supports Recursive Annotation Variations (RAV) to aid in the analysis of Chess games, as well as FEN notation for capturing a board position for computer analysis. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
46142 | CHSVISIO.ZIP | 6,2 Mt | 18.05.1999 | - | 15609/PCM_0007.iso | - | Chessvision v1.2 Free version by MicroVision Chess. Total solution package for every chess player, whether you are a beginner, or a professional.You get one of the most powerful chess database systems available today. You can also play against several engines or use them for analysis, even simultaneously.On top of that, its full featured support for all Internet Chess Servers makes it a great tool to play chess on the Internet. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
46143 | CL425.ZIP | 3,9 Mt | 27.03.2000 | - | - | - | " Clonk 4.25 Entertaining action-packed game of strategytacticsand skill. It can be played by a single player or with up to four players. Control your clonks in realtime in order to either mine resources and build up a base or eliminate the opponents crew. Build new structures using materials you have created in complex production chains.Extend your base and prepare for battle by developing new weapons and tactics. Win95/98P200." |
46144 | CLERUCHY.ZIP | 777,8 kt | 04.04.2000 | - | - | - | Cleruchy v0.94 by Hatthew Wells. Colonize the board to win. Game of colonization and battle between you and a friend or your PC. The game is easy to learn and play, but it offers few variations to maintain your interest over the long run. The setting is ancient Greece, and each player represents a different city-state competing for territory on a vacant patch of land. Players purchase warriors and colonists and conquer land. Windows 95/98. |
46145 | CONFS101.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 30.08.1999 | - | - | - | "Conflict At Sea v1.01. Based on BattleShip. The object of the game is to try and sink all of the computers ships before the computer sinks your ships. We have created a combat system with more realistic fighting tactics where one side doesnt wait for the enemies missiles to land before launching a counter measure. Youand the computerare given one shot for each remaining ship that you control per turn. Windows 95." |
46146 | CONQUE12.ZIP | 74,3 kt | 04.12.2002 | - | - | - | Conquest 1.2 DOS-pohjainen avaruudenvalloituspeli, jossa on luvassa tutkimusmatkailua, avaruuslaivaston kasaamista, sotimista ja uusien planeettojen asuttamista. Pelin karun ulkoasun ei kannata antaa säikäyttää, sillä sen alla piilee tuntitolkulla kelpo viihdettä. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://users.bigpond.net.au/walkert/ |
46148 | CP-K461.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 18.07.2000 | - | - | - | Clonk Planet: Knights Pack 4.61 Castle construction kit, knight, horse and more. |
46147 | CP461US.ZIP | 5,5 Mt | 18.07.2000 | - | Various freeware/shareware/demo games 2 | - | "Clonk Planet 4.61 the sequel to Clonk 4. Entertaining action-packed game of strategytacticsand skill. It can be played by a single playerwith up to four players on one computeror even more players in local area networks or by internet. Players control his clonks in real time in order to either mine resources and build up a base or eliminate the opponents crew. Rn-time generated or predefined two-dimensional landscapes. Windows 95/98DirectX 3P200 " |
46149 | CREATORP.ZIP | 5,3 Mt | 20.09.2000 | - | - | - | "Star Trek Starship Creator v1.01Software that will finally allow you to build and launch your own ultimate Star Fleet vessel! Star Trek: Starship Creator gives you the tools to design your own starshipchoose a crewand send your ship out on missions -- then youthe newest admiral in Starfleet can test the performance of your own fleet of specialized Federation vessels on automated missions to see if your ship designs measure up to Starfleets exacting standards." |
46150 | CYBERTO.A01 | 9,5 Mt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | Cyber Takeover by D.E.H. Software 2/4 |
46151 | CYBERTO.A02 | 9,5 Mt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | Cyber Takeover by D.E.H. Software 3/4 |
46152 | CYBERTO.A03 | 5,1 Mt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | Cyber Takeover by D.E.H. Software 4/4 |
46153 | CYBERTO.ARJ | 9,5 Mt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | Cyber Takeover by D.E.H. Software 1/4 Space war strategy game. Use your land ship to take over other tribes in order to win. Two tribes fight over a sector of land each using one landship. The object of the game is to destroy your opponent using lasers and missiles. Windows 95, 98, or NT. 32 MB, supports 3D hardware. |
46154 | DBA106F.ZIP | 22,3 Mt | 25.02.2001 | - | - | - | DBA Online v1.06 full Online-pelattava historiallinen miniatyyristrategia. Kaunista joukkojen siirtelyä 1500 eKr. - 1500 jKr. Myös hotseat- tuki. Täysasennus, sisältää 52 armeijaa. PII, 32 MB. |
46155 | DBA106LT.ZIP | 15,2 Mt | 25.02.2001 | - | - | - | DBA Online v1.06 minimiasennusOnline-pelattava historiallinen miniatyyristrategia. Kaunista joukkojen siirtelyä 1500 eKr. - 1500 jKr. Myös hotseat- tuki. Kevytasennus, sisältää 10 armeijaa. PII, 32 MB. |
46156 | DBAO103F.ZIP | 24,3 Mt | 14.06.2000 | - | - | - | DBA Online v1.03 Full versionWorldwide wargaming Project, which includes a computerized version of famous De Bellis Antiquitatis ruleset and DBA Online Internet Club, a worldwide Wargaming community. Now you may play ancient & medieval battles with hundreds of live opponents all over the world. You will be able to find an opponent of almost any level of skills and frequency of play. Includes 50 Painted historical armies from New Kingdom Egyptian (1500 BC) to Burgundian Ordonnance (15century AD). You may choose from 26 color gameboards, each presenting different climate / region / type of landscape. Unlimited range of tactical schemes and methods which can be employed to get the victory. Top viewed turn based wargaming. Supports online multiplayer & hotseat 2 player games. Windows 9x, Pentium II/III, 32 MB, DirectX. |
46157 | DBAO103L.ZIP | 15,7 Mt | 14.06.2000 | - | - | - | DBA Online v1.03 - light version. Worldwide wargaming Project, which includes a computerized version of famous De Bellis Antiquitatis ruleset and DBA Online Internet Club, a worldwide Wargaming community. Now you may play ancient & medieval battles with hundreds of live opponents all over the world. You will be able to find an opponent of almost any level of skills and frequency of play. Includes 50 Painted historical armies from New Kingdom Egyptian (1500 BC) to Burgundian Ordonnance (15century AD). You may choose from 26 color gameboards, each presenting different climate / region / type of landscape. Unlimited range of tactical schemes and methods which can be employed to get the victory. Top viewed turn based wargaming. Supports online multiplayer & hotseat 2 player games. Light version has less units and terrains. Windows 9x, Pentium II/III, 32 MB, DirectX. |
46158 | DOIDEMO.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 10.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Descent on Italy beta Demo - turn-based tactical strategy game based in World War II Italy, Germans vs US forces. Win95 16bit graphics card mouse |
46159 | DRAGOOND.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 30.06.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Dragoon, the complete battles of Frederick the Great Sharewave demo. Turn based hex strategy. "It was classic era of warfare, an age of rigid linear formations of massed volleys, of close-range musket fire and of heroic cavalry charges. Age of splendid uniforms and snapping battle flags. Authentic action of the 18th-century battlefield. Lead your infantry lines. Art of War Publishing/ Boku strategy. Windows 9x or Windows NT 4.0, 486/66+, 16M of RAM, |
46160 | EAST1914.ZIP | 415,9 kt | 15.03.2000 | - | 16966/SUNNY1000.iso | - | " East Front1914 demo. Turn based strategy. Command the Russian Imperial Army at the outbreak of World War I. Can you drive the Russian steamroller over the German and Austro-Hungarian forces? Note that in this demo you can only play the Russian side against computer. DOS2 Mb. By Forgotten Fronts Simulations Boardgame stylecomputer wargames for adults. We bring you the campaigns that the major computer gaming companies cant afford to cover." |
46161 | ECHESS10.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 10.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | eChess v1.0 by E Corp. Play chess over the Internet against a human opponent, or against a computer opponent. Win95 486/DX2 8 MB Internet connection |
46162 | EMP32.EXE | 2945555 | 19.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | World EmpiresIV-sotastrategiapelin pelattava demo. Windows 95. |
46163 | EMPIR23.ZIP | 5,8 Mt | 25.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Empires v2.30 from White Mask Productions Card / strategy. Each player owns four territories. Four territories that belong to other players. Lay sieges to other lands, defend your own. Bloodshed goes on and on until someone throws down a time stop card, or runs out of cards in their deck. Windows 95 |
46164 | FANFT101.ZIP | 641,8 kt | 24.09.1998 | - | - | - | 1st&Goal Fantasy Football v1.01. Runs a fantasy football league for up to 15 teams. League standings based on any or all of 31 stats with user defined values. Play head-to- head or total points. Update stats using QuickStats download files or manually. |
46165 | FIREFI11.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 24.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "Firefight v1.1 by Sean OConnor Real time strategy. WW2. Neat infantry battle game.You start with an objectivethen select your troops picking a mix of artilleryarmor and infantry to get the job done. Scroll around the map to see where your units arethen give them orders with a mouse click. You can direct the fire of any unit or they will engage automatically when they spot an enemy. Registration gets you more battles and units. Great game in a small package. Win95." |
46166 | FLGFRT.ZIP | 318556 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | Flags & Fortresses (c) 1996 Sumware Software 2 to 4 player Strategy game designed to be played using the hot seat method or a common shared directory. Advance against your enemies and try to capture their flags to defeat them. Author: John A. Reder. |
46168 | GAMEWORK.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 27.03.2000 | - | - | - | Game of Work v1.1 by Hotpot Software. Work/scheme up the corporate ladder. Board game, slightly like Monopoly, for 2 to 6 players (computer or human) that takes a fun, irreverent look at the back-stabbing world of office politics. The game is simple to play, with some truly funny situations. Object is to work your way up the company ladder - using hard work, sound management judgment, and a little bit of deviousness. Windows 95/98/NT |
46169 | GEBLO10.ZIP | 24,6 kt | 12.04.2000 | - | - | - | Geblo v1.0 Geblo on JavaScript-muunnos tutusta tammipelistä. Pelaaminen onnistuu kaikilla JavaScriptin versiota 1.1 tukevilla Internet- selaimilla. |
46170 | GEN44E.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 29.01.2001 | - | 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso | - | The General v4.4eIn The General you lead your country to a better tomorrow by agriculture, scientific research and warfare. While having primitive graphics, The General is still up to the mark, due to the relative simplicity of game controls, outstanding balance, strong computer AI and excellent multiplayer capacity. Win 9x, DirectX 3. Freeware. |
46171 | GEN45B.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 23.11.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | - | The General 4.5b In The General you lead your country to a better tomorrow by agriculture, scientific research and warfare. While having primitive graphics, The General is still up to the mark, due to the relative simplicity of game controls, outstanding balance, strong computer AI and excellent multiplayer capacity. Windows 95/98, DirectX 3. Freeware. |
46172 | GENERALE.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 10.04.2000 | - | - | - | The General by Dmitri Gusarov. turn-by-turn military economic strategy. You will have to solve issues of economy, science and military politics. You are going to hire scientists, recruit soldiers and purchase generals. You can put most of your resources into science, or, alternatively, build a militarized state. Outstanding balance, strong computer AI and excellent multiplayer capacity, link/modem/network/ Internet. Windows 95/98, 800x600, DirectX. |
46173 | GN150.ZIP | 1010,8 kt | 14.12.1999 | - | - | - | Great Nations 1.5. - PC versio Civilization-tyyppinen moninpeliin suunniteltu strategiapeli. Suomalaisvalmisteinen. Muutoksia: parempi animointi, sarjaporttituki, taistelulaskenta, lisää grafiikkaa, tooltippejä, korjattuja ihmeitä, ynnä muuta. Windows 95. |
46174 | GO200016.ZIP | 294,7 kt | 10.04.2000 | - | - | - | "Gomoku 2000 v1.6 by Flava PC version of the classic Japanese board/ strategy game. Its graphics are rather flat and it doesnt include honor roll or score keepingbut its free and plays very strongaggressive game. You alternate with your opponent PC in placing stones on a board. The objective is to create a line horizontallyverticallyor diagonally. Windows 95/98/NT " |
46175 | GOMOK11.ZIP | 910,5 kt | 01.02.2000 | - | - | - | "Gomoku Pro 1.1! Fun Strategy/Board game. Players place stones on the board one atfer another.The goal of the game is to place five stones in a row before the opponent. Sounds easy? I can tell you that it is harder than you might think. Gomoku is on the Olympic List of games. Its a cool game for all ages. Everybody enjoys this game! Shareware $20. Creator: AtomaxLtd." |
46176 | GRAVC100.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 09.06.2000 | - | - | - | Gravitational Combat Genre: Strategy (Multiplayer Only) By. Oblivion. Fight against human players in the depths of space, calculating optimum angles and tweaking the velocity of your shots, always taking the gravitational forces of planetary constellations into consideration. High resolution graphics, True color, fully rendered graphics, multiplayer party action on a single compute, Fully customizable playing conditions. Windows 95/98. Free of charge. |
46177 | GRAWEL52.ZIP | 9,5 Mt | 30.10.2002 | - | - | - | Gravity Well 5.2Tutki lähiavaruutta, valloita planeettoja ja sodi vastustajiesi kanssa tässä avaruuten sijoittuvassa reaaliaikastrategiapelissä. Shareware, 29,95. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.softwareengineering.com/ |
46178 | GWELL40.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 28.08.1997 | - | 19242/DDVDAV937D1.iso | - | Gravity Well v4.0 Shareware by SEI action/strategy game for Windows. Your goal is to expand your empire across a series of stars and planets. Three computer opponents with varying personalities aggressively compete with you for the same regions of space. Pentium, Win95, DirectX |
46179 | GWNE.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 02.02.2000 | - | 9307/PSL Volume 7 Number 6.iso | - | Gravity Wars Network Edition Your task is to destroy your opponent by firing missiles in a turn based system. Once a missile is fired, its course is influenced by planets and blackholes that are on the map. In order to destroy your opponent, you will have to learn how to use planets and even black holes to your advantage. LAN and Internet multiplayer, TCP/IP. Windows 95/98. |
46180 | HOPLITES.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 05.06.2000 | - | - | - | "Hoplites v1.3.2 Totally free (and unofficial) computer card game based on the GMTs boardgame SPQR. Two armiesrepresented by different unit cardsface each other in battlefield. You as the commander must lead the unitsdecide what units enter the battle and lead them to victory. Excellent graphicsprofessional game. Windows 95/98800x600 resolutionVisual Basic 6 runtime files. " |
46181 | HORSMUSK.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 29.12.1999 | - | - | - | "Horse and Musket share ware demo. By Boku Strategy Games and Shrapnel Games. Fight an 18th century battle. Play against the computer in re-creating famous cavalry and infantry battles. This demo version depicts the opening moments of the Battle of Gross-Jagersdorfthe first meeting of the Prussian and Russian armies during the Seven YearsWar. Traditional computer hex game in which you identify units and move them with mouse clicks. Windows 95/98/NT." |
46182 | HW2-230.ZIP | 5,6 Mt | 11.04.2000 | - | - | - | Hexx Wars II v2.30 by Mace Software board strategy game. fascinating and frustrating. play against the computer or another person. Play locally on one machine, play friends on a LAN, or play Internet games on ICQ. Networked games are supported with chat window to talk to your opponents during play. The objective of the game is to occupy more spots than your opponent. You move to adjacent spots, and any opponent spots that touch your location are captured. Windows 95 |
46183 | ICONQ2.ZIP | 465,1 kt | 26.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Imperial Conquest 2 - war/strategy game based in the ancient Mediterranean , between 1 and 16 players can take part (on one computer). For Windows 95 |
46184 | IRONSQ.ZIP | 14,8 Mt | 15.06.2002 | - | - | - | IronSquad Joukkuepohjaista tai puhdasta yksi yhtä vastaan -reaaliaikastrategiaa verkon välityksellä. Huom! Pelaamista varten täytyy rekisteröityä pelin verkkosivuilla. |
46185 | JAMZU101.ZIP | 667,7 kt | 21.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Jamzu v1.01 brand-new and entirely original game of skill and chance, full of quick changes and fast-moving strategy. It is a game with a few simple rules, and with endless opportunities for tactical thinking, clever moves, and just plain great game play! With slight similarities with chess and checkers. Windows 95, High Color graphics, 486. Now totally FREE! |
46186 | JGONA3DB.ZIP | 50,6 kt | 25.11.1999 | - | - | - | JAVA Gomoku (3d) v1.6 by Vladimir Shashin Extended version of Tic-Tac-Toe, played on an infinite board (use the keys "-" and "+" on your keyboard to change its size). The winner is the first player to get 5 spheres in a row, orthogonally or diagonally. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
46187 | JOUST95.ZIP | 3 Mt | 23.01.1999 | - | - | - | JOUST 1.00 - Unique Win95 Strategy Game Joust is a head to head strategy game for Win95 presented with stunning graphics sound and animations. Move your knight around the board causing squares to fall to their doom while also trying to catch your nemesis. Players can play against each other, or against the computer in this fun and unique game of duleing knights. |
46188 | JS98.ZIP | 29,2 kt | 24.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Jätkän Shakki -98 !!!FREEWARE!!! Perinteinen Jätkänshakki. Kolme vaikeustasoa. Pelaa yksin tai kaverin kanssa. Minimi: Windows 95 |
46189 | KCHESE35.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 23.02.2000 | - | - | - | K-Chess Elite v3.5.0.3. Loads of features for learners and experts alike. Lots of help and hints, on screen calculations, set time limits and playing strength, undo and redo moves, save and restore games in PGN and other formats, add comments to games, print games, set board to any layout, and more. Dozens of options to customise the appearance and operation of the game. Includes commented sample games. 16 and 32 bit versions. |
46190 | KONRAD10.ZIP | 8,3 Mt | 11.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | 1945: Operation Konrad (V1.0) operational level wargame covering the German attempt to break the Soviet siege around Budapest in january 1945. Grognards and beginners alike will be challenged by the apparently simple, but well balanced situation. Fine graphics, clean interfaces, PBEM option, TCP/IP to play on-line on local network or through internet, produce a game that is easy, fast and entertaining. Win95 (C)KWD 1998 |
46191 | LC123.A01 | 1,5 Mt | 16.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Legal Crime v1.2.3 2/7 |
46192 | LC123.A02 | 1,5 Mt | 16.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Legal Crime v1.2.3 3/7 |
46193 | LC123.A03 | 1,5 Mt | 16.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Legal Crime v1.2.3 4/7 |
46194 | LC123.A04 | 1,5 Mt | 16.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Legal Crime v1.2.3 5/7 |
46195 | LC123.A05 | 1,5 Mt | 16.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Legal Crime v1.2.3 6/7 |
46196 | LC123.A06 | 1,4 Mt | 16.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Legal Crime v1.2.3 7/7 |
46197 | LC123.ARJ | 1,5 Mt | 16.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Legal Crime v1.2.3 1/7 |
46198 | LC123.EXE | 10,2 Mt | 16.03.1999 | - | 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso | - | Legal Crime v1.2.3 - Internet-pelattava reaaliaikainen strategiapeli. Kamppaile 1930-luvun Chigacon tyyppisessä kaupungissa vallasta ja rahasta Syndicate-tyyliin. SUOMALAISVALMISTEINEN! Vaatii: Windows 95/NT4.0, P100, 16 Mt, 14.4K modeemi. Shareware-versio, sisältää mm. aikarajoituksia. http://www.byteenchanters.com |
46199 | LCIT111A.ZIP | 746,7 kt | 24.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | LinCity v1.11 city/country simulation game. Freeware. Build and maintain a city in SimCity style.You must feed, house,provide jobs and goods for your residents.Build sustainable economy with help of renewable energy and recycling, or you can go for broke and build rockets to escape from pollution ridden starved planet. Windows 95 |
46200 | LEADSOLD.ZIP | 3,9 Mt | 16.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Lead Soldier - new, free, real-time computer game based on World War II strategy. Command your squad of soldiers in series of missions against the German occupation of mainland. Very nice, tactical oriented war game. IN DEVELOPMENT. Only computer opponent so far. Win95/NT 8 MB 1 MB gfx card 486/Pentium DirectX5 |
46201 | LEGALC12.ZIP | 10,1 Mt | 19.01.2001 | - | - | - | Legal Crime v1.2.3 Suomalaisvalmisteinen, Internetin kautta moninpelattava reaaliaikainen strategiapeli. Kamppaile 1930-luvun Chigacon tyyppisessä kaupungissa vallasta ja rahasta Syndicate-tyyliin. Vaatii: Windows 95/NT4.0, P100, 16 Mt, 14.4K modeemi. Shareware-versio, sisältää mm. aikarajoituksia. http://www.byteenchanters.com |
46202 | LOMDEMO.ZIP | 30,4 Mt | 11.01.2001 | - | - | - | Legend of Millennium demoLegend of Millennium is a strategy game based on the history of Korea around 500 B.C. when 3 kingdoms engage in a 600-year war. Only elite soldiers and leadership of brilliant general can conclude this miserable war. As a master general you must succeed tough battles. Pay much attention to controlling and managing soldiers and other generals. NOTE: The demo is in Korean, an English version should follow shortly. P200, 32MB, DirectX 7.0 |
46203 | LSN119.ZIP | 10,3 Mt | 08.10.2002 | - | - | - | Laser Squad Nemesis v1.19 Laser Squadin ja X-Comin tekijöiden käsistä lähtöisin oleva strategiatoiminta, jonka pelaaminen tapahtuu sähköpostin välityksellä. Peliä voi pelata ilmaiseksi, mutta jos mielii haastaa vastustajia, se maksaa vähäiset $15/ puolen vuoden ajanjakso. |
46204 | LSN201.ZIP | 10,8 Mt | 31.10.2002 | - | MBHH2003 | - | Laser Squad Nemesis v2.01 Laser Squadin ja X-Comin tekijöiden käsistä lähtöisin oleva strategiatoiminta, jonka pelaaminen tapahtuu sähköpostin välityksellä. Peliä voi pelata ilmaiseksi, mutta jos mielii haastaa vastustajia, se maksaa vähäiset $15/ puolen vuoden ajanjakso. |
46205 | MADGTW.ZIP | 9,9 Mt | 31.01.2001 | - | Various freeware/shareware/demo games 4 | - | MAD - Global Thermonuclear Warfare demoSpace stations ring the earth. Nuclear arsenals are being amassed. Diplomacy has failed. Only one superpower can be victorious.... MAD is an arcade strategy game of apocalyptic proportions. Build up your bases, arm your satellites and research more and more powerful nukes as you attempt to outmaneuver a wily opponent. There are no prizes for second place - only total destruction of your enemy will guarantee success. P233, 32 MB. |
46206 | MALAYA.ZIP | 5,8 Mt | 14.12.1999 | - | - | - | 1942: Campaign For Malaya (Version 1.0) Operational level wargame covering the Japanese conquest of the Malaccan peninsula concluded by the capture of Singapore. Grognards and beginners alike will be challenged by the apparently simple, but well balanced situation; as the Japanse, will you be able to quickly capture Singapore ? Fine graphics, clean interfaces, PBEM, TCP/IP for LAN or Internet play. Win95/NT KWD 1999, http://www.imaginet.fr/~bbmagic/wp/index.htm |
46207 | MBRIT10.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 08.11.2001 | - | - | - | Medieval Britain 1.0Reaaliaikainen taktinen seikkailustrategia 1700-luvun Britanniassa yhdelle tai useammalle pelaajalle. Kahdeksan feudaalista sotaherraa yrittää vallata maan. Valmistaudu taisteluun laajentamalla talouttasi, ansaitsemalla rahaa, kouluttamalla sotilaita ja lähde lopulta sotaretkelle yhdistämään Britanniaa. P266, 48 Mt. |
46208 | MILOCHES.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 09.07.1999 | - | - | - | "Milos Chinese Chess v1.0 by Yip King Fung Free OpenGL edition of the Chinese version of the board game classic. It involves two playerseither of which can be human or computer-based. Features include a possible moves displaygame info with history of all movesback/forward buttonsand ability to change the camera view. Windows 9532 MB RAMPentium 100. OpenGL accelerator suggested." |
46209 | MJ97.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 24.10.1998 | renamed / versio 1.0 | - | - | MJ97 v1.0.6 by Minder Technology Ltd. full featured Mahjong implementation on Windows 95/NT. This implementation is based on the Hong Kong style. You can play with the computer players or with other real players on the network. The game is highly realistic with great features built-in. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 |
46210 | MK98V161.ZIP | 4,6 Mt | 29.01.2001 | - | - | - | Metal Knights 98 v1.61 Moninpelattava, vuoropohjainen online- strategiapeli. Peleissä aloitetaan pienestä valtakunnasta ja lähdetään laajentumaan ensin neutraalille alueelle, ja kun laajenemistila loppuu, on aika tarttua aseisiin. Vallattujen kaupunkien veroprosenttien avulla voi kaupunkeihin rakentaa tehtaita ja yliopistoja, joiden avulla voi kouluttaa parempia sotilaita. |
46212 | MOBI173.ZIP | 40,2 Mt | 26.04.2002 | - | - | - | "Mobility 1.73i Plan and build your own city and manage the inhabitantsmobility! Design an attractiveeconomically and ecologically sustainable environment for your citizens. Get to know alternative concepts and administer the local public transport network ... and just watch your city grow. Includes English manual in pdf format. " |
46211 | MOBI173U.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 26.04.2002 | - | - | - | Mobility update v1.73i Exchange of new savegames between LINUX<-> Windows possible, rare crash while calculating the pathes for the movements of the inhabitants fixed, building railways is more stable, while playing in MasterMode the game should not terminate if you have no more money, internal error-code "car ist keine Microöpnv" doesnnt terminate the game any more. |
46213 | MOBILITY.ZIP | 38,1 Mt | 22.06.2000 | - | Various freeware/shareware/demo games 5 | - | "Mobility v1.5 Genre: Strategy Developer: Mobility Online Plan and buildyour own city and manage its mobility! Design an attractiveeconomically successful and ecologically sound environment for its inhabitants. Just watch while your city grows and prospers. We wish you many hours of fun and success in the process! Sim City like game. Windows 9x48 MBDirectX. " |
46214 | MOBIMANU.ZIP | 436 kt | 22.06.2000 | - | - | - | "Mobility PDF format manual. Developer: Mobility Online Plan and buildyour own city and manage it. " |
46215 | MODWAR15.ZIP | 339,9 kt | 03.05.2003 | - | - | - | Modern Warfare 1.5Vuoropohjainen strategiapeli, jossa Yhdysvallat ja Kiina taistelevat Etelä-Korean hallinnasta. Kokeiluversio, 14,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.datawaregames.com/ |
46216 | OTHELLO2.ZIP | 23,6 kt | 16.02.2000 | - | - | eritupla | OTHELLO v.2.0 Uudistunut versio Othellosta! Yksinkertainen lautapeli, peli on optimoitu uusille selaimille. V.1.0 virheet korjattu. Tekijä: Timo Boeck 2000 Täyttä Javaa! |
46217 | PIRATEI.ZIP | 7,3 Mt | 17.04.2002 | - | - | - | Pirate Isles A player takes command over a crew of pirates involved in a treasure hunt. The aim is to capture more gold then your competitors and store it in your galleon. The gameplay is a combination of tactics and luck. The game creates a new island with treasures randomly each time you start a new match. The game will support up to four human players on a single computer in hotseat mode. |
46218 | PISLES18.ZIP | 6,8 Mt | 02.04.2003 | - | - | - | Pirate Isles v1.8 In this game, a player takes command over a crew of bold pirates involved in a treasure hunt. The aim is to capture more gold then your competitors and store it in your galleon. The gameplay is a unique combination of tactics and luck. The game creates a new island with treasures randomly each time you start a new match. You will be able to invite your friends and family to play with you. The game will support up to four human players on a single computer in hotseat mode. |
46219 | PLUS600.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 21.05.1999 | - | 9309/Windows 6-Pak (InfoMagic) (Disc 1) (1999).ISO | - | Plus600 v6.06b by Serge Startsev Board strategy. Self-teaching game of draughts (similar to checkers) that you can play in English or Russian. You can select the initial level of difficulty and it will gradually learn how to play better and become an increasingly difficult opponent. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
46220 | PPLI2102.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 17.05.2000 | renamed | archive.org | - | Puupeli 2 v1.02 by Digital Dawn (c) 2000 Olet puunhakkaaja ja kaadat metsan puita maksaaksesi velkasi. Mutta riittavatko ruoka ja polttopuut? Enta rahat? Naputtelu/ toimintastrategia. Windows 9x, 800x600 resoluutio, Visual Basic 4 ajonaikaiset kirjastot, (MCI32.OCX) Puupeli 1 by idle productions (c) 1998 |
46221 | PRES2KD.ZIP | 4 Mt | 29.01.2001 | - | - | - | President 2000 demoPresident 2000 lets you run for the U.S. Presidency. You can run against up to three computer or human opponents. You can choose established contenders, or create your own candidate. Each turn displays newspaper headlines, and a strategy screen where you can meet with advisors, check the map, straighten out finances, or craft speeches. The game ends in the election itself. This demo restricts candidate and platform editing. Win 9x, DirectX. Shareware. |
46222 | PROJ231E.ZIP | 688,2 kt | 25.11.1999 | - | MBHH2000 | - | Project Brasil 2000 v2.31 (C) by Alex Pato Hoffmann The Ultimate Brazilian City Simulator now Faster and Better than Ever! You got to try to be re-elected the more times you can, trying to obtain 50% or more of popularity. For that you must run the city the best way you can. Houses, buildings, factories, schools and all! Control the zones, population density, pollution, deforestation, etc. Be careful with the floods! Windows 95 |
46223 | PUUPELI.ZIP | 887,9 kt | 09.07.1998 | - | MBHH1999 | - | Puupeli by idle Productionsj. Olet puunhakkaaja ja kaadat metsän puita elääksesi. Mutta riittävätkö ruoka ja polttopuut? Entä rahat? Naputtelu/ toimintastrategia. Windows 95, 800x600 resoluutio. |
46224 | PWARTEST.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 14.06.1998 | - | 22662/JOYCD95_1.iso | - | Private Wars - testiversio. Private Wars on toimintapainotteinen strategiapeli, joka loistaa suht näyttävällä grafiikalla ja hieman bugisella toteutuksellaan, ei tosin ihmekkään, koska onhan kyseessä vasta testiversio. Vaatii: P233, 32mt ja Win95. |
46225 | PWME30.ZIP | 6,6 Mt | 15.06.2002 | - | - | - | Pacific War: Matrix Edition v3.0 Pacific War: Matrix Edition is our make over of Gary Grigsby wargame classic Pacific War. Major changes have been made including the Order of Battle changes, new features and bug fixes. Pacific War is a free release. |
46226 | r3d106.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 21.12.2001 | - | - | - | Rail3D v1.06 demoRail3D is a Railway Simulator. Build tracks, set up points and signals. Run trains, set routes and timetables. Make the trains stop, reverse and shunt. All to prototype practices. Rail3D aims to simulate operation of a railway with hundreds of trains moving over hundreds of track miles. Several hundred different types of locomotive and stock are now available including Diesel, Electric and Steam power, Standard and Narrow Gauge, Trains and Trams. |
46227 | R3D111.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 21.03.2002 | - | - | - | Rail3D v1.11Rail3D is a Railway Simulator. Build tracks, set up points and signals. Run trains, set routes and timetables. Make the trains stop, reverse and shunt. All to prototype practices. Rail3D aims to simulate operation of a railway with hundreds of trains moving over hundreds of track miles. Several hundred different types of locomotive and stock are now available including Diesel, Electric and Steam power, Standard and Narrow Gauge, Trains and Trams. ---- HUOM! Swarm Rampagea etsiville tiedoksi: MikroBitin numerossa 6-7/2002 oli painovirheen vuoksi väärä tiedostonimi. Rampagen oikea tiedostonimi on SWRMRMPG.ZIP ---- |
46228 | R3D116.ZIP | 972,9 kt | 17.12.2002 | - | MBHH2003 | - | Rail3D v1.16 Rail3D is a Railway Simulator. Build tracks, set up points and signals. Run trains, set routes and timetables. Make the trains stop, reverse and shunt. All to prototype practices. Rail3D aims to simulate operation of a railway with hundreds of trains moving over hundreds of track miles. Several hundred different types of locomotive and stock are now available including Diesel, Electric and Steam power, Standard and Narrow Gauge, Trains and Trams. |
46229 | REBDEC.ZIP | 690224 | 14.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | REBEL DECADE v1.2 Chess-Playing & Database program for Windows. Upgraded from Rebel 1.1. |
46230 | REID0804.ZIP | 10,7 Mt | 16.08.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | - | Rail Empires: Iron Dragon v0804 Lautapelikäännös suosituista Empire Builder-rautatiepeleistä. Rakenna rataverkostoa fantasiamaailmassa ja koeta luoda vahva taloudellinen imperiumi, samalla kilpaillen toisten bisnesmogulien kanssa. Yksin- ja moninpeli sekä online-moninpeli. Rajoitettu demo. Konevaatimus: P60, 32 Mt. |
46231 | REVEMAST.ZIP | 436 kt | 15.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ReverMaster 3000 v3.7 by Mihasoft Company Reversi is an interesting Japanese board game It ages back more than 800 years! If you have ever played checkers or chess then this game would be very pleasant for you. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
46232 | RTDEMO.ZIP | 6,3 Mt | 01.03.2000 | - | - | - | Red Thunder demo by EdenSoft. World War II operational-level strategy game. The historical setup is Operation Bagration, the Soviet offensive which, in the summer of 1944, destroyed the German Army Group Center, liberated Byelorussia and pushed the front line into eastern Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The battle area is enormous and generally well suited for breakthroughs, counterattacks and encirclements. Rapid, blitzkrieg type turn based war. Win95/98 |
46233 | RVRSME.ZIP | 885 kt | 15.12.1998 | - | - | - | ReverseMe v1.0beta by HasteCK Test your strategic skills with ReverseMe. Reverse boardgame. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
46234 | SAIIS.ZIP | 4,7 Mt | 17.02.2002 | - | - | - | Strange Adventures in Infinite Space Over 100 years have passed since the colonists first arrived at Hope. It is a new beginning of deep space exploration. Technology has improved and mankind is no longer dependent on slow cryoships and robot probes. The demo contains eight ship types; 29 different types of weapons, drives, shields, gadgets and artifacts; six alien lifeforms; 17 different planet and star types; and two unique alien races. P350, 32 MB. |
46235 | SANCT125.ZIP | 17,7 Mt | 27.07.2002 | - | - | - | Sanctum 1.25.3 Virtuaalinen keräilykorttipeli kahden velhon taistelusta. Peruspelin mukana tulee 60 kortin pakka, joita voi ostaa lisää tai vaihdella muiden pelaajien kanssa Sanctumin nettisivuilla. Sanctumia voi pelata ainoastaan kahden pelaajan voimin verkon välityksellä. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.playsanctum.com/ |
46236 | SCBIN111.ZIP | 173,2 kt | 10.04.2000 | - | - | - | Star Chess Neat little space strategy game written by Christoph Nahr. While playing a few games of Star Chess may be an enjoyable experience in its own right, the game was not written with the intention to compete with real space strategy games such as Stars! or Master of Orion II. You can conquer space, colonize planets and play against 3 computer players. Windows 3.1/95/98, Pentium, 16 MB. Free. Includes complete source code. |
46237 | SCETD.ZIP | 26,2 Mt | 16.06.2002 | - | - | - | Strategic Command: European Theater A WWII Grand Strategy at its best. As the supreme commander of the Axis or Allied forces, the player shapes the fates of the nations at war during the Second World War in Europe. Political options, research and upgrade of equipment, management of supply and resources and the strategic employment of armed forces are the keys to success. |
46238 | SE3V117.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Space Empires III: Space Strategy Game v1.17 Massive universe with custom ship design and AIs with unique personalities. Engage in Research, Intelligence Ops, Politics, Treaties, and Tactical or Strategic Combat. Special units such as mines, troops and fighters. Draw your own ship pictures! Customizable Game Setup. For Win95. |
46239 | SEAWAR2.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 09.06.2000 | - | - | - | "Sea War v2.2 Battleship clone game. You can play against both a computer and a human (at the same computerby local network or Internet). The game has simple and intuitive interface and many options (5 levels of play2 languagessound options etc.). You can develop your ownskinswith a Free Skin Development Kitwhich can be downloaded from the authors site. Windows 95/98 " |
46240 | SENTR109.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 23.02.2000 | - | 19793/2015.02.ftp.barnyard.co.uk.tar | - | Sentry v1.09 by Emmanuel Icart The Sentinel clone. A Sentry is a kind of robot fixed on particular cell of the level landscape. It slowly rotates and scans for any abnormal event in the level. Once it has found a target, it attacks it by absorbing its energy. Your mission consists in escaping of this particular world. Complete levels by moving to the top of the level and absorb Sentry itself. Puzzle/action/3D. |
46241 | SETUPTI.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 06.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "Treasure Island Shareware From CarrSoft Requires: 8MBWin95800x600 res Turn based strategy game ofcapture the flag idea with treasure hunting.Build and develop your team before each expedition in the new college sport of treasure hunting. The second one is to develop the appropriate strategy and tactics for each of the unique expeditions. Contains elements of real-time and turn-based strategy games." |
46242 | SF1-144.ZIP | 400,9 kt | 15.12.1999 | - | - | - | Strike Force One v1.4.4. simple introductory wargame including an AI opponent. Ideal both for the complete beginner who wants to find out more about the hobby, and for experienced gamers who want to try out the user interface that is common across all OTOPIA wargames. The game consists of a single scenario simulating hypothetical attack by Soviet forces on Nato positions in Germany. Small, fast to play. Windows 95 |
46244 | SIEGE.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 19.10.2002 | - | MBHH2003 | - | "Siege Siege blends the strategy and puzzle game genres to create something exceptionally unique. Using 1 of 6 generals you war with eachother with 20 unit types. These units aresummonedby making patterns in the puzzle grid. Freeware. " |
46243 | SIEGEV22.ZIP | 450,4 kt | 21.05.1999 | - | 18113/WF0698_2.ISO | - | Siege & Capture v2.2 Board strategy. High quality 2 player internet game. Based off the classic game Stratego. Players move secialized pieces consisting of Generals, Scouts, Marshals and a slew of other pieces. Aim is to capture enemy flag or destroy his army. NO SINGLE PLAYER MODE. Multiplayer TCP/IP only. Windows 95/NT 486 DirectX 4MB |
46245 | SIMWI762.ZIP | 788,8 kt | 18.01.2001 | - | - | - | Simutrans v0.762 - Windows SimCity-tyyppinen rakentelupeli, jossa rakennetaan kuljetusjärjestelmiä, ihmisille ja rahtiliikenteelle. Sisältää myös suomenkielen. Kaukaisesti myös Transport Tycoon-tyyppinen. Pentium 200, 32 Mt. |
46246 | SIRBOMB.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 12.01.1999 | - | - | - | Sir Bombalot v1.0 by Opiate Software Chess/strategy. Clever new interactive Chess game for one or two players. It features original game pieces with unconventional movement rules and cool effects that add to the strategy challenge. Take on an adjustable-difficulty computer AI opponent, go heads-up locally, or play remote matches via Internet or on the Opiate World game server. DirectX 5 or higher and Windows 95 or Windows 98 |
46247 | SMUGGLER.EXE | 4,7 Mt | 01.04.2001 | - | - | - | Smugglers 1.1Smugglers on strategiapeli, jossa samoat avaruuden kauppareittejä ja yrität tehdä mahdollisimman paljon rahaa. |
46248 | SOLARW10.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 17.11.2000 | - | - | - | Solar Wars v1.0Solar Wars is a turn-based space strategy game, based in a distant solar system, with up to thirty orbiting planets. Starting with your home world, build up your ships and strategy. Scout out nearby worlds, send fleets of ships to attack or send annihilation bombs. Destroy opponents by setting hidden proximity bombs or pulse bombs. Play in single player mode, with computer opponents, or multiplayer mode, over the Internet. Windows 9x. Shareware. |
46249 | SOLARW12.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 23.11.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | - | Solar Wars 1.20Solar Wars is a turn-based space strategy game, based in a distant solar system, with up to thirty orbiting planets. Starting with your home world, build up your ships and strategy. Scout out nearby worlds, send fleets of ships to attack or send annihilation bombs. Destroy opponents by setting hidden proximity bombs or pulse bombs. Play in single player mode, with computer opponents, or multiplayer mode, over the Internet. Windows 95/98. Freeware. |
46250 | SOLVEN4.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 08.11.1999 | - | MBHH2000 | - | Solar Vengeance 4.0 Real-time strategy game of galactic conquest. Basic hidden-movement game of interstellar war, pitting you against the computer. You start with a capital star system within a 100-by-100-square grid sector of space. Play is conducted from tactical and strategic representations of the sector.Build starships fortify shields and armaments, and make war. Windows 95/98 NT Dion Kurczek Silicon Commander Games http://www.silicmdr.com |
46251 | SOWAR124.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 27.06.2002 | - | - | - | Solar Wars 1.24 Solar Wars on yhden tai useamman pelaajan avaruustaistelupeli, jossa mitellään yhden aurinkokunnan hallinnasta. Aurinkoa voi kiertää jopa 30 planeettaa, joista pelaajilla on alussa hallussaan yksi. Jokainen planeetta tuottaa tietyn määrän aluksia, joilla valtakuntaansa voi laajentaa. Pelaajilla on rajoitetusti myös pommeja, jotka pistävät suurenkin laivaston litteäksi kertarytinällä. Kokeiluversio. Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP. http://members.bellatlantic.net/~jme69/solarwars.htm |
46252 | SPACEM10.ZIP | 254,7 kt | 24.11.1999 | - | - | - | Space Monopoly v1.0 by David Vivash Board game in which you try to collect squares near certain board symbols to create companies. You then can buy and sell stock. If you get the right combinations you can make money, lots of it. You start the game with œ6000, and when companies are created you can buy shares in them. The game can be played with as many people as you want, but two to four is recommended. Windows 95 |
46253 | SPWAW44F.ZIP | 332,4 Mt | 30.10.2000 | - | - | - | Steel Panthers: World at War v4.4Versio 4.4, täysi asennus. Steel Panthersiin pohjautuva täysin ilmainen Toisen Maailmansodan sotastrategia. Erittäin paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksikköjä, maastoja, aseita, kalustoa, tehtäviä, kampanjoita ja niin edelleen. Nyt myös TCP/IP-moninpeli. CD:lle poltettava ja/tai erikseen asennettava täysversio. Windows 9x, Pentium. |
46254 | SPWAW45F.ZIP | 332,5 Mt | 11.01.2001 | - | - | - | Steel Panthers: World at War v4.5 fullTäysi asennus. Steel Panthersiin pohjautuva täysin ilmainen Toisen Maailmansodan sotastrategia. Erittäin paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksikköjä, maastoja, aseita, kalustoa, tehtäviä, kampanjoita ja niin edelleen. CD:lle poltettava ja/tai erikseen asennettava täysversio. Nyt myös TCP/IP-moninpeli. Windows 9x, Pentium. |
46255 | SPWAW4M.ZIP | 2 Mt | 18.09.2000 | - | - | - | Steel Panthers: World at War v4.0ohjekirja. PDF-muodossa. |
46256 | SPWAW4SF.ZIP | 863,9 kt | 18.09.2000 | - | - | - | Steel Panthers: World at War v4.0suomenkieli. |
46257 | SPWAW4U.EXE | 136,5 Mt | 18.09.2000 | - | - | - | Steel Panthers: World at War v4.0päivitys versioista 2.x ja 3.x. |
46258 | SPWAW61F.ZIP | 392,4 Mt | 29.09.2001 | - | - | - | Steel Panthers: World At War v6.1 fullIlmainen toisen maailmansodan sotastrategia, joka pohjautuu Gary Grigsbyn Steel Panthersiin. Todella paljon uusia ominaisuuksia, yksiköitä, aseita, maastoja, kampanjoita, skenaarioita ja niin edelleen. Aiempaa parempi realismi ja pelattavuus. Sisältää CD:lle poltettavan ja/tai suoraan asennettavan kokoversion v5.01 ja siitä päivitykset versioon 6.1. |
46259 | SPWAWCOV.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 18.09.2000 | - | - | - | Steel Panthers: World at War v4.0CD-kotelon/levyn kuoret. |
46261 | SPWW2-V3.ZIP | 27,5 Mt | 18.07.2000 | - | - | - | Steel Panthers:World War II v3. Ilmainen strategiapeli. Vaatii SP2 tai SP3. Tekijä By SP Camo Workshop. Sisältää 22 skenariota, pitkiä kampanjoita kuudelle valtiolle ja kaksi erityistä kampanjaa. Lisäksi sisältää tukun uusia karttoja joita voit käyttää uusien skenaarioiden kehittämiseen. |
46260 | SPWW25.ZIP | 50,7 Mt | 14.12.2001 | - | - | - | Steel Panthers World War 2 v5 Toiseen Maailmansotaan sijoittuva sotapeli, joka perustuu Steel Panther 2 - Modern Battlesiin. |
46262 | ST11W95.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 24.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Star Trek for Windows 95 Star Trek for Windows is a strategy game that has a long history. There has been a Star Trek game ever since the show became popular. This particular version has its own history. This has all your favorite parts from the original Star Trek, plus visiting solar systems, talking with alien races, a Klingon Starbase, and more! Windows 95 |
46263 | STALO110.ZIP | 6,1 Mt | 27.08.2002 | - | - | - | Star Lords Imperial Order 1.10 Monipuolista ja monimutkaista avaruuden valloitusta Master of Orion -pelien hengessä. Shareware, 30 USD. Windows 95/98/Me. http://www.starlords.net/ |
46264 | STARK041.ZIP | 9,4 Mt | 17.11.2000 | - | - | - | "StarKnights v0.41StarKnights is a space strategy game in which you command a fleet of spacecraft on missions in various computer-generated Universes. There are a number of different races to playalong with numerous systems and planets to inhabitwhere youre able to build shipstrade resourcesand negotiate peace with enemies. The game includes a multiplayer option over the Internet. Pentium 133Windows 9x3D accelerator card30 MB. Beta-version demo. " |
46265 | STARSC10.ZIP | 34,6 Mt | 29.04.2003 | - | - | - | Starscape 1.0Korjaa ja aseista vieraaseen ulottuvuuteen haaksirikkoutunut avaruusasema, kerää resursseja ja taistele muukalaisrotua vastaan tässä varsin toiminnallisessa resurssienhallintapelissä. Kokeiluversio, 24,95 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.moonpod.com/ |
46266 | SUDETEN.ZIP | 403,3 kt | 15.03.2000 | - | 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso | - | Sudetenland v1.0 strategy wargame. Boardgame style, operational level, DOS game covering a German attack on Czechoslovakia in 1938. Needs 286 CPU (386 or faster recommended), 4MB RAM, VGA, 4MB disk space. Mouse optional. Shareware ($28). Forgotten Fronts Simulations. |
46267 | SV3.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 24.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "Solar Vengeance 3 Space strategy. Expand your territory at the expense of your neighboring Lords. The Empire has just been crushedand the nearby independent Worlds are ripe for the picking. You must guard your Capital StarSystem while you expand your territoryand ultimately conquer your enemiesCapitals. Windows 95/NT - 486/66 - 8 Mb" |
46268 | SWRMASLT.ZIP | 5,4 Mt | 25.02.2000 | - | - | - | Swarm Assault v1.01 Control insects fighting for domination. Real time strategy game in which you control huge armies of ants, beetles, spiders, scorpions, and wasps in a desperate attempt to dominate the landscape. With superb graphics and sound, it has all the makings of a great game. You start on easy training levels and move on to harder levels. Windows 95/98, DirectX 6.0, P120 |
46269 | SWRMRMPG.ZIP | 4,1 Mt | 01.05.2002 | - | MBHH2003 | - | Swarm Rampage Puutarhan pikku itikat ottavat yhteen tässä simppelissä mutta viihdyttävässä reaaliaikastrategiassa. Shareware, $20. |
46270 | TABLETUM.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 10.11.1999 | - | - | - | Tabula Letum Play a chess-type strategy game. Game of two opposing forces, one dark and one light. The king is bigger than the rest of the pieces and sits on his throne (the shaded square in the middle of the board). The object of the game is to move the king from his throne to one of the four shaded corner squares without having him killed by his attackers. 1/2 player TCP/IP multiplayer. DirectX 5.0 or greater and Windows 95, 98 |
46271 | TACOPS3.ZIP | 5,2 Mt | 11.04.2000 | - | - | - | TacOps 3.0.0am This is the first chance to get a look at the new features that have been added to one of the most revered cornerstones of wargaming! Modern Tactical Combat. Command US armed forces in modern day combat situation. Top viewed, extremerely realistic combat strategy simulation, also used by US Army in officer training. Windows 95/98/NT, 486, 6 MB. |
46272 | TAO2-23.ZIP | 7,1 Mt | 01.03.2000 | - | - | - | The Ardennes Offensive v2.3.0. FREE DOWNLOAD. FULL GAME. Publisher: SSG. World War II turn based strategy game. Setting: winter 1944/45 when German army launches their last offensive in the west, "Watch am Rhein". Excellent, highly decorated wargame for 1/2 players. This game uses the improvements that were intended for TAO sequel, Korsun Pocket. Unfortunately it looks unlikely to ever appear so the enhancements were used in |
46273 | TAO240.ZIP | 7,7 Mt | 31.05.2001 | - | MBHH2003 | - | The Ardennes Offensive v2.40 World War II turn based strategy game. Setting: winter 1944/45 when German army launches their last offensive in the west, "Watch am Rhein". Excellent, highly decorated wargame for 1/2 players. This game uses the improvements that were intended for TAO sequel, Korsun Pocket. |
46274 | TGL.ZIP | 5,3 Mt | 29.01.2001 | - | 16066/PC Mania 2000-Extra1.iso | - | The Good Life The Good Life takes place in a fantasy setting where you have to lead your people to "The Good Life". Demons and fairies stand in your way by weakening and destroying your buildings. The Good Life is really three related mini-games. As you win each mini-game, you\'re presented with a new one, and the next step in the story. The game autosaves after you complete each game, so you don\'t have to finish it all at once. PIII, Win 9x, 64 MB. Freeware. |
46275 | TME-015.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 26.04.2000 | - | - | - | "The Midnight Engine: Lords of Midnight scenario. By Chris Wild and Mike Singleton Retro remake of the legendary first person roleplaying game of the 80s. Adventure in the land of Midnightfind allies and enemiesform alliances and fight the forces of Doomdark. My primary goal is to bring the game to the Windowsadd few 90s niceties and give the ability to make new/enhanced games using same engine. www.icemark.com/winlom99/ Windows 95DirectX " |
46276 | TOS14.ZIP | 8,4 Mt | 08.12.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | - | Titans of Steel 1.4 Taktinen BattleMech-tyylinen strategiapeli. Rakenna omia jopa 200 tonnia painavia Titan-taistelukoneitasi, kokoa palkkasoturiryhmä ja vie ne taisteluun. Vuoropohjainen ylhäältä kuvattu heksapeli. Tukee yksin- ja moninpeliä hotseat/LAN/Internet. Mukana myös suomenkielinen ohjekirja. Ilmainen. |
46277 | TURM003.ZIP | 493,6 kt | 30.12.1999 | - | - | - | Turmoil - Battle of the Wizards v 0.0003. Classic retro remake of game Chaos, by BDan Condon-Jones. Original game by Julian Gollop. This is an early peep at my attempt at converting The Spectrum classic. Turn based fantasy war/magic combat game. Windows 95/98, Highcolour or Truecolour screen setting with 800×600 pixels. http://www.retrospec.co.uk |
46278 | TZCOLONY.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 11.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | TZ-Colony v1.01 INT - M.U.L.E. clone! Colonize the planet Irata with up to four players at the same time! Quick reactions and complex strategies lead to victory in this highly elaborated simulation of a self-supporting group of planeteers. Joystick strongly recommended! Registration: 25 US $. |
46279 | UPOTUS12.ZIP | 67,2 kt | 11.03.2003 | - | zak.fi | - | Upotus v1.2Freeware (8.7.2002) Laivanupotuspeli lisäherkuilla: parhaiden tulosten lista ja näppärästi strategiaansa vaihteleva tietokonevastustaja. Haastetta ja vastusta riittää takuuvarmasti! Vaatimukset: Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP, Pentium tai tehokkaampi, 16 Mt keskusmuistia, 1 Mt levytilaa, näytön resoluutio 640 x 480 ja 16-bittiset värit. Vaatii myös tiedoston MSVBVM60.DLL. Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Webdesign Mika Salonen, www.mikasalonen.com |
46280 | VALTIO10.ZIP | 440,2 kt | 24.02.1998 | - | - | - | Valtio Sodat v1.0 -Pelin tarkoitus on tuhota toisen valtio linnake.Peli vaatii toimiakseen Win95:n tai vastaavan ja VB40032.DLL:n.ILMAINEN. |
46283 | WAR_V20.ZIP | 143,3 kt | 25.02.2001 | - | #anonyymi | - | Wargame v2.0 Strategiapeli, jossa yrität valloittaa naapurimaita. Karttaeditorilla voi tehdä omia skenaarioita. Freeware. |
46281 | WAR99C.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 19.08.1997 | - | MBCD | - | WarHeads Shareware Totalplay / Ionos - turn based artillery game where different space ships try to blow each other up. The action takes place on different planets, each with its own mass and gravity. Each ship is equipped with a massive array of weapons and defenses to aid in the battle. Features include: 60 FPS, 30 different weapons (in shareware); 60 in full version, Real-time lighting, shadows, and smoke effects, Digital MOD music, Free Internet play and more. Req. Pentium 8 MB SVGA Win95 Direct-X |
46282 | WARGAME2.ZIP | 143,3 kt | 25.02.2001 | - | - | - | Wargame 2.0Strategiapeli, jossa yrität valloittaa naapurimaita. Karttaeditorilla voi tehdä omia skenaarioita. Freeware. |
46284 | WDK2KDE.ZIP | 7,8 Mt | 12.04.2000 | - | - | - | Armies of Armageddon: WDK 2K demo Miniatures-based, strategy game with the emphasis on strategy. Through deceivingly simple game play, players must coordinate individual troops, machines and vehicles into formidable assault while being wary of falling ceilings, lethal terrain, leaving trails, surprise attacks and a barrage of fire from the enemy. Science fiction futuristic combat. LAN/INternet multiplayer. Windows 95/98, DirectX, |
46285 | WDKDEMO.ZIP | 7,9 Mt | 10.11.1999 | - | - | - | Armies of Armageddon - WDK Series 1 demo By Battlefront.com. Heavily strategic, turn based war game. Each side has squad to small army-sized force of individual troops, mechanized walkers, vehicles and skimmers doing battle on large, detailed fields filled with rivers, swamps, forests and cityscapes. Strategies and tactics required to handle varied landscapes are endless. 1/2 players & PBEM multiplayer. Windows 95. |
46287 | WINWR240.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 25.02.2001 | - | - | - | WinWar II v4.0 WinWar on Toiseen Maailmansotaan sijoittuva strategiapeli, jossa voidaan pelata millä tahansa sodan osapuolella. Pelkällä taistelemisella ei pitkälle pötkitä, vaan resurssien hallinta on oleellisessa osassa. Pelissä ei ole erillisiä vuoroja, vaan se pyörii jatkuvasti eteenpäin. |
46288 | WIRMP32.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 17.12.2002 | - | - | - | War in Russia: The Matrix Project v3.2 Alunperin 1993 SSI:n julkaisema klassinen sotastrategia uusitussa kuosissa. Matrix Games on ohjelmoinut pelin sisukset uusiksi, korjaten bugeja, lisSten uusia ominaisuuksia jne. |
46289 | WMAJ226.ZIP | 224,3 kt | 05.11.1998 | - | - | - | Touzai-Mahjong v2.26 by Junichi Saitoh Japanese Mahjong. It is diferent the more common game. It is more complex, difficult but very exciting. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
46290 | WORLDEV.ZIP | 5,8 Mt | 03.02.2003 | - | - | - | World Empire V World Empire is similar to strategy board games like Risk. Each player is given countries that strongly support his/her "ideology." A player must occupy each unfriendly country that is conquered with a sufficient amount of armies or there could be a revolution! The demo contains one computer general and the CyberWar client. |
46291 | YWANKOPE.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 04.10.1999 | - | - | - | ywang OPEKI by Wang Yin Chung Version of Othello that you can play against an Internet opponent. Find a friend who also has the software, then connect to the Internet and determine your DNS address and port. Send an instant message to your opponent and exchange port/address information. Then play your game. A chat window appears next to the game board for comments as you play. Internet connection, VB 5.0 runtime modules, Windows 95. |
46292 | ZNAV10.EXE | 2,1 Mt | 21.01.2002 | - | #hyrava | - | Navy 1.0Laivanupotuspeli. Tämä ilmainen peli on luotu vanhan laivanupotus-lautapelin pohjalta. Voit pelata sitä ystäväsi kanssa tai yksin tietokonetta vastaan. Pelissä tarkoituksena on saada upotettua vastustajan laivasto, joka koostuu torpedoveneistä, tuhoajista, taistelulaivoista ja lentotukialuksista. Ohjelman asetuksista voit muuttaa pelin nopeutta sekä valita käytetäänkö pelissä animaatioita ja ääniä. http://www.codeman.fi/ |