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Ohjelma tai sen versio ei aina vastaa kuvausta! Kommentoi jos havaitset virheitä.
ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
60471 | ADQUEDIT.ZIP | 56690 | 02.09.1996 | - | 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso | - | AdQuedit Quake Workstation, easy, flexible, and useable means to manipulate the many file formats that Quake has. Win95/NT. |
43428 | AQ2V35.ZIP | 1 Mt | 18.07.2000 | - | - | - | AutoQuake 2000. Ohjelma jonka avulla voit helposti käynnistää kaikki Quaken enginellö tehdyt pelit ja niiden modit. Eli päääsiassa tämä on Modin käynnistys ohjelma. Tästä on suuresti apua niille jotka pelaavat Quake ykköstä ja Half-Lifeä ja muita pelejä joiden modit pitää käynnistää erikseen vaikeilla parametreillä. www.geocities.com/aq2000 |
43429 | AQV80.ZIP | 4,9 kt | 12.02.2002 | - | - | - | AutoQuake 2000 8.0 AutoQuaken avulla koneelle asennettujen Half-lifen ja Quaken pelimoottoria käyttävien pelien ja modien hallitseminen on helppoa. Ohjelma osaa itse tutkia kovalevyn ja etsiä sieltä tukemiaan pelejä, minkä jälkeen halutun modin käynnistäminen on helppoa. AutoQuake tunnistaa 15 peliä ja yhteensS 2040 modia. Ilmainen. Windows 95/97/NT/2000/Me/XP. http://www.planetquake.com/aq2000/ |
43430 | AVP2SDK.ZIP | 8,6 Mt | 29.12.2001 | - | - | - | Aliens vs. Predator 2 kehitystyökalut Aliens vs. Predator 2 -modifikaatioiden tekijöille tarkoitettu työkalupakkaus sisältää mm. erilaisia editoreita ja ohjeita modien väsäämiseen. |
43431 | BC4210B.ZIP | 11,5 Mt | 19.06.2003 | - | - | - | "Battlecraft 1942 v1.0 beta Battlefield 1942:n karttaeditori. Avoin beta-versio; vaatii BF42 v1.4 toimiakseen. " |
43432 | CSAUTOUP.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 21.07.2001 | - | - | - | Half-Life: Counter-Strike auto-updaterFor retail version only. Automaattinen päivitystyökalu, joka kertoo, mikä versio pitää imuroida, sekä antaa listan palvelimista, joista tiedoston voi ladata. Tämä ohjelma tulee myös Counter-Strike Retail v1.0.0.2 päivityksen mukana. |
43433 | CSTOOL13.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 21.03.2001 | - | - | - | Counter-Strike Tools v1.3 Uusissa hienouksissa mm. Leadership Config Maker, jonka avulla joukkueenjohtaja voi helposti organisoida joukkonsa otteluissa ilman ylimääräisiä näppäinten bindauksia. |
43434 | D2EDT312.ZIP | 461,7 kt | 29.01.2001 | - | - | - | D2edit v3.1.2 D2edit is a saved game editor for Diablo II. |
43435 | D3ED092.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 16.12.1999 | - | - | - | Descent 3 Level Editor (Beta .92) A new version (Beta .92) of the Descent 3 Level Editor is now available for free download. This is still a beta version, but is feature complete with the exception of terrain support. Terrain support will be added in a future release. Windows 95. |
43436 | D3EDIT11.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 25.02.2000 | - | - | - | D3Edit 1.1 THE level editor for Descent 3. This new version contains the long awaited Terrain Support! Windows 95. |
62738 | DEEP97.ZIP | 1448747 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | DeeP97 DOOM+HEXEN+HERETIC+STRIFE Windows 95/ NT 4.0 Editor. Awesome built-in line drawing. Edits ALL the games in 1 program. True ONE- step linedef/sector drawing. Totally configu- rable error checker. LIGHTNING fast DeePbsp nodebuilder! Copy, Cut, Paste, Merge, Undo. Instant STAIRS, WINDOWS, DOORS + more! View ALL Things at once on you MAP! |
43437 | DEUSXSDK.ZIP | 4,8 Mt | 28.09.2000 | - | - | - | Deus Ex SDKWith this Software Development Kit you can create new stand alone missions. The package includes all of the tools used to create the award winning action/role-playing game. |
43438 | DEXSDK09.ZIP | 5,4 Mt | 15.03.2001 | - | - | - | Deus Ex SDK v1.109f This software development kit allows you to create your own mods to the game. This package includes all the tools used to create Deus Ex. This updated version adds all Deus Ex headers, and better support for multiplayer mods. |
43439 | DEXSDK12.ZIP | 6,2 Mt | 24.05.2001 | - | - | - | Deus Ex SDK v1.112fm Software Development Kit for Deus Ex. |
43441 | DKMAPEDT.ZIP | 932,6 kt | 21.09.2000 | - | - | - | Daikatana map editing toolsEi kuvausta. |
43442 | DM98-40.ZIP | 3,9 Mt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | Duke Manager 98 v4.0 by Charlie Wilson Utility. More than just another launch utility. DM98 was designed to be an all inclusive Duke3D management tool. Features include Saved Game Launching (Atomic only), Single Player Launch, Multi Player Launch, Fully Integrated, Easy to use Con Editor, and much more. DOS 5.0 |
43443 | DROMED.ZIP | 3,9 Mt | 24.06.1999 | - | 23238/Gamestar_09_1999-09_cd3.bin | - | Thief: The Dark Project Level editor. Create & edit Thief levels & missions. Windows 95. |
43444 | DS100P2.ZIP | 606485 | 05.12.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | D2: Descent Studio v1.0.0 Pre-Release 2 With Pre-Release 2, you can work with Descent's HOG and TXB files. You can edit existing files and create new files. |
43445 | FA11-095.ZIP | 246,3 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | 22539/GAMBLERCD10.BIN | - | Film at 11 is a Windows95/NT based Quake Demo file editor. |
43447 | FAKKTOOL.ZIP | 6,1 Mt | 28.09.2000 | - | - | - | Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K.2 editing tools v1.02Ei kuvausta. |
43448 | GL3D-150.ZIP | 4 Mt | 14.07.1999 | - | - | tupla | "GameLaunch 3D 1.5 Front-end for configuring 3D action gamesuseful for beginners and hardcore gamers alike. Itll configure your 3D card for speed or beauty with just the press of a button. You can create and manage multiple keyboard configurations with drag-and-drop interface. All your preferences are saved for laterand you can even combine GameLaunch with GameSpy to connect to online games. Supports Quake 3QuakeQWorldQ2Hexen II/HworldUnrea etc" |
43449 | GM95-136.ZIP | 545,4 kt | 30.11.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | GameMenu95 v1.36 - Windows95 Front-end loader for Duke3D, Quake, Doom2, Blood, Strife, Descent, Heteric, Hexen, Terminal Velocity, Rise of the Triads, PowerSlave, Redneck Ramapge, Shadow Warrior etc. Launch a selected level, episode, or user-define map in single or multi-player mode. Launch game or editor with selected map/wad/bsp/rtl file. ETC. |
43450 | GNBV111.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 30.09.1999 | - | - | - | Game Name Builder v1.11 Nimieditori, tukee useimpia Quake-pohjaisia pelejä, kuten Quakeworldia, Hexenworldia ja Q3Testiä. |
43451 | GOEDIT10.ZIP | 4,1 Mt | 02.08.2002 | - | - | - | "GOEdit v1.0 GOEdit is an editor for Global Operations. Includes Users Manual and descriptions for sprite effects. " |
43452 | GRUNTZED.ZIP | 467,2 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | 11926/ftp.lith.com.zip | - | Gruntz level editor |
43453 | GWA.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 14.12.2000 | - | 22689/JOYCD122_2.iso | - | Gunman Weapons Assistant Gunman Weapons Assistant on Redwolf Softwaren tekemä kätevä pikku ohjelma Gunman Chroniclesiin, jolla saa asekonfiguraatiot tehtyä nopeasti. Kätevää, jos esim. ei ole aikaa selailla asemenua vihollisen hyökätessä. |
43454 | H2_UTILS.EXE | 3,8 Mt | 23.11.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Hexen 2 utilities, contains level processing programs like QBSP, LIGHT and VIS, and HCC (HexenC) |
43455 | H76_65B.ZIP | 142,7 kt | 21.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | HACK76 v.65 Beta (05.05.97) Interstate 76 Car Editor! |
43456 | HALFSKIN.ZIP | 944,9 kt | 30.09.1999 | - | - | tupla | Half-Life Skin Installer .8 Created to make the installation of skins and models a snap. There are more than 350 custom skins/models for Half-Life and the number grows each day. To install such a large number of skins/models is no trivial task. What would normally take hours to do can now be accomplished in a few minutes with the Skin Installer for Half-Life. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
43457 | HG2TOOLS.A01 | 9,5 Mt | 17.08.1999 | - | - | - | Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 2/6 |
43458 | HG2TOOLS.A02 | 9,5 Mt | 17.08.1999 | - | - | - | Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 3/6 |
43459 | HG2TOOLS.A03 | 9,5 Mt | 17.08.1999 | - | - | - | Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 4/6 |
43460 | HG2TOOLS.A04 | 9,5 Mt | 17.08.1999 | - | - | - | Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 5/6 |
43461 | HG2TOOLS.A05 | 1,8 Mt | 17.08.1999 | - | - | - | Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 6/6 |
43462 | HG2TOOLS.ARJ | 9,5 Mt | 17.08.1999 | - | - | - | Heavy Gear II Level Editor & Tools v0.9 1/6 HG2 Terraformer Tools. Create new maps for Heavy Gear II. Make Multiplayer maps, for Deathmatch, Capture-the-Flag, Strategic, Duelist, and Steal-the-Beacon games. Make "Historical" (Single-player) maps with various numbers of enemies. Make terrain environments. Make zero-gravity space environments. Create AI-scripted sequences for new maps, mission objectives, and more. |
43463 | HLA30.ZIP | 3,7 Mt | 18.01.2000 | - | - | - | Half-Life Game Launcher v3.0. by Thundermag Software. Launch Half-Life with parameters. Allows you to launch Half-Life and its mods with many parameters. It allows you to enable cheats, launch in dev.mode, launch to console, skip intros, and more. You can limit sounds to WAV files-only, select the map you want to use, and select the API you want to use. An easy-to-use tabbed interface. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
43464 | HLAUTOUP.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 22.07.2001 | - | - | - | Half-Life auto-updater Automaattinen päivitystyökalu, joka kertoo, mikä versio pitää imuroida, sekä antaa listan palvelimista, joista tiedoston voi ladata. Tämä ohjelma tulee myös Half-Lifen v1.1.0.7 päivityksen mukana. |
43465 | HLCV10.ZIP | 62 kt | 31.01.2001 | - | - | - | Half-Life Configurator v1.0 Säädä ja muokkaa HL:n asetuksia. Tukee Half-Life, Team Fortress Classic, Counter-Strike 6.5 ja uudemmat. |
43466 | HLMV12.ZIP | 111,7 kt | 17.05.2000 | - | - | - | Half-Life Model Viewer Half-lifeen Skini viewer ohjelma. editorina toimii piirustusohjelma (esim psp tai photoshop). Windows 9x |
43467 | HLSDK20F.ZIP | 72,9 Mt | 13.06.2000 | - | - | - | Half-Life SDK v2.0 Full. Työkalut Half-Lifen modien luomiseen. Täysasennus. |
43468 | HLSDK20S.ZIP | 15,7 Mt | 13.06.2000 | - | - | - | Half-Life SDK v2.0 Standard. Työkalut Half-Lifen modien luomiseen. Perusasennus. |
43470 | HLSDK21.ZIP | 73 Mt | 12.11.2000 | - | - | - | Half-Life Professional SDK v2.1Ei kuvausta. |
43471 | HLSDK22.ZIP | 73,4 Mt | 17.02.2002 | - | - | - | Half-Life SDK v2.2 Software Development Kit for Half-Life. |
43472 | HLTAG012.ZIP | 201,2 kt | 14.07.2002 | - | - | - | Half-Life TagConverter 0.12 Half-Life TagConverterin avulla voi muuttaa haluamansa bmp, jpg, gif, png tai tiff-muotoisen kuvatiedoston Half-Lifessä ja sen modeissa toimivaksi hahmon logoksi. Ohjelma osaa automaattisesti muuttaa kuvan oikeaan formaattiin ja tarvittaessa myös kokoon, sekä järjestellä väripaletin pelin ymmärtämään muotoon. Ilmainen. http://webplaza.pt.lu/richarme/downloads.html |
43473 | JK2OCET.ZIP | 4 Mt | 29.04.2002 | - | - | - | Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast editorit Viralliset editorit Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast -peliin. Sisältää karttaeditorin, ohjelman 3D-mallien katseluun ja kaiken muun omien kenttien tekemiseen tarvittavan. |
43474 | KPSDK121.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 28.03.2000 | - | - | - | KINGPIN: Life of Crime (TM) - SDK This is a bare-bones compilation of the tools necessary to create user modifications to Kingpin. Kingpin uses the Quake2 engine as a base, and therefore if you are familiar with Quake2 modifications, you will find yourself in very familiar waters with the Kingpin SDK. Windows 95/98 |
43475 | MAXPOTP1.ZIP | 40,9 Mt | 05.08.2001 | - | - | - | Max Payne tekstuuripaketti 1Remedyn omistama tekstuuripakkaus modien ja kenttien tekemiseen Max-FX -editorilla. |
43476 | MLEMAKE3.ZIP | 17,1 kt | 17.05.2000 | - | - | - | Utility to randomize fleets for Supermelee in Star Control II |
43477 | MOD01F.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 02.02.2000 | - | - | - | " Mod On Demand. The service consists of a client side program that downloads and installs modsmapsskins and player models automaticallyand while its currently only limited to Quake III Arenasupport for other games is planned as well. Windows 95/98." |
43479 | MOHAAME.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 17.04.2002 | - | - | - | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault map editor Ei kuvausta. |
43480 | MOHAASDK.ZIP | 7,8 Mt | 25.05.2003 | - | - | - | MOHAA: Spearhead SDK The Software Development Kit for Medal of Honour: Allied Assault - Spearhead is an application and document based toolkit that allows end users to create new game content. Creating new levels, scripting AI opponents, driving vehicles, and making new particle systems are among the many things possible with this set of tools. Comprehensive documentation and examples are included to help get you started. |
43481 | MVP13.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 25.02.2000 | - | - | - | MapViewer Pro v1.3. Kätevä kenttienkatseluohjelma. Tukee: Quake, Quake III: Arena, Unreal Tournament. Windows 95/98. |
43482 | MW4MEDIT.ZIP | 14,1 Mt | 27.09.2001 | - | - | - | MechWarrior 4 tehtäväeditori Editorilla voit väsätä omia tehtäviä MechWarrior 4 -peliin. |
43483 | NOCLEVED.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 25.02.2000 | - | - | - | Nocturne Editor. Kenttäeditori. |
43484 | NOLFEDI.EXE | 4,7 Mt | 16.01.2001 | - | - | - | No One Lives Forever - editointityökalutNo One Lives Forever - editointityökalut omien tasojen ja modien suunnitteluun |
43486 | NOLFTOOL.ZIP | 5,7 Mt | 16.01.2001 | - | - | - | No One Lives Forever editing tools v1.0 Ei kuvausta. |
43487 | OBED.ZIP | 363 kt | 10.05.2000 | - | - | - | "Obed v1.102 Create maps for Marathon 2: Durandal PC map editor for Bungies Marathon 2: Durandal. It is a fully-featured CAD-like scenario editorincluding multilevel editing and terminal editor. This shareware add-on requires the full version of thge game. Windows 95/98 " |
43488 | PB943.EXE | 280,7 kt | 07.03.2001 | - | - | - | PunkBuster.Counter Striken lisäohjelma, joka estää huijauksen nettipelissä. http://www.punkbuster.com/ |
43489 | Q2DA96B2.ZIP | 66 kt | 03.09.1998 | - | - | - | Q2DA - Quake2 Demo Analyzer BETA 0.96b2 purpose of this tool is to create statistics from Quake2-demos (.dm2-files) to see who fragged best, who was the easiest prey etc. It should work with all versions of Quake 2 up to v3.18beta and with the Q2 mission pack #1. Fabian Huester |
43490 | Q2DLL.ZIP | 237,2 kt | 22.12.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Quake 2 - DLL-ohjelmointiin tarvittavat tiedostot. Tarvitset myös LCC-Win32-kääntäjän (LCCWIN32.ZIP). Paketti sisältää pitkiä tiedostonnimiä. |
43491 | Q2FGD100.ZIP | 150,8 kt | 04.01.1998 | - | - | - | QUAKE2.FGD File for Worldcraft 1.5 Quake Level Editor. Version 1.00. Created by CryptR Consists nearly all Quake2 entities and their fields + usual palette, one texture wad, and instructions how to set up. Gives possibilities to make levels for Q2 before version 1.6 with actual Q2 support comes out! |
43492 | Q2MDLR83.ZIP | 391,6 kt | 14.04.1998 | - | ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake | - | Quake 2 Modeller 0.83 This is a Quake2 Model Editor. This will only run on Windows 95, or Windows NT 3.51 or above. |
43493 | Q2SELECT.ZIP | 217,7 kt | 04.06.1998 | - | - | - | QSelect v1.0 by Andre Lang Quake 2 frontend which will make starting different mods a little bit easier. QSelect executes the appropiate command line when you start a Quake game (also referred to as "mod"). These command lines are stored by QSelect and can be changed anytime. QSelect can manage the different versions of Q2 and automatically change to the one used. Req. Q2 3.05/3.10/newer, Win95/NT |
43494 | Q2SR1211.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 22.12.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Quake 2 GAMEX86.DLL and utils (QE4, QBSP etc) sources. No documentation. Contains long filenames. |
43495 | Q3AGS117.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 27.05.2000 | - | - | - | Quake III Arena Game Source v1.17. Source code for the Quake III Arena game .dll. There is a "How to make a mod" text file included which shows the very basics of building the source for debugging ( Win32, Visual C++ ) and building the vms for distributing mods. It also shows steps to get your mod to run with the engine. This MUST BE INSTALLED in quake3 off of whatever drive you like. |
43496 | Q3K251.ZIP | 283,8 kt | 18.02.2000 | - | - | - | Q3 KillStats: v2.51 Browse Quake 3: Arena kill stats. Reads the log files for the full version of Q3 (not the demo) and allows you to browse through the kill/death stats for each player in the file. Windows 95/98 |
43497 | Q3T1043.ZIP | 222 kt | 18.08.1999 | - | - | - | Quake 3 Tweak v1.043 This new version adds support for ATi Rage Fury, Intel i740 and Matrox G200. More resolution and description fixes (although some captions may still get cut off) and a few other miscellaneous problems. |
43498 | Q3TOOLS.ZIP | 4,4 Mt | 11.01.2000 | - | - | - | Quake 3: Arena Q3A Edit Tools. Game editing & map creation tools. |
43499 | Q99-097F.ZIP | 2 Mt | 25.02.2000 | - | - | - | Qoole 99 v0.97 - Quake Object Oriented Level Editor By Matt Ayres (matt@qoole.com) and Paul Hsu (hsup@qoole.com). There is no included documentation for Qoole 99. Please visit http://www.qoole.com/Qoole99Doc/ This version is freeware. Nothing is disabled. No brush limits. It does not expire. Enjoy. Quake 1/2/3 + Half-Life kenttäeditori freewarena. |
43500 | QCAPE10.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | gamers.org | - | QcAPE - QuakeC Advanced Programming Environment v1.0 by the FEAR team. |
43501 | QCCEI.ZIP | 27139 | 02.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | Quake: Qccei.zip (26K) Windows 95 application that helps compile Quake C-Code |
43502 | QCEDIT12.ZIP | 638,1 kt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Quake C Editor v1.2 - For Windows 95 and NT. By Gavin Rouse. |
67575 | QCHECK.ZIP | 73440 | 27.08.1996 | - | - | - | QuakeCheck 1.0 for Windows 95 Accepts the IP numbers of Quake servers and returns basic information about them. |
43503 | QCSG_25.ZIP | 51,9 kt | 11.05.1999 | - | - | - | Half-Life editing utilities. Compile Tools QCSG v2.5 |
43504 | QMEL0608.EXE | 1,5 Mt | 24.07.1997 | - | - | - | QuakeMe v3.0 Lite. Modeller, Animator, 3D Painter and 2D Texture editor for Quake. Limited to 20 frames. Includes human.mdl. |
43505 | QON_10.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 20.10.1997 | - | gamers.org | - | QuakeOn v1.00 Windows 95/NT Front End for Quake by Brian Kelly Allows you to create QuakeSets - named groups of settings for launching Quake. Launch Quake from the System Tray. Great Map Support. Patch Explorer. Console Help. Custom Options. |
43506 | QOOLE250.EXE | 1,6 Mt | 24.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Qoole v2.50 - Quake II Level Editor For Windows 95/98/NT. Very easy to learn, object-oriented, and powerful. Includes everything you need to make maps for Quake (TM), Quake II (TM), and Hexen II (TM). For beginner to expert. Shareware. CDROM available, $29.95. Visit http://www.qoole.com Written by Matthew Ayres and Paul Hsu |
43507 | QSCRIPT9.ZIP | 53724 | 02.09.1996 | - | - | - | Quake: QScript v.94d Win95/NT. Quake Map Level Editor. |
67598 | QSFETCH.ZIP | 1289953 | 02.09.1996 | - | 6095/WIN95_09963.iso | - | QSFetch is a Windows95 application that retrieves the current list of active Quake internet servers from http://citrix.progress.com/servers.html. |
43508 | QUADLNCH.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 15.12.1998 | - | - | - | "Quad Launcher v1.0 by Adam Woolridge If you DO enjoy playing Quake MODSbut DONT enjoy all the effort required to start themQUAD Launcher! is the ideal tool for you! No more trying to remember stupid command line arguments for countless MODSjust simply add them into the program ONCEand from then on just click ONE button to launch and play the MOD!!. Quake I or II or both and Windows 95" |
43509 | QUAKEIIL.ZIP | 283,1 kt | 29.06.1999 | - | - | - | QuakeII Launcher v1.0 by David Appledore Lets you launch quakeII servers quickly and Conveniently from your system tray. Passwords can be set for different servers and the player setup is easy to change. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
43510 | QUAKEMAP.ZIP | 177590 | 02.09.1996 | - | 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso | - | QUAKEMAP for Windows 95 basic level editor for Quake provides full 3D edition of .map files, allowing you to build levels by using polyhedrons with any number of sides with any leaning |
43511 | QWALITE.ZIP | 874,1 kt | 06.05.1998 | - | - | - | qWAL-Lite v1.0.0.37 3D-Matrix - Quake2 based games stuff a huge assortment of resource files, including texture artwork, sounds, and more, into a PAK file. Here is a tool to manipulate these files. qWAL includes a full set of features for PAK file management. Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 |
43512 | QWDED103.ZIP | 210140 | 19.08.1996 | - | 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso | - | QUAKE "Dedicated Server v1.03" (IBM/Win95) WINDED runs as a native app on either Win95 or Windows NT (Intel x86 only), so you can finally run your server on NT. In fact, WINDED running on NT is pretty much the smoothest QUAKE server we've seen. Any QUAKE client should be able to connect to a WINDED server. To run WINDED, you must first have the registered version of QUAKE installed. Then just copy WINDED.EXE into your QUAKE directory and from the command prompt type |
43513 | RAL9510G.ZIP | 179,7 kt | 06.10.1997 | - | - | tupla | Red Alert Launcher 95 v1.0g - 20.7.1997 by Golden Ghost Software. |
43514 | RNDMELEE.ZIP | 10,9 kt | 17.05.2000 | - | - | - | Fleet randomizer for Supermelee in Star Control II by Dave Merrill. Sourcecode (C) included. |
43515 | RNKV13.ZIP | 4,6 kt | 26.01.2001 | - | - | - | RcoN\'in Käyttö v1.3"RcoN\'in käyttö" on tehty helpottamaan rconin käyttöä Counter-Strike servereille, ja vastaamaan niin useasti kysyttyihin kysymyksiin. |
43516 | SC2GRAPH.ZIP | 34,4 kt | 17.05.2000 | - | - | - | Star Control II ship graphics editorby Colibri |
43517 | SHOCKED.ZIP | 5,1 Mt | 28.12.2000 | - | - | - | ShockEd: System Shock 2 level editorShockEd: The level editor for System Shock 2 This package contains the level editor for System Shock 2, and allows you to create your own levels. |
43519 | SOFSDK.ZIP | 3,6 Mt | 10.05.2000 | - | ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/PlanetQuake | - | Soldier of Fortune SDK. Raven Software. Contains mapping utilities such as Radiant and BSP, a scripting compiler, ghoul exporter, documentation, and original map and script files for the New York Subway level. |
43518 | SOFSDK11.ZIP | 5,2 Mt | 18.09.2000 | - | - | - | Soldier of Fortune SDK 1.1Contains mapping utilities such as Radiant and BSP, a scripting compiler, ghoul exporter, documentation, and original map and script files for the New York Subway level. |
43520 | SRVSETP.EXE | 2,3 Mt | 07.06.2000 | - | - | - | Allegiance - Stand Alone ServerAllegiance Stand Alone Server allows you to host an Allegiance game universe on your computer and manage the connection of multiple Allegiance players into that game universe. Additionally, when running the Allegiance Server you will be automatically listed as an Allegiance game host on the MSN Gaming Zone and players can choose to play in your games. Please read the server manual for recommended configuration, connection speeds, and proxy issues. The Allegiance Free Zone will officially open to the public on 3/29. Please Note: Windows® 95 is currently not supported by the Allegiance Stand Alone Server. An update is being developed, so please stay tuned. |
43521 | SSSDK10.ZIP | 3,7 Mt | 25.05.2001 | - | - | - | Serious Sam SDK v1.00a Software Development Kit for Serious Sam. |
43522 | STARRA12.ZIP | 14,5 kt | 17.05.2000 | - | - | - | StarRand 1.2 Star Control 2 Random Melee Team Generator by Riboflavin, Pascal source code included. |
43523 | STVEFGDK.ZIP | 5,8 Mt | 02.10.2000 | - | - | - | Star Trek: Voyager Elite ForceGame development kit. |
43524 | STVEFLE.ZIP | 352,4 kt | 05.10.2000 | - | - | - | Star Trek: Voyager Elite Force updated level editor. Requires GDK. |
43525 | SWAT3DTP.ZIP | 24,2 Mt | 15.10.2000 | - | - | - | SWAT III development tool packFor SWAT III: Elite Edition. |
43526 | THRED09B.ZIP | 1 Mt | 01.04.1997 | väärä koko | 22534/GAMBLERCD05.BIN | - | "THRED by Jim Lowell. Thred is a 3D editor that has been designed to create Quake maps. Thred supports many advanced features to make your editing as easy as possible. Includes DLLs you might need and THRED.HLP file." |
43527 | THUGL111.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 24.03.1999 | - | MBCD | tupla | ThUGL v1.11 by Lars Filges ThUGL (The Ultimate Game Launcher) is a front end utility that works with any game built on the Unreal or Quake 2 engine - including Sin, Heretic 2, Daikatana, Blood 2, Duke Nukem Forever, and more. It has a simple interface that lets you choose a game type (you can use ThUGL to start up Internet server games), an episode, and a level, as well as frag and time limits and a maximum number of clients. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
43528 | THUMB117.EXE | 2,3 Mt | 22.05.2000 | - | - | - | "Wheel of Time - editoriThe Terangreal Hand Utility Modifier and Builder gives you a cleanintuitive way to completely remap your keys and terangreal placement. If you dont like Fireball and Seeker being on separate keysthen put them on the same one. If youd rather have freeze on its own key to access it fasterwellnow you can do it. " |
43529 | TIE2XVT.ZIP | 8 kt | 22.08.1999 | - | 22412/NEW.iso | tupla | Käännä TIE Fighter - tehtävät XvT-muotoon. |
43530 | TIEED128.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 22.08.1999 | - | - | - | TIE Fighter - tehtäväeditori. Aika kätevä, voi käyttää myös 3.11:ssä. Täysin ikkunoitu, ja visuaalinen. |
43531 | TRLEV110.ZIP | 513,6 kt | 10.09.1999 | - | - | - | Tractor Rumble LevEd v1.10 The new version of the level editor for Tractor Rumble. New: Turrets and bases!!! CycloTron 1999 http://www.saunalahti.fi/~demoni/ct mika.isomaa@lukio.ylojarvi.fi |
43532 | UTC.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 31.01.2001 | - | - | - | Unreal Tournament Configurator Säädä UT:n asetuksia ennen pelin käynnistämistä. |
43533 | UTP420.EXE | 6,1 Mt | 24.05.2000 | - | - | - | Unreal Tournament - editoriUnreal Editor 2.0 is an enhanced version of the editor that was available in the boxed versions of Unreal and Unreal Tournament. The easier-to-use Version 2.0 offers a new interface; more stability; better vertex manipulation and item selection/grouping; three-point clipping; and an improved 2D shaper. The new editor is being further developed by Epic, and serves as the basis for the company’s next generation of products. |
43534 | VEFGDK11.ZIP | 5,7 Mt | 20.12.2000 | - | - | - | Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force GDK v1.1 Game Developer Kit v1.1 |
43535 | VIS_13.ZIP | 38,2 kt | 11.05.1999 | - | - | - | Half-Life editing utilities. Compile Tools VIS v1.3 |
43536 | WAD2WAL.ZIP | 28,7 kt | 14.06.1998 | - | 22660/cd joystick no93 mai 1998.iso | - | Quake2 utility: Wad2Wal v1.4 Utility to extract all the mip textures from a .wad file and convert them into Quake 2 .wal files. Also converts palette from Quake to Q2 palette. |
43537 | WALLY090.ZIP | 258,7 kt | 14.06.1998 | - | - | - | Quake2 utility: Wally v0.90 Program to manipulate Quake2 .wal files. Allows for simple editing, viewing/zoom, bitmap import, and setting of texture flags/contents/animation. Allows for new creation, and loading of existing textures. |
43538 | WC16SHAR.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 02.09.1998 | - | 23188/Gamestar_04_1999-04_cd1.bin | - | WorldCraft kenttäeditorin 1.6 shareware-versio. Soveltuu Quake 1:n, Quake 2:n ja Hexen 2:n kenttien tekoon tai muokkaamiseen. |
43539 | WC21F.ZIP | 8 Mt | 04.05.2000 | - | - | - | Worldcraft 2.1 Half-Life level editor. The game data files included in the installer are the most current available (version 1.51 for Half-Life and version 1.0 for Team Fortress Classic). |
70010 | WEDIT210.ZIP | 458357 | 05.08.1996 | - | - | - | DARK FORCES "Wedit v2.10" (IBM/Win95) Again a new and improved version of "Wedit", the latest WIN95 tool for creation of DARK FORCES levels. Version 2.10 of "Wedit" contains new exiting features, like elevator generation as well as updated features for doors and staircase generation, plus some bug fixes. Send feedback to Ole Thomasen at btinterserv.com. |
70011 | WEDIT220.ZIP | 502966 | 19.08.1996 | - | - | - | DARK FORCES: "Wedit v2.20 Editor" (Win95) Another new and improved version of "Wedit", the latest WIN95 tool for creation of DARK FORCES levels. Version 2.20 of "Wedit" contains a few new exiting features, like import of VUE files, improved Texture Dialog, Object Selection dialog, and Object Logic dialog. Also player for .WAX's plus more. Send feedback to Ole Thomasen at obt AT interserv.com. |
43540 | WEDIT302.ZIP | 547,2 kt | 22.07.1997 | - | Pelit CD 1998 | - | DARK FORCES: "Wedit" v3.02 Editor (Win95) A new version of Wedit with several new features: Usage of DirectX from Microsoft for a brand new 3D Game View, allowing you to traverse your levels as in DARK FORCES. Some interesting new features as well for making custom .WAX objects, Tips-of-the-day, and others. And finally: Quite a few important bug fixes. Note that this version of Wedit 3.02 _requires_ DirectX. |
43541 | XVTC10D.ZIP | 113,1 kt | 22.08.1999 | - | - | - | X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter - tehtäväeditori. Hyvä visuaalimoodi, jolla saa koordinaatit paikoilleen. |
43542 | XWTME43.ZIP | 45,7 kt | 02.04.1998 | - | - | - | XWing vs. Tie Fighter Midnight Editor v04.3 |