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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
100959 | #1ROTT12.ZIP | 3660950 | 17.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | °±²Û RISE OF THE TRIAD: THE HUNT BEGINS! Û²±° °±²Û Version 1.2 3D Shareware by Apogee Û²±° "ROTT will have every DOOM freak in the world lining up just to drool over it!" Ä- IE Mag. Requires 386DX+, 4Megs RAM & local bus video. ROTT is a REALISTIC, violent 3D action game. 10+ weapons, HUGE levels, modem/network play. Midi music & digital sounds for all cards. Digitized enemies, INTENSE ACTION, realistic playability. RSAC Rating 4 - Wanton Violence HIGHLY RATED by ALL top game magazines. |
100960 | 01MARIO.ZIP | 126970 | 14.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | °±²Mario!!!²±° By Chaos Software, is a NEW, VGA 256 color arcade game clone of the old Super Mario Bros. games for Nintendo. But throw away the Nintendo, Mario!!! is here! Mario has the best of all of the SMB games. And its only 80k!! So Download Mario!!! now!!!! |
100975 | 130TO132.ZIP | 1551535 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Links LS '98 1.30 to 1.32 update Fixes since 1.30: - Lockup in 4 player alternate shot with topview open - Occasional lockup upon game exit - Sporadically choppy golfer introduced in 1.3 - Occasional crash due to bad pointer to animation - Game would hang on exit from Internet game on error dialog |
101902 | 2_COSMIC.ZIP | 291576 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | COSMIC.MOD |
100976 | 306.ZIP | 798405 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | MotoRacer Polygon version update This version should speedup the game if you have a 3D card with at least 4MB RAM. |
100973 | 32SB11.ZIP | 1118347 | 02.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | 3D Spinball v1.1 by UltiSoft. action-arcade game similar to Pong, but with four paddles instead of two - one on each edge of the screen. Move the top and bottom paddles by moving your mouse left and right; the left and right paddles move when you push the mouse up or down. Juggle the ball among your four paddles and destroy any obstacles in the play area: blocks, floating balls, walls, and others. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
100961 | 3DPLAN10.ZIP | 5811475 | 23.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | 3D Planet Attack v1.0 by Gamescape Studios Space shoot'em'up in pseudo 3D. Solar system has been overrun by alien spacecraft. Explore the solar system, check out planets, galaxies and authentic star constellations. Navigate through asteroid and mine fields, destroy the enemy fleet and save the Earth. Flashy graphics, fun shooting, easy no frills gameplay. 32 MB RAM, Pentium 200, and Windows 95, 98, or NT |
100962 | 3DPROS.ZIP | 1628812 | 30.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | 3D Proslots v2.1 by UltiSoft, Inc. If you love to play the slots but want more than just spinning cherries, you'll enjoy 3D Proslots. This multifeatured 3D slot machine game (which plays in DOS mode but needs Windows to install) offers smooth animation and realistic sound effects, making you feel like you're actually in a casino. Windows 95 |
100963 | 3DTV.ZIP | 3634961 | 10.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | °±²Û TERMINAL VELOCITY from 3D Realms! Û²±° °±²Û Shareware by Terminal Reality, Inc. Û²±° "A 3D shooter that's part Star Wars and part Descent!" ÄComputer Gaming World. Take flight in this futuristic action game that *should* come with a barf bag! Totally realistic, HUGE levels, insane weapons, modem/net support, & TEN channel digital music and sound effects! Requires 486DX w/local bus, 4Megs RAM. "The 3D worlds are breathtaking, the worlds are like nothing seen before in games." ÄCP mag. |
100964 | 4DOS551.ZIP | 532042 | 11.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | 4DOS 5.51 |
100965 | 4OS225B.ZIP | 322069 | 04.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | 4OS2 2.5 |
100966 | 4WARS120.ZIP | 1158274 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Worm Wars v1.20 DOS SW by Mag's Squad 10/1997 Wormgame with weapons for up to 4 players. Features:Computer Players - Almost 50 Weapons Almost 30 Levels - Supports: SB, GUS and PAS Pentium recommended |
100967 | 7KDEMO.A01 | 2999200 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100968 | 7KDEMO.A02 | 2999200 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100969 | 7KDEMO.A03 | 2999200 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100970 | 7KDEMO.A04 | 2999200 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100971 | 7KDEMO.A05 | 851649 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100972 | 7KDEMO.ARJ | 2999200 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Seven Kingdoms playable demo from Enlight/Interactive Magic Real-time game of epic strategy and empire building. Compete against up to six AI opponents or other players for control of land, trade, and peasants. Wage open warfare on your rivals, or forge alliances with them. Send spies, mine ore, manufacture, build, trade, research and so on. Pentium, 16MB, Win95, DirectX |
100974 | 95RADI20.ZIP | 2949476 | 02.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Moraff's Radiation v2.0 is a vast improvement over the original minesweeper! Cute little animations, neat sounds and spectacular backgrounds make this a must! FEATURES: 1) Great 3D ray-traced image pieces! 2) Photo backdrops from NASA and the Hubble Telescope, or import your own! 3) Multiple board sizes and levels! 4) Almost an hour of excellent music! 5) Real 32 bit code for Windows '95 and NT! |
100977 | AB127SH.ZIP | 206282 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Arcade Business V.1.27. on peli, jossa perustat pelihallia, tavoitteenasi olla joskus Suomen paras. Hoidat kaiken hallinpitoon liittyvn aina uusien automaattien hankinnasta tyntekijiden palkkaukseen ja mainoskampanjoihin. Trkeint on kuitenkin aina asiakkaiden viihtyvyys! Versiosta 1.27. on poistettu lukuisia aiempien versioiden bugeja ja samalla visuaalista ulkoasua on hiukan "muuteltu". |
100978 | ABUSE105.ZIP | 2351356 | 24.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Abuse SW v.1.05, Crack Dot Com |
100979 | ACROREAD.EXE | 1438059 | 10.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
100980 | ACROSS.ZIP | 1306701 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Action SuperCross 1.1 |
100981 | ACTICN11.ZIP | 936139 | 30.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | ActivIcons lets you easily change default Windows icons, cursors and other icon- related desktop parameters. And best of all there are no time limits, and you can use it free of charge on your system. Also lets you quickly change the default Win mouse cursors, make icon text labels transparent, rebuild the Windows icon cache, replace various drive and folder icons, restore default icons, more. Ver 1.1 Win95/98/NT4. |
100982 | ACWPAT21.ZIP | 3226993 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | American Civil War 2.1 IMagic |
100983 | ACWPAT22.ZIP | 3245435 | 22.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | AMERICAN CIVIL WAR v2.2 update Includes a huge list of fixes, updates & new features. This update requires the updated map. Interactive Magic. |
100984 | ADC_206.ZIP | 1998675 | 14.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Aide de Camp version 2.06 update |
100985 | ADOM-094.ZIP | 596314 | 06.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | =-=-=-= Ancient Domains Of Mystery =-=-=-= |
100986 | ADOM0996.ZIP | 684520 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ancient Domains of Mystery 0.9.9 Gamma 6. Ancient Domains of Mystery (ADOM for short) is a rogue-like game, which means that it is a single-user game featuring the exploration of a dungeon complex. You control a fictional character described by race, class, attributes, skills, and equipment. |
100987 | AGAIFF.LHA | 26181 | 06.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | AGAiff.info |
100989 | AHA_.ZIP | 3906793 | 30.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Aha! by Odessa Corp. Brain puzzle. The objective is to remove similar shaped objects from the playing grid, causing the icons above to drop down and form new groupings. When you've removed all groups of two or more similar icons, the game is over. You get more points for removing larger groups. This edition offers animated icons, jazzy background music, and a modern player interface.' It seems simple, but to really score you'll have to plan ahead. Windows 95 |
100990 | ALICE.A01 | 1456400 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100991 | ALICE.A02 | 1456400 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100992 | ALICE.A03 | 1456400 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100993 | ALICE.A04 | 1456400 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100994 | ALICE.A05 | 1456400 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100995 | ALICE.A06 | 1456400 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100996 | ALICE.A07 | 578051 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100997 | ALICE.ARJ | 1456444 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
100998 | ALIGN_IT.ZIP | 1155975 | 24.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Align It! v1.0 by Sandra Erb Puzzle. The aim of AlignIt! is to align balls of the same color in a row. Aligning five or more balls vertically, horizontally, or diagonally makes them disappear. Start with three game pieces on the 9x9 board. Each move adds three more pieces. The preview window lets you see what colors are coming, but you don't know where they will appear. Wild card pieces can help you complete rows. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
100999 | ALLE2_12.ZIP | 1001082 | 04.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Allenatore - Italian Football Manager II v1.2 BY Charl Phillip Gerbe. Sports / football / management. Simulation game which allows you to take control of a soccer/football team and control everything about the club and team. You can decide playing tactics, team selection, transfers, financial issues and much more. You play as manager of a team in the tough Italian leagues (where the press is quick to crucify you, fans are difficult and directors quick). Windows 95 |
101903 | ALLNITE.ZIP | 113829 | 07.10.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ALLNITE.MOD |
101000 | ANGB276.LZH | 449829 | 20.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101001 | ANTIC23A.LHA | 60318 | 20.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | AntiCicloVir V2.3a util/virus AntiVirus Utility Link/File/BB/Validator/Memory virus elim |
101002 | AOE10B.ZIP | 757980 | 02.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Age of Empires v1.0b Beta Patch Many bug fixes and enhancements. |
101904 | AOR_BOR1.ZIP | 1384418 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | All music from musicdisk BORDERLINE by THEJORMAS & SUBURBANBASE tunes by: RANDALL & VARIOUS JORMAS MEMBERS |
101003 | APACHV2.ZIP | 560086 | 17.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Apache Longbow Voodoo2 alpha update. requires 3DFX version already installed |
101004 | APUOHJEL.LZH | 76639 | 20.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ascii.com Näyttää kaikki 256 ASCII-merkkiä ruudulla calculat.com Komentoriviltä ajettava laskin capslock.com TSR: Capslockin tila muuttuu vain jos shiftiä painetaan samaan aikaan coloroff.com Muuttaa näytönohjaimen B&W-tilaan coloron.com Muuttaa näytönohjaimen väritilaan comtoexe.exe Konvertoi COM-tiedoston EXE:ksi dc.com Directory Control, menupohjainen tiedostojen käsittelijä dosedit.com TSR: Komentorivillä toimivat nuolinäppäimet ja editointitoiminnot enterkey.com Odottaa enterin painallusta, hyvä batteja varten fact.exe File Attribute Change Tool: muuttaa tiedostojen attribuutteja fmark.exe TSR: Ohjelma MikroBitistä 6-7/95 icacheof.exe Kytkee sisäisen cachen pois päältä (eli hidastaa konetta) icacheon.exe Kytkee sisäisen cachen päälle idesleep.com TSR: Sammuttaa kiintolevyt tietyn tyhjäkäyntiajan kuluttua kbdbuf.sys TSR: Laajentaa näppäimistöbufferia list.com Hyvä tiedostojen listausohjelma log.com TSR: Pitää kirjaa ohjelmien käytöstä noprtscr.com Kytkee Print Screen -napin pois päältä numoff.com Kytkee Num Lockin pois päältä prn2file.com Siirtää printtauksen tiedostoon re_boot.com Boottaa koneen rendir.com Muuttaa hakemiston nimen scrollbk.com TSR: Voit selata ruutua taaksepäin usean ruudullisen verran size.exe Näyttää koko hakemistopuun viemän tilan smooth.com Listaa tekstitiedoston pehmeästi scrollaten sweep.com Ajaa annetun komennon joka alihakemistossa visitype.com TSR: Näyttää laajennetun näppäimistöbufferin sisällön ruudulla |
101005 | APUOHJEL.ZIP | 78613 | 13.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | ascii.com Näyttää kaikki 256 ASCII-merkkiä ruudulla calculat.com Komentoriviltä ajettava laskin capslock.com TSR: Capslockin tila muuttuu vain jos shiftiä painetaan samaan aikaan coloroff.com Muuttaa näytönohjaimen B&W-tilaan coloron.com Muuttaa näytönohjaimen väritilaan comtoexe.exe Konvertoi COM-tiedoston EXE:ksi dc.com Directory Control, menupohjainen tiedostojen käsittelijä dosedit.com TSR: Komentorivillä toimivat nuolinäppäimet ja editointitoiminnot enterkey.com Odottaa enterin painallusta, hyvä batteja varten fact.exe File Attribute Change Tool: muuttaa tiedostojen attribuutteja fmark.exe TSR: Ohjelma MikroBitistä 6-7/95 icacheof.exe Kytkee sisäisen cachen pois päältä (eli hidastaa konetta) icacheon.exe Kytkee sisäisen cachen päälle idesleep.com TSR: Sammuttaa kiintolevyt tietyn tyhjäkäyntiajan kuluttua kbdbuf.sys TSR: Laajentaa näppäimistöbufferia list.com Hyvä tiedostojen listausohjelma log.com TSR: Pitää kirjaa ohjelmien käytöstä noprtscr.com Kytkee Print Screen -napin pois päältä numoff.com Kytkee Num Lockin pois päältä prn2file.com Siirtää printtauksen tiedostoon re_boot.com Boottaa koneen rendir.com Muuttaa hakemiston nimen scrollbk.com TSR: Voit selata ruutua taaksepäin usean ruudullisen verran size.exe Näyttää koko hakemistopuun viemän tilan smooth.com Listaa tekstitiedoston pehmeästi scrollaten sweep.com Ajaa annetun komennon joka alihakemistossa visitype.com TSR: Näyttää laajennetun näppäimistöbufferin sisällön ruudulla |
101006 | ARJ.PIF | 545 | 31.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101007 | ARJ250.EXE | 276320 | 21.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ARJ v2.50 - Official release of the file archiver ARJ, which has more features than any other archiver. This release contains the ability to archive up to 32,000 files at one time, response file support, enhanced SFX modules, a multi-volume SFX module, a search and extract feature, an archive naming option based upon date or time, and more. $45 shareware from ARJ Software. For MS-DOS 2.11 and above. |
101008 | ARJ270.EXE | 458240 | 06.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | ARJ v2.70 - the official full release of the file archiver ARJ, which has hundreds of options. This version features Win9x long filename support in ARJ and REARJ, support for archiving up to 65,000 files at one time, multiple volume update support, file version management, and data damage protection options. |
101009 | ART024V9.A01 | 3999400 | 13.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101010 | ART024V9.A02 | 3116421 | 13.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101011 | ART640V9.EXE | 5020181 | 14.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | CHUTE1.VEW F4U1.VEW P381.VEW BF109G1.VEW B171.VEW F6F51.VEW SBD1.VEW SPIT51.VEW CV1.VEW P51D1.VEW SPIT91.VEW P39D1.VEW ZERO1.VEW CRED1.PCX WB1.PCX HQ1.VEW FW19041.VEW TWR1.VEW |
101012 | ASENNA.EXE | 101443 | 27.02.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101013 | ASLT12.ZIP | 466221 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ASSAULT TROOPER v1.2 Copyright (c) 1996-97 Juha Kauppinen. isometric commando-like action game. Your duty is to complete various mission in dangerous places all around the globe. MS-DOS 3.2 or higher, 486, VGA The shareware version includes only the first two places of ten possible. Ordering the full version of the game you'll get all those ten places and a great mission builder. |
101014 | ASO231.ZIP | 162568 | 22.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ASO - suomenkielinen OMEN- ja QWK-lukija, versio 2.31 (ent. Avis) PC:lle. SW. |
101015 | ASP114.ZIP | 218370 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Achtung Spitfire! v1.14 update Fixes a v1.13 bug that incorrectly introduced the Spitfire IX in 1939. |
101016 | ASTMINER.ZIP | 1966150 | 11.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Asteroid Miner BY Positech Computing 2D scrolling SPACE shoot em up where you must mine the asteroids around you for precious metals to sell, in order to upgrade your ship with the latest weapons and equipment. But the space is dangerous - pirate ships are zooming around, targeting you. Can you make your living and survive? Includes link/modem/IPX & TCP/IP multiplayer for 8 players. Nice & playable. DirectX 5.2 or later, Windows 95. |
101017 | ASTRO256.ZIP | 342576 | 23.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | ================ ASTROFIRE ================= AstroFire is a fast-moving arcade game featuring stunning 256-colour raytraced graphics. Blast your way through 25 levels of asteroids and alien ships, collecting power-ups to boost your fire-power and your defences. Version 1.0s (Shareware). Requires 286 or better & colour VGA. Sound Blaster/Joystick Optional. Author: Owen Thomas, ORT Software. |
101018 | AURORA2E.ZIP | 452140 | 16.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | AURORA 2.00e - One of the finest text editors available. Blazing speed, superb interface, mouse support, very powerful AND easy-to-use. Huge capacity to 1 Gigabyte, 16k line length. FAST Color syntax highlighting! New colorized easy-to-learn macro language with more than 3000 lines of macros, unlimited undo-redo, LIVE wordwrap, regular expressions, folding, integrated file manager. Configurable menus, keyboard, windows, and much more! |
101019 | AUSP104.ZIP | 419840 | 28.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101020 | AUSPF100.ZIP | 298496 | 15.06.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101021 | AUTOM111.LHA | 343214 | 16.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | AutoMobiles 1.11 |
101022 | AV703.ZIP | 141405 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | AV.EXE (7.03): Archive directory viewer. Presents list of files in archive (ZIP, ARC, etc) and lets you sort as desired. Also allows resetting of the file date based on the archive's contents. Freeware. Bruce Guthrie / Wayne Software |
101025 | AW118B-D.EXE | 3660770 | 20.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Air Warrior Technical FAQ: DO NOT EXTRACT THE 1.18 BETA OVER YOUR OLD VERION OF AIR WARRIOR Q: Whats new in 1.18? Theres a new Real Time Pacific terrain - with some new islands with capturable (neutral) fields around the atoll, a new atoll design with a volcanic group of mountains in the center - a new WWI terrain with fields closer to the center of action, a new area, Vehicle City - field number 23 - that is a large city and is designed for use with vehicles. There is also a new plane, the N1K1 Kawanishi George, for use in the Pacific - it climbs like a scalded monkey and punches like Mike Tyson. There are also a number of new video and audio drivers for native support with some of the newer hardware. Q: What does outdated terrain file mean? A: It means you are either trying to use the 1.18 terrain (new Real Time Pacific, WWI arena and the new Vehicle City) in our production arenas, or are trying to use our production terrain in our beta test arena (the 1.18 arena). As of now, 1.18 can ONLY be used in the beta test arena - not in the production arenas. See next item. Q: How do I get to the 1.18 beta arena? A: Go into any production arena and type /mov 10 - |
101023 | AW2_101A.ZIP | 1616626 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Air Warrior II 1.01a update |
101024 | AW3P310.ZIP | 7586413 | 09.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Air Warrior III v3.10 update. Interactive Magic. * shapes has been increased slightly * For larger aircraft, the switching distances from dots to simple plane shapes and from simple to detailed plane shapes have been increased * You can now zoom in closer to the plane in the rotatable view * The rudder deadband now works the same as the stick deadband. etc. |
101026 | AWB147.EXE | 1145020 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101027 | AWING11B.ZIP | 2445560 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | /-ú-ú-ú[Assault Wing 1.1 beta]ú-ú-ú-\ The Ultimate Shoot Your Friends Up Cave Flight Game A great game for many players Supports mouse, joystick, GUS SB, silence. Requires VESA 2.0, fast video card and a 486 too. Pentium recommended. Lots of New Weapons, Bonuses & Stuff contains subdirs; unzip with -d \-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-ú-/ |
101028 | AXF64A31.LHA | 32942 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WHAT: Emulator of C= 64 for Amiga computers with 68020 or higher. $15 ShareWare. WHY: Because A64 (both 2.0 and 3.0) sucks IMO. And I think the Amiga deserves good emulators like the PC has. (Update: I've seen Frodo now - good try, but way slower than mine... I think I can beat it.) HOW: First you need 3 files: "C64.BASIC" (or "Basic ROM"), "C64.KERNAL" (or "Kernal ROM"), and "C64.CHARSET" (or "Char ROM"). These must be exactly 8192, 8192, and 4096 bytes big. These are just dumps of real C= 64 roms. They are not included for legal reasons, but I think several other emulators actually include them. You can use the same ROM files that Frodo uses too. Put these files in the current directory or in the same directory you store the executable (only helps for KS 2.04 and higher). You can now start the emulator. You can LOAD files that are in RAM: or C64: (assign it where you have you your files). The fileformat is the same as A64. Disk images are not supported (yet). Use 'LOAD "FILENAME",8'. The keyboard is mapped nearly 100% like a real C= 64 so the keys wont always match the Amiga keyboard. The RESTORE key is not mapped at all. The joystick port of your Amiga maps to the right C= 64 jo |
101029 | AZARIA.A01 | 2999400 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101030 | AZARIA.A02 | 2999475 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101031 | AZARIA.A03 | 2999400 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101032 | AZARIA.A04 | 2999400 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101033 | AZARIA.A05 | 2999400 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101034 | AZARIA.A06 | 1302441 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101035 | AZARIA.ARJ | 2999460 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SETUP.EXE |
101036 | BA_102.ZIP | 800670 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Broken Alliance 1.02 update |
101037 | BARRAGE.ZIP | 5241781 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Barrage Playable Demo by Mango Grits Launch yourself into an incredibly realistic 3D world. In your high speed hover-fighter aircraft you can fly freely anywhere in our six fully immersive, realistic outdoor, underground and underwater 3D environments. Blast away at the military targets, watch out for their return fire as you race to locate and neutralize the heavily defended power bases to activate the portal to the next world before the clock runs down and your fuel runs out. 90 second time limit. Requires a 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics or Quantum3D card. (Voodoo Rush not supported in this demo) P90, 32MB, Win95, 3Dfx card |
101038 | BB5V32.ZIP | 872503 | 30.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Introduction ============ BBase7 allows you to keep track of the contents of your email and to locate those elusive messages that are hard to find. Currently, it supports email from Netscape, MS Internet Mail and Eudora Lite. You may start BBase7 as you start any other Windows program. The databases created by BBase7 terminate in the extension BRS - these files may be associated with BBase7.EXE so that clicking on the database starts the application BBase7. BBase7 is designed to use very little memory (RAM and disk) and to run extremely fast. Typically, a BBase7 database requires between 1% and 10% of the space occupied by the email files. Updates ======= There are 2 versions of BBase7 currently available - the 16-bit version for Windows 3.x and the 32-bit version for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Both versions are downloadable from http://www.ndirect.co.uk/~bibo Importing data ============== You can create a BBase7 database by importing Netscape, MS Internet Mail or Eudora Lite files. Once these files have been imported, you may do your searches to recover the information that you require. The database may be saved for later use and periodically updated with the latest |
101039 | BBMOGL.A01 | 2999200 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101040 | BBMOGL.A02 | 2999200 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101041 | BBMOGL.A03 | 1807786 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101042 | BBMOGL.ARJ | 2999200 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Baseball Mogul playable demo Infinite Monkey Systems - Running a baseball team is more complicated than turning a double play. Build a team but also set ticket and concession prices, negotiate trades, juggle against the salary cap, and try to eventually emerge victorious over the season. All the current teams with active rosters are listed. Windows 95 |
101043 | BC3KD6A.ZIP | 482940 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.01D rev.6 to 1.01D rev.6A update. This patch should work with both UK & US release. brings some soundfixes and gameplay tweaks |
101044 | BC3KD7.ZIP | 408581 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battlecruiser 3000 AD update 1.01D rev.6A to 1.01D rev.7. |
101045 | BC3KUKD6.ZIP | 4860313 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.0 to 1.01d r6 update (UK release) You'll need a fresh installation from the original CD for this patch to work. fixes: too numerous to list |
101046 | BC3KUSD6.ZIP | 5214887 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battlecruiser 3000 AD 1.0 to 1.01d r6 update (US release) You'll need a fresh installation from the original CD for this patch to work. fixes: too numerous to list |
101047 | BCOM.ZIP | 109500 | 13.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | BananaCom is a VERY simple com program. Excellent for the first time modem user and perfect for people who help people use modems. Provides auto ZModem, auto ANSI/VT100 terminal emulation, dialing directory stored as a text file, auto port/speed detect and much more. Has several features for sysops that want to hand it out to potential new users. |
101048 | BEACH.JPG | 152815 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101905 | BEUPHORI.ZIP | 77044 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | EUPHORIA.MOD |
101049 | BGG_133.ZIP | 4563643 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battleground Gettysburg 1.33 update by Talonsoft. Includes brand new scenarios. |
101050 | BGG132UK.ZIP | 4341819 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battleground II: Gettysburg 1.32 update (UK-release) |
101051 | BGN111UK.ZIP | 911482 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battleground V: Antietam 1.11 update (UK-release) |
101052 | BGS111UK.ZIP | 772223 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battleground IV: Shiloh 1.11 update (UK-release) |
101053 | BGW_113.ZIP | 5454520 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battleground III: Waterloo v1.13 update US release |
101054 | BGW113S.ZIP | 364704 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battleground: Waterloo V1.12->1.13 update by Talonsoft |
101055 | BGW113UK.ZIP | 4379374 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battleground III: Waterloo v1.13 update UK release |
101056 | BIG8SL30.ZIP | 748111 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Big 8 Solitaire V3.0 by WinGames. If one version of Solitaire isn't enough for you, check out Big 8. This 32-bit suite includes eight different forms of Solitaire: Auld Lang Syne, Canfield, Flower Garden, Klondike, Little Spider, Magic Carpet, Grannies Clock, and Osmosis. It features realistic sound effects and card designs and lets you change the background color and pick from eight card backs. Until registered, you're limited to playing just 10 games. Windows 95 |
101057 | BIMOD124.ZIP | 181243 | 29.06.1992 | - | MBCD | - | Insure that you are either installing from a distribution diskette or have un-Zipped the BiMod???.ZIP file into an empty work directory then RUN BINSTALL for both new installations or for upgrading existing versions. Binstall will prompt you for each BiModem you have registered or will go directly to the basic installation options for single copy registrations. |
101058 | BLADE063.ZIP | 110956 | 11.08.1998 | - | MBCD | - | BladeEnc is a program to generate MP3 files from WAV or AIFF sound files. It is a true 32-bit Windows application and therefore only works under Windows'95 and NT4.0 or better and supports features such as long filenames etc. |
101059 | BLADESP.EXE | 217465 | 06.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | 12.09.97 03:20 PM Patch "K" - Includes patches "I" and "J" below... _ESPER.DLL is updated. Was originally compiled with Borland OWL libraries linked in. Now they are not, and it is much smaller in size. The OWL libraries should have caused no problems in the previous versions. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11.07.97 10:15 AM Patch "J" - Includes patch "I" below... AI-ACT1.DLL is updated again, and scene KP07.DLL is also updated. Both of these .DLL fixes a rare problem where you could not leave the moonbus after retiring the replicants inside, thus not being able to end the game. The source files patched were AI05ACT1.cpp and KP07.CPP. You need to have 1.0H fully installed before copying over the AI-ACT1.DLL and KP07.DLL to the hard drive. This patch includes patch "I" below. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.04.97 03:30 PM Patch "I" - After shipping final version 1.0H on 11.04.97 AI-ACT1.DLL is the only file updated. AI25ACT1.CPP was fixed to fix an AI recusion problem on Memphis. McCoy pulls out his gun in Early Q's and gets thrown out. The system hangs on Memphis only (which is Beta at |
101060 | BLANKR51.ZIP | 412701 | 29.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Screen Blanker 5.0 - highly configurable screen saver for OS/2 with five functions 1) screen saving: external modules, DPMS, password, hot corners, full screen blanking 2) screen capturing, saving and printing 3) information window: displays time, date, free memory, disk space, swap size 4) launch keys: open WPS objects with a key 5) message and task scheduling Shareware(US$ 28 - all form of payments) |
101061 | BLO95201.ZIP | 2325401 | 02.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Bloobs 95 v2.01 UltiSoft, Inc. single-player arcade game that challenges you to shoot at a grid of multicolored shapes. Object is to fire at a moving collection of these sticky objects, trying to connect groups of three to clear the screen, before the pile collapses on you. Each time three or more bloobs are connected, the entire chain disappears. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
101062 | BLOOD99C.ZIP | 473124 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Blood 0.99b to 0.99c update (shareware) |
101063 | BLOODPAT.EXE | 371366 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | PATCH.EXE PATCH.RTP |
101064 | BNU252BN.ZIP | 1004078 | 07.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | djgpp |
101065 | BOSREG11.ZIP | 781315 | 03.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Balls of Steel v1.1 update For Retail/Registered version. from Apogee Software. |
101066 | BOSSW11.A01 | 2499200 | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101067 | BOSSW11.A02 | 2499200 | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101068 | BOSSW11.A03 | 2499200 | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101069 | BOSSW11.A04 | 2499200 | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101070 | BOSSW11.A05 | 1529040 | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101071 | BOSSW11.ARJ | 2499453 | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Balls of Steel Shareware v1.1- pinball game. By Pinball Wizards/Apogee - features five tables with edge and attitude. No lame circus, zoo, or cutesy themes here! We're talking blood and gore, with animated creatures getting splattered by your ball and laser cannons dishing out hardcore destruction. P100, 16MB, Win95, DirectX, 1MB VESA Video card |
101072 | BOSSW11.ZIP | 464888 | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Balls of Steel v1.1 update for SHAREWARE version. from Apogee Software. |
101073 | BPUT95.ZIP | 620691 | 22.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | This is the public release of the shareware Barry Press Utilities for Windows 95. It has been tested with Windows 95 Build 950r6. Included in this version (registration still $20, with updates on Internet and CompuServe at no cost for registered users) are a simple monthly calendar, a drag-and-drop ASCII file printer (also capable of spooling Postscript files to a Postscript printer), an icon for printer orientation control, an ASCII file comparison program, a shell extension to add a command line option to the Explorer (like the old File.Run), a digital clock, and a random multimedia file player. Registered users will receive the Windows 95 version of DLLMan, a tool to show the dynamic link libraries used by programs or the programs using a dynamic link library. Known problems in this version are that revision of the help file to reflect cosmetic differences in the conversion to Windows 95 are not complete. Please see the file README.DOC (open in your word processor or with WordPad) for further information. All programs are Copyright 1991-1995 by Barry Press. |
101906 | BRDGE.ZIP | 90394 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | BRIDGE.MOD |
101074 | BRGADEMO.A01 | 2999400 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101075 | BRGADEMO.A02 | 2999400 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101076 | BRGADEMO.A03 | 2999400 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101077 | BRGADEMO.A04 | 2999400 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101078 | BRGADEMO.A05 | 2999400 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101079 | BRGADEMO.A06 | 1013118 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101080 | BRGADEMO.ARJ | 2999456 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | BRDEMO.EXE |
101081 | BRWINPT2.ZIP | 1135550 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Birtright for Windows 95 update |
101082 | BURNOUT.LHA | 2015018 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Vulcan Software BURNOUT (AGA) playable demo Where Only The Best Can Burn Req: AGA, 2 MB chip, 4 MB fast, Hard Drive |
101083 | BW22_OS2.ZIP | 480561 | 08.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/OS2 v2.20. A Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline mail reader which offers the utmost ease of use and configurability. This is a 32-bit OS/2 text mode program for OS/2 2.0 or higher. Release Date: 07 August 95 |
101084 | BZLT32.ZIP | 330080 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Blitzln V1.5 (Win 95) BlitzIn is a graphical interface that works with your local Internet provider to connect you with the Internet Chess Club (ICC). On ICC you can play chess against a variety of opponents, observe games in progress, participate in special events and tournaments, get a rating, and interact with other chess aficionados from around the world. |
101085 | CACHEM20.ZIP | 138296 | 29.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | --+ Cacheman 2.0 +-- Giftware by uLTIMATUm pRODUCTIONs |
101086 | CADADEMO.LHA | 450666 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Cadaver demo - 2 unique bonus levels |
101087 | CALCPD12.ZIP | 32949 | 17.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | CalcPad v1.2: Win 3.1+ calculator w/var list, editableIO fields, etc. |
101088 | CALIB131.ZIP | 206846 | 06.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | CALIBRA 1.3 Smart Clock Gallery for Windows. Registration A$19.95 or US$15.95 (plus $4 shipping/handling). Does your PC lose/gain minutes per month? CALIBRA's auto time correction fixes that! 25 full colour, highly detailed clocks to choose from, any size on screen. 30 more clocks in reg. version, plus Clock Editor (easy to build, modify clocks). Also manual for clock & editor. Alarm, 24hr mode, much more. Author is a member of STAR. |
101089 | CALMR10.ZIP | 904601 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Calmira Source Release 1.0 Win95 style shell for Win 3.x Revive your ageing OS with this complete user interface upgrade. Includes icon based file manager, shortcuts, taskbar, start menu, explorer, bin etc.. Fast, smooth and extremely versatile. Requires 4MB 386 with VGA, Win3.1/3.11 Free software with full Delphi source. |
101090 | CANA3241.ZIP | 1283595 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Canasta for Windows 95 and NT V4.1 by Mark-Jan Harte entertaining card game played against the computer or a network opponent. It offers three skill levels and the ability to change the aggressiveness level. Various options are included for customizing the game, such as setting the number of canastas needed to go out, the number of cards drawn with each turn, etc. This evaluation version allows 30 days of play. Canasta for Windows 95 is a fun way to pass the time. |
101091 | CAPFLA.ZIP | 402175 | 11.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | CAPTURE THE FLAG! v3.0 New Play by E-Mail! "This wilderness version of hide-and-seek remains the most exquisite shareware strategy game for the PC. What makes it so great? Maybe it's the artful melding of high detail and ease of use... Or Maybe it's the lovely artwork. This game is so intriguing that you won't want to stop playing." ELECTRONIC ENTERTAINMENT pg 63, Oct 94. 640K, VGA, & 286+ |
101092 | CAPPFULL.ZIP | 2250295 | 12.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Close Approach v1.1 by Abstract Worlds, Ltd Your mission is to save the earth from destruction by Doomsday extremists who have taken to hurling asteroids our way. You control a spaceship sent to blast the asteroids to smithereens. Sweeper ships move ahead of you, surrounding each asteroid in a containment field. You must enter the containment field and blow the asteroid into smaller and smaller pieces. DirectX, Pentium 100, and Windows 95. SUPPORTS Direct3D |
101093 | CARED021.ZIP | 89686 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Need For Speed 2: THE UNOFFICIAL TRUE CAR EDITOR 0.21PreBeta New improved version of Unofficial Car Editor by Mike Thommson! This version includes better user interface and the real editing of the 3D model. Windows 95 |
101094 | CARM3DFX.ZIP | 660766 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Carmageddon 3Dfx final update Add 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics or Rush support to Carmageddon. SCi |
101095 | CARMSPLA.A01 | 2999474 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101096 | CARMSPLA.A02 | 2999444 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101097 | CARMSPLA.A03 | 2999481 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101098 | CARMSPLA.A04 | 2999338 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101099 | CARMSPLA.A05 | 2999394 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101100 | CARMSPLA.A06 | 2999392 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101101 | CARMSPLA.A07 | 2999399 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101102 | CARMSPLA.A08 | 2999391 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101103 | CARMSPLA.A09 | 9614 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101104 | CARMSPLA.ARJ | 2999409 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | CARMAGEDDON SPLAT PACK DEMO (beta release) Minimum Spec ------------ P90 16Mb RAM 60Mb free HD space The above spec is fairly flexible as you can play around with detail levels and screen sizing which gives acceptable performance on slower pentiums. Use the '+' and '-' keys to shrink and enlarge the viewable screen size INSTALLATION ------------ [TO BE FILLED OUT BY PCZONE STAFF] IF, PERCHANCE YOU HAVE DOWNLOADED THIS DEMO ------------------------------------------- If you have downloaded this demo from the Internet (although, who knows how it got there), It will probably arrive as a zip file. In which case, when you unzip it into the directory of your choice, make sure you use the -d command in pkunzip (this makes sure the sub directories are recursed, if they are not the game will not work). SOUND SETUP ----------- You must run SETUP.EXE to determine what sound card resides in your machine. RUNNING THE GAME ---------------- Run CARMDEMO.EXE to start playing the demo. NOTE: If the game seems at all 'glitchy' while running in a DOS box under Windows 95, then it might be an idea to run it directly from DOS. Please note that unlike the previous timed demo, the Splat Pac |
101105 | CARMV2.ZIP | 1348804 | 08.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Carmageddon Voodoo2 update. Add 3Dfx Voodoo2 support to Carmageddon Interplay |
101106 | CART101.ZIP | 3824757 | 18.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | CART Precision Racing v1.01 update * Improved AI * Increased frame rate * Game controller null-zone * Pit lane auto-pilot * Gamma control for object brightness * Rain tires cheat fixed * Friction levels on grass and sand * More precise control over graphics settings * Steering ratio maximum increased in garage * Default setups improved for beginners * Wing-type error fixed for short ovals * Sound on replays fixed * Assorted bugs fixed * AI cars more competitive at intermediate and professional level * New FAQ |
101107 | CARV24RW.ZIP | 660722 | 28.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Carmageddon final beta of 3DFX update |
101108 | CB32E407.EXE | 12782966 | 19.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101109 | CBS13.EXE | 1356961 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101110 | CC2-20B.ZIP | 722050 | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far v2.0b update New: German infantry will no longer user their Panzerfaust anti-tank weapons against Allied infantry + All fixes from v2.0a. Uncompatible in multiplayer with previous versions. |
101111 | CC32E45.EXE | 14959797 | 08.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101112 | CDBOX15.ZIP | 93600 | 22.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | (v1.5) CD in a Box OS/2 CD Player. This is an Object Oriented CD Player where tracks appear as icons in a folder and you use direct editing to enter track and Title names. Add tracks to a Disc to create custom CD's and many more features. FREEWARE lroger@ins.co.nz |
101113 | CDM32.ZIP | 97547 | 27.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Compact Disc MASTER v3.2 - full featured, DOS based controller for playing audio CDs on most CDROM drives. Special features are included for the SB Pro, SB16 and PAS-16. Shareware. Written by author of BLASTER Master, Gary Maddox (1994) ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ |
101907 | CELELUL.ZIP | 327680 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | CELESTIA.S3M |
101114 | CHESMARV.ZIP | 363067 | 05.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Chess Marvel v5.01.98 by Arthur Crump basic game of Chess, against a computer opponent. Attractive game board, with well rendered artwork and selectable sound effects. Fast and fluid with challending opponent. Not good documentation though. Evaluation version includes novice level only. Windows 3.1 |
101115 | CHOM3D14.ZIP | 2225965 | 24.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Chomper3D 3D v1.4 interactive Maza-acle experience. See Pac Man 3D accelerated! Features include: 10 levels, containing over 40 mazes! Create and play your own mazes! Smart ghosts that hunt you! New mazes and colors for each level! Bigger mazes on higher levels! New music and fruit for each level! Free mazes from the web repository Windows 95, DirectX 6.1. Recommended 3D accelerator. |
101116 | CHPOOL40.ZIP | 120684 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Challenge Pool V4.0 by Zheng Lee lets you play all of the most popular pool games on your computer. You control the cue with a mouse or the keyboard, selecting angle, force, and cueball hit for English. Computer play will let you see shots the way the expert sees them. This trial copy lets you play 9-ball. Registration brings six more games, including 8-ball, rotation, straight pool, and more. Windows 3.1x |
101117 | CHRONX_L.A01 | 3999200 | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101118 | CHRONX_L.A02 | 3999200 | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101119 | CHRONX_L.A03 | 3999200 | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101120 | CHRONX_L.A04 | 3999200 | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101121 | CHRONX_L.A05 | 877317 | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101122 | CHRONX_L.ARJ | 3999450 | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Chron X v2.1 (Build 70) by Genetic Anomalies Internet's first online collectible card game. You battle your opponents with an arsenal of agents, weapons, programs and resources chosen from your deck of virtual cards. Just like paper-based TCG's, Chron X features beautiful artwork, specific rules, statistics and backstory. Cards can be purchased, traded and used for ante. Compete with players from all over the world. Win95. Full download. Contains all art files. |
101123 | CHRONX_S.A01 | 1999200 | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101124 | CHRONX_S.A02 | 1999200 | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101125 | CHRONX_S.A03 | 1303281 | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101126 | CHRONX_S.ARJ | 1999481 | 11.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Chron X v2.1 (Build 70) by Genetic Anomalies Internet's first online collectible card game. You battle your opponents with an arsenal of agents, weapons, programs and resources chosen from your deck of virtual cards. Just like paper-based TCG's, Chron X features beautiful artwork, specific rules, statistics and backstory. Cards can be purchased, traded and used for ante. Compete with players from all over the world. Win95. Small download. Contains only common art. |
101127 | CHRONX41.ZIP | 5201415 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Chron X by Genetic Anomalies Internet's first online collectible card game. Windows 95 |
101128 | CLIPMT30.ZIP | 230551 | 01.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | ClipMate for Windows v3.03 |
101957 | CM'EVILO.ZIP | 34721 | 26.12.1999 | modit/musicdisk.zip | archive.org | - | evil osqar ep by cemik / chipztream |
101129 | CM97.ZIP | 233582 | 27.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | cm97set.exe |
101130 | CM98_UPD.ZIP | 2655747 | 02.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Championship Manager 97/98 general bugfix update. Corrects a lot of things. |
101131 | COLUMNS.ZIP | 12906 | 13.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | COLUMNS.EXE |
101132 | COM509.ZIP | 956554 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | COM 5.09 Windows serial communications program for Win95. VT100, VT52 and ANSI emulations. Zmodem, Ymodem, XModem file transfer protocols. Scroll back, scripting and easy modem setup. |
101133 | COMET.ZIP | 329064 | 29.08.1994 | - | MBCD | - | COMET BUSTERS! is a high-speed arcade game for Windows 3.1. It features ray-traced sprite graphics, digitized sound, keyboard and joystick control, and a multiple-player option. This is easily one of the best Windows arcade games to come out this year. |
101908 | COMICMOD.ZIP | 69635 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | COMIC.MOD |
101134 | CONF801E.ZIP | 177494 | 27.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PC-CONFIG V8.01 -Detects all the hardware in your PC and shows them on the screen. One of the best sysinfo-programs ever. With CD-ROM benchmark routine! Finds Local-Bus and PCI boards, Cyrix, NexGen, UMC and Pentium CPUs, detects lots of VGA chips, APM functions, EPP BIOS, Green boards, Pentium Bug, PCMCIA, EIDE feat. NEW: detailed PCI and SCSI info, new SAA-look. Register via CIS: SWREG #3879 |
101135 | COOL95.ZIP | 1115913 | 02.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Cool Edit for Win95 + NT. 2 - 5 times faster than previous versions, a true and fast 32 bit application. Cool edit is a waveform editor with features such as: Echo, Flange, Reverb, Stretch/Pitch Change, Compress, Brainwave Synchronizer, Noise Reducer, Envelope, Filter, Distortion, and more. Supports most every file format. Cue and Play list. View waves as amplitude or frequency plots. Analyze component frequencies. Scripts let you play back complex operations. |
101136 | COPERN99.EXE | 2461976 | 30.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | _SETUP.DLL _user1.cab lang.dat layout.bin os.dat DATA.TAG setup.lid _INST32I.EX_ _sys1.cab SETUP.EXE data1.cab _ISDEL.EXE setup.ins SETUP.INI |
101137 | COPYQ318.ZIP | 178498 | 08.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | COPYQM Version 3.18. October, 1994 CopyQM is a diskette duplicating program that, since its introduction in 1987, has set the standard for PC duplication software. This program is by far Sydex's most popular, though we do offer a complete line of programs related to diskette duplication and conversion. Call us if you have a special need. CopyQM reads a master diskette and formats, writes and verifies duplicates of the master diskette. Copying can be performed on up to six drives in a single session; copies are written on only one drive at a time. "No Hands" operation is featured--after you've started things, you needn't touch the keyboard again; just insert diskettes in drives as needed. In addition to the basic operating mode, CopyQM features the following: * Conversion between different formats. Unlike competing products which just copy the same format to different drives, CopyQM actually rebuilds the diskette format to match the drive. It's possible to convert from a 360K format to a 1.44M format. And you wind up with 1.44M worth of diskette space. * Support of image files. An image file created by CopyQM is a complete description of the information on a diskette. You can e |
101138 | CP20APP.ZIP | 441696 | 23.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Cubic Player 2.0a++. New: MP3, 2, 1 players, ESS AudioDrive routines. No docs or support! |
101139 | CP32E407.EXE | 17940189 | 19.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101140 | CPIDL302.ZIP | 230113 | 27.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | +-------------------------+ CpuIdle 3.0 for Win95/DOS +-------------------------+ CpuIdle runs a HLT command in an idle priority thread under Win95/98. That allows modern microprocessors to save power and stay cool. Includes DosIdle for DOS. BEST TOOL for OVERCLOCKING. +-------------------------+ |
101141 | CPRO10.ZIP | 608843 | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Name ................. ChaosPro Version .............. 1.0 Date ................. 2. November 1998 Author ............... Martin Pfingstl |
101142 | CPUTIME | 2576 | 08.03.1993 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101143 | CPX3211A.ZIP | 515455 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | CryptaPix 1.1a - Graphics viewer/encryption for Windows 95. Supports GIF, JPG, PNG, PCX, TIF, and BMP images. Full screen slideshows. Secure 40-bit & 80-bit PC1 (RC4 clone) and 160-bit Blowfish encryption keeps your private image collection away from unauthorized access. Encrypted thumbnail and WAV sound support. Conversion, printing and secure wipe features are also available. |
101144 | CQWK140A.ZIP | 688307 | 24.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | CMPQwk 1.4 QWK Reader for Win3.1. File 1 of 2. Now supports foreign code pages. New spell-checker, new editor, enhanced ANSI viewer, external folder viewers. $25 upgrade price. |
101145 | CQWK140B.ZIP | 562414 | 24.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | CMPQwk 1.4 QWK Reader for Win3.1. File 2 of 2. Now supports foreign code pages. New spell-checker, new editor, enhanced ANSI viewer, external folder viewers. $25 upgrade price. |
101146 | CRAWL251.ZIP | 401170 | 15.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Dungeon Crawl version 2.51. Crawl is a fun little game in the grand tradition of games like Rogue, PCHack and Moria. Your objective is to travel deep into a subterranean cave complex and retrieve one of the magical orbs of power, each of which is guarded by many horrible and hideous creatures. |
101147 | CREATUR2.ZIP | 1957683 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Creatures V2.0 update |
101148 | CRPLT20.ZIP | 962158 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | CurvePlots 32Bit Version 2.00 |
101149 | CSH542.LHA | 253828 | 19.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | CShell 5.42 - unix-like shell |
101150 | CUTE2032.EXE | 843619 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | CuteFTP Version 2.0 |
101151 | CWG23113.ZIP | 1390358 | 02.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Civil War Generals II version 1.03 update for Windows 3.1 |
101152 | CYBRTRIS.ZIP | 3062013 | 09.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Moraff's CyberTris v3.0 Best tetris-Like Game! * Head-to-Head! Bombs, Music, dazzling graphics, and variety make this a very simple, clean, enjoyable implementation of the tetris-style game. Don't miss this one, it is one of the best! Boards can be 6x12 up to 50x70. Highscores, head-to-head, bombs, sound effects, music, This one has it all. Can you make it past the 3rd screen? Good luck! WIN95 Pentium 8 MB |
101909 | DA_1.ZIP | 224489 | 08.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ```2.XM |
101918 | DA_10.ZIP | 68979 | 08.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `4'.XM |
101919 | DA_11.ZIP | 133003 | 08.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `5'.XM |
101920 | DA_12.ZIP | 252669 | 08.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `RAVE!'.XM |
101921 | DA_13.ZIP | 147319 | 08.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `9!'.XM |
101910 | DA_2.ZIP | 261116 | 08.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `10!'.XM |
101911 | DA_3.ZIP | 215824 | 08.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `11!'.XM |
101912 | DA_4.ZIP | 262652 | 10.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `12'.XM |
101913 | DA_5.ZIP | 249995 | 10.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `13!'.XM |
101914 | DA_6.ZIP | 115364 | 10.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `14!'.XM |
101915 | DA_7.ZIP | 100579 | 10.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `15!'.XM |
101916 | DA_8.ZIP | 128134 | 10.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `2!'.XM |
101917 | DA_9.ZIP | 115714 | 10.10.1997 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | `3!'.XM |
101153 | DADEMO13.A01 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101154 | DADEMO13.A02 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101155 | DADEMO13.A03 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101156 | DADEMO13.A04 | 713628 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101157 | DADEMO13.ARJ | 2999696 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Dark Angael Shareware Vicarious Visions - side-scrolling action/adventure game, rich in both story and intensity. Featuring 360 degree aiming, more than two dozen interconnected single player levels, and eight multiplayer deathmatch arenas, Dark Angæl brings an epic saga to the genre of fast-action platform games... P100, 16Mb, Win95,DirectX - HAS MULTIPLAYER included! |
101158 | DARTS11.ZIP | 66010 | 09.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ** DARTS versio 1.1 ** Suomalainen, oikeisiin pubdartsin sntihin perustuva tikanheittelypeli. Sislt TOP5-listan. |
101159 | DAUB15.ZIP | 351261 | 24.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | DAUB 1.5 - Calligraphy in Windows. Registration AUS$49.95 US$39.95 (plus $4 shipping/handling). Scaling and rotation supported. TrueType text supported. Full colour, sharp edged output to printer. Brush can be simple, or may change continuously according to length, slope etc. Brush strokes can be altered after they are drawn, enabling complex compound effects. Great value. Author is a member of STAR. |
101160 | DCAV2_12.ZIP | 928971 | 13.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Diamond Caves II v1.2 (12.12.98) Peter Elzner |
101161 | DDX_D3D.ZIP | 629437 | 01.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Daytona USA Deluxe Direct3D update. Sega. |
101162 | DEBRIS.ZIP | 2285944 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Debris arcade game by MVP Software. If you love classic arcade games such as Asteroids, you'll love Debris. Clear each wave of space debris by blasting it to bits with your ship's weapons. At the same time avoid colliding with asteroids while collecting bonuses and destroying enemy ships. Your mission is a thankless one, and if a pilot can't handle it, he dies alone. Do you have the right stuff? |
101163 | DEEP9762.ZIP | 1693891 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DeeP97 v9.62 DOOM+HEXEN+HERETIC+STRIFE, Win95 /NT 4.0 Editor. Awesome built-in line drawing. Edits ALL the games in 1 program. True ONE-step linedef/sector drawing. Totally configurable error checker. LIGHTNING fast DeePBSP nodebuilder! Copy, Cut, Paste, Merge, Undo. Instant STAIRS, WINDOWS, DOORS + more! View ALL Things at once on you MAP! |
101164 | DEEPG413.ZIP | 1360789 | 22.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Deep Green Reversi v4.13 by John Bloch Excellent rendition of the classic Reversi or Othello. Moves are made by placing black or white game stones to bracket a row of your opponent's stones, causing them to change to your color. Whoever has the most stones when the board is filled, wins. In this version, you can play against a friend, your PC, or an opponent on a network. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
101165 | DEMONS21.ZIP | 4626414 | 15.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DemonStar v2.1 by Mountain King. Vertical arcade-style shooter by the company that developed Raptor. Plug in a couple of new Microsoft Gamepads, and play just like in the arcade - two players on the screen at a time, fighting for bonuses and power-ups! New vers. has TCP/IP multiplayer support, gamelauch though ICQ, harder bosses etc. and DOom. You must have DirectX 5 for Force-feedback support 486, 8MB, Win95, DirectX3. One of the best of its kind. |
101166 | DGAMMN.ZIP | 301475 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | David's BackGammon V1.3.8 a complete Backgammon game for both novices and experts. Play against the computer or a human opponent or start a tournament. A wide variety of options let you customize the games - choose to use automatic doubles, beavers, roll-overs, automatic concessions, customized game board and pieces, and more. Windows 3.x |
101167 | DINK104.A01 | 1456200 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101168 | DINK104.A02 | 1456200 | 04.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101169 | DINK104.A03 | 1456200 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101170 | DINK104.A04 | 1456200 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101171 | DINK104.A05 | 1456200 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101172 | DINK104.A06 | 1456200 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101173 | DINK104.A07 | 1456200 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101174 | DINK104.A08 | 1456513 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101175 | DINK104.A09 | 1456200 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101176 | DINK104.A10 | 102650 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101177 | DINK104.ARJ | 1456569 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Dink Smallwood V1.04 SW _ RPG meets arcade in this fantastic hybrid adventure. Imagine exploring a giant medieval world filled with creatures and people. This demo allows you to try Dink and kill some monster and such. It supports addons. Isometric adventuring. Requirements: 486-75, 24 megs ram, Win95 with DX5+ RT Soft. 1/11 |
101178 | DIRTBIKE.ZIP | 1209113 | 25.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Dirt Bike 4.1 for Windows Registration To register your copy of Dirt Bike, complete this form and mail it with $15 to: Brad Quick PO Box 231 Staatsburg, NY 12580 In return, you will be sent a registration code that you can enter into the Dirt Bike registration screen. Entering a valid code will unlock the restricted portions of Dirt Bike. If you include an E-mail address, your registration code will be E-mailed to you as quickly as possible. Name: E-Mail Address: Street Address: Where you found Dirt Bike: Additional Comments: |
101179 | DJ112M1.ZIP | 805703 | 23.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | djgpp |
101180 | DJ112M2.ZIP | 79563 | 23.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | 112m2.bat |
101181 | DJ112M3.ZIP | 168913 | 07.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | 112m3.bat |
101182 | DJ112M4.ZIP | 49712 | 07.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | djgpp |
101183 | DJDEV112.ZIP | 462246 | 23.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | djgpp |
101184 | DJDOC112.ZIP | 224482 | 23.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | djgpp |
101185 | DJEOE112.ZIP | 120686 | 23.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | djgpp |
101186 | DJGOPAS.TXT | 6390 | 28.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101187 | DKDEMO.A01 | 2999400 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101188 | DKDEMO.A02 | 2999400 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101189 | DKDEMO.A03 | 2999400 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101190 | DKDEMO.A04 | 1043257 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101191 | DKDEMO.ARJ | 2999400 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | KDDATA.EXE |
101192 | DLH98B2.ZIP | 552969 | 02.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DLH . Dirty Little Helper The Ultimate Cheats Database - DLH98 Beta 2 32-bit: |
101193 | DLH98B3B.ZIP | 619803 | 28.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DLH98 beta 3B - Dirty Little Helper DLH module compiler version 1.01 Beta 3a which adds selection for larger fonts on printouts, adds new addresses/e-mails to menues and fixes wrong color scheme on non standard color layouts is now available for download from our download page. |
101194 | DLXGALAA.LHA | 1046598 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Deluxe_Galaga_2.6.info Tetriz Tetriz.info |
101195 | DLXGALAE.LHA | 877543 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Deluxe_Galaga_2.6.info Tetriz Tetriz.info |
101196 | DMS.EXE | 53576 | 04.09.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101197 | DNET302.LHA | 119272 | 31.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | DNet SAS/C version TNA3.02 by Trevor Andrews Monday 27-Jun-94 19:49:31 |
101198 | DOCMAN13.ZIP | 150620 | 25.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | DOCMAN12.ZIP: DocMan 1.2 (Windows95 Only) ----------------------------------------- DocMan is a 32-BIT Windows95 application that extends the functionality of the "Documents" folder in the "Start" menu. DocMan allows you to open documents, load/save document lists, remove one, some, or all documents, protect documents from removal, add documents, and more. There are no limitations on this product. |
101199 | DREAD122.A01 | 2999338 | 22.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101200 | DREAD122.A02 | 2999140 | 22.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101201 | DREAD122.A03 | 891159 | 22.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101202 | DREAD122.ARJ | 2999353 | 22.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Dreadnought Shareware Version 1.22 Space action combat & strategy. 30 minutes time limit - 3 training missions and 3 game missions. Req. Win95 P90 8 Mb 1 Mb vidcard 30 MB HD |
101203 | DRG2_110.ZIP | 5436785 | 19.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Dr Goo 2: the plague v1.10 by Europress Software humorous platform-style game. You, Dr. Goo, are a blob of gelatinous, sticky green stuff. You also happen to be a doctor. Your goal is to save your patient's life by finding medicine boxes - five on each level. But look out for the rolling barrels, sharks, and firing cannons! Because you're sticky, you can hang from ceilings and attach yourself to walls. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
101204 | DRTL104.EXE | 552011 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101205 | DRTL107.ZIP | 1398098 | 24.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Diablo v1.07 update. Blizzard. |
101206 | DRUG130.ZIP | 37936 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | -> Drugworm v.1.30 (C) 1997 Ile/Kosto |
101207 | DRV1-3.ZIP | 1926532 | 09.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Dark Reign v1.3 update. Activision. Update requires DR v1.2. Works with the expansion pack Rise of the Shadowland. * The games on Internet servers are sorted by in-progress status. * Occurrences of double messages on the Internet Screen have been fixed. * Support for players who have multiple IP addresses (eg Dial-Up and Ethernet TCP/IP). * Support for players behind firewalls. Etc. |
101208 | DSALV2.LHA | 79616 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | DISKSALV 2 (V11.25) |
101209 | DSD | 3708 | 08.03.1993 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101210 | DSJ101.ZIP | 211824 | 13.12.1999 | - | MBCD | - | DELUXE SKI JUMP Demo (v1.01) (C) Jussi Koskela 1999 Deluxe Ski Jump is a super realistic ski jumping game featuring: True Physics, Gouraud Shaded 3D Environment, 70 FPS Real-time Animation, Skeletal Modeled Ski Jumpers, Digital Sound Effects. Pentium 166 or faster required Dos/Windows 95/98/NT |
101211 | DSM32.ZIP | 2882341 | 31.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Program Name: Danere StyleMaker Alternate Locale: http://www.danere.com/dsm32.zip Homepage: http://www.danere.com/StyleMaker Release Date: 8/11/98 Version: 1.4 Packed Size: 2.8MB Contact: info@danere.com Distribution: Shareware, freely distribute unmodified US$29.95 per single license to register Description: Create style sheets (CSS1) in an easy to use, friendly graphical interface which allows you to design a host of visually effective style sheets in a matter of minutes. It also has the capability of applying your styles to your entire web site with one click, ready for publishing. Directions: 1. Unzip to any directory, using Winzip, PKZip, etc. 2. From within Windows 95, run SETUP.EXE. 3. To run, click Start, Programs, Danere StyleMaker. ALSO NOTE: If any of your friends would like to try out StyleMaker as well, tell them they can download the compact version. It works the same as the archive you downloaded, but they must have the VB4 runtime files installed (most systems do). Download the compact version from: http://www.danere.com/dsm32c.zip VERSION INFO: To find out what's new in this release, click the help |
101212 | DUKEMAN.ZIP | 2696772 | 04.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Duke Manager 98 v3.1 rev4 by Charlie Wilson Utility. More than just another launch utility. DM98 was designed to be an all inclusive Duke3D management tool. Features include Saved Game Launching (Atomic only), Single Player Launch, Multi Player Launch, Fully Integrated, Easy to use Con Editor, and much more. DOS 5.0 |
101213 | DX5ENG.A01 | 1000400 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101214 | DX5ENG.A02 | 1000453 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101215 | DX5ENG.A03 | 1000400 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101216 | DX5ENG.A04 | 1000400 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101217 | DX5ENG.A05 | 726809 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101218 | DX5ENG.ARJ | 1000462 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DX5ENG.EXE |
101219 | DX5ENG.EXE | 5804600 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DX5ENG.EXE |
101220 | DX61FIN.ZIP | 6955356 | 09.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | DirectX 6.1 - suomenkielinen |
101221 | DXB2_12.ZIP | 2158600 | 10.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | DX-Ball 2 v1.2 by Longbow Digital Arts and Michael P. Welch A great Arkanoid-style brick smashing arcade game with good playability, modern graphics and attitude. Windows 95. |
101222 | E_688I.EXE | 178561 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | *****************************Patch.txt**************************** 688i "realism" Patch (ENGLISH) ****************************************************************** Table of Contents I. Comment from EA II. Installation Instructions III. What's different? IV. Product Support Information ****************************************************************** I. COMMENT FROM EA Thank you for obtaining the Jane's Combat Simulations - 688i "realism" Patch (English). This patch will update the original 688i executable (5/30/97) and the new executable from the E_688i_1 patch (7/17/97) that was posted on July 18, 1997. Please refer to What's Different (section III.) below. ****************************************************************** II. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To install the patch, do the following: 1. Copy the file E_688I.exe to your 688i directory. 2. Double-click on the file named E_688i.exe. This is a self-extracting file that should create the following: PATCH.RTP PATCH.EXE PATCH.TXT PATCH.BAT 3. Double-click on the file named PATCH.BAT. A DOS window wil |
101922 | ED_AFAC.ZIP | 99336 | 17.09.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [3] name:[Africa's Acidshaman] running time:[5:20] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101923 | ED_BRWE.ZIP | 138184 | 27.09.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [10] name:[Bumper Wehke] running time:[4:44] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101924 | ED_CRCR.ZIP | 117722 | 17.09.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [4] name:[Creepy Creatures] running time:[2:40] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101925 | ED_EMP.ZIP | 156026 | 19.12.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [14] name:[Emphatise] running time:[3:07] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101926 | ED_FLUF.ZIP | 369970 | 17.09.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [5] name:[The Lair of Fluffy] running time:[3:23] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101927 | ED_MAKO.ZIP | 193670 | 28.10.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [13] name:[The Mako Reactor] running time:[3:47] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101928 | ED_NACH.ZIP | 140579 | 17.09.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [6] name:[Name on the Chains] running time:[2:43] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101929 | ED_SILV.ZIP | 224561 | 17.09.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [7] name:[Silvery Eyelids] running time:[4:21] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101930 | ED_THFS.ZIP | 107341 | 27.09.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [11] name:[The Freakshow] running time:[4:35] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101931 | ED_TRIV.ZIP | 354841 | 17.09.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [8] name:[Trivi] running time:[5:04] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101932 | ED_WDLC.ZIP | 243042 | 19.10.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [12] name:[When The Dark Liege Cries] running time:[4:32] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101933 | ED_WHKE.ZIP | 103707 | 17.09.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | emerald release # [9] name:[Whirlwind Keep] running time:[2:50] format:[it] composer:[terinova] |
101224 | EDWORD.LHA | 169811 | 28.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | EdWord Professional V5.0 Demo |
101225 | EF_107.ZIP | 4773566 | 17.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | East Front version 1.07 update |
101226 | EF_107S.ZIP | 1596541 | 17.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | East Front update 1.06 to 1.07 |
101227 | EF107UK.ZIP | 2697241 | 28.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | East Front v1.07 update of UK release |
101228 | EFS_P121.ZIP | 276427 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Emperor of the Fading Suns 1.1/1.2 to 1.21 |
101229 | EFS_P130.ZIP | 418795 | 24.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Emperor of the Fading Suns v1.30 update |
101230 | EMUCPC07.LHA | 658697 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Amstrad CPC Emulator V0.7 Requires: Kick 3.0+, MC68EC020+ (accelerator and fastram recommended) |
101231 | ENTDEMO.A01 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101232 | ENTDEMO.A02 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101233 | ENTDEMO.A03 | 2247375 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101234 | ENTDEMO.ARJ | 2999560 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Entrepreneur Playable Demo from Stardock Systems In the most ruthless strategy game of all time, you conquer the world by having your company dominate the industry you're in and crush the competition. This one of a kind game has complete network play and hooks in to Stardock.net, Stardock's online gaming network. Windows 95 |
101235 | ENTRTAN5.ZIP | 205051 | 01.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Entertainment Pack for OS/2 (C) Peter Wansch, 1994 |
101236 | ERASER11.ZIP | 154430 | 02.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- +--------------------------------------------------------------+ Eraser 1.1 Readme.txt +--------------------------------------------------------------+ LEGAL Eraser Copyright © 1998 by Sami Tolvanen. All rights reserved. By using this software you accept all the terms and conditions of the licence agreement and disclaimer below. License agreement Eraser is a freeware program and must be provided at no charge. Feel free to share this program with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. Disclaimer Eraser is provided on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will the author be liable to you for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. The user must assume the entire risk of using the software. HOW TO INSTALL & UNINSTALL SETUP.EXE is a self-extracting executable containing the program files. Run SETUP.EXE to install Eraser. The setup program will extract the files and copy them to a desired location. You can uninstall Eraser normally via Control Pa |
101237 | ESBCAL11.ZIP | 515017 | 26.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Name : ESBCalc Version : 1.1 Filename : esbcalc.ZIP FileDate : 1/15/99 Status : Freeware Submitted By: : Author Installation Type : Install/Uninstall Company/Author : ESB Consultancy E-Mail : esb@gold.net.au Homepage : http://www.gold.net.au/~esb File Location : http://www.micronexus.com.au/esbcalc.zip ScreenShot : http://www.gold.net.au/~esb/esbcalc.gif Description : Freeware Scientific Calculator with Infix Notation, Brackets, Scientific Functions, Clipboard Support, Memory, Result History and more. Includes the Delphi 4 Source. Requires LMDTools 4 to rebuild. |
101238 | EUL305.EXE | 4594187 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101239 | EXECUT13.LHA | 539978 | 24.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Executive 1.30 |
101240 | EXECUT21.LHA | 864877 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | EXECUTIVE V2.10 |
101241 | EXILE2.ZIP | 2374592 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Exile II: Crystal Souls Fantasy Role-Playing Game v2.0 "Shareware Standout" - Computer Player A HUGE, highly-detailed fantasy rpg - explore over 100 dungeons and towns, while solving puzzles, meeting many characters, and completing three game-winning quests. Great graphics and sound. Much like Ultima. Runs on Windows 3.1 or 95. |
101242 | EXL103.ZIP | 1752415 | 15.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Exile Fantasy Role-Playing Game v1.03 A HUGE, highly-detailed fantasy rpg - explore almost 80 dungeons and towns, while solving puzzles, meeting many characters, and completing three game-winning quests. Compatible with Windows 95. |
101243 | F1GP-_95.ZIP | 60389 | 31.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ------------------------------------------------------------------- Microprose Formula 1 Grand Prix (unofficial update for 1995 season) ------------------------------------------------------------------- .HEL and .CAR files (c) 1995 Richard Mundell. These data files may be stored and distributed on condition that any person using or distributing these files must eMail the author (so I can keep track of distribution) at 'r.mundell@uea.ac.uk'. *** README.TXT is this file. GPEDITOR.* is the T.Kellaway's Windows based F1GP editor, needed to update F1GP. The .HEL files are the closest helmet representations possible for the drivers. Diagonal lines, of course, aren't possible, but I've tried to get a good representation. I'm not happy with Mansell's helmet, perhaps if you've got a better one you could eMail me. The .CAR files are the closest car respresentations possible. Shame the raised noses (and McLaren's extra wing) can't be shown. But, then again, I'd put money on McLaren removing that wing... The NAMES is a driver names file, saved by. Place this files in the GPSAVES directory (it'll save you typing in the new names yourself). *** The following table shows the car numbers for the |
101244 | FALCHE11.ZIP | 50721 | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Fallout Character Editor |
101245 | FASTEX29.LHA | 28528 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | August 24, 1997 Torbjörn Andersson presents FastExec 2.9 Public Domain |
101246 | FASTJPEG.LHA | 44444 | 01.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | FastJPEG 1.10 A fast JPEG picture viewer for the Amiga Copyright © 1993,1994 Christoph Feck, TowerSystems All Rights Reserved. Dedicated to Stefan Schulz I hope you like it |
101934 | FBIRD.ZIP | 68457 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Firebird By: Aru Channels: 4 |
101247 | FC_111P.ZIP | 3238084 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Flying Corps v1.11p update Requires 1.11a to update. More multiplayer fixes and other stuff. |
101248 | FC_111Y.ZIP | 3024101 | 28.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Flying Corps v1.11y update Rowan / Empire - If you have never upgraded before, you must download and install the Base files (FC_111A.ZIP) and then this update. If you have already upgraded to v1.11a, then you only need to download the FC_111Y.ZIP file. Flying Corps Gold owners need to download this update. Voodoo 2 problems fixed. |
101249 | FC2_140.ZIP | 172482 | 10.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | File Commander/2 v1.4, Norton Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2 Provides powerful file management functions, program launch, text viewing and editing facilities in 32 bit OS/2 text mode. |
101250 | FDUEL020.ZIP | 564361 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | FRACTiLE proudly presents: FINAL DUEL v0.20 Extremely addictive two player duel in space. Supports GUS, SB, PAS and WSS for quality sound effects! Requires 486dx/33, faster 486 or pentium highly recommeded. FREEWARE! |
101251 | FIH110.ZIP | 118641 | 07.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Icon Heaven is an OS/2 Workplace shell enhancement that enables the user to assign icons to objects using simple drag & drop. Sample icon libraries included. New release adds Warp support for animated icons, icon extraction and fixes problems with empty icons. Registration $15. |
101252 | FILECD2A.TXT | 20997 | 10.02.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101253 | FILECD2B.TXT | 20912 | 10.02.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101254 | FIMU9910.ZIP | 25571 | 26.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Fixsoft Muistilappu 99 (v1.0) - Kotimainen, tysin uudelleen suunniteltu ja ohjelmoitu versio ohjelmasta, joka korvaa perinteiset muistilaput kyttjystvllisell ja todella nopealla kyttliittymll. Ohjelmassa mys mahdollisuus tallentaa kaikki laput yhteen tiedostoon sek tulostaa kaikki muistilaput yhdell kerralla. Includes also US-version. Vaatii 32-bit. Windowsin sek VBRUN500.DLL:n. Copyright (C) 1998-99, Jari Jokinen - Fixsoft |
101255 | FINUNI.ZIP | 103912 | 05.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Finnish uniform to NHL98 by:Mizu |
101256 | FINUNI98.ZIP | 141627 | 21.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Finnish national hockeyteam's uniform by:Mizu Copy UNI0075.VIV and UNI0076.VIV to your NHL98\GAMEDATA\ directory and you're done. This adds Nagano'98 Team Finland's uniforms to NHL'98. Look FIN98.JPG Miika Kemppinen mizu@dlc.fi |
101257 | FIREPOWE.LHA | 416149 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | FirePower |
101258 | FIXAJA10.ZIP | 236130 | 11.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Fixsoft Ajastin 1.0 - Tll ohjelmalla voit kynnist haluamiasi ohjelmia tiettyyn kellonaikaan. Todella ktev mm. "eventtej" ajettaessa. Ohjelma toimii taustalla, eik vie muistia kovinkaan paljoa. Vaatii Windowsin version 3.x tai uudemman. Ohjelma on yksityiskyttjille ilmainen! Copyright (C) 1998, Jari Jokinen |
101259 | FIXHED11.ZIP | 407520 | 04.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Fixsoft Hedelmapeli v1.1 Tavanomainen hedelmapeli, johon voit vaihtaa nyt omat hedelmat! 1998 Vesa Piittinen Vaatii VB40016.DLL:n Pitaisi toimia Win 3.x:ssa |
101260 | FIXMUI10.ZIP | 244887 | 17.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Fixsoft Muistilappu 1.0 - Kotimainen ohjelma joka korvaa perinteiset sek hieman onnettomat keltaiset muistilaput joiden ylreuna on liimoitettu. Ohjelmassa voit pit auki samanaikaisesti kymment eri lappua, joihin mahtuu melkein rajattomasti tietoa. Mukana on mys tulostusmahdollisuus. Vaatii Windowsin version 3.0 tai sit uudemman. Copyright (C) 1998, Jari Jokinen |
101261 | FIXUPOSE.ZIP | 240606 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Fixsoft Upotus 98 Special Edition Uusittu ja tysin ilmainen versio tutusta laivanupotuksesta Windowsille. Ohjelma vaatii Windowsin version 3.x tai uudemman. Copyright (C) 1997-1998, Jari Jokinen |
101262 | FL1_01.ZIP | 382133 | 09.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Warhammer Epic 40000: Final Liberation version 1.01 update |
101263 | FLASH245.ZIP | 652001 | 30.08.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Flash 3Dfx Win95-ajurit v1.3 (3Dfx referenssiajurit v2.15) + Glide 2.45 (24.03.98) |
101264 | FLYHIUPD.LHA | 44641 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Latest information about this demoversion: ------------------------------------------- Please don't forget, that this is a BETA-version. If you choose the resolution "160x128 / double size" in the settings of the game, multitasking will be deactivated during the race. Thus this resolution should only be used, if no timecritical tasks are running in the background. If the game crashes, please tell us exactly when this happened. Don't forget to mention the type of your computer, its processor and your OS-version. Please send your bugreport with the subject "Flyin-Bug" to poellman@informatik.tu-muenchen.de Thank you. |
101265 | FM2_222A.ZIP | 972026 | 08.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | FM/2 v2.22 An OS/2 2.1+ PM 32-bit file/directory/ archive maintenance package with plenty of bells and whistles -- a Swiss army knife for OS/2. |
101266 | FMCRDS25.ZIP | 349765 | 30.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | <<<< 9 Card Games for OS/2, Version 2.5 >>>> This is the suite of 9 solitaire card games developed by Felix Maschek. - Now with several variations of Klondike! - English and German language support! - PM-program for easy installation! - ShareWare (fee: USD 28,- or DM 35,-)! - Fully functional and unlimited! <<<<<<<<< Have fun with the games! >>>>>>>>> |
101267 | FMSU314.ZIP | 189010 | 05.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | File Manager StepUp |
101935 | FOV-MD_1.ZIP | 942266 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | - Freedom of Voice - presents it's first music disk. "the mind enchanter" |
101268 | FP_304.ZIP | 2113478 | 11.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | F-PROT Year 2000 compliance statement The F-PROT anti-virus program only processes dates in the following ways: 1) When generating a report, it requests the current date from the operating system and displays it. If the operating system reports the wrong date after 1/1/2000, F-PROT will too. 2) The databases included with F-PROT have a limited "lifespan" - The program calculates the difference between the current date and the release date, and if it is greater than one year, F-PROT will refuse to work, saying it is too old to be of use. For this reason, no version of F-PROT released before Jan. 1. 1999 will operate after Jan. 1. 2000. Depending on the update scedule, we would expect the version in distribution on Jan. 1. 2000 to be one that will be released in September 1999 or later. If the operating system reports the wrong date after 1/1/2000, F-PROT may refuse to work. In other words, F-PROT is fully Year-2000 compliant, provided that: 1) The computer itself is. 2) The correct date is reported by the operating system. 3) The user is using an up-to-date version of the program. |
101269 | FP_304A.ZIP | 2140655 | 24.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | F-PROT Year 2000 compliance statement The F-PROT anti-virus program only processes dates in the following ways: 1) When generating a report, it requests the current date from the operating system and displays it. If the operating system reports the wrong date after 1/1/2000, F-PROT will too. 2) The databases included with F-PROT have a limited "lifespan" - The program calculates the difference between the current date and the release date, and if it is greater than one year, F-PROT will refuse to work, saying it is too old to be of use. For this reason, no version of F-PROT released before Jan. 1. 1999 will operate after Jan. 1. 2000. Depending on the update scedule, we would expect the version in distribution on Jan. 1. 2000 to be one that will be released in September 1999 or later. If the operating system reports the wrong date after 1/1/2000, F-PROT may refuse to work. In other words, F-PROT is fully Year-2000 compliant, provided that: 1) The computer itself is. 2) The correct date is reported by the operating system. 3) The user is using an up-to-date version of the program. |
101270 | FP_305.ZIP | 2246691 | 25.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | F-PROT Year 2000 compliance statement The F-PROT anti-virus program only processes dates in the following ways: 1) When generating a report, it requests the current date from the operating system and displays it. If the operating system reports the wrong date after 1/1/2000, F-PROT will too. 2) The databases included with F-PROT have a limited "lifespan" - The program calculates the difference between the current date and the release date, and if it is greater than one year, F-PROT will refuse to work, saying it is too old to be of use. For this reason, no version of F-PROT released before Jan. 1. 1999 will operate after Jan. 1. 2000. Depending on the update scedule, we would expect the version in distribution on Jan. 1. 2000 to be one that will be released in September 1999 or later. If the operating system reports the wrong date after 1/1/2000, F-PROT may refuse to work. In other words, F-PROT is fully Year-2000 compliant, provided that: 1) The computer itself is. 2) The correct date is reported by the operating system. 3) The user is using an up-to-date version of the program. |
101271 | FP_306C.ZIP | 2392607 | 20.12.1999 | - | MBCD | - | F-PROT Year 2000 compliance statement The F-PROT anti-virus program only processes dates in the following ways: 1) When generating a report, it requests the current date from the operating system and displays it. If the operating system reports the wrong date after 1/1/2000, F-PROT will too. 2) The databases included with F-PROT have a limited "lifespan" - The program calculates the difference between the current date and the release date, and if it is greater than one year, F-PROT will refuse to work, saying it is too old to be of use. For this reason, no version of F-PROT released before Jan. 1. 1999 will operate after Jan. 1. 2000. We expect version 3.06B to be still in use after Jan. 1. 2000, and it will work normally on or after that date, provided that the operating system reports the correct date. If it reports the wrong date after 1/1/2000, F-PROT may refuse to work. In other words, F-PROT is fully Year-2000 compliant, provided that: 1) The computer itself is. 2) The correct date is reported by the operating system. 3) The user is using an up-to-date version of the program. |
101272 | FP-221.ZIP | 611520 | 19.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | F-PROT version 2.21 - December 1995 The F-PROT anti-virus package contains a virus scanner combined with a disinfection program, as well as a resident monitoring program for intercepting known viruses. This program is free of charge for private users, but others are required to register or obtain the 'Professional' version - see the documentation for details. |
101273 | FP-224C.ZIP | 775748 | 29.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | F-PROT version 2.24c - September 1996 The F-PROT anti-virus package contains a virus scanner combined with a disinfection program, as well as a resident monitoring program for intercepting known viruses. This program is free of charge for private users, but others are required to register or obtain the 'Professional' version - see the documentation for details. |
101274 | FP-228.ZIP | 1074172 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | F-PROT version 2.28 - November 1997 The F-PROT anti-virus package contains a virus scanner combined with a disinfection program, as well as a resident monitoring program for intercepting known viruses. This program is free of charge for private users, but others are required to register or obtain the 'Professional' version - see the documentation for details. |
101275 | FP-304.ZIP | 2113478 | 07.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | F-PROT Year 2000 compliance statement The F-PROT anti-virus program only processes dates in the following ways: 1) When generating a report, it requests the current date from the operating system and displays it. If the operating system reports the wrong date after 1/1/2000, F-PROT will too. 2) The databases included with F-PROT have a limited "lifespan" - The program calculates the difference between the current date and the release date, and if it is greater than one year, F-PROT will refuse to work, saying it is too old to be of use. For this reason, no version of F-PROT released before Jan. 1. 1999 will operate after Jan. 1. 2000. Depending on the update scedule, we would expect the version in distribution on Jan. 1. 2000 to be one that will be released in September 1999 or later. If the operating system reports the wrong date after 1/1/2000, F-PROT may refuse to work. In other words, F-PROT is fully Year-2000 compliant, provided that: 1) The computer itself is. 2) The correct date is reported by the operating system. 3) The user is using an up-to-date version of the program. |
101936 | FRACTMOD.ZIP | 32177 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Fractals By: Bts Channels: 4 |
101276 | FS105UK.ZIP | 3867856 | 12.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Descent: Freespace UK version 1.05 update |
101277 | FSD102U.ZIP | 1041286 | 09.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Descent: FreeSpace v1.02 update from Volition. Multiplayer fixes, removes lockups, sound problems and much more. Update for the demo version. |
101278 | FSHELL01.ZIP | 717114 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Flanker Campaign Shell v0.1 Win95 GUI interface program designed to enhance your game play of Su-27 Flanker (Mindscape/SSI). With this program, you can create and play your own campaign from existing mission files. |
101279 | FT204.ZIP | 356135 | 30.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ÛÛÛÛÛ Û ³ ³ Û Û ³ ³ Û ÛÛ Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛ ³ ³ Û Û Û Û Û Û Û Û ³ ³ Û Û Û ÛÛ ÛÛÛ Û Û ³ ³ PRESENTS ³ ³ ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ³ ³ º ÉÍÍÍͼ ÈÍÍ» ÉÍͼ ÈÍ» É» Éͼ ³ ³ º º º º º ºº º ³ ³ º ÈÍÍ» º º º ºº º ³ ³ º ÉÍͼ º º º ºº º ³ ³ º º º º º ºº º ³ ³ º º º º Éͼ ȼ ÈÍ» ³ ³ Èͼ Èͼ ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ³ ³ Fasttracker v2.04 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ |
101280 | FTPATCH.LHA | 56916 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | short: Unofficial Faery Tale Adventure HDpatch Type: game/patch Uploader: Peter McGavin (p.mcgavin@irl.cri.nz) Author: Peter McGavin (p.mcgavin@irl.cri.nz) |
101281 | FUNDMN72.ZIP | 309985 | 02.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | *********************************************************** WELCOME TO FUND MANAGER *********************************************************** An overview, as well as all the documentation for Fund Manager is available via on-line help from inside the application. To get a quick feel for the capabilities of Fund Manager, simply double click on any of the sample icons created by the installation program. If you have any comments, suggestions, or questions they are welcomed by the author. See below for information on how to contact the author. *********************************************************** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS *********************************************************** Select the RUN command from the FILE menu of the Program Manager. Run the program "install.exe". Example: a:\install.exe *********************************************************** UPGRADE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS *********************************************************** Select the RUN command from the FILE menu of the Program Manager. Run the program "install.exe". Example: a:\install.exe If you already have a previous version of Fund Manager on your computer you can install this newer versi |
101282 | FVIEW.LHA | 72413 | 01.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | FastView 1.30 Copyright © 1994, John Hendrikx All rights reserved Release date 23 January 1995 |
101283 | GALAP12E.ZIP | 382792 | 24.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Galapagos version 1.2 for english release update. Now works under Windows98 and has a few crashing bugs fixed. |
101937 | GALMOBY.ZIP | 70241 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Gallery By: Moby/drd Channels: 4 |
101284 | GAMSP101.EXE | 995033 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101285 | GAS23BN.ZIP | 148067 | 23.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | djgpp |
101286 | GCC2-1.LHA | 619460 | 10.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Ixemul free port of gcc 2.2.2 |
101287 | GCC2-2.LHA | 625002 | 11.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Ixemul free port of gcc 2.2.2 |
101288 | GCC2-3.LHA | 728462 | 11.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Ixemul free port of gcc 2.2.2 |
101289 | GCC263BN.ZIP | 628961 | 07.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | djgpp |
101290 | GED303.LHA | 880165 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | GoldED is a text editor for programmers. Suggested hardware: OS3.1, 68030, 2MB RAM, HD. |
101291 | GEERB267.ZIP | 146249 | 02.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Geert's Backgammon v2.6.7 by Geert Verkade Play the classic game against the computer. You can choose the skill level of your opponent and can also customize the colors of the board and playing pieces. Dice rolls are automatic; you select your moves with mouse clicks or keyboard entry. All the options of the real game are there, including use of the doubling cube. Online help. Windows 95 |
101292 | GEOCLK60.ZIP | 405517 | 11.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | GEOCLOCK 6.0 sunlight clock for EGA, VGA. and SVGA. The current sun position is displayed, and the parts of the earth in sunlight and twilight are highlighted, with local sunrise/set and times around the world. 6.0 adds an online Gazetteer and expanded HAM capabilities. Over 200 maps and a spinning globe are available. |
101293 | GETRT302.EXE | 676567 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | GETRIGHT v3.02 |
101294 | GETRT320.EXE | 1031569 | 30.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | GETRIGHT v3.02 |
101295 | GETRT411.EXE | 2000899 | 12.01.2000 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101296 | GINR1661.ZIP | 3191197 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Gin Rummy v6.1.1 (16-bit) by MeggieSoft Games A fully featured Windows 3.x version of Gin Rummy including many variations. The MeggieSoft Games version includes many customizable options and supports MIDI music, sound effects, card animation, speech output, drag-and-drop operation, and user defined card backs and play area wallpapers. |
101297 | GINR3275.ZIP | 1575751 | 05.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Gin Rummy v7.5 (32-bit) by MeggieSoft Games A fully featured Windows 95/98/NT version of Gin Rummy including many variations. The MeggieSoft Games version includes many customizable options and supports MIDI music, sound effects, card animation, speech output, drag-and-drop operation, and user defined card backs and play area wallpapers. Assumes Visual Basic 4 32-bit runtime files (VB40032.DLL, etc.) are installed. Online services, please note: The preferred title is: "MeggieSoft Gin Rummy v7.5 (32-bit)". Also, the description should make clear that Windows 95/98 or Windows NT and the full VB4 32-bit runtime system are required. |
101938 | GLASS_A.ZIP | 90893 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Glass A By: Blizzard/Epical Channels: 4 |
101298 | GLBLOCKS.ZIP | 199039 | 11.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | GLBlocks by Andreas Gustafsson. Simple puzzle/tetris-style game, where the object is to make the blocks disappear by placing the blocks so that four or more of the same color is next to each other. Uses OpenGL to draw all graphics, so you will need a rather fast system to play it, especially if you don't have a 3D accelerator with FULL OpenGL support. P133, 16 Megs RAM, OpenGL graphics card |
101299 | GLD200B1.ZIP | 1469281 | 18.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | SciTech GLDirect v2.0.0-b1 Utility package for Windows 95/98 that allows OpenGL-based games and applications to access 3D hardware acceleration using the Microsoft Direct3D 6.x drivers provided by your graphics hardware manufacturer. By combining the power of OpenGL with wide availability of Direct3D hardware drivers, SciTech GLDirect enables OpenGL-compliant applications and games to run on Direct3D-compatible hardware in the Windows 9x operating systems. |
101300 | GLDWAV30.ZIP | 424644 | 09.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ## ### ######## ## G o l d W a v e ## ## v3.02 ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## *** ## ## ***** ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ### ***** TM |
101301 | GLF3_30A.ZIP | 4477496 | 02.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Microsoft Golf 3.0 upgrade to 3.0a update |
101302 | GLQUAKE2.ZIP | 104305 | 11.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Quake II PowerVR OpenGL update Run GLQuake II with your PowerVR-based card (Matrox m3D, Apocalypse 3Dx, 5D or 5D Sonic) |
101303 | GMG262.EXE | 660421 | 02.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101304 | GN_PC121.ZIP | 636838 | 23.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Great Nations 1.21 demo - PC versio Civilization-tyyppinen moninpeliin suunniteltu strategiapeli. Suomalaisvalmisteinen. v1.1 muutoksia: parempi animointi, sarjaporttituki, taistelulaskenta ja muuta sekalaista. Windows 95. |
101305 | GOLDFX.ZIP | 1989400 | 12.08.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Longbow Gold 3Dfx update. Jane's Combat Simulations. This patch provides 3Dfx (Glide) support for Longbow Gold only. It supports boards based on Voodoo, Voodoo Rush and Voodoo 2 only. Caution: Installation of this patch permanently modifies Longbow Gold Graphics. It cannot be uninstalled. To revert to the original Longbow Gold, you must completely uninstall then reinstall Longbow Gold to remove this patch. |
101306 | GOMOK105.ZIP | 932337 | 23.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Gomoku Pro 1.05! Fun Strategy/Board game. Players place stones on the board one atfer another.The goal of the game is to place five stones in a row before the opponent. Sounds easy? I can tell you that it is harder than you might think. Gomoku is on the Olympic List of games. It's a cool game for all ages. Everybody enjoys this game! Shareware $20. Creator: Atomax, Ltd. |
101307 | GRFWK70E.ZIP | 539540 | 18.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | ÛÛÛ²²±°° Graphic Workshop for DOS 7.0d °°±²²ÛÛÛ The best Workshop yet! Converts, prints, views, dithers, transforms, flips, rotates, scales, crops, colour adjusts, catalogs, quantizes and wreaks special effects on MAC, IMG, PCX, GIF, TIFF, EPS, JPG, WPG, MSP, IFF/LBM, WMF, BMP, RLE, CUT, ART, HRZ, RAS, TGA, EXE and TXT files. Mouse driven interface, supports most super VGA cards and printers. From Alchemy Mindworks Inc. ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ |
101308 | GROB10CA.ZIP | 4644255 | 10.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Gamelon Robin Hood V1.0c ALPHA Anfaran fantasiamaailmaan sijoittuva peli. Mac alias Robin Hood taistelee pienen tukijoukkonsa turvin pahiksia vastaan nyrkein, asein ja loitsuin. Alpha-versiossa ainoastaan nelj kentt. Eka kentss mtetn bandiitteja ja toisessa puolustetaan muuria pudotellen kivi ja kuumaa ljy. Klik & Play pelintekojrjestelmn ehdotonta eliitti!! Vaatii Windows 95, P120, SVGA |
101309 | GSPY202.EXE | 1402095 | 25.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101310 | GTK121_1.RPM | 778469 | 29.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | gtk+-1.2.1-1.i386.cpio |
101311 | GWSWN11M.ZIP | 999640 | 18.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Graphic Workshop for Windows 1.1m The best Workshop yet! Converts, prints, views, dithers, transforms, flips, rotates, scales, crops, colour adjusts, scans, quantizes and wreaks special effects on MAC, IMG, PCX, GIF, TIFF, JPG, PCD, WPG, MSP, IFF/LBM, WMF, BMP, RLE, FLI, FLC, CUT, ART, DIB, HRZ, RAS, TGA, EXE and TXT files. Has thumbnail previews, Photo-CD support. From Alchemy Mindworks Inc. hw |
101312 | GZIP123.LHA | 97739 | 15.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Gnu Zip v1.2.3 - Packs even better then LHA! |
101313 | H2DOS12.ZIP | 660471 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Heroes of Might & Magic II 1.2 update (for DOS) |
101314 | H2W9512.ZIP | 649760 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Heroes of Might & Magic II 1.2 update (for Windows95) |
101315 | HDEXPR15.EXE | 4248278 | 28.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101316 | HERETIC.ZIP | 2876545 | 06.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Heretic is a supernatural blast-fest that is the most realistic, action-packed fantasy combat computer game for the PC. Created by the graphic masters at Raven Software in concert with the technical gurus of id Software, Heretic adds new levels of play and graphic wonder to the tried and true DOOM gaming environment. 486-33, 4 megs RAM, VGA, 10 megs HD space RSAC ADVISORY (tm), Violence: 3 Blood and Gore |
101317 | HEXM1630.ZIP | 412859 | 15.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Hex Mines v3.0 (16-bit) by Antony Pranata If you're a fan of Microsoft's Minesweeper game, you'll probably enjoy Hex Mines as well Just like the MS game, Hex Mines is a contest of luck and strategy. By default, it uses hexagons instead of squares. Windows 3.1 |
101318 | HEXM3230.ZIP | 423117 | 15.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Hex Mines v3.0 (32-bit) by Antony Pranata If you're a fan of Microsoft's Minesweeper game, you'll probably enjoy Hex Mines as well Just like the MS game, Hex Mines is a contest of luck and strategy. By default, it uses hexagons instead of squares. Windows 95 |
101319 | HGP187D.ZIP | 1491165 | 04.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Heavy Gear v1.1 update Activision. For all retail versions of Heavy Gear for Windows 95, US and International. Multiplayer fix, 3Dfx fix, Force-feedback fix, 16-bit textures + bugfixes. |
101320 | HIP212.LHA | 211666 | 22.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | -* HippoPlayer 2.12 *- Monipuolinen mutta helppokyttinen moduliensoitto-ohjelma Amigalle. - Toimii jopa KS1.2 alla aivan samoilla toiminnoilla kuin KS2.0 tai uudemmalla. - Tm monipuolinen playeri hallitsee yli 15 erilaista musiikkiformaat- tia mm. Protracker, SID, Screamtracker ]I[, TFMX, Fasttracker ja Fasttracker 2 (XM). - Lataa ja purkaa XKP, Fimp, PowerPacker, LhA, LZX ja ZIP paketteja. - Tekij: K-P Koljonen E-mail: kpkoljon@freenet.hut.fi - Shareware |
101322 | HS25SE.ZIP | 1682852 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | hs25se~2.exe aloittaa asennuksen! (HOMESITE.TXT) |
101321 | HS2SETUP.EXE | 1166704 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | HOMESITE v2.0 |
101323 | HS40FEV.EXE | 7932268 | 04.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | _SETUP.DLL _user1.cab lang.dat layout.bin os.dat DATA.TAG setup.lid _INST32I.EX_ _sys1.cab SETUP.EXE data1.cab _ISDEL.EXE setup.ins SETUP.INI |
101324 | HSDX321.ZIP | 1128266 | 20.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | HyperSnap-DX Pro 3.21.00 Captures Windows 95, NT, DirectX and 3Dfx Glide screens. Save captures in any picture format. Choose color depth, crop & use hotkeys to grab any screen. Professional quality, convenient screen captures. Designed for ease of use, with powerful and useful features. |
101325 | HTMLED12.ZIP | 190625 | 25.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | HTMLed - An HTML Editor for Microsoft Windows ============================================= Version 1.2 - October, 1994 |
101326 | HV22.ZIP | 63195 | 19.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | HyperView 2.2: an OS/2 file viewer with special features for isolating and extracting information from word processing, text, and ZIP files. Automatically reads and recognizes Ami Pro, Clearlook, DeScribe, WordPerfect (vers 5.x and 6.x), & WinWord (vers 1 - 6). New in 2.2: Support for Clearlook - The Cellular Word Processor. |
101327 | HW2_204.ZIP | 5888722 | 23.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Hexx Wars II v2.04 by Mace Software board strategy game. fascinating and frustrating. play against the computer or another person. Play locally on one machine, play friends on a LAN, or play Internet games on ICQ. Networked games are supported with chat window to talk to your opponents during play. The objective of the game is to occupy more spots than your opponent. You move to adjacent spots, and any opponent spots that touch your location are captured. Windows 95 |
101328 | HWB11W95.ZIP | 593243 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | The Hardware Book WinHelp v1.1 (Win 95/NT4) Technical reference guide about computers & electronic devices. Contains pinouts for connectors and information about how to build cables etc. |
101329 | I76GPAT8.A09 | 4999430 | 04.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101330 | I76GPAT8.A10 | 4999450 | 04.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101331 | I76GPAT8.A11 | 4999495 | 04.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101332 | I76GPAT8.A12 | 4999453 | 04.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101333 | I76GPAT8.A13 | 4999605 | 04.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101334 | I76GPAT8.A14 | 463223 | 04.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101335 | I76GPAT8.ARJ | 4999567 | 04.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Interstate '76 Gold Edition update from Activision. This will upgrade I'76 with all of the I'76 Gold Edition enhancements (16-bit art, new horizon maps, difficulty levels, hack prevention and 3D hardware support). Same enhancements are in I'76 Arsenal & Nitro Pack. -------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE VERSION UPDATE - does not includes 3D accelerator card support. |
101336 | ICQ311.EXE | 1365116 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101899 | IE4095FF.A01 | 2999461 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101892 | IE4095FF.A02 | 2999400 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101896 | IE4095FF.A03 | 2999400 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101893 | IE4095FF.A04 | 2999460 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101897 | IE4095FF.A05 | 2999400 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101898 | IE4095FF.A06 | 2999400 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101895 | IE4095FF.A07 | 2999400 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101894 | IE4095FF.A08 | 2628242 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101349 | IE4095FS.A01 | 2999400 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101350 | IE4095FS.A02 | 2999400 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101351 | IE4095FS.A03 | 2999469 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101352 | IE4095FS.A04 | 2999400 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101353 | IE4095FS.A05 | 2118622 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101354 | IE4095FS.ARJ | 2999400 | 25.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | ------------------------------------------------------------ Lueminut Internet Explorer versiota 4.0 varten syyskuu l997 ------------------------------------------------------------ (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1997 Tämä asiakirjan tarkoituksena on täydentää Microsoft Internet Explorerin oppaiden tietoja. Saat uusimmat tiedot tuotteesta myös Microsoftin(R) Web-sivustosta. Jos haluat lisätietoja tietystä ohjelmasta tai sen osasta, voit etsiä Microsoft Knowledge Base -sivulta osoitteesta http://www.microsoft.com/kb/default.asp. --------------------------- TÄMÄN TIEDOSTON KÄYTTÄMINEN --------------------------- Voit katsella IE4.txt-tiedostoa Muistiossa. Suurenna ensin ikkuna koko näytön kokoiseksi. Voit tulostaa IE4.txt-tiedoston avaamalla sen Muistiossa tai jossain muussa tekstinkäsittelyohjelmassa ja valitsemalla Tiedosto- valikosta Tulosta. SISÄLLYS ======== JÄRJESTELMÄVAATIMUKSET Internet Explorer 4.0:n käyttäminen näennäismuistin kanssa MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORERIN ASENNUS Internet Explorer 4.0:n asentaminen Internet Explorer 4.0:n käyttäminen Windows NT:n kanssa Internet Explorer 4.0:n k |
101341 | IE40NTEF.A01 | 3000400 | 14.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101342 | IE40NTEF.A02 | 3000400 | 14.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101343 | IE40NTEF.A03 | 3000478 | 13.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101344 | IE40NTEF.A04 | 3000400 | 13.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101345 | IE40NTEF.A05 | 3000400 | 13.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101346 | IE40NTEF.A06 | 3000400 | 13.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101347 | IE40NTEF.A07 | 2670845 | 13.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101348 | IE40NTEF.ARJ | 3000400 | 13.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 English Full version for Windows NT. You need Service Pack 3 prior to installing. This version includes the browser, Java Support, DirectX multimedia technologies, Microsoft Outlook Express, True Web Integration, Microsoft Wallet, NetMeeting, NetShow, FrontPage Express, Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard, and Microsoft Chat 2.0. |
101355 | IE4195EF.A01 | 3019400 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101356 | IE4195EF.A02 | 3019400 | 22.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101357 | IE4195EF.A03 | 3019469 | 22.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101358 | IE4195EF.A04 | 3019473 | 22.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101359 | IE4195EF.A05 | 3019400 | 22.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101360 | IE4195EF.A06 | 3019473 | 22.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101361 | IE4195EF.A07 | 3019400 | 22.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101362 | IE4195EF.A08 | 2609393 | 22.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101364 | IE4195EM.A01 | 2999400 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101365 | IE4195EM.A02 | 2999400 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101366 | IE4195EM.A03 | 2999472 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101367 | IE4195EM.A04 | 2887729 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101368 | IE4195EM.ARJ | 2999453 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ------------------------------------------------------------ README for Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 April 98 ------------------------------------------------------------ (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1998 This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to supplement the Microsoft Internet Explorer documentation. You can also look at the Microsoft(R) Web site for the latest information. If you're looking for information about a specific program or component, try searching for it in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at http://www.microsoft.com/kb/default.asp. ------------------------ HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ------------------------ To view IE4.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print IE4.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then use the Print command on the File menu. CONTENTS ======== SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS SETUP Installing Internet Explorer 4.0 Running Internet Explorer 4.0 on Windows NT Running Internet Explorer 4.0 on a Dual-Boot Operating System Uninstalling Internet Explorer 4.0 Cannot Use Registry or ERD Files Created Before Installing Internet Explo |
101369 | IE4195ES.A01 | 3019400 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101370 | IE4195ES.A02 | 3019400 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101371 | IE4195ES.A03 | 3019400 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101372 | IE4195ES.A04 | 3019481 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101373 | IE4195ES.A05 | 2965282 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101374 | IE4195ES.ARJ | 3019400 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ------------------------------------------------------------ README for Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 April 98 ------------------------------------------------------------ (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1998 This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to supplement the Microsoft Internet Explorer documentation. You can also look at the Microsoft(R) Web site for the latest information. If you're looking for information about a specific program or component, try searching for it in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at http://www.microsoft.com/kb/default.asp. ------------------------ HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ------------------------ To view IE4.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print IE4.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then use the Print command on the File menu. CONTENTS ======== SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS SETUP Installing Internet Explorer 4.0 Running Internet Explorer 4.0 on Windows NT Running Internet Explorer 4.0 on a Dual-Boot Operating System Uninstalling Internet Explorer 4.0 Cannot Use Registry or ERD Files Created Before Installing Internet Explo |
101337 | IE4E32.EXE | 443160 | 06.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER, VERSION 4.0 |
101338 | IE4PAT95.EXE | 968856 | 18.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | mshtml.dll ADVPACK.DLL ie4pata.inf verinst.exe W95INF16.DLL W95INF32.DLL |
101339 | IE4PATNT.EXE | 968344 | 18.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | mshtml.dll ADVPACK.DLL ie4pata.inf verinst.exe W95INF16.DLL W95INF32.DLL |
101340 | IE4S32.EXE | 443456 | 06.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | MICROSOFT INTERNET EXPLORER, VERSIO 4.0 |
101375 | IF22-32.ZIP | 1668019 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | iF-22 v3.2 update by Interactive Magic Allows users to play the Persian Gulf Theater, Displays clouds at correct heights and so on. The original version of iF-22 is incompatible with patched versions in network games. |
101376 | IGN3DFX3.ZIP | 344480 | 13.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Ignition 3Dfx update Release 3. Add 3Dfx support to Ignition. Now works with Voodoo2 cards |
101377 | IKX069.A01 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101378 | IKX069.A02 | 2999648 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101379 | IKX069.A03 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101380 | IKX069.A04 | 2671649 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101381 | IKX069.ARJ | 2999625 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Kesmai Legends v0.69beta Internet-pelattavan roolipelin betaversion ilmainen pteohjelma, Windows. |
101382 | IL10.ZIP | 838240 | 29.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Asenna.exe |
101383 | ILGDM221.ZIP | 203021 | 19.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º iLogic Software and Alexander Wilkens presents º º º º DirMaster v2.21 - Released June 25th, 1995 º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ DirMaster is a powerful Directory Opus (Amiga) inspired filemanager for OS/2 PM. Fully HPFS aware, with two dir windows/lists, more than 30 internal functions, user-configurable functions, support for 7 archivers, ZipStream support, multi-language, drag&drop, click&click and much more! |
101384 | IMAGESTD.LHA | 421359 | 06.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ImageStudio 1.2.1 |
101385 | INC_103E.ZIP | 175964 | 09.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Incubation version 1.03 update |
101386 | INCDEMO.A01 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101387 | INCDEMO.A02 | 2999433 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101388 | INCDEMO.A03 | 2999509 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101389 | INCDEMO.A04 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101390 | INCDEMO.A05 | 1495250 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101391 | INCDEMO.ARJ | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Incubation: Time Is Running Out Playable Demo by Blue Byte - turn-based tactical game with a vast array of weaponry and equipment. Uses "Extreme Assault" 3D graphics engine with user-controlled free floating camera. Demo lets you lead a squad of marines through the first four missions or up to 3 friends in multi-player over LAN, the Internet or modem/serial link. Req. P90, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX 5, supports 3Dfx. |
101392 | INCMI151.ZIP | 531215 | 02.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Incubation: The Wilderness Missions v1.51 update. Blue Byte |
101393 | INTER48A.ZIP | 368274 | 13.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 48 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. Contains over 7800 entries (plus more than 3100 tables) in inter48a to inter48d, conversion programs to create hypertext databases as well as other miscellaneous programs in inter48e, and WinHelp utilities in inter48f. |
101394 | INTER48B.ZIP | 367503 | 13.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 48 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. Contains over 7800 entries (plus more than 3100 tables) in inter48a to inter48d, conversion programs to create hypertext databases as well as other miscellaneous programs in inter48e, and WinHelp utilities in inter48f. |
101395 | INTER48C.ZIP | 368579 | 13.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 48 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. Contains over 7800 entries (plus more than 3100 tables) in inter48a to inter48d, conversion programs to create hypertext databases as well as other miscellaneous programs in inter48e, and WinHelp utilities in inter48f. |
101396 | INTER48D.ZIP | 251222 | 13.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 48 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. Contains over 7800 entries (plus more than 3100 tables) in inter48a to inter48d, conversion programs to create hypertext databases as well as other miscellaneous programs in inter48e, and WinHelp utilities in inter48f. |
101397 | INTER48E.ZIP | 349452 | 13.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 48 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. Contains over 7800 entries (plus more than 3100 tables) in inter48a to inter48d, conversion programs to create hypertext databases as well as other miscellaneous programs in inter48e, and WinHelp utilities in inter48f. |
101398 | INTER48F.ZIP | 165324 | 13.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MSDOS Interrupt List, Release 48 A Comprehensive listing of interrupt calls, both documented and undocumented. Contains over 7800 entries (plus more than 3100 tables) in inter48a to inter48d, conversion programs to create hypertext databases as well as other miscellaneous programs in inter48e, and WinHelp utilities in inter48f. |
101399 | ISTUDIO1.LHA | 729292 | 12.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | README.txt ~~~~~~~~~~ There are a few points of interest you should know before installing ImageStudio. o If you are a registered user of ImageStudio v1.x.x, you may upgrade using this version. Simply select the 'Create keyfile' option in the 'Project' menu of this version of ImageStudio. You will be asked to give your registered v1.x.x of ImageStudio, from which a personalised keyfile will be created. This keyfile will unlock this version of ImageStudio to work with full sized images. For more details, see the 'Upgrading from v1.x.x' in the 'Introduction' section of the documentation. o The ImageStudio disks must be called "ImageStudio_1", "ImageStudio_2" etc... in order for the installer script to work. o LX, used to decompress the files during installation, has been found to crash on some machines. If you find the installer crashes, perform the following: i) Make a copy of ImageStudio_1 disk. ii) Delete LX from the disk. iii) Copy LHA onto the disk and rename it LX. iv) Install again. This of course assumes that you have the LHA compressor program handy. We cannot distribute LHA ourselves, as this is not allowed by LHA's author. |
101400 | ISTUDIO2.LHA | 374957 | 12.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ImageStudio, shareware image processing and conversion package for the Amiga. |
101401 | IVIEW285.ZIP | 319539 | 20.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | What is IrfanView32 ? IrfanView32 is a fast FREEWARE image viewer/converter for Win95/NT. Supported file formats: JPG/JPEG, GIF, BMP, DIB, RLE, PCX, DCX, PNG, TIFF, TGA, RAS/SUN, ICO, CUR, ANI, AVI, WAV, MID, RMI, WMF, EMF, PBM, PGM, PPM, IFF/LBM, PSD, CPT, EPS, CLP, CAM, MPG/MPEG, MOV and Photo-CD(Overview Photo-CD support). Some features of IrfanView: Preview option, Drag&Drop support, fast directory view (fast moving through directory), slideshow, batch conversion, print option, change the color depth, scan support, cut/crop and many many more ... The first graphic viewer WORDLWIDE with Animated-GIF support ! The first graphic viewer WORDLWIDE with Multiple-ICO support ! One of the first graphic viewers with Multipage-TIFF support ! FREEWARE for use at home ! Download: http://stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e9227474/download.html Author: Skiljan Irfan E-Mail: e9227474@student.tuwien.ac.at WWW: http://stud1.tuwien.ac.at/~e9227474/ Much fun ! |
101402 | IWAR121.ZIP | 592117 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Independence War/I-War v1.21 udpate Addresses several issues in the original release of Independence War and the I-War 3DFX. 1. Third Party Force Feedback joysticks such as the CH now 2. A -norudder option has been added to work around the Windows98 joystick driver problem. 3. CD access when loading speech has been improved. 4. The crash that occurs sometimes when clicking on the tracking device has been fixed. |
101939 | JAZZ-1.ZIP | 37246 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | JAZZ1.MOD |
101403 | JF3UPDT1.ZIP | 867191 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | JetFighter III Update 1 Beta Mission Studios / Interplay This update allows JetFighter III to be run from Windows 95 and fixes the sound problems in Windows 95. |
101404 | JFS16301.ZIP | 474947 | 12.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | JellyFish Player v3.01 by Effect Software Neural net-based Backgammon program that can play at expert levels. The author claims that on the highest playing level, the program matches the best humans in the world. Plays matches of any length, or 'money games' where each point is equally valuable. 7 levels and the ability to log games or matches to a file. Windows 16-bit |
101405 | JIGALO20.ZIP | 1111749 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Jigsaws Galore, v2.0 |
101406 | JK142.ZIP | 475737 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | JKB.DAT SETUP.EXE SETUP.BIN |
101407 | JSF_DEMO.A01 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101408 | JSF_DEMO.A02 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101409 | JSF_DEMO.A03 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101410 | JSF_DEMO.A04 | 2999576 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101411 | JSF_DEMO.A05 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101412 | JSF_DEMO.A06 | 1409092 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101413 | JSF_DEMO.ARJ | 2999464 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Joint Strike Fighter playable demo by Eidos Interactive. Time limited - 4 mins. Simulation of the Lockheed Martin X-35 and Boeing X-32 fighters with real-time dynamic campaigns in four vast scenarios. Req. Win95 P133, 16 MB, 1 Mb vidcard, DirectX5. Supports 3Dfx accelerator. |
101414 | JSFV112.ZIP | 457738 | 27.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Joint Strike Fighter v1.11 Beta update Eidos Interactive New in v1.11: Reduced multiplayer latency (Latency is reduced to packet sizes of 0.7-1.5K. This means Modem and Serial Multiplayer games are MUCH smoother.) And more. |
101415 | JUMPSH21.ZIP | 1167645 | 21.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Jump Shot Basketball v2.1 BY Shot Sports Software. Sports. chance for you to coach your favorite NBA team, manage a league, or build your own league from current players. The games are statistics-based, with Monte Carlo random actions to determine a play-by-play sequence. You can watch the game develop through a sequence of actions or you can choose autoplay and allow the full game to cycle through. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
101416 | JWLINR23.ZIP | 714199 | 28.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | JewlLinr Version 2.3 32-bit version Ed Adasiewicz 260 Richmond Lane Village of Lakewood, IL 60014 (815) 459-3618 eda@mc.net http://user.mc.net/~eda JewlLinr is a 32-bit Microsoft Windows 95 application that prints and saves liners for jewel boxes. JewlLinr comes with templates (formats) to produce liners for both CD (2 parts) and ZIP disk (1 part) jewel cases. You have total control over typefaces, fold and cut lines, text rotation, liner dimensions, tab stops and text styles and can view an on-screen WYSIWYG version of the liner before printing. You can also define and save formats that can be used as templates for new liners, sequentially print multiple liners (even on the same page) and include pictures in various graphics formats. You can define additional 'areas' anywhere on a liner. Text can be entered and stylized within an area; and graphics can be stretched over or centered within an area. The image that is displayed on the CRT screen approximates what w |
101417 | K95_12.ZIP | 2158031 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Kali95 v1.2 Req. Win95 with 32-bit PPP Internet connection, 486/50, 14.4K modem |
101418 | K95SETUP.EXE | 286777 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101419 | K9712.ZIP | 1665454 | 04.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Kahn v1.2 for Windows 95. Kali-like software to play ANY IPX network supporting game over the Internet. Very efficient and fast, lag-minimizing programming. Search for Games, Users, and Servers anywhere in the Kahn Network 21 day free completely working demo version. Registering $15. StarGate Networks. |
101420 | KALEID20.ZIP | 13991 | 12.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Kaleidoscopic Simulation Screen Saver for Windows 3.1 version 2.0 Features : Good results on standard VGA Takes advantage of 256 colors, and HighColor, and TrueColor modes when available. Takes advantage of accelerated Graphics cards (On an accelerated Card, this has to be the fastest kaleidoscope in existence!) Cheap. Flexible. Fully Configurable. Installation : 1) Place the file kaleid.scr into your windows directory. 2) Run CONTROL PANEL. 3) Double click on the Desktop Icon. 4) In the Screen Saver Section, under name, select Kaleidoscope Simulation. Press [Setup] to configure kaleidoscope. Press [Test] to test out the configuration you have selected. For Best Results, EXPERIMENT with the settings. It's fun, and can give you totally different results. I run 4 or 5 different video modes, and use different settings for each mode. So play with the settings a little. For the fastest results, set line width to 1!!! Note however that the fastest display is not always the most stunning. The settings are e |
101421 | KATETRIS.ZIP | 49137 | 05.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | KATETRIS V1.0 Copyright (C)1995 ShadowClog Systems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author: Paul Pekkarinen/ShadowClog Systems |
101422 | KEYNOT32.ZIP | 619335 | 22.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | KeyNote Music Drills 32-Bit ver. 1.41 for Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 was designed to help music students learn to identify the notes of the bass clef, treble clef, and grand staff, and to locate their positions on the keyboard or guitar finger board. Also, there are additional drills for the alto and tenor clefs. Options include timed drills, set drill item count, and visual feedback for elapsed time via progress indicator bar, and sound playback. |
101423 | KIHIHII_.ZIP | 63344 | 31.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Arvoisa Kihihii! -kõyttõjõ! Lienee paikallaan informoida teitõ //vaNaSoft Kihihii! -ohjelman 16- ja 32- bittisten versioiden eroista. 16-bittinen Kihihii! -------------------------- - Maksimissaan kuusikymmentõ nimeõ / joukko, yhteensõ 120 nimeõ - Listaus oletuksena laskujõrjestyksessõ, suuruusjõrjestys voidaan laskea erikseen - Vaatii VBRUN300.DLL -kirjastom 32-bittinen Kihihii! -------------------------- - Joukon koolla ei havaittavaa maksimikokoa - Listaus jõrjestetõõn laskemisen aikana, ei listausta laskujõrjestyksessõ - reaaliaikainen statistiikkanõytt÷ - Vaatii Visual Basic 4.0 ajonaikasen kirjaston Kumpikin versio toimii Windows 95:ssõ ja uudemmissa siinõ mõõrin kuin ne ylipõõnsõ toimivat. Windows 3.11 ja vanhemmissa toimii vain 16-bittinen versio. Ikuisesti teidõn... Ismo Kiesilõinen //vaNaSoft PS. www.mbnet.fi/~timpu/kihihii/ voi joskus olla katsomisen arvoinen, saa nõhdõ. |
101424 | KOMODO18.ZIP | 439864 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Komodo Market v1.8 by Komodo Software stock market simulation game that lets you speculate without actually losing assets. The fast-moving game market and moving ticker continue as you trade stocks and options, buy stock on cash or margin, buy and sell both calls and puts and more. Windows 3.x |
101425 | KOOHG105.ZIP | 1070704 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Koohg v1.05 by Artishock, Inc. Boardgame. Animated board game that's similar to Chinese Checkers. Two or four players need to get their game pieces into the correct colored positions by moving one square at a time, or jumping over adjacent 49 game board designs and easily create your own. Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/NT. |
101426 | KYO1021.ZIP | 3747014 | 18.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Kyodai Mahjongg v10.21 by Rene-Gilles Deberdt Erittin laadukas ja hyvgrafiikkainen Mahjongg-lautapeli. Sislt mys suomenkielen. Win95/98/NT |
101427 | KYODAI20.ZIP | 192201 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | KYODAI v2.02 Released on June 6, 1997 A Mah Jongg Solitaire Game for Windows 95 Reflexion/Strategy Shareware (registration 16$ or 50ff) Copyright (c) 1997 by Rene-Gilles "Naoki" Deberdt |
101428 | L98U132.ZIP | 5374689 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Links LS '98 version 1.32 update |
101429 | LAV | 2648 | 08.03.1993 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101430 | LB2_DDU.ZIP | 2659890 | 15.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Longbow 2 display driver update. Jane's Combat Simulations Display Driver update notes: This is a display driver update to allow Longbow 2 to run 3D accelerated on 3D accelerator cards using the following chipsets: Riva 128 Rendition Verite V2100 and V2200 TI/3D Labs Permedia 2 Intel i740 Matrox G200 The Display Driver upgrade may support other chipsets; however, only the above five have been thoroughly tested. |
101431 | LB2209E.ZIP | 3603532 | 16.08.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Longbow 2 v2.09 update. This patch fixes (among other things) known bugs such as the autopilot occasionally disengaging, hat issues with some joysticks and includes a filter to remove some harsh language in the game. This patch also includes support to play Longbow 2 on Janes combat.net. Jane's Combat Simulations |
101432 | LBENCH13.LHA | 15566 | 15.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Lazy Bench V1.3, tarpeelliset ohjelmat nopeasti saataville hiiren napautuksella mista tahansa |
101433 | LC105.A01 | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101434 | LC105.A02 | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101435 | LC105.A03 | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101436 | LC105.A04 | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101437 | LC105.A05 | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101438 | LC105.A06 | 922657 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101439 | LC105.ARJ | 1456562 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Legal Crime v1.05 Internet-pelattava reaaliaikainen strategiapeli . Kamppaile 1930-luvun Chigacon tyyppisess kaupungissa vallasta ja rahasta Syndicate-tyyppisesti. Vaatii Windows 95/NT4.0 P100 16 Mt 14.4K modeemi www.byteenchanters.com |
101440 | LC115U.ZIP | 1860723 | 14.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Legal Crime 1.1.5 update. Pivitt LC 1.0.5 ja uudemmat versiot versiion 1.1.5. |
101441 | LFTP194.ZIP | 637221 | 19.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | -------------------------------------------------------------------- LeechFTP 1.3 (Build 194) released 4.12.98 -------------------------------------------------------------------- - FTPSearch Fix #2: The HTML output from the FTPSearch web server was changed a few days ago, it's nothing big but it kept the FTPsearch module from working ! - Problems with loading of external queue files should now be fixed for once and for all (hopefully!) + ACE files are now recognized and checked for integrity. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Feedback -------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have serious problems concerning running this software or if you discover any bugs, feel free to contact me. Due to the overwhelming number of mails I receive daily, I cannot guarantee to reply to every mail. My mail address: Jan Debis |
101442 | LFTPSUOM.ZIP | 6862 | 11.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Suomenkielinen käännöstiedosto LeechFTP:lle. Versio 1.3 build 164 (Päivitys 3.8.1998). ============================================ Asennus: -------- Kopioi tiedosto language.dat hakemistoon, minne LeechFTP on asennettu. Muuta: ------ LeechFTP:n rakenteesta johtuen työkaluvihjeitä, ohjetiedostoa ja muutamia muita (esim. hakemisto- tietojen kokoyksikköjä) kohtia ei voinut suomentaa, mutta ne suomentuvat kenties tulevissa versioissa. Tekijä: ------- Jos haluat ottaa minuun yhteyttä kommenttien, kehujen, kritisoinnin, haukkujen tms. muodossa, tee se sähköpostitse osoitteeseen |
101443 | LIIGA34.ZIP | 116026 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Tss uusin Dukeliigapaketti ("Fin Liiga") Paketti sislt 2 Bat tiedostoa. Suosittelen, ett kaikki thdell (*) vilkkuvat tiedostot luetaan.. Uusia Liigalaisia otetaan aina vastaan, joten ilmoituksia vain minulle. Pura paketti omaan hakemistoon ja kynnist komento LIIGA.BAT Kaikki, jotka ovat tss liigassa, niin imuttakkaa tm!! Pivitetty 8.1. - 99 By : ChainDog |
101444 | LMUSE05C.ZIP | 641950 | 29.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | LMUSe v0.5c 03/19/98 ================ Changes from v0: ================ as of 3/19/98: Various small changes and fixes. (nothing major) as of 3/12/98: Extended the range of the `spread' parameters to negative values to `invert' maps. as of 3/11/98: new symbol '*(x)' to write to MIDI channel x. Transpose stack, T(x)...T, bug fix. (wasn't transposing *down*!) as of 3/09/98: Added some graphical buttons. small bug fixes. as of 3/03/98: bug fixes and cosmetic changes as of 3/01/98: new symbols for push (`\') and pop (`/') time without otherwise changing the current state. This makes creating parallel (in time) musical lines more flexible. as of 2/28/98: Fixed a major flaw that was not popping the angle from the state stack properly. as of 2/27/98: Fixed a bug that was crashing on state stack underflow. as of 2/26/98: Added three independent stacks. Pitch transpostion stack, velocity multiplier and duration multiplier stacks. as of 2/25/98: Added "v(x)" to the symbol alphabet. v(x) multiplies note velocities. as of 2/23/98: Changes to mutation routines. More small cos |
101445 | LOAD3DFX.A01 | 4499502 | 24.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101446 | LOAD3DFX.A02 | 3566635 | 24.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101447 | LOAD3DFX.ARJ | 4499595 | 24.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Spec Ops version 1.3 BETA update for 3Dfx cards All ranger weapons available on all levels. BMP50 now available. White phosphorus grenades now available. Loadouts saved for every phase of all missions. Dead helicopters no longer continue firing. Weapons receive extra clips. No tracers for sniper weapons. |
101940 | LOADER1.ZIP | 3909 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | LOADER.MOD |
101448 | LOADNORM.A01 | 3999498 | 24.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101449 | LOADNORM.A02 | 3390152 | 24.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101450 | LOADNORM.ARJ | 3999496 | 24.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Spec Ops version 1.3 BETA update for 2D cards All ranger weapons available on all levels. BMP50 now available. White phosphorus grenades now available. Loadouts saved for every phase of all missions. Dead helicopters no longer continue firing. Weapons receive extra clips. No tracers for sniper weapons. |
101451 | LOCIP12.ZIP | 1978082 | 29.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | To install LocalIP just execute the file setup.exe |
101452 | LOGIC202.ZIP | 1016319 | 24.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Logication V2.02 BY Brain Block Interactive fascinating turn-based strategy board game for one or two players. Action takes place on a game grid, with each side protecting a command base icon called a "Logicator." Play is simple: Game tokens are marked with a symbol that clearly indicates that piece's legal moves. You capture enemy pieces by moving onto an occupied square and win the game by capturing your opponent's Logicator. wildly addictive. Windows 95, 98, or NT LUCKY STARS Video Slots V4.6 A Slot Machine |
101453 | LOM202.ZIP | 6394322 | 21.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Lords of Magic version v2.02 update updates all previous versions into 2.02 |
101454 | LUNBAR98.ZIP | 1189902 | 13.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | 0001B45D.exe |
101455 | LW30.ZIP | 1950590 | 12.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | LiveWire/WPS 3.0 ================ September 18, 1995 |
101456 | LW31.ZIP | 1932721 | 05.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | LiveWire/WPS 3.1 ================ October 31, 1995 |
101457 | LYNX_W32.ZIP | 442832 | 24.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Using raplayer with Lynx in Win95 (and maybe NT?). It takes a little work. First you need to have raplayer and have it in your path. Next you need to have a HOME variable pointing to a valid directory. Then you create a .mailcap in the home directory (It works in Win95) and put this in it: audio/x-pn-realaudio; raplayer %s Remember that once you set the HOME variable your bookmarks need to be there as well. The only problem is it pops you into full GUI mode when the player starts up but you can flip back over and all will be ok. |
101458 | LZX120.LHA | 145034 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | LZX 1.20 (Evaluation) - Pakkausohjelma Amigalle. Pakkaa yleens paremmin kuin LhA. - Mukana versiot 68000, 68020/68030 ja 68040/68060 prosessoreille. 68000 versiota voidaan kytt KS 1.3. Muut versiot vaativat 2.04 tai uudemman. - Shareware |
101459 | M1TP2V12.ZIP | 600198 | 26.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | M1 Tank Platoon II v1.2 update MicroProse several fixes, changes, and additions. |
101460 | M2V0992.A01 | 3999546 | 26.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101461 | M2V0992.A02 | 3999490 | 26.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101462 | M2V0992.A03 | 3999665 | 26.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101463 | M2V0992.A04 | 3999477 | 26.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101464 | M2V0992.A05 | 3999471 | 26.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101465 | M2V0992.A06 | 3535777 | 26.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101466 | M2V0992.ARJ | 3999484 | 26.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Mordor II: Darkness Awakening v0.992b Limited Beta with OpenGL. By VB Designs -The sequel to the slash 'n bash Windows RPG, Mordor. Req. Win95/NT4, 486/66, 16MB. |
101467 | MAGICMEN.LHA | 110126 | 21.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Magic Menu V 1.27 |
101468 | MAINXCHN.A01 | 3373410 | 19.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101469 | MAINXCHN.ARJ | 3999200 | 19.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | MainXchange Client Free Online multiplayer strategy/business by MainXchange, Inc. Online stock trading game. All players will be given 100,000 BuX of virtual currency, gains or losses are of the virtual currency only. Req. Internet connection and Windows 95 |
101470 | MARBL099.ZIP | 804899 | 11.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Crazy Marbles v0.99p - you try to guide your marble though a number of obsticles to safety You will have 45 seconds for each level. maps consist of holes and hills. You should try to avoid the holes. The hills may help or hinder you. A bit like the old classic Marble Madness. Now Voodoo3 & Banshee support. Requires PC P90 16MB 3Dfx Glide 2.23+ www.gotm.org/marble/ |
101471 | MARBLE32.ZIP | 654704 | 16.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Crazy Marbles - you try to guide your marble though a number of obsticles to safety. You will have 45 seconds for each level. maps consist of holes and hills. You should try to avoid the holes. The hills may help or hinder you. A bit like the old classic Marble Madness. Requires PC 3Dfx Glide version. |
101472 | MARBLEGL.ZIP | 833209 | 16.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Crazy Marbles - you try to guide your marble though a number of obsticles to safety. You will have 45 seconds for each level. maps consist of holes and hills. You should try to avoid the holes. The hills may help or hinder you. A bit like the old classic Marble Madness. Requires PC OpenGL version. |
101473 | MAX2P14.ZIP | 1692380 | 03.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | M.A.X. 2 v1.4 update for the US version Interplay |
101474 | MBCOPY.CFG | 23988 | 19.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101475 | MBRELE.ZIP | 3016847 | 01.06.1999 | - | MBCD | - | MSVCRT40.dl_ Sorsat.zip StdOle2.tl_ MSVBVM50.dl_ SETUP.LST ST5UNST.EX_ WIN95IO.DL_ Ctl3d32.dl_ OlePro32.dl_ AsycFilt.dl_ MBRele.ex_ OleAut32.dl_ MFC40.dl_ VB5StKit.dl_ setup1.ex_ THREED32.OC_ ASENNA.EXE ComCat.dl_ |
101476 | MBSALAMA.ZIP | 2055759 | 01.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Sorsat.zip Ohjelma.zip |
101477 | MBSIM076.ZIP | 64960 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | MBnet Simulaattori v0.76 Erittin aito simulaatio mbnetist ja sen chatista! Jopa shefukomennot toimivat! Kaikki virtuaalikyttjt ovat oikeita henkilit. Modeemituki kahdella henkilll!! Vaatii 386, DPMI-muistia. ANSI-ajuria ei en tarvita. Tehnyt Samuli Kajantola. |
101478 | MBWIND.ZIP | 1538259 | 03.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Sorsat.zip MBWindprg.zip |
101479 | MC20.ZIP | 781390 | 17.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Jasc Media Center v2.0 |
101480 | MCAL01.ZIP | 648299 | 17.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Master Cheater Cheat Tool (Alpha Version) cheat tool from the programmer of the Magic Trainer Creator. This tool is designed to work with 3Dfx games and those games that have Alt+Tab protection. |
101481 | MCX239.LHA | 53920 | 04.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | +-------------------------------------------+ | MultiCX 2.39 (1.1.96) | | The ultimate Multi-Function-Commodity !!! | +-------------------------------------------+ | Now including ShapeShifter Support, | | Opaque Windows and much more! | +-------------------------------------------+ |
101482 | MD3D1081.A01 | 3099200 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101483 | MD3D1081.A02 | 2827048 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101484 | MD3D1081.ARJ | 3099200 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | MechWarrior 2: Mercenaries v1.081 beta update Activision Upgrade to support Direct3D! This is a beta version supports all 3Dfx Chipsets (Voodoo Graphics/Rush), Rendition Verite Chipsets, and STB Nitro 3D. * All new high-res (16-bit) graphics * Better combat lighting * Level fogging * Bilinear filtering * MIP mapping * Moving skydome with infinite horizon * Several mission fixes to make scenarios more playable. NOTE: This patch should now work with any version of Mercenaries |
101485 | MECHFRCE.LHA | 204177 | 14.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | ************************************************************************** Copyright and Disclamier notice -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MECHFORCE V3.65 ©1989 By Ralph H. Reed This software is very similar to the BattleTech system which is copyright 1985-1989 © FASA Corporation. However it not exactly the same. Some ideas have been used without permission of FASA Corporation. Some areas and ideas have been changed to protect the rights of FASA Corporation and others. The Mechforce program, its code, ideas, pictures and documentation within are Copyright © 1989 by Ralph H. Reed. MechForce is a utility system which allows people to test "mechs" in a "game arena" for the purpose of seeing how they would do against other mechs. Previous version of BattleFort and BattleForce are no longer supported. *************************************************************************** MechForce Setup MechForce is a ShareWare program. If you play the game and decide you like it, a contribution of $25 is requested. Those that contribu |
101486 | MEDVL106.ZIP | 678670 | 22.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Medieval version 1.06 update |
101487 | MEGBRTR.LHA | 23501 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Megatrainer for Breathless |
101488 | MEMSZ301.ZIP | 396926 | 13.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | System Resources v3.01 (Rick Papo, 16 October 1995, Free). A simple utility for monitoring system activity and resources. Source included. English, French, Spanish, German, Catal n, Danish, Chinese (BIG5) and Norwegian language files. |
101489 | MESSAGE.ZIP | 156090 | 03.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ********************************************* * Program: MESSAGE.EXE * * Author : R.J. Lindelof * * Email : lindy@mc.net * * Home : http://user.mc.net/lindy * ********************************************* #### Description: Program can display custom messages that are user specified. #### Setup: 1. Run MESSAGE.EXE 2. Select the text to be displayed, if any 3. Select the message image 4. Select the buttons to display, if any 5. Select when to display the message Specify number of minutes or specify the time to display message #### Command Line: Now supports command line loading of .CFG file. Use it like this: MESSAGE.EXE /c{Path + name of CFG file} ** Note: Use |
101490 | MFCDLLS.ZIP | 594010 | 27.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | INSTALL Extract files to a temporary directory, right click "mfcdlls.inf" and select "Install" from the pop-up menu. UNINSTALL Open Control Panel|Add/Remove Programs, select "MFC 4.2 Dynamic Link Libraries (Remove Only)" and click "Remove". |
101491 | MFCS15.ZIP | 89549 | 14.12.1999 | - | MBCD | - | MultiFormat Cheat System v1.5 by XRay Huijauksia PC, Amiga, C64, N64, PSX ja Dreamcast-peleihin yht. 500 kpl. Vaatii 4DOS 6.00B:n tai uudemman. Freeware. |
101492 | MIAMI20J.RUN | 718306 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101493 | MINE103E.LHA | 258195 | 09.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Mine! 1.03 (English/Finnish) Shareware. Very good minesweeper-clone. 6 different graphics. Very flexiple, you can use your own graphics/musics/sounds/texts. Computer keeps up players games/wins/totaltimes... on every level. Requires 1 MB memory. Author: Pasi Laaksonen |
101495 | MIRC541T.EXE | 921600 | 11.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101494 | MIRC55T.EXE | 974848 | 12.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101941 | MK_WORLD.ZIP | 143238 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | MK#WORLD.XM |
101496 | MK98-15.ZIP | 2273789 | 28.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Metal Knights 98 v1.5 Internet KnightSoft/ Spectrum Pacific Publishing Multi-player strategy game that was designed to be as intuitive and easy to play as possible. Conquer cities and resources, build units and factories in a bit Empire like top viewed turn-based strategy game. Local & Internet multiplayer. NetMetal game server for easy opponent finding. turn based strategy game. Win95 Pentium |
101497 | MLINK132.LHA | 125930 | 16.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Multilink by Ezra Story (Release 1 Copyright (c) 1994, 1995) |
101498 | MM610-11.ZIP | 1583959 | 10.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Might and Magic VI v1.1 update. 3DO. Cyrix fixes. NPC functionality fixes, quests fixed, problems addressed and so on. Much important things corrected. |
101499 | MMDIA10B.ZIP | 830891 | 30.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | TITLE Multimodemia v1.0 Copyright (C) 1999 Lior Ostrowsky. All rights reserved. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION This software is owned and copyrighted by the author, and is released as "freeware." No fee should be charged for its use. It may be freely distributed, but the author retains all rights to the program. DESCRIPTION Multimodemia is a Windows 95/98 Dial-Up Adapter monitor that enhances Dial Up Networking. It shows the modem sent/received status, plays a .wav file when common modem events occur, and can automatically close down the active connection, as well as Shutdown Windows. INSTALLATION Run Setup.exe to start the installation. You can uninstall MultiModemia via control panel Add/Remove Programs. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - Windows 95, Windows 98. - Dial-Up Networking v1.3 (Needed only for showing sent/received status). RELEASE NOTES Version 1.0 (Beta): Initial Release Version 1.0 : MultiModemia is now full real time modem status monitoring program. Added some more options. ADDITIONAL IMFORMATION Can be found in Mmdia.hlp AUTHOR CONTACT Web site: http://members.tripod.com/~leeos E-mail (Your comments and suggestions are welcome!): lior_o@yahoo.com lioro@hotmail.com |
101500 | MMMBEIBI.MP3 | 528457 | 30.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101942 | MN_RTRH.ZIP | 143062 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Rave There Rave Here HiiHoo! Rave by MeNtAl/DataKraft Realities |
101943 | MN_TRIP.ZIP | 268045 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: Trip Through the Melodyland Melodic techno by MeNtAl/DK Realities |
101501 | MNEMANIA.ZIP | 1036742 | 02.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Minesweeper Mania v1.0 A combination of deductive thinking and risk taking. All sorts of Mines and Traps wait to be stumbled across. Use the many kinds of helpful Items to fight back! You can use Coins which are found to purchase Health units and Items from the merchant. 12 challenging levels to survive through! Windows 3.1+ |
101502 | MODEDIT3.ZIP | 75686 | 23.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MODEDIT.CFG MODEDIT.EXE |
101503 | MODEL3.LHA | 108317 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | trs80: The TRS-80 Model III emulator for the Amiga. |
101504 | MONI1097.ZIP | 5833 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Monitorien markkinakartoitus Mbnetiin |
101505 | MORIART.ZIP | 556656 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SHERLOCK II: DINNER WITH MORIARTY More logic problems in the tradition of Sherlock. Professor Moriarty is seated at the dinner table with 5 guests, one of whom is being poisoned. Locate the poison and Moriarty, based upon clues. For Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and NT. Shareware: $19 EVERETT KASER SOFTWARE |
101506 | MOZART13.ZIP | 814783 | 03.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MOZART the Windows 3.1 Music Processor creates, edits, and prints music scores and individual parts using the computer keybord only; is WYSIWYG; saves scores to disk and exports MIDI files for "aural preview" on multimedia PC's. For both serious amateur & novice users. |
101507 | MR3_06.ZIP | 798350 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Moto Racer Matrox m3D update Add Matrox m3D support to EA's Moto Racer |
101508 | MSDUN12.ZIP | 1551730 | 24.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Dial-Up Networking 1.2 upgrade with Winsock v1.1 for the older Windows 95 systems. |
101509 | MSISDN11.ZIP | 485567 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ISDN Accelerator Pack v1.1 In addition to helping you make Dial-Up Network connections over high-speed, digital ISDN lines, this pack also upgrades your standard dial-up networking and adds new features - even with a regular modem! |
101510 | MSRUNTIM.EXE | 1181645 | 28.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101511 | MSVBVM50.ZIP | 702158 | 26.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | MSVBVM50.DLL |
101512 | MTCE_125.ZIP | 1327109 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | MAGIC TRAINER CREATOR 1.25 ENGLISH VERSION TRAINERS MAKER FOR WIN 95's GAMES ONLY DON'T WORK ON CYRIX CPU and the last file for ta 1.2 beta 1.need read with the module EASY WRITE in games trainers. The Official Magic Trainer Creator Site is located at http://www.redbox.at/cheats/mtc.html |
101513 | MTIMER.ZIP | 134793 | 26.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Mordor II Monster Timer v3.0: When the system clock reaches either 12 noon or midnight, all monsters in the dungeon of Mordor reset. This program for Windows 95 will set the system to 12 on a click. Very useful in making fast money against dragons, or when a level is exhausted of monsters! Win95 |
101514 | MTUSPEED.ZIP | 129259 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | MTU-Speed Version 3.06 LEGAL BIT AND DISCLAIMER This software is freeware. However, I assert my right to be identified as the author of this software. It is not acceptable behaviour to disassemble or otherwise hack the executable. MTU-Speed is provided "as is" with no claims to its capabilities or stability. If you do not back up your registry prior to using this software then all I can say is "dont blame me!". Having said that I have never had any problems with it but it is sensible to take some precautions. ***** PLEASE BACK UP YOUR REGISTRY BEFORE USING MTU-Speed!! ***** VERSION HISTORY Version 3.06 -- Added Check box to allow changes to MaxMTU to be applied to all keys simultaneously. -- Removed bug that was present following certain button push combinations. It caused MaxMTU to be written as 0 instead of removing the key. -- Selecting either of the "Auto" options sets MaxMTU to "Remove". -- Implemented a second attempt to cure the "notepad starts hidded" problem experienced by some users. Version 3.05 -- Fixed major bug which caused RWIN to be incorrectly read on program start on certain occasions. Version 3.04 -- Corrected logic in "Optimum" and "basic" algorithms. After c |
101515 | MUI23DEV.LHA | 460804 | 28.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MUI.info |
101516 | MUI23USR.LHA | 678109 | 25.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MUI - MagicUserInterface Version 2.3 (c) Copyright 1993/94 by Stefan Stuntz - ShareWare - |
101517 | MUI31DEV.LHA | 588313 | 29.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MUI 3.1 - MagicUserInteface developer-paketti ohjelmoijille. |
101518 | MUI31USR.LHA | 790145 | 29.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MUI 3.1 (kyttjn paketti). Kyttliittym- kirjasto, jonka monet ohjelmat tarvitsevat. Shareware. |
101519 | MUI33USR.LHA | 816503 | 04.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MUI.info |
101520 | MXPLO122.ZIP | 825189 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Multimedia Xplorer V1.22 Browse, view, play, manage, and convert the most popular types of multimedia files with Multimedia Xplorer. This 32-bit application uses a slick-looking click-and-view interface to quickly display .jpg, .gif, .png, .tif, .bmp, .wmf, .pcx., and .ico graphics; audition the .wav, .mid, .rmi, .aif, .au, and .snd digital sound formats; and play .avi, .mpg, and .mov videos in its own display area, without opening any additional windows. Raster images can be converted to .jpg, .gif, .png, .tif, .bmp, and .pcx formats. By using built-in dithering, true-color images look good even if you're running in 256-color mode. One powerful utility for handling graphics, sounds, movies, and icons -- and a great shareware value, too. Windows 95 |
101521 | MYTH_12.ZIP | 1080441 | 03.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | The Fallen Lords v1.2 update from Bungie |
101522 | MZX-PS10.ZIP | 750040 | 29.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | __ ___ ____ _____ ___ ____ _ __ / |/ / / __ \__ / / | / _/ | |/ / / /|_/ / / / / / / / / /| | / / | / / / / / / /_/ / / /__/ ___ |_/ / / | /_/ /_/ \____/ /____/_/ |_|___/ /_/|_| -Innovative Internet Solutions- ---------------------------------------------- Psychedelic Spheroids I ---------------------------------------------- Mozaix Graphic Design proudly presents 'Psychedelic Spheroids I' desktop wallpaper. This is a collection of 4 professionally designed, 3D rendered images at 800 x 600 resolution. These orb shaped designs will brighten up any computer with their exquisite detail and lighting effects. Even better, these are completely free images, there are no watermarks or advertisements, just beautiful artwork. This package includes: -Brown Boron -Golden Geranium -Orange Osmium -Red Rubidium REQUIRMENTS: ~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Windows 95/NT -3.6MB of disk space -Suggested 16bit color or higher display -Suggested 800 x 600 resolution HOW TO MAKE THESE YOUR WALLPAPER: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you haven't already, download this file (mzx-ps10.zip) and run the Psychedelic Spheroids 1.exe installation progra |
101523 | N32E303P.EXE | 5800448 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101524 | N32E407.EXE | 10205213 | 06.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101525 | NEOTR202.ZIP | 1183245 | 19.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | NeoTrace v2.02 nytt kartalta, mit reitti IP-paketit tulevat koneelle Internetiss. Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.neoworx.com |
101526 | NF97_11E.ZIP | 631466 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | *****************************Patch.txt**************************** USNF'97 v1.1 Patch ENGLISH ****************************************************************** Table of Contents I. Letter from EA II. Installation Instructions III. Changes and Additions IV. Troubleshooting V. Product Support Information ****************************************************************** I. LETTER FROM EA Thank you for obtaining the Jane's Combat Simulations - U.S. Navy Fighters 97 v1.1 Patch (English). ****************************************************************** II. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To install the patch, do the following: 1. Copy the file NF97_11E.exe to your USNF`97 directory. 2. Double-click on the file named NF97_11E.exe. You should have the following files present after running the self extracting executable NF97_11E.exe: PATCH.RTP PATCH.EXE PATCH.TXT PATCH.BAT 3. Double-click on the file named PATCH.BAT. A DOS window will open and you will be given some information about the patch (see below): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! |
101527 | NH322PM.ZIP | 1107711 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | NETHACK v3.2.2 Protected Mode NetHack is a Dungeons and Dragons like game where you (the adventurer) descend into the depths of the dungeon in search of the Amulet of Yendor. You are accom- panied by a pet that can help you in many ways and can be trained to do all sorts of things. On the way you will find useful (or useless) items (quite possibly with magic properties), and assorted mons- ters. Unlike most adventure games, which give you a verbal description of your location, NetHack gives you a visual image of the dungeon level you are on. |
101528 | NHLI423.ZIP | 260492 | 03.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | NHLINFO 4.23 Toni Wilenin NHLINFON DOS-versio. (Tukee mys NHL 98) |
101529 | NHPLUS01.ZIP | 366099 | 07.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Fourth Bryan Productions Proudly Presents: ChrHack A program for IBM computers and compatables with EGA/VGA graphics to play NetHack with graphics. |
101530 | NHPLUS02.ZIP | 558000 | 07.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | NETHACK.EXE |
101531 | NIR102A.ZIP | 179674 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Napoleon in Russia V1.02a update by Talonsoft Windows 95 Fixes the leader facing problem that cropped up in v1.02. |
101532 | NIR103UK.ZIP | 413585 | 10.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Battleground VI: Napoleon In Russia v1.03 update for UK version only |
101533 | NITE3D17.ZIP | 921295 | 16.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | NITEMARE-3D, A House of Horrors v1.7 |
101534 | NM.ZIP | 1018888 | 30.08.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Net.Medic works with a user's browser to monitor, isolate, diagnose, and correct Internet or intranet performance problems. Lets users identify the source of their network bottleneck whether it is the PC, modem, Internet Service Provider (ISP), Internet backbone, or remote Web site server. Identifies problems in split seconds, offers recommendations for solving them, and in many cases, automatically fixes them. Windows 95. |
101944 | NRG.ZIP | 83454 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | ENERGY.MOD |
101535 | NSP_13.ZIP | 278492 | 03.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Nuclear Strike v1.3 update Fixes problems with Voodoo2 cards, and problem detecting some peripheral devices. |
101536 | NT4SP3_I.A01 | 3999200 | 17.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101537 | NT4SP3_I.A02 | 3999200 | 17.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101538 | NT4SP3_I.A03 | 3999200 | 17.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101539 | NT4SP3_I.A04 | 2409646 | 17.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101540 | NT4SP3_I.ARJ | 3999447 | 17.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Windows NT US Service Pack 3. The most important new feature of this service pack (from a gamer's point of view) is the inclusion of a full version of DirectX v3.0. Windows NT should now be able to run almost all Windows 95 games on the market. |
101541 | NTFYCD.ZIP | 122434 | 27.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Notify CD Player for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 Version 1.51 Copyright (c) 1996-1998, Mats Ljungqvist mlt@cyberdude.com (Please see section 7 for contact guidelines) http://www.artech.se/~mlt/software Snail: Mats Ljungqvist Patron Pehrs v. 27 S-141 35 HUDDINGE SWEDEN |
101542 | NTG.ZIP | 1965223 | 06.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Name That Game v1.1 - The game for gamers and puzzlers Guess and spell the names of 36 classic games by playing around with letters: Drag letters in labyrinths, Catch falling letters, Roll letter dice, etc... An addictive game for gamers, a challenge for puzzlers. Windows 3.1/95 |
101543 | O95Y2K.EXE | 5700880 | 12.01.2000 | - | MBCD | - | Microsoft Office 95 Year 2000 |
101544 | O97S2FI1.ZIP | 2879799 | 01.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Microsoft Office 97 Service Pack 2 SP2-pivitys suomenkieliseen Office 97- pakettiin, osa 1/8. Huom! Vaatii Service Pack 1:n asennettuna! |
101545 | O97S2FI8.ZIP | 2771057 | 01.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Microsoft Office 97 Service Pack 2 SP2-pivitys suomenkieliseen Office 97- pakettiin, osa 8/8. Huom! Vaatii Service Pack 1:n asennettuna! |
101546 | ODOMETER.ZIP | 19373 | 22.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | The Mouse Odometer 1.0 A Dean Thomas Idle Time Presentation 71563.30@COMPUSERVE.COM Copyright 1993, All Rights Reserved. Introduction The Mouse Odometer creates an on-screen odometer for your mouse. As you work, it keeps track of how far your mouse has traveled. It's an amazingly useless program, but it is fun to play with. When the Mouse Odometer is started for the first time, it opens a small window in the upper-lefthand corner of the screen. The window initially will read "000.00000 mi." As you move the mouse around, the "mouse mileage" will tick away. You can place the Mouse Odometer window anywhere on the screen. When the program stops running, either because you closed it down or because you ended your Windows session, it will record the current odometer reading and the window's current position. The next time you start the Mouse Odometer, it will reopen the window in the same place and the last odometer reading will be loaded. The program does all of its work in the background, so you can use other applications while it runs. As you work with other applications, the Mouse Odometer will continue to update your mouse mileage. Installation Please note, the Mouse Odometer |
101547 | OGLB18A.ZIP | 96880 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | GLQuake / GLHexen II driver for PowerVR public release #1 (= beta 18) |
101548 | OLUPD201.ZIP | 681408 | 29.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Outlaws v2.0.1 update. LucasArts. Address the problem with the inability to join multiplayer games if running under Windows 98. Address the problem with the Outlaws 2.0 COMBO version not being able to enter the Outlaws game lobbies on the Internet Gaming Zone. You need v2.0 update to use this update. |
101549 | OO080A.LHA | 236843 | 12.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Offline Orbit 0.80a (C)1993-95 by Janne Siren. Shareware offline message reader for Amigas with operating system version 2.04 or higher. Offline Orbit features a user friendly, font sensitive GUI and support for the Blue Wave, OMEN, QWK, SOUP and WWF message formats. |
101550 | OSC-228E.ZIP | 520915 | 31.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above. Version 228 (9512) 12-21-95 |
101551 | OSC-252E.ZIP | 513104 | 18.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires OS/2 2.0ga or above. Version 2.5.2 (9609) 09-27-96 |
101552 | OTD_20.ZIP | 127234 | 11.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | On This Day Version 2.0 |
101553 | OTR11.ZIP | 783664 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Over the Reich V1.1 update Requireas V1.01. NOTE: The save-file format has changed, so you can't load old files. Changes: Pitch and vertical flight model is extensively reworked for greater realism, including the effects of negative-G. Improved stability in internet play. Tour of duty pilot names can be changed. "Tailing" is easier to qualify for. High speed gives initiative bonus. Reinforcements arrive slightly less frequently, but when they do, they come in right behind you - so it's wise to keep wingmen covering your six. Improved computer play. AND SO ON! |
101554 | P5K0897.ZIP | 11212 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Markkinakatsaus MBnetiin P5K0897.xls |
101557 | P952_256.ZIP | 4501148 | 20.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Pirates: Quest for the Seas Adventure action strategy. Multiplayer strategy game of piracy and plunder on the high seas. It can be played by up to six people either on single computer or on several computers through email. Buy ship, sell out into the sea and make yourself a rich pirate. Windows 3.1, 486. |
101555 | P97CS36.ZIP | 252676 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | P97CS36.ZIP - Pieter's Grand Prix 2 1997 Carset v3.6. (29.9.1997). 1997 cars, drivers, helmets, numbers, performance patch that supports all versions of GP2, pitbox order patch, changed cockpit colors to match the colors of the cars, new pitcrew colors and new wheels. Needs gp2ed170.zip! |
101556 | P97CS36S.ZIP | 247682 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | P97CS36S.ZIP - Pieter's Grand Prix 2 1997 Special Carset v3.6. (29.9.1997). 1997 cars, drivers, helmets, numbers, performance patch that supports all versions of GP2, pitbox order patch, changed cockpit colors to match the colors of the cars, new pitcrew colors and new wheels. Needs gp2ed170.zip! Download this if you don't use sky textures. |
101558 | PACC105.ZIP | 1449693 | 07.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PowerAccess v1.05: Totally FREE terminal program offering amazing Windows MULTIMEDIA experience online for PowerBBS BBS systems, as well as full ANSI access to other BBS'! Use buttons and icons, preview full color images, listen to WAVs & MIDIs while online! Down/Upload files *while* you write mail, chat, search files etc. Full GUI OFF-LINE mailer built in! X/Y/ZModem, TCP/IP & ANSI support too!! ROYALTY-FREE $0 Package! |
101559 | PBLUBI-E.A01 | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101560 | PBLUBI-E.A02 | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101561 | PBLUBI-E.A03 | 1350679 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101562 | PBLUBI-E.ARJ | 1456496 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Planet Blupi Playable Demo Epsitec. New adventure game for PC compatibles. It subtly blends action with thought-provoking challenges. Behind the quiet and gentle facade, you'll enjoy a fascinating diversion full of surprises. Planet Blupi is ideal for ages 12 to 99. P60, 8Mb, Win95, DirectX 3 |
101563 | PCAIR01.ZIP | 598652 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101564 | PCAIR02.ZIP | 598618 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | 1024.bsf genie.cmd a32algdg.dll smoke16.anm boom64.anm a32sbdg.dll 1013.bsf sprint.cmd s32algdg.dll airwar.dat 1012.bsf smoke64.anm 1007.bsf 1011.bsf boom16.anm 1004.bsf 1019.bsf |
101565 | PCAIR03.ZIP | 492342 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | SVGA Air Warrior Version 1.16b Update Notes Version 1.16b ------------- 1) Yet another bug in the macro engine was squashed (boxed version only). Version 1.16a ------------- 1) The radar command (F1) now correctly turns off the map display. 2) Macro playback has been modified to correctly reset the state of keys that were pressed by the macro, but not released (boxed version only). 3) A bug in KEYMAP that produced garbage at the end of BND files was squashed. 4) Maps for the European Camp (Terra Fencer) arena were added. 5) The 'Map' dialog has a new button. Clicking on 'Theater' will select the first section in the next known area. Repeated clicks will cycle through all known areas. Version 1.16 ------------ 1) Another bug in the gunnery code was squashed. No-lead shots should hit like you'd expect. 2) A bug in the 'virtual view' code that would result in odd-looking plane polygons if you did not have art was fixed. 3) A new packet was added to the film code that will allow the FE to correctly display sector counters in the new theaters. 4) A new effect, "Mountain faces", was added to the FE. When enabled, moun |
101566 | PCONF802.ZIP | 178415 | 22.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PC-CONFIG V8.02 -Detects all the hardware in your PC and shows them on the screen. One of the best sysinfo-programs ever. With CD-ROM benchmark routine! Finds Local-Bus and PCI boards, Cyrix, NexGen, UMC and Pentium cpus, detects lots of VGA chips, APM functions, EPP BIOS, Green boards, Pentium Bug, PCMCIA, EIDE feat. NEW: detailed PCI and SCSI info, new SAA-look. Register via CIS: SWREG #3879 |
101567 | PCWB32.ZIP | 2299951 | 27.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | PC Webopaedia Lite v1.70 |
101568 | PGPA262I.LHA | 390132 | 03.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PGPAmiga 2.6.2 international - Salausohjelma jolla voit salata esimerkiksi shkpostisi. Mukana versiot 68000 ja 68020 prosessoreille joista jlkimminen soveltuu paremmin 68020/ 030/040 koneille. Ohjelma on freeware. |
101569 | PGWDEMO.ZIP | 1398663 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Perfect Gamer Wired demodisk Pelipaketti joka helpottaa Kali Internet-pelaamiseen tutustumista. Windows 95 |
101570 | PH2V109A.ZIP | 2791787 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Hexen II v1.09b update. |
101571 | PHASE210.ZIP | 579197 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | PHASE2 (3D) from WAH-Software Fly over texture mapped landscape and shoot enemies with minigun and photon torpedoes. SHAREWARE version includes 10 levels and 2 planets. unzip with winzip or with -d option. Slightly updated version. |
101572 | PIANPOIS.LZH | 2990 | 31.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PIANPOIS.EXE |
101573 | PIKAKUV.PIF | 967 | 05.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101574 | PINC1675.ZIP | 1664684 | 05.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Pinochle v7.5 (16-bit) by MeggieSoft Games A fully featured Windows 3.x version of the two-handed version of Pinochle. The MeggieSoft Games version includes many customizable options and supports MIDI music, sound effects, card animation, speech output, drag-and-drop operation, and user defined card backs and play area wallpapers. Assumes Visual Basic 4 16-bit runtime files (VB40016.DLL, etc.) are installed. Online services, please note: The preferred title is: "MeggieSoft Pinochle v7.5 (16-bit)". Also, the description should make clear that Windows 3.x or Windows 95 and the full VB4 16-bit runtime system are required. |
101575 | PKUNZIP.EXE | 29378 | 01.08.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101576 | PKUNZIP.PIF | 545 | 30.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101577 | PLAYBOY.ZIP | 31203 | 29.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PlayBoy v1.0 Documentation By Igor Divjak March 1995 Introduction PlayBoy is a graphical CD player for OS/2, and was created largely because I could not find the CD player I wanted out there. The Player that is included with OS/2 is usable, but hardly feature-filled. I wanted something that would remember the song titles of my CD's, skip the songs I wish did not get recorded, and still remain easy to use, simple, and functional rather than flashy. PlayBoy is all these things and more. Requirements: You need OS/2 2.1 or greater with the Multimedia extensions installed. If you wish to use your sound card as the output device, it must be attached to your CD player via a cable. If you have analog output jacks on your CD player, you don't need a sound card. A CD-ROM device is of course, required as well. Running PlayBoy PlayBoy has been designed with simplicity in mind, so no special command line parameters are required. Simply run the executable and you are on your way. Keyboard Commands The main window accepts keyboard commands as well as mouse clicks. The fo |
101578 | PLOGO.LHA | 96830 | 21.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Power LOGO Release 1.1 Copyright 1990 by Gary Teachout |
101579 | PMMPEG21.ZIP | 191054 | 08.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PMMPEG.EXE Release 2.1 - An OS/2 Presentation Manager MPEG movie player. This program will play MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) digital movies in a window on your OS/2 desktop. It can handle I-Frame style movies that are used by the DOS Xing MPEG player, plus IBP-Frame style movies that the Xing can't currently handle. It cannot play movies that have embedded sounds, such as those generated by the ReelMagic card. I received a great deal of quality feedback from dozens of people that tried previous releases of PMMPEG. Here are of some of the new features that have been implemented based on your suggestions. Please continue to send suggestions and bug reports, it will help to make PMMPEG better for everyone. New Features in PMMPEG 2.1: * Optimized playback speed with I/B/P movies. They play at much higherframe rates and as a side effect the bug with stepping frame by frame in I/B/P movies has been corrected. * Added Slideshow feature. This allows you to select multiple files with the File Dialog, drag/drop multiple files from somewhere on the desktop or specify multiple files on the command line. PMMPEG will then play each movie, one |
101580 | PMVKP1_2.ZIP | 220023 | 29.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PMVKPROC v1.2 ------------- **************************************************************** General Information ------------------- The PMVKPROC utility list all processes runnning in OS/2 2.X in an PM window. The parent-child dependencies and a detailed information for every process is shown. Additionally every shown process can be killed by the user. PMVKPROC is a full 32-bit application which uses the undocumented API DosQProcStatus to get a list of running processes - therefore its stability is in question because IBM could change or remove this API without telling anyone. But this API stayed the same for a long time.... For more information press the HELP button. The PMVKPROC utility is a fully functional shareware version. Support shareware by registering this copy of PMVKPROC. Please send $10 to the account: Frank Stanischewski Bank : Dresdner Bank Bank number : 760 800 40 S.W.I.F.T. : DRES DE FF 763 .Account number : 5 419 165 00 / 400 or send $10 (check or cash) to: Frank Stanischewski Aeussere Tennenloher Strasse 6 D-91058 Erlangen Germany (C) 1994 Frank Stanischewski **************************************************************** Installation Information -------- |
101581 | POLYV220.ZIP | 415611 | 17.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PolyView V2.20 by Polybytes. Shareware BMP, GIF, JPEG, photo-cd, PNG, and TIFF graphics viewer, file conversion, and printing utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. |
101582 | POST325.ZIP | 125337 | 01.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | -----=====<<<<<< |
101583 | POVDOC-2.ZIP | 200563 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | This archive contains the documentation for the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, POV-Ray V2.0, formatted in plain ASCII text for the IBM-PC and other systems. Also contains standard include files and some demo scenes. Create your own \POVRAY2 directory and un-zip this file using the -d option to insure that the proper sub-directories are created. Other files are needed. See POVINF.DOC from this library for more information. |
101584 | POVIBM-2.EXE | 261273 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | This is the executable IBM program for the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer POV-Ray version 2.2. It also includes machine specific documentation for IBM PC systems. |
101585 | POVSCN-2.ZIP | 499735 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | This archive contains the example scene files for the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, POV-Ray version 2.0. Note include files are now in POVDOC archive. Create your own \POVRAY2 directory and un-zip this file using the -d option to insure that the proper sub-directories are created. Other files are needed. See POVINF.DOC from this library for more information. |
101586 | POVSRC-2.ZIP | 424151 | 24.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | This is the source code in highly portible C for the Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer POV-Ray version 2.2. It also include machine specific source for all platforms except Macintosh. (Mac users see POVSRC.SEA) Create your own \POVRAY2 directory and un-zip this file using the -d option to insure that the proper sub-directories are created. Other files are needed. See POVINF.DOC from this library for more information. |
101587 | PPSHW30A.LHA | 58482 | 15.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PPShow V3.0A, tukee AGA-grafiikoita, kuvankatseluproge, voi tehda slaikkareita yms yms. |
101588 | PR95DX87.A01 | 2999563 | 26.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101589 | PR95DX87.A02 | 1909619 | 26.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101590 | PR95DX87.ARJ | 2999561 | 26.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Planetary Raiders v0.87 BETA yhteysohjelma. minimum - sislt 640x480 grafiikat, ei DirectX:. Internet pelattava multiplayer avaruus-toiminta-strategiapeli. Ilmainen testiversio. www.icigames.com |
101591 | PRN0897.ZIP | 725142 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Oheismateriaalia MikroBitti 8/97:n kotilasertulostinvertailuun. LASER897.XLS ja LASER897.TXT sisältävät markkinakartoituksen alle 3000 markan lasertulostimista. ITÄVALTA.DOC on pitkän dokumentin tulostuksen testaamiseen käytetty asiakirja. Yksisivuisen dokumentin tulostamista mitattiin tulostamalla em. asiakirjan sivu 24 (irroitettu erilliseksi dokumentiksi), jossa on muotoillun tekstin lisäksi taulukko. Vektorikuva oli MS Office 97 -paketin clipart-kokoelmasta. |
101592 | PROLIFER.ZIP | 958095 | 13.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Proliferation is Here! Strategy. Game of strategic global conflict set in the near future. Nuclear capability has escalated, and many smaller states now possess tactical nuclear missiles. Major powers have mobilized forces in attempt to enforce security by force. You control armies and fleets, diplomats, tactical nukes and ICBMs etc., and defense satellites. Also manage economic factors, food and oil. Silicon Commander Games. Windows 3.1+ |
101593 | PROT310.LHA | 103986 | 29.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Protracker 3.01 |
101594 | PRSDNT.ZIP | 1442750 | 18.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | President 1.0 for Windows. This easy to learn, addictive card game can be played against several distinct artificially intelligent computer opponents, or against up to four other players over the Internet. Shareware ($24.95). |
101595 | PRZEG102.ZIP | 1352587 | 19.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Prize Golf v1.02 by Net Tour New Zealand Sports / gold. Realistic golf game which also allows you to participate in Internet tournaments with thousands of other players from all over the world. Windows 95 or Windows 98 |
101596 | PS_121.ZIP | 822097 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Panthers in the Shadows 1.21 update |
101597 | PSPRO200.ZIP | 604813 | 02.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PAINT SHOP PRO v2.00 |
101945 | PSYCMOD.ZIP | 93652 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | PSYCHIC.MOD |
101598 | PTCH82-1.ZIP | 950352 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Dark Reign update from Activision |
101599 | Q_LAT.ZIP | 280503 | 31.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ºÛ²±° º º²° ²²²²²²²²² º º± ²²²°°°°°°°°°²²² º º° ²²°°° °°°²² º º ²°° ² ²²² ²²² °°² º º ²° ² ²°² °²° ° º º ² ² ²²² ² ²²² º º ² ² ²°² ² °°° º º °² ²²² ² ² ² ² º º °²² °°° ° ° ° ² ²²° º º °°²²² ²°²°° º º °°°²²²²²²²²²° °² º º °°°°°°°°° ° °º º °±º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ ---------------------------------Í---Í-Í-Í------------------------------------ * Q - L A T * ---------------------------------Í---Í-Í-Í------------------------------------ versio 1.00 tekij: Janne Kivilahti e-mail: Janne |
101600 | QOOLE245.EXE | 1718913 | 17.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Qoole v2.45 - Quake II Level Editor For Windows 95/98/NT. Very easy to learn, object-oriented, and powerful. Includes everything you need to make maps for Quake (TM), Quake II (TM), and Hexen II (TM). For beginner to expert. Shareware $24.95. Available on CDROM. Visit http://www.qoole.com Written by Matthew Ayres and Paul Hsu |
101601 | QPEG16A.ZIP | 472914 | 03.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | QPEG386 1.6a, the famous grafx viewer, incredibly fast!, with unique preview feature (nearly realtime), mouse panning etc., it supports VGA and many SVGAs (including VESA), requires 386 or better. Currently supports JPG, TGA, GIF, PCX, BMP files. NEW: Photo-CD (PCD) support!! |
101602 | QREADE.EXE | 317387 | 11.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101603 | QW1022.EXE | 1821417 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101604 | QWSV1022.ZIP | 229714 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | QuakeWorld v2.10 Server (21.10.1997) by iD Software + Dave Kirsch & Jack Mathews. Contains also the QuakeC source codes. |
101605 | R5001674.ZIP | 1649299 | 03.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Rummy 500 v7.4 (16-bit) by MeggieSoft Games A fully featured Windows 3.x version of the game of "Five Hundred Rum". The MeggieSoft Games version includes many customizable options and supports MIDI music, sound effects, card animation, speech output, drag-and-drop operation, and user defined card backs and play area wallpapers. Assumes Visual Basic 4 16-bit runtime files (VB40016.DLL, etc.) are installed. Online services, please note: The preferred title is: "MeggieSoft Rummy 500 v7.4 (16-bit)". Also, the description should make clear that Windows 3.x or Windows 95 and the full VB4 16-bit runtime system are required. |
101606 | RAL4_80.ZIP | 218959 | 15.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | International Rally Championship v4.80 udpate. This patch should add Voodoo2 support Europress |
101607 | RAWIN100.EXE | 311983 | 22.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Progressive Networks, Inc. RealAudio Player Release Notes For the latest information see http://www.realaudio.com Contents * General * Quick Start * System Requirements * Software Requirements * Supported Web Browsers * Accessing RealAudio through FireWalls * Reporting Feedback * RealAudio Setup * RealAudio Player * Sound * TIA (The Internet Adapter) * Known Problems * Upgrading your World Wide Web Browser * Manually Configuring the RealAudio Player * Problem Reporting Form --------------------------------------------------------------------- General This document describes Progressive Networks' RealAudio Player. Our web site is http://www.realaudio.com please check it for the latest information. Please see http://www.realaudio.com/help.html for help and more information. The software and documentation is provided to you in accordance with your license agreement. The RealAudio Player provides real time sound over the Internet. Once you have installed the RealAudio Player, RealAudio will play automatically when you select any RealAudio clip on a World Wide Web page. You do not need to load the RealAudio player first. The RealAudio Play |
101608 | RB2_15.ZIP | 3286198 | 02.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Red Baron II v1.05 update contains a new flight model, and a few other fixes. Sierra |
101609 | RB2_FM55.ZIP | 3286161 | 02.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Red Baron II flight model update #55 Sierra |
101610 | RCHA110.ZIP | 1871877 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ***** ROCKET CHASE v1.1 - ATTENTION! ***** * A fast blow'em up game for 2 - 4 players. * * Highly optimated, smooth parallax scroll, * * massive digital sound effects, colourful * * graphics. High quality SW from Finland! * *--------I NEW IN THIS VERSION: I---------* * Levels, weapons, options, etc. added. * * NOTE! Many bugs fixed, f.e. GUS problem. * ** (req:386,VGA,2MB opt:SB,GUS,2 joys,CD) ** |
101611 | RCUPD150.LHA | 720810 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | RACER Version V1.50 ( 05 May 1997): ----------------------------------- You need the version 1.00 or 1.10 of RACER installed on your HD to use this update else it doesn't work ! RACER 1.00 is available on Aminet in the drawer : GAME/MISC/Racer.lha RACER 1.10 is available on Aminet in the drawer : GAME/MISC/Racer_Up.lha RACER 1.00 is also available on the CD Aminet 18. |
101612 | RDR117.ZIP | 1379086 | 03.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Raisu Drag Racing 1.17 Final Made by Tuomo Untinen Drive 12 different dragsters and tune your car and won the season. Real photos, great music |
101613 | README.DJ | 10352 | 02.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101614 | REORG3_1.LHA | 334258 | 23.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ReOrg.info |
101615 | REPORT | 8096 | 08.03.1993 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101616 | RGBEAS11.ZIP | 31374 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | RGBEASY - RGB EasyMix v1.1 for Windows 95/NT RGB EasyMix is a small and easy-to-use, yet powerful RGB color editor. Edit RGB colors and copy them to the clipboard in many formats (as RGB macros, hexadecimal numbers or HTML color macros). Color samples of any size can also be copied to the clipboard. Custom colors can be saved for future use. Freeware. Horatiu A. Tanescu t-horatio@usa.net. |
101617 | RHIDEB.ZIP | 491156 | 09.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | RHIDE is an Integrated Development Environment for DJGPP Version 2.0 and later. It is written with my port of the Turbo Vision library. RHIDE has a user interface in multiple languages, which can be selected on command line. At this time the following languages suported: English German Spanish French Swedish Italian Dutch It looks and works like the IDE, which comes with Turbo C++ V.3.1 from Borland, but without an integrate debugger (but I'm working on it). RHIDE supports the following source files to be compiled in the IDE: C source files C++ source files Objective C source files Assembler source files (for the GNU assembler) With RHIDE you can create programs or libraries by defining a project, which contains all the source or object files for it. Because RHIDE is designed for DJGPP Version 2.0, it needs a DPMI serever to work. If don't have DPMI server already installed on you system, you can use the free available from Charles Sandman CWSDPMI, which is available at any SimTel ftp site in the 'djgpp/v2misc' directory. The primary site for RHIDE is University in Chemnitz(Germany) and the RHIDE home page is http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~rho/rhide.html This page conatains also every |
101618 | RHIDES.ZIP | 328320 | 09.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | This is the source distribution of RHIDE. Normaly the files should be installed in the DJGPP root directoy. To install the sources for RHIDE, copy the archive RHIDES.ZIP to this directory and unpack it with UNZIP -d RHIDES.ZIP If it was successful, all the source files for RHIDE are in the directory SRC/RHIDE and it subdirectories. If you want to recompile RHIDE, you need my port of the Turbo Vision library. http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/~rho/tvision.html |
101619 | RIP.ZIP | 689980 | 10.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | °±²Û In Search of Dr. Riptide v1.0 Û²±° 386 required. A spectacular underwater VGA arcade game! You have been put on a seek and destroy mission. Armed to the teeth, and with the aid of the quirky JASON sidekick you'll search deep within undersea catacombs for evil, outcast scientist Dr. Riptide. Explore stunning underwater terrain while taking out as many of Riptide's goons as possible. Incredible graphics, smooth scrolling, and great sound effects and music. [JOY/SB SUPPORT] by PMC |
101620 | ROLLO10.ZIP | 1580233 | 11.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | RollOver (TM) 1.0: RollOver is an exciting luck-and-strategy dice game for all ages. It's easy to learn, includes on-line instructions, on-line tutorial, and Strategy Guide. Equally fun for adults and kids. Play against a human or the computer. Win 3.1/95. Sound optional. 7-day fully-functional trial. Online registration $9.95. Enginuity LLC. |
101621 | RSCRAM.ARJ | 690195 | 16.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Rocket Scambler for Windows, old classic "Scramble" style arcade game with terrain editor. Early 1980s style. |
101622 | RVADER.ARJ | 658062 | 16.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | "RETROVADERS" for Windows Arcade "Space Invaders" like game. Req. 386+ * Win 3.1/95 |
101623 | RWDEMO11.A01 | 1456494 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101624 | RWDEMO11.A02 | 1456554 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101625 | RWDEMO11.A03 | 1456616 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101626 | RWDEMO11.A04 | 1358302 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101627 | RWDEMO11.ARJ | 1456591 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | The Isle of Four Winds: Rune War Version 1.1 Demo of an inventive mix of traditional 13-tile MahJong, spell casting, and strategic land combat. Up to 4-player play with IPX(LAN), TCP/ IP(Internet), serial or modem link in full version only. Req. Windows 95/NT3.51+, DirectX3, 1024x768 with 256 colours |
101628 | RZRFSTRN.ZIP | 174489 | 17.07.1998 | ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Agent-583224 FOUND | MBCD | - | Descent: Freespace Trainer Unlimited Ammo and Countermeasures. |
101629 | S95I110E.ZIP | 881835 | 15.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | S95I110E.EXE |
101630 | S97511.ZIP | 498302 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Second Copy 97 - for Windows 95/NT 4.0 (Version 5.11). Copies data files from disk to another folder, disk or network drive. Automatically updates changed files. Compresses and synchronizes directories. Developed by Centered Systems - $25 |
101631 | SAW1_1.ZIP | 342662 | 16.08.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Soldiers at War version 1.1 update Sound fixes, campaign fixes, animation fix, multiplayer fix, ambush fixes, healing fix, etc etc. |
101632 | SBLAN240.LHA | 542083 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SwazBlanker |
101633 | SBW9X16.EXE | 318993 | 12.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | ------------------------------------------------------- Creative Driver Release Filename:- SBW9XUP.EXE ------------------------------------------------------- Sound Blaster 16/32/AWE SDR-95UPD-1-US (Revision 16) Driver Updates for Windows 95/98 Description: Latest Driver Update for Full Duplex Sound Blaster 16/32/AWE (Revision 16). This new version solves the audio distortion problem on the Sound Blaster 16Xpress chip when left running overnight. Please refer to README.TXT for installation details. -------------------------------------------------------- |
101634 | SCAN0997.ZIP | 5194 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Malli Valmistaja Hinta (noin) Edustaja ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agfa SnapScan 300 Agfa 2500 mk Agfa-Gevaert Oy, 09-887 81 AVision 6240 AVision 3000 mk ProScan Oy, 09-420 9848 Canon CanoScan 300 Canon 2000-3200 mk Canon, 09-560 61 Canon CanoScan 600 Canon 5500-6000 mk Canon, 09-560 61 HP ScanJet 5S Hewlett-Packard 1400 mk Hewlett-Packard Oy, 09-887 21 HP ScanJet 4P Hewlett-Packard 3000 mk Hewlett-Packard Oy, 09-887 21 HP ScanJet 5P Hewlett-Packard 2200-2500 mk Hewlett-Packard Oy, 09-887 21 HP ScanJet 4C Hewlett-Packard 4600-5500 mk Hewlett-Packard Oy, 09-887 21 Linotype JADE Linotype CPS 4990 mk PC-Solutions, 09-452 1639 Microtek Phantom 4800 Microtek 1000 mk Pericad Oy, 09-452 3577 Microtek ScanMaker E3 Microtek 2200-2600 mk Pericad Oy, 09-452 3577 Mustek Paragon 600 II N Mustek Inc. 1490 mk Eagle Data, 05-226 2300 |
101635 | SCIONSP2.LHA | 610813 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | short: Second preview of Almagica - Scions of a Forgotten World type: game/demo author: DSP (jimmy@eagle.ovik.se) uploader: Jimmy Westerlund (jimmy@eagle.ovik.se) replaces: Scions.lha |
101636 | SCN-228E.ZIP | 469334 | 31.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 228 (9512) 12-21-95 |
101637 | SCN-252E.ZIP | 473007 | 15.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | VirusScan for DOS by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires DOS 3.0+. Version 2.5.2 (9609) 09-15-96 |
101638 | SD95INST.EXE | 1660636 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101639 | SDD60-D.ZIP | 823460 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SciTech Display Doctor v6.0: SciTech Display Doctor provides high performance VBE 3.0 device support for playing the latest games. New in version 6.0: VESA VBE 3.0 support, VESA VBE/SCI and VESA GTF. Also many new chipsets are now supported. Dos only installation version. |
101640 | SENTR108.ZIP | 1090349 | 22.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Sentry v1.08 by Emmanuel Icart The Sentinel clone. A Sentry is a kind of robot fixed on particular cell of the level landscape. It slowly rotates and scans for any abnormal event in the level. Once it has found a target, it attacks it by absorbing its energy. Your mission consists in escaping of this particular world. Complete levels by moving to the top of the level and absorb Sentry itself. Puzzle/action/3D. Windows 95, 16 MB, DirectX |
101641 | SEWM016.ZIP | 4735570 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Stellar Emperor openbeta v016 Req. Windows 95, 486DX, 8 Mb The galaxy awaits a conqueror! Thousands of solar systems sleep, unexplored, as your scout relentlessly scours the stars for the suitable candidates for mining and colonization. Build colonies, and fight real-time ship-to-ship combat! Internet playable strategy-adventure game, FREE BETAVERSION! www.ariesgames.com |
101642 | SF32_11.ZIP | 3369514 | 23.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | 3d Space Fighter by UltiSoft, Inc. Play this great Galaga-type game with good looking 3D graphics. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
101643 | SHARKD.ZIP | 351284 | 18.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SHARK DOMINOES! Classic board game with a computer opponent and dazzling graphics. For the beginning and advanced player. Learn dominoes for the first time or brush up on your existing game. Requires Windows 3.1, or Windows 95. Developed by AGCrump. |
101645 | SIO153.ZIP | 202270 | 23.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Ray Gwinn's comm drivers for OS/2, V1.45a. SIO.SYS and VSIO.SYS are replacements of the OS2 communications drivers COM.SYS and VCOM.SYS which come with OS/2. VX00.SYS provides FOSSIL and virtual 16550 support for DOS programs SIO can be ordered to supporting any number of ports. Vmodem now has both inbound and outbound Telnet. |
101646 | SJ210.ZIP | 215475 | 21.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SKI JUMP INTERNATIONAL v2.10 THE NEW GENERATION - The latest version of the most realistic ski jumping simulator in the world! New features in version 2.1: a fully animated jumper, a Four Hills minicup and much more! = Unregistered Version = |
101647 | SKING40.ZIP | 2217511 | 22.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SPACE KING, The Futuristic Stock Market Sim =-------------- Version 4.0 --------------= SPACE KING is an Economic (Intergalactic) Strategy game complete with music, sounds, animation, and full colour art/graphics!! Needs: WIN9x/NT; SVGA+; a mouse; a soundcrd Another product of ETERNITY ZONE GAMING!! ==== Don't delay, download this today! ==== |
101648 | SKIUP12.ZIP | 1688886 | 08.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Front Page Sports: Ski Racing v1.2 update Sierra On-Line The following fixes are included in v1.2: Everything in v1.1, New exhibition mountain, Bug fixes |
101649 | SLIX129D.EXE | 351394 | 21.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ÜÛÛÛÛÛÜ Ü ÜÜÜÜ ÜÛ Ü ÜÜÜÜ ÛÛß ÛÛ ÛÛ ÛÛÛßßß ÛÛÜÛß ÛÛÛÜ ßÛÛÜ ÛÛÝ ÛÛ ÛÛÜ Ü ÛÛßÛÜ ßÛÛÝ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÛÛ ÛÛÝßÛÛÛÛß ÛÛÝßÛÝßÛÛß ÜÛÛÛÝ 'N' S L I D E ÛÛÛÛß ® 1.29C ¯ |
101901 | SLIX130D.ZIP | 595785 | 03.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Slicks 'N' Slide Version 1.30d |
101650 | SMGPATC3.ZIP | 476243 | 11.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Gettysburg! Patch 3 update Firaxis |
101651 | SMRTDRAW.ZIP | 503470 | 02.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | SMARTDRAW 1.05 - Draw & Flowchart for Win31 SmartDraw is the easy-to-use program for Windows that lets anyone draw great looking flowcharts,diagrams and business graphics. Better value and easier to use than Visio, more powerful than SnapGrafx, SmartDraw provides drag & drop drawing, automatic connecting lines between shapes, etc. Works with the Microsoft Office and other programs as a OLE Server, and much more! Try It! |
101652 | SMTADR12.ZIP | 231432 | 11.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | SMART ADDRESS management for Windows! A sophisticated Windows address management system. Direct Links to any WordProcessor, Mail-Merge Data file Creation for MS-Word, Modem Support, Envelope and Label Printing (both with graphics), Mail-Shot capabilities, User Configurable, User defined notes, MDI, sophisticated searching, Import/Export, Full Windows Help. Shareware (c) 1993 Phil Corley. Published by Oakley Data Services. |
101653 | SMTFON.ZIP | 38076 | 15.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | SmartFont 1.1 - Ultimate Win Font Previewer Permanent on-top display of all installed fonts in a small unobtrusive window. Double click to zoom-in on any font, display data as on clipboard, type in any one window, see the change in all displayed fonts. See bold and italic effects. Hide all displays for instant recall later. Shareware. |
101654 | SMTSUM12.ZIP | 67066 | 01.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Windows Printing Calculator/ adding machine with a scrollable "tally roll", but with some tricks a real adding machine can't do, like correcting entries, inserting and deleting entries, saving and re-loading calculations, printing tally roll,adding comments to the tally roll, checking off entries, adding subtotals with a mouse-click, automatic tax calculations and more. Make some room on your desk! Shareware by Oakley Data Services. |
101655 | SOC-11.ZIP | 4566473 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Sentinels of Ceth v1.1 is an intensely fast-paced arcade style game where you defend your temple with 12 Gems against wave after wave of Doltres ships. The game is fast-paced and frenetic. You cannot lose concentration or the game will be over. Adrenaline pumping action at 30 FPS, Unlimited levels of play, 16-bit rendered graphics with alpha channels. Intense 16-bit 22kHz stereo sound. Req. Win95 P90 6 MB DirectX |
101656 | SOLPLUS.ZIP | 1738197 | 24.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Solitaire Plus v1.01 by Goodsol Development Enhanced shareware version of the five-star rated freeware Free Solitaire. This great looking (and sounding) game runs exclusively on 16-bit 800x600 systems and higher. Adds four more games, for a total of 12; a smart-dragging feature that requires that cards only be nudged to move to a target pile; If you're a Solitaire lover, you'll want to check out Solitaire Plus. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
101657 | SP2-SF11.ARJ | 36610 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Finnish equipment to Steel Panthers II V1.1. This OOB modification adds Finnish army to SP2, and you can use them selecting the Red side. A few units are replaced but they're not otherwise changed. This update has much more accurate air force with other weaponry fixed as well. This OOB is very good, autentic view of Finnish Army's weaponry. Note: all unit/weapon names are in Finnish, but everything is very logical and easy to find out. Made by Petri Kamunen, pkamunen@jmp.fi |
101658 | SP2V101.EXE | 1278495 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | STEEL PANTHERS II: MODERN BATTLES READ ME FILE V1.01 03/05/97 (c) 1997 Strategic Simulations, Inc. Contents: 1. Installation Instructions. 2. The 'buglist' and specific fixes. 3. Frequently asked questions (FAQ). 4. Some notes on definitions in the game. 5. Credits and thank-you list. 1. Installation Instructions for the V1.01 Patch a. Extract the SP2V101.EXE file by placing it in the installed Steel Panthers II directory that currently contains the STEEL2.EXE file. b. Run the SP2V101.EXE file using the -d & -o switches. This will extract the patch files to their correct directories and replace older files. Example: SP2V101 -d -o c. Run Steel Panthers II: Modern Battles as before by executing the STEEL2.EXE program. 2. The 'buglist and specific fixes. Many more changes were made than are listed here. This is a highlights list. #1 - Aircraft leave after one pass. Fix #1 - Aircraft now remain "on station" after delivering their main armament. They do not re- arm, but will be available to make more passes with any remaining armament until: Winchester (out of ordnance) Destroyed Damaged Severely suppressed by Anti-aircraft fire #2 - The bombardment scre |
101659 | SP2V101A.ZIP | 1331608 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Steel Panthers II 1.01a update |
101660 | SPACE132.ZIP | 5532359 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SubSpace v1.32 - Internet playable multiplayer shoot'em'up. Virgin. 486/50, Internet connection, 8Mb, Win95, DirectX |
101661 | SPC3D042.ZIP | 192058 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | -------------------------------- Six-Pac 3D ------------ (C) Firgin 1996, 1997. Assembly '97 party version 0.42. 386+,vga,gus/sb -------------------------------- |
101662 | SPOT129.ZIP | 705280 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ** SPOT! v.1.29 ** Mainio kaksintaistelu/lentely- peli, jossa tavoitteena nirhata toinen mahd. nopeasti. Hyvt net, musiikit ja SVGA- grafiikat. By MK Productions `97 |
101663 | SPY | 2868 | 08.03.1993 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101664 | SS98UP.ZIP | 375677 | 28.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Sensible Soccer 98 update. Sensible have been listening to many comments since the game has been released and have spent some time taking on board the suggestions that were sent to them by E-mail and implemented them into this new exe. Sensible Soccer 98 should also now work with Windows98 without copying over the old Dsound files. Sensible Software |
101665 | SSHIFT20.LHA | 137252 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | The ShapeShifter Version 2.0 A Macintosh II emulator for Commodore-Amiga computers |
101666 | SSP16121.ZIP | 595880 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SinkSub Pro V1.21 16-bit. Highly addictive arcade action game ! Take command of a Swedish patrol boat and sink submarines. 50 action stuffed levels, smooth 256 color animation and digitized sound effects. Req. 486/4MB. 32-bit version in different archive. |
101667 | SSP32130.ZIP | 619678 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | SinkSub Pro V1.30 32-bit. Highly addictive arcade action game ! Take command of a Swedish patrol boat and sink submarines. 50 action stuffed levels, smooth 256 color animation and digitized sound effects. |
101668 | SSSYSTEM.LIB | 12488 | 04.04.1993 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101669 | ST-TKGLV.LHA | 1162645 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | As you might have guessed by the imaginative title this is an extra level for Team 17's stonking game AB3DII-TKG. It needs to be placed wherever you have assigned ab3: to. I also coopied all of the game samples to a directory called ab3:samples/ so you'll need to have the same. |
101670 | STAR_104.ZIP | 2468454 | 19.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | StarCraft v1.04 update. Blizzard. Starcraft compatibility with Brood War implemented. You can select all burrowed units of the same type or cloaked units of the same type by using the Ctrl+select method or by double clicking. If you have multiple Carriers or Reavers selected you can build Interceptors and Scarabs for all of them at the same time. Cooldown times of units being dropped out of transports corrected. etcetc. |
101671 | STATBA95.ZIP | 9309 | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Statbar95.dll |
101672 | SUPBL40.ZIP | 6156975 | 15.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Rob's Super BlackJack v4.0 by Robert Frenette Realistic-looking Blackjack table with animated cards to make the game as natural as possible. A long list of game options lets you tailor the house rules to your liking. Windows 95 or Windows 98 |
101946 | SV_DSK_1.ZIP | 471329 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | S T R E A M L I N E V I S I O N - Dimensional Voyages, vol. 1 - 5 songs by Faith & Stinger |
101673 | SW11SWPT.ZIP | 3252036 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | °± -- Shadow Warrior v1.0 to v1.1 Patch -- ±° This patch will update your shareware copy of Shadow Warrior v1.0 to v1.1. This game patch requires that you have your copy of v1.0 on your hard drive and installed before use. From 3D Realms. See enclosed documentation for information regarding what's new. |
101674 | SWAGA_C.ZIP | 485257 | 30.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. |
101675 | SWAGD_F.ZIP | 1396100 | 30.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. |
101676 | SWAGG_M.ZIP | 1379838 | 30.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. |
101677 | SWAGN_R.ZIP | 439557 | 30.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. |
101678 | SWAGS_Z.ZIP | 1040008 | 30.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 05/27/95. From Sourceware Archival Group. Updated version of READER.EXE v3.11 and DOC files. Will automatically update .SWG files on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival Group) is a collection of source code and program examples for the PASCAL language. Over 56 catagories covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCAL reference libraries available. This is ONLY the update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS snipets to date. |
101679 | SWD10.ZIP | 346394 | 28.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | The Silver Wolf Desktop for Windows 3.1 includes not only the best features of Macintosh and Windows95/Chicago, but many other even more intuitive ways to use your computer. Full support for: Long Names, Aliases, Drag/Drop, Trash, Icon & Text file/directory views, File Find, History Lists, ProgMan groups, FileMan drops, Networks and more. From Silver Wolf Software, $39. |
101680 | SYNCIT10.ZIP | 156156 | 29.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | SYNC-IT WITH ATOM 1.0 - Synchronizes time. Calibrates the system time of your computer with a timeserver on the Internet. Features include automatic selection of the closest server, scheduled time synchronization, taskbar tray support and easy-to-use and attractive user interface. Requires MFC Libraries (mfc42.dll,msvcrt.dll). Home page at http://www.iki.fi/st/syncit/. Shareware for Windows 9x/NT4 from Sami Tolvanen. $10. |
101681 | T2_08.A01 | 4223714 | 08.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101682 | T2_08.ARJ | 5999330 | 08.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ------TAPPO II---v0.8 [SHAREWARE] -------------------- (C) Shatterstorm 1998 FINNISH DOCUMENT FILE... (C) Sebastian Aaltonen 1998 !!!!!!!!! WANTED !!!!!!!!!!!! Musiikintekij T3:a varten. Jos kiinnostusta lytyy, niin lhet mailia. (yhteystiedot tekstin lopussa) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TMN PELIN TEKIJ EI OTA MITN VASTUUTA JOS PELI AIHEUTTAA VAHINKOA SINULLE TAI KONEELLESI, JOTEN KYNNISTT SEN TYSIN OMALLA VASTUULLASI!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AINAKIN SEURAAVAT ASIAT PUUTTUVAT V0.8:st: (tulossa v1.0:aan menness) * ERILAISET PELITYYPIT (Capture the flag/Defend starbase/Fox...) * TIEDOT/KUVAT ALUKSISTA, KENTIST JA ASEISTA * LOPULLINEN MUISTIOPTIMOINTI (16MB MINIMIKSI) * IPX-VERKKOPELISS ON BUGI!!!!! * ... ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KONEVAATIMUKSET: * Pentium 120Mhz (1/2 pelaajaa, 640x480), Pentium 166 (3/4 pelaajaa, 800x600) Pentium 200MMX (4 pelaajaa + 4 tietokonepelaajaa, 800x600) Toimii mys 100% hyvin AMD K6:lla ja K6-2 3D:lla... * 24MB RAM-muistia (kts. muistin vapautus...) * Nppimist, joystick(1/2) tai hiiri. * nikortti (Suositeltava) * IPX- |
101683 | T2GIF10B.ZIP | 271988 | 29.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Author : M.K. MacDonagh. 7-12-1998. Email : MacMike@macnet.demon.co.uk URL : http://www.macnet.demon.co.uk/ Hello. Thankyou for downloading this program. Feel free to email me with any comments. Overview -------- This program converts text in any font color, size etc. in a GIF image. You can also use it from the command line like this : TextToGif Hello World! But if you want to use double quotes (") on the command line write them as two single quotes (''). Feel free to distribute this to anyone you like as long as it does not provide commercial gain to you without prior consent from the author, and as long as this file is distributed with the executable. Source code (Delphi 3) is available by email. |
101684 | T43-LIB.LHA | 129250 | 25.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | TERM 4.3 - XPR and XEM libs |
101685 | T45-030.LHA | 684962 | 11.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | `term' 4.5 - A terminal program for Amiga computers Copyright © 1990-1995 Olaf Barthel You may make and distribute verbatim copies of this documentation if the contents are unchanged or the author has agreed to any changes made. No guarantee of any kind is given that the program described in this document are 100% reliable. You are using this material on your own risk. The program `term' and the data received/sent by it must not be used for the following purposes: 1. The construction, development, production or testing of weapons or weapon systems of any kind. 2. The construction, development, production or use of plants/installations which include the processing of radioactive/fissionable material. 3. The training of persons to deal with the abovesaid actions. Listen to your conscience. Introduction ************ `term' is a telecommuncations program designed for use with any Commodore-Amiga computer running Kickstart 2.04 or higher. Its features include * Fast built-in VT220 terminal emulation * Support for custom terminal emulation modules following the `XEM 2.0' standard * Operates in any display environment, supports all s |
101686 | T45-DOC.LHA | 220760 | 11.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Documentation.info |
101687 | T45-EXT.LHA | 219741 | 11.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Extras.info |
101688 | T45-LIB.LHA | 129187 | 11.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | This drawer contains support libraries `term' requires in order to perform certain jobs. Although `term' works perfectly without any of these libraries it is highly recommended to install them. |
101689 | T45-LOC.LHA | 279145 | 11.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Extras.info |
101691 | TA112A.ZIP | 529310 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Total Annihilation v1.1 BETA 2 update from Cavedog. Lots and lots of fixes. Any version to v1.1 beta 2 version |
101692 | TA112B.ZIP | 204999 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Total Annihilation v1.1 BETA 2 update from Cavedog. Lots and lots of fixes. v1.1 beta 1 to v1.1 beta 2 version |
101690 | TA1X-30.ZIP | 5710173 | 02.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Total Annihilation v3.0 update The 3.0 Patch adds many new features to Total Annihilation, and will upgrade any previous version of TA. Cavedog |
101693 | TABLCA11.ZIP | 125781 | 07.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Tablica/2 1.1 - Periodic Table of the Elements: native OS/2 application with point-and-click interface. Contains all essential data on 106 chemical elements from atomic weight to thermal conducti- -vity. Indispensable reference tool for high school and college students. |
101694 | TAN_AR2.A01 | 2877172 | 08.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101695 | TAN_AR2.ARJ | 2999390 | 08.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Tanarus Playable Demo LEVEL PACK, newest arenas. This archive contains the nine player made arenas that were made available on April 21, 1998. Be sure to unzip these files to your Tanarus directory. Internet playable multiplayer tank combat game. |
101696 | TANB93.A01 | 2999200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101697 | TANB93.A02 | 2056700 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101698 | TANB93.ARJ | 2999658 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Tanarus Beta v.93 Sony Interactive Studios Tired of playing against your computer? Then prepare yourself for the ultimate challenge in Tanarus, a futuristic multi-player action/strategy tank game in which all the competition are other players just like yourself. Supports 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics cards, make sure you have the Glide v2.3.1 runtime libraries! P120, 16MB, Win95, DirectX5, 28.8k connection |
101699 | TANKW95.ZIP | 2861369 | 02.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | "The Methodical Destruction of Slow Motorized Vehicles: A Video Game", TANKS, move your tank and destroy your fellow players. Multiplayer tank game for LAN, Internet or modem/serial playing on Windows 95. |
101700 | TAPPO120.ZIP | 842467 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Tappo versio 1.2 (C) Sebastian Aaltonen 1996 Tm peli on tarkoitettu 2-3:lle pelaajalle ajanviihteeksi. Peliss tarkoituksena on ampua vastustajan alukset rikki, ja itse pysy hengiss. Aina kun menett aluksesi sinulle arvotaan uusi alus 17 erilaisesta. Ohjelmoin peli Pentium 75:lla 'kotikyttn', eik sit siksi ole optimoitu paljoakaan. Peli vaatii vhintn 486 33MHz prosessorilla varustetun koneen, mielelln 486 66MHz:en, RUNS EVEN BETTER WITH INTEL PENTIUM!! Peli on kokeiltu minun vanhalla 486SX 25MHz koneellani, jolla se pyri aika hyvin ja 486DX2 66MHz koneella jossa oli ISA-nyttkortti, sill peli pyri aika hitaasti... Kolmen pelaajan peliss kolmas pelaaja voi pelata hiirell tai nppimistll (minun nppimistni ei ainakaan kunnolla lukenut kaikkia pelaajia kolminpeliss nppimistll). PS2-portissa oleva hiiri ei ilmeisesti toimi pelin kanssa kunnolla.(korjaus seuraavaan versioon) Tm versio on osittain keskenerinen: niefektej ei ole lydetty/tehty joka alukselle. Kentti ei ole tarpeeksi. Kunnollista musiikkia ei ole tehty. Tm peli kytt MIDAS SOUND SYSTEMI, tekijt Petteri Kangaslampi ja Jarno Paananen. Tt peli saa kopioida niin paljon kuin halu |
101701 | TASO100.ZIP | 535558 | 15.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | ÛÛÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛ² ÛÛ ÛÛ Û²Û ÛÛ Û² ÛÛ ÛÛßßÛ²ßßßÛ²Û Û² ÛÛ ÛÛ Û²ÛÛÛÛ²ÛÛÛÛ² ´ÚÄ¿ÚÄ¿ ÁÀÄÙÀÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ 2-4 Players ³ ³ Split-Screen ³ ³ Blow things up ! ³ ³ Choppers,Bunkers ³ ³ Troopers,____ers ³ ³ SB, Gus, Nppis! ³ ³ Freeware by Mith ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ |
101702 | TBAVW801.ZIP | 1011411 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Thunderbyte Anti-Virus - The most complete anti-virus system available. Included are TbScan, TbScanX, TbSetup, TbClean, TbDisk, TbFile, TbMem, TbCheck, and TbUtil. |
101703 | TBW95802.ZIP | 976660 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ThunderBYTE Anti-Virus |
101704 | TCPIP1.ZIP | 1408737 | 06.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Verkkoversio legendaarisesta rakettipelistä! Laitteistovaatim : Bendium,Win98/95,Directx 6.1,Verkko (directplay), 640x480x16 tilaan pystyvät näyttökortti & monitori. Lisätietoja vkujala@lut.fi , tai tulevaisuudessa (sivut radikaalisti kesken) http://www.lut.fi/~vkujala Levy 1/2 |
101705 | TCPIP2.ZIP | 435653 | 06.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Verkkoversio legendaarisesta rakettipelistä! Laitteistovaatim : Bendium,Win98/95,Directx 6.1,Verkko (directplay), 640x480x16 tilaan pystyvät näyttökortti & monitori. Lisätietoja vkujala@lut.fi , tai tulevaisuudessa (sivut radikaalisti kesken) http://www.lut.fi/~vkujala Levy 2/2 |
101706 | TCR15_1.ZIP | 793386 | 21.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ T h e C r u s h V. 1.5 ³ ³ ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- ³ ³ Very nice and fun 2-4 player tank ³ ³ game for Windows. Shoot computers and ³ ³ your friends with many different ³ ³ weapons, tanks and fields. Now much ³ ³ faster, needs only 1/2 SysRes than ³ ³ v. 1.4. Really better graphics and ³ ³ much better computer players. Now TC ³ ³ is really fun to play. Needs mouse ³ ³ and VGA. 486 to play, Pentium to ³ ³ ecstasy! Requires VBRUN300.DLL [1/2] ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ From: Platinum Software ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ |
101707 | TCR15_2.ZIP | 1152717 | 21.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ T h e C r u s h V. 1.5 ³ ³ ---ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ--- ³ ³ Very nice and fun 2-4 player tank ³ ³ game for Windows. Shoot computers and ³ ³ your friends with many different ³ ³ weapons, tanks and fields. Now much ³ ³ faster, needs only 1/2 SysRes than ³ ³ v. 1.4. Really better graphics and ³ ³ much better computer players. Now TC ³ ³ is really fun to play. Needs mouse ³ ³ and VGA. 486 to play, Pentium to ³ ³ ecstasy! Requires VBRUN300.DLL [2/2] ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ From: Platinum Software ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ |
101708 | TD_12.ZIP | 236380 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | TweakDUN v1.2 is a foolproof way to adjust the Windows 95 dial-up networking settings for maximum performance. |
101709 | TER110.ZIP | 793967 | 28.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | -=> TERMINATE - The final terminal! <=- On-line help for novices & the advanced features and flexibility that experts require! Fido-net point system, fax support, cost manager, hostmode, IEMSI logins, CD-Audio Player, system info, voicecalls. Superb file manager boasts tagging and requests. Great translation /keyboard editor: load keymap/table for each phone book entry! Version 1.10 |
101710 | TERAFIRE.ZIP | 1874052 | 02.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | TERRAFIRE v1.0s arcade game by ORT Software Awesome arcade action from the award-winning creator of AstroFire, featuring stunning raytraced graphics, super-smooth 360 degree parallax scrolling, gravitational physics, huge bosses and devastating power-ups. Thrust your ship through heavily defended underground caverns, past wind tunnels, fire-walls and subterranean lakes. Requires 486 or faster PC + DOS or Win95. |
101711 | TFW101D1.ZIP | 1134546 | 31.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Û²²±±°° Telix for Windows 1.01d °°±±²²Û º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ The most popular shareware comm program ever continues its reign with a Microsoft Windows version, complete with a FAST RIP terminal, reliable Zmodem transfers, and its powerful scripting languages, Telix will fit the bill for power users and non-modem users alike. Time-limited version; $99.00 reg.; Disk [1/2] |
101712 | TFW101D2.ZIP | 1413362 | 31.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ÖÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· º Û²²±±°° Telix for Windows 1.01d °°±±²²Û º ÓÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĽ The most popular shareware comm program ever continues its reign with a Microsoft Windows version, complete with a FAST RIP terminal, reliable Zmodem transfers, and its powerful scripting languages, Telix will fit the bill for power users and non-modem users alike. Time-limited version; $99.00 reg.; Disk [1/2] |
101713 | THEA64P.LHA | 187140 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | A64 V3.01d |
101714 | THOR22MA.LHA | 822936 | 22.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Short: Offline Reader for BBS/Internet usage, main archive Author: Ultima Thule Software (thor@hstud6.cs.uit.no) Uploader: Petter Nilsen (pettern@icenet.no) Type: comm/mail Replaces: thor21_main.lha 951105 - THOR - Release 2.2 Copyright (C) 1993-1995 Ultima Thule Software, All Rights Reserved. THOR 2.2 is an advanced multi-format offline reader, supporting the QWK, Fido, UUCP, SOUP, Bluewave, Omen, ABBS, MBBS and Hippo (BBBS) message formats. It will also handle TCP-connections with NNTP, SMTP and POP3. Changes from 2.1 to 2.2: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Major changes made to the TCP modules - 2 new group modes added: "Alpha Subject" and "Alpha Subject+Thread". Will only work if the message list window is open. - When making a reply to a crossposted message on netnews, you will be able to select which groups you shall crosspost back to. - New symbol added for turning on an off Style Tags. - UUEncoded files will now get a icon, just like MIME attachments get. When clicking on the icon, |
101715 | THPK40.LHA | 15796 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Short: 040 enhancer for ThemePark AGA Author: Gareth Murfin (gazy@globalnet.co.uk) Uploader: Gareth Murfin (gazy@globalnet.co.uk) Type: Game/Patch VERSION: : $VER: ThemePark 040 Patch v1.0b BRIEF: : This is a patch for ThemePark which will get the most out of an A1200/4000 fitted with an 040 and FPU or simply just an 040. It uses all Icaches & Dcaches available to make the game run as fast as possible. It was designed with an Apollo 1240/25 in mind but Im sure it will work with many other setups which include an 040 CPU. INSTALLATION : Simply copy the file go040 and CPU into the dir you have ThemePark installed in and reboot. Hold down both mouse buttons, and select boot with no startup sequence. Now cd your way to the dir with go040 in, example, for me its -> cd A500:ThemePark/TP/ Then Type go040 and simply wait. ThemePark should load up into glorious SuperFast 040 mode. The music |
101716 | TI4AMIGA.LHA | 30176 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Instructions for using TI99EMUL.EXE =================================== Author: Ton Brouwer Date: 07/05/93 1. General This TI-99/4A emulator was written in Turbo-C V2.0 on a simple XT-type PC. The objective was simply to see if it 'could be done' and how fast such a program would be if run on a proper computer. It appears that the emulator still is slower than a real TI even when run on a 486-33 MHz. The speed is however reasonable on such a machine. |
101717 | TIETOP_1.ARJ | 36098 | 28.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» º °±² Tietop v 1.0 ²±° º ÌÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͹ º Kiva 123-vaihtoehtovisailu ! º º Shareware versiossa 3 aihetta, º º Televisio, Historia, Maantieto. º º Rekisteriminen on vain 20 mk ! º º Rekisteridyss versiossa 5 aihetta,º º Televisio, Historia, Maantieto, º º Sivistyssanat ja Englannin kieli. º º Kun rekisterit niin saat n.250 º º kysymyst !!! º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ |
101718 | TIKKI121.ZIP | 415539 | 19.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Tikki, versio 1.21 Freeware [15.9.1999] Suomenkielinen korttipeli parhaiden tulosten listalla ja monipuolisilla asetuksilla. Vaatimukset: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT, Pentium tai tehokkaampi, 16 Mt keskusmuistia, 1 Mt levytilaa, näytön resoluutio 800 x 600 ja 16-bittiset värit. Vaatii myös tiedostot MSVBVM50.DLL (versio SP2) ja VB5STKIT.DLL. Copyright (c) 1999 Mika Salonen. |
101719 | TK31.ZIP | 1222783 | 12.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | The Ultimate TK (Tapan Kaikki) v1.1 (Tapan Kaikki 3) - Ylhlt kuvattu 2D riskint. Just kill them all again !!! DOS 486/66 VGA 4 Mt Error Free Productions |
101720 | TKG-EP.LHA | 1065580 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101721 | TLX322-1.ZIP | 173576 | 28.08.1994 | - | MBCD | - | ÚÄÄ{ Telix Communications v3.22, 1 of 4 )ÄÄ¿ ³ Fast, powerful, and easy to use. 12 file ³ ³ transfer protocols, 200 + modem setups, ³ ³ terminal emulation, dialing directory, ³ ³ 2 powerful script languages, scroll-back ³ ³ and BBS HOST mode, keyboard macros, new ³ ³ development team, many more new features.³ ³ Maintenance release updating ver. 3.21. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ |
101722 | TLX322-2.ZIP | 65829 | 28.08.1994 | - | MBCD | - | ---{ Telix Communications v3.22, 2 of 4 )--- - Support files, sample scripts, compilers |
101723 | TLX322-3.ZIP | 203596 | 28.08.1994 | - | MBCD | - | ---{ Telix Communications v3.22, 3 of 4 )--- - Host+ BBS Host mode, BBS Installation |
101724 | TLX322-4.ZIP | 181425 | 28.08.1994 | - | MBCD | - | ---{ Telix Communications v3.22, 4 of 4 )--- - Documentation for Host+, Scripts, Telix |
101726 | TM412-1.ZIP | 189683 | 05.02.1994 | - | MBCD | - | TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 1 of 4 TELEMATE is a multi-threading communication program. Featuring ANSI/Avatar/VT52/VT102 terminal, editor, viewer, huge backscroll, clipboard and many unique functions. Built-in mouse support provides easy access to all functions. This high quality comm program gives you OS/2-like power in a DOS program. |
101727 | TM412-2.ZIP | 198386 | 05.02.1994 | - | MBCD | - | TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 2 of 4 Version 4.12 has many new features: Multiple upload and download directories, batch file transfer status, video cache, high IRQ, giving up control to DesqView and OS/2, and much much more. |
101728 | TM412-3.ZIP | 197495 | 05.02.1994 | - | MBCD | - | TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 3 of 4 |
101729 | TM412-4.ZIP | 250847 | 05.02.1994 | - | MBCD | - | TELEMATE 4.12, Powerful comm program, 4 of 4 Part 4 is the bundled GIFLink protocol driver which allows you to view transmitting GIF images in stunning SuperVGA graphics! Support X/Y/Zmodem/CIS QuickB. Can skip receiving images. Easy to install. |
101725 | TM98FIN.EXE | 2573630 | 29.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101730 | TMDFTP11.ZIP | 159386 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Timed FTP 1.1 - SH Software An ftp-program wich can be automated with timed transfers. For example every minute Timed FTP can transfer a webcam picture via ftp. Time interval and everything else is configurable. Ideal also for html-coders. Timed FTP is totally freeware! |
101731 | TME_0007.ZIP | 1795734 | 22.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | The Midnight Engine: Lords of Midnight scenario v0007. By Chris Wild and Mike Singleton Retro remake of the legendary first person roleplaying game of the 80s. Adventure in the land of Midnight, find allies and enemies, form alliances and fight the forces of Doomdark. My primary goal is to bring the game to the Windows, add few 90's niceties and give the ability to make new/enhanced games using same engine. Windows 95, DirectX |
101732 | TMW100.ZIP | 1296490 | 31.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Telemate for Windows, Version 1.00 Telemate is a feature-rich communication program with ANSI/Avatar/VT102 terminals, bookmarks in huge backscroll, editor, script, GIF viewer, and X/Y/Zmodem protocols. View GIF images during transfer. Auto-launch tools when file are received. Support comt:telnet modem. Easy to install, auto-detect modem. |
101947 | TN_ACME.ZIP | 81107 | 30.08.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | name:[acronicta megacephala] running time:[3:38] format:[it] composer:[terinova] group:[emerald] |
101948 | TN_BPV.ZIP | 69559 | 30.08.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | name:[brain pattern variations] running time:[2:58] format:[it] composer:[terinova] group:[emerald] |
101949 | TN_DERA.ZIP | 267968 | 30.08.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | name:[demerara] running time:[3:15] format:[it] composer:[terinova] group:[emerald] |
101950 | TN_DOCL.ZIP | 138135 | 30.08.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | name:[domestic cleaner] running time:[3:11] format:[it] composer:[terinova] group:[emerald] |
101951 | TN_DROTE.ZIP | 74324 | 30.08.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | name:[drote] running time:[2:15] format:[it] composer:[terinova] group:[emerald] |
101952 | TN_IMEN.ZIP | 277418 | 30.08.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | name:[imencity] running time:[3:58] format:[it] composer:[terinova] group:[emerald] |
101953 | TN_KOVE.ZIP | 222775 | 30.08.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | name:[koverremperen] running time:[2:46] format:[it] composer:[terinova] group:[emerald] |
101954 | TN_PRID.ZIP | 189865 | 30.08.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | name:[Pride] running time:[2:45] format:[it] composer:[terinova] group:[emerald] |
101955 | TN_PRON.ZIP | 115395 | 30.08.1998 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | name:[perplexion] running time:[3:20] format:[it] composer:[terinova] group:[emerald] |
101733 | TOCA11.ZIP | 439667 | 11.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | TOCA Touring Car Championship update V1.11 Improved network play, Computer Cars now available in network play, Improved all round graphics cards support, nVidia RIVA 128 support improved. |
101734 | TOP_206.ZIP | 858620 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Tigers on the Prowl II 2.06 update |
101735 | TOPCPU | 5340 | 08.03.1993 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101736 | TOPDR20A.ZIP | 400300 | 10.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | TOP DRAW v2.0 |
101737 | TOPDR20B.ZIP | 416703 | 10.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | TOP DRAW v2.0 |
101738 | TOS11.ZIP | 3262667 | 22.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Titans of Steel v1.1 - tactical BattleMech strategy game, an offspring of Mechforce, the brilliant Amiga classic by Ralph H. Reed.Turn based 'Mech combat. Build your own combat vehicles, assemble teams and fight with huge combat vehicles that can weight more 100 tons Unique idea with excellent presentation and playability. DOS 486 24 MB RAM 15 MB HD SVGA (Vesa 1.2) Solo & hotseat play. Supports IPX multiplayer. By Vicious Byte. www.ks.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~hbs/tos.html |
101739 | TOSV101.ZIP | 3276258 | 10.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Titans of Steel v1.01 - tactical BattleMech strategy game, an offspring of Mechforce, the brilliant Amiga classic by Ralph H. Reed.Turn based 'Mech combat. Build your own combat vehicles, assemble teams and fight with huge combat vehicles that can weight more 100 tons Unique idea with excellent presentation and playability. DOS 486 24 MB RAM 15 MB HD SVGA (Vesa 1.2) Solo & hotseat play. Supports IPX multiplayer. By Vicious Byte. www.ks.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~hbs/tos.html |
101740 | TRANSP41.ZIP | 54868 | 27.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Transparent v4.1 Freeware by Jay Guerette Released June, 27, 1998 www.pobox.com/~jayguerette/transparent What This utility will turn your Windows 95 or NT desktop icon text backgrounds transparent; allowing your wallpaper to show through. Starting with version 4, you can also change the icon text color! It's completely free, with no splash, and is only 19k. It can optionally stay in memory to automatically fix the transparency if your desktop gets changed or reset. What's New! Version 4.1: (06-27-98) Changed the way Transparent works when you tell it to use the desktop color as the icon text color: if Transparent is resident, it will automatically change the text color to match the desktop color if the desktop color changes. Also added a command to specify the text color by RGB value or number. Grew to 25k. Version 4: (06-12-98) Now changes icon text color without changing the desktop color. Has a new command option to change the text color to match the desktop color! Nifty! Lowered the default update interval to 500 milliseconds. This program uses so few CPU cycles there is no real penalty, and the crisper response time is a notable aesthetic improvement. Added another version ded |
101741 | TRAPPRO.ZIP | 413644 | 10.07.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Trap Shooting PRO - from Diversions Software. Realistic 3D Trap Shooting. Beautifully rendered scrollable field, full head motion aiming, authentic sound effects, multiple skill levels. SHAREWARE Requires VBRUN300.DLL |
101742 | TRICKS5.ZIP | 344822 | 12.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Stupid OS/2 Tricks, release #5 -- November 1994 "Stupid OS/2 Tricks" is a collection of OS/2 v2.x tips and tricks that I've collected over time from various sources, including the various Fidonet OS/2 echoes, the various OS/2 Usenet newsgroups, OS/2-related books and articles, other user group members, and through just general playing around with my OS/2 machines. "Stupid OS/2 Tricks" was inspired by the "Clever Tricks" section of Tim Sipples' *wonderful* Frequently Asked Questions list (we love you, Tim!). I thought that it would be neat to expand on Tim's clever tricks, because I kept seeing interesting tips and tricks and kept saying to myself, "Someone ought to write this all down." However, Tim's doing the work of about one hundred OS/2-ers already, so... I will try to keep "Stupid OS/2 Tricks" updated as I gather more neat stuff about OS/2. Keep in mind that I'm no expert on OS/2, so I can't absolutely guarantee that all the tips and tricks contained in the file will work on every OS/2 v2.x system. So use at your own risk! (Standard disclaimer of liability applies.) "Stupid OS/2 Tricks" is in INF format, therefore it requires OS/2's VIEW.EXE t |
101743 | TRIGLIDE.ZIP | 28487 | 17.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Cart Precision Racing 3DFX Glide support note: this patch is either a hack or a leaked version and not officially released by Sierra/Papyrus or Microsoft so use at your own risk |
101744 | TRPPATCH.LHA | 25011 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | TRAPPED PATCH by Software Failure/Airsoft ========================================= |
101745 | TRUB3DFX.ZIP | 6786346 | 02.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Tomb Raider Gold New Levels update Core Design / Eidos Interactive This will add new levels from the Unfinished Business portion of Tomb Raider Gold to the original Tomb Raider. You must have the original Tomb Raider 1 installed on your computer to use this. The 3Dfx version does not work with Voodoo2. |
101746 | TRUBSOFT.ZIP | 6738951 | 06.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Tomb Raider Gold New Levels Core Design/ Eidos Interactive This will add new levels from the Unfinished Business portion of Tomb Raider Gold to the original TR. You must have the original Tomb Raider 1 installed on your computer to use this. Software version. |
101747 | TSDEM136.ZIP | 1853861 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Total Soccer v1.36 demo. By Live Media. Windows 95 arcade soccer game, designed from the start with only playability in mind. A step back to the 'good old days' of 16-bit games, but a step forward for PC soccer games! This demo allows you to play a one or 2 player game between Arsenal and Aston Villa. Limited to 1 minute each way. Expires on 01.06.1999. 486/100, 16MB, Win95, DirectX. Runs on 640x480/800x600/1024x768 and supports 3Dfx. |
101748 | TSUP132R.ZIP | 562570 | 15.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Total Soccer full version update v1.32 * Extra Time (15 mins each half) * Penalties * Injuries * Cup competitions may be played over 1 or 2 legs * Scanner on/off option * Various minor bug fixes * Autodribble (as in v1.1) * Training (as in v1.1) |
101749 | TURB110.ZIP | 4368876 | 24.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Turbis 1.1SW. Loistava luolalentely Turborakettityyliin erinomaisella pelattavuudella ja upeilla graafisilla ehosteilla. Sislt 16b grafiikat, SB/GUS tuen, Turbisrankingin ja rutkasti stvaraa. Vaatii Pentiumin. |
101750 | TURB111.ZIP | 4328043 | 17.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Turbis 1.11SW. Loistava luolalentely Turborakettityyliin erinomaisella pelattavuudella ja upeilla graafisilla ehosteilla. Sislt 16b grafiikat, SB/GUS tuen, Turbisrankingin ja rutkasti stvaraa. Vaatii Pentiumin. |
101751 | TURBG401.ZIP | 788879 | 02.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | TurboGo for Windows 95, version 4.01. The best shareware Go program in the world, with many great features. Play against the computer, print your own games or learn this addictive Japanese game with the aid of the extensive Go tutorial. TurboGo teaches you the rules, elementary tactics and strategies, explains the reasons for the moves it makes and shows a lot of information about the game in progress. TurboGo also supports seven languages: English, German, Dutch, Spanish, French, Italian and Swedish! Shareware - US$ 30 - by Arnoud van der Loeff |
101752 | TUROK3DF.A01 | 1439200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101753 | TUROK3DF.A02 | 1439200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101754 | TUROK3DF.A03 | 1439200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101755 | TUROK3DF.A04 | 1439200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101756 | TUROK3DF.A05 | 1439200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101757 | TUROK3DF.A06 | 1439200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101758 | TUROK3DF.A07 | 306663 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101759 | TUROK3DF.ARJ | 1439505 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Turok: Dinosaur Hunter Playable Demo Iguana/ Acclaim Take on the role of a Native American Turok. It is your duty to protect humanity against the threats from the residents of the Lost Land, the "sewer of the universe." Alien races along side of ferocious dinosaurs, which have only been defeated by Turok. Amazing 3D action! Req. P120, 16Mb, Win95, DirectX , 3Dfx card |
101760 | TVS32.ZIP | 453191 | 28.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101761 | TYPMAS98.EXE | 2702282 | 30.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101762 | UHSDOS40.ZIP | 92365 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | UHS Reader for MS-DOS v4.00 |
101900 | UHSW9540.ZIP | 377789 | 06.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | UHS Reader for Win95 v4.00 |
101763 | UHSW9541.EXE | 368599 | 29.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | UHS Reader for Windows 95 v4.10 [ASP]. The Universal Hint System gives you only the hints that you need to solve many computer games. Unlike traditional walkthroughs, the UHS lets you select questions from menus and view only as much information -- from subtle nudges to full answers -- as you want, so that you have an opportunity to finish solving the puzzles on your own. Shareware: $20 registration fee. |
101764 | UHSWIN40.ZIP | 400895 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | UHS Reader for Windows v4.00 |
101765 | ULTRA07A.ZIP | 120420 | 29.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ultra07a.zip and UltiMOD v1.1 Version 0.7a of Robert Manley's OS/2 GUS Drivers ("The Manley Drivers") and Version 1.1 of Sander van Leeuwen's UltiMOD GUS native MOD player for OS/2 |
101766 | UNRLB220.A01 | 3287010 | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101767 | UNZ512X2.EXE | 176000 | 07.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12: OS/2 2.x exes Contains documentation/executables for: 32-bit UnZip (ZipInfo now built in) 16-bit UnZipSFX (self-extractor stub: prepend to zipfiles) 32-bit fUnZip (filter UnZip, for use with pipes) This is FREE (but copyrighted) software. See COPYING for details on distribution. |
101768 | UNZIP51X.LHA | 90157 | 31.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | UnZip 5.1 |
101769 | URP140.ZIP | 2422719 | 12.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ultim@te Race Pro v1.4 update Kalisto. Voodoo 2, Direct3D, multiplayer, 3Dfx etc etc fixes. Supports now Mplayer. |
101770 | URW230B.ZIP | 5626864 | 06.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | -- The UnReal World Fantasy RPG v2.3BETA --- 32-bit, protected mode version Requirements: 486,4MB,800x600 SVGA,SB Playable under: MSDOS / WIN(3.1/95/98) -------------------------------------------- UrW is a unique RPG placed in the far north at the iron age. It brings you very realistic game-world with real northern mythology, folklore and way of life: - as a member of one of the ten varying cultures you'll enter the very realistic, enchanting and charming game system & world. - play freely or follow various game courses in a huge randomly generated world - skill-based system including tens of skills from COOKERY to HIDEWORKING. - intelligent creatures and fellow-men. - find excitement from the everyday life and surviving in the harsh world ...and there are infinite ways to play; as a fisherman, a hermit seeking for the peace, a brave adventurer, a rough hunter, a trapper or a tradesman etc. Everything is up to you. |
101771 | UVP10D.ZIP | 128767 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | VirtuaPOKER 1.0 SW +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ *** + Matti Roslander + ( Matti.Roslander@dlc.fi ) + Diamond Software 1997 + ( http://www.dlc.fi/~mrosland ) ***** HUOM!! Voit tilata VirtuaPOKER 2.0 hintaan 20mk, mutta tss paketti, jota ei voi ohittaa : VirtuaCASINO II : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * VirtuaPOKER 2.0 - 2-poker - Jokeripokeri - 200mk pokeri * VirtuaVENTTI 2.0 * VirtuaKENO 2.0 * DoublePOT II (RAY Tuplapotti) KOKO PAKETTI VAIN 40MK!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <<<< ! Voit tilata paketista yksittisen pelin hintaan 20mk ! >>>> *** TILAA NYT.. ET VARMASTI KADU! *** VirtuaPOKER ~~~~~~~~~~~ VirtuaPOKER simuloi tarkasti rahayhdistyksen (RA |
101772 | V2CFG_U.ZIP | 212460 | 19.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Voodoo 2 Tweaker udpate by Leinen Software. Utility. lets you configure all settings for the Glide and Direct3D API's of your Voodoo 2 based 3D graphics-acceleration card, e.g. Gamma correction, Refresh rate, Pixel clock tuning (overclocking up to 120 MHz!), Buffer synchronization, Mipmap dithering, Antialiasing, Triple-buffering, etc. |
101773 | V95312E1.ZIP | 1263619 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | VirusScan for Windows 95 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and unknown viruses. Requires Windows 95. Version 3.1.2 (3009) 10-24-97 |
101774 | V95312E2.ZIP | 1430439 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DISK2.ID DATA.2 |
101775 | V95312E3.ZIP | 1440621 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DISK3.ID DATA.3 |
101776 | V95312E4.ZIP | 780258 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DATA.4 DISK4.ID |
101777 | VB5RUSP3.ZIP | 1280447 | 29.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Asenna.exe |
101778 | VBRUN400.EXE | 577770 | 12.01.2000 | - | MBCD | - | MSVCRT40.DLL VB40032.DLL OLEPRO32.DLL |
101779 | VBRUN500.EXE | 1973760 | 12.01.2000 | - | MBCD | - | /////////////////////////////////////// / Visual Basic 5.0(sp2) / /////////////////////////////////////// These files are for programs that need the visual basic runtimes. These are in the service pack 2 versionand they are campatible with all earlier versions. Note: If you have visual basic 5.0 with out the service pack 2 then it will not work, you need to upgrade your visual basic to sp2 from microsoft. Thank you for downloading these files and supporting visual basic programming. Special thanks to: - Jameson Blandford - jameson@proimaging.com - http://www.proimaging.com/jamie URLs: www.micrsoft.com/vbasic - for visual basic stuff from microsoft www.proimaging.com/jamie - the homepage for these files and other cool programs(please visit) www2.rpa.net/~proimaging/vbasic5.zip - where these files were from jameson@proimaging.com - for help on these files |
101780 | VBRUN600.EXE | 1055456 | 12.01.2000 | - | MBCD | - | ADVPACK.DLL oleaut32.dll msvbvm60.dll comcat.dll W95INF16.DLL stdole2.tlb asycfilt.dll olepro32.dll W95INF32.DLL vbrun60.inf |
101781 | VBTT95C.ZIP | 395707 | 03.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | VBTT95.EXE |
101782 | VH2BETA2.ZIP | 281682 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Hexen II Rendition Verite Beta 2 update Verite Hexen II. It requires a Rendition Verite-based graphics card (such as the Canopus Total 3D, Sierra Screamin' 3D, Intergraph Intense 3D 100,or Creative Labs 3D Blaster PCI) and the Full retail release of Hexen II (patched to v1.09). |
101783 | VICV065.LHA | 100900 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | VIC-20 Emulator |
101784 | VIDCRAFT.ZIP | 3642809 | 02.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | VideoCraft GIF Animator is an imaging special effects editor. Creates GIF animations using most of the effects you would see in TV commercials or Hollywood movies such as morphing, warping, distortions, overlays etc. Supports many image formats and includes high-quality image processing tools. Fully functional demo with 30 day time limit. Windows 95. |
101785 | VINKKI2.ZIP | 257733 | 14.08.1998 | - | MBCD | - | VINKKIDISU II V.1.0 (C) 1998 TUOMAS IKOLA Suurimman suomenkielisen pelivinkkikokoelman SW-versio (eik tm hvi ulkolaisille kilpakumppaneilleenkaan). Suositun Vinkkidisun jatko-osa on siis tll! Uutta edellisiin versioihin: -Koko ohjelma on koodattu uusiksi -Ei en miljoonaa pient tiedostoa -> hukkatila vhentynyt roimasti -Bugeja liiskattu jne. Purku: Pkunzip -d vinkki2.zip c:\? |
101786 | VINKKI34.ZIP | 486699 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | VINKKIDISU v3.4 (C) Tuomas Ikola --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 KYTTOIKEUS 1.1 VINKKIDISUN TARKOITUS 1.2 VINKKIDISUN KYNNISTYS 1.3 VALMISTUS JA TESTAUS 1.4 TIEDOSTOT 1.5 YHTEYDENOTTO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 KYTTOIKEUS Vinkkidisua saa kytt ja levitt vapaasti, mutta toivoisin kuitenkin, ett lhettisit minulle pienen 20 mk:n maksun (voit lhett enemmnkin, jos silt tuntuu $) Kun kopioit ohjelman jollekin, niin sinun tytyy noudattaa seuraavia ehtoja: - Vinkkidisun juuressa olevia tiedostoja ei saa poistaa eik muutella. - Kun list, poistat tai muokaat Vinkkidisun vinkkitiedostoja, et saa levitt sit. - Tekij ei ole vastuussa, jos Vinkkidisu aiheuttaa vahinkoja. - Tekij ei ole myskn vastuussa toimimattomista vinkeist. 1.1 VINKKIDISUN TARKOITUS Vinkkidisun tarkoitus on antaa tietokonepelaajille vinkkej, huijauksia ja lpipeluuohj |
101787 | VLIST136.LHA | 26655 | 24.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | >>> Virushelp team NL Presents: <<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VirusScanList 1.36 - Rel : 04-Nov-96 A list containing dangerous archives, fake versions of warez and BBS program infiltrators. AMIGAGUIDE Format ! |
101788 | VMM33A.LHA | 314657 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Virtual memory for Amigas with MMU |
101789 | VP31401.ZIP | 469436 | 26.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | VGA Planets v3.14 full package [1/2] |
101790 | VP31402.ZIP | 579490 | 26.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | VGA Planets v3.14 full package [2/2] |
101791 | VS_DEMO3.ZIP | 3172376 | 29.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Virtual Sailor demo 3. By Ilan Papini. Sailing game. Simulates the entire the marine environment from a sailboat's perspective and makes a complete sailing experience. Accurate wind and wave dynamics Accurate sailboat dynamics. Accurate and dynamic sailboat sounds. Dynamic weather conditions. Simulates race with other boats including wind shadow effects. P166, 16MB, Win95/98, DirectX, 4MB Direct3D card |
101792 | VZ-II135.LHA | 187558 | 18.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | VirusZ II 1.35 |
101793 | VZII-118.LHA | 136696 | 05.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | VirusZ II 1.18 - Yksi parhaista viruskillereist Amigalle. Helppokyttinen. - Toimii KS2.0 tai uudemman alla. - Tekij: Georg Hrmann - Shareware |
101794 | W_AMP209.EXE | 487424 | 27.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101795 | W3USV101.ZIP | 1262628 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Warlords III: Reign of Heroes 1.01 update by SSG / Red Orb Entertainment Increases performance in multiplayer games and fixes a few bugs. |
101796 | W95_EURO.EXE | 1239352 | 01.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101797 | W95WS2.ZIP | 923840 | 02.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Windows 95 Windows Sockets 2 Update Winsock v2 - 19 Feb 98. This is an update that has been released since the Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 (Sept 10, 1996). Resolves a number of Winsock2 issues. Also includes an update of the TCP/IP stack that resolves a number issues. Note: if you need Dial-Up Networking 1.2b or earlier, install this after dial-up. |
101798 | WAMP210.EXE | 552960 | 06.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | .text .rdata .data |
101799 | WARFA104.ZIP | 476746 | 15.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | WARFARE 1.0.4 (11/95) Warfare is a fast paced War/Strategy game for Windows. It is simply to learn, hard to master. Play against multiple Computer players each with controlling attributes that are configurable. Strong AI makes game more challenging at higher difficulties. Maps are randomly created from user definable settings. Requires: Windows 3.1 or higher, 386-33+. Shareware. New Order Info. |
101800 | WASH120.EXE | 775399 | 12.01.2000 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101801 | WB_41E.ZIP | 299937 | 11.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | WinBatch - 4.0Q (BETA) (ASP) Windows Batch Files. Dialogs, program control, & powerful data manipulation features lets you control Windows. A must for the power user. Over 200 functions let you do *anything* in Windows! DDE, Multimedia, and More! $69.95 |
101822 | WB250640.A01 | 2999200 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101823 | WB250640.A02 | 2999200 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101824 | WB250640.A03 | 2999200 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101825 | WB250640.A04 | 2953017 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101826 | WB250640.ARJ | 2999527 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Warbirds 2.50 lentokonegrafiikat. 640x480 paketti, sislt kaikki lentokoneet. |
101827 | WB250768.A01 | 3999200 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101828 | WB250768.A02 | 3999200 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101829 | WB250768.A03 | 3999200 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101830 | WB250768.A04 | 3999200 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101831 | WB250768.A05 | 3999200 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101832 | WB250768.A06 | 3999200 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101833 | WB250768.A07 | 3832251 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101834 | WB250768.ARJ | 3999658 | 25.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Warbirds 2.50 lentokonegrafiikat. 1024x768 paketti, sislt kaikki lentokoneet. |
101809 | WB250R1B.A01 | 3999400 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101810 | WB250R1B.A02 | 3362863 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101811 | WB250R1B.ARJ | 3999460 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Warbirds 2.50r1 - Internet-pelattava monen hengen lentosimulaattori. Lhes 60 eri lentokonetta/mallia, realistisin simujen lentomalli, offline harjoitustehtvi. Sis. ilmainen kaksintaistelu modeemin, linkin, paikallisverkon IPX&TCP/IP ja Internetin kautta. Vaatii Win95 P120 16 Mt 2 Mt nytnohjain. Tukee Direct3D. http://www.imagiconline.com BASE-versio, sis. vain 640x480 F6F-Hellcat grafiikan, vaatii joko 640x480 tai 1024x768 grafiikkojen kopiointia. |
101812 | WB250R1F.A01 | 3999400 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101813 | WB250R1F.A02 | 3999400 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101814 | WB250R1F.A03 | 3999400 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101815 | WB250R1F.A04 | 3999400 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101816 | WB250R1F.A05 | 3999400 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101817 | WB250R1F.A06 | 840644 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101818 | WB250R1F.ARJ | 3999455 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Warbirds 2.50r1 Internet-pelattava monen 1/7 hengen lentosimulaattori. Lhes 50 eri lentokonetta/mallia, realistisin simujen lentomalli, offline harjoitustehtvi,. Sis. ilmainen kaksintaistelu modeemin, linkin, paikallisverkon IPX&TCP/IP ja Internetin kautta. Vaatii Win95 P120 16 Mt 2 Mt nytnohjain. Tukee Direct3D. http://www.imagiconline.com FULL-versio, sis. kaikki 640x480 grafiikat. 1024x768 grafiikat erillisess paketissa. Nettipelien kuningas! |
101819 | WB250R1U.ZIP | 6027201 | 08.01.1999 | - | MBCD | - | WarBirds V2.50r1 update, versiosta 2.01. 5 uutta konetyyppi, uudet asejrjestelmt, uusi ballistiikka, uudenmallinen kentnkaappaus, pommikonelentjt voivat toimia mys ampujina, uusi pistejrjestelm, uusi mallinnus jarrutuksissa, tutkan minimikorkeus, yhteysreittien analysoija, ja paljon muita muutoksia. Tm on pelkk binripivitys. Uudet konegrafiikat erillisill tiedostoissa. |
101835 | WB270768.ARJ | 4999484 | 13.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Warbirds 2.70 lentokonegrafiikat 1024x678 grafiikat, sislt kaikki lentokoneet. Imagic Online www.imagiconline.com |
101820 | WB272B.ARJ | 3999456 | 13.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Warbirds 2.72 - Internet-pelattava monen hengen lentosimulaattori. Yli 60 eri lentokonetta/mallia, realistisin simujen lentomalli, offline harjoitustehtvi. Sis. ilmainen kaksintaistelu modeemin, linkin, paikallisverkon IPX&TCP/IP ja Internetin kautta. Vaatii Win95 P120 16 Mt 2 Mt nytnohjain. Tukee Direct3D. http://www.imagiconline.com BASE-versio, sis. vain F6F-Hellcat grafiikan, vaatii joko 640x480 tai 1024x768 gfx:n asentamisen. |
101821 | WB272F.ARJ | 4999452 | 13.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Warbirds 2.72 - Internet-pelattava monen hengen lentosimulaattori. Yli 60 eri lentokonetta/mallia, realistisin simujen lentomalli, offline harjoitustehtvi. Sis. ilmainen kaksintaistelu modeemin, linkin, paikallisverkon IPX&TCP/IP ja Internetin kautta. Vaatii Win95 P120 16 Mt 2 Mt nytnohjain. Tukee Direct3D. http://www.imagiconline.com FULL-versio, sis. kaikki 640x480 grafiikat. 1024x768 grafiikat erillisess paketissa. Nettipelien kuningas! |
101802 | WB95F2R3.A01 | 2999533 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101803 | WB95F2R3.A02 | 2999435 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101804 | WB95F2R3.A03 | 2999482 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101805 | WB95F2R3.A04 | 2999546 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101806 | WB95F2R3.A05 | 734645 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101807 | WB95F2R3.ARJ | 2999470 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Warbirds 2.00r3 FULL install Internet-pelattava monen hengen lentosimulaattori. Sis. kaikki 640x480 grafiikat. Ilmainen kaksintaistelu modeemin, linkin, paikallisverkon IPX&TCP/IP ja Internetin kautta. Vaatii Win95 P120 16 Mt 2 Mt nytnohjain. www.imagiconline.com |
101808 | WB98_123.ZIP | 1275908 | 13.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | ----------------------------------------------------------- WinBoost 98 Shareware Version 1.23 December 17th 1998 ----------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1998 Magellass Corp. |
101836 | WBDETR10.ZIP | 21149 | 09.11.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WBDetect mk. X- apuohjelma Warbirdsin ja Dawn of Acesin online pelaamiseen. Tutkii kaikki yhteysreitit ja kynnist pelin kytten parhainta Internet-yhteytt. Asennetaan pelihakemistoon ja kytetn kynnistmll elin sijasta WBDetect. Win95. Parantaa peliyhteyksi valtavasti! Uusin versio tukee WB 2.50. |
101837 | WBFAQ111.ZIP | 33544 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WarBirds FAQ version 1.11 |
101838 | WDIR31.ZIP | 38501 | 24.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | WingDir v3.1 - Directory Match Utility. PCMagazine (July 94) - "The best Windows counterpart of DIRMATCH...". Windows Magazine (March 95) - "Superior Shareware..." Display directories side by side with file names aligned. DELETE, COPY, MOVE, or RENAME Files. MASK File Names with '*.*' wildcards. Display ALL, SAME, DIFFERENT, UNIQUE, or IDENTICAL Files. Change Source and Target Directories. Version 3.1 adds option to pass two files to 3rd party program. Requires VBRUN300.DLL. $10.00 Registration Fee. |
101839 | WEIV400S.ZIP | 4590614 | 04.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | World Empire IV v4.0 by Viable Software Alternatives 'Risk' type easy strategy game. You can play a local game against the computer and you are supposed to be able to play a game over the Internet. The graphics are really first rate and the excellent music and sound effects make for a good local game. Visual Basic 3.0 runtime module and Windows 3.1+ |
101840 | WFPC765.ZIP | 519330 | 29.12.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Westfront PC The Trials of Guilder v7.65 by Paul Allen Panks text adventure that runs in DOS or the command window in Windows 95. It features 20 different quests to solve, 808 rooms to explore, and 85 monsters to deal with. The object of the game is to rescue the king from the evil Sorceror, Serlin. DOS 5.0 |
101841 | WIN95APP.ZIP | 194573 | 10.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | WIN95APP.HLP |
101843 | WINDEFND.ZIP | 485669 | 24.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Defendroid (1.11) is yet another conversion of the classic old arcade game Defender. Req. Windows. gsummers@physics.ox.ac.uk |
101844 | WINGS130.ZIP | 3143193 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Wings v1.30 Fast and addictive 1-8 player combat game. Requires 486/VGA. Supports SoundBlaster, modem/serial game. |
101845 | WINSY347.ZIP | 223974 | 30.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | NewTech Software WinSystem 98 (v3.4.7a) Date : 01 avril 1999 --------------------------------------------------- Petit freeware pour Windows95/98 permettant : - d'afficher la memoire totale - d'afficher la memoire disponible - d'afficher les processus actifs - de rafraichir le memoire - d'afficher la temperature de la carte mere - d'afficher la temperature du cpu - d'afficher la charge de votre cpu - d'afficher les ressources gdi, user et system - d'afficher l'activité des disques locaux - d'afficher l'activité du modem (via le DUN) --------------------------------------------------- Freeware for Windows95/98 which: - displays total ram amount - displays free ram - displays active processes - free used memory - displays motherboard temperature - displays cpu temperature - displays cpu usage - displays gdi, user and system resources - displays hard drives activity - displays modem activity (DUN only) |
101846 | WINWAR2.ZIP | 949181 | 25.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WinWar II v3.06- board strategy game, like Axis & Allies. Imagine being able to assume role of Churchill, Eisenhower, or (if it turns you on) even Hitler during the most devastating conflict known to man, world war II. Face the challenges of one of major powers of the War. All of the basic unit types: infantry, armor, fighter, bomber, submarine, transport, destroyer, carrier and battleship. |
101847 | WNCODE26.ZIP | 266088 | 05.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Wincode: Multi-Purpose Encoder/Decoder for Windows (C) Snappy_Inc. (1993,1994) ------------------------------------------------------------ written by George H. Silva ***PLEASE DISTRIBUTE FREELY WITH ALL FILES INTACT*** Files: WINCODE.EXE the main executable program WCODEDLL.DLL dynamic link library of coding functions HOOKDLL.DLL dynamic link library of menu hook functions WINSORT.EXE a companion file-sort utility ZIPLINK.EXE executable link to PKZIP/PKUNZIP ZIPLINK.PIF ZIPLINK.EXE program information file SUM.EXE a BONUS "sum -r/size" DOS utility README.TXT this file HELPME.TXT Wincode basics and information for obtaining the HELP file (WINCODE.HLP) INSTALL.EXE the Install/Upgrade program INSTALL.HLP the Installer HELP file INSTALL.INF the Installer information file CHECKSUM.REF checksum reference file ***SEE THE HELPME.TXT FILE FOR MORE INFORMATION*** This file contains the following information: I. About Wincode II. Wincode Features (very brief |
101848 | WORMS2D.A01 | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101849 | WORMS2D.A02 | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101850 | WORMS2D.A03 | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101851 | WORMS2D.A04 | 809436 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101852 | WORMS2D.ARJ | 1456200 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Worms 2 playable demo Team 17/Microprose the sequel to the comical turn-based hit Worms. Control an army of special weapons units on a randomly generated map, and place them strategically based on their abilities. The designers have added more frames of animation this time around, making for fluid cartoonish graphics. Pentium-100, 16 MB RAM, mouse, sound board, Windows 95 |
101853 | WORMS2E5.ZIP | 2748745 | 17.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Worms 2 v1.5 for Europe/English versions Team 17 This patch installs several modifications. Read about them here. The patch is required to connect to the new version of the server for multiplayer. Includes: No cluster bomb cheat, modifications to Direct Play making multiplay connections better and much other fixes, better connection panel, better server lobby |
101854 | WORMS307.ZIP | 398448 | 20.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Suomalainen Omen & QWK- etlukija Windows 3.1 - 95:lle. Viestien luku ja kirjoitus linja-ajan ulkopuolella. Alueiden etvalinta, viestien arkistointi (1000 viestipakettia), kyttjluettelo, aiheiden ja kirjoittajien karsinta, SysOp- toiminnot, MIME-skandit, ROT13- salakielitulkki ja paljon muuta. Shareware-ohjelma. |
101855 | WORMZ106.ZIP | 944015 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Worm Zone v1.06 SW by Samuli Kajantola The most addictive worm game ever! 1-3 players, 360 deg. free movement, 10 levels + can create own, enemies and RAPID MACHINE GUN!!! Supports: many resolutions from VGA to VESA 800x600!, joystick, Sound Blasters at 44.1KHz. Requires: 386/VGA/2 MB (DPMI)/DOS Recommended: 486/VESA 2/4 MB/SB 16 |
101856 | WRAR202.EXE | 510493 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101857 | WRDZP16A.ZIP | 559260 | 02.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WordZap - Windows 16-bit Version 3.65 fast-paced addictive word game you can play with your friends or against the computer. If you like playing word games like Scrabble or Boggle you will love WordZap. Windows 95/NT. |
101858 | WRDZP32A.ZIP | 844209 | 02.04.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WordZap - Windows 32-bit Version 3.67 fast-paced addictive word game you can play over the Net -- or against the computer. If you like playing word games like Scrabble or Boggle you will love WordZap. Windows 95/NT. |
101859 | WSC_227E.ZIP | 613371 | 13.11.1995 | - | MBCD | - | VirusScan for Windows McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires Windows 3.1+. Version 227 (9510) 11-06-95 |
101860 | WSR60.ZIP | 556685 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WALL $TREET RAIDER v6.0 |
101861 | WTRSPT11.ZIP | 47540 | 28.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | WATER SPOTS SCREEN SAVER For Windows95 Version 1.1 ========================================================================= (C) 1995 Lee Lorenz LEGAL STUFF: This is "FreeWare" with one request... drop me a line via E-Mail or by postcard and tell me how you like it. ESPECIALLY if you are from overseas or something like that (Send the Postcard). The only other restriction for users is that these files be distributed in their entirety: WTRSPOTS.SCR WTRSPOTS.TXT MMWM32.DLL WAVEMIX.INI Lastly, for commercial uses, if this is placed on a CD-ROM, E-Mail me and make arrangements to send me a copy of the final CD-ROM which includes my saver. Well, my first Windows95 program. This one is a simple screen saver the turns your desktop into a "work of art". It looks much better with Hi/TrueColor displays, as it does not attempt to manipulate the palette in any way. ......................................................................... Installation: 1) Copy WTRSPOTS.SCR to your "win95\system |
101862 | WZ60A.ZIP | 316184 | 24.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | WinZip 6.0a for Windows 3.1 & Workgroups |
101863 | WZ60WN16.EXE | 320779 | 08.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | WinZip 6.0 for Windows 3.1 & Workgroups |
101864 | XA_A122.ZIP | 447043 | 02.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Extreme Assault v1,2,1.>v1.2.2 update The network cheat "emertxe" is deactivated This cheat allowed a player during a network game of EA to change himself into a UFO that was able to fly faster than the helicopter. This gave the cheater an unfair advantage. |
101865 | XATOMS.LHA | 17983 | 22.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | /*******************************************************************\ * * * * * EXPLODING ATOMS - DOCUMENTATION * * * * Copyright 1993 Misoftware computing and Pavel Ruzicka * * * * * \*******************************************************************/ RULES: XAtoms is a logical game for two players (for now?). The objective is to destroy all the enemy's atoms and save your own. The playground contains sixty-four fields, each containing a nucleus. At the start, there're all sixty-four nuclei neutral (they have grey colour). After start the first player can add one electron to any atom. Nucleus will have the same colour as the electrons around it. Now the second player should draw. He/she can add an electron only to sixty-three atoms, because it isn't possible to add electrons to ene |
101866 | XBLOX13.DMS | 260625 | 31.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Ei voitu purkaa |
101867 | XDEMO512.ZIP | 30587000 | 30.11.1999 | - | MBCD | - | X-Plane 5.12b Demo Amazing flight simulator by Laminar Research. First to use three-dimensional terrain elevation maps of the entire country. Most flexible flight simulator ever released for personal computers. "This piece of software is ultimate proof that PC technology is able to simulate flight dynamics in quite a realistic manner.... Windows 95/NT, DirectX5, P133, 32 MB. Supports OpenGL 3D acceleration. |
101868 | XSS312_1.RPM | 1736133 | 28.05.1999 | - | MBCD | - | xscreensaver-3.12-1.i386.cpio |
101870 | Y2K_TEST.EXE | 1568917 | 12.01.2000 | - | MBCD | - | Y2K TEST from SecureNet Technologies, Inc. |
101869 | Y2K.EXE | 1282832 | 20.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | ************************************************************************ Microsoft Windows 98 Year 2000 Update README File November 1998 ************************************************************************ (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1998 This document provides complementary information to supplement the Microsoft Windows 98 documentation. The Windows 98 Year 2000 Update provides Windows 98 updates to resolve known year 2000 issues with the Windows 98 operating system. For current year 2000 information regarding Microsoft products, visit the Microsoft Web site at http://www.microsoft.com/year2000 or call 1-888-MSFT-Y2K or contact your local Microsoft subsidiary. Such information is generally available to all Microsoft customers for the sole purpose of assisting the planning for the transition to the year 2000. This document contains the information currently available concerning the date-handling behavior of Microsoft's products and is subject to change, at any time, without notice. We therefore recommend that you continue to check the information on the Microsoft Year 2000 Web site regu |
101871 | Y2K351_I.EXE | 1698544 | 12.01.2000 | - | MBCD | - | lsasrv.dll logout.exe nwconv.exe login.exe ntvdm.exe dhcpadmn.exe netui1.dll hotfix.ini winlogon.exe advapi32.dll winsadmn.exe ftpsvc.dll main.cpl srv.sys hotfix.exe win32spl.dll wkssvc.dll srvsvc.dll netui2.dll samsrv.dll |
101872 | Y2KFIXI.EXE | 599080 | 02.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | hotfix.inf timedate.cpl shell32.dll hotfix.exe docprop.dll netui2.dll |
101873 | Y2KSYMI.EXE | 607168 | 02.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | - |
101874 | YAK203.LHA | 183318 | 16.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | -* YAK 2.03 Monitoimi commodity ohjelma. *- Toimii OS2 alla, mutta jotkin toiminnot vaativat OS3:sen. - Mukana tulee suomenkieliset lokalisaatiot eli saat ohjelman toimimaan suomenkielell.- Suomenkielinen asennus (ilman localeakin). Tekijt: Gal Marziou and Philippe Bastiani E-mail: Gael_Marziou@grenoble.hp.com - Freeware |
101956 | YBTIMELE.ZIP | 179419 | 21.07.1999 | modit/arkisto.zip | archive.org | - | TIMELESS.MOD |
101875 | YMITTARI.ZIP | 39644 | 06.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Yhteysmittari v 1.0 unreg Hauska(;) ja toimiva nettilaskun nyttj. Kertoo yhteyksien lukumrn ja yhteysminuutit. Mukana aputiedosto (helppitiedosto:). Tehnyt Jarkko Khknen Jarkko.Kahkonen@mbnet.fi Http://www.fly.to/seldon |
101876 | ZAPT122E.LHA | 165100 | 07.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | ZapTris - Versio 1.22 - Sharewarea. - Siististi toteutettu tetris-klooni. - Joustava; paljon asetuksia, voit soit- taa omia musiikkimoduleja yms. Mukana mys linkkipeli. 80 tasoa pelattavana. Ainoa vaatimus on 1MB muisti. (Tekij: Pasi Laaksonen) |
101877 | ZIF95-20.EXE | 829952 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | .text .idata .rdata .reloc .data |
101878 | ZIP201X2.ZIP | 119476 | 12.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | NAME zip, zipcloak, zipnote, zipsplit - package and compress (archive) files SYNOPSIS zip [-cdDeEfFghjklLmoqrSTuvVwyz@$] [-b path] [-n suffixes] [-t mmddyy] [ zipfile [ file1 file2 ...]] [-xi list] zipcloak [-dhL] [-b path] zipfile zipnote [-hwL] [-b path] zipfile zipsplit [-hiLpst] [-n size] [-b path] zipfile DESCRIPTION zip is a compression and file packaging utility for Unix, VMS, MSDOS, OS/2, Windows NT, Minix, Atari and Macintosh. It is analogous to a combination of the UNIX commands tar(1) and compress(1) and is compatible with PKZIP (Phil Katz's ZIP for MSDOS systems). A companion program (unzip(1L)), unpacks zip archives. The zip and unzip(1L) programs can work with archives produced by PKZIP, and PKZIP and PKUNZIP can work with archives pro- duced by zip. zip version 2.0.1 is compatible with PKZIP 2.04 Note that PKUNZIP 1.10 cannot extract files produced by PKZIP 2.04 or zip 2.0.1. You must use PKUNZIP 2.04g or unzip 5.0p1 (or later versions) to extract them. For a brief help on zip and unzip, run each without specify- ing any parameters on the |
101879 | ZIPCT227.ZIP | 512653 | 13.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.2.7 |
101880 | ZITRIS10.ZIP | 152667 | 21.08.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Zitris v1.0 - (C) Gemix Sowftware 1998 Zitris is a great Tetris game with nice graphics. FREEWARE. Req. 486 and Windows 3.1 |
101881 | ZOC213.ZIP | 598663 | 22.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ZOC 2.13 - PM Terminal App. for OS/2. Outstanding GUI, solid VT102 and Zmodem, countless options and features including scroll- back buffer, external CIS-B protocol, online JPG and GIF viewer, REXX scripting, telnet and an ISDN kit. Not crippled -- just a registration reminder after file transfer. |
101882 | ZOO2-10.LZH | 31390 | 31.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | zoo2-10 |
101884 | ZOW3062.ZIP | 852436 | 17.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ZOC 3.062 - 32bit Modem, Telnet and ISDN comm. application for OS/2 and Windows NT/95. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, count- less options and features including CIS-B, Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). Filenames: ZOC*.ZIP=OS/2 Version, ZOW*.ZIP=Win-NT/95-Version |
101883 | ZOW311.EXE | 991232 | 23.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ZOC 3.11 - 32bit Modem, Telnet/SSH and ISDN comm. application for OS/2 and Windows 95/98/NT. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, count- less options and features including CIS-B, Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). Filenames: ZOC*.ZIP=OS/2 Version, ZOW*.ZIP=Win-95/98/NT-Version |
101885 | ZSHELL25.LHA | 204423 | 12.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ZShell25.info |
101886 | ZXAM20B.LHA | 505603 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ZXAM Spectrum |
101958 | FF0057.LHA | 477 | 16.02.1996 | renamed | aminet.net/misc/fish | - | This disk was removed from the library due to copyright problems. -Fred Fish 17-Jan-94 |
101959 | FF0080.LHA | 477 | 16.02.1996 | renamed | aminet.net/misc/fish | - | This disk was removed from the library due to copyright problems. -Fred Fish 17-Jan-94 |
101960 | FF0088.LHA | 477 | 16.02.1996 | renamed | aminet.net/misc/fish | - | This disk was removed from the library due to copyright problems. -Fred Fish 17-Jan-94 |
101961 | FF0988.LHA | 690249 | 16.02.1996 | renamed | aminet.net/misc/fish | - | ReadMeFirst (Revised 4/3/94) Introduction Welcome to the Amiga Freely Redistributable Library. The library was started by Fred Fish in November 1985, shortly after the release of the Amiga 1000, and has continued to grow and flourish since then, thanks to the generous contributions of innumerable Amiga users. With the release of disk 1000 in April 1994, Fred Fish will no longer be directly involved in the selection or organization of material for the floppy library, and instead will be concentrating on CD-ROM distributions. It is expected that responsibility for continuing floppy distributions, using material from the released CD-ROM's, will be officially transfered to another party willing to take on that chore. Files on this disk that you may wish to read include: Contents: A listing of the contents of this particular disk. Distribution: Information about distribution status of library. Catalog: How to obtain a catalog of the entire library. Orders: How to order other disks from the library. Submissions: How to submit material for inclusion in the library. What's Available There are useful tools, games, programming examples, editors, compilers |
101962 | ZASM95RP.ZIP | 527375 | 05.01.2025 | repacked | #apajalista | - | Apajalistan uudelleenkoostama Zorlim Asm'95 paketti: Zorlim's C00L Colors TSR Zorlim's Arcade Volleyball (Asm'95 release) Zormin loader Pizza Worm 2.1 (scene.org) Alkuperäinen: https://www.apajalista.net/id?id=70443 |
101963 | _R_MATTR.ZIP | 203896 | 04.09.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: The Matter By: Raven / pt Another slow tune, and again better than the last one - really!! =) |
101964 | 0_DL.ZIP | 493212 | 03.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | 0_DL.XM |
101965 | 0_HIGH.ZIP | 166251 | 03.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | 0_HIGH.XM |
101966 | 0_IVY.ZIP | 193231 | 03.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | 0_IVY.XM |
101967 | 0_REBEL.ZIP | 324861 | 03.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | 0_REBEL.XM |
101968 | 1DERSYND.ZIP | 163939 | 02.09.2001 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | [MOD] 1-der syndicate by DeLorean / Complex |
101969 | 2B_DGIRL.ZIP | 1292598 | 25.07.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | "Dreamgirl" on XM-muodossa oleva sanoitettu RAP-biisi. Nauti pois. kesto: [4:52] Biisin tekij: 5th Note/Ville Sahlakari. Sanat: GabRieL Centaurion. Zippi purettuna vie tilaa 4,5 megatavua. Erityisesti RAP-musiikin ystville. PARENTIAL ADVISORY: EXPLICIT CONTENT E-mail osoite: twobec@hotmail.com |
101970 | 2B_LIFE.ZIP | 1565430 | 16.08.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | "Life" on XM-muodossa oleva sanoitettu RAP-biisi. Nauti pois. kesto: [4:02] *FEATURING: LiitZi* Biisin tekij: Gabriel Centaurion. Sanat: GabRieL Centaurion. Zippi purettuna vie tilaa 4,9 megatavua. Erityisesti RAP-musiikin ystville. PARENTIAL ADVISORY: EXPLICIT LYRICS E-mail osoite: twobec@hotmail.com |
101971 | 2B_LOOSE.ZIP | 1238394 | 07.06.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | "No loose, no pay." on XM-muodossa oleva sanoitettu RAP-biisi. Nauti. kesto: [3:22] Tekij: Tobe/+2bec+ a.k.a. GabRieL Centaurion. Erityisesti RAP-musiikin ystville. twobec@hotmail.com < |
101972 | 2B_OTP.ZIP | 2721730 | 23.05.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | +** OIKEA TAKAPYR! **+ +Formula1 -aiheinen jnn kipale! Jokainen kunniallinen suomalainen on jonkun kerran seurannut formula ykksten mahtavaa menoa. Nyt voit imuttaa kotiisi oman KYLLSEN ja tietysti KEKEN kommentteineen!!! +Kappale on muotoa .XM ja kesto 3min48sec, purettuna koko n.4MB! +Nauti ja kuuntele ja kommentoi! +Tekij: Tobe / +2bec+ |
101973 | 2B_PERF.ZIP | 1399045 | 05.09.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | "Perfect" on XM-muodossa oleva, sanoitettu RAP-biisi. KESTO: [3:37] BIISIN TEKIJ: GabRieL Centaurion. SANAT: GabRieL Centaurion. Zippi purettuna vie tilaa 4,8 megatavua. PARENTIAL ADVISORY: EXPLICIT LYRICS E-mail osoite: gabriel_centaurion@ hotmail.com |
101974 | 2NDLOVE.ZIP | 231095 | 03.03.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | 2NDLOVE.IT |
101975 | 2SILVERB.ZIP | 170347 | 02.09.2001 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | [MOD] 2 silver balls by DeLorean / Complex |
101976 | 3CONTROL.ZIP | 21483 | 17.02.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | [xm] [ x3.control ] [ prob. ] [ oxylon ] |
101977 | 4THSYM.ZIP | 25423 | 06.06.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | 4thsym.it |
101978 | 5TH_AI.ZIP | 127286 | 17.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | ainoa by fifth note style : eerie & jazzy jungle/drum'n'bass |
101979 | 5TH_ANSW.ZIP | 243214 | 28.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | answer by fifth note . style : triphop |
101980 | 5TH_AUKO.ZIP | 54837 | 05.02.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | aurinko . fifth note / tempo tyyli : minimalistista ja polyrytmist teknoo |
101981 | 5TH_D.ZIP | 212181 | 03.04.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | das Wesen - fifth note / tempo / strz tyyli : d'n'b / triphop |
101982 | 5TH_EYES.ZIP | 143539 | 13.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | eyes by fifth note | style : trip hop | .xm |
101983 | 5TH_HEAT.ZIP | 222676 | 30.07.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | heat - a rather hard & heavy song in the vein of the prodigy and the chemical bro's. by fifth note (.xm) |
101984 | 5TH_INHO.ZIP | 207460 | 17.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | inho - some trip hop in the vein of the chemical brothers. by fifth note (.xm) |
101985 | 5TH_ITS.ZIP | 178959 | 02.09.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | in this shape - by fifth note style : hip hop / trip hop |
101986 | 5TH_KAPS.ZIP | 189100 | 03.06.2001 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | kapsahdus - fifth note tyyli : melankolia |
101987 | 5TH_KESK.ZIP | 162873 | 04.04.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | fifth note/tempo : keskipiste tyyli : d'n'b/jazz |
101988 | 5TH_KUOL.ZIP | 81935 | 31.08.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | kuola - trip hop with an eerie feeling. by fifth note (xm) |
101989 | 5TH_KUU.ZIP | 139297 | 13.07.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | kuu fifth note hieman surullinen kappale |
101990 | 5TH_KV.ZIP | 192583 | 06.11.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | kv by fifth note. style : jungle |
101991 | 5TH_L-2.ZIP | 157699 | 29.05.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | lheisyys, v.2 - fifth note / tempo tyyli : masennus |
101992 | 5TH_MOP.ZIP | 142512 | 21.02.2000 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | fifth note / tempo : mop - style : triphop [.xm] |
101993 | 5TH_NEED.ZIP | 258553 | 25.03.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | need - fifth note / strz tyyli : triphop |
101994 | 5TH_POIS.ZIP | 128306 | 31.08.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | poissa - techno with fast hip hop beats. by fifth note (.xm) |
101995 | 5TH_POIZ.ZIP | 90132 | 24.03.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | poissa (swingmix) - fifth note / tempo / strz tyyli : triphoppu |
101996 | 5TH_SUPA.ZIP | 284445 | 23.04.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | supa dupa fly (tictocmix) by fifth note / tempo style : hip hop |
101997 | 5TH_SWEE.ZIP | 136067 | 08.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | sweet by fifth note style : mood'n'jazz |
101998 | 8ML_007.ZIP | 499058 | 06.05.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | viinikala / digitalartists 'small sun' [guestrelease] 8ml effect release #007 get the rest from freedom.lpt.fi/8ml/ |
101999 | 8ML_008.ZIP | 89268 | 06.05.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | 'ebola' by ankka pumping bambau-monotrack .. not optimized for chillout sessions :) 8ml effect release #008 get the rest from freedom.lpt.fi/8ml/ |
102000 | 8ML_013.ZIP | 1134044 | 18.09.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | ankka / 8ml effect: more pills ep [xm] mellow elektro, monotonic tekno |
102001 | 9OVER4CA.ZIP | 202214 | 02.09.2001 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | [MOD] 9 over 4 calypso by DeLorean / Complex |
102002 | 12.ZIP | 92467 | 17.01.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: 12" (and more) by Noise^2 style: acid |
102003 | 50FTDRUM.ZIP | 180079 | 02.09.2001 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | [MOD] 50ft drum demon by DeLorean / Complex |
102006 | 2141.ZIP | 428027 | 06.03.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | Never 4-get (Maxi edit) by Channel5 / Orange Style: Happyrave Format: 16-chnl S3M |
102007 | 7217-LIS.ZIP | 881554 | 08.04.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | Lost in Space R vs H |
102008 | 971152.ZIP | 170526 | 02.05.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | [IT] 971152 by Callahan Style: House |
102009 | 01101010.ZIP | 189188 | 02.09.2001 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | [MOD] 0.1101.0100.1 by DeLorean / Complex |
102010 | A_AURORA.ZIP | 620121 | 07.10.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | Aurora.xm |
102011 | A_AUTUMN.ZIP | 143432 | 08.10.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | S3M: In a Dark Autumn Night By Alien / Lost Orion |
102012 | A_WINGS.ZIP | 5797 | 16.08.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | XM: Without wings by Ansgaros Style - Weird ChipTechnoshite |
102013 | AAL0014.ZIP | 103663 | 10.03.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | _ _ _______ _______ _______. ./wPx/ \ / \/ : . -:- -/ . \/ . _:- -: : /_____|__________|_____._____\: : . . : A A L T O : : " biospheresofourworld " . : [ ambient / guest ] © prob. _: -:-----------------------------------\:- |
102014 | AAL0030.ZIP | 422156 | 19.07.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | _____ _____ ____ ______ ____ _/ _ \_/ _ \_/ /_/_ _// \_ #030 \___/ /____/ /____ /___|_______/ - - ----/___\---/___\----\__/--sTZ!/sE'98--> "ariel" [space.junglish.ambient] © PROB. - -- --------------------------------------> |
102015 | ABMUR.ZIP | 1726603 | 24.02.2000 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | IT: Absent Murder by AssAssIn, Tyyli: tunnelmallista goottimetallia loistavilla sampleilla. |
102016 | ABOVEMH.ZIP | 137957 | 10.03.1998 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | ABOVEMH.MOD |
102017 | ABOVHEAD.ZIP | 137235 | 31.12.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | MOD: Above my head by 4-mat / anarchy. From stolen data #10 |
102018 | ABSFLAP.ZIP | 179013 | 02.11.1997 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | ABSFLAP.IT |
102019 | AC-1OK.ZIP | 1021511 | 11.10.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | IT: One of a Kind by Acumen |
102020 | AC-ANALO.ZIP | 1529471 | 15.01.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | IT: Analogic TaleBearer by Acumen |
102021 | AC-GP.ZIP | 1723273 | 05.02.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | IT: Guinea Pig by Acumen |
102022 | AC-INQST.ZIP | 937116 | 15.01.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | IT: Inquisitor by Acumen |
102023 | AC-LER.ZIP | 681446 | 16.05.2000 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | IT: Lore (extended remix) by Acumen |
102024 | AC-LORE.ZIP | 672837 | 27.04.1999 | modit/modit.zip | archive.org | - | AC-LORE.IT |
102025 |