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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
51439 WQ0993.ZIP 311,3 kt 09.07.1997 - None - - -

"1996" osasto Osasto
- Ullakko / Vanhat PC-Pelit

Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta
Quake: WINQUAKE v0.993 for Win32. WinQuake (WQ) is a native Win32 version of Quake, and will run on either Win95 or Windows NT. It is designed to take advantage of whatever enhanced video and sound capabilities (such as DirectX or VESA video modes) are present, but has fallback functionality so it can run on any Win32 system, even if, for example, neither DirectX nor VESA is installed. NOTE: This is version 0.993 of WinQuake; it is not a final, supported release. Req. Reg. Quake.

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Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
51439 WQ0993.ZIP 311,3 kt 09.07.1997 Ullakko / Vanhat PC-Pelit - -
Quake: WINQUAKE v0.993 for Win32. WinQuake (WQ) is a native Win32 version of Quake, and will run on either Win95 or Windows NT. It is designed to take advantage of whatever enhanced video and sound capabilities (such as DirectX or VESA video modes) are present, but has fallback functionality so it can run on any Win32 system, even if, for example, neither DirectX nor VESA is installed. NOTE: This is version 0.993 of WinQuake; it is not a final, supported release. Req. Reg. Quake.
51440 WQ099.ZIP 313,9 kt 09.07.1997 Ullakko / Vanhat PC-Pelit - -
WinQuake 0.99.  WinQuake  is a  native  Win32 version  of  Quake,  and will  run on  either Win95  or Windows NT.  It is designed to take advantage  of  whatever  enhanced  video  and sound capabilities  (such as  DirectX or VESA video modes)  are present,  but has  fallback functionality  so it  can  run  on any  Win32 system,  even   if,  for   example,   neither DirectX nor VESA is installed.
51438 WQ0992.ZIP 315,9 kt 09.07.1997 Ullakko / Vanhat PC-Pelit - -
Quake: WinQuake 0.992 update 2/12/97 WinQuake (WQ) is a native Win32 version of Quake, and will run on either Win95 or Windows NT.  It is designed to take advantage of whatever enhanced video and sound capabilities (such as DirectX or VESA video modes) are present, but has fallback functionality so it can run on any Win32 system, even if, for example, neither DirectX nor VESA is installed.