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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
49165 SWPITDD.A03 2,8 Mt 02.10.1999 - None - tupla -

"1996" osasto Osasto
- Ullakko / Vanhat demot yms.

Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta
Star Wars Pit Droids demo 4/4

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Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
38868 SWPITDD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.10.1999 Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Pelidemot 99 - tupla
"Star Wars Pit Droids demo 1/4 by LucasArts Entertainment Puzzle game. Direct the pit droids through eight locations on Tatooineas they wind their way from the Transport Ship through Wattos Shop and Junkyardthe sweltering deserts of Hutt Flatsthe mazes of the Mos Espa marketplaceand ultimately to the Podrace Arena. DirectX 6.132 MB RAMPentium 166and Windows 9598or NT"
49166 SWPITDD.ARJ 4,8 Mt 02.10.1999 Ullakko / Vanhat demot yms. - tupla
"Star Wars Pit Droids demo 1/4 by LucasArts Entertainment Puzzle game. Direct the pit droids through eight locations on Tatooineas they wind their way from the Transport Ship through Wattos Shop and Junkyardthe sweltering deserts of Hutt Flatsthe mazes of the Mos Espa marketplaceand ultimately to the Podrace Arena. DirectX 6.132 MB RAMPentium 166and Windows 9598or NT"
38867 SWPITDD.A03 2,8 Mt 02.10.1999 Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Pelidemot 99 - tupla
Star Wars Pit Droids demo 4/4
49165 SWPITDD.A03 2,8 Mt 02.10.1999 Ullakko / Vanhat demot yms. - tupla
Star Wars Pit Droids demo 4/4
38866 SWPITDD.A02 4,8 Mt 02.10.1999 Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Pelidemot 99 - tupla
Star Wars Pit Droids demo 3/4
49164 SWPITDD.A02 4,8 Mt 02.10.1999 Ullakko / Vanhat demot yms. - tupla
Star Wars Pit Droids demo 3/4
38865 SWPITDD.A01 4,8 Mt 02.10.1999 Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Pelidemot 99 - tupla
Star Wars Pit Droids demo 2/4
49163 SWPITDD.A01 4,8 Mt 02.10.1999 Ullakko / Vanhat demot yms. - tupla
Star Wars Pit Droids demo 2/4