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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
47523 AVIEW145.LHA 171 kt 28.02.1998 - None - - -

"1996" osasto Osasto
- Ullakko / Vanhat Amiga-ohjelmat

Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta
AView v1.45 - a replacement for MultiView with more options and configurability.

Kommenttiosio. Tähän voit laittaa julkisen viestin. IP-osoite talletetaan.

Viestin ID Pvm ja aika Nimimerkki Viesti

Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
47523 AVIEW145.LHA 171 kt 28.02.1998 Ullakko / Vanhat Amiga-ohjelmat - -
AView v1.45 - a replacement for MultiView with more options and configurability.
47522 AVIEW144.LHA 142,6 kt 28.02.1998 Ullakko / Vanhat Amiga-ohjelmat - -
AView 1.44 - a Multiview enhancement with better datatype-support and some optimizations.
47521 AVIEW142.LHA 110,3 kt 28.02.1998 Ullakko / Vanhat Amiga-ohjelmat - -
AView 1.42 - a multiview enhancement. Allowsyou to view any type of file if the datatypeis available.
47520 AVIEW141.LHA 110,2 kt 19.11.1997 Ullakko / Vanhat Amiga-ohjelmat - -
AView - a multiview replacement v1.4
49455 VIEW150.ZIP 132,1 kt 07.04.1999 Ullakko / Vanhat DOS tiedostot - -
VIEW 15.0 - the file viewer for DOS. Read, convert and print Wordperfect, Word, Word for Windows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write, Notepad, HTML, XYWRITE, MS Publisher, UNIX, RTF, ASCII and ANSI files. Full text search.
49447 VIEW124.ZIP 91,4 kt 09.07.1997 Ullakko / Vanhat DOS tiedostot - -
VIEW 12.4 - the file viewer for DOS. Read, convert and print Wordperfect, Word, Word for Windows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write, Notepad, HTML, XYWRITE, MS Publisher, ASCII and ANSI files. Full text search. Several print functions. Use in DOS or e-mail shell. NOT CRIPPLED. Customizable. Special mode for visually-impaired users.
49454 VIEW141A.ZIP 130,1 kt 28.10.1998 Ullakko / Vanhat DOS tiedostot - -
VIEW 14.1a - the file viewer for DOS. Read, convert and print Wordperfect, Word, Word for Windows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write, Notepad, HTML, XYWRITE, MS Publisher, UNIX, RTF, ASCII and ANSI files. Full text search.
49453 VIEW1402.ZIP 143,9 kt 08.06.1998 Ullakko / Vanhat DOS tiedostot - -
VIEW 14.0(2) - the file viewer for DOS. Read, convert and print Wordperfect, Word, Word for Windows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write, Notepad, HTML, XYWRITE, MS Publisher, UNIX, RTF, ASCII and ANSI files. Full text search.
49448 VIEW1252.ZIP 93 kt 09.07.1997 Ullakko / Vanhat DOS tiedostot - -
VIEW 12.5(2) - the file viewer for DOS. Read, convert and print Wordperfect, Word, Word for Windows, Ami Pro, Wordstar, Write, Notepad, HTML, XYWRITE, MS Publisher, UNIX, ASCII and ANSI files. Full text search. Several print functions. Use in DOS or e-mail shell. NOT CRIPPLED. Customizable. Special mode for visually-impaired users.
48440 TVIEW114.LHA 51,8 kt 30.11.1997 Ullakko / Vanhat Amiga-ohjelmat - -
TextView v1.14 - multiple format text viewer. Supports formats like ASCII and Amigaguide.