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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
3227 XFD124.LHA 225,9 kt 11.02.1999 renamed ApajaIndex - 039b9c1b7e0fd28225d8b8cfe0dc550e3ca53e818f61bd73b584ed2f4035948d

"1996" osasto Osasto
- Amiga / Ohjelmat / Pakkausohjelmat

Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta
XFD Package 1.24 - Decrunch almost every packed file known on the Amiga. It consists of the xfdmaster.library as the brain and a couple of programs that offer certain functions to the user. - Req: OS2+ or the arp.library together with older releases of the OS. - Aminet name: xfdmaster.lha

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Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
3227 XFD124.LHA 225,9 kt 11.02.1999 Amiga / Ohjelmat / Pakkausohjelmat renamed -
XFD Package 1.24 - Decrunch almost every packed file known on the Amiga. It consists of the xfdmaster.library as the brain and a couple of programs that offer certain functions to the user. - Req: OS2+ or the arp.library together with older releases of the OS. - Aminet name: xfdmaster.lha
48573 XFD122.LHA 219,5 kt 11.02.1999 Ullakko / Vanhat Amiga-ohjelmat - -
XFD Package 1.22 - Decrunch almost every packed file known on the Amiga. It consists of the xfdmaster.library as the brain and a couple of programs that offer certain functions to the user. - Req: OS2+ or the arp.library together with older releases of the OS. - Aminet name: xfdmaster.lha
48572 XFD121.LHA 201,9 kt 04.01.1999 Ullakko / Vanhat Amiga-ohjelmat - -
XFD Package 1.21 - Decrunch almost every packed file known on the Amiga. It consists of the xfdmaster.library as the brain and a couple of programs that offer certain functions to the user. - Req: OS2+ or the arp.library together with older releases of the OS. - Aminet name: xfdmaster.lha
48571 XFD120.LHA 165,1 kt 11.02.1999 Ullakko / Vanhat Amiga-ohjelmat - -
XFDMaster Package v1.20 + incl.xfdmaster.library v38.3. Use this to decrunch alot of packed files. Also update VirusZ II,VirusWorkshop, FVK and Virus Checker II, with this new update.