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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
19230 SIMSYNTH.ZIP 221,2 kt 19.08.1998 - MBCD ApajaIndex - 0998344b20533385fd2d8fc647aeeba81251afe03ba1ebefee19fc4d504c7cd7

"1996" osasto Osasto
- PC / Windows 3.x / Musiikkiohjelmat

Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta
SimSynth sound synthesizerIt allows you to create new sounds. SimSynth does for sound what a paint program does for graphics. SimSynth generates RIFF wave format files, (.WAV files), which can be played from a Windows compatible wave device, or converted for use in DOS applications. Windows 3.1+ 386 4 MB.

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Viestin ID Pvm ja aika Nimimerkki Viesti

Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
19230 SIMSYNTH.ZIP 221,2 kt 19.08.1998 PC / Windows 3.x / Musiikkiohjelmat - -
SimSynth sound synthesizerIt allows you to create new sounds. SimSynth does for sound what a paint program does for graphics. SimSynth generates RIFF wave format files, (.WAV files), which can be played from a Windows compatible wave device, or converted for use in DOS applications. Windows 3.1+ 386 4 MB.
2871 FMSYNT35.LHA 147700 15.01.1995 Mikroilu / Tietokonemusiikki / Amiga-musiikkiohjelmat - -
OS2! FMsynth v3.5
Program for generating sounds by FM
Synthesis. Sounds can be played on
Amiga keyboard and saved in IFF-8SVX or raw
format. Supports MIDI.