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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
18194 GRADEP4S.ZIP 266679 03.01.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso ApajaIndex - d4e58cbfe47e64cd5626073e6a7080f84fcbc9e7988ed4cc105628a60fb02c09

"1996" osasto Osasto
PC-Windows: 20) Muut PC / Windows 3.x / Muut

Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta
GradeBook Power Teacher's Grade Book ver 4.16
use either 2-9 week quarters or 3-6 week
terms per semester. Teacher developed. Many
special options and printouts for both
elementary and secondary teachers. Prints
over 30 different reports for students,
parents, and administrators. Many schools use
the progress reports for their mid-term
mailings to parents. Includes attendance and
seating chart options. Constantly improved.
"GradeBook Power Teachers Grade Book ver 4.16 use either 2-9 week quarters or 3-6 week terms per semester. Teacher developed. Many special options and printouts for both elementary and secondary teachers. Prints over 30 different reports for studentsparentsand administrators. Many schools use the progress reports for their mid-term mailings to parents. Includes attendance and seating chart options. Constantly improved."

Kommenttiosio. Tähän voit laittaa julkisen viestin. IP-osoite talletetaan.

Viestin ID Pvm ja aika Nimimerkki Viesti

Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
18194 GRADEP4S.ZIP 266679 03.01.1996 PC / Windows 3.x / Muut - -
GradeBook Power Teacher's Grade Book ver 4.16
use either 2-9 week quarters or 3-6 week
terms per semester. Teacher developed. Many
special options and printouts for both
elementary and secondary teachers. Prints
over 30 different reports for students,
parents, and administrators. Many schools use
the progress reports for their mid-term
mailings to parents. Includes attendance and
seating chart options. Constantly improved.
7765 GRAFDEMO.ZIP 403,6 kt 22.04.1998 Mikroilu / Demoscene / PC-demot - -
GraffaDemo by PuavoHardGraffaDemo PuavoHardin toinen demoscene. Käyttää MIDAS sound systemiä.
16568 GRADIENT.ZIP 20345 29.01.1996 PC / Ohjelmointi / Windows-ohjelmointi, Pascal - -
Delphi/VCL-komponentti, jolla saat lomak-
keisiin gradienttitaustan (sellainen liukuva
väritys, vrt. Windowsin asennusohjelmat).
60197 3GRENADE.ZIP 141897 30.08.1996 Pelit / DOS-pelit / Viritykset - Räiskintä - tupla
Quake * GRENADE MODS a progs.dat that has 3
different ways just to fire a stupid grenade.
You can fire a plain grenade but you can
change the the timer. You can fire it as a
pipebomb ready to be detonated. You can also
make it a proximity bomb. You can also change
the grenade, pipebomb, or proximity bomb to
look like different shapes.
39603 3GRENADE.ZIP 138,6 kt 24.04.1997 Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Quake I/II/yms. - tupla
Quake * GRENADE MODS a progs.dat that has 3 different ways just to fire a stupid grenade. You can fire a plain grenade but you can change the the timer. You can fire it as a pipebomb ready to be detonated. You can also make it a proximity bomb. You can also change the grenade, pipebomb, or proximity bomb to look like different shapes.