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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
16268 MAZEBOTS.ZIP 963,9 kt 29.05.2000 - None - - -

"1996" osasto Osasto
- PC / Ohjelmointi / Muu ohjelmointi

Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta
MazeBots 1.00MazeBots is a robotic simulation that lets you design your own robot and program it to go
through mazes.
It has a user-friendly yet powerful language so that you can do everything from learning
programming skills to trying out AI (artificial intelligence). Robots can have memory between
runs through the maze so they can learn the best way to solve the maze. 
Graphics make this a fun way to learn programming and a wonderful entrance to the world of
robotics. You can design your own mazes and even your own graphics for the robot.

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Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
16268 MAZEBOTS.ZIP 963,9 kt 29.05.2000 PC / Ohjelmointi / Muu ohjelmointi - -
MazeBots 1.00MazeBots is a robotic simulation that lets you design your own robot and program it to go
through mazes.
It has a user-friendly yet powerful language so that you can do everything from learning
programming skills to trying out AI (artificial intelligence). Robots can have memory between
runs through the maze so they can learn the best way to solve the maze. 
Graphics make this a fun way to learn programming and a wonderful entrance to the world of
robotics. You can design your own mazes and even your own graphics for the robot.