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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | ApajaIndex? | Tupla? | BLAKE3/b3sum |
15361 | IFSSETUP.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 20.10.1997 | - | None | - | - | - |
"1996" osasto | Osasto |
- | PC / Ohjelmointi / Arkisto |
Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta | Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta |
- | I-FORCE STUDIO I-FORCE Studio takes care of the entire force feedback development process for the programmer - from design to implementation. With these tools, force feedback programming becomes a fast, simple, and fun process. Adjust force feedback parameters using easy-to-understand, editable, pictorial controls. Windows 95. |
Kommenttiosio. Tähän voit laittaa julkisen viestin. IP-osoite talletetaan.
Viestin ID | Pvm ja aika | Nimimerkki | Viesti |
Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:
ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Osasto | Kommentit | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
15361 | IFSSETUP.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 20.10.1997 | PC / Ohjelmointi / Arkisto | - | - | I-FORCE STUDIO I-FORCE Studio takes care of the entire force feedback development process for the programmer - from design to implementation. With these tools, force feedback programming becomes a fast, simple, and fun process. Adjust force feedback parameters using easy-to-understand, editable, pictorial controls. Windows 95. |
8495 | SFSETUP.EXE | 275,3 kt | 29.10.2000 | Mikroilu / Internet / Windows 95 - Internet / FTP-ohjelmat | - | - | SmartFTP 1.0.948SmartFTP allows you to transfer files across the Internet. It features an Explorer-like interface that is fully customizable and supports drag-and-drop functions. Multiple FTP connections can be opened at the same time, and you can copy files from one remote host to another. Remote host directory information is cached for future viewing, FTP URLs are supported, and you can even view HTML pages within the client. SmartFTP also includes an interface for FTP-specific search engines such as FTPSearch and Other features include a Favorites list similar to that of Internet Explorer; the ability to resume broken downloads; a global history; background transfers; proxy support; a passive transfer mode; and the ability to perform recursive downloads, uploads, and deletes. This version has an improved URL parcer and several bug fixes. Note: SmartFTP features Active Setup, which requires that you maintain your Internet connection after you double-click sfsetup.exe. Setup will automatically check which files are required for SmartFTP, then download and install them on your computer. Update and uninstall features are also included. Freeware. |
22453 | SCSETUP.ZIP | 264,8 kt | 07.03.2000 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Työpöytäohjelmat | - | - | Smart Capture v1.0SmartCapture on kuvaruutukaappausohjelma Windows 95/98:lle, NT 4.0:lle ja Windows 2000:lle. Osaa napata leikepöydälle mm. ympyränmuotoisen osan, ikkunan, koko ruudun tai skannerin tuottaman kuvan. Tukee tärkeimpiä tiedostoformaatteja ja pystyy käsittelemään kuvia monin tavoin. Shareware. |
19911 | FFSETUP.ZIP | 110 kt | 11.03.2000 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Apuohjelmat | versio ? | - | FastFolders v2.42FastFolders is a system extension which increases your productivity dramatically by giving you quick and easy access to folder contents and files. Without opening each and every folder, you can browse the directory structure starting at any point by clicking the right mouse button on a file, folder or drive. The program modifies the context menus of shell objects, adding a menu item which displays the directory structure on demand. If you drag and drop an object on a folder or drive using the right mouse button, you can copy or move the object(s) to any folder of your computer by selecting it from the FastFolders menu. |
64065 | FDSETUP.ZIP | 59427 | 15.12.1995 | PC / Ajurit / DOS / Muut | koko⁴ | - | New FDSETUP for Future Domain Controllers |
31219 | FASETUP.ARJ | 1,4 Mt | 02.02.1998 | Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Internet-pelit | - | - | Fighter Ace setup program. VR1/Microsoft Internet playable WW2 fighter air combat game - EASY realism. 16 different WW2 planes, UK/USA/Russia/Germany. Requires Pentium & Windows 95. Internet Gaming Zone account REQUIRED. Includes 1 day free flying. |
31218 | FASETUP.A04 | 1,3 Mt | 02.02.1998 | Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Internet-pelit | - | - | Fighter Ace 5/5 |
31217 | FASETUP.A03 | 1,4 Mt | 02.02.1998 | Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Internet-pelit | - | - | Fighter Ace 4/5 |
31216 | FASETUP.A02 | 1,4 Mt | 02.02.1998 | Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Internet-pelit | - | - | Fighter Ace 3/5 |
31215 | FASETUP.A01 | 1,4 Mt | 02.02.1998 | Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Internet-pelit | - | - | Fighter Ace 2/5 |