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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
11825 MDMACEEX.ZIP 3,8 kt 22.07.1999 - None - - -

"1996" osasto Osasto
- PC / Ajurit / Windows 95 / Muut

Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta
Aceex modem & ISDN drivers v4.23 (13.1.98) for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0. Supported models: Aceex Designer Modem 14400 (UMC) PnP, DM-3314PC & DM-1414PC PCMCIA modem, DM-3314PC PCMCIA modem, DM-3314V & DM-1414V external modem, DM-3314VH, DM-1414VH internal modem, ISDN-TA PPP/T.70/V.120/X.75.

Kommenttiosio. Tähän voit laittaa julkisen viestin. IP-osoite talletetaan.

Viestin ID Pvm ja aika Nimimerkki Viesti

Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
11825 MDMACEEX.ZIP 3,8 kt 22.07.1999 PC / Ajurit / Windows 95 / Muut - -
Aceex modem & ISDN drivers v4.23 (13.1.98) for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0. Supported models: Aceex Designer Modem 14400 (UMC) PnP, DM-3314PC & DM-1414PC PCMCIA modem, DM-3314PC PCMCIA modem, DM-3314V & DM-1414V external modem, DM-3314VH, DM-1414VH internal modem, ISDN-TA PPP/T.70/V.120/X.75.
22428 MP3DANCE.EXE 1,6 Mt 28.02.2001 PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Työpöytäohjelmat - -
MP3 Dancer 1.03MP3 Dancers are tiny video figures of real dancers who dance along the bottom of your computer screen.
Whatever your music, wherever it comes from, you can have these little people dance to the rhythm. They can
even dance in silence if you want them to. You can also personalize them with easy options, including color
change, true-color appearance, or body transparency. Extra plug-ins are available for special effects. New
dancers are added and available for free on a regular basis.
66182 MLDEMPAC.EXE 852581 22.06.1996 PC / Windows 3.x / Musiikkiohjelmat - -
microLogic Demo version for Windows. V1.6.
Music creation software.
11835 MDOACEEX.ZIP 4,3 kt 22.07.1999 PC / Ajurit / Windows 95 / Muut - -
Aceex modem & ISDN drivers (15.5.97) for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0. Supported models: DM-1414P/1414PC/1414V/1414VH/2400E/2400H/ 2400V, DM-3314PC & DM-2814PC & DM-1414PC series, DM-3314V & DM-2814V & DM-1414V series, DM-3314VH & DM-2814VH series, DM-9624E/H/PC/V, ISDN-TA PPP/T.70/V.120/X.75
21262 MAC.EXE 443,1 kt 11.11.2000 PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Musiikkiohjelmat - -
MPEG Audio Collection v2.25Ilmainen ohjelma koneella olevan mpeg-muotoisen musiikin etsimiseen, järjestämiseen ja muokkaamiseen. Kappaleista voi tehdä myös soittolistoja ja tuloslistoja pystyy tallentamaan tekstitiedostoksi, html-sivuksi tai taulukkolaskentaohjelman ymmärtämään muotoon.
52969 DCE.EXE 152,7 kt 11.12.1997 Yleiset / Tietotekniikka - -
Dokumentti Microsoftin strategioistaA Microsoft Word document concerning the Microsoft Strategy 
for Distributed Computing and DCE Services.
21458 ACE.EXE 1 Mt 02.05.2003 PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Muut - -
Microsoft Agent Character EditorOhjelma, jolla koostetaan Microsoft Agent Technology -hahmoja. Ilmainen.
63052 DMPATCH.EXE 134775 15.10.1995 PC / Ajurit / DOS / Muut - -
Disk Manager drivers for:
* Windows 95
* Windows NT version 3.5x
* OS/2 2.1x and OS/2 WARP
and they fix numerous issues, especially
those with IBM PS/1 Value Point machines.
These drivers replace DDLOADER.BIN and
XBIOS.OVL files in Disk Manager 6.03,
6.03A and 6.03B.
22105 CDSPACE.EXE 3 Mt 30.08.2000 PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Tiedostonkäsittely - -
CDSpace 1.95Make virtual CD-ROMs on your hard drive.
This program is for reading and running CD programs without a CD. 
CDSpace makes a virtual CD-ROM drive on the hard disk by using software 
methods. From the moment you use CDSpace, there is no need to search or 
load CD-ROMs. There is also no need to wait for the CD-ROM drive to run 
or to change the CD-ROM to run another application. This is a 21-day 
trial and the Save Configuration function is disabled until you register. 
The cost to register this program is $25.
12078 TMUPDATE.EXE 116,6 kt 14.02.1999 PC / Ajurit / Windows 95 / Muut - -
ThrustMaster Formula Sprint driver (23-09-1998) for Windows 95.