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Osastossa on trakkerimusiikkia, kuunnellaanko?

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä ApajaIndex? Tupla? BLAKE3/b3sum
102106 ARRANGEM.ZIP 60305 17.01.1997 modit/ ApajaIndex - b272edf6c7b200a265475b9271401c0bd760f04d123d2764a8bdb37643dd39f3

"1996" osasto Osasto
- / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat / Tietokonemusiikki

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Viestin ID Pvm ja aika Nimimerkki Viesti
- - - -

Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Osasto Kommentit Tupla? Kuvaus
102106 ARRANGEM.ZIP 60305 17.01.1997 / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat / Tietokonemusiikki modit/ -
101037 BARRAGE.ZIP 5241781 17.02.1998 / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat - -
Barrage Playable Demo
by Mango Grits Launch yourself into an
incredibly realistic 3D world. In your high
speed hover-fighter aircraft you can fly
freely anywhere in our six fully immersive,
realistic outdoor, underground and underwater
3D environments. Blast away at the military
targets, watch out for their return fire as
you race to locate and neutralize the heavily
defended power bases to activate the portal
to the next world before the clock runs down
and your fuel runs out. 90 second time limit.
Requires a 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics or Quantum3D
card. (Voodoo Rush not supported in this demo)
P90, 32MB, Win95, 3Dfx card
62623 DARKANGE.ZIP 135658 23.05.1996 Mikroilu / Tietokonemusiikki / MOD:t yms. tiedostot modit/ -
MOD: Dark angels rage by Redferne / Devils
35895 BARRAGE2.ARJ 2,9 Mt 28.04.1998 Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Pelidemot 98 - -
Barrage NEW Playable Demo 1/4 Mango Grits - Launchyourself into incredibly realistic 3D world. In your high speed hover fighter aircraft you can fly freely anywhere in 6 immersive, realistic outdoor,underground and underwater 3D environments. Blast away at military targets, watch out for return fire while you race against the clock. New demo includes two battle environments P90 32 MB Win95 3Dfx
35894 BARRAGE2.A03 989,8 kt 28.04.1998 Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Pelidemot 98 - -
Barrage NEW demo 4/4
35893 BARRAGE2.A02 2,9 Mt 28.04.1998 Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Pelidemot 98 - -
Barrage NEW demo 3/4
35892 BARRAGE2.A01 2,9 Mt 28.04.1998 Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Pelidemot 98 - -
Barrage NEW demo 2/4
61010 ASTRANGE.ZIP 103568 14.05.1996 Mikroilu / Tietokonemusiikki / MOD:t yms. tiedostot modit/ -
S3M: A Strange Vision by Mystical/Purple