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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | ApajaIndex? | Tupla? | BLAKE3/b3sum |
101861 | WTRSPT11.ZIP | 47540 | 28.08.1995 | - | MBCD | ApajaIndex | - | 366bcd393b5b851194ab262926c562ad5a3341daa3cf6e7e11a446bf5ef5a1af |
"1996" osasto | Osasto |
- | / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat |
Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta | Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta |
WATER SPOTS SCREEN SAVER For Windows95 Version 1.1 ========================================================================= (C) 1995 Lee Lorenz LEGAL STUFF: This is "FreeWare" with one request... drop me a line via E-Mail or by postcard and tell me how you like it. ESPECIALLY if you are from overseas or something like that (Send the Postcard). The only other restriction for users is that these files be distributed in their entirety: WTRSPOTS.SCR WTRSPOTS.TXT MMWM32.DLL WAVEMIX.INI Lastly, for commercial uses, if this is placed on a CD-ROM, E-Mail me and make arrangements to send me a copy of the final CD-ROM which includes my saver. Well, my first Windows95 program. This one is a simple screen saver the turns your desktop into a "work of art". It looks much better with Hi/TrueColor displays, as it does not attempt to manipulate the palette in any way. ......................................................................... Installation: 1) Copy WTRSPOTS.SCR to your "win95\system |
WATER SPOTS SCREEN SAVER For Windows95 Version 1.1 ========================================================================= (C) 1995 Lee Lorenz LEGAL STUFF: This is "FreeWare" with one request... drop me a line via E-Mail or by postcard and tell me how you like it. ESPECIALLY if you are from overseas or something like that (Send the Postcard). The only other restriction for users is that these files be distributed in their entirety: WTRSPOTS.SCR WTRSPOTS.TXT MMWM32.DLL WAVEMIX.INI Lastly, for commercial uses, if this is placed on a CD-ROM, E-Mail me and make arrangements to send me a copy of the final CD-ROM which includes my saver. Well, my first Windows95 program. This one is a simple screen saver the turns your desktop into a "work of art". It looks much better with Hi/TrueColor displays, as it does not attempt to manipulate the palette in any way. ......................................................................... Installation: 1) Copy WTRSPOTS.SCR to your "win95\system |
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- | - | - | - |
Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:
ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Osasto | Kommentit | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
101861 | WTRSPT11.ZIP | 47540 | 28.08.1995 | / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat | - | - | WATER SPOTS SCREEN SAVER For Windows95 Version 1.1 ========================================================================= (C) 1995 Lee Lorenz LEGAL STUFF: This is "FreeWare" with one request... drop me a line via E-Mail or by postcard and tell me how you like it. ESPECIALLY if you are from overseas or something like that (Send the Postcard). The only other restriction for users is that these files be distributed in their entirety: WTRSPOTS.SCR WTRSPOTS.TXT MMWM32.DLL WAVEMIX.INI Lastly, for commercial uses, if this is placed on a CD-ROM, E-Mail me and make arrangements to send me a copy of the final CD-ROM which includes my saver. Well, my first Windows95 program. This one is a simple screen saver the turns your desktop into a "work of art". It looks much better with Hi/TrueColor displays, as it does not attempt to manipulate the palette in any way. ......................................................................... Installation: 1) Copy WTRSPOTS.SCR to your "win95\system |
22779 | WTRSPT16.ZIP | 76227 | 10.02.1996 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Kuvat, fontit, ikonit ym. | - | - | Waterspots v1.6 Screen Saver for Windows 95 |
18249 | HTSPT11.ZIP | 34471 | 23.12.1995 | PC / Windows 3.x / Näytönsäästäjät, kuvakkeet yms. | - | - | (v1.1) - Screensaver utility The function of this program is to create hotspots which will allow the user to turn his screensaver on and off simply by placing the cursor in a predefined corner. The VB4 Runtime Module, VB40032.ZIP, is required to run this program. Shareware $10.00 U.S. Ron Parker (CT Software) |
29124 | WTRIS101.ZIP | 171,1 kt | 12.09.1997 | Pelit / OS/2 / Älypelit | - | - | (v1.01) WarpTris - FREEWARE WarpTris is a Freeware, 32bit Multi-Threaded Tetris like game for OS/2 Warp. Instead of tiles droping from top to bottom they appear at the middle of the game window, and then start falling towards on side of it randomly. This enables you to make lines all around the game window. This release adds Num Lock independence and corrects some minor bugs that existed on WarpTris 1.0. |
38937 | THRUST10.A01 | 4,7 Mt | 05.06.1999 | Pelit / PC-Arkisto / Pelidemot 99 | - | tupla | "Thrust Twistn Turn pelattava demo v1.0 2/5" |
49192 | THRUST10.A01 | 4,7 Mt | 05.06.1999 | Ullakko / Vanhat demot yms. | - | tupla | "Thrust Twistn Turn pelattava demo v1.0 2/5" |