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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | ApajaIndex? | Tupla? | BLAKE3/b3sum |
101581 | POLYV220.ZIP | 415611 | 17.12.1995 | - | MBCD | ApajaIndex | - | 0e95400ca91599b9b704777b68b254f56c4c2365a116c7754ca7b81671643d39 |
"1996" osasto | Osasto |
- | / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat |
Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta | Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta |
PolyView V2.20 by Polybytes. Shareware BMP, GIF, JPEG, photo-cd, PNG, and TIFF graphics viewer, file conversion, and printing utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. |
PolyView V2.20 by Polybytes. Shareware BMP, GIF, JPEG, photo-cd, PNG, and TIFF graphics viewer, file conversion, and printing utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. |
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Viestin ID | Pvm ja aika | Nimimerkki | Viesti |
- | - | - | - |
Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:
ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Osasto | Kommentit | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
101581 | POLYV220.ZIP | 415611 | 17.12.1995 | / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat | - | - | PolyView V2.20 by Polybytes. Shareware BMP, GIF, JPEG, photo-cd, PNG, and TIFF graphics viewer, file conversion, and printing utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. |
67329 | POLYV270.ZIP | 1401481 | 05.01.1997 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Grafiikka ja kuvankäsittely | - | tupla | Polyview v2.70. This is a shareware graphics viewer, file conversion, image manipulation, and printing utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. Polyview supports the majority of the popular image formats available on Windows and Unix systems. |
52169 | POLYV270.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 16.06.1998 | Ullakko / Vanhat Windows 95/98/NT/2000 -tiedostot | - | tupla | Polyview v2.70. This is a shareware graphics viewer, file conversion, image manipulation, and printing utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. Polyview supports the majority of the popular image formats available on Windows and Unix systems. |
52168 | POLYV240.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 12.04.1998 | Ullakko / Vanhat Windows 95/98/NT/2000 -tiedostot | - | - | PolyView is a shareware graphics viewer, file conversion, and printing utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. PolyView supports the majority of the popular image formats available on Windows and Unix systems. |
46694 | POOL2K20.ZIP | 1004,5 kt | 17.11.2000 | Pelit / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 -pelit / Urheilupelit | - | - | Poolmaster 2000 v2.0Get ready to shoot live pool in Poolmaster 2000 with stunning accuracy and game action. Make bank shots, combination shots, straight shots and shots with English (cue Spin) with the friendliest shooting architecture on the market. Games: 8ball, 9ball, Rotation, Straight Pool, & Billiards. Features: Instant Replay, Undo, Sound. Sharpen your skills. Challenge a friend, or play against the computer. For all ages! Shareware. |
20425 | POLYV300.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 16.06.1998 | PC / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 / Arkisto | - | - | PolyView v3.00.1 is a shareware graphics viewer, file conversion, image manipulation, and printing utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. PolyView supports the majority of the popular image formats available on Windows and Unix systems. |