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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | ApajaIndex? | Tupla? | BLAKE3/b3sum |
101526 | NF97_11E.ZIP | 631466 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | ApajaIndex | - | 9e732a4bd3592d55481b880cf28356eefba27a1d0a5a497e6c970f568516e1e8 |
"1996" osasto | Osasto |
- | / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat |
Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta | Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta |
- | *****************************Patch.txt**************************** USNF'97 v1.1 Patch ENGLISH ****************************************************************** Table of Contents I. Letter from EA II. Installation Instructions III. Changes and Additions IV. Troubleshooting V. Product Support Information ****************************************************************** I. LETTER FROM EA Thank you for obtaining the Jane's Combat Simulations - U.S. Navy Fighters 97 v1.1 Patch (English). ****************************************************************** II. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To install the patch, do the following: 1. Copy the file NF97_11E.exe to your USNF`97 directory. 2. Double-click on the file named NF97_11E.exe. You should have the following files present after running the self extracting executable NF97_11E.exe: PATCH.RTP PATCH.EXE PATCH.TXT PATCH.BAT 3. Double-click on the file named PATCH.BAT. A DOS window will open and you will be given some information about the patch (see below): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! |
Kommenttiosio. Tähän voit laittaa julkisen viestin. IP-osoite talletetaan.
Viestin ID | Pvm ja aika | Nimimerkki | Viesti |
- | - | - | - |
Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:
ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Osasto | Kommentit | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
101526 | NF97_11E.ZIP | 631466 | 26.01.1998 | / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat | - | - | *****************************Patch.txt**************************** USNF'97 v1.1 Patch ENGLISH ****************************************************************** Table of Contents I. Letter from EA II. Installation Instructions III. Changes and Additions IV. Troubleshooting V. Product Support Information ****************************************************************** I. LETTER FROM EA Thank you for obtaining the Jane's Combat Simulations - U.S. Navy Fighters 97 v1.1 Patch (English). ****************************************************************** II. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS To install the patch, do the following: 1. Copy the file NF97_11E.exe to your USNF`97 directory. 2. Double-click on the file named NF97_11E.exe. You should have the following files present after running the self extracting executable NF97_11E.exe: PATCH.RTP PATCH.EXE PATCH.TXT PATCH.BAT 3. Double-click on the file named PATCH.BAT. A DOS window will open and you will be given some information about the patch (see below): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! |