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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | ApajaIndex? | Tupla? | BLAKE3/b3sum |
101203 | DRG2_110.ZIP | 5436785 | 19.03.1999 | - | MBCD | ApajaIndex | - | e6cbfa92a3a8228b567e5e7480923c4dc3efc2d50316d5d615193a3b94233b69 |
"1996" osasto | Osasto |
- | / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat |
Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta | Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta |
- | Dr Goo 2: the plague v1.10 by Europress Software humorous platform-style game. You, Dr. Goo, are a blob of gelatinous, sticky green stuff. You also happen to be a doctor. Your goal is to save your patient's life by finding medicine boxes - five on each level. But look out for the rolling barrels, sharks, and firing cannons! Because you're sticky, you can hang from ceilings and attach yourself to walls. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
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Viestin ID | Pvm ja aika | Nimimerkki | Viesti |
- | - | - | - |
Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:
ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Osasto | Kommentit | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
101203 | DRG2_110.ZIP | 5436785 | 19.03.1999 | / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat | - | - | Dr Goo 2: the plague v1.10 by Europress Software humorous platform-style game. You, Dr. Goo, are a blob of gelatinous, sticky green stuff. You also happen to be a doctor. Your goal is to save your patient's life by finding medicine boxes - five on each level. But look out for the rolling barrels, sharks, and firing cannons! Because you're sticky, you can hang from ceilings and attach yourself to walls. Windows 95, 98, or NT |
46397 | DRG2-110.ZIP | 5,2 Mt | 19.03.1999 | Pelit / Windows 95/98/NT/2000 -pelit / Tasohyppely + Arcade | - | - | "Dr Goo 2: the plague v1.10 by Europress Software humorous platform-style game. YouDr. Gooare a blob of gelatinoussticky green stuff. You also happen to be a doctor. Your goal is to save your patients life by finding medicine boxes - five on each level. But look out for the rolling barrelssharksand firing cannons! Because youre stickyyou can hang from ceilings and attach yourself to walls. Windows 9598or NT" |