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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | ApajaIndex? | Tupla? | BLAKE3/b3sum |
101013 | ASLT12.ZIP | 466221 | 26.01.1998 | - | MBCD | ApajaIndex | - | 0700d6950f70c7aa25c2ae77ab0f5622d336b6afe527aba7f2cdc7319f35d5d0 |
"1996" osasto | Osasto |
- | / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat |
Kuvaus "1996" -listauksesta | Kuvaus web-ajan "2005" -listauksesta |
- | ASSAULT TROOPER v1.2 Copyright (c) 1996-97 Juha Kauppinen. isometric commando-like action game. Your duty is to complete various mission in dangerous places all around the globe. MS-DOS 3.2 or higher, 486, VGA The shareware version includes only the first two places of ten possible. Ordering the full version of the game you'll get all those ten places and a great mission builder. |
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- | - | - | - |
Samankaltaisia tiedostonimiä:
ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Osasto | Kommentit | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
101013 | ASLT12.ZIP | 466221 | 26.01.1998 | / Jatkokäsittelyä odottavat | - | - | ASSAULT TROOPER v1.2 Copyright (c) 1996-97 Juha Kauppinen. isometric commando-like action game. Your duty is to complete various mission in dangerous places all around the globe. MS-DOS 3.2 or higher, 486, VGA The shareware version includes only the first two places of ten possible. Ordering the full version of the game you'll get all those ten places and a great mission builder. |
29161 | ASLT12A.ZIP | 627131 | 31.10.1996 | Pelit / OS/2 / Strategiapelit | - | - | Assault I : The Beginning, v 1.2a A 2 player (via TCPIP) strategy/ wargame. Simple, yet exciting. A cross between Stratego, Chess, and a hex based wargame. Requires TCPIP and 800x600x256 or better video display. |