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Kokomerkinnöistä selitykset infosivulla

Ohjelma tai sen versio ei aina vastaa kuvausta! Kommentoi jos havaitset virheitä.

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
39103 2SCEN.ZIP 10869 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
2 VERY good Command & Conquer multiplayer
scenarios. Pixel Scenarios.
39106 39TH.ZIP 30084 30.08.1996 - 22057/secret_service_56a01.iso -
Steel Panthers Scenario: September 19, 1944
The 39th Infantry weak and understrength
assaults the German held a German held town
on a ridge with armored support.
25897 3DAY.ZIP 5,3 kt 24.06.1999 - 22063/SSERVCD_59A.bin -
"Sid Meiers Gettysburg! For those dedicated souls who asked for itwe have created a three-day scenario (unzip its one file into your Gettysburg! directory). This scenario is not an official part of the game and is recommended for multiplayer only."
39110 50LEVELS.ZIP 1207532 27.08.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: 50 maps
39117 ADC-1.ZIP 337691 24.04.1996 - - -
Aide De Camp -datatiedostoja. "ADC allows
gamers to take the map/board and
counters/pieces from almost any game and put
them on the computer." HPS Simulations.
60469 ADPACT.ZIP 21134 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso tupla
Warcraft 2 MAP: Death Pact.
25898 AG-SCEN.ZIP 54,1 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Allied General scenarios. a_lening.zip, a_poland.zip, a_soviet.zip, a_warsaw.zip
39124 AIRDROP.ZIP 14963 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
COMMAND&CONQUER "Airdrop" Scenario (IBM).
Update to my other mission with the same
name. It fixes some bugs with the enemies not
attacking at the right time and just sitting
39126 ALASSALM.ZIP 32412 18.01.1996 - - -
The first battle of Alassalmi for SSI's great
game Steel Panthers.
39127 ALLOUT.ZIP 7383 24.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "All-out War" Scenario (IBM). Two
large cities, all buildings, several units,
greatly lowered build costs/times
39129 ALTERAC.ZIP 19400 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
WARCRAFT II "Alterac" Scenario
39131 AOR-SCE1.ZIP 841541 29.10.1996 - - -
Age of Rifles - Wargame Construction Set III
skenaarioita. Aihepiirejä "american civil
war, british imperial wars, other historical
wars, fictional battles and wars". adowa,
aliwal, aorfaqs, aorkesh, canyon, cedarmtn,
custer, elands, elcaney,fairoaks, ferozesh,
foxgap, frontroy, full^ado,isand, kernstow,
magers, modder, moodkee, pearidge, sobraon,
talana, wgc2-bre.
39132 AOR-SCE2.ZIP 816747 29.10.1996 - - -
Age of Rifles - Wargame Construction Set III
skenaarioia ja kampanja: adowa, aliwal,
aorhms, aorkesh, canyon, cedarmtn, elands,
elcaney, ferozesh, foxgap, frontroy,
full^ado, isand, kernstow, lbighorn, magers,
modder, moodkee, pearidge, sobraon, talana
39139 AREASBE0.MPR 8465 14.01.1997 - - -
Areas Between Rivers, kenttä Red Alertiin
Loistava, By: H0ffeR / CPP
39140 ARMAGDN.ZIP 25994 07.06.1996 - 22389/CITE.iso -
Command & Conquer Level
Mission Description
Locate your slightly damaged GDI base
and perform repairs.  The, move QUICKLY
to establish a good defensive front.
The NOD base is very well established.
Destroy all NOD on the map.
39143 ASLMAP.ZIP 8537 28.08.1996 - - -
A set pf ASL maps, translated with the
Panthers in the Shadows mapbuilder for use
with HPS Simulations wargames.
61159 B2SCEN.ZIP 375744 08.08.1996 - - tupla
Breach 2 Scenario Collection, 76 scenarios
for Onmitrend's tactical wargame Breach 2.
39149 BADPACT.ZIP 22041 07.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
BAD Pact
Warcraft II Custom scenario. 1 player
You made a pact with Zuljin many years
ago to help defeat Cho'gal and Gul'dan.
Now, he wants to take you out!
39150 BALOFIRE.ZIP 12711 04.12.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
WARCRAFT 2 "Great Balls O' Fire" Scenario
39152 BATTLE.ZIP 10984 18.12.1996 - 22630/Cd Joystick No63.iso -
Siisti scenario Warcraft II:een. By: Cyanid
39154 BGG_NEW.ZIP 166864 11.09.1996 - - -
Battleground: Gettysburg, new scenario pack
from Talonsoft. Includes a few brand new
scenarios and random AI routines.
39155 BIGDEAL.ZIP 2443 14.01.1997 - - -
C&C: Red Alert - erittäin hyvä moninpeli
scenaario. bakteeri Scenarios laatutyötä.
25899 BOREHOLE.ZIP 63,3 kt 30.05.1999 - - -
"Alpha Centauri: Fight for the Boreholes Scenario. Firaxisnew scenario takes gamers to a distant continent where expeditionary forces of four factions have established strongholds surrounding the mysterious alien artifact known as The Borehole Cluster. Try to preserve your own objective while capturing the enemy-held objective before the scenario ends. NOTE: You must have the full version of Alpha Centauri."
39157 BRAVEHAR.ZIP 27582 07.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Warcraft 2 MAP: Braveheart
25900 BRAZIL.ZIP 267,1 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold "Brazil" bonus mapAll "Gold" maps require that you have at least the "2nd century" addon installed.
39160 BROVSBRO.ZIP 6211 04.12.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
COMMAND&CONQUER "Brother Vs. Brother" Sc.
(IBM). The 3rd mission in the "Heat of the
Night" series. Details on how to use & the
story line are in the enclosed text file. You
must be using version 1.19p or 1.20 (Cov.
Ops.) to use this mission - earlier versions
won't recognize the mission file.
39161 BTLNTOP2.ZIP 14422 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 Scenario
39176 C&C_MISS.ZIP 240314 14.01.1997 - - -
Tehtavia Command & Conqueriin
39177 C&C-MP1.ZIP 90818 02.04.1996 - - -
Unzip this map pack into your installed C&C
directory and enjoy sixteen (16) brand new
user created multiplayer maps!! View
MAPPACK1.TXT for credit information.
39178 C&C-MP2.ZIP 90627 02.04.1996 - - -
Just unzip this map pack into your installed
C&C directory for instant fun and excitement!
View MAPPACK2.TXT for credit information.
39179 C&C-MP3.ZIP 86183 02.04.1996 - - -
Just unzip this map pack into your installed
C&C directory for instant fun and excitement!
View MAPPACK3.TXT for credit information.
25901 C2-WW120.ZIP 42,5 kt 14.08.1998 - - -
"Civilization II Scenarios World War I version 2.0 by Bryan Caplan Its the Great War. The historical alliances are already in placealthough of coursealliances are made to be broken!"
39165 C220THCN.ZIP 23392 13.06.1996 - - -
Civ 2:seen scenario. Johda mailma 1920-
luvulta 2000 luvulle.
39166 C2AFRICA.ZIP 9477 13.06.1996 - - -
Scenaario civ 2:seen Afrikasta.
39167 C2ASIA.ZIP 10777 13.06.1996 - - -
Scenaario civ 2:seen Aasiasta.
39168 C2HOLY.ZIP 13187 13.06.1996 - - -
Scenaario civ 2:seen.
39169 C2INDIA.ZIP 86723 01.09.1996 - - -
Civilization 2: "India" scenario March 1996,
new studies show that both India and Pakistan
have more nuclear capabilities then estimated
in the past. Patience is wearing thin as a
nuclear attack grows more likely.
39170 C2MEXWAR.ZIP 19555 13.06.1996 - - -
Meksikon sisällis sodasta scenaario civ
39174 CC111SPL.ZIP 2964202 16.09.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: 111 single player levels,
all described.
25902 CC2-19M.ZIP 3,6 Mt 20.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 user created maps. Includes 19 maps with descriptions: 1940_01, bulge, cc2maps, comman, FreeDeploy, MAQUIS_, multiplayer, Pack01, Pack02, Pack03, retreat01, Road_Battle, son_town, son_town2, stpol, Street_Fight, WARSAW_1, Wittmann, WITTMA_1
25903 CC2IRRI.ZIP 2,5 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: Matt Neumans IRRIGATION POND. Edited map graphics up a notch. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25904 CC2MP111.ZIP 2,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: Matt Neumans RAIL map. Edited map graphics up a notch. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25905 CC2MP300.ZIP 4 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: mick (xe5)s MODIFIED VEGHEL BRIDGE introduced new buildings and hidden fortifications and river crossings. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25906 CC2MPAIR.ZIP 7,5 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 map: Adam, Blackhound and Danny "Bad" Gauthier produced AIRFIELD. At 2280x2160 it approaches CC3 sized maps. If youve ever yearned for tank duels at longer ranges than the generally close quarters of CC2 this is the battlefield for you. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this. Includes map installer.
25907 CC2MPANT.ZIP 2,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: Wouter Pinkoffs SCHELDE. SCHELDE is interesting as it represents an action which would have been taking place on the left flank of Market Garden. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25908 CC2MPCHA.ZIP 3,1 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: FrantzCHATEAU set a new standard for original map graphics. Do not play him on this map. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25909 CC2MPDES.ZIP 1,2 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: Colonel Frankos DESET. Serve with the 8th Army against Rommel. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25910 CC2MPPEE.ZIP 3,3 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: Colonel Frankos PEENEMUNDE. Stop the V weapon raids on London. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25911 CC2MPSNO.ZIP 1,2 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: David Vimens SNOW. Get a taste of Russian Front conditions. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25913 CC2MPST.ZIP 5,4 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 map: HOFBAUERS DACHA uses some of the CC3 screenshot graphics to recreate the famous battle - "Two Huts and a Pigpen" Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this.
25912 CC2MPSTE.ZIP 5,4 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Close Combat 2 map: Faust, Frantz and mick (xe5) joined forces to do STEPPE, another compilation of CC3 screenshots. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this.
25914 CC2MPWOO.ZIP 572,8 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Close Combat 2 map: David Vimens WOOD. Get a taste of Russian Front conditions. Read CC2 FAQ to see how to use this."
25916 CC3-3OPS.ZIP 206,8 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III new custom operations: A Russian Bridge Too Far by rwcanuck Custom German Grand Campaign by Howard Ward Custom Russian Grand Campaign by Howard Ward
25915 CC311BTL.ZIP 76,3 kt 13.03.1999 - - -
Close Combat III user battles. 11 new battles.
39181 CCPACK14.ZIP 208151 16.09.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
Command & Conquer Scenario Package release
1.4, maintained by Case, this archive has
many publically available levels packaced
39183 CCSNGLE1.ZIP 1124199 02.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Monta yksinpelattavaa tehtävää Command &
25917 CIV2-B5.ZIP 5,5 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
Civilization II: Babylon 5 muunnos "I was there at the dawn of the third age of mankind. It began in the Earth year 2257 with the founding of the last of the Babylon stations, located deep in neutral space." Scenario and units by: Paul Heron History and other texts by: Janne Lunden
39186 CIV20396.ZIP 8285 25.04.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 new scenario:
Alexander the Great.
39188 CIV2MAP.ZIP 9550 25.09.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 Maps: An Archapeligo - An
archapeligo of islands. (wierd.mp), map with
a lake - A map with lots of land but little
water (more'n64.mp), Tolkien's Inner Sea -
From his book "The Lord of the Rings"
(innersea.mp), The British Isles - A very
accurate map (britain.mp).
39189 CIV2MED.ZIP 2980 13.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
CIVILIZATION 2 "Mediterranean" Map
39190 CIV2PMS.ZIP 22424 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
3 Skenaariota Civilization 2:een. Mukana mm.
Suomi, Venäjä, Ruotsi, Norja, Tanska, Saksa
ja Baltian maat. Eli todellinen Itämeren
Sota! Tekijä: Pasi Matilainen 1996. Email:
39192 CIV2SCE.ZIP 190136 25.09.1996 - - -
Civilization 2 scenarios: Space Ship Crash
(crash.zip), The Revolution of Quebec
(quebec.zip), The Avengence of the Republic
(republ1.zip), The Battle for Arrakis
39194 CIVJAP.ZIP 140489 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Civilization Alternative : Japan, korvaa
historiallisen maapallon Civilizationista
historiallisella Japanilla.
39195 CLASSIC.ZIP 6483 18.12.1996 - - -
Classical scenario to Warcraft 2.By: Cyanid.
39201 COMPETE.ZIP 21903 13.06.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WARCRAFT II DESERT/Goldline 2 Scenarios
39203 CRESTFAL.ZIP 10934 13.06.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WARCRAFT II "Crestfall" Scenario
39205 CSWCPK18.ZIP 424991 13.06.1996 - 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO -
Warcraft 2 MAP pack #18 by Cyber Systems.
25918 CULSOR.ZIP 47,9 kt 20.06.1999 - - -
Commander Culsor Red Alert map pack for multiplayer games. Kuusi kookasta kenttÄÄ. Malmia tarkoituksella kohtuullisen vÄhÄn. Tarkoitettu pelattaviksi 2-3 pelaajan peleissÄ.
25919 CWG2SCEN.ZIP 618,1 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
Civil War Generals 2 SCENARIO PACK 1 January 1998 Contest Battles. Sierra. The battles were prepared for the January, 1998, CWG2 Online Contest. They are variants on scenarios that shipped with the game, and are NOT entirely new battles. The forces were specially rebalanced to make them as fair as possible to each player. Although the contest is history, the battles remain well-suited for two-player games and are best as multiplayer.
25920 DBAJ2K.ZIP 5,2 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
DBA Online new armies, june 2000. 24 new armies for battle. 
39206 DDRA.ZIP 7043 12.12.1996 - - -
C&C :Red Alert -moninpeliskenario. Erittäin
hyvä. Pixel Scenarios laatutyötä.
39208 DG_AQA.ZIP 59963 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-yksinpelikampanja: Project:
Aqaruis. Todella haastava!
25921 DG_CTF.ZIP 5,1 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
CAPTURE THE FLASK 1.2 Loistava moninpelikenttä Deadly Gamesiin! Ei voi jättää väliin. Jokaisen Deadly Gamerin pakkohankinta!
39211 DG_DKEEP.ZIP 47896 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-yksinpelikampanja: dKEEP.
25923 DG_SOLO.ZIP 231,4 kt 11.04.1999 - - -
Tuomiopäivä nyt! 50:n (!) tehtävän yksinpeli kampanja Jagged Alliance:Deadly Gamesiin. By Antti Lahtinen
25922 DGCTF.ZIP 8,2 kt 07.07.1998 - - -
CAPTURE THE FLASK CTF-kenttä Deadly Gamesiin. Kaksi linnaa, snipperi paikat jne.
39209 DGDATLNK.ZIP 33114 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-yksinpelikampanja: DataLink.
39210 DGDHLSML.ZIP 26733 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-yksinpelikampanja.
39213 DGLSDCMP.ZIP 50777 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-kampanja: LSD Camp. Yksi tai
kaksi pelaajaa.
39214 DGSMART.ZIP 35614 14.01.1997 - - -
Deadly Games-yksinpelikampanja: Get Smart.
39215 DGVICTOR.ZIP 57006 14.01.1997 - - -
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games Here is a very
short campaign (four new missions) for this
great game. The campaign is balanced, so
there is neither too much of great equipment
nor too many enemies.
39218 DIENBIEN.ZIP 125491 23.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
3 skenaariota Steel Panthersiin.
39219 DOMINIO.ZIP 133633 09.05.1996 - - -
Dominio - A scenario for Warlords II Fairly
40221 DOOMCIV.ZIP 325150 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
Civilization II: - scenario
DOOM maps :-)))))))))))))))
39224 E2-AGIN.ZIP 35429 18.02.1996 - - -
Empire 2: The Battle of Agincourt -skenaario
39227 E2-SCN.ZIP 53620 18.02.1996 - - -
Kolme Empire 2 -skenaariota:
39226 E2-SCN2.ZIP 45956 08.08.1996 - - -
Empire 2 - Art of War - four new scenarios:
39225 E2AOW-SC.ZIP 484425 09.05.1996 - - -
Empire 2 - Art of War - skenaarioeditorilla
luotuja lisäskenaarioita New World
Computingin strategiapeliin.
39229 ED-MAP.ZIP 252013 15.12.1995 - - -
Empire Deluxe - itsetehtyjä lisäkarttoja
strategiafaneille QQP:n klassikkopeliin.
39231 ED-SCN.ZIP 629923 15.12.1995 - - -
Empire Deluxe - itsetehtyjä skenaarioita
QQP:n klassikkostrategiaan.
39230 ED-SCN2.ZIP 123660 23.08.1996 - - -
Empire Deluxe: itsetehtyä skenaarioita sis:
WW2-1941.SCN, WW2-WE.SCN, WW3-1994.SCN.
25925 EF-2SCE.ZIP 36,6 kt 20.01.1999 - - -
East Front/Eastern Front scenarios. A RUSSIAN FLOOD File: flood.zip THE PINCERS CLOSE File: pincers.zip
25924 EF2-SCE1.ZIP 36,6 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
East Front II scenario #1: 15 July, 1944 Alushta Valley, Poland: Best played against Human opponent. Recommend the use of optional armor facing rule. The once mighty Wehrmacht was in full retreat from Russia. While the German high command scrambled to save its depleted panzer divisions and form a defensive line along the Vistula River in Poland, the Red Armies faced their own troubles as they began to outrun their supply lines. 
25926 EINO3.ZIP 39,2 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III karttaTarinapainotteinen kartta. Eino jumala käskee ylipappi Jonia tuhoamaan pakana Jarmo. Sisältää hieman rivoa huumoria. Map in english
25927 EINO4.ZIP 39,1 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic III karttaTarinapainotteinen kartta Heroes 3 peliin. Pakana Jarmo kostaa Einokultille. Sisältää paljon rivoa huumoria. Map in english
25928 EISCEN1.ZIP 194,8 kt 24.12.1998 - - -
Enemy Infestation extra mission: Army of Darkness
39233 ELESALIE.ZIP 19749 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "2 Player Co-op" Scenario
39235 EURO1914.ZIP 22047 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "Europe 1914" Scenario (IBM).
This is it! I spent ages getting this map
perfect and now I can finally release it. The
place is Europe, the time is 1914. Each
player takes control one of the six major
powers - UK, France, Russia, Turkey, Austria
and Germany, while the CPU controls the
neutral countries. Then each player has to
decide, using diplomacy and/or brute force
where and when he will expand his Empire.
39251 F_MAX.ZIP 12540 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "Fortress Maximus" Scenario
(IBM). 1 Player. 128x128 Winter Map. No goofy
story. Just a contender for most difficult
fortress to penetrate. Good Luck!- Layman
25929 F41_122.ZIP 89,5 kt 25.02.1999 - - -
The Operational Art of War skenaario: Finland 1941. Jatkosota, hyökkäysvaihe. Tehnyt Petri Kamunen. p.kamunen@kolumbus.fi
39240 FASC107.ZIP 74618 30.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
CIVILIZATION 2 Fascist Gov't Patch 1.2
39246 FC2-PRAF.ZIP 4653 02.04.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II lisäkampanja: Prairie
39245 FC2CAMP.ZIP 52656 09.05.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II -kampanjoita Big Time
Software/Avalon Hillin
39241 FC2CAMP2.ZIP 4915 24.04.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II - kaksi uutta taisteluja
+ yksi kampanja: Duel.btl, greekgua.cam,
39242 FC2CAMP3.ZIP 6302 08.08.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II - new battle "F4 vs MiGs"
and new campaign "Rafale".
39243 FC2CAMP4.ZIP 11929 16.10.1996 - - -
Flight Commander II - * new campaign "Iraqi
'87" Iran vs Iraq * new battle "Dogfight over
25931 FC2SCE.ZIP 34,9 kt 02.10.1999 - - -
Fleet Command scenarios - French Revenge 01/25/99 - Northeastern Brazil Opponents: French Soviets Brazilians Russians - Lobster War 01/15/99 - Northeastern Brazil Opponents: Brazilians Argentinans French
25930 FC2SCENA.ZIP 168,8 kt 08.06.1999 - - -
"Flight Commander II scenario collection from the authors website. Big Time Software/Avalon Hill"
39248 FGEXP.ZIP 811763 28.08.1996 - - -
Fantasy General - Mini-Campaign A freebie for
FG-fans! "This Island Challenge is not for
the weak of heart or spirit! Only the most
dedicated and experienced Fantasy Generals
should risk the lives of their troops upon
this land most horrible and foul. There is no
turning back!
39250 FLSTRM.ZIP 13145 07.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Leveli Warcraft II:een
25932 FS7SCEN.ZIP 20,2 kt 10.02.2000 - - -
Fighting Steel scenarios.  Battle of Java Sea. Convoy WS5A Sink the Edinburgh Mines Away ! Scharnhorst 1 Horse Jump The Escorts
39264 G_VS_E.ZIP 16019 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "Good Vs. Evil" Scenario (IBM).
This is a advanced pud with: all heroes in
War2x, orc homelands, lightning cannon
towers, and several unit changes. It is meant
for 2 player allys, but can be played w/ one
player. Note- Requires Warcraft II v1.3.
Uploaded by !-Lothar-!
39255 GARDENO.ZIP 3890 14.01.1997 - - -
Red Alert moninpeli scenario: Garden of War
39259 GOLDISLE.ZIP 15931 27.06.1996 - 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso -
Saarikenttä Warcraft II:een. Max. 8 pelaajaa
39260 GOODPUD.ZIP 44576 03.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Hyviä tasoja Warcraft II:hin
39261 GRADIA.ZIP 8445 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
CIVILIZATION 2 "Gradia" Scenario (Win). New
Scenario based on the concepts of Stacey
Jeursivich. The Gradians come from the mind
of a soon to be well known science
fiction/fantasy author. ATTENTION! Back up
your "city.txt", as this will change it.
25933 H83_HVAN.ZIP 211,2 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Horsevania - Kenttä Heroes II - Price of Loyalty:yn. XL-kenttä, jossa paljon pervoja event:tejä. Tekijä: Henu Heino - Basement Realm
64685 HAR2MAPS.ZIP 63464 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon 2 - karttoja taisteluiden luontiin.
64704 HARP2SC.ZIP 2310105 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon 2 skenaarioita
39268 HARPSCE2.ZIP 2196990 09.02.1996 - - -
Yli 30 skenaariota Harpooniin,
kaikkiin Battlesetteihin.
39269 HARPSCE3.ZIP 472299 24.02.1996 - - -
Harpoon skenaarioita: NACV North Atlantic
Convoys -battlesetille.
64705 HARPSCE4.ZIP 1357025 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon skenaarioita: GIUK GAP- battlesetille
(tulee Harpoonin mukana).
64706 HARPSCE5.ZIP 417127 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon skenaarioita: Medieval-
64707 HARPSCE6.ZIP 119649 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon battlesettejä: Indian Ocean & Persian
Gulf IOPG -battlesettiin.
64708 HARPSCE7.ZIP 282561 25.02.1996 - - tupla
Harpoon skenaarioita
39274 HARPSCEN.ZIP 469589 21.03.1995 - - -
Skenaarioita Harpooniin - jokaiselle
39275 HAWAII.ZIP 19597 08.12.1996 - - -
Hawaii Assault Steel Panthers II scenario.
Pixel Scenarios 1996
25934 HEARTLND.ZIP 409,4 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II bonus map"Heartland" 
25935 HMM3EINO.ZIP 39,2 kt 12.10.1999 - - -
Heroes of Might & Magic 3 Tarinapainotteinen kartta. Eino-jumala käskee ylipappi Jonia tuhoamaan pakana Jarmon. Sisältää hieman rivoa huumoria. Map in english
25936 HOMM2MAP.ZIP 47 kt 18.10.1999 - - -
Dark vs. Light Isokokoinen huolella tehty map Heroes of might & Magiciin (Expansion)
25937 IG2D-MIS.ZIP 132,5 kt 16.04.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactica II Demo Mission. This is a mission for the demo version of Imperium Galactica II. Just download this file, and copy it into the IG2 directory, into DATA. 
25938 IG2SCEN1.ZIP 78,3 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactica 2: Alliances bonus scenario #1 
25939 IG2SKIRM.ZIP 445,8 kt 17.05.2000 - - -
Imperium Galactica 2: Alliances skirmish bonus scenario 
39291 IMPOSBLE.ZIP 28904 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "Mission Impossible" Scenarios
(IBM). This is your mission should you choose
to accept it. These are the two hardest
missions you will ever play on warcraft 2
including: Timstuf.pud and the wicked
Hard.pud. If you really want a challenge dont
play with cheats and if you win with out the
cheats e-mail me for some more levels or just
to comment...
39295 INDIA.ZIP 80635 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
CIVILIZATION 2 "Future Nuclear War"
39296 INVASION.ZIP 85980 14.07.1996 - 17009/Superpower.iso eritupla
Civilization 2 scenario: Alien Invasion.
25940 ISTHM39.ZIP 27,9 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
"The Operational Art of War skenario: Isthmus39. Talvisota 1939. Tehnyt Ilkka Mutanen"
25941 JAP_MOVE.ZIP 200,2 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold bonus map"Japan on the move"
39302 JAVIETDI.ZIP 160582 14.01.1997 - - -
("Short Timer" (Challenging) Version 1.01) 25
Scenarios for use with SirTech's Jagged
Alliance:Deadly Games Simulation This
campaign attempts to recreate (as best as can
be done given the limitations of SirTech's
Deadly Games scenario editor) typical actions
that might have occurred during the Vietnam
Conflict in 1967-1968.
39310 KARELIAN.ZIP 7715 14.01.1997 - - -
RA: Karelian Invasion multiplayer
Scenario for C&C: Red Alert. Size: LARGE. (C)
1996 Pasi Matilainen Play and be Happy!-)
39311 KIDNAP.ZIP 16401 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
WARCRAFT 2 "Kidnap" Scenario (IBM). In order
to destroy the morale of the Alliance, the
Orcish Horde has kidnapped Lothar. They have
hidden him away on a remote island. Rescue
Lother and bring him to the circle of power.
Please let me know if you like this. I have
more ... Matt Freitag 102404.2126
25942 KKND2M1.ZIP 340 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II multiplayer bonus map #1. Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25943 KKND2M2.ZIP 474,7 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II multiplayer bonus map #2. Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25944 KKND2M3.ZIP 529,9 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II multiplayer bonus map #3. Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25945 KKND2M4.ZIP 850,3 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II multiplayer bonus map #4. Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25949 KKND2S1.ZIP 239,8 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "The Gemini XII" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25946 KKND2S10.ZIP 573 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "The Nest" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25947 KKND2S12.ZIP 796,8 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Airborne Robotic Assault Squad" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25948 KKND2S13.ZIP 459,8 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Perfect General" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25950 KKND2S2.ZIP 475,6 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Over The River" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25951 KKND2S3.ZIP 240 tavua 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Army Group South" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25952 KKND2S4.ZIP 530,7 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Renegade Robots" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25954 KKND2S5.ZIP 738,4 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Ring of Fire" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25953 KKND2S51.ZIP 737,4 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Flaming Rings" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25955 KKND2S6.ZIP 953,2 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Getting Back and Getting Even" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25956 KKND2S8.ZIP 96,1 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
KKND II "Pacman" map level addon Place this into your maps folder where you installed KKND 2 on your system.
25957 KUA_APUA.ZIP 111,8 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold "Kua\'Apuanii" map
25958 LCMAPS.ZIP 38,4 kt 14.06.1998 - - -
Legal Crime - karttoja ja Byte Enchantersin valmistama scenaario.
25959 LIEGNITZ.ZIP 3,9 kt 08.11.1999 - - -
Dragoon scenario by Art of War Publishing: Leignitz
39315 LMSKAG.ZIP 10965 19.01.1996 - 10565/Giga_Games_2_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_April_1995.iso -
Harpoon GIUK battleset scenario: THE
25960 LOCAL.ZIP 5,6 kt 28.03.2000 - - -
Neljä uutta yksikköä Myth2-peliin.
39316 LOLC2SCE.ZIP 31181 09.09.1996 - - -
L o L L o S o F t  Presentertz A CIVILIZATION
(also included): Pacific Ocean / LoLLoSoFt
-scenario  1996 LoLLoSoFt
25961 LS-MISS.ZIP 5,3 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
Lead Soldier additional mission. Requires updated LS game.
39319 MAPGOLD.ZIP 553032 16.09.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
ZREL ]- For Win 3.1/95/NT 59 Brand NEW user
created multiplayer maps!! --> NOTE: This
pack has been updated for compatiblity
with Westwood's Covert Operations
39320 MAPS.ZIP 9644 13.06.1996 - - -
Karttoja Paybacktimeen. Mukana myös yhdet
ase-ja esinetiedostot.
25962 MEDISCE1.ZIP 1,8 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
"Medieval scenarios. FANTASY / FICTIONAL / GENERALIZED. * Amazon Island v1.0 Author: Jeff Lapkoff Amazon warrior queens battle for control of an island. * Norsemen! v1.0 Author:Phil Natta Norsemen raid an Irish Abbey in the 10th century. *  OShey v1.0 Author: Duane Clark Battle between the Scottish clans Clark and McLeod. * Shaka v1.0 Author: Phil Natta A collection of three Zulu scenarios from the early 19th century! ."
25963 MEDISCE2.ZIP 1,5 Mt 19.03.1999 - - -
"Medieval scenarios. HISTORICAL SCENARIOS. Soissons. Singidunum. Sontius. Verona. Addua. Pineta. Tolbiac. Civitate. Hab. Asruf. Nevilles Cross.  Patay.  Formigny."
39326 MI6.ZIP 6340 14.01.1997 - - -
Red Alert scenario
39328 MONSOON.ZIP 14716 09.09.1996 - - -
Flight Commander 2 Campaign Internet
Tournament MONSOON.CAM - fly in Internet
ladder against whole world in a huge FC2
campaign. This campaign is based on a Harpoon
Scenario by Larry Bond printed in the Harpoon
Naval Review 1994. India makes a military
move to Pakistan, and then declares dominance
in the Indian Ocean by establishing Total
Exclusion Zone preventing all commercial and
military traffic. Players take the role of an
Indian Mig 29 fighter squadron commander, 40
25964 MPADDON.ZIP 3,3 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Mech Commander new Multiplayer Maps from MicroProse.
39331 MPGOLD.ZIP 320791 01.03.1996 - - -
Command & Conquer: MAP PACK *GOLD* v1.1 Unzip
this map pack into your installed C&C
directory, then run INSTGOLD for fifty nine
(59) brand new user created multiplayer
39330 MPGOLD20.ZIP 604000 16.09.1996 - 17210/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Command & Conquer and Warcraft II 3rd ed.iso -
Version 2.0 For Windows 70 MISSIONS!
Assembled by Chris Dickens(Kali: AlexKidd)
and K2(K2@K2.ORG)  -Now Compatible with Users
of CC-Pack! -Optimized for use with Covert
Operations Missions
39335 MR.ZIP 56229 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
COMMAND&CONQUER "Money Rush" Scenario (IBM).
Nod has a mining facility in the area,
capture it and take the cash. Comments
39336 MSBOOM.ZIP 5785 19.01.1996 - 13109/Games to Treasure - Disc 2.iso -
Harpoon GIUK-scenario: Boomers At Sea.
39342 MUDLORDS.ZIP 170638 28.03.1995 - - -
Mudlords: My 1st scenario for Warlords II
39343 MULINQUI.ZIP 13236 25.11.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
WARCRAFT 2 "Multiplayer" Scenario (IBM).
This is the multiplayer version of
INQUISITION. If you haven't tried it yet,
it's time to download "INQUI2.ZIP" !
39352 N_VS_S.ZIP 13511 14.07.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WARCRAFT II "North vs South" Scenario
25965 NENAMER.ZIP 272,2 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold map "Northeast North America"
25966 NEWPITS.ZIP 72,2 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows: Custom silhouettes and terrain for Panthers by Carl Fung
25967 NEWTOP.ZIP 107,1 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl II: Custom silhouettes and terrain for Panthers by Carl Fung
39350 NORTHPO1.MPR 9155 14.01.1997 - - -
North Pole - kenttä Red Alertiin
Tasokas, by: H0ffeR / CPP
25968 NYC2LA.ZIP 441,8 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold "NYC to LA"bonus map.
39353 OCEANCOM.ZIP 9052 14.01.1997 - - -
Red Alert moninpeli scenario: Ocean Combat.
Suunniteltu erityisesti verkkopeliin,
ei sovi skirmish moodilla pelattavaksi.
39355 ONERIVER.ZIP 6804 12.12.1996 - - -
C&C :Red Alert -moninpeliskenario. Yksi joki
kuolemaan....Pixel Scenarios laatutyötä.
39356 ONWAY.ZIP 9527 14.01.1997 - - -
Oneway ------- Scenario for Warcraft II
Mapsize: Medium
39359 ORC.ZIP 137009 25.11.1996 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso -
WARCRAFT 2 "To the Southern Lands" Campaign
(IBM). This is the sequal to "Rise of the
Orcich Hordes" and includes 10 levels
complete with storyline and stuff. E-mail me
if there are any problems, hints or tips and
if you just get stuck.
39360 OREBEACH.ZIP 6918 08.12.1996 - - -
C&C: Red Alert -skenario. Tämä skenario
sisältää yli 1000000 krediitilla orea
joten tämä skenario takaa pitkän moninpelin!
Pixel Scenarios laatutyötä.
25969 PACGESC.ZIP 27,5 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Pacific General scenarios. guantan, islands, keyisland, libya, oceanic.
25970 PANZGSCE.ZIP 180,1 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Panzer General scenarios. beirut, clippe, dunkirk, gibralta, iceland, liege, malta, midway
25971 PARNIATH.ZIP 268,3 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold bonus map "The Parniath Bridge" All "Gold" maps require that you have at least the "2nd century" addon installed.
39364 PAX.ZIP 180871 25.11.1996 - MBCD -
CIVILIZATION 2 "Pax Americanum" Scenario
(Win). A violence packed scenario where you
use the Americans to conquer the world. Has
many new conventional units and two new
nuclear ones.
25972 PEGENSC.ZIP 16 kt 27.09.1999 - - -
"Peoples General user scenarios. * Repulse at Saigon 07/05/2020 - Saigon * Retaking Singapore 12/01/2012 - Singapore * Chaka Beijing 08/05/2020 - Beijing * Penang 1 on 1 01/01/2006 - China * Drive to Klin 8/6/05 - Klinbetween Moscow and Leningrad * The Highway at VolokolamskPart 1 8/4/05 Volokolamsknear Moscow * The Highway at VolokolamskPart 2 * Three in Taipei 8/8/05 - Taipei"
25973 PENNSYLV.ZIP 373,5 kt 02.12.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold map "Pennsylvania"
25974 PG2CUSSC.ZIP 384 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Panzer General II 3 customized scenarios.
25975 PG2SCENS.ZIP 377,9 kt 19.03.1999 - - -
Panzer General II scenarios. 35 of them!
25976 PHARXMAS.ZIP 198,7 kt 17.01.2000 - - -
Pharaoh christmas bonus maps 
39371 PHEN.ZIP 6185 14.01.1997 - - -
Phenomenom C&C: Red Alert -skenario. Erittäin
hyvä!!! Graafisia kikkailuja sun muuta!!!
Pixel Scenarios laatutyötä....kommentteja
Kalle Hiukalle (kalle.hiukka@mbnet.fi)
39372 PISSED.ZIP 12277 25.11.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
WARCRAFT 2 "Peasant Attack" Scenario (IBM).
very cool Pud, created with WAR2xEdit
39373 PITSHAST.ZIP 8160 28.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows -scenario: Hasty
Attack. "At the end of a long day of battle
you must take your depleted TF and make a
hasty attack across a river and capture a
supply depot." Original filename hastyatk.zip
39374 PITSKNG2.ZIP 6629 28.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadow custom scenario. King
of the Hill - ASL scenario created and placed
onto PitS. Original filename knghil2.zip
25977 PITSMAPS.ZIP 178,1 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows: The complete collection of Panthers maps (40) by John Fluker.
39379 PS_MAP2.ZIP 123004 28.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows materials: Another
set of Panthers maps. Unzip into new
subdirectory so you don't overwrite old maps.
Players may rename them when copying into
Panthers directory.
39384 PS_TER1.ZIP 15970 24.04.1996 - - -
Custom terrain set for Panthers in the
Shadows from HPS Simulations. Look at README
file for instructions after PKUNZIPPING.
39385 PS_TER3.ZIP 41948 28.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows materials. Custom
winter terrain set for Panthers in the
Shadows and Tigers on the Prowl from HPS
Simulations. Look at README.TER file for
instructions after PKUNZIPPING.
39377 PS-FLUKR.ZIP 57462 24.04.1996 - - -
Set of 16 maps for Panthers in the Shadows by
HPS Simulations.  This set was created by
John Fluker. The maps are named "XA.MAP" to
"XN.MAP".  Players may rename them at their
convenience when copying into Panthers
39378 PS-KGP.ZIP 354226 24.04.1996 - - -
Kampfgruppe Peiper - Panthers in The Shadows
scenario set. "Actions of the 1st SS Panzer
Division at the Battle of the Bulge, during
the period December 17 - 24, 1944."
39381 PS-OMAH2.ZIP 21683 24.04.1996 - - -
BEACH SCENARIO #2 To use this scenario,
merely unzip into your Panthers subdirectory.
This is the standard Omaha scenario without
any carpet bombing. Enjoy!
39382 PS-SANTA.ZIP 20627 08.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows scenario: santam,
"the night assault of the 351st Infantry
Regiment against Santa Maria Infante, and the
94th Fusilier Bn defending the area."
39380 PSMAPS-3.ZIP 57456 28.08.1996 - - -
Panthers in the Shadows -material: Set of 16
maps for PitS by HPS Simulations. This set
was created by John Fluker. The maps are
named "XA.MAP" to "XN.MAP". Players may
rename them when copying into Panthers
39389 PUDS.ZIP 39661 23.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Lisätasoja Warcraft 2:een.
39391 QFGSCEN.ZIP 381704 04.10.1996 - - -
Warlords II Deluxe: Quest for Glory- aiheinen
39418 R-PACK.ZIP 38831 14.11.1996 - MBCD -
-[ REALITY PACK for Deadly Games ]- A
campaign of 8 good 2-4 player scenarios for
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games.
25978 R2ROME.ZIP 266,3 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold bonus map "Return to Rome" "Gold" maps require that you have at least the "2nd century" addon installed.
39402 RAPACK.EXE 118537 14.01.1997 - - -
Command & Conquer: Red Alert Survivors Pack
Includes: Red Alert FAQ, Red Alert strategy
guide, cheats and new upgraded maps of
Pixel Scenarios.... Top Quality Maps= Pixel
39401 RAPACK15.ZIP 737513 14.01.1997 - 12521/PCMania CD61_1.iso -
Red Alert Map Pack: 117 new Multiplayer Maps.
All with information & ratings.
25979 RAWINT.ZIP 5,4 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
Red Alertin kartta moninpeleihin. Kartta on riittavan iso ja malmia + jalokivia loytyy. Tehnyt Kaj Lampio
25980 RC_ALTON.ZIP 347,6 kt 07.03.2000 - - -
 RollerCoaster Tycoon "Alton Towers" scenario
25981 RCT_FORT.ZIP 102,5 kt 10.02.2000 - - -
RollerCoaster Tycoon  "Fort" bonus scenario
39410 REALMS2.ZIP 60538 28.03.1995 - - -
Forgotten Realms scenario for Warlords 2
25982 REDMAPS2.ZIP 23,1 kt 25.09.1998 - - -
JRA SoftWare on julkaissut uuden ja paremman lisäkenttä paketin C&C RedAlert:iin Edellisten mappien bugeja on korjattu ja mukana on myös pari uuttamappia
25983 RISING1.ZIP 32,9 kt 05.06.2000 - - -
"Rising Sun: Scenario #1 29 April1942 - CotabatoMindanaoPhilippines: Best played as Axis While the battle for control of the Philippines was being fought on Luzon through the beginning of 1942the Allied garrison on Mindanao was for the most part ignored by the Japanese 14th Army. With the morning sun beginning to rise over Mindanao on April 29ththe landing craft approaching through Moro Gulf carrying General Kawaguchis Detachment split into two forces and headed toward objectives at Cotabato and Parang. "
25984 RISING2.ZIP 33,9 kt 05.06.2000 - - -
Rising Sun Scenario #2 24 December, 1941 - Mauban, 90km SE of Manila, Luzon, Philippines: Best played as Axis. Two weeks after the 7 December 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese 14th Army began the conquest of Luzon in the Philippines. 
25985 RISING3.ZIP 33,7 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
"Rising Sun scenario #3: 15 January1942 - Abucay Hacienda6km W of Abucay50km WNW of ManilaLuzonPhilippines: Best played against Human opponent Japans 14th Army began the battle for Bataan in the Philippines on 9 January 1942with a tremendous artillery barragepounding the Allied I and II Corpspositions. "
25986 RISING4.ZIP 32,4 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
"Rising Sun scenario #4: 13 September1942 Edsons/Bloody Ridge5km SSE of Lunga PointGuadalcanal: NIGHT Best played as Axis By 12 September 1942the main Japanese striking force on Guadalcanalunder General Kawaguchiwas in position to thrust once again at the American marines surrounding Henderson Field. "
25987 RISING5.ZIP 30,8 kt 26.06.2000 - - -
Rising Sun scenario #5: 18 December, 1942 Buna, 160km NE of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 
25988 RMMPUDS.ZIP 76,3 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
RmMPUDS, a collection of several WarCraft II maps for multiplayer enjoyment. ;) (2-4pl) You probably NEED Beyond the Dark Portal.
39415 ROAD.ZIP 57478 25.11.1996 modit/arkisto.zip archive.org eritupla
COMMAND&CONQUER "Road Of Pain" Scenario
(IBM). Take control of GDI base, and battle
down the imfamous "Road Of Pain" to destroy
all the Nod Forces. Comments welcomed,-Midget
25989 RPACK2.ZIP 59,7 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
< REALITY PACK 2 for Deadly Games > A campaign of 11 good 2 player scenarios for Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games. All levels by: Razoredge & DemonLord
25990 S3HOLIM.ZIP 408,3 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
"The Settlers III  - Holiday Maps Weve put together two holiday themed single player maps for use with the full version. MASTREE pits two rival Egyptian tribes against one another in a classic struggle for power. STAR - is little smaller than Mastreeand should make for a little quicker game. This map has a weakened Roman legion facing off against a growing Egyptian kingdom."
39436 SCENAR01.ZIP 122064 16.10.1996 - - -
Robert E. Lee - Civil War General, Scenario
pack #1 for Impressions/Sierra strategy game.
New scenarios, alternate battles, alternate
25991 SCENSLA.ZIP 242,6 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Starcraft scenario: Enslavers Dark Vengeance Episode II: Hung Jury. A Single Player Veteran Level Campaign.
25992 SCPRECU.ZIP 7,4 Mt 19.04.1999 - - -
"Starcraft: Precursor Campaign Journey to the farthest reaches of the galaxy and take command of an elite team of Confederate Marines in the Precursor Campaign. Whether youre new to real-time strategy games or a skilled veteranyoull be faced by the challenge of leading your troops to victory over powerful and truly alien opponents. 5 all-new missions & tutorial"
39453 SMASH.ZIP 19395 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A really cool 2 player PUD for WarCraft 2.
39469 SP-DANUB.ZIP 56790 02.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers scenario: Desperate Drive for
the Danube, Budapest, Hungary, November 1944.
39472 SP-OOB.ZIP 174621 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers - Need Orders of Battle for
your Custom Scenarios? + Try these for
German, American, and Soviet WWII Units -
Donated by S. Sheckells
39473 SP-PSOTA.ZIP 621299 25.10.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Steel Panthers - 15 new scenarios, mainly for
two players. Excellent, carefully created,
playtested and balanced. Smaller, bigger and
even HUGE battles, ranging from Finnish
Winter War, Finnish war 1944-1945 against
Germans in Lappland to Kursk 1943 and
imagined battles Finland-vs-USA. Created by
Petri Kamunen. Feedback to
39475 SP-SNG.ZIP 26522 18.02.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers skenario: Battle of the
39476 SP-WEUR1.ZIP 882872 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers scenarios: Western Front.
Includes following (original filenames):
12ssp2.zip advof47.zip airraid.zip
authie15.zip beresq.zip bocwal.zip
cefaloni.zip channel.zip citydivd.zip
climbach.zip corridor.zip crusher.zip
ebenemal.zip epinal.zip falaise.zip farm.zip
filottra.zip flood.zip flybynit.zip fog.zip
fraiture.zip gela.zip grabner.zip juve051.zip
kruja.zip lance.zip
39477 SP-WEUR2.ZIP 992956 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers scenarios, Western Front,
includes following (original filenames):
larissa.zip leros.zip lovelady.zip maleme.zip
meteor.zip moselle.zip mud.zip niteraid.zip
noose.zip normandy.zip oberembt.zip
pegasus.zip peiper.zip pershing.zip
remagen.zip rockroll.zip scen1.zip scen2.zip
scen044.zip scen52.zip schmidt.zip
shoulder.zip stavelot.zip stmalo.zip
sword.zip swotw.zip tfdoan.zip tflvldy2.zip
valletta.zip witt.zip
25993 SP2-KASH.ZIP 45,7 kt 11.06.1998 - - -
"Steel Panthers II scenario: A Place Called Kashmir Pakistan has made its last nuclear tests and India has declared a war with it. Indias first troops are arriving to Kashmira Pakistan occupied area between the Pakistan and India. You must break the defence line to provide the advance of Indian armys main troops."
25994 SP3-10SC.ZIP 2,4 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
"Steel Panthers III scenarios. BATTLES AROUND BASTOGNE 1944 SNOOPYS POINT 1967 RATS IN THE DESERT 1991 THE BATTLE FOR STANLEY 1982 BREAKOUT! 1944 Operation Bluecoat 1944 Copperhead Road 2003 OMAHA BEACH 1944 DELTA FORCE 1998 Prokhorovka: The Biggest of Them All! 1943"
25995 SP3-9CAM.ZIP 1,8 Mt 21.01.1999 - - -
STEEL PANTHERS III campaigns. THE FIRST TEAM South Vietnam, 1965-1970 BLACK BERETS Middle East, June 6-9 1967 DEJAVU THE RATS Kuwait-Iraq, Feb 25-28 1991 ALGERIAN NIGHTMARE HARD LUCK HEROES 1944 HEROES OF THE MOTHERLAND CAMPAIGN NW Russia 1941 THE JANESVILLE 99 Philippines, December 1941 World War II – Part Campaign Central Germany, April-May 1945. As Allied an
25996 SP3-KARE.ZIP 327,5 kt 19.04.1999 - - -
Steel Panthers III: Back to Karelia skenaariopaketti. PELAA SOTAVETERAANIEN HYVÄKSI: Sharewarena levitettävä laadukas skenaariokokoelma Suomen armeijan jatkosodan hyökkäysvaiheesta jonka maksu suoritetaan suoraan sotaveteraaneille, Rintamamiesveteraanien liitto ry:lle Merita 212618-12711. Sisältää 11 perinpohjin valmistettua taistelua hyökkäyksestä Syvärille. Kartat piirretty armeijan
25997 STARMAPS.ZIP 215,4 kt 25.09.1998 - - -
JRA SoftWare on laajentanut lisäkenttä toimintansa StarCraftiin tässä muutama mappi teille.
39488 STEELSCE.ZIP 118730 19.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers skenaarioita: Aachen
I,II,III,IV Viipuri -44
39489 STLO.ZIP 35290 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel  Panthers  Scenario:    June  29, 1944
The German 3rd Fallschirmjaeger and elements
of  the 12th  Sturmgeschutz  brigade  defend
against an attack  towards  St. Lo by  units
from the U.S. 737th Tank Battalion and 116th
Infantry Regiment. Created by Keith Heitmann
39497 STVITH.ZIP 53710 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers Scenario: St. Vith, Belgium,
December 17, 1944, "The Fortified Goose Egg".
Units of the Wehrmacht 18th Volksgrenadier
Division and the Fuhrer's Begleit Brigade
assault elements of the U.S. 7th Armored and
106th Infantry Regiment in the area around
St. Vith, known as "The Fortified Goose Egg".
Created by Keith Heitmann, dheitm8612@aol.com
39503 SUICIDE.ZIP 3363 20.04.1996 - - -
A whole new MAP for Warcraft 2 !!
Made by US !!
25998 SV4SCENS.ZIP 17 kt 13.12.1999 - MBHH2000 -
Solar Vengeance 4 brain & scenario files. Brains are different computer players. Scenarios are what they sound like - different scenarios from Star Trek to completely imagined situations. All work in share ware version of the game.
39515 TANKSCEN.ZIP 137833 23.11.1994 - - -
Wargame Construction Set II: Tanks
Lisäskenaarioita taisteltaviksi Sis: Aircav,
Angaur, Arras, Breakout, Cachy, Contact,
DDay, 4 kpl Khafji, River, Rus41, Sedan,
Swordpt1, Whalei. Karttoja: Brvkvo, Tobruk
39516 TBEACH.ZIP 5078 25.11.1996 - - -
Tiberium Beach Command & Conquer multiplayer
skenario. Tämä skenario takaa pitkän
moninpelin! Pixel Scenarios laatutyötä...
39517 TFDOAN.ZIP 23321 01.04.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers Scenario: Task Force Doan
Units of the U.S. 3rd Armored Division make
an assault against the forward defensive
line of the Siegfried Line.
39520 THEBEST.ZIP 5666 14.01.1997 - - -
Red Alert moninpeli scenario: The Best of
both worlds
25999 TOAW2SC.ZIP 801,3 kt 27.09.1999 - - -
"The Operational Art of WarVol. II: User made scenarios. - Americas War in Vietnam v1.03 CRIMSON SANDS: Libya Invades Egypt War In Europe 93 Americas War in Vietnam 65-75 Falklands 82 Kosovo 99 Atlantic Fury"
26000 TOAW58SC.ZIP 5,2 Mt 27.09.1999 - - -
The Operational Art of War, Volume I 58 interesting and challenging user scenarios, ranging from middle age wars to 1950s.
26001 TOAWSC4.ZIP 118,7 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
The Operational Art of War, Vol. 1 skenaarioita: BATTLING TO BASTOGNE File: bastogne.zip Southern Ardennes, December 16-21 1944 IWO JIMA – DOORSTEP TO HELL Central Pacific, Iwo Jima, Feb.19-Mar24 1945 CHOSIN – A MARINE TRIUMPH North Korea, November 27-December 6 1950 DIEN BIEN PHU – A TRAGIC TEST File dbp.zip Northern Indochina, Dien Bien Phu Valley,1954 Operation Bluecoat: File: bluecoat44.zip
39533 TOP_MAP2.ZIP 33462 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl maps: Nine additional
user-creater maps for Tigers On the Prowl.
PKUNZIP into a temporary directory and check
for duplicate file names before moving into
your TOP directory (you may need to rename
some of the new map files to keep from losing
existing ones). Created by Nina Kristiansen
39526 TOP-9LVS.ZIP 12776 24.04.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -scenario: The Battle for
the Berezina - Russia, 1941 Scenario 1 ("Nine
Lives") 1st Moscow Motorized Rifle Division
VS Lead Elements 18th Panzer Division
39528 TOP-FI39.ZIP 6821 24.04.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -scenario: Finland
December 1939.
39529 TOP-FS.ZIP 8108 24.04.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -scenario: FS.SCN, swamp
39530 TOP-KIEV.ZIP 17281 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl materials: Four maps of
the Kiev area for ToP done by a Danish
player. Original filename kiev_map.zip
39531 TOP-KRVT.ZIP 20418 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -custom scenario:
Kirovitsky 1944 Scenario by Nicholas Bell.
Original filename krvtsy.zip
39536 TOP-WTOP.ZIP 14317 24.04.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -material.
39527 TOPCLASH.ZIP 4114 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl -scenario: Clash along
the Psel - 12 July 1943. Original filename
39532 TOPLUTZ.ZIP 4534 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl custom scenario: the
German attack on Lutz, Poland, 1939. Original
filename LUTZ.ZIP
39534 TOPMAP_A.ZIP 18105 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl maps: Seven PKZIPPED TOP
maps created by John Fluker. After unzipping,
files will be named FA.MAP -FG.MAP. See
section B.3.3 (Appendix page 5) in the TOP
manual for info on file names, etc.
26002 TOPMAPS.ZIP 79,2 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl II: The complete collection of ToP2 maps (28) by John Fluker.
39535 TOPWIN.ZIP 14497 28.08.1996 - - -
Tigers on the Prowl terrain set: Winter
terrain set done by Andy Ralls in England.
After saving your current file "AA.TER" to
another name, PKUNZIP this file to your TOP
directory -overwriting the old AA.TER.
Original filename wintop.zip
39539 TPG-SCE1.ZIP 273457 09.05.1996 - - -
The Perfect General / QQP - lisäskenaarioita
Sis. mm: Ice Station Zebra, Battle of
Centerville, Battle of the Bulge!, CENTER,
39537 TPG2-SA.ZIP 36746 24.07.1996 - - -
The Perfect General II - interesting
savegames to play
26003 TPG2CAMP.ZIP 1,5 Mt 14.01.1999 - - -
The Perfect General II campaigns.
69301 TPG2SCE1.ZIP 331597 09.05.1996 - - tupla
The Perfect General 2 (tpg2) uusia
26004 TPWLEVEL.ZIP 3 Mt 18.05.2000 - 22683/cd joystick no116 juin 2000 cd2.iso -
Sim Theme Park/Theme Park World bonus levels. This addon includes 4 new levels with new rides, you may have to run the .exe files inside the "rides" directory to have them installed. 
26005 TTPHORIA.ZIP 144,7 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold "Euphoria" map
39543 UAE1.ZIP 18403 14.01.1997 - - -
Flight Commander II campaign: UAE 1 Author:
Wayne Rutledge The Gulf Cooperative Council
(GCC) and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
under Saudi Arabian command authority engage
the Islamic Republic of Iran in a war over
Abu Musa. This island is only 70 kilometers
from the coast of the UAE and has been
claimed by the UAE for generations until
occupied by the Iranians. You command the
UAE's Mirage fighter-bomber squadron.
39547 UMS1PD1.ZIP 102521 02.04.1996 - - -
Universal Military Simulator taisteluja UMS
39548 UMS1PD2.ZIP 147032 02.04.1996 - - -
Universal Military Simulator taisteluja UMS
39551 VAAGSO.ZIP 31736 30.08.1996 - - -
Steel Panthers Scenario: December 27, 1941,
British commandos on their first large scale
raid supported by the guns of the cruiser HMS
KENYA and the RAF attack the German occupied
Norwegian coastal town of South Vaagso and
the nearby islet of Maaloy. Created by Keith
Heitmann, dheitm8612@aol.com
26006 VALLEYS.ZIP 50,6 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
A new king of Warcraft II -levels! Includes 1 and 2 player scenarios and a textfile, which tells you the story of Four Valleys. from: Matti Pietila & Antti Hartman Matti -> Mikko.Reiskanen@mbnet.fi Antti -> Hardman@sci.fi
26007 VIVAMEX.ZIP 241,1 kt 11.01.2000 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold "Viva Mexico!" map
39557 W2THSD.ZIP 19946 15.12.1996 - - -
39559 WAR2ICE.ZIP 294771 20.04.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 lisäkenttiä
39560 WAR2PCG.ZIP 49097 25.10.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 * 5 new levels.
26008 WAR2PUDS.ZIP 440,5 kt 15.09.1998 - - -
Warcraft II scenario collection. 31 scenarios made by Ari Lavander and Jesse Nurmenniemi.
39561 WARINGER.ZIP 6720 25.11.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
COMMAND&CONQUER "War in Germany" Scenario
(IBM). c&c map
39562 WARWSC1.ZIP 406977 07.12.1996 - - -
Warwind - new scenarios.
39576 WC2_CRZY.ZIP 16124 31.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Crazy is a Multi-Player PUD for Warcraft 2!
two player support, one orc one human..
39583 WC2_SQRS.ZIP 14278 31.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Squares is a 4 Player PUD for warcraft 2
39564 WC2-12P8.ZIP 192278 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 12 new 8-player levels. All
39565 WC2-28P4.ZIP 482861 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 28 new 4-player levels. All
39566 WC2-2P3.ZIP 51400 27.08.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 * 2 player maps: corners.pud (for
4 players), Battle for the Northlands
(n-lands.pud), Tides (tides.pud)
39567 WC2-2P5.ZIP 33704 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 2 new 5-player levels. All
39568 WC2-2P7.ZIP 37257 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 2 new 7-player levels. All
39569 WC2-6P3.ZIP 85213 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 6 new 3-player levels. All
39570 WC2-74P1.ZIP 1018186 16.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 67 new 2-player levels. all
39571 WC2-8PUD.ZIP 109235 28.08.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 -new scenarios: 1stgood.pud,
4player.pud, cruel.pud, deadwar.pud,
destroy.pud, hurry.pud, megawar.pud,
39572 WC2-94P1.ZIP 2395753 17.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 87 new 1-player levels. All
39573 WC2-9P6.ZIP 164230 17.09.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 : 9 new 6-player levels. All
39575 WC2-BOHO.ZIP 36616 27.08.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2 - skenaarioita: Boot Camp, The
39577 WC2-HARB.ZIP 15083 19.01.1996 - - -
Frozen Harbor - 2 player PUD for Warcraft II
Battle it out in the vast ocean.
Expand your knowledge and create havok
for your opponent.
39579 WC2-PUD.ZIP 135201 13.06.1996 - - -
Warcraft 2: map collection
26009 WC2BEETL.ZIP 119,5 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
Warcraft II level: Beetle. By Blizzard. 128x128 Forest Designed for 2-6 Players
39578 WC2PUDS.ZIP 56589 15.09.1996 - - -
Neljä itesetehtyä scenariota wc2:seen.
Soveltuu erityisesti kaksinpeliin modeemilla
tai nollakaapelilla.
39590 WL2SCENS.ZIP 3277728 28.03.1995 - - -
Warlords II Skenaarioita:
39591 WL2TOLK.ZIP 164307 09.05.1996 - - -
WARLORDS 2 "War of the Ring" Scenario v1.1
(IBM)  Extensive and exhaustive work in
translating Tolkien's classic masterpiece the
"Lord of the Rings" trilogy to the WARLORDS
format in this rendition of the "War of the
Ring". Keeping as close to the maps within
Tolkien's books as well as the armies and
sides involved, this keeps the spirit of
Middle Earth intact while retaining play
balance. If you're a fan of the "knickers"
style shorts of the warlords infantry, stay
26010 WL3DL2C.ZIP 2,2 Mt 14.12.1999 - - -
Warlords III: Darklords Rising campaigns. The Elves Return - ten scenario campaign. The HUGE Wars - ten scenario campaign. Both require v1.02. SSG.
26011 WOODLIMB.ZIP 272,9 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Railroad Tycoon II Gold bonus map"Wooden Limbs and Iron Muscles" 
26012 WW2RECON.ZIP 6,2 Mt 25.04.1999 - - -
Myth II: Soulblighter mod: WWII: Recon v1.0. Map of modern warfare. It requires intricate micromanagement and offers stunning realism. Different units and maps, weapons, sounds, effects, and other changes. Territory is revealed only as your units "discover" it. 1999 Craig Goodman.
39599 X-MAS.ZIP 4580 20.12.1996 - MBCD -
C&C: Red Alert -jouluaiheinen
moninpelikenttä. ISO ja sisältää 1.6
miljoonalla orea ja jalokiviä. Pixel
Scenarios laatutyötä.
39598 XCOMMIS.ZIP 368248 08.11.1996 - - -
XCOM - Loydä Alien tästä Terrori tehtävästä!
Alien jossain päin kenttää, sotilaasi ovat
heksatut. Sinulla on 2 tankkia ja 2