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Kokomerkinnöistä selitykset infosivulla

Ohjelma tai sen versio ei aina vastaa kuvausta! Kommentoi jos havaitset virheitä.

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
40045 !A_JPLEV.ZIP 16179 19.08.1996 - - -
2 Auts-vaihetta by:JUMPERS
40057 !A_RPLEV.ZIP 289898 19.08.1996 - - -
19 Auts-leveliä By: RAPERS!! Huippukamaa.
Testattu monella tyypillä.
25798 16_A_LVL.ZIP 185,7 kt 12.08.1998 - - -
AUTS leveli paketti, jossa 16 kovalaatuista leveliä. Ei mitään cut-a-picture-and-paste krääsää. (If U know what I mean) By HeRmo
25799 16X10S.ZIP 2,4 kt 06.05.1999 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3.1 -lisäepisodi 6 hullua kenttää. Sopii kahdelle pelaajalle. Samuli Hirvonen ja Ville Vartiamäki e-mail: hirvoset@koti.tpo.fi
40007 2LEVAUTS.ZIP 26227 22.11.1995 - - -
Kaksi Hyvää Leveliä AUTSiin. Jatkoa suuren
suosion saaneille Mountain, Flood & Aquarium
leveleille. Cave by KimmoL. Desert by Tommi
40008 3_AUTS_L.ZIP 20126 23.01.1996 - - -
║ Kolme häikäisevää tasoa     ║
║ pelien kunkkuun AUTS:iin:   ║
║ ULTIMATE                    ║
║ GLODD                       ║
║ NATURE                      ║
║ by:Antti "Banzai" Peltosaari║
25800 3_W_LVLS.ZIP 119,4 kt 12.08.1998 - MBHH1999 -
WINGS leveli paketti, jossa 3 huolella tehtyä leveliä. Hienot parallaksit ja kaikki. By HeRmo
40009 3DOMES.ZIP 33476 06.06.1996 - - -
Descent HOG: The Three Domes
40012 3FIFFY.ZIP 84684 25.04.1996 - 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso -
Castle of the Damned 2: InSaNiTy!
A MAP01 pre-release for HeXeN!
This is a small version of the first
of 6 main levels in COTD2! Also
planned: 3 secret levels. Total of
40010 3FIFFY2B.ZIP 474019 06.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Hexen WAD: Urban HeXen: LA v2.0
40011 3FIFFYB.ZIP 127395 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Castle of the Damned 2: InSaNiTy!
A MAP01 pre-release for HeXeN!
This is a small version of the first
of 6 main levels in COTD2! Also
planned: 3 secret levels.
40013 3GUYS.ZIP 89443 24.11.1996 - 21765/PCS1096.ISO -
Worms Reinforcements level: 3 Guys.
40014 3KPLALEV.ZIP 24121 27.11.1995 - - -
Kolme leveliä Autsiin. Mm. Joulu!!
40015 3LEVAUTS.ZIP 21522 22.10.1995 - - -
Kolme Hyvää Leveliä AUTSiin Mountain by
KimmoL Flood & Aquarium by Tommi Lahtinen
40020 4D.ZIP 4132 21.05.1995 - 22630/Cd Joystick No63.iso -
Uusi taso Descentiin
40021 4LEVELS.ZIP 22217 25.04.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
Neljä uutta ja hienoa leveliä Autsiin.
40025 5LEVS.ZIP 27589 08.10.1995 - - -
5 uutta leveliä Autsiin.
25801 ANABASE.ZIP 16,3 kt 08.10.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Wings-level Anabase Made By Anasoft Anabase on Wings-taso, jossa tehtävänä on yrittää tuhota tukikohdan keskellä oleva pommi. Tehtävä on erittäin vaikea, mutta mahdollinen. Paketti sisältää läpiveto-ohjeet. Läpiveto ilman ohjeita voi kestää useita tunteja. Toimii ainakin v. 1.35:ssä. Toimii myös SW-versiossa, mutta silloin taso on huomattavasti vaikeampi suppeamman asevalikoiman vuoksi (mutta mahdollinen. Tekijä tavoitettavissa MBnetistä.
25802 ANTITERR.ZIP 3,4 kt 20.09.1999 - - -
Tapan kaikki 3.2 kentta Tapan kaikki peliin kampanja sisaltaa 9 kenttaa. Tehnyt Toni Hirvikorpi
40051 APPALACE.ZIP 19667 06.06.1996 - 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso -
Descent WAD: Argon's Pain Palace
60875 ARAND11.ZIP 11913 25.02.1996 - - -
AutsRandomizer V1.1  1996 Jere Sanisalo Tämä
ohjelma arpoo ennaltamäärätyn määrän AUTSin
ratoja AUTSin hakemistoon (tämä siksi, koska
AUTSissa on 32:n radan maksimi rajoi- tus).
Nyt myös MENUT + tuki muillekkin moni
kenttätiedostoisille peleille! MUISTA LUKEA
39144 ASTERIEL.ZIP 122576 04.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WAD for Heretic game by ID: moderate
thinking man's level quite large and complex
with many puzzles and not as munch violence.
Well done, see asteriel.txt.
40063 ATF_CBL1.ZIP 7844 03.02.1996 - 10630/3d-violence.zip -
Rott: Alex t. Frase's Comm-Bat Levels, 1st
40065 AUTS4LEV.ZIP 29152 02.11.1995 - - -
4 uutta itsetehtyä Auts-tasoa.
--- By: Juhis & Jani Rosti ---
40066 AUTSCON2.ZIP 22124 24.12.1995 - - -
Auts Level Converter Version 2. Now converts
PCX-levels too!
40067 AUTSIT.ZIP 258186 08.01.1996 - - -
AUTS 25 new levels
║    25 new levels...  ║
║     (High Quality)   ║
║ By: Mr.Co & Renegade ║
40069 AUTSLEV.ZIP 39936 16.09.1995 - - -
Kaksi uutta leveliä Autsiin.
40068 AUTSLEVS.ZIP 345849 06.12.1995 - - -
40 kerättyä Auts-tasoa.
40070 AUTSLVLS.ZIP 151005 14.01.1997 - - -
These auts levels are
made by : Terminator
40071 AUTSPS2.ZIP 82362 05.02.1996 - - -
PS level pack for Auts II
Includes 8 great levels for Auts:
40072 AUTSPSP1.ZIP 42222 16.09.1995 - - -
│    PS level pack for Auts no.1     │
│  ---─────────────────────────----  │
│ 8 very different levels for Auts,  │
│  ultimate stress game. Packet 1/1  │
│          Platinum Software         │
40073 AUTSTH.ZIP 47970 16.11.1995 - - -
AUTS-kenttiä, tehnyt Timo Hakkarainen.
40074 AUZLEVS.ZIP 9083 24.12.1995 - - -
Taas pari uutta mahtavaa leveliä Autsiin! By:
Space Moose
25803 AVPGPAK1.ZIP 3,8 Mt 18.09.2000 - - -
Aliens vs Predator Gold level pack 1 
40076 AWAKING.ZIP 13766 03.02.1996 - 22149/Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso -
Rott: The Awaking of The Hunt. 8 Single-Plyer
40079 BABE1.ZIP 35966 25.04.1996 - 21765/PCS1096.ISO -
Worms (PC) new level: BABE1.
40093 BH2.ZIP 100824 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: B747 and
40094 BH3.ZIP 91184 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: Lips and Mission.
40095 BH7.ZIP 330340 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: Henge 2 and Arch.
40097 BIRDS.ZIP 59973 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: Birds.
25804 BONECOLL.ZIP 485 kt 04.05.2000 - - -
Half-Life level: The Bone Collector By Gustavo A fast and furious small map with plenty of crossovers & good connectivity. 
40104 BORG47.ZIP 20236 20.10.1995 - 22149/Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso -
A new Descent level on board a Borg Ship.
25805 BOUNCTFC.ZIP 562,1 kt 18.05.2000 - - -
Half-Life level: Bounce_TFC By Kevin White Team Fortress Classic file for Half-Life. A capture-the-flag level, the objective is to enter the enemy base and make your way to 
40106 BOYDSEND.ZIP 9271 20.10.1995 - 23998/1995-09_Disc_10.iso -
A level for DESCENT made with devil1.0.. just
put in descent directory and NEW GAME..
40107 BRATTICA.ZIP 30139 20.10.1995 - 10801/CD_ASCQ_24_0995.iso -
new Descent replacement level for level 1
This level will take you to a lost prison
mine that is as unique in design.
40108 BRINSANE.ZIP 26535 20.10.1995 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
A new replacement level for Descent. Replaces
level 1. All instructions for use are
included. This level was created using Devel,
and was made from scratch. Insane level.
Created by Brett Russell.
40109 BRSPIRAL.ZIP 31258 20.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Descent replacement level for level one. This
is an original level created with Devil 099.
This level contains an unusual combination of
rooms, corridors, and spirals (as the name
implies). All documentation on how to use
this level with Descent is included. Requires
the registered version of Descent. Created by
Brett Russell
25806 BS-TLEV1.ZIP 4 kt 20.08.1998 - - -
-AWESOME TK3 levels by Black Shadow- Feel real killing in HOTEL, play some headball in ARENA, and keep killing in their own HOUSE. These levels are made for REAL KILLERS. Year -> 1998
40122 CASTLE.ZIP 172719 24.11.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Worms Reinforcements level: Castle.
39172 CASTLEDM.ZIP 55114 20.04.1996 - - -
Iso linna DMatch Hereticiin
39198 COC2.ZIP 51467 19.02.1996 - - -
version only) - Level 1 (E1M1). This is level
2 of a 5 level adventure originally designed
as an AD&D game.
39199 COC7.ZIP 65444 19.02.1996 - - -
version only) - Level 7 (E1M7). This is level
6 of a ? level adventure originally designed
as an AD&D game. Turn out the lights and
figure out the path of least resistance! )
25807 COOLLEV2.ZIP 2,4 kt 07.07.1998 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3: Mahtavia leveleita by : PASiS PRODUCTION
25808 COOLLEVS.ZIP 5,5 kt 29.06.1998 - - -
Tapan kaikki 3:seen pari deatchmatch levelii
40133 CORAL4M.ZIP 152835 05.02.1996 - 10801/CD_ASCQ_24_0995.iso -
This is an add-on mission for Descent.
25809 CREEDCHR.ZIP 207,1 kt 25.04.1999 - - -
The Creed Christmas Edition Missions BY Insomnia Entertainment Pty Ltd. aDD-ON for the Demo version of The Creed, a hip, gritty action/adventure game with rugged assignments and cutting-edge action. To install just run the file and follow the instructions. (Note: This update replaces all missions currently installed.) Req. 3D accelerator card with 4MB ram, Demo version of The Creed, Pentium 166, and Windows 95 or Windows 98
25810 CRYSTALL.ZIP 62,4 kt 14.01.2000 - - -
Wings-kenttä CRYSTAL.LEV Ällistyttävä Wings leveli! ;) Kiva parallaksi idea ainakin. Hieno kans. Kokeile. Nimensä mukainen. By HeRmo
40154 D-CHRIOP.ZIP 102586 27.08.1996 - - -
Descent -kenttiä: Mad Decorator, Kronos Iopa.
25811 D3CHAOS.ZIP 3,6 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Descent III "entropic" multiplayer level
25812 D3HAVOC.ZIP 10,1 Mt 30.09.1999 - - -
Descent III "Havoc" multiplayer level
25813 D3MAYHM.ZIP 903,1 kt 30.09.1999 - - -
Descent III "Monsterball" multiplayer level
40147 DANGROOM.ZIP 28699 13.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip -
Dark Forces GOB: The Danger Roon v1.1.
40159 DE-CATAC.ZIP 37315 31.07.1996 - - -
Descent level: The Catacomb: Winner of the
Levels of the World contest for Descent I
40162 DE-MAHEM.ZIP 93253 31.07.1996 - - -
Descent level: Modem Mayhem - Anarchy mission
from Descent:
40169 DE-SATUR.ZIP 29814 31.07.1996 - - -
Descent level: Level 15 from Descent:
Destination Saturn
40170 DES-BET3.ZIP 57438 22.09.1996 - - -
Descent kenttiä: Beta-trilogia, D-Match &
40168 DES1-9.ZIP 390303 22.09.1996 - - -
Descent kenttiä: alpha3, arena, badness,
charlie, chase3, darkseri, megadeth, tribyss,
40171 DESC-DIV.ZIP 310230 18.05.1996 - - -
Descent, 7 uutta kenttää.
40172 DESCLVLS.ZIP 651150 02.11.1995 - - -
Descent: 24 new levels for the reg'd version.
40173 DESCTLV1.ZIP 198 20.10.1995 - - -
Descent add-on level, Made with devil 101
40174 DESCTLV2.ZIP 5552 20.10.1995 - 10801/CD_ASCQ_24_0995.iso -
Another Descent level made with devil 101
40175 DESCTLV6.ZIP 313 20.10.1995 - - -
Nicely Made Descent level - Lots of twists
40176 DESDEM1.ZIP 869294 20.10.1995 - 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO -
Descent Level#1 ED&I
By Sacha Berwin This is the level 1
ED&I(exit,doors,and items) demo for
Descent(registered). This file can be played
on the demo player of registered versions of
Descent only. This demo demonstrates flying
tactics and menuvers. It also show where
items, doors, prisoners, and the end are.
40177 DESL1.ZIP 5425478 16.10.1996 - - -
Descent levels:
40178 DESL2.ZIP 3716480 16.10.1996 - - -
Descent levels:
40180 DESL4.ZIP 2328719 16.10.1996 - - -
Descent levels:
40181 DESL5.ZIP 2018518 16.10.1996 - - -
Descent levels:
40189 DF-COMPO.ZIP 762828 25.09.1996 - - -
Dark Forces - Components for Custom-made
Levels. Various graphics, sounds, and objects
for use in custom-made Dark Forces levels
40191 DF-MBN1.ZIP 2294675 13.06.1996 - - -
Dark Forces -MBnet kenttäpaketti: Academy,
Bespin12, Beyond21, Deathst1, Defbase,
Don-DF42, Escape. Kaikki uusia, ei dupeja
MBnetissä ennestään olevien kanssa.
40192 DF-MBN2.ZIP 2495274 13.06.1996 - - -
Dark Forces -MBnet kenttäpaketti, sisältää
kentät Gambit1, Hoerby, Imperial, Imphoth,
Infil-lb, Jb-ald10, night, Nitehawk,
Opjust1a, Powersta, Reside1a, Rpg-Df10,
Rtrive, Secrev01, Showdown, Stardes1,
Stardest, Terminat. Kaikki uusia, ei
duplikaatteja MBnetissä ennestään olevien
40193 DF-MBN3.ZIP 2122525 25.09.1996 - - -
Dark Forces kenttiä, 23 kpl ei duplikaatteja
MBnetissä ennestään oleviin: 3dmad, academy,
biohazrd, borea, cargobay, dangroom, easter,
escape, gambit, gulag5, imphoth, leia,
rancor1, recipoc, recyclst, rendev, scrolly,
shockw, sport10, starbase, wplant, xmansion,
40194 DF-MBN4.ZIP 2871831 25.09.1996 - - -
Dark Forces - 18 uutta kenttää, ei
duplikaatteja MBnetissä ennestään oleviin:
alderaan, authcon, bespin12, castle, danuta,
dml-df10, don-df42, dsplans, freebird,
imperial, invasion, mynkbase, ravage15,
revenge, roger, rpg-df20, vorn1, watrhunt,
40190 DFISLAND.ZIP 138617 01.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dark Forces: Island Invasion by Andy Stubbs
39207 DFSTF100.ZIP 2851567 31.10.1995 - - -
Levels, level editors and add-ons to Dark
Forces. Version 1.0
40197 DIE101.ZIP 23600 30.06.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Descent 2 HOG: Prepare to die.
40199 DINO.ZIP 74368 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: Dino.
25814 DMROCK.ZIP 5,1 Mt 30.06.1999 - - -
Unreal DMRockNRoll Deathmatch Level v1.0 Author: Sean Bonney Deathmatch level based on and under surface of giant asteroid. Outside areas feature craters, low gravity, and field of rolling asteroids overhead. Other areas include crashed alien spacecraft, underground waste treatment facility, surface pressure dome, and bottomless chasm.
25815 DOOM.ZIP 6,3 kt 04.05.2000 - - -
Levels for Tapan KaikkiSisältää yhden episodin tk:hon ja yhden deathmatch-kentän. 
Tehnyt Team Koistinen.
40236 DSPLANS.ZIP 10816 30.06.1996 - 24006/1997-02_Disc_2.13.iso -
Description             : You are Kyle
Katarn, You are about to steal the 2nd
set of plans of the Death Star. You have
heard rumors that Boba Fett and a couple
of Dark Troopers are at the small base.
Also beware that the Imperials at this
base are fond of Kell Dragons. May the
Force be with you.
25816 DSTAR2.ZIP 141,5 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: Endorin taistelu. Voit pelata joko kapinallisena, tai Imperiumin TIE-pilottina. Kuolemantähti tosin on Deep Space Factory, mutta kelpaa sekin.
63242 DTF-LEV.ZIP 31059 09.05.1996 - - tupla
DemoTeam Finlandia presents: - ■ AUTS ■
Levelpack v.1.0 4 GREAT different type Levels
25817 EKUTK.ZIP 5,6 kt 10.06.1998 - - -
Tapa Kaikki 3:sen karttoja. Sis. 3 kpl karttoja, 1 iso, 1 keskikokoinen ja 1 pieni.
25818 ELOAUTS.ZIP 122,1 kt 13.11.1998 - - -
Loistavat, mahtavat ja aivan ennen- näkemättömät kentät AUTS:iin. 13 kappaletta taattua laatua. Suosittelemme kaikille Auts-faneille! By: Elonen
40264 ENDBASE.ZIP 59168 25.09.1996 - 23157/Gamestar_11_1999-11_cd2.bin -
Dark Forces level add-on "Rescue on Endor"
40265 ENM3-V30.ZIP 1331593 09.05.1996 - nic.funet.fi -
Alternate playing maps & graphics for the
shareware version (1.4) of WOLFENSTEIN 3D!
More guns!  More guards!  More difficult
levels!  Special gory NIGHTMARE GRAPHICS! ARE
Special bug-fix release.  ATTN: BBS SYSOPS...
offer your users the best: NIGHTMARE III!
25819 ERECH.ZIP 145,7 kt 30.06.1999 - 24039/1999-09_Disc_4.15.bin -
Heavy Gear 2 Map First bonus multiplayer map. For use with the full  version of the  game, it details another scuffle in the age-old bitter rivalries between Erech and Nineveh, two city-states. Most battles  concern the rich oil caches found under local terrain. Tensions are running high and it was inevitable that a fight would erupt.
40271 F15.ZIP 37007 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: F15.
40272 FAC_AUTS.ZIP 132901 07.10.1995 - - -
Download this now !  Great pack of levels for
auts. Great graphs and playability. Levels
are made by Sickman/FAC
25820 FALCON.ZIP 298,2 kt 08.12.1998 - 23157/Gamestar_11_1999-11_cd2.bin -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: Millenium falcon -tehtävä: Suojele Millenium falconia.
40274 FANS.ZIP 20116 25.04.1996 - 22149/Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso -
HOG for Descent: The Fans (1 deathmatch
25821 FURYWRLD.ZIP 61,1 kt 16.07.1998 - - -
FURY WORLD - Singleplayer map for BattleZone "Return of deadly Furies came true! You have been sent into their planet to destroy them to save Solar System from their terror and humanity from definite death." Terrain elevation layout is beatiful and good for combat, with many mountain peaks, high heights, canyons and valleys. Contains 2 different types of Furies as the enemies.
40294 GIGADTH.ZIP 11917 08.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
D2:- Gigadeath - Descent 2 anarchy level
40296 GIGALEV.ZIP 20087 27.12.1995 - - -
Auts levels made by Gigamess
40299 GRAIL.ZIP 60938 24.11.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com eritupla
Worms Reinforcements level: Grail.
25822 GTWYHALF.ZIP 9,9 Mt 30.08.1999 - 23159/Gamestar_13_1999-XMAS_cd2.bin -
The Gateway for Half-Life by Michael D. Hindman Add-on. A secret branch of the Army has stolen the PHEV (Prototype Hazardous Environment) suit. Your mission is to recover the suit at all costs. There has also been word of a German group operating in the area, so you must not let the suit fall into their hands. Req. Halflife and Windows 95 or Windows 98
64712 HAUTSL_2.ARJ 75036 04.12.1995 - - tupla
*******HAUTSL_2.ARJ (3.12.1995)*******
Odotettu jatko-osa HAUTSLEV.ZIPille. Sisältää
ja PERUS. Tyyli on lähellä ensimmäisen
paketin Hautis1:tä koska laamat vain
valittivat niistä "viherpallokentistä" :( ---
***********(c) Hautis/NCU*************
40308 HAUTSLEV.ZIP 24784 11.10.1995 - - -
----------- 4 LEVELIÄ AUTSIIN -------------
-------------- by Hautis/NCU --------------
---Hautis1, Pyoryla, Huiputus ja Dumbfire--
----Julkaistu tuomiopäivänä, 10.10. -95----
-----Sairaisia Ylukion Auts-friikeille-----
39276 HELLDEAT.ZIP 77069 14.12.1995 - 23999/1995-10_Disc_11.iso -
Another brand new Level for Heretic.
You are in a Hell full of pain and
DeatH. If you don't wanna be the one
which is the DeatH you must fight for
it! Also you must find the right way
to become you favorit HelLWeapoN!!!

from: Christian Sedlbauer (Reptile)
and   Alexander Kuhnt (Sub-Zero)
64783 HER_HELL.ZIP 108992 19.03.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Heretic WADs: Hell's Maw
40315 HEX-6PW.ZIP 504451 18.05.1996 - - -
HEXEN, kuusi uutta PWAD-kenttää
40316 HEXBRAWL.ZIP 9138 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40317 HEXCOO.ZIP 8516 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40318 HEXFALL.ZIP 7319 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40319 HEXGATE.ZIP 39019 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40320 HEXGRAVE.ZIP 17915 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
40321 HEXKEEP.ZIP 16695 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A deathmatch .wad for hexen!
40324 HEXMAN.ZIP 15151 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HEXEN "Hexman" Deathmatch Level - the first,
second and third catagory weapons are
available, but the fourth was left out to
provide a better fight. There are no
monsters, so single play will be boring.
There are a few teleports to get you around
and to give the player the ability to jump
into hiding places.
40325 HEXNWADS.ZIP 427057 30.06.1996 - - -
22 uutta kenttää Hexeniin.
40326 HEXWADS.ZIP 111299 05.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A collection of wad files for hexen great for
modem play.
25823 HG2BASSL.ZIP 183,4 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II "beach assault" multiplayer level
25824 HG2ERECH.ZIP 142 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II "City of erech" multiplayer level
25825 HL-MEDW.ZIP 6 Mt 18.07.2000 - - -
"Half-Life mod: Medieval World. Gives HL Diablo looknfeel. "
25826 HLUPLNKL.ZIP 3,6 Mt 18.03.1999 - - -
Half-Life: Uplink NEW LEVELS. Same levels as in Uplink demo. Valve Software / Sierra. New mini-missions not yet seen.
25827 HONOR.ZIP 4,3 kt 17.03.2000 - - -
Episode1: The honor for TK321The episode to Tapan kaikki 3.21 has 11 levels and some hard levels? Ok, but it`s for two person... The author e-mail: antti.lipponen@luukku.com
25828 HT2V105M.ZIP 5,7 Mt 21.05.1999 - - -
Heretic II enhancement pack multiplayer maps
40338 HUMPLEV1.ZIP 95667 31.10.1995 - - -
8 Levels to AUTS Humppa-AKE's bests vol.1
39288 HWYVERN.ZIP 266979 03.01.1996 - 13085/CDRI - Game Box Volume 1.iso -
Welcome to "Wyvern Heights" for Heretic 1.0.
This wonderful environment replaces E1M1 and
features excellent texture alignment and a
ton of new graphics. Please read Wyvern.txt
for the gory details.
40340 HXBAT.ZIP 13565 03.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Batman-taso Hexeniin
40342 HXMORGUE.ZIP 14814 25.04.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HEXEN PWAD: The Morgue - *The*
high paced deathmatch PWAD for
Hexen. Bridge above chasm of fire,
fog covered swamp, and more.
25830 I&MWLEV1.ZIP 225 kt 24.09.1998 - - -
Wings: ILE & Masa level pack 1. 8 erinomaista leveliä Wingsiin. Ei mitään tasottomia tuherruksia. Toimii ainakin versiosta 1.20 eteenpäin.
25831 I&MWLEV2.ZIP 524,5 kt 18.11.1998 - - -
I&M Levelpack2 for Wings. 8 kappaletta erinomaisia, huolella ja tunteella tehtyjä Wings -leveveleitä. Pelattavuutta, näyttävyyttä ja laatua by Ilkka Sjöstedt, Matti Heikkilä & Juha Rika.
25829 I82MAPP.ZIP 1,2 Mt 30.12.1999 - - -
Interstate \'82 map pack. We have compiled a map pack with all the latest and greatest maps including: " New Haven, NM" " Hill Top" " Bumps N Lumps" " Long Jump\'82 " " Vigilante Paradise 2 " These maps are the most played on the servers, so I suggest you better get them, or you wont get in on the great fun!
40348 IH_AUTS1.ZIP 70516 20.04.1996 - - -
-= AUTS-ratoja =- Antarktis, Hiekka- ranta,
Talvi, Ufola, Dinot -=   by I.H.   =-
25832 IMWLEV3.ZIP 470,5 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
IJM / I&M Levelipaketti 3 Wingsiin.  12 leveliä taattua laatua. Levelit on tehnyt JR & ILE.
40356 ITSAPIG!.ZIP 15186 07.02.1996 - 1973/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 10.iso -
It's a Pig! wad for HeXen Small and fast
DeathMatch in this one kiddies, and plenty 'o
stuff too!
40357 JAUTSLEV.ZIP 228201 20.08.1996 - - -
25 leveliä Autsiin
Made by Jussi Siwonen
40359 JETPAC.ZIP 38178 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements level: Jetpac.
25833 JJARENA.ZIP 121,2 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II "Jump Jet Arena" multiplayer level
25834 JJWLEV1.ZIP 229,1 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
A lot of Wings stuff on this JJ Wings levelpack. These levels are wery good playable on the internet or  8 player game. Test!
25835 JJWLEV2.ZIP 33,9 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
A lot of Wings stuff on this JJ Wings levelpack. These levels are wery good playable on the internet or  8 player game. Test!
25836 JJWLEV3.ZIP 109,3 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
A lot of Wings stuff on this JJ Wings levelpack. These levels are wery good playable on the internet or  8 player game. Test!
40369 KABLEVD1.ZIP 782186 16.10.1996 - MBCD -
KaBoom level disk #1 for KaBoom v0.54!! These
levels are for REGISTERED people only, and
will not WORK in the SW-version. Please
40382 LEV4AUTS.ZIP 1176172 18.01.1996 - - -
Noin 125 koottua Auts-tasoa. Huonoimmat tasot
karsittu pois. Volume 1. Tasojen nimiä on
muuteltu pikkasen duplikaattien
välttämiseksi. Vihje: Jos haluat vain jonkun
tietyn tason tutki paketti jo purkissa ja
valitse esiintulevasta listasta.
40383 LEVA1.ZIP 31759 09.05.1996 - - -
║ Yhdeksän vaativaa tasoa     ║
║ räiskintäpelien kuninkaaseen║
║ AUTS:iin                    ║
║ Suunnittelu ja toteutus     ║
║ Vesa "Keisari" Karhula ja   ║
║ Antti "Banzai" Peltosaari   ║
40393 MARIOLEV.ZIP 3537 09.05.1996 - - -
Super-mario leveli Autsiin
25837 MBLEV10.ZIP 7,9 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
Mine Bombersin  Rekisteröityyn versioon 3.1. pari kenttää. Tekijät:Jukka Leppänen ja Teemu Honkala
40414 MICROM.LEV 20941 22.07.1996 - - -
hyvä autsin kenttä.
40415 MIKE_KIL.ZIP 17247 03.01.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Killer instinct and the Mikeman WAD for Hexen
66229 MODESTY.ZIP 450622 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar eritupla¹
Description not available
40428 MODESTY2.ZIP 406803 25.04.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms (PC) new levels "Modesty2"
40429 MODESTY3.ZIP 335656 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements levels: Bobble, Eris,
Hacker and Invis1.
25838 MPTK308.ZIP 2,8 kt 14.10.1998 - - -
Mikko Pallarin Tapan Kaikki 3 Lisäkentät versio 0.8 Tekijä MBnetissä
25839 MTLEV1.ZIP 242 kt 27.05.2000 - - -
Wingsin kenttiä. Sisältää 12 Wingsin kenttää. 
40435 MV_AUTS2.ZIP 213594 08.01.1996 - - -
Autsin leveleitä + satunnaisleveligeneraato.
MV:n mahtitasoa... :)
40436 MV_AUTS3.ZIP 125462 05.03.1996 - - -
6 leveliä & levelien valintaohjelma AUTS:iin.
40437 MV_AUTSL.ZIP 186527 13.12.1995 - - -
12 huolella tehtyä leveliä AUTS:iin
By: Miika & Sami Virpioja
40443 NMESREV.ZIP 26283 05.02.1996 - 22149/Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso -
Rott: NME's revenge, 7 single-player levels.
25840 NOX_MAPS.ZIP 1,2 Mt 18.05.2000 - - -
Nox bonus multiplayer maps New in this package: the "shootout" map. 
40445 NSFTLEVS.ZIP 64917 29.10.1996 - - -
Tasoja V-Wingiin.
Mukana mm. tasot: Linnat, Laakso, Punkero
Yhteensä 5 tasoa. =-=NiemiSoft 1996=-=
25841 OPENCALL.ZIP 3 Mt 14.12.1999 - 22441/XENIATGM77.iso -
Starsiege Tribes - Open Call tehtäväpaketti. Tehtävät tarkoitettiin alunperin Tribes Extremeen mutta ne ovat nyt tarjolla tavallisen Tribesin pelaajille.  
40453 ORANGE.ZIP 514467 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements theme: Clockwork Orange.
(SFX & landscape)
40465 P-FALL.ZIP 9677 13.06.1996 - - -
***** RISE OF THE TRIAD *****
Ten RTC levels for modem head-to-head shoot t
lay. Includes:
Arachnaphobia, War in St. Louis, Monty's Hall
OT designed for
NETwork play, but play tested in normal CommB
40462 PANICALL.ZIP 249358 31.07.1996 - 21842/PPCDSP03.ISO -
Descent II: Panic Levels Top quality anarchy
levels for PC and Mac from Parallax Software.
40467 PHILIP1.ZIP 41341 01.07.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms new maps for use with Worms:
Reinforcements. Includes: csgworm, dotty,
music, space.
40471 PKLEVS.ZIP 101294 20.04.1996 - - -
10 erinomaista (?) leveliä AUTSiin.
esim. Lemmings 2 ja Mortal Kombat 2 (!!)
Made by : __/Panu\__
40477 PROTEK02.ZIP 50156 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This HEXEN WAD is based on a Heretic level
(E3M4) designed by "Kent the' Hacker" called
Heretrix. Slight changes were made to improve
Deathmatch playablity. The architecture was
adjusted to present more plausible views.
This level is just right for a 2 person
Deathmatch. With 3 or 4 players, you'll need
to keep you wits about you, or you'll be
toast (or hog).
25842 Q3WCTF.ZIP 7,9 Mt 11.01.2000 - 26855/PCZONE%2388APR00.iso -
Quake 3: Arena three new Capture the Flag maps.
40498 REF-LEV.ZIP 48013 25.01.1996 - - -
Special Auts level collection Here  is many
beautiful,  and different  AUTS  levels  from
Refinition      &     Ewock !
40501 RHEADS.ZIP 62646 25.04.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms (PC) new level: Rheads
25843 ROTTLASR.ZIP 48,8 kt 29.11.1999 - - -
Rise of the Triad Lasersoft bonus levels
40526 SNOTT.ZIP 137798 25.11.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Rott: Snott (real difficult) 16 Single Player
levels, WAD included
40531 SPACE.ZIP 8086 29.11.1995 - - -
space age level pack for auts!
made by:Erik Sollamo
40528 SPACE2.ZIP 45084 08.01.1996 - - -
5-värislaidattua avaruusaiheista leveliä
autsiin.Todellla tasokkaita ja pelattavia
40534 SQUESH.ZIP 16770 12.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
A really good Hexen deathmach wadfile. Lots
of crushers!
40535 STADIUM.ZIP 22226 28.08.1996 - 21842/PPCDSP03.ISO -
Descent II new level from Parallax Software:
the Stadium.
40547 SWEENEY.ZIP 9626 21.05.1995 - 22630/Cd Joystick No63.iso -
Uusi taso Descentiin
40549 TAATAUTS.ZIP 62935 27.02.1996 - scene.org -
tAAt AUTS-levels #1. This pack contains some
of the coolest levels you have seen.
40554 TANIS.ZIP 552538 14.04.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Dark Forces add-on level:
Outpost Tanis Van, Sneak on board a
Imperial Outpost, set three sequencer
charges, and escape alive!!!
25844 TCPIPKA.ZIP 1,4 Mt 06.05.1999 - - -
Tcp/Ip peliin muutama lisäkartta (asenna pelin MAPS hakemistoon!)
25845 TESTCHAM.ZIP 894,7 kt 11.06.2000 - - -
"Half-Life Counter-Strike level: Test Chamber - Hostage Rescue by Kerplunk (qleap@home.com) Background: Terrorists have taken over a nuclear testing facility and are bargaining for their leaders release from prison with the lives of three head scientists.  Waste overload can kill their hostages every 8 minutes. "
25846 THDMS.ZIP 1,9 Mt 24.01.2000 - - -
Half-Life: They Hunger DM Maps.  Neil Manke\'s been at it again. After the brilliant "USS Darkstar" add-on he and his team decided to radically re-shape the Half-Life universe. Here are two deathmatch maps. Here are a couple of excellent deathmatch maps. Ideal for 2 - 6 players, these maps feature clever sniping spots, fixed canons and loads of weapons. Just down it, unzip it and kill.
25847 THEYHUNG.ZIP 15,8 Mt 11.04.2000 - - -
Half-Life: They Hunger single-player level pack by Neil Manke, creator of "USS Darkstar" add-on. Radically re-shaped the Half-Life universe. Horror themed, it is not a military action game like original Half-Life. So don\'t expect aliens or soldiers this time. Keep this idea in mind and I believe you will enjoy it much more. Req. original Half-Life v1.0.0.9 or later. 
25848 THIEFLEV.A01 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 2/8
25849 THIEFLEV.A02 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 3/8
25850 THIEFLEV.A03 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 4/8
25851 THIEFLEV.A04 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 5/8
25852 THIEFLEV.A05 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 6/8
25853 THIEFLEV.A06 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 7/8
25854 THIEFLEV.A07 1,4 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 8/8
25855 THIEFLEV.ARJ 4,8 Mt 17.06.1999 - - -
Thief: The Dark Project levels. 1/8 Individual mission files from the game. Use with the level editor as examples or modify them. These files include the information that was left out of the mission files on the game for space saving.
25877 TK_THP.ZIP 8,6 kt 17.07.1998 - - -
TK 3.0:n kenttiä TK:n läpipäässeille. By:Team HePu Paketti korvaa oikeat kentät! Yhteystietoja:  Heikki Marjo Heikki.Marjo@MbNet.fi  Ja  Anssi Purhonen AnssiP@artic.net  TAI  TeamHePu@artic.net TeamHePu@hotmail.com  TAI  Team HePu Valkeisentie 3 79700 Heinävesi
25875 TK-JONI.ZIP 5,1 kt 11.04.2000 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3 (TK3) levels Vaatimukset: The Ultimate Tapan Kaikki 3 v.1.0 tai uudempi. 2 mielestSni hyvSS tasoa Tapan Kaikki 3:seen, molemmissa tasoissa on 9 leveliS. Peli on hyvin pitkSlti rSiskintSS, mutta ilman tietynlaista taktikointia et tule pSrjSSmSSn. Asennusohjeet: Avaa zip-tiedosto, jolloin avautuu kaksi uutta zip-tiedostoa, avaa niistS toinen ja luo sille kansio tk3:ssa olevaan levs-hakemistoon ja kopioi levelit sinne. TekijS: Joni Ketokoski 
25862 TK3_JK.ZIP 15 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
TAPAN KAIKKI 3 - the ultimate TK (Campaign: War of the Damned) __________________________________  Here you have 15 new levels to TK3, including (1) POWER PLANT (2) LOW LIFE FACTORY (4) FRESH YOUR MIND (5) MEET YOUR MASTER (9) OUTDOOR ACTIVITY (10)THE HEADQUARTERS (dm)ROOMS OF DESTRUCTION (dm)SPACE STATION (dm)COMMODORE 64 NOW, and much more! __________________________________ ps. You have to rename your current campaign levels
25858 TK3-2MAP.ZIP 1,4 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3: kaksi kenttää deatcmatch/yksinpeli
25859 TK3-AHL.ZIP 7,1 kt 17.12.1998 - - -
The Ultimate TapanKaikki: 4 DeathMatch kenttää. Antti Hakkarainen
25861 TK3-E15.ZIP 7,9 kt 11.05.1999 - - -
Tk3 episodi: Enemylines v.1.5 Arto Vuori 1999
25869 TK3-MAFI.ZIP 5,1 kt 21.01.1999 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3 episodi: Mafia Tekijä: Janne Alhonpää Sähköposti: japi__a@hotmail.com Episodi sisältää 5 scenariota
25872 TK3-RIW.ZIP 6,3 kt 11.03.1999 - - -
Tapen Kaikki 3 episodi. Tekijä: Niko Vierikko
25874 TK3-WAR.ZIP 17,2 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3 episodi: War with teleports Kalle Vanhatalo
25873 TK3-WAR2.ZIP 22,6 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3.1 episodi: War with teleports2 Kalle Vanhatalo
25856 TK31NAZI.ZIP 5,3 kt 22.11.1998 - - -
TK 3.1 Episodi. 10 Kenttää. MADE BY THE ALEKSISOFT!
25857 TK31RVNG.ZIP 9,8 kt 29.01.1999 - - -
REVENGE Episode to The Ultimate Tapan Kaikki 3.1. 11 fantastic levels. (c) 1998-1999 Miikka Productions. E-mail: miikka_24@hotmail.com
25860 TK3DOOM.ZIP 4,2 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25863 TK3JU1.ZIP 6 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25864 TK3JU2.ZIP 4,6 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25865 TK3JU3.ZIP 5,3 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25866 TK3JU4.ZIP 7,7 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25867 TK3JUFE.ZIP 3,3 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25868 TK3M007.ZIP 6,6 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
"JJ TK3 episode A good TK3 levels. Lot of blood on 10  levels! Kill em all! Lot weapons on levels! By J SpecialSoft\\ Jukka Jokinen1999"
25871 TK3MAP.ZIP 1,2 kt 04.06.1998 - - -
TAPAN KAIKKI 3:sen BATTLE mappi. Deathmatch/yksinpeli
25870 TK3MAPS.ZIP 2,1 kt 08.06.1998 - - -
TAPAN KAIKKI 3:seen 3 Deathmatch areenaa. ROAR Softwarel
25876 TKLEVELS.ZIP 33,5 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Wings-kenttiä. Sisältää: TK_Iron, TK_Sievi, TK_Rainer. Tasot on tehnyt Tapani Kylmä jolle voit vapaasti lähettää sähköpostia osoitteeseen: kylma_tapani@hotmail.com
39525 TMBTHARK.ZIP 81736 07.01.1996 - 20919/WADS_D2.iso -
The Graves of Thark for Heretic, level for
Single player, Co-op, and Deathmatch.
40574 TOM1.ZIP 210136 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements levels: Black, Hippo,
Mine, Spiky and Wg.
40575 TOM2.ZIP 559482 24.11.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms Reinforcements levels: Bubbles, Chem,
Lemming, Mace, Penknife, Plugs, Smile, The
Team and Toxic.
25878 TONTZA.ZIP 4,6 kt 20.09.1999 - - -
Tapan kaikki 3.2 kampanja Tassa on kampanja tapan kaikki peliin. 3.2 versio tarvii olla. Sisaltaa 7 tai 8 kenttaa Tehnyt Toni Hirvikorpi tontzankoti@crosswinds.net
25879 TRUCKMAN.ZIP 4,9 kt 23.03.2000 - - -
Truckman Episode to Tapan kaikki 3.21  There is 10 levels and it`s for two players. But it`s not so hard, anyway... Author: Jere Saastamoinen E-mail: saastamoinenjere@iobox.fi
25880 TTK.ZIP 6,9 kt 12.11.1998 - - -
Tapan Kaikki 3:seen haastava episoodi. by : PASiS PRODUCTION
25881 TURBSHIP.ZIP 46,1 kt 30.11.1998 - MBHH1999 -
Turbis ylimääräisiä aluksia: Cobra, Delfina, Inka. Toimivat SW-versiossa.
40581 TURSKLEV.ZIP 3841 24.12.1995 - - -
Turska.LEV  Paras leveli Autsiin mitä ikinä
on tehty!! Tai sitten ei. Mutta ei se mitään,
turskat hallitsee ja vallitsee.  Tämän upean
levelin ovat tehneet Falcon ja Lounli Kauboi.
25882 TVT.ZIP 90,5 kt 15.12.1998 - - -
X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: erään kapinallisen Calamariristeilijän tarina. Vaatii Balance of Power, mikä tietää hyvää...
40585 ULTI.ZIP 63099 27.07.1995 - - -
Level for Descent: Ultimate Chaos (3 levels)
25883 UNRAL101.ZIP 3,3 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Unreal user level: The Valley of Alshar Mick "VerMoorD" Beard
25884 UNRCLAY.ZIP 1 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
Unreal user level: The Court of Izn-Nali Claycle
25885 UNRLEV3.ZIP 2 Mt 15.08.1998 - - -
"Unreal new levels: Struck A Nerve (megsp1.zip) Bealdr (Beald.zip) LowerSon (LowerSoN.zip)"
25886 UNRLIB1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 08.01.1999 - - -
"Unreal user level: The Liberation of Na Pali: Abunatus Hope Steve Farrow"
25887 UNRMORER.ZIP 1002,9 kt 08.01.1999 - - -
Unreal user level: Priest in a Puzzle Staton Richardson
25888 UNRPANUN.ZIP 884,3 kt 08.01.1999 - - -
Unreal user level: The Rescue of PaNunu GreyGore
25889 VERHILLS.ZIP 169,7 kt 31.08.1999 - - -
Heavy Gear II "Veril Hills " multiplayer level
40599 VWLEVS1.ZIP 90095 10.12.1996 - - -
Laadukkaita V-Wing-lisätasoja by Kozti. 6 eri
39585 WCKSSM1.ZIP 925572 05.12.1996 - - -
Wing Commander: Secret Missions 1 add-on
campaign, now released to public.
39584 WCKSSM12.ZIP 1701519 05.12.1996 - 22082/SSERVCD_44B.bin -
Wing Commander: Secret Missions 1+2 add-on
campaign, now released to public.
39586 WCKSSM2.ZIP 1425753 05.12.1996 - - -
Wing Commander: Secret Missions 2 add-on
campaign, now released to public.
25890 WCTKSSM2.ZIP 1,6 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
Wing CommanderThe Kilrathi Saga secret missions 2 addon
25891 WCTKSSP2.ZIP 3,6 Mt 29.11.1999 - - -
Wing CommanderThe Kilrathi Saga special operations 1 & 2 addon
25892 WINGS10K.ZIP 186,1 kt 30.11.1999 - - -
Wings kenttä. 1000x1000. Tässä tasossa riittää tutkittavaa ja löydettävää. Tässä levelissä sujuu lisäksi niin räiskintä, tutkiminen kuin tukikohtien rakentelukin. tekiä:Antti Lisää hyviä tasoja löydät osoitteesta http://koti.mbnet.fi/~valliant/
40611 WINGSLEV.ZIP 101981 16.10.1996 koko⁴ ratsnest2.iso -
Wings kenttiä
4 kpl. Made By:Pekka Nykänen & Janne Paukku
25893 WINGST1.ZIP 16,8 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
A good mission level to Wings. A amazing labyrinth level. Destroy the bomb on level end. By J SpecialSoft\\Jukka Jokinen. Try this level! Test!
25894 WINGST2.ZIP 18,4 kt 11.11.1999 - - -
A good mission level to Wings. A amazing labyrinth level. Destroy the bomb on level end. By J SpecialSoft\\Jukka Jokinen. Try this level! Test!
40619 WLEVS1.ZIP 46623 08.11.1996 - - -
Viisi huolella tehtyä kenttää Wingsiin:
Clouds, Cola, Pyro, Spiral ja Watertubes.
Pakkoimutus Wingsin omistajille.
39592 WOL3R&G3.ZIP 346005 02.11.1995 - - -
10 new challenging - but beatable wolf3d
levels. requires wolf3d ver 1.2 or 1.4
40621 WOLFEXTR.ZIP 577721 21.03.1995 - - -
Wolfenstein Extras Disk - uusia kenttiä,
tekstuureja, utilityjä, chetteja yms.
40622 WOLFMAPS.ZIP 86020 21.03.1995 - - -
Uudet kentät Wolfenstein 3D:n.
40624 WORMS_SW.ZIP 561175 01.09.1996 renamed 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
WORMS: Reinforcements - Star Wars sound set
25895 WOTARE11.ZIP 430,4 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
Wheel of Time "Kingdom come" bonus map 
25896 WOTARE12.ZIP 998,6 kt 01.02.2000 - - -
Wheel of Time "The Inquisition"  bonus map
40626 WRNCITY.ZIP 18834 16.10.1996 - - -
Nightcity on uudenlainen kenttä Wormsiin.
Se on kaupunki matojen omassa mittakaavassa.
Kenttä sisältää useita rakennuksia joihin voi
myös mennä sisälle ja lukuisia matoja
erilaisissa toiminnoissa.
Tekijä: Matti Kuonanoja
40629 XXXWORM.ZIP 179497 25.04.1996 - 11954/2014.05.ftp.team17.com.tar -
Worms (PC) new levels:
nude1 + nude 2.