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ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
25766 1STATION.ZIP 198,6 kt 22.01.1998 - - -
Quake 2 DM: Refueling Base (rel. 1) Pretty medium size DeathMatch level for 2-4 players, with good playability, base-architecture and color lightning. I have tested this with C.R.Bot & in my LAN and I found this very fun. Author: CryptR
25767 2F4SANT2.ZIP 382,7 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
Quake Team Fortress Map 2Fort4Santa This map is a bit like 2fort5 but it has some major improvements like the centre fortress  and the sniper slots near the bridge. Only  Team Fortress. Suitable for 4-10 players.  Created by: Jaakko Santaniemi
25768 2STATION.ZIP 204,9 kt 01.02.1998 - - -
Quake 2 DM: Refueling Base (rel. 1) Pretty medium size DeathMatch level for 2-4 players, with good playability, base-architecture and color lightning. I have tested this with C.R.Bot & in my LAN and I found this very fun. Author: CryptR
25769 2TEMPLB3.ZIP 597,5 kt 22.11.1997 - - -
"2 TEMPLES  Quake level BETA 3 21/9/97 For TeamFortress 2.5 QuakeC Mod. Red and Blue twin Temples and deadly chasm between themwhich can be only crossed by walking on thin bridge over itso beware those enemy Soldiers and their Rocket Launchers. Amazing architecture and good gameplay. This map is really best choice for Teamplaying.progs/pack.mdl not found-bug fixed. This may work now little better."
39609 5DAYS.ZIP 267372 25.09.1996 - 24114/PCGAMER Disc 2.11 DEC 1996.iso -
:       New Quake Map:  5days       :
:   Completely new deathmatch Map   :
25770 AIRLV1.ZIP 1,2 Mt 02.12.1997 - 23154/Gamestar_00_1998-10_cd2.bin -
AirQuake Levels Pack 1: Air1, Air2, Air3 and AirCity by Iikka Keränen.
39630 ARENA.ZIP 73649 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: Arena Deathmatch Quake Map
25771 AVPAK.ZIP 895,1 kt 16.04.1998 - 22657/cd joystick no90 fevrier 1998.iso -
"Avatars Quake2 Deathmatch Blast-Packaramathon - 10 levels of pure carnage deathmatching."
61213 BASE.ZIP 135931 20.08.1996 - - eritupla
BASE-1, pieni DM-kenttä Quakeen
61217 BASIN.ZIP 116219 05.08.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
QUAKE: "The Basin" Deathmatch Level  The
greatest QUAKE level yet! Purely for
deathmatch, this level has a large basin of
water with an amazing elevator shaft, ledges,
and other great architecture. This level is
for version 1.01 registered only!  Created by
Jim Lowell on Jonathan Mavor's QUAKE editor,
61251 BC.ZIP 518019 16.09.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Quake level: Basic Castle Huge Level made to
sort of resemble a castle 1p coop dm
61472 BLACKMAJ.ZIP 4699 16.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
quake level: black majik!! AWSOME Quake
deathmatch level 1p coop dm
25772 BMTEMPLE.ZIP 554,1 kt 08.12.1997 - - -
"Temple of Black Moon 02/12/97 The officialClan of Black Moon- Quake clan DeathMatch Map by CryptR. Very well designed Quake Deathmatch map including awesome architecture with some new wall textures. ToBM has very much those professional level design skills used. Very compelling in 2-16 (or up to 32 ;) player Deathmatch. Medieval red Temple-like theme level."
39678 CRYPTR.ZIP 79739 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: Crypt'o'Death Single &
39683 D2MAP07.ZIP 114626 30.08.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Quake level: Doom2 Map07 Quake Remake *GOOD*
Remake of Doom2 Map07 with a few twists.
Single Player           : No Deathmatch 2-16
Player  : Yup
39685 DARK_AS.ZIP 234401 30.08.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Dark As Deathmatch Quake arena
where you can turn all the lights off and
creap up to people and kick their ass. Single
Player           : No Cooperative
: No Deathmatch              : Yes -- Good
for 2-4
39692 DASKULL.ZIP 592264 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: Da God Damned Skull DeathMatch
level, Its kinna like a fortress protected
bya cool battlement with a moat which has
boat and there's almost everything that a
level can possibly have like teleporters and
really cool doors and lifts and slime and
water and lava and jumps you gotta make and
very 3d architecture and arches and round
shit and open areas and really tight areas
and has been tested on server and I hopefully
corrected all errors and this run on sentence
39694 DBTD.ZIP 145779 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake level: Death By The Dozen
DM Level aimed at 4-8 player games.
39701 DFS2ND.ZIP 123531 01.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake - dfs2nd.bsp, small DM level
25773 DMWEKKE.ZIP 313,1 kt 01.03.2000 - - -
39711 DOTD.ZIP 276363 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake level: Death On The Docks
A DM Level aimed at 4-8 player games
63258 DUNG.ZIP 68372 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Small to Medium Sized
-Deathmatch Quake map-
63308 DWANG4M8.ZIP 52579 01.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake: Dwango 4 map 8 Conversion of the old
Doom2 classic "Dwango 4 map 8" Single Player
: not really Cooperative
: no Deathmatch              : definitely
63806 ERKLE.ZIP 180054 01.09.1996 - quaddicted.com -
Quake - erkle9, "Erkle's Domain" Author: Matt
Joiner "Very very cool level" Single Player
: Yes Cooperative 2-8 Player  :
What's that? DeathMatch              : 4
player max, not tested w/ more than 1
39732 FONTIR.ZIP 148925 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: fonti Single & Deathmatch.
25774 FORTMAPS.A01 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWorld TeamFortress karttapaketti 2/6
25775 FORTMAPS.A02 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWorld TeamFortress karttapaketti 3/6
25776 FORTMAPS.A03 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWorld TeamFortress karttapaketti 4/6
25777 FORTMAPS.A04 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWOrld TeamFortress karttapaketti 5/6
25778 FORTMAPS.A05 1,5 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWOrld TeamFortress karttapaketti 6/6
25779 FORTMAPS.ARJ 2,9 Mt 06.04.1998 - - -
QuakeWorld TeamFortress karttapaketti 1/6 Kaikki yleimmät Team Fortress servereillä käytetyt kartat. Suositeltava kopioitava.
39745 HELLKP10.ZIP 394848 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: Doom 2 map 7 redone for Quake
39746 HIGHDIVR.ZIP 103057 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: High Dive. Mostly water.
39752 HOUSER.ZIP 297339 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: house. Single & deathmatch.
39768 JDM1.ZIP 117148 01.09.1996 - 23663/PCGAMER43.bin -
Quake: jDM1, small deathmatch level ment for
8 or less players. Single Player: no,
cooperative: no
deathmatch: yes
39781 LAVAPIT.ZIP 4231 25.11.1996 - 23663/PCGAMER43.bin -
THE LAVA PIT. New deathmatch level for
25780 LOSTCITY.ZIP 415,2 kt 16.02.1998 - - -
Quake: Lost City, single player level for Quake 1.01 or higher.
25781 MASSIV62.ZIP 368,3 kt 22.10.1998 - - -
Quake Team Fortress Map Massive6 A Team Fortress map for 6-12 players. This ma has two traditional forts connected with a br The not-traditional part is that the bridge c opened! A nasty way to stop a flag-thief is t him swim! Excellent spots for a sentry gun.  Created by: Jaakko Santaniemi
39792 MBNQUA1.ZIP 2484140 16.09.1996 - - -
Quake Deathmatch kenttiä. Tarkistettu, ei
duplikaatteja MBnetissä ennestään oleviin.
Sisältää seuraavat: 222x3 * Run-A-Round *
CatWalk V.99 * The Courtyard * Flooded
Tele-X! * Hellhole * JoinInAndDie! * Kicker-1
* The Lava Pit * DOOM2's MAP01 * Melee01.bsp
* Mithrus's DM Lair * Mustard.bsp * Night
Stalker * ntdm1 * QuakeHenge * qmelee02.bsp *
The Quadraplex * Outskirts of the Nuclear
Reactor * Scarpa * Scohop's World * Skyhigh *
Quake Squared * Symbols * this is the end *
25782 MULTI394.ZIP 145,6 kt 19.12.1998 - - -
MULTIDEATH.394 -A deathmatch level for Quake I. Great fun especially with rocket laun- chers... TRY THIS AND YOU WANT MORE!!!   *By Werp / StarCore*
25783 NAVYM101.ZIP 1,7 Mt 14.08.1998 - - -
Quake navyseal maps v1.01 navym1.bsp, navym2.bsp, navym3.bsp, navym4.bsp, navym5.bsp, navym6.bsp, navym7.bsp, navym8.bsp All maps made by Qwerty of WWD
39818 NYE3.ZIP 244581 27.08.1996 - - -
Quake level, nye3.bsp.
67250 PIT.ZIP 115131 02.09.1996 - discmaster.textfiles.com -
Quake Death Match level
39844 Q-BASER.ZIP 132785 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake level: Q-Base. Single & Deathmatch.
39877 Q-PALACR.ZIP 140124 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Q-Palace Single & deathmatch.
25784 Q3CASA.ZIP 3,3 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
Quake III: Arena  Q3-CTF: Castles Arggghhh map
25785 Q3CTFMA.ZIP 1,2 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
Quake III: Arena  DM map. The Malevolent Cathedral.
25786 Q3XQ3P1.ZIP 11,4 Mt 01.02.2000 - - -
"Quake III: Arena Pur3Q3s XQ3pak1 maps "
25787 QARMEDD3.ZIP 329,7 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
"Quake: - Quake Playing - deathmatch (by GamesNet FDN) After more than 9 months comes my third level the Armageddon seriesfollowing the metal th again. Some people (like me ;) ) could call it a DM2 ripoffbut I guess every deathmatch level wi metal textures can be called like that :) Mostly taking place on two levelsI dont li vertical levels like DM4 that much ;) Fun fun"
39848 QCHUNKSR.ZIP 86297 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Qchunks.
39859 QEXMTRI.ZIP 306039 16.09.1996 - - -
quake examples and level-building helps: *
example level, shows design, doors, exists *
simple box. a very small one too. * Quake
tricks, what you can do with entities. *
Simple Quake Examples and Methods - V1.0
39862 QGIANT2.ZIP 376340 14.01.1997 - - -
"Fall on your death !" Tosi hyvä deathmatch
taso quakeen. Taitelua kuilun reunalla.
2-6:lle pelaajalle. Laatutyötä
39867 QHOUSE.ZIP 250563 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake leve: Small but intricate with good
25788 QHYDROCT.ZIP 856,1 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
Quake: - Hydrocephalus CTF Playing - deathmatch (by GamesNet FDN) A cool Capture The Flag level for Quake
39869 QK102.ZIP 5335 02.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Quake level: quake102. Deathmatch.
39873 QLEVS6.ZIP 1102031 25.09.1996 - - -
Quake levels: benta, clogged, dogget,
lurker, magnet, zdeath1
25789 QLOSTCIT.ZIP 415,2 kt 25.02.1998 - - -
Quake: Lost City, single player level for Quake 1.01 or higher.
25790 QMULTSTR.ZIP 530,9 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
Quake: - Multi-Storey Playing - deathmatch (by GamesNet FDN) For Qrally deathmatch. There are 8 starts. Th level is based on a Multi-storey carpark, its three levels and is set at night time.
25791 QOBLITRA.ZIP 121,8 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
Quake: - Obliterator Playing - deathmatch (by GamesNet FDN) A quite small, quick and deadly deathmatch level with 8 respawn points, although I think it is best suited for 2-4 players coz it may become quite messy with too many players.
39878 QPHIL.ZIP 244012 01.04.1996 - 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar -
Phil's monster level for Quake.
39879 QPLCBO.ZIP 688895 14.01.1997 - - -
Place of Belonging BSP for Quake The Place of
Belonging is an add-on BSP for Quake that is
very much like a castle and dungeon.
25792 QQUARYTF.ZIP 540,8 kt 05.02.1998 - - -
Quarry for TeamFortress Quake by Anthony Rocc a new map. Requirements: TeamFortress C mod and DOS 5.0
39885 QTRICKSR.ZIP 135798 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Quake Tricks. A level just to
show the things you can do with entities. I
hope this will help you level builders out
there; I've yet to see a door in one of your
39892 QUAK4BSP.ZIP 1264984 07.12.1996 - - -
Quake BSPs: * Shaft of the Soulless BSP *
Quake Altar of Pain BSP * Quake House BSP *
Quake Join In And Die! BSP
25794 QUAKE_TA.ZIP 197,2 kt 26.11.1997 - - -
-Tiny Arena- A deathmatch level for Quake, similiar to the original Quake deathmatch levels. For 2-16 players. Author: Ali Rantakari
25793 QUAKEDM7.ZIP 258 kt 29.10.1997 - - -
DM7 Deathmatch level for Quake (c) Copyright Id Software 1997 DM7 on Id Softwaren uusi DM-leveli Quakeen. DM7:ssa on paljon eri korkeuksilla olevia tasanteita, vettä, aseita, panssareita yms. Todella hieno deathmatch leveli. Soveltuu hyvin jopa kahden pelaajan dethmatchiin.
67651 QUNIGHT.ZIP 284143 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake level: Nightstalker. Deathmatch.
67667 QUWELT.ZIP 47172 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake: welt.bsp * A kick ass deathmatch Quake
map. Single Player           : HELL NO!
Cooperative             : What? Deathmatch
39924 RUMBLE.ZIP 227581 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake level: Rumble, DM 1-16 pl.
25795 SEALMAPS.ZIP 2,3 Mt 26.05.1998 - - -
QuakeC: Nave SEAL maps. NS Start Map - Break Out Map - Aircraft Demolition Map - Destroyer Assualt Map.
39941 SHAKE2R.ZIP 100224 02.09.1996 - 22643/cd joy 76 No18.iso -
Quake level: Shake 2 QuakeSW DM level. Single
Player  & deathmatch.
68631 SQUIM.ZIP 272820 02.09.1996 - 23018/cdactioncoverdisc -
Quake: SQUIM Author: Kevin Schleicher Date:
8/18/96 Medium sized Deathmatch level Has 8
death-match starts and 1 exit
68808 SWMPTOD.ZIP 299838 16.09.1996 - - -
Quake levels: * swamp caves, medium sized,
fully populated level, with 3 main areas. 1p,
dm * tower of death, small but tight level,
utilizing Quake's ability to use floors above
floors above floors. 1p coop dm
25796 TFMAP3X.ZIP 1,2 Mt 11.04.1998 - - -
Quake: Team Fortress karttoja Outlook1, Outlook2, Sniper War (sniprwar)
25797 XMENLEVS.ZIP 4,1 Mt 02.04.1998 - - -
Quake TC: X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse extra DM & single player levels.