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Ohjelma tai sen versio ei aina vastaa kuvausta! Kommentoi jos havaitset virheitä.

ID Tiedosto Koko Pvm. Kommentit Alkuperä Tupla? Kuvaus
24948 3GM.ZIP 223,7 kt 30.11.1997 - MBCD -
3DGame-Menu v1.85.1 By David Maisonave  Menu Program for Duke Nukem 3D  Author:  David Maisonave  (Maisoanve@gamemenu.com) WebSite: http://www.gamemenu.com/duke.htm  3DGame-Menu is a mouse driven dos menu (frontend loader) shareware program to run Duke Nukem 3D.  Some of the many features are listed in the readme.txt file.  For install procedures see ReadMe.txt file.
30977 ACCQC.ZIP 116649 30.08.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Quake * ---===  DEACC  &  REACC  ===--- Set
of utilities allowing you to decompile and
recompile the QuakeC programs included into
the game.
31188 AE2_DOOM.ZIP 10942 28.03.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Run DOOM! Multi player on Lantastic!
29185 APCIDM56.ZIP 488403 08.01.1996 - 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
-> MultiPlayer Network Modem DOOM! <-
APCiDOOM v5.6 is a freeware utility for DOOM
or DOOM II.  It is the client software that
allows high-speed modem users to play FOUR
PLAYER true network modem DOOM via the APCi
MultiPlayer Game Server.  It features a chat
utility that enables players to chat and
change WAD files/settings before and between
games. Supported modes are modem, serial
link, and IPX.  Proper operation requires
DOOM v1.9 or DOOM II v1.9 or later.  The MPGS
30985 ASC2MAP.ZIP 87277 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake utility: A 3ds4 .asc to .map converter
(for DOS). This-one uses a script so that you
don't have to re-edit the .map file when
you've moved one wall a centimeter/inch
to the left :-).
30988 BATCHMAP.ZIP 41362 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
quake utility: BatchMap version 1.0
.MAP -> .BSP front end
29194 BLEDIT.ZIP 24931 05.02.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Save game editor/cheat program for BACKLASH -
A Turret Gunner Simulation. BACKLASH is a 3D
action game for DOS from )|( Sanctuary
Software Studio, Inc.  Allows campaign and
mission selection and credit changing.
REQ:BACKLASH shareware software. REC:BACKLASH
full release software.
24949 BLMAPED.ZIP 519,9 kt 15.05.1997 - MBCD -
Blood map editor (MAPEDIT). Needs registered/ retail version of Blood 3D.
29195 BMPDF.ZIP 71858 19.08.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
LucasArts FileFormat Converter 1.1a (IBM/ZIP)
This is new release of the package that was
originally designed for the  use with DARK
FORCES, it's capable converting the LFDs from
X-Wing and Tie-Fighter as well. Back-up of
the original files prior modification is
highly  recommended!
30992 BSP15X.ZIP 162018 17.11.1996 - - -
BSP node builder v1.5 for Doom 1 & 2.
24950 BSP2PRT.ZIP 42,9 kt 18.09.1997 - 22004/Qoole for Quake (USA).7z -
Quake: BSP Portalizer (BSP2PRT) v1.0 by Alex R. Moon. BSP2PRT creates a .PRT file from a .BSP file which allows that .BSP to be "re- vised". What that means is that you can now recompile all your maps to use GLQuake\'s transparent water with virtually _NO_ speed hit. This utility will also allow map-makers to re-vis their maps without having to re- qbsp them if the .PRT file has been erased or allow end-users to re-vis maps which were distributed without being fully vised.
24951 BSP86B32.ZIP 1,4 Mt 26.12.1997 - MBCD -
BSP v0.86b 32 bit - - editor for creating ".map" files for Quake. Copyright 1996 Yahn Bernier. Windows 95.
24952 BSPTUTOR.ZIP 2,2 Mt 26.12.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Tutorials for BSP by Yahn Bernier. zipped lessons of Quake editing.
30993 BUILD1.ZIP 70950 27.06.1996 - - -
UnOfficial Duke Nukem 3D Editing FAQ v1.0. By
Klaus Breuer.
29211 CFGLOADE.ZIP 3838 30.08.1996 - 23029/cdactioncoverdisc24b.iso -
Quake - Config file loader Batch files for
loading your custom confif files.
31011 D3D_UE.ZIP 114087 22.09.1996 - 6198/BILA_VRANA.iso -
DukeNukem 3D game editor, DOS.
62576 D3DOHJ14.ZIP 16447 27.11.1996 - - tupla
Duke Nukem 3D buildin suomenkielisiä ohjeita
v1.4. Tekijät: Lauri Pitkänen (MBnetissä Late
Pitkänen) ja Santeri Saarimaa. Uutta: Sarana-
ovi, lasi ja videovalvonta korjattu, hajoavat
seinät uutuutena.
24953 D3DOHJ16.ZIP 22,5 kt 31.08.1997 - MBCD -
Duke Nukem 3D buildin suomenkielisiä ohjeita v1.6! Tekijät: Lauri Pitkänen (MBnetissä Late Pitkänen) ja Santeri Saarimaa. Uutta: Ovien lukitseminen, automaattisesti sulkeutuvat ovet ja parallaksointi. Monia ohjeita on myös korjattu. Tämä on viimeinen versio ohjeista. Virheitä ei enää korjailla :) (ellei ole pakko)
29221 DCC10.ZIP 48485 07.01.1995 - 14307/mediashare_14.zip -
DOOM Control Center v1.0   4/1/94
Full feature replacement for SETUP.EXE
Mouse-driven user interface, control
all aspects of modem and net games
WITHOUT command line params. Use ext
WADs, edit chat macros, saved games.
62678 DCK22-F.ZIP 169921 11.09.1995 - 1976/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 3.iso -
Doom Construction Kit v2.2 (Zerius Dev.) BUG
FIX PATCH.  This archive replaces DCK32.EXE
with a new file that FIXES the frequent
crashes that prior versions of DCK
experienced on some systems.  You must
install DCK v2.2 for this file to work.
62679 DCK22.ZIP 447726 02.04.1996 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doom Construction Kit v2.2 (Zerius Dev.)
Edits DOOM, DOOM 2, and HERETIC maps. If you
thought 1.0 was cool, check this out: DCK
uses all the memory of your 386/486 computer
to help you create intricate dungeons quickly
and easily. DCK unobtrusively takes care of
mundane tasks like sidedef, sector and vertex
references, but still allows you complete
control over the design of your map. DCK is
fast, powerful, very intuitive and has a
great interface. Requires DOOM 1 or DOOM 2 or
31013 DCK361.ZIP 596702 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
DOOM Construction Kit v3.61 (May 28th, 1996)
3.61 removes undesirable code oversights.
Create maps for DOOM, DOOM 2, HERETIC and
HEXEN: Combining the great features of its
previous version with a ton of enhancements
for Hexen and an entirely new GUI, DCK is a
great choice for new designers and old hands
alike! DCK is shareware, with a small
registration price. Requires an id/Raven
game, a mouse, a SuperVGA card and a few megs
of free memory. Works with DOOM, DOOM2, The
24954 DEATHM_A.A01 3 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Quake deathmatch Maker demo 2/3
24955 DEATHM_A.A02 2,6 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Deathmatch Maker demo 3/3
24956 DEATHM_A.ARJ 3 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Deathmatch Maker demo full install A user-friendly Quake level editor 1/3
24957 DEATHM_D.ZIP 4,1 Mt 13.05.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Deathmatch Maker demo minimum install A user-friendly Quake level editor
31014 DEDIT100.ZIP 15830 30.01.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
DEDIT DOOM Editor V1.00 January 1994 This is
another DOOM Editor written to run under
OS/2.  And why not!!? This program is
FreeWare, from KnowWare.
62737 DEEP876.ZIP 1193197 14.01.1997 - - -
QUAKE & DUKE NUKEM 3D Graphics - awesome
built-in graphics drawing. Edits ALL the
games in 1 program. True ONE-step linedef/
sector drawing. Totally configurable error
checker. LIGHTNING fast DeePbsp nodebuilder!
Copy, Cut, Paste, Merge, Undo. Instant
Things at once on you MAP!
62797 DESED103.ZIP 55694 29.11.1995 - 22632/cd No7 joystick No65 novembre 1995.iso -
│[  registered version ]│
│  VGA Savegame Editor  │
│   with many options.  │
│ ╥╖  MUDDLE's          │
│ ║║╓╖╓╖╓╖╓╖╫╓╖╟╖       │
│ ║║╟╜╙╖║║║║║║ ║║ V1.03 │
│ ╨╜╙╜╙╜╟╜╙╨╙╙╜╜╜       │
│"enhances your chances"│
24958 DESED200.ZIP 62,5 kt 16.06.1997 - - -
VGA Savegame Editor V2.00 for Descent I & II registered versions.
62802 DESPATCH.ZIP 63948 03.12.1996 - 16346/Riki0497-03.iso -
VGA Savegame Editor for Descent I & II
registered versions.
62817 DEVIL20H.ZIP 291341 25.04.1996 - 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part I).zip -
Devil 2.0h  -  Descent 1 level editor This is
a level editor for Descent 1 (registered
version), the game from Parallax.  Unzip the
zip-file with the '-d' (restore
subdirectories) switch in your Descent
directory. If you are an experienced Devil
user have a glance in the readme20.txt file.
If not have first a look in readme.txt and
docs/userman.doc.  If you have any questions,
please mail them to the Devil Mailing List
(see readme.txt) -Achim Stremplat,
24959 DEVIL22L.ZIP 592,8 kt 21.07.1997 - - -
DESCENT/DESCENT II: DEVIL Level Editor v2.2L (beta) Level Editor for registered DESCENT and/or DESCENT II. Requires math coprocessor (or emulation). Unzip to your \\DESCENT or \\DESCENT2 directory _with the -D option_ to preserve directory structure contained in the .ZIP. This version includes new English documentation (in HTML format).
31016 DFED171.ZIP 39044 24.04.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Dark Forces Demo Editor Version 1.71
31017 DFED2.ZIP 318638 24.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Dark Forces Editor V2.00
31020 DIE011.ZIP 17435 25.04.1996 - 22193/SupergamesVolume2.bin -
Doom Image Editor v1.1 DIE (Doom Image
Editor) is a utility for the seemingly
endless tools for the DOOM wad. (The
game DOOM ain't gonna die out for a
looonnggg time.) You can Export an Image
from WADTOOLS (c) Jeff Miller 1994, and
Import it to DIE.  Then you can paint
all over it, Import it back to WADTOOLS,
and Shazam.  Custom walls.
31022 DM2CNV16.ZIP 86740 06.03.1995 - 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO -
DM2CONV v1.6ß - Best WAD Converter!
Convert DOOM WADs to run with DOOM2 or
HERETIC. Fully configurable. Powerful object
substitution! PUBLIC DOMAIN with sources.
29228 DMANIA36.ZIP 68358 31.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Doomania v3.6 is an OUTSTANDING front-end
for Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom 2, Heretic,
and Hexen. It supports nearly every option
that the games do, and is VERY easy to use!
29229 DMAP1.ZIP 6512 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
Duke Nukum Mapper Version 1.0 by Dave Datta.
DUKEMAP.EXE is a program that will read the
level files from the Apogee game series Duke
31023 DMCAD60.ZIP 704403 16.08.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
DOOMCAD 6.0: The ultimate Doom, Doom2, and
Heretic editor!  All new interface and
Integrity Checker.  3D preview, Prefab
Construction, etc.  WINDOWS 3.1
63043 DMDEEP.ZIP 227160 26.01.1995 versio 6.11 The Arsenal Files 3.iso tupla
DeeP V6.12
A DOOM Enhanced Editor Program
for editing DOOM and DOOM II levels.
DeeP is a complete rewrite and
major enhancement of DEU. Features:
1. DOOM to DOOM II (and back) level conversi
2. Total mouse command support
with graphical Thing and Texture feedback.
31024 DMDKCONV.ZIP 59595 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
!!   Doom -> Duke3D Level Converter   !!!
DMDKCONV  V1.00 (960805) is a for converting
Doom I/II Levels to Duke Nukem 3D Levels.
It does a much better job than WAD2MAP.
Freeware. Download NOW !
Author Olaf Wendlandt, 100754.2513@compuserve
63059 DN3DOHJE.ZIP 8040 22.06.1996 - - tupla
Duke Nukem 3D suomenkielisiä ohjeita v1.0.
Tekijät: Lauri Pitkänen (MBnetissä Late
Pitkänen) ja Santeri Saarimaa.
29231 DN3DRR11.ZIP 10272 02.04.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Duke Nukem 3D Resource Ripper v1.1
24960 DOE_QC.ZIP 188,5 kt 18.08.1997 - MBCD -
Quake Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity QuakeC source files and compiler.
31026 DOOMED10.ZIP 66647 08.11.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Doomedit Version 1.00
29234 DOOMENU.ZIP 76226 07.01.1995 - - -
Doom Network Menuing System v16.0 DooMenu now
fully supports DOOM 2!  DooMenu will also
allow IPX network, modem, and null-modem
play, or stand alone play quickly and easily
thru a menu which is far better than the one
packaged with Doom.
29235 DOOMEX.ZIP 7376 30.06.1995 - 21832/POWER_DUKE.bin -
Extracts individual data files from DOOM1.WAD
file. Sound files, graphics etc. 2 files -
New:12/14/1993  Old:12/14/1993
31027 DOOMGO.ZIP 77348 28.03.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Palette Manipulation uitlity for Doom
Very Cool!!!
29236 DOOMRUN.ZIP 109897 30.06.1996 - - -
This simple program helps you run all WAD-
files you have been collecting. Requires
registered version of Doom.
31028 DOOMSAVB.ZIP 26627 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
DOOMSAFE version 0.99ß, Safe DOOM save file
40668 DOOMSEC3.ZIP 6342 28.03.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
Play the secret Warrens level from DOOM 1.1 -
31029 DOOMSTUF.ZIP 93476 28.03.1995 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
DOOM Utilities
A Compilation of DOOM Utils: (NCA)
The Savegame Format For DOOM ■ Two Different
Savegame Editors ■ SERIAL PORT Networking for
DOOM ■ The Elusive GUS .INI File
31030 DOOMTEX.ZIP 72625 01.09.1996 - 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso -
DOOMTEX: Doom Texture Converter for QUAKEDM
31031 DOOMVB42.ZIP 418795 20.02.1995 - MBCD -
DOOMCAD (formerly DoomVB) 4.2: THE state of
the art Doom level creation facility.
Features: 3D LEVEL PREVIEW, levels from
scratch, prefab construction kit, too much to
mention!  Req. VBRUN300.DLL
29237 DSCED13.ZIP 281149 25.04.1996 - 10799/CD_ASCQ_22_0695.iso -
The Descent Saved Game Editor, SW v1.3
by Doug Winters
Edit Number of all missles, give
yourself all weapons and much more!
31033 DSCED17.ZIP 283024 22.07.1995 - - -
The Descent Saved Game Editor SW v1.7
by Doug Winters -- Edit Number
of all missles, give yourself
all weapons and much more!
Supports registered Descent
versions 1.0, 1.4, and 1.4a
29238 DSGE.ZIP 17209 25.04.1996 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
Descent Save Game Editor v1.00
By Andrew Pye
The FIRST save game editor
for the game Descent!  Edit
anything from ammo to weapons,
including lazer types!  Get
32767 shield and lazer
energy and 65536 of any or
all of the missiles!
29239 DSTRINGS.ZIP 4174 23.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Can't get Doom/Doom2 to work over the modem?
Here is a text file that list the very best
Modem Doom strings for 246 different modems!
Your modem is most likely to be in here!
31034 DTX10.ZIP 236583 19.01.1996 - - -
DTX V1.0 - Descent Texture/Sound/Music Editor
Editor for music, images, and digital sounds
in the game Descent. Windows 3.1+
29240 DUKERES.ZIP 34270 08.11.1996 - MBCD -
Duke Nukem 3D - Resolution Changer v1.2.
This program allows you to run Duke Nukem
3D Shareware v1.3d in any resolution you
want to as long as your video card and
monitor can support it.  This program is
31037 DXF2MAP.ZIP 30239 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Quake: DXF2MAP, DXF to Quake Map converter.
31042 EQUAD10.ZIP 73685 01.09.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso -
Quake - EQUAD v1.0 a decent Quake map editor.
It is totally for DOS, and it doesn't use the
31048 FIXWD2MP.ZIP 20619 22.09.1996 - 22145/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Duke Nukem 3D.iso -
FIXWD2MP v1.03 * accessory to Duke3D BUILD
WAD2MAP converter, DOS,  used to fix things
when WAD2MAP goes wrong.
31049 FMECAD64.ZIP 81104 13.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
FMECAD by Carlos Gomez, object editing
program for Dark Forces. Objects in the FME
(frame) format would include keys, batteries,
energy, medkits, and other things that you
can pick up during the game. FMEs are also
used as scenery.
24961 FQCC101.ZIP 490,2 kt 15.12.1997 - MBCD -
FastQCC v1.01. This is the fastest QuakeC compiler on Earth. Contains V101QC, V106QC and V164QW sources.
31053 GDR11.ZIP 197083 01.04.1995 - - -
GDR Doom Editor V1.1
This editor has been built to create levels
from scratch or to modify current levels. It
can handle reading levels from the main
DOOM.WAD as well as PWAD files you find on
BBS's. The changes made can then be saved to
a PWAD file for play.
31055 GOBBER.ZIP 9558 13.06.1996 - 19200/ae.mdf -
THE GOBBER UTILITIES - useful utitilites for
manipulating the GOB-files of DARK FORCES.
24962 GPLAY10B.ZIP 20,9 kt 26.04.2001 - - -
GeekPlayer 1.0BGeekplayerillä voi katsella nauhoitettua Counter Striken pelaamista, joka on DEM-muodossa.
31058 HCK30B3.ZIP 450826 25.04.1996 - 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso -
HEXEN Construction Kit v3.0 (Zerius Dev.)
From the creator of DCK comes this flexible
and easy-to-use Hexen map creation utility.
Combining the great features of its
predecessor with a ton of enhancements for
Hexen and an entirely new GUI, HCK is a
great choice for new designers and old hands
alike! HCK is shareware, with a small
registration price. Requires Hexen, a mouse,
a SuperVGA card and a few megs of free
64732 HDEEP622.ZIP 585556 19.05.1995 - - tupla
DeeP v6.22 & HeeP v6.22
DeeP v6.22 is a DOOM Enhanced Editor Program
for editing DOOM and DOOM II
HeeP V6.22 is a HERETIC Enhanced Editor
Program for editing HERETIC levels
Both are complete rewrites and major
enhancement and extension of DEU.
Contains options and features you dream of.
31060 HER2HEX.ZIP 23573 10.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HER2HEX - Quick Heretic to Hexen
PWAD converter
Version 1.00 (beta)
(c) 1995 Simply Silly Software
64784 HETH106.ZIP 245764 28.12.1995 - - tupla
"HETH" Editor v1.06 for HEXEN  HETH v1.06 is
a professional DEU-GCC editor for HEXEN. New:
Texture /Flats browser, drop-to-DOS, gamma
correction, scaled textures, button bar,
improved mouse functions and Hot Keys - more!
Features include UNDO function, auto texture
alignment, graphic view of objects while
editing, PWAD browser, more. DETH is the
editor of choice for discriminating PWAD
authors. No-nag freeware; by Antony Burden.
Pelit-BBS. [Unzip with -d option. Requires
31061 HEU.ZIP 181270 30.01.1995 - The Arsenal Files 3.iso -
HEU - heretic editor utilities  A simple deu
5.21 port to heretic, using the specs
provided by id. You must have the registered
version of heretic to be able to save
changes. Please read the original deu docs
for more info on how to use this editor. this
is an official release by the deu team,they
will support this product.
25110 HEXSPC09.ZIP 59399 04.12.1995 - 22635/cd joystick 68 No10.iso -
The OFFICIAL Hexen Specs, version 0.9, by Ben
Morris (bmorris@islandnet.com). Technical
info on Hexen, by Raven Software. This is a
preliminary release to get the info out.
Version 1.0 is coming sometime soon!
Includes the Hexen Script Compiler.
29284 HEXSTUF.ZIP 55078 21.02.1996 - The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
HEXED: HEXEN Save Game Editor v1.0 Copyright
(C) 1995 Rubber Duck
29291 ID_DM10.ZIP 35609 26.07.1996 - Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
The DeathManager by id Software
DM is an easy-to-use interface that replaces
the hassle of typing command-line parameters
to network DOOM, DOOM2 and HERETIC. It is
also much easier than starting network games
from the SETUP.EXE program as there are no
menus to navigate, everything is on one
screen.  DM also saves all the information
you enter, so the next time you run DM, all
the options you last used are selected.
29293 IFRAG221.ZIP 120557 31.07.1996 - 7940/MIS Press - Digital Warfare.iso -
Enables up to 4 players to play a DOOM-clone
over TCP/IP (Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen).
40358 JBDEATH.ZIP 178487 17.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
*JBDEATH* Doom2 Multi-Player Deathmatch WAD!
Well planned Deathmatch Level with some cool
new sound effects, music, and graphics! ALL
Deathmatch rules were kept in mind as this
level was created. Edited by Dan Miler of
"D-Soft",The creator of ALL_THAT, NEWMISTD,
and FRAG101 WADS!!! **Very nicely Done!!!**
29298 JSERVE02.ZIP 40849 12.02.1996 - - -
Jserve ajuri doomiin.Mahdollistaa nelinpelin
modeemin ja 0-modeemikaapelin avulla.
65697 LEVMAPSX.ZIP 205314 16.12.1995 - 2457/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 3).iso tupla
Map editor for DFUSE V1.00, non coprosessor
build of levmap.exe.
24963 LMPC300D.ZIP 178,1 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
LMPC 3.0.0 MS-DOS Binary Package. LMPC is the LMP/DMO/DEM Control Centre. LMPC helps you to handle LMP, DMO and DEM files. DEM files are supported more extensive with DEMA, The DEM Text File Analyser and DEMcut, The DEM file cutter tool.
65962 MAPED42.ZIP 177411 25.03.1995 - nic.funet.fi -
MapEdit V4.1, Wolfenstein 3D Map editor
24964 MAPED84.ZIP 318,8 kt 05.10.1997 - 11715/ftp.gamers.org.zip -
ððððððððððððððMAPEDIT Ver 8.4ððððððððððððððð Create new Blake Stone, Wolf3D, Spear of Destiny (original & New Missions), Blake Stone: Planet Strike, Corridor 7: Alien Invasion, and Operation: Body Count floors. This is Freeware. You may distribute this package only in its original form - intact, complete, and unaltered. Authors: Bryan Baker Dave Huntoon Warren Buss Copyright (C) 1994, 1995
31075 MAPEXTND.ZIP 24796 22.09.1996 - 22145/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Duke Nukem 3D.iso -
MapTrans for Duke Nukem 3D * Editing Utility
DOS * Allows creation of maps that cover a
huge area
65963 MAPFAQ02.ZIP 33745 13.06.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO tupla
Duke Nukem 3D Map Editing FAQ.
Haettu 3D Realmsin kotisivulta, sisältää
paljon esimerkkikarttoja.
29306 MAPS10.ZIP 18691 22.09.1996 - 22145/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Duke Nukem 3D.iso -
+----------] MAPS (version 1.0) [----------+
| Now you can start your .MAP, .RTS, .CON  |
| in DukeNukem with the configuration that |
| you want. This program manages the files |
| and parameters of the game for you, much |
| faster than using SETUP.EXE or command   |
| line parameters...                       |
+- e-mail: ricardo.ferreira@mpcbbs.com.br -+
31077 MBUILD.ZIP 44337 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Quake: Mbuild v0.3 -- David Langeliers Mbuild
is a program for creating .MAP files for
Quake. It reads .MPB files, which are similar
to POV-Ray files.
31079 MEDDLE15.ZIP 180959 02.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
Quake: MedDLe v1.5 lets you look at and edit
the mdl files.
66129 MHFSV22.ZIP 374807 01.09.1996 - 14534/IMAGE.img -
Quake: Marmot's Happy Fun Server! Version
29312 MIPDIP.ZIP 144290 27.08.1996 renamed 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
MipDip10 - Quake Mip Textures ripper and
31080 MK_WAD2.ZIP 19767 01.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Quake Texture WAD2 Builder Version 1.00
31089 NAME_FUN.ZIP 5435 30.08.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Quake editor documentation - text, tools, and
tips on getting colored (non-standard) names
in Quake.
24965 NEWWAD14.ZIP 260,1 kt 16.06.1997 - 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso -
Quake: - NewWad 1.4 program to add textures in pcx, bmp or lbm formats to the WAD2 files that are used by qbsp.
31103 PAKIE10.ZIP 60057 02.09.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
Quake utility: PAK file editor
67325 POLYED16.ZIP 185726 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake: PolyEd v1.6, This editor will allow
you to create any polygon, and move and shape
it to any form or position you desire. It
will also allow you to use any texture or
any new texture name for any side of
any brush.
24966 POLYED18.ZIP 330,3 kt 16.06.1997 - 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso -
"Quake: - PolyEd v1.8 By defaultwhen inserting a new entitythe dialog defaults to th the selected entity.  When inserting a brush or an entitythe 3rd dimmension insertion point is at the same level as the selected br or entity.  (used to be inbetween the limitsand at zero before t entity dialog now has 9 available key/variable/value things.  (ask help in loading a previosly saved pem file that used all available -This version may have a few more changes I cant"
24967 PROQC160.ZIP 86,8 kt 02.11.1997 - MBCD -
ProQCC v1.60 - One of the best QuakeC compilers out. ProQCC can decompile progs.dat of any size to native quakec code. The compiler can compile projects of any size, and does it 3 times faster then qccdos.
31112 QASM10.ZIP 7980 01.09.1996 - - -
Quake Assembler docs
67570 QCC.ZIP 223099 05.08.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
QUAKE: "QUAKE C Compiler (QCC) with Sources"
(IBM)  This is the last major component of
the QUAKE utilities to be released. To be
honest, I have been a little reticent to
release this because most of the actual QCC
code is basically rather embarrassing crap.
The time never became available to even give
it a good top to bottom going over. I never
spent any quality engineering time on my
parts, American wrote a lot of QCC code, and
even Romero has a bit of work in there. The
24968 QCC106.ZIP 199,1 kt 01.11.1997 - MBCD tupla
Quake: QUAKE C Compiler for DOS & WIN95  The QUAKE C compiler for DOS (QCC_DOS.EXE) and WIN95/NT (QCC_NT.EXE), September 12, 1996. The updated QUAKEC progs source code for version 1.06 of QUAKE is included.
29333 QCC15.ZIP 64671 01.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Quake Control Center v1.5 (Quake Front End)
║The Quake Control Center is a FANTASTIC ║
║ warp-based front end for the 3D action ║
║ game Quake from id Software. It allows ║
║  you to select many, many options not  ║
║   directly supported by Quake, and it  ║
║does so using an intuitive, mouse-driven║
║  interface. For instance, you can warp ║
║    to any level in the game with any   ║
║ weapon(s) and ammunition you want, and ║
29334 QCFG33.ZIP 12413 30.08.1996 - 23029/cdactioncoverdisc24b.iso -
NecroBoi's Configuration v3.3 for QUAKE v1.01
To be used with a TrackMan Marble or a
3-button mouse ONLY ...
67573 QCFGDSW.ZIP 10450 05.08.1996 - - -
QUAKE "Config File Editor CFGEDSW v.1.0.1 A
Shareware QUAKE config file editor. Takes the
hurt out of the fingers when editing config
files for QUAKE. Has Auto insert statements
like automatic Bind. Very cool, plus you can
register it very cheap ($5.00US). By Zack
29335 QCFGEDSW.ZIP 10374 05.08.1996 - - -
QUAKE "Config File Editor CFGEDSW v.1.0.1 A
Shareware QUAKE config file editor. Takes the
hurt out of the fingers when editing config
files for QUAKE. Has Auto insert statements
like automatic Bind. Very cool, plus you can
register it very cheap ($5.00US). By Zack
31114 QCMAN10.ZIP 27273 30.08.1996 - - -
A new QuakeC manual 1.0 14-08-96
31115 QCSPEC3.ZIP 191862 30.08.1996 - 22390/XENIATGM28.iso -
Quake-C specification and HTML version. by
Olivier Montanuy August 8th, 1996.
39852 QCTFSV.ZIP 393504 14.01.1997 - - -
Quake Threewave Capture the Flag server This
is Threewave's version of Capture the Flag
for Quake. This is the server version.
Capture the flag offers an exciting variation
on team play. It gives meaning to base
defense along with offensive positioning and
29337 QD-B02.ZIP 47446 20.04.1996 - MBCD -
Terminaaliohjelma Quakeen. Tämä ohjelma
mahdollistaa Quaken pelaamisen modeemilla
29338 QD-B6.ZIP 48528 27.08.1996 - 22076/SSERV39.bin -
QD! build 1.00.05 alpha
The best modem dialer for QUAKE!  New to
build 5 ■ Supports all COM/UART/IRQ setups ■
Phone Book added ■ other bugs fixed.
29336 QD091.ZIP 48943 01.07.1996 - MBCD -
Frontendi Quaken modeemipelaukseen.
29339 QDM20B12.ZIP 435808 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake Deathmatch Manager (QDM) 2.0.12
(formerly QD!) is the most powerfull
front-end for multiplayer Quake.  Supporting
Modem, Null-modem, Network, TCP/IP and even
has a terminal built in. QDM includes QDMPPP
a collection of utilties that makes playing
Quake over the net simple and easy.  ** QDM
is a simple work around to the modem bug in
Quake 1.0!
31116 QEP.ZIP 1313613 19.09.1996 - - -
Quake Editing Pack, sisältää kaiken
tarpeellisen omien kenttien tekoon
31117 QKSPEC33.ZIP 77841 30.08.1996 - - -
The Unofficial Quake Specifications 3.3 Does
NOT deal with Quake-C.
24969 QMAPEXP.ZIP 631,4 kt 18.10.1997 - - -
QMAPExp - 3DS MAX users Quake level exporter
24970 QMAPLNCH.ZIP 16,8 kt 27.03.1998 - - -
Quake: - Quake Map Launcher Utility Version 1 0 Copyright c November 1997 Thank you for using my Quake Map Launcher Utility henceforth referredto as Launcher I wrote Launcher because I was tired of having to load maps via Quake sconsole and felt that there had to be a better way I thus took up the task of writing a utility that would allow users to select a Quake mapand
31118 QMAPSPEC.ZIP 12292 30.08.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Quake Map Specs by Niklata
(nichd@norfolk.infi.net) version: 7/27/96
2:45AM EST This is the best reference to
Quake MAP Editing. It covers the entire MAP
file format, including brushes, entities, and
24971 QOOLE200.ZIP 845,6 kt 15.09.1997 - MBCD -
Qoole v2.00 - Quake Level Editor For DOS. Extremely easy to learn, make your first level quickly. Very powerful and user friendly. For beginner to expert. Shareware. Written by Matthew Ayres and Paul Hsu
31119 QPACK1.ZIP 632173 18.07.1996 - MBCD -
Apuohjelmia Quakeen, mukana mm. alkeellinen
kenttäeditori, tekstitiedostoja +paljon
29340 QPACK2.ZIP 943526 26.07.1996 - MBCD -
Quake Pack 2, lisää ohjelmia Quakeen
mukana mm. beta versio kenttäeditorista ym.
31120 QPU11.ZIP 29409 02.09.1996 - 14402/ACWARE10.iso -
QPU version 1.1 by Richard Nichols THE MOST
utility for viewing and editing the pack file
format which id Software's great game QUAKE
uses. With it you can rip out files, insert
your own or just browse what's there.
67600 QSPY26SA.ZIP 27001 27.08.1996 - 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso -
Quake Spy 2.6 Checks Quake-servers' response
times to find out playable games.
67601 QSPY31.ZIP 77872 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Quake Spy 3.1, This program was born out of a
desire to quickly find a playable Quake
server. I must have spent a week looking at
the finger output from Servers@ns.stomped.com
and then manually pinging those IP addresses
looking for a server with a decent response
time. While this accomplished my initial goal
it was hardly an acceptable solution.
Hence, the birth of Quake Spy!
67602 QSTAT1-4.ZIP 32601 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
qstat V1.4 - Get statistics from Quake
31123 QU-HTP.ZIP 3497 30.08.1996 - - -
How to use and make QuakeC patch files by
Jeff Epler  3 August
39893 QUAKEALL.ZIP 13506 02.09.1996 - - -
Quake - ALL secrets.
67622 QUAKEEXP.ZIP 2468165 02.09.1996 - The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO -
Quake Server Explorer - The Ultimate Internet
Quake Launcher!  New Functions in the Quake
Server Explorer:  *   Getting on the internet
and downloading the most current server list
http://citrix.progress.com/servers.html and
http://www.stomped.com/servers.html Used with
permission of ][ronman. *   Checking the
server to see if it is up. *   Launching
Quake for Deathmatch play. *   Telling you
how many people are in the game and what
24972 QUESSFE.ZIP 276,1 kt 30.04.1997 - - -
Quess (QUake chESS) frontend, makes the starting of Quess very easy. Windows.
24973 QUTILSDO.ZIP 478,6 kt 09.07.1998 - - -
QUAKE: "QUTILS for MS-DOS" (IBM)  These are ID\'s QUTILS from September 12, 1996, recompiled for MS-DOS. The package contains: QBSP, LIGHT, VIS, QBSP, QLUMPY, SPRGEN, QFILES, BSPINFO, MODELGEN, QCC and TEXMAKE. Take a look at README.NOW and README.TXT. If you want the sources and the WIN-32 executables, download QUTILS.ZIP from the same library. The DOS tools have not been extensively tested yet, so please be careful, I\'m not responsible for any damage .
29341 QVOTE27.ZIP 151869 02.09.1996 - 23657/PCGAMER37.bin -
Qvote v2.7 - Quake Voting Booth - Allows
players to vote on server settings noexit and
teamplay. This version actually works!
67670 QWCL1217.ZIP 1470694 14.01.1997 - 23661/PCGAMER41.bin -
QuakeWorld Client Here is the long-awaited
QuakeWorld client Play Quake over Internet
with a centraled multiplayer architecture,
rank up your scores. iD Software.
67755 RAPEDIT.ZIP 31721 14.12.1994 - 21826/Plex1.mdf tupla
RAPTOR ─ v1.0 Money Editor !
All the cash in the world is YOURS with this
Money editor. Buy Those WEAPONS and Play One
Of the BEST games of this Year With EASE !
31126 RAPEDR10.ZIP 5518 28.03.1995 - 10591/Power_DOS_CD-ROM_Walnut_Creek_July_1995.iso -
Raptor Saved Game Editor ∙ v.10
67918 RIFT049.ZIP 228432 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Internet Assistant v 0.4.9 Searches a list of
quake servers for an active node.
31128 RMD20A.ZIP 154478 02.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
ROTT Mapper Deluxe for Apogee's Rise of The
Triad is a powerful level editor with
features like 56 zoom levels; line, square
and circle tools; cut, copy and paste; find
and replace; auto height; auto linking and
much, much more! v2.0a! By C.J. Ellsworth
29940 RMSETUP.ZIP 24440 07.10.1995 - The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This is a Beta release of a driver that will
allow anywhere from2 to 4 players playing
DooM over serial lines. update to rmssetup
31129 ROTTED10.ZIP 276864 21.02.1996 - - -
THE TRIAD, a fully-functional, Windows-based
level editor, designed for simplicity and
31130 ROTTMD_2.ZIP 151332 15.12.1995 - 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg -
ROTT Mapper Deluxe II - Editor - for Win
3.1/Win95. Level Editor for Rise of The Triad
29348 RUNDOOM2.ZIP 34555 26.07.1996 - Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
RunDoom v1.0
If you play DOOM 1.2 over the modem with a
buddy, run this instead of SETUP.  Choose to
fight Monsters or NoMonsters. Saves the
setup configuration so you don't have to
keep typing it in everytime. Play from saved
game.  Use even if playing alone.  Try it!
24974 RVIS1.ZIP 44 kt 18.09.1997 - 22004/Qoole for Quake (USA).7z -
Quake: RVIS v1.0. This program RVIS is a speed enhancment to VIS distributed by iD on the 21th September 96. On the few levels tested it averages taking about 60% of the time taken by the original.
29354 S4DOOM12.ZIP 13832 24.10.1994 väärä koko Gamers Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).iso -
This is a set of Tools and a Batch to make
DOOM V1.2 run above 9600 BPS in
Direct Link Mode.
29357 SER7-5.ZIP 180783 16.12.1995 renamed 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso -
DEVICE DRIVER SER7.5. New features in V7.5:
-Supports Hexen and Hexen Classes -Supports
maximum of 63 levels for future expansion
-Map Browser. View the "automap" of any Wad
By Paul Hermann hermann@poly-eng.uakron.edu
24975 SHPCHG08.ZIP 39,3 kt 25.05.1997 - 23157/Gamestar_11_1999-11_cd2.bin -
X-Wing vs Tie Fighter Ship Changer V0.8 Written by Chris Napiorkowski
29359 SMAP100.ZIP 36404 19.09.1996 - 11032/3D Violence 2.iso -
SMAP v1.0 (map selector) * Utility for Duke
Nukem 3D * DOS * The ultimate .map selector
for dukematch in Duke Nukem 3D.
24976 SOA_QC.ZIP 559,5 kt 18.08.1997 - - -
Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon QuakeC source files and compiler.
31134 SPAINT14.ZIP 378332 15.10.1995 - - -
Satan paint 1.4
Satan paint was used mainly as a in-house
tool for Abuse, so you might find it useful
for adding artwork to Abuse.
31135 SPEARMOR.ZIP 119798 05.01.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
Muutamia apuohjelmia Wolfenstain 3D:hen ja
Spears of Destinyyn, mm. karttaeditoreja.
24977 STONL101.ZIP 1,2 Mt 27.09.1997 - MBCD -
Stoneless - the Quake Map Builder V1.01 by David Jewsbury - It allows everyone to create levels for the registered version of Quake, just like the ones included with the game. FREEWARE. Req: 486/Pentium, Win95, 16 MB, DirectX3
24978 SVGAMEED.ZIP 46,6 kt 09.07.1999 - - -
"Doom Save Game Editor by Daniel Kim Lets you edit your Doom and Doom 2 saved games. You can use it to increase your ammunition counthealth and armorand to add powerups and weapons. The QBasic source code is also includedso if you have the QBasic interpreter youll be able to edit the code and recompile it to adjust how the program works. Req. Doom or Doom II and DOS 6.0"
31140 SWCHPAL.ZIP 43574 25.09.1996 - Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso -
Swchpal is a quake utility
This will allow you to convert one
palette to another in quake.
This is used on your pak files
and other graphics containing files.
Share & Enjoy!
Andy Bay (IMarvinTPA)
released 9/15/96
29366 TOURNKIT.ARJ 50132 15.08.1995 - - -
Everything You need to Enter a local Doom
Tournament... Play DOOM with up to four
players via your modem. Play DOOM, DOOM 2,
and HERETIC Descent, and 40 other games
against a group of friends or acquaintances.
24979 TURBMA13.ZIP 653,7 kt 24.11.1999 - - -
Turbis makelevel-archive v1.3 With utils and documentation included in this packet, you can make your own levels.
29368 TV_EDIT.ZIP 26777 18.07.1996 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
This is a program that will let you edit the
save games for 3D Realms' Terminal Velocity.
You can give yourself as many or as little
(why?) weapons as you like.  You can also max
out all the weapons, too!  If you need a
little help, check this out!  This program is
*NOT* written by Apogee or 3D Realms.
31156 UTIL3D.ZIP 171868 02.09.1996 - 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso -
Quake: IDUTIL3D Beta 0.3 Allows importing of
3dstudio models and Alias models into Quake.
31167 VW191CON.ZIP 13141 30.08.1996 - - -
V-WING  Level Converter
Create your very own levels for
V-Wing with this awesome tool.
Includes instructions.
NOTE! this tool requires V-Wing
v 1.91. Works with ShareWare
31169 WAD2HELP.ZIP 6021 30.08.1996 - 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso -
Quake documentation - help to make Wad2
31170 WADED183.ZIP 188116 03.12.1996 - MBCD -
WADED v1.83 beta - Excellent Map Editor!
Create WADs for Doom 1, Doom 2, and Heretic.
Easy to learn and use.  Draw maps quickly.
Includes WADCAT v0.6 and WADED FAQ v0.1.
Written by Matthew Ayres.
31175 WARM15.ZIP 226508 31.12.1995 - Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO -
WAD Auxiliary Resource
Tällä voit editoida Wadejasi: DOOM, DOOM II,
24980 WATER102.ZIP 22,5 kt 07.05.1997 - 22586/Hrac_13_1997-09_cd.bin -
WATER for GlQuake 1.02 by Baby Joe. WATER modifies Quake level maps (BSPs) so that water, slime or even lava surfaces becomes translucent. Only BSP file needed!
24981 WATRHACK.ZIP 17,4 kt 18.09.1997 - - -
"Waterhack is a utility that will allow non-GL Quake and/or QuakeWorld users to see through the water on levels visd with transparent water. It basically removes the water texture. See http://www.primenet.com/~splat/ waterhack.html for more info."
69965 WC3EDIT.ZIP 12908 16.12.1995 - 22632/cd No7 joystick No65 novembre 1995.iso tupla
Simple editor for Wing Commander 3 (WC3)
31177 WCRAFT.ZIP 873614 14.01.1997 - MBCD tupla
WORLDCRAFT v1.0 (12/02/96) - A powerful, easy
to use Map editor for id Software's QUAKE.
Texture-mapped 3D level previews, support for
Total Conversions, multiple undo,
mouse-centric visual editing, and more.
Shareware by Ben Morris, author of The DOOM
Construction Kit. Requires the registered
version of Quake. Win95 only!
70012 WEDIT221.ZIP 503116 19.08.1996 - - tupla
DARK FORCES "Wedit v2.21 Editor" (Win95)  A
minor update of Wedit, the latest WIN95 tool
for creation of DARK  FORCES levels. A bug
was fixed in Wedit 2.21 regarding positioning
of objects. Version 2.20 of Wedit contains a
few new exiting features, like import of VUE
files, improved Texture Dialog, Object
Selection dialog, and Object Logic dialog.
Also player for .WAX's plus more. Send
feedback to Ole Thomasen, obt AT
70013 WEDT21.ZIP 26835 14.12.1994 - 21317/Hot Sound & Vision.img tupla
Wolfenstein 3-D Graphics Editor
29377 WORMRANK.ZIP 41765 11.03.1996 - - -
Rankingit kaikista Wormisin madoista näkyviin
tällä ohjelmalla + C-source koodit.
29378 WORMUTIL.ZIP 709432 25.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
Worms: Reinforcements utilities,
for making your own levels.
31179 WPAL09.ZIP 49173 16.10.1996 - - -
WingsPal v0.9 from Far Side Software is a
little help program for creating levels for
Wings. It changes PCX-files palette so that
Wings can use it. Includes one sample level.
Freeware. Req. Wings, 386
31181 WRMCOLOR.ZIP 36278 25.04.1996 - 22638/cd joy 71No13.iso -
WormsColors version 1.00ß
Jim Midnite, 1995/6
Change Worms-level colours to whatever
you want, like polluted beach or radioactive
24982 XVTE5-13.ZIP 139,2 kt 25.05.1997 - MBCD -
XWing vs. Tie Fighter Ship Editor
70421 Z-COOL.ZIP 2299 16.09.1996 - - -
Z (c) Virgin Interactive, "Easy Loader"
Easy Loader, makes Z launchable from any
directory on your harddrive. No need to
tamper with Z.BAT. So if you don't like
having Z in your root-dir, this is some thing
for you. Just copy "z-cool.exe" to your Z dir
and execute!     -Hoson/HBD
31185 Z-D2C.ZIP 383018 24.02.1995 - MBCD -
40980 ZEN096.ZIP 245894 30.12.1995 - discmaster.textfiles.com tupla
ZenNode 0.96:  An extremely fast NODES
builder for OS/2, DOS & Win32. Merges
multiple WADs into a single WAD file.
Rebuilds NODES and/or BLOCKMAP for
any or all levels in a WAD file.
Supports DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, and