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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
16775 | HFS010.ZIP | 516,5 kt | 20.04.1997 | - | 21539/06-File.zip | - | A Hierarchical File System driver for OS/2. HFS/2 lets you read and write Macintosh volumes seamlessly under OS/2. Currently works with diskettes and CD-ROMs. |
60068 | 08ARIEL.ZIP | 438596 | 04.04.1996 | - | - | tupla | Arieel - Nicely designed smart desktop clock and calendar. |
17048 | 20MEMU.ZIP | 90337 | 16.06.1993 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | OS/2 2.x Memory Usage Display. |
16776 | 41ARIEEL.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 12.10.1997 | - | 21573/InfoMgt.zip | - | Arieel version C4.1. A 32-bit PM Information Tool (calendar, clock, alarm, worldtime) for OS/2 Warp. |
60239 | 4OS2251.ZIP | 544468 | 05.09.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | 4OS2 2.51 |
16777 | 4OS2301.ZIP | 627,9 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | 21576/OtherApp.zip | - | "4OS2 3.01 - New! (February 1998) release of JP Softwares award-winning CMD.EXE replacement for OS/2 Warp. Offers command enhancementsover 50 new commandsdozens of powerful batch file featuresand many other unique command line tools. Shareware$69.95 full registration. 02-02-98 release A." |
16778 | 9LIVE121.ZIP | 72227 | 28.05.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | 9 Lives, a virtual desktop for OS/2 |
16779 | ADMIN.ZIP | 711,7 kt | 21.03.1997 | versio 1.0.0 | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Admin v1.0.1á 32Bits for WarpServer. (BETA SHAREWARE Version). High-level network manager for all-days utilization. EZ to use, user friendly, everybody can be a network administrator ! English and French texts. |
16780 | ADRBK13.ZIP | 1258274 | 28.10.1996 | - | 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso | - | Address Book v1.3. A shareware address book program for your personal use. |
16781 | ALIST101.ZIP | 19228 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | ALIST v1.01, a shareware text file listing utility for OS/2 PM. |
16782 | ALRMC31E.ZIP | 237936 | 14.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | (v3.1b) Alarm Clock-OS/2 program scheduler. Schedule reminder messages and programs from a convenient desktop clock. Schedule events once, daily, monthly, on specific days, and more. Events can be scheduled to occur repeatedly throughout the day and between certain hours. Highly customizable display with support for international date and time configurations. 60 day trial version. SHAREWARE WalkerWerks bcwlker@ibm.net |
16783 | AMOS320.ZIP | 41085 | 08.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | AMOS v3.20 AMOS v3 is a TSR for mounting HPFS drives from DOS: Fast! NOT Crippleware Reliable! Read Only driver Now supports more physical disk Release date: 15th December 1994 |
16784 | APCODEC5.ZIP | 132 kt | 07.01.1998 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | tupla | AnPoCODEC 5, play Windows AVIs with OS/2 warp. Included is support for AVI Video1, Cinepak and RLE. |
16785 | ASSOED04.ZIP | 38,1 kt | 14.07.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | AssoEdit v1.4. Allows you to inspect or modify associations set for file- and typefilters. You can add new associations, remove old ones and change defaults associations. Also, you can add new filetypes. |
16786 | ATTMN07A.ZIP | 59 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso | - | Attribute Manager V.0.71.62 beta. A small PM application that allows to easily manage ordinary and extended attributes (.SUBJECT, .COMMENT, .KEYPHRASES). FREEWARE!!! |
16787 | AUTORN10.ZIP | 46577 | 14.01.1997 | - | 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso | - | AUTORUN is a shareware program for OS/2 It starts programs that are define in the file AUTORUN.INF on CD-ROMs when the CD-ROM is inserted. Also audio CDs are played. |
16788 | B-DIR132.ZIP | 69,7 kt | 21.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | "(v1.32) B - 32 bit OS/2 DIR replacement 32 bit command line program. Replaces OS/2s DIR command. Supports file highlighting by extensionsrecursive directory searcheschanging of file order. Can change what information is shown. Fully configurable by using switches and either editting program or environment variable. FreewareDohn Armsdohnarms@uiuc.edu" |
16789 | BE.ZIP | 380,1 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | Andys Binary Folding Editor. This program is designed to take in a set of binary files, and with the aid of an initialisation file, decode and display the definitions (structures or unions) within them. BE is particularly suited to displaying non-variable length definitions within the files. |
16790 | BFISH161.ZIP | 441,1 kt | 30.09.1997 | - | - | - | "BlowFish for OS/2 and Win32 v1.61. This programme implements the Blowfish encryption algorithmas originally documented in Dr. Dobbs JournalApril 1994and revised in the September 1995 edition." |
16791 | BLACK094.ZIP | 55671 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | Blackout screen saver v0.94 1995-10-01 for OS/2 v2.0 and above. It is intended for use with monitors that have DPMS, or "green," support. |
16792 | BMAGIC10.ZIP | 54319 | 08.03.1996 | - | 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso | - | Background Magic [1.0] OS/2 Background Util Works with the WPS and replacement shells such as filebar, mdesk, etc.. Finally, you can have a background bitmap when using a replacement shell such as filebar, mdesk, etc. Many features including the ability to store backgrounds in any directory, random backgrounds at startup, and random background during run-time at user selectable intervals. |
61585 | BOOT765.ZIP | 119122 | 04.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | BOOTOS2 v7.65. A utility that allows you to build a BOOTable OS/2 V2, V3, or V4 system using an existing OS/2 V2, V3 or V4 system. The BOOT system can be installed on either Floppy Disks or a Hard Disk Partition. |
16793 | BOOT850.ZIP | 297,1 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | - | - | BOOTOS2 v8.50. A utility that allows you to build a BOOTable OS/2 V2, V3, or V4 system using an existing OS/2 V2, V3 or V4 system. The BOOT system can be installed on either Floppy Disks or a Hard Disk Partition. |
16794 | BSET120.ZIP | 37,7 kt | 02.07.1997 | - | 2029/Amiga_Dream_45.iso | - | BootSet v1.2. Allow batchfiles(batchcommands) to be run during the OS/2 boot-sequence. BootSet is normally run before the graphic part of OS/2 (PM/WPS) is loaded and therefore allows you to perform tasks that is not possible when PM/WPS is loaded, ie replacing systemfiles like DLL-files, drivers and config.sys. |
16795 | BTASK10A.ZIP | 73426 | 01.04.1996 | - | 21580/SysTools.zip | - | BTask 1.0 Button controlled realtime task switcher for OS/2 2.1 and Warp. |
16796 | C7-CALC.ZIP | 354,6 kt | 18.04.1997 | - | - | - | OS/2 PM Calculator (exe) By Havoc/C7 This is a very handy calculator for os/2 Presentation manager. -a Must if you are a os/2 user. Released on the December Code Pack `96 10.11.96 |
16797 | CBARZ110.ZIP | 124 kt | 12.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "CandyBarZ v1.10. THE titlebar replacement for OS/2. CandyBarZprimary feature is gradient- filled titlebars; you choose the top and bottom colorsand it does the rest. Both active and inactive colors are supportedand CandyBarZ will not muck up your titlebar text colors or fonts. Custom colors for individual programs are also supported." |
61885 | CC107OS2.ZIP | 93048 | 01.11.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | -=- Controlled Copy v.1.07 for OS/2 -=- The best file copier/mover in the market is now even better! Unlimited source masks, more flexibility in source filters, online help, full 4dos compatibility, cheaper registration pricing, faster directory moving, completely revised documentation, network support and all the old goodies: Free space checking, fastest file copying speeds, progress indicators, maximum file security, full compatibility and an easy, fast user |
16798 | CC108OS2.ZIP | 144,7 kt | 03.08.1997 | koko¹ | ratsnest3.iso | - | Controlled Copy v1.08 for OS/2. The most versatile file copier/mover available! Fast, easy to use, compatible and powerful. Free space checking, fastest file copying speeds, unlimited source masks, progress indicators, maximum file security, full 4dos compatibility, online help, an easy, fast user interface and much, much more. New features include multiple destinations and permanently valid registrations. |
16799 | CC15DEMO.ZIP | 554260 | 27.07.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | Ctrl-Alt-Del Commander Demonstration for OS/2 Warp. Takes control of the boot services of an OS/2 Warp system. It prevents accidental rebooting of OS/2 from within any type of OS/2, DOS, or Windows session. In addition, it also allows "rebooting" of the Workplace shell without stopping any running applications. |
16800 | CCA-100.ZIP | 59,9 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | - | - | The Command line Clipboard Access (CCA) programs are a set of shareware programs that allow the OS/2 user to access the OS/2 clipboard from the command line in a full screen or windowed OS/2 session. |
16801 | CDIR2.ZIP | 64717 | 14.03.1995 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | CDIR2 v1.00 for OS/2 2.x. This program works the same as the OS/2 and DOS DIR command except that it displays the files in the colors that you define. Very easy to use and configure. A copy of the OS/2 and DOS versions are included. |
17050 | CENVI2.ZIP | 335334 | 07.12.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | CENVI FOR OS/2 VERSION 1.009 |
16802 | CFGINFO4.ZIP | 185561 | 19.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | CFGINFO4.ZIP is the version 4 of CNFGINFO.EXE, an outstanding utility for learning about and optimizing OS/2s config.sys file. |
16803 | CLIPEDIT.ZIP | 47291 | 29.01.1996 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Clip Edit 1.0 lets you control the clipboard. |
16804 | CLOCK230.ZIP | 186869 | 22.10.1995 | - | 21573/InfoMgt.zip | - | Clock v2.30 (Rick Papo, 28 July 1995, Free). Another simple clock for the OS/2 PM Desktop. Source included. English, Spanish, French, German, Catalan and Italian texts are provided. |
16805 | CLOCKAI.ZIP | 92801 | 18.10.1996 | - | 21573/InfoMgt.zip | - | (v1.0) Clock.zip - Clock for OS/2. A desktop digital clock. Shareware. |
16806 | CLONE200.ZIP | 689787 | 17.11.1996 | - | 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO | - | Disk Utility for OS/2 -- Clone Cleaner finds duplicate files across multiple disk drives. By file name of by FILE CONTENTS. Clone Cleaner is the only utility that can finds duplicate files by content! File masks and ranges of size and dates are only a few of the many options. A MUST HAVE for only ($17.95). |
16807 | CMDBT10.ZIP | 5,3 kt | 12.09.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | CMD boot v1.0 - Allows you to run an executable, provided you hit a key within X seconds. |
16808 | CMDFL151.ZIP | 24455 | 31.05.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Adds an OS/2 box to folders popup |
16809 | COMM224.ZIP | 410,4 kt | 28.01.1997 | - | - | - | Commander v2.24c. One of the finest Norton Commander clones, for Windows or OS/2 PM, (32-bit). This is the OS/2 version. |
16810 | CONED02.ZIP | 33970 | 04.01.1997 | - | 21538/05-Edit.zip | - | Coned02 - non-interactive command-line config.sys editor. |
16811 | CONSL009.ZIP | 147,9 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | - | - | This utility addresses a problem IBM is ignoring since first release of OS/2. The problem is, you can define the default size and position for *ALL* console windows (including DOS windowed VDMs) but you can`t do it apart. This program allows you do it, although, alas, it is not integrated into WPS. |
16812 | CPRO-16.ZIP | 582,1 kt | 12.08.1997 | renamed | 21570/Educate.zip | - | "Conversion Pro For OS/2 v1.6. A 32-bit presentation manager application which enables the user to perform over 1800on-the-flyscientific and engineering unit conversions. The application also includes a button calculator and a temperature conversion utility which can convert temperature data in either fahrenheitcentigrade (sometimes referred as Celsius) or Kelvin. REGISTRATION is $ 19.95US." |
17051 | CPUDRIV2.ZIP | 43622 | 19.09.1993 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | A PM utility that shows the CPU and disk utilization graphically in a small window. Lots of nice features. |
16813 | CPUMON10.ZIP | 30,5 kt | 02.07.1997 | - | - | - | CPU monitor v1.0. This little PM application draws a graph of CPU utilisation. It supports up to 16 CPUs. |
16814 | CPUMT11B.ZIP | 284991 | 18.10.1996 | - | 21580/SysTools.zip | - | CPUMeter, Version 1.1b. An enhanced CPU-usage meter, similar to "PULSE.EXE". Unlike other CPUmeters, it does not use a counting loop to determine the CPU load. It uses the DosQProcStat API call. This reduces CPU load and CPU powerconsumption and gives the possibility to show infos about CPU-hogging processes. |
17052 | CSED11.ZIP | 74261 | 09.11.1993 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | System Config Editor version 1.1; Notebook of settings for the OS/2 startup files. Simplifies the editing of CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. |
16815 | CSORT200.ZIP | 33904 | 04.03.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | (v2.00) CSRTOS2 - OS/2 CONFIG.SYS-SORTER This programm sorts the config.sys-file of OS/2 2.x and Warp v3, so that its readability is improved. On some systems a special sorted config.sys will speed up system boot. This program is freeware Thomas Paatsch, 76141.2336@compuserve.com |
16816 | DBP040A.ZIP | 109369 | 18.04.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | Docsboot v. 040a. Bootmanager-ohjelma. Käyttöjärjestelmäriippumaton. |
16817 | DCOPYPM9.ZIP | 181626 | 18.10.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | DCopy V0.9g. A PM disk copier. |
16818 | DELTREE.ZIP | 29022 | 15.01.1995 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | Deltree command for OS/2 |
16819 | DEREG.ZIP | 61941 | 27.12.1995 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | The purpose of the DeReg-program is to list the current classes, registered to the OS/2 desktop, and optionally to deregister selected classes. |
16820 | DFSEE258.ZIP | 363,9 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | 2035/Amiga_Dream_51.iso | - | File-system display & analysis utility. Shows partition-tables and bootsectors. Shows HPFS/FAT internal disk structures like Superblock, Fnodes, Dirblocks etc. Check allocation integrity for volume. Can find any data-sequence on the disk and identify the file it belongs to. Display allocation maps for the disk and for the directory-band. Includes CHKDSK UNDELETE/copy functionality for HPFS. DFSee, (c) 1994,1998 Jan van Wijk |
16821 | DHG-101.ZIP | 360,4 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | - | DH-Grep_PM is an OS/2 PM version of grep that is designed as a user friendly application for a multitasking environment. The often cryptic command line options have been replaced with easy to use menu selections. The output of the search is sent to a PM window and the user has easy access to all of the information that was found. Version 1.01 |
16822 | DHRGCD.ZIP | 38771 | 19.02.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Global Change Directory Command Version 1.01 for OS/2 |
16823 | DJDEMO.ZIP | 946924 | 23.09.1996 | - | os2sharewarebbs.zip | - | DiskJockey DEMO v1.0 - OS/2 File Maintenance Utility. by Clear & Simple, Inc. Performs operations copy, move, delete and rename, easy-to-use drag and drop file compression utilities. Launch drive, folder, data and program objects directly. Quick format diskettes. Drag and drop files from the DJ's file window. View text, bitmaps, sound, video and zipfiles with the DJ's built in viewer and "Jukebox" sound player. e-mail support: dj@clear-simple.com |
63176 | DRGTXT20.ZIP | 238911 | 12.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | DragText v2.0 lets you handle text as an object that can be moved, copied, saved, and deleted using drag and drop. Drag text between PM and VIO windows, the Clipboard, and the Shredder. Drop text on a folder to create a file or Url object. Drag a file into a window to read it or insert its name. DragText works with many popular apps. It's Basic features are free and its Extended features cost only $15-$20 (US). Archive File: drgtxt20.zip |
16824 | DRGTXT25.ZIP | 267,4 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | 2034/Amiga_Dream_50.iso | - | "DragText v2.5 lets you handle text as an object. Use drag and drop to movecopysaveor delete text in windowsfilesand the clipboard. Create a file or Url object by dropping text on a folder; read a file or insert its name by dropping it in a window. DragText works with many popular programs such as editors and internet apps. Its Basic features are free and its Extended features cost only $20 (US)." |
16825 | DSK4PMP.EXE | 251595 | 16.07.1996 | - | - | - | Diskette builder to build a diskette an emt, loaddsk or diskimage diskette image file. By: IBM, Free EWS software |
16826 | DSKPCT20.ZIP | 119156 | 30.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | DiskPct 2.0 näyttää levyasemien vapaan tilan piirakkadiagrammeina. |
16827 | DVORKB.ZIP | 32107 | 16.07.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | A Dvorak keyboard remapper for OS/2. Remaps the standard 101/102 keyboard (US layout) to a Dvorak layout. |
16828 | DW1410.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 04.02.1997 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | Desktop Wizard is a 32bit WPS add on for OS/2 Warp. Desktop Wizard adds extra functionality to the OS/2 Workplace Shell and makes many things easier to do. Desktop Wizard will only work on OS/2 Warp 3.x or Warp 4.x. Includes also ClipBoard Text Utility ver. 1.2 and Little Digital Talking Clock ver. 1.5. |
16829 | DZ140D.ZIP | 704432 | 16.03.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Drop Zone Version 1.40 Demo. Keeps all of the most common tasks in one place, as well as many original & performance utilities to increase your productivity while using OS/2 WARP. Limited Function shareware version, Register for $20.00 U.S. |
16830 | ECLIP090.ZIP | 171,2 kt | 05.04.1997 | - | 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso | - | Extended Clipboard/2 v0.90. This is a real WPS clipboard extension which stores clips in a special folder. Supports text and bitmaps. Drag&drop textclips directly into your favorite PM-wordprocessor, Autopaste and much more! German and english documentation included. Very easy to use. Requires Warp V3 or higher. |
16831 | ECLIP201.ZIP | 413,4 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | 21538/05-Edit.zip | - | Extended Clipboard /2 V2.00. This is a real WPS clipboard extension which stores clips in a special folder. Supports text and bitmaps. Direct access to the OS/2 clipboard from DOS and OS/2 shells. Assign hotkeys to text clips. Use the integrated macro recorder to record key and mouse sequences. Drag&drop text clips directly into your favorite PM-wordprocessor, Autopaste and much more ! German and english documentation included. Very easy to use. Requires Warp V3 or higher. |
63611 | EFCOMM.ZIP | 272694 | 30.06.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | OS/2 PM commander v2.07. HPFS, netware. |
16832 | EXCAL30M.ZIP | 475,9 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | - | - | Excal, the workplace calendar, v3.0m. |
16833 | EXT2-240.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 25.08.1997 | renamed | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | "ext2-os2 V2.40 : Linux ext2fs IFS (file system driver) for OS/2. Allows OS/2 to access Linux native partitions (ext2fs partitions) as normal OS/2 drive letters. Includes also Deon van der Westhuysens Linux partition filter driver (ext2flt.flt). Licence agreement : GNU GPL. Matthieu WILLM Home : willm@ibm.net Work : mwillm@vnet.ibm.com" |
16834 | FAT32B20.ZIP | 136,6 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | FAT32 IFS beta v0.20 for OS/2. |
64058 | FC2_142.ZIP | 197112 | 08.10.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | File Commander/2 v1.42, Norton Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2 Provides powerful file management functions, program launch, text viewing and editing facilities in 32 bit OS/2 text mode. |
16835 | FC2-151.ZIP | 228,2 kt | 25.08.1997 | renamed | 23370/Chip_1998-11_cd.bin | - | File Commander/2 v1.51, Norton Commander(TM) (DOS) clone for OS/2 Provides powerful file management functions, program launch, text viewing and editing facilities, built in archiver support (ZIP,ARJ,RAR,LZH) in 32 bit OS/2 text mode. |
16836 | FCB131.ZIP | 77900 | 04.12.1996 | - | - | - | File Cabinet for OS/2 v1.31. |
16837 | FCUT10.ZIP | 29464 | 12.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | File Cutter v1.0 This is a very flexible file splitting program especially for binary. Cut any part of file with any size you want. Both 32bit OS/2 and DOS executables |
16838 | FDUPE009.ZIP | 49,5 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO | - | Find Dupe v0.09. |
16839 | FEELX11A.ZIP | 444050 | 28.11.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | FeelX v1.1a |
16840 | FF2.ZIP | 206591 | 09.08.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | FF2 V7.4b. A text search/replacing and batch file generationg utility. |
16841 | FFF131E.ZIP | 183452 | 28.10.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | (v1.31) FFF - OS/2 Frisky File Finder full featured file finder with DRAG & DROP and many other features like searching for files by name, date, time, size and attributes with Operators ">", "<", "=" Shareware (US$ 19.- private; US$ 40,- business). Runs on OS/2 2.x or Warp 3 U. Hegemann Softwareentwicklung |
16842 | FILEB205.ZIP | 233152 | 19.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | FileBar 2.05 - Is OS/2 Warp too slow? Then you need this GREAT utility for OS/2. This is an application launch bar and shell replacement for OS/2. Uses MUCH less memory than IBM's WPS and gives precious memory back to your applications. Great for 4 or 8 MB systems which, along with passwording features, make it ideal for network environments! ALL NEW VERSION! |
16843 | FILEFR19.ZIP | 132,3 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | File Freedom v1.9 a fast, very inexpensive, PM file manager with an uncluttered, easy-to- use interface. It is designed to be a quick and efficient utility that requires a minimum of setup yet does not skimp on features. |
64130 | FILEFRDM.ZIP | 73785 | 22.06.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | File Freedom is an elegant full featured PM File Manager |
16844 | FILESTAR.ZIP | 1307572 | 23.09.1996 | - | 22904/pcwnov96.zip | - | FileStar/2 2.0 demonstration version. |
64162 | FJ670E.ZIP | 395106 | 17.03.1996 | - | 2837/Software of the Month Club 1996 August.iso | tupla | FILEJET, V6.7 powerful filemanager and editor for OS/2 and DOS, usermenus,tree, programmable function keys,all filefunctions multiple fileeditor with syntax coloring, HPFS,networking,filefind,textsearch,tree delete,archive handling for ZOO,ZIP,LHA and ARJ,looks like PCTOOLS/XTREE or optional like NC,32Bit,macros,file extension prefs, directory hotkeys and lots more... try it. Only one user interface for OS/2 and DOS !, see REGISTER.DOC for registration information |
16845 | FJ721E.ZIP | 440 kt | 29.07.1997 | - | 818/Monster Media Number 16 (Monster Media)(October 1996).ISO | - | FILEJET, V7.21 powerful filemanager and editor for WINDOWS95/DOS and OS/2,usermenus, tree, long filename support for WIN95+OS/2 programmable function keys,all filefunctions multiple fileeditor with syntax coloring, networking,filefind,textsearch,tree delete, archive handling for ZOO,ZIP,LHA and ARH looks like PCTOOLS/XTREE or optional NC 32Bit (OS/2),macros,file extension prefs, directory hotkeys and lots more... try it. |
16846 | FLCP22.ZIP | 169146 | 28.10.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Floppy-Copy Version 2.2 (Shareware). |
16847 | FLHO0020.ZIP | 3,6 Mt | 14.07.1997 | - | 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso | - | File Hound for OS/2 v0.2 Beta. A document indexing and retrieval system used to quickly find documents on a stand-alone personal computer or across a networked workgroup. File Hound employs distributed object technology to efficiently access server objects which implement simultaneous searching, indexing, and administrative tasks. |
64212 | FM2-250.ZIP | 1382965 | 29.09.1996 | renamed | 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | tupla | FM/2 v2.50. An OS/2 Warp+ PM 32-bit file/directory/ disk/archive/etc. maintenance package with plenty of bells and whistles -- a Swiss army knife for OS/2. Only file management winner of a 1995 OS/2 Magazine Editor's Choice award. |
16848 | FM2-258.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | FM/2 v2.58. An OS/2 Warp+ PM 32-bit file/directory/ disk/archive/etc. maintenance package with plenty of bells and whistles -- a Swiss army knife for OS/2. Only file management winner of a 1995 OS/2 Magazine Editor\'s Choice award. Winner of OS/2 e-Zine!\'s 1996 Readers\' Choice Award for "Best Disk/File Utility or Suite." |
16849 | FM2UTILS.ZIP | 160918 | 08.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | FM/2 Utilities A collection of utilities designed for use with FM/2 (they can also be used without FM/2). FATOPT, HPFSOPT, QFORMAT, RENCASE, MOV, KILL/2 and more. |
16850 | FMOS2.ZIP | 156049 | 01.05.1996 | - | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip | - | FMOS2 (FILEMAN) is a fullscreen/ window OS/2 program for managing files/directories on one or more drives simultaneously. |
16851 | FMSHRED.ZIP | 22041 | 13.01.1996 | versio ? | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | FM/2 Shredder 1.04 Deletes almost anything |
16852 | FOLDER10.ZIP | 11,6 kt | 12.09.1997 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | Folder v1.00 by yWare. Opens the directory as a WPS folder. If no directory specified the current directory is opened. |
16853 | FSTAR99E.ZIP | 716350 | 28.11.1995 | väärä koko | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | FILESTAR/2 v0.99e - OS/2 File Maintenance Utility. Drag&Drop and Point&Click interfaces to file, directory and disk operations. Start programs, browse files. Button bar, settings notebook. Highly functional, attractive displays. Seven popup menus, 21 function pushbuttons in primary window. Over 20 integrated dialog windows. Cursored file data in all views. CIS support, GO OS2SHARE. Pre-release version, special price of $20. |
16854 | FTBAR106.ZIP | 62008 | 13.01.1996 | - | - | - | FM/2 Taskbar v1.05 An OS/2 2.x+ PM 32-bit taskbar. Shareware. |
16855 | FV2.ZIP | 53012 | 01.05.1996 | - | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip | - | FV2 (FileView for OS/2) is a small multi-threaded fullscreen/window OS2 program for quickly viewing/browsing files. |
16856 | GBJ111.ZIP | 86 kt | 03.08.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | "GETOBJ v1.11. Creates a list containing the data for all objects in a folder (and its sub folder) for example your desktop folder. For each object the titlethe classthe setup string and the location is shown. GETOBJ can also create a REXX program with SysCreateObject calls to recreate the objects. GETOBJ needs the DLL WPTOOLS.DLL. This DLL is included in this package." |
16857 | GCPCHG10.ZIP | 36105 | 18.10.1996 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Gibbon Filechanger v1.0. |
16858 | GCPCLK10.ZIP | 218131 | 18.10.1996 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | (v1.0) Gibbon Double-Click The Gibbon Double Click package includes a program and a DLL that intercepts Mouse Button #3 (the middle button on 3-button mice) and translates it into a double-click, A button 1 & 2 chord or a "Next button lock". Shareware (US $5 - MC/Visa) From Gibbon Computer Products, Inc. support@gibbon.com |
16859 | GSTART11.ZIP | 54751 | 23.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | GroupStart Version 1.1 Allows you to start any number of programmes with one click. |
16860 | GULITE20.ZIP | 883701 | 14.01.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | The Graham Utilities LIGHT for OS/2 V2.00. An evaluation copy of The Graham Utilities for OS/2, V2.00. It features 19 out of the 74 programs in the full V2.00 retail suite. This LIGHT version is a 16 bit version. The 32 bit version offers significant performance gains. Version 2 is an all new version which includes: Full and complete FAT support, a native 32 bit version of all programs, 22 new programs, complete on-line internet support. |
16861 | HAMCLK16.ZIP | 58,5 kt | 10.05.1997 | - | 21573/InfoMgt.zip | - | OS/2 PM Clock that displays both Local and UTC time in a nice, neat, small package, with a ton of Features. |
16862 | HCSHDEMO.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 25.08.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Hamilton C shell(tm) Demo for OS/2. Hamilton C shell recreates the original UNIX C shell and utilities, adding numerous enhancements. Over 160 commands, aliases, utilities and built-in functions including alias, cat, chmod, cls, cmp, cp, cron, cut, date, diff, dirs, dskread, dskwrite, du, eval, fgrep, grep, hashstat, head, history, kill, markexe, more, mv, paste, popd, printf, ps, pushd, rm, sed, setrows, sleep, sort, split, strings, tabs, tail, tar, tee, time, touch, tr, uniq, |
16863 | HGFSHELL.RAR | 24034 | 10.11.1996 | - | - | - | simple PM menu shell for OS/2 |
16864 | HOOK32.ZIP | 86323 | 19.10.1995 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | HOOK was designed to alleviate the need to clear up the Desktop of OS/2 in order to obtain access to Icons to load programs and to facilitate switching from one active program to another. |
16865 | HOTCOR95.ZIP | 37,1 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | - | - | Hot Corners 0.95áeta. Cooks your screen borders and corners enabling them to bring chosen windows foreground. |
16866 | HOTS080.ZIP | 64,3 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | Hot Scroll v0.80. Allows to scroll vertically and horizontally without Scroll Bars with either: Scroll Lock, Any Keyboard Key or Mouse Button Combination. Features: Focus Change in Scroll Lock mode, Adjustable Speed, Non-proportional mode, Fake Instant Redraw, Mouse Leash, Reversed Scrolling. Now with a PM interface! |
16867 | HPFSA102.ZIP | 180253 | 28.11.1995 | koko³ | ratsnest1.iso | - | HPFS Access 1.02 |
16868 | HRUN102.ZIP | 814 kt | 20.04.1997 | - | 11654/bbs.bajer.cz.zip | - | Homerun v1.02. Allows programs to be run on any time schedule. Homerun can start & terminate OS2, Dos and WinOS2 (Windows) programs in a window, fullscreen or Presentation Manager as applicable. |
16869 | HSWTCH05.ZIP | 44029 | 19.09.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | Full Screen task switcher for OS/2. |
16870 | HV34.ZIP | 199851 | 13.06.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | HyperView 3.4: High performance OS/2 file viewer with special features for isolating and extracting information from word processing, text, and ZIP files. PM and text mode editions. Automatically reads Ami Pro, Clearlook, DeScribe, WordPerfect & WinWord. Also HTML and INF/HLP New in 3.4: Colors, INF/HLP support, more. |
16871 | HWISS.ZIP | 261937 | 28.10.1996 | väärä koko | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | OS/2 System Spy. A 32-Bit Presentation Manager based tool to view much information about your system. It shows information about running processes, threads, modules, semaphores and shared memory in a highly comfortable manner. |
16872 | IBROWSE.ZIP | 50368 | 30.06.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | OS/2 Ini file browser/modifier |
16873 | ILGDM222.ZIP | 208943 | 30.06.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | DirMaster v2.22, a powerful Directory Opus (Amiga) inspired filemanager for OS/2 PM. Fully HPFS aware, with two dir windows/lists, more than 30 internal functions, user-configurable functions, supports 7 archivers, ZipStream support, multi-language, drag&drop, click&click and much more! |
16874 | INFOB13.ZIP | 84 kt | 04.02.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | InfoBar for OS/2. Shareware. Displays Swap File size and history. Displays many internal system counters and registers. The registered version tunes your Swap File. |
16875 | INFOPD12.ZIP | 72532 | 22.10.1995 | - | 21580/SysTools.zip | - | InfoPad v1.2 system info utility |
16876 | INFOPM12.ZIP | 378133 | 22.10.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | infoPM System info & benchmark for os/2 WARP version 1.1 with or without dive support |
16877 | INIBRO10.ZIP | 28,3 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | INI Browser v1.01. VROBJ.DLL required. |
16878 | INID216.ZIP | 98,1 kt | 05.04.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | "INIEdit/2 v1.6. A 32 bit multi-threaded OS/2 application that allows extensive editing of binary OS/2 INI files. You can easily edit files by using the simple PointN Click method. Features such as the INI Tree and built in editor allow for easy navigation and editing of files." |
16879 | INIED050.ZIP | 209,2 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | - | - | INIEdit v0.50. Long Description: Freeware INI editor. Can view, edit and compare INI files. Export and import data (applications & keys) between files. |
16880 | INIED214.ZIP | 516703 | 05.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | INIEDIT/2 VERSION 1.4 FOR OS/2 Edit/Manipulate OS/2 INI files. Toolbar support for easier access to options. Ability to make your own OS/2 INI files. ClassEdit/2 (OS/2 Object Class editor) is free with INIEdit/2. |
16881 | INIEDIT.ZIP | 25417 | 18.06.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | INI-file editor for OS/2 |
65138 | INITOR17.ZIP | 54571 | 04.11.1996 | - | 2462/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 8).iso | tupla | Initor v1.7 (INIfile ediTOR). Enables you to edit OS2 "INI" files. You are able to add, delete, edit, save and read applications, keys and key data. Further more you are able to save and read data from the current ini file to and form another ini file(s). |
16882 | INITOR24.ZIP | 75,1 kt | 24.06.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | Initor 2.4 (INIfile ediTOR). OS2 Ini File Editor. Enables you to edit OS2 "INI" files. You are able to add, delete, edit, save, copy and read applications, keys and key data. Further more you are able to save and read data from the current ini file to and form another ini file(s). You can also save data into ASCII readable files for comparison. This one gets rid of an error, not being able to find the DOSCALL library. |
16883 | J95_201E.ZIP | 228761 | 17.05.1996 | koko² | ratsnest1.iso | - | JetCommander, V2.01 powerful NC-Clone for WIN95,DOS and OS/2. Full long filename support under WINDOWS95 + OS/2 One user interface for WIN95,DOS+OS/2 CIS Registration Nr. 11228, Register with BMT or see REGISTER.DOC for info. |
16884 | JSHIF162.ZIP | 85 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | JShifter & JShifter/2 v1.62. Shifts the state of Num Lock to on (at boot up) in OS/2 and allows user to select shifted state of Num, Caps and Scroll locks in all DOS sessions launched under OS/2. Includes English and Danish versions. |
16885 | JSORT13.ZIP | 61054 | 30.06.1996 | - | 21539/06-File.zip | - | Unlimited size, key, #key PM/command line sort program v1. |
16886 | JUMPKEY.ZIP | 894726 | 13.11.1996 | - | 10784/CDASC_33_1996_novembre.iso | - | OS/2 Program for Creating Hotkeys - v2.3.0. JumpKey/2 lets you use a keyboard to jump to between OS/2 2.x and 3.x sessions. It also provides keyboard hotkeys to size windows, lockup and shutdown. This program is IBM OS/2 Employee Written Software |
16887 | KBDPLUS.ZIP | 440,9 kt | 09.05.1998 | versio 1.0 | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | Keyboard Plus v1.1. Provides extensive macro support for OS/2 Warp 4. It allows you to: insert pieces of text by pressing a hotkey, including the current date or time, or the output from a program, make use of the Windows 95 keys on your keyboard, define accelerator keys for applications which lack them. |
16888 | KILLR12A.ZIP | 142309 | 22.10.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Appkiller v1.2, kill running processes |
16889 | KMP11.ZIP | 27517 | 31.05.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | KeyMaster Pro, hotkey util version 1.1 |
16890 | LAUNCHHK.ZIP | 27969 | 01.05.1996 | - | 21580/SysTools.zip | - | LAUNCHHK. Activate LaunchPad or TaskList by tapping pointer against top/bottom/left/right or any corner of desktop. |
16891 | LCD.ZIP | 27142 | 11.02.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | LCD Version 6.0 Les's Change Directory allows one to easily change to another directory by specifying only part of it. |
16892 | LDTC15.ZIP | 240734 | 04.01.1997 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | Little Digital Talking Clock is a 32 bit OS/2 Sharerware program. It requires OS/2 Warp 3.x or Warp 4.x. It has NOT been tested on OS/2 2.1. LDTC is a simple digital clock that can either announce the time in a synthesized voice, announce the time in a user supplied voice, chime at regular intervals with any .wav file, or be used without sound at all. |
16893 | LESS2902.ZIP | 254566 | 29.04.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Less for OS/2 version 290. A replacement for the OS/2 MORE command. Browse backwards, search for text. Requires EMX 0.9a runtime library (in EMXRT.ZIP). C source code included. |
16894 | LOADDF.ZIP | 10541 | 04.02.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | OS/2 Utility to create diskettes from IBM .DSK images |
16895 | LOADDSKF.EXE | 14145 | 07.03.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Tekee levykkeen IBM:n image-tiedostosta |
65795 | LOOK230D.ZIP | 119432 | 31.12.1996 | - | 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO | tupla | (v3.0d) LOOK2 - OS/2 Directory/File Viewer. Full-screen utility to view and manipulate dirs and files. Unique convenient directory history for easy travel between directories. Mark, move, delete, touch, search, sort, archive viewing, hex mode, group marking, and more. Very friendly and customizable. Shareware (US$ 30. credit cards accepted) BMT Micro, Inc. http://www.bmtmicro.com |
16896 | LOOK232.ZIP | 115,8 kt | 12.09.1997 | - | sac.sk | - | (v3.2) LOOK2 - OS/2 Directory/File Viewer. Full-screen utility to view and manipulate dirs and files. Unique convenient directory history for easy travel between directories. Mark, move, delete, touch, search, sort, archive viewing, hex mode, group marking, and more. Very friendly and customizable. Shareware (US$ 30. credit cards accepted) BMT Micro, Inc. http://www.bmtmicro.com |
65819 | LOTTO.ZIP | 33655 | 22.10.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | eritupla | lotto_s.exe - Statically linked random integer generator lotto_d.exe - Dynamically linked random integer generator readMe.txt - short (but long enough) description of the program Freeware for OS/2 command-line (c) Kjetil Kilhavn 1995 Comments to kjetil.kilhavn@fou.telenor.no |
16897 | MC40-OS2.ZIP | 277,3 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | - | - | Midnight Commander for OS/2 v4.0. A free Norton Commander Clone with many useful features. |
16898 | MDESK13.ZIP | 368,6 kt | 14.11.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | tupla | MDesk for OS/2 Release 1.3 Posted by: johnm@cs.mcgill.ca Replaces: all MDESK1x.ZIP. MDesk is a fast, complete shell replacement o add-on for OS/2 Warp 3.0. It also features m desktop tools not found in the base OS/2 prod |
66057 | MDESK13.ZIP | 377397 | 13.11.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | tupla | MDesk for OS/2 Release 1.3 Date: May 07, 1996 Posted by: johnm@cs.mcgill.ca File: MDESK13.ZIP Replaces: all MDESK1x.ZIP --------------------------------------------- MDesk is a fast, complete shell replacement o add-on for OS/2 Warp 3.0. It also features m desktop tools not found in the base OS/2 prod |
66076 | MEGACLIP.ZIP | 204102 | 24.11.1996 | - | 21538/05-Edit.zip | tupla | MegaClip v0.01. A utility to manage multiple OS/2 PM clipboards. |
66091 | MEMSZ321.ZIP | 572913 | 08.10.1996 | - | 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso | - | System Resources v3.21 (Rick Papo, 30 September 1996, Free). A simple utility for monitoring system activity and resources. Source included. English, French, Spanish, German, Catalan, Danish, Chinese (BIG5), Norwegian, Italian, Japanese, Hungarian and Finnish language files. |
16899 | MEMSZ331.ZIP | 623,5 kt | 26.05.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | System Resources v3.31 (Rick Papo, 15 May 1997, Free). A simple utility for monitoring system activity and resources. Source included. English, French, Spanish, German, Catalan, Danish, Chinese (BIG5), Norwegian, Italian, Japanese, Hungarian, Finnish and Brazilian Portuguese language files. |
16900 | MGCLIP02.ZIP | 246,8 kt | 15.02.1997 | - | 21538/05-Edit.zip | - | MegaClip v0.02. A utility to manage multiple OS/2 PM clipboards. |
16901 | MKEY110.ZIP | 334,4 kt | 30.07.1997 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | MKey v1.10: application depented tiltebar buttons, hotkeymanager, mousepointer animations and more. Warp3 or higher. |
16902 | MLSW101.ZIP | 43608 | 31.05.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Switch tasks like Alt+Tab in Windows |
16903 | MOLE.ZIP | 17415 | 03.03.1996 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Mole is a utility that will enable you to close badly behaved applications even when the task list fails to. |
16904 | MORE_20B.ZIP | 42734 | 07.06.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | A better more for OS/2, version 2.0b |
16905 | MRFILEPM.ZIP | 248636 | 08.10.1996 | - | 21539/06-File.zip | - | Mr.File/PM 5.2. A simple OS/2 file manager for OS/2 2.0+. IBM EWS. |
66331 | MRSR106.ZIP | 39766 | 16.09.1996 | - | 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO | tupla | Multiple Recursive Search and Replace version 1.06 for OS/2. This is a command line program for doing search and replace operations on text files. Rather than being limited to a single file at a time, or a single search and replace at one time, MRSR allows multiple files and up to 100 search and replace operations at once. |
16906 | MRSR115.ZIP | 41,6 kt | 24.06.1997 | - | 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso | - | Multiple Recursive Search and Replace v1.15. A command line program for doing search and replace operations on text files. Rather than being limited to a single file at a time, or a single search and replace at one time, MRSR allows multiple files and up to 9,999 search and replace operations at once. MRSR also does BLOCK searches. So comments can be removed from files. MRSR will optionally go through an entire sub-directory tree. |
16907 | MSI100.ZIP | 137,9 kt | 15.12.1997 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | MsgScreen v1.0 for OS/2. Displays (small) messages on the screen of an OS/2 computer during user absence. |
16908 | MTREE10A.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 02.11.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Money Tree v1.0, 1/5. A personal financial package. |
16909 | MTREE10B.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 02.11.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Money Tree v1.0, 2/5. |
16910 | MTREE10C.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 02.11.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Money Tree v1.0, 3/5. |
16911 | MTREE10D.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 02.11.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Money Tree v1.0, 4/5. |
16912 | MTREE10E.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 02.11.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Money Tree v1.0, 5/5. |
16913 | NEWLOOK.ZIP | 110307 | 04.12.1996 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | NEWLOOK changes WARP default icons & window controls. REXX support and Martin Lafaix's RESMGR.ZIP needed. Just double click on NEWLOOK.CMD icon, you'll get a menu and will easily be able to change what you want. Then just shutdown and reboot! This program is FREEWARE! |
16914 | NEWOBJ10.ZIP | 17,4 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | NewObj v1.00. A programming tool for the OS/2 operating system, that will allow you to register and/or replace a class with the WPS (Work Place Shell). It will also allow you to remove any class registered with the WPS. |
16915 | NEWPAD.ZIP | 14617 | 13.01.1996 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Newpad 1.00 Creates new launchpads |
16916 | NFNF112.ZIP | 561946 | 16.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | NFNF is a 32bit WPS add on for OS/2 Warp. Adds extra functionality to the OS/2 Workplace Shell and makes many things easier to do. |
16917 | NPSWP182.ZIP | 101331 | 08.10.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | (v1.82) NPS WPS Enhancer - WPS Enhancer This program allows you to use more than 20 functions which enhance OS/2, such as nice window animations, window shadows, "close" buttons, automatic mouse movement, and more! Easy to install and uninstall. For OS/2 2.1 or higher. This program is totally free. |
16918 | NTFS-003.ZIP | 305,7 kt | 19.11.1997 | renamed | 21537/04-Drivers.zip | - | ntfs-os2 V0.03 : Windows NT ntfs IFS (file system driver) for OS/2. Allows OS/2 to access Windows NT ntfs partitions (ntfs partitions) as normal OS/2 drive letters. Licence agreement : freeware. |
16919 | NUMLOCK2.ZIP | 543,5 kt | 14.07.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | "Numlock2 for OS/2 v1.0. Turns your numlock on every time you boot OS/2when starting a DOS session (windowed or full screen)when starting a OS/2 prompt (windowed or full screen)your numlock stays oneven after switching between different programsif you turn off your numlock manuallyits not turned on automatic (except when you start a new OS/2 prompt or a new DOS session)." |
16920 | NVPM11.ZIP | 151,8 kt | 04.02.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | N-Viro PM v1.1. A program that allows easily manipulation and browsing of the OS/2 system variables. |
16921 | ODP-DEMO.ZIP | 5,7 Mt | 31.08.1997 | - | 21580/SysTools.zip | - | Object Desktop Professional v1.5.2 Demo. |
16922 | OLENS.ZIP | 10879 | 23.01.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Lens 0.9: An OS/2 Magnifier |
16923 | ONSHUTDN.ZIP | 17063 | 04.12.1996 | - | - | - | On Shutdown. An OS/2 PM program that runs a process during OS/2 shutdown. |
16924 | OPEN121.ZIP | 21,4 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | - | - | Open v1.21. Opens WPS objects, using their default open setting. |
16925 | OS2-11OR.ZIP | 420,8 kt | 22.04.1997 | renamed | 21539/06-File.zip | - | OnScreen/2 fileviewer v2.11, for OS/2, DOS & Win32. Loads OS/2, MAC & Unix text files, also supports binary files. Features redirected stdin, hex mode, bookmarks, syntax highlighting, styles etc.. |
66851 | OS2C-113.ZIP | 449160 | 28.10.1996 | - | - | tupla | OS/2-Commander v1.13b3 - The Wizard of OS/2! OS/2-Commander is the final Norton Commander clone for OS/2. It offers an integrated archive handling, HPFS-support, a user-definable menu, a Tree-function, the most powerful FIND-function you've ever seen, a DBF viewer, browser and editor! Full 4DOS/4OS2 support, enhanced sysop features, full network compatibility, disk-image function, 132-column mode and much more! Try it! |
16926 | OS2C-122.ZIP | 447,8 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | - | - | "OS/2-Commander v1.22 - The Wizard of OS/2! OS/2-Commander is the final Norton Commander clone for OS/2. It offers an integrated archive handlingHPFS-supporta user-definable menua Tree-functionthe most powerful FIND-function youve ever seena DBF viewerbrowser and editor! Full 4DOS/4OS2 supportenhanced sysop featuresfull network compatibilitydisk-image function132-column mode and much more! Try it!" |
16927 | OS2GFC.ZIP | 43159 | 27.12.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | GFC is a graphical file comparison program. |
16928 | OSTSR11.ZIP | 10806 | 19.01.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | OSTSR 1.1 Time Slice Releaser For OS/2 OSTSR is a TSR for your DOS applications running under OS/2 that are DESQview aware. This small (<1K) utility will convert DV time slice release requests to OS/2 "sleep" requests. Completely configurable with monitoring available and supports Time Slice releases from 0 to 65535 milliseconds. Use of this with ANY DV Aware DOS program will dramatically improve your overall OS/2 system's performance. *Freeware*. |
16929 | OUP10.ZIP | 31,7 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | 21580/SysTools.zip | - | os/2 utility pack v1.00! process lister (ps.exe), process kill (kill.exe), socket lister (sock.exe), socket kill (soclose.exe). freeware by dink! |
67107 | PC2V190.ZIP | 555371 | 31.07.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | PROGRAM COMMANDER/2 V1.90 for OS/2 Copyright (C) by Roman Stangl May, 1995 PC/2 is a WPS enhancement or replacement, that features a program launcher, Virtual Desktops, Hotkey support, Sliding focus and a Spooler Control Window (which ***enables*** spooling even when running PC/2 as a WPS replacement).. Running PC/2 on a 4 MB machine as the WPS replacement gives you more performance boost than running OS/2 Warp WPS (due to the much smaller memory requirements compared with the |
16930 | PC2V200.ZIP | 554,1 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | 11654/bbs.bajer.cz.zip | - | Program Commander/2 v2.00 for OS/2. A WPS enhancement or replacement, that features a program launcher, Virtual Desktops, Hotkey support, Sliding focus, Advanced Marking, Dynamic Menu Selection, Environment Spaces, WIN95 key support, QuickSwitch and SessionBar window, Hardware Panning support, TitleBar Smarticons, Lockup and Password protection support, Scheduler, WPS extraction and a Spooler Control Window (which enables spooling even when running PC/2 as a WPS |
16931 | PEG110.ZIP | 303184 | 04.12.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Pegasus Resource Monitor version 1 Release 10. |
16932 | PGP263IO.ZIP | 340140 | 25.12.1996 | - | - | - | Pretty Good Privacy 2.6.3international. free public key encryption program for personal use. 32-bit OS/2 executables. |
16933 | PHOENIX2.ZIP | 178774 | 06.06.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | Undelete that supports both HPFS and FAT under OS/2 |
16934 | PIPDOS11.ZIP | 29578 | 14.10.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PipeDOS v1.1: ohjaa OS/2-ikkunassa ajettavan DOS-ohjelman tulostuksen samaan OS/2-ikkunaan Toimii vain BIOS-kutsuja käyttävillä DOS- ohjelmilla. |
16935 | PLCODE1O.ZIP | 47,3 kt | 03.06.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | PALCODE/2 (c)1996 G.M.Romanato. The friendly uuencoder/uudecoder. OS/2 32bit native application. Features multipart encoding in parts of a specified size. Multipart decoding with a poweful algorithm able to decode files containing empty lines and any kind of garbage. Forced mode. Made In Italy, CARDWARE |
16936 | PLNET120.ZIP | 315818 | 07.06.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Planet v1.20 Graphical Resource Monitor |
16937 | PLOGO100.ZIP | 652019 | 04.12.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PREPLOGO V1.0 - Process a bitmap into an OS/2 Warp Startup Logo. |
16938 | PMBROWSE.ZIP | 14 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | PmBrowse v0.01. A "MORE" util for PM. |
67292 | PMC-11.ZIP | 304188 | 28.10.1996 | renamed | 2462/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 8).iso | tupla | PM CHECKSUM v1.1: Watch Your Files! PM Check- sum tells you when a file on your harddisk has changed and provides a means to check the authenticity of files. It uses the widespread CRC32 and MD5 checksum algorithms which have been implemented in Pentium optimized code to yield maximum throughput. PM Checksum is easy to use and comes with an additional command line utility for checksum calculation. 32bit code, certified Ready For Warp. Shareware. |
16939 | PMC-13A.ZIP | 319,7 kt | 03.08.1997 | renamed | 21539/06-File.zip | - | PM CHECKSUM v1.3a: Watch Your Files! PM Check- sum tells you when a file on your harddisk has changed and provides a means to check the authenticity of files. It uses the widespread CRC32 and MD5 checksum algorithms which have been implemented in Pentium optimized code to yield maximum throughput. PM Checksum is easy to use and comes with an additional command line utility for checksum calculation. 32bit code, certified Ready For Warp. Shareware. |
16940 | PMCALC3O.ZIP | 163,6 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | 23368/Chip_1998-07_cd.bin | - | pmCalc 3.0 OS/2 PM calculator with scientific and programmer functions, calculating with variables, Regression, easy transfer to/from the clipboard, detailed error messages, online help. Shareware 30$. Compuserve SWREG 10704. English and German. |
16941 | PMD23E.ZIP | 310915 | 28.10.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | PM Diskcopy 2.3 Diskette copying utility + filemanager for OS/2. Copy/compare any diskettes, store/create disks as/from image files (handles VMDISK and LOADDSKF format), build OS/2 EXE files from one or more image files, sector sliding/used tracks only to accelerate reading/writing, virus scanner support, fantastic and easy interface (including bubble help). Filemanager comes with all important functions, including Drag & Drop and many more... SHAREWARE *WITHOUT |
16942 | PMDE22.ZIP | 47436 | 30.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PM Directory Enforcer v2.2 Näyttää kahden hakemiston sisällön rinnakkain. |
16943 | PMDIFF31.ZIP | 153620 | 28.01.1996 | - | 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar | - | Graphical, intelligent file comparison utility |
16944 | PMDIFF40.ZIP | 234,4 kt | 29.05.1997 | versio 4.0 | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PMdiff v4.0a (OS/2 version) - Side by side graphical file comparison and file merge. Files are display in adjacent windows, and lines are drawn clearly showing the differences between files. Merged files can be created and saved contained selected changes from both files. |
16945 | PMDU.ZIP | 317,7 kt | 30.09.1997 | - | 2035/Amiga_Dream_51.iso | - | PMDU - PM Disk usage reporter. Reports used disk space from a directory tree. |
16946 | PMP43.ZIP | 879336 | 16.07.1996 | väärä koko | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | PM Patrol version 4.3. 32-bit PM resource mgmt software and toolset for OS/2 2.1+ |
16947 | PMPRP200.ZIP | 715291 | 03.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PMPrep 2.00 - OS/2 PM uuencoder/uudecoder PMPrep uudecodes/uuencodes multiple-part files and files which include non-uuencoded data. PMPrep features an easy to use yet powerful drag'n drop user interface and utilizes multiple threads for best multitasking perfor PMPrep works on OS/2 version 2.1 and above. |
16948 | PMPT112.ZIP | 70,3 kt | 30.09.1997 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | Prompt! v1.12. A small WPS program (no executable files) that will prompt you with a small dialog box every time you drag and drop an object in the Workplace Shell. |
16949 | PMSYSM30.ZIP | 618161 | 13.07.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | pmSystemMonitor 3.0 - The ultimate System Monitoring tool for OS/2 Multithreaded PM statusbar monitoring system:CPU,tasks,drives,mem,... |
16950 | PMUND140.ZIP | 83515 | 18.06.1995 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | PM UNDELETE for OS/2 Version 1.40 1 May 95 PM UNDELETE is a GUI program for a quick recovery of deleted files. |
16951 | PMUUE131.ZIP | 54433 | 19.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Unix-to-Unix encoder/decoder for OS/2 Presentation Manager. Version 1.31 |
16952 | PMVKPR21.ZIP | 934381 | 08.10.1996 | - | 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso | - | PMVKPROC v2.1 (Presentation Manager View and Kill PROCesses). A system information utility. Currently PMVKPROC shows informations about some system variables like the size of the time slot and informations about the running processes. |
16953 | PMWIP120.ZIP | 81226 | 10.12.1995 | - | 21539/06-File.zip | - | PM WIPE for OS/2 v1.20, easy-to-use program wipes (deletes) files/subdirectories so that they can't be recovered by the OS/2 UNDELETE command or any other UNDELETE program. |
16954 | POLYCALC.ZIP | 73,4 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | This is a shareware calculator program for OS which supports many different scientific and number formatting options including fractions hexadecimal, degrees-minutes seconds, feet-inches, etc. Cost is $5.00. |
16955 | POVFRT02.ZIP | 215 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | PovFront 0.2 -- A GUI for Pov Ray 3.0 under OS/2 |
67409 | PRCR121.ZIP | 11669 | 13.09.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | Program Creator version 1.21 Create program objects by dragging files and folders on the creator icon. You can also use the command crprog at the prompt. Saves the trouble of using the migration program or typing in the program's path and name to program template. Freeware. Author: Anssi Blomqvist, abblomqv@rock.helsinki.fi. |
16956 | PRCR122.ZIP | 4,9 kt | 18.04.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | "Program Creator v1.22 Create program objects by dragging files and folders on the creator icon. You can also use the command crprog at the prompt. Saves the trouble of using the migration program or typing in the programs path and name to program template." |
16957 | PROCMAN2.ZIP | 110 kt | 04.02.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | Process Manager v2.0. An OS/2 2.x 32 bit presentation manager program that can show the properties of running processes. |
16958 | PSI012.ZIP | 32,6 kt | 12.10.1997 | - | 21580/SysTools.zip | - | Process Information Tool v0.12. Passive CPU Usage, Process Killer, System Stats. |
16959 | PSPM2.ZIP | 46,3 kt | 23.02.1997 | - | MBCD | - | PSPM/2 - process diagram for OS/2 |
16960 | PSTRY106.ZIP | 328500 | 01.04.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Pastry Box v1.06, OS/2 WARP (only) utility loads files or the clipboard contents into a listbox from which multiple noncontiguous lines can be pasted into other applications in one operation. Good with offline readers to select lines from other sources to paste into replies. WPS aware. |
16961 | PUMON110.ZIP | 29,2 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | - | - | PU Monitor v1.10d. A small monitoring utility, capable to show most useful (at least for me :) information. This information includes: CPU Load, Free physical memory, TCP/IP traffic (for selected interface), Computer uptime (off by default). |
16962 | QWERTY10.ZIP | 109277 | 30.06.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | QWERTY v1.0 Fast-typing program/game for OS/2 |
16963 | RCOPY112.ZIP | 24,5 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso | - | RCopy v1.12, an extended OS/2 Copy command |
16964 | RESMGR.ZIP | 40,6 kt | 17.07.1998 | koko¹ | ratsnest1.iso | - | RESMGR is a resource decompiler/manager. It can view/add/replace/remove resources from either a .EXE, a .DLL or a .RES file. It can also decompile these resources into a .RC script. Resources can be extracted from OS/2 1.x or OS/2 2.x files (Warp included). FREEWARE, w/ source code. 960217 release. Author: Martin Lafaix (lafaix@alto.unice.fr) |
16965 | RMDME102.ZIP | 245339 | 30.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | RemindMe 1.02 for OS/2 - Calendar and scheduling application for OS/2 2.x & Warp. Easily schedule appointments, reminders and to-do items. It makes a great personal information manager and is smaller and much faster than IBM's calendar application. Includes C++ source code. Shareware $10. |
67963 | ROBO-200.ZIP | 554428 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | RoboJob v2.00. 32 bit multithreaded PM job scheduler and program launcher. |
16966 | ROBO-234.ZIP | 1 Mt | 02.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | RoboJob v2.34. 32 Bit Multithreaded PM Job Scheduler and Program Launcher. |
16967 | ROBOSAVE.ZIP | 99,6 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | RoboSave v3.04. A utility for saving the OS/2 desktop. |
16968 | SBR2-010.ZIP | 130,9 kt | 14.07.1997 | renamed | 2034/Amiga_Dream_50.iso | - | SysBar/2 utility set v0.10 (c) Dmitry I. Platonoff, 1995-1997. This release of SysBar/2, toolbar-style utility set for OS/2 PM, includes: Task Switcher - floating taskbar; Pipe Monitor - named pipe watcher; Clock - digital clock with calendar; CD player - pretty small but useful CD player. |
16969 | SCHED230.ZIP | 46265 | 31.12.1995 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | Schedule-IT! Version 2.30, OS/2 PM based Event Launcher. Schedule any OS/2, DOS or Windows programs for any time any and day(s). Can also launch programs in real time! Shareware $25. |
16970 | SDATE10.ZIP | 152,2 kt | 23.02.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "Stardate/2 1.0 (c) 1996 by Benjamin Stein Stardate/2 is the most useful program a mail can buy. It shows the current stardate in at least 10 formats. Stardate/2 comes with some gimmics and Andrew Mains famous Stardate FAQ. Simply enjoy this future-enabled software! Benjamin Stein - 26. 07. 1996 / Stardate: -31 7867.72" |
16971 | SERVCENT.ZIP | 713971 | 17.11.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Service Center 3.0. A freeware utility suite for OS/2. It contains a system information tool, a process killer, a front end for McAfee's OS2SCAN, a class/ini purger, a tool to create program objects, a button to backup and edit your config.sys and a scheduler to run programs automatically. |
16972 | SETVIEW.ZIP | 18,2 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | etView v0.02. This progam will change the default view of a folder object. |
17072 | SFRENAME.ZIP | 8838 | 12.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Sfrename renames and adjusts attributes of OS/2 files EA DATA. SF and WP ROOT. SF so that DOS backup and defragmenting utilities can be used. A second execution restores the original names and attributes. Freeware by WSS/DDC. |
16973 | SHACKOS2.ZIP | 101 kt | 02.07.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | Hacksaw v1.0c, InnoVal Systems Solutions, Inc. A very useful character mode (command- line-based) tool for people who deal with files on the Internet. This tool can retrieve files and headers from HTTP servers; send email to SMTP servers; check, retrieve, and delete email from POP3 servers; and has many very powerful functions for dealing with FTP servers. |
16974 | SHFTRN.ZIP | 20 kt | 24.06.1997 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | ShiftRun v1.3. A utility that enables a user to optionally start any OS/2 Full Screen or Windowed program within the same OS/2 session. One of the most useful ways you can use this utility is to put it in your CONFIG.SYS enabling you to start an OS/2 Full Screen Command Prompt before Presentation Manager loads. |
16975 | SHOWTIME.ZIP | 108,9 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | ShowTime/2, background changer/slide show viewer. Automatic cycling of background wallpaper or slide shows. Easy bitmap selection from diverse directories. Timer settings from 1 second to 24 hours in 1 second increments. Run background changes or slide shows in order or random. Set up and save as many shows as you like. Run shows automatically at startup. |
16977 | SI.ZIP | 12150 | 08.05.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | System Information tool |
16976 | SIMPFIX.ZIP | 100 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | - | - | A utility to extract disk images to a virtual disk. Needs SVD118.ZIP and LOADDSKF.EXE. |
16978 | SNDYS110.ZIP | 11117 | 22.10.1995 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | SendYes v1.1, closes text mode sessions |
16979 | SO4B2OS2.R00 | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 2/12. |
16980 | SO4B2OS2.R01 | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 3/12. |
16981 | SO4B2OS2.R02 | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 4/12. |
16982 | SO4B2OS2.R03 | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 5/12. |
16983 | SO4B2OS2.R04 | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 6/12. |
16984 | SO4B2OS2.R05 | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 7/12. |
16985 | SO4B2OS2.R06 | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 8/12. |
16986 | SO4B2OS2.R07 | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 9/12. |
16987 | SO4B2OS2.R08 | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 10/12. |
16988 | SO4B2OS2.R09 | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 11/12. |
16989 | SO4B2OS2.R10 | 2,3 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 12/12. |
16990 | SO4B2OS2.RAR | 2,8 Mt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Star Office 4.0 international beta 2, 1/12. |
16991 | SPELLALL.ZIP | 506600 | 22.07.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | SpellGuard v1.1 is an OS/2 as-you-type Spell Checker for PM programs,programs that run in an OS/2 Window and DOS programs in a DOS Window. 56K Dictionary.Provides interactive spell checking and closet match Shareware - $25. |
16992 | STPOS2.ZIP | 84441 | 01.05.1996 | - | 21539/06-File.zip | - | STPOS2 (Subdirectory Tree manager Plus) is a fullscreen/window OS/2 program for managing subdirectory trees. |
16993 | SVD118.ZIP | 128,8 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | "Super Virtual Disk driver V1.18 for OS/2 2.1+. SVDisk provides a swappable/lockable/removable virtual disk or virtual floppy using OS/2s advanced memory management facility. Virtual disk can be anything from 16KB to 16MBand virtual floppy supports 360KB to 2.88MB devicesincluding XDF device for managing XDF diskette images in OS/2 Warp Version 3. Virtual floppy device can be dynamically reconfigured. You can even create multiple" |
16994 | SWAPM200.ZIP | 232,3 kt | 20.04.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | (v2.00) SwapMonitor - A complete OS/2 monitor that will fit in a small window on your desktop. It is highly cutomizable. You can change font and color by drag & drop. You can display a clock, the disk occupation (free, percentage, total), the file system, the volume label, the number of process & threads, Kill processes, the elapsed time since last boot, and many more... |
68800 | SWAPMO14.ZIP | 200912 | 20.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | (v1.40) SwapMonitor - A complete OS/2 monitor that will fit in a small window on your desktop. It is highly cutomizable. You can change font and color by drag & drop. You can display a clock, the disk occupation (free, percentage, total), the file system, the volume label, the number of process & threads, the elapsed time since last boot, and many more... |
16995 | SWAPMON3.ZIP | 22,9 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | 21580/SysTools.zip | - | SwapMon v3.1 (c)Keith Jones. SwapMon will monitor your swapfile usage and keep this information across sessions. Using this usage figure will allow it to determine the best size for your swapfile. |
16996 | SYSINFPD.ZIP | 303899 | 22.07.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | The system information pad. An extension of the LaunchPad known in OS/2 Warp. |
16997 | SYSMON20.ZIP | 258598 | 05.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | SYSTEM MONITOR Version 2.0 Multithreaded program running as a status-bar reporting system performance and activity of your machine running OS/2. |
16998 | TASKER30.ZIP | 254128 | 22.10.1995 | - | - | - | Task Management System v3.0 WPS task scheduler |
68912 | TBOX3_04.ZIP | 127833 | 08.10.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Task Box v. 3.04 |
16999 | TBOX3-22.ZIP | 231,4 kt | 12.09.1997 | renamed | 21580/SysTools.zip | - | TaskBox v3.22. A box of running tasks/open windows. |
68928 | TCOS2100.ZIP | 544985 | 29.04.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Take Command for OS/2 1.0 |
17000 | TCOS2201.ZIP | 666,6 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | 21038/CT_SW9801.ISO | - | "Take Command for OS/2 2.01 - New! (February 1998) release of JP Softwares GUI command processor for OS/2. A true OS/2 Presentation Manager app. Offers command enhancementsover 50 new commandsdozens of powerful batch file featuresand many other unique command line tools. 4OS2 and 4DOS- compatibledozens of new PM-related features as well. Shareware$69.95 full registration. 02-02-98 release A." |
17001 | TCSH6072.ZIP | 288,8 kt | 24.06.1997 | - | 21555/22-gnu.zip | - | tcsh v6.07.02 for OS/2. C shell with file name completion and command line editing. An enhanced but completely compatible version of the Berkeley UNIX C shell, csh(1). |
17002 | TIME868F.ZIP | 105017 | 14.01.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | (v6) TIME868 - A PM time client/server This program will set your PC clock from a network time server and will also provide a time server. The program uses RFC 868 (time protocol). This program is free. See Register in the online Help. |
17003 | TINYALRM.ZIP | 25979 | 20.05.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Tiny Alarm 2.1 OS/2 PM alarm. Countdown, time and chime. Freeware. A simple alarm countdown with a slider from 1 to 60 minutes, an alarm by entering alarm time and a chime with user defined interval. When time is over, a window opens and you hear a sound; System Shutdown instead of alarm is also possible. Digital clock (time + date). English and German docu. Martin Vieregg 100661.626@COMPUSERVE.COM Keys: OS2 PM ALARM |
17004 | TOLOWER1.ZIP | 5,8 kt | 12.10.1997 | - | 21539/06-File.zip | - | ToLower v1.0. A small program to convert all files in the current directory to lower case. |
17005 | TRASHSQR.ZIP | 48879 | 09.01.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | OS/2 Warp mac-like trashcan freeware (v1.141...) simple de/installation via REXX scripts |
17006 | TRSHC252.ZIP | 819077 | 23.09.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | (v2.5.2) TrashCan - WPS trash can object. WPS extension for OS/2 Warp (or higher), SOM2 application, Macintosh-like trash can object, fully customizable to user needs, many features for trash management, languages: English, German, French, Japanese. Shareware (US$ 20.00). |
69421 | TRSHCN23.ZIP | 186275 | 20.05.1996 | - | 2836/Software of the Month Club 1996 April.iso | - | (v2.3) TrashCan - WPS trash can object - WPS extension for OS/2 Warp (or higher) - SOM2 application - macintosh-like trash can object - Fully customizable to user needs - Many features for trash management - Shareware (US$ 20.00) Kai Sommerfeld, ks1@irz.inf.tu-dresden.de |
17007 | TSKBR262.ZIP | 417060 | 22.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Taskbar for OS/2 v2.62 : Allows quick switching among multiple running apps. Current running apps are listed in a popup button bar that is activated by moving the mouse cursor to a user selectable edge of the screen. Also has a hotkey facility similar to the Windows Alt-Tab feature. NOTE: If you are upgrading from a previous version of Taskbar, do *NOT* unzip this archive into your existing Taskbar program directory. |
17008 | UKILL.ZIP | 63,7 kt | 19.05.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | KILL 1.00 by Viet-Tam Luu. A command-line process killer utility for OS/2 Warp (and possibly 2.1x). It includes support for Holger Veit\'s xf86sup.sys, which (when used in conjunction with OS/2 Warp FixPak 17 (or later?)) implements a "HARD KILL" method. |
17009 | UNIMAINT.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 09.10.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | tupla | "UniMaint 5.0 demonstration version. This demonstration version of UniMaint 5.0 features the main UniMaint display and will perform all non-destructive actions included in the full product. Thusfor exampleit will go through the dialogs and processes of uninstalling an applicationbut will not actually uninstall the application. Likewiseit will allow you toeditINI filesbut will not write the changes to the hard drive." |
69558 | UNIMAINT.ZIP | 1206322 | 08.10.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | tupla | UniMaint 5.0 demonstration version. This demonstration version of UniMaint 5.0 features the main UniMaint display and will perform all non-destructive actions included in the full product. Thus, for example, it will go through the dialogs and processes of uninstalling an application, but will not actually uninstall the application. Likewise, it will allow you to 'edit' INI files, but will not write the changes to the hard drive. |
17010 | UTLPAK.ZIP | 559678 | 24.03.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | Includes 7 utilities from Sheppard Software: DiskSpace (DSKSPC.ZIP) Calendar (CALNDR.ZIP), Calculator (CLCATR.ZIP), Bitmap Viewer (BMPVIW.ZIP),Compare (CMPARE.ZIP), FontView (FNTVIW.ZIP) and StringSearch (STRSCH.ZIP). All are written in VX-REXX 2.1; requires VROBJ.DLL which is included in UTLPAR.ZIP but not in UTLPAK.ZIP on Compuserve. If you obtain UTLPAK.ZIP from the Internet, it does contain VROBJ.DLL. Shareware. Online registration available through Compuserve: |
17011 | VCLSED10.ZIP | 99179 | 08.10.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | VClassed Version 1.0a. Allows you to simply and quickly register/deregister class and to create new objects from registered classes. |
17012 | VFAT-003.ZIP | 180,4 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | - | - | VFAT-OS2 v0.03b. |
17013 | VUSAGE10.ZIP | 13,6 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | - | - | VioUsage Version 1.0 is a freeware program that will display a list of active processes and the percentage of CPU time they are using. |
69888 | WALL210R.ZIP | 182325 | 24.11.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | The Wall changes background images and/or color at user-set intervals. This OS/2 application requires VROBJ.DLL, the runtime module from Watcom VX-REXX. |
17014 | WALL220R.ZIP | 208083 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | The Wall changes background images and/or color at user-set intervals. This OS/2 application requires VROBJ.DLL, the runtime module from Watcom VX-REXX. |
17015 | WARPBOOT.ZIP | 296,9 kt | 17.06.1997 | - | 21561/28-Fixes4x.zip | - | "WarpBoot v1.0 for OS/2 Warp. Patches Warps kernel so that it always displays driver names during the boot process. This feature can be turned on and off just by running the application. (This is the same as when you press ALT-F2 on bootup...)" |
17016 | WARPCA.ZIP | 306812 | 08.10.1996 | - | 21539/06-File.zip | - | Warp Cabinet v1.00. An OS/2 Warp file management utility that is easier to use than the Drives tool included with OS/2. Its interface is similar to the Windows 3.1 File Manager, but it can display multiple drives in a single window like the Windows 95 Explorer. |
17017 | WARPNGOR.ZIP | 244825 | 23.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Warp'n'Go v3.0, CONFIG.SYS notebook |
17018 | WBAR083.ZIP | 70,4 kt | 30.04.1998 | - | - | - | WarpBar 0.83 - A multithreaded system information utility that shows useful info on a bar such as Date/Time, available Virtual Memory, available Physical Memory, Swap size, system Up time, Pop mail, CPU usage and Disk Free Space. It offers customization through a settings notebook and some cool features. FreeWare by Alex Spanidis. |
17019 | WCALC182.ZIP | 173,2 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | - | - | WarpCalc v1.82. Contains two scientific calculators, one for the command line (CLI) and one for the OS/2 Presentation Manager (GUI). Both versions share the same core capabilities. In addition to common calculator features they allow the user to define his/her own symbols. |
17020 | WCAT21.ZIP | 660958 | 07.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | WatchCat v2.1: OS/2:n prosessimonitori. Pelastaa jumitilanteista. |
17021 | WCKEY.ZIP | 16,3 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | "WarpCenter HotKey. Enables a hotkey to open the menu with the OS/2 Warp logo on WarpCenters bar." |
17022 | WCRON198.ZIP | 65,7 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso | - | WarpCron 1.98 - smart, fast, full featured scheduler for OS/2 textmode. Postcardware (no money). |
17023 | WE025.ZIP | 145,1 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | Warp Enhancer Pre-Release 0.25. A free WPS utility that adds many of the features that every OS/2 user wants but IBM ignores. |
17024 | WHICH213.ZIP | 143,8 kt | 17.06.1997 | - | 21539/06-File.zip | - | "whichv2.1.3 for OS/2 and DOS." |
17025 | WINKEY02.ZIP | 47,8 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | This OS/2 Warp 3 and 4 base device driver remaps the infamous three additional Win**** keys found on many new keyboards to display the task list and to switch sessions. NEW version 2 includes Warp 4 level code and special driver for Warp 3 which simply ignores the keys. FREEWARE by Robert Muchsel. |
70079 | WINKEY10.ZIP | 17250 | 06.04.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | WinKey 1.00 for OS/2 Warp base device driver that remaps the infamous three additional Win95 keys found on many new keyboards to display the task list and to switch sessions. Works under all flavors of DOS, winos/2 and OS/2 sessions. FREEWARE. |
17026 | WINSTALL.ZIP | 8756 | 08.12.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Install WIN-OS/2 on WARP |
17027 | WKILL9.ZIP | 9,1 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | "Wkill9. An add-on DLL for WatchCat v2.1which gives you an interface to the enhanced kill of Holger Veits XFREE86 device driver xf86sup.sys." |
17028 | WKS21_1.ZIP | 1644027 | 30.06.1996 | - | - | - | IBM Works v2.1 [1/5]. This is a newer version of IBM Works than is included on the BonusPak CD. You need to use XDFCOPY.EXE (in your \OS2 directory - XDFCOPY wks21_1.dsk A:, XDFCOPY wks21_2.dsk A:, etc.) to make the diskettes from the five diskette images included in this archive, then run A:\INSTALL.EXE. |
17029 | WKS21_2.ZIP | 1688553 | 30.06.1996 | - | - | - | IBM Works v2.1 [2/5] |
17030 | WKS21_3.ZIP | 1884405 | 30.06.1996 | - | - | - | IBM Works v2.1 [3/5] |
17031 | WKS21_4.ZIP | 1814723 | 30.06.1996 | - | - | - | IBM Works v2.1 [4/5] |
17032 | WKS21_5.ZIP | 1837686 | 30.06.1996 | - | - | - | IBM Works v2.1 [5/5] |
17033 | WLDCK147.ZIP | 239804 | 13.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | World Clock V1.47 A multi-city time display clock for OS/2 V2.1 and Warp. |
17034 | WNOTE14.ZIP | 76,8 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | "WARPNOTE v1.4: Tired of those yellow sticky notes that wont stick on your monitor? Here come the sticky notes that remain where you put them: On your OS/2 desktop. WarpNote gives you easy access to little yellow win- dows where you can note down everything you want. The program is simple and easy to use and consumes as little memory as possible. Scripting & birthday-reminder included." |
17035 | WPCLS136.ZIP | 160133 | 23.10.1995 | - | 9340/So Much Shareware 6 (Power User Software)(1996).ISO | - | WPClsExt Shareware Version 1.36 OS/2 Warp WPS Replacement classes which add following functions to WPS. 1. Folder's details view will display info about free space, size of selected objects (files), etc. 2. Password protection for folders 3. "Style" page in settings notebook 4. "Change to" menu item in pop-up (pulldown) menu 5. "Size" menu item in pop-up (pulldown) menu 6. Selective select or deselct of objects in folders 7. |
17036 | WPSBK401.ZIP | 325079 | 22.08.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | WPSBackup v4.01: makes a backup of your Workplace Shell. Includes recovery and administration programs. |
17037 | WPSEC214.RAR | 917800 | 10.11.1996 | - | - | - | Workplace security v2.1.4 for OS/2 Password protect OS/2 desktop objects. |
17038 | WPSRESET.ZIP | 6350 | 22.08.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | Resets the OS/2 Workplace Shell |
17039 | WPTOOL19.ZIP | 238395 | 04.11.1996 | - | 21037/CT_SW_97.ISO | - | WPTools v1.9. A set of programs intended for the 'more experienced' Workplace shell users. With these programs one can (partially) backup and restore a customized workplace shell, remove obsolete workplace shell related information from the ini-files, repair some wps problems, etc. |
17040 | WRP2MRLN.ZIP | 411298 | 12.12.1996 | - | os2sharewarebbs.zip | - | Wrp2Mrln 1.0 OS/2 Based Text Patch Replaces Icons, Pointers, Folders, Control Buttons and Add the WarpSans Font from Merlin to OS/2 Warp DLL's Freeware, Include Sources. |
70283 | XDEL103.ZIP | 29146 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | tupla | Enhanced DEL command for OS/2 |
17041 | XDEL106.ZIP | 70,8 kt | 12.10.1997 | - | 2035/Amiga_Dream_51.iso | - | XDEL, an enhanced DEL command for OS/2 v1.06. |
17042 | XFILE12.ZIP | 89,2 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | 11654/bbs.bajer.cz.zip | - | Xfile v1.2 OS/2 utility replaces the default open file dialog with larger one, drive buttons, history, much more |
70289 | XIT23.ZIP | 575260 | 24.11.1996 | koko² | ratsnest1.iso | tupla | Xit v2.3 OS/2 PM 1 button zapper. Add user defined titlebar buttons left or right side. Over 30 predefined actions. |
17043 | XIT25.ZIP | 731,4 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | 11654/bbs.bajer.cz.zip | - | Xit v2.5 OS/2 PM 1 button zapper. Add user defined titlebar buttons left or right side. Over 30 predefined actions. |
17044 | XLISTOS2.ZIP | 212,2 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | 21539/06-File.zip | - | Xlist V2.71g DISK & ARCHIVE MANAGER! Provides a integrated platform for file and directory management. Many features including directory tree, user-programmed function keys, fonts, mouse support, intl. date aware, file locate and OS/2 support for HPFS. View ARC, ZIP, ZOO & LZH archive files directory structures. Will emulate DOS directory structures for ZIP and LZH archives with embedded pathnames. |
17045 | XRAY10.ZIP | 56877 | 14.01.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | Xray v1.0 OS/2 PM window peeker. Programmers utility to display window info of window under mouse pointer. |
70394 | YAOS16.ZIP | 116929 | 17.11.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Yet Another OS/2 Shell v1.6 |
17046 | YAOS181.ZIP | 133,3 kt | 29.05.1997 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | Yet Another OS/2 Shell v1.8.1. |
70515 | ZTB170.ZIP | 205382 | 16.09.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | ZTreeBold v1.70: OS/2 32bit text-mode clone of XTreeGold. With full archiving support, and handling of EAs and HPFS. |
17047 | ZTB175.ZIP | 216,5 kt | 20.04.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | ZTreeBold v1.75: OS/2 32bit text-mode clone of XTreeGold. With full archiving support, and handling of EAs and HPFS.nd restore a customized workplace shell, remove obsolete workplace shell related information from the ini-files, repair some wps problems, etc. |
5969 | ACRO100A.ZIP | 216984 | 08.03.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | AcroBat/2 BBS 1.00 Full MultiNode Release BBS For OS/2. No Beta! Includes features: Splitchatter, Multiline Splitchatter (chat (chat with 4 at the same time), and more. |
17078 | ADF111.ZIP | 2,5 Mt | 03.08.1997 | - | 21504/SPEZIAL2_97.zip | tupla | AdeptXBBS Version 1.11 (VAC) Full. The 32-bit, Multi-Threaded, NNTP, SMTP, POP3, Telnet, Sockets, Integrated Mailer, REXX, Utils, multiple language, localized date/time display and a lot more! Very customizable for almost any BBSing needs. GUI (PM) BBS for OS/2. FREEWare/2. 24 Node Version, Just create a directory \\Adept and unpack the files in this archive into the \\Adept dir. E-Mail bugs to: nitin@poboxes.com |
60470 | ADPT107F.ZIP | 1863007 | 30.05.1996 | - | 21535/02-BBS.zip | tupla | AdeptXBBS v1.07f !Freeware! AdeptXBBS 32-bit OS/2 multi-user, multi-threaded, multi-line, PM BBS for OS/2 v2.x, and Warp. AdeptXBBS requires HPFS, and will not install on a FAT based drive. AdeptXBBS includes and full BBS, a Fidonet Capable Mailer, and Fidonet message base utilities. This is BOTH a Upgrade and a FULL INSTALL. |
17079 | AF2_111.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 31.03.1997 | - | 21535/02-BBS.zip | tupla | ALLFIX/2 for OS/2 Warp, v1.11 ALLFIX is the most complete FileEcho utility available. No other program offers the large number of features that are part of the ALLFIX package. Features: * Full support for more than 22 BBS different BBS programs! * Fully functional request processor. * Full support for Zones, and 4D points. * Support for domains (5D addressing). * Ability to disable sending a TIC file. * Ability to put all of the TIC files with or without the |
17080 | AFINSTW.ZIP | 12,5 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 20189/2015-02-12.fidonet.org.ua.tar | tupla | Icon Install Program for ALLFIXWC v1.21 AFINST! Creates an OS/2 Work Place Shell Folder for those running ALLFIX! for WildCat! under OS/2 and Attaches Icons to ALLFIX.EXE, ASETUP.EXE, HATCH.EXE, FCOMP.EXE, FIXUTIL.EXE UPDATE.EXE, BAKE.EXE, COOKIE.TXT and WHATSNEW.DOC. |
17081 | BBBSR2.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 28.01.2000 | - | archives.thebbs.org | tupla | BBBS v4.00 MP for OS2/Intel.Complete BBS package with WWW/InterNet/modem/ISDN/LAN based access modes. Everything you need to run a BBS! InterNet, telnet, WWW, FTP, POP3, HTTP, news, email, FidoNet, mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, gateway, full screen editor, offline, Mg, multilingual, CD-ROM, VT320, ANSI, voice, multitask, charsets, accounts, Zmodem, HYDRA, multinode, Kermit, BZLink, FAX, IRC, and more This packet: OS2/Intel, with RSA. http://www.bbbs.net |
5974 | BOS2_260.ZIP | 259014 | 13.06.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Once again, the documentation for this latest release of BinkleyTerm is being issued as an addendum to the previous docs. Information contained herein should be considered as superseding any previous documentation. The new documentation should be out in April 1996. Thanks to Barrie Smith and Bob Davis for all the work they have done. |
5975 | BW311MX2.ZIP | 385207 | 02.01.1996 | - | 21535/02-BBS.zip | - | The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/Maximus-OS/2 Version 3.11 of the world's most popular and easy to use offline mail door! Features include internal protocols, flexible message packing options, SysOp-controlled limits and restrictions, NEWFILES list generator, Fido to Internet E-mail gateway capabilities, full integration with BBS security features, more. Installs easily in minutes! (Maximus/2 v2.00 or later required.) |
5976 | CBK_612P.ZIP | 153670 | 02.01.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | CallBack/2 v6.12 FREEWare OS/2 User Verification system for MAXimus 3.00. Supports Ansi and RIP Graphics with Samples. Mecca file and MEX Read Mail file included. Optionally maintains Questionnaire files. Optional process status Messages in both *.MSG and SQUISH Formats for the user. Included CBKDAT auto Maintaince program. |
17085 | CONO005C.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 19.05.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | Concord BBS software vO.O1 Gamma-5 OS/2. |
5978 | FAL2_105.ZIP | 44273 | 22.06.1996 | - | 21535/02-BBS.zip | - | FailMail/2 - the fine netmail processor, router and tracker, very nice function for routing netmail for some user to some disk folder, routing netmails to BBS users and tracking mails to other sysops. If you want make points to users on your LAN, you NEED it. From TurboSoft's software house! (c) 1995, Zbynêk Pospíchal Version 1.05 for OS/2. Full 32bit OS/2 application! Support for HPFS long filenames! With new features and more reliable! |
17087 | FD2MAX2.ZIP | 16,4 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | FD2MAX2 version 1.00 - a small program that acts as a bridge between a DOS mailer and an OS/2 BBS program. It was written with Frontdoor and Maximus/2 in mind, but may work with other combinations. Emailware |
5980 | FD52OS2.ZIP | 165906 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | FILEDUDE 5.2 (OS/2) - Great RG file manager! Imports all CD-ROM formats, DIZ, and SDI. Makes filelists, converts archives, virus scans. Pulldown menu system, and very easy to install. Professional. Shareware $10. |
5981 | FDUPE007.ZIP | 49564 | 30.06.1996 | - | - | - | Find Dupe 0.07b Duplicate finder, compatible with Maximus |
5982 | FLEET113.ZIP | 969275 | 03.01.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | FleetStreet 1.13 for OS/2 2.x/3.x PM is a flexible and powerful FTN message reader for Squish, *.MSG & JAM areas, multithreaded, 32 bit, CUA'91, Rexx, drag'n'drop, highly configurable, supports Squish, Fastecho, IMail, GEcho, LoraBBS, FMAIL, english, german, swedish and italian version. |
5983 | FMS1110.ZIP | 114522 | 30.06.1996 | - | 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso | - | File Management System/2 V1.110 for OS/2 |
5984 | FULLPACK.ZIP | 242367 | 12.04.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | Revision 1.00. Want to set up your BBS under OS/2 but not sure where to begin? FULLPACK.ZIP contains everything you'll need from start to finish to get your DOS-Based BBS up and running under OS/2 with minimal downtime. FULLPACK includes sample batch files, various bug fixes, the newest SIO drivers, and anything else you'll need to get you on your way! Revised 12/22/94. |
5985 | IRCDOR10.ZIP | 62825 | 13.06.1996 | - | 1974/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 11.iso | - | IRCDOOR/2 v1.0 - 32-bit IRC BBS door for OS/2. Provides Internet Relay Chat access from your BBS. Featuring: ANSI and multi-node support, fast and small 32-bit code, flexible configuration, specific commands, online help, can be used as a normal IRC client in "local" mode, extensive support for Maximus, more... Requires IBM TCP/IP and OS/2. |
5986 | MAX300P.ZIP | 834566 | 08.09.1995 | - | 21535/02-BBS.zip | - | Maximus 3.0 - OS/2 executables. A flexible BBS package incorporating RIP support, an advanced extension language, hierarchical message and file areas, a message tracking system for handling technical support, and more. |
17095 | MD102E2.ZIP | 552,1 kt | 05.04.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | "MainDoor 1.02 OS/2 version. Bugfix from 1.00 or 1.01. Complete package. Powerful dynamic mailer.Made in SpainIncludes: ZChat (You can chat while getting your mail!)autoinstallmultiline supportwindowed setupsecurity systemsmodem managerfile requestinbound and outboundhistoric viewersworks without fossil or nodelistsupports DOS and OS/2 BBSsfile request processor supportopen hours nodelist flag supportincludes a terminal emulator." |
5988 | MD2_10B2.ZIP | 452398 | 31.12.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | MainDoor 1.00 (pre-release) Powerful native 32-bit mailer. Autoinstall, menu driven setup, no need for fossil or nodelist. Support for 20 AKAs, file request processor, CHAT during file transfer. Support for On-line time nodelist flag. |
17097 | MPM1_28.ZIP | 305135 | 22.10.1995 | - | 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | - | Maxfile/Pm V1.28 - A files.bbs Manager For Presentation Manager Under OS/2. Drag And Drop, File id.Diz Import, Archiver And Viewer Functions, And Much Much More! |
17098 | OX2V300.ZIP | 642601 | 13.11.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | Iron Ox 3.00 for OS/2 -- A New Universe! Ox is the first door of any kind to include full EGA/VGA RIP graphics, real-time multinode play, and interBBS league support. Enjoy beautiful RIP art, land developments like forts and refineries, programmable drones that fight and work the land in real time, and much more -- all in a full, 32-bit, multithreaded OS/2 program that works |
17100 | PCB_WARP.ZIP | 40962 | 18.03.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | Run a multi-node PCBoard (V 15.x) under OS/2 WARP. I have Included my config.sys file, as well as a text file I wrote along with some other helpful tips. |
17099 | PCB2-PZM.ZIP | 89507 | 09.08.1996 | - | - | - | P - The powerful OS/2 32bit Zmodem protocol. Includes PCBoard batches, for PCBoard/2. |
17101 | PS2_202E.EXE | 369180 | 08.10.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Palmscan/2 v2.02 - The ultimate archive conversion utility |
17102 | THD212_1.ZIP | 442327 | 23.02.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | THD ProScan v12.1 [OS/2]. The OS/2 native version of the popular Archive/File Processor. New features include the ability to decompress compressed executable files using UNP v4.11 as well as the ability to add external (and internal) archive definitions and external scanner definitions. Includes THDTERM for processing entire directories and THDPLUS for BBS updates. Fixes imbedded archive naming problem. |
17103 | TIM110P.ZIP | 363705 | 26.12.1995 | - | 21535/02-BBS.zip | - | TimEd 1.10; Fast msg editor supporting Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With internal editor. OS/2 version. |
17104 | ULP2_213.ZIP | 184705 | 08.03.1996 | - | 814/Monster Media No. 14 (April 1996) (Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | - | UpLoadProcessor/2 for OS/2 v2.13. Now the premier upload processing system is available in a multi-threaded 32-bit native OS/2 version! *** NOTE: This archive is not a complete package; it contains the OS/2 files only. The general release archive ULP_213.ZIP must also be downloaded for the complete package!!! To install, simply copy these files to your DOS ULP 2.x subdirectory. |
17105 | VBO_300A.ZIP | 579253 | 04.11.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | VBoard is a new advanced Bulletin Board System for OS/2 and DOS. This version is for OS/2. v3.00/Rev A. Native 32bit multithreaded OS/2 application! Built in msg editor with ANSI/VT100 support. Internal QWK, OMEN and BlueWave offlines. VBasic! QBasic like programming language. Lots of user configurable settings & colors. Built in easy-to-use user editor. 32 highly configurable user groups. Long file descriptions, file_id.diz support. Message |
17106 | XYZ2-101.ZIP | 51146 | 06.06.1996 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | A FreeWare X, Y, and Zmodem protocol driver from the author of The Blue Wave Offline Mail System. CEXYZ/2 is a 32 bit OS/2 text mode application. Protocols include Zmodem, 8K Zmodem (ZedZap), Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Ymodem-1K, Xmodem CRC and Xmodem-Checksum. Includes sample files for installation into Maximus BBS's. Can be installed into ANY BBS or terminal program that is able to utilize external protocols. Fully windowed/graphical interface. |
17107 | 30APR1.ZIP | 263577 | 07.06.1995 | - | 21353/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_March_1996.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 APAR List Contains problems tracked by IBM |
17108 | BUY_OS2.ZIP | 20291 | 04.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | Should I Buy OS/2 Warp FAQ |
17109 | CAOSW108.ZIP | 126152 | 08.02.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | CAOS Warp Help v1.08 Canada, Alberta OS/2 Groupin tekemä INF-tiedosto OS/2 Warpista. |
17110 | CON0197.ZIP | 620557 | 31.12.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for January 1997 in INF format suitable for use with the standard OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). Simply type: VIEW CON0197.INF See included README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and addresses (including Internet and BBS') of key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along with news and a calendar of events. |
17111 | CON0297.ZIP | 594,9 kt | 28.01.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for February 1997 in INF format suitable for use with the standard OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). Simply type: VIEW CON0297.INF See included README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and addresses (including Internet and BBS\') of key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along with news and a calendar of events. |
17112 | CON0595.ZIP | 641869 | 15.10.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | OS/2 CONNECT newsletter, May 1995 INF format |
17113 | CON0596.ZIP | 680740 | 18.04.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for May 1996 in INF format suitable for use with the standard OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). Simply type: VIEW CON0596.INF See included README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and addresses (including Internet and BBS') of key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along with news and a calendar of events. |
17114 | CON0695.ZIP | 571684 | 29.05.1995 | väärä koko | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for June 1995 in INF format suitable for use with the standard OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). Simply type: VIEW CON0695.INF See included README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and addresses (including Internet and BBS') of key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along with news and a calendar of events. |
17115 | CON0796.ZIP | 566493 | 30.06.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for July 1996 in INF format suitable for use with the standard OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). Simply type: VIEW CON0796.INF See included README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and addresses (including Internet and BBS') of key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along with news and a calendar of events. |
17116 | CON0797.ZIP | 650,5 kt | 24.06.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | "OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for July 1997 in HTML format suitable for use with standard web browsers (e.g.the Netscape NavigatorWebExploreretc.) See included 1README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the namesnumbersand addresses (including Internet and BBS) of key OS/2 contacts in the industryalong with news and a calendar of events." |
17117 | CON1096.ZIP | 468746 | 08.10.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 CONNECT newsletter, Oct 1996 INF format. |
17118 | CON1296.ZIP | 432131 | 24.11.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for December 1996 in INF format suitable for use with the standard OS/2 "View" utility (VIEW.EXE). Simply type: VIEW CON1296.INF See included README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the names, numbers, and addresses (including Internet and BBS') of key OS/2 contacts in the industry, along with news and a calendar of events. |
17119 | CONNTIPS.ZIP | 38795 | 22.10.1995 | - | 21568/36-Tips.zip | - | OS/2 Warp Connect Tips and Tricks |
17120 | EWSCAT.ZIP | 26789 | 25.04.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | IBM Employee Written Software Catalog |
17053 | FAQ21E.ZIP | 242806 | 07.12.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | OS/2 Frequently Asked Questions List Version 2.1e |
17121 | FAQ3.ZIP | 310747 | 07.06.1996 | versio 3 | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | OS/2 Warp FAQ |
17122 | GAMES21J.ZIP | 25473 | 22.10.1995 | - | Gamers Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | games21j - OS/2 Dos Games Settings List This list collects together into one place peoples successes/failures at running their Dos/Windows games under OS/2. It also provides recommended settings for many games. |
17123 | GBU109.ZIP | 84132 | 22.10.1995 | - | Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO | - | Good, Bad, & Ugly hardware FAQ V1.09 Hardware that has been tested against OS/2. Some works, some doesn't. |
17124 | GG2-0395.ZIP | 1270925 | 28.05.1995 | - | - | - | THE OS/2 GAMER'S GUIDE - March 1995 Edition |
17125 | GRAVIS.ZIP | 38658 | 05.09.1995 | - | 20199/2015-02-07.ftp.sten.lv.tar | - | File listing of the Advanced Gravis BBS. (has latest OS/2 drivers for GUS) |
17126 | IBMWW.ZIP | 52580 | 22.10.1995 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | IBM's Worldwide Electronic Resource Guide |
17127 | INFTXT.ZIP | 75947 | 04.02.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | A collection of files for problem determination in OS/2 2.0 |
17128 | MERLPICS.ZIP | 355123 | 03.05.1996 | - | - | - | Ensimmäiset viralliset kuvat Merlinistä! Tämä paketti sisältää kolme kuvaa uuden OS/2 Warpin, työnimeltä Merlin, käyttö- liittymästä. (Toukokuu 1996) |
17129 | NS-IBM.ZIP | 13106 | 29.09.1996 | - | - | - | Netscape and IBM to announce partnership Transcript of teleconference August 28, 1996 question and answer session. |
17130 | OBJDPRO.ZIP | 1062126 | 18.10.1996 | - | - | - | Esittelykuvia ja -tekstiä Object Desktop Professionalista. |
17131 | OD15FAQ.ZIP | 387741 | 11.07.1996 | - | 21547/14-Text.zip | - | Object Desktop v 1.5 FAQ. Usein kysyttyjjä kysymyksiä ja vastauksia Object Desktopista. Sisältää kuvaruutukaappauksia. |
17062 | OS2_COM.ZIP | 52813 | 12.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | OS/2 2.x and Serial Communications - .INF format. Use the OS/2 View facility to read |
17063 | OS2_MOU.ZIP | 57471 | 12.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | OS/2 2.x Pointing Devices, Hints and Tips .INF format. Use the OS/2 View facility to read |
17139 | OS2_W95.ZIP | 3284 | 14.03.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | IBM reply to mis-leading comparisons of OS/2 v3 "WARP" and WINDOWS95. |
17132 | OS2BIBLE.ZIP | 36022 | 14.07.1996 | - | 23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip | - | OS/2 Bible (Matrox MGA related information). |
17133 | OS2DEMO.ZIP | 1357971 | 08.05.1995 | - | 21821/Pegasus_Win_OS2.iso | - | OS2 Warp demo. |
17134 | OS2FL.ZIP | 17129 | 04.02.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Chart of descriptions of OS/2 files |
17135 | OS2LOOKS.ZIP | 87622 | 22.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Making OS/2 look like Heaven! by Terry Lin (terry@io.org) ------------------------------ A whole set of tips,tricks, and pointers on how to make your OS/2 system look great. |
17136 | OS2TOUR2.ZIP | 3,7 Mt | 17.06.1997 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | "OS/2 Warp 4 Descriptive SlideshowDesktop Tour. Shows the OS/2 Warp 4 Desktopand some of its features and applications. Done in HTML format using DOS compatible filenames. (load index.htm in a Web browser). Maybe your Windows system isnt as good as you thought? Take a look! ITS FREE! Object OrientedVoiceTypeWordProJavaMultimediaInternetStarOfficemmmm.." |
17137 | OS2TRAPS.TXT | 1385 | 26.09.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Likely causes for the mysterious Trap messages in OS/2 |
17138 | OS2VSWIN.ZIP | 12656 | 14.03.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | OS/2 WARP VERSUS WINDOWS 95 - A MUST READ for anyone trying to decide whether to install OS/2 WARP or wait for Windows 95. |
17140 | PCMINF.ZIP | 100887 | 25.04.1995 | - | 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO | - | INF: Information on OS/2 supported hardware |
17069 | PPI_OS2.ZIP | 3843 | 12.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Using the Practical Peripherals 14400FXSA V.32bis modem with IBM OS/2 2.0 (text file) |
17141 | README.CSF | 49213 | 07.03.1995 | - | 21562/29-Fixes_o.zip | - | Tekstitiedosto: Corrective Service Facility (CSF) eli OS/2:n korjauslevykkeet. Ohjeita ja selvityksiä. |
17142 | SWWARP.TXT | 5443 | 05.09.1995 | - | - | - | Orchid technology SoundWave32 Series Installation With OS/2 Warp v.3.0 |
17143 | TEAMFAQ.ZIP | 17456 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | Team OS/2 FAQ. HTML format. |
17144 | TRAPINF.ZIP | 28552 | 26.09.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Information on OS/2's trap messages |
17145 | TRICKS6.ZIP | 368215 | 22.10.1995 | - | 21568/36-Tips.zip | - | Stupid OS/2 Tricks, release #6 September 1995 |
17146 | WARPDEMO.ZIP | 1368802 | 08.05.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | OS/2 Warp 3 demo disk |
17075 | WARPINFO.ZIP | 383723 | 07.12.1994 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | Screenshots (GIF format) of OS/2 Warp v3.0! Press releases (ASCII text) on OS/2 Warp v3.0! Obtained from IBM World Wide Web (www.ibm.com). Read WARP-GIF.TXT in ZIP for more info! |
17147 | WARPTIPS.ZIP | 18895 | 22.03.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Tuning tips for OS/2 Warp |
17148 | WOL0796.ZIP | 419022 | 22.07.1996 | - | - | - | WarpOnline, July 1996. Internetissä julkaistava sähköinen Warp-aiheinen julkaisu. Tässä numerossa mm. tarkempaa ominaisuuksien tarkastelua Merlinista. Luettava esim. WebExplorerilla. |
17076 | WRPIN112.ZIP | 24275 | 28.12.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Installation Notes, v1.12 |
17149 | ZPMAG1.ZIP | 938522 | 11.07.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | ZipMag n. 1 Toukokuu 1996. Sähköinen julkaisu. Sisältää artikkeleita, ikoneita ym. OS/2:lle |
64226 | FNTF21.ZIP | 389838 | 17.05.1996 | - | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip | tupla | (v2.1) FontFolder - OS/2 ATM Font Manager Organize ATM fonts without having to install them in OS/2. Install and remove fonts from OS/2 with simple point and click operations. Use fonts directly from a CDROM. FontPacks can be installed and removed as a unit. Browse uninstalled fonts. Print font samples. V2.1 adds Move Font Files Utility, Tear-Off font samples. Shareware. Cliff Cullum, ccullum@ibm.net |
17150 | FNTF30A.ZIP | 553,1 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | (v3.0A) FontFolder - OS/2 Font Manager Organize ATM, T-T fonts without having to install them in OS/2. Point and click font install and uninstall. Use fonts directly from a CDROM. FontPacks can be installed and removed as a unit. Browse uninstalled fonts. Print font samples. V3.0 adds TrueType support, drag and drop font operations. V3.0A is maintenance release. Shareware. Cliff Cullum, ccullum@ibm.net |
64227 | FNTFBETA.ZIP | 548275 | 04.01.1997 | - | 21544/11-Util.zip | - | FontFolder 3.0 beta. |
64611 | GS351OS2.ZIP | 436711 | 22.10.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | Aladdin Ghostscript 3.51 OS/2 binaries |
17151 | GS403OS2.ZIP | 571,6 kt | 23.02.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Ghostscript 4.03 for OS/2, binaries only |
17152 | PRETI01A.ZIP | 781,8 kt | 26.02.1999 | - | - | - | PRETIKE v1.0 tarratulostusohjelma Os/2 Warpille. Tama ohjelma on tarkoitettu auttamaan erilaisten lomakkeiden taytossa, joita on vaikeaa tayttaa tekstinkasittely ohjelmilla, talla hetkella tama ohjelma sisaltaa 8:n erilaista lomaketta: Ohjelma on Sharewarea. Rekisterointi maksaa 70mk:a. Kokeile! (osa 1/2, toinen osa on: PRETI01B.ZIP) |
17153 | PRETI01B.ZIP | 943,2 kt | 26.02.1999 | - | - | - | PRETIKE v1.0 tarratulostusohjelma Os/2 Warpille (osa 2/2) |
17154 | ADVW014.ZIP | 313,9 kt | 17.06.1998 | - | - | tupla | Advanced Web Writer Beta v0.14 (no relation to similar named program) an HTML editor - option to assign tags to 432 keys and choose tags from definitions files. With Undo bug workaround, and tools pad. |
8452 | ANIMPG14.ZIP | 53960 | 04.12.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | AnimPage v1.4 - Create a Web-page for your WebExplorer animations. Displays an icon, title, author and number of frames for each animation. Just click on the icon to load the animation into WebExplorer. Free! Rexx cmd file. |
17156 | AWE0145.ZIP | 317,5 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | - | tupla | Advanced Web Writer for OS/2 v0.145. |
17157 | BNEWS094.ZIP | 114,9 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso | tupla | Binary News Gatherer v0.94a for OS/2 Warp. Downloads selected articles from binary newsgroups via NNTP. Vio text mode, fast and small. Freeware. |
17158 | BNR125.ZIP | 301,6 kt | 17.06.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | tupla | Binary Newsreader (BNR) v1.25. The Binary Newsreader (BNR) is designed for easy downloading and decoding single- and multipart binary files which are UUE- or BASE-64 (Mime format) encoded from Internet newsgroups. |
8456 | CHANGI09.ZIP | 392176 | 12.12.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Changi v0.9 - NNTP server for OS/2. Offers you to read/write USENET news offline using with favourite NNTP newsreader. Compatible with UUPC/Ex. Requires TCP/IP 1.x, 2.x or WARP IAK. Free cardware, source not included. This is a bugfix version. |
17160 | COMM404.EXE | 7,1 Mt | 01.10.1998 | - | MBCD | tupla | Netscape Communicator 4.04 for OS/2. |
17161 | CON0897.ZIP | 671,4 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | tupla | "OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for August 1997 in HTML format suitable for use with standard web browsers (e.g.the Netscape NavigatorWebExploreretc.) See included 1README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the namesnumbersand addresses (including Internet and BBS) of key OS/2 contacts in the industryalong with news and a calendar of events." |
17162 | CON0997.ZIP | 628,7 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | tupla | "OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for September 97 in HTML format suitable for use with standard web browsers (e.g.the Netscape NavigatorWebExploreretc.) See included 1README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the namesnumbersand addresses (including Internet and BBS) of key OS/2 contacts in the industryalong with news and a calendar of events." |
17163 | CON1097.ZIP | 494,6 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | tupla | "OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for October 97 in HTML format suitable for use with standard web browsers (e.g.the Netscape NavigatorWebExploreretc.) See included 1README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the namesnumbersand addresses (including Internet and BBS) of key OS/2 contacts in the industryalong with news and a calendar of events." |
17164 | CON1197.ZIP | 481,6 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | tupla | "OS/2 CONNECT Newsletter for November 97 in HTML format suitable for use with standard web browsers (e.g.the Netscape NavigatorWebExploreretc.) See included 1README.TXT file for description and installation instructions. Newsletter includes the namesnumbersand addresses (including Internet and BBS) of key OS/2 contacts in the industryalong with news and a calendar of events." |
8462 | CONNEX14.ZIP | 218369 | 12.12.1996 | - | 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso | - | Connexion Collection v1.4. Anyone who surfs the Web on the Internet soon has hundreds of "favorite" sites in their "hotlist." Connexion Collection can help you deal with this. Helps you organize these sites into categories and sub-categories that are defined by you. It creates a single web page, full of organized links, which you can use as your home page. Even if you use more than one browser, they can use this single page. You can create categories, create connection |
17166 | DUMPIT11.ZIP | 123,5 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | (V1.10) DUMPIT FOR OS/2 This is a NNTP compatible, binary retreival p for OS/2. DUMPIT runs in PM mode allowing a binary retreival of various files from multip newsgroups and news servers. Selectable file downloadable include JPEG, GIF, ZIP, MPG, and others. Once downloaded, DUMPIT decodes the using several techniques including UUdecode a SHAREWARE US$25 registration fee. |
17167 | ENS46E.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 19.11.1997 | - | 14479/cd24-www.iso | tupla | EmTec Network Suite v4.6e. This package includes full featured applications to read USENET news, FTP, and Gopher. |
8465 | EZ1-1HTM.ZIP | 224508 | 28.03.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine November, 1995Volume 1 Number 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTML format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
8466 | EZ1-2HTM.ZIP | 360303 | 28.03.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine December 31, 1995Volume 1 Number 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ASCII format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
8467 | EZ1-3HTM.ZIP | 482353 | 28.03.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine December 31, 1995Volume 1 Number 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTML format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
8468 | EZ1-4HTM.ZIP | 389691 | 28.03.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine February 1996Volume 1 Number 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTML format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
8469 | EZ1-5HTM.ZIP | 453682 | 28.03.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine March 1996Volume 1 Number 5 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTML format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
8470 | EZ1-6HTM.ZIP | 500660 | 08.10.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine April 1996Volume 1 Number 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTML format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
17179 | EZ1-7HTM.ZIP | 740874 | 08.10.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine May 1996Volume 1 Number 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTML format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
17180 | EZ1-8HTM.ZIP | 504878 | 08.10.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine June 1996Volume 1 Number 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTML format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
17181 | EZ1-9HTM.ZIP | 670626 | 26.07.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine July 1996Volume 1 Number 9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTML format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
17168 | EZ110HTM.ZIP | 382581 | 09.08.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine August 1996Volume 1 Number 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTML format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
17169 | EZ111HTM.ZIP | 670683 | 16.09.1996 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine September 1996Volume 1 Number 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - HTML format - includes graphics - in English - contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information |
17170 | EZ112HTM.ZIP | 531827 | 28.10.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine. October 1996. Volume 1 Number 12. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17171 | EZ113HTM.ZIP | 382835 | 10.11.1996 | - | os2sharewarebbs.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine. November 1996. Volume 1 Number 13. HTML format, includes graphics, in English contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17172 | EZ114HTM.ZIP | 663596 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine December 1996. Volume 1 Number 14 HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17182 | EZ2-1HTM.ZIP | 542 kt | 04.02.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine, January 1997. Volume 2, Number 1, HTML format includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17183 | EZ2-2HTM.ZIP | 499,5 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine February 1997. Volume 2, Number 2. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17184 | EZ2-3HTM.ZIP | 580,6 kt | 01.04.1997 | - | 21564/32-Periodic.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine March 1997. Volume 2, Number 3. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17185 | EZ2-4HTM.ZIP | 659,4 kt | 20.04.1997 | - | - | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine. April 1997. Volume 2, Number 4. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17186 | EZ2-5HTM.ZIP | 551,6 kt | 25.05.1997 | - | - | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine. May 1997. Volume 2, Number 5. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17187 | EZ2-6HTM.ZIP | 743,8 kt | 19.06.1997 | - | - | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine, June 1997. Volume 2, Number 6. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17188 | EZIRC12O.ZIP | 132,5 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | EZirc v1.2o, a free,simple and fully functional PM IRC client for OS/2. Featuring: Easy to use PM interface, Font and color support, Manage multiple channels and private conversations, CTCP command support, DCC file send/receive, and DCC chat, Flood detection for CTCP messages, built in identd, Script and Alias support, Logging. |
17189 | EZN2-07H.ZIP | 879,5 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | - | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine, July 1997. Volume 2, Number 7. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17190 | EZN2-08H.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 31.08.1997 | - | - | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine. August 1997. Volume 2, Number 8. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17191 | EZN2-09H.ZIP | 546,1 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | - | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine. September 1997. Volume 2, Number 9. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17192 | EZN2-10H.ZIP | 379,1 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | - | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine, October 1997. Volume 2, Number 10. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17193 | EZN2-11H.ZIP | 600,4 kt | 15.12.1997 | - | - | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine. November 1997. Volume 2, Number 11. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17194 | EZN2-12H.ZIP | 608,1 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 e-Zine!. THE on-line OS/2 magazine, December 1997. Volume 2, Number 12. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17195 | EZN3-01H.ZIP | 737,1 kt | 28.01.1998 | - | 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine, ISSN 1203-5696, January 1998. Volume 3, Number 1. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17196 | EZN3-02H.ZIP | 685,7 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine, ISSN 1203-5696. February 1998, Volume 3, Number 2. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17197 | EZN3-03H.ZIP | 472,3 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine, ISSN 1203-5696. March 1998, Volume 3, Number 3. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17198 | EZN3-04H.ZIP | 851,5 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine, ISSN 1203-5696. April 1998, Volume 3, Number 4. HTML format, includes graphics, in English contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17199 | EZN3-05H.ZIP | 332,7 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip | - | OS/2 e-Zine! THE on-line OS/2 magazine, ISSN 1203-5696. May 2, 1998,Volume 3, Number 5. HTML format, includes graphics, in English contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
17200 | FNGPNG10.ZIP | 128620 | 04.11.1996 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | (v1.0) FingPing - OS/2 PM finger & ping. OS/2 PM program that will allow you to store a list of frequently fingered and pinged addresses and display the output in a scrollable window. The address list can be saved, sorted, and arranged and the program's size, position, and font may also be saved. Freeware by Greg Kondrasuk (kondrasu@xti.com). |
64324 | FTPBR143.ZIP | 406821 | 25.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | FTP Browser v1.43, feature rich TCP/IP FTP client for OS/2 Warp. Quick, compact and easy to use. It makes browsing directories as fast as point and click & transferring files as simple as drag and drop. Requires OS/2 Warp 3 or 4, Presentation Manager and TCP/IP |
17202 | FTPBR17.ZIP | 435 kt | 10.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "FTP Browser is a powerful and intuitive FTP solution for OS/2 Warp that features drag and dropserver to server and directory tree transfers accross a variety of hosts. It Requires OS/2s Presentation Manager and TCP/IP." |
17201 | FTPBR171.ZIP | 465,2 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "FTP Browser is a powerful and intuitive FTP solution for OS/2 Warp that features drag and dropserver to server and directory tree transfers accross a variety of hosts. It Requires OS/2s Presentation Manager and TCP/IP." |
17203 | FTPMN12A.ZIP | 203877 | 27.10.1996 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | FTPMon 1.2a for OS/2. Maintains a list of all the files in the incoming directory of a site, but displays only those that you have not seen previously. |
17204 | GCPFTP10.ZIP | 500287 | 16.07.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | (v1.0) Gibbon FTP The Gibbon FTP is a graphical FTP client. It is easy to use, yet powerfule and highly configurable. Features include multiple server connections, a transfer queue, a transfer status, and drag-and-drop. Shareware (US $20 - MC/Visa/AmEx) From Gibbon Computer Products, Inc. support@gibbon.com 74266.2661@compuserve.com |
17205 | GETHB12A.ZIP | 237,8 kt | 30.08.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | GETHBI - Get the Bins V1.2 an easy-to-use, multithreaded, on-/off-line PM Binaries-News- Reader (NNTP) for OS/2. req. vrobj.dll |
17206 | GETURL.ZIP | 127758 | 02.03.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | GetURL (1.0) OS/2 program for retrieving URL- specified files from the Internet. Supports HTTP, FTP, NNTP, GOPHER, and Local File Transfers. Shareware ($30.00 U.S.) Decker Automation |
64620 | GTIRC104.ZIP | 216765 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | tupla | (V1.04) GammaTech IRC - This is an OS/2 Presentation Manager Internet Relay Chat client by GammaTech. It is a full featured demo of the commercial product but the demo limits online time to 30 minutes oer session. Contact SofTouch Systems for information regarding the commercial package: 1-800-944-3028, 1-405-947-8085, Fax 1-405-632-6537. |
17207 | GTIRC300.ZIP | 612,6 kt | 15.12.1997 | - | - | - | GammaTech Internet Relay Chat Demo v3.00. This package contains the demo version of the GammaTech Internet Relay Chat software. This IRC client is a Presentation Manager application which brings a unique graphical user interface to the OS/2 IRC enthusiast. |
64892 | HPP_A04.ZIP | 2383993 | 04.11.1996 | - | 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso | tupla | HPP HomePage Publisher v0.04. A WYSIWYG Web Page Design tool for OS/2. |
17208 | HPP200A.ZIP | 3,9 Mt | 01.01.1998 | - | - | - | HomePage Publisher v2.0a. |
17209 | HTM2TXT1.ZIP | 23,3 kt | 02.07.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | HTM2TXT v1.0, a REXX command to extract text from .HTML files. |
17210 | HTMCK100.ZIP | 63157 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | (v1.00) HTML Check - An OS/2 program to process a WEB HTTP server tree and give report on the information contained. Standard reports are Files Not Found, Files not accessed by any HTML file. Standard Tree report. This version FREE - but after this registeration will be $20.00 usd AB Software 3109 Village Rd West Norwood, MA 02062-2542 awysocki@Bearsoft.com http://www.bearsoft.com/abs/htmlchk.html |
17211 | HTMEPM96.ZIP | 18632 | 21.10.1995 | - | 2046/shareware studio volume 7.iso | - | HTMEPM96.ZIP (HTML Extensions for EPM) Version 0.96 . Provides menu-driven HTML editing abilities to the OS/2 Enhanced Editor. Supports FORMS. New version includes HTML keywords highlighting. |
17212 | HTMLE96B.ZIP | 179,1 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | HTML-Ed v.96b. Small, FAST, html editor w/built-in browser. |
64908 | HTMLS101.ZIP | 1657004 | 14.01.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | tupla | HTML Studio v1.01. |
17213 | HTMLS155.ZIP | 655,6 kt | 14.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | HTML Studio Version 1.55. |
17214 | HTMLVB4.ZIP | 57073 | 09.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | H T M L v i e w - v0.478 (Beta4) - July 8, 1996 - a program that lets you view HTML pages. HTMLview is a faster way of viewing HTML and URL:s than WebExplorer. It does many but not yet all of the things that WebExplorer does and works both on- and off-line. If you are used to work with WebExplorer you will soon be used to work with HTMLview. |
17215 | HTMLWZ15.ZIP | 822492 | 30.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | (v1.52) HTML Wizard - OS/2 HTML Editor Makes editing HTML documents much easier by providing a "Tagbar" that inserts appropriate tags around text. Has user- definable tags and supports non-English characters. Previewing with Web Explorer and syntax checking with Weblint also supported.Shareware (US$ 20) Dirk Terrell terrell@fdt.net |
17216 | HWIFS.ZIP | 270705 | 13.07.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | Ftp Spy is a 32-Bit Presentation Manager tool that allows to do Internet file transfer in a highly comfortable manner. |
17217 | IAK001.ZIP | 64455 | 21.10.1995 | - | 21562/29-Fixes_o.zip | - | Updated FTP client software that was shipped with OS/2 Warp version 3.0. This update fixes a system hang problem. |
17218 | IC316.ZIP | 699940 | 11.09.1996 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | InterCom v3.16 - PM Internet Telephone for OS/2. Features such as answering machine, caller ID, call blocking, dialing directories, quick dial, and VIDEO, file transfers, clipboard text sharing. Electronic phonebook server and talk servers. Seamless support for dynamic IP users. Fully functional shareware version. |
17219 | ICSOS41.ZIP | 4957250 | 11.09.1996 | - | - | - | IBM Internet Connection Server v4.1.1 for OS/2 WARP |
65019 | IFTP110.ZIP | 284213 | 25.12.1996 | - | 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO | tupla | InterFTP v1.10 - PM FTP Client for OS/2. Features include: drag and drop, simple configuration, address book with support for unlimited number of folders and entries, ability to save the directory tree of an FTP server, scripting, firewall support, multiple FTP sessions at the same time, server to server transfers, and queued get/put. Fully functional shareware version. |
17220 | IFTP113.ZIP | 292881 | 14.01.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | InterFTP v1.13 - PM FTP Client for OS/2. Features include: drag and drop, simple configuration, address book with support for unlimited number of folders and entries, ability to save the directory tree of an FTP server, scripting, firewall support, multiple FTP sessions at the same time, server to server transfers, and queued get/put. Fully functional shareware version. |
65062 | ILNK099C.ZIP | 247024 | 08.10.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | iLink/2 v0.99c. A PM drop-in replacement for IBM's 'Dial Other Internet Provider'. Includes redial, reconnect, multiple numbers, CPS/Bytes meters and more. |
17221 | ILNK111S.ZIP | 324,7 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | "iLink/2 v1.11. A PM drop-in replacement for IBMsDial Other Internet Provider. Includes redialreconnectmultiple numbersCPS/Bytes meters and more." |
65105 | INADV095.ZIP | 1193294 | 24.11.1996 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | tupla | Internet Adventurer v0.95, OS/2's premier Internet Suite. This is THE Internet Suite for OS/2. Supports: IRC (fully, including CTCP/DCC, WWW (now, soon via NetScape), Gopher (now via WWW), FTP (now via WWW, later alone), News (fully, on/offline, Mail (fully, multiple accounts) Telnet (later), WebWatch (later). |
17222 | INADV121.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | "Internet Adventurer v1.21. OS/2s premier Internet Suite. This is THE Internet Suite for OS/2. Supports: IRC (fullincluding CTCP/DCCWWW (built-in or NetScape)Gopher (built-in or NetScape)News (full on/offline newsMail (multiple accountsMIME etc.)WebWatch (informs you of updates)Java ( using IBMs JEmpower)FTP (now via WE/NSlater alone)Telnet (now OS/2slater aloneCopyright (c) by Adventure Software." |
17223 | INETLG49.ZIP | 31648 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | Inetlog.cmd analyzes OS/2 Warp Dialer's connection log |
65140 | INJOY1-0.ZIP | 1196167 | 04.01.1997 | renamed | 22909/pcwapr97.zip | tupla | InJoy Version 1.0. InJoy is a PPP/SLIP dialer for OS/2. Fast, stable, and multi-featured, use it alone or to share a PPP connection with MAC's, Win95, Win3.1 and A L L other TCP/IP clients on your LAN. Feature Rich: Dial On Demand; Re-Dial; Re-Connect; IP Masquerading; Trace; High COM Speeds; Graphical Ticker; FAST Connecting Speed; Multiple Phone Number List; Scripts Auto-Learned; Full Connection Log; Terminal Mode; and lots more. ** Best way to the |
17224 | INJOY1-1.ZIP | 605,3 kt | 17.06.1997 | renamed | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | "InJoy Release 1.1 for OS/2. InJoy is an UNBELIEVABLY feature richfast and *easy* to use SLIP/PPP shareware dialer. New in v1.1: RAS support (MS-CHAP)two way Demand DialIPTRACE supportbug-fixes ... Rock-solid and nominated as one of the best Internet utilities (cross platform). 5 cows from TUCOWS and 12 months in the top 5 of most sold OS/2 shareware proves its worth. Use it alone or share a dial up connection with MACsWin95 and Win3.1 on your LAN. FEATURE" |
17225 | IPSPEED2.ZIP | 43,3 kt | 18.05.1997 | koko¹ | ratsnest2.iso | - | IPSpeed - a small PM-application to measure the speed of your TCP/IP connection. |
65227 | IRC2_070.ZIP | 726234 | 06.06.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | IRC/2 (0.70) OS/2 multi-threaded client for Internet Relay Chat. Supports ircII's command set and partial irc scripting. Native OS/2 32-bit program presentation manager setup program. Contest for developing desktop icon in progress. Shareware ($27.50 U.S., MC/Visa/AmEx/Disc) Innovative Logic Corp |
17226 | IRC2_078.ZIP | 1584410 | 14.01.1997 | koko⁴ | ratsnest2.iso | - | IRC/2 (00.78.00) OS/2 multi-threaded client for Internet Relay Chat. Supports ircII's command set and partial irc scripting. Native OS/2 32-bit program presentation manager setup program. Contest for developing desktop icon in progress. Shareware ($27.50 U.S., MC/Visa/AmEx/Disc) Innovative Logic Corp |
17227 | KALIOS2.ZIP | 84827 | 30.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Kali for OS/2 Kali is a network driver which allows virtually any application software designed for use with the IPX protocol to be used over a TCP/IP network. Designed primarily for use with network games, Kali has been successfully tested with Descent, Command & Conquer, DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, Rise of the Triad, VR Pool, Terminal Velocity and SuperKarts. Other software should also work as long as it uses IPX. Download Kali and start putting your Internet connection to |
17228 | LOOK100.ZIP | 588,4 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | Lookout for OS/2 - v1.00. An Internet notifier. It will watch Web, FTP and Gopher sites, and tell you if they have changed. |
17229 | LOOK101.ZIP | 607,8 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | Lookout v1.01 for OS/2. A internet notifier. It will watch Web, FTP and Gopher sites, and tell you if they have changed. A "Lookout" is also known as a "bot", an "agent" or an "informant". In this document, we refer to them as "Lookout"s. |
17230 | LWPFTP11.ZIP | 285078 | 08.09.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | LWPFTP V1.1 - Lynn's WorkPlace File Transfer Protocol LWPFTP is a new approach to FTP client applications that is fully integrated with the OS/2 Workplace Shell (WPS). Simply configure an Ftp Folder to point to an FTP site, open it up, and you're on your way! Browsing FTP sites has *never* been easier. Lynn Deffenbaugh |
65865 | LYNXOS26.ZIP | 312107 | 08.10.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | Lynx/2 - Beta version 0.4 - based on Lynx 2.4.5. Textmode HTTP browser. |
17231 | MCLST203.ZIP | 398,5 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | - | - | "McList v2.03 -- The PM Mailing List Processor for OS/2! A fully-functional mailing list processor thats fasteasy to useand downright simple. You never have to muck with configuration files or do any of the other unfriendly things all the other mailing list processors make you do." |
66326 | MR2I122.ZIP | 915855 | 12.12.1996 | - | 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO | tupla | MR/2 ICE v1.22: Internet Email Client An OS/2 PM reader for internet email. POP3 and SMTP support, 32 bit multi- threaded, toolbars, multiwindow, thesaurus, speller. Many more features with more planned. |
17232 | MR2I140.ZIP | 1 Mt | 02.11.1997 | - | 2037/Amiga_Dream_53.iso | - | MR/2 ICE v1.40 Internet Email Client An OS/2 PM reader for internet email. POP3 and SMTP support, 32 bit multi- threaded, toolbars, multiwindow, thesaurus, speller. Many more features with more planned. |
17233 | NCBETA02.ZIP | 521,8 kt | 14.07.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | Beta Releases of NetChat for OS/2 ver. 1.29f and NetChat for Windows 95 ver 0.977w. A small and fast personal communication tool for OS/2 or Win95. It is designed to hook two people up directly (without using the IRC channels, servers, IP servers, etc.) for a one-on-one personal text mode chat. |
17234 | NCFTP2B9.ZIP | 207314 | 01.04.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | NcFTP v2.3.0ß9 - Enhanced text mode FTP Client for OS/2 2.x. Requires TCP/IP or IAK + emxrt.zip. Features reget support (resumes aborted transfers), integrated hosts editor, automatic anonymous login, progress meter, recursive gets, get new files only, completely customizable. |
17235 | NCHAT13.ZIP | 224,2 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | NetChat for OS/2 v1.3. A small and fast personal communication tool for OS/2. It is designed to hook two people up directly (without using the IRC channels, servers, IP servers, etc.) for a one-on-one personal text mode chat. |
17236 | NETBEAMR.ZIP | 113834 | 18.10.1996 | - | - | - | NetBeamer Internet Suite (beta .80) for OS/2 Warp 3.0. An application that integrates OS/2 Warp's Internet programs into an Internet suite by bringing together all of Warp's Internet apps into one window. NetBeamer is aimed mainly at new users of Warp's Internet Access Kit (IAK) and for those who are teaching new users of the IAK. Experienced Warp users may find it useful as well, though probably not as flexible as they desire. |
17237 | NETF160.ZIP | 200294 | 18.10.1996 | - | - | - | NetFolder 1.60. A group of nested folders populated with Uniform Resource Locator (URL) objects that link to lots of information about Operating System/2 (OS/2) on the World Wide Web (WWW) and other parts of the Internet. |
17238 | NEWSBEAT.ZIP | 767,7 kt | 29.05.1997 | - | - | - | Newsbeat v1.0. A PM Usenet newsreader for OS/2. It is multithreaded, which allows you to do many things at one time. In other newsreaders you have to wait for each function to finish before continuing on. In Newsbeat you can actually do many functions at one time, so no time is wasted watching your screen do nothing. |
66559 | NEWSBT99.ZIP | 637575 | 04.12.1996 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | Newsbeat v0.99b1. |
66572 | NFTP082.ZIP | 361572 | 13.11.1996 | - | 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | nftp 0.82 - New FTP client for OS/2 Fast textmode operation, small memory requirements, bookmarking, fully scrollable remote directory view, tagging, caching remote dirs, one-key viewing remote files, sorting by date/name/size, transfer progress indicator and more. Shareware version; free until 1 Oct 1996 |
17239 | NFTP120O.ZIP | 347,1 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | - | nftp 1.20 - New FTP client (OS/2) Fast textmode operation, bookmarking, fully scrollable remote directory view, tagging, caching remote dirs, descriptions, one-key viewing remote files, sorting by date/name/size, transfer progress indicator, firewall support and more. 15 languages. Shareware version. |
17240 | NIFMON.ZIP | 36601 | 24.03.1996 | - | os2sharewarebbs.zip | - | Network InterFace Monitor - NIFMON is a very simple TPC/IP network interface monitor. It displays the interface name, description, speed in bits per second, bytes received, bytes sent, average bytes per second total throughput and max average bytes per second. The user can select interface and interval. |
17241 | NNS21B.ZIP | 1122670 | 08.09.1995 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | NeoLogic Network Suite for OS/2 v2.1b A set of tools for improving access to the Internet from your OS/2 desktop. Offers a full featured news reader, FTP, and Gopher clients. The suite also now includes a full featured FTP server. All applications support Ethernet or SLIP/PPP serial connections. |
17242 | NR2_19D.ZIP | 308497 | 22.10.1995 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | OS/2 Nr/2 Newsreader 1.9d 32-Bit With New Features. |
17243 | NR2ASCII.ZIP | 19246 | 12.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | NR/2 ASCII creates an ASCII list of all newsgroups from the file news.all generated by NewsReader/2. |
66658 | NSOS2202.ZIP | 4447561 | 20.12.1996 | - | - | - | Netscape Navigator 2.02 for OS/2. |
17244 | OCHAT106.ZIP | 636,7 kt | 12.09.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | OpenChat/2 v1.06. An OS/2 Internet Relay Chat client. |
17245 | OIRC103.ZIP | 479,8 kt | 04.02.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | OpenIRC/2 1.03. An OS/2 Internet Relay Chat client. It allows you to connect to irc servers around the world and chat with other people in real time. |
17246 | OS2LN271.ZIP | 681,2 kt | 03.06.1997 | - | - | - | Lynx 2.7.1 for OS/2. A a full featured text- oriented browser for the World Wide Web. |
17247 | OS2WWW26.ZIP | 1388988 | 23.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | (v2.06) PowerWeb for OS2WWW. OS/2 version of a multi-protocol server (including HTTP, HTTP Proxy, FTP and POP3) for World Wide Web services on the Internet. Unparallelled in performance, features and stability. |
17248 | PAGE11E.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 31.08.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | (v1.1c) Page - OS/2 HTML Editor HTML editor written using VX-REXX. Functionality includes tag checker, table editor, extensive help, relative paths, Drag and Drop support both to and from the editor, mini parameter dialogs for tags, extensive hotkey support, and designed for speed editing. Shareware. Derek Clarkson, derek@os2zone.aus.net. |
17249 | PIC3V020.ZIP | 121048 | 30.03.1996 | - | - | - | Picardy 3 HTML Editor for OS/2. This Program allows you to more easily write and edit documents for use on the World Wide Web. |
17250 | PINE395.ZIP | 851468 | 09.08.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | Pine 3.95. Textmode E-mail and news client. |
17251 | PMI-101A.ZIP | 394,4 kt | 14.07.1997 | - | - | - | PlusPak: PMINews 1.0 -> 1.01a Update. |
17252 | PMI102B.ZIP | 115,6 kt | 15.12.1997 | - | - | - | PMINews update v1.01a -> v1.02b. |
17253 | PMIDEMO.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 14.07.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | PlusPak: PMINews v1.01 demonstration version. |
17254 | PMIRC12.ZIP | 93722 | 31.12.1996 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | PM IRC for OS/2 Warp v1.2. |
67295 | PMM153.ZIP | 1275513 | 29.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | PMMail v1.53. |
17255 | PMM196.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 30.04.1998 | - | 2037/Amiga_Dream_53.iso | - | PMMail v1.96. |
67300 | PMS-106.ZIP | 334842 | 28.10.1996 | renamed | 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | PMStripper. A fully functional, OS/2 PM utility which strips HTML codes from Web pages leaving some formatting intact. You may perform basic editing of the resulting text and save the file from PMStripper. PMStripper may also be installed as the html source viewer in WebX which will make it easier to cut and paste information from web pages. Shareware by Don Hawkinson (dwhawk@southwind.net). |
67301 | PMS-107.ZIP | 351859 | 14.01.1997 | renamed | 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso | tupla | PMStripper. A fully functional, OS/2 PM utility which strips HTML codes from Web pages leaving some formatting intact. PMStripper may also be installed as the html source viewer in WebX which will make it easier to cut and paste information from web pages. Shareware by Don Hawkinson (dwhawk@southwind.net). |
17256 | PMS-115.ZIP | 349,6 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | PMStripper. A fully functional, OS/2 PM utility which strips HTML codes from Web pages leaving some formatting intact. PMStripper may also be installed as the html source viewer in WebX which will make it easier to cut and paste information from web pages. Shareware by Don Hawkinson (dwhawk@southwind.net). |
17257 | PMT.ZIP | 16,1 kt | 19.05.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | PMT PMMail Tagliner. Adds single or multi-line taglines to E-mails you write with PMMail. Choose a random tagline from your collection; no configuration, fast processing. |
17258 | PN2-100.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 01.01.1998 | renamed | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | ProNews/2 v1.00. |
17259 | POP3D14A.ZIP | 102961 | 21.10.1995 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | v1.40 pop3d is POP3 server for OS/2. It uses IBM's TCP/IP v1.2.1. pop3d allows workstation to retrieve mail according to RFC 1725. This package includes utility mailsrt.exe which works with sendmail and sorts incoming messages into user's directories. Demonstration verion supports 5 users only. |
17260 | POPSPY12.ZIP | 127,4 kt | 18.06.1997 | - | - | - | POP3 Spy v1.2. A small program which checks your mail every few minutes and informs you in many different ways. |
17261 | POPSRV1C.ZIP | 77045 | 13.11.1996 | - | 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso | - | (v1.03) pop3 server for OS/2. Needs TCP/IP stack. Support: * APOP MD5 login, * posting via POP and * INETD operation. This package includes MAIL.EXE (local delivery agent) used by sendmail and INT2FID.EXE gate for internet mail to fidonet. |
17262 | POST300.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 02.11.1997 | - | 21773/PCOnline_01_1998.iso | - | Post Road Mailer demo v3.0. A program that will enable you to send and receive internet email under OS/2 Warp 3 or later via a TCP/IP connection. It has a number of powerful features for writing notes, sending replies, and organizing your mail in folders. |
67390 | PPDIAL26.ZIP | 33473 | 19.09.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | VERSION 2.6 OF PPPDIAL.CMD An OS/2 Warp PPP/SLIP Dialer script. Supports redialing when busy etc, multiple phone number support, post-connection response file. Supports call-back systems. Requires OS/2 REXX. |
17263 | PPDIAL31.ZIP | 39 kt | 31.03.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | VERSION 3.1 OF PPPDIAL.CMD An OS/2 Warp 3.0/4.0 PPP/SLIP Dialer script. Supports redialing when busy etc, multiple phone number support, post-connection response file. Supports call-back systems. Requires OS/2 REXX. |
17265 | PPP.ZIP | 542827 | 18.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PPP for OS/2 Warp 3 IAK |
17264 | PPPDOC.ZIP | 6804 | 19.09.1995 | - | 21547/14-Text.zip | - | Man page for OS/2 TCP/IP's PPP |
17266 | PWWS110.ZIP | 312,6 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | PlanetWide v1.10. A powerful, multithreaded, 32-bit OS/2 HTTP Web Server. It was developed to serve high volumes of data from the OS/2 Warp platform, and do it efficiently! |
17267 | QHTML035.ZIP | 477917 | 21.10.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | QadHTML 0.35 - HTML editor for OS/2 This editor is to help you tag your file. It has a toolbar and pop-up menus depending on your preferences. There is also a button to preview your output with the WebExplorer. To have the latest information monitor the Qad Software Home Page: http://infoweb.magi.com/~mcharet/ Shareware ($15US $20CDN MC/Visa/Amex) Qad Software (mcharet@qad.magi.com) |
17268 | SFTP127.ZIP | 237440 | 11.07.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | (V1.27) - SFTP Simple FTP. PM program that allows batch downloads from ftp sites. Features storage of host logon information, easy viewing of .txt files, auto sorting by date of directory listing. Easy directory navigation. Freeware - requires email registration. Keith Cotroneo - cotroneo@mailman.tvcc.cc.or.us |
17269 | SMEHTM11.ZIP | 184,2 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | HTML EDITOR v1.1. Smalled HTML Extensions will turn editors like Smalled and e.exe into complete HTML editors. SMEHTM Acts like a notebook-style floating toolbar through which tags can be entered in the editor. Some Features: configurable, Links with memory, Templates, Conversion utilities, Configurable Hotkeys to be used in the editor, small and FAST. |
17270 | STKY2112.ZIP | 71760 | 26.12.1995 | - | 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | - | (v1.12) STICKY/2 - An OS/2 Program to send St across a TCP/IP network. Useful for interoff messaging, and interFriend messaging. Allows to 2K of a message, and 1500 names in your li suggestions and enhancements will be consider |
17271 | TNL-1-0.ZIP | 774,8 kt | 12.10.1997 | - | - | - | Tunnel/2 v1.0 for OS/2. Adds extreme value to OS/2 networking, *NOW* making it possible to build a Two-Way, Dial-On-Demand Virtual Private Network (VPN) over the Public Internet Rock-solid and already used in several major companies. SAVE MONEY by avoiding expensive leased lines and Frame Relay clouds - Use the Public Internet to your own advantage! Use it "Point to Point", to connect your "Tunnel Slave" on the home PC to the "Tunnel Master" on the Corporate LAN. |
17272 | TPOP103.ZIP | 23,3 kt | 23.06.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | tPOP v1.03 for OS/2. A small program (and we do mean SMALL) which is used for checking you POP3 mail server for incomming mail. The program was made to be small and unobtrusive, takes very little memory, and has quite a few features to make it nice to have around. |
17273 | TSRCH100.ZIP | 44,9 kt | 12.10.1997 | - | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | TSearch v1.00. A small www search engine entry field for the desktop. Or you can use it as an URL launcher. Maybe you can find other uses, who knows. |
17274 | TTON1761.ZIP | 108,6 kt | 09.06.1997 | - | 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso | - | Templeton 1.761 beta WWW mirroring tool for off-line use |
17275 | UNH202.ZIP | 29,4 kt | 12.06.1996 | - | 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO | tupla | UNH is a fully functional, OS/2 utility which strips HTML codes from Web pages leaving some formatting intact. It will optionally put the URLs found in a 2nd output file. |
69557 | UNH202.ZIP | 30113 | 13.06.1996 | - | 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO | tupla | UNH is a fully functional, OS/2 utility which strips HTML codes from Web pages leaving some formatting intact. It will optionally put the URLs found in a 2nd output file. |
17276 | UUDEVIEW.ZIP | 117930 | 08.10.1996 | - | 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso | - | UUDeview 0.5pl5. The MIME/Base64/BinHex en/de-coder. It is aven able to handle out-of-order multipart messages. (This makes it great for decoding output from bnews). |
17277 | VXFTP044.ZIP | 140110 | 21.10.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | VxFTP beta Multi-threaded FTP for OS/2 |
17278 | WEB212.ZIP | 28,4 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | Web/2 v1.2 : A Web server for OS/2! Small in size, yet very powerful. Easy to set-up and use, does _NOT_ require HPFS (like other Web servers) |
17279 | WEB60319.ZIP | 1354464 | 24.03.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | IBM WebExplorer Java Demo |
17280 | WEBN200.ZIP | 314,9 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WebNav 2.0 for OS/2 Warp with IAK. Web browser with quicklist, mail/news, online and offline support and more. http://www.jmast.se |
17281 | WEBORG.ZIP | 385 kt | 20.04.1997 | - | - | - | Web Organizer Version 02.00.00.b0. April 5, 1997. A quick and easy tool to organize that ever growing list of bookmarks for Netscape and WebExplorer. Based on your bookmarks, and by using a full drag and drop interface, Web Organizer will let you build categorized WebPages that will be used as your HomePage for either Netscape or WebExplorer. This will give you the fastest access to any site you want to visit. |
17282 | WEBWR12.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | (v1.2pr1) WebWriter/2 - An OS/2 HTML editor. Multithreaded design allows editing multiple documents at once. Support for HTML 3.2 & all ISO-Latin-1 chars. Markup documents by selecting elements from menus or the Tag manager dialog which allows user defined tags. Drag & drop integration w/WPS. Can configure multiple preview applications. Freeware, Author - John Blumel Tech support - jblumel@acm.org |
70008 | WEBXV11G.ZIP | 1654283 | 17.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | WebExplorer v1.1g |
17283 | WEBXV11H.EXE | 1,6 Mt | 09.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WebExplorer v1.1h IBM:n Internet-selain OS/2:lle. http://www.networking.ibm.com/WebExplorer/ |
17284 | WGET-145.ZIP | 116 kt | 31.08.1997 | renamed | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | GNU Wget/1.4.5. A freely available network utility to retrieve files from the World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP, the two most widely used Internet protocols. Wget works exceedingly well on slow or unstable connections, keeping getting the document until it is fully retrieved. Re-getting files from where it left off works on servers (both HTTP and FTP) that support it. |
17285 | WMOS2100.ZIP | 781,2 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | WebMirror 1.00 for OS/2 WebMirror is a Presentation Manager utility that can be used to retrieve entire sites, or part of them, from the World Wide Web. Sites are stored on a compact database on the local hard drive and can be viewed offline using the internal HTTP proxy server. |
17286 | WMOS2110.ZIP | 220,1 kt | 15.12.1997 | - | 21773/PCOnline_01_1998.iso | - | WebMirror 1.10 for OS/2 WebMirror is an advanced off-line browsing tool that allows you to re-create sections of the World Wide Web directly on your hard drive or local network. You can save particular pages, complete with text, links and graphics. Once the Web pages are saved to your hard drive (that is, once you have "captured" them), you can refer back to the information at any time, without an online connection and additional connection charges. |
17287 | WOL0197.ZIP | 427,9 kt | 28.01.1997 | - | - | - | WarpOnline, January 1997. |
17288 | WOL0297.ZIP | 854,4 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | - | - | WarpOnline, February 1997. |
17289 | WOL0896.ZIP | 848750 | 15.10.1996 | - | - | - | WarpOnline, August 1996. |
17290 | WOL1096.ZIP | 461206 | 15.10.1996 | - | - | - | WarpOnline, October 1996. |
17291 | XMASHTM.ZIP | 637110 | 31.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | OS/2 e-Zine! - THE on-line OS/2 magazine. December 1996, Christmas Special. HTML format, includes graphics, in English, contains reviews, interviews, opinions and information. |
70412 | YRN2_089.ZIP | 426429 | 07.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | PC Yarn v0.89 beta release. Suite of programs used to store and read USENET news and mail offline. Imports articles from SOUP files into a news database. |
17292 | YRN2-090.ZIP | 427,7 kt | 20.04.1997 | renamed | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | PC Yarn v0.90 beta release.Suite of programs used to store and read USENET news and mail offline. Imports articles from SOUP files into a news database. |
17293 | ZOC400OE.ZIP | 956,4 kt | 18.04.2001 | - | - | tupla | Zap-O-Comm v4.00 for OS/232bit Telnet/SSH, Modem and ISDN comm. application for OS/2. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, countless options and features including Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). http://www.emtec.com |
17294 | AMIUP30B.ZIP | 1390414 | 08.05.1995 | - | - | - | Update patch for Ami Pro for OS/2 3.0b -Requires 3.0b- |
17295 | COMFIX.ZIP | 11944 | 13.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | COM.SYS Replacement for OS/2 Warp |
17296 | CSF133.1DK | 1 Mt | 02.03.1997 | - | - | - | Corrective Service Facility level F.133 disk 1/2. |
17297 | CSF133.2DK | 956 kt | 02.03.1997 | - | - | - | Corrective Service Facility level F.133 disk 2/2. |
62451 | CSFBOOT1.DSK | 1050479 | 28.01.1996 | - | - | tupla | Corrective Services boot disk 1/2 |
62452 | CSFBOOT2.DSK | 960725 | 28.01.1996 | - | - | tupla | Corrective Services boot disk 2/2 |
17298 | CSFBOTSU.1DK | 1474560 | 26.03.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Warp FIN Fixpack Boot Disk 1/2 |
17299 | CSFBOTSU.2DK | 1474560 | 26.03.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Warp FIN Fixpack Boot Disk 2/2 |
17300 | DIVE1295.ZIP | 48956 | 30.06.1996 | - | 21543/10-Tools.zip | - | Newest version of DIVE.DLL |
17301 | FASTKICK.ZIP | 324,9 kt | 12.09.1997 | - | 12820/aol-file-protocol-4400-3601-to-3700.zip | - | FastKick is a package made from IBM OS/2 kicker disks vF.137. It is used to apply IBM OS/2 fixpacks to Warp-3 or Warp-4 without floppies, SVDISK, etc. All you need is this package, FixPack, and some space on your harddisk. |
17302 | FIXT138B.EXE | 690,6 kt | 08.07.1998 | - | 21561/28-Fixes4x.zip | - | corrective Service Facility 2-B v1.38B. This fixtool is only to be used for Warp4, FP 7. |
17303 | FIXWAV.ZIP | 9894 | 13.03.1995 | - | - | - | This program is designed to 'fix' some of the .WAV files that ship with OS/2 2.x which do not play in Windows or WIN-OS/2 (and report an error message about an invalid WAV header). This program will ONLY work on 8-bit, mono, PCM .WAV files. It is also useful for displaying the information contained in the header of the .WAV file. |
17304 | GENDACS3.ZIP | 86745 | 08.03.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | Korjausohjeet S3-näyttökorttien ongelmiin |
17305 | HALITE.ZIP | 218170 | 08.03.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | HyperAccess Lite -korjaustiedosto Warpin Bonuspakin tietoliikenneohjelman korjattu ohjelmatiedosto.Kopioidaan suoraan vanhan päälle (vanha ei saa olla käynnissä) HUOM! Tämä on englanninkielinen versio. |
17306 | IAKUPD5.EXE | 1262063 | 13.11.1996 | - | - | - | This software will update the Dialup For the OS/2 Warp IAK. |
17307 | IAKUPD5.TXT | 2172 | 13.11.1996 | - | - | - | This software will update the Dialup for the OS/2 Warp IAK. |
17308 | IBMKBD.ZIP | 3652 | 22.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Fix probs with keyboard "special" keys and install hang |
17309 | IC12657.ZIP | 976713 | 16.07.1996 | - | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip | - | This package provides replacement modules for the OS/2 Warp Connect TCP/IP stack, SLIP, PPP, SLIPPM, HOSTID, and ROUTED. This is a consolidation of fixes to several problems and is a complete replacement for IC10988.ZIP |
17310 | INIMOU10.ZIP | 4742 | 23.02.1996 | - | 21537/04-Drivers.zip | - | On some systems, OS/2 will not load the mouse driver if you aren't doing a cold boot (i.e. use the power switch). This OS/2 base device driver initializes your serial mouse so that the OS/2 mouse driver can be loaded even if you are doing a warm boot. A DOS version is also included. FREEWARE by Robert Muchsel |
17311 | JR09427.ZIP | 100542 | 21.11.1996 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | A replacement UHPFS.DLL that fixes a Warp 4 HPFS problem where it reports a 'MINOR SYSTEM ERROR' back. |
17312 | MAV-OSWF.ZIP | 973943 | 12.03.1995 | - | - | - | WARP for Windows INSTALL UPDATE v1.0 [1/1] |
17314 | NEW_LNCH.ZIP | 2361 | 22.03.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Modify the behavior of the Warp launchpad |
17313 | NEWDLG10.ZIP | 20345 | 30.06.1996 | koko² | ratsnest1.iso | - | uusi "filedialogi". Korvaa Warpin vakion. |
17315 | OD15FK1E.ZIP | 363908 | 30.06.1996 | - | 21563/30-fixes_v.zip | - | Object Desktop 1.5 Fixkit #1 |
17316 | OD15FK2E.ZIP | 495025 | 18.10.1996 | - | 21563/30-fixes_v.zip | - | Object Desktop and Object Desktop Professional, Version 1.5, Fix Kit #2. |
17317 | ODFXKT6E.ZIP | 579856 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Object Desktop FixKit 6 |
17318 | PCFIX1.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 17.02.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Process Commander 1.0 Fix 1. |
17319 | PMQSIZ.ZIP | 19227 | 23.01.1996 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | The PM Queue Size Patch These patches may provide tremendous stability in OS/2 systems that suffer from desktop hangs, no-input in shells, invalid switching between the desktop and Window/DOS applications, and other ailments. |
17320 | PN71501.ZIP | 54476 | 25.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Update to TCP/IP base function that is a part of the IBM Internet Connection for OS/2. Required to run WebExplorer V1.02 or later. Install if running the IBM Internet Connection that ships with Warp, Warp Fullpack or Warp Connect, not if running Warp Connect's TCP/IP V3.0. Equivalent to the fix for problem PN71501 for TCP/IP V2.0. |
17321 | PRIMGFIX.ZIP | 48 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21561/28-Fixes4x.zip | - | OS/2 Warp 4 Default Image File Association Fix. A problem was introduced in Warp 4 (and not sufficiently corrected in FixPak 1) which causes the Open As... view for image files to be unalterably set to IBM\'s "Image Viewer". This package installs two new WPS classes which override the default Open As... view for image files to follow the normal association rules for data files. |
17322 | READ17.FIN | 65662 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | - | Suomenkieliset ohjeet FixPak 22:n asennukseen Suomennos tehty suoraan alkuperäisestä IBM:n FixPak17 -ohjeesta. |
67808 | READ22U1.TXT | 52924 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Installation instructions for Warp Fixpak XRUW022 |
67809 | READ22U2.TXT | 84263 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Warp Fixpak XRUW022 APAR-list |
17323 | STL32FIX.ZIP | 14866 | 22.02.1995 | - | 21565/33-VDrivers.zip | - | Fix for OS/2 Warp to allow 1280x1024x256 with Diamond Stealth 32 |
17324 | VROBJ21D.ZIP | 401182 | 23.02.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | Watcom VX-REXX runtime library v2.1d |
17325 | WARPBDSK.1DK | 1285200 | 07.03.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | IBM OS/2 Warp 3.0 FixPak Boot Disk #1 Kaikki Warpin FixPakit tarvitsevat tämän sekä Boot Disk #2:n. Lisäksi tarvitaan LOADDSKF.EXE jolla tehdään levykkeet. |
17326 | WARPBDSK.2DK | 1409120 | 07.03.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | IBM OS/2 Warp 3.0 FixPak Boot Disk #2 Kaikki Warpin FixPakit tarvitsevat tämän sekä Boot Disk #1:n. Lisäksi tarvitaan LOADDSKF.EXE jolla tehdään levykkeet. |
17327 | WARPCOM.ZIP | 11811 | 08.02.1995 | - | - | - | Korjattu COM.SYS-ajuri Warpille. Pitäisi auttaa jos Internet-yhteydet (IAK / TCP/IP) katkeilevat sarja- korteilla joissa ei ole puskuroitua UART-piiriä. |
17328 | WKICKR.ZIP | 1890338 | 19.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Kicker diskettes for OS/2 Warp fixpack. This is the necessary disk files to start the OS/2 warp fixpack. This is a new version for fixpacks 16 and greater. |
17378 | XR_W003.DSK | 43600 | 07.03.1995 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | FixPak for IBM OS/2 Warp 3.0 Syslevel Xr3000 Korjaa COM.SYS- ja IBMKBD.SYS-ajurit. |
70340 | XR_W017.DSC | 3260 | 30.01.1996 | - | - | tupla | Warp Fixpack 17 Readme-tiedosto |
70341 | XR_W026.1DK | 1467895 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 1/13 |
70342 | XR_W026.2DK | 1470967 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 2/13 |
70343 | XR_W026.3DK | 1470967 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 3/13 |
70344 | XR_W026.4DK | 1470967 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 4/13 |
70345 | XR_W026.5DK | 1470967 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 5/13 |
70346 | XR_W026.6DK | 1470967 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 6/13 |
70347 | XR_W026.7DK | 1469943 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 7/13 |
70348 | XR_W026.8DK | 1470967 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 8/13 |
70349 | XR_W026.9DK | 1470967 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 9/13 |
70350 | XR_W026.ADK | 1470967 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 10/13 |
70351 | XR_W026.BDK | 1470967 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 11/13 |
70352 | XR_W026.CDK | 1470967 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 12/13 |
70353 | XR_W026.CID | 9586 | 12.12.1996 | - | os2site.com | tupla | CID installation instructions for FixPak 26. |
70354 | XR_W026.DDK | 623607 | 12.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp. English-US. Disk 13/13 |
70355 | XR_W026.RM1 | 87241 | 12.12.1996 | - | os2site.com | tupla | "Install guide" Readme-files for FixPak for OS/2 Warp |
70356 | XR_W026.RM2 | 96936 | 12.12.1996 | - | os2site.com | tupla | "Corrected APARS" Readme-file for FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp |
70357 | XR_W026.TIP | 41623 | 12.12.1996 | - | os2site.com | tupla | Tips (problems/workarounds) for FixPak 26 for OS/2 Warp |
17359 | XR-M010.1DK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 1/17. |
17360 | XR-M010.2DK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 2/17. |
17361 | XR-M010.3DK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 3/17. |
17362 | XR-M010.4DK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 4/17. |
17363 | XR-M010.5DK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 5/17. |
17364 | XR-M010.6DK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 6/17. |
17365 | XR-M010.7DK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 7/17. |
17366 | XR-M010.8DK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 8/17. |
17367 | XR-M010.9DK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 9/17. |
17368 | XR-M010.ADK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 10/17. |
17369 | XR-M010.BDK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 11/17. |
17370 | XR-M010.CDK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 12/17. |
17371 | XR-M010.DDK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 13/17. |
17372 | XR-M010.EDK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 14/17. |
17373 | XR-M010.FDK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 15/17. |
17374 | XR-M010.GDK | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 16/17. |
17375 | XR-M010.HDK | 431,6 kt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | os2site.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 disk 17/17. |
17376 | XR-M010.RM1 | 122,1 kt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 installation instructions. |
17377 | XR-M010.RM2 | 75,1 kt | 03.03.1999 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #10 APAR listing. |
17379 | XR-W038.1DK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 1/20. |
17380 | XR-W038.2DK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 2/20. |
17381 | XR-W038.3DK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 3/20. |
17382 | XR-W038.4DK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 4/20. |
17383 | XR-W038.5DK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 5/20. |
17384 | XR-W038.6DK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 6/20. |
17385 | XR-W038.7DK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 7/20. |
17386 | XR-W038.8DK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 8/20. |
17387 | XR-W038.9DK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 9/20. |
17388 | XR-W038.ADK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 10/20. |
17389 | XR-W038.BDK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 11/20. |
17390 | XR-W038.CDK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 12/20. |
17391 | XR-W038.DDK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 13/20. |
17392 | XR-W038.EDK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 14/20. |
17393 | XR-W038.FDK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 15/20. |
17394 | XR-W038.GDK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 16/20. |
17395 | XR-W038.HDK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 17/20. |
17396 | XR-W038.IDK | 1,4 Mt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 18/20. |
17397 | XR-W038.JDK | 360,1 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 19/20. |
17398 | XR-W038.KDK | 110,1 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 disk 20/20. |
17399 | XR-W038.RM1 | 156 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 installation instructions. |
17400 | XR-W038.RM2 | 147,7 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 3 fixpack #38 APAR listing. |
17329 | XRLM006.1DK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 1/15. |
17330 | XRLM006.2DK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 2/15. |
17331 | XRLM006.3DK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 3/15. |
17332 | XRLM006.4DK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 4/15. |
17333 | XRLM006.5DK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 5/15. |
17334 | XRLM006.6DK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 6/15. |
17335 | XRLM006.7DK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 7/15. |
17336 | XRLM006.8DK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 8/15. |
17337 | XRLM006.9DK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 9/15. |
17338 | XRLM006.ADK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 10/15. |
17339 | XRLM006.BDK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 11/15. |
17340 | XRLM006.CDK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 12/15. |
17341 | XRLM006.DDK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 13/15. |
17342 | XRLM006.EDK | 1,4 Mt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 14/15. |
17343 | XRLM006.FDK | 969,6 kt | 08.07.1998 | - | ftp.software.ibm.com | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 Suomi-FIN disk 15/15. |
17344 | XRLM006.RM1 | 88,7 kt | 08.07.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 installation instructions. |
17345 | XRLM006.RM2 | 59,7 kt | 08.07.1998 | - | - | - | OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack #6 APAR listing. |
70332 | XRLW022.1DK | 1475525 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Fixpak 22 for OS/2 Warp. Suomi-FIN. Disk 1/8 |
70333 | XRLW022.2DK | 1471941 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Fixpak 22 for OS/2 Warp. Suomi-FIN. Disk 2/8 |
70334 | XRLW022.3DK | 1471941 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Fixpak 22 for OS/2 Warp. Suomi-FIN. Disk 3/8 |
70335 | XRLW022.4DK | 1471941 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Fixpak 22 for OS/2 Warp. Suomi-FIN. Disk 4/8 |
70336 | XRLW022.5DK | 1471941 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Fixpak 22 for OS/2 Warp. Suomi-FIN. Disk 5/8 |
70337 | XRLW022.6DK | 1471941 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Fixpak 22 for OS/2 Warp. Suomi-FIN. Disk 6/8 |
70338 | XRLW022.7DK | 1251781 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Fixpak 22 for OS/2 Warp. Suomi-FIN. Disk 7/8 |
70339 | XRLW022.8DK | 612293 | 27.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Fixpak 22 for OS/2 Warp. Suomi-FIN. Disk 8/8 |
17346 | XRLW026.1DK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 1/13. |
17347 | XRLW026.2DK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 2/13. |
17348 | XRLW026.3DK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 3/13. |
17349 | XRLW026.4DK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 4/13. |
17350 | XRLW026.5DK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 5/13. |
17351 | XRLW026.6DK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 6/13. |
17352 | XRLW026.7DK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 7/13. |
17353 | XRLW026.8DK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 8/13. |
17354 | XRLW026.9DK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 9/13. |
17355 | XRLW026.ADK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 10/13. |
17356 | XRLW026.BDK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 11/13. |
17357 | XRLW026.CDK | 1,4 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 12/13. |
17358 | XRLW026.DDK | 548,9 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3.0 Fixpack #26 Suomi-FIN 13/13. |
17401 | 525_V211.ZIP | 141548 | 22.10.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Five to Five v2.11 sound file conversion |
17402 | ACCU.ZIP | 284974 | 08.10.1996 | - | 13460/os2_94.zip | - | ACCU MUSIC SYSTEM v3.5 (OS/2) |
17403 | AIFF2WAV.ZIP | 33337 | 17.12.1995 | - | 21573/InfoMgt.zip | - | OS/2 utility converts AIFF (Mac digital audio E (clone digital audio) files. |
60581 | ALB_PB3.ZIP | 255268 | 24.11.1996 | - | 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar | tupla | Albatros Players for OS/2 MMPM/2 version 2.0 beta 3 CD Player & MOD,XM,STM,S3M,MTM,ULT Module Types FLC/FLI/AVI/WAV/VOC/MPEG/MID support for mmpm/2 |
17404 | ALBCDPB6.ZIP | 305,5 kt | 12.09.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | Albatros CD-player public beta 6. |
17405 | ALBMPPB6.ZIP | 371,3 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | Albatros Media PlayerFor OS/2 version 2.0 beta 6 MOD,XM,STM,S3M,MTM,ULT Module Types MPEG Audio Support FLC/FLI/AVI/WAV/VOC/MPEG/MID/AU/AIF/QT support. |
17049 | ALBT161.ZIP | 379440 | 28.12.1994 | - | 2045/shareware studio volume 6.ISO | - | Albatross v1.61 Audio CD Player Media Vision Promix/2 program. You need one of the Pro Audio Spectrum 16 series of sound cards to use this program. Requires OS/2 2.1GA or higher with the Media Vision MVPRODD.SYS driver. |
60598 | ALF094B.ZIP | 28748 | 04.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Alfons 0.94 / beta OS/2 textmode program for reading CD-DA audiotracks from CD and save them as WAV-files on your harddrive. |
17406 | ALF096B.ZIP | 28,9 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | - | - | Alfons v0.96 beta.A OS/2 textmode (VIO) program for reading CD-DA audiotracks from CD and save them as WAV-files on your harddrive. |
17407 | AMIXER15.ZIP | 49 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | aMixer v1.5PM mixer for all Creative Labs Sound Blaster soundcards (SB2CD, SBPro, SB16+, 1335, 1345, 1745, etc.). Includes all needed files. Features SyncLock(tm), and an alarm. |
17408 | AUDC062B.ZIP | 42,9 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | "AudioCenter v0.62 betaOS/2 Audio Front-End. Play any audio file through a single interface. Handles all the player processes so you dont have too! No more sound device locked messages! Tested with: UltiMODMuse/2DMPMPG123 (Should work with any OS/2 music player) MODSTMS3MXMMTMFARITMP3MP2etc. Freeware By: Kevin Langman." |
17409 | CAPOS2.ZIP | 248657 | 20.12.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | CAPP-BBS OS/2 2.1x apps for Sound Blaster Includes: Mixer for SBP/SB16 Mosaic Wave Browser Please read the README.TXT file for more details. Unzip with "-D" option. |
61920 | CDAD130.ZIP | 805595 | 10.11.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | CD Audio Dump/2 v1.30 multilingual - CDAD/2 is an OS/2 application for copying CD Digital Audio tracks over the data bus without loss of quality. The resulting files are stored in WAV format. No MMPM/2 is required for either copying tracks or playing them through your CD-ROM's audio output. This is a program package with english and german language files. |
17410 | CDAD142.ZIP | 794,7 kt | 02.07.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | "CD Audio Dump/2 v1.41 multilingualCDAD/2 is an OS/2 application for copying CD Digital Audio tracks over the data bus without loss of quality. The resulting files are stored in WAV format. No MMPM/2 is required for either copying tracks or playing them through your CD-ROMs audio output. This is a program package with english and german language files." |
17411 | CDAUDIO.ZIP | 13389 | 16.12.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | CD Audio Disc player 1.0 (doesn't require MMPM/2) |
17412 | CDBOX166.ZIP | 109320 | 18.04.1996 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | (v1.66) CD in a Box OS/2 CD Player. This is an CD Player where tracks appear as icons in a folder and you use direct editing to enter track and Title names. Add tracks to a Disc to create custom CD's and many more features. CARDWARE lroger@southnet.co.nz |
17413 | CDEXPL20.ZIP | 30366 | 30.06.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | IBM Compact Disc Explorer |
17415 | CDP2R10.ZIP | 24,8 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | - | - | Simple CD player for OS/2Does not require MMOS/2 or PM. |
17414 | CDP2R102.ZIP | 25,1 kt | 18.05.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Simple CD player for OS/2Does not need MMOS/2 and PM. |
17416 | CDTRACK.ZIP | 13108 | 30.06.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Play specific track range of a CD |
17417 | CDWAV101.ZIP | 73433 | 30.06.1996 | - | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip | - | PMCD2WAV for OS/2 version 1.0 will convert cd audio tracks into wav data |
17418 | CTAVOS2.EXE | 514943 | 09.11.1995 | - | 10592/Power DOS - July 1996.iso | - | CTAV-OS2 CreativeAV for OS/2 2.x and Warp Includes CreativeCD, CreativeWave, CreativeMIDI, CreativeMovie, CreativeOverlay players. Use 'CREAFAV -d' to extract or run 'README.CMD'. Please refer to README file for more information. |
17419 | DBCDP020.ZIP | 593731 | 13.06.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | (v0.20) DBCDPlayer - Audio CD Player with a D The program plays audio CDs and has the capability of storing Artists, CD and song ti in a data file. The current CD title and song will be shown in the program's display window while the CD is playing. The CD Player can be controlled with both mouse and keyboard. The program requires OS/2 Warp or higher. frank@sbbs.se |
17420 | DMP109.ZIP | 248107 | 08.10.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | (v1.09) Dual Module Player by Julien Pierre. Dual Module Player is a simple and fast module player for OS/2. It uses MMPM/2 or the new Direct Audio for output. It supports many module formats : MOD, NST, STM, S3M, 669, FAR, MTM, and AMF. Freeware by madbrain@ibm.net Note : do not confuse DMP for OS/2 with Digital Music Player aka DMPLAYER. |
17421 | DMPLY141.ZIP | 129827 | 22.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Digital Music Player v1.41 Digital Music Player is an all around music player for OS/2 2.x and above with the multimedia MMPM/2 extensions installed. DMPlayer supports the playback of .MOD, .MTM, .S3M, .STM, .MID, .WAV, and even .AVI files! All of these may be combined into SongLists and saved/sorted/edited to your hearts content! |
17422 | DMPOS13.ZIP | 109694 | 31.05.1995 | - | - | - | DMPlayer v1.3 Module Player For OS/2 |
17423 | DMPPM075.ZIP | 1265290 | 08.10.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | (v0.75) Dual Module Player for OS/2 Presentation Manager by Julien Pierre. Dual Module Player is a simple and fast module player for OS/2. It uses MMPM/2 or the new Direct Audio for output. It supports many module formats : MOD, NST, STM, S3M, 669, FAR, MTM, and AMF. Freeware by madbrain@ibm.net Note : do not confuse DMP for OS/2 with Digital Music Player aka DMPLAYER. |
17424 | GJBOXX25.ZIP | 13248 | 13.11.1996 | - | 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | (v2.50) Grin's Simple MIDi Jukeboxx Very small CPU overhead! REXX source! Now supports color and playlists. Requires OS/2 and MMOS/2 |
17425 | HEARTHIS.ZIP | 430,6 kt | 20.01.1997 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | HearThis!A simple program that helps improve your musical pitch. |
17426 | JPLAY101.ZIP | 74238 | 21.03.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Command-line WAV/VOC/MIDI player v1.01 |
17427 | LEECH120.ZIP | 74,1 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | Leech/2 V1.20 (1998-05-01) CD-DA Grabber; Leech is a reliable CD-ROM Digital Audio Grabber for OS/2, featuring advanced de- jittering capabilities! Leech is CARDWARE and probably the best grabber for OS/2; Written for you by Mads Orbesen Troest of SIRIUS Cybernetics - Share & Enjoy! |
17428 | MAPLAY21.ZIP | 94,5 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | Maplay v1.2 for OS/2. Plays MPEG layer I, II and III files. |
17429 | MAPLAY97.ZIP | 125,9 kt | 20.04.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | MPEG-1 audio layer III player for OS/2. |
17430 | MIDITYPE.ZIP | 51058 | 03.01.1996 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | OS/2 utility that converts MIDI (Sequencer) files from Format 1 (or 2) to Format 0, and vice versa. Some sequencers can only deal with one or the other format. |
17431 | MIKMOS2.ZIP | 203305 | 04.01.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | OS/2-MMPM/2-driver for MikMod (by Stefan Tibus). This package contains the original MikMod 2.09b- package along with the sources of my OS/2-MMPM/2- driver. As the driver uses MCI-function calls it should work on any sound-card supported by OS/2 (It was tested on Creative Labs SoundBlaster 16 and Turtle Beach Systems Tropez/Tropez Plus soundcards). |
17432 | MIXOM200.ZIP | 367,3 kt | 08.06.1998 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | Mixomat 2.00Mixer for SB 16/32/64 for OS/2 Warp 3/4 (c) 1997/98 by Christoph Bratschi + REXX interface + Netscape plug-in + Profiles + Aggressive mode and much more E-Mail: cbratschi@datacomm.ch Homepage: http://www.datacomm.ch/~cbratschi/ |
17433 | MMSCP12.ZIP | 55119 | 01.11.1996 | - | MBCD | - | MMScope v1.2 for OS/2 MMPM/2 version 1.2 -will show incoming wave data from sound card (line in, microphone, cd) -can generate sine waves for output to sound card -white noise output -equalizer function -manual and automatic sine wave control |
17434 | MP059L.ZIP | 103,3 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | - | - | High Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2 and 3. v0.59l (1997/08/02). |
17435 | MP3FRNT5.ZIP | 61,7 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | "MP3front v0.5 A PM frontend for MPEG-audio playerssuch as MPG123 and maplay. Supports dragndropsongnames and much more. Freeware from Bind Productions. Released 10/05/97." |
17436 | MUS2V131.ZIP | 265,2 kt | 20.01.1997 | - | ratsnest2.iso | - | Muse/2 v1.3. Native OS/2 S3M/MOD/MTM/WOW/XM/ STM/669/ULT/IT/FAR player. Supports MMPM/2 and DART and works with any OS/2 supported sound card. |
17437 | MUSE2V11.ZIP | 216367 | 13.06.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Ethos's Native OS/2 S3M/MOD/MTM Player Version 1.1 Plays S3M/MOD/MTM files under OS/2, supports MMPM/2, and DART and works with any OS/2 supported sound card. |
17438 | NM-SEQ10.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 02.11.1997 | - | - | - | Nota Musica Sequencer v1.0 |
17439 | OS2ENC01.ZIP | 236 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | OS2ENC/OS2DEC v0.1 for OS/2. This is an Audio MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Encoder/Decoder Layer-1, 2 and 3. Freeware. (req emx 0.9c). |
17440 | PLAYBY11.ZIP | 36012 | 17.05.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PlayBoy v1.1 Excellent and simple OS/2 CD player! All the useful options etc. Shuffle, Autoplay, CD title and song naming.. |
17441 | PM123B1.ZIP | 249 kt | 04.05.1998 | - | - | - | PM123 beta 1 for OS/2. "Coolest MPEG-Audio Player for OS/2 PM". |
17442 | PM123B2.ZIP | 345,2 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | 11654/bbs.bajer.cz.zip | - | PM123 beta 2. The Coolest MPEG-Audio Player for OS/2 PM. |
17065 | PMIX11.ZIP | 57435 | 12.12.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PasMix v1.1 A replacement for the Media Vision Promix/2 program. You need one of the Pro Audio Spectrum 16 series of sound cards to use this program. Requires OS/2 2.1GA or higher with the Media Vision MVPRODD.SYS driver. |
17443 | PMOD034.ZIP | 60,6 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | PowerMOD for OS/2 v0.34 MOD music player with realtime effects, spectrum analyser, wave displays and more... |
17444 | PMPZ14.ZIP | 127983 | 15.08.1995 | - | 1978/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 5.iso | - | PMPoze Tracker/Composer/Mod player for OS/2 Warp |
17445 | PMSX223.ZIP | 904920 | 04.11.1996 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | PMsndX - OS/2 PM based program to convert sounds between different formats and provide tools for special effects, editing, and playing of samples stored in memory. by: William S. Hiles email: wishware@cais.com |
17446 | POPPL090.ZIP | 131052 | 17.03.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | POP-PLAY v0.90. MOD, STM, S3M, XM, MTM and ULT module player for OS/2. |
17447 | SBPMIX.ZIP | 23888 | 14.01.1997 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | SBPMIX. A PM Based Mixer Panel for MMPM/2 (for SB cards). |
17448 | SOUND16.ZIP | 64,2 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | Sound Scheme Editor for Warp4. |
17449 | TIMIDOS2.ZIP | 198,2 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | 21504/SPEZIAL2_97.zip | - | TiMidity v0.2i MIDI to WAVE converter and player. A MIDI to WAVE converter using Gravis Ultrasound-compatible patch files to generate digital audio data from General MIDI files. The data can be stored in a file for processing, or played in real time through an audio device. |
17450 | TMIDI-11.ZIP | 135,9 kt | 17.04.1997 | renamed | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | Tmidi v1.0b beta, final releaseTmidi is non-PM, non-MMPM/2, text-based standard MIDI file player for OS/2. Plays rock-solid under the heaviest of multitasking chores. Includes all needed files. For OS/2 2.1+. For MPU/UART (DB50XG, SCD-55, GM/GS/XG, etc.). |
17451 | WAMP-B4.ZIP | 292,7 kt | 04.05.1998 | renamed | 23606/PCWK3A99.iso | - | WarpAMP beta 4 PM MP3 player for OS/2 (with updated install script). |
17452 | XGDSP103.ZIP | 65 kt | 24.06.1997 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | XG DSP v1.03OS/2 PM DSP editor/controller for Yamaha XG (SW60XG and MU80) A/D section. More than 100 controls to modify the three effect processors in real-time. Features 32 fully-programmable presets. For external input sources (CD, line-in, and mic). The output can be routed to a sampler. |
17453 | ZV20.ZIP | 113,2 kt | 04.05.1998 | - | 11654/bbs.bajer.cz.zip | - | z! v2.0 A text-mode mp2/mp3 audio player for os/2 v3.0+. Freeware. |
17454 | BIOG12.ZIP | 313,8 kt | 14.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "BIOGRAPH FOR OS/2 v1.2: The ultimate program to compute biorhythms and pair matching. Bio- Graph tells you about the four cycles of your biorhythm. This information can help you in planning dates and gives you more understan- ding for your friendsand your partners feelings. BioGraph currently includes germanenglishdutchspanish and catalan language support. Shareware." |
17455 | BLAUMAUS.ZIP | 27885 | 12.12.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | With this program you can find 23 new types of mouses in your PC. By moving the mouse upwards the pointer on the screen is able to go up - down - left or right. By moving the mouse down, the pointer can go to one of the other three remaining directions. By moving the mouse to the left, there are two remaining directions for the pointer to go. Finaly by moving the mouse to the right, the pointer has to go to the last remaining direction. So there are 4*3*2*1 = 24 |
17456 | BLUEM096.ZIP | 275,9 kt | 03.08.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | BlueMoon Demo v0.96. |
17457 | BORED2.ZIP | 269117 | 09.09.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | (v2.0) Bored - Rotating banner of 'Bored...' Displays a moving banner depicting 'Bored...' in big, black and white letters. Multilingual. Created using Dr Dialog. Shareware Mr Antonino Iannella 9308390r@lux.levels.unisa.edu.au |
61776 | C2F.ZIP | 34183 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | C2F2C/2, a handy OS/2 textmode utility, which helps you to translate celcius's, fahrenheit's and réamu's between each other. Freeware, OS/2 and DOS executables included. |
17458 | CCC10.ZIP | 58642 | 30.06.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | CREDIT CARD CHECK v1.0: A simple PM program to check if a given number is a valid credit card number. Freeware. |
17459 | COSMOS40.ZIP | 707,2 kt | 07.01.1998 | - | - | - | The COSMOS v4.0 for OS/2 demo. A versatile program in the category "edutainment". It is not only the first but also the only one of its kind available for OS/2. Integrating many features not often found in a single program, this is more than just a desktop planetarium. Whether you are just intrigued by the richness of the night sky, are an armchair astronomer, or an experienced observer wanting to plan and record your observations, this program will appeal to you. |
62346 | CPWAR15B.ZIP | 456420 | 13.11.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | Conversion Pro for OS/2 version 1.5 (BUILD 1.503). 32-bit PM scientific and engineering units conversion utility for OS/2. Needs: Watcom vrobj.dll run-time library. |
17460 | CRAZY13.ZIP | 304313 | 20.05.1996 | koko² | ratsnest2.iso | - | Crazy Clock v1.3 - A clock with an unusual display and with an animated icon. Try to figure out how it works and impress your friends! |
17461 | FAUXRAM.ZIP | 91043 | 24.03.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | (v1.0) FauxRAM - fake RAM doubler (humor). Humorous OS/2 PM program meant to make fun of Windoze RAM compression programs. This program "doubles" system and video RAM, processor speed, HD capacity, and CD-ROM throughput. Also converts SX processors to DX. In actuality it does nothing but display nice graphs (just like the "real" ones!). Freeware by Greg Kondrasuk (gregk@cvfn.org). |
17462 | FCCONV.ZIP | 8827 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | OS/2 PM Program to convert Farenheit/Celcius Temperatures Requires VROBJ.DLL |
17463 | FLIGHT2.ZIP | 2101966 | 24.11.1996 | - | - | - | Flight/2 - Wordup Graphics Toolkit and Digital Sound Music Interface Technology Demo. Warp 4 required. |
64327 | FTREE10I.ZIP | 1001417 | 13.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | FamilyTree v1.0i, 32-bit genealogy program for OS/2, PM graphical app- lication, multithreaded, Drap&Drop, Rexx. Put all related persons in one fam- ily tree and work with your data by using the mouse and opening context menus. Shareware DM 20,-- / US $ 15, Author Nils Meier, Internet: meier2@athene .informatik.uni-bonn.de Archive File: FTree10i.zip |
17464 | FTREE12C.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 25.08.1997 | - | 15651/PCM_9707.iso | - | FamilyTree v1.2c, 32-bit genealogy program for OS/2, PM graphical app- lication, multithreaded, Drap&Drop, Rexx. Put all related persons in one fam- ily tree and work with your data by using the mouse and opening context menus. Shareware DM 20,-- / US $ 15, Author Nils Meier Internet: meier2@cs.uni-bonn.de Archive File: FTree12c.zip |
17465 | MAMEOS2.ZIP | 955,6 kt | 22.09.1998 | - | - | - | M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator binary v0.31.3 for OS/2 by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Now emulating 628 arcade games and Neo Geo too! |
17466 | MEAL186.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 12.10.1997 | - | 21573/InfoMgt.zip | - | "Meal Planner for v1.86 OS/2 Warp. This program will allow you to keep track of the nutritional value of the foods that you eat and also plan your meals each day. A calendar can be printed for each day so that you can plan your meals weeks in advance and know exactly what youre putting into body and keep track of things such as your daily fat intakefiber intake and the number of calories per day. Also included is an exercise module that shows the totals" |
17467 | MERLIN17.ZIP | 554983 | 30.06.1996 | - | os2sharewarebbs.zip | - | Kuvaruurukaappauksia OS/2 Merlin Betasta. |
17468 | MERLIN3.ZIP | 841605 | 13.06.1996 | - | - | - | Pätkä saksalaisen WDR:n esittämästä Merlinia käsitelleestä ohjelmasta AVI-tiedostona. (Esittelee puheentunnistusta) |
17469 | NETWARP.ZIP | 88349 | 09.09.1996 | - | - | - | Screen shot Netscape Navigatorin OS/2-versiosta. |
17471 | NVSN.ZIP | 443064 | 04.11.1996 | - | 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso | - | Night Vision v1.0. A "planetarium" program for OS/2, and will display the heavens from any location on earth. Viewing options allow the user to control which sky objects to display, which font to use, and manipulation of various star parameters. Time may be set to run at multiple speeds, including backwards. |
17470 | NVSN20.ZIP | 448,2 kt | 30.05.1997 | - | 15651/PCM_9707.iso | - | Night Vision Version 2.0 OS/2 Astronomy Program. Display the heavens from anywhere on earth, print star charts. Archive file: nvsn20.zip |
17472 | ODAVI.ZIP | 2307122 | 30.05.1996 | - | - | - | MMOS-AVI Object Desktopista. |
17473 | OS2ONICE.ZIP | 96288 | 16.07.1996 | - | 21546/13-Bitmap.zip | - | OS/2 on Ice. An OS/2 Bitmap graphic, great for your OS/2 desktop background. |
17474 | OS2WIN95.ZIP | 60770 | 24.03.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | With this humoristic program, YOU can see what's up in win95 users computer! |
17475 | PMHOROVW.ZIP | 556577 | 04.12.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PM Horoscope. A Planetary Calculator and Viewer. |
17476 | PMLIFE10.ZIP | 38 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21540/07-Games.zip | - | "PMLife v1.0. This is an implemenataion of Conways Life Game. OS/2 2.0 (or the later version) and Presentation Manager (PM) are requiered. This is a 32-bit multithreaded application. VP/2 sources included." |
17477 | PMZYME11.ZIP | 529 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | 21578/Science.zip | - | PmZyme is a tool for visualizing and modeling two-dimensional scientific data. It includes a fast utility for non-linear regression and maintains a customizable set of models. PmZyme utilizes multi-threading so that it remains highly responsive even when manipulating and viewing multiple, large datasets. |
17478 | QNQ-100.ZIP | 380,8 kt | 31.08.1997 | renamed | 21567/35-Internet.zip | - | "Dons Quips n Quotes an OS/2 program that displays a quotequip or tagline that is randomly selected. This archive contains both a command line and a PM version of the program. dwhawk@southwind.net http://www2.southwind.net/~dwhawk" |
17479 | RADO2094.ZIP | 223543 | 14.01.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | RadioCtl/2 v0.94. The RADIO REMOTE CONTROL PROGRAM for OS/2 will allow you to control your ICOM-R7000, KENWOOD R-5000, AOR8000, AOR2500 or AOR3000 radio from any computer with a serial port running OS/2. |
17480 | RANT.ZIP | 36397 | 24.03.1996 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | Stupid Report Generator. Quickly generate reports of any length. With source. |
17481 | RSYNTH22.ZIP | 173714 | 19.09.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Text to Speech-ohjelma OS/2:lle. |
68863 | TABLCA12.ZIP | 118048 | 15.10.1995 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | tupla | Tablica/2 1.2 - Periodic Table of the Elements: native OS/2 application with point-and-click interface. Contains all essential data on 106 chemical elements from atomic weight to thermal conducti- -vity. Indispensable reference tool for high school and college students. Many improvements/additions since ver. 1.1! |
17482 | TT213.ZIP | 32,3 kt | 20.02.1997 | - | - | - | TT/2 ver. 1.3, handy OS/2 textmode program to translate temperatures between common formats. Supports celsius, fahrenheit, r‚amu and now also kelvins. This version has major changes (ie. decimals)! |
17483 | TYPE2V1.ZIP | 45698 | 25.12.1996 | - | 7683/PsL Monthly 1997 February.iso | - | Type/2 version 1.0. The only typing tutor designed exclusively for the OS/2 operating system environment. |
17484 | UNWIN.ZIP | 78089 | 30.06.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | (v1.0) Unwin95 - Windows 95 uninstaller An OS/2 PM utility. Pretends to remove the Windows 95 scourge from your PC. It's completely harmless. Freeware (unless you are Bill Gates). By Mr Antonino Iannella 9308390r@lux.levels.unisa.edu.au |
17485 | WPS_ART.ZIP | 549952 | 22.07.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Kyselty ja pyydelty WPS_ART.ZIP -tiedosto, joka sisältää kaikki tarvittavat bitmapit OS2LOOKS.ZIP -tiedostossa neuvottujen ulkonäköseikkojen kohentamiseen ! |
17486 | X128-OS2.RAR | 118318 | 10.11.1996 | - | - | - | This is a true OS/2 port of X128 for Intel based machines running OS/2 Warp, it requires DIVE and EMX. |
17487 | XLOGO.ZIP | 69826 | 08.10.1996 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | XLogo for OS/2 v1.0. An OS/2 version of the X-windows XLogo. Includes source. Shareware. |
8293 | 3DWARP.ZIP | 438622 | 07.06.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | OS/2 Warp 3D Logo |
17489 | AMPTR101.ZIP | 391,6 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | (v1.01) AMPTR101 - V1.01 - FREEWARE "Animated Mouse Pointer for OS/2". Author: C.Langanke@TeamOS2.de Translator: luvabo@ibm.net |
8295 | ANIDEMO2.ZIP | 285647 | 30.06.1996 | - | 21576/OtherApp.zip | - | Animouse v 1.0 DEMO OS/2 mouse pointer animator, brings your dull mouse pointers live! |
8296 | BEHOLD23.ZIP | 95492 | 30.06.1996 | väärä koko | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Behold v2.30: OS/2 program that will watch the mouse pointer, just like popular X-eye |
8297 | BLANKR60.ZIP | 971842 | 10.02.1996 | - | ratsnest3.iso | - | Blanker 6.0 - multimedia screen saver for OS/2 with five functions 1) screen saving: external modules, DPMS, password, hot corners, full screen blanking 2) screen capturing, saving and printing 3) information window: displays time, date, free memory, disk space, swap size 4) launch keys: open WPS objects with a key 5) alarms: message and task scheduling shareware; US, German and Lite version incl. |
8298 | CHG_CTLS.ZIP | 206078 | 25.03.1996 | - | - | - | CHG_CTLS [V2]- Titlebar Customizer A collection of replacement bitmaps to replace the default os/2 controls: Minimize, Maximize, etc.. Includes a Batch file to make updating extremely easy. Look in Readme.1st for full info. By: Matt Schellhaas |
8299 | CHILUV.ZIP | 781793 | 07.06.1996 | - | 21546/13-Bitmap.zip | - | "Chicago loves OS/2" bitmap |
8300 | COLORPTR.ZIP | 3739 | 30.06.1996 | - | 21558/25-Icons.zip | - | Set of colorized pointers for OS/2. The "illegal" pointer is a must-have. |
8301 | DUNES.ZIP | 127937 | 07.06.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Desert scene |
8302 | FIH112.ZIP | 122572 | 13.06.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | Icon Heaven is an OS/2 Workplace shell enhancement that enables the user to assign icons to objects using simple drag & drop. Sample icon libraries included. New release adds Warp support for animated icons, icon extraction and fixes problems with empty icons. Registration $15. |
8303 | FLIP.ZIP | 18882 | 16.12.1995 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Flips your screen with DIVE |
8304 | GALLER22.ZIP | 430448 | 29.05.1995 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | Galleria and Galleria/CM v2.2 OS/2 bitmap manipulation utilities Support for BMP, PCX, JPG, PhotoCD CM is screen capture module. Demonstration, file saving is disabled. |
8306 | ICON_OS2.ZIP | 814046 | 05.03.1996 | - | - | - | OS/2 ICON COLLECTION This is probably the largest collection of OS/2 icons you will ever find. A great download for OS/2 users. |
8305 | ICONE202.ZIP | 233121 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | IconEase v2.02. Provides you with the means to economically store, organize, edit, preview, retrieve and use icons to customize the appearance of your OS/2 personal computer. |
8307 | LIFE.ZIP | 49427 | 23.01.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | The Game of Life Screen Saver |
8308 | MLTIPLT2.ZIP | 60424 | 30.06.1996 | - | 10802/CD_ASCQ_25_1095.iso | - | High quality PM multi-line graph plotter |
17504 | MSFRLOGO.ZIP | 82,8 kt | 14.02.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | tupla | Modified OS/2 Warp 4 logo with a "Microsoft Free" sticker. Run INSTLOGO.CMD, only for Warp 4. |
17505 | NEWWARP.ZIP | 413,3 kt | 02.03.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | New Icons, Window Controls, etc for Warp 3.0. |
8311 | OS2BKGND.ZIP | 100198 | 07.06.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | OS/2 logo |
8312 | PANUNOS2.ZIP | 122355 | 18.03.1996 | - | - | - | OS/2:n työpöytäkö ruma? Sisältää kuvan "viritetystä" WPS:tä. |
17508 | PMCAM2.ZIP | 153826 | 22.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | PM Camera/2 v2.x (IBM EWS) OS/2 screen capture program. |
17509 | PMMPEG30.ZIP | 125796 | 29.04.1995 | koko² | ratsnest1.iso | - | PMMPEG v3.0: MPEG Video Player for OS/2 Presentation Manager |
17510 | PMXEYES.ZIP | 23240 | 07.04.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Xeyes, eyes follow mouse cursor |
17511 | SHWFNT12.ZIP | 55874 | 28.10.1996 | - | - | - | Showfont v1.2 for OS/2. Will show, preview, install new fonts to the OS/2 system. |
17512 | SPEEDLIM.ZIP | 218888 | 22.07.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | OS/2 Warp 3 speed limit bitmap. |
17513 | SSAVER26.ZIP | 614352 | 04.11.1996 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | ScreenSaver 2.6 is an easy-to-use 32-bit screen saver for OS/2 with lockup protection, DPMS monitor support, DOS and Win-OS/2 fullscreen support, multimedia, module building toolkit, more than 50 modules. Shareware, US$28 Siegfried Hanisch, Internet: ssaver@ibm.net |
17514 | TRANSPTR.ZIP | 2407 | 09.01.1996 | - | 813/Monster Media No. 13 (Fourth Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO | - | Transparent mouse pointers for OS/2. |
17515 | WARPLOGO.ZIP | 355764 | 29.05.1995 | koko² | ratsnest1.iso | - | Kokoelma erilaisia Warpin käynnistyslogoja. Tavallista bittikarttaa ei voi kopioida OS2LOGO-tiedoston päälle; nämä voi. |
17516 | WHERE_I2.ZIP | 146139 | 22.07.1996 | - | - | - | "OS/2 Warp. Where I want to go today"-taustakuva. |
17517 | WPSAV101.ZIP | 63708 | 09.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | WPSaver - a PM screen saver designed to be light on your processor, memory and disk space. |
17518 | WWAIT10.ZIP | 39589 | 13.09.1996 | - | 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso | - | WarpWait v1.0, a utility that changes the default OS/2 wait clock to an animated warp-logo. Freeware August/96 Author: Nils Meier Email : meier2@athene. informatik.uni-bonn.de Archive File: WWait10.zip |
17519 | 13UNZR.ZIP | 75478 | 17.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | =The Unzip Shell - OS/2 PM Application= Expertly crafted PM front end for ZIP files. Stand alone! Works with ZIP files as of PKZIP(tm) v2.04 and other Zip utilities. Allows viewing of files before unzipping. Uses Object Association to activate the proper application for viewing). WPS aware. = Version 1.3 - FREE!!! = |
17520 | AF0-32B.ZIP | 271184 | 28.10.1996 | renamed | 21542/09-Archive.zip | - | AF - The Archive Folder, v. 0.32. 32-bit, multithreaded PM archive manager. Supports EA's and Drag'n'Drop. Simulates a standard WPS folder. Uses the ARCHIVER.BB2 file format. Includes Archive Registry to define new archivers. FreeWare. |
17521 | AFE30.ZIP | 516625 | 31.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | AFE version 3.0 - ARCHIVE FRONT END OS/2 2.1x, Warp PM archive utility program which provides a visual front end for the creation, updating, unarchiving, virus scanning, viewing, printing and deleting of ZIP, LZH, ZOO and ARJ files. Supports running of internal archive executables. Shareware $22.50. |
17522 | ARC521_2.ZIP | 165288 | 25.03.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | ARC File archive utility v5.21 |
17523 | ARCM30.ZIP | 160301 | 25.03.1996 | - | 21542/09-Archive.zip | - | Archive Manager 3.0; WPS-aware interface to archive files. Create archive files by dragging and dropping. |
17524 | BA2PR40D.ZIP | 1287868 | 08.10.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | Back Again/2 Professional Edition Professional Backup and Recovery for OS/2 Evaluation Edition 4.00 |
61362 | BFISH151.ZIP | 101441 | 22.10.1995 | - | 2718/SOFM_Nov1995.bin | tupla | Blowfish v1.51: front end for a very fast and secure encryption algorithm |
17525 | BM3DEMO.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 03.06.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | BackMaster 3.0 Demo. This demo provides a preview of BackMaster 3.0 before making a purchase decision. The software is fully functional with the exception of the BackMaster Scheduler normally packaged with the software. All other user functions may be performed with tape backup/restore data amounts up to 25 MB. |
17526 | GTAR245.ZIP | 542842 | 25.03.1996 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | GTAR v2.45 |
17527 | GZ124-32.ZIP | 76754 | 22.08.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | gzip v1.24, 32-bit version for OS/2 File-by-file compression program from U***X |
65596 | KZIP0_93.ZIP | 83421 | 09.08.1996 | - | Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO | - | KZipper Version 0.92A free utility for making zipfile management easier. |
17528 | KZIP099E.ZIP | 339,6 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | 21542/09-Archive.zip | - | KAZip 0.99e. A program to help make zipfile management easier. |
17529 | LH2_222.ZIP | 114371 | 25.03.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | LH/2 v2.22 |
65863 | LXLT113.ZIP | 162957 | 22.06.1996 | versio 1.1.3 | 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso | tupla | FRIENDS software presents: An OS/2 executables packer. Lots of features, maximal compression, nice interface version 1.1.2. |
17530 | LXLT120.ZIP | 382,1 kt | 17.06.1997 | - | ratsnest3.iso | - | FRIENDS software presents: An OS/2 executables packer. Lots of features, maximal compression, nice interface v1.2.0. |
17531 | MPACK15O.ZIP | 80151 | 22.10.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Mpack/munpack v1.5, encode/decode MIME mail messages |
17532 | PKOS2250.EXE | 301,9 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | PKZIP v2.50 for OS/2. |
67257 | PKZ102_2.EXE | 258176 | 25.03.1996 | - | MBCD | - | PKZIP/2 and PKUNZIP/2 v1.01 |
17533 | PMZIP100.ZIP | 620 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 21542/09-Archive.zip | - | "PM Zipper is a ZIP-SHELL and CD-ROM-MANAGER for Info-Zips Zip/Unzip. Its possible to view and compare multiple archives at the same time; included icon management; could view ascii and inf files; run programs inside an archive without unpack it; complete drag&drop supported; PM Zipper is a multithreaded 32 bit OS/2-PM application." |
17534 | PMZPR14.ZIP | 669420 | 27.12.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | PMZipper 1.4 ZIP,UNZIP,Drag & Drop,Checkout. OS/2 PM. Add,extract,delete,create and view. ARJ, LZH, ZIP, ZOO, unpack & unpack2.exe WARP 3.0 revision. Archive utility. |
67760 | RAR200P.EXE | 238832 | 08.10.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | The RAR archiver v2.00 (release) for OS/2 |
17535 | RAR202P.EXE | 265,9 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | MBCD | - | The RAR archiver v2.02 (release) for OS/2. Integrated archive manager, full screen interface / command-line driven, tight general and multimedia compression, recovery record option, management of non-RAR archives, RCVT aRchive ConVersion Tool, FREE unRAR utility, ANSI color comments, volume labels and more.. |
17536 | TARFNT22.ZIP | 1136098 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | TarFront 2.2, OS/2 PM Frontend for TAR and GTAK. Backup and Restore, easy to use interface. |
17074 | UNARJ241.ZIP | 84242 | 12.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | UNArj v2.41 compiled for OS/2 |
17537 | UNTGZ095.ZIP | 159,4 kt | 17.06.1997 | - | MBCD | - | UNTGZ .tgz (tar.gzip) Extractor v0.95. THE solution for extracting .tar and gzip archives. Directly extracts .tgz .tar .gz files. Fast and easy. Features automatic long filename conversion. Includes: DOS, DOS 386+, 32-bit Windows 95/NT and also a native OS/2 EXE. Also includes complete C source! E GNU software: copyrighted but absolutely free. By Tillmann Steinbrecher |
69580 | UNZ520D2.ZIP | 155197 | 22.08.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.2: OS/2 2.x/3.x DLL Portable ZIP archive extractor with: 32-bit UnZip DLL (both C and REXX interfaces; ZipInfo code included),32-bit UnZip stub demo app unzip.h header file some docs, but not very complete :-) This is FREE (but copyrighted) software. See COPYING for details on distribution. |
69582 | UNZ520X2.EXE | 242879 | 26.05.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.2: OS/2 2.x/3.x exes Portable ZIP archive extractor; docs + : 32-bit UnZip (ZipInfo built in) 16-bit UnZipSFX (self-extractor stub: prepend to zipfiles) 32-bit fUnZip (filter UnZip, for use with pipes) This is FREE (but copyrighted) software. See COPYING for details on distribution. |
17538 | UNZ532X2.EXE | 231,2 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | 21542/09-Archive.zip | - | "Info-ZIPs UnZip v5.32 OS/2 32-bit executables." |
69605 | UUCODE12.ZIP | 39273 | 07.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | tupla | UU encode/decode for OS/2 32 bit, HPFS long filenames. |
70259 | X1OS294M.ZIP | 221536 | 18.10.1996 | - | 23465/CHIP 1996 november (CD09).zip | - | x1os294m.zip X1 archiver v0.94m for OS2. Req:386+ *Beta* 32 bit archiver. Distribute freely. No selling for profit. Info at http://www.ufsia.ac.be/~skimo/x1/x1homepg.htm l OS2 version similar to X1 for DOS except for attribute support. |
70437 | ZAM22M.ZIP | 77424 | 28.10.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | ZIP ARCHIVER MACHINE 2 v.2m for OS/2 ZAM2 sup ZIP, GZ, Z, TAR, LZH, ZOO, ARC, ARJ and OS/2s PACK and PACK2 formats. This program is conta in the EAs. File operations unsensitive to EA destroy the program. Self-Extracting LH file. |
70465 | ZIP21X2.ZIP | 158896 | 26.05.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Info-ZIP's Zip 2.1 archiver, 32-bit OS/2 executables and docs (no encryption) |
70467 | ZIPCT243.ZIP | 734680 | 04.11.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | RPF ZIP CONTROL(TM) v2.4.3 |
70468 | ZIPME13.ZIP | 162659 | 28.10.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | ZipMe v1.3 ZIP shell. 32-bit multithreaded ZIP shell. |
70502 | ZOO21_2.ZIP | 299111 | 25.03.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | ZOO v2.1 |
8313 | ABMP3.ZIP | 426981 | 02.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | AUTOBMP 3.0, a multi-threaded 32-bit PM application developed for OS/2 2.x and WARP. Automates WPS (Desktop) Background Bitmap dispays during run time via timed intervals. Features Multi-Media Audio Support, Normal, Tiled, and Scaled Image Display, Supported File Formats for OS/2 1.0, 2.0, and Windows bitmap images. |
17540 | BITDUMP.ZIP | 42,2 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 21572/Graphics.zip | tupla | Bitdump for OS/2. Bitdump is a screen capture working with with hot keys allowing you to sh any window either by selecting it, selecting area or using the default ones. |
61512 | BLPNT025.ZIP | 109179 | 04.01.1997 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | tupla | BluePaint v0.25 - freeware paint and animation program for OS/2. |
17541 | BLPNT03.ZIP | 226,1 kt | 08.06.1998 | - | 21572/Graphics.zip | tupla | BluePaint v.0.3Beta for OS/2 Antimation & painting program. Released on dec.27,1997 Home site: http://www.undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca/~pczar ny/bpaint.html |
8316 | DIVEMPEG.ZIP | 260349 | 28.07.1995 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | MPEG viewer for OS/2 Warp |
17543 | DRAWCAT.ZIP | 692,3 kt | 14.07.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | tupla | Drawcat v1.0 for OS/2. A vector based program for drawing geometric figures. It provides a variety of line styles, predefines figures, fill options, and text features. Also bitmaps can be included. |
8318 | DRAWIT.ZIP | 289178 | 21.11.1996 | - | - | - | DrawIt for OS/2 v2.3. A vector-based drawing program. |
17545 | EMBO202H.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | Embellish v2.02. An incredible image viewing/ editing system not unlike photoshop, Embellish is designed specifically for the OS/2 operating system. It handles a most every image format, auto-optimises images before saving, includes a number of filter plugins that work quite well and is designed to work with an 8 bit or higher graphics system. |
17546 | FS042B.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 31.08.1997 | - | 21572/Graphics.zip | tupla | ForeSpace OS/2 v0.42b. A graphical modeller designed to produce scene files for the POV-Ray raytracer. |
8321 | GBM.ZIP | 829510 | 14.01.1997 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Generalised Bitmap Module v1.00 for OS/2. Supports (view/save) many picture formats. Sources included. |
17054 | GIF3210A.ZIP | 69409 | 12.12.1994 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | GIF32 Version 1.00a (1993/04/05) 32-bit GIF viewer for OS/2 2.x. Supports all SVGA adapters correctly detected by the OS/2 SVGA.EXE program. |
17548 | IRIT7.ZIP | 4,7 Mt | 04.05.1997 | - | - | tupla | IRIT v7.0b. A solid modeling program developed for educational purposes. Although small, it is now powerful enough to create quite complex scenes. |
8323 | ISMPGMU.ZIP | 68999 | 28.10.1996 | - | - | - | InterStream MPEG player. PM version. Plays MPEG-1 video streams, very fast playback, plays under PM using DIVE, resizable playback (including snap to multiples of original size), greyscale or color playback, drag and drop of MPEG files, controls include Play, Stop, Rewind and Frame advance. |
8324 | JVWDEMO.ZIP | 1111388 | 04.05.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | (v1.0 Demo) JView Pro - OS/2 Image Utility PM based viewer for most file formats (GIF, JPEG, ...). Prints, paintbrush, distortions, filtering, color manipulations add text, slide show, batch conversion. Demo is free, all encouraged to try it. Demo will distort image when file is saved. Crunch Products, 102564.2343@Compuserve.com |
8325 | LARTB307.ZIP | 1166088 | 14.01.1997 | väärä koko | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | LogoArt V. Beta 3.x (Demo Version). |
17552 | LNPLT14D.ZIP | 366,2 kt | 15.12.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | tupla | LinePlot V1.4 is an X-Y data graphing program for scientific & engineering data, containing major enhancements from prvious releases. Features allow graphs that are difficult with other PC charting & graphing products. Native OS2 Presentation Manager program. Produce OS2 metafiles to be pasted into other native OS2 applications. Full featured, shareware. Ext- ensive on-line, context sensitive Help. From Neighborhood Business Services. Reg: $25 (US) |
17553 | MACTR150.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 02.11.1997 | - | 2037/Amiga_Dream_53.iso | tupla | (v1.5) MainActor/2, a mod. Animation Package MainActor/2 is able to load, edit, play, create and save animations and pictures of any size in a format independent manner. MainActor/2 includes most of the animation and picture formats found in the graphics world. Together with many animation processing functions (timing of animations, sound effects, .. ). Includes DIVE support. Shareware(US$60. - MasterCard/VISA) |
17554 | NDEMO214.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 25.08.1997 | - | - | tupla | NeoN Grafix 3D demo v2.14. A tool for the creative design of complex computer graphics and animated sequences. |
66530 | NEONDEMO.ZIP | 3302614 | 08.10.1996 | - | 21572/Graphics.zip | tupla | NeoN GRAFIX 3D - Animagination for OS/2 professional-quality 3D raytracing and animation kit DEMO |
17057 | NIKON214.ZIP | 110098 | 07.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Nikon II v 1.4 - December 4, 1992 A screen capture utility for OS/2 2.0. Can take a snapshot of the current desktop contents and save the captured image as a bitmap. A number of options exist to control both the portion of the desktop captured and the destination for the bitmap. |
17555 | PIXEL_DE.ZIP | 644,3 kt | 08.06.1998 | - | 21572/Graphics.zip | tupla | Pixelpaint for OS/2 v.2.02 Perinteinen pixelipiirto ohjelma. Muuten täysitoiminen paitsi ei sisällä tallennus tai tulostustoiminteita. Home:http://www.neongrafix.com |
8330 | PMJPG174.ZIP | 212412 | 28.01.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PMJPEG 1.74 PMJPEG is an easy to use shareware image viewer with quick JPEG preview, image processing, conversion, and slideshow capabilities for OS/2 2.x and Warp. The following image file formats are supported for viewing and conversion: OS/2 BMP, Windows BMP, GIF, IFF, JPEG, PCX, PPM, Targa, and OS/2 specific features include background image support and WPS icon generation. |
17066 | PMPOVF.ZIP | 652813 | 12.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | POVFrame is an OS/2 PM shell for the raytracing program POV-Ray. Provides WPS DeskTop, point & click, rendering ability using either the INCLUDED (text mode) OS/2 compile of POV-Ray or the "official" POV Team's DOS compile of POV-Ray. Provides a simple animation interface for using the POV 2.0 "clock" option. 2.0 adds DTA control panel for generating Animations. Incl. POVFRAME, OS/2 compile of POV-Ray 2.0, and support programs. Also includes OS/2 INF |
17557 | PMSAN023.ZIP | 146,3 kt | 04.05.1998 | - | - | tupla | "PMSANE v0.23 (beta). A Graphical User Interface for OS2SANE - Jeff Freedmans OS/2 port of the Linux application - SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy). PMSANE uses SCANIMAGE.EXE (from SANE661.ZIP) to scan a documentthen it starts your Viewer application. Scanned images are stored in temporary files which are (optionally) deleted when you exit the program." |
67303 | PMVIEW93.ZIP | 1282074 | 16.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | (v0.93) PMView This is a very fast bitmap viewer for files in JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, Photo CD and 28 other formats. This program also allows conversions between image formats, minor editing adjustments (such as cropping and rotation), screen capture, and simple slideshows. SHAREWARE US$42 registration fee. Contact: pnielsen@abo.fi |
17558 | PMVW101.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | (v1.01) PMView. This is a very fast bitmap viewer for files in JPEG, GIF, PNG, TIFF, Photo CD and 30 other formats. This program also allows conversions between image formats, minor editing adjustments (such as cropping and rotation), screen capture, and simple slideshows. SHAREWARE US$42 registration fee. Contact: pnielsen@abo.fi. |
17559 | POUNCE.ZIP | 95517 | 04.01.1997 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | Pounce v1.10 Screen & Window Capture allows capturing all or part of OS/2 PM screen to file, printer, or clipboard. Very easy to use but flexible. Features configurable hotkey, various capture options. Allows trial usage before requesting registration ($25 via mail, $30 via CompuServe Shareware Registration). A number of improvements over v1.00. |
17067 | POV22F.ZIP | 559249 | 12.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | This archive contains the documentation for the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, POV-Ray V2.0, formatted in plain ASCII text for the IBM-PC and other systems. Also contains standard include files and some demo scenes. Create your own \POVRAY2 directory and un-zip this file using the -d option to insure that the proper sub-directories are created. Other files are needed. See POVINF.DOC from this library for more information. |
17560 | POV3-OS2.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 12.09.1997 | renamed | 21039/CT_SW9802.ISO | - | POV-Ray v3.00 for OS/2. |
17068 | POVPAN10.ZIP | 490016 | 12.12.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | POV-Panel 1.0, POV-Ray graphical front end. Very intuitive interface, supports all PoV-Ray features and Moray. Easy access to PoV-Ray manual. Uses built-in or external editor. Supports built-in editor drag-and-drop font. Easy click- and-set configuration of POV-Ray compiles. Great context-sensitive help for beginners, no fluff for advanced users. Only $10 (US or CAN) to register; free upgrades within 1.x |
17561 | PVU110.ZIP | 643063 | 31.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | (v1.1.0) The Practice Viewer Upgrade Includes JPEG support for OS/2 Multimedia, and the Lightning Browser, a much-improved multimedia image browser. Formerly available as JPEGPROC. New in this release: * The Lightning Browser * Patch for Light Tables to support .jpg * Supports writing JPEG files Practice Corp, 72673.3305@compuserve.com |
17562 | QM13.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 20.04.1997 | - | 21575/Multimed.zip | - | QuickMotion v1.3 for OS/2 demo. |
17563 | QPICT11.ZIP | 847,2 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | Quick Picture v1.1 for OS/2 is software for taking still pictures with the Connectix QuickCam (black and white model). These pictures can then be copied to the OS/2 clipboard for use with any graphics application (Windows or OS/2) that allow you to paste from the clipboard. In addition the QuickCam images can be saved as Bitmap, JPEG, or GIF files. |
17564 | QV2-054.ZIP | 288,1 kt | 12.09.1997 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | QuickCam Viewer for OS/2 v0.54. |
17073 | STSHOW17.ZIP | 157373 | 12.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | SHOW 1.7. Views/converts/prints BMP, GIF, PCX, PM, TIF, TGA files |
17565 | TSPG102S.ZIP | 5524662 | 27.10.1996 | - | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | TrueSpectra Photo>Graphics Sampler v1.02. |
17566 | VECTOR_E.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 08.06.1998 | versio ? | 21572/Graphics.zip | - | "NeonGrafix 2D vektoripiirtoohjelma NeonGrafix 2D for OS/2 v.2.00full functionalei sisällä tallennus tai tulostustoiminteita. home:http://www.neongrafix.com" |
17567 | WARPTV.ZIP | 347 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | Hauppugen Win/TV korttien tv softa OS/2:lle. Tarvitsee lisäksi kortin OS/2 ajurit jotka saa Internet osoiteesta: http://www.wdi.co.uk/warptv |
17568 | WPPIC11.ZIP | 45,9 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | 21581/WPS_PM.zip | - | WPPicture - An OS/2 Workplace Shell class for displaying bitmaps. |
17569 | CALC.ZIP | 36875 | 18.10.1996 | - | 17398/2014.06.ftp2.corel.com.tar | - | Calculator/2 v.1.0ß. A desktop calculator for OS/2. |
17570 | EDCALC01.ZIP | 699675 | 30.06.1996 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | OS/2 Editcalc version 0.1 (freeware) sep-95 |
17571 | EULER409.ZIP | 465472 | 27.02.1996 | - | 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso | - | EULER for OS/2 PM. A numerical math program, handling real and complex numbers, vectors and matrices, with 2D/3D graphics, programming language. Shareware. (grothm@am.ku-eichstaett.de) |
17572 | HPCLC097.ZIP | 38236 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | HPcalc for OS/2 ver 0.97 1995 October A free PM Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) calculator similar to a HP 41C with some enhancements but not programability |
17573 | MATHMATE.ZIP | 656403 | 22.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MathMate v1.1, scientific calculator |
67293 | PMCALC.ZIP | 40126 | 25.04.1996 | - | 21578/Science.zip | - | PMCALC is an OS/2 Presentation Manager simulation of a typical pocket calculator. It provides 12-digit floating point numbers, standard arithmetic functions, a memory, plus a selection of trigonometric, logarithmic and scientific functions. IBM Employee Written Software (EWS) |
17574 | ARO2E30.ZIP | 4 Mt | 03.06.1997 | - | - | - | Adobe Acrobat Reader v3.0 for OS/2 Warp. |
17575 | BEDITBV.ZIP | 242916 | 12.12.1996 | - | 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso | - | BEdit v2.00 English and Dutch. Advanced ASCii Processing, many PrinterDevices and Advanced Printer Control, OS/2 32 Bit + HPFS Support, Advanced block commando's like sorting, transforming, justifying and sorting/replacing in a block, 43/50 VGA/EGA Supported, Work with up to 8 documents and exchange information between them, export and import functions, A NC-alike file manager built-in, fixed and variable tab types, convert tabs to spaces and vice versa. |
17576 | BOXEROS2.ZIP | 437193 | 07.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | BOXER/OS2 Text Editor v7 - Top Rated! |
17577 | CLWM171.ZIP | 1735090 | 04.12.1996 | - | 21538/05-Edit.zip | - | Clearlook(tm) Word Processor from Sundial Systems v1.71 demo. |
17578 | EDA350.ZIP | 214150 | 04.11.1996 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | EDA v3.50. Editor intended for large ASCII files with several functions, which are not commonly available in other editors. |
17579 | EDIS202D.ZIP | 1710782 | 14.01.1997 | - | - | - | distributed multi user editor, based on DSOM/CORBA |
63598 | EDP100.ZIP | 124649 | 14.01.1997 | - | 21538/05-Edit.zip | - | Editor+ 1.00, PM editor for OS/2 Warp 3/4. |
17580 | EDP101B2.ZIP | 202,2 kt | 03.06.1997 | - | - | - | "Editor+ 1.01 beta 2. Editor+ is a text editor for OS/2 Presentation Manager. But it isnt just another editorit is extended for programmers and optimized to offer a fast speed and powerful functions." |
17581 | ENH-E101.ZIP | 357,5 kt | 12.10.1997 | renamed | 15464/Supersite.zip | - | Enhanced E & Enhanced EE v1.01 Two editors, an Enhanced version of the OS/2 System Editor (adds printing capability, print selected text, time insert, date insert and a popup menu) also included is the Enhanced EE Editor with everything the Enhanced E has plus a toolbar, popup menu, autosave, search by line#, name insert, signature file insert, file history save selected text, multiple language support for menu items, presentation mode, html code stripping, bubble help, spawn |
17582 | ENH-E104.ZIP | 364,6 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | - | - | Enhanced E & Enhanced EE v1.04 Two editors, an Enhanced version of the OS/2 System Editor (adds printing capability, print selected text, time insert, date insert and a popup menu) also included is the Enhanced EE Editor with everything the Enhanced E has plus a toolbar, popup menu, autosave, search by line#, name insert, signature file insert, file history save selected text, multiple language support for menu items, presentation mode, html code stripping, bubble help, spawn |
17584 | EPM_SPEL.ZIP | 378463 | 12.07.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Spell checker for EPM |
17583 | EPM603B.ZIP | 2720328 | 26.07.1996 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | EPM editor, version 6.03b |
17585 | EQED096.ZIP | 123280 | 27.02.1996 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | WYSIWYG equation editor for OS/2 PM |
17586 | EQED141E.ZIP | 279 kt | 07.01.1998 | - | - | - | EqEd/2 v1.41b. An WYSIWYG equation editor for OS/2 PM. |
17587 | FIXPAK1.EXE | 3438421 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21550/17-Fixes30.zip | - | Special fixpack for Lotus WordPro. 1/4. |
17588 | FIXPAK2.EXE | 4336222 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21550/17-Fixes30.zip | - | Special fixpack for Lotus WordPro. 2/4. |
17589 | FIXPAK3.EXE | 5215417 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21550/17-Fixes30.zip | - | Special fixpack for Lotus WordPro. 3/4. |
17590 | FIXPAK4.EXE | 5180721 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21550/17-Fixes30.zip | - | Special fixpack for Lotus WordPro. 4/4. |
64323 | FTE-043.ZIP | 466758 | 27.07.1996 | - | 21504/OS2SPEZ396.zip | tupla | OS2 Text Mode text editor. Version 0.43 Color syntax highlighting for C/C++, REXX, HTML, IPF, PERL, Ada, Pascal, TEX Multiple file/window editing, Column blocks, configurable menus and keyboard bindings, mouse support, undo/redo, regular expression search and replace, folding, background compiler execution. |
17591 | FTE45OS2.ZIP | 604,3 kt | 02.03.1997 | koko¹ | ratsnest3.iso | - | Text Mode text editor. Version 0.45 Color syntax highlighting for C/C++, REXX, HTML, IPF, PERL, Ada, Pascal, TEX Multiple file/window editing, Column blocks, configurable menus and keyboard bindings, mouse support, undo/redo, regular expression search and replace, folding, background compiler execution. |
17592 | GCPPGP10.ZIP | 21075 | 12.07.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) front-end for OS/2 EPM-editor |
17593 | GS403INI.RAR | 678087 | 10.11.1996 | - | - | - | GhostScript for OS/2 |
17594 | GS403OS2.RAR | 563099 | 10.11.1996 | - | - | - | Ghostscript for OS/2 |
17595 | HED151B.ZIP | 80511 | 04.11.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Version 1.51b of HED hex editor for OS/2. |
17596 | HIEW550.ZIP | 172,7 kt | 29.05.1997 | - | - | - | "HIEW v5.50. Basically HIEW (Hackers view) is a hex viewer for those who need to change some bytes in the code (usually 7xh to 0EBh). Hiew is able to view unlimited length files in text/hex modes and in 386 disassembler mode." |
17597 | HX110OS2.ZIP | 149586 | 17.05.1996 | - | - | - | HexEd V1.10 is a small binary editor with - a user friendly, menu driven interface - multiple windows - multiple operating system support - Freeware ..And more |
17598 | IED_URAN.ZIP | 33943 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | iEdit v.Uranus beta Editor for OS/2 PM by Alexander Wilkens of iLogic Software Postcardware |
17599 | JOE.ZIP | 397403 | 13.06.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | GNU JOE editor v 1.0.8 |
17055 | KED207.ZIP | 86469 | 28.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | KEd is a character mode text editor for OS/2 v 2.x. It is a full 32-bit application, and features support for HPFS, macros, unlimited number of files, huge file sizes, cut and paste, and shelling to a command processor. You'll also find extensive on-line hypertext help for ease of use. New version 2.07 with greater speed, and several bug fixes. Shareware registration $20. |
17600 | KON112.ZIP | 166,2 kt | 04.05.1998 | - | - | - | Kon v1.12. A multi-purpose PM text-editor with a lot of useful functions. |
17601 | MEDO121E.ZIP | 696,2 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | - | MED is a highly configurable shareware texteditor for programmers (OS/2 PM, Windows95/NT). Features: C, C++, Java, HTML, REXX, Ada, Pascal, Modula-2, LaTEX support, syntax-highlighting (display and printer), section browser, section display, persistant blocks (column, stream), compiler support, configurable keyboard, third-party online- help and NDX support, multiwindowed, views, configurable toolbar, drag-n-drop, persistant bookmarks, EA support, sorting, multilevel |
17602 | MNOTEB03.ZIP | 94,7 kt | 26.05.1997 | - | - | - | MultiNote b3 OS/2 information manager. Allows you to drag/drop store textual information in a notebook interface. |
66328 | MRED116E.ZIP | 562038 | 31.12.1996 | - | 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso | tupla | Mr.Ed is a highly configurable OS/2 PM shareware texteditor for programmers. Features: C, C++, Java, HTML, REXX, Ada, Pascal, Modula-2, LaTEX support, syntax-highlighting (display and printer), section browser, section display, persistant blocks (column, stream), compiler support, configurable keyboard, third-party online-help and NDX support, multiwindowed, views, configurable toolbar, drag-n-drop, persistant bookmarks, EA support, sorting, |
17603 | MYCKEYS.ZIP | 16689 | 12.07.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | An automatic EPM editing mode for C/C++ code. Automatic indentation, expansion and highlighting. |
66858 | OS2RD3B1.ZIP | 2815432 | 08.10.1996 | - | - | - | Adobe Acrobat reader for OS/2 |
17604 | OS2TEX.ZIP | 3945725 | 08.01.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | TeX/LaTeX for OS/2 (not emTeX) |
17605 | PADHD21.ZIP | 118471 | 14.01.1997 | - | 21573/InfoMgt.zip | - | PADHD v2.1. A "scratch pad" to jot notes in and organize small files into. While PADHD is NOT a WORD PROCESSOR, it has several features to help make managing notes a lot easier - such as cut, clear, copy, paste, search, undo, and save to ASCII, import ASCII file, and an ASCII dump to the printer. At its simplest it is merely a note pad. At it's most it is a great note organizer for students, teachers, programmers ( source code files and examples), and any one with a lot |
17606 | PLUMA112.ZIP | 326602 | 30.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Pluma v1.12 (Rick Papo, 13 September 1994, $30). A medium-scale WYSIWYG word processor for OS/2 PM. Supports all ATM fonts, any printer with a PM driver, color, bitmap graphics, as well as most basic word processing functions. For correspondence and memorandums (1-4 pages). In English, French, Spanish and Dutch. |
17607 | PMED32.ZIP | 39097 | 18.10.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | PMEdit32 Version 1.01. A general purpose multi-windowed TEXT file editor, with a slant towards programmers. |
17608 | RDOS2A2.EXE | 2730490 | 30.04.1996 | - | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip | - | Adobe Acrobat Reader for OS/2 Alpha 2 |
17609 | SEDIT254.ZIP | 268665 | 15.10.1995 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | Professional programmers text/binary PM editor for OS/2 |
68459 | SMALED14.ZIP | 409359 | 29.09.1996 | - | 8173/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-22)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | tupla | Smalled 1.40 Is a good looking high powered 32 bit multi threaded PM editor. Full DRAG-N-DROP support (open, save, print, copy, move, shred and PP), DragText compatible, ATM fonts, WYSIWYG printing, Extended EA usage, Toolbar, Bubble help, Context popups, DBCS support, Highly configurable, ,File-search, File-history, Text formatting tools, Line and Word wrap, auto-indent, etc. |
17610 | SMECLP10.ZIP | 113,4 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21538/05-Edit.zip | - | SmeClp 1.00 The Smalled Clipboard Extensions Gives you 10 virtual OS/2 clipboards. Copy, cut and paste between clipboards possible. Clipboard text is editable. Search and Replace functions. Multiple modes for text accumilation. (fully functional shareware) FREE FOR REGISTERED SMALLED USERS |
17611 | SMLED145.ZIP | 381,2 kt | 30.09.1997 | - | 23371/Chip_1999-01_cd.bin | - | Smalled 1.45 Is a good looking high powered 32 bit fast multi threaded PM editor. Full DRAG-N-DROP support (open, save, print, copy, move, shred and PP), DragText compatible, ATM fonts, WYSIWYG printing, Extended EA usage, Toolbar, Bubble help, Context popups, DBCS support, Highly configurable, ,File-search, File-history, Text formatting tools, Line and Word wrap, auto-indent, etc. |
17612 | SMLED200.ZIP | 597,8 kt | 07.01.1998 | - | 21538/05-Edit.zip | - | Smalled 2.00 Is a good looking high powered 32 bit fast multi threaded PM editor. Full DRAG-N-DROP support (open,save,print,copy,move, shred and PP), DragText compatible configurable WYSIWYG printing, Extended EA usage, Toolbar, Context popups,DBCS support,Highly configurable, ,File-search, File-history, Programmable Text formatting tools, Line and Word wrap,auto-indent, Windowing functions etc. Included are the Smalled Clipboard |
17613 | TE282OS2.ZIP | 76444 | 18.10.1996 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | TECH-EDIT Programmers/Text Editor v2.82 |
17614 | TSE2JR4.ZIP | 196,5 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | 21538/05-Edit.zip | - | TSE JR/2 v4 |
17615 | WORDPRO1.EXE | 3916868 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21577/Product.zip | - | Lotus WordPro 1/6 |
17616 | WORDPRO2.EXE | 3918641 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21577/Product.zip | - | Lotus WordPro 2/6 |
17617 | WORDPRO3.EXE | 3538574 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21577/Product.zip | - | Lotus WordPro 3/6 |
17618 | WORDPRO4.EXE | 3807885 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21577/Product.zip | - | Lotus WordPro 4/6 |
17619 | WORDPRO5.EXE | 4188101 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21577/Product.zip | - | Lotus WordPro 5/6 |
17620 | WORDPRO6.EXE | 4206894 | 28.10.1996 | - | 21577/Product.zip | - | Lotus WordPro 6/6. Requires special fixpak or Warp v4.0. Preview of OS/2 version. |
17621 | WWED024B.ZIP | 137911 | 12.07.1995 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | OS/2 Text Mode editor with Color Syntax Highlighting for C/C++, REXX, HTML, IPF PERL. Supports multiple files loaded, multiple windows, configurable keyboard bindings, Line/Stream/Column blocks, regular expression, mouse support, undo/redo and background compiler execution. Version 0.24 |
9144 | DFB18.ZIP | 27227 | 16.03.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | Data Flow Benchmark v1.8 Determines the cpu type, size and properties of cache, main memory and video adapter. Tests memory bandwitdh and data throughput between these components. OS/2 2+ required. Lots of new cpu types. |
17623 | DISKI111.ZIP | 47,2 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | tupla | DISKIO - Fixed Disk Benchmark (C) 1994-1997 Kai Uwe Rommel This is a simple fixed disk and CD-ROM drive benchmark for OS/2. It measures (approximately) the following numbers: - drive cache/bus transfer rate - data transfer rate - average latency time - average data access time |
9146 | DSTAT104.ZIP | 23138 | 20.03.1996 | - | Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO | - | Displays information about your disk drives. Report: Volume, filesystem, local/remote, tot size, free, usage. Version 1.04. |
9147 | GO_15.ZIP | 30434 | 21.03.1996 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | GO! v1.5 - command-line utility to show a list of processes, threads semaphores, shared memory handles and more. Also able to kill tasks, to switch to another task, check whether a task is running or not, drive info, and much more... |
9148 | INFPM132.ZIP | 430523 | 29.01.1996 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS Files.zip | - | infopm system info & benchmark for os/2 WARP version 1.32 |
9149 | MAP63.ZIP | 35493 | 17.05.1996 | - | OS2 Arsenal v1.0 (Disk1)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Map, display configuration and state information |
9150 | SBENCH09.ZIP | 139514 | 06.12.1995 | - | 21831/Plex6.mdf | - | SBench 0.9.0, benchmark for CPU/FPU, graphics and disk I/O. |
17629 | SYSBN093.ZIP | 406,2 kt | 01.01.1998 | - | - | tupla | SysBench v0.9.3. |
9152 | SYSINFO.ZIP | 840689 | 28.01.1996 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | System information utility |
17631 | ADMA10.ZIP | 35,2 kt | 30.09.1999 | - | - | - | AddressManager 1.0 for OS/2 Osoitetietokantaohjelma OS/2 käyttöjärjestelmälle. |
17632 | AEG_PM10.ZIP | 73192 | 13.06.1996 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | 32 bit OS/2 Presentation Manager Demo of Snake-Byte Incorporated's Automated Episode Guide programs. This fully functional OS/2 P.M. program shows you exactly what an A.E.G. is. The demo program features one full season of episode info from each of the eight Automated EpGuides currently available from Snake-Byte. |
17633 | BA5OS210.ZIP | 33599 | 22.10.1995 | - | 21549/16-Announce.zip | - | The 32 bit OS/2 Automated Episode Guide v 1.0 for BABYLON 5, a text mode menu-driven program that simplifies viewing the episode info. |
61409 | BIOG10A.ZIP | 252286 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | tupla | BIOGRAPH FOR OS/2 v1.0a: The ultimate program to compute biorhythms and pair matching. Bio- Graph tells you about the four cycles of your biorhythm. This information can help you in planning dates and gives you more understan- ding for your friends' and your partner's feelings. BioGraph currently includes german, english and dutch language. Shareware, re- duced introductory price until 2/29/96. |
17634 | BIRTH211.ZIP | 63207 | 24.03.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | BirthDay for OS/2 PM v 1.0 ¿Didn't you ever forgot the birthday of any loved person, or any person that work every day with you? Over now you could never forget it again. Ask BirthDay a list with the persons that reach years in the day, the week, the month, or in the next days and become well with all word! Made in Argentina Autor: Horacio Jamilis |
17635 | BSIOS212.ZIP | 193,7 kt | 05.04.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | Beatles Song Index (OS/2) v1.2 |
62956 | DISKCT13.ZIP | 233788 | 28.10.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | DiskCat v1.3 for OS/2 Warp. Cataloging of all disks (floppy, harddisk, cdrom, magneto optical, lan drives, audio cd), search the database for files, audio titles, print reports import audio cd titles from PMDCAT format, automatic detection of drive types. |
62957 | DISKCT15.ZIP | 200766 | 04.01.1997 | - | - | tupla | DiskCat v1.5 for OS/2 Warp, completly redesigned program, cataloging of all disks (floppy, harddisk, cdrom, magneto optical, lan drives, audio cd, search the database for files, audio titles, comments, printing supported, automatic detection of drive types |
17636 | DISKCT16.ZIP | 196,6 kt | 04.02.1997 | - | 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso | - | DiskCat v1.6 for OS/2 Warp. Completly redesigned program, cataloging of all disks (floppy, harddisk, cdrom, magneto optical, lan drives, audio cd), search the database for files, audio titles, comments printing supported, automatic detection of drive types, enormous speedup of displaying the files of a volume. |
17637 | DS9OS210.ZIP | 41554 | 22.10.1995 | - | 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO | - | The 32 bit OS/2 Automated Episode Guide v 1.0 for DEEP SPACE 9, a text mode menu-driven program that simplifies viewing the episode information. |
17638 | ET290A.ZIP | 1799694 | 04.11.1996 | - | 15651/PCM_9707.iso | - | Electronic Teller 2.90a. A home finance application. It features a rich set of functions and utilities. |
17639 | FBD099.ZIP | 37372 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | FBDIFF 0.9.9ß (OS/2) - File base differencer. Monitors any group of files for new files, changed files, deleted files and duplicates. Shareware - registration is $20 CDN. |
17640 | IBB128.ZIP | 187789 | 19.10.1995 | - | 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso | - | Itty-Bitty Black Book/2, version 1.28. An OS/2 Presentation Manager address book with printing, dialing, and multimedia cpabilities. Extremely configureable. Shareware. Awesome! |
17641 | INVEST.ZIP | 1055309 | 04.11.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Frobozz Investor is a complete investment application for the active investor running OS/2. The application contains stock tracking, portfolio management, technical analysis and an extensive Rexx interface. Downloads quotes from CompuServe. Shareware, registration $89. |
17642 | MSTOS212.ZIP | 80509 | 22.10.1995 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode guide v1.2 |
17643 | ORTL111E.ZIP | 462,9 kt | 04.05.1998 | - | - | - | Ortelius v1.11. A Desktop Mapping program for OS/2 that simplifies the creation of thematic maps strongly. These maps may be printed or exported as Meta- or Illustrator-files to be edited or merged into other documents or applications. |
17644 | OS2CAT12.ZIP | 235866 | 03.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | OS2CAT is a shareware 32bit OS/2 PM- program to catalog files on every media supported by OS/2. You can write comments for every file and every disk in your catalog and search for any string. |
17645 | OS2DAY.ZIP | 120833 | 12.02.1996 | - | 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso | - | A "today in history" for OS/2. |
17646 | PHONEBOY.ZIP | 36699 | 29.05.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | PhoneBoy: simple address book program |
17647 | PIG_14.ZIP | 159631 | 22.10.1995 | - | 8180/Night Owl Best of Shareware (NOPV-18)(1995).ISO | - | Personal Inventory Gatherer/2, version 1.4. An OS/2 Presentation Manager home inventory/collectables database with multimedia features. Configureable. Shareware. Awesome! |
17648 | PMSB27.ZIP | 142760 | 13.11.1996 | - | 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso | - | PM Scrapbook is a 32 bit OS/2 PM Personal Information Manager/Database with address books, to-do lists, user definable "tables", note pads and Workplace Shell references organized in a graphical tree format. Allows you to store any number of personal information "objects" in a file. These objects are organized in the familiar parent/child heirarchy (like the directories and subdirectories on a hard drive). All objects may be searched, sorted, and printed. |
17649 | QLPOS210.ZIP | 43537 | 22.10.1995 | - | 20213/2014.11.ftp.sunet.se_pub_OS2.tar | - | Quantum Leap automated episode guide v1.0 |
17651 | SMP_PM10.ZIP | 53218 | 11.05.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | The 32 bit OS/2 PM Automated Episode Guide v 1.0 for THE SIMPSONS. This is a full featured OS/2 Presentation Manager program that makes it easy to view information on the popular FOX TV Show, The Simpsons. |
17650 | SMPOS210.ZIP | 50130 | 22.10.1995 | - | 4399/Cream of the Crop 10 (Part II) (Terry Blount).iso | - | The 32 bit OS/2 Automated Episode Guide v 1.0 for The SIMPSONS, a text mode menu-driven program that simplifies viewing the episode info. |
17652 | TABLCA13.ZIP | 267,9 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | Tablica/2 1.3 - Periodic Table of the Elements: native OS/2 application with point-and-click interface. Contains all essential data on 106 chemical elements from atomic weight to thermal conducti- -vity. Indispensable reference tool for high school and college students. Many unique features added with each release |
17653 | TD96FULL.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21571/Finance.zip | - | BT&T TaxDollars 1996 final version 2.96A.1. Shareware. |
17655 | TNG_PM11.ZIP | 164547 | 19.09.1996 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | The 32 bit OS/2 PM Automated Episode Guide v 1.1 for Star Trek: The Next Generation. This is a full featured OS/2 PM program that makes it easy to view info on the popular syndicated TV show. ====================================== The new version features a re-designed user interface, online and offline help system, re-designed episode data dialog boxes and more efficient disk-based episode data files. |
17654 | TNGOS210.ZIP | 54354 | 22.10.1995 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | Star Trek, Next Generation episode guide v1.0 |
17656 | TOSOS210.ZIP | 42873 | 22.10.1995 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | The 32 bit OS/2 Automated Episode Guide v 1.0 for the original Star Trek series. This is a text mode menu-driven program that simplifies viewing the episode info. |
17657 | VOMOD103.ZIP | 387,8 kt | 20.04.1997 | - | 21570/Educate.zip | - | Vocabulary Modern for OS/2 v1.03 Wordware for the GRE & SAT helps you learn advanced college level vocabulary words. Fully functional, not expireware, but has a limited database. Register and receive the complete database of 3975 words. |
17658 | WHO00042.ZIP | 24386 | 13.06.1996 | - | 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | who 0.004 beta2 ** native os/2 warp textmode r, many useful functions (like birthdayremind tion and different types ouf printing), compl |
17659 | XFLOS210.ZIP | 42615 | 23.10.1995 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | The X-Files automated episode guide v1.0 |
9685 | 40CID_B2.ZIP | 34599 | 01.03.1996 | - | 21541/08-Other.zip | - | CallerID-ohjelma WARPille |
17661 | ANS199C.ZIP | 412,2 kt | 10.06.1997 | - | - | tupla | Answering Machine for OS/2 v1.99b. This program should work with all Rockwell based voice modems. |
9687 | AUTOZOC.ZIP | 5119 | 02.01.1996 | - | 21536/03-Comm.zip | - | Two REXX scripts to work with ZOC and the OS/2 Shareware BBS to automate file downloads. FREEWARE. |
17663 | BTERR2.ZIP | 815,8 kt | 08.06.1998 | väärä koko | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | BTERM v3.42 ToMmIk-5v. This packet is for OS/2, with RSA. BTERM is a small VT320 terminal emulator. It is free for single user non-commercial use. |
9689 | BW23_OS2.ZIP | 484610 | 06.04.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Blue Wave Offline Mail Reader/OS2 v2.30. A Blue Wave and QWK-compatible offline mail reader which offers the utmost ease of use and configurability. This is a 32-bit OS/2 text mode program for OS/2 2.0 or higher. Release Date: 12 February 96 |
17665 | CF2_101.ZIP | 396,4 kt | 29.06.1997 | - | - | tupla | cFos/2 1.01 - COM Port Emulator for ISDN CAPI Serial device driver that interfaces with ISDN CAPI 1.1 and 2.0 PDD. Supports multiple COM ports simultaneously, controlled by a powerful AT command set. Includes virtual FOSSIL driver. Supports fast dynamic channel bundling, V.42bis data compression, BTX, V.120, analogue modem, PPP Internet mode, X.31, time synchronisation, fax command set.. Many options! |
17666 | CROM2_03.ZIP | 60,6 kt | 24.04.1997 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | tupla | "Cromtag/2 v0.03 Early release of Crom/2 utilities for timEd/2. This suite includes: Cromtag/2 - tagline utilCromline/2 - custom origin linesMood/2 - insertsmoodkludgeCsteal/2 - tagline thief." |
17667 | CTEL100.ZIP | 96 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO | tupla | CapiTel v1.00 -- an ISDN CAPI 1.1 based 32-Bit answering machine for OS/2 Presentation Manager. See ReadMe for further details. |
9693 | HALOS2.EXE | 337323 | 25.09.1995 | - | - | - | HyperAccess Lite for OS/2 Sama HAL kuin OS/2 Warpin BonusPakissa |
9694 | HTTPA130.ZIP | 200974 | 23.12.1995 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | (v1.30) HTTPACC - An OS/2 Program to read and ess.LOG file that the OS2HTTPD NCSA Server writes out. |
9695 | IC_90.ZIP | 965708 | 13.02.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | INTERcomm - 32bit, PM, Object Oriented Terminal Program for OS/2! INTERcomm offers flawless ANSI and VT100 emulation, with PM, Vio Text, and Full Screen text capabilities from a single PM server. Drag and drop support for Downloads, and dialing directories. Built in Xmodem, Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Zmodem ZedZap protocols. Built in support for M2Zmodem, Ce-XYZ/2, and CKermit external protocols. Includes a Telnet Client, and Complete scripting through OS/2's |
65063 | ILOGO40.ZIP | 168680 | 04.11.1996 | - | 2462/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 8).iso | tupla | InfoLog v4.0 for OS/2 PM. Online time monitor. |
17671 | ILOGO43.ZIP | 242,7 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 21536/03-Comm.zip | tupla | InfoLog v4.3 for OS/2 PM. Monitor important communications activities with the communication software you already use. Shareware. |
9697 | IMILEO22.ZIP | 554490 | 30.06.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | InfoMiles v2.2 for OS/2 PM --------- Communications usage and cost monitor for Internet, services, BBS, fax, email, etc. |
9698 | INMAK_B3.ZIP | 560582 | 08.03.1996 | - | - | - | MR/2 Offline reader for OS/2. This version read QWK, SOUP and ZipNews formats. |
17674 | JMR07121.ZIP | 162,7 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | jmr Ilmainen QWK etalukija. Ominaisuuksia mm. messubase, haku, threadit, ... Mukana myos suomenkieliset dokumentit! |
17056 | KWQ12I.ZIP | 219372 | 28.12.1994 | - | MBCD | - | KWQ Mail/2, version 1.2i. A 32 bit QWK mail reader for OS/2 PM. Features advanced multithreaded searching, taglines, many archivers, fast access toolbar, colored "message syntax" text, Adobe fonts, an internal editor, PM, OS/2, DOS or Win3.X external editors, bookmarks, unlimitted packet size and more. |
9700 | LW321.ZIP | 1812359 | 20.05.1996 | - | MBCD | - | LiveWire v3.2 communications program for OS/2 Warp. Includes feature- packed graphical and text mode versions. High speed display, ANSI, VT102, Zmodem, IEMSI, TELNET, REXX enabled, and much more! |
9701 | LW32RIP.ZIP | 304224 | 24.03.1996 | - | 21536/03-Comm.zip | - | RipTerm 1.54 emulation add-on for LiveWire v3.2 for OS/2 Warp. |
9702 | MCHK40.ZIP | 119829 | 16.07.1996 | - | 21536/03-Comm.zip | - | MailChk/2 for OS/2 ver 4.0. A 32-bit freeware utility that operates under a Netware/OS/2/Pegasus Mail environment. |
9703 | MIM2_040.ZIP | 570263 | 30.03.1996 | - | - | - | MR/2 etälukusoftan graafinen setup-ohjelma. Tällä ohjelmalla voit kätevästi tehdä MR/2:n virtuaalikonferenssit ym. |
9704 | MONITR11.ZIP | 12734 | 16.07.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Monitor v1.0. Provides modem lights for those of us who have internal modems. |
17680 | MR2_226.ZIP | 289560 | 18.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | MR/2 - A QWK compatible mail reader for OS/2 text-mode. Menu/picklist driven, mouse support, thread summary, multi- threaded searching, virtual conferences, address book, internal editor, speller, thesaurus. Reply templates, clipboard access, BBS specific INI's. Message deferring, reply logging, long file name support. Much more ... Many SLMR/OLX compatible keystrokes. |
17681 | MT-A5.ZIP | 42,6 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | os2sharewarebbs.zip | - | miniTerm alpha #5 (October 27, 1997) A featurefull terminal program for OS/2. (Possibly the best, too :) Donationware! |
17682 | NEWTC201.ZIP | 311,4 kt | 15.12.1997 | - | - | - | NewTech/2 v2.01 FREE copy. Voice Modem Manager. |
17058 | OS23-1.EXE | 684953 | 08.06.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Lanmanager client for OS/2. Disk 1 of 4 |
17059 | OS23-2.EXE | 667606 | 08.06.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Lanmanager client for OS/2. Disk 2 of 4 |
17060 | OS23-3.EXE | 697349 | 08.06.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Lanmanager client for OS/2. Disk 3 of 4 |
17061 | OS23-4.EXE | 910516 | 08.06.1994 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Lanmanager client for OS/2. Disk 4 of 4 |
17683 | OS2FTP15.ZIP | 50776 | 09.04.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | External X/Y/Z-modem protocol for OS/2 |
17064 | PMCOM211.ZIP | 338416 | 07.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Pmcomm v2.11 communications program Zmodem receive and scripts are disabled in this demo version. |
17684 | PMT117.ZIP | 87 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | 21536/03-Comm.zip | - | PM Timer/2 version 1.17. This is an OS/2 PM program that monitors your online time and calculates your phone cost. It has a little title-bar timer in the active PM-window and a configurable costs scheme so it can be used in most countries. New features include Import and Export of ZOC fee-files and more. |
17070 | PROTK10.ZIP | 186636 | 12.12.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | ProTalk v1.0 serial comms program Terminal emulations, keyboard maps, several transfer protocols, script language, etc. Trial version. |
17071 | README.EXE | 61655 | 08.06.1994 | - | - | - | Lanmanager client for OS/2. Readme files. |
17685 | SKY2-101.ZIP | 245,2 kt | 31.07.1998 | - | - | - | SkyReader/2 1.01a-6 - Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail reader. Finnish and english language files, PGP support, message text reformatting, etc. nice features. This is the 32-bit OS/2 text mode version. |
68435 | SKY2059B.RAR | 165107 | None | - | - | - | SkyReader/2 v0.59b Tekee viallisia OMEN-paketteja. |
68436 | SKY2060B.ZIP | 224072 | 12.12.1996 | - | ratsnest1.iso | - | SkyReader/2 v0.60b - Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail reader. Finnish and english language files, PGP support, message text reformatting, etc. nice features. This is the 32-bit OS/2 text mode version. (24.11.96) |
17686 | SMDM2-10.ZIP | 44,3 kt | 24.06.1997 | - | 21536/03-Comm.zip | - | Smodem/OS2 v1.00 - Bi-directional file transfer protocol with full screen chat. Performance rate 99.5% No registration needed |
17687 | TE2PRO20.ZIP | 1141913 | 06.06.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | Terminal/2 Pro termksen testiversio OS/2:lle |
70488 | ZOC304.ZIP | 799220 | 21.12.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | ZOC 3.04 - 32bit Modem, Telnet and ISDN comm. application for OS/2 and Windows NT/95. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, count- less options and features including CIS-B, Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). Filenames: ZOC*.ZIP=OS/2 Version, ZOW*.ZIP=Win-NT/95-Version |
17688 | ZOC400OE.ZIP | 956,4 kt | 18.04.2001 | - | - | tupla | Zap-O-Comm v4.00 for OS/232bit Telnet/SSH, Modem and ISDN comm. application for OS/2. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, countless options and features including Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). http://www.emtec.com |
17689 | ZOCDEV.ZIP | 52868 | 20.02.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | ZOC v1.10 Developers' Toolkit |
70514 | ZSX2_310.ZIP | 35622 | 07.03.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | ZSX v3.10 protocol driver for OS/2 Supports X/Y/Zmodem, SEALink; DOS versions also available |
17690 | BKILL20S.ZIP | 128315 | 12.12.1996 | - | 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso | - | Bug Killer v2.00. A GUI interface to McAfee's OS/2 Anti-Virus Program |
66864 | OSC-253E.ZIP | 543969 | 31.12.1996 | - | 21579/Security.zip | - | VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfee, Inc. Scans and cleans PC's/LAN's for known and new viruses. Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above. Version 2.5.3 (9611) 12-17-96 |
17691 | OSC-302E.ZIP | 697,1 kt | 03.08.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "VirusScan for OS/2 by McAfeeInc. Scans and cleans PCs/LANs for known and unknown viruses. Requires OS/2 2.0GA or above. Version 3.0.2 (3006) 06-23-97" |
17692 | PMFEE107.ZIP | 394,1 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | "PM Fee v1.07. A Presentation Manager front end for McAfees command line program : os2scan.exe and lets you easily scan your drives for viruses. Also PM Fee lets you view the scan log file and virus list. PM Fee is shareware and costs $10 to register." |
17693 | SSHELL15.ZIP | 10,7 kt | 20.04.1997 | - | - | - | Scan Shell v1.5 for OS2SCAN. |
17694 | SSHELL18.ZIP | 29,6 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | 21579/Security.zip | - | Scan Shell v1.8 for OS2SCAN. |