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Internet / Windows 95 - Internet / WWW-apuvälineet, pluginit /
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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
8912 | 1CBT41B4.ZIP | 671,6 kt | 06.04.2000 | - | - | tupla | 1 Cool Button Tool v4.1 for Win9x.A JAVA applet wizard that can spice up your web page with cool animated buttons. This creator allows you to provide your visitors with very attractive buttons that make sounds and change color when the mouse pointer is held over them. A definite attention getter. Shareware. Cost $29.95. Copyright (c) Formula Software 1998. http://www.buttontool.com |
8913 | 24LNK244.EXE | 332 kt | 11.02.2001 | - | - | tupla | 24link versio 2.00.0044 BETA. FreewareTee koneestasi Web-serveri tämän ohjelman avulla. Käyttäjät suunnistavat koneeseesi IP-osoitteen perusteella, joten sopii etenkin kiinteän IP:n omaaville. |
8914 | 3DWEBM15.ZIP | 27,9 Mt | 26.09.2001 | - | - | - | 3D Webmaker v1.5 3D Webmaker mahdollistaa ActiveX-tekniikan avulla toimivien kolmeulotteisten nettisivujen suunnittelun ilman ohjelmointitaitoa tai tietämystä HTML-koodauksesta. Ohjelma sisältää kirjaston kolmiulotteisia kappaleita sekä valmiita malleja esimerkiksi pubin tai takkahuoneen luomiseen, joka onnistuu erittäin helposti raahaa ja pudota-menetelmällä. Shareware, $49. |
8915 | ADDABTTN.EXE | 491,1 kt | 01.10.2001 | - | - | - | AddaButtonLisää Internet Explorer -selaimen työkalupalkkiin omia nappuloita, jotka toimivat pikakuvakkeina haluamiisi ohjelmiin. Ilmainen. |
8916 | ADSUB231.EXE | 2,7 Mt | 12.11.2001 | - | - | - | AdSubtract SE 2.31AdSubtract on nettisivujen mainoksia suodattava ohjelma. Poistaa monenlaisia bannereita, ja ilmoittaa halutessa aina äänimerkillä, kun jokin mainos suodatettiin pois. http://www.adsubtract.com/ |
8917 | AIRFORM.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | AI RoboForm v1.25 Windows 95/98/NT/2000Internet Explorer -laajennus, joka automatisoi www-lomakkeiden täyttäminen. Lisää Fill Forms -toiminnon Explorerin painikkeeksi. |
8918 | ALLGON21.EXE | 1 Mt | 19.04.2001 | - | - | tupla | AllGone v2.1.1AllGone! Was developed to help preserve your Windows resources by restricting more than one (1) instance of your current WEB Browser to be activated! With AllGone! Installed, you can visit WEB Sites and not worry about a massive amount of Web Browsers popping up, as AllGone! will close each window (WEB Browser) that tries to open other than the initial one you started. This demo will function fully for about five minutes, then shut down. The cost to register is $9.95. |
8919 | AMDLNK11.ZIP | 362 kt | 29.03.2001 | - | - | tupla | AM-DeadLink 1.1Tämä ilmainen ohjelma käy läpi IE:n, Netscapen ja Operan linkkilistat (favourites, bookmarks) ja kertoo, mitkä osoitteista ovat vanhentuneet tai tallennettu useampaan kertaan. http://aignes.com/software/ |
8920 | ANIMFLEX.EXE | 187,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | AnimaFlex Player Plug-In v1.13Valokuvista koottujen animaatioiden katselun mahdollistava laajennus. Näyttää ALF -tiedostotyyppiä. |
8921 | ARF32.ZIP | 96,5 kt | 11.03.1997 | - | 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip | tupla | ArfA WWW database searcher and retriever Arf searches World Wide Web databases such as Alta Vista, Lycos, and Deja News with a search term that you supply. Arf follows the links that the databases come up with to the web pages they point at. Arf copies those web pages onto your disk. Do batch searches quickly. Great for research. Cut down on connect time. Registered version fetches more than 10 web pages per search. |
8922 | BEATNIK.EXE | 2,3 Mt | 28.06.2000 | - | - | tupla | Beatnik v2.1Äänilaajennus selaimiin. Sopii Netscape Navigator 4.0:aan tai uudempaan, sekä Internet Explorer 4.0:aan tai uudempaan. http://www.beatnik.com/ |
8923 | BKMAG232.ZIP | 838 kt | 24.09.2000 | - | 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 3).iso | tupla | Bookmark Magic v2.32Muuntaa helposti Netscapen kirjanmerkit (bookmarks) Internet Explorerille ja päinvastoin. Poistaa myös mm. kaksoislinkit (duplikaatit) sekä lajittelee linkit kuvauksen perusteella. Sharewarea. http://www.cyber-matrix.com/bkmkmag.htm |
8924 | BLACKW.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | tupla | Black Widow Scans a web site and presents found files in explorer-like window. View various information about the files and save site profiles. Windows 95 |
8925 | BMCNV285.ZIP | 1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | 20517/PC Utilities 7 - Disc 2.iso | tupla | Bookmark Converter v2.85 Muuntaa Netscapen kirjanmerkit IE:n vastaaviksi ja päinvastoin. Sharewarea Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. |
8926 | BMSYNC12.EXE | 360,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | BookmarkSync v1.2 Windows 95/98:lleJakaa bookamarkit verkossa ja tekee käännökset eri selainten välillä. |
8927 | BMWIZ160.ZIP | 407,8 kt | 24.09.2000 | - | sac.sk | tupla | Bookmark Wizard v1.6.0Tekee HTML-sivun Internet Explorerin bookmarkeista. Freeware. http://www.moonsoftware.com/ |
8928 | BNRCTCH.EXE | 3,1 Mt | 28.01.2001 | - | - | tupla | Banner CatcherEstää ikävien pop-up -ikkunoiden ilmestymisen Internet Explorerissa ja Netscape Navigatorissa. Voit määrätä ohjelman poistamaan kaikki pop-up -ikkunat tai vaihtoehtoisesti lisätä tietyt ikkunat poistettavien listaan. Tallentaa poistetut ikkunat tietokantaan josta niitä voi tarkastella. Shareware. http://www.softicasolutions.com/ |
8929 | BOKMRKMA.ZIP | 994,6 kt | 19.02.1999 | - | 17390/Ultimate_Web_Companion_Yahoo_1999.iso | tupla | Bookmark Magic v2.52 Muuntaa helposti Netscapen kirjanmerkit (bookmarks) Internet Explorerille ja päinvastoin. Poistaa myös mm. kaksoislinkit (duplikaatit) sekä lajittelee linkit kuvauksen perusteella. Sharewarea. |
8930 | BOOKEX.EXE | 1,5 Mt | 28.10.2001 | - | - | - | Bookmark Express v1.0Ohjelma tarjoaa kätevän mahdollisuuden katsella Internet Explorerin ja Netscapen kirjanmerkkejä pienten kuvien avulla: ohjelma nappaa kuvan kunkin kirjanmerkin osoittamasta sivusta ja näyttää kirjanmerkkilistan niillä höystettynä. Lisäksi kirjanmerkkejä voi arvostella tähdin. |
8931 | BSYNC111.EXE | 345,7 kt | 24.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | "BookmarkSync 1.1.1 Synchronizes your IENetscape and AOL bookmarks across several computers on the Internet. Bookmarks are in a secure database while you work. You can share bookmarks with the publica select group of people to share withor subscript to other peoples sets of bookmarks. Freeware." |
8932 | C501N9X.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | Crescendo v5.01 NetscapelleActive-X -komponentti streamed-musiikin soittamiseen, esim. MIDIt ja MP3:t. Windows 95/98. |
8933 | C501NNT.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | Crescendo v5.01 NetscapelleActive-X -komponentti streamed-musiikin soittamiseen, esim. MIDIt ja MP3:t. Windows NT/2000. |
8934 | C501XIE.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | Crescendo v5.01 Internet ExplorerilleActive-X -komponentti streamed-musiikin soittamiseen, esim. MIDIt ja MP3:t. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. |
8935 | CACHET05.ZIP | 793,2 kt | 29.12.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | "Cachet v1.05A floating toolbar accessory for Netscape Navigator. Designed to recover documents stored in Navigators internal disk cache. Text and date searchgroup copy. Windows 95 version. http://www.benlo.com/cachet.html" |
8936 | CCLEAR11.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 27.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Communicator Clear v1.1Erase your history list, cache files, drop-down memory and cookie file in Netscape Communicator for whichever user is selected. |
8937 | CHK4NW18.ZIP | 907,2 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | - | - | Check4New v1.8Tracks given URLs. You will be notified whenever those URLs have changed. Capable of tracking HTML, GIF, JPG, etc. Can track unlimited number of URLs. Capable of checking URLs at regular intervals. Timeout automatically when a website is down. You can also check for new e-mail on multiple accounts. http://5679soft.virtualave.net/new.html |
8938 | CL402W95.ZIP | 241,6 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet | tupla | ClusterView v4.01aYou have hard time finding again HTML files in your NetScape or Mosaic cache directory. ClusterView will allow you to search them for some specific item. Here is the great file viewer you wanted! Reads long documents fast, extensive search support, keyboard commands compatible with MORE and LESS (Unix utilities). http://perso.magic.fr/roumazeilles/clusterv.htm |
8939 | CMFORIE.EXE | 438,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Custom Menu v4.20 for Internet ExplorerLaajennus asentaa uuden valikon selaimeen, josta löytyy lähes 800 linkkiä aiheittain ryhmiteltynä. |
8940 | CMFORNS.EXE | 438,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Custom Menu v4.20 for NetscapeLaajennus asentaa uuden valikon selaimeen, josta löytyy lähes 800 linkkiä aiheittain ryhmiteltynä. |
8941 | CNGSETUP.EXE | 1,8 Mt | 29.09.2000 | ClamAV: Win.Adware.Timesink-13 FOUND | 22685/cd joystick no118 septembre 2000 cd 2.iso | - | Check&Get v1.5Kätevä apuohjelma, joka käy läpi bookmarkejasi ja ilmoittaa niiden muuttumisesta äänimerkillä, ikkunalla tai emailitse. |
8942 | COMPS273.ZIP | 651,9 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 3).iso | - | Compass v2.73A popular and powerful bookmark manager since 1997 for Netscape, IE, and Opera. New features in v.2.72: Export with Template, Get Meta Info, Logical OR search, Add URL from List, Directory Map, Import Generic HTML, Import Yahoo Companion, Import wizard, and much more. Windows 95/98/NT4/2000. Shareware. http://www.softgauge.com/compass/ |
8943 | COOK26.EXE | 1020,9 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | - | - | Cookie Crusher v2.6Hyvä cookie-puhdistaja Windowsille. Tukee Internet Explorer-ja Netscape-selaimia. Tällä ohjelmalla voit hylätä tai hyväksyä tulevat ocokiet sekä katsoa ja poistaa aiemmin talletettuja. Shareware, Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.thelimitsoft.com |
8944 | COOLIE15.EXE | 2,5 Mt | 04.04.2001 | - | - | - | "Cool IE 1.5CoolIE will help you change or make your favorite Internet Explorer logo and set the skin of your choice. There are two programs within this download: CoolIE and cieEditor. CoolIEs main program makes it easy to set the background and logo image of Internet Explorer. It will let you change IEs face every loginor every other day. Cool IE Editor is an animated bitmap editor. It will help you to create your animated IE logo easily by using many filters. If you have an animated gif fileit will extract the first 10 images and combine them to create the animated IE logo bitmap. This is a fully functionaluncrippled demo. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.cequal2000.com/coolie/index.htm" |
8945 | COPE2000.EXE | 2,4 Mt | 16.12.1999 | - | - | - | Copernic 2000 Copernic is an intelligent agent that carries out your net-searches by consulting the most important search engines of the Internet which are grouped under categories. It features a history of your searches, making sure that the invaluable information found on the Internet is always organized and handy. Free version includes six categories and 57 engines. |
8946 | COPERNIC.EXE | 2,4 Mt | 28.12.2001 | versio ? | 6952/CDExpert-essenciais-01.iso | - | "Copernic 2001 5.02Copernic 2001 is intelligent software that can search the Webnewsgroupsand e-mail simultaneouslyusing almost 80 information sources. The program offers a flexibleuser-friendly interface that displays a history of your searches. Copernic 2001 can also generate search reports in Web page formatallowing you to easily browse resultsremove duplicate matcheseliminate all invalid document linksand more. Special features for Internet Explorer include a replacement for IEs default search window or search bar that can be accessed directly from the browser toolbar. You can search using Copernic from any Web page within Internet Explorer 4.0 or later by highlighting a term and choosing a pop-up menu option. This program also features online shopping search categories for hardware and softwarewith more than 20 engines available. Recent updates have added a cutting-edge ranking method that places the most relevant result at the top of a report generated in seconds and free of duplicates. Other recent improvements include Translate buttons in the toolbars to provide quick access to an online translation service in any of seven languages: EnglishFrenchGermanItalianJapanesePortugueseor Spanish. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000Netscape Communicator 3 or Internet Explorer 4. Free. http://www.agents-tech.com " |
8947 | CORELCMX.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Corel CMX Viewer Plug-In v1.0Laajennus Corel CXM -vektorigrafiikan katselemikseksi selaimella Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. |
8948 | CORTVRML.EXE | 1,6 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | 23395/Chip_2001-01_cd1.bin | - | Cortona VRML Client v2.1 r34 Freeware VRML-laajennus selaimelle. Tukee OpenGL:ää, Direct3D:tä ja Javaa, Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. |
8949 | COSMPLAY.EXE | 3,2 Mt | 28.06.2000 | - | - | - | Cosmo Player v2.1.1Suosittu VRML-clientti. |
8950 | CPAL15E.ZIP | 280 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | 23859/PCWORLD_PLUS.iso | - | Cookie Pal v1.5eLaadukas cookien hallintaohjelma Windowsille. Tällä voit määrittää erikseen palvelimet, joista haluat ottaa vastaan cookieita ja palvelimet, joista et halua. Toimii Internet Explorer- ja Netscape-selaimilla. Shareware, Windows 95/98/NT. http://www.kburra.com |
8951 | CPCV551.EXE | 835,3 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | CPC View v5.51.Erikoisia kuvaformaatteja (esim. CPI ja PMB) näyttävä selainlaajennus. |
8952 | CPURL221.EXE | 206,4 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | 21742/PCShareware-3-99.iso | - | CopyURL v2.2.1A free shell extension to help you copy the address or link from an Internet shortcut. http://www.moonsoftware.com/ |
8953 | CVIEW217.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 25.09.2000 | väärä koko | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Cache View for Netscape v2.1.07Cache View is a viewer for the Netscape Navigator Cache. Now you can open the cached files quickly for viewing, and copy or move them out of the cache. Cache View will even reconstruct the names and directory paths of the Web sites for you to view the HTML files. Shareware. http://www.progsoc.uts.edu.au/~timj/cv/ |
8954 | CXIE301.ZIP | 288,6 kt | 24.09.2000 | - | - | - | CacheX for Internet Explorer v3.01Explore and organize your browser cache. Get easy offline access to all Web pages cached by MSIE. Features include: Hierarchical view of the cache by domains, websites, and even subdirectories; Category assignments; Sorting, deleting, and grouping items; Full text search; Export to and import from archives; Exploring archives. Supports MSIE v3, v4, and v5. Runs on Win95, Win98, WinNT4, Win2000. http://www.mwso.com/eng/cxie1.htm |
8955 | CXNS301.ZIP | 302,7 kt | 25.09.2000 | - | - | - | CacheX for Netscape v3.01Explore and organize your browser cache. Get easy offline access to all Web pages cached by Netscape. Features include: Hierarchical view of the cache by domains, websites, and even subdirectories; Category assignments; Sorting, deleting, and grouping items; Full text search; Export to and import from archives; Exploring archives. Supports Netscape v2, v3, and v4. Runs on Win95, Win98, WinNT4, Win2000. http://www.mwso.com/eng/cxns1.htm |
8956 | DAP3908.EXE | 927,4 kt | 04.05.2000 | - | 23388/Chip_2000-06_cd1.bin | - | Download Accelerator BETA Accelerator is a file download accelerator/manager that can increase download speeds up to 300 percent. It features multiserver connections for best performance. Download Accelerator can also recover from lost connections, computer shutdowns, and other errors. The program even searches for mirror sites to maximize your download performance. It integrates fully into Netscape and Internet Explorer, supports proxy servers, features auto-hang up after download completion, and more. |
8957 | DAP3908.ZIP | 921,5 kt | 18.02.2000 | - | 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 3).iso | - | Download Accelerator Plus ver 3908 Download accelerator Plus is a software that is plugged into the users default browsers (IE4, NETSCAPE 4 and above), on windows 95/98/NT4 platforms. The software will be triggered automatically when the user is trying to download a file from the net. |
8959 | DAP4.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 30.08.2000 | - | 23397/Chip_2001-03_cd1.bin | - | Download Accelerator 4.0 betaDownload Accelerator is a file download accelerator/manager that can increase download speeds by up to 300 percent. It features multiserver connections for best performance. Download Accelerator can also recover from lost connections, computer shutdowns, and other errors. The program even searches for mirror sites to maximize your download performance. It integrates fully into Netscape and Internet Explorer, supports proxy servers, features automatic hang up after download completion, and more. The newest version adds features such as download scheduling, dial-up configuration, and the new AlwaysResume feature that will resume broken downloads even from servers that do not support resume functions. Download Accelerator has improved the download speeds for cable modem and DSL subscribers, as well as for the mirror search. Also new is PASV proxy support for FTP sites located behind firewalls etc. http://www.speedbit.com |
8958 | DAP43B.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 28.04.2001 | - | - | - | Download Accelerator Plus 4.3 betaTämä ohjelma nopeuttaa netistä kopioimista etsimällä useita vaihtoehtoisia palvelimia, joilta tiedoston saa haettua. Voit myös antaa ohjelmalle ohjeita, milloin se hakee tiedostoja ja mitä se tekee niille. Mainosten ansiosta ilmainen. http://www.downloadaccelerator.com/ |
8960 | DGRABB21.ZIP | 1003,5 kt | 22.10.1997 | - | - | - | Data Grabber 2.1 Freeware desktop search tool for the internet. Select a database to target, enter a query, click GO. The results of your search will display on your default browser. |
8961 | DIS26.EXE | 2,3 Mt | 21.01.2000 | ClamAV: Win.Adware.Cydoor-7 FOUND | 23393/Chip_2000-11_cd2.bin | - | Disconnector 2.6 Disconnector allows you to start downloading files from the Internet, and, when all downloads are done, it disconnects from your provider. You no longer have to sit near the computer until the download is finished. Disconnector features sound effects during and after the process. |
8962 | DL-WNDR.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | - | "Download Wonder 1.55 Works with Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator to organize files as they are downloaded from the Internet. When you start downloading Download Wonder immediately springs into actiondownloading the file and prompting you so it can storetrack and organize everything youll want to know about the fileand more." |
8963 | DNA16.ZIP | 464,1 kt | 11.04.2000 | - | - | - | Domain Name Analyzer v1.6Ohjelma käy läpi haluamasi domain-nimet ja kertoo mitkä niistä ovat vapaana. DNA osaa myös luoda uusia nimiä yhdistelemällä sille annettuja sanoja. Ilmainen. |
8964 | DSTIC101.ZIP | 575,4 kt | 27.04.1997 | - | - | - | "Dipstick v1.01Afree utilityanswers the questionwhich site should I download the file from.When presented with multiple Internet site locations to receive files fromyoull want to use the fastest connection. Drag the URL links onto Dipstickand the program will test the speed of multiple connectionsby pinging themand show the fastest link. You can adjust the number and size of pingsplus time-out parameters. Dipstick returns the" |
8965 | DWGDXFNS.ZIP | 700,2 kt | 17.06.1997 | - | - | - | DWG/DXF Netscape Plug-in for viewing DWG/DXF-files. |
8966 | ENTRYP30.EXE | 675,6 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | EntryPoint 3.0 Windows 95/98/NT4/2000:lleReaaliaikainen palvelu, joka hakee koneellesi automaattisesti haluamasi uutiset, pörssikurssit, sääennusteet sekä sisältää myös jopa MP3-soittimen! |
8967 | EZ DOWNLOAD 96 | 216 kt | 22.07.1997 | - | - | - | EZDL.ZIPThis is a plug-in that makes downloading programs a snap. It can be plugged into both Netscape and America Online WWW Browser. For novice and advanced users alike. |
8968 | FGF096A.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 28.10.2001 | - | 23480/chip_20018103_hu.iso | - | "FlashGet v0.96aWhats the biggest problem of downloading---Speedthe second biggest---Management after downloading. FlashGet(JetCar) was written for these two problems. By splitting files into parts and download them(all the parts) simultaneouslythe downloading speed increases from 100% to 500%. FlashGet is capable of creating unlimited number of categorieseach category has a specified hard drive directoryfiles placed in categories will be stored in the specified directorythe powerful and easy-to-use management features help you to organize your files in a way that you had never organized before. Adware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000 by Amaze Soft. http://www.amazesoft.com/ " |
8969 | FILEFER.ZIP | 674,7 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | FileFerret trial edition v1.11 Search the net for the file you want. Search on filenames, file types, keywords, etc. Windows 95/NT4 |
8970 | FLASHWIE.EXE | 293,6 kt | 01.08.2000 | - | - | - | Flash 4.0 Player for Internet ExplorerMacromedia Flash 4.0 Player for Internet Explorer (ActiveX Controls). Experience the future of Web design today with Macromedia Flash Player, the Web standard for vector graphics and animation. View the best designed Web sites containing Flash-based cartoons, interactive interfaces, and information graphics from many leading-edge companies, such as Comedy Central and Sony. http://www.macromedia.com |
8971 | FLASHWIN.EXE | 269,3 kt | 01.08.2000 | - | - | - | Flash 4.0 Player for Windows 95/98/NTExperience the future of Web design today with Macromedia Flash Player, the Web standard for vector graphics and animation. View the best designed Web sites containing Flash-based cartoons, interactive interfaces, and information graphics from many leading-edge companies, such as Comedy Central and Sony. http://www.macromedia.com |
8972 | FNET99.ZIP | 2 Mt | 01.10.2001 | - | - | - | FastNet99Nopeuta nettisurffailua pitämällä omalla koneellasi listaa käyttämiesi palvelinten IP-numero-osoitteista. Ilmainen. |
8973 | FS32_14.ZIP | 479 kt | 10.09.1998 | - | - | - | F.SEARCH v1.4Taskbar application that gives two click access to 90 internet search engines. For Windows 95 or NT. Fully integrates into Netscape & IE. Freely Distributable Shareware. http://www.meat.com/software/fsearch/ |
8974 | FTB20C.ZIP | 336,3 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | - | - | This add-on for Netscape Navigator lets you put a automatically hiding tool bar to your browser, including all the necessary tools you need for use. |
8975 | FULLSCRE.EXE | 571,3 kt | 28.06.2000 | - | - | - | Full Screen -plugin (Netscape Navigator & Internet Explorer) |
8976 | FVHTML11.ZIP | 17,9 kt | 09.10.2001 | - | - | - | FavHTML, v1.1Listaa Microsoft Internet Explorer -selaimen suosikkisivut HTML-sivuksi, josta sivujen nimet ja osoitteet on helppo tulostaa paperille. Vaatimukset: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Microsoft Internet Explorer -selain, alle 1 Mt vapaata levytilaa ja tiedosto MSVBVM60.DLL (versio 6.00.8495 tai uud.) Freeware (10.8.2001). Copyright (c) 2001 Mika Salonen, http://www.webdesignsalonen.com/software/ |
8977 | FVP16W32.EXE | 965,5 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 22285/VPR9801A.ISO | - | Fractal Viewer Plug-In v1.6Plugin-laajennus fraktaalikuvien katseluun selaimella. Tukee Windows 95/98/NT/2000:ia. |
8978 | GETRT430.EXE | 3,1 Mt | 27.09.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | - | GetRight 4.3Suosittu apuohjelma, jolla voit jatkaa keskeytyneitä WWW-imurointeja aloittamatta alusta, jos serveri vain tukee jatkamista. Hakee myös automaattisesti nopeimman mahdollisen serverin imurointia varten. Sharewarea. http://www.getright.com |
8979 | GIFDES21.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 12.04.2000 | versio 2.2 | 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 2).iso | - | 3D GIF Designer v2.13D GIF Designer produces high-quality animated 3D pictures, titles, banner ads and buttons for your Web page or presentations. |
8980 | GIFDES22.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 22.05.2000 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | "3D GIF Designer 2.23D GIF Designer produces high-quality animated 3D picturestitlesbanner ads and buttons for your Web page or presentation. You can create animations from your own pictures (JPEGGIFBMPAVI) and easily add 3D text and shapes. The sprites technology enables you to control placementsizemotionappearance soft-edged shadowsand opacity. You can add an unlimited number of 3D text strings with your own colorfontsizeextrusiontexturerotationand lighting. To get started quicklydesign your own animations from more than 30 professional templates (bannersbuttonslogos)and then save them as animated GIF or AVI moviesor as sets of JPEG or BMP files. The files have optimized sizes and are 90 percent smaller than those that havent been optimized. In addition3D GIF Designer allows you to animate sprites with several effects such as swingrotateblinkand animated coloring. This version has added motion and animation presets and bug fixes. http://www.pysoft.com " |
8981 | GIFEXP95.ZIP | 192,2 kt | 17.06.1997 | - | - | - | Gif for Explorer Automatically view Gif files as thumbnails Win95 |
8982 | GOZILLA4.EXE | 2,8 Mt | 18.10.2001 | - | - | - | Go!Zilla 4.0Apuohjelma, jolla kopioidaa tiedostoja internetissä. Ohjelma selviää siirtovirheistä ja hallitsee keskeytyneiden siirtojen jatkamisen sekä tiedostojen luokittelun. |
8983 | HK2000.EXE | 2,1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | 23859/PCWORLD_PLUS.iso | - | History Kill 2000Plugin Netscapelle ja IE:lle. Hävittää selaimen välimuistin sisällön nopeasti ja kätevästi varmistaen näin surffaushetkesi turvallisuuden ja yksityisyyden. |
8984 | HOMESTR.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 17.06.1997 | - | - | - | "HomeStrip v1.1A special bookmarking tool for the Web. It allows you to surf the Web in the normal way but provides an easy method of collecting reference material from sites that are of interest. You can clip images or segments of text and arrange then in your own local space. Using montageyou can cluster material to formgroupsand then manipulate them as a whole. . Win95." |
8985 | HOTBARRR.EXE | 338,9 kt | 08.12.2000 | - | - | - | Hotbar v2.1.1.2Ohjelma, jolla saat Internet Explorerisi työkalupalkin taustalle vaihdettua uusia värillisiä skinejä valmistajan kotisivujen tuhansien vaihtoehtojen joukosta. Ohjelman mukana tulevasta IE:n lisätyökalupalkista löytyy myös paljon linkkejä suosituimmille webbipalveluille. Vaatii IE 4 tai uudemman, Windows 95/98/NT/2000/Me:n. Valmistaja "Hotbar.com Inc." http://www.hotbar.com |
8986 | HOTLINGO.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Hot Lingo v1.10Plugin Internet Explorerille. Hot Lingo oikolukee tekstit lomakkeista englanniksi. |
8987 | HSPLUGIN.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | HyperStudio Plugin v3.3HyperStudiolla tehtyjen multimediaohjelmien katsomisen mahdollistava laajennus Windows 95/98/NT:lle. |
8988 | IE4POWER.EXE | 234,9 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Internet Explorer 4.0 Powertools |
8989 | IE5WA.EXE | 136,3 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 23710/PCWorld_1999-05_cd.bin | - | Internet Explorer 5 Web AccessoriesTämä plugin mahdollistaa zoomauksen sivuilla oleviin kuviin sekä antaa myös listauksen sivun kuvista ja lähteistä. |
8990 | IEPERS3.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 19.04.2000 | - | #hyrava | - | Internet Explorer Personalizer v3.00 Freeware-ohjelma, jonka avulla voit kustomoida Internet Explorer-selaimia. Voit mm. vaihtaa nimen, joka näkyy ikkunan ylälaidassa, logon, työkalurivin taustavärin jne. Voit myös rajoittaa käyttäjän pääsyä IE:n asetuksiin käsiksi. Vaatii Visual Basic 6.0 -kirjastotiedostot. http://accesscodes.hypermart.net/product01.html |
8991 | IEWASHER.EXE | 630,8 kt | 05.06.1998 | - | 23881/PC World Interactive 9 - Temmuz 1998.iso | - | Cache and Cookie Washer for IE4 v.1.1This program is very useful for automatically cleaning the tracks of the previous users of a system. This is helpful in protecting the previous users privacy from the next users of that system. It is also helpful in keeping the public systems drive space using usage to minimum. Shareware. |
8992 | ILV16AU.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 04.08.1997 | - | 21327/INF1297.iso | - | InfoLink v1.6 Link Checker. |
8993 | IMARA104.ZIP | 805,6 kt | 27.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | Internet Marauder v1.4"The fastest, most powerful file-retrieving robot on the Internet." Search and capture tool on the Internet. Fully automated, link-following, file-retrieving web spider. It will retrieve all the files you want - and only the files you want from anywhere. |
8994 | IMARKUP1.EXE | 2,9 Mt | 30.04.2000 | - | - | - | iMarkup v1.03Ohjelma, jonka avulla voit lisätä haluamillesi web-sivuille henkilökohtaisia muistilappuja, esimerkiksi käyttäjätunnuksen muistamiseksi. |
8995 | INTELL1.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 18.02.2000 | - | - | - | SkyLam Intelli-Dial-UP v2.5FEATURES: Easy-to-use Program Interface Speed up your Internet connection up to 500% faster! Step-by-Step Internet Booster Wizard Advanced TCP/IP Settings Editor |
8996 | INWEBR1S.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | "InWebstigatorLearn more about a website than you wanted to know. Powerful tool for webmasters and users who want to explore sites links without endless scrolling." |
8997 | JCACT10.ZIP | 752,8 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 3).iso | - | JC_ActiveDoc v1.0.1Netscape-plugin Word-, Excel- ja PowerPoint-dokumenttien selailemiseen. Sharewarea Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. |
8998 | JCF075.ZIP | 811,1 kt | 21.01.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | JetCar 0.75 JetCar splits files into many parts and downloads the parts at the same time, this method gives you high downloading speed. You can also organize the downloaded files into different categories. |
8999 | KLLAD011.ZIP | 41,3 kt | 31.07.2000 | - | - | - | KillAd v0.11A utility to get rid of advertising browser popup windows (c) FSC, 1999-2000 http://www.magictrust.com/fsc/ |
9000 | KOAN703.EXE | 398 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Koan Plugin 7.03 StandardSelainlaajennus Netscape 4+ ja IE v4.0+ -selaimille. Näppärä MIDI-soitin, jonka käyttämät tiedostot ovat kooltaan vain muutaman kilotavun. |
9002 | LINKBT30.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 27.04.1997 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | "Linkbot for Windows v.0 Linkbot is an Internet tool that checks Web pages for broken links and much moreto the level of depth you specify. It offers tabs with parent and child link viewsalong with an expandable site structure tree. The results are displayed in a detailed table and can be exported as delimited text or saved as a series of neatly detailed HTML reports. Linkbot can even automatically create awhats newpage. Toolbar filters include" |
9003 | LINKM502.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 06.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Linkman v5.02Linkman Professional is the only bookmarks management tool you will ever need. Amongst standard features like add, replace and delete, Linkman lets you search for duplicates, validate urls, check for page changes, sort by launch date, password protect your url collection and launch the links in your preferred browser. Full support for Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer and Opera. |
9004 | LKMN5061.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 3).iso | - | Linkman 5.061 Linkman Professional is the only bookmarks management tool you will ever need. Amongst standard features like add, replace and delete, Linkman lets you search for duplicates, validate urls, check for page changes, sort by launch date, password protect your url collection and launch the links in your preferred browser. Full support for Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer and Opera. |
9005 | LPV3_22.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Live Picture Zoom Viewer v3.22Live Picturella voi katsella QuickTime VR:n tapaisia panoraamakuvia. Tukee sekä IE:tä että Netscapea. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. |
9006 | LRIPPER.ZIP | 892,9 kt | 01.03.2001 | - | - | - | Link Ripper 4.23Järjestää Internet Explorerin ja Netscapen tallennetut suosikkilinkit (kirjanmerkit) yhdeksi tyylikkääksi listaksi, jota voi lajitella eri tavoin. Ilmainen. http://members.nbci.com/cwilliso/ |
9007 | MODPLUGN.ZIP | 144,8 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | - | "The MOD plug-in enables Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer to play embedded MOD music filesthereby allowing you to get CD-quality sound through your Web browser. MODs do not require streamingso youll hear no breaks in the music that are related to Net congestion. In addition to MOD filesthis software supports S3MXMMEDIT669FARWOWNSTMTMand ULT sound files. " |
9008 | MP50.EXE | 2,1 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Autodesk MapGuide Plug-In Viewer v5.0Laajennus karttojen ja paikkatietojen selailuun. Freewarea, Windows 95/98/NT/2000:lle. |
9009 | NAVEX20A.ZIP | 866 kt | 30.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | NavEx v2.0Converts browser bookmarks between Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. |
9010 | NETANTS.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 28.12.2001 | ClamAV: Win.Adware.Cydoor-1 FOUND | 23071/chip-cd_2003_04.zip | - | NetAnts 1.25 ASPNetants is a fast download manager. With the ability to split file into chunks and download simultaneously, it dramatically speeds up your download times. NetAnts offers numerous valuable options: batch download, URL snatcher, browser integration, proxy management, corrupted zip fix and multi-language support. $0 |
9011 | NETATPR.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | NetAttache Pro Automates the retrieval of net data with powerful multi-level spider. |
9012 | NETCAL20.EXE | 3,3 Mt | 30.04.2000 | - | #hyrava | tupla | Grafix NetCalendar v2.0Grafix NetCalendar is an easy to use program that lets you create perfectly formatted HTML calendars for your web site or local Intranet. With NetCalendar you can keep everyone apprised of upcoming events, holidays, meetings or anything else you can think of, with great looking interactive web pages. Just enter event information and NetCalendar generates calendars complete with scrolling monthly and daily pages. Shareware. http://netcalendar.grafix-net.com |
9013 | NETINT30.ZIP | 6,5 Mt | 14.06.1998 | - | - | - | NetIntellect 3.0Extract and analyse information from your WWW server logs. Essential tool for the Internet & Intranet management, marketing, sales, customer service and server administration departments. Analysis tool, generates reports that reveal critical statistical, geographic and marketing trends in the usage and performance of your Web site. Windows 95/NT |
9014 | NETQUEST.EXE | 3,1 Mt | 03.03.2000 | versio ? | 19248/www-06-2000.iso | - | NetQuest Powerful search and browser software for your desktop. Includes a search function, smart index, favorites, personalized shopping, webfax, webmail and more. The interface is set up so that everything is at your fingertips. |
9015 | NEURON.EXE | 7,6 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Neuron v7.2Selainlaajennus Netscapelle ja IE:lle, jolla katsotaan ToolBook-esityksiä. |
9016 | NOPOPS11.EXE | 563,4 kt | 16.02.2001 | - | - | - | NoPops v1.1With NoPops you can eleminate those annoying popup windows so that you can surf as first intended. You will never again meet those nasty popups. Freeware. http://www.jpsoft.dk |
9017 | NP32FG5X.EXE | 360,9 kt | 29.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Netscape Formula Graphics plug-in v5.7Netscape Navigator plug-in for Formula Graphics multimedia system v5.7 |
9018 | NPESKP01.ZIP | 185,7 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | sac.sk | - | Esker ActiveX Plug-in v3.0Selainlaajennus Netscape Navigatorille / Communicatorille. Lisää tuen Active-X -komponenttien hallinalle. Freewarea, Windows 95/98/NT/2000. |
9019 | NPMOD191.ZIP | 144,1 kt | 20.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | MOD Plugin 1.91Music MODule player plugin for Netscape Navigator, MS Internet Explorer & Opera |
9020 | NS2WA.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 26.04.1997 | - | 837/Complete Internet Archive.iso | - | NetSearch V2 Search multiple sites from one query. Win32, vb4 Runtime Libraries(Included) EMAILtagraham@alpha.wcoil.com Multiple sites from a single query. Search all sites at the same time. Stores the results of search on one page. View with your favorite browser. Select the sites to search. 22 programed sites. 8 user selected. Plus Email Address Search. NOW a Fully Functional Demo |
9021 | NSCE120.ZIP | 104,7 kt | 23.07.1997 | - | 10260/cicawindowscollection199702-2.iso | - | Netscape Cache Explorer v1.20Easy offline-access to all Web pages that hav been cached by Netscape Navigator. Contains fulltext search and the ability to extract entire document trees. Organizing functions like intelligent domain sorting, hiding and deleting documents, helps you to keep track of important things in the browser cache universe. |
9022 | NSCOP870.EXE | 614,2 kt | 12.11.2001 | - | - | - | Naviscope 8.70Naviscope suodattaa mainoksia nettisivuilta. Toimii sekä bannereiden että popup-ikkunoiden kanssa. Sisältää myös muita surffausta helpottavia ominaisuuksia, kuten nettiyhteyden nopeuden optimoinnin sekä tilastotietoja nettiliikenteesä. |
9024 | NSWASHER.EXE | 605,6 kt | 05.06.1998 | - | - | - | Cache and Cookie Washer for NS 4 v.1.1Cache and Cookie Washer for Netscape versions 4.x. This program is very useful for automatically cleaning the tracks of the previous users of a system. This is helpful in protecting the previous users privacy from the next users of that system. It is also helpful in keeping the public systems drive space using usage to minimum. Shareware. |
9025 | NWATCH.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | - | - | "Netwatch 1.20 Utility that monitors Internet services and displays arolling graphical displayof their overall status. If any of the components that are being monitored fail to respond to the graphical display will not show a green (OK) bar. By clicking on any non-green bar anyfailedservers will be listed. Freeware." |
9026 | OCSETUP.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Oil Change v2.5Kätevä plugin, joka päivittää automaattisesti halumasi ohjelmat uusimpaan versioon ja hakee bugikorjaukset. Sisältää tuen yli 6500 ohjelmalle! |
9027 | OMNHT206.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 25.02.2000 | - | - | - | OmniHTTPd version 2.06 ProfessionalFast and compact HTTP/1.1 industry-compliant Web server supporting CGI, Win CGI, Perl and SSI. http://www.omnicron.ab.ca/httpd/ |
9028 | OP2GR110.EXE | 329,9 kt | 22.04.1999 | - | 22182/SuperCD45.iso | - | GetRight-plugin v1.1 OperalleAsentaa Operaan klikkausten seurannan, jolloin GetRight käynnistyy aina imuroitaessa kuten muillakin yleisillä selaimilla. Vaatii vähintään GetRight v3.x:n ja 32-bittisen Operan. |
9029 | PBT_20.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | 10269/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 2000) (Disc 3).iso | - | Power Browsing Tools for Netscape 2.0 This is a collection of four browser add-ons that power up your Netscape, adding new useful features. One removes all your menu bars, tool bars, etc, so you have your entire screen open to view web pages, but all get displayed again at the flick of the mouse. Another of these high-octane power boosters is Save With Images which lets you save an entire web page along with all its images, icons and every link still active all in one action. Power Browser Tools has a Download Manager with many handy features including download resume for those long downloads that keep getting interrupted. There is even a handy scroll function for your middle mouse button. Requires Netscape 4.x or above. Launch Setup.exe to install. |
9030 | PINGM.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | - | - | Ping-O-Meter 1.5 Features easy to read analog-style gages with configurable zones, seven quick refresh led style read-outs, optional mouse over hint system and much more. Freeware. |
9031 | POPKI141.EXE | 2,7 Mt | 12.11.2001 | - | - | - | PopUp Killer 1.41Ohjelma ponnahdusikkunoiden, eli popupien poistamiseen nettisivuilta. Monipuolisesti säädettävissä. http://software.xfx.net/utilities/popupkiller/ |
9032 | PUS24.EXE | 363,4 kt | 28.10.2001 | - | - | - | Popup Stopper 2.4Apuohjelma, joka estää ärsyttävien mainosikkunoiden ponnahtamisen esille, peittämään nettiselaimen. |
9033 | PWS10A.EXE | 756,1 kt | 10.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Microsoft Personal Web Server v1.0a |
9034 | PZMOCR32.EXE | 7,7 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Prizm OCR Plug-in v3.0Laajennus yleisimpien kuvatiedostojen katselemiseen. Sisältää myös kuvankäsittelyominaisuuksia. |
9035 | QS30_32.ZIP | 563,3 kt | 06.08.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | QuickSeek v3.0Quickseek adds an Infoseek button and search box to Netscape or MSIE. Now you can search the Net from anywhere, no matter what web site you are viewing! |
9036 | RGL17EN.EXE | 687,8 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | ReGet Free v1.7Ilmainen latauksenturvaaja HTTP- ja FTP-siirroille, joka osaa jatkaa keskeytyneitä latauksia automaattisesti. Tukee välityspalvelimia, useampien tiedostojen yhtäaikaista lataamista ja imurointia salasanasuojatuilta sivustoilta sekä sisältää lokimahdollisuuden. Freewarea, mutta näyttää mainoksia käyttäjälle. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.reget.com |
9037 | ROBOFORM.EXE | 700,6 kt | 28.10.2001 | - | - | - | AI Roboform v3-9-99Internet Explorerin apuohjelma, joka täyttää web-lomakkeita automaattisesti etukäteen antamiesi tietojen mukaan. |
9038 | SBM_INST.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 01.03.2000 | - | - | - | "Search By Media 2.04A search tool which sits on your desktop. Lets you search for imagesaudio and video on the Web. Search for songsnews clipsconcert videosor your favorite stars photo! Freeware." |
9039 | SHOCKWIN.EXE | 3,1 Mt | 01.08.2000 | - | - | - | "Shockwave 8 & Flash 4 Players for WindowsMacromedia Shockwave 8 and Flash 4 Players for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Shockwave Player is the Web standard for entertainingengagingrich-media playback. It lets you view interactive Web content like gamesbusiness presentationsentertainmentand advertisements from your Web browser. Youve probably seen Shockwave Player in action on top business and entertainment sites like Disney.comIntel.comSharperImage.comPalm Computingand thousands of other Web sites. http://www.macromedia.com " |
9040 | SHOWITPL.EXE | 254,4 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Corel Presentations Show It! Selainlaajennus Netscapelle. Mahdollistaa Corel Presentations -ohjelmalla tehtyjen esitysten katsomisen. |
9041 | SITESLCT.ZIP | 940,3 kt | 28.01.2000 | - | 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 3).iso | - | Site Select 2000 1.0 A great tool to find out if a domain you are looking into buying is available or not. Type one domain in to start with and Site Select 2000 will look for that one plus many more with slight alterations in the domain name to see if they are available to buy or not. |
9042 | SLSHW103.ZIP | 188,5 kt | 03.09.2000 | - | - | - | Internet Slideshow v1.06A program to facilitate visiting a list of sites in sequential order. Features: reduces to tray; stays on top; configuration utility; thirty-site capacity; loads in default browser; simple to use. Requirements: VB6 runtime; more than 256 colours. Status: Freeware |
9043 | SS2095T.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 31.07.1997 | - | 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso | - | Web accelerator software. Requires Netscape v1.1+. |
9044 | SSHOW200.ZIP | 185,2 kt | 07.11.2000 | - | - | - | "Internet Slideshow v2.00Internet Slideshow is a freeware URL manager for people who surf the same sites every day. Once your list of sites has been configuredall you have to do is click `Nextto cycle through your daily browsing routine. Freeware for Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Requires also Visual Basic 6.0 Runtime libraries. Author: Dennis Vanderspek." |
9045 | SSSPIDER.EXE | 1,9 Mt | 18.01.2000 | - | 20517/PC Utilities 7 - Disc 2.iso | - | Subject Search Spider v2.11Queries multiple search engines in any of 35 languages, then investigates web pages using a search engine of its own. Eliminates dead and duplicate links and return all results into one report. The reports include links and about a paragraph of text for you to look through. |
9046 | STATBANT.ZIP | 8,9 kt | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | IE4 status bar fix for Windows NT 4.0. Copy the StatBarNT.dll file to \\Windows\\System32 and execute "regsrv32 StatBarNT.dll". To uninstall, add /U switch. |
9047 | SURFSAVE.EXE | 5,6 Mt | 28.12.2001 | - | 15605/PCM_0003.iso | - | "SurfSaver 2.2SurfSaver is a browser add-on that lets you store Web pages directly from your browser into Searchable folders. You can save a single pageselected links on a pageor an entire Web site on your computer. Save important factsfiguresnews reportsand research into your own Knowledgebase. Use SurfSaver to instantly search this information for any word or phrase. Search and browse stored pages (even when youre not connected to the Internet)share folders in a network with SurfSaver Proand add notescommentsand keywords to the pages you save. New features in 2.1 include support for Netscapethe ability to display the most recent pages firsta script filter for full-screen scriptsfaster savingimport capabilitiesand more. Requires: Windows 95/98/NT8 MB disk space Netscape 4.x or IE. http://www.asksam.com " |
9050 | SWITCH.EXE | 182,6 kt | 15.08.2001 | - | - | - | Switch! v1.0Pieni apuohjelma, joka siirtää Internet Explorer -ikkunat pois tehtäväpalkista kokonaan omaan palkkiinsa. Useaa yhtäaikaista selainta käyttävälle henkilölle tämä toiminto tulee tarpeeseen. |
9049 | SWITCH11.ZIP | 172,7 kt | 25.08.2001 | - | - | - | Switch! v1.1 Siirtää Internet Explorerin ikkunat omaan palkkiinsa. Freeware. |
9051 | SWP31.EXE | 1,8 Mt | 21.06.1998 | - | 12835/aol-file-protocol-4400-5001-to-5044.tar | - | Streamworks v3.10A streaming video and audio plugin for Netscape that handles MPEG format video and sound with good quality and little or no "skipping" even over a slower connection. (Win95/NT) |
9052 | TBWLPAPR.EXE | 170,3 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 23710/PCWorld_1999-05_cd.bin | - | Internet Explorer 5 Toolbar WallpaperSelainlaajennus, joka lisää skinnable-ominaisuuden Exploreriin. Mahdolloistaa selaimen ulkoasun muokkaamisen. |
9053 | TELPT128.ZIP | 3,2 Mt | 28.04.1997 | - | - | - | Teleport Pro v1.28 Multithreaded file- retrieving, offline-browsing webspider. Scans the Internet for files or sites of interest, downloads them to your hard drive for fast offline access. Advanced file type/size matching, keyword filters, handles proxy servers and password-protected sites, automatic retries, Java applets, multiple dep searches, scheduled retrieval, and more. |
9054 | TH20EVAL.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | Tierra Highlights 2A Windows 95 agent that checks sites that you are interested in on a preset schedule. |
9055 | TPPRO129.ZIP | 871,3 kt | 04.09.2001 | - | - | - | Teleport Pro v1.29 build 1590 Teleport Pro on nettirobotti, joka osaa hakea tietyn sivuston kaikki sivut käyttäjän haluamalta syvyydeltä, etsiä niihin kuuluvat CSS-tiedostot ja muun tarvittavan tavaran, muuttaa absoluuttiset linkit suhteelliseksi ja tulkita oikein image mappeja. Sivustosta voi tehdä omalle koneelleen täydellisen kopion, jota voi selailla rauhassa kotonaan ilman nettiyhteyttä. Shareware, $40. |
9056 | TRNW32B2.ZIP | 110,9 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | TIFF Surfer v1.0Plugin TIFF-kuvien katselemiseen selaimella. |
9057 | TURBOW.EXE | 473,6 kt | 28.07.2000 | - | - | - | "Turbo Start 5.0 for Windows 95/98/NTTurbo Start is a search utility that puts more than 140 of the Webs most popular search engines at your fingertips. These engines are grouped into 20 categories such as PopularNewsgroupsand Local. It loads directly into your browser providing you with fast access to search resources. Powered by Java and JavaScript Turbo Start can be used on any Java-supported 32-bit operating systemas well as on your own Web site or corporate Intranet. It also includes such features as multiple searchintelligent searchand past query records. This is a fully functional version and requires no registration fee. Version 5.0 features 50 new engines and 10 new categories; a new interface; and search results displayed in a single window; furthermoreyou can now add your own search engines. http://www.rashminsanghvi.com/turbo " |
9058 | UNM6032.ZIP | 394,1 kt | 13.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "UnMozify Cache Manager v6.0 Lets you manipulate the files stored in the browsers cache in almost any way you wantoffering a full index of the cache contents. Req. Netscape and Windows 95" |
9059 | UNMOZ_IE.EXE | 459,7 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 23345/CHIP_HITWARE6_A.iso | - | UnMozify for Internet Explorer v6.1b166Työkalu IE:n cache-muistissa olevien www-sivujen selaamiseen. |
9060 | UNMOZ_NS.EXE | 470,2 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | 20706/.net January 1999.iso | - | UnMozify for Netscape v6.1 Build 616Työkalu Netscapen cache-muistissa olevien www-sivujen selaamiseen. |
9061 | URL16_15.ZIP | 498,7 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso | - | URL Manager v1.5URL Manager can gather your favorite sites, sites from lists, sites from HTML documents, and organizes them for you, creating custom HTML documents and web pages! Now includes clipboard monitor. |
9062 | URL2HTMK.ZIP | 118,7 kt | 25.07.1998 | - | MBCD | - | URL2HTM v2.05Converts the Internet Shortcuts or "Favorites" created by Microsoft Internet Explorer into an HTML file. |
9063 | URLIE202.ZIP | 79,8 kt | 23.03.2000 | - | - | - | URLie v2.02 Freeware 26.2.2000. Ohjelmalla voi poistaa Microsoft Internet Explorer -selaimen versioilla 3.x, 4.x ja 5.x selattujen sivujen osoitteita selaimen Osoite/Address-listasta (ei sivuhistoriasta). Vaatimukset: Microsoft Windows 95/98, alle 1 Mt vapaata kiintolevytilaa sekä tiedostot MSVBVM50.DLL (versio SP2) ja VB5STKIT.DLL. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mika Salonen. |
9064 | URLMENUS.EXE | 66,6 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | - | - | URLMenuURLMenu is a Windows 95 application for Internet Explorer users. |
9065 | URLMGR95.ZIP | 517,5 kt | 13.04.1997 | - | 12926/papa.indstate.edu.tar | - | URL Manager can gather your favorite sites, sites from lists, sites from HTML documents, and organizes them for you, creating custom HTML documents and web pages! Now includes clipboard monitor. |
9066 | URLNS100.ZIP | 13,6 kt | 30.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | URLns v1.00Ohjelmalla voi poistaa Netscape Navigator -selaimen versioilla 3.x selattujen sivujen osoitteita selaimen Location- eli osoitelistasta. Vaatii Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT:n ja VB5 runtimen. Copyright (c) Mika Salonen. |
9067 | URLORG14.ZIP | 121,9 kt | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | URL Organizer v1.4A small, fast, simple utility for organizing up to 2,000 URLs in a more manageable way than either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator allow. |
9068 | WASH32B3.EXE | 1 Mt | 12.11.2001 | - | - | - | WebWasher 3.2 BetaSiivoaa pop-up-ikkunat ja mainosryönän vierailemiltasi sivuilta. Tämä lyhentää latausaikoja ja säästää hermoja. Huom! Tämä on beeta-versio. http://www.webwasher.com |
9069 | WDR1S.EXE | 791,2 kt | 13.08.1997 | - | 23595/Pcwk5b98.iso | - | WebDisk WebDisk is a light weight yet fulle functional web server for Windows 95/NT. |
9070 | WEBCEL.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 28.05.1999 | - | - | - | WebceleratorThe most popular web accelerator in the world. Sho and Verify, DNS Cache, Prefetching, Favorite Sites, Site Exclusions and mode. |
9071 | WEBCMP20.ZIP | 5 Mt | 25.09.1997 | - | - | - | WebCompass v2.0486 8 MB modem or network connection to Internet. Fully functional trialware version from Quarterdeck. intelligent search tool that allows you to find exactly what you are looking for on the Internet. Working in conjunction with popular search engines makes it easy to sort through the millions of pages of text currently existing on the Web. |
9072 | WEBEXTRA.EXE | 399,4 kt | 20.12.2000 | - | - | - | Website Extractor v6.04Ohjelma, jolla voit kopioida kokonaisia webbisivustoja omalle koneellesi. Voit kopioida kaikki tiedostot tai valikoida niitä esimerkiksi tiedostopäätteen mukaan. Ilmainen. |
9073 | WEBFER.EXE | 591,5 kt | 23.11.2001 | renamed / Versio ? | 9300/Cream of the Crop 25.iso | - | "WebFerret 4.0WebFerret provides a handy and efficient way to find information on the Web. Its fasteasy to useand available from your desktop and from the Search Web option. Enter your search words and WebFerret will use your Internet connection to query popular search engines and return an unlimited number of hits. Advanced features let you set the closeness of the match and remove duplicates. The results are returned as a sortable list. Just double-click on a link to bring up your browser and launch the page. The latest version adds several new featuresincluding improved speed and performancea new uninstallerbug fixesand a new toolbar that integrates seamlessly with Internet Explorer. This free software contains advertising technology that will occasionally use your Internet connection to receive and display banner ads. http://www.zdnet.com/ferret/ " |
9074 | WEBL0199.ZIP | 363,6 kt | 29.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | "WebLauncherThe Internet speed demons own toolbar with news and shortcuts" |
9075 | WEBTI11.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Web TalkIt v1.1Yksinkertainen puheohjauksen mahdollistava ohjelma Internetin selaukseen. Voit nyt käskeä selainta menemään haluamallesi sivulle ilman hiirenheilutusta tai näppäimistöön koskemista! |
9076 | WEWASH30.EXE | 1020,1 kt | 10.10.2001 | - | - | - | WebWasher 3.0Siivoaa ponnahdusikkunat (pop-up) ja mainosryönän nettisivuilta, joilla vierailet. Tämä lyhentää latausaikoja ja säästää hermoja. |
9077 | WMWIN140.ZIP | 318,1 kt | 28.03.1999 | - | 9319/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak Volume 2 (Disc 2 of 3).iso | - | WebMirror 1.40 WebMirror is an advanced off-line browsing tool that allows you to re-create sections of the World Wide Web directly on your hard drive or local network. You can save particular pages, complete with text, links and graphics and refer without an online connection. |
9078 | WS23.EXE | 2,9 Mt | 24.01.2000 | - | 14554/K-CD_2001-06.iso | - | Webspector 2.3Internet research and navigation tool that automatically tracks an unlimited number of web pages for content changes. Webspector can also mark specific keywords in each page. Webspector also provides direct access to Netscape and Internet Explorer, the ability to import web browser bookmarks, and a built-in database of popular web sites. Freeware. |
9079 | WSA12INS.EXE | 155,7 kt | 06.10.2000 | - | - | - | WebSurfer Assistance v1.3.04bSelainlaajennus joka mahdollistaa kokonaisten WWW-sivustojen lataamisen kuvineen päivineen. |
9080 | WSEEK95.ZIP | 158,9 kt | 24.05.1999 | - | 6148/WIN95_DEC_1996_1.ISO | tupla | WebSeek v1.0 Internet-apuohjelma, joka lähettää käyttäjän syöttämät hakusanat rajoituksineen ja lisäyksineen seitsemälle tunnetuimmalle hakupalvelulle (mm. Alta Vista, Yahoo, Lucos, yms) suoraan työpöydältä. Eipä tarvitse enää odottaa hakulomakkeiden latautumista netistä. |