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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
52378 | 0VERKILL.TGZ | 155,4 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | - | Merkkigrafiikalla toteutettu räiskintäpeli0verkill (v0.12) on merkkigrafiikalla toteutettu tasohyppely/räiskintäpeli, jossa monta verkkopelaajaa voivat pistää toisiaan lakoon. Peli on open sourcea, joten ohjelmointitaitoiset voivat kehittää sitä edelleen. http://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/~brain/0verkill/ |
52379 | AC3DLNX.TGZ | 799,4 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | AC3D for LinuxA shareware 3d modeller for Linux. (ELF) |
52380 | AC3DMAN.TGZ | 148,8 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | AC3D - manuals in HTML-format |
52381 | APCH1312.TGZ | 1,6 Mt | 17.05.2000 | - | - | - | Apache v1.3.12Suosituin ja käytetyin web-palvelinohjelma Unix-pohjaisille käyttöjärjestelmille. Alkuperäinen tiedostonimi: apache_1.3.12.tar.gz. http://www.apache.org/ |
52382 | AS10PRE2.TGZ | 551,2 kt | 22.10.1998 | - | - | tupla | AfterStep 1.0pre2 (Window Manager for X) |
52383 | AUDACITY.TGZ | 1,1 Mt | 04.05.2001 | renamed / versio 0.96 | - | - | Audacity 0.95 for Linux (source file)Audacity is a program that lets you manipulate digital audio waveforms. In addition to letting you record sounds directly from within the program, it imports many sound file formats, including WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM, MP3, and Ogg Vorbis. It supports all common editing operations such as Cut, Copy, and Paste, plus it will mix tracks and let you apply plug-in effects to any part of a sound. It also has a built-in amplitude envelope editor, a customizable spectrogram mode and a frequency analysis window for audio analysis applications. http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~music/audacity/ |
52384 | BBBS_L.ZIP | 1 Mt | 12.08.1997 | - | ratsnest3.iso | - | BBBS v3.33 How for Linux.This packet is for Linux, without RSA. Complete BBS package with full internal FidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN, mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, Telnet, FTP, Finger, news, email, gateway, offline, VT320, ANSI, multilingual, multinode, Mg, full screen editor, multitask, CD-ROM, HYDRA, Zmodem, Kermit, BZLink, TCP/IP, voice, FAX, charsets, accounts, IRC, plus much much more. Everything you need to run a BBS! |
52385 | BBBSRL.ZIP | 1 Mt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | BBBS v3.33 How for Linux.This packet is for Linux, with RSA. Complete BBS package with full internal FidoNet and InterNet support. ISDN, mailer, mail processor, TICK, AllFix, Telnet, FTP, Finger, news, email, gateway, offline, VT320, ANSI, multilingual, multinode, Mg, full screen editor, multitask, CD-ROM, HYDRA, Zmodem, Kermit, BZLink, TCP/IP, voice, FAX, charsets, accounts, IRC, plus much much more. Everything you need to run a BBS! |
52386 | BFTPD121.TGZ | 303,7 kt | 24.11.1998 | - | - | - | BeroFTPD 1.2.1 sources.BeroFTPD is a replacement ftp server for Un*x systems based on wu-ftpd. In addition to wu-ftpd´s features, BeroFTPD includes better support for virtual hosts, the possibility to send an e-mail to the FTP administrator when an anonymous user uploads a file, better support for on-the-fly recompression, ratio support etc. |
52387 | BFTPD130.TGZ | 305 kt | 23.01.1999 | - | - | - | BeroFTPD 1.3.0 sources.BeroFTPD is a replacement ftp server for Un*x systems based on wu-ftpd. In addition to wu-ftpd+s features, BeroFTPD includes better support for virtual hosts, the possibility to send an e-mail to the FTP administrator when an anonymous user uploads a file, better support for on-the-fly recompression, ratio support etc. |
52388 | BFTPD132.TGZ | 290,4 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | BeroFTPD FTP server 1.2.3 sources.Original name: BeroFTPD-1.3.2.src.tgz. BeroFTPD is a replacement ftp server for Un*x systems based on wu-ftpd. |
52389 | BLAEL072.ZIP | 142,2 kt | 31.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | BladeEnc MP3 Encode v0.72 for Linux |
52390 | BZ2090BI.RPM | 98,4 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | bzip2 0.9.0bRedhat Erittäin tehokas pakkaus-/purkuohjelma Linuxille. Intel 386/Redhat -versio. |
52391 | C12E403.TGZ | 6,6 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.03 a.out binaries. |
52392 | C20E403.TGZ | 10 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.03 ELF binaries. |
52394 | DANCER48.TGZ | 400,4 kt | 29.08.1999 | - | - | - | Dancer v4.8.an IRCbot program. |
52395 | DE0_66_7.TGZ | 1,3 Mt | 26.08.1999 | - | - | - | DosEmulator 0.66.7 sources |
52396 | DJPLAY13.TGZ | 9,6 kt | 05.03.2000 | - | - | - | "DJs Player v1.3Simple text mode CD player for Linux and compatibles. Distributed under GPL." |
52397 | EAGLE408.RPM | 5,6 Mt | 31.10.2001 | - | - | tupla | Eagle 4.08, Linux-versioEAGLE (Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor) on saksalaisen CadSoftin tekemä apuohjelma elektroniikan suunnitteluun. Tämä versio on ilmainen, ja tarkoitettu vain ei-kaupalliseen käyttöön. Versiossa on joitain rajoituksia. Katso tarkemmat tiedot Rakentelunurkasta http://www.mbnet.fi/rakentelunurkka/ |
52398 | EGGD1310.TGZ | 459,4 kt | 26.07.1999 | - | - | - | Eggdrop v1.3.10 - an IRCbot program. |
52399 | EGGD1327.TGZ | 523,3 kt | 26.07.1999 | - | - | - | Eggdrop v1.3.27 - an IRCbot program. |
52400 | EGGD143.TGZ | 666,7 kt | 22.04.2000 | - | - | - | Eggdrop v1.4.3Suosittu ohjelma IRC-bottien pitämiseen unix-pohjaisille käyttöjärjestelmille. Lähdekoodit. Alkuperäinen tiedostonimi: eggdrop-1.4.3.tar.gz. http://www.eggheads.org |
52401 | EGGD160.TGZ | 808,2 kt | 15.12.2000 | - | - | - | Eggdrop v1.6.0Suosittu ohjelma IRC-bottien pitämiseen unix-pohjaisille käyttöjärjestelmille. Lähdekoodit. Alkuperäinen tiedostonimi: eggdrop-1.6.0.tar.gz. http://www.eggheads.org |
52402 | EGGD161.TGZ | 809,1 kt | 14.01.2001 | - | - | - | Eggdrop v1.6.1Suosittu ohjelma IRC-bottien pitämiseen unix-pohjaisille käyttöjärjestelmille. Lähdekoodit. Alkuperäinen tiedostonimi: eggdrop-1.6.1.tar.gz. http://www.eggheads.org |
52403 | FABO033S.TGZ | 27,3 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | fakebo 0.3.3 sources.Original name: fakebo-0.3.3.src.tgz. Have you ever wanted to know who is trying to access your computer with Back Orifice or NetBus? This program fakes these trojan servers and logs every connection from their clients. Connections can be logged to a file, to stdout, to stderr or to syslog. fakebo can also send fake pings and replies back to the trojan client. |
52404 | FCIV1100.TGZ | 2,8 Mt | 15.03.2000 | - | - | tupla | FreeCiv v1.10.0An X Window System clone of the Civilization II game. |
52405 | FEMA462.TGZ | 352,5 kt | 01.11.1998 | - | - | - | Fetchmail 4.6.2 sources.Fetchmail is a free, full-featured, robust, well-documented remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility intended to be used over on-demand TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections). It supports every remote-mail protocol now in use on the Internet: POP2, POP3, RPOP, APOP, KPOP, all flavors of IMAP, and ESMTP ETRN. |
52406 | FEMA465.TGZ | 357,5 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | Fetchmail 4.6.5 sources.Fetchmail is a free, full-featured, robust, well-documented remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility intended to be used over on-demand TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections). It supports every remote-mail protocol now in use on the Internet: POP2, POP3, RPOP, APOP, KPOP, all flavors of IMAP, and ESMTP ETRN. |
52407 | FEMA466.TGZ | 362,9 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | Fetchmail 4.6.6 sources.Fetchmail is a free, full-featured, robust, well-documented remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility intended to be used over on-demand TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections). It supports every remote- mail protocol now in use on the Internet: POP2, POP3, RPOP, APOP, KPOP, all flavors of IMAP, and ESMTP ETRN. |
52408 | FEMA469.TGZ | 459,4 kt | 04.01.1999 | - | - | - | Fetchmail 4.6.9 sources.Original name: fetchmail-4.6.9.tar.gz. Fetchmail is a free, full-featured, robust, well- documented remote-mail retrieval and forwarding utility intended to be used over on-demand TCP/IP links (such as SLIP or PPP connections). It supports every remote-mail protocol now in use on the Internet: POP2, POP3, RPOP, APOP, KPOP, all flavors of IMAP, and ESMTP ETRN. |
52409 | FEMA473S.TGZ | 463,5 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | Fetchmail 4.7.3 sources.Original name: fetchmail-4.7.3.src.tgz. Full-featured IMAP/POP2/POP3/APOP/RPOP/KPOP client with GUI configuration, daemon mode, forwarding via SMTP or local MDA, superior reply handling, support for multidrop mailboxes. Not a mail user agent, rather a pipe-fitting that seamlessly forwards fetched mail to your local delivery system. |
52410 | FETMA506.TGZ | 676,1 kt | 31.08.1999 | - | - | - | Fetchmail 5.0.6 sources.Original name: fetchmail-5.0.6.src.tgz. Full-featured IMAP/POP2/POP3/APOP/RPOP/KPOP client with GUI configuration, daemon mode, forwarding via SMTP or local MDA, superior reply handling, support for multidrop mailboxes. Not a mail user agent, rather a pipe-fitting that seamlessly forwards fetched mail to your local delivery system. |
52411 | FETMA507.TGZ | 682,1 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | Fetchmail 5.0.7 sources.Original name: fetchmail-5.0.7.src.tgz. Full-featured IMAP/POP2/POP3/APOP/RPOP/KPOP client with GUI configuration, daemon mode, forwarding via SMTP or local MDA, superior reply handling, support for multidrop mailboxes. Not a mail user agent, rather a pipe-fitting that seamlessly forwards fetched mail to your local delivery system. |
52412 | FETMA508.TGZ | 666,5 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | Fetchmail 5.0.8, full-featured IMAP/POP2/ POP3/APOP/RPOP/KPOP client with GUI configuration, daemon mode, forwarding via SMTP or local MDA, superior reply handling, support for multidrop mailboxes. Not a mail user agent, rather a pipe-fitting that seamlessly forwards fetched mail to your local delivery system. Original filename: fetchmail-5.0.8.tar.gz |
52413 | FLASHLIN.TGZ | 477,8 kt | 01.08.2000 | - | - | - | Flash 4.0 Player for LinuxExperience the future of Web design today with Macromedia Flash Player, the Web standard for vector graphics and animation. View the best designed Web sites containing Flash-based cartoons, interactive interfaces, and information graphics from many leading-edge companies, such as Comedy Central and Sony. http://www.macromedia.com |
52414 | FP311B_L.TGZ | 1,4 Mt | 03.03.2002 | - | - | - | F-Prot Antivirus for Linux 3.11b (BETA)This is a BETA release of F-Prot Antivirus for Linux, version 3.11b This release contains a single statically linked version of F-Prot Antivirus for Linux. The Program should run on all Intel x86 compatible computers running Linux 2.2.x or higher. |
52416 | FRAL110.ZIP | 775,2 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | FreeAmp 1.1.0 for Linux (source) |
52415 | FRAL110G.ZIP | 434,3 kt | 24.03.1999 | - | - | - | FreeAmp 1.1.0 for Linuxglibc2 binaries |
52417 | FRAL120G.TGZ | 263,8 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | FreeAmp 1.2.0 for Linux x86, glibc2 binaries |
52419 | FRAL123.TGZ | 1,2 Mt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | FreeAmp 1.2.3 GPL Source for Linux. |
52418 | FRAL123G.TGZ | 326,3 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | FreeAmp 1.2.3 for Linux 2.0.x glibc2 Interl x86. FreeAmp is an extensible, cross-platform audio player. It features an optimized version of the GPLed Xing MPEG decoder which makes it one of the fastest and best sounding players available. FreeAmp provides a number of the most common features users have come to expect. Plays all MPEG 1, 2, and 2.5 encoded files. http://www.freeamp.org |
52420 | FRAL130G.TGZ | 974,6 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | FreeAmp 1.2.3 for Linux glibc2 Intel x86.FreeAmp is an extensible, cross-platform audio player. It features an optimized version of the GPLed Xing MPEG decoder which makes it one of the fastest and best sounding players available. FreeAmp provides a number of the most common features users have come to expect. Plays all MPEG 1, 2, and 2.5 encoded files. http://www.freeamp.org |
52421 | FTE-043.TGZ | 292,7 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | tupla | FTE v0.43Borlandin ide:ä muistuutava editori. Linux binary versio |
52422 | FTPA3004.TGZ | 129,8 kt | 31.08.1999 | - | - | - | FTP4ALL v3.004 FTP4ALL v3.004 is an FTP server program for UNIX-based systems. Unlike almost all other ftp-servers, FTP4ALL does not require a root account to install it. Original filename: ftpd-3.004.tar.gz |
52423 | FVWM2042.TGZ | 563 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | 20472/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 27 (1998)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-05].iso | tupla | F(antastic) Virtual Window Manager 2.0.42 |
52424 | GFTP201S.TGZ | 225,7 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | gFTP 2.0.1Lähdekoodit. gFTP on GTK+-kirjastoa (>1.2) käyttävä monipuolinen, helppokäyttöinen ja vieläpä hienon näköinen ftp-ohjelma X:ään. |
52425 | GFTP204.TGZ | 241,8 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | gFTP 2.0.4GTK+-kirjastoa (>1.2) käyttävä monipuolinen, helppokäyttöinen ja vieläpä hienon näköinen ftp-asiakasohjelma X:ään. Alkuperäinen tiedostonimi: gftp-2.0.4.tar.gz |
52426 | GICQ054.TGZ | 308,9 kt | 28.10.1998 | - | - | - | "GtkICQ 0.54a clone of Mirabilispopular ICQ written with GTK. Features: URL transferchatonline and offline sectionsending messagessound events and a whole lot more! Note: GtkICQ requires Gtk 1.1.1 or higher. It wont compile with a older version of Gtk!" |
52427 | GICQ056.TGZ | 240,5 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | "GtkICQ 0.56 sources. GtkICQa clone of Mirabilispopular ICQ written with GTK. Features: URL transferchatonline and offline sectionsending messagessound events and a whole lot more! Note: GtkICQ requires Gtk 1.1.1 or higher. It wont compile with a older version of Gtk!" |
52428 | GICQ057.TGZ | 243,6 kt | 23.01.1999 | - | - | - | "GtkICQ 0.5.7 sources. Original name: gtkicq-0.57.tar.gz. GtkICQa clone of Mirabilispopular ICQ written with GTK. Features: URL transferchatonline and offline sectionsending messagessound events and a whole lot more! Note: GtkICQ requires Gtk 1.1.1 or higher. It wont compile with a older version of Gtk!" |
52429 | GICQ058P.TGZ | 149,5 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | - | - | "GtkICQ 0.5.8pre sources. Original name: gtkicq-0.58pre.src.tgz. GtkICQa clone of Mirabilispopular ICQ written with GTK. Features: URL transferchatonline and offline sectionsending messagessound events etc. Note: GtkICQ requires now at least Gtk 1.1.5. It wont compile with a older version of Gtk!" |
52430 | GIMP-100.TGZ | 3,6 Mt | 17.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | GIMP v1.0.0GNU Image MAnipulation Program v1.0.0 Sisältää lähdekoodin. Vaatii gtk+-kirjaston version 1.0.1 tai sitä uudemman. (MBnetissä versio 1.0.4 nimellä gtk104.tgz.) |
52431 | GIMP104.TGZ | 3,8 Mt | 14.07.2000 | - | - | - | GIMP v1.0.4The GNU Image Manipulation Program for Linux. http://www.gimp.org/ |
52432 | GIMP9922.TGZ | 3,4 Mt | 25.03.1998 | - | - | - | Gimp - the GNU Image Manipulation Program version 0.99.22. Monipuolinen kuvankäsittelyohjelma Linuxille. |
52433 | GIMP9923.TGZ | 3,4 Mt | 30.04.1998 | - | - | - | GIMP v0.99.23GNU Image Manipulation Program v0.99.23 Sisältää lähdekoodin, alkuperäinen tiedoston nimi on gimp-0.99.23.tar.gz. Vaatii gtk+- kirjaston version 0.99.8 tai sitä uudemman (nimellä gtk998.tgz) |
52434 | GIMP9931.TGZ | 3,6 Mt | 03.06.1998 | - | - | - | GIMP v0.99.31GNU Image Manipulation Program v0.99.31 Sisältää lähdekoodin. Vaatii gtk+-kirjaston version 1.0.4 tai sitä uudemman. (nimellä gtk104.tgz) |
52435 | GLIB1211.RPM | 116 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | glib 1.2.1-1 RPM For Linux 2.0+/i386 Original filename: glib-1.2.1-1.i386.rpm |
52437 | GLIB123.TGZ | 395,2 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | glib 1.2.3.Original filename: glib-1.2.3. tar.gz |
52436 | GLIB123S.TGZ | 395,2 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | GLib 1.2.3Lähdekoodit. |
52438 | GLIB124.TGZ | 398,9 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | GLib 1.2.4.Alkuperäinen tiedostonimi: glib-1.2.4.tar.gz |
52439 | GQV043.TGZ | 79,5 kt | 14.12.1998 | - | - | - | GQView 0.4.3 sources. GQview is an X11 image viewer for the Linux operating system. Its key features include single click file viewing, external editor support, thumbnail preview, thumbnail caching and adjustable zoom. Requires the latest GTK and Imlib libraries. |
52440 | GTK104.TGZ | 1,2 Mt | 25.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | GTK+ v1.0.4X-käyttöliittymäkirjasto, jota tarvitaan esimerkiksi GIMP-ohjelman kääntämiseen. Sisältää lähdekoodin. |
52441 | GTK106S.TGZ | 1,2 Mt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | GTK+ 1.0.6, lähdekoodit. |
52442 | GTK121-1.RPM | 760,2 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | gtk+ 1.2.1-1 RPM for Linux 2.0+/i386.Original filename: gtk+-1.2.1-1.i386.rpm |
52444 | GTK123.TGZ | 2,6 Mt | 25.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | gtk+ 1.2.3. Original filename: gtk+-1.2.3. tar.gz |
52443 | GTK123S.TGZ | 2,6 Mt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | GTK+ 1.2.3, lähdekoodit. |
52445 | GTK124.TGZ | 2,6 Mt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | tupla | GTK+ 1.2.4.X-käyttöliittymäkirjasto. Alkuperäinen tiedostonimi: gtk+-1.2.4.tar.gz |
52446 | GTK998.TGZ | 1,2 Mt | 25.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | gtk+ v0.99.8X-käyttöliittymäkirjasto, jota käyttää esimerkiksi GIMP. Sisältää kirjaston lähdekoodin, tiedoston alkuperäinen nimi on gtk+-0.99.8.tar.gz. |
52447 | GTKFIN08.TGZ | 31,1 kt | 01.11.1998 | - | - | - | "gtkfind 0.8 sources. gtkfind is the program to use when you dont want to remember all the options to find(1). It is a graphical program that allows you to search for files and (optionally) perform operations on them. You can search for files by using wildcardsby matching file types and/or permissionsetc. gtkfind requires X and the GTK+ toolkit." |
52448 | GTO0117B.RPM | 523,6 kt | 29.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | gentoo-0.11.7-1.i386.rpm gentoo file manager for Linux v0.11.7 Binaries in RPM format. Original filename: gentoo-0.11.7-1.i386.rpm |
52449 | GTO0117S.RPM | 621,1 kt | 29.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | gentoo file manager for Linux v0.11.7 Source in RPM format. Original filename: gentoo-0.11.7-1.src.rpm |
52450 | GTOO0117.TGZ | 602,9 kt | 29.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | gentoo file manager for Linux v0.11.7 Original filename: gentoo-0.11.7.tar.gz |
52451 | HDPARM35.TGZ | 15,3 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | HD parameter utility v3.5Linux HD parameter utility 3.5. Original filename: hdparm-3.5.tar.gz |
52453 | HWTOMIN.TGZ | 344,3 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | tupla | Linux-mini-HOWTO documents (ascii) |
52454 | IMAGICK.TGZ | 1,1 Mt | 22.10.1998 | versio 4.2.2 | 21379/LoginMagazineNo68.bin | - | Image Magick 3.9.3 |
52455 | IMMA413.TGZ | 2,5 Mt | 17.11.1998 | - | - | - | ImageMagick 4.1.3 sources. ImageMagick (TM) is a package for display and interactive manipulation of images for the X Window System. It is written in C and interfaces to the X library, and therefore does not require any proprietary toolkit in order to compile. Although the software is copyrighted, it is available for free and can be redistributed without fee. |
52456 | IMMA414.TGZ | 2,7 Mt | 26.08.1999 | - | - | - | ImageMagick 4.1.4 sources. ImageMagick (TM) is a package for display and interactive manipulation of images for the X Window System. It is written in C and interfaces to the X library, and therefore does not require any proprietary toolkit in order to compile. Although the software is copyrighted, it is available for free and can be redistributed without fee. |
52457 | IPT116.TGZ | 76,6 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | - | isapnptools 1.16 sources. The isapnptools package contains programs that allow ISA Plug-And-Play devices to be configured on a Linux machine. They are suitable for all systems, whether or not they include a PnP BIOS. |
52458 | IRSS084A.TGZ | 930 kt | 04.06.2002 | - | - | - | Irssi 0.8.4aKonsolissa ajettava tekstipohjainen IRC asiakasohjelma. Tarvitsee kääntyäkseen GLIB kirjaston (v1.2.x >). Sisältää Perl-tuen. Korjattu versio. http://irssi.org/ |
52459 | IRSSI081.TGZ | 904,6 kt | 26.02.2002 | - | - | - | Irssi 0.8.1Konsolissa ajettava IRC asiakasohjelma. http://irssi.org/ |
52460 | IRSSI085.RPM | 1,5 Mt | 05.07.2002 | - | - | tupla | Irssi 0.8.5Irssi on suomalainen tekstipohjainen IRC asiakasohjelma, joka toimii yleisimmillä käyttöjärjestelmillä ja laitealustoilla. Paketissa on valmiiksi käännetty versio RedHat Linuxille. irssi-0.8.5-1.i386.rpm - http://fi.irssi.org/ |
52461 | IRSSI085.TBZ | 721,3 kt | 05.07.2002 | - | - | tupla | Irssi 0.8.5Irssi on suomalainen tekstipohjainen IRC asiakasohjelma, joka toimii yleisimmillä käyttöjärjestelmillä ja laitealustoilla. Paketissa on vain lähdekoodit. irssi-0.8.5.tar.bz2 - http://fi.irssi.org/ |
52462 | IRSSI085.TGZ | 995,7 kt | 05.07.2002 | - | - | tupla | Irssi 0.8.5Irssi on suomalainen tekstipohjainen IRC asiakasohjelma, joka toimii yleisimmillä käyttöjärjestelmillä ja laitealustoilla. Paketissa on vain lähdekoodit. irssi-0.8.5.tar.gz - http://fi.irssi.org/ |
52463 | JEDIT25.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 24.07.2000 | - | - | - | jEdit v2.5Monipuolinen tekstieditori, joka sopii myös ohjelmointiin ja HTML:n tekemiseen yms. Runsaasti lisäpalikoita (plugins) saatavissa. Ilmainen (GPL-lisenssi). Tehty Javalla, vaatii Java 1.1 & Swing tai Java 2. |
52464 | JMR0716.TGZ | 122,6 kt | 17.07.1998 | - | - | - | Ilmaisen jmr-etälukijan versio 0.7.16 Ominaisuuksia mm. messubase, threadit, haku, replylog, osoitekirja, rot13, ... Sisältää suomenkielisen ohjeen. (alkup. nimi: jmr-0.7.16.bin.ELF.tar.gz) |
52466 | JMR0719.TGZ | 250,9 kt | 17.07.1998 | - | - | - | Ilmainen jmr-etälukija 0.7.19. Ominaisuuksia mm. säikeet, tietokanta, rot13, osoitekirja, tekstin haku ja loki kirjoitetuille viesteille. Vaatii glibc 2.0.5c! (alkup. nimi: jmr-0.7.19.bin.ELF.tar.gz) |
52465 | JMR0719S.TGZ | 163,4 kt | 12.10.1998 | - | - | - | Ilmaisen jmr-etälukijan 0.7.19 lähdekooditOminaisuuksia mm. säikeet, tietokanta, rot13, osoitekirja, tekstin haku ja loki kirjoitetuille viesteille. (alkup. nimi: jmr-0.7.19.src.tar.gz) |
52467 | JMR0722.TGZ | 169,4 kt | 12.10.1998 | - | - | - | jmr 0.7.22 lähdekoodi.jmr on QWK- viestipakettien lukemiseen ja kirjoittamiseen tarkoitettu etälukija. |
52468 | LCITY111.TGZ | 458,4 kt | 06.09.1999 | - | - | - | LinCity 1.11LinCity 1.11, MikroBitissä esitellyn SimCity-kloonin lähdekoodit. Vaatii toimiakseen joko SVGAlib-kirjaston (>1.2.9) tai X-ikkunointisysteemin kirjastoineen. Alkuperäinen nimi: lincity-1.11.tar.gz. |
52469 | LHA100.TGZ | 54,2 kt | 25.09.1999 | - | - | tupla | LHA 1.00 sources for Linux |
52470 | LLOGO30S.TGZ | 47,8 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | Linux Logo 3.0, lähdekoodit.Alkuperäinen nimi: linux_logo-3.0.src.tgz. Ohjelma näyttää hienon Linux & pingviini -ASCII-kuvan (muutamia eri vaihtoehtoja) ja valinnan mukaan kaikenlaista lisäinfoa. Mukana ohjeet, joiden avulla logon saa niin Debianin, Red Hatin, Slackwaren, OpenLinuxin kuin SuSEnkin login-konsolin koristeeksi. |
52471 | LNX2215.TGZ | 15,6 Mt | 13.05.2000 | - | - | - | Linux kernel source v2.2.15 |
52472 | LNX2216.TGZ | 16,3 Mt | 09.07.2000 | - | - | - | Linux kernel source v2.2.16 |
52473 | LNX2218.TGZ | 18,2 Mt | 27.12.2000 | - | - | tupla | Linux kernel source v2.2.18http://www.kernel.org/ |
52474 | LSFFAQ01.ZIP | 16,8 kt | 14.03.1999 | - | - | - | Mainio Suomenkielinen FAQ Linuxin aloittelioille. |
52475 | LSFFAQ05.ZIP | 95,1 kt | 14.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Linux Suomi/Finland FAQ V0.05. Mainio FAQ Linuxista Suomeksi. Käsiteltyjä aiheita mm. kernelin kääntö, tar&gz, LILO, FIPS, PPP... Tietoa Linuxin muistinhallinnasta, tekniikasta, Swapin asennuksesta, eri asennuspaketeista, perus komennoista... Purku Linuxissa: "unzip finfaq05.zip" Suomeksi! |
52476 | LTIF0853.TGZ | 2,4 Mt | 26.08.1999 | - | - | - | "LessTif source v0.85-3. LessTif is the Hungry Programmersversion of OSF/Motif. LessTif is source compatible with OSF/Motif 1.2meaning that the same source should compile with both and work exactly the same. LessTif is licensed by the GNU Library General Public License (LGPL). For further informationsee the GNU web site." |
52478 | LXDM137.TGZ | 957,7 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | LxDoom 1.3.7, Linux port of Doom. Requires X or SVGAlib. Original filename: lxdoom-v1.3.7.src.tar.gz |
52477 | LXDM137B.TGZ | 485,6 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | LxDoom 1.3.7 binaries (ELF libc6 i486) for Linux. Requires X or SVGAlib. Original filename: lxdoom-v1.3.7.i386.tar.gz |
52479 | LYNX281.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 19.08.1999 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Lynx v2.8.1, text mode WWW browser |
52481 | MC-174.TGZ | 113 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Minicom 1.74 Terminal Program for Linux |
52482 | MC4135.TGZ | 1,5 Mt | 28.10.1998 | - | - | - | Midnight Commander v.4.1.35. |
52484 | MMAIL028.TGZ | 129,2 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | MultiMail 0.28Lähdekoodit. Etälukuohjelma mm. UNIX-systeemeille. Tuki BW- ja QWK- formaateille. Vaatii curses-kirjaston. |
52485 | MMAIL030.TGZ | 152,9 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | 7505/ftp.wwiv.com.zip | - | MultiMail v0.30etälukuohjelma. Tuki BW-, QWK- ja OMEN-formaateille. Vaatii curses-kirjaston. Alkuperäinen tiedostonimi: multimail-0.30.tar.gz |
52486 | MMOD312B.TGZ | 94,4 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | MikMod 3.1.2 binaries. Original mikmod-3.1.2-linux.tar.gz. Precompiled Linux binary with ALSA and EsounD support. Requires glibc and ncurses 4. |
52487 | MMOD312S.TGZ | 298,4 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | MikMod 3.1.2 sources. Original name: mikmod-3.1.2.tar.gz. MikMod is an open source .mod/.s3m/.mtm/.xm/.it playing library ported to Unix (has Linux/FreeBSD, HP-UX, AIX, Solaris, and IRIX sound drivers.) It sounds pretty good, and has an example ncurses-based player with sample/song message viewing, loading playlists, and random play. |
52489 | N12E403.TGZ | 5 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | - | - | Netscape Navigator 4.03 a.out binaries. |
52490 | N20E403.TGZ | 7,4 Mt | 17.09.1997 | - | - | - | Netscape Navigator 4.03 ELF binaries. |
52491 | N472LX2.TGZ | 11,4 Mt | 03.05.2000 | - | - | - | Netscape Navigator v4.72 for Linux 2.0.Pelkkä selain. |
52492 | NC451LX2.TGZ | 13,3 Mt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 Original filename: communicator-v451-export. x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz |
52493 | NC451LX2.XAA | 1,4 Mt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 1/10 Split file, use cat to combine the parts |
52494 | NC451LX2.XAB | 1,4 Mt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 2/10 |
52495 | NC451LX2.XAC | 1,4 Mt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 3/10 |
52496 | NC451LX2.XAD | 1,4 Mt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 4/10 |
52497 | NC451LX2.XAE | 1,4 Mt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 5/10 |
52498 | NC451LX2.XAF | 1,4 Mt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 6/10 |
52499 | NC451LX2.XAG | 1,4 Mt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 7/10 |
52500 | NC451LX2.XAH | 1,4 Mt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 8/10 |
52501 | NC451LX2.XAI | 1,4 Mt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 9/10 |
52502 | NC451LX2.XAJ | 820,4 kt | 03.08.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.51 for Linux 2.0 -10- |
52503 | NC461LX2.TGZ | 13,2 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 Original filename: communicator-v461-export. x86-unknown-linux2.0.tar.gz |
52504 | NC461LX2.XAA | 1,4 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 1/10 Split file, use cat to combine the parts |
52505 | NC461LX2.XAB | 1,4 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 2/10 |
52506 | NC461LX2.XAC | 1,4 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 3/10 |
52507 | NC461LX2.XAD | 1,4 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 4/10 |
52508 | NC461LX2.XAE | 1,4 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 5/10 |
52509 | NC461LX2.XAF | 1,4 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 6/10 |
52510 | NC461LX2.XAG | 1,4 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 7/10 |
52511 | NC461LX2.XAH | 1,4 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 8/10 |
52512 | NC461LX2.XAI | 1,4 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 9/10 |
52513 | NC461LX2.XAJ | 578,3 kt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator 4.61 for Linux 2.0 -10- |
52514 | NC472LX2.TGZ | 16,3 Mt | 03.05.2000 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator v4.72 for Linux 2.0. |
52515 | NC47LX2.TGZ | 15,1 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Netscape Communicator v4.7 for Linux 2.0. |
52516 | NC47LX2.XAA | 2,9 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator v4.7 for Linux 2.0. 1/6. Split file, use cat to combine the parts. |
52517 | NC47LX2.XAB | 2,9 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator v4.7 for Linux 2.0. 2/6 |
52518 | NC47LX2.XAC | 2,9 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator v4.7 for Linux 2.0. 3/6 |
52519 | NC47LX2.XAD | 2,9 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator v4.7 for Linux 2.0. 4/6 |
52520 | NC47LX2.XAE | 2,9 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator v4.7 for Linux 2.0. 5/6 |
52521 | NC47LX2.XAF | 489,9 kt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | - | Netscape Communicator v4.7 for Linux 2.0. 6/6 |
52522 | NET.I | 725 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | ftp.slackware.com | eritupla | Slackware Linux 3.4.0 NET bootdisk. Sisältää tuen useimmille verkkokorteille. |
52523 | NH320ELF.TGZ | 814,3 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | Nethack 3.2.0 binaries for Linux. (ELF) |
52524 | NH322ELF.TGZ | 866,5 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | Nethack 3.2.2 binaries for Linux. (ELF) |
52525 | NH330SCR.TGZ | 2,7 Mt | 03.01.2000 | - | #hyrava | - | Nethack 3.3.0 for Linuxa new enhancement to the dungeon exploration game NetHack. It is a distant descendent of Rogue and Hack, and a direct descendent of NetHack 3.2. Original filename: nethack-3.3.0.tar.gz |
52526 | NS202LNX.TGZ | 1,9 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Navigator v. 2.02 for Linux/X |
52527 | NS301LNX.TGZ | 2,2 Mt | 03.10.1999 | - | - | tupla | Netscape Navigator v3.01 (ELF) |
52529 | PINE405.TGZ | 2,5 Mt | 04.09.1999 | - | - | - | Pine 4.05, email- ja news-ohjelma, sorsat. |
52530 | PPP234.TGZ | 653 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | PPP 2.3.4 for Linux.Original filename: ppp-2.3.4.tar.gz |
52531 | PPPD220E.TGZ | 367,2 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | PPPD v2.2.0e.PPP daemon, includes chat utility program. |
52532 | PRPS0_99.TGZ | 248,5 kt | 06.09.1999 | - | - | tupla | Procps 0.99 for Linux |
52533 | Q2-313F.TGZ | 9 Mt | 31.08.1999 | - | - | - | Quake 2 shareware for Linux v3.13. |
52534 | Q2-315A.TGZ | 1,4 Mt | 31.08.1999 | - | - | - | Quake 2 executables for Linux v 3.15a. |
52535 | QIV091.TGZ | 14,3 kt | 10.11.1998 | - | - | - | Quick Image Viewer 0.9.1 sources. Quick Image Viewer (qiv) is a very small and pretty fast GTK/Imlib image viewer. Features include zoom, maxpect, scale down, fullscreen, brightness/contrast/gamma correction, slideshow, flip horizontal/ vertical, rotate left/right, delete (move to .qiv-trash/), jump to image x, jump forward/backward x images, filename filer and you can use qiv to set your X11-Desktop |
52536 | QIV100.TGZ | 46,3 kt | 21.06.1999 | - | - | - | Quick Image Viewer 1.0.0 sources. Quick Image Viewer (qiv) is a very small and pretty fast GTK/Imlib image viewer. Features include zoom, maxpect, scale down, fullscreen, brightness/contrast/ gamma correction, slideshow, flip horizontal/vertical, rotate left/right, delete (move to .qiv-trash/), jump to image x, jump forward/backward x images, filename filer etc. |
52537 | QT140.TGZ | 2,5 Mt | 03.08.1998 | - | - | - | Qt source v1.40.Qt is a C++ based class library to build user interfaces. |
52538 | QWCL-200.TGZ | 162,1 kt | 01.12.1997 | - | - | - | QuakeWorld client 2.00 (Linux) |
52539 | QWCL2_20.TGZ | 660,7 kt | 22.05.1998 | - | - | - | QuakeWorld Client v2.2 for Linux |
52540 | QWSV-201.TGZ | 200,9 kt | 01.12.1997 | - | - | - | QuakeWorld server 2.01 (Linux) |
52541 | RANDT13.TGZ | 4,2 kt | 06.09.1999 | - | - | - | RandType v1.3 is a small utility to read either stdin or a text file and display the output, character-by-character, at random intervals. The randomness can be refined on the command line. Original filename: randtype.tar.gz |
52542 | RAR2LNXB.RAR | 50,2 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | RAR 2.0b for Linux |
52543 | README70.ZIP | 190,6 kt | 04.01.2000 | - | - | - | Slackware Linux 7.0.0 README.README-files and installation information |
52544 | RPLY057A.TGZ | 117 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | Replay 0.57 sources. Replay is an MP3 player with a GTK interface. It is based on amp and features playlists, ID3-tags, saving to wav, recursive loading, stereo/mono playing, command line control, etc. |
52545 | RXVT245.TGZ | 223,2 kt | 12.10.1998 | - | - | - | rxvt 2.4.5 sources.Rxvt is a 8-bit clean, colour xterm replacement that uses significantly less memory that a conventional xterm. Some features: ANSI- color, bold/blink attributes, modify foreground/background colours, scrollbars with arrow buttons, user definable menus. |
52546 | SBPCD.I | 589 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | ftp.slackware.com | eritupla | Slackware Linux SBPCD bootdisk. Sisältää tuen seuraaville CD-ROM -asemile: Matsushita, Kotobuki, Panasonic, Creative Labs (Sound Blaster), Longshine ja Teac NON-IDE CD-ROM. |
52547 | SCRN371E.TGZ | 128,6 kt | 31.08.1999 | - | - | - | Screen 3.7.1. - Screen provides you with an ANSI/vt100 terminal emulator, which can multiplex up to 10 pseudo-terminals. Screen can be detached and later attached allowing you to run processes while not logged on. (ELF-binaries) |
52548 | SCRN371S.TGZ | 370,2 kt | 31.08.1999 | - | - | - | Screen 3.7.1. - Screen provides you with an ANSI/vt100 terminal emulator, which can multiplex up to 10 pseudo terminals. Screen can be detached and later attached alowing you to run processes while not logged on. Sources. |
52549 | SKYL100B.TGZ | 414,2 kt | 03.08.1998 | koko¹ | ratsnest2.iso | - | SkyReader/Linux v1.00b - Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail reader. Finnish and english language files, PGP support, message text reformatting etc. nice features. This is Linux ELF version. |
52550 | SMOD101L.TGZ | 100,5 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Smodem 1.01 / linux |
52551 | SNDT0110.TGZ | 169,3 kt | 06.09.1999 | - | - | - | SoundTracker music module editor 0.1.10 (soundtracker-0.1.10.tar.gz). Requires the GNOME audiofile library. |
52552 | SNDTR007.TGZ | 82,1 kt | 01.11.1998 | - | - | - | "SoundTracker 0.0.7 sources. SoundTracker is a pattern-oriented music editor just like the DOS programFastTracker. SoundTracker reads and writes the standard XM format and provides a nice GTK+ interface. A rudimentary sample recorder and editor is also included." |
52553 | SNDTR009.TGZ | 99,3 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | "SoundTracker 0.0.9 sources. SoundTracker is a pattern-oriented music editor just like the DOS programFastTracker. SoundTracker reads and writes the standard XM format and provides a nice GTK+ interface. A rudimentary sample recorder and editor is also included." |
52554 | SNDTR013.TGZ | 148,4 kt | 21.06.1999 | - | - | - | SoundTracker 0.1.3, lähdekoodit. GTK+-kirjastoa (>1.2) käyttävä FastTracker-klooni Linuxiin. Tuki XM-formaatille, mukana karu sample- editori ym. |
52555 | SNDTR016.TGZ | 159,3 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | SoundTracker 0.1.6, lähdekoodit. GTK+-kirjastoa (>1.2) käyttävä FastTracker-klooni Linuxiin. |
52556 | SNDTR030.TGZ | 234,4 kt | 06.09.1999 | - | - | - | SoundTracker 0.3.0, lähdekoodit. GTK+-kirjastoa (>1.2) käyttävää FastTracker-klooni Linuxiin. |
52557 | SNDTR031.TGZ | 246,1 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | SoundTracker 0.3.1lähdekoodit. GTK+- kirjastoa (>1.2) käyttävää FastTracker- klooni Linuxille. Alkuperäinen nimi: soundtracker-0.3.1.tar.gz |
52558 | SNDTR034.TGZ | 293,1 kt | 13.10.1999 | - | - | - | SoundTracker 0.3.4GTK+-kirjastoa (>1.2) käyttävä FastTracker-klooni Linuxille. Alkuperäinen tiedostonimi: soundtracker-0.3.4.tar.gz |
52559 | SNDTR035.TGZ | 307,4 kt | 10.10.1999 | - | - | - | SoundTracker v0.3.5lähdekoodit. GTK+- kirjastoa (>1.2) käyttävää FastTracker- klooni Linuxille. Alkuperäinen nimi: soundtracker-0.3.5.tar.gz |
52560 | SNES9X01.TGZ | 165,9 kt | 31.08.1999 | - | - | - | Snes9x v. 0.1 SNES-emulator |
52561 | SNTR0011.TGZ | 120,6 kt | 04.01.1999 | - | - | - | "SoundTracker 0.0.11. Original name: soundtracker-0.0.11.tar.gz. Sound- Tracker is a pattern-oriented music editor just like the DOS programFastTracker. SoundTracker reads and writes the standard XM format and provides a nice GTK+ interface. A rudimentary sample recorder and editor is also included." |
52562 | SVGA131B.TGZ | 143,7 kt | 22.07.1999 | - | - | - | SVGAlib 1.3.1libc5-binäärit. Erinomainen paketti niille, jotka haluavat esim. pelata Quakea, mutta eivät voi itse kääntää SVGAlibistä libc5-binäärejä systeemin ollessa glibc-pohjainen. Mukana asennusohjeet. |
52563 | TF-35A21.GZ | 391,2 kt | 06.09.1999 | - | - | tupla | Tinyfugue Mud-client version 35 alpha 21. |
52564 | UAE069.TGZ | 505,1 kt | 17.05.1998 | - | - | - | UN*X Amiga Emulator v. 0.69 |
52565 | UAE075.TGZ | 646,5 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | UAE Amiga Emulator v0.7.5 for Linux. |
52566 | WGET153S.TGZ | 427,1 kt | 05.03.1999 | - | - | - | Wget 1.5.3 sources. Original name: wget-1.5.3.src.tgz. GNU Wget is a free network utility to retrieve files from the World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP. Supports recursive retrieval, re-getting files from where it left off, proxy servers, socks library, works well on slow or unstable connections etc. Wget works under almost all modern Unix variants. |
52567 | WI960712.TGZ | 1 Mt | 25.04.1998 | - | - | tupla | Wine (Windows Emulator) versio 12.07.96 |
52568 | WI961215.TGZ | 1,2 Mt | 25.04.1998 | - | - | tupla | Wine 15-12-96 (M$ Windows Emulator) |
52569 | WVDL120.TGZ | 91,2 kt | 19.08.1999 | - | - | - | WvDial v1.20 for Linux. Helps with dialing up PPP connections. Original filename: wvdial- 1.20.tar.gz |
52570 | XCHA042S.TGZ | 96,2 kt | 05.03.1999 | - | - | - | X-Chat 0.4.2. sources. Original name: xchat-0.4.2.src.tgz. X-Chat is a X11 (X Window System) IRC client, using the GTK+ toolkit. Supports Perl and Gnome. Req. GTK+ 1.1.2+. |
52571 | XCHA091S.TGZ | 117,3 kt | 05.03.1999 | - | - | - | X-Chat 0.9.1 sources. Original name: xchat-0.9.1.src.tgz. X-Chat is a X11 (X Window System) IRC client, using the GTK+ toolkit (at least 1.1.8 required). Works on Linux, Free/Open/NetBSD, Solaris, AIX, SunOS. |
52572 | XCHAT096.TGZ | 181,4 kt | 07.06.1999 | - | - | - | X-Chat 0.9.6Lähdekoodit. X-Chat on GTK+-kirjastoa (>1.2) käyttävät irkkaus- ohjelma X:ään. Toimii niin Linux-, *BSD-, Solaris-, AIX- kuin myös SunOS- systeemeissä. Perl-skriptaus, GNOME-tuki ym. |
52573 | XCHAT121.TGZ | 330,9 kt | 03.01.2000 | - | - | - | X-Chat 1.2.1GTK+-kirjastoa (>1.2) käyttävä irkkausohjelma X-ympäristöön. Toimii niin Linux-, *BSD-, Solaris-, AIX- kuin myös SunOS-koneissa. Perl-skriptaus, GNOME-tuki ym. herkkuja. Vaatii myös GLibin. Original filename: xchat-1.2.1.tar.gz |
52574 | XMMS101.TGZ | 698,8 kt | 15.03.2000 | - | - | - | XMMS v1.01Suosittu MP3-soitin X Windowsiin. |
47317 | PPLIB371.LHA | 4,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Powerpacker.library 37.1 - 68020+ version Aminet name: pplib020.lha |
47318 | PPLIB373.LHA | 5 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Powerpacker.library 37.3 - 68020+ version Aminet name: pplib020.lha |
47319 | PPLIB374.LHA | 5,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Powerpacker.library 37.4 - 68020+ version Aminet name: pplib020.lha |
47320 | PPLIB375.LHA | 5,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Powerpacker.library 37.5 - 68020+ version. Aminet name: pplib020.lha |
47321 | 8N1-3725.LHA | 57,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | 8n1.device 37.25 - Replaces serial.device. Aminet name: New8n1.lha |
47322 | 8N1-3730.LHA | 71,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | 8n1.device 37.30 - Replaces serial.device. Requires: OS2+, (might work under 1.3). Aminet name: New8n1.lha |
47323 | 8N1-3731.LHA | 71,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | 8n1.device 37.31 - Replaces serial.device. Requires: OS2+, (might work under 1.3). Aminet name: New8n1.lha |
47324 | 8N1-3733.LHA | 71,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | 8n1.device 37.33 - Replaces serial.device. Requires: OS2+, (might work under 1.3). Aminet name: New8n1.lha |
47325 | 8N1-3734.LHA | 72,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | 8n1.device 37.34 - Replaces serial.device. Requires: OS2+, (might work under 1.3). Aminet name: New8n1.lha |
47326 | 8N1-3740.LHA | 91,5 kt | 10.07.1997 | - | - | - | 8n1.device 37.40 - Replaces serial.device. Requires: OS2+ - Aminet name: New8n1.lha |
47327 | 8N1-431.LHA | 92,2 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | 8n1.device 43.1 - Replaces serial.device. Requires: OS2+ - Aminet name: New8n1.lha |
47328 | 8N1.LHA | 21,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 37.13 | aminet.net | - | 8n1.device V37.9 - A replacement driver for the standard serial.device. Originally based on v34serial.device, it has been redesigned and enhanced. Includes source.AmigaDOS 2.04+ (might work under 1.3) |
47329 | ABACK510.LHA | 299,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | ABackup 5.10 - Varmuuskopiointi ohjelmien aatelia. Monipuolinen ja kuitenkin helppo- käyttöinen. - Tekijät: Denis Gounelle ja Reza Elghazi - Shareware - Pakkauksen alku- peräinen nimi: ABackup510.lha |
47330 | ABACK514.LHA | 370,6 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | - | - | ABackup 5.14 - Varmuuskopiointiohjelmien aatelia. Monipuolinen ja kuitenkin helppo- käyttöinen. - Shareware - abackup514.lha |
47331 | ABGETURL.LHA | 18,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | tupla | Recursive get WWW documents to local disk |
47332 | ACBDT011.LHA | 36,1 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | ACBM.datatype - datatype for ILBM-ACBM pictures. |
47333 | ACSY112A.LHA | 113,1 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.12a - Broadcast/Messages client, which you use to send messages to other people on a tcp/ip-net - e.g Internet. Includes MUI and a GadTools-versions. Req: OS2+, AMarquee.library v.43+, TCP/IP- stack like Miami. MUI-version req: MUI 3.8+ Aminet name: AmiComSys1.12a.lha |
47334 | ACSY113A.LHA | 74 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.13a - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a tcp/ip-net e.g Internet. - Req: OS2+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP- stack like Miami. - AmiComSysMUI.lha |
47335 | ACSY114B.LHA | 82,4 kt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.14b - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a tcp/ip-net e.g Internet. - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP-stack like Miami and AMarquee 1.44+. Aminet name: AmiComSysMUI.lha |
47336 | ACSY114C.LHA | 82,7 kt | 25.04.1998 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.14c - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a tcp/ip-net e.g Internet. - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP-stack like Miami and AMarquee 1.44+, MCC_NList 0.75. - Aminet: AmiComSysMUI.lha |
47337 | ACSY118A.LHA | 176,6 kt | 03.05.1998 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.18a - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a TCP/IP-net e.g Internet. - Req: 020+, OS2+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP-stack like Miami, AMarquee 1.48+ and MCC_NList 0.75. - Aminet: AmiComSysMUI.lha |
47338 | ACSY118B.LHA | 177,7 kt | 22.06.1998 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.18b - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a TCP/IP-net e.g Internet. - Req: 020+, OS2+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP-stack like Miami, AMarquee 1.48+ and MCC_NList 0.80. - Aminet: AmiComSysMUI.lha |
47339 | ACSY119B.LHA | 190,4 kt | 28.06.1998 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.19b - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a TCP/IP-net e.g Internet. - Req: 020+, OS2+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP-stack like Miami, AMarquee 1.48+ and MCC_NList 0.84. - Aminet: AmiComSysMUI.lha |
47340 | ACSY119C.LHA | 190,4 kt | 26.07.1998 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.19c - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a TCP/IP-net e.g Internet. - Req: 020+, OS2+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP-stack like Miami, AMarquee 1.48+ and MCC_NList 0.84. - Aminet: AmiComSysMUI.lha |
47341 | ACSY119D.LHA | 203,1 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.19d - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a TCP/IP-net e.g Internet. - Req: 020+, OS2+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP-stack like Miami, AMarquee 1.48+ and MCC_NList 0.84. - Aminet: AmiComSysMUI.lha |
47342 | ACSY119F.LHA | 203,6 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.19f - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a TCP/IP-net e.g Internet. - Req: 020+, OS2+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP-stack like Miami, AMarquee 1.48+ and MCC_NList 0.84. - Aminet: AmiComSysMUI.lha |
47343 | ACSYS120.LHA | 254,7 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | AmiComSys 1.20 - Personal Communicator. A AMarquee client program which you use to send messages to other people on a TCP/IP-net e.g Internet. - Req: OS2+, 68020+, MUI 3.8+, TCP/IP-stack like Miami, AMarquee 1.48+ and MCC_NList 0.85. - Aminet: AmiComSysMUI.lha |
47344 | ADDBUFFE.LHA | 1,7 kt | 16.08.1997 | versio 38.4 | aminet.net | - | AddBuffers 38.1 - ADOS AddBuffers replacement Supports pattern-matching. |
47345 | AFSUN141.LHA | 20 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | MUI AFS-Undelete V1.41 - Undelete interface, to simplify the process of getting back a deleted file. - Requires: KS2.0+, MUI 3.0+, AmiFileSafe - Aminet name: AFSUndelete.lha |
47346 | AFSUND15.LHA | 22,3 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | MUI AFS-Undelete V1.5 - Undelete interface, to simplify the process of getting back a deleted file. - Requires: KS2.0+, MUI 3.0+, AmiFileSafe - Aminet name: AFSUndele1.5.lha |
47347 | AGAIFF21.LHA | 38 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | tupla | "AGAiff 2.10 (13.5.96) Converts graphics into severallow-level(raw) formats. Supports datatypes and realtime animation loading from disk (for low memory). - Requires OS 3.0 or later and an MC68020. -Author: Michael Krause FreeWare" |
47348 | AGAIFF26.LHA | 36,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | 21193/Excalibur_61_cd.bin | - | AGAIFF v2.6 - Low-level image converter. |
47349 | AGAMOR20.LHA | 715 kt | 11.12.1997 | - | - | - | AGAMorph v2.0 - a morphing program written 100% with assembler. 020, 040 and 060-versions included. |
47350 | AGAMOR21.LHA | 714,7 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | AGA-Morph v2.1 - a shareware morphing program. Supports many picture formats via datatypes and has a great morphing quality. Versions for 68000-68060 with or without FPU included. |
47351 | AHI-NP14.LHA | 8,7 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | AHI-NotePlayer v1.4 - a DeliTracker NotePlayer for the AHI-audio system. |
47352 | AHIU414.LHA | 277,3 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | - | - | AHI 4.14 - audio driver which supports many different sound cards (like Delfina, Toccata...) and adds some new player-routines for Paula. |
47353 | AIFFDT41.LHA | 16,6 kt | 19.12.1998 | - | aminet.net | tupla | Aiff.datatype 41.1 - Datatype for aiff sounds Req: OS3+, 68020+ |
47354 | AIRMAIL4.LHA | 263,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | AirMail 4.0 - MUI based internet mailer. Requires: MUI 3.3+, Miami or AmiTCP 4.0+, SLIP/PPP connection and account, Provider must support POP3/SMTP/ESMTP, OS2+, 1 Meg minmium, recommended 2 Megs of RAM with TCP/IP loaded. |
47355 | AJF43120.LHA | 225,8 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.120 |
47356 | AKCC41.LHA | 151,4 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | tupla | AKCC 4.1 -Advanced CLI-Commands for KS V33-40 Compilation of many useful CLI/Shell commands |
47357 | AKCC44.LHA | 151,8 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | AKCC 4.4 - a packet of CLI-/Shell-Commands for the Amiga. (KS 1.2 and above) |
47358 | AKCC52.LHA | 152,4 kt | 15.10.1998 | - | - | - | "AKCC 5.2 -Advanced CLI-Commands for KS V33-40 Compilation of many useful CLI/Shell commands Theyve been designed to make life much more easier for Programmers and advanced CLI/Shell Users. - Aminet name: AKCC.lha" |
47359 | AKGIF436.LHA | 32,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | akGIF.datatype 43.6 - New GIF datatype, which is based on a highly optimized LZW decoder. Aminet name: akGIF43x.lha |
47360 | AKGIF437.LHA | 33,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | akGIF.datatype 43.7 - New GIF datatype, which is based on a highly optimized LZW decoder. Aminet name: akGIF43x.lha |
47361 | AKJ43100.LHA | 225 kt | 17.10.1997 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 43.100 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6a. Added 68030, 68040 and 68060 versions. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF43x.lha |
47362 | AKJ43110.LHA | 226,5 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 43.110 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6a. Added 68030, 68040 and 68060 versions. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF43x.lha |
47363 | AKJ43121.LHA | 225 kt | 11.12.1997 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.121 |
47364 | AKJ43130.LHA | 217,2 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.130 |
47365 | AKJ43135.LHA | 227,4 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.135 |
47366 | AKJ43140.LHA | 228 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.140 |
47367 | AKJ43155.LHA | 295,2 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.155 |
47368 | AKJ43160.LHA | 287,5 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.160 |
47369 | AKJ43165.LHA | 187,3 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.165 |
47370 | AKJ43175.LHA | 183,5 kt | 20.03.1998 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.175 |
47371 | AKJ43180.LHA | 216,8 kt | 06.04.1998 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.180 |
47372 | AKJ43181.LHA | 220,9 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.181 |
47373 | AKJ43187.LHA | 225,8 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.187 |
47374 | AKJF4313.LHA | 196,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 43.13 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6a. Added 68030, 68040 and 68060 versions. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF43x.lha |
47375 | AKJF4315.LHA | 200,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.15 (24.11.1996) |
47376 | AKJF4316.LHA | 200 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 43.16 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6a. Added 68030, 68040 and 68060 versions. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF43x.lha |
47377 | AKJF4390.LHA | 221 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 43.90 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6a. Added 68030, 68040 and 68060 versions. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF43x.lha |
47378 | AKJF4391.LHA | 222,6 kt | 30.07.1997 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 43.91 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6a. Added 68030, 68040 and 68060 versions. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF43x.lha |
47379 | AKJF4392.LHA | 224,1 kt | 05.09.1997 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 43.92 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6a. Added 68030, 68040 and 68060 versions. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF43x.lha |
47380 | AKJF4395.LHA | 224,5 kt | 05.09.1997 | - | - | - | akJFIF.datatype v43.95 |
47381 | AKJF4396.LHA | 222 kt | 27.09.1997 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 43.96 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6a. Added 68030, 68040 and 68060 versions. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF43x.lha |
47382 | AKJF4397.LHA | 222,9 kt | 10.10.1997 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 43.97 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6a. Added 68030, 68040 and 68060 versions. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF43x.lha |
47383 | AKJFI441.LHA | 227,9 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 44.1 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6b. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF-dt.lha |
47384 | AKJFI442.LHA | 233,1 kt | 03.08.1998 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 44.2 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6b. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF-dt.lha |
47385 | AKJFI443.LHA | 233,8 kt | 12.08.1998 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 44.3 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6b. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF-dt.lha |
47386 | AKJFI444.LHA | 232,1 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 44.4 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6b. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF-dt.lha |
47387 | AKJFI445.LHA | 222,6 kt | 24.09.1998 | - | - | - | AkJFIF.datatype 44.5 - JPEG datatype, which is based on the latest IJG JFIF source V6b. Requires: OS3.0+ - Aminet: akJFIF-dt.lha |
47388 | AKL43100.LHA | 103,8 kt | 17.10.1997 | - | - | - | AkLJPG.datatype 43.100 - new JPEG datatype, which is based on the Lossless JPEG Codec V1.0 - which is a lossless JPEG format not directly related to the JFIF JPEG file format. - Aminet name: akLJPG43x.lha |
47389 | AKL43110.LHA | 101,4 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | AkLJPG.datatype 43.110 - new JPEG datatype, which is based on the Lossless JPEG Codec V1.0 - which is a lossless JPEG format not directly related to the JFIF JPEG file format. - Aminet name: akLJPG43x.lha |
47390 | AKL43121.LHA | 99,8 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | akLJPEG.datatype v43.121 |
47391 | AKL43135.LHA | 101 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | akLJPEG.datatype v43.135 |
47392 | AKL43140.LHA | 102 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | akLJPEG.datatype v43.140 |
47393 | AKL43155.LHA | 102,4 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | akLJPEG.datatype v43.155 |
47394 | AKL43165.LHA | 61,3 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | akLJPEG.datatype v43.165 |
47395 | AKL43175.LHA | 56,2 kt | 20.03.1998 | - | - | - | akLJPEG.datatype v43.175 |
47396 | AKL43180.LHA | 98,2 kt | 06.04.1998 | - | - | - | akLJPEG.datatype v43.180 |
47397 | AKL43181.LHA | 101,5 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | akLJPG.datatype v43.181 |
47398 | AKL43187.LHA | 106,5 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | akLJPG.datatype v43.187 |
47399 | AKLJ4390.LHA | 101,8 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | AkLJPG.datatype 43.90 - new JPEG datatype, which is based on the Lossless JPEG Codec V1.0 - which is a lossless JPEG format not directly related to the JFIF JPEG file format. - Aminet name: akLJPG43x.lha |
47400 | AKLJ4391.LHA | 102,4 kt | 30.07.1997 | - | - | - | AkLJPG.datatype 43.91 - new JPEG datatype, which is based on the Lossless JPEG Codec V1.0 - which is a lossless JPEG format not directly related to the JFIF JPEG file format. - Aminet name: akLJPG43x.lha |
47401 | AKLJ4392.LHA | 103,1 kt | 05.09.1997 | - | - | - | AkLJPG.datatype 43.92 - new JPEG datatype, which is based on the Lossless JPEG Codec V1.0 - which is a lossless JPEG format not directly related to the JFIF JPEG file format. - Aminet name: akLJPG43x.lha |
47402 | AKLJ4395.LHA | 103 kt | 10.10.1997 | - | - | - | akLJPEG.datatype v43.95 |
47403 | AKLJP441.LHA | 108,5 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | AkLJPG.datatype 44.1 - new JPEG datatype, which is based on the Lossless JPEG Codec V1.0 - which is a lossless JPEG format not directly related to the JFIF JPEG file format. - Aminet name: akLJPG-dt.lha |
47404 | AKLJP442.LHA | 109,9 kt | 03.08.1998 | - | - | - | AkLJPG.datatype 44.2 - new JPEG datatype, which is based on the Lossless JPEG Codec V1.0 - which is a lossless JPEG format not directly related to the JFIF JPEG file format. - Aminet name: akLJPG-dt.lha |
47405 | AKLJP443.LHA | 110 kt | 12.08.1998 | - | - | - | AkLJPG.datatype 44.3 - new JPEG datatype, which is based on the Lossless JPEG Codec V1.0 - which is a lossless JPEG format not directly related to the JFIF JPEG file format. - Aminet name: akLJPG-dt.lha |
47406 | AKP43100.LHA | 219,1 kt | 17.10.1997 | - | - | - | "AkPNG.datatype 43.100 -PNG datatypewhich is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.0.4libpng 1.0 beta 6 - version 0.96). - 68000020/30040 and060 versions inside. Aminet name: akPNG43x.lha" |
47407 | AKP43110.LHA | 220,1 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | - | - | "AkPNG.datatype 43.110 -PNG datatypewhich is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.0.4libpng 1.0 beta 6 - version 0.96). - 68000020/30040 and060 versions inside. Aminet name: akPNG43x.lha" |
47408 | AKP43121.LHA | 218,7 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.121 |
47409 | AKP43135.LHA | 220 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.135 |
47410 | AKP43140.LHA | 227,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.140 |
47411 | AKP43155.LHA | 306,3 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.155 |
47412 | AKP43160.LHA | 307,3 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.160 |
47413 | AKP43165.LHA | 224,9 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.165 |
47414 | AKP43175.LHA | 221,8 kt | 20.03.1998 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.175 |
47415 | AKP43180.LHA | 227,9 kt | 06.04.1998 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.180 |
47416 | AKP43181.LHA | 231,3 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.181 |
47417 | AKP43187.LHA | 236,6 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.187 |
47418 | AKPN4390.LHA | 216,9 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | "AkPNG.datatype 43.90 - PNG datatypewhich is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.0.4libpng 1.0 beta 6 - version 0.96). - 68000020/30040 and060 versions inside. Aminet name: akPNG43x.lha" |
47419 | AKPN4391.LHA | 216,9 kt | 30.07.1997 | - | - | - | "AkPNG.datatype 43.91 - PNG datatypewhich is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.0.4libpng 1.0 beta 6 - version 0.96). - 68000020/30040 and060 versions inside. Aminet name: akPNG43x.lha" |
47420 | AKPN4392.LHA | 218,2 kt | 05.09.1997 | - | - | - | "AkPNG.datatype 43.92 - PNG datatypewhich is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.0.4libpng 1.0 beta 6 - version 0.96). - 68000020/30040 and060 versions inside. Aminet name: akPNG43x.lha" |
47421 | AKPN4395.LHA | 218,9 kt | 05.09.1997 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.95 |
47422 | AKPN4396.LHA | 216,4 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | - | - | "AkPNG.datatype 43.96 - PNG datatypewhich is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.0.4libpng 1.0 beta 6 - version 0.96). - 68000020/30040 and060 versions inside. Aminet name: akPNG43x.lha" |
47423 | AKPN4397.LHA | 216,8 kt | 10.10.1997 | - | - | - | "AkPNG.datatype 43.97 - PNG datatypewhich is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.0.4libpng 1.0 beta 6 - version 0.96). - 68000020/30040 and060 versions inside. Aminet name: akPNG43x.lha" |
47424 | AKPNG441.LHA | 241,1 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | AkPNG.datatype 44.1 -PNG datatype, which is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.1.2, libpng version 1.0.2). - Aminet: akPNG-dt.lha |
47425 | AKPNG442.LHA | 246,7 kt | 03.08.1998 | - | - | - | AkPNG.datatype 44.2 - PNG datatype, which is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.1.3, libpng version 1.0.2). - Aminet: akPNG-dt.lha |
47426 | AKPNG443.LHA | 246,6 kt | 12.08.1998 | - | - | - | AkPNG.datatype 44.3 - PNG datatype, which is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.1.3, libpng version 1.0.2). - Aminet: akPNG-dt.lha |
47427 | AKPNG444.LHA | 244,5 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | AkPNG.datatype 44.4 - PNG datatype, which is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.1.3, libpng version 1.0.2). - Aminet: akPNG-dt.lha |
47428 | AKPNG445.LHA | 236,7 kt | 24.09.1998 | - | - | - | AkPNG.datatype 44.5 - PNG datatype, which is based on the latest PNG sources (zlib V1.1.3, libpng version 1.0.2). - Aminet: akPNG-dt.lha |
47429 | AKPREFS.LHA | 29,2 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Ak-Datatypes Prefs V43.31. (akJFIFPrefs, akPNGPrefs, akSVGPrefs) |
47430 | AKS43121.LHA | 84,4 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype v43.121 |
47431 | AKS43135.LHA | 85,7 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype v43.135 |
47432 | AKS43140.LHA | 86,7 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype v43.140 |
47433 | AKS43155.LHA | 87,1 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype v43.155 |
47434 | AKS43165.LHA | 70,7 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype v43.165 |
47435 | AKS43175.LHA | 65,6 kt | 20.03.1998 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype v43.175 |
47436 | AKS43180.LHA | 69,1 kt | 06.04.1998 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype v43.180 |
47437 | AKS43181.LHA | 70,7 kt | 12.08.1998 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype v43.181 |
47438 | AKS43187.LHA | 75,5 kt | 12.08.1998 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype v43.187 |
47439 | AKSV4375.LHA | 78,8 kt | 05.09.1997 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype 43.75 SVG Graphics File Format Aminet name: akSVG43x.lha |
47440 | AKSV4395.LHA | 85,4 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | akSVG.datatype v43.95 |
47441 | AKTIF446.LHA | 273,4 kt | 22.10.1998 | - | - | - | AkTIFF.datatype 44.6 - TIFF datatype, which is based on the latest TIFF reference sources (libtiff 3.4beta037). - Aminet: akTIFF-dt.lha |
47442 | AKTIF447.LHA | 278,3 kt | 02.12.1998 | - | - | - | AkTIFF.datatype 44.7 - TIFF datatype, which is based on the latest TIFF reference sources (libtiff 3.4beta037). - Aminet: akTIFF-dt.lha |
47443 | AKTIF448.LHA | 278,6 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | - | - | AkTIFF.datatype 44.8 - TIFF datatype, which is based on the latest TIFF reference sources (libtiff 3.4beta037). - Aminet: akTIFF-dt.lha |
47444 | ALGOM16.LHA | 653,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | AlgoMusic V1.6 - Coolest algorithmic Techno/ House songplayer incl. loads of samples. |
47445 | ALGOMU13.LZH | 73,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | AlgoMusic 1.30 - Ohjelma jokasoittaa algoritmisia kappaleita,keksien itse niille nimetkin.Vaatii vah. KS2.0+. |
47446 | ALGOMU18.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AlgoMusic v1.8 - Creates algor. techno tunes. Creates and plays a song randomly out of a series of algorithms in a Techno/House manner Requires: OS2+, (prefs-program needs MUI 3.x) Aminet name: AlgoMusic1_8.lha |
47447 | ALGOMU21.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AlgoMusic v2.1 - Creates algor. techno tunes. Creates and plays a song randomly out of a series of algorithms in a Techno/House manner Requires: OS2+, (prefs-program needs MUI 3.x) Aminet name: AlgoMusic2_1.lha |
47448 | ALGOMU22.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 09.12.1997 | - | - | - | AlgoMusic v2.2 - Creates algor. techno tunes. Creates and plays a song randomly out of a series of algorithms in a Techno/House manner Requires: OS2+, (prefs-program needs MUI 3.x) Aminet name: AlgoMusic2_2.lha |
47449 | ALGOMU23.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | AlgoMusic 2.3 - composes realtime-acid techno based on mathematical algorithms. |
47450 | ALL32200.LHA | 8,4 kt | 17.10.1997 | - | - | - | Alloc32P V2.00 - AllocMem/AllocVec patch. AllocP32 is identical to AllocP EXCEPT that it allocates memory in 32 byte wide blocks to avoid conflicts between PPC and MC68K microprocessors. - Req: OS2+ and 68020+ Aminet name: Alloc32P.lha |
47451 | ALLOC200.LHA | 5,1 kt | 17.10.1997 | - | - | - | AllocP V2.00 - BetterAlloc (AllocMem/AllocVec patch). - Req: OS2+ and 68020+ - AllocP.lha |
47454 | ALLOCP.LHA | 6,6 kt | 18.09.1997 | versio 1.0 | 3290/Aminet 21 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Oct 1997].iso | - | AllocP V1.3 - BetterAlloc (AllocMem/AllocVec patch). |
47452 | ALLOCP14.LHA | 6,7 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | - | - | AllocP V1.4 - BetterAlloc (AllocMem/AllocVec patch). - Req: OS2+ and 68020+ - AllocP.lha |
47453 | ALLOCP20.LHA | 8 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | - | - | Alloc32P V2.0 - AllocMem/AllocVec patch. Req: OS2+ and 68020+ - Aminet: Alloc32P.lha |
47455 | ALMU21UP.LHA | 150,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AlgoMusic 2.0 -> 2.1 UPDATE - Needs installed AlgoMusic v2.0 - Aminet: AlgoMusic2_1Up.lha |
47456 | ALMU22UP.LHA | 147,6 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | AlgoMusic 2.0 -> 2.2 UPDATE - Needs installed AlgoMusic v2.0+ - Aminet: AlgoMusic2_2u.lha |
47457 | ALYNX122.LHA | 243,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | ALynx - Tekstipohjainen WWW-selain Amigalle. |
47458 | AMAMP11.LHA | 180,7 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | AmigaAMP v1.1 - MPEG audio-player using mpega.library. 68020, 68040 and 68060-versions included. |
47459 | AMARQ140.LHA | 135 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | AMarquee 1.40 - AmiTCP data broadcast library & server. - Requires: OS2+, AmiTCP 3.0b+. Aminet name: AMarquee1.40.lha |
47460 | AMARQ144.LHA | 137,7 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | - | - | AMarquee 1.44 - AmiTCP data broadcast library & server. - Requires: OS2+, AmiTCP 3.0b+ (or Miami) - Aminet name: AMarquee1.44.lha |
47462 | AMB-P34A.LHA | 286,1 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | PhoneBill 3.4a.Calculates your phonebill. Suitable foruse at least with NComm, Term and Terminus. |
47461 | AMBASE21.LHA | 480,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | AmigaBase 2.1 - Graafinen tietokantaohjelma. Shareware. |
47463 | AMFTP165.LHA | 285 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20458/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 13 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-12][PLANET CD III].iso | tupla | AmFTP 1.65 - FTP/Archie/ADT/ADT-Find Client. Tällä on näppärä hakea vaikkapa Aminetistä tiedostoja. Helppo asentaa. Tukee localea ja mukana on suomenkielinen catalog. -Tarvitsee: OS2.x, MUI 3.x, TCP/IP yhteensopivan ohjelman (esim. Miami, AmiTCP tms.). - Shareware |
47464 | AMFTP175.LHA | 296,1 kt | 20.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | AmFTP 1.75 - FTP/Archie/ADT/ADT-Find Client. Tällä on näppärä hakea vaikkapa Aminetistä tiedostoja. Helppo asentaa. Tukee localea ja mukana on suomenkielinen catalog. -Tarvitsee: OS2.x, MUI 3.x, TCP/IP yhteensopivan ohjelman (esim. Miami, AmiTCP tms.). - Shareware |
47465 | AMIF-10E.LHA | 46,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | AmiFind 1.0 Freeware. Tällä ohjelmalla voit helposti löytää sisäkkäisten hake- mistojen taakse "kadonneet" tiedostot. Voit käyttää tätä myös (kova)levyjen siivoamiseen. (Tekijä: Pasi Laaksonen) |
47466 | AMIF-12E.LHA | 53,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | AmiFind - Versio 1.2 - Freeware -Tällä ohjelmalla löydät helposti etsimäsi tiedostot isoltakin kovalevyltä. Voit käyttää tätä ohjelmaa myös levyjesi siivoamiseen. (Tekijä: Pasi Laaksonen) |
47467 | AMIF-13E.LHA | 52,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AmiFind - Version 1.3 (Freeware, Amiga)- With this program you can easily findmissing files. Or you can use this toclean up your harddisks. - Author:Pasi Laaksonen |
47468 | AMIGAT.LHA | 13,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | AmigaT v1.3 - is a small util capable of checking CPU, FPU, OS, VideoHz & PowerHz, Installed ChipRam/FastRam/TotalRam, Free ChipRam/FastRam/TotalRam. Perfect for use in DOS install scripts and other custom scripts. - Requires: OS2+ |
47469 | AMIL1435.LHA | 91,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | Amiga Main Internet List - 1435 - This is (or at least tries to be) a full listing of every person - company - dealer - group - BBS - mailing list - newsgroup - zine related to the Amiga. Extra goodies include all Aminet sites and a lot of WWW Resources. Aminet name: amil_1435.lha |
47470 | AMIPEG06.LHA | 129,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | tupla | aMiPEG v0.6 - MPEG player with support for CyberGraphX. - Requires: OS2+, AGA chipset is recommended. - Aminet name: aMiPEG_0.6.lha |
47471 | AMIPEG07.LHA | 150,3 kt | 28.09.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | aMiPEG v0.7 - MPEG player with support for CyberGraphX. - Requires: OS2+, AGA chipset is recommended. aMiPEG works now with OCS/ECS under Kick v40+ too. - Aminet: aMiPEG_0.7.lha |
47472 | AMIPEG08.LHA | 144,2 kt | 30.11.1997 | - | - | - | aMiPEG v0.8 - MPEG player with support for CyberGraphX. Req: OS2+, asyncio.library v39+, AGA chipset is recommended. - aMiPEG works now with OCS/ECS. - Aminet: aMiPEG_0.8.lha |
47473 | AMIPEG10.LHA | 96,3 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | AMiPEG 1.0 - MPEG-animation viewer. Major update! |
47474 | AMIPOP12.LHA | 84,6 kt | 28.10.1998 | - | 20476/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 31 (1998)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-10].iso | - | AMIPopUp 1.2 - Send and receive WinPopUp Mails via a network. It supports all the features of WinPopUp including some additional features the "original" misses. Requires: OS3+, MUI 3.6+, Samba, TCP/IP. |
47475 | AMIPOPUP.LHA | 71,5 kt | 30.08.1998 | - | 20474/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 29 (1998)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-07 & 08].iso | - | AMIPopUp 1.1 - Send and recieve WinPopUp Mails via a network. It supports all the features of WinPopUp including some additional features the "original" misses. Requires: OS3+, MUI 3.6+, Samba, TCP/IP. |
47476 | AMIPX.LHA | 35 kt | 20.03.1998 | - | 20470/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 25 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-03].iso | - | AmiPX - IPX-network support for Amiga. |
47477 | AMIRC11.LHA | 815,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | AmIRC 1.1 (27.3.96) - The AmigaOS IRC Client Requires: OS2.0+ with setpatch 40.16, MUI3.1+ least 2MB of RAM and tcp/ip protocol stack running, such as AmiTCP/IP. - Author: Oliver Wagner |
47478 | AMIRC140.LHA | 586,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AmIRC 1.40 (23.2.97) - The AmigaOS IRC Client Requires: OS2.0+, MUI3.6+, Miami, AmiTCP or a compatible TCP/IP stack. - Aminet: AmIRC.lha |
47479 | AMIRC141.LHA | 576 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AmIRC 1.41 (2.3.97) - The AmigaOS IRC Client Requires: OS2.0+, MUI3.6+, Miami, AmiTCP or a compatible TCP/IP stack. - Aminet: AmIRC.lha |
47480 | AMIRC157.LHA | 602 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | AmIRC 1.57 (9.5.97) - The AmigaOS IRC Client Requires: OS2.0+, MUI3.6+, Miami, AmiTCP or a compatible TCP/IP stack. - amirc_157.lha |
47481 | AMIRC165.LHA | 576,6 kt | 28.08.1997 | - | - | - | AmIRC 1.65 (30.7.97) - The AmigaOS IRC Client Requires: OS2.0+, MUI3.6+, Miami, AmiTCP or a compatible TCP/IP stack. - amirc_165.lha |
47482 | AMIRC169.LHA | 584,5 kt | 18.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | AmIRC 1.69 (24.8.97) - The AmigaOS IRC Client Requires: OS2.0+, MUI3.6+, Miami, AmiTCP or a compatible TCP/IP stack. - amirc_169.lha |
47483 | AMIRC20.LHA | 810,8 kt | 27.09.1998 | - | 21197/Excalibur_65_cd.bin | - | AmIRC 2.0 (13.1.98) - The AmigaOS IRC Client Requires: OS2.0+, MUI3.6+, Miami, AmiTCP or a compatible TCP/IP stack. - amirc_20.lha |
47486 | AMIS-10E.LHA | 47,7 kt | 02.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | AmiSplit 1.0 Freeware. Tällä ohjelmalla voit paloitella tiedoston 2-9 osaan tai yhdistää 2-9 tiedostoa yhdeksi. Helppo- käyttöinen. (Tekijä: Pasi Laaksonen) |
47484 | AMIS098.LHA | 137,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AMIS 0.98 - Editor for multiple file formats. Requires: OS3.0+ - Shareware |
47485 | AMIS100.LHA | 153,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | AMIS 1.00 - Editor for multiple file formats. 6 different editors for normal, ANSI, Amiga- Guide, HTML, Pagestream and C-source text. Most of them are WYSIWYG. - Requires: 68020+, OS3.0+ - Shareware - Aminet name: amis.lha |
47487 | AMLOAD13.LHA | 69,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AmigaLoad 1.3 - Display CPU-Load and free Mem on WB or on a Moving Coil Instrument. - Req: WB2+ and MUI 3.1+ -Aminet name: AmigaLoad.lha |
47488 | AMORPH12.LHA | 644,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | AGA-Morph V1.2 - Morphing program (AGA). Requires: OS3+, AGA-chipset or graphicboard with emulation. - Aminet: AGA-Morph-V1.2.lha |
47489 | AMORPH13.LHA | 478,7 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | - | AGA-Morph V1.3 - Morphing program (AGA). Requires: OS3+, AGA-chipset or graphicboard with emulation. - Aminet: AGA-Morph-V1.3.lha |
47490 | AMPOP132.LHA | 96,1 kt | 02.12.1998 | - | 3297/Aminet 28 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1998].iso | - | AMIPopUp 1.32 - Send and recieve WinPopUp Mails via a network. It supports all the features of WinPopUp including some additional features the "original" misses. Requires: OS3+, MUI 3.6+, Samba, TCP/IP. |
47491 | AMTALK10.LHA | 183,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | AmTALK 1.0 (31.12.96) - AmigaOS Talk client AmTALK is a combined server/client for the Internet TALK protocol for point-to-point online chatting. - Shareware |
47492 | AMTALK12.LHA | 201,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AmTALK 1.2 (01.02.97) - AmigaOS Talk client Combined server/client for the Internet TALK protocol for point-to-point online chatting. Works with Miami, AmiTCP and as225r2-derived TCP/IP stacks. - Shareware |
47493 | AMTELN11.LHA | 136,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | AmTelnet 1.1 - Telnet Client (ANSI/VT100/TTY) Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.x, TCP/IP compatible stack (Works with Miami, AmiTCP, INET225, TermiteTCP, MLink, TIA, slirp) - Shareware. Original file name: AmTelnet11.lha |
47494 | AMTELN12.LHA | 140,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AmTelnet 1.2 - Telnet Client (ANSI/VT100/TTY) Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.x, TCP/IP compatible stack (Works with Miami, AmiTCP, INET225, TermiteTCP, MLink, TIA, slirp) - Shareware. Original file name: AmTelnet12.lha |
47495 | AMTELNET.LHA | 134,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 1.2 | 20472/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 27 (1998)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-05].iso | - | AmTelnet 1.0 - Telnet Client (ANSI/VT100/TTY) Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.x, TCP/IP compatible stack (Works with Miami, AmiTCP, INET225, TermiteTCP, MLink, TIA, slirp) - Shareware. Original file name: AmTelnet10.lha |
47496 | AMTERM10.LHA | 128,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AmTerm 1.0 - Fast ANSI/VT100/TTY terminal. Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.x. - Shareware. |
47497 | ANED141.LHA | 274,8 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Animated 1.41 - animation editor whichallows sfx/music synchronization etc. |
47498 | ANES.LHA | 19 kt | 15.11.1997 | versio 0.20 | 21304/TheAmigaDemoCollectionCDCUE.img | - | A/NES v0.26b - Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for Amiga. Very Fast. |
47499 | ANIM4104.LHA | 30,9 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Animation.datatype v41.4 |
47500 | ANIMTD12.LHA | 279,3 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Animated 1.2 - animation editor. |
47501 | ANTIB132.LHA | 8,7 kt | 23.09.1997 | - | - | - | AntiBeol 1.32 (6.9.97) - Mem viruskiller for the new Packetviruses. - AntiBeol_132.lha |
47502 | ANTIB133.LHA | 9,7 kt | 15.12.1997 | - | 2247/amigamamagazinepolishissue1998.iso | - | AntiBeol 1.33 (21.9.97) - Mem viruskiller for the new Packetviruses. - AntiBeol_133.lha |
47503 | ANTIBE13.LHA | 8,3 kt | 09.09.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | AntiBeol 1.3 (25.3.97) - Mem viruskiller for the new Packetviruses. - AntiBeol_13.lha |
47504 | AP051097.LHA | 25,7 kt | 26.10.1997 | - | - | - | Suomen Amiga-purkkilista 05.10.97 Huom! Ylläpito vaihtui. Lue lisää paketista. |
47505 | APLAY211.LHA | 589,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | APlayer 2.11 (5.7.96) - Amiga music player. Supports 67 different module formats. Requires: OS2.0+ - Shareware |
47506 | APN43120.LHA | 219,4 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | akPNG.datatype v43.120 |
47507 | APTCH013.LHA | 6,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "APatch 0.1.3 beta 3 - Speed up patch for 020+ Its a speedup patch not another patch that would waste the precious CPU time. Req: 020+OS2.1+ - Aminet name: APatchBeta.lha" |
47508 | ARCEXT13.LHA | 88,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | ArcExtract v1.3 - archive extractor with GUI. Supports many different archivers. |
47509 | ARCEXT15.LHA | 105,9 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | ArcExtract 1.5 - GUI frontend for many different packers like LHA or ZIP. |
47510 | ARTP102A.LHA | 62,6 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | ArtPRO 1.02a update - Only the new mainfile for ArtPRO1.02.lha. You need this archive to install ArtPRO. - Aminet: ArtPRO1.02aUpd.lha |
47511 | ARTPR102.LHA | 303,6 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | ArtPRO 1.02 - A powerful gfx-converter. Requires: OS2+, 68020+, 1-2 MB RAM (more suggested). - Aminet name: ArtPRO1.02.lha |
47512 | ARTPR110.LHA | 352 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | ArtPRO 1.10 - a shareware image converter. Convert pictures from one format to another, edit palettes and more via comfortable GUI. |
47513 | ARTPR112.LHA | 363,6 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | ArtPRO v1.12 - a multipurpose graphics converter and image processor with support for all the universal formats. |
47514 | ASPELL61.LHA | 323,6 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | tupla | "AlphaSpell 6.1 - A fast spelling checker. Two GUIs included: one for use with text editorsone for use by itself. Compressed English dictionary. Dictionaries available for other languages. Guesses wordsmatches wildcard patterns. Case sensitive spell checking for names and acronymscase insensitive for other words. ARexx port." |
47515 | ASTRT087.LHA | 47 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | A-Start v0.87. Windoze-like start-button for your Amiga. This one is better than the original one. |
47516 | ASTRT31.LHA | 29,3 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | AStart v3.1 - load WB with more memory and without WBStartup/User-startup. |
47517 | ASTRT33.LHA | 31,1 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | - | - | AmigaStart v3.3 - boot your Amiga with more memory faster than before. Allows you to disable User-Startup and/or WB-Startup during the boot process. |
47518 | AUDIOLAB.LHA | 205,5 kt | 08.11.1997 | - | By Popular Request 2.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | AudioLab16 Versio 1.14, harddisk based 16-bit audio recording, editing, processing mixing system. req. 68030+ |
47519 | AUTONOHT.LHA | 7,1 kt | 26.07.1998 | - | - | - | AutoNOHTML.thor 2.0 - Strip HTML MAIL and autopost ANTI HTML. - Requires: THOR Aminet name: AutoNOHTML.lha |
47520 | AVIEW141.LHA | 110,2 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | - | AView - a multiview replacement v1.4 |
47521 | AVIEW142.LHA | 110,3 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | AView 1.42 - a multiview enhancement. Allowsyou to view any type of file if the datatypeis available. |
47522 | AVIEW144.LHA | 142,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | AView 1.44 - a Multiview enhancement with better datatype-support and some optimizations. |
47523 | AVIEW145.LHA | 171 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | AView v1.45 - a replacement for MultiView with more options and configurability. |
47524 | AWEB21DE.LHA | 443,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | AWeb-II 2.1 DEMO - WWW browser for the Amiga. Requires: OS3.0+, at least 2MB of memory as an absolute minimum, TCP stack if you want to access the Internet. Aminet name: AWeb.lha |
47526 | AWEB30.LHA | 413,4 kt | 26.10.1997 | - | - | - | AWeb-II 3.0 DEMO - WWW browser for the Amiga. Requires: OS3.0+, at least 2MB of memory as an absolute minimum, TCP stack if you want to access the Internet, picture datatypes (GIF, JPEG) to show inlined images, The ClassAct GUI kit. - Aminet name: AWeb.lha |
47525 | AWEB30B.LHA | 414,7 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | AWeb-II 3.0b DEMO - WWW browser for the Amiga Requires: OS3.0+, at least 2MB of memory as an absolute minimum, TCP stack if you want to access the Internet, picture datatypes (GIF, JPEG) to show inlined images, The ClassAct GUI kit. - Aminet name: AWeb.lha |
47527 | AWEB31D.LHA | 612,8 kt | 19.07.1998 | - | - | - | AWeb 3.1 - a fast WWW-browser with lots of features. Has now even the JavaScript! Demo has many restrictions and annoying requesters but it is fully working. |
47528 | AWEBFTP.LHA | 2,5 kt | 09.11.1997 | - | aminet.net | tupla | FTP plugin for AWeb. (Needs FTPMount 0.8) |
47529 | AWEBFTPU.LHA | 4,6 kt | 09.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | FTP plugin for AWeb, v1.1 update |
47530 | AWRLD517.LHA | 1,3 Mt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | AmigaWorld 5.17 is an informative and up-to-date database with much information about every country, many descriptions and maps. |
47533 | AX.LHA | 352,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20465/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 20 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-07 & 08][EAR-CD IV].iso | - | Ax 1.0 - Aminet INDEX database. An incredible (and extremely useful) database program for the Aminet. Ax takes the INDEX file that holds information on every file on the Aminet and creates a manageable database out of it. |
47531 | AX02.LHA | 96,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Ax 0.2 - Aminet INDEX database/search utility Requires: KS/WB 2.04+, 1MB RAM. |
47532 | AX101.LHA | 352,6 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | Ax 1.01 - Aminet INDEX database (Bugs fixed). An incredible (and extremely useful) database program for the Aminet. Ax takes the INDEX file that holds information on every file on the Aminet and creates a manageable database out of it. - Aminet name: Ax.lha |
47534 | BAS64_12.LHA | 10,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "Base64Decode & Base64Encode 1.2 (27.6.96) - are a fast decoder and encoder for base64 (MIME) encoded binaries that can be sent through electronic mail. - Requires: OS2.0+ The020 versions require a 68020 or higher." |
47535 | BCHTR124.LHA | 94,3 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | BenchTrash v1.24 - global trashcan for Workbench with Eject-support and progress bar. |
47536 | BCHTR135.LHA | 131 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | BenchTrash v1.35 - a global trashcan replacement for Workbench with configurable options, progress bar... |
47537 | BEATBO24.LHA | 503 kt | 11.02.1999 | - | - | - | BeatBox 2 v2.4 - Point and click music editor Requires: OS2+ - Aminet name: BeatBox2.lha |
47538 | BEATBOX2.LHA | 475,6 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | 3295/Aminet 26 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Aug 1998].iso | - | BeatBox2 - create music by clicking buttons and using your mouse. No knowledge of complex tracker commands needed. |
47539 | BENTR137.LHA | 135,4 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | BenchTrash v1.37 - a global trashcan for Workbench with eject support, progress bar and periodic trashcan deleting. |
47540 | BINHEX.LHA | 15,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | use favorite ASCII editor for HEX data V1.12 |
47541 | BLIZK111.LHA | 78,7 kt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | - | BlizKick 1.11 MapROM tool for Blizzard turbos Requires: OS 1.0+, Blizzard turbo with MAPROM feature (jumper). - Aminet name: BlizKick.lha |
47542 | BLIZK114.LHA | 138,9 kt | 08.11.1998 | - | - | - | BlizKick 1.14 MapROM tool for Blizzard turbos Requires: OS 1.0+, Blizzard turbo with MAPROM feature or CPU Card. - Aminet: BlizKick.lha |
47543 | BLIZKI18.LHA | 46 kt | 07.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | BlizKick 1.8 MapROM tool for Blizzard turbos. Requires: OS 1.0+, Blizzard turbo with MAPROM feature (jumper). - Aminet name: BlizKick.lha |
47547 | BMG.LHA | 37,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | BMG - GUI for MPEGA. |
47544 | BMG102.LHA | 37,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | BMG 1.02 - A nice GUI to use with Mpega. Aminet name: BMG.lha |
47545 | BMG103.LHA | 38,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | BMG 1.03 - A nice GUI to use with Mpega. Aminet name: BMG.lha |
47546 | BMG104.LHA | 39,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | BMG 1.04 - A nice GUI to use with Mpega. Aminet name: BMG.lha |
47549 | BMPDT.LHA | 19,1 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | BMP.datatype v40.8 |
47548 | BMPDT407.LHA | 20,7 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | 4676/Amiga-CD 1997 %239-10.iso | - | bmp.datatype v40.7 |
47550 | BNCTR138.LHA | 169,1 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | - | - | BenchTrash v1.38 - a global trashcan for WB with eject support, progress bar, automatical deletion after x days... |
47551 | BNTR1381.LHA | 169,9 kt | 17.03.1998 | - | - | - | BenchTrash v1.38.1 - a global trashcan for Workbench with eject support. |
47552 | BOARD211.LHA | 21 kt | 18.08.1997 | väärä koko | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Boards.library V2.11 - Knows 346 Expansion Boards. |
47553 | BOARD212.LHA | 20,9 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | 20465/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 20 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-07 & 08][EAR-CD IV].iso | - | Boards.library v2.12 - Library which recognizes over 350 different expansion boards and shows them by name. |
47554 | BOARD214.LHA | 22,2 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | 3290/Aminet 21 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Oct 1997].iso | - | Boards.library V2.14 - Knows 361 Expansion Boards. |
47555 | BOARD215.LHA | 23,1 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | 3291/Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso | - | Boards.library V2.15 - Knows 365 Expansion Boards. |
47556 | BOARD217.LHA | 25,1 kt | 22.06.1998 | - | 3293/Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso | - | Boards.library v2.17 - library which identifies and shows 375 expansion boards. |
47557 | BOARD218.LHA | 27 kt | 15.10.1998 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Boards.library V2.18 - Knows 379 Expansion Boards. |
47558 | BOLIB101.LHA | 2,4 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | - | - | BetterOpenLibs 1.01 - Enhances OpenLibrary features. - Aminet name: BetterOpenLibs.lha |
47559 | BOPENLIB.LHA | 2,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | BetterOpenLibs 1.00 - Enhances OpenLibrary features. - Aminet name: BetterOpenLibs.lha |
47560 | BSCANON.LHA | 21,9 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | - | - | BetaScan driver for Canon scanners. |
47561 | BSHP.LHA | 23,7 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | - | - | BetaScan driver for HP scanners. |
47563 | BSMICRO.LHA | 35,5 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | - | - | BetaScan driver for Microtek scanners. |
47562 | BSMICRO2.LHA | 40,1 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | - | - | BetaScan driver for Microtek scanners. |
47564 | BTRAS111.LHA | 24,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | BenchTrash 1.11 - Global trashcan for WB. Aminet name: BenchTrash.lha |
47565 | BTRAS114.LHA | 44,1 kt | 26.10.1997 | - | - | - | BenchTrash 1.14 - Global trashcan for WB. Aminet name: BenchTrash.lha |
47566 | BTRAS122.LHA | 71,2 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | - | - | BenchTrash 1.22 - Global trashcan for WB. Aminet name: BenchTrash.lha |
47567 | BURNIT11.LHA | 232,9 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | BurnIt 1.10 - CD-Recording software for Amiga Requires: OS3+, 68020 CPU or better, harddisk (should have at least 650MB free space). Aminet name: BurnIt_Demo.lha |
47568 | BUTTON07.LHA | 3,4 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Button v0.7 - a "button-creator" for ImageFX. |
47569 | CA33.LHA | 260,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | tupla | ClassAction 3.3 (23.8.96) - is a program made to help all hard disk users to handle files: recognize ANY file format and perform actions on it. With ClassAction, View, Edit, Compile, Run,... any file with a single click! Requires: OS2.0+, MUI 3.0+, a Hard Disk. |
47570 | CA34.LHA | 260,4 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin | - | ClassAction 3.4 is a program made to help all hard disk users to handle files: recognize ANY file format and perform actions on it. With ClassAction, View, Edit, Compile, Run,.. any file with a single click! - Requires: OS2.0+, MUI 3.0+, a Hard Disk. |
47571 | CABOOM.LHA | 12,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Windows explode on opening/closing |
47572 | CANP154B.LHA | 391,7 kt | 12.03.1998 | - | - | - | CandyPPC v1.54b - create cool webgraphics. In PPC-version most of the effects can be seen and adjusted in realtime! |
47573 | CHECHTML.LHA | 98,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | CheckHTML 1.2 - Checks whether an HTML docu- ment is conforming with the HTML (3.2) DTD. Can verify HTML 3.2 and HTML 2.0 documents. Requires: OS2+ - Aminet name: CheckHTML.lha |
47574 | CHECX146.LHA | 30,2 kt | 06.04.1999 | - | - | - | CheckX V1.46 - Check for Archives/Packers/ Viruses - Req: xadmaster.library, xvs.library xfdmaster.library, xpkmaster.library. Aminet name: CheckX.lha |
47575 | CLIC3022.LHA | 41,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | CLICon 3.02.2 Versatile replacement for IconX Aminet name: CLICon.lha |
47576 | CLICO303.LHA | 53 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | CLICon 3.03 - Versatile replacement for IconX Aminet name: CLICon.lha |
47577 | CLICO305.LHA | 63,8 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | CLICon 3.05 - Versatile replacement for IconX Aminet name: CLICon.lha |
47578 | CLICON.LHA | 38,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 3.01 | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | CLICon 3.02 - Versatile replacement for IconX |
47579 | CLLCT32.LHA | 290,5 kt | 15.03.1998 | - | - | - | Collector v3.2 - a picture cataloger which creates thumbnail-pictures from given files/ directories. |
47580 | CMANAG12.LHA | 432 kt | 07.02.1999 | - | - | - | Contact Manager 1.2 - centralised addressbook which allows you to store all your favourite user information, web sites, ftp sites and IRC server/channels. - Requires: MUI Aminet name: CManager.lha |
47581 | CMANAGER.LHA | 423 kt | 02.12.1998 | - | 19736/filegate.zip | - | Contact Manager 1.1 - centralised addressbook which allows you to store all your favourite user information, web sites, ftp sites and IRC server/channels. - Requires: MUI |
47582 | CMQ0611B.LHA | 8,7 kt | 19.12.1998 | - | - | - | CMQ060 1.1b - Patch CopyMem/Quick for 68060. Small patch which replace the CopyMem and CopyMemQuick funtions of exec.library. These functions are optimized for the 68060 processor. They should also work with the 68040 processor. - Aminet: CMQ060.lha |
47583 | CNFYAM11.LHA | 9,8 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | - | - | ConfigYam 1.1 - Make quick changes to Yam config. - WARNING! This version ONLY Works with MuiRexx3.0a or higher. - ConfigYamEN.lha |
47584 | COLLE21F.LHA | 203,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Collector V2.1 - Fixed version! - Picture cataloger Allows to create indexes of reduced pictures. It offers many possibilities and has some features that other programs of this type have not. And its totally free! -Aminet name: Collector21fix.lha" |
47585 | COLLEC25.LHA | 263,3 kt | 14.09.1997 | - | - | - | Collector V2.5 - A powerful picture cataloger Allows to create indexes of reduced pictures. It offers many possibilities and has some features that other programs of this type have not. - Aminet name: Collector25.lha |
47586 | COLLEC30.LHA | 261 kt | 15.03.1998 | - | - | - | Collector 3.0 - A powerful picture cataloger Allows to create indexes of reduced pictures. It offers many possibilities and has some features that other programs of this type have not. - Aminet name: Collector30.lha |
47587 | CONFIYAM.LHA | 9,7 kt | 16.08.1997 | - | - | - | ConfigYam 1.0 - Make quick changes to Yam config. - WARNING: This version ONLY Works with MuiRexx3.0a or higher. - ConfigYam.lha |
47588 | CRSNAP11.LHA | 9,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | tupla | "CRSnap 1.1 - CRSnap is a quick and simple screen snapshot commodity thatunlike some OTHER screen snapshot commoditiesFUNCTIONS CORRECTLY!! Handles: all standard OCS/ECS and AGA screenmodesV39-40 interleaved bitmaps. Saves as *compressed* IFF ILBM. - Requires: OS2.0+ - Author: C.R.MagiusHahn" |
47589 | CSHOW20.LHA | 65,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | Cybershow V2.0 - state of the art picture viewer. Supports almost all major formats, efects, truecolor/highcolor, AGA, very fast. |
47590 | CSHOW31.LHA | 67,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | Picture viewer (incl.PCD) for CybGfx&AGA. |
47591 | CSHOW55.LHA | 93,9 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | tupla | CyberShow Professional Version 5.5 - This isan universal shareware picture viewer/slideshow/presentation program (incl.PhotoCD support, transition effects, zooming...) and converter for all Amigas (andDraco!) with OS3.0 and hig her which can display images in windows on the Workbench,on custom screens or public screens or presentate as slideshow incl. transition effects |
47592 | CSPRO83A.LHA | 129,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | CyberShowPro v8.3a - a fast picture viewer for AGA/GFX-card Amigas. Supports more than 20 different picture formats, has fast scrolling&zooming functions, conversion functions, transition effects... |
47593 | CYANIM11.LHA | 37,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | CyberAnim 1.1 (24.10.96) - IFF ANIM3/5/7/8 player, supports CyberGraphX. - Aminet name: CyberAnim11.lha |
47594 | CYBAV110.LHA | 90,5 kt | 22.07.1997 | - | - | - | CyberAVI v1.10 - AVI animation player. Requires: OS3.0+, MC68020, graphic board or AGA chipset. - Aminet name: CyberAVI.lha |
47595 | CYBAV111.LHA | 108,2 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | CyberAVI v1.11 - AVI animation player. Requires: OS3.0+, MC68020, graphic board or AGA chipset. - Aminet name: CyberAVI.lha |
47596 | CYBAVI16.LHA | 49,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | CyberAVI 1.6 (24.10.96) AVI animation player Requires: OS3.0+, MC68020, graphic board or AGA chipset. - Aminet name: CyberAVI16.lha |
47597 | CYBAVI17.LHA | 54,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | CyberAVI 1.7 (27.11.96) AVI animation player Requires: OS3.0+, MC68020, graphic board or AGA chipset. - Aminet name: CyberAVI17.lha |
47598 | CYBAVI18.LHA | 72,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | - | CyberAVI 1.8 (27.1.97) AVI animation player Requires: OS3.0+, MC68020, graphic board or AGA chipset. - Aminet name: CyberAVI18.lha |
47599 | CYBAVI19.LHA | 75,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | CyberAVI 1.9 AVI animation player for CGX/AGA Requires: OS3.0+, MC68020, graphic board or AGA chipset. - Aminet name: CyberAVI19.lha |
47600 | CYBEQT11.LHA | 73,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | CyberQT 1.1 - QuickTime animation player for CyberGraphX/AGA and 68020+. Requires: OS3+. Aminet name: CyberQT11.lha |
47601 | CYBEQT12.LHA | 92,3 kt | 22.07.1997 | - | - | - | CyberQT 1.2 - QuickTime animation player for CyberGraphX/AGA and 68020+. Requires: OS3+. Aminet name: CyberQT.lha |
47602 | CYBEQT13.LHA | 116,6 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | CyberQT 1.3 - QuickTime animation player for CyberGraphX/AGA and 68020+. Requires: OS3+. Aminet name: CyberQT.lha |
47603 | CYBSW84A.LHA | 130,9 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | - | CyberShow v8.4a - a multiformat picture viewer with support for more than 20 formats. Pictures can be zoomed and scrolled, pictures can be shown as a slideshow (and some special effetcs)... demo version shows the pictures only in greyscale-mode. |
47604 | D2G110.LHA | 5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Doc2Guide V1.1 by Renne Nissinen (25.6.1996) Muuntaa standardit autodocit AmigaGuide- muotoon. d2g:n saa nyt myös lisäämään Search- napin jokaisen autodocin ja kuvauksen alkuun. |
47605 | DB33.LHA | 315,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | db V3.3 (11.9.96) - Multi purpose database. db is GENERAL database program. YOU decide what to store in it, be it addresses, video collections spare parts or your invoices. Requires: OS2.1+ - Shareware |
47606 | DBOOST20.LHA | 695,3 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | - | - | DIGI Booster professional 2.0a multichannel tracker with lots of features |
47607 | DBPRO211.LHA | 612,2 kt | 08.11.1997 | - | - | - | DigiBooster Pro v2.11 - a multichannel tracker with many options. Shareware, demo version. |
47608 | DBPRO213.LHA | 560,8 kt | 08.11.1997 | - | 21194/Excalibur_62_cd.bin | - | DigiBooster Pro 2.13 - multichanneltracker with comfortable GUI. SupportsXM/S3M/MOD ... |
47609 | DBPRO214.LHA | 560,8 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | 3290/Aminet 21 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Oct 1997].iso | - | DigiBooster Pro 2.14 - a multichannel tracker with S3M/XM-support, greatlooking GUI and many features. Demo version. |
47610 | DBPRO216.LHA | 286,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | DigiBoosterPro v2.16 - a multichannel tracker with S3M/XM and AHI support. Up to 128 channels. |
47611 | DDBBS128.LHA | 631,6 kt | 09.12.1997 | - | - | - | Daydream BBS V1.28 - Powerful conferencebased BBS Software, written in 100% assembler. |
47612 | DELIT224.LHA | 736,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | DeliTracker V2.24 (26.03.96) is a highly flexible soundplayer which supports many sound formats. The replay routines for the common formats ProTracker, NoiseTracker, SoundTracker 15 and 31 instrument version and StarTrekker without AM sounds, are builtin. Requires: OS2.0+ - Authors: Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel - Shareware |
47613 | DES15020.LHA | 279,6 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | Descent v1.5 r0.2.0 - an Amiga-port of Descent with support for CGFX/AGA. This version is 60% faster than earlier versions! C2P is not yet optimized, so even more speed can be achieved by using NewWPA8-patch. |
47614 | DEVGU076.LHA | 41,4 kt | 22.06.1998 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Devices.guide 076 - of Amiga Shared Devices. Aminet name: DevGuide.lha |
47615 | DEVGU208.LHA | 38,6 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | - | - | Devices.guide 208 - A guide of 208 Amiga devices, listing the latest version (date), which programs require them, the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. - Aminet name: DevGuide.lha |
47616 | DEVGU211.LHA | 39 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | Devices.guide 211 - A guide of 211 Amiga devices, listing the latest version (date), which programs require them, the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. - Aminet name: DevGuide.lha |
47617 | DEVGUI15.LHA | 39,8 kt | 03.10.1998 | - | - | - | Devices.guide 15 - A guide of 224 Amiga devices, listing the latest version (date), which programs require them, the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. - Aminet name: DevGuide.lha |
47618 | DEVGUI16.LHA | 41,9 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | Devices.guide 16 - A guide of 226 Amiga devices, listing the latest version (date), which programs require them, the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. - Aminet name: DevGuide.lha |
47619 | DIRDT015.LHA | 41,4 kt | 28.02.1998 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Directory datatype 1.5 - browsing directories as plain text, AmigaGuide compatible, e.g. double-click on file name links to file. * Fixes all known (and fixable) bugs in 1.4 * Aminet name: dirdatatype015.lha |
47620 | DISA1171.LHA | 46,9 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | - | - | DiskSafe v1.17.1 - no more unvalidated disks! Catches the reset-signal if any program is accessing disks and waits until the disk access has been finished. |
47621 | DISA118.LHA | 65,5 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | DiskSafe v1.18 - no longer non-validated disks! Catches the reset-signal and waits until any diskactivity is finished. |
47622 | DISAF122.LHA | 78,7 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | DiskSafe v1.22 - no longer non-validated disks! Catches the reset-signal and writes the disk bitmap before reset. |
47623 | DIT362.LHA | 61,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | DockIt 3.62. Toolmanager-clone. |
47624 | DOCGUIDE.LHA | 4,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Doc2Guide V1.0 by Renne Nissinen (20.6.1996) Muuntaa Commodoren (ja esim. ReqToolsin) autodocit amigaguide-muotoon! Ei tarvitse erillisiä fd- tms. tiedostoja. |
47625 | DOFILE33.LHA | 5,2 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | DoFile 3.3 - Recognizes type of file usingdatatypes.library and launches correspondingviewer. |
47626 | DSKS1173.LHA | 63,7 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | - | - | DiskSafe 1.17.3 - No longer non validated disks. Keeps disks valid from accidential resets by catching the reset signal and writing the bitmap information first. Aminet name: DiskSafe.lha |
47627 | DSKSA113.LHA | 28,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | DiskSafe 1.13 - No longer non validated disks Keeps disks valid from accidential resets by catching the reset signal and writing the bitmap information first. - DiskSafe.lha |
47628 | DSKSA114.LHA | 42 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | DiskSafe 1.14 - No longer non validated disks Keeps disks valid from accidential resets by catching the reset signal and writing the bitmap information first. - DiskSafe.lha |
47629 | DSKSA115.LHA | 44,3 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | DiskSafe 1.15 - No longer non validated disks Keeps disks valid from accidential resets by catching the reset signal and writing the bitmap information first. - DiskSafe.lha |
47630 | DSKSA123.LHA | 79 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | - | - | DiskSafe 1.23 - No longer non validated disks. Keeps disks valid from accidential resets by catching the reset signal and writing the bitmap information first. Req: OS2+ - Aminet name: DiskSafe.lha |
47631 | DSKSA124.LHA | 79,9 kt | 24.09.1998 | - | - | - | DiskSafe 1.24 - No longer non validated disks. Keeps disks valid from accidential resets by catching the reset signal and writing the bitmap information first. Req: OS2+ - Aminet name: DiskSafe.lha |
47632 | DSKSA125.LHA | 82,1 kt | 11.11.1998 | - | - | - | DiskSafe 1.25 - No longer non validated disks. Keeps disks valid from accidential resets by catching the reset signal and writing the bitmap information first. Req: OS2+ - Aminet name: DiskSafe.lha |
47633 | DSKSA130.LHA | 85,4 kt | 05.12.1998 | - | - | - | DiskSafe 1.30 - No longer non validated disks. Keeps disks valid from accidential resets by catching the reset signal and writing the bitmap information first. Req: OS2+ - Aminet name: DiskSafe.lha |
47634 | DTGUI152.LHA | 59 kt | 22.06.1998 | - | - | - | DTypes.guide 152 R3 - A guide of 152 Amiga datatypes for OS 3.0+, listing the latest version (date), the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. Aminet name: dtypeguide.lha |
47635 | DTGUI156.LHA | 58,5 kt | 22.06.1998 | - | - | - | A guide of 156 Amiga datatypes for OS 3.0+. Aminet name: dtypeguide.lha |
47636 | DTGUI203.LHA | 41,1 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | - | - | DTypes.guide 203 - A guide of 203 Amiga datatypes for OS 3.0+, listing the latest version (date), the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. Own Guide-section of OS Datatypes. Aminet name: DTypeGuide.lha |
47637 | DTGUI206.LHA | 41,4 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | DTypes.guide 206 - A guide of 206 Amiga datatypes for OS 3.0+, listing the latest version (date), the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. Own Guide-section of OS Datatypes. Aminet name: DTypeGuide.lha |
47638 | DTGUID17.LHA | 41,8 kt | 03.10.1998 | - | - | - | DTypes.guide 17 - A guide of 209 Amiga data- types for OS 3.0+, listing the latest version (date), the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. Own Guide- section of OS Datatypes. - DTypeGuide.lha |
47639 | DTGUID18.LHA | 44,2 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | DTypes.guide 18 - A guide of 219 Amiga data- types for OS 3.0+, listing the latest version (date), the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. Own Guide- section of OS Datatypes. - DTypeGuide.lha |
47640 | DTLIB452.LHA | 130,1 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | New datatypes.library 45.2 - replaces the old datatypes.library V40.6 from CBM. Aminet name: dtypeslib452.lha |
47642 | DUST.LHA | 664 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 12731/goldfish_vol2_cd2.bin | tupla | DustAnimsDemo-package of animations.Animation, Dust 3D-Special-EffectsDust is a program which manipules 3d-objects. It reads in one object and creates a sequence of new objects. |
47641 | DUST235.LHA | 726,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | Dust V2.35, 3D-F/X (Smoothing, Morphs,Particles, etc). F/X-software manipulating3D-objects. Perfect completion for yourmodelling-program and comes with manyfeatures no modelling-program has. SupportsImagine and Lightwave DIRECTLY, use objectconverte r for others. |
47643 | EDWORD56.LHA | 174,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | EdWordPro 5.6 - fully-featured text editor. Requires: WB2.0+ - Shareware - Aminet name: EdWordV5.6.lha |
47644 | EDWORD60.LHA | 181,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | EdWord Professional 6.0 - shareware text editor. Demo version. |
47645 | EFIND106.LHA | 37,5 kt | 07.09.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | EasyFind 1.06 (17.11.96) - Löytää "kadonneet" tiedostosi. Tarvitsee: OS2.0+ ja MUI 3.3 - Aminet nimi: EasyFind.lha |
47646 | EMER10D3.LHA | 110,9 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | Golden Emerod 1.0 Demo3 IRC channel bot |
47647 | EMERO104.LHA | 112,2 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | Golden Emerod 1.0, demo 4 - a versatile and easily configurable IRC-bot. |
47648 | EMEROD10.LHA | 73,8 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | Golden Emerod 1.0 - IRC channel bot with multiple access levels, logging, automatic removal, many commands and aotu-reconnection. Demo version has a limit of 5 users in the userfile. |
47649 | EMORE033.LHA | 64 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | EvenMore 0.3beta3 Font sensitive text viewer Requires: OS2.0+ - Aminet: EvenMore033.lha |
47650 | EMORE036.LHA | 98 kt | 02.08.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | EvenMore 0.3beta6 Font sensitive text viewer Requires: OS2.0+ - Aminet: EvenMore036.lha |
47651 | EMORE039.LHA | 186,2 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | EvenMore 0.39 - text viewer with support for multiple formats such as Amigaguide. Requires at least KS2.0+. |
47652 | ENF3760.LHA | 67,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | AUTI! Enforcer 37.60,Commodoren standardi debuggeri.Vaatii MMU:n. |
47653 | ENFO3762.LHA | 67,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Enforcer 37.62Tool to monitor illegal memory access. |
47654 | ENVWWW11.LHA | 91,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | - | EnvWWW 1.1 - WWW publishig mode for GoldED Features: HTML Toolbar, wizards, HTML 3.2 quick reference, HTML syntax highlighting. Requires: GoldED 4.2.0+ |
47655 | ENVWWW21.LHA | 116,8 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | EnvWWW 2.1 - WWW publishig mode for GoldED Features: HTML Toolbar, wizards, HTML 3.2 quick reference, HTML syntax highlighting. Requires: GoldED 4.3.3+ |
47657 | EO-220.LHA | 312,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Everyday Organiser v2.20 - Everyday Organiser Päivitys versioon 2.10. Tarvitsee EO 2.10 asennettuna (EO210.LHA) |
47656 | EO210.LHA | 371,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Everyday Organiser v2.10 (31.8.96) - Everyday Organiser consists of three separate programs designed to help you manage your personal day-to-day activites. You can store friends addresses while keep up-to-date on events such as birthdays and appointments etc. - Requires: MUI v3.3 - Author: Mathew Wilson FreeWare |
47658 | EOLIB520.LHA | 39,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Everyday Organiser Library Update - 5.20 Tarvitsee EO 2.20 asennettuna (EO210.LHA + EO-220.LHA). |
47659 | EPAT123A.LHA | 64,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | EasyPatch 1.23a - The Requester Destroyer. Program that is able to cancel some types of requesters before they are opened. - Aminet name: EasyPatch123a.lha |
47660 | EPAT125A.LHA | 64,9 kt | 13.09.1998 | - | - | - | EasyPatch 1.25a - - The Requester Destroyer. Program that is able to cancel some types of requesters before they are opened. - Aminet name: EasyPatch123a.lha |
47661 | ESCIM101.LHA | 52,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Escimo 1.01 - Easy tool for creating ANSI animation for the Amiga. |
47662 | ESCIMO10.LHA | 50 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Escimo 1.00 - Easy tool for creating ANSI animation for the Amiga. |
47663 | EUC01124.LHA | 310,2 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | Eucalyptus 1.0 alpha 0.1124 - E-mail program. Requires: OS2+ (OS3+ for Datatype support), ClassAct 2.0+ - Freeware - Eucalyptus.lha |
47664 | EUC01158.LHA | 312,9 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | - | - | Eucalyptus 1.0 alpha 0.1158 - E-mail program. Requires: OS2+ (OS3+ for Datatype support), ClassAct 2.0+ - Freeware - Eucalyptus.lha |
47665 | EUC01184.LHA | 266,8 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | - | - | Eucalyptus 1.0 alpha 0.1184 - E-mail program. Requires: OS2+ (OS3+ for Datatype support), ClassAct 2.0+ - Freeware - Eucalyptus.lha |
47666 | EUC01204.LHA | 436,5 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | - | - | Eucalyptus 1.0 alpha 0.1204 - E-mail program. Requires: OS2+ (OS3+ for Datatype support), ClassAct 2.0+ - Freeware - Eucalyptus.lha |
47667 | EUC01392.LHA | 462,4 kt | 03.05.1998 | - | - | - | Eucalyptus 1.0 alpha 0.1392 - E-mail program. Requires: OS2+ (OS3+ for Datatype support), ClassAct 2.0+ - Freeware - Eucalyptus.lha |
47668 | EUC01473.LHA | 504,1 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | - | - | Eucalyptus 1.0 alpha 0.1473 - E-mail program. Requires: OS2+ (OS3+ for Datatype support), ClassAct 2.0+ - Freeware - Eucalyptus.lha |
47669 | EUC01550.LHA | 451 kt | 25.04.1998 | - | - | - | Eucalyptus 1.0 alpha 0.1550 - E-mail program. Requires: OS2+ (OS3+ for Datatype support), ClassAct 2.0+ - Freeware - Eucalyptus.lha |
47670 | EUC02150.LHA | 549,8 kt | 03.05.1998 | - | - | - | Eucalyptus 1.0 beta 0.2150 - E-mail program. Requires: OS2+ (OS3+ for Datatype support), ClassAct 2.0+ - Freeware - Eucalyptus.lha |
47671 | EUCALYPT.LHA | 429,6 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | Eucalyptus 1.0 alpha 0.847 - E-mail program. Requires: OS2+ (OS3+ for Datatype support), ClassAct 2.0+ - Freeware - Eucalyptus.lha |
47672 | EVMORE31.LHA | 12,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Evenmore 0.3 beta 1 - Moren tapainen tekstinnäyttöohjelma. Sisältää tuen suhteutetuille fonteille. |
47673 | EXECUT20.LHA | 821,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Executive 2.00 - UNIX-like process scheduler/ manager for Amiga. It also has plenty of other features previously available only in larger operating systems. - Requires: OS2+. Shareware - Original file name: Executive.lha |
47674 | EXEDT401.LHA | 27,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | Exe.datatype V40.1 for executables for using in Multiview or similar programs! Datatype loads any executable-file and displays its contens as text! |
47675 | EZCRON.LHA | 64,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | EZCron 2.00 - Start programs/reminders auto- matically. |
47676 | F1GPE323.LHA | 430,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | F1GP-Ed 3.23 (3.12.96) - F1GP-Ed / WC Editor An editor for use with the Formula One Grand Prix or World Circuit game. - Requires: Any Amiga and an original copy of Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit by MicroProse. Shareware - Aminet name: F1GP-Ed.lha |
47677 | FAKEMAIL.LHA | 6,5 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | FakeMail 0.2 - Send anonymous mails via YAM. |
47678 | FASTEX23.LHA | 11 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FastExec 2.3 (11.9.96) - Moves exec.library to fast memory. - Aminet name: FastExec23.lzh |
47679 | FASTEX25.LHA | 27,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | FastExec 2.5 - Moves exec.library to fast memory. - Aminet name: FastExec25.lha |
47680 | FASTEX26.LHA | 26,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | FastExec 2.6 - Moves exec.library to fast memory. - Aminet name: FastExec26.lha |
47681 | FASTEX27.LHA | 25 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | FastExec 2.7 - Moves exec.library to fast memory. - Aminet name: FastExec27.lha |
47682 | FASTEX28.LHA | 25,8 kt | 09.09.1997 | - | - | - | FastExec 2.8 - Moves exec.library to fast memory. - Aminet name: FastExec28.lha |
47683 | FASTKI18.LHA | 20,6 kt | 27.09.1997 | - | - | - | FastKiller 1.8 (1.9.97) - Mini-viruskiller. Req: xfdmaster.library - FastKiller.lha |
47684 | FAXEMAIL.LHA | 13,9 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | FaxByEmail 0.02 - Send Faxs Via The Internet Requires: Yam 2, RexxReqTools.Library. Aminet name: FaxByEmail.lha |
47685 | FAXX4310.LHA | 181,8 kt | 12.03.1998 | - | - | - | FAXX.datatype v43.10 |
47686 | FAXX434.LHA | 176 kt | 16.08.1997 | - | - | - | FAXX.datatype 43.4 - datatype for reading the IFF-FAXX file format. 68000, 020/030, 040 and 060 versions inside. - Aminet: FAXX43x.lha |
47687 | FAXX435.LHA | 179 kt | 14.09.1997 | - | - | - | FAXX.datatype 43.5 - datatype for reading the IFF-FAXX file format. 68000, 020/030, 040 and 060 versions inside. - Freeware |
47688 | FAXX436.LHA | 181,4 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | FAXX.datatype 43.6 - datatype for reading the IFF-FAXX file format. 68000, 020/030, 040 and 060 versions inside. - Freeware - FAXX43x.lha |
47689 | FAXX437.LHA | 182,1 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | FAXX.datatype 43.7 - datatype for reading the IFF-FAXX file format. 68000, 020/030, 040 and 060 versions inside. - Freeware - FAXX43x.lha |
47690 | FAXX43X.LHA | 175,6 kt | 07.07.1997 | versio 43.7 | aminet.net | - | Faxx.datatype v43.2 |
47691 | FDA098.LHA | 208,1 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | - | - | FDA 0.98 - Cheapest, fastest and cleverest Cache-Program. - Req: OS2+ - Aminet: fda.lha |
47692 | FDA10.LHA | 214,7 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | FDA 1.0 - Cheapest, fastest and cleverest Cache-Program. - Req: OS2+ - Aminet: fda.lha |
47693 | FILEMAST.LHA | 41 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Tiedostoapuohjelma, jolla voi siirtää, kopioida ja poistaa tiedostoja ja hakemistoja. Tarkempi esittely MikroBitissä 1/95 s. 87 |
47694 | FILER315.LHA | 221,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Monipuolinen tiedostoapuohjelma, jossa kaksi hakemistoikkunaa. Tiedostoja ja hakemistoja voidaan kopioida ja siirtää hiirellä. Tarkempi esittely MikroBitissä 1/95 s.87 |
47695 | FILER401.LHA | 245,5 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Filer 4.01 - Directory Utility for OS 2.04+ Aminet name: Filer4_01.lha |
47696 | FINDI116.LHA | 76,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | FindItGui 1.16 (25.9.96) - is file-finder, which utilitises the best features of the AmigaOS. - Requires: OS2.04+, BGUI.library 1MB Ram - Author: Michael Griggs - Freeware Aminet name: FindItGui_116.lha |
47697 | FINDI117.LHA | 76,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | FindItGui 1.17 (23.12.96) - is file-finder, which utilitises the best features of the AmigaOS. - Requires: OS2.04+, BGUI.library 1MB Ram - Author: Michael Griggs - Freeware Aminet name: FindItGui_117.lha |
47698 | FIPR4028.LHA | 31,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | FastIPrefs 40.28 & FastWBPattern 40.06 - Aminet name: FastIPrefs4028.lha |
47699 | FIPR4032.LHA | 33,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | FastIPrefs 40.32 & FastWBPattern 40.06 - Aminet name: FastIPrefs4032.lha |
47700 | FIPR4035.LHA | 37,4 kt | 19.12.1998 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | FastIPrefs 40.35 & FastWBPattern 40.06 - Aminet name: FastIPrefs4032.lha |
47701 | FIXTHORM.LHA | 881 tavua | 09.07.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | Fix the read-only email problem in Thor 2.4 |
47702 | FKILL110.LHA | 26,3 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | FastKiller 1.10 (22.9.97) - Mini-viruskiller. Req: xfdmaster.library - FastKiller.lha |
47703 | FKILL111.LHA | 31,2 kt | 12.12.1997 | - | - | - | FastKiller 1.11 (15.10.97) - Mini-viruskiller Req: xfdmaster.library - FastKiller.lha |
47704 | FM30B23.LHA | 235,1 kt | 18.08.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | -*- Filemaster 3.0 Beta 2.3 -*-Shareware directory utility withinternal multitasking, 1-8 userconfigurable directory windows andof course normal directory utilitycommands like copy, move etc.. |
47705 | FM31B2.LHA | 167,2 kt | 09.09.1997 | - | - | - | -*- Filemaster 3.1 Beta 2 -*- Shareware directory utility with internal multitasking |
47706 | FM31B3.LHA | 239,1 kt | 06.10.1997 | - | - | - | Filemaster 3.1 Beta 3 - Directory utility with internal multitasking. Shareware. |
47707 | FNTVIE27.LHA | 23,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | FontView v2.7 (1.5.96) - FontView displays various information about any font selected from your FONTS: directory. Once a font has been selected, you can also view a sample display of this font. - Requires: OS2.04+ Author: Steve Banham - Shareware - Original file name: FontView27.lha |
47708 | FONT10.LHA | 18,5 kt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | - | Font 1.0 - Prefs: Font-Replacement (MUI). |
47709 | FPOKE10.LHA | 6,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | FastPoke 1.0 - ohjelma jolla voit huijata peleihin lisää elämiä ym. |
47710 | FRMZIP02.LHA | 13,1 kt | 11.06.1998 | - | - | - | FormatZIP v0.2 - Format ZIP-disks as PC-disks. |
47711 | FTPMNT11.LHA | 34,5 kt | 20.05.1998 | - | - | - | FTPMount 1.1 UPDATE - Mounts FTP sites as part of a filesystem. - Req: FTPMount 1.0 Aminet name: FTPMount_upd.lha |
47712 | FW5030R5.LHA | 225,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 3284/Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso | tupla | FinalWriter-030 Patch 5.0 Rel 5 - This patch speeds up FinalWriter 5.0 on all 68020/30/40/ 60 machines, so things like font rendering and internal arithmetic will be up to 400% faster! - Works with versions: US1, US2, US3, GB1, GB2 and GER1 - Shareware |
47713 | FWRAP312.LHA | 209,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | "FinalWrapper V3.12 - FinalWrapper is an Arexx macro for SoftWoods famous word processor Final Writer. It allows you to create amazing text effects as wrapping text around an oval or even alongside a spiral line with just a few mouseclicks and keystrokes! - Requires: OS2.0+RexxMast and Final Writer - Shareware Original file name: FinalWrapper.lha" |
47714 | GED431.LHA | 919,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | GoldED 4.3.1 trial version - Teksti editori. Tarvitsee: OS2.04, 68000 and 1 MB RAM. |
47715 | GED441.LHA | 912,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | GoldED 4.4.1 trial version - Teksti editori. Tarvitsee: OS2.04, 68000 and 1 MB RAM. |
47716 | GED450.LHA | 912,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GoldED 4.5.0 trial version - Teksti editori. Tarvitsee: OS2.04, 68000 and 1 MB RAM. |
47717 | GED451.LHA | 925,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GoldED 4.5.1 trial version - Teksti editori. Tarvitsee: OS2.04, 68000 and 1 MB RAM. |
47718 | GED462.LHA | 929,9 kt | 24.07.1997 | - | - | - | GoldED 4.6.2 trial version - Teksti editori. Tarvitsee: OS2.04+, 68000 and 1 MB RAM. |
47719 | GED470.LHA | 999,5 kt | 24.07.1997 | - | 2026/Amiga_Dream_41.iso | - | "GoldED - Programmers Editor (4.7.0)" |
47720 | GFXCO18B.LHA | 227,7 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | GfxCon 1.8b - Image format converter for most formats. - Requires: OS1.2. 68020 and 2.0 recommended! - Aminet name: gfxcon.lha |
47721 | GFXCON.LHA | 226,5 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | GfxCon 1.8 - Image format converter for most formats. - Requires: OS1.2. 68020 and 2.0 recommended. |
47722 | GIFTK141.LHA | 106,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GIF-Toolkit 1.4.1 Create, view and edit GIFs and GIF animations. - Requires MUI 3.x. Shareware - Aminet name: GIFToolkit141.lha |
47724 | GIFTK15.LHA | 107,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GIF-Toolkit 1.5 - Create, view and edit GIFs and GIF animations. - Requires MUI 3.x. Shareware - Original name: GIFToolkit1_5.lha |
47723 | GIFTK152.LHA | 125,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GIF-Toolkit 1.5.2 -Create, view and edit GIFs and GIF animations. - Requires MUI 3.x. Shareware -Original name: GIFToolkit1_5_2.lha |
47725 | GIR01.LHA | 27,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | GIR 0.1 - Gsm internet realtime audio player. Gsm Internet Radio (GIR) is small realtime audio player for gsm 6.10 speach compression files on internet for Amiga DOS compatible commputers. - Req: OS2+, 020+, ixemul 4.4+ |
47726 | GIR02.LHA | 119,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | GIR 0.2 - Gsm internet realtime audio player. Gsm Internet Radio (GIR) is small realtime audio player for gsm 6.10 speach compression files on internet for Amiga DOS compatible commputers. - Req: OS2+, 020+, ixemul 4.5+ |
47727 | GIR03.LHA | 115,3 kt | 23.09.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | GIR 0.3 - Gsm internet realtime audio player. Gsm Internet Radio (GIR) is small realtime audio player for gsm 6.10 speach compression files on internet for Amiga DOS compatible commputers. - Req: OS2+, ixemul 4.5+ |
47728 | GMPLAY12.LHA | 1,4 Mt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20458/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 13 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-12][PLANET CD III].iso | tupla | GMPlay v1.2 - Play MIDI-files with any Amiga |
47729 | GNUTAR14.LHA | 505,7 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | 20458/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 13 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-12][PLANET CD III].iso | tupla | GNUTar 1.4 (12.11.96) - Media file archiver. GNUTar Amiga Port of V1.11.2 (no ixemul). Now different versions for 68000, 030-060. |
47730 | GNUTAR15.LHA | 507,4 kt | 21.07.1998 | - | 3290/Aminet 21 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Oct 1997].iso | - | GNUTar 1.11.2 (1.5) - Media file archiver. GNUTar Amiga Port of V1.11.2 (no ixemul). Now different versions for 68000, 030-060. |
47731 | GRABURL.LHA | 70,2 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | GrabURL 1.05 - Utilities to fetch HTTP files. Requires: OS3+, rexxdossupport.library V2 and AmiTCP 4.0+. |
47732 | GS353BIN.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Ghostscript Amiga 3.53 Näyttää PS ja PDF (Adobe Acrobat) -tiedostoja |
47733 | GS403002.LHA | 445,8 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 2. (68000-version) |
47734 | GS40300N.LHA | 446 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 1. (68000-version) |
47735 | GS403202.LHA | 436,1 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 2. (020-version) |
47736 | GS40320F.LHA | 421 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 1. (020+FPU-version) |
47737 | GS40320N.LHA | 436,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 1. (020-version) |
47738 | GS4032F2.LHA | 421,1 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 2. (020+FPU-version) |
47739 | GS403302.LHA | 436,1 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 2. (030-version) |
47740 | GS40330F.LHA | 421 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 1. (030+FPU-version) |
47741 | GS40330N.LHA | 436,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 1. (030-version) |
47742 | GS4033F2.LHA | 421,1 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 2. (030+FPU-version) |
47743 | GS403402.LHA | 422,1 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 2. (040-version) |
47744 | GS40340F.LHA | 422 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 1. (040-version) |
47745 | GS4034F2.LHA | 436,1 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 2. (040+FPU-version) |
47746 | GS403SRC.LHA | 121 kt | 03.09.1997 | renamed | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | GhostScript 4.03, bugfix 1. (Source files) |
47747 | GS501FNT.LHA | 1,4 Mt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | Fonts for GhostScript 5.01 |
47753 | GS503_DA.LHA | 798,1 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | GhostScript 5.03, data files. |
47748 | GS503000.LHA | 565,6 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | GhostScript 5.03, 68000-version. GhostScript is a program for viewing PostScript-files on the screen. |
47749 | GS503020.LHA | 552 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | GhostScript 5.03, 020-version. |
47750 | GS50302F.LHA | 531,8 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | GhostScript 5.03, 020+FPU-version. |
47751 | GS503040.LHA | 552 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | GhostScript 5.03, 040-version. |
47752 | GS50304F.LHA | 533,1 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | GhostScript 5.03, 040+FPU-version. |
47754 | GUIDEML.LHA | 8,1 kt | 28.02.1998 | versio 1.4 | 3291/Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso | - | GuideML v1.0 - AmigaGuide to HTML converter. Requires: OS2+ |
47755 | GUTID375.LHA | 375,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | GUI creation library 37.5 (29.5.96) - This is the developer distribution of GadUtil library Original file name: gutil_dev_375.lha |
47756 | GWRAPP30.LHA | 191,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "FinalWrapper V3.0 - FinalWrapper is an Arexx macro for SoftWoods famous word processor Final Writer. It allows you to create amazing text effects as wrapping text around an oval or even alongside a spiral line with just a few mouseclicks and keystrokes! - Requires: OS2.0+RexxMast and Final Writer - Shareware Original file name: GWRapper30.lha" |
47757 | HAPDT13B.LHA | 18,8 kt | 02.08.1997 | - | - | - | HappyDT 1.3B - patches old programs to use datatypes. |
47758 | HAPDT22.LHA | 68,1 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | HappyDT 2.2 - patches programs to use datatypes. |
47759 | HDOF137A.LHA | 29 kt | 22.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | HDOff 1.37a (11.10.96) - HDOff is a program like NoiseSaver for the A1200 and A4000. It stops the HD motor x minutes after the last access. - Aminet name: HDOff_1.37a.lha |
47760 | HDOFF138.LHA | 30 kt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | HDOff 1.38 - is a program like NoiseSaver for the A1200 and A4000. It stops the HD motor x minutes after the last access. HDOff_1.38.lha |
47761 | HGFXUPD.LHA | 28,1 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Update for HighGFX. |
47762 | HIGHGFX.LHA | 1,4 Mt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | tupla | HighGFX - 39 new screenmodes (Up to 1024x768) HighGFX presents 39 (!!) new screenmodes for ECS+AGA-Amigas. The resolutions reaches from 256x192 up to 1024x768 This is NO replacement for any other screenmode. |
47763 | HIP237UP.LHA | 49,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | HippoPlayer 2.37 update - Quick bug fix. Now works on 68000 and old kickstarts. Note! You need the v2.36 release package to fully use this version. |
47764 | HIPPATCH.LHA | 3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | HippoPlayer 2.32 -> 2.33 patch. |
47765 | HIPPO235.LHA | 417,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "HippoPlayer 2.35 - multiformat module player. It works on ANY Amiga modeloffering lots of features while still not using lots of memory. HippoPlayer supports AHIwhich means it supports several sound cards. - Shareware" |
47766 | HIPPO236.LHA | 538,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | HippoPlayer 2.36 - multiformat module player. It works on ANY Amiga model. Supports AHI, which means it supports several sound cards. NOTE! From v2.35 on, HiP requires V6 versions of medplayer.library and octaplayer.library, and V7 version of octamixplayer.library. All the required libraries are now included in the archive! - Shareware |
47767 | HIPPO238.LHA | 580,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "HippoPlayer 2.38 - Multiformat module player. It works on ANY Amiga modeloffering lots of features while still not using lots of memory. HippoPlayer supports AHIwhich means it supports several sound cards. - Shareware" |
47768 | HIPPO239.LHA | 651,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "HippoPlayer 2.39 - Multiformat module player. It works on ANY Amiga modeloffering lots of features while still not using lots of memory. HippoPlayer supports AHIwhich means it supports several sound cards. - Shareware" |
47769 | HIPPO240.LHA | 672,7 kt | 27.10.1997 | - | - | - | "HippoPlayer 2.40 - Multiformat module player. It works on ANY Amiga modeloffering lots of features while still not using lots of memory. HippoPlayer supports AHIwhich means it supports several sound cards. - Shareware" |
47770 | HIPPO241.LHA | 682,6 kt | 22.12.1997 | - | - | - | "HippoPlayer 2.41 - Multiformat module player. It works on ANY Amiga modeloffering lots of features while still not using lots of memory. HippoPlayer supports AHIwhich means it supports several sound cards. - Shareware" |
47771 | HIPPO242.LHA | 685,8 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | "HippoPlayer 2.42 - Multiformat module player. It works on ANY Amiga modeloffering lots of features while still not using lots of memory. HippoPlayer supports AHIwhich means it supports several sound cards. - Shareware" |
47772 | HIPRS10.LHA | 22,3 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | - | - | RaveScope v1.0 for Hippoplayer - a "wrapped" monoscope. Looks best with PT-mods. |
47773 | HLCONV13.LHA | 26,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | tupla | HLConvert 1.3 - Converts between various hotlists formats. Currently supported formats: IBrowse, IBrowse2, Old IBrowse, NetScape, NetScape2, AMosaic, Mosaic, AWeb and Voyager - all current versions. MAJOR UPDATE!!! Lots of bugfixes and new functions!! - Shareware |
47774 | HLHAND10.LHA | 47,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | HotlistHandler 1.0 - Manage and Share one hotlist among all Amiga browsers. Supports: AWeb, IBrowse, Voyager and Mosaic. Requires: OS3+ - Aminet name: HLHandler10.lha |
47775 | HPDJ4010.LHA | 6,9 kt | 16.03.1998 | - | - | - | Workbench drivers for HP Deskjet 400C v1.0 |
47776 | HPDJ6012.LHA | 7,1 kt | 16.03.1998 | - | - | - | Workbench drivers for HP Deskjet 600C v1.2 |
47777 | HPDJ6716.LHA | 7,1 kt | 16.03.1998 | - | - | - | Workbench drivers for HP Deskjet 670C v1.6 |
47778 | HPDJ8711.LHA | 6,6 kt | 16.03.1998 | - | - | - | Workbench drivers for HP Deskjet 870C v1.1 |
47779 | HPY11B.LHA | 18,1 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | - | - | HPY 1.1b - automatic disconnection for Miami. |
47780 | HPY12B.LHA | 18,3 kt | 03.05.1998 | - | - | - | HPY 1.2b - automatic disconnection with Miami. |
47781 | HTMLCAP.LHA | 4,3 kt | 23.09.1997 | renamed / versio 1.32 | 3291/Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso | - | HTMLCap 1.3 - Makes HTML-Tags lower/UPPERCASE Req: OS2+ - Aminet name: AF-HTMLCap.lha |
47782 | HTMLESS.LHA | 9,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 1.3 | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | tupla | HTMLess v1.1 (5.4.96) - is just another utility to convert HTML files (Web pages) in a readable text format. - Fast, small and easy to use. - OriginalWare |
47783 | HTMLT122.LHA | 94,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | HTMLtext 12.2 - Custom class for MUI. MUI custom class that displays text written in HTML. You may use the tool "moreHTML" comming with this archive to display your HTML files. - Aminet name: MCC_HTMLtext.lha |
47784 | HTMLT132.LHA | 104,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | HTMLtext 13.2 - Custom class for MUI. MUI custom class that displays text written in HTML. You may use the tool "moreHTML" comming with this archive to display your HTML files. - Aminet name: MCC_HTMLtext.lha |
47785 | HTMLT141.LHA | 112,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | HTMLtext 14.1 - Custom class for MUI. MUI custom class that displays text written in HTML. You may use the tool "moreHTML" comming with this archive to display your HTML files. - Aminet name: MCC_HTMLtext.lha |
47786 | HTMLT143.LHA | 98,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | HTMLtext 14.3 - Custom class for MUI. MUI custom class that displays text written in HTML. - Aminet name: MCC_HTMLtext.lha NOTE: "moreHTML" that was comming with this distribution since the last archive will now be published separately. |
47787 | HTMLT144.LHA | 143,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | HTMLtext 14.4 - Custom class for MUI. MUI custom class that displays text written in HTML. - Aminet name: MCC_HTMLtext.lha NOTE: "moreHTML" that was comming with this distribution since the last archive will now be published separately. |
47788 | HTMLT145.LHA | 138,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | HTMLtext 14.5 - Custom class for MUI. MUI custom class that displays text written in HTML. - Aminet name: MCC_HTMLtext.lha NOTE: "moreHTML" that was comming with this distribution since the last archive will now be published separately. |
47789 | HTMLTEXT.LHA | 87 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed / versio 11.1 | 3330/aminetcdnumber181997.iso | - | HTMLtext 11.2 - Custom class for MUI. MUI custom class that displays text written in HTML. You may use the tool "moreHTML" comming with this archive to display your HTML files. - Aminet name: MCC_HTMLtext.lha |
47790 | HTSAKU20.LHA | 150,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | eritupla¹ | Saku #20 (5/96) HTML-muodossa. Ei sisällä omaa lukijaa - voit lukea lehteä esimerkiksi IBrowsella tai AWebilla. |
47791 | HTTPRE11.LHA | 32,9 kt | 28.06.1998 | - | - | - | HTTPResume 1.1 continue interrupted downloads from servers which support this i.e. servers that use HTTP 1.1 protocol. - Requires: OS2+, TCP/IP stack such as Miami. - HTTPResume.lha |
47792 | HTTPRE12.LHA | 81,8 kt | 28.06.1998 | - | - | - | HTTPResume 1.2 - Resume interrupted downloads from servers which support this, i.e. servers that use HTTP 1.1 protocol. - Requires: OS2+, TCP/IP stack such as Miami. - HTTPResume.lha |
47793 | HTTPRE13.LHA | 67,3 kt | 04.01.1999 | - | - | - | HTTPResume 1.3 - Resume interrupted downloads from servers which support this, i.e. servers that use HTTP 1.1 protocol. - Requires: OS2+, TCP/IP stack such as Miami. - HTTPResume.lha |
47794 | HTTPRE14.LHA | 100,8 kt | 06.04.1999 | - | - | - | HTTPResume 1.4 - Resume interrupted downloads from servers which support this, i.e. servers that use HTTP 1.1 protocol. - Requires: OS2+, TCP/IP stack such as Miami. - HTTPResume.lha |
47795 | HTTPRE15.LHA | 116,5 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | - | - | HTTPResume 1.5 - Resume interrupted downloads from servers which support this, i.e. servers that use HTTP 1.1 protocol. - Requires: OS2+, TCP/IP stack such as Miami. - HTTPResume.lha |
47796 | HTTPREPC.LHA | 17,4 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | - | - | Patches HTTPResume v1.5 to v1.5a Fixes very nasty bug which occurs when TIMEOUT option is used. - Req: HTTPResume v1.5 - Aminet name: HTTPResume_pch.lha |
47797 | HTTPRESU.LHA | 31 kt | 25.04.1998 | - | - | - | HTTPResume 1.0 continue interrupted downloads from servers which support this i.e. servers that use HTTP 1.1 protocol. - Requires: OS2+, reqtools.library v38+, a TCP/IP stack such as Miami. - Aminet name: HTTPResume.lha |
47798 | HTTPTHOR.LHA | 4,3 kt | 28.06.1998 | - | - | - | HTTP.thor 0.9 Fixes problem with passing URL to the browser. - Aminet name: HTTP_Thor.lha |
47799 | HTTX.LHA | 45,1 kt | 22.06.1998 | - | 20466/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 21 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-09][EAR-CD V].iso | - | HTTX 1.5 - HTML to formatted text converter. Requires: OS2+ |
47801 | HURL.LHA | 2,7 kt | 11.02.1999 | - | 2041/Amiga_Dream_57.iso | - | Hurl 1.1 - Handles URLs from YAMs URL-grabber Will either add to the IBrowse hotlist or send to IBrowse, depending on availability of network status. - Req: YAM 2.0, IBrowse. |
47800 | HURL28.LHA | 23,2 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | - | - | Hurl 2.8 - URL integrator for TCP Clients. Plugin for programs that have a URL grabber whereby it extends the capabilities of their built-in URL grabber. Hurl supports: YAM2, Thor, StrICQ, NewsRog, mailtext.mcc, Miami, MiamiDX, Genesis and Contact Manager. Aminet name: Hurl.lha |
47802 | IBFIND13.LHA | 6,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | IBfindURL 1.3 - With this script you can search your Ibrowse Hotlist for a URL/Title and load it in your browser. - Aminet name: IBfindURL1.3.lha |
47803 | IBFIND14.LHA | 6,9 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | IBfindURL 1.4 - With this script you can search your Ibrowse Hotlist for a URL/Title and load it in your browser. - Aminet name: IBfindURL1.4.lha |
47804 | IBHOTLIS.LHA | 6,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20465/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 20 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-07 & 08][EAR-CD IV].iso | - | IBHotListSearch 1.2 - With this script you can search your Ibrowse Hotlist for a URL/ Title and load it in your browser. - Aminet name: IBHotListSearc.lha |
47805 | IBMAILTH.LHA | 3,4 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | IBMailTo.thor v1.1 - IBrowse Arexx script for mail using Thor. - Aminet: IBMailToThor.lha |
47806 | ICARC133.LHA | 23,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20454/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 09 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-07 & 08][EARSAN CD VIII].iso | tupla | "IceArc v1.33 - Multi Format (De)Archiver - AddLstTstDelExtIdent! - CLI No GUI User Programmable - Supports *ANY* ArchiverReplaces LX/Dearc/Knack/Etc. Requires: OS2.0+ Archiver EXEs in search path. (e.g. C:LHA..) Author: Stuart Gillibrand - Freeware - Original file name: IceArc133.lha" |
47807 | ICODT401.LHA | 24 kt | 04.01.1999 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Icon.datatype V40.1 - is an icon data type for using in Multiview or similar programs! Shareware - Aminet name: IconDT401.lha |
47808 | ICON298R.LHA | 325,2 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | Iconian 3 v2.98 -Icon editor, NewIcon support Edits icons, pointers, images, and bitmaps. Requires: OS3.0+, 2MB RAM. - Shareware - Original file name: Iconian2_98r.lha |
47809 | ICON298T.LHA | 306,3 kt | 29.09.1998 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Iconian 3 v2.98t - Edits icons, pointers, images, and bitmaps. NewIcon support. Req: OS3+, installed datatype libraries, pop.gadget (included), chunkyimage.class (included), gaugeimage.class (included), doloaddt.library (included), 2 megs RAM. Freeware - Aminet name: Iconian2_98t.lha |
47810 | IDEF9722.LHA | 391,3 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | "IDEfix97 v2.2 - enhance your Amiga IDE-bus! Faster transfersless CPU-usageATAPI CD-ROM -supportChanger CD-ROM -supportLS-120CD32 via emulationplay audio-CDsview PhotoCDs... the demo version is fully functional but includes annoying requesters." |
47811 | IDEFI118.LHA | 363,5 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | - | - | IDEFix 1.18 - the solution for ATAPI/IDE CD-ROM-drives. Supports CD-Writers, changers, direct CDDA-sampling, Video/audio/multi session CD-ROMs and enhances the IDE-bus performance. Demo version is fully functional but contains annoying requesters. |
47812 | IDEFIX97.LHA | 329,9 kt | 09.12.1997 | - | 20467/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 22 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-10 & 11][EAR-CD VI].iso | - | IDEFix 97 - use ATAPI devices (CD-ROM) with IDE port. |
47813 | IDENTI44.LHA | 69,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Identify v4.4 - System shared library. Converts alert and expansion names, analyzes system, decodes library function offsets. Aminet name: Identify.lha |
47814 | IDENTI50.LHA | 73,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Identify v5.0 - System shared library. Converts alert and expansion names, analyzes system, decodes library function offsets. Aminet name: Identify.lha |
47815 | IDENTI52.LHA | 84 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Identify v5.2 - System shared library. Converts alert and expansion names, analyzes system, decodes library function offsets. Aminet name: Identify.lha |
47816 | IDENTIFY.LHA | 68,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin | - | Identify v4.3 - System shared library. Converts alert and expansion names, analyzes system, decodes library function offsets. The new expname.library standard! |
47817 | IDFI9716.LHA | 363 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | - | - | IDEFix 1.16 - enhances the Amiga IDE-port. ATAPI-support (even for changer-CD-ROMs) and speedup patches + CD32-emulator. Demo version. |
47818 | IFFMAS13.LHA | 69,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | IFFMaster V1.3Image ProcessingShow IFF structure & chunk contentsReq. OS 2.0+, MUI 2.1Freewarekay@cip.informatik.uni-wuerzburg.d eGraphical comparison & merge utility |
47819 | ILBM4412.LHA | 5,6 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | "ILBMDT v44.12 - Improved ilbm.datatype allows you to display ham and ehb pictures on a non-native (eg. p96/cgfx) screen in correct colors. Even if you dont have a gfx-board youll be able to view 24bit iff imageswhen picture.datatype v43 is installed. Req: OS3+68020+ - Aminet name: ilbmdt.lha" |
47820 | ILBM4413.LHA | 5,8 kt | 19.12.1998 | - | - | - | "ILBMDT v44.13 - Improved ilbm.datatype allows you to display ham and ehb pictures on a non-native (eg. p96/cgfx) screen in correct colors. Even if you dont have a gfx-board youll be able to view 24bit iff imageswhen picture.datatype v43 is installed. Req: OS3+68020+ - Aminet name: ilbmdt.lha" |
47821 | ILBM4414.LHA | 6,6 kt | 04.01.1999 | - | - | - | "ILBMDT v44.14 - Improved ilbm.datatype allows you to display ham and ehb pictures on a non-native (eg. p96/cgfx) screen in correct colors. Even if you dont have a gfx-board youll be able to view 24bit iff images. Req: OS3+68020+ - Aminet name: ilbmdt.lha" |
47822 | ILBM4416.LHA | 7,6 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | - | - | "ILBMDT v44.16 - Improved ilbm.datatype allows you to display ham and ehb pictures on a non-native (eg. p96/cgfx) screen in correct colors. Even if you dont have a gfx-board youll be able to view 24bit iff images. Req: OS3+68020+ - Aminet name: ilbmdt.lha" |
47823 | ILBMDT44.LHA | 5,5 kt | 09.08.1998 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | eritupla | "ilbm.datatype v44 - Improved ilbmdt allows you to display ham and ehb pictures on a non-native (eg. p96/cgfx) screen in correct colors. Even if you dont have a gfx-board youll be able to view 24bit iff imageswhen picture.datatype v43 is installed. Req: OS3+68020+" |
47824 | ILONA12.LHA | 38,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Ilona 1.2 - Stand-alone BOT for IRC. Requires MUI. |
47825 | IMEN32P1.LHA | 540,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Image Engineer V3.2 (4.9.96) Part 1/2. Image processing application. - Requires: 68020 or higher processor, OS2.0+, 2Mb of RAM bare minimum and Superview Library. Shareware Aminet name: ImEngV3.2p1.lha |
47826 | IMEN32P2.LHA | 360,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Image Engineer V3.2 (4.9.96) Part 2/2. Aminet name: ImEngV3.2p2.lha |
47827 | IMEN33P1.LHA | 590,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Image Engineer V3.2 (6.12.96) Part 1/2. Image processing application. - Requires: 68020 or higher processor, OS2.0+, 2Mb of RAM bare minimum and Superview Library. Shareware Aminet name: ImEngV3.3p1.lha |
47828 | IMEN33P2.LHA | 400,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Image Engineer V3.2 (6.12.96) Part 2/2. Aminet name: ImEngV3.3p2.lha |
47829 | IMEN34P1.LHA | 602,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Image Engineer V3.4 (22.1.97) Part 1/2. Image processing application. - Requires: 68020 or higher processor, OS2.0+, 2Mb of RAM bare minimum and Superview Library. Shareware Aminet name: ImEngV3.4p1.lha |
47830 | IMEN34P2.LHA | 416,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Image Engineer V3.4 (22.1.97) Part 2/2. Aminet name: ImEngV3.4p2.lha |
47831 | INSDD113.LHA | 368,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | Daydream BBS V1.13, conferencebased BBS software. |
47832 | INSDD126.LHA | 676,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Daydream BBS V1.26 - Powerful conferencebased BBS Software, written in 100% assembler. MAJOR: CallersLog & Capture option. - Loads of new stuff & fixes |
47833 | INSDD127.LHA | 698,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Daydream BBS V1.27 - Powerful conferencebased BBS Software, written in 100% assembler. MAJOR:CallersLog & Capture option. Loads of new stuff & fixes |
47834 | INSTAL06.LHA | 150,3 kt | 26.09.1998 | - | - | - | Savage-Installer v0.6 beta - MUI-versio Installerista. - Tarvitsee: MUI 3.8+ |
47835 | IRIS12.LHA | 71,3 kt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | Iris 1.2 - Email client (SMTP/POP3). Requires: OS2+, TCP/IP-stack such as Miami or AmiTCP, bgui.library V41 (included). Aminet name: iris.lha |
47836 | IRIS13.LHA | 262,2 kt | 03.05.1998 | - | - | - | Iris 1.3 - Email client (SMTP/POP3). Requires: OS2+, TCP/IP-stack such as Miami or AmiTCP, bgui.library V41 (included). Aminet name: iris.lha |
47837 | IRIS14.LHA | 264,7 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | Iris 1.4 - Email client (SMTP/POP3). Requires: OS2+, TCP/IP-stack such as Miami or AmiTCP, bgui.library V41 (included). Aminet name: iris.lha |
47838 | IRIS15.LHA | 270,1 kt | 03.08.1998 | - | - | - | Iris v1.5 - an email-program with many features, such as excellent filtering capabilities and multitasking. Requires at least AmigaOS v2.04, bgui.library v41 and a TCP/IP-stack. |
47839 | IRIS16.LHA | 271,3 kt | 28.10.1998 | - | - | - | Iris 1.6 - Email client (SMTP/POP3). Requires: OS2+, TCP/IP-stack such as Miami, bgui.library V41. - Aminet name: iris.lha |
47840 | IRISUP13.LHA | 54,2 kt | 03.08.1998 | - | - | - | Iris 1.2 to 1.3 Update. Requires Iris V1.2. Aminet: IrisUpdate.lha |
47841 | IRISUP14.LHA | 44,5 kt | 03.08.1998 | - | - | - | Iris 1.3 to 1.4 Update. Requires Iris V1.3. Aminet: IrisUpdate.lha |
47842 | ISTUDIOP.LHA | 53,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Image Studio 2.1.1 - Patchi 2.1-versioon. |
47843 | ITIMR104.LHA | 22,3 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | I-Timer v1.04 - measures your online-time. |
47844 | ITMR11.LHA | 24,3 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | I-Timer v1.1 - measures your online-time. |
47845 | IX45100S.LHA | 102,8 kt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | IXemul 45.1 - 68000 library Aminet name: ixemul-000s.lha |
47846 | IX45100T.LHA | 105,2 kt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | IXemul 45.1 - 68000 trace library Aminet name: ixemul-000t.lha |
47847 | IX45120F.LHA | 100,9 kt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | IXemul 45.1 - 68020+fpu library Aminet name: ixemul-020f.lha |
47848 | IX45120S.LHA | 101,6 kt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | IXemul 45.1 - 68020 library Aminet name: ixemul-020s.lha |
47849 | IX45140F.LHA | 100,9 kt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | IXemul 45.1 - 68040+fpu library Aminet name: ixemul-040f.lha |
47850 | IX45140S.LHA | 101,6 kt | 13.10.1997 | - | - | - | IXemul 45.1 - 68040 library Aminet name: ixemul-040s.lha |
47851 | IX451BIN.LHA | 39,7 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | IXemul 45.1 - various utilities Aminet name: ixemul-bin.lha |
47852 | IX451DOC.LHA | 48,3 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | IXemul 45.1 - various documentation Aminet name: ixemul-doc.lha |
47853 | IX45BIN.LHA | 39,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | IXemul 45.0 - various utilities Aminet name: ixemul-bin.lha |
47854 | IX45DOC.LHA | 45,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | IXemul 45.0 - various documentation Aminet name: ixemul-doc.lha |
47855 | IX45TZ.LHA | 232,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | IXemul 45.0 - TZ management files Aminet name: ixemul-tz.lha |
47856 | IXEMU470.LHA | 2,8 Mt | 05.02.1998 | - | - | - | IXemul 47.0 - Unix emulation environment. This archive contains several versions of the runtime dynamic library "ixemul.library". Original file name: ixemul-47.0-bin.lha |
47857 | JAIFF20.LHA | 4,1 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | JoinAIFF 0.2 - Join 2 AIFF files to one stereo file. |
47858 | JFIFDT44.LHA | 120,8 kt | 11.11.1998 | - | - | - | jfif.datatype 44.2 - JFIF picture datatype. Supports normal and progressive JFIFs, HAM output. Asynchronous file I/O to speedup image loading and decoding. - Requires: OS3+ |
47859 | JPEGLI40.LHA | 252,5 kt | 07.02.1999 | - | - | - | Jpeg.library 4.0 - library to load/save jpegs for anyone who wants to use/manipulate jpeg files in their own applications, this library makes it very easy. - Requires: OS2+, 68020+. Aminet name: jpeglibrary40.lha |
47860 | JPGBOX10.LHA | 147,3 kt | 02.12.1998 | - | - | - | JPEG-Box 1.00 - Convert your graphics to JPEG Requires: OS2+, superviewsupport.library V12+ superview.library V21+, wizard.library V37+ Shareware - Aminet name: JPEG-Box.lha |
47861 | JPGBX102.LHA | 147,4 kt | 04.01.1999 | - | - | - | JPEG-Box 1.02 - Convert your graphics to JPEG Requires: OS2+, superviewsupport.library V12+ superview.library V21+, wizard.library V37+ Shareware - Aminet name: JPEG-Box.lha |
47862 | JPGBX325.LHA | 146,7 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | - | - | JPEG-Box 3.25 - Convert your graphics to JPEG Requires: OS2+, superviewsupport.library V13+ superview.library V22+, wizard.library V37+ Shareware - Aminet name: JPEG-Box.lha |
47863 | KNAC111A.LHA | 119,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Knack 1.11a (21.9.96) -GUI usealle pakkerille Tuki esim. LhA, LZX, ZIP ja DMS, sekä salaus- ohjelma PGP:lle. - Vaatii MUI:n version 3.0+ ja OS2.04+ - Aminet name: Knack111a.lha |
47864 | KNAC112A.LHA | 121,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Knack 1.12a GUI usealle pakkerille ja PGP:lle Vaatii MUI:n version 3.3+ ja OS2.04+ - Aminet name: Knack112a.lha |
47865 | KNAC113A.LHA | 137,9 kt | 20.10.1997 | - | - | - | Knack 1.13a GUI usealle pakkerille ja PGP:lle Vaatii: MUI 3.7+, OS2+ -Aminet: Knack113a.lha |
47866 | KNACK112.LHA | 121,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Knack 1.12 GUI usealle pakkerille ja PGP:lle. Vaatii MUI:n version 3.3+ ja OS2.04+ - Aminet name: knack112.lha |
47867 | KNACK113.LHA | 123 kt | 16.07.1997 | - | - | - | Knack 1.13 GUI usealle pakkerille ja PGP:lle Vaatii: MUI 3.7+, OS2+ - Aminet: Knack113.lha |
47868 | LAUNCPAD.LHA | 44,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | LaunchPad 4.5 - is a commodity where you can put your applications in a window as gadgets and then start them by a mouseclick. In general, each application in the LaunchPad- Display can be visible as image, text or as a combination of both. - Author: Martin Stengle Shareware |
47871 | LHA_E138.LHA | 130,6 kt | 04.11.1998 | - | MBCD | tupla | LhA 1.38e - Täydellinen paketti LhA-pakkaus-/ purkuohjelmasta. Shareware. LHA132.EXE- tiedosto sisältää pelkän ajettavan ohjelman. Mikäli sinulla ei vielä ole LHA-purkajaa, imuroi se ensin. |
47869 | LHA150R.RUN | 174,2 kt | 04.11.1998 | - | MBCD | tupla | LhA 1.50 - Päivitys LhA:n rekisteröityneille käyttäjille. |
47870 | LHA194.LHA | 91,4 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | 20477/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 32 (1998)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-11 & 12].iso | - | LhA 1.94 - powerful archiver for the Amiga. This version is a full release, equivalent to the last REAL registered release, 1.50r. No more registrations, as this version is now "Freeware." |
47872 | LIBG1458.LHA | 161,4 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | - | - | Libraries.guide 1458 - Biggest Guide of Amiga shared libraries. - Aminet name: LibGuide.lha |
47873 | LIBG1517.LHA | 170,6 kt | 14.09.1997 | - | - | - | Libraries.guide 1517 - Biggest Guide of Amiga shared libraries. - Aminet name: LibGuide.lha |
47874 | LIBG1550.LHA | 169,8 kt | 22.06.1998 | - | - | - | Libraries.guide 1550 - Biggest Guide of Amiga shared libraries. - Aminet name: LibGuide.lha |
47875 | LIBG1782.LHA | 163 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | - | - | Libraries.guide 1782 - A guide of 1782 Amiga Shared libraries, listing the latest version (date), which programs require them, the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. Own Guide-section of OS Libs. - Aminet name: LibGuide.lha |
47876 | LIBG1821.LHA | 167,3 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | Libraries.guide 1821 - A guide of 1821 Amiga Shared libraries, listing the latest version (date), which programs require them, the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. Own Guide-section of OS Libs. - Aminet name: LibGuide.lha |
47877 | LIBGUI30.LHA | 172,1 kt | 03.10.1998 | - | - | - | Libraries.guide 30 - A guide of 1875 Amiga Shared libraries, listing the latest version (date), which programs require them, the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. Own Guide-section of OS Libs. - Aminet name: LibGuide.lha |
47878 | LIBGUI31.LHA | 175,4 kt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | - | Libraries.guide 31 - A guide of 1899 Amiga Shared libraries, listing the latest version (date), which programs require them, the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. Own Guide-section of OS Libs. - Aminet name: LibGuide.lha |
47879 | LIBGUI32.LHA | 178,6 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | Libraries.guide 32 - A guide of 1945 Amiga Shared libraries, listing the latest version (date), which programs require them, the author with contact address (e-mail), availability and so on. Own Guide-section of OS Libs. - Aminet name: LibGuide.lha |
47880 | LOTSABLA.LHA | 55,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 1.01 | 20465/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 20 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-07 & 08][EAR-CD IV].iso | - | LotsaBlankers 1.0 - Excellent Blankers for Garshneblanker. - Req: GarshneBlanker v3.6 Aminet name: LotsaBlankers.lha |
47881 | LUPE17.LHA | 55,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Lupe 1.7 (11.11.1996). Magnifying glassfor WB. |
47882 | LUPE18.LHA | 126 kt | 26.10.1997 | - | - | - | Lupe 1.8 - a magnifying glass to your Workbench-screen. |
47883 | MADHO212.LHA | 354,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Madhouse 2.12 - Modular Screen Saver. - New in v2.0: Supports not only Madhouse-, but also Swaz- and Garshne-modules. - Requires: OS2+, MUI 2.2+ - Aminet name: Madhouse212.lha |
47884 | MADHO250.LHA | 358,8 kt | 22.06.1998 | - | - | - | Madhouse v2.5 - Modular Screen Saver. Supports not only Madhouse-, but also Swaz- and Garshne-modules. - Req: OS2+, MUI 2.2+ Aminet name: Madhouse250.lha |
47885 | MAGICFRA.LHA | 4,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | MagicFrames 0.2 - Patches "frameiclass" and "sysiclass" of OS3.0 or better to improve the look of gadgets in 1:1 resolution screens. Aminet name: MagicFrames.lha |
47886 | MAGWB20D.LHA | 262,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | The definitive WB-Enhancer!-Demo package of new version MagicWB 2.0AmigaDOSin ulkoasu kuntoon - kerran käytettyäsi ei ilman enää pärjää. |
47887 | MAILWTCH.LHA | 20,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 1.4 | 20455/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 10 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-09][EARSAN CD XI].iso | tupla | MailWatch 2.0 - Can now watch multiple files |
47888 | MAKECD25.LHA | 601,2 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | 20468/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 23 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-12][EAR-CD VII].iso | - | MakeCD 2.5 - Create, burn and copy CDs. program to create Amiga CD-ROM images (including Amiga Protection Bits and Amiga File Comments, and of course Rock Ridge Extensions) and to write CD-Rs. |
47889 | MAPLUG10.LHA | 50,8 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | mapPlug v1.0 - Visual HTML client side map editor with a WYSIWYG MUI user interface. Supports Rects, Polys and Circs. Shapes are fully editable once created. Req: OS3+, MUI 3.8+, BetterString.mcc (included), appropiate (GIF/JPEG/PNG) datatypes installed. Shareware Aminet: mapPlugv10.lha |
47890 | MAPLUG11.LHA | 55 kt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | - | mapPlug v1.1 - Visual HTML client side map editor with a WYSIWYG MUI user interface. Supports Rects, Polys and Circs. Shapes are fully editable once created. Req: OS3+, MUI 3.8+, BetterString.mcc (included), appropiate (GIF/JPEG/PNG) datatypes installed. Shareware Aminet name: mapPlugv11.lha |
47891 | MAPLUG12.LHA | 63,7 kt | 15.10.1998 | - | - | - | mapPlug v1.2 - Visual HTML client side map editor with a WYSIWYG MUI user interface. Supports Rects, Polys and Circs. Shapes are fully editable once created. Req: OS3+, MUI 3.8+, BetterString.mcc (included), appropiate (GIF/JPEG/PNG) datatypes installed. Shareware Aminet name: mapPlugv12.lha |
47892 | MARAT15B.LHA | 397,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Marathon 1.5b (19.11.96) - Kahden pelattava Cannon Fodderin ja Syndicaten kaltainen toi- mintapeli. - Vaatii: 68020+ ja 1MB chippiä. Aminet nimi: marathon.lha |
47893 | MATCHV20.LHA | 8,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21188/Excalibur_56_cd.bin | tupla | Match 2.0 - is a simple program simular to the SEARCH AmigaDOS program. It is a utility that will look in a file to see if a string matches. |
47894 | MAUDDT41.LHA | 4,5 kt | 19.12.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | Maud.datatype 41.0 - Datatype for maud sounds Requires: OS3+, 68020+. |
47895 | MAUDDTR1.LHA | 5,4 kt | 12.12.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | maud.datatype 39.2 - MAUD IFF Format. |
47896 | MBENC09C.LHA | 204,5 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBench 0.9c BETA - Workbench replacement. It is designed to be 100% compatible with workbench, even providing the same features with app icons, windows etc. yet provides additional features such as: internally multitasking ù system wide file notification ù file requesters, progress gadgets etc. for copy, delete etc. ù arexx port. - Shareware Aminet name: mbench.lha |
47897 | MBENCH.LHA | 119,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21192/Excalibur_60_cd.bin | - | MBench 0.9a BETA - Workbench replacement. It is designed to be 100% compatible with workbench, even providing the same features with app icons, windows etc. yet provides additional features such as: internally multitasking ù system wide file notification ù file requesters, progress gadgets etc. for copy, delete etc. ù arexx port. - MBench is to be released as Shareware, but this archive contains a freeware version of MBench. |
47898 | MBLAN109.LHA | 32,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBlank 1.09b - Small/basic modular blanker. Requires OS2+ - Aminet name: MBlank.lha |
47899 | MBLAN110.LHA | 33,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBlank 1.10 - Small/basic modular blanker. Requires OS2+ - Aminet name: MBlank.lha |
47900 | MBLAN114.LHA | 37,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBlank 1.14 - Small/basic modular blanker. Requires OS2+ - Aminet name: MBlank.lha |
47903 | MBQ090.LHA | 18,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBq 0.90 - Ennakkoversio uudesta MBnetin tiedostolistojen selaajasta. Käyttää dynaamisesti vain tarvittavan määrän muistia, joten suuremmankin listan avaus onnistuu kohtuullisin muistivaatimuksin. Vaatii AmigaOS 2.04:n tai uudemman. |
47901 | MBQ090A.LHA | 19,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBq 0.90a - Ennakkoversio uudesta MBnetin tiedostolistojen selaajasta. Käyttää dynaamisesti vain tarvittavan määrän muistia, joten suuremmankin listan avaus onnistuu kohtuullisin muistivaatimuksin. Vaatii AmigaOS 2.04:n tai uudemman. |
47902 | MBQ090B.LHA | 19,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBq 0.90b - Ennakkoversio uudesta MBnetin tiedostolistojen selaajasta. |
47904 | MBSEL130.LHA | 20 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | MBSelaaja v1.30 - Korjaa monia edellisen version bugeja ym. |
47905 | MBSEL132.LHA | 11,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | MBSelaaja v1.32 - Korjattu mm. bugi joka aiheutti ongelmia niissä koneissa joihin ei ollut asennettu MagicMenua (-> aiheutti koneen sekoamisen). Huom! Ei sisällä kaikkia tarvittavia tiedostoja! |
47906 | MBSEL135.LHA | 20,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBSelaaja v1.35 - apuohjelma MBnetin tiedostolistan selaamiseen. Tukee nyt myös Aminet-listoja. |
47907 | MBSEL136.LHA | 12 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBSelaaja v1.36 - pienehkö päivitys joka korjaa edellisen version bugeja. |
47908 | MBSEL142.LHA | 30,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBSelaaja v1.42 - tehokas ohjelma MBnetin tiedostolistojen selailuun. Helppo ja nopea käyttää. Tekijä: Ilkka Lehtoranta |
47909 | MBSEL143.LHA | 31,7 kt | 11.07.1997 | - | - | - | MBSelaaja v1.43 - apuohjelma MBnetin tiedostolistojen selailuun. Tehokas ja vaivaton käyttää. (Tekijä: Ilkka Lehtoranta) |
47913 | MBSEL20.LHA | 10,6 kt | 05.08.1997 | - | - | - | MBSelaaja v2.0 - kätevä ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma MBnetin tiedostolistojen selailuun. Vaatii MUI:n. |
47910 | MBSEL203.LHA | 12,3 kt | 23.09.1997 | - | - | - | MBSelaaja v2.03 - tehokas ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma MBnetin tiedostolistojen selailuun. Vaatii MUI:n sekä OS3:sen. |
47911 | MBSEL205.LHA | 13,6 kt | 12.10.1997 | - | - | - | MBSelaaja v2.05 - tehokas ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma MBnetin tiedostolistojen selailuun. Vaatii MUI:n. |
47912 | MBSEL207.LHA | 19,1 kt | 07.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | MBSelaaja v2.07 - tehokas ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma MBnetin tiedostolistojen selailuun. Vaatii MUI:n sekä OS3:sen. |
47914 | MBSEL211.LHA | 16,2 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | MBSelaaja v2.11 - tehokas ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma MBnetin tiedostolistojen selailuun. Vaatii MUI:n sekä OS3:sen. |
47915 | MBSEL212.LHA | 16,4 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | MBSelaaja v2.12 - tehokas ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma MBnetin tiedostolistojen selailuun. Vaatii MUI:n ja OS3:sen. |
47916 | MCCI4320.LHA | 70,5 kt | 22.07.1997 | - | - | - | MCC-Install 43.20 - Universal MUI custom class installer script. - MCC-Install.lha |
47917 | MCCINSTA.LHA | 61,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Universal MUI custom class installer script. Aminet name: MCC-Install.lha |
47918 | MCCLCK11.LHA | 328,6 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | "MagicClock1.1 - MagicClock is a analogousclock for the Workbench. Everbody whosusing MagicWB should also use MagicClockbecause the look has made in such a waythat it fits to the MagicWB-look." |
47919 | MCCLIB.LHA | 20,6 kt | 22.07.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | Library initialisation code for MCCs. |
47920 | MCCNLIST.LHA | 110,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MUI List clone with horiz scroll and more. Aminet name: MCC_NList0.47.lha |
47921 | MCDPLAYE.LHA | 157,4 kt | 02.02.1998 | versio 1.21 | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | MultiCDPlayer V1.22 (5.6.96) - Play audio on your CD-ROM drive. Requires: OS2.0+ - PD |
47922 | MCLUST38.LHA | 69,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MUI Interface for Cluster, v3.8 Aminet name: MuiCluster.lha |
47923 | MCP120.LHA | 512,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20455/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 10 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-09][EARSAN CD XI].iso | tupla | MCP 1.20 (29.7.96) - Multi-Commodity. Requires: OS2.0+ and MUI 2.1+ - Freeware |
47924 | MCP121.LHA | 573 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20456/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 11 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-10][PLANET CD].iso | tupla | The Master Control Program V1.21 The ultimate system enhancer, minor update |
47925 | MCRX100.LHA | 40,8 kt | 04.01.1999 | - | - | - | MicroRexx v1.0.0 - ARexx-extension |
47926 | MCX257.LHA | 74,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | tupla | MultiCX 2.57 (10.9.96) - The ultimate Multi- Function-Commodity !!! - Now including Shape- Shifter Support, Opaque Windows and much more |
47927 | MCX260.LHA | 76,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | MultiCX 2.60 (10.1.97) - The ultimate Multi- Function-Commodity !!! - Now including Shape- Shifter Support, Opaque Windows and much more |
47928 | MCX262.LHA | 76,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin | - | MultiCX 2.62 - The ultimate Multi-Function- Commodity! |
47929 | MCX263.LHA | 77,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | MultiCX 2.63 - Multi-Function-Commodity. |
47930 | MCX271.LHA | 62,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20465/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 20 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-07 & 08][EAR-CD IV].iso | - | MultiCX 2.71 - Multi-Function-Commodity. |
47931 | MCX272.LHA | 62,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MultiCX 2.72 - Multi-Function-Commodity. |
47932 | MCX273.LHA | 64 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 2027/Amiga_Dream_42.iso | - | MultiCX 2.73 - Multi-Function-Commodity. |
47933 | MCX274.LHA | 64,1 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | 20467/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 22 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-10 & 11][EAR-CD VI].iso | - | MultiCX 2.74 - Multi-Function-Commodity. |
47934 | MCX275.LHA | 65 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | 2028/Amiga_Dream_44.iso | - | MultiCX 2.75 - Multi-Function-Commodity. |
47935 | MCX277.LHA | 65,2 kt | 18.09.1997 | - | 3290/Aminet 21 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Oct 1997].iso | - | MultiCX 2.77 - Multi-Function-Commodity. |
47936 | MCX278.LHA | 65,4 kt | 27.10.1997 | - | 2029/Amiga_Dream_45.iso | - | MultiCX 2.78 - Multi-Function-Commodity. |
47937 | MCX279.LHA | 66,1 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | MultiCX 2.79 - Multi-Function-Commodity. |
47938 | MCXP321.LHA | 106 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | tupla | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.21 (09.10.96) GUI for MCX 2.57 - (Needs MUI V 3.x) |
47939 | MCXP322.LHA | 106,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.22 - GUI for MCX 2.60. Requires: MUI v3.x |
47940 | MCXP323.LHA | 106,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin | - | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.23 - GUI for MCX 2.62. Requires: MUI v3.x |
47941 | MCXP325.LHA | 108,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.25 - Prefs for MCX 2.63 Requires: MUI v3.x |
47942 | MCXP326.LHA | 108,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.26 - Prefs for MultiCX. Requires: MUI v3.x |
47943 | MCXP327.LHA | 112,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.27 - Prefs for MultiCX. Requires: MUI v3.x |
47944 | MCXP328.LHA | 79,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.28 - Prefs for MultiCX. Requires: MUI v3.x |
47945 | MCXP329.LHA | 81,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 2027/Amiga_Dream_42.iso | - | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.29 - Prefs for MultiCX. Requires: MUI v3.x |
47946 | MCXP330.LHA | 81,9 kt | 18.09.1997 | - | 20467/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 22 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-10 & 11][EAR-CD VI].iso | - | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.30 - Prefs for MultiCX. Requires: MUI v3.x |
47947 | MCXP332.LHA | 52,4 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | 2029/Amiga_Dream_45.iso | - | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.32 - Prefs for MultiCX. Requires: MUI v3.x |
47948 | MCXP333.LHA | 82,4 kt | 28.10.1997 | - | 2029/Amiga_Dream_45.iso | - | MUI_MultiCX_Prefs 3.33 - Prefs for MultiCX. Requires: MUI v3.x |
47949 | MD2_11.LHA | 442,6 kt | 11.02.1999 | - | 19866/padua.7z | - | Microdot-II v1.1 - powerful news-/mailreader. Some features: Powerful features for the sorting and filtering of emails by various criteria ù Full PGP support ù Support for multiple mail/news-accounts ù Interaction with other Vapor-Programs ù Support for ContactManager ù ARexx-Port - Requires: MUI. |
47950 | MDPR442.LHA | 166,2 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | ModePro v4.42 - screenmode promotion utility. |
47951 | MEGAY.LHA | 17,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MegaYell V1.05 (21.12.96)! ERITTÄIN hyvä SysOpin yelleri useille Amigan purkkisoftille! Toimii AINAKIN TechnoBBS:llä! |
47952 | METALWEB.LHA | 145,1 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | 20467/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 22 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-10 & 11][EAR-CD VI].iso | - | MetalWEB 1.0 Demo - WYSIWYG HTML editor. New HTML editor with WYSIWYG capacity. Every object of document can be dragged along the document and changed his attributes very easy. - Requires: OS3+, MUI 3.7+, 4 MB of RAM available to MetalWEB. |
47953 | METAVI20.LHA | 170 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MetaView 2.0 view/convert meta- and vectorgfx View and convert WMF, AMF, DXF, DXF, DR2D, XFIG, WPG to ILBM, AMF, CGM, GEM, DR2D, HPGL and EPS. - Aminet name: MetaView.lha |
47954 | METAVI22.LHA | 220,8 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | MetaView 2.2 view/convert meta- and vectorgfx View and convert WMF, AMF, DXF, DXF, DR2D, XFIG, WPG, GEM to ILBM, AMF, CGM, GEM, DR2D, HPGL, EPS and AI. - Aminet name: MetaView.lha |
47955 | METAVI23.LHA | 279,9 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | MetaView 2.3 View/convert meta- and vectorgfx View and convert WMF, AMF, DXF, DR2D, XFIG, WPG, GEM, CGM, DSDR to ILBM, AMF, CGM, GEM, DR2D, HPGL, EPS, AI, WMF, JMF. - Req: OS2+. Aminet name: MetaView.lha |
47956 | METAVI24.LHA | 528 kt | 04.11.1998 | - | - | - | MetaView v2.4 - a program to view and convert vector graphics to plain bitmap formats. |
47957 | METAVIEW.LHA | 110,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | MetaView 1.4 - MetaFileViewer, to view AmigaMeta(AMF)- and WindowsMeta(WMF)-Files and to save the vectordrawing in AMF, CGM, GEM and EPS. |
47958 | METWEB11.LHA | 343,9 kt | 13.09.1998 | - | MBCD | - | MetalWEB 1.1 - WYSIWYG HTML editor for Amiga. Every object of document can be dragged along the document and changed his attributes very easy. Frames supported. - Requires: OS3+, MUI 3.7+, 4 MB of RAM available to MetalWEB. Aminet name: MetalWEB.lha |
47959 | METWEB20.LHA | 478 kt | 13.09.1998 | - | - | - | MetalWEB v2.0 - WYSIWYG-HTML-editor. |
47960 | MEWEB10A.LHA | 183,2 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | - | - | MetalWEB 1.0a Demo - WYSIWYG html editor. New HTML editor with WYSIWYG capacity. Every object of document can be dragged along the document and changed his attributes very easy. - Requires: OS3+, MUI 3.7+, 4 MB of RAM available to MetalWEB. - Aminet: MetalWEB.lha |
47961 | MI21AEVA.LHA | 187,1 kt | 03.07.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - EVAL This archive contains only the Miami program binary for unregistered users. Original file name: Miami21aeval.lha |
47962 | MI21AMAI.LHA | 406,6 kt | 03.07.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ Original file name: Miami21amain.lha |
47963 | MI21ARE0.LHA | 206,9 kt | 03.07.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 000 This archive contains only the 68000/010 ver- sion of the Miami program binary for regis- tered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21areg000.lha |
47964 | MI21ARE2.LHA | 205,6 kt | 03.07.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 020 This archive contains only the 68020+ version of the Miami program binary for registered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21areg020.lha |
47965 | MI21CEVA.LHA | 187,2 kt | 28.08.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1c - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - EVAL This archive contains only the Miami program binary for unregistered users. Original file name: Miami21ceval.lha |
47966 | MI21CMAI.LHA | 407,3 kt | 28.08.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1c - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ Original file name: Miami21cmain.lha |
47967 | MI21CRE0.LHA | 206,9 kt | 28.08.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1c - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 000 This archive contains only the 68000/010 ver- sion of the Miami program binary for regis- tered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21creg000.lha |
47968 | MI21CRE2.LHA | 205,7 kt | 28.08.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1c - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 020 This archive contains only the 68020+ version of the Miami program binary for registered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21creg020.lha |
47969 | MI21EEVA.LHA | 187,1 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1e - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - EVAL This archive contains only the Miami program binary for unregistered users. Original file name: Miami21eeval.lha |
47970 | MI21EMAI.LHA | 408,7 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1e - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ Original file name: Miami21emain.lha |
47971 | MI21ERE0.LHA | 206,7 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1e - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 000 This archive contains only the 68000/010 ver- sion of the Miami program binary for regis- tered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21ereg000.lha |
47972 | MI21ERE2.LHA | 205,4 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1e - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 020 This archive contains only the 68020+ version of the Miami program binary for registered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21ereg020.lha |
47973 | MI21EVAL.LHA | 186,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1 - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - EVAL This archive contains only the Miami program binary for unregistered users. Original file name: Miami21eval.lha |
47974 | MI21FEVA.LHA | 187,1 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1f - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - EVAL This archive contains only the Miami program binary for unregistered users. Original file name: Miami21feval.lha |
47975 | MI21FMAI.LHA | 408,7 kt | 09.09.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1f - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ Original file name: Miami21fmain.lha |
47976 | MI21FRE0.LHA | 206,8 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1f - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 000 This archive contains only the 68000/010 ver- sion of the Miami program binary for regis- tered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21freg000.lha |
47977 | MI21FRE2.LHA | 205,4 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1f - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 020 This archive contains only the 68020+ version of the Miami program binary for registered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21freg020.lha |
47978 | MI21GMAI.LHA | 412,2 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1g - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ NOTE: The ONLY file changed since 2.1f is MiamiRegister. If you have already registered then you DO NOT NEED to download 2.1g. |
47979 | MI21MAIN.LHA | 406,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1 - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ Original file name: Miami21main.lha |
47980 | MI21PEVA.LHA | 187,5 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1p - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - EVAL This archive contains only the Miami program binary for unregistered users. Original file name: Miami21peval.lha |
47981 | MI21PMAI.LHA | 409 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1p - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ Original file name: Miami21pmain.lha |
47982 | MI21PRE0.LHA | 207,1 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1p - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 000 This archive contains only the 68000/010 ver- sion of the Miami program binary for regis- tered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21preg000.lha |
47983 | MI21PRE2.LHA | 205,8 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1p - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 020 This archive contains only the 68020+ version of the Miami program binary for registered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21preg020.lha |
47984 | MI21REG0.LHA | 206,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1 - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 000 This archive contains only the 68000/010 ver- sion of the Miami program binary for regis- tered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21reg000.lha |
47985 | MI21REG2.LHA | 205,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Miami 2.1 - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS. - 020 This archive contains only the 68020+ version of the Miami program binary for registered users. This binary REQUIRES a keyfile. Original file name: Miami21reg020.lha |
47986 | MI30A000.LHA | 194,5 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - 000 The 68000/010 version of Miami. You need this if your Amiga has a 68000 or 68010 CPU. Original file name: Miami30a-000.lha |
47987 | MI30A020.LHA | 193,3 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - 020 The 68020+ version of Miami. You need this if your Amiga has a 68020, 68030, 68040 or 68060 CPU. - Original file name: Miami30a-020.lha |
47988 | MI30AGTL.LHA | 102,3 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - GTL The GTLayout module for Miami. You need this if you want to use Miami together with gtlay- out.library V40 or higher. - Miami30a-GTL.lha |
47989 | MI30AMAI.LHA | 474,1 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet or a local-area network by modem or by some other network device (e.g. Ethernet). - Req: OS2+, MUI 3.8+ (GTLayout-GUI requires gtlayout.library V40+) Original file name: Miami30a-main.lha |
47990 | MI30AMUI.LHA | 79,1 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MUI The MUI module for Miami. You need this if you want to use Miami together with MUI 3.8+ Original file name: Miami30a-MUI.lha |
47991 | MI30B000.LHA | 194,7 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0b - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - 000 The 68000/010 version of Miami. You need this if your Amiga has a 68000 or 68010 CPU. Original file name: Miami30b-000.lha |
47992 | MI30B020.LHA | 193,5 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0b - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - 020 The 68020+ version of Miami. You need this if your Amiga has a 68020, 68030, 68040 or 68060 CPU. - Original file name: Miami30b-020.lha |
47993 | MI30BGTL.LHA | 102,3 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0b - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - GTL The GTLayout module for Miami. You need this if you want to use Miami together with gtlay- out.library V40 or higher. - Miami30b-GTL.lha |
47994 | MI30BMAI.LHA | 474,4 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0b - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet or a local-area network by modem or by some other network device (e.g. Ethernet). - Req: OS2+, MUI 3.8+ (GTLayout-GUI requires gtlayout.library V40+) Original file name: Miami30b-main.lha |
47995 | MI30BMUI.LHA | 79,1 kt | 24.04.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0b - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MUI The MUI module for Miami. You need this if you want to use Miami together with MUI 3.8+ Original file name: Miami30b-MUI.lha |
47996 | MI30D000.LHA | 194,9 kt | 10.11.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0d - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS\t- 000 The 68000/010 version of Miami. You need this if your Amiga has a 68000 or 68010 CPU. Original file name: Miami30d-000.lha |
47997 | MI30D020.LHA | 193,8 kt | 10.11.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0d - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS\t- 020 The 68020+ version of Miami. You need this if your Amiga has a 68020, 68030, 68040 or 68060 CPU. - Original file name: Miami30d-020.lha |
47998 | MI30DGTL.LHA | 102,6 kt | 10.11.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0d - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS\t- GTL The GTLayout module for Miami. You need this if you want to use Miami together with gtlay- out.library V40 or higher. - Miami30d-GTL.lha |
47999 | MI30DMAI.LHA | 475,2 kt | 10.11.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0d - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet or a local-area network by modem or by some other network device (e.g. Ethernet). - Req: OS2+, MUI 3.8+ (GTLayout-GUI requires gtlayout.library V40+) Original file name: Miami30d-main.lha |
48000 | MI30DMUI.LHA | 79,3 kt | 10.11.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0d - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS\t- MUI The MUI module for Miami. You need this if you want to use Miami together with MUI 3.8+ Original file name: Miami30d-MUI.lha |
48001 | MI32A000.LHA | 208 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.2a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS\t- 000 The 68000/010 version of Miami. You need this if your Amiga has a 68000 or 68010 CPU. Original file name: Miami32a-000.lha |
48002 | MI32A020.LHA | 206,8 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.2a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS\t- 020 The 68020+ version of Miami. You need this if your Amiga has a 68020, 68030, 68040 or 68060 CPU. - Original file name: Miami32a-020.lha |
48003 | MI32AGTL.LHA | 104,8 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.2a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS\t- GTL The GTLayout module for Miami. You need this if you want to use Miami together with gtlay- out.library V40 or higher. - Miami32a-GTL.lha |
48004 | MI32AMAI.LHA | 516,9 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.2a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet or a local-area network by modem or by some other network device (e.g. Ethernet). - Req: OS2+, MUI 3.8+ (GTLayout-GUI requires gtlayout.library V40+) Original file name: Miami32a-main.lha |
48005 | MI32AMUI.LHA | 81,7 kt | 15.11.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.2a - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS\t- MUI The MUI module for Miami. You need this if you want to use Miami together with MUI 3.8+ Original file name: Miami32a-MUI.lha |
48006 | MIA30000.LHA | 194,5 kt | 07.03.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0 - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - 000 The 68000/010 version of Miami. You need this if your Amiga has a 68000 or 68010 CPU. Original file name: Miami30-000.lha |
48007 | MIA30020.LHA | 193,3 kt | 07.03.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0 - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - 020 The 68020+ version of Miami. You need this if your Amiga has a 68020, 68030, 68040 or 68060 CPU. - Original file name: Miami30-020.lha |
48008 | MIA30GTL.LHA | 102,3 kt | 07.03.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0 - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - GTL The GTLayout module for Miami. You need this if you want to use Miami together with gtlay- out.library V40 or higher. - Miami30-GTL.lha |
48009 | MIA30MAI.LHA | 473,9 kt | 07.03.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0 - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MAIN TCP/IP stack for Internet or a local-area network by modem or by some other network device (e.g. Ethernet). - Req: OS2+, MUI 3.8+ (GTLayout-GUI requires gtlayout.library V40+) Original file name: Miami30main.lha |
48010 | MIA30MUI.LHA | 79,1 kt | 07.03.1998 | - | - | - | Miami 3.0 - TCP/IP system for AmigaOS - MUI The MUI module for Miami. You need this if you want to use Miami together with MUI 3.8+ Original file name: Miami30-MUI.lha |
48011 | MIAMI11D.LHA | 267,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Miami 1.1d (1.11.96) integrated TCP/IP system for AmigaDOS, that allows you to access the Internet by modem in a very simple way. Requires: OS2.04+, MUI 3.3+ - Shareware. |
48012 | MIAMI20E.LHA | 689 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Miami 2.0e - TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Miami can be used with modems, ISDN boards, ISDN terminal adapters, cable modems, or network boards (Ethernet/Arcnet). Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ |
48013 | MIAMI20F.LHA | 693,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Miami 2.0f - TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Miami can be used with modems, ISDN boards, ISDN terminal adapters, cable modems, or network boards (Ethernet/Arcnet). Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ |
48014 | MIAMI20G.LHA | 694,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Miami 2.0g - TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Miami can be used with modems, ISDN boards, ISDN terminal adapters, cable modems, or network boards (Ethernet/Arcnet). Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ |
48015 | MIAMI20I.LHA | 695,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Miami 2.0i - TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Miami can be used with modems, ISDN boards, ISDN terminal adapters, cable modems, or network boards (Ethernet/Arcnet). Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ |
48016 | MIAMI20J.LHA | 695,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Miami 2.0j - TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Miami can be used with modems, ISDN boards, ISDN terminal adapters, cable modems, or network boards (Ethernet/Arcnet). Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ |
48017 | MIAMI20N.LHA | 696,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 1075/amigaformatcd20.iso | - | Miami 2.0n - TCP/IP stack for Internet access or access to local networks, complete with dialer, PPP, (C)SLIP and auto-configuration tools. Miami can be used with modems, ISDN boards, ISDN terminal adapters, cable modems, or network boards (Ethernet/Arcnet). Support for SANA-II devices. T/TCP (for faster web browsing). - Requires: OS2+, MUI 3.3+ |
48018 | MIAMISPE.LHA | 7,4 kt | 05.10.1997 | väärä koko | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | MiamiSpeedMeter 1.0 - Cps counter for Miami 2 Requires: Miami 2.0 or higher (registered). Aminet name: MiamiSpeedMetr.lha |
48019 | MIAMON10.LHA | 9,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MiamiMonitor 1.0 - Packet monitor for Miami. Requires: Miami 1.9.3+ (registered), OS2+, MUI 3.6+ - Aminet name: MiamiMonitor10.lha |
48020 | MIASSL11.LHA | 46,1 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | MiamiSSL 1.1 - Secure Socket Layer for Miami. Archive contains all libraries, support files and documentation for MiamiSSL, an implemen- tation of the SSL standard. - MiamiSSL11.lha |
48021 | MIASSL12.LHA | 64,7 kt | 05.12.1998 | - | - | - | MiamiSSL 1.2 - Secure Socket Layer for Miami. Archive contains all libraries, support files and documentation for MiamiSSL, an implemen- tation of the SSL standard. - MiamiSSL12.lha |
48022 | MIASSL15.LHA | 169,6 kt | 10.05.1999 | - | - | - | MiamiSSL 1.5 - Secure Socket Layer for Miami. This archive contains the common files for MiamiSSL, an implementation of SSL for Miami. Requires: Miami 2.1+ (Registered), MiamiSSL encryption library, reqtools.library 38+. Original file name: MiamiSSL15.lha |
48023 | MICTRL11.LHA | 14,2 kt | 24.09.1998 | - | - | - | "Miami Control 1.1 - go on and offline with a single button on a dockwithout having to load Miamis GUI. - Aminet: miamicontrol.lha" |
48024 | MICTRL12.LHA | 14,9 kt | 04.10.1998 | - | - | - | "Miami Control 1.2 - go on and offline with a single button on a dockwithout having to load Miamis GUI. - Aminet: miamicontrol.lha" |
48025 | MIDIPLA2.LHA | 62,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Zenlandia | - | Plays MIDI files, v2.0, GUI. |
48026 | MISPMTR.LHA | 16,4 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | MiamiSpeedMeter 1.1 - a program that displays the data throughput on a specified link. |
48027 | MMENU129.LHA | 106,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Magic Menu 1.29 - Miellyttävämmät valikot. Voit valita että valikot aukeavat sinne missä hiiren pointerikin on, joten ei enää rasitta- vaa ylös alas sahaamista. Parantaa ulkonäköä myös. Vaatii: OS2.0+ |
48028 | MMENU215.LHA | 168,6 kt | 12.12.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Magic Menu 2.15 - Miellyttävämmät valikot. Voit valita että valikot aukeavat sinne missä hiiren pointerikin on, joten ei enää rasitta- vaa ylös alas sahaamista. Parantaa ulkonäköä myös. Osa asetusohjelman toiminnnoista vaatii OS3+ - Alkuperäinen nimi: MagicMenu2_15.lha |
48029 | MNEW13R1.LHA | 129,3 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | - | - | mNews 1.3 r1 - News group reader for TCP/IP. Requires MUI 3.8, a TCP/IP stack (works with Miami and AmiTCP 4.0) and the NListMCC from AmiNet (included). Aminet: mNews1.3_rel1.lha |
48030 | MNEW14B1.LHA | 139,8 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | mNews 1.4b r1 - News group reader for TCP/IP. Requires MUI 3.8, a TCP/IP stack (works with Miami and AmiTCP 4.0) and the NListMCC from AmiNet (included). Aminet: mNews1.4b_rel1.lha |
48031 | MNEWS10B.LHA | 57,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20455/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 10 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-09][EARSAN CD XI].iso | tupla | Kätevä, pieni yksinkertainen News-selain vaatii Mui 3.1+ |
48032 | MNEWS12B.LHA | 107,3 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | mNews 1.2b - News group reader for TCP/IP. Requires MUI 3.3, a TCP/IP stack (works with Miami and AmiTCP 4.0) and the NListMCC from AmiNet (included). - Aminet: mnews1.2b.lha |
48033 | MODEP416.LHA | 75,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "ModePro 4.16 - Screenmodepromoterwith GUI Requires: WB2.0+ - Aminet: ModePro4_16.lha" |
48034 | MODEP417.LHA | 87,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | "ModePro 4.17 - Screenmodepromoterwith GUI Requires: WB2.0+ - Aminet: ModePro4_17.lha" |
48035 | MODEP418.LHA | 85,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "ModePro 4.18 - Screenmodepromoterwith GUI Requires: WB2.0+ - Aminet: ModePro4_18.lha" |
48036 | MODEP420.LHA | 87,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "ModePro 4.20 - Screenmodepromoterwith GUI Requires: WB2.0+ - Aminet: ModePro4_20.lha" |
48037 | MODEP433.LHA | 105 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | - | - | ModePro 4.33 - Screenmode Promotion & Public Screen utility. - Req: OS2+ - ModePro4_33.lha |
48038 | MODEP435.LHA | 112,6 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | ModePro 4.35 - Screenmode Promotion & Public Screen utility. - Req: OS2+ - ModePro4_35.lha |
48039 | MODEP439.LHA | 119,1 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | ModePro v4.39 - a screenmode promotion utility. Forces programs to user defined screenmode. |
48040 | MODEP443.LHA | 174,2 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | ModePro v.4.43 screen promotion utility. |
48041 | MONS080B.LHA | 179,9 kt | 08.02.1998 | - | - | - | Monsoon 0.80b - E-Mail/News/Fido mailer. Full POP3, SMTP and NNTP clients are built-in as is support for all popular Fido mailers. Req: 68020+, 4Mb, OS 3.x, MUI 3.8, NList 0.77 Shareware - Aminet name: Monsoon080beta.lha |
48042 | MONSO087.LHA | 188,8 kt | 03.05.1998 | - | - | - | Monsoon 0.87xr - E-Mail/News/Fido mailer. Full POP3, SMTP and NNTP clients are built-in as is support for all popular Fido mailers. Req: 68020+, 4Mb, OS 3.x, MUI 3.8, NList 0.77 Shareware - Aminet name: Monsoon087beta.lha |
48043 | MOREHT14.LHA | 131,8 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | moreHTML v1.4 - MUI HTML Offline Browser. Requires: MUI 3.3+, OS2+, HTMLtext.mcc. Aminet name: moreHTML.lha |
48044 | MOREHT15.LHA | 135,7 kt | 14.09.1997 | - | - | - | MoreHTML 1.5 - MUI HTML Offline Browser. Requires: MUI 3.3+, OS2+, HTMLtext.mcc 14.1+ Aminet name: moreHTML.lha |
48045 | MOREHTML.LHA | 137,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 1.5 | 3290/Aminet 21 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Oct 1997].iso | - | moreHTML v1.3 - MUI HTML Offline Browser. Requires: MUI 3.3+, OS2+, HTMLtext.mcc. |
48046 | MORPH12.LHA | 644,3 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | AGA Morph 1.2 - Morphausohjelma. |
48048 | MP3ENC.LHA | 491,1 kt | 08.11.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | MP3 encoder. |
48047 | MP3ENC02.LHA | 485,8 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | MP3 Encoder v0.2 - make your own MP3-files. This version is about 25% faster than previous. |
48049 | MP3I0211.LHA | 120 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | MP3Info v0.2.11, Read/Write MP3 TAG info. |
48050 | MPDT2401.LHA | 107,4 kt | 26.09.1998 | - | - | - | Macintosh PICT2 Datatype 40.1 - Pictures with 256 colors and 16.7M colors are supported. Only bitmapped pictures are supported. Requires: OS3+ - Aminet: MacPict2-dtc.lha |
48051 | MPDT2402.LHA | 107,9 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | - | - | Macintosh PICT2 Datatype 40.2 - Pictures with 256 colors and 16.7M colors are supported. Only bitmapped pictures are supported. Requires: OS3+ - Aminet: MacPict2-dtc.lha |
48052 | MPEG3PLA.LHA | 218 kt | 08.11.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | MPEG3PLAY - Optimised MP3 (MPEG 1 Layer 3 audio) decoder. Requires: ixemul.library V45+ Aminet name: mpeg3play.lha |
48064 | MPEGA.LHA | 257,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | MPEGA v2.5 - MPEG I,II & III audio decoder. Can decode MPEG audio bitstreams in real time Requires 68020 and a 68030/40MHz + FastRam accelerator board is strongly recommended. |
48053 | MPEGA26.LHA | 258,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGA v2.6 - MPEG I,II & III audio decoder. Can decode MPEG audio bitstreams in real time Requires 68020 and a 68030/40MHz + FastRam accelerator board is strongly recommended. Aminet name: MPEGA.lha |
48054 | MPEGA27.LHA | 260,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGA v2.7 - MPEG I,II & III audio decoder. Can decode MPEG audio bitstreams in real time Requires 68020 and a 68030/40MHz + FastRam accelerator board is strongly recommended. Aminet name: MPEGA.lha |
48055 | MPEGA28.LHA | 260,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGA v2.8 - MPEG I,II & III audio decoder. Can decode MPEG audio bitstreams in real time Requires 68020 and a 68030/40MHz + FastRam accelerator board is strongly recommended. Aminet name: MPEGA.lha |
48056 | MPEGA29.LHA | 263 kt | 18.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGA v2.9 - MPEG I,II & III audio decoder. Can decode MPEG audio bitstreams in real time Requires 68020 and a 68030/40MHz + FastRam accelerator board is strongly recommended. Aminet name: MPEGA.lha |
48057 | MPEGA30.LHA | 243,7 kt | 24.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGA v3.0 - MPEG I,II & III audio decoder. Can decode MPEG audio bitstreams in real time Requires 68020 and a 68030/40MHz + FastRam accelerator board is strongly recommended. Aminet name: MPEGA.lha |
48058 | MPEGA31.LHA | 240,6 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGA v3.1 - MPEG I,II & III audio decoder. Can decode MPEG audio bitstreams in real time Requires 68020 and a 68030/40MHz + FastRam accelerator board is strongly recommended. Aminet name: MPEGA.lha |
48059 | MPEGA32.LHA | 247,9 kt | 14.09.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | MPEGA v3.2 - MPEG I,II & III audio decoder. Can decode MPEG audio bitstreams in real time Requires 68020 and a 68030/40MHz + FastRam accelerator board is strongly recommended. Aminet name: MPEGA.lha |
48060 | MPEGA33.LHA | 258,4 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | - | MPEGA v3.3 - MPEG I,II & III audio decoder. Can decode MPEG audio bitstreams in real time Requires 68020 and a 68030/40MHz + FastRam accelerator board is strongly recommended. Aminet name: MPEGA.lha |
48061 | MPEGA34.LHA | 38,7 kt | 19.12.1998 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | MPEGA v3.4 - MPEG I,II & III audio decoder. Can decode MPEG audio bitstreams in real time Requires: 68020+, mpega.library - mpega.lha |
48062 | MPEGAL10.LHA | 166,5 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | - | MPEG Audio decoder library V1.0 (68020+) |
48063 | MPEGAL11.LHA | 213,7 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | - | MPEGA.library v1.1 - MPEG audio decoder library. |
48065 | MPEGAPLA.LHA | 51,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20449/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 04 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-02][Skylink CD III].iso | tupla | MPEGAPlayer 1.2 - 060 MPEG audio player for DeliTracker. It can decode MPEG I, layers I & II. - Requires: 68060, DeliTracker. Freeware. Original name: mpegaplayer060.lha |
48066 | MPGAD202.LHA | 199 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | MPEG Audio.datatype v2.02 |
48067 | MPGAP141.LHA | 65,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGAPlayer 1.41 - MPEG audio DeliTracker player. It can decode MPEG 1&2, layers I & II. Requires: 68020+, DeliTracker. - Freeware Aminet name: MPEGAPlayer141.lha |
48068 | MPGAP200.LHA | 236,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGAPlayer 2.00 - MPEG Audio DeliTracker player. It can decode MPEG 1&2, layers I, II & III. - Req: 68020+, DeliTracker. - Freeware Aminet name: MPEGAPlayer.lha |
48069 | MPGAP210.LHA | 234,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGAPlayer 2.10 - MPEG Audio DeliTracker player. It can decode MPEG 1&2, layers I, II & III. - Req: 68020+, DeliTracker. - Freeware Aminet name: MPEGAPlayer.lha |
48070 | MPGAP220.LHA | 236,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGAPlayer 2.20 - MPEG Audio DeliTracker player. It can decode MPEG 1&2, layers I, II & III. - Req: 68020+, DeliTracker. - Freeware Aminet name: MPEGAPlayer.lha |
48071 | MPGAP230.LHA | 237,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGAPlayer 2.30 - MPEG Audio DeliTracker player. It can decode MPEG 1&2, layers I, II & III. - Req: 68020+, DeliTracker. - Freeware Aminet name: MPEGAPlayer.lha |
48072 | MPGAP235.LHA | 239 kt | 22.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGAPlayer 2.35 - MPEG Audio DeliTracker player. It can decode MPEG 1&2, layers I, II & III. - Req: 68020+, DeliTracker. - Freeware Aminet name: MPEGAPlayer.lha |
48073 | MPGAP240.LHA | 229,3 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGAPlayer 2.40 - MPEG Audio DeliTracker player. It can decode MPEG 1&2, layers I, II & III. - Req: 68020+, DeliTracker. - Freeware Aminet name: MPEGAPlayer.lha |
48074 | MPGAP245.LHA | 224,4 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | - | - | MPEGAPlayer 2.45 - MPEG Audio DeliTracker player. It can decode MPEG 1&2, layers I, II & III. - Req: 68020+, DeliTracker. - Freeware Aminet name: MPEGAPlayer.lha |
48075 | MPGAPL14.LHA | 64,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MPEGAPlayer 1.4 MPEG audio DeliTracker player It can decode MPEG 1&2, layers I & II. Requires: 68020+, DeliTracker. - Freeware Aminet name: MPEGAPlayer.lha |
48076 | MPGSD105.LHA | 67,2 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | MPEG System.datatype v1.05 - datatype for MPEG-video streams. |
48077 | MPHON121.LHA | 36,1 kt | 19.12.1998 | - | - | - | MiamiPhone 1.21 analyzer for Miami phone log Req: OS2+, MUI 3.1+ - Aminet: MiamiPhone.lha |
48078 | MPHONE10.LHA | 20,4 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | - | - | MiamiPhone 1.0 - analyzer for Miami phone log Req: OS2+, MUI 3.1+ - Aminet: MiamiPhone.lha |
48079 | MPHONE11.LHA | 22,3 kt | 29.09.1998 | - | - | - | MiamiPhone 1.1 - analyzer for Miami phone log Req: OS2+, MUI 3.1+ - Aminet: MiamiPhone.lha |
48080 | MPHONE12.LHA | 24 kt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | - | MiamiPhone 1.2 - analyzer for Miami phone log Req: OS2+, MUI 3.1+ - Aminet: MiamiPhone.lha |
48081 | MPHONE14.LHA | 51,3 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | - | - | MiamiPhone 1.4 - analyzer for Miami phone log Req: OS2+, MUI 3.1+ - Aminet: MiamiPhone.lha |
48082 | MPINDX50.LHA | 63,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20454/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 09 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-07 & 08][EARSAN CD VIII].iso | tupla | MPIndex 5.0 - Index AmigaGuides like Windows Help Search. - Originan name: MPIndex50.lha |
48083 | MPRO40.LHA | 48,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | "ModePro V4.0 - Screenmode promotion utility.WB2.1 and WB3.X compatibleWB2.04 needsthe V38 of theasl.libraryA program topromote screen modemake screens autoscrollgive old screens the WB 2+ 3D lookand givemenus the newlook(black on white)(V3 9+ only)." |
48084 | MPRO424.LHA | 86 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | ModePro 4.24 - a screenmode promotion utility. |
48085 | MPRO429.LHA | 93,4 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | ModePro 4.29 - The Screenmode Promoter and public screen manager. |
48086 | MR012.LHA | 14,2 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | - | - | Magic Reader v0.12 - esittelyjulkaisu uudesta MUI-pohjaisesta etälukijasta. Tukee toistaiseksi vain OMENia. Vaatii MUI 3.3 ja AmigaOS 3.0. (Tekijä: Ilkka Lehtoranta) |
48087 | MR015.LHA | 20,2 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | - | - | MagicReader v0.15 - toinen esittelyjulkaisu uudesta MUI-pohjaisesta etälukijasta. Tukee toistaiseksi vain OMENia. Vaatii MUI 3.3 ja AmigaOS 3.0. (Tekijä: Ilkka Lehtoranta) |
48088 | MR023.LHA | 29,5 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | - | - | MagicReader V0.23 - MUI-käyttöliittymällä etälukija. Tukee OMENia ja QWK:ta sekä vastauspakettien muokkausta. Suomenkielinen ja ilmainen. Vaatii MUI. (Tekijä: Ilkka Lehtoranta) |
48089 | MR029.LHA | 98,8 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | MagicReader v0.29 - MUI-käyttöliittymällä varustettu etälukija joka tukee OMEN ja QWK formaatteja sekä vastauspakettien editointia. Vaatii MUI. (Tekijä: Ilkka Lehtoranta) |
48090 | MR031.LHA | 99,9 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | MagicReader v0.31 - MUI-käyttöliittymällä varustettu etälukija joka tukee OMEN ja QWK formaatteja sekä vastauspakettien editointia. Vaatii MUI. (Tekijä: Ilkka Lehtoranta) |
48091 | MR036.LHA | 145,5 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | MagicReader v0.36 - helppokäyttöinen etälukija joka tukee OMEN ja QWK-formaatteja sekä vastauspakettien muokkausta. Vaatii MUI. (Tekijä: Ilkka Lehtoranta= |
48092 | MR037.LHA | 145,7 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | MagicReader v0.37 - MUI-pohjainen etälukija joka tukee OMEN ja QWK-formaatteja sekä vastauspakettien editointia. Vaatii MUI. (Tekijä: Ilkka Lehtoranta) |
48093 | MRMIDI11.LHA | 60,3 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | MrMIDI v1.1 - GUI for GMPlay 1.3+ |
48094 | MRMPEG10.LHA | 21,2 kt | 30.11.1997 | - | - | - | Mr. MPEG v1.0 - GUI frontend for MPEGA using MUIRexx. |
48095 | MRQ08B.LHA | 58,5 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | MRQ is a MUI-based system patch doing the same thing than the old ARQ does, but in more configurable and up-to-date-way. |
48096 | MRQ13.LHA | 48,3 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | - | - | MRQ 1.3 - ARQ-like requester improver with MUI-GUI. |
48097 | MRQ16.LHA | 71,2 kt | 26.09.1998 | - | - | - | MRQ 1.6 - The MUI requester improver. Req: OS3+, MUI3+, 68020+ - Aminet: MRQ.lha |
48098 | MRQ18.LHA | 82,4 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | MRQ 1.8 - The MUI requester improver. Req: OS3+, MUI3+, 68020+ - Aminet: MRQ.lha |
48099 | MSH.LHA | 118,5 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | MBCD | tupla | MessyDOS lukee ja kirjoittaa PC:n levykkeitä vanhoillakin Amigoilla. |
48100 | MSPDMT13.LHA | 17,2 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | Miami SpeedMeter v1.3 - CPS-counter for Miami 2.0+ (registered). |
48101 | MSS201.LHA | 26,7 kt | 03.10.1998 | - | - | - | MiamiStartStop 2.01 - Get Miami On/Offline, Connect time & speed. - Req: Miami v3.0d+, RexxReqTools.library - MiamiStartStop.lha |
48102 | MSS202.LHA | 27,9 kt | 15.10.1998 | - | - | - | MiamiStartStop 2.02 - Get Miami On/Offline, Connect time & speed. - Req: Miami v3.0d+, RexxReqTools.library - MiamiStartStop.lha |
48103 | MSS205.LHA | 35,1 kt | 04.01.1999 | - | - | - | MiamiStartStop 2.05 - Get Miami On/Offline, Connect time & speed. - Req: Miami v3.0d+, RexxReqTools.library - MiamiStartStop.lha |
48104 | MTOOL21.LHA | 354,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | - | MultiTool II V2.1 - Ohjelma tiedostojen ja hakemistojen käsittelyyn. Tällä ohjelmalla voit myöskin käsitellä LhA-pakkauksia aivan kuin tiedostoja ja hakemistoja yleensäkin! - Tukee localea, mukana tulee suomenkieliset gatalogit. Helppo asennus. - MTool vaatii vähintään OS2:n. Tekijä: Boris Jakubaschk. E-mail:Boris@alice.tynet.sub.org - Shareware |
48105 | MTV_13.LHA | 20,7 kt | 11.12.1997 | - | - | - | MagicTV 1.3 - removes interlace flicker on A1200. |
48106 | MUI36USR.LHA | 919,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | MUI 3.6 (user) - Käytt”liittymäkirjasto |
48107 | MUI37TU1.LHA | 22,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | MUI Version 3.7 - 1st tune up package. This package fixes a few little bugs of the mui37usr.lha distribution archive. NOTE! This will only work if you installed the original mui37usr.lha archive from Aminet |
48108 | MUI37USR.LHA | 990,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin | - | MUI 3.7 - Käyttöliittymäkirjasto - (user). Vaatii: OS 2.0 tai uudemman. |
48109 | MUI38DBB.LHA | 29,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MUI 3.8 - Developer package for Blitz Basic 2 Aminet name: mui38dev-bb2.lha |
48110 | MUIAS406.LHA | 114,6 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | MUI-ASL 40.6 - MUIfied ASL replacement. The ambitious aim of MUI-ASL is to put a good looking, highly configurable user interface into ASL, giving many benefits to innumerable programs. - Aminet name: MUI-ASL.lha NOTE! Version number has changed, 40.6 replaces 42.4). |
48111 | MUIAS424.LHA | 97,7 kt | 10.10.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | MUI-ASL 42.4á - MUIfied ASL replacement. The ambitious aim of MUI-ASL is to put a good looking, highly configurable user interface into ASL, giving many benefits to innumerable programs. - Aminet name: MUI-ASL.lha |
48112 | MUICLUST.LHA | 72,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20465/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 20 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-07 & 08][EAR-CD IV].iso | - | MUI Interface for Cluster. Aminet name: MuiCluster.lha |
48113 | MUIVI232.LHA | 219,9 kt | 05.12.1998 | - | - | - | MUIVideo 2.32 - Video Database using MUI. Requires: OS3+, MUI 3.6+, about 4 MB RAM. Shareware - Aminet name: MUIVideo_232.lha |
48114 | MULT6412.LHA | 5,4 kt | 27.09.1998 | - | - | - | PatchMult64 1.2 - 060 Patches for UMult64/ SMult64. - Aminet name: Mult64Patch.lha |
48115 | MULT64PA.LHA | 4,7 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | PatchMult64 1.0 - 060 Patches for UMult64/ SMult64. Aminet name: Mult64Patch.lha |
48116 | MUSIKE12.LHA | 292,4 kt | 08.11.1997 | - | - | tupla | Musiker V1.2 - is a program that "composes" Protracker modules. - Requires: OS2+, 1MB of memory and MUI 3.3+ - Aminet: musiker_aw.lha |
48117 | MWM202.LHA | 157,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | MWM 2.02 - HTML pages creator for the Amiga. |
48118 | MWM210.LHA | 161,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | tupla | MWM 2.10 - HTML pages creator for the Amiga. |
48119 | MWM212.LHA | 204,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | - | MWM 2.12 - HTML pages creator for the Amiga. |
48120 | MWM300.LHA | 220,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | MWM 3.00 - HTML pages creator for the Amiga. Now supports HTML 3.2 tags. |
48121 | NADDT414.LHA | 13,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | AddDatatypes 41.4 - New AddDataTypes command. Aminet name: NewAddDataType.lha |
48122 | NEW8N137.LHA | 89,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | New8n1.device v37.37 - replacement for serial.device. |
48123 | NEWICO31.LHA | 11,5 kt | 28.09.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | NewIcons 3.1 Pieni päivitys NewIcons 3.0:aan. Korjaa muutaman bugin. - HUOM! Tarvitset koko NewIconsV3 paketin (MBnetissä NEWICON3.LHA) käyttääksesi tätä päivitystä. - Aminet nimi: NewIcons31upd.lha |
48124 | NEWICON3.LHA | 538,9 kt | 28.09.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | NewIcons 3.0 - Ikonisysteemi joka mahdollis- taa suuremman värimäärän ikoneihin ja laskee paletin aina värien järjestyksestä riippumat- ta mahdollisimman oikein. - Nyt NewIcons on commodity, joten voit ottaa käyttöön/käytöstä NewIconin käyttäen Exchange-ohjelmaa. Freeware - Aminet nimi: NewIconsV3.lha |
48125 | NEWICON4.LHA | 642,4 kt | 10.10.1997 | - | 20468/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 23 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-12][EAR-CD VII].iso | - | NewIcons Package 4.0 - Ultimate GUI Enhance- ment System. System patch which enhances your Workbench. - Requires: OS2+ - NewIconsV4.lha |
48126 | NEWSP10B.LHA | 168,5 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | NewsPro V1.0b beta - NNTP news reader. Requires: OS3+, gtlayout.library 40.9. Aminet name: NewsPro10bbeta.lha |
48127 | NEXT200.LHA | 55,5 kt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | NEXT V2.0 - Text viewer with many features. It accepts all kinds of files including bina- ries, XPK- and powerpacked files and can ex- tract archives (LhA,LZX,ZIP,GZIP). AmigaGuide files are displayed as hypertext by default but can also be converted to readable ANSI text. - Aminet name: Next2.00.lha |
48128 | NLIST058.LHA | 131,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MCC_NList 0.58 - MUI List clone with horiz scroll and more. - Aminet: MCC_NList0.58.lha |
48129 | NLIST064.LHA | 137,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MCC_NList 0.64 - MUI List clone with horiz scroll and more. - Aminet: MCC_NList0.64.lha |
48130 | NLIST068.LHA | 143,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | MCC_NList 0.68 - MUI List clone with horiz scroll and more. - Aminet: MCC_NList0.68.lha |
48131 | OKPUS14.LHA | 71,1 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | OktaPussy v1.4 - a new driverset for Oktagon. |
48132 | OO081.LHA | 239,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20453/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 08 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-06][EARSAN CD VII].iso | tupla | Offline Orbit 0.81 (C)1993-96 by Janne Siren. Shareware offline message reader for Amigas with operating system version 2.04 or higher. Offline Orbit features a user friendly, font sensitive GUI and support for the Blue Wave, OMEN, QWK, SOUP and WWF message formats. |
48133 | OPAQUE10.LHA | 26,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | OpaqueMove 1.0; Workbench Tool; An Opaque Window Movement Commodity; Requirements: 68030 or greater CPU AmigaDos 3.0 or Greater; Freeware |
48134 | OPAQUE22.LHA | 165,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | OpaqueMove 2.2 - Opaque window commodity. Requires: OS3+, MUI3.6+ - Opaque2.2.lha |
48135 | OPCD20UP.LHA | 308,2 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | - | - | OptyCDPlayer 2.0 UPDATE - CD Player/Ed/Prog/ Sampler. Disks and DataBases are not included in this update archive. - Requires: OS2.0+, MUI 3.8+ and 68020. - OptyCDPlay_Upd.lha |
48136 | OPEURL10.LHA | 34,9 kt | 09.02.1999 | - | - | - | OpenURL 1.0 - Library for easily sending URL to Browser. This library was created to make it easier for application programmers to include clickable URLs in their applications, about windows, etc. - Req: OS2+, MUI 3.8 or higher, for the preference program only. Aminet name: OpenURL10.lha |
48137 | OPTYCD18.LHA | 532,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | OptyCDPlayer 1.8 (4.11.96) CD Player/Ed/Prog/ Sampler. - Requires: OS2.0+, MUI 3 and 68020. EMailWare - Aminet name: optycdpl.lha |
48138 | OPTYCD19.LHA | 612,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | OptyCDPlayer 1.9 - CD Player/Ed/Prog/Sampler. Requires: OS2.0+, MUI 3.6 and 68020. EMailWare - Aminet name: OptyCDPlay.lha |
48139 | OPTYCD20.LHA | 856,8 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | - | - | OptyCDPlayer 2.0 - CD Player/Ed/Prog/Sampler. Requires: OS2.0+, MUI 3.8+ and 68020. EMailWare - Aminet name: OptyCDPlay.lha |
48140 | ORDER108.LHA | 261,8 kt | 28.06.1998 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Ordering V1.08 - Powerful directory utility. Requires: OS2.04 or better, reqtools.library, powerpacker.library and whatis.library. - Aminet name: Ordering_v1.08.lha |
48141 | ORDER113.LHA | 298,7 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | - | - | Ordering V1.13 - Powerful directory utility. Requires: OS2.04 or better, reqtools.library, powerpacker.library and whatis.library. - Aminet name: Ordering_v1.13.lha |
48142 | OUTLIN11.LHA | 21,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | OutlineFont 1.1 - draws an outline around the icon labels on Workbench, increasing the readability on some background images. Req: OS3+, 68020+ - OutlineFontUpd.lha |
48143 | P50IB8A3.LHA | 483,7 kt | 25.04.1998 | - | - | - | PGP 5.0i b8a3 - International freeware of PGP 5.0. This archive contains everything you need to use the BETA version of PGP 5.0i on the AMIGA platform. - Req: 68020+ and FPU, 4mb fast ram, ixemul.library 47.0 and ixnet.library 47.0 (020 versions included). Original file name: pgp50i-amiga-bin.lha |
48144 | PASSWO20.LHA | 55,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Password 2.0 - Password Protection System for OS3.0 - Aminet name: Password_v20.lha |
48145 | PASSWO21.LHA | 55,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Password 2.1 - Password Protection System for OS3.0 - Aminet name: Password_v21.lha |
48146 | PASSWO31.LHA | 53,8 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | - | - | Password 3.10 - Password Protection System for OS3.0+ - Aminet name: Password_v310.lha |
48153 | PC-TASK4.LHA | 217,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | PC-TaskDemo 4.0 |
48147 | PCDDT431.LHA | 44,1 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | Datatype for Photo-CD Images (V43.1) |
48148 | PCDDT432.LHA | 60,7 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | - | - | PhotoCD-datatype v43.2 |
48149 | PCDMAN3C.LHA | 87,8 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | - | tupla | PCD Manager 3.0c - PCD2IFF converter with GUI A thumbnail builder with built-in selection for converting to IFF 24 or IFF 8. Shareware Aminet name: PCD_Manager_3c.lha |
48150 | PCT31DMO.LHA | 88,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | PC-Task - Hyvän PC-emulaattorin DEMO |
48151 | PCTASK41.LHA | 220,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | PC-Task 4.1 - 80486 PC Emulator using Dynamic Compilation. - Requires: OS2+, 68020+ Aminet name: PC-TaskDemo41.lha |
48152 | PCTASK42.LHA | 234,2 kt | 20.10.1997 | - | - | - | PC-Task 4.2 - 80486 PC Emulator using Dynamic Compilation. - Requires: OS2+, 68020+ Aminet name: PC-TaskDemo42.lha |
48154 | PDT43755.LHA | 262,7 kt | 28.02.1998 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Picture.datatype V43.755 for AGA/CGraphX Aminet name: PictDT43.lha |
48155 | PDT43757.LHA | 231,9 kt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Picture.datatype V43.757 for CyberGraphX. NOTE! cyberncg.library support for non CyberGraphX machines has been dropped. Original name: PictDT43-757.lha |
48156 | PEGASE11.LHA | 152,8 kt | 03.10.1998 | - | - | - | Pegase 1.1 - Fast MPEG audio encoder. Req: OS2+, FPU. - Aminet: Pegase.lha. |
48157 | PGP5GU16.LHA | 27,5 kt | 28.10.1998 | - | - | - | PGP5GUI 1.6 - MUI based GUI for PGP 5. Req: PGP 5, 68020+, MUI 3.8+ - pgp5gui-16.lha |
48158 | PGPGM101.LHA | 29,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | PGPgoesMUI V1.01 - GUI for the famous PGP. Requires: WB2.1, MUI3+ and PGP. - Aminet name: PGPgoesMUI101.lha |
48159 | PGPGM104.LHA | 36,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | PGPgoesMUI V1.04 - GUI for the famous PGP. Requires: WB2.1, MUI3+ and PGP. - Aminet name: PGPgoesMUI104.lha |
48160 | PGPGMU18.LHA | 49,1 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | PGPgoesMUI V1.8 - GUI for the famous PGP. Requires: WB2.1, MUI3+ and PGP. - Aminet name: pgpgoesmui.lha |
48161 | PGPYAM10.LHA | 12,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | PGPwithYAM 1.0 - Sign, encrypt & read PGP mails with YAM. - Req: OS3+, MUI3.8+, YAM. Aminet name: PGPwithYAM.lha |
48162 | PGPYAM11.LHA | 15,2 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | PGPwithYAM 1.1 - Sign, encrypt & read PGP mails with YAM. - Req: OS3+, MUI3.8+, YAM. Aminet name: PGPwithYAM.lha |
48163 | PGPYAM12.LHA | 12,9 kt | 13.07.1997 | - | - | - | PGPwithYAM 1.2 - Sign, encrypt & read PGP mails with YAM. - Req: OS3+, MUI3.8+, YAM. Aminet name: PGPwithYAM.lha |
48164 | PGPYAM15.LHA | 13,3 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | - | - | PGPwithYAM 1.5 - Sign, encrypt & read PGP mails with YAM. - Req: OS3+, MUI3.8+, YAM, PGP 2.6.3(i) - Aminet name: PGPwithYAM.lha |
48165 | PHALB33.LHA | 209,8 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | PhotoAlbum 3.3 - innovative new picture management software. CyberGraphX support. |
48166 | PHALB35A.LHA | 211,6 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | PhotoAlbum v3.5a - a picture cataloguer with selectable screenmode and support for all the universal formats. |
48167 | PHOTAL34.LHA | 210,9 kt | 26.01.1998 | - | - | - | PhotoAlbum v3.4 - a picture cataloger. Creates thumbnails from pictures and can show the full pictures via an external program (such as CyberShow). Demo version shows the pictures only in greyscale-mode. |
48168 | PHTAL33A.LHA | 210,1 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | PhotoAlbum v3.3a - a fast and intuitive picture management software for all Amigas with OS3.x. Supports up to 256 colors with AGA and up to 16777216 colors with CyberGFX. |
48169 | PHTALB41.LHA | 215,9 kt | 22.04.1998 | - | - | - | PhotoAlbum v4.1 - a picture cataloguer. |
48170 | PHXAS415.LHA | 287,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | PHXASS V4.15, 680x0/68851/6888x optimized macro assembler and linker. |
48171 | PHXASS36.LHA | 58,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | tupla | AUTI! PhxAss 3.60, hyva assembleri jokatukee 68000/20/30/40, 68881/82 ja 68581Sisaltaa Linkkerin. |
48176 | PIC96-18.LHA | 296,7 kt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Picasso96 1.8 - This archive contains all you need to get Picasso96 up and running on your Amiga. It offers support for many different Amiga graphics boards. - Requires: KS&WB 3.1, MC68020+, CyberVision 64, Domino, Merlin, oMniBus, Picasso II, Picasso II+, Picasso IV, Piccolo, Piccolo SD64 or Spectrum. - Aminet name: Picasso96.lha |
48172 | PIC96110.LHA | 296,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Picasso96 1.10 -This archive contains all you need to get Picasso96 up and running on your Amiga. It offers support for many different Amiga graphics boards. - Requires: KS&WB 3.1, MC68020+, CyberVision 64, Domino, Merlin, oMniBus, Picasso II, Picasso II+, Picasso IV, Piccolo, Piccolo SD64 or Spectrum. - Aminet |
48173 | PIC96112.LHA | 310,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Picasso96 1.12 -This archive contains all you need to get Picasso96 up and running on your Amiga. It offers support for many different Amiga graphics boards. - Requires: KS&WB 3.1, MC68020+, CyberVision 64, Domino, Merlin, oMniBus, Picasso II, Picasso II+, Picasso IV, Piccolo, Piccolo SD64 or Spectrum. - Aminet name: Picasso96.lha |
48174 | PIC96116.LHA | 315,8 kt | 07.09.1997 | - | - | - | Picasso96 1.16 -This archive contains all you need to get Picasso96 up and running on your Amiga. It offers support for many different Amiga graphics boards. - Requires: KS&WB 3.1, MC68020+, CyberVision 64, Domino, Merlin, oMniBus, Picasso II, Picasso II+, Picasso IV, Piccolo, Piccolo SD64 or Spectrum. - Aminet name: Picasso96.lha |
48175 | PIC96125.LHA | 333,4 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | Picasso96 system for Amiga graphics boards |
48177 | PICONS10.LHA | 13 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Power Icons 1.0+ - removes borders around WB-icons. |
48178 | PICVIEW2.LHA | 209,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 2.02 | aminet.net | tupla | PicView 2.01. Create picture catalogs. Requires OS3.0+ and MUI 3.0+. Supports CyberGraphX. |
48179 | PIONEER.LHA | 19,7 kt | 25.08.1998 | versio 0.71 | aminet.net | - | Pioneer 0.5 - Minimal offline HTML-Browser Req: OS3+, 68020+, Wizard.library. |
48180 | PJUUD100.LHA | 23,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | väärä koko | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | pj_uudecode 1.00 - Most compatible Amiga UUDecode. - Aminet name: pj_uudecode100.lha |
48181 | PLAY1616.LHA | 91 kt | 14.09.1997 | - | 20451/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 06 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-04][Skylink CD V].iso | tupla | Plays WAV, IFF, MAUD, etc, 14 bit output. |
48182 | PLMEM122.LHA | 21,2 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem v1.22 - a memory defragmentizer and RAM-disk patch. Patches memory allocation functions so the memory fragmentation will be halved! |
48200 | PNG_DT.LHA | 79,3 kt | 26.09.1998 | - | 26092/MACD 5.bin | tupla | PNG DataType v. 43.2 + docs |
48183 | PNG-BOX.LHA | 47,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21191/Excalibur_59_cd.bin | - | PNG-Box 1.00 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+ and SuperView-Library. |
48184 | PNGBX110.LHA | 47,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 1.10 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+ and SuperView-Library. Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48185 | PNGBX120.LHA | 50,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 1.20 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+ and SuperView-Library. Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48186 | PNGBX130.LHA | 50,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 1.30 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+ and SuperView-Library. Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48187 | PNGBX140.LHA | 50,5 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 1.40 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+ and SuperView-Library. NOTE! Requires PNG.svobject V4.9 (coming with SViewFix580.lha or any library version greater than V16.1). Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48188 | PNGBX150.LHA | 53,9 kt | 14.09.1997 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 1.50 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+ and SuperView-Library. Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48189 | PNGBX205.LHA | 55,8 kt | 27.09.1997 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 2.05 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+, superview.library V18+, superviewsupport.library 10+ (plus SVObjects, SVDrivers and SVOperators) and wizard.library V37+ - Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48190 | PNGBX206.LHA | 55,6 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 2.06 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+, superview.library V18+, superviewsupport.library 10+ (plus SVObjects, SVDrivers and SVOperators) and wizard.library V37+ - Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48191 | PNGBX261.LHA | 65,4 kt | 30.07.1998 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 2.61 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+, superview.library V19+, superviewsupport.library V11 (plus SVObjects, SVDrivers and SVOperators) and wizard.library V37+ - Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48192 | PNGBX300.LHA | 119,4 kt | 03.08.1998 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 3.00 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+, superview.library V19+, superviewsupport.library V11 (plus SVObjects, SVDrivers and SVOperators) and wizard.library V37+ - Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48193 | PNGBX301.LHA | 119,5 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 3.01 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+, superview.library V19+, superviewsupport.library V11 (plus SVObjects, SVDrivers and SVOperators) and wizard.library V37+ - Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48194 | PNGBX302.LHA | 117,2 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 3.02 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+, superview.library V19+, superviewsupport.library V11 (plus SVObjects, SVDrivers and SVOperators) and wizard.library V37+ - Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48195 | PNGBX310.LHA | 119 kt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 3.10 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+, superview.library V19+, superviewsupport.library V11 (plus SVObjects, SVDrivers and SVOperators) and wizard.library V37+ - Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48196 | PNGBX320.LHA | 158,7 kt | 02.12.1998 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 3.20 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+, superview.library V21+, superviewsupport.library V12 (plus SVObjects, SVDrivers and SVOperators) and wizard.library V37+ - Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48197 | PNGBX322.LHA | 158,6 kt | 04.01.1999 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 3.22 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+, superview.library V21+, superviewsupport.library V12 (plus SVObjects, SVDrivers and SVOperators) and wizard.library V37+ - Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48198 | PNGBX325.LHA | 157,8 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | - | - | PNG-Box 3.25 Converts graphics to PNG for WWW uses. Requires: OS2+, superview.library V22+, superviewsupport.library V13 (plus SVObjects, SVDrivers and SVOperators) and wizard.library V37+ - Shareware - Aminet name: PNG-Box.lha |
48199 | PNGDT441.LHA | 136,6 kt | 11.11.1998 | - | - | - | PNGdt 44.1 - PNG picture datatype, based on libpng 1.0.2 and zlib 1.1.3. Supports normal and interlaced PNGs, supports HAM output. Req: OS3+ - Aminet name: PNGdt44.lha |
48201 | PNGOVER2.LHA | 1,9 kt | 30.07.1997 | - | - | - | Info on PNG supporting software and back- ground. (19.7.97) - Aminet: PNG-Overview.lha |
48202 | PNGOVER3.LHA | 2 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | Info on PNG supporting software and back- ground. (28.7.97) - Aminet: PNG-Overview.lha |
48203 | PNGOVERV.LHA | 1,8 kt | 22.07.1997 | - | - | - | Info on PNG supporting software and back- ground. Aminet name: PNG-Overview.lha |
48204 | POINTERX.LHA | 23,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 4.17 | aminet.net | tupla | PointerX 4.15 - Animated Busy Pointer Hack. |
48205 | POLM1191.LHA | 27,6 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem v1.9.1 - tries to avoid memory fragmentation by replacing the AllocMem()-routine with a better one and improves the RAM-disk. |
48206 | POOL1411.LHA | 43,7 kt | 05.09.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem 1.41.1 - Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset. - Req: OS3+ - Aminet: PoolMem.lha |
48207 | POOL1412.LHA | 43,8 kt | 04.11.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem 1.41.2 - Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset. - Req: OS3+ - Aminet: PoolMem.lha |
48208 | POOL1413.LHA | 56,2 kt | 05.12.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem 1.41.3 - Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset. - Req: OS3+ - Aminet: PoolMem.lha |
48209 | POOLM119.LHA | 27,2 kt | 11.12.1997 | - | - | - | PoolMem 1.19 - the memory defragmentizer. Halves the memory fragmentation compared to original AllocP()-function and improves memory handling. |
48210 | POOLM120.LHA | 28,9 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem v1.20 - patch for optimizing memory fragmentation (will be even halved!). |
48211 | POOLM121.LHA | 29,1 kt | 18.03.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem v1.21- the ultimate AllocMem()-patch. Even halves the memory fragmentation and patches the RAM-disk whow the correct size instead of "100% full". |
48212 | POOLM130.LHA | 23,7 kt | 17.03.1998 | - | - | - | "PoolMem v1.30 - a memory defragmentizer. Patches memory-pools so the memory wont be fragmentized so much." |
48213 | POOLM132.LHA | 25,9 kt | 06.04.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem v1.32 - memory unfragmentizer patch. Patches memory-functions so the fragmentation will be halved! |
48214 | POOLM133.LHA | 32,8 kt | 17.04.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem v1.33 - a memory unfragmentizer patch. Patches memory pools so the memory fragmentation will be halved! |
48215 | POOLM134.LHA | 36,7 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem v1.34 - the memory unfragmentizer patch. Patches memorypools so the memory fragmentation will be halved. |
48216 | POOLM140.LHA | 37,2 kt | 17.07.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem 1.40 - Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset. - Req: OS3+ - Aminet: PoolMem.lha |
48217 | POOLM141.LHA | 42,8 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | PoolMem 1.41 - Memory defragmentizer/AllocP superset. - Req: OS3+ - Aminet: PoolMem.lha |
48218 | POST.LHA | 503,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Post - Ohjelma PostScript-tiedostojen katseluun ja tulostamiseen. Ks. MikroBitti 3/94. |
48221 | POV3C.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 10.12.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | PovRay 3.0, main archive. |
48219 | POV3C020.LHA | 305,7 kt | 10.12.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | PovRay 3.0, 020-version. |
48220 | POV3C040.LHA | 306,6 kt | 10.12.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | PovRay 3.0, 040-version. |
48222 | POVRAY_1.LHA | 1020,7 kt | 10.12.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | POV-Ray 2.2 - Ray-traceri Amigalle (1/3). Tässä paketissa kaikki mitä tarvitset alkuun. |
48223 | POVRAY_2.LHA | 2,3 Mt | 10.12.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | POV-Ray 2.2 - (2/3) |
48224 | POVRAY_3.LHA | 411,1 kt | 10.12.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | POV-Ray 2.2 - (3/3) |
48225 | POVRAY40.LHA | 115,1 kt | 10.12.1997 | - | aminet.net | tupla | Povray 68040-raytracer with HAM8 support, mukana C-sorsat |
48226 | PPAZIP.LHA | 69,9 kt | 06.09.1998 | - | 3293/Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso | - | Amiga Paraller Port ZIP Drive Adaptor v0.0 Archive contains instructions for building the interface (with some pictures) and the experimental driver software. |
48227 | PPCUNRAR.LHA | 46,4 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | 3295/Aminet 26 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Aug 1998].iso | - | Unpack .rar files (PPC) |
48228 | PPLIB376.LHA | 7 kt | 12.08.1997 | renamed | 26092/MACD 5.bin | - | Powerpacker.library 37.6 - 68020+ version. Aminet name: pplib020.lha |
48229 | PPP1_30.LHA | 111,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | PPP-ajuri (SANA-II yhteensopiva, sopii mm. AmiTCP:n kanssa käytettäväksi). |
48230 | PROCE213.LHA | 23,2 kt | 24.09.1998 | - | - | - | ProcessEvents II 1.3 - Event handler for Thor This is a complete new rewrite of the AREXX version, using C and MUI. - Req: THOR v2.x, MUI 3.8+, MCC_NList - ProcessEvents2.lha |
48231 | PROCEVEN.LHA | 17,6 kt | 03.05.1998 | - | - | - | ProcessEvents.br 1.3 - Event handler for Thor Req: THOR v2.4+ - Aminet: ProcessEvents.lha |
48232 | PROGED21.LHA | 491,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20454/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 09 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-07 & 08][EARSAN CD VIII].iso | tupla | "ProgED V2.1 (5.6.96) - Powerful Text editor Requirements: OS2.1680001Mb RAMHD (1.2 Mb free) Author: Giovanni Lambiase -Shareware This demo version cant save files." |
48233 | PRTHND41.LHA | 3,2 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | "PortHandler v4.01 - replacement for Commodores original Port-Handler." |
48234 | PSETF151.LHA | 19,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | PatchSetFunc 1.51 - Redirect SetFunction() to patch.library. Aminet name: PatchSetFunc.lha |
48235 | PTCH4FIX.LHA | 7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | patch.library V4.134 - Aminet name: PatchLibV4FIX.lha |
48236 | PTCHL529.LHA | 73,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | patch.library 5.29 BETA - High-level replacement for Setfunction() - Aminet name: PatchLib.lha |
48237 | PTCHR111.LHA | 3,7 kt | 24.06.1998 | - | - | - | PatchRAM v1.11 - patch RAM-disk to show the correct size. |
48238 | PWIN095.LHA | 186,8 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Power Windows 0.95. Allows you to move windows out of the screen. |
48239 | PWIN10.LHA | 261,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | PowerWindows 1.0 - allows you to move windows out of the screen. |
48241 | Q-BLUE22.LHA | 373,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | Q-Blue v2.2 BETA - Amiga offline mail reader that can read both QWK and Blue Wave packets. Still the best. New Internet enhancements! Requires AmigaDOS 2.04 or newer. Four reply limit until registered. $20. |
48240 | QATRA180.LHA | 72,8 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | QAmiTrack 1.80 - Online Amiga tracker. Allows you to see what other Amigas are online at the moment. - Req: OS2+, AmiTCP, amarquee.library v41+ - QAmiTrack1.80.lha |
48242 | QLIB-100.LHA | 32 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | QLib 1.00 - Show Ver/Rev of DTypes, Classes, Libs Etc. - Aminet name: qlib-v100.lha |
48243 | QT12.LHA | 210,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | QT 1.2 (18.11.96) - QuickTime player for AGA/ CyberGFX. - Requires: OS3.0+, 68020+, AGA or CyberGFX, lots of memory. |
48244 | QT13.LHA | 251 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | QT 1.3 - QuickTime player for AGA/CyberGFX. Requires: OS3.0+, 68020+, AGA or CyberGFX, lots of memory. |
48245 | RAYST020.LHA | 579 kt | 23.11.1997 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | tupla | RayStorm 1.7. 020-version. |
48246 | RAYST040.LHA | 551 kt | 23.11.1997 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | tupla | RayStorm 1.7. 040-version. |
48247 | RAYST881.LHA | 536 kt | 23.11.1997 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | tupla | RayStorm 1.7. 68881-version. |
48248 | RAYSTEX.LHA | 287,2 kt | 23.11.1997 | versio 1.2 | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | RayStorm 1.7. Examples. |
48249 | RECAT150.LHA | 26,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | ReCatIt 1.50 - The IFF-CTLG ".catalog" Editor Requires: OS2+ - Aminet name: ReCatIt.lha |
48250 | RECATI21.LHA | 43,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | ReCatIt 2.10 - ".catalog" and ".cd" Editor. Requires: OS2+ - Aminet name: ReCatIt.lha |
48251 | REQ26USR.LHA | 161,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | ReqTools 2.6 - the requester toolkit (user) A standard Amiga shared runtime library which makes it a lot quicker and easier to build standard requesters into your programs. - Authors: Nico Francois and Magnus Holmgren - Shareware |
48252 | REQ27USR.LHA | 156,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | ReqTools 2.7 - the requester toolkit (user) Aminet name: ReqToolsUsr.lha |
48253 | REQ28USR.LHA | 166,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | ReqTools 2.8 - the requester toolkit. Aminet name: ReqToolsUsr.lha |
48256 | REQCH.LHA | 6,8 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | tupla | ReqCh 40.1 - Replacement for C:RequestChoice. |
48254 | REQCH311.LHA | 256,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | ReqChange 3.11 - Patch the OS to use ReqTools Requires: OS2+ - Aminet ReqChange.lha |
48255 | REQCHA34.LHA | 197,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | ReqChange V3.4 OS Utility; Makes system use Reqtools requesters; Requires OS 2.04+; Shareware cmh@augs.se |
48257 | REXXDOSU.LHA | 30,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | RexxDosSupport 3.3 (6.3.96) ARexx function library for accessing Dos V37+ functions. Amungst are ReadArgs(), GetVar() etc. and pattern matching. |
48258 | RIPPLE10.LHA | 57,6 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | - | - | Funky rippling water effect on your WBscreen |
48259 | RIPPLE11.LHA | 57,8 kt | 09.12.1997 | - | - | - | Ripple 1.1 - rippling water effect on your Workbench screen. Requires 020+, special versions for 040/060 and 881/882 are included. |
48260 | RO-V123.LHA | 335,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | - | Ro 1.23 (11.9.96) - A MUI-based filemanager. Fully user-configurable file manager for OS2+ Requires: MUI 3.3 or newer. - Shareware. Aminet name: RO_V123.lha |
48261 | RO-V124.LHA | 336,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | Ro 1.24 (28.11.96) - A MUI-based filemanager. Fully user-configurable file manager for OS2+ Requires: MUI 3.3 or newer. - Shareware. Aminet name: RO_v124.lha |
48262 | RSTORM60.LHA | 684,5 kt | 23.11.1997 | - | - | - | 060-prosessorille optimoitu Amigan renderointiohjelma. |
48268 | RTGM-DEV.LHA | 504,2 kt | 22.10.1997 | - | - | - | RTGMaster, developer archive. |
48269 | RTGM-DRV.LHA | 115,9 kt | 22.10.1997 | - | - | - | RTGMaster, Drivers. |
48271 | RTGM-USR.LHA | 208,8 kt | 22.10.1997 | - | - | - | "RTGMasterUsers archive." |
48263 | RTGM27U.LHA | 207,7 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | "RTGMaster.library v27.0users archive." |
48264 | RTGM350U.LHA | 392,2 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | "RTGMaster.library v35.0users archive." |
48265 | RTGM370U.LHA | 363 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | "RTGMaster.library v37.0users archive." |
48266 | RTGM400U.LHA | 364,8 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | "rtgmaster.library v40.0 users archive" |
48267 | RTGM410U.LHA | 370,1 kt | 15.10.1998 | - | - | - | Rtgmaster.library V41.0 - User Archive. Library system to make GFX Board Compatible Game Coding easy - Aminet: rtgmaster_user.lha |
48270 | RTGMU320.LHA | 318,9 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | "RTGMaster.library v32.0users archive." |
48272 | RTGMV13.LHA | 387,1 kt | 22.10.1997 | - | aminet.net | - | rtgmaster.library v13.0 - library system to enable demo/game authors to write GFX Board compatible games/demos very easy. |
48273 | RTWATC15.LHA | 17,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | RealTimeWatch V1.5 - BattClock Watchdog. Requires: OS2+, hardware clock. Aminet name: RTWatch.lha |
48274 | RXMBPF12.LHA | 33,4 kt | 08.11.1998 | - | - | - | Rxmiamibpf.library 1.2 - ARexx bpf packet filter API. - Req: Miami 2+ (registered), rxsocket.library - Aminet: rxmiamibpf.lha |
48275 | RXSOCK45.LHA | 47,1 kt | 08.11.1998 | - | - | - | Rxsocket 4.5 - rxsocket.library that offers bsdsocket.library functions to ARexx in a pretty good resource tracking environment. Req: OS2+, TCP/IP stack. - rxsocket.lha |
48276 | RXSOCK63.LHA | 66 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | Rxsocket 6.3 - rxsocket.library that offers bsdsocket.library functions to ARexx in a pretty good resource tracking environment. Req: OS2+, TCP/IP stack. - rxsocket.lha |
48277 | RXSOCK67.LHA | 70,7 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | - | - | Rxsocket 6.7 - rxsocket.library that offers bsdsocket.library functions to ARexx in a pretty good resource tracking environment. Req: OS2+, TCP/IP stack. - rxsocket.lha |
48278 | S2HTML03.LHA | 32,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Saku2HTML - paranneltu versio,+kuvat mukaan. |
48279 | SADOM010.LHA | 56,8 kt | 18.01.1998 | - | - | - | SadoModem 0.10 - Smodem-implementation for Cnet 3.05c and above. |
48280 | SAFEEDIT.LHA | 2,2 kt | 08.10.1998 | - | 3295/Aminet 26 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Aug 1998].iso | - | SafeEdit 1.1 - Prevents posting unedited messages with Thor. |
48281 | SAKUSPEC.TXT | 11,8 kt | 16.01.1999 | - | amigazone.fi/saku/arkisto | tupla | Levyke-Sakun formaatin spesifikaatiot 1.8.98 |
48282 | SAVI0612.LHA | 153,5 kt | 22.10.1998 | - | - | - | Savage-Installer 0.6b r12 New implementation of C= installer with many new features. Requires: MUI 3.8+ - Aminet: SavInstaller.lha |
48283 | SAVI0614.LHA | 167,1 kt | 05.12.1998 | - | - | - | Savage-Installer 0.6b r14 New implementation of C= installer with many new features. Requires: MUI 3.8+ - Aminet: SavInstaller.lha |
48284 | SAVI06R6.LHA | 150,5 kt | 27.09.1998 | - | - | - | Savage-Installer 0.6b r6 - New implementation of C= installer with many new features. Requires: MUI 3.8+ - Aminet: SavInstaller.lha |
48285 | SAVI06R7.LHA | 153 kt | 04.10.1998 | - | - | - | Savage-Installer 0.6b r7 - New implementation of C= installer with many new features. Requires: MUI 3.8+ - Aminet: SavInstaller.lha |
48286 | SAVI0710.LHA | 158,1 kt | 07.02.1999 | - | - | - | Savage-Installer 0.7 r10 - New implementation of C= installer with many new features. Requires: MUI 3.8+ - Aminet: SavInstaller.lha |
48287 | SAVI0714.LHA | 192 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | - | - | Savage-Installer 0.7 r14 - New implementation of C= installer with many new features. Requires: MUI 3.8+ - Aminet: SavInstaller.lha |
48288 | SAVI07R5.LHA | 157,7 kt | 19.12.1998 | - | - | - | Savage-Installer 0.7b r5 - New implementation of C= installer with many new features. Requires: MUI 3.8+ - Aminet: SavInstaller.lha |
48289 | SBOX24B2.LHA | 127,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | SoundBox V2.4 á 2 (4.4.96) - The ultimate sample converter. IFF, VOC, WAVE, AIFF, MAUD, Maestro and RAW is supported. And it plays 14 bit. - Requires: OS2.04+ - Author: Richard Körber - Shareware - Name: SoundBox24b2.lha |
48290 | SCOUT20.LHA | 252,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 3321/Aminet 5 - March 1995.iso | tupla | Scout V2.0 - System monitor. Allows youto monitor your computer system. It displays many different things - like tasks, ports, assigns, expansion boards, resident commands, interrupts, etc. - and you can perform some certain actions on them like fre eze tasks, close windows and screens, release semaphores or remove locks, ports and interrupts. SupportsMUI and AmiTCP. |
48291 | SCRTAB30.LHA | 183,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | ScreenTab 3.0 - "Alt+Tab"-feature and Win95- like taskbar. - Requires: OS2+, prefs program needs MUI 3.6+. - Aminet: ScreenTab_3_0.lha |
48292 | SCRTAB31.LHA | 293,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | väärä koko | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | ScreenTab 3.1 - "Alt+Tab"-feature and Win95- like taskbar. - Requires: OS2+, prefs program needs MUI 3.6+. - Aminet: ScreenTab_3_1.lha |
48293 | SCTRX20.LHA | 646,8 kt | 04.04.1999 | - | - | - | ScanTrax v2.0 - Scanner program for Epson & HP scanners. |
48294 | SEGU0814.LHA | 21,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SearchGuide - Search-toiminto Amiga- Guide-dokumentteihin. Kannattaa ottaa myös Arexx-scripti AddSearchGuide (MBnetissä ADDSRCGU.LHA) jolla on helppo lisätä Search- Guiden tarvitsema painike AmigaGuide-tiedos- toon. - Ei kaadu enää OS2.x kanssa! - |
48295 | SERPR251.LHA | 52 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SerialPrefs V2.51 - serial preferences for WB Freeware - Aminet name: SerialPrefs251.lha |
48296 | SERPR252.LHA | 55 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | SerialPrefs V2.52 - Serial preferences for WB Freeware - Aminet name: SerialPrefs252.lha |
48297 | SERPR28.LHA | 60,5 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | - | Serial Preferences 2.8 - extended serial preferences for Workbench. |
48298 | SERPR401.LHA | 52,6 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | SerialPrefs v4.01 - improved serial preferences for Workbench. |
48299 | SERPR402.LHA | 71,6 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | SerialPreferences v40.2 - an improved serial preferences-program for Workbench with support for high speeds (more than 115200bps) and great looking GUI. |
48300 | SERPR403.LHA | 69,3 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | SerPrefs v40.3 - improved serial preferences for Workbench. No more speed limitations, more options, optimized code and great-looking GUI. |
48301 | SERPRE23.LHA | 40,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | väärä koko | Turran - Boondox_BBS | eritupla¹ | SerialPrefs V2.3 - serial preferences for WB. Freeware - Aminet name: SerialPrefs23.lha |
48302 | SERPRE25.LHA | 51,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | SerialPrefs V2.5 - serial preferences for WB. Freeware - Aminet name: SerialPrefs25.lha |
48303 | SERPRE26.LHA | 59,6 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | SerialPrefs v2.6 - Serial preferences for WB. Freeware - Aminet name: SerialPrefs26.lha. |
48304 | SFIND11.LHA | 37,8 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | SimpleFind 1.1 - a filefinder-utility. |
48305 | SGRAB14.LHA | 27,2 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | SGrab v1.4 - Window/screengrabber based on CyberGrab. Requires at least AmigaOS 2.0 and 68020. |
48306 | SHADOW09.LHA | 3,4 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | Shadow v0.9 - shadow-creator for ImageFX. |
48307 | SHADOW10.LHA | 3,6 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | soft shadows v.1.0 (flexible IFX script) |
48308 | SHAPES36.LHA | 235,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | ShapeShifter V3.6, Macintosh II emulator. Multitasking shareware Macintosh-II emulator for Amiga computer. It allows to run Macintosh software concurrently to Amiga application without hardware add-ons or modifications. 256 colors on AGA Amigas (16 colors on ECS) and up to 16,7 million colors on graphics cards - No MMU required. - Req. OS2.1+, 68020+, 4MB of RAM, HD floppy drive recommended. -Aminet name: ShapeShifter36.lha |
48309 | SHAPES38.LHA | 243,7 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | ShapeShifter V3.8, Macintosh II emulator. Multitasking shareware Macintosh-II emulator for Amiga computer. - Req. OS2.1+, 68020+, Mac ROM image, 4MB of RAM, HD floppy drive recommended. - Aminet: ShapeShifter38.lha |
48310 | SHAPES39.LHA | 243,4 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | - | - | Macintosh II emulator, V3.9. Requires AmigaOS 2.1, 68020, MacOS 7.x, Mac ROM image. Aminet name: Shapeshifter39.lha |
48311 | SHARKSRT.LHA | 20,3 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | SHARKSort - a fast file/text sorter with support for up to 10000 files! |
48314 | SINED.LHA | 189,9 kt | 07.11.1997 | versio 1.0 | 21193/Excalibur_61_cd.bin | - | SinEd 1.01, sample editor. |
48312 | SINED110.LHA | 196,8 kt | 07.11.1997 | - | - | - | SinED v1.10 - a sample and waveform editor. |
48313 | SINED117.LHA | 223,7 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | SinED 1.17 - powerful 16-bit sample-editor / generator. |
48316 | SIP-220.LHA | 35,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | SIP 2.20OS UtilitySystem Information Program - MonitorOS V2.04+ Freeware |
48317 | SKHTTP20.LHA | 4,8 kt | 02.12.1998 | - | - | - | SeekHTTP v2.0 - ARexx-script, which searches textfiles for HTTP-addresses and writes them to separate files. |
48318 | SKIMMER.LHA | 85,5 kt | 28.10.1998 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Skimmer 1.32 - Locate unused Amiga .libraries in LIBS:. - Req: OS2+, ReqTools.library V38 (included). |
48319 | SLOS2.LHA | 22,1 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | StreamLineOS 2 - dynamic system speeduppatch. |
48320 | SMEARS08.LHA | 4 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | smear shadows v.0.8 (flexible IFX script) |
48321 | SMODEM13.LHA | 28,8 kt | 16.11.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | SModem/AmigaOS V1.00 rev 3 Bi-directional file transfer protocol with chat. Works on Telnet, Rlogin and screen, as well as on traditional 8 bit clean lines. Includes scripts for Term, Terminus & NComm. >Performance rate 99.5%!< |
48322 | SMSH07.LHA | 3,7 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | SmearShadow v0.7 - create smeared shadows with ImageFX. Meant especially for WWW-publishing. |
48323 | SNDBX28B.LHA | 158,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SoundBox 2.8b - Ultimate sample converter. RAW, IFF, VOC, WAVE, AIFF, AIFC, MAUD and Maestro is supported. - Req: OS2+, ARexx. Aminet name: SoundBox.lha |
48324 | SNDT3936.LHA | 17,5 kt | 03.07.1997 | - | - | - | sound.datatype 39.36 - New sound.datatype with fixes for OS3.0. - Aminet: SoundDT.lha |
48325 | SNDT4042.LHA | 16,6 kt | 11.11.1998 | - | - | - | sound.datatype 40.42 - New sound.datatype with fixes for OS3.0. - NEW: Use fast RAM for sample data under AmigaOS 3.0 - SoundDT.lha |
48326 | SOUND413.LHA | 27,2 kt | 02.12.1998 | - | - | - | Sound.datatype 41.3 - New sound.datatype with fixes for OS3.0 - Aminet: SoundDT41.lha |
48327 | SOUNDDT.LHA | 7,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20458/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 13 (1996)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1996-12][PLANET CD III].iso | - | sound.datatype 39.30 - New sound.datatype with fixes for OS3.0. |
48328 | SPDCHI10.LHA | 2,8 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | SpeedyChip 1.06 - speeds up 060-chip memory writes by inhibiting the cache. |
48329 | SSPD231.LHA | 359 kt | 09.09.1997 | - | 20467/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 22 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-10 & 11][EAR-CD VI].iso | - | SysSpeed 2.31 - Nopeustestiohjelma, jonka yli sata eri nopeustestiä mittaavat grafiikkaa, prosessoritehoa, muistia ja massamuisteja. Vaatii: AmigaOS 2.0+, 2+ Mt muistia, MUI 3+. |
48330 | SSPEED15.LHA | 334,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20459/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 14 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-01][PLANET CD IV].iso | - | SysSpeed 1.5 (15.9.96) - Yli 100 nopeustestiä Voit myös luoda moduleita AIBB:n tapaan. Tämä ohjelma tunnistaa myös 060:n. -Vaatii: OS2.0+ vähintään 2MB muistia, MUI 2.1+. - Freeware |
48331 | SSPEED20.LHA | 349 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20462/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso | - | SysSpeed 2.0 (7.12.96) - Yli 100 nopeustestiä Vaatii: OS2.0+, vähintään 2MB muistia, MUI 3+ Freeware |
48332 | SSPEED21.LHA | 349,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20460/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso | tupla | SysSpeed 2.1 (3.1.97) - Yli 100 nopeustestiä Vaatii: OS2.0+, vähintään 2MB muistia, MUI 3+ Freeware |
48333 | SSPEED22.LHA | 353,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | SysSpeed 2.2 - Nopeustesteri. Yli 100 nopeus- testiä - Vaatii: OS2.0+, 2MB muistia, MUI 3+ |
48334 | SSPEED24.LHA | 361,8 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | 3291/Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso | - | SysSpeed 2.4 - Nopeustesteri. Yli 100 nopeus- testi - Vaatii: OS2.0+, 2MB muistia, MUI 3+ |
48335 | STCTR230.LHA | 106,1 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | StartupControl v2.30 - a fully configurableboottime-controller and startup-selector. |
48339 | STFAX.LHA | 161,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | STFax 1.187 (17.2.97) Nice, handy user interface; Phonebook, Scheduler, Reports, ARexx port, Datatypes support for image conversion, On-line help, Printer driver to redirect all print-outs to a fax file, etc... This program is SHAREWARE. |
48336 | STFAX20.LHA | 251,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | STFax 2.0 - Class 2 Fax program for Amiga. |
48337 | STFAX217.LHA | 255,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | STFax 2.17 - Class 2 Fax program for Amiga. Nice, handy user interface y Phonebook y Scheduler y Reports y ARexx port y Datatypes support for image conversion y On-line help y Printer driver to redirect all print-outs to a fax file. - Shareware - Aminet: STFax.lha |
48338 | STFAX241.LHA | 268,2 kt | 13.07.1997 | - | - | - | STFax 2.41 - Class 2 Fax program for Amiga. Nice, handy user interface ù Phonebook ù Scheduler ù Reports ù ARexx port ù Datatypes support for image conversion ù On-line help ù Printer driver to redirect all print-outs to a fax file. - Shareware - Aminet: STFax.lha |
48340 | STFX1302.LHA | 193,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | STFax 1.302 - User-friendly fax program. Nice, handy user interface ù Phonebook ù Scheduler ù Reports ù ARexx port ù Datatypes support for image conversion ù On-line help ù Printer driver to redirect all print-outs to a fax file. - Shareware - Aminet: STFax.lha |
48341 | STFX1360.LHA | 204,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | STFax 1.360 - User-friendly fax program. Nice, handy user interface ù Phonebook ù Scheduler ù Reports ù ARexx port ù Datatypes support for image conversion ù On-line help ù Printer driver to redirect all print-outs to a fax file. - Shareware - Aminet: STFax.lha |
48342 | STREAM18.LHA | 12,1 kt | 22.10.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | StreamLineOS 1.8 - System SpeedUp patch. Analyses every library/device in the system and looks for optimizations which have been missed. If it finds any it will patch them to use faster code. Aminet: StreamLineOS.lha. |
48343 | STREAMLI.LHA | 7,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | - | StreamLineOS 1.0 - System SpeedUp Patch. Requires: OS2.0+ - Aminet: StreamLineOS.lha |
48344 | STRLNOS2.LHA | 21,7 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | - | - | StreamLineOS 2.0 - patches system functions and makes them faster. Version 2.0 is a commodity which patches the functions on-the-fly. Shareware version (has a time limit). |
48345 | STUPCT13.LHA | 16,5 kt | 20.10.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | StartupControl v1.3 - provides a variety of functions to modify startup process. Aminet file name: StartupCtrl1_3.lha. |
48346 | SUNDTYPE.LHA | 17,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | sun.datatype V43.0 (15.2.96) Needs OS3.0+ |
48347 | SVFIX580.LHA | 50,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Fix for SuperView V5.80 + Library 16.1. Do not use it with any other versions! Amimet name: SViewFix580.lha |
48348 | SVIEW569.LHA | 901 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SuperView V5.69 (21.11.96) SuperView display/ convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. - Requires: OS2.04+ - SHAREWARE Aminet name: SView.lha |
48349 | SVIEW570.LHA | 897,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SuperView V5.70 (30.11.96) SuperView display/ convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. - Requires: OS2.04+ - SHAREWARE Aminet name: SView.lha |
48350 | SVIEW571.LHA | 917 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | SuperView V5.71 (1.1.97) SuperView display/ convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. - Requires: OS2.04+ - SHAREWARE Aminet name: SView.lha |
48351 | SVIEW572.LHA | 922,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SuperView V5.72 - SuperView display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Requires: OS2.04+ - Aminet name: SView.lha |
48352 | SVIEW573.LHA | 900 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SuperView V5.73 - SuperView display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Requires: OS2.04+ - Aminet name: SView.lha |
48353 | SVIEW580.LHA | 909,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SuperView V5.80 - SuperView display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Requires: OS2.04+ - Aminet name: SView.lha |
48354 | SVIEW581.LHA | 912,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SuperView V5.81 + Library 16.2 SuperView display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. - Req: OS2.04+ Aminet name: SView.lha |
48355 | SVIEW600.LHA | 893,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 6.00 + Library 16.2 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - SViewNG.lha |
48356 | SVIEW620.LHA | 738,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 6.20 + Library 16.3 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - SViewNG.lha |
48357 | SVIEW621.LHA | 762 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 6.21 + Library 16.4 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - SViewNG.lha |
48358 | SVIEW700.LHA | 774,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.00 + Library 17.1 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Through SuperView-Library actively supports PowerPC (TM) via powerUP (TM) - Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - Aminet: SViewNG.lha |
48359 | SVIEW710.LHA | 788,6 kt | 07.07.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.10 + Library 17.2 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Through SuperView-Library actively supports PowerPC (TM) via powerUP (TM) - Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - Aminet: SViewNG.lha |
48360 | SVIEW712.LHA | 802,3 kt | 22.07.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.12 + Library 17.4 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Through SuperView-Library actively supports PowerPC (TM) via powerUP (TM) - Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - Aminet: SViewNG.lha |
48361 | SVIEW714.LHA | 804,8 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.14 + Library 17.5 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Through SuperView-Library actively supports PowerPC (TM) via powerUP (TM) - Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - Aminet: SViewNG.lha |
48362 | SVIEW717.LHA | 816,7 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.17 + Library 17.9 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Through SuperView-Library actively supports PowerPC (TM) via powerUP (TM) - Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - Aminet: SViewNG.lha |
48363 | SVIEW720.LHA | 803,5 kt | 09.09.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.20 + Library 18.1 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Through SuperView-Library actively supports PowerPC (TM) via powerUP (TM) - Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - Aminet: SViewNG.lha |
48364 | SVIEW721.LHA | 806,1 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.21 + Library 18.2 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Through SuperView-Library actively supports PowerPC (TM) via powerUP (TM) - Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - Aminet: SViewNG.lha |
48365 | SVIEW722.LHA | 824,1 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.22 + Library 19.1 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Through SuperView-Library actively supports PowerPC (TM) via powerUP (TM) - Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - Aminet: SViewNG.lha |
48366 | SVIEW724.LHA | 835,7 kt | 07.11.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.24 + Library 19.3 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Through SuperView-Library actively supports PowerPC (TM) via powerUP (TM) - Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - Aminet: SViewNG.lha |
48367 | SVIEW730.LHA | 854,3 kt | 09.12.1997 | - | - | - | SViewNG v7.30 - a multiformat picture viewer and converter with PowerUp(TM)-support and modular design. Shareware version. |
48368 | SVIEW735.LHA | 857,5 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | SViewNG v7.35 - a multiformat picture viewer and converter with many filters. Supports PPC! Shareware version. |
48369 | SVIEW771.LHA | 923,7 kt | 03.08.1998 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.71 + Library 21.5 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - SViewNG.lha |
48370 | SVIEW772.LHA | 945,6 kt | 12.08.1998 | - | - | - | SViewNG 7.72 + Library 21.6 - Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Req: OS2+, wizard.library V37+ - SViewNG.lha |
48371 | SVII8001.LHA | 285,2 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.00 - (part 1/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Req: OS2+, superviewsupport.library V11+, superview.library V19+, wizard.library V37+. This archive contains: Main program, Tools, SuperView-Library. - Aminet name: SvII-1.lha |
48372 | SVII8002.LHA | 235,9 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.00 - (part 2/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: Documentation files. Aminet name: SvII-2.lha |
48373 | SVII8003.LHA | 38 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.00 - (part 3/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: SVDrivers. Aminet name: SvII-3.lha |
48374 | SVII8004.LHA | 48,3 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.00 - (part 4/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: SVOperators. Aminet name: SvII-4.lha |
48375 | SVII8005.LHA | 61,7 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | "SViewII V8.00 - (part 5/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: SQs SVOperators. Aminet name: SvII-5.lha" |
48376 | SVII8006.LHA | 347,8 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.00 - (part 6/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: SVObjects. Aminet name: SvII-6.lha |
48377 | SVII8007.LHA | 113,8 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.00 - (part 7/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: 68030 optimized modules (SVObjects/Drivers/Operators). Aminet name: SvII-7.lha |
48378 | SVII8031.LHA | 292,6 kt | 13.09.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.03 - (part 1/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. Req: OS2+, superviewsupport.library V11+, superview.library V19+, wizard.library V37+. This archive contains: Main program, Tools, SuperView-Library. - Aminet name: SvII-1.lha |
48379 | SVII8032.LHA | 241,9 kt | 13.09.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.03 - (part 2/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: Documentation files. Aminet name: SvII-2.lha |
48380 | SVII8033.LHA | 38 kt | 13.09.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.03 - (part 3/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: SVDrivers. Aminet name: SvII-3.lha |
48381 | SVII8034.LHA | 48,3 kt | 13.09.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.03 - (part 4/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: SVOperators. Aminet name: SvII-4.lha |
48382 | SVII8035.LHA | 61,7 kt | 13.09.1998 | - | - | - | "SViewII V8.03 - (part 5/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: SQs SVOperators. Aminet name: SvII-5.lha" |
48383 | SVII8036.LHA | 347,8 kt | 13.09.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.03 - (part 6/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: SVObjects. Aminet name: SvII-6.lha |
48384 | SVII8037.LHA | 113,8 kt | 13.09.1998 | - | - | - | SViewII V8.03 - (part 7/7) Display/convert and process any kind of bitmapped graphics. This archive contains: 68030 optimized modules (SVObjects/Drivers/Operators). Aminet name: SvII-7.lha |
48385 | SVNG725.LHA | 843,3 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | SuperViewNG v7.25 - a multiformat picture viewer/converter with PowerUp(TM) support! |
48386 | SVNG750.LHA | 857,2 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | SViewNG v7.50 - a multiformat pictureviewer with PowerUp(TM)-support and several filters for image manipulating. Supports AGA and CyberGFX. |
48387 | SVNG755.LHA | 863,4 kt | 18.02.1998 | - | - | - | SViewNG v7.55 - a multiformat picture viewer and converter with support for PowerUp(TM) and many filters. |
48388 | SVNG760.LHA | 869,9 kt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | SViewNG v7.60 - a multiformat picture viewer and converter. Supports more than 20 different formats, has many filters for image manipulating, selectable screenmode... registered version includes PowerUp(TM)-support! |
48389 | SVNG765.LHA | 894,1 kt | 12.07.1998 | - | - | - | SViewNG v7.65 - a multiformat picture viewer and converter with PowerUp(TM)-support, selectable screenmode, AGA/CGFX-support, many filters for image processing... |
48390 | SVW37137.LHA | 45,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Wizard.library 37.137 - for use with SViewNG. Aminet name: SViewNGWiz.lha |
48391 | SVW38136.LHA | 85 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | Wizard.library 38.136 - for use with SViewNG. Aminet name: SViewNGWiz.lha |
48392 | SWOSED14.LHA | 190 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "SWOS Ed v1.4 MUI - SWOS Ed is team editor for Sensible World of Soccer. - Features: It uses MUI ù RNC depacking (SWOS data files are packed) you dont need use external utilities to depack these files. - Requires: OS2.0+ and MUI 3 - Author: Piotr Bieniek" |
48393 | SWOSED15.LHA | 129,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | "SWOS Ed v1.5 - SWOS Ed is team editor for Sensible World of Soccer. - Features: It uses MUI ù RNC depacking (SWOS data files are packed) you dont need use external utilities to depack these files. - Requires: OS2.0+ and MUI 3 - Aminet name: SWOSEd.lha" |
48394 | SYMP24F.LHA | 74,3 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | - | - | Free version of Symphonie 2.4, multichannel tracker to Amiga. Up to 256 channels! |
48395 | SYMPH31F.LHA | 93,9 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | - | - | Symphonie 3.1f, demo version. Symphonie is amultichannel-tracker (up to 256 physicalaudio channels!) with 3D-surround sound, sample anti-aliasing, realtime effects andmany other features. Supports even some"multimedia-extensions". |
48396 | SYSINS11.LHA | 113,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | SysInspector 1.1 - A new system monitor for AmigaOS. - Requires: OS3+, ClassAct BOOPSI classes installed on your system. Shareware. Aminet name: SysInspector11.lha |
48397 | SYSINS12.LHA | 118,3 kt | 15.11.1997 | - | - | - | SysInspector 1.2 - A new system monitor for AmigaOS. - Requires: OS3+, ClassAct BOOPSI classes installed on your system. Shareware. Aminet name: SysInspector12.lha |
48398 | SYSINS13.LHA | 114 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | SysInspector 1.3 - System monitor which shows all data about your machine. You can also modify task lists via SysInspector. |
48399 | T47A-PCH.LHA | 655,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "Term 4.7a patch - Updates `term4.7 to 4.7a Aminet name: term_47a_pch.lha" |
48400 | T47B-PCH.LHA | 721,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | "Term 4.7b patch - Updates `term4.7 to 4.7b Patch files must be applied to the original v4.7 files as found on Aminet. They cannot be applied to recompiled versions or to files which already have the v4.7a patch applied. Aminet name: term_47b_pch.lha" |
48401 | TASKPIE.LHA | 12,9 kt | 22.06.1998 | - | aminet.net | - | TaskPie - shows CPU-load as a pie chart. |
48402 | TEXTV118.LHA | 60,5 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | TextView v1.18 - a multiformat text viewer with ANSI/AmigaGuide-support. |
48403 | TEXTV119.LHA | 60,6 kt | 15.10.1998 | - | - | - | TextView 1.19 - a textviewer with ANSI/AmigaGuide-support. |
48404 | THOR24AR.LHA | 130,1 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | THOR 2.4 -Optional ARexx scripts for THOR 2.4 Aminet name: thor24_arexx.lha |
48405 | THOR24BB.LHA | 78,2 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | THOR 2.4 - BBS archive for THOR 2.4 (QWK/FIDO/BLUE/ABBS/MBBS/OMEN/HIPPO) Aminet name: thor24_bbs.lha |
48406 | THOR24IN.LHA | 224 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | THOR 2.4 - Internet archive for THOR 2.4 (TCP/SOUP/UUCP) - Aminet: thor24_inet.lha |
48407 | THOR24MA.LHA | 817,7 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | THOR 2.4 - Multi-format offline reader, main archive (required). Supporting the QWK, Fido, UUCP, SOUP, Bluewave, Omen, ABBS, MBBS and Hippo (BBBS) message formats.. It will also handle TCP-connections with NNTP, SMTP and POP3, with extensive MIME support. Shareware Aminet name: thor24_bbs.lha |
48408 | THOR25AR.LHA | 139,8 kt | 28.02.1999 | - | - | - | THOR 2.5 - Optional ARexx scripts. Aminet name: thor25_arexx.lha |
48409 | THOR25BB.LHA | 84,3 kt | 28.02.1999 | - | - | - | THOR 2.5 - BBS archive (QWK/FIDO/BLUE/ABBS/ MBBS/OMEN/HIPPO). Aminet name: thor25_bbs.lha |
48410 | THOR25IN.LHA | 111,3 kt | 28.02.1999 | - | - | - | THOR 2.5 - Internet archive (TCP/SOUP/UUCP) Aminet: thor25_inet.lha |
48411 | THOR25MA.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 28.02.1999 | - | - | - | THOR 2.5 - Multi-format offline reader. Main archive (required). Supporting the QWK, Fido, UUCP, SOUP, Bluewave, Omen, ABBS, MBBS and Hippo (BBBS) message formats.. It will also handle TCP-connections with NNTP, SMTP and POP3, with extensive MIME support. Shareware Aminet name: thor25_main.lha |
48412 | THOR25UP.LHA | 359 kt | 28.02.1999 | - | - | - | THOR 2.5a upgrade. Requires THOR 2.5 already installed. - Aminet name: thor25upd.lha |
48413 | THORBBSR.LHA | 63,9 kt | 28.02.1999 | - | - | - | THOR 2.5a - bbsread.library 5.63. Small update to bbsread.library in THOR 2.5a Aminet name: bbsread_update.lha |
48414 | THORSALV.LHA | 3 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | ThorSalv 1.0 - Fixes corrupt THOR databases. |
48415 | TM30BIN.LHA | 89,6 kt | 04.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ToolManager 3.0 - Binaries (is requires). Lets you start your tools in a very easy way. Requires: OS3.0+, MUI3.7+. Aminet name: ToolManagerBin.lha. |
48416 | TM30EXT.LHA | 19,1 kt | 04.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ToolManager 3.0 - Additional files. (optional) Archive contains: dospath.library v1.0, wbstart.library v2.2 and pop*.mcc v0.3. Aminet name: ToolManagerExt.lha. |
48417 | TM30LOC1.LHA | 93,4 kt | 04.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | ToolManager 3.0 R1 - Localization (optional) Translations of the program texts and the documentation. Supported languages: english and deutch - ToolManagerLoc.lha. |
48418 | TM30PM04.LHA | 14,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Pop*.mcc 0.4 update for Toolmanager 3.0. Aminet name: TM30_PopMCCs.lha |
48419 | TM30PM06.LHA | 28,3 kt | 04.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Pop*.mcc 0.6 update for ToolManager 3.0. Aminet Name: TM30_PopMCCs.lha. |
48420 | TMATH432.LHA | 2,1 kt | 19.11.1997 | - | - | - | TMathtrans.library v43.2 - faster mathtrans.library for 6888(1/2). |
48421 | TOLLEU16.LHA | 84,2 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | tupla | TolleUhr 1.6. Very configurable clock forWB. |
48422 | TRAGICWB.LHA | 7,6 kt | 12.08.1997 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | tupla | TragicWB is a substitute for MWB-demon. |
48423 | TREKDA24.LHA | 370,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | TrekkieData 2.4 - Datafile for Trekkie. NOTE! You need at least TREKKIE V2.6 to load this datafile! - Aminet name: TrekkieData.lha |
48424 | TREKDA25.LHA | 464,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | TrekkieData 2.5 - Datafile for Trekkie. NOTE! You need at least TREKKIE V2.6 to load this datafile! - Aminet name: TrekkieData.lha |
48425 | TREKI210.LHA | 789,1 kt | 08.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Trekkie 2.10 (data 2.8) - Star Trek Database, that offers the possibility to manage all the Star Trek episodes. - Requires: OS3+, 68020+ and at least 2 MB RAM. - Aminet: Trekkie.lha |
48426 | TREKIE26.LHA | 90,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Trekkie 2.6 - Star Trek Database, that offers the possibility to manage all the Star Trek episodes. - Requires: OS3+, 68020+ and at least 2 MB RAM. - Aminet name: Trekkie.lha |
48427 | TREKIE27.LHA | 92,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Trekkie 2.7 - Star Trek Database, that offers the possibility to manage all the Star Trek episodes. - Requires: OS3+, 68020+ and at least 2 MB RAM. - Aminet name: Trekkie.lha |
48428 | TREKIE28.LHA | 573,9 kt | 24.07.1997 | - | - | - | Trekkie 2.8 (data 2.6) - Star Trek Database, that offers the possibility to manage all the Star Trek episodes. - Requires: OS3+, 68020+ and at least 2 MB RAM. - NOTE! The datafile is now included in this archive. Trekkie.lha |
48429 | TREKIE29.LHA | 659,7 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | - | - | Trekkie 2.9 (data 2.7) - Star Trek Database, that offers the possibility to manage all the Star Trek episodes. - Requires: OS3+, 68020+ and at least 2 MB RAM. - NOTE! The datafile is included in this archive. - Trekkie.lha |
48430 | TRMS20E.LHA | 489,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Terminus 2.0a; näppärä pääteohjelma Amigalle |
48431 | TRSIVW63.LHA | 613,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | tupla | VirusWorkshop 6.3 (22.9.96) - Viruskilleri. |
48432 | TRSIVW64.LHA | 608,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 20463/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 18 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-05][EAR-CD II].iso | - | VirusWorkshop 6.4 (12.1.97) - Viruskilleri. |
48433 | TRSIVW65.LHA | 609,5 kt | 03.07.1997 | - | 20465/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 20 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-07 & 08][EAR-CD IV].iso | - | VirusWorkshop 6.5 (02.04.97) - Viruskilleri. |
48434 | TRSIVW66.LHA | 649,5 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | 21194/Excalibur_62_cd.bin | - | VirusWorkshop 6.6 (30.6.97) - Viruskilleri. |
48435 | TTFLI062.LHA | 195,4 kt | 08.10.1998 | - | - | - | Ttf.library v0.6.2 - truetype compatible font engine for Amiga OS. - Requires: OS3+, this preview version requires a minimum of a 68030 processor. |
48436 | TTFLI073.LHA | 213,9 kt | 11.11.1998 | - | - | - | Ttf.library v0.7.3 - truetype compatible font engine for Amiga OS. - Requires: OS3+, this preview version requires a minimum of a 68030 processor. - Aminet name: ttflib.lha |
48437 | TTFLIB.LHA | 194,2 kt | 09.08.1998 | - | 2038/Amiga_Dream_54.iso | - | Ttf.library v0.5 - truetype compatible font engine for Amiga OS. - Requires: OS3+, this preview version requires a minimum of a 68030 processor. |
48438 | TUSE12.LHA | 42,7 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | TUSE (The Ultimate Search Engine) V1.2 -a fast file finder with possibility to save found files to configured path, display files or just to list them. |
48439 | TVIEW113.LHA | 56,4 kt | 30.11.1997 | - | - | - | TextView 1.13 - text viewer with support for multiple formats like Amigaguide. |
48440 | TVIEW114.LHA | 51,8 kt | 30.11.1997 | - | - | - | TextView v1.14 - multiple format text viewer. Supports formats like ASCII and Amigaguide. |
48441 | TWIN12.LHA | 9,8 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | Twin 1.2 - a small program which tries to find duplicate file(s) from your harddrive(s). |
48442 | TXVW111.LHA | 56,2 kt | 30.11.1997 | - | - | - | TextView v1.11 - fast text viewer. Supports Amigaguide, HTML and plain text. Very configurable. |
48443 | UCHES271.LHA | 685,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | AGAM! UChess271, upea PD shakkipeli, ECS/AGA-versiot, vaatii KS 2.0, vah.68020 ja 2 Mt ram. Sis. kolme versiota,020+ 2 Mt Ram, 020+ 2+4 Mt Ram, 680402+4 Mt Ram. Pelaa erittäin hyvin, todella loistava kokonaisuus, |
48444 | UCNVNG12.LHA | 783,4 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | UltraConvNG v1.2 - a picture converter and effect generator. It has support for almost every format imaginable (all the picture formats like BMP, IFF, GIF, JPG and the animation formats like MPEG, AVI, ANIM, QT...) and more than 72 freely configurable and expandable predefined+animated effects. Demo version has some annoying limitations. |
48445 | UDCOPY05.LHA | 21,7 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Update Copy v0.52 (21.02.1997) -Copy-komennon korvike, joka osaa tarkistaa tiedostojen versionumeron ja tarvittaessa kopioi vain uudet tiedostot. |
48446 | UNRAR202.LHA | 95,8 kt | 25.08.1998 | - | 21190/Excalibur_58_cd.bin | tupla | Unrar 2.02 - Unpacks RAR 2.00 archive formats This new version extracts correctly every RAR format known so far including the new formats introduced with RAR 2.00. - Requires: OS2.0+ |
48447 | UNTGZ13.LHA | 9,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 1105/CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 06 (1996)(EMAP Images)(GB)(Track 1 of 4)[!][issue 1997-01].iso | tupla | UnTGZ 1.3 (6.11.96) - tar.gz unarchiver. |
48448 | UNZ512X.LHA | 96,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | koko¹ | ratsnest3.iso | tupla | Unzip V5.12x |
48449 | UNZ520XA.LHA | 122,5 kt | 16.07.1997 | - | - | - | "Info-Zips unzip 5.20 extractor for AMIGA. Official distribution." |
48450 | UPD8.LHA | 115 kt | 04.11.1998 | - | 3295/Aminet 26 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Aug 1998].iso | - | upd8 0.7 - Reports updated webpages. It checks all the pages on your configured list, and reports all updated pages it finds. Req: rexxreqtools.library, rxsocket.library. (both included). |
48452 | URB.LHA | 226,2 kt | 17.07.1998 | - | 21198/Excalibur_66_cd.bin | - | URB V1.0 - Ubiquitous Resource Bars. This program allows you to put a button bar for executing ARexx scripts, CLI programs, WorkBench programs, and/or Amiga DOS scripts on any public screen. - Requires: MUI 3.8+ |
48451 | URB20.LHA | 232,8 kt | 15.10.1998 | - | - | - | URB V2.0 - EXTREMELY configurable bars on ALL screens. v2 is almost a complete rewrite. This program allows you to put a button bar for executing ARexx scripts, CLI programs, WorkBench programs, and/or Amiga DOS scripts on any public screen (actually, you could put several on each screen). Req: MUI 3.8+, WBRun Aminet name: URB.lha |
48453 | UROUHA14.LHA | 49,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | tupla | Urouhack 1.4 - Systemhack joka mm. korvaa ikkunapainikkeet. OS 3.0+. |
48454 | UUXT-30B.LHA | 111,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | UUxT V3.0b Communications CLI/GUI-based UUEncoder/UUDecoder |
48455 | VCBRAI21.LHA | 13,2 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | - | - | Virus_Checker brainfile 2.1 (26.12.97). Aminet name: VCBrain21.lha |
48456 | VCHK803.LHA | 199,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Virus Checker 8.03 |
48457 | VCII100.LHA | 208,2 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | - | - | Virus_Checker II 1.00 (26.12.97) Viruskilleri Vaatii OS 2.0:n tai uudemman - Shareware Aminet nimi: VC_II100.lha |
48458 | VED340.LHA | 297,2 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | ViNCEd v3.40 - the final CON-solution. Very configurable (comes with Prefs-program with GUI), compatible with many control sequences, TAB-extension... |
48459 | VERWB200.LHA | 22 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | VersionWB 2.00 (19.10.96) - is a replacement for the usual c:version command. - Requires: OS2.04+ -Author: Håkan Parting - GiftWare |
48460 | VERWB21.LHA | 22,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | VersionWB 2.1 (11.1.97) - is a replacement for the usual c:version command. - Requires: OS2.04+ - Author: Håkan Parting - GiftWare Aminet name: VersionWB.lha |
48461 | VERWB23A.LHA | 24,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | VersionWB 2.3a - is a replacement for the usual c:version command. - Req: OS2.04+ Aminet name: VersionWB.lha |
48462 | VERWB25.LHA | 22,6 kt | 25.11.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | VersionWB 2.5 - is a replacement for the usual C:version command. Requires OS2.04+. Aminet name: VersionWB.lha. |
48464 | VERWB28.LHA | 30,1 kt | 09.12.1997 | - | - | - | VersionWB 2.8 - a version-command replacement. |
48463 | VERWB28A.LHA | 30,4 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | VersionWB 2.8a - replacement for standard Version-command. |
48465 | VERWB29.LHA | 33,1 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | VersionWB v2.9 - a replacement for the original Version-command with optional GUI, more options and more information. |
48467 | VHT-VB24.LHA | 10,3 kt | 29.05.1998 | renamed | 3294/Aminet 25 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1998].iso | - | Virus_Checker brainfile 2.4 (25.2.98). |
48471 | VHT-VC13.LHA | 300,6 kt | 25.04.1998 | renamed | 4767/Amiga Plus CD - 1998 - No. 4.iso | - | Virus_Checker II 1.3 (17.2.98) Viruskilleri Vaatii OS 2.0:n tai uudemman - Shareware Aminet nimi: vht-vc13.lha |
48472 | VHT-VC15.LHA | 328,4 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | 21200/Excalibur_68_cd.bin | - | Virus_Checker II 1.5 (19.4.98) - Viruskilleri (brain v2.6) - Vaatii OS 2.0:n tai uudemman. Shareware |
48473 | VHT-VC16.LHA | 354,8 kt | 05.10.1998 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Virus_Checker II 1.6 (5.7.98) - Viruskilleri (brain v2.8) - Vaatii OS 2.0:n tai uudemman. Shareware |
48474 | VHT-VC17.LHA | 67,5 kt | 05.10.1998 | - | 20475/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 30 (1998)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-09].iso | - | Virus_Checker II 1.7 (8.7.98) - Bug fixed update. Only executable, be sure to get the 1.6 archive as well. VHT-VC16.LHA contains the latest brainfile anddocuments. |
48475 | VHT-VC18.LHA | 329,9 kt | 08.11.1998 | - | 3297/Aminet 28 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1998].iso | - | Virus_Checker II 1.8 (4.10.98) - Viruskilleri (brain v2.9) - Vaatii OS 2.0:n tai uudemman. Shareware |
48476 | VHT-VC19.LHA | 374,6 kt | 12.12.1998 | - | 20477/EnigmA AMIGA RUN 32 (1998)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1998-11 & 12].iso | - | Virus_Checker II 1.9 (4.11.98) - Viruskilleri (brain v2.10) - Vaatii OS 2.0:n tai uudemman. Shareware |
48477 | VHT-VG22.LHA | 72,3 kt | 28.06.1998 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | VirusWarning.Guide v2.2 (01.06.1998) |
48478 | VHT-VG23.LHA | 73 kt | 28.06.1998 |