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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
40653 | !BOOM-TC.ZIP | 2910817 | 14.11.1996 | - | - | - | -[*DOOM Total Conversion: BOOM!!*]- bY: L.mR-SOFTWARE (c) 1995-1996 for Ultimate DOOM. There is great FTP-Address where you can get the patches to upload your DOOM 1 to version 1.9, if you haven't DOOM 1 version 1.9 now. BOOM-TC contains many new graphics, sounds and 9 new levels. All new enemies. This is great Total conversion.. DOWNLOAD and ENJOY! |
28863 | 16REAPER.ZIP | 335,2 kt | 03.07.1998 | - | - | - | Best 16 Skins for the Reaper Bots (7/2/97). Player16.mdl is a skins file for the Reaper Bots. There are 16 skins that depict different characters. |
28864 | 2BTNDUKE.ZIP | 2,5 kt | 04.05.1998 | - | - | - | Erittäin hyvä Duke Nukem 3D:n konfiguraatio 2-nappisille hiirille. Tehnyt: Joonas Saarinen |
60197 | 3GRENADE.ZIP | 141897 | 30.08.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | Quake * GRENADE MODS a progs.dat that has 3 different ways just to fire a stupid grenade. You can fire a plain grenade but you can change the the timer. You can fire it as a pipebomb ready to be detonated. You can also make it a proximity bomb. You can also change the grenade, pipebomb, or proximity bomb to look like different shapes. |
60360 | ABOMB6.ZIP | 14565 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Atom Bomb V0.06b by Tuomas Heino If you thought lightning gun discharges were fun underwater, just wait! Uses about half of all ammo possible, kills others, and leaves you with 1-3 health. |
60467 | ADMIN2.ZIP | 3856 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Admin.qc V2 by Doug Keegan - run dedicated server and have a user be able to easily change game parameters while connected. |
60478 | ADVWEPV7.ZIP | 109755 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Advanced Weapons Pack v.7 |
60633 | ALTHOME.ZIP | 7392 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: This is a modified version of Vhold's homing missile weapons.qc to make it a bit more... interesting. First, rockets only acquire targets that are 'infront'. Next, I thought I'd make the missile curve rather than abruptly change directions. Etc. |
30272 | ALTMOTE.ZIP | 1369188 | 27.03.1996 | - | 22145/Walnut Creek CDROM - Toolkit for Duke Nukem 3D.iso | - | AltMote.zip contains 4 new RemoteRidicule files (40 differents sounds in all) for Rise of the Triad or Duke Nukem 3D. Sounds are well-known quotes from various movies. Download it today for remote ridi- cule needs! By: Chris Hamlin |
28865 | AQ1_01.ZIP | 3 Mt | 15.06.2000 | - | - | - | Action Quake 1 Alpha. Yksi Quake 2:n suosituimmista pelimuunnoksista on lopulta käännetty vanhalle kunnon Quake 1:lle. AQ2:sta tutut ominaisuudet ovat mukana, eli uusia aseita (jotka ladattava tuon tuosta), uusi osumamallinnus sekä realistiset putoamisvammat. http://aq1.telefragged.com. |
60973 | ASMOQC11.ZIP | 238632 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Changes to Quake v1.01 by Asmodeus V1.1 - Ogres have limited ammo - monsters with backpack give leftover ammo - monsters pick stuff - pipe bombs - solid gibbable moveable corpses - heads, kicking, |
61132 | AXE_OF_C.ZIP | 135818 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | Quake: The Axe of Command (v0.9) Changes your axe into a magical weapon, grabbing a monster from the hold of Quake and into your command. |
61374 | BGADM101.ZIP | 118013 | 18.12.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | - | BGADM Bot - The BG Automatic DeathMatch Opponent V1.01! bgadm101.zip QuakeC. |
61375 | BGBOT20A.ZIP | 370240 | 04.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | Quake: - BG Bot (by GamesNet) This is the ALPHA version. I know there are many, many bugs. If you find any it is ok to mail me about it. Just don't go overboard. |
61481 | BLASTE11.ZIP | 10078 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | - | Quake: Blaster v1.1 replaces your handy single-barreled shotgun with a slightly retooled version of the blasters that Enforcers pack. It's a three-shot semiauto with a relatively fast reload time. |
61484 | BLDBTH.ZIP | 139594 | 19.09.1996 | - | 14534/IMAGE.img | - | QuakeC patch: Enter Bloodbath v. 0.9 by Ishamael QuakeC mod designed to enhance the bloodyness |
40652 | BLDCLOT4.ZIP | 515962 | 20.12.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | --BlodClot patch v.004-- for Duke Nukem 3d v 1.3d ------------------------ Adds sounds from Aliens Army of Darkness, Evil Dead 2, Mortal Kmobat,etc + MORE BLOOD & GORE + FATALITIES + FECES! + EVEN MORE JIBS! |
61546 | BNBDMS3.ZIP | 1922879 | 30.08.1996 | - | 14402/ACWARE10.iso | - | --Beavis & Butthead Quake DEATHMATCH Sounds V3.0-- By Guardian aka Cornholio e-mail guardian@n-jcenter.com This replaces all the sounds you hear in deathmatch. |
61554 | BOBAFETT.ZIP | 72609 | 30.08.1996 | - | Deathmatch Arsenal V1.0 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | Quake - PCX format graphic textures for use on the player and grunt models. Replace player or grunt with Boba Fett from Star Wars |
61573 | BOMBS8.ZIP | 158350 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Bombs8 QuakeC weapon patch by PVP fully networkable quakeC patch that enables 2 extra grenade launcher modes and 1 extra rocket launcher mode: |
61584 | BOOMERG.ZIP | 126323 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Boomerang Missiles version 0.1: |
61594 | BORT1.ZIP | 256426 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Bort's QuakeC Mod v1.0 Adopted from the holoduke idea, you now have the ability to create a clone image of yourself and briefly fool your opponents. 2. Shot gun shells now shoot out of your shotguns. |
61595 | BORT21.ZIP | 253872 | 25.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Bort's QuakeC Mod v2.1 *Adopted from the holoduke idea, you now have the ability to create a clone image of yourself and briefly fool your opponents. *Shot gun shells now shoot out of your shotguns. * Grappling hook. Shoot a spear like entity into anything and upon impact it will pull you towards it. Hit a monster or a player with it and it will cause damage. |
61597 | BOSSK.ZIP | 71378 | 30.08.1996 | - | 14402/ACWARE10.iso | tupla | Quake - replace player/soldier with Bossk from Star Wars. |
28866 | BOT15.ZIP | 408,9 kt | 09.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | NukeBOT v1.5 - Advanced DM opponent for Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition v1.5 NukeBOT is one of the most advanced user created bots around. Bot has some special features like jetpack and random spawn spot selection when killed, and fight skills of course + able to use 4 different weapons in distance and shrinker when close. Full Multiplayer support too. |
61599 | BOTSKN15.ZIP | 360792 | 14.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | Quake: BotSkin v.1.5 (for Quake 1.06) Originally a BGBot(1.6) hack, this little project started with the inculsion of skins to help distinguish between the bots. Now includes improved combat ai, fixed attack code, all the death animations, bodies that stay and MORE! |
61602 | BOUNCER.ZIP | 14403 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Bouncing Betty's for QUAKE You toss'em out and they go into wait mode. they just sit there innocently until some freak comes near'em, then they pop up and give the area a shrapnel spray at crotch level. |
61700 | BSTCHEAT.ZIP | 146593 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Ultimate Cheat Patch |
61749 | BUUUH.ZIP | 159242 | 04.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | Quake: - Scare to Death v0.9 (tm) Now you can scare the other DM players to death. |
61757 | BYOMV10.ZIP | 170909 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22389/CITE.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: BYOM (Be Your Own Monster) v1.0 take on the role of the heroic do-gooding marine, the fiendish fiend, the shambling shambler, or the wizardly scrag |
61780 | C3PO.ZIP | 58223 | 30.08.1996 | - | 14402/ACWARE10.iso | tupla | Quake - replace the graphics for the player or the grunt with graphics of C3-PO from Star Wars. |
61812 | CAMERA.ZIP | 131205 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: THE BARELY CREDIBLE CAMERA PATCH by Nezu the Unworthy |
61816 | CAMPKILL.ZIP | 22195 | 02.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: Camper-Killer & Next-Level Randomizer Broadcast "Camper Alerts" and then gibbing the camper on three strikes! (2) To randomly pick from a set of levels, the next-level. deathmatch oriented, to be installed on the server only. For REGISTERED QUAKE ONLY. |
62000 | CHASECAM.ZIP | 9894 | 25.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | QuakeC: Chase cam, v2.2 * Bind a key to impulse 30 and press it to toggle between chase cam and normal view. It's a lot like Fade to Black. Works as a single or multi-player patch. |
62169 | CLUSTER.ZIP | 20096 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Cluster, Use cluster launcher like grenade launcher, choose it and hit +attack |
28867 | COOLGUNS.ZIP | 956,2 kt | 20.11.1998 | - | gamers.org | - | CoolGuns Patch for Duke Nukem 3D from Minion. Change your guns with the free CoolGuns Patch. Turns the pistol into an Uzi, the chain gun into a Gatling gun, and the devastator into a cool-looking weapon. The patch also includes new art. Duke Nukem 3D (registered) and DOS 5.0 |
62297 | COOP-PAK.ZIP | 166422 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: Co-op Pack V1.0, compilation of others patchs. This is made for single and co-op play(don't you people ever get tired of deathmatch?). Put together not to give an advantage, but a little wider choice of tools to use. * Flares * Flashlight * Throw backpack * Laser Gun replaces single shot shotgun. * Double-barrel shotgun ejects 1 shell * flame thrower |
62457 | CSPIKE10.ZIP | 134363 | 18.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: cspike10.zip AUTHOR: Charlie Zimmerman DESCRIPTION: spikes now live on after they hit the walls. Some of them deflect and bounce all over the place. Some stick in the walls for a time before falling to the ground and disappearing. Grenades throw out some spikes when they blow up. This thing is a riot. Try it. Only the server needs run this. |
62464 | CTAGGUNS.ZIP | 156777 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: several new weapons which are accessable through the regular weapon selection buttons. |
62485 | CUJO10.ZIP | 169512 | 18.12.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | - | QuakeC: CUJO V1.00 This mod creates a personal attack dog which will follow the player and attack his enemies, even drawing fire in the process. |
62554 | CZTEX1.ZIP | 295271 | 30.08.1996 | - | 22388/XENIATGM26.iso | tupla | CZ Quake Textures, Vol. 1 "Our first batch of custom textures to decorate your Quake levels. 14 mip textures include woods, marbles, tiles, and more. |
62558 | D-TOOLZ.ZIP | 133727 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | QuakeC patch: The Custom Backpack Dropper V1.0 By: Chris Sobotkiewicz |
62639 | DARTS.ZIP | 127099 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Explosive Darts |
62640 | DARTS06.ZIP | 156275 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Poison Dart Gun v0.6 - Adds a poison dart gun |
62644 | DAS_DM10.ZIP | 182281 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: DaScott's QuakeC DM Enhancements 1.0 Brings together some familiar QuakeC hacks and many new enhancements to make a total package. Features include alternate weapon modes, multiskin 1.1, droppable backpacks, deathmatch 3, observer mode, the fiend pentagram, and new teamplay with lots of new weapon modes. |
62645 | DAS_QDM1.ZIP | 144818 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | DaScott's Quake Deathmatch mods v1.0 This changes everything that needs to be changed for Quake deathmatch. Enhances Quake in a few key areas to help refine the deathmatch environment. This includes weapon modifications, new weapons, server (or console) changes, rules changes, and other cool stuff. |
28868 | DD061DOS.ZIP | 420,4 kt | 17.05.1998 | - | - | - | v0.61 of a DOS port of LinuxDOOM by Chi Hoang (cyhoang@acs.ucalgary.ca) with support for mlook, hi-res, hi-color, translucency, DeHackEd and cd-audio. http://www.frag.com/dosdoom |
62771 | DEMOCH2.ZIP | 146644 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Demo Charges v2 |
28869 | DIAVIP.ARJ | 98,9 kt | 12.01.1999 | - | - | - | Uudet Autot Carmageddoniin: Dodge Viper Classic, Lamborghini Diablo. Helppo asentaa... |
29227 | DM15.ZIP | 246598 | 22.09.1996 | - | - | - | DukeMenu v1.5 - AWESOME Duke Nukem shell! Supports hot keys, user maps, top 10 list, tagging, description files. Configurable! Internal help, DeathMatches, and MORE! Written by Scott W. Wiggin for WiggySoft. |
63041 | DMBOT1.ZIP | 179981 | 01.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | Quake - DM Bot V1.00 23/8/96 Bot that attacks enemies in DM. |
63042 | DMCAM11.ZIP | 152199 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: DeathMatch Camera. Shows the intermission vie t players in it. Shows current scores as well h a bigscreen TV it can be used to show other going on in the game. |
63047 | DMMDE321.ZIP | 74050 | 18.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: Deathmatch Modes V3.21 By: Andrew Stefanski |
63048 | DMMODES3.ZIP | 67478 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | QuakeC patch: Deathmatch Modes V3.00 Play dm by quake rules with monsters. |
40664 | DMN2_15.ZIP | 760537 | 04.11.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | v1.5 ULTIMATE BLOOD PATCH ][ FOR DOOM 2 v1.9 -All-New never before seen effects! -New death sequences! for 6 enemies! -All new demos! All 3 demos replaced! -All new sounds! 18 of 'em! -All new music for all 32 levels! -Totally new wall graphics! -Totally new bloody cover-page! -Total blood effects! -Complete color changes for nearly all enemies, animations, and objects! -All new text! All redone! New endings! -All weapons and monsters were speeded up and given new. |
63055 | DMPLUS09.ZIP | 139043 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: DeathMatch PLUS PACK! v0.9 New Weapons Timed Bomb BFG TripWire. New Deathmatch Options IT TI Quake-TI Capture the Flag New Other Stuff Personal Teleporter Each new item/weapon can be toggled on or off. |
28870 | DNANTIG.ZIP | 35,1 kt | 06.06.1998 | - | - | - | AntiG-bomb Thrower Patch v1.0 for Duke Nukem 3D by Nicola Giuseppe Deganello This .con file improves your shrinker! Used against an enemy, it will throw into its body an anti-gravity bomb, which will make him lift in the air for two or three meters before to explode. DOS 5.0 |
29232 | DNFE11.ZIP | 354017 | 22.09.1996 | - | 6198/BILA_VRANA.iso | - | =-=DUKE NUKEM 3D Front End Utility v1.0=-= DOS utility to run user defined MAP files in DUKE3D. Also has own config file for more parameters! Includes more than 20 levels!! Tested on version 1.3D Only. |
28871 | DNMILITA.ZIP | 494,3 kt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | Duke Nukem 3D: Military Patch by Jose Logroño Add a few modifications to Duke Nukem 3D with the free Military Patch. The Military patch includes sounds from Dark Forces and includes the Mp5 weapon, which replaces the pistol. This is a simple Duke patch and quite straightforward. Duke Nukem 3D (registered) and DOS 5.0 |
28872 | DNRAGE.ZIP | 26,5 kt | 06.06.1998 | - | - | - | Duke Rage Con by Stallion This con file will patch over your exsiting cons and make several changes to Duke. When Duke is on steroids, he will become bigger (look in view mode F7) he will turn red, (again view in view mode!!) His heart will start beating rapidly, and he will become invincable. req. DOS 5.0 |
28873 | DNTAXIP.ZIP | 808,3 kt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | Duke Nukem 3D: Taxicab Launcher Patch by Bill McGuire somewhat unusual weapons patch. This patch converts the RPG into a potent, deadly new weapon - a taxicab launcher. |
40666 | DNULTRA.ZIP | 27758 | 08.11.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | Duke Nukem 3D: - "EULTRAGORE GORE" |
28874 | DNUTLIMA.ZIP | 53,9 kt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | Duke Nukem 3D: Ultimate Duke Nukem Patch v1.3d by Roope Paakkonen Alter your DukeNukem Dukematch. Hear steps from other players, lose health if you have less than 50% of energy, and bleed so others can track you down. |
28875 | DNUZISSS.ZIP | 997,1 kt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | Duke Nukem 3D: Shadow Warrior Uzis!! Patch for Duke. by Patrick M. Import an Uzi. |
63077 | DOGGIE.ZIP | 130588 | 01.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | Quake C Patch - doggie, Files Modified...Weapons.QC Turns your borring rockets into DOGGIES! When you launch them, 'Woof! Woof!' when they explode, they whine. |
40669 | DROIDS11.ZIP | 14326 | 13.06.1996 | - | 22149/Cybercore Publishing - Ultimate Add-on's Tournament Edition.iso | - | DROIDS 1.1 By DSielke For use with LucasArt's Dark Forces. File of 3do droids for use in Dark Forces add on Levels. |
63181 | DRONE03.ZIP | 127023 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Drone v.03 The rocket has been replaced by a spherical drone that will fly in straight lines bouncing off walls and occasionaly exploding on impact till it acquires a target. |
63182 | DROPDEAD.ZIP | 472301 | 01.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | Quake - DROP DEAD ADVANCED DEATHMATCH VARIATIONS FOR QUAKEv1.01 This is the first release of a set of alternative Quake source devised to make deathmatch and teamplay more enjoyable. |
63195 | DRUNKM3.ZIP | 125442 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | Quake: Drunk Missile's, are now at their BEST possible settings. 3 Missiles with a totally erratic path for each. |
28876 | DUKE15S5.ZIP | 73,3 kt | 26.11.1997 | - | - | - | DUKE NUKEM 3D ATOMIC EDITION SKIRMISH helppo käyttöinen SKIRMISH - ohjelma Duke Nukem 1.4&1.5 atomic edition peliin. Tämä toimii kuten moninpeli yleensä. Vastustajat ovat kuten TEN-gamessa ja olo tuntuu melko aidolta, lukuun ottamatta hillitöntä piso-olin räiskintää. Tämän paketin sisältö on seuraava... (päivityksiä saattaa tulla) * EPISODE * KENTTÄ * VAIKUS-ASTE * MULTI |
28877 | DUKE15S6.ZIP | 73,8 kt | 22.01.1998 | - | - | - | * DUKE NUKEM 3D ATOMIC EDITION SKIRMISH v 0.6 Housewife * Helppo käyttöinen SKIRMISH - ohjelma Duke Nukem 1.4&1.5 atomic edition peliin. Tämä toimii kuten moninpeli yleensä. Vastustajat ovat kuten TEN-gamessa ja olo tuntuu melko aidolta, lukuun ottamatta hillitöntä piso-olin räiskintää. Tämän paketin sisältö on seuraava... (päivityksiä saattaa tulla) * EPISODE * KENTTÄ * VAIKUS-ASTE * MULTI PELAAJIEN MÄÄRÄ (+sinä itse) * OMIEN KENTTIEN LATAILU * HIRVIÖT |
28878 | DUKE3DCN.ZIP | 214,4 kt | 06.06.1998 | - | - | - | Duke 3D Cons by Lindsay Enterprises lets you change your Duke Nukem 3D game in several ways: You get a flame thrower in place of a freeze thrower, more health and ammo, cameras that blow up, different messages, and more. Duke Nukem 3D and Windows 95 |
40670 | DUKE84D1.ZIP | 820460 | 22.09.1996 | - | - | - | Duke Nukem 3D modification: Duke84 By Jack Jeskey * added routines and Modifications. * Much more gore * Lots of added sounds * Random weapon shot * Mp patch : Changes your 9mm to a submachine gun! |
31347 | DUKEIT.ZIP | 12863 | 08.11.1996 | - | 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO | - | DUKEIT: By °FireZone Ent. You've played DUKE 3D. You killed a little. You got killed a little. You cheated a bit. You got cheated a bit. Now you want to kick some mother f_cking a$$! Here is a beautiful way how. This temporarily modifies your old USER.CON file when running, and restores it when DUKEIT finishes. Makes you ultimate man by giving you more health, resistance, and stronger weapons by 10 fold. One thing, do |
63569 | EATGIBS.ZIP | 3185 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | - | QuakeC patch: Eat Gibs 1.0 by Sean Leonard If your health is below 50%, you can eat the gibs of monsters or your opponants to heal you. |
63614 | EFX1B3.ZIP | 191603 | 12.12.1996 | - | 14534/IMAGE.img | - | Quake: "Environmental effects" QC Patch You may place a lightning generator in a level. You may place a rain generator in a level. You may place a snow generator in a level. Including a sample level showing all these effects. |
63654 | ELIM12.ZIP | 162706 | 25.09.1996 | - | 10832/PC_REVIEW_61.7z | - | QuakeC: Eliminator CBot Engine V1.2 Author : Cameron Newham * most sophisticated Quake C Bot available. The Eliminator Bot package provides you with some decent adversaries to play Quake against. Don't have a network connection? Maybe you have a $100,000 LAN at home but no friends... Well, here is the answer to your Deathmatch dreams. These automated deathmatch opponents are by no means |
63879 | EXBPK001.ZIP | 7190 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | - | Quake: exploding backpack v.001 |
63889 | EXFISH.ZIP | 131568 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | - | QuakeC: rocket launcher shoots fish and they blow up just like a normal rocket. |
64024 | FALL.ZIP | 1943 | 19.09.1996 | - | gamers.org | tupla | QuakeC patch: Real Fall patch |
64027 | FALLTURN.ZIP | 1456 | 19.08.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | Quake: Turning and twisting falls You will now turn and twist when you fall. I don't have a clue as to how well this works; it may look and act horribly. If you have any suggestions as to how to improve the twist and turn mechanism, please e-mail me. Note that this patch will probably get a lot better once I recieve the registered version. |
64087 | FEIGN_V9.ZIP | 22028 | 19.08.1996 | - | 818/Monster Media Number 16 (Monster Media)(October 1996).ISO | tupla | Quake: Feign Death 0.9 This bit of quakeC code allows you to feign death in a deathmatch, i.e. "play possum." When you're down on the ground, you can't shoot, move, or jump. You can, however look around. Warning, when you turn around, so does your "corpse," so you'll be easy to spot. When you go down, you shoot off an empty backpack , that contains a message to clue in your opponents. When you feel it's safe, you can get back up. |
28879 | FINDUKE.ZIP | 4,1 Mt | 24.12.1997 | - | - | - | DUKE NUKEM 3D FINLAND EDITION V1.0 Uusi päivitys Duke Nukem 3Dhen joka antaa vielä hieman lisä- potkua tähän jo puhkipelattuun hittipeliin. +Uusia grafiikoita +Uusia ääniä +Uusia musiikkeja +Uusia aseita |
64163 | FLABOMB1.ZIP | 191781 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | Flabomb1.zip (187K) -Adds a new weapon. A bomb that kills everyone in a room after 5 sec. |
64168 | FLARE2.ZIP | 124612 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Quake Flares 2 * replaces the grenade launcher with a flare launcher. |
64169 | FLARES.ZIP | 132159 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Quake Flares 1.0 * gives you flares similar to the flares in Descent. These are spike- shaped flares that you shoot into a wall/ floor/ceiling to light up dark areas . |
64174 | FLASHLT2.ZIP | 131844 | 01.09.1996 | - | 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso | tupla | Quake - Flashlight Filename : flashlt2.zip, V2. Author : Jeff Epler This patch allows you to use a flashlight. |
64284 | FRAGROCK.ZIP | 20289 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Nail Rockets: |
64291 | FREAK11.ZIP | 151026 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | Freak11.zip (147K) -A type of Bio-Weapon. Infect other players with Hemophilia by slashing them with the axe. |
64301 | FRENZY1C.ZIP | 9594 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: WEAPON FRENZY 1.0 * conglomeration of other people's weapon mods. |
64307 | FRIEND4.ZIP | 10484 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22383/XENIATGM_21.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Friend - monster who goes along with you and beats up on your enemies. |
64399 | GAUN3.ZIP | 130064 | 18.12.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | - | Quake: Gauntlet's server Patch This patch has a few things to liven up Multiplayer Quake. 1) Camper Deterrent: 2) Random Levels 3) Name Finder |
64481 | GIBBIN3.ZIP | 236879 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | - | Gibbin3.zip (231K) -Makes monster corpses solid and allows you to walk over them instead of having to jump. Also adds more gibs, different gib combinations and lower health for already dead monsters. Bodies will pile up, and crusified monsters are gibable |
64535 | GODELQC3.ZIP | 247707 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | - | Quake: Adds weapons & skins |
64581 | GRAP109B.ZIP | 186152 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | - | QuakeC patch: MORNING STAR v1.09b |
64584 | GRAPV102.ZIP | 126922 | 19.08.1996 | - | - | - | Quake: Grappling Hook modification 1.02 This modification turns the axe into a grappling hook. Basically you can shoot it into a wall and be pulled up. You can also use it on monsters/players. Registered QUAKE is required for this modification. This is a really cool mod. |
64585 | GRAPV105.ZIP | 167521 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | Quake: Grapv105.zip (163K) -Patch to give you a grapling hook |
64588 | GRAV1.ZIP | 1301 | 30.08.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | Eric's Quake Gravity Script Ver. 1.0 Change the gravity in the level made easy! Up to 1600 gravity and to low as 25 O - More gravity P - less gravity INS-Highest Gravity HOME-Normal gravity PGUP- Lowest gravity To install, just put grav1.scr in your ID1 directory and add the line exec grav1.scr in either you autoexec.cfg ; or command line when starting quake. |
64589 | GRAVITY2.ZIP | 138605 | 01.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | Quake: Gravity Grenades v2.0 Overrides that grenade launcher, each grenade fired will randomly change the gravity anywhere from from about 2900 to almost 0. |
64619 | GTIMERF.ZIP | 124638 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | - | Quake: Gtimerf.zip (121K) -Changes the delay time on the grenades |
64678 | HANSOLO.ZIP | 46329 | 30.08.1996 | - | 22617/Hrac_09_1997-02_cd.bin | - | Quake - replace the graphics for the player or the grunt with graphics of Han Solo from Star Wars. |
64737 | HEADGUN.ZIP | 232115 | 01.09.1996 | - | 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso | tupla | Quake: head gun. A gun that let's you throw the head gibs. You get the gun when you have the grenade launcher, and the ammo is all the gibbed heads lying around. |
64740 | HEAL.ZIP | 2061 | 19.09.1996 | - | gamers.org | tupla | QuakeC patch: Leftover Health Patch |
64855 | HOMSTICK.ZIP | 20576 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | QuakeC patch: Homing Sticky Missiles v0.9 |
65002 | ICTRK101.ZIP | 500063 | 19.09.1996 | - | 12522/PCMania CD62_2.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Inner Circle Trinket V1.01 by Gary Griggs addon that provides a new powerup that has random effects. Some of these effects are good and some are downright evil. |
65010 | IDGLOBE.ZIP | 131777 | 01.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | Quake: IDGlobe.qc 1.0 This Quake-C mod adds an IFF-type feature. Usable in both single-player and net games, when toggled on, it will ID both monsters and other players. |
65098 | IMPULIST.ZIP | 1394 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Standard Issue Impulse Lister A Server Utility by TigerShark |
65233 | IRONWLVT.ZIP | 755146 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: A lot of patches together. |
65377 | JFIEND11.ZIP | 113952 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | The Fiend's Pentagram v1.1 * modification to original Quake 1.01 QuakeC code. This modification changes the Pentagram of Protection into the Fiend's Pentagram. Picking up the Pentagram will change you into a Fiend! Your new |
65397 | JMIX.ZIP | 143796 | 23.10.1996 | - | - | tupla | QuakeC: Fall.zip, Spredgun.zip and Chasecam.zip converted to one pak file. By Jussi Siwonen |
65430 | JSQCMOD1.ZIP | 16384 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | QuakeC patch: JSQCMOD1, enhanced teamplay, new weapons electro axe, cluster-bouncy- proximity grenades |
65431 | JTEAM092.ZIP | 48188 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | QuakeC patch: the Complete Enhanced Teamplay V0.92 |
65537 | KEYMIX15.ZIP | 800562 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | QuakeC patch: *** KeyMix 1.5 *** cool variety on the standard deathmatch games, and hopefully add some more strategy to the game. |
65542 | KICKING2.ZIP | 15688 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Kicking This patch lets the players kick any moveable thing around. |
40694 | KUMMELI.ZIP | 1628192 | 26.07.1996 | - | - | - | KUMMELI sounds for DOOM! |
65643 | LASERTAG.ZIP | 2408 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Laser tag, allows players to be damaged as in a laser tag game. |
65660 | LAVAGUN.ZIP | 18861 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | QuakeC patch: Lava Gun * Kinda like the plasma gun from Doom - Rapidly shoots lava, taking a cell for each ball which eventually splashes spectacularly. |
65671 | LDG.ZIP | 130101 | 18.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: This file does 3 things: -More back kick when firing off the grenade launcher and rocket launcher -No pixelated explosions -Long Distance Grenades! by sirus@aimnet.com |
28880 | LWV10.A01 | 4,8 Mt | 03.09.1998 | - | - | - | The Last Warrior osa 2/4 |
28881 | LWV10.A02 | 4,8 Mt | 03.09.1998 | - | - | - | The Last Warrior osa 3/4 |
28882 | LWV10.A03 | 2,7 Mt | 03.09.1998 | - | - | - | The Last Warrior osa 4/4 |
28583 | LWV10.ARJ | 4,8 Mt | 03.09.1998 | - | - | - | Shadow Warrior add-on: The Last Warrior 1/4 starring Lo Wang. Freely distributable. By Inferno Interactive. DOS or Win95. |
65885 | MACHSHOT.ZIP | 124909 | 18.12.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | QuakeC: MACHINE GUN SHOTGUN V1.0!!! |
66067 | MDLVW_01.ZIP | 55801 | 02.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Quake: MDLVIEW v.0.1 Small program to view the "Aliasses", monsters, players, and other things. |
66066 | MDLVW2.ZIP | 45653 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: mdlview version 2.00 Allows the viewing of textured .mdl models. |
29308 | MGLDOOM.ZIP | 125525 | 25.11.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Hook up to 4 player DOOM here. Legal to distribute Registered Software Legal Registered Modem Software |
66166 | MISTEL.ZIP | 129207 | 18.12.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | - | Missile Teleport QuakeC Mod v0.01 by B.K. Adams This modified progs.dat file allows missiles -- rockets, grenades, and nails -- to be teleported. Fire a barrage of grenades into a teleporter and rest assurred that anyone unlucky enough to be standing near the teleport destination will get a nice surprise. |
66221 | MNSTLURE.ZIP | 258092 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | QuakeC: Monster Lure and Nail bomb This is a monster lure and nailbomb. In coop mode, it attracts all monsters within a radius of 600 units and draws their fire. |
66252 | MON_DM09.ZIP | 165030 | 01.09.1996 | - | 22386/XENIATGM24.iso | - | DaScott's Monster Deathmatch v0.9 DM as a monster! As straightforward as the name implies- this patch enables you to play quake dm as a random monster. |
66251 | MONSTDM2.ZIP | 62183 | 18.12.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | - | QuakeC: Monster Deathmatch V2.00 By: Andrew Stefanski While deathmatching in Quake is tons of fun, sometimes I really missed having the monsters running around harassing the players. To take care of that, I did some playing around in Quake C. |
66264 | MOP2.ZIP | 850195 | 02.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | Quake: mop2.zip (852K) -Mobsters on parade |
66265 | MOREWPNS.ZIP | 125772 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | - | Quake: Morewpns.zip (122K) -Supper nailgun becomes super laser gun. Grenades & missiles explode into flechetts |
66269 | MORPH2.ZIP | 164007 | 01.09.1996 | - | 23662/PCGAMER42.bin | - | Quake: Morph Filename : morph2.zip Version : 2 Date : 96/08/22 Author : Jeff Epler This patch allows you to morph into various monsters. |
66278 | MOTION.ZIP | 31565 | 19.09.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | QuakeC patch: SECURITY MOTION-DETECTORS V1 |
66412 | MULTI_11.ZIP | 395583 | 02.09.1996 | - | 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso | - | Quake: Multiex.zip (137K) -An exmple of multiplayer cheats |
66409 | MULTIMDL.ZIP | 751948 | 30.08.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | - | Quake - For use with MultiMod by Shyft Use these optional .mdl files with multimod.zip in order to use the multiple skins for players and the grunt. Also replaces enforcers textures to show damage and a different gib head. |
66411 | MULTIW.ZIP | 335480 | 01.09.1996 | - | 223/The Arsenal Files Collection %238 (Arsenal Computer) (1996).ISO | tupla | Quake: Multiweapon Mod By Dr.Rigormortis changes the weapon you see on your opponent according to what they are using. |
66434 | MYBOT13A.ZIP | 272101 | 19.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | QuakeC patch: Mybot 1.3a, tmbot qc modified to shoot grenades at zombies. |
66479 | NAILS.ZIP | 11662 | 16.09.1996 | - | 22881/PC Action Issue 80 (Estate 1999).ISO | - | Quake level: Nails. very similar to level two except there are only supernailguns and two grenade-launchers. |
66558 | NEWOLD.ZIP | 5133 | 01.09.1996 | - | 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso | tupla | Quake: Shub Niggurath's Soul Sphere v1.0 by Chris Johnson This is a DEATHMATCH ONLY mod that makes the notorious map "end" exitable (which it normally is not in deathmatch). |
66562 | NEWWAD12.ZIP | 225992 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | QuakeC: NewWad 1.2, NewWad is a program to add textures in pcx, bmp or lbm formats to the WAD2 files that are used by qbsp. |
66563 | NEWWEAP.ZIP | 25652 | 18.12.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | QuakeC: Smart Weapon Patch v1.00 by SoniC |
40713 | NIGHTSKY.ZIP | 5588 | 14.07.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | Night sky patch for Doom. |
66704 | OBSERV11.ZIP | 155402 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | - | QuakeC patch: JAFO PATCH .1.1 - look deathmatches as 'ghost' without playing. |
66741 | OLD_DM.ZIP | 146511 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | QuakeC patch: Old Deathmatch Mode! - Deathmatch 2 Enhancement V1 |
67189 | PETDOGS.ZIP | 184730 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | QuakeC: Petdogs 1.0, I made a doggy gun that allows you to shoot real live doggys. What the gun does is spawn real dogs, but they're at your command. |
67264 | PLASER11.ZIP | 11947 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso | - | QuakeC patch: Player laser 1.1 by Bill Turner Laser replacement for shotgun. |
67271 | PLAUNCH.ZIP | 125470 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Human Launcher by Michael Gargiulo- -grenade launcher to shoot full sized clones of you! -The bodies come tumbling out like rag dolls(filled with chunky tomatoes). -I added "Appropriate" sound effects.... -The damage radius of the "human chunks" is higher than the grenade. |
67289 | PLUSGREN.ZIP | 145712 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: PLUSGrenade, Quake grenade enhancements V1.0 Adds a new grenade that launches a selectable number of exploding lava balls and a proximity grenade. |
67364 | POVDOOM.ZIP | 1597348 | 25.08.1995 | väärä koko | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | PovDoom 2.0 by Iikka Keränen Muuttaa Doomin (1) grafiikat paremmiksi. Pura Doomin hakemistoon ja lue ohjeet! |
67442 | PROJ1_06.ZIP | 587025 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: QUAKE Project1 v 0.6 test Several QuakeC patches in one. |
67466 | PROXMIN1.ZIP | 131639 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | Quake: Proxmin1.zip (128K) -Rocket launcher becomes proximity mine launcher |
67467 | PROXMIN2.ZIP | 7949 | 25.09.1996 | - | 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso | tupla | QuakeC: Proximity Mines, Throw n-tropy's shit out the window! This is the real thing! Just press 'M' and a mine is laid. 3 seconds later, it's armed and dangerous. |
67502 | PSYCHOC2.ZIP | 170835 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: PsychoC V2 release 2 of the quakec code run server PsychoServer |
67539 | PUNISH12.ZIP | 143408 | 01.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Quake: Punishment Filename : punish.zip Version : 1.21 Date : 96/8/19 Author : Robert DeFilippo III Quake C : yes Sound : no MDL : no Changes weapons. |
67571 | QCC106.ZIP | 203920 | 29.10.1996 | - | MBCD | tupla | Quake: QUAKE C Compiler for DOS & WIN95 The QUAKE C compiler for DOS (QCC_DOS.EXE) and WIN95/NT (QCC_NT.EXE), September 12, 1996. The updated QUAKEC progs source code for version 1.06 of QUAKE is included. |
67572 | QCEJECT.ZIP | 128914 | 22.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | QuakeC patch: EJECT! by Steve Bond * makes the Shotgun and Double Barrel Shotgun eject shell casings (VERY cool.) |
67574 | QCHEAT.ZIP | 125802 | 02.09.1996 | - | 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso | tupla | Quake: Qcheat.zip (122K) -Adds new cheat codes. -impulse 12-Limited Gimmie -impulse 13-Silver Key -impulse 14-Gold Key -impulse 252-Pentagram of Protection -impulse 253-Ring of Invisibility -impulse 254-Biosuit |
67578 | QCONSOLE.ZIP | 20571 | 14.11.1996 | - | - | tupla | Quake Console Commands OVER 250!! - Zorlim |
67579 | QCORPSES.ZIP | 125700 | 02.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Quake: Corpses!, details how to get Shotguns running on your system and what to do if you have problems. Corpses now stick around for one minute. Then, corpses gib and the heads go flying. |
67584 | QFLAG.ZIP | 327086 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: Quake Capture the Flag Team match Quake map featuring QuakeC coding by Gary Griggs. Capture the Flag is a map where kiling your enemies is not your goal. To score points, you and your teammates must capture your flag from the enemy base and return to your home base alive with the flag. |
67585 | QGORE.ZIP | 125722 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Quake gore v1.0 |
67586 | QHACK-PC.ZIP | 12844 | 01.04.1996 | - | 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso | tupla | Quake hack-thingy. It opens the ID1.PAK file and it will allow you to save the entries. |
67587 | QJOE19.ZIP | 125752 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | Quake: QJoe v.1.9 by: Joe Sola with help+ideas from: Tom Shallon Features: Killer Heads!!! |
67591 | QNITEMS.ZIP | 29548 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: QUAKE NEW ITEMS QNITEMS.ZIP power-up manager allowing the use of an item(s) at a time, later then when you actually need that item. |
67593 | QPLUS11.ZIP | 255929 | 02.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | Quake Plus 1.1 Filename : QPlus11.zip Version : 1.10 Date : 25.8.96 Author : Werner Spahl Quake C : yes combination of different Quake enhancements making the game more realistic by utilizing a "use" key to activate, get or drop! Lots of other features are included, with only few impulse keys needed to access them. While too powerful weapons and powerups are avoided, a reasonable teammode is set up without using special console commands. Altogether a much |
67594 | QPLUS13.ZIP | 262578 | 25.09.1996 | - | 10832/PC_REVIEW_61.7z | tupla | * Quake Plus 1.3 * combination of different Quake enhancements making the game more realistic by utilizing a "use" key to activate, get or drop! Lots of other features are included, with only few impulse keys needed to access them. While too powerful weapons and powerups are avoided, a reasonable teammode is set up without using special console commands. |
67595 | QPOWER.ZIP | 127263 | 19.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | QuakeC patch: More Power! QuakeC Modification. Adds some major kick to the Grenade Launcher, Super Nailgun, and Single and Double Barrel Shotguns. |
67599 | QSLFD.ZIP | 6696 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: SelfDestruct V1.0 by whitetrash, allows players the option of blowing themselves up in the face of opposition |
67606 | QTAG.ZIP | 560231 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: Quake Tag, Team match Quake map featuring QuakeC coding by Gary Griggs. Qtag is a quake map designed exclusively for team play with a minimum of 4 players. (2 teams) The objective is NOT to kill your opponents, but to score points by picking up the Scoring Object. |
67607 | QTEAM100.ZIP | 131582 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | - | QuakeC patch: QTeam 1.00, provides an additional teamplay option that supports restricted team colors, friendly fire, and team scoring. |
67608 | QTEAM150.ZIP | 745646 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | QuakeC: QTeam 1.50,the most advanced teamplay addon available for Quake! It provides a host of new and exciting capabilities such as dynamic team scoring, capture the flag and tag team play, friendly fire penalties, restricted team colors, a programming interface for map designers, and Ghost Morons for controlled player entry into the game. |
67612 | QUA-DART.ZIP | 81814 | 27.08.1996 | - | - | tupla | Quake: Darth Vader Replacement for the knight.mdl file that makes the knight look like Darth Vader, complete with light saber! |
67617 | QUAD_SW.ZIP | 28898 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: You can switch Quad power ON/OFF. You can add Quad power time. |
67616 | QUADUKE.ZIP | 315317 | 27.08.1996 | - | - | tupla | "AquaDuke" = A Quakework Duke Change Quake soldier to Duke Nukem. |
67618 | QUAHPPY.ZIP | 11636 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | tupla | Quake - replacement for the scrag that makes him/her a Happy Face! |
67623 | QUAKER.ZIP | 60269 | 30.08.1996 | - | gamers.org | tupla | Quake - Insane Quaker skin texture. |
67626 | QUAKEWAD.ZIP | 2057015 | 30.08.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | - | Quake Texture Wad Contains EVERY texture in Quake v1.01, including the deatmatch level textures and ammo/health box textures. |
67628 | QUALIAS.ZIP | 2005 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | tupla | Alias.cfg v3.0 by Guardian New aliases for Quake. |
67629 | QUALIEN.ZIP | 61504 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | tupla | * Alien for Quake - just a taste * Version 1.1 * J Diamond |
67636 | QUAUTFIR.ZIP | 617 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | tupla | Quake - Autofire on/off alias By Guardian aka CORNHOLIO |
67637 | QUBATMAN.ZIP | 104603 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | tupla | Quake - Batman (player replacement model) .mdl replacement for the default player.mdl |
67638 | QUDECOY.ZIP | 127714 | 02.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | QuakeC: DECOY PATCH for Quake V1.01. Hologram patch, like in duke3d, with remote camera built in + the capability to detonate it when another play gets to close!!! |
67639 | QUDEVIL.ZIP | 27219 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | - | Quake - The Red Devil skin texture. |
67642 | QUEST11.ZIP | 254904 | 08.01.1997 | - | 22393/XENIATGM31.iso | - | Quake: QUEST v1.1, Quake Map Editor Quest is a DOS based map editor for Quake. This is the last official version of Quest from the orginal authors. New version may be ported to other operating systms or may be picked up for DOS. This program requires DOS4GW.ZIP. |
67644 | QUGENIUS.ZIP | 12079 | 01.09.1996 | - | - | - | Quake: Genius Missiles(tm) v1.0 This patch replaces the standard rocket launcher missiles with homing, intelligent missiles. |
67645 | QUGHOSTS.ZIP | 291384 | 01.09.1996 | - | - | - | Quake: Ghosts. addon that will change the Scrags to Ghosts, and put you in a new level full of them. Single Player: Yes, Cooperative: Yes, Deathmatch: Yes |
67646 | QUHEADS.ZIP | 478491 | 01.09.1996 | - | - | - | Quake: Heads.qc by Casey Robinson You can pick up peoples' heads after you gib them, and then throw the heads around. They float around looking for something to kill, which is hopefully not you. |
67647 | QUHOMER.ZIP | 94541 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | - | Quake - replacement mdl for the ogre in quake of Homer Simpson!! |
67650 | QUKICK.ZIP | 5840 | 01.09.1996 | - | - | - | Quake: weapon kick patch. |
67653 | QUPLAYR.ZIP | 110835 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | - | Quake - modified version of the boba fett graphicmodifed it work the Quake Reg'd version. |
67654 | QURANDOM.ZIP | 131135 | 02.09.1996 | - | - | - | Quake: Random.zip (127K) -Items regenerate random locations in deathmatch. |
67659 | QURIFT.ZIP | 285276 | 02.09.1996 | - | - | - | Quake: Rift * Your Internet Assistant v 0.6.3 * 1996, Bob Jamison |
67660 | QUSHADOW.ZIP | 37109 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | - | Quake - The Shadow skin texture. |
67661 | QUSTALKE.ZIP | 6134 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | - | Quake - Night Stalker skin texture |
67662 | QUSTORM.ZIP | 48308 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | - | Quake - .pcx format graphic textures for use on the player and grunt models in Quake. These replace the graphics for the player or the grunt with graphics of a Stormtrooper from Star Wars. |
67663 | QUTERMNT.ZIP | 59190 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | - | Quake - replace the graphics for the player or the grunt with graphics of the terminator T-800 from the Terminator movies. |
67664 | QUTRACER.ZIP | 7868 | 02.09.1996 | - | - | - | Quake: The tracer QuakeC Filename : tracer.zip Version : 1.00 Date : 96/08/18 Author : Jonathan Avraham Want to get rid of ambushes? Want to ambush in water and know exactly when to attack without being discovered? Use the tracer. Just press T and a tracer is shot. When it hits a monster or player, it sticks to it/him/her and starts to beep, and by the strength of the sound you can evaluate the distance to. |
67665 | QUTRB01B.ZIP | 894103 | 02.09.1996 | - | - | - | Torgo Patch v.001b For Quake v1.01 Registered By Dr. Rigormortis/Scott Dalton Changes all zombies to Torgos from Manos. This package includes new graphics, sounds, and AI for the zombie which makes it act suspiciously like Torgo. |
67666 | QUVENOM.ZIP | 88844 | 30.08.1996 | - | - | - | Quake - VENOM.mdl * Its VENOM from spiderman. |
67671 | QWIZ12.ZIP | 16798 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: QUAKE WIZARDS V1.2 ' allows your player to cast D&D spells and such. |
67698 | RACNAB20.ZIP | 150040 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: RACNAB v2.0 _RA_dio _C_ontrol _NA_il _B_omb. |
67699 | RADAR.ZIP | 6496 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Radar 1.0 signals vicinity of enemy with dark sound. If the enemy is near frequency of beeps become short. |
67700 | RADAR0_5.ZIP | 8015 | 02.09.1996 | - | gamers.org | tupla | Quake: Radar Filename : Radar0_5.zip Version : 0.5 Author : Nick Wilson aka NiCkMaN Quake C : yes the radar will search for enemies that you can't see. That includes invisible players, enemies behind walls, or out of your line of sight. Uses 5 cells per use. |
67827 | REAPER06.ZIP | 160649 | 14.11.1996 | - | - | - | QUAKE: Reaper Bots v0.6 Reaper Bots are computer controlled artificial deathmatch opponents, that actually _think_ and _learn_ the level as they play. They jump, swim, pick up and use armor weapons and ammo, have skill settings, and don't cheat. They can also be played on any level without any special requirements. You can have 16 player games with a single computer! Clearly the _best_ bots by far. Many bugs fixed since last version. Created by Steven Polge. Uploaded by |
67856 | RELARMOR.ZIP | 132980 | 19.09.1996 | - | gamers.org | tupla | QuakeC patch: Realistic Armor by Reptilian * makes the armor more realistic. while wearing this armor, you will take damage based on the percentage of armor you have left. |
67865 | RELWEP13.ZIP | 210734 | 02.09.1996 | - | 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso | tupla | Quake: Realistic Weapons Filename : relwep13.zip Version : 1.3 Date : 96/08/22 Author : Cameron Newham (W_Australia) Quake C : yes * Server help and predefined aliases * Makes the weapons unreliable * Recoil on all weapons except lightning gun * Spikes, rockets & grenades slow down while in water * Rockets leave a bubble trail in water * Spikes, rockets, grenades and backpacks can travel through teleporters * Rockets and armour add weight |
67916 | RICOCHET.ZIP | 1800 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22595/Hrac_23_1998-07-08_cd2.bin | tupla | QuakeC patch: Ricocheting projectiles * Bullets now ricochet off of walls. |
67971 | ROCKETL.ZIP | 169252 | 19.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | QuakeC patch: RocketLauncher Version .01 |
67972 | ROCKETZ.ZIP | 119621 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | Quake: Rocketz-DM ver .2 level This is a conversion of a old Doom2 DM level we did for our local DOOM Tourney. It was one of the most popular. Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-6 Player : Yes Deathmatch 6+ Player : Yes |
29346 | RTSMAKER.ZIP | 18208 | 20.04.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | RTS-Maker Apogeelta Tällä ohjelmalla voit tehdä omia RTS -tiedostoja Apogeen Rise of the Triad:iin ja Duke Nukem 3D:hen Modeemi/Verkkopeliä varten. |
68328 | SGQCVER3.ZIP | 961124 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | QuakeC patch: RocketLauncher Version .01 Features * Quake C Patches * Right Click On Quake C Patches To Show Properties * Multiple CFG Files * Saved Games * Modified Maps * Setting Basic Server Settings And Rules * Saving And Loading Server Configurations |
68362 | SHOVEOFF.ZIP | 126585 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Shove off! by Steve Bond * multiplayer only lets you shove other players around. |
68420 | SKARMOD2.ZIP | 1002627 | 02.09.1996 | - | - | tupla | QuakeC: Skarmod Version : 1.2b Date : 96/08/15 Author : Sigurdur G. Gunnarsson Modifies weapons, skins & monters. |
68421 | SKARMOD3.ZIP | 1125223 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Skarmod V1.3 by Sigurdur G. Gunnarson This patch will will do add the following stuff: Adds a lot of stuff, guns etc. |
68424 | SKELETOR.ZIP | 192526 | 30.08.1996 | - | gamers.org | tupla | Quake skin - turns the player or the grunt into the classic character from the he-man cartoon series, Skeletor... |
68494 | SNIPER.ZIP | 134459 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: The Sniper Rifle v1.0 |
68542 | SOULSWP1.ZIP | 133266 | 02.09.1996 | - | 2456/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 2).iso | tupla | Quake: Soul Swapper QuakeC Filename : soulswp1.zip Version : 1.00 Date : 96/8/24 Author : Jeff Epler A weapon that swaps the "souls" of the attacker and the attacked. Deathmatch only, doesn't work on monsters. |
68576 | SPECIAL.ZIP | 125904 | 18.12.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | THE SPECIALIST QUAKE KIT 1.0 Okay, it's here, the explosive package sure to add a new dimension to deathmatching ... This kit adds three impulse commands to the game: IMPULSE 20 - drop a trigger bomb IMPULSE 21 - trigger all bombs IMPULSE 22 - drop a proximity bomb |
68586 | SPIDERMN.ZIP | 106510 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | Quake MDL: Spiderman, Spiderman from the famous Marvel Comics series. |
68588 | SPIKES10.ZIP | 137397 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | Quake: Spikes 1.0 Nails, when they hit something that bleed, explode, when they hit a wall, ceiling, floor, or other structure, they stick, arm after 1 second, then explode when a player gets near them(I may change it to include monsters later). |
68599 | SPOT_V1.ZIP | 15852 | 19.09.1996 | - | 22384/XENIATGM22.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Spot - following pet with commands |
68600 | SPREDGUN.ZIP | 18102 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: THE 'CONTRA' SPREAD GUN! v1.0 |
68628 | SQEAM.ZIP | 90166 | 02.09.1996 | - | gamers.org | tupla | Simple Quake Examples and Methods - Version 1.0 By Cameron Newham, August 26th 1996 This archive contains seven examples of common-place map entities in id's Quake. |
68708 | STEP05.ZIP | 157887 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | - | Quake: Adds a steping sound for the player |
68723 | STINGER.ZIP | 6284 | 18.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | QuakeC: Stinger bomb for QuakeC code |
68780 | SUPERAXE.ZIP | 126278 | 18.12.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | - | SuperAxe Quake C Mod This simple Quake C Modification makes the Axe a usable weapon in deathmatch. Its for those times in deathmatch with 16 players when there just isn't enough ammo to go around. |
68785 | SUPLIGHT.ZIP | 141546 | 02.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | Quake: Super Lightning Gun QuakeC Filename : suplight.zip Version : 0.9 Date : 8/21/96 Author : Marc Fombaron Hit '8' two times to activate the super lightning gun. The beam is now directed on the targets and the gun discharges until no more bad dude stand up. Keeping the weapon activated with no target costs no cells, each shot costs 10 cells. The weapons does twice as damage as the regular lightning gun. |
68846 | T20SK10.ZIP | 442990 | 19.09.1996 | - | - | - | QuakeC patch: Top20Skins tries to establish a collection of 20 skins which rank at the 'top' of all skins currently available. |
68923 | TCHWPN10.ZIP | 125573 | 18.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | QuakeC: techWeapon V1.0 by Keith Russell The Good News: Your single- and double-barrelled shotguns have been replaced with high tech single and dual blasters. |
28584 | TDRAGON.ZIP | 5,9 Mt | 28.08.1998 | - | 23238/Gamestar_09_1999-09_cd3.bin | - | Shadow Warrior Total Conversion: Twin Dragon Tämän alunperin piti tulla kaupallinen, mutta nyt julkaistu freewarena. Kentät ovat huomattavasti laadukkaampia kuin normaalissa SW:ssä joten se on joka pelaajan pakkolöytö. Vaatii Shadow Warriorin täysversion. |
68941 | TEAMSCOR.ZIP | 145872 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | - | QuakeC patch: Teamscore patch. This patch tabulates team scores and prints them on exit |
68965 | TELE.ZIP | 23215 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | - | QuakeC patch: Patch created by: KTGOW 1) Teleport dropping: 2) TeleBombs: |
68968 | TELEW11.ZIP | 137974 | 18.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | QuakeC: TeleWeapon Patch V1.1 Author: Ronald E. Mercer (the_DM) |
68995 | TF1_1SRC.ZIP | 89777 | 19.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | - | QuakeC patch: TeamFortress Quake Version 1.1 Multiple Player classes patch for Quake, with 6 classes, advanced team options, new weapons, items, rules, etc. Source included. |
68996 | TF1_21PR.ZIP | 185052 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | TeamFortress Quake Version 1.21 Multiple Player classes patch for Quake, with advanced team options, new weapons, items, rules, Advanced Map Support, etc. |
28585 | THEGATE.A01 | 3,8 Mt | 19.05.1997 | - | - | - | The Gate 2/5 |
28586 | THEGATE.A02 | 3,8 Mt | 19.05.1997 | - | - | - | The Gate 3/5 |
28587 | THEGATE.A03 | 3,8 Mt | 19.05.1997 | - | - | - | The Gate 4/5 |
28588 | THEGATE.A04 | 457 kt | 19.05.1997 | - | - | - | The Gate 5/5 |
28589 | THEGATE.ARJ | 3,8 Mt | 19.05.1997 | - | - | - | The Gate - Duke Nukem 3D Total Conversion from BDP. "The Gate" is a four episode, 24 level, total conversion for Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition or Plutonium Pak. It features replacement weapons, replacement music, replacement enemies, replacement artwork, replacement sound effects and much more! Will NOT work with Duke Nukem v1.3d |
69121 | THROWAXE.ZIP | 164255 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | Quake: Allows you to chuck your Axe around |
69122 | THROWEYE.ZIP | 6220 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: ThrowEyes 1.0 |
69185 | TMBOT11.ZIP | 181582 | 02.09.1996 | - | 23657/PCGAMER37.bin | tupla | Quake: TM Bot QuakeC Filename : tmbot1.zip Version : 1.1 Date : 96/8/26 Author(s): Micheal Polucha,Tim Polucha ( Automated Helper Bot or Player 2 on only one computer! With this advanced AI you can conquer any level of Quake. TM Bot is based on the Enforcer Model. |
69313 | TRACBEAM.ZIP | 14419 | 02.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | Quake: The Tractor Beam QuakeC Filename : tracbeam.zip Version : 1.0ß Date : 96/08/26 Author : Jonathan Avraham (Data, engage tractor beam.) Ever wanted to just throw your DeathMatch enemy for a quick lava bath? Ever wanted to get him up high in the air and then release him, falling to his death? Now you can, with the Tractor Beam. Just change to tractor beam mode and grab the motherfunker. |
69346 | TRAPS.ZIP | 132413 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: Booby Trap, lays down what appears to be a box of missiles. When another player tries to pick one up... boom! They get a mouthfull! |
69575 | UNREL.ZIP | 127284 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Unreliable Weapons V1.00 |
28590 | URSKIN10.ZIP | 4,3 Mt | 26.06.1998 | - | - | - | Unreal SkinPack version 1.0. Compiled by Chris Taylor. |
69640 | VAMP10.ZIP | 582585 | 25.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: Vampire Mod V1.00, This mod enables you to switch into a Vampire similar to Morph mod except you can only swith to a Vampire or stay as a worthless human. |
69736 | VIOLENCE.ZIP | 164125 | 02.09.1996 | - | 22641/cd joy 74 No16.iso | tupla | Quake: Grenade launcher & nail gun fire the odd gib, monster gibs are tripled, and gibs explose. |
28591 | VOLVO850.ARJ | 12,4 kt | 13.05.1998 | - | - | - | Volvo 850 Carmageddoniin Oletko väsynyt alkuperäisistä Carmageddon autoista ? Kaipaatko vaihteeksi jotain COOLIA ? Imuroi tämä ! Sika Makee Sininen Volvo 850 Jyrää... |
69852 | VWEAPONS.ZIP | 21337 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Vhold's Weapons & MORE v1.1 |
69912 | WATERMON.ZIP | 2290 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Water aware monsters |
70074 | WINGS.ZIP | 1519 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Wings by Kyle R. Hofmann Creates wings for your character. |
70100 | WISP.ZIP | 16260 | 18.12.1996 | - | 23018/cdactioncoverdisc | tupla | QuakeC: Wisp version 1.0 by Iikka Paavolainen (ipaavola@cc.hut.fi) The wisp is a flying bot (that resembles a lava ball due to a lack of a more accurate model) that you can summon and banish at will, freeze/unfreeze, recall, and even ride with! It will attack other players and monsters that it sees, and hunt semi- intelligently for targets when none are near. |
70362 | XSOLDIER.ZIP | 3661 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Mod QC by SHYFT This mod makes the shotgun weilding grunts throw a grenade sometimes. |
70366 | XTRAWP19.ZIP | 128080 | 19.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: XTRAWEAPONS 1.9 |
70445 | ZAXE1.ZIP | 162504 | 02.09.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | Quake: Zaxe QuakeC Filename : zaxe1.zip Version : 1.00 Date : 96/8/27 Author : Jeff Epler If you take the axe to a zombie, you'll eventually kill it. |
70456 | ZEUS10.ZIP | 187237 | 18.12.1996 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | tupla | QuakeC: ZeusBot V1.00 This mod creates a helper bot which will attack the player's enemies and draw fire. The bot attacks with a Lightning Gun, which will not harm the player if he runs into it. |
70489 | ZOMBOMB.ZIP | 5713 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | tupla | QuakeC patch: Mod QC by SHYFT makes some of the zombies charge the player and detonate themselves in a damaging shower of blood. |
70490 | ZOMGEN.ZIP | 125756 | 19.09.1996 | - | 17211/Toolkit For Quake 1996-10.iso | - | QuakeC patch: Zombie Generator * causes the zombies to 'infect' other monsters when they hit them. |