################################### # S O N Y P L A Y $ T A T I O N # # # # Full RGB Scarting information # # # # By: 2TUFF/NAPALM # ################################### ]-[ere I am again bringing you the useful information that others want to keep to themselves and make lots of money off. I feel that people having to send their expensive and prized machines like Saturn and Playstation through the post to companies so that they can be scarted is stupid if you can do it yourself but just did not know how. If you are capable of doing the following then do so, then you can't get your machine lost or nicked. To people like Hydra who mouth off cause they made one lousy review of a game and rag on me for typing up articles well then dude who has given the people what is really useful now then? Along with my Saturn scarting and various own reviews etc. Shut your mouth in future. The following information was found out by R2D2(#1) and supplied to myself by R2D2(#2). This fully work's and has been tested on many RGB compatible TV's with no problem at all! I would like to thank Paul for giving me the information on how to RGB the Playstation, it's making life so easy now without digital scan on my picture haha. TV's tested on:- MITSUBISHI..PHILIPS BLACKLINE..PHILIPS MATCHLINE..SONY TRINITRON For all those that don't know, RGB'ing the Playstation will now allow the machine to work in FULL colour on most Pal/Euro televisions. Also the picture quality will be increased by miles due to the signals being sent directly to the TV color guns etc instead of being modulated etc before hand. You will notice a crisper picture and far greater colouring (its amazing haha). Just take a look at the quality difference in an American SNES and a Pal SNES haha there ya go. EQUIPMENT NEEDED TO SCART PLAYSTATION +===================================+ 2TUFF/NAPALM 1. SOLDERING IRON 2. SOLDER (LOW MELT POINT/SELF FLUXING) *BEST* 3. 2 x IN4148 SIGNAL DIODES *FROM TANDY ETC* 4. MALE SCART/EURO-CONNECTOR 5. 9 CORE SIGNAL QUALITY CABLE *SEE [2TUFF#AUDIO] FOR 6 CORE* 6. RGB KNOWN TV FOR TESTING ETC DIAGRAM OF MALE SCART CONNECTOR +=============================+ 2TUFF/NAPALM ___/| 20 = VIDEO IN |- _ | 21 20 17 = VIDEO OUT EARTH |- _ | 19 18 16 = BLANKING |- _ | 17 16 15 = RED IN |- _ | 15 14 11 = GREEN IN |- _ | 13 12 10 = NOT CONNECTED/COM2 |- _ | 11 10 7 = BLUE IN |- _ | 9 8 6 = AUDIO IN LEFT |- _ | 7 6 4 = AUDIO EARTH |- _ | 5 4 2 = AUDIO IN RIGHT |- _ | 3 2 |- | 1 ~~~~ DIAGRAM OF SONY PLAYSTATION PCB +=============================+ 2TUFF/NAPALM Open the Playstation and flip main PCB vertically down (so that A/V port is facing you and where joyports were, so it is now on the bottom LEFT). -] Port Pins [- 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 = GREEN OUT 7 = RED OUT o o o o o o 2 = BLANKING 8 = BLUE OUT 3 = VIDEO EARTH 9 = AUDIO OUT LEFT o o o o o o 4 = RGB SYNC 7 8 9 5 = AUDIO OUT RIGHT 6 = AUDIO EARTH WHERE TO PUT CABLE +================+ 2TUFF/NAPALM The Playstation is far easier to play with than the Sega Saturn. When I RGB scarted my Saturn, I found it hard to find a decent spot for the cable to enter/leave. The playstation is EASY!!!!!!! Open the machine up and you will see the power supply pcb on the Left, and the main pcb on the Right. In the middle of these is a small gap. Make the hole in between this area in the plastic at dip. Now you can easily have access to the A/V port as its right next to wire coming in. MAKE SURE YOU THREAD CABLE THROUGH HOLE BEFORE SOLDERING *This can cause serious brain emriging if you don't and solder haha* WHAT TO CONNECT +=============+ 2TUFF/NAPALM 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 = GREEN OUT 7 = RED OUT o o o o o o 2 = BLANKING 8 = BLUE OUT 3 = VIDEO EARTH 9 = AUDIO OUT LEFT o o o o o o 4 = RGB SYNC 7 8 9 5 = AUDIO OUT RIGHT 6 = AUDIO EARTH Use the colours on the multicore cable to help you (i.e wiring for the blue signal, then use the BLUE wire haha????) Refer to MY diagrams earlier PLAYSTATION SCART/EURO-CONNECTOR 1 --->--- 11 2 --->--- SEE *DIODE'S* BEFORE !! BELOW 16/10 3 --->--- 17 4 --->--- 20 5 --->--- 2 6 --->--- 4 7 --->--- 15 8 --->--- 7 9 --->--- 6 DIODE'S +=====+ 2TUFF/NAPALM Use 2 IN4148 signal diodes. These can be got from all electrical stockists. I got mine from work but here is the relevant information to purchase them from Tandy COMPONENT : IN4148 DIODE CATALOGUE # : 276-1122 QUANTITY : PK.10 PRICE : œ1.49 Scart 16o ---- __ o /\_____2 (on psx[BLANKING]) o \/ 10o ---- ~~ Get the 2 IN4148's so that the LINE on the diode's are at the bottom. Join the wire together at other end so the 2 diodes now become one, and the wires at the other end where the LINE is are still seperate. / / /\ .|..|. *JUST SOLDER THE 2 SEPERATE ENDS EITHER WAY ROUND TO | || | THE PINS SHOWN ABOVE [16/10]* |-||-| | | | | DISCLAIMER +========+ I and others have used this information, and have had no problems or cause any since. So if you encounter a problem dont cry to me just cause you screwed up your machine through not understanding or being qualified to attempt this hardware hack etc. If you feel you don't fully understand or can't solder etc then wait till Sony being out a A/V scart lead, unless mine come out first.