Blood (Shareware) Cheat Codes Hit "t" during gameplay and type in the following codes. nocapinmyass - God Mode i wanna be like kevin - God Mode capinmyass - God Mode off eva galli - clipping on/off goonies - full map rate - frame rate display idaho - All weapons and ammo bunz - All weapons and ammo lara croft - All weapons and unlimited ammo hongkong - All weapons and unlimited ammo montana - All weapons, ammo, and items keymaster - all keys satchel - all items griswold - full armor spork - 200 health onering - toggle invisibility mario - level skip calgon - level skip clarice - 100 health mcgee - set yourself on fire fork broussard - no weapons, 1 health, drunk mode sterno - fade to black jojo - drunk mode Doug Radcliffe (03/07/97)