Robinson's Requiem Welcome to your new home. Your parachute has set you down in the heart of a jungle, so get your wits about you right now. You need to keep your eyes open all the time for anything that could prove useful. You're going to need to stock up on food, and kit yourself out with the tools necessary for your survival. Remember to constantly check your health using your Sesame computer, always anticipate threats to your health rather than wait for the symptoms. Everything you need to stay alive on this planet is here, it's just a matter of using your ingenuity and intuition. But remember, staying alive is just the first stage in your bid to escape. Follow these guidelines and you may stand a fighting chance...... Begin by heading eastwards through the passage on the left between the mountains. Tread carefully and look for changes in the terrain as there are steep drops and banks which can lead to broken bones. Soon you will come across the wreckage of your spaceship, so take what is yours - collect five wires from the debris and collect the medicines from behind the ruin. This is essential, your medical kit will keep you alive. Now return to the south, then go to the east until you come to a lake. Here you will encounter another Robinson Agent. You may be tempted to shake hands and enquire as to his health, but remember, it's every man for himself on this planet and staying alive means dispensing with some of the niceties. He has possessions that you need, so you must kill him. Take the matches, a gourd, the computer and the battery from him, and pick up his knife which has fallen to the ground. Now that you have a knife you can cut loose. Find yourself some food, but be careful, as the pears on the tree by the lake are not edible. Using the knife, collect branches and leaves from the trees. These are your building materials. You can make a hat using the leaves and the needle in your kit bag. Now get yourself a supply of water. You can fill the gourd you took from your fellow prisoner - just click on 'USE', then get sufficiently close to the lake. Click on the gourd and drag it near to the water and it will fill. Unfortunately the lake is not full of French mountain mineral water, so you would be well advised to disinfect it before drinking. Use a sterilisation tablet or light a fire to boil it ("USE" icon). In the vicinity of the lake there are three cauliflowers concealed in hidden recesses. They are rather heavy, so you would be wise not to lug them around with you. Remember, the weight of the bag that you are carrying directly affects your level of fatigue. It is best to eat them as and when you find them. Now return to the west as far as the end of the montain. Recover the following along the way in the recesses of the mountain: to the south, earthworms in a heap of earth, and to the north, a cauliflower. Take the road to the south, follow it and go up the mountain. On the left of the slope is a cauliflower. Eat it. Now you must go into combat. The birds on this planet are not the twittering sparrow type. You must fight the eagle and kill it. Now use the knife to collect meat and feathers from the eagle. Recover the eggs and a large bunch of feathers from the nest - you will need these later. Now go back down the mountain and continue towards the north. At the entrance to the road, prepare to meet a friend who is not all he appears to be. When you have killed him, look in the grass close by for his Sesame computer. If you find it, take it. Follow the narrow pass to the west, but watch out, there is a tiger at the entrance to the road, and tigers on this planet are particularly menacing creatures. They will attack without provocation and few weapons are effective against their lethal lunge. Your best bet is to pass it by crawling on your hands and knees (click both right and left mouse buttons), by-passing it via the road which leads to the north. Having successfully avoided imminent death, continue along the road right to the end towards the south, and collect some resin from a tree. By using the resin and a branch, you can make a torch. Now continue along the road towards the north and turn left at the crossing. Swallow your fear and trepidation, light the torch and enter the cave. The caves are dark and dank, as all proper caves should be, and they are full of numerous mutant Ali Babas. A word of warning - there may be hidden precipices in the ground, so tread carefully. In the main cave, recover a computer on the floor. A very long corridor to the north leads to a dead end. If you get this far, use your knife to scrape of saltpetre - it will come in handy later. At this stage you would be wise to take some antibiotics. Remember, climate and environment affect your health and there's nothing like a damp, cold cave to bring on a dose of flu. Now take the west exit and head towards the marshes. The marshes are one of the more unpleasant parts of the planet, and will begin to test your survival skills for real. Until now you have just been getting yourself acclimatised. Beware! Do not go into the marshes at night as a tyrannosaurus roams around and kills anything that moves. Numerous monsters may attack in the main clearing. Four roads lead to the west. The one furthest to the north leads to a tree with edible grapes. Check your energy levels - it may be wise to eat and get some rest. The second road leads to a small clearing where there are five melons hidden in tall grass. The third road leads to a Robinson. Be sociable - talk to him and take the necklace that he offers you. You may want to collect the fruit from the Yks'Ykd'Yk, in this clearing. It is a type of drug. Now take the fourth road which is the furthest to the south. It leads to a village. Watch out! Along this road carnivorous plants must be killed or avoided. If you are bitten by a carnivorous planet you must act fast as it's bite is poisonous. The necklace that your fellow Robinson gave you has an important use. Put it around your neck and you won't be attacked by the horsewoman from the village. You may want to go and listen to the Headwoman of the village, right up in the north. Not far from her, you can find a stegosaurus, whose milk you can take simply by validating the gourd on the udders. After collecting creepers with the knife (by clicking on them), you can make a bow by combining a branch and a creeper: ` Branch + Creeper = Bow ` Branch + Feather = Arrow ` Branch + Creeper + Safety Pin + Earthworm = Fishing Rod Now you should be getting used to the idea of using the environment to your advantage. Try experimenting - combining different elements by clicking on the 'BUILD' icon. You can fish at any of the watering places by selecting the 'HOOK' icon in the 'USE' action. Return to the mutant Ali Baba cave and pass through it in order to reach the jungle. You have still got to deal with the tiger, but at least now you have bows and arrows. Crawl past it and once on the other side, position yourself at a safe distance and shoot two arrows. Watch out! At the first arrow, the tiger will start to attack so you must get the second shot in quickly and accurately or you will be cat-o-meat for sure. Recover the skin and meat from the carcass of the tiger. Always remember, animal furs and skins can be used to make clothes. Flushed with your victory over the tiger you should now be getting a feel for how you're going to make it off this planet. Head back towards the wreck of the vessel. Directly north, take a road towards the left. Climb the mountain and cross the bridge. Here you may choose to pick some leaves from a 'majuarina' plant right on the edge of a cliff. A little further on, there is another tiger which must also be killed with two arrows, but you should have got the hang of this by now. Recover the skin and meat and use the skins, thread and needle to make some clothes: Skin + Wire + Needle = Clothes Enter the cave to the north and put on the maximum amount of clothes, with the skins taking priority. This is the coldest place in the game. Cross this cave from the south to the north, in the main cave you will encounter some pteranodons. From this main cave, go towards the east and you will meet another Robinson. Kill him and recover the computer, a razor and a video game (this cannot be used on this planet). Return to the main cave then go to the north in order to leave the cave and enter a canyon. Out of the frying pan and into the fire! Apache Canyon is hot. Fine if you're on a beach holiday, but a threat to your well-being when you're trying to stay alive against the odds. Take off the clothes and put on the leaf hat as soon as possible because that sun is blistering. Check your water levels - you don't want to end up dead from dehydration. The desert area is inhabited by Mygale spiders, which have a poisonous bite. You can give yourself an injection of serum before crossing this region. Try to kill them or avoid them. If you are bitten, immediately apply the aspiro venom to the wound, or an injection of serum (the aspiro venom will pump out the poison). Your aim is to cross the desert towards the west and enter the plain at the south-west where large rabbit bisons live. This is a bit of a game of target practice since they tend to bounce around all over the place. However, if you can kill a few of them they are a ready supply of meat and skin. Watch out! At the end of this plain there is a large, aggressive rabbit bison with its calf. A butt from a rabbit bison causes fractures and can sometimes lead to temporary deafness. There is a body of a dead Robinson in this end. Recover its computer. To the south there is a passage in the mountains; on the other side you meet a Robinson. Listen to him. You can collect three pumpkins at the very bottom of this canyon. Return to the desert either by continuing towards the east or by passing via the plain with the rabbit bisons. By passing via the east, in a dead end towards the south, you can treat yourself to some Schamalho meatballs. Once in the desert area, take the road which rises up to the plateau towards the east. On this plateau, in a village, there are natives who you must fight. It is worth the effort because the natives have spears which will prove to be highly lethal projectiles and which can be used several times. To the north of the village there is a potato field. Take the large gourd hanging in one of the huts and fill it up at one of the watering places. Now continue directly south west from the village, along a precarious ledge. You will encounter a pteranodon right at the end. Watch out! he can easily pluck out one of your eyes! Here, recover the computer on the sacrificed Robinson. Return to the desert area. To the east there is a passage which leads to a cave. Enter this cave. Do not take the first crossroads. Instead continue straight along the road. Cross through two caves inhabited by small tyrannosauruses. At the end of these two caves, take the road to the south. Here you arrive at a maze. In the maze of galleries there are various dead ends. In one of them, you can recover a computer close to a body. In the other dead end there is an area with a small pond. Take the tortoise and, after eating it, use its shell to make a helmet. A useful tip:- Collect salt from the walls. It is extremely useful in time of intense heat. Return to the main cave. Take the road which leads to the south-west and to the desert. The desert is hot and it is absolutely essential to have lots of water (two full gourds), to wear the hat and to absorb some salt. If you don't take these precautions, you're not going to make it across. Follow the road and at the intersection, continue towards the west. At the second intersection, go west. This will lead in the end to a desert area which is watched over in the north by a large triceratops. Do not approach it for the time being. Towards the south, kill the mad Robinson and recover his objects. Return to the second intersection and turn towards the south. The road splits into two, and down one of the forks is a body with a computer which you should take and return to the cave. Now return to the canyon and take the other cave to return to the jungle. Go down the mountain and take the Ali Baba cave to reach the marsh. Remember the warning about the tyrannosaurus in the marsh? Now is the time to outsmart it. Wait until nightfall then send up the flares when the tyrannosaurus appears. The bright light will blind it and once the tyrannosaurus is blinded it can no longer move, so hit it until it dies. Be careful though, because it takes a while to kill it so one flare might not be enough. As soon as it starts to get dark the tyrannosaurus will start to attack again so get out of the way. Once you have done that, go straight to the village of the Horsewomen. They will be grateful so go to see the Headwoman at the end of the village as she may have some tokens of her gratitude to give you. Cross the jungle. Go to the east, to the cascade. Fill the gourds, go towards the east. A road starts off towards the south, leading to a cave. This is the Sponz Grub Cave. Enter this cave and crawl through the corridor. The fat Sponz Grub is waiting in the large cave. Take care because it is very fierce. Kill the grub with the distress gun - it's quick and efficient. Take the corridor leading to the west at the bottom of the cave. There you will come across other small grubs which must also be killed. Recover a computer from the ground. Return towards the east and, in the large cave, take the passage to the south-east. Crawl through this underground passage. The cave comes out in the forest. Be careful! On leaving the forest there is a Robinson wandering around with a laser, and he shoots at anything that moves! Don't waste time here, just get out the distress gun and blow him away! Recover his laser in the grass and, from his person, refills for the laser, a computer and a pair of kevlar gloves. Recover the computer on the body which is moaning at the northwest of the clearing. At the east of the clearing there is a rather sparse area in which "lapins-cerfs" (stag-rabbits) are gambolling about. You may want to lay snares here: Wire + Branch = Snare These will have to be removed later, You can try to hunt the "lapins-cerfs" with a projectile or even with the sword, if you are quick enough. Recover the skins and meat from the bodies. Slightly further to the south-east, follow a road which goes up a mountain. If you fancy a culinary distraction at this point you can leave the road and headtowards the east where you will come across a small plateau in the middle of which stands a lovely apple tree. Collect some fruit and return to the road. Be careful! It is surrounded by Centaurs who shoot arrows. Kill them with a laser and recover the bows. Continue along the road and after crossing a bridge, you will end up on a plateau where numerous Centaurs attack with their axes. They must all be killed, so that you can recover a computer from the Head Centaur, as well as an axe, which is a highly effective waepon. Return to the clearing from where you started. Go towards the north. Prepare your laser and be very careful as there are four tigers roaming around in the area. Kill them one at a time! Recover their skins. With all of these skins you will be able to make quite a few warm clothes and you're going to need them. Now continue to the east until you reach the edge of a small lake. Go into the water and swim some distance northwards. Soon you will come across a raft which you should take and descend the waterway. Pass under the bridge. At the fork you can go to the left and collect artichokes from the bank. Return to the intersection and continue as far as the lake. At the end of this lake the entrance to a cave will appear. Before you go in, make sure that you put on some warm clothes as it is extremely cold in this cave. Follow the river and at the first intersection, take a left. Go right to the end and, from the walls, collect some sulphur. Return to the preceding intersection - still by raft - and continue towards the east. Here, a waterfall will appear. Change into the reptile skin clothes, jacket and trousers, then jump into the waterfall. Swim to the other side, slightly to the north. Put on the warm clothes again and start off on foot past quite a few giants. These guys are violent and are liable to break your arms as soon as look at you. This is where the helmet you made from the tortoise shell comes in handy. Put it on and go into combat. Your next step is to follow a maze of galleries in which there is coal to be collected from the walls of a small cave, and a computer to be recovered in a cave guarded by three giants. The maze ends up in a passage at the southeast. A horrible pterodactyl appears - kill it. Now put on the reptile skin and dive into the water. Swim towards the north until you reach the edge. You may be chased by two pterodactyls. Kill them (it's easier with the laser). Continue along the road until you end up in a large cave. Take the north exit towards the canyon. Once in the canyon, take the other entrance to the cave - the one where the tyrannosaurus used to stalk. At the first intersection, turn right and you will come across a computer in the middle of the skeletons. Take it and go back to the canyon. At this point in the game, you should have 17 Sesame computers, together with the one you are carrying yourself. These are the key to your escape. Go and see the Robinson close to his cabin. Watch out! You have to shoot him before he shoots you. If you doubt your skills with a gun, you can kill him from a distance before he gets a chance to aim at you. Recover from him a gas mask, refills and his computer. Then go to the desert. To reach it you have to cross the canyon with the tyrannosaurus where you can fill up the gourds and take some salt. Once in the desert, go towards the west where the mad Robinson was. To the north there is a large area inhabited by a triceratops which is at this point taking a siesta. You may be able to skirt around him but be careful, one step too far and it will charge you! It's probably therefore wiser to kill it. To do this you need to make a Molotov Cocktail. The recipe for a Molotov Cocktail is as follows: take one empty whisky bottle, place some coal, sulphur and saltpetre into the bottle and make a wick with a plaster or creeper. The best way to kill the triceratops is to keep a good distance and shoot at it with the laser in order to wake it up, then throw the Molotov Cocktail at it. Now go back to the wreck which is at the end, in a hidden recess in the north, and take the battery by clicking on the wreck. Go directly east. The road is long and full of traps and quicksand so tread very carefully. Suddenly you will come across some Walkers. These are robot prison guards and they have to be destroyed with the laser. If you are in need of water or energy you can eat the single stalk of the Macreloptia Rhacodes, which is the only edible mushroom in the desert. It is situated right at the end of a dead-end in the northeast and guarded by a Walker. You will emerge far over in the southeast, along an enormous esplanade, guarded by a giant robot. Now is the time to make a booby trap. Use the battery and the wire, but be careful. To make this trap it is imperative that you wear the kevlar insulation gloves recovered previously from a Robinson. Add Battery + Wire to obtain a booby-trapped battery. Move forward to attract the giant robot, then put down the battery just in front of yourself, retreat a little and leave the robot to electrocute itself on the battery. Continue towards the north. Watch out for the lava, do not step in it. The entrance to the cave is right up in the north. Put on the gas mask before entering it. At the first intersection, turn left and kill the robot. From behind, recover a computer from a body and a heavy laser on the ground. The heavy laser has an infinite number of shots so you can finish the game using this weapon alone. Return to the previous intersection and continue along the road. Be careful. You will arrive at an enormous cave frequented by numerous Walkers. Destroy them individually with the laser. Watch out for the lava disks on the ground and on the walls. Continue in a maze of galleries to the north and, beneath an aperture, recover Nina's computer. If you fall asleep in the cave she will sign to you telepathically that she has managed to throw her computer into a volcano. Go to the computer cave. Watch out for the numerous Clambots which are more easily destroyed from a greater distance. Insert all the computers, as well as your own, into the aperture of the main computer (the one with the small red light). Once all the computers are incorporated, the base of the androids will switch to self destruction. Now your escape is essential. You have come too far to turn back and it's time to concentrate your efforts into getting off the planet. As from this moment there is only a limited time left to escape. Unfortunately, you are now at a serious disadvantage since you no longer have your computer, so you cannot access either the map, the control panel of the computer or the scanner for the skeleton. The best way is to remember the route out. The double doors out are situated in the maze in the middle of the map. You will meet numerous robot dogs along the way, which you will probably prefer to blow up with your giant laser. Providing all the disks have been inserted into the computer, the door will open. You can then join your dear Nina and leave the planet to return to Earth where you will surely be greeted as a hero!! THE END.