FRANKENSTEIN: THROUGH THE EYES OF THE MONSTER WALKTHROUGH GENERAL NOTES: The Frankeinstein adventure game is a mixed bag. It has great graphics and sounds that remind Myst with the exception that the first has a much darker story. It is not as violent as many other games on the market. However, the themes covered in Frankenstein are quite morbid. One of the game worst sides is its slowness. It takes a lot of time to get from one place to the next (even with a Pentium 90). What makes the matter worst is the huge area to explore in this game. This implies that going from the tower upper floors to some of the mine chambers take forever. Despite this shortcoming, which induced a lot of frustation on my part, I always came back for more. The game is not so tough to solve (when you know the answers). Most puzzles are logic or have solutions written on loose notes scattered around the castle. The real difficulty lie in not knowing where to go and what to do next. This situation happened to me at least 4 or 5 times. Thanks to people on the Internet, I was able to get finally through. You can wander around the castle for hours before some new actions take place. Passing through a given room or finding a new note often triggers new events. Writting this walkthrough was not easy because a lot of the difficulties rest in mapping the secret passages, which is not easy to describe in text mode. I will at least try to give you a description of what you need to do in order to win the game. It would be better to rely on this walktrough only if you are stucked in the game. Knowing in advance every moves spoils the fun. Also, this game takes a long time to solve. So don't think you will be through in one evening (even with this solve). Very few items can be taken in this game. There are only 5 or 6 you can carry in all. However, you will find a lot of notes scattered around the castle. Some you can carry, some you cannot. Finally, this walkthrough was written to the best of my knowledge (and memory). It is in no way an official walktrough. I may have missed some key features or may have mixed up some actions. It was written to help those who where not able to finish the game. I hope you will be indulgent. You will also probably find my writing a bit off the track, because english is not my first language. Again I apologize for those who will find it difficult to follow me. Laboratory After viewing or at least listening to what happened to you (you were falsely found guilty and hung high for the murder of your daughter), you wake up looking at Dr. Frankenstein who gives you a shot of morphine (he also takes one to celebrate your rebirth). You find out that you still live but you now have a ladies' left arm. You get up and look around the lab. There are several things to see around this floor. For instance, you can look at the blackboard, activate some electrical machines, look at a periodic table (chemical elements), you can climb to the tower's roof (you do not need to activate anything yet), you can open a dumb-waiter and look inside the shaft, you can push aside a cabinet to find a closed grate, you can read a newspaper telling about your verdict and hanging, you can look at a lifestone and some notes. Take the lifestone and turn right (Dr. Frankenstein will not let you out of the laboratory with this crystal). Put it on the table. Take the cloth and put it beside the lifestone. Take four strands of rope and put them on both the cloth and crystal. Now you have a parachute that you can throw by the window. Notice that it will go over the wall. You will need to retrieve it later. If you climb the ladder leading to the roof, take note of the plaque and the pattern of planets. This is plaque no. 2 and it is associated with winds. Take careful note of this pattern because you will need it later on. Exploring the tower's floors You may have notice a trap door in the floor. Go down the lower level. Go in the back and look at the large Tesla coil. It is supposed to store energy. Notice the lever just below this coil. You will need to pull it down later on. Open the door besides the stairs. You will find yourself on a large balcony. Go toward the cannon balls. Take one and put it in the steel basket. Pull on the rope. The cannonball should fall on the left upper gangway and roll out to the left knocking the moose head trophy. Secret passage no. 1 Now pick the rope and turn right. Place it in the wall opening. Now go through this opening and go down. You will see a broken grate. Go through it, turn right, go down once and turn left twice. You will find yourself in a small room with a corpse and a desk. Read the notes. This desk will serve for a forthcoming experiment later on, so keep in mind its emplacement. Now turn left twice and go down and turn right. Activate the pulley. The wheels will broke loose, so put them back in place and try again to open the hidden door to the castle great hall. There is a lot to explore after that. However, few doors open to let you in. Castle exploration Go directly in front of you toward the double doors. These lead to the dining room. Dr. Frankenstein will speak for a moment and will leave. Go toward the fireplace and take the bag. Click on the bag to see its content. Read the notes. Go back toward the table and take the turkey leg. Put it in the bag. You may explore all three floors but only three doors will let you in. Exiting to left of the fireplace, go right and then left and enter the door to the right. You will be in some kind of kitchen. Read the note found there. Again Dr. Frankenstein will come to speak with you. This time he will be less friendly. No other door opens on this floor except for the ones leading outside (we will come back later for these). Climb up one of the two stairways in the main hall. Only one door opens toward a burnt room. Look at the plaque on the fireplace. This is plaque no. 1 and it is associated with fire. Be careful to write down the exact position of all seven planets on this plaque. You will need this pattern later on. You will find stairs going up to the third floor. Turn right, forward, right and left and enter. This is the observatory room. You will find new notes. Read them. Nothing can be done yet in this room. Go back down to the great hall and open the door to outside. Go outside and turn left, go forward and right. The rope lying on the floor will come handy later. Look on the plaque at the bottom of the tree. This is plaque no. 4 and it is associated with height. Take note of the pattern of planets. Go left toward the tower near the courtyard doors. You will be able to climb the wall. You will retrieve the lifestone if you always choose the left path. Climb down and go toward the courtyard doors. Turn around toward the castle and look at the plaque. This is number 3 and it is associated with water. Go back inside the castle and into the secret passage behind the tapestry. Drop the turkey leg and lifestone on the desk. Climb up again, exit the grate, climb up toward the balcony and get inside the tower. Now take the wooden plank beside the stairway leading up. Turn right and go down. Place the plank on the missing stairs and go down. Dr. Frankenstein will come visit again. Look around and go toward the corner desk. Take the battery (glowing green box). Connect all three wires in turn and pull the levers. One will make the cat head groan. One will make the human head say some word. A third will contract the arm and the last will turn off the freezer. This will help you go through the door beside this table. Turn around and look at the desk in the middle of the room. Open the drawer and take the key. Use the key on either doors. The right one leads to your bedroom. There is a secret passage in the cabinet. The left one leads to an anteroom where you will find more notes and a crowbar. Take them all. Look at the locked door. Put the first, the second and the fourth switches (starting from the left) in the up position. Switches no. 3 and 5 should be in down position. This will unlock the door. This will lead to another laboratory room. turn left and left again. Take each brain in turn and place them in the machine to the right. Pull the lever and it will speak the last word it listen before being killed. Explore the room further to fing more notes. Get back to your bedroom and explore the hidden passageway. Map it carefully, because it gets difficult to find its way when in a hurry. Secret passage no. 2 When you enter the secret passage in you bedroom, you will face a grate. Looking through it you will be able to see the anteroom. If you go to the left of the secret door you will find a place to look in your bedroom. Now, if you go right of the secret door, you will come to a fork. Going right leads to a ladder. This ladder goes up to the Tesla coil level (you can only peek at this room) or further up to the room where you have awaken. You will be able to open the grate and move the cabinet in order to free the passage. Now you have a way to get from or to this floor level. If you take left at the fork, you will encounter another fork. Going right leads to a grate where you can look at the observatory. Going left leads to a ladder. Go down the ladder. You will encounter another fork. The right passage leads to a fireplace (you will be able to go there later on). the front passage leads to another ladder going down. To reach it, you need the crowbar to remove the planks blocking your way. Take the next ladder. Turn right and pull the lever. You now have another passage leading to the great hall. If you decide to go further on in the secret passage, you will be blocked by hot steam coming out from a defective pipe (you will correct that later on). First experiment with lifestone Go through the first secret passage to reach the hidden small room (the one with the corpse). Place the battery on the desk. Attach both wires of the battery to the lifestone. This will recharge the crystal. The turkey leg needs to be also on the desk. It will seem that the experiment failed, so you will eat the turkey leg. You will then black out to wake up looking at live vomit (the experiment did worked...). Take the grappling hook. Go outside and head for the tree left of the entrance doors. New rooms to explore Use the grappling hook with the rope lying on the floor. Take the hooked rope. Go up the tree. Use the grappling hook on the window. Enter the window. Look around and read the notes lying on the table. Push the small table lying beside the entrance and put it in front of the exit door. Go forward and both axes will fall down on the table. Now look at the aquarium. Remove the piece of wood. The aquarium will move under the chandelier. Look at the fireplace and unwind the rope wheel. The chandelier will come down on the aquarium and smash it. This will extinguish the fire. The way to the secret passage no. 2 is now open. Go to the exit door. Go forward, turn left then right and go through the door in front of you. Library Take the staff on the armorial bearings. Use it on the sliding ladder. Go down and look around. Read and take all the notes you find. Go in the back of the library and look at the scale. Take the weight and place it in the right tray. A hidden door will open. Go through it and you will come near the defective plumbing. Turn off the wheel. This open the way to secret passage no. 2. Go back to the library and exit the door in front of you (the one in the back of the reading room). This door leads to the first floor of the castle. Now go to the great hall and Dr. Frankenstein will catch you. He will bring you back to the library and push you down in the dungeon where he will cuff you and scourge you. Escape from the dungeon After he is gone, someone will drop a key from the grate. Remove your left hand from the cuff (remember that you have a ladies left arm, which is smaller than your right arm). Use the key on the right cuff. Head back toward the stairs and turn right toward the grate. Remove grate and go through secret passage no. 3. You will come to a room with two exits. The right one connects to the first floor in secret passage no. 2. The front hole leads to yet another room. The right hole brings you to a ladder leading toward the garden. The left one leads toward the hedge maze. (hint: you could already know the layout of this maze just by looking at it from the entrance doors to the castle. I was able to map it before entering it). I will not give you the indication to navigate this maze. However, you will need to gather some objects in this maze. Look for a skull and take the black beetle. Find the carnivorous plants and place the beetle in the right one. After the right plant took the beetle, the left one will open its mouth. Take the corroded scissors. Finally, you will need to find the entrance way to yet another secret passage (no. 4). Use the scissors on the vines to get access to the hatch. Planet room Go down and pull the leftside lever. You will hear a opening sound. Go forward and climb the ladder. You will be now in the planet room with four doors numbered 1 to 4 (remember the plaques). Go toward the planet machine. Dependently of the door you want to open, you will need to open one of the four lower little doors. Opening them will show a number (the plaque number). The upper door reveal four patterns. If you want to open door no. 1, you will need to open the leftmost upper little door and the leftmost lower little door. After that, turn the wheel until the pattern of planets fits with the pattern on the plaque. When this is done, pull the lever. If you hear a sound, you will have succeeded. If not, you will have to try again. Door one leads toward the mine. Door two leads ot a collapsed tunnel (for now). Door three leads to the smelting chamber and door four leads to the mausoleum. For now, you may look at the mausoleum to gather notes and read them. You should also open door 3. This door leads to the wine cellar maze. From the entrance of this maze, follow these directions: forward, forward, forward, right, forward, left, forward, right, forward, left, forward, forward. You will eventually come to a small room leading to the melting chamber. Look around. Pull the lever to open the steel doors leading to the mine. Go in the back and go toward the coil. Turn the switch on. Go toward the right stairway and search the room (more notes to read). For now, head back to the planet room. The next step will be the mines. Also, if you head back to the hedge maze, you will find a newly created passage leading out directly toward the entrance doors of the castle. The mine There is two entrances to the mines (at this stage). The first one is through the planet room. The other one is in the garden. Start near the exit doors to the courtyard near plaque no. 3 and go toward the left side of the water basin (between the garden and the hedge maze). Push the gargoyle and a pedestal will emerge from the water. Step on it and the entrance to secret passage no. 5 will open (it also leads to the mines). Go ahead until you find the secret dock. Take the diving suit and speargun, and activate the air pumping machine. Turn right and go down in water. Look around and read the note and look at the treasure chest (you cannot take any of them with you). Turn around and kill the squid with the speargun. Climb the ladder. Shut out the pump and go back in the tunnel. Take the right tunnel. It leads to the mines. It is important to turn around in all directions in the mines to find all passages. Go forward until you encounter a left passage. Go in and turn around. You will find three passages. You entered from the left. The middle one leads to a conveyor. Activate it. You will need to find two more in the mines and another one in the ore processing room. Activate them all to start the mining process. Turn around and go forward. You will encounter a left passage leading to a waterwheel and chained doors. We will come back later for this one. If you continue to the end of this corridor, you will eventually face a closed door (it is door no. 1 from the planet room). Turn right and follow the side corridor to the end (activate the conveyor). Step back to the planet room door no. 1. Head back toward the side corridor leading to the waterwheel. Before g etting there, you will encounter a three door fork. The center one leads to a conveyor (activate it). The left one leads to a trap door you cannot yet enter. The right one is the main corridor. Now at the waterwheel location, turn the wheel to stop the flow of water. Take the chain and attach it to the waterwheel. Turn on the water and the doors will be torned away. Before entering the tunnel ahead, pull the switch to the right. You may also encounter a monster hand creeping on the floor. I do not know what importance it hold in this story. You may throw a rock at it or you may follow it outside the mine toward the secret dock (I doo not know where it went after this location. It will be back later on in this game. Ore processing plant You will come to a corridor with rails leading to the left and to the right. For now, take the left tunnel until you come to a steel door. Pull the lever. If it does not work, the entrance switch is probably off. When the steel door is open, climb the ladder and step in the ore processing plant. Look around. Activate the last conveyor in the back of this cavern (rocks will begin to be carried toward the ore processing plant). Turn right and push the black button on the machine. Head toward the control panel and pull the left switch to activate the crushing machine. Use the black and red buttons to crush the ore with the left or right crusher. You need to crush each boulder two times. If the processing plant shut off, pull the lever and restart the machine from the beginning. After enough ore has been produced, you will hear a signal. Get down the ladder and follow the rail until you find a control panel on your left. Continue down the tunnel and you will encounter two forks. At the first one, the left rail leads to the melting chamber (the steel doors should be open if you went through door no. 4 in the planet room). At the next fork, pull the lever to direct the rails toward the left passage. Go back to the first of these fork and look at the control panel. Pull the left switch and a wagon full of ore will come from the right. Head toward the second fork and go in the left tunnel. You will come into a room with closed doors in the ceiling. Attach the chain to the wagon and head back to the control panel. Flip both switch up and down again and the wagon will retreat to the right tearing off the ceiling door. Pull the lever at the side of the control panel. Flip the left switch back up. The wagon will go into the melting chamber. Go to the melting chamber. Melting chamber Go toward the left stairway and you will come facing another control panel. This panel has different controls and switches. The upper two switches control the claw power (left one) while the right is the electric switch. On the left side, is the vertical claw control. In the upper middle lies the horizontal claw control. Just below it, you will see the temperature gauge (left side) and temperature control lever (right side). At the bottom of the control panel, you will find the voltage control (left) and the voltage meter (right). It took me several tries but the following indications have worked out: Switch claw power on. Pull horizontal claw control to the right. Pull vertical claw control down (the claw will gather the ore) and up again (ore will be lifted). Pull the horizontal claw control to the left and pull down the vertical claw control down (The ore will be put in the melting machine). Pull it back up. Increase temperature to the maximum with the temperature control lever. Use voltage control to increase voltage to 80. Pull the electric switch on (the angle of the claw will be raised). Pull down the vertical control claw, and up again (now you see a glowing white mass in the claw). Pull the horizontal claw control to the right (the claw will put the white crystal in the wagon). Head back to the control panel in the mine. Pull both switches down to let the wagon go to the right. Pull the left lever to redirect the rail toward the second fork. Pull both switches up and then pull the left switch down. The wagon will head toward the room with the ceiling doors. Mixing room Go to the room with the ceiling doors. Note there are now open. Climb up the ladder. Go toward the control panel in the far corner of the mixing room. There are several controls on this panel. If nothing works, go to the melting chamber and pull the switch at the base of the coil. The electric switch in on the upper left corner. The claw control is in the upper right corner. The claw to the crystal maker in on the lower right side. The voltage meter is in the middle. The voltage control is in the lower center of the panel. The spin control clutch is to the right side of the control panel. Now, pull the claw control to the rightmost position (the claw will get the white crystal from the wagon). Pull this lever to the leftmost position (the claw will put the crystal in the mixing tub). Go to this mixing apparatus. Turn the left wheel to pour H20 (water) in the mixing tub. Turn the right wheel to pour HNO3 (nitric acid) in the tub. Pull the switch to start the mixing process. Pull the bottom switch to fill the container. Head back to the control panel. Pull the claw control to the left and then down. Pull down the crystal maker claw. Activate the electric switch. Set voltage to 80 volts. Activate the spin control clutch. You have created a large lifestone. Use the controls to direct the claw to take the crystal and place it in the dumb-waiter. Send the dumb-waiter up by pushing one of the botton on the left side. Meeting with Dr. Frankenstein Now is time to talk with Dr. Frankenstein. Go to the tower's first floor. Go through the anteroom and then into the biology laboratory (at least it seems like one). Save your game because you can die in the meeting to come. Open the door to the left (it was locked before). Enter the room and look around. There is a door to your right but do not open it yet. Go straigh to Dr. Frankenstein and a discussion will follow. When it is finished, look at the cages to see some disturbing sequences. Turn left and go to the desk. Take the notes in the drawer. Read them. Turn left and Dr. Frankenstein will talk again. Save your game and head for the other door (not the one you entered). You will be forced to face Dr. Frankenstein who will pull a gun to shoot you. Turn around and go through the door as fast as possible. You will be OK outside. Meeting the thugs and run for your life Go outside near the exit doors to the courtyard. Save your game again. Turn toward the castle. A thug will greet you with a rifle. Another thug will be to your left, so head right toward the castle doors. You will know where to go because a thug will always block your way if its not the right direction. Climb up the left stairs. Go forward, turn left and go straigth forward to the open door. It will close behind you. Turn right to face the mirror. Do it quickly because the thugs will soon brake the door to this room. A girl will appear in the mirror and she will shatter it. Follow the girl to the secret cave (it is not far from the planet room door no. 1). You will be safe there. The girl Sara will talk to you several times. Take the cup of water and drink it. She will ask for the bottle on the upper shelf, so push one of the barrel and use the wooden fork to retrieve a bottle. There will be some more talks and then the monster hand will appear. Use a rock to send it away. Sara will now want to see Dr. Frankenstein. Go to the mausoleum (door no. 4 of the planet room). Look into the drawer and look at the notes. More talks will follow. There will be an earthquake that will block all the doors except door no. 2 (the tunnel was collapsed before). Follow Sara in this tunnel. This will bring you to a vast cave with a ladder going up. You may save your game because this is the ladder maze and a monster will try to catch you. The exact route is as follow (I hope it is not random with each game): up, up, take left ladder up, take left ladder up, take right ladder up, take left ladder up, up, up, and up. Take Sara's hand to get her free of the monster. You will be back in the garden. The observatory Go to the secret dock through secret passage no. 5. Look around and you will find a note. Take it and read it. Turn around and you will see a bomb (you cannot deactivate it). Go to the observatory on the third floor of the castle. Go straigth to Dr. Frankenstein. There will be talks between Sara and him. Move around a bit to start new conversations. He will then leave and lock you inside the observatory with Sara. Go back to talk with her. Look into the spyglass to see the thugs forcing your child Gabrielle to follow them to the secret dock. Go back near the door and push the desk under the wall grate. Open the drawer and take the key. Use it on the locking mechanism of the grate (the one on the wall). The key will fall in the floor's grate. Push back the desk and go retrieve the horseshoe shaped magnet near the spyglass. Use it on the floor's grate to retrieve the key. Push the desk again and use the key to unlock the wall's grate. Sara will climb through the opening and unlock the door to the observatory. She will be murdered on the spot. Get back to the secret dock. You will find Gabrielle lying dead on the floor, killed by the bomb. Take her with you and head to the laboratory on the third floor of the tower. Endgame Place Gabrielle on the table. Go to the dumb-waiter and retrieve the lifestone. Put it in the holding apparatus above the table. Climb the ladder and look at the speed gauge. Wait until the speed reaches between 10 and 20 and unroll the rope to let the kite float free. Go down to the Tesla coil chamber (2nd floor of the tower). Turn on the switch to charge the coil. Head back to the control panel on the third floor. Turn both rigth switches in the up position and pull the left hand lever (this will raise the table to the roof top). Activate the left three switches and see the results. Jacques Dupont