From: Lion Newsgroups: Subject: (SF3) : Dudley v. 0.995 Date: Tue, 29 Apr 1997 13:29:53 +0200 ______________________________________________________________________ ========================================================== == STREET FIGHTER III : unofficial DUDLEY faq : v 0.995 == ========================================================== -By Lion ( Any comments are welcomed -Last update : 04/29/97 Next updates : Misc stuff. Rocket Upper combos. Damage and Stun levels. -Note : this is not a beginner faq. It's designed to give you the best advices to crush your opponents with style. -Note 2 : please warn me if you put my faq on your pages. -Contents- ----------- 1 - Revision history 2 - Character storyline 3 - Bullsh*t 4 - Terminology 5 - Universal moves 6 - Normal moves analysis 6.1 - Standing 6.2 - Crouching 6.3 - Jumping 7 - Throws 8 - Special moves analysis 9 - Super Arts analysis 10 - Combos 10.1 - Chain 10.2 - Special 10.3 - Super 10.4 - Special-Super 10.5 - Overhead 10.6 - Juggle 11 - Strategies 12 - Outfit colors 13 - Ending 14 - Winning, misc poses, quotes and misc 15 - Thanks 16 - Legal and misc stuff 1 -Revision history- ---------------------- v 0.1 : basics v 0.2 : some chains and little things added. Cleaner. v 0.5 : cleaner presentation. Crap added. Universal moves added. Throws added. A little strategy added. Minor additions and corrections. v 0.7 : Another normal move. Real names for the specials and supers. Juggle combos added. Some outfit colors. Lots of minor corrections, additions, confirmations. v 0.75 : minor additions. Some strategies added. v 0.76 : minor additions, corrections and confirmations. v 0.78 : minor additions. Boss strategy and ending. v 0.8 : presentation change. Terminology added. Minor corrections and additions. v 0.82 : confirmations (Ducking Upper), additions (Corscrew Blow, Combo and Strategy sections). v 0.85 : additions (to Ducking Dash, Special Combo, Super Combo, Strategy). Minor corrections. v 0.90 : lot of minor changes, additions and confirmations in many sections. Misc, poses section added. Physic advantage and Parry follow ups added in the strategy section. v 0.93 : changes in the Super section. Minor addition in combo section. Lot of minor corrections here and here. Corkscrew blow pressure added in strategy section. v 0.96 : Bunch of corrections. Parry section completed. Some quotes added. Additions in Strategy (anti parry, throws, pressure) and Combo sections. v 0.98 : little corrections and additions. New way to beat Gill, more stylish, less turtlish. New anti jump, and combos additions. v 0.995 : bunch of corrections everywhere. Additions to combo section. Combo section redone. 2 -Character Storyline- ------------------------- Dudley : A heavyweight boxer who can fight in close or at arm's length. A perfectionist, this fighter seeks elegance and perfect fighting style. This Briton is the son of a celebrated athlete and businessman and knew no financial hardships growing up. When his father's business failed in his university years, Dudley stepped into the ring to earn back everything his father had lost. (official storyline, Copyright Capcom Co., Ltd 1997) 3 -Bullsh*t- ------------- Infinite combo : standing Forward-Roundhouse chain, repeat until you dizzy your opponent. Repeat... The timing is extremely hard, not to say impossible. Works better (or only ?) on another Dudley. (You can link any other chain combo after Forward-Roundhouse.) 4 -Terminology- ------------------ N : joystick on neutral position U : up D : down F : forward B : backward HCF : half circle forward HCB : half circle backward QCF : quarter circle forward DP : dragon punch motion (F, D, DF) P : any punch button (Jab/Strong/Fierce) K : any kick button (Short/Forward/Roundhouse) 5-Universal moves- --------------------- *Forward dash : F, F. *Back dash : B, B. *Overhead : D, D+any button. Similar to the jumping Short/Forward. *Parry/Blocking : N then F or D against an incoming attack. *Back roll : D as soon as you're knocked down. *Hi/long jump : any D direction then any U direction. 6-Normal moves- ------------------ 6.1 - STANDING : *Jab : quick jab. *F+Jab : very quick jab, hits crouching opponents. Juggles air opponents. *Strong : straight punch. *Fierce : straight punch, have good range. **F+Fierce: hit crouching opponent. Good for pressures but start up is slow. You can combo it only into a Super Art. - *Short : a sort of hook. *Forward : (B or N) an uppercut, can be used as an anti air. **F+Forward : a body blow. Can be interrupted (see combo section). *Roundhouse : stronger body blow, can be interrupted. **F+Roundhouse : up to down punch, overhead attack. You can hit sweeps from a good range. 6.2 - CROUCHING : *Jab : quick jab, limited range. *Strong : the primary move to use when you are crouched. It have some range, comes quickly and can be cancelled. *Fierce : Uppercut. Can be used as an anti air. You have to anticipate a bit. - *Short : diagonal jab, hits standing guard. *Forward : a slow sweep. *Roundhouse : slower sweep than crouching forward but have better range. It's a launcher (can juggle after). Use it wisely against a downed opponent. 6.3 - JUMPING : *Jab : straight punch (useless). *Strong : same animation as above, good for vertical jump defense against a jumper. *Fierce : diagonal blow. Good range, excellent for a jump-in attack (combo starter). Mini lag at the start. - *Short : same animation as Forward (useless). *Forward : an elbow. Good priority against low attacks. *Roundhouse : an elbow on horizontal position. Put the opponent down when it hits him in the air. Best stun potential. 7 -Throws- ------------ *B or F+Strong : you catch the opponent and give him some body blows. Jam the buttons and directions to deliver more blows, good for dizzyness. When Dudley let fall the opponent he does a back dash. *B or F+Fierce : regular throw across the screen. 8 -Special moves- ------------------- *CROSS COUNTER- HCB+P Sacrifice move. -1 hit. The opponent hits you, and you hit him back (he takes more damage than you). But sometimes the reverse punch doesn't connect. You can be sweeped or throwed out of this move, you can't even reverse a projectile... Use it wisely (against crazy jumpers). The Jab version last longer. You can use the Fierce version as a taunt. Never use the Cross Counter when you have less than 10% of life. *MACHINE GUN BLOW- HCF+P Dash then flurry of punches. -Jab=max 3 hits. Strong=max 4 hits. Fierce=max 6 hits Three ranges for this move. A good attack weapon. But if the opponent blocks, you can be punished (especially if he have a Super charged). *DUCKING STRAIGHT- HCF+K then P Ducking dash then straight punch. -1 hit The dash is quick and you can choose to do nothing by not pressing P. You can Super cancel if the straight connects. Oh, the dash have some frames of invincibility halfway through. Can go through projectiles. Beware, you can be stopped by a single low attack. *DUCKING UPPER- HCF+K then K Ducking dash then uppercut. -Max 2 hits Same comments as above. You can Super cancel the first hit. Does big damage if the two hits connects. Doesn't put the opponent down when he is grounded. *JET UPPER- DP+P Dragon punch with decent priority. -Jab/Strong=1 hit. Fierce=2hits. Like in Zero/Alpha you can't hit far low moves with this DP. You can cancel it into a super. Be careful when standing up : one Ibuki player succedeed to special throw me (HCB+P) as i did a stand-up Reversal dragon punch. 9 -Super Arts- --------------- *I : ROCKET UPPER : QCF twice+P A sort of Shoryureppa. -Max hits : 11 -Max charge : 2 Hard to use as an anti air because you have to hit the opponent at the last time if you want all the hits to connect. Use it in combos. If your opponent takes it near the corner, you can juggle with a Jet Upper (cancelled into a Super) or with another Rocket Upper. *II : ROLLING THUNDER : QCF twice+P, hit P many times. Flurry of punches then uppercut. -Max hits : 8 -Max charge : 1 You can interrupt it when you want by stopping slamming the P buttons. The damage of this one is very good. Good for cheese damage. But you are dead meat if the opponent blocks, he can reverse with anything. *III : CORKSCREW BLOW : QCF twice+P A single rushing drilling straight. -Max hits : 5 -Max charge : 3 It's a close ranged Super Art. Good cheese damage if you are very close. Have very good priority against normal moves and most of the special moves (even Dragon Punch). Damage is good only if all the hits connects. You have three attack ranges depending on the punch button used (Fierce version go farther). Does good damage if all the hits connects. Can be used as an anti air. The one to use IMO. 10 -Combos- ------------- 10.1 *CHAIN : If the first move of a chain connects while the opponent is in the air, the other hits juggles him. * -Crouching Short-standing Forward. Interesting as you begin crouched (opponent must guard low). You can hold D while pushing the Forward button. -F+Roundhouse-Forward. Interesting because you begin the chain with an overhead attack (opponent must guard high). Notice that it's the only chain that can't follow a jumping attack for combo (?). * -Standing Jab-Strong-Forward. -F+Forward-Forward-Fierce. -Standing Strong-Forward-Fierce. * -Standing Forward-Roundhouse-Fierce. 4 hits, good damage. With a good timing, add a Fierce Corkscrew Blow after the last hit (3 extra hits). -Standing Short-Forward-Strong-Fierce. 5 hits, good damage (and flashy). With a good timing, add a Fierce Corkscrew Blow after the last hit (3 extra hits). 10.2 *SPECIAL : Don't forget you can begin your combos with a jumping attack. -F+Forward into Jet Upper is ok and easy to do. -F+Forward into Jab Machine Gun Blow : 4 hits. -You can cancel the standing Roundhouse (into Jab Machine Gun Blow for a lame 2 hits or into Fierce Jet Upper for a good 3 hits). You must be very close. -Try Forward-Roundhouse chain (no Fierce) linked into Fierce Jet Upper. -Good combo : jumping Fierce, crouching Strong into Jab Machine Gun Blow : 5 hits. A very good combo for many reasons : *Easy to perform. Don't include the crouching Strong in the HCF motion. Just do low Strong, then afterward perform the HCF motion, it works well. *If the 2 first hits connects at ANY DISTANCE, the next will follow often. *The opponent's dizzy meter grow quickly. *If the opponent blocks, you are safe (hmm, maybe a reversal Super ?). *If it hits, you can time a Fierce Corkscrew Blow afterwards. 10.3 *SUPER : -You can time a Corkscrew Blow after some chain combos : crouching Short-standing Forward and F+Roundhouse-Forward and Jab-Strong-Forward. See Chain Combo section for others. -It's very easy to combo F+Forward into Super. Just do QCF+Forward , QCF+P and it's ok. -If you didn't select Corkscrew Blow, do the Forward-Roundhouse chain (Fierce skipped) linked into Super. Works also with Corkscrew Blow. -A Fierce Corkscrew Blow can be timed after a hitting Jab/Strong Machine Gun Blow -After the Forward-Roundhouse chain (skip Fierce) you can link another chain combo. Add low Short-Forward+Corscrew Blow (or Strong Jet Upper). Or add Jab-Strong. 10.4 *SPECIAL-SUPER : -You can cancel the Jet Upper (both hits in Fierce version) into a Super. Do quickly for example F+Forward (body blow), QCF+P (Jet Upper), QCF+P (Super). But a single F+Forward into Super is more damaging. -After any combo finishing with a Jet Upper, cancel the last hit with a Jab Corkscrew Blow, you'll be safe if the opponent blocks. -Ducking Straight (HCF+K, P) interrupted into Super works. -First hit of Ducking Upper can be interrupted into Super. 10.5 *OVERHEAD -If the F+Roundhouse overhead connects, time a Corkscrew Blow for a 6 hits combo. -You can also time a Super Art after the universal overhead (D, D+button). -Try : universal overhead, low Short-Forward chain, Corkscrew Blow, 8 hits. -Universal overhead then low Strong into what you want. 10.6 *JUGGLES -Low Roundhouse, juggle with Strong Machine Gun Blow anywhere in the screen or Forward Ducking Upper (near the corner). Works even if you trade hits during the sweep. -Low Roundhouse, juggle with F+Fierce interrupted into Super. Cool for damage and dizzyness (and flashyness too). -Near the corner, you can do juggles such as crouching Roundhouse, Forward Ducking Upper, forward jumping Fierce, Super Art (two Rocket Upper for example). You can add some Jab Machine Gun Blow (or another Forward Ducking Upper, depending on the distance) between Ducking Upper and jumping Fierce. -Low Roundhouse, Forward Ducking Upper, (Jab Machine Gun Blow(s)), F+Fierce into Corkscrew Blow. -Try near the corner : low Roundhouse, Forward Ducking Upper, Jab Machine Gun Blow, Jab Machine Gun Blow... Judge by yourself how high is your opponent. The juggle keeps working if you hit him with the last hit of Machine Gun Blow (uppercut). -If the last hit of any Machine Gun Blow hits an airborne opponent, you can juggle with another Special, depending on the distance. -If the last hit of a Jab Machine Gun Blow (uppercut) hits an airborne opponent, juggle with another Jab Machine Gun Blow. Up to 4 in a row anywhere in the screen. 11 -Strategies- ---------------- *Dudley physic advantage : As you know, Dudley is a very damaging character. He can do major damage with one well placed combo. The combo wich raise the opponent Stun meter quicker is : jumping Roundhouse, Forward-Roundhouse-Fierce chain. He have also a good Stun defense, see below : -Stun meter lenghts Alex : 112 pixels Dudley/Oro : 100 pixels Others : 88 pixels *Super Art Select : -Rocket Upper : You are dead meat if you miss the opponent or if he blocks. Only good for combos. -Rolling Thunder : Damaging but you are dead meat if the opponent blocks. You can charge only one. Too risky. -Corkscrew Blow : The one to choose. Best overall, you can charge three, and they are charged pretty fast. *Basic-close range advices : -The key is the pressure. Vary the attack levels when your opponent stands up (see the combo section for follow-ups). First move to hit high guard : low Roundhouse//low Short. First move to hit low guard : D, D+button//F+Roundhouse -Beware of the wake-up Supers. *Pressure : -If you don't perform the last hit of a chain, you won't be pushed back as far. Do continued Forward-Roundhouse until one of them hits. It's nice to use once in a while but can be risky. -If the opponent blocks high a Forward-Roundhouse, link it into low Short, Forward... *Basic-medium range advices : -Make your opponent mad by always standing close to him with Ducking Dash (Short, Forward or Roundhouse depending on the distance). -Doing a lot of Ducking Dashes is good, you can complete the Uppercut motion by just pushing K if the opponent jumps. But be careful, you can be sweeped. -If the opponent use to sweep you each time you do Ducking Dash, cancel it into a Super. Just do HCF+K, QCF+P (Fierce goes farther). But remember that it will do less damage than a Super alone. -If your opponent turtles and do good priority normal attacks, try standing Fierce or F+Fierce or F+Roundhouse (against low attacks). *Basic-long range advices : -Doing sometimes Jab Machine Gun Blow can be a good thing, if the opponent jump in reaction, he'll be uppercuted. Then try to juggle. -Keep in mind that Ducking Dash have some frames of invincibility at the middle of the animation (go through high attacks, projectiles) but can be swept. *Anti jump weapons : Jab Jet Upper, crouching Fierce, standing Forward, counter jump with Fierce or Strong. If you are SURE the opponent attacks, use Cross Counter. You can also use standing Fierce if the opponent jumps from far. *Stand Up attack : When you are down and your opponent is close, if you want to do a reversal stand-up attack, use the Jab Corkscrew Blow. If the opponent blocks he'll take tick damage but won't be able to reverse (maybe with a reversal Super). *Corskscrew Blow pressure : If you have many CB charged, play guessing games with your opponent. Example : blocked CB then another CB or a throw. If the opponent have jumped over your CB to crush your back, do quickly another CB in the opposite direction. It's easy to do because the CB have a short recovery time at the end. *This strategy is forbidden in prehistoric areas, because it involves a throw. When you are near the opponent do a normal move (Roundhouse, low Strong or F+Forward) canceled into a short Ducking dash (HCF+K) then throw. You can mix sometimes by doing other things : a Ducking Upper or wait to your opponent to do a move then Parry or Super, or overhead. Do what you want ! Normal move into Ducking Dash is often surprising and it's a good starter for pressure techniques. *About the above strategy. You can for example do a lot of block combos like jump attack, low Strong into Jab Machine Gun Blow then change sometimes by comboing the low Strong into a Ducking Dash then throw. *Throws occasions : This is a variation of a well known technique called "The Mike". Standing Strong goes over the head of the opponent if he's crouched, so you can do things like : -Short-Forward-Strong chain blocked (skip the Fierce) then throw. -Jump attack, standing Strong, throw. -Forward-Roundhouse linked into Jab-Strong, then throw. *Parry follow ups : -Parried a 'ground to ground' attack : if you are close do the Forward-Roundhouse-Fierce chain (+Super). If you are a bit farther do a low Strong into what you want (Jab Machine Gun, Ducking Dash+throw, Super Art...). You can also do a single Super Art or a throw. -Parried an 'air to ground' attack : You can include the parry motion into a Jet Upper (opponent close). If he his farther do a standing Strong or Fierce after parrying the jumping attack. -Parried a 'ground to air' attack : Means that you are jumping on your opponent. Parrying with F is not a good idea because you'll rebound behind the opponent. Parry with D. If you are close enough do a chain combo, else, do a low Strong into what you want. -Parried an 'air to air' attack : Hit Fierce, you don't take any risk in this case. -Parried a projectile : Nothing special to do. Keep moving. -Against a multi hit attack : Parry a hit and immediatly perform a Cross Counter to catch the following hit. Works well against rushing supers. *Anti Parry : -When you do a jump attack to an opponent, if he blocks and has a brain, he'll generally anticipate and try to parry a following low attack by tapping down. Foul him by following your jump attack by a throw or by an overhead+Super combo (you have two overheads in your arsenal). -If the opponent have he habit to Parry your air attacks, just don't attack and throw. Use it wisely, ground character have throw priority. 12 -Outfit colors- ------------------ *Jab : green pants, white shirt, blue gloves. (regular) *Strong : black pants, red shirt, grey gloves. (cool) *Fierce : white pants, pink shirt, red gloves. (fruity ice cream) *Short : grey pant, dark purple shirt, blue gloves. (guuhhhh) *Forward : brown pants, blue shirt, red gloves. (cool) *Roundhouse : white pants, white shirt, golden gloves. (my favourite) 13 -Ending- ------------- *Strategy against Gill Stay alert ! If he jumps, do Jab Jet Upper, now he is down, go here (*). If he does the clotheline, throw him with Fierce, now he is down, go here (*). If he does the headstomp and hit twice, reverse with a Strong Machine Gun Blow then keep moving. If he have a Super charged and you have more than the half of your energy, you can kill him. When he ressurects, walk in front of him and do a F jumping Fierce when he flies. If it's done well, he have less than a half energy bar. Against fireballs, practice your double-Parry, or Parry the first hit then block the second. (*) Gill is down. Dash to be near him, do a low Roundhouse when he gets up, and do a juggle combo if it conects (it connects often). One wich works often : Forward Ducking Upper then Strong Machine Gun Blow. *Ending According to the official storyline, Dudley have to defeat Gill in order to bring back his daddy's Rolls Royce. After being defeated Gill says : "give him back the keys, a deal is a deal". Her secretary (reminds me King of Fighters) give back the keys to Dudley. She says something like "take it quickly before the boss changes his mind". Then Dudley drive happily the car wearing his boxing gloves ! He claims how great this car is, and the melody of the engine etc... He accidentally break the steering wheel, replace it, then say "no problem" by pointing is thumb like Dee Jay. This is the most stupid ending i ever seen, but pretty fun ! 14 -Winning, misc poses, quotes and misc- ---------------------------------------------- -Pre-fight : Dudley/Ibuki/Sean/Yun stage : throws his jacket and do little hops. Necro/Ken/Gill stage : nothing Elena/Oro stage : jumps out from a limo. -Round won : show his back to the opponent and throw a rose at him. He says, "Gutter Trash" during this one. -Fight won : Takes a breath. Then his driver comes from an helicopter and bring him a cup of tea. Dudley says " Down, for the count" during this one (don't work in Necro stage). -Quotes : "Cowards die often, or so it's said" (?) (something with the Thames river) (something with a cup of tea) * -Fatalities : -If you finish you opponent in the air you can still hit him during the "K.O.". Try F+Fierce to make him travel across the screen ! -If you kill him with a Jab or Short, he falls on his knees. Step forward a bit and do a F+Roundhouse on his head. Very humiliating ! 15 -Thanks- ------------- Ruiner : stuff, some winning quotes. Dudley freak ! Gamest : some chains, dashing straight special cancel and many stuff Nick Rox : infinite combo Theo Yeung : some additions (combos, chains...) Lord BBH : some pieces for the Gill strategy and stuff Yow Hong Chieh : corrections and presentations ideas Lancer : providing the storyline Dllem : parry multihit Marco A. : bunch of things in strategy and combo section Dion Madrilejo : an anti air John Choi : Machine Gun Blow+Corkscrew Blow, combos ideas. And the whole crowd of 16 -Legal and misc stuff- --------------------------- -This whole text is Copyright (c) 1997 by Lion. -Street Fighter 3 is a trademark of Capcom Co Ltd, copyright (c) 1997. Don't steal my work or you'll be doomed. Share it. Ask money for it only if you intend to give me a percentage (hey, it's a joke, ok faq stealers ?). Done in Paris by -Lion- -You can also find this faq at :