~Hired Guns For infinite ammo and to be invulnerable simply type the following in the sub-directory EXECUTE (which should contain the file HGGAME.EXE) :- DEBUG NHGGAME.EXE L E 9CBE 90 90 90 90 E A97F 90 90 90 90 W Q ~A LITTLE HELPING HAND BY SIMON BURROWS Well if you like EOB this game is probably the sort of thing you will love. Smooth (well smoothish) animation, fast flowing action and, well umm a lot of very difficult gameplay. So, what I thought I would do is to write a bit of help under a couple of sub-headings to let all you plebs. out there have a remote chance of getting through the first door (or something). CHARACTER SELECTION ------------------- As with all of these muliptle character selection games choosing a warrior is one of the most important parts of the adventure. You must get an even balance between strength, skill and the equipment they carry. Here is a list of all of the characters and what they are about to help you make the best decision for you :- CHARACTER PHYSIQUE AGILITY STARTING WEAPONS Adell 94 196 Auto Gun Stunner Grenades Bonden 207 106 Shot Gun Grenade Launcher Clavius 152 150 Blaster Grenades 2 Mines Cheule 129 160 Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher Cim 320 28 Mini Gun Flamer Rifle Grenades Cim-Lite 240 44 Laser Shot-Gun Grenades Sentry Gun Desverger 187 85 Sniper Rifle Stunner Grenades Jenillee 95 211 Stunner Grenades Katrina 131 144 U.P.B.I. Gun 1 Mine Grenades Kiurcher 190 75 Super Covert Flamer Grenades Miyriel 100 132 Blaster Stunner Grenades Sentry Gun Rorian 156 105 Silent Auto. Revolover Grenades Sometimes though this isn't enough to make a good decision. I have tried the game out with many different combinations to try and find the best. The only thing I can suggest is to go with the two battle droids CHEULE and KIURCHER. This might not be the perfect duo but it sure made a mean party when I gave 'em a go. PLAYING THE LEVELS ------------------ Sorting it all out ------------------ Sort out your back packs, guns, Psi-amps and food. You will want the mini gun on the first mission - to get this you must jump a character with high agility and low weight (not a droid) through the hole at the top of the three lifts and collect the access card. Outside this level there are a couple of pushable blocks which lead to a switch. Use a droid with suitable ammunition in the water. The laser will be ruined before you can return it to the surface but the silenced Super Covert will make a good back-up weapon if ammo. runs low. The cave mission ---------------- To avoid being trapped in this mission send any laser carrying characters through the cave section and down the stairs. Locate the ascending set of stairs and teleport, but upon materialising ensure you don't touch block or the others will get stuck instead. Now take the others to the other set of stairs where the water is rising and sinking (this is safe because there are chances to breath). Up the stairs and after a bit of wonderful killing you will uncover a door. To reach the crate send one person up the lift and over to the left when he appears out of the small tunnel. Drop down, and once again when in possession of the gun and ammo. Watch out for the Rahl. here When you kill him, place a proximity mine on the floor in front of the button, press, and step back and left before the lift goes in order to rescue the remainder of your party still left stranded at the bottom of this lift. This, however, takes practice. If you don't quite feel up to it, retire to a safe distance before pressing the button, and walk back down the long way and retrieve him. The Laboratory test site ------------------------ This area is very tricky. It does not need completing, but if you want to give it a go the Laser Flux Cannon, the odd Machine Gun, the watertight Psi-amp and as many grenades as you can carry will come in useful. The Fusion Reactor mission is not worthy of noting apart from pointing out that there are actually 2 parts to it. The second part which you are taken to by the lift initially resemble the first, (that is until you turn left where you will undoubtedly say YIKES - A ROBODYNE or right where you will stay YIKES - TWO OF THEM, instead). These are best disposed of with long range shots from the grenade launcher, and whatever you do don't leave the room without the fusion power core ring. To clear the room scattered with land mines, open the door and chuck in a grenade. The proceeding levels increase very abruptly in difficulty, so one thing you must be wary of is leaving characters standing in the open even if there appear to be no enemies around. Make sure you lock them in a secure room - and I mean secure because it is even possible that some more ingenious enemies will decide to jump in through the ceiling just to thwart your efforts to bring peace to the neighbourhood. Most levels are surrounded by water, so don't forget to drop a droid in to have a look around, saving the game before so. If you find yourself waiting for a descending lift, chuck a grenade down the shaft before calling it up. On doing that you will kill any nasty monsters waiting inside the lift ready for a surprise attack. Some general hints ------------------ 1. Do not fire then immediately run forward - the speed of this ammunition is slow and you will often run into it thus injuring yourself and wasting the bullets. 2. If you are very low on food or if your droid repair isn't up to scratch try going back to level one and repeating it. This lets you re-stock with ease.