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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
48822 | AADOM094.LHA | 609,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | ADOM 0.9.4 for AmigaAncient Domains Of Mystery on Amiga-versio Nethack-tyylisestä roolipelistä. Vaatii 2 MB muistia ja mielellään nopean koneen. |
48823 | AB3DE201.LHA | 524,5 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D II Level editor v2.01. |
48824 | AB3DE210.LHA | 455,1 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Alien Breed 3D II Level-editor v2.10 (28.12.1997). Creating your own leveles for AB3DII is now far more easier than with the original editor. |
48825 | AB3DTR20.LHA | 26,2 kt | 05.10.1997 | - | - | - | AB3DTrainer 2.0 - Cheat program for Alien Breed 3D HD. - Requires: OS2+, Alien Breed 3D installed to hard drive. - AB3DTrainer.lha |
48826 | ADESCE03.LHA | 287,7 kt | 03.03.1998 | - | - | - | ADescent v0.3 - a Descent-port for Amiga. Requires AGA/CGFX, 68030+, at least 10MB RAM , AHI V4 and original Descent 1.5 .pig and .hog -files installed. Still contains many bugs but it can be run. |
48827 | ADO09940.LHA | 762,6 kt | 16.08.1997 | - | - | - | Ancient Domains Of Mystery V0.9.9 G4 - 68000 Rogue-like game, which means, that it is a single-user game featuring the exploration of a dungeon complex. - Aminet: adom.lha |
48828 | ADO09942.LHA | 756,9 kt | 16.08.1997 | - | - | - | Ancient Domains Of Mystery V0.9.9 G4 - 68020 Rogue-like game, which means, that it is a single-user game featuring the exploration of a dungeon complex. - Note: this is a 68020 version - Aminet name: Adom_68020.lha |
48829 | ADO09960.LHA | 770,6 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ancient Domains Of Mystery V0.9.9 G6A - 68000 Rogue-like game, which means, that it is a single-user game featuring the exploration of a dungeon complex. - Aminet: adom.lha |
48830 | ADO09962.LHA | 766,6 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ancient Domains Of Mystery V0.9.9 G6A - 68020 Rogue-like game, which means, that it is a single-user game featuring the exploration of a dungeon complex. - Note: this is a 68020 version - Aminet name: Adom_68020.lha |
48831 | ADO09964.LHA | 766,1 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ancient Domains Of Mystery V0.9.9 G6A - 68040 Rogue-like game, which means, that it is a single-user game featuring the exploration of a dungeon complex. - Note: this is a 68040 version - Aminet name: Adom_68040.lha |
48835 | ADOM099.LHA | 770,4 kt | 08.07.1997 | - | - | - | ADOM 0.99, 68000 version - RPG-game |
48832 | ADOM0990.LHA | 884 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.99 - a Nethack-stylish RPG-game. |
48833 | ADOM0992.LHA | 879,6 kt | 08.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | ADOM 0.99, 68020 version - RPG-game |
48834 | ADOM0994.LHA | 879,2 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Ancient Domains of Mystery v0.99 - a Nethack-stylish RPG-game. 68040-version. |
48836 | ADOOM02.LHA | 204,2 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom 0.2 - Porttaus id Softwaren vapaaseen levitykseen julkaisemasta DOOMin lähdekoodista. Paras käännös toistaiseksi, mukana nyt myös äänet ja verkkopeli. Vaatii DOOMin WAD-tiedoston (MBnetissä esim. DM19SW.ZIP). |
48837 | ADOOM03.LHA | 241,5 kt | 08.01.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom v0.3 - Amiga-port of Doom. Requires at least 68020, AmigaOS 2.1, enough HD-space and 8 megabytes of memory. 68040+ and a graphics board strongly recommended. |
48838 | ADOOM04.LHA | 256,2 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom v0.4, Amiga-port of Doom. Now more optimized C2P-routines, double buffering... |
48839 | ADOOM05.LHA | 1,3 Mt | 21.01.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom 0.5 - Amiga-port of Doom. Now including also the music and some 68060-optimizations. |
48840 | ADOOM07.LHA | 281,2 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom v0.7 - a Doom-port for Amiga. This version includes some gubfixes, faster updating on MMU-machines and some general improvements. |
48841 | ADOOM08.LHA | 302,8 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom v0.8 - an Amiga-port of Doom. Version 0.8 fixes some bugs from the screen updating-routine, adds couple of features such as FPS-meter. |
48842 | ADOOM09.LHA | 360,7 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom v0.9 - the most popular Amiga-port of Doom. Now includes music,IPX/Ethernet/Serial/ Modem and TCP/IP-support and even more optimized & bubfixed code. |
48843 | ADOOM11.LHA | 382,4 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | - | - | ADoom v1.1 - the most advanced Doom-port for Amiga. Fully working sound effects and music, great framerate especially with 68040/68060, network support via serial-cable, modem, TCP/IC and IPX. Now it can be run in ANY resolution between 320x200 and 1600x1200 in low and high detail. |
48844 | AGAKLON1.LHA | 384,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Deluxe Klondike AGA Erinomainen AGA-pasianssi 1/3 |
48845 | AGAKLON2.LHA | 332,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Deluxe Klondike AGA Erinomainen AGA-pasianssi 2/2 |
48846 | AGAKLON3.LHA | 449,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Deluxe Klondike AGA Erinomainen AGA-pasianssi 3/3 |
48847 | AMDOO110.LHA | 529,4 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | Amigadoom v1.10 0.5 beta (2.1.1998) - another Amiga-port of Doom. Requires at least 020+, 8 megabytes of memory, AmigaOS 3.0 and ixemul.library v47.2+ |
48848 | AMIPE105.LHA | 53,8 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | AmiPet 1.05 Beta - Small pet that sits on WB. You know what you have to do now! Look after it. Feed it, play with it, clean it etc... or else it will cop it, kick da bucket and then you are stuck with it - Customize the GFX if you want. - Aminet name: amipet.lha |
48849 | ANES093B.LHA | 27,3 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | A/Nes v0.93b - Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator. |
48850 | ANES094B.LHA | 48,5 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | A/NES v0.94b - Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator |
48851 | ANES095.LHA | 53,4 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | A/NES v0.95b - Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator. |
48852 | ANES097B.LHA | 54,9 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | A/NES v0.97b - Nintendo Entertainment System Emulator. |
48853 | BB108-1.LHA | 670,7 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | BackBone GUI Game Creation System v1.08 - create (non-)scrolling arcade games without a real programming! Everything is done via a GUI like in the S.E.U.C.K. (Archive 1/2) |
48854 | BB108-2.LHA | 664,6 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | BackBone GUI Game Creation System v1.08 Archive 2/2. |
48855 | BB108MIN.LHA | 482,3 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | BackBone GUI Game Creation System v1.08, minimum download archive. This is the minimum you need for making the BackBone running. Full installation is recommended, though. |
48856 | BB113M.LHA | 700,5 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | BackBone v1.13 - a GUI-based game creator. Create your own (non-)scrolling arcade games without any real programming. |
48857 | BCKBON1.LHA | 637,8 kt | 12.12.1997 | - | - | - | BackBone - GUI Game Creation System. Allows you to create (non-)scrolling arcade games like Chaos Engine or Super Mario Bros. No programming needed. (1/2) |
48858 | BCKBON2.LHA | 642,7 kt | 12.12.1997 | - | - | - | BackBone - GUI game creation system. Archive 2/2. |
48859 | BD360.LHA | 1,5 Mt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Boulderdash v3.60 - the best 1:1 Boulderdash- clone. |
48861 | BDASH.LHA | 1,4 Mt | 20.11.1997 | - | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Boulderdash - the best Boulderdash-typegame. |
48860 | BDASH370.LHA | 1,5 Mt | 20.11.1997 | - | - | - | Boulderdaesh 3.70 - the best 1:1 Boulderdash-clone. |
48862 | BDUE1542.LHA | 877,4 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | "BattleDuel 1.5.42 - UltimateArtillerygame Requires: OS2.0+Harddisk1 MB memory (Chip + Fast). - Shareware" |
48863 | BDUE1680.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | "BattleDuel 1.6.80 - UltimateArtillerygame Requires: OS2.0+Harddisk1 MB memory (Chip + Fast). Shareware - Aminet: BattleDuel.lha" |
48864 | BDUE1696.LHA | 1,2 Mt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | "BattleDuel 1.6.96 - UltimateArtillerygame Requires: OS2.0+Harddisk1 MB memory (Chip + Fast). Shareware - Aminet: BattleDuel.lha" |
48865 | BDUELUPD.LHA | 132,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Update BattleDuel from V1.6.80 to V1.6.96. Aminet name: BattleDuel_Upd.lha |
48866 | BLDDUPDT.LHA | 166,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | BoulderDaesh V2.47 -> V2.54. Orginal name: boulderupdate.lha |
48867 | BLDSH258.LHA | 1006,5 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | BoulderDäsh 2.58 -Best BoulderDaesh 1:1 Clone Requires: OS2.0+, Lowlevel.library - Aminet name: boulderdaesh.lha |
48868 | BOULD411.LHA | 1,7 Mt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Boulder Däsh V4.11 - the best 1:1 Boulderdash-clone with customizable levels,sounds and graphics. RTG-version. |
48869 | DATCK05.LHA | 631,3 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | DoomAttack v0.5 - another Doom-port for Amiga. |
48870 | DG26CAGA.LHA | 464,8 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | grandis.nu/turran | - | Deluxe Galaga 2.6c AGA - hieno StarBattle-klooni AGA-grafiikoila. Vaatii luonnollisesti AGAn. |
48871 | DNES021.LHA | 19,6 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | Nintendo Entertainment System emulator v0.21 |
48872 | DPACMA16.LHA | 278,9 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | Deluxe PacMan v1.6 -PacMan clone with lots of extra features.Author: Edgar M. VigdalType: game/miscErinomainen modernisointi vanhastaklassikosta. PacMan hienolla grafiikalla,musiikilla ja kaksinpelillÄ. |
48873 | DPACMAGA.LHA | 372,9 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | - | tupla | Deluxe PacMan v1.6 AGA |
48874 | F1GPE331.LHA | 448,1 kt | 03.09.1997 | - | - | - | F1GP-Ed 3.31 (2.3.97) - F1GP-Ed / WC Editor An editor for use with the Formula One Grand Prix or World Circuit game. - Requires: Any Amiga and an original copy of Formula One Grand Prix / World Circuit by MicroProse. Shareware - Aminet name: F1GP-Ed.lha |
48875 | F1GPE334.LHA | 471,4 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | - | - | F1GP-Ed 3.34 - change almost every aspectof F1GP. |
48876 | FNDTNU7.LHA | 383,2 kt | 16.06.1998 | - | - | - | Foundation, Commercial update #7. |
48877 | FNDTNUP6.LHA | 380,2 kt | 16.06.1998 | - | - | - | Foundation Commercial version update 6. |
48878 | FNDUPD4.LHA | 378,4 kt | 16.06.1998 | - | - | - | Foundation, Commercial version update 4 |
48879 | FUNT104E.LHA | 161,3 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | - | - | FunTris 1.04 - Shareware - Amiga - FUntastic tetris-game for 1-4 players with 2 game types and 8 shape-sets. Also computer opponents. |
48880 | FUNT105E.LHA | 165,1 kt | 09.12.1997 | - | - | - | FunTris 1.05. Shareware. Amiga. Siisti tetris-peli 1-4 pelaajalle, kaksi pelitapaa, 8 palikkasettiä, tarvittaessa sopivantasoista vastusta antavat tietokonepelaaja(t). |
48881 | GALAGA26.LHA | 854,9 kt | 21.09.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | DELUXE GALAGA v2.6 Shooted by |
48882 | LAMB001.LHA | 157,5 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | Lambda v0.01 - early preview of Wing Commander-stylish 3D-engine created by Kalsu/AP. |
48883 | LAMBDA04.LHA | 183,3 kt | 11.12.1997 | - | - | - | Lambda version 0.0.4 by Kalsu/AP |
48884 | MAME3003.LHA | 961,1 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, 030-version. |
48885 | MAME3004.LHA | 960,5 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, 040-version. |
48886 | MAME3006.LHA | 959,5 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, 060-version. |
48887 | MONOPOLY.LHA | 192,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | versio 1.1 | Turran - Boondox_BBS | - | Monopoly v1.4 - The classic board game. Aminet name: AmonopolyV14.lha |
48888 | NETHAC32.LHA | 1 Mt | 28.02.1998 | - | MBCD | tupla | Nethack 3.2, binary files. Latest version of NetHack. Includes graphics etc. |
48889 | PACMAN11.LHA | 147,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Deluxe Pacman V1.1 Erinomainen modernisointi vanhasta klassikosta. PacMan hienolla grafiikalla, musiikilla ja kaksinpelillä. |
48890 | POING3.LHA | 76,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Poing V3.0 - an amusing systemfriendly bat & ball/pong/arkanoid-game. New:New levels, Old levels also incuded,Levels can optionally be shuffled, More audiotracks, Bugfixed for 68000 machines,Some cosmetical enhancements. Very niceand addictive. |
48891 | PSDOOM07.LHA | 187,4 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | PSI-Doom v0.7 - 030/50MHz-optimized Doom-port. |
48892 | PSIDM06.LHA | 186,8 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | - | - | PsiDOOM v0.6 (Doom 1.10) - An 030 optimised DOOM port. Requires at least OS 2.0 and 68020+. |
48893 | SENDAI07.LHA | 698,2 kt | 24.11.1997 | - | - | - | Realm of Sendai v0.7 - Anime-like RPG-game. |
48894 | SOLI131B.LHA | 188,8 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Soliton 1.31 beta - MUI Solitaire card game. Cardsets are loaded via datatypes. You can also make them easily by yourself using any size or color depth you like. - Requires: OS3+, and MUI 3.6+ - Aminet: soliton131b.lha |
48895 | SOLIT110.LHA | 112,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Soliton 1.10 - MUI Solitaire card game. Cardsets are loaded via datatypes. You can also make them easily by yourself using any size or color depth you like. - Requires: OS3+, and MUI 3.6+ - Aminet: soliton110.lha |
48896 | SOLIT120.LHA | 131 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Soliton 1.20 - MUI Solitaire card game. Cardsets are loaded via datatypes. You can also make them easily by yourself using any size or color depth you like. - Requires: OS3+, and MUI 3.6+ - Aminet: soliton120.lha |
48897 | SOLIT130.LHA | 181,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | amiga_upload_9703.iso | - | Soliton 1.30 - MUI Solitaire card game. Cardsets are loaded via datatypes. You can also make them easily by yourself using any size or color depth you like. - Requires: OS3+, and MUI 3.6+ - Aminet: soliton130.lha |
48898 | SOLIT140.LHA | 197,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | - | Soliton 1.40 - MUI Solitaire card game. Cardsets are loaded via datatypes. You can also make them easily by yourself using any size or color depth you like. - Req: OS3+ and MUI 3.6+ - Aminet name: soliton140.lha |
48899 | SPIDER.LHA | 30,1 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 26759/AmigaElysianArchive.iso | tupla | spider - play double deck solitaire |
48900 | STANK175.LHA | 487,3 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | #Jope | tupla | Scorched Tanks v1.75 - LATEST UPDATE - COOL! |
48901 | SWOSE162.LHA | 167,3 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "SWOS Ed v1.62 - SWOS Ed is team editor for Sensible World of Soccer. - Features: RNC depacking * It is able to pack data files using ProPack * allows transfering players between teams and teams between leagues * A useful multifile mode * It is able to print teamssquads. - Req: OS2.0+MUI 3 Aminet name: SWOSEd.lha" |
48902 | SWOSED16.LHA | 148,9 kt | 14.10.1997 | - | - | - | Sensible World of Soccer Editor v1.6 |
48903 | TRAINDRI.LHA | 374,2 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Train Driver Simulator 1.8 - Aja junaa Englannissa. |
48904 | VDOPPC01.LHA | 260,2 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | VDoom v0.1 - Amiga Doom for PowerPC/ELF |
48905 | WZKLAD.LHA | 110,8 kt | 02.11.1997 | - | - | - | Wzonka-Lad v0.64 - kotimainen Gameboy emulaattori. |
48906 | WZL093.LHA | 214,5 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | Wzonka-Lad 0.93 - A Finnish Gameboy emulator Supports OCS/ECS/AGA, and gfx cards via Workbench Window (scalable) driver. Comes with a separate palette editor. Sounds for registered users only. |
48907 | WZONK098.LHA | 244,1 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | Wzonka-Lad v0.98 - Nintendo Gameboy -emulator. |
48908 | WZONL095.LHA | 239,5 kt | 02.02.1998 | - | MBCD | - | WZonka-Lad v0.95 - 8-bit Nintendo-emulator. |
48909 | YAGG117.LHA | 474,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 21189/Excalibur_57_cd.bin | tupla | Yagg 1.17 / The best vectorial gravity game. |
48910 | YAGG125.LHA | 492,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | - | tupla | Yet Another Gravity Game 1.25 - Taas yksi painovoimapeli. |
48911 | ZAPT125E.LHA | 170,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | ZapTris - Version 1.25 - Shareware (Amiga) -Exellent Tetris-clone! - Much of specialthings - Also normal Tetris-mode - Veryflexible (much of settings) - 80 levels -Link- and demogames - Own Top 10 for fastestplayers & much more - Author: Pasi Laakson en |
48912 | ZHADO09.LHA | 660,1 kt | 12.04.1998 | - | - | - | ZhaDoom v0.9 - a PPC-port of Doom. |
48913 | ZHDOOM02.LHA | 447,8 kt | 28.02.1998 | - | - | - | ZhaDoom v0.20 - a Doom-port for WarpOS. Should run with AGA/Graphic boards and68k/PPC. |
48914 | ZXDTTYPE.LHA | 30,9 kt | 09.07.1997 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | ZX DataType 39.0 (23.5.96) - is a picture datatype subclass for displaying Sinclair ZX Spectrum pictures under Amiga OS release 3 or higher. Freeware. Orig. name: ZX_DataType.lha |