/ PC /
Windows 95/98/NT/2000 /
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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
22222 | 3DME.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 24.07.2001 | - | - | tupla | 3D Mail Effects Ilmoittaa saapuneesta sähköpostista 3d-grafiikalla ja tarjoaa työkaluja viestien lukemiseen. Ohjelman kokeiluversio ei talleta sähköpostitiliesi tietoja ja pyörii kerrallaan vain kahdeksan tuntia. Shareware, $19,90. |
22223 | ABTC2100.ZIP | 3,7 Mt | 31.07.2004 | - | - | - | Azureus BitTorrent Client 2.1Java-pohjainen BitTorrent-vertaisverkon yhteysohjelma, joka tukee 27 eri kieltä. Ilmainen. http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ |
22224 | ACC.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 18.01.2000 | versio 2.21 | 23526/CHIPCD_04_2000.iso | tupla | "Advanced Call Center 2.20Full-featured answering machine software for your voice modem. All necessary functions are supported: Caller ID lets you see and hear whos calling via screen pop-upsdistinctive rings and callers name announcement with speech synthesis. Advanced features include pager notificationsending call details and voice messages over e-mail." |
22225 | AFD.ZIP | 192,9 kt | 29.08.1999 | - | 9317/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 3 of 3).iso | tupla | Alexf Dialer for Windows 95 |
22227 | ALFA210.ZIP | 70,9 kt | 17.10.1998 | - | - | tupla | Alfa 2.1.0PCBoardin listatiedostojen lukuohjelma. Osaa MBnetin Ja Pelit Onlinen listat. Pieni ja nopea. Vaatii MSVBVM50.DLL-tiedoston, jonka löydät MBnetin perusohjelmista, osoitteesta http://www.mbnet.fi/jutut/perusohjelmat/vbrun.html |
22228 | ALOECAM.ZIP | 843,7 kt | 20.07.2001 | - | - | - | AloeCam Kerää useita nettikameroita saman ohjelman alle. AloeCam osaa tarkkailla haluamiasi nettikameroita ja ilmoittaa muun muassa kuinka vanha niiden tämänhetkinen kuva on. Shareware, $22. |
22229 | AMRC1A.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | PC Remote 1.0a PC Remote lets you access another comptuer across a network, on the Internet, on the computer serial ports, or through a modem connection. Now you have multiple ways to access the data you need. |
61022 | ATALKW95.ZIP | 795676 | 22.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | A-Talk for the Windows 95 Operating System Version Beta |
22230 | AZUREUS.EXE | 4,8 Mt | 02.12.2004 | renamed | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Azureus BitTorrent Client on kätevä asiakasohjelma esimerkiksi shareware-ohjelmien ja testattavaksi tarkoitettujen tietokonepelien betaversioiden jakeluun BitTorrent-vertaisverkossa. Ohjelman selkeä graafinen ulkoasu tekee sen käytöstä helppoa. Kopioidakseen haluamansa tiedoston käyttäjä tarvitsee .torrent-päätteisen itutiedoston, joita voi etsiä levitettäväksi tarkoitettujen ohjelmien nettisivuilta. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://azureus.sourceforge.net/ |
22231 | CALLCENT.EXE | 5,4 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | CallCenter Easy sending and receiving of faxes in the foreground or background. And if your modem hardware supports Voice Telephony, the CallCenter will actually assist your computer with answering your telephone with your personalized greeting and then take a message for you. Freeware. |
9710 | CIS4EXCH.EXE | 509704 | 07.12.1995 | - | 6220/Blackhawk for Windows 95 - Novermer 1996.iso | - | CompuServe Mail for Microsoft Exchange allows CompuServe members using Microsoft Exchange to send and receive messages through CompuServe Mail. You can use CompuServe Mail for Microsoft Exchange to exchange messages with other CompuServe members and with users of the Internet, X.400, and LAN-based e-mail systems. You can also send faxes and telexes. |
9711 | CMNET21D.ZIP | 1068519 | 07.11.1995 | - | 21816/Pegasus_Vol_2_CD1.iso | - | CommNet v2.1. Full-featured Windows/ Windows 95 based data communications software package which seamlessly integrates modem dial-up and Internet Telnet capabilities into a single, fast, full-featured, and easy-to-use application. CommNet supports Zmodem file transfers and TTY, VT100, and full-color PC ANSI with dial-up and Telnet sessions. |
22234 | CMS12D.ZIP | 3 Mt | 02.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | CMS v1.2Very powerful util for keeping track of your modem usage under win95 (eg.Internet) Includes log-files,which displays who used,when used,for how long and the cost. You can set prices for specific day-times,connections. Very handy! Take it! |
22235 | COM699.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 20.05.1998 | - | 18113/WF0698_3.ISO | tupla | Com v6.9.9.62 Com v6.9.9.62 is a serial / tcpip terminal emulator. Com allows you to communicate with BBS systems, dial in servers, or even telnet over the internet to another computer. Com also allows you to transfer files using many different protocols between computers. Loaded with features, Com will make communicating with other computer a breeze. |
22236 | COMMLINK.ZIP | 115,6 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | 19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg | tupla | CommLinkAllows you to use an internal modem on one computer as an external modem on a second computer. This version terminates after 20 minutes of use. Requires Win95/NT. |
9715 | COMSPY95.ZIP | 138705 | 21.11.1996 | - | 23464/CHIP 1996 december (CD10).zip | - | ComSpy95 for Windows 95 reports activities on your modem by hooking the COM port APIs and Windows Socket API's. You can use ComSpy95 to determine if yout credit card number or other personal information gets sent out (is the data encoded as claimed), or to capture data to file and you can do anything to it. |
22238 | CONTEL20.ZIP | 275,4 kt | 01.02.2000 | - | - | tupla | Console telnet 2.0 + source.Freeware. |
22239 | COSAWA11.ZIP | 747,4 kt | 07.02.2003 | - | - | - | CostAware 1.1CostAware on yksinkertainen nettiliikennelaskuri, joka näyttää kuinka paljon tietoa koneeltasi on siirretty kotimaisten ja ulkomaisten yhteyksien välillä. Voit määritellä yhteyksille tiedonsiirtorajan, ja CostAware näyttää selkeällä palkilla kuinka paljon rajasta on käytetty. Laskurin voi nollata halutessaan ja sen voi laittaa tarkkailemaan gateway-koneen liikennettä. Ilmainen. Windows 2000/XP. http://www.netinternals.com/products.html |
22240 | COSSH113.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 23.12.2003 | - | - | - | COPSSH 1.1.3COPSSH on Windowsille laadittu ssh-palvelinohjelmisto, joka mahdollistaa turvalliset yhteydet kotikoneeseen netin yli. Ilmainen. Windows NT/2000/XP. http://www.itefix.no/copssh/ |
22241 | CTCSPY20.ZIP | 150,1 kt | 10.06.2001 | - | - | - | CT Cookie Spy 2.0 CT Cookie Spy on yksinkertainen pieni ohjelma, joka näyttää kovalevyltä löytyneet evästeet sekä tiedon siitä, miltä sivuilta ne ovat peräisin ja kuinka kauan ne ovat voimassa. Käyttäjä voi halutessaan vierailla kyseisellä sivulla tai poistaa valitsemansa evästeet koneeltaan. Win9x, NT, 2000, Me. http://camtech2000.net/Pages/CookieSpy.html |
22242 | CYBER25.ZIP | 943,1 kt | 18.02.2000 | - | 23746/PCWorld_2002-05_cd.bin | tupla | CyberKitCyberKit is a network utility for Windows 95/98/NT. It combines Ping, TraceRoute, WhoIs, Finger, Name Server LookUp, Time Synchronizer, Quote of the Day, NetScanner, DBScanner and more ... |
22243 | DIAL504.ZIP | 980,4 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso | tupla | DiaLog32 v.5.04 Phone Dialer and Logger for Win95 and NT. Upgradeable from 16-bit version. Includes speed dialer and outgoing and incoming call timing and logging. Calling card dialing. Up to 4 address books, 6 phone numbers and 4 other Ids (email) per entry. Tone or pulse dialing - redial busy number. Accepts 1-800-Egg-Head. International dates and times. Up to 3 appointment books, 6-city programmable world clock, alarm clock, stop watch, password protection. |
22244 | DIALWIZ.ZIP | 1006,6 kt | 13.01.1998 | - | 22155/UTILITIES1.bin | tupla | DialWiz v1.0 Enables those people with Windows 95 Dial-Up Networking to automatically dial a list of telephone numbers. |
22245 | DIGW95.ZIP | 461,8 kt | 13.01.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | DigiTerm v1.5 An easy to use, full featured data communications program. * Emulates popular terminals and supports major file transfer protocols including X/Y/Zmodem. * Supports over 445 diffrent modems and speeds of up to 57,600! * Features easy menu interface |
62929 | DIGW95.ZIP | 472876 | 12.01.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | DigiTerm v1.5 for Win95 An easy to use, full featured data communications program. * Emulates popular terminals and supports major file transfer protocols including X/Y/Zmodem. * Supports over 445 diffrent modems and speeds of up to 57,600! * Features easy menu interface |
22246 | DUMETER3.ZIP | 898 kt | 22.12.2001 | - | - | - | DU Meter 3.0DU Meter antaa käyttäjälle jatkuvasti päivittyvän graafisen tai numeerisen esityksen koneen nettiyhteyden käyttöasteesta. Shareware, 19.95 USD. http://www.dumeter.com/ |
22247 | DUNCE252.ZIP | 149,9 kt | 27.04.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Dunce v2.52 Dial-Up Networking Connection Enhancement. Adds features to your DUN connections such as bypassing Connect To, Auto Reconnect, Automated Connections, and Run Items. |
22248 | EASYDTMF.ZIP | 239 kt | 29.09.2000 | - | - | tupla | EasyDTMF 1.0Software which dials any phonenumber for you using DTMF sounds. Hold the phone receiver near the computers loudspeaker and dial the number. It is possible to save four numbers for quickdialing. Windows 95/98/NT4. Soundcard is required. Freeware. |
22249 | EDONKY2K.ZIP | 553 kt | 28.06.2001 | - | - | - | eDonkey 2000 Ohjelma tiedostojen jakamiseen muiden internetin käyttäjien kanssa. Ilmainen. |
22251 | FAX_N516.ZIP | 770,4 kt | 21.03.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | tupla | FaxMail Network for Windows v5.16Complete faxing program for Windows NT/95/Win32s. Allows faxing from any program that can print. FaxMail Network for Windows makes creating high quality faxes as easy as printing. Includes a Fax/Modem-tester. Timed sends, Broadcast queue holds 32,000, Works in DOS and Windows, GOOD help system, All functions very fast, Background FAX printing. |
64056 | FAX_V506.ZIP | 721220 | 08.10.1996 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | tupla | FaxMail for Windows v5.06, fax-ohjelma. |
22250 | FAX-LINK.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | FAXLink 1.4 A tool for converting your documents to fax format. FAXLink acts as a printer driver allowing you to send faxes from virtually every 32-bit Windows application. Once converted, documents will be sent to a VISIONLAB fax server where they will be retried numerous times until the documents are received. |
22252 | FN32V201.ZIP | 441,5 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | 9301/Cream of the Crop 26.iso | - | File Navigator For Windows v2.01File Navigator For Windows provides for easy management of such standard file types as the Fidonet QWK/REP mail packets, archive files (ZIP, ARJ, LHA, and EXE), TXT files, as well as GIF and JPG graphics files. In addition, it provides for up to 9 user-defined file extensions. |
22253 | FSECSSHC.EXE | 5,9 Mt | 25.10.2000 | - | - | - | "F-Secure SSH Client96/98/NT F-Secure SSH Client authenticates server and encrypts traffic between the client and server. F-Secure SSH Client consists of three integrated components: F-Secure SSH Terminal (provides secure login connections over unknown or untrusted networks) F-Secure SSH Tunnel (enables secure tunneling of Internet protocol services like email and web browsing)F-Secure SSH File Transfer (with a graphical user interface provides a simple and secure file transfers over insecure networks). F-Secure SSH Client 4.2 can connect to both version 1.x and 2.x SSH servers and detect automatically which server version is in use. Note: This product contains encryption algorithms that is regulated by United States and/or European Union export control restrictions. The download link on the left will take you to a secure formthat youll need to complete and submit to declare your eligibility. " |
22254 | GNOTELLA.ZIP | 2,3 Mt | 20.07.2001 | - | - | - | Gnotella Jaa omia tiedostojasi muille netinkäyttäjille. Freeware. |
22255 | GSM-SMS.ZIP | 136 kt | 16.12.1999 | - | - | - | TekstiviestiohjelmaLähetä 160 merkin pituisia tekstiviestejä kännyköihin käyttäen Soneran palvelua. Tämä ohjelma on vielä betatestaus vaiheessa. |
22256 | HCKTRC12.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 02.01.2002 | - | - | - | Hack Tracer 1.2Hack Tracer on henkilökohtainen palomuuriohjelma, joka sekä suojelee tietokonetta asiattomilta tunkeutujilta, että osaa jäljittää hakkerin maantieteellisen sijainnin. Shareware, 39,95 USD. http://www.sharptechnology.com/bh-cons.htm |
22257 | HPY30MIN.ZIP | 9,8 kt | 09.09.1999 | - | - | eritupla | HPY30Min v3.0 HPY30Min v3.0 on ohjelma Internet-yhteyden keston sekä hinnan seuraamiseen. HPY- alueen hinnat. W9x/NT/2k - Freewarea! |
64910 | HTPE2.ZIP | 658143 | 21.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Hyperterminal Private Edition version 2.0 is a more powerful version of Hilgraeve's Hyperterminal communications program, which Microsoft includes in every copy of Windows 95. We provide Hyperterminal PE to you for your free personal use in the hope that you will enjoy it and someday buy our award-winning, full-featured program, HyperACCESS. FREE |
22258 | HTPE3.ZIP | 512,8 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | HyperTerminal 3.0 Update of Win95 HyperTerminal. Supports also TCP/IP (Winsock API), so it can be used as a telnet client as well. |
22259 | ID2084E.ZIP | 613,5 kt | 13.01.1998 | - | - | - | Numetrics ID v.2.0 A Windows(R) Telephony monitoring utility. |
22260 | IDENT10.ZIP | 651,1 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | 9312/Windows 6-Pak (InfoMagic) (Disc 4) (1999).ISO | - | IDentify! v1.0 Identify callers before you answer. Features include screen pops, call logging, pager notification, auto- hang up and many sound features. Requirements: Windows 95/98. Caller ID capable TAPI compliant modem. Registration fee: $14.95 Developer: Impulse Technology |
22261 | IO32BIT.ZIP | 901,2 kt | 13.03.1998 | - | 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso | - | In or Out Master v2.00Computerized in or out board that maintains a single data file residing on a networked file server or workstation. Includes messaging, dialing, and email support. The perfect way to keep up with co-workers and phone messages. Requires Windows 3.1x, Windows 95 or Windows NT. Registration Fee US$69.95. For more information please visit http://www.bytemasters.com. |
22262 | IPGP703.ZIP | 7,2 Mt | 20.07.2001 | - | MBHH2002 | - | International PGP v7.0.3 Kryptaa näppärästi sähköpostiviestisi, ICQ-liikenteesi ja tiedostosi. Kotikäytössä ilmainen. |
22263 | ITIMER22.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 28.06.2001 | - | - | - | Internet Timer v2.2.195 Auttaa pitämään puhelinlaskut kurissa netissä surffaillessa. Ohjelma osaa seurata niin modeemi-, lähiverkko- kuin ISDN-yhteyksiäkin. 21 päivän kokeiluversio, rek. $35 |
22264 | IVOX102.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 13.01.1998 | - | 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso | - | Indalo VoiceBox v1.0.1ISDN answering machine for win95. |
22265 | JW32V20.ZIP | 4,8 Mt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | JFax Integrate VoiceMail v2.0E-mail and fax with this one application. Windows 95 |
22267 | LCHAT117.ZIP | 216,7 kt | 09.10.2001 | - | - | - | LANChat v1.17LANChat on LAN(Paikallisverkko) keskusteluohjelma. Helppokäyttöinen Windows-sovellus. Laitteistovaatimus: DirextX7 tai parempi ja IPX-protokolla. http://www.futgiz.cjb.net |
22268 | MB32V20F.EXE | 3,6 Mt | 23.07.1997 | - | - | - | Moonbird Mailbox 32 v2.0 Etälukua 32 bitin voimalla ja selvällä suomen kielellä. Halpa shareware-ratkaisu kaikkiin etälukuongelmiisi. Helppokäyttöinen sisältäen myös vaativaa käyttäjää kiehtovia toimintoja. Uutta: ohjelma on nopeutunut huomattavasti, uusi Office97-look, toimivat postisuotimet, viestien luku lajitellussa järjestyksessä, uudet postikansiot ym. Korjattu istuntoa luodessa ohjelman kaatava bugi. Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Moonbird Software |
22269 | MB32V21U.EXE | 545,6 kt | 23.07.1997 | - | - | - | Moonbird Mailbox 32 päivitys -> v2.1 Moonbird Mailbox 32 v2.1 EXE-päivitys EXE-päivitys mistä tahansa ohjelman aiemmasta versiosta versioon 2.1. Huom: lue LueMinut.NYT ennen asennusta! Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Moonbird Software |
22270 | MF32.EXE | 1,6 Mt | 30.08.2000 | - | 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 1).iso | - | MightyFax for Windows 95/98MightyFAX installs a printer driver so that you can fax directly from Windows software, including Microsoft Word and most other Windows programs. If you can print it, you can fax it with MightyFAX. Shareware. http://www.rks-software.com |
22271 | MFNT.EXE | 1,6 Mt | 30.08.2000 | - | 23440/Chip_2004-11_cd1.bin | - | MightyFax for Windows 2000 and Windows NTMightyFAX installs a printer driver so that you can fax directly from Windows software, including Microsoft Word and most other Windows programs. If you can print it, you can fax it with MightyFAX. Shareware. http://www.rks-software.com |
66209 | MM1032B4.ZIP | 800418 | 03.01.1996 | - | 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso | - | MailMaker 1.0 beta 4 32bit QWK compatible offline reader for Windows 95 and Windows NT. Fast database to organize your mail Includes features like text search, internal unpacker, ANSI-viewer, text justification, optional spellchecker, file attachments, picklists, easy install and uninstall and much more. Imports Robomail 1.3 data / folder |
22272 | MMAKER10.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 18.04.1997 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | MailMaker 1.0 (16 and 32bit) QWK compatible offline reader for Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT. Fast database to organize your mail Includes features like text search, folders, internal unpacker, ANSI-viewer, text justification, optional spellchecker, file attachments, picklists, easy install and uninstall and much more. Imports Robomail 1.3 data / folder |
22273 | MODSTA18.ZIP | 211905 | 15.10.1995 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | ModemSta 1.8: Animated icon replica or larger indicator displays of modem's front panel. Several great 3D looks. For use with internal, external and PCMCIA modems. Modem initialization, logging of incoming calls and connections, CONNECT SPEED, DIALED NUMBER, DATA TRANSFER RATE, additional status info, show communications settings, generation of sounds at comm events. Also parallel ports. Updated for Win95. Shareware US$15. |
22274 | MOONY105.EXE | 652,5 kt | 04.11.1998 | - | - | - | Moony ISDN Monitor v1.05Moony ISDN Monitor is a full featured program that monitors incoming calls via ISDN boards and shows them on screen when they come in (including names of known callers) and logs them. It can show calls to different numbers in different colors, map sounds to incoming and destination numbers and much more. Moony is shareware. |
22275 | MR95_11.ZIP | 729868 | 14.07.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | Mail Reader 95 v1.1. Win95-etälukija. |
22276 | MWARRIOR.ZIP | 737,9 kt | 20.07.2001 | - | - | - | Kaufman Mail Warrior Erittäin pienikokoinen, mutta monipuolinen sähköpostinlukuohjelma. Tämä ohjelma on täydellinen valinta henkilölle, joka joutuu siirtymään usein tietokoneelta toiselle. Sen avulla sähköpostin saa kulkemaan mukana yhdellä korpulla, eikä ohjelman käyttö jätä jälkiä koneeseen missä se ajetaan. Freeware. |
22277 | NETLED.EXE | 593,1 kt | 29.10.2000 | - | - | - | Network LED 2.0Network LED creates a small indicator or usage meter icon in the tray notification area that represents the traffic on any network interface (dial-up modem, ISDN, cable modem, DSL modem, Ethernet card). This is a 30-day trial. Registration costs $14.95. http://www.idyle.com |
22278 | NPC104E.ZIP | 352,4 kt | 13.01.1998 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | NPCOMM v.1.04 Network Pseudo Communication port is a software which offers the function to share COM ports on the LAN and the function to connect to telnetd through COM port. You can use this software for sharing modem(s) on your LAN or connecting BBS via Internet with a terminal software which has no TELNET ability. |
66666 | NTCRT10.ZIP | 426964 | 07.11.1995 | - | Pegasus_Win95.iso | - | CRT is a 32-bit winsock terminal emulator that supports the rlogin and telnet protocol as well as telnet via a SOCKS firewall. CRT supports ZModem file transfer over telnet (download only). |
22279 | OFFCOM15.ZIP | 2,9 Mt | 14.12.2001 | - | - | - | Offline Commander 1.5Offline Commander hakee halutun nettisivuston omalle koneelle säilyttäen sen tiedostorakenteen ja muotoilutiedostot. Ohjelman avulla sivuilta voi hakea haluttuja avainsanoja sekä tarkastella sivuston hakemistorakennetta. Offline Commander toimii myös selailua nopeuttavana nettiselaimena. Shareware, 39,95 USD. http://www.zylox.com/home.php |
22280 | ONLM31EN.ZIP | 521,1 kt | 07.03.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Online Meter v3.1Online Meter is a utility monitoring your Dial-Up Networking or modem connections. Based on individual tariff definitions, it calculates the phone costs caused by these connections and offers several counters. Online Meter creates a detailed log of all your connections, including starting time, length, costs and descriptive information about the connection. |
22281 | PCDIS152.ZIP | 645,8 kt | 04.06.1998 | - | MBHH2001 | - | PhoneDisplay v1.52 PhoneDisplay v1.52 on ilmainen ja helppokäyttöinen numerontunnistusohjelma (Caller-ID) ISDN-liittymiin. Vaatii sisäisen CAPI 2.0 -yhteensopivan sovitinkortin. |
22282 | PERSFW40.EXE | 3,5 Mt | 30.05.2001 | - | - | - | Sygate Personal Firewall 4.0Softapohjainen palomuuri, joka tarjoaa Internetiin liitetylle mikrolle turvaa verkkovandaaleilta. Erittäin mukautettava, mutta myös hieman monimutkainen. http://www.sygate.com/free/spf_download.htm |
22283 | PMASTER.ZIP | 318,2 kt | 28.06.2001 | - | - | - | PassMaster Ohjelma, jonne huonomuistinen web-surffari voi tallentaa salasanojaan. Kun käyttäjä valitsee haluamansa palvelun, ohjelma kopioi salasanan leikepöydälle, josta sen voi liimata palveluun. 30 päivän kokeiluversio, rek. $9.90 |
22284 | QCONNECT.ZIP | 93,3 kt | 07.12.1997 | - | 13522/In-to-the-net (1996)(Weird Science)(Disc 1 of 2)[Amiga-PC].iso | - | QConnect QConnect is a program that dials up your connection and then closes itself. |
22285 | QMOD3221.ZIP | 3,3 Mt | 26.11.1997 | - | - | - | QmodemPro v2.10 The right tool for connecting to BBSes and on-line services Supports many emulations, transfer protocols ,a complete scripting language, variable screen fonts, built in telnet, drag and drop capabilities. By far one of the best, most versatile and feature packed communication programs. |
67597 | QR32BETA.ZIP | 3609983 | 27.10.1996 | - | - | - | QWKread 32 (Beta3) Vain betatestaajille. Pura WinZip 95:llä. |
22286 | REMTRIAL.ZIP | 251,3 kt | 20.01.2000 | - | - | - | Remote-Anything 2.0.11 Allows you to use or supervise any distant PC over a LAN or the Internet. You can transfer files with drag&drop without shared drives (or being logged) and can use remotely any DOS or Windows software. You see the distant screen in real-time and move the mouse, type keys, run programs, edit the Registry, reboot or shut-down the distant PC. |
22287 | SETUPF3T.EXE | 788,4 kt | 10.09.2000 | - | - | - | The Fast PC Linker v3.61 trialTehokas ja helppokäyttöinen ohjelma tiedonsiirtoon esim. kahden linkitetyn koneen välillä. Windows 3.1/9x/NT4. Copyright (C) 1987-1999 Rainy City Computer Products. |
22288 | SIMVELHO.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 29.06.2000 | - | #hyrava | - | SIMVELHO 1.0Helppokäyttöinen kännykän SIM-koritin puhelinluettelon muokkaus- ja hallintaohjelma. Ohjelman mukana ohjeet oman koritinlukulaitteen valmistamiseen. Toimii useiden sarjaporttiin liitettävien kortinlukulaitteiden kanssa. WIN9X/NT4/2000 Tarvitsee VBRUN600-kirjastot. |
22289 | SKYW-101.ZIP | 344,2 kt | 19.10.1998 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | SkyReader/W32 1.01a-6 Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and Hippo v2 compatible offline mail reader. Finnish and english language files, PGP support, message text reformatting, etc. nice features. This is the 32-bit Win32 text mode version for Windows 95 and NT. |
22290 | SMRTDIAL.ZIP | 147 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso | - | "SmartDial95Allows you to dial telephone numbers from any Windows application with the click of a button. Requires Win95 or WIN31 with Microsoft TAPI extensions." |
22291 | SPAME321.ZIP | 2 Mt | 02.07.2001 | - | - | - | SpamEater Pro v3.21.283 Pyyhkii pois saamasi roskapostin ennen kuin ehdit ladata sen koneellesi. 30 päivän kokeiluversio, rek. $24.95 |
22292 | SSFAXER8.ZIP | 193,3 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | 17948/Visual Basic 4 - Programmer's Power Pack.iso | - | "Simple Simons SSFaxer This supports all Class 1Class 2 and Class 2.0 fax/modems. Allows you to integrate faxing into VB3 or VB4." |
22293 | SSIGZ10.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 28.11.2001 | - | - | - | Silly Sigz 1.0Silly Sigz! is a free, e-mail signature file and tagline manager. Effortlessly add your favorite tagline collections with the import wizard. Silly Sigz! runs in the system tray, and automatically re-generates the signature file (with a different tagline) with a frequency you specify. http://www.sturec.com/sillysigz.shtml |
22294 | SYPEFI21.EXE | 2,7 Mt | 25.10.2000 | - | - | - | Sygate Personal Firewall 2.1Sygate® Personal Firewall protects your data from would-be intruders. Great for "always on" DSL and cable Internet connections! |
22295 | TCAL3215.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 02.03.1997 | - | - | - | TheCall 32 v1.5Feature rich Windows Terminal written by SysOps who listened to users. Drag and Drop file transfers, Script Language, Auto Zmodem Simple Installation, Toolbar, Direct access to Mail Readers, Configurable Sounds, Host. ANSI-BBS, VT-100, VT-52, TTY Emulation. Port to 115200, over 400 modem configurations. Background Communications, Help. VISA and CIS SWREG 8223. |
22296 | TCPSW33.ZIP | 73,6 kt | 27.11.1997 | - | - | - | "TCP/IP Switcher v3.3TCPSW is an utility to allow the changing of Windows 95 DialUp networking connections hostnamedomain name and nameserver values." |
22297 | TERA23.ZIP | 921,7 kt | 20.07.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | tupla | Tera Term Pro v2.3Tera Term on näppärä pääteohjelma, sekä telnet-clientti Windows-käyttöjärjestelmille. Tukee VT100, sekä VT200/300 -emulaatioita, ja suosituimpia tiedonsiirtoprotokollia (Kermit, XMODEM, ZMODEM, jne.). Freeware. http://ftp.riken.go.jp/ |
22298 | TOPDOG58.ZIP | 3,8 Mt | 02.07.2001 | - | - | - | TopDog Search Engine Analyzer v5.8Katso, kuinka korkealle oma sivusi on päässyt suosituimmissa hakukoneissa. |
22299 | TRIL0635.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 10.06.2001 | - | - | - | Trillian v0.635 Trillian on kontaktiohjelma, joka pystyy samaan aikaan näyttämään ICQ, AIM, MSN ja Yahoo Messenger -kontaktisi sekä tarkkailemaan myös IRC:iä. Voit laittaa ohjelman hälyttämään ystäviesi tullessa linjoille, suunnitella omia skinejä ja säädellä näkyvyyttäsi nettiin. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. Ilmainen. http://www.ceruleanstudios.com |
22300 | TRNS1-25.ZIP | 54261 | 27.11.1996 | - | - | - | 32-bit FOSSIL driver for Windows 95. Dramatically improves transfer speeds FOSSIL-aware software written running under Windows 95. Includes support for FOSSIL-aware 32-bit applications such as Binkleyterm-32! SHAREWARE |
22301 | TTSSH151.ZIP | 267,7 kt | 25.10.2000 | - | 12700/server2.rz.uni-leipzig.de.tar | - | SSH plugin for Tera Term Pro 2.3 SSH plugin for Tera Term Pro 2.3 |
22302 | TWNSCK20.ZIP | 350,9 kt | 28.11.1996 | - | 19252/PC_PRESS.ISO | tupla | TwinSock 2.0 TwinSock is a free implementation of proxy sockets for Windows. TwinSock makes use of the IP address of the host to provide socket services to the client. When an application running under Windows requests socket services of TwinSock, TwinSock will transparently pass these requests on to the TwinSock Host program running on the remote machine for processing. The result is that you have all the same networking capabilities as you would if your Windows machine were physically connected to the network in place of the host machine. |
69479 | TWNSCK20.ZIP | 359331 | 27.11.1996 | - | 19252/PC_PRESS.ISO | tupla | TwinSock 2.0 for Windows 95 TwinSock is a free implementation of proxy sockets for Windows. TwinSock makes use of the IP address of the host to provide socket services to the client. When an application running under Windows requests socket services of TwinSock, TwinSock will transparently pass these requests on to the TwinSock Host program running on the remote machine for processing. The result is that you have all the same networking capabilities as you would if your Windows machine were physically connected to the network in place of the host machine. |
22303 | UNIPC101.ZIP | 264,4 kt | 07.03.1998 | - | 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso | - | UNIPC v1.01Universal Phone Counter allows everybody in every country to know his phone bill at each instant. Easy to use and powerful (phone rules entered as parameters). Runs under Windows 95. Shareware: US$10. http://www.griviere.com/unipc/unipc01.htm |
22304 | VOCOM117.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 12.01.1998 | - | 18113/WF0698_4.ISO | - | Vocomv1.17 Vocom is a complete programming package (editor, debugger, compiler, extra utilities etc..) to develop Voice Mail like systems with any standard DIALOGIC or compatible computer telephony cards. Completely developed by indipendent programmers VOCOM offers tons of useful features, great documentation and the lowest priece around. WORKING SHAREWARE VERSION. |
22305 | VR42A.EXE | 2,5 Mt | 01.02.2000 | - | 23721/PCWorld_2000-04_cd.bin | - | VisualRoute 4.2aVisualRoute is a speedy Traceroute program that can automatically analyze connectivity problems. The program offers a map of the world, which you can use to view the routes that your IP packets take as you compute over the Internet. VisualRoute also lets you track all IP hops in parallel (instead of consecutively), and can thereby provide results much faster than conventional Traceroute programs. VisualRoute also supports pop-up Whois and Loose Source Route (LSRR) information. It includes AutoWeb, a feature in the VisualRoute Server package (a separately priced option) that allows you to install VisualRoute on a central server and then have users access VisualRoute through a Java-enabled Web browser. This release contains an updated geographical database, minor bug fixes, and improvements to the graphical interface. Registration costs $29.95 after the 30-day trial. |
22306 | VVSETUP.EXE | 192,5 kt | 13.01.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Microsoft File Transfer v1.0Microsoft File Transfer (data over voice) for VoiceView modems. For MS Windows 95. |
69848 | VVSETUP.EXE | 197120 | 12.01.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | tupla | Microsoft File Transfer (data over voice) for VoiceView modems. For MS Windows 95. |
22307 | WEBCEL20.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 20.07.2001 | - | - | - | WebCelerator v2.0 Nopeuttaa netin selailua hakemalla sivuja etukäteen. WebCeleratorilla voi myös optimoida koneen verkkoasetuksia ja sen saa automaattisesti poistamaan sivuilla olevat mainosbannerit. Freeware. |
22308 | WEBFER35.ZIP | 667,1 kt | 06.06.2001 | - | - | - | WebFerret 3.5001 Tee nettihakuja useasta hakukoneesta samaan aikaan. WebFerret käyttää 21 hakukonetta, mm. AltaVista, AskJeeves ja Lycos, ja sille voi määritellä, etsiikö se kaikkia hakusanoja vaiko vain jotain hakutermeistä. |
22309 | WEBSPECL.ZIP | 2,7 Mt | 20.07.2001 | - | - | - | Webspector Lite Ohjelma, joka tiedottaa sinulle milloin suosikkisivustojasi on päivitetty. Kevytversio on ilmainen. |
70091 | WINTEL32.ZIP | 646556 | 29.11.1996 | - | 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO | - | WinTel32 - is a communication program for Win95/NT. It features file transfer using ASCII, XModem, YModem, ZModem, and Kermit; VT100, ANSI Color, VT52, and TTY terminal emulation; viewing GIF and JPEG images offline or while downloading; Telnet client for TCP/IP connection; uuencoding and decoding Internet files; and more. |
22310 | WNFOS112.ZIP | 57615 | 02.01.1997 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | [ winfossil v1.12 ] 32-bit FOSSIL driver for Windows 95. Dramatically improves transfer speeds FOSSIL-aware software written running under Windows 95. Includes support for FOSSIL-aware 32-bit applications such as Binkleyterm-32! SHAREWARE $15.00 Registration! |
22311 | WORMS602.ZIP | 3,6 Mt | 11.05.1998 | - | - | - | WorMS v.602WorMS, kotimainen 32-bittinen Omen & QWK-yhteensopiva etälukija, Windows 95/NT. Viestien luku ja kirjoitus linja-ajan ulkopuolella. Alueiden etävalinta, viestien arkistointi (1000 viesti- pakettia), käyttäjäluettelo valo- kuvineen, aiheiden ja kirjoittajien valinta, SysOp-toiminnot, MIME-skandit, ROT13-salakielitulkki ym. ym. |
22312 | XWINPRO4.EXE | 5,7 Mt | 26.04.2000 | - | - | - | X-WinPro 4.2 (16-bit)X-WinPro is a simple but powerful software package designed to provide a cost-effective way to transform your PC into an X Windows workstation. http://www.LabF.com |
22313 | XWINPRO5.EXE | 6,3 Mt | 26.04.2000 | - | - | - | X-WinPro 5.2 (32-bit)X-WinPro is a simple but powerful 32-bit software package designed to provide a cost-effective way to transform your PC into an X Windows workstation. The X Windows System, NFS Server and Client, TCP/IP, FTP, TFTP, and Telnet software are provided, giving you all that you need to run remote Unix and X applications. This demo version allows an unlimited number of 30-minute runs. The full version costs $99. Version 5.2 adds "GLX" X-Extension as an evaluation limited feature. The XServer/Multiple has a new TrPW2 mode, in which the local window manager determines general behavior. http://www.LabF.com |
22315 | YAE102.ZIP | 427,1 kt | 20.03.1999 | - | - | - | Yet Another Etälukija v1.0.0002 Etälukua 32 bitin voimalla ja selvällä suomen kielellä. Halpa shareware-ratkaisu kaikkiin etälukuongelmiisi. Helppokäyttöinen sisältäen myös vaativaa käyttäjää kiehtovia toimintoja. OMEN- ja laajennettu QWK-tuki. Osoitteisto. Epätoivottujen viestien ohitus. Alueiden etävalinta. UU-koodaus/-purku ym. VUOSI 2000- yhteensopiva, mukana testipaketti! Vaatii VB6 kirjastot. Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Moonbird Software |
22316 | ZAlarm26.ZIP | 2,8 Mt | 20.07.2001 | - | - | - | ZoneAlarm 2.6ZoneAlarm on ilmainen palomuuriohjelma, joka tarkkailee koneesi tietoliikennettä, ja reagoi epäilyttäviin tai asiattomiin tapahtumiin. |
22317 | ZOC400WE.EXE | 1,2 Mt | 18.04.2001 | - | - | tupla | Zap-O-Comm (ZOC) v4.00 for Windows32bit Telnet/SSH, Modem and ISDN comm. application for Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, countless options and features including Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). http://www.emtec.com |
22318 | ZONALARM.EXE | 1,7 Mt | 25.10.2000 | - | 23868/HDC50.iso | - | ZoneAlarm Pro lets you realize true peace of mind knowing your network-connected PC is secure. ZoneAlarm is compatible with Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 |
70511 | ZOW304.ZIP | 812989 | 20.12.1996 | koko¹ | ratsnest1.iso | - | ZOC 3.04 - 32bit Modem, Telnet and ISDN comm. application for OS/2 and Windows NT/95. Outstanding GUI, solid VT220 and Zmodem, count- less options and features including CIS-B, Kermit, online JPG/GIF viewer, REXX scripting. Not crippled (just a registration reminder after file transfer). Filenames: ZOC*.ZIP=OS/2 Version, ZOW*.ZIP=Win-NT/95-Version |