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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
22090 | ABCVI135.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 11.07.2002 | - | - | - | ABC-View Manager 1.35 ABC-View Manager on ohjelma tiedostojen käsittelyyn ja kuvatiedostojen katseluun. ABC-View Manager luo kuvista ns. thumbnailit, pienet esikatselukuvat, joiden avulla niiden selaaminen on nopeaa. Tämän lisäksi ohjelmalla onnistuu diashown laatiminen, kuvien lähettäminen sähköpostitse ja nettisivujen laatiminen. Kokeiluversio, 29 USD. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.abc-view.com/ |
22091 | ABSEC39.ZIP | 863,9 kt | 10.03.2001 | - | sac.sk | - | "Absolute Security Standard 3.9Absolute Security Standard protects sensitive data that you want to send over unsecured channels such as the Internet. You can encrypt multiple files in a single operationas well as zip them into a self-extracting archive. This very attractive all-in-one package includes a high-quality email interface to accept your encrypted packages as file attachments. The recipient of these files will be able to access them without this programprovided he or she has the proper password information. You can add passwords to a protected listenabling automatic decryption of any files sent your way. Absolute Security Standard also has a roll-up feature and can perform secure file wipes. It could be all you need to secure your sensitive email. 30-day shareware for Windows 95/98/NT by Pepsoft Intl Ltd." |
22092 | ACTBUEXP.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 09.05.2001 | - | - | - | Active Backup Expert 1.30Backup utility Makes backup copies of your files. Stores multiple backup versions in standard .ZIP-format. Synchronizes files on two (or more) PCs. System Requirements: -Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/2000/NT; -Mouse or other Windows pointing device; $19.95. Copyright (c) OrionSoftLab, 2000. http://www.orionsoftlab.com/abe/ |
22093 | AI213.ZIP | 4,4 kt | 08.01.1999 | - | - | - | Asema-Info 2.13 Näyttää sekä paikallisten että verkko- asemien vapaan ja käytetyn tilan sekä nimiön siistissä listassa yhteenveto- tietoineen haluttujen asetusten mukaan. Erittäin käytännöllinen vapaan tilan tarkistamiseen, jos omistaa useamman kovon/osion. Vaatii 4NT/4DOS:n. |
22094 | APOCA131.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 14.03.2002 | - | - | - | Apocalypso 1.31Salausohjelma, joka tukee des, Blowfish, idea, Gost, Misty 1, Twofish, Cast 256, Rinjindael ja HNC Single ja Multi-algoritmeja. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://www.hack-net.com/ |
22095 | ASH044.ZIP | 2 Mt | 20.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "Advanced Space HunterThe perfect companion to analyze your disks and save space. Graphical disks space analysis. Duplicatetemporarysame namezero-sizecluster space waste." |
22096 | ASH253.ZIP | 707 kt | 25.02.2002 | - | - | - | Advanced Space Hunter 2.53Etsii kovalevyiltäsi turhat tiedostot ja näyttää levyn käyttöasteen selkeässä piirakkadiagrammissa. Shareware, 20 USD. Win9x-ME/NT4/W2000. http://www.jimjams.com/xash.html |
22097 | BACKON.EXE | 1,5 Mt | 19.01.2000 | - | - | - | "BackupOnline 3.5BackupOnline uses the internet to backup and retrieve software. Features an interface like that of Microsofts Outlook Express. " |
22098 | BACKUP12.ZIP | 246,3 kt | 06.06.2002 | - | - | - | Backup 1.2 Backup on nimensä mukaisesti ohjelma kansioiden ja kansiopuiden varmuuskopiointiin. Ohjelmalle voi määritellä minkä tyyppiset tiedostot se kopioi, joten se ei turhaan liikuttele esimerkiksi väliaikaisia tiedostoja. Backup sopii myös tietojen synkronointiin pöytäkoneen ja kannettavan välillS. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://home.iprimus.com.au/applied/ |
22099 | BUSTER25.ZIP | 2,2 Mt | 08.03.1998 | - | 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso | - | Buster 95 v2.5 Buster is a multi-functional drive space management tool. It was created because the author became tired of having his drive space help hostage by software vendors. Using Buster, it is possible to keep track of which programs are doing what to your hard drive. |
22100 | BX_SETUP.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 19.01.2000 | versio 2.05.21 | 9316/Infomagic - Windows 3-Pak (Disc 2 of 3).iso | - | BackupXpress 2.05.038 An easy to use program that allows you to backup information and restore it in the event of a system crash or loss of important information on your drive, zip, or floppy drives. |
22101 | BZIPBK41.ZIP | 764,5 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso | - | ZipBak v.4.1Improved over the software that comes with Iomega Zip and Jazz drives. This will work from any to any drive letter. Option for compression or use no compression for fast archiving and backups. Uses super high LZH compression. Password protect option. Multiple backup sets. Visual bar graph of compression progress. Easy to use. Backups up all files into 1 archive file. Option to backup or archive files that have changed since last time. |
22102 | CACHEINF.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 12.11.2000 | - | - | - | CacheInf v1.1.10Ilmainen ohjelma, joka näyttää selainten välimuistiinsa tallentamat tiedot: sivut, kuvat, keksit ynnä muut. Mukana on CacheInf.ocx-komponentti ohjelmoijien käyttöön. Lähdekoodin saa tekijältä ilmaiseksi. |
22103 | CALCLU20.ZIP | 28,7 kt | 09.07.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Calclus v2.0Laskee FATin aiheuttaman hukkatilan määrän ja näyttää mitä hukka olisi jollakin muulla clusterikoolla. |
22104 | CALYPF10.ZIP | 3,1 Mt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | - | Calypso v1.0 Advanced file manager for Windows 95/NT 4.0. If you liked XTree Gold® you will love Calypso. It has many features including support for huge hard disk partitions of over 2 Gb in size (NTFS and FAT32), ZIP and UNZIP support built-in (WinZip® like), superfast file handling, security options (several file removal methods and operation logging), multimedia "quickview" and "quickplay" |
22105 | CDSPACE.EXE | 3 Mt | 30.08.2000 | - | - | - | CDSpace 1.95Make virtual CD-ROMs on your hard drive. This program is for reading and running CD programs without a CD. CDSpace makes a virtual CD-ROM drive on the hard disk by using software methods. From the moment you use CDSpace, there is no need to search or load CD-ROMs. There is also no need to wait for the CD-ROM drive to run or to change the CD-ROM to run another application. This is a 21-day trial and the Save Configuration function is disabled until you register. The cost to register this program is $25. http://www.spaceinter.com |
22106 | COL24A.ZIP | 23,5 Mt | 30.01.2002 | - | - | - | Columbus 2.4aColumbus on täysin ilmainen dokumenttien hallintajärjestelmä, joka soveltuu sekä kokonaisen toimiston dokumenttien hallitsemiseen että myös pienempiin projekteihin. Ohjelman avulla on mahdollista kerätä yksiin kansiin tiedostoja jotka ovat jopa eri koneilla ftp-yhteyden päässä tai eri käyttöjärjestelmän alla. Ilmainen. Windows 95/98/NT/2000. http://columbus.arup.com/ |
22107 | CUTSHR13.ZIP | 479,3 kt | 14.06.2002 | - | - | - | CuteShield File Shredder 1.3 CuteShield File Shredder tuhoaa tiedoston tehokkaasti kirjoittamalla sen päälle satunnaista tietoa kahdesta seitsemään kertaa, jolloin tiedostot on niin tehokkaasti tuhottu kuin kovalevyä räjäyttämättä on mahdollista. Ohjelmaa kannattaa käyttää sellaisten arkaluontoisten materiaalien tuhoamiseen, joiden saamiseksi joku olisi valmis näkemään huomattavasti vaivaa. Ilmainen. Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP. http://www.sys-shield.com/fileshredder.htm |
22108 | CVT.ZIP | 60,4 kt | 24.08.1998 | - | - | - | Fat16 -> Fat32 -kääntäjäVaatii Windows 95 OSR 2 tai Windows 98:n |
22109 | DCOPY42.ZIP | 527 kt | 08.03.1998 | - | 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso | - | DiskCopy v4.2 DiskCopy is a simple little 32-Bit program for creating duplicate disks. Unlike Explorer which needs to read the source disk for each disk you wish to create, DiskCopy prompts you for the number of copies you have in mind, making for a much quicker operation. Shareware $17.95 U.S. VB40032.DLL required. |
22110 | DEL9720.ZIP | 21,6 kt | 27.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "Delete97 v2.0Delete97 is for deleting files from the DOS boxin Win95 and NT 4.0. It simply deletes the files and sends them to the recycle bin. In popular opinionthis is what DEL command in MSDOS box of Win95 and WinNT should have been." |
22112 | DF227ENG.ZIP | 140,7 kt | 28.11.1998 | - | - | - | Diskfree 2.27 Näyttää vapaan tilan määrän valitsemillasi kovalevyillä. WIN95 / WIN98 (Taskbar / Refresh, etc..) |
22113 | DF95417O.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | Drag And File 95 v4.17o Copy, move delete from multiple windows.Lists files from tagged directories or drives. Shows duplicate files. Powerful file filters. Synchronize directories. Creates short cuts. Context menus. Left and right button drag and drop. Comes with two launch bars. One sits on the Taskbar and the other docks on the edge of the screen like the Win 95 Taskbar. |
22114 | DFG417O.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 20.11.1998 | - | - | - | Drag And File Gold v4.17o Copy, move delete from multiple windows.Lists files from tagged directories or drives. Shows duplicate files. Powerful file filters. Synchronize directories. Creates short cuts. Context menus. Left and right button drag and drop. Comes with two launch bars. One sits on the Taskbar and the other docks on the edge of the screen like the Win 95 Taskbar. Now features all Drag And File 95 features plus integrates Drag And Zip. |
22115 | DIR3D.ZIP | 1,6 Mt | 12.03.1997 | - | 17114/TEKNO 5-1996.iso | - | Dir3DDisplays the contests of your hard drive in graphical form, proving to be interesting way in navigating through your files. |
22116 | DIRPRN22.ZIP | 388,1 kt | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Directory Printer v2.2Directory Printer enables you to print directory listings from Windows 95 or NT, a capability which is not provided by Windows itself. Can print single directories or entire trees. Allows choice of fields to print and sort by any fiels. Prints also to ASCII text files. |
22117 | DIRSORT2.ZIP | 680,4 kt | 11.07.1997 | - | 19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg | - | Directory Sorter Physically sorts all your files and directories into alphabetic order. |
22118 | DIRSTA21.ZIP | 182,1 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | Directory Statistics v2.1.2 Shows disk usage in tree format. |
22119 | DIRTOOLK.ZIP | 591,9 kt | 22.01.1998 | - | - | - | Directory Toolkit Adds many useful features missing from Windows, including multiple file renaming and directory contents comparison. |
22120 | DISKDATA.ZIP | 208,4 kt | 30.10.1997 | - | MBCD | - | DiskData v2.0Compact Explorer-like disk space analyzer for Windows 95/NT |
22121 | DISKEEP.ZIP | 175,1 kt | 27.03.1997 | - | - | tupla | Diskeeper for Windows NTDefragmentointiohjelma NTFS-kiintolevyille. |
22122 | DIZER18.ZIP | 29 kt | 04.10.1999 | - | - | - | DIZER v1.80Windows 95 -ohjelma FILE_ID.DIZ tiedostojen käsittelyyn. Hyvä oletuskatseluohjelma .DIZ -päätteisille tiedostoille. Suomalaista freewarea. Vaatii VB40032.DLL:n ja OLEPRO32.DLL:n. |
22124 | DRCMP223.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 02.10.2000 | - | - | - | Directory Compare v2.23Ilmainen ohjelma, joka vertaa kahden hakemiston tai ZIP-paketin sisältöä. Päivittää hakemistot samanlaisiksi ja auttaa näin esimerkiksi varmuuskopioiden yläpitämisessä. |
22126 | DRVALM1A.ZIP | 115,1 kt | 11.11.1997 | - | 817/Monster Media Number 15 (Monster Media)(July 1996).ISO | - | DriveAlarm DriveAlarm monitors the drivers connected to your system, keeping track of the available free space on each drive. This can include floppy drives, CD-Rom drives and network drives. DriveAlarm can be configured to warn you when the space on a drive drops below a user defined level. |
22127 | DRVINF10.ZIP | 184,7 kt | 17.07.1998 | - | - | - | DriveInfo v1.0 This program shows where all that disk space goes by directories and by filetypes. |
22128 | DS204ES.ZIP | 760 kt | 20.04.2000 | koko¹ | #hyrava | - | DiskState v2.04Disk Space Analysis and Management Utility. Get a very detailed overview of your hard disk space. Eliminate wasted disk space by safely removing old and temporary files and duplicate files. Capture disk states and compare, generate reports, schedule cleanup, extract, boot blocks for multiboot, cover you tracks after surfing the web. |
22129 | DSKPIE21.ZIP | 84,4 kt | 27.04.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Disk Piecharter v2.1Graphical Disk Explorer shows piecharts of disk usage. Full 32 bits implementation. Supports long filenames, multi-threading and a lot more. |
22130 | DSKSPEXP.ZIP | 929,8 kt | 04.11.1998 | - | 15668/PCM_9902.iso | - | diskSpace Explorer v1.2 Helps you manage the disk space and make intelligent allocation decisions for its limited capacity. Shows the used/wasted space for files/folders using a very intuitive interactive pie chart and reports how much space is wasted on drive due to the cluster size. You may also see how your drive would look like and how much space would be wasted with another cluster size or file system (on CD-ROMs, FAT32 drives, etc.). |
22131 | DSNOOP20.ZIP | 316,1 kt | 09.03.1998 | - | - | - | Directory Snoop v2.0 View raw dir entries. Displays erased file names from your Windows 95 system. Purge the file names left behind after deleting files. View and "unerase" raw file clusters. Verify file wiping programs work as advertised. Works on uncompressed Win95 (not NT) systems with FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32 formatted hard drives and floppy disks. Freeware from Briggs Softworks |
22133 | EASY10A.EXE | 2,1 Mt | 12.05.2000 | - | - | - | Easy-Attribute v1.0aFreeware. Easy-Attribute is a program where you can view and change file attributes easily and quickly. Win9x/NT4, (C) Hezor 2000. |
22134 | EFCW102D.ZIP | 319,2 kt | 30.06.1997 | - | - | - | Commander Lite V1.02d One of the finest Norton Commander clones, for Windows or OS/2 PM (32-bit). |
22135 | EMF.ZIP | 274,6 kt | 20.10.2000 | versio 00.01.1 | 23863/PC World Plus! D.bin | - | "Encrypted Magic Folders v00.07.1Automated & transparent encryption! Select folders whose files you want encrypted and EMF not only makes those folders and files completely invisible to others but decrypts and encrypts the files automatically and transparently as you use them. You wont even know youre using encrypted files as EMF does all the work behind the scenes. PC-Magic Shareware $59. Windows 95/98. " |
22136 | ERASER35.ZIP | 408,8 kt | 30.09.1999 | - | MBCD | - | ERASER v3.5 Erase data permanently. Free. An advanced security tool allows overwriting of sensitive data with carefully selected patterns. Drag and drop files and folders to the on-demand eraser, use the convenient Explorer shell extension or use the integrated scheduler to program overwriting of unused disk space or, for example, browser cache files to happen regularly. Freeware for Win9x/NT4. http://www.iki.fi/st/eraser/. |
22137 | EZBACKUP.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 22.01.1998 | - | - | - | EZ Backup Backup and restore utility, simply select the drive and directory containing the files you want to archive. Win95 |
22138 | FASTOPEN.ZIP | 786,8 kt | 22.01.1998 | - | - | - | FastOpen Easily navigate your Win95 folder sturcture, regardless of the size or complexity of your system. |
22140 | FGENI201.ZIP | 1,8 Mt | 21.03.2000 | - | - | - | File Genie 2000 v2.01If you are using your computer, your backups are always up-to-date...with File Genie 2000. Free yourself from the chore of daily backups. File Genie 2000 detects when you save the changes to your documents, or copy files to your computer and makes backup copies automatically. With File Genie 2000 behind the scenes you need never be concerned about data loss again. Shareware, $29.95 http://www.datrim.com/ |
22141 | FGUARD.EXE | 574,5 kt | 03.12.2000 | - | 23730/PCWorld_2001-01_cd.bin | - | Folder Guard v4.14Folder Guard allows the user to selectively hide folders and restrict user access to system resources. It makes folders invisible or read-only in applications, including Explorer, MS Office, and MS-DOS, as well as in common dialogs. It also provides password protection, user-dependent configurations, and user validation at login. Protect individual files within folders. Separate passwords may be set up for each file or folder, letting you unlock only the password-protected items, leaving the rest of the system protected. Folder Guard also lets you restrict access to whole classes of files according to the file names, folders they are located in, and modules by which they are accessed. This version improves support for Windows 2000, removes a bug showing nag screens in fully registered versions, and features improved documentation. 30-day trial shareware version for Win 95/98/Me by WinAbility. http://www.winability.com |
22142 | FMANIA10.ZIP | 290,1 kt | 25.02.1998 | - | - | - | Filemania 1.0Paljon tiedostoja siirtelevän (teho)käyttäjän tarpeisiin suunniteltu yksinkertainen tiedostonhallintaohjelma. Kotimaista freeware-laatutuotantoa! Vaatii: Win95 tai WinNT 4.0 |
22143 | FMANJ70.ZIP | 73,1 kt | 11.06.1997 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | tupla | File Manager Jr. for Word 95 v7The program allows you to delete, undelete, move, copy and rename files--all without leaving Word. You can also open existing files, delete backup files in one or more folders and print files without having to bring them onscreen. Additional features are available to registered users. |
22144 | FMEDIT95.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 07.03.2000 | repacked | spidla-ns2000 | - | FmEdit98 v3.0fWindowsin Explorerin korvaaja. Hallitsee normaalit tiedostonkäsittelyrutiinit (kopiointi, siirto, poisto, jne.) Voit käsitellä kahta hakemistoa jaetulla ruudulla samanaikaisesti. Muita ominaisuuksia mm. tekstieditori, kuvienkatselu, tuki zip-paketeille, hexaeditori ja kalenteri. Shareware. http://wkweb1.cableinet.co.uk/raymond.allan/html/fmedit.htm |
22146 | FNDUP122.ZIP | 185,3 kt | 29.12.1997 | - | MBCD | - | FindDupl v1.22Windows 95/NT program to help recover disk space. Shows files which are duplicated across one or more disk drives, and allows you to delete the duplicate files. Borland Delphi 3.01 with most source. david.taylor@gecm.com |
22147 | FS95V13.ZIP | 555,3 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | 19733/01 SWP 046 - 03-1997.iso | - | File Splitter 95 Helps split large files so they can fit on a floppy disk. You can easily split files into sizes of 500, 1200, and 1400 KB. Requires Win95/NT. |
22148 | FSDEXT2.ZIP | 82,2 kt | 04.01.1999 | - | 20189/2015-02-12.fidonet.org.ua.tar | - | FSDEXT2 0.17 FSDEXT2 on pieni apuohjelma, jonka avulla Windows95:stä voidaan lukea Linuxin EXT2FS-osioita. GNU-lisenssin alainen, lähdekoodi saatavilla internetistä, http://www.yipton.demon.co.uk/ |
22149 | FSPLT101.ZIP | 125,6 kt | 29.12.1997 | - | MBCD | - | File Split 1.01A Windows 95/NT utility to split and join large files. |
22150 | FTIGR111.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 27.08.1999 | - | MBCD | - | FileTiger 1.11 Dual-Window Synchronizer and backup tool for 32-bit Win(98,95,NT4). FileTiger emphasizes speed, by providing two folders side by side, for moving, copying, backing up, and getting organized. Novice, Standard, and Pro Modes allow users to choose how much confirmation they need. Upgrade: Now with network support, enhanced backup and tree copying. From Science Translations Software. Shareware $29. |
22151 | GRBACK20.ZIP | 374,6 kt | 09.03.1998 | - | 18113/WF0698_1.ISO | - | GRBack v2.0This Full Functional Shareware 32-bit program can help you maintaining your important data. It recreate your source directory tree into the destination drive and for every directory it create a PKZIP compatible (with long file name support) archive. Fully customizable: include, exclude files, skip directories. Fully Microsoft System Agent aware. Quick. Support network and removable drives. |
22152 | GRDUW31.ZIP | 378,8 kt | 09.03.1998 | - | 18113/WF0698_1.ISO | - | GRDUW Disk Utility v3.1Support for 720Kb, 1.2Mb, 1.44Mb, 1.72Mb and MS-DMF (1.68Mb) diskettes and removable HD. Duplicate and Compare diskettes. Save and Load Diskette binary images. Boot sector check and recreate. Optimized disk Format and Verify. Detailed disk information. Hard Disk/Diskette Repair capability. Completely integrated with the explorer. 29US$. Not to be run on WinNT. |
22153 | HAKE0171.ZIP | 135,2 kt | 24.08.1998 | - | - | - | Hake v0.171 Kätevä apuohjelma kovalevyjen hakemistoissa hyppelyyn. (Ilmainen) Windows 95 / 98. |
22154 | HARLESEC.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 22.07.1997 | - | - | - | HarleSecureTiedostojen kryptaus- ja purkuohjelma. |
22155 | HDSECURE.ZIP | 687,7 kt | 05.08.1997 | - | 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso | - | HDSecureEliminates the possibility of file recovery by over-writing every character of the file with binary zeroes prior to deletion. This is an excellent way to secure sensitive information. Requires Win95. |
22156 | HUKKA20.ZIP | 153,9 kt | 06.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Hukka v2.0 Hukka laskee hukatun levytilan määrän joka kuluu FAT-osioihin. Ohjelma on päivitetty versio MikroBitissä vuonna 1995 julkaistusta C-kielisestä DOS- ohjelmasta. Hukka v2.0 on Windows-ohjelma ja tehty Borland Delphillä. Vuoden 1999 MikroBitin Huvi- ja hyötyrompulta löytyy Delphi-opas joka käyttää tätä 2.0-versiota pohjana. Copyright (C) 1999 Jere Käpyaho (jere@mikrobitti.fi). |
22157 | KFK11.EXE | 1,5 Mt | 01.03.2000 | - | 23979/Hard Drive Utilities 2001.iso | - | KFK 1.1KFK is a file splitter/rebuilder. You can split the file into a specific number of parts, into floppy size parts, or into notepad readable parts. Easy to use and fast. Freeware. |
22158 | LCPY10B2.ZIP | 15,2 kt | 09.03.1998 | - | 18113/WF0698_1.ISO | - | LowCopy v1.0 Beta 2 This program makes perfect logical copies of hard disks. You can backup a drive, restore it or make hard disk copies istantly. Written by Enver Sartoni. This program is freeware. |
22160 | LFNSRT15.ZIP | 33,4 kt | 26.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | LFNSort v1.5This program sorts Win95 directory entries. Sort order may be by name, extension, date/time of creation, modification or last access, file size, or custom order. Runs in DOS or Win95. Shareware, $10. |
22161 | LGMON134.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 08.12.2000 | - | - | - | Log Monitor v1.3.4Vot vahtia, milloin tietyt tiedostot ja hakemistot muuttuvat (tai eivät muutu) ja tehdä tämän pohjalta vaikka mitä: ajaa ohjelmia, luoda tekstitiedostoja, kopioida tiedostoja jne. Ilmainen. |
22162 | LOCATE14.ZIP | 581 kt | 29.05.2000 | - | - | - | Locate v1.4This program saves names of all files in your hard drives to file database. After that you can locate files. Very fast. This program works like updatedb and locate in unix systems. Win32 based locating program alse included. Requires 1000 kb free harddisk space for full installation. Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Janne Huttunen. |
22163 | LONGSAVE.ZIP | 79 kt | 23.07.1997 | - | 19731/03 SWP 048 - 05-1997.iso | - | LongsaveLongsave is used to save the list of long file names and short names to a comma delimited ASCI text file. The short names can then be backed up or zipped or copied with utilities that are not long file name aware. After the files are transfered, it uses the ASCII file to restore the original long file names. Requires Win95. |
22164 | MAGEXP2.EXE | 2,1 Mt | 03.04.2000 | - | 23068/chip-cd_2000_04.zip | - | Magellan Explorer v2.1Magellan Explorer is the fastest, easiest way to manage your files, whether on your local harddrive or across the Internet. You can publish web pages, download and open Zip files, and view pictures. All within a single, easy-to-use, attractive package. The interface is completely customizable, with over 100 options to adapt it to your own personal taste, and can quickly be set to emulate Norton Commander or Windows Explorer. Navigation between local folders, FTP sites and compressed archives is simple using Bookmarks, History and Back/Forwards buttons just like in your web browser. http://www.enriva.com/MagellanExplorer/ |
22165 | MORS9931.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 17.12.1999 | - | 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 1).iso | - | More Space 99 v3.1Scans your hard disk looking for file duplicates, file hogs, directory hogs and files based on a range of dates. Files can be (1) deleted immediately or (2) sent to the recycle bin or (3) zipped up in a compressed zip file. |
22166 | MSPT9517.ZIP | 635,7 kt | 11.01.1999 | versio 1.7 | 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso | - | MasterSplitter v1.9The purpose of MasterSplitter is to split large files in order to move them via floppies or for transmission via E-mail. The file can either be a binary or a text file. The porgram features an intuitive graphical user interface that makes splitting files easy. |
22167 | NC531.EXE | 802,6 kt | 19.01.2000 | - | MBHH2000 | - | "Nicos Commander v5.31Nicos Commander korvaa Windowsin Explorerin. Näyttää päivämäärän ja ajan aktiivisen ikkunan yläkulmassavoit tehdä pikanäppäimiä lempiohjelmillesi ja vilkaista ZIP-pakettien sisään helposti sekä purkaa ja pakata niitä. Tehoka tiedoston etsintä ja vertailu. Sisäänrakennettu tekstieditori ilman Notepadin (Muistion) rajoituksia sekä yleisimpien grafiikkatiedostojen näyttöohjelma." |
22168 | NETAX.EXE | 8,8 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | - | "NetAXs Personal 1.1.7 Secures any individual filea group of files a whole directory. There are different levels of security such as read only and undeleteable. You also get to regulate who gets to use what programs. For instanceif you dont want you child playing with your internet chat program you can disable that program for him/her." |
22169 | NTFSDOS2.ZIP | 37,6 kt | 23.08.1998 | - | - | - | NTFSDOSNTFSDOS on apuohjelma, jolla pystyt lukemaan ntfs-partitioita dossista. Erittäin hyödyllinen Windows NT käyttäjille. |
22170 | NTLS.ZIP | 23,2 kt | 27.03.1997 | - | 18133/winsit03964.zip | tupla | LS v1.7LS is an NT console application for performing file and directory listings (similar to Unix utitlities of the same name). |
22171 | PATHC300.ZIP | 40,4 kt | 23.11.2000 | - | MBHH2001 | - | Path Copy v3.0Ilmainen pieni ohjelma tiedostojen nimien ja polkujen kopiointiin. Klikkaat vain Windowsin resurssienhallinnassa haluamiasi tiedostoja hiiren oikealla napilla ja valitset kohdan Copy Path. Erilaisia kopiointitapoja on useita, minkä lisäksi on mahdollista luoda omia vaihtoehtoja. |
22172 | PD4FREE.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 29.10.2000 | - | 26793/PC Answers September 2001.7z | - | PowerDesk Utilities 4This new, free version of PowerDesk includes the full-featured PowerDesk File Manager. You get single- or dual-pane file management windows, a file finder, zip and unzip capabilities, plus many new enhancements. If you have QuickView or QuickView Plus, you can view many types of files, too (QuickView comes free with Windows 95, 98, and NT). The viewer pane can be positioned at the right, bottom, or floating. If, after trying PowerDesk, you want even more utilities, you can buy PowerDesk 4 Pro for $19.95 from http://www.ontrack.com |
22173 | PD4FREE.ZIP | 1 Mt | 24.03.2000 | - | 10267/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (August 2000) (Disc 4).iso | - | PowerDesk 4PowerDesk 4 is a Windows Explorer-type file manager for Win9.x/NT/2000. Freeware. |
22174 | PEEK10.ZIP | 9,8 kt | 27.11.1997 | - | 8196/Night Owl The Best of BBS (NOP-BBS) (Night Owl Publisher) (1994).iso | - | Peek v1.0PEEK is an Shell contextmenu extension which allows you to extract only the text portion of files. |
22175 | PVU1614.ZIP | 327,5 kt | 29.01.1998 | - | - | - | PicaViewPicaView - file manager menu option enabling you to instantly view thumbnails or full views of images. Windows 95 |
22177 | R4A.EXE | 239,7 kt | 19.01.2000 | - | 23979/Hard Drive Utilities 2001.iso | - | Recover4all 1.03 Undeletes files that were removed from the recycle bin. The deleted files can be recoverd with a few mouseclicks. To prevent files from becoming overwritten, Recover4all does not require intstallation and can run directly from a floppy disk. |
22178 | RECOVR98.ZIP | 1,7 Mt | 10.02.2000 | väärä koko | sac.sk | - | "Recover98 v3.1 Recover lost files. Undelete and file-recovery program that can restore files that were not just sent to the Recycle Binbut were actually deleted. It allows extraction of files from drives with damaged file systemsor where important information has been deleted. Its compatible with all FAT file systemsincluding FAT32FAT16and NTFS file systems. You can even use it across network drives. Win95/98/NT" |
22179 | REPL114.ZIP | 369,6 kt | 29.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | ReplaceReplace a mass of filenames with another. Great for manipulating many files at once. |
22180 | RF9610A.ZIP | 493,1 kt | 01.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "RADFind 96 v1.0 The worlds fastest file finder for Windows 95. You no longer have to remember where your files are stored on your hard drives. RADFind 96 lets you quickly find the file that you want. RADFind 96 puts the results of that search where you need it the most: in the filename field of any file dialog box in Windows 95! From Naleco Research Inc." |
22181 | RJHEXT13.ZIP | 657,4 kt | 06.03.2001 | - | ftpmirror1.infania.net/pub/simtelnet | - | rjhExtensions 1.3Lisää uusia toimintoja valikkoon, joka aukeaa kun tiedostoa klikataan hiiren oikealla nappulalla. Voit salata tiedoston, kopioida sen polun, nimetä useita tiedostoja kerralla tai vaikka avata DOS-ikkunan samalta kohtaa hakemistopuuta. Ilmainen. |
22182 | RNAME-IT.ZIP | 86,2 kt | 09.03.1998 | - | 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso | - | Rname-it v3.0Rname-it is a Win95/NT file renaming utility. It allows the user to select multiple files and batch rename them. Files can easily be organized and grouped by renaming to a new common prefix and / or padded with a unique numerical or alpha- betical value for sorting purposes. Great for webmasters. |
22183 | S2ET.EXE | 1,4 Mt | 21.01.2000 | - | - | tupla | Steganos II Security Suite 2.1 Complete security solution for desktop PCs and laptops - at the office and at home. Steganos offers perfect Windows integration: You can hide and encrypt your files by simply using the context menu. The program also contains a password management tool, a file shredder, and a program to lock the computer. |
22184 | S97521.ZIP | 604,3 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | 10274/CICA32 (April 1998) (Disc 3 of 4).iso | - | Second Copy 97 v5.21 Copies files and folders one location to another on the same drive, another drive or across the network. You cansetup "profiles" that describe the source location, the destination location, and the frequency at which you want to copy the files. Monitors the source files for changesor additions and then automatically copies the new or changed files to their designated destination. |
22185 | SAFESCAN.ZIP | 332,8 kt | 01.06.1997 | - | - | - | SafetyScanSearch your hard disk for various error-producing files and clean them from your system. Tracks down errors caused by files including lost network and Internet connections, application lock-ups and so on. Windows 95. |
22186 | SCN1.ZIP | 156,7 kt | 29.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Scanner v1.5Visualizes hard disk usage. Windows 95/98, high color display recomm. |
22187 | SD32202.ZIP | 2,1 Mt | 04.06.2000 | - | #hyrava | - | SumDir32 v2.0.2This is a recursive directory summary. Find out where all your space went! Totals ALL directory statistics. Displayed in a grid permitting drill-down summaries, clipboard copy and explorer launch to cleanup. |
22188 | SECMAN99.ZIP | 1 Mt | 20.10.2000 | - | 10270/CICA 32 For Windows CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (October 1999) (Disc 1).iso | - | SecurityManager 99SecurityManager 99 is an application for encrypting individual files and the contents of entire folders using the DES (Data Encryption Standard) method. SecurityManager 99 is designed to be very secure: when data is encrypted the original files are automatically overwritten, making it impossible to restore their contents with file utilities. SecurityManager 99 is also designed to be fast. Programmed entirely in 32-bit code and using special processor instructions available since the 80486 generation, it is designed to achieve performance comparable to that of hardware encryption systems. Free. Windows 98/NT. http://www.ashampoo.com |
22189 | SENTRYNT.EXE | 499,5 kt | 20.10.2000 | - | - | - | seNTry 2020/NT 2.04seNTry 2020/NT delivers transparent, on-the-fly encryption to your notebook or desktop PC. It lets you reserve portions of your existing hard drives for encrypted data. Once encrypted, a volume will appear on your PC as another DOS drive letter. You can do anything with a seNTry 2020 virtual drive that you can do with a normal hard drive, except that the encrypted volumes require password authentication before files become accessible. This shareware version is a 30-day trial and costs $50 to register. Windows NT/2000. http://www.crystalport.com |
22190 | SFDL100E.EXE | 418,8 kt | 11.05.1997 | - | 21653/cdimage.iso | - | SafeDEL v1.00 beta 6 A deletion tracking program for Windows 95. Completely replaces your Trashcan, can also undelete dos-deleted files. |
22191 | SHCUTDOC.EXE | 443,8 kt | 26.02.2001 | - | - | - | "Shortcut Doctor 2.7Shortcut Doctor lets you quickly check your Windows 95/NT links and shortcuts. You can view all shortcuts (across drives and on CD or network drives) or just those that are no longer valid. Once invalid links are found you can delete or edit them so theyll work properly. You can also use Shortcut Doctor to add a new shortcut or delete the items contained in the Recent Documents folder. Not an everyday toolbut handy as you add and remove software to Windows and have stray shortcuts that arent properly removed. 30-day trial for Windows 98/NT/2000 by Funduc Software. http://www.funduc.com/shortcut_doctor.htm" |
22192 | SHDATE.ZIP | 65,9 kt | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Windows 95 shell extension to "touch" the file\'s last modification date |
22193 | SHIVA.ZIP | 940,8 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | - | "SHIVADestroyer of FilesShiva completely obliterates all traces of any files you drag to its window. It overwrites files with fixed and random patternsincluding any clusteroverhand.Then it truncates and renames the fileremoving all evidence of that file. Attractivesimple interfaceuses drag & drop from Windows 95 Explorer. Available only in 32 bitWindows 95" |
22194 | SHRED95.EXE | 1,3 Mt | 21.01.2000 | versio 1.17 | 23715/PCWorld_1999-10_cd1.bin | - | Shredder 95 1.23File destroyer. Every bit of a file is overwritten numerous times and then randomized. Shredder 95 also overwrites the name, date, time and size so that nothing remains. Whatever files(pictures, letters, e-mail, etc.) that you may have, Shredder 95 will remove, forever. |
22195 | SHRTCTR2.ZIP | 192,4 kt | 27.11.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | ShortCutter ShortCutter checks your hard drive for broken links. When it finds one, it can check to see if the target has been moved, then deletes the shortcut if not. |
22196 | SP3211US.ZIP | 172,4 kt | 31.07.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | "Split32 v1.1Split32 is for splitting and composing again files. Its useful to examine and edit large files or to copy a large file on several floppy disks. You can modify the splitted files and compose them again. 32-Bit only" |
22197 | SPACEH32.ZIP | 4,1 Mt | 10.03.1998 | - | - | - | Space Hound 32 v2.0.370 Space Hound 32 includes several utility tools for managing files. These include a duplicate file finder, an extensions report, and printable directory map which highlihts in-use storage within each directory level, and other features including zipping/unzipping capabilities. |
22198 | SPLIT21.ZIP | 178,9 kt | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Split File Shell Extension v2.1 |
22199 | SPLTW310.ZIP | 515,9 kt | 29.12.1997 | - | MBCD | - | SplitWin v3.10Split large file into smaller chunks or merge chunks back to original file in windows 95 & NT env. This can be useful, when coping big files to floppy diskettes, or transferring files via e-mail or modem. Each of the chunks has header information. This allows to eliminate errors which are difficult to eliminate in the existing programs used to divide big files. Shareware 10 US$ or A$ 15 or equiv. |
22201 | SRH98310.EXE | 422,5 kt | 21.03.2000 | - | - | - | Search & Replace 98 v3.10Ilmainen korvausohjelma, joka osaa korvata tekstinpätkiä kokonaisista hakemistorakenteista kerralla. |
22202 | SSCAN20A.ZIP | 233 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | 10263/CICA - The Ultimate Collection of Shareware for Windows (Walnut Creek) (August 1997) (Disc 2).iso | - | SafetyScan v2.0SafetyScan fixes and prevents errors in Windows 95 and NT4.0 by finding and cleaning error producing and space wasting garbage files. |
22203 | TEMPGUI.ZIP | 26 kt | 27.10.1998 | - | MBCD | - | TempGuiDelete files in the \\Windows\\TEMP folder |
22204 | TMAC.ZIP | 337,6 kt | 19.01.2000 | - | 22681/cd joystick no114 avril 2000.iso | - | TransMac 4.0 TransMac allows Window PCs to read, write and format Macintosh high density diskettes, CDROMs, and SCSI drives. This program gives you the "Best of BOTH Worlds". |
22205 | TOPSPLIT.ZIP | 238,4 kt | 01.03.2000 | - | - | - | Top Split 1.27 Small file splitting utility for Windows 95/98/NT. Includes large disk support and file splitting so that files will fit onto floppy disks. Freeware. |
22207 | TRBNV144.EXE | 863,9 kt | 27.12.2000 | - | - | - | Turbo Navigator v1.44Ilmainen tiedostonkäsittelyohjelma, jossa on jos jonkinlaisia toimintoja - muun muassa heksaeditori, tiedostojen pilkkominen ja yhdistäminen, sisäänrakennettu mediasoitin, kyky avata teksti- ja RTF-tiedostot yms. |
22208 | ULTRAC31.ZIP | 293,6 kt | 12.01.2000 | - | - | - | UltraCommand Pro päivitys V1.30 > V1.31 |
22209 | ULTRACM.EXE | 2,2 Mt | 12.01.2000 | - | - | - | UltraCommand Pro v1.30UltraCommand on Resurssienhallinnan tapainen tiedostonhallintaohjelma Windows 95/98:lle. Siinä on toiminnot mm. ARJ ja Zip-pakettien käsittelyyn ja sillä voi käyttää kahta selainikkunaa. Pro versio on Sharewarea ja toimii vain 20 käyttökertaa. Vaatii VBRUN600:n 8.1.2000. |
22210 | ULTRACMF.EXE | 3,4 Mt | 12.08.2000 | - | - | - | UltraCommand Pro Version 1.41 (2.8.2000) UltraCommand is a file managing program for Windows 95/98/2000. It can use 2 browsing windows and it has many advanced abilities. Pro version is shareware. Unregistered Pro version will work only 20 times, before registering. Needs VBRUN600. |
22212 | WASTE211.ZIP | 491,8 kt | 09.03.1998 | - | - | - | Waste Whacker v2.1Remove wasted space! Tired of temp files not being deleted when an application is finished with them? Tired of broken shortcuts due to removed programs? Tired of zero size files? Just tired of all the wasted space by these and other useless files? Get Waste Whacker! SW $15.00 (US) WWW: http://www.dbytes.com/ E-Mail: dbytes@dbytes.com |
22214 | WC32V353.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 03.03.1999 | - | 23707/PCWorld_1999-02_cd.bin | - | Windows Commander v3.53Wincmd is a file manager replacement for Windows. This is the 32-bit version for Windows 95/98 and NT 3.51/4.0. Wincmd supports ZIP/ARJ/LHA/RAR/UC2/TAR/GZ/CAB/ACE, int. ZIP packer, enhanced search, quick view, drag&drop from&to explorer/desktop. NEW: FTP client etc. |
22215 | WDIR43.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | "WingDir v4.3Directory Match Utility for Windows 95 Display directories side by side with file names aligned. DELETECOPYMOVEor RENAME Files. MASK File Names with*.*wildcards. Display ALLSAMEDIFFERENTUNIQUEor IDENTICAL Files. Change Source and Target Directories. Version 4.3 adds color to grid and has been converted to VB5.0 with native compiler for faster execution." |
22217 | WNBR30.ZIP | 1,5 Mt | 29.03.2000 | - | - | - | "WinBrowser v3.0The WinBrowser file manager is not just another Explorer copy. Its an intuitive way to manage files made popular on high-end NeXT workstations. File navigation is easy without relying on clumsy directory trees. It also allows bookmarking favorite files and folderschanging associations between files and the applications that run themmapping network drivesimage viewingand full drag/drop support." |
22219 | XFILE37.EXE | 718,9 kt | 28.04.2001 | - | - | - | X-File 3.7Tämä ohjelma korvaa Windowsin resurssienhallinnan ja tuo touhuun uusia mahdollisuuksia, kuten kattavat näppäinoikotiet ja ZIP-pakettien automaattisen avaamisen. Ilmainen. http://xiles.kucc.net/ |
22220 | ZDU207.ZIP | 27,9 kt | 29.07.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Zdu v2.07Scan one path or more, report the content therein, how many directories, how many files and how much a specific dir. allocates on the harddisk. Console app for Windows 9x/NT |
22221 | ZTW111.ZIP | 175,1 kt | 30.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | ZTree Win v1.11Win32 File Manager. "ZTreeWin" is a text-mode file/directory manager for Windows 95 and NT.It has been developed as a native Win32 alternative to the DOS product XTreeGold (tm), now that its makers have abandoned further development. While I am sure you are well aware of the virtues of XTreeGold, you know the disadvantages of it being a 16-bit DOS program. I wrote ZTreeWin to provide all the functionality I am so accustomed to, while |