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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
17843 | 01CSDEM1.ZIP | 381167 | 31.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | Idaho Scenary Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95. ******* This is part 1 of 3 parts! ******* Divided into smaller parts for easier downloading by those with slow connections. Enjoy the five beautiful outdoor scenary photographs as they all fade, slide, skip, and scroll across your desktop screen. Also, learn how to create your own screen savers through scanning/coding services. (c) 1995 Andrew Malek of Excel Progs and |
17844 | 01CSDEM2.ZIP | 397305 | 31.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | Idaho Scenary Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95. ******* This is part 2 of 3 parts! ******* Divided into smaller parts for easier downloading by those with slow connections. Enjoy the five beautiful outdoor scenary photographs as they all fade, slide, skip, and scroll across your desktop screen. Also, learn how to create your own screen savers through scanning/coding services. (c) 1995 Andrew Malek of Excel Progs and |
17845 | 01CSDEM3.ZIP | 351045 | 31.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | Idaho Scenary Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95. ******* This is part 3 of 3 parts! ******* Divided into smaller parts for easier downloading by those with slow connections. Enjoy the five beautiful outdoor scenary photographs as they all fade, slide, skip, and scroll across your desktop screen. Also, learn how to create your own screen savers through scanning/coding services. (c) 1995 Andrew Malek of Excel Progs and |
17846 | 02CSDEM1.ZIP | 314729 | 31.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | Canadian Rockies Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95 ******* This is part 1 of 3 parts! ******* Divided into smaller parts for easier downloading by those with slow connections. Awe-inspiring photographs of the Canadian Rockies tower on your computer; watch them fade, slide, skip, and scroll across your desktop screen. Also, learn how to create your own screen savers through scanning/ coding services. (c) 1995 Andrew Malek |
17847 | 02CSDEM2.ZIP | 320726 | 31.12.1995 | - | - | - | Canadian Rockies Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95 ******* This is part 2 of 3 parts! ******* Divided into smaller parts for easier downloading by those with slow connections. Awe-inspiring photographs of the Canadian Rockies tower on your computer; watch them fade, slide, skip, and scroll across your desktop screen. Also, learn how to create your own screen savers through scanning/ coding services. (c) 1995 Andrew Malek |
17848 | 02CSDEM3.ZIP | 330656 | 31.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | Canadian Rockies Screen Saver-Win3.1+/Win95 ******* This is part 3 of 3 parts! ******* Divided into smaller parts for easier downloading by those with slow connections. Awe-inspiring photographs of the Canadian Rockies tower on your computer; watch them fade, slide, skip, and scroll across your desktop screen. Also, learn how to create your own screen savers through scanning/ coding services. (c) 1995 Andrew Malek |
8333 | 03CSDEMO.ZIP | 982490 | 05.02.1996 | - | 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso | - | Mesa Verde Screen Saver-Win3.1+/95. Spanish for 'green mesa', this collection of five photographs is concentrated on an area of southwest Colorado; the huge rock rising out of the valley floor is the home of the mysterious Anastasi Indians. Also, learn how to create your own screen savers through scanning/coding services. (c) 1996,1995 Andrew Malek of Excel Progs and Idaho Interactive BBS. Requires a working copy of |
17853 | 2360ICON.ZIP | 481864 | 15.12.1995 | - | 556/Experimental BBS Explossion III.iso | - | 2360 icons |
8334 | 2EARTH.ZIP | 12517 | 08.01.1996 | renamed | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | Earth-ruudunsäästäjä |
17856 | 3000ICON.ZIP | 588770 | 01.11.1994 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | - | 3000 Icons Over 3,000 icons. Tim Lippold's collection plus more downloaded + + from the Internet. All ready to USE!! Unzip to an Icon directory + + and you are ready to go. ICON FOR EVERY PROGRAM!!!! |
8336 | 3D_TRF13.ZIP | 128971 | 17.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | 3D Terrain Flight Windows 3.1 Screen Saver |
8335 | 3DMANIA3.ZIP | 357394 | 25.04.1996 | - | 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip | - | 3D Mania Screen Saver v3.0 for Windows 3.1 A screen saver module (.SCR) that displays rotating Boxes and Pyramids on your screen. |
17861 | 3FISH.ZIP | 93225 | 30.12.1995 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | 3Fish simuloi akvaariota Windowsin ruudulla. |
17863 | 45ICONS_.ZIP | 13717 | 27.08.1994 | - | 8175/Night Owl (NOPV-11)(Night Owl Publishing)(1994).ISO | - | 45 Windows icons! |
17865 | 95ICONS.ZIP | 3932 | 15.10.1995 | - | 7028/Current Shareware Volume 5 (January 1996).ISO | - | Icons for Windows for favorite DOS games. |
17887 | AJPEG100.ZIP | 143640 | 30.12.1995 | - | 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso | - | Amazing JPEG Screen Saver - The Amazing JPEG Screen Saver lets you have your favorite JPEG images float across the screen. Images can be loaded progressively: First you see a low resolution image pop up on your screen and watch as the quality improves until you have the high resolution image. Supports 256 color and true color displays. Works on even the slowest computers! Many options. Runs under Win 3.x, Win 95 & Win NT. |
17913 | ANIMOUS5.ZIP | 79198 | 24.10.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ANIMOUSE 5.0 animates Windows mouse cursors with your selections for the arrow, hourglass and sizers. Packed with artistically creative and amusing designs to choose from. Includes jumbo cursors that are easier to see on dim portable screens and on hi-res displays that miniaturize the standard cursors. Great for presentations, or just adding a fun personal touch to your Windows workspace. |
60751 | ANISCR11.ZIP | 308482 | 10.09.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | tupla | ANISCR11.ZIP v1.1 Screen Saver for Windows 3.1. Displays the Autodesk Animator Flic (.FLI or .FLC) of your choice and plays a sound (.WAV) file. Shareware ($5) |
8337 | ARTYSS12.ZIP | 812994 | 02.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | Artillery Screen Saver v1.2 |
8338 | ASISAV10.ZIP | 58281 | 04.12.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | AsiaWinSave! - Version 1.0 for Windows Screen Saver by Torpedo Software Take a spin across Asia! This screen saver animates the countries of Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Colorful and fun, and teaches geography. Requires Windows 3.1 or later, 1 Mb free RAM, a VGA monitor and a mouse. Torpedo Software 73361.2733@compuserve.com |
19386 | AURORA11.ZIP | 64,9 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | tupla | Aurora Screensavers v1.1Delicate arrays of color unfold in this never-ending computer simulated journey through the Aurora Borealis. Advanced Setup Screen with choice of sun, moon and/or stars. Options include choice of 4 different speeds and special randomize feature. Twelve different screensavers to choose from. Specially designed to run on both 16bit and 32bit systems. |
17934 | AVIPRO2.EXE | 491467 | 16.08.1995 | - | 18133/winsit03961.zip | - | AVI-PRO 2.01 for Windows |
8340 | AYL32.ZIP | 206181 | 14.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | AFTER YOU LEFT v3.2 screen saver - AFTER YOU LEFT is a screen saver where various insects collect a variety of food from your computer for their party. A beautiful inscribed board where you can leave your message to your visitors will be carried into the party. Req: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL. |
8341 | AZ_CK41.ZIP | 1286808 | 04.01.1997 | - | - | - | Amazing(Clock, v4.1) screen saver Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and VGA (256) color. Amazing(Clock) is a screen saver where time is told by wonderful mountain views: happy eagles sing and glide over rivers and forest. That is, views will be changed every two hours to indicate time according to REAL time. |
8342 | AZ_SU40.ZIP | 866489 | 07.06.1996 | - | 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | Amazing(Sunset, v4.0) screen saver Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and VGA (256) color. Amazing(Sunset) is a screen saver where you can experience a variety of amazing views under Sunset: happy birds sing and glide over rivers and forest. You can reach me at Internet: markqian@aol.com or America Online: MarkQian or CIS-mail: 76463,1251) or |
19390 | BACKS.ZIP | 571,6 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | tupla | Kaksi mahtavan upeaa Windowsin taustakuvaa by Terminator. Finished: 08.07.1998 (C)opyright 1998 Magnus Ståhls |
17939 | BALLSV11.ZIP | 111210 | 23.12.1995 | - | 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso | - | BalloonSaver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver. Animated hot-air balloons float across the screen, blown by the clouds and wind. Password protection option. Register for screen saver bonus pack: 8 screen saver + CD-ROM. Req.VBRUN300.DLL Shareware. Galt Technology. |
8344 | BATTLE15.ZIP | 576394 | 07.06.1996 | - | 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO | - | CLASSIC BATTLESHIPS v1.5 is a Media Album/ScreenSaver for WIN 95 and 3.1+ featuring 15 photos of monitors, cruisers and battleships c.1885-1910. The first, U.S. battleship, the famous Maine and the monitor Puritan are included. Graphics in the registered version are 24 bit, b & w and royalty free. See read1st.txt. |
17962 | BIRDSV11.ZIP | 125554 | 23.12.1995 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | - | BirdSaver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver. Animated swans, parrots, pelicans, cardinals, pheasants and more. Password protection optio Register for screen saver bonus pack: 8 screen saver + CD-ROM. Shareware. Galt Technology. |
17963 | BITMAPS.ZIP | 232721 | 29.10.1994 | - | 21354/La_Coleccion_Walnut_Creek_Noviembre_1994.iso | - | More than 75 beautiful, refined textured backgrounds to decorate your Windows desktop. Some of these have a definite tactile look--wrinkled, rough, embossed, or 3d appearances. |
8345 | BLKBRD10.ZIP | 576070 | 07.06.1996 | - | 10860/Simtel for Windows - June 1996.iso | - | Blackbird Screen Saver v1.0 |
19393 | BMP2ICO.ZIP | 152 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | sac.sk | tupla | Bmp to IcoConverts Windows .bmp files to .ico icon-files and vice-versa, being a damn fine icon tool. Windows 3.1+. |
8347 | BUTTHD.ZIP | 39374 | 19.01.1996 | - | 21823/Pegasus_Windows_20.iso | - | Beavis & Butthead Screen Saver - is a Windows 3.1 screen saver module featuring those lovable lame-brains from MTV. |
19395 | CHAPEL.ZIP | 118,9 kt | 03.02.1997 | - | - | tupla | Erittäin hieno Windowsin taustakuva, tekijänä: Terminator. |
17991 | CHICKENS.ZIP | 88166 | 29.10.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Chickens from Hell! - A screen saver for Windows 3.1 |
19396 | COMICSS2.ZIP | 25,4 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 4567/Win Heaven '95.iso | tupla | Comedy Screen SaverSimilar to the Windows Marquee Screen Saver, except that it allows you to display multiple messages drawn from a text file. The text file can contain comedy,insults, Win95 tips, or anything you want. It also permits you to display the text with your favorite fonts and colors, set a password, and play MIDI music. Description Copyright 1996 PsL. |
18011 | COWS.ZIP | 91002 | 28.02.1995 | - | monster94.zip/monster3.zip | - | Lehmät-näytönsäästäjä Windowsille |
62344 | CPMAGIC.ZIP | 2301797 | 22.11.1994 | - | MBCD | tupla | Presentation Magic! - Shareware version Business graphics/presentation manager |
19397 | CREATE15.ZIP | 599,5 kt | 21.04.1997 | - | 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | tupla | Images of Creation v1.5 A Media Album/Screen Saver for WIn 95 & 3.1+ whose theme is the mythic-visionary experience. Explore and contemplate cosmic creation with this exceptional collection of original digital art and thoughtful text taken from mythological classics. Graphics in the registered version are 24 bit, 16 million color and royalty free! |
18015 | CREEPY.ZIP | 17306 | 29.04.1995 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | - | Creepy Crawlies screen saver |
18016 | CRET12WN.ZIP | 715060 | 14.10.1995 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | IMAGES OF CREATION v1.2 is a media album and Windows screen saver from Reality Software whose theme is the mythic-visionary experience. Explore and contemplate cosmic creation with this extraordinary collection of original computer art and thoughtful text. Design pros note: graphics in the registered version are 24 bit, 16 million color and royalty free! Requires Windows 3.1+. See readme.1st. |
18022 | CUSTSVR.ZIP | 424288 | 02.10.1994 | - | - | - | Esm Custom Screen Saver for Windows ver1.0 A customizable screen saver for Windows. Good! |
18026 | CYBERWRM.ZIP | 23096 | 17.12.1995 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | - | AWESOME Windows Screen Saver! Fantastic 256 color palette rotation with large setup screen allowing you to customize the screen saver to your preferences. "Hypnotic!" |
18028 | CYC32100.ZIP | 144476 | 23.12.1995 | - | 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso | - | CycleC32 animation utility for windows (Windows 3.1 with Win32s, WfW 3.11 with Win32s, WindowsNT, Windows95) based www-servers (ZBServer, WebSite, Alibaba, win-httpd a.o.). Command options include: loop, start, end, random, up, down, noanim, onlyone. CycleC32 has debugging and user restrictions options and includes a simple setup program. |
19398 | CZ-DEMO.ZIP | 174,6 kt | 30.10.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | ChromaZone Screen Saver Demo for Windows. By Steve Gibson / Gibson Research. |
19399 | DAZZL52A.ZIP | 168,6 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 21819/Pegasus_Vol_6_CD1.iso | tupla | Dazzle v5.2EGA/VGA SUPER-KALEIDOSCOPE IMAGE GENERATOR DOS & Windows SCREEN SAVER when registered. The 2D image engine subset from the full retail RAZZLE DAZZLE ultimate DOS & Windows multimedia screen saver. The best- selling retail programs are now available as registration upgrades to this shareware subset, an excellent bargain! |
18040 | DECOR110.ZIP | 174906 | 23.12.1995 | - | 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso | - | (v1.10) Decor - Wallpaper selector Will randomly select a wallpaper. Setup your wallpapers, give them a weighting, depending on your preference (the higher the weighting, the more likely a wallpaper is to be selected) or have some papers selected on certain days. Replaces Decor v1.00 Charityware (UKP 10) jleith@dircon.co.uk |
18047 | DIAMOND.ZIP | 17025 | 02.10.1994 | - | - | - | Windows screen saver - bouncing diamond |
19400 | DIM3D.ZIP | 1,9 Mt | 20.03.1997 | - | Arsenal_Files_8_Arsenal_Computer_1996.iso | - | Dimensia 3D3D Image Album & Screen Saver 3D Stereogram imagery combined with the Image Carousel screen saver technology. Acts as an interactive Image Album, allowing the user to flip through each dazzling stereogram and as a screen saver to turn your monitor into a window of 3 Dimensional wonder. From R.I. Soft Systems. Requires WIN3.1 or better. |
19401 | DMSDAY11.ZIP | 859744 | 07.01.1996 | - | 1982/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 9.iso | - | Doomsday Screen Saver v1.10 |
19402 | DOPEV110.ZIP | 296,3 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | "The Dopefish Screen Saver v1.10for Windows. This freeware screen saver works with both Windows 3.1 and Windows95. Watch as Dopefish moves around your screen! Hell swimeatand (of course) burp!! This screen saver is written by Andre Viensand is not a product of either Apogee or id. " |
18106 | EASYIC.ZIP | 107414 | 11.05.1995 | - | - | - | Create Icon Library files. Drag and drop files between Libraries All New MDI Interface. Open many files at once. "Extract or View any Icon(s) from any file and save them as separate (*.ICO) or (*.BMP) files. Examine, Rename, or Delete Icons. Drag and Drop from File Manager. Includes Context Sensitive Help. $5.00 to Upgrade for Registered Users. A must if you work with Many Icons. Requires the file "VBRUN300.DLL". Shareware $19.00. |
19403 | EPIP12WN.ZIP | 802863 | 07.01.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Epiphanies of the Goddess v1.2 is a WIN 3.1+ Media Album/Screen Saver with 15 visionary paintings that are original computer art. Explore animal myths from a variety of cultures, past and present, as they partake of the divine feminine epiphany. Each image is royalty free to registered users. |
19404 | ESHEEP.ZIP | 116,8 kt | 25.08.1997 | - | 16042/pc-consument-1997-4.iso | - | tuo näytölle lampaita, jotka kiipeilevät ikkunoita pitkin ruudulla. |
18154 | FISHY11.ZIP | 130491 | 23.12.1995 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | - | FishSaver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver. Animated swimming tropical fish. Password protection option. Register for screen saver bonus pack: 8 screen saver + CD-ROM. Shareware. Galt Technology. |
19405 | FRAC1610.ZIP | 96,2 kt | 30.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Seractal Screensaver v1.0Fractal patterns Windows screensaver. Shareware |
18175 | FRD-SPSI.ZIP | 796483 | 27.08.1994 | - | - | - | Super Sport Cliparts vol 1 Fortress Software |
18177 | FRENET34.ZIP | 195863 | 24.10.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 5 (Disc 2)(Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Frenetic v3.3 endless colorful graphic abstractions are painted from a wealth of drawing elements. Windows screensaver. Supports 16 color VGA, 256 color SVGA, 64k & 16m True Color. Shareware US$10. |
19406 | FUKU.ZIP | 107,2 kt | 06.01.1998 | - | - | - | Toinen erittäin hieno Windowsin taustakuva by Terminator, finsihed: 26.12.1997. |
19407 | GIFSV16.EXE | 545 kt | 17.02.1998 | - | - | - | GIF Saverfor Windows 3.1 and 3.11 GIF Saver is a Windows screen saver that will display animated GIF files when your screen blanks. From simple flashing bars to animated cartoon characters to the blueprints for the universe written by a left-handed Benedictine monk with a nose ring, you can decide what will apear on your monitor after a period of inactivity. GIF Saver allows multiple GIF files to be queued up, such that the pictures can change when your attention span does. |
18193 | GOTRIBE.ZIP | 704355 | 23.12.1995 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | GOTRIBE v1.0 - Win31 screen saver. At 800KB, this may be the largest screen saver you've ever seen, but if you're a true Cleveland Indians fan, you gotta have it! Includes saver plus 2 Tribe .BMPs. Requires Win31, 2MB RAM. Works best on 486+ systems. Shareware $5. |
18195 | GRAFTI.ZIP | 17722 | 08.02.1995 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | - | Graffiti for Windows Ver1.1e Graffiti for Windows is a program which enables you to write graffiti on your window's wallpaper. |
18201 | GROWTH.ZIP | 31940 | 30.03.1995 | - | monster94.zip/monster3.zip | - | Growth 3-Pack Screen Savers |
19408 | GUINNE.ZIP | 1,3 Mt | 27.03.1997 | - | 15635/PCM_9602.iso | - | Guinness Screen Saver V1.0 A promotional piece for the Guinness Brewery and is designed around a frothy glass of their famous product. It will get your attention when the actor starts tapping on the inside of your computer screen. The program then combines sound and motion for a novel demonstration that depicts images from Guinness advertising materials. Windows 3.1x and upwards |
19409 | HEINZSS.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | Heinz Tomato Soup Screensaver. Windows 3.xx, Windows 95 and Windows NT. |
19410 | HELMET96.ZIP | 498,6 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso | - | F1 Helmet Race - in an interesting screen saver for Windows that displays a race between the crash helmets of famous Formula 1 drivers. The graphics and digitized sound effects are very well done. Description Copyright 1996 PsL |
19411 | HMACAR.ZIP | 1142265 | 13.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Hey, Macaroni! Screen Saver |
19412 | HOTC14.ZIP | 29,3 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 10783/CDASC_32_1996_septembre.iso | - | Hot Corners v1.4Allows you to activate or disable the screen saver by positioning the cursor in a user-defined corner of the screen. |
19413 | HOTCHROM.ZIP | 50,6 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip | - | Hot Chrome Screensavers v1.0for Windows 3.1 + Create elegant images with dynamic Interactive functions. Mouse and Keyboard Hotkeys enable you to manipulate the sculptures by pulling, locking and dragging them into exotic and unpredictable shapes. Screen wipes, pausing, color pallette variations, & many options. 12 different screensavers. |
18249 | HTSPT11.ZIP | 34471 | 23.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | (v1.1) Htspt11.zip - Screensaver utility The function of this program is to create hotspots which will allow the user to turn his screensaver on and off simply by placing the cursor in a predefined corner. The VB4 Runtime Module, VB40032.ZIP, is required to run this program. Shareware $10.00 U.S. Ron Parker (CT Software) ron2222@aol.com. |
18252 | I2BPRO.ZIP | 99241 | 23.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | Icon 2 Bmp Pro - Converts icons! 3 sizes! Choose From 16x16, 22x24, and 32x32! Outputs 1 at a time by double clicking, or does the whole directory with 1 click! Shareware $10 - Disk And Desk Inc. |
19414 | ICEDIT22.ZIP | 137 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | Icon Edit v2.20ICon Editor is a Icon display/Edit program a very powerful editor with many features tha allow the user to easily design Icons. Requires VBRUN300.DLL. |
19415 | ICM16.ZIP | 164436 | 17.10.1996 | - | MBCD | - | ICON MANAGER v3.6 The most comprehensive icon management utility! Organize your ICO files into libraries that can be viewed and accessed at a glance. Click on any icon to edit it or install it to your desktop. Icon Manager uses the latest OLE and DDE technologies. Save disk space by using Icon Manager's ICA file format. Extracts and updates icons in EXE, DLL, ICO, and ICL, too! |
64996 | ICM34.ZIP | 164056 | 22.11.1994 | - | MBCD | tupla | Icon Manager 3.4: A powerful icon editor. |
19416 | ICNCT514.ZIP | 296,3 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 9299/Cream of the Crop 24.iso | - | ICNCT514 - Displays 100 icons at a time for quick viewing, printing, copying, renaming, moving, deleting, editing, converting, extracting using drag&drop, mouse clicks, hotkeys. Extracts icons inside DLL/EXE files. Converts BMP -> ICO, ICO -> BMP. Captures ANY area of the screen into an icon/bitmap. Turns any icon areas transparent. Powerful editing tools including flip/shift. Shareware. doanc@worldnet.att.net or |
19417 | ICNPRO33.ZIP | 321,1 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 23466/CHIP 1996 oktober (CD08).zip | - | Icon Suite v3.30ICon Suite is a Icon display/Edit program viewer and editor very powerful editor with many features to easily design Icons. The viewer will , full page viewing. File move/copy/delete, manage you icon directories libraries by name,this bundle includes Icon Extractor to extract and build DLL/ICL Libraries. All Blind Mellon Software 3 for 2. |
19418 | ICNTF21.ZIP | 154073 | 14.07.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | Icon Thief 2.1 is the newest (3/96) version of a Windows program which will search and find icons embedded in EXE and DLL files. The program will allow you to view each Icon. You also have the option to save the displayed Icon to an ICO file. This version will also combine Icons into a DLL file and edit Icons. Written by Dale C. Fritchen. Shareware only $5. |
19419 | ICOHLIC2.ZIP | 376264 | 26.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Icoholistics Anonymous #2 icon collection Contains 1,500 icons. |
18256 | ICONDLL.ARJ | 7637 | 07.06.1995 | - | 6213/BlackBox.cdr | - | Kerää erilliset ikonit yhteen DLL-kirjastoon |
19420 | ICORAM17.ZIP | 49371 | 14.07.1996 | - | 23467/CHIP 1996 szeptember (CD07).zip | - | ICORAMA v1.7 - Windows utility that displays all the icons you have on your hard disk (or your floppies), whatever the file where they are saved (.ICO, EXE, DLLs). You can copy them into the clipboard, save into a ICO file and save all in a big bitmap (very practical to collect icons). Req. VBRUN300.DLL. |
18257 | ICOSIMP3.ZIP | 122246 | 09.11.1994 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | The PC Simpsons Icon Collection, vols 1-3 |
18259 | ICS16.ZIP | 126276 | 08.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Icon Studio 1.0 - (c)1995 Leonard A. Gray Designed specifically for editing 32x32, 16 color icons for Windows. Produced by Impact Software. Icon Studio offers a rich set of editing tools and is so easy and fun to use, we think you'll prefer it over any other product of its kind, shareware or commercial. Icon Studio integrates seamlessly with Icon Manager to provide the total solution for serious icon enthusiasts. |
19421 | IF16V35.ZIP | 873,4 kt | 02.06.1999 | - | - | - | IconForge 16-bit v3.5for Windows 3.1x. IconForge makes it easy to create and edit icons, multi-res icons, animated icons, and cursors. Imports from ICO, CUR, ANI, image, EXE and DLL files. Tools include: brush, line, rectangle, circle, zoom, flip, nudge, rotate, text, scissors, and special effects filters. Multiple icons may be edited at the same time for easy cut and paste between images. Features icon library, export to image formats, more. |
18264 | IKONEDIT.ZIP | 33003 | 10.10.1994 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | The Ultimate Icon editor v1.1 for Win 3.1 Contains many features that are not found in any other (icon) editor. This are the unreg version, registration fee 300 Nkr or $40. Copyright (C) 1994 J. Ullestad. |
19422 | IKONZ.ZIP | 348427 | 23.01.1996 | - | - | - | PALJON erilaisia ikoneita. |
19423 | IN_NT12.ZIP | 483732 | 19.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Incredible(Night, v1.2) screen saver Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and SVGA (256) color. Incredible - Night is a screen saver where you can experience wonderful views under the Moon:happy birds sing and glide over ocean and sailing ships. |
19424 | IN_SU47.ZIP | 303770 | 04.01.1997 | - | 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO | - | Incredible(Sun, v4.7) screen saver Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, and SVGA (256) color. Incredible - Sun is a screen saver where you can experience wonderful views under the sun:happy birds sing and glide over ocean and sailing ships. |
19425 | JOKEBAG.ZIP | 577340 | 25.04.1996 | - | monster94.zip/monster3.zip | - | JokeBag is a Windows 3.1 screen saver that, when invoked by Windows, generates humorous quotations, phrases, one-liners, and jokes. |
19426 | JUMANJI.ZIP | 892682 | 04.03.1996 | - | 2942/500 Screen Savers - Volume 2.iso | - | Jumanji Screen Saver. |
18293 | JURASS11.ZIP | 173636 | 23.12.1995 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | - | JurassicSaver v1.1 Win/Win95 screen saver. Animated T-Rex, Stegosaur, Brontosaur, Raptor, and hatching eggs dominate the screen Password protection option. Register for screen saver bonus pack: 8 screen saver + CD-ROM. Shareware. Galt Technology. |
19427 | JURASS12.ZIP | 172,8 kt | 27.04.1997 | - | 10782/CDASC_31_1996_juillet_aout.iso | - | JurassicSaver v1.2 Win/Win95 screen saver. Animated T-Rex, Stegosaur, Brontosaur, Raptor, and hatching eggs dominate the screen. Password protection option. Register for screen saver bonus pack: 11 screen savers + CD-ROM. Shareware. Galt Technology. |
19428 | KAL311.ZIP | 69,9 kt | 27.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Kaleidoscope Screen Saver v3.11 for Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later. Shareware by Syntrillium Software. Generate stunningly beautiful geometric patterns which can even be controlled by music if you have a sound card. Can be used without a sound card for visually entrancing kaleidoscopic variations. You will be seeing kaleidoscopes in every time you close your eyes! Bursting with color and infinite variety, this is no ordinary screen saver. Best in 256-color. Enjoy! |
18295 | KALEID31.ZIP | 69172 | 30.12.1995 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | Generate stunningly beautiful geometric patterns which can even be controlled by music if you have a sound card. Can be used without a sound card for visually entrancing kaleidoscopic variations. You will be seeing kaleidoscopes in every time you close your eyes! Bursting with color and infinite variety, this is no ordinary screen saver. Best in 256-color. Enjoy! |
65594 | KUPRU#1.ZIP | 1279720 | 10.02.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Kupru # 1 Windowsin alla pyörivä, 29- sivuinen mikrosarjakuvalehti + Kuplaruutu-sivunselausohjelma omien sarjakuvien luomiseen. |
19429 | LAGOON.ZIP | 915,9 kt | 03.02.1997 | - | 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip | - | Sherman\'s Lagoon Screen Saver Sherman\'s Lagoon is an animated Screen Saver saver created by Jim Toomey and Chris Yourch. It depicts the characters of the nationally syndicated cartoon "Sherman\'s Lagoon" in an undersea setting. We do hope you give this screen saver a try because we\'re sure you will like it! The screen saver is free but a nice payback for us would be some feedback. Let us know how you like it ... Thanks. Publisher/Author: Jim Toomey and Chris Yourch. |
18309 | LAVA.ZIP | 15566 | 29.10.1994 | - | 26805/Universe of 3000 Gigagames5.dmg | - | Lava Lamp is a free utility that paints lava-like flows and patterns in its own window on your PC. Especially suitable for unreconstructed hippies. |
18312 | LEDTIM10.ZIP | 38087 | 24.10.1995 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | - | LED Time, Windows 3.1 Screen Saver Freeware, (C) Copyright 1995 Phil Robinson Shows the current time and date using LED type characters, and displays a little hand sweeping around each second. |
18320 | LOGOSV12.ZIP | 103346 | 23.12.1995 | - | 18134/WINSITE_1.iso | - | LogoSaver v1.2, BMP screen saver. Win/Win95 shareware, turns small BMP logo file into a bouncing corporate screen saver. Site license available. Galt Technology 1995. |
18337 | MARTIN11.ZIP | 35990 | 24.10.1995 | koko³ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Martin Fractals V1.1, Win3.1 Screen Saver |
19430 | METALLIX.ZIP | 42,9 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | 911/JCSM Shareware Collection February 1997 Best of (JCS Marketing)(February 1997).bin | - | MetallixA screen saver module for Windows that displays metallic sculptures which unfold in unique and unpredictable patterns creating a mesmerizing, transformative effect. There are twelve different savers to choose from, each with its own distinct settings. Requires 256-color VGA and VBRUN300. |
19431 | MEZ101.ZIP | 53960 | 03.06.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Mesmerize 1.01 is a MS Windows screen saver. Intense mesmerizing waves wash across your screen. It is totally configureable. At least a 386 and a 256 color display driver is required. Shareware $9.99 U.S. Dollars. |
19432 | NEWFRNTR.ZIP | 347,7 kt | 20.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | New FrontiersOuter space screen saver and photo collection. Explore the Universe from your desktop! This package contains the screen saver plus 5 space photos, using a super fractal compression system to minimize disk space usage. CD-ROM version contains over 400 spectacular shots of shuttle lift- offs, astronauts in space, quarks, black holes, planets, comets, galaxies, moon walks, and more! |
18424 | NIVIA100.ZIP | 310839 | 10.12.1994 | - | - | - | Nivia v1.00 Slide show screen saver Shows a slide show of selected bitmap files |
18426 | NOCT11.ZIP | 232858 | 05.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Nocturnal Omissions SCR Collection Three free screen savers for Windows |
18428 | NSICON.ZIP | 386684 | 10.12.1995 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | NeoSoft's Icon Editor makes it easy to create and edit Windows icons. Reads icons from ICO, BMP, EXE and DLL format files. Tools include: brush, line, circles, rect- angle, flood, rotate, flip, area select, text, nudge and zoom. Edits multiple icons in each session, for easy cut and paste between images. Also features context- sensitive help, undo, Windows clipboard support & more. Requires: Windows 3.1 +. |
18470 | PAPERS43.ZIP | 131705 | 31.12.1995 | - | 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso | - | Paper Selector 4.3 Wallpaper manager - Paper Selector v4.3 BMP viewer, ICO viewer, and Windows wallpaper changer. Windows Magazine superior shareware and Ziffnet's reviewer's pick. View multiple thumbnails and choose wallpaper from anywhere on your hard drive, or create a BMP SlideShow right on your desktop, while you continue to work! Now prints BMP files! Requires VBRUN300.DLL. |
18481 | PCTHT03.ZIP | 935798 | 17.12.1995 | - | 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip | - | Picture That v1.0 Screen Saver. This collection, Space #1, contains spectacular Space related images inluding: Astronaut on moon; Shuttle launch; Jupiter and it's moons; Spectacular view of Neptune; More. Provides password protection and multiple screen display effects. Requires 256 color display. Freeware. From Whirlwind Technologies. |
19433 | PHANTM11.ZIP | 920429 | 03.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | Classic Phantoms Screen Saver v1.10 |
18501 | PIXSWM.ZIP | 19269 | 08.02.1995 | - | - | - | Pixie Swarm Welcome to the wonderful world of third party screen savers! |
18504 | PLASMA.ZIP | 23890 | 28.02.1995 | - | 20300/RoseWare - Network Support Library.iso | - | Plasmapilvi-näytönsäästäjä Windowsille |
19434 | POPPRO21.ZIP | 179380 | 12.04.1996 | - | MBHH1997 | - | POPOUT-PRO is a Windows based stereogram generator. Winner of the PCF Gold Award, PC Format magazine calls POPOUT "the latest and probably the best". Called "simple to use" by PC Answers magazine, POPOUT-PRO allows the easy creation of 3-D Random Dot or Dual-Image Stereograms. POPOUT-PRO has been designed to interface easily with Paintbrush as well as POLYRAY ray tracer. The registered version will generate up to 256 levels of depth. |
19435 | PREMIND.ZIP | 227,8 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 19730/02 SWP 047 - 04-1997.nrg | - | PhotoReminderA demo of a screen saver for Windows that displays a picture of a loved one in a corner of the desktop. |
18514 | PRIM20.ZIP | 90559 | 23.12.1995 | - | 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso | - | Primordial Screensaver (tm) |
18522 | PS3D201.ZIP | 584762 | 17.12.1995 | - | 16596/Sezamfile97_2.iso | - | PHOTO SHOW 3D v2.00 |
19436 | PSYCCI31.ZIP | 120247 | 06.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Psycho-Delic Circles! 3.1 A great Windows 3.x and 95 compatible Screen Saver. Copy SCR file to the Windows directory. Select in control panel. Shareware by ABSTRACT media! |
52198 | PSYCH10.ZIP | 297247 | 14.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | THE PSYCHEDELIC SCREEN SAVER COLLECTION - Ver 1.0 This is a collection of screen savers that generate hypnotic patterns. Included are 16 and 32 bit versions for Microsoft Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows NT, as well as versions for Berkeley Systems After Dark v2.0c |
19437 | PUZSAV21.ZIP | 142284 | 06.09.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Puzzled Window! 2.1 A great Windows 3.x and 95 compatible Screen Saver. Copy SCR file to the Windows directory. Select in control panel. Shareware by ABSTRACT media! |
19438 | PUZSAV30.ZIP | 139 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Puzzled Window! v3.0 A great Windows 3.x and 95 compatible Screen Saver. Copy SCR file to the Windows directory. Select in control panel. FREEWare by ABSTRACT media! |
18537 | QUOTSV13.ZIP | 203072 | 23.12.1995 | - | 21817/Pegasus_Vol_3_CD1.iso | - | QuoteSaver v1.3 screen saver Win/Win95. Displays your favorite BMP/JPG/GIF/TIF images and .WAV audio files in a screen saver format, while showing inspirational quotes. Random play feature, user selected picture interval. Password protect. Audio on/off. Shareware. Galt Technology. |
19439 | RJSS31.EXE | 1,1 Mt | 18.05.1997 | - | 2942/500 Screen Savers - Volume 2.iso | - | "William Shakespeares Romeo+Juliet screensaver for Windows 3.11." |
19440 | SAFARS.ZIP | 975,1 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | - | - | Safari Saver v1.1Win/Win95 screen saver. Photo-realistic animated scenes from the African savannah, filled with wild animals. Complete password and sound effect options. Register for screen saver bonus pack: 20 screen savers + CD-ROM. http://www.galttech.com Shareware. Galt Technology. 1997. |
18559 | SAIL12WN.ZIP | 1024099 | 28.07.1995 | - | 1975/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 2.iso | - | CLASSIC SAILBOATS v1.0 is the fourth release in the series of Windows screen savers of historic transportation photography from Reality Software. Rare early images of classic sailboats comprise this collection. Enjoy great schooner yachts, catboats and early sloops both on the ocean and at dockside. Many of these photos were taken off the Maine coast in the 1930s. Design pros take note: the graphics files are 8 bit, 256 grey scale TIF and royalty free! See |
19441 | SAVERV49.ZIP | 121746 | 27.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Savervisor(V4.9) Saver and Wallpaper manager. Need: Windows 3.1, VBRUN300.DLL, Savervisor is a screen saver and Wallpaper manager. It provides single-click launching, saver and wallpaper scheduling, and more cool functions... You can reach me at Internet: markqian@aol.com or America Online: MarkQian or CIS-mail: 76463,1251) or mail me at: P.O. Box 390235, Mountain View, CA. 94039-0235. |
19442 | SCRMKR.ZIP | 541,7 kt | 14.04.1997 | - | - | - | Tekee omista kuvistasi näytönsäästäjän. |
18567 | SCRNPAK1.ZIP | 52748 | 07.06.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Ember Screen Saver Pack |
19443 | SCRNPIX.ZIP | 467,7 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | 12831/aol-file-protocol-4400-4601-to-4700.zip | - | SCREENPIX v2.0 screen saver Win/Win95Displays your favorite images in a screen saver format (BMP/JPG/TIF/PCX), w/100 transit effects. Full screen and random play feature, user selected picture interval. Password prot Shareware. Galt Technology 1996. http://www.galttech.com |
18569 | SCRPLY15.ZIP | 92972 | 17.02.1995 | - | 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin | - | SCREENPLAY V1.5 - is a Windows screensaver. Watch hypnotic patterns form on your screen or desktop driven by a variety of preset control values, or adjust the controls to make your own patterns. Features include password protection, mirroring effects, color cycling, tiling, and many more that were used to make presets such as aquadic colors, simple life, wild tile and more. Have a visual treat. Kamyan Software |
18570 | SCRSHW18.ZIP | 155743 | 17.02.1995 | - | 2045/shareware studio volume 6.ISO | - | SCREENSHOW V1.8 - Play .FLI and .FLC files as a Windows screen saver. In addition display .BMP, .RLE, and .DIB files as screen saver images. Combine the animation files and or image files together into a script which allows for special effects such as fades, looping, speed control and much more. Ideal program to quickly build your own demos. If you make or display animation file you need this. Kamyan Software. |
18572 | SEAS20.ZIP | 114871 | 10.12.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | Seascape 2.0 - Realistic Fish |
19444 | SERAL36.ZIP | 232405 | 26.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Seraline Screensaver v3.6 endless colorful abstract images are created from a wealth of drawing elements. Windows screensaver. Supports 16 color VGA, 256 color SVGA, & 24-bit color. Shareware |
18581 | SHIPS1WN.ZIP | 1252741 | 15.05.1995 | - | 7896/The Diamond Collection (Software Vault)(Digital Impact).ISO | - | TALL SHIPS v1.0 is the third release in the series of unique Windows screen savers of historic transportation photography from Reality Software. Rare early images of classic tall ships comprise this collection. Enjoy great schooners and brigs, both on the ocean, at dockside and at the moment of launching. Design pros take note: the graphics are 8 bit, 256 grey scale TIF and royalty free! See read1st.txt. |
19445 | SIMICO.ZIP | 22,6 kt | 30.10.1997 | - | - | - | Simpsonien iconeita. |
18588 | SIMPSONS.ZIP | 22057 | 09.11.1994 | - | MBCD | - | 100 Simpson Icons for Windows |
19446 | SKYSCRSN.ZIP | 207,3 kt | 29.01.1998 | - | 21496/OP4_96.ISO | - | Sky Screen Saver v1.1for 16-bit Windows. |
18592 | SLDSHO40.ZIP | 282355 | 31.12.1995 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | SlideShow V4.0 for Windows. Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 screen saver that will display your favorite pictures on your screen as a slide show. SlideShow will display the pictures using 80 different fades, wipes and dissolves. JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIF, DIB supported. You can elect to have a colored border and control the size and look of two 3-D bevels, to give your pictures a professional look. Password protection is |
18600 | SMEAR.ZIP | 38948 | 30.03.1995 | - | monster94.zip/monster3.zip | - | Smear Screen Saver |
18616 | SPACECRF.ZIP | 627723 | 20.10.1995 | - | - | - | Three Tga pictures created with POVCAD and Polyray. Check it out. |
19447 | SPSAVE12.ZIP | 209969 | 06.09.1996 | - | 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO | - | SpaceSaver v1.2 Win/Win95 screen saver. Photo-realistic astronauts, spaceshuttle, galaxies, moon, and more. Password protection option. Register for screen saver bonus pack: 11 screen savers + CD-ROM. Shareware. Galt Technology. |
18624 | SSCFG3.ZIP | 144448 | 16.08.1994 | - | 18164/Windows Expert.iso | - | Run NT Screen Savers under Win 3.1 (WIN-NT). |
18625 | SSE20.ZIP | 50037 | 17.02.1995 | - | 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin | - | SCREEN SAVER ENHANCER v. 2.0 - adds sleep now and sleep never corners to ANY Windows .SCR desktop screen blanker. Also allows setting control panel options. |
18628 | STAMPSWS.ZIP | 589369 | 17.02.1995 | - | 16982/Super CD 5 (Groupware).bin | - | Stamps of the World Screen Saver - is a WIN31 screen saver module that displays beautiful 256-color scanned images of postage stamps from Japan, Germany, Italy, Iceland, The Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia, Kenya, and Belgium. |
18630 | STEREO.ZIP | 101762 | 29.05.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Ohjelma stereogrammien tekemiseen. |
19448 | SUIKA.LZH | 6857 | 28.02.1996 | - | - | - | Watermelonmean Screen Saver(SUIKA.LZH) is a screen saver for Windows.When selected from the Desktop dialog box, a watermelon will appear on your screen.Soon some of these watermelon will be eaten and some will grow legs and walk around. FREE SOFTWARE International support:h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp Japanese support:JBC03637@niftyserve.or.jp |
19449 | SURAC.LZH | 7771 | 28.02.1996 | - | - | - | Slimy Characters(SURAC.LZH) draws a character with slimes on Windows. FREE SOFTWARE International support:h_ozawa@bekkoame.or.jp Japanese support:PXI02510@niftyserve.or.jp |
18654 | TAKEONE.ZIP | 178052 | 12.08.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | TAKEONE ANIMATOR for Windows: the powerful user friendly animation program from Germany. Create and modify BMP animation frames under Windows. Make your own smooth-running animations, cartoons, presentations, or even slide shows using your own scanned pictures. Requires Windows 3.x v 1.0 (c) Rainer Doebele: Published by PEARL AMERICA, Inc. (ASP) |
19450 | TEXTURE2.ZIP | 27,1 kt | 21.10.1997 | - | - | - | 3D Texture Map (v.3) screensaver. |
19451 | TIME11.ZIP | 6,5 kt | 30.10.1997 | - | - | - | TiME v1.1 TiME on pieni apuohjelma joka toimii samalla kellona ja näytönsäästäjänä! Lähdekoodi mukana (Visual Basic 3) Tekijä tavoitettavissa MBNetistä. Freewarea. Vaatii Win 3.x ja VGA. TiME 1.1 (C) Ossi J - 24.9 1997 - |
19452 | TIMEREC1.ZIP | 76 kt | 17.04.1997 | - | 7682/PsL Monthly 1996 November.iso | - | Time Recorder for Windows A simple desktop timer for keeping track of the time you spend on any project. Description Copyright 1996 PsL |
18692 | TRMAND10.ZIP | 151514 | 12.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | True Mandel v1.0 true-color fractals |
19453 | TROL215.ZIP | 597193 | 04.01.1997 | - | 8172/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-21)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | VINTAGE TROLLEYS 2 v1.5 is a Media Album/ Screen Saver for WIN 95 and WIN 3.1+ featuring rare images of early trolleys c.1890's to 1940's scanned from photos in a private collection. There are no duplicates with VT 1. Design pros note: the graphics files in the registered version are 24 bit, b & w, and royalty free. See read1st.txt. |
19454 | VENICESS.ZIP | 754,9 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | - | - | Venice Screen Saver v1.0for Win3.X/Win95 Float through the canals of Venice on your gondola, as Italian music and the sound of splashing waves fills the air. Based on real photos of Venice. A must-see screen saver! Password protection. Register for 5 screen saver bonus pack. Req.VBRUN300.DLL. Shareware. Galt Technology. |
19455 | VIDSAV.ZIP | 146,3 kt | 04.05.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | VidSaverA Windows screen saver that plays video clips and animations while your computer is idle. |
18736 | VMPEG17.ZIP | 552924 | 07.08.1995 | - | MBCD | - | VMPEG V1.7 Lite; full MPEG-1 video standard: I,P,B frames of arbitrary size; decodes layer II MPEG-1 audio in high quality stereo; plays MPEG video / WAVE audio file pairs |
18745 | WALL1A.ZIP | 164032 | 30.03.1995 | - | monster94.zip/monster3.zip | - | Tiled wallpaper collection |
19456 | WATERF12.ZIP | 919,9 kt | 28.04.1997 | - | - | - | Waterfall Saver v1.2 Win/Win95 screen saver. Living screen saver comes to life as waterfal flows out of real photograph. Password option. Register for screen saver bonus pack: 9 screen savers + CD-ROM. Shareware. Galt Technology. |
18769 | WECJ20.ZIP | 68113 | 08.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | WECJ 2.0: JPEG-kuvannäyttäjä sekä JPEGien purkukirjasto (DLL). |
19457 | WINF1821.ZIP | 506702 | 11.10.1996 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | WinFract v18.21 - Fractint for Windows |
18803 | WINFLI.ZIP | 21897 | 29.04.1995 | - | 18133/winsit03961.zip | - | FLI player for Microsoft Windows |
18824 | WINPAK1.ZIP | 211841 | 13.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | WinPak#1 Version 1.2 |
18825 | WINPAK2.ZIP | 238573 | 13.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | WinPak#2 Version 1.2 |
18826 | WINPAK3.ZIP | 265726 | 13.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | WinPak#3 Version 1.2 |
18830 | WINSNIPR.ZIP | 33082 | 23.12.1995 | - | 20915/1000GAME.iso | - | Window Sniper 1.0 Copyright (c) 1995 Ember Software. Can't get enough of someone leaping out and blasting at you? Can't live a day without hearing the soothing sound of a shotgun blast? Try Window Sniper! Characters will continually leap out from behind your Windows programs and take pot shots at you. |
19458 | WNFOND13.ZIP | 25996 | 04.01.1997 | - | 4393/Cream of the Crop 21 (Terry Blount) (October 1996).iso | - | WinFond 1.3 (F. Crevola) A new wallpaper every time you run Windows (3.xx) Giftware / (c) 1996 fcrevola@mail.atlantic-line.fr |
19459 | WPAPER01.ZIP | 275971 | 04.01.1997 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | Avaruussukkula -taustakuva |
19460 | WWIPEOUT.ZIP | 1498508 | 06.03.1996 | - | 1974/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 11.iso | - | Thank you for trying WipeOut for Windows95/Windows 3.1, a fully functional shareware screen saver from BocaSoft. In addition to many fun savers, WipeOut provides advanced screen saver features such as password protection, Energy Star monitor support, graphic file support, game mode, After Dark support, CPU Monitor, wallpaper, audio and much more. |
19461 | WWPLS251.ZIP | 503562 | 07.01.1996 | - | MBCD | - | WWPlus Wallpaper Screen Saver v2.51 |
18919 | ZODIAC.ZIP | 798547 | 11.03.1995 | - | - | - | New screen saver for Windows using 3D Random Dot Stereogram (RDS) technology. No glasses required! It includes a dazzling exhibit of full color, full screen 3D illusions of the twelve symbols of the Zodiac. This is a FreeWare program. Feel free to download, duplicate and distribute to your friends. The program has a "Make This Disk" utility. New Science Products, Inc. Requires approx. 3 Megs free hard drive space to install. Source included. |