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ID | Tiedosto | Koko | Pvm. | Kommentit | Alkuperä | Tupla? | Kuvaus |
13793 | !SG37A.ZIP | 103799 | 06.03.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Security Guard v3.7a - Passcode prot- ects your computer when booted using the DOS prompt as the passcode prompt, giving Sec- urity Guard its unknown presence of prot- ection. 1-5 passcodes, Lock Up, Log File (9 features), Anti-Virus (5 features), Directory Secure (3 features and 20 user defines), Protect (5 features and 10 user defines) and now introducing "Sentinel". Over 40 features and much more. It is VERY configurable and |
14583 | 1PLAN64E.ZIP | 193961 | 03.04.1995 | - | 9305/Cream of the Crop 7.iso | - | Planetarium v6.4E Interactive astronomy program. Fast animated VGA-Grafics. High accuracy ephemerides of sun moon and all nine planets. Jupiter moons in realtime! With observer diary! New : with the brightest stars! |
14584 | 2000AD.ZIP | 38,6 kt | 15.05.1997 | - | - | - | 2000 Anno Dominiby Far Side Software is a nice little program that shows how long is it to year 2000. Add into your autoexec.bat or view sometimes just for fun. Many useful options. Public Domain with C-sources included. |
14585 | 4DOS602.ZIP | 762,8 kt | 25.02.2000 | - | 23725/PCWorld_2000-08_cd.bin | - | "4DOS v6.02BNew! (April 1999) release of JP Softwares award-winning COMMAND.COM replacement for MS-DOSPC-DOSNovell DOS / OpenDOSOS/2and Win95with command enhancementsover 50 new commandsdozens of powerful batch file featuresand many other unique command line tools. Shareware$69.95 full registration. 04-16-99 release B (131)." |
14586 | AAPL2EM.ZIP | 208865 | 28.07.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Apple II -emulaattori. |
13875 | AD_AUT42.ZIP | 17091 | 04.03.1996 | - | 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | AUTHOR-DIRECT AUTHOR SUBMISSION PACKAGE v4.2. This is the "author" package, for submission of files for distribution via the AUTHOR- DIRECT File Distribution Network (AD FDN). This network distributes files only from ASP authors, to BBS systems throughout the world, and also offers additional distribution via Internet FTP, satellite services, CD-ROM producers, and other online distribution services. Updated 02/06/96. |
14587 | AEROBIX.ZIP | 81222 | 27.04.1995 | - | 16531/SDN1_.cdr | - | Aerosoft Fitness Log 2.1 - seuraa harjoite- luasi. Ohjelma tunnistaa useita eri lajeja, laskee kulutetut kalorit ja luo raportteja tietokannoista. |
13878 | AHP144.ZIP | 114905 | 02.01.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | AHELP and AHELP5 are distributed exclusively by MicroFox Company. AHELP5 is an advanced Help and Index Library for all Clipper 5.x versions. AHELP is an advanced Help and Index Library for Clipper Summer 87. AHPnnn.ZIP contains both AHELP and AHELP5. This CA- Clipper developers library includes context sensitive and fully indexed access to all help screens built by programmer or (optional) built by application user. |
14588 | ALC18997.ZIP | 40,1 kt | 04.12.1997 | - | MBCD | - | "SimWares Alco v1.89 Final1997 Valitse itsellesi alkoholijuomat ja tulosta ostoslista hintatietoineen! Neuvoja krapulaan. Nyt myös pitkälle kehitetty graafinen esitys veren alko- holipitoisuudesta perjantai-illan aikana. ALCO kertoo myös turvallisimman kotiinmenoajan lauantaina aamuyöstä! Freeware. (C) 1997 StimWare." |
14897 | ALGED34.ZIP | 234173 | 24.11.1996 | - | 18372/MEDIADEPOT.ISO | - | (v3.4) Alged - Math Editor with 3D Graphics Alged is a symbolic math formula editor. You enter math formulas and manipulate and graph them with simple menus. Operations: simplify, distribute, prime factor, divide polynomial, factor, rationalize, and many more. Supports complex numbers, trig, and log functions. Includes Dutch and French, free Turbo C source code, and a tutorial. Author: John Henckel, henckel@vnet.ibm.com |
14589 | ALKUAINE.ZIP | 10,1 kt | 09.03.1998 | - | - | - | AlkuainetaulukkoAlkuainetaulukko Team Eliteltä niille, jotka eivät jaksa avata kemian kirjaa. |
60622 | ALMA200.ZIP | 74095 | 15.08.1995 | koko¹ | ratsnest1.iso | tupla | ALMA v2.00 suomenkielinen historiakalenteri Ohjelma näyttää mitä tapahtui historiassa juuri tänään. |
14590 | ALMA210.ZIP | 78325 | 31.12.1996 | - | - | - | ALMA(nakka) Versio 2.10 (c) Jukka Talja -Almanakka ja Kalenteri ohjelma DOS:iin -Paljon historiatietoja, oma editori ym... -Kertoo kaiken tarpeellisen ja muunkin! |
14591 | ALYTESTI.ZIP | 70,1 kt | 05.01.2001 | - | MBHH2001 | - | Red Alert Software älykkyysosamäärätesteriOletko aina halunnut tietää älykkyysosamääräsi? Tässä on apu juuri sinulle! Tämä ohjelma laskee sinunkin älykkyysosamääräsi. Huom: Jos käytät ohjelmaa Windowsissa, käynnistä älytesti jo aiemmin avattuun komentorivi-ikkunaan, jottei se lopuksi sulkeudu ennen kuin ehdit lukea tuloksia! |
14593 | AM.ZIP | 14005 | 12.08.1996 | - | - | - | AM.ZIP sisältää alkometri ohjelman jolla voi laskeskella alkoholijuomien hintoja ja alkoholimääriä. AM tuntee yleisimmät juomat ja juomia voi itse lisätä. |
14592 | AMAME34.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 22.09.1998 | - | - | - | M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator binary v0.34b1 for AMD DOS based machines. by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Now emulating 628 arcade games and Neo Geo too! |
13522 | AMI270.ZIP | 315694 | 01.04.1996 | renamed | 23693/CEUS_CD.iso | - | AMIsetup 2.70 - External Setup (new AMI BIOS required). If you ever considered your built-in setup as incomprehensible, boring, inconvenient or incomplete, you have been waiting for AMIsetup. AMIsetup can save your configuration on disk and restore it. You can even change setup options missing in your BIOS! AMIsetup cracks your password, auto-detects hard disks, runs in batch mode & much more. |
14594 | ANCFONT.ZIP | 6,8 kt | 03.10.1998 | - | - | - | Tässäpä erittäin mainio fontti DOSiin, mukana myös rogue-tyyppisiin peleihin sopiva versio, jossa @- ja #- merkit muutettu sopiviksi. Erityisesti ADOMiin! Kannattaa imaista! |
14595 | ANM.ARJ | 292,8 kt | 08.02.1998 | - | - | - | Tässä on mahtavia sota/räiskintä animaatioita. Mukana on ohjelma jolla voit katsoa animaatioita(Luonnollisesti).Joten ottakaa ja nauttikaa!!!!!.Animaatioissa on VGA grafiikka ja 256 väriä. |
14596 | ANROV12.ZIP | 25,3 kt | 05.03.1998 | - | - | - | Arvonro v1.2ARVONRO V1.2:n avulla voit helposti arpoa itsellesi joka lauantaiset lottonumerot. Ohjelma vaatii toimiakseen DOS6.x:n tai WIN95:sen. ARVONRO:n aikaisempi, buginen versio oli 1.0. ARVONRO V1.2 on freewarea, joten mitään maksua ei ohjelman käytöstä peritä. Iloisia lotto lauantaita toivoen: Timppasoft productions 1998. |
14597 | APPLE_2.ZIP | 217721 | 01.04.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Apple II+ emulator |
14598 | ARGH.ZIP | 67,5 kt | 25.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "Use this program to frustrate your fellow workersyour bossyour parents - whoever you want!! This program will simulate a systems crash at boot-upwhich just might turn the users hair grey. It is a shareware programso feel free to distribute the zipped file (argh.zip) as you wish. 1996 SPAK Dynamics" |
60976 | ASP9601.ZIP | 427079 | 02.01.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | Official master catalog of shareware products published by members of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP) and available on BBSs. Describes each product and in many cases identifies a specific BBS where you can download it. Products grouped by subject and cross-referenced to authors' addresses. (See corresponding UPDxxxx.ZIP update file, too.) 4th vol., 24th ed., published 12/01/1995 |
14599 | ASREACTT.ZIP | 28,8 kt | 03.03.1999 | - | Various freeware/shareware/demo games 1 | - | AmstraSoft Reaction TestTestaa reaktionopeutesi. |
14600 | AST52DOS.ZIP | 473738 | 07.06.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | * Astrolog 5.20 is a many featured and customizable astrology chart calculation program for DOS, Windows, Mac, and Unix, used in 25+ countries on six continents. It is 100% freeware and requires no registration fee. :) The complete source code is available. Astrolog features: wheels, aspects, midpoints, relationship charts, transits, progressions, some interpretations, astro-graphy, local |
14601 | ASTRODOS.ZIP | 475,9 kt | 29.11.2000 | - | - | - | Astrolog 5.40 for DOSAstrolog is a many featured and customizable astrology chart calculation program for DOS, Windows, Mac, and Unix, used in 35+ countries on six continents. It is 100% freeware and requires no registration fee. The complete source code is available. Astrolog features: wheels, aspects, midpoints, relationship charts, transits, progressions, some interpretations, astro-graphy, local horizon, constellations, planet orbits, dispositors, various influence charts, biorhythms, different zodiacs, central planets, 15 house systems, 8400 year ephemeris, asteroids, Uranians, fixed stars, Arabic parts, script files and macros, interactive PC & MS/X11 Windows graphics, smooth animation of charts, graphic files in PostScript, Windows metafile, and bitmap formats, and more! |
15036 | ATH200.ZIP | 474038 | 23.12.1995 | - | 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso | - | AROUND THE HOUSE v3.00 |
61068 | AUCTN103.ZIP | 158610 | 23.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | (v1.03) Auction Manger - DOS/Database/ZIP AUCTION v1.03 provides a set of functions to prepare for an auction, tabulate auction transactions as the auction progresses, and print bills of sale and reports of the auction results. Shareware (US$ 25.- donation) KNPB62B@prodigy.com |
14602 | AUTONT33.ZIP | 309124 | 07.06.1996 | - | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip | - | Auto-Net 3.3 THE first automated Internet program. Perfor ARCHIE, FTP, MAIL, FINGER, WHO-IS, UPLOADS, FAXing, Yanoff's list, get new files, LEECH, download TERABYTES of great programs from the Internet... without even being home. Works on SHELL service, no PPP/SLIP needed. New colorful menus, enhanced help screens, Over 280 total features - Must see to believe Blazingly fast, reliable. Auto-Backup, |
61263 | BCLINK21.ZIP | 386737 | 23.02.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | - | Business Clock Link 2.1 |
14603 | BLURB_20.ZIP | 51989 | 19.10.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 4 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | BLURB Version 2.0: Blurb is a program that chooses a random line from a file and prints it on the screen. |
14604 | BOX4_5.ZIP | 218,5 kt | 31.08.1997 | - | - | - | Perfect Box v4.56PERFECT BOX 4.56 on täällä! Tällä DOS-ohjelmalla voit laskea kaiutinkaapin tilavuuden ja muut mitat, sekä refleksiputken koon elementin tietojen perusteella. Ohjelma näyttää myös joitain hyodyllisiä käyrädiagrammeja. |
14605 | C64EMU.ZIP | 374,4 kt | 06.10.1997 | - | MBCD | tupla | Commodore 64 emulaattori PC:lleDemo, sisältää muutaman pelin. |
14606 | C64S251.ZIP | 197,4 kt | 28.09.1997 | - | MBCD | - | C64S v2.5bd demoThe latest version of C64 Software Emulator. Requirements: 386, VGA, DOS 3.0, 500K free. Supports PC joysticks, GUS, SB, PAS, VESA. |
14607 | C64S25UP.EXE | 449,1 kt | 06.10.1997 | - | 17613/ftp.elysium.pl.tar | - | C64S Commodore 64 emulator patchFrom 2.0x -> 2.5. Only for registered versions! |
14608 | CCS64DOS.ZIP | 250,9 kt | 05.03.1999 | - | - | - | CCS64 Commodore 64 -emulaattori, v2.0 beta DOS 5.0:lle ja uudemmille DOS:ille ja Windows 95/98:lle. Vaatii Pentiumin, 16 megaa RAMIia ja VGA:n. Tukee myös SoundBlaster 8/16 ja yhteensopivia, Gravis Ultrasoundia ja DOS- yhteensopivia peliohjaimia ja hiirtä. Shareware, DOS-versio. |
14609 | CHAT50.ZIP | 43,4 kt | 30.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | H2C Version 5.0 Artificial Intelligence stand-alone chat program Fully user configurable. Very realistic, makes and corrects typing errors, hesitates, different user definable messages for when the user terminates and it terminates the chat Able to follow thread of conversation! BBSChat compatibile Servile Software *Freeware* |
13904 | CHRON150.ZIP | 453438 | 02.01.1996 | - | 10585/ASP_CD_9605.iso | - | ChronoLog Version 1.50 - Award-winning (Dept of Defense Software Contest) Pers Info/Resource Management System. Features easy event entry, reminding, resource util- ization matrix, conflict-checking, keyword and string searching, export/import, printing of appointment schedules & calendars, phonebook w/autodial, calculator, ToDoList, DOS directory, perpetual calendar. Past events form endless logbook. Reg $20. |
13905 | CHSCLK13.ZIP | 57618 | 04.12.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | Full featured chess clock with large digital display. Useful for tournament play or timed "blitz" games. Features move counter, clock "in use" flag, opt- ional "low time" warning, and optional stimulating "flasher", and =pause= function. Requires 386 or better & VGA. Includes source. Just $1.00 to register. |
13906 | CIRCUM10.ZIP | 199725 | 02.10.1994 | - | Education For All Ages (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | CIRCUMSPACE v1.0 |
8253 | CITIG3D.ZIP | 788486 | 22.10.1995 | - | 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar | - | Citigrade 3D Editor The Citigrade 3D Editor was developed to make the designing and editing of 3D objects very easy. A lot of planning went into the User Interface to make it as easy as possible to work in 3 dimensions, with only 2 dimensional pointing devices. |
8254 | CITIGDOC.ZIP | 1052993 | 22.10.1995 | - | 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar | - | Citigrade 3D Editor, Documents |
14610 | CLOCK15.ZIP | 9,6 kt | 25.04.1997 | - | 8174/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV23)(Night Owl Publisher)(1997).ISO | - | Chess Clock Emulator Version 1.5 Keyboard & Mouse ** FREEWARE ** |
14611 | CLS030.ZIP | 295,2 kt | 17.05.1998 | - | - | - | Callus v0.30 by Bloodlust Software. Callus is a DOS based emulator for the Capcom System 1 arcade games. Currently supports Final Fight, Street Fighter 2 WW, Turbo, CE, Strider, UN Squadron/Area88, Carrier Air Wing and many others, some even with sound. |
14612 | CODEP40S.ZIP | 30,3 kt | 24.04.1997 | - | 15701/pcelectronics.bin | - | MORSE CODE PRACTICE will help you increase your code reading speed by using a modified version of the Farnsworth method. |
62225 | COELI376.ZIP | 511431 | 19.08.1996 | - | MBCD | - | COELI v3.76 |
14613 | COELI380.ZIP | 769,7 kt | 25.03.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Coeli - Electric Planisphere |
13589 | CONVT10A.ZIP | 45610 | 24.02.1996 | - | 19845/2012.11.24.garbo.uwasa.fi.zip | - | Imperial <-> Metric Converter Version 1.0α Muuntaa mittayksikköjä toisiin vastaaviin. |
13593 | CPD23.ZIP | 56016 | 13.06.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO | - | Complete Program Deleter 2.3 totally removes all files and directories added to a disk by any installation utility, and restores AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, SYSTEM.INI, and WIN.INI. A complete uninstaller for DOS or Windows programs. |
8256 | CRAYN412.ZIP | 281436 | 23.02.1996 | - | 10806/CD_ASCQ_29_040596.iso | tupla | CRAYON BOX 4.1 Coloring book & kid games Keeps the kids entertained for hours! A sketch/paint/coloring book, math quizzer, counting & color identification, USA states game, spirals, Concentration memory game, music, piano. Fun and educational. Requires EGA/VGA, mouse, hard disk and 1 child :-) |
14615 | CROSSP7A.ZIP | 212571 | 02.01.1996 | - | 10805/CD_ASCQ_28_030496.iso | - | Crossword Power v7.00 |
14616 | CXMASC13.ZIP | 211169 | 14.12.1995 | - | 10585/ASP_CD_9605.iso | - | Computerized Christmas Cards 1.3 |
14617 | DAILY30.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 09.11.1997 | - | 2458/Shareware Extravaganza 8 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 4).iso | - | Daily MOD Horoscope. Everyone (almost) reads provides the best of both - A Daily Horoscope and plays a super collection of MOD music. A great program to loead from the autoexec.bat. If you have a 386 computer or better and a Sound Blaster or compatible card, thie program deserves to be on your hard drive. Completely menu driven. |
14618 | DBMARK11.EXE | 267,5 kt | 04.10.2000 | - | - | - | Dos Mode-X Benchmark v1.1Ohjelma mittaa näytönohjaimen ja prosessorin tehoa dossin VGA Mode-X tilassa. Tekijä Fingersoft 2000. |
13608 | DELA221.ZIP | 17918 | 13.06.1996 | - | Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO | - | DELA v2.21 |
14832 | DEMOMAKE.ZIP | 165150 | 15.10.1995 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | The DemoMaker v1.55 |
62901 | DIADIP22.ZIP | 289427 | 07.01.1996 | - | 8186/Night Owl (The Best of Shareware)(NOPV 19)(1996).ISO | tupla | From Diapers To Diplomas Version 2.2 |
14619 | DIGIFONT.ZIP | 3,6 kt | 22.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Futuristinen DOS-fontti Kokeile käyttää tätä DOSissa tai vaikkapa jonkun DOS-terminaaliohjelman kautta MBnetin chatissa, erikoinen kokemus. Tekijä Joonas Saarinen E-mail: joonas.saarinen@mbnet.fi |
14620 | DOSFT220.ZIP | 206915 | 30.06.1996 | - | 9324/The_Pier_Shareware_Number_10_(The_Pier_Exchange)_(1996).iso | - | DosFont v2.20 by A.R.I. Software. DosFont is a utility that changes ugly font of DOS. Uses no memory. |
14621 | DOSVR10B.ZIP | 114407 | 11.12.1995 | koko³ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | DOSaver 1.0ß SEMS electronics ¡¡THE ULTIMATE SCREEN SAVER FOR DOS!! Many modules including plasma, flames, rotating 3d objects + more. All run from a gorgeous rendered mouse driven menu! Doesn't take up any RAM! Finally someone makes a decent screen saver for DOS! FREEWARE from SEMS electronics |
14622 | DOW222.ZIP | 17854 | 30.06.1996 | - | 4391/Cream of the Crop 12 (Part II).zip | - | Dow-kalenterinteko-ohjelma, versio 2.22. |
14623 | DSFONTS.ZIP | 41287 | 12.02.1996 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | This is a collection of DOSfonts I have compiled .. some are very good, some, well, aren't.. but there is variety, so check it out. |
14624 | DSQUT111.ZIP | 134148 | 03.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | Quote A Day for DOS, ver 1.11 Shows a random quote every time you boot up. Includes Quote files from Rodney Dangerfield, Steven Wright, Jeff Foxworthy, and a few others. Make your own Quote files! Use as Tip of The Day program. Now allows output to a text file. Freeware. Author-Robert Orndorff. |
14625 | DUAE069C.ZIP | 586,2 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | 22591/Hrac_19_1998-03_cd.bin | - | "DosUAE V0.6.9c - The DOS port of the Un*x Amiga Emulator. PLEASE do read thereadmeandreadme.dosfiles prior to using. After unziping the distribution run the batchfileRUNME.BATto finish the instalation. Some changes in 0.6.9c: many beta features from pre-0.7.0 beta version (this is a beta version)fixed virtual mount option bug (still needs testing). *Hardfile suport has changed please look the readme.dos file." |
14626 | DVE004.ZIP | 297863 | 05.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Vectrex -emulator - classic vector gfx based game console from early 80s. |
14627 | DVEGAM.ZIP | 30979 | 05.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Vectrex -emulator games. Included Bedlam, Blitz, Crazy, Narrow, Spinball, Startrek. |
15040 | DWTCH197.ZIP | 235494 | 03.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | DayWatch 1.95-Complete time management suite. Daywatch includes: A unique user friendly event list manager, A full screen project calendar, A daily journal with user defined data field A date calculator, A forecast window, A full range of rescheduling options such as "The last Friday of every third month." Find and catagorize functions, data sharing Font selection, sound and picture attachment |
14628 | EINST.ZIP | 31 kt | 12.05.2000 | - | - | - | Einstein v1.0Etsintäohjelma, erittäin tehokas. Korvaa DOS:n DIR-käskyn. By Vaakku Productions Vaatii: DOS. |
14629 | ELITEF.ZIP | 2,7 kt | 28.07.1998 | - | - | - | mEKa-cEWLi eLiTe-f0nTTi! Kokeile tätä! Tekijä nostaa sinulle hattua jos pystyt lukemaan pidemmän aikaa tätä fonttia!!! Helppo asentaa ja poistaa. Volt dunnit :) |
14630 | ESNES14A.ZIP | 260,6 kt | 06.10.1997 | - | - | - | Esnes v 0.14a LordEsnes & Ishmair. Esnes is a Super Nintendo/Famicom emulator for PC, under DOS. This proyect started 1.10.1996. |
14631 | ESP15.ZIP | 165369 | 28.08.1996 | - | 4562/Shareware Heaven 5 (Most Significant Bits) (Disc 1) (1995).iso | - | YOUR ESP TEST 1.5. Rosemary West |
14632 | EXO199O1.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 26.11.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | DISK 1/2 (v1.99o) Executor - Macintosh Emulator for PC Runs many Macintosh programs with no extra hardware or software needed. Can read and write Mac formatted HD floppies, CD-roms and SCSI disks (with SCSI card + ASPI driver). Time Limited (10 minute) Demo. Non-time limited license US$ 99 (MC/Visa), which gives you an authorization key to be used to unlock future experimental versions. ARDI questions@ardi.com +1 505 766 9115 REQ. min. 10mb of HD space and lots more for |
63896 | EXO199O1.ZIP | 1419600 | 27.11.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | DISK [1/2] (v1.99o) Executor - Macintosh Emulator for PC Runs many Macintosh programs with no extra hardware or software needed. Can read and write Mac formatted HD floppies, CD-roms and SCSI disks (with SCSI card + ASPI driver). Time Limited (10 minute) Demo. Non-time limited license US$ 99 (MC/Visa), which gives you an authorization key to be used to unlock future experimental versions. ARDI questions@ardi.com +1 505 766 9115 REQ. min. 10mb of HD space and lots more for |
14633 | EXO199O2.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 26.11.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | DISK 2/2 (v1.99o) Executor - Macintosh Emulator for PC Runs many Macintosh programs with no extra hardware or software needed. Can read and write Mac formatted HD floppies, CD-roms and SCSI disks (with SCSI card + ASPI driver). Time Limited (10 minute) Demo. Non-time limited license US$ 99 (MC/Visa), which gives you an authorization key to be used to unlock future experimental versions. ARDI questions@ardi.com +1 505 766 9115 REQ. min. 10mb of HD space and lots more for |
63897 | EXO199O2.ZIP | 1200971 | 27.11.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | DISK [2/2] (v1.99o) Executor - Macintosh Emulator for PC Runs many Macintosh programs with no extra hardware or software needed. Can read and write Mac formatted HD floppies, CD-roms and SCSI disks (with SCSI card + ASPI driver). Time Limited (10 minute) Demo. Non-time limited license US$ 99 (MC/Visa), which gives you an authorization key to be used to unlock future experimental versions. ARDI questions@ardi.com +1 505 766 9115 REQ. min. 10mb of HD space and lots more for |
14634 | EXOGRAPH.ZIP | 89535 | 23.02.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | Exogenous Graphing Program Spectacular graphical program that makes it look like your computer is doing something very intellegent. It really makes for a fascinating screen saver. Its guaranteed to raise your perceived IQ. |
14635 | F032A.ZIP | 357,1 kt | 17.05.1998 | - | - | - | "Fellow v0.3.2a - Commodore Amiga Emulator by Petter Schau. Freeware. 0.3.2a adds Rainer Sinschs low pass filter implementation." |
14636 | F032C.ZIP | 287,2 kt | 17.05.1998 | - | - | - | Fellow v0.3.2 - Commodore Amiga Emulator by Petter Schau. Freeware. This is the more compatible version of Fellow - you need also the base zip! |
14637 | FAKECOM.ZIP | 45,9 kt | 25.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | "Fake.com v1.1 - FoolsDay or for sandbagging a know-it-all coworkerFake runs under DOS or under Windows as a DOS application and plays a single sophomoric but harmless practical joke on an unsuspecting DOS user by playing hard drives are lostdirectories empty and so on. DOS 3.3" |
13936 | FAST_ENC.ZIP | 12105 | 16.08.1994 | - | MBCD | - | Fast Encrypt v1.0 Excellent new Encryption/Decryption system. Much better than DES or RSA. Uses 128 bit key, extremely secure. Very fast, was written entirely in 386 Assembler. Full 32 bit, 386/486 ONLY. Includes documentation. |
14638 | FERROR.ZIP | 63,4 kt | 20.08.1998 | - | - | - | Funky Error ! Haluatko tehdä källin pikkusiskollesi ? Muutama kauhunhetki kaverille ? Funky Error lisättynä AUTOEXEC.BATiin simuloi DOSin ja Windowsin virheitä, TÄYSIN TURVALLISESTI ! Mukana "viruksia", rekisteribugeja, 2 kieltä, virheilmoituksia ja vaikka mitä ! Pilailu on hauskaa, nyt myös turvallista ! Imuroi ja kokeile ! (c) LaserSoft Inc. 1998 |
14639 | FGM12UR.ZIP | 113473 | 17.02.1996 | - | - | - | FGM:n uusin versio 1.2. Vakio- ja pitkävetoveikkaajan työvä- line, joka laskee jalkapallo-, jääkiekko- ja pesäpallokertoi- met, ylläpitää sarjataulukoita ja tulostaa onlinekupongeille. |
14640 | FINDS100.ZIP | 18255 | 01.04.1996 | - | 19827/2014.07.ftp.seagate.com.tar | - | FindSector v1.0 - displays the data found at the sector level. Data is displayed in both Hex and ASCII formats. Sectors may be selected by either Cylinder, Head, Sector reference or by Logical Block Address. From Seagate Technology, Inc. (2/08/96) |
14641 | FLASH6.ZIP | 26357 | 01.04.1996 | - | Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO | - | Flash is a simple strobe light I wrote for stimulating sleep, all the way to stimulating an active and alert wakefulness (as in being at work and in a pretty good mood.) Make sure your room is very dark. You will be presented with choices on speed and color. "Flash" requires a 286 or up, don't attempt to run it on an 8088 or 8086, it will not work. |
14643 | FONETTI.ZIP | 2,8 kt | 30.11.1997 | - | - | - | Tässä komea fonttipaketti jonka ansiosta kukaan ei jää kylmäksi. |
14642 | FONETTI2.ZIP | 3,1 kt | 11.07.1998 | - | - | - | Fonetti2 "Fontti DOSsille" Tämä on suosiota niittäneen fonetti fontin kakkosversio. Imuroimalla tämän, chattiminen saa uuden ulottuvuuden! Helppo asentaa, helppo poistaa! |
14644 | FREEDOS5.ZIP | 13,2 Mt | 02.10.2000 | - | - | - | FreeDOS Beta 5FreeDOS is free, 100% compatible DOS. It runs the same system than MS-DOS and runs same programs. More information at: http://www.freedos.org/ |
14645 | FRONT310.ZIP | 167994 | 28.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | FRONTLETS - VGA Bible verse screen saver An attractive VGA screen saver with a Bible theme. A different verse appears every 10 seconds in LARGE hi-resolution graphics. Sure to draw attention. Includes setup/configuration utility. Version 3.1 |
14646 | FWNES20B.ZIP | 254,6 kt | 17.05.1998 | - | 4405/Dokan 07.iso | - | fwNES v0.20b - NES/Famicom Emulator. Main Emu Core by FanWen Yang 1998/5/12. Sound Core by Shu Kondo. DOS Version. |
14647 | GB972937.ZIP | 68,5 kt | 06.10.1997 | - | - | - | GB97 Gameboy Emulator (32-bit) v2.937, released on 1st July 1997. |
14648 | GCYST032.ZIP | 414,1 kt | 06.10.1997 | - | 22399/ZGIDEMO.iso | - | Genecyst v0.32 by Bloodlust Software. Genecyst is a free DOS based emulator for the Sega Genesis/MegaDrive. Currently it runs roms in the BIN or SMD file formats. |
14650 | GEO-DAT.ZIP | 266,6 kt | 21.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Updated data files for Geoclock v7.4 |
64461 | GEOCLK71.ZIP | 346527 | 01.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | GEOCLOCK 7.1 sunlight clock for DOS. The current sun position is displayed, and the parts of the earth in sunlight and twilight are highlighted, with local sunrise/set and times around the world. A windows version (GCKWIN71.ZIP) is also available, and the two versions are functionally and graphicly similar. Over 200 maps and a spinning globe program are available. |
14649 | GEOCLK74.ZIP | 342,8 kt | 21.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | GEOCLOCK 7.4 sunlight clock for DOS. The current sun position is displayed, and the parts of the earth in sunlight and twilight are highlighted, with local sunrise/set and times around the world. A windows version (GCKWIN74.ZIP) is also available, and the two versions are functionally and graphicly similar. Over 200 maps and a spinning globe program are available. |
64464 | GEOXTR60.ZIP | 193431 | 11.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Extra files for GeoClock sunlight clock. These files require GEOCLK60, and include three additional maps, several utility programs, and the data base for configuring GeoClock by US zip code. |
14651 | GEOXTR74.ZIP | 189,7 kt | 21.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Extra files for GeoClock sunlight clock. These files require GEOCLK74 or GCKWIN74 and include three additional maps, several utility programs, and the data base for configuring GeoClock by US zip code. |
14652 | GEOZONES.ZIP | 3,9 kt | 21.05.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Updated time zone file for Geoclock v7.4 |
14653 | GLMA035.ZIP | 2,6 Mt | 17.06.1999 | - | - | - | GLMame32 v0.35 - M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Play over 1000 classic arcade video games on your PC. OpenGL version adds support for scaling the screen to any size, bilinear filtering to smooth out jaggies from scaling or rotation, 3D effects etcetc. Emulator for really really old games. :-) |
14654 | GLMA3513.ZIP | 2 Mt | 14.07.1999 | - | - | - | GLMame32 v0.35 beta 13 - M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Play over 1000 classic arcade video games on your PC. OpenGL version adds support for scaling the screen to any size, bilinear filtering to smooth out jaggies from scaling or rotation, 3D effects etcetc. Emulator for really really old games. :-) FILE FAILED VERIFICATION CHECK |
64607 | GS261286.ZIP | 212324 | 05.02.1995 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | Ghostscript v.2.6.1 286 optimized EXE |
64608 | GS261386.ZIP | 404427 | 05.02.1995 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | Ghostscript v.2.6.1 386/486 optimized EXE |
64609 | GS261INI.ZIP | 336105 | 05.02.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | tupla | Ghostscript v.2.6.1 required files and examples |
14655 | HARDCURE.ZIP | 23 kt | 30.06.2000 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | HardCure on kätevä pieni ohjelma, jolla voi poistaa partitioita (NTFS, FAT16, FAT32 yms.) |
14656 | HOTELS12.ZIP | 149465 | 28.02.1996 | - | - | - | Small Hotel Manager v1.2 |
14657 | HR.ZIP | 3,2 kt | 18.11.1997 | - | - | - | Horror Font for DOS Damn good looking! Feel The Horror... by Juha Toivokoski |
14658 | HSIMU.ZIP | 35,7 kt | 27.10.1998 | - | - | - | HSimu 2000 v. 1.0. *Käyräviivaisen heittoliikkeen simulointiohjelma. Kätevä fysiikan opiskelijoille. Toimii DOS:ssa ja Windows 95:ssä. *Simulation program for curvilinear motion. Useful for those who study physics. Works on DOS and Windows 95. ***FREEWARE*** |
14659 | HTMLCAL.ZIP | 28352 | 30.12.1995 | ClamAV: Win.Trojan.Huerta-1 FOUND | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | HTML Calendar Creator v1.1 [1/1] This program will generate detailed HTML (Net ) calendars for use on your homepage, web server or other sys browser have access. Define holidays and events. CSWare 12 |
14660 | IMGBUILD.ZIP | 24,9 kt | 26.11.1997 | - | 15367/nf_archive_eight_v1.0.iso | - | ST Disk Image Reader v0.3 - Makes .ST images from disks or creates blank images for PaCifiST Atari ST emulator. |
13987 | INST30.ZIP | 123893 | 12.04.1995 | - | Tech Arsenal (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | INST Version 3.0 - Make custom install front ends for any software with your name and PCX logo. Supports multiple disk sets, copies to subdirectory, checks memory, files, video, disk space and allows edit of autoexec.bat and config.sys. Unpacks self-extracting archives, allows upgrade installs. |
14661 | JMOONS.ZIP | 60,4 kt | 09.11.1997 | - | nic.funet.fi | - | The Moons of Jupiter Orbital Clock |
14662 | JPP.ZIP | 257564 | 07.01.1995 | - | 18224/World_Of_Computer_Software-02-386-Vol-2of3.iso | - | Tämä on versio 1.0 JPP:stä. Ohjelma emuloi ZX Spectrum 48k:ta MS-Dos koneessa, jossa on vähintään 386-prosessori ja VGA-grafiikka. Nopea. Purku pkunzip -d. Arnt Gulbrandsen Kometv. 8 N-7036 Trondheim Norway i-net: agulbra@pvv.unit.no agulbra@nvg.unit.no phone: +47 7 968318 |
14663 | KALIPPP.ZIP | 266001 | 18.03.1996 | - | 8171/Night Owl - The Best of Shareware (NOPV-20)(Night Owl Publisher)(1996).ISO | - | Description: KALI CHAT is an IRC-like chat program for IPX networks. It was written to help people using Kali (an IPX-TCP/IP tunneling program) communicate before and after playing games. It will work over a local IPX network or over a Kali Virtual SubNet. |
14664 | KANJI101.ZIP | 180154 | 01.04.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | WRITE KANJI V1.01 |
14665 | KGEN034B.ZIP | 267,9 kt | 06.11.1997 | - | 22399/ZGIDEMO.iso | - | "KGen V0.34b BETA - Sega Genesis / MegaDrive Emulator for Pentium PCs running MS-Dos. Written by Steve SnakeKode and Muzak LtdJune-August 1997." |
14666 | KIRJ113.ZIP | 49,2 kt | 14.02.1999 | - | MBCD | - | Kirjotus v1.13 - Uusin versio kotimai- sesta kirjoitusnopeuden testausohjel- masta. Nyt 10 minuutin testin hiscore- lista toimii, ja muita pieniä bugi- korjauksia. 1999 Rami Räsänen (c) |
14667 | KIRJOTUS.ZIP | 6602 | 22.10.1995 | koko¹ | ratsnest2.iso | - | KirjoitusNopeus v1.0 by Sorbus Tällä ohjelmalla voit testata kir- joitusnopeutesi helposti. Ohjelma pyytää kirjoittamaan minuutin ajan suomenkielistä tekstiä ja lopussa näet montako merkkiä virheetöntä tekstiä kirjoititkaan minuutissa. |
14668 | KUULUSTE.ZIP | 133,4 kt | 15.05.1997 | - | archive.org Various applications and programs 1-15 | - | KUULUSTELU 1.1, esittelyversio Kuulustelu on kielikurssien apuväline, jonka avulla opit sanastot helposti. Tämän esittelyversion avulla saat käsityksen myös varsinaisen Kuulustelun toiminnasta. Laitteistovaatimukset: EGA- näyttö ja -näytönohjain, kiintolevy, DOS. |
14669 | LAN206.ZIP | 157428 | 03.01.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | LAN Menu (Network Menu) by MicroFox Company. Menu and Security System for DOS Networks. LANnnn.ZIP contains the Network Menu, Help System, and User Guide. It has Lotus 1-2-3 style menu system with password protection, telephone dialer, on-line help, built-in network support and mouse support. Screen Blanker, 10,000 menu entries, macros and menu action functions. (Author: Jim Hass) Member of [ASAD] |
65645 | LASKU321.ZIP | 30072 | 07.09.1996 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Laskutus v3.21 by SH Software Kirjoita laskusi helposti ja nopeasti, tällä ohjelmalla. Tallenna lasku ja a- vaa myöhemmin. Tukee LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, PRN, Tiedosto. Laskee eri alv:t erik- seen! Tukee 500 tuotetta/lasku. Rekis- teröidyssä versiossa värieditori! Toimii 3.10 & 3.20 rekisteröinnillä! Rekisteröineet imuroikaa tämä versio! |
14670 | LASKUT27.ZIP | 25,6 kt | 04.05.2000 | - | - | - | Laskut v2.7Monipuolinen laskinohjelma. Vaatimukset 286, DOS 4.5, 1 Mt Ram. Copyright (C) 2000 Shin-Ra Kalle Hanhijärvi |
14671 | LEHTI499.ZIP | 12,7 kt | 24.03.1999 | - | - | - | Juustomaan tilauslehti, Juustomaa, sähköinen myynti- ja ostoilmoitus lehti. Tilaa heti! Lehti on ilmainen. Imuta, jo tänään! Copyright (C) Juha Heikkinen -99 |
14672 | LF111.ZIP | 6,9 kt | 30.03.1999 | - | MBCD | - | LightFont TSR 1.11 for DOS korvaa DOSissa yleisen ROM merkistön tyylikkäillä ja viimestellyillä Light- fonteilla. Toimii 80x25 tekstitilassa. Sisältää kolme erilaista fonttia. |
14673 | LIEMI055.ZIP | 15 kt | 16.03.1998 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Liemi v0.55 by Jaakko Mäentausta Ohjelma perjantai-iltojen suun- nitteluun. Ohjelma laskee juoma- sekoitusten alkoholipitoisuudet, veren alkoholipitoisuuden, hyvän kotiintuloajan yms. Kannattaa ko- keilla! |
14674 | LIPSINK.ZIP | 159234 | 04.03.1996 | - | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | Lipsink v.1 - A complete speech animation DOS program for animators, advertising and graphics people. Type in a script and see lip movements on screen! Includes powerful features: frame count, animation timing, playback speed adjustments, stop and go, 70 character spaces for script writing. VERY EASY to use. Reqs: DOS 3.1+; 640K+; Hard disk; mouse; EGA/VGA/SVGA graphics card & monitor. |
14007 | LIUSKA.ZIP | 10254 | 07.02.1996 | - | - | - | The Apuliuska, (C) 1996 Eino Liimatta, is paper slip model which you can print and write to it the meanings of function keys in some specific program put it over the function keys in keyboard. |
14675 | LKRYPT12.ZIP | 39,8 kt | 19.03.1999 | - | - | - | LKrypt v1.2. Helppokäyttöinen tiedostonsalausohjelma. Suhteellisen turvallinen. Lasse Kaislaniemi 1999 |
14676 | LSAV.ZIP | 173,7 kt | 20.08.1998 | - | - | - | LaserSoft Asennusvelho 1.05 Täysin suomenkielinen, huippuluokan asennnusohjelma omiin sovelluksiin ! Helposti muokattavissa, nopea, tyylikäs asennusohjelma jolla saat ohjelmiisi tyylikkäät asennusohjelmat nopeasti ja helposti ! Täysin ilmainen freeware ! Vaatii: 286, 1MT, DOS ja 150kt tilaa Parempi kuin Fixsoftin vastaava :-) (c) LaserSoft Inc. 1998 |
14016 | LWMD337.ZIP | 187303 | 23.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | LIFETIME WEALTH MANAGEMENT v3.37 A comprehensive personal financial program. Provides calculations, projections, graphs for Saving, Investing, Retirement, Net Worth Mortgages, Loans, Stocks and Mutual Funds. Portfolio management system records, tracks and graphs your investment performance. Covers all stages of your financial life. Check your 401(k). Excellent On-Line Help. For DOS. |
14677 | M34B1B.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 22.09.1998 | - | - | - | M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator binary v0.34b1 for DOS. by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Now emulating 628 arcade games and Neo Geo too! |
14678 | M34B4B.ZIP | 1,2 Mt | 11.10.1998 | - | - | - | M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator binary v0.34b4 by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Now emulating 854 arcade games! |
14020 | MACSEE4B.ZIP | 276753 | 24.10.1994 | - | The Arsenal Files 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | MacSEE 4.00B Shareware Release - 04/30/94 MacSEE is a powerful utility that allows a standard PC to read/write Macintosh disks. This include 3.5" 1,44/2.88 Mb high density Macintosh disks, CD-ROMs, and Macintosh formatted hard drives (e.g. SyQuest and Bernoulli removables). |
14680 | MAME033B.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 05.09.1998 | - | - | - | M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator binary v0.33 by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Now emulating 628 arcade games! |
14900 | MATHPL37.ZIP | 121991 | 17.12.1995 | - | Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO | - | MATHPLOT v3.7 |
14681 | MATKA10B.ZIP | 68,4 kt | 14.06.1998 | - | - | - | Matka v1.0 Kertoo nopeimman reitin kahden tai useamman paikkakunnan välillä Suomessa. Tuntee lähes 1000 paikkakuntaa. Toimii kaikilla PC-koneilla. |
14021 | MATRIXX.ZIP | 36600 | 25.03.1995 | - | - | - | Pieni ja kätevä matriisilaskuri |
14682 | ME.ZIP | 85606 | 12.04.1995 | - | The Arsenal Files 3.iso | - | ME - Machinist Calculator Program. Very Good - Speed/Feed, Threads, Weights, Hardness, & much more! |
14683 | ML100.ARJ | 36,9 kt | 09.12.1998 | - | - | - | DOS-command line program for Lotto-players. Fast and easy-to-use, and many different switches makes this program great for everyone who plays Lotto. Made by MeSoft -FREEWARE- |
14684 | MN10.ARJ | 35,5 kt | 05.12.1998 | - | - | - | MeNoppa v1.0 - DOS-command line program for anyone who needs a fast and easy-to-use computer Dice. (perfect for example RPG players) Free type of dice and many switches make this program very useful Made by MeSoft. FREEWARE. |
14685 | MRIP13B1.ZIP | 129530 | 18.03.1996 | - | 1974/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 11.iso | - | Ian of TWT presents Multi Ripper 1.30b1 |
14686 | MSCODD41.ZIP | 124 kt | 15.05.1997 | - | 12514/PCMania CD54_2.iso | - | "Morse Code Made Easy v4.1For DOSGreat learning tool. You set the pace. Major modes are LESSONSPRACTICE and WORD LIST. You can change WPMtonehow many characters are sent at a time & weather the characters are displayed as they are sounded through computers speaker. Scores progress." |
14687 | MSX1E099.ZIP | 164282 | 18.03.1995 | - | MBCD | - | MSX 1 Emulator v0.99 Fully Working! |
14688 | MULTI195.ZIP | 117,6 kt | 18.10.1997 | - | 4395/Cream of the Crop 23.iso | - | "Multiscope v1.95 - Multiscope puts lines on your screen in such a way as to create interesting designs. Multiscope gets its name from the fact that itll work on a wide variety of systems. Source included." |
14038 | MWGL131.ZIP | 148591 | 03.01.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | Medlin Windows General Ledger |
14689 | NERD11.ZIP | 57,6 kt | 17.04.1999 | - | MBCD | - | THE NERD - O - METER - NÖRTTIMITTARI Uusi Versio : 1.1. Tämän nörttitestin tehdäksesi et tarvitse edes WWW:tä. Älä edes yritä elää kauempaa epätietoisuudessa, vaan anna puolueettoman mittarin kertoa todellinen nörttiprosenttisi jo tänään! Huom. Tällä ei ole sitten mitään tekemistä Mick Robittyn nörttitestin kanssa... (C) Gollum & Epäjumala 99 |
14690 | NESTC043.ZIP | 197,2 kt | 26.03.1998 | - | 22399/ZGIDEMO.iso | - | NESticle v0.43 by Bloodlust Software. NESticle is a DOS/Win95 based emulator for the Nintendo Entertainment System written in C++/Assembly. Now featuring DPCM sound! |
14691 | NETPIC42.ZIP | 264061 | 17.12.1995 | - | 23468/CHIP 1996 aprilis (CD06).zip | - | NETPIC v4.2 encodes a GIF/JPG picture to 7- bit ASCII code for e-mail. Unlike UUE, NETPICs are self-contained and need no viewer or decoding. The ASCII code is executable! Any DOS/VGA system will display a full 320x200x256 color NETPIC screen unaided. Pictures include a display help screen, slide show timing and password options. Sample GIFs included. New encoding creates smaller files. |
14692 | NLKSNS15.ZIP | 201,9 kt | 06.10.1997 | - | - | - | "NLKSNES Dos v0.15 (16.9.1997). The fastest available SNES emulator with 100% assembler CPU emulation core and 100% assembler graphics engine. Still doesnt support all of the gamesand lacks sound." |
14040 | NLREG34.ZIP | 214913 | 17.12.1995 | - | Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO | - | NLREG v3.4 |
14693 | NP24DOS.ZIP | 1,2 kt | 23.01.1999 | - | - | - | Kehote 4DOSiin. Näyttää kaiken tärkeän tiedon koneestasi: päiväyksen, kellonajan, kyseisen levyaseman vapaan tilan, XMS-, EMS- ja perusmuistin, käyttiksen, (DOS)version ja komentorivin toiminta-ajan. Kopioi lisäksi .zip, niin ä-napista käynnistyy SuperDIR. Tarvitsee 4DOS 5.5+. Tehnyt: Nutler eli Antti Rajamäki |
66646 | NPN135.ZIP | 56771 | 08.01.1997 | - | - | - | NpN v1.35 SW The program for showing the name days. LOADS of different features! Supports Finnish, Swedish, Finnish orthodox and Finnish cat name days! |
14694 | OMAKSU10.ZIP | 128457 | 06.04.1995 | - | - | - | Omaksumistyylien kartoitin Miten opit uusia asioita? Mille ammattialalle sovit? OMAKSU versio 1.00 for DOS. 286&EGA/VGA req. Freeware. |
14695 | OTD_203.ZIP | 137421 | 17.12.1995 | - | 909/JCSM Shareware Collection (September 30th 1995 Author to Vendor Edition) (JCS Distribution).ISO | - | On This Day Version 2.04 |
14696 | OUTOFONT.ZIP | 7,4 kt | 06.02.1998 | - | - | - | FONTTIPAKETTI V.1.0 FREEWARE Sisältää kaksi fonttia, WEIRD ja SCRIPT DOS, 286, (win95?, win31?, winNT?) |
14697 | PALM.EXE | 130,3 kt | 29.05.2000 | - | - | - | "Palm ReaderNow you dont have to pay a fortune to get your fortune told. This palm reader does the interpretations for you. " |
14054 | PCD95U31.ZIP | 72527 | 23.12.1995 | - | 9298/Cream of the Crop 11-2.iso | - | Pay-Calc V 3.1 Pay-Calc for DOS is a small menu driven program that can compute your weekly or bi-weekly pay and taxes. It has mouse supp ,pull down menus, and on line help. Registration fee is $5.00 US. westley@geis.geis.com |
14055 | PCDESK56.ZIP | 179043 | 23.02.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | PCDESK v5.6 |
14698 | PCM_3.ZIP | 419704 | 10.03.1995 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | PC-Maailma 2/95 PC-Maailma on levykkeellä ja purkeissa jaettava PC-aiheinen lehti. Se on va- paasti levitettävissä! |
14699 | PCP103A.ZIP | 1333 | 08.01.1997 | - | - | - | Personal Crypter Program 1.03a FULL FREEWARE !!! Copyright (C) 1996 Mika Tanska, M.Tanska Software |
14700 | PCST047.ZIP | 207,1 kt | 26.11.1997 | - | 22195/Supremacy-2.iso | - | PaCifiST v0.47 - A Giftware Atari ST Emulator for PC. Some changes from v0.46: Option to skip bootsectors, French documentation, New MFP emulation (much slower, but better), New INI directives, some enhanced, Low border overscan, Partitial STE shifter emulation, Emulation of both ST joysticks. Bugfixes: lowcase in ZIP, IOPL, Xbios read sector. |
14701 | PCVIC110.ZIP | 40842 | 05.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | PCVIC - Upgrade your PC to a VIC-20! Version: V1.10/Mark 30, Nov 28, 1996. Complete VIC-20 emulator. REQUIRES ROM FILES, NOT INCLUDED IN ARCHIVE! Available in home page or ftp.funet.fi/pub/cbm/vic-20. Requires AT/25MHz / 386SX. |
14070 | PERSP310.ZIP | 452107 | 20.10.1995 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | Pers-Plan v3.10. Shareware. Reg: $29. Prepares a household budget & personal cashflow projections for 12 months ahead. Comprehensive features. Very friendly & menu- driven. Lots of on-line help & TXT files. Facilities for what-ifs, roll-forward & drill-down. Numerous reports and graphs. Handles any currency & income tax regime. Runs stand-alone from DOS. Needs only 640k. |
14704 | PGP_FIN.ZIP | 30088 | 07.06.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PGP:n suomenkieliset avusteet Yhteensopivat versiosta 2.3a ylöspäin Paketissa PGP:n tarvitsemat tiedostot LANGUAGE.TXT ja FI.HLP |
14072 | PGP032.ZIP | 7879 | 12.04.1995 | - | - | - | TSE 2.00 macro to interface with the PGP encryption program. Will encrypt by block or file; clear text sign, get a Public key, insert you Public key, and en-ecrypt the current file. 10-18-94 version 0.032 Also contains untested Qedit macros for PGP |
14703 | PGP263I.ZIP | 306972 | 20.02.1996 | - | MBCD | - | PGP 2.6.3i on uusin versio tunnetusta kryptografiaohjelmasta. Mm. useita edellisessä versiossa olleita bugeja on korjattu. 16-bittinen DOS-versio. |
14702 | PGP263IX.ZIP | 406156 | 20.02.1996 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PGP 2.6.3i on uusin versio tunnetusta kryptografiaohjelmasta. Mm. useita edellisessä versiossa olleita bugeja on korjattu. 32-bittinen DOS-versio. |
14705 | PGPSHE32.ZIP | 111467 | 30.03.1995 | - | 21828/Plex3.mdf | - | PGPShell version 3.2 - July 1994 A front-end shell for use with Phil Zimmermann's Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) public-key encryption program. A menu interface, mouse driver, fast tools for analyzing your public key ring, and intuitive prompts, make encryption tasks easy and (dare I say) fun. |
14075 | PGS099G.ZIP | 71139 | 12.04.1995 | - | 10841/Simtel-MSDOS-May1995-CD2.iso | - | A professional shell for PGP |
14706 | PHS15.ZIP | 59 kt | 30.01.1997 | - | MBCD | - | Personal Harmonograph Simulator V1.5 creates pretty circular patterns on your computer screen that you can control. Requires mouse and EGA/VGA. Runs under DOS or Windows. |
14707 | PINDEXI.ZIP | 6,6 kt | 24.02.1998 | - | - | - | Simppeli Pascalilla tehty ohjelma, joka laskee käyttäjän painoindeksin. |
14708 | PKAS100.ZIP | 197,1 kt | 19.10.2000 | - | - | - | Pelikassa v1.00Tällä ohjelmalla voit seurata rahatilannettasi vedonlyönnissä tai missä tahansa rahapeleissä, kuten automaateissa. Voit kirjata jokaisen pelin pelimuodon, päivämäärän, hinnan ja mahdollisen voiton muistiin. Ohjelma laskee peleistä tyypilliset vedonlyönnin tilastot, kuten palautusprosentin ja pelikassan. DOS, Freeware. Copyright 2000 Raimo Tuisku |
14709 | PMAME34.ZIP | 1,1 Mt | 22.09.1998 | - | - | - | M.A.M.E. - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator binary v0.34b1 for Pentium DOS beta. by Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team. Now emulating 628 arcade games and Neo Geo too! |
14078 | POP101C.ZIP | 227345 | 19.10.1995 | - | Tech Arsenal 3 (Arsenal Computer CD-ROM Publishers).ISO | - | POP - is a plotter optimizer that takes an HPGL plot file and generates an improved one that reproduces the original plot exactly. Features include optimize pen-up displacement, sort vectors by color, and draw vectors in reverse direction. Description Copyright 1995 PsL |
14079 | PRINTGL.ZIP | 100007 | 12.09.1995 | versio 1.24 | discmaster.textfiles.com | - | PrintGL 1.23 - Plotter emulator It prints or displays HP-GL (7475, 17440 subset) plotfiles on most PC graphics devices. |
13756 | PRN2FILE.ZIP | 1537 | 25.04.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | PRN2FILE - PC Magazinen kätevä apuohjelma, jolla saat tulostuksen LPT-portin sijasta tiedostoon. |
14710 | PSEC10.ZIP | 54720 | 02.10.1996 | - | 4394/Cream of the Crop 22.iso | - | Perfect Security Pack 1.0 (c) 1996 Perfect Productions // Abe Perfect Security Pack Contains programs to protect your computer and files: Perfect Password and Perfect Crypter. Perfect Password is an advanced password program to give your computer 100% security, and Perfect Crypter is a file crypting program that uses a very complex and secure crypting method to crypt any kind of files with a password. |
14711 | PVSPEE10.ZIP | 13,3 kt | 12.01.1998 | - | - | - | PV Speed 1.0 on erinomainen kirjoitusnopeuden testaaja. Näytön vasemmasta laidasta tulee sanoja, joita pitää kirjoittaa niin nopeasti kuin mahdollista. |
14084 | Q387_366.ZIP | 114383 | 05.09.1994 | - | 17275/TREASURE.ISO | - | Q387 V3.66 Math Accelerator and Emulator Run all AutoCADs without a coprocessor. Up to 400% faster graphics, CAD, etc. Requires a 386SX+, 1.5 Mb RAM+, DOS 5 or 6. This is a 20 minute demo, with a quick and inexpensive upgrade available. |
14712 | Q852.ZIP | 42894 | 19.10.1995 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | Q386 v8.52beta revision 69 This program works just like dir, but it displays the files according to a color key. All the exe's are purple, all the com's are white, etc. It can also display hidden files. In addition, it has screens that give you harddrive and system information about your computer. Includes a screensaver. |
14713 | QCOM10.ZIP | 10624 | 27.10.1995 | - | Tech Arsenal 2 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | FASTEST .ZIP COMMENTER ON EARTH! This comments your .ZIP files, and skips the ones that already have your comment! No sense re-commenting all those files. Do it much quicker than you ever thought. Freeware and source code included! Courtesy of AntiVirus ROCK 817-282-5542 |
14714 | QSEND.ZIP | 734929 | 02.12.1995 | - | 16210/psl-monthly-shareware-cdrom-vol4-no5.iso | - | If you've ever wished you could transfer a file from your computer to someone elses without having to learn a complicated communications program, then QuickSend is just the program for you... QuickSend 2.4a is a Windows-based utility that makes sending and receiving files as easy as selecting an icon and dialing a number. Sharing files has never been so easy! |
14715 | QUINE20.ZIP | 203,1 kt | 29.05.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Quine v2.0 for MS-DOS: a scratchpad for truth-functional logic. |
14716 | QUOTE25B.ZIP | 87300 | 11.01.1995 | - | MBCD | - | TifaWARE QUOTE v2.5b -- display randomly generated quotes. User can modify quote datafile with any ASCII editor. Default datafile contains 1000+ quotes. Includes source for BCC++ v3.1. Last updated 05-Jul-93. Source code public domain. |
14089 | RCPE341.ZIP | 211100 | 04.12.1995 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | RECIPE BOX V3.41 |
14717 | REPEUUS.ZIP | 244,1 kt | 24.03.2000 | - | - | - | Retu PesnakeUusin Crapin näköinen mutta hauska chattikumppani! Helppo muunnella. Sisältää myös CompTalkin uusimman version. Also ENGLISH.DAT included for e-users. VAATII: 486, (äänikortti), DOS, (ansi) tehnyt PuavoHard 1997-2000 |
67926 | RIPPER49.ZIP | 164791 | 17.12.1995 | - | - | tupla | Ripper 4.9 Sound / Grafix / Midi / MOD Ripping System Features - 56 Fileformats Supported - Fileshell / Setup / Config-File - User String Searchable - Speed Up To Factor 2.5 Since Version 4.4 |
14095 | RITM258A.ZIP | 279989 | 16.08.1994 | koko⁴ | ratsnest1.iso | - | RighTime v2.58a: Precision Learning CMOS/DOS Clock Corrector. Learns corrections itself. Yields better than 0.5 second per week. True 0.01 second resolution. Corrects system warm and cool. Provides date/time security. With full-screen installer, other utilities. Works well with TimeSet v7.10 or later. Tom Becker, Air System Technologies, Dallas. Shareware, 30 day evaluation with BBS support. |
14718 | RP204S.ZIP | 11750 | 12.04.1995 | - | 10797/CD_ASCQ_20_020395.iso | - | RandomPalette version 2.04 Copyright (c) 1994 by Robin Carduner. Oh no, yet another DOS screen saver! Works by changing the palette colors, rather than swapping an image or series of images; can also blank screen. Uses very little memory; features pass- through keyboard processing; allows computer to continue to operate while screen saver is active; traps keyboard, |
14719 | S9XD024.ZIP | 353,3 kt | 06.11.1997 | - | 22399/ZGIDEMO.iso | - | Snes9X v0.24 Final (31.10.1997) by Chad Kitching, Gary Henderson and Jerremy Koot. This is the last version of the famous Snes9X Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator, which has also sound. |
14720 | SANIS.ZIP | 836522 | 03.03.1996 | - | - | - | Suomi-Ruotsi-Suomi sanakirja. |
14721 | SAS140.ZIP | 30,7 kt | 21.07.1997 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | "Stupid AphorismsShower Version 1.4 By Heroine. Put this to your autoexec.batand you will see an aphorism every time you boot." |
68212 | SCAND106.ZIP | 5939 | 06.10.1994 | - | - | - | Skandikonvertteri tekstitiedostoille |
13784 | SCHEDTSK.ZIP | 85920 | 18.03.1995 | koko⁴ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | TASK SCHEDULER VERSION 2.5 |
14722 | SCRDNC.ZIP | 1,4 Mt | 30.07.1997 | - | 19733/01 SWP 046 - 03-1997.iso | - | ScreenDance 1.0 Music Animator/CD Player with mixer & disc/track title database. A 32-bit CD player that comes packed with a library of sound-activated anima- tions, making multimedia PCs come alive with dazzling light and color. Play a CD or sing in the microphone - watch as your PC dances to the music! |
14723 | SENTRY47.ZIP | 107,7 kt | 30.07.1997 | - | 820/Monster Media's Windows Collection II (Monster Media) (1996).ISO | - | (V4.7) Sentry - Security for DOS/Windows/95. Sentry is an extremely flexible program that allows you to secure your system, individual files, Windows, Win 95 or any combination. It supports up to 100 users with normal and "SuperUser" access. Detailed log files help keep track of activity. Expiry dates and a mini message system help with user admin. |
14725 | SFKAL95.ZIP | 36564 | 17.09.1995 | - | MBCD | - | Suomalainen kalenteri, joka osaa pyhät ja nimipäivät. Myös liputuspäivät ja -ohjeet. Helppokäyttöinen ja kätevä. |
14724 | SFKAL95F.ZIP | 35,8 kt | 23.01.2000 | - | - | - | SF-Kalenteri 95 fSuomalainen kalenteri, joka osaa pyhät ja nimipäivät. Myös liputuspäivät ja -ohjeet. Helppokäyttöinen ja kätevä. Tämä on korjattu f-versio, joka toimii kaikilla koneilla. |
14726 | SHADE13.ZIP | 6,2 kt | 16.01.1998 | - | - | - | Screen Saver Called: Shade coded by:Lord Chuky/MiND |
14727 | SMASTER2.ZIP | 101,4 kt | 16.12.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Sana Master 2000 (MS-DOS) tekee satunnaisia virkkeitä |
14728 | SMSCR101.ZIP | 4850 | 10.12.1995 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | Smooth Scroller is a tiny TSR program that replaces BIOS' character wise scroll with a neat slower pixel wise scroll. It only requires 512 bytes in memory. |
14729 | SNEESE15.ZIP | 269 kt | 26.03.1998 | - | - | - | The SNES emulator SNEeSe version 0.15 released on 21 March 1998. |
14730 | SP0860.ZIP | 18343 | 30.03.1996 | - | - | - | COMPAQ - SP0860 Utility to display Compaq Deskpro XL System ROM date and Qvision 2000 Video Rom Revision. |
68656 | ST158.ZIP | 137860 | 01.11.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | SCREEN Thief - Screen Capture System! SCREEN Thief v1.58 is a screen capture program that will capture the screens other programs cannot reach! Captures directly to .GIF, .PCX, .TIF or .BMP format, supports all VGA modes, plus extended support for Trident, Cirrus, Paradise, Tseng, S3-911 and Oak cards in SVGA modes. Will even capture soft fonts in text mode (such as those used by DOS 6). Requires 286 AT or better with VGA display. |
14731 | STATU124.ZIP | 89,3 kt | 24.07.2000 | - | - | - | StaTutor v1.24Tilastollisten menetelmien opetusohjelma. Opettaa erityisesti väestötieteen termejä ja menetelmiä englannin kielellä. Ilmainen. |
14732 | STROBO13.ZIP | 72,2 kt | 27.03.1998 | - | - | - | Strobo Simulator v1.3 ZiG/iGh |
14955 | SV33A.ZIP | 50173 | 17.12.1995 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | Source View v3.3a (sv33a.zip), powerful programming editor for DOS, includes features such as Undo/Redo, Wild Card File Opening, Run-time File Access, Inter-file Find/Replace, Tabular Block, Dynamic Marking, Split Windows, and Multi-display Resolution (80/132 column modes, etc.). Shareware, fee $30. Author: Michael W. Chen E-mail: michaelc@miti.com |
14123 | TAPE2TAP.ZIP | 6594 | 05.12.1996 | - | 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar | - | Tape2tap.exe v1.11 ---> digitalizes Spectrum tapes in a IBM PC [MS-DOS program] With a new, revised document. |
14124 | TAPUT104.ZIP | 105711 | 05.12.1996 | - | 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar | - | ZX-Spectrum TAP format utilities Version 1.04 (c) 1996 BUSY SOFT LIST ..... ZX Basic LIST command Dir0 .............. 000 analyser DirTAP ............ TAP analyser DirHOB ......... Hobeta analyser TstTAP ....... TAP parity tester 0toTAP ...... Convertor 000=>TAP TAPto0 ...... Convertor TAP=>000 ploaded by: Jukka Kauppinen |
13819 | TEMPWIZ1.ZIP | 6716 | 31.12.1995 | - | - | - | Temperature Wizard v1.0 A nice little program that will convert between degrees celcius and degrees farenheit, in either direction. |
14956 | TEST_200.ZIP | 34384 | 02.10.1996 | - | - | - | Näppärä ja hyvännäköinen kirjoitusnopeuden testausohjelma. Sisältää lausetiedoston 60 valmiilla lauseella, ennätyslistan ja helpon käyttöliittymän. Tekijänä Jokke. |
14733 | TESTERI.ZIP | 33,1 kt | 16.01.1998 | - | - | - | Kirjoitusnopeuden testaaja, joka testaa kuinka nopeasti ehdit kirjoittaa aakkoset. |
14734 | TESTI.ZIP | 10,1 kt | 04.06.1998 | - | MBCD | - | Testaa tapasi. Tällä ohjelmalla testaat helposti ja vaivattomasti elämäntapasi, painosi ja paljon muuta. Tekijä: Marko Päiväniemi (mape@pcuf.fi) |
14957 | TEXTLIFE.ZIP | 61797 | 19.02.1995 | - | 10859/simteldosarchivecoasttocoast.iso | - | Turns text into self displaying .EXE file. Includes also search command. |
14735 | TEXTMILL.ARJ | 66479 | 16.09.1996 | - | - | - | Textmill - englanninkielen sanojen harjoitusohjelma, täydennä puuttuvat sanat. |
14129 | TFC21.ZIP | 36077 | 27.02.1995 | - | MBCD | - | 4DOS-aware Floppy cataloquer (incl. Viewer) |
14131 | TFX100S.ZIP | 120492 | 05.12.1996 | - | 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar | - | ╔═ZX Spectrum Tapes Recovering Tools═╗ ╟────────── TAPEFIX v1.00 ───────────╢ ║Do you still have some dusty old ZX║ ║Spectrum tapes, with all those good║ ║old, simple games, or perhaps your║ ║very first unicate program that you║ ║were proud of once?And now you would║ ║like to load them for the old times'║ ║sake, and they just seem not to be║ ║loadable any more... NO PROBLEM! ║ |
69178 | TLSD117.ZIP | 142157 | 30.12.1995 | - | 1981/500 MB nyheder direkte fra internet CD 8.iso | - | Total Lottery System v1.17 Can be setup for any Lottery. Databases to keep winning sets of numbers from previous draws. Counts how many times numbers have shown up. They are displayed graphically and in grid form. Pick a Winner random number generator. Lotto 6/49 data. Excellent On-Line Help. For DOS. |
14139 | TLSD118.ZIP | 142238 | 07.01.1996 | - | 9323/The Pier Shareware %239 (Pier Exchange).ISO | - | ________ Total Lottery System v1.18 ________ ... Easy to setup for any type of Lottery .. Create databases to record winning sets of numbers from previous draws. Shows count of how many times each number has been drawn. These are displayed in graph and grid form. With Pick-a-Winner random number generator. Excellent On-Line Help. For DOS. Rated: **** |
14958 | TMAST31B.ZIP | 412327 | 04.12.1996 | - | - | - | Typing Master 3.1 teaches the touch typing system. Shareware for PC-computers. Beta realease. - Guided Studying, 40 courses - Intelligent error analysis - 4 great educational games - Text Typing: Check your typing efficiency! |
14736 | TOPAZFNT.ZIP | 8,3 kt | 25.04.1999 | - | 7814/darkdomain.iso | - | "TOPAZ FONT (Newer) for PC (8x16). made by Venturus/Vandals with Il£vatar/NLs Font Editor 1.1 (Includes also a viewer and its Pascal source codes) This is a MUST for every ascii artist who draws with a PC!" |
14144 | TSRCOLOR.ZIP | 38145 | 15.10.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | A utility to set VGA colors. v1.0 -You can change colors and assign up to 262,144 colors to 16 colors under DOS text mode of VGA. Both TSR and non-TSR programs are included. |
14963 | TURBOTXT.ZIP | 58854 | 27.10.1995 | - | - | - | TurboTxt Text File Compiler 4.00 10/21/93 TurboTxt creates a self viewing .EXE program from DOS text files. Eliminates the need to distribute readme files with an external file viewer. Registered users do not need to pay royalties on program output. Self viewing file now supports text search and printing. Shareware registration forms and manual included. From Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP). |
14902 | UCALC28.ZIP | 100033 | 03.12.1995 | - | MBCD | - | ULTIMATE CALCULATOR v2.8 TSR < 6k main mem Graphic scientific calculator. Expression evaluator with many built-in functions, operators, numerical notations, and modes. Supports user variables & functions. Solves, and plots equations, does integrations and summations. Supports hex & binary notations. Radian & degree modes. 18 significant digits. Online help and much more. |
14737 | V20DOS.ZIP | 91901 | 05.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | VIC-20 emulator for DOS. V1.2b. Requires for full speed: P90, SB, VGA. Latest release with version number. Presently the emulator supports all the functions of the VIC chip registers, which includes 4-voice sound, double-height characters, screen resizing, screen movement, etc. The emulator supports most of the VIC-20 file formats available at the various ftp sites. |
14738 | V20PLUS.ZIP | 91902 | 05.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | VIC-20 emulator for DOS. "V1.2b." Requires for full speed: P90, SB, VGA. Most up-to-date TEST version. Presently the emulator supports all the functions of the VIC chip registers, which includes 4-voice sound, double-height characters, screen resizing, screen movement, etc. The emulator supports most of the VIC-20 file formats available at the various ftp sites. |
14739 | VBE11.ZIP | 34,7 kt | 04.09.1998 | koko¹ | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Utility to copy your current Windows refresh rates and use them in Dos applications. |
14740 | VCDEM10.ZIP | 18702 | 20.10.1995 | - | 10803/CD_ASCQ_26_1295.iso | - | Virtual Colors Enables you to have syntax highlighting for any programming language in any text-editor. |
13844 | VGACP62I.ZIP | 245002 | 06.03.1996 | - | The Arsenal Files 6 (Arsenal Computer).ISO | - | "VGA-COPY/386", v6.20 (international release), one of the most popular and fastest shareware utilities to copy and format disks. Made in Germany ! Fancy graphics and shocking dingdongs via Speaker/Soundblaster/Ultrasound. Supporting new Microsoft DMF-disks, most used anti virus software like F-Prot or McAfee and the packer ARJ. Internal full heuristic bootsector- |
14741 | VICE0161.ZIP | 2,4 Mt | 29.01.1999 | - | 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar | - | VICE 0.16.1(a) MS-DOS Versatile Commodore 8-bit Emulator multi-platform PET/VIC20/C64 emulator. Includes: - x64, a C64 emulator; - xvic, a VIC20 emulator; - xpet, a PET emulator; - c1541, a stand-alone disk image maintenance utility; - petcat, a CBM BASIC de-tokenizer; - recomment, an iterative database driven reassembler; - x64run/xvicrun /xpetrun. MOSTLY FINNISH MADE. |
14167 | VOC-SPA1.ZIP | 499036 | 23.01.1996 | renamed | 1125/CD ROM Paradise Collection 4 1995 Nov.iso | - | Kääntää espanjankielisiä sanoja italiaksi, englanniksi, saksaksi ja ranskaksi. |
14742 | VPLED01.ZIP | 7,7 kt | 05.11.1998 | - | - | - | VP LED 0.1 - Led blinker program Based on led system in MB 11/98 Can use only port H378. (c) Veli-Pekka Peltola, 98 |
14743 | WARAJEVO.ZIP | 657518 | 05.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | WARAJEVO ZX Spectrum simulator V1.2 Excellent emulator, which multitude of configuration options, good emulation and excellent support of different filetypes. |
14183 | WML28I.ZIP | 470714 | 24.02.1996 | - | 10804/CD_ASCQ_27_0296.iso | - | What Mailing list 2.8 - mailing list management program for MS-DOS |
14744 | YMUISTIO.ZIP | 38,2 kt | 24.03.2000 | - | - | - | Yappo Muistio v1.1Ensimmäinen versio ohjelmasta, joka korvaa perinteiset muistilaput käyttäjäystävällisellä ja todella nopealla käyttöliittymällä. Ohjelmaan pystyy tallentamaan viisi kahden rivin pituista muistutusta. Kaikki muistutukset näkyvät yhdellä kerralla. Vaatii MS-DOSin (toimii windowssissa). Muista lukea luemut.txt. By Yapposoft. |
14189 | YULECAL1.ZIP | 203346 | 05.12.1996 | - | - | - | Yulecalendar 96 by Phazerzer· ┐ Simple, yet totally configurable, you can even draw your calendar. |
70433 | Z80-302.ZIP | 226036 | 07.01.1995 | - | MBCD | tupla | Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator 'Z80' v3.02 - 3/11/94 - by G.A. Lunter MS-Dos, 286 tai suurempi. Emuloi Spectrum 48:aa tai 128:aa. |
14745 | Z80-305.ZIP | 250154 | 05.12.1996 | - | MBCD | - | Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator 'Z80' v3.05 11/11/96 - by G.A. Lunter - Emulates ZX Spectrum 48K model 2 or 3, and Spectrum 128K. - Best compatibility of current Spectrum emulators. |
14191 | ZCPRNT11.ZIP | 11572 | 10.03.1995 | - | Metropoli BBS files.zip | - | Zorlim's Condensed Print Tool v1.1 This makes two colums on one page and even with smaller font. Now you can save time, and paper using this program. Save is about 140% |
14746 | ZIPNOTE.ZIP | 83668 | 19.10.1995 | - | 7515/thegreatunsorted.tar | - | ZIP-Note v2.13 ZIP Commenting Utility The fast and easy way to add or edit the comments in your ZIP files. Features a 15 line x 65 column internal editor and access to external editor. Automatic border drawing plus a box drawing mode to make your ZIP comments stand out. Also has left/center/right justification, copy, paste, etc... SHAREWARE Evaluation version. |
14197 | ZSCONV11.ZIP | 10155 | 10.03.1995 | - | - | - | Zorlim's Skand Converter v1.1 This program converts scands to another type of scands. Supporting now ISO, IBM7, IBM8 and MAC. |
14747 | ZSNES400.ZIP | 151,1 kt | 03.06.1998 | - | 4405/Dokan 07.iso | - | ZSNES v0.400 by zsKnight and _Demo_. ZSNES is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System emulator made in assembler. It runs commercial games and even with sound. The big news for this release is: SuperFX emulation! |
14748 | ZTSPD11.ZIP | 19862 | 27.10.1995 | - | - | - | Zorlim's write speed tester This new version includes over 1200words and now 10 minutes relative speed too! Please try to learn how to write! |
14749 | ZXSV104.ZIP | 35570 | 05.12.1996 | - | 18153/ftp.srk.fer.hr.tar | - | > ZX-Screen viewer < Displaing pictures from ZX-Spectrum on VGA 320x240x256 Created by BUSY SOFT |